:*;tta ¥ #J mi NATIONAL LIBRARY O. ™.----- Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy The physician at the pharmacy (woodcut, 1497) M* K17 JAHR'S NEW MANUAL, OR SYMPTOIEN-CODEX. TRANSLATED, WITH EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, BT CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D., » AIDED BT JAMBS M. QUIN, M.D. WITH A PREFACE BY DR. C. HERING, REVISIONS AND CLINICAL NOTES BT DR. J. F. GRAT, CONTRD3UTIONS FROM DRS. A. GERALD HULL, G. W. COOK, B. F. JOSLIN, C. HERING, J. JEANES, C. NEDDHARD, W. WLLLIAMSON, AND J. KITCHEN. VOL. III. REPERTORY. NEW YORK: WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. 1853. COMPLETE REPERTORY HOKEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA. BT CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D. FELLOW AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE HAHNEMANN SOCIETY OF LONDON, ETC., ETC. NEW YORK: WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. 1853. VU1 CONTENTS. Pag* Eyee {continued) e Eyelids,....... ... 269 d Iris,....... .... 287 e Retina,........... 288 /Orbits,........... 305 g Eyes and lids,.......... 807 h Crystalline lens,.........- 307 i Eyelashes,........ - 307 j Eyebrows, ...... ... 307 k Sclerotica,.......... 309 I Conjunctiva,...... ... 310 m Lachrymal gland and sae,.......- 312 n Caruncula lachrymalis, - - - - * - * - 812 4, Ears,.............815-338 Parotid gland, ...... ... 338 5. Nose,.............340-365 6. Face,.............365-391 7. Lips,............. 392-403 8. Chin, - .......• 404-407 9. Jaws,.............407-416 Submaxillary glands,........414 10. Teeth and gums,...........416-441 a Teeth,........... 416 b Gums,........... 437 11. Inner mouth, palate, tongue, - .....442—466 a Voice, speech, saliva, breath, ....... 442 6 ToDgue, - ..... - - 447 c Inner mouth,..........45*7 d Palate,..... .... 462 e Glands in the mouth, -••-----. 464 / Velum,...........464 g Frsenum,.......... 464 h Orifices of the salivary ducts, .... . 465 i Tonsils,........... 465 j Uvula,..........„ 465 12. Throat, pharynx, and oesophagus, ... ... 466-486 13. Gastric derangements, appetite, thirst, taete, - .... 486-555 14. Stomach,............556-585 15. Abdomen, .... . . £85-660 16. Anus, perinseum, rectum, stool, ------.. 660-705 a Stool,..... .....660 & Anus, ........... 696 c Perinseum, ------...._ 700 d Rectum, -^------... 701 17. Urinary organs, ------..... 7Q6-727 18. Male organs of generation,.........728-739 19. Female organs of generation, ------._ 739-758 20. Air-passages,...... 759-785 21. Thorax (lungs, pleura, heart, muscles), ----.. 786-837 Mammae,........... 009 Nipples,........ . . I . 831 Heart, ........... gg, 22. Back and neck,...........838-869 23. Upper extremities,........._ 869-914 Axillary glands, -»------._ n-. o Finger-nails, .........' „.. 24. Lower extremities, --...... . 915-QR7 ^Fev^ -" -' '- *- *- - - - - 987-7o24 27. Cutaneous symptoms, ------.... 10h2 28. General symptoms,........ . . ,,,. 29. Characteristic symptoms of the remedies contained in the Repertory - 1154 MIND, DISPOSITION, SENSORIUM, Absence of Mind. 1. Absence of mind, Aeon., Agn. cast., Amm. carb., Cham., Lach. Lye., Rhus t. 2, Absence of thought, Amm. carb. Cie. 3. Absence of mind, irresoluteness, Alum. 4. ----in company of friends, Plat. 5. ] Tears not what is said to her, Plat. C). Does not heed what is taking place around him, Thvj. 7. Reverie, does not know what she is thinking of, Ole. an. *. Absence of Mind, he does not recognise his friend, Croc. 9.----, with confusion of thought, Ci/pr. 10.----, as if from swimming in the eyes, with frequent disappear- ance of the objects, Rhus t. 11. Ife is unable to chain his at- tention to the work before him, Sulph. 12. Unable to be attentive, Bor. 13. Imagined he had something im- portant to do without knowing what, Canst. 14. Absence of mixd, in paroxysms, with stitches in the joints of the lin- gers, on return of consciousness. Mosch. IT).----, with uneasiness in the head and pit of stomach, Sdic. M>. He is almost always, in his mind, at two different places, Sdic. 17. The children are sitting in the corners of the room and give wrong answers, Bar. »?. ! s. Makes mistakes in writing, Natr. carb. Vol. III.—1. 19. Hurried heedlessness and for- getfulness ; he says and does some- thing different from what he intends, omitting letters, syllables, and words, Magn. art. 20. Uses different kinds of letters in writing, and stumbles from on«' subject upon another, Nux m. 21. Talks logically about abstract hings, but uses wrong expressions in talking about common-place things, such as plums instead of pears, Lye. 22. If he wants to write 12, he puts down 1 and forgets the 2, or he for- gets what he is holding in his hand, Rhus t. 23. He makes mistakes in speaking, and uses wrong words, Sep. 24. Puts down wrong words, or omits whole syllables, Bor. 25. Reverie ; appears absorbed ?n his thoughts, though he does not think of anything properly speak- ing, Am. 2G. Absence of Mind, stares at one point without thinking, Hell. 27. Stares as if stunned by a blow, Natr. carb. 28. Thoughtless staring, Hyosc. 29. He looks through the window for hours without seeming to be con- scious of anything, Mez. 30. Stares while taking breakfast, Guaj. 31. Absence of mind, as if witho ;t eoiiM-iousness, Nitr. ac. 32.----. as if intoxicated and de- prived o( consciousness, Nux r.i. 33. Never achieves what he propo«-f> to do, remains standing at or.e •spot, appears changed to his ae- ipiaiutanees. Nux m. o ALTERNATION OF STATES. §4. Absence of Mind, remains standing in the street, gesticulates like a crazy person, loses his thoughts completely, and (on waking) thinks everything around him ridiculous, looks stupid and childish, (all this ceases on re- entering the room,) Nux m. 35. When alone his ideas vanish, Phos. ac. 36. Frequent vanishing of thought, 01. an. 37. His ideas vanish, Cham. 38. His thoughts vanish when think- ing, Ran. bulb. 39. He goes twice to the same place without intending it, Nat. mur. 40. Does things mechanically, with- out appearing to be conscious of it, Ruta. 41. She imagines she does not belong to her family; after a short absence, all things appear changed to her, Plat. 42. Drops the tumbler when spoken to, Hell. 43. He went out of the door with- out being conscious of it, Natr. mur. 44. While attending to his busi- ness he talks aloud to himself without being aware of it, Magn. art. 45. Understands what he is read- ing least when he thinks he will not understand it, understands more easily when he does not at all think of intending to under- stand it; in this case he is not in- terrupted by strange ideas, Oleand. Alternation of States. 1. Alternation of states ; at times idle, at others runs about restless- ly, and quarrels with everybody, u eh. 2. Dumbness succeeds the talk- ativeness, Bell. 3. Alternation of mirthfulness with ill-humour, vexed mood and anxiety for the future, Tart. st. 4. Alternation of anxiety and rest- lessness, with indifference, Natr. mur. 5.-----of sullen, solicitous mood, and cheerfulness, Op. 6. ---- of anxiety and internal care, Lauroc. 7. ----of anxiety, oppression and low-spiritedness, with exaltation of courage, followed by an even and tranquil disposition, Sutyh. ac. 8. ----, first cheerful, then anxious, lastly calm and contented, Stram. 9. ---- of cheerful and anxious mood, finally he is contented,— Staph. 10. ---- of cheerfulness with pal- pitation of the heart and anxious oppression of the chest, Sp>ig. 11. Alternation of states; first anxious, then cheerful and pleased with himself, Calc. c. 12. Alternation of dulness and great clearness of the head, Staph. 13. Alternation of states ; exalt- ation of body and mind, some- times alternating with absence of mind, dulness of sight and hear- ing, Alum. 14. Alternation of ease and rage, Hyosc. 15. Alternation of states ; at times kind and calm, then vehe- ment and angry ; now full of hope, then desponding, Cal. carb. 16- ----, vehement in the morning, hypochondriac in the evening, or cheerful in the morning, despond- ing in the evening, Graph. 17. Alternation of consciousness and rage, Stram. IS. Alternation of states ; first indifferent, then easily moved by passion, Carb. a. 19. Alternate lowness of spirits and vehemence, Ambr. 20. Alternation of bodily and men- tal symptoms ; alternate sensitive- ness of the body and mind, Am. 21. Alternation of states ; ill-hu- moured, then cheerful, then again ill-humoured, Cupr. '~'~- ----j °ut of humour, quarrel- ALTERNATION some, soon after merry and sing- ing, Croc. 23. Alternation of States, takes offence at everything and then is sorry for it, Croc. 24. Alternation of cheerfulness and ill-humour, Cycl. 25. ---- of ill-humour and weak- ness, with cheerfulness and light- ness of the limbs, Natr. mur. 26. Alternation of states ; exces- sively merry, then uncheerful and impatient, Lye. 27. Alternation of ill-humour with cheerfulness, Mercurial. 28. ---- of cheerful, weeping, quar- relsome and vexed mood, Spong. 29. Alternation of states ; easily offended, or else readily indulging in flat mirth; when laughing the muscles of the arm and hand are relaxed, Carb. v. 30. ----, at times indifferent, stupid, disconcerted or embarrassed, at others ill-humoured by the slight- est cause ; at times cheerful, at other times gloomy, sudden crying out and tossing about, even with a cheerful mood, Chin. .'A. ----, vexed, afterwards cheerful and jesting, Cocc. o2. ----, cheerful in the morning, ill-natured in the evening; life is at times pleasant, at times dis- agreeable, Bor. 33. Frequent alternation of silent peevishness and cheerfulness, Aur. 34. Alternate quarrelsomeness and childish mania, tells childish tales, is excessively merry, Aeon. 35. Alternation of states ; a few hours after the anger he began to jest, Ign. 3<>. ----; lively and humourous on the first, out of humour and quar- relsome on the second day, Jlyosc. 37. Indifferent to amusements, short- ly after disposed to jest,—Mcn- yan. 38. Alternation of ludicrous man- ners and sad looks, Stram. 39. Alternation of sadness with mirthfulness and imbecile foolish- f OF STATES. 3 ness, and of cheerfulness with sad- ness and dulness, Sec. corn. 40. Alternation of states ; at times whining, at others foolishly merry, Carb. a. 41. AVeeps easily about sad things. and laughs as easily on ac- count of trifles, until his eyes run, Carb. v. 42. At times laughing, at times crying, Caps. 43. Alternate weeping and humming a song, Aeon. 44. She weeps and laughs alter- nately as if unconscious of her- self, Aur. 45. Alternation of laughing and moaning, Verat. 46. Alternation of states ; anxiety with desire to laugh at trifles; after a while she weeps without knowing why, Lye. 47. Alternate disposition to weep and be cheerful, Jod. 48. Alternation of states ; dis- posed to weep; in the forenoon she laughs at every trifle, Graph. 49. ----, at times serious, at others disposed to laugh, Nux m. 50. Alternation of cheerful and weeping mood, Plat. 51. ---- of laughing and apathetic mood, Sabad. 52. Alternation of states ; spas- modic laughing and weeping, Phos. 53. Alternate laughing and moan- ing, with vexed mood, Stram. 54.----laughing and moaning, Stram. 55. Alternation of weeping and laughing mood, Sulph. 50.----of revelling, singing amor- ous songs, laughing and indulging all sorts of ludicrous gestures with anger and raving, finally sadness and sleep, Op. 57. Alternation of states, moaning while asleep,alternating with jump- ing and dancing, Bell. 58. Alternation of sad and cheerful mood, Ferr. ac, Magn. p. arct., Natr. carb., Nilr. ac., Sep., Zinc. m. 4 ANGER, 59. Alternation of states: sad, then merry, Croc. GO. Alternation of cheerful and gloomy mood, Spig. 61.----of sad mood and excessive feeling of bliss and affectionate mood, Plat. 02.----of sadness with excessive cheerfulness, Menyan. 03. Alternation of states: first des- ponding, then veiy merry, or first cheerful then trembling, sleepy, dull, weight in occiput, forehead and limbs, pain in the joints and muscles of the fingers, arms, shoul- ders, knees and feet, Caust. 04.----, cheerfulneess, sometimes interrupted by melancholy mood, Asar. 05,----, great consciousness and then lightness of sense and indiffer- ence, Arg. nit. 00. Alternation of cheerfulness and feeling of strength, with want of cour- age and weakness, Magn. p. arct. i»7. Alternation of states : spasms, fits of tenderness, wild joy, then disposition to bite, Croc. iW. Alternation of depressed and elated spirits, the latter even with tremor of the joints, Cycl. (19. Alternation of states : at times confident, at others desponding, Alum. 70. Alternation of intellectual and emotive excitement, Sabad. 71. Alternation of states : he some- times feels as if he were nobody, and would rather be dead than to have that feeling ; he then has no courage to undertake any thing; when free from that feeling, he feels exalted, would like to read like an orator, &c., Agn. 72. Alternate states of feeling ; at times in, at others out of his senses ; at times doubts his recovery, at others is full of hope. 73. Alternation of states : excita- tion followed by sleep and deadness of the limbs, Natr. mur. 74.----, looks as if absorbed in deep thoughts, but is without any ; alternating with fixed ideas about music and melodies, Ign. 75.----, first gets angry on account of some trifling cause, then is calm again, then again angry, &c, Croc. 76. ----, sometimes angry at per- sons, then again would like to kiss them, Croc. 77.----, angry on account oi re- proaches ; tries to justify herself, then refrains from it, again wants to speak and again is silent, Croc 78. Alternation of weak and qifuk memory, Cycl. 79.----* of disposition and indis- position to do mental work, Lau- roc. Anger. 1. Anger, Aeon., Cann., Carb. teg.. Carb. an. 2.----. irritability, Jod. 3. ---—, at trifles, Bell., Natr. mur. 4. Gets angry at trifles and is as speedily composed again, lpec. 5. He screams and howls on ac- count of trifles, worse when talk- ing to him kindly, the pupils being easily dilated and contracted, Bell. 6. Anger, at every thing, with asth- ma. Cham. 7. He gets angry at absent per- sons, Aur. 8. Angry and vehement, Aw., Chin. 9. Anger, violent, but quickly pass- ing, Stan. 10. He knits his brow and crosses his arms, Nux v. 11. The child screams and scold*, thrusts his fists into his m vith. with pale face and cool bod v. Jpcc. 12. Pain makes him angry, even unto tears, Op. 13. On waking, he grinds his teeth, Kal. carb. 14. He trembles when he cannot satisfy his anger, Aur. 15. By some slight cause, he trem- bles, is hurried, u^es violent lan- guage, Mann. p. aus'. ANTAGONISTIC STATE OF THE MIND, &c. 10. Angry, mad, with internal trem- bling, followed by sadness and de- pression of spirits, Petr. 17. Anger excites her so much that she dreads an apoplectic fit, and her eyes see black, Sep. Antagonistic state of the mind. 1. Antagonistic state of mind, Laughs when he ought to be seri- ous, sometimes on account of a tickling at the pit of the stomach ; does not laugh even on seeing ludicrous things, Anac. 2. Sensation as if he had two opposite wills, one of which excites him to do that which the other would like to prevent, Anac. 3. Absence of volition, accom- panied by a sense of strength, Calc c 4. lie is merry, and neverthe- less inclines to get angry, Caps. 5. Paroxysms of laughter and weeping in alternation, without either resulting from a correspond- ing mood, Sep. 6. Laughs against her own in- clination, being very sad, Phos. 7. Quarrelsome, yet is merry, Staph. S. He endeavours to do things and actually does things contrary to his own intentions, Magn. art. 1). Ill-humour, yet she hums a song, Magn. carb. 10. Is neither glad nor sorry, al- though he constantly feels as if he had been suffering great afflic- tion, with a kind of stupor, Cycl 11 Not disposed to work, and yet he does not like to be idle, Cupr. 12. He feels as if he were long- ing for something, without know- ing what, with a sort of anxiety, which leaves him, however, very cheerful, Croc 13. Hums a merry melody, even when out of humour, Croc. 1 1. Inclines to weep and laugh at the same time. Lye. 15. He imagines things which he does not want to imagine, uses wrong expressions which he know> are wrong, proposes to himself things which are contrary to 1 i> intentions, and is in contradiction with himself, and in a disagreeable mood, Sep. Anger about imaginary things. 1. Anger about imaginary things, gets enraged about things which he imagines are possible, Sol. mam. Antipathy. Antipathy to men. 1. Dislikes those who pass him, would like to lay hold of them and abuse them, Con. 2. Hates mankind, abhors their follies, seeks solitude, Cic. 3. Some persons are offensive to him, Aur. 4. Involuntary antipathy to certain persons, Am. mur. 5. Aversion to most men, Calc. c. 6. Repulsive disposition, Calc. c. Antipathy to things. 1. Antipathy to things, every ex- ternal object is repulsive to him, he wants to push it out of his way. Campll. 2. He is disgusted with every thing, Puis. Anxiety and apprehension. 1. Anxiety, Ant. c. 2. ----, sudden, violent, Cocc. 3. Anguish evening and night, Verat. 4. Horrid anguish, Ars. Hyosc Aur. mur^ 5. Internal uneasiness, Lact. 6. Excessive anguish, Op. 7. Anxiety, in the day-time, Bell. 8. ----, in the evening, Ambr. 9. ----, excessive, Camph. 6 ANXIETY AND APPREHENSION. 10. Anxiety, repeatedly in the day- time, Cham. 11.----in paroxysms, Chin. Sulph. 12. Internal Anxiety, constantly, Anac. 13. Anxiety and vertigo, Sen. 14. ----, increasing until night, when he became giddy and fell asleep,Bor. 15. ----, with vertigo, Bar. m. 16. ----, as if from the pit of the stomach, Con., Dig., Hydr. ac. 17. ----, apparently from subcostal region, Dros. Anxiety with stitches. 1. Anxiety and weariness, with stitches through the whole body, on rising from bed, Mag. carb. 2. Anguish and sulkiness, with fine stitches in the side of the chest; afterwards throbbing in the pit of the stomach, followed by hard ach- ing pain in the head, Aeon. 3. Anguish, with stitches above the heart, and a sort of raving, with coldness of the body and inclina- tion to fall, Nitr. ac. Anxiety with pain or pressure in the pit of the stomach. 1. Anxiety with oppression in the pit of the stomach, from vexation, Lye. 2. Inexpressible anguish with pres- sure in the pit of the stomach, and tearing in the small of the back, Rhus t. 3. Restless and apprehensive, with paroxysms of sudden and pain- ful uneasiness in the pit of the stomach, with heavy breathing, Rhus t. 4. Anxiety, with emptiness of head, Natr. mur. 5. ----, with drowsiness, Bor. 6. ----, with rumbling in the ab- domen, Bor. Akxiety with or relieved by nau- sea AND VOMITING. 1. Horrid anguish, relieved by vo- miting, Hell. 2. Anxiety, followed by vomiting and delirium, Sanguin. 3. ----, after nausea and headache, C(t!c. c. 4. ----, with sweat and nausea, Calc. c. 5. ----, with bitter taste and eruc- tation, Am. mur. 6. ----, with heat, evening and night, nausea and inclination to vomit, Ars. 7.-----, with pain in the stomach, nausea and gagging. Bar. m. Anxiety with moaning. 1. Anxiety, with stupid feeling of the head, Canst. 2. ----, frequent moaning, espe- cially early in the morning, without saying why or from what pain, Bell. 3. ----, moaning at every expira- tion, Bell. Anxiety with oppression. 1. Anxiety, oppressive, during an evening-walk, with sensation as if intoxicated, Nux v. 2.----, laboured breathing, with constant burning heat and cries, making violent motions with the hands, Hyosc. 3. Oppressive anguish, with heat rising in the throat, Hyp. prf. 4. Anxiety, with oppression, after some manual labour, going off when riding, Jod. 5. Oppressive anxiety during a ride, Lach. 6. Oppressive anxiety with hurried- ness and difficult breathing, Gent. cruc. 7. Oppressive anxiety with inclina- tion to weep, going off after weep- ing, Graph. 8. Anxiety, with confused move- ment under her chest ; heavy and deep breathing relieves her, pulse alternately slow and fast, Rhus, t. 9. ----, excessive and oppressive, Sec. corn. 10.----, a sort of oppression of the chest, Carb. v. 11. ----, oppressive, Cupr. carb. Merc. dulc. Sep. 12. Oppressive anxiety, with du! ANXIETY AND APPREHENSION. 7 ness of the head and oppression of the forehead, or accompanied with throbbing in the abdomen and chest, Alum. 13. Anxiety, with oppression and laboured breathing, Ars. 14. Oppressive anxiety, he imagines he is walking on his knees with- out legs, the locality around him likewise appearing transformed, Bar. m. Anxiety with bending double. 1. Anxiety, internal anguish oblig- ing him to bend double, Bar. m. Anxiety and irritability. 1. Anxiety, frequent attacks of irri- tability and anguish, Calc. c. 2. ----, as if engaged in some quar- rel, exciting uneasiness, Nilr, ac. Anxiety with chilliness. 1. Anxiety, as if he would have an apoplectic fit in the evening after lying down, with chilliness, noise in the ears like music, with jerkings in the fingers of the right hand, Pids. 2. °----, at twilight, with shudder- ing. Calc. c. 3. Internal anguish in the forenoon, with internal chilliness, like trem- bling, Lye. Anxiety with confused sight. 1. Anxiety in the evening, her sight is confused, Lye. Anxiety^with thoughts of suicide. 1. Anxiety, frightful anguish in the evening, thought of destroying him- self, Hep. s. 2.----, she has no rest and prefers death to life, Nux v. 3. Anguish, even unto a desire for suicide, with a sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he would vomit, Puis. 4.----, at twilight, as if he ought to kill himself, Rhus t. Anxiety with sweat. 1. Anxiety, with cold sweat, Tart. St. 2. ----, as if sweat would break out, Niccol. 3.----, in the evening, in bed, with sweat after midnight, Nux v. 4.----, with sweat over the whole body, Kal. nit. 5. —■—, she cannot sit still, with sweat and nausea, Graph. 6.----, followed by sweat an hour afterward, Bell. 7. Anguish of heart, sweated half the night with anxiety, Rhus t. 8. Anxiety and sweat, during mo- tion, Magn. carb. 9. ----, with cold sweat in the face, Mur. ac. 10.----, in paroxysms, every day, with sweat in the face several days, Natr. carb. Anxiety and hurried breathing. 1. Anxiety, followed by hurried breathing, with nausea, causing a dry cough and vomiting, Nux v. 2.----, with hurried breathing, Sen. Anxiety, preventing sleep. 1. Anxiety, torturing anguish, pre- venting sleep, Kal. hyd. 2. ----, preventing sleep, Lauroc. 3.----, in the evening after lying down, she is unable to go to sleep, Sulph. 4.----, in the evening, after a foot- bath, cannot fall asleep, Natr. carb. 5.----, so that she is unable to sleep, Carb. a. Anxiety, as if apprehending some misfortune. 1. Anxiety, with weeping mood, as if threatened by some misfortune, Niccol. 2.----, apprehensive, as if threat- ened by some accident, Kal. hyd. 3.----, apprehends accidents from every trifling circumstance, Jod. 4.----, as if some misfortune would happen, Hell. Magn. sulph. Verat. 8 ANXIETY AND APPREHENSION. 5. Anxiety, in the pit of stomach, with oppression, as if something unpleasant would happen, Mcz. 6. ----, with trembling, as if some accident would happen, Magn. carb. 7.----, apprehensive of future mis- fortune, Anac. Am. Calc. c. Spong. Sulph. 8. ----, with apprehension of mis- fortunes, sad mood, Clem. 9.----, as if something unpleasant would happen, Agar. 10.----, as if he apprehended an accident. Alum. 11.----. fearing an epileptic attack might take place, or he might lose his reason, Alum. 12.----.sudden apprehension of evil, Bar. c. such as that a dear friend has been taken ill suddenly, Bar. c. 13. ----, apprehension in the eve- ning, in bed, as if some accident had happened to his relatives, Ars, Particular kinds of anxiety. 1. Anxiety, on hearing noise, Si- lic. 2.----, like urging to stool, Cham. o.----, had to hold on to some- thing, because she thought she could not sit unsupported, on ac- count of bruised and drawing pain in the limbs, Rhus t. 4.----, with aversion to society, Kal. carb. 5.----, excessive, hindering speech, Ign. G.----, when left alone, especially in the evening, Dros. 7.----, and tightness about the chest, Phell. ag. 8. Anguish, as if the chest were too narrow, with internal heat, Phos. ac. 9. Internal uneasiness prevents him from attending to his business, Phos. 10. Internal uneasiness, tremblinf of hands, and great absence of mind, Magn. carb. 11. Paroxysms of frightful anxiety, with dry throat, and mental un- easiness, Rhus t. 12. Anxiety, with headache, loss ol cheerfulness, Graph. 13.----, in the head. Cic 14.----, after starting, Silic. 15.----, and fear, with ennui, Magn. mur. 16. ----, uneasiness of mind, as though one did not do right, Puis. 17.----, restlessness, he imagines he cannot do any thing correctly, Natr. carb. Anxiety, with lowness of spirits. 1. Anxiety, excessive melancholy and anguish, Nitr. ac. 2.----, with sadness, on hearing any thing sad, Cic. 3.----, and sadness, the day pre- vious to the menses, Nitr. ac. 4.----, with sighs, all the time, Big. 5.----, and despondency, they mostly think of the present mo- ment, Jod. 6. Anguish, hopeless and restless during the paroxysms, lowness of spirits during the remission, Plumb. 7. Anxiety, with depression of spi- rits, Merc. 8. Oppressive anxiety, with sad and melancholy thoughts during a walk, Tabac. 9. Anguish is produced by an unpleasant occurrence, with fear and chagrin; she is disposed to weep, Phos. 10. Anguish and melancholy, Stan. 11, Anxiety, with sad thoughts, and debility, Rhus t. Anxiety for others. 1. Anxiety, for others, Sulph. 2. ----, about others, not himself, Cocc. Anxiety during downward motion. 1. Anxiety, whendanciurr. 0r durjn,T the downward motion, when rock" ed in the arms, Bor. 2.----, when driving down hill, ANXIETY AND J Bor. with sensation as if his breath were cut off. Anxiety, avitii jerks in pit of stomach. 1. Anxiety, with jerks in the pit of the stomach, Calc. c. Anxiety, with warmth, and sweat of the head and face. 1. Anxiety, with warmth about the chest, 01. an. 2.----, with sweat on forehead, as if caused by internal heat, Nu.r. v. 3.----, with heated face, or diffi- dence, sadness, apprehensions of unpleasant occurrences, Bros. 4.----, with sweat on forehead, and heat in the head, Phos. p. 5.----, in the evening, as from some accident, with hot face, and cold hands and feet, Graph. 6.----, and heat in the whole body, with langour, going off in the open air, Grutola. 7.----, when thinking of a thing very intensely, she is attacked with a heat, as if hot water were pour- ed over her. Phos. S. —•.—, and heat in the head, with hot, red hands, relieved by stand- ing, Phos. 9----, in the head, with warmt h in and on the forehead, going on" in the open air, Lauroc. 10.----, with heat in the head, and cold feet; he knows not what to do ; he forgets every moment what he was about to do, Sulph. 11.----, in the evening, with pa- roxysms of flushes in the face, Se]). 12.----, in the evening, increasing, with heat in the face, Carb. v. 13.----, with irresolutencss and dis- satisfaction, flushed face, and cold sweat in the palms of the hands, Cham. 14.----, apprehensions of death, with sad mood, and general flushes of heat, as if hot water were pour- ■ ed over her, Calc. c. PREHENSION. 9 Anxiety when among people. 1.----, when among people, Bell. Pelr. Anxiety, with desire to die. 1. Intolerable anguish, during the time that the patient is free from rage, with desire to die, Bell. Anxiety, with trembling. 1. Anxiety, in the evening, with trembling of the limbs and body, Mez. 2.----^ anguish, with tremor through the whole body, Ambr. Coff. Graph. Lach. Natr. carb. 3.----, with starting and trembling, even when hearing a slight noise, , Mosch. 4.----, with weakness, trembling of the feet, and palpitation of the heart, (during the act of mesme- rising.) Bor. 5.----, sudden screams, with trem- bling of hands and feet, Bell. 6.----, accompanied with nervous- ness, weakness and tremulousness, Arg. nit. 7. Anguish, with tremor and fear, that he will be obliged to mur- der somebody, Ars. 8. Anguish with tremor, cold sweat in the face, and tearing in the ab- domen, Ars. xVnxiety, as if one had done somk evil deed. 1. Anxiety, as if from some "evil deed, Verat. 2.----, sort of anguish, with heat and night sweat, as if she had done something bad, Natr. mur. 3.----, drives him about like a criminal, Graph. 4.----, as if he had ommitted some evil deed, or were threatened by misfortune, Nux. v. 5.----, as from committing some evil deed, Alum. Cocc. Cycl. Big. Ign. 6.----, as after committinga crime, 10 ANXIETY AND APPREHENSION. or with beating in the pit of the 1 stomach from the slightest cause, Kerr. acet. 7. Anxiety on waking, as if caused 1 by bad conscience, Ars. Magn. sulph. 1 8.----, as if he had done some- thing evil; when the door was open- ed, he feared they came to take him to prison, Ruta. 1 9.----, and uneasiness, causing him to tremble over the whole 1 body, as if he had committed a crime, terminating in weeping, even befor ■ strangers, Carb. #. 10.----, as if he had done some- 1 thing bad, or as if something disa- greeable would happen, Caust. 1 11.----, about the heart, as if from some evil deed, during a walk, Cin. 1 12. ----, as if he had done some- thing bad, with love of work, 1 Calc. c. 1 13. Anguish, every afternoon, as if he had committed a crime, with weakness, Am. carb. Anxiety, with restlessness. 1. Anxiety, and uneasiness in the •whole body, Ars. phos. ac. 2.----, screams and runs about, with paleness of face, and fearful- ness, Verat. 3.----, she screams and runs about, with a dark, blue face, Verat. 4.----, with restlessness; has to move from place to place, Nux. v. 5.---, anguish about the heart, and restlessness, Op. 0.----, and apprehensiveness, cha- sing him about, or with rising to the pit of the stomach, with sweat of the hands, and heat in the face, Merc. 7.----. driving him from place to place, as if threatened by some ac- cident, Men y an. 8.----, rose anxiously in the night, restless, trembling of knees, sweat on the back, Rhus. t. 9.----, oppressive, with restless- ness, Spig. 10. ----, and restlessness at night, with irritable and weeping mood in the morning, Spong. 11.----, cannot sit still, Carb. a. Puis. Silic. Staphys. 12.----, and uneasiness, is unable to keep his limbs quiet; felt as f they were stretched by force, Natr. carb. 13.----, has to jump out of bed, Chin. 14. ----, excessive, in the morning, has to leave his bed; or after mid- night, when he wakes with a cry, Chin, sulph. 15.----, oppressive, with tossing about, Merc. corr. 16. ----, with tossing about in bed, and constant weeping, Camph. 17.----, with tossing about in bed, Ars. 18.----, with hypochondria, Cham. 19.----, driving him out of bed at night, or in the morning, Ars. Anxiety, with hypochondria. 1. Anxiety, excessive, like hypo- chondria, with want of confidence in one's self, Caust. 2.----, as if from hypochondria, Am. Anguish of death. 1. Anxiety, sensation in his whole frame, as if he were going to his end; however, he is composed, Verat. 2. Short paroxysms of deadly an- guish, without heat, Cupr. 3. ° Anguish, and dread of death, Ipec. 4. Anguish, with nausea and pain. as if he would* die, leaving hirn no rest any where, whether sit- ting, standing or lying, at the same time he is constantly point- ing to his heart, Hell. 5. Deadly anguish, with livid face, languor of lower limbs, sick feel- ing in body, prostration, Mann sulch. ANXIETY AND APPREHENSION. 11 6. Anguish of death, in the even- ing, Phos. 7. Anxiety, as if she would die, with debility, Rhus t. 8.----, as if he would lose his life, Sidph. 9.----, with dread of death, Squil. 10. Anguish of death, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Cupr. Mosch. 11. Indescribable anguish, every af- ternoon, Carb. v. 12. Anxiety, in paroxysms, with heat, pain in the pit of the stomach, weeping mood, she wants to die, Spong. 13.----, uneasy, gloomy mind, Calc. c. 14.----, uneasy in the evening, after nausea in the afternoon, with thoughtlessness, Calc. c. 15. Gloomy anxiety, full of care, Am. carb. 16. Lamentations, with painful an- guish, trembling and apprehen- sion, despair, loud weeping, bitter reproaches, Aeon. 17. Anguish, with howling, lamen- tations, reproaches on account of even trifling causes, Aeon. 18. Anxiety, as if he had swallowed poison, Euphorb. 19.----, he complains of having been poisoned, Hyosc. 20. Anguish, with a feeling of op- pressive anxiety in the blood, Merc. 21. Anxiety, with nightly vascular excitement, and stitches in the blood vessels, Merc. 22.----, she exclaims, " it is my death," turns pale, and falls down in a swoon, Mosch. Anxiety, with anxious thoughts. 1. Anxiety, he is assailed by anx- ious thoughts, without any positive cause, Nitr. ac. 2. Disposition to anxious ideas, Ambr. Fluor ac. S. Anxious, unpleasant thoughts, after breakfast, with dulness of forehead, Con. 4. Anxious thoughts about past things, as if they occurred now. with sweat, obscured sight, illu- sions, of the fancy, indifference to life, Staph. 5. Anxiety about one's condition, with desire to talk about it, Nux. v. 6. ----, about his health, on waking in the morning, Magn. p. arct. 7. ----, about a little injury, Cocc. 8. Anxious about her illness, Am. carb. Anxiety, with apprehensions about the future. 1. Anxiety, apprehensive for the future, Anac. Bry. Caust. Natr. c. Natr. m. Phos. ac. Staphys. Stram. 2 ----, with apprehension about the future, sadness; weeping re- lieves him, Dig. S. ----, sad ideas about the future. Kal. carb. 4. ----, apprehension of imagina- ry sufferings, Lauroc. 5. ----, thinks he will be ruined. Puis. 6. ----, for the future, with vexed mood, Spig. 7. ----, when thinking of the fu- ture, with sadness, Cic. 8. ----, about the future, imagines that something dangerous will oc- cur, Cic. 9. ----, about the present and fu- ture with indifference, Calc. c. 10. ----, about the future, with fear of consumption, Calc. c. 11. ----, apprehensive and thought- ful, when thinking of his present and his future destiny, Anac. 12. ----, about the present and fu- ture, Am. 13. Anxious reflections about him- self, his present and future fate, Ant. c. 14. Anguish, sometimes followed by headache, Aeth. Anxiety, with uneasy and appre- hensive STATE OF MIND. ]. Anxiety, oppression, uneasiness of mind, Verat. 1; ANXIETY AND APPREHENSION. 2. Anxiety, of mind, all things are troublesome and disagreeable. Thuj. 3. ----, with solicitude and irreso- luteness, Nux. v. 4. ----, full of apprehensions, he considers trifles important things, Ipec. 5.----, with oppression of mind. malaise about the stomach, Grap>h. ().----, after midnight, with sus- picious and apprehensive state of mind, Nux. v. 7.----, with apprehension and des- pondency, Ruta. 8.----, with tearfulness, Staph. 9.----, and fear in walking, ima- gines some one is coming after him, has to look round constantly, Staph. 10. ----, and apprehensions from the slightest trouble, Mur. ac. 11.----, with fear and trembling, Caust. 12.----, inconsolable, with fears and apprehensions, Chin. 13. ----, and apprehension about trifles, Chin. 14.----, with fearfulness, and ten- dency to start, Berb. v. 15.----, with apprehension, Aeth. Bism. Bry. Caust. 16.----, apprehension in the eve- ning, having been cheerful all day, Anac 17.----, when walking, as if some one were pursuing him; he sus- pected every thing around him. Anac. Anxiety in the prjscordia, region of heart, with palpitation, occ. 1. Anxiety, about the heart, Cupr. 2.----, anguish about the heart, Bell. Merc. corr. 3.----, about the heart, anguish of death, Cocc. 4.----, in the precordial region, sighing, intense feeling of illness after dinner, Arg. nit. 5. Anguish about the heart, with fainting fits. Ars. 6. Great anguish, proceeding from the precordial region, and driv- ing him about from one place to another, Aur. 7. Attacks of anguish about the heart, with tremulous fearfulness. Aur. 8. Anxiety in the precordial region, Bell. 9. Anguish about the heart, head- ache, red face, bitter mouth, towards noon and evening, Bell. 10. Palpitation of the heart, with great anguish, oppressed respira- tion, and uneasiness in all the limbs; after the head becomes affected ; she feels stupified, with flushes of heat. 11. Palpitation of the heart, and anguish, with increased tempera- ture of the body, especially of the face. 12. Anxiety, suddenly, with palpita- tion of the heart, Natr. mur. 13. Fits of anguish, with palpita- tion of the heart, arresting the breathing, Nitr. ac. 14. Fits of anguish under the heart, with trembling of the whole body, palpitation of the heart. Phos. 15. Anxiety, before dinner, with pal- pitation of the heart; she had to lie down, Mez. 16.----, with palpitation of the heart; trembling of hands; flushes, Plat. 17. Anguish of death, with trembling of all the limbs, palpitation, op- pression, Plat. 18. Anxiety, with palpitation of the heart, as from anxious expectation, Mosch. 19. ----, with tremor, and palpita- tion of the heart, Cham. 20. Anguish, and palpitation of the heart, Calc. c. 21. Excessive anguish, with pal- pitation of the heart, weariness in all the limbs, and sleepiness Aur. APATHY.—APOPLEXY. -CAPRICE. 13 Anxiety from a'Arious causes. 1. Anxiety, anguish, accompanied by lamentations about the pain in the abdomen, which arrests the breathing, and obliges him to'bend double, to rise again from his seat. and to walk about, Ars. 2.----, caused by thieves, or hor- rid phantoms which he sees when waking, Zinc. met. Apathy. 1. Apathy, She did not leave her bed, spoke nothing without being asked, desired neither to eat nor drink, nevertheless ate with plea- sure if something was offered to her, and felt hungry, Ant. cr. 2. She was so apathetic that she had been lying on the evacua- tions which had passed from her, without being aware of it, Ant. cr. 3. She never complained of any pain, Ant. cr. 4. Apathy, with great debility and tremulous weakness, Arg. nil. Apoplexy. 1. °.\poplexy, with vertigo, loss of consciousness, bloated, red face, half-closed eyes, diluted, insensible pupils, foam at the mouth, convul- sive movements of the limbs, slow, snoring breathing; the paroxysm is preceded by sleeplessness, or sleep with anxious dreams; it is followed by nervousness, laughing and delirium, Or. 2. °----, after excessive depletion, Core 3. "Apoplectic fit in hydrothorax, with paralysis of one arm and the tongue, imperfect consciousness, and unintelligible muttering, Larh. i. "Apoplexy with loss of conscious. ne^s, soporous condition, and para- lysis of the limbs, organs of de- glutition and lower jaw, Nux. v. ,"i.----j head, facial muscles and mouth drawn to the leftside, dark redness of face, convulsion of mus- cles, jactitation of limbs, the pa- tient extends the body with a jerk, the face grows pale and blue—red, with foam at the mouth, succeeded by blowing and bubbling expira- tions, with small and intermittent pulse, staring and immoveable pu- pils, Lach. 6. °----, with paralysis, in old peo- ple, Con. 7. "Apoplectic fit, paralysis of left side, cold hands, mourning, pain. dread of death, delirium, tearing in the head with heat and redness of face, weak and tight chest. stitches in the right side, difficulty of urinating, with frequent urging, constant motion of the left eye and lid after the third paroxysm, con- stant rising and falling of lower jaw, inability to talk and swallow. Awkwardness. 1. Awkwardness, stumbles against things, Nux. v. 2. lie stumbles against every thing. Ipcc. 3. His motions arc awkward, indo- lent, Anac. 4. He does every thing in an awk- ward manner, Asar. 5. He drops things and knock* against things, Natr. mur. 0. She drops things. Bor. Caprice. 1. Caprice; unsteadiness of dispo- sition, Cann. 2. She knows not what she want?. Magn. carb. 3. She knows not what she want*. I eels unhappy, Kal. carb. 4. Full of desires, but knows not what he desires, //■ec 5. Frequently promises what fir refuses to do soon after, Op. 0. He wants to do this or that kind of work, and when he is offered it, he refuses, Bids. 7. Weeping, uneasy, the child want* tins thing or tliar ; when offered, it repels them, Cham. 14 CONFUSION OF THE HEAD. 8. Caprice, desire for things which do not exist, or which are no longer cared for when offered, Bry. 9. Capricious, with dulness of the head, constipation, Cham. 10. Desires many things, feels un- comfortable, Coloc 11. Desires a variety of things, Ctn. 12. Rejects every thing, even things previously pleasant, Cin. 13. He criticises every thing, and wants something different from every body else, with weeping and heat in the face, Sep. 1 4. Smiles from mere caprice, Lye. 15. Wants to undertake a thing, and changes his mind before com- mencing, Nux. m. 10. Whimsical and fault-finding, Sdic 17. She demands things with im- petuosity, is not satisfied with any thing, becomes furious if her wishes are not complied with, Kal. carb. Confusion of the Head. 1. Confusion of head, less after dinner, Tugl. 2. Sensation as of a fog in his head, and dizziness which makes him sad ; vague ideas, with irreso- luteness, Sidph. 3. The head feels as if wrapt up in a fog, Petr. 4. Cloudiness of the brain, Lau- ror. 5. Cloudiness of the head, also with weakness of the intellect and illusion of sense, such as that his eyes are four times their natural size, and that his body is like that of a giant, Op. 0. Cloudiness and giddiness of head, Lact. 7. Confusion, and cloudiness of the brain, Rhod. 8. Cloudinos of the head, cos- tiveness and pain in the loins, Hyosc 9. ----, of head, with contractive pressure in vertex, Staph. 10. ----, with pressure in the orbits, general feeling of chilliness, Coloc. 11. ----, and pressure in the head, especial] v over the eyes, Mez. 12. ----, as from taking opium, Magn. art. 13. ----, almost preventing walking, with loss of control of the will over the limbs, Chin, sulph. 14. ----, as if absorbed in thought, Mercurial. 15. The head feels gloomy, with trouble from flatulence, Sassa. 16. Gloominess of the head, with bloated eyes, afterwards pres- sure over one eye, with dilatation of the pupil, Rheum. 17. Confusion and wild feeling of the head, with drowsiness, Rhod. 18. ----, with pain as after intoxica- tion or watching, Puis. 19. Sensation as if one had not slept enough, with disposition to fall, Lact. 20. Confusion early in the morning, as after a night's revel, or with pressing through forehead and orbits, Lact. 21. ----, as from nightly revelling, Nux. v. 22. ----, as from nightly watching, Merc. —, better after an eructation, 24. Sanguin. dimness and dulness of head, with whirling sensation, Sep. 25. ----, with dizziness, Fer. acet. 26. ----. with stupid feeling, heat in head and face, and soon after pinch- ing in the abdomen, Lob. inf. 27. ----, and heat of head and cheeks, Gent. hit. -, as if bruised, with fluent 28. coryza, Hell. 29. ----, also with empty feeling in forehead, and as if the hair were standing on end, with sensitiveness of the hairy scalp, Spig. 30.----, cloudiness of the head, od rising early, Sep. COMTEMPTUOUS MOOD-CRAZINESS. 15 31. Confusion of the Head, even- ing, Kal. carb. ■VI. ----, Con. Contemptuous Mood. 1. Contemptuous mood, smiles con- temptuously at every thing, Alum. 2. ----, Guaj. 3. ----, with malice, Par. 4. ----, despising every thing and requiring others to do the same, Ipec. 5. ----, Chin. <5. ----, every thing appears to him worthless and flat, even those things which were very pleasant to him before, Chin. 7. ----, involuntarily ; during these paroxysms she is attacked with canine hunger, Plat. Craziness- 1. "Craziness, insanity occasioned by excessive study, Nux. v. 2. Mental derangement and diffi- culty of motion, Plumb. 3. Slight mental derangement with convulsions, Ind. 4. Dementia, Con. 5. "Insanity, occasioned by mortifi- cation, Nux. v. 6. ° Insanity, occasioned by sup- pression of haemorrhoids, Nux. v. 7. Loss of reason for some weeks, ' Bell. 8. At times he talks like a crazy person, at others rationally, Bell. 9. Mania : acute mania continuing for two days, Bar. m. 10. ----, seems partially irrational. Am., carb. 11. Crazy folly, Aeon. merry craziness. 1. Merry craziness, while laughing and singing, she constantly touches the things around her, Bell. 2. He sings and whistles merrily, in the night, Verat. 3. Her mirth and bliss increase until she becomes irrational, Op. 4. Absurd laughter, Hyosc. 5. Dances, Hyosc. 6. Ridiculous gesticulations, like a dancing fool, Hyosc. 7. Performs ludicrous actions, like monkeys, Hyosc. 8. lie sings merry songs, Cupr. 9. He is like one ecstatic, and beside himself, Stram. 10. Full of not unpleasant fancies, he expresses his wishes by signs, and runs about for some days busy with his fancies, and cheer- ful, Stram. 11. He dances, gesticulates, breaks into a laughter, sings, Stram. 12. Paroxysms of constant talking or of rage, or he breaks into a loud laughter, or he acts as if he were spinning, Stram. 13. He dances in the churchyard, at night, Stram. 14. Confusion of intellect, he laughs, moans, Stram. 15. After sleeping her body felt hot, she jumped out of bed, danced, laughed, did all sorts of foolish things, jumped about, drank much wine, clapped her hands, and looked red in her face, Cic. 16. Merry craziness, Bell. 17. She tries to compose songs, and sings merry, but utterly senseless songs ; she whistles oc- casionally, but refuses either to eat or drink ; at the same time she hears nothing and sees nothing, with pale face and sweat on the forehead, Bell. 18. He siitgs and hums an air, Bell. 19. He smiles a long while to him- self, Bell. 20. Disposed to sing and whistle, in the evening, Bell, 21. Frequent laughter, Bell. 22. Wild and wantonly merry, 16 CKAZINESS. disposed to quarrel without any cause, and to offend, Bell. 23. They undress themselves, run through the streets in their shirts, gesticulate in a strange manner, dance, laugh, and utter and de- mand foolish things, Bell. craziness, with loss of conscious- ness. 1. Craziness, with his eyes staring, and his pupils dilated, he saw no- thing, did not recognize any of his family, carried his hands about as if he* would grasp at something, and stamped with his feet, Stram. 2. He does not know his own re- latives, Vera'. Shy Craziness. }. Craziness, timid mania in child- birth, Stram. 2. ----, the boy hides himself in a corner, screams, feels insulted be- cause he imagines every thing is said to him imperiously, Camph. 3. Shy mania, Agar. 4. At times he grasps hurriedly at those who are near him, at times he recedes from them shvly, Bell. 5. Inclination, when walking to take people by the nose, Merc Stupid Craziness. 1. Craziness, inactive, sitting be- hind the stove, Bell. Craziness with talking. 1. Craziness, says absurd things Huosc. 2. When reading he intermixes the matter with improper words and speeches, Hyosc. 3. Wants to travel, .and prates while preparing for the journey, Hyosc. 4. Prates while preparing for the wedding, Hyosc 5. Absurd talk or manners, with; disposition to weep, and groat lassitude after the attack, Merc. 0. He dreams with open eyes talk- nonsense ; and if his friends tell him so. he excuses himselt, saying that they had induced him to talk nonsense; after that he is again absorbed in his dreams and con- tinues his nonsense, Stram. 7. She says absurd things day and night, Sulph. 8.----, anguish and uneasiness of mind, confusion of ideas, utters words incoherently and without order. Merc. Quarrelling Craziness. 1. Craziness, senseless quarreling. Strain. Craziness with aveeping. 1. ( "raziness, disposed to weep while acting foolishly, Merc. Furious Craziness. 1. Craziness, furious mania, with distortion of the mouth, Op. 2. Ludicrously solemn acts, mingled with rage; dressed in a priest's gown over his shirt, and in fur stockings; he wants to go to the church for the purpose of preach- ing and officiating at mass, and furiously attacks those who en- deavour to prevent him, Hyosc 3. Craziness, with full, quick pulse. red and inflamed eyes, wild looks. incoherent speech, every paroxysm terminating with sweat, Cupr. 4. Mania, with swelling of the head and face, protruded, inflamed eyes. red-blue thick lips ; at the same. time he rolls over the floor, with. threats and does not know his own relatives, Op. Craziness of various kinds. 1. Craziness, they prate about things which should have Veen kept secret, Hyosc. ' CRAZINESS. 17 2. Mental derangement, with mut- tering. Hyosc 3. He bites his shoes to pieces and eats them, Verat. 4. Gropes about without knowing whither, Hyosc. 5. Insanity with diarrhoea, Hyosc. CRAZINESS ABOUT PREGNANCY. I. Craziness, she says she will soon be confined, Verat. 2. She pretends she is in labour, Verat. 3. She boasts of being pregnant, Verat 4. She kisses every body, pre vious to the appearance of the menses, Verat. ORAZINESS, WITH PARTICULAR GESTURES AND IMAGININGS. 1. Craziness, demeans himself like a drunkard, Hyosc. 2. He spits Mn people's faces, and laughs at the freak, Cupr. carb. 3. He screams like a child, Cupr. carb. 4. He feels about, on his head, face, nose, over the bedclothes, as if picking at them, Hyosc. 5. He grasps at the air with his hands, laughs, crawls about his bed, Stram. 6. Fears that he will be bit by animals, Hyosc. 7. He imagines he will be slaughtered, roasted and eaten. 67 ram. 8. The patient imagines hc is well, Merc. 9. He pretends he is deaf and blind and has a cancer, Verat. 10. He pretends he is a prince, and demeans himself with pride, Verat. 11. He says ho is a hunter, Ver.'t. 12. °Iilusions of mind, hc imagines he will be sold, Hyosc. Vol. III.—2." 13. He considers himself a crimi- nal, Hyosc. 14. °The patient imagines he is in some strange house, Op. 15. He imagines he is a military commander, has green herbs for sale, repairs old shoes, Cupr. carb. 16. °Mania, with pride and affecta- tion, Stram. 17. They exclaimed that the objects near them would fall, and grasp- ed at them, Hyosc 18. He shows by his gestures that his mind is confused : he kneels down and extends his arms as if he were looking for something, Stram. 19. When walking, he raises his foot very high, as if hc had to step over things. - " ■ c 20. Quiet mania, intractability, he tries to escape, Dig. 21. Endeavours to escape, Bell. Cupr. 22. Mania, with red face, glistening eyes and increased lightness of body, Op. 23. Bright redness and heat of the face, with constant laughing, Verat. 24. An old worker in euphorbium insisted upon saying his pray- ers at the tail of a mill-horse, Euphor. 25. Craziness, of a peevish and artful kind, Cupr. carb. 26. She claps her hands over her head and sings, accompanied with cough and tenacious mucus in the chest, Verat. 27. She raises her hands above her head, and claps with them, ac- companied with a short violent suffocative cough at night, Bell. 28. He claps with his hands, his head totters from side to side, and tenacious mucus is hanging down from the lips, Bell. 29. °He wants to pull out his teeth, Bell. 30. °He walks about as if very busy, Bell. 18 CRAZINESS. 31. °Ho gathers herbs which he names wrong and then offers for sale. Bell 32. Mental derangement, partly with merry, partly with serious mood, Cann. 33. She was all the time pulling her neck-cloth, or she folded a hand- kerchief and then unfolded it again, or she pulled little feathers out of her bed and gathered them in heaps, Ant. cr. 34. Acts as if he were cracking nuts, Hyosc. 35. Acts as if he were chasing pea- cocks, Hyosc. 38. Dresses himself improperly, Hell. 37. She feels of those around her, at times she seats herself, at times she acts as if she were wash- ing or as if she counted money, or as if she were drinking, Bell. 38. Acts foolishly, heats the stove in the middle of summer, lays swords across one another, places candles in one corner and boots in another, head feels gloomy and heavy, with complete indiffer- ence to warmth and cold, Merc. 39. Complains of having lost his intellect and acts indiscretely, Merc. 10. °Talks with ghosts, Stram. RELIGIOUS CRAZINESS. 1. Craziness, thinks she is predes- tined to eternal punishment, La h 2. °ReIigious mania, with pious looks, Stram. 3. He bends his knees, and kneels down, and stretches his arms, as if he were looking for some- thing, Stram. 4. °kneels in bed, starts up at the least contact, with cries and wild gestures, Stram. OBSCENE CRAZINESS. 1. He sings amorous and obscene songs, Hyosc. 2. He sings and utters unclean things, Stram. 3. Uncovers his whole body, Hyosc. ■ 4. Roves about naked, wrapt in fur, in the heat of summer, Hyosc. CRAZINESS, MISTAKING A STOVE FOR A TREK. 1. He embraces the stove and wants to climb on it, as on a tree, Hyosc. CRAZINESS WITH DISPOSITION TO HAVti ONE'S SELF. 1. Mania, with headache, anguish, ringing in the ears, fanciful vi- sion of a person who had been hung,, with disposition to hang one's self, great restlessness, loss of speech, writing down unmean- ing characters, with trembling, weeping, sweat on the forehead as if from anguish, falling on one's knees and lifting up one's arms in an attitude of prayer, Ars. CRAZINESS, EATING FAECES AND COW- DUNG. 1. Craziness, he eats his own faeces, Verat. 2. She uncovers herself at night, tosses the straw of the mattress about and scolds, jumps up in the day time as if beside herself with wanton folly, talks and scolds to herself, does not recognize her own relatives, rubs the saliva. which she expectorates frequently, over the floor with her feet, and then licks it with her tongue, fre- quently laps cow dung and mud from pools, or puts Tittle stones into her mouth, and, without swal- lowing them, complains of their cutting her bowels, with frcquem, discharge of blood with the stools, at the same time she struggles against being touched, does not take any advice, stays away from her meals, takes food and dri:;k ir DEBILITY OF BODY AND MIND—DELIRIUM. 19 regularly, looks pale and sunken, and is very languid. Merc. sol. Debility of Body and Mind. 1. Weakness of body and soul, without talking. ; . . V 2. Deficient physical and mental activity, Bell. 3. Excessive relaxation of body and mind, Coff. Cruelty. 1. Cruelty, Op. Delirium. 1. Delirium, Bell. Canfh. Cin. Con. Cupr. Nux m. 2.----at night, subsiding in the day time, Bell. 3.----, at night, with increase of pain, Dulc. 4.----, at night, Bry. Dig. 5,----, subsides after a meal, Bell. furious delirium. I. Delirium, furious, Op. 2. ----, Calm and furious loqua- city, frequently alternating with rage, Plumb. 3.----, furious, either constant or intermitting, nightly, alternating with .sopor, Plumb. delirium with desire to escape. 1. Delirium, he is very noisy, wants to escape, and can scarcely be held back. Verat. 2.----, she prepares for her de- parture for home, Bell. delirium with lucid intervals. 1. Delirium, with intervals of half consciousness, during which he re- collects his waking dreams, but not those things which he had done or said in his lucid moments, Stram. 2.----, with lucid moments, dur- ing which hc requested to be held, lest he should fall, Strain. DELIRIUM, SAYS THAT THE DISEASE WILL BREAK FORTH FROM HIS HEAD. 1. Delirium, he jumps out of h> bed at night and exclaims that tt^ disease will break forth from his head, Stram. DELIRIUM WITH FEAR. 1. °Delirium, endeavours to escape, imagines he is alone, and is afraic, Stram. 2. ----, he jumped from his bed i.' midnight, ran about the roorr, caught at every one as he passed him, said a man was chasing Ink,, and repeatedly said, "you shall not have me," Stram. 3. ----, he is frightened as if a dog would bite him, Stram. DELIRIUM OF PARTICULAR KINDS. 1. Delirium, with open eyes, Ars. 2. ----, at times laughing, at others weeping, sometimes furious, Aeon. 3. ----, with loss of memory and consciousness, Stram. 4. ——, with headache and inabil- ity to collect one's senses, Chir,. sulph. 5. ----, at night, with swollen eye?., Plumb, a. 6. ----, as if intoxicated, with hum- ming in the ears, hot skin, quick pulse, Chin, sulph. 7. ----, he proposes abswrd things, Camph. 8. ----, in the morning, talks about business, Bry. 9. ----, in the evening, when asleep, with desire to escape, hurriec speech, imagines she is among strangers, and wants to go home, Bry. 10. ----, with wild demeanor, Bell. 11. ----, continual or in paroxysms, first merry, then changing to rage, Bell. MUTTERING DELIRIUM. 1. -, muttering, with grasping at flocks, Hyosc. 20 DELIRIUM. 2. ----, muttering. Tart. st. 3. ----, mutters to himself, ex- hausted, Hyosc. 4. ----, mutters to himself absurd things, Hyosc 5. ----, he mutters as if asleep, Bell. LOQUACIOUS DELTRICM. 1. Delirium, with violent vertigo, strange gestures, improper talk with a loud tone of voice; cannot be quieted, Nux m. 2. He talks a good deal, is lasci- vious, Bell. 3 Confused talking, with anxious heat and feeling as if intoxicated, retracting afterwards what she had been saying, at times start- ing as if in affright, at times angrily and furiously grasping the hands of those near him, Op. 4. He talks like a maniac, with staring, protruded eyes, Bell. 5. Loquacious, Stram. 6. Senseless prattle, Bell. delirium with visions. 1. Delirium, during her delirium she points at masked persons who are approaching her, at times laugh- ing, at others starting at the sight of men engaged in fencing, with dread of being stabbed, and getting angry if one supposes him mad, though he reproaches himself with his mad- ness in his delirium, Op. 2. Talks about demons, ghosts, masks which assemble around her bed to torment her, Op. 3. She sometimes exclaims about dogs, rabbits, cats, approaching her from above, from the side, and in the middle of the room, Stram, 4. cTalks about wolves and bulls, war and soldiers, Bell. 5. Talks about dogs tlnut swarm about him, Bell. 6. Rage, talks about dogs, arm and face swell, Bell. INCOHERENT DELIRIUM. 1. Delirium, he talks as if in a dream, and exclaims that he has to go home because every thing was on fire. Bell. 2. "When his father got him to recognize him, the boy said, '" why, papa, is that you ?" and commenced stroking, or" rather clawing with his fingers of his father's face, Stram. 3. Incoherent words, Hyosc. 4. Incoherent speech in the eve- ning, Bell. RELIGIOUS DELIRIUM. 1. Bland delirium ; cold body, with his eyes open, and smiling countenance; he talks of reli- gious things', and of vows which he had promised to fulfil; he prays, and he imagines he is anywhere else than home, Verat. DELIRIUM ABOUT FORMER EVENTS. 1. Delirium, talks about former events with her eves open, as if she were dreaming, Op. DELIRIUM WITH TREMOR IN HEAD. 1. Delirium, with tremulous sen- sation in head, Copaiv. delirium from poisoning by lead. 1. Delirium, after violent and fre- quent attacks of colic, Plumb. 2- .----, coma and convulsions, without fever, from four to seven- teen days (encephalopathia satur- nma), generally attended by the following precursory symptoms: violent headache, of different de- grees of intensity ; general or par- tial pains m the head, most fre- quently in the region of the fore- head, frequently accompanied with vertigo and tremulousness • siepn lessness, or else sleep disturbed bv dreams or hallucinations, >so t]"*t DELIRIUM. 21 the patients suddenly take fright and jump out of bed ; ringing in the ears, weakness of sight, amau- rosis, diplopia, contraction and dilation of the pupils ; squinting, fulness and feeling of heaviness, with violent pain in the orbit, for- mication and prickling from the index and thumb of the right hand to the shoulder. The look is sud- denly changed, as if frightened ; dull or meditating, sadness, ex- treme uneasiness ; indifference ; taciturnity ; peevish mood ; weep- ing without any apparent cause; constant change of locality, as if driven by fear and terror ; stupor, slowness of thought and motion ; dysphagia; constrictive sensation in the fauces ; turbid urine, which is pale and without sediment, dur- ing an attack of colic, (Hulxam.) Paralysis. Colic (42attacks,) Sud- den disappearance of the colic.— The encephalopathia generally commences at night. Encephalo- pathia, with delirium. The de- lirium is either light or violent, partial or general, continuous, re- mitting or intermitting, with or without loss of one or more senses. A.--BLAND DELIRIUM. The following phenomena alternate with wonderful rapidity in a couple of hours : look full of wonderment, with immobility of the eyes; look full of deep meditation, expression of countenance, which is at times full of mildness, at others full of dissatisfaction, at other times the expression is stupid. Three pa- tients seemed to be in a sort of ecstasis. Some were constantly laughing, and seemed to be attacked with risus sardonius, others were crying violently, with melancholy looks. Questions were answered in such a manner as led one to suppose that there was no corres- pondence whatsoever between the physiognomy of the patients and their ideas. At first the answers are quite rational, after which they suddenly break forth in a multi- tude of incoherent words, and finally, after a long interval, they again talk rationally. Some do not answer immediately, but seem to be thinking of words for their ideas, speak one word for another, or they give correct answers with- out looking at the person who ad- dressed the question to them; or the patients do not seem to under- stand the question except after it has been frequently repeated, or they return the same answer to every question. If left alone, the patients are at times silent, at times they talk to themselves, call to the neighbours or to absent per- sons ; they reply to all who are talking around them, or whom they suppose to be present. In their delirium they talk about all sorts of things ; frequently the ideas re- main the same during several suc- cessive periods of their delirium. The speech in general unimpeded, and the voice has its natural vibra- tion. Some mutter, and utter un- intelligible sounds in a low tone. Accompanying symptoms are: agi- tated movements of the arms, throwing off the bed cover ; desire to go away, to get into the bed of some other person ; micturition at any place indiscriminately as soon as the desire is felt. The patients recognize persons imperfectly, but get into their beds again if admon- ished by their nurses. Some trem- ble slightly, particularly with the arms and face, or they use their arms with difficulty, and stutter. Hallucinations of sight and hear- ing ; they see frightful things, which drive them out of their beds; or they hear music, &c. B.—FURIOUS DELIRIUM. The eyes are widely open, threaten- ing, wild ; the features are spas- 'if DELIRIUM—DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. modically contracted. They shriek, curse, tear their clothes and fetters. They rush upon others to injure them. The rage increases by vio- lent opposition, the patients then run against the walls, or throw themselves out of the windows. Every opposition of force brings on an attack of rage. Accompanying Symptoms. Spasmodic contractions of the fascial muscles, distortion of the eyes, cracking of the jaws, subsultus fcendinum, or trembling of the limbs, frightful hallucinations ; la- mentations and curses, induced by a belief that they will be poisoned, &c. Confused delirium, with ab- rupt stuttering words and loud voice. Delirium and paroxysms of rage generally set in together. There are frequently long intervals of rest between the paroxysms— the agitation is seldom permanent. The patients think of words, and become enraged if unable to find them. Sometimes a few words are rational, the others again delirious. The face is generally straw-coloured, sometimes injected, sweat breaks out after a long paroxysm. After long and violent paroxysms the tongue becomes dry, parched, and, as well as the teeth, is covered with yellow or blackish crusts ; the movements of the limbs are un- steady, trembling as in chorea. If amaurosis supervene, the patients stagger from side to side. Both the bland and furious delirium soon increase to the highest degree of violence ; sometimes, however, the attack remains incomplete for hours and even days, and is confined to illusions of the senses and incoher- ence of the ideas, with trembling of the limbs and hurried speech. The completely developed delirium is exceedingly irregular in its course, and increases or diminishes without order or periodicity.— Sometimes the delirium progresses in paroxysms, with lucid intervals. The bland and furious delirium Ire- quently alternate without regular- ity during the course of the malady, though each may exist isolatcdly. Some patients are attacked with bland delirium in the day time, and furious delirium at night. Be- tween the paroxysms of alternate delirium the patients are soporous, with their eyes half closed, and frequently opened unequally, or entirely opened at times, with ster- torous breathing and muttering; this sopor likewise alternates with either kind of delirium, sets in from time to time, less frequently at night than in the day time, gene- rally one or two days after the commencement of the disease, for minutes or hours, but is almost al- ways shorter than the paroxysms of delirium. In twenty-two pa- tients, the blood taken from a vein was unchanged, in one case only there was a buffy coat; the pulse was full and regular, 70 to 80 (Br,), Plumb, met. Depression of Spirits. 1. Depression of spirits, from a sensation of relaxation in the bow- els, Fer. acet. 2. Depression of spirits, Agar. Alum. Ambr. Bar. Carb. Bry. Cann, Phos. Cast, Coff. Colch. Hep. s. 3-----, when others are cheerful, Cic. 4-----, with palpitation of the heart, Natr. mur. ^-----, he inferred from every body's looks that he was pitied oil account of his misfortune, ami cried, Natr. mur. 6. ——-, imagines she looks wretch- ed. Aatr. mur. 7' ~~~' he ]ikes to dwell on past unpleasant occurrences, Natr. mur »•----> with heaviness of the feet, Graph. ' DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. 23 ABOUT ONE'S AFFAIRS. 1. Depression of spirits, full of care about his domestic affairs, early in the morning, Puis. 2.----, unable to think of his affairs without grief, early in the morning, Puis. WEARY OF LIFE. 1. Depression of spirits, has not courage enough to live, Merc. 2. The world appeared horrid to him, he felt "relieved by weep- ing; shortly after, complete dull- ness and indifference, Phos. 3. Sadness, she thinks she is not fit for this world, is tired of living, but ha,s great aversion to death, Plat. 4. Has only unpleasant thoughts, Mez. ABOUT ILL-WILL OF OTHERS. 1. Depression of spirits, sadness, as if on account of unmerited trou- bles, Laur. alb. 2.----, -sad about supposed ill-will of others, hardships of life, with anxiety, and apprehensions about the future, Bros. DESPONDING AND HOPELESS. 1. Despondency, Agar. Am. Carb. a. Caust. Chin. Sulph. Kal. carb. Lob. injt. 2. Desponding, hopeless, Chin. Sulph. 3. Hopelessness, Caust. 4. Hopelessness, Chin. 5. Desponding, tired of life, Thuj. 0. Desponding and melancholy, Silic. 7. Despondency, with dying sick- ness of the stomach, going off after vomiting, Tabac. 8. Anxious, desponding, inconsola- ble, self-reproaching mood, Magn, p. arct. 9. Sad and desponding from some disagreeable news, Puis 10. Despondency, also with peevish mood and ill-humour, Op, 11. Despondency and anguish. Graph, 12. Despondency with oppression during the pain, Jod. 13. Sadness and despondency, at- tended with sick feeling at the stomach, Petr. 14. Despondency, with dimness of sight, Petr. DESPAIR. 1. Depression of spirits, every af- ternoon, as from some great'crime, accompanied by a sense of lame- ness in all the limbs, indifferent. Con. 2. Full of sad thoughts about the present and future, could not remain in any one place, Chel. 3. Despairing mood, with fear of disease and misery, and fore- boding of sad events,' Calc. c. 4. Despair, Ambr. Hyosc. Nitr. ac. Verat. 5. Paroxysms of internal despair, depriving her of all strength, Natr. mur. 6. He is beside himself, tosses about in, his bed, in despair, Chin. 7. Taciturn and resigned to his fate, which he feels deeply, Cham. 8. Despair, with absence of mind, Am. about one's salvation. 1. Depression of spirits, she shouts and screams, and imagines that she is irretrievably lost, Aur. 2.----, he has all sorts of sad no- tions about his future destiny, and he deems himself lost entirely in the evening, Bar. c. as if one must die. 1. Depression of spirits, thinks that death is nigh, Natr. m. Nux. v. 2. Fear of death, Dig. 24 DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. 3. W eeps because she imagines she has to die, Kal. carb. 4. °Despondeney, and loathing of life, Lact. 5. Sad, longs for death, Kreas. 6. Wants to be alone, imagines that she will die shortly, Cupr. 7. Frequent thoughts of death, Con. 8. Despairs of his life, Hell. 9. Thoughts of death, sadness, Graph. 10. She imagines she will soon die, though she is not sick, Nitr. ac. II. Apprehension of death, with difficulty of breathing, Lob. inf. 12. He desired to die, and with- drew to some solitary place, Led. pal. 13. He fancies that he has to die, Rhus t. 14. During the day she frequently feels unhappy ; she wishes to die, Sidph. 15. Thinks of dying, Carb. a. 16. Very sad, says that she will die soon, Agn. 17. Desponding, on account of his disease, Alum, 18. Despairs of his health, Alum. 19. Disposed to weep, (especially in the evening,) with thoughts of death, Am. carb. 20. Despairs of his life, Ars. 21. Anxious sadness, with apprehen- sion of dying, Asaf. 22. She imagines that she is obliged to die, and weeps, Bar. c. RELIGIOUS MELANCHOLY. 1. "Religious melancholy, Croc. 2. Religious melancholy, retirement from the world, Ars. 3. °Religious melancholy, occasion- ed by remorse, Aur. RELIEVED BY SUPPER. 1. In better spirits after supper, headache and pain in the stomacn ceasing, Am. carb. AS IF ABANDONED. 1. Depression of spirits, melan- choly mood, as if abandoned, Cart. a. 2. She imagines she is abandoned by every body, Plat. 3. He imagines he has lost the affection of his friends, this makes him very sad, Aur. ON ACCOUNT OF ONE S CONDITION. 1. Depression of spirits, on ac- count of his present condition, Hell. 2.----, on account of his pains, Hep. s. 3. Is constantly brooding over his illness, Phos. 4. Solicitous about his health, Puis. 5. Melancholy, is sad about her health, Sep. 6. When alone, ideas about illness crowd uj:>on his mind, Ars 7. Feels unhappy, desponding, Lye. 8. Feels unhappy, without any cause, Sep. 9. Feels unhappy, as if opposed by every body, Chin. SOBBING, MOANING. 1. Depression of spirits; she moans piteously, without assigning any cause, Nux v. 2. Sobbing like a child, Lob. inf. 3. Involuntary sighing, moaning, Hell. 4. Involuntary moaning, Alum. 5. Owing to the pains, he feel* unhappy, and groans, Sass. 6. Moans on account of the pain, with loss of consciousness, als^ like barking, Canth. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. 2fi 7. Depression of spirits, with moaning, Chapi. Cic. despairs about the least trifle. 1. Depression of spirits, sad things affect him a good deal ; he despairs about the least trifle, Dig. 2. Increasing sadness and apprehen- sions, as if the least event would lead to the worst consequences. Lact. 3. Sad ; he apprehends evil conse- quences from trifling things, Strum. 4. Sadness; imagines the least accident will have the worst conse- quences, Staph. 5. Looks at every thing on the worst side, Alum. WITH ANXIETY. 1. Depression of spirits, with anx- iety, Calc. c. Spig. 2. Sad and anxious, in the after- noon, jEth. 3. Disposed to weep, from anxiety, Am. mur. 4. If left alone, he sits in a corner, taciturn, apparently mel- ancholy ; but in this state, the least contradiction excites his wrath, Ars. HYPOCHONDRIA. 1. Depression of spirits, hypo- chondriac mood, with pressure under the last ribs, especially on the right side ; aversion to work ; uncomfortableness of the whole body, Zinc. m. 2. Anxious, hypochondriac feel- ing, as if the objects around him had been estranged from him ; the room appears to him desolate; he does not feel at home in the room ; he wants to leave it, Valer. 3. Hypochondriac mood, also with sullen temper, or particularly after a meal; more after supper than after dinner, Nux. v. 4. Hypochondriac mood, a febrile condition, Petr. .">. Hypochondriac mood, severs! forenoons, with hot face and hand- ; prostration, Nux. m. 6. Hypochondriac sadness, Sulph. 7. Indifference; hypochondria; would like to die, Staph. 8. Hypochondria, Cocc. Merc corr. 9. Hypochondria; she imagine* she is deadly sick, Cab: c. 10. Hypochondria, and desponding in the forenoon, with silly man- ners, Anac. 11. Hypochondriac and gloomy mood, with drawing pain in the forehead, yellowish complexion, sweetish-bitter taste in the mouth, dry, viscid lips, feebleness and fe- brile sensation, debility and weari- ness of the lower limbs, in the forenoon, Arg. nit. 12. Hysteric and hypochondriac, Aur. GRIEF. 1. Depression of spirits, feeling of grief, forenoon, Ant. c. 2.----, with grief, Aur. 3.----, grief and solicitude about every trifle, Bar. c SADNESS. 1. Sadness without being able to weep, Nux v. 2. Sadness, O.e. an. 3. Sadness, generally preceded by ecstasy, Op. 4. Sadness, hypochondria, during a walk, Con. 5. Sad, when he sees anv one cheer- ful, Hell. 6. Sudden sadness while read* hv^ an interesting chapter, Croc. 7. Sad thoughts, Phcl. 8. Sudden sadness during a walk in the open air, she is filled with anx- ious, vexed, desponding thoughts. Sulph. 9. Sad, low spirited, only when walking in the open air, Phos. ac. 26 DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. 10. Sad thoughts, inducing fear and trembling, Rhus t. 1.1. Sad, Anac. Carts'. 12. Full of sad thoughts, joyless. desponding as if oppressed with chagrin, especially on waking, Alum. 13. The sound of the bell:-, and the sight of any thing around him move him to tears. Ant. c. 14. Sad thoughts, with qualmishness about the heart, Ambr. lb. Melancholy sadness, particu- larly after dinner, with headache, Ars. WEEPING. 1. Depression of spirits, loud weeping, with few incoherent words, Ars. 2. Sadness, with weeping mood and anxious feelings, Arac. MELANCHOLY. 1. Melancholia, Carb. a. Caust. Ind. Jod. Merc corr. Plum. Sec. corn. 2. Melancholy, hypochondriac,.4g?i.. 3. Melancholy, amorous,with sexual excitement, Bell. 4. Melancholy arising from the retrocession of rash and from taking a cold drink, Ars. £>. Melancholy arising from the abuse of spirits, Ars. 6. Melancholy, as if from internal grief, Am. mur. 7. Melancholy, with apprehension of accidents, Cast. 8. Melancholy, also with desire for company, lights and sunshine, because darkness and solitude ag- gravate the pains, Stram. 9. Melancholy and anxious, as if threatened by some misfor- tune, or as if alone in the world, Rhus t. 10. Melancholy oppression of spirits, has to go into the open air, Lau- roc. 11. Silent melancholy, Hell. 12. Melancholy, dread of men, weakness, headache, sickness at the stomach, diarrhoea, C rota I. 13. Melancholy of pregnant females, removed by sighing, Lach. 14. Still melancholy, not disposed to talk, things taste flat and watery, Ijn. 15. Melancholy, was unable to forget offences committed cither by him or others, Natr. mur. DISCOURAGED. 1. Depression of spirits, feels dis- couraged by the least trifle, Aur. 2. Discouraged, Ant. cr. Arg. Bar. carb. Stan. lamenting. 1. Depression of spirits, serious, then lamenting, Cocc. 2. Disconsolate about her imagin- ary misfortune ; she runs about the room howling and screaming, her eyes turned to the floor, or she sits in a corner absorbed in reverie, moaning, weeping and lamenting; worse in the evening, Verat. 3. Lamentations and howling, Op. 4. Moaning and lamentations, day and night, with much thirst and slight appetite, although she swallows her food hastily, Sulph. 5. Lamentations and moanings, Chin. 6. Piercing lamentations, interrupt- ed by swoons, Ars. LONELY. 1. Depression of spirits, as if alone or from some sad event, Magn. p, oust. 2. Ennui, she feels lonesome, Natr. carb. THINGS ARE UNPLEASANT. 1. Depression of spirits, things she looks at are offensive to her Mann I TO » " 4 • DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. 27 GRIEF and chagrin. 1. Inward grief and chagrin, Nux v. 2. Grief in the evening, follow- ed by a stupefying pain in the fore- head, and violent contraction of the throat during the weeping mood, Lact.- 3. Grief about trifles, unto despair, Graph. 4. Sad as if oppressed with grief, Nifr. ac. 5. Chagrin, grief, Aeon. 6. When merely thinking of his past sufferings, his pulse becomes faster and his breathing is arrested, Sen. 7. All her ailments appear 'to her very distressing, Sep. GLOOMY. 1. Gloomy about indifferent things, Petr. 2.----, Gloomy mood, as if he were the greatest criminal, Sabad. 3. Sad and taciturn during the menses, Mur. ac 4. Gloomy mind, Ars. 5. Sadness, despondency, grief with involuntary weeping, and dis- position to lay down his head, Verat. WEEPING. 1. Desire to weep, with anxiety, Natr. mur. 2. Weeps without knowing why, Kal. carb. Sulph. Rhus I. 3. Disposition to weep, Hyp. prf. 4. Whining sadness about things which had failed, Dig. 5. Ennui, weeping mood, melan- choly, Kal. nit. 6. He weeps for a fortnight, Mcz. 7. Had to weep violently, Hep. s. 8. AVeeping mood, with lachry- mation and burning of the eyes, Nux. m. 9. Weeps as if abandoned, Laur. alb. 10. Weeps the whole day, cannot calm herself, Lye. 11. Weeps on account of past and future evils, Lye. 12. Whining mood with loathing of life, Lauroc. 13. Weeping mood, likes to dwell on sad things, Menyan. 14. Involuntary weeping, with rum- bling in the abdomen, Rhus t. 15. Weeping mood and ill-humour, Sass. 16. Weeping mood, Berb. v., Calc. c. Mercurial. 17. Soft grief until he sheds tears, Vexat. 18. Weeps aloud, wraps up her face and does not wish to hear any thing of any body, Staph. 19. Sadness on account of his situa- tion, he weeps, Staph. 20. Weeping mood, tremulous, moaning, physical depression, Natr. carb. 21. Very sad, weeps frequently, Sep. 22. Felt like weeping, Carb. v. 23. Whining, Cast. 24. Paroxysms of whining mood, occasioned by imaginary whims or imaginary wants which have not been satisfied, Chin. 25. She could weep from the slightest cause, Bell. 26. Weeping, moaning and howling without cause, with fearfulness, Bell. 27. Weeping and ill-humour on wak- ing, Bell. 28. Weeping mood, Berb. v. 29. Desire to weep, Cede, c 30. Inclines to weep, with melan- choly, Canth. 31. Constant weeping, Alum. 32. Sadness, with sensation as if the mind were dead, Staph. 33. Sad mood, with voluptuous tremor of the body, Calc. c. 34. Desponding, chilly, with pain 2* DESIRE TO TRAVEL ABROAD—DISSATISFACTION. in the chest and great drowsiness. towards evening, Tort. st. 35. Melai: holia and chilliness as if cold water were poured over him, with frequent desire to vomit, Vf-rat. 36. Weeping mood, with chilli- ness, Magn. p. arct. 37. ----and apathy, in the evening, with chilliness, Kal. eh1 or. 38. Shuddering and weeping, in the morning, Carb. a. WITH LANGUOR. 1. Depression of spirits, also with languor, Lack. 2. ----, with want of disposition to work, or prostrate feeling, Lau- roc 8. ----, mind and body, Magn carb. 4. ----, with mental languor, Bry. 5.----, sadness, with ill-humour and redness of the face, Spig. 6.----, sometimes with irritable mood, Bov. 7. ----, sad longing, Cast. 8. ----, with sensation as if he were sick, Dig. 9. ----, excessive, with loss of strength and excessive feeling of illness, See corn. 10. ----, languishing expression of suffering, Ca«t. Desire to travel abroad. 1. Desire to travel abroad, it is irresistible, Merc Diffidence. 1. Diffidence, Hell. 2. ----, shy diffidence, Bell. 3. °Diffidence, Hyosc. Dissatisfaction. WITH THINGS AND MEN. 1. Dissatisfaction with every thing, Petr. 2. ----, with every thing, Jo I. 3. ----, with every thing that oc- curred to her mind, Hep. s. 4. ----, with crying, early in the morning. Puis. 5. ----, with every thing she think* of. Menyan. 6. ----, with every thing, Sulph. 7. ----, dissatisfied with every thing, Aur. 8. ----, nothing can be done to suit him, Am. 9. ----, with every body, felt a* though he would rather not live, could beat himself, Natr. carb. 10. ----, with the whole world, Plat 11. ----, with his lot, Mur. ac. 12. ----, with his condition, Bism. 13. ----, discouraged, dissatisfied with his situation, does not bear a joke, August. 14. ----, is almost inconsolable. Natr. carb. 15. ----, towards evening, Ign. with one's self. 1. Dissatisfaction with himself, Caust. Cocc. Hep. s. Magn. p. aust. Phos. ac. 2. ----, with every thing she does, Kal. carb. 3. ----, with herself, inducing her to weep violently, alter which sh* feels more easy, Nitr. ac. 4. -.---, whatever she did, was con- trary' to her wishes, Hep. s. •>• ----, with himself and his con- dition, Menyan. 6- ----, with himself, with want _of disposition to talk or jest, Merc '■----, with one's self, overwhelm- ed with internal discontent, i« obstinate and unyielding, Sulph. 8- ----» with what he does, Mur. ac. Spong. Stan. 9. ----, with every thing, even with himself, Bell. 10. ----, he imagines he is neglect- ing something, and deserves re- proaches in consequence, Aur 11. ;----, listless and dissatisfied with himself, Agn. DOUBTING MOOD-DULNESS OF THE HEAD. 29 12. Dissatisfied with himself, he re- proaches himself, Ars. 13.----, with one's self, and com- plaints about one's own troubles, Asaf. 14. At variance with himself, Aur. Doubting Mood. 1. Doubting mood, doubts even that which he had firmly believed here- tofore, Lach. Dread of Men. 1. Dread of men, Aur. 2. ----, misanthropy, Aeon. 3. Dread of men, Aeon. Aur. Bar. c. Dig. Hyosc. Led. p. 4.----, with despondency, Rhus t. b.----, when approached by them she feels a sort of anguish in the pit of the stomach, Lye. 6.----, when they approach him, yet hc dreads solitude, Con. 7.----, hatred of men, Phos. 8.----, with shyness, Natr. cai'b. Dread of Solitude. 1. Dread of solitude, Sep. 2.---, Lye. 3.---, Mez. i.----, Bism. 5. °Solitude, dread of, Ars. (J. Fear, she does not wish to be alone, is afraid of ghosts, Ran. bull. 7.----, fearful when in bed or alone, Kal. carb. 8. Dread of solitude, dislikes to be alone, with cold face, feet and hands, Calc. c. Dulness of Comprehension. 1. Dulness of comprehension, Cham. Con. Hep. s. Natr. carb. Lact. Op. Ox. ac. 2.----, does not comprehend any thing in reading, Nux m. :).----, difficult comprehension of philosophical works ; facts appear clearer, Fiuor. ac. 4. ----, his own ideas constantly intrude, while reading, Oleand. 5. ----, cannot well comprehend what he is reading, Ambr. 6. ----. has to read a sentence several time^ before heunderstands it, Cocc. 7. ----, as if deaf or in a waking dream, Cham. 8.----, she is unable to compre- hend what she is reading, Calc, c 9. ----, though print seems very- bright, Magnes. art. 10.----, does not understand what people tell her, as if she did not hear well, Nitr. ac. 11. ----, with vanishing of ideas and gloomy pressure in the fore- part of head, Mez. 12. Dulness of the mind, he some- times foels as if he had no fancy at all, Magn. p. arct. 13.----, with gloominess, Dig. Dulness of the Head. 1. Di'lness of the head, spreading towards the temples and forehead, Bar. c 2. ----, Am. carb. Cupr., Petr. 3. ----, in the region of the eye- brows and root of the nose, Con. 4. ----, especially in forehead, Co/oc 5. ----. painful, of right sinciput, 01. an. 6. ----, of occiput and forehead, Lob. inf. '7. ----. as if coming from the back and ascending along the nape of the neck, Jod. 8. ----, oppressive, of the occiput, Phel. 9. ----, in the occiput, as on wak- ing, Chin. 10. ----, of the occiput, as after in- toxication, Carb, v. It. ----, of the occiput, Ambr. 12. ----. of occiput, then forehead- Ma r< i/t. 30 DULNESS OF THE HEAD. DULNESS AFTER WALKING OR EATING. OR AFTER SITTING. 1. Dulhess of the head after din- ner, or after walking, Carb. v. 2. Dulness of forehead, painful while walking, Dros. 3. Dulness of head, after a walk in the open air, Sulph. 4. ----, after thinking or walking, Natr. mur. 5. ----, from mental exertions, Magn. carb. 6. ----, oppression after dinner, Ambr. 7. ----, after sitting, with mistiness of sight, weariness, obstruction of the nose, gloomy mind ; better in the evening, Sass. 8. ----, when sitting or lying, Merc. 9. ----, during rest, Arg. 10. ----, when writing, Arg. nit. 11. ----, he felt as though his head were not his own, Natr. mur. 12. ----, painful dulness of the head, with contracted pupils, Verat. 13. ----, with dimness of sight, and tension in frontal region, Lauroc. DULNESS WITH LIGHTNESS. 1. Dulness of the head, sort of stupid feeling, with tension in the region of the ears, Asar. 2. ----, with tension in the fore- head and eyes, Bar. c. 3. ----, gloomy forehead, with lightness, Graph. 4. ----, as if bandaged or in a vice, Magn. sulph. 5. Dulness and painful tightness of the head, like throbbing headache, passing off after eating. Caust. 6. ----, as if a skin were tightly drawn over the brain, August. DULNESS WITH EMPTINKSS. 1. Dulness ; disagreeable sensation of emptiness in the head, Sen. 2. ----, emptiness of the head in the evening, Dulc. 3. ----, emptiness of the head Coral. 4. ----, emptiness, stupid feelings, flushes of heat, thirst, also tingling in the ears. Chin, sulph. DULNESS WITH BEATING OR THROBBING. 1. Dulness of left side of _head, with short beatings extending to the upper molares, and frequent rumbling in these teeth, Kreas. 2.----, with beating and throbbing on vertex, Kreas. 3. ----, with pulsation in the fore- head, Canlh. PARTICULAR KINDS OF DULNESS. 1. Dulness of head, as if from de- ranged stomach, Lye. 2. ----, with sneezing, as if catarrh would set in, Stan. 3. ----, the body feeling bruised, Silk. 4. ----, with weariness through the whole body, Spong. 5. ----, particularly in the open air and sun, or when holding the head erect, with sensation, on stooping, as if something were falling for- wards in the forehead, Nux. v. 6. ----, in the morning, sometime* painful, with nausea and sour vom- iting, Graph. 7. ----, now in right, then in left frontal protuberance, with stitche* through the left protuberance on stooping, Lact. 8. ----, less in the open air, Men- yan. 9. ----, she stares, Kreas. DULNESS CHANGING TO PAIN Oil PRES- SURE. 1. Dulness of head, changing to pressure in forehead and orbits, Lauroc. 2- ----, after dinner, increasing in the evening to violent aching, with heat of face, Lob. inf. 3. ----, in the morning, when the DULNESS OF dulness changes to a pain, and re- curs again at intervals until night, Asaf. 4. ----, increasing to oppressive pain, Jod. 5. ----, in the front part of the head, changing several times to a stinging, drawing pain in right temple, Coff. 6. ----, relieved by eating, Mez. 7. ----, with vexed mood, Carb. a. DULNESS WITH TEARING AND DRAWING. 1. Dulness of head, with drawing in the occiput, evening, during a walk, Spig. 2. ----, with drawing in the eyes, worse in the open air, Rhod. 3. ----, as after a cold, with dul- ness of the cars and rheumatic drawing in the cheeks, 01. an. 4. ----, with tearing and drawing in head, 01. an. DULNESS WITH PRESSURE. 1. Dulness of head in the forenoon, and oppression of head until noon, Sulph. 2. ----, oppressive, Sulph. ac 3. ----, gloomy feeling in forehead and temples, as if the head were compressed from both sides, Spig. 4. ----, of forehead and occiput, with pressure in front and behind, Squil. 5. ----, with pressure through the forehead, Spig. 6. ----, with pressure in the eyes, increased by walking, Sep. 7. ----, with considerable pressure in the brain, Mosch. 8. ----, with pressure in forehead, Lauroc. 9. ----, with pressure over and in the eyes, Lye. 10. ----, with pressuro in forepart of head, as from a repelled cold, dry lips and mouth, thirst, Lye. 11. ----. with tension and pressure in forehead, Gent. lut. 12. ____, with pressure from the THE HEAD. 31 vertex, a painful lancination below the car from within outwards, or sense of pressure and dulness in forehead and temples, tingling in the eyes, or pushing and turning towards the orifices of the ears. Crot. 13. ----, as if a board were pressing against the forehead, Kreus. 14. ----, stupefying, with pressure in the forehead, Chin. 15. ----, slight, with pressure in right half of forehead, and great hunger, Jod. 16. ----, with pressure at the eye- brows and root of nose, or at a small spot above the eyes, shifting from side to side, Brom. 17. °Sensation as if a board were pressed against the head, Calc. c. 18. Dulness, with pressing in the temples, Mez. 19. ----, with dull pressure in the temples, when pressing on the parts, Natr. mur. 20.---- in the forehead, with pres- sure and drawing, Canth. DULNESS WITH HEAVINESS. 1. Dui.nfss and heaviness of the head, Hell. 2. ----, and heaviness of. head, Magn. mur. 3. ----, and heaviness of the head. Dros. 4. ----, with heaviness, Bar. m. 5. ----, with heaviness on the ver- tex, Canth. .6. ____, sudden obscuration in the right side of the head, as from smoke, when sitting, Sulph. ac. CLOUDINESS OF HEAD. 1. Dulness of the head, as from vapour in the brain, Op. 2. Cloudiness of the head, Hell. 3. Dulness of head, early after ris- ing, with cloudiness and want of! cheerfulness, Kal. carb. 32 DULNESS OF 4. ----, with cloudiness. Chin. f>. ----, induces a feeling as from heavy vapours in his head, Nux m. 6. ----. of forehead, as if from va- pour, Nux rn. 7. Cloudiness in the forehead, Thuj. 8. Cloudiness of the head, as from smoking, or drinking, Bell. 9. Cloudiness of the forepart of the head, as though a pressing fog were moving to and fro, especially below the frontal bone, BeV. \{). Cloudiness of the head, with glandular swellings in the nape of the neck, Bill. 31. Cloudiness of the head and dul- ness of one half of the head, with contraction of the pupils, Am. DULNESS OF HEAD AND MIND. 1. Dulness of the head, with d row- siness, Bar. c. 2.----, with mental oppression. Staph. 3.----, and comprehension, J .a. v.. roc. 4.----, as if he could not collect his senses. Lye. 5.----, as if his ideas stood still, Lye 6. ----, and intellect, Hcemat. 7. —-—, with dulness of comprehen- sion, and disinclination to serious labor, Jod. 8. ----, finds it difficult to collect her senses, Lanr. alb. 9.----, with indisposition to think, Ferr. acet. DULNES3 AS AFTER INTOXICATION. 1. Dulness of the head, as if iVoni i intoxication, Mosch. 2.----'■, the head feels dull, empty. confused, a- if he were intoxicated.- : Aeon. 3. ----, as if intoxicated, Niccol. 4.----, with intoxication, Mjgn. mur. f).----, with humming in the head, intoxication, heaviness. Chin, sulph.' THE HEAD. 6.----, as from coryza or intoxica- tion, with pressure in the temples, Chin. 7.----, as after intoxication, Au- gust. 8.----, cloudiness and sense of in- toxication, sometimes alternating, with pains in the kidneys, Alum. 9.----, as after intoxication, Am. mur. 10.----, as after intoxication, Agar. 11.----, as if intoxicated, JEth. 12.----, confusion and tremor in the head, Calc. \ 13.----, with bewilderment, Grot. 14.----, confused feeling in the oc- ciput, with heaviness and involun- tary closing of the lids, and sensa- tion as if the eyes were drawn in, especially at candle-light, some- times accompanied with restless- ness and anguish, Bov. 15.----, he does not know what he is about, Mez. 16.----, early in the morning, with muddled condition of the head, or dryness of mouth, Chin. 17.----, confusion, laziness, Chin. 18.----, aching in the forehead, with . confusion of the mind, as if one had been waked too early, Asar. 19.----, with confusion of mind, early in the morning, Agar. 20. ----, with drawing and confused feelings in the head. Bov. 21.----, with dull pain, Agar. 22. —•—, with dull aching, every af- ternoon, or particularly in the left side of the head, with dry coryza, relief by pressure, with digging in the head here and there, Hell. 23.----, with aching in one temple, and dry heat of body, Natr. mur. -L ----, with aching, sometimes in the temples, or in the direction of the eyes, from the left temple, _ Asaf. ~°-----, numb and paralytic sensa- tion in left side of head, 01. an. 20.----, stupid dulness and numb- ness of the head, sometimes with heat of the head, especially early, Alum. ENNUI.—EXALTATION OF MENTAL POWERS. 33 27. Dulness of head, sensation in the head as if he had not slept enough, Sulph. 28.----, as from sitting up at night, and sleeplessness, Chin. 29. ——, as if he had been watching over night, Mez. 30.----, as if he had slept too long, Natr. carb. 31. ----, with giddiness, on rising, every morning, Calc. c. 32.----, it feels gloomy on waking, Bar. c. 33.----, every morning the head feels dull as after nightly revelling, A mbr. 34. ----, as from rush of blood to the head, especially when going up stairs, Sulph, 35. Dulness of forehead, with heat in it, Lact. 36. Dulness of head, with stupid feeling, painful or when raising the head, or with hot feeling in the head, Lauroc. 37.----, with burning and heat in the head, Hell. 38. ----, with congestion of blood to the head, and inertia, Nux. v. 39.----, with heat and violent con- gestions, Lact. 40. Painful gloominess of the head, especially the forehead, Sep. 41. Gloominess on waking or rising, (with dull pain,) Merc. 42. Gloominess of head, particularly in the evening, in the open air, or after a meal, or rising to the head from behind, Nux. v. 43. Gloomy feeling in the head as after nightly watching, with a feeling of heat in the eyes and dis- position to close them, without drowsiness, Op. •»4. Gloomy feeling above the root of the nose, with headache, every evening, Fer. acet. 45. Dulness of the left side of the head as if by a cold, or as if the brain did not fill up the whole of the skull, Con. 40. Gloominess of head, with general VOL. III.—3. feeling of exhaustion when sittifcg, Mangan. 47. ----, gloominess, vertigo, Clem. 48.----, with gloominess in the head, Chin. 49.----, with reeling sensation, Sev.* 50.----, vertigo, when the coiu. commences, Coloc. 51. ----, with vertigo, Phos. 52.----, gloominess of head, with vertigo, excited by motion, Puis. . 53.----, with vacillating sensation, tension of the muscles of the neck and nape of neck, Sep. 54.----, and giddiness of head at dinner, with heat in head, while i« a warm room, Magn. mur. 55.----, and stupid feeling of the head, with vertigo on rising from a seat, and obscuration of sight, worse in a warm room, Merc. 56.----, swimming, giddiness, KaL bichr. 57. ----, with giddiness as after dancing, Chin. 58.----, with humming, Rhus t. 59. ----, as if too full, Magn. mur. 60.----, with sensation as if it be- came larger, accompanied with ;!,- humour, nausea, Mangan. 01.----, on waking, Cic. con. 62. ----, after waking from the sies- ta, Carb. v. 63.----, on waking, the nose is ob- structed and there is a humming ;..-i the ears, Rhod. 64. - —, empty feeling in the heac, Gran. Ennui. 1. Ennui, indolence, taciturnity, Plumb, acet. 2. Ennui, Con. Nux. v. Exaltation of the Mental and Bodily Powers. BODILY POWERS. 1. Walks as if on wings, with excel- lent spirits, Thuj. 2. He imagined himself stronger than he realiv was, Hyosc 34 EXALTATION OF MENTAL POWERS. 3. A peculiar feeling of mobility, Hyosc 4. Every part of the body appears to him more animated, Lauroc. 5. Feeling of ease and lightness of movement, as if he were without a body, Chin. 6. Performs all his movements with great ease, Coff. 7. Excessive sensitiveness to exter- nal impressions, Nux. v. 8. Increased sensitiveness to exter- nal impressions, Jod. 9. Excessive sensibility of all the senses, especially hearing and smell, Phos. 10. Sensitive to all odours, Cham. 11. Taste, smell, tact, are keener than usual; his feelings are more easily excited, and his thoughts are more fluent, Bell. 12. Morbid activity of the organs of sense, Ars. EXALTATION OF TEMPER. 1 Exaltation of mind, more cheer- ful than before ; he comprehended 11. Frantic joy, with paleness, head- ache, obscuration of sight, Croc. 12. Ecstacy, Cup. Cupr. amm. 13. Ecstacy. also followed by sad- ness. Op. 14. Courage, perseverance, boldness, Op. 15. Dancing wildly for several days, except at night, without conscious- ness : (a female afflicted with epi- lepsy.) Phos. ac. 16. Cheerful mood and lightness of body, with pleasant warmth, Phel. ag. 17. Cheerful, accomplishes every thing rapidly, Mercurial. 18. Cheerful mood, sometimes as if slightly intoxicated, Magn. sulph. 19. Cheerful ; laughs at the intoxica- tion produced by the medicine. Mercurial. 20. Lively; disposed to do some out-of-the-way thing, Merc. 21. Cheerful and communicative, Stram. 22. Cheerfulness, which was not na- tural to her. Sabad. every thing more easily ; a sort of j 23. Excessive cheerfulness and un joy fulness, as after drinking coffee, Valer. 2. Animated and talkative the whole day, Natr. carb. 3. Resolute, courageous, Natr. carb. 4. Cheerfulness, lightness of motion, feeling of ease, 01. an. 5. ----, daring boldness, Op. 6. ----, Boldness. Ign. 7. Easy mind, good spirits, with pleasant warmth in the whole bodv. particularly on the hands, which are quite red, from congestion of blood ; his senses are much bright- er, Phos. 8. Excitation of the brain, as if In- spirits, Kal. hyd. 9. Heavenly ecstacy , Crotal L natural wakefulness, Sec corn. 24. Excessive cheerfulness and ani. mation, with staring looks, Chin. 25. Excited, as by coffee, or wine, Chin. Sulph. 26. He was as fond of things as a child is of toys, Cic. 27. Time passes too quickly for him. Cocc. 2*. Ecstacy, calm mood, Coff. 29. Bold and ardent ; disposed to fight, Bor. 30. Cheerful, as if excited by liquor, Cann. 31. Boldness of speech, with keen eyes, cold sweat on the forehead, and a scarcely perceptible pulse, Aeon. 10: Cheerful, feeling of ea>e, light- .'52. Bright mood, when walking in ness in all his movements, GuifA the open air; he is confident that EXALTATION OF MENTAL POWERS. he can achieve every thing with vigour, August. 33. Increased cheerfulness and dispo- sition to talk the whole day, Arg. 34. Excessive disposition to both agreeable and disagreeable emo- tions, without bodily weakness, Am. 30. Desire to do more than is requir- ed; she eats and drinks more than is good for her; she walks far- ther than is necessary and her strength will bear, Ars. 33. Cheerfulness and exaltation of temper, Aur. mur. 37. Hopes, immediately after vomit ing, Aeon. EXALTATION OF THE MIND. 1. Exaltation of the mind: exal- tation of the fancy, Magn. p. oust. 2.----, of the mind and body; dis- posed to talk; accomplishes his work with more ease, Each. 3.----, and temper, Cub. 4. Ideas crowd upon him while writing ; has to sit up at night for the purpose of composing, his mind is so full of ideas, Inch. 5. Ideas crowd upon him, with merry mood, Op. 6. The relations of the world seem to him clearer, Ox. ac. 7. Quicker in thought and action, Ox. ac. 8. Idea:; crowd upon his mind, early in the morning, Nux. v. 9. Sensation of an increase of pow- er, intellectual tranquillity,disposi- tion to mental labour, I'tat. 10. In the evening her fancy is }-o vivid, 1 hat she shudders even when merelv thinking of repulsive things. Phos." II. Inclination to philosophical and religious speculations, Sulph. 12. Recent events presenting them- selves very vividly to his mind, while at his work, Mur. ac L>. Clairvoyance, Phos. 1 \. Ideas and projects crowd upon his mind, particularly in the even- ing, Chin. 15. He makes many plans; is con- stantly in ecstacy about beautiful scenery, of which he is reading a description, Coff. 16. Desire for mental labour. Brom. 17. Excess of fancy; ecstacv ; pro- phecy ; he makes verses. Agar. 18. Exaltation of the mind, Am. carb. 19. Lively and active mind, Au- gust. 20. Warm feeling of the body for three afternoons, then he be- comes lively, the memory is quick; however, he is not able to concen- trate his thoughts; an agreeable project which he almost believes is real, intruding upon his mind all the time ; a sort of waking dream. Av\$w>l. 21. Quickness of comprehension, in the afternoon,, but unable to dwell upon his subject, owing to some internal un; ardness, as is feli by those who anticipate some great pleasure, or owing to the crowding of all sorts of plans upon his mind.. 22. Excessive inclination to perform manv long, literary labours, without having the requisite strength to accomplish them, Am. 23. Manv thoughts crowd upon him, Ars. 21. Acuteness of the thinking pow- ers, with irritation of feeling; orgasm of the circulation, particu- larly in the chest, Asaf. 25. Excessive sensitiveness, witli increase of the mental powers, Verat. EXALTATION OF FEELING. 1. Tender heartedness, with very (dear consciousness, Ign. 2. Perfect, contentment, interior happiness, Fluor, ac :{. Weeps, while reading a touch- ing poem, Lach. 4. Tranquility of mind, inter- 36 FAULT-FINDING.—FANCIES.-FEAR. nal contentment, forgetfulness of all his complaints and pain, de- lightful feeling of bliss, with sweet fancies, as if he were in heaven, Op. 5. She weeps when people thank her for a kindness, Lye. 6. Weeps involuntarily when re- lieved from his pain, Merc. 7. Exaltation of the mind and heart. Sulph. ac. *. Sweet, languishing feeling of in- ternal ease, Hydr. ac. 9. Excessive sympathy for others, Caust. 10. Continual state of exalted love and ecstatic longing for some ideal female being, which wholly filled his fancy, more when walk- ing in the pure air than in the room ; in a few days this symptom disappeared, with apparent dimi- nution of the sexual desire, Ant. cr. 11. Excessive tenderness of feel- ing; the least thing makes her anxious and solicitous ; she is dis- posed to be sad and weep, Ars. i 2. Exaltation of sentiment, Asar. Fault-finding. 1. Fault-finding: vexed, with dis- position to find fault, or talk about the weakness of other persons, Ars. 2. ----, peevish ; he rebukes people for many days on account of trifles, Bor. 3.----, he hunts up other people's weak sides, and reproaches those persons with their foibles, Verat. 4. ----, disposed to reproach others, Chin. Fancies. 1. Fancies, towards evening, vivid and pleasant, wdth sudden joyous sensation, Cycl. 2.----, fancies, vivid, Dig. 3. ----, fancies, early in the morn- ing, Con. 4.----, vivid imaginings, Aeon. 5. ----, lascivious, Verbas. 6. Fancies, lewd fancies, with but slight sexual excitement, Ambr. 7. When walking in the street, she imagines that people are laughing at her, and are criticising her to her disadvantage, so that she dares not look at any body, and sweats all over, Bar. c. 8. While reading, he thinks of the future, adorning it with beautiful images, Oleand. Fear. 1. Fear, chronic fearfulness, Hyosc 2.----, Natr. carb. Phos. 3. ----, great fearfulness and cow- ardice, Bar. c 4. ----, with whining and despond- ing mood, Con. 5. Timid, shy, Aur. 6. Shy and timid, Carb. a. 7. He acts as if he were frightened, 3Iagn. p. arct. 8. Fear, with fulness ; no dispo- sition to do any thing ; headache, as if the head were in a vice, Magn. carb. 9. Fearfulness, terminating in fre- quent eructations, Verat. 10. Trembling, with fearfulness, and sweat on the forehead, Sep. 11. His imagination is confus- ed, and is disturbed with fear, Stram. 12. He thought he had to walk very softly, in order not to hurt himself, or disturb his room-mate. Cupr. 13. Dreads objects which approach him, Ign. 14. Wants to escape out of bed. Bry. 15. Springs up from his bed and hides himself. Ars. 16. Fear of death, which she fir- quently deems quite near, with weeping, coldness, chilliness, and subsequent languor, Ars. 17. Anxious and easily frightened, a little no.se m the street seen. tohcrhke cries of fire; it fnV),,. FOREBODING. 37 ens her so that all her limbs tremble, Bar. c. 18. Fear, in the evening, when at- tempting to open a tight door, Lye. 19. ----, a mere noise at the door made him apprehensive, Aur. -0. ----, the little child is much frightened at hearing people clear their throats and sneeze, Bor. 21.----, with anguish and sweat, Ars. 22. ----, lest he should stagger or fall, Aeon. 23. He feared lest some one might come in, Aur. 24. He imagines that some one has entered the door at night, Oon. 25. She will have an ulcer in the stomach, Ign, 26. Fearfulness, when sitting in the dark, as if some one would hurt him, Valer. 27. Events which he had hitherto expected with a sort of pleasure, now give him a feeling of un- easiness ; he imagined something frightful and horrible would take place, Bell. 28. He hears screams; all his limbs are affected by the fright, Bor. 29. Fear, that she may lose her un- derstanding, or that people may observe her confusion, Calc. c. 30. He imagines he will lose his understanding or die, and that he sees water where there is not any, Merc. 31. "Attacks of nightly fear, as of robbers, &c. Lach. 32. Fear of thieves, on waking after midnight, Ign. 33.----, of thieves, Con. 31. ----, he imagines that an enemy intends to poison him, Rhus t. fixed ideas. 1. Fixed idea, Cham. Puis. 2. Immovable thoughts, Jod. 3. Dwells upon the same ilea, Phos. ac 4. Imagines and broods over of- fensive things against his will, Ign. 5. Fixed idea, he pursues it in his thoughts, or else expatiates upon n in conversation, with vehemence, Ign. 6. Cannot cease talking about the same thing, Petr. 7. Unable to get rid of a thought, Thuj. 8. One or the other biblical sentence is constantly occurring to her mind ; this induces a fear that she will lose her mind, Lam. alb. 9. She is absorbed in thought* about former events, inducing anx- iety ; she cannot withdraw her mind from them; at times she starts, Nitr. ac. 10. He staggers while walking, dur- ing which his thoughts gradu- ally become fixed on one object, until he starts suddenly from a complete loss of ideas, without knowing where he is, Nux. m. 11. Fixed idea about a dress hav- ing been made for her, continu- ing in the day-time, when wa- king, and in the night, when dream- ing, JEth. Foreboding. 1. Foreboding ; apprehension of approaching death, Aeon. 2. Fear lest some misfortune should happen, Aeon. elat. 3. She mentions the day when she is to die, Aeon. 4. 1 )esponding, as if some accident would happen, with cold feeling. Am. carb. 5. He often feels as though hi? end were near, or as if some great. misfortuue would happen, Graph. 6. Foreboding mind ; he says : my beloved, who was forty-four miles off, must have just now finished singing the difficult passage which I just sang, Aran. 7. Sensation as if menaced by dan- gers, with pressure in the occiput. Fluor, ac. sATIONS. 38 IIALLUCi: 8. Foreboding, fears that his rela- tions will be sick, during a walk. Hep. s. Hallucinations. ]. Hallucinations ; fancies, strange. Stram. 2. Illusions of the senses, Hyosc. ac. 3. Illusions of tact, Jod. 4. He imagines he is becoming thin, Sulph. 5. He converses with his late sister in the churchyard, Bell. 6. Sensation as if strange persons were looking over her shoulders, Brom, 7. She imagines that she is giving wrong things to the people, caus- ing their death, Sidph. 8. Sensation as if all sorts of things were hopping about the floor, Brom. ABOUT DEAD PERSONS. 1. Hallucination : fear of some absent person, who he imagines is lying dead before him, Ars. 2.----, fancies he saw a dead per- son after waking, or that his neigh- bour's house was on fire, Hep. s. HALLUCINATIONS OF VARIOUS KINDS. 1. Hallucination: he imagined he was not living in his usual condi- tion and circumstances; he felt like one Making from an acute fever, and seeing all sorts of vi- sions, but without feeling bodily sick, Cic. 2. Fancies himself in another room than his own, Coloc 3. She spoils her things, throws them away, imagining that she has every thing in abundance, and besides, dwindles down to a skele- ton, Sulph. i. He walks about the room taci- turn, with staring, sparkling eyes. and blue margins around the same, but he does not notice the objects around him. and is oii.r inteivsted in the objects ot his fancy. Stram. 5. He imagines hc is riding on an ox, Bell. 6. Her nose appears to her to he transparent. Bell. 7. lie talks with a person whom he docs not know, and answer* that person as if he were in his senses : but upon coming to hi* senses he does not recollect the conversation, Stram. 8. Sees vermin crawling about hi* bed, Ars. 9. On entering the room from a walk, she imagines that every thing around her is small, and every body inferior to her in body and mind, and that she is elevated; the room appears gloomy, sh« feels some anguish, is uncomfort- able ; relieved in the air, Plat. 10. Fanciful delirium when slum- bering or waking, as if she were on a distant island, had a great deal of business, were a noble lady, &c, Phos. HALLUCINATIONS OF AN EXALTED CHARACTER. 1. Hallucination: he imagines the room is a bower, Calc. c. 2. She imagines she has beautiful dresses, looks upon old rags ;i> beautiful dresses, takes a coat for a vest, a cap for a bonnet, Sulph. 3. Sees beautiful images as by a charm, Bell. about one's size. 1. Hallucination : when holding the head down, she fancies her head is so large that she cannot look over it, Zinc. m. 2. He imagines he is very tall, but the objects around him. seem to him very small, Stram. HALLUCINATIONS. 39 ABOUT ENEMIES. 1. Hallucination : imagines he is surrounded with enemies ; he then feels warm, and the blood in the chest feels as if boiling, Anac. A SPOT ON THE HEAD. 1. Hallucination : she imagines a spot on the left side of the head is transparent and brown, Bell. TAKES MEN FOR HOGS. 1. Hallucination: takes men for hogs, Hyosc. ABOUT THIEVES. 1. Hallucination : fear of thieves whom he sees everywhere, and hunts up in his house in the night, Ars. FRIGHTFUL. 1. Hallucination : fearfulness and horror, as if a horrid mask were looking out at every corner, Phos. 2. "Frightful visions, Nux. v. Op. Rhod. 3. Phantoms crowd upon her in the evening, with weeping mood, tear, Lye 4. Frightful fancies, his features show fright and terror, Stram. 5. Strange objects intrude upon his fancy, frightening him, Stram. 6. lie sees more horrifying figures on his sides than before him, Stram. 7. Timorous, and pursued by a frightful image from the past, Spoug. 8. Sees frightful things on the wall, Samb. 9. When closing her eyes, she sees nothing but terrible visions and distorted human faces, Caust. 10. Phantasmata, and all sorts of distorted figures and devil's faces, Ambr. 11. On lying down in order to re- lieve his head, he is tormented with visions and distorted faces, his eyes being closed in daylight, Arg. nit. about a bird. 1. Hallucination: imaginary vi- sions, such as a bird flying to the window, causing her to start, Kal. carb. about being alone. 1. Hallucinations : the things and persons around him appear to be changed; although he knows at first that his friends are around him, yet he forgets it immediately after ; he imagines he is quite alone in a wilderness, abandoned ; he h afraid ; figures of animals start out of the ground, side by side, causing him to fall to one side, where similar forms start up, causing him to run forward, Stram. about dogs. 1. Hallucinations: °dread of dog*; and other animals, particularly at night, Chin. 2. He is afraid of an imaginary black dog, of the gallows, &c. Bell. ABOUT GHOSTS, 1. Hallucinations : °dread of ghosts, Dros. 2. Dread of ghosts, four evenings in succession, with trembling; in the day-time he had anguish, trembling, flushes of heat over the whole body, hands and face being pale and cold, Puis. 3. He imagines he sees ghosv-, Stram. 4. ° Fear of ghosts, at night, Sulph. 5. Dread of ghosts, Carb. v. 6. lie sees ghosts and insects, Bell. ',. °Dread of ghosts, Aon. 40 HOME-SICKNESS—HURRIEDNESS. 8. Hallucinations, dread of ghosts, which appear to his fancy day and night, Ars. ABOUT ONES OWN BODY. 1. Hallucinations : he imagines all sorts of strange things about his own body, such as. that his body has shrunk like that of a dead per- son, that his stomach is corroded, that his scrotum is swollen ; though knowing that these things are ima- ginary, yet he imagines he sees them, Sabad. 2. °The child said there were big sores on him, Stram. ABOUT STRANGE PERSONS. 1. Hallucinations : while reading a book, she imagined that some one was reading after her and oblig- ed her to read faster, with buz- zing and humming around her; when raising her head she imagined she saw large clouds and rocks, disappearing gradually ; followed by anguish, fearfulness, restless- ness, Magn. mur, 2. Disposition to repulsive, fantas- tic imaginations when alone, Fluor. ac. 3. Fancies he has seen a man who was absent, Hyosc. 4. In the evening, he looks round, imagining that some kind of figure is standing there, Brom. 5. When entering the room, in the evening, he imagines he sees somebody, which alarms him ; also in the day time, he imagines he hears somebody in the room, Lye. 6. While spinning she sees strange people around her, though she knows that there are not any. Magn. sulph. 7. He talks with absent persons as if they were present, accost- ing dead figures, such as chess- men, with the names of those per- sons, and not noticing any of the persons around him, Stram. S. She imagines she sees a num- ber of persons, and grasps at them, and yet they were not pre- sent, Stram. ABOUT STRANGE THINGS AND FIGURES. 1. Hallucinations: he sees things which are not present, Bell. 2. In the evening he saw more figures, his head felt dull and sick, and then very hot, Phos. ac. about sounds. 1. Hallucinations : he imagined he heard the clock strike, or he saw- high things placed beyond the sphere of his vision, move by his side, Phos. ac. Home-sickness. 1. Home-sick, with red cheeks, Cupr. 2. °Home-sickness, Bell, Carb. a. Hell. Merc. Nitr. ac. Silic, 3.----, weeps, Magn. mur. Hnrriedness. 1. Hurriedness, Con. 2.----, and uneasiness, Each. 3.----, and restlessness, animation. Hyosc 4.----, also with anxiety, Natr. mur. 5-----, when talking, Merc. Phos. ac. 6-----, in talking and doing things, Camph. 7-----» in performing mental la- bour, Ambr. 8- ----> precipitate determination* of the will, Lauroc. ®- > in his actions, does some- thing different from what he in- tends, Puis. 10-----» hurried zeal, followed by a gnawing pain in the arm and head ot the humerus, Magn. art. 1L----» she can do nothing fast enough to satisfy herself, Sulph. ac. IDIOCY.—THINKING.—ILL-HUMOUR. 12. IIurriedness, great exhaustion, with feeling of heat and cold sweat in the face, and hurried, over- strained activity, Magn. art. 13.----, involuntary haste in seizing something, Sulph. 14.----, after some mental exertion, in the morning, he cannot write or speak fast enough ; this induces an anxious demeanor, wrong talking, writing, awkwardness, Ign. Idiocy. j 1. Idiocy, imbecility. Bar. m. Merc. Nux. m. Sec. corn. Stram. '2. Imbecility and constant sopor, Hyosc. 3. Imbecility, stupefaction, dumb- ness and deafness, with involuntary stools, Merc. 4. She was unable to connect two ideas, and was like an imbecile, Sulph. 5. Imbecility, dulness of the mental faculties and senses, Op. 6. Imbecility, which is manifest by his speeches and actions, Hyosc. ~. Absence of intellect, and of the internal sense, with inactivity of the external senses as during sleep, Ars. S. Imbecile appearance, he looks at people with an insipid ex- pression, even while conversing \ with them on serious subjects ; he behaves shyly and sillily, and talks in a childish manner, Arg. nit. i 111 Effects of Thinking. I. Ill effects of thinking : think- ing fatigues him, Asaf. 2. Winn reflecting upon something his head aches, Phos. 3. He became giddy, when think- ing, Phos. ac. 4. When thinking of disagreeable things he feels a sort of appre- hensiveness, especially at the pit of the stomach. Phos. 5. Thinking fatigues his head, Cocc. 6. Ill effects of thinking, thinking gives her a headache, Salad. 7.----, it wears him out, he feels exhausted, it gives him a sensation of nausea, which causes a feeling of illness in his whole person, Aur. 8. She is anxious to think, but it makes her weak, tremulous, cold and damp over the body, Aur. 9. When he attempts to think. the pains in the head and the nausea, with inclination to vomit, increase perceptibly, Asar. 10. His sight frequently vanishes while endeavouring to think, Aeon. Ill-Humcured. 1. Ill-humour, sometimes preceded by cheerfulness, 01. an. 2. Ill-humoured, for a short time, Ign. 3.----, after a walk or nap, Magn, p. aust, 4.----, sensitive, Chin. Kal. nit. 5. Ill-humour, Anac. Asaf. Bovist. Brom. Cast. Clem. Coff. Cycl. Hep. s. Led. p. 6.----, on rising early, Gutt. Nitr. ac. 7. Ill-humoured, especially in the morning, Am. carb. 8.----, the whole day, Ant. cr. 9.----, grumbling, Alum. 10. Ill-humour, seen by his looks before he himself is aware of it, Kal. carb. 11. Ill-humoured, bad weather puts him out of humour, Am. carb. VEXED. 1. Ill-humour, peevish and vexed without any cause, Ant. cr. 2. Ill-humoured, he feels vexed and even tired of life, Berb. v. 3.----, disposed to feel vexed. Carb. a. 4. ----, disposed to feel vexed, Dros. 5. Ill-humour, silent; vexed at everything, even at things which do not concern him, Stram. 42 ILL-HUMOUR. 6. Ill-humour, vexed at every thing, Silic. 7.----, irritable, disposed to be angry, Mur. ac. 8. Ill-humoured, vexed, Caust. 9.----, inclined to feel vexed, Aeon. RESTLESS. 1. Ill-humour, extremely uneasy, Ni'r. ac. 2. Ill-humoured and restless the whole day, S'ram. 3. Ill-hum our. with restlessness, Staph. VEXED AT TRIFLES. 1. Ill-humour about trifles, Ars. Kal. carb. Lact. Lauroc. Natr. carb., Petr. Rhus t. 2. Ill-humoured at every trifle, even the conversation of others, Mangan. S. Gets vexed easilv, and then weeps, Bell. DISAGREEABLY IMPRESSED BY OUT- WARD THINGS. 1. Ill-humoured, cannot forget what made him so, Sass. 2. Ill-humour, disagreeably im- pressed by every thing, Con. 3. Ill-humoured about every thing, Samb. 4. Ill-humour, every thing is disa- greeable to him, even music. Merc. 5.----, exceedingly fretful, nothing pleased him. Stram. 0.----, about every thing, even things which do not concern him, Staph. 7. Easily put out of humour, even when trying to keep cool, Silic. *. Ill-humoured, every thing is un- pleasant, Caust. 9. Disagreeably impressed by every- thing around him, Anac. 10. Peevish, censorious, Ign. 11. (Jloomy and peevish, wants to go into the open air, Anac. ILL-HCMOUR AFTER A MEAL. 1. Ill-humoured after a meal, Carb. i\ Cham. ILL-HUMOUR FROM VARIOUS CAUSES. 1. Ill-humoured, the child asks for many things with vehemence and tears. Rheum. 2. ——, the child cries distressing^ when things are refused, Cham. 3.----, the child is not quiet till carried on the arm, Cham. 4. Ill-humour, disposed to feel vexed, which causes a pain as if :i nail were forced into his head, Magn. art. 5. Ill-humoured during the period of digestion, with oppressive sensa- tion in the throat and chest, as one feels when about to weep, Jod. VARIOUS KINDS OF ILL-HUMOUR. 1. Ill-humour, cries aloud, less in the open air, Coff. 2.----, with headache, loss of appe- tite, drowsiness, lassitude, Spong. 3. ■----, and chilliness, Puis. 4. Ill-humoured, with spitting, Calc. c. 5.----, with ennui, Bar. c. 6. Ill-humour, he moans from cha- grin without any apparent cause, with aching in upper part of head. Zinc m. 7. Ill-humoured, as if from internal chagrin, looks as if she had not slept enough, or were not quit* conscious of herself, Am. mur. 8.----, with hurriedness and press- ing in the forehead,, Bry. 9. ----, vexed on account of hi* work progressing too slowly, Iprc 10.----and sleepy as soon as h« sits idle, Calc. c. 11. Sullen, she imagines everv thing evil, looks on the worst sid« of things, Calc c. 12. Ill-humour, irresolute, Chin. 13. Ill-humoured, irritable, Agar. 14.----. and irritable, especially in the afternoon and in the open'air. JEth. L 1^-----, sometimes with anxietv, , dulness of the head, Bov. 1(j-----, with giddiness the Avhol* > > evening, Calc. c. ILL-HUMOUR, 4-3 17. Ill-humour, causing loathing of life, apprehensions about the fu- ture, Grot. 18. Ill-humoured, quarrelsome, Dig. 19. Ill-humour, is apt to quarrel and scold, takes every thing in bad part, Nux v. 20. Vexed at trifles, with palpitation of the heart, and hurried, audible breathing, Vera!. 21. Ill-humoured, afterwards feeling of heat, followed by pressure at the stomach ; then nausea with much heat in the face and loss of appetite, Phos. 22. Easily put out of humour, with cold hands, heat in the face and palpitation of the heart, Phos. ILL-HUMOUR FROM PAST VEXATIONS. 1. Irritable MOOD,the recollection of past vexatious occurrences makes him feel extremely angry, with anguish, palpitation of the heart, and sweat over the whole body, Sep. 2. Ill-humour on account of past unpleasant occurrences crowding upon her mind, Lye. 3. Dissatisfied when thinking of past disagreeable occurences, Sep. 4. Ill-humoured, the recollection of former vexations makes him angry, Calc. c. THOUGHTFUL. 1. Ill-humoured, pensive, the whtde body feels uncomfortable, Mangan. 2.----, extremely so, and very thoughtful, Stram. repulsive. 1. Ill-humoured and taciturn, reject ing every thing, I pec. 2.----, could have thrown every thing out of his hands, Coff. WITH PALE LOOKS. 1. Ill-humoured appearance, hc looks pale, fallen away, Mez. WITH DRY MOUTH. 1. Ill-humour, violent scolding un- til the mouth is dry, the lip blue, the eye staring and the face pale as a corpse, when she falls down, Mosch. 2. Ill-humoured, irritable, withdrv- ness of the mouth, Bell. WITH WEEPING MOOD, DESPONDING. 1. Ill-humour, disposed to weep. Ars. Kreas. Mosch. Sulph. 2.----, with weeping mood, PI if. 3.----, after great cheerfulness, or with anxiety and hypochondria, passing off after bleeding of tbw nose, Kal. chlor. 4. Ill-humoured, disposed to scold : then desponding, discontented, and so on alternately for some days. Ranun. b. 5. Ill-humour, desponding, with sense of debility in all her limbs. Sabin. 6. ----, weeps frequently. Staph. 7.----, with melancholy, and irri- table temper, Staph. 8. Ill-iiumouked, the child incline* to weep and complain, Cin. 9.----, sad in the evening, Ant. c 10.----, melancholy, ill.humour. Asar. 11. Ill-humour, peevish, increasing to tears when interrupted in hi* business, Puis. 12. Ill-humoured, he cries piteousdy when one attempts to touch him. Cin. 13. °Ill-humour, the child will not. allow itself to be touched or looked at, Ant. cr. 14. °Ill-humoui;kd, fault finding, Lach. 15. Ill-humour, dissatisfaction, Colch. lo. Ill-humoured and fault-findiuir. Puis. 17. Ill-humoui:, dissatisfied with every thing that is done by others, Cham. IS. Ill-humoured, and dissatisfied with everv thing. -4m. carb. 44 IMPATIENCE—INABILITY TO THINK. WITH MENTAL AND PHYSICAL INERTIA. 1. Ill-humour, moaning, not dis- posed to talk, increased by caresses, Chin. 2. ----, not disposed to mental labour, Staph. 3. ----, not disposed to work, Mann. mur. 4. Ill-humoured, with laziness, Dulc 5. ----, and lazy, Causl. 6. Ill-humour, with want of dispo- sition to work either with the body or mind, Chin. 7.----, he does not like to be in- terrupted, and yet does not ac- complish anything, Magn. p. arct. WITH LOVE OF SOLITUDE. 1. Ill-humoured, men and noise are repulsive to him, Phos. 2. ----, easily vexed, would like to be alone, Graph. 3. Ill-humoured, does not want to look at any body or to hear of any thing, Ars. DOES NOT WISH TO ANSWER. 1. Ill-humour, takes every thing in bad part and becomes angry when she is requested to answer a ques- tion, or to cat without having an appetite, Ars. 2.----, he does not wish to answer any questions, to have any one come near him; he does not get fast enough what he wants, Sulph. 3.----, does not want to speak, Magn. sulph. \.----, with dissatisfied mood, gets vexed when he is to utter a single word, Co^oc. 5.----, docs not wish to talk, Niccol. 0.----, broods, his temper is soured, Ign. 7. Ill-humoured, taciturn, Natr. mur. fc. Ill-humour, taciturn, especially in the evening. Zinc, me . 9. Ill-humourbd, absorbed in re- verie, not disposed to speak, even- ing, Am. mur. 10. Ill-humour, extremely morose and irritable, does not speak a word, Arn. Impatience. 1. Impatience, Ars. 2.----, in the afternoon, Nitr. ac. 3.----, to a high degree, I pec. 4.----, irritable mood, Carb. v. 5. ----, at every thing she under- takes, Sulph. 6.----, he feels desperate as if hc could blow his brains out, Carb. v. 7. ----, he feels desperate, Calc. c. 8.----, thought he should die when he had to wait for something un- important, Hyosc. 9.----, stamps with his feet, be- comes delirious, and then weeps, Dulc. Inability to think. 1. Inability to think, Caps. Hell. Hydr. ac Nitr. ac. Natr. m. Nux tv. Oleand. Phos. ac. Sil. Thuj. 2.----correctly, Nux v. 3.----, confusion of ideas, Asaf. 4. Inability to conceive an idea, with headache, Phos. 5. Inability to collect one's ideas, Lauroc 6. Inability to think, difficulty to collect his senses, to conceive a* idea, with heat and fulness in the head, Arg. nit. 7. His thoughts are much disturbed by the conversation of others, Chin. S. Inability to follow up his ideas, Alum. 9. Frequent stoppage of thought, when reading or writing, Aeon. 10. Occasional loss of ideas, Bor. 11. Temporary arrest of ideas, Chin. 12. Frequent absence of thought Asaf. ° ' INABILITY TO THINK. 45 13. Inability to think, absence of ' thought, with drowsiness, Natr. mur. 14. Sensation as if his understanding were arrested and as if his brain were pressed down, and the eyes out, a sort of fainting turn, Magn. p. arct. 15. The ideas seem to stand still, Hyosc. 16. Sensation as if he had lost all power to think, Hyosc. 17. He is unable to fix his attention, Magn. art. 18. Unable to fix an idea, Lye. 19. Loss of.memory, when reading- he thought of a thousand other things, was unable to comprehend any thing, forgot what he was read- ing, and was unable to recollect past things, Phos. ac. 20. Inability to think, unable to chain his attention, Agn. 21. He cannot direct his thoughts long to one object Am. 22, One idea chases the other, hete- rogeneous ideas crowd upon his mind, while attending to his busi- ness, Merc. 23. Unable to arrange the ideas that crowd upon him, Chin. 24. Dulness of mind, absence of mind, absence of thought, the mind being in a sort of stupor, Zinc. m. 25. He finds it difficult to think, he feels as if he were dreaming, Carb v. 26. Feels stupid, Rhus t. 27. Inability to calculate, reflect, his head feels confused, he falls asleep when sitting, Merc. 28. Incoherent answers, with cold skin and quick pulse, Crotal. 29. Inability to think coherently. writes down only incoherent sen- tences, although his ideas are clear. Sol. mam. 30. Inability to think, with sensation as if all the functions of the soul were performed in the pit of the stomach for two hours, then vertigo and thinks again naturally, Aeon. . Inability to think, to find suit- able words for his ideas, hence he falters in his speech. Arg. nit. SLOW FLOW OF IDEAS. 1. Dulness of mind; slowness of ideas, has to think of an answer a. long time before he is able to say anything, Nux. m. 2. Slowness of thought, emptines* of the mind, Phos. 3. Inability to think, heavy flow of ideas, Sep. 4. His ideas flow slowly, turn on one point, with tight feeling about the head, Carb. v. 5. Slow flow of ideas, slowness of consciousness, attended with dread of motion, and constant inclination to be lying or sitting down, Chin. vanishing of ideas. 1. His thoughts vanish, his face feel- ing hot ; more when standing, Bry. 2. The ideas vanish, Chin, sulph. 3. Feels as if the thoughts van- ished, Coff. 4. An idea vanishes when he endea- vours to retain it, Staph. 5. Vanishing of thought, Merc 6. Gradual vanishing of thought. when reading, with disposition to sleep, also with dizziness, Nux. m. 7. Vanishing of ideas while talk- ing, Mez. 8. Vanishing of ideas, while endeu- . vouring to write them down. Croc. 9. Her thoughts vanish when any thing affects her, Croc 10. Vanishing of thought, with black- ness before his eyes, Lach. 11. Sudden vanishing of thought while at his work, Hep. s. !2. Her thoughts vanish when think- ing on any thing important. Nitr. ac. 13. Gradual vanishing of ideas as if one would go to sleep, Asar. 4J INDELICACY.—INDISPOSITION TO WOKK. 14. When he attempts to think, his thoughts immediately vanish, and he has to cease thinking, A.-.ar. Indelicacy. J. No sense of propriety and refin- ed feeling. Op. 2. Absence of sh:trne ; she undresses herself, and wants to go naked. us if crazy, Phos. Indisposition to Work. 1. Indisposition to wouk. Amm. curb. Anac A-";/'. Berb. Bor. /Irani. Caps, caust. C"ff. Con. Graph. Jagl. Lauror. M' busi- ness. A <'.----, does not take any pleasure in any thing, but on the other hand is not displeased with any thing, Puis. 0. ----, with phlegmatic mood and mental languor, Staph. 7.----, listless, inert, hypochon- dria, Euphor. 8. ----, and serious ; is vexed when other people laugh, Mn-c 9. ----, he listens to n\\.'xy thing with great indifference, and at- taches no meaning to what hc hears, Carb. c 10.----, with weary mind and sad heart, Stram. 11. ----, with paleness and dimness of sight, Stan. 12.----, to things and men, with aversion to work, Mez. 13. ----, with indisposition to work, Calc. c. 14. Does not take any pleasure in looking at members of hi* family, Hep. s. 15. Indifference even to life, Ars. 10. No disposition to talk, Staph. 17. Indifference and somnolence with difficulty of breathing; head ache, Plumb. H. ----, to every thing, even food, though he relishes it, and to those dearest to him, Merc 19. ----, to music, though hc. is fond of it, Carb. v. 20. ----, did not care whether his wife would die. Plat. 21. ----. to business, pleasure, ex- ercise; he feels uncomfortable, and knows not what to do with himself, Sulph. 22. ----. even to the most pleasant tilings, Stajih. TO JOV OR SORROW. 1. Stupid indifference to pain and pleasure, Op. 2. ----, to joy or sorrow, Hell. 3.----, to every thing, pleasant or unpleasant, Cin. 4. Listless; eaivs neither about pleasant or unphasant things, Anac. 5. Indifference to joy or sorrow, Ambr. Indisposition to Talk. 1. Indisposition to talk. An!, cr. Aur. Bar. carb. Clew. Dig. Eu- phorb. Euphras. Igo. Magnea. mur. Nux. v. Rheum. Sabin. St'inn. 2. Taciturn, Const. Chin. op. 3. Taciturn and brooding mood. Chin. 4. Indisposition to talk, in parox- isms, Cycl. 5. Laconic mode of expression, Coloc. 0. Indisposition to speak and argue, Jugl. 7. ----, to talk or move. Graf. 8. He gets out of humour when requested to sec or hear, with light slow breathing, Ign. 9. He cannot bear being spoken to or interrupted, especially after ris- ing, the pupils being scarcely move- able, Chin. 10. Talking is very hard for him ; he speaks with a low and feeble voice, Verat. 48 INDOLENCE.—INSENSIBILITY. 11. Indisposition to talk, he com- plains of anguish Ars. 12. ----. or think, after walking in the open air, Am. 13. ---, as if words were wanting him, Agar. 14. ----, with fulness in the face, and excitement, Ox. ac. 15. Ill-humoured still; does not like to answer, Stan. 10. °Aversion to talking or laughing, Ambr. 17. Hypochondriac taciturnity, with dulness of the head, and beating in the whole body, Arg. nit. 18. Indisposition to talk, dissatis- fied, Coff. 19. ----, ill-humoured, Phos. ac 20. ----, he does not talk, except when irritated, Verat. 21. ----, inclines to internal chagrin, Zinc. m. 22.----, or do any thing, absorbed, ill-humoured, Canth. 23. ----, with peevish mood, and headache upon entering a room, having felt well in the open air, Calc. c. 24. 25. -, with ill-humour, Bism. -, he answers with ill-humour and screams. Bell. 26.----, with involuntary weeping, Plat. 27. silent mood also, as if de- ranged, with cold, sombre, strange look, sitting silently, with folded hands. Puis. 28. ----, with melancholy, and a silent longing of a spiritual nature, Berb. v. Indolence. 1. Indolence, aversion to exercise. Kalm. lat. Insensibility. 1. Insensibility, indolence, Con. 2. Complete loss of sense, Lauroc. 3. Dulness of sense, Hydr. ac 4. Dulness of sens*-, with hurried- ness; when hurrying, the blood rushes to his face, Ign. 5. Dulness of sense, with half closed eyes, filled with tears, and short. anxious breathing, with heaving ot the chest, Op. G. Dulness of all the senses and anxiety, followed by a red rash on the baek, and sweat, Stram. 7. Senseless and heavy, Hyosc. 8. Decrease and complete vanishing of the senses, Sec. com. 9. Slowness of the external sense** and motor system, Nux. m. 10. Nothing made a strong impres- sion upon him, even his painful herpes did not affect him so much. Ran. bulb. 11. He does not notice the objects around him, Stram. 12. insensibility to external impres- sions, Kal. hyd. Lye. Stram. 13. External things do not impress him, Cham. 14. Complete loss of sense, with cold feet, disappearing as soon as the feet get warm, Each. 15. Every thing appears to him like dead, Mez. 10. Her head feels so still that she imagines she is alone in the world, every body seemed a stranger to her, Puis. 17. Loss of sense, vanishing of hear- ing and sight, 01. an. 18. Insensibility, neither sees nor hears any thing, Hyosc. 19. °Like deaf and dumb in the day time, never answers a question. Aeon. 20. Dulness of feeling, unfeeling indolence. Hyosc. 21. Ik- lies in one corner, stupid, Cupr. 22. Insensibility, as if half dream- ing, Cupr. 23. Disappearance of everv kind nf pain, Inuroe. 24. Insensible to pinching, Hyosc 25. Insensibility of the body with taciturnity, Cycl. INSOLENCE—INVOLUNTARY MEMORY. 49 Insolence. 1. Insolent, and contradicting, Canth. 2. Sullen imperiousness and inso- lence, Am. Intolerance of Contradiction. I. The least contradiction excites his wrath, Aur. Niccol. 2. Cannot bear any contradiction, Am. carb. Lye. Oleand. 3. Intolerance of contradiction, it irritates him unto quarrelling, which makes him feel angry with himself, Ign. 4.----, or persuasion to do differ- ently, Nux v. Intoxication. 1. Intoxication, as from brandy, Graph. Hyosc. Kal. carb. Led. p. Nux m. Millef Sil. Thuj. Sec. corn. 2. Feeling of intoxication in the brain, affecting the whole body, Amydal. amar. i 3. Intoxication from taking the least liquor, Con. 4, Intoxication after eating, with mounting of heat, and redness of face, which swells, Merc. 5. Sense of intoxication, with dul- ness of sight and warmth in the face, Croc. 0. Sense of intoxication as from drinking wine, with a bloated, red face, Bell. 1. Sense of intoxication immediately after dinner, Bell. fl. Easily intoxicated, even from the weakest spirituous drinks, Alum. ',». Sensation in the head and limbs as if one had been intoxicated, Phos, ac. 10. ----, resembling madness, Nux in. 11.----, with stupefaction, Op. 12. ——, with heaviness in the body, Stram. 13.----, and cloudiness of head. Nux v. Phel. Vol. III.—4. 14. Reeling sensation as if intoxicat- ed, while sitting, Spig. 15. Intoxication, with reeling, Verat. 16. Excitement, as after taking spi- rits, accompanied by violent itch- ing, commencing at the head and thence spreading over the whole body, Cod liv. 17. Intoxication, as if giddy, Op). 18. Paroxysms of intoxication after dinner, with vertigo and heat, Puis. 19.----, and vertigo, as if every thing were turning, Valer. 20.----, with violent headache, Tabac. 21.----, also with staggering or in- ertia, also with heaviness of head, and pain in forehead, then occiput, Nux m. 22.----, with thirst, and profuse flow of burning urine, Stram. 23.----, profuse sweat from morn- ing till night, stupefaction, and deep sleep, from which he wakes in the morning confused and lan- guid, with reeling when standing; copious and rapid micturition af- forded relief, Terebinth. 24. Excitation as if intoxicated, sen- sation as if hanging in the air, in the evening, after lying down, Jvgl. Involuntary Memory. 1. Remembers, involuntarily, per- sons and things which he had no intention to think of, and is unable to recollect things which he would like to remember, Hyosc. 2. Involuntary memory : she sud- denly recollects a concert at which she was present a long time ago, and feels as if she heard the single instruments, C7roc. 3. She thinks of a great many past events which had wounded her feel- ings ; also of joyous things and melodies ; in the evening they hin- der sleep, Sulph. 4. Ideas crowd upon his mind, she recollects things which had taken place a long time ago, Coff. 5. He recollects suddenly,.without 50 INVOLUNTARY RECOLLECTION OF VEXATIONS, &c. any cause, insignificant regions which had never made a deep im- pression upon him, Sen. 6. Words and phrases which he had heard, pass involuntarily through his head, Sulph. Involuntary recollection of past vexations. 1. Remembers past vexations, Con. 2. Is tormented by thoughts about former unpleasant occurrences, Am. carb. 3. Is unable to stop talking about former vexatious things, Chain. 4. While thinking of indifferent things, she calls up in her mind dis- agreeable, offensive occurrences, until she is unable to get rid of them; accompanied with much courage, which induces her to take bold resolutions, Sulph. Irresoluteness, 1. Irresoluteness, Ferr. mag. Hel- leb. Grat. Kal. carb. Puis. Mez. Sulph. 2.----, excessive, Petr. 3.----, andhurriedness,Jf«<7«es art. 4. ——, dissatisfaction, Cupr. f>. He wavers for a long time be- tween opposite resolutions, Bar. c. <•-. He proposes a little journey, but as soon as he makes preparations, he changes his mind and prefers re- maining at home, Bar, c. 7. Irresolute, determines to do a thing, and then changes his mind suddenly, Ars. Irritability. 1. Irritable, Cocc. Lye. Natr. carb. Nitr. ac. 2. Irritable disposition during an important business, Bor. 3.----, and weeping mood, Sep. 4.----mood, though cheerful, Sen. 5.----mood, though cheerful, Silic. qm ----, wants to throw away every thing he is holding in his hand, Staph. 7. Irritable mood, cannot bear being spoken to, Verat. 8. Irritable, weeps when a word is spoken to her, Staph. 9.----, with hot face; she wanted to do all sorts of things, but did not accomplish any thing, Start. 10.----, and taciturn, Sulph. 11. Extremely irritable, cannot bear being asked a question, Nux v. 12. Irritated mood, with indifference, Asaf. 13. Irritable and contradicting, Anac. 14.----, not disposed to talk, (dur- ing the menses.) Am. carb. Jealousy. 1. Jealousy, complains of pretended wrongs, Hyosc. 2.----, even to frenzy, in the even- ing, Each. Loathing of Life. 1. Loathing of life, °Ambr. Am. carb. Chin. Mez. Natr. mur. Plumb. ac. Phytol. elec. Phos. Sil. 2. Desires to die, without feeling sad, Rhus t. 3. Loathing of life, she wishes to die, though she fears death, Nitr. ac. 4.----, from anxiety, Caust. 5.----, from a feeling of unhappi- ness, Carb. v. 0. ----, hypochondria, Natr. mur. 7. Thinking of death gives him in- tense joy, Aur. 8. Loathing of life, feels as though he could not bear such a miserable existence, Sep. 9. He imagines he is not fit for this world, and longs for death, Aur. Loss of Consciousness. 1. Loss of consciousness and sen- sibility, Sec. corn. 2- ----. Agar. jEthus. Elect. Hyosc. Led. p. Oleand. 3. Vanishing of the senses, Camph. Verat. 4. He apprehends the loss of his senses, Stram. LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS—LOSS OF MEMORY. 25. He does not recognize his own relatives, Bell. 26. Loss of sense, with convulsions of the extremities, Bell. 27. Loss of consciousness, he knows not where he is, Merc. 28. He was unable to recognize those around him, and, if spoken to, he heard the questions, but his an- swers were unintelligible sounds. Tabac. 29. Occasional sensation as if her thoughts and memory had vanish- ed, with buzzing in the head, Kal, carb. 30. Loss of consciousness, when turning the head, is unable to raise the head after stooping, Rhus t. 31. She ran about the room for some minutes, without knowing where she was, Sulph. 32. Doubts the reality of his condi- tion, Cic. 33. Inability to collect one's senses, stares at things, with slow pulse. head falling forwards, wakes from time to time as by a start, Cic. 34. Loss of consciousness, in parox- ysms, he heard and saw nothing, his ideas had vanished, Carb. a. 35. ----, with blackness before the eyes, when making an effort to turn the staring eyes away from an object, Cic. 36. Sudden failing of the senses, with complaints, uttered in a quick and confused manner, as if his fingers and toes would be cut off, Mosch. 37. Exclaims suddenly: I fall, as if she would faint, but remains seated quietly, walks about,then sits down again, presses her hands to her head, and complains of violent pains, without mentioning where, Mosch. 38. Loss of consciousness, runs against objects with wild, open eyes, Hyosc. 5. Violent shaking of the head, foam at the mouth, loss of conscious- ness, Bell. 0. Loss of consciousness : loss of sensation, loss of speech, Ars. 7. On seeing a thing or speaking a word, he feels as if somebody else had seen or spoken it, Alum. 8. Sensation as if he would lose his consciousness, or as if it belonged to somebody else, Alum. 9. He lies down without conscious- ness, articulating unintelligible sounds, with staring eyes, cold sweat on the forehead, tremor, and small, hard, quick pulse, Ars. 10. Loss of consciousness, which seems to be accompanied with an internal uneasiness, and to arise from it, Stram. 11. ----, for a few minutes he came near falling, Kal. carb. 12. ----, with weakness, or loss of speech and motion, Lauroc. 13. ----, and speech, with collapse of speech and cadaverous appear- ance, natural temperature of the body and soporous condition, with gradual return of speech and sense, Merc. 14. He knew not what he was about, Hyosc. 15. Loss of consciousness and sen- sation, with relaxation of all the muscles, Op. 16. Pie became quite stupid, lost his senses, felt better after vomiting, Tabac. 17. Sits in his bed like a statue, de- prived of his senses, Hyosc. 18. His ideas seem to stand still, he stares, Cann. 19. Loss of consciousness, the head is drawn to one side, the body deadly pale, Camph. 20. ----, followed by oppressive anxiety or insensibility, Tabac. 21. Feels as if dreaming, Verat. 22. He was sitting as in a dream, Bell. 2-3. Does not know his own relatives, Op. 21. Does not know his relatives, Hyosc. Loss of Memory. 1. Loss of memory, Carb. a. Carb. s. Con. Crot. Coff. Caust. Calc. c. Elec. Op. Plumb, Natr, ccrli LOSS OF MEMORY. inability to recollect. 1. Is frequently unable to recollect things, during a walk, Ag?i. Hep. s. FORGETFUL. 1. Forgetful, Agar. Alum. Guaj. Zinc. m. 2. Forgetful, unable to collect him- self, Am. carb. 3. Headache, during which she for- gets what she thought of a while ago, Bell. 4. Forgetful, with headache when reflecting on any thing, Am. carb. 5. Forgets the very place where he is, Mosch. WEAK memory. I. Weak memory, Ambr. Ars. Bar. c. Ign. Nux m. Stram. Petr. 2. Loss of memory, absence of thought, Cupr. 3. He does not know whether the things he had in his memory have actually happened, or whether they are a mere dream, Staph. 4. He is apt to do his business wrong, and he forgets things which he had just intended to do, Bell. 5. Loss of memory, after a tetanic fit, with loss of consciousness, and vomiting, Camph. FORGETS THINGS OF RECENT DATE. 1. Loss of memory, forgets what he heard a moment before, Each. 2. Forgets what she had just been reading, Hell. 3. Does not recollect what he had been doing during the day, Sabin. 4. Forgot the things which had just happened, Sulph. 5. Forgets immediately what he had been reading or thinking, Staph. 6. He is scarcely able to recollect the things of yesterday, Bor. 7. Is scarcely able to recollect things that just happened, Aeon. FORGETS WORDS AND NAMES. 1. Forgets the word he wishes to utter, Sulph. 2. Unable to recollect well-known names, Oleand. 3. Forgets the names of the letters of the alphabet, is on that account unable to read that which he writes, Lye. 4. Extremely forgetful, especially of proper names, Sulph. 5. He omits whole words when writing or talking, Cham. 6. Omits whole syllables and words. in speaking or writing, Nux v. 7. He omits single letters while writing, Puis. 8. Loss of memory, forgets what he is talking about, omits words in writing, Rhod. 9. Uses wrong words when talk- ing or writing, Graph. Hep. s. 10. Makes frequent orthographical mistakes, Each. 11. He frequently chooses wrong ex- pressions, Kal. carb. 12. Cannot think of the right word when talking, Con. 13. Frequently makes mistakes in speaking, or in quoting M'eight and measure, Nux v. 14. Unable to retain his ideas, or to find suitable expressions, Eye. 15. Has great trouble in finding the proper expressions while talk:n«r, Puis. 16. Loss of memory, uses wron2 ex- pressions when talking, Alum Sdic. 17- ——, does not hear the questions he is asked, cannot remember what he has been reading, and uses wrong expressions in talking Merc. 18. He stammers and uses wrong expressions when talking, Chum..' 19. He is apt to choose wrong ex- pressions in talking or writing, or to misplace them, Chin. 20. Using wrong words when writ- ing, Cann. 21. Makes mistakes in calculati-ur. LOSS OF MEMORY.—: LOVE OF SOLITUDE. uses wrong or unsuitable words in writing or talking, Am. carb. 2^J. Inability to pronounce nouns, with slowness of sense, Chin, sulph. 23. He frequently pronounces words wrong, and transposes letters and syllables, Caust. 24. She confounds one word with another, and easily chooses a wrong expression, Calc. c. FORGETS DATES. 1. Forgets dates, Fluor ac. 2. Lost the faculty of remembering dates, Aeon. FORGETS HIS OWN IDEAS. 1. He suddenly forgets his ideas, Natr. mur. 2. He is not sure whether he did say what he intended to say, Hyosc. 3. Loss of memory, forgets what she intended to do, Kreas. 4. Forgets what she had been in- quiring about, Croc. 5. Forgets what he intended to say, Colch. Hell. 6. Sudden vanishing of ideas while writing, has great difficulty in call- ing back the lost thought, Nux m. 7. Frequently forgets the first part of a phrase before commencing the second, Merc. 8. While thinking, his ideas get con- fused, and he forgets what he was going to think of, Staph. 9. Loss of memory, forgets the lat- ter part of a phrase, while he is uttering the first; the memory of names is lost entirely, Merc. 10. He is unable to write or to ex- press his thoughts, Carb. a. 11. Forgets what he had just been thinking of, Cocc. 12. Is apt to forget the end of what he was writing down, and has to think of it, Aeon. 13. He forgets the word which he is about to speak, Am. 14. He forgets what he has just spoken, or what he is about to ut- ter, Bar. c. 15. In the midst of her speech she is frequently unable to think of :i common word, Bar. c. WEAKNESS OF MEMORY OF VARIOUS KINDS. 1. Is unable to recollect things ; his recollections are clear when he has no feverish chilliness, Rhus t. 2. Confounds present with past things, Cic. 3. Weak memory when out of hu- mour, Hep. s. 4. Forgetful and stupid, he does something different from what he intends, Phos. 5. Forgets every thing he hears, with internal and external heat of head. Dig. 6. Loss of memory, sudden, with pressure on the vertex, Mosch. 7. Inability to recollect that which he has said or done during the last year, appears to him like a dream. Hyosc. 8. Weak memory, with mental in- dolence, Spig. 9. Inability to recollect, without any imagination, Cann. 10. She drops things, forgets what she is doing, Bry. 11. Weakness of memory, even while the bodily strength increases, Nitr. ac. 12. He knew nothing of yesterday. and imagined he had lost his un- derstanding, Natr. mur. 13. He imagines his mother had died, because he did not recollect hav- ing seen her; though she was present every hour, Natr. mur. Love of Solitude. 1. Love of solitude, Alum. Aur. Carb. a. Chin. Magn. p. arct. 2.----, and silence, Menyan. 3. Wishes, to be alone and to lie down with her eyes closed, Sej>. 4. Sad, wants to be alone, Rhus 1. 5. He desires to be alone and quiet. dislikes noise and visits, Bell, MIRTHFULNESS—NERVOUSNESS. 0. Cannot bear the society of his, friends, Coloc. '. Avoids the society of her own children, Lye. Mirthfulness. 1. Mirthfulness, Fluor, ac. Grat. Ox. ac. Stan. 2.----, even in hypochondriac per- sons, Croc. 3. ----, excessive, Anac. Lye. Verbas. 4.----, increasing to wantonness, Bar. c. 5. ----, after supper, great exulta- tion of the vital powers for a quar- ter of an hour, followed by drowsi- ness, Bell. G. Extremely lively, eccentric, wild, Verat. 7. Inclined to sing, Croc. 8. Inclined to hum a song, Natr. carb. 9. Irresistible desire to sing, with excessive mirth, followed by indis- position to work, Spong. 10. Sings the whole day, Tabac. 11. Irresistible disposition to hum a song, Cocc. 12. Mirthfulness, disposed to sing and sport, Mercurial. 13. Sings involuntarily when some one sounds a note, and sings again even if she had determined not to sing any more, Croc. 14. Involuntary disposition to whis- tle and sing, Plat. 15. Involuntary whistling in a fit of mirth, Carb. a. 16. Merry, would like to sing and dance, Aeon. 17. Dances on one leg the whole day, from mirth and good humour, laughing frequently without cause, Tabac. 18. Makes humorous speeches, Caps. 19. Ludicrous ideas crowd upon him all the time, Nux m. 20. Excessive disposition to laugh, particularly in the open &ir, Nux m. 21. Mirthfulness, laughs when one looks at her, while relating some- thing serious, Lye. 22. Fits of great joy, with occasional bursts of laughter, Asaf. 23. Mirthful, immoderate laughter about trifles, Am. carb. Croc. 24. Spasmodic, (sardonic) laughter, Zinc. ox. 25. Laughs at things which are not ridiculous, until tears come into her eyes, Natr. mur. 26. Excessive laughter in the even- ing, Cupr. 27. Disposition to laugh and je>t, with debility and dilatation of the pupils, Croc. 28. Laughs to himself, is cheerful, even when he had cause to feel vexed, Lach. Nervousness. I. Excessive nervousness, Jod. 2. Nervous irritation, Asar. 3. Tremulous agitation of the nerves, as from joyous hope, Aur. 4. Nervous and vascular excitement as from alcohol, constituting a feel- ing of hilarity, the pulse being more frequent than usual, Ox. ac. 5. After a little emotion he trem- bles for a long while, as if chilly, Zinc. m. 6. Talking of others, even of friends, makes him nervous and peevish, Zinc. m. 7. Irritation of the nerves, the mind feels oppressed, body faint, Phos. ac. 8. Nervousness, with indispositiou to attend to any business, Lauroc. 9. Nervous excitement, with warmth of head, Mephit. 10. Nervousness : excitable, her hands become hot from mere talk- ing, Graph. 11. She is anxious, solicitous, incon- solable, weeps, moans, reproaches. her cheeks are red and hot, with- out thirst, Nux v. 12. When beholding a disagreeable object, her limbs and then her whole OBSTINACY.—PRIDE.—RAGE. 55 body become affected, and she al- most loses her consciousness, Nux v. 13. Excitement, with inclination to fritter away one's time, Sulph. 11. Nervousness, with depression of spirits, and intolerance of noise or of anything which affects the senses, Chin. 15. Every event produces a kind of oscillating tremor of the nerves, with faintness, Natr. carb. 10. Her knees tremble, when the mind is ever so little agitated, Caust. 17. Nervousness, over-excited, as if she had been hurried or driven, Carb. v. 18. ----, when about to talk, her pulses throb and her otherwise pale face becomes bloated and bluish- red, Carb. v. 19. ----, with impatience, Ambr. 20. Long-lasting nervousness, some- times accompanied with great de- sire to talk, and exhaustion after talking, Ambr. Obstinacy. 1. Obstinate, Aeon. Alum. Carb. a. Phos. ac. Sec. corn. Silic. 2. ----, (in a child), Am. carb. 3. ----, insolent, Eye. 4.----, disobedient and resisting, Chin. 5. Desires improper things, and cries aloud when they are refused, Ign. 0. Obstinate, headstrong opposition to other people's opinions, Am. 7. Obstinacy, he resists the wishes of others, Nux v. 8.----, with peevish mood, Calc. c. 9. ----, insists upon carrying out his plans, Dros. Pride. 1. Proud feelings, with over-estima- tion of one's self, Plat. 2. Important, self-contented looks, Fer. magn. Quarrelsome. 1. Quarrelsome, Aeon. Ambr. Aur, Bar. c. Bell. Cham. Chin. Fluor. ac. Each. Silic. 2. Mania to dispute, Camph. 3. Quarrelsome, disputes with fat- sent persons, Lye. 4. ----, and irritable, Stram. 5. ----, contradicting, Niccol. 6. ----, and ill-humoured, Ratan. 7. ----, vehement, Kal. hyd. 8. ----, vehement, Fer. acet. 9. He seeks every opportunity to quarrel and say coarse things to those around him, Aur. 10. Quarrelsome, disposed to re- proach others with their fain:s, Nux v. 11. ----, and fault-finding, Petr. 12. ----, is disposed to reproach others, Mez. 13. ----. and reproachful, from jeal- ousy, Nux v. 14. ----, insulting speeches, Hyosc. 15. ----, insulting to others, Merc. 16. ----, he would like to quarrel with every body, Am. 17. ----, and repulsive, Alum. 18. ■----, but merry mood, Strain. 19.----, and vexed mood, Sulph. 20. ----, without feeling vexed, Dulc. 21. ----, and obstinate, Caust. 22. ----, with sullen mood, Caust 23.----, scolds, and strikes those whom she scolds, Lye. 4. Anger, disposed to fight, Natr. carb. Rage. 1. Rage, excited by touching the larynx, or by pressing upon the painful parts in the abdomen, or by the sight of water or broth, Canth. 2. ----, like frenzy or hydrophobia, Canth. 3. ----, he tears every thing, bites and spits, Bell. RAGE AGAINST HIMSELF. 1. Rage, he strikes his face with his fists, Bell. 50 RAGE. 2. Menacing, mischievous rage, in some instances the patient directs it against himself, Agar. BITING AND TEARING. 1. Rage, he bites, and tears every thing with his teeth, even his own limbs, Stram. 2. ----, he bites a person's hand, Stram. 3. ----, in frequent attacks, tries to bite, Cupr. carb. 4. ----, he bites people, and every thing in his way, Bell. 5. ----, he tears his clothes, and does not talk, Verat. 6. ----, he tears up his clothes, throws stones at people, Bell. 7. ----, he tears his clothes, Bell. 8. Frenzy, he tears every thing, is averse to liquids, with oppressed breathing, Merc. WANTING TO ESCAPE. 1. Rage, he attempts to jump out of bed, Bell. 2. ----, wants to escape, and has to he chained, Ars. CURSING AND SWEARING. 1. Fits of rage and despair, with curses, Nitr. ac. 2. He curses and swears the whole night, and complains of a stupid feeling in the head, with headache and ptyalism, Verat. 3. Curses and uses horrible words in detached syllables, Bell. STRIKING. 1. Rage, he strikes around, Bell. FRENZY. 1. Fearless frenzy, with intoxication, accompanied with bold and vindic- tive designs, Agar. 2. Rage, the boy did not know his parents, Bell. with convulsions. 1. Rage and convulsions alternate- ly : violent spasms, after which he became furious, beat and bit those near him, Stram. 2. ----, and frenzy, with distortion of mouth, Op. 3. ----, with convulsions, Canth. 4. ----, with gnashing of teeth, and convulsions, Bell. BARKING. 1. Rage, instead of eating what he had called for, he bit the wooden spoon in two, gnawed at the dish, snarled and barked like a dog, Bell. SPITTING. 1. Rage, he spits people in their faces, Cann. 2. ----, hot body and staring eyes, has to be held, and spits at those who hold her, Bell. 3. ----, the patient being some- times very cunning, at others alter- nately singing and screaming, or spitting and biting, Bell. ATTEMPTING TO KILL. 1. Rage, attempts to murder people, ' ' ' Hyosc. 2.----, he attacks people with a knife, Hyosc. 3- ----, he wants to kill those around him, and says he would do it if the spasms did not prevent him, Sec. con. 4- ----, he wants to kill others and himself, Strain. UNGOVERNABLE. 1. Rage, he has to be kept down by force, Stram. J* ----' he is ungovernable, Hyosc. 6- ----1 with great strength of bod v, Hyosc. BEATING. 1. Rage, he beats people, Hyosc. RESTLESSNESS. 57 2. Rage, he beats persons, with a terrible cry, Stram. PARTICULAR KINDS OF RAGE. 1. Rage, naked day and night, sleep- less and screaming, Hyosc. 2. Madness, breaking forth in envy. reproaches, commanding spirit, Lye. 3. Is beside himself with rage, un- til he has knocked something to pieces, when he feels better, Mosch. 4. Rage, he pulls people's hair, Belt. 5*. ----, followed by copious vomit- ing and deep sleep, after which a violent vertigo remains, with lan- guor and prostration, Sec. com. G. ----, he throws off the bedcover, Bell. 7. ----, when excited ever so little, Dros. 8. ----, with foam at the mouth, Camph. 9. ----, with great heat of the body, Verat. Restlessness. 1. He does a variety of things with great haste, runs about in the house, Aeon. 2. Uneasiness in the the whole body, Merc. Dulc. 3. Went from, place to place, Hyosc. Lack. Stann. 4. Restlessness, Petr. 5. ----, she is running about all the time as if crazy, Jod. 6.----, tosses about, Cupr. 7. ----, obliging him to move from one place to another, Prim. sp. 8. ----, internal uneasiness, had to move to and fro on the chair, Rhus t. 9.----, has to rise, then to lie down, cannot bear walking, Merc. 10. ----, going from place to place, Merc. 11. ----, cannot sit or stand still, as if he had committed a crime, or like one mad, Merc 12. Uneasiness and hurriedness in the day time, he could not restrain himself, Sulph. 13. She has no rest any where, day or night, Sulph. 14. Restlessness, frequently, so that he knows not what to do with him- self, Silic. 15. ----, internally, with hurried- ness, Sep. 16. Appearance as if very busy, and so weak that he drops every thing he holds in his hand, Mosch. 17. Restlessness, agonizing tossing about, with tearing pains in the1 abdomen, followed by dulness of sense and headache, Cham. 18. ----, when sitting or Ivins, Canth. 19. Violent agitation in bed, Bell. 20. At times he seats himself, then he lies down, then walks about. changing his position all the time, Bism. 21. Uneasiness, sometimes accom- panied with oppressive anxiety and an alternate cold feeling in the body and warmth and heaviness in the abdomen, Bov. 22. Restlessness, as if very busy, without accomplishing any thing, then very weak, Calc. c. 23.----, driving him about, with heat in the head, Canth. 24. She runs about, as if mad, Canth. 25. Restlessness, she changes from one place to another, Bell. 20. The body moves continually from side to side, Bell. 27. Unceasing movement of the body, especially the arms, the pulse remaining unchanged, Bell. 28. Uneasiness, chasing him about, as if he were not safe at one place, or as if threatened by some acci- dent, or accompanied with violent oppression of the heart, Am. carb. 29. Restlessness, of a hysteric and hypochondriac nature, Asaf. 30. He cannot do any thing fast enough, and is not satisfied with his efforts, Aur. 58 RESTLESSNESS. 31. Constantly impelled to motion, he is sorry for his inactivity, though he cannot do any work, Aur.* 32. She had no rest anywhere, Bell. 33. She felt as though she ought to escape, Bell. 34. Restlessness, with desire to work ; he undertakes a great many things, but gets tired of a thing as soon as he began it, Verat. RESTLESS MIND. 1. Restlessness as after having committed a crime, Zinc. ox. 2. ----of mind, with indisposition to work, proceeding from the ab- domen, Tart. st. 3. ----, with tremulousness, as if expecting some joyful event, Valer. 4. ----, anxious desire to do, now this, then that, Ign. 5. ----of mind, Dros. 6.----of mind, with feverish mood, Led. p. 7. ----, as if tormented by some- thing, or as if apprehending some sad event, Mangan. 8. His mind is constantly agitated, Sulph. 9. Restlessness of mind, always thinking of something else that he ought to do, Stan. 10. ----, undertakes various things without finishing any, Natr. carb. 11. Restless, uneasy, Cin. 12. Cannot be calmed by persuasion, is indifferent to caresses, Cin. 13. Restlessness, eager to do some- thing, Coec. 14. He commences one thing and then another, without finishing any, Bism. 15. He fritters away his time, does not adhere to one thing, changes constantly, Bov. 16. Wants to undertake a number of things, Bry. 17. He imagines he is driven by busi- ness, Caps. 18. Uneasiness of mind, Agar. 19. Restlessness, with hypochon- driac anxiety as is caused by sed- entary habit, or as if coming ft ■ .m the upper part of the chest, An: RESTLESSNESS OF MIND AND BODY. 1. Uneasiness, hurried desire for bodily and mental activity, Aur. 2. He feels uneasy and uncertain, the circulation being quiet, Aur. 3. Uneasy mind, with loss of all energy and perseverance, Aur. 4. Bodily and mental restlessness. Agar. 5. Uneasiness of the body and mind, as if prevented from doing some- thing which is extremely necessary, accompanied by a total want of dis- position to do any kind of work, Am. RESTLESSNESS WITH SADNESS. 1. Restlessness, with moaning and ill-humour (m a child), Ars. 2. ----, with sadness and thirst, Ars. 3. Sobs and is restless, Am. carb. RESTLESSNESS WITH ANXIETY. 1. Restlessness with anguish, also trembling of limbs, Laur. alb. 2. ----, with anguish, driving him to a distant place, Merc. 3. ----, with anxiety, Sabad. 4. ----, with anguish, oppressive apprehensiveness, oppression of the chest, driving him from one place to another, with constant moaning ; better after weeping, or on waking (after dinner), Tabac 5. ----, the whole day, with op- pression of the chest, Ambr. 6. ----, with pain in the abdomen and knees, Ars. RESTLESSNESS WITH ILL-HUMOUR. 1. Restlessness and want of cheer- fulness, for many days, engaged in sad recollections, Sep. 2. ----, with ill-humour, every thing is contrary to him, Bism. REVERIE.—SENSITIVENESS. 59 Reverie. 1. Reverie, Graf. Sabad. 2. Occasional reverie, falls asleep while reading, Angust. 4. He says something absurd in a reverie, Aur. 5. Walks up and down the room, at night, in deep reverie, Bell. 0. She stares at one point for a long time, Bov. 7. Meditating, absorbed in reverie, Aeon. 8. Reverie, absorbed in her own thoughts, thinks of one disagree- able object, Cocc. 9.----, with apprehension about the present and future, Con. 10.----, thinks of his future fate, Cycl. 11. Absorbed in thought, talks loud- ly to herself, throws her hands about and then exclaims : ah, ah, and demeans herself as if she would lose her senses, Mosch. Sarcastic. 1. Sarcastic, Spong. Scrupulousness. 1. Scrupulous to excess, Magn. p. arct. 2. ----about trifles, Thuj. 3.----, to a high degree, Graph. 4. Scrupulousness, faint, but soli- citous to do his work properly, Magn. art. 4. He has compunctions of con- science about trifles, as if he had committed a crime, Silic. Sensitiveness. TO REMARKS OR OFFENCES. 1. Deeply affected by the least, even only seeming, provocation, Aur. 2. Vexed, with great sensitiveness to insults or offence, Ars. 3. Embittered by slight offences, An gust. 4. Vehement anger on account of the least offence, Anac. 5. Sensitive to offences, Anac. Caps. Canth. Cocc. Cin. Sep. 6. Weeps on account of trifles, or after a remark, Calc c. 7. Highly offended by the least false- hood, Cocc. 8. Is easily vexed, unto crying, with loss of appetite after weeping, Cocc. 9. Sensitive mood, Carb. v. Cocc 10. Excessively sad, feels offenci > most deeply, Cocc. 11. Cries on account of trifles or imaginary offences, Cham. 12. Sensitive mood, disposed to anger, with chilly feeling, or heated by exercise, Caust. 13. The least remark makes her weep, Silic. 14. Gets angry at every little remark, Sulph. 15. Takes every jest in bad part, Aeon. 16. Offended by every little remark. Phos. 17. His temper is easilv ruffled by bright light, odours, bad manners. Colch. TO MUSIC. 1. Music affects her limbs, make- her melancholy, Aeon. 2. She cannot bear music, Cham. 3. Becomes very nervous from pay- ing on the piano, with painful, op- pressive anguish of the chest. trembling and weariness of the whole body, Natr. carb. 4. Weeps on hearing music, Graph. 5. Sadness, apprehensions and des- pondency, increased by musie. Dig. 6. Music and singing affect him much, Nux c 7. Depression of spirits, weeping mood, weeps on hearing mu-de. Natr. sulph. 8. Nervousness, cannot bear music, feels weak, disposed to sweat. Sabin. 60 SERIOUSNESS—STUPEFACTION. 9. Playing on the piano affects her much, Sep 10. She was unable to bear the sounds of the piano, Phos. 11. Weeps when hearing music, Kreas. SENSITIVE to contrarieties. 1. He weeps when people do not exactly do as he wishes, Nux v. SENSITIVE TO PAIN. 1. Unable to bear her pains without lamenting, moaning, reproaches, Nux v. 2. Even the least ailments affect her beyond measure, Nux v. SENSITIVE TO NOISE, LIGHT. 1. Vexed, with excessive sensitive- ness to noise, talk or light, Ars. 2. The nerves are very sensitive to noise, Sep. 3. Intolerance of noise, Aeon. Am. carb. Calc. c. Ign. 4.----, conversation, &c. Cocc. Zinc. m. 5. Affected painfully by the slight- est footstep, Nux v. 6. Noise, talk, odours are intoler- able, Nux v. Seriousness- 1. Serious mood, Am. carb. Spig, 2. Deeply reflecting and taciturn as if threatened by some disagreeable event, Mur. ac. 3. Serious and not disposed to talk with heat in the head, AFth. 4. Serious, reflects about himself Alum. Stram. 5. Thinks calmly of dying, feeling exhausted, Zinc. 6. Disposed to be serious, or to elevated, profound meditations, has to spend the whole night in meditating, Op. 7. He considers every little occur- rence a grave event, Led. pal. Sneering disposition. 1. Disposition to sneer, Ars. Stupefaction. 1. Stupefaction of the senses, Tart. st. 2.----of the head, early in the morning. Thuj. 3.----of head, Bry. Hyosc. Led. p. Millef. Nux v. Puis. 4. Stupid feeling for many davs Phos. 5. Stupefaction of the head on waking, going off after risin^ Phos. 6. Transitory, soporous condition, Merc. corr. 7. Disposition to stupor, Merc. corr. 8. Coma, Chin, sulph. 9. Absence of all thought, loss of sense, Cic. 10. Stupefaction in the highest de- gree, Bell. 11. Stupid feeling in the head, witli nausea, Verat. 12. Stupid feeling in the head, with nausea, Thuj. 13. Stupefaction when extending himself on the sofa, Hep. s. 14. He cried out to the smokers to leave the room, although there were no smokers in it; he spoke in delirium, with open, staring eyes, Tabac. 15. Stupefaction, sits senseless and immoveable, like a wooden figure, Stram. 16. Stupefaction of the sense*, some laugh all the time, but nei- ther hear nor see, although they have the thing constantly before their eyes; they even talk and answer the questions put to them as if they had their senses, although the whole is like a dream to them, Stram. 17. Stupefaction, on waking, as if he did not know himself, Caps. 18 On waking, all things, even hi> friends, appear to him as if he liad never seen them, Stram 19. After waking, he does not recog- nise any thing around him; he takes his book and goes to school, but he enters by the wrong door, Stram. 20. Stupefaction, with dimness of sight, Strain. 21. If some one talks to him he wakes as from a dream ; he looks like an idiot, and has to make an effort to comprehend and answer correctly, Sulph. 22. Sense of stupidity and fulness in the head, Sulph. ac. 23. Stupefaction and falling down, Hydr. ac. 24. ----, melancholy, dulness of the senses and somnolence, Plumb, ace. 25. ----of head, with painful sensi- tiveness of left lower limb, Magn. mur. 20. ---- of head, without vertigo, Sabad. 27. ----, with dulness of occiput, Croc. 28. Weakness of the head, like a sort of stupefaction, when walking in the open air, with gloomy, dis- agreeable ideas, Sulph. 29. Stupefaction, as from smoking strong tobacco. Spig. 30. She imagined she had lost her senses, Sulph. 31. Stupefaction of the senses, also with faint looks and debility, Op. 32. Stupor with dilatation of pupils, also with prostration, Sec. corn. 33. Stupid feeling of head, with sore- ness of the eyes, or bruised pain in the forehead, Puis. 34. Stupefaction, when moving the head or walking, Carb. a. 25. ----, with constant inclination to slumber, Con. 36. Dulness of sense, with drowsi- siness, but unable to sleep, Cham. 37. Stupefaction, with heaviness, Cic. :!H. ----, and pain between the eyes, going off after dinner, and return- ing in an hour, Phos. ACTION, (jj 39. Stupefaction, with headache in the left frontal eminence, Chin. sulph. 40. ----of the head, with tightness of the chest and weakness of the whole body, Sep. 41. ——, as after intoxication, going oft* in the open air, Dulc. 42. ----of head, painful, as from intoxication, Hell. 45. Stupid, as if drowsy and intoxi- cated, Op. 44. Stupefaction, as after intoxica- tion, Rheum. 45. ----, with hot ears and temples, Lye. 46. ----, with cold sweat on fore- head and hands, and repugnance to food and drinks, Cocc. 47. ----, as if unconsdous, with un- dulating buzzing at the top of the head, Calc. c. 48. ----, with suffering look. Arg. nit. 49. The head feels empty, stupid and confused, Berb. s. 50. Tight, stupefied feeling of the head, Ambr. ' 51. Stupefaction, with confusion of the head and ill-humour, Ars. 52. ----of heat, with fluent coryza. Hell. 53. Dulness of sense, as after a cold, Calc. c. 54. Stupefaction, as if one had not slept enough, Ars. 55. ----and dizziness, at noon, Zinc m. 56. Vertiginous stupefaction i:i short paroxysms, with obscuration of sight and general debility, espe- cially afternoon and evening, Zinc. m. 57. Stupefaction of the head, sud- denly, with staggering, Valer. 58. Stupefying dulness, as if a board were pressed against his forehead, with vertigo, obliging him to lie down, and subsequent trembling, Op. 59. Stupefaction of head, like ver- tigo, in any position, Hell. 02 SUPERSTITION.—TENDENCY TO START. 00. Stupefaction, with vertigo, Lau- roc. f>l. Feels stupid when sitting, feels giddy when attempting to rise, Rhus t. 02. The head feels dull, as if stupid, with heaviness and dizziness in the forehead, or only at a small spot in the centre of the forehead, with a sort of insensibility, so that, when walking in the street, he does not know whether he is walking to the left or right side, Staph. (53. Stupefaction with vertigo, he imagines he neither sees nor hears, although both faculties are sound, Mosch. 04. ---- while sitting, with light- headedness, and apprehension of falling,without consciousness, Carb. a. I■>.">. -----, with sense of turning, Cann. 00. -----, with giddiness of the head, Arg. Ars. Cic. 1*7. ----, sometimes with loss of sense and vertigo, or with restless- ness as arises from excessive ac- tivity, Ars. 0s. ----, with dread of falling for- ward, Alum. 09. He feels sleepy, though awake, in that state he imagines he is dreaming. Bell. 70. He knows not whether he is dreaming or waking, Bell. 71. Feels stupid as if dreaming, is unable to reflect upon any thing properly, Ambr. 72. He is not disposed to do any thing, Asar. 73. Stupid feeling of the head, with inability to think, Ars. 74. Stupid feeling in the head as if he would lose his intellect, Magn. sulph. 7">. Stupid feeling in the head, in paroxysms, with shuddering and momentary arrest of breathing; after this she had to take deep breath, Sep. 70. The head feels stupid, with chills, stiff neck, muscles feel short, Cic. Sullen Mood. 1. Sullen mood, Caps. Op. Puis. 2. S ullen, as after quarrelling, A m 3. Sullen mood, with taciturnity, Aur. 4. Very sulky, Calc. c 5. Sullen, as if she had no life in her, Aeon. 6. Taciturn as if every thing were disagreeable to him, Nux v. 7. Sullen Mood, irritable, Carb. a. Superstition. 1. Superstitious thoughts, Con. Suspicious Disposition.] 1. Suspicious, Cic. Merc. 2. He was distrustful, did not trust his best friend, Ruta. 3. Mistrust, Op. Plumb. 4. Suspicious, thinks those near him wish to hurt his feelings, Each. 5. ----, and distrustful, Lye. Talkative. 1. Talkative, Kal. hyd. 2. ----to excess, Jod. 3. ----, as if intoxicated, Mephit. 4. Talks more than usual, with more animation, Hyosc. 5. Talkative, also with bodily lan- guor, Each. 6. ----, jumping from one object to another with foolish self-com- placency, Par. Tendency to Start. 1. Tendency to start, Aeon. Amm. c. Alum, Angust. Am. Ars. Bov. mur. Bor. Bry. Cann. Caps. Carb. veg. Carb. a. Con. Graph. Hyp. perf. Ign. Led, pal. Natr. carb. Nitr. ac. Phos. Sabad. Sep. SH Tart. st. ~- ----, in the evening, Merc. 3- ----, with tremor, Cham. 4. ----, when touched, Kal. carb. 5- ----, with fearfulness, Op. THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE—UNSTEADINESS OF IDEAS. 63 G. Tendency to start, and fearful- ness, Verat. 7. ----, even at the least noise, Sulph. ac. K ----, noise hurts her, Lye. 9. ----, even at slight noises, Ant. cr. 10. Starts violently, even on hearing his name called, Sulph. 11. Starts on hearing a loud word, which causes stitches in the left side of her head, Cic. 1 \ Tendency to start, irritable, Am. mur. 13. ----, with nervousness, Petr. 14. ----, with apprehensiveness, diz- ziness, Nux v. 15.----, with dread of being left alone, at night, Tabac. 16. ----, even at things which are constantly around him, Samb. 17. All his limbs start on account of a slight noise, Cocc In. He starts in the afternoon when wide awake and a cold thrill rushes through his body, Sulph. 19. Tendency to start, when start- ing, she feels a heaviness in her feet, Spong. 20. ----, after starting hc apprehends misfortune, Natr. mur. 21. Excessive starting after a trifling surprise, with trembling of the whole body, lameness, rising of heat to the right cheek, which swells and turns blue and red, great ner- vousness which cannot be quieted, bruised feeling in every limb, vio- lent chills, tottering of the knees, and desire to retire before the usual hour, Merc. Thoughts of Suicide. 1. Depression of spirits, increasing to a desire to kill one's self, with chilliness, Spig. 2. Palpitation of heart, after mid- night, with anguish and desire to kill himself, Nux v. 5. Wants to destroy himself, but has not courage enough to do it, with heat in the body, Chin. 4. Thoughts of suicide, disposed to drown himself in the evening, with anxiety, Dros. 5. Wants to drown himself, Hyosc. 6. He jumps into the water, Bell. 7. He throws himself from a height, Bell. 8. She tries to throttle herself, begs people to kill her, Bell. 9. Anguish and weeping mood in the open air, she wishes to drown herself, Bell. * 10. Anguish, increasing unto self- destruction, with spasmodic con- traction in the abdomen, Aur. 11. Aversion to life, disposition to suicide, Ars. 12. Disposition to shoot himself, he had to leave his bed, in order to get rid of this thought, Ant. c. 13. At the sight of blood or of a knife she has horrid thoughts about killing herself, although she abhors the idea, Alum. 14. °Wants to kill himself. Hyosc. Unsteadiness of Ideas. 1. Unsteadiness of ideas. Calc c. Mez. 2. Unsteadiness of mind, disposi- tion to perform now this, now that . thing, Thuj. 3. Ideas chase each other, faint re- collections of former thoughts and actions follow each other rapidly. until he lost his thoughts, as if stupefied, Valer. 4. Unsteadiness of ideas ; they flit to and fro, before his senses, his opinions and resolutions are wa- vering, (removed by touching me- tallic zinc.) "". 5. His head is full of ideas, but they change, Puis. 6. Unsteady and confused in In- actions, Silic. 7. One's attention is easily disturb- ed, Berb. v. 8. Unsteadiness of mind, with vi- vidness of thought, Cann. 9. All sorts of ideas crowd upon his mind. Canth. 04 VEHEMENT—VERTIGO. 10. When trying to dwell upon a thought, a second one immediately takes its place, a third one takes the place of the second, and so on until the mind is quite confused, Aeon. 11. Unsteadiness of ideas, wanders when reading, Alum. 12. Cannot well arrange his ideas, they are unsteady, Am. carb. 13. When occupied with any thing serious, his* attention is constantly arrested by other things, August. 14. Constant change of mind, accom- panied with paroxysms of shud- dering, relieved in the open air, Asaf. Vehemence. 1. Vehemence, when angry, Phos. 2. ----, Ambr. Bry. Led. p. Lye. Natr. m. Plat. Sabad. Spig. Sulph. 3. ----, on account of trifles, Bar. c 4. Sudden burst of anger on account of trifles, Bar. c. 5. Vehemence, about trifles, with furious gestures, day before the menses, Sep. 0. ----, at trifles, Nate e. Phos. ac. Stram. 7. ----, from the slightest cause, as though he could murder some one, Hep. s. ■ 8. ----, and anger on account of trifles, Mez. 9. ----, would like to stab people, Chin. 10. ----, quarrelsome, Nitr. ac. 11. ----, but is sorry for it imme- diately, Oleand. 12. Gets into a passion on account of trifles, and has to laugh at him- self the whole day, Nitr. ac. 13. Vehemence on account of trifles, after a while she is astonished at her passion, Croc. 14. ----, if her wishes are not ful- filled, Hell. 15. Vehement, takes every thing in bad part, Anac. 10. Vehement, in the evening, scold- ing, Am. carb. 17. Vehemence, would like to wreak his anger upon somebody, Zinc. m, 18. ----, after which his head aches, Magn. art. 19. ——, he asserts with violence. reviling others, with distorted countenance, Magn. p. aust. 20. Vehement, bold, Merc. Vertigo. 1. Vertigo, for a fortnight, Hyosc. 2. Violent, dangerous vertigo, Ambr. 3. Vertigo, before the eyes, Arg. nit. 4. ----, during rest and motion, Bell. Gutt. 5. Vertigo, Kal. nit. 6. ----, with reeling in the head, Hydr. ac. Paeon. 7. Dizziness, and swimming of the head, Sulph. 8. The whole head feels dizzy, Stan. 9. Vertigo the whole day, Carb. v. 10. ----, in a hot room, Lye. 11. °----, early after rising, Bell. 12. ----, on waking in the morning, Alum. Caust. Graph. 13. Painful dizziness, eight mornings in succession, Phos. 14. Vertigo, dizziness before falling asleep, Arg. nit. 15. ----, towards evening, Alum. 16. ----, short but violent, in the evening, Phos. 17. The head feels cloudy and dizzy, Squil. 18. Vertigo, in the whole brain, cs- pecially the occiput, Zinc. m. 19- °----, as if from the stomach, Kal. carb. 20- "----> forewards and sidewavs. Caust. 21. Feeling of tightness in the sin- ciput, Mosch. 22. Vertigo, with whirling sensation m the forehead, Niecol. 23> ----» in the forehead, Merc. VERTIGO. 65 WHEN STOOPING. 1. Vertigo, when stooping, ° Caust. Chin, sulph. Bell. Carb. v. Lye. Many. op. 2. ----, after headache, when stoop- ing, Mercurial. 3. ----, when stooping, scarcely allowing her to rise again, Puis. 4. ----, on stooping, going off on rising, Mosch. 5. Lightness across the forehead on stooping, chiefly in the morning, Kal. Bichr. 6. Vertigo, while stooping, and looking down, Kalm. lat. 7. Giddiness on stooping, removed by raising the head, Hell. 8. Turning sensation in the fore- head and before his eyes, worse on stooping, Mosch. 9. Vertigo, worse when stooping, especially early, Alum. 10. ----:, when stooping, with stag- gering, more to the right, Aeon. 11.----, and headache in forehead and occiput, both worse when stooping, Aeon, 12. ----, after stooping, as if the senses would vanish, Sep. 13. ----, on bending the head for- ward, Merc. WHEN STOOPING, AS IF FALLING FOR- WARD. 1. Vertigo, when stooping, as if the head would fall forward, Cic. 2. Sensation, when stooping, as if he would fall forward, Puis. WITH NAUSKA, WHEN STOOPING. 1. Vertigo, when stooping, as if in- toxicated ; afterward disposition to vomit, Puis. 2. ----, and nausea, from stooping, Petr. 3. ----, when stooping, with nau- sea, Graph. 4, ----, when stooping, and turn- ing the head rapidly, Staph. Vol. III.—5. 5. Vertigo, when stooping, with chilliness and nausea from time to time, Phos. WHEN STOOPING OR SITTING. 1. Vertigo, when stooping or sit- ting, Phos. ac. WHEN STOOPING OR LOOKING UP. 1. Vertigo, on stooping, or looking up, Plumb, ac. WHEN STOOPING OR MOVING THE HEAD. 1. Vertigo, when stooping or mov- ing the head, she knew not where she was, Calc. c. WHEN STOOPING OR TALKING. 1. Vertigo, when stooping or talk- ing, Cham. WHEN RAISING THE HEAD. 1. Vertigo in the occiput, as if she would fall forward, especially when raising the eyeballs, Petr. 2. ----, in the evening; when rais- ing her head, every thing turned with her; on rising from her chair, she reeled to and fro; her head felt gloomy, and all the objects seemed to move; felt nothing during the night; felt it again in the morning, Carb. a. WHEN TURNING ROUND. 1. "Vertigo on looking round, as if he would fall to one side, Con. 2. ——, when quickly turning his head, Calc. c. 3.----, when walking in the open air, especially when turning the head quickly, Calc. c. 4. ----, in a room, when turning about, Agar. 5.----, when turning round ever so little, Am. carb. 6.----, when turning about once, 66 VERTIGO. she knew not where she was; also after stooping, Phos, 7. Vertigo, on turning in bed, Man- gan. 8. ----, on quickly turning the head, and looking upward, San- gu in. 9. ----, on turning quickly, as if every thing were turning with him, Merc. 10. ----, when turning in bed, Carb. v. 11. ----, when turning about, Natr. mur. 12. ----, when rapidly turning the head or body, Kal. carb. 13.----, when turning the head, as if arising in the left temple, knees totter, Coloc. 14. Swimming of the head, worse when looking upward or down- ward, or when turning round quickly, Sulph. on waking. 1. Giddiness on waking, with itch- ing over the whole body, Brom. 2. Dizziness on waking early, Caps. 3. Vertigo, in bed, after waking, Carb.v. 4. ----, on waking, as if the head were moving up and down ; the visions before his fancy moved up and down similarly; a state of half consciousness, Zinc. m. '). ----, on waking, almost con- stantly, Natr. carb. 6. ----, on waking, and anxiety when looking down., %•} > WHEN STANDING. 1, Vertigo, when endeavouring to stand still, she holds on to some- thing, because objects seem now 1 to approach, then to recede, Cic. 2.----, when standing, he stag- gers, Bry. 3.----, when standing, Cann. Mer. 4. ----•, when standing, as if ob- jects were moving around her, with intoxication, heaviness of the head, Magn. carb. 5. Vertigo, in the evening, when standing, with rush of blood to the heart, Sulph. 6. ----, when standing and looking down, sees double, Oleand. WHEN SITTING. 1. Vertigo, passing quickly, when sitting, less when standing, and still less when walking, Calc. c. 2.----, while sitting, going off after rising, AEth. 3. ----, sense of reeling, while sit- ting, Bell. 4.----, when sitting; things turn round, Sulph. ac. 5. ----, when sitting, less when walking, Staph. 6. ----, when sitting, staggering on rising, Sulph. 7. ----, when sitting, as if the head would fall to one side, with heat in the head, Spong. 8. ----, when sitting, suddenly, Mang. Stan. 9. ----, as if moving to and fro, even when sitting, Silic. 10.----, especially when sitting, Puis. 11. ----, unto falling, while sitting; lies down without being conscious of it, Magn. carb. 12. ----, when sitting rather than when standing, with blackness ol sight, Merc. 13.----, in the evening, after sleep ing, while sitting, with trembling and quivering in the whole body; faint feeling when rising, Carb. v. 14. ----, when sitting, as if she would fall backwards, with dul ness, Carb. a. 15- ----> when sitting, as if the head were balancing to and fro, Carb. v. 1(\----•> hi the occiput, when sit- ting, Chin. 17- ----» when sitting or standing, going off when walking, Zinc. m. 18. ----, when sitting in bed, as if VERTIGO. 67 the bed were balancing to and fro, Zinc. m. 19. Vertiginous movement in the left side of the occiput when sitting, Zinc. m. 20. Vertigo in the occiput, when sitting and smoking as usual, with urging to stool, Zinc. m. 21. ----, when sitting and closing his eyes, going off by lying down, Thuj. 22. ----, when sitting, a sort of mov- ing to and fro, made worse by lying down, Thuj. 23. ----, when sitting, the houses at a distance seem to be turned bot- tom upward, Eug. 24. ----, in fore part of head, worse when sitting, Evon. 25.----, when sitting, every thing turns with her in a circle; after- wards her cheeks glow, Ruta. 20). ----, while sitting or standing, in a room, Stram. WHEN WALKING. 1. Vertigo, with reeling, during a walk in the open air, with stupid feeling in the forehead, as if intoxi- cated, Ars. 2. ----, reeling while walking, with oppressive anguish; he talks as if intoxicated, Bell. 3. ----, when walking, as if every thing in front of him stood still, with darkness before his eyes, Dulc. 4. Dizziness, a sort of humming and buzzing through the forehead, when walking fast, or when moving the I: cad fast, Sulph. 5. Vertigo, when walking, Sulph. 0.----, during a walk, worse when stooping; she had to hold on to something, in order not to fall, Sulph. 7.----, when walking, a sort of cloudiness before the eyes, stagger- ing, Sulph. 8. ----, during a walk, when turn- ing the head, Spig. ©. Vertigo, staggering to and fro only during a walk in the open air, Stan. 10. ----, when walking, Silic. 11- ——, when going forward, (he imagined he was going backward,) Silic. 12.----, during a walk, with sensa- tion as if something were rolling about in the head, staggering, head- ache, and roaring in the ears, Sep. 13.----, he staggers when walking, and looking up, Sep. 14.----, only when walking in the open air; had to be led, Sep. 15.----, during a ride ; was unable to stand after getting out of her carriage, Hep. s. 16.----, when walking, on stooping, Magn. mur. 17. Dizziness when walking, Cann. Con. Graph. Rhus. t. 18. Vertigo, after walking, or stoop- ing, Rhus. t. 19. ----, suddenly, in occiput, when walking, as if he would fall, fol- lowed by violent tearing in right temple, Ran. bulb. 20.----, excited by motion, with gloomy sensation in the head, Puis. 21. Sensation during a walk as if something were turning in the head, but does not feel giddy, Rhus. t. 22. Vertigo, when walking and stooping, as if the head were too heavy, Puis. 23.----, during a walk, going off when sitting, Puis. 24. ----, after walking, Mercurial. 25. Giddiness, early, when walking about, with tightness, as if the head were full of water, Samb. 26. Vertigo, when walking, causing him to fall, Merc. 27.---—, when walking in the open air, also with staggering or with nausea, and sensation as if a worm were crawling up in the chest and throat, Mere. 28.----, during a walk, he came near falling to the right side, Ruta. 08 VERTIGO. 47. Vertigo in the forenoon and after- noon, when walking in the open air, Ambr. 48. ----, in the forehead, especially when walking, every thing turning and threatening to fall with her, Am. 49. Dizziness during a walk in the open air, worse upon re-entering the room, Ars. 50. Vertigo, as if one would fall, only when walking, or every eve- ning, when closing the eyes, Ars. 51. Dizziness and dulness of the oc- ciput, walking, as if a vapour were rising in it, Atham. 52. Vertigo, when walking or stand- ing, with chilliness and prickings in the left side of the head, Calp. c. 53. ----, when standing or walking, Phos. ac. 29. Vertigo, when Walking, with \ mistiness of sight, and urgent desire to walk fast, and to the right side, Carb a. 30. ----, as if the head would fall backward, particularly during a walk, and when moving the head, less when lying down, Chin. 31. Sensation as if the head would fall backward, worse during move- ment, less when reclining back- ward, Chin, sulph. 32. Vertigo, in the occiput, when walking, as if he would fall to the left side, Zinc. m. 33.----, when walking, every thing turned in a circle, Natr. mur. 34. Reeling during a walk in the open air, with staggering to the left side, Nux. m. 35. Vertigo, during a walk, inclines to fall to the left side, Dros. 36.----, with exhaustion, worse during motion; the head leans for- ward, Cupr. 37.----, after a meal, particularly when walking, going off when standing, Nux v. 38. Reeling sensation, particularly in walking, Hell. 39. Vertigo, on rising from a seat, or when walking fast, Grat. 40. ----, worse when walking, with sensation as if something were standing out at the forehead, over which he is unable to see, Phel. 41. ----, in the forenoon, when walk- ing ; every thing turned with her, Phos, 42. ----, when walking, ceasing when standing, and returning when walking, Phos. 43. ----, when walking, as if pushed from the right to the left side, Bor. 44. ----, after walking, staggers to one side, Bry. 45. ----, with staggering in the eve- ning, when walking in the open air, Calc. c. 46. Vertigo in the open air, particu- larly when walking and reflecting, Agar. WHEN MOVING THE HEAD. 1. Vertigo, on moving the head, with sensation as if something were quickly moving up and down before his eyes, Mosch. 2. ----, on making various motions of the head, Mangan. 3. ----, when moving the Lead rapidly, Carb. v. 4. Reeling sensation, especially when moving the head, like a push from the vertex to the forehead, depriving him of his senses for moments, Natr. mur. with scintillations. 1. c Vertigo, with anguish and lu- minous vibrations, Bell. 2. Scintillations while walking in the street, making him anxious and giddy ; he imagines he is running against the persons he meets, Aeon. 3. Vertigo, with gauze and flicker- ing before the eyes, Vine. min. 4- ----, with scintillations, particu- larly on lifting a thing, raising one's self, or walking, Tart. st. 5- ----. with scintillations before VERTIGO. 69 the eyes, he is hardly able to walk, ' Mez. 6. Vertigo, things seem to be mov- ing around him in confusion, with scintillations like the dazzling of snow, Oleand. ON ASCENDING AN EMINENCE. 1. Vertigo, on ascending a height, Bor. 2. ----, when going to bed, he had to hold himself, Sabad. 3. ----, when ascending an eleva- tion ; he was unable to step firmly, Sulph. 4. ----, fell down on going up- stairs, Dig. 5. After going up stairs, she feels a motion from the centre of the brain towards either ear, like the pendu- lum of a clock, Magn. p. arct. ON RAISING THE HEAD, AFTER STOOP- ING. 1. Vertigo, on raising the head, after stooping, Merc. 2. ----, when stooping and raising the head again, as if every thing were turning around her, with buz- zing in the head, Zinc. m. 3.----, when stooping and raising the head again, with blackness of sight, Natr. mur. 4. ----, when raising the head, after stooping, Nitr. ac. 5. Cloudiness; objects seem to move; sees through a gauze; is scarcely able to keep on his feet, when raising the head, after stoop- ing ; on rising from one's seat; worse in the open air, Hydr. ac. 6. Vertigo, when stooping and rais- ing the head again, as if the head would burst, Con. 7.----, on raising the head, after stooping, Niccol. WHEN RISING FROM A CHAIR. 1. Vertigo, when rising, light- headed, Kal. carb. 2. Vertigo, when rising from a chair, Phos. ac. 3. ----, on rising from a chair, dis- appearing after walking, Bry. 4.----, when rising from a seat, Lye. 5.----, on rising from a seat, with dull feeling in head, Lauroc. 6. ----, when rising, Magn. mur. 7. ----, as if turning round, on ris- ing from a seat, Con. 8. ----, when rising suddenly, wants to fall forward, Sulph. 9.----, on raising himself; he had to lie down. Sulph, ac. 10.----, removed by sitting, and recurring on rising, Sulph. 11. Dizziness after rising, going off after lying down, Natr. mur. 12. Vertigo, after rising from a seat, Dig. 13.- ----, on rising from his seat, every thing seems to turn ; also with pain in the epigastrium, Kal bichr. 14. ----, when rising from her seat, with obscuration of sight. Phos. 15.----, in the evening, when rising from a seat, Nitr. ac. AFTER A MEAL. 1. Dizziness, roaring in the head, after dinner, and before going to bed, Cinnab. 2. Vertigo, after a meal, as if the head would fall to one side, Cham. 3. ----, after a meal, as if every thing were turning with him, with buzzing in the head, Natr. sulph. 4. ----, after dinner, with obscured vision, preceded by eructation, Hep. s. 5.----, after a meal, Kal. carb. 6. ----, after a meal, followed by mounting of heat to the head from the abdomen, increasing until the forehead becomes moist, Natr. Sulph. AS IF ONE WOULD FALL. 1. Vertigo, short, as if he would fall to one side. Puis. Sulph. 70 VERTIGO. Arg. nit. Camph. Cic. Merc. c. Mosch. Mur. ac. Paeon. Thuj. 2. Vertigo, with staggering, during a walk in the open air, Agar. 3. ----, she totters to and fro as if intoxicated, Bell. 4. ----, in forehead, with stagger- ing. O'eand. 5. ----, with staggering in the street, Kreas. 6. ----, staggers from side to side, Caps. Hyosc. Kal. carb. 7. ----, as if he did not stand firm- ly, Calc. c. 8.----, on entering the room, staggering, Merc. 9. ----, with staggering, as if one would fall (sideways or back- wards,) Nux v. 10. Staggering gait, without vertigo, Kal. nit. 11. Staggering when walking, she looked at people like one intoxi- cated, Phos. 12. Staggering during a walk, with stupefaction of the head. Ipec. 13. Vertigo, staggering hither and thither, with momentary vanishing of thought, only when walking and turning round, Ipec. 14. Objects seem to waver, this makes him stagger, Magnes art. 15. When walking, he staggers as if giddy without being so, Puis. 16. Reeling and tottering sensation in the body, without giddiness, Rhus t. 17. Vertigo, staggers about the room and looks as if he were seeking something, Stram. !8- ----, stumbles against the door on attempting to go through it, Stram. 19. Runs against a door when walk- ing, owing to giddiness, Staph. 2. Vertigo, falling forward, Cic. Grat. Graph. Magn. Sulph. Mang. Sabin. 3. Giddy as if he would fall back- wards, Bry. Brom. Spong. 4. Vertigo, as if she would fall over, AEthus. Agar. Am. mur. Amm. carb. Am. Calc. c. Nice. Natr. m. Ran. bulb. Selen. 5. She reels, thinks she will fall, Cic. 6. Feels as if he would fall over, ■ without vertigo, Caust. 7. Vertigo, as if one would fall to and fro, Rhod. 8. ----, with staggering, as if he would fall to the left side, Mercu- rial. Mez. Natr. carb. Spig. 9. ----, disposed to fall to the right side, Natr. sulph. 10. Reeling vertigo, as if he would fall over, when walking or when sitting, every time he opens his eyes, sometimes relieved by wip- ing his eyes, with drawing and rigid feeling in the nape of the neck, Alum. 11. Vertigo, heaviness of the head, with disposition to fall forwards, backwards, sideways, relieved by lying down, worse during motion in the open air, Phel. 12. ----, is scarcely able to keep his feet, Lauroc. 13. ----, he threatens to fall, with a feeling of heat in the whole body, especially the face, pale cheeks, without thirst, Led. p. 14. ----, violent about noon, she threatened to fall from her chair, Phos. 15. ----, as if she would fall, after which great weakness of hands and feet, Natr. carb. 16. ----, he imagines he is not able to stand firmly, Puis. 17. Strange feeling in the head, as if she would fall from side to side, with tingling in the ears, Silic. WITH STAGGERING. 1. Vertigo, with staggering gait, WHEN CLOSING HIS EYES. . Vertigo, with involuntary clos- ing of the eyes, as if the eyelids were drawn down, AVth. '■■ ----, in the morning in bed; VERTIGO. 71 when closing his eyes he felt as if the feet were raised and he stood on his head, Phos. ac. 3. Vertigo, after smoking, when closing his eyes all things turn with him, Silic. 4. ----, on closing the eyes, Each. 5. ----, with spontaneous closing of the eyes without drowsiness, Magn. sulph. 6. ----, every thing turns when closing her eyes, Hep, s. 7. ----, when closing her eyes, as if she were turning round all the time, Phos. AFTER INTELLECTUAL LABOUR. 1. Vertigo, after intellectual la bour, with dull pressing in the temples from within outwards, Natr. carb. 2. ----, after reading, Phos. ac. 3. ----, as if intoxicated when writing; on rising, staggering, with anxious heat and nausea, Mer. 4, ......., after loud reading, Par. 5. ----, while reading, Cupr. on seeing flowing water or cross- ing A BRIDGE. 1. Vertigo, on crossing a bridge, Bar. c. 2. Giddy when crossing a flowing water, he moves his feet involun- tarily in the direction of the cur- rent, Brom. 8. Giddy when crossing a small brook, Brom. 4. Vertigo, when crossing a river she came near falling, and all her limbs felt paralyzed, Sulph. 5. ----, and reeled on seeing flow- ing water, Ferr. acet. AS IF THE BRAIN OR BODY WERE TURNING. 1. Vertigo, as if the brain were turning, with apparent loss of con- sciousness, Stan. 2. ----, waving to and fro in the brain, Aeon. 3. ----, as if the head were turning, Lauroc. 4. Vertigo, early on rising, as it the brain were turning round, Bry., 5. Vertigo, sense of turning in the brain, relieved in the open air. worse in the room, Bell. 6. ----, as if turned about; when he recovered himself, he found himself with his arms stretched, as if he had endeavoured to lay hold of something, Phos. 7. ----, in the morning, as if she were turning in a circle, inducing her to squat down lest she should fall, with headache, Arg. nit. 8. ----, as if turning to the right side, going off in the open air, Grat. 9. ----, he walks in a circle, Bell. 10. ----, sense of turning in the head and pit of the stomach, so excessive after rising, that every thing vanished from her sight, Bell. 11. Sensation as if he were turned about so rapidly that he perceive* the current of air produced by the motion, Mosch. 12. Vertigo, when she sees any thing turn about she feels as it the contents of her body were like- wise turning, Lye. WITH HEAT OF, OR RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. 1. Giddiness with bleeding at the nose, and subsequent headache. (vapours of Br.) Brom. 2. Vertigo, from heat in the head. even when sitting; had to nod fre- quently and involuntarily while writing; the objects appeared to turn, the table seemed to fall; he fell forward when walking or stand- ing, Phos. ac 3. Giddy, with flushed face, Dulc. 4. ----, with violent rush of blow! to the head, relieved in the ope: air, Mosch. 5. Dizziness, the blood rushes t< the head which feels hot, Sabin. 0. Vertigo, as from the blood ri* ing to the head : rapping sensation 72 VERTIGO. in the . head, with repeated and short diggings up, Puis. 7. Vertigo, to the left side, with heat in the face and sweat on the forehead, Silic. 8. ----, with red face, Stram. WITH STUPEFACTION OR DULLNESS. 1. Vertigo, giddiness, dulness of sense, as if he had lost all sensa- tions, with drowsiness, Arg. nit. 2. ----, with stupefaction, the head bending forward to the left side during rest and motion, Calc. c. 3. Dizzy in the afternoon, he looked as if he were dreaming, Calc. c. 4. Giddiness and loss of sense or stupid feeling, as after turning in a circle, Calc. c. 5. Vertigo, with stupefaction, early in the morning on rising from a seat, so that he falls; or after rais- ing the head, with sense of turning in the head, or early when stand- ing, preceded and succeeded by pressure in the head, Bov. 0. ----, only in the room, as if stupified, Staph. 7. ----, stupefying, in the morning, Silic. 8. ----, in the evening, as if unable to collect his senses, Cham. 9.----, with inability to collect his senses, Bov. 10. Dizziness, with drowsiness, AVth. Carb. a. 11. Vertigo, with drowsiness, his eyes closed, Arg. 12.----, with stupefaction, Graph. Op. Sabin. Sec. corn. 13.----, the head falling backwards, with loss of consciousness, nausea in the palate, and pinching unea- siness in chest and abdomen, as if stool would come on, Spig. 14. ----, proceeding from the back through the nape of the neck into the head; she knows not where she is, and inclines to fall forward, Silic. 15.----, and stupefaction when ris- ing from bed, with nausea, better by riding in a carriage, returning on re-entering the room, which seemed to turn, she staggered, Silic. 16. Dizziness and stupid feeling of the head, he frequently knows not what he is about, Sep. 17. Dizzy, knows not where she is, also with inertia, Lye. 18. Vertigo, with stupefaction, or with sensation as if every thing around him were in motion, and as if a gauze were before his eyes, with difficulty of remaining on his feet, Lauroc. 19.----, with loss of thought, in the evening, Lauroc. 20. Dizziness, with difficulty of think- ing, Ran. bulb. 21. Reeling sensation, like loss of consciousness, Mag. carb. 22. Turning sensation and stupid feeling in the head, only when sit- ting, and as if drowsy, Puis. 23. Vertigo, as if the blood ceased to flow, and as if the ideas were arrested, Sen. 24.----, like loss of consciousness; on sitting down after a walk, he came near falling, Caust. 25.----, with loss of consciousness, Tabac. 26. ----, with fulness in brain, drow- siness, weakness of head, Merc. 27. ----, as if he would have an apo- plectic fit, with dread of falling, Zinc. m. 28. Reeling sensation, stupefaction and faintness, in the forenoon ; she had to lie down, and lay in a quiet slumber, during which she heard every thing that was said, Sulph. 29. Vertigo and fatal apoplexy, Nux m. 30. Reeling, with gradual rigidity and insensibility, causing him to fall from his chair; soon after sleep alternating with delirium, subsequently dulness and head- ache, Nux m. 31. Vertigo, with heaviness of head and loss of memory, Nux m. VERTIGO. 78 32. Vertigo, with loss of memory, Dig. 33. ----, with incipient loss of sense, as if threatened with apoplexy, Each. 34.----, with loss of consciousness, also with sensation as if the brain were turning in a circle, Nux v. 35. ----, when sneezing, coughing, or raising one's head from a stoop- ing position, as if sight and hearing would vanish, with danger of fall- ing, Nux v. 36.----, as if he would lose his senses, Nitr. ac. 37. ----, with staggering, loss of consciousness, chilliness, Graph. 38. Dizzy and gloomy head, Asaf. 39. Vertigo, with vanishing of ideas, Phos. 40. ----, with stupefaction, he has to sit down, and even then fears he might fall, Mosch. 41. ----, as if intoxicated, and stupid feeling in the head, as if he had a plank before it, Cocc. 42. ----, with dulness of mind, Bell. 43. °----, with loss of consciousness and falling, Bell. 44. ----, with loss of presence of mind, Bor. 45. Dizziness in the head and stupid feeling in the forehead, Berb. v. 46.' Vertigo, the head feels as if drawn backward, he is very drowsy, Stram. 47.----, wdien sitting or riding, with sudden loss of sense, Silic. 48. ----, followed by nausea and an oppressive pain in the centre of the brain, w ith stupefaction and sensa- tion as if he would fall forward, in the morning and after dinner; nausea in the afternoon, heartburn, red face and sensation as if some- thing had lodged in her throat; with sadness and weeping without any cause; gauze before her eyes in the evening, and itching of the eyelids, Phos. 49. ----, dizziness on waking, Con. 50. ----, when sitting, walking and standing, Spig. with nausea or faint feeling. 1. Vertigo, giddiness as if he would faint, with tired feeling of the body, not disagreeable, Arg. nit. 2. Slight giddiness with nausea, Brom. 3. Vertigo, in bed, in the evening, as if he would faint, and as if every thing were turning in his head, Sulph. 4. ----, with inclination to vomit, Sulph. 5,----, with nausea as from turn- ing in a circle, Squil. 6.----, with nausea, Silic. 7. ----, with retching, water comes out of her mouth, Silic. 8. ----, with nausea, she inclines to her right side, Silic. 9. ----, with nausea, with pains in head and limbs, Kalm. lat. 10. ----, with loathing, Mosch. 11. ----, with sudden fainting, Mosch. 12. Dizziness, with flat taste in the mouth, Sen. 13. Vertigo, as after turning for a long time in a circle, with nausea, Puis. 14. ----, with nausea, debility and headache, Sanguin. 15. ----, with fainting feeling, after lying down, coldness followed by inclination to vomit; violent nau- sea on moving ever so little ; eruc- tations in the morning as of rotten eggs, with pale face and coldness, Magn. carb. 16.----, prevented by resting the head on the table, with nausea, Sabad. 17.----, with fainting, Mez. Selen. 18.----. with nausea and vomiting, or with desire for black coffee, and urging to lie down, Mosch. 19.----, as if one would faint, Cham. 20. Giddiness, as if he would be at- tacked with qualms of sickness, accompanied by sudden appear- ance of a watery mist before hir eves. Carb. a. 74 VERTIGO. 41. Vertigo, with nausea, when rais- ing the head after stooping, Carb. a. 22. ----, with nausea and subse- quent heat, Chin. 23. Faintishness with nausea and a sort of vertigo, when sitting up too late in the evening, Zinc m. 24. Vertigo, with vomiting of food, Tabac. 25. ----, with qualmishness of the stomach, Tabac. 26.----, like a swoon, after drink- ing wine, Natr. carb. 27. ----, with loathing, on waking, with pain in the temples, also in the afternoon, Hyp. perf. 28.----, with nausea, Lob. infl. Paeon. 29.----, with sickness at the stom- ach in walking, with sensation as if the head would incline to the right side, Ferr. acet. 30.----, with nausea, in the even- ing, also after rising in the morn- ing, Hep. s. 31.----, and nausea, in the evening, when the head lies low, Petr. 32. ----, obliging him to stoop, with pale face and nausea, more violent when standing than when sitting, attended with slow pulse, eructa- tions, yawning, want of appetite, pressure in the abdomen, Petr. 33. ----, like fainting, Nux v. 34.----, with nausea, early, follow- ed by eructations, Nitr. ac. 35. Dizzy, faint, staggering, relieved by lying down, Cin. 36. °Vertigo, with nausea and fall- ing down without consciousness, Cocc. 37. ----, with nausea, as when turn- ing round quickly, Bell. 38. Dizziness when walking, with weakness as if he would faint in stooping and then raising the head again, Berb. v. 39. Vertigo, after rising, with nau- sea, roaring in the ear, and sensa- tion as if he would fall down sense- less, with tremor, Calc. c. 40.----, when stooping, then nausea and headache, Calc. c. 41. Vertigo, with fainting, Canth. 42.----, as if intoxicated, staggers, every thing turns round, with nau- sea, no vertigo when sitting, worse when rising from a seat, less when walking, Aeon. 43.----, with weight in the fore- head, more when stooping, with nausea and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, Aeon. 44.----, with faint feeling or nau- sea, passing off after breakfast, Alum. 45.----, with nausea and loss. of appetite, sometimes relieved by walking, Am. carb. 40.----, with nausea and confusion of the senses, Arg. nit. 47.----, with nausea and disposi- tion to vomit, in a recumbent pos- ture, less when sitting up, Ars. 48.----, with nausea, from stoop- ing, Bar. c. 49.----, with nausea, he has to sit down, Bar. c. 50.----, early after rising, every- thing turns with her, with nausea and sense of fainting in the stom- ach, Bar. c. 51.----, while performing some fa- tiguing work, obliging him to stoop frequently and to exert his arms, accompanied with fainting turn, aching in the forehead, and subse- quent violent chilliness in the back and occiput, Berb. v. 52.----, when sitting erect, with nausea in the chest, as if she would faint, Bry. WHEN DRINKING. 1. Vertigo, when drinking, Lye. 2.----, and vascillating sensation, when taking some simple drink; he imagined he would have an apo- plectic fit, followed by hot flush, Sep. ON MOVING THE EYELIDS. 1. Vertigo, on moving the eyelids, relieved in the open air, Mosch. VERTIGO. 75 ON MOVING THE ARMS. 1. Vertigo, on moving the arms, Sep. 2. ----, on lifting his arms, Bar. c. ON LOOKING UP. 1. Vertigo, when raising the head, Croc. 2.----, while looking up, with van- ishing of sight, as if he had a gauze before his eyes, Cupr. 3.----, scarcely perceived, when stooping; when raising the head, or moving it, every thing seems to turn with her, Am. 4.----, on looking up, Caust. Graph. Silic 5. ----, after raising the head, Chin. Lauroc. Menyan. 6. ----, when looking upward, as if he would fall, or as if he were dancing, Puis. 7.----, when gargling one's throat, Carb. s. WHEN LYING DOWN. 1. Vertigo, in the evening, when lying down, Brom. 2.----, most violent when lying, Spig. 3.----, when lying on her back at night, Sulph. 4.----, when lying on the back, with qualmisjiness, less when turn- ing to the side, Merc. 5.----, when lying down, with fear that he will die, Rims. t. 6.----, when lying, as if balancing from side to side, Merc. 7.----, in the evening, in bed ; she had to sit up ; after which she had four diarrhoeic stools, with violent chills, followed by great heat and sweat over the whole body, Phos. 8.----, even when lying in bed, Thuj. 9.----after lying down in the eve- ning, as if he would fall, or resem- bling a sudden jerk through the head, Magn. art. 10. Vertigo, in the evening, after lying down, Nitr. ac. ON RISING FROM A RECUMBENT POS- TURE. 1. Vertigo, when raising the head while lying, with obscuration of sight. Nux v. 2. ----, when raising himself in bed, as if things were turning round, with inclination to vomit, Cocc. 3. °----, when rising from a recum- bent posture, Bell. 4. ----, on rising from bed, with weakness of memory; gauze be- fore his eyes, Strain. 5. Giddy on rising in the morning, as if he would fall to one side, Squil. 6. Vertigo, on raising one's self in bed, as if the things in the room were moving, Sep. 7.----, when rising from bed, early, Ruta. 8. ----, on rising from bed, Puis. 9. Dizziness when rising from bed, Rhus. t. 10. Vertigo, after rising from bed, Cham. 11. ----, on rising from bed ; he fell back whenever he attempted to stand, Sulph. 12. ----, on rising inched, like a swoon ; she had to lie down again, Natr. mur. 13. ----, after rising from bed, with trembling in the whole body, and general weakness, Dulc. 14. ----, unto falling, after rising from bed, Phos. 15.----, on rising from a recum- bent posture, with heat in the face when lying, Petr. 10. ----, on rising from bed, Con. Lye. Niccol. Oleand. 17. ----, at night, when rising, she knew not where she was, Nitr. ac. 18. ----, when going down-stairs, had to hold on to something; lost her senses fof a moment, Con. 19. ----, on going down-stairs, as if 76 VERTIGO. she would lose her senses, Merc. WHEN CLOSING THE EYES, OR GOING DOWN-STAIRS. 1. Vertigo, particularly on closing the eyes, or when going down- stairs, with disposition to fall for- wards, Ferr. acet. WHEN LEANING AGAINST SOMETHING. 1. Vertigo; when leaning against something, he feels as if the brain were in motion, or as if he were riding in a carriage, with his eyes closed, Cycl. WHEN KNEELING. 1. Vertigo, when kneeling, as if she would fall to pieces, Magn. carb. WHEN SEWING. 1. Vertigo, when sewing, as if she would fall off the chair, Sulph. ac. AS IF WITH A BAND ROUND THE HEAD. 1. Giddiness, with sensation as if a band were tied round the head, Brom. AS FROM INTOXICATION. 1. Vertigo, as if intoxicated, with feeling of tingling in his head, Arg. 2. ----, as from intoxication, when rising from one's seat and walking about, Asar. 3. ----, fleeting, as if intoxicated, Arg. nit. 4. Giddy, as if intoxicated, after sitting, evening, Am. carb. 5. Vertigo, as if intoxicated, early in the morning, Agar. 0. Stupefaction of the senses and giddiness, as if intoxicated, upon entering a warm room ; he reels as if he could not stand, Aeon. 7. Vertigo, as if intoxicated, Bry. •*. Dizziness, with intoxication, Hydr. ac. 9. Staggering, as if intoxicated, Ferr acet. 10. Vertigo, like intoxication, Lau- roc. Led. p. 11. He feels intoxicated and talks at random, but is merry, Mez. 12. Constant intoxication, rendering him loquacious, but lazy, Eug. 13. Vertigo, as if from intoxication, Caps. Hyosc. Mercurial, Spong. Tabac. 14.----, as if intoxicated; the head inclines to either side, Tar ax. 15. Feels like intoxicated when sit- ting, standing or walking, Cic. 16. Vertigo: dizziness, as after in- toxication, affecting the whole head ; worse when walking, Carb. v. 17.----, as if intoxicated; also with danger of falling, or with pressure in the head, and sensation as if every thing before his eyes were in motion, Mosch. 18. Condition bordering on intoxi- cation, Merc. cor. 19. Giddy, staggering as if intoxi- cated, with hot head, and pale, not hot, face, Puis. 20. Vertigo, in paroxysms, with in- toxication, heat, Puis. 21. ----, with staggering, as if in- toxicated, Stram. WITH MISTINESS, OR OBSCURATION OF SIGHT. 1. Vertigo, with loss of sense, and mistiness of sight, Canth. 2.----, as if a mist were before his eyes, Arg. 3.----, with obscured sight, nau- sea, pain at the stomach, Gran. 4.----, with vanishing of sight in the evening, and afterwards cold sweat on the forehead and limbs, with colic, obliging him to lie down, Asaf. 5.----, with obscuration of sight, Ars. 6.----, with vanishing of sight, when raising the head, Ars. 7-----, with complete but passing blindness, Arg. nit. 8. Vertigo, with staggering and ob- scuration of sight, every five min- utes, Agar. 9. ----, with obscuration of sight, pulse unaltered, Aeon. 10.----, worse when shaking the head; then the eyes see black, Aeon. 11.----, as if he would faint, with obscuration of sight, Sabad. 12. ----, with dimness of sight; he is unable to move, Mosch. 13.----, with obscuration of sight, beating in forehead, worse during motion, and increasing even to loss of memory; relieved by sleep, Grat. 14.----, with obscuration of sight, Carb. a. Hyosc. Lact. Nux v. 15.----, early in the morning, when rising, with obscured vision; he had to sit down, Nitr. ac. 16.----, eyes swim, dilated pupils, chalk-coloured face, blue margins around the eyes, Crotal. 17. Giddiness and dimness of sight, after breakfast, Kal. bichr. 18. Vertigo, and dimness of sight, after lying down, with flushes of heat, Cham. 19. ----, blackness of sight, when stooping, Coff. 20. ----, and diminished vision, fol- lowed by vomiting, Sanguin. 21. She felt as if every thing before her would pass away, Lye. 22. Vertigo, with dimness of sight, Raph. sat. Sabin. 28. Reeling sensation in the morn- ing, with heaviness in the eyes, Lye 24. Vertigo, with cloudiness of sight, Sabin. 25. ----, with pain in the abdomen, and a gauze before his eyes, Stram. 26. Giddiness in the fore part of the head, with misty sight, or as if the eyes were too dry, obliging him to wipe them, early in the morn- ing, Each. 1GO. 77 WITH DULNESS OR WEAKNESS OF HEAD. 1. Giddy sort of dulness when talk- ing, while standing, Staph. 2. Dizziness and dulness of the head, passing off in the open air, Am. mur. 3. Disagreeable lightheadedness, with a feeling of weakness in the head, Stram. 4. Vertigo, with weakness of head, Canth. Caust. 5.----, with weakness in the head and abdomen; she had to lie down, Zinc, m, WITH SENSATION OF ENLARGEMENT OF HEAD. 1. Dizziness, with sensation as if the head would be enlarged and distended, Ran. bulb. 2. Giddiness, with sensation as if the head were expanded, Lact. WITH PAIN IN THE HEAD. 1. Vertigo, with heaviness of the head, Camph. 2.----, with dulness of right side of head in the open air, with press- ing in the eye, (particularly on looking up,) or with nausea, (worse in the open air,) pale complexion, langour and debility, Crot. 3. Dizziness, with stitches in the head, Sulph. 4. Vertigo, with headache, dimness of sight, violent thirst, tenacious mucus in the mouth, rumbling in the abdomen, pain in epigastrium, Stram. 5. ----, with weariness, in the eve- ning, and pressing in the temples from within outwards, Stram. 6. ----, with tearing in the vertex, and sensation as if the hair were pulled, Mur. ac. 7. ----, with pressure on the ver- tex, Mosch. 8.----, aching in forehead, part of the occiput feels ttumb, Merc. 78 VERTIGO. 9. Vertigo, in the morning, resem- bling a heavy pressure from above, downward, in the forepart of the head, with a fainting sort of nau- sea, and obscuration of sight when stooping, with much sneezing, until evening, Phos. 10.----, with pain in head, and trembling of whole body, Lob. inf. 11. ----, and dulness of head, with sensation as if the eyes were deep in the orbits, Lye. 12.----, with tension in the head, Lauroc. 13. ----, with headache, and exces- sive secretion of saliva, Phos. 14. Giddiness, with heaviness of oc- ciput, Lact. 15. Vertigo, followed by headache, as if the head would be pulled into shreds, Plat. 16.----, with dulness or heaviness of head, Magn. Sulph, 17. Her head feels heavy and giddy, with anxiety, Coff. 18. Vertigo, with pressure in the forehead, Carb. v. 19. Sense of reeling and dulness of the head, with feverish chills and coldness, anxiety; a sort of awk- wardness, she knocked against every thing, Caps, 20. Vertigo, with drawing in the head, Agn. 21. Early in the morning, when ris- ing, dizziness and drowsiness of the head, with aching in the left side of the forehead, Asar. 22. Vertigo, with headache, on rais- ing the head, Bar. c. 23. ----, with headache, Ars. 24. ——, sometimes accompanied with a violent pressing in the head, Asaf. 25. Vertigo and headache, not affect- ed by exercise, Aeon. 26. Giddiness, with heaviness of the head, which is drawn backward, particularly when standing, Bov. 27. Vertigo, with dulness, sensation as if the brain were larger, or diz- ziness with headache, and pain in right side of forehead, Cin. 28. Dizziness with violent headache, chills and shuddering, without thirst, heat in the head, shuddering and uncomfortableness of the whole body, Phos. 29. His head feels giddy, heavy and painful, as if it had been lying too low during the night; he is unable to collect his senses, Phos. 30. Vertigo, with throbbing in the head, and pressure in the middle of the brain, Nitr. ac. 31. Excessive giddiness, with head- ache, repletion of the abdomen, considerable flatulence and a sort of nausea, passing off only in the open air, Ind. 32. Sense as of reeling in the head, and a painful, gloomy feeling, with subsequent heat in the head, less in the open air, worse during rest, and when sitting, Natr. carb. 33. Vertigo, suddenly, as from pres- sure on the whole head, Verbas. WITH SENSATION AS IF THINGS WERE TURNING. 1. Vertigo, with sense of turning before his eyes, Bar. m. 2. ----, every thing turning in a circle, Alum. 3. ----, every thing turning round, Aeon. 4. ----, as if turning round, or as if things were turning round, Bry. 5- ----, every thing turns in a cir- cle, particularly early, Bov. 6. ----, as if every thing were turn- ing round, Bell. 7. Sensation as if every thing were turning in a circle more and more rapidly, until he imagines at last that he is floating in the air, Mosch. 8. Vertigo on closing the eyes, as if the room were turning, Grat. 9- ----> particularly during a meal, or when eructating, or in the even- ing, in bed, as if the bed were turn- ing in a circle, Nux v. L0- ----» with sensation as if every VERTIGO. 79 thing were turning round with one, also with sensation as if he were flying or hovering in the air, Op. 11. Vertigo, with dulness, as if every thing were turning in a circle, Hell. 12. ----, as if turning in a circle, Grat. 13. ----, when lying, as if the bed were turning, Con. 14. ----, all things turned, Euphorb. 15. Sensation as if something in the air were going round with him, or as if every thing were turning, Hydr. ac. 16. Vertigo, she imagines that the room is turning round, Tabac. 17. Objects seem to be moving round, after sitting a long time, Cic. 18. Vertigo in the open air, every thing turns, persons appear larger, Caust. 19. ----, as if something were turn- ing around him, with diluted pupils, immoveable, staring, widely-open- ed eyes, pressure in left side of head, from occiput to forehead, Lauroc. 20. ----, as if every thing were turning, especially when rising, Sabad. 21, ----, in the afternoon, every thing turns with her when walking, sitting or lying, Sep. 22. ----, early in the morning, as if things were turning with her, with inclination to vomit, accumulation of water in the mouth, Magn. carb. '.3. ----, every thing turns with her when standing, or walking, or sit- ting, not when lying, Rhus t. <4. ----, suddenly, the objects turn with her, Mur. ac. >5. ----, with sensation as if every thing were turning in a circle, Spig. 26. ----, as if every thing were turn- ing in a circle, particularly when lying in bed, Staph. 27. ----, as if every thing were turn- ing round, when moving the head, Am. carb. PARTICULAR KINDS OF VERTIGO. 1. Vertigo and sleep, Rhod. 2. ----, with cold hands or feet Sep. 3. ----, on seeing a large plain be- fore her, Sep. 4. ----, as if the objects were at a distance, Stan. 5. ----, with deafness, Galv. 6. ----, with feverish shuddering. cold hands, and subsequent dulness of the head, Merc. 7. ----, when fixing one's eyes on one point, Caust. 8. ----, with diarrhoea, Stram. 9. ----, aggravated by talking and meditating, Puis. 10. Giddiness, with sensation as if the body was floating in the bed, Lact. 11. Unable to carry the head erect, is obliged to lie down, and is never- theless unable to remain in bed, Puis. 12. Vertigo, as if a hollow were be- hind him, into which he would fall when turning, after looking in a looking-glass, and after reading, Kal. carb. 13. ----, with singing in the ears, flatulent eructation, and tickling in the throat, which excites cough, Sanguin. 14. ----, with roaring in the ears, Sen. 15. ----, with weakness, as if his eyes would close, Sabin. 16. ----, drawing one forwards, or with weakness early in morning, Jod. 17. Giddy the whole day, with weak limbs, Bry. 18. Vertigo, with want of desire to do anything, Sep. 19. ----, with heaviness of lower limbs, Lact. 20. ----, and trembling, Dig. 21. ----, with buzzing in the ears, general debility of the limbs as after fatigue, trembling, Arg. nit. 22.----, with tremor of the hands, Bell. 80 VERTIGO. 3. Vertigo, with anxiety and de- lirium, Op. 4. ----, with anxiety and oppres- sion at the stomach, she is roused from it suddenly, with a start, Calc. c. 5. ----, as if the head would fall backward more and more, with anguish when lying in bed, shortly after taking breath, Rhod. 6. ----, with anguish and dulness of the head, worse after vomiting in consequence of taking an emetic, Am. 2'-. Vertigo, she dares not move her eyes, generally with palpitation of heart, Plat. 24.----, occasioned by the light of the sun, Agar. 25. ----, worse when moving, pass- ing off in the open air, Am. mur. 20. ----, from the slightest motion, Carb. v. 27. ----, on moving his body, Bar. c. 28. Giddiness, with fulness in the forehead, so that he instantly loses his good-humour, Bor. 29. The head feels full and giddy, Am. mur. 30. Dizzy and full feeling in the head after sleep, Ars. 31. Vertigo on pressing the left cheek, and supporting the head in this way, Verbas. 32. ----, with weak stomach, Ambr. 33. ----, with oppressed breathing, languor, has to remain in bed for a week, Lauroc. 34. ----, with asthma and dry cough, and pain in the hips, Aeon. 35. Does not perceive the objects which surround him, Asar. 86. Vertigo, dares not move his head, with feeling as if his eyes were closing, Aeon. 37. ----, relieved by turning the head rapidly, Agar. 38. Dizziness and unsteadiness of the head and body, early in the morn- ing, as if standing upon shaking ground, Sulph. ac. 39. Vertigo, with sensation although he were standing on wavering ground, Asar. 40. ----, with sensation as if he could not support himself, Tabac. 41. Sensation as if she were falling from a height, with stupefaction, Mosch. 42. Momentary shock, with giddiness in the brain, Ferr. acet. WITH ANXIETY. 1. Reeling, with anguish, Nux m. t. Vertigo, with anxiety in the whole body, Caust. VERTIGO WITH DELIRIUM. 1. Giddy, slightly delirious, deaf, Coloc. WITH WARMTH IN STOMACH. 1. Vertigo, with pleasant warmth in stomach and abdomen, Hell. in open air. 1. Vertigo, worse in open air, Lauroc. WITH DRAWING THROUGH NOSE. 1. Vertigo in forepart of head, with drawing sensation through the nose to the root of the nose, and thence into the brain, Crot. IN DAMP WEATHER. 1. Giddiness, worse in damp wea- ther, Brom. AFTER COFFEE. 1. Vertigo after taking coffee, ' Cham. AFTER VEXATION. 1. Vertigo after vexation, Calc. e. CANNOT LAY HOLD OF A THING. 1. Vertigo, he imagines he is not able to lay hold of a thing, Pult. VERTIGO. 81 WITH CONTRACTED PUPILS. 1. Vertigo, with contracted pupils, Mez. AS IF ROCKED. 1. Has to lie down and close his eyes, after which he feels as if rocked in a cradle. Bry. FELL SUDDENLY. 1. Vertigo : fell suddenly with his back on the floor, without con- sciousness ; throat swollen, sour eructations before and after the at- tack ; the chest afterwards felt op- pressed, and a violent sweat broke out at night, Sassap. 2. ----, he fell down, Cic. 3. ----, he fell down without.utter- ing a sound, Cic. 4. —, falls down and rolls about, Cic. WITH BALANCING SENSATION. 1. Vertigo, with balancing sensa- tion in the brain, Nux v. 2. ----, balancing to and fro in head, Ign. 3. On starting, the objects seem to waver, and be thrown about in con- fusion, Eug. 4. She imagines she has to sit down or stand more firmly, objects seem to vacillate, inducing a belief that she is vacillating herself; every- thing dazzles her, Cic. 5. Objects seem to be moving to and fro, like a pendulum; herself included, Cic. 6. Vertigo, objects seem to be bal- ancing to and fro, Bell. 7. ----, as if objects were balancing to the left side, Grat. AS IF RAISED. 1. Giddiness, as if first raised high and then pushed forward, Calc. c. S. Vertigo, as if he would be raised, Silic. 3. Giddy feeling in the afternoon, as if a chair on which he was sitting were rising, and as if hewere look- ing down ; afterwards hypochon- driac mood, with drowsiness and languor, Phos. WITH SPASMS. 1. Vertigo, with staring eyes, and Vol. 8.-6 a sort of spasm in the mouth, pre- venting speech, though he hears and sees everything, Mosch. 2. He rubs his forehead and other parts, his feelings are indescribable, his senses vanish, he glides and falls down, the limbs being rigid, shoulders drawn backwards, arms curved, hands bent inwards, fingers somewhat clenched, and set apart; afterwards every part of the body is stiff, head bent sideways, lower jaw rigid and depressed, lips drawn inwards, teeth set, eyes closed, distortions of the facial muscles, cold all over, breathless for a quar- ter of an hour, Camph. ADDITIONAL SYMPTOMS OF VERTIGO. 1. Vertigo, which is especially vio- lent in going up stairs, when it causes a staggering gait, not at all felt in going down stairs, and not much felt in walking on a level. Ars. hydrog. 2. Painful sensation of reeling, also in the open air, 01. an. 3. Vertigo, in the morning, with some bleeding at the nose, Sulph. 4. ----, when reading and sitting, Branc. 5. ----, head inclines backward, Led. pal. 6. Maziness and dizziness, with in- clination to sleep, Kal. bichr. 7. The head inclines to fall back- wards and forwards, Phos. 8. Vertigo, as if the head were turn- ing and would sink, Cupr. 9. ----, while eading, as if the head were moving, Grat. 10. ----, as if the contents of the head were turning, Natr. carb. 11. He staggers when he looks to either side, Sulph. 12. Dizzy, as if nothing in his head were firm, Verat. Vindictiveness, 1. Incensed at those who offend him, Mangan. 2. Inveterate ill-will, unmoved by excuses, Nitr. ac. 82 VERTIGO. Want of Confidence in One's Self. 1. At variance with every body, des- pairs of being able to do that which he is asked to do, Anac. 2. Desponding, want of confidence in himself, Anac. 3. Is afraid of undertaking the least labour, Anac. 4. Has not confidence enough in himself to undertake and to achieve voluntary motions, August. 5. Feels very much affected bo- dily and mentally, and does not undertake anything, lest he should not succeed, Arg. nit. 6. He imagines he sees obstacles in his way every where, which have been occasioned partly by a con- trary fate, partly by himself, this makes him sad, Aur. 7. He imagines that he is doing everything wrong, Aur. 8. Want of confidence in one's self, Bar. c. Ign. 9. He deems himself incapable of doing anything, lod. 10. She would like to accomplish a great deal, but she was afraid she would not succeed, Nux v. 11. WANT OF CONFIDENCE IN HIMSELF, and sadness on that account, Oleand. 12. Want of confidence in his strength, Lye. Weakness of the Head. 1. Weakness of the head, Ant. cr. Graph. Stram. 2. Weariness of the head, Sil. 3. Weakness of the head, over the eyes, after fast walking, Kal. carb. 4. —, sometimes attended with exces- sive pain, qualmishness, and weak- ness in the pit of the stomach, Ars. 5. Weakness of the mind and body Bell. 6. The head feels weak, especiallv in the region of the eyes, Zinc. m. 7. Weakness of the head, as is felt after turning in a circle, Natr. mur. 8. Stupid and weak feeling of the head, towards noon, Ars. 9. Weak head, with chilliness about the head, or vertigo, Ambr. brain feels dull and numb, Thuj. 10. Weakness of the head, the Weakness of the Mind. 1. His mental faculties fail him pre- vious to every vomiting, (after the vomiting he feels relieved;) in general, his mental faculties are deficient during the whole time of proving, Asar. 2. He is not collected, is embar- rassed, avoids society, Sulph. 3. Weakness of the thinking pow- ers, Asa f. Petrol. 4. Weakness of mind, of long dura- tion, Ars. 5. Mental languor, early, Canth. 6. Irresolute, stupid, unable to col- lect one's thoughts. Cochl. amor. 7. While talking his brain seemed paralysed, he was unable to think cr to recollect the subject of conver- sation, with dulness of head, Calc.c. 8. Weakness of the imaginative faculty, Calc. c. 9. Works which require reflection are exhausting and fatiguing, Berb.v. 10. Mental languor, with difficulty to collect one's senses, and weakness of thought, Berb. v. 11. Decrease of the Imaginative fac- ulty, unable to stand, falls in the street, with hotskin, dry mouth and fauces, constipation, Chin, sulph. 12. Fatigue of the mind after the least exertion, Cupr. 13. Has no clear perception of what he feels, early on rising, Natr. carb. 14. Early, on waking, he feels as if he had no will, Natr. carb. 15. Forgets an idea as soon as a new- idea crosses his mind, Staph. 16. He imagines he is weak-minded, and uses wrong expressions all the time, Mangan. 17. Intellectual labour fatigues him, Puis. 18. Slow to recollect or to make up one's mind, Graph. 19. Weakness of thought, dulness, Natr. mur. 20. The least trifle prostrates all power of volition, Op. 83 SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. HEAD GENERALLY. Heaviness. SIMPLE heaviness. X. Heaviness in the head almost daily after rising, Alum. Amm. mur. Bor. Calend. Camph. Carb. v. Crot. Cupr, ars. Dros, Hyper. perf. Ign. Kal. bich. Nice. Nux v. Sen. Stram. 2. Heaviness and dulness of head, Kal. hyd., Nitr. ac. 3. ----, iri the head, both when at rest and in motion, in the evening, for two hours, Stann. 4. Painful heaviness in the head, from morning till night, Sil. 5. Dull and painful heaviness of the head, Verb. 0. Great weight in the head, parti- cularly in the forehead, Ars. 7. Weight in the head, especially when standing or sitting, Ars. 8. Heaviness of the head ; parti- cularly in the forehead, with dul- ness and tightness of the head and sensation of weight, Asaf, 9. His head feels heavy as if he were going to fall asleep; he is not disposed to do anything, Bell. 10. Dulness of the head, on rising, with heaviness in the occiput, Aur. 11. The child leans his head on one side, Cina. 12. Heaviness' in the head, with stupefaction, or particularly in sit- ting, Cicula virosa. 13. ----, of head, not eased by nose- bleed, Natr. sulph. 14. The head feels heavy and screwed in, this feeling passes off in the open air, Caust. 15. Heaviness in head, increasing to aching, after dinner, Nux jugl 16. The head feels extremely heavy. on stooping, Nitr. ac. 17. The head feels oppressed and dull, on waking, Puis. 18. In the morning the head feeb heavy, weak and confused, Phosph. 19. Unable to raise the head or t<. carry it erect, Puis. 20. Heaviness qf the head while lying, the saliva is tinged with blood, Magn. carb. 21. ----, of the head, especially the occiput and the left side, with dul- ness of the head, Carb. a. 22. Weight in the head, especially ii the forehead and temples, Agar. HEAVINESS FROM BEHIND FORWARD. 1. His. head inclines forward, Ign. 2. Heaviness of the head which in- clines forward, Par. quad. 3. Sensation as if the head is drawn forward, Sang. can. 4. Heaviness in the head from behind forward, Plumb, ac. heaviness with heat. 1. The head feels heavy and hot. Alum. Mang. 2. The whole night his head feel.*- heavy and dull, with heat in the head, inducing him to lay his head in cold places, Arg. nitr. 3. Heaviness first, early on waking then after rising, heat in the head, hands and feet being cold, Bar. carb. 4. ----, of the head, with heat and redness of the hairy scalp, Tarax. 5. ----, of head, with burning of s4 HEAVINESS OF THE HEAD. eyes, every day after dinner, Natr. carb. * 6. Dulness, heaviness, vertigo, feel- ing of heat in head, Pceon. 7. Heaviness of head, with sen- sation of fulness and heat in that part, especially when stooping or sewing, Petrol. 8. ----, in the head, with an op- pressive heat rising to the head, Rheum. 9. ----, of the . head, early* on waking, with heat in the head, in- creased by moving or raising the head, Calc. carb. heaviness with tearing stitches or pricking. 1. Heaviness, tearing and stitches in the head, especially in the fore- head, the head feels drawn side- ways, Sil. 2. ----, and dulness of. the head, as if the head would fall forward, followed by a fine pricking in the head, Sulph. 3. Weight in the head, with a fine stitch in the left shoulder, when moving the head from one side to the other, Cup. 4. Heaviness of the head, with op- pressive dulness and feeling of swelling in the left half of head and face, with prickling in those parts as from an electric current, Nux m. 5. Her head feels full and heavy (with ringing in ears) and stitches in left temple from within out- ward, Rhus tox. Heaviness in the head, with tearing, Rheum. heaviness with sensation of ful- ness OR enlargement. 1. "Heaviness and fulness of the head, increased by stooping, Spong. 2. Oppressive weight of the head, in the temples and over the fore- head, as if the head were congested with blood, as in violent coryza, Sep. 3. Heaviness and fulness in the head, has to incline it forward, Sulph. ac. 4. ----, of the head, as if filled with too much blood, a wide tearing pain in the occiput, dimi- nishing when lying on the back, increasing when sitting up, but being most relieved by stooping, very low while sitting, Ign. 5. ----, of the head, with sense of fulness and as if the brain were cut to pieces, with stupefaction of the head, pain on stooping as if bruised, sore feeling in occiput, Niccol. 6. The head feels large, full and heavy, as if drawn backward by a weight in nape of neck, Phell. 7. Early in the morning the head feels dull and heavy, sometimes with pressure in the sinciput, great languor, ill-humour, and chilliness, attacks of slight heat; in the after- noon increased warmth, particular- ly of the head and face, as if catarrh would set in; feeling of heaviness and fulness in the head, particularly the forepart, Berb. v. HEAVINESS WITH PRESSURE, 1. Oppressive and painful heaviness in the whole head, Sabin. 2. Heaviness of the whole 'head, with pressure towards the left frontal eminence, Phos. ac. 3. Painful heaviness of the head, after stooping for sometime while standing, with pressure in the fore- head from within outward, especi- ally over the left eye, Calc. carb. 4. Constant heaviness in the head, with pressure down the forehead on stooping ; hot face, Rhus tox. 5. Dulness of the head, it feels heavy, with painful pressure in the forehead and eyelids, Cann. 6. Her head feels heavy and larger, Mang, 7. Heaviness of head, at night, on waking, with dull, painful pressure and flat taste in mouth, Natr. carb. HEAVINESS C 8. Heaviness of the head, with sen- sation as if the brain were obscured, as if it were pushing towards every part of the skull, Lauroc. 9. ----, and pressure after dinner, especially when moving the eyes, Nux v. 10. ---, in the head, like a pressure from the nape of the neck, Grat. 11. Dulness and heaviness of the head when writing, with tension and pressure in the forehead, Gent. lut. 12. Heaviness of the head and pain as if the brain would issue through the forehead, Sulph. ac. 13. Weight and dulness of the head, with pressure on the sagittal suture, as if intoxicated, Asar. 14. Heaviness, with pressure, in the whole head, sometimes stitches in left frontal protuberance, Menyan. 15. ----, and dull pressure, parti- cularly in occiput, as if from fin- gers, here and there, Mephit. HEAVINESS, WITH SENSATION AS IF THE SKULL WOULD BURST. Heaviness of the head, with sen- sation, on stretching the facial muscles, as if the top of the skull would burst, Spig. HEAVINESS, WITH AFFECTION OF THE EYES. 1. The head feels stupid, the eyes ache, Puis. 2. The head feels heavy and gloomy on turning the eyes; the eyeball is painful, Rhus tox. 3. Heaviness of the head, he sees through a gauze, Phos. 4. ----, of the head, is unable to bear the glare of light, Puis. 5. ----, of the head, in the morning, with dim-sightedness and watery eyes, Carb. a. HEAVINESS, WITH PAIN IN FOREHEAD. 1. Heaviness of the head, with a dull pain deep in the forehead, Fluor ac. I F THE HEAD. 8i 2. Heaviness of the head, sometimes with despondency, inability to think, and pain above the nose. worse in a recumbent posture and when waking from the siesta, Bov. HEAVINESS WITH HUMMING IN THE EARS. Weight in the head, with humming in the ears, particularly in the room, going off in the open air, or early after rising, with pressure as from a load, Ars. heaviness with giddiness. 1. In the morning his head feels- heavy and giddy, Aeon. Magn. carb. Natr. mur. 2. Heaviness and reeling sensation of head, Chin. Magn. mur. 3. ----, with vertigo, after dinner*. Magn. sulph. 4. Oppressive heaviness in head. early ; on looking at things the^ become confused, with reeling. Mur. ac. 5. ----, of the head, changing to dizziness during motion, Sabad. 6. Giddiness and weight in the head. when stooping, while sitting or reading, Bry. HEAVINESS WITH PAIN IN THE BACK. 1. Heaviness in the head, with in- ertia, drowsiness and pain in the small of the back, Gummi gutti. 2. ----, in the head, with uneasi- ness in the back, Lob. inf. HEAVINESS WITH LANGUOR OR LAS- SITUDE. 1. Heaviness of the head, early, on walking, with languor in the limbs. China. 2. ----, of the head, with pale face and languor. Alum. 3. ----, of the head at night, with lassitude of the feet, Carb. a. HEAVINESS AS IF THE SCALP WERE STRETCHED. Heaviness of the head, as if tin integuments of the head were put 86 HEAVINESS OF THE HEAD. upon the stretch, especially in the nape of the neck, where a tingling sensation is experienced, Dulc. HEAVINESS FROM BEFORE BACKWARDS. 1. Heaviness of the head which is drawn backwards in consequence, worse on raising the head; re- lieved by stooping, Viol. trie. 2, ----, with inclination of the head fall backwards when sitting, Chin. HEAVINESS AS FROM INTOXICATION. 1. Weight in the head, in the morning as after intoxication, A ar. 2. Giddiness and heaviness in the head, early, as from intoxication, Nux vom. 3. His head feels heavy as from in- toxication. Bell. HEAVINESS WITH PAIN OF HEAD OR SCALP. 1. Heaviness of the head with pain when shaking it, Spig. 2. Dulness, heaviness and painful- ness of the head, early on waking, Calc. phos. S. The head feels heavy and pain- ful, Magn. carb. 4. Heaviness in the head, and headache of one side, after lying down, Sep. 5. Her head feels heavy and the scalp painful, Mang. 6. Painful heaviness in head, as from the vapour of coal, rousing him from sleep, Nitr. ac. 7. Heaviness in the head with violent jerks in both temples, and pain of the head when stooping, Calc. carb. HEAVINESS, WITH INABILITY TO HOLD THE HEAD ERECT. 1. Heaviness of the head as though he were about to fall, Bell. 2. She feels as if she could not hold her head, Sil. 3. Heaviness in the head, as if he could not keep it still, only when sitting, Squil. HEAVINESS WITH NAUSEA. 1. Heaviness of the head, with yawning and nausea, Magn. carb. 2. ----, and dulness of the head, on raising the head, with nausea, Oleand. HEAVINESS, WITH WEAKNESS OF NAPE OF NECK. Heaviness of the head, with sen- sation of weakness in the posterior cervical muscles, Viol. odor. HEAVINESS WITH ILL-HUMOUR. 1. Heaviness of the head, with ill- humour, after dinner, Kal. hyd. 2. ----, of the head, with ill- humour and want of desire to talk, Thuj. HEAVINESS AS FROM A LOAD ON THE HEAD. 1. Heaviness in the head as from a heavy load on the vertex, when stooping, Ind. 2. Oppressive stupifying sensation in the head as from a load, accom- panied with tearing, banishing sleep at night, Ars. hydrog. 3. Heaviness in the head, as from a load pressing on the brain, Thuj. 4. Sensation as if something heavy were lying on his head, without pain, Cocculus. HEAVINESS WITH GENERAL MALAISE. Heaviness of the head, with malaise all over, Stron. carb. heaviness, motion is disagreeable. Heaviness of the head, every motion of the head is disagreeable, Sulph. HEADACHE. 87 Headache* SIMPLE HEADACHE. 1. Headache all the time, Arg. nit. 2. ----, early on waking, Agar. Bov. Petrol. 3. ----, early, for several mornings, Natr mur. 4. Aching pain in the brain, Ipec. Oleand. 5. Violent headache, Camph. Cupr. Led. pal. 6. Raging headache, Mosch. 7. Violent headache, early, Magn. carb. 8. Piercing headache, Cann. 9. Violent headache for three days, Croc 10. Violent aching over the whole head, Lauroc. 11. Intense aching in the head, after waking, Dig. 12. Dull headache every morning, after rising, Sep. 13. Dull headache, early, in bed, abating after rising, Hepars Ign. Nitr. ac. 14. Headache, in the morning, in a state of half waking ; it disappears entirely after rising, Cham. 15. ----, worse in the open air, Arg. nitr. Sulph. 16. Frequent headache, worse when walking in the open air, Alum. Puis. 17. Headache in bed, worse when rising, Dulc. 18. ----, worse in the open air, or in a recumbent posture, with ame- lioration by walking about. Spig. 19. ----on waking and during a walk in the open air, Lam. alb. 20. ----, which is intolerable when raising one's self and sitting in bed, Am. 21. ---- on waking, going off, or on raising the head, Magn. carb. 22. The headache is worse when sit- ting still, Bruc. 23. Headache after lying down, two evenings in succession, Phos. 24. Headache, worse when lying, Kal. carb. 25. Congestive headache, Nux vom. 26. Congestive, catarrhal and nerv- ous headache, Aeon. 27. Headache, relieved by tying a handkerchief tightly round the head, Arg. nit. 28. ----from hunger, Si I. 29. Deep-seated headache, with ach- ing pain in, the molares, on one side, Sep. 30. Headache after the siesta, as if from concussion of the head. Sep. 31. Violent headache, with disposi- tion to sleep, restlessness increas- ing unto despair, glistening eyes, yellow complexion with red cheeks, violent thirst, (with moist, white tongue with red borders,) feeble, small pulse, constant disposition to faint, pains in the loins, warm, dry skin, constipation and copious se- cretion of clear urine, Viper, r. 32. Excessive headache, disappearing at the appearance of the menses, Verat. 33. Headache, with throbbing of the carotids, Thea. 34. Violent headache, with diuresis, Verat. 35. Periodical headache, diminished by the application of cold water, but increased to a higher degree of violence than before, by removing the cold application, Ars. 30. Headache, followed by a throb- bing pain in the temples, Am. 37. ----and toothache, Arg. nit. 38. There is no region in the head which was not painfully affected by the drug, Arg. nit. 39. On waking, terrible headache, obliging him to gnash his teeth, Arg. nit. 40. Sensation in the head, as if the epileptic fit were approaching, Arg. nit. 41. On waking in the morning from a sleep full of dreams, his head aches and feels dull, Arg. nit. 42. Headache every day^ caused by too small, although frequent stools, with tenesmus, Con. m. 43. ----, and subsequently a little bleeding at the nose, Ant. c. 88 HEADACHE. 44. Headache and dull feeling in the left temple, afterwards in the region below the parietal bones, and lastly in the occiput, Asar. 45. Dull headache, with cloudiness, Atham. 46. Headache, especially in the fore- head, Bor. Bell. 47. ----, in the evening, every noise, especially male voices, af- fected her brain very painfully, Bar. carb. 48. —:—, which is aggravated by moving the eyes, by concussion and by a current of air, Bell. 49. ----, every day, from four o'clock in the afternoon until three next morning, increased by the warmth of the bed and a recumbent posture, Bell. 50. Aching, deep in the brain, which is felt over the whole head, both when walking, and after having walked in the open air, Bell. 51. Headache, with anorexia, Stram. 52. ----, early, as if she had not slept enough, Graph. 53. ----, with dulness of the head, Crot. Bor. 54. ----, it makes him almost crazy. lod. 55. ----, with yawning, without drowsiness, Cycl. 56. ----, diminished by smoking tobacco, and going off in the open air, Diad. 57. Violent headache, with heaviness, (going off after rising,) Kal. hyd. 58. Headache, early, as if he had not slept enough, or while the eyes are kept closed on waking, (as if in the centre of the brain,) Nux vom. 59. °----, down to the eyes or nose, Nux vom. 60. ----, remaining after the other symptoms had subsided, Brom. 61. Violent aching pain in the occiput and sinciput, from the vertex to the forehead and orbits, Hydr. ac. 62. Headache at every pulsation, Ign. 63. Headache, especially when rais- ing or moving the eyes, Magnet.p. arct. 64. ----? worse after a meal; it dis- appears in the open air, Coffea. 65. Horrid headache, with exces- sive uneasiness, Kal. hyd. 66. Headache, with desire to lay the head on one side, Puis. 67. ----? when sitting, especially in the occipital protuberance, Agar. 68. ----} after dinner, Am. carb. 69. Megrim, hysteric, nervous head- ache ; catarrhal headache, particu- larly after suppression of sweat, Cham. 70. Aching pain in the head, with sleeplessness, China. 71. Dull headache, when leaning the head on one side, Menyan. 72. Intense aching pain in the whole head, especially in both temples, Calc. carb. 73. Headache, arising from the nape of the neck, Col. carb. 74. Aggravation of the headache in the open air and when stooping. Calc. phos. 75. Headache in the morning, as from nightly revelling, Phos. Kql. nitr. 76. ----, at night, after evening nausea, Phos. 77. The headache sets in, principally in the morning on waking, Bry. 78. In the morning, the headache does not begin when waking, but when opening and moving the eyes, Bry. 79. Early in the morning, when wak- ing, his head feels gloomy and aches, Bry. 80. Headache at night, as if caused by a wrong position, Lye. 81- ----from sneezing and coughing, disappearing immediately by com- ^ pressing the head, Natr. mur. 82. ----, when exerting the body, Natr. mur. 83; •----, after rising, with pressure in vertex and dulness, Niccol. 84. The headache disappears by sit- ting erect, or by emission of flatu- lence, Cicuta virosa. HEADACHE. 89 85. Aching pain in the head, also in the forehead, Ciria. 86. Horrid headache, relieved by ex- ternal pressure (from the vapour,) Cinnabaris. 87. Headache, worse on rising from a chair, Lam. alb. 88. The headache abates when the head rests quietly on the cushion, Alum. 89. Aching and sometimes lancinat- ing headache, lod. 90. Headache, with drowsiness, Kreas. 91. ----, extending to both jaws, Kal. chl. 92. Indescribable headache, deep in the brain, worse when rising from a stooping posture, Lam. alb. 93. Headache, the head feels dull and heavy, going off during sleep, Lauroc. 94. Dull headache in the morning, during sleep, Led. pal. STUPIFYING HEADACHE. 1. Stupefying headache, Hydr. ac. 2. Dull, stupifying headache, early Natr. mur. 3. Dull, stupifying headache, (on vertex), Phos. 4. Stupifying headache for ten days, Dulc. 5. ----, early, going off, after ris- ing, Nux vom. 6. Aching in the head, with slight stupefaction, Dig. 7. Stupifying headache after ris- ing, as if he had not slept enough, Calc. carb. 8. Headache, as if the brain were stunned, Bell. 9. Stupifying headache, especially in forehead, during rest and motion, Menyan. 10. ----, as if the parts in the head were turned out of their places, worse during motion, Rheum. 11. ----, on walking, China. 12. When walking in the open air, he feels a stupifying headache, especially in the forepart of the head, afterwards in the occiput. Cina. 13. °Aching pain every eight days, with tearing and stupefaction, Sulph. 14. Stupifying headache, as from violent wind, Aur. 15. ----, the whole morning, as from the vapour of coal, Zinc. met. 16. Violent headache, with loss of sense, she moaned and cried for help, Sil. 17. Oppressive, stupifying headache, especially in the forehead, more violent when moving the head and when standing, Staph. 18. Headache, weariness of the head, stupefaction, intoxication, Tabac. OPPRESSIVE HEADACHE. 1. Oppressive headache, at times in one, at times in another part of the brain, lastly behind the left ear, Graph. 2. Excessive headache, as if the brain were oppressed with a weight of lead, Rhod. 3. Oppressive headache, here and there, on the surface of the brain. Phos. 4. ----, alternately in the temples and uper part of head, with fulness in the brain, Phos. 5. ----, with pressure from within outwards, Berb. v. 6. ----, with heaviness and dulness of the head, particularly in the morning hours, Berb. v. 7. ----, when the head is covered by a tight hat, going off by un- covering the head, Sulph. 8. ----, with heaviness in the fore- head, or with heat in the head and whole body, Gummi gutti. 9. ----, over the eyes, with digging in the upper part of head, Phos. 10. ----, or a muddled feeling, with jerkings in the head, or tearing, every morning, increasing during motion after rising, Phos. •ACHE. 90 HEAD headache during motion. 1. Headache during motion, Phos. 2. The headache is aggravated by movement, particularly by open- ing and moving the eyes, Bry. 3. Headache, when shaking the head, Lye. 4. The whole brain is painful when shaking the head, Caust. 5. Aggravation of the headache, by contact, movement, a current of air, winds, and by stepping, China. 6. Headache, when turning the body, Natr. mur. 7. ----, when turning the head ra- pidly or stepping firmly, Phos. ac. 8. ----, when moving the head ra- pidly, as if the brain were con- cussed, Mez. 9. ----, when moving the head, she dreads to touch it, Graph. 10. ----, when riding in a carriage, Graph. f 11. Aching in the head, every step affects his forehead painfully, with sweat on the forehead, Sidph. 12. Headache, only when going up stairs, Sulph. 13. ----, in the morning ; the head feels full, heavy and stupid; the headache becomes intolerable when making the least movement, and continues the whole day, Arg. nit. 14. ----, when walking in the open . air, with dulness of the mind, Con. m. 15. When walking the headache in- creases unto reeling, but it abates again when sitting, Verat. HEADACHE WITH CHILLINESS. 1. Headache, with chill, Sang. can. 2. ----,with great chilliness, Evon. 3. ----, with frequent chills, Mez. 4. Dull headache, morning, with drawing towards the forehead, chil- liness until noon, Petrol. 5. Violent aching in the head, with chills over the body, especially in the forenoon, Kal. carb. 6. Headache, with inertia, icy cold- ness of the body and inclination to vomit, Dulc. 7. Headache on waking, with ful- ness of the abdomen, diarrhoea and chilliness, Kal. nitr.' 8. ----, with eructations and chilli- ness, Arg. nit. 9. The head feels dull and hollow, his whole brain aches, accompanied by chilliness, Arg. 10. Violent headache, with intoler- ance of external warmth : neverthe- less she felt chilly, Sep. 11. Generally the headache is accom- panied with chilliness, and some- times with a general increase of the temperature of the body, Arg. nit. HEADACHE WITH NAUSEA OR VOMITING. 1. Headache, with nausea, Calc. carb. Caust. Each. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Sulph. 2. ----, every morning, with nau- sea, Sep. 3. ----, with vomiting, Bar. mur. 4. ——, with nausea, particularly early, in bed, when the nausea gets up into the throat, exciting a desire to vomit, Am. carb. 5. Stupifying headache with nausea, especially in right side of forehead, with heat in face, Ruta. 6. Hemicrania, with nausea and vo- miting, Puis. 7. Headache, with vomiting and violent pains in the umbilical re- gion, Plumb. 8. Violent headache, with vomitingi every second or third day, Plumb. 9. Headache, proceeding from the occiput, with bilious vomiting, Plumb. 10. Dull headache, with nausea, eruc- tations, waterbrash. Phos. 11. Headache, with nausea and chill, then flying heat from the head to the stomach, Sang. can. 12.----, with inclination to vomit, and pain in the stomach, after a meal, and after chagrin, Cast. 13.----, with nausea, and vomiting of mucous, Con. m. 14.----, with nausea and vomiting, Mosch. I HEADACHE. 91 15. Megrim, on both sides, with faintishness, almost to nausea, Kal. carb. 16. Headache, particularly in the back and forepart of the head, with inclination to vomit, and sleep, aggravated by movement in the open air, relieved by tying a handkerchief round the head, Branc, 17. ----, increasing after dinner, followed by violent stitches in left temple, with nausea, and sour vom- iting, disappearing in the evening, Nux vom. 18.----, with nausea and vomiting, °also with vomiting of sour and bitter substances, Nux vom. 19.----, and sick stomach, every other morning, when first awak- ing, with loss of appetite during the headache, but good appetite on the intervening day, Eupat. perf 20. ----, with nausea, as if from the abdomen, Graph. 21. Violent headache, early on wak- ing, with vomiting, diarrhoea, and icy-cold sweat, even unto fainting ; she felt so weak that she had to lie down, with constant alternation of chilliness and heat, Graph. 22. Headache, AVith loathing, and inclination to vomit, Grat. 23. ----, with nausea, and trem- bling of the body, early, Bor. 24. ----, and pain in the back, with colic, and desire to vomit, Verat. 25. ----, with vomiting of green mucus, Verat 26.----, with nausea, vomiting and pale face, Verat. 27. °Paroxysms of hemicrania, with nausea, vomiting, and boring stick- ing, extorting cries, Sep. 28. Headache, every morning, with want of appetite, nausea, and ill- humour, Stann. headache, with pain, pressure, ten- sion, or soreness of the eyes. 1. Headache, as if the eyes would be pressed out of their sockets, with yawning, and chilliness; no thirst, Rhus. tox. 2. Dull pain in head, with sensi- tiveness of the scalp, and sore. burning pain in the eyes, Magn. mur. 3. Headache, followed by obscu- ration of sight, Sil. 4.----, with photophobia, and ina- bility to open the eyes, on account of the pain, Sep. 5. ----, with spasm of the eyes, and fiery semicircle before the eyes, Viol. odor. 6.----, and pain in eyes, Stram. 7. Violent headache and toothache, with profuse lachrymation, Stram. 8. Horrid headache, through the eyes, Kal. carb. 9. Sort of aching pain in the head, every day, especially in a warm room, with pressure in the eyes, which did not bear contact; in a few days nausea supervened, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in ; this was followed by a peculiar sensation in the parotid glands, and a simple pain in pit of stom- ach, Senega. 10. Dull headache, early, with sore eyes, Cina. 11. Headache, with tension in eyes, when movmg them, Nitr. ac. 12.----, down to the eyes, with pain and pressure in the eyes; lachrymation, Puis. 13. Oppressive headache, with rag- ing pain over the eyes, Brom. HEADACHE, WITH HEAT OF THE FACE OR BODY. 1. Headache, with unnatural heat, Hyos. 2.----, Avith redness and heat of the face, Ind. °Nux. vom. 3. ----, heat in the head and face, with indolence and ill-humour, Calc. phos. 4. Dull feeling in the head, increas- ing in the evening to violent ach- ing pain, with heat in the face, Lob. inf. 92 HEADACHE. 5. Headache, and heat in the fore- head, after a meal, Calend. 6.----, while reading, with sweat and heat, Natr. sulph. 7. ----, with heat on the forehead, Kreas. 8.----, with burning in the eyes and heat in the face, diminished by smoking or sitting, Diad. 9.----, as if from congestion of blood to the head, with heat in the face, Copaiv. 10.----, in the open air, and heat, August. HEADACHE, WITH LANGOUR, DEBILITY OF BODY, OR LOWER LIMBS. 1. Headache, with langour, de- bility, yawning, drowsiness in the day-time, ill-humour, Chin, sulph. 2. Dull headache, with debility, or with numbness, anguish, and gen- eral sweat, trembling in the limbs, and slow pulse, Chin, sulph. 3. Aching in the whole head, worse in the warm room, with prostrate feeling, Lauroc. 4. Violent headache, with extreme weakness, particularly of the low- er extremities, or with thirst, and violent cholic, Cupr. acet. 5. Violent headache, after bathing in the river, with weakness in the limbs, and repugnance to food, Ant. c. 6. Headache, early, with langour, and weariness of the feet, Magn. mur. 7. ----, with langour, and subse- quent coldness, Chin. HEADACHE, AS IF THE BRAIN WERE DASHED TO PIECES. 1. Sensation as if the brain were dashed to pieces or bruised, with redness of the cheeks, Alum. 2. The head feels gloomy, and the forehead feels as if beaten in twain, Puis. 3. Headache, as if the brain were torn, or would be dashed to pieces, during a walk in the open air, sub- siding in the room, Cof 4. Headache, as if the brain were too full, and dashed to pieces in the occiput, after waking from the siesta, Cof. 5. The head feels bruised, and as if dashed to pieces, in one brain, Magn. p. arct. 6. On waking in the morning, head. ache, as if the brain would be dashed to pieces ; when rising, the pain goes off, and is converted into a toothache, as if the nerve would be crushed and dashed to atoms; afterwards the pain passes into the small of the back in a similar form; the headache is brought back again by reflecting, Ign. 7. Headache, as if the brain were cleft, Nux vom. 8.----, early, in bed, as if his head had been struck with an axe, going off after rising, Nux vom. 9.----, early, as if bruised, or as if the head would fall to pieces, Con. m. 10.----, as if the brain were rent asunder, Fer. 11. In the morning, on waking, the head felt as if dashed to pieces, Sulph. ac. 12.. Headache ; the sutures of the skull feel as if torn asunder; feel- ing in the head as if a lever were applied, for the purpose of break- ing it to pieces, Bell. 13.----, as if the brain were bro- ken, Verat. 14,----, in the forenoon, as if the brain were crushed, Sep. 15.----, as if the head were falling to pieces at the top, and pressure, as if everything were descending toward the nose, Merc. sol. 16. ----, as if the brain were torn and dashed to pieces, Mur. ac. 17. Oppressive headache, here and there, increasing to a pain, as if the brain were dashed to pieces on the surface, Phos. HEADACHE. 93 18. Violent headache, as if the brain j were dashed to pieces, A^th. 19. Pain, as if the brain were bruised, or dashed to pieces, afternoon, Phos. HEADACHE FROM STOOPING. 1. Aching pain in the head, when stooping, Lye. Puis. 2. Headache, increased by stoop- ing, Ign. 3. Violent headache from stooping, in the open air, Phos. 4. Headache, when coughing, or stooping, Nux, vom. 5. ----, on stooping, moving the arms, or going up stairs, Fer. magn. 6. ----, when stooping, early, after rising, Dig. 7.----, coming on suddenly, after stooping, but going off again after raising the head, Ign. 8. Violent headache, worse when stooping, with tingling in the ears, headache with vertigo. 1. Headache, with vertigo, Hydroc. ac. Kal. chlor. Lauroc. 2. ----, with reeling; he lost his thoughts when writing, Rhus. tox. 3.----, also with giddiness, every morning on waking, Calc. carb. 4,----, with vertigo, and pain in ear, Sang. can. 5. Violent headache, with vertigo; she is sad, taciturn, sitting in one place, Con. m. 6. Headache, with vertigo, and inability to collect one's senses, Chin, sulph. 7. Vertigo every two hours, suc- ceeded by nausea, (particularly of the frontal protuberance,) with ex- treme prostration of strength, Kal. bichr. 8. Excessive giddiness, with head- ache, repletion of the abdomen, flatulence and nausea, which passes off in the open air, Ind. 9. Headache, when shaking the head, with vertigo, Hepar. sulph. 16. ----, with vertigo, and palpita- tion of the heart, Tart. stib. 11. Dull headache and vertigo, in- creased by ascending a flight of stairs, Ant. c. 12. Violent headache for several days, accompanied with vertigo, Ars. 13. Headache, from shaking the head, with vertigo or heaviness, Spig. HEADACHE, WITH CATARRHAL SYMP- TOMS. 1. Headache, as is felt after catch- ing cold, Aur. Carb. v. Magn. art. 2.----, after a cold, Bell. 3. Continuous headache, as if a catarrh in the head would set in, Ambr. 4. Headache, in the evening, as if from dry coryza, succeeded by dry heat, in bed, with excessive drow- siness, delirious fancies, and almost waking dreams, Puis. 5.----, with confused feeling, as when a catarrh is coming on, Phos. 6. Sensation in head as if from a violent cold, Nitr. ac. 7. Aching under the skull all over, as after having taken cold, or with nausea, and alternating with heat, very much aggravated by stoop- ing, Each. 8. Violent headache, with twinkling before the eyes, as if coryza would make its appearance, Each. 0. Dull headache, especially in the left frontal protuberance, worse in the evening, with increased coryza, Dulc. 10. Catarrhal feeling in head and nose, Galv. 11. Sudden headache, affecting the eyes and nose, as if he would cry and sneeze, Fer. magn. 12. Headache every morning Over her eyes; she sneezes continually, Sulph. 94 HEADACHE. 13. Aching pain, extending as far as the eyes, with sneezing, Arg. nit. HEADACHE, FROM MENTAL EXERTIONS. 1. Headache, when thinking, Phos. 2. °----, from mental exertions, Nux vom. 3. Dull headache, when sitting, or reflecting, Cham. 4. Headache increases by reading, and by reflection, and is dimin- ished by stooping, Cina. 5.----, increased by reading, and by listening to the speaker with intense attention, but not by mere- ly reflecting in himself, Ign. 6. Headache, excited or aggrava- ted by reflection, Nux vom. 7. When reflecting or reading, especially when talking or writing, the headache increases, with con- fusion of ideas; when ceasing to reflect, speak or write, the headache decreases, Aur. HEADACHE, WITH PRESSURE IN THE BRAIN OR FOREHEAD. 1. Aching pain from the vertex to the forehead and orbits, with pres- sure from the occiput down the nape of the neck, Lauroc. 2. Headache, now in one, then in another part of the head, with pres- sure deep in the brain, aggravated by opening the eyes widely, Coc. Arm. 3.----, after a meal, and pressure in the forehead from within, out- wards, during a walk, Bry. 4. Aching in the head, with pres- sure above the eyes and in the forehead, Cis. can. 5. Headache, pressure and weight, as if caused by a congestion of blood to the head, Dig. 6. Nightly headache, and pressure in occiput and vertex, with pres- sure on the eyes and a foetid sweat, during which he had to walk up and down in his room, Sulph. HEADACHE, WITH STIFF NECK OR LIMB3. 1. Pressing, digging up, itching headache, with stiffness of the nape of the neck, and sensitiveness of the head when touching it, Sep. 2. Headache, with stiffness of nape of neck, Phos. ac 3. —■—, with stiff neck, Magn. carb. 4.----, with rheumatic pains, and stiffness in limbs and neck, preced- ed by nausea, and disposition to vomit, Sang. can. 5.----, with some stiffness, Verat. HEADACHE, WITH FLATULENCE. 1. Headache, with flatulence, Calc. phos. 2.----, and distention of abdomen at times, Stram. 3. Aching of single places of the head in slight paroxysms, which seem to correspond with flatulence, Carb. v. HEADACHE, AS AFTER INTOXICATION. 1. Headache, as from previous in- toxication, with pain in the eyes, as from smoke, Nitr. ac. 2.----, in the morning, on waking, as if one had been intoxicated with wine, Carb. a. 3. ----, as if from intoxication and watching, Puis. headache, as from deranged stom- ach. 1. Headache, as if caused by a de- ranged stomach, Euphor. 2. ----, as if from overloading the stomach, or eating fat meat, Puis. HEADACHE, ALTERNATING WITH OTHER SYMPTOMS. 1. Headache, particularly in the sinciput, alternating with pains in the small of the back, Brom. 2.----, alternating with pain in the nape of the neck, Hyos. HEADACHE. 95 -J. Dull headache, pulsative beat- ings in the right temple, Chel. 4. Hammering and throbbing head- ache every two or three weeks, with aversion to food and drink, Fer. 5. Throbbing headache, with heat in head and face, nausea and vom- iting, Natr. mur. 6. As the headache disappears, an oppressive pain in the abdomen sets in, the headache returning after the disappearance of the latter pain, Cin. BEATING HEADACHE. 1. Beating headache, Ferr. magn. Ign. 2. Throbbing headache, Anac. Eupat. perf. 3. Hammering headache, Am. carb. 4. Beating headache, in the after- noon, Carb. v. 5. Beating headache, about mid- night, Puis. 0. Intermittent, beating headache, Verat. 7. Headache, early, a sort of pul- sating, or a sort of short jerks, with pressure, and redness of face, Thuj. 8. Beating headache, after rising, with heaviness of the head, Tong. 9. Semi-lateral, throbbing, hacking headache, Aur. 10. Hammering headache, during an animated conversation, Sulph. 11. Beating headache and bitter vomiting, Sang. can. 12. ----, evening, with nausea and sour vomiting, Sassap. 13. ----, with pressure in eyes, diminished appetite, bruised feel- ing and general feeling of malaise, Senega. 14. Headache resembling a knocking or hacking with a sharp instru- ment ; she had to lie still, Am. carb. 15. Beating headache, extending to the jaw-bones, Brom. 10, ----, with heaviness and stupe- faction, Sabin. tearing headache. 1. Tearing headache, Camph. Ipec. 2. ----, from the vertex over the temples, August. 3. ----, in the evening, in bed, Lauroc. 4. —:—, after midnight, when lying on one side, going off by lying on the back, Ign. 5. ----, with drawing extending to the eyes, Kreas. 6. Headache the whole day, a sort of pressure with tearing, extending to the malar bone, Cina. 7. ----, like a slow tearing lancina- tion and a bruised feeling, Merc. sol. 8. ----, on waking, as if the brain were torn, especially towards the occiput, Con. m. 9. Violent headache, early after wak- ing, as if the brain were torn, going off' afterwards amid violent; spas- modic yawning, Staph. 10. Headache as far as the occiput, afterwards the pain becomes tear- ing, Rheum. 11. Tearing headache, afternoon, toothache next night, Lye. 12. ----during hard labour, Anac. HEADACHE AS IF THE BRAIN WERE SORE OR BRUISED. 1. Soreness of the brain, as if bruis- ed, when walking in the wind ag- gravated by the least contact, par- ticularly when making an effort of the mind, or talking, (°with boring, attended with pressure), China. 2. Headache, as from a bruised brain, Aur. 3. ----, as if bruised, or a sort of painful bewilderment in the head, worse after lying down, Euphr. 4. —'■—, with soreness internally; aggravated in the open air, Eupat. perf. 5. He wakes from his siesta with a violent headache, as if the brain were bruised and obtuse; disap- pears gradually after ris'mg,Magnet. p. arct. :)6 HEADACHE. 6. Headache, in the morning, as if bruised, going off after rising, Magn, art. 7. ----, as if the brain and skull were bruised, penetrating through all the bones of the skull down to the root of the tongue, with nausea, Ipec. 8. Nightly headache, as if an ulcer were in the head, Caust. 9. Headache, as if the head were bruised, with dulness of the head, and a feeling in the limbs as if bruised, Aeon. 10. ----, as if the brain were sore, Camph. 11. ----towards evening, the head feels as if ulcerated when pressed upon, Magn. carb. 12. ----, the head feels heavy and bruised, Cham. HEADACHE WITH TIGHTNESS OF THE BRAIN. 1. Aching pain in head, as if tied all round, Merc. sol. 2. Headache, early when waking, like a tightness of the brain all over; he dislikes to open his eyes ; when stooping he feels as if the brain were falling forward, Coffea. 3. Tensive headache, particularly at night, or in the forehead, Nux vom. 4. Dull, tight, dizzy headache, over the whole brain, worse on top of the head and in the temples, Rheum. 5. Constant headache, a sort of tension, lessened by staring or reflecting, Sabad. 6. The head aches, it feels tight, Calc. carb. 7. Tensive aching from occiput to forehead, Caust. Mur. ac. 8. Violent, tight headache, on waking, over the surface of the brain, especially in the occiput with painful stiffness of the nape of the neck, Graph. DIGGING HEADACHE. 1. Digging headache, in the forehead and temples, also in the upper and fore part of the head, almost daily, early after rising, Bar. carb. 2. —-—, early, going off* after rising, Nux vom. 3. In the morning on waking, hor- rid, digging-up, stupifying head- ache, going off after flatulence moves about in the abdomen, Magnes. art. 4. Headache when stooping, digging and heaviness in forehead Merc. sol. 5. Digging headache in the even- ing, Anac. STICKING, STINGING, PRICKING, DARTING, LANCINATING HEADACHE. 1. Sticking headache, Staphis. Thuj. Valer. 2. ----, with pressing and pushing in the eyes, fluent coryza, Lye. 3. Sticking hemicrania, Puis. 4. Sticking headache, especially in the forehead, Euphor. 5. ----, with dry coryza, Croc. 6. Violent headache, as if the skull were pierced by violent stitches, Sil. 7, Stitching headache through the eyes, the whole day, Sep. 8. Headache, every minute, as if proceeding from the back, a stitch- ing in the head at every step, Sep. 9. Darting, lancinating headache, when stooping, as if every thing would issue through the forehead, with nausea, qualmishness, Am. 10. (Early in the morning, stitching headache, with redness of one eye), Arg. 11. Prickling headache from morn- ing till noon, Phos. ac. 12. Excessive headache, dull stitches dart through the brain in all di- rections, Bell. 13. Pricking headache, sometimes all DIGGING HEADACHE. 97 night, with tearing in the lower jaw or bruised pain in the side of the head, sometimes lessened by pressure or by lying down, Sulph. 14. Headache, early, a constant pecking (dull-sticking headache) worse when stooping, then he feels as if part of the forehead would fall out, Nux vom. 15. Stinging headache, Cham. 16. ----, and heaviness of the head, also with drowsiness, Ipec. 17. Early, after a sound sleep, lan- cinating headache, disappearing when walking in the open air, Hepar sulph. 18. Darting headache, as if in the bones, Lye, 19. Lancinating headache, early with pressure over the right eye, Magn. carb. 20. ----, on waking, the whole day, Caust. HEADACHE, WITH CLOSING OF THE EYELIDS. 1. Headache, her eyelids are drawn together, KaU nitr. Sulph. 2. Stupifying headache, with closing of eyelids, Mosch. 3. Headache, as if the eyes would be forcibly closed, Cocculus. DRAWING HEADACHE. 1. Drawing headache, from the nape of the neck, with stinging, hammering and roaring in the head, Fer. 2. ----, as if it would extend into the temples (at noon), Asar. 3. Oppressive drawing headache from before backward, June. 4. Drawing headache, with closing of the eyes ; from the right frontal cavity to the right jaw, Kreas. 5. ----, particularly under the right half of the os-frontis ; next day the head feels dull, Cimex lectularius. 6. Dull headache after dinner, a sort of confusion and drawing, Natr. carb. Vol. III.—7. 7. Drawing headache, with lachry- mation of one eye, Puis. 8. ----, in the morning, passing into a sort of vertigo, with lumi- nous vibrations before the eyes, recurring after dinner, with excited circulation, cheerfulness, mental excitement, inability to do an\ kind of work, Phos. PINCHING HEADACHE. 1. Pinching headache, Petrol. 2. Oppressive and pinching head- ache, Phos. HEADACHE AS IF THE EYES WOULD FALL OUT. 1. Headache, as if the eyes would fall out, Sep. 2.----, as if the brain and eyes would be pushed forward, Sil. 3.----, as if the eyes would be torn out, °with vertigo, Cocculus. HEADACHE WITH CONTRACTIVE SEN- SATION OF THE HEAD. 1. Headache, as if the integuments of the head became contracted, Carb. v. 2. Aching, with contractive sen- sation in the head when rising from bed, Lye. DULL HEADACHE, WITH WHIZZING, PRESSURE, BEATING. 1. The head feels dull after drinking coffee, Arg. nit, 2. The head feels obtuse, accom- panied with whizzing in the ears and hard hearing, Arg. nit. 3. Dulness in the head, with pres- sure in the eyes as with a dull point from within outwards, espe- cially below the right eyelid, Asaf. 4. Dull and muddled state of the head, with beating in the whole body and hypochondriac taciturni- ty, after dinner, Arg. nit. 08 DIGGING HEADACHE. HEADACHE WITH GENERAL MALAISE. 1. Headache, with a general feeling of uncomfortable ness, Cin a. 2. ■----, with heaviness and uncom- fortableness in all the limbs, Sil. HKADACHE, ACCOMPANIED BY, OR TER- MINATING IN, A STITCH. 1. Headache with stitches the whole day, Am. carb. 2.----, with stitches in the left temple, Anac. 3.----, morning, followed by stitches above the right ear, Mur. ac. 4. Dull headache, terminating in a sharp stitch in the right frontal protuberance, Guaiac PARTICULAR KINDS OF HEADACHE. Coming from the stomach, F leadache coming from the stomach and depriving her of her senses for a short while, Carb. v. With coldness of the head. Aching pain in the head, with cold- aess, as from cold poultices, Mosch. The frontal bone feels sore. Headache worse when knitting the brow ; the bone then feels sore, Natr. mur With sensation as if a thread from the eye to the inner brain were stretched. Headache with dulness of the whole sinciput, and sensation as if the skin of the forehead were contracted and the bone scraped sore, with heat in the. eyelids, surrounded with red margins; at the same time violent pain in the eye, as if a thread from the eye to the centre of the brain were put upon the stretch. Par. quad. Withpressure in temple, chilliness, colic. Dull headache, early, in bed ; after rising, violent pressure in right temple, with chilliness, qualmish- ness in umbilical region, lastly colic as if caused by flatulence, with frequent eructations, Nitr. ac. The head feels enlarged. The headache is deep seated ; the head feels enlarged during the pain, Bov. Caused by sedentary habits. "Headache from leading a sedentary life, Nux vom. As if the right brain were torn. Headache, early, while lying on the left side, with pain in the right brain, as if torn, disappearing by turning to the painful side, Nux vom. With tickling in the throat. Headache, evening, with tickling in throat, Sang. can. With constriction of right forehead. Aching pain deep in the brain, with constriction in the right side of the forehead •. worse during a walk, China. With throbbing, nausea, deafness. Violent headache, particularly on the left side, with throbbing of the temporal arteries, great irritation of the whole body, paleness of face, violent thirst, nausea, weak- ness in the feet, deafness when walking; and occasional sweat pver the whole body, Chin, sulph. From piles. "Headache from piles, Nux vom. From wine or coffee. "Headache from taking wine or coffee, Nux vom. With vibrations, causing deafness and blindness. Headache when sitting, with vibra- tions in the head depriving her of hearing and sight, Grat. DIGGING HEADACHE. 99 Followed by anxiety and trembling. I Teadache, afterwards anxiety in the pit of the stomach, with trembling ; violent bleeding at the nose, Sep. With weight towards the temples. Aching, with weight from the centre of the brain to the temples, with decrease of hearing in both ears, Bell. Constrictive, burning, digging, etc. Headache, constrictive, burning, tear- ing, digging-up and boring. Cocc. With buzzing. Dull headache, with buzzing in head ; when coughing the head feels as if it would burst, Phos. ac. With burning and itching of the scalp. Confused headache,, with burning and itching of the scalp; the heat is felt over the whole body, Sabod. With pinching in the ear. Aching in every part of the head, with pinching in the car. and boring toothache, Caust. By sudden change of temperature. Headache brought on by a sudden change from warmth to cold, Carb. v. With drawing in the ear. Headache, with drawing in the right ear, Mosch. From chagrin. Headache from the slightest vexation, Phos. With heat and cough. Headache in the afternoon with dry heat and cough during sleep, Alum. With stinging in the head. Headache in the whole head with stinging, Ambr. With loss of appetite and sleep. Headache which is so violent that it makes one furibund, with loss of appetite, and sleeplessness, Aeon. With pain in the stomach. Headache, with pain in the stomach and ill humour, Am. carb. Returning in a warm room. Headache disappears after dinner. excopt a confused feeling in the head and stoppage of ears ; returns in a warm room, Phos. Succeeded by vertigo. Headache, when lying, with nausea; a sort of vertigo when the head- ache passed off, Phos. With anxiety and weakness. Headache, with anxiety and weakness when eating, in the region where the right malar and temporal bone* unite, at noon, Ran. bulb. The forehead feels bruised. The head feels stupid, and the head aches as if the forehead felt bruised. Puis. As if a thread were drawn through the head. Headache, as if a thread were drawn from the middle of forehead to the occiput above the temples, leaving a burning sensation behind, Sabad. As from boiling tvater in the brain. Burning headache as if the head wera moved by boiling water, Aeon. Searching-grinding. Searching (grinding) headache, four mornings in succession, in bed, going off by tying something round the head, Hep. snip. As if the brain were raised. Headache^ with sensation as if tli« brain were moved or lifted up, it is aggravated by movement, drink- ing or talking, Aeon. As from a nail in the temple. Headache as if a nail had been thrust into the tejnple, and general sweat. about midnight, followed by lan- guor. Am. rHE HEAD. 100 PAINS IN 1 Titillating. Titillating headache, Phos. As if the brain loere raised off the base of the skull. Headache, in the morning after rising, almost as if the brain were' raised out of the base of the skull; dis- appearing after yawning, Magn. art. When blowing one's nose. When blowing the nose, sensation of painful bewilderment in the head, and painfulness of the inner parts of the nose, Euphr. As if contused, pressed or torn. Headache, sometimes as from a con- tusion, sometimes like a painful pressure in one part of the brain, sometimes like tearing, Aur. As if the skull loould be torn off. Nightly headache, as if the skull would be torn off, Sulph. With fainting. Giddy headache, with fainting and thirst, Stram. Creeping. Creeping headache after a walk, Rhus tox. As if drawing the head forward. Headache, forenoon, as if the head were drawn forward and down- ward, Sulph. The head feels uneasy. Uneasy, painful sensation in head, in the evening; loud talking was troublesome to him, Merc, sol. Drawing and drawing jerking. 1. Drawing-jerking headache, early, Nux vom. 2. Drawing headache, preceded by a drawing pain in the right arm, Petrol. As if from a blow. Headache, as if produced by a blow or shock, Led. p. Concussive. Concussive headache, Kal. carb. Burning. Aching and burning pain in the head, frequently, in forehead and eyes. Sulph. ac. Boring. Alternation of stupefying and boring headache, Staph. Cutting. Cutting headache, Puis. As if bound with a hot iron. Headache, as if a hot iron were bound round the head, Aeon. Digging-boring. Digging-boring headache, Sabin. Burning-pressing. Burning and pressing headache, in the evening when in bed, on the top of the head, Carb. v. Tearing-bea ting. Tearing-beating headache, with eruc- tations, Sil. Humming. Dull, humming headache, early after rising, Squil. Pains in the Head. SIMPLE PAINS IN THE HEAD. 1. Painful feeling in the head and nape of the neck, when moving the head, Cann. 2. Violent pains, deep in the brain, going off after breakfast, Canth. 3. Paroxysms of sudden pain from before backward, Prun. sp. 4. Violent pains in the head, when stooping, Calc. caust. 5. Dull, oppressive pain in the middle of the skull, Calc. caust. 6. Numbness and dizziness, with oppressive pain in the head, disin- clination to work, drowsiness, sen- sation as if the affected parts of the head were loose; some parts of the head feel sore, for several days, Phos. PAINS IN THE HEAD. 101 7. Pains in the head, radiating up- ward from the neck, Sang. can. 8.----, through the head, in sudden shocks, Lob. inf. 9.----, in the head and stomach af- ter dinner, and after vexation, Cast. 10.----, in the head, deep in the brain, Mosch. 11. Dull pain in the head, evening, Mosch. 12.----, in the head, with great languor and prostration of the whole body, Lact. 13. Pain from the occiput to the forehead on stoppage of .discharge from nose, Kal. bichr. 14. Flying pains about the head, Kal. bichr. 15. Dull pain, with languor, Bov. 16. Pain in the head and beating in the forehead, towards the nose, Gunimi gutti. 17. Inability to raise the head at night, on account of the pain, Bov. 18. Pain in middle of brain, as after vomiting, when closing the eyelids, Nux vom. 19. ----, the forehead to the occiput, Eupat. perf. 20. ----, in the whole head, .im- mediately after the bite, Crotal. 21. Simple pain in occiput, thence going to the temples and finally affecting the whole head, Senega. 22. Pain in the head and pelvis, Strain. 23. ----, in the head which disappear or are changed by contact, Asa f. 24. ----, in the head, alternately improving and aggravating, Asaf. 25. ----, in the head, emanating from the occiput, Asaf. 2G. ----, in the head, commencing in and speading from the left side of the forehead, Asaf. 21. Paroxysms of pain in various parts of the brain, partly as it' bruised, partly pressure, Verat. 28. Violent pain in the head, eyes and abdomen, in the evening after going to bed, Zinc. met. 29. Violent pain in the head and eyes after drinking a glass of wine as usual, Zinc. met. 30. Transitory pains in various part? of the head, especially the rigln side, Phyt. dec. ' 31. Paroxysms of pain, with pres- sure in the eves and root of the nose, from the interior of tk brain to the vertex, Brom. TEARING PAINS. 1. Tearing pain in the brain, when moving the eyes, Bros. 2. ----in the head, about midnight. rousing him from sleep only mo- mentarily, Cham. 3. ----in the head, paroxysms oi a sort of darting tearing, ^Eth. 4. ----, on the top and on both sides of the head, Lye. 5. Tearing pains in the head, in the direction of the right temple. Carb. v. 0. ----in the head, sometimes be- gin in the limbs, and appear to terminate in the head, Carb. v. 7. Tearing pain in the head, da; and night, with violent heat in th« face, tearing in the teeth, genera) heat at night and sleeplessness languor, ill-humour, Kreas. 8. ----in the head, through the left temple as far as the cheek, and on the right side extending to the u)»- per jaw, Kreas. 9. ----in the head, down to thr root of the nose, and upper jaw. aggravated by walking, Nux vom. 10. ----, after a meal, with feeling of heat in the cheeks, and of chilli- ness over the body, Nux v. 11. ----in the head, towards the vertex, Crot. 12. ----, as if the head would burst. and beating in the head, commenc- ing in the top, as if simultaneous- ly on the inner and outer side. with chilliness ; he had to lie down and turned himself to and fro in his bed, for four hours, Sil. 13. Pain in the head, as if all tin contents were torn, with sensation as if every part in the body wert turning wrong side up, wdth a feel- 102 PAINS IN THE HEAD. ingof angrinessand uncomfortable- ness, Op. 14. Tearing pain in the head and eye; the sclerotica and conjunctiva are swollen and inflammed ; the pain in the eye becomes worse when lying down ; the eyelids are aglu- tinated in the morning, and a fetid fluid flows from between the lids, with evening shuddering, followed by heat, nightly thirst, rumbling in the abdomen, (with good appe- tite.) more internal than external heat of the head, sweat on the back and hairy scalp, Led. p. DRAWING PAINS. 1. Drawing pains in the head, early on waking, with pressure in the eyes, Agar. .. ----, with heaviness and creep- ing in the brain, attended with failure of sight and hearing, and and succeeded by chilliness, Puis. 3. ----in the head, here and there. down to nape of neck, where a tension is felt, worse in the room, Mosch. ^. After a meal, dull, drawing pain in the head, increased by reading and mental labour, Cum. 5. Drawing pain from the temples to the forehead, Lact. 6. ---- in different parts of the head, with vertigo, us if things were turning round; accompanied by indescribable qualms of sickness, Cupr. 7. ----about (in) the head, down the face, extending to the neck Graph. 8. ---- in the brain, behind the middle of the forehead, Con. m. 9. ----from the vertex to the rio-ht eye, in the evening, Crotal. 10. ----, here and there in the brain, in the ear and nape of the neck, Asar. 11. ----in the head and small of the back, Verat. 12. Drawing, tensive pain in various parts of the head, Mang. 13. Drawing pains, particularly in the occiput, as if in the bone, oi when sitting, or touching the parts, (obliging him to bend the head backwards, which removes the pain, China. DARTING, STINGING, LANCINATING, PRICKING, SHOOTING PAINS. 1. Darting pain, first from the .sin- ciput to the lower jaw, and thence to a hollow tooth, with throbbing pains in the tooth, Brom. 2. Pricking pain in the head, as if the eyes would fall out of the sockets, Cham. 3. Dull, stitching pain, and as if gnawing the bone, in various parts of the head, Natr. mur. 4. Fine and violently stinging pain in the head, increasing to an ach- ing, Ipec. 5. Darting pain in the head, when ascending an elevation, or increas- ing when opening the eyes, Ign. 0. Shooting pains from the left t» the right side of the head, Eupat. prff- ?, Pricking pain jn the head, Con. m. 8. Sticking pains in the head, dart- ing or shooting, or in paroxysms. in the forehead, in the supraorbital region, in the temples, thence into the eye, or towards the vertex, or in the upper part of the head, when stooping, Berb. v. 9. Sticking pain through the brain. with pressure, Sabin. 10. Stitching pain in the head, earn- ing ill-humour, Magn. carb. 11. Aching and stitching pain hi every part of the head, at intervals, Phos. ac. 12. Stitching pains in the brain, with emptiness in the head, Calc carb. SORE PAINS, AS IF BRUISED. 1. Pains in the head, in spots, sore- ness, especially in the temples. Sang can. PAINS IN THE HEAD. 103 2. Bruised pain at small spots, here and there, in the head, Rat. 3. Pain as if bruised in whole head, especially the occiput, Niccol. 4. I ain, as from bruises in the head, with a general sick feeling in the evening. Graph. 5. Pain in the brain as if bruised, also in the orbits when turning the eyes, Cup. 0. Sore and bruised pain on fhe surface of the brain, in the sinciput and temple, Magnet, p. arct. STUPEFYING PAINS. 1. Dull pain in head, as if stupified, Thuj. 2. Dull pains in the whole head, with stupefaction, thirst and heat of the face, Agar. 3. Aching, stupefying pain in head, Sambuc. 4. "Stupefying pain, particularly in the forepart of the head, Nux vom. 5. Dull, stupefying pain in the head, with nausea in the pharynx, when smoking ; sweat broke out as from anxiety, when walking in the open air, Ant. c HEAVY PAINS. 1. Dull, heavy pain, from temple to temple, round the forehead, above the eyebrows, Lob. inf. 2. Pain, with heaviness of the head, ( at night, Lye 3. Pain on the top of the head, as from a weight, Lauroc 4. Pain in head if drawn forward by a great weight, Oleand. BORING PAIN. • 1. Boring pain from within outward' with dull stitches, Puis. 2. Oppressive, boring pain in the head, as if the forehead would hurst, Cochlearia armoracia. 3. Boring pain in the whole brain, Oleand. DARTING OR STICKING AND TEARING PAINS. I. Sticking and tearing, ulcerative pain in the whole head, early, Stron. carb. 2. Violent lancinating and tearing pain in the head, Arg. 3. Lancinating and tearing pain in the head, increased by stooping and coughing Am. 4. Darting-tearing pain in the head, Kal. carb. 5. Transitory headache, darting and tearing pain in one brain, like the pain which is felt when one receive? a blow, Magn. art. ULCERATIVE PAINS. 1. Pain as from ulceration, in mov- ing the head and when pressing up- on it, especially in the occiput, in one of the glands, Am. carb. 2. Ulcerative pain in the head, after dinner, relieved by lying down, Kal. carb. 3. Throbbing, ulcerative pain in right side of occiput or whole head, Mang. TENSIVE PAINS. I. Tensive pain in the head, aggra- vated by stooping, Kreas. 2. ----in the head, with whizzing in the head, heat, sneezing and fluent coryza, hard stool, Each. 3. ----in the head, with sluggish, hard stool, Each. 4. ----in the head, and in the eyes, only when raising them, on waking, Sulph. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning pain in head, the iimbs being icy-cold, in bed evening, Nux jugl. 2. —---in the left temporal region, or simple pain in the forehead, with tearing extending to the right temple, where the pain becomes a sticking pain, Crot. BEATING PAIN. 1. Beating pain in the head, with nausea and inclination to vomi 104 when raising one's self in bed, Ars. 2. Occasional pain in the side where the (small) goitre is ; beating in the head down to the cheeks and neck, like tearing, Spong. STINGING-BURNING PAINS. 1. Stinging-burning pain in the head, Arg. 2. ----pain, with pressure, moving from the vertex down over the temples, Pimpin. CUTTING PAINS. 1. Cutting pain in the head, extend- ing to the malar bone, Kal. chl. 2. Dull, cutting pain in the brain, from above the right orbit to the occiput, Bism. TEARING-SCREWING PAIN. Tearing-screwing pain after a walk, spreading from the right side of head over the whole head, every day, Sabad. CUTTING-TEARING PAIN. Cutting and tearing pain in the head, wandering from one place to an- other, Bell. BORING AND DRAWING PAINS. Boring and drawing pains about the head, accompanied by tearings; increasing when the head becomes cool, Carb. a. PAIN, WITH THROBBING AND STITCHES • IN KNEES. Violent pain in the head, with throb- bing and stitches in the knees, go- ing off by motion; in the evening Kal. carb. 8' ACHING OR STINGING PAIN. Dull, aching or stinging pain in the head, Berb. v. HAMMERING PAIN8. Hammering pains in the head. Cupr. acet. PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. DIGGING PAIN. Dragging pain from behind forward in the head, Coloc. DRAWING-TEARING AND BURNING PAINS. Drawing-tearing and burning pain in the head, early, Nux vom. CONTRACTIVE PAINS. Contractive pains in the head, during motion, Carb. v. PAIN, AS IF EMPTY AND HOLLOW. "Pain in the head, as if the head were empty and hollow, Cocc. BORING-STICKING PAIN. Boring-sticking in head, with obscura- tion of sight, humming in ears and vertigo, Puis. PAIN .WITH VOMITING. Severe pains in the head, with nausea and bilious vomiting, recurring periodically, Sang. can. PAIN, WITH BURNING IN EYES. Pain and confusion in head, with burning in eyes, Nuxjugl. PAIN WHEN COUGHING OR SNEEZING. Violent pain in the centre of the head, when coughing and sneezing, Sulph. JERKING-PINCHING PAIN. Jerking and pinching pain in the head, Caust. Pressure in the Head. SIMPLE PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 1. Pressure in the head, Ind. 2. ----and pushing in head, Petrol & ----in the forehead, vertex and occiput, from the right side to the left, and afterwards extending to the vertex. Dig. 4. Pressing headache, commencing in right temple, Merc. 5. Pressing, worse in the open air. PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 105 or particularly in that side to which the head inclines, China. 6. Pressure from the middle of the brain to the left shoulder, Mur. ac. 7. ----, deep in the brain, Mosch. 8. Violent pressure through the head, mostly in the forehead, (increasing to loss of sense by reading or me- ditating), Cocc. 9. Pressure in the head, with heavi- ness, Caust. Sabad. 10. ----in head, shifting to and fro, Coloc. Phos. 11. ----in head and heaviness of the limbs, Nitr. ac. 12. ----in head, right side, about the occiput and above the ear, Nux mosch. 13. ----at times in the temples, at times in the whole head, Dig. 14. Dull pressure in the head, when walking in the open air, he had to rub his forehead, Con. m. 15. Pressure in the head, with heat in the face and languid feeling in the arms and legs, Grat. 16. She wakes with a headache : pres- sure deep in the brain, accom- panied with chilliness, the whole forenoon. Arg. nitr. 17. Sensation in the head, half pres- sure, half itching, Tarax. 18. Pressure in the head every other morning, Sulph, 19. ----in the head, in the morning, after rising, Sulph. 20. ----in the head, here and there, extending over large surfaces, Bell. 21. ----, with tearing in the head. erratic, with vertigo, Aur. 22. Dull pressure, with drawing, in different parts of the head, more violent during motion, Bism. 23. Pressure, with tearing, especially in the frontal and temporal region, the pain wanders, Bell. 24. ----and dulness in the head and in the upper teeth, Atham. 25. ----in the forehead and above the eyes, in the right half of the head, in the right temple, in the whole head, Asaf. 26. Light pressure in the head, with a feeling of soreness, Arg. 27. Pressing pain in the whole head, occasioned by mental exertions, Arg. nitr. 28. Violent painful pressure in the head, here and there, momentarily, Thuj. 29. Boring pressure in the head, Thuj. 30. Violent pressure in the head, the whole day, with vertigo, weeping mood and profuse coryza, Sep. 31. Pressure in the head, with weak- ness of the body, Sil. • 32. Hard pressure, with a jerk, deep in the brain, and paroxysms of one or two minutes, Sil. 33. Dizzy pressure through the whole head, Spig. Stann. 34. Burning pressure in the side of the head and occiput, diminished by walking, Many. 35. Painful dulness of the head, with tensive pressure, now in the tem- ples, now in the vertex, most vio- lent when sitting straight and standing, diminished when stoop- ing and when lying on the back, with contraction of the pupils, Verat. 36. Pressure in the head, sometimes on the top, sometimes in the tem- ples, Calc carb, 37. ----in the head, with flushes of heat and passing off after an eva- cuation, Agar. 38. ----in the brain, with stitches over one eye, Am. carb. 39. ----in the head, in paroxysms before going to bed, Agar. 40. Pressing in the head, after dinner and when walking in the open air, Bry. 41. ----, with weight in the head and inclination to lie down, Bry. 42. Pressure on the brain after dinner. with great nervousness and rest- lessness of the whole body, Ruta. 43.----and dulness in the whole head, after dinner, Carb. a. 44. ---- in head, teeth and antra highmoriana, Petrol. 106 PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. As if the brain were, pressing against the skull. 1. Fulness in th^ head, as if the brain were pressing against the skull, Calc. phosph. Kal. carb. Mez. Rhodod. 2. Sensation, as if the outer part of the brain were inflamed and were striking against the skull, Daph. 3. Pain, when nodding, as if the brain were beating against the skull, Sulph. 4. Painful pressing of the brain against the skull and the occipital bones, tn the evening, even after going to bed, Staphis. Stann. As if the skull would burst. 1. Headache, as if the skull would be pressed asunder, Bry. Chin. Euphorb. Niccol. Merc. sol. Magn. p. arct. Phosph. Rat. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ac. 2. Pain in the head, as if it would burst, occasioned by mental labour, Arg. nit. 3. Violent pressing in the head, as if it would burst, especially in both frontal eminences, and above the orbits, Bar. carb. 4. Headache, as if the head were too full and would burst, on waking, Cham., Con. m. 5. Pressing in the cerebrum, as if the skull were too narrow, and as if it would press through the ear, in which he hears a noise as of a distant waterfall, Chelidonium. 6. Headache, as if the skull would burst, when moving the head or walking, Caps. 7. Hemicrania, as if the brain would burst and as if the eves would fall out, Puis. 8. Talking aloud excites a headache as if the head would burst, going off entirely when reading to him- self or writing, Ign. 9. Headache, as if the skull would burst, with dazzling of the eyes from the light of the sun, Euphr. 10. Violent pressing in the head from within outwards, as though it would be dashed to pieces, increased by coughing and in the open air. Bell. Sep. ' PRESSURE FROM WITHIN OUT-WARDS. 1. Continuous and forcible dilatation of the whole brain, Bell. 2. Flow of saliva for about ten mi- nutes, when he began to feel a pain in the.head, as if the head was too heavy and would drop down from one side to the other, a pressing outwards from within ; the flow of saliva after this pain began to diminish, and in about one hour ceased, Fluor ac. 3. Violent headache, the head feel- ing very heavy, as if it would incline to all sides, with pressure in the brain from within outwards and great desire to lie down, Bry. 4. Pressing pain in the head from within outwards, when walking in the open air, Dulc 5. Headache, pressing from within outwards (immediately), Camph. 6. Pressing from within outwards, in head, Merc sol. Tarax. 7. Pressure under the skull, as if pressed outwards with a plug, Prun sp. 8. Oppressive, or oppressive-tensive pain in the, whole head, particularly in the forepart, now in the fore- head, then in the temporal region, or above the eyes, now in the vertex and then in the occiput, with sensation as if the skull were too small and the brain too large, Berb. v. 9. Pressing pain in the whole head, from within outward, like a wind rushing in speedly and disappear- ing slowly. Sabin. 10- ---—, in the head from within outward, in all directions, Sambuc. 11. Pressure under the skull, as from congestion ofblood, Plumb, ac. PRESSURE IX THE HEAD. 107 12. Pain in the head, distensivc, with stitches in the left ear and clavicles, whence the pain extended into the elbows, Kal. nitr. 13. The head feels distended, Ran. seel. 14. Distensive pain in the head, particularly in the left side, Brom. 1 j. ----, headache, particularly in the forehead, Calad. 10. Distensive headache, or as if the brain were too full, Cups. 17. Headache after the siesta, pres- sure through the whole brain as if there were too much brain, increas- ed by reading or writing Ign. 18. Distensive headache, after think- ing, while lying, Nux vom. 19. ----, headache, when lying low, evening, Stron. carb. 20. Headache, as if the head were , distended from within outwards, the pain seendng to emanate from something soft in the vertex, with drawing in the occiput, and tearing towards the temples, Am. 21. Distensive headache, all around over the eyes and ears, Merc sol, 22. ----, pain in the head, at night, on waking, with pulsations in the head, abating after sweat, Bov. 23. ----, pain through the brain, early, as if the head would burstj Nux vom. 24. Pressure in the Avhole head, from within outwards, during a walk, with feeling of intoxication, pre- ceded by a painful dulness worse by reading and looking at a thing steadily, Par. quad. PRESSURE FROM WITHOUT INWARDS. About the whole head. 1. Sensation as if the brain were compressed, AEthus. Hyper, per. Petrol. Phos. ac Prnn. spin. 2. Headache, as if the head were violently squeezed from all sides, Amm. carb. Sabad. 3. Pressing headache, from the temples to the centre, Kal. carb. 4. Headache, as if the head were jammed in, a dull pain, Plat. 5. Painful pressure on the whole brain, in the morning after rising. Ruta. '». Pressing sensation about the head, with qualmishness, Petrol. 7. Painful pressure over the whole brain, late at night, Mang. 8. Paroxysms of pressure whenever he presses the foot against the ground, during a walk in the open air, fiom without towards th« middle of the brain, Spig. 9. When standing or reading \w suddenly felt a burning sensation in the scrobiculous cordis, a sen- sation as if the brain were com- pressed on all sides, and an ap- proaching vertigo, with nausea and inclination to vomit in the region of the sternum, such as is experi- enced after turning round in a circle, accompanied with a sudden heat in the body, but more in thw face, and sweat on the chest and in the face, Arg. 10. Pressure over the greater portion of the brain, from without inwards Asar. 11. Pain in the whole head, as if it had been pressed by something tight, S-ulpih. 12. Sense, of constriction or com- pression in the brain, afternoon. Asaf. 13. Piessure from the forehead, to the immost parts of the head. Graph, 14. Compression of head, from be- hind and before, on waking from the siesta, Nux mosch. 15. Vertiginous drawing, with stupi- fying pressure, nOw in one, now in the other brain, Ilclleborus. 16. Pressure in the brain, as if press- ed together from both sides to- wards the centre and vertex, He I- leborus. 17. Pain in the head, as if the whole brain were compressed at every step, in the open air, Helleborus. 18. Compressive sensation as if on* part of the brain were pressed in. Magnet, p. arct. 108 PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 19. Pressure as from something hard in several parts of the brain, Mag- net, p. arct. 20. ----, over the skull, down the nape of the neck, throbbing in the head and body, aggravated by the slightest contact, and increasing in paroxysms with violent nausea and vomiting of bile, Kal. carb. 21. Stupefying oppression of the brain, as if compressed, and as if he would lose his senses, Mosch. 22. Compression of the brain from all sides, with heaviness, also with pressure in middle of head, Natr. mur. 23. Pain in the head, as if the brain were pressed into a ball, with ex- cessive vividness of mind and fancy, China. 21. Sensation in the head as if op- pressed, with sweat on the fore- head, China. 25. The head feels tight and con- tracted, or sensation on the left side, as if pi essed together, or as if constricted, Aeon. 20. Compressive pain in the head, early, with heaviness and stitches. and so violent that she was scarcely able to lift up her eyes; when stooping, she was not able to raise herself again, Bry. 27. Pressure over the whole of the head after getting heated, Am. carb. 28. Pain as if the head were com- pressed with equal force on all sides; sometimes the pain is centred in the orbit, when it be- comes intense, recurring at regular periods, Aeon. 29. Sensation as if the .head were pressed together commencing in the region of the vertex, and spreading thence, Aeon. 30. Headache-like pressure, from both temples to the vertex and thence to the lower part of the oc- ciput, Sabad. 81. Quick-passing headache, as if the brain were compressed from all sides, the pain is felt only when he does not pay especial attention to it, if he thinks of his pain, it disappears instantaneously, Camph. 32. Headache, a sort of compression with jerkings in the brain resem- bling pulsations, Bry. 33. Aching pain, as if the head were compressed on all sides, so that the middle of the brain is most affected with pain, Lam. alb. 34. Headache, as if something hard were pressed on the surface of the brain, recurring in paroxysms, Ign. 35. ——, as if the head were com- pressed from without, with pulsa- tive throbbings and stitches in temples; the pains disappear under pressure and by bending backward, return by bending forward, Thuj, 36. ----, as if the brain were com-, pressed (mostly in the forehead) with paroxysmal roaring in the ear, which terminates much sooner than the headache, Staph. In the temples. 1. Compressive pain in the headi from both sides, Cic. vir. Gummi gutti. , 2. Headache as if the brain were compressed from temple to temple, Bry. Rhus tox. 3. Compressive pain from side to side, with stitches in the occiput, Menyan. 4. ----, pain from temple to temple, removed by pressure, but returning again, Menyan. 5. Pressure from one's temple to the other, after rising, Sulph. 0. Tightness in the head, as if both temples were compressed, after every meal ; he has to lean his forehead upon the table, Con. mac. 7. Sensation as if both sides of the head were pressed towards one another, after a walk, Bov. 8. Pressing together in both sides of the head, with heat in head and redness of face, Magn. sulph. PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 109 9. Compressive headache, parti- cularly in the. temples, China. Especially towards the occiput. 1. Tensive pressure about the head, especially the forehead and the posterior cervical muscles ; in any position, Euphor. 2. Head feels as if full of com- pressed air, especially towards the nape of the neck, Aur. 3. Compressive pain in the whole head, particularly the occiput, Tabac. FULNESS OF THE HEAD. 1. Fulness in the head, Calc. Car. 2. Pain in the head, as if too full, Arg. nitr.\ Carb. v. 3. Fulness and heaviness of the head, Arg. nit. Sulph. 4. Confusion and fulness in head, with painfulness, tension, pressure, Mercurial. 5. Pressure and tension in the head, as if too full, when stooping, Mer- curial. 6. Fulness and heat in the head, at night with great agitation of the nerves, Arg. nit. 7. Painful fulness and heaviness in the head, with inability to recollect, and glowing heat of the head and cheeks, in the afternoon, Arg. nit. 8. Fulness, pushing and heat of the head, relieved by pressing upon the head, Arg. nit. 9. ----, of the head, with obstruc- tion of the ears without diminution of hearing, except when swal- lowing, Phos. 10. Pain as from fulness of blood, in head, eyes, and upper part of nose, when shaking the head or blowing the nose, Nitr. ac. 11. Fulness the whole day, headache on the day following, Each. 12. ----, in the head and pressure round the eyes, as if the eyes were held fast, so that they can scarcely move, Bor. 13. -----, in the head and pressure in the small of the back when sit- ting ; with sleepiness in the eyes. Bor. 14. ----, in the head, early, with want of clear ideas and presence of mind, after walking in the open air he felt better ; but afterwards he felt a great weakness in the feet and joints, Bor. SENSATION AS IF SCREWED IN. 1. Sensation as if both sides of the head were between screws, Bell. Magn. carb. Sassap. 2. The head aches as if in a vice. Ran. seel. Rat. 3. Pressure with sense as of screw- ing, about the head, Alum. 4. Headache, as if between screws, and above the forehead, Sulph. 5. ----, as if the head were screwed in, with dulness, Cina. 6. Slight compression in head, with sensation as from a screw be- hind each ear, Ox. ac. 7. Sensation as if the contents of the head were in a vice with sen- sation of weight on the head, Alum. 8. ----, as if the head were screwed in,on moving it, early, Magn. sulph. 9. The head feels as if bandaged and screwed together, Pimpin. 10. Sensation as if the inner head were screwed together, Petrol. 11. ----, as if the head were in a vice, particularly in the sides, Ceut. 12. The head feels as if screwed in. in sinciput, occiput and left side of head, with lachrymation, Merc, sol, 13. Sensation in head as if in a vice, early with stitches in right side of head, Niccol. 14. The brain feels as if screwed to- gether, with heaviness early, less in the open air, Bov. 15. The inside of the head feels as if screwed in or filled with something. Graph. 110 PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 10. During toothache the brain and malar bones feel as if screwed in, Euph or. 11. Frequent sensation in the head as if in screws; with occasional'slow jerks or drawing pressure here and there. Statin. PRESSURE IN THE HEAD, AS IF THE KRAIN WOULD PRESS THROUGH THE FOREHEAD. 1. Sensation, when stooping, as if something were falling forwards in the head, Dig. 2. ----, in the head as if every- thing would issue through the fore- head, Spong. 3. Pain in the head when stooping, as if the ['arts would issue through the forehead, Bry. Caust. Staph. 4. Pressure in the brain, from be- hind forwards, Asar. 5. The head feels heavy, the brain pressing from behind forward, Bry. 6. Incisive pressure from the left occiput to the forehead, Camph. 7. Sensation as if the head were pressed forward, Nitr. ac. 8. Headache as if some one were pushing, from the upper part of the occiput through the brain and forehead, Sabad. 9. ---- as if her forehead would burst; she felt as if intoxicated, sat alone, and would not speak, Ant. c. 10. —■—, pressing from within out- wards the forehead, increased by open air, cough, blowing the nose, stooping, but which is not felt during a meal, Chelidonium. 11. Intense aching in the head, as if the contents would issue from the k forehead, Mez. 13. Headache when stooping, as if something heavy were falling into the forehead, Nux v. 14. Pressure in the brain, through the eyes, Natr. mur. 15. Fulness in head, as if the eyes would be pressed out, Natr. mur. 16. Pain in the head, or forehead, with pressure above the eyes, as if the head would burst, as if the parietal bones were pressed against the brain by some heavy load, ac- companied with tingling in the ears, or humming and heat in the head. Cinchoninm sulphuricum. 17. On stooping she feels as if the t contents of the head were falling forwards, and as if she would fall, Kreas. 18. Pressure or pressing from within outwTards in the middle of the head ; under the left parietal bone; under the left temporal bone, par- ticularly in the evening; in the sinciput, as if the contents of the head would issue through the fore- head, also with pressure in the eyes from without, extending to to the vertex, Kreas. 19. Sensation, when stooping, as if something were descending into the forehead from the occiput, Kal. carb. 20. Distensive sensation in the head, °with pressure through forehead and eyes, Nux vom. 21. Fulness in the head, as if the brain would fall forward, with stoppage of the nose, Grat. 22. Dull pressure from the nape of the neck through the centre of the head towards the 'forehead, Fluor. ac. 23. Dulness of the head, with dull pressure from within outwards in the region of root of nose, with sensation of stoppage in the ears, Tabac. 24. Sensation as if the brain were pressing towards the forehead ; on bending the head backwards, or leaning it on something, this sen- sation passes off, Bell. 25. Pressure, jerking and beating in the head with heat, as if every- thing would issue from the fore- head and eyes for three days, Sep. 26. Painful pressure from occiput to forehead, as if the contents would issue through the forehead, Many. PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. Ill 27. Pressure in the head from within outwards, as if too full, above the eyes, China. TIGHTNESS OF THE RRAIN. !. Tightness of the head, Op. 2. ----, of the head, every day, Carb. a. 3. Tensive pain in the head, Ars. 4. ----, pain deep in the head, after dinner, Kal. nitr. 5. Painful tension in the inner head and eyelids, Nitr. ac. 6. Tension in the brain, after an emotion, Natr. mur. 7. Tightness of the head as if intoxi- cated, Croc. 8. Painful tension in the head to- wards the right, Fluor ac. 9. Spasmodic tightness in the brain, Carb. v. 10. Painful tightness and dulness of the head, Asar. 11. Tight and heavy feeling under the skull, Merc. sol. 12. Tensive headache, evening, fol- lowed by aching pain here and there, Stron. carb. 13. Tightness of head, with boring pain in vertex, Puis. 14. Tension and heaviness of head, with heat. Mercurial. 15. Pressure in the temples, and tightness in the brain, when doing some mental work, Sulph. 16. Dulness and stupefaction of the head, with tensive sensation and drowsy and weary feeling, Tart. stib. 17. Tightness of the head, with red face, Caust. 18, ----, of the head, stupefying, as if the brain were put upon the stretch, or as if a string were drawn around, Asaf 19. Painful tension from forehead and eyes to temples and vertex, Mercurial. 20. Tension and numbness in head, chiefly in the eyebrows, or also with stitches, Mercurial. 21. Feeling of tightness in the head, with pressure in the temples par- ticularly the left temple, obliging one to press the teeth together, Crotal. 22. Tensive and pulling sensation m the dura mater, with dulness, Petrol. 23. Tightness as if the cerebral mem branes and brain were put upon the stretch, with tightness around the eyebrows, as if the skin in that region were thicker and could not be drawn into wrinkles, Par. quad. 24. Tension over the whole head, evening, followed by tensive pres- sure over the whole chest; after this, the same pain was felt in the small of the back, whence it shifted to the left foot, where it remained the whole night; when turning on the back, it felt painful as if excoriated, likewise the small of the back, Stron. carb. CONSTRICTIVE SENSATION IN THE BRAIN. 1. Headache, as if the brain were constricted, ^Eth. Camph. Coc. 2. Sensation in the head as if the brain were constricted on all sides, by soft pressure, Tarax. 3. Cramp-pain in the head, as if a bandage were tied round the head very firmly, Iod. Nitr. ac. Spig. Stann. 4. Constrictive headache, with con- strictive pain in the fauces, Verat. 5. Tightness round the head, caus- ing stupefaction, Oleand. 6. Constriction of the brain, as if pressed together by means of a cloth drawn over the brain, Asa f. 7. His hat presses upon his head like a heavy burden; he feels as if a handkerchief were tied round the head, Carb. v. 8. Constrictive headache, every other day, Phos. 9. Headache early in bed, as from revelling during the night, with confused feeling, and sensation a* 112 PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. if the head were constricted with a band: worse when lying, Lam. alb. 10. Pinching in the head, when walk- ing, Sil. 11. Compressive pinching of the brain from side to side, frequently for a whole minute, Sulph. PRESSURE AS FROM A NAIL, WEDGE, &c. 1. Dull pressure from without, in- wards, in small places about the head, Anac. 2. Headache, occasioned by the least chagrin, as if a sharp pressure were made on a small spot in the brain, Magn. art. 3. Pain in the head when reading, evening, as if single parts of the brain were pressed against sharp corners, Sabad. 4. Internal pressure as if from a plug, in very small spots of the head, Dulc. 5. Sensation as if a nail were press- ed into the brain, (clavus,) Ign. 6. Headache, as if something be- came wedged in between the fron- tal bone and the anterior parts of the brain, or as if there were a hollow behind the frontal bone, Caust. 7. Sudden headache, as if a wedge were forced in between the eyes, down to the base of the brain, with violent pain in the eyes, violent pain and swelling of the corner of the eye, constant discharge of a clear fluid from that corner, with profuse secretion of tears, Kali. hyd. PRESSURE FROM ABOVE, DOWNWARDS. I. Headache on the top of the head, as if the eyes would be pressed down, Sulph. 2. ----, like a weight, pressing through the brain from the vertex, and like a hoop around the head, Sulph. 3. Headache, on stooping, as if the head would be pressed down, Sen. 4. Pressure in the head, as from a load, from above, downward s or as if the upper part of the head were bruised, Phos. ac. 5. Pressing in the head when stoop- ing, with dartings ; also when sit- ting, with pressure, Bry. 6. Pressure, as from a load, in the head, Sang. can. 7. Violent pressure on the head, when stooping, Petrol. 8. Pressing in head from above, downward, with coryza, Nitr. ac. 9. Pressure as from a heavy load on the head, worse during motion, or diminished by exercise in the open air, Mosch. 10. Violent pressing in the head from above, downwards, increased by walking, Coc. 11. Painful pressure over the whole brain, as from a flat, pressing weight, changing to a dull pressure, at a small spot in the right temple, Led. p. 12. Sensation as if the head were pressed down by a load, Magn. p. arct. 13. Pressure in the vertex, and heavi- ness in the whole head, in the morn- ing, after waking, Croc. 14. Sudden, sharp pressure on the head, with sensation as if the hair were moved, Stann. 15. Pressing in the head from above, downward, abating by pressure, Menyan. 16. Painful pressure on the brain, from above, downward, through the forehead, worse when going up or down, Menyan. CRAMPY, CONTRACTIVE HEADACHK. 1. Contractive pain in head, Lauroc. Natr. carb. Natr. mur. 2. Cramping headache, Ang. Nux. vom. Teucr. 3. Pulsative, crampy headache in the temporal bones, and on the head, Rheum. PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 113 4. Crampy sensation in the head, from temple to temple, Ambr. 5. Contractive aching pain on the inner side of the skull, with groan- ing when walking; very violent in the open air, and going off in the room, Hep. sulph. 6. Contractive pain, with dulness, less after breakfast, Bov. 7. Crampy sensation, now in one, then in another part of the head, particularly above the eyes, Colch. 8. Sensation as if the pain con- tracted, and as if the head grew smaller, with general malaise, and improvement in the open air, Grat. 9. Crampy contraction from temple to temple, suddenly, followed by numbness, as if the head were tied too tight, with tremulousness in both sides of the head, Plat. PRESSURE THROUGH THE TEMPLES, FROM WITHIN. 1. Headache, as if the temples were pressed asunder, Magn. p. arct. 2.----, as if the temples would be pressed out, Ign. 3. When lying in bed on the side, in the morning, furious headache, as if pressing through the temples, relieved by lying on the back, Ign. 4. Pressing asunder, particularly in the temporal region, worse during movement, and in the open air; also at night, when the pain pre- vents sleep, Chin, sulph. 5. Pressing through the temples, whence the pain sometimes strikes through the whole head, Lact. DIGGING AND PRESSING. 1. Digging and pressing in the head, towards the eyes, the nose, the teeth and the cheeks, with great sensitiveness to noise, and slight attacks of swooning, Col. carb. CRAMPY PRESSURE AND TEARING. Crampy pressure and tearing in brain, in different places, Phos. ac. Vol. III.—8. BEATING AND PRESSURE. Beating and pressure behind the" right ear, which increases to an excessive pain in the head, forehead, nose and teeth, aggravated by the slight- est movement of the head, Mez. SENSATION AS IF COMPRESSED AND PRESSED OUT. 1. Pressure, tension and pushing in the head, as if crowded together and pressed asunder, Sil, 2. Painful pressing from within out- ward, in the whole head, with sensa- tion as if the brain were pressed together, Calc. carb. PRESSURE FROM BELOW UPWARDS. 1. Burning, painful pressure in the head, from below upward, Tarax. 2. Pressure in the brain from below upwards, Guaiac. 3. Headache, as if the brain wer.e pressed upwards, with painful, pul- sative throbbing in the brain, Phos. ac. PRESSURE AND BORING. Pressure and boring in head, or in ears, forehead, on vertex or in oc- ciput, Mosch. PRESSURE, WITH MOVING SENSATION. Tensive pressure, with .sensation as if something were moving in the brain, Mosch. HEADACHE WITH PRESSURE IN THE EYES FROM WITHOUT. Headache with pressure in the eyes, from without inwards, Aeon. PRESSURE AND DRAWING. Pressure and drawing in the head, in paroxysms, Carb. v. PRESSURE THROUGH OCCIPUT AND FORE- HEAD, WHEN STOOPING. When stooping, the contents of the head felt as if they would issue I 114 HEAT. through both the occiput and fore- head, Carb. v. PRESSURE, WITH BRUISED AND TORN FEELING. Headache, a pressure from the fore- head to the occiput and feeling as if the head were bruised and torn, on waking, going off during sleep, Thuj. PRESSURE WITH GLOWING TEARING. Pressure in the front part of the head, in a few days the pain is felt as a glowing tearing in the right side of the head and in the teeth, worse when touching the teeth with cold water, Sulph. HEADACHE AS FROM A BOARD IN FRONT. Headache, as if a board were pressing against the forehead, Sulph. PRESSURE, WITH WEIGHT RISING AND FALLING. Continual drawing and distending headache, as if a weight were ris- ing and descending in the head with a jerk, Bell. HEADACHE, AS IF SCREWED OR DRIVEN ASUNDER, OR PRESSED OUT AT THE FOREHEAD. Headache, early in the morning ; sometimes as if the head were screwed asunder in the articulation of the malar bone and upper jaw; sometimes as if a nail were driven into the vertex with a sudden jerk ; sometimes as if the forehead would fall out, with internal chilliness; all these symptoms abated in the open air, Thuj. Heat. SIMPLE HEAT. 1. Ascension of heat to the head, Anac. Berb. v. Bry. Caled. Calc. caust. Coloc. Con. m. Dulc. Ign. Niccol. Nitr. ac. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. m. Tong. 2. Great internal and external heat of the head, Am. 3. Heat in the head ; the remainder of the body being cool, or at least not hot, Am. 4. Great heat in the head, perceived by the hand, Berb. v. 5. Disagreeable warmth in the head, Graph. 6. Heat in the left part of the head, Calc. carb. 7. Violent heat rising to the head, every five minutes, Sep. 8. Heat from every emotion, Kreas. 9.----in head, increased by mo- tion, Tart. stib. 10. ----in the head, (in front over the head), Bell. FLUSHES OF HEAT. 1. Frequent flushes of heat in head, Magn. mur. 2. Frequent flushes of heat about the head, Am. mur. 3. Flushes of heat from the sto- mach to the head, (internally,) when sitting, Ind. 4. Suddenly-passing feeling of heat in the head, especially when stoop- ing, Valer. 5. Flushes of heat, without sweat, Magn. carb. 6. ----of heat in the head, with thirst, Mang. BURNING HEAT. 1. Burning and digging in skull, Merc. 2. ----in head, especially forehead, morning, when stooping, Mur. ac. 3. Heat and burning in the head, Merc. sol. 4. Burning, painful feeling of heat in the head, Kal. carb. 5. ----in the brain, Verat. 6. ----in the brain, Am. HEAT, AS IF FROM THE STOMACH. Heat in the head, after dinner, as if proceeding from the stomach, Magn. mur. HEAT, WITH TINGLING. Heat and tingling in the head, parti- cularly the vertex, Hyos. HEAT, WITH LANGUOR. Violent heat in the head, with languor of the whole body, Grat. HEAT, WITH PRESSURE OUTWARDS. 1. Heat and fulness in the head, soon after rising, Am. mur. 2. ----in head, with sensation as if the contents would press through the forehead, on raising the head after stooping, Magn. sulph. 3.----in the head, after dinner, with sensation when stooping as if the brain were falling forward, Alum. HEAT, WITH COMPRESSION. 1. Heat in the head, particularly in the vertex, also with sensation as if the head were compressed, Daph. 2. Mounting of warmth to the ver- tex, with contraction on sinciput and pressure from without inward. Nux mosch. HEAT, WITH SPARKLING EYES. Heat of the head and sparkling eyes, Stram. HEAT, WITH BURNING IN THE EARS. Heat in the head, with a burning sen- sation through the ears; this causes difficulty of hearing and dimness of sight, Sep. HEAT, WITH NOSE-BLEED. Great heat in the head, in the morn- ing, with sensation as if the nose would bleed, Sep. HEAT, WITH THROBBING. Heat in head, forehead and face, with throbbing, sometimes proceeding from the back, Phos. \.T. 115 HEAT, WITH DULNESS. 1. Heat and gloominess in the head, Cascar. 2. ----in head and face, with stu- pid feeling, then pinching in the abdomen, Lup. 3. Warmth in head, with stupid feeling, Phell. HEAT, ALTERNATING WITH PALENESS OR COOLNESS. 1. Heat in head, alternating with paleness of face and external heat and redness of the same, Magn. carb. 2. Frequent alternation of coolness and heat of head and body, Phos. HEAT, AS IF FROM HOT VAPOUR. Heat in head, with sensation as if a hot vapour were ascending in it, 01. an. HEAT, WITH BORING IN HEAD. Heat in head, with boring in left side of head, Magn. sulph. HEAT, WITH ANXIETY. 1. Heat in the head, with anxiety, Sil. 2. ----in the head, with anguish, in the evening, in bed, she had to rise, Carb. a. 3. Ascension of heat, with anxiety, Canth, HEAT, WITH HEAT OF BODY. 1. Painful heat in the head, fre- quently accompanied with suffu- sion of heat over the whole body. Sep. 2. Heat in head, and then in whole body, Phos. 3. ----in head, with feverish un- easiness in whole body, Ruta. HEAT, WITH WARM HANDS. 1. Heat in head, with warm hands and pale face, Phell. JSH OF BLOOD. 116 COLDNESS,—Rl 2. Hot head of the infant, with hot mouth and hot palms of the hands, Bor. 3. Heat in the head, after dinner, with sweat and burning of the hands, Canth. HEAT, WITH COLD FEET. Heat in the head, evening, with cold feet, Sulph. HEAT, WITH PAIN IN HEAD. 1. Painful heaviness of the eyes, particularly when turning the eyes, with heat in the head, and a dart- ing pain in the temples, China. 2. Heat in the head, early on rising, and cutting thrusts, as with knives, Bar. carb. 3. Spot on the head, which feels hot, with headache, Carb. v. 4. Heat in the head towards even- ing, the head feeling painful, espe- cially the forehead, Aeon. 5. Burning in head, and fine beating or pecking headache, Rhus t. 6. Heat in the head and tearing headache, disappearing on pressure, Camph, 7. ---- and pain in whole head, Merc sol. nEAT, WITH SWEAT ON HEAD OR HANDS. 1. Warmth in head, and sweat in the face, Magn. carb. 2. Heat in the head after dinner, and slight sweat about the head when making an effort, stooping or standing, Berb. v. 3. Warmth about the head and hands, with sweat, 01. an. 4. Heat in the head, also with lazi- ness and ill-humour, or with sweat on the forehead, Lauroc. 5. Painful heat in temples, then in head, with sweat on head and hands Phell. 0. Heat in head, afternoon, with sensation as if sweat would break out, Niccol. 7. ---- in head, with moist fore- head, afternoon, 01. an. 8. Sudden heat in head, evening, with sweat about the sinciput, fore- head and hands, 01. an. 9. Mounting of heat to the head, with sweat, Gummi gutti. HEAT WITH RED FACE. 1. Heat in head, with flushed cheeks, Mercurial. 2.----, in head, with red face, in- ternal shuddering and urging to stool, Magn. mur. 3. Great warmth in the head, espe- cially on the right side ol the face, frequently, Calc. carb. 4. Heat in head and face, afternoon, when walking, with redness of face, sensation as if the head would burst open at the top, anguish, oppression, drowsiness, Stron. carb. 5. Rising of heat to the head with increased temperature of the body, redness of face, and abatement of the giddiness, AEth. 6. Heat in the head and face as from drinking wine, Sabad. 7. Feeling of warmth in head and eyes, without heat to the touch, Natr. carb. 8. Heat in head, with heaviness, and redness of face, Natr. carb. 9. -----, in head arid face, Natr. mur. 10. Great heat in the head with burning and redness of the face, Kal. hyd. 11. Heat in the head with redness of the face, Grat. 12. ----, in the head, with glowing face, in the morning on waking, Sulph. Coldness. Icy coldness in and about the head, Calc. carb. Rush of Blood. SIMPLE RUSH OF BLOOD. 1. Rush of blood to the head, Bry. Camph. Cinchon. sulph, Cup.rac. \ Eye. Millef. Op. Sep. Stram. RUSH OF BLOOD. 117 2. Rush of blood to the head, par- ticularly to the forehead, Asaf. 3. Considerable rush of blood to the head, the blood seems to be stagnant in it, and feels as if it could not circulate, Bar. carb. When stooping. 1. When stooping he feels as if he could not raise himself again; the nape of the neck feels embarrassed ; he feels as if the blood were rush- ing to his brain, Rhus tox. 2. Congestion of blood to the head when stooping, with redness of the face ; also when sitting, Canth. 3. ----, of blood to the head, when stooping, as if the contents of the head would issue through the fore- head, with throbbing in head, when raising or carrying anything, Natr. carb. 4. ----, of blood to the head and face, on stooping, Coral. 5. When stooping the blood rushes to the head, Verat. 6. Rush of blood to the head, when stooping, passing off again when raising the head, Aur. 7. When stooping, the blood rushes to the head; the head feels heavy and giddy, Bell. When bending the head backwards. Congestion of blood to the head, without internal heat; when bend- ing the head backwards, the blood feels as if rushing to the head, Bell. With pain, pressure or fulness. I. Congestion of blood to the head with pressure in the forehead and bleeding of the nose, Alum. 2. Rush of blood to the head, oc- casioning an agreeable warmth in the head, with headache in the temples, Cann. 3. Feeling pf fulness in head, Nitr. ac. 4. The blood rushes to the head, after which the head felt com- pressed from temple to temple, Bry. 5. Violent rush of blood to the head and headache, Merc. corr. C. Rush of blood to the head with headache, which increases to- wards evening, Chininum sulph. 7. Congestion of blood to the head with painful pressure under the whole skull, sensitiveness of every decayed tooth, discharge of bright- red blood from the nose on blowing it, and drawing in the nose and frontal cavity as if water had been poured under the skull, Lach. 8. ----, of blood to the head, and afterwards headache, Jod. 9. °----, of blood to the head, with violent pains in the forehead, Nux vom. 10. Orgasm in the head, with com- pressive pain in the vertex, in the afternoon, Graph. 11. Determination of blood to the head, with heat in the forehead, gradually increasing to a headache, Fluor, ac. 12. Rush of blood to the head, with stupifying pain. Asaf. When talking. Rush of blood to the head, especially when talking, Coffea, Increasing to delirium. Congestion of blood to the head, in- creasing to delirium, Aur mur. With loose stool. Rush of blood to the head, with loose stool, Sulph. With throbbing. 1. Swelling of the jugular veins, Aeon. 2. Pulsative pressing upwards of the blood high up in the occiput, Bor. 3. Excessive congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotid arteries, with heaviness, stupifying dulness of the head, me- lancholy, inability to express him- 118 RUSH OF BLOOD. self suitably and coherently, Arg. nit. 4. Rush of blood to the head, beat- ing in the sinciput and forehead, with heaviness in the head, Sil. 5. Increased rush of blood to the head, with heat on the forehead and throbbing of the carotids, Spong. With hot face. 1. Rush of blood to the head, with burning heat and rtdness of face, when sitting, Phos. 2. ----, of blood to the head, with heat of the face, and buzzing in the head, Calc. carb. 3. ----, of blood to the head, with heat and redness of the face; or else with paleness, heat in the head, and sweat of the hairy scalp, Aeon. 4. ----, of blood to the head, and suffusion of heat in the cheeks, Magnet, p. arct. 5. °Congestion of blood to the brain, with heat and redness of the face, Nux vom. 6. ----, of blood to the head, with warmth in the face, Asa f 7. Rush of blood to the head, with hot feeling in the face, without redness, Mang. With sweat. 1. Rush of blood to the head, and feeling of sweat, Paion. 2. ----, of blood to the head with sweat of forehead at noon, Natr. mur. With stitches, prickings. 1. Rush of blood to the head, during quick motion, with darting through the brain, Petrol. 2. ----. of blood to the head, with prickling in the anterior portion of the head, Viol. odor. 3. Congestion of blood to the head, with stitches in the occiput, Sil. WITH SENSITIVENESS OF THE INNER NOSE TO AIR. Sensation as if the head were full of blood, the interior of the nose is very sensitive to the air, Ign. With pain in the eyeballs. 1. Rush of blood to the head and eyeballs, with painful pressure in the latter, Senega. 2. ----, of blood to the head, with pressure in the head and through the eyes, she was like one deaf. Sulph. With heat in the body. 1. Warm rising of the blood to the head, with orgasm of the blood in the body, Kal. carb. 2. Congestion of blood from the ab- domen to the head, with warm skin and sweat, Crot. 3. Rush of blood to the head, with swelling of the veins and slight flushes of heat, Fer. 4. Orgasm of the blood in the head and frequent flushes of heat^w/pA. 5. Congestion of blood to the head, with flushes of heat, Tabac. With heat in the head. 1. Congestion of blood to the head, with heat in the head, Caust. 2. ----, of blood to the head, with heat in the head, when sitting in a room, Natr. carb. 3. ----, of blood to the head, with heat and fulness in the head, China. 4. Orgasm of the blood and feeling of heat in the head, frequently with sweat, Graph. With dulness, stupid or intoxicated feeling. 1. Orgasm of the blood in the head, as if intoxicated, passing off in the open air, Caust. 2. Congestion of blood to the head, with dulness, Carb. a. 3. Rush of blood to the head, cloud- iness, then bleeding at the nose, Pimpin. 4. Pain in head, as from rush of blood, she was unable to collect / SENSATION AS IF, &c—UNDULATING, BALANCING, &c. 119 her senses, with sensation of gauze before her eyes, Nitr. ac. 5. Congestion of blood to the head, with hot forehead and muddled feeling in the head, Carb. v. 6. Rush of blood to the head, with heaviness of head, Mosch. 7. ----, of blood from nape of neck towards forehead, during motion; with stupefaction of the senses, while standing, Mang. 8. Congestion of blood to the head, with intoxication arising from it, Kal. carb. 9. Rush of blood and stupefaction in the head, Lauroc. 10. Orgasm of the blood and cloudi- ness in the brain, Grat. With noise in the head or ears. 1. Rush of blood to the head with whizzing in ears, and heat; after this he feels as if vomiting would take place, instead of which he has cutting drawings in the bowels and then a stool, Sang.can. 2. Determination of blood to the head with drumming and roaring in the ear, Lack. 3. Congestion of blood to the head, with humming in the ears and hardness of hearing, Dulc. With fainting. Congestion of blood to the head, with fainting, Nux vom. With anxiety. Paroxysms of vascular erethism in the head, with anxiety, Aeon. When hearing music. Rush of blood to the head, especially when listening to music, Ambr. Sensation as if something were moving about in the Head. 1. Heat in head, with sensation as if a foreign body were moving about in it, Phos. 2. Painful turning and winding in the head, Kal. carb. 3. Weight of the head, as if some vascillating body were in it, with pressure in the direction the head is turned, forwards or backwards, &c, Asar. 4. Headache as if she had water in the head, with dryness and painful scraping in the throat, ill-humour and drops of sweat all over, espe- cially in the face, Plat. 5. Disagreeable feeling, as if the head were teeming with living things, whirling around in it, Sil. 6. His head feels heavy, and every thing seems to turn in the head, Verat. 7. Headache, as if every thing in the brain were moving about, with oppressive and boring pain, espe- cially in the temples, August. 8. Swashing in the brain, Bell. 9. Sensation as of something living in the brain, at night, occasioning a tickling sensation, Hyper per. 10. Sensation in head as if full of living things, with aversion to work, Petrol. Undulating, balancing Sensation in the Head. 1. Undulating pain in the head, Fer, 2. Trembling balancing and roaring in head, without heat, Petrol. 3. Pulsative undulations, espe- cially in forehead, as if the head would burst, better during motion, Petrol. 4. Painful undulating sensation in head, with pressure in occiput, going off in the open air, and re- turning in the room, Magn. mur. 5. Heat and undulating sensation in head, with heat and sweat of the body, (during the menses), Magn. mur. 6. Warm undulating motion in the head from below upward, on en- tering the room, succeeded by a groaning sensation (a vibration) in the head, particularly on raising the head suddenly after stooping 120 STITCHES, DARTINGS, LANCINATIONS, &c. and sitting; disappears in the open air, Ind. 7. Undulating sensation through the head from behind forwards, almost itching, rendering the sight in- distinct, when sitting, Ind. 8.----, sensation in the brain, with pressure in the forehead, worst after stooping, Hyos. 9. Rolling and burning in the head and in the eyes from within out- ward, with lachrymation, after- wards nausea and vomiting (which aggravates the pain) morning and night, Eug. 10. Headache, as if waves beat against both sides of the head, in- creased when standing, or bending the head backwards, Dig. 11. Jerking sensation in head, with sensation as if something in the head were balancing to and fro, Lye 12. Headache as if water or some- thing else were in his head, Am. carb. 13. Sensation as if the brain were beating like water against the skull, and would dash it to pieces, the head feeling obtuse, Dig. 14. Groaning (vibratory) and swash- ing sensation in the brain, when walking and running, Nux vom. 16. Sense as of swashing in the head, Hepar sulph. Stitches, Dartings, Lancinations, &c. SIMPLE STITCHES. 1. Stitches in the head, Ambr. Cham. Calc. carb. Kal. carb. Lauroc. Mer- curial. Merc. sol. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Stront. carb. 2. Severe stitches in the head, in- creasing and decreasing. Bar. carb. STITCHES IN PARTICULAR PARTS OF THE HEAD. 1. Stitches in the left temple, fore- head and head when stooping, and in the vertex with sensation as if the head would burst, Am. mur. 2. Erratic stitches in the head, deep in the brain, especially in the right side, they pass off in the open air, Am. carb. 3. Stitches in the head and temples, Magn. sulph. 4. ----, in various parts of the head, particularly in the left frontal eminence, in the right parietal bone and in the lower part of the occiput, Evon. 5. ----, in the head, in the left temple, in the forehead. Asaf. 6. Stitch-like tearings, at intervals, now through parts of the head, then through the malar bones, ear, jaws and. other parts of the face, Sulph. 7. Stitches in the head and through the eyes, Sulph. 8. ----, in the head, here and there, during a walk, Sulph. ac. STITCHES IN PARTICULAR DIRECTIONS. 1. Stitches extending upwards, when coughing or moving the head, can only be assuaged by resting the head upon the painful side, Am. 2. Lancinations through the head, from the forehead to the occiput; after which all previous headache disappears, Bell. 3. Painful stitches from the parietal bones to the occiput, when walk- ing, Tabac. 4. Stitches from the vertex to the centre, as if the head would burst, the pain went off during a violent sweat in the heat of the sun, Graph. 5. Dull stitch from vertex to palate, through the brain. Natr. mur. 6. Stitches from forehead to occiput, depriving her of her appetite, Natr. mur. 7. Stitch through the head, as with a knife, from behind forwards when entering the room, Natr. mur. 8. Cutting, from the occiput and temples to the orbit, aggravated by movement and stooping, China. STITCHES, DARTINGS, LANCINATIONS, &c. 121 9. Stitches in the head, in the direction of the temples, from be- low upwards. Carb. v. 10. Erratic stitches in the head, from wdthout inwards, with general painfulness of the surface of the brain, Carb. v. 11. Stitches in head from within out- wards, Rhus tox. 12. Cutting thrusts to the brain from the forehead and temple, after ly- ing, Camph. 13. Stitches through the head from before backwards, Calc caust. 14. Violent dartings, he would like to scream out; they come from behind, and reach across the left side of head and forehead, Anac. 15. ----, stitches in the evening , darting upwards in the direction of the occiput, Ambr. 16. Lancination through the head from the forehead to the right side, Caust. 17. Stitches in the brain towards the vertex, Alum, 18. Lancination in the head from within outwards in the afternoon, Alum. 19. ----, from one side of the head to the other in the morning, Asar. 20. Violent lancinations in the brain from below upwards, Guaiac 21. Single shootings or thrusts across the brain, Calc. carb. 22. Lancinations from the left temple to the right, Calc. carb. 23. Stitches in the head, from the ear to the vertex, through the brain, China. 24. Boring stitches from vertex through occiput, early, Magn. carb. 25. Stitches from both parietal bones towards one another, Magn. carb. 26. ----, in the brain from below upwards, Sil. 27. Lancination, as with a knife, from one temple to the other, Bell. 28. Stitches from the forehead to the occiput. Tabac. I STITCHES IN PARTICULAR POSITIONS, LOCALITIES, AT PARTICULAR PERIODS. 1. Lancinations in- the head, waking him, Canth. 2. Darting pain in the head, worse during rest, Caps. 3. Lancinations as with a double- edged knife, dart through the head, in the evening, Bell. 4. Stitches in the brain, worse in the evening, Alum. 5. Painful lancinations while mak- ing an exertion at every step, aba- ting in a recumbent posture, Ambr. 6. Lancinations through the head particularly when treading, Alum. 7. Stitches in the head, when raising it after^tooping, and at every little motion, especially when walking in the open air, Hepar sulphuris. 8, ----, in the head, commencing immediately in a warm room, Bar. carb. 9. ----, in the head, on rising from a recumbent posture, Or after stooping, Calc carb. 10. ----, in head, here and there, particularly when stooping, Niccol. 11. Excessive dartings in the head, when stooping or walking, Petrol. 12. Dartings in the head, worse during a walk in the sun, Bruc. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Jerk-like stitch in head, leaving a feeling of pressure behind, Thuj. 2. Stitch in head when blowing the nose, Mur. ac. 3. Occasional single darts through the head, Sep. 4. Dull stitch through the brain, from the vertex to right side of occiput, Magn. carb. 5. A stitch in the head, Sulph. STITCHES WITH STARTING. 1. Stitches in head, causing one to start. Lye. 2. Stitches with concussive sen- sation in head, Niccol. 122 STITCHES, DARTINGS, LANCINATIONS, &c. STITCHES WITH CHILLS. 1. Stitches in the head, followed by beating, accompanied by violent chills, in the evening, in bed. Lam. alb. 2. ----, through the whole brain, until bed-time, with shuddering and fainting fits, Puis. 3. ----, through the head, with chilliness, Calc. carb. STITCHES, WITH STITCHES IN OTHER PARTS OF THE' BODY. 1. Stitches in the head, with stitches in the legs, Calc. carb. 2. ----, in the parietal bones and forehead,' with vertigo, so that he was obliged to sit down during his walk; accompanied by stitches in the muscles of the nape of the neck, Con. m. STITCHES WITH HEAT. 1. Violent stitches in the brain, with heat and tingling in the head, Bar. carb. 2.----» in head, with burning, or occasional heat about the forehead, Natr. carb. 3. ----, and warmth in the head, Caust. 4. Burning stitch through the head. Rhodod. STITCHES WITH PRESSURE. 1. Stitches in the head, when stoop- ing, and sensation as if the skull would burst, waking him, Hepar sulphuris. 2. Hacking and sticking in the head, with pressure around the eyes, and drowsiness, Kal. nitr. 3. Stitch, with pressure, through the head, when exerting the body, Natr. carb. 4. Violent dulness of the head (par- ticularly of the left side) with' periodical stitches, or with pres- sure on the forehead, and shooting stitches in the temples, Calc. caust. 5. Dull stitches in head, with pres- sure, Petrol. 6. Stitches in head, with pressure in head, and nausea, Petrol. 7. Sticking in middle of head and temples, with subsequent pressure on forehead on stooping, Par. quad. 8. Stitches and pressure in the head and vertex, Lye. TEARING STITCHES. 1. A dull tearing stitch deep in the brain, as if a nail were driven in, Carb. v. 2. Tearing stitches in different parts of the head, Phos. PAINFUL STITCHES. 1. Painful dartings through the head. Natr. corb. 2. ----, sticking in head, here and there, evening, Rat. 3. Stitches in the head, followed by a contusive pain when standing, Magn. carb. STITCHES WITH ILL-HUMOUR. 1. Bewildering stitches in the head, with great disposition to be dis- satisfied and ill-humoured, Sil. 2. Stitches in the head, they made her angry, less when lying, Dulc. STITCHES OF A PARTICULAR KIND. 1. Stitches in the head with sen- sation as if every part of the head were drawn toward the innermost part, a kind of slow pulsative pain, Eug. 2. Dull stitches above the right temple, deep in .the head, nearly causing stupefaction, Cina. 3. Stabbings in the head, with pain in temples, forehead and nape of neck, Magn. sulph. 4. Boring stitches in head, Senega. 5. Stitches in the brain sometimes with inclination to vomit, Alum. 6. Lancinations in the vertex, or in the temple and through the head, TEARING IN with coryza and stiffness of the nape of the neck, Each. 7. Dull stitches in the whole head, making it impossible for him to do any thing, Sep. STINGING, PRICKING, &C. 1. Pricking in the head now here, then there. Hydr. ac. 2. Fine pricking in the head, early, Thuj. 3. Jerking darting about the head. Crot. 4. Stinging between the nape of the neck and the occiput, in the temple, or above the right eye in the sur- face of the brain, Crot. 5. Deep stinging throughout the head, Lach. 6. Violent tingling and stinging in the brain, Lauroc. STINGING AS IF HAIRS WERE PULLED. 1. Fine stitches as if single hairs were pulled out, Ind. 2. Stitches in forehead, vertex, sides of the head, sometimes burning or with sensation as if the hair were pulled, or as if the head would burst, at times going off by rub- bing, Phos. Tearing in the nead. SIMPLE TEARING. 1. Tearing in the head, Lam. alb. 2. ----, in the head in the fore- noon, Alum. 3. ----, in the head, in various parts, China. 4. ----, in whole head, afternoon, Natr. carb. TEARING IN PARTICULAR PARTS OF THE HEAD. 1. Tearing in the head as if the brain were torn above the root of the nose, Agar. 2. ----, in the whole head, at inter- vals, particularly behind the right ear, Agar. THE HEAD. 123 3. Tearing from the occiput to the forehead, Anac. 4. ----, from occiput to vertex, Magn. mur. 5. Throbbing tearing in occiput and head, Magn. mur. 6. Aching and tearing pain in head when stooping, across the left temple close to the bone, Samb. 7. Fine tearing in the head, espe- cially in the forehead, Camph. 8. Tearing through the head begin- ning at a small place in the occiput, Carb. v. 9. ----, in the skull, especially the frontal bones, Merc. sol. 10. ----, from the nape of the neck to the forehead, Elec. 11. Painful tearing from the lower jaw to the head, Magn. sulph. 12. Violent tearing in the head, fore- head, occiput and temples, Spig. 13. Tearing pain in the head, now here, then there, in the sinciput, in the forehead, in the temporal region, and in the cheek, Berb. v. 1,4. ----, in the occiput, Ars. TEARING WITH HEAVINESS. 1. Tearing in the whole head, with heaviness and sensation as if bruised, Bov. 2. ----, in the head, with heaviness of the head, weariness and drow- siness, Ars. TEARING WITH STITCHES OR PRICKINGS. 1. Tearing in the head, with stitches in the ears in the evening, relieved by pressing on the parts, Alum. 2. ----, and cutting in the head, evening, Magn. carb. 3. Darting-tearing, increased by walking, or by moving the head, China. 4. Tearing, drawing and stitching, from the forehead and occiput to the vertex, Sep. 5. ----, and stitches in the head, in the afternoon, Sd. 6. ----, in the head, sides of the head and forehead, sometimes 124 TEARING IN THE HEAD. with drawing and pricking, and ulcerative pain, eased by pressure, or by moving the head, or in the open air, Sulph: 7. Tearing in the head, the whole forenoon, with pressure and stick- ing, great ill-humour, painful sen- sitiveness of the scalp, tearing in left side of face from below up- wards, particularly on entering the room, and going off after taking vinegar, Tongo. TEARING, WITH HEAT. 1. Tearing in the head, with faint- ness and heat, no thirst; eased by laying his head on the table, Sulph. 2. ----, pain in the whole head, from morning till night; with heat in the head towards noon, dimi- nishing when walking in the open air, Ant. c. TEARING, CEASING WHEN THE CHEEK SWELLS. 1. Tearing and throbbing in the whole head, orbits, ear, left side of the face, cheek-bones, and lower jaw, mitigated by pressing upon the parts ; and suddenly ceasing when the cheek began to swell, Carb. a. 2. Tearing of the head, ceasing after the cheek swells, Lye. TEARING, ACCOMPANIED WITH TEARING IN OTHER PARTS. 1. Tearing in the head, then in other parts of the body, Lye. 2.----, in the head, accompanied with tearing in the right eye, Ars. 3. ----, in head, and left eye, Nic- col. 4. Rending in the head and neck, Kalm. lat. 5. ----, in the forehead and head, on rising from bed, succeeded by rending in the bones of the hips and lower extremities, down to the feet, Kalm. lat. TEARING IN PARTICULAR DIRECTIONS OR ACCOMPANIED BY PECULIAR SYMPTOMS. 1. Tearing in the head as with a saw, Sulph. 2. Drawing and tearing in the head early after rising and during the whole day, Am. carb. 3. Tearing in the head along the ear, from above downward, Nux v. 4. ----in the head, through the ear, Sulph. 5. ----in the whole head, with chills, low spirits and uneasiness ; the pain returns every third day, Anac. 6. ----or stitch in the head on moving it or when drawing a deep breath, Rat. 7. ----in the head to and fro, worse when stooping, Rhus tox. 8. Acute tearing in the head and right eye, with dimness of the right eye and a sensation as if a current • of cold air were rushing through it, Croc. 9. Tearing, with dragging, as if from the nape of the neck, during move- ment, or when stooping or turning the head, with sensation as if the head were pressed forward and as if the contents of the head would issue through the forehead, Canth. JERKS AND SHOCKS. 1. Single jerks in the head, Nux vom. 2. Jerks in head, evening, Nitr. ac. 3. Jerkings in the head, for mo- ments, Calc. carb. 4. Painless jerks in the head, Sil. 5. Jerks in head, tossing it to the right side, when sitting, Natr. sulph. 6. Aching pain in forehead, with sudden, painful jerk through the brain, from one side to the other, Sambuc. 7. Sudden, painful jerk in the head, here and there, Stron. carb. 8. Pinching jerks in the head, in the morning, when rising, Sep. BEATING, THROBBING, PULSATIONS, &c. 125 9. Jerking through the head, from behind forward, also pulsating, Phos. ac. 10. Jerking sensation in the blood of the head, chest and stomach, Cann. 11. Fleeting, broad push deep in the brain, above the left frontal emi- nence, from time to time, causing him to start: this push leaves a dull pain, which yields to external pressure, Croc. 12. Painful jerks in the head, ex- tremely violent, when walking or going up stairs fast, which, when- ever the foot is set down in walking, occasion a sensation in the occiput, as if a load were darting down, Bell. 13. Jerks and violent shocks through the head, every minute, in every position of the body, during rest and motion, Caust. 1. Single shocks through the head, Nux v. Sulph. 2. Violent shock from the back to the top of the head, (after a meal), Eye. 3. (Shocks in the brain when setting the foot down, like an echo in the head), Calc. carb. 4. ----in the brain, from behind forwards, Clem, erecla. 5. Disagreeable shocks, generally behind, Elec. 0. Shocks in the brain, when mov- ing or stooping, Merc. sol. 7.'----in head, especially during a difficult stool, Phos. 8. -----in head, when stooping or lying, Nitr. ac. 9. Concussion in the head and jerk- ing in the left arm, with paleness of the fingers, Verat. Beating, Throbbing, Hammering, Hacking, Bubbling, Pulsations. BEATING. 1. Beating in the head, morning, Sulph. 2. Beating in brain, with heat of head, Eye. 3. Beating in the head upon enter ing a room from the open air, uEth. 4. Pulsative beating after dinner, while going up stairs, Alum. 5. Beating at regular intervals, in the afternoon when walking, and in the morning in bed, Alum. 6. ----, with vascular erethism in the head, after dinner when stoop- ing, Alum. 7. Jerking beating in the head, with heat of the face, Bry. 8. Beating in the head, worse dur- ing movement, with dimness of sight, Bry. 9. Stinging, beating and stinging- beating in the head, particularly when walking, and abating when sitting, sometimes like an abscess, Aeon. 10. Beating pain in head, Natr. sulph. 11. ----at times in the bones of the skull, at times in one side of the head, sometimes in the whole head, when sitting, Ind. 12. One beat in the head and right shoulder, with shuddering, Magn. art. 13- Beating in the head, as if there were an abscess, or with a sensa- tion of wild confusion, the beating is excited by cold air, particularly early, or only in the right side, Bov. 14. ----, with pressure at small spots of the head, with restless- ness, dry heat, sleeplessness, dry- ness and stickiness of lips and tongue, sensation as if all the bloodvessels were beating, Nux mosch. 15.-----in head, neck, and about the heart, every part of her seemed to tremble, Sulph. 16. Violent beating and tearing in the whole head, especially in the right frontal region, from morning till evening, Zinc. met. 126 SENSATION AS IF THE BRAIN WERE LOOSE, &c. THROBBING. HAMMERING. 1. Hammering in whole head, fore- noon, during motion, Niccol. 2. ---- in head, apparently pro- ceeding from the abdomen, Rheum. 3. Painful hammering in head, Nitr. ac. 4. Hammering in the head towards the temples, China. 5. Hammering in the head, in the evening when lying down, Clem. erecta. 6. ----at every motion, occasion- ing nausea and inclination to vomit, with painful boring in the vertex, Lach. 7. Beating in the head, as if with little hammers, Ind. 8. Hammering sensation in the head, Hep. sulph. 9. ----in the head, particularly in the forehead over the root of the nose, Ars. 10. Single beats in the head, as with a hammer, Phos. ac. HACKING. 1. Hacking in the head, as with a hatchet, Phos. ac. 2. Hard beating, like a sort of hack- ing, as if the skull would burst, at night, with sweat, Ars. 3. Beating in the head, like hacking, Lye PULSATIONS. 1. Trembling and pulsating in the head, during rest, Lact. 2. Pulsations in the head and in most parts of the body, when wak- ing, Bell. 3. ----and pressure in head, while reading, Lye. BUBBLING. 1. Bubbling beating, at night, in bed, Sulph. 2. ----in head, on waking at night, with internal restlessness, prevent- ing sleep, Par. quad. 3- ----sensation in head, at night, Puis. Sensation as if the Brain were loose or shaken. 1. Feeling of looseness of the whole brain, Graph. 2. Sensation when stooping as if the brain moved, Rheum. 3. ---- as if the brain were strik- ing against the skull, on shaking 1. Throbbing of the temporal ar- teries, Aeon. 2. Painful throbbing of the tem- poral arteries, Cupr. acet. 3. Throbbing in head and occiput, Petrol. 4. ----, when leaning the head back, Lye. 5. ----in the carotids and tem- poral arteries, Aur. mur. 6. Violent throbbing in the brain from before backwards and towards both sides ; externally, this throb- bing terminates in the shape of painful stitches, Bell. 7. Throbbing of the cerebral arte- ries, Caust. Op. 8. Painful throbbing in the head, when she begins to write, Kal. carb. 9. Throbbing in the head at every motion, Iod. 10. ---- of the arteries, as if the head would burst, heat in the face, vertigo, tingling and roaring in the ears, hardness of hearing, glare and sparks before the eyes, accelerated, frequent, strong pulse, restless sleep and full of dreams, constant emission of flatulence upwards and downwards, Chin, sulph. 11. ----and heat in the head, Chin. sulph. 12. ■----in head, when lying, Phos. 13. ----, undulating sensation in head, when going up-stairs, Par. quad. 14. ----in the middle of the brain, the whole day, Calc. carb. 15. Stitch-like throbbing in the head, when walking fast, Calc. carb. VIBRATORY SENSITIVE!* the head, with heat in the head and pain, particularly in the temples, which are sensitive to the touch, Nux mosch. \ When shaking the head, one feels a pain from the brow to the occi- put, as if something had become detached, Con. m. 5. Occasional shaking sensation in brain, as if loose, especially when walking, Rhus t. 6. Bubbling and shaking sensation in the head, while walking, Nux v. 7. On moving his head sensation as of the brain falling to and fro, some- times attended with stinging pains, even at night, for several weeks, Am. carb. 8. Feeling as if the brain were loose, during motion, with pain, Carb. a. 9. Shaking of the brain, during mo- tion, Magn. sulph. 10. Sensation, when walking, as if the whole brain were shaken, es- pecially from above, Rhodod. 11. Headache during motion, as if the brain would fall out; also in rest he felt as if the brain were compressed, were standing off from the skull, and were lying in it loose, Staph. 12. ----, as if the skull were driven asunder, the brain seems to shake to and fro, during motion, Lye. 13. Sensation, as if the brain were balancing to and fro, and were striking against the skull, occasion- ing great pain, °and obliging one to move the head, China. 14. Feeling as if the brain were loose, when drawing a load, Mur. ac 15. ----of looseness in the brain, as if it were falling to the left temple, on stooping, Natr. sulph. 16. ----of looseness of the brain. as if shaken, early, disappearing by thinking of the pain intently, Cic. virosa. 17. ----in the head, as of something having become detached in it, and turning and winding towards the forehead, Kal. carb. ESS OF THE BRAIN, &c. 127 18. Feeling of looseness and stitches in the brain, Kal. nitr. 19. Sensation as if the brain were detached and loose, and were shak- en at every step, early, Caust. Guaiac Hyosc. 20. ----, when moving the head, as if the brain were tottering to and fro, Bar. carb. Croc. 21. Sense of undulating shaking, with bubbling sensation in the brain, behind the frontal bone, Asaf. 22. Sensation as if the brain were moved, as if it shook like water and dashed against the skull, when walking or moving the head, Ars. 23. Motion in the brain, when shak- ing the head, Sep. 24. Painful sensation, when shaking the head, as if the brain were loose and were shaking against the skull, Stann. 25. Headache, internally, with sensa- tion, when turning, of something loose in the head, across the top of it, Kalm. lat. * Vibratory Sensitiveness of the Brain when walking, talking, &c. 1. Groaning sensation in the head, constantly, Nitr. ac. 2. ----sensation in the head, when walking, Lye. Magn. carb. 3. Painful concussion of the head, when walking, Con. mac. Dros. Lye Sulph. Phos. ac. 4. Tumult in the head, upon enter- ing the room, ASth. 5. (Painful concussion in the brain, when walking, moving the head or talking), Cocc. 6. Sensitiveness of the head, with painful shaking of the brain, on making a wrong step, Led. p. '7. Painful concussion in the head, on coughing, with buzzing and pressing in the head, a long time after, Lact. 8. Shaking of the brain, on striking the foot against any thing, Bar. carb. Sep. Viol. trie. 128 DRAWING,—SWELLING OR SENSATION AS IF LARGER. 9. Groaning shaking of the brain, when stepping firmly or when knocking the foot against some- thing, Sil. 10. Shaking and swashing sensation in the brain, when walking, every step being felt in the brain, Spig. 11. Swashing sensation in the head, when shaking it, Squil. 12. The brain feels concussed when shaking the head or walking, Mang. 13. Headache on ascending an emi- nence ; she feels every step she makes in her head, Rhus t. 14. Head and eyes sensitive to the least movement, Coloc. 15. The head is concussed by the sound of a hammer, Magn. p. arct. Drawing. SIMPLE DRAWING. 1. Drawing in the head, to and fro, Ambr. 2. ---- in the head, extending to the lower jaw, Diad. 3. ----in the head, the brain hav- ing gone to sleep, abating after a meal, Con. m. 4. Painful drawing in the brain, from the left occiput to the fore- head, Cycl. 5. Drawing from the occiput to the forehead, with contractive pain in the forehead and throbbing in the temples, increased by sitting and standing; ceasing when the parts are pressed upon, China. 6. Painful drawing, deep in the brain, when lying, Tongo. 7. Drawing, in streaks or bands, over the surface of the brain, ap- parently in the membranes of the sinuses, Arg. nit. 8. Drawing in the head, towards the forehead, as if the brain would dilate, Bell. 9. Dull pressive drawing in alter- nate parts of the head, Bism. 10. Drawing and tension in the head Sulph. ac. 11. Drawing in the whole head espe- cially in the temporal muscles,^4co». 12. ----, from palate to brain, with pain in brain as if bruised, Merc. sol. 13. ----, as if a string were drawn over the head, and finally very tightly, Mosch. 14. Jerking, stretching drawing in the skull, malar bones, and lower jaw, Each. 15. Dull drawing in the head, to and fro, Ipec. 16. Drawing in the head, from both temples inwards, Dulc. 17. Slow drawing pain through the brain, especially in the evening, Dulc. SPASMODIC DRAWING. 1. Spasmodic drawing in head and eyes, with grinding of the teeth, Stram. 2. ----drawing from the head through the eyeballs, Stron. carb. 3. Crampy drawing in head which feels gloomy and dull, Nitr. ac. 4. Spasmodic drawing through the whole head, Mosch. DRAWING AND BORING. Superficial drawing and boring in the head, so violent before mid- night that she was obliged to leave her bed ; extending to the temple, ear and teeth, Sep. Swelling or Sensation as if larger. 1. Sensation as if the head were larger, Mercurial. Natr. mur. 2. Swelling of the head, Ophiotox. 3. Swelling of the head to twice its size, Merc. dulc. 4. Sensation as if the head were three times larger then before, Coral. S. Swelling of head and face, Merc. corr. 6. Pain in the head, the head seem- ing enlarged, Arg. nitr. NOISES IN ' 7. The pain is felt all over the head, this appears to him enlarged; if the pain is felt only in one side of the head, the eye of the affected side appears enlarged, Arg. nit. 8. Weariness, with sensation as if the head were enlarged, towards the forepart, scarcely allowing him to close his eyes, Tongo. 9. Swelling of head, cervical glands and gums, Merc. 1. Weight in the forehead, with ill- humour, and pressure upon the eye- lids, jEth. 2. Heaviness in the forehead, in- creased by reading and writing, Calc. carb. 3. Weight in the forehead, also deep in the brain, with sensation as if the head were pressed for- ward, Canth. 4. Heaviness in the forehead, during the day, with internal heat and sweat, Am. mur. 5. When shaking the head, he had a sensation at a small spot in the middle of the forehead, as if some- thing heavy, such as a leaden bul- let, were lying in the brain, which could not be detached, Staph. Aching Pain. SIMPLE ACHING. 1. Aching in the frontal region, Brom. Coc. Dig. Kal. chl. 2. Aching pain in forehead, as if he had not slept enough, Nux. vom. 3. Horrid aching pain in the fore- head, Berb. v. 4. Aching in forehead, spreading over the whole head, Stron. carb. 5.----, in the forehead, going and coming, Carb. v. 6. ransitory, aching pain in the forehead, which renders mental exertions difficult, Calc. caust. PAINS IN THE 7. Aching, in the forehead, espe- cially when walking, or ascending the stairs, reflecting or reading, Am. 8.----, in forehead, when turning the head rapidly, Natr. carb. 9. Dull headache, from the temples to the forehead, increased by stooping, going off by bending backward, and by pressing on the head, but returning again when raising the head, Verat. ACHING WITH HEAVINESS. 1. Dull aching, with heaviness in the forehead, Carb. v. 2. Tight aching in the forepart of1 the brain, with heaviness of the brain, Clem. erec. 3. Aching, in the forehead, early on waking, in the afternoon and even- ing, with heaviness of the head, and sweat in the face, Chin, sulph. ACHING, WITH NAUSEA. 1. Aching in the forehead, with ver- tigo, nausea, bilious vomiting, con- stipation, Crot. 2.----, in the forehead, when going to bed, with qualmishness, aggravated by walking, Kal. carb. 3. Pressing aching in the forehead, with vomiting of mucus and acidity, Kal. carb. ACHING, SHIFTING TO, OR CO-EXISTING IN OTHER PARTS. 1. Aching pain in forehead and eyes, Mer. 2. Sharp aching pain in the fore- head, in the morning, on waking, becoming afterwards a mere pres- sure in the temples, Zinc. met. 3. Aching in the forehead, as if bruised, accompanied by a similar pain in the abdomen, Hep. sulph. 4. Aching pain in the forehead, par- ticularly when walking, shifting to the temples, when the head is turned backwards, Chin. FOREHEAD. 133 5. Slight aching in the forehead, which sometimes shoots to the eye- teeth, Kalm. lat. 6. Dull, aching pain in forehead, and root of nose, Tabac. CONSTRICTIVE ACHING. THROBBING ACHING, 1. Throbbing ache at the angles of the forehead, with dimness of sight, Kal. bichr. 2. ----ache in the forehead or or- bits, Dig. TEARING ACHING. ACHING WITH STITCHES. 1. Aching in the forehead, after- wards stitching and shooting pain in the forehead, accompanied by chilliness, Am. 1. Constrictive stupifying, aching in the forehead, and general malaise, alternating with absence of all pain, ease and exalted fancy, the second series of symptoms lasting much longer, Hyos. 2. Constrictive aching in the fore- head, with extremely peevish mood, accompanied by a violent, digging pain, diminished by press- ing upon the forehead ; lastly, the pain invades the whole head, with sensation as if a tight band were constricting the parts, from the nape of the neck to the ears, Anac. 1. Aching, at night as if the fore- head would be torn out, with general heat, Hepar sulph. 2. Tearing aching, in the forehead, for some seconds, after stooping and raising the head again, Asar. 3. Aching, in forehead, as if the brain would be torn to pieces; then in occiput as if the cerebellum were bruised ; with pressing from within outward in temples, Rhus tox. 134 PAINS IN THE HEAD. 2. Stupifying aching, in the fore- head, with prickings in the left side of the head, going and coming, Hyos. 3. Aching in the forehead, like a boil, with prickings when stooping or coughing, accompanied by a pricking pain in the outer part of the forehead and as if there were a boil on it, when touching the part; several mornings, Hepar sulph. 4. ----in the forehead, with stitches in the left ear, and in a hollow malar tooth, Bor. 5. ----and cutting in the upper part of the frontal bone, immediate- ly after a quick movement of his arms when stooping, Caust. 6. Stitch-like ache in one half of the forehead, relieved by lying down, Calc. carb. PARTICULAR KINDS OF ACHING. 1. Contractive headacne, in the forehead, Coff. Sep. 2. Violent head-ache in the fore- head, with tingling in the ears and general heat; or on the left side, with vertigo, tingling in the ears, strong appetite, thirst, eructations, nausea, flatulency, and great debi- lity, as after a long illness, Chin. sulph. 3. In the morning violent aching pain down to the eyes, with violent chilliness, and nausea and faint- ness in the afternoon; the eyes felt painful when turning them to one side and closing them, and the closed eyes were still more pain- ful when touching them, Sil. 4. Grinding (digging) headache deep in the forepart of the head, with gloominess and a bloated feeling in the brain, early in bed, worse after rising, Dulc. 5. Aching in the forehead, towards evening, with great heat in the face, Angust. 6. ----pain in the hot forehead, in the evening, Sep. 7. Aching in the forehead, which in- creased near the warm stove, as if the brain were rolled up in a ball, Am. 8. Stupifying headache in the fore- head, Con. m. 9. Aching pain in the forehead, with general dulness of the head, drowsiness and pain in the eyes, forenoon, Zinc. met. 10. Single paroxysms of undulating headache in the forehead, Sep. 11. Aching in the forehead, when walking, with ill-humour, Cal. carb. 12. ----in the region of the fore- head, early in bed, or with falling of the pulse from 70 to 64, or with dulness of the head, and more fre- quent and smaller pulse, Lauroc. 13. Dull aching pains deep in the frontal region, with pressure in the eyes, Tabac. 14. A drawing aching in the fore- head, Caust. 15. Headache in the forehead with apprehension of losing his reason, Ambr. 16. Aching pain in forehead, worse in the open air, with weariness of the feet when going upstairs, Nux v. 17. An aching in the forehead fre- quently obliges him to stand still when walking ; at every step the brain feels as if it were ascending and descending in the forehead ; the pain decreases by strongly press- ing upon the parts, Bell. 18. Aching in the forehead, with pressure from the occiput to the forehead, accompanied by a cut- ting pain from the occiput, Caps. 16. ----pain in the upper part of the forehead, with dulness of the head, especially when covered, Led. p. 20. ----pain in the forehead, also with sensation as if the brain were loose, or with aggravation of the pain in a warm room, or stabbing as with a dull knife or burning with heat of the forehead external- ly, Lact. PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 136 21. Aching in the forehead ; during motion; it increased so that it caused his eyelids to close ; he was obliged to lie down; then the headache disappeared; on rising it reappeared at once and lasted for two days; neither eating nor drink- ing made it worse during that pe- riod, as soon as he walks into the open air, the forehead feels pressed upon as though it would be crushed, as from a heavy stone, Bell. t Pressure. SIMPLE PRESSURE. 1. Pressure in the forehead, Arg. nitr. Calc. carb. Camph. Croc. Led. pal. Magn. carb. Natr. sulph. Sulph. 2. Pressure in forehead and down the nose, early, Lye. 3. Headache with nausea and pres- sure in forehead, Natr. mur. 4. Pressure in forehead, going off by rubbing, 01. an. 5. ----in forehead, down to eyes and nose, Eye. Op. 6. Sharp pressure in the forehead, Aeon. 7. Pressure in the forehead on one side, Ammoniac. 8. Dull pressure in the centre of the forehead, deep-seated and gradually extending over the an- terior part of the head in the even- ing, Anac. 9. Dull sensation in forehead, as from a blow.; limbs feel heavy, Sabad. 10. Pressure from the middle of the forehead to the centre of the brain, Stann. 11. Lineasiness, with pressure, in forehead, Oleand. PRESSURE AT A SMALL SPOT. I. Violent pressure at a small spot in the middle of the forehead, in short paroxysms, Zinc. met. 2. Pressure as from a nail, over the forehead, Lye. 3. Headache in the forehead, on moving the arms, as if pressure were made with a dull point, Rhus tox. STUPIFYING PRESSURE. 1. Pressure in the forehead, down to the eyes, or with dulness. Aspar. 2.----in the forehead, with dul- ness of the head, making it diffi- cult to think, Zinc. met. 3. Dull pressing in forehead, with gloominess, Natr. mur. 4. Oppressive-stupifying pain in forehead, alsotwith nausea, Tarax. 5. Stupifying pressure on or under the frontal bone, with heaviness in the eyelids, or in the orbits, with warm sweat on the forehead, Crot. 6. Pressure in the forehead, early, as if the brain became too hard by the pressure, with inability to re- collect things, Mez. 7. Stupifying oppressive headache. in the forehead, with cloudiness of the head, and inability to recollect any thing when reading; he had to stop reading, to find the place, Calc. carb. 8. Stupifying pressure in the eyes and forehead, with heat in the face and uncontrollable uneasiness while smoking, succeeded by a good deal of hawking and vomit- ing of mucus, accompanied with urging, Calad. 9. Sensation of pressure in forehead. it stupifies him, Sabin. 10. Pressure in forehead, with cloud- iness, worse on waking, Magn. m. 11. Stupifying pressure in the fore- head (externally), worse during rest, Cicuta vir. 12. Stupifying pressure in forehead, Natr. carb. PRESSURE FROM WITHIN OUTWARDS. 1. Pressure in forehead, from within- outwards, Amm. caust. Bar. carb. Ferr. Graph. Magn. mur. Menyan. Mez. Nice. Oleand. Ran. bulb. Stront. carb. Tabac. 136 PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 2. Pressure and pushing headache, in forehead, Natr. mur. 3. Constant pressing ia the fore- head from within outwards, parti- cularly between the eyebrows, Verb. 4. Pressing and pushing under the frontal bone, extending to the nasal bones, Mez. 5.----after dinner in the forehead, from within outward or in the right temple from without inwards, Alum. 6. Headache, towards the forehead, a pressure on the brain, eight or ten times an hour ; after the lapse of an hour the pressure ceased for an hour ; returned a little on the second day, Sep. 7. ——, with pressure through the forehead, with bone-pains above the eyebrows, most violent when lying, diminished by pressing on the forehead with the flat hand, Merc. sol. 8. ----, on one side of forehead, with pressure from within out- ward, increased by external pres- sure, Op. 9. Pressure in the forehead from within outwards, obliging one to move the head ; the body is burn- ing hot. Coral. 10. Pressing from within outwards in the forehead and the region of the nasal bones, Lauroc. 11. Painful pressure through the fore- head and the malar bones from within, Dros. 12. Dull, painful, sometimes sticking pressure from within outward, first in forehead, afterwards in left fron- tal eminence, going off during rest, but returning with so much more violence during motion, Staph. 13. Pain as if the forehead would burst, after exercise, with ob- struction in head, for many days from morning till evening, Natr. carb. 14. Pressure on the frontal bone with sensation as of waves dashing against the skull, Cina. 15. Pressing in the forehead fr©n> within outwards, as if the brain were compressed from both sides and pressed forward, with aggra- vation of the pains in the open air; or a3 if the contents of th» head were too heavy; with ame- lioration of the pains by pressing upon the head, China. 16. Tumult in the head, and pain as if the contents would issue through the forehead, Am. carb. 17. Pushing serration in the head as if the forehead would burst, with beating in the forehead or with tension in the nape of the neck, with sense of fulness in the forehead, Am. carb. 18. Headache as if the forehead would split, with chill and burn- ing in stomach, Sang. can. 19. Violent headache, as if the fore- head would be pressed asunder, preceded by heat in the head; with great heaviness in forehead, especially when entering the room, after walking in the open air, Rhus tox. 20. Pressing from within outwards in the forehead, when writing, Kal. carb. 21. ----pushing against the frontal bone from within, Lauroc. 22. Sensation as if the frontal were pushed out and raised, Lauroc. 23. Pressing in the forehead as from a stone, abating by resting the head upon something, and bending it over, attended with dilatation of the pupils, and a whining and peevish mood, Bell. PRESSURE FROM WITHOUT INWARDS. 1. Sensation of pressure on the an- terior portion of the brain, Tabac. 2. ----in the forehead as if some- thing heavy were pressing against it, or as if a board were placed in front of it, Carb. a. 3. Pre-sure in the forehead, from without inward, Alum. 4. Pressing in forehead, from with- out inwards, with bone-pain below PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 137 the eyebrows, even when touching the parts, Merc. sol. 5. Pressure in the forehead from without inwards, relieved by press- ing upon it, Lauroc. 6. Aching, as if a stone were press- ing on the upper part of the fron- tal bone, Con. m. 7. Dull headache in the forehead and root of the nose, as if a board were pressing against his forehead, Dulc. PRESSURE FROM ABOVE DOWNWARDS. 1. Pain in the forehead, as if some- thing were gradually pressing downwards, Cina. 2. Violent pressure in the forehead, downwards upon the eyes, which then began to run, Asar. 3. ----pressure from the forehead down upon the nose, Phos. ac. 4. Pressure in forehead from above downward; she has to hold her head, it feels so heavy, Rhus tox. 5. ----in forehead, from above downwards to the root of the nose with sensation as if the brain were torn, soon after rising, Am. mur. 6. ----in forehead,- towards the eyes, with dulness, going off by pressing on the part, Mur. ac. 7. Dull drawing pressure across the forehead, as if a load descended in it, Thuj. 8. Pressure in the forehead, from above downwards, Eke. PRESSURE FROM BELOW UPWARDS. Painful, drawing pressure from the forehead, upwards, Nitr. ac. CONTRACTIVE OR COMPRESSIVE SEN- SATION. 1. Contractive pressure in forehead, Par. quad. 2. The forepart of the head feels compressed from the orbits to the temples, Cann. 3. Compressive pain in forehead, Lye. Nitr. ac. 4. Dull compressive sensation in forehead, Oleand. 5. Pressure, as if the forehead would be pressed together, with sticking above the left eye and lachry- mation, sensitiveness of the place to pressure, and heat over the body as if sweat would break out; at dinner, Bov. PRESSURE, ACCOMPANIED BY PAIN OR WEAKNESS OF THE EYES. 1. Pressing in the forehead, early on waking, or after a slight mental effort, affecting the eyes, Lact. 2. Pressure in the forehead, with inability to keep the eyes open, Coral. 3.----in the forepart of the head, as if the eyes would start from their sockets, and as if they were surrounded by little stones, Kal. nitr. 4. Pressing in forehead, as if every thing would fall out, with pressure on the eyes, closing them and press- ing out tears ; increased by stoop- ing ; preceded by anguish about the heart with burning heat and bright redness of the face and thirst; the headache recurs for several days at the same hour, Plat. 5. Pressing pain in the forehead, on stooping, also pressing on the right eye, Fluor, ac. 6. ----pushes in the forehead, es- pecially in the orbits, diminishing when stooping, Bar. carb. 7. Pressure, mostly in the forehead and eyes; lastly nausea, with much spitting, Sep. 8. Dull pressure in forehead and eyes, as if the head had gone to sleep, when leaning on the arm, Natr. mur. 9. Pressing pain on forehead and eyeballs, less after rising, but the pain in the chest gets worse, Ran. bulb. \ 138 PRESSURE IN 10. Pressure in forehead, with pain in eyes, Magn. carb. 11. ----, in the forehead, with pho- tophobia, Kal. carb. PRESSURE, EXCITED OR DIMINISHED BY PARTICULAR POSITIONS OF THE BODY. 1, Pressure in the forehead every time he wakes, worse in walking as if the brain were shaken, Anac. 2. Pushing in the forehead from behind forwards, with heaviness, on raising the head after stooping, Magn. sulph. 3. Pressure, in the forehead, with heaviness, mistiness before the eyes, early, during movement, Bov. 4. Pain in the forepart of the head, as if the brain were pressing out- wards, especially when stooping, with dulness of the head, Cup. 5. Contractive pressure in the fore- head ; it becomes more violent as he walks more rapidly, and sud denly disappears when stooping low, Caust. 6. Pressure in the forehead, in- creased by bending the head back- ward, Stann. 7. ----through the forehead, at night, going off by sitting up, Canth. 8. Violent painful pressure in the forehead, from within outwards, disappearing by stooping, Verb. 9. Pressing headache in the fore- part of the head, most violent when stooping, or when lying on the back, Colocynthis. 10. Pressure in forehead, as if the brain would fall out, when stoop- ing, Magn. mur. PRESSURE, PRECEDED OR ACCOMPANIED BY VERTIGO. 1. Stupifying, oppressive sensation in forehead, with reeling and stag- gering, Sabad. 2. Pressure in the forehead, from within outward, like vertigo, going off when walking in the open air, Calc. carb. I THE HEAD. 3. Sensation as if the forehead would be pushed out ; it feels larger, with reeling sensation and dizziness as after intoxication, Nux mosch. 4. Pressure in the forehead, with frequent paroxysms of vertigo and nausea, Crotal. 5. ----in forehead, preceded by dizziness in that part, Ran. bulb. 6. ----in the forehead, with ver- tigo, Grat. PRESSURE WITH STITCHES. 1. Pressure in the forehead, some- times accompanied with stinging or vertigo, Agar. 2. Pressure in forehead, with single stitches above the eye, Petrol. PRESSURE WITH HEAT. 1. Pushing forward in the forehead and as if the head became larger, with warmth and sweat on the forehead and hands, Lauroc. 2. Pressure in the forehead, with heat, early, Am. mur. 3. Pressure in the forehead and or- bits, worse when turning the head and moving the eyes, with heat in the forehead, Chin, sulph. 4. Pressure and tension in the fore- head and eyes, with burning, Sep. PRESSURE WITH SENSITIVE SKIN. 1. The skin on the forehead is sensi- tive to the touch; when pressing, on the forehead for a long while, a painful pressure is felt in it, where the pressure is made with the hand ,Teucr. PRESSURE, FROM MENTAL EXERTIONS. 1. Pressure as from a hard load, in the middle and upper part of the forehead, while exerting his mind, Dig. 2. Pressing, particularly in the fore- head, on waking, or thinking, or with sad, taciturn mood, 01. an. PAIN IN THE HEAD. 139 DRAWING PRESSURE. 1. Drawing pressure in the forehead from time to time, Staph. 2. Painful drawing pressure on frontal bone, when standing, Ta- rax. 3. Violent, drawing pressure in the brain under the forehead, (increas- ed when retching.) Asar. 4. Drawing pressure in upper fore- head, with sensation as if the hairs of the cinciput were standing on end, after supper, Ran. bulb. PRESSURE ACCOMPANIED OR FOLLOWED BY DROWSINESS. 1. Pain in forehead as if it would burst, after a meal, followed by drowsiness, Nat. sulph. 2. Pressure in the forehead from within, with drowsiness, diminish- ed by pressing on the part, Stann. ALTERNATE PRESSURE AND STICKING. 1. Violent pressure in the forehead, followed by sticking over the or- bits ; soon after, the sticking chan- ges jigain to pressure and so on in constant alternations ; the sticking is like a darting-tearing as if it would pierce the eyes from within outward, continuing a few hours, Valer. Pains. SIMPLE PAIN. 1. Pain in forehead, early, Kalm. lat. Nux. mosch. 2. Violent pain in the frontal region. Kal. hyd. 3. Pain in forehead, with single painful spots, Mercurial. 4, Pain in forehead, on jarring the head and moving the eyes, Nux. 5. Pain in the forehead every day, which extends to the roots of one <>f the upper molar teeth of the right side, Kalm. lat. C. Pain in the forehead, with dispo- sition to vomit on stooping, Ham. cam. 7. Pain in the forehead and over the eyes in the evening; it seems to move backwards and down the neck outwardly on both sides, then disappears and is followed by pain in the left shoulder ; sometimes by rending in the bones of the right or left side of the face, or on the top of the head, Kalm. lat. DULL PAIN. 1. Dull pain in the forehead, with closing of the eyelids, and oblig- ing him to move the head, Agar. 2. On waking his forehead feels painful and dull, which abates after dinner, Arg. nit. 3. Dull pain in the forehead pro- ceeding from the temples, Hydr. ac. 4. Dull pain in the forehead, with confusion and emptiness of the head, early on waking, with a dry, slimy tongue, Calc. carb. OPPRESSIVE PAIN. 1. Oppressive pain in forehead, as if the eyes would be pressed out, Phos. 2. Oppressive pain in the forehead, with sensation as if the parts were larger. Calc. carb. 3. Oppressive pain in the forehead, from a little mental exertion, Sil. 4. A dull heavy pain in the upper part of the forehead ; passing some- times to the upper part of both temples, Fluor, ac. 5. Oppressive dull pain in the fore- head, in the morning, affecting the eyes, Brom. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning pain in forehead, some- times with nausea, Phos. 2. Burning pain in the forehead, Bry. 3. Burning pain in the forehead, as if the brain were inflamed, Caust. 140 PAIN IN THE HEAD. DARTING, LANCINATING, STICKING PAIN. 1. Sticking pain in the forehead, Am. Sil. 2. Stitching pain in forehead, during a walk, Merc. sol. 3. Darting pain in the forehead af- ter a meal, Cham. 4. Fine stinging pain in the fore- head, excited and aggravated by touching the part, Ipec. 5. Lancinating pain in the forehead, extending into the chest. Cham. 6. Darting pain in the forepart of the head, Am. 7. Lancinating pain in the forehead, with aching at the top of the os- frontis, Camph. 8. Momentary darts of pain in fore- head, obliging one to shut his eyes, with giddiness, Pod. pel. 9. Stitching pain in forehead, morn- ing, spreading over the occiput, Petrol. 10. Lancinating pain in the forehead, worse by lifting up the eyes, with heat in the face and thirst, Am. 11. Stitching pain, in the forehead, also when at rest, for several days ; stooping produces a sensation as if the contents of the head would is- sue through the forehead, Stann. 12. Violent lancinating pain in the region of the upper margin of the orbit extending upwards along the forehead, and across the temples and cheeks as far as the molar teeth, aggravated by pressure and towards evening ; the supra-orbital region becomes swollen after a while, Aeon. PAIN AS IF CRUSHED. 1. Sensation as if the forepart of the head would be dashed to pieces, in paroxysms, Kal. carb. 2. Pain as if the forehead would be crushed, Stann. BEATING, THROBBING, PULSATING PAIN. 1. Throbbing pain in forehead, Asar. Calc. carb. Kalm. lat. Natr. mur Sil. 2. Stooping excites a throbbing pain in the forehead, Asar. 3. Pecking pain in the left forehead, early after rising, Carb. a. 4. Soon after dinner, dull, heavy, throbbing pain in forehead, feeling as if it would burst, above the eyes, extending into the head; re- lieved by lying down, or resting the head on any thing ; worse on stooping or moving about, Kal. bichr. 5. Beating ache in the forehead, as if with a blunt-pointed body, Caust. 6. ----pain in forehead, with sen- sation as if every thing would come out there, less during rest, Rhodod. 7. Dulness of the brain in forehead, with a beating pain in forehead, in the evening, worse in the morn- ing, on waking from a sound sleep, Ruta. DRAWING PAIN. 1. Drawing pain in the forehead, Aur. mur. Bor. Menyan. Sep. 2. ----, especially in the forehead, as far as the root of the nose, Agar. Carb. v. 8. For several mornings she is roused from her slumber by a drawing pain in the periosteum of the forehead, the pain passes off after rising, Am. carb. 4. Drawing pain in the evening, from the top of" the head to the nasal bones, where it becomes con- tractive, Dulc. 5. ----, from the centre of the frontal bone down to the nasal bones, Guaiac. 6. ----, in the forehead, with pain in the nape of the neck, as if stiff, Graph. 7. ----, in the forehead, particu- larly when laying the head upon the part, China. 8. ----, in forehead, with nausea, Magn. carb. BORING PAIN. 1. Boring pain, in forepart of head, Sang. can. PAIN IN THE HEAD. 141 2. Boring pain in the forehead, Calad. 3. ----, in the forehead, only when stooping while writing, Dros. 4. ----, in the forehead, for many days in succession, Sil. STUPIFYING PAIN. 1. Stupifying pain in the forehead, Ars. 2. ----, in the forehead, aggravated during rest, going off when riding on horse-back, Brom. 3. Sudden stupifying pain in fore- head, as if fVom a heavy blow, Oleand. 4. Stupifying pain and painful hea- viness in the forehead, Gran. 5. ----, dull, continued pain in the forehead, more externally, Am. 6. Aching, stupifying pain in both sides of the forehead, in every po- sition. Verb. 7. Stupifying, aching pain about the forehead, going off by contact, Mur. ac. 8. ----pain in the forehead, when spinning, passing off after eating, Carb. a. 9. ----, aching pains in forehead, finally changing to boring, with prickings internally, Mang. 10. ----pain in the forehead, when sitting and reading, Caust. 11. Pain in the forehead, stunning, aching occasioning vertigo, Anac. 12. Stupifying pain in the forehead, both during rest and motion, Calc. carb. CREEPING PAIN. 1. Crawling pain in forehead, with pressure, during a walk ; it spreads from the middle of the forehead, like something alive, Tarax. 2. Dull creeping pain in forehead, with sweat on forehead, Phos. ac. 3. Creeping pain in forehead, Puis. TRUSSING PAIN. 1. Pressing pain in forehead, morn- ing, Mercurial. 2. Pressing pain in the forehead, especially in the right side, Kalm. lat. 3. Pressing pains in the forehead, as if in the bone, also in the bones of the temples; on lying down she feels it all over, Fluor, ac. DRAWING PAIN, WITH PRESSURE. 1. Drawing pain, with pressure in the forehead, Caps. 2. Meditation causes a drawing pain in the upper part of the forehead, accompanied with pressure, Coffea. 3. Drawing pain, with pressure along a narrow streak in the middle of the forehead, Croc. 4. Oppressive and drawing pain from the right side of the forehead to the left, and thence back again to the right, going off by contact, Cycl. TEARING PAIN. 1. Rending pain across the fore- head, Kalm. lat. 2. Pain in the forepart of the head, as if rent asunder, Graph. 3. Tearing, pulsative pain in the forehead, Asar. 4- ----pains in the forehead, with sensation as if a lump were falling forwards, when sitting up or turn- ing in bed, Cham. 5- ----pain in the forehead, excited and aggravated by feeling the part or by stooping, Ipec. c- ----pain in the forehead, by starts, Cham. CONTRACTIVE PAIN. 1. Violent, pressing, contractive pain in the upper forehead, the face being puffed up and pale, in- creased by light and noise, and abating after a short nap in a dark room, Aeon. 2. Contractive pain in the forehead and eyes, terminating in the tip of the nose as a griping pain, Kal. nitr. 142 DARTINGS, STITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. COMPRESSIVE PAIN. I. Pain in the upper part of the frontal bone, as if violently com- pressed from both sides, Cin a. 2. Pain as if the anterior lobes of the brain were compressed, Sil. PAIN AS IF SORE, BRUISED. 1. Pain from the temples to the orbits; when touching the parts they feel painful as if bruised, Ign. 2. Bruised pain in the forehead, in the forenoon, Magn. sulph. 3. Sore pain in forehead, worse on stooping, Lye. 4. Pain in the forehead, as from subcutaneous ulceration, lod. VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN. 1. Bone-pain on both sides of the forehead, Cham. 2. Boring-digging-up pain in the forehead, the whole day, at the least motion, Sep. 3. Drawing-cutting in the forehead, which increases to an oppressive, stupifying pain in the sitting pos- ture, Agar. 4. Contractive-sticking pain in fore- part of head, Mang. 5. Tingling pain in the forehead, with dull feeling and heaviness in the head, aggravated by stooping, Lauroc. 6. Tensive-sharp pain in the fore- head, Calc. carb. 7. Tensive pain in forehead, with pressure, Sabad. 8. Stitching-drawing pain from fron- tal to temporal bone, Ruta. 9. Grinding, {digging) and aching pain in the forehead, Mez. 10. Digging-up pain in the forehead, Squil. 11. Griping pain in forehead, al: ating after bathing the feet in cold v ater, and then returning with increased violence, Natr. sulph. 12. Digging-sticking pain, first in one, then in the other eye, com- mencing in the inmost part of the eye, and extending upwards and outwards in the forehead, Berb. v. 13. Tearing-tensive pain in the fore- head, when stooping, Dros. 14. Oppressive-dragging-tensive pain in the forehead, increased or ex- cited by stooping, less in the open air, Berb. v. 15. Pain in the anterior lobes of the cerebrum, as if a net had been drawn through the parenchyma of that portion of the brain, Cin. sulph. 16. Violent drawing-tearing pain in forehead, in the^-direction of the temples and eyes, when walking about the room, Rhodod. 17. Aching-drawing pain in the fore- head, Squil. Dartings, Stitches, Prickings, Lancinations. SIMPLE STITCHES. 1. Stitches in forehead, Am. Canth. Chelid. Ferr. Gran. Jatr. Menyan. Magn. mur. Magn.p. arct. Mosch. Lye. Phell. Verat. 2. Slow stitches in the right fore- head, Squil. 3. Stitches in and above the fore- head, Sulph. 4. Dull, deep stitches in forepart of head, now left, then right side, Sulph. ac. 5. Stitches through the forehead, from within, in the evening, Puis. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Dull stitch through the middle of the forehead, Phos. ac. 2. Painful lancination through the forehead, from within outwards, at noon, Con. m. STT, CHES WHEN STOOPING. 1. Sticking in middle of forehead, when stooping, Rat. 2. Stitches from forehead to tem- ple, increased by stooping and pressing on the parts, Mur. ac. DARTINGS, STITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. 3. Stitches in the forepart of the brain, when stooping, Cycl. 4. Dull sticking in the forehead when stooping, Kal. hyd. BTITCHES WHEN TALKING OR COUGHING. 1. Stitches through the forehead, when talking or coughing, she has to knit her brow, for many days, , Sulph. 2. Lancinations in the forepart of the head, when coughing, Am. STINGING. I. Stinging in the forehead, Gent. hit. 2. ----and digging in the forehead, Chin, sulph. 3. ----in the centre of the fore- head, Stann. PRICKING. 1. Prickings in the forehead, Kal. carb. 2. ----, above the forehead, Natr. mur. 3. ----, especially along the fore- head, Thuj. STITCHES WHEN WALKING. I. Pricking in the forehead, only when walking, Sulph. 2. Dartings in the forehead, in- creased when walking, Spong. 3. Stitches in the forehead, during a walk in the open air, Lauroc. DRAWING STITCHES. 1. Single, painful stitches in the forehead, from the left to the right side, with drawing, Squil. 2. Slow-drawing stitches in forepart of head, with chills without goose- flesh over the whole body, in the open air, Mang. 8rITCHES, CAUSING ONE TO START. 1. Violent dartings from the eyes to the forehead, causing him to start, Barb. v. 2. Sudden stitches in the upper part of the frontal bone, causing him t<> start, Staph. STITCHES WITH, OR FOLLOWED BV PRESSURE. 1. Stitches in the forehead, with pressure, China. Magn. carb. Nux vom. 2. ----in the forehead, in the even- ing, followed by pressure, Bov. STITCHES, WITH NAUSEA, VOMITING. 1. Shooting pain in the forehead, with nausea and tearing in both eyeballs, in the afternoon, Bor. 2. Dartings in the os-frontis, or from the nose and the right eye to the occiput, after previous nausea in the abdomen, Cicuta virosa. 3. Stitches in the forehead, with in- clination to vomit, (she was not able to eat any thing); relieved by lying down, Sep. 4. Prickings in the forehead, every day, when walking fast, with in- clination to vomit, Sep. 5. Violent stitches in the forepart of the head, deep in the brain, with nausea, Dulc. STITCHES WITH HEADACHE, DULNESS, &C 1. Dartings through the forehead, from within outwards, with head- ache, Con. m. 2. Prickling in the forehead, with dulness of the head, Chin, sulph. 3. Stitches in the forehead, on go- ing to bed or in the afternoon, with stupid dulness, and heaviness of the head, Alum. BORING STITCHES. 1. Boring stitches across the fore- head, Hell. 2. (Boring stitch in the centre of the forehead, extending into the brain,) Calc. carb. PARTICULAR KINDS OF STITCHES. 1. Stitches in the forehead, with a 144 TEARING IN THE HEAD. tearing as if the head would burst, Zinc. met. 2. Lancinations in the forehead, with great but ineffectual desire to sneeze, towards noon, Zinc. met. 3. Stitching and beating in the fore- head, in the morning, Sil. 4. Violent stitches in the forehead, sometimes in the left side of the head; with violent pains in the chest and icy coldness of the limbs, Kal. carb. Tearing. SIMPLE TEARING. 1. Tearing in the forehead, Grat. Each. Ac. mur. Nux vom. Zinc. met. 2. Fleeting tearing in forehead, Rat. 3. Tearing in forehead, deep in the brain, Sassap. 4. Fine tearing in the forehead, Aur. 5. Tearing in the forepart of the head, every afternoon, Sil. 6. Violent, spasmodic tearing from forehead to eyes, and tip of nose, Natr. carb. 7. Tearing in the forehead, extend- ing to the upper portion of the face, Ambr. .8. ----, in the forehead, in the evening, less in open air, Alum. 9. ----, in the forehead and right side of the head, when sitting, Am. mur. 10. ----, in the forehead, region of the right ear and inferior maxilla, Canth. 11. Painful tearing in forehead, Sulph. ac. 12. Painful tearings in the middle of the forehead, Stron. carb. 13. Tearing in the forehead, ex- ternally, Bell. 14. Tensive tearing in the forehead, Agn. 15. Violent tearing at a small spot of the forehead, near the temples, Carb. v. TEARING, WITH REDNESS OF CHEEKS, 1. Tearing in the forehead and be- hind the left ear, less when lying on the back, with heat and redness of the cheeks and heat of the hands, Ign. 2. ----in the forehead, early, with heat in the face, languor of the lower extremities, tingling in the legs and feet, and bitter taste in the mouth, Kreas. TEARING, WITH HEAT. 1. Tearing in the forehead, which feels hot to the prover, but not to others, Lauroc. 2. ----in the forehead, with feel- ing of internal heat, in the after- noon, Graph. TEARING, WITH BEATING OR THROBBING. 1. Tearing and throbbing, deep in forehead, Magn. carb. 2. ----, throbbing headache in the forehead, in the evening, Cocc. 3. ---- and beating in forehead, with sour eructations, sour vomit- ing, perspired after lying down, Op. TEARING, WITH PRESSURE. 1. Tearing with pressure, in fore- head, with pain when touched, Magn. sulph. 2. Fine, drawing tearing on os-fron- tis, like dragging and pressure, worse when drinking wine, Rhod. 3. Tearing and aching in upper fore- head, radiating towards the eyes, Sambuc. 4. ----, with pressure in the fore- head, early on waking, Graph. 5. ----, in the brain, drawing in the forehead, as if the forehead would be pressed out, most violent, when moving the eyelids, Coloc. 6. Pressure, with tearing in the forehead, Stann. 7. Pressure and drawing tearing in the forepart of the head, as far as the eyes and the root of the nose, Kal. carb. DRAWING—TIGHTNESS, TENSION,—FULNESS. 145 8. Pressure, with tearing, in the forehead, Mez. TEARING, WITH HEAVINESS. 1. Tearing and heaviness in fore- head, Magn. mur. 2. ----, in forehead, with stupefac- tion and heaviness in the brain, Magn. carb. 3. ----, in the forepart of the fore- head, with drowsiness and languor, in the evening, Ind. TEARING, WITH DARTING STITCHES. 1. Violent darting-tearing in the middle of the forehead, deep in- teriorly, going and coming, Valer. 2. Tearing and stitches in forehead, during motion, Magn. mur. 3. Darting-tearing in the forehead, China. 4. Tearing in the forepart of the head, with dartings, Mez. 5. ----, with lancinations in the forehead, extending to the ear, Bov. TEARING, WITH PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS. 1. Tearing in the forehead, going off in bed, or when pressing upon it, Cast. 2. ----in the forehead, in the even- ing, when sitting; when stooping he felt a sticking in the forehead ; when walking he felt relieved, Staph. 3. ----, from the forehead to the left eye and left side of the face; lachrymation of the eye, which looks red and glistening, Arg. nit. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the forehead, Bell. Chelid. Kal. chl. 2. ----, in the forehead, in the fore- noon and after midnight, Kal. carb. 3. Pressing drawing in forehead, Sang. can. 4. Painful drawing in the forehead, with nausea, Croc. 5. Quick, shooting drawings, from the frontal protuberance to the tip of the nose, Dulc. Vol. III.—10. 6. Drawing in forehead, with stitch- es above the eyes, Petrol. 7. ----, from both sides of fore- head, to the glabella, in the latter as if drawn by a magnet, Poth. fat. 8. Fine drawing and beating in forehead, to and fro, early, when rising, Natr. mur. 9. Dull drawing in the forehead, causing the integuments of the forehead to become wrinkled, Helleborus. 10. Drawing and sticking in the fore- head, with pain as if the skull would be cleft, Zinc. met. 11. Contractive drawing across the forehead, Valer. Tightness, Tension. 1. Tension in the frontal region. Hydr. ac. Magn. p. arct. 2. Tightness in the forehead, also with pressure. Rhod. Zinc. oxyd. 3. ----and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to the vertex, Caust. 4. Sensation as if the head were bandaged round the forehead, Ind, 5. Tension in the eyes and forehead, with faintness of the body, Sil. 6. Tight feeling in the forepart of the head, when turning the eyes sideways, Dig. 7. Tension around the whole fore- head, in the skin, as if too tight. after dinner, Bar. carb. 8. ----across the forehead, with twitching of the skin, Eton. 9. Tightness in the forehead, with wrinkles in the skin, Grat. Fulness. 1. Fulness in the forehead, Lauroc, 2. Pain in the forehead as if full. big, Magn. sulph. 3. Sensation as if the forehead were too large, Mercurial. 4. ----, in the forehead as if the blood had become accumulated in it, Spong, 16 HEAT,—BEATING, THROBBING. 5. Painful fulness in the forehead, with beating in the temples. Calc. carb. 6. Sense of oppressive fulness in the forehead, as if from the vapour of coal, Am. carb. . 7. Fulness in the forehead, as if the head would burst, Cast. 8. ----and weight in the forehead, with sensation as if the brain and eyes would start out, or as if the brains were pushing against the forehead, Aeon. 9. ----and dull pressure in the forehead, from above downwards, resembling a dull, beating head- ache, Gent. InU Heat. SIMPLE HEAT. 1. Sensation of heat in the forehead, Cupr. ars. He]), sulph. 2. Flushes of heat on the forehead, in the evening, Calend. 3. Burning in forehead, Magn. sulph. Nux vom. Stron. carb. HEAT, AL80 EXTERNALLY. 1. Heat in the forehead, can be felt with the hand, Stann. 2. ----in forehead, with warmth externally, 01. an. HEAT, WITH HEADACHE. 1. Heat of forehead, with oppressive headache, Natr. mur. 2. ----in the forehead, with head- ache, Canth. HEAT, WITH HEAVINESS. 1. Feeling of heat in forehead, with heaviness, Niccol. 2. Heat and heaviness in the fore- head, in the forenoon, Carb. a. 3. Warm feeling in forehead, with tightness, Natr. carb. 4. Heat in the forehead, with stupid dulness, Alum. HEAT, ALTERNATING WITH OR FOLLOWED BY COLDNESS. 1. Increased warmth of forehead, followed shortly by coldness of the hairy scalp; even the hairs felt cold to the hand, as if cold water had been poured over the head, Sabad. 2. Warm feeling in the forehead, alternating with coolness, as if a wind were blowing upon the part, Lauroc. HEAT, WITH PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS. 1. Sensation in the forehead, as of a hot body having descended into it, when stooping or writing, going off on raising the head, Calc. carb. 2. Internal warmth in the forehead and back, as if sweat would break out, Caust. 3. Burning in the forehead and heat in the mouth, with pain in the eyes, Carb. v. 4. Warmth about the forehead, with sensation as if sweat would break out, Ran. bulb. 5. Heat in the forehead, ascending from the stomach, Alum. Beating, Throbbing. THROBBING. 1. Throbbing in the forehead, Cic. vir. Con. mac Graph. 2. ----, with pressure, in the fore- head, Mez. 3. Undulating throbbing in the whole forehead. Arg. nit. 4. Throbbings through forehead, go- ing and coming, Natr. carb. 5. Throbbing in the centre of the forehead, whole day, Lye. 6- ----. in the forehead, with tight- ness in the nape of the neck, Caust. 7. ----, in the forehead, with sting- ing, at night, with dry heat and without thirst, Camph. 8. Violent throbbing in the fore- head, deep in the brain, when stooping, Bar. carb. 9. Dulness and throbbing in the forehead, Kal. nitr. HEAT,—BEATING, THROBBING. 147 BEATING. 1. Beating in forehead, when stoop- ing, or exerting the mind, Puis. 2. ----in forehead and head, Magn. sulph. 3. ----and tearing in the forepart of the head, after dinner, Zinc. met. 4. ----in the forehead, with lanci- nations and tearings, extending to the vertex, Grat. BEATING AND THROBBING. 1. Beating and throbbing in the forehead, with heaviness. Cast. 2. Throbbing and beating in the forehead and sides of the head, Kal. carb. PULSATIONS. 1. Pulsative sensation in forehead, Magn. carb. 2. Slow, painful pulsations in fore- head, Oleand. 3. Violent pulsation in the forehead, with pain as if the bone were be- ing raised, Bell. BORING. I. Boring in the forehead, Spig. 2. ----in centre of forehead, Plat. 3. ----in the forehead, as if the head would burst, Calc. curb. 4. ----at a small spot in forepart of head, from without inwards, Niccol. 5.----in the forehead, soon after rising,almost the whole day, Am. mur. JERKING. 1. Pressing jerks in the forepart of the head, from within outwards, worse during motion, Dulc. 2. Violent, painful jerking in the forehead, Sep. 3. Oppressive jerk in the middle of the forehead, recurring by turning rapidly, stooping or talking, Sil. 4. Violent jerks through the fore- part of the head, alternating with dull pressure, Stann. TINGLING. Tingling in the forehead, Am. Aur. Colch. DIGGING. 1. Digging, especially in the fore- head, Agar, 2. Drawing digging in forepart of head, Merc sol. 3. Digging in the forehead, when sitting still, or Avhen performing some kind of disagreeable labour, China. SENSATION AS IF BRUISED. 1. Headache in the forehead; the brain feels bruised and sensitive ; the body, especially the arms, feel paralyzed; he had" to lie down; accompanied by eructations and painful sensitiveness Of the ex- ternal head, during motion ; the dulness of the head and painful- ness of the face continued even the next day, Iod. 2. The brain in the forehead feels as if bruised ; increased by stoop- ing, and diminished in the open air, (immediately,) August. SHAKING SENSATION. 1. Sensation in the forehead, as if the brain were loose and were fall- ing to and fro, also painful when shaking the head, Sulph. ac. 2. Shaking sensation in the fore- head, when merely moving the head, Spig. FORMICATION, TITILLATION. 1. Formication in the forehead, Cicuta virosa. 2. Titillation in the forehead, Aur. mur. SENSE OF COLDNESS. ' 1. Sensation in the forehead, as if touched with an icy-cold hand, after which a spasmodic contraction in the right eye, Hyper, per. 2. Sense of cold in the centre of the forehead, Bell. 148 RIGHT SIDE OF THE FOREHEAD. PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS. 1. Paralytic feeling in the forehead, Sep. 2. Buzzing and humming m the forepart of the forehead, with dull internal headache, Verat 3. Headache as if the integuments of the upper part of the frontal bone were contracted, accompanied by chilliness, vertigo, and an in- ability to recollect things. Con. m. 4. Griping and a heavy fulness al- ternately in various places of the forehead; the brain is painfully shaken even by a slight noise, or by the conversation of others, Con, m. 5. Rush of blood to forehead, with sensation as if something heavy were pushing forward, early, on raising the head after stooping Magn. sulph. 6. Movement to and fro in forehead, as if the head were moving to and fro, Phell. 7. Burning-creeping in forehead, Rhus tox. 8. Burning-contractive feeling, par- ticularly in the forehead and eyes, Bism. 9. Constriction of forehead, disap- pearing suddenly, Sidph. ac. 10. Frequent twitching about the os- frontis, Kal. chl. M. Swelling of the forehead, Rhus ver. RIGHT SIDE OF THE FOREHEAD. HEADACHE. 1. Drawing headache in right side of forehead, Ruta. 2. Pulsative headache in right side of forehead, Sabad. ACHING. 1. Aching in the right side of the forehead, Lauroc. ■2. Stupifying ache in front of the right half of the head, afterwards through the whole forehead, Euph. 3. Aching pain over the right sfdV of the forehead, going off by laying the hand on the part, Menyan, PAIN. 1. Constant pain in right side of forehead, Mercurial. 2. Fleeting tearing, pain in right half of forehead, Senega. PRESSURE. 1. Pressure in right side of fore- head, periodically. Natr. sulph. 2. Pushing in the right side of the forehead as from a load, Arg. nitr. 3. Pressure in the right half of the forehead, especially in the region of the eyebrows, in the morning when waking, Arg. nitr. 4, ----with weight, in the right side of the forehead, Bar. carb. 5. —:—in the right half of the fron- tal bone, followed by sneezing, after which the pressure was felt in the left, then in the right ear, Am. 6, ----in right side of forehead as from a blow, disappearing sudden- ly, Sulph. ac. From within outward, 1. Intense pain in region of right frontal bone, with pressure from within outward, Rhodod. 2. Violent pressure on the right side of the forehead from within, Anac. 3. Headache in the right side of the forehead, pressing from within out- wards, Helleb. 4. Pressing in the right side of the forehead, from within outwards. Cast. euph. With drawing. 1. Drawing pressure from the right parietal bone to the orbit, Stann. 2. Pressure with drawing in the right side of the forehead, Ars. With tearing. 1. Tearing with pressure on the right side of the forehead, Iod. FRONTAL 1 18. Pressure, with tearing, in the right side of the forehead, behind the eye, abating when riding in the open air. Kal. nitr. 3. ----, with tearing, in the right half of the forehead, in paroxysms, more violent when stooping, Stann. 4. Tearing with pressure, in right half of the forehead, down to the root of the nose, Lye. 7). ----with . pressure, towrard the right frontal region, after dinner, Phell. Compressive pain. 1. Dull compression in the right half of the forehead, Cocculus. 2. Violent crampy and compressive pain in the right side of the fore- head especially at the external border of the orbit, with tearings towards the forehead, Anac. Constrictive pain. Constriction in the right side of the forehead, and about the occiput; worse during a walk, with pressure deep in the brain, China. 6TITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. 1. Stitches in right side of forehead, from within outward, preceded by itching, Magn. carb. 2. Boring prickings in the right side of the forehead, Cocculus. 3. Fine prickings in the right side of the forehead, intermittent, Verb. 4. Intermittent boring stitches in right side of forehead (when sit- ting), Ruta. 5. Darting from the right side of the forehead to the orbit, with heaviness of the eyelid, unconquer- able drowsiness, heat in the head, pressure in the temples, Gins. 6. Sharp stitches in the right side of the forehead, Euphr. BEATINO, THROBBING. !. Beating in the right half of the forehead from within outwards, Asa f. 149 2. Periodically-recurring beating pain in the right half of the fore- head, Cinch, sulph. 3. Pecking hammering in right side of forehead. Niccol. DIGGING. Digging in the right half of the fore- part of the head especially along the border of the orbit; accom- panied by intolerable pain as if a heavy body were forced in at those parts, Anac. BORING. Boring in right side of forehead, as if the eye would be closed by force, Natr. sulph. TEARING. Tearing in the upper part of the right forehead, Sep. DRAWING. Drawing in right forehead when walking, Rat. SENSATION AS OF A COOL CURRENT. Sensation as if a cool current were blowing from the right frontal eminence to the right eye, Arg. nit. FRONTAL EMINENCES. ACHING. Sharp aching pain in both frontal eminences, with stitches, Nitr. ac. PAIN. 1. Drawing pain behind the frontal eminences, deep in the head, Rheum. 2. Gnawing pain, externally, in the frontal eminences, Bell. 3. Boring pain from within out- wards, at times in the right, at times in the left frontal eminence, at t mes in both at the same time, Bism. EMINENCES. 150 RIGHT FRONTAL EMINENCE. PRESSURE. 1. Pressing through the frontal eminences, from within, Stann. 2. Pressure in the frontal protuber- ances, resembling a jerk and de- scending towards the eye, Thuj. 3. ----under the frontal eminence deep thrpugh the brain into the occiput, Cann. Compressive pain. Violent cramp-pain in the frontal eminence, across the malar bone down to the upper jaw, Bell. STITCHBS. 1. Stitches in both frontal emi- nences, Mur. ac. 2. Sharp stitches through both frontal eminences from within out- wards, Bell. TENSIVE SENSATION. 1. Numb, tensive sensation behind the frontal eminence, Valer. 2. Burning-pressive and tensive sen- sation in the frontal eminences, Teucr. tearing! Tearing in the frontal eminences as far as the orbit and upper eyelid, Zinc. met. TINGLING. Tingling in the frontal eminences, at short intervals, Chelidonium. RIGHT FRONTAL EMINENCE. ACHING. 1. Aching under the right frontal eminence, over the whole fore- head, Bell. 2. ----pain in the right frontal eminence, increased when walking in the open air. Helleborus. 3. ----in the region of the right frontal eminence, Mez, 4. ----at a small spot over the right frontal eminence, Teucr. 5. Aching in the right frontal emi- nence, extending to the right eye and forcing it to close involun- tarily, Calc. carb. PAIN. 1. Pain in the right frontal emi- nence, Mez. 2. Boring pain in coronal suture behind the right frontal eminence Sabin. 3. Smarting stabbing pain as if :i knife were plunged into the right frontal eminence, deep in the brain, Sabin. 4. Drawing pain, particularly in right frontal eminence, Tongo. 5. Fleeting tearing pain deep in the right frontal eminence, Arg. 6. Boring pain in the right frontal eminence early after waking, Bell. PRESSURE. 1. Violent pressure under the right frontal eminence, Bell. 2. Dull stitch-like pressure in the right frontal protuberance, Guaiac. 3. Fleeting pressive and pushing sensation in the right frontal emi- nence, Teucr. 4. Violent stupifying, deep pressure in the right frontal protuberance, on passing from a cold into a warm temperature, Verb. 5. Constant pressure' deep in right frontal protuberance, Par. quad. From within outwards. 1. Dull painful pressure in the right frontal eminence, from within out- ward, Spong. 2. ----pressure in the right frontal eminence, from within outwards, Anac 3. Violent pressure in right frontal eminence from within outwards, Phos. ac. Compressive pain. Compressing pain in the right frontal protuberance, Fluor ac. LEFT FRONTAL EMINENCE, 151 STITCHES, CUTTING. Single stitch, 1. Stitch in the right frontal emi- nence, Spig. 2. Boring dull stitch over the right frontal eminence, Zinc met. Stitches. \. Short violent stitches in the right frontal eminence, from within out- wards, Bar. carb. 2, Boring stitches behind the right frontal eminence deep in the brain, during dinner, Am. carb. 3. Stitches in the right frontal pro- tuberance after dinner, Lauroc. 4. ----from right frontal eminence to ear, from within outwards, Magn. mur. 5. Violent cutting in the right fron- tal eminence, more when stoop- ing, less when touching the parts, Bell. BURNING. Burning at a small spot behind the right frontal eminence, Magn. mur. TWITCHING. Twitching in the brain above the right frontal eminence, when vexed, Bov. TEARING. I. Paroxysms of tearing, particular- ly in the right frontal eminence, when standing and sitting, with in- voluntary staring, Spig. 2. Tearing with pressure in right frontal eminence, Sabin. LEFT FRONTAL EMINENCE. HEAVINESS. Painful heaviness as from a load, in the left frontal protuberance, Spig. HEADACHE. 1. Headache in the left frontal emi- nence, Ambr. 2. Headache after dinner, in the left frontal eminence, Zinc. met. 3. Frequent headache at a smalt sjwt of the left frontal eminence, the pain lasting but a few minutes and being first a fierce, throbbing- lancinating pain, after which a ting- ling is experienced in the right frontal eminence, and then the whole symptom disappears, Cocc. 4. Stitching, sometimes throbbing headache, in left frontal em nence, with sensation as if the eyelids were drawn together, worse at night, Nitr. ac. ACHING. Aching pain at a small spot of the left frontal eminence, Squil. PAIN. 1. Pain in left parietal protuber- ance, Lob. inf. 2. Burning and tearing pain In the left frontal eminence, Bell. 3. Drawing pain in the left frontal protuberance, Grat. 4. Lancinating pain in the left frontal eminence, Mez. 5. Painful darting above the left frontal eminence, Kal. hyd. 6. Sticking pain under the left fron- tal eminence, in the brain, Led. p. PRESSURE. At a small spot. Pressure above the left frontal emi- nence, at a small spot, Nux mosch. From within outwards. 1. Pressing pain in the left frontal eminence from within out ward s> Cimex lectidarius. 2. ----pain in the left frontal emi- nence, from within outwards, in the evening, Dulc. 3. Painful pressure in left frontal eminence, from within outward. going off by pressing on it, Oleand. 4. Violent pressure in the left fron- tal eminence, from within out- 152 LEFT FRONTAL EMINENCE. wards; in the left temple, from without inwards; by leaning this side ^ of the head upon the hand, the pressure is felt in the whole anterior half of the brain, Bell, From without inwards. I. Sudden pressure in the left fron- tal eminence from without inwards. also affecting the eyeball which feels compressed, Sabin. 2. Violent pressing in the region of the left frontal eminence, from without inwards, Lauroc. ?. Sudden acute pain below the left frontal eminence as if a dull arrow were pressed into it, follow- ed by a few more pushes of the same kind, Croc. Compressive, contractive sensation. I. Compression and dull pressure below the left frontal eminence. Anac. J 2. Violent contractive pressure in left frontal eminence, which seems to press the upper eyelid down, Thuj. With beating. Intermittent pressure and beating near the left frontal protuberance, Verb. With drawing or undulating. 1. Drawing, undulating pressure in the left frontal eminence, Asaf. 2. ----with pressure in the left frontal protuberance, or in the left temporal region, in the afternoon, Dulc. With tearing. 1. Tearing with pressure in the left frontal eminence, after dinner, Zinc. met. 2. Tearing and aching in and under the left frontal eminence, the globe of the eye feeling compressed, Arg. Followed by sticking. Violent pressure, then sticking, in left frontal eminence, Sassap. STITCHES, LANCINATIONS. Single stitches. 1. Long, dull stitch in the left fron- tal eminence, Stam. 2. Violent stitch in the left frontal eminence, slowly coming and go- ing, from within outwards, Verb. Stinging. 1. Fine stinging in left frontal pro- tuberance, evening, 01. an. 2. Stinging in the left frontal emi- nence, Evon. Stitches. 1. Lancinations in the left frontal eminence, Cheli. 2. Piercing sticking in left frontal' eminence, Sassap. 3. Sudden,, dull and painful stitches under the left frontal protuberance,, Sulph. ac. 4. Violent dull stitches in the left frontal eminence, when stooping while washing, Bar. carb. With digging. 1. Stitches and digging-up in the left frontal eminence, every day at dif- ferent periods, but more frequently in the afternoon, Arg. nit. TEARING. 1. Tearing in the left frontal emi- nence, Kal. carb., Sep. 2. Paralytic tearing in the left frontal eminence, with stupefaction of the head ; immediately after the same pain is felt in the right frontal eminence, Cina. 3. Radiating tearing in and above the left frontal eminence, also in right half of the head, Lye. BURNING. 1. Sudden burning in the left fron- tal protuberance as if a hot iron were thrust in, Grat. 2. Fine stinging burning in the re- gion of the left frontal eminence, Bell. REGION OF THE R< BEATING. 1. Slow hammering in the left fron- tal eminence, Verb. 2. Throbbing from within, outwards, under the left frontal eminence, af- terwards a stunning pressure is felt at this place, Cann. 3. Painful shock in the left frontal eminence, Squil. DRAWING AND DIGGING. 1. Constant drawing and digging-up in the left frontal eminence, after- wards with a drawing tearing along the whole arm, Arg. nit. JERKING. I. Violent jerk from time to time be- low or above the left frontal emi- nence, Sulph. TIGHTNESS. 1. Dull tension in the left frontal eminence, Croc. BORING. 1. Boring in left frontal eminence, 01. an. REGION OF THE ROOT OF THE NOSE. HEAVINESS. 1. Painful weight in the forehead, especially about the root of the nose, and in both temples when sitting, Bism. 2. Sensation as of a heavy load in the head, over the cribriform plate, like a lump shaped into a ball, Staph. HEADACHE. 1. Headache, between the eyes, Calc. carb., Lye. 2. Tight and drawing headache be- tween the eyes, Caust. 3. Headache from the root of the nose into the brain, going off in the open air, Viol. trie. 4. Headache from the root of the nose to the forehead, as if the parts would tear, the temples feel painful 153 when touched, with violent heat and sweat about the head, with chilliness and coldness of the bo- dy, early, Mez. ACHING'. 1. Acute aching pain in the glabella, Lact. 2. Sharp aching above the root of the nose, Asar. 3. Tensive aching above the nose, Hepar. sulph. 4. Aching especially in the lower part of the forehead, above the nose, becoming insufferable on set- ting the foot down, Bell. 5. Aching above the root of the nose, with stitches through the ear and over the eye, Caps. 6. Aching in the forehead over the root of the nose, obliging him to incline the head, followed by inclin- ation to vomit, Ign. 7. Drawing-aching pain, directly over the root of the nose, Menyan. PAIN. I. Periodical twitching.beating pain at the root of the nose, for eight days, at nine o'clock in the morn- ing, extending to the eyes and nose, most violent about noon, when she vomited, Phosph. 2. Pain at the root of the nose as if bruised, Carb. a. 3. Pain as if the region of the fore- head over the nose were sore, the pain is relieved for a short time by friction, Ars. 4. Fine drawing pain from root of nose upwards, with heaviness of head, Natr. mur. 5. Oppressive drawing pain about the eyes and towards the root of the nose, sometimes extending in- to the nape of the neck; when stooping there is a strong pressure on the frontal bone; when reading or writing the pain is much more violent, with pressure in the region of the spleen, Bor. )OT OF THE NOSE. K)OT OF THE NOSE. without inwards, near the root of the nose, Mung. 154 REGION OF THE R PRESSURE. 1. Pressure above the root of the nose, Rnph, sat., rid. 2. Pressure over the nose, in the morning, Sil. 3. Pressure in the region of root of nose, Mercurial. 4. Pressure at a small spot of the forehead, above the root of the nose, Iod. 5. Hard pressure in the corner be- tween the frontal and nasal bones, Anac. 6. Pressure between the eyebrows, down to the nose and molar bone, on the vertex and in upper part of forehead, Mosch. With tearing. 1. Tearing, with pressure, between the eyebrows, pressing upon the eyelids, disappearing after a meal and returning again, Chelidonium. Compressive sensation. 1. Stupifying compressive headache, at a small spot, above the root of the nose, Mosch. Contractive sensation. 1. Contractive pain above the nose, as if the skin were too short, with weight and pressure, Bov. 2. Contraction in the forehead over the nose, alternating with tingling like vertigo ; at times a sensation as if the brain were distended in various places, Tarax. Crampy sensation. 1. Cramp-pain at the root of the nose, Bell. 2. Crampy sensation behind the or- bits or as if in the bones, or over the root of the nose, with sensation as if one would lose one's reason, aggravated by walking in the open air, Aeon. BORING. 1. Boring in frontal bone, from STINGING. 1. Stinging above the root of the nose, Ind. DRAWING. 1. Drawing from the. forehead ti- the root of the nose, Nux. vom. REGION ABOVE THE EYES. HEAVINESS. 1. Feeling of heaviness above the eyes, Cist. Can. < 2. Aching above the eyes, like a weight in the head, on waking up; when touching the eyes, he feels a pain, Bell. ACHING AND HEADACHE. 1. Aching pain in the forehead. above the eyebrows, Arg. nit. 2. ----, above the eyes, towards evening, Jod. 3. Headache over the eyes, after breakfast, Lye 4. Aching over and in the eyes, Carb. v. 5. ----, close above the eyes; these ache when moved, Carb. v. 6. Headache, with pressure upon the eyebrows, Carb. a. 7. Heaviness, and aching in fore- head, above both eyes, Natr. mur. 8. Headache above the orbit, when stooping, Dros. 9. Frontal headache, generally over one eye, Kal. Bichr. 10. Headache, over the eyes, with sensation as if the integuments of the forehead were spasmodically contracted, Am. 11. Early in the morning, headache, as if something were descending in the forehead, from above the eye- brows, by which the opening of the eyes is prevented, Bell. 12. Sharp, aching pain in the fore- head, at a small spot above the eye, Dig. REGION ABOVE THE EYES. 155 ' 2. Pressure, above the orbit, as from a blunt instrument, Mosch. 3. Dull painful pressure over the orbits, with stitches behind the ears, afternoon, Phos. ac. 4. Pressure in the frontal cavities, with increased secretion of nasal mucus. Coral. 5. Sensation as of a heavy load, pressing in the forehead, above ths eyes, Sil. 6. Pressure in frontal cavities, with digging sensation, Magn. mur. 7. Painful pressure above the eye- brows, near the edge of the nose, first on the right, then on the left side, 01. an. 8. Pressure over the eyes, with violent pain in the forehead, Kal. carb. 13. Aching pain above the eyes, with scintillations, worse when walking, Tabac. 14. Aching pain above the eyes, with heat in the head, Tabac. 15. Stupifying, aching pain in the brain, over the eyebrows, both when at rest and in motion, Stann. 16. Oppressive headache over the eyes, going off when walking in the open air, Bor. 17. Headache over the eyes, every morning, for twenty-one days, rousing her from sleep, Phos. PAIN. 1. Pain over the eyes, with burn- ing and pressure in the same, in- ducing rubbing, and increasing con- siderably at candle-light, Croc. 2. ----, over the eyes, like vertigo, Nux. jug I. 3. Violent pain over the eyes;, she is unable to open them, Phos. ac. 4. Sticking pain in the forehead, behind the eyes, at regular inter- vals, Kal. nitr. 5. Sticking pain, in tHI region of the eye, Lye. 0. Drawing pain, in the nose and frontal cavities, and under the whole skull, Each. 7. Painful drawing around the or- bits, more towards the side, espe- cially when stooping, Valer. ft. Beating pain in the frontal ca- vity, relieved by continued knit- ting of the eyebrows, Cal. Caust. 9. Throbbing pain, near the orbits, Eye. 10. Tensive and drawing pain in fore- head, over the orbits, increased by raising the eyes, Puis. 11. Pinching pain over the eye, worse m hen looking at a thing in- tently, Puis. PRESSURE. Simple Pressure. 1. Pressure, over the eyebrows, Alum. Amm. Bar. Magn. Sulph. From within, outwards. 1. Pressing over the eyes, as if the forehead would fall out, Ang. Con. mac. Phos. \ 2. Headache, deep in the orbits, as if the forehead would fall out, and as if the frontal bone were too thin, with a gloomy feeling in the head, evening, Puis. 3.----, above the orbits, as though the brain would be pressed out: the eyes remain forcibly closed. on account of the pain, the pupils contracted ; the voice is scarcely audible, Bell. 4. Pressing in the forehead, above . the eyes, as if the head would burst, or in the occiput, as if the brain were compressed, Asa.f 5. Headache, after dinner, pressure over the eyes, as if the eyeballs would be pressed out, especially when moving them, Valer. Compressive sensation. 1. Gloomy compression above the eyes, Bry. 2. Headache above the orbits, as though the brain were pressed into 156 REGION ABOVE THE EYES. a smaller space ; this pain obliges him to close his eyes, Bell. 3. Compression over the eyes, from either side of the head, mostly in the evening, sometimes with a chill, or followed by nightly heat and sweat, Alum. Crampy Sensation. 1. Crampy-like headache, in the inner canthus of the eye, Ign. 2. Crampy pain over the eyes, Ars. 3. Cramp pain above the eye-brows, Asa. f. STITCHES. 1. Single stitch in head, above the eye, while eating, followed by nausea and fulness, with warmth rising to the head, Rhus tox. 2. Lancinations above the eye- brows, Lach. 3. Stitches above the eye, every morning, Nitr. ac. 4. Sticking in forehead, above the eyes, Pim. 5. Sticking, with pressure over the orbits, with inclination to vomit, Aeon. 6. Pressure and sticking above the eyes, °or worse in the open air, Nux. vom. TEARING. 1. Tearing, over the eyes, Bell. Sep. 2.----, above the eyebrows, as if in the bone, early, Each. 3.----, with pressure, close over the eyes, early, Eye. 4. ----, with pressure above the e'yes, and in the region of the root of the nose, Bov. HEAT. 1. Heat in the head, in the region of the eyes, with coldness of the extremities, and burning heat and dryness of the skin, Cin. sulph. TINGLING. 1. Tingling over the orbits, Am. SENSATION, AS IF THE OPEN AIR WERE RUSHING IN. 1. Sensation in the frontal cavities, as if the open air were penetrating into them, and affected the parts with intense pain, Zinc. met. TENSION. 1. Tension over the eyes, on stoop- ing, succeeded by a protruding pain, Merc. REGION OVER THE RIGHT EYE ACHING AND HEADACHE. 1. Aching pain over the left eye, afternoon, Sulph. 2. Aching above the left eye, with lachrymation, and impossibility to open the eye on account of pain, Euph. 3. Aching pain above the left eye, with pain in bones, as if he had knocked them against something; he was not able to open his eye, Nux. vom. 4. Headache over the left eye, very violent in the evening and night, Ars. 5.----, over the right eye, worse when lying, less when walking, Ran. bulb. 6.----, over the right eye, with disposition to weep, and mental oppression, seeming to proceed from the chest, Ran. bulb. 7. Sticking headache, close over the left eye, worse during motion in a room, Sep. 8. Beating headache, over the left eye, Verat. PAINS. 1. Drawing pain in the right fore- head, over the eye, and in the PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 157 occiput, when making a mental effort, Kal. carb. 2. Sticking pain above the right eye, occasionally, Carb. v. 3. After rising in the morning, dart- ing pain over the left eye, spread- ing over the forehead, worse on motion, with gastric derangement; lasted several days, Kal. bichr. 4. Violent shooting pains from the root of the nose along the left or- bit arch to the external angle of the eye exactly, with dimness of sight, like a scale on the eye; begins in themorningand increases till noon; goes away towards the evening; lasted three weeks, Kal. bichr. PRESSURE. SIMPLE PRESSURE. 1. Pressure over the right orbit, Caust. 2.----, corresponding with the upper and internal boundary of the left frontal fossa, Coloc. 3. Dull pressure above the left or-. bit, Euphor. 4. Drawing pressure in the upper border of the left orbit, Stann. 5. Sudden pressure over the left eye, with sensation as if something were moving there internally, Stron. carb. 6. Stupifying pressure in region of left eyebrow, Evon. Mosch. FROM WITHIN, OUTWARDS. 1. Violent pressing from within, outwards, over the left eye, as if the brain would fall, Kal. carb. FROM WITHOUT, INWARDS. 1. Boring pressure from without, inwards, over the left eye, Kal. Carb. AS FROM A WEDGE, OR PLUG. 1. Pain over the left orbit, as if a plug had been pushed in, disap- pearing suddenly, Sulph. ac. . 2. Headache in the region of the right eyebrow, as if pressed asun- der by a wedge, worse in the room than in the open air, Aeon. STITCHES, PRICKING. 1. Pricking in the left frontal cavitv, Verb. 2. Prickings over- the right eye. Am. carb. 3. Stitches above the left eye, after dinner, with redness of the cheeks, Bov. 4. Stitches above the external can- thus of the right eye, Carb. v. 5. Violent stitching over the left orbit, from within, outward, with complete contraction of the eye, three days in succession, until noon, Sep. TEARING. 1. Slight tearing over the right eye, Phos. 2. Tensive tearing, particularly in the direction of the left orbit, Spig. 3. Tearing in the lower border of the left orbital bone towards the nose, when sitting, Ind. BEATING, THROBBING. 1. Searching, (digging) throbbing in the frontal bone, above the left eye, Kal. carb. 2. Beating with pressure above the left eye, early, Nux mosch. DRAWING. Sharp drawing above the left eye, from the nose to the temple, Bar. carb. TURNING SENSATION LIKB A CURRENT OF AIR. Turning sensation above the left eye, as if a current of air were moving through that part, when sitting, Bov. • 158 REGION OVER THE LEFT EYE. REGION OVER THE LEFT EYE. ACHING AND HEADACHE. 1. Aching pain over the left eye, in the evening, Camph. 2. ----in the forehead, over the left eyebrow, when walking in the open air, Calc carb. 3. Tight aching over the right eye, « Dulc. 4. ----pain above the right orbit, early, in bed, while lying on the right side, going off when turning to the other side, Nux vom. 5. Headache over the left eye, with flying spots before the eyes, Phos. 6. Violent headache at a small spot over the left eyebrow, Aeon. PRESSURE. 1. Stupifying dull pressure in the forehead, above the right eye, Bar. carb. 2. Pressure above the right brow as from a plug, extending to the occiput, Kreas. 3. Heavy pressure over the right eye, in the open air, Staph. 4. Pressure over the right eye, and drawing from below upward, Staph. 5. ----above the right eye, behind the eyebrow, as from something hard, Staph. 6. ----above the right eye, with burning in the forehead, Grat. 7. Sudden pressure over the right eye as from a finger, Stron. carb. 8i Headache behind the left eye with pressure,/rom behind forwards, Rhus tox. 9. Pressure over the left eyebrow from without inwards, Anac. PAINS. 1. Pain over the right eyebrow and in the small toe, Fluor ac. ' 2. ----in the region of the right eyebrow, as if the parts were pressed asunder, Ant. c. 3. —.— above the __ left eye, Nux jugl. 4. Pain over the left eye, or behind the brows which feel as if swollen, across the root of the nose. Bruc. 5. Tensive pain in right frontal cavity, Natr. carb. 6. Stupifying pain over the right eyebrow, with soreness when drawing the forehead into wrinkles, Ars. 7. Aching drawing pain above the right orbit, near the root of the nose, increased by stooping low, Ign. 8. Jerking pain over the right eye, Sulph. STITCHES, LANCINATION. 1. Stitch above the left eye, from below upwards, Phos. ac. 2. Severe stitch in the head above the right eye, Cocculus. 3. Stitches over the left eye, so vio- lent that they cause the eye to con- tract, after dinner, Am. carb. 4. ----above the margin of the left orbit, Magn. sulph. 5 ----above the left eye, Nitr. ac. 6. Lancinations in the forehead over the right eye, Anac. 7. Lancinations, with tearings in the head, over the right orbit, Bell. 8. Sticking, with pressure above the left eyebrows, Pceon. BEATING. Beating in the head, over the right orbit, Ign. JERKING. Violent jerking behind and above the right eyebrows, in the bone, Fluor ac. HEAT. Hot feeling over the left eye, with throbbing in whole head, dimness of sight, Magn. mur. LEFT^SIDEOF THE^FOREHEAD. ACHING AND HEADACHE. 1. Aching pain in the left side_ of PAINS IN THE HEAD. 159 the forehead, Fluor ac. Magnet, p. arct. 2. Aching in left side of forehead, early, Natr. carb. 3. Continuous aching pain from left- forehead to temple, worse when drinking wine, Rhodod. 4. Headache, with dizziness in left frontal region, with warmth of head and hand, Phell. 5. Aching in the left region of the forehead, extending thence over the whole head and making it diffi- cult to think, Lauroc. PAIN. 1. Pain in the forehead, on the left side, Chin, sulph. 2. Sneezing, followed by a pain in the left side of the forehead, as after a violent knock against some- thing, Am. 3. Sticking pain from left frontal eminence to side of the head, Stron. carb. 4. Sticking pain in left side of fore- head, Lye 5. Stitch-like and drawing pain, with pressure, in the left side of the fore- head, Staph. 6. Stitch like pain, especially in the left side of the forehead, with fluent coryza, Stann, 7. Shooting pain from the left eye to the top of the head, at intervals, Phyt. dec. ft. Drawing pain in the left side of the forehead, Clem, erecta. 9. Violent headache, a drawing in left forehead and through the left eye, Tabac. 10. Tearing pain in the left side of the forehead, more violent during motion, Aur. 11. Pressing and drawing pain in the left side of the forehead, Coloc. PRESSURE. Simple pressure. 1. Pressure on the left side of the forehead, Aur. Spong. 2. Sharp pressure in the left side of the forehead, Caust. 3. Hard pressure on left side of forehead, Phos. ac. 4. Pressure, with dull digging, in left half of forehead, Plat. 5. Painful pressure in left frontal bone, as if with the thumb, Rhod. From without inwards. 1. Sudden pressing in left side of forehead, from without inwards, Plat. 2. Pressure from without inwards, in the left side of the forehead, with drawing, at intervals, Ant. c. From within outwards. 1. Pressing headache in the left fore- head, from within outwards, Staph. 2. Pressing and pushing from with- in outwards, in the left forehead, with tearing, Camph. Contractive sensation. Contractive sensation in left half of forehead, with dull pressure, Valer. STITCHES, LANCINATIONS. Single stitch. Stitch over the left temple, in the forehead, from within outwards, Kal. carb. Darting, 1. Darting in the left side of the forehead, with turning sensation in the right, Bry. Stitches, Lancinations. 1. Lancinations in the left side of forehead, when sitting, with chills over the whole body, cold hands and hot Cheeks, without thirst, Merc. sol. 2. Painful lancinations in left side of forehead, when standing, Merc. sol. 3. Stitches, resembling pushes, in the left side of the forehead, Asa. f 160 PRESSURE IN 4. Lancinations in left side of fore- head, Tarax. 5. Sharp stitches in left, and outer side of forehead, Tarax. \ Prickings. 1. Periodically increasing and de- creasing prickings in the left side of the forehead, during rest, or in motion, Kal. carb. 2. Sharp, cutting prickings in the left side of the forehead, Dros. 3. Prickings on the left side of the forehead, Spong. Boring Stitches. 1. Boring, painful stitches in the left forehead, when sitting, going off when walking, standing, or touching the parts, Cal. Carb. 2. Painful, boring stitches in left side of forehead, when sitting, Merc. sol. 3. Boring stitch, with pressure, from within outward, in the left fore- head, awaking him early in the morning twice, with violence, for one minute, Staph. 4. Boring prickings in the left side of the forehead, when walking in the open air as from within, out- wards, Spong. , Sticking, with Pressing. 1. Sticking, and pressing asunder in the left side of the forehead, when stooping, Kal. nitr. DRAWING. 1. Painful drawing, from the left frontal to the malar bone, Evon. 2. Painful, crampy drawing, from the left frontal eminence to the nasal bone, Croc. 3. Drawing, causing a gloominess, from the left frontal eminence to the root of the nose, Cina. 4. Violent drawing in left part of os-frontis, followed by a cold shud- dering across the face, Rhod. THE HEAD. TEARING. 1. Tearing in left forehead, 01. an. 2.----, on the left side of the pa- rietal bone and forehead, Stann. 3.----, in left part of forehead. especially when moving the muscle, Mang. 4.----, in the forepart of the left half of the head, Zinc. Met. 5. ——, in the left side of the fore- head, with a sensation resembling vertigo, on moving the head, Eu- phor. 6.----, and stitches, from left of the frontal eminence to the ear, Natr. carb. BEATING, THROBBING. 1. Stupifying throbbing in left fron- tal region, Par. quad. 2. Beating in the left side of the forehead with giddiness, and a sen- sation as of painful pressure, Dulc. 3. Pulsations in the left side of the forehead, Arg. nit. FEELING OF LOOSENESS. 1. Feeling of looseness in left side of forehead, with dull, stitching pain, Nat. mur. BORING. 1. Boring in the left side of the forehead, from within outwards, Bov. GNAWING. 1. Gnawing, first in the left frontal bone, with sticking; afterwards in lower jaw, Par. quad. TENSION. 1. Tension in left frontal bone. Rhodod. DIGGING. 1. Digging in left frontal region, Phell. ✓ OCCIPUT. Heaviness I. Heaviness of the occiput, Dulc Ind. Mez. Petrol. 2.----, in the occiput, as if full of lead; the head falls backwards, accompanied by stiffness of the nape of the neck, Kal. carb. 3.----, in occiput, with drawing stitches towards the nape of the neck, with swelling of a cervical gland, which is painful to the touch; vertigo, dull sight, Mur. ac. 4.----, in the occiput, with dull pain, or pressure, Lact. 5.----, in the occiput, now and then, with undulating sensation in the brain, blowing in the ears, jerking and pressure in the eye- balls, Selen. 6.----, from occiput to small of back, Sabin. 7.----, heaviness of the occiput, with confusion of the forehead. Eye, 8.----, in occiput, as if the head would fall backwards, Mur. ac. !'.----, in the occiput, as if too full, with sensation as if the head would fall backwards, Kreas. 10. The occiput feels very heavy: the head falls backward, Op. 11. Weight in the occiput, during movement, and when bending the body forward, Colch. 12. Oppressive weight in the occiput, towards evening, Kal. hyd. 13. Heaviness in the back part of the head, which comes and goes, and constantly passes off on raising the head, Con. m. 14. Heaviness of the occiput, going off on stooping, Tarax. 15.----, and pains in the nape of neck; had to take off his cravat, Tabac. 16. Weight in the occiput, with ten- sion, Bar. carb. 17. Weight, with pressure in the oc- ciput, Bell. Vol. III.—11 ACHE. lei 18. Dulness and heaviness of the occiput, Zinc. oxyd. 19. Heaviness in the occiput, espe- cially in the morning, Sep. 20.----. in the occiput, as if a load were sinking, Spig. 21. Painful heaviness of the occiput, while walking, Spong. 22. Oppressive, painful heaviness in the occiput, with pressure from within outward, when walking in the open air, Staph. Headache. 1. Headache, in the occiput, Ars. Kal. eh I. 2. ----, particularly in the occiput. Op. 3.----, in the occiput in the even- ing, when in bed, Dulc. 4.----, at noon, in lower part of occiput, Natr. carb. 5. Dull headache, in the occiput, Carb. v. 6. Headache in occiput, when think- ing, Nitr. ac. 7.----, in small parts of the occi- put, Ambr. 8. ——, at night, with pain in the nape of the neck, Alum. 9.----, in the occiput, and nape of the neck, Ambr. 10.----, in occiput; a sort of stu- pifying vibration when stepping. Sulph. 11.----, from the nape of the neck to the vertex ; also as if proceed- ing from the back, Sil. 12.----, at the base of the occiput, extending towards the forehead. Mez. 13.----, in the occiput, whenever she ties something firmly around the head, Calc. carb. 14. Early, when waking and lying on the back, in bed, headache in the occiput as far as the shoulders, like a weight which presses upon a sore spot, Bry. 15. Tensive headache, in the occiput and nape of the neck, as far as the shoulders, Ipec. 162 HEADACHE. 16. Pecking headache, in one side of I occiput, Ruta. 17. Tearing headache in the occiput, j in successive attacks, Anac. 18. Tearing headache in left side of occiput, early, Puis. 19. Drawing achem the occiput, and the muscles of the nape of the neck, Caust. 20. Drawing headache in occiput, above the nape of neck, early, Puis. Aching. 1. Aching pain in the occiput. Chin. Euphor. Graph. Hell. Merc. sol. Teucr. 2. Aching pain in the occiput, in the evening, Sep. 3. Aching in the nape of the neck. when writing, Carb. a. 4, Continuous aching pains in occi- put, and nape of neck, Pceon. 5. Aching pain in the occiput, espe- cially when coming out of the open air, Mez. 6.----, in the occiput, going off in the open air, Kal. carb. 7. Violent aching at the base of the occiput, in the open air, lod. 8. Sore aching in the occiput, Mez. 9. Aching pain in the occiput and nape of the neck, when moving the head, Mez. 10. Aching in the occiput, going off by bending the head backward, Rhus tox. 11. The aching in the occiput is di- minished by tying the hair up, Kal. nitr. 12. Aching in a small spot of the occiput, Carb. a. 13. ----, in the sinciput, with great heat in the face, and amelioration by rest, Lauroc. 14. Aching pain in occiput, with heat, and exhalation of body, Puis. 15. Slight aching in occiput, with erection in the morning, after rest, Ox. ac. 16. Aching pain in right occiput, with paroxismal drawing from be- low, upward, Rhod. 17. Violent aehing in the occiput. with coryza, Cic. vir. 18. Aching in the occiput, violent during motion, resulting in a con- fusion in the whole head, lod. 19. Dull, aching pain in the region of the occipital bone, on the right side, from the cervical vertebra to the parietal bone, returning on the day following at the same hour. Bar. carb. 20. Aching pain in occiput, after ris- ing from bed ; also as if the brauv were pushed forward, Nux. vom. 21. Aching in the upper part of the right side of the occiput, accom- panied by pressure in the eyes, Carb. v. 22. Dull aching of occiput, with empty feeling, abating when press- ing on the part, Mang. 23. Constant dull aching in occiput. Cycl., Pimp. 24. Dull aching pain at a small spot in the occiput, Sep. 25. Dull, aching pains in the occiput. Thuj. 26. Stupifying ache in the occiput. from the nape of the neck, Dulc. 27. Aching, stupifying pain in occi- put, evening, Sen. 28. Tensive aching in the occiput, with heat in the forehead, and cold hands, Lact. Pains. SIMPLE PAIN. I. Dull pain in occiput, Natr. carb. 2. Pain of the occiput and nape of the neck, excited by moving the head, Ipec. 3.----, in the head, particularly in the occiput, Lact. 4.----, of the left occipital protu- berance, from walking in rough wind, Mur. ac. 5.----, from occiput to vertex. Natr. carb. 6.----, along the base of occipital bone, several times, Ox. ac. ACHE. 7, Pain, in nape of neck, on raising the head, Sen. 8. Nervous pain in occiput, so vio- lent that he loses his ideas, Prun. sp. 9. Dull pain in occiput, the whole head feeling painful, externally, Ran. seel. \0. Quickly-passing pain in the occi- put, from the left to the right side, SquiL 11. Pain in the occiput, after lying, with great weight in the part, Sup. perf. DRAWING-STICKING PAIN. i. Drawing, sticking pain in occi- put, Ran. bulb. 2. Drawing-sticking, long continued pain in the occiput, when sitting, SquiL RHEUMATIC PAIN, 1. Dull, rheumatic pain in the oc- ciput, Cak. caust. 2. Rheumatic pain in the occipital bone, with swelling of the poste- rior cervical glands, Bar. carb. TEARING PAIN. 1. Short, tearing pains, in the left side of the occiput, Carb. v. 2. Tearing pain, from the occiput to the neck. Lauroc. 3. —— pain in occiput, when walk- ing, going off when standing, Tarax. 4. Darting, tearing pain in the oc- cipital bone, Bism. 5. Tearing pain in the occiput, Squil. BEATING, THROBBING PAIN. \. Violent, throbbing pain in the occiput, as from subcutaneous ul- ceration, from morning till even- ing, Carb. v. 2. Throbbing pain in the right side of the occiput, passing off by rub- bing the vertex, which then feels bruised, Caust. 163 3. Beating pain in the nape and oc- ciput ; better after rising, Eupat. perf DRAWING PAIN, 1. Painful drawing, at times in the right, at times in the left occiput. inferiorly, Sep. 2. Short, painful drawing in the left side of the occiput, alternating with a similar sensation in the bali of the left thumb, Arg. 3. Drawing pain in the occipuo, always on the side to which ho moves his head, going off after sneezing, Calc. carb. 4. ----, in the occiput, CausL Cann. 5. ----, in occiput, when sitting, Menyan. 6. ----, from occiput to ears, and from ears to teeth, particularly oi. right side, Mosch. 7. ----, in the occiput, early in bed, as if the head had been lying in a wrong (forced) position, Agar. 8. ----, in occiput; has to cease eating, Sulph. 9, ----, from the occiput, through the head, as far as a painful lowe? tooth, Tong. 10. ----, in the occiput; when feel- ing it, a pain as from subcuta- neous ulceration is experienced in it, Sep. 11, ----, in the left side of the occi- put, Arg. STICKING, LANCINATING, CUTTING PAIN. 1. Sticking pain in the occiput, Lye. 2. Pain in the left side of the oc- ciput, rather of a lancinating kind, under the scapula and left upp« r arm, particularly in the left index finger, and in the region of the short ribs of the right side, Ind. 3. Pain in the occiput, at every pul sation, as if that part of the head were pierced with a knife, Con. m. 164 PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 4. Cutting pain in the left side of occipital protuberance, Bell. AS IF SORE, BRUISED. 1. Dull pain in the occiput, or as if contused going off in a recumbent posture, Alum. 2. Pain in left side occiput, as if pressing upon a wound, Sabad. 3. Pain in occiput, as if bruised, Nitr. ac. 4. Smarting sore feeling in the occi- put on the right side, in the skin, lod. 5. Pain in' the occiput as from a blow, particularly on laying the head down after raising it, Crotal. 6. Ulcerative pain in right occiput, with sensitiveness of the skin to the touch, Tongo. 7. Pain in the occiput as if bruised, Zinc. met. 8. Pain in th'e occiput, mostly at night, and worse when lying on it, as if hollow, and as if there were ulceration under the scalp and in the brain, relieved by pressing on it with the hand, Sep. WITH STIFFNESS. 1. Drawing oppressive pain in the left occiput, with stiffness in the nape of the neck, Calc. carb. 2. Pain in the occiput with tight- ness, Bov. 3. Dull pain with stiffness in the nape of the neck, Hyos. 4. Momentary pain in occiput, as if stiff, Thea. VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN. 1. Pain in left occiput, as if the blood had ceased to circulate, after waking from sleep, Sulph. 2. Pain in the occiput as if the throbbing of the arteries could not take place without first overcoming an obstacle, Spig. 3. Violent pain in right occiput, as if a foreign body had been forced in at that part, Rhodod. 4. Dull pain around the back part of the head, with sharp darting pains in the right side of the head, Kalm. lat. 5. Pain as if part of the occiput were knocked in, whence the pain emanates and extends to the fore- head, Mosch. 6. Tensive pain in the right half of occiput, extending to the,orbits and the nasal bones, Each. 7. Pinching pain in the occiput. Carb. v. 8. Pain in the side of the occiput which is in contact with the cush- ion, as if it were lying too hard, Lam. alb. 9. Violent boring pain at a small spot, on right occiput, at night, Stron carb. 10. Aching sore pain from Jett side of occiput to the teeth, Prun. sp. Pressure. SIMPLE* PRESSURE. 1. Pressure in occiput, Amm., Au- gust., Camph., Gent, hit., Mosch., Par. quad.. Petrol., Squil. 2. Pressure in the occiput and nape of the neck, early, Sil. 3. Pressing pain in the occiput, Stront. carb., Verb. 4. Pressure in occiput, on entering a room, Natr. sulph. 5. Pressure in the occiput, after sup- per, Carb. v. 6. Pressure in the occiput, also in the cerebellum, excited by mental labour, Colch. 7. Pressure in the occiput, going oft' when rising, Chin, sulph. 8. Pressure and tension in the occi- put. Color. 9. Pressure in the occiput, some- times a pushing pressure, after din- ner, Agar. 10. Pressing at one spot, in the occi- put, 01. an. 11. Pressure at a small spot in the nape of the neck. Lye. 12. Pressure in occiput, going and coming. Aeon., Phell. 13. Pressure in both sides of the oc- PRESSURE IN THE HEAD. 165 ■ciput beneath the protuberances, Fluor, ac. 14. Dull pressure on both sides of the occiput, Sabin. 15. The nape of the neck feels stiff, sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in the occiput, a kind of drawing and pressing is felt in it, Arg. 16. Pressure in the right side of the occiput, Zinc. met. 17. Pressure in the occiput, on the right side, Anac. 18. Pressure in occiput, towards the right ear, Lye. 19. Pressing pain in the left h-alf of the occipital bone, Dulc. 20. Pressure in the left side of the occiput, passing to the side of the head. Asar. 21. Suddenly a pressing pain on the left side of the occiput; disappears as quickly, but soon returns again, Fluor, ac. 22. Frequent pressure going and coming, in the left side of the occi- put, Carb. a. 23. Pressure in left occiput, also dur- ing motion, obliging one to bend the head forward, afternoon, 01. an. FROM WITHIN OUTWARDS. 1. Pressing in the occiput, as if the cerebellum would be pressed out Calc. carb., China. Zinc. met. 2. Pressure on both sides of the occiput, as if all the contents would issue through those parts, Bov. 3. Violent pressing pain in the left occiput, as if it would burst, Spong. I. Pressure in the left occiput, from within outwards, Stann. 5. Pressing in the left occiput, from within outward, as far as the nape of the neck, Calc carb. H. Painful pressure in right side of occiput, from within outwards, Phos. . Darting-tearing headache, from the vertex to the middle of the brain, Thuj. 6. Headache in the vertex, as if bruised, Gum. gutti. Aching. 1. Aching pain in the vertex, Coc. 2. He is roused from his sleep every morning by a violent ach- ing pain in the vertex; the pain goes off after an hour, Col. carb. 3. Aching pain on the vertex, some- times with sticking, Tabac. 4. Long-continuing, dull, gnawing aching pain in left vertex, at one spot, Ran. seel. 5. Aching in vertex, rising from the skin of the forehead, where a sort of whirling motion is felt, Sabad. li. ----, in the vertex, with palpi- tation of the heart, in the evening, Hep. sulp>h. T. Aching pain in the vertex, some- times causing dizziness, Cyc. 8. Aching in the right vertex ; after- wards this aching is alternately felt in the left, and then again in the right vertex, Bell. Pressure. SIMPLE PRESSURE. 1. Pressure in the left vertex, Zed P' 2. Painful pressure in the vertex, Spong. 3. Pressure in the region of the vertex, lod. 4. Dull pressure in the vertex, early, Verat. FROM WITHIN, OUTWARDS. 1. Pain in vertex, as if the parts would be pressed asunder, Ran. bulb. 2. Violent pushing and pressing through the vertex, from within outwards, Phos ac. FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD. AT A SMALL SPOT, AS IF WITH A NAIL, &C. I. Pressure in the vertex, as with a point, Hell. 2. Pain in the vertex, as if a nail were pressed in, Evou. 3. Pain in the vertex, at a small spot in the brain, as if a blunt nail 1. Pressing down sensation, in the vertex, Bov. Cup. 2. Dulness of the head, with pres- sure on the vertex, Euphr. 3. Pressure on the vertex, as from a board, Tabac. 4. Pain in vertex, as if pressure were made on the brain, Sulph. 5. Painful pressure from the vertex into the brain, at night, or in the evening, obliging her to draw her forehead into wrinkles, and to draw the eyelids together, Sulph. 6. Pressure from above, downward, deep in the vertex, Nux. vom. 7. ----, on vertex, shifting to the occiput, or with drawing and tear-* ing in the temples, 01. an, 8. ----, in vertex, as from a hand, Niccol. 9. ----, as if something had lodged in the vertex, Carb. v. 10. ----, in the vertex, from above, downward, Aeon. 11. ----, in the vertex, as far as the eye, Calc. carb. 12. ----. under the vertex, at din- ner, Sabin. 13. Strong pressure on vertex, with dizziness, Petrol. 14. Sensation in vertex, as if knocked in, Thuj. 15. Pressing pain in the vertex, as if the head were pressed flat, chang- ed to a beating pain by motion. Verat. 172 PAINS IN THE HEAD. were pressed into the brain; the spot feels sore to the touch, Magn. art. 4. Dull pressure, as from a plug, on the right side of the vertex, Anac. 5. Sudden pressure in the vertex, as from a stone falling upon the part, Canst. 0. Painful pressure in vertex, as with a dull instrument, Ran. seel. 7. Pressure at a small spot of the vertex, Spig. CRAMPV, CONTRACTIVE PRESSURE. I. Drawing, crampy pressure across the vertex, Ran. seel, 2. Constant contractive and hot feeling on the vertex, Lauroc. 3. Contractive pain in the vertex, for two hours, Kal. nitr. 4. Slight pressure in the vertex, as if the brain were enveloped with a cloth, and as if this deprived him of his senses, Cycl. 5. Passing pain, as from a hard blow on the vertex, a painful, stu- pifying, contractive sensation, af- fecting the whole head, Valer. 6. Pain in the vertex, a sort of con- traction and compression from all sides, Staph. WITH STITCHES. 1. Pressure, and intensely painful stitches in the vertex, Aeon. 2. Dull, stitching pressure in left vertex, at intervals, Phos. ac. 3. Violent pressure and sticking in vertex, right side, Sassap. WITH THROBBING. 1. Pressure on the vertex, with throbbing, Tongo. WITH STIFF NECK. 1. Pressure in the brain, under the vertex, on waking, with stiffness of the nape of the neck, Bar. carb. Pains. SIMPLE TAIN. 1. Pain on vertex, Ox. ac. 2. ----, in the vertex, also at a small spot, like clavus hystericus. Lact. 3. ----, in vertex, when coughing, chewing, or blowing the nose, Sulph. AS IF BLOWN TO PIECES. I. Pain in the vertex, as if the skull had been blown to pieces, or were. open; she is obliged to hold her head, lest it should fall to pieces. at night, and especially in wet weather, Carb. a. BRUISED, SORE. 1. The vertex feels bruised and sen- sitive, Kal, nitr. 2. Bruised feeling in the left vertex, also when touching the parts, Bov. 3. The vertex feels painful to the touch, Alum. BORING PAIN. 1. Boring pain in vertex, Mur. ac 2. ----, under the vertex; the place is painful to the touch, Sulph. DIGGING PAIN. 1. Digging pain in vertex, Saw- buc. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning pain in vertex, a few minutes, Ran. seel. GNAWING PAIN. 1. Sudden, gnawing pain, at one spot of vertex, Ran. seel. BEATING, LANCINATING PAIN. 1. Beating and lancinating pain in the vertex, as if the head would burst, when walking, Carb. a. BEATING, THROBBING,—STITCHES. &e. 173 LANCINATING PAIN. 1. Darting pain in vertex, especially after stooping, Menyan. 2. ----, in vertex, evening, Mur. ac 3. Violent, sticking pain in the ver- tex, Ipec 4. Lancinating pain, in the right side of the vertex, Aur. 5. Violent, lancinating pain in the vertex, from within, outward, when stpoping, Calc. carb. TEARING PAIN. 1. Tearing pain in the-left and right side of the vertex, Aur. 2. ----, in the right vertex; more violent during motion, Bell. TENSIVE PAIN. Tensive pain from vertex to the jaw, evening, Stron. carb. IN EYE AND VERTEX. Severe pain in the left eye and vertex, simultaneously, Coloc. 1. Burning in vertex, Merc. 2. Heat in vertex, with pain as if the hair were pulled, Magn. sulph. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Beating in vertex, also in left side of head, Phos. 2. ----, in the vertex, driving him almost to a state of frantic despair, Agar. 3. ----, in the vertex, with tumult in the head or in the morning on waking, Alum. 4. Painful beating in the vertex, as of an ulcer, increased by pressure, Cast. 4 5. Throbbing in vertex, painful when pressed upon, Natv. carb. 6. Beating in the vertex or feeling of heat in the head, Hyper, per. WITH STITCnES. I. Throbbing in the vertex, with stitches, Caust. 2. Considerable throbbing, in the region of the vertex, with cutting thrusts from within outwards, Calc. carb. 3. Painful beating and stinging on vertex, Phell. 5. Hammering and stitching in ver- tex, proceeding from the forehead Phos. Stitches, Lancinations, &c, 1. Stitches in the vertex, Sulph. Valer. Tabac. 2. Dull, deep stitches in vertex, Rat. 3. Stitches in the vertex, particu- larly when walking fast, Chelidon- nium. 4. ----in vertex, going off by pres- sure, Natr. mur. 5. ----in the vertex, increased by raising the head, Lauroc. 6. Violent stitches in the vertex, in the evening, Carb. an. Hyper, per. 7. Several darts in front of the ver- tex, in the evening, Kal. hyd. 8. Deeply-penetrating sharp stitch- es in right side of vertex, Oleand. 9. Violent stitches in right side of vertex, Magn, mur. 10. Lancinations in vertex, Sassap. 11. Deep dartings in the vertex, Caps. 12. Single stitches in the left side of the vertex, Kal. nitr. 13. Dull stitches in the left half of the vertex, Cina. 14. Sticking in left side ©f vertex, Par. quad. 15. Burning stitches in the vertex, Stann. 16. Fine stitches in vertex, with burn- ing, Natr. mur. 17. Fine burning prickings in the middle of the vertex, Zinc. met. 18. Shooting stitches in the vertex, followed by shooting stitches in the genital organs, and lewd dreams, in a married woman, Bor. 174 TEARING,—BORING,—NOISE,—DIGGING,—TENSION. 19. Stitches, with pressure in the ver- tex, through the whole head, as soon as she walks in the sun, Bar. carb. 20. Fine stitches in the vertex, (ex- ternally), Calc. carb. 21. Fine, pinching stinging in vertex, when reflecting, Pimpin. 22. Boring stitches in vertex, Nitr. ac. 23. Sticking in the vertex, also with contractive cutting in occiput, Tongo. 24. Single, long, dull stitches from the scalp into the brain, not far from the vertex ; the place is pain- ful to, the touch, Staph. 25. Sticking in left vertex, with lan- guor of the hands and feet, all night, (during the menses), 01. an. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Stitch in vertex, so painful that the head is drawn backwards, Phell. 2. ----, with drawing in vertex, disappearing under pressure, Phos. ac. 3, Lancination towards the left side of the vertex, Caust. 4. Stitch in vertex, Millef. 5. Continuous, sharp stitch near the vertex, Mez. 6. Internal cutting in the vertex, Verat. 7. Boring stitch in the vertex, from within outward, Staph. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the vertex, Bar. carb. 2. -■----, behind the vertex, Zinc. met. 3.----, in vertex, followed by pain- ful, fine stitches in vertex, at short intervals, Rat. 4. ----, in vertex, sometimes with sensation as if the hair were pulled, Canth. Mur. ac. 5.----, in the vertex, extending to the occiput, deep in the brain, Ind. 6. ----, in the vertex, with pain as if bruised on touching the parts, Bov. 7. Tearing on one side of the ver- tex, (with pain of that part, when touching it), in the occipital region, in the margin of the orbit, down to the nose, or upwards to the fore- head, sometimes reaching into the orbits, with disposition to lachry- mation, Berb. v. 8.----in the vertex, with consider- able buzzing of the ears. Bor. TEARING AND BURNING. Painful tearing and burning on ver- tex, (during the menses), Rat. CURLING-WHIRLING. I. Curling sensation on the vertex. Hyper, per. 2. Peculiar whirling sensation in vertex, no pain, Mercurial. Boring. 1. Boring at a small spot near the vertex, Bor. 2. ----in the vertex, deep in the brain, Agar. Noises. 1. In the vertex he sometimes heart- and feels a cracking when sitting quietly, Coffea. 2. At every step, whan walking, a noise is felt in the vertex, like the breaking of a fingernail; not when sitting, Con, m. 3. Buzzing in vertex, Sulph. Digging. Creeping digging in the vertex, Bruc. Tension. Tension on the left side of the ver tex, gradually changing to a sharp pressure, with sensation as if the ramus of the left lower jaw were pressed against the upper jaw. Verb. TINGLING,—SHOCKS,—JERKING,—SINCIPUT, &c. 175 Tingling. Tingling in the vertex, Cup. Shocks. Sensation of electric shocks in left side of vertex, Natr. sulph. Jerking. Jerking in vertex, Ran. seel. SINCIPUT. Heaviness. 1. Weight on the top of the head, Mercurial. 2. Heaviness in the whole sinciput, early after waking, Squil. 3. Heavy spot in the middle of the head, moving to and fro when mov- ing the head, Lach. 4. Heaviness of the sinciput, when stooping, with stupifying pain, or with pressure in the orbits as if the eyeballs were too large, Lau- roc. 5. ----,. on the left side of the sinciput and vertex ; these parts are sensitive to contact, during the night, Kal. hyd. Headache. 1. Headache, on the top of the head, • 'Am. 2. ----, in the sinciput and fore- head, with pressure from above downward, every other day, with heat of the head, burning of the eyes, paleness of face, Ambr. 3. —:—, with heaviness, in the even- ing, on top of the head, Ambr. 4. ----, heaviness in the sinciput, in the heat of the sun, going off in the shade, Brom. 5. Oppressive headache, in the top of the head, Graph. 6. Dull headache above the os-fron- tis, with inclination to vomit, Camph. 7. Chronic, lancinating headache in the sinciput, Con. m. 8. Headache on the top of the head. as if a stone were pressing upon it. Cann. 9. Dull, beating headache in sinciput. especially when standing, Rheum, 10. Drawing headache in the sinciput. in the morning, in bed, Helleborus. 11. Burning headache, in upper part of brain, Phos. ac. 12. Headache in the upper head as from staying in a room filled with a smoky atmosphere, Agn. 13. ----, with sweat, from sinciput to forehead, followed soon after by a coolness about the head, after dinner, Phell. 14. ----, on the top of the head, as if broken in two, Am. mur. Aching, 1. Aching pain across the whole sinciput, Rheum. 2. ----, on the top of the head. Coffea. 3. Dull, aching pain in sinciput, less when pressed upon, Sabad. 4. Aching along the sagittal suture, during exercise, when shaking the head, or stooping, Coloc. 5. ----, with heat in the top of the head, Hep. sulph. 6. ----, sore pain in sinciput, going off when thinking of the pain in- tently, Prun. sp. 7. ----, in the sinciput, on stoop- ing, with heaviness, Lauroc. 8. ----, on the top of the head, with painfulness of the hair when touched, Carb. v. Pains. 1*, Constant pain in the sinciput, with aching in the right hypo- chondrium, Ind. 2. Burning pain in half of the sin- ciput, also in the nose and eyes, the parts feeling hot on the out- side ; both when at rest and in mo- tion ; he had to lie down; accom- panied with nausea and retching, from morning till night, Stann. 176 PAINS IN THE HEAD. 3. Tensive pain in the sinciput, with pressure and stinging, Crot. 4. Pain in the top of the head, the place feeling sore; when stooping the pain affects the forehead, leav- ing the occiput, Carb. a, 5. ----, in the upper part of the head, as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces, especially in the morning on waking, Caust. 6. Pains, as if the upper part of the head would be dashed to pieces, chilliness of that part, although it feels hot externally, Kal. hyd. 7. Pain in sinciput, as from a nail, Niccol. 8. ----, in sinciput, with stitches, left side, Phos. 9. Stitching pain in upper part of head, worse in the afternoon, as if her head would be torn to pieces ; the pain prevented her from sleep- ing, Nitr. ac. 10. Tearing pain from occiput to sinciput, where a pressure is felt, Merc. sol. 11. Tearing pain from the sinciput to the vertex, Lauroc. 12. Drawing pain on the top of the head, Calc. carb. 13. Drawing pain in the sinciput, with coldness of the forehead and nausea, Calc. carb. 14. Throbbing pain in upper part of head, when chewing, painful to the touch, Phos. 15. Throbbing pain in upper part of head, every day, Natr. carb. 16. Painful throbbing in upper part of head, during the menses, Natr. carb. 17. Beating in the upper part of the head, very painful, at the least mo- tion ; when turning the eyes and when moving the head, the beating moves upwards, as if out of the head, Sep. Pressure. SIMPLE PRESSURE. 1. Pressure on the top of the head, Am. carb. \ 2. Pressure in the whole sinciput. Spig. 3. ----, on the top of the head, in the evening, Kal. carb. 4. ----, in sinciput, with feeling of stupefaction, closing of eyelids, yawning, Nux mosch. 5. ----, on the top of the head, every afternoon, Carb. v. 6. Pressing in the region of anterior fontanelle, disappearing when walk- ing, Sang. can. 7. Pressure on top of the head. when touched by the cool open air, Fer. 8. Painful pressure in sinciput, at regular intervals, Ruta. 9. Pressure in the sinciput, with dulness of the head, as far as the eyes, after dinner, Zinc. met. 10. Sharp pressure on the top of the head, occasionally, Staph. 11. Pressure on the top of the head, in the evening, extending into the eyes, Sil. 12. Pressure on the top of the head, after mental labour, Sep. FROM WITHIN OUTWARDS. 1. Pain in the sinciput, as if all the contents of the head would press out at the top of the head, Brom. 2. Pressing asunder, in the top of the head, with nausea, trembling of limbs, Lye. 3. Heaviness in the sinciput, as if something would come out, Kreas. FROM ABOVE DOWNWARDS. 1. Flat pressure on the top of the head, as from a burthen, Squil. 2. Pressure on the top of the head. as from a heavy load, increased or brought on again by pressing on the parts, Cina. 3. Sensation on the top of the head. as if the head and body were press- ed down, Magnes art. 4. Pressure from sinciput to fore- head, on stooping, Nux mosch. 5. Hard pressure on sinciput, fore- noon, Nux mosch. PAINS IN THE VERTEX. 177 6. Pressure on the top of the head, worse when laying the hand on it, Kal. nitr. 7. Painful pressure from sinciput to forehead, Tarax. 8. Pressure on the upper part of the head and spinal column, as if these were pressed together by an elastic body, so that he bends him- self involuntarily, stretching for- wards ; this sensation, without be- ing painful, is productive of extra- ordinary anxiety, Benz. ac 9. Pressure in one spot of the sinci- put from above downwards, as if by a stone. Asar. CRAMPY PRESSURE. 1. Crampy pressure on top of head, Magn. mur. 2. Pressing and crampy pain in the upper part of the brain, Coloc. 3, Passing cramp-pain on the right side of the upper head, Bell. COMPRESSIVE SENSATION. I. Pain in the top of the head as if bound with a cord, Kalm. lat. 2. A pressing together in the upper part of the head, with sensation as of tearing, Dulc, 3. Numb feeling in the sinciput, as if constricted, increasing to a vio- lent pressing together, with dig- ging-up sensation, and heat of up- per part of th% body, and head; when walking he feels a vibratory sensation as if the brain were shaking against the skull like a ball; the same sensation is felt when lying in bed, with roaring in the ears, Plat. 4. Compressive sensation in the up- per part of the head, the whole day, with great dyspnoea, Sep. CONSTRICTIVE-CONTRACTIVE SENSATION. 1. Sudden constriction and pressing in the whole sinciput, slightly in- creasing and decreasing, Stann. 2. Contraction on top of the head Vol. II.—12. and afterwards under the right shoulder-blade, Fluor, ac. 3. Spasmodic contraction in sinci- put, with dulness of mind and dis- position to sleep, Nux mosch. 4. Contractive sensation from ver- tex to forehead, Phell. 5. Vibratory contractive sensation in the sinciput, in the evening, Sep. DIGGING PRESSURE. 1. Digging pressure in sinciput, Phell. WITH DRAWING. 1. Pressure on the top of the head. afterwards, drawing in the whole head, Carb. v. 2. Drawing pressure on the left side of the sinciput, Cina. WITH TEARING. 1. Pressure, with tearing, in left sinciput, 01. an, WITH BURNING. 1. Hot, oppressive pain in the sinci- put, from without inward, Brom. 2. Pres-ure with burning sensation in the. sinciput (when standing or sitting) relieved by the open air, Alum. WITH SORE FEELING. 1. Pressure in upper bones of the skull, with sensation as if sore, Oleand. Stitches. 1. Stitches in the top of the head. lod. 2. Stitches in the top of the head, excited by reading, Carb. v. 3. Stitches in sinciput, with draw- ing from the ears to the head, Nic- col. 4 Stitches on the top of the head, on the right side, extending into the right eye, Calc. carb. 178 SENSATIONS OF THE VERTEX. 5. Tearing sticking in right sinciput, eased by pressure, Sulph. ac. 6. Stinging in the upper part of the head, deep in the brain, also exter- nally. Ind. SINGLE. STITCH. 1. Stitch, first in the sinciput (with sensitiveness externally) after- wards in the sides of the head and forehead, with sensation as if the frontalbone would split, and ill- humour, Niccol. 2. Sudden dull stitches in the ricdit side of the sinciput, Stann, Tearing. 1. Tearing in upper part of head ; the place feels sore to the touch, after a meal, Rhus. tox. 2. Tearing in the head, on the top of the head and in the sinciput, with paleness of face and coldness of the left hand, Ambr. %. Tearing in sinciput, as far as the vertex, Merc. sol. 4. Tearing in the head, above the forehead and in the eyes, until bed- time, Sep. 5. Tearing in the right sinciput and face, across the nose, as far as the malar bone, and above the eyes ; most violent morning and evening Thuj. 8' Beating, Throbbing. 1. Beating on the top of the head, early on waking, Bry. 2. Beating, throbbing, on the top of the head, with dulness of the head, Kreas. 3. Undulations and throbbing in sinciput, Mere sol. 4. Beating and throbbing in the top of the head, as if the brain would come out, in the morning, after rising, Caust. Heat. 1. Burning on the top of the head, and on the neck, externally, Am. 2. Heat on the top of the head. with pain, Eupat. perf. Tension, Tightness. 1. Tightness in the sinciput, with sneezing and eoryza, Kal. chl. 2. Tension and stinging in the sin- ciput, and tearing in the left tem- ple, as far as the nape of the neck, Kal. hyd. 3. ----, across the top of the head. Calc, carb. 4. Tensive, numb feeling in sin- ciput, as after a blow, as far as nasal bone, Plat. Tingling, as if Asleep. 1, Tingling, dull sensation in the top of the head, as if it had gone to sleep, accompanied by a press- ing down sensation, and some stu- pefaction, Cup. Sensation, as if Swelling up. 1. Sensation in the upper part of head and body, as if the blood were coursing from below, up- wards, and from within, outward. Ox. ac. 2. Feeling as if the crown of the head were rising up, Rhus. rad. Drawing. 1. Drawing, under the coronal su ture, every afternoon, Ars. 2. ----, and tearing, on the top of the head, Kal. carb. 3- ----, on the top of the head, frequently, Caust. Movements. 1. Sensation in the sinciput, as if something were turning about in it, uEth. 2. Shaking and wavering in the left sinciput, particularly on going up- stairs, and walking fast, Crotal. Boring. 1. Boring on the top of the head. »r. a small spot, Graph. TEARING AND DIGGING.—COLDNESS.—NOISES, &c. 179 Tearing and Digging. 1. Headache, on the top of the head, a kind of turning, at times digging, at times tearing, increased by external pressure, as if her skull were quite thin, and could be pressed through, Bell. Coldness. I. Sensation of icy coldness in the upper half of the head, when press- ing the hand firmly on the head, Valer. Noises. I, Roaring in the whole sinciput, Elec. Jerks. I. Jerks in the sinciput, as if pieces of lead were shaken in the brain, Phos. SIDES OF THE HEAD. . Heaviness. i. Heaviness in both sides of the head, early and on stooping, Kal. hyd. 2. ----, in the head on the right side, towards evening the same sensation, very severe on the left side, Kalm. lat. Headache. 1. ilemicrania, China. 2. Continuous, dull headache in one side of the head, Bell. 3. Headache, semilateral, at a small spot, Kal. bichr. 4. Headache, only on that side up >n which he is just lying, (burning ?) Calc. carb. 5. ----, at night in that side <>f i he head on which he did not rest, Graph. 6. Semilateral headache, early in in bed, with inclination to vomit, going off on rising, Graph. 7. Frequent, semi-lateral headache, with empty risings, Calc. carb. 8. Tearing headache, on the side on which he does not rest, Puis. 9. Drawing headache in one sjde, Cham. 10. Semilateral headache, as if the head itched inside, Dig. 11. Headache after reading, in the frontal protuberance and behind the parietal bone, as if the brain were bruised, torn, or smashed, Coffea. 12. Sudden headache on one side as if the brain were torn or sore, on waking from the siesta, after open- ing the eyes, Sulph. 13. Semi-lateral headache, as if bruis- ed, and as if a load were pressing down in the head; increased by moving the eyes towards the affect- ed side, Con. m. 14. Ilemicrania, as if a nail had been driven into the parietal bone, Coffea. 15. Hemicrania, particularly in the afternoon and evening, with lan- guor and weariness, °or as if from pressing a nail into the brain, °and particularly from abuse of coffee and in hypochondriac patients, Nux vom. 16. Hemicrania after dinner, Ars. Aching. 1. Aching, first in the right, then in the left side of the head, Cup. 2. Sharp aching in one side of the head, Each. 3. Aching of the parietal bone, es- pecially when grasping it, even unto screaming, Cup. 4. ----pain in one side of the head. with pain in the stomach, Verat. 5. ----, in one brain, as if pressed upon by a plug or nail, Hep. sulph. 6.----. in one brain, increased by talking and reflecting, Ign. 7. ----, in that side were the head had been resting on the pillow Calad. Pains. 1. Dull pains in the right and left sides, Elat. 180 SIDES OF THE HEAD.—PRESSURE 2. Oppressive pain in the temporal regions, with dartings from the temples to the sinciput, Berb. v. 3. Pain as if bruised, on one side, early in the morning, Ars. 4. ----, from the eye to the temple, as if she had received a blow upon the eye, increased by contact, Agn. 5. Sore pain in the head, in the temporal region, Lam. alb. 6. Pi n ching and violen t aching pain, first over the left eye and extend- ing to the temporal region, then at the corresponding part on the right side, Haimatoxylum campech. . 7. Pinching pain behind the ear, Lye. 8. Pinching pain in one side of the head, in paroxysms, Sep. 9. Beating pain in both sides of the head, on entering the room after dinner, with sensation as if screwed together and external sensitiveness of the scalp, Tongo. 10. Pain in both sides of the head, as if dashed to pieces, Tabac. 11. ----, as if one half of the skull were cut through, less in the open air, Mosch. 12. Tensive pain as. if one side of the head were put upon the stretch, from the nape of the neck, across the ear, to the eyes, when coughing, Each. 13. Stinging pain in one side of the head, increased by raising the eyes or head, or by stooping, with for- getful ness and nausea, Caps. 14. Darting pain from the parietal bones to the throat, China. 15. Dull, stitching pain in parietal bone, evening, Natr. mur. 16. Pains, darting or aching on one side of the head, Kal. bichr. 17. Pain in the outer side of the pa- rietal bone, as if caused by a dull point, Ipec. 18. Dull, drawing pain in the tem- poral region, Cascar. 19. Painful drawing in the mastoid process behind the ear, Gent. cruc. )Q. Boring pain in the temporal bone, Carb. a. 21. Boring pain in side of head and occiput, Natr. mur. 22. ----pain at a small spot in one side of the head, Hepar. sulph. Pressure. Simple pressure. 1. Pressure in the head, changing from the left to the right side, Agar. 2. Dull pressure at a small spot in both parietal bones, near the ver- tex, for several hours every day, especially in the forenoon, excited by the smell of unclean clothes, and less in the open air, Carb. an. 3. Pressure in sides of head, thence over the whole face, Natr. sulph. 4. Semilateral headache, like pres- sure, going off by sitting erect, Cicuta virosa. 5. Pressure in the sides of the head, with beating, Bov. 6, ----below the ear, Arum m. Pressure from without inwards. 1. Hard, painful pressure as if on the brain, on the side on which he is lying, at night on waking, Phos. ac. 2. Pressure from before backwards. in both sides of the head, Magn sulph. Pressure from ivithin outwards. 1. Pressing pain in the temporal bones, from within outward, Rhod. 2. ----, from within outwards, in the parietal bones, Merc. sol. 3. ----, from within outwards, in the temporal region, Atham. 4. Pressure in both sides of the head, from within outwards, Asar. Pressure and tension. Pressure and tension in the sides of the head, Dig. Pressure and tearing. Pressure and tearing pain in the re- gion of the right and left temporal bo#e, increased by contact, Arg. STITCHES, DARTINGS. —TEARING, 181 Crampy, pinching Sensation. 1. Crampy headache on one side, commencing with obscuration of sight and luminous vibrations; he is unable to speak, every word he utters shakes the brain, Sassap. 2. Pain, as if both parietal bones, were pinched by a pair of pincers, Phos. ac. 3. Crampy pressure in parietal bones, increasing during motion, Phos. ac. 4. Crampy, pinching headache, from the temple to the forehead and nose, Mez. 5. ----pains in the sides of the head, Squil, Contractive Sensation. Contractive headache above the tem- ples, when reading; he has to read several things twice, is unable to chain his attention, Agn. Compressive Sensation. i impressive sensation in both sides of head, with hot feeling, Magn, mur. Constrictive Sensation. 1. Constrictive pain in both sides of the head, with dull headache, Phell. £. Constriction of the head above the ears, with pressure below either temple, in direction of the ears, Lack. 3. Giddiness and constriction in the sides of the head, Atham, Sensation as if screwed in. \. Sensation as if both sides of the head were in a vice, AEth. 2. -----, as if the head were screwed in on both sides, most violent when raising the head, Ind. 3. Painful sensation in the sides of the head, as if screwed in, going oft* in the open air. Kal. hyd. 4. Painful screwing on both sides of the head, followed by a tearing at a small spot in the parietal bone, and afterwards in the occipital bone, on the left side, Bar. carb. 5. Frequent pain in both sides of the head, as if between screws, in the evening, Zinc met. Stitches, Dartings. 1. Stitches in the sides of the head, Caust. 2. Stitching in one side of head, Puis. 3. Beating stitches over the eye, in one side of the head, Petrol. 4. Dull stitches in right and left side of head, with ill-humour, Magn. mur. 5. Fine, painful stitches in parietal bone and forehead, Natr. mur. 6. Stitches in the temporal region, with chilliness over the whole body, Hyper, per. 7. ----, in the temporal regions, Dig. 8. Jerking stitches, first in the right., afterwards in the left temporal re- gion, Cycl, 9. Stitches in the side of the head, after dinner, and in the evening, Bar. carb. 10. Lancinations in temporal bone, Sassap. 11. Shootings, from the side of the head to the root of nose, and in ball of right thumb, Phos. 12. Dartings from the temporal re- gions to the vertex, through the head, Berb. v. 13. Violent pricking as with a doll needle, in the side of the head, deep in the brain, Ind. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Darting, through one side of the head, Bry. 2. Several times, when taking an inspiration, lancination from the temple to the forehead, Anac 3. Violent stitch in upper part of right and left side of head, Magn. mur. Tearing. I. Tearing in the temporal regions. lod. HROBBING.—BORING, &c. 182 DRAWING.—BEATING, T 2. Tearing, from the ears to the temple, Lack. 3. ----, in the sides of the head, Dig. 4. ----, in right and left side of head, and at the back of the head, Mercurial. 5. ----, in the sides of the head, in the right side the tearing is attend- ed with a bruised pain extending to the ear, in the left side the tear- ing is relieved by rubbing, or is succeeded by stinging in the left side of the forehead, Grat. TEARING AND STITCHES. 1. Sticking and tearing in upper re- gion of parietal bone, Plumb, ac. 2. Tearing and stitches in both sides of the head, Magn. mur. 3. ——, with dartings in the side of the head, particularly the right side, Canth. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the sides of the head, Nitr. ac. Plat. 2.----, behind the ears, extending to the mastoid process, China. 3. ----, in the sides of the head which makes one feel giddy, Dig. DRAWING, WITH PRESSURE. Drawing, with slight pressure, in the sides of the skull, Clematis erecla. Semilateral drawing, pulling with tearing and dartings in the head ; sometimes withdrawing in the eye- lids causing them to be raised, or with roaring and tingling in the ears, Aeon. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Beating in the temporal region, Cast. 2. ----, in one side of the head, as far as above the eye, Ars. 3. Beating in the head, in the side on which she is resting, Sep. 4. Throbbing in one of the hemi- spheres of the brain, Cham. Boring. 1. Boring in the parietal bones, from without inward, with sensation as if the parts would burst, in the evening, Zinc. met. BORING, DIGGING. 1. Digging, boring and slight jerking in one side of the head, early, after waking, increased by coughing and by bending the head backwards, Aur. Coldness. 1. Feeling of coldness in the tem- poral region, Berb. v. 2. Cold sensation at a small place of the parietal bone, (afterwards also in other places of the head,) as from a drop of cold water, Cann. Noises. 1. Buzzing, like a double pulsation in the region of the ear, when lying on it, on either side, Spong. Grumbling. 1. Grumbling in the temporal bones, Sulph. ac. 1. Dull jerks in both temporal re- gions, Lact. 2. Jerks through both sides of the head, especially in the temples, as far as the occiput, whenever he gives a jerk with his arms, or sets his foot down firmly, Spong. Shocks. 1. A ihock in one side of the head, in the morning, in bed, Magn. p. arct. DRAWING, WITH TEARING. Jerks. LEFT SIDE OF THE HEAD—HEADACHE, &c. 183 Tightness. 1. Sticking tightness at a small place in the side of the brain, when stooping ; when stooping, the pain affected one of the left upper teeth, and disappeared again after raising the head, Dig. Creeping. 1. Creeping in the temporal region, Rheum. LEFT SIDE OF THE HEAD. Heaviness. 1. Oppressive heaviness, with feel- ing of emptiness in the left brain, Stann. 2. Great heaviness in the left half of the head, Kal. carb. 3. Weight in the left side of the head, worse in bed, Am. carb. Headache. 1. Hemicrania, (on the left side,) Brom. 2. Headache on the left side of the head, Alum. 3. ----, on the left side, worse by pressure, or writing, Lye. 4. ----, in the left side, frequently, lod. 5. Dull headache in the region of the left parietal bone, improved by pressure, Mez. 6. Dull headache, from the left side of the nape of the neck, across the vertex, and terminating in a stitch in the top of the head, Guaiac. 7. Headache, wandering from the left ear to the left temple, worse when stooping, Brom. 8. ----, in left side and occiput, as if the parts were sore, Rhus tox. 9. Boring headache, above the eye- lids, or in the left side of the head, Lauroc. 10. Cramping and cutting headache, above and behind the left ear, Carb. v. 11. Drawing headache in left tem- poral bone, affecting the whole head, with dull and dizzy sensation in the head, Kreas. Aching. 1. Sharp aching on the left side, over the forehead, Jod. 2. Aching in the left side, or tem- ple, JCal. chl. 3. ----, in the left side of the head. sometimes shifting to the right side, Lauroc. 4. Aching pain over the left tem- poral region, externally, Magn. p. arct. 5. Violent, aching pain, deep in the head, behind the left eye, Kal. nitr. 6. Aching, under the left parietal bone, Mez. 7. ----, in the region of the left parietal bone, externally, Arg. 8. ----, with drawing, in the left half of the head, from the ear to the top of the head, Am. 9. Aching pain at a small spot, where the left temporal bone unites with the parietal, Ran. bulb. 10. Aching pain in the left temporal region, resembling a fine tearing, going off by moving the head, Cina. Pressure. Simple Pressure. 1. Pressing pain in left side of head, after dinner, Poson. 2. Pressure in left side of forehead, or head, Sassap. 3. ----, in the brain, behind the left ear, Phos. ac. 4. ----, in the region of the left parietal bone, Agn. 5. ----, in left side of head, Mur. ac. 6.----, in the left parietal bone. Cic. vir. 7. ----, in the left half of the brain. Euphor. 8. ----, in the left side of the head, **4 LEFT SIDE OF THE HEAD. with burning in the temple; it extends to the root of the nose and upper teeth, Col. 9.----, in the left hemisphere of the brain, Spig. 10. Sharp, painful pressure, below the left parietal bone, after sup- per, Sulph. 11. Pressure in the left hemisphere, when stooping, abating when rais- ing the head again, immediately, Angust. 12. ----, in the left parietal bone, with a dull pain, Thuj. 13. Stupifying pressure on the whole left side of the head and face, Verb. Pressure from within outward. 1. Painful pressure in left temporal bone, from within outward, Sab. 2. Pain in the left side of the head, pressing from within outwards; the pain is also in the right side of the occiput, Kal. carb. 3. Pressure from within outward, in the left side, Asa. f. Pressure from without inward. 1. Pressure in the left temporal bone, as if pressed in, Calc. carb. 2. Violent pressure from without inwards, in the left temporal bone, as if stupified, Verb. Compression. 1. Compressive, pinching headache in the left side, Kal. carb. 2. Compressive headache in the left temple and behind the ears, less when sitting, Asar. Crampy Sensation. 1. Cramp-like sensation in the left side of the head, with subsequent feeling of warmth, Thuj. Sensation as if screwed in, J. Sensation in left side of head, near the ear, as of being pressed upon with a screw, Sulph. ac. Pressure, with drawing. 1. Drawing pressure in.the left hah of the head, Jod. 2. ----, in the left brain, from the occiput to the forehead, as if the cerebral mass were accumulating, Hell. Pressure with stitches. 1. Shooting pressure in the left brain, Verb. 2. Pressure, with frequent stitches in left side of head, morning. Sassap. 3. Feeling of heaviness and pres- sure in left side of head, with occasional shooting stitches, Sabin. Pains. 1. Dull pain, in left half of head. Phos. 2. Severe-pain in left side of head. especially the eye; at the same time similar pain in left foot, Sang. can. 3. Pain in the left side of the head. extending to the left eye, Brom. 4. Dead pain over the left eye. Brom. 5. Pain in left parietal bone, like megrim, worse when speaking, Nux jug I. 6. Dull pain in the left temporal region, worse when he shakes the head, Lact. 7. Dull pain in the left side of the head, spreading as a contractive pain, to the right temple, the ear, and throat, where it is especially acute, during deglutition, Croc 8. \ iolent, continuous pain in left temporal region, when walking, going off when standing, Tarax. 9. Heavy pain in the left part of the head, in the course of the coro- nal suture, Fluor ac. ■ 10. Steady pain in the region of the left temporal bone, Evon. 11. Dull pain in the left half of the head, Zinc. met. PAINS. ' 185 DRAWING PAIN. I. Drawing pain in the left side of the head, Anac. 2. ----, internally, along the left parietal bone, Menyan. 3. ----, in the left side of the head, as far as the teeth, lod. 4. Dull, drawing pain in the left brain, towards the temple, Dros. 5. Drawing pain over the left tem- poral bone, going off by pressure, and returning with increased vio- lence immediately after, Ant. c DRAWING, TEARING PAIN. 1. Pain in the left side of the head, at first a light and drawing pain, but afterwards more violent and tearing; when the pain had reached its achate, it became excessive, as if a nerve had been torn in twain ; ended suddenly when it had reach- ed its highest degree of violence, Arg. 2. Drawing-tearing pain in the left side of the head, Cina. 3. Painful, tearing drawing in the left half of the head, from the eye- ball to the occiput, Colch. DRAWING-STICKING PAIN. 1. Drawing-sticking pain, from the left temple towards the vertex, across the forehead, Tabac. PAIN, AS IF CUT. 1. Sudden pain in the left parietal bone, as if the bone were cut to pieces, with shuddering all over the body, Kal. carb. f BORING PAIN. 1. Painful boring in left side of head, Magn. carb. 2. Boring-aching, stupifying pain in the left brain, on the surface, Stann. TEARING-BORING PAIN. 1. Tearing-boring pain in the left temporal region, Rhod. STUPIFYING PAIN. 1. Stupifying pain in the head, above the left ear, as if some blunt instrument were pressed in, Dulc. CRAMP-PAIN. 1. Cramp-like pain in the left tem- poral muscle, Cocc. BEATING, THROBBING PAIN. 1. Throbbing pain in left .side of head, afternoon, Nitr. ac. 2. Painful throbbing and beating in the left side of the head and occi- put, sometimes with yawning, Am. carb. 3. Pain and throbbing in the left side of the head, with stitches in the left ear, and behind the right, Kalm. lat. 4. Beating, throbbing pain in the upper part of the left side of the head; more violent and lancina- ting when pressing on the part, rather externally, Kal. carb. STICKING, SHOOTING PAIN. 1. Dull stitching pain in left side of head, as from a nail, night, Natr. mur. 2. Sticking pain in the left hemi- sphere, Mez. 3. Sharp, shooting, undulating pain, from the satura interparietalis to the left temple, for about two sec- onds, the undulating lasts a little longer, and it is only when the un- dulation is nearly over that the mind takes cognizance of the whole of it; the pain produces in the. mind an idea of some impending danger; the undulation may be compared to that of the streak left on a wall, by the friction of a phos- phoric match, Fluor, ac. 4. Violent sticking pain in the left side of the head, Fer. 5. Continuous sticking pain in left side of head, Tarax. 186 . STITCHES. BORE PAIN. 1. Aching sore pain in left brain when lying, going off by sitting up, Rhod. 2. Bruised pain in left parietal bone, Rat. S. Sudden contusive pain, at a small spot in the left parietal bone, Plat. 4. Pain as if bruised in the upper part of the left temporal region, Ho3m. campech. RHEUMATIC PAIN. 1. Rheumatic pain in a small cir- cumscribed spot of the left parie- tal bone excited by contact, or breath of air with prosopalgia of one side of the face and swelling of the lower jaw, Aeon. DIGGING PAIN. 1. Violent pain in the left side of the head, like a digging in the brain ? Kal. hyd. DRAWING-OPPRESSIVE PAIN. 1. Drawing oppressive pain in the left temporal muscle, sometimes with pressure in the upper row of teeth; by pressing upon the tem- ples, the pain is changed to an op- pressive headache in the forehead, Calc. carb. 2. Drawing and oppressive pain in the region of the left eyebrow, or in the temporal bone, Calc. carb. TEARING-DARTING PAIN. 1. Painful tearing and darting deep in the brain, in the left temporal region, Ind. OPPRESSIVE PAIN. 1. Oppressive pain in the left side of the head, Hydr. ac. ALTERNATE PAINS, SUCH AS : DRAWING, PRESSURE, &C. 1. Alternation of pains in the left side of the head, such as, drawing, pressure, crampy pains, tightness, bruised sensations, extending to the teeth and orbits. Crotal. TEARING PAIN. 1. Tearing pain in the left side of the head, in the afternoon, Lauroc ACHING-DRAWING PAIN. 1. Aching drawing pain under the left temporal bone, Rhodod. Stitches, Lancinations, &c. STITCHES. 1. Short, violent stitches in left tem- poral region, Rhodod. 2. Sharp stitches in the left side of the head, in the evening, in bed, Plat. 3. Dull stitches from left side of the head to the nape of the neck, Sassap. 4. Stitches in the left side of the head after tearing and beating in the right, AEth. 5. Stitches in the left side of the head, early, Niccol. 6. Dull stitches in the left temporal bone, spreading all round in a cir- cle, Caust. 7. Erratic, slow stitches in the left side of the head above the eye, Caust. 8. Sharp stitches through the left side of the head, Anac. Guaiac. 9. Dull stitches in left parietal bone, when stooping to the right side, with boring near the left ear, Magn. mur. 10. Studies in left side of head and occiput, Magn. mur. 11. Single stitches in left brain, to- wards the vertex, Menyan. 12. Stitches in left side of head, on exerting the arm, Natr. sulph. 13. Fine stitches in left side of head, Natr. carb. 14. Sticking in left side of head and right side of occiput, Millef. IN LEFT SIDE 15. Stitches in the left side of the head, also in the temple, or pro- ceeding from an old cicatrix, Lach. 16. Dull stitches in the left side of the head from the occiput to the frontal eminence, or alternately, here or there, Bar. carb. 17. Deep, sharp, intermittent stitch- es, between the left frontal emi- nence and the protuberance of the left parietal bone, Verb. 18. Violent intermittent sticking, deep-seated, behind the protube- rance of the left parietal bone, Verb. 19. Frequent stitches in the left side of the head, in the afternoon ; al- so in the occiput, in the evening, Sep. LANCINATIONS. 1. Lancinations from the vertex to the left ear, Agar. 2. Lancinations with tearing in the left side of the head and in the oc- ciput, AEth. 3. Lancinations in the skull or on the surface of the brain, in front of the left ear, towards the ante- rior part of the face, Arg. Boring lancinations. 1. Boring lancinations in the left temporal region, from within out- wards, going off when sitting or touching the parts, Calc. carb. SHOOTING. 1. Shootings in left half of head, Rhodod. 2. Shootings in the left side of the head close along the ear, Anac. DRAWING STITCHES. 1. Single drawing stitches in the left temporal region, going off when touching the parts, Cycl. 2. Dull drawing stitches from the left parietal bone to the frontal protuberance where all the lanci- nations terminate in one, Guaiac. 3. Drawing stitches in the mastoid OF HEAD. 187 process of the left side, at a small place, which is extremely painful even afterwards, especially when the head is turned or touched, Bar. carb. TREMULOUS STITCHES. 1. Dull tremulous stitches on the left side of the head, Anac. PULSATIVE STITCHES. 1. Pulsative stitches in the left pari- etal bone, Calc carb. DARTINGS. 1. Dartings from before backwards, in lower part of left brain, Nitr. ac. STICKING WITH PRESSURE. 1. Sticking with pressure in left brain, Sabin. 2. Stitches and pressure in the left side, in the room, Am. mur. GNAWING STITCHING. 1. Dull gnawing stitching at a small spot in the left parietal bone, in paroxysms, Plat. TEARING STITCHES. 1. Tearing stitches, from the left parietal bone to the frontal region, Con. m. PRICKINGS. 1. Prickings in the left side of the head, or with boring, Lauroc. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Long dull stitch, on the left side, over the forehead, early in bed, Mez. 2, Slow pressing, drawing stitch, from the left side of the occiput to the forehead, Chel. 3. Stitch in left parietal bone, with a blow on the opposite side follow- ed by a stitch, Millef. 188 TEARING, BEATING, THROBBING, PULSATIONS, &c. 4. Stitch with a feeling of dilatation in the parts, beginning in the left side of the head, traversing the left side of the occiput, and ter- minating at the cervical verte- . brae, Bar* carb. 5. Throbbing stitch from the left parietal bone to the forehead, on leaning the head on the hand, Tongo. 6. Slow long stitch through the left brain, from behind forwards, with pressure, Verb. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the left side of the head, Bry. < 2. Tearing in the left half of the head, from the nose, Carb. v. 3. Violent tearings through the left side of the head, Carb. v. 4. Tearing in the left half of the head, with drawing in the left arm, Carb. v. 5. Tearing in the left side of the head, especially the forehead and temple, with swelling of the pain- ful side, Caust. 6. Tearing on the left side behind the ear and in the occiput to the nape of the neck, Ambr. 7. Tearing behind the left ear, as far as the vertex, with a sensation as if the head were cleft, Am. carb. 8. Tearing in left side of head and teeth of right side, changing to a headache, Mercurial. 9. Tearing in left side of head and nape of neck, Niccol. 10. Tearing in the right temple, in the left half of the head, extend- ing to the vertex, Colch. 11. Tearing in the left side of head, Guaiac. 12. Tearing in the left half of the head, starting from a hollow tooth, Bor. 13. Tearing, apparently in the left temporal bone and over the left mastoid process, Arg. 14. Sharp tearing in the vertex and left parietal bone, Zinc. met. 15. Pushing tearing in the head be- hind the left ear when sitting. Magnet p. arct. 1G. Lancinating tearing, internally, from the left parietal bone to the vertex, when standing, in the morning, Mang. 17. Throbbing and tearing in left side of head, during the menses. Natr. carb. 18. Digging tearing, particularly ic the left parietal bone, when walk- ing and making a wrong step. worse towards evening, Spig. 19. Burning tearing in left side of head and at the occipital protube- rance, 01. an. 20. Drawing tearing in left side of head, Mang. 21. Drawing tearing in the left half of the head, Zinc met. 22. Tearing, with pressure, in left side of head, Sassap. 23. Tearing in left brain, with pres- sure, and confusion, Agar. 24. Violent tearing with pressure through the left brain, especially in the forehead, gradually increas- ing and decreasing^ Staph. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Beatings in the left side of the head with dulness of that side and grumbling in the upper teeth, Kreas. 2. Beating in the left side of the head worse on stooping, Lauroc. 3. Single beat at a small spot in the left side of the head, which feels bruised after that, Lauroc. 4. Beating in the left temporal re- gion, Hyper, per. 5. Beating in a small spot in the left side, Bov. 6. Headache after drinking milk, like a hard beating in the left side, and a hard pulse in that part; re- lieved by turning to the right side, with his arms over the head, Brom. 7. Beating in left side of head, to- COLDNESS, JERKS, DRAWING, &c 189 wards the vertex, followed by I tearing in left parietal bone and stitches in the head, Tongo. 8. Throbbing in left side of head, with heat and heaviness in fore- head, Magn. mur. 9. Throbbing, in the left side of the head, with trembling of the limbs and muscular debility, Cinch. sulph. 10. Throbbing and bubbling in the left temporal bone as from an ul- cer, extending to the vertex and the lower jaw, with twitching and. contraction of the eyelids which seem to have grown smaller, Kreas. 11. Throbbing with stitches in the left side of the head, Bar. carb. 12. Jerking pulsations above the left mastoid process, Kreas. 13. Pulsations in the left half of the head and face, Croc. 14. Hammering in left side of head. on entering the room (with itching' of the outer parts,) 01. an. Coldness, Chilliness. 1. Sudden cooling sensation at a small spot of the left parietal bone, as if a drop of water had dropped upon it, Croc. 2. Coldness of left side of head, with pain deep in the ear, Phos. 3. Chilliness of left side of head, with sensation as if the hair would rise on end, Lob. inf. Jerks. 1. Pushes and jerks in the left side of the head, Spig. 2. Violent jerks, or dull stitches in the left brain, from the orbit to the parietal and occipital bones, shortly after a meal, Nux. vom. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the left side of the head and forehead ; jerking in the right occipital bone, Canth. 2. Drawing in the left and upper part of the head, down to the nose, 'Colch. 3. Rheumatic drawing in the left side of the head, Sep. 4. Tearing drawing in the left half of the head, above, in front of, and in the temple, Kal, carb. Tension, Tightness. 1. Tightness on the left side of the head, Caust. 2. Tension and, pressure in the right side of the head, as from a blunt instrument, pressed through the head from above downwards, Calc. carb. 3. Tension and burning, at a small spot on the left parietal bone, Bar. carb. Digging. 1. Digging in the left side of the head, when sitting, Chin. 2. Digging-up, incisive motion, through the left brain, from the occiput to the left frontal protu- berance, recurring frequently, and decreasing rapidly, Arg. nit. Boring. 1. Boring in left side of head, Magn. mur. 2. -----, in left side of head, with internal heat, Magn. sulph. IVoises. 1. Numb feeling and humming, in the left brain and ear, Thuj. 2. Sense as of splashing in the left brain, when walking fast, Carb, a. 3. Cracking, in the left brain, Cham. Pressing and Forcing. 1. In the evening, after an animated conversation, heat in the face, and a pressing and forcing, deep to- wards the left; passes to the left upper jaw, as if the teeth ached, even on those places where the I 190 RIGHT SIDE C roots of the teeth had been ex- tracted a year ago, Fluor, ac. Twitching. 1. Twitching at a small place under the skin of the left parietal bone; when pressing upon the place, it feels painful, as if bruised, August. Fulness. 1. Fulness in the left parietal bone, Fluor ac. Shock. 1. Shock in the left parietal bone, (externally) ; soon after, a similar shock in the outer left ear, when sitting, Ind. Empty Feeling. 1. The left side of the head feels empty, Merc. RIGHT SIDE OF THE HEAD. Heaviness. 1. Weight in the right side, Am. carb. Headache. 1. Headache, in right side of head ; she was unable to open her eyes, and keep her head erect, Petrol. 2. Sensation, on stooping, as if a headache were setting in, on the right side, Calc. carb. 3. Sudden headache, on the right side, Grat. 4. Dull headache in the right brain, when coming from the open air into the warm room, Spong. 5. Headache, affecting the right side of the head and face, with chilli- ness, coldness, and tremor of the body and jaws, Carb. v. ©. Momentary, drawing headache, on the right side, from behind for- wards, recurring at periods, Croc. 7. In the morning, drawing and op- pressive headache in the right side | F THE HEAD. of the head, with pressure in the lower jaw, August. 8. Digging-up headache, in the right side, Arg. n. 9. Jerking headache, in the right side of the head and forehead, Caust. 10. Headache, in the right temporal region, after breakfast, giddiness, and ineffectual desire to vomit, Ind. Aching. JL Aching in the right temporal bone, and in both temples, Caust. 2.----, in the right temporal re- gion, with obstruction in the right nostril, Chel. 3. Tight aching in the right side of the head, rather in the bones, Clem. erec. 4. Aching pain in the right tem- poral region, Lam. alb. 5. ----, in the right temporal bone, Lauroc. G. ----, in the right side of the head, disappearing afterwards, Croc. 7. ----, in the right brain, towards the back, Con. m. 8. Hard, aching pain in the right side of the head, pulsative, Zinc. m. 9. Aching pain in the right side of the head, in the region of the pa- rietal bone, where the pain is in- creased by contact, or at times in one temple, at times in the region of the left mastoid process, Lauroc. 10. Stupifying ache in the right hemi- sphere, from the occiput to the forehead, Mez. 11. Aching with gnawing, on the right side, in the upper head, as low down as the ear; this pain is occa- sioned by a transitory, gnawing pain in a hollow tooth, Bell. 12. A biting and aching in the right half of the head, like the sensation which one experiences in the nose, during an unsuccessful attempt at * sneezing, early on waking, Carb. v. 13. Stinging ache, below the right parietal bone, Euphorb. ACHING, PAINS. 191 Pains. 1. Pain in right parietal bone, on making pressure upon it, Tabac. 2. The pain in the right side of the head shifts to the right leg, and hack again, Sulph. 3. Pain in the right side of the head ; heaviness, fulness and pres- sure, for several evenings, Arg. n. 4. Jerking pains in the upper part of the right hemisphere, Kreas. 5. Beating pain in right half of head, Rhod. 0. Throbbing pain deep in the brain, right side, Phos. 7. Pushing-beating pain in the right side of the head, with a general feeling of uncomfortableness, Arg. nit. 8. Twitching pain in the right side of the head, Graph. 9. Painful dragging from right tem- poral bone to ear, with otalgia, Prun. sp. 10. Drawing pain, at a small spot on the right side of the head, Phos. 11. ----pain, in right side of head, malar bone and jaw, Calc carb. 12. -----pain, in right brain, termi- nating in the occiput, Menyan. 13. ---- pain in the right brain, towards the occiput, Dros. 14. Painful drawing, from the right ear to the vertex, Gum gutti. 15. Sudden, painful drawing from the occipital bone across the right ear, as far as the lower jaw, Bar. c. 16. Drawing pain, when at rest, in the right side of the head, and in the right arm, Bell. 17. ---- pain, from the occipital bone to the middle of the frontal bone, across the right temporal bone, externally, Arg. 18. A current of air causes a draw- ing pain in the right side of the head, Valer. 19. Feeling as if bruised, in the right side, extending into the eye, early, Bov. 20. Pain, as from a blbw, on the right side of the head, and in front Plat. 21. Aching, sore pain, in right brain and cerebellum, when sitting, Rhod. 22. Painful soreness in the right parietal protuberance, Eupat. perf 23. Soreness of the right side of the head, Sulph, 24. Stinging pain in the right side of the head, then in the ear, Ind. 25. Stitching pain in right side of head and occiput, also when touch- ing the parts, Nitr. ac. 26. Pain in the upper part of the right side of the head, smarting and stinging in the bone, as it were, from behind forward, espe- cially in the evening, for several days, Agn.' 27. Lancinating pain, through the right side of the head, Brom. 28. Dull, sticking pain in right tem- poral region, which is painful to the touch, Plumb, ac. 29. Darting pain under the right parietal bone, aggravated by cough- ing : the pain extends through the right shoulder to the middle of the arm ; the upper and lower jaw are likewise affected by the pain, which is here alleviated by press- ing upon the part, Cim. lact. 30. Violent, darting pain in the upper part of the right parietal bone, early after rising, going off after exercise, Ind. 31. 'Sharp, darting pain, from near the posterior superior angle of the right parietal bone to the mastoid process of the right parietal bone, Fluor ac, 32. Boring pain, behind the right ear, Ran. seel. 33. ----pain, in right temporal re- gion, from without, inwards, Pmon. 84. Flashing pain, from right tem- poral bone, through the brain to occiput, Prun. sp. 35. Tearing pain, in the brain, close over the right temple, Anac. 36. Painful tearing from right side of head to the eye, Magn. mur. 192 PRESSURE, STITCHES, &c. 37. Painful tearing in right parietal bone, Mill, 38. Painful sensation, as if a heavy board were lodged in the right side of the head, Eug. 89. Painful, griping-tearing in the right side of the head, extending to the fore part, when sitting, Ind. Pressure. 1. Painful pressure in right brain, down to left lower molares, Sabad. 2. Pressure in right parietal bone, increased by external pressure, or attended with dragging, distensive pressing in the head, inducing a loss of ideas, Prun. sp. 3. ----, from sinciput to eye, right side, Phos. 4. ----, from right parietal bone to the occiput, through the' brain. Prun. spe. 5. ----, in the right anterior lobe of the cerebrum, and the right side of the nasal bone, Brom. 6. Hard pressure in the right tem- poral bone and vertex, Staph. 7. Pressure in right side of head, Natr. sulph. 8. Pressing in the right side of the head, with heaviness, dulness and congestions, particularly on stoop- ing, Each. 9. Pressure in the right temporal bone, or also sticking, Evon. 10. ----, in the right brain, from time to time, Hep. sulph, 11. Painful pressure on the right side of the head and neck, descending, Spong. 12, When waking, pain in right pa- rietal bone and forehead, pressing from within outwards, Cina. 13. Painful pressure through the right brain, Bar. carb. 14. Painful pressure in the right pa- rietal bone, from within outward, when lying, Spong. 15. Pressure in the right side of the head, from within outwards; pain, as if the head would burst, when | coughing, or talking very loud, Spig. 16. Painful pressure, through the right side of the head, Stann. 17. Violent, painful pressure in the right brain, from within outwards, Verb. 18. Pressure in the right side of the cranium, from without inwards, when rising, after stooping, Kal. carb. 19. ----, in the right side of the head, with violent stitches, Anac. 20. Painful sensation in right side of head, as if screwed in, Mill. 21. Pain, at a small spot in the up- per and right side of the head, as if screwed in, thenc^ extending, Kal. hyd. 22. Pressure, with tearing, in the head, from the occiput to the fore- head, in the left side of the vertex, more violent during motion, Aur. 23. ----, with tearing, in the right brain, Verb. 24. Burning pressure in right tem- poral bone, Rhus tox. 25. Pressure and trembling over the right ear, towards the occiput, Arg. 26. Dull pressure in right parietal bone, as from a plug, Plat. 27. Stupifying pressure in right side of head, as from a dull iustrument, Oleand. 28. Pressure, as from a plug, in the right parietal bone, in the left side, in the temples, Asaf. 29. Sensation in right parietal bone, as if a nail were driven in, disap- pearing on touching the part, Thuj, Stitches, Lancinations, &c. 1. Sticking in right side of head, Par. quad. 2. Violent, single stitches in the right brain, Camph. 3. Sharp stitches in the right side of the head, from without inwards, Alum. 4. Stitches in right side of head, from within outwards, passing off TEARING IN THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE HEAD. 193 when turning to the other side, in bed, Magn. carb. 5. Dull, painful stitches in anterior corner of right parietal bone, Magn. carb. 6. Stitches in the right brain, Cocc. 7. ----, on the right side, as if com- ing out of the brain, Helleborus. 8. Dull stitches in the\ right tem- poral region, in any position, Cycl. 9. Stitches, deep in the right part of the head, with running of pus out of' the left ear, violent stitch- es, tickling in the left ear, follow- ed by sharp hearing, Bor. 10. Sticking in right side of head, particularly when laughing, or suc- ceeded by tearing in the ear, Tongo. 11. Stitches in the right side, early, or like boring, with dulness, and causing him to exclaim, Bov. 12. Lancinations on the right side, as far as the eye, Calc. carb. 13. Violent lancinations, with pres- sure, in right side of head, they make him shudder, Sassap. 14. Stinging in the right temporal region, Kal. chl. 15. Violent dartings through the right brain, leaving a sensation of ten- sion, and as of pressing asunder, Calc. carb. 16. Darting from the vertex to the right side of the head, Elec. 17. Darting in the upper part of the right parietal bone, Kal. hyd. 18. Cutting, as if a piece were cut off the right parietal bone, Each. 19. Cutting, in the upper portion of the right parietal bone, and in the stomach, when stooping, going off after raising the head, Ind. 20. Prickings in the right side of the head and in the temples, Gummi gutti. 21. Stitches and tearing from right side of head to the eye, Magn. mur. 22. Tearing and darting from with- out inwards, in right side of head, Magn. carb. 23. Stitches in right side of head ; afterwards, when moving the head Vol. III.—13 to the left side, tearing sensation in right side of occiput, Magn. carb. 24. ----, in right parietal bone, fol- lowed by violent tearing in the right lobule and around the ear, Mur. ac 25. Sticking and tearing in the right side of the head, at night, Zinc. oxyd. 26. Sticking, with pressure, in the right side of the head, Each. 27. Stitches and throbbing, in right side of head, after dinner, Magn. carb. 28. ----, in the right side of the head, with beating and throbbing, Lauroc. 29. In right side, sticking changed to throbbing, Canth. Single stitch. 1. Stitch in right side of head, after which the part feels bruised, Rat. 2. ----, in right side of head, with bruised feeling in temple, Niccol 3. ----, on the right side of the head, as with a coarse needle, with vacant condition of the mind, as if he had lost his senses, Kreas. 4. ----, through the right side of the head ; from behind forwards, Kal. carb. 5. Drawing, tearing lancination, with pressure, in the right side of the head, Guaiac. 6. Stitch, from the right parietal bone through the occiput, Tongo, 7. Lancination through the right brain, from the occiput to the fore: head, Thuj. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the right side of head. Ammoniac, Carb. a., Gran., Mosch. Teucr. 2. ----, in the right parietal bone, Canth. 3. ----, in right brain, from occiput to forehead, Sabin. 4. —■—, in upper and right side of head, as if pulled by a hair, when sitting, Phos. 5. Violent tearing from below up- 194 BEATING, THROBBING.—DIGGING, &c. ward, in right side of head; when sitting, Phos. 6. Fine tearing in the right side of the head, in the evening, during a walk, Cast. 7. Tearings in the right side of the head, face, and neck, and subse- quent humming in the left ear, Anac. 8. Tearing, deep in right ear, when raising the head after stooping, Mang. 9. ——, in the head, behind the right ear, with sensation as of a shock, moving to the front of the head, Magnet, p. arct. 10. ----, in the right side of the head, from the occiput to the fore- head, China. 11. Violent tearing in right temple and side, (during the menses,) Natr. carb. 12. Tearing in the right temporal region, Lact. 13. Violent tearing, in the right side of the head, in the evening, Graph. 14. Fine tearing at a small spot in the right parietal bone, deep in the bone, Bar, carb. 15. Tearing in the right side of the head and in the teeth, in the after- noon, Zinc. met. 16. ----, from right temple to the bones of face or to the vertex, with chilliness over the back from below upwards, shaking, chattering of teeth, not diminished by the warmth of the stove, Natr. sulph. 17. Drawing tearing over the right ear, Mang. 18. Tearing in right parietal bone, sometimes with stitches extending to the forehead and margin of or- bit, sometimes with tickling in left ear and burning in concha, Mur. ac. 19. ----, and darting in right side of head, Millef. 20. ----, in right side of head, after- noon, with sticking, Niccol. -21. Tearings, with shootings, deep in the brain, behind the right ear, re- newed by touching the parts, Bar. carb. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Fine beating in right side of head, Rhus tox. 2. Pecking beating in right side of head, when walking, Magn. sulph. 3. Beating in the right side of the head, with stitches, sometimes aggravated by stooping, Lauroc. 4. Slow, pulsative beating in right side of head, 01. an. 5. Beating in the right side of the head, on the outer side, Bry. 6. Throbbing, deep in the right side, Canth. 7.----, in the right side of the head, in the afternoon, reluming several days in succession, Graph. 8. Thumping in the side of the head, above'the right ear,Eupat. perf. 9. Beating and gnawing in right parietal bone, evening, Phos. 10. ----, with tearing in the right side of the head, Alum. 11. ----, in the forehead and right side of the head, with stitches, Alum. Digging. 1. Digging in the right brain, when Walking, Clematis erecta. 2. Digging-up and tumultuous rag- ing in the right brain, until he lost his senses; if the pain abates in the forehead, it increases in the side of the head and occiput; the pain increases during motion, when vertigo accompanies it, to such an extent that he walks to the left. side, instead of walking straight, Arg. nit. Darting-Tearing. Darting-tearing from the right tem- poral region to the inner head, Pozon. Boring and Throbbing. Boring and throbbing in the right DIGGING, WITH PRESSURE, &c. 195 side of the headj in the eheek; worse by motion, Bell. Digging, with Pressure. Digging, with pressure in 'the right brain, with tearing in the jaws, ex- tending to a painful gland, Bry. Sensation as of a foreign body. Sensation in the right brain, as if a large, foreign body were in it, Con. m. Jerks, Shocks. 1. Painful shocks in the right side of the head, Graph. 2. Single, sharp shocks or jerks in right brain, Puis. 3. Darting shock through the right brain, Prun. sp. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the right side of the head, Alum. 2. ----, in the right side of the head, or in the left side of the oc- ciput, in the afternoon, Ind. Z. •■ , in the right half of the head, from below upwards, Nux vom. 4. Slight drawing, deep in the right brain, increasing to a violent tear- ing, extending towards the fore- head and occiput, Arg. 5/ Painless drawing in the right pa- rietal bone, with pressure, a sort of agreeable warmth spreading over the whole body, Thuj. 6. Drawing, with pressure and hea- viness in the right side of the head, increasing by the least motion, Arg. nit. 7. ----, in the right side, ending in a sticking sensation, Asaf. IVoiscs. 1. Whizzing in the right side of the head, in the morning, Lact. 2. Humming and twitching in right side of head, particularly the ear, at night, Niccol. Heat. Glowing heat in the right side of the head, every evening, Am. mur. Tension. Painful tension in right parietal bone, Millef. Numb Feeling. 1. Numbness in the right side of the head, Sulph. 2. A small spot in the right parietal bone feels numb, Cina. Coldness. The right side of the head feels icy cold to the hand, but burning to himself, Bar. carb. TEMPLES. Heaviness. 1. Heaviness dn temples, with fre- quent chilliness, Nitr. ac. 2. Painful weight in temples, from above downward, Rhus tox. Headache. 1. Headache in the temples, going and coming, lod. 2. Boeing headache in the temples, Angus t. 3. Stunning headache through the t?.mp!cs, relieved by pressure, Podop. pelt. 4. First dull, then oppressive head- ache in the temples, early on wak- ing, with a quantity of empty eruc- tations, Calc carb. 5. Stitching headache^in both tem- ples, in the evening, Sep. Aching. 1. Aching in the temples, Arm Carb. a. Caps. 2. ----, in the temples, especially the left, Asar. 3. Paralytic aching in the tempit^, Lye. 196 PAINS.—PRESSURE, 4. Aching pain in the temples, par- ticularly in the evening, China. 5. ----, in the temples, when walk- ing in the cold air, Coffea. 6. Sharp aching in that temple on which he did not rest, early, when in bed, Graph. 7. Sudden aching pain in both tem- ples and nape of neck, with ver- tigo, deep in the brain, on entering a room, Ran. bulb. 8. Grinding aching in the temples, as far as the eyes and forehead, dis- appearing on stooping, Mang. Pains. 1. Pain in both temples, during mo- tion, Lye. 2. ----, in the temples, as in dry coryza, China. 3. ----, in the temples, when exert- ing the head, Nux vom. 4. Tearing pain in the temples, the bones of the orbit and cheek, which swells a good deal, Calc. carb. 5. Tearing pain in one temple, Cham. 6. ----pain in the right temple, or from the left temple to the vertex, and thence along the outer canthus of the eye to the malar bone and one tooth, Lauroc. 7. ----pain through the temples, early, Con. m. 8. Drawing and tearing pains in the temples, down the face, Senega. 9. Pinching pain in the temple, Carb. a. 10. Lancinating pain in the temple, Calc. caust. 11. Shooting pains in one temple, Kal. bichr. 12. Darting pains through the tem- ples, with sensation of blood rush- ing across the head, Eupat.perf 13. Stitching pain in the temples, Sulph. 14. Sticking pain in the temples, Stron. carb. 15. Throbbing pain in temples, Nitr. ac. 16. Painful beating in the temples and gums, with soreness when touched, Daph. 17. Beating pain in the temples, Stann. 18. ----pain in temples, frequently, Phos. 19. Violent drawing pain in the temple, disappearing suddenly, Caust. 20. Drawing pain in the temples, Mang. 21. Drawing pains in the temples, when touching the parts, Con. m. 22. Painful tingling and creeping in the temples, Sulph. Pressure. SIMPLE PRESSURE, 1. Pressure in the temples, Aeon, August. Amm. caust. Aur. Cann. Con. m. Zinc. met. 2. ----, in the temples, frequently with despondency and increased by pressure, or by touching the hair, Agar. 3. Sharp pressure in both temples, externally, Spong. 4. Continual pressing and pushing in either temple, Zinc. met. 5. Pressure in the temples, increas- ed by pressing upon the part, A spar. 6. Pressing feeling in both temples, and towards the forehead, Stron. carb. 7. Hard pressure in the temples, frontal eminences, occiput, and brain, accompanied by vertigo: increased by movement and con- tact, Cup. 8. Pressure in the temples, alter- nating from right to left, as if from some blunt instrument, Dulc 9. ----, in temples, also with ten- sion or yawning, 01. an. 10. ----, in the temple, sometime* accompanied by a deep sleep, Ign. 11. Pressing and aching in the tem- ples, Kal. carb. IN THE TEMPLES. 197 12. Severe pressing in the temples, and in both sides of the neck, Kalm. lat. 13. Pressing pain in temples, ■ Mer- curial. 14. Pressure in the temples, alter- nately, Lye. 15. ----, in the temples, and con- strictive feeling at the prsecordia, Phyt. dec. 16. ----, in the temples, particularly the right, Par. quad. 17. Pressing pain in temples, with drawing in eyes, Podop. pelt. 18. Painful pressure in both temples, Sabad. PRESSURE FROM WITHIN OUTWARDS. 1. Pressure in the temples, from within outwards, Sambuc. 2. Pressing in temples, from with- in outward, Ran. seel. 3. ----, in both temples, from with- in outwards, with dull pressing in the flesh above the elbow, the hands feeling as if paralysed, Lob. inf. 4. Pain in the temples, pressing outwards, day and night, with nau- sea unto vomiting, Caust. 5. Hot pressure in both temples, as if from within outwards, Nux mosch. 6. Immediately in both temples a severe pressing from within out- wards, after that a pinching pain in the left deltoid muscle, Fluor, ac. 7. Pressure in both temples, from within outwards, Bism. 8. Pain in both temples, pressing from within outwards, Bry. PRESSURE FROM WITHOUT INWARDS. 1. Pressure from without inwards, and sense as of squeezing in both temples, with continual constric- tion of the upper part of the head, increasing towards evening, Anac. 2. ----, in both temples, from with- out inwards, extending to the fron- tal bone, where the pain becomes fixed, Crot. 3. Pressure in both temples, from without inwards, Sulph. ac. 4. Furious pressing in both temples," from without inward, Thuj. 5. Cramp-like, dull pressure in both temples, from without inward, Zinc. met. 6. Pressure in the temples, also from without inwards, or from within outwards, (also with ten- sion,) Spig. CONSTRICTIVE-CONTRACTIVE, COMPRES- SIVE SENSATION. 1. Constrictive pain in temples. Puis. 2. Compression in both temples, Anac. 3. Contractive pain in both temples, Squil. 4. Compression in both temples, as if the head were pressed between two hard planes, Natr. mur. 5. Compressive-contractive sensa- tion in the temples, Tabac. 6. Contractive pain in the temples, for several mornings, Sulph. SENSATION AS IF BETWEEN SCREWS. Headache in the temples, as if the head were between two screws, Cocculus. PINCHING SENSATION. Sensation as if both temples were pinched with pincers, Verb. CRAMPY PRESSURE. 1% Crampy pressing in the temples, from without inwards, Plat. 2. Cramp-pain in the temples, Calc. carb. 3. Crampy sensation in the temples, after a violent exercise, he finds it difficult to collect his thoughts, Mez. PRESSURE AND DRAWING. Pressure and drawing in the tem- ples, Hepar sulphuris. 496 STITCHES.—TEARING, ETC. PRESSURE, WITH throbbing. Throbbing pressure in the temples, Camph. PRESSURE AND TEARING. 1. Pressure and tearing in the tem- ples, in paroxysms, Dulc, 2. ----, with tearing in the temples, as if the bone would be pressed out, China. PRESSURE AND STICKING. Alternate pressure and sticking in the temples, Tabac. Stitches. 1. Stitches in the temples, Am. Calc. carb. Carb. a. Puis. Sil. Zinc. m. 2. Slight stitches above the temples, Rheum. 3. Stitches in the temples, causing one to start and scream, Kal. carb. 4. Lancinations in the temples, from within outwards, Bell. 5. Sore stitches in temples, Tabac. 6. Stitches in the temples, when singing, Alum. 7. ----, in temples, with pain in whole head, Phos. 8. ----, in the temple, accompanied by a painful, contractive feeling or dragging, Carb. a. 9. ----, in the temples, with throb- bing of the temporal arteries, China. 10. Drawing sticking through the temple to the upper jaw, with sense of turning in the head, Kreas. 11. Fine stinging in the temples, Cocculus. 12. Dartings in the temples, parti- cularly the left, Crotal. 13. Darting through the temples, when walking in the open air, Bry. 14. Shooting in the left temple, af- terwards in the right, externally, Verb. 15. Shooting in the temples, with giddiness, Lob. inf. 16. Stitching in the head, over toe ear, for a few minutes, Sep. 17. Pulsative stitching in the tem- pLe, with heat in the head, chilli- ness in the body, and weakness of the head, depriving him almost of his mind; accompanied with slum- ber and loss of sense, Stann. 18. Cutting, with pressure, in the temples, from within outwards; and spreading through the brain, where it is felt as a violent throb- bing ; it continues in any position. Bell. SINGLE STITCH. A stitch as from an electric spark, starting from the temples up- wards and downwards, August. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the temples, Canth. Carb. v. Sulph. ac, 2, ----, in the temples, going off in a room, 01. an. 3. ----, in the temples, early, and in the evening, Am. carb. 4. ----, in the temples, during i meal, Con. m. 5. ----, in the temples, relieved by pressing on the parts, Kal. nitr. 6. ----, in the temples, with dig- ging and confusion in those parts, Bov. 7. Sudden, acute, piercing and biting tearings in the temple, Anac. 8. Crampy tearing in the temples. at different periods, Zinc. met. 9. Tearing and soreness in the tem- ples, when touching the parts, Cast. 10. Jerking tearing, or drawing- jerking tearing, particularly in the temples, as if they would be torn asunder, Puis. 11. Tearing with pressure in both temples, more violent when touch- ing the parts, Cup. 12. Tearing in the temples after din- ner, with stitches behind the ears. Zinc. met. IN THE j 13. Tearings and lancinations in the temples, from within outwards, Cham. 14. Tearing with sticking, particu- larly in the temples, Puis. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the temples, Agar. 2. Drawing in the temples, then in the forehead, then in the occiput, Nux. vom. 3. Cramp-like drawing in the tem- ples, increased by pressing upon the parts, Cina. 4. Drawing and pressure in tem- ples, with feverishness and diffi- culty of breathing, Ran. bulb. 5. Drawing with pressure in both temples, Phos. 6. Drawing, with pressure, in one temple and side of the forehead, causing a gloomy sensation, Stann. Beating. 1. Beating in the temples and ful- ness of the brain, on waking from the siesta, Carb. v. 2. Beating in the temples, with vio- lent pain in the vertex as if ulcer- ated and as if it would burst, (du- ring the menses,) Natr. sulph. 3. Beating in both temples, also constant hammering (before the menses,) Each. 4. Violent beating in the temples, Sep. 5. Hammering in the temples, par- ticularly about noon and midnight, with subsequent lameness of the body, Ars. 6. Pulsation in the temple, with pressure, which afterwards chang- ed to lancinations, simultaneously with the same feeling in the left shoulder, Colch. 7. Throbbing in both temples and in the forehead, Bor. 8. Throbbing in both temples, Bor. Boring. 1. Boring in the temples, sometimes 199 with tearing in the evening, Alum. 2. Boring and tearing in the tem- ple, with aggravation of the pain by cold and warmth, and great sensitiveness of the temple, Grat. Griping. Griping and tumult in the tem- ples, in the evening, after lying down, Magn. mur. Tension. Tension in the temples, Hyper, per. LEFT TEMPLE. Headache, and Aching Pain. 1. Headache in the left temple, to- wards the eyebrows, with relief when lying on cool places, Chin. sulph. 2. Aching, in the left temple, Bar. carb. 3. Sharp ache above the left tern when walking, Mang. 4. Aching in the left temple, par. ticularly on entering the room Lauroc. 5. ----, in left temple, moving up and down, going off in the open air, Oleand. 6. ----, in left temple, from time to time, lancinating and tearing, Am. 7. Aching pain in the left temple, externally and internally, as if one were pressing on the part some- what hard with the finger, Staph. 8. Boring, aching pain in left tem- ple, the whole day, Stann. Pressure. 1. Pressure in the left temple, Arum m. 2. ----, without pain, in left tem- ple, Guaiac. 3. Hard pressure over the left tem- ple as far as the occiput, with dread of motion, Phos. ac. ^EMPLES. ft TCHES, ETC. 200 PAINS, STI 4. Painful pressure in the left tem- ple, with constant dizziness, Brom. from within outwards. Aching pain in the left * temple, pressing from within outwards, Mez. FROM WITHOUT INWARDS. 1. Undulating pressing from with- out inwards, in left temple, Plat. 2. Pressing in the left temple, from without inwards, Cocc. 3. Sticking pressing in the left tem- ple, from without inwards, Kal. carb. 4. Painful pressure in the left tem- ple, from without inwards, ex- tending over the orbits, when sit- ting and reading, diminished by motion, Mez. 5. Pressure from without inwards, in the left temple, Asaf. 6. Pressure in the left temple, as if the forehead would be pressed in, Stann. from behind forwards. Pre ssure in the left temple, from behind forwards, Verb. crampy pressure. 1. Crampy, dull, hard pressure in left temple, at regular intervals, Phos. ac. 2. Crampy pain in the left temple, in paroxysms; also tearing, Kal. carb. 3. Sharp, crampy pressure in the left temple, Zinc. met. WITH STITCHES. 1. Pressure in left temple, mingled with sharp stitches, Menyan. 2. Sticking pressure, in the left tem- ple, Ars. WITH THROBBING. Pressure with throbbing, in the left temple, Asa f. Pains. 1. Stupifying pain, with stitches, in the left temple, not when sit- ting, Ars. 2. Pain, like a shock, in left tem- ple, Oleand. 3. Drawing pain in left temple, when sitting, ceasing when walk- ing or standing, Tarax. 4. Painful drawing in left temple, when closing the eyes, with pain- ful pressure on left upper eyelid, Sabin. 5. Pinching and drawing pain in the left temple, towards the parie- tal bone, with heat of the face, Calc. carb. 6. Boring pain in the left temple, Clem. erec. 7. Pain in the left temple, follow- ed by burning in the skin, in the left region of time, Phyt. dec. 8. Burning pain, and sometimes stitches in the left temple, when at rest, Am. mur. 9. Burning pain and stitches in left temple, when masticating, or sneez- ing, Am. mur. 10. Tearing pain in left temple, Magn. mur. 11. Tearing, stabbing and shifting pain in left temple, with heat, Merc. 12. Tearing pain in the left temple. Aur. 13. Pain in the left temple, aching and tearing, Arg. 14. Violent, tearing pain in the left temple, close to the orbit, occa- sioning a sensation of pressure in the left half of his eye, Spong. 15. Stitching pains in left temple, down to the articulation of lower jaw, Merc. 16. Disagreeable sensation in the left temple, as if the blood were suddenly arrested, followed by a dull sticking pain, Chel. Stitches, Lancinations. 1. Stitches in left temple, Agar. Magn. carb. Nit. ac. Par. quad. Staph. IN THE LEFT TEMPLE. 201 2. Sharp stitches in the left temple, externally, as far as the forehead, Spong. 3. Quickly-passing stitches in the left temple, Graph. 4. Lancinations or dartings in the left temple, a long time, Kal. hyd. 5. Periodic stitches in left temple, Sang. can. 6. Stitches in left temple and ear, Ran. bulb. 7. ----, in the left temple, the head being drawn up; also when turning the head, AEth. 8. ----, in the left temple, with jerks, Bov. 9. ----, in the left temple, increas- ed by chewing, Am. carb. 10. ----, with pressure in left tem- ple, Merc. 11. ----, in the left temple, with dulness of the head, and sensation AS IF THE BRAIN WERE PRESSED UP- WARDS AND FORWARDS, LauroC 12. Dull stitches in the left temple, darting through the whole brain, evening and night, Dig. - 13. Drawing stitches in the left temple, Lam. alb. 14. Digging stitches in the left temple, close to the eye-brow, when moving the lower jaw, Calc. carb. (STITCHES, IN PARTICULAR DIRECTIONS. 1. Stitches above the left temple, from without, inward, in the head, Ambr. 2. Painful dartings from below up- wards, in the left temple, Am. mur. 3. Stitches in the left temple, from within; also in the whole forehead, Bell. STICKING. I. Boring sticking in the left tem- ple, and particularly in the right eye, Calad. 2. Ptdsative, drawing, tearing stick- ing in the left temple, apparently in the bone ; next day it was felt from time to time, now in the left, then in the right temple; some- times also in left frontal protube- rance, less violent, continuing a few days, Staph. CUTTING. Cutting, as with knives, in the left temple, Arg. nit. SHOOTING. Shooting, deep in the temple, in the orbit, and left ear, Bar. carb. PRICKING AND STINCING. 1. Prickings in the left temple, Cocc. Niccol. Zinc. met. 2. ----, in left temple, when sit- ting, ceasing when standing, Tarax. 3. Burning pricking in left temple, going off by scratching, Plat. 4. Sharp, burning prickings in the left temple, Staph. 5. Stinging in the. left temple, after dinner, Kal. nitr. SINGLE STITCH. Stitch in the left temple, as from an electric spark, Spig. Tearing. 1. Tearing, in the left temple, Agn. Arg. Gum. gtd. Mercurial. 2. External tearing, in the left tem- ple, Guaiac 3. Tearing from left temple to fore- head, worse during motion, Phos. ac. 4. ----, in left temple, going off by pressure, Magn. carb. 5. ----, in left temple, during a walk, Mang. 6. ----, in the left temple ; when walking in the open air, the dis- tensive headache returns, Am. 7. Repeated tearings in the left temple, Am. • 8. Tearing in the left temple, ex- tending into the upper part of the left side of the head, Sep. 202 DRAWING.—BORING.—JERKS.—BURNING, &c. 9. ----, from the left temple to the articulation of the jaw, in the evening, Kal. carb. 10. Jerking-tearing, over the left temple, Zinc. met. 11. Shootings and tearings in the left temple, Anac. tearing, with pressure, 1. Tearing with pressure, in the left temple, Anac. 2. Sharp tearing, with pressure in the left temple, Anac. 3. Tearing, with pressure, in the left temple and eye, Sulph. 4. ----, with pressure in the left temple, Asar. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the left temple, in the evening, Alum. 2. Slight drawing, in left temple, Oleand. 3. Drawing, in left temple and out- er ear, changing to pressure, during motion, Phos. ac. 4. Stupifying drawing in the left temple, in a draught of air, Verb. 5. Drawing avith pressure in the left temple, becoming more violent by contact, Cup. 6. ----, with pressure in left tem- ple, Thuj. 7. ----, in left temple, with a feel- ing of coldness, 01. an. 8. Crampy, painful drawing in left temple, Petrol. 9, Pinching drawing, from below, upwards, toward the left temple, Petrol 10. Tearing drawing, in the left temple, as if the parts were pulled out, or through the temples to the left side of the face and teeth, Kreas. Boring. Boring, with pressure, in left temple, Phos. ac. Jerks. 1. Sudden jerks, with pressure, in the left temple and left side of the forehead, causing him to exclaim, Stann. 2. Jerking in left temple, Ox. ac. Burning. Stinging burning in left temple, evening, Phell, Twitching. Frequent twitching in upper part of left temple, followed by draw- ing toward the side of forehead. after dinner, Phos. Noises. Buzzing sensation in the left tem- ple, Bruc. Swelling. The left temple is swollen and painful to the touch, Cham. Digging. Digging, with pressure, in the left temple, Colocynthis. Coldness. Feeling of great coldness in the left temple, as if occasioned by a wet, cold cloth, Gummi gutti. Beating. 1. Beating in the left temple, Spong. 2. Pulsative throbbing in the left temple, ending in a stitch, Htllt- borus. Tension. Tension in left temple, evening, Natr. mur. RIGHT TEMPLE Heaviness. Sensation in right temple, as if a heavy weight were pressing from HEADACHE AND ACH without inwards, with painful sting- ing in left frontal eminence, com- ing and going rapidly, Sabin. Headache and Aching Pain. 1. Headache, with pressure through the right temple, Dros. 2. Aching pain in right temple, Tarax. 3. ----pain above the right temple, Dros. 4. ----pain in the right temple, ag- gravated by walking, and brought on by exerting one's attention, Helleborus. 5. ----, in the right temple, as if something broad were pressing up- on it, Guaiac. Pains. 1. Dull pains in the right temple, Agar. 2. Transient heavy pain in right temple, immediately after eating, frequently recurring in the after- noon, accompanied with an uneasy craving sensation in the stomach, Kal. bichr. 3. Drawing pain in right temple, Nitr. ac. 4. Dull, drawing pain in right tem- ple, Stron. carb. 5. Painful drawing in the right tem- ple, followed by a tearing pain from the head of the right humerus to the nape of the neck, Arg. 6. Drawing-boring pain in the right temple, with spasmodic pain below the right malar bone, Magn. p. arct. 7. Painful tearing in right temple, which closed her eyes, Magn. carb. 8. Painful tearings in the right tem- ple, Caust. 9. Painful stitches in the right temple, after dinner, Magn. carb. 10. Stitching and tearing pain in right temple, Mercurial. 11. Stretching and tearing pain in the right temple, Cina. 12. Beating pain in right temple, with nausea, early, for several days, Nitr. ac. ING PAIN.—PAINS, &c. 203 13. Throbbing pain in the right tem- ple, the cheeks are red and hot Cann. 14. Painful throbbing in the right temple, Hepar sulph. 15. Beating pain in right temple, with diarrhoea, Stram. 16. Spasmodic, shooting pain in the right temple, Calc, carb. 17. Transient, smart, shooting pain* in the right temple, returning at in- tervals of ten minutes, Kal. bichr. 18. Boring pain in the right temple, Hepar sulph. 19. Tensive pain in right temple. Mur. ac. Pressure. 1. Pressure in the right temple. Ars. Kalm. lat. Sil. 2. Deep pressure in the right temple, Thuj. 3. Painful pressure in the right temple; when leaning the head upon the hand, the pain increases as if the head would fly to pieces. Bell. 4. Hard pressure in the right tem- ple, more violent during motion, Cup. 5. Pressure in the right temple, when walking in the open air. Magnet, p. arct. 6. Violent pressure in the region of the right temple, Anac. 7. Stupifying pressure in the right temple, on waking, Calad. 8. Pressure in right temple, or on left frontal region, Phell. 9. ----, in the right temple, when lying on it, going off when raising one's-self, Stann, 10. Painful pressure through the right temple, almost as if on the outer side, Stann. from without inwards, 1. Pressure in the right temple, ;t« if something were pressing upon it hard, Calc. carb. 2. ----, from without inwards, in the right temple, Anac. 204 STITCHES. 3. Dull pressure in right temple, from without inward, at intervals, Valer. FROM within outwards. 1. Pressure in the right temple from within outwards, Spong. 2. Painful pressure in right temple, from within outwards, Sabad. 3. Pressure in right temple, from within outwards, Phos. ac. 4. Painful pressing in right temple, from within outwards, Sabin. 5. Painful pressure in right temple, from within outwards, Natr. carb. 6. Pain in the right temple, pressing from within outwards, Kal. carb. from below upwards. Pressure in right temple, from be- low upward ; had to change about in order to obtain relief, Rhus tox. AT A SMALL SPOT. 1. Sensation in the right temple, as if a blunt body were slowly press- ed into the brain, Cocculus. 2. Painful pressure in right temple, at a small spot, the pain is also jerking, sliding ; soon after a simi- lar sensation in the hollow of the left knee, Ox. ac. with beating. Pressure in the right temple, with beating and ill-humour, early, Bov. WITH DRAWING. Pressure in the right temple, also with drawing, Mosch. WITH STITCHES. 1. Pressure with sticking in the right temple and side of the fore- head, China. 2. Hard pressure in right temple, with drawing stitches from occiput to forehead, Sassap. CRAMPY PRESSURE. Crampy pain in right temple, Ind. Oleand. 2. Drawing, crampy sensation in the right temple, Crotal. 3. Crampy pressure in the right temple, with sharp stitches from within outwards, Arg. Stitches. 1. Stitches in the right temple, Canth. * 2. Dull stitches in the right temple, from time to time, Zinc. met. STUPIFYING STITCHES. 1. Sharp, stupifying cuttings, over the right temple, Verb. 2. Stupifying, deeply-penetrating sticking in the right temple, dur- ing dinner, aggravated by external pressure : in a few hours the pain shifts to the upper teeth of that side, and changes to a tearing, Verb. STITCHES IN PARTICULAR DIRECTIONS. DARTING. Dartings in the right temple, with fulness of the head, or with darting in the ear, Bruc. BORING STITCHES. Boring stitches in the right tem- ple, going off by contact, Coloc. DRAWING STITCHES. Violent drawing stitches in the right temple; they contracted one | half of the brain, Squil. 1. Darting stitch in the right tem- ple as far as the forehead, Squil. 2. Fine stitches in right temple, from without inward, Rhus tox. 3. Stitches in the right temple, ex- tending into the left half of the forehead, Bov. 4. Dull stitches in right temple, striking deep into the brain, Phos. ac. 5. Stitches from the right temple to the lower teeth, Sassap. 6. ----, in right temple, from within outwards, with stitches and pres- sure in left temple, Nux mosch. TEARING—DRAWING.—JERKS AND SHOCKS, &c. 205 BTITCHEB, WITH PRESSURE. 1. Stitches with pressure in the right temple, at regular intervals, Bor. 2. Violent stitches, with pressure in right temple, Bell. 3. Dull sticking in the right temple, externally and internally, as if the bone would be pressed out; more violent when touching the part, Staph. PRICKINGS. ]. Prickings in the right temple, Ind. 2. Piercing pricking in the right temple, Euphr. 3. Prickings in the right temporal region, August. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Violent stitch from right temple to eye, Phos. ac. >. Violent dull stitch in right tem- ple, spreading in every direction, Stron. carb. 3. Burning stitch in the right tem- ple, Bar. carb. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the right temple, Agar. 2. ----, in right temple, when sit- ing, Niccol. 3.----, in right temple, during the i'4itamenia, Am. mur. %i. ----, in the right temple and ear, Con. m. 5. Rending in the right temple, tassing downwards, Kalm. lat. '». Tearing in the right temple, down to the side of the face, Am. mur. 7. ----and darting in the right temph>, extending to the upper and lower teeth, Kreas. 8. ----, down the right temple, as far as the face, Arg. nit. 9. ----, with pressure, in the right temple, Camph. 10. ----. with pressure, in the right temple, on the outside of, and in the interior of the brain, more vio- lent during motion, Agn. 11. Tearing in the temple ; darting- tearing in the right, or tearing with pressure, as if the bone would be pressed out, China. 12. ----, with pressure, in the right temple, increased by pressure. Bism. 13. ----, in the right temple, with burning after rubbing, Alum. 14. Tearings in the right temple, im- mediately after in the chin and thumb, with gnawing in the mid- dle of the lower jaw, Ind. 15. Tearing in right temple preceded by vertigo in occiput, Ran. bulb. Drawing. 1. Drawing in right temple, Merc. sol. 2. ----, with pressure, in right temple, perceptible during sleep. Petrol. 3.----, in the right temple, ter- minating in a stitch, Squil. Jerks and Shocks. 1. Fleet jerkings in right temple, Valer. 2. Tearing jerks in the right temple, Spig. 3. Single, sharp shocks in right temple, Phos. ac. 4. Shocks in right temple, as if a plug had lodged there and were pushed in farther, Sulph. ac. Gnawing. 1. Gnawing in the periosteum of the right temple, Canth, 2. ----, with pressure, in right torn- pie, Ran. seel. Rush of Blood. Rush of blood to the right te:nple, Sil. 206 HEADACHE, PAINS, ETC. Beating, Throhhing. I. Beating, in the right temple, as with a finger, Lauroc. 2. ----, with pressure in the right temple, with weight on the head, Alum. 3. Throbbing in the right temple, with drawing in the bone, Canth. 4. Pulsative throbbing in the right temple, extending to the orbit, Each. Tightness. 1. Tightness, in the right temple and eye, which felt paralyzed, Caust. 2. ----, stupifying tightness in the right temple, relieved by pressing upon it, Alum. Noises. fionse as of humming, groaning in the right temple, Kal. carb. Jerking—Drawing—Pinching. •Jerking, drawing, and pinching in right temple, down the occiput and nape of neck, Merc, sol, FOREHEAD AND OCCIPUT. Heaviness. 1. Dull feeling in occiput and fore- head, Lob. inf. 2. Weight in the occiput, with beat- ing in the forehead, AEth. . 3. Heaviness in forehead, and ulce- rative pain on left side of occiput, Magn. carb. Headache. 1. Frontal and occipital headache, the head, Kal. bichr. 2. Headache in forehead and occi- put, the former worse on raising Mur. ac. 3. Evening-headache, first in the forehead, then in the occiput, Chin. tulpK 4. Violent, dull headache, first in the fore part, then in the back part of the head, for some days; stupi- fying pressure on the top of the head, as after quickly turning in a circle, Calc carb. 5. Dull, pinching headache in the forehead, with s itches in the tem- ples, abating by walking, but re- turning when sitting or standing, Staph. 6. Drawing, also tearing head- ache, in the forehead, or occiput, sometimes in the temples, dimin- ishing when pressing upon the parts, and disappearing when think- ing, Calc. carb. Aching Pain. 1. Dull, aching pain in the forehead, extending into the occiput, Calc. caust. 2. Aching in the nape of the neck, afterwards in the forehead, followed by lachrymation, and closing of the lids, Carb. v. 3. Aching in the forehead, with stupor, and drawing pressure in the occiput, Arg. Pains. 1. Oppressive pain in the forehead, or in the left side of the occiput, Hydr. ac. 2. Drawing pain in forehead and occiput, Sabin. 3. Drawing pain in the vertex, vio- lent pressure in the forehead and occiput, as if pressed together, at noon, Spong. 4. Drawing pain in the frontal bone and in the nape of the neck, both when at rest and in motion, Bell. 5. Drawing pain in occiput, orbits and forehead, worse on stoop- ing, Mang. 6. Pulsating pain in the forehead, after a meal, with pressure in th« occiput, heat in the head, and eruc- tations, Carb. v. 7. Burning pai.v, in. occiput, or fore-. head, Rhw>. fox. IN THE FOREHEAD AND OCCIPUT. 207 8. Tearing pain, in th.e forehead and cervical vertebra?, when in a heated room, during the day, and when smoking tobacco, Caust. 9. Painful tearing in occiput, fore- head, or, when shaking the head, high up in right side of head, or along this side from above down- ward, Phell. 10. Digging pain in the forehead and occiput, as from subcutaneous ulceration, on raising the head, early, in bed, June. 11. Sticking pain in forehead and occiput, Sulph. ac. 12. Pressing, sticking pain, now in the occiput, now in the forehead, Aeon. 13. Troublesome stinging and dig- ging up pain, alternately ante- riorly and posteriorly, Arg. nit. 14. Cutting pain in the occiput and forehead, as if a sharp body were pressed in there, worse by walk- ing, and when pressing upon the parts, Calc. carb. Pressure. J. Dulness of the forehead and oc- ciput, with pressure in front and behind, Squil. 3. Pressure and weight in the fore- head and occiput, more violent during motion, Bism, 4. Pressure in forehead, sinciput and eyes, Nitr. ac. FROM BEFORE BACKWARD. Dull, painful pressure from be- fore backward, in the forehead, as far as the occiput and nape of the neck, until he falls asleep, Spong. FROM BEHIND FORWARD. 1. Pressure above the eyes and in occiput, as if somebody tried to press down her head from behind, Merc 2. ----, in the forehead, in the oc- ciput, with beating, Cast. WITH BEATING, WITH TEARING. Pressure, with tearing, from the left frontal protuberance to the oc- ciput, Spig. WITH STICKING. Pressure in the occiput, soon after sticking in the forehead, with chilliness of the nape of the neck and back, Sil. COMPRESSIVE-CONSTRICTIVE. 1. Compressive pain in forehead and occiput, on the left side, ex- tending to the ear, with burning heat in the head, Hcemat. camp. 2. Constrictive pain at the base of the brain, and above the root of the nose, without intermission, the head leaning to one or the other side; increased by stooping, lying or pressure, hands and feet being cold, with hot forehead, and coma vigil, Camph. Stitches. 1. Stitches, in the fore part and back part of the head, after dinner, Alum. 2. Stitching and pressure, in oc- ciput, afterwards beating in fore- head, Phos. 3. Stinging, with pressure, now in the forehead, now in the occiput, only during motion, accompanied with a sensation of burning heat, from the region behind the ear, across the occiput, down to the nape of the neck, Spong. 4. Dartings, from the forehead to the occiput, with subsequent dul- ness of the head, and an accelerat- ed pulse, Asaf. 5. Darting, from the forehead to the occiput, Bry. Tearing. 1. Tearing, in the occiput, also in the forehead, Kal. carb. 208 PAINS IN THE FOREHEAD AND TEMPLES. 2. ----, from occiput to forehead, with pushing and jerking sensa- tion, Mur. ac. 3. Drawing tearing, in the oc- ciput and forehead, Guaiac. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the occiput, with gnawing in the forehead, as from worms, Zinc. met. 2.----, first in the fore part, after- wards in the back part of the head. in the evening, Graph. 3. ----, from the middle of the forehead, or deep in the right side of the occiput, Lauroc. Beating. 1. Beating, in the forehead and oc- ciput, Bry. 2. Throbbing, from forehead to oc- ciput, with tension, Lye. Tension. Tension, in the forehead and left side of the face, or in the right occiput, (as if a tuft of hair were pulled,) Lauroc. FOREHEAD AND TEMPLES. Heaviness. Heaviness of the head, with bor- ing pain in the tempre and fore- head, from within outwards, Dulc. Headache. 1. Dull headache, particularly in the forehead and temples, Lauroc. 2. Headache, in the left temple and forehead, with vertigo, reeling and anxiety, with sweat, Kal. nit. 3. Constrictive headache, in the temple, and over the orbit, Ipec. 4. Lancinating headache, above the eyes and in the temples, with heat and coldness in alternation, so that she sometimes had hot, sometimes blue hands, with stitch- es in the swollen glands of the neck, which then became softer and smaller, Bor. 5. Boring headache, below the left temple, or in the forepart of the head, Carb. v. 6. Headache, as if forehead and temples would burst, early, in bed, Puis. 7. Tearing headache, over the left eye, and in the temple, lod. 8. Beating, throbbing headache, in one temple, or forehead, Caps. Aching Pain. 1. Aching pain, in the forehead and temples, Viol. trie. 2. When sitting, stupifying, aching pain in the forehead and temples. externally, finally affecting thv whole head, Cin. 3. Aching, in the forehead and left temple, with a similar pain in the right side of the face, and after- wards in the left lower limb and foot, Lach. Pains. 1. Strong pain, in the temples and forehead, Kalm. lat. 2. Pain, in the temples and fore- head, at noon, increasing until the temporal arteries throb visibly, with heat in the head, tingling in the ears, a good deal of thirst, co- pious micturition, anxiety and de- bility, Chin, sulph. 3. Lancinating pain, in the fore- head and temples, Berb. v. 4. Darting pain, towards the tem- ple, also in the frontal protube- rance, on the left side, Cal. caust. 5. Quick-darting pain in right fore head and temple, in the evening; in the night he feels a sudden pain through the forehead, like an elec- tric stroke, Sang. can. 6. Beating pain, in the forehead and temporal region, Kal. hyd. 7. Drawing pain, from the temple across, and over the right orbit. Bell. PRESSURE IN THE FOREHEAD AND TEMPLES. 209 8. Painful drawing, through fore- head and temple, as if a worm were creeping through these parts, Sulph. 0. Tearing pain, in the forehead and temples, deep in the brain, abating in the open air, Aur. 10. Burning pain, in the left temple and forehead, Spig. 11. Continual boring pain, in the forehead and the temples, from within outwards, Ant. cr. 12. Boring pain, from within out- ward, at times in the forehead, at times in the temples, sometimes with burning, Dulc. Pressure. 1. Pressure in the temples and forehead, Senega. 2. Pressing pain, deep in the fore- head and left temple, Each. 3. Painful pressure, in the right temple, frequently alternating, with a similar sensation in the right frontal eminence, and in the left temple, Teucr. 4. Hard pressure in forehead or temples, as if bruised, when re- flecting, Phos. ac. FROM WITHIN OUTWARDS. 1. Pressing pain in the forehead and temples, from within out- wards, the temporal regions feel- ing thick, which sensation is in- creased by contact, Berb. v. 2. Painful sensation in right frontal eminence and right temple, as if pressed asunder, Sabin. 3. Headache, in forehead and tem- ple, from within outwards, Mur. ac. 4. Pressure from within outwards, under the right temporal bone, or in the forehead, particularly on stooping, or also in the left half of the occiput, with vanishing of thought, Lauroc. 5. Pain, at a small spot, now in the temples, now over the orbit of the eye, pressing from within out- Vol. III.—14 wards, almost boring; disappear- ing by pressure, Ipec. FROM WITHOUT INWARDS. 1. Pressure in the forehead and temples, with sensation as if the sinciput were pressed flat, Coral. 2. Dull pressing from the temples to the forehead, Chin, sulph. 3. Pressure in forehead, from without inwards, or in right temple, 01. an. CONTRACTIVE. 1. Dull and tight pressure in the forehead and left temple, Dig. 2. Contractive pressure in the fore- head and in the temples, going off when thinking, Dig. CRAMPY PRESSURE. 1. Cramp-pain in right temple' and forehead, Plat. 2. Crampy-feeling in the temples and forehead, with pressure in the eyes and jaws, Mez. Stitches. 1. Dartings in the forehead and left temple, Am. 2. Lancinations in the forehead and temples, Alum. 3. Stitches in the whole frontal cavity, and in both temples, Calc. caust. 4. Stitches in the temporal region, in quick succession, stitches in the left frontal eminence, with sen- sation as if an extravasation of blood had taken place in the fore- head, Am. 5. Itching Stitches in the forehead and temple, which do not go oft by rubbing, August. 6. Stitches in the upper part of the forehead and over the temples, WHEN MOVING THE LOWER JAW, Kal. carb. 210 FOREHEAD AND SINCIPUT,—VERTEX. Tearing. 1. Tearing in forehead and temples, Phos. 2. ---- in the left temple and left frontal eminence, Ambr. 3. ---- in the temporal region, or in the forehead above the eye- brows, Calc. caust. 4. ---- in temples, alternating with tearing in forehead, with heat and redness of the head, but no heat perceptible externally, Plumb, ac. 5. Tearing with pressure in the temples and forehead, especially above the right eye, and in other parts of the brain, more violent during motion, Agn. 6. ---- and stitches in forehead and temples, obliging him to lie down, with sensiti veness of vertex as if the hair were pulled at, with feeling of heat in forehead which feels cold to others, Magn. mur. 7. Violent darting and tearing in the left temple, or in the right side of the forehead, in the evening, Kal. hydr. Burning. Burning in the right temple and side of the forehead, or in the vertex, Caust. Drawing. Drawing from above downwards, in the temples and right orbit, Bell. Beating. Pulsations in the forehead and temples, with heat of the face, Helleborus. Noises. Crepitation, snapping as of electric sparks, in the temples, nose, and forehead, Aeon. FOREHEAD AND StfNCIPUT. Headache. Headache, on the top of the head. and in the forehead, in the even- ing, Bor. Pains. 1. Dull and gloomy pain in fore head and sinciput, evening, witl ill-humour, Merc. sol. 2. Pain in the forehead and top o the head, increasing at every nois( and conversation, lod. Pressure. Pressing pain in sinciput, frontal region, and orbits, Stron. carb. Stitches. 1. Sticking in the forehead and sin- ciput, also with heat, Grat. 2. ---- in the top of the head and over the eyebrow, with a sen- sation as of drawing pressure, Sil. Tearing. 1. Tearing and heaviness in fore- head and top of the head, after dinner, Magn. carb. 2. ---- in the sinciput and fore head, with heaviness on stooping and burning in the right eye, Bor 3. Drawing tearing, with pressure in the top of the head and fore head, in frequent transitory parox ysms, Zinc. met. FOREHEAD AND VERTEX. Heaviness. Heaviness in forehead and vertex Ox. ac. Headache and Aching Pain. 1. Pricking headache in the vertex and forehead, Mez. 2. Aching pain in forehead and on vertex, Natr. mur. Pains. 1. Continual dull pain in forehead and vertex, Ox. ac. 2. Flushes of heat and perspiration in morning, with sharp pains in forehead and vertex, Ox. ac. OCCIPUT AND VERTEX. 211 3. Sharp pains in forehead and vertex, especially over the left eye and in left temple, with a feeling of lightness, Ox.ac. 4. Stupifying pain in the forehead, or vertex, with heat of the eyes, Bov. 5. Sticking, and afterward dig- ging-up pain in the left frontal and vertical region, as far as the malar bone, Arg. nit. Pressure. 1. Pressure and feeling of heat in vertex and forehead, Natr. carb. 2. Tension and pressure in the left vertex and in the forehead,2fc#. CRAMPV. Pressure and crampy Reeling on the vertex or at a small spot on the forehead, Eug. CONTRACTIVE, Pain in the forehead and vertex, as if the parts were grasped together, Arg. nit. Stitches. 1. Stitches in the forehead and vertex, Magn. carb. 2. Sticking above the eye or in vertex, 01. an. Tearing. Tearing in vertex, forehead, eyes, with qualmishness and nausea in the region of the chest and organs of speech, Nux vom. Drawing. Drawing through the forehead and vertex, with pressure, Stann. Boring. Horingin vertex, succeeded by a stu- pid feeling, or above the left eye from without inwards, Magn. sulp. Movements. Movements in the vertex and fore- head, occasioning giddiness and stagnation of thought, Bry. SINCIPUT AND FOREHEAD. Pains. The dead pain over the left eye shifts to the sinciput, with a burning sensation and a stupi- fying pain, with sinking and rising in the head, Brom. Drawing. Tearing drawing in the upper and an- terior part of the head, Carb. v. OCCIPUT AND VERTEX. Headache. • Lancinating headache, in the occi- put and vertex, Dig. Pains. 1. Distress on the top and in the back part of the head, Eupat. perf. 2. Dragging pain in the sinciput, or also in the occiput, always with drowsiness, Lauroc. 3. Pain as if bruised of the vertex and occiput, especially during the chill; at every motion, especially when stooping, and going up-stairs the pain is converted into a violent jerking in the integuments of the head, diminished by pressing on the parts, Helleborus. Pressure. 1. Pressure on the vertex, in the occiput, and in the left half of the sinciput, Crot. 2. Pressure and weight in the occiput, afterwards wandering to the top of the head ; less in the open air, (during the menses), Carb. an, 3. Pressure in the vertex ant drawing in the nape of the nech when turning the head, Hyos. 4. Drawing pressure in the right vertex and occiput, Spig. 5. Contractive pain in upper and back part of the head, Mang. 6. Almost burning, contractive sen- sation in occiput or sinciput, Phell. 212 OCCIPUT AND TEMPLES. 7. Crampy pain in the vertex and in the upper part of the occiput, with soreness, which finally be- comes burning, Sep. Tearing. Tearing in vertex and occiput, Hyper. perf. Phos. ac. Drawing. Drawing with pressure in right vertex and occipital bone, worse during motion, Phos.ac. • Boring. Boring in the occiput and on the vertex, Spig. SINCIPUT ORVVERTEX AND TEMPLES. Headache and aching pain. 1. Headache after motion and much talk, in the temples and vertex,Mez. 2. Dull tearing headache in the vertex and temples, in paroxysms, Carb. v. 3. Aching pain in the sinciput, worst in the temples, Zinc. met. 4. - on the vertex and in the temples, especially the right side, Rheum. Pains, Drawing pain in the vertex and temples, which appears to rise from the back, Calc. carb. Pressure. 1. Pressure in both temples and on the top of the head, Carb. v. 2. Violent pressing, about the sin- ciput, most violent in the temples Loch. 3. Painful pressure in the sinciput, extending from within the forehead to the outer parts, most violent in both temples, Teucr. 4. Pressure as from a thumb in up- per part of head, temples, and eyes, Nitr. ac. 5. Painful pressure with dizziness in sinciput and temples, with oc- casional painful stitches in the back, followed by a drawing sen- sation, Sabad. Stitches. Single stitch. Sudden stitch through the left temple; afterwards tension and flashing darting pains in the vertical re- gion ; soon passing over into a painful pressure, Gent. cruc. Tearing. 1. Frequent tearing in left temple and vertex, Magn, sulph. 2. Tearing in the sinciput, or ham- mering teaUng with stitches in the temples, and sensation, on stoop- ing, as if the contents of the head would press out at the forehead, Kreas. . Drawing. Crampy drawing under the vertex, temples with stitches Phos. in the OCCIPUT AND TEMPLES. Headache. Headache with drawing in occiput and temples, and pressure in eyes; so violent, early, that he had to leave his bed, Rhus tox. Pressure. Continual pressure, now in the temples, now in the occiput, Zinc. met. From without inwards. Pressure from without inwards in the temples and the occiput, Stann. Tearing. Darting tearing and pain in the oc- ciput and temples when bending the head backwards, Anac. INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 213 Jerks. Pushes and jerks in the occiput and temples, whenever he presses the foot to the ground, during a walk, Spig. OCCIPUT, VERTEX AND FOREHEAD. Pains. Drawing pain in- the forehead in the left vertex and in the occiput, Anac. Pressure as if in a vice, Sensation as if the forehead, vertex, and occiput were in a vice, Grat. Tearing. Digging tearing in the occiput, left vertex, and forehead, aggravated by motion, noise, loud talking, and opening the mouth, most violent when lying, Spig. FOREHEAD, TEMPLE, AND OCCIPUT. Pains. Tearing and lancinating pain, at night, over the right eye, in the temple, and about the occiput. Lye. VERTEX, TEMPLES, AND OCCIPUT. Pressure. ■ Pressure in vertex, temples, occiput, Tabac. FOREHEAD, TEMPLE, AND VERTEX. Pressure. Pressure in the forehead, temple and vertex, diminishing by external pressure, Stann. INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD* Falling off of the Hair. 1. Falling off of the hair, Ambr. Bov. Carb. a. Carb. v. Caust. Cinch, sulph. Colch. Con. Ferr. m. Fluor ac. Graph. Hep. s. Hyp. perf Ign. lod. Kal. c. Kal. hyd. Kal. n. Magn. carb. Merc. Natr. carb. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Petrol. Phosph. Phosph. ac. Staphis. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. m. 2. Falling off of the hair, for an hour. Bell. 3. ---- out of the eyebrows and mustashios, Plumb, ac. 4. ---- off of the hair, with pain- fulness of the hair on the vertex, Par. quad. 5. Excessive falling off of the hair, whereas the hair on other parts of the body, grows more abund- antly, Lye. WHEN COMBING THE HAIR. 1. Falling off of the hair on comb- ing the head, Selen. 2. ---- of the hair when combing the head, Silic. 3. A good deal of hair comes out while combing, Tabac. 4. Falling off of the hair when combing it, particularly in lying-in women, Calc. carb. With sensitiveness of the scalp. 1. Falling off of the hair and sen- sitiveness of the scalp when comb- ing the hair. Sassap. 2. ---- of the hair, particularly on combing the head (the scalp being very sensitive), Kreas. BALD SPOTS. 1. Bald spots on the head, Hep. s. 2. A spot over the ear becomes bald, Phos. Dry hair. 1. Dryness of the hair, Kali carb. 2. Falling off and dryness of the hair, Alum. 3. The roots of the hairs seem to be dry, Phos. Greasy hair. 1. The hair is very greasy, Bry. 2. The hair which was formerly dry, become greasy, Plumb, ac. 214 INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. Gray hair. 1. She has a number of gray hairs, Lye. 2. Single hairs turn gray, Graph. 3. The hair turns gray and falls off, Sulph. ac. Entangling of the hair. 1. The hair on the head crisps (from applying the juice exter- nally), Branc. 2. The hairs of the child become entangled at their* terminations and adhere to each other (trichi- asis) ; if these clusters of hair are cut off, the remaining hairs be- come entangled again, Bor. 3. The hairs are entangled as in plica polonica, Vine, min. Musty smell of the hair. The hairy scalp smells musty, the hairs stick together, Natr. mur. Loss of the electric power of the hair. The hair of the head, which was heretofore possessed of an electric power, is so no longer, Bell. Sensation as if the hair would rise on end. 1. The hairs seem disposed to stand on end, Mez. 2. Sensation as if the hairs stood on end, above the left ear, Zinc met. 3. Sensation as if the hairs on the top of the head were standing on end, or as if some one were mov- ing them; most violent when moving the body, Spong. 4. ----on the scalp as if the hair stood on end, Mur. ac. 5. ----as if the hair were standing on end here and there, the scalp being very sensitive, Aeon. C). ---- as if the hair would stand on end, with tingling over the whole head, and a feeling of cold- ness after coming out of the open air, Amm. carb. Se ation of shuddering. a) AS if the hair would rise. 1. Sensation of shuddering on the left side of the occiput, as'if the hairs would stand on end, Cocc. 2. Shivering over the hairy- scalp, as if the hair stood on end, Bar. carb. 3. Shuddering over the hairy scalp, the hair standing on end, and the scalp feeling as if it trembled and became contracted, Merc. 4. Thrill over the hairy scalp as if the hair stood on end, but without chilliness, Silic. 5. Pain as if a knife were drawn through the head, followed by in- ternal coldness of the head, which made the hair stand on end, Am. b) WITHOUT THE HAIR RISING. 1. Slight shivering over the hairy scalp, Arg. ■ 2. Shuddering over the hairy scalp, Seneg. Swelling or sensation of swelling. 1. Swelling of the head, Bell. Dig. Merc. Ophiotox. 2. ---- above the temple, Sep. 3. ---- on the forehead, Sep. 4. ---- of the forehead, Rhus v. 5. ---- of the head and face, Ars. Crot. Each. Merc. corr. Merc. duk. 6. ---- of the head, with red face, Cupr. 7. ---- of the head, face, neck, and chest, Rhus t. 8. The swelling on the forehead feels heavy, when on going up- stairs, Rhus v. 9. Bloated appearance of face and forehead, Aeon. , 10. After a walk in the open air, head, face, and hands feel swollen, A^th. 11. Swelling of the head, cervical glands, and gums, Mere, {fumes.) 12. Headache as if there were too much blood in the integuments, and as if the head were swollen, when sitting, Guajac. INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 215 13. Swelling of the head and red- ness of the whole body, Bell. 14. Sense of swelling in the region of the occiput, Ammoniac. Sweat, warm or cold. 1. Warm sweat about the head, Bry. 2. Heat of the whole head, and sweat on the occiput, Mosch. 3. Cold, clammy sweat on the head and forehead, Merc. 4. Profuse sweat in the hair, par- ticularly in the open air, during a walk, China. 5. Excessive oily exhalation from the head, so that the tips of the fingers become oily when scratch- ing the scalp, Branc. 6. Profuse sweat about the head, in the evening after lying down, Petrol. 7. Humid scalp, Sep. 8. Sweat on the hairy scalp and face, Puis. 9. Cold sweat on the forehead, Verat. 10. Sweat on the forehead, after din- ner the eyes feel weak as after re- velling, Valer. 11. ----of the hair on the forehead, about noon, with stiffness of the loins, pulse 90, Valer. 12. —— on the vertex, Ruta. 13. Frequent sweat in the forehead, Nitr. ac. 14, His head perspires easily, Nitr. ac, 15. Sweat about the head, in the morning and at night, Natr. mur. Sensation of looseness. 1. Sensation of looseness and draw- ing in one side of the scalp, on raising the eyes, Sanguin. 2. Feeling of looseness of the scalp on the right side, Sanguin. Heat or Burning. ABOUT THE WHOLE HEAD. 1. Burning about the head, with loss of appetite, Phos. 2. Heat about the head, with burn- ing of th,e face, AEth. % 3. ---- in and about the whole head, Dig. 4. Burning about the head, Bry. 5. Frequent heat about the head, Nitr. ac. 6. Heat of the hairy scalp, he has to scratch, Mez. 7. Burning on the head, with for- mication, loss of appetite, violent sticking in the ears, succeeded by coldness and chills, Tabac. IN PARTICULAR PARTS OF THE HEAD. On the vertex. 1. Burning of the vertex, increased by contact, Chin, sulph. 2. ---- on the top of the head, Plat. 3. ---- on the top of the head, Natr. mur. On one side. 1. Burning and prickling in the left temple, Verbasc. 2. ---- in the skin, on the left side of the forehead, Merc. 3. ---- in the region of the left temple, Merc. 4. ---- in the scalp, over the right side of the forehead, Menyan: 5. ---- over the right temple Mang. 6. Smarting burning in the hairy scalp on the left side, Coloc. 7. Feeling of warmth on the side of the frontal bone, Phos. ac. 8. Burning on the right side of the scalp, Spong. On the forehead. 1. Burning with hot sweat, on the forehead, China. 12. ---- on the forehead, Grat. 3. Stinging burning on the fore- head, 01. an. 4. Burning on the temples, or only from the left forehead to the eyes. which feel so painful that they cannot be moved, Spig. 216 INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. Around the eyes. Heat and Durning around the eyes, Cic. AT SMALL SPOTS. 1. Burning at small spots, also par- ticularly at the right parietal bone, going off by rubbing, 01. an, 2. Corrosive burning point on the vertex, Sabad. 3. Burning sensation at one spot on the right frontal bone, Mang. 4. Sensation about the head as of burning spots or sparks, Nitr. ac. 5. Burning of that part of the scalp which is touched, Ars. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the hairy scalp, above the right forehead, Lye. 2. Quickly-passing tearing in the scalp, while walking in the open air, Lye. 3. Tearing in the scalp, particularly at a small spot of the occiput, Colch. 4. ---- in the left vertex, or from the occiput to the neck, Lauroc. 5. Rheumatic tearing about the head, early in the morning, Graph. 6. Tearing about the head and in the eyes, with redness of the whole face, every afternoon, Calc. carb. 7. ---- over the forehead, Bry. 8. ---- in right temple, Alum. 9. ---- in the bones of the skull, Carb. v. 10. ---- in an old scar, in the up- per part of the head, Carb. v. 11. ----in the right occiput, Carb. v. 12. ----in the outer part from the left side of the frontal bone down the muscles of the cheeks, Guajac. 13. Dull tearing in the temporal bones, Ruta. 14. Tearing in the outer parts of the head and in the teeth, Staphis. 15.----above the left orbit, Thuj. 16.---- in different parts of the hairy soalp, followed by tension with sore pain as if the skin had been cut, Oh an. WITH A TUMOUR. Tearing in the right parietal bone, going off in the evening; after- wards a tumour of the size of a walnut was seen at that place, painful when touched as from sub- cutaneous ulceration, going off in a few days, Ruta. BURNING TEARING. 1. Fine, burning, stinging tearing in the skin of the right temple, after itching and rubbing; after- wards crampy headache, Lye. 2. Burning tearing of the occiput, when stooping, where the posterior cervical muscles are inserted, Cupr. 3. Tearing and burning in the hairy scalp, in front of the vertex, Canst. TEARING WITH PRESSURE. 1. Tearing with pressure on the top of the head, Ambr. 2.---- with pressure, in different parts of the head, increased by motion, Sassap. DARTING, OR LANCINATING TEARING. 1. Stitch-like tearing in the right temple (when standing) disappear- ing when touching the part or when yawning, Mur. ac. 2. Darting-tearing between the frontal and temporal region. Menyan, 3. Tearing and sticking in the right side of the head and about the occiput, after dinner, 01. an. 4. Drawing-cutting tearing in the side of the forehead, Staphis. 5. The vertex feels bruised, when pressed upon, this was preceded by a darting-tearing, Magn. carb. 6. Lancinating tearing on the left side of the head, also contractive, at the parietal bone, Spig. JERKING TEARING. 1. Tearings and tearing jerks in the occiput, three afternoons in suc- cession; between the attacks the INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 217 place is sore to the touch, lessi when not touched, Mang. 2. Drawing tearing, as with a jerk, in the outer parts above the left eyebrows, Stann. BORING TEARING. * Tingling-boring tearing, or also pres- sure at a smaller spot on the vertex, Colch. Itching of the hairy scalp. SIMPLE ITCHING. Amm. mur. Ammoniac. Anacr. Arg. nitr. Bov. Coff. Con. Crot. Calc. c. Caust. Graph. Ferr. magn. Lach. Lye. Magn, carb. Phos. Phos. ac. Rhodod. Ran. seel. Rhusv. Seneg. Sep. Silic. Staphis. Sulph. ac. Tabac. 1. Itching of the hairy scalp, here and there, Lauroc. 2. ---- of the hairy scalp, he has . to scratch until it bleeds, Sabad. 3. ---- of the hairy scalp when walking in the open air5 Calc. carb. 4. ---- of the hairy scalp, day and night, Merc. 5. Violent itching of the scales of the hairy scalp, especially during rainy weather, Magn. carb. 6. Itching of the head when comb- ing the head, Bry. 7. ---- of the hairy scalp, every evening, Calc. caust. SHIFTING TO ANOTHER PLACE AFTER SCRATCHING. 1. Itching on the head and body, re-appearing at some other place after scratching, Mez. 2. ---- of the hairy scalp (vertex, occiput, right frontal protuberance, right temple shifting to the left temple after scratching), Grat. GOING OFF AFTER SCRATCHING. 1. Burning itching of the forehead, going off after contact, Merc. 2. Itching and burning of the right parietal bone, when stooping, going off by scratching, Mang. 3. Itching over the left ear, going off when touching the place, Illic. anis. 4.-----of the hairy scalp, especially early after rising, diminished by scratching, Agar. 5. -----and soreness of the hairy scalp, behind the left ear, disap- pearing after scratching, Ruta. 6. ----of the forehead, going off by rubbing, Sambuc. 7. ---- of the hairy scalp., going off after scratching, Mosch. NOT REMOVED BY SCRATCHING. 1. Pricking and itching of the hairy scalp, cannot be removed by rub- bing, Calc. acet. 2. Itching of the hairy scalp, espe- cially in bed, obliging one to scratch until the parts bleed, but not removed by scratching, Bov. 3. Violent itching of the scalp, not removed by scratching, Carb. a. 4. ----itching of the hairy scalp, not ceasing after scratching, Mur. ac. MADE WORSE BY SCRATCHING. 1. The itching spots feel sore after scratching, Sil. 2. Itching of the hairy scalp, with sore pain*when scratching it, Kali carb. 3. ---- in the frontal region, also with burning after scratching, Lauroc. 4.---- behind the ear, with dizzi- ness of the head after scratching, Calc. carb. 5. ----- of the scalp, which feels sensitive when scratched, Amm. carb. 6. Gnawing itching of the hairy scalp; he has to scratch ; after which the roots of the hairs and the scalp ached, as if the hairs had been pulled out, Caps. 7. Itching of the hairy scalp with sore pain after scratching, Petrol. 218 INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 8. Itching of the hairy scalp, chang- ing to a burning after scratching, Rhodod. 9. ---- of the , hairy scalp, with burning after scratching, Par. quad. 10. Violent itching of the hairy scalp, smarting after scratching, Oleand. GNAWING, SMARTING, OR CORROSIVE ITCHING. 1. Gnawing itching of the hairy scalp, going and coming, the whole day, also at night, Oleand. 2. Corrosive itching of the hairy scalp, Verat. 3. Biting itching on the scalp. Puis. 4. Gnawing itching of the occiput, made worse by scratching, Staphis. 5. ---- itching of the upper part of the occiput, with sore pain, re- turning at the same place, Staphis. 6. ---- itching of the forehead and chin, as if an eruption would break out, disappearing by scratching, but returning immediately after, Squil. 7, Corrosive itching of the scalp, Sep. 8. Gnawing itching of the hairy scalp, especially the left side and occiput, abating after scratching, but returning again, Ruta. 9. ---- itching of the hairy scalp, forehead, face, and around the mouth ; a rash shows itself, Rhus t. 10. Corrosive itching in the integu- ments of the forehead, obliging him to scratch, Arg. 11. Gnawing itching of the forehead, Cham. 12. Itching and biting near the nape of the neck, Arg. nit, 13. Corrosive burning itching of the hairy scalp, as if ulcerated, Ars. 14. Itching and gnawing of the hairy scalp and temples, Bar. carb. 15. ---- gnawing in the forepart of the scalp, going off by rubbing, Dros. 16. Gnawing-itching of the hairy scalp, especially in the sides, oblig- ing one to^scratch, Dros. 17. Smarting itching of the hairy scalp, Magn. p. arct. 18. Itching smarting in the nape of the neck and top of the he&d.,Merc. 19. Corrosive itching of the hairy scalp, Vine. min. STINGING OR PRICKING ITCHING. 1. Pricking itching of the hairy scalp and small pimples on the forehead, Staphis. 2. Stinging itching of the hairy scalp, China. 3. Stinging itching of different parts of the head, forehead, parietal bones, right cheek, Caust. 4. -----itching of the hairy scalp, which cannot be relieved by scratching, Am. 5. Itching below the left temp*le, commencing with a fine stinging, Asar. 6. Fine stinging itching on the vertex, Mvz. BURNING ITCHING. 1. Burning itching of the hairy scalp, Calc. carb. 2. ---- itching and tingling of the hairy scalp and lower part of the face, before going to bed, Calc. carb. 3. ---- and itching of the hairy scalp, Merc. Preceded by shuddering. Slight shuddering over the hairy scalp, followed by burning itching, diminished by scratching, but re- turning again, Caps. ITCHING AFTER HEADACHE. Violent itching of the head, when the headache is going off, Sep. CREEPING OR TITILLATING ITCHING. 1. Creeping itching on the forehead and hairy scalp, Led. pal. 2. Itching of the hairy scalp, with creeping sensation, Lauroc. 3. Tingling itching of the hairy scalp, compelling one to scratch, INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 219 with painfulness of the roots of the hairs when touched, Calc. acet. 4. Titillating itching of the forehead, Bell. 5. Troublesome itching and crawl- ing of the hairy scalp, with sen- sation as if the roots of the hairs were pulled upwards ; she had to scratch all the time, Arg. nit. 6. Tingling itching on the left vertex, Spig. 7. Creeping itching on the forehead, inducing rubbing, Spig. 8. Itching tingling on the head, here and there, passing off by scratching, Bar. carb. ITCHING OF PARTICULAR PARTS. a) Forehead, Anac,. Merc, Sulph. Veratr. b) Occiput, Calc. carb. Sassap. Silic. Sulph. Thuj. 1. Itching of the occiput, in the evening, Sep. 2. Violent itching of the scalp; especially the occiput, Amm. carb. c) Top of the head. 1. Itching of the vertex, Sabad. 2. ----- on the vertex, with falling off of the hair, Sep. 3. ---- on the top of the head, with uneasiness, Sulph. d) Left side of the head. Violent itching of the left side of the head, Silic. e) Vertex and occiput. Itching on the vertex and occiput, obliging one to scratch, Mez. f) Hairy scalp and nape of the neck. 1. Intolerable nightly aching of the confines of the neck and hairy scalp, Arg. nit. 2. Itching and gnawing of the hairy scalp and nape of the neck, espe- cially'in the forenoon, Nux vom. 3.---- of the hairy scalp and nape of the neck, Natr. mur. g) Hairy scalp, forehead, and temples. Itching of the hairy scalp, or of the forehead and temples, 01. an. h) At a small spot. 1. Frequent sore itching at a small spot of the centre of the scalp, Zinc. met. 2. Itching of a small spot on the right side of the head, Lauroc. Eruptions. a) SUPPURATING. 1. Extensive (suppurating) erup- tions on the hairy scalp, Cic. 2. Eruptions on the head, suppurat- ing profusely, Lye. b) ITCHING. 1. Itching eruption on the head, Merc. 2. ---- eruption on the hairy border of the nape of the neck, temples, and eyebrows, Natr. mur. 3. The eruption on the head smart?. with little itching, Phos. 4. Eruption on the forehead, (of the genus herpes"?), with a burning- itching sensation, Bar. carb. 5. ---- on the hairy scalp, itching violently, Bar. mur. 6. Small scurfy places on the hairy scalp, with itching, Kali nit. C) HUMID AND ITCHING. ■ 1. Humid eruptions on the head, with much vermin, and nightly itching, burning after scratching, Vine min. 2. Itching and humid eruption.on and above both temples, Zinc. met. 3. ----, crusty eruption on the hairy scalp, also above and behind the ear, Staphis. 4. The hairy scalp itches, it is humid and covered with crusts, Staphis. 5. Scurfy, humid, itching eruption on the hairy scalp, Kit. ac. 220 INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. d) PAINFUL WHEN TOUCHED. 1. Humid eruption on the hairy- scalp, eating away the hair, with painful pressure, especially at the sore places, Merc. 2-----eruption on the top of the head, painful to the touch, Graph. 3. Scurfy spot on the top of the head, with violent sore pain when touched, Graph. 4. Humid eruption on the top of the head, not itching, but painful to the touch as from subcutaneous ulceration, Graph. 5. Dry eruption over the whole head, causing a pain all over when feeling it, Merc. 6. Itching blotches on the hairy scalp, painful, like boils, when touched, Phos. 7. Small blotches on the forehead, painful to the touch, Sulph. 8.----hard blotch on the centre of forehead and on the nape of the neck, burning and painful to the touch, Natr. mur. e) WITH SWELLING OF THE CERVICAL GLANDS. Eruption-on the head, with swelling of the cervical glands, Calc. carb. Lye. f) SIMPLE ERUPTION. 1. Eruption on the hairy scalp, Clem. 2. ---- on the head, face and nape of the neck, Sulph. ac. Scurfs. 1. Humid scurfs on the scalp, Ruta. 2. Scurf on the head, Natr. mur. 3. ----on the left side of the fore- head, Magn. carb. Tinea capitis. 1. Thin, moist porrigo on the hairy scalp, Calc. carb. 2. The Tinea capitis smells badly, Nitr. ac. 3. The old scabs on the top of the head become detached, emitting a disgusting odour, Graph. 4. Malignant scald-head, Brom. 5. "Tinea capitis, dry, or fetid and humid, with thick pus, yellow crust and itching, Sulph. 6. °Tinea capitis, with nightly itch- ing and pus, sometimes greenish, or with crusts, Rhus t. 7. °Scald head, Chelidonium. 8. Tinea capitis, extending to the sides and posterior part of the neck, Bar. mur. 9. ---- capitis, °a!so with swell- ing of the cervical glands, Ars. Pimples. SIMPLE PIMPLES. 1. Pimples on the head, Petrol. 2.----on the hairy scalp, Agar. Kali curb. 3. ----on the forehead, Calc. carb. Puis. ■ 4. ----behind the right ear, Alum. 5.----on forehead and neck, Alum. 6. Painless pimples on the occiput, Cycl. 7. Pimples on the borders of the hairy scalp, Ammoniac. 8. ---- on the sides of the hairy scalp, Bar. carb. 9. ----. *on the temples, Carb. v. 10. Scattered pimples on the fore- head, Bov. 11. Number of pimples on the occi- put and nape of the neck, disap< pearing the next day, Kal. nit. 12. A number of pimples on the side of the forehead, worst in the room, and speedily improving in the open air, Hep. s. 13. Dry pimples on the forehead, especially in the centre, resembling millet-seed, not sensible for six days, Led.pal. 14. Pimples and boils on the fore-; head, Led. pal. INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 221 WITH RED AREOLAE. Painless pimples with red areolae, over the left temple, Anac. RED. 1. Red, smooth, painless pimples on different places of the forehead, Carb. v. 2. Pimples on the forehead, one red pimple close to the border of the hair, which feels sore when touch- ed, Ambr. 3. Red, hard pimple, painful to the touch, close to where the cartilage of the ear begins, Ant. cr. 4. Innumerable red pimples on the scalp, Ars. 5. Small, red pimples on the fore- head, rough forehead, Sep. FILLED WITH PUS. 1. Large red pimple on the left frontal eminence, painful to the touch and suppurating afterwards, Kal. carb. % Itching pimples above the [right eyebrow, inducing scratching, with tips filled with pus, emitting a bloody water after scratching, Euphorb. 3. Red pimple on the forehead, sore, burning, with pus in the tip, Natr. carb. 4. ----painful pimples or blotches on the hairy scalp and in the face, the tips of which become filled with pus, Nux vom. 5. Pimples on the side of the fore- head, partly filled with pus, Am. CONTAINING A WATERY FLUID. 1. Pimples or reddish vesicles on the hairy scalp, with itching, Bov. 2. ---- over the right inner can- thus, painful when pressing upon it, and discharging a watery fluid when pricked, Brom. 'A. ---- filled with a bloody water, on the forehead and temples, with painful soreness after friction, Ars. 4. Red, painless pimples on the temple, near the right corner of the mouth, and on the chin; when scratched, a bloody water oozes out, Bell. PAINFUL WHEN TOUCHED. 1. Pimples over the forehead, one increasing to the size of a hazel- nut, painful to contact, Con. m, 2.----, like blotches, on the hairy scalp, and on the nape of the neck, sore when touched, Hep. s. • 3. Pimple on the left side of the forehead, painful as if bruised when touching it hard, Helleb. 4. Hard pimple with a white tip, in the right eyebrow, sore to the touch, Guajac. 5. Pimples on the forehead, with aching pain when touched, Par. quad. 6.----above the temple, painful when touched, as if ulcerated, Tarax. 7. Painful pimples on the forehead, Sep, 8. Pimple on the left temple, which is painful when touched. Arg. 9. Pimples behind the ear, painful when touched, Calad. 10. Painful pimples on the hairy scalp, Ferr. magn. 11.----pimples on the forehead, Clem. FORMING A SCURF. 1. Pimples on the forehead, form- ing a scurf within 24 hours, Mur. ac. 2. Pimples covered with scurf, and painful as if ecchymosed when touched, Ars. ITCHING. 1. Itching pimples on the scalp, Oleand., Silic, Sulph., Zinc, met., 2. Itching pimples on the right side. of the occiput, in the evening, pass- ing off during the night, Amm. • mur. »>oo INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. S. Itching pimples on the nape of the neck, Staph. 4. Itching pimples on-the forehead, with pricking in the pimples when rubbed, Sulph. Boils. 1. Boil on the right temple, Mur. ac. 2. A number of boils on the head, chin, nape of the neck, ccc, Nitr. ac. 3. Small boils on the forehead, Bar. carb. 4. Painful boil on the temple, Bell. 5. Boil on the forehead where the hairs begin, Calc. carb. Blotches. a) ITCHING. 1. Blotches on the scalp, becoming covered with scabs ; they itch, and after combing the head, are burning, smarting, and sensitive, Rhus. r. 2. Irregularly shaped blotches, itch- ing violently and sore when scratched, on the confines of the nape of the neck and hairy scalp ; after scratching they become in- flamed and emit a fluid, Arg. nit. 3. Itching blotches on the head and nape of the neck, Silic. b) WHITE. 1. Large painless blotches in the hollow behind the lobule of the ear, with a white pimple on the top, Staph. 2. Small white blotches on the fore- head, Carb. v. C.) WITHOUT PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS. 1. Blotches on the occiput, Natr. Sulph. 2. Three red painful blotches, on each temple, Thuj. 3. Hard blotches above the temples, which do not suppurate, Ran. seel. 4. Red spot like a flea-bite, ovei each eyebrow, Mosch. * Tubercles and Tumours. 1. Painful small tumours on the forehead, Nux. vom. 2. Small tumours on the hairy scalp, with ulcerative pain, Puis. 3. ° Small soft tubercles on the hairy scalp, Rhus. t. 4. Soft tumours on the hairy scalp, painful when touched, Petrol. 5. A number of tubercles on the hairy scalp, of the size of a pea, feeling sore when touched or scratched, Anac. 6. Small, flat tubercles here and there on the hairy scalp, of the size of small peas, painful to pres- sure, with titillation all round, Ant. cr. 7. Itching tumours on the hairy scalp and nape of the neck, Arg. nit. 8. Tubercles on the hairy scalp, painful when touched, Magn. p. arct. 9. A glandular tubercle on the. nape of the neck becomes suddenly in- flamed, the skin all around was painful as if sore, and the least touch was unpleasant, Magn. p. arct. 10. Tubercles on the forehead, as in drunkards, Led. pal. Indurated Elevations. 1. Red, hard elevation on each side of the forehead, itching like nettle rash, going and coming, Ant. cr. 2. Painful, small indurations on the forehead, Sep. Tumours and Exostosis. 1. Painful elevation on the scalp, with sensation as if the hair had been pulled ; pain as if bruised, when touching the parts, Phos. ac, 2. Shining, painless, uninflamed tu' INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 223 mour on the forehead, with violent headache above the eyes, Phos. 3. Large nodosity on the occiput, with tearing all around, painful whpn touched, Magn. mur. 4. Aching bony swelling on the temple near the orbit, sore when touted, Spig. 5. Hard tumour on the forehead, Carb. a. C. An old tumour on the hairy scalp, which had been painless heretofore, grows larger, and, when touched, feels painful as from subcutaneous ulceration, Bar. carb. 7. Small exostosis on the left and upper part of the forehead, Aur. 8. Small exostosis on the left side of the vertex, with boring pain which increases by contact, Aur. 9. Painless tumour on the right side of the head, Calc. carb. 10. Tumour below the left temple, I Calc. carb. 11. Tumour on the right temple, ear- ly, which had disappeared in the ^evening, Calc. carb. 12. Almost painless tumour on the occiput, of the size of a hazelnut, lasting a long time, Natr. carb. 13. Two painless tumours on the fore- head, Hep. s. 14. Painful tumour on the right side of the head, as if an ulcer would form, Kali. carb. 15. Broad tubercle under the skin on the forehead, without change of colour, Lye. 16. Exostoses on the hairy scalp, Merc. 17. Tumour on the occiput, of the size of a walnut, Lye. Scabs or Scales. 1. Numerous scabs on the scalp, Par. quad. Sep. 2. Scales in the region of the ver- tex, Calc. carb. 3. Dry scabs on the hairy scalp, Mez. 4. Humid scabs, also with bad smell, Staph. 5. The epidermis of the hairy scalp peels off^ Oleand. 6. Small elevated scabs between the hairs of the head, firmly ad- hering to the skin, Merc. 7. Itching scabs on the hairy scalp, Alum. Staph. 8. Scales on the hairy scalp, itch- ing occasionally, Phos. 9. Numerous scabs on the hairy scalp, itching and burning after scratching, Merc. 10. Large, yellow scaly spot on the upper part of the forehead, Kal. carb. 11. A number of scabs on the head, causing a troublesome itching, and changing to scurf; they come off on Avashing the head, and then the place feels humid, Graph. Rash. 1. Rash on the hairy scalp, Spig. 2. Rash on forehead, perceived only when touched, Natr mur. Rough Skin. Rough skin on the temples, Natr. mur. Erysipelas. Erysipelas on the forehead (from gathering the herb,) Ruta. Ulcers. 1. Spreading ulcers and suppurat- ing crusts on the hairy scalp, as far as the middle of the forehead, Ars. 2. Ulcers on the hairy scalp, one on the left side and one towards the nape of the neck, with gnaw- ing itching, obliging him to scratch, Ruta. Blisters or Vesicles. 1. Vesicles on the occiput, sore when touched, 01. an. 224 INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 2. Suppurating blister on the fore- head, Bov. 3. Itching painful blister on the temple, Bov. Pustules. 1. Pustules on the forehead, Rho- dod. 2. Large pustule on the occiput, with tearing pain, Puis. 3. Small, itching pustules on the occiput, towards the nape of the neck, changing to ulcers of the size of an inch, with rough crusts, un- der which the secretion continued for a long time, Sep. 4. Pustules with burning pain, on scalp and face, Ars. ~ 5. Pustules on forehead and tem- ples, with sore pain, and leaving small blotches behind after desic- cation, Gran. 6. Large pustule on the occiput, and a scurf over the hairy scalp, which bleeds when scratched, Lye. 7. Pustules on the forehead and temples, Mur. ac. Spots. 0 Violent pain in the left temple and side of the forehead, with weeping and moaning, intolerance of contact, and a brownish-red spot on the left frontal eminence with a black tip in the middle, Ars. Pressure. SIMPLE PRESSURE. 1. Pressure on the forehead, Grat. 2. Sharp pressure at a small spot of the integuments of the head, Con. m. 3. Pressure on the right sinciput, as if proceeding from the cervical muscles, Kreas. A. Pressure in the outer parts of the forehead and left side of the occiput, Asa f 5. Pressure in the left temple, worse by contact, Aur. 6, Pressure about the head as from a tight hat, Alum. 7. Pressure on the hairy scalp, in the face and on the neck, Phos. 8. Pressure on the left temple, Sabad, 9. Pressure in the right frontal emi- nence, Oleand. 10. Dull pressure at a small spot on the occiput, Oleand. 11. Pressure on the right side, as if pressed in, Oleand. 12. Pressure on the occiput, as from lying on a hard couch, less when rubbed, Phos. ac. WITH BURNING. Sensation of burning pressure in the outer parts of the forehead, Teucr. WITH DRAWING. 1. Pressure and drawing in the left side of the hairy scalp, from be- low upwards, Rhus t. 2. Pressure, with drawing, it fie left temple, or with tearing, at the parietal bone, Spig. WITH STICKING OR CUTTING. 1. Dull sticking pressure in the outer parts of the forehead, Tarax. 2. Pressure and cutting in the in- teguments of the head, Sassap. WITH GNAWING. 1. Gnawing pressure in the integu- ments, increased by moving and feeling them, Hyos. 2. Pressure on the top of the scalp, sometimes with gnawing, Dros, 3. Gnawing pressure in the outer integuments, increased by moving and feeling them, Hyos. 4. Pressure and gnawing on the forehead, near the root of the nose. Phos. ac. INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD. 225 AS FROM NODOSIT1E8 UNDER THE SKIN. Pressure at several parts of the head, as from nodosities under the skin, Phos. Creeping or Crawling* 1. Creeping in the scalp, Cann. sat., Caust., Rhus tox. 2. Creeping on the forehead, China. 3. Crawling and creeping on the hairy scalp, in bed, Ran. bulb. 4. Creeping on the forehead and vertex, Nux vom. 5. Sensation on the right side of the head as if a cluster of hair were electrified, a sort of creeping in the hairs with tendency to stand on end, with a slight shuddering of the skin under the hair, Verat. 6. Cold creeping on the occiput, to- wards the cheek, where a dull burning pain is felt; lastly draw- ing in a hollow tooth, Plat. 7. Creeping in one part of the oc- ciput, in the afternoon, as if an abscess would form, Rhus tox. 8, Creeping over the forehead and nose when sitting erect, going off on stooping, Rhus I. 9. Creeping about the head as if between skin and flesh, Alum. 10. Creeping as if under the cranium, with cutting and gnawing, Alum. 11. Creeping and titillation of hairy scalp, with pain after scratching, Alum. 12. Creeping in the hairy scalp, to- wards morning, Arg. nit. 13. Creeping on the forehead as of flies, in the evening, going off after long scratching, Lauroc. AS IF THE HAIRS WERE MOVING. 1. Creeping in the integuments as if the hairs were in motion, Carb. v. 2. Creeping in the occiput as if the roots of the hairs were in motion, Ars. Vol. III.—15 Tingling or Titillation. 1. Tingling of the scalp, Ammoniac. 2. Cold tingling in the temporal re- gion, Rhodod. 3. Tingling about the right ear, Nitr. etc 4. Titillation on the occiput, going off by scratching, Lauroc. 5. Tingling on the top of the head, externally, Am. 6. Tingling in left side of the scalp, Aeon. 7, A sort of titillating spasm in the temples, Cann. lat. 8. Burning tingling above the eye- brows, Sabad. Formication. 1. Formication over the left tem- ple, Tabac. 2. Formication in the right temple, then down the side of the lower jaw, with feeling of coldness, Plat. 3. Formication in the scalp, Bar. carb. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Pulsative throbbing in the outer parts of the head, with stitches in the temples, removed for a while by external pressure, increased by sitting or standing, Guaiac. 2. Burning throbbing on the left side of the occiput, in the evening, in bed, Kali. nit. 3. Slow pulsations in the left tem- ple, externally, with fine prickings towards the eyebrows, most vio- lent when not especially attended to, Ant. cr. 4. Pulsative throbbing in the outer parts of the head, with stitches in the temples, removed for a short while by external pressure, in- creasing by sitting or standing. Guaiac. t Swelling of the temporal veins. 1. Distention of the temporal veins' Sanguin. 226 PAINS IN THI 2. Swelling of the temporal veins, during rest, without heat, Thuj. The head falls backwards. When sitting ©r walking the head falls backwards as if the anterior cervical muscles were paralysed, Dig. Sensation as if a single hair were pulled. Sensation on the left side of the hairy scalp, as if a single hair ' were pulled, Lye. Sensation as if a hair were hang- ing over the forehead. Sensation as if a hair were hang- ing over the forehead which he wants to brush off, Grat. Contractive sensation or pain in the Scalp. 1. Contraction of the scalp, Natr. mur. 2. Spasmodic contraction of the scalp, Lye. 3. The scalp feels contracted, and as if put upon the stretch, Spig. 4. Contractive pain in the scalp, Ars. 5. Pain at ory? spot on the right side and near the vertex, as if the scalp were contracted, early, after rising, Kal. nit. 6. Cramp-like contractive pain on the head, afternoon and evening, Phos. 7. Coldness and spasmodic con- traction of the scalp, Graph. 8. Numb pain on the vertex as if the scalp were drawn together, and as if pressed upon by a hea- vy weight, Plat. 9. Contractive pain in the scalp, particularly on the vertex, occiput or forehead, as if the scalp were INTEGUMENTS clutched and drawn together in one point, in a circle, China. 10. Drawing-up of the skin of the forehead, with consequent reced- ing of the eyelids one from the other, and subsequent drawing- downwards of the skin, with clos- ing of the lids, Lye II. Sensation as if the scalp were pressed together in one spot, Zinc. met. OF THE LEVATOR PALPEBRARUM. Pain in the eyebrow, drawing to and fro, with cramp-like contrac- tion of the levator palpebrarum muscle, Helleb. OF THE FRONTAL MUSCLE. 1. Sensation, externally, as if the muscles of the forehead and eyes contracted, Bell. 2. Contraction of the frontal mus- cles, Tabac. AS IF WRINKLES WOULD FORM. 1. Sensation as if wrinkles would form on the forehead, Graph. 2. The frontalis muscle inclines to contract into wrinkles, Rheum. WITH BURNING. Contractive burning pain in the out- er and left side of the vertex, Oleand. WITH SENSATION AS IF THE HAIR WERE PULLED. 1. Contractive sensation in the hairy scalp, with sensation as if the hairs were pulled, Lye. 2. Contractive pain in the scalp as if the hair were pulled, Rhus t. Pains. SIMPLE PAIN. 1. Dull pain of the hairy scalp, Phos. ac. OF THE HEAD. 227 2. The bones of the head are pain- ful, Lye. 3. Transitory pain in the sides of the head, ear, &c, Natr. carb. 4. Pain in the lower part of the oc- ciput, externally, Natr. carb. 5. Violent pains in the integuments of the skull, from the occiput to the forehead, Plumb. 6. Pain of the scalp, intolerable at night, as if lying upon hard stones, Plat. 7. Violent pains at the occiput, ear- ly, with stiffness of the nape of the neck, Spig. 8. Frequent short attacks of pain on the vertex, Lauroc. 9. When bending the head back- wards, one feels an opposing pain in the muscles of the region where the neck and back unite, Cupr. 10. Superficial pain on the top of the head, on the malar bones, ear, jaw-bones, ceasing in the afternoon, returning in the evening, Lye bone-pain. 1. Bone-pain in the bones of the skull, worse when touched, Mez. 2. Bone-pain of the whole left side of the head, teeth and meatus auditorius externus, aching and drawing, Nitr. ac. PAIN AS IF BROKEN. On lying down the bones of the skull pained him as if broken, Aur. PAIN AT SMALL SPOTS. I. Spot on the hairy scalp which is painful as if bruised, especially when touched, Magnet, p. aust. 2. Small spot on the left parietal bone, which, when touched, causes a pain in the bone as if the perios- teum were swollen, Ant. cr. 3. Small spot on the forehead, pain- ful to'the touch, Alum. 4. Painful spots on the occiput, Ambr. 5. The occipital protuberances are painful to the touch, Natr. carb. 6. Single spots on the scalp, sensi- tive to contact and cold air, Aeon. 7. Sore pain at a small spot on the forehead, as after a blow, at night. Par. quad. 8. Pain as if bruised or contused at a small spot of the vertex, when touched, Caust. 9. Contusive pain at a small spot on the right occiput, with alter- nate drawing towards the ear, Rhodod. 10. Painful sore feeling at a small spot on the hairy scalp of the right side, Zinc. met. 11. Painful spots on the hairy scalp. when touching them, Nitr. ac. 12. Round painful spot on the mid- dle of the head, Lach. 13. Painful spot near the vertex. with increased pain on touching it, Lact. 14. Dull seated pain at a small spot of the left parietal bone, Lact. 15. Drawing pain at a small spot of the right parietal bone, with pain when touched, Lact. PAIN AS IF SORE OR BRUISED. 1. Sensitiveness of the scalp, Lye Chin, sulph. 2. Pain as if bruised on the head. Natr. m., Petrol, Silic. 3. Soreness of the right temple, Dros. 4. Feeling of soreness in the scalp. even when not touched, Zinc. met. 5, Sore pain on the top of the head, Graph. 6. Pain of the occiput as if bruis- ed, Spig. • 7. Sore pain in the left frontal emi- nence, Dros. 8. Pain in the vertex as if ecchy- mosed, Phos. 9. Pain on the vertex, as if bruised or soft, Petrol. 10. Sore pain of the vertex, wheth- er touched or not, Magn. mur. 11. Painful feeling of soreness over 228 v PAINS IN THE INTEGUMENTS the left frontal eminence, becom- ing more and more painful in par- oxysms, Sulph. ac. 12. Smarting sore feeling in the right occiput, over the ear, lod. 13. Pain as from a blow, near the left frontal eminence, increasing at first, afterwards disappearing sud- denly, Sulph. ac. 14. Painful sensitiveness of the ver- tex and internal stupefaction, ear- ly, Squil. 15. Sore pain of the hairy scalp, on the forehead, not when touched, Ran, bulb. 16. Painful sensitiveness of the head as after a violent headache, Silic. 17. Pain as from a fall, in the peri- cranium, from the temporal bones to the occiput, Ruta. 18. Pain as if bruised, in the region where the posterior cervical mus- cles are inserted, Phos. ac. 19. Pain, externally, over the whole head, as is felt in the integuments after pulling the hair, Bell. 20. Pain as if bruised, about the head, internally and externally, Natr. carb. 21. Pain in a rough wind, as if the scalp were sore; nevertheless it is not painful to the touch, Nux vom. 22. Pain of the right side as if bruis- ed, Nitr. ac. 23. The skin under the scabs on the head is painful and moist, Graph. 24. Soreness of the scalp, above the right side of the forehead, Dros. 25. Sore places on the hairy scalp, itching, Bov. 26. Bruised feeling on the occiput, after sneezing, Grat. PAIN AS IF SORE, WORSE BY CONTACT. 1. The scalp feels sore when touch- ed, Alum, Bar. carb., Bov., Bry., Caust., Ign., Kal. nitr., Par. quad., Rhodod., Rhus, t., Sang., Silic, Thuj. 2. Sensitiveness of the scalp to pres- sure, even of the hat, Carb. a. 5. The scalp is sensitive to the touch, particularly when moved, Spig. 4. Sensitiveness of the vertex, when touched, Sulph. 5. The scalp on the top of the head feels as if bruised when touched, Nux vom. 6. Pain from the temples to the orbits ; when touching the parts they feel painful as if bruised, Ign, 7. Smarting pain on the forehead when touching it, Graph. 8. Pain in the left occiput, as if bruised, he was unable to lie on it, Euphorb> 9. The vertex and sinciput are pain- ful when touched or combed, as if ulcerated ; in the interval the pain is drawing, worst on the vertex, Kreas. 10. Several places of the head are painful to the touch, Calc. carb. 11. The scalp is so painful that even the pressure of the hair causes her pain, Bell. 12. Forehead, temple, and upper half of face are painful to the touch, Mercurial. 13. Sensitiveness of the head and pain from the pressure of the hat, Crot. 14. The hairy scalp is painful when touched, and when turning the hair backward, Rhus t. 15. The vertex is sensitive to the touch and, when touched, an ach- ing pain is felt in the hand, Sabin. 16. The hat causes an intense pain in the occipital protuberances, Silic. 17. The pains about the head are made worse by touching the head and by walking, Sassap. 18. The occiput is so painful that he cannot lie on it, Spig. 19. Soreness in the integuments of the right parietal bone, only when touching them, preventing him from lying on that side, Staph. 20. The parietal bone feels bruised when touched, Natr. mur. 21. The left side of the head is sensi- OF THE HEAD. 229 live as if burnt by the sun, on moving or touching the parts, Lack. 22. Pain in the parietal bone, par- ticularly when touched, Cupr. 23. The scalp is painful when press- ing on it, on both sides of the ver- tex, Mez. 24. Sensitiveness of the scalp, with pain from the pressure of the hat, Crot. 25. Painfulness of the forepart of the head when touching it, Lye 26. Great painfulness of the integu- ments of the head, when touching them or when stooping, Magn. mur. 27. Soreness of the skin over the left temple when touching it, Menyan. 28. Painfulness of the whole head, as if sore, worse when touched, Mosch. PAINFUL SENSITIVENESS OF THE SCALP AND HAIR, 1. Scalp and hair are painful to contact, Cinnab. 2. Painfulness of the scalp and hair, when moving the hand over the parts, it makes him shudder, Amm. carb. 3. Pain about the head as from subcutaneous ulceration, and pain- fulness of the hair when touching it, Ferr. acet. PAIN WHEN MOVING THE SCALP OR HEAD. 1. Disagreeable sensitiveness of the scalp, especially when moving it, Spong. 2. The forehead is painful when moved, as if the skin had grown fast to the skull, Sabin. 3. The whole scalp is very painful, when moving the frontal muscle to and fro, Calc. acet. 4. Sensitiveness of the scalp and brain after dinner, increased by moving the head, Gent. cr. 5. Pain as if bruised of the integu- ments of the vertex and occiput, especially during the chill; at every motion, especially when stooping and going up-stairs the pain is converted into a jerking in the integuments of the head dimin- ished by pressure, Helleb. PAIN AS IF ULCERATED. a) Of the scalp generally. Ars., Merc, Nitr. ac, Kal. hyd., Stann,, Sulph. ac. b) Of the sides. 1. Ulcerative pain, externally, in both temples and on the forehead, Mur. ac. 2. Ulcerative pain on both sides of the head, Petrol. c) Of the vertex. 1. Ulcerative pain on the vertex when touching it, Rhodod. Zinc. met. 2. Sensitive scalp as from subcuta- neous ulceration, especially the vertex, with tearing drawing, worse by pressure, Agar. 3. Ulcerative pain on the vertex, even without touching the part, with sticking jerks penetrating deep into the brain, Spig. 4. Ulcerative pain in the right sin- ciput, Kreas. d) Of the left side. 1. The left side of the head is pain- ful as if ulcerated, Carb. a. 2. Headache on the left side, ex- ternally ; the parts feel as if ul- cerated, when touched, Sulph. e) Of the occiput. 1. Sensation behind the left occipi- tal bone as if ulcerated, Kreas. 2. Soreness of the occiput as from suboutaneous ulceration, Calc. acet. PAIN AS IF STRAINED OR DISPLACED. 1. Sudden pain in the occipital bone n 230 PAINS IN THE INTEGUMENTS when sitting, as if some parts of the muscle had been displaced, Caust. 2. Pain as if strained, about the head, nape of neck, and neck, when touching these parts, Ambr. 3. Pain about the bead and neck, as if sprained and gone to sleep, Carb. a. PAIN AS IF THE SKIN WERE DETACHED, Pain about the head as if the skin became detached, as far down as the nape of the neck, Calc. carb. PAIN AS IF THE HAIR WERE PULLED. 1. Sensation as if the hair were pulled, Aeon. 2. Headache, on the top of the head, as if the hairs were pulled, Kali nit. 3. Pain on the sinciput as if the hair were pulled, Kreas. 4. Violent pain in the vertex, in the evening, as if the hairs were pulled ; they stand on end on the spot which is most painful, Sulph. 5. The scalp is painful here and there as if the hair were pulled out, Selen. 6. Pain of the scalp when touching it, as if sore, or as if the hairs were pulled, Phos. ac. 7. Sensitiveness and twitching on the vertex as if the hair were pull- ed, Phos. S. Sensation as if the hair on the forepart of the head were raised and pulled, Calc caust. 9. Drawing as if the hairs were pulled at with Inclination to vomit, Alum. 10. Pain as if the hair were pulled. in the region of left vertex, Alum- 11. Pain in the occiput, in some places, as if the hair were pulled, or resembling electric shocks, Am. 12. Pain as if the hair were pulled, at a small place of the right pari- etal bone, Bar. carb. 13. Pain as if the hair were pulled, with bubbling sensation in the tem- ples, Bry. 14. Sensation on the vertex as if a cluster of hairs were pulled up, Ind. 15. Soreness of the vertex as if the hairs had been pulled out, with drawing painful pressure in the occiput, Coloc 16. Pain on the top of the head as if the hairs were pulled, from after- noon till evening, Magn. carb. SORENESS OF THE HAIR. 1. The hair is painful, Ars., Nitr ac. 2. The hair feels sore when touched, Ambr., Mez., Spig. 3. The roots of the hair are painful, Coloc. 4. The scalp is sensitive to the touch, the roots of the hairs being painful, China., Sep., Sulph. 5. The roots of the hairs on the vertex are painful when touched, Nitr. ac, Zinc. met. 6. Headache on the vertex, in the morning when in bed, with pain- fulness of the hair when touched, going off after rising, Carb. v. 7. Soreness of the head when touch ing it, as if the hair were sore, Natr. mur. 8. A portion of the scalp feels as if bruised; the hair stands on end, and is painful to the touch, Nux vom. 9. Headache, as if the hair of the occiput were painful, Nux vom. 10. When lying on the left side, at night, he feels a pain at a spot near the occipital protuberance; also when touching the part; even the hairs in that region are painful when touched, Thuj. 11. Sensitiveness of the scalp, the hair is painful when combing it- Natr. sulph. 12. The hairs are painful when scratching the head, Sulph. OF THE HEAD. 231 DRAWING PAIN. 1. Drawing pain in the integuments, Nux vom. 2. Painful drawing in different parts of the head, Phi 3. Painful drawing in the upper and outer parts of the head, Ind. 4. Drawing pain on the scalp on rubbing the hand over the hair from before backwards, Puis. 5. Painful drawing at and behind the occipital protuberance, at eve- ry motion of the head, Staph. 6. Painful drawing in several outer parts of the head, more violent when touched, Staph. 7. Drawing pain in the occipital bone, every day, Phos. ac 8. Single turns of drawing pain in the outer parts of the forehead, as far as the occiput, Sep. 9. Drawing pains in different pla- ces, in the integuments, Carb. v. 10. Dull and drawing pain in the in- teguments on the forehead, early, after rising, Coloc. 11. Drawing pain in the temporal bones, Con. m. 12. Drawing pain over the eyebrows, Con, m. 13. Drawing pain in the right side of the head, down the nape of the neck, Lye. 14. Tearing-drawing pain on both sides of the head, with painfulness of the hair when touched; increas- ing during the night, Phos. 15. Tensive-drawing pain as after a blow or shock, in the sides oif the head, externally, Ruta. TEARING PAIN, 1. Tearing pain in the right temple, Rhus t. 2..----pain across the hairy scalp, Rhus t. 3- ---- pain over the left temple, Carb. v. 4- ---- pain in the integuments of the forehead, in every position of the head, Merc. 5. Tearing pain in the outer parts of the head, particularly the bones, Merc. 6.----pain, with pressure, in the outer part of the head, Cycl. 7.----pain with pressure, in the outer parts of the occipital bone as far as the left side of the frontal bone, in a curved direction across the left temporal bone, more vi- olent when touched, Sabin. GNAWING PAIN. 1. Gnawing sensation on the head Sec. com. 2. Painful gnawing in the right occi- pital protuberance, as of a mouse, Zinc. met. 3. Gnawing on the hairy scalp, he has to scratch, Lye 4.----pain on the vertex, Menyan. Spong. 5. —— pain, with pressure, on the forehead, Ruta. 6.----headache, with pressure above the eyebrows, externally, with drawing extending from this part to the cerebellum, in the morning, Dros. 7. Corrosive gnawing in the skin of the occiput, with sensation as if something Were crawling about on the hairy scalp, Thuj. 8. ---- gnawing of the scalp, at night, Bry. 9. Biting and corrosive gnawing on the right side of the hairy scalp, evening, Thuj. 10. Itching gnawing of the forehead, Phos. ac. 11. Itching gnawing on the hairy scalp, increased by rubbing, Staph. 12. Biting in various parts of the head, Rhodod. 13. Biting over the whole hairy scalp, Ran. seel 14. Violent biting (smarting) on^the head, removed by scratching, but reappearing at some other place, in the evening, Mez. 232 PAINS IN THE INTEGUMENTS 15. Painful biting in the skin, on the left forehead, Spig. ACHING PAIN. 1. Sharp aching pain in the outer and left side of the occiput, Oleand. 2. Aching pain in the outer part of the head, especially in the fore- head, Euphr. 3. ---- pain in the outer parts over the right eyebrow, Magnet, p. arct. 4.----pain in the outer part of the occiput, as if the parts were sore, Sep. 5. ----in the region of the tem- poral bones, externally, Arg. 6. ----pain in the temple, when feeling it, Led. pal. 7. ----on the outer and right side of the occiput, gradually affecting the nape of the neck, neck and scapulae, Hep. s. 8.----pain in the outer parts over the left eyebrow, Magn. p. arct. 9. Sharp aching in the outer side of the temple, Kali carb. 10. Aching in the integuments of the forehead, Con. m. 11.----of the occipital protuber- ance as from a shock or fall, Dig. 12. ---- pain on the forehead, the part being marked with a red spot, Mosch. 13. Violent burning aching behind the right ear, Thuj. 14. Occasional burning aching pain at a small spot near the nape of the neck, and especially after scratching, when lying on that spot Sulph. 15. Burning aching, externally, above the left eye, Mur. ac. 16. Stunning aching pain on the fore- head, as if he had been revelling over night, in any position of the body, Led. pal. PRICKING OR CUTTING PAIN. 1. Pricking pain at the temples. Thuj. 2. Darting pain in the occiput, ap- parently in the bone, succeeded by a similar pain in the hip-bone, which is succeeded by a tensive pain behind the right ear, con- tinuing the whole night, Kali nitr. 3. Cutting pain across the hairy scalp, between forehead and vertex, Lye. 4. Fine incisive pain in the hairv scalp, from the middle of the fore- head towards the left eye, as if the skin were cut, Magn. carb. 5. Burning sticking pains in the region of the left parietal bone, Staphis. 6. Sticking and tearing pain in the hairy scalp, followed by a tumour at that place of the size of a dollar, and half an inch high, painful when touched, Ruta. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning pain on the hairy scalp, Sabad. 2. ---- pain in the temple, as if caused by a bruise or contusion. in paroxysms, going and coming like a wave, Sulph. ac 3. ---- pain, with pressure, close above the ear, in the left tempo- ral bone, interiorly, Staph. 4. ---- pain in the right side of the scalp, Phos. ac 5. ----pain in the skin of the fore- head, left side, Phos. ac. 6.----pain above the temple, Mur. ac. 7.----pain at a spot on the top of the head, Bry. 8.----pain above the eyebrows, Coloc. 9.----pain in both occipital pro- tuberances, Lye. 10.----pain in the scalp, above the left forehead, Merc. 11. Smarting.burning pain in the hairy scalp, Dros. 12. Burning sore pain on the right side of the scalp, going off bv touching the parts, Dros. OF THE HEAD. 233 BURNING-COMPRESSIVE PAIN. Burning-compressive pain on the head, causing stupefaction, Ruta. BURNING AND CUTTING PAIN. Burning and cutting pain in the left side of the skin of the forehead, most violent when the skin is drawn tight, Clem. ITCHING PAIN. 1. Painful itching in the region of the left frontal eminence, Croc. 2. Itching pain in the right side of the occiput, Silic. TENSIVE PAIN. 1. Tensive pain around the sinciput, Menyan. 2. Rigid pain in the left side of the nape of the neck and occiput, only at night, frequently waking him ; he cannot lie on the side, Staph. CREEPING PAIN. Creeping pain above the forehead, Kal. carb. BORING PAIN. Dull boring pain in the region of the vertex, Dros. COLD CRAMP-PAIN. Cold cramp-pain on the whole left side of the head, Phos. HEAVY PAIN. Sensation in the occiput as if the tendons were too short, like a painful weight which draws the head backward, Lauroc. Liability of the head to taking cold. 1. Liability of the head to taking cold, Natr. mur. Phos. 2. Great liability of the head to taking cold ; a cold current causes a cutting sensation in the hairy scalp, Lye. 3. Liability of the head to taking cold, with headache and toothache, Kali carb, 4. The head is very sensitive to cold, Grat. 5. Liability of the head to taking cold, with sensation as if a plank were pressing upon the head, with chilliness along the back, Calc. carb. 6. Sensitiveness of the external head to cold, and to changes of weather, Bor. Numb or dead feeling. 1. Numbness of the forehead, Magn. mur, 2. The forehead feels dead and as if gone to sleep, Mur. ac. Silic 3. Sensation of numbness or dead- ness in the occipital bone, Caust. 4. Sense of numbness and coldness on one side of the head, Con. m. 5. Sensation of numbness in the upper part of the head, Mez. 6. Tingling and numbness on the left side of the scalp (and whole body) in the evening and on the day following, Lach. 7. Numb spot on the right side of the head, Calc. carb. 8. Sensation as if the scalp wei going to sleep, Alum, 9. Feeling of tension and numbnes in the skin of the head and face, Berb. v. 10. Numbness of the integuments, as if made of wood^ Petrol. 11.----of the head, as if it had gone to sleep, Nitr. ac Coldness. I. Chilliness about the head, Kal. carb. 2. Feeling of coldness about the head, Sulph. 3. ---- of coldness on the hairy scalp, Phos. ac 4.----of icy-coldness on the vertex, then on the forehead, nape of the neck, &c, extending to the 234 COLDNESS OF, STITCHES IN, THE INTEGUMENTS small of the back, after which all the pains in the head disappear, Lauroc. 5. Sensation of icy-coldness of the hairy scalp, after itching and scratching, Agar. D- ---- about the head as if a cold breeze were blowing on it, Petrol. 7. He feels chilly on the top of the head, and at the same time about the feet, Verat. 8. Cold feeling on the vertex, with painful sensitiveness of the scalp and closing of the eyelids, Natr. mur. AT A SMALL SPOT. 1. Cold feeling at a small spot of the vertex, even when the head is covered, the hair standing on end, Mang. 2.----sensation at a small spot of the parietal bone (afterwards at other parts of the head), as from a drop of cold water, Cann, sat. 3. ---- feeling at a small spot on the left side of the head, a little above the ear, Asar. 4. A cold spot on the top of the head, continually, Sulph. 5. Cold feeling at a small spot on the forehead, as if touched by a dold finger, Am. COLDNESS, CO-EXISTING WITH, OR CHANGING TO WARMTH. 1. Painful feeling of coldness on the vertex, changing to warmth wben moving the head, Grat. 2. The right side of the head feels icy cold to the hand, but burning to himself, Bar. carb. 3. Increased warmth in the fore- head, followed in a few minutes by coldness of the hairy scalp ; even the hairs felt cold to the hand, as if cold water had been poured over the hairy scalp, Sabad 4. Feeling of warmth and coldness on the head at the same time, his hairs being sensitive, Verat. Stitches. 1. Sticking in the vertex, Asaf. Par. quad. 2. Fine stitches in different parts of the scalp, Kali carb. 3. Slow, fine stitches in the hairy scalp, here and there, Bar. carb. 4. Stitch in the centre of the fore- head, where the hair begins, Aur. 5. Stitches under the scalp, Aeon. 6. Sharp stitches in the integu- ments of the right and then of the left side of the forehead, Helleb. 7. Dull sticking in the left frontal eminence, Sassap. 8. Stitches in the right frontal emi- nence and nose, Squil. 9. Severe stitches in the outer parts of the left temporal region, Thuj. 10. Violent sticking in the right side of the head and occiput, painful when touching the parts, Nitr. ac. DARTINGS OR LANCINATIONS. 1. Dartings in the scalp, Caust. 2. Lancinations in the left forehead, or prickings, in paroxysms, Mang. 3.----below the right parietal bone, towards every side of the skull, Mang. 4. Single lancinations in the hairy scalp, Ant. cr. 5. Lancinations or simple stitches in the outer parts of the left temple, Ars. 6. Lancination in the left side of the integuments of the forehead, over the eyebrow, Zinc. met. 7. Lancinations in the left side of the forehead, Sabad. STINGING OR PRICKING. 1. Stinging of the hairy scalp, Am- moniac. 2. Pricking in the scalp, near the vertex, Crot. 3. Pricklings in the scalp, in the region of the sinciput, Calad. 4. Stinging in the parts around the orbits, Brom. • OF THE HEAD. 235 5. Stinging in the left side of the occi- put, early in the morning, Bov. G.----in the right side of the scalp, Bov. 7. _--- in the forehead, in the evening, Bov. 8. Prickings in the forehead, exter- nally, Aur. 9. Stinging in the outer parts of right side of head, Alum. 10. Fine prickings in the outer part of the left temple, Euphr. 11. Stinging in the scalp, particu- larly on the forehead and temples, Sabad. % 12. Pricking in the forehead, appa- rently in the bone, Sulph. 13. Stinging in the skin of the occi- put, Prun. sp. BURNING STITCHES. 1. Burning prickings on the outer and right side of the hairy scalp, with sensation of rush of blood to the head, and dulness of idea, Ran. bulb. 3.----stitches in the outer parts of the frontal bone, Staphis. 3. Fine burning pricking of the scalp, Staphis. 4. Burning dull stitches in the region of the left temporal bone, Sassap. 5.----stitch on the vertex, Phos. ac 6.----prickings in the forehead, with pain as if ecchymosed when touching the part, Asaf 7.----stinging on the vertex, Grat. 8. Sharp burning stitches in the left temple and vertex, Cupr. 9.----burning stitches on the left side of the forehead, Cupr. PAINFUL STITCHES. 1. Painful prickings on the right occiput, early, in bed, increased by turning the neck, Mang. 2.----prickings about the head, after dinner, Magn, carb. 3. Painful stitches about the head, and in the nape of the neck, with stinging, swelling of the cheeks, and stitches in the teeth, Kali carb. STITCHES WITH PRESSURE. 1. Sticking with pressure, at a small spot on the left occiput, Spig. 2. —— with pressure in the right frontal protuberance, Par. quad. 3. Stitches in the side of the head, or in the forehead (also with pres- sure, sometimes attended with vertigo and nausea), China. 4. Sticking with pressure, in the temples, externally. Euphorb. 5. Stitches with pressure in the left side of the forehead, Dig. STITCHES WITH DRAWING. 1. Stitches, with drawing, in the skin of the vertex, Ran. seel 2. Stitch in the frontal bone. resembling a slow drawing, Aur. 3. Drawing stitches along the eye- brows, Cic. TEARING STITCHES. 1. Tearing stitches in the left temple, Dig. 2. Single tearing stitches from the left temple to the zygoma, Kali carb. STITCHES OF VARIOUS KINDS. ■1. Stinging in the vertex, in the evening, with pain to the touch, Bov. 2. Long-continuing stitch on the vertex, increased by contact, Phos. ac 3. Continuous stitch in the hairy scalp, inducing scratching, Verat. 4. Tensive stitch, in the occipital bone, Oleand. 5. Pricking in the forehead when he gets warm and goes up-stairs, Sabad. 6. Pulsative stitches in the forehead, Sassap. 236 MOVEMENTS OF THE INTEGUMENTS*. 7. Stupifying sticking in the left frontal eminence, Par. quad. 8. Violent stitches in left parietal bone, when stooping, Mang. 9. Fine, sharp itching-stinging in the hairy scalp, which constantly reappears in another place after scratching, Cycl 10. Transitory stitches above the right temple, alternating with a kind of buzzing, Mang, Drawing. 1. Drawing in the forehead, above the eyebrows, Carb. a. 2.----in the right occiput, China. 3. ---- in the occipital muscles, Par. quad. 4.----in the temporal muscles, Nitr. ac. 5. ---- in the temporal muscles, a sort of external headache, worse during deglutition, Thuj. 6. Slight drawing in the outer parts of the left side of the head, Brom. 7. Drawing in different parts of the integuments, also extending into the ears, teeth, and half the face, which makes the head feel confus- ed ; the pains diminish after sneezing, Magn. mur. DRAWING AND PRESSURE. 1. Frequent drawing and pressure between the eyes, Caust. 2. Drawing, with pressure, in the region of the right temporal bone, and cartilage of the ear, Sassap. * 3. Rheumatic drawing, with pres- sure, in the outer parts of the occi- put, when bending the head fore- ward, commencing at the articu- lation, Staph. DRAWING AND STITCHES. 1. Drawing and stinging in the scalp, Nitr. ac. 2. Sticking drawing in the vertex, externally, Ruta. 3. ---- drawing in the region of the right parietal and temporal bones, Sassap. 4. Sticking drawing from the right mastoid process to the left frontal eminence, Sassap. CRAMPT DRAWING. Crampy drawing in the side of the occiput, Menyan. Movements. JACTITATION. 1. Painless, gurgling jactitation of the muscles in the right temple, Kali. carb. 2. Jactitation of the temporal muscles, or pulsation in the tem- ples, Crotal TWITCHING. 1. Frequent twitching in the sinci- put, here and there, Kal. hyd. 2. Twitchings in the levatores pal- pebrarum and the cheeks, with heat in the face, Helleb. 3. ---- of the skin of forehead and temples, Agar. 4. ---- in the orbicularis muscle, under the lid, Cic. 5. Twitchings of the temporal muscles, Op. THE SCALP MOVES TO AND FRO. 1. The scalp moves from behind forwards and back again, Natr. carb. 2. Motion of the scalp forward and backward; he is obliged to press the molar teeth together, Sep. 3. ----of the scalp from the nape of the neck towards the forehead and back, Natr. mur. THE SCALP MOVES TOWARDS THE FORK- HEAD. 1. Motion of the scalp towards the forehead, Caust. 2. Movement of the scalp from tin nape of the neck across the vertex as far as the forehead, Sulph. OF THE HEAD. 237 J1REING. 1. Spasmodic jerkings in the occi- pito-frontalis muscle, in the after- noon, when lying down, going off by rising, Hep. s. 2. ----jerking of the right tem- poral muscle; the occipito-fronta- lis muscle of the right side, the muscle on the side of the neck near the cricoid cartilage and to- wards the nape of the neck ; this jerking repelled the hand, and was accompanied by a quivering pain, Arg. TREMBLING. Shaking and trembling in the skin of the right temple, until one lies down, Caust. Tension or tightness. 1. Tensionf of the scalp, Caust. Nitr. ac 2. ---- about the occiput, Natr. carb. 01 an. 3. ---- at a small spot on the scalp, Thuj. 4. ---- of the skin, on the left side of the head, Mur. ac. 5. The scalp feels as if put upon the stretch, particularly in the region of the coronal suture, Lam. alb. 6. The skin on the forehead feels as if dried fast to the skull, Magn. p. aust. 7. Tension of the scalp as if too firmly adhering to the skull, caus- ing a dulness of the head, Magn. p. arct. 8. ---- in the left eyebrow, prick- ling when touched, as if a pimple would form, Helleb, 9. The frontal muscle feels as if stretched when moving the eyes, Bry. 10. Tension of the whole scalp, which makes the hair feel painful, Asar. 11.----behind the right ear as from a foreign body, when turn- ing the hair backwards, Ars. ter- sulph. 12. Tightness of the skin on the fore- head and vertex; it is drawn up- wards involuntarily, with sensation of anxiety and uneasiness, Carb. a. 13. Sensation as if the scalp on the occiput were pulled down tight. Helleb. 14.----as if the skin on the fore- head were too tight, with anxiety for many days, Phos. 15. Tension of the scalp, particularly during the fever, Sabad. 16.----of the forepart of the scalp, as if stretched tight over the skull, Tarax. 17. ---- of the scalp, extending to the face, nose, ears, and frequent- ly obliging him to draw the fore- head into wrinkles, Viol. odor. 18. Sensation as if a cord were tied round the head, Natr. mur. 19. Tension of the skin of the fore- head and occiput, as if the skin were adhering to the skull and im- moveable, Par. quad. WITH HEAT. 1. Tightness and warmth on the forehead and nose, with slight drawing in the eyes from time to time, Caust. 2. Burning tension in the forepart of the hairy scalp, above the right forehead, Stann. WITH TEARING. Tearing tension at a small spot on the forehead, as if an ulcer would make its appearance, Colch. WITH DIFFICULTY OF MOVING THE SCALP. 1. The integuments as far as the eyebrows are firmly attached to the skull, almost inmoveable, Am. 2. Difficulty of moving the tem- poral muscles, Mercurial 3. The scalp feels tight, numb, and is moved with difficulty, some- times slight sensations of pains, Mercurial. 238 BORING. SHOCKS. &c. Boring. 1. Boring in the region of the oc- ciput, Merc. 2. Boring and beating on the right side of the scalp when sitting, Phos. Shocks. A few shocks like blows are felt at a small spot . on the forehead, Oleand. Sensation as of a drop of water running down. Sensation along the temple as of a drop of water running down, with- out producing a cool sensation, Verat. The action of the occipital muscle is heard and felt. The action of the occipital portion of I the occipito-frontalis muscle is heard and felt; thexsound like that of wind among the leaves of dis- tant trees, the sensation like that of a cap on the occiput, Rhus. r. Sensation as if something were lying above the eyes. Sensation as if something were lying above the eyes, hindering looking up, Carb a. Pinching and Tearing. Pinching with tearing sensation about the scalp, in the evening, with chilliness towards the occiput, worse when stooping, Alum. Noises. Whizzing noise about the temples, Ambr. 239 SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES. EYES GENERALLY. Inflammation of the Eyes. OF BOTH EYES. Ant. cr., Ars., Asar., Brom., Calc. c, Camph., Canth., Caps., Dig. Dulc, Elec, Galv., Hyos., lod., Kal. bichr., Plumb, ac, Puis. 1. Swelling of the inflamed eyes, Aconitum. 2. The coats of the eye become red- der, more sensitive, swell up, the ciliary vessels are turgid with blood (from the external applica- tions,) Tart. stib. 3. The eyes are red and inflamed, with coryza, Teucr. 4. Inflammation of the eyes, with itching and aching pain or burning, Phos. 5. Inflammation of the eyes, with stitches, Phos. 6. Red inflamed eyes, with wild looks, during the attacks of frenzy, Cupr. 7. Inflammation of the eyes, or of the eyeball as far as it is covered by the lids, Ign. 8. Scrofulous ophthalmia, Ign. 9. Red inflamed eyes, Ipecac. 10. Inflammation of the eyes, as if a sty would form on the right up- per lid in the evening, or on the left lid with swelling, Each. 11. Inflammation, characterized by a large bundle of injected vessels, proceeding from the inner canthus towards the cornea, resembling a ptenygium (giving first Puis.,) Lach. 12. After rubbing the running eyes, they look dry and inflamed, with smarting and burning, Kreas. 13. Inflammation and swelling of the eye, with redness of the white, Hep. s. 14. Erysipelatous inflammation of I the eyes, with soreness and bruis- ed pain of the lids, on touching them, Hep. s. 15. Eyes inflamed, with yellow dis- charge and adherence of the eylids in the mor.ning, Kal. bichr. 16. The eyes are inflamed, and seem to start from their sockets, Merc. corr. 17. Ophthalmia mercurialis, (Symp- tomen C. vol. 2, p. 248,) Merc prep. 18. Inflammation of both eyes, with burning, smarting pain, worse in the open air, Merc. 19. Ophthalmia, with swelling, clos- ing the eyes, Rhus t. 20. Violent ophthalmia, with photo- phobia, and loss of vision, Kal. bichr. 21. Inflammation of the eyes, as in catarrh, Gran. 22. Redness and inflammation of the eyes, with aching and a drawing pain ; afterwards with smarting lachrymation, Graph. 23. Inflammation of the eyes, with intolerance of cold water, Sep. 24. Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure, smarting, burning, espe- cially when looking at the light, with lachrymation in the evening, gum in the day-time; the lids are swollen and red, Magn, mur. 25. Inflammation of the eyes, with itching in both canthi, redness and swelling of the lids of the right eye, tensive pain when they had become dry, and nightly aggluti- nation, Eye. 26. Inflammation of the eyes, with swelling of the lids, stitches, pho- tophobia, profuse lachrymation, and nightly agglutination. Lye. 27. Red, inflamed eyes, with wild looks, during the paroxysm of cra- ziness, Cupr. carb. 2401 INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. 28. The eyes are inflamed, weak, and filled with tears, Daph. 29. Ophthalmia, particularly in scro- fulous and arthritic individuals, Dig. 30. Inflammation of the eyes, also chronic, with itching and dryness of the lids and canthi, Euphor. 31. Rheumatic inflammation of the eyes, almost blinding him, (after using the herb for three months,) Euphor. 32. Inflammation of the eyes, parti- cularly in scrofulous persons, or with evening exacerbation, China. 33. Inflammation of the eyes, with lachrymation, Clematis erecta. 34. °Chronic ophthalmia,particularly in scrofulous persons, Clematis erecta. 35. "Ophthalmia, in arthritic indi- viduals, ? ? Colocynthis. 36. Staring, inflamed eyes, Cam- phora. 37. Ophthalmia of scrofulous per- sons, Calcarea carbonica. 38. Ophthalmia from foreign bodies having got into the ball of the eye, Calcarea carbonica. 39. Violent Ophthalmia, with in- tense redness, Arsenicum. 40. ° Ophthalmia from mechanical in- juries, Arnica montana. 41. Ophthalmia with intense pains, Argentum nitricum. 42. Ophthalmia, abating in the cool and open air, intolerable in the warm room, Arg. nitricum. 43. Red inflamed eyes, with itching, and nightly agglutination, Antimo- nium crudum. 44. The eyes are inflamed and dim, Ammonium carbonicum. 45. Inflammation of the eyes and lids, especially in scrofulous sub- jects, Bar. carb. i 46. °Catarrhal ophthalmia, Arsen. 47. Inflammation of the eyes° in scrofulous and gouty individuals, Belladonna. 48. °Scrofulous inflammation of the eyes, Arsen. 49. inflammation from having been standing in the water, Arsenicum 50. Ophthalmia, accompanied with bleareyedness, Aconitum. 51. Ophthalmia, so painful that hc would rather die than live, Aconi- tum. 52. Ophthalmia, sometimes accompa nied with pressure, heat, and burn ing in the eyes, especially when moving the balls, and occasional sensation, as if the eyes were swol- len, Aconitum. 53. °Ac»te ophthalmia, (especially congestive, rheumatic and arthri- tic,) previous to administering bel- lad. or sulphur, Aconitum, 54. ° Ophthalmia, arising from a for- eign body having penetrated into the ball of the eye, photophobia and lachrymation, Aeon. 55. Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and aching, Causticum. 56. inflammation of the eyes of scrofulous individuals, Causticum. 57. Ophthalmia, with headache, pre- venting sleep, Verat. 58. Ophthalmia, with tearing pain, Verat. 59. Violent ophthalmia, without pho- tophobia, (during the menses,) Zinc. m. 60. Violent ophthalmia: on the se- cond day, ulceration of the con- junctiva over the sclerotica (in va- rious parts,) irritation of the scle- rotica and iris ; contraction of the pupil, injected state of the vessels of the conjunctiva, sclerotica, and eyelids, profuse lachrymation, pho- tophobia, violent pains disturbing the night's rest, increased dimness of the cornea on the third day, in- creased depths of the ulcerated parts, rudimentary hypopyon in the anterior chamber, on the se- venth day nothing remained of the inflammation except a slight irrita- tion of the eye, and a slight dim- ness of the corneal portion of the conjunctiva in those places which had been ulcerated, Crot. AGGLUTINATION—SUPPURATION. 241 OF TnE LEFT EYE. 1. Inflammation of the left eye in the morning, with a burning, jerk- ing pain, till near noon, when the the pain becomes more tolerable, and scarcely perceptible, Kalm. lat. 2. Redness of the left eye, with dread of light on rising in the morning, and with secretion of the mucus in the inner canthus, Anti- monium crudum. 3. Inflammation of the left eye, red- ness of the canthi, Bovista. OF THE RIGHT EYE. 1. Inflammation of the right, and weakness of the left eye, Phos. 2. Inflammation and swelling of the right eye, with agglutination and burning pain, Phos. 3. Inflammation and dimness of the right eye, with lachrymation, Bro- mine. 4. Inflammation of the right eye, with itching, pressure, and stinging in the inner canthus, and in the lower lid, with profuse fluent cory- za and constant lachrymation when looking at anything, Cinna- baris. 5. Inflammation of the right eye, Carbo vegetabilis. 6. Inflammation of the right eye, also with febrile heat, Verat. SIMPLE REDNESS OF THE EYES. 1. Red eyes, with photophobia and constant lachrymation, Sulph. ac. 2. Swelling and redness of the eyes, with pimples on the lids, Sulph. 3. In the day the eyes are red, in the evening they itch violently, Sulph. 4. The eyes are turgid with blood, attended with strangulation, Tart. slib. 5. Redness of the eyes, with burn- ing and smarting lachrymation, Phos. ° J Vol. III.—16 6. Redness in the eyes, in the even- ing, with some pain, Kal. chl. 7. Redness of the eyes, with lach- rymation, Crotal 8. Redness of the eyes, Ign. 9. Redness of the eyes, Each. 10. Redness of the eyes, with blue margins, Hcematox. 11. Redness and heat of the eyes, Kal. carb. 12. Redness of the eyes, with pres- sure or sticking pain, Lye. 13. Redness of the eyes, with pain. especially in the evening, five days Dig. 14. Red eyes, with burning pain. Fer. acet. 15. Redness of the eyes, with a good deal of heat in the eyes, and burn- ing with pressure, China. 16. The eyes are red, and burn, with nightly agglutination, Ang. 17. Redness of the eyes, especially of the right, with feeling of soreness. smarting and dimness of sight. Alumina, ; 18. Sore eyes, without redness, Ana- cardium. 19. Redness of the eyes, Conium maculatum. 20. When opened, the eye looked redder than the day before, Argen- tum nitricum. Agglutination, Suppuration. AT NIGHT. Nightly agglutination, Alum., Bov., Castor., Cic, Cinchon, sulph.. Croc, Merc. ATTENDED WITH OTHER SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES. 1. Nightly agglutination, burning in the morning, photophobia through the day, and frequent stinging pain in the eyes, Gutt. 2. At night the eyes are closed with hard, dry gum, which irritates the eyes like sand, Borax. 242 DRYNESS, OR SENSATION OF DRYNESS. 3. Nightly agglutination, with dim- ness in the morning, Chelidonium. 4. Agglutination of the eyes at night, especially the outer canthi, Lye. 5. Nightly agglutination, with sen- sitiveness to the light, Nat. sulph. Jj6. Profuse secretion of mucus, espe- cially at night, with dry eye-gum early in the morning, Alumina. IN THE MORNING. 1. Agglutination of the eyes, early, Amm. carb., Carb. v., Caust, Con.. Graph., Kali c, Magn. p. arct., Natr. carb. 2. In the morning, when waking, the eyes are filled with mucus, at the same time the head feels slightly confused, especially in the forehead and root of the nose, Ar- gentum nitricum. 3. In the morning the right eye was closed wdth crusts of dry gum, which had to be soaked before they could be removed, and the eye could be opened, Argentum nitricum. 4. Agglutination of the eyes early on waking, with burning in the cor- ners after washing, Ammonium mu- riaticum. .5. Agglutination of the eyes in the morning, with subsequent weak- ness, Dig. 6. Agglutination of the right eye in the morning, Kal. nitr. 7. Agglutination of the left eye the whol* forenoon, Carbo animalis. OF THE RIGHT EYE. 1, The right eye feels as if filled with pus, Euphor. 2. Agglutination of the right eye in the morning, on waking, Euphor. 3. Nightly agglutination of the right eye, Argentum nitricum. SUPPURATION. 1. Suppuration of the eyes, Arg. nit., Bar. mur., Calc earb., Caust., Kreas., Spong., Sulph. 2. Sensation, as of grease being in the eyes, Calcarea carbonica. 3. In the day time the eyes are full of gum, with a feeling of heat and soreness, as from excoriation, and there is lachrymation, Calcarea carbonica. 4. A quantity of mucus is secreted from the eyes, nose, and ears, Magnes art. 5. Purulent gum in the eyes, with smarting pain, Lye. 6. Suppuration of the eyes, with pressure in them, and a drawing pain, extending into the head. Graph. 7. He is not well able to open his eyes, as if the eye-balls were ag- glutinated, Merc. 8. Gum in the eyes or canthi, with burning, especially when touching the eye, Par. quad. 9. Stickiness of the eyes, as if from eye-gum, Nitr. ac. 10. Mucus in the eyes, drawing up in the lashes, and forming scurfs, Argentum nitricum. Dryness, or Sensation of Dryness. 1. Dryness of the eyes, Agar., Asa. f, Berb. v., Croc, Crot., Eye, Phos., Sulph., Thuj. 2. Dry feeling, as from sand, and and great drowsiness in the eyes, Kal. carb. 3. Dryness of the eyes, with sensa- tion as of sand in the eyes, Grat. 4. Feeling of dryness, with friction between the eyes and lids, when moving the latter, China. 5. Dryness of the eyes in the morn- ing, THEN STIFFNESS, AND LASTLY LACHRYMATION, Causticum. 6. Feeling of dryness of the eyes, with pressure in the eyes, Caus- ticum. 7. Dryness of the eyes, with pres- sure as from a foreign body, early, Puis. COLDNESS, E 8. Feeling of dryness in the eyes, with sensation as if a foreign body were lodged between the upper lid and the left eye, Ammoniacum. 9. Feeling of dryness in the inner eye, and an aching, with drawing in the eyes, when exerting them ever so little by reading, Cina. 10. Feeling of dryness and a draw- ing in the eyes, Asarnm. 11. Painful feeling of dryness in the interior of the left eye, Asa- rum. 12. Painful dryness of the eyeballs, and sensation as if they rubbed against the lids, Sulph. 13. Dryness in the eyes, with dullness of the head and fore- head, Nux. m. 14. Dryness of the eyes, with yawning and sneezing, Gutt. 15. Dryness and burning of the eyes, worse in the open air than in a room, Kal carb. 16. Dryness and burning, or sting- ing in the eyes, Phell. 17. Dryness of right eye, evening, WITH DIMNESS OF SIGHT, as if through mucus, Puis, Coldness, or Sensation of Cold- ness. 1. The eyes feel chilly in the open air, Aconitum. 2. Sensation as if sand were be- tween the eyes and lids, with sen- sation as if cold air were blowing upon the eyes, Asafoetida. 3. "Feeling of coldness in the eyes, during a walk in the open air, Co- nium maculatum. 4. "Feeling of coldness in the eyes, when walking in the open air, Alumina. 5. Feeling of coldness in the eyes, Ammonium carbonicum. 6. Feeling of coldness in the eyes, (immediately,) Calcarea carbonica, 7. Sensation of coldness in the eyes, with some lachrymation or closing the eyes, Berb. v. 243 8. Sensation in the eyes as if a few drops of cold water had lodged between the margins of the lids, or between the lids and eyeballs, Berb. v. 9. Smarting and feeling of coldness in the right eye, Plat. 10. Disagreeable coolness of the eyes, Pimpin. 11. Cold movem«*nt as of a cold breath in the eyes, Magnet, p. arct. 12. Cold feeling in the eyes, evening, Eye 13. Coldness over the eyes, Graph. 14. Feeling of coldness in the right eye, Par. quad. 15. Coldness of the weak eye, as if the eye were a piece of ice ; as the coldness passed off, a long continu- ed pricking was felt in the eye, Magnet p. arct. 16. Coldness in the weak eye for three or four minutes, (the magnet being held in contact with that eye for two minutes,) Magnet, p. arct. 17. When holding the magnet to the eye, he feels a little coldness in the eye for a short time, but a se- vere itching in the eyelids, Mag- net, p. aust. Boring. Boring in the right eye, with diminu- tion of sight, Coffea. Feeling Strong. The eyes feel strong, Kal. chl. Cramp, Contraction, Spasm. 1. Cramp in the left eye, Kal chl. 2. Cramp in both eyes, closing them tightly, Sil. 3. Spasmodic contraction of one of the eyes in the morning, Magnet. p. aust. 4. Both eyes incline to turn to the left side; when turning them to the right side, they feel painful, and hc iORING, &c. TEARING. then sees all things double and threefold; at the same time the face is bloated, Dig. 5. Spasmodic contraction of the eyeball above the inner canthus, Eug. 6. Sensation in the evening, as if both eyes, especially the upper eyelids, were drawn towards one another, obliging one to wink fre- quently, Euphr. 7. Spasms of the eyes, Belladonna. 8. The balls of the eyes are turn- ed upwards, Camphora. 9. Sensation of contraction in the right eye, with increased clearness of sight, succeeded by a smart- ing pain in the eyeball, and running of the eye ; and lastly, by spasms of the left eye, such as had previ- ously existed in the right, Agari- cus. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the eyes, Amm. mur., Ars., Bar. carb., Tart. stib. 2. ---- hi the right eye, Hyper. per. 3. ----below the right eye, Teucr. 4. Violent tearing behind both eye- balls, Squill, 5. Tearing round the right eye, es- pecially below it, lod. 6. ----in the left eye in the even- ing, previous to going to sleep, Kal. carb. 7. ----around the eyes, extending to the forehead and cheeks, Lye 8. Dull tearing in the left eyeball in a transverse direction, Dros. 9. Tearing in the right eye and the surrounding parts, Colchicum. 10. ----, extending from the fore- head into the left eye and the left side of the face, Arg. nit. 11. ----, in the balls and orbits, early on walking, Anac. 12. ----, in the upper border of the right eye, Am. mur. 13. ----, in the eye and in the parts surrounding it, Ambr. grisea. 14. Tearing in the left eye, Aurum mur. 15.----, in the eyes, which extends from the inner canthi, Bell. 16. ----, in the right eye through the forehead, from within out- wards, Bovista, 17. ----, above the margin of the right eye, Tongo. 18. ----, in the right eyeball (from the vapour), Valer. WITH LACHRYMATION. 1. Tearing in the eyes, with secre- tion of pus from the lids and can- thi, Grat. 2. ----, in the eyes, followed by lachrymation, Magn. carb. 3. ----, in the right eye, or draw- ing, Canth. 4. ----, in the eyes, early, with dim sight, Magn sulph. ATTENDED OR ALTERNATING WITH PRESSURE. 1. Burning tearing, with pressure, close to the right eye, towards the temple, Staphis. 2. Tearing, with pressure in the in- terior of the right eye, and in the region of the right eyebrow, Kal, carb. 3. The eyes sometimes feel as if being torn out; sometimes—and this symptom is more lasting—as if pressed into the head ; this pain is accompanied by another, press- ing from the forehead downwards upon the eyes, Belladonna. 4. Tearing and aching in the left eye, Carbo veg. 5. ----, and pressure in the eyes, Causticum. 6. ----, with pressure, in the left eye, Zin:. m. WITH STITCHES. 1. Darting tearing in the left eye- ball, forenoon, Plumb, ac. 2. ----, and dartings in the eyes, Calc. caust. DISPOSITION, ERUPTI< 3. Darting in both eyeballs, with shootings in the forehead, and nau- sea in the afternoon, Borax. WITH BORING AND CUTTINO. Tearing, boring, and cutting in the eye, Puis. Gnawing. Gnawing in the left eye, or vio- lent drawing, extending to the fore- head, Elec. Disposition to keep the eyes closed or difficulty of opening them. 1. At night, when she was unable to sleep, she was likewise unable to open her eyes, Carbo veg. 2. Difficulty to open the eyes, in the morning, Bovista. 3.. °The eyes are half closed, Arni- nica mont. 4. He felt well during the siesta, as long as the eyes were closed, Arnica mont. 5. Closing the eyes after the spasms, Brucea. 6. Eyes half open, Lauroc. 7. He opened his closed eyes only when spoken to, Stram. Eruption around the eyes. 1. Fine eruption around the eyes, Euphr. 2. Pimples around the sore eye, Ign. 3. Pimples around the inflamed eye, Staph. Narrowing of the space between the lids. 1. Sensation as if the eyes were becoming smaller, Crocus sativ. 2. Narrowing of the interval be- tween the eyelids for several days without swelling, and often with twitching and winking of the eye- lids, Agaricus. 3. The aperture between the edges JN, NARROWING, &c. 245 of the lids became narrower, and he had to wink frequently (with ge- neral debility and increased tem- perature of the skin),"'Arg. nitr. The eyes feel loose. The eyes felt as if loose in their sockets, Carbo an. Twitching or jerking of the eyes. 1. Continual jerkings below the right eye. after dinner, Nitr. ac. 2. Twitching in the eyes, followed by itching, Natr. m. 3. Twitches in the eyeballs ; in the left eye,they are often accompanied by lachrymation, Agaricus. 4. Frequent twitching and pressing in the left eyeball while reading, with aching pain in the ball, th« eye has to be wiped, but the symp- toms remain, Agaricus. 5. Twitches in the eyeballs, in fre- quent succession, Agaricus. 6. Twitching and slight jerking in the eyes, passing off by rubbing, Amm. mur. 7. Spasmodic twitchings with pres- sure under the left eye, in the region of the nasal bone, extend- ing even over the ball of the eye, Arnica mont. 8. Jerking in the left eye, Arsen. 9. Twitching and slight beating in the eye, Calc. carb. 10. A sort of convulsive twitching, Cina. 11. Twitching and tremor of the eyes, China. 12. ----in the right eye, to and fro, causing an agreeable tickling sen- sation, Mang. 13. ----in the eyes, Nice. 14. Twitchings of the eye (in a few hours), lod. 15. Quivering in the eye, Hyos. 16. Jerkings in the eyes, Petrol 17. ---in the eyes, Stann. 18. Winking of left eye for a week, Stann. 240 DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. Distortion, squinting of the eyes. I. The eyes are distorted and pro- trude, Verat. 2. The eyes are turned back, so that only the whites can be seen, Verat. 3. The eye squints upwards,' Aeon. 4. Distortion of the eyes (about midnight), Aconitum. 5. Squinting of both eyes, A lumina. 6. Distortion of the eyes, Camph. 7. °Squinting, Belladonna. 8. The eyes become distorted, with redness and swelling of the face, Belladonna. 9. The eyes become distorted, Bell 10. °Distortion of the eyes, Cham. 11. Distortion of the eyes, Spig. 12. Distorted eyes, Lauroc 13. Frightful distortion of the eyes, Plumb, ac. 14. Squinting, Sec. con. 15. The eyes are turned upwards Mosch. 16. Frightful contortion of the eyes, with contraction of the pupil, which is sometimes closed, Sec. com. 17. Spasmodic contortion of the eyes, Sec corn. 18. Staring distorted eyes, Hyos. 19. Open eyes, distorted in different directions, Hyos. 20. Distortion of the eyes, Hyos. 21. Eyes half open, distorted eyes, Hydr. ac. 22. The eyes feel as if they would become distorted, Petrol. Pains. SIMPLE PAIN. 1. Painful sensation in the eyes, Hyper, per. 2. The eyeballs are painful, Bar. carb. 3. Simple pain in the eyeballs as if he had been looking through too sharp spectacles, without di- minution of sight,) Croc sat. 4. Pains in and above the eyes, Spig. 5. Pains in the eyes for the first- fortnight, Kal. bich. 6. Pain in his eyes, raises his hands above his head, Verat. PAIN IN THE RIGHT EYE. 1. Violent pain in the right eye, Lach. 2. Pain in the right eye, Kalm. lat. 3. The right eyeball is painful, Ran. bulb. 4. Pain in the right eye extending to the occiput, Tabac. PAIN WHEN TOUCHING THE EYES. 1. °The eyes are painful wher touching them, Bryonia. 2. Excessive pain in the eyeball. when touching it, Dig. 3. The eyes are painful to the touch, Kal carb. 4. The eyeballs are sensitive to the touch, with sensation as if they were distended, Nat. carb. PAIN ACCOMPANIED WITH OTHER MORBID PHENOMENA. 1. The eyes feel painful and weak, Kal. carb. 2. The left eye is uneasy and very painful frequently with great weak- ness of the head, Zinc. m. 3. Protrusion and painfulness of the eyes, Stann, 4. Violent pain in the eye, shortly after inflammation of the whole eye, and of the whole anterior por- tion of the face, with burning in the ear, vertigo, and fainting spell, Crot. 5. Violent pains in the eyeballs in the evening with great nervous ir- ritation, Daph. 6. Pain under the right eye, at night, with anguish, which does not allow him to remain in his bed, Arsenic 7. Several attacks of slight pains in and above the right eye, and slight inflammation of the conjunc- tiva, Bromine. DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. 247 8. Violent pains in the left eye, and thence across the temples, as far as the ear, Bar. carb. 9. The eyes are so painful that she is obliged to close them, with sen- sation, as if she ought to press them in, Calcarea carb. 10. The pain ceases as soon as light enters the room, Ammonium mur. 11. °Pains, which oblige him to lie down, Arsenicum. 12. ----in the eyes, with headache and heat in eyes, Sep. 13. Pain in and above the eyes, with pain of the frontal integuments when touched, Lach. 14. Pain around the eyes, particular- ly the left, Lauroc 15. Pain in the left eye and right shoulder early in the morning, Lact. PRESSING PAINS. Simple Pressure. 1. Violent pressing pains in the eyeballs, alternating from one to the other, Ran. bulb. 2. Painful pressure on left eyeball, Stront, 3. Pressing pain about the eyes, Kalm. lat. 4. Pressing pain in eyeballs (upper parts), Lob. inf. 5. Painful pressure in the eyes, while closing them in the evening when on the point of falling asleep, Conium maculatum. 6. Pain in the eye, pressure in the middle of the left eyeball, Clema- matis erecta. 7. Painful pressure in the eye, in the evening, when the lamps are lighted, Carbo animalis. 8. ---- pressure in the eyeballs (from the vapour), Ran, seel 9. ----pressure in the eye, with want of appetite, Verat. As from a plug. Pain as if a plug were pressed in below the upper border of the orbits and touched the ball, Anac. From without inwards. 1. Pain in the eyes, as if they would be pressed in, Borax, Calc carb.. Coral, r., Daph., Kal. carb., Zinc mi 2. Painful pressure in the eyes from without inwrards, with sensa- tion as if the lids were drawn to- wards one another, Haimatox. 3. Pain of the eyeballs as if pressed upon, worse when looking at a thing, Phos. From within outwards. 1. Pain in the eye as if the ball of the eye were pressed out, Calc. caust. 2. Violent pain, particularly in the right eye, as if it would start out of the socket, when looking either right or left, Magn. sulph. 3. Bursting pain around the eye. forenoon, Nat. sulph. 4. Pain in left eye as if it would fly to pieces, or as if pressed out, with profuse lachrymation, flow of tears from the left nostril, wth in- crease of the drawing sticking headache when blowing the nose. Magn. carb. From above downwards. 1, Intensely painful pressure in the right eyeball from above down- wards, Carbo veg. 2. Sudden andpainful pressure over the right eye, with sensation in the lids as if pressed downwards. Zinc, m. As if compressed and pressed in. Pain as if the eyeballs were com- pressed and pressed into the head, Phos, ac. ACHING PAIN. 1. When closing the eyes, she feels an aching deep in the eyeball, Bellad. 2. Aching pain deep in the eye 248 DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. early in the . morning, Argentum nitricum. 3. Aching in the eyeballs, Dig. 4. Aching pain around the left eye, Mez. 5. Slight aching pain in right eye, with darkness of sight, Ruta. 6. Fixedness and aching in the eyes, Mercurial 7. The eyes ache at every step he makes, Hep. s. 8. Aching in both eyes as if one had been sitting up the whole night, Cupr. 9. Violent aching in the eyes, in the morning, before he is able to keep his eyes open; when closing them again, the pain subsides, Causticum. 10. Aching pain in the eyeballs, with profuse running of water; upon the pain disappearing, great dimsight- edness set in, Crocus sativus. 11. ----pain in the eyes, with ina- bility to open the eye-lids, in the night, Cocculus., 12. Burning aching in the eyes, al- ternately in one, and the other, Cupr. STICEING, STINGING, CUTTING PAIN. 1. Feeling of unsteadiness in the eyes, with fine stinging pains in the eyeballs, Rhus r. 2. Stinging pain in the eyes, (from the vapour), Capsicum. 3. Pain in the right eyeball, a stitch is felt in one part of the ball in the morning, Crocus sativus. 4. ----in the eyes, a sharp cutting in the right eyeball, Colocynthis. 5. Cutting pain above the left eye in an oblique direction, Dros. 6. Intensely painful stitches through the right eye disappearing in the jaw, folio wed by a drawing through the same eye, down the neck, through the chest, abdomen, and hips, toward the right lower limb, Magnes art. 7. Sharp sticking pain in the right eye, Tarax. I 8. Biting and shooting pains in the eyes, Kal. carb. PAIN AS IF BRUISED. 1. Paroxysms of pain as if bruised, in the right eyeball, near the outer canthus ; when pressing on it, it it ceases to ache, Verat. 2. Bruised pain of the eyes, when closing the eyelids and pressing on them, Sulph. 3. Pain in the eyes as if bruised, or as if they would fall out, Eye. 4. Bruised pain in left eye, with gum in outer canthus, Nux. v. 5. The eyeball feels bruised, on touching it, Tart. 'Stib. 6. Aching in the eyeballs, and as if bruised, when touched, Hep. s. TEARING PAIN. 1. Pain in the eye, as if torn out, with headache, Carbo veg. 2. Pulsative tearing pain in the in- terior in the left eye, Asarum. 3. Rheumatic tearing pain in the left eye, (more in the lids), as far as the temples, Anacardium. 4. Intermittent, painful tearing in the eyeball, Berb. v. 5. Pain in the right eye as if torn asunder, Prun. sp, 6. Slight tearing pain in the eye- balls, Merc. CONTRACTIVE PAIN. Contractive pain in and above the left eye, Nitr. ac. SMARTING PAIN, PAIN AS IF SORE. 1. Periodical smarting pain in the right eye, Rhod. 2. Smarting pain in the eye, Kal. carb. 3. Smarting pain in both eyes, Sep. 4. Dryness and smarting pain in the eyes, Seneg. 5. Smarting pain in the eyes, es- pecially in the margins of the lids, Clem. crec. DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. 249 6. Soreness of the eyes, Colch. 7. Pain in the eyes, as if excoriated, Natr. m. 8. Pain and sensitiveness of the eyes, followed by stinging in the upper lid, Gent. lut. 9. Sore smarting of the eyes, even- ing, Zinc m. 10. The eyes are painful as after long weeping, Tabac. 11. Soreness of the eyes, with smart- ing and lachrymation, Lob. card. 12. Soreness and weariness of the eyes, with pressure, Bar. carb. 13. Weariness and soreness of the eyes, early in the morning, with dull headache, Cina. 14. Pain and soreness in the eye- balls, Eup. perf 15. Pain and soreness in right eye, Lob. inf. 16. The eyeball feels sore when turn- ing the eye or pressing upon it, Rhus t. 17. The skin around the eyes is sore, Magn. p. aust. 18. Soreness of the eyes, lod. 19. Pain in the eyes as if they had been rubbed with a woollen cloth, diminished by moving the lids, Stann. 20. Pain in the eye as if scraped with a knife, moving from the head downwards, Puis. PAIN WHEN MOVED. 1. Pain of the eyes when movirg them, Sulph. 2. Movement of the eyeballs ex- cites or aggravates the pains, Berb. v. 3. Pains aggravated by moving the eyes ° by the light, Arsen. 4. Pain in the eyeballs wdien mov- ing them quickly, Ran. seel 5. Pain in the upper part of the left eyeball and lid, worse when looking up, Ars. 0. Turning the left eyeball in every direction comes pain, Spig. 7. The eyeballs, when moved, feel painful as if too large, Spig. 8. Pain of the left eye when look- ing upwards, Kal. carb. 9. Pain in the eyes, which makes it painful to turn them, Kalm. lat. 10. Aching pain when turning the eyes to the right side, Sep. 11. Pain, deep in the eye, with vio- lent stitches when moving the eyeball, Ars. 12. ----as from soreness in the eyes, on moving the eyeball or even the lids only, Cor. rub. 13. The muscles of the eyes are pain- ful when looking upwards, Carbo veg. DRAWING PAIN. 1. Drawing pain in and above the eyes, Nitr. ac. 2. Painful drawing from below up- wards, in the interior of right eye and in the temple, Sabad. 3. Drawing pain in the eyes. Graph. 4. Drawing pain in the right eye- ball, Am. m. , 5. Drawing pain and redness of the eyes, Con. m. 6. Drawing pain from under the left eye upwards, Bell DIGGING-UP PAIN. 1- Digging-up pain in the eyes, Phos. 2. Digging and drawing pains in the eyeballs and temporal regions,with throbbing, Tabac. BORING PAIN. 1. Boring pain in the eyes, Kal. carb. 2. Boring pain in the eye, Natr. m. PAIN, WITH SCINTILLATIONS. Pain of the eyes, and scintillations on looking at a thing, Tabac. STICKING, THEN ACHING. Sticking and then aching pain in the eyeballs, evening, Spong. 250 DISTORTION, PAINS, 1 13. Pressure in the orbits and behind the eyes, Causticum. 14. Pressure in the eye, going off when touching the eye, Causticum. 15.' Pressure in the eyes, with dull- ness of the head, Carbo vegetabilis. 16. Pressure in the eyeballs for many days, Ran. seel 17. Pressure on the eyes, he is un- able to open them sufficiently, Capsicum. 18. Pressure in the eyes, Cantharis. 19. Pressure in the eyes, with great photophobia, Alumina. 20. Pressure of the eyes, and incli- nation to close them after dinner, Agaricus. 21. Pressure in the eyes, with lach- rymation, especially early in the morning, Belladonna. 22. A kind of pressure as from a fog is felt in the right orbit, it is then felt in the forehead, then again in the orbit, Bell. 23. Pressure deep in the eyes, which grows worse by looking at one point, or upwards and sideways, lessened by winking or by looking downwards, Bar. car. 24. Pressure in the eyes, in the left upper lid, or in the outer border of the orbit, Asa. f 25. Pressure in both eyes, with itch- ing, as from dust, Bar. carb. 26. Pressure in the eyes, especially when turning them and looking down, Aeon. 27. Pressure in the eyes, especially when reading, Con. mac 28. Pressure in the eye, as from a stye, especially in the forenoon, with inflammation and redness of the eye, attended with smarting lachrymation, Con. mac 29. Pressure in the eyeballs, which are sensitive to the touch, (shortly after rubbing the juice on the ab- domen,) Cal seg. SO. Violent pressure in the eyes, especially the left, and in the ex- ternal canthus of this eye, when looking long at one object, Anac. 31. Pressure in the eyes, as if too full, heat and pain in the ball of the eye, when moving or touching it, Arg. nit. 32. Pressure and fine stitches, or prickings in the eyes, Am. carb. 33. Pressure and tingling in the^up- per portion of the eyeball, Ammo- niac 34. Pressure and cutting in the eyes, Am. carb. 35. Pressure in the right eye and or- bit, in the evening, Aug. 36. Pressure in both eyes, as if a bright light were irritating them, and as if they became weary, Ang. 37. Pressure and heat in the eye were more intense, the aperture between the lids was smaller, ac- companied with photophobia, dim- ness of sight, Arg. nit. 38. Feeling of rigidity, with pushing sensation in the eyes, Berb. v. 39. Pressure in the right eye, or bit- ing, particularly in the outer can- thus, with feeling as if glued toge- ther, Colch. 40. °She was able to read small writ- ing distinctly, without experiencing the usual pressure in the eyes, Coff. 41. Pressure in the eyes, as if the balls were too large, he has to wink frequently, Mez. 42. Pressure in the eyes, with verti- go on looking at a thing sideways, Spig. 43. Intolerable pressure in both eyes, worse when turning them, Spig. 44. Pressure in the eyes, with sensa- tion as if tears were secreted, and misty sight, Spig. 45. Pressure in the eyes and orbits, with drowsiness at noon, Kal carb. 46. Pressure in the eyes and dry gum in the lashes, Kal. carb. 47. Pressure in left eye, with lach- rymation, Ruta, 48. Pressure in eyeballs, with spasm in lower lids, partly drawn up- wards, and partly towards the in- ner canthus, Ruta. 252 DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. 49. Pressure and tearing in the eyes, especially in the orbits, Mez. 50. Pressure, with tearing in eye- balls, Ruta. 51. Pressure in both eyeballs, with twitchings of the lids, disappearing soon after a meal, Menyan. 52. Pressure in the eye, (crystal lens,) with sensation of vertigo, or of vanishing of sight, or of squint- ing, without obscuration of sight, Menyan. 53. Pressure, with dryness in the eyes, Merc. 54. Pressure in the eyeballs, in the evening, when reading, the paper reflecting a red light, Sassap. 55. Pressure in the eyes, with cut- ting and lachrymation, 01. an. 56. Pressure in the eyes, with hea- viness of lids, evening, Natr. sulph. 57. Pressure in the eyes, as when one looks at the sun, the eye be- comes red and itches, Nitr. ac. 58. Pressure in the eyes, as if press- ing on an ulcer, Nitr. ac. 59 Pressure in the eyes in frequent paroxysms during the day, follow- ed by lachrymation, Hep. s. 60. Pressure in the eyes, especially when moving them, with redness of the same, Hep. s. 61. Pressure in the eyes, with in- flammation of the conjunctiva, Grat. 62. Pressure and dull sticking in the left eye, Magn. p. aust. 63. Pressure in the eyes, as if the orbits were too narrow, worse dur- ing movement, Each. 64. A sensation of pressing above the right eye, Kalm. lat. 65. Pressing in the eyes, attended by pains in the arms, in the lower ex- tremities down to the feet, and sometimes in the right side of the abdomen, Kalm. lat. 66. Pressure and sticking in the eyes, they are dim and dull, Phos. C7. Pressure and heaviness of the eyes, Phos. 68. Pressure in the eyes, with dim- ness, Phos. 69. Pressure in the eyes on waking, with dryness; cannot open the eyes without moistening them first, Staph. 70. Pressure in the right eye, from the head, with pain in the head, and flow of a tear, Puis. 71. Pressure above the right eye, ex- ternally, Thuj. 72. Pressure and tension In both eyes, for six days, Stram. 73. Pressure in the eyes, especially when working in the light of the sun, Sulph. 74. Pressure in the eyes every even- ing, as if he would sleep, without being sleepy, Sulph. 75. Pressure in the eyeballs when walking in the opexi air, Sulph. 76. Pressure and itching in the eyes, and vertigo when stooping, Sulph. 77. Pressing and drawing in the eye- balls, especially the left, reaching as far as within the forehead, cramp-pain under the right eye brow, rendering the opening of the eyes difficult, Agar. 78. Pressure in the eyes, with a whirling sensation deep in the right orbit, with sensitiveness of the bone to the touch (during the cata- menia,) Bov. 79. Pressure in the eyes, after rising from bed ; the margins of the lids seem swollen and sore, especially near the left inner canthus, they look red, Valer. IN THE RIGHT EYE. 1. Pressure in the right eye, Alum. Valer. 2. Pressure in the right eye, in the evening, when reading or writing, Alum. ■ 3. Violent pressure in the right eye and temple, Zinc. m. 4. Strong pressing in the right eye, in the evening, Kalm. lat. 5. Pressure in the right eye, a* DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. 253 from swelling of the eyelids, which are red, with lachrymation, Caus. 6. Rheumatic tensive pressure in the right eye, Zinc m. IN THE LEFT EYE. 1. Pressure in the left eye, Asar., Puis., Zinc. m. 2. Dull pressure in the left eye, succeeding a shooting headache in the left temple and orbit, with sen- sation as if lachrymation would set in, and a kind of weakness, which obliges her to close the eye frequently ; the same sensation is then experienced in the right eye, Bar. carb. PRESSURE FROM WITHOUT INWARDS. 1. Pressure in the eyes from with- out inwards, Merc 2. Pressure on the eyes from with- out inwards, Gins. 3. Pressure in the right eyeball from before backwards, and from below upwards, Bism. 4. ----, in the eyeball, from before backwards, or from above down- wards, Anac 5. ----in the eyes from without inward, as if they had been closed too tightly, or as if they were ly- ing deep in the sockets, especially early in the morning, with difficul- ty in opening them; Ambr. gr. 6.---- in the eyes from without inwards, Aur. 7. ■----in the eyes and upon the forehead, as though something were pressing from without in- wards, in the corners of the left eye, as of a foreign body, Agar. PRESSURE FROM WITHIN OUTWARDS. 1. Feeling as if the eye would be pressed out, Bry., Hell, Lauroc, Led. pal, Seneg. 2. Pressure in the eyes when stoop- ing, as if a fluid were pressing into them, dilating them, Seneg. 3. Feeling in the eyes as if pushed out, with unsteady look, Merc. 4. Pressure in the eyes as if the eyes would start from their sock- ets, Each. 5. ---- in the right eyeball, with distensive sensation, Lact. 6. Slight pressure on and in the eyeballs, as if they would be press- ed out, with slight vertigo in fore- head, Ran. bulb. 7. Pressure from within outwards, in the back part of the eyes, Cann. sat, 8. Sensation in the internal and su- perior angle of the left eyeball, as if pressed out, Aur. 9. Sensation in the left eyeball, as if it were pressed and pushed from behind, Camph, 10. Sense as of pushing from within outwards, in the eyes, Berb. v. 11. Sensation as if the eyes would be pressed out, causing frequent winking, Phos. ac. PRESSURE FROM ABOVE DOWNWARDS. 1. Pressure in the left eye, from above downward, and in left malar bone, Oleand. 2. ---- in the forehead, down the eyes, or with dullness of the fore- part of the head, Aspar. 3. ----in the ball of the eye from above downwards, Atham. 4. ----over the right eye, as if the upper eyelid would be pressed down, Caust. 5.---- as with a dull point in the right eye-ball, from above down- ward, Ran. bulb. COMPRESSIVE SENSATION. 1. Sensation in the right eye, as if in a vice, or as if the motion were impeded, Rat. 2. Sensation in the left eye, as if compressed from above, Spig. 3. The eyes feel as if pressed toge- ther, Lye. 254 DISTORTION, PAINS, mat., Hyos., lod., Magn. mur., Magnet. p. art., Natr. m., Petrol, Phos. Spig., Thuj. 1. Pressure in the right eye, as from sand, Teucr. 2. ----as if from sand, especially when reading, Puis. DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. 255 3. Pressure in the right eye as from a grain of sand, Sep. 4. °Pressure as from sand in the eye, when moving the eyeball, China. 5. °----in the eyes as of sand or smoke, particularly early in the morning on waking, or in the evening, Bry. 6. Considerable pressure, day and night, as if a grain of sand were lodged behind the upper eyelid, Calc carb. 7. Pressure as from sand in the reddened eyes, in the evening, Cor. r. 8. ----in the eyes, as of a grain of sand, with a feeling of soreness, especially in the canthi, and with smarting in the right eye, Carb. v. 9. ----in the eyes as from sand, with profuse lachrymation, Mosch 10. ----in the eyes as from sand, particularly when moving or touch- ing them, Merc. d) hard body. Pressure in the eyes as from a hard body, Oleand. e) well water. General pressure in both eyes, as if hard well-water had got into the eyes. Bell f) dust. Pressure in the eye as if from dust, Cocc, Rhus t. g) a hair. 1. Sensation in the right eye as if a hair had lodged in it, towards evening, Tabac. 2. Pressure in the left eye, under the upper lid, as from a hair, Kal. nitr. 3. Burning pressure as if from a hair, Puis. 4. Pressure in the eyes as from a hair, Ran. b. h) as if something could come out. Sensation as if something would come out of the eyeball, Elec. Burning or heat. SIMPLE BURNING. Alum., Am., Aur. Calad., Caust, Con., Croc, Crot, Kal carb., Lye, Nux. v., Rhus, r., Stann., Spig., Sulph., Tab., viol. odor. 1. Sudden burning in the left eye, Phos. ac. 2. Burning in the eyes, evening, Natr. m. Tart. stib. 3. ----in the right eye, Am. g. 4. ° Occasional burning in the eyes, Cic. v. 5. Violent burning of the eyes, early, Graph. 6. Burning of the eyes, evening and morning, Natr. sulph. 7. Violent burning of both eyes, in the afternoon, Kal. hyd. 8. Sensation as if fire and heat came out of the eyes, Cham. 9. Burning in the left eye, round the ball, Spong. 10. Long-continued heat in the eyes, Verat. 11. Continual burning in the eyes, Zinc. m. 12. Heat and burning around the eyes, Cic. vir. 13. Burning in the eyes when look- ing up, Alum. 14. The burning of the eyes espe- cially of the Corners passes off after washing the face, Am. mur. 15. Violent burning of the eyes, with redness of the canthi, for three days, Kal nit. 16. Both eyes are very hot to the touch, Kal. carb. 17. Burning in the right eye, as from snuff, Plumb, ac. 18. ----of the eyes in the morning, with weakness of the eyes, Sep. 19. Violent burning in the eyes, in the evening, not allowing one to close the eyes, Eug. 256 DISTORTION, PAINS, &c 20. Burning of the eyes, particularly of the lids, (also only in the day- time while writing or particularly of the right eye, with dimsighted- ness and dilitation of the pupil), Lict. 21. ----in the eyes, as after reading at night, one eye is red, Merc 22. ----in the eyes and left temple, Nitr. ac 23. ----in the eyes, when he closes the lids, Calc. carb. 24. Violent burning in the inner half of the eyeballs, and in the internal corner of the eyes, Ang. 25. Burning in the eyes, and in the upper margin, Ars. 26. ----of the eyes, as from sand, Ni< 27. in the right eyeball, to- wards the inner canthus, Tarax 28. Feeling of heat in the eyes, with heaviness in the upper lids, Calc. c 29. A heat which is almost burning, moves rapidly through the eye in the forenoon and evening, Con. m. 30. The eyes burn for several even- ings, only at twilight, Am. m. 81. Burning in the eye, sometimes in the region of the left eyebrow, Asaf. 82. ----in the eyes as from lime, Sulph. 83. ----sensation in the eyes, of the inner canthi, as though inflamma- tion would set in, Agar. 34. ----sensation in the eyes, of the inner canthi, upon the lids being firmly closed, Agar. 85. ----ir the eyes and momentary closing of the same, as soon as he puts on his glasses, Borax. 86. ----in the eyes, with heat of the cheeks as if they would burst, Bov. 87. Heat in the eyes, with headache, Verat. 38. Tensive burning in the right eye- ball, Asaf. 39. Warm and undulating feeling in the eyes, and sensation as if it were too dark to read in a light room, Aeon. BURNING IN THE OPEN AIR. 1. Burning in the eyes, in the open • air, or on waking, 01. an. 2. ----in the eyes, especially hi the open air, Merc BURNING WITH TEARING. 1. Burning in the left eye, with tearing from inner canthus down the nose, Nic 2. ----, tearing and sparkling in the eye, Mag. art. 3. Tearing and burning in the eyes when closing them and pressing on the lids, Sil. BURNING AND SMARTING. 1. Smarting burning in the eyes, especially at candle-light, Phos. ac. 2. Burning and biting sensation in both eyes, Kal. carb. 3. ----and smarting in the eyes, Merc. 4. ----smarting in the eyes, Valer. COOLING BURNING. Cooling burning in the left eye. Tabac. BURNING WITH SPARKS. Burning, drawing, and constant sparks in the affected eye, Mag. art. BURNING WHEN EXERTING THE EYES. 1. Heat in the eyes, with soreness, when reading at candle-light, Rut. 2. Burning of the eyes, when read- ing or at candlelight, Calc caust. 3. The eyes burn after exerting them, Bar. carb. 4. Burning of the eyes in the even- ing when reading, Agn. cast. 5. ----in the eyes, in the evening while reading, Tabac. 6. ----pain in the eyes, especially when reading or writing, Rhod. BURNING WITH SENSITIVENESS TO TUB LIGHT. 1. Violent burning of the eyes, and DISTORTION, PAINS, &o. 257 photophobia in the evening or afternoon, relieved by walking in the open air, but returning on the following morning, Gutt. 2. Burning in the eyes and sensi- tiveness to the light, Magn. mur. 3. ----of the eyes the whole day, especially early on waking, with intolerance of light, and in the evening on lying down, Am. carb. 4. ----of the eyes, especially of the corners, after rising, with in- tolerance of light, Am. mur. 5. Burning in the eyes early in the morning on waking, with smarting and photophobia, Alum. 6. ----of the eyes, with sensitive- ness to the light, Cast. BURNING WITH DRYNESS. 1. Burning and dryness of the eyes; with redness, Natr. sulph. • 2. ----, itching and dryness of the eyes, Paeon. 3. Heat and dryness of eyes, even- ing, Mang. 4. ----and dryness of the eyes,- Magn. carb. 5. Dryness and burning of the eyes, Magn. carb. 6. Burning of the eyes at candle- light, also with dryness, Laur. 7. Dryness and biting or burning, sometimes also itching sensation in the eyes, sometimes accompa- nied with a sensation as if sand were between the lids and eyes, and in the eyes, with occasional slight redness of the conjunctiva of the lids and even the eyeball, Berb. v. 8. Violent burning and dryness in the eyes, with a dim appearance of the eyes, considerable redness of the conjunctiva of the lids, and dim, indistinct sight, early in the morning after rising, for several hours, Berb. v. 9. Burning and dryness of the eyes, early in the morning, when wak- ing, Arg. nit. 10. Feeling of heat in the eye, also] Vol. III.—17 painful as from dryness, or par- ticularly when closing the lids, with sensation as if the eyes were bathed in tears, Cor. r. 11. ----of burning dryness in both eyes, Bell. 12. Dry burning in the eyes, Rho- dod. 13. Burning and dryness of the eyes with pricking and photophobia, Caust. .4. ----and dryness of the eyes, particularly in the afternoon and evening, Tongo. BURNING WITH CONTRACTIVE 8HNSA- TION. 1. Dryness, heat and contractive sensation in the eyes, Nat. carb. 2. Burning sensation in the eyes, with sensation of contraction, in the evening, Agar. 3. Heat and contraction in the right eye, Bov. 4. Burning and contractive sensa- tion in the eyes, Rat. 5. Heat in the eyes, and sensation as if the eyes were contracted, Verb. BURNING WITH DIMNESS OF SIGHT. 1. Burning of the eyes, with dim- sightedness and profuse sweat, Stram. 2. Heat in the eyes, he was unable to see clearly, Graph. 3. Dim, hot eyes, Lye. BURNING, WITH STITCHES. 1. Burning of the eyes, increased by motion, followed by stinging and redness, Stront. 2. Burning in the eyes and canthi, with stitches towards the inner canthus, and sensation as of a hair being in the eye, Natr. carb. 3.----and stinging in the eyes, Mag. carb. 4. ----with stinging in the right eye and canthus, Laur. 5. ----and stinging in the eyee, Fer. acet. 258 DISTORTION, PAINS, &c. 6 °St'nging burning in the eyes, Ars. BURNING WITH ITCHING. 1. Burning and itching in the eyes, Puis. 2. ---- and itching in the eyes, Calc. carb. 3. Itching burning of the eyes, head and neck, Calc. carb. 4. Burning in the eyes, also in the margins of the lids, with biting and itching, Bryonia. 5. Itching burning, around the eyes and temples, as of red-hot needles, Ars. 6. Burning in the eyes, at night, with itching, Alum. 7. ---- of the eyes, accompanied by an intensely painful itching, disappearing by the eyes being pressed upwards, Bell. TINGLING BURNING. Tingling burning in the eyes, Nux. v BURNING WITH LACHRYMATION. 1. Burning of the eyes, and redness of the lids, with lachrymation, Kal. hyd. 2. Violent burning in the eyes when , exerting them, with lachrymation and redness, Stront. 3. Burning in the eyes, with secre- tion of purulent mucus in the same, in the evening, Kal hyd, 4. Warmth or heat in the eyes, with lachrymation, particularly on looking at bright light, Kreas. .5. Burning and heat as from fire in the eyes, with lachrymation, pres- sure as if something had got into the eyes, and agglutination of the lids on waking, Kreas. 6. ---- in the weak right eye, it became red and filled with water (the magnet being held in contact with the weak right for a quarter of an hour), Mag. p. arct. 7. ---- of the right eye, with flow of burning water, Nat. sulph. 8. Burning of the eyes, a.so with lachrymation, Par. quad. 9. ---- and agglutination of the eyes, on waking, Sars. 10. Heat in the eyes, also with lach- rymation, Merc. 11. Heat in the eyes, with lachry- mation, Merc. 12. Burning and running of the eyes in the open air, Graph. 13----and smarting sensation in left eye, with lachrymation, Phyt. dec. 14. ----in the eyes, with burning tears, Phos. ac. 15. Pressure and burning in the eyes, with lachrymation, Calc carb. 16. The eyes burn at night, with pro- fuse lachrymation, Am, mur. 17. Burning of the eyes in the inner canthi and copious lachrymation, Bar. carb. 18. Troublesome burning in the 'eyes, with spasmodic contraction of the orbicularis muscles and in- creased secretion of tears, dulness of the head, great oppression of the chest, and cough, (from inhal- ing the vapour of Bromine, Brom. 19. Burning in the eyes, early, they are red, with lachrymation, Caps. 20. Smarting, burning and lachry- mation of the left eye, in the day time when reading, Sulph. ac. 21. Burning and smarting in the eye, with lachrymation, and with agglu- tination in the morning, Zinc. m. BURNING AS FROM SMOKE OR VAPOUR. 1. Burning in the eyes as from smoke, in the room, AEth. 2. The eyes felt as if surrounded by a hot vapour, Bell. - 3. Heat in the eyes and face, with red cheeks, as from a hot vapour, Verat. BURNING WITH OR FROM DROWSINESS. 1. Burning and pain in the eyes as if from excessive drowsiness, Fer, acet 2. ----sensation in the eyes, with DISTORTION, PAII drowsiness, as if they would close, Plat. BURNING FOLLOWED BY APPEARANCE OF BLOOD-RED FIRE. Burning in the eyes, obliging one to close them, with apprehensions that he will not be able to open them again, followed by an appear- ance of blood-red fire before the eyes which obstructs the sight ; the sight returns after a profuse flow of tears and great dilatation of the pupils, Spig. Stitches, Lancinations, Prickings. SIMPLE STITCHES. Am., Bry., Calc. carb., Cham., Carb. a., Carb. veg., Euphr.,Hep. s., Kal carb., Kali, chlor., Magnet, p. arct, Magn. sulph., Menyan, Lye, Phos., Thuj. 1. Stitches in the eyes, particularly the left, Merc. 2. Dull stitches in the eyes, when exerting them, Staph. 3. Fine stitches in quick succession, without pain, in the fore-part of the eye-ball, in the forenoon, Ant. c. 4. A few stitches over the eyes, Ang. 5. Sensation in the eye as if a thorn had lodged in it, obliging him to rub, and embarrassing the opening of the eyelids, in the morning when rising, Calc. caust. 6. Stitches following the track of the supra-orbital and supratroch- lear nerve, Calc. caust. 7. Cutting in the eyes when read- ing Petrol. 8. Acute stitches in the eyes, to- wards evening of the second day, Kalm. lat. 9. Severe stitch in the eye, which is affected with the fistula lachryma- lis, Calc carb. 10. Sticking in the eye when closing the lids with violent pain when pressing on the closed eyes, with a broad red streak from the cor- 259 ner to the outer canthus; the in- ner canthi look blue and puffy, and the right canthus is somewhat swollen, Sarsap. 11. Sticking shocks in the eyeball as if it would burst, Staphis. 12. Stitches in the eyes, from with- out inwards, Bell. 13. ----in the eyes from within OUTWARDS, COCC. 14. ---- in the eyes, from within outwards, they are red, Mur. ac. 15. Stinging and tingling in the eyes, Asp. 16. Darting through the eyes, with mistiness of sight, tingling in the right upper lashes, Par. quod. 17. Stinging in the eyes, from BRIGHT LIGHT, Euphr. 18. Stitches in the eye, when the light is too bright, Thuj. 19. Stitch in the eyeballs when mo- ving them, Ran. bulb. 20. Stinging and dryness in the eyes, Phos. 21. Stitches in the ball of the eye, WITH CONTRACTION OF THE UPPEH LID, Bor. 22. Violent stitches over the eye when stooping, with sensation as if swollen, Ipecac. 23. Severe stitches through the ey< especially when stooping, Dros. 24. Sticking in the eyes, when sha- king the head, with discharge of a tear, Puis. 25. Prickling at times in one, at times in another eyeball, Lye 26. ----in the eyeball from above, downwards, Hell 27. ----in the eyes as if they would run, Hell. STITCHES IN THE EYES AND OTHER PARTS. 1. Stitches in the eye and head, (during the menses), Calc, carb, 2. Dartings in the eyes, the darting generally commencing in other parts, such as the forehead, tem- ples, and then shooting into the eye, or else the darting commen- l, STITCHES, &c N8, STITCHES, &c; MO DISTORTION, PAI ces in the eyes and shoots towards the forehead, Berh. v. 3. Lancinations in the eyes and head, Zinc. m. 4. Stitches in the eyes and chest, Brom. STITCHES WITH BURNING. 1. Burning stitches in the eyes, Asa.f. 2. Prickling and smarting in both eyes, with tearing, or early in the morning with turning, Alum. 3. °Cutting in the eyes, with burn- ing of the eyes when reading at candle-light, Calc. carb. 4. Burning cutting in the eye, also ia the lower lid of the right eye when at rest, Coloc. 5. Stitches, burning and moistening of the eyes, with previous itching and rubbing of the same, Carb. a. 6. Continual stitches and burning in the eyes, Magn. mur. 7. Sticking in the eyes, with sick stomach, Natr. sulph. 8. Stinging in the eyes which are sometimes hot and burning, Each. STITCHES IN THE RIGHT EYE. 1. Stitches in the right eye, Ign. 2. Cutting in the right eye, Sulph. 3. Acute stitches in the right eye in the morning of the second day, Kalm. lat. 4. Cuttings as with knives, in the right eyeball, extending to the roof of the nose, °and in the fore- head, from without inwards, Coloc. 5. Sticking in the right eye, parti- cularly during motion, Spig. 6. Stitches in the right eye from without inwards, Hyper, per. 7. Violent stitch through the right eye from without inwards, Graph. 8. Cutting, with pressure, in the right eye, Zinc. m. -9. Sticking, with pressure, in the fight eyeball, Zinc. m. 10. Stitches and violent pressing in the right eye, the eyes feel dim and Weak, Kalm. lat. 11. Drawing sticking from the right eye to the vertex, in the afternoon, Each. 12. Violent tearing stitches in the right eye, as if inflamed, Calc. carb. 13. Stitch and tearing in the right eyeball, Phos. 14. Stitch in right eye and left ear, after which the white becomes in- famed, Nit. ac. 15. Stitching pain as with a red hot needle, in the right eyeball,. Rhod, 16, Itching' stinging in the- right eyeball, Spig. 17. Smarting stinging in the right eyeball, going off by rubbing the eye, Agnus cast. STITCHES IN THE LEFT EYE. 1. Stitches in the left eye, Cin. 2. ----in the left eye, in the even- ing, Borax. 3. Darting through the left eye, Brom. 4. Stitches under the left eye, Kahn lat. 5. Stinging in the left eye, Sep. 6. Stitches in the left eye during rest, Dros. 7. ----in the upper part of the left eyeball, lod. 8. Fine prickings in the left eye, Mag. p. arct, 9. Cutting in the left eye, length- wise, suddenly coming and going, Borax. 10. ----stitches in the left eye, in the direction of the external can- thus, lod. 11. Burning pricking in the left eye- ball, towards the outer canthus, Tarax. 12. Violent stitch with burningunder the left eyeball, afternoon, Plum. a. 13. Prickling and smarting in the left eye, in the evening, as of soap, Alum, 14. ----smarting in the lower part of the left eye and in the cheek, Zinc. m. 15. Tensive stitch in left eyeball, most violent when moving it, Stann. ITCHING. 261 Itching. SIMPLE ITCHING OF BOTH EYES. Bar. carb., Calc. carb., Cupr., Eug., Graph., Gutt, Ign., Kal. bichr., Kal carb., Kalm. lat., Magn. carb., Magnet, p. arct, Merc, Natr. mur., Nux v., 01. an., Rhod., Zinc. m. 1. Itching of the eyes and brows, Sil. 2. Itching around the eyes, Phos., Carb. veg. 3. ---- in the eyes, sometimes with a feeling as if sand were in the eyes, Borax. 4. Corrosive itching in the eyes, obliging him to rub them, Ars. 5. Corrosive itching under the eyes, Agnus cast. 6. Itching in the eyes and ears, Bov. 7. ----in one eye and ear, Natr- sulph. 8. ---- over the eyes, or in the eyes and in the corners, going off by rubbing, with subsequent lach- rymation, Caust $. ----Itching of the eyes in the room, with stretching, yawning, and eructations, Ran. bulb. TITILLATING ITCHING. I. Itching around the eyes, violent, titillating, Ambr. g. 2. ----and tingling of the eyes, in- ducing sobbing, Agar. ITCHING WITH PRESSURE. 1. Itching in the eyes, particularly in the left, sometimes succeeded by pressure in both eyes, and at- tended with dizziness, (going off after taking coffee,) Each. 2.----of the eyes, obliging one to rub, and succeeded by biting, inflamed appearance of the whites of the eyes, and pressure in the eyes as from sand, Kreas. 3. ----of the eyes in the evening, pressure in the eyes as from a grain of sand, Fer. ac. 4. Itching In the eyes in the even- ing, but pressure early in the morning, Calc. carb. 5.---- and pressure in the eyes, in the day-time, Carb. an. 6. ----in the eyes, also with pres- sure, Phos. ac, ITCHING WITH BURNING, I. Itching near the left eye, in and arpund the eyes, with heat in the eyes, obliging one to rub a good deal, in the afternoon and evening, Each. 2. ----and stinging of the eyes, also with burning, Petrol. 3. ----and burning of the eyes, and canthi, Magn. carb. •*. ----of the eyes in the forenoon, with burning and injected condition of the vessels in the canthi, Bruc. ITCHING WITH BITING (SMARTING.) 1. Itching and biting in the eyes, of the lids, (and around the mouth,) with aggravation of the symptoms and redness after rubbing, and subsequent desquamation, Kreas. 2. ---- and biting in the eyes, passing off by rubbing, (early in the morning,) Am, carb. ITCHING WITH BEATING. Beating and itching in the eye, Magn. p. aust ITCHING WITH STINGING. 1. Stinging in the eyeball, Crot. 3. 2. Stinging itching, Puis. 3. Itching of the eyes, and stinging when rubbed, Kalm. lat. ITCHING IN THE RIGHT EYE. 1. Violent itching in the right eye- ball, Asa f Coloc 2. Itching and pressing in the right eye, relieved for a short time by rubbing, Agar. 262 INTOLERANCE OF LIGHT. 3. Itching in the right eye, with great dryness of the lid, Carb. veg. 4. Itching of the right eye, and con- tinual secretion of acrid tears, Kal. nitr. 5. Biting in the right eye, going off by scratching, but then returning in the evening, Kal hyd. ITCHING IN THE LEFT EYE. 1. Itching of the left eye, Stront., Zinc. m. 2. Itching all around the left eye, Con. mac. 3. ----in the left eye and left in. ner canthus, ending in pressure, or with lachrymation, Lauroc. 4. ----and burning in the left eye, Kalm. lat. 5. ---- and smarting of the left eye, Arg. nit 6. Itching in the left eye, with smarting in the eye after friction, especially in the inner canthus, Carb. veg. Expression of the Eyes. FAINT, EXTINCT LOOK. 1. Faint expression of the eyes, Aeon., Asar., Bruc, Con. mac, Kal. hyd. 2. The eyes look faint, surrounded with blue rings, Verat. 3. The eyes look dim and faint, Bov., Mere, Spig. 4 °Dim, faint, glassy, or sparkling, swimming eyes, Bry. 5. Dim, sad look, Plumb., Stram. 6. When consciousness returned, the eyes were dim, without lustre, and the brain was obscured, Hyos. 7. Glassy look, Sep. TREMULOUS look. 1. Sleepy appearance and unsteadi- ness of the eyes, Eug. 2. Tremulous look, as if the eye were trembling, Con. mac. SUNKEN EYES. 1. Sunken eyes, Arg. nit, Gran., Phos. ac, Plumb. 2. Sensation as if the eyes were deep in the head, Elec. 3. Sensation as if the eyes were sunken, recurring at intervals, Cinch, sulph. 4. Weak feeling around the eyes, as if they were lying deep, espe- cially in the afternoon, lod. 5. Faint, dim, sunken eyes, Stann. 6. The eyes lie deep in the orbits, and look dim, Cyc. 7. The eyes are sunken, staring, as if retracted into the sockets, Cupr., Cupr. ac. 8. Deep, hollow eyes, with blue, raised margins, as after revelling, Staph. 9. Sunken eyes, surrounded with blue or dingy-gray borders, Berb. v. PROTRUDED EYES. 1. Protruded eyes, Aeon., Brom., Canth., Cic. vir., Con., Hep. $., Hydr. ac, Merc, prep., Magn. p. arct. 2. The eyes feel as if protruded, Bell 3. Protruded eyes, with swelling of the face, Viper, t. 4. The eyes protrude from their sockets, with pale face, Caps. 5. Distended, protruded eyes, Aur. 6. °Faint, protruded eyes, China. 7. Protruded eyes, with staring look, Plumb. 8. The eyes protrude, with dilated pupils, Bell. 9. Swollen and glassy eyes, Merc. corr. 10. Glassy, protruded, immovable eyes, which do not see anything, Op. SPARKLING EYES. 1. Sparkling eyes, Aeon., Hyos. 2. Fiery, sparkling eyes, with stea- dy, staring look, Canth. 3. Red, sparkling eyes, Hyos. COLOUR OF THE EYES. 263 GLISTENING, SHINING EYES. 1. Glistening, sparkling eyes, Op. 2. The eyes shine, Valer. 3. Glistening, staring eyes, Nux v. 4. The eyes are glistening and pro- truded, AEth. 5. The eye runs, looks red, and glistens, Arg. nit. 6. The eyes are red, glistening, and turn in their sockets, Bell. 7. Staring and sparkling, shining, glistening eyes, Bell. 8. Open, humid, glistening eyes, Sol nig. 9. Staring, glistening eyes, with a sort of loss of sense, so that he does not answer any questions, though he hears well, Mosch. 10. Shining, very moveable eyes, Mere corr. 11. Protruded, glistening eyes, Cupr. 12. Staring and glistening eyes, Op. 13. Glistening eyes; the rays of the sun dazzle him, with loss of appe- tite, Stram. 8TARING LOOK. 1. Staring look, Aeon., Asar., Cic. v., Cupr. carb., Magn. p. arct, Merc. corr., Plumb., Tabac 2. Staring, wild looks, Ars., Camph. 3. When roused from her state of staring, she relapses into the same state, the pulse being 50, Cic v. 4. Staring eyes, sometimes as if protruded, Lauroc. 5. Staring eyes, which are constant- ly directed to one spot, without anything being seen, Merc viv. 6. The right eye is open more widely than usually, Staphis. 7. Staring, somnolent eyes, Stram. 8. Open eyes, with the pupils turn- ed upwards, Op. 9. Staring look, she finds it difficult to turn her eyes from an object, and has to fix them upon it almost against her will, Kal. carb. 10. The eyes are wide open, owing to a greater retraction of the eye- lids, Bell 11. The eyes are staring and inani- mate, AEth. 12. Staring, strange look, AEth, 13. Faint, protruded, staring eyes, without lustre, and turned up- wards, Ars. 14. The eyes are wide open, Asa f 15. Staring, immovable eyes, Bar. in 10. Staring eyes, denoting anguish Am. mont. 17. Staring, protruded, immovable eyes, Bruc 18. He looks at everybody with staring aud astonished eyes, with- out consciousness, Camph. 19. She stares at one spot for a quar- ter of an hour, and cannot do otherwise, although she makes an effort to do so, Cic v. 20. When sitting on a chair for some time, the head gradually falls for- ward, whilst the eyes continually stare at the same point, so that the pupils, in proportion as the head inclines forward, get behind the upper eyelids; after which she feels a jerk internally, which brings her back to her senses- for some time, when she relapses into a state of insensibility, from which she is roused from time to time by a_sort of internal chill, Cic. vir. INTOXICATED LOOK. Intoxicated look for a long time, Hyos. WILD, CONFUSED LOOK. Wild, confused eyes, Sec. corn. Colour of the Eyes. BLUENESS. Blueness of the left eye, with eruc- tations, Verat. YELLOWNESS. 1. Dark-Bellow eyes, Viper, r. 2. Yellow coloured, deeply sunken 264 SMARTING, INTOLERANCE, &c eyes, surrounded with broad, blue margins, Ars. hydrog. 3. Yellow colour of the eyes, Agar. 4. Yellow, faint, sunken eyes, Crot 6. Livid colour of the eyes, and par- ticularly the inner canthi, Plumb. Smarting. 1. Smarting of the eyes, Bell, Calc. e, Eug., Nitr. ac, Sulph. 2. Smarting in the right eye, Rat, Sulph. 3. Smarting in the eyes, as from SOMETHING ACRID, Graph. 4. Smarting in the eyes in the even- ing, after .lying down, as from acrid tears, Magn. art. 5. Smarting in the eyes, especially the canthi, as if from salt, with lachrymation, Nux v. 6. Smarting as from salt in the left eye, 01 an. 7. Biting in the eyes; also with lachrymation, or with pressure as from salt, and obliging one to rub, China. 8. Smarting in the eyes, as if caused by salt, Caust. 9. Biting in the eyes, particularly in the external canthi, worse after rubbing, or in the inner canthus only. Lact. 10. Smarting and itching in the eyes, with burning after rubbing, Carb. an. 11. ---- in the eyes, as from smoke, in the evening, Croc, Pe- trol, Ran. bulb., Valer. 12. ---- of the eyes, with lach- r'tmation, Ambr. gr., Euphor. 13. ----then lachrymation, Sulph. 14.----in the eyes, nose, and fauces, with profuse discharge from the eyes and nose; the eyes are painful and inflamed, Ran. bulb. 15. The eyes smart, and looked as if one had been weeping, Teucr. 16. A kind of sore smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation and inject- ed state of the veins ; when closing the eyes, the smarting became more violent, and the eyes became so sensitive to the light, that he did not dare to open them again, Clemat. erec. 17. Smarting of the eyes, with sensa- tion as if they were running, Sulph. 18.----and pressure in the eyes, which feel heavy, with redness of the eyelids, Caust. 19. ----in the eyes, as from dust, with pressure, Ambr. g. 20. ----of the eyes, in the evening, with involuntary closing of the eyelids, Alum. 21. Stinging, smarting in both eyes, as from electric sparks, 01 an. 22. Smarting in the eyes, with heat in them, Graph. 23. ----or heat in the eyes, Sil. 24. Burning smarting, especially of the left eye, as if salt-water had got in, Kal. nitr. 25. ----smarting in the eyes, espe- cially in the inner canthi, Hell. 26. Biting and burning in the eyes, particularly in the upper lids, with constipation, Each. 27. The eyes soon ache after writing; in the afternoon especially they smart and burn, after which a few smarting tears run out; light brings on the pain sooner, Staph. 28. Smarting' in the eyes as from sand, Euphor. 29. Smarting in right eye, going off by rubbing, which causes a pres- sure as if from sand, with red and blue margins, Stront. Intolerance of light. general sensitiveness of the EYES. 1. Sensitiveness of the eyes, Cupr. ars. 2. ------ of the eyes, with lach- rymation, Chin, sulph. 3. Increased irritability of the eye, Con. m. ILL EFFECTS FROM EXERTING THE SIGHT. 265 INTOLERANCE OF THE LIGHT OF DAY. 1. Sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, Calc. carb., Ign., Each., Mer- curial, Petrol, Phos., Stram. 2. The light dazzles his eyes, Bar. carb., Graph. 3. The eyes are closed, with photo- phobia, Tabac. 4. Spasmodic closing of the eyes, especially when looking into the light, Ars. 5. Photophobia, with obscuration of sight, Nux. v. 6. Intolerance of light, with redness of the whites, Graph, 7. Photophobia, during the fever he keeps his eyes closed, because he does not want to see the objects around him, Hell. 8. ----without much inflammation, Hell. 9. The eyes ache from the bright light of day, when moving them, Hep. s. 10. Photophobia: painful sensitive- ness of the eyes to the light of day, the room has to be darkened, Kal carb. 11. He is constantly putting his hand before his eyes, as if he would guard them against the light, al- though this does not seem to irri- tate them, Kal. hyd. 12. Dread of the light of the sun, with dim eyes and lachrymation, Zinc. m. 13. Intolerance of the light of day ; the eyes run constantly, with pres- sure in the right upper lid, as if from something which he tries in vain to wipe off, Tarax. INTOLERANCE OF CANDLE-LIGHT. 1. Intolerance of candle-light, Lob. card. 2. The eyes are painful when look- ing at the flame of a candle, Phos., Sulph. 3. Pressure in the eyes ; he can- not bear the light of a candle, nor open his eyes wide, Puis. 4. Candle-light causes a contractive sensation in the eyes, when read- ing or writing, Sep. INTOLERANCE OF THE LIGHT OF DAY, OR OF A FLAME. 1. Intolerance of the light of day, or of the glare of a fire, Merc. 2. Intolerance of the light of day, not of candle-light, Graph. INTOLERANCE OF WHITE COLOUR, OR LIGHT. I. When looking at anything white his eyes are dazzled, and begin to run, Graph. 2. When looking steadily at any- thing white or red, or at the sun, he experiences stitches from the temple through the eye, as far as the inner canthus, Graph. Ill Effects from exerting the Eyes. 1. She was unable to exert her eyes, Carb. an. 2. The eyes are weak after exerting them somewhat, Alum. 3. Feeling of nausea and anxiety when exerting the eyes, Sep. FROM LOOKIilG AT AN OBJECT INTENTLY. 1. His eyes ache when looking at objects intently, Mang. 2. °Pain in the left eye from sharp looking, Carb. veg, 3. Sensation in his eyes when look- ing, as if the blood were pressing upon the optic nerve, Aur. 4. Tension in the eyes, with dimi- nution of sight more violent when fixing the eyes upon anything, less when closing them, Aur. 5. When looking at a thing, hc feels a pain in the eyes, which is more smarting than aching, Dros. 6. When staring at one point, she has a headache, and her eyes run, Spong. 266 MOTIONS OF THE EYES. 3. Eyes in spasmodic motiqn, Canth. 4. Convulsively moved and protrud- ed eyes, Hyos. 7. When looking at an object in- tensely, the eyes tremble and run, Seneg. FROM OPENING THE EYES. Opening the eyes was attended with qualmishness of the stomach, Am. mont. FROM READING OR WRITING. 1. Pain in the eyes from reading, particularly from reading at candle- light, Asar., Each., Merc, Mez. 2. When writing, his eyes close se- veral times, Mez. 3. Also when reading, pinching in the eyes, Kal carb. 4. When reading, the eyes burn and become weary, Sidph. 5. When using the eyes in reading, each eye experiences a sensation as of being pressed asunder, Asar. 6. After reading a while, even in the day-time, his eyes ache and feel sore and burning, with dimness, frequently obliging him to wink, Croc. sat. 7. Dull pain in the eyes when read- ing, or during mental exertion, Cina. 8. She is obliged to wink when reading, Calc carb. 9. Disagreeable trembling sensa- tion in the eyes when reading or writing, aggravating the headache, and accompanied by heat in the forehead and eyes, Diad. 10. Sensation in the eyes as if he had exerted them too much by read- ing, Graph. Ruta. Motions of the Eyes. CONVULSIVE MOVEMENTS OF THE EYES. 1. The eyeballs turn convulsively in a circle, Bell. 2. Eyes and hands are constantly in a sort of spasmodic motion, Bell. ROLLING OF THE EYES. 1. The eyes are rolled about, with the head pressed backwards, Merc viv. 2. Spasmodic closing of the eyes under the closed lids, during apo- plexy, Cocc. 3. Wild rolling of the eyes, the pu- pils being dilated and insensible to light, Arg. nit. 4. The eyes roll about in their sockets, Sec. corn. 5. Wild rolling of the eyeballs, Elec. 6. The eyes are rolling to and fro, Cupr. INVOLUNTARY MOTION. 1. Involuntary motion of the eyes, Spig. 2. Glassy look, the eyeballs mov- ing almost involuntarily, Phos. ac. TREMBLING. 1. Motion of the eyes as if they would be pressed out, Con. mac. 2. Trembling of the left eye, as if it would start out of the socket, with great photophobia, Alum. 8. Trembling of the left eye, worse towards evening, and when look ing down, Alum. 4. Trembling of the eyes, Sulph. Sensation as if something were moving in the Eyes. 1. Sensation in the left eye, as if a body were rising in it, which pre- vents the sight, in the forenoon, Am. mur. 2. ---- in the eye, as if the pen- dulum of a clock were moving in it, Magnes art 3. ■---- in the eye as if something were turning about in it, with stitches, Cin. WEAKNESS OF THE EYES, &c. 267 4. Winking (slight and repeated twitchings,) of the right eye, with sensation as if a body were mov- ing in the eyes, which blinds her, the upper eyelid being drawn down, the symptom passes off af- ter rubbing, but then returns again, leaving behind it a sensitiveness of the upper margin of the orbit, when touched, Carb. an. Weakness of the Eyes. 8IMPLE WEAKNESS. Agar., Carb. an., Nice, 01 an., Pe- trol, Verat, Zinc. m. 1. Great weakness in the eyes in the evening, Carb. an. 2. The eyes are weak, the child winks continually, Am. carb. 3. Weakness of the eyes, as from too much reading, Ruta. 4. In order to read, he has to exert his eyes a good deal, Amm. 5. Sensation of weakness and pres- sure in the eyes, Aur. 6. Weakness and reddish appear- ance of the eyes, Graph. 7. ---- of the eyes, as if they would close involuntarily, without drowsiness, Ind. 8. Feeling of weakness in the eyes, with sensation as if sunken, China. DIM AND WEAK. 1. Dim eyes; they feel so weak that they close, Cupr. 2. Dim and weak eyes, in the morning, Cina. WEARY AND WEAK. 1. Constant weariness of the eyes, Zinc. m. 2. The eyes feel weary and close, Tart stib. 3. The eyes are weak and sore, as if tired, Nitr. acid. 4. Tired and weak feeling of the eyes, with sensation as if the eyes would close, Cans. 5. The eyes close as from weari- ness, Ars. WEAK AND SORE, TREMULOUS. The eyes are weak at candle- light, they itch, suppurate, see a tremulous and twinkling light, ob- liging her to close them, Plat. WEAK AND DROWSY. 1. Weak and drowsy eyes, Phos. 2. Sensation in the eyes as if sleepy, Staph. Swelling of the eyes. 1. Swelling of the eyes, Galv. 2. ----of the right eye, Kal. carb. 3. ----of the left eye, Carb. veg. 4. Heaviness and swelling of the eyes in the morning, Kal. bichr. 5. QHdematous swelling, the eyes close and swell in consequence, Ars. 6. Swelling about the eyes, which is perceptible when opening the lids, Cinch, sulph. 7. Enlarged opening between the lids, Ant. cr. 8. Dim, bloated eyes, Brucea. 9. Slight protrusion of the right eye, it looks more elevated and larger than the left, Arnica mont. 10. Swelling of the eye, with head- ache of the same side, Sep. 11. ----of the eyeball as if dropsy of the eye would set in, Mag. carb. 12. Pressure in the eyes as if too large, with immobility of the same, as if he had not slept enough, and dulness of the head, Phos. ac 13. Early, on waking, her eyes look- ed swelled, with dizziness, Magn. carb. 14. Sensation as if something had lodged under the eyelids, and as if the eyeball were too large, with intense aching, Plumb, ac 15. Swelling of the eyes, momentary obscuration of sight, Coch. am. 16. In the morning, swelling of one eye and of one half of the nose, 268 DRAWING, HEAVINESS, HEMORRHAGE, &c. after a violent headache in the night, Cocc. 17. Swelling of the eyes, also with dilated pupils, and contortion of the eyeballs, Stram. 18. Painful swelling of one eye, without redness, with discharge of pus, and dark-red and puffed con- junctiva, Bryonia. 19. The eyes are bloated, with sen- sation as if one were squinting, Puis. 20. Eyes as if too large, they are moved with difficulty, followed by a sensation as if they were small- er, Merc. 21. Swelling of the eyes, with red streaks in the eyes, and an aching, tensive pain in the eye, Nux v. SENSATION OF SWELLING. 1. Sensation as if the eyes were too large for the orbits, Op. 2.----in both eyes as if she had been weeping a good deal, they feel swollen and tight, without any thing being perceived in the eyes by others, Croc. 3. ----as if the eyes were larger, they look as if a person had been weeping a good deal, in the even- ing, Each. 4. Sensation as if the eyeballs were swollen, with unsteadiness of sight as if the objects were in motion, Par. quad. 5. ----of swelling and protrusion of the eyes, the eyelids appeared too short to cover the eyes, with sensation as if one had not slept enough, with yawning and stretch- ing the whole day, Guaiac. Drawing in the eyes. 1. Drawing through the eyeballs, 01. an. 2.---- in the eyes, with itching, relieved by rubbing, Tax. c 3. Strong drawing over the eye, in the surface of the cheek, ear ex. tending into the upper maxillary (the magnet being in contact with the eye), Mag. p. arct. 4. Drawing in the eyes, changing to a coolling sensation and leaving tears behind, Seneg. 5. Sensation of spasmodic drawing in the eyes, Can. s. 6. Drawing from the left side of the face to the left eye, followed by pressure, Rhod. Heaviness. 1. Heaviness of the eyes, Sulph. 2. ----, weakness of the eyes, Crot. 3. Sensation of heaviness in the eyes, and as if covered with a gauze, Ho3m. 4. Heaviness and soreness of the eyes, Kal. bichr. 5. ---- in the eyes on moving them, and painful drawing in the inner muscle from before back- wards, Plumb, ac. 6. ----in the eyes, especially the upper eyelid, Bell. 7. A weight seems to press upon his eyes, Carb. v. 8. On waking at night she feels as if she could not open her eyes, as if a weight were pressing upon them; if she tries to open them she experiences a tension and pres- sure in the eyes, and succeeds only in opening them imperfectly, by dint of rubbing and pressing, Croc. Hemorrhage. 1. ° Haemorrhage from the eyes, Cham. 2. Exudation of blood from the eye, Nux v. 3. Blood oozes from the eyes, which look ecchymozed, Crotal. 4. ° Hemorrhage and ecchymosis of the eye, Bell. 5. ----from the eyes, with conges- tion of blood to the head, Carbo v. Throbbing, beating or bubbling. 1. Bubbling in the eyes, Berb. v. 2. Short beatings in the right eye, Bry. 3. Throbbing in the eyes, after mid- TENSION, STIFFNESS, night, every throb being accom- panied with a stitch, Ars. 4. Beating and tingling in the up- per part of the left eye, succeeded by pressure, Ammoniac. Tension. 1. Tension in the eyes, Camph., Hyp. perf, Phos. 2. Tension in the left eyeball, Spig. 3. Tension over the right eye, the eyes being somewhat inflamed, lod. 4. ----in the eyes as if swollen, Merc. 5. ----in the muscles of the eyes, when turning the eyes, or exerting them while reading, Calc. carb. 6. ----, first in one, then in the other eye, from behind forwards, Ang. 7. Rigid tension and drawing from the left eye down the upper jaw, Tabac. Stiffness. 1. The eyes feel stiff, Lach. 2. ----in the left eyeball, early in the morning, after rising, it can- not be moved without experien- cing a disagreeable feeling, Calc. carb. Difficult Motion. Difficult motion of the eyeballs, Hydr. ac. Rush of Blood. 1. Rush of blood to the eyes, they feel irritated, Kal. chl 2. '----of blood to the eyes, he feels the eyeballs, it is not unpleas- ant, Phos. 3. Pressing of the blood in the eye, Plumb, ac. 4. Rush of blood to the eyes, Sep. 5. Sensation as if the eyes were full of blood, Sulph. TIngUng. 1. Tingling in the eyes, Spig. 2. Tingling and pressure in the eyes, Jkll Creeping. Creeping in the left eye, Natr. sulph. Fungus Medullar!*. °Fungus medullaris in the eye. Bell. EYELIDS. Pains. 1. Pains in the upper lid in the evening, Kal. chl 2. Violent pain in the lids, China. 3. Violent pains in both the upper eyelids, at every movement of the lids, Cole, caust. 4. Aching pain under the upper eyelid, when moving the eyes and shaking the head, Cham. 5. Painful pressure on the upper eyelid, Chel. 6. The eyelids are painful wheh moved, Mang. 7. Pain in the lids, on waking, as if TOO HEAVY, Sep. 8. Paralytic pain of the eyelids, Graph. 9v Cramp pain in the eyelids, par- ticularly towards the outer can- thus, Crot. 10. Drawing pain with twitching 0f the lids, Ars. 11. Contracrive pain in the right levator palbebrarum muscle, Bry. 12. Drawing, tearing pain in the lids, Nux v. 13. Crampy-tearing pain in the lids,, tearing, drawing and dragging tn the lids, Berb. v. 14. Throbbing pain in the lower eyelids, towards the inner canthus, the spot where the pain is, is swollen and inflamed with a good deal of lachrymation for half an hour, Bell. 15. Painful feeling of dryness in the eyelids, in the morning on Waking, Magnet, p. arct. 270 PAINS, SWELLING, &c. 16. In the evening the inner part of the upper eyelids is painful, as if it were too dry, Ign. 17. Painful smarting dryness of the eyelids,especially perceptible when moving them, mostly in the even- ing and morning, Mag. p. aust. 18. The inner surface of the upper eyelids is painful when the lids are moved, as if they were too dry and a little sore, Am. mont. 19. Painful feeling of dryness in the upper lid, as if salt were under it, without much redness, after din- ner, Verat. 20. Pain in the eyelids as from ex- coriation, Cole 21. Erosive pain morning and even- ing, especially in the outer can- thus and when touching the eye- lids, as if a hair had lodged in the eye, a sort of inflammation of the margin of the lids, Mag. p. aust 22. Pain, as from excoriation, in the eyelid, Calc. carb. 23. ----of the margin as if sore and excoriated, when opening the eyes, in the open air, with lachry- mation, Canth. 24. ----, as from excoriation, of the left eyelid, Caust. 25. The eyelids are dry and painful as if excoriated, they are rigid and glued together, Verat 26. Painful sticking in the right upper lid, Pceon. 27. ----sticking, with pressure, in the upper lid, near the outer can- thus, Verat. 28. Burning pain in the margin of the lids, Seneg. 29. ----pain on the left lower lid, 34. Itching pain in the upper eyelid, on opening the eye, Borax. 35. Sore Pain in the right lower lid, aggravated by contact, Drois. 36. Biting pain in the left upper eyelid, Aurum. Swelling of the lids. 1. Swelling of the lids, Ars., Many., Nit. ac, Rhus, t, Rhus. r. 2. ---- of the lower lids, Aur., Calc carb., Bar. carb. 30. Spong. pain in the upper lid of the right eye, Clem, erecta 31. ----pain in the margin of the eyelids, as if caused by gunpow- der, Caust 32. Itching pains in the lids, Each. 33. Burning itching pain of the lid, Nux v. i Op. Thuj. Ter. magn., of the upper lids, Cycl., of the lids, with smarting and stinging, Valer. 5. Pain and swelling of the eyelids, Valer. 6. Swelling and pain of the lids, with lachrymation, Sulph. 7. ----of the left eyelids towards the inner canthus, Ag. 8. Slight swelling of the upper left eyelid, Asa. 9. Swelling and agglutination of the eyelids in the morning, "with swelling of the eye, Cham. 10. ----of the eyelids, particularly the lower, Euphr. 11. ----of the eyelids, with tearing above the eyebrow when opening the eyes, Euphr. 12.----of the lower lid, incommod- ing one when looking down, Dig. 13. ----and painfulness of the lids, with gluing of the canthi, Lye 14. ----of right upper lid, it hangs down, Squill 15. ----below the eyes, on waking, Sep. 16. ----of the eyelids, and the lach- rymal glands, Graph. 17. ---- of the upper lids, with pressure, Mosch. 18.----of the upper lid, with an itching pimple on it, Nitr. ac 19. ----between the eyebrows and lids looking like a little bag, Kal. carb. PAINS, INFLAMMATION, &c. 271 20. Great swelling of the upper eye- lid towards the nose, Kal. carb.. 21. Swelling of the meibomian glands of the left lower eyelid in the morning as if a stye would form but the pain was merely ach- ing, Mag. p. aust. 22. Chronic swelling of the margins of the lids, Kreas. 23. Swelling of the margins of the lids, Kreas. . 24. Watery white swelling of the eyelids, lod. 25. Considerable chemosis, swelling of the eyelids with increased se- cretion of tears, but little or no disposition to suppurate, Kal. hyd. 26. Swelling of the right upper lid, with itching and pressure, Phos. 27. ----of the left lid, with pain of the orbital bone when touched. Phos. 1. CSdema of the eyelids, Crot, Kal hyd. 2. (Edema of the lower lids, Raph. 3. Relaxed, cedematous lids, Plumb*. SENSATION OF SWELLING. 1. Feeling as if the lids were swol- len, Berb. v. 2. Sensation of bloatedness under the right eye, Nux m. 3. Difficulty of opening the eyes, with sensation as if the lids were swollen, most early in the morn- ing, Caust. Inflammation. 1. Inflammation of the lids, Magnes art, Rhus, t 2. Redness of the lids, Plumb, ac 3. ----of the margins of the eye- lids, Calc. carb. 4. The lower lids are inflamed, but not swollen, Sulph. 5. Periodical inflammation of the eyelids, with dry gum between the lashes, Caust. 6. Inflammation of the borders of the eyelids, in an infant, Borax. 7. Internal inflamed redness of the lids, Bar. carb. 8. Inflamed eyelids, with incipient styes at some places, and frequent winking, Con. mac 9. Redness of the eyelids, with fine stitches in the eye-ball, Ant. c 10. Pale red inflammation of the eyelids with nightly agglutination, Euph. 11. Inflammation of the eyelids, with aching, and nightly agglutination of the outer canthi, Lye 12. Redness of margins of the lids, with glutinous secretion from the meibomian glands, Eup. perf. 13. Inflammation of the margins of the lids, with ulceration and smart- ing soreness, Spig. 14. ----of the lid with a stye, Sep. 15.----margins of the eyelid, Graph. 16. Redness and painful inflamma- tion of the lower eyelid and inter- nal canthus, Graph. 17. Inflamed, dry lids, Sarsap. 18. Inflammation of the inner surface of the lids. 01. an. 19.----of the lids of the right eye, with pain of the eyes, and inability to read by candle-light, Kal. carb. 20. ----of the lids, with pain in the the eyes, particularly when read- ing, and with burning pressure, or burning pressure and itching, Lack. 21.----of the meibomian glands, Dig. 22.----of the meibomian glands of the lower lid, attended with slight headache, toothache, roaring in the ears, and humming in the forehead, Ind. 23. Pressure in the eyes, the eyes 272 INFLAMMATION, , SWELLING, &c. and lids are inflamed and full of gum in the morning, particularly in new-born infants, or arthritic individuals, 1 or after a cold, Cham. Swelling and Inflammation. 1. Swelling and inflammation of the - eyelids, Bar. mur., Calc. carb., Kreas., Mur. ac, Puis., Rhodad., Stram. 2. Redness and puffiness of the up- per lids, Teucr. 3. The upper lid is swollen, with dry gum in the eyelashes, also with redness and burning pain, Sulph. 4. Painfully tensive, red, hard swell- ing of the lids, especially early in the morning, Aeon. 5» inflammatory swelling of the lids, Ars. 6. °Red swelling of the lids in scro- fulous persons, with styes, Aur. 7. (The upper and lower eyelids axe red and thick; however, the eyes do not suppurate,) Arg. 8. The eyelids are swollen and ec- ohymozed, Am. mont. 9. Redness and inflammation of the lids, also with swelling, pressure, heat, and nightly agglutination; "particularly of the upper lids, or only of the lower, Bry. 10. Suppuration of a meibomian gland of the left lower lid, with swelling of the lid and great ner- vous irritation, Colch. 11. °Red swelling of the lids, Cham. 12. Redness and swelling of the up- per and lower lids, suppurating stye on the upper lid, and nightly agglutination, Fer. acet 13. Swelling and redness of the low- er lids, Phos. ac. 14. Reddish-blue swelling of the lids, worse on the left side, Phyt. dec 15. Swelling and redness of the lids, also with aching and burning pain, Sep. 16. Inflammation and swelling of the iids, with burning pressure, Seneg. 17. Inflammatory swelling of the right upper lid, without redness of the conjunctiva, Natr. carb. 18. The upper lid is swollen and red, as from a stye, Merc. 19. Swelling redness, and tight clos- ing of the lids; they are painful when touched, also with scurfs and ulcers at the margins, Mere 20. The left lower lid is swollen, especially towards the outer can- thus, with burning pains, and pro- fuse lachrymation, preceded by sneezing, Merc. 21. Swelling of the meibomian glands, evening, with burning of the eyes, and lachrymation, Nice. 22. Redness and swelling of the lids, with itching and burning, Rhus. r. 23. Eyelids inflamed and much swol- len, and eruption broke out on them and adjacent parts of the face, lasting two days, Kal. bichr. 24. Redness, inflammation, and swelling of the upper eyelid, with aching and stinging, especially aching, Hep. s. 25. Swelling of the eyelids; the whites of the eyes are slightly red- dened here and there; the eyes look as if he had been crying, Hyos. 26. Inflammation of the margins of the lids, also with swelling, and with discharge of a tear towards morning, Puis. 27. Redness and swelling of the eye- lids, with nightly agglutinations, lod. Ulceration, with or without Inflammation. 1. Ulcerated eyelids, Stram. 2. Suppuration of the lids at night. Rhod. 3. Ulceration and redness of the lower lids, Natr. m. 4. Ulceration and redness of the lids, with secretion of a corroding and smarting fluid, from the lids, Lye. 5. inflammation of the margins of the lids, with ulceration, Clem, erect. AGGLUTINATION, SORENESS, &c. 273 6. Inflammation and ulceration of the margins of the eyelids, with headache, Euphr. Agglutination. 1. Agglutination of the lids, Bar. carb., Led. p., Sep. 2. The eyelids are adhering to one another as by slimy threads, Agar. 3. A viscid yellow humour glues the eyelids to one another, Agar. IN THE MORNING. 1. Agglutination of the lids, early, Bell, Magn. p. arct, Rut, Rhus t, Sulph. ae, Tarax. 2. Agglutination of the lids or can- thi, in the morning, Puis. 3. Agglutination of the lids, early, also with burning of the eyes when looking at the light of day, Magn. carb. 4. Agglutination of the eyelids in the morning ; pressure in the eye as from a grain of sand ; stinging in the eyes when opening the eye- lids, Ign. 5. Agglutination of the lids on wak- ing, also with secretion of gum in the daytime, and stinging and burning, dimness as if a gauze were before the eyes, Phos. 6. The eyes look watery, and their lids are agglutinated early in the morning, Calc. carb. 7. Dampness of the eyes and slight agglutination of the lids, in the morning, Arg. nit. 8. Agglutination of the lids, in the morning; they are swollen and red; afterwards dry gum in the ashes, Sulph. AT NIGHT. 1. Nightly agglutination of the lids, Ars., Calc. carb., Stann., Stram., Verat. 2. Nightly agglutination of the eye- lids, the eyes become dim, Hep. s. 3. Agglutination and smarting of the lids, at night, Sil. Vol. III.—18 SENSATION OF AGGLUTINATION. e imagines that the left eyelid has become agglutinated, which, how- ever, is not the case, Carb. veg. Soreness, Smarting. 1. Sore feeling in the right upper lid, Zinc. m. 2. Burning soreness of the right lower lid, Ran. bulb. 3. Painful sensitiveness of the eye- lids, when reading, Magnet, p. arct. 4. Sore feeling in the eyelids at candle-light, with sensations as if one would like to close them fre- quently, and to wipe the eyes, Croc. 5. Sore feeling in the eyelids, short- ly after midnight, on waking, Kal. carb. 6. The margin of the lids is painful, as if sore, especially when touched, Nux v. 7. In the cold air the lids are made sore by saltish, acrid tears, Rhus. t. 8. ----the margins of the eyelids when closing them, in the evening, in bed, Dig. 9. ---- and itching of the eye- lids, Aeon. 10. Soreness of the eyelids, Ang. 11. Smarting and painful dryness of the margins of the eyelids, Sulph. 12. ---- and sore pain on the inner surface of the lids, followed by a feeling of dryness, Sulph. 13. Burning smarting in the right lids ; he is obliged to rub, KaL nitr. 14. Gnawing smarting in the borders of the eyelids, (in the morning when reading,) Ign. 15. Smarting of the inside of lower lids, Rhus t. 16. Dry gum of the lids, morning, with smarting when washing the eyes, Phos. ac. 17. Tingling-biting sensation about the margin of the lower eyelid, speedily passing into a jerking- pulling sensation, Berb. v. 274 BURNING HEAT—ITCHING. 18. Dryness and biting in the mar- gins of the lids, as from smoke, Calend. 19. Smarting in the eyelid, Caust. 20. Biting in the eyelids, with red- ness of the margin of the lids, Carb. veg. Burning, Heat. 1. Burning on the lids, Ambr. gris., Croc, Graph., Kal. carb., Lauroc, Mere, Sulph. 2. ----in the eyelids, worse when closing the eyes, Croc 3.----of the eyelids for several evenings, Chenop. 4. Burning in the lids, early, Nitr. ac. 5.----of the margins of the lids, Ran. seel 6. —— of the upper lids, Phos., Sulph. 7. Smarting or burning of the lids, Phell 8. Painful pressure and burning in the margin of the upper lid, Rheum. 9. Burning of left lid, as if too dry, Zinc m. 10. Tension and burning at a small spot of the left lower lid, Phell 11. Bruised feeling and burning of the lids, Sulph. 12. Burning, with pressure, when reading, especially in the left lid, Zinc. m. 13. Horrid burning of the eyelids, with sensitiveness to light, in the evening, Kal hyd. 14. Burning of the margins of the lids, with sensation of swelling in the evening, Nice 15.----at the lower lid, and itch- ing all round, Oleand. 16. ---- and dryness of the lids, Merc. 17.----under the left eye, Ruta. 18.----and dryness of the eyelids in the evenings, when reading, and early in the morning, Graph. 19. ----■ in the canthi and lids, Sep. 20. Burning of the upper lids, and burning itching of the inner can- thus, Phos. ac. 21. ----sensation in the upper lid of the right eye, Coloc 22. Smarting burning under the up- pe eyelid, Coloc 23. Burning in the eyes about the lids in the evening, with dryness of the lids and pain in the inner canthi, Alum. 24. (Burning in the eyelids, especial- ly in the inner canthus, in the evening, by candle-light,) Cina. 25. Dry burning in the eyelids and the inner canthi, especially in the left eye,° as if occasioned by bran- dy, with continual lachrymation, Asar. 26. Burning in the lids; they are in- flamed and red, with tension when touched, Sulph. 27. Sensation of burning sparks on the lids, they close, Sulph. Itching, OF THE LIDS. 1. Itching of the lids, Crot, lod., Nux v., Petrol. 2. Itching of the lower eyelid and its inner surface, accompanied with burning when touching or moving the eye, Caust. 3. Itching in the upper eyelid, which passes off by scratching, Carb. an. 4. Itching on both upper eyelids, Fluor, ac 5. Violent itching of the left lower eyelid, obliging one to rub, Eu- phor. 6. Periodical itching of the right upper lid, Pmon. 7. Itching of the lower lid. Gutt. 8. ----of the right eyelids, with sensation as if pulled towards the outer side, afterwards in both eyes, Croc 9. ---- of the eyelids, as if in- & flamed, Sulph. 10. ----of the left lower lid, Phell. 11- ---- and redness of the tarsi, Kal bickr. ' TENSION, E 12. Itching and agglutination of the lids, Dros. 13. ---- and winking of the left lower eyelid, Agar. 14. ---- of the lids, titillating, China, 15. ----of the lids, also with biting, particularly of the margins and canthus, Bry. 16. ---- of the lid, as if a stye would form, Ambr. gr. 17. Biting itching and stinging of the eyelids, Camph. 18. Violent stinging-itching of the left upper eyelid, Crocus sat. 19. Stinging itching in the lower lid, Sulph. ac. 20.----itching under the lids, Verat. 21. Burning itching of the lids, Sil 22. Itching, gnawing, and burning of the lids, Puis. OF THE MARGINS. 1. Itching of the margins of the lids, Calc. carb., Carb. v., Con., Staphis. 2. ---- of the border of the up- per eyelid, Bar. carb. 3. ----of the margin of the lower eyelid, Mez. 4. ---- of the margin of the lids, with pressure as from sand, and small vesicles, also in the eye- brows, Selen. 5.----of the inner canthi, and the margins of the lower lids, in- creasing to a smarting biting by scratching; the eyes fill with tears, Ruta. 6. ---- of the margin of the right eyelid, Kal. carb. 7. ----of the margins of the lids, going off by rubbing, June 8. ---- of the margin of the left upper lid, Zinc. m. Tension, Rigidity, Stiffness. 1. Tension around the left eye, Alum. 2. Burning" tension above the left upper lid, Menyan. 3. Occasional rigidity of a lid, like 275 a tonic spasm, with inability to move the lids, Menyan. 4. Burning tension in both lids of the right eye, Oleand. 5. Immovable lids, Hydr. ac. 6. Sensation of stiffness in the mus- cles around the eyes, and of the eyelids, Kalm. lat. 7. The upper lids feel stiff and pain- ful, with difficulty of raising them, Spig. 8. The motion of the lids becomes more easy, Galv. 9. In the evening she has much trou- ble in closing her eyelids, and early in the morning in opening them, Borax. Pinching. Burning pinching under the left lower lid, Croc. Tearing, Pulling. 1. Tearing in the eyelids, with drowsiness, early, Plumb, ac. 2. Darting-tearing in the lower lids, Magn. carb. 3. Tearing in the upper lid of the right eye, when looking down, with sensation when looking up as if the lid were elongated, Alum. 4. Shooting and tearing in the right upper eyelid, Bar. carb. 5. Sense as of pulling with a jerk, or tearing in the eyelid and over the right eye, Kal. carb. Coldness. The boy complains of coldness in the eyelids, Kal. carb. Drawing. 1, Drawing in the lids, Rheum. 2. Drawing in the right eyelid, Carb. veg. 3. Drawing and tension in the left lower lid, Tongo. Blue Margins. 1. Blue margins around the eyes, Cocc. JGIDITY, &c. 276 TINGLING, CREEPING, &c. 2. Blue ring around the eyes, for many days, Sabad. 3. Blue-red margins below the eyes, Merc. Tingling, Creeping. 1. Tingling behind the upper lid, especially of the left eye, Asar. 3. Tingling in the eyelids, he has to rub them, Cina. 3. Creeping in the lids, Seneg. Twitching, Jerking OF THE LIDS. 1. Twitching of the lids, Anac, Crot, Grat, Kreas., Merc, Nux v., 01 an., Petrol, Plat, Puis., Plumb, ac, Rhus v., Seneg., Sep. 2*. Twitching of the eyelids in cold air, Dulc. 8. Violent jerking and twitching above and in the lids, Ind. 4. Jerking and drawing in the eye- lids, Magnet, p. arct 5. Slight twitchings under the eyes, Graph. 6. As soon as he raises the lid, for the purpose of looking at any thing, the twitching disappears, Asar. 7. Twitching and stinging of the lids, Canth. 8. Twitching of the lids while read- ing at candle-light, rarely in the day time, Berb. v. 9. Twitching in the right upper lid, twitching-drawing in the left lower lid, Colch. 10. Visible jerking,of the eyelids and the left eyebrow, Caust. 11. Twitching and contractive sensa- tion in the lids, Rhus t. 12. Frequent slight twitchings in the eyelids, accompanied by the rob- bing of an artery on the left side of the nose, and twitches in the skin on the left side of the nose, Agar. 18. Twitchings of the eyes and lids, Cham. 14. Jerking in the lids, generally in the afternoon, Sidph. UPPER LIDS. 1. Visible twitchings and winking of the upper eyelid, Camph. 2. Twitching in the upper lid, Asaf. 3. ---- of the upper eyelid, Con. mac. 4. ---- in the left upper eyelid, in paroxysms; it occurs only while holding the eyelid still, Asar. 5. Slight twitching in the upper eyelids, with a sensation as if the eye were moving spontaneously, Calc. carb. 6. Twitching in the left upper lid, Stront 7. Violent jerking of left upper lid, Stront. 8. Spasmodic twitching in the up- per lids, Hydr. ac. 9. Twitching and itching of the up- per eyelid, Croc. 10. ----of the upper lids, Rhodod. 11. ---- of the left upper lid, Ta- bac 12. Quivering of the upper lid, Par. quad. 13. Frequent twitching of the upper lid, or above the brow, succeeded by a sensation as if the skin were hanging down, hindering sight, 01. an. 14. Trembling of the upper lids, Mercurial. 15. Twitching in the upper lids, which were swollen, heavy, and half closed, Magn. mur. LOWER LIDS. 1. Spasmodic twitching of lower lids, Lye 2. Twitching of the lower eyelid, Magnes art 3. ---- of the lower lid towards the inner canthus, Phos. ac. 4. Slight twitching in the lower eyelids, especially the left, during the whole time of the proving, Amm. mur. 5. Twitching of the lower right eyelid, Asar. TREMOR, TREMBLING, &c. 277 6. Twitching of the left lower lid, China. 7. ---- of the left lower lid, with sensation as if the eye would run, obliging him to wipe; it, Sep. 8. Burning quivering in the right lower lid, Lauroc. 9. Spasmodic twitching of the lower lids, attended with burning, Ind. 10. Continual twitching to and fro of the lower eyelid, lod. 11. Painful twitchings of the lower eyelids, frequently returning and impeding sight, Kal. hyd. 12. Twitchings in the left lower lid and eyeball, Zinc. m. 13. ---- in right lower lid, with weakness of sight, Rat. 14. ---- of the lower lids every day, or of both lids, Sulph. right lid. 1. Burning jerk in right lid, Sulph. 2. Violent twitching of the right lid, pressing out tears, Tongo. LEFT LID. 1. Twitching of the left lids, Phell 2. Slight twitching of the left eye- lid, Carb. veg. MUSCLES OF THE EYES. 1. Twitchings in the levatores pal- bebrarum and the cheeks, with heat in the face, Hell. 2. Troublesome jactitation of the muscle of the left upper eyelid, for eight weeks, Mez. 3. Twitching in the orbicularis mus- cle, under the lid, Cic. vir. 4. Jactitation of the orbicularis pal- bebrarum muscle, Cina. Tremor, Trembling. 1. Tremor of the eyelids, lod. 2. Tremor of the upper and lower lids, for weeks, Natr. m. 3. Trembling of the right lid, Nitr. ac 4. When on the point of dropping to sleep, the right lid is spasmodi- cally drawn up, with aching pain and trembling of the lid, Natr. m. 5. The lids tremble and cover only one half of the eyes, Op. 6. Continual trembling and wink- ing of the eyelids, Bell. 7. Tremor of the upper lids, with lachrymation, Arsen. 8. Tremor of the upper eyelid, Carb. veg. Stitches, Prickings. 1. Stinging in left upper lid, even- ing, Ruta. 2. Several fine stitches in the left lower eyelid, Kal. hyd. 3. Cutting under the lid, as from a sharp body, Merc. 4. °Cutting in the lids, Calc carb. 5. Dartings in upper lids, Mang. 6. ---- in the left lids, with lach- rymation, Magn. carb. 7. Throbbing stitches in the left upper eyelid, extending to the eye- brows, forehead, and left temple, increased by pressure, movement, and stooping, relieved during rest; the pain unfits him for any kind of work, Brom. 8. Drawing stitching through the eyelids, with sharp stitches in the canthi and round the orbits, Phos. ac. 9. Stinging and itching of the left upper lid, Oleand. 10. Itching stitches in the upper eye- lid, which cannot be removed by rubbing, Ang. 11. ----stinging of the lids, Spig. 12. Pricking in the eyelids, Magnet. p. arct. 13. In the morning on waking and pressing the eyelids together, vio- lent prickling in the eyeball and coats thereof, Hell 14. Prickings in the right lower and left upper lid, Zinc. m. 15. Burning prickings in the margin of the lower eyelids, Mez. 16. Prickling and smarting in the eyelids, as when a cold is setting in, Aeon. 278 WINKING—CLOSING OF THE LIDS. 17. Violent burning prickings in right lids, Stann. 18. Burning and fine pricking in both lids of the left eye, Tarax. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Burning continuous stitch in the upper eyelid, Magnet, p. arct. 2. Long-continuing stitch, with dull pressure in the left lower lid, Croc 3. Slow burning stitch in the mar- gin of the eyelid, Magnet p. aust. 4. Darting through the upper lid towards the malar bone, as if a thread were drawn through the parts, Mur. ac 5. A Single violent stitch from above downwards, through the skin and tarsal cartilage of the left upper eyelid, in the afternoon, Arg. 6. A stitch across the left upper eye- lid, Bar. carb. Winking. 1. Winking of the lids, Caust, Chi- na, Petrol, Spig. 2. Winking of the lids and left out- er canthus, Phos. 3. After having written something, her eyelids wink, Hep. s. 4. Sort of involuntary winking, with burning in the lids, Natr. carb. 5. Winking of the left eyelids, An t. crud. 6. Winking of the upper eyelid, Carb. an. Closing of the Lids. SPASMODIC CLOSING. 1. Spasmodic closing of the lids' Chamom., Hyos. 2. Spasmodic closing of the lids in the evening, when in bed, and at night, with great pains when open- ing them, Alum. 3. Violent closing of the lids, as if pressed together,Mercurial, Plumb. 4. Spasmodic closing of the lids early, and in the evening, Natr. m. 5. Sensation as if the eyelids were drawn down, Ind. 6. Her eyelids closed as if by force, Kal. carb. 7. Disposition to press the eyelids firmly together, Tart. stib. 8. The upper lid hangs down, as if caused by a spasm, Stram. 9. Difficult opening of the eyelids, early in the morning, they become closed, by bejng drawn towards each other, Con. mac. 10. Contraction of the lids, with smarting pain in the eyes, Tabac. 11. ----of the lids, with lachryma- tionj Tabac. 12. Contractive sensation in upper lid, causing a flow of tears, Staph. 13. Contraction of the lids, with red- ness of the whites and burning, Stann. INCLINATION TO CLOSE THE LIDS. 1. Involuntary closing of the lids, Caust, Natr.'carb., Sulph. ac. 2. He is unable to keep his eyelids open, Amm. carb., Calc. carb., Carb. veg. 3. Closing of the eyelids, as if sleepy, with burning in the eyes, Asaf 4. The lids are dry and constantly closed, Rhus t 5. The eyelids close as from drow- siness and heaviness, Viol odor. 6. Closing of the lids, as if the up- per lid were too heavy, with effu- sion of tears, Nux v. 7. Involuntary closing of the lids, from debility, with dulness of the head, Chin, sulph. 8 A kind of ptosis of the upper eye- lid, Dulc 9. His eyes close involuntarily, when sitting, standing, or walking, Merc 10, Her eyelids close, with lachry- mation, Croc. 11. Winking, closing of the eyelids, (immediately,) Cupr. 12. The eyelids closed and looked bluish, Tax. b. PRESSURE. 279 13. His eyes close sometimes, even without sleep, Staph. 14. Closing of the eyelids, early in the morning, on waking, Hep. s. 15. Early in the morning, in bed, the left lids close ; she can only open them with difficulty, Spong. 16. After waking in the morning, her eyelids close again spontaneously, (°ptosis,) Bell. 17. In the morning, after rising, her lids frequently close involuntarily, Sulph. PARALYSIS, OR PARALYTIC WEAKNESS OF THE LIDS. 1. °Entropium, Bell. 2. The lids seem paralyzed, Hydr. ac. 3. The lids close from Weakness, Grat. \. The lids hang down, as if para- lyzed, Op. 5. Weakness of the upper lids, Mer- curial. 0. Tne upper lids hang down, as if paralyzed, Spig. 7. Complete paralysis and insensi- bility of the lids, Plumb. 8. The upper eyelids were so weak that he was scarcely able to open them the whole afternoon, Cina. 9. Weakness, involuntary descen- sion of and sensation of lameness in the upper eyelids, Alum. DIFFICULTY OF OPENING THE LIDS. 1. It takes her a long time to open her eyelids, Am. carb. 2. He had great trouble in opening his eyes, Arg. nit. 3. Inability to open the eyelids, Hyos. 4. They are extended on their beds with consciousness, but without be- ing able to open their eyes, Cupr. 5. The eyelids open with difficulty early in the morning, on waking, Kal. carb. 6. In the morning it is difficult to open the eyes and raise the upper lids, Nitr. ac. 7. The eyelids open with difficulty early in the morning, Bar. carb. AS IF THE MUSCLES WERE TOO SHORT. Sensation on looking up, as if the inner and lower muscles were too short, Sabin. Pressure. 1. Pressure on the eyelids, Kal. carb. 2. ---- on the eyelids, evening, Nitr. ac, Sulph. 3. ---- on the upper lids, Ferr. magn., Nux v., Phos., Sulph. Stann. 4. ----in the upper lid, more vio- lent when closing the eye, Staph. 5. ---- in the margin of the left lower lid, near the inner canthus, Zinc. m. 6. ---- Pressure in the lids, as if too dry, followed by lachrymation, Verat 7. ---- under the left lower lid, increased by pressing upon it, and . then diappearing suddenly, Phos. ac. 8. Hard pressure under the right upper lid, going off by friction, Spig. 9. Pressure below the lids, all around, Spong. 10. Periodical pressure under the lids, with sensitiveness to the light, Nitr. ac. 11. Pressure above the right eye, as from a swelling, worse when rais- ing the eyebrows, Natr. m. 12. ----Pressure in the eyelids, as if the eyes felt weary, the lids look red, Hep. s. 13.----in the eyelids, both when the eyes are closed and open, worse when in motion, Cupr. 14.----in the eyelids, they feel and are swollen, or as if oppressed with sleep, with somnolence, Stram. FROM WITHIN OUTWARD. Sensation in the right lid when 280 STYES, DRAWING, DRYNESS, &c. 5. A stye on the right upper lid be- comes inflamed, with sensation of tension, Am. carb. 6. Frequent rudimentary appear- ances of a stye, on the upper lid, Alum. 7. Pressure as from a swelling in the upper eyelid, as if a stye would form, Caust. 8. Stye on the upper lid, in the in- ner canthus, Sulph. sitting, as if something would squeeze out from within ; the sen- sation is felt behind the skin, and comes from the temple; immedi- ately afterwards pressure around the eyes, Borax. FROM WITHOUT INWARD. 1. Pressure upon the eyelids on waking up, and when he is about to fall asleep, Am. carb. 2.----in the upper eyelids from without inwards, and sensation as if the whole of the eyeball were pushed into the orbit, the eye feel- ing painful, as if contused, Aeon. WITH TEARING. Pressure, with tearing in the up- per eyelid, Cann. sat. WITH STINGING. 1. Stinging pressure in the right upper lid, Each. 2.----pressure under the lids, Spig. 3. Pressure in the upper lid, with violent stitches in the lid, as from a splinter, and vanishing of sight, Sil AS FROM A HARD BODY. 1. Sensation as of a hard body be- hind the left lower lid, Menyan. 2. Pain under the left upper lid, as if a hard body had lodged there, Staphis. 3. Sensation as of a" grain of sand under the left lid, with lachryma- tion, Phyt. dec. Styes. 1. Styes, Galv. 2. A stye on the lower eyelid, with drawing pain before suppuration sets in, Graph. 8. Styes on'the lids near the inner canthus, Lye. 4. Suppurating stye on the lid, Lye. Drawing. Drawing in the eyelids, with lach- rymation, Magnet, p. arct Dryness. 1. Dryness about the lids, Cocc, Magn. art., Verat. 2. Dryness under the lids, 01 an., Sulph. 3. Dryness of the lids early, Magn. mur. 4. Dryness under the upper lids, Angust, Nitr. ac. 5. Feeling of dryness in the lids when closed, Berb. v. 6. Dryness of the eyelids in the evening, by candle-light, and a feel- ing of pressure in the eyes, as if sand had got in, Cina. 7. Great dryness of the upper and lower meibomian glands, Cham. 8. Dryness of the lids, particularly when sleepy, Puis. 9. Dry lids, with drowsiness, Ipecac. 10. Dryness and tension of the lids, Nux m. 11. Feeling of dryness of the eyelids and pressure, Graph. 12. Dryness under the lids, as if from dust, Lye. 13. Dryness of the eyelids and the inner mouth in the morning, after waking, Magnes art. 14. Feeling of dryness in the eyelids, they press on the eye, Euphr. 15. Dryness of the lids, especially the margins, with pain when mov- ing them, as if the eye were rub- bed by the lids, Ars. HEAVINESS OF THE LIDS—ERUPTIONS. 281 Heaviness of the Lids. 1. Heaviness of the lids, Graph., Lye, Phos. ac 2. The eyelids feel heavy, he U not able to raise them, (paralyss,) Verat. 3. Heaviness of the upper lids, Natr. carb. 4. In the evening the lids feel heavy, stiff, and rigid, Rhus t 5. Falling of the upper -lids, which are heavy and painful, Gins. 6. Oppressive heaviness of the lids, as if they would close, Spong. 7. Weight of the eyelids, in the evening, with inability to keep them open, Dig. 8. Heaviness of the eyelids, with vertigo, Euphr. 9. Sensation of weight in the lower eyelid, as if he could not raise it, or as if it were agglutinated, and he could not get it loose easily, Caust. 10. Heaviness in the eyelids when moving them, Berb. v. 11. Violent pressure and heaviness of the eyelids, Calc. caust. 12. Feeling in the upper eyelid as if too heavy, and would close on that account involuntarily, with dim- sightedness, Croc, sat 13. Dryness and heaviness of the up- per eyelids, with pressure as from drowsiness, Aeon. 14. The eyelids are very heavy; he has to make great efforts to open them, and to keep them open, with coldness of the eyelids, Brom. 15. Weight, tension, and dryness of the lids, Merc. Eruptions. PIMPLES. 1 • Pimples on the eyelids, Petrol. ~-----on the upper eyelids, and below the eyes, Hep. s. " 3.^ Small red pimples on the upper lids, with pus in their tips, Mosch. •1. Pimple on the margin of right lower lid, Seneg. 5. Red pimples on the right upper lid, forming a scurf, Lye 6. Pimple, containing pus, on the tarsal cartilage of the upper eye- lid, with painful pressure when touched, or when closing the eyes, Chel. 7. Stinging pimple on the lower lid, Alum. 8. Pimples on the upper lid, Canth. SPOTS. The eyelids are covered with manu- red spots, Camph, TUBERCLES. 1. Tubercle in the lower lid of the size of a pea, painful when press- ing upon it, Bry. 2. Painless, smooth tubercles on the border of the right lower lid, Aur. HERPES. 1. Red herpetic spot on the upper lid, scaly and peeling off, Sep. 2. Turfuraceous herpes on the upper lid, with burning itching, Bry. SWELLINGS. 1. Red, hard swelling on the left lower lid, with itching pain, Rhus t. 2. Feeling of swelling on the upper lid, with pressure, going off in the open air, Rhus t 3. Soft swelling under the left eye, obliging the eye to close, Ars. 4. Red swelling below the eyes. as if an eruption would break Oleand. PUSTULES AND VESICLES. 1. Vesicle on the margin of the up- per eyelid, pressing oh the eye, Magnet, p. arct. 2. Vesicle on the margin of left up- per lid, with pressure ; it discharges a clear fluid, Seneg. 3. A number of pustules on the lids, Lye OTII, SPASMS, &c. 282 GUM, MUCUS, FR BLOTCH. Red blotch on the margin of the low- er lid, Thuj. SCURFS. Scurfs around the eyes, Mere WEN. Small wen near the pimple on the upper lid, Nitr. ac Opening of the Lids. 1. The lids are wide open, Hydr. ac 2. The eyelids are opened very wide, Bruc. 3. Sensation as if the eyelids were opened' by force, and a fresh wind was blowing on them; after that, sensation like sand in the eyeball, which had the same feeling as'if the eyes were inflamed, Fluor, ac. Gum, Mucus, Froth. 1. The lids are covered with mucus, Lact 2. Purulent mucus in the lids, early in the morning, Bar. carb. 3. Dry gum on the margins of the eyelids, and in the canthi of the eyes, Calc. carb. 4. Early in the morning, after ris- ing, a fine white frothy substance is sometimes perceived on the dry margins of the lids, Berb. v. 5. "Dry gum of the eyelids early in the morning, after sound sleep, Am. carb. Spasms, Convulsions. 1. Spasm in the lids, Viol. odor. 2. Nightly spasm of the lids, Hep. s. 3. The lower lids are spasmodically drawn towards the nose, Seneg. 4. Convulsions of the muscles of the eyes, with dilatation of the pu- pils, Kal. hyd. 5. Spasmodic movement to and fro of orbicularis muscle, Ruta. 6. Spasm of the lower lids, the tar- sal cartilage moves to and fro; when this abates, water runs out of both eyes for an hour and a half, Ruta. Numbness. The lids feel numb on waking at night; they have to be rubbed be- fore they can be opened, Merc. Pains. 1. Pain in the inner canthi, Lach. 2. The inner canthus of the left eye is very painful, even when SLIGHTLY TOUCHED, Bell. 3. Painful sensation in the inner canthus, as if scratched by dust, Dig. 4. Biting sore pain in the inner canthus, evening, Puis. 5. Sore and smarting pain in the external canthus, with the accumu- lation of gum, Hep. s. 6. The canthi are painful, as if sore, Nux v. 7. Pain in the outer canthus, like soreness, when closing the eyelids, Ign. 8. Painful pressure in the right inner canthus, increasing when clos- ing the eyes, Hell. 9. ---- pressure in the left inner canthus, lachrymation, Euphr. 10. ----painful pressure in the right inner canthus, with redness of the conjunctiva, Zinc. m. 11. Burning pain in the outer can- thus, with itching, also in the mar- gin of the upper eyelid, Cina. 12. Smarting pain in the inner can- thi, Staphis. 13. ---- pain in the inner canthus, as 'if some corroding substance had got into the eye, accompanied by lachrymation, Con. mac. 14. Tensive pain in one of the can- thi, evening, as if the eye were pressed violently upward, Oleand. 15. Cutting pain in the outer can- thus of the right eye, in the even- ing, Kal. hyd. PRESSURE, CANTHI, BURNING, &c. 283 16. Incisive pain in the external can- thus, Hep. s. 17. Boring pain above the right inner canthus, Thuj. 18. Painful itching of both inner canthi, Stront. Pressure. 1. Pressure in the canthi, Stann. 2.---- below the external canthus of the left eye, Anac. 3. ---- in the outer canthus, Chi- na, Sulph. ac. 4.----in the inner canthus, Carb. an., Puis. 5. ---- in the canthi, as from a grain of sand, Alum., Bar. carb., Nitr. ac, Rhodod., Tongo. 6. Hard pressure in right inner can- thus, Staphis. 7. Sharp pressure as from a grain of sand, in the inner canthus of the right eye, with sensation as if the eyelids were swollen, Tarax. 8. Pressure in the outer canthus, with agglutination of the lids to- wards morning, Puis. 9.----in the right internal can- thus ; he had to close his eyes, to be relieved of the pain, Cic. vir. 10.----as from a stye in the inner canthus of the right eye, and the tarsal cartilages in the vicinity, Anac 11. Sensation in the right outer can- thus, as if a foreign body had lodg- ed there, in the morning when walking, going off in the room, Sulph. ac 12. Burning pressure in the left outer canthus, Thuj.' CANTHI. Burning. 1. Burning in the eyes, in the can- thi, Alum. -•----in the inner canthi of both eyes, Caust. 3. Fine burning in the outer canthi, Squill. 4. Burning in the outer canthi, as if excoriated, Dig. 5. Violent burning in the outer can- thi, early, Stront. 6. Heat and dryness in the left outer canthus, Thuj. 7. Burning and smarting in the in- ner canthus, with redness of con- junctiva, Tart. slib. 8.---- from the right outer can- thus towards the ear, returning in paroxysms, Staphis. 9. ----in the inner canthus, as if too much air and light were press- ing in, diminished by closing the eyes firmly, Phos. ac 10. Burning and pressure in the in- ner canthi, early, with gum, Rho- dod. 11. Burning of the internal canthi of the eyes, with stitches in the parts, Calc. carb. Stitches. I. Stitches in the canthi, Calc carb., Natr. m. 2.----in the outer canthus of the right eye, Kal. carb. 3.----from the outer to the inner canthus, Petrol 4. ---- in the inner canthus of the eye, Clem, erect 5.----in right inner canthus, with tears, Magn. mur. 6. ---- in the internal canthus of the eye, followed by alternate stitches and throbbing in the eyes ; frequent blowing of the nose after the pain has gone, Calc. carb. 7. ---- in the internal canthus, which cannot be removed by rub- bing, Con. mac 8. Shooting stitches in the external canthus, Bar. carb. 9. Several single stitches in the in- ternal canthus and lid of the left eye, Aur. 10. Fine sharp stitches in the canthi, Verat 11. Stitches in the inner canthus, Valer. I KING. 284 ITC 12. Darting in the inner canthi, with pressure in the eyes, Tart. stib. 13. Lancinations in the outer can- thus, agglutination of the eyes in the morning, and lachrymation in the afternoon, Ign. 14. Lancinations in the inner canthi, the eyes filling with water, Menyan. 15. Stinging in the inner canthi, worse in the open air, Phos. 16. ----in the canthus and the left cheek, Magnet p. arct. 17. Fine stinging in the inner can- thus, going off by rubbing, Ind. 18. Sharp, fine stitches in the inter- nal canthus, Am. mont 19. Stinging in the canthi, in the lower lid, Alum. 20. Fine prickings in left outer can- thus, Squill. 21. Itching-stinging of the inner can- thus, Phell 22. Tension, stinging, and itching in the inner canthus, Grat. 23. Itching stinging of the right inner canthus, Spig. 24. Fine stitches and itching in the canthi of the left eye, frequently, in the afternoon, inducing rubbing, Arg. 25. Itching stitches in the inner can- thi, which only go off for a while by rubbing, Bell 26. Prickling and smarting in the canthus, Alum. 27. Stinging and smarting in the left inner canthus, in the morning after rising, relieved by rubbing, Carb. an. 28. Stinging and burning in the outer canthi, with dimness of sight, evening, Sulph. 29. Pricking and burning in the in- ternal canthus of the eye, Fluor, ac. 30. Prickling and burning sensation in the inner canthus of the right eye, Coloc. 31. Burning stinging in the canthi, Stann. 32. Single stitch in the left inner canthus, with discharge of a hu- mour, Thuj. > S3. Deep sharp stitch, from time to time, in the right inner canthus, Thuj. 34. Sticking as of a splinter, in the inner canthus of the left eye, Elat. 35. Short but violent prick in the in- ner canthus of the left eye, as with a coarse pin, in the afternoon, Arg. Itching. 1. Itching of the cantiiis, Am., Arg., Arg. nit., Benz. ac, Calc. carb., Fluor, ac, Hell, lod., Lob. inf., Lye, Natr. m. 2.----of the canthi, and mar- gins of the lids, Prun. sp. 3. Violent itching of the canthi, eyes and lids, Alum. 4. Biting itching in the canthi, Carb. veg. 5. Voluptuous itching of the right canthus, Caust. 6. Stinging itching in the canthi, Fer. m. Otalgia, apparently in the tym- panum, evening, with warmth in the ear, coldness of the right concha, burning of the left, which extends beyond the temple, Avhere a pressure is felt from without in ward, followed by a feeling of heat on right side of head and on the outer ear, gradually changing to Vol. ffl.—21 IN THE EARS. 321 heat of the whole face, with pres- sure in left frontal protuberance, Natr. nitr. Sensation as if hot air, smoke, blood were rushing through or out of the Ears. 1. Burning heat rushing out of the ears, Par. quad. 2. Sensation as if hot blood rushed , into the ears, Lye 3. Sensation as of warm breathing upon the ear, Magnet, p. aust. 4. Hot vapour frequently rushes out of the ears, Canth. 5. Sensation as if warmth were rushing out of the left ear, Kal. carb. Sensitiveness of Hearing. 1. Sensitiveness to noise, Con., lod., Magn. carb., Mur. ac, Sep., Sil. 2. Increased sensitiveness of the meatus auditorius, Bell. 3. The hearing is excessively sensi- tive, every noise is intolerable, Aeon. 4. Painful sensitiveness of the deaf ear, in consequence of a strong sound, this made her tremble over the whole body. Am. carb. 5. Sensitiveness, even to pleasant sounds, Seneg. 6. Sensitiveness to noise in walk- ing, Lye. 7. Music excites a pleasant sensa- tion in the ears, Ign, 8. Music has a shrill sound to his ears, Coff. 9. Sensitiveness of hearing, also causing nausea when playing on the piano, Sulph. 10. Every strong sound strikes through the whole body, particu- larly into the teeth, increasing the vertigo, which causes nausea, Therid. 11. For a long time he found musical sounds very disagreeable, Phos. ac. 322 TEARING IN THE EARS. Digging. Sensations in the depressions of the left concha, as if an insect with many feet would dig those feet into the parts, without itching, Arg. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the ears, Ars., Bar. carb., Gutt., Lauroc, Merc, Mur. ac, Tong. 2. Tearing in outer and inner ear, Phos. ac, Sd. 3. Tearing in the meatus, Lye ■4. Drawing-tearing in the left lo- bule and behind the ear, as far as the neck and shoulder, Ars. 5. Tearing in the ears, or tickling (as of a little worm in the right ear,) Aeon. 6. Tearing from above downwards in the external and internal ear, Bell 7. Tearing in the external right ear, from before backwards, Bell 8. Feeling in the right ear, as if it were violently torn out of the head, Bell 9. Tearing in the right meatus au- ditorius, externus, Ammoniac 10. Tearing in, behind and below the ears; tension in the ears, Alum. 11. Frequent tearings in the right ear ; in the left lobule and behind the ear, Ambr. 12. Tearing in the left ear, down the cheek ; along the upper border of the cartilage of the right ear, Anac 13. Tingling, and slow and deep tearing in the left ear, which after- wards extends to the lower jaw, A>n. cirb. \\. Teiring in a tumour over the right mastoid process, Ang. 15. Tearing below and behind the ea s, made worse by moving the head, som3t!m.33 extending as far as the vertex, the occiput and the nape of the neck, also the shoulder (after dinne-,) Am. carb. 16. Tearing behind the ears, Kal nit. 17. Tearing behind the left ear, Rhus t. 18. Frequent tearing deep in right ear, Kal. carb. 19. Tearing in and around the left ear, Kal. carb. 20. Tearing from the inner left ear to the head, Sulph. 21. Tearing in the helices, alternat- ing right and left, Nitr. ac 22. Tearing in the left ear when the menses come on, Mere. 23. Frequent tearing in left outer ear, behind, from below upwards. Sarsap. 24. Tearing in right ear and all around, Rhod. 25. Fine tearing in the cartilage of the right ear, Cupr. m. 26. Tearing in the right ear or in the articulation of the jaw, Colch. 27. Tearing in the ears, otalgia, Cham. 28. Tearing in the cartilages, increas- ed by pressure, Hyosc 29. Tearing, at times in one, at times in the other ear, Kal. hyd. 30. Darting-tearing in left ear, Magn. mur. 31. Tearing in the ears and other places, changing about, Magn. carb. 32. Tearing and burning in left lo- bule, Carb. v. 33. Tearing, changed to tingling by inserting the finger, Chel 34. Tearing deep in the left ear, af- terward tingling in the ear and cheek, Sulph. ac. 35. Tearing in left lobule, with oc- casional sensation as if a coot, wind were blowing on it, Stann. 36. Tearing in left ear, with stitches. roaring, and snapping as of an electric spark when opening the mouth, Dulc. 37. Dragging tearing, and stinging in the ears, Gran. 38. Tearing and stinging in the ear and head, as if the head would fly to pieces, Phos. THROBBING, &c, IN THE EARS. 323 39. Tearing around the left ear, fol- lowing upon stitches in the ear, AEth. 40. Tearing and dragging in the right ear, Arg. nitr. 41. Tearing as if the ears would be torn out, Par, quad. 42. A sort of tearing with pressure over the left ear, at a small place, Arg. 43. Tearing and throbbing with pressure in the cartilage of the ear, and in the internal ear, as if an ul- cer would form ; the pain increases by inserting the finger, and there is a sensation as if the meatus had become obstructed, Anac, 44. Tearing in the ears, sometimes WITH ITCHING, also with CREEPING in the morning, or burning in the evening, Zinc. met. Throhhing, Beating. 1. Throbbing in the ears, Alum., Carb. v., Con., Graph., Kal carb., Nitr. ac, Phos. 2. Throbbing in left ear, Spig. 3. Boring and pulsative throbbing in right ear, Magn. mur. 4. Throbbing in the right ear, at night, when lying on it, Kal, carb. 5. Beating in the ear, also with con- cussion of the eyes, Sil. 6. Beating at the right tympanum, causing a vibratory sensation in the head, Sil. 7. Frightful hammering and tearing in the ear, until midnight, his legs are cold and he has to make water every half hour, Thuj. 8. Violent sticking beating on the posterior surface of the lobule, Phos. Shocks or Pushes. 1. Painless beating, with pressure, and buzzing in the ears, particu- larly the left, with dryness and feeling of coldness of the ear, Berb. v. 2. Throbbing in the left ear at night when resting upon it, the symp- tom disappears on turning to the other side, Am. carb. 3. Throbbing and hard pressure in the ears, when lying on them, Bar. carb. 4. Shocks in right ear, with rushing of heat out of it, 01 an. 5. Single sharp pushes in the inner ear, also with crampy feeling, like otalgia, Nux v. 6. Electric shocks in the ear, Magn. art. 7. Sharp shocks darting through the ears, from within outwards, es- pecially when swallowing, Con. 8. Cutting thrusts through the mas- toid process from without inwards. Bell. 9. Slow dull thrusts or pushes from both sides of the ears, and in their cavities, as if two blunt plugs were penetrating from opposite sides to meet in the centre, Anac. 10. Jerks in the left meatus audito- rius at short intervals, and very painful, as if a nerve were put upon the stretch, or like electric shocks, Anac. Boring. 1. Violent boring in right ear, Bar. carb. 2. Boring in the ear early in the morning; in the afternoon in the fossa, with pain when pressed up- on, Alum. 3. Sticking boring in the ears, Magn. mur. 4. Boring and aching in the ears, Kal. carb. 5. Alternate boring and beating be- hind the left ear, Caust. Drawing or Dragging. 1. Drawing in the ears, as if the inner ear would burst, Hell. 2. Dragging in the ears, particular- ly the left, Lauroc. 3. Painless drawing behind the ear, from below upwards, Magnet, p. aust. * 324 ITCHING, &c. IN THE EARS. 4. Drawing in the ears and fauces when swallowing, Ferr. m. 5. Quickly-passing drawing in the outer meatus, Dulc 6. Drawing in the left ear, during an eructation, Sulph. 7. Drawing in right ear and cheek, Nitr. ac. 8. Drawing in the inner and outer right meatus, Phos. ac 9. Drawing in the ears, in the bor- der of the concha, Asaf. 10. Drawings in both ears, which soon go off, August, 11. Dragging, with itching, in left ear, Rheum. 12. Drawing and visible pulling in the lobules, Sassap. 13. Drawing with sticking, in the left ear, from within, outwards, evening, Ars. 14. Drawing in the right meatus, from within, outward, Sulph. ac 15. Sensation as if the left ear were drawn inwards, Verbose 16. Cramp-like drawing in the con- cha and meatus, like otalgia, Croc. 17. Cramp-like dragging in the ear, Crot. Is. Cramp-like drawing in right ear, Sil 19. Cramp-like drawing in and under the outer ear, as if pulled out, Oleand. 20. Cramp-like drawing in right ear, Petrol. Gnawing. 1. Sharp gnawing under the carti- lage of both ears, Dros. 2. Gnawing in the left inner and outer ear, Kal. carb. Itching. 1. Itching in the ears, Agar., Carb. v., Caust, Cupr. met, Hep. s., Ign., Kal carb., Nitr. ac 2. Itching of the lobule, Caust, Kal. carb. 8. Itching behind the ears, Agar., Graph. 4. Violent itching of'the outer ears, Con., Grat., Phos., Sil, Sulph., Sulph. ac. 5. Itching in the right inner ear, Menyan. 6. Itching and heat of the ear, ■Sulph. 7. Violent itching of the external ear; he scratches until the parts bleed, Arg. 8. Itching of the ears early in the morning, which spreads over the whole body, Amm. carb. 9. Itching in the ears,«in the mea- tus auditorius, before and behind the ears, and about the lobules, Alum. 10. Itching in both ears, which does not pass off by scratching, with running of liquid wax for several days, Amm. mur. 11. Itching of, and pimples on, the posterior surface of the concha, Agar. 12. Frequent itching of the concha, in the afternoon, with burning sore- ness after scratching, Arg, 13. Itching of the lobule of the ear, and of the concha, which induces rubbing, this makes the parts red and sore, but the itching continues, Agar. 14. Itching in the external meatus of the right ear, Agar. 15. Itching in the ears, while a brownish matter is running out at the same time, Anac. 16. Violent itching in the ears, go- ing off by rubbing, AEth. 17. Itching in the Eustachian tube, obliging him to swallow frequently, Nux v. 18. Itching of the lobule and cheek; lymph oozes out after scratching, and soon hardens, Graph. 19. Itching in the sound ear, with roaring and white purulent wax, Sep. 20. Itching in the ear when swallow- ing, Sil. 21. Burning itching in the lobules, without heat or redness, Sabad. COLDNESS OF THE EARS, &c. 325 22. Itching in left ear, with sensation when inserting the finger into it, as if fleas were jumping about in the ear, Zinc. m. 23 Biting titillation and itching belo\^ the right lobule, Verat. 24. Tingling itching in the right ear, Carb. v. 25. Corrosive itching of the lobules of both ears, early in the morning, after rising, Arg. 20. Corrosive itching of either cheek, obliging him to scratch, Agn. 27. Stinging itching in the ears, Lach., Spig. 28. Itching deep in the ear, also with pricking, Puis. 29. Itching of the outer ears, some- times a simple itching, sometimes biting, sometimes burning, some- times stinging, accompanied with fine stitches, and an increased feel- ing of warmth, sometimes with single pimples on the outer ear, Berb. v. 30. Stinging itching of right lobule, Phos. ac Coldness of the Ears, or as if Cold Water, Air, &c, were rushing upon or through them. 1. Coldness of the ears in a hot room, Kal. carb. 2. Cold feeling in right ear, as from cold air, Mang. 3. Sensation as if a cold wind blew against the right outer meatus, Caust. 4. Cooling sensation frequently per- vades the left car, Seneg. 5. Sensation as if a cool breath were rushing into the ear, Staph. 6. Sensation as of a cold breath in the right ear, followed by a feel- ing of heat; these sensations al- ternate several times, Verat. 7. Sensation as if cold water were running out of both ears several times a day ; itching in both ears between the attacks, Merc 8. Sticking in the ear, with pres- sure ; the warmer she became in bed, the colder and moister became the ear; at last she felt as if she had ice in the ear, Merc 9. Sensation as if cold air were get- ting into the right ear, Plat. 10. Coldness in the inner ear, as from water, Menyan. Morbid Changes of the Wax, 1. Blood-red cerumen, Con. 2. White cerumen, Lach. Discharges from the Ears. 1. Humour oozes from both ears, Merc. 2. Ulceration and discharge Of the ears, Lye. 3. Fetid humour from left ear, Zinc m. 4. Fetid otorrhcea, Aur. 5. Thickish, flesh-colored, badly- smelling liquid comes out of the ear, Carb. v. 6. Fetid humour in the inner ear, Kal. carb. 7. Discharge of pus, also fetid, from the ear, Hep. s. 8. Discharge from the hard-hearing ear, first watery, then purulent, Galv. (Zinc pole.) 9. Thick, brown discharge from the ear, Carb. v. 10. Discharge of a yellow liquid ce- rumen and pus from the ear, pre- ceded by tearing, Kal, carb. 11. The ear-wax looks like decayed paper, and is mixed with purulent mucus, Con. 12. Discharge of yellowish pus from the left ear, Merc 13. Discharge of pus from the ears, Alum., Bell, Puis. 14. Purulent discharge from left ear, day and night; the orifice is hot and swollen, with headache on left side, Zinc. in. 15. Discharge of pus from the ears; a bag of pus is seen in the forepart of the right ear, discharging pus on I .326 CRAMP, TWiTCE feeling it, with pain in the whole right side of the head and face, pre- venting her from lying on this side, Merc 16. Itching in left ear, and dis- charge of bloody pus, Petrol. 17. Discharge of blood and fetid pus from the right ear, with tear- ing pain, Merc. 18. Haemorrhage from the ears, Cic 19. Bloody discharge from the ear, Graph. 20. Discharge of blood out of the left ear, early, Merc. 21. Discharge of liquid wax from both ears, Merc. 22. Sensation in the ears, as if wax were flowing out, Agar. Cramp. 1. Cramp in the inner ear, a sort of compressive and dragging sensa- tion followed by a flashing stitch, causing him to tremble; more fre- quently in the evening, Thuj. 2. Crampy sensation in right outer ear, Thuj. 3. Crampy sensation in the left outer ear, Kal. carb. 4. Cramp in the outer ear, August. 5. Cramp in the ears, as far as the oesophagus, Carb, a, Twitchings, Jerkings. 1. Twitchings in the ear, Dig. 2. Jerking pulling behind the right ear, Kal. carb. 3. Cramp-like jerking in outer ear, like otalgia, Cin. 4. Twitchings about the left ear, Kal. carb. 5. Twitches in the external ear, Anac. 6. Tearing twitchings in front of the left ear, August. 7. Fine twitchings in the fossa be- tween the coronoid process and the condyle of the lower jaw, Bell 8. Twitches and tension around the left ear, in the cheek bones, and in INGS, JERKINGS. the temples with swelling of the cervical glands, Amm. carb. 9. Twitches and pinching in the internal ear, Amm. carb. . 10. Very painful, tearing twitchings in the internal ear of the right side, gradually assuming the form of stitches, August. 11. Twitchings and trembling in right ear, Kal. carb. 12. Pullings and pinchings in the ear, or behind the ear, with jerk- ing, hindering sleep, with pain to the touch, Merc. 13. Fine twitchings in right lobule, Phos. ac. 14. Sudden jerking in left ear, fol- lowed by roaring; then either hardness of hearing or else dis- charge of a yellow fluid, for sev- eral weeks ; hears better by press- ing on the ears, Phos-. Weight. His ears feel as if a load were lying in and before the ears, Carb. v. Rolling Sensation. Sensation in the ear on shaking the head, as if something were rolling to and fro, Ruta. 2. Sensation as if small, balls were rolling through the ears, Galv. Numbness. 1. The outer ear feels as if gone to sleep, for eight days,. Sulph. 2. Tingling in the ears as if gone to sleep, Lauroc 3. Tingling in the outer ears as after getting frozen, Colch. Illusory Hearing. 1. One's own voice appears altered to the right ear, Alum. 2. While slumbering he hears two persons talk, but he does not know who they are, Stram. ROUGHNESS, NOISES, &c. 327 3. In the evening she hears the music which had been played to her during the day, Lye Roughness. 1. Sensation in the ear, as if a piece of rough wood were moved over its walls, with pressure, Ruta. 2. Roughness in the left ear as from a feather, 01 an. Noises. 1. Flapping and singing in the ears, Kal bichr. 2. Noise in the left ear, as from a bat, causing one to start; followed by a sensation, when laughing, as if cold air were rushing out, Millef. 3. Singing in right ear, when sit- ting, Ars. 4. Singing before the ears, Kal. carb., Sep. 5. Continual singing before the cars, worse when lying, Phos., Phos. ac. ('). Singing or tingling in the ears, particularly the left, Natr. mur. 7. Singing and buzzing in the ears, Cupr. acet. 8. Fluttering in the ears, Magnet. p. aust., Sil, Sulph. 9. Fluttering in right ear, Magn. mar. 10. Fluttering before the left ear, Merc. 11. Fluttering before the left ear; it feels warm as if she were stand- ing before a warm stove, Mang. 12. Fluttering and crawling in left ear, Merc. 13. Sensation as if the ears were ob- structed, and as if a bird had been fluttering and scraping in the ear, Cham. 14. Ringing in the ears, Amm. carb.. Arg. nil., Mang., Nux. v., Spig. 15. Ringing in the left ear, Caust. Phos. 16. Ringing in the right ear, Croc. Natr. sulph,, Sulph. ac. 17. Ringing in left ear, so that the ear becomes sensitive, Magn. sulph. 18. Ringing, or rushing as of water in left ear, Magn. sulph. 19. Ringing in the ears and deafness, Arg. nit. 20. Clear ringing before the ears, passing into momentary deafness with dull roaring, Arg. nit. 2l. Clear ringing in the ears, in the morning, in bed, Arg. nit 22. Roaring, ringing and whistling in the ears, afternoon, Ambr. 23. Tremulous sounding or ringing in the ears, Puis. 24. Shrill, stupefying ringing in left ear, Oleand. 25. Noise as of a distant bag-pipe in his ears, less when raising the head, worse again when lying down, Natr. carb. 26. Ringing in the ears, worse in the evening, for many days, Mere 27. Sensation in the ears as if a clock were striking, Tereb. 28. Ringing in the ears; he ima- gined he heard the bell strike, Valer. 29. Fine sounding in right ear when blowing the nose, after which the ear felt closed, and then opened with a report, Teucr. 30. Ringing in the ears when moving the head, Staph. 31. Ringing in the ears, so loud that he has to get up at night, and walk about, Sil. 32. Ringing, preceded by beating, or attended with titillation in right ear, or also with headache in the temples, Chin. 328 NOISES, &c. 33. Ringing in the ears, when blow- ing the nose, Carb. a, 34. Fine ringing in the opposite ear, Magnet, p. arct. 35. Ringing in left ear, early, in bed, after which the ear is painful when touched, Magn. carb. 36. Roaring in the ears, Anac, Agn. Bell, Carb. v., Caust Cic, Galv., Lact, Led, p., Kal, carb., Magn. mur., Natr. carb., Nitr.ac, Nux v., Thuj. 37. Roaring in the ears, so violent that she had to rise from bed, Magn. carb. 38. Warmth and roaring in the ear, (holding the magnet in the ear.) Magnet, p. arct. 39. Painful roaring in ears, Ant. cr. 40. Din in the right ear, as of a mill, lod. 41. Roaring in the ears, particularly during the pain, Ars. 42. Drumming in the ear, on which he is lying, Cy/pr. m. 43. Roaring in the ears, especially during stillness, Ant cr. 44. Roaring in ears, early, in bed, Aur. 45. Roaring and humming in the ears, Dros. 46. Roaring in the head, followed by a loud report, and improved hear- ing, Graph. 47. Roaring with vertigo and dull colic, Bell. 48. Pulsative roaring in the ear, when lying on it at night, Sep. 49. Roaring before the ears, in the evening, in bed, with rush of blood to the head, Sulph. 50. Pulsative roaring in the ears, Mere 51. Roaring in the ears as if some- thing had lodged in them, Merc 52. Roaring in both ears when in bed, Merc 53. Roaring and pain in the ears, Petrol 54. Dull roaring and rolling in the ears, every morning, and then every evening after lying down. Plat. 55. Roaring in the left ear, when blowing the nose, Menyan. 56. Dull roaring in left ear, like dis- tant wind, Asar. 57. Roaring in the left ear, with hard hearing, worse when eating, Con. 58. Roaring in ears, with hard hear- ing, Amm. 59. Roaring and stoppage in the ears, after making a few steps, Colch. 60. Roaring at night, with occasional stoppages, Graph. 61. Roaring in the ear, followed bv deafness, Sep. 62. Roaring in the ears, with hard hearing, Phos. ac. 63. Roaring in right ear, with sensa- tion as if the tympanum were re- laxed, and dull hearing; abating by swallowing with a certain force, Rheum. 64. Roaring in the ears after stoop- ing, with momentary stoppage of the ears? Mang. 65. Croaking in the right ear, when walking, Mang. QQ. Noise in the ears as of a fulling machine, at night, Nux v. 67. Noise in the ears and head, as of the rushing of water, Cham., Con., Magn. carb., Puis. 68. Sound in the ear as if full of wa- ter, Nitr. ac 69. Rushing and singing in the ears, Viol. od. 70. Sensation as of water rushing be- fore the left ear, evening, with oc- casional cracking in the ears, for three evenings, Petrol. 71. Noise as of a distant waterfall in left ear, when opening the mouth, during dinner, Sulph. ac. 72. The cracking of a whip produces a sensation in the ear as of the splashing of water, the hearing be- ing exceedingly sensitive, Sulph. 73. Splashing in the ear as of a few drops of water when moving the the jaws, Ant crud. IN THI 74. Bounding swashing in the ear, as of water, on setting the foot on the ground, Spig. 75. Rushing as of water, with hard- hearing, Const., Cocc. 76. Rushing as of a waterfall, in par- oxysms, Chin. Sulph. 77. Buzzing in the ear, Puis. 78. Buzzing or confused noise in the ear, Lauroc 79. Buzzing before the left ear, Merc., Oleand., Zinc m. 80. Dull buzzing and pulsations in the ear, evening, especially when writing, Zinc m. 81. Buzzing in the ears, and as if water were rushing into them, with echoing of sounds, Rhod. 82. Buzzing in the ears, and as if he were about to faint, Merc 83. Buzzing in the ear, going off after a slight report, Gutt. 84. Buzzing before the ears, as if the hearing were dull, and as if some- thing were keeping off the vibra- tions of the air, Amm. carb. 85. Reports in the ears, Chelid., Kal. carb., Nitr. ac, Zinc m. 86. Reports in the right ear, Caust., Plat. 87. A report in the ears as of a dis- tant shot, five or six times in the course of an hour, Amm. carb. 88. Reports in the ears when on the point of taking a nap, Rhus t. 89. Detonation when blowing the nose, Hep. s. 90. Detonation in the front part of the ears, also when swallowing, Graph. 91. Reports in both ears as if the, wind were rushing in, Staph. 92. Reports in the ear as if a cord were snapping, Sulph. 93. Detonations in both ears, with discharge of drops of blood, Mosch. 94. Snapping in the ears, as of a spark, Hep. s. 95. Snapping as of sparks, and bub- bling in the ears and cervical mus- cles, Rheum. 96. Noise in the ear when falling , EARS. 329 asleep, as if a glass-pane were breaking, Zinc. m. 97. Humming in the ears, Agar., Amm. mur., Am., Aur., China, Op., Sep., Spig. 98. Humming in the ears, particular- ly the left, Chin, sulph. 99. Humming in right ear, Con. 100. Humming in the ears after sup- per, Canth. 101. Beating humming in left ear, Sang. 102. Humming in the ears, removed ' by laying the head on the table, (together with the disagreeable sensation in the brain,) Ferr. ac 103. Humming and buzzing about the ears, and sometimes a sensation as if something heavy were falling upon the floor and burst, after which the ringing continues for a long while, Sabad, 104. Humming and ringing before the ears, Rhod. 105. Humming in the ears, as if a gauze were stretched across the ears, Phos. 106. Humming in the ears and hard- ness of hearing, for a fortnight, Nitr. ac 107. Tingling, humming and whiz- zing in the ears, Mur. ac. 108. Humming before the ears, in- creased by noise, Tab. 109. Crepitation in the left ear, Aur. 110. Cracking in one ear when swal- lowing, Bar. carb. 111. Crepitation, snapping as of elec- tric sparks, especially when chew- ing or swallowing, Alum. 112. Crepitation and snapping as of electric sparks in the ears, Ambr. 113. Cracking .in the ear as when walking fast, swallowing, sneezing, &c. Bar. carb. 114. Humming and roaring in the cars, when rising from a seat, with fire before his eyes; for eight hours, Verat, 115. ----and pulsations in the ear, Sulph. 116. ----in the ears, with hardness 330 NOISES. of hearing; the sounds seemed to be perceived by some internal sense, not by the ears, Sulph. « 117. Humming before the ears, also with undulating pulsations in the ears, Spig. 118. Cracking in the ears, frequent- ly, Kal. carb. 119. Creaking before and in the left ear, Stann. 120. Cracking in the ear, or as if an air-bubble were bursting, Sulph. 121. Crackling in right ear, when drawing his finger lightly over his cheek, Sang. 122. Cracking in the ear when mov- ing the head or body, Puis. 123. ----in the ear when chewing, Nitr. ac. 124. Crackling in right ear, with dis- agreeable sensation, Mosch. 125. Cracking in the ear when swal- lowing, Sil 126. ----in the ear during supper, or when moving the jaws, Graph. 127. Crackling in the ear, (holding the magnet in the ear,) Magnet p. arct. 128. Piping in the ears as of young mice, Rhus t 129. Hissing in the ears, the whole day, Graph. 130. Tingling hissing in the ears, Nux v. 131. Hissing in the right inner ear, on passing his hand over the ear, or when talking, or when breath- ing strongly through the nose, or when uttering a fine sound, Teucr. 132. ----before the ears, like boil- ing water, Dig. 133. Tingling in 4he ears, Ang-. Asa f, Bell, Cann., Carb. a., Carb. v., Cham., Kal. carb., Kalm, lot., Magn. carb., Mez., Sep. 134. Tingling, also in the head, Ars. 135. Shrill tingling in the ears, Asar., Con., Dulc 136. Tingling in left ear, Am. 137. ----in left ear when walking, Chel, Rhus t. 138. Tingling in right ear when walking, Agar. 139. ----, itching and titillation of the ears, Ambr. 140. ----and humming in the ears followed by hardness of hearing, as if there were a wide and a hol- low space in the ears, Aur. mur. 141.----of the ears when turning the head, Natr. carb. 142. ----in both ears, when sitting, Sulph. 143. ----,. then humming in the ears, Graph, 144. ----in the ears, continually, or during headache, attended with giddiness when "stooping, Chin. sulph. 145. ---- of the ears, followed by tearing, Plat. 146. ----and roaring in ears, Aeon. 147. Pulsative murmuring in the ear, Puis. 148. A succession of low and short sounds in the right ear, when mov- ing the head, Graph. 149. Rustling in the ear as of straw, at every movement of the jaw, Carb. v. 150. Noise before the ears as when ruffling paper in the hands, Sep. 151. Rushing and beating in the ears, Coloc. 152. The sounds are perceived as through a loud noise, 01 an, 153. Chirping in the ears, Carb. v., Caust. 154. Chirping in the right ear, Nice. 155. ----in left ear, Tarax. 156. ----in the ears, early, Puis. 157. ----in the ears, evening, Lye 158. Shrill sounds in the ear, when blowing the nose, Phos. ac. 159, Sounds, when breathing, as from a sounding board, Bar. carb. 160. Shrieking in the ear when blow- ing the nose, Stann. 161. Shrill sound in the ears, in bed, causing a jerking of all the limbs, Graph. 162. Dull and heavy groaning in the ears, Graph. RUSH OF BLOOD, &c. 331 163. Rushing in the ears as from wind, Mosch. 164. Rushing as from wind in the left ear, also with creeping in the ear, Mosch. 165. Whizzing of the ears, Chel, Lye, Kal, carb., Magn. p. aust, Phos., Sulph. 166. Whizzing in left ear, Amm. carb. 167. ----before the ears, with dul- ness of the head, Arg. nit. 168. Every day after midnight, whispering as of the wind among the trees, in the right ear, when resting upon jt in bed, Amm. carb. 169. Din in the ears as of trumpets and cymbal's, also like the whiz- zing of the wind (immediately); afterwards humming and murmur- ing, worst when sitting, relieved1 when standing or lying, better when walking, Brtl. 170. Whizzing in the ears, now and then, Led. pal. 171. ----in the right ear, with hard hearing, also with intoxication so that she did not understand questions, worse in the room, Magn. carb. 172. ----and throbbing in the ears, evening, after lying down, Hep. s. 173. ----and drawing in the ear, Magnet, p. arct. 174. ----in the ear, with headache of the same side, as if a foreign body had lodged in the brain (the pupil is very much enlarged,) Magnes. art. 175. ----and singing in the ears, Galv. 17(5. ----and roaring in the ears, with stoppage, Sep. 177. ----before the ears, diminish- ing hearing, Petrol 178. ----in the cars, with stitches in the head, Plat. 179. Echo in the ear, Phos, ac. 180. Echo in the ears, morning, of one's own and other people's, words, Phos. 181. Hollow sensation in the ears, early ; one's own words re-echo in one's ears, Nux v. 182. Her own speech re-echoes in the ears, Nitr. ac 183. Her words and steps re-echo in her ears, Caust 184. Gurgling sensation in the ears, Petrol. 185. Gurgling in the ears as of air- bubbles, Lye 186.----in the right ear, with se- cretion of a quantity of wax, Kal. carb. 187. Sensation in the ears, when stooping, as of the clucking of hens, with^ heaviness of the head ; when raising the head again and bending it backwards, the same sensation is felt, as if something fell before the ears and then reced- ed again, Graph. 188. Gurgling in the left ear, when lying on it, Bar. carb. 189. Fluttering and a sort of bub- bling noise in the fore part of the ears, Bell. 190. Bubbling sensation in the left ear, when scratching the occiput, Amm. 191. Violent din in the ears, as if some one were beating against the gate of the house, Ant. c. 192. Vibratory sensation in the head, when talking loud. Rush of Blood. Rush of blood to the ears, Puis. Deafnesg, hard Hearing. 1. Hard heaving, Agn,, Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Ang., Ambr., Ant. cr., Am., Bell, lod., Lye, Kal. nitr., Merc, Mosch., Mur. ac, Nitr. ac, Zinc met. 2. Complete deafness, Stram. 3. Deafness, Cupr. m., Galv., Plumb, ac. 4. Deafness with pain in the chest, Verat. 5. Transitory deafness of both ears, Sulph. 332 DEJ 'NESS. thing; every noise sounding very loud, Merc. 21. Sudden deafness in the evening, with humming and whizzing, Nice 22. Hardness of hearing, with in- creased buzzing, Dros. 23. Dullness of hearing, with giddi- ness and slight delirium, Coloc 24. Hard hearing of the right ear, with pressure in the ear, Ipec. 25. Hardness of hearing, with vio- lent headache, Chin, sulph. 26. Weak.confused hearing,Carb. an. 27. He hears worse with the right ear, Asar. 28. Hard hearing without noise in the ear, Magnes art 29. Deafness, preceded by burning ' and stinging in the ear, succeeded by tingling, Caps. 30. Hardness of hearing with buz- zing in the ears, sometimes alter- nating with singing and hissing in the head, Kreas. 31. Hardness of hearing, with stop- page in the ears, whitish pellicles on the ears, or light, hard, too scanty cerumen, Lach. 32. Hardness of hearing, as if some- thing had lodged in front of the tympana, Led. pal 33. Hardness of hearing of the right ear, as if stopped up with cotton, and as if he heard distant sounds, Led. pal 34. Deafness on both ears, particu- larly the left, decreasing and in- creasing, Magn. mur. 35. He hears the tick of a watch at some distance from the ear ; when held close to the ear he hears a mere hissing, Phos. ac. Stoppage of the Ears. 1. Stoppage of the ears, AEth., Asar., Atham., Ars., Kal. carb., Phos., Sil. 2. Stoppage of both ears, also when blowing the nose, Sulph. 3. Sudden stoppage of the right ear, as if deaf, Arg., Nitr. ac 6. Diminution of hearing, slowly increasing and decreasing, Kal carb. 7. Diminution of sight and hearing, Plumb. 8. The hearing, in a female affected with hard hearing, improves by riding in a carriage, Graph. 9. Hardness of hearing as if the ears were stopped up, also with trembling and sweat on the back, every other hour, Puis. 10. Whizzing, feeling of obstruction and hard hearing in the left ear, Arg. nit 11. Hardness of hearing from a cold, after cutting the hair, Bell. 12. Hardness of hearing, especially of the left ear, AEth. 13. Hardness of hearing from elon- gation of the uvula, with difficulty of speech. Aur. 14. Diminished hearing, sometimes accompanied with purulent dis- charge from the ears, even when occasioned by abuse of Mercury, Asa f 15. He sometimes heard so feebly that he did not hear when some one opened the door with a noise ; often his hearing was so acute that he heard people through double doors walk in the antechamber, Anac 16. A kind of deafness of the right ear, as if a leaflet were placed be- fore the tympanum; this symptom cannot be removed by boring with the finger into the ear; in the evening his right ear felt as if blocked up, Ant. c 17. Hard hearing, with sensation as of a foreign body being in the ears, Phos. 18. Loss of hearing in the right ear where a pain was felt which had first been felt in the eye, Petrol 19. Hardness of hearing as if the ears were obstructed by a thick fog, Par. quad. 20. Is scarcely able to hear any STOPPAGE OF THE EARS. 333 4. Stoppage of the ears, first left, then right, Verbose 5. Stoppage of the ears when swal- lowing, Ars. 6. Stoppage of the ears, also with hardness of hearing, Mang., Cocc, Spig.. Stann. 7. Sudden stoppage of the ear, with tingling, Dig. 8. Stoppage of left ear, as from something in it, Ars., Aug.- 9 ----of left ear, as with the hand, Asar. 10. The left ear is closed ; he hears every thing but not distinctly, Sulph. 11. Feeling of'stoppage in the ear, after previous soreness, Nitr. ac. 12. Stoppage in left ear, with rush- ing changing to ringing, Coloc. 13. Stoppage of the ears, with sen- sation as if wax would flow into the mouth, Crotal. 14. Stoppage of the ears (during the menses,) Magn. mur. 15. The sound of speech seems hol- low, Eye 16. Painful stoppage of the ears, with headache, Arg. nit. 17. The ears feel stopped up with sensation as if the vibrations of the air were prevented from in- fringing upon the tympanum, Aeon. 18. Sensation as if something before the ears prevented the vibrations of the air from reaching the tym- panum ; when blowing the nose, and opening of the same when swallowing, Alum. 19. Feeling of obstruction in the left ear as from cotton ; he did not hear as well with this ear as with the other, Anac. 20. Stoppage of the ears, with whiz- zing and hardness of hearing, Lye 21. Stoppage in the? ears when clear- ing his throat, Hyosc. 22. Sudden closing of the right ear, evening, when sitting, with ting- ling and buzzing in left ear, so that his head shook, Kal carb. 23. Sensation as of a pellicle over the ears, Bell, Cann., Chin., Sclen., Tabac, Verat 24. Diminution of hearing as from a leaf before the ear, Sulph. ac. 25. Sensation as if something were stretched across the ears, with hard hearing, and burning and humming in the head, Magn. mur. 26. Sensation as if a leaflet were stretched over the ears, without diminishing the hearing, Kal. hyd. 27. Deafness as if a pellicle had been drawn over the right ear, followed by heat, Magnet, p. arct. 28. Sensation as of a board before the left ear, Art. nit. 29. Sensation as if the right ear were stopped up with cotton, Cycl. Sensation as if full of Water. Sensation in left ear, as if full of water, Graph. Sensation as if Wind or Air were Mowing on or through the Ears. 1. Wind rushes out of both ears, Bell, Stram. 2. Sensation as of wind blowing on the ear, Magnet, p. aust. 3. On blowing the nose air pene- trates into the ear, with a feeling of distention, and stitches darting towards the eyes, Puis. 4. Noise as if wind were blowing into the ears, increased by noise, with hard hearing, Plat 5. Sudden sensation as if the left ear were fanned, Nitr. ac. 6. Sensation when blowing the nose, as if air were entering the ear, Sulph. 7. Sensation in the ear as if blood were rushing through it, Stann. 8. Blowing in the ears, followed by discharge of moisture, and improv- ed hearing, Spig. 9. Noise in the ear as if wind were blowing into it, Sil. 10. Blowing in the ear, at every eructation, as if air were pressing CTIVE SENSATION, 334 CREEPING, CONTRA through the Eustachian tube, Graph. 11. Sensation in the ears as if wind were rushing out, Chelid. 12. Feeling in the right ear, at every Step, AS IF A VALVE WERE CLOSING AND opening, Graph. 13 Violent sticking pushes from right side of fauces to the ear, causing a sensation in the ear, when opening and closing the mouth, as if a hole were in the ear through which the air can pass, Thuj. Creeping. 14. Gnawing creeping in the right meatus, Plat. 15. Creeping in the ears as of an insect, Ars., Rat, Rhus t 16. Creeping in left ear, as of a worm, Rhod. 17. Creeping in the ears, as of a heap of insects, Ant. cr. Contractive Sensation. 18. Contractive sensation in right ear, Sassap. 19. Crampy contraction in left mea- tus, with pressure against the tympanum, Anac. Pinching. 1. Pinching deep in the ear, Sabin. 2. Jerking pinching in the left outer ear, going off by friction, Mang. 3. Pinching in the ears, first in the right, then in the left, immediately after hiccough, Bell. Narrow Feeling. 1. In the evening when lying down, the left ear and side of the head feel narrower; when touching the parts the flesh feels as if severed from the bones, Caust 2. One feels as if the walls of the meatus were nearer to one another, or as if the ears were stopped up with cotton, Asar. Tension, Tightness. 1. Tension in lower part of outer ear, as if drawn down by means of a ribbon, Thuj. 2. Tension behind the left ear, with tearing, coming and going alter- nately, Mez. 3, The skin behind the ears feels tight, Con. 4. Tension in the ears, Aur. 5, Tension about the ears, Ambr. 6, The sensation of tension and pressure, in the right meatus audi- torius, almost always remains the same, and afterwards • extends to the left lower jaw, accompanied, when violent, with an increased secretion of saliva from the right salivary glands, the saliva impart- ing a cold feeling, Asar. Tickling. 1. Tickling in the ears," Chin., Magn. mur. 2. Tickling in right ear, Ars., Magn. carb. 3. Crawling tickling at the tympa- num, not removed by boring with the finger, Mang. 4. Tickling in left meatus, changed to a pain by boring with the finger, Rhod. 5. Titillation in the throat in the region of the orifice of the right Eustachian trumpet extending as far as the tympanum of the drum and continuing about ten seconds, after which the same symptom was experienced on the left side, Arg. Stitches, Lancinations. 1. Stitches in the ears, Alum., Ant. cr., Bar. carb., Carb. a,, Graph., Ign., Kreas., Lauroc. 2 Stitches behind the ears, Am., Dig., Kal. nit. 3. Stitches in the right ear, at in- tervals, Caust. 4. Dull, deep stitches in the ears, Staph. STITCHES, LAN CINATIONS, &c. 335 5. Stitches in the ear, early, causing one to cry out, Nux v. 6. Severe stitches deep in both ears, Phos. 7. Stitches deep in the left ear, Verat 8. Long sharp stitches in the mas- toid process, Agar., Cann. 9. Stitches in the left ear, Amm. carb., Magn. sulph., Sulph. 10. Fine stitches in the left ear from within outwards, Cann, 11. Stitch from the Eustachian tube to the inner ear, when stooping, Magnet, p. arct. 12. Sharp stitches through the ears, from without inwards, Hjuosc. 13. Digging-up, boring sticking in right ear, at night, with lancinating toothache, Hell 14. Stitches in-the ear when blowing the nose, Hep. s. 15. Sticking in right ear, she was unable to lie on it in the night, Kal nit 16. Stitches in the ears, followed by pain in the arms, Kalm. lat. 17. Tearing or pinching stitches in the ear, which feels as if it would burst, Lye. Is5. Stitches, succeeded by tension, in left ear, Lact. 19. Stitches and tearing in left ear, ' when inclining the body to the right side, Magn. mur. 20. Painful stitch behind the right ear, terminating in tension, Magn. carb. 21. Stitches from the inner ear to the head and facial muscles, Menyan. 22. Sharp stitches in the ears, from within outwards, Natr. carb. 23. Tearing stitch in left ear, Verbasc 24. Stitches near the ear, in the neck, Cham. 25. Stitches in front of left ear, Magn. carb. 26. Stitches in right ear, causing one to start, Natr. sulph. 27. Stitches in the right, then left ear, Menyan. 28. Stitches in the meatus, Carb. v. 29. Stitches in the external meatus auditorius, Bell 30. Stitches in the meatus auditorius externus, August. 31. Stitches in the outer meatus when masticating, Cann. 32. Stitches and creeping in the inner ear, also in the stomach and oeso- phagus, Kal carb. 33. Frequent fine stitches in left ear, from within outward, Kal. carb. 34. Stitches in both ears, in bed, evening, Kal. carb. 35. Stitches in the margin of the ear, with burning pain, Caust. 36. Long-continued stitch in right outer ear, going off gradually, Chelid. 37. Single long stitches in the ear, especially when stooping, with in- clination to find fault and get angry, Cham. 38. Stitches in the left ear, following upon a lancinating and tearing pain in the right malar bone, or accompanied with a sensation as if heat were rushing out of the ear, alternating with stitches in the region of the left ribs, AEth. 39, Stitches extending from the up- per jaw into the internal ear, Bell. 40. A stitch darts from the ear as far as the chin, Bell. 41. Dull stitches through the inter- nal ear, Am. 42. Two excessively violent stitches from without inwards, in the fossa behind the left lobule, Arg. 43. Stitches in the ear followed by a tearing pain, Am. 44. Stitch darting through the right ear, then through the left, lastly through the eyes, with a feeling in the eyes as if they were turned upwards by force, Am. 45. Stitches in the internal ear, oc- curring during eructations tasting of the ingesta, Bell. 46. Stitches in the ears from without, inwards, and from within outwards, accompanied by boring or burning 336 STITCHES, LANCINATIONS, ecc. mostly when walking in the open air, Amm. mur. 47. Stitches in the external ear, with hardness of hearing of that ear, Bell 48. When chewing, he feels violent stitches in the articulation of the right jaw; they extend as far as the ear, and continue even after the chewing, but then they are rnore like twitchings, Bell, 49. Lancinations from the internal ear of the left side as far as the brain, Arg. 50. Fine, pecking stitches in right in- ner ear, Clem. 51. Stitches in the ears, or in mas- toid process, Con. 52. Broad slow stitches through the left ear, from without inwards, Dros. 53. Stitches in the meatus and paro- tid gland, Dulc 54. Single fine stitches in the inner left ear, Sep. 55. Stitches in the weak ear, extorting cries, Sep. 56. Stitch from the upper jaw to the right inner ear, in bed, Spong. 57. Fine stitches through the right tympanum, Spong. 58. Severe stitches in the glandular swelling, Sulph. 59. Sticking, with pressure, in right meatus, Thuj. 60. Itching-burning sticking in right ear, Tarax. 61. Sticking in right ear from within outward, ending in a tearing from without inward, Tarax. 62. Stitches behind the ear, with tear- ing down the neck, Tarax. 63. Sticking in the ears, particularly in the open air, or when listening to music, Tabac. 64. Dull cutting, with pressure at the mastoid process, with' ulcerative pain when touching the part, Mur. ac 65. Stitches and humming in right ear, Nitr. ac. 66. Stitches in right ear, with pres- sure in forehead, Nitr. ac. 67. Stitches in the ears when she hears a musical sound, or the stroke of a bell, or when singing herself, Phos. ac. 68. Long-lasting fine stitch deep in right ear, Phos. ac. 69. Stitches in the ears, with draw- ing pain in the jaws and teeth, also in the left cheeks, Phos. ac. 70. Paroxysms of dull stitches in the right outer ear, with numbness or coldness in the cheeks, Plat. 71. Long stitches in the right mea- tus, Ran. seel. 72. Stitches in right ear, slow and pressing, from within outwards, Rhod. * 73. Shooting stitches in left ear, Rhod. 74, Sharp stitches in^the right ear, with cramp-pain, Sambuc. 75. Sticking in the ears, particular- ly when stooping, Merc 76. Flying stitches deep in the left ear, Merc 77. Small stitches in rapid succession in the left inner ear, Menyan. 78. Dull stitches under the mastoid process, a sort of crampy pressure, with pain as if bruised when touch- ed, Cin, 79. Boring-sticking in right ear, Spig. 80. Shooting and boring in the ears, also behind the left ear, in the neighbourhood of a moist herpes, Amm. mur. 81. Pinching stitch in left ear, to- ward the tympanum, Dulc. 82. Tensive stitch in left ear, Staph. 83. Tensive sticking in left ear, ex- ternally, Dros. 84. Titillating stitch in the inmost part of right ear, Dros. 85. Titillation and sticking in the ear, followed by stiffness in the ar- ticulation of the jaw, as if it would crack when moved, Petrol 86. Itching stitches in the right inner ear, while moving the jaw, Phos. ac. 87. Itching stitches in the right inner ear, Ruta. ERUPTIONS. 337 88. Itching stitch in the right inner ear, Mez. 89. Itching stitches in the border of the right concha, above the helix, going off by touching the parts, Ant. cr. 90. Pinching stitches in the ear, when drinking, Con. 91. Continuous itching stitch in right lobule, Natr. mur. 92. Burning stitches in the ears, Phos. ac. 93. Itching, dragging, and cold stitches in right meatus, Ferr. magn. 94. Prickling in the ears, as from cold air, Dulc 94. Prickings between the ear and the ramus of the lower jaw, Hell 95. Prickling in the inner ear, Coloc $6. Darting in the outer ear, suc- ceeded by heat, Puis. 97. Darting through the ears, also tearing darting, Puis. 98. Violent darting in the ears, fre- quently, day and evening, Kal. hyd. 99. Darting in the right helix, with swelling and stiffness of the same, and stinging when touched, Kreas. 100. Stinging in the ears, early, Ars. 101. Stinging in left ear, Oleand. 102. Stinging in the ears, also itch- ing-stinging, Puis. 103. Stinging behind the right ear, with hard reddish swelling in that part, Tabac. 104. Itching-stinging deep in the ear, Coloc. 105. Scraping-stinging at the tympa- num, Many. 106. Lancination in the left inner ear, Teucr. 107. Boring lancinations behind the left ear, sometimes with sweat, Caust 108. Lancinations in the cartilages and mastoid processes, Menyan. Eruptions. 1. Eruption on the ears, Cic. 2. Eruption on the right cartilage, Vol. III.—22 with itching, and burning after scratching, Mosch. 3. Eruptions on the ear, for thirty days, Petrol. 4. Soreness and suppuration be- hind the ears, for four weeks, Kal. carb. 5. Moisture and sore places behind both ears, Graph. 6. Suppurating eruption on the ear, Sep. 7. Soreness behind the left ear, Nitr. ac 8. Redness, suppuration and vio- lent itching behind the left ear, Nitr. ac 9. "Humid, fetid spots behind the ears, with red, rough, herpetic spots in front, Oleand. 10. Redness, rawness, soreness and humour behind the ears, Petrol. 11. Pimples in the left concha, with inflammation of the outer ear, Kreas. 12. Pimples on the ears, Kal. carb. 13. ----below and in front of the ears, their tips being filled with pus, and painful like boils, Cic 14. Inflamed pimple close to the meatus, finally covered with a scurf, Spong. 15. Burning, corrosive, itching, hu- mid pimple on the right lobule, having a scaly appearance like herpes, Mere. 16. Pimples on the concha, with scurfs, also itching violently, Mur. ac. 17. Pimples of the size of peas on the lobules, behind, painful when touched, Nitr. ac. 18. Pimple on right ear, discharging in the evening, Petrol. 19. Pimples in the ear, with sticking, Phos. 20. Pimple in front of right ear. with stinging pain when touched, Verbose 21. Painful pimple on the ante-helix of the right ear; itching pimple on the external concha of the right ear, which induces continual 338 ERUPTIONS. scratching; buzzing and thunder- ing noise in the right ear, when sitting also at night; with pulsa- tive beats' at equal intervals, Amm. mur, 22. Vesicles behind the ears, Chin. 23. Transparent watery vesicle on the right ear, Alum. 24. Blister behind the ear, full of an acrid fluid, Elec 25. Two painful vesicles below the right ear, Magnet, p. aust 26. Blister in left meatus, of the size of a pea, Nice 27. Vesicles behind the ear, Phos. 28. Vesicles on the concha, with burning pain, Phos. 29. Small yellow scurf on the con- cha, lod. 30. Scurf behind the ears, Sil 31. Scurfy eruption on the ante-helix, with a burning smarting pain, dis- charging water, with a glandular swelling lower down in the neck, painful to the touch, Puis. 32. Scurf on the lobule, first burning, then itching, Sassap. 33. °Humid herpes on the ears, with swelling of the cervical glands, and livid, gray complexion, Kreas. 34. Scaly herpes on right lobule; the skin peels off in small white scales ; sore to the touch, Teucr. 35. Large boil on the helix, Sidph. 36. Hard tubercle behind the right ear, painful when touched, Graph. 37. Tubercle on the lobule which is immovable and lasts for weeks, Merc 38. Tubercles behind the left ear, of the size of a pea, with tension on pressure, Nice. 39. Large tubercle on the right lo- bule, behind, sore, when touched, Phos. ac. 40. Tumours on left ear, painful when touched, Spong. 41. Tumour behind the ears, Caust 42. Swelling near the orifice of the meatus, with stinging when press- ed upon, Sep. 43. Swelling from the ears to the cheek, Cist 44. Lympathic swelling in front of right ear, movable and painful, lod. 45. Tensive pain in the swelling close to the meatus, and creeping in that swelling, with occasional stitches, Spong. PAROTID GLAND. 1. Swelling of the parotid glands, Carb. v., Carb. a., Cocc, Dig., Merc. 2. Painful glandular swelling be- tween the ante-helix and the lower jaw, Puis. 3. Glandular swelling behind and below the right ear, with stitching and tearing in the swelling, through the ear ; continuing until she gets warm in bed, Nitr. ac. 4. Parotitis, with induration of the glands, Con. 5. Swelling of the parotid gland, with sticking pain, or also hard and tensive, Sil. 6. Induration behind and under the left ear, painful when touched, Dros. 7. Swelling behind the right ear, with stitches, Carb. a. 8. ° Inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands, Cham. 9. Hard swelling of the parotid gland, painful when touched, Kal. Carb. 10. Inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands, Bell. 11. Hard swelling of the parotids, Amm. carb. 1-2. The right parotid is swollen and painful to the touch, Bar. carb. 13. Itching in the swollen parotid gland, Nitr. ac. 14. Stinging in the parotid gland, Puis. 15. Sticking in the parotid gland, with swelling and tensive pain when turning the head, Sep. PAROTID GLAND. 339 16. Stitches in the parotid gland, Bell. 17. Violent stitch in the right paro- tid gland, extending as far as the external ear; here it terminates in a sort of cramp and then disap- pears, Bell 18. Occasional burning in the paro- tid gland, Phos. 19. Troublesome tension in the parotid glands, especially when stooping; painful to the touch, Phos. 20. Spasm in the parotid gland, Ind. 21. Painful boring in the parotid and submaxillary glands, Sabad. 22. The parotid gland is painful to the touch, as if contused, Aur. 23. Pressive, contractive feeling in the parotid glands, Mang. 24. ° Caries of mastoid process, Aur. 340 SYMPTOMS OF THE NOSE. Swelling of the tfose> Septum^ &c. 1. Swelling of the nose, Am., Sulph. 2. Hard swelling of the left wing of the nose, Alum. 3. Swelling of the nose during ca- tarrh, Phos. 4. Swelling of the dorsum of the nose, with red spots on the dor- sum and sides, going and coming, with tensive sensation, Phos. ac. 5. The septum becomes swollen and chapped, Merc. sol. 6. Swelling of left wing of nose, as in profuse fluent coryza, Merc. sol. 7. Interstitial distension of the root of the nose, Merc. sol. 8. Swelling of the tip of the nose, with pain to the touch, Lye 9. Itching swelling of the wing of the nose, Cann. ■ 10. Swelling of the nose and mouth, Carb. an. 11. Swelling of the nose, with pim- ples inside and outside, forming scurfs, Carb. an. 12. Frequent swelling of the nose, going off again in the evening, Caust. 13. Soreness and swelling of the in- terior of the nasal wings, and pim- ples externally, Natr. mur. 14. The wings of the nose are en- larged, and look bluish, Hyd. ac. 15. Her nose feels as if swollen and clogged with mucus, Bar. carb. 16. Swelling of the nose, in the room, after a walk in the open air, Aur. fol. 17. Swelling of the nose, with pain to the touch, Ars. 18. Pain and swelling of right nasal wing, Arg. nit. 19. Constant feeling as of a catarrh in the nose, with swelling of the nose, Bov. 20. Soreness of the nose and swell- ing of the wings, with scurf in the nose, pain and bleeding on wiping the part, Brom. 21. Feeling of swelling in right nos- tril ; it is painful to the touch, Kal. nit. 22. Swelling of the tip of the nose, Kal. carb. 23. Discharge, with swelling, pains of the nose, and sneezing, Kal. bich. 2A. Soreness and swelling of right ala nasi, Kal. bich. 25. Swelling of right side of nose, Cocc, Zinc m. 26. Swelling and painfulness of left nasal wing, Zinc. m. 27. Swelling and hardness of left nasal wing, with tensive pain, Thuj. 28. Swelling of the nose, especially the root, going and coming, Calc. carb. 29. Swelling of right wing of the nose, painful when touched, Calc. carb. 30. Swelling of the nose, with vio- lent ulcerative pain when touched, twitchings in the nose, Bry. 31. Swelling of the left side of the nose, with discharge of bloody crusts, Amm. mur. Inflammation. 1. Inflammation of the nose, Crot, Sulph. 2. Inflammation of the inner nose, with feeling of dryness, and slow bleeding of the nose, Phos. 3. Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose, Plumb, acet, 4. Chronic inflammation of the nose, with pain, Fluor, ac. 5. The tip of the nose is inflamed, Kal nit INFLAMMATION AND SWELLING—REDNESS. 341 6 Inflammation of mucous mem- brane of nose and eyelids, Kal. hyd. 7. Catarrhal inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane in the frontal sinuses and the antrum Highmorianum, as far as the pos- terior nares, (see my Symptomen Codex, vol. i., p. 928), Kal hyd. Inflammation and Swelling. 1. The septum is swollen and red, with increased pain in the evening, and stitches in the forehead, Alum. 2. The nose is swollen .and red, Alum. 3. Swelling, soreness, and itching in right fossa, with tingling and running, Amm. carb. 4. Inflammation, redness and swell- ing of the forepart of the nose, Calc. carb. 5. Red, swollen, hard point in left wing of nose, painful when touched, for three days, Zinc. m. 6. Hot, throbbing swelling of right side of nose, with painful ulcer on inner side of right wing, pain as if the nasal bones could be pressed asunder, Coral. 7. Red, thick nose, especially in the afternoon, Kal. carb. 8. Redness and swelling of nose, Kal. hyd. 9. Red and shining swelling of nose, with throbbing and tension, Bor. 10. Swelling and redness of right nostril, and underneath, Aur. fol 11. Red swelling of the left side of the nose, ulceration of the inner cavity, with dry, yellowish scurf, and feeling of obstruction, Aur. mur. 12. Redness and inflammation, with itching of the nose, and subsequent desquamation, Aur. mur. 13. Left nostril is closed, swollen, red, painful when touched, Stann. 14. Red, burning nostrils, swollen, (the upper lip being likewise swol- len,) with coryza and hoarseness, Phell 15. Inflamed, swollen, alae nasi, Sulph. 16. Coryza, with inflammatory swell- ing of the nose, which was painful like a boil, with cough, Hep. s. 17. Swollen, kiflamed nose, with sore and ulcerated nostrils, Sep. 18. Redness aud heat in and on the nose, with swelling, Hep. s. 19. Redness and swelling of tip of nose, with burning and tearing, Nice. 20. Redness, heat and swelling of left wing, with sore pain, Natr. mur. 21. Redness and swelling of the nose ; it feels sore inside, Carb. an. 22. Erysipelatous inflammation of the dorsum of the nose, extending to the cheeks, particularly on the right side, with swelling, hardness, and subsequent desquamation, Canth. 23. Inflammation of right wing, with shining redness and swelling, Canth. 24. Redness of the nose and swell- ing, for several evenings, Magn. carb. « 25. Swelling, redness, inflammation, itching of the tip of the nose, Merc. sol. 27. Inflammatory swelling of the nose, Mere sol 27. Swelling of the nose, especially the left side; it is red and shining, itching, especially the interior of the nasal wings, Merc. sol. Redness. 1. The tip of the nose is red and painful to the touch, Rhus t 2. Redness of the nose, Graph. 3. The skin of the nose is red, Kal. nit. 4. The tip of the nose becomes red and painful when touched, Carb. an. 5. Dark-redness of one of the wings, with smarting pain when touching the part, Phos. Burning Heat. 1. Burning in the nose, Ars., Kal. carb., Nitr. ac. 342 INFLAMMATION, REDNESS AND HEAT, &c. 2. Burning in the nostrils, Rat. 3. Burning in left nostrils, Cin. 4. Burning at and near the nose, Petrol. 5. Burning in the*nose until night, Hep. s. 6. Griping and burning around the wings of the nose, Kal. nitr. 7. Burning in right nostril, as if sore, when blowing the nose, Kal. nitr. 8. Burning as if sore in both nos- t trils, Bov. 9. Heat in the nose and left cheek, Brom. 10. Feeling of heat in the nose, it is cold to the touch, Am. ll. Slight sweat on the dorsum of the nose, the nose and cheeks are warmer than usual, with slight redness of the face, Ruta. 12. Burning at a small spot on the dorsum of the nose, Bar. carb. 13. Burning and itching of upper and outer part of the nose, Aur, mur. 14. Burning under the nose as from profuse coryza, Tabac. "15. Sudden burning in left nostril, Tabac 16. Burning in left nostril, with dis- charge of yellow mucus, Magn. sulph. 17. Burning sensation under the left nostril, making the air which is exhaled, feel hot; going off in the air, Rhus t 18. Warmth around the nose, Rheum. 19. Sensation of heat in the nose, as if from the stomach, Merc 20. Continual heat in the nose and frequent incipient symptoms of catarrh, Nux v. 21. Burning heat and dryness in the nostrils, or else accumulation of tenacious mucus, Granat. 22. Sudden burning at a small spot in the left side of the nose, Graph. 23. Burning of both nasal cavities as if sore, Magn. mur. 24. Heat in the nose and eyes, Lye 25. Burning of the nose, round about, with digging-up and griping, in- creased by contact, with swelling of right nostril, want of air, Kal nitr. 26. Warmth in the nose as if rt would bleed, Cann. 27. Heat in the lower part of the nose, internally and externally, perceptible to the hand, Hyosc. Redness and lie at. 1. Redness and heat of the nose, Chin. 2. Redness and burning of the nos- trils, as if sore, Sulph. 3. Redness and heat of the tip of the nose, followed by hot, red cir- cumscribed spots on the cheeks, Magnet p. arct. 4. The tip of the nose is red, chap- ped, burning, and painfully tight . (during the menses), Carb. a. Dryness. 1. Dry nose, Berb. v., Cann., Hyp. perf, Ign., Lauroc, Op., Phos. ac, Seneg., Stdph. 2. The nose is entirely dry, Aeon. 3. Feeling of dryness in the nose, with sensation as if the walls would adhere to each other, Phos. 4. Dryness of the nose, with ob- struction about the root, Lye 5. Great dryness of the posterior nares, Sil. 6. Dryness in the nose and fauces, Sep. 7. Dryness in the posterior nares, with much mucus in the mouth and involuntary desire to swallow, Sep. 8. Dryness of the nose, or else discharge of an acrid fluid, Ars. 9. Dryness and sensitiveness in upper nose, Sabad. 10. Dryness of the nose with dimi- nution of smell, Mez. 11. Feeling of dryness in the nose and frontal cavities, Ipec, 12. Sensation as if the nose were too dry inside, Verat. 13. The nose is dry at night, moist in the day-time, Calc. carb. HARD MUCUS, CORYZA, &c. 343 1'. Disagreeable dryness of the nose early, Ammonia. 15. Dryness of the nose when walk- ing in the open air, he is scarcely able to talk, Ant. cr. Hard Mucus, 1. Indurated mucus, like plugs, Sep. 2. Dry, hard crusts in the nose, Phos. Coryza. 1. Violent coryza, Graph., Sulph. 2. Coryza, sometimes violent and profuse, Aur. f. 3. Coryza, every morning on wak- ing, Ars. 4. Violent irritation of the eyes and nose, Arum. mac. 5. Coryza returning regularly on the fourth day, lod. 6. Constant irritation of the Schnei- m derian membrane, Plumb, acet. 7. Catarrhal sensation as if the Schneiderian membrane would swell, Kreas. '8. Coryza, with spitting, Hep. s. WITH CATARRHAL FEVER. 1. Violent coryza with fever, inabil- ity to get warm, heat in the head, and icy-cold hands and feet, fol- lowed by dry heat, sensation as if the tendons of the legs were too short, cramp in the calves, uneasi- ness about the heart, Anac. 2. Coryza, heaviness in all his limbs, Calc. carb. 3. Coryza, with drawing in all the lirubs, Ipec 4. Coryza, with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing and stupefying headache which obliged her to lie down, Arg. nit 5. Coryza with chilliness, catarrh, and cough, Sulph. 6. Coryza, with chills and fever, ill humour, weakness of the limbs, Hep. s. 7. General catarrhal fever, with languor and painful weariness, Pimpin. 8. Catarrhal fever, with pain in all the limbs, and loss of appetite, Phosp. ac. WITH COUGH, HOARSENESS, &C. 1. Violent coryza, with cough, or with tearing in left cheek, Amm. carb. 2. Excessive coryza, with hoarse- ness and sleeplessness, Ars. 3. Coryza with cough, Bell. 4. Sudden coryza (afternoon) with catarrhal speech, Staph. 5. Coryza with cough, for weeks, Staph. 6. Coryza and cough, with swelling of submaxillary glands, pain in the throat during deglutition, chil- liness ; she had to lie down ; felt a burning heat over the whole body after an hour, Sil. 7. Violent coryza, with rawness in the chest, and cough with much expectoration, Sulph. 8. Coryza with dry cough and headache, Nitr. ac 9. Catarrhal sounds of the voice, hollow, deep, bass voice, Magn, sulph. 10. Coryza and scraping in the throat, Hep. s. 11. Violent coryza, also with catarrh, hoarseness and rawness of the chest, Carb. v. 12. Catarrh, with scraping in the throat, tingling and scraping in the nose, sneezing, Nux v. 13. Coryza with inflamed throat and dulness of the head, Phos. WITH PAINS IN THE HEAD. 1. Coryza, headache, humming in the ears, colic, Aeon. 3. Catarrhal feeling in forehead and eyes, Ambr. 4. Coryza with dartings in the head or pain in forehead as if every thing would issue from the fore- 344 CORYZA. head, particularly when stooping, Bry. 5. Coryza, with headache and dysp- noea, Calc. carb. 6. Coryza, with painfulness of the nose, and heat in head, Calc. carb. 7. Coryza, with dull pain in the forehead and hysteric nervousness, Ign. 8. Violent coryza, with catarrhal headache, Lye. 9. Coryza with headache and alter- nate chilliness and heat, Graph. 10. Heat in the head as from catarrh. with redness of the cheek, and dis- charge of mucus from the nose, Nux v. 11. Coryza, with heat in the head, Phos. WITH SORE NOSTRILS. 1. Coryza, with sore, crusty nostrils, Ant. cr. 2. Frequent coryza, with fetid dis- charge from left nostril, which is ulcerated within, Lye 3, Violent coryza and red margins of the nostrils, Phos. ac, 4. Coryza, with sore feeling of the nostrils, Nitr. ac. 5. Coryza, leaving the nose sore and dry, Lact. vir. 6. Interminable coryza, also with sore nose, Lach. WITH SWELLING OF NOSE. 1. Violent coryza, with swelling of the nose, Eye 2. Violent coryza, with swelling of the nose and upper lip, especially with nightly cough, Nitr. ac. WITH SNEEZING. 1. Coryza, with sneezing, sensitive- ness of the nose, and painful pim- ples on the margins of the nostrils, Chin. 2, Coryza with a good deal of sneezing, Ars. 3. Coryza with sneezing and dul- ness of the head, Graph. 4. Coryza, with much sneezing, Merc. sol. WITH STOPPAGE OF NOSE. 1. Coryza, with stoppage of the nose, husky voice, rattling in the nose, Amm. carb. 2. Coryza, with obstruction of the nose, chilliness, Bry. 3. Coryza of left nostril, with want of air and loss of smell, Mang. 4. Coryza and stoppage of nose,. with secretion of thick mucus, Mang. 5. Violent coryza, with stoppage of the nose, loss of smell and husky voice, Kal nitr. 6. Coryza, with hoarseness and stop- page in the nose, which discharges a quantity of water, Magn. mur. 7. Coryza, with obstruction of the the nose, and catarrhal sounds of voice, Magn. mur. 8. Coryza, with dryness of the nose, or else acrid, corrosive discharge", Mur. ac. WITH DISCHARGE FROM NOSI. 1. Coryza and feeling of fulness in the nose, particularly high up in left nostril, and loose mucus, Phos. 2. Chronic coryza, with thin, tena- cious discharge from the nose, Colch. 3. Coryza, with bloody mucus, Kal. carb. 4. Catarrh of the nose, lasting for months (with catarrh of the antra Highmoriana and frontal cavities) with moderate secretion of a yel- lowish or greenish mucus, particu- larly copious in the morning, with a pungent smell or taste, Berb. v. 5. Coryza, with discharge of alter- nately thick and fluent mucus, Staph. 6. Dripping from the nose, then coryza, Ign. 7. Coryza. with discharge of thick mucus, for three days, Magn. carb. DRY CORYZA. 345 WITH SORE ETES. 1. Violent coryza, with stoppage of one nostril, sneezing, lachrymation, chapped lips, Staph. 2. Biting coryza, with lachrymation, Squill. 3. Violent coryza, with sore eyes, Sulph. ac. 4. Coryza, with burning of the eyes, from morning till night, Natr. carb. WITH LOSS OF SMELL OR TASTE. 1. Coryza, also with loss of smell and taste, Puis. 2. Coryza and loss of smell, Sulph. ac. WITH AFFECTION IN THE BOWELS. 1. Coryza, with discharge of blood from the rectum, Calc. carb. 2. Violent coryza, succeeded by a violent colic for several days, Calc. carb. 3. Violent coryza, also with pain in the hypogastrium, Calc. carb. 4. Coryza, with diarrhceic stool, Sep. 5. Coryza, with violent appetite, Hep. s. 6. Coryza, with waterbrash, Nitr. ac Dry Coryza. 1. Dry coryza, Bry., Nux v. 2. Violent dry coryza, at night, Nitr. ac. 3. Dryness of the nose, every morning, Magn. carb. 4. Dry coryza the whole day, Magn. carb. 5. Dry coryza on left nostril, Stann. 6. Dry coryza, with dryness of the nose, Alum. 7. Dry coryza, morning, with ex- cessive dryness of the mouth, Nux v. 8. Dry coryza, with discharge of yellow-green nasal mucus, Kal. carb. 9. Dry coryza, with cold hands and feet, and heat in face, Croc 10. Dry coryza, with toothache and lachrymation, Chin. 11. Dry coiyza, whole day, with pain in back, Zinc m. 12. Dry coryza, with scraping in the throat, Carb. v. 13. Dry coryza, also in the evening, in bed, with tingling in the throat, Kal. carb. with pains in head. 1. Dry coryza, with dulness of the head and sneezing, Dulc 2. Dry coryza, with burning in fore- head, and dulness of the head, her eyes become closed, with thirst and nightly heat, Lye 3. Dry coryza, with dulness of the head, oppression of the chest, heat in the forepart of the head and and face, especially about the nose, with loss of smell, Graph. 4. Violent dry coryza, with great nausea and headache, without vo- miting : he had to lie down, Graph. 5. Dry coryza, with roaring in the head and ears, Sep. 6. Dry coryza, with prickling pain in the forehead and eyes, constant desire to cough; also dry cough during sleep, without waking, Sep, 7. Dry coryza, with headache, Thuj. WITH STOPPAGE OF NOSE. 1. Dry coryza, with want of breath in the nose, Carb. an. 2. Dry coryza, with stoppage of both nostrils, Natr. mur. 3. Dry coryza, with catarrh, Ign. 4. Dry coryza, with complete stop- page of the nostrils, Rat. 5. The mucus in the nose thickens rapidly, causing pain and tension, 01. an. 6. Dry coryza, after rising, with sneezing and stoppage of right nos- tril, Bov. 7. Dry coryza, without sneezing, with stoppage, Sassap. 8. Dry coryza, with itching in the nose, and difficult breathing, Kal carb. 346 FLUENT CORYZA. WITH SORE NOSE. 1. Dry coryza, with dryness of the throat and nose, inflamed and swol- len wings of the nose, Nitr. ac 2. Dry coryza, with red, inflamed, sore nose and upper lip, evening, Mang. Fluent Coryza. 1. Fluent coryza, Cham., Euphor. 2. Profuse fluent coryza, Arg., Bry., Chin., Cocc. 3. Sudden and fluent coryza, Cycl, Thuj. 4. Fluent coryza, particularly in the morning, Ant. cr. 5. Burning fluent coryza, Sulph. 6. Fluent coryza, worse after eat- ing, Zinc ox. 7. Fluent coryza, with languor, Calc carb. 8. Fluent coryza, discharging the mucus through the posterior nares, Sulph. 9. Fluent coryza, with ulceration of left nostril, Calc. carb. 10. Fluent coryza, with pressure in right tonsil when swallowing or yawning, Zinc m. 11. Fluent coryza, with sensitiveness of the posterior nares to the air, Kreas. 12. Fluent coryza in the evening, with tingling in the tip of the nose, running and pressure in the inner canthi, Lach. WITH ALTERED SMELL. 1. Fluent coryza, with fine smell, Tabac. 2. Fluent coryza, of one nostril, with smell as of herring-brine, Bell. 8. Fluent coryza, with loss of smell and taste, Natr. mur. 4. Fluent coryza, with loss of smell —yawning and sneezing, Carb. an. WITH PAINS IN THE HEAD. 1. Fluent coryza, lachrymation, restlessness, sleeplessness, coldness in the head, dry mouth, mucus in the throat, Brue 2. Violent fluent coryza, with head- ache and roughness of the throat, Rhod. 3. Fluent and burning coryza, with copious discharge of serum or mu- cus, headache, Rhus r. 4. Violent fluent coryza, with ca- tarrh ; the chest is affected by it, the head feels dull and hot, little air passes through the nose, Graph. 5. Violent fluent coryza, with great dulness of the head, want of appe- tite, and general sick feeling, Phos. WITH SNEEZING. 1. Fluent coryza, with sneezing, the parts under the nose and the mar- gins of the nostrils are corroded, Brom. 2. Frequent sneezing and fluent co- ryza, Mez. 3. Profuse fluent coryza, with much sneezing, pain in the back, and headache, Kal. carb. 4. Fluent coryza, with excessive sneezing, Kal. carb. 5. Fluent coryza, with constant sneezing, Squill. 6. Sneezing and fluent coryza, with chilliness, deficient smell, and taste, Tart stib. 7. Fluent coryza, with sneezing, Sep. 8. Profuse fluent coryza, with sneez. ing, and discharge of mucus by the external and posterior nares, Euphr as. 9. Fluent coryza, with catarrh and sneezing, also aching in the sub- maxillary glands, Graph. . 10. Violent fluent coryza, after sneez- ing and chilliness, Nitr. ac. 11. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, and increased sense of smell, Kalm. lat WITH COUGH, HOARSENESS, &C 1. Fluent coryza, afternoon and morning, with husky voice, rattling and wheezing in the nose, Alum. CORYZA, DRY AND FLUID. 347 2. Profuse coryza, with oppression of the chest, particularly at night, Berb. v. 3. Fluent coryza, with hollow, deep voice, and dry cough, morning and evening, Bar, carb. 4. Fluent coryza, with pain in the chest and cough, without expectora- tion, Magn. sulph. 5. Profuse fluent coryza, with night- ly agglutination of the eyes, or painful nightly cough, headache, Caust. 6. Profuse fluent coryza, with pres- sure on the chest, Lye 7. Profuse fluent coryza and cough, with expectoration in the morning, Euphras. 8. Violent fluent coryza, hoarseness, cough, stitches in the throat during every attack, Nitr. ac. WITH CATARRHAL PAINS, OR FEVER. 1. Fluent coryza, with pain in oc- ciput, painful drawing in hips and thighs, for some weeks, Sep. 2. Fluent coryza, with chilliness, cold hands and cheeks, hoarseness, Natr. carb. 3. Violent fluent coryza, with tear- ing in all the limbs, only one day, Nitr. ac. WITH STOPPAGE OF NOSE. 1. Fluid coryza, alternating with stoppage of the nose, Sang. 2. Profuse fluent coryza, with stop- page of the nose, Ars. 3. Fluent coryza, with feeling of ob- struction, Menyan. 4. Fluent coryza, with stoppage of the nose, Nitr. ac. Coryza, alternately Dry and Fluid. 1. Frequent alternation of fluent and dry coryza, Kal. nit, Par. quad., Phos., Sil, Zinc. m. 2. Severe coryza, at times dry, at times fluent, with dulness of the head and complete loss of smell and taste, Magn. mur. 3. Dry coryza, becoming fluent, with scraping roughness under the sternum, Kreas. 4. Dry coryza in one nostril, follow- ed by fluent coryza in the open air; afterwards the same on the other nostril, Plat 5. Dry coryza, becoming fluent in the open air, with profuse dis- charge, lod. 6. Violent fluent and dry coryza, with difficult breathing, even through the mouth, and with sting- ing in the throat during empty de- glutition, and when swallowing food, Nitr. ac. 7. Fluent coryza on one nostril, stoppage of the other, Phos. 8. Fluent coryza in the day-time, and dry coryza at night, Nux v. 9. Fluent and dry coryza, yawning, catarrhal feeling in the limbs, Cupr. m. Discharges from the Nose. 1. Increased discharge of mucus from the nose, Con., 01 jec, Phos.^Phyt. dec, Rhod., Zinc. m. 2. Discharge of mucus from the nose, and ptyalism, Calend. 3. Profuse discharge of mucus from the posterior nares, particu- larly at night, threatening suffoca- tion unless hawked up at once, Spig. 4. Discharge of a quantity of mu- cus from the nose, after rising, without catarrh, Rhus t 5. Copious discharge of mucus ' from both nostrils, although they feel obstructed, Nux v. 6. Suffocative smarting in the nose, extending to the brain, with pro- fuse discharge of mucus, Euphor. 7. Bitter mucus frequently gets in- to the mouth and fauces from the posterior nares, Phos. ac 8. Green-yellow discharge from the nose, Phos. 9. Discharge of copious, thin, 348 DISCHARGES FROM THE NOSE. whitish, transparent, and finally of viscid, yellow, greenish mucus, Sabad. 10. Discharge of green, thick mu- cus, Bov. 11. Discharge of a little green, vis- cid mucus from the nose, on blow- ing it, the forepart of the nose be- ing dry, Spig. 12. Discharge of green mucus, Carb. v. 13. Bloody mucus from the nose, Led. pal. 14. Discharge of blood and pus from the nose, with sensation of a plug in the trachea, Lach. 15. Bloody mucus from the nose, Graph. 16. Sanguinolent nasal mucus, Nux v. 17. Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose, Petrol 18. ----of red, and greenish nasal mucus, Par. quad. 19. ----of bloody mucus from the nose, Silic. 20. ---— of bloody mucus from the nose, when the drug is blown in- to the nose, Asar. 21. ----of blood and pus from the nose, Arg. nit. 22. Frequent discharge of bloody mucus from the left nostril, Amm. carb. 23. Discharge of water from the nose, in the open air, Phos. 24. —— of yellow water from the nose when blowing it, with cutting pain in forehead, Sep. 25. Moisture drops out of the nose, without coryza, Merc. sol. 26. Water drops out of the nose*, without coryza, Magn. carb. 27. Discharge of watery mucus, Plumb, acet 28. ---- of milky fluid from the nose Elec. 29. Drops of water fall out of the nose, without coryza, Magn. sulph. 30. Discharge of water, for a month, Guaj. 31. ----of watery mucus from the nose, occasioning smarting, burn- ing, soreness, Ars. 32. Profuse serous discharge from the nose, Kal. hyd. 33. Copious discharge of water from the right eye, then nostril, lastly two diarrhceic stools, Sang. 34. Profuse flow of water from the nose ; the Schneiderian membrane appeared to be very much irritat- ed, a sort of coryza, with difficulty of breathing through the nose, conjested condition of the con- junctiva ; lips and eyelids became swollen as from the, sting of a bee, livid; deglutition was almost im- possible, voice feeble, jaws im- movable, all the nerves, head empty, she was scarcely able to think of " yes " or " no," Sec. 35. Watery discharge with sore or red nose, Kal. bich. 36. Sudden, copious, watery dischar- ges from the nose, Coff. 37. Watery discharge from one nos- tril, with stoppage, Chin. 38. Discharge of a clear liquid from the nose, Aeon. 39. Copious secretion of dry nasal mucus, AEth. 40. Green fetid discharge from the nose, Puis. 41. When blowing her nose a fetid substance comes out of it, Kal carb. 42. Fetid purulent discharge from the nose, Graph. 43. ----nasal mucus, even without coryza, Hep. s. 44. Yellow, fetid discharge from the nose, Nitr. ac. 45. Discharge of fetid, purulent, na- sal mucus, Magn. mur. 46. Pus from the nose, acrid, smell- ing like old cheese, Merc. sol. 47. Discharge of thick, yellow mu- cus from the posterior nares, Ant. cr. 48. Yellow discharge from the nose, Cic. 49. Profuse discharge of thick, yel- low mucus, with feeling of dry- BLEEDING OF THE NOSE. 349 ness when blowing his nose, Bar. carb. 50. A yellowish, viscid, strong-smell- ing fluid drops out of the nose for two evenings and mornings, with- out coryza, Sulph. 51. Thick, yellow, purulent mucus from the nose, Sulph. 52. Yellow, viscid water drops out of the nose, Hep. s. 53. Frequent discharge of mucus from the nose, at times thin, at others thick and yellowish, Graph. 54. Discharge of yellow mucus from the nose, also early in the morn- ing, and with blood, Phos. 55. Tenacious mucus which is only discharged by the posterior nares, Plumb: ac, 56. Tenacious white mucus in the left nostril, Graph. 57. Discharge of thick, clear mucus from the nose ; when this stops he has headache, pain from the oc- ciput to the forehead, Kal bich. 58. Acrid water runs out of the nose, at night, Nitr. ac 59. Discharge of thick, corrosive mucus from the nose, Nitr. ac. 60. ---- of an acrid humour from the nose, Nux v. 61. ----of acrid water from the nose, making it sore and bleeding, with smell of blood or recently killed beast, Silic. 62. Acrid mucus from the nose, Squil 63. Frequent discharge of burning, corroding water from the nose, Kal, hyd. 64. Watery acrid coryza, which ren- ders the nose sore, Sang, 65. Purulent discharge from the nose, Cin,, Phos. ac. 66. Discharge of purulent matter from right nostril, followed by ob- struction ; when blowing the nose, stinging and contractive pain is felt as far as the occiput, Kal. carb. 67. ---- of pus from one nostril, early, when blowing the nose, Amm. carb. Bleeding of the Nose. 1. Bleeding of the nose, Aeon., Alum., Asa. f, Bar. carb., Bell, Coff., Con., Cham., Hyosc, Ign., Ipec, Mur. ac, Natr. mur., Phos. ac, Sec corn., Sep., Sil, Spong. 2. Discharge of coagulated blood from the nose, early in the morn- ing, Nux v. 3. Discharge of black blood from the nose, Nitr. ac 4. Bleeding of the nose, at night, Rhus t, 5. Bleeding of the nose, evening, Sulph. ac. 6. Violent bleeding of the nose on waking, early, Stann. 7. Discharge of light-coloured blood from both nostrils, Dig. 8. Discharge of thin and bright-red blood from the nose, Cinchon. sulph. 9. Bleeding of the nose, almost only when stooping, Ferr. ac, Rhus t. 10. Bleeding of the nose, during sleep, Bry., Verat. ll. Bleeding of the nose during sleep or cough, Merc sol. 12. Discharge of blood from the nose, early, when blowing it, follow- ed by violent bleeding from the nose, Agar. 13. Bleeding at the nose from the left fossa, preceded by itching, Amm. mur. 14. Bleeding of the nose, particular- ly after rising, Bry. 15. The head feels heavy after ris- ing, with bleeding from the nose, for several mornings, Coff. 16. Coryza and epistaxis, continually, Kal bich, 17, Bleeding at the nose fop a year, more or less, followed by loss of smell, Kal bich. 18. Bloody, red nostril every morn- ing, Kal carb. 19. Bleeding of the nose, with sen- sation as of small bubbles burst- ing in it, Sassap. 20. Discharge of acrid blood from the nose, Kal. nitr. 350 BLEEDING OF THE NOSE. 21. Bleeding at the nose, early, and I throbbing headache in the evening, I Bor. 22. Bleeding from the nose after vomiting, Ars. 23. Violent bleeding from the nose during a fit of ill-humour, Ars. 24. Bleeding of the nose, also with pressure at the root, Ruta. 25. A few drops of blood from the nose, preceded by pushing pains in the temporal region, or early, when rising, Berb. v. 26. Bleeding from the nose and from every orifice of the body, Op. 27. Coryza preceded by bleeding at the nose, Tart stib. 28. Bloody crusts from the nose on blowing it, Stront. carb. 29. Bleeding of the nose two after- noons in succession, afterwards the nose pains when touched, Sulph. 30. Bleeding of the nose for seven days, Sulph. 31. Nose-bleed, with dry coryza, Puis. 32. Violent nose-bleed three times a day for five days, Rat. 33. Bleeding of the nose on hawking, Rhus t. 34. Violent bleeding at the nose, for three afternoons in succession, pre- ceded by an aching pain in the forehead, Magnet p. art. 35. Bleeding of the nose, with fail- ing of sight, afternoon, Ind. 36. Bleeding of the nose, during the menses, Natr. sulph. 37. The nose bleeds from weeping, Nitr. ac. 38. Profuse bleeding at the'nose for some weeks, several times a day, each bleeding being preceded and succeeded by great paleness of the face, Carb. v. 39. Bleeding at the nose, preceded by a pressure and feeling of dull- ness in the head, Carb, a. 40. Bleeding at the nose, filling whole cups with bright-red blood, Carb. a. 41. Bleeding at the nose, several mornings in succession, with pre- vious vertigo, Carb. a. 42. Haemorrhage from the nose, unto fainting, Cann. 43. Bleeding at the nose, evening, with rush of blood to the head and heat in the face the preceding after- noon, Graph. 44. Bleeding at the nose, at night, with orgasm of the circulation, Carb. v. 45. Bleeding of the nose ; the blood coagulated while dropping out, adhering to the nose in flakes, Merc. sol. 46. Bleeding from the nose and mouth, Magn. carb. 47. Bleeding of the nose, morning, also with tickling in right nasal fossa, Magn. carb. 48. Copious discharge of bright-red, warm blood, with pressure in the longitudinal sinus even after the bleeding, Dulc. 49. Bleeding of the nose, after heat, rushing of blood and cloudiness of the head, Pimpin. 50. Bleeding of the nose, also with yellow mucus, Phos. 51. Discharge from the nose of a tenacious, thick, dark, black blood, with cold sweat on forehead, Croc. 52. Soreness and bleeding of the in- ner nose, with violent coryza, Nitr. ac. 53. Frequent coagula in the nose, without itching or obstruction, Phos. 54. Bleeding of the nose, with thick black, or else thin, light-red blood, Kreas. 55. Violent bleeding of the nose, Calc. carb., lod., Kal. hyd., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Sabad.,Plumb, m. 56. Bleeding from the nose, of va- rious degrees of violence, Merc sol. 57. Haemorrhage from right nos- tril, Verat. 58. Bleeding from the left nostril, several times, Ferr. ac. 59. Frequent bleeding at the nose, Am., Kal. carb., Lye. BLEEDING OF THE NOSE. 351 60. Bleeding at the nose,. for two days, Hep. 8. 61. Bleeding at the nose for several days, Ant. cr. 62. Bleeding of the nose, every day? Bry. 63. Bleeding at the nose, when blow- ing it, Arg., Graph., Each. 64. Bleeding at the nose, two or three times a day, Thuj. 65. Bleeding of the nose, also early in the morning, Bov., Canth. 66. Frequent bleeding of the nose, for several mornings, Chin. 67. Bleeding from the nose, especial- ly early, Ambr. 68. Discharge of a few drops of blood, every morning, Carb. v., Hep. s. Sneezing. 1. A good deal of sneezing, Arg. nit, Ars., Con., Croc, Euphorb., Kreas., Lye, Nice, Nitr. ac, Sil, Tabac 2. Violent sneezing, morning and evening, without coryza, Nitr. ac. 3. Frequent sneezing, almost with- out coryza, Sep. 4. Sneezing, when moving the hand over the forehead, Bry. 5. Inability to sneeze on account of a prickling pain in the throat, Lye 6. Sneezing preceded by nausea, Sulph. 7. Sneezing on rising, the upper lip becoming cracked, Hell 8. Sneezing, also during sleep, Puis. 9. Sneezing with chilliness, Ox. ac. 10. Spasmodic sneezing, with violent concussion in the head, contortion of the limbs and constriction of the chest, Phos. 11. Spasmodic ineffectual desire to sneeze, with yawning, Hell. 12. Frequent and violent sneezing, almost spasmodic, Rhus t 13. Concussive sneezing, Sulph. 14. Spasmodic sneezing, Stram. 15. Irequent sneezing, particularly in the morning, or with swelling of the lower eyelid, burning and lachrymation, Merc. sol. 16. Frequent sneezing, with aggra- vation of the pains in the chest, or with painfulness of the chest (also feeling sore, and afterwards aching,) Lact. vir. 17. Sneezing, with sore pain, and pressing asunder in the chest, 01 an. 18. Hoarseness and sneezing in the morning, with pleasant freedom of the head, Benz. ac. 19. Sneezing, with violent pain in the throat, as if something would tear, Phos. 20. Excessive sneezing, after which a rose-coloured blood from the nose, or bleeding and oppressive stitches in the chest, Ind. 21. When sneezing, the chest is pain- ful, as if it would fly to pieces, Sil. 22. Occasional sneezing, with stick- ing-contractive headache above the eyes, and red margins of the eyelids, Sabad. 23. Violent sneezing, with rush of blood to the head and white stars, before the eyes, Natr. carb. 24. Violent sneezing, so that the head becomes heavy and dizzy, followed by discharge of 'a thin, watery mucus, Seneg. 25. Violent sneezing as if the tem- ples would be pressed out or as if the chest would burst, Cin. 26. Sneezing, with copious dis- charge of mucus, Nitr. ac. 27. Violent sneezing, morning, fol- lowed by running from the nose, Lauroc. 28. Frequent sneezing, especially in bed, in the morning, with bloody mucus, Spig. 29. Frequent violent sneezing, with discharge of a few drops of blood every time he sneezes, Mosch. 30. Sneezing, early, in bed, with sudden flow from the nose, after rising, Nux v. 31. Violent sneezing, particularly in the morning, also with yawning, Bry. 352 SNEEZING, PAINS, &c. 32. Frequent violent sneezing and almost constant yawning, Sulph. 33. Frequent sneezing, with stop- page of the nose, Nitr. ac. 34. Sneezing, with dry nose, Graph. 35. Violent dry sneezing, Chin. 36. Vapour through her nose, fol- lowed by twenty sneezings, and then stoppage of the nose, Sulph. ac. 37. Violent, concussive sneezing, followed immediately after by stoppage of the nose, Brom. 38. Violent sneezing, with pain in the abdomen, or in the region of the left ribs, Aeon. 39. Sneezing, with rumbling in left groin, Phos. 40. Sneezing after a meal with dart- ings in the hypochondrium, Grat. 41. Violent sneezing, occasionally, concussing the abdomen, followed by lachrymation, Sabad. 42 Frequent sneezing with violent tingling and creeping in the nose, also at night, in bed, with catarrhal roughness in the nose and chest, Carb. v. 43. Sneezing, preceded by a cutting creeping in the nose, Zinc m. 4A. Sneezing, with titillation and flow of water from the nose, Asar. 45. Frequent desire to sneeze, with tingling, Ambr. 46. Sneezing and irritation, especially in the left nostril, AEth. 47. Violent chronic sneezing, only in the day-time, generally in the fore- noon, increased by strong smells^ with irritation in the right nostril above the wing of the nose, dryness of the right nostril, pressure in the inner canthus of the right eye, as from a foreign body, occasional dimsightedness of the right eye as if looking through a gauze, without catarrhal feeling, without stoppage of the nose, bleeding or loss of smell. This sneezing occasioned tearing pain in forehead, acute stitches in left side, heaviness of the lower limbs, flushes of heat all over the body, Gutt. Pains. 1. Pain in the tip of the nose, Plumb, acet 2. Pain across the dorsum of the nose, internally, Bruc. 3. The inner nostrils are sensitive, Nux vom. 4. Pain at the root of the nose, Ars. 5. The inner nose is painful, Graph. 6. Severe pain in the nose, forenoon, Phos. 7. Crampy pain at the root of the nose, Am. 8. Cramp-pain in right side of nasal bone, with numbness, Plat. 9. Cramp-pain in right nasal bone, Lauroc. 10. Bruised pain in soft parts of the nose, Lam. alb. 11. Pain in the tip of the nose as if bruised, Hep. s. 12. Pain as from a bruise in the nose, above the wings, when touching the part, Bell. 13. The left nasal bones are painful as if bruised, Arg. nit. 14. Pain in right wing of nose as from a blow, Cic. 15. The nose pains him from above, downwards, as if he had had a vio- lent fall upon it, Am. 16. Ulcerative pain in left nostril, Cocc. 17. Pain of the borders and anterior corners of the nostrils as if sore and ulcerated, Nux v. 18. Ulcerative pain in the right nos- tril, Graph. 19. Ulcerative pain of the right side of the nose, when touching it, Magn. sulph. 20. Pain at the tip of the nose as if a pustule would form on it, Kal. nitr. 21. Pain in the nose, as if sore and ulcerated, Ign. 22. Ulcerative pain in the nostrils, Hep. s. SNEEZING, PAINS, &c. 353 23. Pain in the nose as if ulcerated, AEth. 24. Sore pain of both nostrils, also when feeling them, Phos. 25. Sore feeling in the nose when blowing it, Graph. 26. Prickling sore feeling in right nasal fossa, Magn. carb. 27. Sore pain of inner nose, Magn. mur. 28. Cutting, sore feeling in upper part of septum, in right nasal fossa, in the evening, in bed, Lye. 29. Sore pain in the dorsum of the nose, when touching it, Hep. s. 30. Sore pain of right nostril, high up, with sensitiveness to external pressure, Kal nitr. 31. Pain in the septum, as if sore, Colch. 32. Tensive pain at the root of the nose, from one eyebrow to the other, with ulcerative pain when touching the part, Petrol. 33. Painful feeling of dryness of the nose, Sulph. 34. Drawing pain in the nose, thence extending to the eyes, which smart, morning, Hep. s. 35. Drawing pain between the mouth and nose, as if the periosteum were tighter than usual, afterwards the pain is felt across the nasal bones, Thuj. 36. Drawing, a sort of stupefying pain along the root of the nose, causing a creeping in the tip of the nose, Rheum, 37. Painful drawing across the left half of the nose, Bell 38. Pain of the nasal bone when touching it, Merc. sol. 39. The nasal bones are painful to the touch, Hep. s. 40. Pain of the tip of the nose when touching it, Sulph. 41. The right nasal bone and the ad- joining parts of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, especially where the infra-orbital nerve comes out, Aur.f. Vol. III.—23. 42. Painful tearing in the septum, Plumb, ac. 43. Burning pain in nose and eyes, Agar. 44. Burning pain at a small spot un- der the wing of the nose, Magnes art. 45. Burning pain in the dry nose, sore when squeezed, Merc. 46. Burning pain in the inner nose, it feels sore when pressing on it or blowing it, Led. pal. 47. Stinging pain in the nostril, Calc. carb. 48. Stinging pain in anterior cor- ner of nostrils, as if sore and ul- cerated, Camph. 49. Sticking pain in the septum when touching it, Zinc. m. 50. Lancinating pain in the nose. Am. 0 51. Darting pain in the nose, Puis. 52. Sticking pain in the tip of the nose when touching it as if a sharp hair were stuck in, Sep. 53. Stinging pain in the nostrils, as if they would ulcerate, Mur. ac. 54. Painful itching of upper part of left side of nose, near the eye, Magn. carb. 55. Gnawing pain at the root of the nose, Calc acet. 56. Gnawing pain in the nostrils, Lye 57. Boring pain in nasal bones, es- pecially the root, Natr. mur. 58. Pain in the upper part of nose as if a plug were bored through it transversely, causing a scratching and pressure, Ruta. 59. Beating pain in the nasal fossae, striking to the brain like rays, with tight feeling, and aching in fore- head, with pain in the tip of the nose as if ulcerated, when touched, Silic. 60. Digging, pulsative pain from left side of nose to its root, Coloc. 61. Smarting pain in the nose, Nitr. ac 62. Biting pain in lower part of nose, tears come into his eyes, excited by strong sun-light, or emotion, 354 SORE, ULCERATED NOSE OR NOSTRILS. such as deep pity, pious grief, &c, Aur. f 63. Hard painful pressure at the dorsum of the nose, as from a stone, going off by pressing on the part, Agn. 64. Pain in the posterior nares as FROM AIR PRESSING THROUGH with violence, when coughing or talking, Magn. sulph. Sore, ulcerated Nose or Nostrils. 1. Ulcerated nostrils, Cham., Ign., Kal carb., Magn. carb., Nitr. ac, Petrol, Phos., Tart st 2. ---- nostrils, inside, high up, Natr. carb. 3. Painful, ulcerateclnostrils, Aur.f. 4. Dry coryza and ulcerated nos- trils, Petrol, Puis., Squill. 5. Scurfs and crusts about the nos- trils, Bov. • 6. Sore, scurfy nostrils, for a long time, Kal. carb. 7. Soreness in the nose, Nitr. ac. 8. Scurfs in right half of nose, Hep. s. 9. ----in the nose, Magn. carb., Sulph. 10. Painful scurfs, Graph. 11. Soreness and scurf in the nose, Brom., Nitr. ac. 12. Dry crusts in the nose, Bor. 13. Sore nostril with drawing pain, Ant. cr. 14. Both nostrils become chapped and covered with crusts, Ant cr. 15. The left nostril becomes chapped and painful, Ant cr. 16. The nose is painful when draw- ing breath, as from inhaling cold air or acrid vapours, Ant. cr. 17. Corrosive soreness, deep in the nose, Ang. 18. Soreness and inflammation of inner wall of nose, Agar. 19. The nostrils are sore and scurfy, with discharge of a quantity of thick, yellowish mucus from the nose, Alum. 20. Sore nose, internally, and around the margin of the nostrils, Amm. mur. 21. Inflamed and ulcerated nostrils, also with smarting, Bry, 22. Soreness of right nostril, Calc. carb. 23. Soreness of the margins of the nostrils and septum, Calc. carb. 24. Soreness and ulceration of the nostrils, sometimes preceded by sneezing, Calc carb. 25. Ulceration in the nose, with scurf, Thuj. 26. Sensation as if the nose were ul- cerated inside, Verat. 27. Feeling of soreness high up in the nostrils, with tearing in the right, Zinc. m. 28. Stinging soreness of the septum, when pressing it, Con. 29. Hard plugs, elastic, like India rubber; if pulled away too soon, it causes soreness at root of nose and intolerance of light, Kal bich. 30. Pain in the nose, and discharge of clear fluid ; then excessive ten- derness and ulceration of the sep- tum quite through, Kal. bich. 31. Flat, small ulcer above the left wing of the nose, painful to con- tact, Kal. carb. 32. Ulcer deep in right nostril, cov- ered with a scurf after a few days, Kal nitr. 33. Soreness and redness of the sep- tum, Bov. 34. Ulcer in left nostril, with sore- ness and swelling of tip of nose, Bor. 35. Scurfs in the nose, bleeding when detached, and extremely painful, Arg. nit 36. Ulcers in the nose, covered with yellow crusts, Arg. nit. 37. The nose is sore within, Am. 38. Ulceration, high up in the nose, with discharge of fetid and bitter- tasting ichor, Ars. 39. Yellowish, dry, almost painless ulcerated crust, in right nostril, Aur. f ERUPTIONS. 355 40. Soreness in the nostrils, when touching them, Aur. f 11. The nostrils and corners of the mouth are ulcerated, without pain, Bell. 42. The left nostril is painful and ul- cerated, early, Bell 43. Soreness of inner nose, with scurf in lower part, Staph. 14. Smarting and soreness in left nostril as if ulcerated, Staph. 45. Sore feeling about the margins of the nostrils,' Squill. 46. Ulceration of right nostril, with burning pain, Gutt, 47. Sore feeling at the nostrils, Rhus t. 48. Ulceration of the outer wing of the nose, with discharge of watery humour, Puis. 49. Small ulcer in a nostril, a long while, Sep. 50. Smarting painful scurf deep in the right side of the nose, Silic 51. Soreness of the lower septum, with stinging pain when touched, Silic. 52. Soreness of the wings of the nose, Nitr. ac . 53. Scurf in both nostrils, painful when touched, with loss of smell, Magn. mur. 54. Scurfy nostrils, bleeding when cleansed, Merc sol. 55. Itching scurf on the lower part of the septum, Phos. ac 56. Red sore borders of the nose, with running from the nose and eyes, Lach. 57. Pa^in in the nose which is swol- len and ulcerated internally, Sulph. Eruptions. 1. Itching eruption under the nose, Sassap. 2. Crusty eruption near the left wing of the nose and under the nose, Rhus t. 3. Eruption on the tip of the nose and lips, Spong. 4. Painful eruption on the tip of nose, Sep. 5. Pimple near the right nostril, becoming a large scurf, Sep. 6. Burning, stinging pimples on the right side of the nose, Alum. 7. Pimple near the nose, resembling a blister filled with blood, Sep. 8. Painful pimples on the septum, right nostril, Calad. 9. Pimple in right nostril, painful only when the muscles of the face and nose are moved ; the wing of the nose is red and itches exter- nally and internally, Calc carb. 10. Painful pimple in left nostril, with itching and stinging pain, Calc. carb. 11. Red pimple behind the right nasal wing, full of a watery fluid, itching, Thuj. 12. Large red pimple under the right nostril, sore and smarting when touched, attended with coryza, for many days, Teucr. 13. Red and hot nose, bordered with a number of white pimples, Kal.carb. 14. Pimples on nose and back part of the tongue, swelling and pain of left side of nose when pressing upon it, as if an abscess would form, Brom. 15. Readily bleeding pimple near the septum, Arg. nitr. 16. Pimples in the nose and under the nose, filled with pus at the tips, with a smarting pain, Am. 17. Pimples on the cheeks and nose, becoming quickly filled with pus, and covered with a crust, Bell. 18. Pimple in the nose, smarting like a sore, Guaj. 19. Pimple on the nose, Petrol, 20. Pimples on the septum, with burning and oozing, 01. an. 21. Pimples in right nostril, with burning when pressing on them, 01. an. 22. Pimples on right wingof nose,with stinging-itching sensation, Magnes art. > 23. Itching pimples on the side of the nose, Silic. 24. Small burning pimples under the 356 ERUPTIONS. septum, with sensation as if an acrid fluid were dropping out- of the nose, Natr. mur. 25. White pimples around the nose, Natr. mur. 26. Pimples on the tip of the nose, Caust. 27. Pimples in the nostril, with burning when touched, Canth. 28. White itching pimples around the nose, Carb. v. 29. • Red nose with white pimple on it, Natr. carb. 30. Pimple with ulcerative pain in left nostril, Dulc. 31. Pimples in the corners of the nose, Dulc. 32. Large humid pimple on the nose, Graph. 33. Pimple in the left nostril, itch- ing and afterwards burning, Graph. 34. Pimple on the tip of the nose, with beating in the nose and pain when touching it, Phos. ac 35. Itching pimple near the right wing, with painful soreness when touched, Lam. alb. 36. Painful pimple in right wing, Phos. 37. Itching and pimples on the nose, Phos. 38. Freckles on the nose, morning, after bodily exercise the night be- fore, Phos. 39. Polypus, Sanguin. 40. Herpetic eruption around and in the nostril, feeling sore when touched, Spig. 41. Herpetic eruption around the mouth and nose, sometimes with a darting and burning-itching pain, Rhus t. 42. Itching herpes on the wings of the nose, Nitr. ac. 43. Vesicles on the nose, Verat. 44. Itching and small vesicles around the alae, Silic 45. Reddish vesicles on* the with scurf, Silic. 46. Rash-vesicles under the trils, with red areolas and painless Silic. 47. A number of vesicles at the right nostril, itching, then running into each other, and smarting when scratched open, Phell. 48. Redness of the tip of the nose, and scurfy blisters on it, Nitr. ac. 49. A number of smarting vesicles at the root of the nose, forming scurfs, Natr. mur. 50. Vesicles near the right nostril, Carb. a. 51. Vesicle near right wing of the nose, with burning pain when touched, Natr. carb. 52. Small vesicles on the nose, feel- ing tight when touched, Magn. mur. 53. Painful blister on the nose, Merc sol. in the red corner of filled with thick pus, nose, nos- 54. Vesicles the nose, Plumb, ac. 55. Vesicles in and around the nose, it looks inflamed, Phos.' 56. Scurf in the hollow behind the left wing of the nose, painful when touched, Petrol 57. Scurfs on the nose, Phos. ac 58. Small little scab in right nos- trils, lod. 59. Black pores on the nose, upper lip and chin, Sulph. 60. Black sweaty pores on the nose, Graph. * 61. Pustule on the septum of the nose, in front, Amm. carb. 62. Red pustules on the septum, in right nostril, sore when touched, Anac. 63. Pustules with red areolae in the corner of right wing of 'the nose, Anac. 64. Pustule on left side of nose, tensive and painful, Kal. nitr. 65. Scurfy pustules under the nose, Bov. 66. Pustules on the right wing of the nose, painful when touched, Petrol 67. Pustule on the lower part of septum, with red areolae, Petrol. 68. Pustule in the nose, Petrol. MORBID SENSE OF SMELL.' 357 69. Pustule with red areolas on left wing of nose, Natr. carb. 70. Pustules on the wings of the nose, Euphras. 71. Small red blotches near the root of the nose, painful only when touched, as if ulcerated, Bell 72. Painful blotch on the tip of the nose, with smarting sensation, Bar. 73. Painless blotch on right side of nose, increasing daily, Natr. carb. 74. Painless little induration at the root of the nose, Sep. 75. Itching elevation on the nose, lod. 70. Large nodosity on the nose, sur- rounded by red swelling, like acne rosacea, Cann. 77. Furuncle at the tip of the nose, Aeon. 78. Boil on the nose, Alum. 79. Furuncle at the tip of the nose, Amm. carb. 80. Boil in the right nostril, with tight feeling, Carb. a. *1. Red spot on tip of the nose, Calc. carb. 82. Red spots on the nose, Verat. 83. Red, burning spot on the nose, under the eye, lod. N4. Dark, brown-red, slightly ele- vated spots on the nose, painful when touched, Aur.fol. H5. Bright-red spot on the nose, sen- sitive to the touch, for several days, Rhod. Morbid or altered Smell. 1. Putrid smell from the nose, Kal. bich., Merc, sol, Nux v. 2. Horrid smell from the nose, Plumb, ac. 3. Putrid smell in the nose when blowing it, Aur. fol 4. Bad smell of the nasal mucus, when blowing the nose, Sulph. 5. Peculiar smell before the nose, vvith similar taste in the mouth, Lact. vir. "•Bad smell, with loss of appetite, hreas. 7. Disagreeable smell in the nose, after lying down, three evenings in succession, Nitr. ac 8. Smell of pigeon or chicken- dung, especially when smelling his clothes, Anac 9. He smells lighted tinder, early,! Anac. 10. Smell as of tar in the back part of nose, Con. 11. Smell in the nose like roasted onions, Sang. 12. At times smell as of pitch, at others as of sulphur, before the nose, Ars. 13. Cannot bear the smell of gar- lick, Sabad. 14. Momentary smell of brandy in his nose, with dyspnoea, Aur.fol, 15. Smell in the nose, as of burnt horn, Sulph. 16. Sharp, acrid smell in the nose, as of smoke, Sulph. 17. Smell in the nose as of soaked peas, Sulph. 18. Smell before the nose as of a ma- lignant ulcer, Seneg. 19. He imagined he was smelling coffee and tobacco, even in the open air, Puis. 20. Putrid smell of milk and bread, Par. quad. 21. Sweetish smell in the nose, fre- quently, Aur. fol. 22. Smell as of pus before the nose, at night, Arg. nit. 23. Sometimes he smells herring, at others musk, Agn. 24. Sour smell, in the nose, early, Alum. 25. Smell before the nose like that which comes out of a chest full of clothes, that had been closed for a time, Magnes art 26. Smell of lobster when spitting, Lye 27. Smell as of manure, Magnes art., Verat. 28. Smell before the nose as of fresh white-wash and dust, Magnet p. arct 29. Sensation in the upper nasal ca- 358 LOSS OF SMELL, SENSITIVE SMELL, &c. vities, as if mephitic air were rushing through, which causes a prickling in the mucus membrane, Lauroc. 30. Smell as of rotten cheese, Nux v. 31. Smell in the nose as of old fetid coryza, Sulph. 82. Smell in the nose as of old cory- za, early in the morning, Puis. 33. Smell in the nose as after a long cold, Graph. 34. Constant smell before the nose as of bitter almonds, or as of fetid breath, Lauroc 35. Smell as of sulphur, Nux v. 36. Smell and taste as of fetid tal- low, Valer. 37. Smell as of a glimmering tallow- candle wick, evening, Nux v. 38. Smell in the nose, early, as of burning soot, Graph. 39. Smell before the nose as of rot- ten eggs, Bell. 40. Smell as of rotten eggs in the nose, in the room and open air, Menyan. 41. Smell before the nose as of rot- ten eggs, or of the contents of a privy, Magnet, p. arct. 42-. Smell before the nose as of ROTTEN EGGS Or GUNPOWDER, Calc. carb. Loss of Smell. 1. Loss of smell, Aur. fol, Elec, Hep. s., Ipec, Kal. bich., Kal hyd., Plumb, m., Sang., Sulph. 2. Diminished smell, Bell. 3. Dulness of the sense of smell, Arg. nit. 4. The smell is almost lost, Anac. 5. All things smell and taste alike,' Rhod. 6. Complete loss of smell for three hours, Phell Sensitive Smell, especially for certain Odonrs. 1. Sensitive smeil, Agar., Aur. fol, Cham., Hep. s., Lye, Phos. ac. 2. Morbid, sensitiveness of smell, Colch. 3. Intolerance of odours, Stdph. 4. Acute smell, especially for offen- sive things, or during headache, Phos. 5. Sensitiveness of smell, especially to disagreeable odours, Aeon. 6. Increased sensitiveness to sour smell, Dros. 7. Cannot bear the smell of flowers, Graph. 8. Feeble smell except wine, which has a strong smell, and almost in- toxicates her, Tabac 9. The smell of soot and tobacco- smoke is intolerable to him, Bell. 10. The odour of the broth nauseates him, and the smell of fresh eggs makes him almost faint, Colch. Stoppage. 1. Stoppage of the nose, Ign., Lye, Merc sol, 01 an., Phell, Plumb. ac, Sep., Silic. 2. Stoppage of the nose, every morning, Phos. 3. Stoppage of the nose, now and then, Nice 4. Stoppage of the nose, less in the open air, Rhus t. 5. Feeling of obstruction in the pos- terior nares, Petrol 6. Stoppage of the nose, also with coryza, Calc. carb. 7. Stoppage of the nose, evening, Sta2)h. 8. Disagreeable stoppage of upper part of nose, for three days, Arg. nit. 9. Stoppage of the nose and coryza, with husky voice, Phell. 10. Stoppage of the nose, with dul- ness of the head, as if a cold were approaching, Phos. 11. She cannot lie down nor fall asleep, owing to the coryza, she has to sit up and breathe with her mouth open, Magn. mur. 12. Stoppage of the nose in a warm room, like dry coryza, with thicken- ing of the nasal mucus, Op. STOPPAGE, &c. 350 13. Stoppage of the nose, with a feel- ing of soreness. Ambr. 14. Stoppage of the nose, especially at night, with suffocative anxiety and pain in the chest, from making an effort to breathe, Amm. carb. 15. Stoppage of the nose, with itch- ing, and sensation as if a large and rough body were lodged in the nose, Amm. mur. 16. Want of air in the nose, with anxiety and oppression, Zinc. ox. 17. Sensation high up in the nose, as if stopped up by a leaflet, with burning, Kal hyd. 18. Stoppage of the nose, with want of air, difficulty in speaking, pres- sure in the temples, Bov. 19. Stoppage of the nose at night, with itching, Arg. nit. 20. Heaviness and obstruction in up- per nasal fossae, Stann. 21. Oppressive sensation of obstruc- tion in the nose, Magn, mur. 22. Stoppage of the nose, also in the upper part, with almost complete loss of breath through the nose, Lauroc 23. Stoppage of the nose, with loss of smell, Amm. mur., Caust. 24. Stoppage and dryness in upper part of the nose, Mur. ac. 25. Stoppage of the nose, with feel- ing of dryness, Stram. 26. Stoppage and troublesome dry- ness of the nose, Bar. carb. 27. Stoppage of both nostrils, with frequent sneezing, Sulph. 28. Sensation on reading loud, as if the nose, larynx and ears were ob- structed, Verbose. 29. Stoppage of both nostrils, fre- quently, in the day-time, and espe- cially in the evening, when reading loud, Teucr. 30. Stoppage of the nose, with dis- charge of mucus, Cham., Cic. 31. Stoppage of the nose, with dis- charge of clear water, Amm. caust, Graph. 32. Stoppage of the nose and fluent coryza at the same time, with lach- rymation of right eye, Brom. 33. Stoppage of the nose in the open air, with discharge of thin mucus, Arg. nit. 34. Stoppage of the nose, with fre- quent discharge of mucus from the posterior nares and fauces, Spig. 35. Violent stoppage of the nose for several days, with discharge of bloody lumps when blowing the nose, Sulph. 36. Stoppage in upper part of nose, fluent coryza and burning soreness, with discharge of acrid water and rough bass voice,- afternoon and evening, Sulph. 37. Stoppage of the nose, evening; in the morning a thick, yellow, opaque mucus is blown out of the nose, Puis. 38. Complete stoppage of the nose, early, after waking; water drops out, Nitr. ac. 39. Stoppage of the nose, hard fetid clots coming out of one nostril, Natr. carb. 40. Stoppage of the nose, followed by a purulent discharge, Kal. nit, 41. Stoppage of the nose, frequently, ALTERNATING WITH FLUENT COryza, Magn. carb. 42. Stoppage of the nose, evening, after fluent coryza at noon, Cin. 43. The nose, is at times stopped up, at others water flows from it, Bell 44. Stoppage of one nostril, as if a pellicle were stretched across, Ign. 45. Stoppage of both nostrils, or only one, Nux v. 46. Stoppage of one or the other nos- tril, Sulph. ac. 47. Stoppage of one nostril, with se- cretion of a quantity of yellow matter, and tearing in malar bones and teeth, Amm. mur. 48. Stoppage of left nostril, seve- ral mornings, Rhod. 49. Stoppage of the nose, or only the left half, Alum., Nitr.ac 50. Stoppage, especially the left nos- tril, Carb. an., Carb. v. PRESSURE, STITCHES. 52. Stoppage of the left nostril, with discharge of water, Bov. 53. Stoppage of left half of the nose, near the root, worst before rising ; during the day the stoppage of the two nostrils alternates : less in the open air, Rhod. Pressure. 1. Feeling of pressure in the nose, Phos. 2. Pressing in the ridge of the nose, with sneezing, Kalm. lat 3. Pressure in the nasal bones, Bell 4. ----in right nasal bone, even- ing, Sulph. 5. ---- at the root of the nose, Puis., Ruta. 6. ---- at the root of the nose, preceded by heat of the cheeks, Chin. 7. ----above the nose, changing to a tearing, succeeded by a sense of dulness in the back part of the head, Ambr. 8. Sudden pressure in the upper part of the dorsum of the nose, Agar. 9. Sensation as if the nasal bone were compressed and pressed in, Verat 10. Distensive pressing in nasal bones, Lauroc 11. Distensive pressing in the tip of the nose, Lact. vir. 12. Pressing from above down- wards, on both sides of the root of the nose, Magn. sulph. 13. Pressure in the nose from above downward, as from some heavy weight, Merc. sol. 14. Stupifying pressure above the root of the nose, Aeon. 15. Dull pressure at the nasal bone, with 6tupefaction, Am. 16. Stupifying dull pressure between the root of the nose and left orbit, Oleand. 17. ----pressure at the root of the nose as with a dull point, Cann. 18. Crampy pressure at the root of the nose and in the malar bones, Hyosc 19. Pressing from within outwards, 2?articularly in the wings, Asa f. 20. Pressure at the root of the nose as if it would be pressed in, Zinc. m. 21. Pushing in upper nose, Lauroc Stitches. 1. Stitches from the wing of the nose, along the nose, to the inner canthus, Calc caust. 2. Stitches in the septum, Chin. 3. ---- in the bones of the nose, Ars. 4. Fine stitches under the nose, Bell. 5. ----stitches in the tip of the nose, with burning sensation, Bell. 6. Stitches in the root of the nose, which is distended, especially when sneezing or coughing, Nitr. ac. 7. ----in the nose as from splin- ters, when touching it, Nitr. ac 8. Prickling in right nostril and eye, Agar. 9. Prickings at the tip of the nose, Sassap. 10. Titillating prickling in left nasal cavity, sometimes succeeded by a violent sneezing, Arg. 11. Fine prickling in right side of nose, Sulph. ac 12. Prickling high up in the nose, 01. an. 13. ----in left side of nose and creeping in left ear, Dros. 14. Stinging in the side of the nose, followed by burning in the nose, and then at the pit of the stomach, AEth. 15. Stinging in the left side of root of nose, Agar. 16. Titillating stinging in left nasal bone, Spong. 17. Stinging around the nose, the whole afternoon, Oleand. 18. Shootings in the septum, from above downwards, Aur.f. TICKLING, TINGLING, TITILLATION, &c. 361 19. Short lancinations in upper part of right nasal cavity, Teucr. 20. Tearing cutting in the bones and cartilage^ of the nose, Ind. 21. Burning stitch on the side of the nose, Silic. 22. Alternate sticking and pres- sure from without inwards, in the root of the nose, Lauroc. Tickling, Tingling, Titillation. 1. Continual tickling in the nose, Ign., Puis. 2. Constant tickling in the nose, not going off by rubbing, Natr. carb. 3. Tickling in the nose, with sneez- ing, Magn. mur. 4. ----in the nose changing to burning, Mosch. 5. Titillation in right nostril, Lauroc <5. Titillation on the dorsum of the nose, as from lightly touching the little hairs, or as if a light current of air were passing over it; for a long while, Spig. 7. Disagreeable tingling in left half of nose, when blowing it, as if caused by a foreign body, Hep. s. 8. Tingling in the tip of the nose, going off by friction, Bell. 9. Biting dry feeling and tingling in left half of the nose, while the right is obstructed and vice versa, Mrs. 10. Disagreeable tingling in one nos- tril, Berb. v. 11. Tingling in the nose, and sensa- tion as if the nose would bleed, iV7/r. ac. 12. Frequent tingling and tickling of the septum, especially when blowing the nose, Bry. 13. Tingling and tickling in the nose, also burning as in dry coryza, Caps. 14. Tingling and itching in the nose, followed by bleeding, Arg. 15. Itching tingling on the side of the nose, going off by rubbing, Am. 16. Itching titillation in the wings of the nose, Aur. fol 17. ----tingling in the tip of the nose, Con. 18. Biting in left nostril, evening, with stitches during an inspiration, worse when pressing the nose to- gether, with itching in the dorsum, Chin. 19. Contractive biting sensation in the nose, as by mustard, Sabad. Itching. 1. Itching in the nose, Calc. carb., Hep. s., Silic, Sulph.. Creeping, Crawling. 1. Creeping in the nose, Sulph., Teucr. 2. ----and crawling in the nose, Aur. mur. 3. Formication in the nose, for two days, Carb. v. 4. Creeping in the dorsum of the nose, Con. 5. Crawling near the nose, Am. 6. ----on both sides, Bar. carb. 7. Creeping and digging-up in the tip of the nose, Silic. 8. Frequent crawling at the tip of the nose, Mosch. 9. Crawling and gnawing at the root of the nose, externally, Merc. sol. 10. Creeping and burning of the nose, Phos. ac 11. Crawling and itching on left wing, which is painful as if ulcer- ated, when touched, Lauroc 12. ----and burning in the nose, she feels as if she had two noses, with sore nostrils, Merc 13. Creeping in right side of nose, with pressure in right eye, as if he would sneeze, not removed by blowing the nose, Natr. mur. 14. Itching creeping in the nose, Spig. 15. Gnawing creeping in the dorsum of the nose, Thuj 16. Violent creeping in right nostril, with tears in right eye, Teucr. 362 TENSION, TIGHTNESS, FULNESS, &c. 2. Violent itching in the nose, Arg. nit., Nux v., Nitr. ac. 3. Itching around the nostrils, Carb. v. 4. Itching and creeping in the nose, Rhod, 5. Itching of the tip of the nose, Petrol 6. Itching of the tip and wings of the nose, Caust. 7. Itching in both nostrils, Aur. f. Gutt, Lauroc, 01 an. 8. Violent itching of right side of nose, Merc, sol 9. Itching in the nose and nostrils, Caust, Magn. carb. 10. Corrosive itching of the tip of the nose, Agn. 11. Itching of the nostrils, then sneezing, followed by nose-bleed, Zinc m. 12. Stinging itching in right half of nose, Con. 13. Itching of right side of nose, fol- lowed by fine stinging and tingling in tip of nose, Kal nitr. 14. Itching of the outer nose, burn- ing, smarting or stinging, Berb. v. 15. Itching of the right wing of the nose, Spig. 16. Itching of the whole side of the nose, Spig. 17. Frequent itching in the nostrils and several parts of the face, Stront. carb. 18. Smarting itching at the root of the nose, towards the left eye, as if the room were filled with smoke, Oleand. 19. Smarting itching around and un- der the nose, and in the upper lip, Hell. 20. Itching of the nose with red tip, Silic. 21. Itching in right nostril as if a worm would bore through it, Natr. mur. 22. Itching in the nose, mingled with stitches, Caps. 23. Itching of the obstructed nose, Nux v. 24. Violent itehing of the tip of the nose, returning after scratching, Mur. ac. 25. Itching of the nose, it bleeds when rubbing it, Ptios. 26. Itching and tickling in and about the nose, Phos. 27. Violent itching on right side of nose, Lauroc. Tension, Tightness. 1. Tension across the nose, Mere sol. 2. Tight feeling in the nose, Graph. 3. Burning-tensive sensation in left nostril, as if a pimple would form, Caps. 4. Tension in the inner nose, with beating, as if swollen, pain to the touch, Canth. 5. Tension under the right nostril, Rhus t. Fulness. 1. Feeling of fulness in the nose, Phos. 2. Feeling of fulness in the nose, Lauroc. 3. Feeling of fulness in upper part of nose, Par. quad. Loss of Irritability. 1. Insensibility of inner half of nose, Natr. mur. 2. Loss of irritability of the inner nose; snuff does not excite it, Spig. Boring. 1 Boring above the root of the nose, Sulph. 2. Itching boring in the right nos- tril, obliging one to sneeze, Spig. Heaviness. 1. Oppressive weight in the nasal bones, Colch. 2. Heaviness in the nose, Carb. v. Food gets into the Nose. 1. When eating, small particles of food get into the posterior nares, CONTRACTION CONSTRICTION, CRAMP, SPASM, &c. 363 with a disagreeable sensation, and are carried down with the mucus, Nitr. ac • 2. Sensation as if pieces of food had got into the posterior nares, Silic 3. When swallowing, the food gets into the posterior nares, Silic. Contraction, Constriction. 1. Itching and sensation as if the left nostril were narrower, Natr. mur. 2. Constriction of the nose as if the patient would suffocate, Hell 3. Tensive contraction over the nose, Spong. 4. Contractive sensation in the nose, Hep. s. Cramp, Spasm. 1. Cramp in right wing of the nose, Ambr. 2. Crampy feeling at the root of the nose, with dulness of the forehead, or with stitches in the jaw, or ex- tending into the eyes, Zinc. m. 3. Crampy sensation at root of nose, Kal. curb. 4. Sort of spasm in the nose, Sulph. 5. Spasm of the muscles of the nose which feels distended, then again contracted and shortened, forming a thick bundle, Lye Hardness. 1. Feeling of hardness and swell- ing under the nose, going off when feeling the part, Rhus t 2. Sensation under the right nostril, as if the place would become hard, Thuj. Numbness. 1. Numb feeling, like painless pres- sure, on the dorsum of the nose, Oleand. 2. Tension, with feeling of numbness down to the bone, Asa f. 3. Numbness of the tip of the nose as from a blow, Viol odor. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the dorsum of the nose Chin. 2. Fine tearing high up in left nasal fossa, Kal. hyd. 3. Tearing in the nose after dinner. going off for a short while by press- ing on it, Sulph. 4. Tearing in left nostril from below upwards, 01 an. 5. Tearing or bruised feeling at the root of the nose, Nice 6. Tearing from the right side of the nose through the corner of the eye, Lye. 7. Violent tearing in upper part of inner nose, causing lachrymation, Magn. mur. 8. Violent tearing from left side of nose to the temple above the mar- gin of the orbit, Magn. carb. 9. Fine drawing tearing in the nose, Silic. 10. Drawing and tearing in right nos- tril, from below upwards, after dinner, Zinc m. Rush of Blood. 1. Rush of blood to the nose, im- mediately, Hep. s. 2. Congestion of blood to the nose, Cupr. m. 3. When stooping, sensation of rush of blood to the extremity of the nose, Amm. carb. 4. Sensation as if the blood were rushing to the nose, especially in the open air, Sulph. Coldness. 1. Cold nose, Bell., Phos. ac. 2. Cold feeling in the nose, Galv. 3. The tip of the nose and the lo- bules feel chilly, Zinc. m. 4. The breath from the nose is cold, Mercurial 5. Cold nose for several days, Plumb, acet, 6. Feeling of icy-coldness near both wings, Lauroc. JERKINGS, &c. 364 TWITCHINGS, Twitchings, Jerkings. I. Twitchings in left side of nose, which seem to draw up the wing of. the nose, Amm. carb. 2. Twitchings in the muscles of the nose, Calc, acet. 3. Tremor and twitchings in the tip of the nose, Chelid. 4. Jerking in the nose or at the root of the nose, Con. 5. Twitching and creeping under the skin, close to the left side of the nose, Arg. nit. 6. Sudden jerking at the root of the nose from above downwards, Hyosc 7. Cramp-like twitching in left nasal wing, coming and going at regular intervals, Plat. Morbid state of the Skin. 1. Peeling off of the dorsum and tip of the nose, painful when touched, Natr. carb. 2. The skin on the tip of the nose becomes dry and peels off, Carb. a. 3. Scaling off of the epidermis of the nose, Ars. 4. Wrinkled skin on the nose, Cham. 5. The skin of the nose feels oily, Calc carb. Various morbid Phenomena. 1. Disagreeable sensation at the root of the nose as if there were AN IMPEDIMENT, Spig. 2. Gnawing in the outer parts of the nose, as from something acrid, Plat. 3. Dragging sensation in the nasal bones, and a few drops are dis-« charged, Mercurial 4. Sensation in left nasal fossa as if a HARD BODY HAD LODGED there, Natr. carb. 5. The hairs of the nostrils fall off, Caust. 6. Peaked nose, Plumb, met. 7. Uncomfortable feeling along the nose and forehead, with in- creased secretion of nasal mucus, Kal. hyd. 8. Beating in the left nasal cavity, as if the muscles were raised off the mucous membrane, with ten- sion of the skin of the nose, as if the nasal bones were pressed upon, Arg. 9. Fine whizzing in one nostril dur- ing an inspiration, the other is stopped up, .Sabad. 10. Pulling sensation in the nose, as if a hair were pulled, afterwards the parts feel numb, Plat, 11. Great irritation at the root of the nose, Ind. 12. Rigidity and clawing in the nasal cavities, Arg. nit. 13. Cracking in upper part of nose, or sensation as if an air-bubble were breaking, Sulph. 14. Pinching in the dorsum of the nose, Rhod. 15. Disposition to bore in the nose, Cin. 16. Drawing, from below upwards, in both nostrils, Ind. 365 SYMPTOMS O Eruptions. 1.' Erysipelas of the face, Bell, Bor., Rhus r. 2. Erysipelas on the forehead, Ruta. 3. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face, Crot. 4. Erysipelas of the face, burning and sflinging, afterwards coryza for one day, with stinging of the gums, Graph. 5. Erysipelas of the face, with red- ness of the lower lid, itching, pre- ceded and succeeded by a hammer- ing headache, Lach. 6. Erysipelas on right side of face, nose and cheek, Stram. 7. Vesicular erysipelas, Cist, Rhus I. 8. Freckles in the face, Amm. carb., Kal carb. 9. Hard nodosity on right temple, painful when touched, Magn. carb. 10. Red, hard elevation in front of the right ear, with burning contrac- tive pain, Puis. 11. Ulcer on left cheek, Natr. mur. 12. Ulcer on the cheek, with stinging pain, Calc. acet. 13. Suppurating ulcer on left cheek, with swelling of the sur- rounding glands, and a hard nodo- sity at the place occupied by the ulcer, dispersing very slowly; shortly after a second ulcer ap peared, near the former, healing very slowly, lod. 14. Ulcer on the cheek, with hardness around, Cin. 15. Ulcers all over the face, Ars. 1<>. Pimples in the face, Natr. mur., Thuj., Zinc. m. 17. Pimples on the cheeks, forehead, and in the corners of the mouth, with stinging-itching and pains as from ulceration when touched, or with drawing-itching, which returns after scratching, Staph. F THE FACE. 18. Itching pimples in the face, sore when touched or washed, Stann. 19. Pimples in left eyebrow, with burning pain and aching when touched, Stann. 20. Pimples on forehead, and above the nose, Sil. 21. Pimples in the face, itching, Sep. 22. Pimples towards the corners of the mo. th, burning when touched, Canth. 23. Many pimples in the face, with- out sensation, Carb. an. 24. Red pimples on the cheeks and around the chin, in an infant, Bor. 25. Pimples in the face and on the forehead, Carb. v. 26. Single white pimples on both temples, Carb. v. 27. Small pimples in the face, with burning, Mosch. 28. Small painless pimples in the face, Calc. carb. 29. Pimple in the middle of the cheek, which became moist when scratched, and left a greenish crust behind, Calc acet. 30. Pimples in the face, with prick- ing pain when touched, Natr. carb. 31. Itching pimples and vesicles on the cheeks, 01. an. 32. Large pimple on left cheek, dis- charging water; after drying, the skin remained rough, Rhus r. 33. Small pimples in the face, like furuncles, without sensation, Bar. carb. 34. Large pimples in the face, or on the forehead and chin, Phos. ac. 35, Red pimples on the cheeks and nose, filled with pus and itching, especially when touched, Phos. ac. 36. Fine pimples, with the tips filled with pus, Aur. 366 ERUPTIONS. 37. Pimple on the cheek, sore when touched, Sabin. 38. Itching pimple on the cheek, with inflammation far around, violent burning, forming a thick large scurf, and causing tearing pains in the open air, Sassap. 39. Itching pimple in the face, be- coming moist when scratched, Graph. 40. Small pimples in the face, here and there, causing a fine stinging, with a little pustule in the centre, drying up in a few days, Dros. 41. Pimples and boils on the fore- head, Led. pal. 42. Greasy pimples on right cheek and chin, covered with yellow, ho- ney-like crusts, Kreas. 43. Single red pimples, Phos. 44. Pimples on the face and wing of the nose, Phos. 45. Pimples in the face, with white tips, Petrol. 46. Small pimples in the face, espe- cially forehead, Nitr. ac 47. Pimples on the hairy border of the temple, Nitr. ac 48. Itching-burning red pimples, with pus in their tips, in different parts of the face, forehead, tem- ples, lips, chin, &c, Nitr. ac. 49. Little pimples, mainly round the mouth, Nuxjugl 50. Pimples in the face, going and coming, Kal. carb. 51. Pimples at the malar bones, with burning pain, Kal. carb. 52. Pimples, with burning pain when touched, discharging a watery fluid when scratched, Coloc. 53. Pimples, especially on the fore- head, coming on with a fine stitch, and painful to the touch, Clem. 54. Titillating itching in different parts of the face; afterwards small red pimples break out, with red, hard, raised borders, and brown afterwards yellow tips, containing pus; these are painless at first, but sore after maturing, Verat. 55. Pimples on forehead and side of the nose. Sulph. a«. 56. Miliary pimples in the face and on the chin, Alum. 57. Pimples on right cheek, sore to the touch, or else small red, rough and painless, Alum. i 8. Itching pimples in the face and whiskers, Ambr. gr. 59. Large, smarting pimple below left nostril, Dig. 60. Red pimples, with pus at their tips, on both sides of the nose, painful to pressure, Ant.*cr. 61. Pimples in the face and on the nose, like chicken-pox, with sting- ing pain on pressure, Ant. cr. 62. Flat pimples on both cheeks, not red, itching when touched, with yellowish scurf, Ant cr. 63. Several pimples in the face, pain- ful like mosquito-bites, Ant. cr. 64. Pimples on the forehead, with itching in the evening, worse after rubbing, Magn. mur. 65. Pimples on forehead, with tight and drawing pain, Con. 66. Pimple oh forehead with tight pain; on touching it, a tearing is felt all around, Con. 67. Violent itching of the face, with small, painless pimples, emitting a humour after scratching, Sulph. 68. Pimples on the chin and cheek, which rapidly fill with pus, Arg. nit. 69. Itching pimples on right chin, and right side of nose, Magn. sulph. 70. A spot at malar bone, covered with yellowish pimples, with draw- ing, tingling and throbbing pains, and becoming covered with scurf, Magn. mur. 71. Itching of the face, and pimples with pus in their tips, on the cheeks, forehead and temples, Lye 72, Pimples and freckles on the whole face, especially the left side, Lye. 73. Pimples and vesicles on the forehead and tip of the nose, Amm. carb. 74. Rash in the face, Hep. s. ERUPTIONS. 367 75. Red rash on the cheeks, Cham. 70. Itching rash on forehead and arms, Rheum. 77. Rash in the face, itctiing in warmth, and becoming burning and red when moistened, Euphr as. 78. Rash in the face, cheeks, fore- head, Ipec. 79. Thick rash on the cheek, with pain in the face, Verat. SO. Rash on forehead and upper part of face; with burning itching, mostly in the evening, worse in warmth; rubbing makes the parts red, Teucr. 81. Nettle-rash in the face, especially on the cheeks, Ant cr. 82. Vesicles on the forehead or between the chin and lip, Canth. H3. Large blisters on the cheeks, Elec 84. Itching vesicles on the right cheek, burning after scratching, evening', Canth. H5. Burning vesicles in the face, emitting a corrosive liquid when touched, which, when drying, form scabs, Caust, HC). Burning vesicles around the mouth and nostril, Rhus t 87. Vesicles on forehead and nose, Plumb, ac. H8. Blisters on the forehead as from heat, Aeon. SO. Vesicles on the nose, some filled with pus, Magn. carb. 90. Vesicles around the chin, Magn. carb. 91. Vesicles without sensation on left side of the face, Amm. mur. 92. Scurf in the face, on the arms and body, Elec. A3. Scurfy, itching eruption on the cheek, near the corner of the mouth, Thuj. 91. Clusters of pustules full of yel- low pus, on the cheeks and chin, afterwards the face becomes ul- cerated, Hyosc. 95. Pustules resembling small-pox, mostly on the right side of the chin, Hyosc. 96. Small pustules on left cheek and forehead, Carb. a. 97. Pustules on forehead and chin, Bov. 98. Pustules in the face, without sensation, Sassap. 99. Pustule in the fold on the cheek, with pricking when touched,Rhus t 100. Frequent pustules and scurfs on the face, after the slightest ex- coriations, Phos. 101. Small red pustule in the mid- dle of the forehead, Kal. carb. 102. Pustules above the eyebrows, "at the root of the nose, on the chin, tip of the nose, painful when touched, Clem. 103. Pustule below the right outer corner of the mouth, with a red areola, and tensive pain when touched, Cocc 104. Dark-red, lentil-sized pustules in the face, on forehead and hands, flowing together, and with burning pain on breaking out, Cic. 105. Small pustules on the cheeks, Nux v. 106. Hard, red pustules on forehead and in the corner of left wing of nose, with a feeling of soreness, Anac. 107. Large pustule near the nose, with tensive pain all round, and subsequent redness and hardness of that place, Crotal. 108. Pustule in front of right ear, without sensation, Magn. carb. 109. Pustule under the right nos- tril, finally covered with scurf, Magn. carb. 110. Red, bloated face full of dark- red spots, covered with pustules, Eye 111. Pustule on upper part of left cheek, with red areola, occasioning a gnawing pain when touched, Tarax. 112. Pustules on the forehead, tem- ples, cheek and chin, Amm. carb. 113. Tubercle near the nose, sore when to uched ; when not touched 368 ERUPTIONS. a few slow stitches are, felt in it, Magnet, p. arct. 114. Large tubercle under the skin of left cheek, Merc sol. 115. Red tubercles, also on the fore- head, with stinging when touched, Led. pal. 116. Red tubercle with burning and smarting pain, which is increased by contact, in middle of forehead, Dig. 117. White spots on the cheeks from time to time, Sil. 118. White spots in the face, with itching, Calc carb. 119. White spots on the right cheek and neck, without sensation, early, Natr. carb, 120. W^hite, itching spot on the cheeks, Sulph. 121. Reddish-white, rough herpetic spot on left malar bone, Merc. sol. 122. Red Spots on both cheeks, Carb. a., Op. 123. Red spots on cheeks, and red nose, burning and painful when making an exertion, Silic. 124. Red spots in the face, Merc. sol. ^25. Red, round spots in the face, especially at the malar bones and on the neck, Bry. 126. Red, itching spots on the cheeks, and lower jaw, with pain when rubbing and scratching them, Par. quad. 127. Scarlet-red spots in the face, with bounding pulse, Bell 128. Early, on waking, small blue- red spot on left cheek, gradually extending over the whole cheek. which swells, with burning and stinging in the red parts, boring and throbbing in whole cheek, the pain is increased by motion, in a few days the other cheek swelled, lasting eight days, Bell. 129. Pale-red, rough spots on the forehead, without itching, Sassap. 130. Bright-red painless spot in the middle of right cheek, with a small acuminated elevation in the mid- dle, Teucr. 131. Red spot on the cheek, Ambr. gr. 132. Painful red spot on left cheek, Alum* 133. Circumscribed burning red spots in the face, Croc. 134. Red spots in the face, Tabac. 135. Ugly spots in the face, Sec. corn. 136. Face with green and blue spots, and streaks, Ars. 137. Yellow spots on the face, Lauroc 138. Yellow spots in the face and a yellow streak across the cheeks and nose, Sep. 139. Thickening of the skin in the face as if an eruption would break out, Bell. 140. Thick, hard skin of the face, Viol, tricot 141. Eruption on the right side of the face, below the angle of the mouth, looking at first like the sting of nettles, afterwards pre- senting a thickened state of the skin, Rhus r. 142. Scaly skin in the face, Nitr. ac. 143. The skin of the face peels off. Phos. 144. Red roughness of the skin of face, Sep. 145. Rough, dry place on right cheek, Bar. carb. 140. The skin of the face is rough, especially on the forehead, Alum. 147. Boils in the face, Coloc, Mez. 148. Large boil on cheek, not very painful, Silic. 149. Boil above the eye, discharging pus, Natr. mur. 150. Frequent boils on left cheek, Alum. 151. Boils on the cheek and around the ear, Amm. carb. 152. Small boils and indurations, emitting blood and water, on the cheek, at the corners of the mouth, and on the chin, Amm. carb. 153. Fine, Itching eruption in the whiskers, Nitr. ac. 154. Itching and eruption in the face, Colch. ERUPTIONS. 369 149. Humid eruption on the cheeks, Dulc. 150. Itching, humid eruption near the nose and mouth, Natr. carb. 151. Eruption on left cheek, with yellow crust, painful to pressure, Ant. cr. 152. Miliary eruption around the chin, without sensation, Amm. carb. 153. Miliary eruption on the forehead and chin, Phos. 154. Rough, red, mottled and some- what raised eruption on the face, Phos. 155. Itching eruption on the cheeks, and chin, scaling off and leaving red spots behind, Dig. 156. Red, burning, suppurating erup- tions in the face, Ant. cr. 157. Copper-red eruption in the face, around the mouth and chin, Verat. 158. Copper-coloured eruption in the face, Carb. a. 159. Eruption on the cheek, under the eyes, like small pox, Arn. 160. Small herpes on right cheek, Bry. 161. Dry tetters in the face Amm. mur. 162. Specks on the face, like herpes, Sabad. 163. Herpetic eruptions, particularly around the mouth and nose, some- times with twitching and burning itching, Rhus t. 164. Itching herpes in the whiskers, Nitr. ac. ' 165. Herpetic spot close to the mouth, extending towards the chin, Nitr. ac 166. Dry herpes on the cheeks, lentil-sized, Nice 107. White herpetic spots of the size of small peas on the cheek, which scale off continually, Amm. carb. 108. White, scaly herpes on right cheek, Anac 169. Uough, scaly, herpetic skin, round the mouth, with titillation, Anac. 170. Itching herpes on the side of the nose, near the eye, Luc. Vol. 111.-24 171. Itching, scaly herpes in the face and corners of the mouth, with bleeding, Lye. 172. Black pores in the face, Nitr. ac, Sep. 173. Black pores in the face, which suppurate and become ulcerated, Brom. 174. Blotches on the cheek, itching when touched, Canth. 175. Red blotch at the malar bone, Puis. 176. Blotches on forehead, with sore- ness when touched, Phos. ac. 177. Red areola on the cheeks and nasal wings, somewhat swollen and painful when pressed upon, Sabin. 178. Blotches on the forehead, with stinging pain when touched, Dulc. 179. Painful blotch on the cheek, below the ear, Kal. carb. 180. Little blotches on forehead, and left cheek, Alum. 181. Blotch on the right cheek, as from a mosquito bite, Ant. cr. 182. Blotches on the forehead, Ars. 183. Papulous exanthem in the face, Tabac. 184. Red points in the face and herpes on forehead, with gnawing itching, Caps. Complexion, Features, Expression of the Face. 1. Paleface, Bell., Camph., Cann. sat, Carb. v., Cupr. m., Dig., Lau- roc, Merc corr., Merc dulc, Natr. carb., Petrol, Phos., Puis., Plumb, acit., Rhus t., Sep., Silic, Sulph., Verat, Zinc m. 2. Pale, wretched look, Chin, sulph., LycNux v., Sulph. 3. Blue margins around the eyes, blue lips, pointed nose, wretched look and paleness, Tart. stib. 4. Pale, wretched, sickly appear- ance in the face, Canth. 5. Wretched complexion, with pale lips, Kal. carb. 6. Pale face, as if sick, Anac, Clem., Colch., Con., Kal. nit, Magn. mur., Phos. 370 COMPLEXION, FEATURES, &c, OF THE FACE. 7. Pale, sickly appearance, as after excesses, Chin. 8. Pale face and sickly appearance round the eyes, Cin. 9. Sickly appearance, with sunken cheeks, blue margins round the eyes, and pointed nose, Rhus t. 10. Sickly complexion, yellowish about the temples, with pale-bluish lips, Caust. 11. Sick, pale looks in the morning, with dim, red eyes, Sep. 12. Pale face, with sickly com- plexion, and general malaise, Magn. carb. 13. Pale face, with weakness, Kal. carb. 14. Pale face, with faint, lifeless eyes, Kal. carb. 15. Pale face and forehead, with glassy eyes, Op. 16. Pale face, with eyes without lus- tre, Sabin. 17. Pale and relaxed face, eyes look dull, Coloc 18. Pale face on waking, with dispo- sition to strike every body, Natr. sidph. 19. Face pale and sunken, the fea- tures look elongated and sickly, Stann. 20. Pale face, with sweat, Mosch. 21. Face first pale, with eyes closed, afterwards staring and open, look- ing upwards, Camph. 22. Pale face, with blue margins around the eyes, Oleand. 23. Pale face and lips, Ferr. acet. 24. Pale face, also after reading, Graph. 25. Pale, contracted face, lod. 26. Sudden paleness of the face, with chilliness, colic, and headache. Phos., 27. Pale face, with blue margins around the eyes, and great weak- ness, Ipec. 28. Pale complexion, with sensation as if the eyes were lying deep in their sockets, Teucr. 29. Pale face, with movements in the stomach, Sulph. ac. [30. Paleface, with nausea, and moral and physical languor, Amm. carb. •31. Pale face, with sick feeling, pre- ceded by frequent change of colour, Amm. 32. Pale, bloated face for a long time, Amm. carb. 33. Pale face, with headache, pain in the stomach, and ill-humour, Amm. carb. 34. The face is pale and cold, Crot, 35. Pale complexion, especially dur- ing the menses, with sadness and irritability, Magn. mur. 36. Paleness of the face, when heated by exercise, Hep. s. 37. Pale, disfigured face, with yellow margins around the eyes, Spig. 38. Puffy face, pale, disfigured, Spig. 39. Pale face, with internal coldness, Canth. 40. Pale, slim face, with sunken, dark-bordered eyes, Calc. carb. 41. Pale face and nausea, with sensa- tion of drowsiness and diminution of all the secretions, Op. 42. Pale face, with a dingy-grayish tinge, sunken cheeks and eyes, with bluish "or blackish-gray bor- ders, Berb. v. 43. Pale face, on rising from bed, with disposition to stare, Phos. ac. 44. Red face, Cic, Hep. «., Ign., Mosch, 45. Complete redness of the face, Bell, Op. 46. Red cheeks, without heat, Oleand, Spong. 47. The face is cherry-brown, Op. 48. Dark-red face, Bell, Op. 49. Excessive almost blue redness of the cheeks, without feeling hot, morning, Phos. 50. Red face, thirst, slight delirium, (in children) Sec, corn. 51. Red face, with thirst, and diure- sis, Verat. 52. Redness of the face, with itching, and burning, as if frozen, Agar. 53. Red face, with warm forehead and palms of the hands, evening, Magn. mur. COMPLEXION, FEATURES, . Heat and redness of the-face, with internal chilliness, Ran. bulb. 40. Dry heat in the face, with bright redness of the cheeks, the feet be- ing icy-cold, Ran. bulb. 41. Violent redness and heat of the face, no sweat, Bell. 12. Erysipelatous i^dness, burning and smarting of left side of face, with itching and pricking of back, PI/ us r. 43. Burning in the face, with redness and itching, Rhus r. 14. Hot face, with red cheeks, Petrol. 45. Burning and redness of the face, Natr. carb. 46. I leat in the face, particularly in the evening, also with burning and redness, particularly of the cheeks, Bry. 47. Red, soft, hot facej Bry. 48. Bloated redness and heat of the face, Calc carb. 19. Redness and heat of the face, fre- quently, Calc. carb. 50. Feverish heat and redness of the checks, particularly the left, after midnight, Merc sol. 51. Redness and burning of the face, particularly the cheeks, sometimes only of one cheek, with coldness, i and paleness of the other, Cham, j .")2. Burning heat and redness of the left cheek, Bor. r>3. Sudden heat in the face, with redness and thirst, Canth. 54. Redness and burning heat of one cheek and ear, Ign. •">.*>. Burning, red cheeks, evening, followed by great paleness, Kal. carb. flushes of heat. 1. Flushes of heat over the head and face, with sweat in the face, Am. 2. Flushes of heat in the face, Ambr. gr. 3. Flushes of heat on left cheek. Sulph. » 4. Frequent flushes of heat in the face, without external redness, Teucr. 5. Flushes of heat on the cheeks, without thirst, Cocc. 6. Flushes of heat in face, Kal. chlor. 7. Burning heat, flushes of heat in the face, Granat. 8. Flush of heat over the cheeks, Asa f. . 9. Flushes of heat, frequently, Lye 10. Flushes of heat, with redness of the cheeks, Carb. an. ll. Redness and flushes of heat in the face, Sep. 12. Flushes of heat in the face, which can be felt externally and internal ly, Stann. 13. Flushes of heat in the face and head, Hep. s. 14. Flush of heat over.the cheeks, with rush of blood to the head, Magnet, p. arct. 15. Flushes of heat in the face, Bov. Swelling, Bloatedness. 1. Swelling of the cheeks, Carb. v., Kal hyd., Lye, Spong. 2. Puffy swollen face, Sep. 3. Swelling of the face for some days, Verat. 4. Swelling of the cheek, with swell- ingof asubmaxillary gland, attend- ed with a throbbing and lancinat- ing pain, Amm. mur. 5. Swelling of the face, sometimes elastic, especial]}" under the eyes, particularly early in the morning, or accompanied with fainting and vertigo, Ars. 6. Swelling of the malar region, and upper gums, wdth a tight pain, Con. 7. Bluish, swollen face, Con. 8. Hard swelling on the frontal eminences, resembling a nut, worse in the evening, Ars. 9. Swelling of the face and head, Crotal 0. Swelling of the cheek from the ear to the corner of the mouth, 380 SWELLING, BLOATEDNESS. with pain when touching the parts, and subsequent eruption, Dig. 11. Swelling of the cheeks, with pricking pain, and pain when touched, for eight days, Sulph. 12. Painless red swelling of the cheeks, Sulph. 13. Hard swelling of the cheeks, pa- rotids, and cervical glands, Amm. carb. 14. The left cheek feels to him as if swollen and hot, whereas it is cool to the touch, Aeon. 15. Swelling and redness of the face, Nux V. 16. Bloatedness around the eyes, mouth, and nose, with tightness of the bloated region, Nux v. 17.' Glandular swelling on the side of left cheek, Thuj. 18. Tight swelling of the face, which soon turns black, with closing of the throat, Viper, torv. 19. Swelling and itching of left cheek, Zinc. m. 20. Swelling of the face and neck, Cic. 21. Swelling and redness of the eyes and face, Stram. 22. Swelling of the face, eyes, tongue, Stram. 23. Swollen face, turgid with blood, Stram. 24. CEdema of the face, Colch. 25. Swelling on right cheek, low down, with stitches and pain when touched, Kal. carb. 26. Swelling of the cheeks, terminat- in a gumboil, Kal. carb. 27. Swelling of the face and tongue, Kal. hyd. 28. Swelling of the cheeks, with pain, Nice 29. Feeling of swelling and heavi- ness in the face, with lachrymation, Nice. 30. Swelling of left side of face and lips, Natr. mur. 31. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of left cheek, stinging, painful, with nausea and chilliness, followed by heat, returning when raising oneself in bed, Nitr. ac. 32. Painful red and hard swelling of left upper lip, and cheek, with pus in the centre, Nux jugl. 33. Swelling of the cheek, with a red, rough spot in the centre, and tear- ing pain in the teeth, Nitr. ac 34. Swelling of the cheek and upper lip, Nitr. ac. 35. Painless swelling of the cheek and gums, Phos. 36. Puffiness and swelling around the eyes, Phos. 37. The face is puffed on the side on which he has been lying, Phos. 38. Swelling of the face, eyelids, ab- domen and feet, Plumb. 39. Increased turgor of the face, Plumb, ac 40. Swelling of the face, with clos- ing of the eyes, paleness, discharge of cold water from the left nostril and eye, which turns red, lancina- tions from the head to the eyes, nose, Lach. 41. Swelling of the face, with heat and redness, Each. 42. Swelling of the cheek, with livid colour, burning heat, tightness and tingling as in frozen parts, Granat. 43. White, cedematous swelling of the cheeks, Euphor. 44. Swelling even of those parts of the face which had not been touch- ed by the juice, Euphor. 45. Red, excessive swelling of the cheeks, covered with yellowish vesicles, which break and then emit a yellowish humour (from rubbing the juice on the parts,) Euphor. 46. Red, inflammatory swelling of the cheek, with boring, gnawing, and digging from the gums to the ears, with itching and tingling in the cheeks when the pain abates, Euphor. 47. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face and outer head, Euphor. 48. The face is red and painfully swollen for some days, Guaiac. SWELLING, BLOATEDNESS. 381 49. Sort of lipomatous swelling on the cheek, Graph. 50. Brown-red swollen face, Hyosc. 51. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face, with swelling, also on the neck, Rhus t 52. Pale swelling with burning, clos- ing of the lids, lachrymation, fol- lowed by an eruption of vesicles filled with a yellowish fluid, which break : the swelling finally peeled off, Rhus t. 53. Swelling of the face and hands, his eyes were closed, Rhus f. 54. Swelling of the face, it feels tight, Rhus t. 55. Swelling of the face, particularly of the eyelids and lobules, Rhus t 56. Heaviness in the swelling of the face, Rhus v, 57. Swelling of the face, also with red eyes, or particularly on the left side, or also with red spots and blotches, with constant itching and burning after rubbing, Rhus v. 58. Swelling and heat of the face, Bell. *59. Swelling of both cheeks, and of the lips and nose, early, Aur. 60. Bloated face, shining as from sweat, with distended, protruded eyes, Aur. 61. Swelling of the left cheek and behind the ear, with pain in the temple, Bar. carb. 62. Sudden shivering, with great cloudiness of the head and face, red eyes, swelling of the face, which is covered with small, dark- red spots of various sizes, Bell 63. Swelling of the face, especially the lips, Bell 64. Hard, large swelling in the face near the nose and eye, with swell- ing of the parotid glands, lasting five days, Bell. . Swelling of the cheeks, with burning pain, Belt, 66. Red and swollen face with star- ing eyes, Bell. 67. Swelling below the left eye, with burning of the eyes, when rising", early, Natr. carb. 68. Swelling of the cheek close to the ear, with burning, Bry. 69. Swelling of the face, also of one side only, down along the nose, (attended with diarrhoea) or of up- per half of the face, particularly above the nose and under the eyes, with swelling of the lids, Bry. 70. Painless swelling of the cheeks, early, after rising, Calc. carb. 71. Swelling of the face, no heat, with prickings, Calc. carb. 72. Swelling under the left eye, without pain, Calc. carb. 73. Swelling of right side of the face, with heat, particularly below the eye, Merc. sol. 74. Swelling and redness of the face, Merc. cor. 75. Swelling of the face, neck and inner mouth, Merc prep. 76. Swelling of the face, with pimples on the nose and lips, Bor. 77, Swelling, heat and redness of the cheek, with tearing pains in the malar bone, Bor. 78. Swelling of the right side, with tension, Canth. 79. On rising the facial muscles look swollen and distorted, Spig. 80. Swelling of the face, and the la- bial and cervical glands, with chil- liness, cold feet, Silic. 81. Painful swelling on left cheek, with gumboil, Stann. 82. Swelling of left cheek, for two days, Hep. s. 83. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks, early in the morning, Hep. s. 84. Swelling of one cheek. Cham. 85. Swelling of left cheek, Merc, sol, Sulph. ac. 86. Swelling of one cheek, with draw- ing and tearing in the jaws, and a hackking grumbling pain in the teeth, which feel elongated, Aur. 87. Swelling of left side of face, after rising, Graph. 382 SWELLING, PRESSURE. •88. Swelling of left cheek, with ten | sive pain, Euphor. 89. Swollen red cheek, with small pimples, also on the nose, Kal carb. 90. Swelling of left side of face, especially cheek, Stram. 91. Red swelling of one cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain, swol- len lip and great heat in the head, Am. 92. Hot, red, shining, tight swelling of the left cheek, Am. 93. Redness and swelling of right cheek and lower jaw, with violent ulcerative pain, especially when pressing on the parts, and attended with darting while talking, sneez- ing, or yawning, Magn. carb. Sensation of Swelling. 1. Sensation as if the face were swollen, Bar. carb. 2. Sensation of swelling in the face, especially below the eye and around the nose, Calc. carb. 3. Sensation as if the face were larger and the eyes smaller, after dinner, Alum. 4. Sensation as if the left cheek were enlarged, and a slight cool- ness with burning in the skin of the cheeks, with redness, Arg. m. 5. Sensation as if the forehead were swollen, Lye. 6. Bloated face, Bry., Canth., Cham., Hydrosc. ac, Hyper.perf, Lauroc, Merc, cor., Natr. carb., Plumb, acet, 7. Bloated face, also with hot and dry skin, wThite tongue, hoarseness, oppressed breathing, spitting of ' blood, Op. 8. Red, bloated, swollen face, Op. 9. Bloated eyes, on waking, Nitr. ac. 10. Bloated, puffed, red face, Ars. 11. Red, bloated face, Chin., Hyosc, Nux v. Pressure. 1. Pressure in malar bones, Bisms Spig. | 2. Frequent pressure at left malar bone, Dulc, Mosch. 3. Violent pressure at right malar bone, Verbose. 4. Sharp' pressure in right cheek, Tarax. 5. Pressure and burning in the cheeks, Sulph. 6. Dull pressure in the region of the articular process of tempo- ral bone, aggravated by press- ing the teeth together ; the whole cheek is affected by this pressure, which increases to a stupifying tension, Vcrbasc. 7. Sensation of violent pressure at left malar bone as far as the ear, aggravated by pressing with the hands, Verbose. 8. Stupifying intermittent pressure in upper border of left malar bone, Verbose 9. Pressure across the face, Chin. 10. Stupifying pressure at left malar bone, Cocc. 11. Feeling of pressure in the orbits, with chilliness and confusion in the head, Coloc 12. Pressure at right malar bone. below the eye, succeeded by ten- sion of the whole cheek and tem- ple, Kal. chlor. 13. Pressure in right cheek, extend- ing to the ear and articulation of the jaw, early, Nux m. 14. Dull, stupifying pressure at right malar bone, and in the whole half of the nose, Plat. 15. Pressure in right cheek, with heat in cheek and whole body, Merc. 16. Pressure under the right malar bone, going off by pressing on the part, Bry. 17. Dull, numb, painless pressure at left malar bone, near the ear, Oleand. 18. Violent pressure in right cheek, near the angle of lower jaw, Oleand. 19. Pressure at the malar bone, stu- pifying rather than painful, extend- PRESSURE, TEARING. 383 ing deep into the head and root of the nose; a tensive stupifying troublesome sensation, Oleand. 20. Pressure in the cheeks from within outwards, Asaf. 21. Pressure in the malar bones from within outwards, Merc sol 22. Stupifying compression in both malar bones, as if grasped with pincers, Oleand. 23. Pain as if the two malar bones were seized with pincers and com- pressed, increasing by pressure, Cin. 21. Pressure in the cheeks as if squeezed with pincers, Anac. 25. Scraping pressure in the left malar bones, Par. quad. 26. Pressure and sticking at the malar-bone, Rhus t. 27. Pressure at the malar bones, also laming and sticking, or be- fore going to bed, Ign. 28. 1'kf.ssure, with drawing in the muscles of the cheek, near lower jaw, Kal. carb. 29. Drawing pressure in the upper parts of the malar bones, Dros. 30. Drawing pressure at the left malar bone, Cann. sat. 31. Drawing pressure in right facial bones, Stann. 32. Crampy Pressure at the left malar bone, Bell. 33. Cramp-like pressure in muscles on left malar bone, Stann. 34. Pressure, crampy feeling, tear- ing and drawing in malar bone, Bell 35. Pressure and heating, from the teeth to the eyes, Staph. 30 (Rawing pressure in leftside of face, Stann. Tearing. 1. Frequent tearing in both cheeks, Stront. carb. 2. Tearing in the sides of the face, Alum. 3. Tearing in left malar bone, Arg. m., Caust, Lye, Sulph. ac, Stront. carb., Zinc. m. . Tearing in right malar bone. 01 an. 5. Tearing in the facial bones, Kal hyd. 6. Violent tearing in malar bone, Aur. 7. Tearing in the facial bones and jaws, Amm. mur. 8. Tearing in left side of face, Magn. carb. 9. Tearing in right facial bones or in left malar bone, Magn. sulph. 10. Tearing in right half of face, or in the malar bone or lower jaw, as if the parts would be torn out, Sulph. 11. Tearing in the malar bones, in the left when exposed to the cold air, in the right the tearing is at- tended with a lancinating sensa- tion, and is succeeded by stitches in the left ear, AEth. 12. Tearing at right malar bone, with bruised pain when pressing on it, Zinc. m. 13. Tearing in left zygoma, then cheek, also with sensation as if swollen, Kal. carb. 14. Tearing in left malar bone, suc- ceeded by griping and raging in the root of a left tooth, Natr. sulph. 15. Tearing in right cheek, succeeded by beating in the neck, Natr. sulph. 16. Violent tearing deep in the facial muscles, or in the periosteum of the malar bone, waking him at midnight, Nitr. ac 17. Tearing in the malar bones, com- mencing at the angle of the lower jaw, also as if they would be torn to pieces, Nitr. ac 18. Increasing tearing in the facial bones and temples, as if every part would be torn out, until evening, Phos. 19. Tearing in right side of face, from lower jaw to temple, Kreas. 20. Frequent piercing tearing in front of the right ear, Rat. 21. Tearing in the bones of the face and head, Calc carb. 384 TENSION. 22. Tearing in the face, excessively violent in the whole left ear, Merc sol. 23. Short violent tearing from fore- head down the right ala nasi, Sep. 24. Tearing and pulling through the cheek from the head to the teeth, Staph. 25. Tearing, with pressure, in right malar bone, as far as the teeth, Teucr. 26. Tearing, with pressure, deep in left cheek, Merc 27. Darting tearing, or tearing with pressure, particularly in right nia- larbone, Spig. 28. Tearing, with pressure, in right malar bone, Spong. 29. Tearing, with pressure, in left malar bone and in the teeth, Staph. 30. Jerking tearing in muscles of ' left cheek, almost like toothache, Euphor. 31. Tearing and darting from the malar bone to the temples, worse when touching the parts, Bry. 32. Tearing in the malar bones, at- tended with lancinating pains in the left, Natr. carb. 33. Tearing in the face, extending to the head and neck, the whole night, alternating with stitches in the teeth, and terminating with shud- dering and deep sleep, Led. pal. 34. Tearing and drawing below the right malar bone, Bell 35. Crampy tearing from right ma- lar bone to palate, Kal carb. 36. Crampy feeling and tearing in the malar bones and at the root of the nose, Granat. 37. Crampy tearing in malar bone, with stupifying pressure in fore- head, Ruta. 38. Tearing and tension in the face, particularly the left side, extend- ing to the ear and head, Coloc. 39. Tearing and tension of left side of face, entering to the ear and head, Colch. Coldness. 1. Sensation on left cheek as if a cold wind were blowing upon it; when touching the part this feel- ing disappears, the hand feels hot to him and warmer than on the other cheek, Oleand. 2. Feeling of coolness in the face, Merc. 3. Sensation in the face as if cold air were blowing upon it, Magnet p. aust 4. Slight drawing and feeling of coldness above the right eyebrow, down the cheeks as far as the cor- ners of the mouth, RanunC seel. 5. Feeling of coldness in the face, Ranunc. seel 6. Shuddering on one side of the face, Puis. 7. Cold cheeks and hot temples, Berb. v. 8. Stinging feeling of coldness, or cooling, tearing pain at a small spot of the cheek, Berb. v. 9. Sensation as if cold drops of rain were sprinkled over the face, on going into the open air, Berb. v. 10. Feeling of coldness, creeping and numbness in the whole right side of the face, Plat. 11. Sensation at a small spot on right cheek as if a cold body had dropped upon it, with itching, Stront carb. 12. ----as if cold water were pour- ed over her face, under the skin, the face feeling cold to the hand; in short paroxysms, Sulph. 13. The face feels cold to him, and warm to others, Aeon. 14. Chilly feeling in left cheek, as far as the ear, Lob. inf. Tension. 1. Tension of the skin of the face, Alum., Nitr. ac, Phos., 2. Tensive feeling in the face, Magn. mur. 3. Tension in the whole face, as if albumen were drying upon it, Magn. carb. STITCHES, LANCINATIONS. 389 4. Sensation as if the face were 1 distended, and as if albumen were drying on the skin, Sulph. ac. 5. Tension of the skin of the face, as if swollen, early, on waking, Amm. carb. 6. Sense as of stretching in the face, 6he has to rub her eyes and face, as if sleepy, Amm. carb. 7. Tension with drawing' in the jaws and cheeks, Alum. 8. ---- in the face, with heat, Alum. 9. Tight feeling about the cheek as if swollen, Ambr. gr. 10. Tension in right malar bone, with pressure as from a load, Tongo. 11.----in left malar bone, in articu- lar process of temporal bone and in frontal eminence when the air blows on the parts, Verbose 12. ----and drawing in left malar bone only when lying down, Chel 13. ----in right side of the face, with pressing toward the eyes and ears ; afterwards the tension is felt in left cheek, Kal. chlor. 14. ----at a small spot on the left cheek, going off by rubbing, Phell. 15. the malar bones, as if pressed toward each violently other, going off by friction, Phos 16. ----at left malar bone, with itching, Lauroc. 17. Tight feeling in the face as if swollen, Grat. 18. Tension in left cheek, with gnaw- ing pressure at upper jaw, Samb. 19. ----in malar bones and ears, Aur. 20. ----of the skin of the face, as if albumen were drying on it; it feels hot to the touch, Phos. ac. 21. Disagreeable sensation as if something were drawn tightly over the skin of the face, the hairy scalp, and especially the temples, with cold face, Bar. carb. 22. Sense of tension in the face, Vol. III.—25 with loathing and diarrhoea, Bar. carb. 23. Tension in the face which draws his eyelids down, with disposition to throw up sputa, Bar. carb. 24. Tightness of the face and fingers when touching any thing as if the parts would swell, Puis. 25. Feeling of tension around the eyes, mouth and nose, with bloat- edness and formication in those parts, Ophiot 26. Tension with numbness, especial- ly at the right malar bone, Asaf. 27. ----on the face and forehead when moving the muscles, Bry. 28. The skin of the face feels tight and numb, Merc. 29. Tension in the facial muscles as if too short, Mosch. 80. —-— of the skin in the face, Sep, Stitches, Lancinations. 1. Stitches in the right side of face, Cupr. m. 2. Stitches in the left cheek, up c* downwards, Agar. 3. Violent stitch in right cheek3 frequently, from below upward, Sulph. ac. 4. Sticking in right cheek, at inter- vals, Stront. carb. 5. Stitches in right cheek, and ehest, with ptyalism, Verat. 6. Intermittent horrid sticking in left malar bone, Verbose. 7. Sudden stitch, with pressure from right malar bone to upper border of the orbit, deep in the bone; after which the place is sen- sitive, Zinc m. 8. Stitches in the outer parts of the cheeks, Cocc. 9. Burning, fine stitch in left cheek, Plat 10. Violent stitch from the middle of left lower jaw, through the cheek and eye, coming out at the forehead, Phos. 11. Fine stitches in the face, here and there, Plumb, acet. 38(6 DRAWING. 12. Stitches from lower jaw to ma- lar bone, Sabin. 13. Burning stitches in malar bone, Aur. 14. Hot sticking in left malar bone, painful when touched, Par. quad. 15'. Violent stitches in right cheek, whole day, Calc carb. 16. Sticking in the left lower jaw or in the malar bone, particularly when walking, Merc, sol 17'. ----in left cheek, Spig. 18. Stitches in the cheeks, Ign. 19. Dull stitches in the cheek, Mag- net, p. aust 20. Stitch in right cheek, Magn. mur. 21. Stinging in the face, here and ^\ there, Kal. chlor. 22. Stinging in right cheek, like flea- bites, 01. an. 83. —— in the cheek or left upper jaw, Spong. 24. Paua and swelling of upper jaw, with red cheeks and stinging in . them, Stann. 25. Drawing-sticking from right upper jaw to vertexj Spig. 26. Itching stitch in right cheek, leaving a burning behind, Cycl 27. Itching stitch in the cheek as from a splinter, going off by rub- bing, Plat 28. ---- pricking in right side of face, Aur. 29. Burning-itching stinging in ma- lar bones, Stann. 30. Itching stinging of the cheeks, also with gnawing, Staph. . Pricking in the skin, below the right eye^ Sulph. ac 32. Prickings in the face, at times and suddenly, Zinc. m. 33. ----in left cheek, then burning, Kal. nitr. 34. ----in the face, Nitr. ac 35. Pricking in right cheek, Rhus i. 36. Prickling in face and neck, Calc. carb. 37^ Burning prickings in the face and all over, Staph. 38. ----prickings in the face, even- ing, Magnes art 39. Prickings in the cheek, with feeling of heat, Magnet, p. arct. 40. Burning sharp sticking in left cheek, obliging him to scratch, Staph. 41. Sticking in left malar or burning stinging in right malar bone, Staph. 42. Lancinations in right cheek as from knives, Guaj. 43. Drawing lancinations in the right masseter muscles, they seem- ed to have become convulsively contracted, Sassap. 44. Fine lancination in right cheek, Carb. v. 45. Spasmodic lancinations from the eyebrows to the forehead, with burning in the palate, Canth. 46. Darting from lower jaw to in- ner mouth, Ammoniac. 47. Shootings in left malar bone, Carb. an. 48. Cutting at one spot in the cheek, followed by itching and stinging, Rhus t. Drawing. 1. Drawing in malar bones, Staph. 2; ----feeling from right side of mouth, to right eye, Lob. inf. 3. Sensation as if the skin of inner left cheek were drawn up, Tongo. 4. Drawing in right cheek, toward the nose, Nitr. ac 5. ---- through left cheek, from forehead to jawbone, through mus- cles and teeth, Rhus t 6. Fine, sudden drawing through left cheek, as far as ear, Phos. ac. 7. Drawing in the face, particular- ly in the mastoid process, or in the malar bones as if they would be raised by force, 01 an. 8. Paralytic drawing below the left malar bone, in front of the ear, Dig. 9. Beating or jerking drawing in the facial bones, sometimes with sensation as if the bones were pressed asunder, Colch. SWITCHINGS, JERKINGS, ITCHING. 38: 10. Jerking drawing in the malar and jaw-bones, early after rising, Bry. 11. Drawing and tearing in whole cheek, Dulc. 12. Drawing and tearing in the eye- brows and malar bones, Rhus t. 13. Tensive drawing in one or the other cheek, with desire to sneeze, or extending to the gums, with cramp in malar muscles, or pain in right lobule, Kal chlor. 14. Cramp-like tension drawing in single parts of the face, or particu- larly in left half, in bed, 01 an. 15. Dull, cramp-like drawing in the muscles of right cheek, on rising from bed, Guaj. 16. Prickling drawing from the right submaxillary gland to ear and tongue, Lact. vir. 17. Drawing with pressure in the malar and jaw-bones, Crot Twitchings, Jerkings. 1. Twitchings in the facial muscles, Aeon., Calc, carb., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac. 2. Twitching in the facial muscles, evening, Nux v. 3. Twitchings of the malar muscles, Phos. 4. Twitching in the left malar bone, going off after friction, Phos. 5. Slight twitchings in the face, here and there, Cann. sat. 6. Twitching of the muscles and cheeks, Puis. 7. Frequent violent twitching of the muscles in the middle of right cheek, Mez. 8. Slight twitches in left facial mus- cles, Ant, cr, 9. Twitchings of the muscles, par- ticularly of right side, more during rest, Menyan. 10. Twitchings at malar bone or chin, Sulph. 11. Twitching from left malar bone to frontal eminence, Stront. carb. 12. Twitching in right side of the face, as if one were pulling a thread across it, evening, Nux v. 13. Twitching of the cheeks toward the eyes, Sang. 14. Slight twitches in left side of face, Bar. carb. 15 Beating and twitching in the muscles of the cheek, Caust. 16. Twitchings in left cheek, with fine, burning stitches, tearing in left temple from below upw Kal. carb. 17. Convulsive twitching of every muscle in the face, Ambr. gr., lod., Lye, Tart stib. 18. Convulsions of the face, Ars. 19. Spasmodic twitching of the facial muscles, with constant disposition to laugh, Zinc. oxyd. 20. Convulsions on the left side of the face, Dig.. 21. Convulsions of the facial muscles, the mouth being almost locked, Arg. nit 22. Spasmodic twitchings of the masseter muscles, Graph, 23. Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles, corners of mouth and lids, Rheum. 24. Spasmodic movements of the fa- cial muscles, Op. 25. Convulsive trembling of the fa- cial muscles, lips, and tongue, Op. 26. Convulsive movements and twitchings of the facial muscles and lips, Cham. 27. Sensation of burning and scrap- ing in the fauces, with convulsive twitchings in the face and hands, violent inclination to vomit and retching, Brom. 28. Jerks in the face around the ear, Sulph. ac 29. Cramping, quickly-passing jerk- ings at left malar bone, Valer. 30. Jerking in the cheek at noon, scintillations before the left eye, paleness of the face with fainting, followed by vomiting a quantity of white foam; this paroxysm re- turns three days in succession, Verat. 388 ITCHING, BEATING, THROBBING. « 31. Cramp-like jerking in malar bone; the pain can be excited by pressure, it is then a continuous, cramp-like, or laming pain, Cin. 32. Sudden fine jerking in left cheek, causing him to start, Dros. Itching. 1. Violent itching of the face, Alum., Calc. carb., Cann. sat, Kal. Nitr., Lach., Natr. sulph., Phos., Phos. ac, Sep., Thuj. 2. Itohing of the cheeks and whis- kers, Natr. carb. 3. Itching of the cheeks, Staphis. 4. Itching at the malar bones, Hep. s. 5. Itching of the face, so violent that he would like to scratch the parts sore, Ars. 6. Itching of the forehead, with pim- ples, Agar. 7. Itching of the face, here and there, and behind the ears, as if pimples would break out, with sore feeling behind the ears, Verat. 8. Itching Of the face, preceded by' twitchings ; after rubbing, the face burnt like fire, Kal. carb. 9. Itching of the face, not removed " by rubbing, Nice 10. Much itching in the face and eyes, Petrol. 11. Itching of the cheeks, close to the nasal wings, Dulc. 12. Slight itching, like fine prickings, on the right side of the face, Fluor ac. 13. Itching on left cheek, chin, upper lip, corner of the mouth, going off by rubbing, 01 an. 14. Violent itching of the forehead, down the nose, Silic. 15. Gnawing and itching of the cheek and chin, worse at night, Dig. 16. Itching-gnawing on right cheek, Oleand. 17. Itching and gnawing on the fore- head, Con. 18. Gnawing-itching of the cheeks, Agn. 19. Corrosive itching of the cheeks, Granat. 20. Itching and gnawing in face and cheeks, Ruta. 21. Corrosive itching in the face, with rush of blood to the face, heat and redness, and subsequently, a num- ber of small red pimples, Caust 22. Corrosive itching of forehead and chin, Squill. 23. Continued stinging-itching in right cheek and side of the face, Con. 24. Fine stinging itching in the face and scalp, around the neck and shoulders, with a feeling of great warmth in these parts ; the itching is felt in some other place when removed by scratching, Sassap. 25. Stinging-itching of left cheek, Spong. 26. Burning-itching of the face, Kal. carb. 27. Burning itching of the forehead, left cheek, and tip of the chin, after which small blotches make their appearance, having raised hard edges, and painless, even when touched, Oleand. 28. Itching and creeping in the face, speedily returning after scratching, Nux v. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Throbbing in both malar bones, Calc. acet 2. Twitching throbbings on the left cheek, Am. 3. Beating all over the cheek, as though the muscles had been rais- ed off the mucus membrane, Arg. m. 4. Throbbing and pinching in the swollen cheek, as if two hammers beat against each other, crushing the flesh, Am. 5. Fine beating in malar bone, or stitches, passing off when pres- sure is made, Chin. 6. Throbbing all over the face, Bry. IG, FORMICATION, &c. 389 CREEPING, CRAWLIP Creeping, Crawling, Formication. 1. Creeping in the face, Cal. seg., Sulph. 2. Creeping over the left cheek, like a shivering without coldness, as far as the occiput, Am. 3. Formication in right side of face, with stinging in the fossa of the ear, tearing in right knee, itching creeping of right lower jaw, Alum. 4. Formication in right cheek, oblig- ing him to scratch, Agn. 5. Creeping and twitching towards the malar bones, Thuj. 6. Tensive creeping in the face, Lact vir. 7. Formication in the face and other parts, Phos. ac. 8. Creeping in the face, especially about the chin and nose, Ran. bulb. 9. Formication in the right cheek, obliging him to scratch, Agn. Tingling. 1. Tingling in the cheeks, Brom. 2. Tingling in left cheek, Bar. carb. 3. Tingling in the cheeks, with heat and redness, Nux v. 4. Tingling in the face, as after get- ting frozen, Colch. 5. Tingling in the face, here and there, 01. an. 6. Fine tingling in the face below the eye, and on the side of the nose, Calc. carb. 7. Tingling-itching and smarting as from salt in the face, Cann. sat. 8. Itching and tingling at the left malar bone, Hyp. perf. Tickling, Titillation. 1. Gnawing titillation in the face, Ambr. gr. 2. Slight tickling at the left temple, followed by a sensation as if the skin would be raised, Sep. 3. Titillation in the cheek, succeed- ed by a drawing in the temporal region of the same side, Ind. 4. Titillation alternately in various parts of the face, Ind. Sensation as of a Cobweb. 1. Sensation as of a cobweb on the right cheek near the mouth, Bor. 2. Sensation as of a cobweb in the face, Cal. seg. 3. Sensation as of a cobweb in the face, Ran. seel 4. Sense as of a cobweb over the face, Bar. carb. 5. Continual sensation as of cobweb in the face, Graph. 6. Tickling in the face as from in- sects or cobweb, particularly at the lower jaw, with small pustules and subsequent desquamation without crusts, Grat t Contractive Sensation. 1. The muscles of the lips and cheeks contracted, which made the mouth look pointed ; this was fol- lowed by extension of the mouth, Lye 2. Contraction of the skin of fore- head and face, Amm. carb. 3. Sensation of contraction about the nose, malar bones, and around the eyes, Nitr. ac 4. Cramp like contraction in the face, below the left ear, Dulc 5. Cutting contraction in right cheek, or burning contraction, with pressure, in upper molares, Rhus I. 6. Contraction and pressure in in- ner side of right cheek, Stann. 7. Contractive sensation at the left malar bone, Hyp. perf. Paralysis, Lameness. 1. Partial paralysis of one side of the face, Mercurial prep. 2. Lameness and tearing in the right malar bone, Agn. cast 3. Feeling of lameness in right side of face, also cramp-like feeling of lameness in left, 01. an. 4. Incipient paralysis of left side of face, after it had been swollen a little, and after some toothache ; the muscles of the right side of the face suddenly become distorted, 390 SMARTING, BITING, SWEAT, &c. the mouth is drawn to the right • side, and it is difficult to move it • or speak ; the left eye is often closed involuntarily, whilst the right eye cannot be entirely closed, and frequently remains open even when exposed to an intense light, wind or dust, Graph, Smarting, Biting. 1. Burning smarting of the skin, Phos. 2. Itching biting of both cheeks, or of the right lower jaw and zygoma, Grat. 3. Prickling biting in the cheek, for seVeral days, coming suddenly and going off soon, Rhod. Various Sensations. 1. Transitory sensation in the mid- dle of the face, as if these parts were dead, Tabac. 2. Sensation as if the left cheek were seized violently, and were pulled to and fro for a time, in the open air, Phell. 3. Pinching in left cheek, Ruta. 4. Pinching at a small spot of the lower portion of the face, Dulc 5. Jerking-pinching in the muscles of the face, Verat. 6. Gnawing in the cheeks after scratching; Plat 7. Boring and digging in the malar bones, Bov. 8. Nightly tearing, digging and bor- ing, in the malar bone as if with a red-hot iron, driving one out of bed with a horrid anguish, or else eased by sitting up in bed, or worse during rest, Magn. carb. Rush of Blood. 1. Rush of blood to the head, Bell. 2. Rush of blood to the face, with feeling of distention in the open air, going off in the room, Phos. 3. Rush of blood to the face, with burning of the cheeks, Ind. 4. The veins of the face are distend- ed, Qp. Cramp-like Sensation, Rigidity. 1. Stiffness of left cheek when talk- ing and chewing, with heat and shootings in the same, Euphor. 2. Cramp-like sensation from left malar bone to left eye, Coloc. 3. Sensation as if the facial muscles were drawn to one side, Cist 4. Stiffness of the left masseter muscle, painful when opening the jaws, Thuj. 5. Burning cramp in right cheek as if ulcerated, the skin, on the cheek being hot and rough as if an erup- tion would make its appearance, obliging him to rise from bed, with thirst, Rhus t Sweat. 1. Sweat, only in the face, Bell 2. Sweat on the forehead, on the upper lip, and upon that side of the face on which he is lying, Aeon. 3. Sweat in the face during the nau- sea, Lob. inf. 4. Sweat in the face and axillae when walking, Verat 5. Frequent sweat in the face and on forehead, Stram. 6. Sweat in the face, with nausea, the face feeling cold, afternoon, Phos. 7. Sweat in the face and on the hairy scalp, Puis. 8. Cool sweat in face, particularly about the mouth and nose, Rheum. 9. Sweat in the face, also cold, Merc. sol. 10. Sweat in the face, without heat, morning, Magnes art. Distortion, Contortion. 1. Distortion of the face, Merc, cor., Sec corn. 2. Distracted features, Bell. 3. Contortion of the facial muscles, Aeon. 4. Distortion of the face, staring look, Merc. cor. 5. Spasmodic distortion of the fea- tures, Cupr. carb.- SENSITIVE OR SORE SKIN, &c. 391 6. Cramp under the right malar bone, when moving the lower jaw, which is drawn spasmodically up during the act of mastication, Dig, 7. Distortion of the face, also with jerks in the small of the back, Lach. 8. Spasmodic distortion of the fea- tures, Lauroc. 9. The face is disfigured and dis- torted, the right side looks longer than the left, Rhus t. 10. Each single muscle of the face is put upon the stretch, Bruc. 11. The right cheek is spasmodically drawn sideways, with cramp-like, contractive pain, Calc carb. 12. Spasmodic contortion of the fa- cial muscles, with foam at the mouth, Camph. 13. Distortion of the corner of the mouth to one side, with want of breath, at 3 o'clock in the morning, Merc, sol 14. Distorted, rigid features, large eyes and staring look, with red cheeks, Squill 15. The whole face first extended in length, then in breadth, Lye Sensitive or sore Skin. I. Increased sensitiveness of the whole face, with irritation at the root of the nose, and twitchings in the canthi, Kal. chlor. 2. The skin of the face and lips feels sensitive as if sore, when touched, Puis. 3. The skin of the face is painful, (after shaving,) Carb. a. 4. Soreness as from excoriation, in the skin of the face, after washing and then wiping the face, Con. Parched Skin. Dry, parched skin of the face, Kal. carb. % 392 SYMPTOMS Eruptions. SIMPLE ERUPTIONS. 1. Eruption on upper lip, Dig. 2. ----in the corner of the mouth, with sensation of heat there, Hep. s. 3.---- on both lips, with violent fluent coryza, Mez. 4. ----along the margin, of the vermilion border, Ars. 5. ----on the vermilion border of the lips and in the corner of the mouth, Cann. [ 6. ----in vermilion border of low- er lip, Calc. carb. I 7. Fine eruption about the mouth, Magn. carb. 8. Fine eruption around the mouth, Lye, Magn. carb. 9. Sticking eruption on both ver- milion borders, Phos. 10. Red eruption round the mouth and on the chin, Verat 11. Itching eruption on upper lip, Nitr. ac. 12. Itching smarting eruption on lower lip, Bry. 13. Eruption on the margin of the vermilion border, with cutting pain when moving the lips, Lye. 14. Humid, spreading eruption on upper lip, with stinging itching, Squill. 15. Burning eruption around the mouth, Ars. 16. Cancerous eruption with a thick crust and lead-coloured basis, on lower lip, Ars. 17. Ulcerated eruption round the lips, Ars. 18. Ulcerated eruption on the lips, painful only when moving them, Caps. 19. Herpetic scaly eruption around the mouth, Amm. carb. F THE LIPS. BLOTCHES. 1. Herpetic blotches round the mouth, Sep. 2. Red blotch on margin of lower vermilion border, painful and pricking when touched, Sulph. 3. Painless large blotch above the upper lip, Magn. mur. 4. Hard blotches in the vermilion border of the upper lip, paler than the lip and sore to the touch, Arg. nit. 5. Painful, inflamed blotch in left corner of mouth, forming a pock- shaped pustule, which, after a few days of efflorescence, passed into a hard blotch of a few days' dura- tion, Arg. nit. 6. Small, white blotches on upper lip, Graph. HERPES. 1. Herpes on the lips, Sep. 2. Herpes in left corner of mouth, with cutting and sticking, Phos. 3. Herpes on upper lip, with pain as if pricked by needles, Sassap. 4. Raised herpes near the corner of the mouth, Sulph. 5. Red, herpetic skin round the mouth, Ars. 6. Herpes round the mouth, with chapped, big, upper lip, Par. quad. 7. Two small tetters around the mouth, Natr. carb. 8. Itching tetter in left corner of mouth, Carb. v. 9. Herpes on lower lip, Caust. 10. Herpetic eruption around the lower part of mouth, Magn. carb. PUSTULES. 1. Red pustules above the lip, emitting blood when scratched, Thuj. ERUPTIONS. 393 2. Pustule in corner of mouth, Phos. 3. Painful pustule on the middle of lower lip, Sep. 4. Pustules on lips, Magn. carb. 5. Pustule under the right nostril, which finally became covered with scurf, Magn. carb. 6. Pustules on upper lip, with burning itching, Led. pal 7. Burning pustules below the. ver- milion border of upper lip, Carb. v. 8. Pustules around the mouth, Natr. carb. 9. Pustule on upper lip, with red areola, Par. quad. 10. ----■ in vermilion border of low- er lip, Mur. ac. 11. ----in the right corner of the mouth, painful to the touch, Bar. carb. 12. A number of red little pustules with white tips in the centre, be- low the left corner of the mouth, Ant. cr. 13. Red pustules on the upper lip and in the right commissure, with a dull pain, Ant. cr. 14. Pustule on the upper lip, aris- ing from a painful, red shining blotch, Arg. nit. 15. ----below the right outer cor- ner of the mouth, with red areola and-tensive pain when touched, Cocc SCURF. 1. Large scurf in upper vermilion border, (in the cold air,) Sep. 2. Scurfy pimple on upper vermil- ion border, Staph. 3----- ulcer in middle of upper lip. Staph. 4. Scurf on upper lip, Kal carb. 5. Scurfy ulcerations on the border of the lip, Cham. 6. Large humid scurf below the right angle of the mouth, Calc. acet. 7. Ulcerated scurfy corners of the mouth, Nitr. ac. 8. Ulcerated scurfs on the margin of the lip, with- stinging pain while forming, Nux v. 9. Dryness of the lips, the viscid epidermis peels off, and a thin, brownish, flat scurf forms on the inner border of the lips, Berb. v. 10. Scurf without sensation in left ■ corner of mouth, Hep. s. ll. Boil on upper lip, Natr. carb. 12. Boil on lower lip, Petrol. 13. Excoriation on the right side of upper lip, with burning sore- ness, Amm. mur. tubercles, tumours. 1. Hard tubercles in the corners of the mouth, Magn. carb. 2. Small frequently bleeding eleva- tion near the right corner of the mouth, Bry. 3. Tubercle on upper lip, burning when eating, Nice 4. Large elevated induration on lower lip, under the skin, painful to the touch, Bar. carb. 5. Spreading tumour on upper lip, close below the nose, Many. pimples. 1. Pimples on lips, Kal, chlor., Ruta, 2. ----below the vermilion bor- der of lower lip, with smarting pain when touched, Merc sol 3. ----under the right corner of the mouth, burning when touched, Magn. sulph. 4. Red pimple on lower lip, with tensive pain, Mang. 5. Pimple in right corner of the mouth, with tensive and gnawing, sticking pain when touching the parts, Mang. 6. Pimples below the lower lip, painful only when touched, Ign. 7. Near the vermilion border of upper lip, not far from the corner, a white pimple, or a red inflamed little tubercle, painful as if sore, especially when moving or touch- ing the part, Magnes art. 394 SYMPTOMS OF THE LIPS. 8. Sore and smarting pimple in the vermilion border of upper lip, Hep. s. 9. Pimples and little ulcers around the mouth, with tearing pain on moving the part, Dulc. 10. Chapped lips, with pimples on the vermilion border of lower lip, with burning pain, Hep. s. 11. Pimple on upper lip, itching and then burning, Graph. 12. Thick-set whitish pimples on a red base and somewhat itching, near the corners of the mouth, Graph.' 13. Painful pimples on the upper lip, Clem. 14. Suppurating pimple at right an- gle of mouth, Colch. 15. Pimples on upper lip, Am. 16 Pimple in the groove of upper lip, with redness all around, and tensive pain, Am. 17. Burning painful pimples on both vermilion borders, Phos. ac. 18. Itching pimples around the up- per lip, Amm. mur. 19. Pimple on lower lip, with burn- ing pain, Amm. carb. 20. Small pimples on the lips, smarting, covered with a scurf, Bell 21. Pimple on upper lip, tingling when not touched, contact excites a stinging itching, Bell. 22. ----on the border of the lip, changing to an ulcer with a crust, and painful as if inflamed, Bell. 23. A cluster of small itching pim- ples with a red base below the left corner of the mouth, Bar. carb. 24. Painless pimple under the left wing of the nose, with white tip, Bell. 25. ---- on the margin of upper lip, Canth. 26. ----around the lips, forming a scurf within twenty-four hours, Mur. ac. 27. Pimple in corner of mouth, stinging and painful, Petrol. 28. Scurfy pimple above upper lip, with stinging pain, except when touched, Petrol. 29. Itching pimples above upper lip, Nux v. 30. Miliary pimples round the lips, with pus, Nux v. 31. Burning pimples on inside of lower lip, Nice. 32. Gnawing, itching pimples on the lips, Nitr. ac. 33. Ulcerated pimples on lower lip, Nitr. ac 34. Little pimples round the mouthy Nux jug I 35. Pimples on vermilion border of upper lip, Carb. v. 36. Small pimples around the mouth, forming a scurf, and leaving red spots, Natr. mur. 37. Pimples on upper lip, Calc. carb. 38. •----■ on the lips, also with sore corners of the mouth, Natr. carb. 39. ---- around the mouth and in the corners, Calc carb. 40. Scurfy pimple on the vermilion border of lower lip, Calc. carb. 41. Tensive pimples on the lips, Bov. 42. Small pimples on the inside of upper lip, Magn. p. arct. 43. Small acuminated itching and humid pimples on both lips, and around the mouth, Kal. carb. 44. Pimples on upper lip, with white pus, Lach. 45. White pimples on the inside of upper lip, Magn. mur. 46. Pimples on upper lip, also itch- ing, and then scabbing over and smarting, Silic. 47. Painful pimple on margin of lower vermilion border, Silic. 48. Blackish, painless pimple on lower vermilion border, Spig. 49. Humid pimples along the upper vermilion border, Sep. 50. Pimples with watery fluid on lower lip, near the corners of the mouth, sore when touched, and smarting when not touched, Rhus t. VESICLES, BLISTERS. 395 51. Painless, suppurating pimple on left side of lower lip, with reddish areola, Samb. 52. Pimples around the left corner of mouth, Rhod. 53. Flat, red pimple in the middle of margin of upper lip, painful when touched, Zinc. m. 54. Small white pimples on upper lip, chin and forehead (after drink- . ing a little wine,) Zinc. m. 55. Large, yellowish-white itching pimple on lower lip, Zinc. m. 56. Itching pimples on middle of upper lip, Thuj. 57. Painful pimple in margin of vermilion border, near corner of mouth, Verat. VESICLES, BLISTERS. 1. Vesicles on the lips, Carb. a., Kal. carb., Magn. carb. 2. Itching vesicles on upper lip, Mang. 3. Vesicles on right side of both lips, with swelling and tensive pain of upper lip, Mang. 4. Small, white vesicles at inner corner of mouth, and on right cheek, without pain, Mez. 5. Vesicular pimple in the vermil- ion border of the upper lip in the morning, Hell. 6. Vesicles on upper lip, -with cut- ting pain, Graph. 7. Vesicles on upper lip, painful as if excoriated, Con. >\ Burning-itching vesicles on the upper lip, near the vermilion border, Cic vir. 9. Burning vesicle on vermilion border of lower lip, Aur.f. 10. Blisters on upper lip, which become inflamed and ulcerated, Am. mur. 11. Burning vesicles on the vermilion border, and at the right corner of the mouth, Am. carb. 12. Vesicle on inner side of lip, Alum. 13. Blister on lower lip, Bar. carb. 4. Vesicles on upper lip, close to the corner of the mouth, sore when touched, Mur. ac. 15. Two yellow, burning vesicles on left lower lip, Mur. ac. 16. Vesicle on left side of upper lip, Mur. ac. 17. Vesicles on inside of lower lip, Par. quad. 18. Swelling round the lips with large vesicles, the vermilion bor- der being sore and ulcerated, tongue covered with smarting vesicles, Natr. mur. 19. Vesicles on lower vermilion bor- der, burning and smarting when the lips are moistened, Natr. mur. 20. Whitish blister on upper ver- milion bordej^ with burning sore- ness, afterwards a crust, Natr. carb. 21. Itching vesicle on lower lip, close below the vermilion border, dis- charging water, after which the place became covered with a tough skin, Clem. 22. Vesicles and pustules around the left corner of the mouth, Bov. 23. Vesicles in right corner of mouth, painful when eating, Caust 24. Vesicles on upper lip, inflamed all around, with tensive pain, Kal. nitr. 25. White blister on the inside of upper lip, with burning pain, Lye 26. Vesicles on the sides of the fore- head, and in the right corner of the mouth, Magn. carb. 27. Blister on the margin of vermil- ion border of lower lip, itching, then burning, Magn. mur. 28. Large clear vesicles on upper vermilion border, tensive and burning, Magn. mur. 29. Fever-blister on upper lip, Sulph. 30. Vesicle on middle of lower lip, Sulph. 31. Vesicle on lower vermilion bor- der, stinging and burning when touched, Staphis. 32. Vesicles on margin of upper lip, stinging whentouched, Silic. 33. Smarting vesicles on upper ver- milion border. Silic. 396 SYMPTOMS OF THE LIPS. 34. Painful vesicles on inside of lower lip, Sep. 35. Burning vesicles on upper lip, itching when touched, Seneg. 36. Vesicles on inside of lower lip and under the tongue, smarting, when eating. Rhodod. 37, Vesicles on lips, smarting or stinging, Plat. 38. Vesicles on inside of lower lip, filled with lymph, Phos. 39. Watery vesicles, or suppurating pimples on upper lip, Zinc. in. 40. White vesicles on upper lip, with elevated red border, painful when touched, Valer. 41. Vesicles near left corner of mouth, Verat. ULCERS, SORES. 1. Ulcer on the lips, emitting pus, then a greenish water, Staphis. 2. Ulcer on the lips, with gnawing, drawing pain, Staphis. 3. Large ulcer on vermilion border of lower lip, Lye 4. Thick, ulcerated lower lip, Kal. carb. 5. Ulcerations, with indurated edges and smarting pain on the mucous surface of both lips, Kal. bichr. 6. Aphthae and eruption on the lips. Ipec 7. Ulcer on the inside of lower lip, painful when touched, Magn. art. 8. Ulcer with burning pain, on in- ner side of upper lip, Caust 9. The lips are swollen and chap- ped, covered with ulcerated patches, burning when touched, Bry. 10. Large sore in lower vermilion border, Nice 11. Ulcer on vermilion border, scur- fy, with burning pain, Nux v. 12. Ulcer on inside of lower lip, Nux v. 13. Ulcer on the lip which breaks, Bell. 14. Ulcer with a red edge, and cor- rosive itching in the corners of the mouth, Bell. 15. Phagedenic ulcer on the lip, with pain in the evening, in bed, with tearing and smarting in the day- time during movements, most violent when touching it and in the open air, disturbing the night's rest, Ars. 16. Itching burning, little ulcers on the lips, Chin. 17. Scurfy, painless ulcer, near both corners of the mouth, Graph. 18. Ulcer on upper lip, Mez. 1&. Ulcer in the corner of the mouth Hep. s. 20. Ulceration of a gland in inner surface of lower lip, with sore pain, Ign. 21. Ulceration of inner surface of lower lip, without pain, Ign. 22. Painful ulcers on inner surface of lower lip, opposite the incisores, Merc sol. 23. Shining red ulcer on margin of lower vermilion border, with dull sticking drawing pain, and some- times an agreeable itching, with stinging after scratching, Staphis. 24. Spongy ulcer on inside of lower lip, Silic. 25. Painful ulcer on inside of lower lip, eased by cold water, Sep. 26. Ulcerated deep sores in both vermilion borders, with tensive smarting; they form a dark skin which is easily rubbed off when washing, after which the sores bleed and smart, Phos. ac. 27. Painful ulcer on inside of lower lip, Phos. 28. Yellow ulcer on inner side of lower lip, Zinc. m. 29. Aphthous ulcers on the inner border of lower lip, disappearing after six days, and succeeded by scraping in the throat, with con- striction during deglutition, red- ness of the posterior palate, ton- sils and upper part of the pharynx. This latter symptom came and went, several times a day, for several weeks, in succession, Gent. cruc. SWELLING, SORENESS. CRUSTS. 1. Yellow-brown crusty eruption with pus on lower lip, painless, Phos. ac. 2. Crusts on lower lip, Alum. 3. Yellow crusts on upper lip, near the margin, with smarting and burning pain, Merc sol. SPOTS. 1. Red spot above the upper lip, looking like a fissure, and causing a burning pain, Caust. 2. Red itching spot below the lower lip, soon covered with yellowish vesicles, forming a scurf, Hep. s. Swelling. OF BOTH LIPS. 1. Swelling of the lips, Am., Ars., Carb. v., Chin., Dig., Kal. chlor., Lach. • 2. The lips feel as if swollen, Alum. 3. Swelling of the lips, tongue, throat, Merc cor. 4. Swelling of the lips, with vesicles, Alum. 5. Swelling of the mouth, Carb. a. 6. Swelling and itching of lips. Nitr. ac. 7. Swelling of the lips, also attend- ed with evening-fever, Lye. 8. Swelling of the lips and upper gums, Silic. OF UPPER LIP. 1. Swelling of upper lip, Canth., Coloc, Zinc m. 2. Sensation of swelling in the up- per lip, Bar. carb., Oleand. 3. Swelling of upper lip, under the right nostril, with burning pain, Mez. 4. The upper lip is swollen every morning, Grat 5. Violent swelling of upper lip, painful when touched, tensive when not touched, Hep. s. 6. Swelling of upper lip, with burn- ing pain, Bar. carb. 7. Swelling of the upper lip, ex- tending to the nose, Ars. 8. Swelling of the* upper lip pre- ceded by a burning-stinging itch- ing, as from red-hot needles, Ars. 9. Swelling of the upper lip, close under the nose, Arg. m. 10. Swelling of upper lip, with dry mouth and thirst, Mosch. 11. Swelling of upper lip and gums, Nitr. ac 12. Painful, red and hard swelling of left upper lip and cheek, with pus in the centre, Nuxjugl. 13. Swelling of upper lip and cheek, with darting pain, Carb. v. 14. Swelling of upper lip, early, Calc. carb. 15. Swelling of upper lip, with pim- ples on it, Caust 16. Painful swelling of upper lip, Sulph. 17. Internal swelling of upper lip, Merc sol.. 18. Soft, red swelling of upper lip, it recedes from the gums, looks shaggy, with deeply ulcerated sores on both sides of the lip, stinging pain and sometimes itch ing, Merc sol. 19. Swelling of upper lip and lower cheek, soft and very red, with inch-deep depressions which looked as if lined with a grayish-yellow matter, with discharge of a watery yellow fluid; they had a putrid smell, and bled when touched, the blood oozing out from the border, Merc. sol. OF LOWER LIP. 1. Swelling of lower lip, Nitr. ac. 2. The lower lip is swollen and everted to such an extent, that the border of the lip rests upon the chin, Merc cor. 3. Swelling of inner side of lower lip, without pain, Dig. 4. Burning-stinging swelling of lower lip, Asa f 5. Swelling of lower lip and tip of 398 SYMPTOMS OF THE LIPS. tongue, with violent burning, Natr. mur. 6. Bloated lower lip, it feels heavy and burns, Mur. ac 7. Swelling of lower, with eruption, Sulph. 8. Swelling of lower lip, morning, Sep. NEAR LEFT CORNER OF LIPS. 1. Swelling near the left corner of the mouth, Asa f. 2. Sudden swelling around the left corner of mouth, Oleand. Soreness or sore Feeling. 1. Sore lips, Canth. 2. Soreness of the corners of the mouth, Lye 3. Sore upper lip, ulcerated in the middle, Zinc. m. 4. Soreness of upper lip, Magn. carb. 5. Sensitiveness of upper lip and nostrils, Kal hyd. 6. Smarting sore feeling around the vermilion border, increased by contact, Kal. carb. 7. Smarting of the borders of the lips, tip and sides of the tongue, with watery saliva in the mouth and pain in the abdomen, Ipec. 8. The corners of the lips feel sore, when touched or moved, Ipec. 9. Smarting of the lips, Ipec. 10. Soreness of upper lip, with cory- za, and long-continued peeling off of upper lip, Brom. 11. Sore feeling on inside of lower lip, Nux v. 12. Sensation as if the lower lip were excoriated, Bar. carb. 13. Sore feeling in the corners of the mouth, as if they would become ulcerated, Bell. 14. The upper lip feels sore as if chapped, Amm. carb. 15. Soreness in the interior of upper lip, Cupr. Pains. 1. Lower lip is painful wheh TOUCHED, Op. 2. Burning pain in lower lip, Phos. ac. 3. Burning pain in lower vermilion border, with burning white ve- sicles on inside of the lip, Phos. 4. Burning pain in outer and lower border of the lips, it is covered with small vesicles, Bell. 5. Burning and cutting pain through left side of lower lip, Clem. 6. Burning pain of the lips, as if burnt by nettles, when touching them with the fingers, Merc. sol. 7. Cutting pains in upper lip, Nitr. ac. 8. Pain on the inside of upper lip and in the gums, as if cut; con- tact causes a burning pain, Magn. carb. # 9. Pain in the corners of the mouth as if cut, Merc, sol 10. Ulcerative pain in the corners of the lips, Mang. 11. Pain in the left corner of mouth, as from an ulcer, Chin. 12. Prickling pain in upper lip, and in the cheeks, Stront. 13. Lancinating pain at a small spot in lower lip, Stann. 14. A hair above the lip is painful to the touch, as if a splinter were sticking in the flesh, Nux v. 15. Tensive sore pain of upper lip, as if drawn together with a fine string, and upward, early, Sabad. 16. Sore pain in lower lip, near the corner of the mouth, Sep. 17. Sore pain in both corners of the mouth; Sulph, ac. 18. Sore pain in left corner of mouth, when moving it, as if an ulcer would form, Magnet p. arct 19. Painful sensitiveness around the margin of the lips, Magnes art. 20. Pain in the lip as if sore, Caust 21. Painful soreness on the outer surface of the upper, and inner sur- face of lower lip, Chin. DRYNESS, BURNING, ITCHING. 399 22. Sore pain in left corner of mouth, Graph. 23. Sore pain in vermilion border of lower lip, as if bitten, Euphor. 24. Pain of the inner surface of lower lip, as if sore and raw, Ign. 25. Tearing pain in the lips and throat, Agar. 26. Fine painful tearings in lower lip, Magn, carb. 27. Drawing pain in the lips, ex- tending behind the right ear, Canth. Dryness. 1. Dry lips, Ant. er., Graph., Hyp. perf, Merc, sol, Phos, Thuj. 2. Rough and dry lips, Calc. carb., Plat. 3. Dry lips and mouth, evening, Verat. 4. Dryness of lower vermilion bor- der, with scurf and tensive pain, Sulph. 5. Dry lips, early, Magn.carb. 6. Dry lips, with peeling off of up- per lip, which is always hot, with tensive pain, Kreas. 7. Dry lips, early, as if too hot, Carb. a. 8. Dry lips, with or without thirst, Canth. 9. Dry, wrinkled lips, Amm. mur. 10. Burning dryness of the margins of the lips, Anac 11. The lips are dry and viscid, without thirst, Ars. nit, 12, Scaly, dry, rough upper lip and margins of the nostrils, Sulph. 13. Dryness of lips and gums, Bar. carb. 14. The lips are dry, wrinkled, parched, chapped, Chin. 15. The lower lip is thick, dry, parch- ed, Mez. 16. Rough and dry lower lip, as if from cold and rough air, Merc, sol 17. Parciikd lips, Am., Cham. , 18. Lips dry and parched, Merc. 19. Dry, parched lips, with shrivel- led skin, Mang. 20. Parched lips, mouth, tongue and fauces, night and morning, Arg. nit. 21. Dry and parched lips, cover- ed with a reddish-brown crust, Rhus t Burning. 1. Hot lips, Ambr.gr., Canth., Kal. carb., Mur. ac, Sep. 2. The lips burn like fire, Amm. mur., Phos. 3. Burning of the lips as if scalded, Sabad. 4. Dry, burning lips, Agar,, Gran., Rhod. 5. Burning ofihe lower lip, Coloc. 6. Burning ofupper vermilion* bor- der and a little above, Verat. 7. Burning of vermilion border and palate, Thuj. 8. Burning in right corner of mouth, Zinc m. 9. Tension and burning in the lips-. particularly the upper, Spig. 10. Burning in middle of upper lip, Staph. 11. The lips are always hot, prick- ing and burning, Sulph. 12. Itching burning above the upper lip, Magn. carb. 13. Burning and tension of upper lip, Magn. carb. 14. Burning at a small spot in upper lip and right corner of mouth, Natr. carb. 15. The lips burn in the evening, Natr. sulph. 16. Burning ofupper vermilion bor- der, Natr. mur. 17. Burning in outer margin of lips, as if from pepper, and swollen, Berb. v.- 18. Burning about the mouth and chin as if raw, with bubbling, Berb. v. 19 Burning heat in the lips, with moderate warmth in the body, Am. 20. Sensation on inner surface of upper lip, and in the palate as if the parts were burnt, they feel numb, Bar. carb. 400 SYMPTOMS 21. Burning at a small spot in the | vermilion border of lower lip, Bar. carb. 22. Burning at right angle of mouth, Colch. 23. Burning and feeling of heaviness in lower lip, Graph. 24. Hot, burning sensatioi in the upper lip, Mez. 25. Feeling of heat in the lips, Hyp. perf. 26. Burning and dry lips, Magn. sulph. 27. Burning of the lips, sometimes itching or pricking as if fro*m a hair, Merc. 9 Itching. 1. Itching around the lips, Kal. carb. 2. Fine itching of inside of upper lip, Thuj. 3. Itching of upper lip, chin, and around the mouth, Zinc. m. 4. Burning itching round the mouth, Silic. 5. Itching of .upper lip, Magn. carb. 6. Stinging itching around the lips, Calc. carb. 7. Fine titillating itching of upper lip, and fine stitch when touching it, Natr. carb. 8. Itching of the lips, rousing him from sleep, 01 an. 9. Smarting or burning itching in the lips, going off by rubbing, Berb. v. 10. Itching of the mouth and lips, Amm. carb. 11. Itching of upper lip, it burns when rubbed, Am. 12. Itching around the mouth, Hep. s. Spasms, Twitchings, Jerkings. 1. Twitching of the lips, Lact vir., Nice, Sulph. 2. Tremor of the lips, Crot. 3, Tremor of lower lip, Con. 4. Twitches in the corner of the mouth, Ant. cr. OF THE LIPS. 5. Twitchings in upper lip, Graph., Natr. carb. 6. Jerking in upper lip, Thvj. 7. Violent twitching in left upper lip, Zinc. m. 8. Cramp-like jerking in upper lip, at times, Plat. 9. Spasms of the lips, Ran. bulb. 10. Twitching in lower lip for two days, Puis. 11. Spasmodic sensation in the lipa, Kal. carb. 12. Twitching in lower lip, evening, Ind. 13. Convulsive movements and twitchings* of facial muscles and lips, Cham. 14. Quivering sensation in the lips, Brue 15. Spasmodic sensation in the lips, Caust. 16. Twitching of lower lip, as if some living thing were in it, evening, Cast. 17. Jerkings in upper lip, Carb. v. 18. Convulsive twitching of left cor- ner of mouth, Oleand. 19. Spasmodic movements of the lips, Bell. 20. Twitchings of upper lip when falling asleep, Ars. 21. Violent trembling of the lower lip, Am. 22. Twitching of the lips in cold air, Dulc 23. Twitchings and tremor of the left side of upper lip, Hep. s. 24. Convulsions of the lips and facial muscles, Galv. Stitches, Prickings. 1. Stitches in the lips, Thvj. 2. Shooting in upper lip, Zinc. m. 3. Dull sticking and creeping in one point of lower vermilion border, Phos. ac. 4. Cutting in upper lip, as from a 0 splinter, Sep. 5. Sharp stitches, with pressure, in upper lip, from within outwards, Staph. 6. Stitch in upper lip, Kal. carb. RIIAGADES, CRACKS. 401 7. Sticking in lower lip, as from a splinter, also with burning of inner margin as if sore, Bov. 8. Stitches in upper lip as if from splinters, when touched, Nitr. ac. 9. Sticking in the lips, early, Nux v. 10. Burning stitches in margin of up- per lip, when sitting, Phos. 11. Stitches in upper lip, Par. quad. 12. Fine stitches in the margins of the lips, at times darting, at others burning, Berb. v. 13. Stitches in the upper lip, as if a needle were bored through it, Graph. 14. Stitches in lower lip, even when not moved, Ign, 15. Burning stitches in upper lip, Merc 16. Fine stinging in upper lip, Zinc m. 17. Stinging of lower lip, Spong. 18. Stinging in the lips, early, Nux v. 19. Fine stinging in upper lip, Millef. 20. Burning stinging in the chin and upper lip, as from a spark of fire, Ant, cr. 21. Stinging in the upper lip, in the morning, as if it would burst, Gra t. 22. Stinging in the lips, especially when moving them, Ign. 23. Intense fine stinging in lower lip when touching a hair in that part, as if a splinter were stuck in, Ign. 24. Slow, sharp, and painful prick- ings in lower lip, Magn, p. arct. 25. Itching prickling in upper lip, shifting to another place after rub- bing, Calc acet. 26. Burning pricking above the left corner of mouth, Oleand. 27. Fine pricking on upper lip, ter- minating in burning, Mercurial. Rhagades, Cracks. 1. Rhagades of the lips, Caps. 2. Rhagades in middle of lower lip, Nux V. 3. Burning rhagades in lower lip, Natr. carb. Vol. Ill—26. 4. Rhagades in middle of lower lip, Cham: 5. Swelling and rhagades of upper lip ; it bleeds readily, Kal. carb. 6. Burning rhagades in lower lip, Sulph. 7. Tensive painful rhagades in lower lip, Zinc. m. 8. Burning rhagades on inside of upper lip, Zinc. m. 9. Cracks and rhagades in the cor- ners of the mouth, Merc, sol 10. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, painful as if sore, Ant cr. 11. Rough borders of the lips, with dry, cracked skin, Mur. ac 12. Dry skin and cracked lips, Kalm lat. 13. The middle of upper lip cracks, Tarax. 14. The lips are parched, scaly, cracked, excoriated, red, Tart stib. 15. Cracks in lower lip, with raised edges, and painless small pimple on left side; when passing the the tongue over these parts, they feel sore, and like velvet, painless, Teucr. 16. The lower lip is swollen, and cracks in the middle, with tensive pain, Puis. 17. Cracking of the lips, Puis. 18. Deep painful fissure in middle ofupper lip, Natr. mur. 19. Oblique fissure in upper lip, with sore pain, Phos. ac. 20. Sensation in lips as of fine cuts, as if cracked, Staph. 21. Chapped lips, Amm. carb., Arn., Bov., Carb. v., Carb. a., Colch.. Kal carb., Magn. mur., 01 an., Verat. 22. Dry chapped lips, Aloes, Alum., Kal. hyd., Merc cor., Zinc m. 23. The lower lip is chapped in the middle, Dros., Bar. carb., Hep. s. 24. Chapped lips, with fissures in the tongue, and pain, as if excoriated Calc. carb. 25. Lower lip, swelled and chapped, Kal. bich. 402 SYMPTOMS OF THE LIPS. 26. The upper lip is sore and chap- ped, Kreas. 27. The lower lip is chapped in the middle, Phos. ac. 28. The lips, especially the upper, become chapped in the middle, when sneezing or coughing, Bell. 29. The upper lip is chapped, with burning in the fissures, Agar. 30. Chapped lips and sore corners of the mouth, Amm. carb. 31. The lower lip is chapped in the middle, it bleeds, Amm. carb. 32. The lips, particularly the lower, are red, dry, chapped and bleed- ing, Gins. Distortion, Spasm. 1. Cramp of the lower lip, Ambr. 9r- 2. Risus sardonius, spasmodic dis- tortion of the mouth, Bell. 3. The right corner of the mouth is drawn outwards, Bell. 4. Spasmodic distortion or closing of the mouth, Sec. corn. 5. The corners of the mouth are drawn up, one after another, Lye. 6. The lips and mouth are spas- modically contracted, she is not able to open it, Calc. acet. 7. Distortion of the mouth to one side, Nux v. 8. ----of the mouth, Op. 9. ----of the corners of the mouth, Hydr. ac. , Tearing. 1. Jerking tearing in right side of upper lip, Zinc. m. 2. Tearing in left upper lip and gums, going off by pressing on the parts, Kal. carb. 3. Fine tearing in the lips, Caust 4. Tearing and bubbling in upper lip, Berb. v. 5. ----from the lower lip to the teeth, AEth. 6. Lancinating tearing in vermilion border of upper lip, Colch. Peeling off. 1. The lips peel off, Canth., Cham., Mosch., Sulph. ac 2. Peeling off of lower lip, Kal carb. 3. ---- off of the lips and bleed- ing for many days, with aching pain, and smarting in the open air, Plat. 4. ---- off of the epidermis, near the outer border of the lips, until the raw flesh becomes visible, Puis. 5. ----off of the lips every day, without pain or dryness, Plumb, ac 6. ----off of upper vermilion bor- der, Natr. mur. 7. 'Painful peeling off of the lips, Nux v. Ulcerated corners of the Month. 1. Ulcerated corner of the mouth, Calc. carb., Graph., Ign., Natr. mur., Nux v., Phos., Zinc. m. 2. Ulcerated corners of mouth, itch- ing, with long lasting scurf, Silic. 3. The right corner of the mouth is ulcerated, Carb. v. 4. One corner of the mouth is ub cerated, with burning pain, Carb. an. 5. Ulcerated corners of the mouth, near the commissures, with tearing pains, all round, even when not touched, Bell 6. ----corners of the mouth, with burning pain, especially when moving the lips, Am. 7. ----corner of the mouth, with sore pain, Merc, sol Altered Colour. 1. Blue lips, Morph. acet, Phos. 2. Bluish lips, Agar. Ars. 3. White-bluish spots on inner sur- face of the lips, Merc, sol 4. The lips and soft parts of the mouth have a bluish appearance, Arg. nit. VARIOUS PHENOMENA ABOUT THE LI IS. 403 5. Blue lips and nails, Chin, sulph. ' 6. Brown lips, especially the low- er, Oleand. 7. Brown streak through the ver- milion border of lower lip, as if burnt, Ars. 8. Black lips, Aeon. 9. Blackish colour round the mouth, Ars. 10. Lips with black dots, Ars. 11. Blackish lips, Chin. 12. Pale lips, Ferr. acet, Lye, Morph. acet, 13. Red lips, as if injected, Morph. acet 14. Yellowness round the mouth, Sep. Inflammation. 1. Inflammation of lips and tongue, Merc dulc 2. Soreness and inflammatory red- ness of vermilion border of low- er lip, with burning when touched, worse in the evening, Mez. Various phenomena about the Lips. 1. Drawing in upper lip, with sub- sequent red swelling of the same, Bell. 2. Slight drawing in upper lip, after which the lip seemed to be dead, it turned white, became numb, with sensation as if growing lar- ger, it would hang down, Calc carb. 3. Formication in the upper lip, Ant. cr. 4. Thick, viscid humour on the lips, Zinc, m. 5. Viscid mucus on the lips, morn- ing, Kal hyd. 6. Numbness and tingling of the lips, Natr. mur. 7. Feeling of numbness, hardness in the upper lip, Cycl 8. Gnawing round the mouth, as it sore, Plat. 9. The lips become contracted and feel greasy, Amm. mur. 10. Tingling in the lips as if they had gone to sleep, Am. ll. Burning, itching, tingling and prickling of the lips, Sabad. 12. Bleeding of the lower lip, after a meal, Ars. 13. Bleeding of the lips, Carb. an. 14. The lips bleed and crack, Ign. 15. Pinching at a point in lower lip, with sensation as if bleeding, Rhus t. 16. Slight ASTRINGENT SENSATION at the lips, buccal cavity and tongue, Arg. nit. 17. Sensation on inside of lip as if excoriated, with painful feeling ot looseness of upper teeth, and smarting of gums of both jaws, Plat. 18. Rough skin round both lips, Phos. 19. Bloody foam at the mouth, also with vacillation of the head and gnashing of teeth, Bell. 20. Tension in the middle of upper lip, Hep. s. 21. Burning tension in upper lip, right side, Mur. ac 22. Contractive tension and burning around the right corner of the mouth, as if the right half of low- er lip would be drawn toward the corner of the mouth, Kreas. 23. Feeling of coldness in the angle of the mouth, Berb. v. 24. ----of coldness on inner loweT lip, Asar. 25. Pressure as with a knife, above the left corner of the mouth, Sulph, ac. 404 SYMPTOMS OF THE CHIN. Eruptions. SIMPLE ERUPTION. 1. Eruption on the chin, Carb. v. 2 The chin is covered with erup- tions, Graph. 3. Eruption around the mouth and chin, Elec, 4. Painful eruption around the chin, Sulph. 5. Red eruption on the chin, Verat. 6. Itching eruption on the face and chin, leaving red spots behind, Dig. 7. Itching miliary eruption on the chin, for some days, Natr. mur. PIMPLES. 1. Pimple on the chin, Silic. 2* Pimple in middle of the chin, Calc. carb. 3. Itching pimples on the chin, Dulc, Hep. s., Sassap., Sep. 4. Itching pimple almost in the middle of the chin, Zinc m. 5. Pimples between the lips and chin, Kal chlor. 6. Itching pimples around the chin, Lye. 7. Fine pimples around the chin end on the neck, itching, Calc. carb. 8. Itching pimples on right chin and right side of the nose, Magn. sulph. 9. Small pimples on the chin, like rash, burning when touched, Bell. 10. Pimple on one side of the chin, stinging and itching, Bell. 11. Little pimples between the lips and chin, containing pus, with burning and smarting pain, espe- cially at night, Bell. 12. A small red pimple on the chin with a yellow tip, Carb. a. 13. Suppurating pimples with burn- ing when touched, or else clear pimples between the chin and lip, Canth. 14. Red pimples on the cheeks and around the chin, in an infant, Bor. 15. Reddish pimple on the chin, aching like a boil when touched, Euphor. 16. Red pimple on the chin, with white scab, without sensation, Dros. 17. Pimples on the chin, with red, hard circumference, at first painful when touched, until pus appears •, they leave a hardness with red areola, Nitr. ae. 18. Suppurating pimple on the right and left side of the chin, Oleand. 19. Itching pimples on the sides of the chin, filling with pus, Sassap. 20. Pimples containing a hard lump, between the chin and lower lip; after expressing their contents, they form small ulcers which last seve- ral days, Sabin. 21. Pimples on the sides of the chin, with tips filled with pus, and pains on contact, as if a sharp edge were pressed into them, attended with constant burning, Rhus t 22. Pimples on chin, with burning tension when touched, Natr. sulph. 23. Pimples on the chin and cheeks, rapidly filling with pus, Arg. nit. 24. Pimples on the chin, with ulcer- ative pain when touched, Sep. 25. Itching pimples on the chin, the larger one being surrounded with a red areola, Nux v. BOILS. I 1. Boil on the chin, with stinging I pain when touched, Silic. ERUPTIONS, ITCHING. 405 2. Large boil on the side of the chin, Nitr. ac. 1. Long-lasting scabs on the chin, Sep. 2. Scaly skin on the chin, itching vehem«ntly, Amm. carb. HERPES. 1. Red, itching, elevated herpetic spots on the chin, Silic 2. Rough herpetic spot under the chin, with itching, Bov. 3. Herpetic eruption on lower part of chin, Nux v. BLOTCHES. 1. Sensation in and under the chin, when touching the parts, as if the hand were moved over many small sores; small, honey-coloured blotches being seen here and there, Ant cr. 2. Blotch on the chin, with stinging sensation when touching it, Bry. 3. Blotches on the chin, neck, and above and under the lips, sore when touched, Hep. s. 4. Small, itching and burning blotches on the chin, more distinct when rubbed, Mercurial. PUSTULES. 1. Pustules on the chin, Nitr. ac. 2. Pustule on chin, of the size of a pea, Merc. sol. 3. Pustule on chin, with tensive pain, and leaving a red spot be- hind, Mang. • 4. Pustule with red areola on the chin, near lower lip, Caust. 5. Pustules on forehead and chin, Bov. (5. (Musters of pustules on the cheeks and chin, also resembling small- pox, Hyosc 7. Pustules on the chin, with a broad, nd border, Nux m. H. Small pustules under the chin, close to each other, itching violent- ly, Zinc. m. 1. Red ulcers of the size of a mil- let-seed, on right side of chin, painless when touched, Merc. sol. 2. Suppurating red ulcers on left side of chin, painless, Merc sol. 3. Red, itching spot on the chin, becoming ulcerated after rubbing, Natr. mur. VESICLES. 1. Vesicles around the chin, Magn. carb. 2. Burning vesicles and ulcrs on right side of chin, Hep. s. 3. Small, red, itching vesicles, full of water, on the chin, Natr. carb. ANEURISM BY ANASTOMOSIS. Small aneurism by anastomosis in the chin, painless, for some days, Plat Itching. 1. Itching of the chin, Calc. acet.- Kal. carb., Thvj. 2. Itching around the chin, Sulph. 3. Itching on right side between the chin and lips, eyen after scratching, Lauroc. 4. Smarting itching f the chin, increased by f ietion, with redness of the chin and blisters in the even- ing. Merc, sol 5. Itching on the chin, especially evening, Puis. 6. Sudden itching under the chin, Tarax. 7. Violent itching of the chin, and redness of the prominent part, Zinc m. 8. Gnawing itching near the chin, right side, Agn. east 9. Gnawing and itching of the cheek and chin, worse at night, Dig. SCABS OR SCALES. ULCERS. 406 SYMPTOM »>0F THE CHIN. Pains. 1. Painfulness of the skin under the chin, Nux m. 2. Pain on touching the chin, as if ulcerated, Spong. 3. Pain about the chin, as if scraped, or as if sore and ulcerated, Mang. 4. Drawing tensive pain in lower part of them, Caust 5. Painful pressure in right side of chin, Agar. 6. Burning lancinating pain in right side of chin, as if cut with glass from within outwards, Caust. Stitches, Stinging. 1. Stitches in the chin, where the submaxillary nerve passes through the foramen, Lact. vir. 2. Sharp stitches in the chin, Bell 3. Fine stitches in the chin, upwards through the jaw, Con. 4. Fine stitches resembling a flea- bite, between the chin and lower lip, Phell. 5. Broad cutting stitches in the front' part of chin, Stann. 6. Lancinations in right side of chin, Amm. mur. 7. Lancinations in the chin and neck, crossing each other, Zinc. m. 8. Stinging in the chin, Canth. 9. Burning stinging or itching of chin, Berb. v. • 10. Hot stinging in the chin, Nux m. 11. Burning stinging in the chin and upper lip, as from a little spark, Ant. cr. 12. Spasmodic pricking in the chin, Bell. 13. Pricking and spasmodic drawing in chin and lower jaw,' Agar. Various Phenomena. 1. Burning of the skin on the chin, Mure. sol. 2. Burning, externally, about the chin, Mang. 3. Burning and tension between the lips and chin during, Magn. carb. 4. Burning of the chin, worse by putting the skin on the stretch, Spong. 5. Cooling burning sensation in one side of the chin, Berb. v. 6. Shuddering about the chin, Stram. 7. Tensive sensation under the chin, in front, Staph. 8. Tensive feeling of numbness in the chin, as between screws, Plat. 9. Dull shocks under the chin, slowly going and coming, Plat. 10. Sensation as if the chin were sud- denly pushed up, in paroxysms, Pla. 11. Spasmodic drawing to and fro in the muscles between the chin and lip, Merc sol. 12. Tearings in the chin, Ind. 13. Crawling in the skin on the chin, Kreas. 14. Corrosive gnawing in the chin as if sore, Plat. 15. Gnawing on the side of the chin as if in the bone, Lauroc. 16. Pressure under the chin, in- creased by moving the lower jaw, Bar. carb. 17. Numb pressure at angle of chin, extending to the nearest tooth,- Asaf. 18. Pressing and digging about the chin, Aeon. 19. Twitchings about the chin, only when the parts are quiet, Coloc. 20. Sensation as of cobweb over the chin, Alum. 21. Inflammatory, swelling below the chin, as if an abscess would form, Caust. 22. Sensation under the chin, near the symphysis of the lower jaw, as if a gland were swollen; there is something hard, of the size of a hazel-nut; he feels a hard aching pain there, during deglutition, when touching the part, or when rubbing it with the cravat, Staph. 407 SYMPTOMS O Eruptions. 1. Vesicle on right lower jaw, painful when touched, Mur. ac. 2. Pustules behind the angle of left lower jaw, with tensive pain, Magn. sulph. 3. Painful blotch on lower jaw ; when touching it, it causes at first a contractive pain ; afterwards it changed to a pustule with an in- flamed border, Verat. 4. Blotch on the lower jaw, painful only when touched, Nux v. 5. Small blotches on lower jaw, Natr. sulph. Pressure. 1. Feeling of pressure under the left lower jaw as if the glands were swollen, Magn. mur. 2. Hard pressure in lower jaw from without inwards, Led. 3. Hard pressure in left lower jaw, Led. 4. Pressure in left articulation of the jaw, affecting the whole cheek, and changing to violent tension, Verbose 5. Pressure at the angle of the lower jaw, Spig. 6. Digging up pressure in the right articulation of the jaw and the adjacent bones, more violent when opening the mouth, Dros. 7. Drawing pressure in right lower jaw, more violent when touching it, Cupr. m. 8. Pressure, drawing and tearing in the lower jaw, Phos. 9. Sensation in the lower jaw as if TIIK GUMS' WERE SQUEEZED TO- GETHER from both sides, with taste of decaying flesh in the mouth, Rhus t 10. Pressure under the lower jaw, F THE JAWS. AS IF THE FLESJI WERE PRESSED DOWN, Ign. 11. Pinching pressure in the artic- ulation of the jaw, worse during motion, Bry. 12. Numb pressure at the angle of the chin, Asaf. 13. Cramp-like pressure at articu- lation of jaw, with stinging in the jaws and teeth, particularly on the right side, Kal. carb. 14. Dull PRESSURE AS WITH A DULL point, in the muscles of left jaw, Valer. Twitchings, Jerks. 1. Twitching in one side of lower lip, evening, Ind. 2. Twitching in lower jaw, Kal. carb. 3. Twitchings in left lower jaw, Natr. carb. 4. Tearing jerks in right upper jaw, Carb. v. 5. Jerking in left lower jaw when talking, Canth. 6. Pressing jerk in the jaw as if one received a blow with the palm of the hand, Berb. v. 7. Tearing jerking in upper jaw, towards the eye, evening, Magnet. p. aust 8. Jerkings in lower jaw, Phos. 9. Beating and jerking in the mus- cles of the left upper jaw, Sabad. 10. Jerks in lower jaw, when falling asleep, Sulph. 11. Drawing jerk in left lower jaw, Sulph. Swellings, Tumours. 1. Swelling of lower jaw and sub- maxillary glands, with loose teeth, Kal. carb. 2. Swelling, with drawing pains, on left side of lower jaw, Calc carb. 408 SYMPTOMS OF THE JAWS. 3. A swelling of the size of a pigeon's egg, on the jaw, behind the gums, painful when chewing, Amm. carb. 4. Swelling of the jaw, with diffi- culty in opening the mouth, and stitches while opening it which shoot up to the temples, Alum. 5. Swelling of the right lower jaw, with tension and drawing in the skin as far as the ear, 01 an. 6. Glandular swellings near the ar- ticulation of lower jaw, Phos. 7. Swellings on both lower jaws, I painful When stooping and pressing i on them, Petrol. ' 8. Small painful glandular swelling between the articulation of the jaw and the antehelix, Puis. 9. Glandular swelling on lower jaw, Sulph. 10. Large painless lump on lower jaw,tensive when chewing, Sulph. ll. Painful swelling on lower jaw, below the gums, Sulph. 12. Painful swelling on upper jaw, above the gums, Sulph. 13. Red tumour at the angle of the right lower jaw, with drawing pain increased by contact, Stann. 14. Hard swelling at the angle of lower jaw, with heat in the head, Lye Liability to get Sprained or Dislocated. 1. The right articulation of the jaw is liable to get sprained, in the morning, in bed, very painful, Petrol. 2. Sensation as if the jaw would become dislocated, Lauroc. Difficulty of opening the Jaw, Stiffness, Immobility. 1. Inability to open the jaws, on account of a painful stiffness in the masseter muscles, Bell 2. Sensation when chewing as if the joint could not be separated, and as if the joint would crack, Sep. 3. Sensation as if the opening of the mouth were impeded by some- thing in the articulation of the jaw, early in the morning, 01 an. 4. Great pain and stiffness of the joint, with difficulty of opening the mouth, and sensation as if the difficulty arose from a bone in front of the joint, Natr. sulph. 5. Almost complete immobility of the jaw, scarcely permitting him to open his mouth, with violent pain, Merc, sol 6. Stiffness of the jaws, Aron, 7. Immobility of, the jaws, the tongue protrudes between the teeth, Crotal. 8. She is unable to open the jaws with tensive pain on right side of os hyoides, bitter taste of every thing he eats except milk, which has a good taste ; tearing and hard hearing in right ear, emission of a quantity of hard, fetid flatulence, and humid eruption on the head, Merc, sol Pains. 1. Pains in the jaws, Nitr. ac. 2. Pain under the lower jaw, Merc sol. 3. Pain in the upper jaw, Op. 4. Violent pains in lower jaw, Op. 5. Raging pain in the jaws, Rip. t 6. Weakness and pain in lower jaw, evening, Nitr. ac 7. Pain at a small spot behind the angle of the lower jaw when touch- ing it and pressing upwards, Sabin. 8. The lower jaw is painful when touched, for some days, Sabad. 9. Painfulness of the lower jaw to the touch, Spong. 10. Violent pain in articulation of the jaw, which is swollen, and at times even immoveable, attended with swelling of the cheek, Calc. caust, 11. Pain hi lower jaw, striking through it from without inward, going off soon, Bell. 12. Pain in articulation of right jaw, PAINS. 409 when talking, as if there were a tubercle, with sore throat, Nice. 13. Compressive pain in articulation of jaw, most violent when opening the mouth widely, Natr. mur. 14. Crampy pain in right jaw, Kal. carb. 15. Cramp-pain at articulation of right jaw. Colch. 16. Crump-pain in the rami of lower jaw, Asa f 17. Cutting cramp-pain at articula- tion of lower jaw, Asar. 18. Pain in opening the jaws, as from a cramp, Cham. 19. dampy aching pain in left sub- maxillary glands, Magn. p. arct. 20. Cramp-pain in the jaws, after eating, Mang. 21. Cramp-pain at articulation of jaw, when the parts are at rest, or in motion, less when pressing on the joints or when eating warm things, Rhus t. 22. Cramp-pain in lower jaw, or in its lower border, Plat. 23. Cramp-pain in lower jaw, preced- ed by pain in the neck, Sep. 21. Painful contractive cramp in the left articulation of the jaw, and afterwards in the temple, Silic. 25. Cramp-like pain in right jaw, Nitr. ac. 20. Cramp-pain in articulation of right jaw, with difficulty in open- ing the mouth, Nice 27. Paix on left side of lower jaw, as from a tumour or ulcer, Caps. 28. Ulcerative pain, with throbbing, in left articulation of jaw, going off by pressure, Natr. carb. 29. Contractive pain in the jaws, :is if caused by an acid, with shud- uYi'mg and cold sweat in the face, Puh. 30. When eating, all the muscles of the lower jaw are painful as if bruised, so that he has to stop chewing, Verat. 31. Bruised pain in left upper jaw, Mang. 32. Pain as from a blow, in the bor- der of lower jaw when touching it, Berb. v. 33. Pain as if bruised, in the arti- culation of right jaw when moving it to and fro, Am. 34. Pain of the jaws, as if broken, Sassap. 35. Bruising pain in the lower jaw, evening, Lauroc 36. Pain as if sprained in the arti- culation of the jaw, when opening the mouth wide, Coral. 37. Pain in the articulation of the jaw when yawning violently, as if it would become dislocated, Rhus t 38. Pain in the articulation of the jaw as if bruised, or as if it would break, when moving it, Rhus t 39. Tearing, digging up pain in lower jaw, Cocc 40. Digging pain in lower jaw with dry mouth and lips, August 41. Aching and digging up pain in the submaxillary gland, even when not moving it, Rhus t 42. Boring pain in the swollen sub- maxillary glands, Lye. 43. Gnawing pain in left upper jaw, Kal. nit. 44. Painful gnawing in left lower jaw, Bar. carb. 45. Rheumatic pain in the jaws, Natr. carb. 46. Violent, distressing, pressing pain in upper jaw, Mercurial. 47. Jerking tearing pain in the pe- riosteum of lower jaws, a sort of tearing, boring, pricking and burn- ing, Magnes art. 48. Pain in the lower jaw as if torn out of its joint more so when chewing, Phos. ac 49. Drawing tearing pains in lower jaw. Puis. 50. Pain in chewing, as if the right articulation of the jaw would be torn out, Spig. 51. Tearing pain in cheek and upper jaw, as if in the teeth or their roots, with heat and feeling of swelling in the cheek, ear-ache and tearing in left temple, Mercurial. 410 SYMPTOMS OF THE JAWS. 52. Drawing-tearing pain in the jaws, Nux v. 53. Drawing pain in the jaws, with drawing in the head and dulness, C nb. v. 54. Drawing pain in left upper jaw, Graph. 55. Drawing pain in upper jaw, Euphor. 56. Frequent drawing pains in low- er jaw, especially in the evening, Anac 57. Drawing pain in right submax- illary gland. Arg. 58. Drawing pain in left jaw termi- nating in a stitch, Guaj. 59. Drawing pain in right lower jaw, the submaxillary glands feel heavy with throbbing in them, worse af- ter walking, Lye. 60. Dull drawing pain with pressure at the angle of right lower jaw, Phos. ac. 61. Aching drawing pain at the an- gle of the right lower jaw, worse when touched, Sabin. 62. Drawing pain at both angles of lower jaw, Tab. 63. Drawing pain in flesh of right jaw, Nux m. 64. Tensive pain in the articulation of the jaw, Spig. 65. Tensive pain in submaxillary glands as if swollen, and as if the lower jaw were less painful, Tab. 66. Sticking pain in the articulation of the jaw when opening the mouth, Verat 67. Shooting pain in left upper jaw, towards the ear, Kal bich. 68. Dull sticking pain in right ramus of lower jaw, worse when pressed upon, Cina. 69. Darting pain in left lower jaw, Cina. 70. Pressing sticking pain in the jaws, especially the lower, and at night, Berb. v. 71. Darting pain in lower jaw, even- ing, Lye 72. Pricking pain, with pressure, in the lower and inner border of the right lower jaw, only when touch- ing it, or bending the head back- wards, Sassap. 73. Dull sticking pain in left side of lower jaw, Sabin. 74. Stinging pain in left lower jaw and sometimes in the submaxillary glands, especially when touching them, Sep. 75. Stitching pain at articulation of jaw, below and in front of left ear, when moving the lower jaw side- ways, when biting hard and press- ing upon the joints with the finger, Zinc. m. 76. Crushing aching or pinching pain in the submaxillary glands, Magn. p. arct 77. Pinching pain in the submaxillary gland, Verat. 78. Sore pain as from excoriation, in lower jaw, Mang. 79. Boring jerking pains from the temple to the lower jaw, when sitting, Ind, 80. Great pain in the articulation of lower jaw, when closing it, Bar. carb. 81. Pain in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing, Aeon. 82. Pain in the jaws as if screwed together or asunder, Ambr. gr. 83. Smarting pain in forepart of lower jaw, Verat. 84. Burning pain in lower jaw, Caust. 85. Boring, or boring-gnawing tear- ing pain in the angle of left lower jaw, extending to the temporal re- gion and parietal bone, at times into one, at times into the other ear, with beating deep in the bones; the pain is felt when sitting, and eased by rubbing, Ind. Aching. 1. Aching in right upper jaw, lod. 2. Dull aching pain in right upper jaw, below the malar bone, Oleand. 3. Dull ache in left jaw, Guaj. 4. Aching and twitchings, (intermit- STITCHES, TEARING. 411 tent tearings,) in the muscles on the ramus of the lower jaw, Am. Stitches. 1. Stitch in middle of lower jaw, Bar. carb. 2. Sharp stitches in lower border of right lower jaw, Bell. 3. Stitches in the direction of the ear, and tension of the jaw, Bell. 4. Stitches in lower jaw, through the ear, Thuj. 5. Single stitches from the jaw to the inner ear, Cham. x 6. Intermittent dull stitches in out- er border of lower jaw, Aur. 7. Stitches in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing, as far as the ear, or from the ear to the chin, Bell. 8. Drawing stitches in left upper jaw, from below upwards, Clem. erect. 9. Violent stitches from behird for- wards, below the right lower jaw, near the neck, going off speedily when touching the part, Euphra. 10. Stitches in the lower jaw, Dig. 11. Stitches from angle of lower jaw towards the parotid gland, Mang. 12. Drawing stitches from left sub- maxillary gland towards the cheek, Rhodod. 13. Stitch in the articulation of the jaw, when laughing, Tab. 14. Stitching in lower jaw, through the car, Sulph. 15. Dull stitches in articulation of jaw, Natr. mur. 10 Continuous stitch in articulation of jaw, Nitr. ac. 17. Pressure and dull sticking in right articulation of the jaw, dur- ing motion and deglutition, Kal nit. 18. Sticking and drawing in the jaws, Aeon, 19. Prickling and searching sensa- tion in lower jaw, Caust. 20. Stinging, with pressure in the jaws, Ambr. gr. 21. Single fine prickings in left lower jaw, increased by pressure, Cina. 22. Prickings in left lower jaw, from behind forward, impeding mastica- tion, Euphor. 23. Stinging in upper jaw and lip, Ind. 24. Dartings in upper jaw, Coloc. 25. Dartings in right ramus of lower jaw, Valer. 26. Violent dartings when laughing, from right lower jaw across the temple, Mang. 27. Dartings from lower jaw to inner mouth, Amm. 28. Darting in the jaws, striking through the head and ear, or else on the left side of the chin, Lauroc. 29. Single dartings through the left lower jaw, terminating in a hollow tooth, Sabin. 30. Dartings in right lower jaw, Nitr. ac. Tearing. 1. Tearing in right lower jaw, Agar., Bar. carb., Caust, Ind. 2. Tearing in the upper jaws, Cycl., Sep. 3. Tearing in the left articulation of the jaw, Sep. 4. Tearing in lower jaw, here and there, Sulph. ac 5. Violent tearing in right upper jaw, Calc. carb. 6. Tearing in right upper jaw, even- ing, Sulph. 7. Frequent tearing in left lower jaw, Natr. carb. 8. Tearing in lower jaw, towards evening, Merc, sol 9. Jerking tearing in left lower jaw, Lye 10. Frequent tearing in the upper or lower jaw of right side, carb. an. 11. Deep tearing in ramus of right lower jaw, below the sockets, Agn. cast. 12. Tearing in right lower jaw, with tingling itching in crown and roots of the teeth, going off by pressing the teeth against each other, Tong. 412 SYMPTOMS OF THE JAWS. 13. Tearing in right jaw, upper and lower, with sensation as if the teeth were elongated, Colch. 14. Tearing in left jaw, extending into the head, with toothache, Kal. nit. 15. Tearing in right lower jaw, also in the teeth, or when walking, Canth. 16. Tearing in the jaws and and teeth, succeeded by violent sneez- ing and discharge of a clear acrid fluid from the nose, Kal hyd. 17. Violent tearing from submaxilla- ry glands, as far as the teeth, Ind. 18. Frequent tearing in right ramus of lower jaw, Anac. 19. Violent tearing in lower jaw and teeth, Kal. hyd. 20. Tearing in the lower jaw, the roots of the teeth, aoross the face, as far as in front of the ear, where the pain became darting, Mag. mur. 21. Violent tearing in the middle of lower jaw, passing into the molar teeth, where it changes to a gnaw- ing pain when sitting, Ind. 22. Tearing in the angle of the left lower jaw, and in the molars, Lauroc 23. Tearing in the jaws in the even- ing, when lying, ceasing when mov- ing the jaws, Phos. 24. Tearing at a small spot on the left lower jaw, Phell. 25. Tearing in the lower jaw, to- wards the ear,and extending to the nape of the neck, making the mo- tion of the head painful, Spig. 26. Tearing in left upper jaw, below the orbit, Mur. ac 27. Tearing in upper jaw, (antrum Highm.,) toward the eyes, succeed- ed by swelling, Merc cor. 28. Tearing in lower jaw, along the roots of the teeth, Mercurial. 29. Tearing in the jaws, evening and night, succeeded by swelling of the gums, worse on pressure, Nice 30. Cramp-like tearing in lower jaw, especially in the chin, Zinc, m. 31. Tearing with pressure in right lower jaw, going off by pressure, Aur. 32. Lancinating tearing in left up- per jaw, during rest and motion, Menyan. 33. Lancinating tearing in left lower jaw, Graph. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the angle of the jaw, sometimes extending down the nape of the neck, Asaf. 2. Drawing to and fro in the jaws, Caust. 3. Drawing from the mastoid pro- cess along the inner parts of the jaw to the teeth, Mez. 4, Drawing, extending from the jaw to the ear and head, shortly after drinking, Con. 5. Drawing in left jaw and cheek, Magn. p. arct 6. Slight drawing, now in left, then in right lower jaw, Lob. inf. 7. Violent drawing in lower jaw, Phos. 8. Drawing in the jaws and teeth, Sabad. 9. Spasmodic drawing in the jaws, Sulph. 10. Drawing and tension in the jaw, below the ear, Petrol 11. Sensation as if the lower jaw were drawn in ; with great pain when moving it forward, and ex- cessive pain when biting, Bell 12. Drawing and tearing in upper and lower jaws, with swelling of the cheek, and hacking, grumbling pain the teeth, which feel elongat- ed, Aur. •Lockjaw. 1. Lockjaw, Aeon., Bell, Camph., Cic, Op., Plumb, ac, Verat 2. ----, with perfect consciousness, Hyosc, Nux v. 3. ----, with chilliness, Each. 4. ----, with grinding of the teeth, and discharge of foamy and even bloody saliva, Canth. GRINDING, CARIES, CRACKING, &c. 413 5. Lockjaw, attended by convulsions of the limbs and chilliness, Bell. 6. Spasmodic lockjaw, with swell- ing of the hands and arms, Crot. 7. Lockjaw with loss of conscious- ness, and intermittent breathing, Ophiot 8. Closing of the jaws, Phos. 9. Tetanic closing of the jaws, Cupr. acet. 10. Spasmodic closing of the jaws, Tart. stib. 11. Sensation in the jaws, or mus- cles of mastication as if lockjaw were coming on, although the mo- tion of the jaws was quite easy, Nux V. 12. Disposition to clench the teeth, as in lockjaw, Lauroc 13. Sensation as if the lower jaw would be drawn up and as if the jaws would be closed, Ign, 14. The lower jaw is involuntarily PRESSED AGAINST THE UPPER, Acoil. Spasmodic Contraction. 1. Spasmodic contraction, with; pressure, from both articulations forward, Nux m. 2. Painful spasmodic contraction in both articulations of the ■ jaw, Fluor, ac 3. Spasmodic contraction of the jaws, Cupr, m. Grinding of the Teeth. 1. Involuntary grinding of the teeth as from a cramp, somewhat painful, Ars., Cic. vir., Phos., Sec. corn. 2. Violent loud motion of lower jaw, and frightful grinding of the teeth, Plumb, ac. 3. Grinding of teeth, contortion of the hands, and shuddering lock- jaw, with closed lips, Stram. 4- ----of teeth, with gloominess in the head, Stram. 5- ----of teeth, with raising the hands above his head and moving them as if he were winding a ball of thread, Stram. 6. Grinding of teeth, with shudder- ing over the whole body, Stram. 7. ----, the pain woke her, Merc. sol 8. ----, with spasm of right arm, Bell 9. ----, with foam at mouth, smel- ling like rotten eggs, Bell 10. ----, with profuse salivation, Bell. Caries. 1. Caries ofupper jaw, Merc prep. 2. ---- of the jaw and palate- bones, Merc. prep. 3. ----of the jaw, Merc sol 4. ^oma, rapidly spreading, gan- grenous destruction of the soft and hard parts of the face, lips, cheeks, gums, teeth, upper jaw, generally in children, Merc, dulc Cramp, Spasm. » 1. Cramp in lower jaw, 01 an. 2. Crampy sensation, with pres- ^ sure, in right lower jaw, Verbose 3. Spasm of the jaws, Con. 4- ----in the jaws, almost closing the throat, Kal. carb. Cracking. 1. Cracking in the joint of the jaw, when chewing, Nitr. ac 2- —— in the joint when moving the jaw to and fro, (morning,) Rhus t. 3. ----in articulation of left low- er jaw when opening the mouth, 01 an. 4. Tearing, tension and crampy sen- sation in the articulation of the jaw, with cracking in chewing, Gran, Paralysis. 1. Hanging down of lower jaw, Op. 2. Lameness of the jaw when be- coming cold, Dulc. 3. Incipient paralysis of lower jaw, Am. " ^ 414 SYMPTOMS OF THE JAWS. Involuntary Motion. ]. Movement of the lower jaw as if he were chewing, Mosch. 2. The lower jaw is involuntarily pushed backward and forward, Lye Gnawing. 1. Gnawing in lower jaw, Canth. 2. ----in lower jaw, Kal. hyd. Various Phenomena. 1. Tension in articulation of jaw when opening the mouth wide, Merc, sol 2. Boring or drawing tension in the submaxillary gland, Puis. 3. Tension in the jaws, Menyan. 4. Shortening of lower jaw, Alum. 5. Burning itching of the lower jaw, going off by rubbing, Natr. carb. 6. Violent itching, gnawing, and boring in lower jaw, before retir- ing, with bloody pimples of the size of a millet-seed, Par. quad. 7. Tingling itching of the border of the right lower jaw, Calc carb. 8. Creeping and quivering in low- er jaw, 01 an. 9. Throbbing in right lower jaw, after breakfast, Natr. carb. 10. Sense as of buzzing in left low- er jaw, passing into a disagreeable tingling in the teeth, Mur. ac. 11. ---- of bubbling in lower bor- der of lower jaw, Bell 12. Disagreeable gurgling sensation in right articulation of the jaw, leaving behind it a sensation as if the parts were swollen, June. eff. SUBMAXILLARY GLANDS. 1. Swelling of submaxillary glands, Bar. carb., Lye, Natr. carb., Petrol, Zinc. m. 2. Painless swelling of submaxil- lary glands, Cocc, lod. 3. Swelling of submaxillary glands, with pain when touching or mov- ing the neck, Nitr. w. 4. Painful swelling o° submaxillary glands, Stann. 5. Swelling of the ton-ils and sub- maxillary glands, Stam. 6. ----of the submaxil'arv elands, painful when touched, with draw- ing pain in the glands and s e throat when swallowing, as if swal- len internally, Silic 7. Swelling of the submaxillary gland; when pressing on it one feels a pain in the tooth, Sep. 8. ----of the submaxillary gland, deglutition causes a pricking in the gland, Rhus t 9. ----of left submaxillary gland, with sore throat, especially on left side, causing a sort of strangula- tion and constriction of the fauces when swallowing, Verat. 10. ----of the submaxillary glands, with pressure and pain as from contusion, or painful only when pressing on the gland, Ars. 11.----of the submaxillary glands, with pain to the touch and stiff- ness of the neck, Graph. 12. Hard swelling of a submaxillary gland, with painful tension when chewing, and stinging pain when touching it, Calc. carb. 13. Painful swelling of left submax- illary gland, with increase of pain on bending the head forward, Coral 14. Swelling of the submaxillary gland, painful when swallowing, Chin. 15. ----and hardness of submaxil- lary gland, with nodosities in the forearm, painful when moving the hand over them, Cocc. 16. Pain and swelling of the sub- maxillary glands, they feel tight when opening the mouth, Amm. carb. 17. Swelling of the submaxillary gland, painful on raising the head, Am. 18. ----of a submaxillary gland, with feeling of pressure in it, Calc. acet. SUBMAXILLARY GLANDS. 415 19. Swelling and inflammation of the submaxillary gland, sometimes with stitches, Sulph. ac. 20. Inflammation and swelling of right submaxillary gland, becom- ing indurated in a few days, and then sc i ing off, Graph. 21. Inflammatory swelling of the left submaxillary gland, Magn. mur. 22. Swelling and suppuration of sub- maxillary glands, Kal. hydriod. 23. Sensation as if the the submax- illary glands were swollen, with ulcerative pain, Calend. 21. Pain of submaxillary gland, Bar. carb., Nitr. ac, Squill. 25. Pain in the submaxillary glands, the pain affecting even the tongue which looks burnt, Sulph. ac 26. ----in the submaxillary glands as if crushed, also painful when touched, Sep. 27. ----of the submaxillary gland when touched, without swelling, Silic. 28. ----of the submaxillary glands, when swallowing, as if they ex- tended into the throat and were raw and sore, Puis. 29. ---- in the left submaxillary gland, when touching it, resem- b^ng a broad stitch with pressure, attended with sore throat, Phos. ac. 30. The right submaxillary gland is painful when pressing on it or when moving the lower jaw, Magn. carb. 31. Pain of the submaxillary gland when touched, Kal carb. 32. Aching in the submaxillary glands, Cina, Graph. 33. Dull, aching pain in the submax- illary gland, with or without de- glutition, Aur. 34. Pain in the submaxillary gland as if swollen, Ambr. gr., Aur., Magnet, p. aust. 35. The submaxillary glands are painful as if swollen and con- tused, Natr. mur., Staph. 36. Dull pressure in submaxillary glands and about the neck, Nitr. ac. 37. Pain, and choking, crampy pres- sure in the submaxillary glands, when moving the neck, Chin. 38. Stitches in the submaxillary glands, they are swollen, Silic 39. Prickings in the submaxillary. glands which are painful when touched, Sulph. 40. Swelling of parotid gland, with tight pain, Graph. 416 SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. TEETH. Drawing. 1. Drawing in the teeth, Calc carb. 2. Drawing in single upper teeth, 01 an. 3. Sharp drawing in the incisors, at intervals, Zinc. m. 4. Drawing in the lower teeth, from before backward, and in upper jaw from behind forward, Valer. 5. Drawing in all the teeth, with swelling and redness of the gums, Magn. carb. 6. Drawing from the hollow tooth to the ear, aggravated by cold wa- ter, Sep. 7. Drawing in the teeth, as from a cupping-glass, Sep>. 8. Drawing, first in right side of neck, then in a hollow tooth, and lastly, in the ear, with dull stitches in it. Plat. 9. Drawing, particularly in decayed teeth, changed to a darting pain by cold things, par. quad. 10. Drawing and jerking in all the teeth, Ran. seel 11. Drawing in a lower molar, also succeeded by darting from the righvj upper jaw to the ear, early in the morning, Phos. 12. Sharp drawing from the ear to the upper hollow teeth ; in the teeth the pain became boring, worse after eating and at night, Bell. 13. Dull drawing in the right upper teeth the whole night, with swell- ing and heat in the affected spot; occasional jerks in the teeth, Bell. 14. Drawing, now in one, then in another tooth, aggravated by warmth, with swelling of the inner gums, Ambr. gr. 15. Drawing in a left lower malar tooth, at night, every time she wakes, Carb. an. 16. Continual drawing in the left ma- lar teeth, especially afternoon, Carb. an. 17. Drawing in the teeth, with flushes of heat in the face, Carb. an, 18. Drawing at times in one, at times in another tooth, Hyosc. 19. Drawing in a hollow tooth when eating any thing cold, net wheii taking a cold drink, extending even through the temples, Con. 20. Drawing in the upper incisors, Grat. 21. Drawing in the right upper teeth, with feeling of swelling in the upper lip, Coloc 22. Drawing and tearing in the teeth, aggravated by cold air or water, Sulph. 23. Tearing-drawing from the lower- front teeth to the malar bone and temples, Alum. 24. Tearing-drawing in the upper teeth, followed by a fainting spell, (while smoking as usual,) Chin. 25. Tearing-drawing in the left upper teeth, with sensation as if elongat- ed, Kreas. 26. Sudden cramp-like drawing through the upper and lower rows, Plat. 27. Cramp-like drawing in the right lower teeth, Anac. 28. Beating-drawing in the last mo- lares, right and left, Zinc. m. 29. Stinging-drawing in the teeth, Ran. seel 30. Lancinating drawing in an inci- sor, as if a current of air rushed in, Ambr. gr. GNAWING, DULL TEETH SET ON EDGE, vkc. 417 31. Gnawing-drawing in a hollow tooth, after eating, worse in the open air, Staph. Gnawing. I. Gnawing in the sockets, Graph. 2. Gnawing in a lower left molar, Phos. 3. Gnawing in the posterior molars, Sen. I. Gnawing in a right lower molar, also with boring, or with secretion of a sour, fetid water, when suck- ing it, Nice 5. Gnawing in the right upper teeth, then in the left ear, and lastly, in the tendons of the left hamstrings, Kal. hyd. Dull Teeth, set on edge. I. The teeth feel dull, Phos., Sep., Zinc m. 2. The teeth feel dull, as from acids, Mez., Phos. ac, 3. The teeth are dull, painful when chewing, Sulph. 4. Dull teeth, afterwards stinging pains in the same, Ran. seel. 5. The teeth are set on edge, Aeon. 6. The molares feel dull, Aur. 7. The teeth are set on edge, and insensible, as it were, Dulc Throbbing, Beating, Pecking. 1. Quick succession of peckings in a hollow tooth, with swollen inflam- ed gums, and a red and burning cheek; the toothache increased after a meal, improved in the open air, but got worse in a smoky room, Magn. p. arct 2. Hacking or sharp beating in the gums, Thuj. 3. Beating in a left molar, with heat in the head, Magn. sulph. 4. Beating and boring in the teeth, Sulph. 5. Beating in the teeth, after a meal, Euphor. Vol. III.—27 6. Stitching - beating in various roots, with burning in the gums, especially when touched by warm things; in eight days the tooth turns black, and becomes hollow, Sep. 7. Beating, jerking, and stitching in the teeth, when exposed to the least air, Phos. 8. Beating and stinging in the teeth, after midnight, Bar. mur. 9. Stinging, beating in the right lower molares, as if one beat upon them with a wire, Coloc. 10. Throbbing and tearing in the left upper molares, Agar. 11. Throbbing and pressure in the teeth, Amm. carb. 12. Throbbing and boring in ihe teeth, Natr. mur. 13. Tumultuous throbbing in a left upper molar, at night, with increas- ed warmth of body, Natr. sulph. 14. Throbbing in the tooth, with burning in the gums, swollen, red, hot cheeks, with burning pain and beating in the cheeks, afternoon, Magn, p. arct. 15. Throbbing in a hollow tooth, fol- lowed by pressure in the tooth, as if something had got into it, with drawing in the temples, Magn. p. arc!, 16. Throbbing or pecking sensation in an incisor, after dinner, Kal. Elongated, raised Teeth. 1. The teeth feel longer, Alum., Calc. carb., Nitr. ac, Stann. 2. The teeth feel elongated and loose, Carb. an., Hyosc. 3. The front-teeth feel elongated, Bell. 4. The left teeth feel elongated, Mez. 5. The teeth feel elongated and raised, Caps. 6. A molar feels elongated; when touched by cold water, it feels as if it would be pulled out, Magn. carb. 418 SYMPTOMS OF THE 7. The cuspidati feel elongated, Petrol. 8. The upper cuspidati feel elon- gated, Magn. mur. 9. The teeth feel elongated and sen- sitive, Magn. carb. 10- The front-teeth feel elongated and are sensitive, Agar. 11. The lower and some upper teeth feel raised, with ulcerative pain, Petrol 12. The teeth feel elongated, sore, and with vibratory sensations in them, Sulph. 13. A molar feels longer and loose, with pain when chewing, Sulph. 14. One tooth feels longer and loose, with pain of the gums and cheek, when touched, Ars. 15. Sensation in the teeth as if too long, too large, or dull, Berb. v. 16. Feeling as if the teeth were too too long, with aching as if occasion- ed by a swelling of the submaxil- lary glands, Camph, 17- The hollow tooth feels long and painful, Hep. s. 18- The hollow tooth feels elongated, and painful to the slightest touch; at the same time a quantity of water runs out of the mouth, Clem. 19. The teeth feel as if elongated, with pain, Kal. hyd. 2Qy Elongation of the teeth, the gums disappear, Bov. Boring. 1. Boring in several molars, eased bv pressure, Magn. mur. 2. Boring in the teeth, as with a hot iron, Sulph. 3. Continual boring in a right mo- lar, Phos. 4. Boring in the left lower roots, as if the teeth would be lifted out of their sockets, Mur. ac. 5. Fine boring in the left lower front molar, Natr. carb. 6. Boring in sound and decayed teeth, also with tearing and dig- ging, Alum. TEETH AND GUMS. 7. Boring in the teeth when taking any thing warm or cold into his mouth, Bar. carb. 8. Boring in the whole right side, relieved by warm water, Cast. 9. Boring in a molar tooth, worse at night, Grat. 10. Boring in the right lower teeth, with gnawing during supper, going off afterwards, Lauroc. Coldness, Chilliness. I. Sensation of chilliness and elon- gation in all the front teeth, in the. morning, Gull 2. Feeling of coldness in the points of the incisors, Gutt. 3. Cold sensation in the crown of a cuspidatus, Dros. 4. When taking a cold drink, the coldness rushes into the teeth, Magn, art. 5. Feeling of coldness in the teeth, Nitr. ac 6. Cold feeling in the upper front teeth, as if touched by a current of cool air, Asar. 7. Sensation in the hollow teeth as if cold air were rushing out, Natr. carb. 8. Feeling of coldness about the teeth, with great sensitiveness of the teeth, Alum. 9. Cold creeping through the upper molars, Natr. carb. 10. The molares feel elongated, with sensation as if coldness rushed out of the teeth, Rat. 11. Pain in the left molar and front- teeth, accompanied with sensation of coldness, and profuse secretion of saliva, Rheum. 12. Coldness in the upper teeth* with fine dartings, Spig. 13- Stitches in the upper cuspidati, as when cold and sharp air rushes into the teeth, when eating or drinking any thing either cold or warm, Squill. 14. Quivering and tearing in, a de- cayed stump, with throbbing, and DECAY, NUMBNESS, &c. 419 SORDES, SORENESS, I as if icy-cold air were rushing out of the points, Of. an. 15. Disagreeable feeling of coldness in the lower front-teeth, Sep. 16: Drawing feeling of coldness in single upper incisores, Sep. 17. Feeling of chilliness in the roots, painful in the morning, Phos. ac Sordes. 1. Fetid mucus on the teeth, Mez. 2. Thick, fetid slime on the teeth, Alum. 3. Teeth covered with mucus, Am. 4: The teeth are covered with mucus, Tart. stib. 6. The teeth are covered with brown mucus, Sulph. 6. The teeth become covered with yellowish mucus, Plumb, ac 7. The teeth are covered with sordes, Petrol. 8. In the morning the teeth are co- vered with more mucus, are colour- ed more yellow, and are blunted more rapidly by weak vegetable acids, lod. Softness. 1. On pressing the molars together, they feci soft and adhere, Zinc. oxyd. 2: Sensation as if the teeth were soft and spongy ; on sucking them blood appears, with pleasant sen- sation, Nitr. ac. 3. Dulness of the teeth, as if cover- ed with lime, or also with a feel- ing of softness, Nux mosch. Decay, Exfoliation. 1. The teeth soon decay, Sep. 2. Exfoliation of an incisor on the posterior surface, Staph. 8. A tooth becomes more hollow, fetid, friable, and breaks, Plumb, ac. 4. Breaking off, exfoliation, black- ness, looseness, and falling out of the teeth, Merc. dulc. 6. The teeth are set on edge, loose, fall out, and frequently become yellow and carious, Merc. viv. 6. Exfoliation of a right lower mo- lar, with ulcerative pain, and as if loose, Arg. nit. Numbness. 1. One front-tooth is painful, as if numb and loose, worse when touched by the tongue, Ign. 2. The teeth feel ulcerated, wheD touched they feel numb, Carb. v. 3. Numbness in the teeth when pressing on them ; they feel longer, and as if they did not correspond to one another, Natr. mur. 4. Violent toothache, as if the tooth were numb and elongated, with tensive pains in the ear, as if some- thing had lodged in the ear, Calc. caust. 5. Numb feeling of the teeth, and pain when pressing them together, Petrol Bad Smell. 1. Bad smell from the teeth, Calc carb., Kal, carb. 2. Fetid odour from the hollow teeth while eating, Plumb, ac. Jerking, Twitching. 1. Pulsative jerks from the lower teeth to the ear, and from the up- per jaw to the head, with painful gums, eased by sleep, Merc, sol.- 2. Painless jerks in a molar, after taking a cold drink, succeeded by red cheeks, Nux mosch. 3. Twitching in left teeth and left side of the head, Calc. carb. 4. Jerks through single teeth, Sulph. Tingling. 1. Tingling in a hollow tooth, Calc carb. 2. Fine tingling and drawing in front teeth, Stront. carb. 3. Itching tingling in the front teeth and tip of the tongue, Prun. sp. 420 SYMPTOMS OF THE 4. Tingling in the roots of the low-1 er front-teeth, or in the incisors, I Ind. ! 5. Tingling and tickling in the inci- sors, with confluence of saliva, Bor. Discharges from the Teeth, Water, Blood, &c. 1. Bleeding of the teeth, Sep., Sulph. 2. Bleeding from a hollow tooth, Phos. ac. 3. Red, saltish sour water oozes from a left hollow molar, Sulph, 4. Sudden bleeding of the upper molares, Phos. 5. Sour blood oozes from the hol- low teeth, Tarax. 6. The hollow teeth bleed when sucking at them, Bell. 7. Discharge of sour, fetid water from every molar, on sucking them, Nice. 8. Black, sour blood from the hol- low teeth, frequently, Graph. Altered Colour. 1. The teeth become yellow, Lye, Nitr. ac. 2. The teeth turn black, Plumb, in. 3. The teeth become black-gray, black, Merc, sol 4. The teeth become elongated, black, loose, and finally fall out, Mercurial prep. 5. The teeth turn black very soon, or show black streaks across the middle, Staph. 6. Acidity, proceeding from the painful molar tooth, Cast Stitches, Dartings, Lancinations.] 1. Single stitches in a hollow tooth, slowly succeeding one an- other, Lye. 2. Stitching in the left lower mo- lars, evening, or left lower teeth. Zinc. m. 3. Stitch, now in one, then in an- other upper tooth, whenever the TEETH AND GUMS. teeth are struck against each other, Mang. 4. Stitch from below the right eye- lid into the euspidatus, Sep. 5. Violent stitch through the teeth, from every cold drink, Sulph. 0. Stitches in a sound tooth, from violent wind, with ulcerative pain, and swelling of the lower jaw, Sil. 7. Sudden stitch in a sound tooth, Natr. carb. 8. Small stitches in the right upper teeth, from above downward, Sabad. 9. Stitches in the two anterior right molares, with sensation as if elon- gated, Berb. v. 10. Stitches in the tooth, when in- spiring air, Ant. cr. 11. Jerking, digging, biting stitch in the angle of the left lower maxilla, darting through the border of the teeth and the molares, with sensa- tion as if the gums were loose, and as if the teeth were raised out of their sockets, Berb. v. 12. Single stitches in the teeth, Aur. 13. Severe stitches in a tooth; contact with the tongue causes a stitch-like jerk, Calc carb. 14. Stitches in the teeth and side of the head, with stitches through the ears, whole day, Natr. mur. 15. Violent stitches in the upper molars, downwards, Nitr. ac. 16. Violent stitches in the teeth, Merc sol. 17. Dull stitches in the molares, up- wards and downwards, Caust. 18. Stitches in the teeth, Hep. s. 19. Stiches in front-teeth, Chin. 20. Stitch, from a molar tooth up the head, Graf. 21. Violent stitches in the posterior hollow tooth of the upper jaw, Cycl. 22. Sharp stitches in the roots of the lower incisors, Mez. 23. Single stitches in the teeth, and frequent sneezing, only in the morning, on waking, Kal. carb. STITCHES, DARTINGS, LANCINATIONS. 421 21. Violent stitches in the teeth, Kal. carb. 25. Stitches in a hollow tooth, when touching it, the gums being swol- len, inflamed, red, painful, readily bleeding, Kal, nit. 26. Stitch in the tooth, darting through the whole left side of the face, accompanied by a jerking and dragging pain in the ear, and pain- lulness of the eve during motion, Clem. 27. Fine stitches in the left lower teeth, Bor. 28. Stitches from the teeth to the eyes, Bor. 29. Lancinations, with tearing in the cheek and pinching in the ears, at night, Bry. 30. Lancinations from the teeth to the cervical muscles, when eating, eased by warmth, hry. 31. Laneinations in right upper mo* lares, Chin, 32. Darting in the right teeth, with sensation as if the cheek would swell, Magn. mur. 33. Frequent dartings in the right lower teeth, Natr. carb 34. Darting from the teeth into the head, eased by pressing on the parts with a cold hand, Rhus t. 35. Single dartings from the temple to the jaws and teeth, debilitating him, attended with a bruised pain in the lefi temple; he yawned, but did not go to sleep, lest the pain should return, Rhus t 36. Darting in the molars, with slight swelling of the gums, Puis. 37. Dartings in the decayed lower teeth, with sensation as if too large or dull, tearing and lancina- tions in the lower jaw, Berb. v. 38. Darting in the root of a tooth from above downward, Coff. 39. Darting and drawing in the tooth, as if corroded, generally after a meal and at night, Kal. carb. 40. Violent darting or shooting in right cuspidatus, most violent after lying down at night, aggravated by cold ; sometimes the tooth feels as if it would break off*, or as if a worm were gnawing in it, Kal. hyd. 41. Frequent cutting in the right teeth, like cold air rushing through, Sulph, 42. Shooting cutting darts through the gums, near the roots of the in- cisor's and cuspidati, Camph. 43. Drawing-cutting in the teetli, Calc carb. 44. Violent cutting in the hollow teeth, a kind of soreness, early in the morning, Mez. 45. Jerks and stitches in the teeth, they feel sore and loose, with pain- ful darting in the gums when draw ing in air, Sulph. 46. Stitches and tearing in the roots of the left upper teeth, with sensation as if the teeth were elon- gated, and tickling in the teeth, in the open air, Magn. carb. 47. Pricking and tearing in the last left molar, Phell. 48. "Sticking and tearing in the teeth of pregnant females, Nux mosch. 49. Stitches and burning in the teeth, at night, Nitr. ac 50. Single burning stitches in a left upper molar tooth, after dinner, Graph. 51. Burning-stinging in the tooth, especially at night, with internal chilliness, and swelling of lower jaw and gums, Kal carb. 52. Stitching, burning, and beating in the teeth, extending into the orbits, and ears, Sulph. 53. Burning-stitching in several teeth, most vi dent at night, ag- gravated by cold air in the mouth, with heat in the head and burning in the chest, Silic 54. Stinging and drawing in teeth, here and there, Lye 55. Stintnng in the upper incisor*, opong. 56. Stinging in the teeth, Aeon. 57. Fine stinging, jerking, and dig- 422 SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. ging in a hollow tooth, upwards and downwards; when touching the tooth with the tongue, it feels as if the nerve were slit, Ant, cr. 58. Stinging in the roots of the upper teeth, Ind. 59. Sensation as if the teeth would be raised, with stinging in the teeth, and choking sensation in the oesophagus, Lauroc. 60. Stinging in the teeth and gums, followed by swelling of the cheeks with stinging pain, Kal. carb. 61. Boring and stitches in one or the other tooth, sometimes chang- ed to painful stitches in right ma- lar bone ; on the right side of the head even the hairs are painful, with restlessness, ill-humour, aver- sion to every thing, Mez. 62. Darting or boring in a tooth, when taking any thing cold or warm into the mouth, Nitr. ac. 63. Boring prickings between the left sockets, when moving the lower jaw, Con. 64. Prickling in the front teeth, Nux mosch. 65. Prickling and pecking in sound teeth, with drawing pain in the jaws, Zinc. m. 66. Prickling and biting in the front teeth, Rhod. 67. Pain in all the teeth, like fine prickings, aggravated by cold air, Calc. carb. 68 Contractive darting and gurg- ling in a hollow tooth, Nitr. ac 69. Titillating sticking in the right lower molars, Staph. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the right molares and gums the gums feeling sore and swollen, Gutt. '2. Tearing in all the teeth, aggra- vated by warmth, depriving him of sleep at night, Graph. 3. Tearing in a lower front incisor, with repeated tearings on opening. the mouth, Ind* 4. Tearing in the third molares, oj>- posite to one another, in the roots, when pressing them together, Hell 5. Tearing in the teeth and side of the face, Cast. 6. Shifting tearing in the right back molars, Mercurial 7. Tearing in the teeth, here and there, Hyp. perf 8. Tearing in the lower roots, Colch. 9. Tearing in the teeth and right jaw, Kal carb. 10. Tearing in the jaws, Hyp. perf. 11. Tearing in left upper molares, Guaj. 12. Tearing in the teeth and head, Kal nit. 13. Frequent tearing in the upper front teeth, Magn. mur. 14. Tearing in a hollow molar, with discharge of blood when sucked, Zinc. m. 15. Sudden violent tearing in the first lower left molar, extending through the whole jaw, Thvj. 16. Violent tearing in the roots and gums of the right lower incisors, Teucr. 77. Tearing in the teeth, increased by eating, Merc sol. 18. Tearing in the last left upper or lower molar, morning and even- ing, Magn. carb. 19. Tearing in the roots of both rows, Magn. carb. 20. Violent tearing in the right lower teeth, as far as the temple, Magn. carb. 21. Tearing in one upper and some lower molars, Phell. 22. Tearing, after eating and chew- ing, first in the root of a hollow tooth, then going to the crowns with pressure from the crowns downwards; when touching th» hollow tooth, the other teeth are painful, Staph. J 23. Tearing in the teeth, with a feel- | ing of dulness when pressing them I against each other, Staph. TEARING. 423 24. Tearing in the left lower teeth, Sulph. ac. 25. Tearing from the ear into the teeth, 01 an. 26. When eating he feels a tearing in the gums and in the roots of the lower molars, Staph. 27. Tearing in the roots, with distor- tion of the facial muscles to either side, Staph. 28. Tearing in the teeth, every day, evening and morning, especially in the open air, Phos. 29. Tearing in right upper teeth, and malar bone, Mur. ac 30. Tearing from the left row to the eyes, with a sensation of swelling in the cheek, Samb. 31. Violent tearing in the teeth and head, before the catamenia, Ars. 32. Violent tearing in the teeth, after midnight, Bell. 33. Tearing in the left upper mo- lares, with frequent collection of water in the mouth, and gnawing in left shoulder, Am. carb. 34. Tearing in the teeth and jaws, before midnight, third day of ca- tamenia, Am. carb, 35. Tearing in the roots of the teeth, whole day, Merc. sol. 36. Tearing in the teeth, as if the the roots would be torn out, Calc carb. 37. Tearing in the teeth, also as if they would fall out, Caust 38. The front teeth feel as if they would be wrenched out, Merc. sol. 39. Tearing in the light lower mo- lars, with sensation in a back up- per molar as if screwed out of its socket, Magn carb. 40. Digging-up tearing in antrum Uighm., Chel. 41. Darhxo tearings from the right upper hollow molar to tem- ple, Mez. 42. Darting tearing in left upper molares, Chin. 43. Tearing, with stitches, in a left back molar, only in the day-time, Natr. sulph. 44. Tearing in the teeth, also with furious jerking and stinging in the roots of the lower teeth, on wak- ing from the siesta, or whenever the teeth are touched by cold or warm drinks, Lach. 45. Burning, jerking, and tearing, in both rows, with sensation as if this or that tooth were elongated, worst at night, Magn, carb. 46. Tearing in lower teeth, wrfn sensation as if the lower ^aw were drawn down by a load, eve- ning, Kal. hyd. 47. Tearing in the left lower teeth, with ulcerative pain the whole day, Nice. 48. Boring tearing in the right up- per cuspidatus, eased by warmth, Cast 49. Tearing and boring in a hollow molar, with stitching pain when touching the cheek, eased by cold, aggravated by warm substances, Magn. mur. 50. Throbbing tearing in the teeth, aggravated by cold water, Spig. 51. Tearing and griping in a hol- low tooth which feels elongated, with swollen and inflamed gums, Bor. 52. Tearing and griping in a molar tooth and in the malar bone, ex- cited by cold things in the mouth, Kal. carb. 53. Griping- tearing in the teeth, preceded by profuse saliva in the mouth, Stront. carb. . 54. Tearing and Drawing in the back lower molars, Magn. carb. 55. Tearing and drawing in the left first molar and sometimes in the hollow tooth by the side of it; with anguish as if he would die, frequent micturition, disposition to vomit, and heat in left cheek, Oleand. 56. Tearing, drawing and gnawing in a hollow tooth, worse in a warm room, with restlessness, 421 SYMPTOMS OF THE discontent, and tensive pain over the right cheek, Magn. carb. Sensitiveness or Soreness. 1. Toothache, as if the teeth were sore, Cin. 2. The teeth are sensitive to the air, Aeon. 3. The teeth are sensitive Kal. carb. 4. Painful soreness of a tooth, Bry. 5. Sore pain in the teeth, Phos. 6. Sensitiveness and painful sore- ness of the upper molars with drawing sore pain in a left lower molar, which is elongated and loose; with swelling of submax- illary glands, Zinc m, 7. Great sensitiveness of the crowns of left upper teeth, espe- cially when touched by cold wa- ter, with darting pain, Sulph. 8. Extreme sensitiveness of the lower teeth, for two days, Natr. carb. 9. Seated sore pain in the anterior molares, especially when reading, Ign. 10. The upper and lower roots are sore, Carb. v. II. Cutting drawing and sore feel- ing in the roots or gums of the lower incisores, now on the left, then on the right side, lod. 12. One or the other tooth became loose and sensitive, or one of the facial bones became painful; af- terwards there were paroxysms of darting and tearing in one point, Kal carb. 13. Continuous soreness in the teeth, aggravated by mental la- bour or open air, Nux v. Looseness. 1. Loose teeth, Ars., Aur., Cham., Hep. s., Kal carb., Lye, Merc cor., Phos., Puis., Plumb, m., Strain., Verat. 2. Looseness of the teeth, with swelling of the gums, Magn. carb. TEETH AND GUMS. 3, Looseness of the teeth and bleeding of the gums, for three weeks, Sulph. 4. The teeth feel loose ; also, when eating, as if paralyzed, Sulph. 5. Sensation as if all the teeth were loose, with bluish-white gums, Oleand. 5. The teeth arc loose and painful, Sep. 7. The teeth feel loose, with pain- ful tingling in them, Rhus t 8. Looseness of the first two mo lars, two cuspidati, and four lower incisores, with creeping pain in the gums, and standing off of tho gums, Rhus t. 9. The teeth feel elongated and loose when chewing, not when touched, Rhus t. 10, The teeth feel loose, with burn- ing and tingling in the jaws and tongue, Aeon. 11. Vacillation and elongation of the teeth, Am. 12. Loose tooth, painful when eat- ing, Bar. carb. 13. Painful vacillation of the teeth, Camph. 14. LoosEness of the teeth, with pain when masticating, and sensa- tion as if elongated, especially early, or waking, Bry. 15. His teeth fall out, even sound ones. Ammoniac 10. The teeth feel loose, dull and elongated, Amm. carb. 17. A left upper molar feels loose and elongated, Natr. sulph. 18. Looseness of the teeth, with pain when chewing, Nitr. ac. 19. Looseness and falling out of sound teeth, Nux v. 20. Looseness of the teeth, they are painful when touched by the tongue, Merc sol. 21. Sensation on moving the mouth, as if the teeth were loose, espe- cially the lower front-teeth, Merc. sol. 22. Loose teeth with tearing, most violent in the evening, Carb. a. PRESSURE, DIGGING, CREEPING. 425 23. The hollow tooth feels loose when eating soft food ; not when pressing the teeth together, Cocc. 21. The front-teeth feel as if raised out of their sockets and heavy as if they would fall out, Cocc 25. Looseness of the teeth, with buzzing and groaning sensation in them, Hyosc. 26. Sensation as if the teeth were loose, especially when chewing, Hyosc 27. Feeling of looseness in an upper molar tooth, Kal. carb. 28. Looseness of the teeth, with pain during mastication, Chin. 29. Painful looseness of a lower in- cisor, Coloc Pressure. 1. Pressure in the upper teeth, Aeon. 2. Drawing pressure in the teeth, Ars. 3. Pressure and breaking sensation in the teeth, proceeding from the left malar bone, with sensation as if only a portion of the upper and lower teeth could be pressed to- gether, Natr. mur. 4. Pressure and pushing in the up- per teeth, Natr. mur. 5. Pressure as if the teeth were grasped to be pulled out, or with sensation as if arising from con- cussion of the body, Nux mosch. 6. Pressure from within outwards in the molars, occasioned by the contact of the open air or by washing, Nux. mosch. 7. Drawing pressure in the left upper molares, with sensation as if the gums and inner cheek were swollen, or with sensation of numbness in the teeth, Chin. P. Pressure in the molares when biting, Chin. 9. Severe pressing in the molar teeth, evening, Kalm. lat. 10. Pressure in the inner gums of the front-teeth and in the perios- teum of the teeth, shifting to and fro, Rhus t. 11. Sharp pressure and a dull pain in the lower molares, with musty smell in the mouth, Rhus t. 12. Pressure in left upper and lower teeth, from behind forward, Phos. 13. Dull pressure and boring in a hollow tooth, Natr. carb. 14. Boring pressing in the teeth and outer parts of the head, a few minutes after eating, Sulph. 15. Pressing in the teetli from with- in outwards, ceasing while eating and drinking, Spig. 16. Pressure in a tooth from within outwards, and as if it would start out of the socket, aggravated by any thing hot or cold, Phos. ac. 10. Rheumatic pressure through the teeth and forehead, in single turns, Sep. Digging. 1. Digging in upper molares, Chin. 2. Digging and tearing in a right upper molar, cased by warmth, Cast, 3. A sort of sticking digging, first in the lower, then in the upper jaw, at night, not allowing him to rest his head on a cold place, shift- ing from root to root, Puis. 4. Digging, with stitches, in an up- per molar, Lye 5. Digging-up in the upper teeth, Sep. 6. Fine prickling digging in a tooth, Rhus t. 7. Digging and boring in a hollow tooth until he falls asleep in the evening, Natr. carb. Creeping. 1. Creeping in the roots of the right teeth, ceasing after pricking the teeth until blood comes out, S-issap. 2. Prickling and creeping in the teeth, proceeding from a hollow tooth, Rhus t 426 SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. .'.'. Formication in left lower teeth, excited by cold, Cast. 4. Grumbling and creeping in the upper teeth, Cham. Toothache or pains in the Teeth. SIMPLE ACHE OR PAIN. 1. Pain in the back lower molars, evening and morning Magn. carb. 2. Disagreeable sensation in the teeth. Fumes of Merc. 3. Simple pain in single teeth and in the jaws, Sep. 4. Dull pain in one of the upper back molars, with sensation as if elongated, Berb. v. 5. The teeth are painful when press- ed against each other, Amm. carb. 6. Pain in the incisors, Merc. sol. 7. Seated pain in hollow teeth, Mez. 8. Pain in the teeth, on waking, every morning, also in the roots of the left teeth, Kal. carb. 9. Excessive toothache during rest, especially in bed, relieved by- chewing, Brom. 10. Toothache on the right side every morning after rising, going off" by walking about some, Magn. carb. 11. Toothache at night, cotsed in the morning when she felt nervous and restless, Lye. 12. Dull aching pains in the molars, Ox. ac 13. Violent toothache, the whole jaw aches, with pressure and jerks, the whole night, Silic. 14. Violent toothache, three even- ings in succession, in bed, Phos. 15. Aching pain, as if swollen and sore between the gums of the right lower teeth and the cheek, Rhod. 16. Toothache of pregnant females, Alum. 17. Violent toothache as soon as she enters the bed in the evening. Amm. carb. 18. Pain in two molars as from sweets, Amm. carb. 19. An inferior incisor is painful during the catame.nia, when biting upon it, Anon. carb. 20. Nightly toothache, Cham. 21. Nightly pains in the lower row Hyp. perf 22. Toothache in alternate places, in the molar teeth, on both sides, lod. 23. Toothache, especially in the forenoon and evening ; pulling on the teeth with the tongue causes a painful jerk, after which the pain ceases for a time, Mang. toothache, attended with pain is OTHER PARTS OF THE FACE OR BODT. 1. The teeth are painful, especially a hollow molar, which feels elon- gated and bloated, with swelling of the gums and cheek which ter- minates the pain, Srp., 2. Dull pain of the upper teeth, with sensation as if the gums were swollen, Hyosc 3. Violent toothache, darting from two hollow molars into the arm, malar bone, throat, ear, and then returns again, with complete ex- haustion, internal uneasiness and oppression of the chest; aggrava- ted by an erect posture, Mang. 4. Toothache and tonsillitis, with great weakness, Verat. 5. Toothache, after which the face was red and swollen, Verat. 6. Toothache, with swelling of the gums or cheeks, Lye. 7. Dull aching pain in the molarsi with pain in the submaxillary gland, Sep. 8. Sudden attack of violent tooth- ache, with heat in the face and reeling, Tabac. 9. Toothache, with swelling of the bone and periosteum of lower jaw, with heat all over at night, Silic. 10. Violent toothache, on the left side ; two days after, painful swel TOOTHACHE. 427 ling of the neck, with five large, white vesicles in the mouth, Phos. 11. Pain in the left lower teeth, with otalgia, the whole night, Rhod. 12. Violent tooth and face-ache, at night, with ptyalism, Vapours of Merc. 13. Rheumatic toothache and face- ache, aggravated by wine, stimu- lants, in individuals subject to rush of blood, or when caused by motions, Aeon, 14. °Tootl)ache with throbbing pain in the face, intense redness, burn- ing heat in the face, restlessness, rush of blood, Aeon. 15. The nightly toothache is accom- panied by great warmth, which seems to proceed from the chest, Ant cr. 16. Toothache, with drawing in the ear, Bell. 17. Toothache at night, with swollen cheek on the day following, after- wards enlarged nose and red spots on the face and on the neck, Amm. carb. 18. Violent toothache, with heat of the same side of the head, Amm. carb. 19. Toothache in the upper row, not hindering chewing, with swelling of the cheeks, Nitr. ac 20. Violent toothache at night; as it passed oft', he felt a violent ehilliness in his whole hody,Merc sol. 21. Toothache, recurring by starts, with swelling of the cheeks and accumulation of saliva; the pain darts hither and thither, and is aggravated by cold water, Cham. 22. Toothache, with swelling of the eheiks, Cham. 23. Toothache, with lachrymation and dry coryza, Chin. 21. \ iolent toothache, he tosses about in bed, with weakness of limbs, sweat as from anguish; the whole temporal region is affected, Clan. 1 25. Toothache with pain in the face, Kal carb. 26. Toothache, after a meal, with sensation in the cheek-bone and car as of grasping together and stinging, Kal. carb. 27. Paroxysms of toothache, only when eating, noon and evening, as if something had got into the hollow tooth, with insufferable drawing, extending to the eyes and ears, Kal carb. TEARING TOOTHACHE 1. Tearing toothache, through the left ear, Sep. 2. Tearing and jerking toothache, especially when air gets into the mouth, Sep. 3. Tearing toothache, especially after eating and chewing, Staph. 4. Pain in the last left molar as if it would be pulled out, Prun. sp. 5. Toothache, every afternoon, as if the teeth would be torn out, with chilliness every afternoon, Sulph, 6. Tearing sharp-aching pain in the upper molares, aggravated by warmth, Rhod. 7. Tearing pain in the roots of the molars, Sabin. 8. Nightly tearing pain in the teeth, when lying on the affected side, removed by the warmth of the stove, succeeded by the painful swelling of the nose, Ars. 9. Tearing pain in a lower hollow and adjoining sound tooth, espe- cially when touched by air or food, Bell, 10. Tearing toothache in" the left up- per teeth, with ulcerative pain at the roots, Amm. carb. 11. Tearing toothache, proceeding from a hollow tooth through both rows of teeth, facial bones, head, temple, returning in paroxysms, eased by sleep, but excited again by cold water, or crumbs getting into the hollow tooth, Arwa: v. 428 SYMPTOMS OF THE 12. Tearing toothache, after mid- night, Merc, sol, 13. Tearing toothache, extending into the ear like a stitch ; he has to sit up the whole night on ac- count of the pain, Merc sol. 14. Tearing toothache, towards the ear, with swelling of the cheeks, Cham. 15. Tearing toothache, with conges- tion of blood to the head, Hyosc 16. Toothache, as if the tooth would be torn out, worse after a meal and when sitting or lying, Mag- net, p. arct. 17. Aching tearing pain in the up- per teeth, particularly the mo- lares, Ind, 18. Tearing pain in the three left molar teeth, as if torn out, Cycl 19. Pain i:i the teeth as if they would be torn out, in paroxysms, Ipec. 20. Violent pain in the hollow tooth' when biting a"s if it would be torn out, followed by continual tearing in the tooth, I'>ec. 21. Painful tearing in the left upper teeth, or in right upper molares and in the border of right orbit, Kal hyd. 22. Tearing ache, shortly after a meal, Kal. carb. TOOTHACHE, AS IF SCREWED IN OR JAMMED. 1. Toothache, in the evening, as if the teeth were jammed, Amm. carb. 2. Pain as if the tooth were in a vice and raised out of its socket, eased by cold water, Bry. ' 3. Ache in a hollow tooth as if screwed in, and as if the tooth would be pulled out, Euphor. 4. Sensation in the teeth as if screwed together, Stront. carb. TOOTHACHE, EXCITED BY CONTACT. 1. The teeth are painful when touched or when talking, Sep. TEETH AND GUMS. 2. The dental nerves feel painful when touching the crowns of the teeth, Carb. a. 3. Dull pain in the left lower teetli, when touched, with looseness, Chel. 4. The teeth are painful when touched by either cold or warm things, Kal. carb. 5. Pain of the upper front teeth when touched, followed by swell- ing of the upper lip and cheek, Bov. 6. Grumbling in the teetli, when touching them, worse in the even- ing, Carb. a. PAIN AS IF THE NERVE WERE TOUCHED. 1. Pain in the teeth in the open air, as if the nerve were touched, Ambr. gr. 2. Pain as if an exposed nerve were rubbed, Bov. 3. Toothache dull, as if the nerves were delicately touched, some- times with jerking, Thuj. TTOOTHACHE, EXCITED BY CONTACT OV COLD AIR, OR ANY THING ELSE COLD. 1. Constant toothache, especially when chewing, eating sour things or taking cold things into the mouth ; a grumbling and digging in the teeth, especially the lower, as if they would become carious, Arg. nit. 2. Cold water causes a tearing pain in the teeth, Arg. nit. 3. Pain after midnight as if cold air were penetrating to an exposed nerve in a hollow tooth, less when lying on the painful side, worse, when lying on the sound side Bry. 4. Toothache as if the gums were sore or cut; increased by air en- tering the mouth, Magnet, p. arct. 5. The teeth are painful when PAIN WHEN CHEWING, DIGGING PAIN. 429 taking water into her mouth, Kal. carb. 0. All the teeth ache, when touched by something cold, Hep. s. 7. Smarting toothache in a lower and upper molar, rendered intole- rable by cool drink, Mang. 8. Cold drinks cause a pain in the teeth, Staph. 9. Too'lnche fiom the least draught of air, Sulph. 10. (.'old things cause a thrill of pain through the teeth, Sep. 11. Toothache when cold air enters the teeth, Petrol 12. Toothache when drawing in air, Staph. 13. The toothache is worse when ap- plying cold water, and is excited again by eating, Ant. cr. 14. The pain becomes excessive when air gets into the mouth. Amm. carb. 15. Toothache, caused by hot or cold things, or by a draught of air, with profuse saliva, and stitches through the. ears and eyes; day and night, Calc carb. 16. Pain in the front-teeth ; cold air which is drawn into the mouth, or any thing else cold, affects the teeth painfully, Merc. sol. 16. Air rushes into the tooth, causing an aching, Magnes. art 18. Frequent attacks of toothache as soon as cold air gets into the mouth, eased by warmth. Kal. carb. 19. Toothache caused by the contact of air, Bry. 20. Painfulness of the front-teeth on inhaling cold or damp air, or on drinking any thing warm, Nux mosch. 21. Uniform simple toothache, like sore pain, excited by the contact of the open air, Bell PAIN WHEN CHEWING. 1. Sudden painful dulness in an upper molar when chewing. Aur. 2. The upper front-teeth are pain- ful when chewing, Aur. 3. All the teeth are painful when chewing, Amm. carb. 4. One tooth stands out and is very painful when chewing, Kal. carb. 5. Pain in a molar tooth, when chewuig, Brom. TOOTHACHE AS IF THE NERVE WERE PUT UPON THE STRETCH. 1. Drawing toothache, as if the nerve were put upon the stretch, and let loose again suddenly, Puis. 2. Pain in the lower teeth as if a nerve were pulled and put upon the stretch, Coloc. PINCHING OR GRIPING TOOTHACHE. 1. Pinching toothache, excited by cold drinks, after which the teeth vacillate, Carb. a. 2. Painful griping in the left teeth, increased in the open air, Carb. a, 3. Violent and sudden griping and digging-up pains in the cu.spiJati, evening, Ign. 4. Dull and griping pain in hollow teeth, in wet weather, Bor. DIGGING PAIN. 1- Digging-up pain in a hollow malar, Sulp. ac 2. Digging toothache, during an evening-walk; after supper it be- came pulsative, ceased on falling asleep, Natr. carb. 3. Digging toothache, after break- fast, with swelling of the right cheek, aggravated by touching the cheek, Natr. carb. 4. Slow digging pain in the root of the right molar, as if the root were bare, Berb. v. 5. Digging-up toothache, when re- flecting ; with pain in a subtnax- illary gland in the evening, Nux v. 6. Digging pain in the left lower 430 SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. row, when picking the teeth, Kal. carb. 7. Digging toothache, after every supper and breakfast, Bor. CK AMP-PAIN. 1. Cramp-pain in th teeth, Lye 2. Cramp-pain in the upper molars, with sen-ation as if the lower jaw were pressed against the upper, Spig. 3. Crampy pain in the right lower molares, Carb. v. 4, Cramp-like toothache, in right lower teeth, Magnet, p. arct STINGING, SHOOTING, DARTING, LAN- CINATING PAIN. 1. Stinging pain in one of the up- per hollow molares.-, followed by swelling of the cheeks, Bell 2. Painful dartings in the roots of one or more teeth. Bell. 3. Shooting toothache in the even- ing , in bed, and after dinner. Ant. cr. 4. Darting pain from the teeth to the temple, appeased by sitting up in bed, Ars. 5. Shooting pains in the teeth, Valer. 6. Stitching pain in an incisor, Thuj. 7. Darting toothache, almost every- day, in the morning and at night, with darting in the fingers and feet, waking or sleeping, Magn. carb. 8. Sticking toothache, after a meal, Magn. carb. 9; Darting or flashing pain, with drawing, in the molar teeth, only during or after a meal, with sen-! eation as if the teeth were loose and elongated, Bry. 10. Flashing pain when smoking, Bry. \\. Darting or flashing pain in the teeth, towards the ear, obliging one to lie down; also in the evening, in bed, at times in the lower, at times in the upper teeth Bry. 12. Stitching toothache, Sep. 13. Pricking pain in the teeth, day and night, worse when chewing, Sulph. 14. Stitching pain in the teeth, every evening, Petrol, 15. Cutting toothache, most violent at night, Petrol. 16. Cutting aching pain during mas- tication, Oleand. 17. Darting pain through all the teeth, Spig. 18. Shooting pain in the molares, with feeling of cold proceeding from those teeth, evening and morning, Rat. 19. Violent stitching pain in the up< per front-teeth, with swelling of the upper lip, Phos. 20. Cutting toothache, Rhus I. 21. Slow sticking, with darting pain in a cuspidatus, Rhus t 22. Sticking pain in a lower molar, Sabad. 33. Darting toothache, preceded by heat in the head with thirst, fol- lowed by sweat, Puis. 24. Darting toothache, eased by taking cold water into the mouth, excited by picking the teeth, Puis. 25. Tensive pain and painful stitches in the right teeth, Bar. carb. 26. Darting pain in the teeth, partly in one side of the jaw, partly in the upper incisors, Aur. 27. Shooting pain in the upper row, Aur. 28. Dull lancinating pain in decayed molares, which feel as if enlarged, Calc. caust 29. Painful shootings in the teeth and lower jaw, when taking a warm liquid into her mouth, Amm. carb. 30. Shooting pain on touching the STINGING SHOOTING, DARTING, JERKING PAIN. 431, tooth with the tongue, Amm. carb. 31. Shooting pain in the molars when pressing their edges aga:nst one another, Amm. carb. 32. Shooting toothache, for eight days, Amm. carb. 33. Stitching pain, now in one, then in another tooth, every forenoon, Natr. mur. 34. Stinging pain in the upper-front teeth, Amm. mur. 35. Stitching toothache, with swell- ing of the checks, for two days, Nitr. ac. 36. Toothache after dinner, like a blow or stitch in the teeth, fol- lowed by humming or roaring, as far as the eyes, worse in the open air; eased by wrapping up the head warm ; it recommences with prickings, Nux v. 37. Darting pain in the teeth, with jerking, twisting or screwing in the car, early, on waking, Nux v. 38. Stitching pain in several teeth, Nux v. 39. 1 )arting toothache, especially at night, Merc. sol. 40. I >arting pain in sound teeth, dis- appearing shortly, and succeeded by a short stitching ache in the abdomen, Carb. v. i.\. Prickling and digging pain in the lower molares, Cans'. 42. Dull pain with intensely-painful stitches in hollow teeth, Magn. p. aust. 43. Stinging toothache, after warm drinks, in the morning, Dros. 44. Stinging toothache, Graph. 45. Painful dartings in upper inci- sors, Mez. 4Q. Sticking-aching pain in left up- per molares, Mez. 47.. Stinging pain in the front-teeth, with sensation of dullness during supper, Kal. carb. 48. Lancinating toothache, after ly- ing down at night, in the right molares, the lower molares feeling aijterwards elongated, Hell. 49. Darting pains in the teeth, Kal. nit. 50. Throbbing and squeezing tooth- ache, Lye 51. Beating toothache, changing to a stitching in a few days, Sep. 52. Violent beating pains in hollow teeth, Tabac 53. Bubbling pain in a left molar, Spig. 54. Beating pain in the upper left incisor, and frequent bleeding of the teeth, Rat. 55. Violent pain, partly beating, partly shooting in an incisor, evening, Rat. 56. Cutting beating pain in the pa- late, where the teetli terminate, as if from ulceration; contact causes a pricking as in an ulcer, Rhus t. 57. Burning beating pain in the gums, disappearing at night, Merc. sol. 58. Throbbing pain in a lower mo- lar, with great sensitiveness, early, after rising. Bar. carb. 59. Drawing, jerking, throbbing toothache, as if something had lodged under the teeth, Bar. carb. 60. Hacking and grumbling pain in the teeth, with swollen cheeks, Aur. 61. Throbbing toothache, with pain when touched, and swelling of the gums, Calc. curb. 62. Beating pain in the left lower teeth, depriving him of sleep the whole night, Natr. sulph. 63. Throbbing pain in all the teeth. worse at night, Nitr. a\ 61. Throbbing toothache, Chin. 65. Fine beating pain in one of the upper molares, Chin. 66. Throbbing toothache, early in. the morning, Kal. nit. JERKING PAIN. 1. Jerking pain in the teeth, after a meal, (cold or warm,) with heat in the face, Stann. 432 SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. 2. Painful jerks in a decayed tooth, aggravated by cold water, Spig. 3. Jerking toothache, extending to I the ear, Hep. s. 4. Jerking toothache in the left up- per row as from an ulcer, Kal. nit 1 DURNING ACHE. 1 I. Burning toothache, evening, in bed, with sensation as if the teeth were loose, Magn. cub. 2. Burning pain in the front-teeth, Phos. ac. 3. Painful burning in the front- teeth, with smarting in the lower surface of the tongue, Zinc. m. 4. Burning pain in the left teeth, with profuse, saliva; when resting on the left side of the head it feels compressed, and the ear throbs, Bar. carb. 5. Burning toothache, as if owing to looseness of the teeth, at times in one, at times in another tooth, generally at night or in the even- ing, or when leaning backwards in a chair, with ptyalism, Graph. I. Gnawing pain in the teeth, par- ticularly in a hollow tooth, affect- ing the whole side of the head, and aggravated by cold or chewing, Thuj. 2. Gnawing pain in the right lower teeth, Su'ph. ac. 3. Fine gnawing pain in the teeth. Op. 4. Gnawing paiu in the lower front- teeth, Staph. 5. Stinging, gnawing pain in the gums, eased by the cold, open air, Puis. 6. Gnawing pain in the upper ma- lares, alternating with itching in left ear, Agar. 7. Scraping, gnawing pain in the roots, and on the bodies of all the lower molares, Berb. v. 8. Painful gnawing in the roots and gums of the molares, Bar. carb. 9. Gnawing toothache, worse in the evening, Calc carb. 10. Boring, gnawing toothache, eased by cold air, but aggravated by warmth, Nux v. 11. Pain in the teeth, as if corroded especially after eating, Merc. sol. 12. Gnawing pain, early in the morn- ing as if the nerve were scraped, af. terwards he only felt a few jerks resembling stitches, Cham. 13. Gnawing pain in the malar bones and lower jaw, shifting to the teeth, going off by pressing the teeth together, Ind. 14. Gnawing and drawing pain in a hollow tooth, with swelling of the gums, Carb. v. 15. Gnawing tearing tooth-ache, with headache, as if the head were com- posed of a number of parts that are out of joint, and as if the brain and malar bones were screwed in, Euphor. j 16. Violent gnawing itching pain in the teeth and gums, not removed by picking the teeth, Kal. carb. 1. Frequent drawing ache in the roots of the incisors, Zinc. m. 2. Intensely painful drawing in the upper front-teeth.with sore feeling in the gums, Zinc. m. 3. Sharp drawing ache in the lower teeth, from below upward, Thuj. 4. Drawing pain in a right molar, frequently disappearing suddenly, and succeeded by drawing pains in neighbouring parts, Mang. 5. Drawing pain in the right lower molars, Lye 6. Toothache, with drawing towards the temples, Magn. carb. 7. Violent drawing pain in an inci- sor, followed by sleeplessness, Sulph. 8. Drawing pain in the upper front- teeth, with feeling of coldness, Petrol 9. Compressive drawing toothache GNAWING PAIN. DRAWING ACHE. PAIN AS IF LOOSE. 433 in the right row, excited by cold water, Staph. 10. Drawing toothache, with swell- ing of the cheek, aching in the same side of the head, and heat in the face, Staph. 11. Painful drawing in the teeth, from time to time, followed by beating in the gums, Staph. 12. Drawing toothache, with cold hands and feet, Phos. 13. Drawing toothache during the catamenia, Amm. carb. 14. Drawing toothache, with stitches, extending even to the eye, every other day, Natr. mur. 15. Tensive and drawing pain in a hollow molar, Anac. 16. Drawing pain in the teeth, ex- tending to the larynx, Nitr. ac 17. Drawing toothache, occasioned by warm drinks and soups, Nux v. 18. Drawing pain in a lower, then in an upper molar, followed by drawing in the remaining molars, in the direction of the front-teeth, especially after dinner and supper, red, hot spots appearing on the cheeks and neck, and the mind full of despair, and disposed to indulge in reproaches, Nux v. 19. Drawing toothache, with stitches in one row, especially wThen inspir- ing the open air with an open mouth, Nux. v. 20. Drawing toothache, with stitches in no particular tooth, Nux v. 21. Drawing toothache, also in the front teeth, early in the morning, Merc sol. 22. Drawing and tearing pain in the molares, Carb. v. 2;>. Drawing pains in the teeth, Carb. v. 24. Violent, drawing toothache, with itching between the teeth, Caust. 2.r). Drawing toothache, without knowing in what tooth, going off while eating, most violent at night; the teeth feel longer, Cham. 26. Drawing toothache, Cham. Vol. III.—28 27. Drawing ache in a loose tooth, increased by pressing the teeth against one another, Hep. s. 28. Drawing pain in the left lower jaw, with pressure, Chin. 29. Drawing pain in the incisores, Chin. 30. Drawing toothache, particularly in the open air, or in a current of air, Chin 31. Drawing pain in the front teeth, increased by any thing warm, with redness of the cheek during the pains, Magnet p. arct. 32. Drawing pain, from the right lower teeth to malar bone, Con. 33. Drawing pain in the upper and lower front-teeth, Kreas. 34. Drawing pain in the left mo- lares, Kreas. 35. Drawing pains in the teeth, ex- tending to the temples, Kreas. 36. Drawing pain in the the teeth of the right side, towards the ear, ac- companied by stitches, lod. 37. Drawing toothache, as soon as she gets into bed, at night, Kal. carb. PAIN AS IF LOOSE. 1. Pain in the teeth as, if loose, also with soreness when chewing, sore gums and swollen cheeks, Ars. 2. The upper front-teeth are pain- ful as if loose, and dull, or as if bent forwards, Nitr. ac. 3. Toothache, as if dislocated or loose, with, single long stitches on inspiring the open air, with the mouth open, Nux v. 4. The front teeth are painful when touched, or when chewing, as if loose, Coff. 5. In the morning the teeth are painful as if loose, Ign. 6. Pain in the lower teeth, as if loose, when chewing, Graph. 7. Pain in the teeth, when chewing, as if loose, Con. 8. Pain as from looseness in the gums and teeth, when eating, lod. 434 SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. PRESSING PAIN. I. Painful pressure in the teeth, changing to a drawing pain by chewing, Verat. 2. Violent pressing pain below the left molar, as if the tooth were shattered, after a cup of tea, Thuj. 3. Pressing pain in the hollow tooth, when blowing the nose, Thuj. 4. Painful pressure, like two shocks, in two incisors, towards the crowns, Tarax. 5. Pressing pain in the right upper incisor, from without inward, Sulph. ac. ULCERATIVE PAIN. 1. Ulcerative pain in the teeth when touched, or when chewing. Lye 2. Pain in the teeth as if ulcerat- ed, with throbbing pressure in the right jaw, extending to the ear and posterior cervical muscles, Petrol 3. Ulcerative pain in the teeth, when pressing them together, Phos. 4. Ulcerative pain in a tooth, when touched, Mang. 5. The teeth are painful when bit- ing, as if the roots were ulcerated and would break off, Bell 6. Pain in the roots of the lower incisors, as if bruised, sore, or cor- roded, Magnes art. 7. Ulcerative pain in the upper teeth, Kal. nit. BORING TOOTHACHE. 1. Boring toothache, Petrol 2. Boring and shooting toothache, extending into the eye and ear, in- creased by riding in a carriage, Calc. carb. 3. Boring toothache, with stitches towards the nasal bone, day and night, and swelling of the gums and cheeks, Calc. carb. 4. Boring pain in one of the lower molars, extending to the nose and eye, Caust 5. Boring aching, after dinner, Kal. carb. 6. Boring toothache, with alternate heat and coldness, Kal. nit. CONTRACTIVE TOOTHACHE. 1. Contractive toothache in both rows, Kal carb. 2. Cutting and contractive pain in the teeth, Petrol. NUMB PAIN. 1. Numb pain in the tooth, almost like sore pain, or continuous lan- cinations, Bell. 2. Sudden painful numbness in both upper left incisors, Mercurial. PAIN AS IF RAISED OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS. 1. Pain as if the teeth were raised out of their sockets, shifting from one tooth to another, Prun. sp. 2. Pain in a right lower root, as if the tooth would be turned out of its socket, Mang. 3. Pain as if the back right molars would be lifted out of their sock- ets, and were swollen, Spong. 4. Toothache day and night, as if the teeth would be lifted out of their sockets, with bleeding of the gums, coldness of the body the whole day, and thirst, for two weeks, Natr. carb. 5. Toothache as if the teeth would start out of their sockets, as if pressed out by the blood ; or as if they were sprained or loose, Am, 6. Pain in a posterior molar, lower jaw, as if raised out of its socket, Mez. ITCHING OR TITILLATING PAIN. 1. Titillating pain, worst at night, aggravated by cold or warm things, Par. quad. 2. Itching pain in one of the lower cuspidati, Anac. BORING TOOTHACHE, &c. 435 BURNING-STITCHING PAIN. 1. Drawing, burning, and stinging toothache in one of the upper mo- lars, especially in the evening, for many weeks, Mez. 2. Burning, lancinating toothache, especially at night, as if a hot-iron were plunged into the tooth, Kal carb. PAIN AS IF TURNED ABOUT. 1. Sudden pain in left lower mo- lares, as if a decayed tooth would be turned round, Lact. vir. 2. Drawing-bubbling, turning-about pain in the first left, upper hollow incisor, with sensation as if too long or dull, and as if something heavy were suspended in it, after- wards small ulcer on the gums, Berb. v. DRAWING-STICKING PAIN. 1. Drawing, aching, and cutting pain in the teeth at the approach of a thunder storm, or of cloudy and windy weather, Rhod. 2. Drawing and darting pains in the nerves of the molar teeth, sudden- ly, while chewing bread, Carb. an. 3. Drawing and sticking toothache in the upper molares, Kal. nit. PAIN AS IF CRUSHED OR SHATTERED. 1. Pain in a lower molar as if crushed. Lye 2. Pain in the molares as if dashed to pieces and crushed, together with the nerves, Ign. 3. Toothache evening and night, waking him, as if the tooth would be shattered, a sort of pressing from within outward, aggravated by drinking and smoking ; he was unable to bear the warmth of the bed, Sabin. HEAVY OR WEARY PAIN. 1. Painful heaviness in the upper incisors, Sep. 2. Pain in the left upper molars, like pressure and weariness, as if filled with lead, Verat. # TOOTHACHE AS FROM ACIDS. 1. Toothache similar to that which is occasioned by sour fruit, Plumb, met. 2. Toothache as if from acids, espe- cially in the gums, whenever she eats any thing salt, Carb. v. TOOTHACHE EXCITED BY CONTACT OF WARM FOOD OR COLD AIR. 1. Toothache in the upper incisores, excited by cold air, warm food, and contact, Phos. 2. Toothache, especially when eat-- ing warm food, or when cold air gets into the mouth, Silic. TOOTHACHE FROM EATING. 1. Toothache, only after eating and at night, Spig. 2. The toothache commences at the end of, and increases after a meal, Ign. 3. Toothache every time he eats," Puis. 4. Toothache, coming on after tak- ing any thing either warm or cold, Cham. TOOTHACHE EXCITED BY WARM THINGS. 1. Toothache, excited by taking something warm into his mouth, Puis. 2. Toothache, recommencing in a warm room, Cham. 3. Toothache when taking warm things into the mouth, Cham. 4. Toothache when any thing warm gets into the mouth, Bry. 436 SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. VARIOUS KINDS OF TOOTHACHE. 17. Toothache, excited by stooping, Magn. art. 18. Dull pain in a hollow tooth, alle- viated by cold water; sucking caused a stitch in the tooth, as if something had become raised in the tooth, Clem, Various Phenomena. 1. Sensation between the right teeth AS IF A TENACIOUS BODY WERE between them, Rhus t. 2. Sensation as if the . teeth were too close to one another, or as if a tenacious body were lodged be- tween every two adjoining teeth, Coral. 3. Itching in all the teeth, Spong. 4. Tickling in the roots of the teeth after dinner, Alum. 5. Frequent chattering of the teeth, as in fever and ague, even- ing, Bov. 6. The teeth incline to chatter, Calx. carb. 7. Weakness in the teeth, Merc. sol. 8. Sensation in the teeth, as if de- prived of the power to bite, Amm- carb. 9. Sensation when chewing, or when the upper and lower teeth touch each other, as if they were PRESSED MORE DEEPLY INTO THE gums, Staph. 10. Sensation in the teeth as from a blow with the fist, Calc carb. 11. Tingling burning in the left teeth, with painful tingling in the tips of the crowns, evening, Bar. carb. 12. Inflammation of a lower molar, with swelling and soreness of the gums, Silic 13. Sensation in the left row of teeth as if hollow, Asar. 14. Sensation in a decayed tooth, AS IF the AIR WERE ENTERING AND rushing out again, Kal. nit 15. Biting sensation in upper and lower molar teeth, very disagree- ble when pressing the teeth against each other, Cocc. 1. Pain as if the teeth were perfo- rated, with sensation as if the air were passings through, which pro- duces a feeling of coolness, with sensation as if the gums were shri- velled and. burnt, Par. quad, 2. Pain as if something had got be- tween his teeth in chewing, Spong. 3. Tingling toothache, changed to stinging by cold water in the mouth, Graph. 4. Pain in the teeth as if they would be pushed forward, Puis. 5. Toothache in the right upper teeth, as if pulled into their cavi- ties by the roots, Rhus t 6. Violetit pain in left molares, when blowing the nose violently, ending with chattering of teeth and subsequent redness of the cheeks, Phos. 7. The incisores and their gums are painftd during deglutition, Teucr. 8. Intense pain in a posterior decay- ed lower molar, with adhesion of the lower to the upper row, as if by glue, Arg. m. 9. Buzzing pain in the incisores, Teucr. 10. Toothache as if the teeth were on edge, Merc, sol 11. Pain as if the roots of the teeth were scraped with a knife, Am. \2. Pain as if sprained in the molars, also when taking warm things into the mouth, Prun. sp. 13. Jerking, shooting and drawing toothache in left upper jaw, at times in one, at times in another tooth, without one being able to point out the tooth affected, Clem. 14. Violent aching in a hollow tooth when particles of food get into it, going off after they had been re- moved, Phos. ac. 15. The toothache increases in the wind, Puis. 16. Toothache during the catamenia, day and night, eased by applying warmth, Amm. carb. GUMS. 437 16. The teeth feel warm, Fluor, ac 17. Inclination to bite the teeth to- gether, Phyt. dec 18. The roots of every tooth are ul- cerated, Alum. 19. Pimple in a hollow molar tooth, Mez. 20. Tension in the teeth, attended with heaviness of the head, com- pressive sensation in the brain, loathing and constant tearing in the arms, Hyp. perf. 20. When biting upon the teeth, in the morning, they feel smooth, as if greased with soap or fat, Phos. GUMS. Redness. 1. Red gums, Tart. stib. 2. Increased redness of the gums, lod., Kal. carb. 3. Gums scarlet and painful, with tongue red at the edges and vio- let in the middle, Op. Inflammation. 1. Painful inflammation of the an- terior gums, Kal. carb. 2. The gums of the left upper jaw look inflamed, with drawing pains, Areas. 3. The gums are inflamed, with white indentations standing off from the teeth, Arg. nit. 4. Slight inflammation of the gums, J/wr, ac 5. Inflammation of the gums, Phos. 6. The gums between the lower front-teeth look inflamed, with stinging and burning pain, Petrol. Inflammation and Swelling. 1. Inflammation,and swelling of the gums, lod. 2. Inflammation and swelling of the anterior and inner portion of the gums, Hep. s. 3. Swelling and inflammation of the gums, Amm. carb. 4. Painful inflammatory swelling of the gums, Silic. 5. Inflamed swelling of the outer side of the gums, with dull pain in a hollow tooth, swelling of the cheek extending beyond the eye, where the swelling changes to a watery blister, Bor. Pains. 1. Pain of the gums in an empty socket when chewing, Lact. vir. 2. Drawing pain in the gums, Caps. 3. Pain of the inner gums as if numb or burnt, Ign. 4. Darting pain in the lower gums, Lye 5. Prickling pain in the left gums and cheek, Lye 6. Frequent painful stitches in the gums, in the daytime, Kal. hyd. 7. Cutting pain in the gums of the upper incisors, Nitr. ac 8. Stinging, sometimes tearing and lancinating pain in the gums, AEth. 9, Frequent painful jerking in the gums, every day, Sabad. 10. Ulcerative pain of the gums, Graph. 11. Ulcerative pain of the gums when touched, Bell. 12. Ulcerative pain in the gums wdien chewing, Am. 13. Ulcerative pain of left lower gums, Natr. carb. 14. Burning pain in the gums, Con. 15. Burning pain in the gums at night, Merc. sol. 16. Burning sore pain in the gums, intolerable, with heat of the body and head, and sweat on the fore- head, Rhus t. 17. Burning pain of the gums and mouth, Merc cor. 18. Tearing pain in the gums, just 438 SYMPTOMS OF THE GUMS. above the anterior incisors, Kal. carb. 19. Spot on the gums which is pain- ful as if torn, Rat. 20. Painful spasmodic contrac- tion of the right gums, making the opening of the mouth painful, Staph. 21. Sore pain of the inner gums as * after eating too hot, Graph. 22. Sore pain of the inner gums, as if loose, Zinc m. 23. The inner gums are painful as if corroded, Puis. Swelling. 1. Swelling of the gums, Zinc. m. 2. ---- of the gums, Bor., Caust, Chin., Magn. mur., Merc, sol, Natr. mur., Phos. 3. Swollen and sore gums, Thuj. 4. Swelling of the gums and tongue; the latter is painful when touched with anything hard or when eating, Thuj. 5. Scorbutic swelling of the outer and inner gums, Kal. nit. . Ulcerative pain and swelling of the gums, Kal hyd. 7. Swelling of the gums over the upper molares, with swelling of left tonsil and. cervical glands, Kal. carb. 8. The gums are swollen and blue- red, Con. 9. Swelling of the gums and dry- ness in the mouth, Graph. 10. Swelling of the gums and cheeks, with faintishness of the whole body, Graph. 11. Swelling of the gums on a hol- low tooth, painful when touched, Magn. p. arct 12. Swelling of the gums on the posterior molar tooth, with press- ing pain from within outward, worse when touching the parts, Hep. s._ 13. Swelling of the right inner gums at night, with tearing at temple, Cast. 14. Swelling of the gums, every night, Merc sol I 15. Swelling of the gums, also with I painful pimples on the tongue and inner lip, Nux v. 16. Large swelling of the gums, throbbing pain as in an abscess, Nux v. 17. Swelling of the upper gums, even in the sockets, Nitr. ac. 18. Swelling of the gums, with ex- cessive looseness of the gums, Nitr. ac. 19. Swelling of the gums, with fe- brile symptoms, Nice 20. Painful swelling of the gums, also with swelling of the cheeks, Calc. carb. 21. Swelling of the gums on the right molares, with pressure and soreness when touched, Aur. 22. The gums of an upper molar are swollen and painful; they are of a pale-red, bordered with a dark-red border; when drinking, cold water the tooth and neigh- bouring teeth are very painful, Bar. carb. 23. Painful swelling of the right gums, with fever and chilliness, Bell. 24. Swelling of the gums, with toothache, Nux v. 25. Swelling of the gums with drawing pain, Nux v. 26. Swelling and soreness of the inner lower gums, Sassap. 27. The inner right upper gums arc sore and swollen, with stinging pain when touched, Ruta. 28. Whitish swelling of the gums on a hollow tooth, painful, with heaviness in the tooth and jaw, Sabin. 29. Painless swelling of the gums for several days, Merc sol. 30. The inner gums feel swollen, with burning when taking any thing cold or warm into his mouth, Puis. 31. Pain, swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums, Ran. seel. 32. Swelling of the inner gums, Sep. ERUPTIONS, ITCHING, TEARING. 4 9 33. Painful swelling of the gums, they stand' off from the teeth, Sep. 34. Bloated, dark-red gums, with painful beating, Sep. 35. The gums are swollen, warm drinks cause a burning, Silic. 36. Swelling of the gums, with throbbing pain in them, Sulph. 37. Swelling on the right lower gums, pus is discharged from it when pressed upon, Sulph. ac 38. Turgescence of the gums, Plumb, met. 39. Swelling of the gums about the roots of the teeth, painful, hard tubercles on the gums, Plumb, ac. 40. Burning swelling of the gums, with heat in the cheeks, Staph. 41. The inner gums are swollen and painful, also when swallowing, Staph. 42. Swelling of the gums, with stitching pain when touched, Pe- trol 43. Swelling of the forepart of the gums and upper lip, Lye Eruptions. 1. Burning vesicles on the gums, inner cheeks, lips and palate, Magn. carb. 2. Vesicles on the gums, with red tips, leaving red spots behind them, with swelling of the upper lip, Canth. 3. Blister on the upper gums, suppurating and drying up, Natr. sulph. 4. Vesicles on the gums, painful like burns, Bell. 5. Sore vesicles on the gums and inner lip, Silic 6. Blister on the inner gums, changing to an ulcer, with stinging pain, Staph. 7. Black, empty vesicle on the gums of a lower molar, sensitive to water and cold air; the tooth is painful when opening the mouth, Petrol, 8. Vesicle on the gums, Petrol. 9; Pustule on the gums, Carb. v. 10. Painful pustules on the gums, Aur. 11. Pustules on the gums of a hol- low tooth, Petrol 12. Blotch on the gums, painful when pressed upon, Staph. 13. Small white pimples on the gums, some round, others flat, Berb. v.- 14. Reddish-yellow, sore, painful, inflamed tumour on the gums, Canth. 15. Painless, moveable tumour on the left lower gums, Natr. sulph. 16. Swelling about the gums, Alum. Itching. 1. Itching of the gums, Calc. carb., Merc, sol, Nitr. ac, Rhod. 2. Itching and beating in the gums, Phos. 3. Gnawing and itching of the in- ner gums, Zinc m. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the gums, Colch. 2. Tearing in the gums, particular- ly when cold air gets to them, Hyosc. 3. Fine tearing in the spongy and bleeding gums which had become detached from the teeth, also in the roots of the denuded teeth, whole day, Merc sol, 4. Tearing in the gums, they are sore and swollen, Merc. sol. Spongy, loose Gums. 1. The gums recede from the teeth, Carb. v., Merc. sol. 2. Loose gums, Natr. carb. 3. Sensation in the gums as if loose, Par. quad. 4. The gums are loose and spongy, Dulc. 5. Spongy gums, Bry. 6. Loose, readily-bleeding gums, Arg. nit. 7. Interstitial distention and sepa. 440 SYMPTOMS OF THE GUMS. ration of the gums from the teeth, Merc viv. 8. Interstitial distention and chro- nic decay of the gums, Merc. dulc 9. Interstitial distention of the gums, Plumb, met Heat, Burning. 1. Burning in the gums of the painful tooth, aggravated by con- tact, Cast, 2. The gums burn like fire, Natr. sulph. 5. Heat in the gums, with itching and throbbing, Bell 4. Burning in the gums with sen- sation as if swollen, Stront. carb. 5. Burning and soreness of the up- per inner gums, Phos. 6. Heat and pain in the gums, Lye Soreness, Sensitiveness. 1. Sore gums, Carb. v. 9. The gums ache and feel sore, Nitr. ac 3. The gums are painful as if sore, Bry., Puis. 4. Soreness of the inner gums of the front teeth, Kal carb. 5. The gums feel sore when chew- ing, Petrol 6. The gums of the left lower mo- lar teeth feel sore, especially when chewing, Clem. 7. The gums are painful to the touch, lod. 8. The gums are painful when touched or when chewing, Mercsol 9. The gums are sensitive to cold and warm things ; touching them with the tongue excites a stinging pain, Natr. mur. Bleeding. 1. Bleeding of the gums, Alum., Ambr., Bar. mur., lod., Magn. \ mur., Natr. carb., Natr. mur. 2. Bleeding of the gums when touched, Lye, Phos. ac 3. The gums bleed readily when rubbing them, Carb. v.. Graph., Staph. 4. The gums bleed readily, Hep. s., Sep. 5. Bleeding of the upper gums, Bor. 6. Bleeding of the gums, also of the teeth, Zinc m. 7. Bleeding of the gums, also at night, Calc carb. 8. Profuse bleeding of the gums, also standing off from the teeth, Ant. cr. 9. Bleeding of the gums when touching them ever so little, for fifty-six days, Merc, sol Stitches, Stinging. 1. Fine stinging in the upper gums, Calc acet. 2. Stinging in the gums, early, Ars. 3. Darting through the gums of the posterior molars, Thvj. 4. Fleeting stitch in the upper gums, Stront. carb. 5. Cutting in the gums every morn- ing, Par. quad. 6. Lancinations in the left lower jaw, Dros. 7. Stitching in the gums, Sep. Altered Colour. 1. Pale gums, Plumb, ac 2. White gums, Zin. m. 3. The gums are pale and painful as if ulcerated, Carb. a, 4. White, swollen gums, Nitr. ac. 5. Bluish-ash-coloured border along the margins of the gums, or of the whole gums, mouth, &c, (see Symptomen Codex, vol. ii, p. 546,) Plumb, met. 6. The gums became pale' and white, Staph. Ulcers on the Gums. 1. Suppuration of the gums, Canth. PRESSURE, NUMBNESS, VARIOUS PHENOMENA. 441 2. Ulcerated gums, Merc. sol. 3. Sore, ulcerated gums, Sep. 4. Bleeding ulcer on the gums, over a hollow molar, Phos. 5. The upper border of the gums looks indented, the indentations being white and ulcerated, Merc. sol 6. Ulcer on the swollen gums, Silic. 7, Small ulcers over the second upper molar, changing to one ul- cer, Berb. v. 8. Ulcer on the gums, with swell- ing of the cheeks, Aur. 9. Ulcer on the gums, discharging a kind of salt blood, Alum. 10. Painful sensitiveness of the gums, with two small ulcers, Phos. 11. 1 deer on the gums, painful, Natr. mur. 12. Ulcer at the cuspidatis, with drawing and burning pain, Nux v. 13. Ulcer on a decayed tooth, with sensation as if elongated, Zinc. m. 14. Gumboil, Calc. carb., Hep. s., Kal. carb., Lye, Sulph. ac. 15. Gumboil on a front-tooth, Sabin. 10. Gumboil, with discharge of pus, A mm. carb. 17. Gumboil on the lower hollow molares, with swelling of the cheek. lod. 18. Fistula dentalis in an old socket, Lye 19. .Suppurating fistula dentalis over the root of one of the upper inci- sors, Canth. Pressure. 1. Pressure in the outer gums of the lower molares, on the shoulder and in the region of left clavicle, Rhus t 2. Pressure in the lower and inner gums as from a leaden bullet, Am. Numbness. 1. The gums feel dull and numb, and bleed Avhen touched ever so lightly, Sulph. ac. 2. Numbness and insensibility of the gums on the painful tooth, Magn. p. arct Various phenomena. 1. Jerkings in the gums, Hep. s. 2. Fetid odour from the gums and mouth, Graph. 3. Rush of blood to the gums, she would like to cut them, Graph. 4. Tickling of the gums, and bleeding when sucking at them, Kal carb. 5. Tingling in the gums as if gone to sleep, Am. 6. Throbbing in the swollen gums, Calc carb. 7. Boring in the right upper gums, followed by swelling of the gums, and pressure and drawing in right temporal muscle, Calc carb. 8. The inner gums feel rough when touched by the tongue, Natr. carb. 9. Scurvy of the gums, Mercurial prep. 10. The gums become corroded, Staph. 442 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH, PALATE AND TONGUE. MORBID CONDITIONS OF THE V 0 I C E , SPE ECH, S ALI VA, BREATH. Aphonia, Dumbness. 1. Loss of speech, Con., Hydr. ac, Lauroc, Oleand. 2. Loss of speech, with loss of con- sciousness, Cupr. m., Hyosc. 3. Aphonia, Bell, Ophiot, Plumb m. 4. Dumbness, Cic, Hyosc 5. Dumb, he expresses his wishes by signs, Stram. 6. Mute, immovable and pulseless, for six hours with paralysed limbs, then tossing about, with rage, making innumerable, unintelligible signs, after • which he becomes quiet, Stram. 7. Speechless, he does not utter a sound, Bell. 8. Loss of speech and voice with sunken countenance, weeping over her condition, sleeplessness, and debility, Merc. sol. 9. Aphonia, as if tongue and fauces were tied up, Crotal. Stuttering, Stammering 1. Frequent stuttering when talk- ing, Sulph. 2. He stammers like a man intoxi- cated, Bell. 3. Stuttering when reading, Bov. 4. Stuttering and uttering of inar- ticulate sounds, also with a loud, voice, Stram. Feeble voice. 1. Dragging, scarcely audible speech, Plumb, met. 2. Feeble tone of voice, with ex- haustion and confusion of the head, Tabac. 3. Low speech with headache, as if the brain would be pressed out, Bell. 4. Voice feeble and inaudible, Sec- corn. 5. Voice feeble and trembling, Canth. Difficulty of Speech. 1. Difficulty of articulating, Elec, Plumb, met 2. Difficulty of speech, Cal. carb., Cann., Hyosc, Nux v. 3. Inability to speak, Aeon. 4. Difficulty of speech, stuttering, Sec corn, 5. Difficult}' of speech, as if arising from the hypochondria, Natr. mur. 6. Inability to talk, owing to spasm9 in the throat, Cupr. m. 7. Difficulty of talking, with whist- ling nasal voice, Bell. 8. Inability to talk, though the mouth is open, Op. Heavy Speech. 1. Heavy speech, Con., Mez., Natr. carb. 2. Heavy, hollow and hoarse speech, Crot 3. Heavy speech ; heavy, oppressed breathing, and great lassitude, Bell. Altered Sound of the Voice. 1. His voice is much higher and finer than usual, it is a mere unin- telligible sounding, (of which he is conscious) this makes him anxious, Stram. 2. The patient screams until he is hoarse or has lost his voice, Stram. 3. Screaming like a child, Cupr. m. 4. Screams resembling the croaking of frogs, Cupr. m. MORBID SALIVA. 443 5. Ili^ speech was more like a clan- gour than a human voice, Cann. 6. Elevation of voice, attended with anguish and torture owing to pain in the back, Cann. Lisping. Lisping, Natr. carb., Nitr. ac. Muttering. 1. Inarticulate muttering, Sic corn. 2. Constant muttering, Stram. Sudden Stoppage of Speech by a Jerk in the Head. When talking he utters the first words without stuttering ; then he feels a slight jerk in the head from before backwards, accompanied with jerking of the arms, stopping his speech suddenly, Cic Irregular flow of Words. Inability to talk naturally ; at times he lacked words, at others the vou-e failed him ; at times he ut- tered torrents of words, at others he repeated the same words ten times over in one breath ; some- times he repeated the whole idea, and was very angry when he was not able to think of the same words, Cann. Morhid Saliva or Sputa. PTYALISM. 1. Ptyalism, Bell, Con., Chin., Sulph.. Op. 2. Ptyalism with quick pulse, Sulph. ac <**. Ptyalism, -with ulcers in the fauces, Nitr. ac. 1 Ptyalism, with sound gums, A / tr. ac. 5. Ptyalism, every evening, with Bwollen lips, Magnes. art 6- Ptyalism day and night, Stram. 7. Ptyalism with hoarseness, Stram. I 8. Mercurial ptyalism (see my Symptomen Codex, Vol. ii., p. 249), Mercurial prep. 9. Mercurial ptyalism (see my Symptomen Codex, Vol. ii., p 239), Merc. viv. 10. Ptyalism (see my Symptomen Codex, Vol. ii., p. 242), Merc. cor. 11. Ptyalism, (see my Symptomen Codex, Vol. ii., p. 216), Merc. dulc. 12. Ptyalism, with ulcers in the mouth and paralysis of extremi- ties, Merc. viv. 13. Ptyalism with saliva sometimes fetid and slimy, Merc. sol. 14. Profuse ptyalism during the rage, Canth. 15. Fetid ptyalism, Mez. 16. Ptyalism, with sore mouth, tongue and gums, Mez. 17. Ptyalism with s^ore corners of mouth, Hell 18. Ptyalism, with loose and spongy gumbs, Dulc. I'd. Ptyalism preceded by shiverings or with inclination to vomit and shuddering, with salt taste of the saliva, Euphor. 20. Ptyalism, also with desire to vo- mit, Puis. 21. Ptyalism, also with acidity from the stomach, Rhus t 22. Ptyalism, sometimes with nau- sea, Chin. 23. Ptyalism, swelling of tongue, ulceration of mucous membrane of mouth, Kal hyd. 24. Ptyalism, with viscid and salt- ish saliva, and slight irritation of mucous membrane of mouth, Kal. hyd. 25. When he lies on his back the saliva runs out of his mouth, Ipec. 26. Ptyalism from nose and mouth, Ant. cr. 27. Ptyalism, with stitches in tongue, Aeon, 28. Swelling of the gums and ptyal- ism, Plumb, ac. 29. Ptyalism, particularly in front part of mouth, Plumb, ac 1 444 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH, &c. 30. Ptyalism every day, for several hours, Plumb, met. PROFUSE SECRETION OF SALIVA. 1. Profuse saliva, Asa f, Brom. {vapours,) Carb. v., Copaiv., Mez., Mur. ac, Tart, stib. 2. Profuse saliva and spitting, Hyosc 3. Frequent flow of watery saliva, Arg. nit., Cupr. ac, Dros., Natr. mur., Silic. 4. Profuse bitter saliva, Ars. 5. Water in mouth, with loathing, Kal hyd., Menyan. 6. Constant spitting without nausea, Bar. carb., Cocc 7. Profuse cool saliva, Asar. 8. Frequent spitting, also with diuresis, or constantly increasing thirst, Stram. 9. Water in the mouth, with smart- ing in the tip of the tongue, as from salt, Croc 10. Profuse water in mouth, with rancid taste, Canst. 11. Profuse water in the mouth as from hunger, Staph. 12. Profuse saliva, sour, or slimy and ropy, Merc. sol. 13. Profuse snow-white saliva, 01 an. 14. Profuse saliva, also during sleep, Nux v. 15. Profuse watery saliva; with slight inflammation of the buceal cavity, gums and tongue, aphthre, Aur. mur. 16. Profuse saliva, with nausea when swallowing the saliva, Dig., Spig. 17. Water runs out at the corners of the mouth, Crot. 18. Profuse saliva, sometimes acrid, Lact, vir. 19. Profuse saliva, with frequent spitting, or else with dry throat, Lauroc. 20. Profuse saliva, with creeping in inner cheek. Zinc. m. 21. Profuse saliva, with metallic •taste, and shootings in tip of tongue, Zinc. m. 22. Water in mouth, with nausea, repletion and malaise in abdomen, Colch. 23! Quantity of clear fluid in mouth, Sec. corn. 24. Water in mouth, before and during the dryness, Magn. mur. 25. Bitter water in mouth, with in- clination to vomit; Mang. 26. Water in mouth with belly-ache, Agar. 27. Profuse saliva, with metallic taste in mouth, Sabad. 28. Profuse saliva, also with tingling in inner cheeks, Alum. 29. Profuse saliva in the mouth, and sensation as if the larynx were closed by pressure, Tarax. BLOOD-SPITTING. 1. Spitting of blackish coagulated blood, morning and afternoon, with smell of blood in the nose, Nux v. 2. Haemorrhage from the mouth and nose, Bell. 3. Coagulated blood in the mouth, early in bed, Canth. 4. Clear blood gets into the mouth after an agreeable surprise, Chin. 5. Spits blood, Phos. 6. The saliva is mixed with clear blood, of sweetish taste, Aeon. 7. Pure blood gets into his mouth, without cough or vomiting, Men. sol. ACID SALIVA. 1. Profuse acid saliva, Calc phos., Lauroc. 2. Frcj uent sourish water in mouth, Tarax. 3. Increase of saliva, with sourish taste, early, Rhod. 4. Sour and bitter saliva, Sulph. 5. Acid reaction of saliva, Galv. (z.) 6. Acid saliva, on waking, early Stan iii 7. Watery saliva, at times sour, Natr. carb. 8. Profuse bitter-sour water in mouth, Zinc ox. SALIVA, &c. 445 9. Quantity of sour fluid in mouth, Sec corn. 10. Flow of sourish, sometimes bloody fluid from the mouth, Lye 11. Sourish, tenacious mucus and saliva, Plumb, ac L2. The saliva reacts like an acid, Plumb, met. 13. Sourish-acrid saliva, Phos. ac BLOODY SALIVA OR SPUTA. 1. Bloody saliva, Ars., Ind., Natr. mur., Nux v., Staph. 2. Bloody sputa, Am. m., Clem. 3. Bloody saliva, in the morning, Nitr. ac. 4. Frothy or bloody saliva, Sec corn. 5. Bloody froth at the mouth, Stram. 6. Bloody saliva, with sweetish taste, Hyosc, Kal. hyd., Sulph. 7. Spits, up mucus and clots of blood, tasting sweet, Magn. carb. SWEET SALIVA. 1. Sweet saliva, Nice, Puis. 2. Sweetish and insipid mucus in the mouth, Asar. 3. Agreeably-sweetish saliva, Aur.f. 4. Sweetish ptyalism, with moist and white tongue, Gran. 5. Watery saliva, first sweetish then salt, frequently, Mez. 6. Bluish, sweetish saliva, Plumb, ac 7. Profuse sweetish saliva in mouth, Sulph ac HOT SALIVA. The saliva is burning hot when coming out of the mouth, Asar. PROFUSE MUCUS. 1. Phlegm in the mouth, Bar. carb., Cupr. in. 2. Frequent hawking up of mucus, Con., Rhus t 3. Profuse mucus at night, with white tongue and bitter taste, Canth. 4 . Mucus in mouth and fauces, with yellow gum in the canthi of the eyes, Nux v. 5. Profuse mucus in mouth, with nocturnal quinzy, Chin, sulph. WATERY SALIVA. 1. Viscidity in back part of the mouth, with watery saliva in fore- part, Lauroc. 2. Thin watery saliva, with feverish taste, Lauroc VISCID OR TENACIOUS MUCUS OR SALIVA. 1. Viscid saliva, Seneg. 2. Tenacious mucus in the mouth, Bell, 3. Profuse white tenacious mucus in the mouth, Tabac 4. Thick, tenacious, :white saliva in his throat, sticking to the tongue like glue, Bell. 5. Thick saliva, nasal and tracheal mucus, with dry tongue, Op. 6. Hawking up of tough saliva, with raw fauces, Dulc 7. Profuse flow of tenacious, soap- like saliva from the mouth, Dulc 8. Clammy saliva, Lob. inf. 9. Tenacious mucus in mouth, early, Plumb, ac. 10. Glutiuous saliva, Natr. carb. 11. Viscid mucus in the mouth, with good appetite, Stram. FROTHY SALIVA. 1. Frothy saliva, Canth., Cham. 2. Frothy mucus from the mouth, constantly, with insensibility, Ophiot. 3. Frothy saliva, with constant flow. Phell, 4. Frothy, soapy saliva, Bry. 5. When talking she feels a good deal of pain in pit of stomach, and spits up a frothy saliva, Natr. carb. 6. Whitish saliva, becoming frothy while talking, Sabin. 446 SYMPTOMS OF INNER MOUTH, &c. PUTRID SALIVA. Putrid tasting mucus in the mouth, early, after rising, Bell. ALKALINE SALIVA. Alkaline reaction of the saliva Galv. (c.) SLAVERING. 1. A long string of tenacious saliva hangs out at the mouth, Bell 2. Slaver hanging out at the mouth, Strain. BLUISH SALIVA. Increased secretion of saliva, which has a bluish colour, Plumb, met. FRIABLE, CHEESY MUCUS. While hawking up the tenacious whitish mucus, a friable, cheesy, fetid substance is detached from the curtain and back part of the fauces, Pimpin. SALTISH MUCUS OR SALIVA. 1. Salt mucus in mouth, earlv, Rhus t 2. Saltish saliva, Hyosc 3. Salt, tenacious mucus on the tongue, every afternoon, Sulph. SALIVA TASTING AS OF IRON. Saliva on middle of tongue, with taste as of iron, Cim. lect. FOAM AT THE MOUTH. 1. Foam at the mouth. Agar., Camph., Canth., Cupr. m., Elec, Hyosc, Lauroc 2. White and foamy saliva, Spig. 3. Foam in and at the mouth, Cic 4. Foam at the mouth, like light- coloured blood, or having a yellow, greenish tint, Sec. com. Morbid Breath. MERCURIAL ODOURS. 1. Mercurial odour from the mouth, Bar. mur. 2. Smell from mouth, as in mercu rial ptyalism, Ant. cr. SOUR SMELL. 1. Sour smell from the mouth, Sulph. 2. Sourish, putrid smell from the mouth, Graph. FETID BREATH. 1. Fetid breath, Am., Arg. nit., Ars., Bar. carb., Dig.. Lye, Stront. carb. 2. Bad smell from the mouth, per- ceptible to himself, Hyosc. 3. Fetid odour from the mouth, un- perceived by himself, Aur. f, Magnes art. 4. Bad smell from the mouth, on waking, Bell, Camph. 5. Fetid smell from the mouth, after a meal, or in the morning or evening, Sulph, 6. Badly smelling vapour from the mouth, on waking, when stooping, with vertigo, Nux v. 7. Bad smell from the mouth, early, also with clean tongue and good taste, Nux v. 8. Bad smell from the mouth, early, also with dry mouth and throat, Puis. 9. Fetid odour from the mouth, even of the saliva, Petrol. 10. Fetid smell, from the mouth, especially perceived by others, Merc, sol • 11. Offensive smell from the mouth, perceptible only to others, Spig. 12. Fetid odour from mouth and throat, Stann. PUTRID SMELL. £1. Putrid smell from mouth, Alum., Bry., Merc viv., Nitr. ac, Seneg. VARIOUS KINDS OF SMELL, &c. 447 2. Putrid smell from the mouth, early, after rinsing the mouth, lod. 3. Putrid smell from the mouth, going off after eating, Chin. 4. Putrid smell from the mouth, especially after dinner, Cham. 5. Putrid smell out of the mouth, in girls at the age of pubescence, Aur. f VARIOUS KINDS OF SMELL. 1. Bad smell from mouth, with fetid taste, Agar. 2. Fetid smell from the mouth, like old cheese, Aur. f, Kal carb. 3. Smell from the mouth, some- times like garlic, sometimes putrid, Petrol. 4. Bad smell from the mouth, also as of pitch of cedar, Canth. 5. Bad, metallic smell from the mouth, Berb. v. 5. Bad smell from mouth, Wee onion, Kal. hyd. 6. Smell from the mouth as of clay or earth, Mang. 7. Musty smell from mouth, Natr. carb. 8. Acrid smell, as of horseradish, Agar. SENSATION OF BAD SMELL. 1. Sensation as if a bad smell were coming out of one's mouth, Ind. 2. Sensation as if one's breath were foul, 01 an. 3. Urinous smell and breath from mouth and nose, Graph. 4. Cadaverous smell from mouth, Mercurial prep., Nitr. ac TONGUE. Eruptions. 1. Warts on the tongue, Aur. mur. 2. Hardness on the middle of the tongue, burning when touched, Bar. carb. 3. Small, round painless swelling in the middle of the tongue, Dros. 4. Swelling under the tongue, with stinging pain, Natr. mur. 5. Pustules on tongue, with burn- ing and stinging pain, Amm. carb. 6. Sore blotches under the tongue, Ambr. gr. 7. Painful tubercles and vesicles on the tongue, bleeding sometimes after a meal, Graph. 8. Two tubercles on right side of tongue, painful when touched, Mang. 9. Sore tubercle on left border of tongue, Along. 10. Painful, somewhat swollen spot on one side of the root of tongue, and gums, Rhod. 11. White stigmata on the tongue, resembling aphtha?, very painful, Merc. viv. 12. Small, red, bleeding tips on forepart of tongue, Phos. 13. Pimple on the tip of the tongue, with sweet saliva, Sep. 14. Pimples on tip of tongue, with stinging pain when touched, Caps. 15. Pimple at of tip of tongue, pain- ful and stinging when touched, Hell 16. Painful pimples at tip of tongue, Nitr. ac. 17. Pimple under the tongue, pain- ful, Natr. carb. j 18. Burning pimples at tip of tongue, Kal nitr. 19. Painful pimple at the tip of tongue, Kal. carb. 20. Burning pimples at tip of tongue, evening, suddenly, Plumb. ac 21. Small red, stinging pimples on the tongue, the forepart of which is stiff. Berb. v. 22. Blisters on tongue, Ant cr., Cast, Hell,, Sep., Zinc m, 23. Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, Ind. 24. Smarting vesicles on right side of tongue, Sulph. 25. Painful blisters at tip of tongue, Lob. card. 26. Two small clear vesicles on tip of tongue, burning when touched, Phos. 448 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH, &c. 27. Burning vesicles on tongue, Aeon. 28. Burning vesicles at tip of tongue Amm. mur. 29. Blister on tongue, sore and burn- ing, Arg. m. 30. Vesicles at tip of tongue, with raw and burnt feeling, Lye 31. Burning painful vesicles on left border of tongue and lower lip, suppurating in three days, Magn. carb. 32. Burning vesicles on the left side of tongue, Mang. 33. Blister on left border of tongue, with cutting pain, Magn. sulph. 34. Burning vesicle at tip of tongue, Kal. hyd,, Kal. nit. 35. Vesicles on tongue and at the tip, with burning pain, Amm. carb. 36. Painful vesicles on the tongue, Nux v. 37. White, painful blister on fore- part of tongue, with scraping feel- ing on the tongue and white coat- ing, Thuj. 38. Sore white vesicle near root of tongue, Thuj. 39. Painful vesicle at tip of tongue, Puis. 40. Burning blisters at tip of tongue, Natr. sulph. 41. Smarting vesicles on the tongue, Natr. mur. 42. Vesicles on tongue and its bor- ders, with burning pain wdien touched, Nitr. ac. 43. Tensive vesicle on right bor- der of tongue, Natr. carb. 44. Burning vesicles on lower sur- face and tip of tongue, Graph. 45. Vesicles on tongue and gums, with burning pain, Mez. 46. Burning red vesicles on border of tongue, Phell. 47. Blisters on the tongue, also with burning pain, Calc carb. 48. Burning vesicles on border of tongue, Bry. 49. Burning stitching blister on left side of tongue, Mercurial. 50. Burning vesicles on the tongue and palate, Spig. 51. Stinging vesicles upon and un- der the tongue, Cham. 52. Painful vesicles on the border of the tongue, or on the inner chctk with stinging burning, Spong. 53 .Red, burning vesicle at tip of tongue, Mur. ac. 54. Painful burning blister on tongue, Mur. ac. 55. Vesicle under the tongue, Bar. carb. 56. Burning blisters at the tip of the tongue, Bar. carb. 57. Accuminated vesicles on the middle of the tongue, Bar. carb. Soreness. 1. Tongue feels sore at the tip, Rhus v. 2. Soreness at the root of the tongue, Benz. ac 3. The tongue feels sore and stiff, near the right os-hyoides, Merc. sol. 4. Sore tongue, with painful spots at the tip, Silic. 5. Soreness of right side of tongue, with darting pain, Carb. v. 6. Soreness of margins of tongue, Lauroc. 7. Excoriation of the tongue, Aur. mur. 8. Burning sense of excoriation at the tip of the tongue, Bar. carb. 9. Tongue raw and s;., Elec, Hell 2. Sensation of swelling in tongue, and Ijeat in organs of speech. Magnet, p. aust, 3. Swelling of the tongue, also hanging out, Stram. 4. Swollen tongue, also with white coating, Merc. sol. 5. Hard swelling of the tongue. also with ulcerated borders, which become indented, Merc. sol. 6. Swelling and inflammation of tongue, palate, fauces, gums, lips and inner mouth, with profuse se- cretion of tenacious fluid, blue and swollen face, aphthae, Merc viv. 7. Painless swelling of right half of tongue, Silic. 454 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH. 8. Tongue dry, swollen, and as if insensible on the sides, Mercurial. 9. Excessive swelling of the tongue, with ptyalism, inflamed eyes, op- pressed chest, cold swreat, Calad. 1.0. Swelling of one side of the tongue, Calc. carb. 11. Tongue red, swollen, tense, ten- der, Ox. ac 12. Brown, swollen tongue, Crotal 13. Stiff, swollen, painful tongue, Con. 14. Swelling and stiffness of left side of tongue, with sensation as if this had been pricked, Lauroc. 15. Swelling of left side of tongue, Zinc m. 16. Swelling of the tongue which turns black-brown and protrudes, Vip. r. 17. Protruded and pale, swollen tongue, Vip. t 18. Sensation, when talking, as if the tongue were growing bigger, Nux v. 19. Sense of swelling at root of tongue, with pain when swallow- ing', Cocc. 20. Painful swelling on one side of tongue, Chin. 21. Swollen tongue, covered with painful vesicles, Kal carb. 22. Excessive swelling of the tongue, Arum. 23. The tongue is painful and swol- len in different places, Lye 24. Tongue swollen and painful, as if ulcerated, Arg. nit. 25. Swelling of tongue, with pain when talking, Phos. ac 26. Swelling of root of tongue, Phos. Liability to Biting one's Tongue. 1. He bites his tongue when chew- .ing, Nitr. ac. 2. When talking or chewing he is liable to biting one side of the tongue, Ign. Numbness, Insensibility. 1. Numb tongue, Aeon,, Merc, sol, Silic. 2. The anterior half of the tongue feels numb when talking; it feels burnt and sore when eating, Ign. 3. Sensation in the upper surface of the tongue as if gone to sleep, dead, like fur or cotton, in the morning, Bell. 4. Tongue white and numb, Mer- curial 5. The middle of the tongue feels numb as if burnt, increased by talking and inspiring air, Hyosc. 6. Tongue feels burnt and numb, Lauroc. 7. One side of tongue feels numb and stiff, Natr. mur. 8. Tingling in tongue, it goes to sleep, Natr. mur. 9. Sensation in middle of tongue as if burnt and insensible, though moist at night and morning, Puis. 10. At night the tongue feels numb and dry, Nux m. 11. Tongue insensible as if burnt, Ars. 12. Tongue feels like leather, Aeon, 13. Insensibility of the tongue, whole day, Rheum. Dryness. 1. Dry tongue, Con-. lod.. Mercu- rial, Morph. ac, Phos., Plumb, ac. 2. Dry tongue and palate, Phos. ac 3. Dry tongue in the morning, Sulph. 4. Dry tongue, early, with sense of swelling of the throat, Bar. carb. 5. Sudden dryness on back part of tongue, 01. an. 6. Dry tongue and tenacious mucus in posterior nares, closing them, Staph. 7. Dry feeling on tongue, sourish water in mouth and tenacious mu- cus obstructing the posterior nares, Staph. 8. Dryness and roughness of the tongue and palate, Sep. COLDNESS, ALTERED COLOUR OF TONGUE, &c. 465 '.). Dryness of the tongue, when waking in the morning, as if burnt, Sep. 10. Dryness and slimy coating of the tongue, Canth. . 11. Dry tongue, palate and fauces, without thirst, Op. 12. Dry and parched tongue and mouth, Cupr. acet. 13. Clean, parched and dry tongue, Hyosc. 14. Dryness of the tongue and pal- ate so that they feel quite rough, Stram. 15. Dry mouth, Rhod. 16. Dry tongue with thirst, Rhus t 17. Feeling of dryness at tip of tongue, Rhust 18. Tongue feels dry as if coated Chin. 19. Dryness of tip of tongue, palate, lips, with shivering over arms and thighs, Am. m. 20. Dry tongue and mouth, Arg. m. 21. Dry or parched tongue, morning and evening Arg. nit. Coldness, or sense of Coldness. 1. Cold feeling in the tongue, Hydr. ac, Lauroc. 2. Coldness in the tongue, Galv. (s.) 3. Sensation of coldness and dryness in the forepart of the tongue, Bell 4. Tongue icy-cold, Ars. 5. Cold tongue, Aeon. Altered colour of the Tongue. 1. Red tongue, Aur. mur., Cham. 2. Red tongue with white tip, Sulph. 3. Red tongue, covered with red papillae, Tart siib. 4. Tongue bright-red and dry in the centre, Tart. stib. 5. Tongue red, with nausea, dryness and stinging in fauces, Morph. ac 6. Tongue red on the edges and tip, Morph. ac 7. Tongue red, with dilated pupil, Morph. ac. **■ Tongue red at edges and tip, violent in the middle, with painful sensation in storriach, at navel, and in the bladder, feverish pulse, Morph. ac 9. Red tongue, especially at the tip, Lob, carb. 10. Red, painful tip of tongue, with erect papillae, Arg. nit 11. Tongue dotted with yellowish spots, Petrol 12. Black tongue, Op. 13. Tongue discoloured, brown and finally black, Sec. corn. 14 Grayish tongue, Cupr. ac 15. Bluish or white tongue, Ars. 16. Sore and bluish tongue, Mur. ac. Itching. 1. Itching of tongue, Phos. ac. 2. Itching in forepart of tongue, obliging one to rub and scratch, Magnet, p. arct. 3. Itching of the left side of root of tongue, Nux v. 4. Itching at tip of tongue, Alum. Soft Feeling like Butter. The forepart of the tongue feels soft like butter, when moved, Mez. Tongue feels Broader. 1. The tongue feels broader than usual, Puis. 2. Sensation as if the tongue were too large and too broad, Par. quad. Inflammation. 1. Inflammation of tongue, Plumb. ac. 2. Inflammation of the tongue, with many vesicles, Canth. 3. Inflammation of tongue and mouth, Ox. ac. 4. Inflammation of the tongue with swelling of the submaxillary gland, Copaiv. 5. Pains, burning, redness, inflam- mation of the tongue, from chew- ing the herb, Ran. seel 6. The papillae are bright red, inflamed, swollen, Bell. 456 SYMPTOMS OF THI Twitchings, Jerkings. 1. Drawing and jerking in tongue, towards the throat, Cast. 2. Twitchings in upper side of tongue, Sulph. Sense as of a Hair on the Tongue Sensation on the forepart of the tongue, as of a hair lying on it, Silic. Spasms, Convulsions. -1. Spasm of the tongue, with diffi- culty of speech, Ruta. 2. Spasmodic sensation at root of tongue, Aeon. 3. Convulsive contraction of the tongue, Galv. 4. Convulsions or swelling of the tongue, stifling the voice, with constant flow of saliva, Sec. corn. 5. Spasmodic stretching of the tongue, Ophiot. 6. Horrible contortions of the mus- cles of the face, she puts out her tongue to its full length, smacks with it, and is tormented by retch- ing, Bell. Burning. 1. Burning on tongue, Cast., Natr. sulph., Phos. ac, Plat 2. Burning at tip of tongue, Aeon., Amm. carb., Carb. a., Hydr. ac, Ind., Kal carb., Kal nit., Lauroc, Seneg. 3. Burning on tongue, during an in- spiration, Rhod. 4. Cooling burning at a small spot on the tongue, Ind. # 5. Stinging burning sensation on the tongue, here and there, with painfulness of the tongue when touched, Berb. v. 6. Burning across the middle of the tongue, followed by burning and dryness of the mouth, Asar. 7. Itching burning at tip of tongue, 01. an. 8. Stinging warmth in the tongue, when touched by the medicine, Tax. bacc. E INNER MOUTH. 9. Burning, or burning pricking on the tongue, Mercurial. 10. Burning at tip of tongue and numbness of back part, Bov. 11. Burning on the tongue and in the mouth, down to stomach, Mez. 12. Burning and dryness of the tongue and lips, these look like scorched leather, Hyosc. 13. Burning of tip of tongue which feels hard, Gutt 14. Burning of anterior half of tongue, Gutt. 15. Burning at tip of tongue as if cracked, Natr. carb. 16. Burning at tip of tongue while chewing the herb, Ran. seel. 17. Burning at tip of tongue, with raised papillae, Tereb. 18. Burning at tip of tongue, also oi. right side only, followed by spit- ting and a taste as of unripe fruit. Sabad. 19. Burning at tip of tongue, with sore throat, worse when swallow- ing saliva, Sabad. 20. Tongue feels scalded, Coloc. 21. Burning at tip and border of tongue, also in mouth, Coloc. 22. Burning on the tongue, only be- tween meals, Prun. spin. 23. Burning at tip of tongue as from some spice, Arg. m. 24. Burning of the tongue; it feels swollen, with sensation as if a cur- rent of cold air were passing over it, Aeon. 25. Burning aromatic feeling on the tongue, and in the throat, Pimpin. 26. Burning as from pepper at tip of tongue, followed by ptyalism. Chin. 27. Burning of tongue and lower lip. Kal. carb. 28. Burning, at a small spot in left border of tongue, Kal. hyd. 29. Burning, or burning itching at tip of tongue, Rat. Atrophy. Wasting away of the tongue, Mur ac. HARD TONGUE, . Dry mouth, at night, Cocc, Magn. carb. 6. Parched mouth, Bell. 7. Parched mouth, on waking, Par. quad. 8. Dry mouth and scraping in the throat, Crot, Sulph. 9. Excessive dryness of the mouth, Mercurial. 10. Dry throat and mouth, with thirst, Bell. 11. Dry mouth, also with sour taste, Con. 12. Dryness and scraping in the mouth, Croc. 13. Dry mouth, and violent burning in upper side of one half of the tip of the tongue, Croc 14. The mouth is so dry that wheat bread tastes to him like straw, Stram. 15. Extreme dryness of the mouth, with absence of saliva, although the tongue looks moist and clean, Stram. 16. Dry mouth, with thirst, dim sight, sparkling eyes, sweat and diarrhoea, Stram. 17. Dry mouth and thirst and per- fect loss of taste, even vinegar was ' tasteless, Stram. 18. Dry mouth, particularly in the morning, with scraping in the fauces, and aching in one side of the head, Lauroc, 19. Dry mouth, also with disposi- tion to press the tongue to the pal- ate, Nux m. 20. Dryness of mouth and throat, early, lined with flat-tasting mu- cus, with fetid smell from the mouth, not perceived by himself, Puis. 21. Dryness of mouth, tongue, also throat, as after eating salt things, Nux m. . 22. Dryness of mouth, with saliva which feels like cotton, Nux m. 23. Dryness of mouth, especially at tip of tongue, Nux v. 24. Parched mouth, after midnight, with much mucus in the fauces, Nux v. 25. Dry mouth, with swollen hot lips, Nitr. ac. 458 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH. 26. Dry mouth, tongue, and lips, Natr. carb. 27. Dry mouth and nose, Sec. corn. 28. The mouth feels dry and rough, with qualms of sickness, Cin. 29. Dry and hot mouth and throat, with stinging under the tongue, Cinnab. 30. Dry mouth and.fauces, with con- stipation, hot skin, diminution of the imaginative faculty, and fall- ing down in the street, Chhi, sulph. 31. Dry mouth, with thirst, or cool breath, Chin. 32. Dry mouth, tongue, and lips, also with numbness, Ambr. gr. 33. Dry mouth and tongue, some- times with heat mounting from chest to head, Aeon. 34. Dry feeling in mouth, with pro- fuse saliva, Kal. carb. 35. Dry mouth, with white tongue and sour taste, Along. 36. Dry mouth and throat, also with sensation as if covered with mu- cus, Magn. mur. 37. Dry mouth and tongue, fre- quently with violent thirst, he drinks but little at a time, though frequently, Ars. 38. Dry mouth, wdth viscid', soap- like mucus, Phos. ac. 39. Dry mouth, with chilliness over the abdomen, Op. 40. Dry mouth, nose and larynx, Op. 41 Dry mouth, with or without thirst, Bry. 42. Dry mouth, as if full of sand, Bov. 43. Dryness in mouth and nose, with thirst, Canth. 44. Dry mouth, tongue, and palate, Carb. an. 45. Stinging dryness in the mouth, early, as if glued together, even when full of saliva, Spig. 46. Dry mouth and tongue, with thirst, Cham. 47. Very dry mouth, with irritable mood, mouth and tongue looking moist, with very little tenacious mucus on the tongue, lips hot and peeling off, Bell. 48. Dry and sticky mouth, or also with sticky and frothy saliva, with heat, loss of taste, or else sour taste after eating or drinking Berb. v. 49. Dry mouth fauces and nose, so that he is unable to swollow, Bell. 50. Dry mouth, throat, and fauces, feeling constricted, Bell. 51. Dry mouth, with taste of blood, Sulph. 52. Dry mouth, with viscid saliva, and hot hand, Cann. 53. Dry mouth and tongue, with roughness and stinging, Calc. carb. Inflammation. 1. Inflammation of buccal cavity, Aur. mur. 2. ----of the mouth and mucous membrane of the tongue, with small pustules, Tart. stib. 3. ---- of the mouth, then gan- grene of the gums, tongue and cheeks, Merc viv. 4. ----of inner mouth and saliva- ry glands, with inflamed cheeks, glands, gums, and lips, Merc. cor. 5. ----and destruction of mucous membrane of mouth, Canth. 6. ----, swelling and burning of the mouth, lips, and pharynx, ex- tending through the whole intesti- nal canal, Crot 7. Burning and inflammation of mouth and throat, Amm. carb. Soreness. 1. Sore mouth, Ign., Merc. sol. 2. Soreness of the inner cheek, Bell. 3. The inner mouth feels raw and sore, Stram. 4. Soreness of the gums and inner cheek, with violent pain and gan- grenous scurfs, Chin, sulph. 5. Smarting in mouth, as if raw, Ambr. gr. 6. Corrosion of inner mouth, as if by something acrid, Kal carb. ERUPTIONS, NUMBNESS, HEAT, BURNING. 459 7. Sore and raw mouth, between swallowing, Phos. ac. Eruptions. 1. Vesicles in the mouth, Canth,, Staph. 2. Painful vesicles in the mouth, with sore throat when swallowing, Phos. 3. Painful vesicles all over the inner mouth, with burning pain, Kal. carb. 4. Vesicles on inner cheeks, Amm. carb. 5. Large blister on inner cheek, Natr. carb. 0. The inner mouth feels as if blis- tered, Thuj. 7. Blisters in mouth, which break and form ulcers, Calc carb. 8. Vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue, Carb. an. 9. Vesicles, or round, elevated white blisters in the mouth, with burn- ing and peeling off of the skin, Merc, sol 10. The whole inner mouth is cover- ed with inflamed vesicles, Bar carb. 11. Small, smarting vesicles in the mouth, Sulph. 12. Vesicles in the mouth, with burn- ing pain, Sulph. 13. Vesicles on inner side of cheek, Sulph. ac. 14. Swelling of the inner mouth, Sep. 1 15. Swelling and soreness of poste- rior nares, Phos. ac. lf>. ---- and" excoriations in the mouth, Tart stib. 17. ----of the inner mouth and gums, with burning in the mouth and throat, Sep. IN. Blue-red swelling in mouth, on one side, discharging coagulated blood when breaking, Canth. • 19, Knotty, swelling on inside of right cheek, with drawing-tearing pain every evening, Calc. carb. 20. Tight, almost painless swelling near a posterior molar, Par. quad. 21. Slight, painful swelling of the lips and buccal cavity, Copaiv. 22. Large pustules in the mouth, depressed in the centre, Tart. stib. 23. Miliary eruption in mouth, on the tongue, cheeks, bleeding when touched, and painful when eating any thing sour, Magn. carb. 24. Small tubercles on the inner cheek, first aching and sore when touched, then lancinating and cut- ting like an ulcer, especially when opening the mouth widely, eating, reading aloud, with inflammation of the parts around, lod. 25. Small tubercles in mouth, here and there, Lye 26. Painful blotch on the inner cheek, Phos. Numbness. 1. Numbness of inner mouth, Aeon., Bar. carb. 2. The inner mouth feels numb and crisp, Bov. 3. The mouth feels numb and rough, Natr. sulph. 4. Sensation as if the inner mouth had gone to sleep, Nitr. ac. 5. Mouth numb, as if burnt, early, Kal. carb. 6. Mouth and throat dry, as if numb, early, with bitter sweet taste, Magn. sulph. 7. Numbness of mouth, palate, and forepart of tongue, from morning till noon, Magn. carb. 8. The mouth feels burnt and numb, during the menses, Magn. mur. 9. Numbness in the mouth, on wak- ing, early, Stront. carb. 10. Numbness of the whole inner mouth, early, after waking, Ind. Heat, Burning. 1. Hot mouth, Magn. carb. 2. Burning in the mouth, Mercu- rial, Tart. stib. 3. Hot breath, Magn. mur. 4. Nightly burning in the mouth. Merc. sol. 460 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH. 5. Heat comes out of the mouth, Silic. 6. Heat in mouth, as if burnt, Crot. 7. Burning in the mouth, with erup- tion around the mouth, Sulph. 8. Burning in the mouth, as from pepper, with unquenchable thirst, Sulph. 9. Burning in the mouth, in the morning, without thirst, Sidph. 10. Dry heat in mouth, Hyp. perf 11. Violent burning in the mouth, also with throbbing, or with swell- ing of lips and gums, Lach. 12. Heat in mouth, with rough and dry tip of tongue, Carb. v. -13. Burning from the mouth to the pharynx, oesophagus and stomach, Canth. 14. Heat in mouth and stomach, Camph. 15. Warmth in mouth, with prick- ling and profuse mucus, Crot. 16. Hot mouth and throat, as if burnt, Cinch, sulph. 17. Heat in mouth, with dyspeptic symptoms, Kal, hyd. 18. Burning from the lips down the oesophagus, Aeon. 19. Heat and burning in mouth and on the tongue, Plum, ac Pains. 1. Painful feeling in mouth, Crot. 2. Every part of the mouth feels intensely painful, Ipec 3. Painful sensitiveness of mouth, gums and palate, Phos. 4. Contractive pain in salivary glands, Chin. 5. Burning pain at velum and pos- terior nares, as if corroded, Arg. nit. 6. Smarting pain, as from pepper, on inside of left cheek, Dros. 7. Ulcerative pain at a small spot in velum, Arg. nit. 8. Ulcerative pain in the soft parts between the cheeks and last molar teeth, (in the evening, during the feverish heat,) Hyosc. Aphtha?, Ulcers, 1. Aphthae, Hell, Merc, cor., Mm. sol, Plumb, met, Tart. stib. 2. Ulcers in the mouth, Alum.. Canth., Stajyh. .3. Aphtha?, with ptyalism, lod. 4. Aphthous ulcers in mouth, which frequently become gangrenous. Merc viv. 5. Ulcers in mouth, particularly on the sides, with fetid smell, after- wards turning yellow, Plumb, ac. 6. Aphthee in mouth and pharynx, Plumb, ac. ✓ 7. Ulcerated crusts in mouth, espe- cially on left cheek, Arg. nit. 8. Excavated cicatrix on the roof of the mouth, from which a slough separated seven months previous: no pain until separation of slough: sore took six months to heal, Kal. bich, 9. Ulceration in the mouth, redness, interstitial distention of the gums. looseness of the gums, with slightly bleeding, small, ash-coloured pain- ful ulcers, profuse, fetid ptyalism, lod. 10. Ulcers in mouth and fauces, Ntr. ac. 11. Several flat ulcerated surfaces in mouth, burning and painful when touched, Natr. carb. 12. Yellow little ulcer on inner cheek, especially painful in the morning, Zinc. m. 13. Ulcerated spot on the inner cheek, with stinging pain as froni a splinter, Nitr. ac. 14. Ulcers in the mouth, on the gums, tongue, Natr. mur. 15. Pimples and little ulcers in mouth, with tearing when warming these parts, Dulc. 16. Ulcers on inside of cheeks, Petrol 17. Ulcers and sores, with burr/nu; and smarting, particularly in the evening, Merc sol. 18. A number of painful, spreading ulcers in the mouth, also with SLIMY, VISCID MOUTH, ALTERED COLOUR, &c. 461 bleeding, or else discharging a fetid ichor, Mercurial prep. P». Ulcerated tumour in the left side of the mouth, behind the last mo- Jars, Beuz, ac Slimy, Viscid Mouth. 1. Viscid mouth, Bar. carb. 2. Sticky mouth, Mercurial 3. Slimy mouth and throat, Ars. 4. Viscid and slimy mouth, Squill. 5. Slimy mouth, in the morning, Sulph, 6. Slimy mouth, with spitting, Kreas. 7. Slimy mouth, with sensation as if a bad smell came from the mouth, Bell. • 8. Slimy mouth, on waking, with headache, Bell. 9. Sensation as if the mouth were glued together with insipid mucus, Mur. ac. 10. Slimy mouth, gums, tongue and palate, feeling raw and sore, Nux v. Altered Colour. 1, Bluish colour of inner cheeks, Merc. sol. 2. The inner mouth looks white, Plumb, ac. If. Paleness of inner mouth, Chin. sulph. Stinging, Pricking. 1. Stinging in mouth, Arum. 'I. Slight prickling and stinging in the mouth, Seneg. Froth. 1. Frothy mucus in mouth, while preparing the juice, Ran. seel, 2. Froth in mouth, Plumb, ac. Contractive Sensation. 1. Contraction in the mouth, with watery saliva, Asar. 2. Spasmodic contraction of the mouth, on swallowing the first mouthful, Sulph. 3. Contractive sensation in the mouth, Sulph. 4. Contractive sensation along the Stenonian duct, Rhod. Stomacacc. 1. A kind of stomacace, Hyosc 2. Putrefaction of mouth, Merc. cor. Oily, Greasy Mouth. 1. Slimy, oily mouth, early, Phos. ac. 2. Greasy feeling in mouth and palate, 01. an. Peeling off. 1. Peeling off of the skin of the inner cheek, Sulph. 2. Sensation as if the epidermis in the mouth would peel off, Asa f Roughness. 1. Roughness of mouth, and sore feeling in different places, Phos. 2. Rough mouth, as if lined with a skin, Caust Coldness. 1. Coldness from mouth to stomach, immediately, with nausea, after- wards, Kal. nitr. 2. Cold feeling rises up into the mouth, and towards the palate, Camph. Various Phenomena. 1. Gangrene of the mouth, skin and flesh becoming detached, pre- ceded by burning pain and raw- ness, Lach. 2. Violent itching of inner cheek, Magn. carb. 3. The mouth is spasmodically distorted, or closed, Sec corn. 4. The inner mouth feels stiff and swollen, on waking, Nitr. ac 5. Tensive feeling in the back 402 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH. part of the mouth and palate, with constant spitting, Lact. vir. 6. Difficulty of opening the mouth, Plumb, ac 7. Doughy feeling in the mouth, Cupr. acet. 8. The MOUTH FEELS SO NARROW that she dares not move her tongue lest she should touch and hurt some part of the mouth, Amm. carb. 9. Tickling or crawling in the mouth, Mercurial 10. Puckering of skin of inner mouth, Merc viv. 11. Sensation as if the mouth were more spacious, as if the tongue were lower than usual, Bell. 12. Mouth feels as if lined with velvet, Dig. 13. Paralytic weakness of inner mouth, Bell PALATE. Eruptions. 1. Painful pimple on both sides of palate, Mur. ac. 2. Painful vesicles on the palate, behind the incisores, Nux. v. 3. Vesicles on the palate, with sore pain, going off when the menses set in, Magn. carb. 4. Blisters at palate, breaking and suppurating, Phos. 5. Blister in upper part of palate, Carb. v. Pains. 1. Simple pain in back part of % palate, and velum, when yawning, Zinc m. 2. Pain of the fraenum and palate, hindering eating, Phos. 3. Painfulness of palate and gums, when chewing, Zinc. m. 4. Burning pain of palate, Spig. 5. Drawing pain, with pressure, in soft palate, Sassap. 6. Ulcerative pain at palate when touched with the tongue, Amm. carb. 7. Pain at the palate as if excori- ated, Par. quad. 8. When swallowing saliva, he feels a kind of sore pain in left palate, as when air rushes into a sore, Thvj. 9. Aching in back part of palate, Carb. v. Burning. 1. Palate and upper gums feel as if burnt, Cim. lect. 2. Contractive burning at palate, Cin. 3. Burning of palate as if sore, dur- ing the menses, Natr. sulph. , 4. Burning of the palate as from hot coal, Euphor. 5. Dryness and titillating burning of the palate, Par. quad. 6. Smarting and burning in fauces and palate, Carb. v. 7. Pain of the "palate, behind the front teeth, as if burnt, when touched, Sep. 8. Scraping burning in palate, like heartburn, Squill 9. Sore burning of palate, evening, Mur. ac. 10. Smarting burning at palate as if raw, Seneg. 11. Burning sensation at palate, as if raw, Magn. carb. 12. Burning in upper part of palate, Phos. 13. Burning, crawling and stinging of palate, Sabad. Stitches, Prickling. 1. Stitches from palate to brain, Staph. 2 Prickling of the palate, 01 an. 3. Fine stinging in palate, with sensation as if cut to pieces, Millef. 4. Stinging in palate when dry, evening, Staph. 5. Tingling and burning prickling in back part of palate, Caust 6. Tension and prickling of palate ; in a few days, a swelling with a wart-shaped excrescence showed itself, Arg. nit. DRYNESS, SORENESS, SWELLING, &c. 46' 7. Stitches and smarting at back part of palate, worse when swal- lowing, Kal. carb. 8. Stitch in upper palate, after din- ner, Phos. Dryness. 1. Dry palate and fauces, Arg. nit. 2. Dry palate and tongue, which feels like leather, Nux m. 3. The palate feels parched, Stram. 4. Scraping dryness in soft palate, and fauces, causing a short hack- ing, Dros. 5. Dry palate as if from heat Merc. sol. 6. Burning dryness of the palate, early, Cann. 7. Dry palate, with cutting and scraping pain, when attempting to swallow, Hell Soreness. 1. Sore throat as if swollen in the region of the palate, not felt when drinking, Nux v. 2. Soreness of back part of palate as if pressed upon by a hard body, Mang. 3. Sore spot in upper palate, Caust 4. Kough palate, with soreness when touching it with the tongue, Merc sol. 5. Rawness and soreness of the palate, at a small spot, Mur. ac. 6. Sore palate, with waterbrash, swelling of upper lip, with painful pimple on it, Graph. 7. Sensitiveness of palate and tongue,with blood-spitting, Graph. Swelling. 1. Swelling of palate behind the incisores, with pain to the touch, Zinc. m. 2. Swelling of palate and salivary gland, Bar. mur. 3. Swelling and inflammation of palate, Calc, carb. 4. Soft palate is bright-red, swollen, covered with tenacious muous and vesicles, Tart stib. Roughness^ Scraping. 1. Roughness at palate, Ars. 2. Scraping at palate, Chin. 3. Scraping at palate and uvula, in- creased by swallowing saliva, Sabin. 4. Dry, scraping sensation of pal- ate, Camph. 5. Burning scraping in palate, Staph. 6. Roughness and rawness of back part of palate, with cough, Calc acet 7. Rawness and soreness of palate, especially painful when touching it with the tongue, or when chewing, Bell Various Symptoms. 1. Fine pinching ,at palate, the whole night, painful when swal- lowing, disappearing in the morn- ing after hawking up the phlegm, the part remains rough after that, Ant. cr. 2. Ulcer on the palate, extending to the gums, Silic 3. Ulcers on palate and tongue,' Op. 4. Scraping tingling at palate, Colch. 5. Pressure at left palate, lod. 6. Sensation in palate as if the skin would become detached, it became shrivelled and painful, Phos. 7. A piece of membrane gets de- tached in upper part of palate, Euphor. 8. Redness from palate to uvula, Canth. 9. Tensive sensation shifting from the palate to the articular fossae of lower jaw, Seneg. 10. Tickling at palate, Phos. 11. Itching of palate, Kal. carb. 12. Itching of the palate and velum, Silic 13. Stinging smarting in palate, close to the roots of front-teeth, and in their roots, Zinc, m. 464 SYMPTOMS OF THE INNER MOUTH. 14. Smarting, with pressure, in back part of palate, between the acts of swallowing, Staph. GLANDS IN THE MOUTH. VELUM. 1. Pain in the curtain, small pieces of which fall off on the day follow- ing, Par. quad. 2. Sticking pain at velum, attend- ed towards the end with bitter taste in mouth, profuse saliva, cough, Valer. 3. Pain at velum, as if pressed hard or pinched, Caps. 4. Pressure and sense of heaviness in velum, Thuj. 5. Pressure at velum, Am. m. 6. Scraping sensation at velum, Ars. 7. Scraping raw feeling at velum, with phlegm on it, Ant. cr. 8. Scraping sensation at velum, as if a rough body were adhering to it; afterwards this is felt lower down, Arg. m. 9. Scraping burning in right half of velurn, Ran. bulb. 10. Burning at velum, Cocc, Phos.ac. 11. Sore feeling at velum, Ign. 12. Feeling of soreness and pressure at velum, when swallowing, Ruta. 13. Painful soreness of the velum, with raw throat, Phos. ac 14. The velum presents a rough, papular, elevated appearance, Kal. bich. 15. Single stitches in the velum, Silic 16. Prickings at upper part of ve- lum, Coloc. 17. Stinging at velum, Coloc. 18. Single long stitches in velum, Camph. 19. Stinging and cutting in velum, with difficult deglutition and feel- ing of stiffness, Grat. » 20. Swelling of the velum, Ckin., Nux v. 21. The velum hangs down very low, with scraping pain when swallow- ing, Stram. 22. Swelling of velum, with aching pain, and smarting behind the ve- lum, Nux v. 23. Swelling of velum and uvula, as if thickened by mucus, Nux v. 24. Sensation as if the velum were swollen or covered with tenacious mucus, Ign. 25. Sensation of a hair on velum and root of tongue, ending in sore throat, Kal. bich. 26. Dryness of velum, palate and lips, with burning, Nux mosch. FRSENUM. 1. Bright-red, small shining pim- ples below the frsenum, Nux in. 2. Red little spot on framum, painful, Bov. 3. Abscess near the frsenum, Natr. carb. 4. Soreness of frsenum, Kal. carb. 5. Prickling at frsenum, Phos. I. Swelling of sublingual glands, Staph. 2. Swelling of salivary and submax- illary glands, with hardness, pain, profuse saliva, Kal nitr. 3. Swelling of salivary glands, with profuse saliva, Thvj. 4. Pain and swelling of salivary glands, Merc, sol, 5. Contractive sensation in sali- vary glands when eating, Ambr. gr. 6. Tingling in the salivary glands, immediately after eating, attended with fermentation in the ces6pha- gus and copious salivation, Kalm. lat. 7. Inflammation of the sublingual glands, Kalm. lat. 8. The glands on the inner cheek are painfully sensitive, as from sharp vinegar, lod. 9. Painful vesicles on sublingual glands, Nitr. ac 10. Swelling of sublingual gland, Staph. SALIVARY DUCTS, TONSILS, UVULA. 465 ORIFICES OF THE SALI- VARY DUCTS. 1. Pressure at orifices of saliva- ry ducts, on each side of tongue, Nux TO. 2. Orifice of salivary duct swollen, white, ulcerated, painful,Merc sol 3. Soreness of orifices of salivary ducts, as if corroded, Aeon. 4. The orifice of the Stenonian duct feels corroded, Bell. 5. Painful swelling of orifice of Stenonian duct, Ign. TONSILS. 1. Pain in tonsils, with sore uvula, Nitr. ac. 2. Aching pain in tonsils, worse when swallowing saliva, Cocc. 3. Fine tearing in left tonsil and be- hind it, also when swallowing, Bell. 4. Throbbing in tonsils, with oppres- sive anxiety, Amm. mur. 5. Shooting pains in left tonsil, eased by swallowing, Kal. bich. 6. Sticking pain in tonsils, when swallowing, Merc. sol. 7. Stitches in right tonsil, Alum. 8. Pain in one tonsil as if a husk were sticking to it, when talking or swallowing, with redness of tonsil and velum, and sensitive- ness of corresponding part of neck to pressure, Berb. v. 9. Stitches in tonsils and burning behind uvula, Nitr. ac. 10. Smarting and pulling in the tonsils, lod. 11. Swelling of tonsils and throat, Thuj. 12. Swelling of tonsils, Alum., Graph., Nitr. ac 13. Swelling of tonsils, with elonga- tion of uvula, and sense of con- striction of oesophagus when swal- lowing, also with soreness and stiches, Calc. carb. 14. Swelling of tonsils, particularly the left, impeding deglutition and motion of head, Phos. 15. Swelling of right tonsil, Plat Vol. III.—SO 16. Swelling of tonsils, with shoot- ing stitches in them, Ran. stel 17. Redness and swelling of tonsils, Sulph. 18. Swelling of left tonsil, Bar. carb. 19. Yellowish ulcer on right tonsil, Calc carb. 20. Ulcerated tonsils, with stinging pain when swallowing. Merc. sol. 21. Ulcers on tonsils, Lye 22. Uvula and tonsils became red, swollen, ulcerated, Kal. bich. 23. Tonsils suppurated, Crot 24. Inflammation, swelling, and sup- puration of left tonsil, with heat in • body, thirst,burningin eyes, Sep. 25. Inflammation and swelling of tonsils and uvula, with difficulty of swallowing, Natr. sulph., Merc. sol. 26. Inflamed tonsils, suppurated. cannot swallow a drop, Bell 27. Inflammation of tonsils, Canth. UVULA, 1. Stitches in uvula, Rhod. 2. Sticking in uvula and submaxil- lary glands, when swallowing, with shuddering in the* day-time, sweat at night, and headache, Nux v. 3. Elongation of the uvula, with dry throat, Silic. 4. ----, with stiffness of nape of neck, Kal. carb. 5. Swelling and elongation of uvu- la, with spitting, lod., Merc sol 6. Swelling of the uvula, Chin., S.ilic, Nux v. 7. Swelling and dark-redness of uvula, Calc. carb. 8. Uvula inflamed and swollen, with stinging in throat, Carb. v. 9. Spreading ulcer on the uvula, Nitr. ac. 10. Excavated sore, with reddish areola, and containing a yellow, tenacious matter, at root of uvula, right side; fauces and palate be- ing red, Kal. bich. 11. Dark-red uvula, covered> with blisters, Calc. carb. 466 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHA. RYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS. Soreness or Pains. SIMPLE SORENESS SOMETIMES ATTENDED WITH OTHER PHENOMENA. 1. Sore throat, Kal. bich., Kal, hyd., Merc, sol., Nice, Tart. stib. 2. Sore throat, when swallowing or spitting, Bell. 3. Sore mouth, fauces and cesopha-' gus,( Dig. 4. Pain in throat, pressure, Mere sol. 5. ----, with colic, Bell. 6. ----, when swallowing, with hoarseness, Merc sol 7. ---- as if too dry, Merc. sol. 8. Sore throat, with pressure when swallowing. Hell. 9. Sore throat, with swelling of cervical glands, Sulph. 10. Soreness of pharynx, Nitr. ac. 11. Sore throat with pressure, only when swallowing saliva, Nux v. 12. Irritation of fauces, with burning thirst and colicky pains in stom- ach, Morph. acet 13. Sore throat, with swelling of submaxillary glands, Calc carb. 14. Sore fauces, with catarrh, Eupat 15. Sore and ripped-up sensation in pharynx, at night, as if one had swallowed rancid things, Camph. 16. Rough, sore throat, with hoarse- ness, Ferr. acet. 17. Sore throat, with difficult deglu- tition, Fluor, ac 18. Pain in throat when sneezing and gaping, Phos. 19. A dull pain in throat disappears suddenly, and is followed by draw- ing heaviness in head, Plat. 20. Sore throat and swelling of soft palate in the morning, wTith a thick . white and yellow mucus about the fauces, Phyt dec. 21. Pain in left side of throat, until after breakfast, during the menses, Natr. sulph. 22. Violent pain at cardiac orifice, when swallowing food, Sep. 23. Pain in region of larynx, when lifting a heavy weight, Silic. 24. Soreness in oesophagus, preceded by burning, Asaf. 25. .Pain in throat, obliging him to swallow constantly, going off after gulping up a bitter liquid, Grat. 26. Sore throat with difficult deglu- tition and soreness, Bry. 27. Sensation in right side of pha- rynx, as if sore, even between swallowing, Merc. sol. 28. Soreness of throat down to stomach, sometimes like heart- burn, less after rising, Carb. a. 29. Sore feeling in pharynx when drinking cold water, Arg. nit 30. Pains and dryness in throat and stomach, Kal. hyd. 31. Pain in throat when swallowing or when moving the neck, Chin, sulph. 32. Sore pain in throat when swal- lowing, Sabin. 33. Ulcerated sore throat, Sang. 34. Dull pain in pharynx, also in chest, region of heart, stomach, and right scapula, Lauroc. 35. Constant pain during empty deglutition, for months, Lach. 36. Soreness of the throat with danger of suffocation, Lach. 37. Soreness of the throat extending to the ears, Lach. 38. Soreness and roughness of fauces and palate, Mez. 39. Violent sore throat as if it would close, Kal. nit. 40. Pain when swallowing as if in- flamed, Caps. 41. Sore throat, with inflammation of velum and uvula, Kal. nit. SENSITIVENESS, ACHING, BURNING, &c. 467 42. Pairr in the fauces as if dry, I rough, sore, Ipec. ! 43. Sore throat with difficulty of swallowing and opening the mouth, Kal. carb. 44. Sore throat, high up, when swal- lowing food, Kal carb. 45. Sore pain in upper fauces, not when swallowing, with contractive sensation as in water brash, Caps. 4•'>. Sore throat, with swelling of the parotid gland, Cham. SENSITIVENESS. 1. Sensitiveness of the throat, after hawking, Alum. 2. Sensitiveness of throat as if the food were spiced, acid, Cocc ACHING. 1. Aching pain in oesophagus, re- gion of larynx, as if the food passed over raw flesh, with burning pain there, Merc sol 2. Pain in one side of throat, and in fauces, when blowing his nose ; aching as if swollen, Merc sol. 3. Pressing pain in back of throat, when swallowing, as if it were thick there, Mercurial 4. Aching pain in throat during de- glutition, with heat in fauces, Ferr. acet 5. Aching sore throat with difficult deglutition, Natr. carb. 6. Aching pain in oesophagus as if an ulcer would form, Merc. sol. 7. Aching pain in pharynx, after swallowing, and sudden shudder- ing, as if from pit of stomach, with nausea and concussive sensation in head and chest, Mez. 8. Aching pain in throat, when swallowing, as if the bony palate would split, Mez. burning. 1. Increased warmth in fauces,Z>«?c. 2. Burning in oesophagus, Aeon., Euphor. 3. Burning, with stinging in tongue and fauces, Lob. card. 4. Burning in throat and fauces, as if a flame were rushing out, Eu- phor. 5. Burning in throat, with trem- bling anxiousness, heat on upper part of body, nausea, ptyalism, dry cheeks, Euphor. 6. Painful deglutition, as if the throat were burnt, or as if he had swallowed boiling oil, Merc sol. 7. A glowing vapour rises in her throat from the abdomen, after a moderate dinner ; the throat be- coming more and more painful and a violent thirst setting in, Merc sol 8. Stinging burning sore throat, Nitr. ac 9. Burning, sore throat, Alum. 10. The mouth and fauces feel as if burnt, so that he can only swallow soft or liquid food, Seneg. STINGING SORENESS. 1. Sore throat, with stitches in fau- ces, and pain as if swollen, when swallowing or turning the neck or touching its side, Bell. 2. Stinging sore throat, between swallowing, Dig. 3. Stinging sore throat, Merc. sol. 4. Lancinating pain in throat wben swallowing or breathing, Bell 5. Strong sticking pain in gullet, when swallowing, Mercurial 6. Choking and sore feeling in throat, as if the tonsils were swol- len, with prickings extending to the ears, Sulph. 7. Stitching sore throat, with pres- sure as from a plug, especially between the acts of swallowing, Nux v. 8. Stinging sore throat, when swal- lowing, Phos. 9. Painful irritation of tongue and oesophagus, as if a pin were thrust down, Phos. 10. Stinging, or pinching pains in throat, from larynx to ear, Natr. mur. 468 SYMPTOMS OF THE TH 11. Stinging soreness in throat, only when swallowing, Aur. m. 12. Stinging pain in throat, when swallowing, as from a fish-bone, Petrol. 13. "Sore throat, with pressure and stinging, not after eating, Phell. 14. Stinging-scraping pain in pha- rynx, when swallowing empty, Sep. 15. Sore throat with stitches, Silic. 16. Stinging sore throat when swal- lowing, the neck being painful when touched, Silic. 17. Stinging pain in throat, Cupr. Teucr. 18. Burning stinging sore pain, in fauces and at uvula, worse when swallowing, Caust 19. Sore throat as from a little tu- mour, with stinging pain, Caust 20. Stinging sore throat, Amm. mur. 21. Sore throat, with stinging and drawing or tearing, Amm. carb. 22. Sore pain on right, with stinging and burning on left side of throat, when talking, sneezing, yawning, or swallowing, Magn. carb. 23. Stinging pain in right side of throat, when swallowing, Magn. carb. 24. Sore throat with stinging, Led. pal 25. Stinging pain in pharynx ; in the cold he feels as if he had a fish-bone in it, Kal carb. 26. Sore throat on left side, as if there were a lump, with stinging when swallowing empty, Kal carb. 27. Stinging and ulcerative pain in throat, when swallowing, Kal. hyd. 28. Stinging and painful .pressure in throat, when swallowing or talk- ing, Kal. hyd. RAWNESS. 1. Pain in throat as if raw, Ign. 2. Rawness and smarting of fauces, Mur. ac. 3. The velum and fauces feel raw, Nux. mosch. 4. Sore rawness of fauces, only when inspiring cold air, and when swallowing, Nuxv, ROAT, PHARYNX, &c. 5. Rawness and roughness of throat, whole day, Euphor. 6. Scraping and rawness in throat, pressure at stomach, and in the right* eye from without inwards, Gent, crue 7. Roughness and rawness of throat, Graph. 8. Rawness and soreness in back part of throat, with dark redness, Phos. 9. Rawness and roughness in throat, worse when swallowing, the neck being painful on both sides when touched, Bar. carb. 10. Raw feeling from pharynx te stomach, Petrol. 11. Painful feeling of rawness in throat, as if a piece of skin were hanging down, Plat. 12. The back part of throat is pain- ful as .if raw, with drawing pain in cervical muscles, Puis. 13. Raw sore throat, Amm. mur. 14. Throat feels raw and sore, Arg. m 15. Sore throat, with raw feeling at the entrance of the pharynx, with stitches when coughing and swal- lowing saliva, Magn. mur. 16. Rawness in throat, with hoarse- ness and constriction , in chest, Coloc 17. Sensation as if the throat were raw, particularly during degluti- tion, with stinging, dryness of the throat, and pain on touching the parts which extends even to the nape of the neck, Lach. 18. Rawness and scraping in throat, with throbbing in left tonsil, Kalm. lat CUTTING SORENESS. 1. Cutting sore throat with difficulty of swallowing, Kal. nitr. 2. Cutting soreness in throat; not when swallowing, Mang. DRAWING PAIN. 1. Painful drawing from os-hyoides to lower jaw, more violent when touching the side of the neck, Staph. TION, SUPPURATION. 469 REDNESS, INFLAMMA 2. Drawing pain in throat, thirst and colic, Verat. 3. Pain in right side of throat as from an ulcer, drawing and ten- sion upwards and downwards; sensation as if a splinter had lodged in the throat, when swallow- ing, eructating, breathing, stretch- ing and moving the neck ; some- times an undulating jerking, and pulsation was felt in the throat, for several days, (see Symptomen Codex, Vol. i. p. 141,) Arg. nit. 4. Drawing pain in right side of throat, extending upwards to the ear, Lob. inf. 5. Frequent painful feeling in throat as if drawn downwards, Lauroc. ULCERATIVE PAIN. I. Pain in left side of throat as from a blister, Carb. v. 2. Ulcerative pain in ear when swallowing, Sulph. 3. Sore throat when swallowing, as if raw, ulcerated, Nitr. ac. 4. Throat feels as if ulcerated, par- ticularly when swallowing, with yawning and chilly shaking, Nice 5. Ulcerative soreness of left side of throat, beating, tensive, dry, be- tween the acts of deglutition, with scraping and sore pain when swal- lowing, extending to the ear, where he feels a scraping and stinging, Phos. ac 6. Seated ulcerative pain in pharynx, changed to an aching pain when yawning or drawing a deep breath, Arg. nit TKARING PAIN. 1 ■ Tearing pain in region of larynx, increased by swallowing, inspiring air, coughing, Ign. 2. Tearing, drawing pain in both sides of posterior fauces, especially when not swallowing, Zinc. m. 3. Tearing pains in the pharynx from below upwards, Lye. BORING OR DIGGING PAIN. 1. Boring or digging pain in throat, Arg. m. Redness. 1. Slight redness and constrictive sensation in throat, Gent cruc. 2. Redness of throat, with violent dull stitches, only when swallow- ing. Natr. carb. 3. Redness of the fauces and pha- rynx, Aur. mur. 4. Dark redness of uvula and fau- ces, Arg. nit 5. Long-continued redness of fauces and soft palate, varying from dark to bright-red, sometimes of a cop- pery colour, Kal bich. 6. Relaxed uvula and injected fau- ces, without any uneasy feelings, Kal bich. Inflammation, Suppuration. 1. Inflamed throat, Cupr. m., Sep. 2. Inflammation of throat and fau- ces, Bell. 3. Inflammation of pharynx, and oesophagus, Hydr. ac 4. Mercurial angina, Arg. m. 5. Chronic mercurial angina fauci- um, Mercurial prep. 6. Inflamed fauces, with pain when swallowing, Stront carb. 7. Inflammation of right side of throat, with swollen tonsil and sensitiveness to contact, Nice. 8. Inflamed throat with pain,.imped- ed deglutition, no thirst, Nice. 9. Oesophagitis, Euphor. 10. Inflamed throat, with smarting vesicle, Phos. ac. 11. Inflammation of throat, with swelling of right tonsil, stitches and choking on left side of throat, as if swollen, Natr. carb. 12. Inflammation of pharynx with small pustules, Tart stib. 13. Throat hot, sore, swollen, Rhus r. 14. Inflammation of fauces, rendering deglutition very difficult, Mercu- rial prep. 15. Inflamed fauces, with livid bor- der all around, Alum. 470 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHARYNX, &c. 16. Angina gangrenosa, Ars. 17. Inflammation of the fauces, with aching and stinging pain, Lye. 18. Inflammation of throat, with hoarseness and stitches, Lye 19. Inflammation of the fauces, Colch. 20. Inflammatory swelling of the fauces and uvula, Seneg. 21. Inflammation of pharynx, Mez. 22. Inflammation and ulcers in oeso- phagus, lod. 23. Suppuration and destruction of mucous membrane of throat, Canth. 24. Inflammation of fauces, with a number of vesicles, Canth. 25. Inflammation of tonsils and pharynx during the grippe, with fiery redness and swelling, sensa- tion as of a lump in that side of the throat, painful stiffness of neck, hoarseness, painful empty degluti- tion, dryness, scraping,' burning (without thirst), down to the tra- chea and oesophagus, and expecto- ration, in the morning, of a thick, yellow, jelly-like mu^us, with white, sticky tongue, and viscid saliva, Berb. v. Sensation as if something had lodged in the Throat, lump, plug, bristle, hall, &c. 1. Sore throat when swallowing empty, as if she were swallowing a piece of meat, Sulph. 2. Sore throat as from a lump, Silic 3. Sore throat, as if caused by a hard body, with burning and retch- ing, rough feeling and desire to hawk np mucus, Magn. carb'. 4. Sore throat as from a lump, on s r, allowing, Ruta. 5. Pain as from soreness, on the left side, during deglutition, as if something were suspended there, Kreas. 6. Sensation as of a lump in the throat, Kal carb. 7. Sensation from throat to stomach as if the food remained in the oesophagus, Kal. bich. P. Sore throat when swallowing, as from a plug, Mez. £9. Sensation, when swallowing empty, as if a husk or plug had lodged in the throat, Croc 10. Sensation as of a crumb having lodged in the throat, not removed by swallowing, Crot. 11. Pressure in throat, as from a lump, Lach. 12. Sensation in left side of throat as if a button were adhering there, with tearing proceeding from that region, Lach. 13. Sensation after eating, as if some- thing had remained adhering to the oesophagus, such as a crumb of bread, &c, obliging one to swal- low, Lach. 14. Sensation as if a body with sharp edges and points were lodged in the throat, Aeon. 15. Pressure in the throat as from a plug, with sore feeling, roughness of voice and dryness, Alum. 16. Pain in right side of throat as from a barley-bristle, upward through the ear, and causing a stinging when swallowing, Sassap. 17. Sensation as if he had to swallow over a foreign body, Sabin. 18. Feeling as of a ball rising in the throat, with dyspnoea, Coloc. 19. Sensation as of a lump in the throat; when swallowing she feels a stinging, Led. pal. 20. Pain in throat when swallowing, as if she would swallow a large substance, Magn. carb. 21. Sensation of a lump in the throatpit, impeding deglutition, Lob. inf. 22. Sensation as if a ball were rising in the pharynx from below, Lye 23. Pain in fauces as from something hard or rough, passing off when rising, Am. 24. Sensation as if a hair had lodged in the throat, Ars. 25. Sensation as if a ball of mucus had lodged in the throat, with taste of blood, Ars. SENSATION AS IF SOMETHING HAD LODGED, &c. 471 26. Difficulty of swallowing as from something in her throat, attended with choking pressure, Amm. carb. 27. Pain as from a foreign body in the throat, Ambr. gr. 28. Sore throat as from a plug, when swallowing Cham. 29. Scraping pain in throat, as if a lump had lodged in it, Caust. 30. Pressure in oesophagus as from a hard body, Bry. 31. Pain, when swallowing saliva, as if something had lodged in the throat, Bov. 32. Pressure in oesophagus, or sen- sation as if a body were ascending in the oesophagus, obliging him to swallow frequently, Asaf. 33. Sensation as of a plug in throat, on waking, Bar. carb. 34. Sensation in right side of oeso- phagus, as if a rough stinging body were rising into the ear, where it moves about, Tong. 35. Sensation of a plug in oesopha- gus, with dull pressure, Tabac. 36. Sensation of a ball in throat, Sulph. ac 37. Sensation of a lump in throat, Sep. :{S. Sensation of a foreign body in throat, descending on swallowing, but rising again immediately after, frequently disappearing for a time, attended with smell of sulphur, in right side of fauces, Plumb, ac. 39. Globus hystericus, Plumb, ac. 40. Sensation of a small body fre- quently rising in the throat, Plumb. ac, 41. Sensation of a ball rising from epigastrium to chest and pharynx, Plumb, met 12. Sensation as if something had lodged behind the palate, Phos. ac. 43. Painful obstacle to deglutition in left side of pharynx, Aur. m. 44. The food forms a round lump in oesophagus, threatening suffoca- tion, Stram. 45. Sore throat as if a plug had lodged in it, with raw feeling, burning and sensation of swelling, Natr. mur. 46. Sensation as if a hard body were rising from the chest into the throat, with titillation exciting a dry cough while sitting, Mur. ae. 47. When running, he feels as if something were rising in his throat, Natr. carb. 48. Sensation at a spot in the throat as if mucus adhered there ; when swallowing a little crumb of something, it remains attached there, Graph. 49. Sensation as of a plug in the throat, with contractive choking from pharynx downwards, on swal- lowing, empty, Graph. 50. Sensation as of a plug in throat, sometimes only between the acta of swallowing, Ferr. ac 51. Sensation as if the food had re- mained lodged in oesophagus, with . nausea, Calc. carb. 52. Sore throat as from a plug, Calc. carb. 53. Pressure in throat, as from a ball, as if the throat would burst, Par. quad. 54. Sensation as of a foreign body in throat; also with roughness and hawking up of thick brown pieces of glutinous mucus, 01 an. 55. Pressure in throat as from a hard body, Nux mosch. 56. Sensation of a nodosity ascend' ing in oesophagus, Nitr. ac 57. Sensation of a lump in throat during empty deglutition, Nitr. ac 58. Pressure in throat as from a tu mour, with sore pain, Nitr. ac. 59. Sensation as if a hard ball were rising in throat, oppressing the breathing, Sulph. 60. Pressure in thrbat as from a lump, Sulph. 61. Sensation as if he had something in his throat, which he had to swallow, Merc sol. 62. Pain in throat as if a pippin had lodged in it, Merc. sol. 472 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHARYNX, dio. 63. Sensation as if something had lodged in the throat, Merc. sol. 64. Sensation as of a lump in throat, when swallowing, with cracking noise, Ign. 65. Sensation in fauces as if a lump, especially between the acts of swallowing, Ign. 66. Sensation as if the food passed over a bone, with a sudden dull sound, Ign. 67. Pain in back part of throat, as if something had lodged there, . Hyosc 68. Sensation as of a thin leaflet lying before the posterior nares, after waking, Bar. carb. 69. Sensation as of a plug in the oesophagus, preceded by rawness, Bar. carb. Pressure. 1. Pressure and tearing in pharynx, Kal. carb. 2. Pressure with anxiety, in throat, Kal carb. 3. Pressure in oesophagus as if a round body would ascend from pit of stomach, Con. m. 4. Pressing in throat, with nausea and stitches, Kalm. Lat. J5 Sensation as if the larynx were pressed upon by the oesophagus, on account of some external pres- sure, which does not impede respi- ration but deglutition, Chelid. 6. Feeling of pressure as from a foreign body in the whole course of the oesophagus, down which it pro- ceeds with a vermicular motion, but most strongly felt at a spot just below the larynx and in the epigastrium, Lob. inf. 7. Sensation as if a stone were pres- sing on the throat, Lye 8. Pressure in throat from without inwards, with sensation of swelling at larynx impeding deglutition. preceded by oppression in abdo- men and chest, Arum. m. 9. Pressure in throat, with swelling on both sides externally, Amm. carb. 10. Pressure in throatpit, when drawing a long breath, Caust. 11. Sense of fulness and pressure from fauces to stomach, almost like heartburn, Carb. v. 12. Feeling of pressure in fauces, as if contracted, even between the acts of swallowing, Carb. v. 13. Crampy sensation in throatpit, like a pressure from below up- wards, Zinc. m. 14. Pressure in upper part of throat, towards the stomach, Phos. 15. Sharp pressure in anterior wall of pharynx and larynx, between the acts of swallowing, Tarax. 16. Pressure in throat as if the cra- vat were too tight, Sep. 17. Pressure below the cricoid carti- lage, as if from too large a mor- sel, Graph. 18. Sort of pressure and stinging in throat, on rising from bed, Graph, 19. Pressure in throat as if the uvula were too long, Dulc 20. Pressure in oesophagus, after de- glutition, Calc carb. 21. Pressure in back part of throat, when swallowing, with sensation as if the pressure were moving downwards on inside of back, Nitr. ac. 22. Pressure in throat, as if the food would not go down, Nitr. ac. 23. Pressure in throat, with choking, without nausea, Bell. 24. Pressure in throat, when swal- lowing, Carb. a. Contraction, or Contractive Sen- sation. 1. Contractive sensation in throat when swallowing, Bell. 2. Painful contraction of fauces, with tension and stretching when attempting to swallow, Bell. 3. Short-lasting, but frequently-re- curring contraction of oesophagus, more during than between the CONSTRICTION, OR CONSTRICTIVE SENSATION. 473 acts of swallowing, followed by painful scraping in the region of the epiglottis as if raw, Bell 4. Contractive sensation in throat, with fine prickings, worse on swal- lowing, Sulph. 5. Contraction of throat, evening, in bed, with rush of blood to the head, burning in outer parts of throat, between the scapulae and on the trunk, with cold feet, (sweat in morning)' Ferr. ac. 6. Contractive sensation in different parts of the throat, Granat. 7. Tight feeling in the throat, Phos. 8. Sensation in middle of oesopha- gus as if spasmodically contract- ed, as if the food would not go down, Sulph. 9. Painful contraction of throat, with inability to speak a loud word, Rat, 10. Astringent sensation in pharynx, Rheum. 11, Contraction of oesophagus as if caused by a tumour, Verat. 12. Tightness of the throat, with pressure in chest, Asa f 13. Astringent sensation in fauces, followed by burning and soreness, ptyalism and then profuse mucus in mouth and nose, Brom. 14. Contractive and swollen sensa- tion in throat, Carb. v. 15. Tightness from pharynx to sto- mach as if the food could not pass, Alum. 16. Spasmodic pressure in middle of chest, as if the oesophagus were contracted, or compressed, espe- cially when swallowing, Alum. 17. Contraction of pharynx, with sensation of hunger and nausea, Arg. m. 18. Sensation as if the oesophagus contracted itself from below up- ward, Lob. inf. 19. Burning, contractive pain in fauces, Arum m. 20. The pharynx feels contracted, nothing will go down, Lye 21. Contraction of the oesophagus, rendering swallowing difficult, Chin. 22. Contractive sensation in the throat, Chin., Caps. 23. Oppressive-contractive sensation in throat, during empty degluti- tion, Cinch, sulph. 24. Contractive and pricking pain in throat, from before backwards, not when swallowing, Sabin. 25, Spasmodic contraction of throat and ear, right side, with impeded deglutition, AEth. 26. Spasmodic contractive sensation in throat and chest, Ipec. 27. Astringent sensation in pharynx, Canth. Constriction or Constrictive Sen- sation. 1. Constriction of throat, Aeon., lod., 01 an., Plumb, met. 2. Constrictive sensation in throat, Crot, Cupr. acet,, He]^ s. 3. Violent constriction of fauces, Bell, Mer. cor. 4. Constrictive sensation in pha- rynx, also with tingling, Mez, 5. Constrictive sensation in throat and*chest, with difficult breathing, Sassap. 0. Constrictive irritation in fauces, Seneg. 7. The throat feels constricted, as if a string were tied round the neck, Sabad. 8. Constrictive sensation in throat, causing him to swallow frequently, Coloc 9. Painless constriction of throat, as if by a spasm, Carb. v. 10. Painful sensation of constriction in oesophagus, Bry. 11. Scraping in throat, with constric- tion when swallowing, preceded by aphthous ulcers on inner bor- der of lower lip, Gent cruc. 12. Spasmodic constriction of oeso- phagus, with strangulation, Verat. 13. Constriction and pullings in throat and fauces, Plumb, ac. 474 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHARYNX, &c. 14. Frequent constriction of the throat, when walking, Natr. sulph. 15. Constriction of right side of throat, with frequent yawning, Natr. mur. 16. Spasmodic constriction of oeso- phagus, Calc carb. 17. Constrictive sensation in throat, impeding respiration, Nice 18. Constriction and spasm of oeso- phagus, Stram. Closing of Throat, &c. 1. Closing of throat, Vip. t 2. Tight closing of oesophagus, not a drop of liquid can pass, with red face, eyes turgid with blood and vertigo, Tart. stib. 3. Sensation in stomach, after yawning, as if it would burst; I wind presses upward, but the ceso-! phagus feels as if spasmodically closed ; hence ineffectual efforts to eructate^with excessive strangula- ' tion in stomach, faintish sort of nausea, confluence of water in mouth and inability to stir; this paroxysm terminates in a quarter of an hour in frequent and violent belching of wind, Arg. nit.' 4. The throat seems to be closed and feels bruised externally when touching it, with eructations until evening, Cic 5. Sensation as if the oesophagus were closed, Ars. Choking Sensation. 1. Choking in throat, from the chest, Gutt 2. Tearing in tendons of sides of neck, with choking in throat, lan- cinating tearing in left side of throat under the ear, aggravated by external pressure, thence going down to larynx, with stinging dur- ing deglutition, Gutt 3. Spasmodic choking, with sting- ing when swallowing, Nice 4. Choking pain in pharynx, Puis. 5. Strangling pain in throat, when swallowing, Zinc m. 6. Choking or contraction in throat with stoppage of breath, during dinner, Bar. carb. 7. Choking in throat, after dinner, as if the thyroid body were pressed upon, Bar. carb. 8. Choky sensation in oesophagus produced by food or drink, Bry. 9. Choking in throat as from swal- lowing too hastily a large morsel, Chelid. 10. Choking pain from upper pha- rynx to chest, with oppression of the chest, after which the pain ex- tends over the whole side of the neck and face, with stinging in the teeth when touched, and sensation as if they would be displaced. Lauroc. 1-1. Choking constriction in upper part of oesophagus, inducing op- pression of breathing, cough, Cocc. 12. Stinging and choking feeling in throat, especially when swallowing or talking, Aeon. 13. Painful choking in oesophagus, extending through the chest to the dorsal vertebrae, Kreas. 14. Choking sensation in throat, going off after hawking up mucus, Kal. hyd. Swelling in or at the Throat, or Sensation as if Swollen. 1, Pain in throat, when touching it, as if the gland were swollen, Ign. 2. Sore throat, as if swollen at pa- late, not felt when drinking, Nux v. 3. Sore throat, with sensation of swelling in pharynx, esepcially when swallowing, Nux v. 4. Sore throat as if swollen, as far as the ears, Calc. carb. 5. Sore throat as if the uvula were swollen, Phos. 6. Pain in the throat as if sore and swollen ; after hawking up mucus the voice has a higher pitch than usual, Stann. 7. Pain when swallowing r.s if the SWELLING IN THE THROAT, j9^. 29. Goitre, Pod. pelt. 30. Sensation of swelling in throat, when swallowing, Plumb, ac. 31. The throat feels swollen, Petrol. 32. Sensation in fauces as if swollen, Dig. 33. Pressure in throat as if swollen, Hyosc. 34. Sensation in pharynx as if swol- len, or as of clot of mucus, early, Hep. s. 35. Feeling of swelling in throat, Gutt. 36. Pain in throat as if swollen, when swallowing, the cervical muscles feeling bruised, Hep. s. 37. Internal swelling of the throat, Bell. 38. Extensive, hard, circumscribed and painful swelling from right an- gle of lower jaw downwards, with pain in trachea when pressing upon it, intermittent beating of right carotid, pale face, with expression of anxiety, dyspnoea,- dulness of percussion on right side of chest, strong mucous rattling anteriorly ; the same phenomena on left side, but less distinct, weak pulse in the evening, increase of dyspnoea, sudden death about midnight (see my Symptomen Codex, Pathol. Anatomy, p. 933, Kal. hyd. Phlegm or Mucus. 1. Tenacious mucus in pharynx- difficult to hawk up, Kal. carb. 2. Hawks up sweetish and tough mucus, Kal. nitr. .476 SYMPTOMS OF THE 1 3. Hawks up sour mucus, Crot. 4. Quantity of mucus in the throat, also with sweetish taste, Lact. 5. Tenacious mucus in the throaty early, Lact. 6. Whitish, tenacious mucus in throat, also with cough, Seneg. 7. Tenacious mucus in throat, at night, obliging one to cough, Chin. sulph. 8. A piece of watery mucus gets into the throat, which is easrly hawked up, Lauroc. 9. Tenacious mucus in. throat every morning, Lauroc. 10. Frequent mucus in throat, with rough and dry fauces, Magn. carb. 11. Hawks up tenacious mucus, blood-streaked, which had caused a pressure in the throat for a long time previous, Magn. carb. 12. Hawks up thick, tough ropy mucus, also bloody, Magn. mur. 13. Hawks up sour mucus, especial- ly early, Magn, sulph. 14. Gray, green, saltish-bitter, ex- pectoration, Ars. 15. Slimy throat, Ars. 16. Frequent tenacious, thick'mu- cus in throat, obliging one to hawk and causing slight hoarseness, Arg. nit. 17. Hawks up much phlegm, early, Amm. mur. 18. Copious, thick, tenacious mucus, evening and morning, tasting salt after dinner, also arresting the breathing until swallowed, Alum. 19. Mucus in throat, with roughness, Ambr. gr. 20. Hawking attended with gagging and vomiting, Ambr. gr. 21. Sensation of mucus in the throat, obliging him to hawk, until noon, Carb. ac. 22. Hawks up yellow mucus, Cast. 23. Hawks up green loose phlegm, Bor. 24. Tenacious whitish phlegm in throat, Bor. 25. Quantity of mucus in fauces, Graph. HROAT, PHARYNX, &c. 26. Hawks up greenish mucus, Zinc. m. 27. ---- blood-red mucus, Thvj. 28. Hawks up a substance mixed with blood, Hep. s. 29. Sour phlegm, sets the teeth on edge, Tarax. 30. Hawks up lumps of yellow, fetid mucus, Silic. 31. Hawks up mucus, Sep. 32. Profuse mucus in throat, at night, hawks up salt mucus in the morn ing, Natr. sulph. 33. Hawks up mucus in the morn- ing, green mucus, Natr. mur. 34. Hawks up mucus continually, morning, with headache, Petrol. 35. Much phlegm in throat, pre- venting a full inspiration, Aur. m. 36. White or yellowish mucus in mduth and fauces, early, Spig. 37. Clot of mucus adheres to the throat, with scraping, Natr. carb. 38. Discharge of sour mucus, Phos. 39. Hawks up a gray saltish mucus, Phos. 40. Hawks up tough saliva, with raw fauces, Dulc 41. Inclines to hawk up a tenacious mucus, Gent, erne 42. Hawks up a tough saliva, with raw fauces, Dulc. 43. Hawks up mucus at night, with raw throat, Calc carb. 44. Phlegm in throat, with taste as of iron, Calc carb. 45. Profuse thick mucus, with sting- ing, Nice 46. Mucus in throat, 01 an. 47. Hawks up salt mucus, Nux v. 48. Profuse mucus in back part of throat, Nitr. ac 49. Spits up a tenacious, bitter, or saltish mucus, Merc sol. 50. Profuse secretion of saliva, with chill, Arg. m. 51. Viscid, gray,jelly-like mucus in throat, early, Arg. m. Stitches. I. Stitches in throat, as far as the STITCHES. 477 ear, when swallowing or turning the head, Hep. s. 2. Stitches in left side of throat, whether swallowing or no, Bell. 3. Stitches in throat when swallow- ing as if caused by a splinter; when yawning the stitch extends to the ear, Hep.s. 4. Stitches, when swallowing, from back part of throat to ears, Merc. sol. 5. Stitches in throat, as if at root of tongue, between the acts of swallowing, Nitr. ac. 6. Single stitches on one side of throat, between the acts' of swal- lowing, especially when stooping and going up stairs, Nux v. 7. Stitches and pressure in throat, when swallowing, Calc carb. 8. Violent stitch in right side of pharynx, between the acts of swal- lowing, Calc carb. 9. Sticking in pharynx as from a splinter, Calc caust. 10.. Spasmodic stitches in the parts adjoining the pharynx, Eug. 11. Stitches and choking in throat, when swallowing, also with ulce- rative pain, Graph. 12. Quick darting stitches in throat. on right side, when moving the neck, Graph. 13. Sticking, with pressure, in throat- pit, Phos. 14. Stitches in throat, with spitting, also when yawning, Natr. carb. 15. Cutting in pharynx, Stann. 16. Dartings from chest toward fauces, Asa. f. 17. Stitches and burning in throat, with elongation of uvula and im- peded deglutition, Natr. mur. 18. Stitches in back part of throat, in bed, evening, when drawing air through the nose, Natr. nit. 19. Pressing stitches in region of la- rynx, not when swallowing, Spig. 20. Stitches in throat when swallow- ing, Sulph. 21. Stitches in back part of throat, between the acts of swallowing, Puis. 22. Stitch in throat, during and after swallowing, Rat, 23. Stitch, with pressure, under the tongue, on right side of throat, Thuj. 24. Sticking when swallowing, turn- ing the head or touching the throat, Bry. 25. Sticking with pressure, in back part of throat, more when cough- ing than when swallowing, Merc. ac 26. Stitches deep down in throat, when talking, Magn. carb. 27. Dull stitch, deep in the throat, when swallowing empty, not sa- liva, or on both sides when swal- lowing food or drink, Many. 28. Stitches in throat, passing off when swallowing; dull at first, sharp when ending, Rhus t. 29. Stitch when swallowing and yawning, as if she had swallowed a pin, Rhus t. 30. Dull stitches in throat when quiet, Sabin. 31. Sticking in throat, he has to hawk in order to breathe more freely, Sabad. 32. Sticking, from throat to left side of back, Lauroc 33. Shootings through the fauces, Crot. 34. Continuous stitch at larynx, an- teriorly, only when swallowing which is impeded by the stitch, Menyan. 35. Stitches in the throat, as if in the larynx when swallowing, lod. 36. Dull stitches through the throat and inner ear, Ipec. PRICKING.- 1. Itching pricking in fauces to- ward the ears, when swallowing or moving the jaw, Nux v. 2. Pricking in upper throat, after- noon, Nux v. 3. Pricking in pharynx, worse when 478 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHARYNX, &e. swallowing, with pain when touch- ed, Sulph. ac 4. Prickling in the throat, eructa- tion and burning rising from the stomach, Lob. inf. 5. Prickling in throat, Lob. inf. 6. Burning prickling in throat, with increased secretion of viscid saliva, nausea, eructation, Lob. inf. STINGING. 1. Stinging in goitre, Gutt. 2. ----in right side of throat, Gutt. 3. ----in throat, when inspiring air, Hep. s. 4. ----sore throat, not when swal- lowing, Ign. 5. ----deep in pharynx, going off by swallowing, Ign. G. ----in throat, between the acts of swallowing, Ign. 7. ----in throat, after loud talk- ing, Nitr. ac. 8. ----in throat, obliging him to hawk, Nux mosch. 9. ---- in throat, when swallow- ing, Nice 10. ----in the throat when swallow- ing food, Phos. ac. 11. ---- in throat, morning and evening, with pressing from with- in outwards, externally, Spong. 12. ----in upper fauces, with parch- ed feeling between the acts of swal- lowing, Stann. 13. ----in throat, or only on left side, worse when swallowing, or also between the acts of swallow- ing, in which case the stinging changes to a griping when swallow- ing, Grat 14. ----in throat, when swallowing empty, Bar. carb. 15. ----in throat, when swallowing, as from a sharp body, Alum. 16. ---- at back part of throat, be- tween swallowing, Am. 17.----and prickling in throat, Lye 18..----in fauces, worse when swal- lowing, also with burning, Magn. sulph. 19. ---- in throat, between the acts of deglutition, only in the forenoon; when sneezing, the sting- ing was changed to a pressure in the back part of the throat, Led. pal 20. Stinging from a slight current of air, between the acts of deglutition, Chin. 21. ----in throat, only when swal- lowing, on the right side, or with pressure on the left side, when swallowing or taking breath, Chin. 22. ---- in throat when dry, while swallowing, with pressure when the throat is moist. Rhus t 23. ---- in throat, between swal- lowing, AEth. 21.---- in throat when swallowing, with scraping after eating wheat bread, Lach. 23. ---- in throat, when swallow- ing, Kal. nitr. 26.----in the fauces, Ipec Scraping, Roughness. 1. Scraping in the throat, Bell, Chin., Croc, Euphor., Kal carb.. Mercurial, Phos., Sep., Sulph. ac, Valer., Verat. 2. ----in throat, it fills with water, Hep. s. 3. ---- in throat, sometimes even in oesophagus, stomach and tra- chea, with slight redness of ve- lum, uvula, tonsils, and pharynx, Berb. v. 4. ----in throat, as if the speech were impeded, Nitr. ac. 5. ---- in throat, especially when swallowing, Nux mosch. 6. ----in throat and in the region of entrance of larynx, as from heartburn, Nux v. 7. Scraping-scratching sensation in throat, as if the skin had beCn scraped with a sharp instrument, not when swallowing, Nux v. 8. Scraping as if from acrid vapour, 01. an. 9. ----in fauces, as if from snuff, Staph. SCRAPING, ROUGHNESS. 479 10. Scraping in throat, with stinging pain when clearing it, Plat. 11. ---- and raw feeling in throat. as after vomiting, Puis. 12. ----in fauces, as if lined with mucus, Rhod, 13. ----in pharynx, Zinc m. 11. ---- in throat, with dryness behind the velum, passing off by hawking up mucus, a few morn- ings, Graph. 15. ---- in throat or oesophagus, with acidity, Grat. lo. ----in throat, as if caused by grease, early, Ars. 17. Dry scraping sensation in throat, Mang. 18. Scraping in throat, with stinging or roughness of voice, Chin, sulph. 19. —— in throat, with nausea, Coloc. 20. Acrid sensation in throat, Sang. 21. Scraping in throat) as if the uvula were resting on the tongue, hawk- ing up a sweet, flat-tasting mucus, Sabad. 22. ---- in throat, with difficulty of swallowing, Aeon. 23. -,---- in fauces, especially when swallowing, Lauroc. 24. ---- in throat, with cough, day and night, Kalm. lat. 25. —— Scraping taste in fauces, excessively disagreeable, Crot 26. ----and smarting in back part of fauces and pharynx, Mez. 27. ----in fauces, with profuse sa- liva, lod. 28. Irritation in throat, with hawk- ing and subsequent soreness, Stann. 29. Scraping in cesophagus.with nau- sea, as if water would rise, Aeon. 29a. Roughness of throat, as from ardent spirits, Hell, 30- ----and scraping in throat, as from rancid grease, Hep. s. 31. Rough scraping in throat, Hyosc. 32. Roughness in throat, Millef- 33. Rough, dry scraping and acrid sensation in throat, Natr. carb. 34. Roughness of throat, with hoarse- ness and shortness of breath, Phell 35. Roughness of throat, as from snuff, Thvj. 36.----in throat, with hoarseness and hawking cough, Grat. 37. Scraping and roughness in back part of throat, Bry. 38. Roughnsss of throat, impeding the speech but not deglutition, Merc. cor. 39. ----and scraping in throat, Cast. 40. ----of throat, every day, going off after breakfast, Carb. an. 41. ---- of throat, with stinging pain, Amm. mur. 42. Rough and dry throat at night, with ulcerative pain, Arg. nit. 43. Roughness and scraping in throat, as if raw and sore, Arg. nit. 44. Rough throat, with sensation when clearing it as if the windpipe were closed with a leaflet, Mang. 45. Dryness and roughness in pha- rynx and oesophagus, especially when swallowing, Cocc. 46. Scraping roughness in throat, with pain when swallowing, as if a foreign body were lodged there, Sabad. 47. Roughness and scraping in throat, obliging her to hawk, also with hoarseness and burning in oesophagus, Kal. nitr. 48. Scraping and Burning in pha- rynx, Tabac 49. Scraping and burning in throat, Amm. caust. 50. Roughness and burning acidity in throat, Magn. carb. 51. Scraping and burning in throat, Coloc. 52. Sensation as if a vapour were rising in the throat, almost like heartburn, Sabad. 53. Burning scraping in throat, with frequent swallowing, Seneg. 54. Burning scraping in fauces and pharynx, Crot. 55. Scraping and Stinging in throat, Par. quad. 56. Stinging roughness in throat, and scraping as from the beard of a corn-ear, Magn. carb. 480 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHARYNX. &c. Dryness. 1. Dry throat, Aur. mur., Phyt. dec, Sec corn., Sep. 2. Excessive dryness of the throat, Nux mosch. 3. Dryness of fauces, with burning of the tongue, Bell. 4. His throat is so dry and con- stricted, that a little tea even came near choking him, Hyosc. 5. Parching dryness of fauces, or throat, with thirst, Hyosc. 6. Dryness of throat and fauces, im- peding deglutination, Bell, Stram. 7. Burning dryness in gullet, with difficulty of swallowing, Mercurial. 8. Dry fauces, with slime on fore- part of tongue, Merc. sol. 9. Dry throat, he has to swallow all the time, Merc. sol. 10. Dry throat, it felt sore as if nar- rower behind than in front; swal- lowing caused a pressure in the throat; nevertheless he had to swal- low all the time, because his throat was constantly full of water, Merc sol. 11. Dryness of mouth, preventing swallowing, Stram. 12. Feeling of dryness in fauces and posterior nares, with urging to swallow, Nux mosch. 13. Dry throat, especially when swallowing empty, with sensation as if cold air were getting into the pharynx, 01. an. 14. Dryness and contraction of fau- ces, Morph. ac. 15. ----in fauces and pharynx, with aversion to cold water, Cal. seg. 16. ---- of pharynx and fauces, Phos. 17. Dry throat, with burning in chest, Mur. ac. 18. Dryness of mouth, arresting the breathing, Petrol. 19. Dryness of throat, with cough, or loss of strength, Petrol 20. Dryness in the oesophagus, Natr. mur. 21. Dry throat, down to oesophagus, Natr. sulph. 22. Dry and hoarse throat, with itch- ing in meatus auditoris, Silic. 23. Dry throat,» with thirst; drink- ing induces a desire to vomit. Puis. 24. Dryness of mouth and throat, early, with insipid mucus and fetid smell from mouth, Puis. 25. ---- in throat, not removed by drink, Verat. 26. ---- or burning in throat, and oesophagus, Asaf. 27. Dry throat, also with raw feel- ing during empty deglutition, Bry. 28. Dryness of throat, hindering speech, and attended with a cough which seizes the throat, Merc. acet. 29. ---- of throat and mouth, Carb. an. 30. Throat and mouth as if parched, with thirst, Alum. 31. Dryness or burning in pharynx, with dysphagia, Anthrak. 32. Dry mouth 'at night, parched in the morning, Amm. carb. 33. Dry throat, with constant desire to drink, Ars. 34. Dryness of fauces, with frequent spitting, Lob. inf. 35. Painful dryness of the fauces, preventing swallowing, Lye 36. Feeling of dryness in throat- pit, with sensation as if a foreign body had lodged there, Chin. sulph. 37. Constant dryness of throat and heat, Cinnam. 38. Parched throat, evening, Selen. 39. Dry pharynx and oesophagus, de- glutition being difficult, Lach. 40. Dryness of fauces and chest, with cough, Kal. chlor. 41.---- in back part of throat, Kal. carb. 42. Dry throat, with drawing pain, Sabin. 43 Dry throat, with sensation, when swallowing, as if the throat would be pulled to pieces, Magn. carb. 44.. Dry and rough throat, with hoarse voice, Magn. mur. 45. Dry throat, with roughness, ear ly, Cinch, sulph. 46. Dry and rough fauces, with BURNING. 48* difficulty of- swallowing saliva, Menyan. 47. Dkyness of throat, with sting- ing, Asar. 48. Dryness and prickling in throat, not diminished by drinking, Lob. inf. 49. ---- of fauces, with shootings, especially at the uvula, Seneg. 50. ----, then stinging in region of larynx, Hyosc. 51. Stinging pain and dryness of throat, every morning, Hep. s. 53. ----dryness in throat, Canth. with altered taste. 1. Dry throat, also with salt taste, Sulph. 2. Dry throat, with sour taste in mouth, 01. an. 3. Dryness and bitterness in throat, whole day, Calc. carb. 4. Dry throat, with bitter phlegm, hoarse voice, Tarax. 5. Dryness and bitterness in pha- rynx and mouth, Kal hyd. Burning. 1. Burning in throat, Arum m. Chin, sulph., Cann., Hyosc, Lob. inf., Rhus v. 2. ---- in throat, after supper, Nitr. ac 3. ----in fauces, lod., Merc, cor., Morph. acet, Sec. corn. 4. Increased warmth in fauces, Dulc. 5. Burning in pharynx, Aeon., Ars., Phos. 6. ----in fauces and throat, Cast. 7. ----in fauces and pharynx,Crot. 8. ----■ in throat and stomach, as if a flame were rushing out, Euphor. 9. ----in throat, down to stomach, with trembling anxiousness, heat on upper part of body, inclination to vomit and ptyalism, dryness of cheeks, Euphor. 10. Violent hurning from palate down the oesophagus, remaining in spite of drinking, Camph. 11. Burning in fauces, with constric- Vol. III.—31 tive sensation, rumbling in bow- els, pressure in stomach, burning eructations, choking, Fluor, ac. 12. Burning in oesophagus, Phell. 13. ---- and stinging in fauces, Plumb ac 14. Heat in oesophagus, so that tepid drink feels cold in it, Natr. mur. 15. Burning in pharynx, with heal on tongue, Sulph. 16. ----in oesophagus from below upward, with sour eructations, Sulph. 17. ---- in throat and mouth, Tabac 18. Painful dry heat and redness of throat, Tart stib. 19. ----in fauces, with constrictive feeling, Rhod. 20. Warmth in pharynx and oesopha- gus, Teucr. 21. Burning in oesophagus down to stomach, also with violent eructa- tions and colic, Brom. 22. ----in fauces as from hot coa^ Mosch. 23. ----pain in fauces, as from red* hot coal, Mercurial prep. 24. Frequent burning and smarting in fauces and palate, Carb. v. 25. Heat in pharynx and oesophagus, Anthra. 26. Burning and dryness in fauces and pharynx, Arg. nit, 27. ----in throat and oesophagus, Amm. carb. 28. ----at back part of throat, with anguish as if caused by internal heat, Am. 29. ----from velum to oesophagus, evening, with shuddering about the head, Cocc. 30. ---- in fauces and at uvula, with pungent taste, Sabad. 31.---- and heat in the throat, Cinch, sulph. 32. ----and pressure in throat, it feels swollen, Sabad. 33. Pricking burning in palate, throat, and along the Eustachian tube, with increased saliva, Aeon. 34. Burning and dry feeling at soft 482 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHARYNX, &c palate and fauces, not passing off after eating, inducing frequent de- glutition, Aeon. 35. Burning and stinging in fauces, with astringent sensation, Aeon. 86. ----in throat, also with rough- ness, or with pain at palate, Lauroc. 37. Sensation in the throat as if the parts were exposed to extreme heat from a stove, Lact. 88. Slight burning in the throat, also in the evening, Lact. vir. 39. Warmth in fauces, pharynx, and oesophagus, Crot. 40. Sensation of heartburn along the (Esophagus, Croc 41. Cooling burning in the throat and on the tongue, down to the stomach, Mez. 42. Continued burning of pharynx and oesophagus, Mez. 43. Warm food causes a burning in the oesophagus, Kal. carb. 44. Burning, scraping, and roughness of throat, Kal. hyd. 45. ----from pharynx down to sto- mach and intestines, Canth. 46. Food or beverage causes a burn- ing in mouth, like spirits of wine, Bell 47- Violent burning in throat, with moist mouth, eased by sugar, Bell. 48. Roughness and burning in throat, with constant hawking, Gutt. 49. Agreeable warmth from pharynx to stomach, Hell. 50. Heat in oesophagus, as.from acid eructation, Benz. ac. 51. Scraping and burning of fauces and oesophagus, after dinner, Dig. 52. Heat rises in her throat, Merc. sol. 53. Burning in pharynx from above downward, then in abdomen, Merc. sol. 5l. Heat and dryness of throat, Nitr. ac. 55. Burning of fauces, as if caused ■by heartburn, Nux v. 56. Burning-boiling sensation in pha- rynx, rising to top of throat, Nux v. 57. Burning in throat at night, worse when lying down, Nux v. 58. ---- in oesophagus up to the mouth, Nux v. 59. Sort of burning in oesophagus, down to stomach, Oleand. 60. Burning in throat, proceeding from oesophagus, as if from pep- per, 01 an, 61. Roughness and burning in throat, with raw and sore feeling in oeso- phagus, Calc. carb. 62. Burning from fauces to stomach, as from pepper, with profuse sa- liva, Euphor. Difficulty of Swallowing Solids or Liquids. 1. Inability to swallow, Cic, Op. 2. Difficulty of swallowing particu- larly liquids, Canth. 3. Inability to swallow dry and cold things, Kal. carb. 4. The food glides down very slow- ly, Kal carb. 5. Difficulty of swallowing water, as if the fauces were too weak, lod,. 6. ---- of swallowing, as if the muscles of deglutition refused to perform their office, also with raw- ness and burning about the uvula, Lact. 7. ---— of swallowing food or drink, as if the passage of these things were opposed in the region of the cardia, Each. 8. Was unable to swallow until hia senses had returned, Lauroc. 9. Sensation of stoppage in the throat, Magn. carb. 10. Painful, difficult deglutition, aa if the pharynx and oesophagus were paralysed, attended with crampy pressure and an audible rolling down of the swallowed substance, Ars. 11. Dysphagia, with difficult breath- ing, Tart. stib. 12. Difficult deglutition, with grum bling in pharynx, then in stomach, Silic. SUBSTANCES RETURN 13. Difficult deglutition, as from swelling of cervical glands, Asar. 14. Paroxysms of distention and strangulation in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing, and blue- red face, Op. 15. Difficulty of swallowing, also with spasms of the back, Ophiot 16. ---- deglutition, with stinging in fauces, also with aching in sub- maxillary glands, Stram. 17. Spasmodic difficulty of swallow- ing with danger of suffocation, Merc, sol 18. Difficulty of swallowing, he had to press hard, Merc sol. 19. Impeded deglutition, or even en- tire inability to swallow, even li- quids, Bell, Hyosc. 20. Hydrophobia, (see my Sympt. Cod., Vol. II., p. 880), Stram. 21. Difficulty of swallowing solid or liquid food, Ign. Substances return by the Nose. I. When swallowing some portions of the swallowed substance press toward the posterior nares, Petrol. 2. Small crumbs of food pass back through the nose, Nitr. ac 3. The beverage returns by the nos- trils after having reached the la- rynx, Merc, sol 4. Drinks return by the nose, Lact Substances get into the Wind- pipe. 1. Soft, fetid tubercles which he has to hawk up, frequently get into the larynx, inducing a suffoca- tive irritation, Magn. carb. 2. Particles of food are apt to get into the windpipe, Kal carb. Coldness. 1. Sensation of coldness down the throat, Carb. v. 2. Sensation of coldness spreading BY THE NOSE, &c. 483 from throat over the palate, with collection of water, Caust. 8. Cold sensation in oesophagus from below upward (a cold spot being also felt in posterior part of palate) followed by gulpingup of a warm, sweetish-saltish, slimy fluid; after this the coldness abates, then returns again, Verat Tearing. 1. Tearing in pharynx, Ars. 2. Tearing with pressure, in the fauces and on left side of root of tongue, Carb. v. 2. Sharp jerking tearing from the fauces to left cervical muscles, Zinc. m. Noises. 1. Audible cracking deep in throat, Caust 2. When drinking, the liquid de- scends with a' gurgling noise, Cupr. m, 3. The drink he takes rolls audibly down the oesophagus and through the intestines, Lauroc. 4. Gurgling in throat from below upwards, Euphor. Desire to Swallow. 1. Constant desire to swallow; he felt as though he should suffocate when not swallowing, Bell. 2. Constant urging to swallow, Lact. 3. Swallows constantly when talk- ing, Staph. 4. Has to swallow when walking in the wind, Con. Sensation of Narrowness. 1. Sensation as if the oesophagus were narrower, when swallowing, Nitr. ac. 2. Sensation as if the throat were narrower, Caust. 3. Sensation when swallowing as if the back part of the throat were narrower than usual, Puis. 484 SYMPTOMS OF THE THROAT, PHARYNX, &c. Tension. 1. Great tension over the neck and; in the throat, above the larynx, as if the parts were constricted, Chel 2. Painful tension in the fauces, as if swollen, when yawning, Arg. m. 3. Tension in pharynx when swal- lowing, Asa f. Smarting. 1. Smarting in throat, especially after eating, Canth. 2. Smarting and tingling in fauces, and heat down the chest, Kal, bich. 3. Smarting and scraping in fauces, especially left side, Teucr. 4. Smarting in oesophagus, as if in- flamed and narrow, when swallow- ing, Natr. mur. 5. Creeping smarting in right side of fauces, between swallowing, Dros. Distention. 1. Spasmodic strangling in throat, as if it would be distended; she had to open her mouth, but with- out relief, Magn. carb. 2. Feeling of fulness in throat, lod. 3. Feeling of hollowness in throat, as if there were no pharynx, Lact. 4. Distention of oesophagus, also with suffocative sensation, Verat. 5. Paroxysms of distention of the pharynx, as in vomiting, but with- out nausea, Aur. m. 6 Sensation of expansion in poste- rior nares, during a walk in the open air, Fluor, ac. 7. Sensation in throat as if it be- came distended, Sulph. 8. Distention of the throat, Hyp. perf. Creeping. I. Creeping in pharynx, Ign. 2. Violent scraping and creeping in throat and fauces, eased by hawking, Carb. v. 3. Creeping in throat, with hoarse- ness,^. 4. Creeping sensation in oesopha- gus, Plumb, ac. 5. Creeping-smarting sensation in right side of fauces, between the acts of swallowing, Dros. 6. Sensation in throat, as if some- thing acrid and burning were creeping along in it from below upwards, Pa;on. 7,, Sensation as if a worm were as- cending in his throat, obliging him to swallow all the time, Merc. sol. 8. Sensation in throat as of a creep- ing worm, Hyp. perf Drawing, Dragging. 1. Spasmodic drawing from palate to fauces, Cham. 2. Dragging sensation on right side of throat, obliging him to swallow, Aeon. 3. Spasmodic drawing in one side of the throat, and in the ear, at night, Alum. 4, Drawing in pharynx as if the oesophagus would be torn off, while eating, Plumb, ac. 5. Cramp-like drawing in throat as if constricted, Plat. 6. Dragging sensation in upper part of oesophagus. Paralysis. 1. Paralysis of pharyngeal mus- cles, Plumb, ac. 2. Paralysis of oesophagus, Cocc. 3. Difficult swallowing as if the tongue and pharynx were para- lyzed, Ipec. Spasms, Cramps. 1, Singultus and spasm of the oeso- phagus, Cupr. acet. 2. Crampy sensation on right side of throat, deep down, at a small spot, worse on pressure, Loci 3. Spasm, heat and pain in pha- rynx, oesophagus and stomach, Lauroc 4. Spasm and strangulation in pha- irynx, Arg. nit. 5. Cramp in oesophagus, Arg. nit. ( 6. Spasmodic feeling in pharynx ITCHING, TITILLATION, TINGLING. 485 and oesophagus, from below up- wards, Ran. bulb. 7. Spasm of pharynx, Tabac 8. Spasm in pharynx, she found it hard to get the food down or to bring it up again, Natr. mur. 9. Constant spasm in throat, oblig- ing him to swallow, Graph. 10. Spasm of the oesophagus, pre- venting deglutition, Ophiot. 11. Spasm in pharynx and oesopha- gus, Hydr. ac Itching. 1. Tickling in throat, Nitr. ac 2. Prickling itching of back part of fauces as in catarrh, Phos. 4. Tickling in fauces and larynx, Chin, sulph. 4. Itching of the throat, Cinnam. Titillation, Tingling. 1. Titillation in pharynx, with sen- sation as if a half liquid body were rising in the throat, with hol- low cough, waterbrash, and fear lest he should faint, Spig. 2. Violent titillation from the throat into the ear, when swallow- ing, Petrol. 3. Titillation in throat, as if caused by a feather, obliging one to hawk, Arg. nit. 4. Titillation in palate and pharynx, causing the eyes to become moist, with fatiguing, short, hacking, cough, Arg. nit. 5. Titillation in throat, sometimes increased to a violent burning, Arum m. 6. Titillation, scraping and then burning, at the confines of the hard and soft palate, Crot 7. Itching titillation in the throat, early, lod. 8. Tingling in pharynx and nose as from snulf, Petrol. 9. Intolerable tingling in throat, Sec corn. 10. Tingling in fauces, Aeon. 11. Tingling in throat, early, with nausea and subsequent pricking, Lact. Various Phenomena. 1. Painful deglutition, evening, with desire to swallow saliva, Natr. sulph. 2. Pain of the temporal muscles when swallowing, Con. m. 3. Pinching in throat, Sep. 4. Painful jerk from throat to pit of stomach, when sitting in bed, Sep. 5. Fermenting sensation in upper part of throat, Sulph. 6. Decrease of sensation in oeso- phagus, Tabac 7. Sensation in throat, when sneez- ing, AS IF A PIECE OF FLESH1 HAD BECOME DETACHED at the top of the throat, with burning in- that place, Bar. carb. 8. Trembling of pharynx and oeso- phagus; the swallowing is per- formed spasmodically, or with dan- ger of suffocation, Mercurial prep. 9. Acidity in throat, after eating fat, Nitr. ac 10. Ulcers in cesophagus, with sore throat, putrid inflammation and dark-red swelling of the gums, Natr. mur. 12. The fauces and cesophagus are covered with large pustules, de- pressed in the centre, Tart. stib. 13. Beating in back part of throat, Cham. 14. Gnawing in pharynx, Anthrax. 15. Sensation as if the parts of the cesophagus and stomach were roll- ed up like a ball of thread, Ars. 16. Continuous repulsive sensation in stomach and pharynx, Arg. nit. 17. Deglutition is prevented by a SOrt Of NAUSEA, AS IF THE FOOD WOULD NOT GO DOWN, Am. 18. Unpleasant sensation in upper and back part of pharynx, as from tobacco-smoke, Lob. inf. 486 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO GASTRIC DISTURBANCES OF THE STOMACH AND ABDOMEN. Eructations. MtPTY ERUCTATIONS, RISING OF AIR. 1. Empty or simple eructations, Acid, phos., Acid, sulph., Aeon., AEth., Agn. cast, Ambr., Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Anac, Ant. cr., Alum., Arg. nit, Am., Ars., Asar., Baryt carb., Bell, Bov., Bry., Calc. carb., Canth., Carb. v., Carb. a., Cast, Caust, Cin., Cham., Chin., Clem., Cocc, Coff., Colch., Coloc,, Con., Croc, Cupr. m., Dulc, Euphor., Graph., Guaj., Hep. s., Hyosc, Ign., Ind., Kal. carb., Kal. hyd., Kal nit, La alb., Lauroc, Lye, Magnet p. arct, Magnet p. aust., Magn. carb., Magn. mur., Mang., Menyan., Merc sol, Mez., Mosch., Natr. carb,, Natr. mur., Nice, Nux v., Oleand., 01 an., Par quad., Pe- trol, Phell, Phos., Plat, Puis., Ran. bulb^ Rhod., Rut, Sabad., Sabin., Seneg., Sep., Silic, Spig., Spong., Squill, Stann., Staph., Stront, Sulph., Tab., Tart, emet, Thvj., Tong., Valer., Verat, Verb., Viol. lr., Zinc. m. 2. Eructations before and after a meal, Acid, nit, Carb. v. 3 Eructations after a meal, pre- ceded by rumbling in the stomach, Acid, nit 4. Empty eructations, alternating with hiccough, Agar., Sep. 5. Violent eructations after a meal, Ambr., Ars., Bry., Calc. carb., Camph., Carb. an., Chin,, Cylc, Fer., Hell., Lauroc, Magn. carb., Magn, mur., Petrol, Plat, Spig., Verat. 6. Eructations after liquids, Aug., Ars. 7. Empty eructations after supper, Alum. 8. Constant empty eructations in the forenoon, with dullness of head, Ars. 9. Constant spasmodic rising of air, not abating the colic, Ars., Hyd. 10. Bising of air from the stomach during a walk in the open air, with yawning, and copious dis- charge of flatulence by the rectum, Asar. 11. Frequent rising of air, with sen sation as if a tubercle of the size of a hazlenut ascended and de- scended at the same time, early, Bar. carb. 12. Empty eructations and accumu- lation of water in the mouth, with insipid taste, without nausea, Bar. carb. 13. Rising of air from below, with sensation in the stomach as if the air had to force its way through the stomach, causing a soreness there; afterwards empty rising of air, Bar. carb. 14. Empty eructations wake him, early, Bar. carb. 15. Eructations until late at night, preventing sleep, Bar. carb. 1"). Eructations, alternating with yawning, Berb. v. 17. Eru*ctations, accompanied with flatulence in the bowels, Carb. v. 18. Eructations, aggravating the ex- isting pain, Cham. 19. Eructations, as if caused by nausea and desire to vomit, Chin., Chin, sulph. , 20. Eructations after a meal, with pressure in abdomen and stomach, and oppression of the chest, Chin. sulph. 21. Empty eructations, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth and throat, Cocc. INCOMPLETE, SUPPRESSED ERUCTATIONS. 487 22. Rising of air and an acrid fluid, Mez. 23. Empty eructations, with shaking as from nausea, Dulc. 24. Constant eructations, nausea, no appetite, Euphor. 25. Eructations while eating, with regurgitation of the ingesta, Grat. 26. Empty eructations, with nausea rising from the stomach, Hell. 27. Frequent tasteless, dry eruc- tations, Hell. 28. Eructations every few minutes, with grumbling in the abdomen, Ipec. 29. Eructation, like a painful jerk, Magn. p. arct. 30. Empty eructations, during which he feels a painful tearing or lanci- nation over the umbilicus, from the left to the right side, Magn. carb. 31. Eructations like hiccough, dur- ing dinner, Merc. sol. 32. Tasteless eructations, especially on leaning forward, Mercurial. 33. Rising of air, attended with ris- ing of tasteless fluid into the mouth, Mosch. 34. Empty eructations, followed by a prick over the cricoid cartilage, Magn. mur, 35. Empty eructations, also with loss of appetite, Magn. sulph. 36. Eructations while eating, Natr. carb. 37. Eructations, succeeded by heat in the pharynx, Natr. carb. oS. Loud eructations the whole day, especially after a meal, Tabac. 39. Eructations after eating or drink- ing, Nux v. 40. Painful eructations, Nux v. 41. Empty eructations during din- ner, 01 an. 42. Frequent empty eructations, with pressure, reaching as far as the chest, forenoon, Par. quad. 43. Eructations while eating soup and afterwards, Phos. 44. Spasmodic eructations, Phos. 45. Frequent eructations, the sto- mach feels as if distended with air, Phos. 46. Eructations after eating, first empty, then tasting of the ingesta, Phos. 47. Excessive eructations, Plumb, met. 48. Empty eructations, followed by burning in the stomach, Plumb, met 49. Rising of air, with nausea, be- fore going to bed, Plumb, met. 50. Empty eructations after eating or drinking, Rhus t 51. Violent empty eructations in the evening, followed by tasteless hic- cough, Rhus t. 52. Empty eructations, with shud- dering over the whole body, Sabad. 53. Eructations, with some nausea, Sabin. 54. Empty eructations, with rum- bling in the abdomen, Spong. 55. Eructations, early, first tasting of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, then empty, Stann,, Valer. 56. Empty eructations, with frequent yawning and prostration, after- noon, Sulph. 57. Empty eructations for several days, especially after drinking, Tarax. 58. Empty eructations in the even- ing, after lying down, followed by scraping at larynx, as if from heart- burn, Verat 59. Empty eructations, not quite easy, and with some pressure at chest, Zinc m. 60. Loud eructations, with unequal pulse, Zinc. m. 61. Eructations, first empty, then- tasting of the soup, Zinc. m. INCOMPLETE,SUPPRESSED ERUCTATIONS. 1. Incomplete, unpleasant eructa- tions, Acid. phos. 2. Unsuccessful attempt to eruc- tate, Aeon. 3. Unsuccessful eructations, like heartburn, while walking in the open air, Ambr. 4. Suppressed eructations, Aeon., 488 SYMPTOMS OF GaoIRIC DISTURBANCES. Amm. carb., Amm. carb., Alum., Ars., Bell, Canth., Cast, Caust, Con., Grat, Hyosc, Ind., Lauroc, Magnes art, Magn. carb., Natr. mur., 01. an., Phos., Puis., Sassap., Sulph. 5. Eructations arrested at the up- per part of the chest, Asar. 6. Suppressed eructations, follow- ed by crampy pain at stomach, after dinner, Bar. carb. 7. Eructations, arrested by a burn- ing pressure in abdomen, Cal. seg. '8. Eructations, almost like hic- cough, going backwards from pha- rynx to stomach, before dinner, Canth. 9. Attempt at eructation, as if half- way between hiccough and eructa- tion, China. 10. Attempts at eructation, causing a pain at the stomach, Cocc, Con. ll. Incomplete eructations, terminat- ing in hiccough, Cocc. 12. Waterbrash the whole day, with' incomplete eructations, tasting of the ingesta, Cycl. 13. Disposition to eructate, changing to an urging to vomit, Grat 14.' Incomplete eructations, early, causing a painful pressure at the orifice of the stomach and along the whole cesophagus, Ign. 15. Constant desire to eructate, with distress at stomach, Ind. 16. Ineffectual desire to eructate, followed by spasmodic pain at stomach, morning and afternoon, Kal. carb. 17. Incomplete eructations, reaching only as far as the pharynx, caus- ing a burning in the throat, Lye 18. Incomplete eructations, with spasmodic contraction of cesopha- gus, Nux v. 19. Incomplete eructations, with pressure at stomach, Phell 20. Unsuccessful, then empty eruc- tations, Phos. "21. Unsuccessful eructations and yawning, Phos. 22. Unsuccessful eructations, caus- ing pressure at the chest at pinching in the bowels, Phos. 23. Unsuccessful eructations, follow- ed by yawning, Plumb, met. 24. Ineffectual eructations, attended with spasmodic writhing at sto- mach, after a meal, Sassap. 25. Ineffectual desire to eructate, followed by empty eructations, affording relief, at noon, Zinc m, 26. Ineffectual eructations, attended with pressure in the middle of the spine, Zinc. m. SOUR ERUCTATIONS. 1. Sour eructations, Acid. nit.,Ambn, Calc. carb., Cham., Con., Cycl, Ign., Ind.. Kal. carb., Lam. albi, Lye, Natr. carb., Natr. mur.. Pe- trol, Sabad., Strams, Sulph., Verat., Ferr. mur., Kreas., Kal chlor. 2. Sour eructations followed by sour vomiting, with sick feeling all over, and great nervousness, Gent. crue. 3. Sour eructations and sour vomit- ing, with Watery evacuations, Gent, crttc. 4. Sour risings and burning at sto- mach, Kal. bich. 5. Sourish eructations after stoop- ing, Pimpin. 6. Violent sour eructations, Sec. corn. 7. Nausea, with frequent sour and empty eructations, accumulation of water in mouth, vomiturition, flatulence, upwards or downward^ colicy pains, constipation, Cin. sulph. 8. Burning sourish eructations, not quite reaching the mouth, Acid.- phos. 9. Frequent eructations, with acidi- ty in the throat, forenoon, Alum. 10. Sour eructations, with burning in the throat, like heartburn, Alum. 11. Burning sour eructations, with a corrosive acid liquid rising to the mouth, accompanied with a kind of gagging, Bell. BITTER SOUR ERUCTATIONS, &c. 48s 5. Eructations 4s from a bitter sour fluid, Kal carb. 6. Bitter sour eructations, Magn. mur. 7. Bitter and sour eructations, with pressure at stomach, forenoon, Nice 8. Rising of a bitter and sour fluid, sometimes at night, Nux v. 9. Bitter sour eructations, then empty, Sassap. 10. Sour bitter eructations, early, as from a spoiled stomach, Silic. ll. Bitter sour eructations, after eat- ing bread and butter, Chin. 12. Sour eructations, with confluence of sourish water in the mouth, Bry. 13. Repulsive sourish eructations, Calc carb. 14. Sour eructations, with burning from the pit of the stomach, and rising of a brownish, sour liquid to the mouth, Calc carb. 15. Sour eructations, with cardial- gia, Calc carb. 16. Sourish eructations, with burning at stomach, Con. 17. Eructation?, at times empty, at times sour, Merc, sol 18. Frequent sour eructations, after- noon, Natr. carb. 19. Sour taste and eructations, al- most like heartburn, Natr. nitr. 20. Sour, hot eructations in the morning, Tab. 21. Sour eructations after an early walk, reaching as far as the tongue, Nux v. 22. Eructations, partly acid, partly tasting of the ingesta, Phos. 23. Sourish eructations, with tensive contraction in the mouth, Phos. 24. Sour eructations, early, Puis. 25. Rancid, sour, eructations, Ran. bulb. 26. Sour eructations, reaching as far as the tongue, Squil, Spig. 27. Sour eructations, the pharynx, feeling rough, during a walk, Stann. 28. Sour eructations, with taste of lead, Sulph. 29. Empty, almost sour eructations, after drinking, Zinc. m. 30. Rising of sour water, forenoon, Zinc. m. BITTER-SOUR ERUCTATIONS. 1. Bitter and sour eructations, with pressure at stomach, forenoon, Nice. 2. Bitter sour eructations from the stomach, Dros. 3. Bitter-sour eructations, after eat- ing bread and butter, Chin. 4. Suur eructations, with bitter taste on tongue, Graph. SOUR ERUCTATIONS AFTER EATING OR DRINKING. 1. Sour eructations, an hour after eating, Ac. phos. 2. Sour eructations after dinner, Ars. 3. Sour eructations, a few hours af- ter eating, Bar. carb., Con., Dig., Kal. carb., Phos., Sulph., Zinc. m. 4. Frequent, sometimes sour, eruc- tations after eating, Bry. 5. Sour eructations, after eating milk, Carb. veg., Chin. 6. Sour eructations after eating, with rising of food, fetid taste, and dulness of head, Lye. 7. Sour eructations after eating bread, with bitter taste, Merc sol. 8. Eructations after eating, tasting, and smelling sour, with yawning, Nux v. 9. Rising of a sour liquid to the mouth, after drinking coffee, Puis. BURNING ERUCTATIONS. 1. Burning-sourish eructations, not reaching the mouth, Acid. phos. 2. Eructations after eating, causing a burning in the throat, Anac. 3. Sour eructations, with burning in the throat, like heartburn, Al'im. 4. Burning-sour eructations, with rising of a corrosive-acid fluid into ^ 490 SYMPTOMS OF GAS1 the mouth, with a kind of gagging, Bell 5. Burning, almost constant eruc- tations, causing a roughness in the mouth, and altering the taste of food, Bry. 6. Rising of air, with burning and a kind of sweat with anxiety, Mez. 7. Eructations with burning in the throat, Hep. s., Phos. 8. Kind of heartburn, Lye 9. Burning eructations, 01. an., Rhus t PUTRID, FOUL ERUCTATIONS. 1. Offensive eructations after eat- ing fat or milk, Natr. mur. 2. Disagreeable, offensive eructa- tions, Par. quad. 3. Frequent empty and putrid eructations, with distention of the abdomen, borborygmi, thirst, heartburn, with good appetite and natural stool, Cinch, sulph. 4. Eructations tasting of spoiled eggs, with violent desire to vomit, protrusion of yellow substances from the orifice of the pharynx, Brom. 5. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs, early, Magn. sulph. 6. Bitter eructations, Magn. sulph. 7. Frequent eructations of unplea- sant odour, with disposition to vo- mit and pale face, Sanguin. 8. Frequent tasteless eructations, spreading an exceedingly offensive, pungent, putrid smell to the dis- tance of three paces, not perceived by the patient, Sec. corn. 9. Eructations with taste of bile, Mercurial. 10. Eructations swelling of garlick and having a most offensive taste, Asaf. 11. Frequent putrid eructations, Acid. mur. 12. Sensation as if the whole mouth were filled with air, tasting of rot- ten eggs, Aeon. 'RIC DISTURBANCES. 13. Eructations tasting of rotten eggs, also early, Arn., Coff., Petrol. Sep. 14. Putrid eructations, Bell, Con. 15. Eructations and stool having a cadaverous smell, Bism. 16. Constant putrid eructations, Carb. a. 17. Musty, putrid eructations, Cocc. Ign. 18. Eructations smelling like rotten eggs, the whole night, Magn. carb. 19. Eructations having a bitter taste and foul smell, Merc, sol 20. Eructations having a putrid smell, Oleand. 21. Eructations as of putrid meat, after dinner, this taste remaining afterwards, with nausea, Puis. 22. Eructations as of rotten eggs, with nausea, Sulph. 23. Putrid eructations late in the evening, Thuj. 24. Fetid eructations, with heat at night, yellow-coated tongue, gnaw- ing at epigastrium, Kal. bich, BITTER, BILIOUS ERUCTATIONS. 1. Bitter eructations, Acid, mur., Acid, sulph., Amb., Amm. mur., Baryt. carb., Calc. carb., Carb. v., Chin, sulph., Cocc, Ign., Ind., Natr. carb., Phos., Spong., Verat. 2. Bilious eructations, when eating, especially at supper, Acid. nit. 3. Frequent bitter eructations after dinner, Acid, sulph. 4. Bitter taste, with bitter eructa- tions, going off after eating, Amm. mur. 5. Bitter eructations, with taste of the ingesta, forenoon, Amm. mur. 6. Bitter eructations, with frequent hiccough, Amm. mur. 7. Bilious eructations, Ang. 8. Bitter eructations, also as of rot- ten eggs, Am. 9. Bitter eructations, after eating, Bell, Bry., Chin. 10. Bitter, scraping eructations, Carb. v. ERUCTATIONS, &c. 491 11. Bitter mouth, with eructations, Carb. v. 12. Very bitter eructations, evening and night, Cast, 13. Rising of a bilious fluid, Coloc. 14. Bitter eructations, from the sto- mach, Dros. 15. Bitter eructations, during a walk, Grat 16. Bitter eructations, tasting as of bitter almonds, affording relief to the stomach, Grat. 17. Bitter mouth, with bitter eruc- tations, Hyosc. 18. Eructations tasting of epsom salt, Kal. carb. 19. Eructations tasting of bitter al- monds, Lauroc, Tongo. 20. Bitter eructations, during and after breakfast, Lauroc. 21. Bilious eructations, sometimes with warmth and a working in every part of the body, Berb. v. 22. Bitter eructations after a meal, Led. 23. Constant bilious eructations, af- ternoon, Lye 21. Rising of a bitter fluid, Merc. sol. 25. Eructations tasting bitter and having a foul smell, Mere sol. 26. Bilious eructations, afternoon, Mere sol. 27. Bilious eructations, as far as the nose, afternoon, Natr. carb. 2S. Bitter eructations, having a long aftertaste, forenoon, Natr. carb. 29. Bitter eructations, before break- fast, Nux v. 30. Rising of a bitter fluid, Puis. 31. Bitter eructations at night, Puis. 32. Bilious eructations, evening, Puis. 33 .Bitter eructations, early and af- ter rising, with bitter taste in mouth, also at dinner, Sassap. 34. Bitter eructations, with taste of the soup, after eating, Sassap. 35. Bitter eructations, with nausea, Sep. 3(5. Bitter taste in mouth and throat, on rising, also bitter eructations, passing off after eating, Sep. 37. Frequent bitter eructations, af- ter eating, Stann. 38. Bitter-scratching eructations, after eating milk, Sulph. 39. Bitter eructations and hiccough, Tarax. 40. Bitter eructations with nausea, Verbose ERUCTATIONS TESTING OF THE IN- GESTA. 1. Eructations tasting of the in- gesta, Bell, Bov,, Bry., Calc. carb., Carb. a., Caust, Cast, Chin., Cin., Cocc, Coff., Con., Euphras., Graph., Grat, Ign., Kal. carb., Lauroc, Magn. sulph., Magnes. art, Magn. mur., Natr. m., Phell, Plumb, m., Puis., Ran. bulb., Rat, Rhus t., Sassap., Staph., Sulph., Thuj., Verat. 2. Eructations tasting of the break- fast, soup, AEth. 3. Eructations tasting of the in- gesta, early, Agar., Amm. carb. 4. Eructations tasting of the sup- per, Amm. carb. 5. Oppressive eructations, tasting of the previously-eaten potatoes, Amm. carb. 6. Frequent eructations, evening, tasting of the milk at supper, Alum. 7. Eructations tasting of the in- gesta, after every meal, Cast, Calc. carb., Silic. 8. Eructations smelling of the in- gesta, Caust. 9. Confluence of water in the mouth, day and evening, with im- perfect eructations tasting of the ingesta, Cycl 10. Eructations tasting of the meat, Grat,, 01. an., Zinc. m. 11. Eructations tasting of the break- fast soup, Magn. carb., Zinc. m. 12. Eructations after eating, first empty, afterwards tasting of the ingesta, Phos. 13. Eructations tasting of the in- gesta, after eating and drinking, Ruta. 492 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 14. Eructations tasting of the in- gesta, after dinner, with nausea, Squill. 15. Eructations, first empty, after- wards tasting of the soup-grease, Zinc m. ERUCTATIONS ATTENDED WITH OTHER AILMENTS. t. 1. Eructations with heartburn, Acid. nit. 2. Empty eructations alternating with hiccough, Agar. 3. Eructations, with oppression of the chest while eating, Alum. 4. Eructations, with gulping up of bitter phlegm, Am. 5. Violent eructations, with pres- sure at the stomach as if a stone would rise and fall again, Bar. carb. 6. One eructation followed by heart- burn, Bar. carb. 7. Eructations, loss of appetite and vertigo, Bell. 8. Eructations followed by hiccough, Bry. 9. Every eructation is accompanied with a sticking pain, Bry. 10. Eructations from the stomach, only when walking, every eructa- tion being attended with a stitch in the side, Caps. 11. A few sobbing eructations at dinner, Carb. a. 12. Frequent eructations, attended with acute stitches in left breast, Cast. 13. Eructations, causing an aggrava- tion of the existing pains, Cham. 14. Eructations followed by desire to vomit, Chel 15. Every eructation is attended by a pain in the pit of the stomach, as if caused by a blow, or by a sticking pain, Cocc. 16. Every eructation is attended by pressure at the chest, Cocc. 17. Sourish eructations, with burn- ing at stomach, Con. 18. Eructations after supper, termi- nating in hiccough, with rising of fluid to the throat, which has a burnt taste, Cycl 19. Sour eructations with scraping in oesophagus and heartburn Dulc 20. Uneasiness at great curvature of stomach, relieved by eructations, Kal bich. 21. She turned pale, with rumbling in abdomen, oppressive stricture across the chest, rush of blood to the head; attended with violent spasmodic eructations, followed by heat in the face, especially on the right cheek, and pain in the head, stinging sensation on the vertex, Ferr. acet. 22. Constant eructations, nausea the whole day and no appetite, Graph. 23. Disposition to eructate, with pressure from the stomach to the throat, stopping her breath, Grat. 24. Eructations tasting of the medi- cine, with pain in the chest resem- bling stitches, Grat. 25. Suppressed eructations, early, in bed, causing a painful pressure at the orifice of the stomach, and along the whole cesophagus, Ign. 26. Frequent clangous eructations, with confluence of water in mouth, forenoon, Kal. carb. 27. Frequent eructations, with re- lief after every spasmodic parox- ysm, Kal. carb. 28. Eructations, early, with squara- ishness the whole day, Kal carb. 29. Eructations with nausea, Kal. nit, Petrol 30. Eructations followed by burning at stomach, Lauroc. 31. Eructations and sneezing, to- wards evening, Magn. carb. 32. Frequent eructations with some pain a stomach, forenoon, Magn. carb. 33. Sobbing eructations, at dinner, Merc. sol. 34. Eructations, nausea and desire to vomit, Tabac 35. Eructations, followed by burning in oesophagus, 01. an. ERUCTATIONS, &c. 493 36. Every eructation is preceded by rumbling in stomach, 01 an. 37. Imperfect eructations, with pres- sure at stomach, Phell. 3S. Eructations attended with pain at stomach, Phos. 39. Eructations and yawning, Phos. 40. Eructations, with confluence of water and contractive sensation in the mouth, increasing to a. gag- ging, and attended with vomiting of mucus; followed by eructa- tions and yawning, Phos. 41. Eructations smelling of olive- oil, with sensation as if something spirituous were ascending through the nose ; she sees a white smoke passing through it, Phos. 42 Eructations tasting of phosphor- us, continuing for three hours, attended with yawning, burning and roughness in the throat, with expectoration of mucus and dul- ness of the head, Phos. 43. Constant eructations, with yawn- ing from the abdomen, Phos. 44. During an eructation he feels a pain below the ensiform cartilage, (at the cardiac orifice of stomach) as if the part would be torn off, Phos. 45. Suppressed eructations, with pressure at chest, or pinching in the bowels, Phos. 46. Violent eructations, causing a pain in the chest, Phos. 47. Sobbing eructations and emis- sion of flatulence, after eatine, Plat *' 48. Empty eructations followed by burning at stomach and nausea, Plumb, met. 49. Tingling in the stomach, attended with violent eructations, which could only be stopped by lying down, Rhus t. 50. Eructations from the stomach which became incarcerated, as it were, in the right breast, Rhus t 51. Frequent painful eructations, only reaching to the middle of the chest, as if the air had to force its way through the orifice of the sto- mach, Sabad. 52. Empty eructations, attended with shuddering over the whole body, Sabad. 53. Frequent eructations with dis- position to vomit, Sep. 54. During an eructation, early, pinching in the stomach as if something would be torn loose, Sep. 55. During an eructation he feels a stitch in the pit of the stomach, in the left side, and between the sca- pulas, Sep. 56. Eructations followed by burning at the stomach, Sep. 57. Painful eructations with dis- charge of some sanguineous sub- stances from the mouth (after a rapid ride on horse-back,) Sep. 58. Eructations alternating with hic- cough, Sep. 59. After an erucfation he feels a painful pressure, then a crampy pain at stomach, Silic. GO. Eructation with nausea, Squill 61. An eructation is attended with pressure at the chest and stitches in that part, Staph. 62. Frequent sour eructations in the day-time, with pressure at pit of stomach, Sulph. 63. Sobbing eructations, attended with pain behind the palate, Sulph. 64. Sobbing rising of air, Tart. emrt. 65. Suppressed eructations, with pressure in the middle of the spine, Zinc m. 66. Eructations with nausea, lan- guor, water in the mouth, pain in stomach and abdomen, ineffectual urging, chilliness, wretched look and ill-humour, Gran. RANCID ERUCTATIONS. 1. Rancid eructations, Bar. cqjrb., Lauroc, Terebinth., Thuj. 2, Rancid eructations, leaving a 494 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. burning in the throat for a long time, Alum. 3. Rancid eructations, especially af- ter dinner, or after the breakfast- soup, Alum. 4. Eructations having an acrid and rancid taste, Asaf. 5. Two violent eructations after the morning-soup, as from rancid grease, with sensation as if water would come up, Grat. 6. Eructations as from old, rancid tallow after eating cake, Puis. 7. Rancid, sour eructations, Ran, bulb: 8. Frequent rancid eructations, Sabad. SWEETISH ERUCTATIONS. 1. Sweet eructations, Carb. v., Grat., Ind.,Lauroc, Sulph., Zincm. 2. Sweetish eructations, as if one would vomit, Plumb, met 3. Eructations with taste of sugar in mouth, Plumb, ac. 4. Eructations having a strange taste. Plumb, ac. 5. Gulping up of insipid or sweetish water, Plumb, ac. ROUGH, SCRAPING ERUCTATIONS. 1. Scraping, rough eructations, Ant. crud. 2. Eructations, loathing, roughness 'm in the throat, warmth in the stom- ach, ptyalism, slow pulse and con- gestions of the chest, Brom. 3. Violent astringent eructations, Caust. 4. Acrid, scraping eructations, in the evening, Cocc 5. Scraping eructations from the stomach, after a light meal, Petrol. 6. Scraping eructations, affecting the larynx, and inducing cough, Staph. [ 7. Bitter scraping eructations after tasting milk, or after eating, or drinking beer, Sulph. ERUCTATIONS, ATTENDED WITH RAISING OF BLOOD. 1. Painful eructations, with raising of blood into the mouth, (after a rapid ride,) Sep. ,2. Eructations (in a very warm room) with raising of blood into the mouth, Sep. ERUCTATIONS OF A PECULIAR TA8TK, 1. Eructations as of hard-boiled eggs, Magn. sulph. 2, Eructations tasting like burnt flour, Nice 3. Eructations tasting of juniper- berries, Grat. 4. Eructations tasting of ink, Ind. 5. Eructations tasting of fresh bread, Merc. sol. 6. Eructations tasting of onion, after the spasm, Magn. mur. 7. Frequent rising of air as if the stomach were filled with dry food, Cal. seg. 8. Eructations tasting and smelling of horn filings, Magn. art, 9. Occasional eructations, tasting of medicine or of urine, 01 an. 10. Eructations smelling almost of bed bugs, Phell. 11. Eructations tasting of phospho- rus, Phos. 12. Eructations from the stomach, with insipid taste and a good deal of saliva, Stann. 13. Eructations tasting of milk, in the afternoon, Zinc. m. 14. Eructations tasting of copper, Cupr. acet. REGURGITATION OF THE INGESTA, SPIT- TING UP OF FOOD OR OTHER SUB- STANCES. 1. Solids. 1. Frequent expulsive gulping up, Plumb, ac. 2. Sour gulpings, Plumb, ac. 3. Regurgitation of the ingesta, with sourish-bitter taste in the mouth, Calc. caust. 4. Spitting up of half-digested food, with flat taste in mouth, Acid. nit. 5. Regurgitation of the ingesta, almost without vomiting, Bry., Carb. v., Cham., Ferr. ac, Ign., SPITTING UP SOLIDS, LIQUIDS. 495 Merc sol, Mez., Oleand., Phos., | Sulph. 6. The milk which had been eaten at breakfast, comes up again sour, with sour taste, Calc. carb. 7. Spitting up of the food, at din- ner, with offensive taste in the mouth, Cole carb. 8. Eructations, with regurgitation of the ingesta, Camph., Magn. mur. 9. rl he soup returns again as soon as swallowed, Dulc. ' 10. Sour eructations after every meal, with regurgitation of di- gested food, and fetid taste for one hour, Lye. 11. For several days one eructation of offensive taste, with regurgita- tion of a portion of the ingesta, tasting sour, Phos. 12. Sensation in the stomach as if one had eaten too much, with re- gurgitation of the ingesta as if they had to be vomited up, Puis. 13. Excessive appetite; after eating she felt languid, with regurgitation of the ingesta, Sep. 14. Gulping up of the milk one had eaten, and of an acrid fluid, Tart stib. 15. Bitterish taste in upper part of throat, after dinner; also a few times regurgitation of slightly bit- ter tasting food, Teucr. 2. LIQUIDS. 1. Gulping-up of insipid or sweetish water, Plumb, ac. 2. Rising of water from the stom- ach, also with loathing of food and nausea, Magn. sulph. ', 3. Continued gulping up of water, after eating potatoes, Magn. sulph. 4. Gagging-up of water and mucus, on rising in the morning, with dry- ness of the nose, heat in sinciput, pressing in forehead from within outwards, cold hands and feet, thirst, Kreas. 5. Constant inclination to water- brash, Kal hyd. 6. Rising of a sour liquid from the stomach, Acid. nit. 7. Frequent rising of sweetish wa- •' ter, Acid, sulph. 8. Rising of water from the stom- ach, passing off after dinner, Acid. sulph. 9. Rising of sweetish water, with nausea, Aeon. 10. Rising of bitter-sour water, in the afternoon ; the bitter taste re- mained until she took more nour- ishment, Amm. mur. 11. Rising of fluid*causing a nause- ous sensation in the chest, Anac 12. Frequent rising of a fluid into the mouth, strangling him when swallowed, Anac 13. Sourish feeling in the throat, followed by rising of a bitter fluid, after eating milk at supper, Alum. 14. Sweetish rising from the stomach; the phlegm which he hawks up tastes sweetish, early, Alum. 15. Rising of a sour mucus, followed by burning in the threat, like heartburn early, Ahem. 16. Rising of a bitter mucus, during an eructation, Am. 17. Rising of saltish water, during an eructation, Am. 18. Bitter eructations after a meal, with rising of a greenish bitter mucus into the mouth, Ars. 19. Rising of sweetish or bitter wa- ter, after dinner, Bar. carb. 20. Gulping up of phlegm, early, from the stomach, Bry. 21. Gulping-up of a bitter-sour acrid fluid, Cann., Dros. 22. Gulping-up of a bitter-sour fluid, after dinner, on stooping and then raising one's self again, Cast. 23. Gulping-up of a very bitter, yel- low fluid, in the open air, while stooping, after which a burning remained in the fauces the whole forenoon, Cic. 24. Gulping-up o? a bitter-sour fluid, not long after his dinner, Cin. 25. Gulping-up of a sour substance, after dinner, Con. 496 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 26. Rising of tasteless water, after- noon, Grat 27. Rising of an offensive fluid into the throat, Grat. 28. Bitter gulpings up to the throat, Grat. 29. Gulping-up of a bitter fluid, Ign. 30. Constant rising from the stom- ach, Kal carb. 31. Gulping up of water from the stomach at night, Kal. carb. 32. Rising of bitterish water from the stomach, preceded by digging in the pit of the stomach, Kal. carb. 33. Nausea, rising from the stomach, retching, followed by gulping-up of a bitter fluid affording relief Kal. nit. 34. Gulping up of a sour liquid from the stomach, on stooping, Magnes art 35. Rising of an acrid fluid, like brandy, into the throat, also while eating, Merc sol. 36. Rising of air and a tasteless fluid into the mouth, Mosch. 37. Rising of sweetish water into the thioat, afternoon, Natr. carb. 38. Rising of water into the mouth after eating, Nux v. 39. Rising of a bitter-sour liquid also at night, Nux. v. 40. Gulping up of tasteless water, 01, an. 41. Gulping up of sour water, after breakfast, Petrol. 42. Gulping up of bitter water, Phos. 43. Gulping up of bile, on stooping, Phos. 44. Rising of an unpleasant bitter- sweet fluid from the pharynx, strangling him, inducing a cough so that the water starts into his eyes, with scraping in the throat a long time after, Plat 45. Gulping up of a bitter fluid, Puis. 46. Gulping up of a sour fluid, after drinking coffeepPuIs. 47. Gulping up of water, preceded by a sensation, in pit of stomach, as if something were torn, loose there, with pressure while the wa- ter rises, Puis. 48. Gulping up of bitter fluids, Rhod. 49. ---- of bitter-sour substances evening, Sassap. 50. ---- of bitter water, before and after dinner, Sassap. 51. ---- of sour water, afternoon, Sassap. 52. ---- of a sour substance, Spong. 53. Rising of phlegm from the fauces, Staph. 54. Eructation followed by rising of a kind ot fluid which she swallows again, leaving a sour taste and a scraping sensation in the throat, Tart emet. 55. ---- of a saltish fluid, Tart. emet. 56. Gulping up of a rancid fluid, not reaching the mouth, Vahr. 57. ---- of a tasteless fluid, Verbose. 58. ---- of a sour substance, after- noon, Zinc, m. Hiccough. 1. Hiccough, Acid, sulph., Agar., Amm. mur., Anac, Aug., Ant. cr., Arg., Asar., Bar. carb., Berb. v., Benz. ac. Calc carb., Cast, Che- lid., Cina., Colch., Coloc, Con., Cupr. m., Dros., Euphras., Hell., Hyosc, Ign., Ind., Kal bich., Lau- roc, Led., Lye, Menyan., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Nux v., Par. quad., Petrol, Phos., Plumb, met., Puis., Ran. bulb., Sabad., Spong., Verbose, Zinc. m. 2. ----, early, after the chilliness, Amm. carb. 3. Frequent hiccough and bitter eructations; the hiccough is ac- companied, with violent stitches in the left breast, Amm. mur. 4. Convulsive hiccough, Ars. 5. Hiccough with convulsions, Bell. 6. Long-lasting hiccough at the time when the fever should have set in, Ars. 7. Violent hiccough, which tossed her off her bed, she was deaf until* the next paroxysm, Bell HICCOUGH. 497 8. Spasm resembling partly an eruc- tation, partly hiccough, Bell. 9. Hiccough, after the eructation, Bry. 10. Frequently a single turn of hic- cough, Cham. 11. Sounding, clangous hiccough, Cic. 12. Imperfect eructation terminating in hiccough, Cocc. 13. Hiccough with spasms, involun- tary micturition, diarrhoea, Hyosc. 14. Frequent empty, sobbing eruc- tations, Kal hyd. 15. Imperfect hiccough, causing a spasmodic pain in the stomach, which, however, passed off soon, Mayn. carb, 16. Frequent hiccough, attended with nausea and stupefaction, Stapli. 17. Violent long-lasting hiccough, so that it makes his chest painful, Stront. carb. 18. Bitter eructations and hiccough, Tarax. 19. Sobbing eructations, Tart, emet 20. Frequent hiccough, with ill-hu- mour, Agn. cast. 21. HicCOUgh ALTERNATING WITH eructations, Agar., Dulc, Sep. AFTER EATING OR DRINKING. 1. ----, after eating, Aeon., Amm. mur., Alum., Am., Ars., Bar. carb., Bov., Carb. v., Carb. a., Eug., Graph., Ign., Kal. carb., Lye, Merc, sol, Magn. mur., Nux.jugl, Par. quad., Rat, Samb., Sassap., Sep., Stann., Tong. 2-----, after eating, with eructa- tions, Ars. 3- ----, after eating, causing a pain in the pharynx, Carb. v. 4. Disposition to vomit, followed by hiccough, with good taste and appetite, Con. 5. Hiccough after eating, with rising of a liquid into the fauces which has a burnt taste, Cycl, Graph. G.---- after eating, with dulness, and drawing, Graph. Vol.HI._32 7. Hiccough at dinner, with eructa- tions, and heat in head, Grat. 8. Hiccough after drinking, evening, Ign. 9. ---- at dinner, Kal carb. 10. ---- after dinner, so violent that it causes a pressure in the pit of the stomach, with sore pain, Phos. 11. ---- after eating, with sobbing and emission of flatulence, Plat. 12. ---- after drinking, Puis. 13. ---- after eating, followed by pressure in pit of stomach, then flatulence and eructation as from a spoiled stomach, Thuj. . HICCOUGH WHILE EATING OR IMMEDI- ATELY PRECEDING IT. 1. Hiccough before and after eating, Acid. mur. 2. Sobbing eructations, at dinner, Carb. a., Merc, sol 3. Hiccough while eating, Eug. 4. Violent hiccough so that the sto- mach feels painful, at dinner, Magn. mur., Natr. carb. 5. Hiccough before dinner, Nux v. 6. ----, also before a meal, Phos. 7. ---- while eating and after- wards, Samb. 8. Violent hiccough, while eating, with violent shocks in the pit of the stomach, Teucr. HICCOUGH FROM SMOKING. 1. When smoking, Acid, sulph., Ambr., Ant. cr., Arg., Ign., Puis., Staph. 2. Empty eructations, alternating with hiccough, Agar. 3. Hiccough with nausea, Ruta. 4. ---- and eructations before din- ner, Selen. 5. ----, with contraction in the fauces, with sensation as if a plug had lodged there which causes nausea and a confluence of water in the mouth, Sep. 6. ----, after eating, Stann. 498 SYMPTOMS OF GAST HICCOUGH AT PARTICULAR HOURS OF THE DAY. 1 . Hiccough at night, Acid, sulph. 2. Long-lasting hiccough, early, Aeon. 3. Hiccough, in the evening, AEth., Coff., Kal. carb., Kal. hyd., Nice, 01 an. 4. ----, in the afternoon, Agarn Amm. carb., Canth. 5. ---- at night, on rising, with a a scraping, unpleasant taste in mouth, Ars. 6. ---- in the forenoon, Bar. carb., Merc, sol 7.----with profuse sweat at night, Bell 8. ---- early, Kal nit., Sulph. 9. ---- after rising from bed, suc- ceeded by eructations, Magn. carb. 10. ----in the evening, followed by a good deal of sneezing, Petrol. 11. Violent rising of air, in the even- ing, followed by hiccough, Rhus t 12. Long-lasting hiccough, evening, Sassap., Sulph. 13. Hiccough, early, when smoking, Verat. 14. ----, early in the afternoon and in the evening, Zinc. m. 15. ---- at night, during sleep, Puis. Heartburn. 1. Heartburn, Acid nitr., Aeon., Agar., Am., Calc. carb., Caps., Con., Kal. nit, Eye, Magnes art, Merc, sol, Nux v., Petrol, Ran. bulb., Sabad., Sabin., Sulph., Sec. corn. 2. ---- at night, Eug. 3. Sour risings and burning at sto- mach, Kal bich. 4. Heartburn, after tea, Kal bich. 5. Frequent bitter or sour eructa- tions like heartburn, sensation of pressure in throat from below up- wards, with spasmodic constriction of the throat impeding deglutition, followed by hiccough, and gener- ally attended with rising of sour- 'RIC DISTURBANCES. bitter water, after which the sensa- tion disappears, Cupr. ac. 6, Sensation Kke heartburn, Arg. m., Croc. 7. Burning down to the stomach, almost like heartburn, Acid. nit. 8. Acidity in the mouth which causes a violent burning in the throat, Acid. nit. 9. Heartburn during a walk in the open air, with suppressed eructa- tions, Ambr. gr. 10. Every evening, sensation as if the stomach were deranged, with an acrid rising up to the throat, like heartburn, Ambr. gr. 11. Burning from the stomach to- wards the fauces, like heartburn, Amm. mur. 12. Burning, like heartburn, early, in the abdomen, stomach and chest, Arg. m. 13. Heartburn after drinking water, Alum. 14. ---- with waterbrash, Alum. 15. ----, after one eructation, Bar. carb. 16. ---- (while smoking); a scra- ping, burning, smarting sensation is felt for a long time at the en- trance of the pharynx and especi- ally at the upper border of the larynx, Bell. 17. Sour eructations with burning ascending from pit of stomach; a brownish, sour liquid got into the mouth, Calc. carb. 18. Nausea, cough and heartburn wake him at midnight, Calc. carb. 19. Hot eructations, heartburn; no thirst; drinking water increases the burning in the fauces, Canth. 20. Watery, flat taste in mouth, followed by heartburn, Caps. 21. Sensation as if something hot and acrid were rising in the pha- rynx, Carb. v. 22. Acrid sensation from stomach to throat, like heartburn, Carb. v. 23. Scraping sensation in the fauces and especially at the border of the larynx, as after heartburn, Chin. HEARTBBURN'. 499 2.----, with stupefaction or con- vulsions, Vipr. torv. 63. ----, with headache, or with shuddering and thirst, Vipr. torv. 64.----, affording relief, See corn. 65. ----, with cold perspiration of the face, Lob. inf. 66. Extreme nausea, with profuse perspiration, copious vomiting, great prostration of strength, but good appetite shortly afterwards, Lob. inf. 67. Nausea and diminished appetite, after breakfast, violent vomiting, with straining, lachrymation, in- jection of the eyelids and drowsi- ness ; an hour after, vomiting of brownish-yellow pulpy matter, I Kal. bich. 68.----and violent vomiting, im- mediately, Kal. bich. 69. Vomiting, with aggravation of the pains in stomach and intes- tines, Cupr. acet. 70. Horribly-smelling vomiting, suc- ceeded by constant gagging and weakness, until death, Brom. 71. Vomiting, with oppression at stomach, loathing, heartburn, feel- ing of constriction in the stomach, and swelling of the abdomen for several days, Chin, sulph. 72. ----, with flat taste in the after- noon, Chin, sulph. 73.----, with slight pains in umbi- lical region, intermittent, small, contracted pulse, Morph. acet. 74.----and increase of urine after taking milk, Morph. acet. 75. Obstinate vomiting, without thirst, without loss of appetite, and without redness of the tongue, Morph. acet. 76. Repeated vomiting, with exces- sive anguish, colic, despondency ancV apprehension of near death, Ars. hyd. 77. Unceasing gagging and vomiting for nine days, excited again by in- troducing the least quantity of food or drink into the stomach, or even by merely thinking of water, Ars. hyd. 78. Vomiting, thirty or forty times in one day, Plumb, met. 79. Excessive vomiting, which can- not be arrested, Plumb, acet 80. Vomiting of a thick, viscid mass, with yellow streaks, like the yolk of an egg, Plumb, acet. 81. Great irritation of the stomach, anxiety of the prsecordia, vomit- ing, Arg. nit. 82. Nausea, great uneasiness and vomiting, Lob. inf. VOMITING, WITH DIARRHOEA. 1. Retching and vomiting of mu- cus, accompanying the diarrhceic stools, Arg. nit. 2. Vomiting and diarrhoea, with vio- lent colicky pains, Arg. nit. 3. Horrid colic, violent vomiting and diarrhoea, oppressive anxiety, internal spasms, Merc. prce. rub. 4. Frequent violent vomiting, at- tended with nausea, frightful colic, diarrhoea and convulsions, Cupr.ac, 5. Spasmodic vomiting, with bile or nightly diarrhoea, Lach. 6. Frequent alternation of vomit- ings and diarrhoea, Cupr. ac. 7. Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, Merc. prce. rub. , 8. Anxiety, with burning at sto- mach, easy vomiting of a large quantity of watery substances re- sembling the white of an egg, at- tended with diarrhoea, as if the contents of the rectum would gush out like a torrent, accompanied by anguish, coldness of the body, vis- cid sweat, violent cramp,.pains in lower limbs to such an extent that the calves look flat like splints, Jatr. 9, Loathing, nausea, disagreeable NIGHTLY VOMITING, VOMITING OF WATER, &c. 517 burning at stomach and cesopha- gus, violent'vomiting and purging, with rush of blood to the head, Jatr. 10. Horrid vomiting and purging, with fainting, Gutt. 11. Inclination to vomit, followed by painful twitching in umbilical re- gion and diarrhoea, Gutt. 12. Violent excessive evacuations upwards and downwards, with complete prostration, spasms, death. Jatr. 13. Frequent vomiting, with fre- quent painful diarrhoea, AEth. 14, Frequent vomiting, with colic and diarrhoea, Cupr. m. 15. Unceasing vomiting and diarr- hoea ; the evacuations were at first fetid, afterwards bloody, slimy, scanty, lod. 16. Nausea, urging to vomit, trem- bling in the whole body, headache as if oppressed and bruised, retch- ing in throat, burning of the eyes, weariness, as if drowsy, tearing and sticking in the vertex and occiput, cutting in the bowels, discharge of soft faeces, then of mere mucus, Kal nit. 17. Vomiting and diarrhoea, Seneg. NIGHTLY VOMITING. 1. Vomiting at night, Stram., Dros., Valer. ■ 2. Nightly vomiting, with sticking drawing pain in back, towards the scapula, Puis. 3. Violent vomiting at night, seve- ral times, with violent headache, Sep. 4. Violent nausea and unceasing vomiting the whole night, Tart emet VOMITING OF WATER. 1. Vomiting of slimy water, after which the headache disappears, Zinc. oxyd. 2- ----, of tasteless water, with retching and pain at stomach, Rhus t. ' 3. Vomiting of water, preceded by loathing, Rat 4. Sudden nausea at stomach, fol- lowed by vomiting of clear water, Acid, sulph. 5. Vomiting twice, first of clear water, then of her yesterday's supper, after which the nausea con- tinued for a time, Acid, sulph. 6. Nausea at stomach, from morn- ing till afternoon, when she vomit- ed sour water, with chilliness in 'the whole body; she had to lie down, during the menses, Amm. carb. 7. Excessive, exceedingly hard vo- miting of what she had drank, of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in the mouth, which continued long after the vo- miting, Ars. 8. Slight nausea, followed imme- diately by vomiting of water, with frequent flow of water from the eyes, Cupr. m. 9. Nausea before, during, or after a meal, al?o before breakfast, fol- lowed by vomiting of water, with flow of saliva, Graph. 10. He vomits twice a yellow, bitter sour water, without effort, Grat. 11. Watery vomiting, with vertigo, Hyosc 12. Violent nausea attacks her sud- denly at noon, while eating her soup, attended with vertigo, so that she came near falling; this was followed by retching, and lastly, vomiting of a saltish water, then of the soup she had eaten, and then again mere wrater, with dying anguish, causing the sweat to break out 6n her forehead; lastly, she was attacked with white faecal diarrhoea, cutting in the bow- els, and bloated abdomen, Magn. carb. 13. Vomiting of pure water, with sight of colours, green and yellow. Tab. 14. Nausea at the stomach, with ris- 518 SYMPTOMS OF THE GA ing of tasteless water from the stomach to the mouth, Phos. BITTER OR BILIOUS VOMITING. 1. Bilious vomiting, Aeon., Lach., Puis., Sabad., Sep., Zinc. ox. 2. Vomiting of a substance like the acetate of copper, with a bilious yellow mass, Plumb, ac 3. Violent vomiting, sometimes a tenacious bilious mucus being rais- ed, which affords relief, Sec. com, 4. Constant retching, with vomit- ing of a crude, bilious substance, which seems as if not homogene- ous, Sec. corn. 5. Vomiting of bile, with trembling, attended by pain in epigastrium, with nausea and extreme prostra- tion, almost syncope, Eup. perf. 6. Sickness in the morning and yel- low, bitter vomiting, Kal bich. 7. Vomiting of mucus and bile, Ars. hyd. 8. ---- of bilious and foul sub- stances, afterwards changing to an ineffectual retching, Plumb, met. 9. Sour, bilious vomiting, Plumb, ac 10. Vomiting of a yellowish, fetid substance, with colic, Plumb, ac. 11.----of green bile, Aeon., Hyosc, Stram. 12. ---- of mucus and green bile, Ars. 13.----of bile and mucus, Bell 14. He wakes after midnight, with nausea ; he vomits food and bile, Bry. 15. Vomiting of a bitter, musty, putrid fluid, early, leaving a simi- lar taste in the mouth, Bry. 16. Bilious vomiting, tinged with blood, Camph. ' 17. Vomiting of a slimy, bitter- tasting water, with scraping in the throat, followed by dulness in the occiput, Cann. 18. Violent retching, vomiting of the contents of the stomach, and bil- ious mucus, Canth. 19. Disposition to vomit in the vSTRIC DISTURBANCES. evening, followed by vomiting of a whitish mucus, tasting bitter as bile, and of the smell of rhubarb ; lastly, loathing of food and chilli- ness, Cast. 20. Vomiting of bitter mucus, early, after taking coffee, heat. all over, with sweat; after which he has a bitter taste in mouth, weakness of the head and disposition to vomit, Cham. 21. Vomiting of mucus, bitter as bile, Colch. 22. Violent colic, with several turns of bilious vomiting, followed by a bitter taste in throat and mouth, Colch. 23. Frequent vomiting of pure bile, Cupr. m. 24. Vomiting of bile after the least motion, such as sitting up in bed, Stram. 25.----of green bile, attended with excessive nausea, Dig. 26.----of bile, early, Dros. 27.----of bilious matter, Grat 28. ----of a yellowish, saltish sub- stance, lod. 29.----of a yellowish fluid, which tastes very much like iodine, lod. 30. Paroxysm compounded of nau- sea, great prostration, pressure from stomach to chest, so that she fancied she must suffocate; she had to lie down, was taken with trembling of the hands and feet, after which she vomited three times a bitter water, in the fore- noon, Kal. carb. 31. Nightly vomiting of food and bile, preceded by nausea and an- guish about the heart, Lye. 32. Vomiting of bitter water, with- out food, at noon, while eating her soup, leaving bitterness of the mouth behind, Magn. carb. 33. Confluence of water in the mouth, at night, with nausea; she vomits a bitter substance, Merc sol. 34. Vomiting of a yellow-green, bit- ter fluid, Oleand. VOMITING OF THE INGESTA. 519 35. Vomiting of bile the whole night, also with loss* of appetite, Phos. 36. ---- of a green, bitter sub- stance, Rhod. 37. Retching, with vomiting of •crude, bilious substances, Sec corn. 38. Paroxysms of two hours, every day, compounded of griping in the- hypochondria with nausea, thence moving to the back like a sticking pain, also with stitches in the chest and yawning, until he vomits bile and food, Sep. 39. On rising from bed she felt as if her stomach would turn, with pal- pitation of the heart, pressure at the upper portion of the sternum, nausea ascending to the throat, with gagging up of bitter water, eased by taking food, Silic. 40. Nausea and bitter vomiting, af- ternoon, Sulph. 41. ----, with fainting, white lips, icy-coldness of the body, followed by vomiting of bile and mucus and chill, Valer. 42. Vomiting^ of bile, then of tena- cious mucus, Verat. 43. Increasing warmth in the whole body and face, with sweat, follow- ed by violent vomiting of a bitter slimy fluid, with shaking and lach- rymation, Zinc 44. Rflmbling and pinching deep in the lower abdomen, with chilliness over the arms, followed by vomit- ing of the bread she had eaten and then of a bitter fluid, Zinc VOMITING OF THE INGESTA. 1. Vomiting of the ingesta, Acid. mur., Ars., Colch., Coloc, Ferr. acet, Lauroc, Natr. mur., Phos., Sec. com., Silic 2. In the evening, nausea and vo- miting of the food he had taken at dinner, Morph. ac. 3. Vomiting of food, three hours after supper, waking him from sleep, Nux j. 4. After breakfast qualmishness, then vomiting of the food undi- gested, not acid, Kal bich. 5. Vomiting of undigested food, followed by nausea, after moving about for several hours, Kal bich. 6. Violent vomiting of the ingesta, with pain in head and abdomen, Lach. 7. Turns of sickness at stomach, with pale face, altered features, frequent breaking out of profuse sweat, as from anguish, followed by vomiting of the ingesta," then of insipid, and lastly sourish wa- ter; accompanied with a desire for cold water, which is vomited up again; hiccongh, eruotations, excessive bodily and mental pros- tration ; pressure on forehead, as with a hand ; sticking in forepart of chest as from incarcerated flatu- lence, Selen. 8. Vomiting in the afternoon, first of the ingesta, then of mucus, Magn. sulph. 9. Vomiting of the ingesta, follow- ed by hourly vomiting day and night, until next morning, Acid. phos. 10. She vomits twice, first mere wa- ter, then yesterday's supper, after which the nausea continues for a time, Acid, sulph. 11.----of curdled milk, AEth. 12. Violent pressure at pit of sto- mach after every meal, followed by nausea and vomiting of the in- gesta; afterwards sour taste in mouth, Amm. carb. 13. Vomiting of undigested food, which she had taken twelve hours previous, Bell. 14. He wakes after midnight and vomits food and bile, Bry. 15. Vomiting of the ingesta, preced- ed by fulness in the abdomen and then excessive nausea, Cham. 16. ---- towards midnight, with suffocative fits; he vomits food and mucus, with bitter and sour taste in throat, Cocc. 520 SYMPTOMS OF THE GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 17. Increased nausea, with vomiting of the ingesta, which were envel- oped in white, tasteless mucus ; the colic ceased after the vomiting, Dig. 18. Vomiting of the ingesta, after midnight, causing an aversion to food and open air, Ferr. acet. 19. She throws up her dinner, with- out nausea, with sick feeling at pit of stomach, Graph. 20. For some days he was threaten- ed with vomiting after eating, Hyosc. 21. He wakes at night, feels hot all over, and throws up his supper, Ign. 22. Vomiting of the ingesta on stoop- ing, without previous eructations, Ipec. 23. The child's face is glowing red, early, he throws up his breakfast, turns pale as death, feels well again after a second vomiting, but remains feeble, Kal. carb. 24. Nausea and vomiting of the in- gesta, attended with heat, pros- tration, blackness of sight, Lam. alb. 25. Vomiting of food and bile, at ni'ght, preceded by nausea and an- guish about the heart, Lye 26. Sudden nausea and vertigo, while eating her soup at dinner, then retching, vomiting of salt water, after which she throws up the soup she had eaten, then again water, with dying anguish, causing the sweat to break out on her fore- • head; lastly, she was attacked with white faecal diarrhoea, cutting in the bowels, bloated abdomen, Magn. carb. 27. Pressure at the stomach, after eating, then waterbrash, nausea, vomiting of the ingesta, bilious vomiting, attended with cutting in the bowels, Natr. mur. 28. After eating a piece of bread, he threw it up again, with a good deal of water, Oleand. 29. He throws up his supper, follow- ed by bitter mouth, with dulness of teeth, Puis. , 30. Nausea and vomiting of the food he had eaten the day previous; the milk looks curdled and tastes sour, Sabin, , 31. Every day he has a paroxysm of one hour, compounded of gripiii. rub. 3. In a few moments, great heat in throat and stomach, then vio- lent vomiting of blood and mucus until the patient died, Kal. bich. 4. Vomiting • of bloody mucus, Aeon., Brom., Zinc. m. 5.----of a slimy, bilious and bloody substance, Mere cor. 6. Continued vomiting of blood, Merc cor. 7. Vomiting of a bloody fluid, after violent retching, Merc cor. 8. ----of coagulated blood, Am. 9. Nausea and violent vomiting of a brownish substance, which is frequently mixed with blood, with violent bodily straining, Ars. 10. Bilious vomiting, tinged with blood, Camph. 11. Constant retching and vomiting of blood, Canth. 12. Vomiting of coagulated blood, and an acrid, acid substance, Lye 13. Vomiting of blood, or gulping up of blood from, the stomach, Nux v. 14. He gags up a bloody mucus, Zinc. m. VOMITING OF MUCUS. 1. Vomiting of mucus, Aeon., Bar. carb., Cupr. m., Stram. 2. She wakes about midnight, with an oppressive sensation at sto- mach, as from a heavy lump, in- ducing vomiting; in the morning she throws up glassy mucus, which can be drawn into threads; she had two paroxysms of this kind of vomiting, after which she felt the whole afternoon a violent desire to vomit, a tremulous weakness, and a sensation in the head as if in a vice, Arg. nit 3. Nausea and vomiting of mucus, Kal. bich. 4. Gagging up of water and mucus, on rising in the morning, with dry- ness of nose, heat in sinciput, with 522 SYMPTOMS OF THE GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. pressing in forehead from within outwards, cold hands and feet, thirst, Kreas. 5. Vomiting of thick mucus, having a strong, metallic taste, Merc cor. 6.----of greenish mucus, AEth. 7. Violent vomiting of a frothy, milky substance, AEth. 8. Vomiting of a thick, glassy mu- cus, Ars. 9. Vomiting of mucus and green bile, Ars. 10. Excessive straining, vomiting of his beverage, of a yellow-green mu- cus and water, with bitter taste in mouth, continuing long after the vomiting, Ars. 11. Vomiting of mucus towards noon, Bell. 12. Vomiting of mucus and bile, Bell 13. Repeated vomiting of a yellow and green mucus, Bry. 14. Vomiting of mucus, towards evening, Bry. 15. ---- of a slimy water, tasting bitter, with scraping in throat, fol- lowed by dulness of the occiput, Cann. 16. Violent retching and vomiting of the ingesta and a bilious mucus, Canth. 17. Disposition to vomit, in the evening, followed by vomiting of a whitish mucus with bilious taste and rhubarb smell; followed by loathing of every kind of food, and chilliness, Cast 18. Early, after drinking coffee, heat all over, sweat, vomiting of bitter mucus ; afterwards bitter taste in mouth, weakness of the head, dis- position to vomit, Cham. 19. Violent retching, after which he throws up a large quantity of a yellowish mucus, tasting bitter as bile, and leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, Colch. 20. Nausea, headache, vomiting of mucus, also followed by eructa- tions, Con. 21. Nausea high up in the throat, followed by vomiting of a quan- tity of greenish-bitter mucus, with oppressive pain at the stomach, Cupr. m. 22. Easy vomiting, of a green, bit- ter mucus, with confused feeling in the head, and a beating pain in right frontal eminence, Mez. 23. Vomiting of tenacious mucus, Dulc 24. Mounting of heat, followed by vomiting of mucus, in the morn- ing, Dulc 25. Every morning and after eating, she throws up mucus and water; the water flows out of her mouth, with contraction of the throat, Ferr. acet. 26. He gags up a good deal of mu- cus early, appetite and stool good, Graph. 27. Vomiting of copious, white, te- nacious mucus, Hyosc. 28. ---- of large pieces of fetid mucus, Ipec 29. ----of green, jelly-like mucus, Ipec. 30. ---- of quantities of mucus, Ipec. 31. Five turns of vomiting of mu- cus, after the afternoon nap, (in a child,) Lye. 32. Violent vomiting of bitter mu- cus, Merc sol. 33. Excessive desire to vomit, with nausea, heat in the face, hawking of mucus, retching, then vomiting of a frothy, tasteless mucus; re- lieved after a light supper, Natr. carb. 34. Vomiting of mucus and a sour fluid, Tab. 35. ----of sour mucus, in the fore- noon, Nux v. 36. Nausea and flow of water from the mouth; first he gags up mu- cus, then he discharges, the liquid food he had taken, with sour taste, Oleand. 37. Vomiting of mucus, tasting like olive-oil, at night, Phos. 38. Violent, straining vomiting of a VOMITING OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. 523 green, slimy-watery substance, having a sour smell and burning likeVe, after supper and lying down in bed, Puis. 39. Vomiting of mucus and lum- brici, Sec. corn. x 40. Gags up mucus, Tereb. 41. She feels sick at the stomach, with fainting, white lips, icy-cold- ness of the body ; after which she throws up bile and mucus, with a chill, Valer. 42. Vomiting of bile, followed by vomiting of tenacious mucus, Verat. 43. ----of froth, followed by vomit- ing of yellow-green, sour-smelling mucus, Verat 44. ---- of tenacious mucus, at night, Verat. 45. ---- of white mucus, with good appetite, Verat. 46. —-— of a good deal of mucus, with debility, Verat. 47. Desire to vomit, with retching, followed by a sensation of warmth in the abdomen, with rumbling; on rising from her seat, she throws up a bitter, slimy fluid, with vio- lent retching, shaking and sweat; afterwards empty sobbing; empty eructations and spitting, Zinc m. 48. Increasing warmth in the whole body and face, with sensation as if sweat would break out; after this, violent vomiting of a bitter slimy fluid, with shaking, lachry- mation and sweat, Zinc. m. VOMITING OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. 1. Vomiting of a black substance, Plumb, ac 2. Violent vomiting, the substance which is thrown up tinges the bed- clothes hlack", Arg. nit. 3. Vomiting of black bile, degene- rated bile, Sec com. 4. Vomiting of a black substance, Plumb, m. 5. Vomiting of greenish substances, Aeon. 6. Frequent vomiting of a grass- green substance, Plumb, m. 7. Vomiting of a greenish-gray sub- stance, Plumb, m. 8. Vomiting of a yellow-green mu- cus of a bitter taste, Ars. hyd. 9. Vomiting of a slimy, greenish substance of bitter taste, or of clear sweetish saliva, which can be drawn into long threads, Cupr. acet 10. He vomits a greenish-gray, wa- tery liquid, twice, Aeon. 11. Vomiting of green matter, Morph. acet. 12. Vomiting of pus, Merc cor. 13. Vomiting of sweetish water, be- fore breakfast, Kreas. 14. Vomiting tasting like liquorice, Plumb, ac 15. Vomiting of feces with violent colic and constipation, Plumb, ac. 16. Miserere, Plumb, ac 17. Irresistible vomiting, mixed with fseeal matter, Plumb, ac. 18. Constant vomiting, with consti- pation, particularly when attended with sticking pains, Plumb, ac EMPTY RETCHING, GAGGING. 1. Empty retching, Am., Ars., Bell, Bism., Grat, Hyosc, Ign., Op., Phos., Plumb, m., Plumb, ac, Sab., Squill, Stram,, Stront 2. Constant nausea, and frequent, troublesome efforts to vomit, Arg. n it. 3. Constant retching and pressure at pit of stomach, Sec. corn. 4. Retching, with rising of a sour retching fluid, Plumb, m. 5. Excessive retching, causing him to stretch as if convulsed, Plumb. m. 6. Inclination to vomit, with vio- lent gagging and pressure at throat, Cupr. ac 7. Constant heaving, going off after dinner, Gait 8. Constant pain, oppression and pressure at pit of stomach, with constant, ineffectual retching, the 524 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. patients asked constantly for drink and to have their limbs stretched, Sec corn. 9. Retching, with rising of a bitter. acrid, badly-tasting moisture to the mouth, out of the stomach, leaving a scraping, burning sensa- tion in the throat, Arg. m. 10. Retching at night, obliging her to rise, with sensation of a heavy lump at pit of stomach, Am. 11. Empty retching, with flow of water in the mouth, Asar. 12. Retching increased in violence ■ at every new paroxysm, the eyes are full of tears, Asar. 13. Retching, with aggravation of all the other symptoms, except the dullness of the head, which is less, Asar. 14. Loathing and retching, Bell. 15. He wakes three times about midnight, with retching and sweat, as from anguish, Bell. 16. Sensation of retching, constantly rising from the pit of the stomach to the throat, as from acidity of the stomach, Cann. 17. Loss of appetite, with nausea and empty retching, Chin. 18. Empty eructations and desire to •vomit, Hell 19. A kind of retching in the throat, increasing for a time and then de- creasing again; his breath was short, Kal carb. 20. Retching in throat, as if some- thing had lodged in it; the retch- ing ceased after he discharged a lump of thick mucus, Kal. hyd. 21. Retching, soon after rising, with eructations and rising from the pit of the stomach, Led. 22. Great desire to vomit, with pain- ful retching and contraction in stomach, without eructations, Many. 23. Violent empty retching in the morning, Natr. carb. 24. Nausea and retching after her warm (liquid) breakfast, with complete^prostration, Natr. mur. 25. Violent vomiting, followed by retching, Tab. 26. Empty retching, attended with horrible tortures; he could only ease himself by drinking cold wa- ter, Phos. 27. She frequently rises at night. while sleeping, with heaving, as if she would vomit, has t 28. Considerable nausea, with retch- ing, Seneg. 29. Vomiting, succeeded by retching, after feeling sick in the morning and eating something, Sep. 30. Several turns of violent retching, with profuse sweat on the fore- head ; her lower limbs, feel weak and a good deal of water flows out of her mouth, Tart emet. Symptoms occurring during or after Eating or Drinking. (In all of the following symptoms the words " after a meal" are to be understood, unless the particular meal should be expressly indicated.) DISTENTION, FULNESS. 1. Distention of abdomen, Caust., Cham., China., Hep. s., Lye, Kal. carb., Rhus t, Sassap. 2. Bloated abdomen, Carb.a., Thvj. 3. Fulness in the abdomen, Graph, Hep. s., Phos., Rhus t 4. Fulness and distention of the stomach, Natr. mur. 5. Fulness in the stomach, Carb a., 6. Inflation of the abdomen when eating, with pinching, Dulc. 7- Feels uneasy and bloated in re- gion of liver,' Lye ' 8. Feeling of repletion, Phos. 9. The region of the stomach feels tight, as if it would burst, Sulph. ac. 10. Repletion in the abdomen, after eating but little, with oppression of breathing, Sidph. 11. Fulness at stomach, with heavi- ness, Dig. 12. Anxiety and painful fulness in the abdomen, after supper, Ign. 13. Distended abdomen, with dr\ and bitter mouth, no thirst, redness of one cheek, Ign. VOMITING OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. 525 14. Fulness and satiety after a slight breakfast, Carb. v. 15. Bloated abdomen, with rumbling, Carb. v. 16. When eating or drinking he feels as if the abdomen would burst, Carb. v. 17. Bloated abdomen, after dinner, Carb. v. 18. He feels full, as if the- clothes were pressing on the abdomen, which is drawn in, Silic 19. Hunger and repletion of stomach, Silic 20. Distention of the epigastrium, with pressure at stomach, and sub- sequent arrest of breathing, Con. m. 21. Repletion, with pressure at pit of stomach, after a light dinner, Petrol. 22. Bloated, hard abdomen, Calc. carb. 23. Distention of the abdomen, with feeling of laxity, as if every thing were loose, Natr. mur. 24. Repletion of the stomach, Cham. 25. Fulness during a meal, and nau- sea afterwards, Cham. 26. Fulness of abdomen, with un- easiness and drawing, Caust. 27. Load in the stomach, with reple- tion, Silic 28. Repletion, alleviated by eructa- tions, Silic 29. Repletion and colicky pressure in abdomen, especially the sides, after supper, Am. 30. Fulness after dinner, often alter- nating with lightness, cheerfulness, activity of rnind and body, Ant. cr. 31. Inflation of abdomen, as if he had eaten too much, Anac 32. Great fulness and distention of the abdomen, Zinc. m. FLATULENCE 1. Flatulence, Con. m. 2. Flatulent distention after dinner, Sep. 3. Loud rumbling in the bowels, after a meal, Sulph. 4. Anxiety in abdomen, with flatu- lence, Rhus t ' 5. Rumbling in stomach, after dinner, Rat. 6. Sensation at dinner, as if wind were moving about in the bowels, Ant. cr. 7. Shifting flatulence in abdomen, as from a purgative, Anac. 8. Excessive flatulence, immediate- ly after a meal, the abdomen is distended, with prickings, pressing and pushing, and scanty emission of flatulence, Thvj. PRESSURE AT STOMACH OR IN ABDOMEN. 1. Pressure at stomach, Bov., Carb. a., Lye., Kal bich., Rhus, t., Silic. 2. Pressure at stomach, as from over eating, Anec, Mez. 3. Pressure at stomach, after a slight meal, Nux v. 4. Oppression of stomach, followed by flatulence and vomiting, China. 5. Pressure at stomach, after din- ner, Kal. brom. 6. Pressure at stomach, worse after eating, lod. 7. Oppression of the stomach, after breakfast Caust. 8'. Pressure from fauces to navel, Graph. 9. Pressure at stomach after taking the least food or drink, Ferr. acet. 10. Crampy pressure across epigas- trium, Cina. 11. Tension and pressure at stomach, with distended abdomen, Phos. 12. Anxious pressure in the abdo- men, Phos. 13. Relished his dinner, but feels oppressed after it, Sulph. ac. 14. Pressure at stomach, also with nausea and waterbrash, Sulph. 15. Pressure at stomach, with pros- tration, Asa.f 16. Pressure at pit of stomach, when sitting, Dig. 17. Pressure as from flatulence on the right side, and deep in the ab- domen, and afterwards in the side ; felt only when moving the part and when stooping, Sep. 18. Pressure at stomach, particularly 1 526 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. at cardiac orifice and at aesophagus, as if full of food up to the mouth, sometimes followed by empty eructations, Ars. 19. Pressure at stomach, with return of the herby and metallic taste, Nux v. 20. Pressure at stomach, with sen- sation of undigested food in the stomach long after, Mez. 21. Pressure in pit of stomach, with distention of abdomen, dyspnoea, after drinking, Nux v. 22. Pressure, with soreness in the stomach, Natr. mur.^ 23. Pressing from below upwards, with weakness of hands and feet, three hours after, Natr. carb. 24. Pressure at stomach, after break- fast and dinner, Natr. carb. 25. Pressure at pit of stomach, with uneasiness, after eating pears, Bov. 26. In the morning and at dinner he feels a pressure at stomach, with empty eructations, faintish feeling in the body, occasioning, nausea, Ars. 27. Pressure in pit of stomach and abdomen, with distention, Nux v. 28. Spasmodic pressure in the stom- ach, after supper, followed by sen- sation of diarrhoea, Calc. carb. 29. Pressure at stomach, as from a stone, with ill-humour, particularly after eating, Bry. 30. Fulness at pit of stomach, and painful pressure at a little spot deep in hypogastrium, behind the ossapubis; most felt when standing, with constant urging to urinate, Am. 31. Dull pressure, at intervals, above and by the side of the pit of the stomach, during a meal, Anac. 32. Pressure at pit of stomach, suc- ceeded by nausea and vomiting of the ingesta; afterwards sour taste in mouth, for five days, Amm. carb. 33. Uneasiness, with pressure at stomach and forehead, immediately | after dinner, for several hours, Amm. carb. 34. Oppression at pit of stomach, af- ter dinner, attended with painful drawing and pressure in the balls of the eyes, reluctance to work, heaviness, Agar. 35. Violent pressure at stomach, while eating, as if he had eaten something indigestible, with a feeling of warmth and sensitive- ness at pit of stomach, Aeon. 36. Pressure at stomach, like a weight, especially after breakfast. Kal. carb. 37. ^---- and gurgling at epigas- trium, Zinc. m. COLIC. 1. Colic, Graph., Lye, Natr. carb. 2. ----, distended abdomen, Magn. carb. 3. ----, with tension, after dinner and supper, with rumbling in abdo- men, Phos. 4. ----followed by digging.up and uneasiness in the abdomen, with- out diarrhsea, Sulph. ac. 5. Violent colic, immediately after a meal, Sulph. 6. Colic going off" after eructations, Silic. 7. ----during supper, followed by three evacuations with bearing down, Sep. 8. ---- increases after eating or drinking, Cupr. ars. 9. ----after supper, Calc carb. 10. ----, a sort of writhing in the bowels, Silic 11. Oppressive flatulent colic, after breakfast, abating for a short time, after emitting flatulence, Kal. carb. 12. Colic and diarrhoea, Coloc PAIN IN STOMACH OR ABDOMEN. 1. Pain after tea; uneasiness at stomach, all day, as if overloaded, about two or three inches below the ensiform cartilage, Kal. bich. 2. ----at stomach, and loathing at supper, while eating it, Amm. carb. 3"----• in stomach, with gulping SUBSTANCES RETURN BY THE NOSE, &c. 527 up from stomach, after dinner, Caust 4. Stomach-ache, with fulness of the chest and stomach, whole day, Con. m. 5. Pain in stomach, after dinner, going off shortly, Phos. G. —— in the stomach, with nau- sea, particularly after dinner, Lauroc. 7. "Weak digestion, with pains after the slightest meal, China. 8. Drawing pain in umbilical re- gion, Con. m. 9. Drawing pain in abdomen, when sitting, Con. m. 10. ----pain in stomach, and gnaw- ing sensation as far as the back, followed by great languor, after dinner, Sep. n. ---- pain in region of heart, Menyan, 12. Pain in umbilical region as z/the bowels were bruised, Con. m. 13. Ulcerative pain in stomach, when touching it, goes off after eating, Cann. 14. Sensation as if the food touched a sore place, followed by pressure there, Lye, 15. Turns of cramp-pain at stomach, Silic. 16. Spasmodic pains at stomach, particularly after eating, Ars. 17. Repletion, anxiety, tearing-pain in back, thence going to the abdo- men, Cham. 18. Cutting-pain from pit of stom- ach towards the abdomen, shortly after eating, with taste of the food in the mouth, eructations, tasting of the ingesta, dulness of head, diarrhoea, chilliness, Caust 19. Jerking-drawing pain in side of abdomen, when eating, China. NAUSEA, QUALMISHNESS. 1. Nausea, Carb. v., Cham., Dros., Lact, Sang., Stann. 2. ----, particularly at dinner, Colch. 3. (Qualmishness at stomach, after dinner, every day, Phos. 4. Nausea after everv kind of food. Thuj. 5. Qualmishness at stomach, Tart. emet. 6. He relishes his food, but is fre- quently attacked with loathing af- ter eating, Tart, emet 7. Feels qualmish after eating and has to cease eating before having satisfied his appetite, Sulph. ac 8. Nausea with flow of saliva, after breakfast, Sulph. 9. ---- with desire to vomit, es- pecially when about to eat, Bell. 10. ----and hiccough, Ind. 11. ---- with oppression at the stomach, followed by a violent, drawing pain, around the umbili- cus from above downwards, Carb. v. 12. Long-lasting nausea and desire to vomit, with empty eructations, after eating meat, Carb. a. 13. Inclination to vomit, and spit- ting, after taking coffee, Caps. 14. Nausea while eating, with loath- ing of food, Canth. 15. ---- after taking coffee, as if from weakness of the stomach, Canth. 16. ----, going off after lying down, Silic 17. Qualmishness and desire to vom- it, as if he had eaten too much fat, Cycl. 18. Nausea, with oppressive head- ache in lower part of occiput, ver- tex and forehead, Con.-m. 19. ----and repletion, Con. m. 20. Sudden qualmishness, followed by attacks of vertigo and fainting turns; lastly, eructations without taste or smell, Nux v. - 21. Loathing with nausea, going off after drinking coffee, 01 an. 22. Nausea rising from the abdomen to the chest, with burning resem- bling heartburn, after breakfast, Par. quad. 23. ----, while eating, the food be- coming repulsive, Puis. 24. ----and desire to vomit, in the 528 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. epigastrium, especially after eat- ing, Puis. 25. Nausea when going to eat, Puis. 26. Sickness at stomach with pain in it as from weakness, going off af- ter breakfast, Nice. 27. Nausea, morning and forenoon, going off" after dinner, Natr. carb. 28. ----at dinner, with eructations and regurgitation of food, Calc. carb. 29. Inclination to vomit, after break- fast, the whole morning, Cham. 30. Nausea, especially during a meal, Ang. 31. ----, waterbrash and horripila- tion, after every dinner or supper, Amm. mur. 32. Qualmishness after dinner, Amm. carb. 33. ---- and inclination to vomit, every day, immediately after din- ner, for a whole hour, Amm. carb. 34. Sense of nausea and lassitude, during and after dinner (during the catemenia), Amm. carb. 35. Nausea, abating after an eructa- tion, Agar. 36. ---- unto vomiting, when eat- ing roast fish, Kal. carb. 37. Qualmishness at stomach, every day, passing off after eating, with pressure at stomach, lod. 38. ---- at stomach, in bed, and sometimes after breakfast or din- ner, Zinc. m. 39. Nausea during breakfast, Zinc. m. 40. After dinner and supper, nausea, bloatedness, inclination to vomit, with rising of wind, Zinc. m. 41. Disposition to vomit, after breakfast, disappearing after din- ner, Verat. 42. Nausea, with hunger and pres- sure at stomach, while eating, dis- appearing after eating, Verat 43.----and fainting, at dinner, Lye. 44. ----and faintness, after dinner, /Sassap. 45. ----in pharynx and stomach, Lye. 46. Nausea, after eating or drinking, Rhus t 47. ---- and flow of saliva, after eating and after coffee, Rhus t 48. ----when thinking of the food he has eaten, Sassap. 49- ----in throat-pit, China. , 50- Loathing, with flushes of heat, excited circulation, removed by eating, China. 51. Repulsive feeling in stomach, with desire for eructations, nausea, going off after dinner, Mang. 52- Flow of water, vertigo, desire to vomit, after eating plumbs, Magn. carb. 53. Nausea and qualmishness at stomach, when sitting down after a meal, China. 54- ----and anguish in the storn, ach as from overloading it, China. 55. Nausea and malaise, Coloc. VOMITING. 1. Vomiting, Nux v. 2. Nausea and vomiting, Ars. 3. Obstinate vomiting, especially after eating, lod. 4. Qualmishness, after breakfast, then vomiting of indigested food, not acid, Kal bieh.' 5. Violent vomiting after breakfast, with much straining, tears in the eyes, injection of the eyelids, drowsiness; in an hour, he vomits again, throwing up a brownish-yel- low, pulpy matter, Kal. bich. 6. Fermentation in the bowels, then vomiting of the ingesta, Bruc. 7. Vomiting after eating a little bread, Oleand. 8. ----after every meal and after drinking, Ars. 9. Bitter bilious vomiting, after eat- ing soup, Stann. 10. She vomits as soon as she eats or drinks any thing, Sulph. 11. Loathing, with vomiting and bit- ter mouth, Chin, sulph. 12. Weakness, pale face, nausea, dark-coloured vomiting of the in- gesta, Magn. carb. SLIMY, VISCID MOUTH, ALTERED COLOUR, &c. 529 13. Violent vomiting after drinking sour beer, Ferr. acet 14. Dyspepsia, with gagging, vomit- ing, colic, Chin, sulph. 15. Vomiting of the ingesta,^?*. acet. ( ERUCTATIONS. 1. Eructations, Calc. carb., Carb. an., China,, Cycl, Nux v., Lye, Phos., Puis., Sep. 2. Empty eructations when eating, with oppression of chest, Alum. 3. Violent eructations, after sup- per, Silic. i 4. Empty eructations, after dinner, Camph. 5. Eructations during a meal, with much saliva, Natr. carb. 6. Suppressed eructations after breakfast, Con. m. 7. Eructations after supper, termina- ting in hiccough, with rising of fluid into the mouth; Cycl. 8. Sobbing eructations, during din- ner Carb. an. 9. Eructations with gulping up of phlegm, after dinner, Carb. v. 10. Empty eructations after every meal, and every morning, Sulph. 11. Eructations, with pressure in ab- domen and stomach, oppression of the chest, Chin, sulph. 12. Rising of air, after dinner, Magn. mur. 13. Frequent eructations after din- ner, they threaten to suffocate him, Lach. 14. Eructations, tasting of the inges- ta, Cina., Natr. carb. 15. ----, tasting of the ingesta, and desire to vomit, after dinner, Squill. 16. ----, tasting of the ingesta, dur- ing and after supper, Amm. carb. 17. Sour eructations, Con. m., Dig.. Kal. carb., Sulph., Zinc. m. 18. Eructations, acidity, unpleasant taste from the stomach, continuing until the next meal, Silic. 19. Sour eructations and gastric de- rangement after milk, China. 20. Acid eructations at dinner, Petrol Vol. III.—34. 21. Sour eructations, daily, after din- ner, Bar. carb. 22. Bitter eructations, China., Stann.. Thuj. 23. Bitter eructations, with loathing. after potatoes for supper, Alum. 2A. ---- eructations, with gulping up of a greenish-bitter mucus, Ars. 25. ---- eructations, particularly during and after breakfast, Lauroc 26. Bilious eructations when eating. Nitr. ac 27. Eructations tasting of putrid meat, with subsequent desire to vo- mit, and putrid taste in mouth,Puls. 28. Bitter eructations after breakfast, Sep. 29. ----eructations after drinking and eating soup, Sassap. 30. Rancid eructations after break- fast, Grat, 31. Bitter eructations, particularly during and after breakfast, Lauroc. 32. Burning eructations, Anac 33. Rancid, burning eructations, af- ter dinner or breakfast, Alum. 34. Suppressed eructations, followed by contractive pain at stomach, Bar. Carb. 35. Hot regurgitation of the ingesta, Hep. s. 36. Eructations, pressure at stomach, colic, vomiting, Bry. ALTERED TASTE IN MOUTH. 1. After supper, the mouth tastes very bitter, Zinc m. 2. Rancid taste in mouth, after tak- ing any thing solid or liquid, Kal. hyd. 3. Bitterness in mouth during a meal, Sep. 4. Unpleasant, sour-fetid taste on the day following a rather copious meal, Sulph. 5. Slimy sweetish taste in mouth, Thuj. 6. Astringent, dry taste, with parch- ed lips, Bry. OPPRESSION OF CHEST. 1. Pressure at chest, Menyan. 2. Oppression of the chest and short breath, Phos. 530 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 6. 7. S. 3. Oppression of breathing and yawning, Sulph. 4. Asthma, Carb. an. 5. Quick pulse, with anguish and oppressed breathing, Natr. mur. 6. Pressure at chest, after dinner, Natr. carb. 7. Sharp pressure on chest, after din- ner, especially when walking, Caust. 8. Difficulty of breaching, during supper, Ant. cr. 9. When eating, his chest feels com- pressed, Ars. HEAT OF FACE AND OTHER PARTS. 1. Heat in the face, Sep. Silic. 2. Hot hands, Lye 3. Heat in head, after beer, Rhus t 4. ----in head, with red spot on one cheek, Lye 5. ----in face, after dinner, Phos. Burning in the hands, Sulph. Hot feeling in abdomen, Hep. s. Sleepy, with red and hot face, Carb. v. 9. Heat and sweat in the face, dur- ing dinner, Carb. an. 10. Slight heat from the stomach through the arms to the fingers, after which the hands turn 'pale and feel dead, Con. m. 11. Hot cheeks, with burning on the inner side, pupils very dilatable, photophobia, chilliness, goose-flesh on the arms, Nux v. 12. Heat and redness of the cheeks, with dulness of the head, Nux v. 13. ----in the face as if arising from the abdomen, with sweat on the back, Nux v. 14. ----and sweat, especially about the head, Petrol. 15. Short flush of heat on left side of head, with continual redness of the cheeks, Petrol 16. Heat in head when eating, Nux v. 17. ----in face, languor, Anac. 18. ----in face, with flow of sweet- ish saliva, and violent thirst, Anac. 19. ----in the face, during and after dinner, Amm. carb. I 20. Heat wrhen eating or drinking, Bar. Carb. 21. Heat, after beer, Bell. HEARTBURN. 1. Heartburn after supper, Alum.. Caust 2. Fulness and anxiousness in the chest, afterwards sour risings or heartburn, finally loose stool, Caps. 3. Heartburn after supper or din- ner, Natr. mur. 4. ----after soup, like sour air in cesophagus, with contractive sensa- tion, Anac. 5. ----after drinking water, Alum. 6. ----for three hours, after sup- per, Kal. carb. HICCOUGH. 1. Hiccough, Cycl, Hep. s., Par. quad., Phos., Samb. 2. Violent hiccough when eating, with violent shocks at pit of stom- ach, several times, Teucr. 3. Hiccough, followed by pressure at stomach, puffiness, eructations as from a spoiled stomach, Thuj. 4. ----when walking in the open air, Sulph, 5. ----, after dinner, Magn. mur. 6. Excessive hiccough, after dinner, Hyosc. 7. Hiccough after eating or drink- ing, Ign. 8- ----, with fine, pinching pain in left side near the vertebras, when sitting bent, Carb. v. 9. Painful hiccough in the cesopha- gus, Carb. v. 10. Hiccough after supper, Sep. 11. Frequent hiccough, particularly after a meal, Ars. 12. Hiccough after eating bread and butter, Natr. sulph. 13. ---- after breakfast, preceded by eructations, Alum. 14. ----after dinner, Alum. 15. ----after breakfast, Zinc. m. REGURGITATION OF THE INGESTA. 1. Regurgitation of the ingesta, Bry. so. OF HEART. 531 3. Violent pulsations below the pit of the stomach, Phos. 4. Does not relish his food; after eating he feels faint at heart ; anxious, with palpitation of the heart, Thvj. 5. Cold feet and palpitation of the heart, Sulph. 6. Palpitation of the heart, with op- pression at chest, Hep. s. 7. Throbbing In whole body, Lye 8. Pulsations at pit of stomach, when eating, Sep. 9. Palpitation of the heart, with quick pulse, Natr. mur. 10. Violent palpitation of the heart, after dinner, Calc. carb. 11. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety, Silic 12. Beating in the chest, after din- ner, through the pharynx, with hot face and uneasy mood, Amm. mur. THROBBING, i "2. Sour regurgitation of the inges- ta, especially milk, after dinner, Magn. mur. GULPING UP OF SOMETHING ACID. 1. Gulping up of a sour mucus, es- pecially after breakfast, with burn- ing like heartburn, Alum. 2. ---- up of a sour substance from the stomach, Con. m. 3. ----up of a bitter-sour fluid af- ter dinner, Cast. 4.----up of a bitter-sour fluid,Cina. WATERBRASH, FLOW OF SALIVA. 1. Waterbrash, Lye 2. Flow of saliva, Petrol, 3. ----of water in mouth, Staph. 4. ----of saliva, when beginning to eat, Sulph. 5. Waterbrash after dinner and supper, preceded by pressure at pit of stomach, Sulph. 6. ----two hours after eating, fol- lowed by vomiting of the ingesta, attended with nausea and shudder- ing, Sulph. 7. Gulping up of water, after eat- ing potatoes, Magn. sulph. LOW-SPIRITED, PEEVISH. I. Hypochondriac, China., Nux v. 2. Dissatisfied and sad, Nux v. 3. Low-spirited, after supper, with pressure in the pit of stomach, liver, spleen, Natr. carb. 4. After supper she weeps, is peev- ish, listens to nobody, does not wish to be spoken to, Am. 5. Hypochondriac, lowness of spirits, with pressure in abdomen from below upwards, and extreme lassitude of body and mind, Anac. (i. Vexed, peevish during dinner, with drawing pain in head, Kal. carb. THROBBING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. 1. Palpitation of the heart, Carb. an., Carb. v. 2. Shocks of the heart, for two hours after dinner, with frequent cough, and flushes of the face, Phos. SWEAT. 1. Sweat on the forehead, when eat- ing, Carb. v. 2.----all over, after a slight break- fast, Carb. v. 3. ----in the face, during a meal, and redness of the whites of the eyes, Sulph. 4. Profuse sweat in the face, after eating warm food, Sep. 5. Sweat when eating or drinking, Con. m. 6. ---- in face, during supper, Calc carb. 7. ----while eating and talking, Graph., Silic 8. Slight moisture on the skin, du- ring and after a meal, Arg. m. 9. Cold sweat breaks out when eat- ing warm things, especially on forehead and face, Sulph. ac. 10. Sweat in face, with tight chest, weeping of right eye, Natr. sulph. 11. Sweat on forehead and hairy scalp, while eating, Nux v. LANGUOR, WEARINESS. 1. Weakness after breakfast, Con. 2. Lassitude, Carb. v., Carb. an. 532 SYMPTOMS OF GAS! 3. Languor and drowsiness, China. 4. Weakness after breakfast, Carb.v. 5. Feels worn out, as if she had suffered hunger for a long while, Sulph. 6. Tired feeling in her limbs, es- pecially the lower, Sulph. 7. Worn out and languid, Sulph. 8. Weariness and inertia, China. 9. Great weakness in the whole body, especially in the affected part, Phos. 10. General malaise, China. 11. Excessive languor, after break- fast, Phos. ac. 12. Exhaustion, Natr. mur. 13. Languor after dinner, Calc. carb. 14. Feels flat and restless, after sup- per, Petrol. 15. Weakness, resembling canine hunger, passing off by eating again, though without an appetite7 Silic. 16. Lassitude, tremjJous fatigue and heaviness in all the limbs, after dinner, as if coming out of the ab- domen, with trembling of the hands when writing, and emission of fetid flatulence, Ant cr. 17. Weary after dinner, Ant cr. 18. Weakness in the knees, with sleepiness and indisposition to do any thing, Anac. 19. Weary, with throbbing at pit of stomach, and headache, Kal. carb. 20. Drowsy and languid, Kal carb. 21. Weak feeling, and a feeling of sickness all over, after dinner, lod. 22. Feels weak and tired, nauseated, has to lie down, Thuj. 23. Worn out, faintish, with urging to stool, Bar. Carb. CHILLINESS, SHUDDERING. 1. Chilliness, Kal. carb., Silic. Sulph. 2. Coldness and shuddering through the whole body, after breakfast, Graph. 3. Shuddering of the right lower limb, after dinner. Graph. 4. ----when eating, Lye. RIC DISTURBANCES. 5. Chilliness, with gooseflesh, after drinking, China. 6. Shuddering, Rhus t 7. Great chilliness after eating, and especially after drinking, Tarax. 8. The stomach feels cold after drinking, except spirits, Sulph. ac. 9. Chilliness in the abdomen, Sulph. 10. Shuddering and feeling of cold- ness, Sulph. 11. Internal chilliness when coim mencing to eat, Carb. an. 12. Chilliness, oppressed breathing, and hard pressure on sternum, Con. m. 13. ----and coldness, after dinner and supper, Nux v. 14. ----, with internal heat, Natr. carb. 15. ---—, with heat in face, Caust. 16. Horripilation after supper, Agar. 17. Shivering and chilliness, after drinking, Ars. 18. Drinking is followed by shud- dering or goose-flesh, Verat. HEADACHE, PRESSURE, DULNESS OF HEAD. 1. Headache, Ars., Carb.v., Graph. 2. Dulness of the head, Natr. mur., Phos. ac. 3. Confusion of the head, Graph. 4. Increased headache, dull head, Menyan. 5. Headache, with tension in sinci- put, Rhus t 6. Pressing headache, with ill-hu- mour, China. 7. Her head feels confused, after dinner, Phos. 8. Headache after dinner, every day, Phos. 9. ----over the eyes, and nausea, after a meal, followed by heavi- ness of the head, Sulph. 10. ----after a meal, with pressure in the eyes, Sulph. 11. At dinner the head feels dull and weak, until evening, Sulph. 12. Headache, pressure at temples, HEADACHE, DROWSINESS. 533 and aching of the outer parts of the head, Hyosc 13. The head feels oppressed, Sep. 14. Pressure in forehead, Natr. mur. 15. ----in the vertex and forehead, after dinner, Calc carb. 16. - — in forehead, when eating, Lye. 17. After dinner the drawing and aching round the temples are worse; the headache often com- mences during dinner, with sensi- tiveness of the teeth when chew- ing, as if they were loose and bent over, Calc. acet 18. Darkness of sight, with cloudi- ness of head, while eating soup, Natr. sulph. 19. Gloomy, with headache above . root of nose, Ferr. acet. DROWSINESS. 1. Drowsiness, Anac Cycl, Lye, Magn. mur., Nux v., Phos., Rhus t 2. Somnolence after dinner, Graph. 3. Irresistible drowsiness after din- ner, Phos. 4. Drowsiness, with burning of the eyelids when closing the eyes, Carb. v. 5. Drowsy after supper, Calc carb. 6. Drowsy and dull, after dinner, Natr. mur. 7-----> with yawning, after dinner, Natr. carb. 8- ----after dinner, followed by chills and coj^gh, with tickling in throat, Calc. carb. 9. Drowsy and chilly, with yawn- ing, Kal. carb. l0- ----when eating, Kal. carb. 8PASM IN CHEST. 1. Nausea and spasm in the chest, after eating something without ap- petite, Natr. mur. 2. Painful cramp-like spasm in the chest, arresting the breathing, im- mediately after eating; stooping eased the spasm, but the arrest of breathing returned on raising the h<«c|, Petrol. SENSATION AS IF THE FOOD HAD LODGED IN OESOPHAGUS. 1. After dinner the food seemed to have remained lodged in the throat, Zinc. m. 2. Pressure in the throat pit, after dinner, as if food had lodged there, Ambr. gr. 3. She feels as if the food had lodg- ed in her throat, Caust 5. After dinner, sensation as if the food remained lodged above the cardiac orifice, Ign. ACID MOUTH. 1. Acidity in the mouth, after drinking milk, Ambr. gr. 2. Acidity in the mouth, Natr. mur. 3. Acidity in mouth, Con. m. 4. Acidity in mouth, Silic 5. Acid stomach, after dinner, Magn. mur. 6. Increased acidity, with pulsative headache, Phos. STITCHES. 1. Dull stitches in right epigastri- um, after dinner, Kal. carb. 2. Stitches in the chest, after sup- per, Amm. carb. 3. Tearing in palate and throat, at dinner, Ambr. gr. 4. Tearing in the right temple, dur- ing dinner, Amm. carb. 5. Dull tearing in forehead, Sep. 6. Stitches in left chest, Caust. 7. Stitches in the praecordia, after dinner, Calc carb, 8. Stitches in the head, Sep. 9. Stitches in side of chest or back, with desire to vomit, when eating or drinking, China. ANXIETY, ANGUISH. 1. Anguish after dinner, Ambr.gr. 2. Anxiety in the praecordia, after dinner, Arg. nit. 3. Anguish and heat during a meal; her face becomes bloated and red, sweat breaks out at the tips of her fingers, Sej). 534 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 4. Anxiety from the abdomen, after breakfast, Ign. 5. Anguish in the chest, Carb. an. 6. Anguish after and during a meal, Carb. v. 7. Anguish after dinner, as i some- thing sad would happen to him, Hyosc, 8. Anguish, with agitation of the blood, Phos. URGING TO STOOL. 1. Urging to stool, after dinner, the stool being hard, Caust. 2. Urging to stool in upper part of intestines, Anac. 3. Stool, and redness of the cheeks, immediately after dinner, Caps. 4. Stool, generally after every din- ner, Sulph. 5. Violent pressing on the rectum, Phos. PINCHING IN BOWELS. 1. Frequent pinching at stomach, during dinner, Thuj. 2. Griping in epigastrium, at din- ner, or after eating soup, Zinc. m. 3. Pinching and uneasiness in ab- domen, after eating soup, at dinner or supper, or after eating warm biscuit in the morning, Kal carb. 4. Cutting pinching in bowels, while eating, disappearing after emission of flatulence, Caust 5. Pinching in the bowels, at din- ner, Calc. carb. 6. Pinching in the stomach, after drinking as usual, early, Natr. carb. 7. Pinching cutting in bowels, after eating or drinking, Natr. mur. 8. Pinching in abdomen during and after a meal, Carb. v. 9. Pinching in abdomen, Lye 10. Pinching at epigastrium, after eating or drinking, Rhus t 11. Pinching in stomach, after eat- ing bread and butter, Ruta. 12. Pinching below the navel, Bell BURNING. 1. Burning at stomach, and eructa- tions with desire to vomit, aftei dinner, Zinc in. 2. Burning, like heartburn, from stomach to pharynx, after eating flatulent aliments, Kal. carb. 3. Burning along the throat, when eating, Calc. carb. 4. Burning from stomach to mouth, after breakfast, Caps. 5. Burning above the pit of the stomach, after eating, Caps. 6. Burning at stomach, with heavi- ness of body and discouragement, Graph. VERTIGO. 1. Dizziness after dinner, as if look- ing through a gauze, Zinc m. 2. Giddy and faint, Rhus t, 3. Giddy, his head swims, after a slight meal, Petrol. 4. Vertigo, Sep. 5. A sort of vertigo, after supper, the objects appeared partially ob- scured and visible, the sight being impeded by zigzag vibrations of light, and rings before the eyes; his head seemed to turn, and he knew not whether he was sitting on his chair, Phos. 6. Qualmish after dinner, then verti- go, fainting turn, eructations, Nux v. MUCUS IN THROAT. 1. Expectoration of mucus from the trachea, Silic. 2. Quantity of mucus in throat, when eating, she had to hawk it up, else she is unable to swallow her food, Thuj. INTERMITTENT PULSE. 1. Intermittent pulse, after dinner, Natr. mur. 2. Intermission of the beats of the heart, after dinner, Sep. DIARRHOEA. 1. Diarrhoea after every meal, with pain in back, small of back, limbs, Amm, mur. 2. Diarrhoea after breakfast, Bor. FAINTNESS, EMPTY FEELING, &c. 535 FArNTNESS. 1. Extreme faintness, Sulph. ac 2. Drowsy and faint, Silic. 3. A kind of fainting, with nausea and flush of heat; going off when lying, Nuxv. EMPTY FEELING. 1. Disagreeable feeling of empti- ness in abdomen and stomach, with hunger, two hours after din- ner, Zinc m. 2. Feeling of emptiness at stomach removed by eating, Brom. THE PAINS INCREASE BY EATING. 1. The pains commence at dinner, or supper, and continue during the meal, Phos. 2. The pains increase during and immediately after a meal, Sep. 3. The most violent symptoms come on after eating, Hyosc. TREMOR. 1. Tremor and anxiety, after sup- per, Caust 2. Tremor through the whole body, Lye CUTTING IN ABDOMEN. 1. Distention of the abdomen, or pressure and cutting in the abdo- men, after eating or drinking, Ars. 2. Cutting in the umbilical region, Bov. 3. Cutting in epigastrium, Silic. TOOTHACHE. ]. Toothache, after breakfast, Petrol. 2. Sudden throbbing in a tooth, when eating, Carb. v. 3. Pain in most teeth, at dinner, Sulph. 4. Drawing toothache, after dinner, Rhus t COUGH. 1. Short hacking cough, with raw feeling in throat, Anac. 2. Dry cough, Sep. 3. Cough, Rhus t 4. Cough and thirst. Bell COLD FEET. 1. Nervous and weary, Lye 2. Tearing in the thigh, especially the knees, after dinner and supper. Sep. 3. Feeling of soreness in the throat. and spasm of the inner side of the cervical vertebras, Sep. 4. The stomach appears to be inac- tive, the appetite being good, Silic 5. Short bleeding of the nose, when blowing it, after dinner, followed by sensation in forehead as if stun- ned by a blow, the head swimming, Zinc m. 6. Sensation as if the hair stood on end, Silic 7. Tickling, exciting a cough, Kal. carb. 8. Desire to urinate, after dinner,L?/c. 9. Distorted features, after supper, Lye 10. Itching of anus, after dinner, Caust 11. Uneasiness in the back, without pain, Carb. an. 12. Boring in right side of abdomen. Carb. a. 13. Paleface, Kal. carb. 14. Desire for cold drink, before and some time after eating, Thuj. 15. Constrictive sensation in head, after dinner, as if encircled with a hoop, Kal. carb. 16. Increased hard hearing, Silic. 17. Compressive griping in the pit of the stomach, Natr. mur. 18. Sick feeling, as if he had over- loaded his stomach, Nux v. 19. Aversion to the food one had taken. particularly on lying down, Nux v. 20. Exhaustion, and relaxation of 1. At dinner he has cold feet, with itching of the nostrils, from which he discharges water ; he feels un- easy, every thing is disagreeable to him, Sulph. 2. At supper his feet feel chilly, and the abdomen distended, Ign. 3. Cold feet after dinner, Calc. carl. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 536 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. abdominal muscles (after breakfast,) Con. m. 21. Sense of choking in oesophagus, with oppression of stomach, Agar. 22. Sensation as if the pharynx were closed, Sulph. 23. Uncomfortable feeling at pit of stomach, after supper, Phos. 24. The saliva tastes of the ingesta, Phos. 25. Tension in feet, at breakfast, when eating a little too much, Puis. 26. Heaviness vn the feet, after every dinner, for eight days, Carb. v. 27. The eyes feel dazzled, and as if surrounded with mist, Silic. 28. Sensation as ii intoxicated, Hyosc. 29. Frequent and continual erections, Hyosc. 30. When eating, the chest and or- gans of mastication feel tired, Carb. a. 31. Dryness in back fauces, Nux v. 32. Rush of blood to the head, after dinner, Calc carb. 33. Redness followed by palor of the cheeks, Lye 34. Redness and sweat in face, Sulph. 35. Black spots before the eyes, Lye 36. Vesicles on the tongue, an hour after eating, Phos. 37. Pricking in forehead when eat- ing, followed by violent stitches during motion, Lye 38. Sense of fasting in stomach, Lye 39. Scraping sensation in mouth, and weariness; walking exhausted him a good deal, he felt chilly and out of humour, Phos. 40. Sensation of wind shifting about in the bowels, at dinner, Ant. cr. 41. Inflation, alternating with light spirits and physical energy, Ant. cr. 42. Intoxication, Bell. 43. Contractive feeling in stomach, Bell. SYMPTOMS COMING ON AFTER TAKING LIQUIDS. (The letters a. d. stand for " after drinking.") 1. Eructations after liquids, Anac. 2. Shuddering or chilliness, with gooseflesh, a. d., China. 3. Pressure at stomach, a. d. Rhod, 4. The stomach feels cold a. d., except spirits, Sulph. ac. 5. Shivering and chilliness a. d., Ars. 6. Shuddering or gooseflesh a. d., Verat. 7. Eructations, a. d., Ars. 8. Nausea, a. d., with qualmishness, Bry. 9. Vomiting after taking any fluid, especially cold water, Rhod. 10. Nausea and eructations a. d.,Cro/. 11. A. d. he was at times attacked with convulsions, at others, he did not recognise those present, Hyosc. 12. Insipid feeling in mouth, a. d., Coloc 13. Heaviness and coldness in abdo- men, a. d., Asaf. 14. Pinching in abdomen, or tearing soreness in pharynx, chest and stomach, a. d., Nitr ac. SYMPTOMS DISAPPEARING AFTER EAT- ING OR DRINKING. 1. Nausea, ceasing after eating, Kal bich. ■ 2. Repletion, less after eating, Ferr. acet. 3. Nauseous taste in mouth, less while eating, but returning Aeon. 4. A number of the abdominal symptoms abate after eating warm soup, Aeon. 5. Nausea in the morning, ceasing after breakfast, Alum, 6. Almost all the symptons disap- pear during dinner, but come on again two hours afterwards, Anac. 7. Vomiting is prevented by drink- ing cold water, Cupr. in. 8. The desire to vomit disappears after a meal, Ign. 9. While eating, the anxiety leaves him, Aur.f 10. Feels better after eating, lod. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING AFTER CERTAIN KINDS OF FOOD. . 1. Gulping up of a sour substance after drinking coffee, Puis. LOSS OF APPETITE AND HUNGER. 537 2. Sour eructations after eating milk, Carb. v. 3. Sour eructations after milk, Phos. 4. Sour eructations after taking bread and milk at breakfast.Zinc. m. 5. After eating sweet things, an acrid fluid rises to the fauces, caus- ing a troublesome scraping in the larynx, like heartburn, Zinc m. 6. Milk does not agree with her, Kal. carb. 7. Bread oppresses the stomach, Kal. carb. 8. Milk is offensive to her, Amm. carb. 9. Nausea after eating milk, Calc. carb. 10. Diarrhoea, after milk, Natr. carb. 11. Heat and trembling all over, af- ter warm milk, early, Natr. mur. 12. Desire bo vomit, after eating bread and meat, Puis. 13. Nausea and qualmishness at stomach, after eating milk, early, Puis. 14. Sour eructations after taking coffee, Puis. 15. Constant diarrhoea, after eating cabbage, &c. Petrol. 16. Inflation of the abdomen, when taking a little milk, Con. m. 17. Diarrhoea, after boiled milk, Sep. 18. She becomes heated by taking a little wine, Carb. v. 19. Sudden aversion to sweet things and milk, Sulph. 20. Meat nauseates her, Sulph. 21. Aversion to things sour or sweet, Sulph. 22. Milk lies heavy in her, she throws it up again curdled, Sulph. 23. Sour mouth and sour eructations, after eating milk, Sulph. 21. Milk produces bitterish, scrap- ing eructations, Sulph. 25. Violent eructations after milk, unto vomiting of mucus, Sulph. 2(5. Acid things oppress her, Sulph. 27. Farinaceous food causes an un- easiness in the abdomen, Sulph. 28. Meat or fat at supper oppresses I the stomach, draws the abdomen up, and hinders stool, Sulph. 29. Milk induces a feeling of ease in his whole body, Chel 30. Exhausted and faint after milk, Sulph. ac. 31. Nausea and suffocative fits, after coffee, at breakfast, Cham. 32, Heat all over, sweat, vomiting of bitter mucus; then bitter taste, weak head and nausea after coffee, Cham. Loss of Appetite and Hunger. 1. Loss of appetite, Bell, Calc. seg., Colch., Hydroc ac, Hyp. perf. Kreas., Lach., Lact., Lauroc, Lob. inf., Lye, Magn. mur., Merc sol, Mur. ac, Op., Phos. ac, Plat, Plumb, m., Rheum., Seneg., Silic, Zinc. ox. 2. Constant want of appetite,Nux. v. 3. Loss of appetite for two days, Cupr. m. 4. No hunger or appetite, Alum., Ars., Cycl., Natr. carb. 5. Irregular hunger, Anac, Magn. carb. 6. Hunger disappeared immediate- ly after taking the drug, Kreas. 7. No appetite, no thirst, Phos. 8. Loss of appetite as from constric- tion of the scrobicolus cordis, Sulph. 9. Want of hunger, with violent thirst, Ars. 10. Loss of appetite, with nausea, China. 11. Loss of appetite, the stomach feeling full, Cinch, sulph., Magn, carb., Phell. 12. Loss of appetite, with feeling of fulness, Ferr. acet. 13. Want of appetite, with frequent yawning and thirst, Natr. sulph. 14. Impaired appetite, with weight in head, constipation, Morph ac 15. Not much appetite at dinner, with increased heaviness of the head and giddiness while eating, Morph. ac. 16. No appetite, food is tasteless, the stomach feels full, Puis. 538 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 17. Little appetite, but much hunger, Merc. sol. * 18. Loss of appetite, with acidity in stomach, Calc. carb. 19. Want of appetite with aversion to food, Bov., Bar. carb. 20. Loss of appetite, even when the stomach is empty with hunger, Bry. 21. ----of appetite after the first mouthful, Bry. 22. ---- of appetite, it sometimes returns while eating, Cham. 23. Want of appetite as if he loathed food, it has a good taste, Cham. 24. Slight appetite, with heat in mouth, roughness and dryness at tip of tongue, Carb. v. 25. ---- appetite, with qualms of sickness at pit of stomach, and emptiness in stomach, Carb. v. 26. Loss of appetite, with coated tongue and great lassitude, Carb. v. 27. Want of appetite, with frequent eructations and dulness of head, Carb. v, 28. No appetite for dinner, with nausea and colic, Carb. v. 29. No appetite, with nausea after eating, Nitr. ac. 30. Loss of appetite and strength, Hyosc 31. No appetite, with empty feeling in abdomen, Hep. s. 32. Apepsia and dyspepsia, Plumb. m. 33. Loss of appetite, with white tongue, fulness at pit of stomach, food has a good taste, Phos. 34. ----of appetite, also with weak stomach, Con. 35. ----of appetite, with aversion to every kind of food, Guaj. 36. ----of appetite, meat and soup taste as if burnt, bread and but- ter had a sweetish taste, Squill. 37. ---- of appetite; food has its natural, but not an agreeable taste, Sulph. ac 38. ---- of appetite with very bit- ter taste, Berb. v. 39. ---- of appetite, with good taste, Puis., Squill. 40. No appetite, but thirst, Sep., Spig. 41. No appetite, food tastes like straw, Arg. nit. 42. Want of appetite, tongue coat- ed white and yellow, Am. 43. Appetite, but is immediately satiated, Amm. carb. 44. Loss of appetite, with sourish taste, Aeon. 45. ---- of appetite, with bitter taste, pains in chest and under short ribs, Aeon. 46. No appetite, but she relishes what she eats, Natr. mur. 47. Loss of appetite, also with in- creased hunger, Chin, sulph., Kal. nitr. 48. Diminished appetite, with dis- tended abdomen, flatulence, tenes- mus of the rectum, Kal nit. 49. Little appetite, with flat taste, he relishes his food, Kal carb. 50. Loss of appetite and sleep, lod., Plumb, acet. 51. No appetite or hunger, does not relish his food, Verat 52. Little appetite and taste, Berb. v., Cocc, Sabad., Zinc m. 53. Sudden loss of appetite during supper, as from satiety, China. 54. Loss of appetite, even while hun- gry, on account of the food having a bad taste, China. 55. Is satiated immediately, Sabin. 56. No appetite, the stomach seemed to be insensible, Sassap. 57. Loss of appetite, with profuse saliva tasting flat and slimy, Rhus t. 58. No appetite in palate and throat, with emptiness in stomach and canine hunger, disappearing after sitting, Rhus t 59. Loss of appetite, with repletion at sternum, Rhus t. 60. Feels replete, less after eating, Many. 61. No hunger, but relishes his food, Menyan. 62. Want of appetite as from an ex- cess of mucus in the throat, Mez. HUNGER, APPETITE. 539 63. Want of appetite, with clean tongue, Dig. 64. Loss of appetite, mqrning and evening, Dig. 65. ---- of appetite, especially at breakfast and supper, Cycl. 66. ---- of appetite and feeling of repletion, though he eats his usual allowance, Crot. 67. ----of appetite, with aversion to food, drink, tobacco, with nau- sea and disposition to vomit, Coff. 68. No appetite, also with aversion to meat and a feeling of illness, Magn. sulph. 69. Loss of appetite, with bitter taste, pressure at stomach, tension of the abdomen, itching of the back, Magn. sulph. 70. No appetite, except for bread, Magn. sulph. 71. Loss of appetite, or else a great desire for food, Ign. 72. ----of appetite, also with eruc- tations, Ind. 73. Want of appetite, with headache, Bell 74. No appetite for breakfast; she feels full up to the throat, Cocc. 75. No appetite, except for bread and butter and vegetable soup, Bell. 76. Loss of appetite, with a feeling of emptiness and hunger; he eats with his usual appetite, Bell, Hunger, Appetite. 1. Violent hunger, Dig., Kal. carb., Plumb, acet, Plumb, m., Spong. 2. Voracious appetite, Pod. pelt, Phyt, dec 3. Constant hunger, Natr. carb., Plat 4. A good deal of hunger, Coff. 5. Violent hunger, all the time, Bov. 6. Great appetite and hunger, Stann. 7. Gnawing hunger, lod., Lact., Silic. 8. Excessive gnawing hunger the whole day, which cannot be satis- fied by eating, Arg. m. 9. Hunger all the time, relishes every thing, Hell 10. Increased appetite, Sulph. 11. He wants to eat all the time, Sep. 12. Much hunger and appetite, Amm. carb. 13. Sudden fits of hunger, Agar. 14. Violent hunger at unusual periods, Kal. chlor, 15. ----hunger, early, China. 16. Hunger at night, Selen. 17. Great hunger, also early, Nux v. 18. Unusual hunger in forenoon, Hep. s. 19. Frequent feeling of hunger, Natr. mur. 20. Hunger, but no appetite, Agar., Alum., Berb. v., Cinch, sulph., Euphr as., Rheum., Sulph. ac. 21. ----without appetite, does not relish any thing, Verbose 22. Feeling of hunger in stomach, but no appetite, Bar. carb. 23. Desire to nibble, Calc. carb., Magn. mur., Petrol. 24. Excessive hunger with debility, Op. 25. Continuous greediness for eating, he becomes weaker withal, Merc. sol. 26. Unnatural hunger, evening, Cham. 27. Excessive appetite at supper, Natr. mur. 28. He swallows hurriedly as from canine hunger; while swallowing his head feels giddy as if he would lose his senses; the sight of the right eye especially seems obscur- ed, Oleand. 29. Good appetite, with great ful- ness at stomach and abdomen, Nux j. 30. Great hunger, he eats a good deal and hurriedly, with bloated- ness after eating, the food oppress- es the stomach, Nux m. 31. Painful feeling of hunger, with- out appetite and without relishing his food, Nice 540 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 32. Feels satiated immediately, in spite of good appetite, Nitr. ac. 33. Feeling of great hunger at sto- mach, as if empty, but no appe- tite, Natr. mur. 34. Gnawing at stomach, like hun- ger, early, going off after eating, Puis. 35. Desires food, but has no particu- lar relish for any thing, Puis. 36. Excessive appetite and hunger, but does not relish any thing, things are tasteless, Merc, sol 37. Vehement appetite, with great weariness, evening, Calc carb. 38. Ravenous appetite, with weak stomach, early, Calc. carb. 39. Feeling of hunger and nausea, evening, Plumb, acet 40. The child wants to eat all the time, without eating much, Phos. ac. 41. No hunger, but eats with an ap- petite, Phos. 42. Hunger, immediately after the pains, or with stinging in pharynx and fauces, Canth. 43. ----with aversion to food, Grat 44. Feeling of hunger in abdomen, but a little food satiates him, Sulph. 45. She is hungry, but she loathes food, Sulph. ac 46. Constant hunger, feels sick at stomach if she does not eat, Tabac 47. Undiminished appetite, with colic, diarrhoea and vomiting, Stram. 48. Hunger and great thirst, Verat. 49. Voracious hunger, without thirst, Verat 50. Painful feeling of hunger in stomach, Sep. 51. Emptiness in stomach, with nau- sea as soon as she thinks of food, Sep. 52. Appetite without knowing for what, with flow of water in mouth, Silic. 53. He is hungry, eats much, but complains of closing of upper part of throat, Silic. 54. Excessive appetite, with weak- ness after a meal, and spitting up of food, Sep. 55. Sensation of hunger and nausea, forenoon, as if the stomach were empty, Arg. m. 56. Violent appetite even when the stomach is full, Arg. m. 57. Painful sensation of hunger in stomach, at times, Arg. m. 58. Appetite, but does not relish his food*, with fulness in chest, Ang. 59. Sensation of hunger on waking, Arg. m. 60. Great appetite, with pressure at stomach, and nausea after eating, Anac. 61. Hungry, but cannot get down any food, Silic. 62. Has to eat a little every few hours, else he feels an anguish, lod. 63. Desire to eat in pharynx, even after a meal, after having satisfied it the stomach feels full, with pres- sure in head, Zinc. in. 64. Greediness when eating, with hurried deglutition, Zinc. m. 65. Insatiable, though he does not relish his food, Zinc. m. 66. He relishes his food, but is fre- quently attacked with loathing af- ter eating, Tart, emet 67. Uncommon feeling of hunger as if the stomach were not properly filled by the food, for several days, Teucr. 68. Hunger when sitting, with heaviness of the abdomen, which feels empty, Rhus t 69. Is satiated immediately, with sensation as if the chest were weak in consequence of the hun- ger, Rhus t 70. Feeling of hunger in throat, with sensation of pressure, Mang. 71. Hunger, with aversion to food, Nux v. 72- ----, but feels full after one mouthful, Nux v. 73. ----, with disagreeable feeling HUNGER, APPETITE. . 541 of emptiness in stomach and ab- domen, Nux. v. 74. Constant desire to eat in order to remove the pain in the sto- mach, Mez. 75. Sensation as if he had been with- out food too long, the stomach hangs down, Mez. 76. Violent feeling of hunger, in paroxysms, with flow of water in mouth, Mez. 77. Hurried eating, Cupr. m. 78. Hunger, butno desire for bread, Magn. carb. 79. An appetite, but no desire for food, Bell. 80. Sensation as of fasting in sto- mach, Ind. 81. Violent hunger before supper, with flow of bitter saliva, Atham- 82. Hunger, with aversion to food, Dulc. 83. Good appetite and relish, with immediate repletion, Dulc 84. Desire for one thing or another, but no relish when eating, Bell. 85. Strong appetite, with violent de- sire for an embrace, Cinnab. 86. Debility as if from hunger, Chin, sulph. 87. Much appetite, with bad taste of food, or violent thirst, Chin, sulph. 88. Excessive hunger, with sour taste after eating, Lye 89. Appetite, does not know for what, Magn. mur. HUNGER, EVEN AFTER EATING. 1. Hunger, immediately after eat- ing, the stomach feeling full, Lye 2. Feeling of hunger at pit of stom- ach, almost the whole day, not removed by eating, Cocc. 3. Hunger, even after a copious meal, changing to qualmishness and nausea, Chin, sulph. 4. Continual hunger and appetite, even shortly after eating, Cic. vir. 5. Excessive hunger even after eat- ing, Granat 6. Intense feeling of hunger, even after eating, Aeon. CANINE HUNGER. 1. Canine hunger, Alum., Carb. a., Caust, Coloc, .lod., Merc, sol, Zinc, m., Squill. 2. Canine hunger, at noon, Lye 3. Canine hunger, early, Silic. 4. Paroxysms of canine hunger, with flat taste. Op. 5. Canine hunger, with puffiness and oppression of the stomach after eating, Op. 6. ----, with aversion to food, Op. 7. ----, with trembling of hands when eating, (after a quick walk,) Olean. 8. Bulimy, Mur. ac 9. Canine hunger, even at night, Bry. 10. ----, early, with thirst, flushes of heat, frequently accompanied with loss of appetite, Bry. 11. ----, followed by langour, with heat and sweat, afterwards chilli- ness, with external coldness and chattering of teeth, Phos. 12. ----, when the stomach was full of food ; he relished food when eating again, Staph. 13. ----, if he does not eat he has a headache, feels weary, has to lie down, Sulph. 14. ----, with a sort of nausea at stomach; he relishes his food, and eats a good deal, Thuj. 15.---■-, periodical, in the afternoon, especially after drinking pale beer; after one swallow he feels hungry, and if he lets the hunger pass off without eating, he feers replete, Nux v. 16. ----, also with nausea, Spig. 17. ---■-, with flow of water in mouth, Silic 18.----, appeased by lying down, Silic. 19. Sudden attack of rabid hunger towards evening, with sweat all over, weariness, tremor of the ex ■ tremities, Agar. 20. Canine hunger, towards evening, with nausea in pit of stomach af- ter eating ever so little, Silic. 21. ----, before supper, with loss of 542 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. appetite, trembling of the limbs; then chilly and cold all over, with heat in chest, Silic. 22. Canine hunger disappearing after drinking fresh water. Kal chlor. 23. ----, forenoon, alternating with slight cutting round the umbilicus, Kal, nit. 24. Alternate canine hunger and want of appetite, lod. 25. Canine hunger, during a walk, Tart, emet 26. ----, at night, with flat taste, nausea, China. 27.----, also with weakness of mind, Sec. corn. 28. ----, in the evening, but no ap- petite during the day, Sabad. 29. ——, with soap-taste in mouth, Rhus t 30. Sudden canine hunger, going off after eating a little, Menyan. 31. Canine hunger afternoon, with sensation as of a load in the stom- ach, Lye 32. ----, which causes a headache, removed by eating, Lye. 33. Appetite, like canine hunger, Berb. v. 34. Canine hunger, with feeling of emptiness, Coloc 35. ----, with general weakness, Coloc 36. ----, at stomach, followed by nausea, Magn. mur, 37. Gnawing canine hunger, with at- tacks of qualmishness and nausea, Ign. . 38. Frequent attacks of canine hun- ger, Dros. 39. Canine hunger, with acid stom- ach, Graph. 40. ----, also at night, Chin, sulph. 41. Ravenous hunger, with flow of water, unless he eats, Sep. 42. Canine hunger, at night with nau- sea, Petrol. Aversion to Food. 1. Aversion to food, Canth., Cham., Cinn., Graph., Gutt, Lauroc, Lye, Nux v., Sec. corn., Sulph. ac. 2. Indifference to food, Arg. wi., Carb. a. 3. Aversion to food and drink, Cocc. 4. Excessive repugnance to food, with hunger, Cocc 5. Aversion to food and drink, also with frequent and weak pulse, Bell. 6. Pleasant food frequently be- comes suddenly unpleasant, Ign. 7. Aversion to food or drink as soon as the first craving for them is satisfied, Ign. 8. ----, with shuddering when merely looking at it; still more when smelling of it, Colch. 9. Loathing of food at times, but after tasting it cannot get enough' of it, Lye 10. Aversion to food, even when thinking of it, Magn., sulph. 11. ----, with diminished appetite, Crot. 12. After swallowing a little food, it becomes repulsive to him, with nausea in palate and throat, Cycl. 13. Aversion to food, though it tastes well, Mang. 14. Indifference to food from satiety. China. 15. Excessive aversion to food, with dread of labour, drowsiness, yellow- ness of the eyes, China. 16. Aversion to food, of which he was fond, Anac. 17. ----, the thought of food nause- ates him, Ars., Sep. 18. He does not relishhis food, Thuj., Sep. 19. Nothing tastes well except milk and bread, Stront. carb. 20. An appetite, but aversion to food when beginning to eat, Sulph. 21. Aversion to food, with good taste, Grat. 22. Aversion to eating, with weeping mood, Plat. 23. Loathing of food, especially fat, Hep, s. 24. Loss of appetite for tobacco, food, drink, with profuse saliva; they are not repulsive to him, Ign. 25. Aversion to dinner, with cold- AVERSION TO FOOD. 543 ness, drawing headache and colic, i subsiding after three attacks of di- arrhoea, Bor. 26. Aversion to food; the sight of food makes him sick, Mosch. 27. No desire for food, but he rel- ished what was set before him, Merc, sol 28. Appetite, but the food soon be- comes repugnant, Rheum. 29. Aversion to food, with debility, Op. 30- He asks for food, but becomes indifferent to it after the first mouthful, Op. Aversion to particular kinds of Food. 1. Aversion to meat, Alum., Bell, Merc sol., Mez. Mur. ac. 2. ----to boiled meat, Nitr. ac 3. Excessive aversion to meat, with coated tongue, Op. 4. Aversion to fat meat, Natr. mur. r>. ---- to meat and stale bread. Puis. 6. ----to meat and fat, Natr. carb. 7. Fresh meat nauseates him, Caust. 8. Repugnance to fat meat, butter, milk, which causes flatulence, Carb. v. 9. Aversion to meat, it nauseates her, Sulph. 10. ----to meat soup, Silic. 11. ----to the smell of boiled meat, Ars. 12. Repugnance to meat and broth, Am. 13.----No desire for meat or boiled food, Amm. carb. 14. Aversion to,, food, especially broth, Kal. hydr. 13. Food, especially meat, is repul- sive to him, Kal carb. 16. Aversion to veal, Zinc m. 17. ----to meat and boiled warm food. Zinc m. 18. The smell of broth nauseates him, and that of fresh eggs almost makes him faint, Colch. 19. Meat and fish are repugnant; the former tastes well however, Graph. 20. Repugnance to fruit, Bar. carb. 21. Aversion to fruit, it disagrees; followed by the opposite, Ign. 22. ----to butter, Ars., Merc. sol. 23. ----to butter and coffee, China. 24. ----to milk, Natr. carb. 25. ---- to milk, early, it tastes well, Puis. 26. Aversion to milk, it has a good taste, Ign. 27. Sudden aversion to milk, after having eaten some with much pleasure, Ign. 28. Aversion to boiled milk, Phos. 29. The smell of milk is repulsive to her; it has a bitterish, sourish taste which disappears after drink- ing a little of it, Bell. 30. Aversion to acids, Bell, Sulph. 31. ----to sour food, Cocc 32. ----to sour things, followed by the opposite, Ign. 33. ----to sour food and to meat, Ferr. m. 34. ---- to sweet things, Caust, Merc, sol, Nitr. ac, Sulph. 35. ----to the sweetness of sugar, Zinc. m. 36. Sudden aversion to sweets and milk, Sulph. 37. Aversion to warm food, Verat. 38. Does not relish warm food, Magn. carb., Puis. 39. Aversion to warm food and meat, Ign. 40. ----, to bread, Lye, Nitr. ac. 41. ----, to brown bread, Kal carb., Natr. mur. 42. ----to brown bread, especially on account of its sour smell, he almost vomits after eating of it, Phos. ac. 43. ----to bread, food, Rhus t. 44. ---- to rye-bread, it causes a flow of water in the mouth, Nux. v. 45. Repugnance to bread and but- ter, less to warm food, Cycl. 46. Aversion to coffee, Bell, Cham., Coff., Lye, Merc, sol, Natr. mur., Rhus t 47. Occasional aversion to coffee, Natr. nit 544 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 48. The smell of coffee makes her tremble and feel weak, Sulph. ac 49. Aversion to food and coffee, Sabad. 50. ----to wine after drinking it, with headache, Rhus t 51. ----to wine, Ign. 52. No desire for wine or brandy, to which he was used, Merc, sol 53. Aversion to drink, Agn. cast, Canth., Hyosc, Plumb, m. 54. ----to water, Brom., Tabac. 55, ----to water with desire for beer, China. 56. - to smoking, snuff, Spig. 57. Tobacco-smoke causes a smart- ing sensation at tip of tongue, and a dull pain in the cuspidati, Ign. 58. Excessive aversion to smoking, it causes pain, Ign. 59. Aversion to beer, Bell, Chin. 60. - 61. Asaf carb. to beer, it tastes slimy, to any thing boiled, Calc. 62. 63. — to fish, Zinc. m. — to vegetables, and desire meat, or vice versa, Magn. for carb. 64. No appetite for dry food, likes liquid food, Merc. sol. 65. Repugnance to salt things, Graph. 66. Aversion to solid food, Lye 67. —■— to camphor, Bell. 68. Liquids are repulsive to her, Graph. Appetite for particular kinds of Solid or Liquid Food. 1. Desire for milk, Sabin., Staph. 2. Greedy desire for cold milk, Rhus t. 3. No appetite, with desire for boil- ed milk, Raph. 4. Desire for milk, it gave him a feeling of ease, Chel 5. No desire for milk, with return of the desire while drinking milk, Bry. 6. Violent desire for cold milk or beer, Phos. ac. 7. Thirst for milk and beer, with aversion to water, early, Phell. 8. Desire for sour drinks, Bor., Dig, 9. ----for acid things, Ars., Kal. carb., Verat. 10. ----for acid things, with thirst, early, Phell. 11. Appetite only for sour and strong-tasting things, Hep. s. 12. Desire for sour things, raw sour krout, Carb. an. 13. ----for coffee, or sour things, salt, or salt things, Con. 14. Loss of appetite, cares only for sour things, Sulph. 15. Thirst for beer, Graph., Mosch., Sulph. 16. Violent desire for beer, Op. 17. Thirst for beer, a whole week, Petrol. 18. Desire for beer early, Puis. 19. Longing for dainties, China. 20. Frequent sudden desire for dain- ties, Rhus t 21. Desire for vinegar, Am., Sep. 22. ----for spirits, Puis. 23. ----for brandy, Ars., Mosch. 24. ---- for brandy, particularly late in the evening, Selen.- 25. Excessive desire for wine, Hep. s., Sep. 26. Desire for wine, which she gene- rally disliked, Calc. carb.fi 27. ----for cold drinks, wine, cof- fee, Bry. 28. Great desire for sweets, Lye 29. Desire for raw sourkrout, Cham. 30. Strong appetite for meat, at sup- per, Graph. 31. Desire for cold drinks, Natr. sulph. 32. Relishes meat only, Menyan. 33. Desire for coffee or milk, Ars. 34. Desires only cold, raw things, Silic. 35. Continuous greediness for sour cucumbers, Verat 36. Desire for lemon-juice, Verat. 37. ----for fruit, Verat. 38. Desires only cold things, her- rings, sardines, fruit, Verat. r 39. Desire for sugar-water, Sulp. 40. Desire for bread and cakes, Plumb, acet. 41. Desire for something sweet or salt, Carb. v. 42. Desire for many things which cannot be eaten, Bry. 43. Desire for salt food, Calc. carb. 44. Desire for various things, with aversion to other things; how- ever, the things he likes soon be- come repugnant to him, Rheum. 45. Desire for soft-boiled eggs, 01 an. 46. Appetite for herrings and fat, Nitr. ac. 47. Great desire for coal, Cic 48. Urgent desire for acrid cheese, Arg. nit. 49. Irresistible desire for sugar, even- ing, Arg. nit. 50. Desire for water and apples, Tart, emet 51. Desire for things, without know- ing what, China. 52. Desire for wine or sour things, sour fruit, etc., China, 53. Ravenous desire for sweet things, honey, dishes made of flour, alter- nating with aversion to meat, wine, or sour things, Sabad. 54. Desire for beer and milk, Sa- bad. 55. Thirst for beer or sour milk, Mang. 56. Desire for warm food rather than cold, Cupr. m. 57. Cares only for cold food, bread and butter, Merc. sol. 58. Desire for bitter food, Dig. 59. ---- for fruit and acids, Magn. carb. 60. Relishes bread only, Gral. Thirst. 1. Thirst, Calc carb., Con., China, Dros., Graph., Hep. s., Lact, Kal. nit., Mur. ac, Oleand., Rhod., Sec corn., Sep. 2. ----, drinks much, Natr, mur., Plat. Vol. III.—35. ST. 545 3. Constant thirst, AEth., Amm. carb., lod., Merc sol, Phos. 4. Thirst, all day, Magn. mur., Natr. carb. 5. Burning thirst, Amm. caust,, Canth., Cinch, sulph., Merc corr. 6. Burning, unquenchable thirst, Colch. 7. Burning thirst and dry tongue, Morph. acet 8. Violent, unquenchable, burning, suffocative thirst, obliging him to drink frequently, though little at a time, Ars. 9. Burning, unquenchable thirst, sometimes for beer, which, how- ever, is heavy on the stomach, Aeon. 10. Violent, burning, suffocative, un- quenchable thirst, with inability to swallow a drop, or with aver- sion to drinks, Bell 11. Violent thirst, Bov., Coff., Cupr. to., Cupr. ars:, Hydroc ac, Hyosc, Grat., Kal. hydriod., Kal carb., Phos. ac, Plumb, acet., Nice, Nitr. ac, Raph., Zinc oxyd. 12. Excessive thirst, or else absence of thirst, Ferr. mur. 13. Unquenchable thirst, Verbose 14. Excessive thirst in the evening, with watery taste, Bell. 15. Desire for drinks, without caring to drink, Bell. 16. Thirst, with dry mouth, Berb. v. 17. Much thirst, with dry throat, Coloc. 18. Violent thirst, with foamy saliva, Lye 19. Intense thirst all day, especially during a meal, Cocc 20. Great thirst (during the spasms), Cic. 21. Feeling of thirst in throat, Coloc. 22. Thirst, with dry mouth, Bar. ca~b. 23. ----, after looseness of the bowels, Magn. carb. 24. ----, also at night, Magn. carb. 25. ----, early or evening; also par- SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. ticularly during the menses, Magn. sulph. 26. Continual thirst, with dry lips and mouth ; when trying to swal- low some liquid it became repul- sive to her, and she was unable to get it down ; at the same time she felt sick, tired, faint, Lye. 27. Thirst, but water and beer are disagreeable to him, Nux v. 28. ----, without relishing the drink, Samb. 29. ----, with roughness and dry- ness of fauces, Seneg. 30. ----after the chilly or hot, or during the sweaty stage, China. 31. ----, with heat in palms of hands, Zinc. m. 32. ----, with shuddering and vomit- ing in the evening, disappearing towards morning, Vip. torv. 33. ----,' with loss of appetite, Sil 34. ----, without desire to drink, also during the chilliness, Sil. 35. Violent thirst, late in the even- ing, Spig. 36. Thirst on alternate days, Tart. emet. 37. ^---, it is not quenched by drinking, the beverage incom- modes the stomach, Sulp. 38. ----, afternoon, with great drow- siness and hard stool, Natr. sulph. 39. ----, with aversion to water, Phell. 40. ——, owing to an intolerable feeling of dryness from throat to tip of tongue; drink excites nausea, Puis. 41. ----, every morning, with heat and dryness of mouth, Natr. carb. 42. More thirst than hunger; also with continual chilliness. Mere sol 43. Thirst, increased after beer, Bry. 44. ----, occasioned by a sensation as if mucus had lodged in the throat, Bry. 45. Violent thirst, day and night, Bry. 46. ----, also with feeling of heat in mouth, Hyp. perf 47. Excessive thirst, or else none. Plumb, to. DESIRE FOR COLD DRINKS, WATER. ]. Desire for cold water, Ars., Chi. na, Eup. perf, Lob. card., Ruta, Sabad., Zinc. m. 2. Great desire for cold drink, Aug., Dulc, Euphorb., Led. pal. 3. Thirst for cold drinks, particu- larly water, Mere sol 4. Great thirst for cold water, with heat and dryness of throat, Carb. a. 5. Great desire for cold drinks in the evening, without heat, Bism. 6. Unquenchable thirst, particularly for cold drinks, Verat. 7. Great desire for cold drinks, without heat, Bell LOSS OF THIRST. 1. Loss of thirst, Ars., Bell, Ferr. acet, Led. pal, Puis., Sep., Sassap., Tab. 2. ----, for days, Mang. 3. No thirst, Lye, Natr. sulph. 4. ----for four days, Cycl. 5. Drinks less than usual, Staphis. 6. No thirst, or else excessive, Camph. 7. Absence of thirst, with heat in whole body, Hydroc ac. Taste. BITTER TASTE. 1. Bitter taste, Aeon., Agar., Aug., Am., Calc carb., Carb. v., Coloc, Elat, Gutt, lod., Lact, Led. p., Lye, Nitr. ac,Phos., Plumb, acet, Raph., Sabin., Sassap., Staphis., Tarax., Zinc. m. 2- ---- in mouth, early, Arn., Cham., Kal. bich., Mang., Mosch., Mur. ac, Sil, Sulp. 3. Bitter and slimy taste, early, Alum., Bov., Hep. s. 4. Bitter taste after beer, Coloc, 5. ----after beer, evening, Puis. 6. Bitter taste in throat, Croc, Kal. carb., Spong. 7. Putrid, bitter taste, on back part of tongue, Rhod. 8. Bitter taste, with nausea, Kal. carb., Mez. 9. Bitter mouth and eructations, Hyosc 10. Bitter taste and eructations, Nice 11. ----, early,with nausea the whole day, Amm. carb. 12. Bitterness in mouth and throat, early, Kal. hyd. 13. Bitterish taste, with a feeling of coldness on tongue, Kal chlor. 14. ---- in upper part of throat, with spitting up of slightly bitter- tasting food, Teucr. 15. Bitter taste, with clean tongue, Chin, sulph. 16. ----, obliging him to swallow saliva, China. 17. ----after milk, Sabin. 18. Bitter, spoiled taste, See corn. 19. Flat, bitter taste, Rhus t 20. Bitter taste in mouth and of the food, Rhus t 21. ----low down in pharynx, when expectorating, Nux. v. 22. ----, with flow of water, Mez. 23. ----, also with loss of appetite, Magn. sulph. 24. ----, with coated tongue, mucus on tongue and teeth, Magn. carb. 25. ----in back part of mouth, re- moved by eating, Magn. mur. 26. ----after eating, Lye 27. ----, with sensation of dryness, Aur. f. 28. ----and smell, Bar. carb. 29. Bitter and slimy mouth, with coated tongue, Bar. carb. 30. Bitter taste, especially while eating, Atham. 31. ----with coated tongue, Graph. 32.-----, with desire to vomit, not disappearing after vomiting, Grat. 33. Bitter, astringent taste, Euphorb. 34. Bitter taste at root of tongue, Cocc. TE. 547 35. Bitterness of throat, as if pro- ceeding from the stomach, Sil. 36. Bitter taste at tip of tongue, Valer. 37. Taste bitter as bile, particularly after eating, Berb. v. 38. Taste as of bile before breakfast, nevertheless food has a good taste, Sulp. 39. Bitter, spoiled taste, Sulp. 40. Bitter taste, with low spirits and dulness of head, Sulp. 41. ----, early, with bad taste in throat, evening, Kreas. 42. ----every morning, Carb. a. 43. Acrid bitterness in fauces, with roughness, Phos. 44. Bitter taste, leaving a feeling of smarting and coldness at tip of tongue, Phyt. dec. 45. The styptic-sweet taste is some- times superseded by an intensely bitter taste, Plumb, to. 46. Bitter taste in back part of throat, food tasting naturally, Hep. s. 47. Bitter mouth, food not tasting bitter, Hyosc 48. Bitterness of lip and tongue, Merc sol 49. Bitter taste, with heartburn and sickness, Mercurial. 50. ----, suddenly followed by gulping up of bitter water, Natr. carb. 51. Bitter, bilious taste, especially after eating, Puis. 52. Bitter taste, with desire for lemon juice, Puis. 53. Bitterish, pungent taste, while eating dry food, food having its natural taste, Ran. bulb. 54. Bitter taste, with dry and rough tongue, Par. quad. 55. Bitter, acrid taste, Morp. acet. 56. Bitter mouth, after breakfast, with scraping in throat and eruc- tations, Petrol 57. Slimy, bitter taste on waking, Nux jugl. 58. Repulsive, bitter taste, Sep. 1 548 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. 59. Bitter taste in throat, every day, or early. Ars. 60. Bitter mouth and throat, Con. 61. ----, whole day, Amm. mur.,Coff. 62. Bitterness in mouth, Cupr. to., Dros. 63. ----in mouth, especially after coffee, Merc, sol 64. Bitter mouth, particularly after eating and drinking, Ars. SOUR TASTE. 1. Sour Taste, Bar. carb., Brom., Calc. carb., Cham., China, Tyn., Kal, bich., Lye, Magn. carb., Mer- curial, Merc, sol, 01. an., Petrol, Phos. ac, Rheum, Rhod. 2. Sourish taste, morning, Terr. acet, Mang., Merc, sol, Natr. mur. 3. Sour taste, with sour smell from mouth, Nux vom. 4. Acidity in throat, particularly af- ter eating fat, Nitr. ac. 5. Sour taste, particularly evening and morning, Nitr. ac. ■6. Sourish taste and eructations, Natr. nitr. 7. Sour taste, with coated tongue, Natr. carb. 8. Sourish, metallic taste, Hep. s. 9. Sour taste, with spitting, Phos. 10. Acrid, sourish taste, Caps. 11. Taste of vinegar, whole day, Sulp. 12. Sourish taste, with flow of watery saliva, Verat. 13. Sour taste, with some bitterness, Lye 14. ----, with costiveness. Sep, 15, ----, even food tastes sour, Ars. 16, Nasty and acid taste, Amm. carb. 17. Sourish taste, with flow of saliva, until after dinner, Kal. nit 18. Sour taste, every day, Kal. carb. 19. Stinging, burning, sourish taste, Kal. chlor. 20. Sourish after-taste, Kal. chlor. 21. Sourish, offensive taste, lod. 22. Sour taste on back part of tongue, early, Mang. 23. Flat, sourish taste, Many. 24. Sourish taste, the whole after- noon, as if the tongue were held in contact with iron, Cupr. to. 25. Sour taste in throat, followed by roughness, Magn. carb. 26. ----, when coughing, Cocc. 27.----, after milk, Amm. carb., Lye, Phos., Rhus t 28. Sour taste, after eating, Carb. v., Cocc, Nux v., Puis. 29. Acid taste, especially after eat- ing, Graph. 30. Sour taste, after eating or drink- ing, Lye 31. Slimy and sour taste, Carb. a. 32. Sour or slimy taste, early, Magn. mur. 33. Sour and slimy taste in throat, Sassap. 34. Sour taste in throat, Magn. mur. 35. ----, after rising, Kal. nit 36. Acid taste in throat, forenoon, or after supper, Alum. 37. Acidity in throat, with scraping in gullet. Phos. 38. Sulphurous and sour taste deep in throat, Plumb, acet. 39. Bitter, sour taste, Berb. v., Carb. a., Kal chlor., Lye, Sep., Stann. 40. ----, after dinner, Ran. bulb. 41. Taste, first bitter, then sour, with sour eructations, Ign. 42. Bitter and sour taste, after break- fast, Con. 43. Bitter, sour taste at dinner, Sulp. 44. ----in mouth, after breakfast, Kal. carb. 45. ----, with dull burning in chest, Sabad. 46. Pungent, bitter, sour taste, Rhus t. 47. Bitter or sour, acrid taste, rising from the stomach, Crot. 48. Sourish, salt taste, Alum, Bell, Sulp. 49. Salt, sour taste, early, Cupr. m. 50. Disagreeable, saltish, sour taste, Kal. chlor. 51. Sourish, saltish taste, with nau- sea on swallowing saliva, early, Rhod. 52. Sweetish, then sour taste, China. TASTE. 549 53. Metallic, sweetish-sour taste on back part of tongue, Bism. 54. Repulsive, sourish-sweetish taste, early, Croc. 55. Saltish, sweet, sourish taste, with sensation in mouth as if mucus were accumulating in it, Phos. PUTRID TASTE. 1. Putrid Taste, Aeon., Aur. to., Bar. mur., Bov., Kal. carb., Merc. sol, Petrol, Pod. pelt. 2. ----, early, Sil, Sulp. 3. ----, early, going off after break- fast, Nux vom. 4. ----, after beer, Sep. 5. Putrid, bitter taste after beer, Euphorb. 6. Putrid taste in throat, Merc sol. 7. ----, after eating, Bell. 8. ----, when eating or swallowing, Con. 9. Sweetish, putrid taste, Sulp. 10. Putrid, herby taste, Verat. 11.----taste, with sensation of fetid odor, Spig. 12.----taste, rising into the mouth, Fer. acet. 13. ---- and nauseous taste, espe- cially in throat, Coloc 14. Bad, putrid taste, suddenly, Cycl. 15. Putrid or bitter taste, early, food and drink having a good taste, Nux v. 16. Putrid taste, early, as if proceed- ing from a hollow tooth, Nux vom. 17. ----, early and after eating, or in the forenoon, Rhus t 18. Putrid, slimy taste, has to a good deal, Rhus t 19.----, flat taste, Any. 20.----, slimy taste. Am. 21. ----, fetid taste, early, Ars 22. ----, flat taste, Phos. ac 23.----, flat, pappy taste spit sulp. 24. Acid stomach, with flat and some- what putrid taste, Con. 25. Bitter and putrid taste, Carb. a. 26. Taste as of putrid water, Caps. 27. Putrid taste in pharynx, when hawking, Nux vom. 28. Putrid taste and smell, Natr. mur. 29. Taste as of putrid herbs in back part of throat, Puis. 30. Taste as of putrid meat in mouth, with inclination to vomit, or espe- cially early, when hawking, Puis. 31. Acrid and putrid taste, with pty- alism, Mur. ac. 32. Putrid taste, as of decayed teeth or fetid meat, particularly early, Bry. 33. Putrid, smoky taste, Phos. ac. 34. Taste as of rotten eggs, Aeon., Hep. s. 35. Taste of rotten eggs, early, Graph. 36. ----, between meals, Am. 37. Taste of putrid eggs, as soon as he moves his tongue, after which he has to swallow, involuntarily, Merc sol BAD, FOUL TASTE. 1. Bad Taste, lod., Kal. carb., Tart emet. 2. Taste as from a deranged stomach, Asar., Ign., Nux v. 3. Foul taste, Natr. carb. 4. Bad taste on waking, Sulp. ac. 5. Offensive taste, whole day, Kal. nit. 6. Horrid taste, Kal. hyd. 7. Disagreeable taste and smell in mouth and nose, almost like sul- phur, Nux vom. 8. Bad taste, with grumbling in sto- mach, Sulp. 9. Bad taste in mouth and throat, especially after hawking up mu- cus, which tastes like old catarrhal mucus, Sabin. 10. Bad taste, after dinner, Lye 11. Spoiled taste, Bell. 12. Disgusting taste, with clean tongue, Bell. SWEET TASTE. 1. Sweet Taste, Calc carb., Cupr. 550 SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. m., Cupr. acet, Hydr. ac, Kal. carb., Lye, Plumb, acet, Sabad., Sassap., Sep., Spong. 2. Flat, sweetish taste in mouth, AEth., Bell, Thuj. 3. Flat, sweetish, sickly, disgusting taste, Bry. 4. Nauseating, sweetish taste, Seneg. 5. Sweet, nauseating taste, fore- noon, Sulp. 6. Sweet taste on tip of tongue, lod., Plat., Merc. sol. 7. Sweetish taste at tip of tongue, with accumulation of water, Ran. bulb. 8. Sweet taste on waking, Sulp. 9. Sweet taste in throat, Con. 10. Sweet taste in throat, early, with giddiness and subsequent rising of bloody mucus, Alum. 11. Repulsive, burning, sweetish taste, Sabad. 12. Sweetish taste, with constant flow of saliva, Dig. 13. Sweetish taste of the saliva, ^4s- par. 14. Sweet taste on forepart of tongue, Aur. m. 15. Sweet taste with bloody saliva, Amm. carb. 16. Sweet taste on lower side of tongue, forepart, Zinc. to. 17. Sweetish taste on lips, when smoking, Selen. '8. Sweetish rising in throat, Stann. **>. Sweet taste at root of tongue, Bar. carb. 1. Sweet taste in throat, with much saliva, Phos. °l. Sweetish taste on tongue, TJtaU- to&. _Tj ,r ;:-,;.. i\ 22. Sweetish, styptic taste, Plumb. acet 23. Sweet taste in mouth, with sen- sation as if the whole body con- sisted of sweet things, Merc. sol. 24. Sweetish taste, with white-coated tongue, Ran. sceler. 25. Sweet taste, after water, slimy before, Phell. 26. Sweetish taste, especially early, Nitr. ac. 27. Sweetish-salt taste, China, 28. Sweet-saltish taste, after having got heated, Mag. 29. Bitter-sweet taste, Menyan. 30. ----, after waking, Kal hyd. 31. ----, with mouth filled with mu- cus, Magn. carb. 32.----, early, with a feeling of dryness and numbness in mouth and throat, Magn. sulph. 33. Bitter taste, soon after sweetish, Cinch, sulph. SALT TASTE. 1. Saltish taste, Carb. v., Graph., lod,, Lach., Merc, corr., Merc sol, Tart. emet. 2. Saltish taste in mouth and throat, Bar. carb, 3. Very saltish taste on the lip, Merc. sol. 4. Saltish taste of the tongue for some days, Merc, sol 5. Saltish taste, with thirst, Calc. carb. 6. Saltish, dry taste, Ars. 7. Salt taste, afternoon, Kal. bich. 8. Smarting, saltish taste, Kal. brom 9. Saltish taste, with dry throat, Zinc. m. 10. Saltish taste, with salt saliva, Magn. mur. FLAT, WATERY, INSIPID TASTE, 1. Flat taste, Aeon., Guaj., Ipec, Ind., Lauroc, Rhus t, Raph., Spig., Stann , Sulp. 2. Flat taste, early, Seneg. 3. Insipid taste, Bell, Eupat 4. Watery taste, Natr. mur., Staphis. 5. Repulsive watery taste, Kal. carb. 6. Watery taste, with spitting, Magn. mur. 7. Flat, watery taste, especially after drinking, China. 8. Flat, watery taste, Calc. carb., Carb. v. TASTE. 551 9. Flat taste, with saliva as from deranged stomach, Petrol. 10. Flat, slimy taste, Par. quad. 11. Flat taste, with viscid mucus in mouth, 01 an. 12. Flat, slimy taste, with bitterness of mouth, and white-coated tongue, Natr. carb. 13. Watery, flat taste in mouth after breakfast and dinner, as from a deranged stomach, Ign. 14. Watery, flat taste in mouth, then heartburn, Caps. 15. Pappy, flat taste, with white- coated tongue, Crot. 16. Flat, qualmish taste, Staphis. 17. Flat taste, with yellow-coated tongue, Agar. 18. Flat, disagreeable taste, Sec. corn 19. After supper the forepart of the mouth feels watery, the back part dry, Lye 20. Flat taste after breakfast, with white-coated tongue, Euphorb. TASTE AS OF BLOOD. 1. Taste as of blood, Alum. 2. ----, early, Kal carb., Sil. 3. ----, all the time, Amm. carb. 1. Frequent taste of blood, espe- cially early, Berb. v. 5. Taste of blood, when expiring air, Natr. carb. 6. Metallic-bloody taste in mouth, with frequent spitting, Jatr. 7. Taste of blood in mouth, with sweetish risings from the stomach, Zinc m. 8. ----in throat, with sore feeling in throat, and sensation of sore- ness rising from the chest, Zinc m. 9. Taste as of blood, with reddish saliva, Sabin. METALLIC TASTE. 1. Metallic taste, Aur. mur., Hep. s., Natr. carb., Plumb, acet, Sassap., Seneg. 2. ----, causing almost vomiting, Merc. sol. 3. Repulsive, metallic, clayey, soap- like, putrid, sourish taste, excited by the oxyde, Merc. sol. 4. Metallic taste, as of lead, early, Calc. carb. 5. Metallic, astringent taste, Tart. emet. 6. Metallic and styptic taste at end of tongue, Coloc 7. Metallic taste, with loss of appe- tite, Cocc PAPPV, SLIMY, VISCID TASTB. 1. Slimy taste, Cham., Cocc, Lau- roc, Merc, sol, Prun. spin., Verat. 2. Pappy taste, early, Amm. mur., Magn. mur., Sulp. 3. Viscid taste, Bell. 4. Flat, slimy taste, Dig. 5. ----, early, Valer. 6. Pappy, flat taste, Chin, sulph. 7. Slimy taste, early, herby-metal- lic, Nux vom. 8. ----, with white tongue, Petrol. 9. Slimy mouth, without appetite, Petrol. 10. Slimy taste, with desire to vomit, early, Puis. 11. Dry, slimy taste, with violent thirst, Hell. 12. Bad, viscid taste, early, Phos. 13. Repulsive, slimy taste, Sil. 14, Slimy taste, with aversion to butter, China. 15. Pappy taste after breakfast, Grat. 16. Pappy taste, with slimy tongue, good appetite, no thirst, Cinch. sulph. COPPERY TASTE. 1. Coppery taste, Agn. cast., Cocc, Kal. bich., Meph. put, Sulph. 2. Taste as of sulphate of copper, Kal. chlor. 3. Coppery taste, with scraping in throat, Rhus t 4. Acrid, pungent, astringent, cop- pery taste, Cupr. acet. 5. Coppery taste, with burning, Cupr. to. SYMPTOMS OF GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. TASTE OF NUTS OR ALMONDS. 1. Taste like nuts, Phyt. dec 2. Taste as of almonds, Crot. 3. Taste of sweet almonds, after smoking^ Dig. 4. Taste in mouth as of hazel nuts or sweet almonds, Coff. CHEESY TASTE. 1. Cheesy taste, China, Lye. 2. ----on tongue, Phell. 3. Taste in mouth as of spoiled cheese, going off when swallowing, Zinc. to. CLAYEY, EARTHY TASTE. 1. Clayey taste, Aloes, Plumb, to. 2. Earthy taste, with desire to vomit, Puis. 3. Loamy taste, Chin, sulph. 4. Earthy taste, occasionally, Ferr. acet 5. Flat taste, like clay, Puis. ACRID, PUNGENT TASTE. 1. Pungent taste, Puis. 2. Sharp, acrid taste, as of tobacco- juice, Natr. carb. 3. Astringent, burning, offensive taste in mouth, Brom. 4. Acrid, pungent taste, Hydroc ac 5. Acrid taste, Lauroc. 9. Taste as of urine, Seneg. 10. Agreeable milky taste. Aur. m. 11. Taste in mouth as if he had been fasting a long time, Cocc 12. Taste of iron, Calc. carb. 13. Straw-taste, Rhod. 14. Taste as of faces, the saliva tast- ing saltish, Merc sol. 15. Taste of ink, early, Calc, carb. 16. Smarting taste as of peppermint, with sensation of heat from oeso- phagus to mouth, which continues and is attended with nausea and inclination to vomit, Verat. 17. Taste and coolness in mouth, an after eating peppermint, Verat 18. Taste as of bitter almonds, with a like smell, Lauroc. 19. Oily taste, Mang. 20. Taste in throat as of rancid oil, during deglutition, Ipec. 21. Oily taste, early, Sil. 22. Herby taste, Sassap. 23. Herby taste, early, Phos. ac. 24. Disgusting, herby taste in fauces, like carrot-tops, Nux vom. 25. Burning taste after every meal, Mang. 26. Acrid, burning taste, Lob. inf. 27. Bitter, scraping-burning taste, especially at palate, Berb. v. 28. Greasy taste, Caust, Lach., Rhus t. 29. ----, also about the palate, 01. PARTICULAR KINDS OF TASTE. 1. Insipid taste, changing to a taste as of garlic, Asa. f 2. Taste as offih, Aeon. 3. Taste as of old catarrh, Sep. 4. Taste as of the pitch of cedar, Canth. 5. Before dinner he has a taste and smell as of fetid tallow, Valer. 6. Astringent, styptic taste on tongue, Alum. 7. Taste as of raw peas chewed, Zinc m. 8. Sensation in mouth as from con- stant smoking, Sec corn. 30. Rancid, greasy taste, Asa.f. 31. Taste in mouth as if lined with rancid grease, Euphorb. 32. Foul, qualmish taste, with flow of water in mouth, Tart, emet. 33. Bad, qualmish taste, as if coming from the stomach, like heartburn, Berb. v. 34. Nauseous taste, better while eat- ing, Aeon. 35. Taste, as if burnt, Chin, sulph. 36. Taste as if burnt, on waking, Natr. carb. 37. Taste as of pus in throat, Merc. sol, Natr. carb. 38. Taste of pus, early, or occasion- ally, Puis. TASTE OF FOOD. 553 39. Taste as of pepper, Aeon. Raph. 40. Doughy taste, Hep. s., Sulp. 41. Mealy taste on waking, Nice 42. Rancid taste in pharynx, Petrol. 43. Bad taste in throat, as of rancid grease, Mur. ac 44. Rancid, smoky taste in throat, late in the evening, Bry. 45. Rancid taste, after taking any- thing solid or liquid, Kal. hyd. 46. Mouldy taste, Lye 47. Musty taste, morning, Kal. bich. 48. Bad and musty taste, accompa- nied with sick feeling at stomach, Led. pal. 49. Soapy taste, Mercurial. 50. Flat, soap-like taste, with want of appetite, Dulc. 51. Flat taste like chalk, Ign. 52. Chalky and pappy taste, espe- cially before breakfast, Nux mosch. 53. Fetid taste, Hydroc ac. 54. Astringent taste as from sugar, and fetid-styptic Plumb, in. •r)5. Fetid taste on tongue, with sen- sation as if the smell were fetid, Lauroc. 56. Taste of manure, Calc carb.,Sep., Verat. 57. Taste of manure, morning, Carb. a. LOSS OF TASTE. 1. Loss of taste, Bell., Hep. s., Natr. mur., Verat. 2. ----, early, Kal. carb. 3. Diminished taste, Verat, 4. Loss of taste for some days, Bar. carb. 5. Little taste, with constant dry- ness of lips, Dros. 6. The taste is at times fine, at tinus did , Granat. Taste of Food. BITTER TASTE. 1. Bitter taste of food, Bor., Camph., China, Ferr. acet., Graph., Hep. s., Lye, Mang., Natr. mur., Rheum, Stram., Snip. 2. Bread tastes bitter, Asr., Chin. sulph., Dig., Dros. 3. ----, or dry, rough and scraping, Rhus t 4. Beer tastes bitter, he throws it up, Mez. 5, Bread has a bitter, bilious taste, and oppresses the stomach, Sulp.ae 6. Rye-bread tastes bitter, Merc sol 7. Increased sensibility of taste for bitters, Coloc 8. Water tastes bitter, Coff. 9. Food tastes bitter, afterward he feels chilly and a cold sweat breaks ' out, Puis. 10. Bitter taste after coffee, Puis. 11. Wine has a bitter taste, Puis. 12. Butter tastes bitter, Puis. 13. Bread and meat taste bitter, Puis. 14. Brown bread tastes bitter, not the other food, Puis. 15. Bread tastes bitter while chew- ing it, no bitter taste after swal- lowing it, Puis. 16. Beer tastes bitter, in the morn- ing, leaves a sourish taste, Puis. 17. Food has a bitter, scraping ta te, Natr. carb. 18. Bitter taste, also of food, par- ticularly before breakfast, Bry. 19. Breakfast tastes bitter, Phos. 20. Everything tastes bitter, except water, Stann. 21. Food tastes bitter when swal- lowing it, Kreas. 22. Saliva and bread taste bitter, Thuy. 23. Sweet plums taste bitter, lod. 24. Food, milk and coffee taste bit- ter, Sabin. SOUR TASTE. 1. Bread tastes sour, Cham., Cocc, Nux v., Staphis. 2. Milk sours on his stomach, Nux vom. 3. .----tastes sour, Calc. carb. I 4. ----tastes sour early, Nux vom. I 554 SYMPTOMS OF GASTF 5. Brown bread causes a sour taste and vomiting, Nitr. ac. 6. Bread tastes sour, feels dry, Puis. 7. Hop beer tastes sour, Mere sol 8. Sour taste of food, not in mouth, Calc. carb. 9. Everything turns sour, Phos. 10. The broth tastes sour, Caps. 11. Meat tastes sour, when it touches the tongue, Tarax. 12. Everything, even sweets, taste sour, Lye 13. In the evening bread and butter taste sour to him, after which he was generally attacked with heart- burn, Bell. 14. Bread tastes and smells sour, Bell FLAT, INSIPID TASTE. 1. Food is tasteless, Aeon., Bor., Bry.,Eupat, Staphis. 2. Everything tastes alike, Rhod., Sulp. 3. Food tastes flat, Alum., Dros., Oleand., Tart. emet. 4. Beer has an insipid taste, Ars., Ipec 5. Food has no taste, does not taste salt enough, Ars., Calc carb., Canth., Cocc. 6. Meat has no taste, Puis. 7. Diminished taste of every kind of food, Puis. 8. Bread, butter and beer have no taste, stewed prunes have a good taste, Puis. 9. Milk has no taste in the morn- ing, Puis. 10. Food tastes flat, milk is tasteless, Mosch. 11. Taste is diminished, food has a natural taste but less of it, spiritu- ous drinks taste like water, Phos. 12. Food tastes dry and flat, Ruta. 13. Food has either little or no taste, Nux v. 14. Food has a flat or no taste, Cycl. 15. Food is insipid like water,Cup.m. 16. Food is tasteless, with tongue l\C DISTURBANCES. coated, white and slimy mouth, Magn. carb. SALT TASTE. 1. Food tastes too salt, Sep. Sulp. 2. Water tastes saltish, Nitr. ac. 3. Slimy and salt taste of food and drink, especially water, Merc, sol 4. Food tastes very salt, even after eating a scraping, salt taste conti- nues to ascend in her throat, Puis. 5. Water has a saltish taste, early, Brom. 6. Food tastes salt, leaving some- times a bitter taste after swallow- ing, China 7. Wheat bread and butter have a bitter, salt taste, China. PUTRID TASTE. 1. Fresh meat has a putrid taste, Puis. 2. Insipid putrid taste of food, Anac 3. Food has a putrid taste, Ign. 4. Putrid taste of water, Natr. mur. SWEET TASTE. 1. The broth tastes sweet, Ind. 2. Water tastes sweet as sugar, early, Lye 3, Bread has a sweet taste, Merc sol. 4. Things taste sweet, Mur. ac. 5. Bitter beer has a nauseating, sweetish taste, Puis. 6. Beer tastes sweet as honey, it excites nausea, Mur. ac PARTICULAR KINDS OF TASTE. 1. Herby taste of beer, Nux vom., Stram. 2. Butter has a bad taste, Merc, sol 3. Food has a strong taste, Camph., Coff. 4. Sourish and metallic taste of food, Amm. carb. 5. Milk has a long after taste, Ign. TASTE ( 6. Tastes the bread long after eating it, with scraping in throat, Phos. ac. 7. Doughy taste of bread, Phos. 8. Everything, except bread, tastes like the drug, 01. an. 9. Food tastes like old, rancid grease, Cham. 10. Food tastes like straw, Kal. hyd., Kreas.,Magn. carb.,Rhus t., Stram., Sulp. 11. VVhen first eating, food tastes naturally ; it then suddenly tastes either too salt or is tasteless, or has a flat taste, with sensation in throat-pit as if she would throw her food up again, Bell. 12. Was unable to swallow bread, as if it were loo dry, Ign. 13. Solid food tastes dry, Fer. mur. 14. Food has a dry, insipid taste, Fer. acet. 15. Food tastes like old linen, Colch. 16. Bread tastes smoky to him, Nux v. 555 17. Rye bread and coffee have a bit- ter or sour taste, China. 18. Everything tastes like herring- brine, Anac 19. At the tip of tongue butter has a repulsive, saltish-sour taste, Tarax. 20. Bread tastes like bile, the taste in mouth being natural, Phos. ac. 21. Food (butter for inst.,) tastes like clay, Caps. Smell of Food or from Mouth. 1. Food and drink have a fetid smell, Nux. v. 2. His dinner had a putrid smell to him, but good taste, Sulp. 3. Beer smells fetid to him, Cham. 4. Foodsmelled likelimestone,with good taste, Sulp. 5. Sensation in mouth as of strong smell, Cocc FOOD. 556 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. (In the whole of this division the letter s stands for "stomach," and p for "pit of stomach") Pains. SIMPLE PAIN. 1. Pain in s., Camph., Chelid., Dig., Hyosc, Mere corr., Plumb ac 2. Violent pains in s., Ind., Merc. dulc, Op., Ox. ac, Squill, Tart. stib. 3. Horrid pains in s., Ipec 4. Constant pain in s., Nux v. 5. Awoke with severe pains in s.. Kal. bich. 6. Violent pains in p., Bell, Hell, Lye. 7. Excessive horrid pains in s., and region of p., Cupr. in. 8. Pain in p. during an inspiration, Puis. 9. Violent pain in s. and abdomen, Kal. nit. 10. Periodical pains in s., Ars. 11. Intermittent pains at s., Plumb. ac. 12. Pain in s., also at a small spot, 01 an. 13. Violent pain in epigastrium, Morph. acet. 14. Pain from s. to spleen and back, Ign. 15, Sharp pains in s. and p., Zinc to. 16. Excessive pains in s. and p., Ars. 17. Horrid pains in s. and bowels, Cupr. acet 18. Excessive pains in s. and bowels, lod. 19. Violent pains in region of s. and umbilicus, Plumb, to. 20. Painful sensation from p. to bladder, immediately, Morph. acet. 21. Pain in p, worse when taking food, Morph acet, 22. Pain in s., after eating, Coloc, Puis., Sep. PAIN, ACCOMPANIED BY OTHER SYMPTOMS. 1. Pain in s., always with pain in teeth and head, Coloc. 2. Pain at the cardiac orifice, when swallowing food, Nitr. ac 3. Pain above s., ceasing after eruc- tations, Nitr. ac. 4. Pain in s., with oppression of chest and anguish, Graph, 5. Pain and dry feeling in s., Kal. hi d. 6. Violent pain in p. going off by hard pressure, Sil. 7. Excessive sensibility of the s., with costiveness, Ox. ac. 8. Pain in p., inclination to sleep, and somewhat difficult breathing, Morph. acet. 9. Violent pain in p., nausea, dispo- sition to vomit, Morph. acet. 10. Vomiting, with aggravation of the pains in s. and bowels, Cupr. acet. 11. Gagging, pain in s. and vomiting, Crot, 12. Pain in s., with nausea, and ma- laise, Grat. 13. Pain in s. with nausea, heaviness of the head, ill-humor, Magn. carb. 14. Pain in s., with nausea, and de- sire to vomit, Phos. r PAIN. 557 15. Violent, convulsive gagging and excessive pain at s., Bism. 16. Pains at s., causing nausea, Ars. 17. Pains in s., with nausea, restless- ness, hot hands and feet, dry mouth, wakefulness ; subsiding after a while with perspiration of hands, feet and legs, Kal bich, 18. Frequent pain in s., preceded by swashing sensation in abdomen, relieved by eructations and emis- sion of flatulence, Kal carb. 19. Pain at s., with rising of water, Amm. carb. 20. Pain and tremor at s., when set- ting down the foot in walking, or when talking, Magn. mur. 21. Dull pain in p. when blowing the nose, Hep. s. 22. Periodical pain in p., with tre- mor, at night, Bell. 23. Excessive pains in s., with thirst, Ars. 24. Pains in s., with colic, diarrhoea and fainting turns, Ars. 25. Pain in s. with copious bilious stools, lod. 26. Violent pains in s. and cesopha- gus, which felt obstructed, and did not bear contact.—lod. 27. Violent pain in s., gradually ex- tending over the whole abdomen, with vomiting of greenish and then blackish substances, Phos. 28. Excessive pains in s., also in ab- domen and loins, with troublesome internal heat, Plumb, ac. 29. Pain in s., with retraction of p., Lact. 30. Violent pain in s., with rapid loss of speech, death, Lauroc. 31. Violent pains in s., with great debility, headache and diarrhoea, when introducing the least quan- tity of food into the stomach, Calc. phos. 32. Violent pain in s., as from vo- miting, Merc. sol. 33. Violent pain in s. or chest, early, after rising, eased by motion, Caust. 34. Pain in s., causing a shuddering, Caust. 35. Violent attacks of pain in s., with paleness and sweat of face, pulse almost extinct, and rattling breathing ; several attacks, Cann. ACHING PAIN, OR PAIN WITH PRESSURE OR OPPRESSION. 1. Pressing pain in p. has to lie down, Kal. carb. 2. Painful pressure above p., with dyspnoea, Am. 3. Painful pressure in p., when walk- ing, Bell. 4. Hard and painful pressure in s., especially after eating, Bell. 5. Painful pressure at p., at every step, Hell 6. Painful pressure in p., from with- out inwards, Teucr. 7. Aching pain in p., Kal nit. 8. Acute painful pressure at p., Anac. 9. Painful pressure at s., with pain or pressure as from a blow, Sabin. 10. Oppressive pain in p.; sensitive to pressure ; worse when pressing on the s., which causes a slight cough, with expectoration, Tax. bare 11. Painful pressure at s., with anx- iety, Snip. 12. Aching pain in s., Strain. 13. Pinching, oppressive pain in p., disappearing when sitting and stooping forward, Staphis. 14. Acute aching pain in p., as from a shock, worse by pres-ure, Dulc 15. Aching pain in s., and under the short ribs, oppressing the breath- ing, especially after taking coffee, Cham. 16. Pressing pain in s., followed by stitches in s., then rumbling above umbilicus, Mercurial 17. Continual aching pain deep in p., attended with alternate draw- ing and dull sticking along the re- gion where the short ribs unite, frequently increasing to oppression 558 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. of breathing, with anguish, heat in face, when standing, Rhod. 18. Painful pressure at a small spot below the short ribs of the left side, and below s., disappearing at every inspiration, increasing by pressure, and continuing for half an hour, Oleand. 19. Violent painful pressure at p., at night, coming and going, Ox. ac 20. Painful pressure in s., p., and hypochondria, Cocc 21. Painful oppression of s., when touching the p., Phos. ac 22. Constant pain, pressure and op- pression in p., with constant, in- effectual desire to vomit, Sec corn. 23. Aching, almost cramp pain in s., every night, Seneg. 24. Painful pressure at stomach, like a spasm, obliging her to rise, Calc carb. 25. Aching pain in p., when stoop- ing, Rhod. 26. Acutely-painful aching in s., dur- ing a deep inspiration, and when touching the part, Merc. sol. 27. Hard, aching, oppressive pain in p., with profuse sweat and anxious cry., Cham, 28. Aching in p., as when pressing upon a sore, Carb. v. 29. Oppressive and contractive pain in s., early, Many. 30. Pinching, oppressive pain in p., and under it, increased contact, Chelid CONTRACTIVE OR CONSTRICTIVE PAIN. 1. Contractive pain in s., Magn. carb., Mur. ac, Sulph. 2. Contractive crampy pains in s., Nux v., Nitr. ac 3. Contractive pain in s., afternoon, Bar. carb. 4. Oppressive and contractive pain in s., early, Mang. 5. Painful contraction from both sides of s., with fulness, relieved by throwing up clear water, Kal. carb. 6. Painful constriction at s., after dinner, Gutt, 7. Contractive pain in p., Bell 8. Constrictive pain in s., Cocc. 9. Contractive pain at p., as if laced too tightly, Plat. 10. Constrictive pain in p., Plumb, to. 11. Contractive pain on right side, toward the s., Rhus t, 12. Painful contraction around the s., toward both hypochondria, worse when stooping or sitting; continuing all night, with sensation below the stomach as of a worm creeping along there, Natr. carb. 13. Contractive pain in s., for seve- ral days, sometimes with pressure after eating, Calc. carb. 14. Contractive pain at s., particu- larly after eating, followed by cut- ting at p., flushes of heat, eructa- tions, nausea, and vomiting of the ingesta, Bry. 15. Constrictive pain in s., and cut- ting in bowels, going off by eruc tations, Rat. 16. Contractive pain near p., right side, Carb. v. 17. Constrictive pain below p., worse when pressing on the part, Carb. v. 18. Paroxysms of constrictive burn- ing pains in s., and then in umbili- cal region, Plumb, ac. 19. Burning contractive paia in s., Amm. to. 20. Contractive pain at s., every morning, a kind of winding up- wards which passes into the dor- sal spine and there produces stitch- es, Bor. 21. Constrictive pain in s., causing a deadly anguish, Op. 22. Contractive pain at s., with cold- ness in s. and back, Con. 23. ---- pain in s. and abdomen, Sulp. ac. 24. Violent painful constriction in region of cardia, Lob. inf. 25. Painful constriction in p., Sulp.ac 26. Contractive pain in s., less when stooping, Anac. 27. Violent contractive pains ins., extending to chest, and below shoulders, where the pains are lan- cinating, with choking sensation in throat and oppressed breathing; afterwards anxiety, sweat and eruc- tations, in paroxysms, until next morning, Kal carb. BURNING PAIN. 1. Painful burning from mouth to stomach, Mere corr. 2. Burning pain in s., and generally also in throat, Ox. ac. 3. ---- pains in s. and abdomen, Merc. corr. 4. Gnawing and burning pains in s., spreading over the whole abdo- men, which is distended and sensi- tive to contact, Merc. corr. 5. Burning pain in p., when pressing upon it, Zinc m. 6. Painful burning in s., up to ceso- phagus, Hell. 7. Violent burning pains in region of s., and tumultuous vomiting, for several hours, Plumb, m. 8. Burning pain in p., Merc sol 9. Violent pains in s., with heat in s., tossing about, sometimes with pain in abdomen, kidneys and bladder, Canth. 10. Burning, spasmodic pain at p., in paroxysms which drove him to despair, Ant. cr. 11. Beating, burning, cutting, ulce- rative pain under the left breast, near p., diminished by pressure and going off by motion, Rat. 12. Burning, contractive pain in s., Arum to. 13. Burning, stinging pains in s. and cesophagus, Plumb, ac. 14. Paroxysms of constrictive burn- ing pains in s., and then in umbili- cal region, Plumb, ac. CRAMPY OR SPASMODIC PAINS. 1. Spasmodic pains in s., Anthrak., Asa. f, Con., Euphorb., Ign., lod. 559 ULCERATIVE PAIN. I. Beating, burning, cutting, ulcera- tive pain under the left breast, near p., diminished by pressure, and going off by motion, Rat 2. Stinging ulcerative pain on left side of s., directly below the short ribs, worse during deep inspira- tion and when touching the parts, Arg. nit. 3. Ulcerative pain of s, when touch- ing it, goes off after eating, Cann. 4. Ulcerative pain in s. and abdo- men, Merc, sol 5. ----pain at s., Rat. 6. ---- pain at s., going off after eating, succeeded by rumbling in 2. Cramp-pains at s., Ant.cr., Ferr. acet. 3. Cramp-pain in p., Thvj., Zinc to. 4. ----in p., when walking, Verat. 5. Crampy pains in s., with pres- sure, also from pharynx to s., Nux v. 6. Aching spasmodic pain from fauces to p., early, Nux v. 7. Crampy drawing pain in p., with tension to the umbilicus, hindering breathing, Nitr. ac. 8. Aching pain, followed by cramp- pain in s., after one eructation, Sil. 9. Aching, crampy, or choking pain in p., arresting the breathing, after- noon, Puis. 10. Crampy pain in s., arresting the breath, Dulc 11. Spasmodic pains in s., with pres- sure and cutting, also in parox- ysms, Kal carb. 12. Constrictive spasmodic pain in s., and toward pharynx, frequently succeeded by eructations or chills, especially of the hands, back and head, Kal. carb. 13. Spasmodic pulling pain in p., Tunc. 14. Burning, spasmodic pain at p., in paroxysms, which drove him to despair, Ant. cr. 560 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. bowels during a walk, and papes- cent stool, Gutt. 7. Tension at s., with ulcerative pain, especially when touched, Magn. mur. 8. Painful, writhing sensation in s., as if the food were gliding over a sore, Bar. carb. 9. Ulcerative pain in s., when press- ing upon it or drawing breath, Bar. carb. 10. Ulcerative pain in s., with sensi- tiveness to pressure, and sensation as if the s. would fall out of the body, with coldness and inclina- tion to fall, Magn. carb. COLICKY PAINS. 1. Colicky pain at s., with nausea, early, Natr. mur. 2. Violent cutting colic at s. and below, at intervals, Ars. hydrog. 3. Colicky pain in left side of s., with yawning, stretching, and de- sire to vomit, Hcemat. 4. Colicky pain and gnawing in s., with nausea and cold thrills over back, with rumbling in abdomen, going off when lying and drawing up the limbs, Sil. 5. Violent colic in s. and abdomen, disappearing after a short nap, Crot. 6. Colicky pains in s., with burning thirst, irritation of fauces, head- ache, and dilated pupil, Morph. acet, DISTENSIVE PAIN OR PAINFUL DISTEN- SION. 1. Distensive pain in s., Calc carb. Phos. 2. Painful distension of s., Op. 3. Painfulness and swelling of p., Amm. caust. 4. Painful distension of p., Op. 5. Painful feeling of swelling at p., with want of appetite and short breath, Aeon. 6. Painful distension of s., as if caused by wind, worse after vomit- ing and a loose stool, Ars. CUTTING PAIN. 1. Painful cutting at p., Nice 2. Cutting pain in right side of s., which feels sore when touched, Magn. mur. 3. Cutting pains in s., evening, Kal carb. 4. Pain in s. as if cut to pieces, at night; when extending the body, this pain extends over the whole abdomen and hypogastrium, with heat in head, globus hystericus, suffocative stoppage of breath, tossing about in bed and on the floor, for two hours; relieved by eructations, Magn. mur. 5. Cutting pain above p., and in s., worse when drawing deep breath, Rat, 6. Pain in p., as if cut crosswise, Merc. sol. 7. Cutting pain at s., and in hypo- chondria, early, ceasing after mov- ing about, Cast. 8. Beating, burning, cutting, ulcera- tive pain under left breast, near p., diminished by pressure, and going off by motion, Rat. STITCHING OR STINGING PAIN. 1. Sticking pain in p., Dulc 2. Darting pains in s.. Merc. corr. 3. Aching, then darting pain in p., Puis. 4. Stitching pain in s. and in dis- tended abdomen, Sep. 5. Acutely-painful dull stitches be- low p., Bar. carb 6. Sharp sticking pain in s., was unable to breathe, Kal. nit. 7. ---- sticking pain in s., with sensation as if the s. would burn, Kal. carb. 8. Frequent painful stitches in left side of s., Magn. mur. 9. Lancinating, cutting pain in p., relieved by bending backwards, Bell. PAIN. 561 10. Sticking pain at s., frequently, with oblique stitches in abdomen, Berb. v. 11. Dull sticking pain in p., Ipec. 12. Sticking pain, with pressure at s., Rhus t 13. Sticking pain in p., Rhus t. 14. Pressure and dull sticking pain from above downwards at p., Natr. mur. 15. Painful prickling in s., Natr. mur. 16. Stitching pain in p., when press- ing upon it, especially after stool, Calc. carb. 17. Fine painful stitches in left side of p., Rat. 18. Stinging, ulcerative pain on left side of s., below the short ribs, worse when drawing a long breath or touching the part, Arg. nit. 19. Burning-stinging pains in s. and oesophagus, Plumb, ac. DRAWING PAIN. 1. Tearing and drawing pain in s., with nausea, and colic resembling a prick, Lye 2. Painful feeling at a small spot in s., as if it were drawn in, after dinner, Mur. ac, 3. Drawing pain with pressure be- low p., as if occasioned by a strain, Plat 4. Drawing pain from p. to chest, Phos. 5. Drawing pain from p. to pharynx, Alum. 6. Sudden drawing pain in p., Bar. carb. 7. Painful drawing at stomach as if from hunger, with painful stitches at heart; violent shifting pains in abcromen, distension of stomach, with beating. 8. Aching, drawing pain in p., early, shifting to side of chest as a stick- ing pain, and then to the back as a tearing, Puis. 9. Drawing pain from p. to fauces, with short and difficult breathing, Vol. III.-36. early, after rising, also after stool, Con. TENSIVE PAIN. 1. Painful tightness in p., Caust. 2. Tensive pain from p. to left clavi- cle, Agar. 3. Tensive pain in s, Staphis. 4. Tight pain in p., right side, as if strained, Dulc 5. Tensive pain in p., with pulling sensation, during an inspiration. Mez. TEARING PAIN. 1. Pain in s., as if torn, Ars. 2. Tearing and boring pain at s., Amm. carb. 3. Tearing and drawing pain in s., with nausea, and colic resembling a prick, Lye. 4. Violent pain in p., as if something had been torn off in that part, Petrol. 5. Griping-tearing pains, particularly after a meal, Nux v. 6. Griping-tearing pains, after mid- night, changing to burning at p., Nux v. PAIN AS IF BRUISED. 1. Bruising pain at s., 01 an. 2. Bruised feeling in p., Carb. am. 3. Pain as if bruised at s., with ful- ness and eructation,Asaf 4. Pain as if bruised, in s., when bending the trunk forward, with tension when raising it, Magn. mur. 5. Severe pain as if bruised, at py- lorus, especially when treading, worse when talking loud, or touch- ing the part, Hell. 6. Pain in s., hip, and one of right lower ribs, as if screwed and bruised, Sulp. PAIN AS IF SORE- 1. Sore pain in s., Colch. 562 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 2. Soreness in s., Calc carb. 3. Soreness in s., even when fasting, Bar. carb. 4. Sore pain in p. when breathing, Kal. carb. 5. Soreness at p., with tearing from p. to abdomen, Alum. 6. Soreness in p., with pressure, particularly early, or succeeded by copious diarrhoea which affords no relief, China. 7. Sore feeling at p., early, in bed, when turning to the other side, three mornings, Con. 8. Sore and raw feeling in s., Con. 9. Painful soreness in p. when touched, Ran. bulb. 10. Burning soreness under the xy- phoid cartilage, Ran. seel. 11. Soreness at p. especially during an inspiration, with anxiety in chest, Mosch. 12. Soreness in p., which is painful to touch; when thinking of eating she feels nauseated, Carb. v. GNAWING PAIN. 1. Gnawing pains in s., lod. 2. ---- pain in upper part of s., lod. 3. 4. 5. ■ pain in s., left side, Arg. nit. pains in s., Merc. corr. ■ in s., as if pierced with pins (on return of consciousness), Cupr. to. SCREWING PAIN. 1. Screwing pain in s., Nice. 2. Pains in s., as if screwed together, especially at night, extending to the bowels, as if the s. would burst, Kal. carb. 3. Pain in s., hip, and one of right lower ribs, as if screwed and bruised, Sulp. PINCHING PAIN. 1. Pinching pain at s., Rat. . 2. Painful pinching above, then at s., Rhus t. 3. Pinching pain on right side, above and near side of p., Ant. cr. 4. Pinching, boring pain in p., from within outward, especially when sitting bent. Caps. 5. Pinching, oppressive pain in p., and under it, increased by contact, Chelid. BORING PAIN. 1. Boring pain from s. to'abdomen, Carb. a. 2. Boring pain from p. to right side, going and coming, Plumb, ac 3. Tearing and boring pain at s., Amm. carb. 4. Pinching, boring pain in p., from within outwards, especially when sitting bent, Caps. BEATING OR THROBBING PAIN. 1. Throbbing pain in p., Hydroc ac 2. Painful beating in region of s., Kal, hyd. 3. Pains in s., with sensation as if the arteries were beating against the abdominal muscles, extending to region of heart, Mez. 4. Beating, burning, cutting, ulcera- tive pain under the left breast, near p., diminished by pressure and going off by motion, Rat COMPRESSIVE PAIN. 1. Pain in hypochondria and p., as if the contents of thorax were com- pressed, Agar. 2. Pain before breakfast as if the s. were pressed together, Zinc to. 3. Pain in s. as if pressed together, in the morning in bed, after sweat- ing, Phos. PAIN AS IF EMPTY. 1. Pain in s. as if empty, qualmish before dinner, Magn. carb. JURE. 563 s stomach, Ars., Calc. carb.*Colch., Crot, Grat, Ign., Natr. carb., Phos. 2. The region of s. is sensitive to pressure, Amm. carb., Nux v., 01. an. 3. S. and p. painful to touch, Merc. sol. 4. Sensitiveness of p., to contact, Ferr. acet. 5. The stomach is painful to the touch, as from a blow, Euphorb. 6. The region of s. is sensitive to the touch, Sulp. ac 7. Sore pain in s. and hypochondria, when touched, Magn. carb. 8. Pain across s., cannot bear the least pressure, Lye 9. Sensitiveness of region of s. to pressure, Sulp. 10. The stomach is painful when pressing upon it, Ant. cr. 11. Cannot bear tight clothes at s., Spong. 12. Sore pain on pressure, below p., especially during an inspiration, Sabad. 13. Cannot bear pressure at p., Bry. 14. Sensitiveness of stomach, also ex- ternally, Canth. 15. Region of s. sensitive to pain, Carb. v. 2. Painful sensation of fasting, early, Magn. mur, 3. Pain in s., as from hunger, Aur. m. 4, ----, as if empty and cold, Kal. hyd. 5.----, as if empty, with nausea, Zinc. to. VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN. 1. Pain in s. like fainting, Lauroc. 2. Contusive pain on left side of p., Natr. mur, 3. S. and abdomen are frequently painful, feeling at times as if con- tracted, and at others as if distend- ed, Petrol 4. Pain at s. as from excessive ful- ness, with appetite, Ant cr. 5. Biting pain in s., Stram. 6. Pain in s. as from concussion, Cascar. 7. Spasmodic pulling pain in p., June. 8. Tugging, pulling pain in s. and oesophagus, with rumbling in abdo- men and emission of flatulence, Chin. sulp. 9. Digging-up pain in s., Staphis. 10. Internal painful digging up above p., with soreness afterwards, Sa- bad. 11. Pain in s. as from canine hunger, Verat. 12. Pain in s. like canine hunger, all day, Graph. 13. Squeezing pain in s., Coloc. 14. Squeezing pain at p., or as of a violent shock, Am. PAIN FROM WALKING. 1. The s. is painful when walking as if loose, Hep. s. 2. Painfulness of s. when walking, Phos. 3. Sensitiveness in p., when step- ping hard, Bar. carb. SENSITIVENESS OF STOMACH. 1. The region of s. is painful to the Pressure. SIMPLE PRESSURE OR OPPRESSION. 1. Pressure in region of s., Aur. mur., Hgosc, Mosch., Nux j., 01. an., Op., Stront. 2. Pressure in p., Ars., Asar., Colch., Cupr. to., Ign., Lob. inf., Plat, Plumb, to., Ran. bulb., Sab., Zinc to. 3. Constant pressure at p., Nux v. 4. Oppression of s., and at p., Agar. Rhod., Sep. 5. Pressure at s. or at p., Arg. nit, Natr. mur. 6. Pressure at pyloric orifice, Lact. 7. Heavy pressure in s., Hep. s. 564 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 8. Pressure on left side of p., Mosch. 9. Pressure at s., whole day, Calc. carb. 10. Sharp pressure in p., Rhod. 11. Violent pressure at s., Mur. ac. PRESSURE WITH SORENESS OR SENSITIVENESS. 1. Pressure at s., with nausea and sensitiveness of p., Amm. carb. 2. Pressure and fulness in p., with ulcerative pain when touched, Stann. 3. Pressure in p., with sensitiveness of the outer parts, Magn. sulph. 4. Pressure and gnawing in p., with sensitiveness to touch, Kal. nit 5. Pressure at s., as if sore inside, Sep. 6. Pressure in s. as if sore, Nitr. ac. PRESSURE FROM WITHIN OUTWARDS OR VICE VERSA. 1. Pressure from within outwards below p., Colch. 2. ---- in p., as if from without, Tereb. 3. ----from without inwards at sto- mach, Gent. cruc. PRESSURE AT PARTICULAR PERIODS OF THE DAY. 1. Pressure in s., two mornings, be- fore breakfast, with nausea, Petrol. 2. ---- in p., every morning on waking, Hep. s. 3. Paroxysms of pressure at s,, even ing, Mez. 4. Gnawing oppression in p., night and morning, Ruta. 5. Pressure at stomach like choking, evening, Calc. carb. 6. ---- at s., particularly before breakfast, with sensation in region of dorsal vertebrae as if in a vice, Canth. 7. Oppression of s. before and after dinner, Phos. ac. 8. Constant pressure at s., at night, Cina. PRESSURE IN PARTICULAR POSITIONS OF THE BODY. 1. Pressure at s., whenever he sits down, China. 2. ----at s., as if constricted when lying on the side, going off when lying on the back, China. 3. Slight pressure at a small spot in p., disappearing on stooping, Tereb. 4. Anxious pressure in p., when lying, Stann. 5. Pressure in s., when lying on left side, disappearing by turning to right side, Tereb. 6. ---- in s., relieved by lying down, or by eructations, Graph. 7. Continual pressure in p., espe- cially when sitting, Phos. 8. Pressure below p., eased by stooping, Mosch. 9. ---- at s. when walking, with pressure on bladder and perineum, ceasing when sitting, Bry. 10. ----at s., with griping, tearing when walking, Calc. carb. 11. ---- from left side of p. to xi- phoid cartilage, when walking, Merc. sol. 12. ----below p., especially after a walk, Nux v. PRESSURE COMING ON OR GOING OFF AFTER EATING. 1. Pressure at s., after eating, fol- lowed by nausea and vomiting of the ingesta, then sour taste, Amm. carb. 2. ----in s., after a meal, with nau- sea, Merc. sol. 3. Sudden pressure above p., after eating, Hyosc. 4. Pressure at s., especially after eating, Bism. 5. ---- at s., going off by eating, China. PRESSURE. 565 6. Pressure at s., after taking the least food or drink, Ferr. acet 7. Oppression of s., after dinner and supper, Amm. carb. 8. Pressure at s., after eating and when touching it, Sep. 9. The least food oppresses his s., makes him ill-humored, Merc sol 10. Pressure in s., early, going off after breakfast, Nice 11. ---- at s., removed by eating, attended with empty eructations, Nitr. ac. 12. Troublesome pressure across s., after dinner, as if the food were too hard, Op. 13. Violent pressure at s., after din- ner, Op. 14. Pressure at s. after every meal, disappearing when walking, Bor. 15. Bread oppresses the s., Merc sol 16. Pressure in s., aggravated by drinking, Mosch. 17. Oppression of s. before breakfast, going off after eating, Petrol. 18. Pressure in s. after a meal, as from a load, Phos. 19. ---- at cardiac orifice, bread seems to remain lodged there,Phos. PRESSURE WITH ANXIETY. 1. Pressure at stomach,with anxiety, or tension, or with nausea and in- clination to vomit, succeeded by pressure at the anus, Gent, lut 2. Pressure, fulness, burning and anguish in p., Gran. 3. Dull, anxious pressure in p., Plumb, ac. 4. Sudden oppression in p., with anxiety, Sabad. 5. Pressure in p., with anguish, Carb. v. PRESSURE WITH DYSPNOIA. 1. Pressure from s. to chest, with want of breath, nausea, prostration, trembling of hands and feet, spit- ting up of bitter water which af- fords relief, Kal. carb. 2. Pressure as from a load or stone at s. or p.; sometimes increasing to dyspnoea, or shifting to the back, where it occasions a crampy sensa- tion and feeling of stiffness, Aeon. 3. ----in p., arresting the breath- ing, Cocc 4. Excessive pressure in and above p., extending over the sternum and ribs, arresting the breathing, Phos. 5. Pressure in p. as if swollen, im- peding respiration, Rhus t. 6. Disagreeable pressure in p., im- peding the breathing, attended with a peculiar desire for food, Sec. corn. 7. Contractive pressure in p., with tightness of breathing, during an evening walk, Rhod. 8. Oppression of p., when leaning back, with arrest of breathing and suppression of speech, Con. 9. Pressure in p., with oppression of chest and anguish, Guaj. 10. ---- in p., with dyspnoea, Bar. carb. 11. ---- in p., and lower part of chest, with oppressed breathing and rising of heat to head, Kal. carb. 12 ----at s., with arrest of breath- ing, China. 13. ---- in s. and chest, arresting the breathing, Gutt. PRESSURE WITH COLIC. 1. Pressure at s., and flatulent colic, after supper, followed by nausea and inclination to vomit, Puis. 2. ----in s. and colic, Kal. nit 3. ----at s., followed by colic, Kal. brom. 4. Oppression of s. and colicky pains, with emissions of wind from s., and loose bilious stool, Bism. 5. Pressure in s. with diarrhoea, pre- ceded by colic, Petrol. CRAMPY OR SPASMODIC PRESSURE. 1. Spasmodic pressure at pylorus, Tab. 566 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 2. Crampy pressure in s., at times extending to oesophagus, at times to the bowels, Cupr. acet. 3. ----pressure in p., Mosch. 4. Pressure and crampy drawing in p., Rhod. 5. Crampy pressure in p., with tightness and sensitiveness, Zinc. oxyd. 6. Oppression of s., toward evening, as if the parts in p. were drawn together, Rhus t. PRESSURE WITH STITCHES. 1. Pressure at s., with tension or stitches, Ambr. gr. 2. Pressure at s., followed by stick- ing in p., evening, Zinc. to. 3. ----in s. as with a dull point, Asar. 4. ---- at s. like a dull cutting, especially when drawing in the abdomen, Ant cr. 5. ----in p., with fulness and stick- ing, Staphis. 6. Oppressive sensation at s., with sensation of a slowly and widely spreading stitch during an inspira- tion, Stront 7. Pressure at p. as from fulness, with stitches, increased by motion and inspiration, Con. PRESSURE WITH BURNING. 1. Pressure, fulness, burning, and anguish in p., Gran. 2. ---- in s. and umbilicus, with burning, Copaiv. 3. ----and burning at s., Fluor, ac. 4. Pinching and burning pressure at s., Tax. bacc. 5. Pressure from p. to liver, also with warmth, Asaf 6. Slight pressure and burning in region of s., gradually increasing to a dull boring; lastly cutting pain along the intestines, Kal nit. 7. Pressure at s., followed by burn- ing up to chest, China. 8. Burning pressure and drawing at s., Ign. 9. Pressure and burning at s., fol- lowed by emission of flatulence from s., Bism. 10. ----in p., and sudden burning, Nitr. ac. 11. ----at s., also with burning ris- ing, Nux m. 12. ----from s. upwards, attended with burning, 01 an. 13. ---- in s. while eating, with warmth and sensitiveness in p., Aeon. 14. Oppression at p., and feeling of warmth, with tensive pain when touched, Bry, PRESSURE AT STOMACH AND OTiIER PARTS. 1. Pressure in s. and cesophagus, 01 an. 2. ----in s. and bowels, Plumb, m. 3.----in s., p., and abdomen, Lye 4. Oppression of p. and chest, Alum., Magn. carb., Mere corr. 5. Pressure from s. to chest, Dulc. 6. Violent pressure at sternum. above p., Am. PRESSURE AS IF SOMETHING WOULD RISE FROM THE STOMACH UPWARDS. I. Pressure at s., also with burning rising, Nux v. ~2. ----in s. and cesophagus, as if a foreign body were rising in it, Asa f 3. ----and choking in right side of s., as if a hard body were struggling upwards, Bar. carb. 4. —— at s., with sensation as if a hard and bitter body were rising from s. to chest, Sulp. ac. 5. ----from p. to oesophagus as if a round body would rise, Con. 6. Frequent pressure in s., after which a fetid vapor rises into the mouth, with or without eructa- tions, 01. an. PRESSURE. 567 PRESSURE, WITH FULNESS OR SWELLING. 1. Pressure at s., with fulness, and repeated and easy vomiting of the food he had taken at supper, Crot. 2. ---- in p., with distension, Hcemat. 3. Pressing in s., with feeling as if swollen, which extends over the abdomen and chest, and causes difficult breathing, Mercurial 4. Oppression and fulness in p., Cycl. 5. Pressure and fulness in s., attend- ed with inclination to water-brash, Carb. a. 6. ----at s., with bloated feeling, Sabad, 7. Oppression of s. as if too full, China. 8. Pressure in s., with fulness, and subsequent creeping under the left breast, with sensation as if a blis- ter of the size of the hand were forming there, a sort of distension or boiling up, succeeded by inef- fectual urging to stool, Lact PRESSURE, WITH FLATULENCE. 1. Pressure at s., with desire to vomit, eructations, rumbling in bowels, Brom. 2. ----and burning at s., followed by emission of flatulence from s., Bism. 3. ---- in s., followed by eructa- tions smelling like he-goat, Mosch. 4. —— below p., with eructations, Nux v. 5. Sudden pressure in p., with gurgling in bowels, Valer. 6. Pressure in s., with rumbling, feeling of emptiness, eructations, Kal. carb. 7. ---- in s., going off after emit- ting flatulence, Carb. v. 8. ---- in s., with rumbling in bowels, Mercurial. PRESSURE, DIMINISHED OR INCREASED BY CONTACT. 1. Pressure as from a hard body, increased by touch, Cupr. to. 2. •----and fulness in p., increased by external pressure, Ran. seel. 3. ----at s., increased by pressing with the hand, Nitr. ac. 4. ---- in s., caused by external pressure, Carb. a. 5. ----at s., worse when touched, with drawing and tension towards the liver, also towards the spleen, sametimes commencing at pylorus, Asaf. PRESSURE ACCOMPANIED BY OTHER SYMPTOMS. 1. Pressing and oppression in p., Hydroc ac 2. Pressure at solar plexus, Ign. 3. ---- in s., extending to throat and back, Magn. mur. 4. ----at and below p., Many. 5. ----in p., with sticking pinch- ing as if diarrhoea would set in, China. 6. ----in p., also painful, Spong. 7. Dull hard pressure under the cartilages of the last ribs, Stann. 8. Violent pressure from p. to sternum, infracostal region, and ossa ilii, Verat. 9. Pressure at s., relieved by hawk- ing, Kal. carb. 10. ----in p., with listlessness and chilliness, Kal. chlor. 11. ----in s., with feeling of hun- ger, Coloc. 12. ----in s., through to the back, in turns, Lob. inf. 13. Violent pressure at s., felt even in the back, Sulp. 14. Pressure at s., and cutting in the bowels, every half hour, Sil. 15. ----at p., as if something were moving round in it, followed by stitches in side of chest, also early, Con. 568 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 16. Pressure at s., with flow of saliva, Calc carb. 17. ----and griping in s., with tre- mulousness when walking, Natr. carb. 18. ----and crawling at p., Alum. 19.----at s., with titillating sensa- tion, Crot. 20. ----in p., with gnawing, Bell. 21. ---- at p., worse after cough, deglutition and deep breathing, Cor. rub. 22. Severe pressure from p. to back, ascending between the shoulders, Mercurial. 23. Pressure at cardiac orifice and in cesophagus, as if full of food, Ars. 24. ---- at a small spot in s. and right temple, Phos. 25. ---- at s., also with heaviness of occiput, increased by moving the head, Plumb, ac 26. Oppression near p., in region of liver, exciting an uneasiness, Ruta. 27. Violent pressure at p., or in an- terior portion of liver, Camph. 28. Tensive pressure in s., with pain- fulness of abdomen ; afterwards the pressure extends over the whole abdomen, Mosch. 29. Pressure at p., with tension in temples, and weight on sternum, Bov. 30. Feeling of pressure in epigastri- um, with sleepiness, Morph. acet 1. Sudden pressure at s., and com- pression of diaphragm, Op. 32. Pressure at s., vertigo, head- ache, redness of the eyes, dim sight, with small, contracted, hard, frequent pulse, elevated tempera- ture of body, white-coated tongue, loss of appetite, thirst, Bism. PRESSURE AS FROM A STONE, LOAD, LUMP, OR OTHER BODY. 1. Pressure as from a stone in s., Am., Cham., Coloc, Squill. 2. ----in p. as from a load, Spig. 3. ----in p. as from a lump, dis- appearing after pressure with the hand, and changing to tension and pressure in chest, Spig. 4. Pressure as from a load or stone at p. or s. (with feeling of fulness); sometimes increased to dyspnoea or shifting to the back, where it occasions a crampy sensation and feeling of stiffness, Aeon. 5. ---- in p. as from a button, after dinner, Kal nit 6. ----in s. as from a load, early, Staphis. 7. ---- in p., as from a stone moved to and fro, with crampy drawing from s. to chest, desire to vomit, eructation ; aggravation after eating, Grat. 8. ----at p. as from a hard body, increased by touch, Cupr. to. 9. ----at s. as from a stone, worse after an eructation, Nice. 10. ---- in epigastrium as from a stone, worse after walking, Nux v. 11. ----at s. as from a stone, with internal heat, Brom. 12. ---- in p. as from an icicle, recurring at regular intervals, Caust. 13. ----at s. as from a stone, some- times with rumbling, Natr. carb. 14. ---- above p. as from a large body, with coldness, Phos. 15. ----in p. as if by a hand, rising to the neck, after which she felt nauseated, and the water collected in her mouth; going off after lying down, Am. 16. ----at s., with weight as from a stone, sometimes with burning, Ars. PRESSURE, WITH NAUSEA OR VOMITING. 1. Pressure at s., with nausea and sensitiveness of p., Amm. carb. 2. ----at s., with fulness, and re- peated and easy vomiting of the food he had taken at supper, Crot. 5. ----at s., with anxiety or ten- sion, or with nausea and inclination FULNESS. 569 to vomit, succeeded by pressure at the anus, Gent. Int. 4. ---- in s. and flatulent colic, after supper, followed by nausea and inclination to vomit, Puis. 5. Violent pressure in p., early, mingled with inclination to vomit, Puis. 6. Pressure at s., with gagging and desire to vomit, Cupr. acet. 7. ---- at s., with nausea and yawning, Sulp. ac. 8. ----at s., with nausea, Sulp. 9. Violent oppression of s., mo- mentarily relieved by nausea, Tart. stib. 10. Pressure at lower end of sternum, with nausea and fulness in p., when pressing upon abdomen, Asaf. 11. ----from s. to chest, with want of breath, nausea, prostration, trembling of hands and feet, spit- ting up of bitter water, which affords relief, Kal. carb. 12. ----at p. after eating, followed by nausea and vomiting of the in- gesta, then sour taste, Amm, carb. 13. ----in s., changing to nausea, Tereb. 14. Nausea, pressure at s., passing into a burning pressure in frontal region, vertigo, with humming in the ears, quick, hard, full pulse, Bism. 15. Pressure in epigastrium, early, followed by cutting in bowels, with nausea, Nux v. 16. Nausea and inclination to vomit, followed by pressure at s., going off by empty eructations, Phell 17. Pressure at s., with desire to vomit, eructation, rumbling in bowels, Brom. 18. ----in p., with desire to vomit, Caps. 19. ---- in p. after a meal, with nausea, Merc. sol. 20. ----in p., twro mornings, before breakfast, with nausea, Petrol. 21. ----at s., with desire to vomit, rumbling in abdomen, and liquid stools, Chin sulp. ',. Pressure in p. as from a stone mov- ing to and fro, with crampy draw- ing from stomach to chest, desire to vomit, eructations; aggravation after eating, Grat. Fulness. 1. Fulness in region of s., Mosch., Mur. ac, Op., Sabin., Sulp., Sulph. ac. 2. ----and oppression at s., with short breath, Amm. mur. 3. Feeling of fulness at s., extend- ing to chest and abdomen, after coffee, Canth. 4. Fulness in s. and chest, aggra- vating the breathing, with constric- tion in throat, or with languor through the body, Cast. 5. Sense of tightness and fulness in s., Carb. v. 6. Repletion and tension in p., op- pressing the breathing, with undi- minished appetite, Mere sol. 7. ----in s., sometimes followed by drowsiness, Rheum. 8 Fulness of s. in the afternoon, Calc. carb. 9. ----at s., evening, with desire to eat, Natr. carb. 10. ---- in s. and abdomen, before breakfast, Plat. 11. ---- in s., with pressure and wind, Phos. 12. ----in s., particularly after eat- ing, China. 13. ---- at s. and distended abdo- men, Chin. sulp. . 14. ----and distension of s., with trembling and increased warmth in abdomen, and a movement pro- ceeding from the abdominal cavity to the skin as if sweat would break out, lod. 15. ---- in p. after a meal, with painful pressure at a little spot deep in the hypogastrium, behind the ossa pubis; most when stand- ing, and causing a constant desire to urinate, Am. 16. ----in s., with loathing, Am. I 570 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 17. Fulness of s., with aversion to food, food causes a pain in s., Ars. 18. ----under the short ribs ; when stooping, the p. feels full and the sight is obscured, Bell 19. ----of s., with tightness in ab- domen, Hyosc 20. The s. appears full, trembling during the menses, Amm. carb. 21. Fulness in s., with sweat on hands and head, followed by easy vomiting of the contents of s., with burning in the parts over which they pass ; the throat remains rough for a long time, with strong appetite after the attack, Zinc oxyd. 22. ----and distension of s., with hunger, Stann. 23. - - and pressure at s., Kal. carb. 24. 25. - in s., with hunger, Asar. - after eating, with painful heaviness of s., and gnawing, espe- cially when walking, standing, or sitting bent, Bar. carb. 26. Sensation as if the s. and ceso- phagus were filled with food, Arg. nit. 27. Fulness of s., removed by eat- ing, Grat. 28. ----in s. and oppressed breath- ing, Crot. 29. The s. feels full and constricted, Merc, sol 30. Fulness, inflation, and tension of s., Nux j. 31. ---- and weight in s., removed by eructations, Nux j. 32. ----and anxiety at p., Bov. Burning. 1. Burning at s., Ambr. gr., Bar. carb., Bell, Bism., Calc, carb., Camph., Carb. v., Croc, Ferr. acet, Hyosc, Ign., lod., Kal carb., Lob. inf., Magn. mur., Mang., Mez., Nitr. ac, Plumb, ac, Tab. 2. ----in p., Sec. corn., Sil, Verat 3. ----near p., Natr. carb. 4. Warmth in s., Aur. mur., Nux to., Sulph. ac. 5. Violent burning in s., Crot. 6. Agreeable feeling of warmth in s., Euphorb. 7. Burning in s. and p., Sep. 8. Heat in s. and bowels, Amm. carb., Seneg. 9. ---- in s., up to fauces, Merc. corr. 10. Burning from s. to pharynx, Amm. aur. 11. ----in s. and abdomen, Sulp. 12. Heat and burning in s., Mur. ac, Rat. 13. Warmth and pain at s., Tereb. 14. Heat and pain in s., Canth. 15. Burning at s., relieved by eruc- tations, Sabin. 16. —— in s. and cesophagus, Kal. hyd. 17. ----in upper part of s., before breakfast, Zinc. to. 18. Long-continued burning at s., Phell 19. Feeling of warmth in s., and from s. to chest, as if fire were in s., and as if sweat would break out in this region, 01. an. 20. Burning and heat from s. to chest, or with general malaise, 01 an. 21. ---- in region of pylorus, Nux v. 22. ----in s. as from red-hot coal, Euphorb. 23. ---- in s., obliging him to eat, Graph. 24. ---- in s., then heat in whole body, and sweat, Graph. 25. Unpleasant feeling of warmth and burning in s., Tart. stib. 26. Burning pain ins., near the back, Lob: inf. 27.----in s., with stupid feeling in head, Sulp. ac. 28. Slight burning in region of s., and eructations, Tab. 29. Burning in s. and chest, Arg. nit. 30. ---- in s., also with heaviness or pain, Colch. 31. ----near p., externally, Colch. BURNING. 571 32. Burning in s., generally with burning of tongue, Coloc. 33. Sour burning from s., with spas- modic constriction, Kal. carb. 34. Warmth in p., when sitting, with yawning and flow of water in mouth, Tereb. 35. Burning below left ribs, on a line with p., Chelid. 36. Sudden heat in s, followed by violent hunger, Menyant. 37. Burning and sore feeling from p. to palate, with restlessness, Mang. 38.----at p. like heartburn, with good appetite, Ant. cr. 39. Warmth in s. and p., extending to the duodenum, with empty eructations, Chin. sulp. 40. Heat in s., extending from cardia to abdomen and chest, Chin. sulp. 41. Burning in s. and lower part of oesophagus, Cinch, sulp. 42. Heat in s., at night, up to throat and head, Cinnab. 43. Violent, burning heat in s., some- times issuing from the mouth like gas, Phos. 44. Burning in s., extending to throat and bowels, Phos. 45. ---- in s., with thirst, anguish, convulsions of face, cold limbs, clear, running eyes, pale lips, weak pulse, death, Phos. 46. ---- below p., then moving to the left side, Phos. ac. 47. ----, or cooling burning in s. and abdomen, Lauroc. 48. Slight burning from p. to pha- rynx, gradually increasing to that of a burning coal, Sabad. 49. Horrid burning in s., after wak- ing, as if it would rise to her throat, with Teeling of suffocation, Sabad. 50. Turns of burning in p., Natr. mur. 51. Alternate heat and coldness in p., Natr. mur. 52. Warmth and burning in s., with ptyalism, Brom. 53. Burning at stomach not removed by drinking, Cal. seg. 54. Violent burning at cardiac ori- fice, with great anxiety about the heart, Ran. bulb. 55. Mounting of heat to p., when stooping, with blackness of sight, going off on raising the head, Merc sol 56. Warm feeling in s. and abdomen Caust. 57. Burning and throbbing at a small spot on left side near p., Mur. ac. 58. Warmth in s. and burning in p., Cascar. 59. Violent burning in s., sometimes with taste of wine, Canth. 60. Burning at pylorus, Canth. 61.----at s., with sense of swell- ing, Caps. 62. Hot feeling at s., and hacking sensation when sitting quiet, Sulp. 63. Burning and pinching at s., after rising, going off after brealuast. Natr. sulp. 64.----cutting, and twisting sensa- tion in s., Sulp. 65.----at p., also as if proceeding from below upwards, or soon after supper, with anxiety, or with a cooling sensation rising to oesopha- gus and pharynx, Nux v. 66. Violent burning in p., whence emanates an itching sensation like the creeping of ants, passing along the linea alba to the left and right popliteal spaces, Morph. acet. BURNING WITH NAUSEA OR VOM TING. 1. Burning in s., then retching and vomiting, Seneg. 2. ----in region of s., with loath- ing, Zinc. oxyd. 3.----in s., with nausea and ver- tigo, Tereb. 4. ----, nausea, and pain at s., Arg. nit. 5. Warmth in s., with nausea, mo- mentary, Arg. nit. 6. Sensation of stinging heat, fob lowed by warmth in s., then nausea, loathing, vertigo, headache, Tab. 572 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. BURNING WITH STITCHES. 1. Hot feeling in s., as from hunger, up to the head, with darting or tensive stitches in temples or fore- head, Mang. 2. Burning in s., with stitches, Kal nit. 3.----and pricking at p., shifting to right axilla and upper arm, Amm. mur. 4.----and pricking in outer parts of p., after a meal, Bor. BURNING WITH PRESSURE. 1. Burning sore pressure in p., Ran. bulb. 2. Dull burning at s. and epigas^ ' trium, changing to violent pressure, then to gnawing at orifice of s., hindering deep breathing, and leaving a dull sensation behind, Cal. seg. 3. Burning, and cutting or burning and oppressive weight at s , Phos. 4. ----in s. and p., with pain and oppression, Ars. 5. ----in chest and s., with tight- ness and oppression, Ars. 6.----below p., with pressure, Ambr. gr. 7.---- and pressure in s., Kal hyd. 8. ---- at p., after a meal, with pressure, Euphorb. 9.----and pressure at s., termi- nating in stinging, Amm. mur. 10. ---- and pressure in p., when pressing on the part, Mez. Stitches. 1. Stitches in p., Bell, Eng., lod.. Natr. mur. 2. Stitch in s., Sulp. ac 3. Stitches in s., Carb. a. 4. ---- with pressure at p., with dyspnoea occasioned by a sharp pinching pain in right side of chest, Bor. 5. Stinging in s., also with rising of warmth, 01. an. 6. Lancinations in p., also in bed, Nux v. 7. Tearing stitch from p. to chest, when raising the head after stoop- ing, Carb. a. 8. Stitches in p., with sensation as if they contracted the heart, Caust. 9. Sticking and pricking in s. and p., Raph. 10. Stitches in p., causing an acute pain, Ran. seel 11.----in p., when making a wrong step, Puis. 12. Stitch on left side of s., and in p., Rheum. 13. Stitches in region of s., when making the least bodily effort, Petrol 14. ----in p., afternoon, Petrol. 15. Darting at p., when treading, also when making a wrong step, or also during movement, Bry. 16. Fine darting stitches at p., which is drawn in at every stitch ; worse when sitting; it makes him weak and sick at s., Cal. seg. 17. Prickings at p., deep-seated, Cal seg. 18. Stitches across the region of s., Calc. carb. 19. ---- at s., sometimes with re- traction of s., or followed by burn- ing, Natr. carb. 20. Lancination in p., Ruta. 21. Pricking in p., Ruta. 22. Darting from p. to small of back, Lauroc 23. Stitches at pylorus, Lact. 24. Frequent stitches at p., causing one to cry out, Kreas. 25. Severe stitches from p. to back, Sabin. 26. Sticking in p., near right hypo- chondrium, Rhus t. 27. Stitches from right side-toward s., R'ius 28. ----on right side, near p., Plat. 29. Frequent dartings from p. to back, Plumb, ac. CRAMP, SPASM, CARDIALGIA. 573 30. Stitching at p., and a drawing from p. to small of back., Phos. ac. 31.----, with pressure, at p., as if something were pulled away, Phos. ac 32. Stitches at p., arresting the breathing, Phos. 33.----above s. and through abdo- men, wh6re they are broader, Phos. 34.----from both sides of s., towards each other, with stitch in middle of sternum, Zinc to. 35. ----in p., with pressure ; pain- less swelling of p., Coff. 36. Dartings in s., Gutt. 37. Stinging at s., or right hypo- chondrium, Hyp. perf 38. Fine stinging at s., Ign. 39. Burning stitches in region of s., externally, early, Magn. sulph. 40. Stitches in p., when raising or stretching the body, Manj. 41. Cutting or stitches at p. or s., Alum. 42. Sticking near s., when sitting crooked, AEth. 43. Darting in s., China. 44. Stitches from p. to sternum, or after drinking, China. 45. Fine stitches near left side of p., Squill. 46. Stitch in p., also with oppression of chest, Spig. 47. Long fine stitch at xyphoid car- tilage, after a meal, Stann. 48. Sticking on left side near xiphoid cartilage, Verbose 49. Stitches from s. to left axilla and small of back, Kal carb. 50. Prickings in p., Sep. 51. Stitches across region of s., Magn. mur. 52. Digging-up stitches from dia- phragm through last ribs, Asaf. 53. Cutting sticking in p. and epi- gastrium, after breakfast, Kal. nit. 54. Stitches in p. when breathing or walking, Anac 55. Fine stitches through s., to the spine, Bar. carb. 56. Violent stitch in p., causing one to start, Magn, carb. 57. Sudden stitches on right side of p., Magn. carb. 58. Violent stitches above p., less during rest, Tab. 59. Sticking from p. through to back, Tab. 60. Stitches in s. and abdomen, Graph. 61. Sticking in p., particularly after stool, Grat 62. Dull stitch from right side of s. to lumbar region, when inspiring air, Sulp. 63. Pricking in s. and p., Sulp. 64. Fine stitches below p., when sit- ting, Euphras. 65. Sudden stitches in p. when swal- lowing fast, Sep. 66. Dull stitches on left side of p., Cupr. to. 67. Stitches at s., evening, Con. 68. Single stitches near p., Croc. 69. Stitches from s. to back, Nice. 70. Stitch below the p., Nitr. ac. 71. Stitches or pulsations in p., -Bham-.-edb. J'_, s< },■_. /■ ^L 72. Sticking and throbbing in p Dros., Graph. Cramp, Spasm, Cardialgia. 1. Crampy sensation in p., Dros. 2.----feeling in s. up to throat, Coloc, 3. Cramp of the s., Ant. cr., Nitr. ac. 4. ----in s. and abdomen, Sep. 5. Spasm of s., Bell, Con., Kal. nitr. 6.----in s., at night, Sulp. 7. Frequent spasms of s., lod. 8. Contractive spasm in s., Carb. a., Carb. v., Calc. caust, Hydroc. ac, Petrol. 9. Cardialgia, Aur. mur., Ferr. acet, Sec corn., Tab. 10. damp in s., some hours after eating, Mere sol. 11. Spasm in s., with continual sour eructations, Carb. v. 574 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 12. Spasm of s. like a pressure and contraction, on waking from a bad dream, with nausea and flow of water in mouth, Caust. 13. Cutting and compressive spasm in s. and abdomen, Calc. carb. 14. Cramp in s., some hours after eating, Merc sol 15. Violent spasms of s., afternoon, with sweat breaking out all over, Calc. carb. 16. Spasm of s., with nausea, eruc- tations, and yawning, Calc. carb. 17. Contractive cramp at s.. with coldness there, Natr. mur. 18. Slight cardialgia with heartburn, Sec corn. 19. Frequent crampy sensations in p., Sassap. 20. Crampy feeling in p., as if too full and tight, Rhus t. 21. Cardialgia, with vomiting and all the other symptoms of gastritis, Plumb, ac. 22. Paroxysms of cardialgia, at first light and not frequent, afterwards more violent, frequent, and perma- nent, Plumb, m. 23. Cramp in s., also in the evening, in bed, Phos. 24. Cramp-feeling in s., p., and chest, like a chilly tremulousness, Phos. 25. Spasm of s., griping-tearing in s., Cocc. 26. Crampy sensation and tension in p., when walking, Cocc 27. Chronic spasm of s., always dur- ing a meal, Bell. 28. Spasm of s., in paroxysms, re- lieved by vomiting, Hyosc 29. Spasmodic contraction in p. and across the chest, Kal. carb. 30. Violent cardialgia at night; twisting at s., down to abdomen, Arg. nit. 31. Cardialgia and internal chilliness; he looks sick; before breakfast, Arg. nit. 32.----and nausea, before break- fast, Arg. nit. 33. Is waked in the morning by a sensation of hunger, after dreaming that he is hungry; on waking, is attacked with spasm of the s., with hunger, nausea, flatulence, Arg. nit. 34. Contraction and spasm from s. to chest, Lye 35. Cardialgia, bordering on inflam- mation, Tart. stib. 36. Cramps in s., before breakfast, Gran. 37. Spasm of s., in bed, Grat. 38. Crampy feeling from s. to throat, Sulp. 39. ----sensation at s. and orifice, and then nausea, Eug. 40. Spasm of s., and colic, without stool, Cupr. to. Coldness. 1. Cold feeling at s., Amm. carb., Chelid., Chin., lod., Kal. bich., Kat. nit, 01 an., Rhus t, Sulp. 2. Coldness in s., Cast, Nitr, ac, Phos. ac. 3. Cold s., Ign. 4. Empty or cold feeling in s., Grat, 5. Cold and empty feeling in s., Bar. carb., Graph. 6. Cooling sensation, especially in p., Camph. 7. Icy coldness in oesophagus and s., preceded by warmth in s., rising of nausea in cesophagus and flat taste at root of tongue, Lact. 8. Creeping feeling of coldness in s. and p., Lact. 9. Feeling of coldness in s., some- times alternating with heat, Phos. 10. Chilliness in region of s., Berb. v. 11. Cold feeling in s., with stitches, Hydroc ac. 12. Coldness in s., with desire to vomit, early, Magn. sulph. 13. Sensation as of a cold stone at s., with vomiting and frequent stools, Aeon. 14. Coldness in s., with some eruc- tations, Alum. 15. Sense of cold water in s., after- wards sensation of trembling, Caps. NAUSEA, VOMITING. 575 16. Coldness in p., with fulness, Spong, 17. Pressure at s., with feeling of coldness, Zinc. m. 18. Icy coldness in s., with nausea, rising of water, Kal. nit. 19. Coldness and pain in s., Kal. nit. 20. The stomach feels icy-cold, Colch. 21. Coldness in s., and along the vertebral column, Tab. 22. Coolness and relaxed feeling at s., with loss of appetite, Sulp. ac 23. Coldness in s., with desire to vomit, Tab. 24. Cold feeling on outside of region of s., Sulp. 25. Chilly feeling in s., then heat and sweat, Mercurial. 26. Cold feeling at s., as if a lump of ice were lying there, Bov. Empty Feeling. 1. Empty feeling at s., Amm. carb., Caust, Gent, lut, Mercurial, Phos., Sabad. 2. Empty feeling in region of s., especially the cesophagus, not going off by eating, with rumbling in bowels, Mur. ac 3. Feeling of hunger and rumbling in s, early, Ran. bulb. 4. Empty feeling in s., with dulness of head, Petrol 5. Sensation as if the s. were fasting, Natr. carb. 6. Sense of fasting in s., with shift- ing of pinching flatulence in bowels, Natr. sulp. 7. Empty and gnawing feeling in s., Ruta. 8.----feeling at s., frequently, Plumb, ac 9. Sensation in s. as if one had been too long without food until the hunger was gone, Cocc 10. Empty feeling in abdomen and s., Gutt. 11. Fasting sensation in s., with ris- ing of heat from time to time, Ind, 12. Alternate paroxysms of empty feeling at s., with canine hunger, and fulness, Ign. 13. Sensation in s. as from long fast- ing, with empty feeling, flat taste in mouth, and languor, Ign. 14. Empty and flat feeling in s. China. 15.----feeling and grumbling at s. and in the bowels, Tener. 16.----feeling in p., going off by rumbling in left hypochondrium Verbasc. 17. Sense of fasting in p., then pres sure at p., with incarcerated flatu lence, Anac. 18. Empty or hungry feeling at s., Amm. mur. 19. Sense of fasting and emptiness in s., without hunger, Nice 20.----fasting in s., 01 an. 21.----emptiness in p., with feeling of fulness in abdomen, Oleand. 22. Early, the s. and abdomen feel as if entirely empty, 01 an. Nausea, Vomiting. 1. Qualmish feeling in s., Lact, Petrol. 2. Sensation of qualmishness and emptiness in s., with constant pain- less shifting of flatulence in bowels, Phell 3. Nausea, loathing and inclination to vomit in s., Phell. 4. ----, with burning in s., Nuxj. 5. Sick feeling at p., evening, Nux s. 6. Empty and qualmish feeling in s., not removed by eating, Kal. hyd. 7. Qualmishness in s., in bed, and also after breakfast or dinner, Zinc to. 8. Excessive sick feeling at s. or p., Ipec. 9. Qualmishness in p. and soon after shuddering, Phos. 10. Malaise at s. without desire to vomit, Plumb, ac 11. Qualmish feeling in s., with flow of water, Seneg. 12. Qualmishness of s., after eating 576 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. fruit, with tension in hypochondria, Natr. curb. 13. Nausea and qualmishness in s., with sudden rising of water, Cas- tor. Digging. 1. Digging in p., or sensation as if something were rolled up there like a ball of thread, Am. 2. ---- sensation in p., succeeded by frequent rising of bitter water, Kal. carb. 3. ---- in s., as if it would be pierced, Kal. carb. 4. ----, with painful contraction and sensation as if everything in the s. would be overturned with rising of water, or burning rising in the throat, Kal carb. 5. ----in s., with sudden desire to vomit, and shivering on hairy scalp, Grat. 6. Turning and digging in s., with distension of epigastrium, intole- rance of tight clothes, eructation, gagging up of bitter mucus, Grat. 7. Sense of digging and constriction at s., Nice 8. Digging in s. as from a worm, Lach. Weakness. 1. Feeling of weakness in s., Canth., Cupr. to., Hyosc, Kal. brom., Lauroc, Lob. inf., Op., Squill 2. Deranged, weak s., for a long time, Phos. 3. Weak feeling in s., with coldness in region of s., and slight pressure, Verat. 4. Weakness of s. as after long fast- ing, with flows of water in mouth, Gutt. 5. Peculiar feeling of weakness in epigastrium and p., Ign. 6. Weakness in s., with vertigo, he has to lie down, Ambr. gr. 7. Faintish weakness at p., Kal nit 8. After the vomiting the s. remains weak for a long time, Tab. 9. Sensation of excessive weakness at p., extending to the chest and umbilicus, Lob. inf. 10. Weakness of the s., as if he would die, Dig. 11. ----of the digestive faculty for a long time, Dig. Griping. 1. Griping in p., Calc carb., Puis. 2. Sudden gripings in s., with anxi- ety in the evening, Petrol. 3. Griping and gnawing in s., early, Natr, carb. 4.---- at s., in paroxysms, Phos. 5. Pinching, spasmodic griping in s., Am. 6. Tearing, griping in s., China. 7. Spasmodic griping in s. and around the umbilicus, with nausea and anxious rising to the p., Stann. 8. Griping and burning at s., mo- mentarily, Arg. nit. 9. Gripings in s., every evening, Sulp. ac 10. Griping in s., with nausea, had to spit all the time, Graph. 11. ----and sudden seizing as with the hand in left side of s., followed by constriction of orifice of s., flow of saltish saliva and shuddering over the skin, Euphorb. 12. ----, pinching and crampy sen- sation above s. and hypochondria for a week, Sil 13. ---- from s. to chest, followed by pinching in s., Nitr. ac 14. ---- and pinching in s., going and coming, Nitr. ac. Inflammation, Suppuration, Gan- grene. 1. Inflammation of s., Arg. nit, Aur. mur., Bism., Brom., Canth., Cupr. acet, Euphorb., Hyosc. Mez., Kal nit, Kal, hyd., Phos., Stram., Tart. stib. 2. Suppuration of s., Plumb, ac BEATING, THROBBING. 577 3. Inflammation of s., in region of orifice, lod. 4. Gastro-enteritis, Arg. nit. 5. Inflammation, suppuration and dissolution of the mucous mem- brane of s., the muscular mem- brane being involved in the in- flammation, Arg. nit. 6. Inflammation of s. and duode- num, Bell. 7, ----and bowels, Hydroc ac 8. ----and bowels, with gangrene, Merc. corr. 9. Pain and inflammation of s., and portions of intestines, Tab. 10. Gangrene of s., lungs and liver, preceded by inflammation, See corn. 11. ----of the primae visae, Arg. nit. 12. Inflammation and gangrene of s. and intestinal canal, with violent burning and cutting, Phos. Drawing. 1. Drawing in s., Canth. 2. ---- sensation at p., hither and thither, Croc. 3.----, pinching and sticking in and around p., and in both hypochon- dria down to the hip joints, Sil. 4. ---- and cutting in s., Natr. carb. and cutting in s., early, Kal. carb 6. Crampy drawing in p. up to chest, Agar. 7. Drawing and nausea at p., as if distended from within, Mang. 8. ---- as if the walls of the s. would be distended, Ign. 9. Sensation as if the p. were drawn in, Hell. 10. Drawinginandbelowp.j^mc.TO. 11. ---- and stretching in s., when riding in a carriage, Phos. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Beating in region of s., Puis. 2. Pulsations in p., Asa f, lod., Nitr. ac. Vol. HI.-37. 3. Throbbing in p., Carb. v., Natr. mur. 4. Violent visible throbbing near p., on same line with p., Merc. sol. 5. Perceptible pulsation in p., Puis. 6. Intermittent throbbing on left side over p., Oleand. 7. Violent beating and painless clurking (throbbing) in p., at regu- lar intervals, Rheum. 8. Beating in s. and abdomen, Bruc. 9. Throbbing, extending from p. through the entire trunk, worse during motion, Kreas. 10. Violent throbbing below p., Rhus t. 11. Dull beating near p., Plat 12. Beating below p. as if in the inte- guments, also resembling the creeping of a worm, Zinc. to. 13. Pecking and gnawing sensation below p., Cocc 14. Painless beating in p., Bell 15. Beating in s., aggravated by leaning against anything, Gutt 16. Throbbing in p., with dulness in head, Magn. mur. 17. Cramp-like throbbing in p., caus- ing a breathing with anguish, Chelid. 18. Fine painless beating in p., Thuj. 19. Throbbing at s., with pain when touched, Kal. carb. 20. Pulsation at orifice of s., Kal nit 21. Throbbing in p., when raising the trunk, Lye 22. Violent beating in region of s., Tart. stib. 23. Throbbing in p., with faint feel- ing, Sulp. 24. Beating in s., with nausea, Natr. sulp. 25. Throbbing at s., particularly after supper, Nuxj. 26. Sensation in p. as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole chest; he does not feel this beating when touching the part with the fingers, nor does the heart beat more strongly than usual, Oleand. 578 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. Tearing. 1. Tearing in s., Nux v. 2. Constrictive tearing in p., then in chest, Merc sol 3. Drawing, tearing in p. as if a thread were drawn through, or as if a muscular fibre would be torn out, Kreas. 4. Tearing and pinching in and be- Low p., Zinc to. 5. ---- across region of s., when walking, Ars. 6. Spasmodic, oppressive or boring tearing in s., Ars. 7. Tearing from p. to cesophagus, Aeth. 8. Cutting tearing in p., after din- ner, Ang. 9. Drawing tearing in p., with sen- sation as of a heavy body in p., when raising the trunk, Bar. carb. 10. Tearing in s. after a meal, Tab. 11. ----with pressure around p., Sep. 12. ---- and violent spasms in s. Cupr. acet. 13. Griping-tearing in s., early, going off" after breakfast, Puis. Catting. 1. Cutting in s., Ars., Phos., Stront, Sulph. 2. ----at p., Bry. 3. ---- around s. with urging to stool, Petrol 4. ----over the p., Cal seg. 5. Violent cutting in s., with flatu- lence, Ind. 6. Cutting, like spasms, in s., below diaphragm, extending toward the vertebral column, when sitting, Agar. 7. ----in s., when yawning. Chelid. 8. ----around s., Stann. 9. Sensation in s., as if cut to pieces, with sensitiveness externally, early, Kal. carb. 10. Cutting and burning at s. and di- aphragm, Asaf. 11. Cuttings around s., and painful movements in the same, in short paroxysms, when sitting or walk- ing, Sulp. ac 12. Cutting and sticking in p. par- ticularly when drawing in the ab- domen, Tart. stib. 13. ---- below the s. and in right side near the hip bone, externally, with tearing in the bowels, Crot. Gnawing. 1. Gnawing in s., Ars. 2.----in s., early, Carb. v. 3. ---- and jerking in s., Calc carb. 4. ----sensation in region of s., before eating, Rhod. 5.----and fine beating in p., with tight feeling, Ars. 6. ---- in s., with flatulence in bowels, Gutt. 7.----from s. to pharynx, as from something, $cid. Hep. s. 8. ----or digging in s., Chelid. 9. Raging gnawing at s., a sort of hunger with nausea, Arg. nit. 10. Gnawing and griping in s., be fore dinner, Graph. 11.----as from hunger, after eat- ing, Grat 12. ---- or grinding in s., Amm. mur. 13.----in s. as if hungry, Puis. 14.----at s. before breakfast, Nitr. ac. Risings. I. Acrid rising from s., like heart- burn, Carb. v. 2. Frequent risings in the evening, from p. to throat-pit, almost stop- ping the breath, Rhus t Contractive or Constrictive Sensation. 1. Contraction of the s., Arg. nit., PINCHING. 579 Kal. bich., Lauroc, Menyan., Plumb, ac. 2. Contraction at p., Bor. Croc 3. Constrictive sensation in s., Gent. tut, Ran. seel 4. Sense of contraction under s., Carb. v. 5. Contractive sensation in s., at- tended by nausea, Rheum. 6. Sensation in p. and sternum as from sitting bent continually, Lact. 7. Tensive contraction of s., with sourish eructations, Phos. 8. Contraction and gnawing in s., Phos. 9. Contraction from both sides of s., with anxiety and warmth in head and body, Zinc to. 10. Sensation, when sitting, as if the s. were held together from side to side, Phos. 11. Contractive feeling in s., after eating, Bell. 12. Contractive and sore feeling at s., with sensitiveness to the touch, Gutt. 13. Contraction in s. as from astrin- gents, Aeon. 14. Twisting and constriction in re- gion of s., up to chest and throat, Alum. 15. Contractive crampy feeling in p., with difficult breathing, China. 16. Crampy feeling in p., Squill 17. Contractive-cramp in epigastri- um, Thuy. 18. Contraction of s., with loathing and nausea, Asa f 19. Constrictive sensation at s., with anguish and difficult breathing, Guaj. 20. Contraction of s., from every side towards the centre, as if con- stricted, with flow of saliva and desire to vomit, Euphorb. 21. Spasmodic contraction of s., with rising of air, Euphorb. 22. Occasional contraction of s., Cu- pr. acet. .23. Constriction of s. and pressure in p., with running from nose and eyes, Crot. 24. Contractive and constrictive sen- sation in s., 01. an. Weight, Heaviness, Load. 1. Sense of weight in s., Calc. carb., Chin., Dig., Kal. carb., Plumb, ac, Plumb, to., Phos., Sil 2. Weight in s., with sense of trembling, Carb. v. 3. WThen sitting, the fdod weighs like a stone in p., Merc sol. 4. Heaviness in s., less after walk- ing, Petrol 5. Heaviness in p. and abdomen, Pimp. 6. Weight in s., with constriction in throat and nausea, Aeon. 7. Heaviness and fulness in p., Kal. nit. 8. Heaviness of s., with nausea, when fasting, Bar. carb. 9. Pressure and heaviness at s. as if pulled down, Arg. nit. 10. Heaviness and pains in s., with nausea, Arg. nit. 11. Sense of load in s., with putrid eructations, desire to vomit, pinch- ing in region of s., and stinging pain in anterior and superior por- tion of head, Tart. stib. 12. Heaviness and pressure in s., with anguish and full, heavy breathing, Gent, lut 13. Heaviness in s., with dull pain in whole abdomen, Sep. 14. Sense of weight in s., early on waking, Puis. 15. Weight and tightness below p., Natr. mur. Pinching. 1. Pinching in s., Asar., Hell. 2. Pinching in p., Carb. v., Rhod. 3. Sticking and pinching in s., Canth. 4. Pinching, pinching-tearing, or biting in s., Cast 5. Pinching and cutting in s., Natr. carb. 580 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 6. Pinching with pressure, in right side near p., at a small spot, Sa- bin. 7. ------ and shifting from p., to a small place in hypogastrium, Rhus t. 8. Pinching at p., with flatulence, PI i 9. Contractive pinching in s., Phos. 10. Pinching at s., going off after emitting flatulence, Menyan. 11. Pinching in p., when sitting crooked, Agn. cast. 12. Pinching below p., with nausea and eructation, Tereb. 13. Pinching below p., with acute bruised pain on touching it, Sulp. ac 14. Nightly pinching in s., with dig- ging in chest, Graph. 15. Pinching from above downwards, in s., Sulp. 16. Pinching at s., evening, Dulc. 17. Pinching in s., then in bowels, Con. 18. Pinching in s., followed by con- traction of chest, with sensation in back as if grasped into one heap, and with eructations, Con. 19. Spasmodic pinching in s., Con. 20. Pinching and cutting at s., Phell. Tingling, Creeping. 1. Tingling at s., Caust. 2. Creeping sensation in region of s., Rhod. 3. Tingling in s., with sensation as if it would go to sleep, Cast. 4. Creeping in s., with desire to vo- mit, Lam. alb. 5. Creeping from p. to throat, as if she had swallowed feather dust, inducing a hacking cough, Plat. 6. Tingling in s. as if he would vo- mit (when raising himself), Colch. 7. Sensation as if a worm were moving about in s., Cocc. 8. Whirling sensation in region of s., Berb. v. 9. Whirling sensation in p., with flushes of heat in face, Lye Swelling, Bloating. 1. Swelling in p., June, Sulph. 2. Sensation of swelling at p., Bry. 3. Painful bloatedness of epigas- trium, morning, Cham. 4. Inflation of region of s., towards the left side, with pressure, Calc. carb. 5. The s. feels swollen and sensitive, Natr. carb. 6. Bloated s. and abdomen, eructa- tions afford no relief, Phos. 7. Inflation of epigastrium, after lying down, with tensive pain in s., Bell 8. Alternate swelling and sinking of s., Aeon. 9. Bloated feeling under the skin, at s., with pinching in abdomen, Stann. 10. Sense of swelling in region of s., Kal carb. 11. Swelling of p. and upper abdo- men, with a painful stitch when pressing upon it, Aur. m. 12. Sense of swelling in p., with empty feeling in abdomen, Dulc. 13. Bloatedness of s., bowels and uterus, Nux to. Rumbling, Flatulence. 1. Rumbling in s., Magn. carb., Menyant, Phos. aC, Sep. 2. Audible rumbling in s., on wak- ing, Carb. ac 3. Grurtlbling in s., also succeeded by acid eructations, Lauroc. 4. Gurgling in s. and abdomen, with anguish under the sternum, alter- nating with burning and feeling of coldness, Lact. 5. Rumbling in s., or sensation as if bubbles were breaking, Phos. 6. Gurgling sensation in or below p., Cocc. 7. Rumbling in s., with colic, Am. TENSION, 1 8. Flatulence, with pressure at s., Am. 9. Flatulence under the sternum, passing off with rumbling in bow- els, after which the nausea in- creased, Bell. 10. Movement of flatulence in region of s., then in hypogastrium, Magn. mur. 11. Gurgling in pit of s., going off by friction, Magn. mur. 12. Constant broad rumbling and shrill noises in s., Kal hyd. 13. Grumbling and movements in s. as if diarrhoea would set in, Kal carb. 14. Shifting flatulence in s-., with empty eructations, Arg. nit. 15. Shifting flatulence in s., Tart. stib. 16. Fermentation in s., with subse- quent expulsion of wind ; followed alternately by dull pressure, draw- ing and stitches in abdomen, lastly weariness of eyes, Graph. 17. Gurgling in s., with weight on chest, Crot. 18. Gurgling from s. to chest, as from a liquid, or as in cardialgia, 01 an. 19. Grumbling from s. to throat, Par. quad. Flat, Relaxed Feeling. 1. Flat feeling ins., Caps. 2. Sensation as if the stomach were hanging down relaxed, with loss of appetite, Ipec. 3. Stomach and bowels feel as if hanging down relaxed, Ign. 4. Sense of laxness in s., and ceso- phagus, as from a quantity of tepid water, Spong. 5. The stomach hangs down relaxed, Euphorb. 6. Pain in s. as if hanging down re- laxed, Staphis. Turning Sensation. 1. Sudden sense of turning in p., Rat IGHTNESS. 581 2. Sensation below p. as if the s. were turned inside out, Sabad. 3. Sense of turning in s., followed by burning from s. to chest, Aeth. 4. Sensation in s., as if something would turn round, Kal. nit. 5. Sensation as if the s. would turn, Tab. 6. Sense of turning in s. with dis- position to waterbrash, qualmish- ness, Amm. mur. 7. Sensation of turning in s., Nux v. 8. Sense of turning upward in s., after dinner, 01 an. 9. Sense of turning in s., with desire to vomit, 01. an. Tension, Tightness. 1. Tightness at p., Hyosc, 2. Tension, heaviness, dragging sen- sation in s., with contractive pain below the sternum, Cast. 3. Tightness in s., as from repletion. Mosch. 4.----in p., with anguish at the praecordia, Lact, 5.----at s. and p., Kreas. 6.----at s., with acute pain, shift- ing of flatulence, nausea, loose stools, Cinch, sulph. 7. Tension in s. and abdomen, pre- ceded by movements in abdomen, lod. 8.----across p., Hep. s. 9. Feeling of tightness below s., with empty eructations, Ant. cr. 10. Tension and pressure in s., caus- ing anxiety and a sensation as if the s. were filled to bursting, Arg. nit. 11. Tension in p. and pressure at xiphoid cartilage when stooping, Tarax. K 12. Sticking tension around p., when breathing, Lye 13. Crampy tension in p., as if drawn in, particularly when drawing a long breath, Dros. 14. Tension at s. and epigastrium, Crot. 582 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 15. Tightness in p. after every din- ner, with a smarting, burning soreness, for three days, Mosch. 16. Tension from p. to chest, Puis. 17.----in region of s., going off by motion, Puis. 18.----in and across p., followed by pain in abdomen as if raw and sore, Nux v. Anxiety, Anguish, 1. Anxiety at s., Puis. 2. ----in p., Cupr. to., Lye 3. Anguish at p., Calc. acet. 4. Anguish apparently proceeding from the s., when sitting, with burning in the abdomen, soon going off again when walking or standing, Calc. acet. 5. Oppressive anguish in p., at night, extending to upper part of chest, Ars. 6. Oppression and anguish in p., with lamentation and moaning, Ars. 7. General sick feeling, with an- guish, proceeding from the s., and colic, Hozmat. 8. Oppressive anxiety in p., par- ticularly after eating, China. 9. Anxiety and pressure in p., Teucr. 10. Anguish, inclination to vomit, pains in region of heart, preceded by chilliness extending to the elbow, Gins. 11. Anxiety at p., with dry heat of body or difficult breathing, Stram. 12. Oppressive auxiety or anguish in p., also alternating with beating pains, Lauroc 13. Anguish, oppression, and pres- sure at s., with nausea and flow of water in mouth, Crot. Distension. 1. Distension above p., Natr. carb. 2. ----of region of s., Ferr. acet. 3. Distension of region of s., with sensitiveness to the touch, Par. quad. 4. Sensation in p. as if strained by distension and bruised, with ful- ness in abdomen, Camph. 5. Distension of p. and s., with scratching and tearing in s., Plat 6.----of s. and abdomen, anguish, desire to vomit, sour eructations tasting of the ingesta, headache, Hozmat 7. Sense of distension at s., with icy-cold hands, Hep. s. 8. Distension of p., with ulcerative pain, Hell. 9. —--- and tension in and about s., Gent lut. 10.----from incarcerated wind, on left side of epigastrium, with crampy pain, Carb. v. 11.----of region of s., which is painful to the touch, Cupr. acet. 12. Tight pressing distension of s., sometimes extending to bowels, with slight dragging cutting ; dis- charge of flatulence gives relief, Mercurial. 13. Region of s. full and distended, Mercurial. 14. Distension of s. and abdomen, with frequent eructations and emis- sions of flatulence, 01 an. Rough, Acrid Feeling. 1. Scraping in s., Crot. 2. ----•, rough sensation in p., Hell 3. Acrid and scraping sensation in 3., up to throat, Sulp. 4. Scraping sensation in p., Nux v. 5. Sensation as if an acrid, rough vapor were ascending from s., with disposition to eructate, Phell. Trembling. 1. Trembling and pressure at p.. with want of breath, as if fainting, Natr. sulp. 2.----and throbbing in s., Arg. nit. VARIOUS PHENOMENA. 583 3. Trembling of the s., followed by gulping up of water which some- times has a putrid taste (with loathing), or also with general weakness during the trembling, Magn. sulph. Disagreeable, Uneasy Feeling. 1. Disagreeable sensation at s., Dig., Mere corr. 2, Uneasiness in s., Kal bich. 3. Uneasy feeling at s., all day, as if overloaded, Kal. bich. 4. Uneasiness, weight, and acrid feeling in p., during the period of digestion, Hep. s. 5. Disagreeable sensation at upper orifice of s., and a little beyond the oesophagus, Zinc. to. 6. Uneasy feeling in s., with sore- ness and tenderness, Kal. bich. 7. Malaise in s., Kal. hyd. 8. Indescribable disagreeable feel- ing at s., Pliell. Jerks, Shocks, Twitchings. 1. Visible twitchings in region of s., Plat. 2. Violent jerks below s., Am. 3. Sudden shock in s., terminating in empty eructations, Kal. carb. 4. Muscular twitchings in p., Mez. 5. Dull or dull-sticking shock in p., Plat 6. Jerks from s. to throat, with tensive pain in throat, anxiety, and internal heat, which passes off after a meal, Puis. Movements, Working. 1. Movements to and fro in s., with burning, Ind. 2. Writhing movements in p., with desire to vomit, lachrymation and flow of water from mouth, Tab. 3. Burning working in s. or bowels, eased by eructation or emission of flatulence, Mercurial 4. Painless movement on left side of p., Nitr. ac. Sensation as of a Lump or Ball. 1. Sensation in s. and bowels, every day, as if a lump were forming, Lact. 2.----as of a lump in s., particu- larly when standing, Rhus t 3.----of a ball in p., Tereb. 4.----of hard swelling in p., Natr. mur. Watery Feeling. 1. Sensation as if the s. were full of water up to the throat, 01 an. 2. The s. feels sick and as if full of water, Magn. carb. 3. Feeling in s. as if full of water, Kal. carb. 4. Sensation as if the s. were full of water, with nausea, Lauroc. 5.----as if the s. were full of water which wants to rise, suc- ceeded by a sensation as if a large round body were turning round in s., and were then falling; lastly, grumbling in s., Phell Various Phenomena. 1. Boring in s., after rising, pre- ceded by nausea, and attended with diarrhoea, Natr. sulp. 2. Sensation in s. as if it contained something bitter, Cupr. to. 3. Hollow feeling at s., Sulp. 4. Dragging in s., Stront. 5. Drawing in s., as if part of it would be pulled off, Ars. 6. Itching of p., not relieved by scratching, Kal, carb. 7. Rush of blood to p., Nitr. ac. 8. Congestion of blood to s., Tart. stib. 9. Spasmodic pulling in p., when lying on one side, in bed, with small, feeble, contracted pulse, Lauroc. 584 SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH. 10. Sensation in p. *as if^ screwed together, Zinc, m, 11. Screwing in region of s., followed by soft stool, SU. 12. Sensation as if the s. were de- ranged, going off by eating warm soup, returning afterwards, Natr. carb. 13. Sensation in p. as if deranged, Stann. 14. Flat feeling in s. and sensation as if deranged, Graph. 15. Red spots at p., stinging, and changing to pustules, Natr. mur. 16. Phlegmasia of s. and bowels, Kal hyd. 585 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. (The letter a, in the whole of this chapter, stands for "abdomen") Pains. 1. Pain in hypogastrium, after walk- ing, with heat through the whole body, Calc carb. 2. Excessive pain in middle of belly, Calc. carb. 3. Pain in a., with anguish, and dif- ficulty of breathing, Bry. 4. ----, as if one would vomit, Bry. 5. Pains in a., attended with an- guish, lamentations, tossing about, internal restlessness, despair of life, also with sensation as if the a. were detached from the thorax, Ars. 6. ----which become seated in left side of a., Ars. T. Pain in a., extending low down, causing an urging to stool and closing of the sphincter, Verbasc 8. Pains in stomach and intestines, Verat 9. Pain in groins when walking, and pain in back, Lye 10. ----in region of hernial sac, Lye. 11.----in a., with pressing on rec- tum, and soft stool surrounded with white mucus, Magn. mur. 12. Severe pains in whole lower a., with nausea, all day ; next day still worse, with pressing and drawing, and premature menses, Nuxjugl. 13.----pain in liver, Lye 14. Acute pain in s., Squill 15. Pain in left hypochondrium and small of the back, with leucorrhoea, ceasing after the menses, Kal nit. 16. Pain in liver, when walking, Kal. carb. 17.----in epigastrium, lod. 18. Pains in a., extending to dorsal spine, lod. 19. Pain at epigastrium, with vertigo, Kal. bich. 20.----in hypochondria, followed by dull shocks from left to right side, Stann. 21. Pains in a., with sensation of constriction, Plumb, ac 22.----, with hardness and retrac- tion of a., Plumb, ac 23. ----in umbilical region, Plumb. ac. 24. Intolerable pains in a., with un- easiness, mental derangement, fainting, Plumb, ac. 25. Pains in the praecordia, Plumb. ac 26. Pain at a small spot in a., also with fine pricking, after a walk, when touching the spot, Nux v. 27. Distress around navel and in whole a., with weak feeling in a., Ox. ac. 28. More or less pain in epigastrium and bowels, with constipation fre- quently followed by sudden diar- rhoea, Morph. pur. 29. Intense pains in region of liver, after breakfast, Graph. 30. Dull pains in liver, Plumb, ac. 31. Violent pains at navel, particu- larly during the vomiting, with ob- stinate constipation, Plumb, to. 32. Excessive pains in a., with op- pression in the praecordia, trem- 586 8YMPT0MS OF THE ABDOMEN. bling and weakness of the limbs, Plumb, m. 33. Violent pain in whole a., Phos. 34. Severe pain in left hypochondri- um, Phos. 35. Pain in a., with nausea, also ceas- ing after papescent stool, Grat. 36. Severe pains in a., with burning and bloatedness, Lach. 37. ---- pain in region of spleen, Lach. 38. Pain in hypochondria, also as if ulcerated when coughing, Lach. 39. Obtuse pain in right hypochon- drium, Carb. v. 40. Pain in region of liver, Kalm. lat. 41. ----in right side of a., followed by a pain in gluteus muscle, Kalm. lat. 42. Indescribable pain in right hypo- chondrium, going to small of back, Lauroc. 43. Distress at epigastrium with nau- sea, Lob. card. 44. Pain in epigastrium and hypo- gastrium, increased by pressure, Tart. stib. 45. Violent pain around the navel and in the lumbar region, Merc. corr. 46. Excessive pains in a., rendering the patient almost frantic, Merc. corr. • 47. Violent pain in bowels and ceso- phagus, Mere corr. 48. Frequent pain in right groin, up- ward and downward, Kreas. 49. Excessive pains in a., with vomit- ing and diarrhoea, Merc, dulc 50. Intense pains in the region of the sigmoid flexure, Merc. corr. 51. Violent pains in a., with writhing and twisting in bed, and anxious moaning, Merc. viv. 52. Pain under the right ribs, with hands and feet cold and cheeks hot and red, Bar. carb. 53. Pains in a. and diarrhoea, Aur. mur. 54. Pain in both hypochondria, also when touched, Ran. bulb. 55. Pain in region of liver when ly- ing on left side, with hard pressure, Am. 56. Pains in epigastrium and loins, Ars. 57. ----in hypogastrium, with heat in face, Ars. 58. ---- in a., with vomiting or di- arrhoea, Ars. 59. Excessive pains in a., after eat- ing or drinking, Ars. 60.----in whole a., also at night, Ars. 61. Violent pain in a., with constant rumbling and chilliness, or with ar- rest of breathing and yawning, Cas- tor. 62. Pains under the short ribs, China. 63. Violent pains in a. and bowels, renewed after coffee ; succeeded by mental derangement, Canth. 64. Ulcerative pain in a., Carb. a. 65. Pains in the groin, Canth. 66. Pain in inguinal glands, at night, when moving or turning, Rhus t 67. Pain in lower a., as after taking cold, Coloc. 68. Each paroxysm of pain in a. is attended with general agitation, and a chill over the cheeks ascend- ing from the hypogastrium, Coloc 69. Intense pain at a small spot be- low umbilicus, and which, after a nightsweat, spread over the whole lower belly, Coloc 70. Feeling at umbilicus as after taking cold, Coloc. 71. Violent pains in a., with chilli- ness, Con. 72. Flying pains in hepatic region, Coloc. 73. Pain in a., when walking, spread- ing to the chest, Coloc 74.----, only when walking, Coloc. 75.----in a., with chilly feeling, weakness in stomach and a., Colch. 76. Pains in whole a., with malaise, Colch. 77. Deep seated pain in hypogastri- um, Cinch, sulph. 78. Pain in praecordial region, op- pressing the breathing, Cin. 79. Pains in the loins, Plumb, ac. PAINS. 587 80. Pain in a., with anguish, Cupr. to. 81. ----, eased by stretching him- self, Mez. 82. Dull pain below left ribs, eased by eructations, Mez. 83. Intolerable pain in every part of a., Ant, cr. 84. Painful sensation in hypogastri- um, during a loose stool, Arg. to. 85. Pressure aggravates the pains in a,, Cupr. acet. 86. Grasping at the somewhat dis- tended a., which, when struck, gave out a hollow sound like a drum, with violent pains in the a., causing the lower limbs to be drawn up close to the a., Merc. viv. 87. °Chronic violent pains in right groin, entering upward and down- ward, not allowing one to lie on one side, with cutting under the ribs when drawing a long breath, stools mixed with pus and blood, difficult micturition, scanty and dark menses, Lach. ACHING PAIN. 1. Aching, gnawing pain in region of liver, Ruta. 2. ----and tensive pain in a., Op. 3. ----,'boring pain in right groin, when lying or walking, Merc sol 4. ----in liver, at night, with per- ceptible hardness, Calc. carb. 5. ---- pain in a., with nausea, Calc. carb. 6.----in belly below navel, early after rising, as if pressure were made upon the a., with constipa- tion, Calc. carb. 7. Severe aching in region of liver, Natr. mur. 8. Aching and cutting pain under the left ribs, when sitting, Tereb. 9. Dull aching pain in abdominal muscles, Valer. 10. Drawing-aching pain in a., when eating, Mang. 11. ° Aching pain in liver, worse when lying on that side, Magn. mur. 12.----colicky pain, early, Lye 13. Sore aching pain in right hypo- chondrium, worse when the part is touched, Lye. 14. Aching pain, and occasional stitches in a., when touched, Nitr. ac 15.----in a., Nitr. ac. 16. Severe aching pains in a., abating after discharging wind, Nuxjugl. 17. Aching in right hypochondrium, and lumbar region, with metallic taste, confusion in head, clay-co- lored stools, Kal. bich. 18. Severe aching pains in lumbar region, worse during rest, Kal nitr. 19. Aching pain in a., after break- fast, from navel up into the throat, Kal. bich. 20. Oppressive pain in epigastrium, lod. 21. Aching pain in region of pubic bones, Nux v. 22. Disagreeable bruising aching in a., on waking, also in forehead, Hep. s. 23. Aching pain in right side of a. as if single parts were squeezed in, Prun. spin. 24.----in inguinal glands, from time to time, Merc. sol. 25.----in left groin, Merc. sol. 26. ---- pains in hypogastrium, with nausea and desire to vomit, or with chilliness all over, Tab. 27.----pain in umbilical region, with cramp-like retraction of um- bilicus, Tab. 28. ----at a small spot in right hy- pochondrium, only when drawing a long breath or when pressing upon the spot, Bar. carb. 29. Drawing-aching pain in epigas- trium, with nausea, Rhod. 30. Aching pain iu left hypochondri- um, moving toward the back or downwards, Berb. vulg. 31.----in region of liver, Sep. 32. ---- and tightness in a., with weeping mood, Carb. v. 33. ----in iliac regions, with pinch ing, Carb. v. 34. ----pain above umbilicus, Cham. 588 35. Aching pain, with slight chills, China. 36.----pains after every meal, also with fulness, China. 37. ---— in liver, almost like cutting; the region of the liver is painful when touched, Carb. a. 38. Intermittent aching pains in right renal region, Sabin. 39. Aching pain at a small spot in a. as from wind, only when moving about, going up stairs, etc., Rhus t 40. ----pains in abdomen, China. 41. Excessive aching under last left true rib, Cocc. 42. Acute aching in pit of stomach, Cinch, sulph. 43. Aching in hypogastrium and sides of a., with pain to touch, Natr. carb. 44.----in a., with anxiety, Mez. 45. Crampy-aching pain in epigas- trium, coming and going, Dig. 46. Aching, tensive pains in region of pubic bones, Tart. stib. 47. ----, pinching, pressing, tensive, spasmodic pains in epigastrium, with malaise and heaviness, Crot. 48. Oppressive, digging, lancinating pain in a., above umbilicus, Dig. STITCHING, LANCINATING, PRICKING, ETC., PAIN. V. Stitching pain under the last ribs, with painfulness of the ribs when touched, Silic. 2. Sticking and pinching pains in a. and small of back, Kal. nit. 3.----pain in region of kidneys, Dig. 4. Dull, sticking pain in a., below the liver, Cycl. 5. Sticking pain below umbilicus, relieved by standing or going down stairs, Coloc 6.----in a., with arrest of breath- ing, Canth. 7.----in left epigastrium, with stitches in sternum, Canth. 8.----in lumbar region, particu- larly the right, Canth. rHE ABDOMEN. 9. Sudden stitch-like pain in right side below last rib, then in left side; the two pains meet in a., Sabad. 10. Stitching pain in right abdom. muscles, with visible twitching, Sep. 11.----, darting, or else pressing- stitching or tensive-stitching or op- pressive dragging pain, and some- times painless bubbling in inguinal region, moving downward into the scrotum and the anterior surface of the thigh, and upward to the re- gion of the kidneys, where the pain sometimes commences,.5er6.v. 12. Sticking, jerking pain in left hy- pochondrium, with painfulness of whole side of chest and a., Berb. vulg. 13.----pain, with pressure, in re- gion of gall-bladder, Berb. vulg. 14. Dull sticking or stinging, or burning, gnawing, aching pain on one side of umbilicus, increased by pressure, and passing to the right lumbar or else the inguinal, hepatic or splenetic region or region of the stomach, Berb. v. 15. Quickly passing dull pain, from chest to left hypochondrium, almost like splenetic stitches, when walk- ing fast, Rhod. 16. Intolerable stitching pain in a., Merc Prepar. 17. Intensely painful stitches in left groin, worse when drawing breath, Merc. ,sol. 18. Sticking pain in left hypochon- drium, obliging him to cry out, abating under pressure, Lob. card. 19. Stitching pains in liver, with pressure, Lauroc 20. Continued stitching pain under the right ribs, when commencing to walk, Staphys. 21. Tensive stitching pain in right side of a. and chest, Phos. ac. 22. Intensely painful stitches in re- gion of liver, Graph. 23. Penetrating and painful stitch deep in right side of a., 01. an. SYMPTOMS OF PAINS. 589 24. Long extending, stitching pain, as if winding out of the a., Oleand. 25. Sticking pain, with pressure, in left abdom. muscles, Squill. 26. Painful sticking in either groin, through the os ilium, when walk- ing, Kal nit. 27.----boring stitches in left side above the groin, Lye 28. Stitching pain under the short ribs, when sitting, Menyan. 29.----in left iliac region, with hardness and distension of a., Magn. mur. 30. ----beating pain in right groin, Thuj. 31. Sticking, pinching pains in epi- gastrium, Puis. 32.----and pinching pains in a. and small of back, Kal nit. 33. Stitching and sore pain in a., abating when lying upon a., Phos. 34. Lancinating pains in hypochon- dria proceeding from the back, ceasing when standing or sitting, coming on when lying down, Cinch. sulph. 35. Stabbing pain near pubis, Coloc. 36. Painful lancinations in a., Carb. a. 37. Lancinating pain in a. during a deep inspiration, from either hip to dorsal spine or groin, Castor. 38. ----in left chest and a., Carb. v. 39. Superficial lancinating pain in umbilical region, sometimes ex- tending to lumbar region, Berb. v. 40. Lancinating pain in a., Berb. v. 41. Violent, continued, lancinating, colicky pains in abdomen, stomach, left hypochondrium, increased by respiration, movement and con- tact, on going to bed; with short breath and distended abdomen; returning next day, Berb. v. 42. Sudden lancinating pain in left inguinal region, during stool, with swelling of the glands, Kal carb. 43. Stabbing pains in left hypochon- drium, Kal bich. 44. Lancinating pain in a., after eat- ing, Verat. 45. Painful lancination in right groin, when yawning, Ind. 46. Pain below navel, lancinating or burning, Calc. carb. 47. Lancinating, digging, oppressive pain in a., above umbilicus, Dig. 48. Stinging and burning pain in um- bilical region, with thirst, eructa- tion, vomiting, cold extremities, slow pulse, Plumb, ac 49. Painful stinging below navel, Ign.^ 50. Stinging pain in a., Ferr. acet. 51. ----in umbilical region, Dulc. 52 ,----in hypogastrium, Stann. 53. ----sore pain of outer a, Lye. 54. ----pain as from excoriation, in region of liver, Calc, carb. 55. ----itching pain in right abdo- minal muscles, Tarax. 56. ----and burning pain in umbi- lical region, with thirst, eructations, vomiting, cold extremities, slow pulse, Plumb, ac 57. Cutting pain in hypogastrium, spreading upwards and forwards, every few minutes, Coloc 58. ---- in bowels, followed by a single watery stool, Sang. 59. ----, jerking pains in umbilical region, Berb. v. 60. ----in epigastrium, with flatu- lent distension of a., Stront. 61. ---- through the a., below the navel, Mur. ac. 62. Severe cutting pains in umbilical region, Ind. 63. Cutting pain in a., without diar- rhoea, Hep. s. 64. ----pains in a., early, in bed, so violent that he screams and tosses about, Aeon. 65. ----in bowels, Elat 66. ----pain in a., Dros. 67. Pain in a., as if the bowels were cut to pieces, Op. 68. Cutting pains in a., followed by liquid stools, 01. an. 69. ----pain in umbilical region and hypogastrium, also with liquid stool, Agar. 70. ---- in a., the belly becoming 590 SYMPTOMS OF r very small during the pain, Amm. carb. 71. Severe cutting pains across a., Alum. 72. Painful cutting in bowels, eased by pressure, Kal. carb. 73. Cutting pain under right ribs, Kal. carb. 74. ----in left hypoehondrium, with stitches in left lower part of chest, Kal. carb. 75. ---- in a., early, followed by soft stool, Nitr. ac 76. Sudden cutting pain from spine through a., Menyan. 77. Cutting pains in hypogastrium, Thuj. 78. Pain in a. here and there as if cut with knives, Verat. 79. °Cutting pain in a., every morn- ing, Natr. mur. 80.----contractive pain in inguinal ring from within outwards, Berb. v. 81. Painful cutting and pressing in a. and both groins, at night, Magn. carb. 82. Shooting pains in a., Con. 83.----pain in right groin, when sitting, Calc. carb. '84. ---- and tearing pains in right hypoehondrium, Kal. bich. 85. Darting pain in right abdom. ring, as if something would press through, only when sitting, Cocc. .86. ----pains in both ovaries, Coloc "87. ---- pain in left groin, in the evening, in bed, Ign. 88. ----pains in left hypoehondri- um, aggravated by drawing a deep breath, laughing, stooping, for se- veral days, Nuxjugl. 89. Continued pricking pain around navel, Mur. ac. 90, Pricking pain in right groin, in the region of the ilium, Merc. sol. 91. Painful pricking jerks in slow succession, in epigastrium and pit of stomach, Ign. 92. Pricking pain below navel, when walking, Hyosc. ©3, ->---in abdominal ring, Mur. ac. THE ABDOMEN. PAINFULNESS, SENSITIVENESS, TENDER- NESS. 1. Long-lasting painfulness of whole a., as if sore and raw, Bell 2. Painfulness of a., as if from in- flammation, lod. 3. Painfulness of inguinal region during a walk, Natr. mur. 4. She cannot bear tight clothes around hypochondria, Calc carb. 5. Sensitiveness in region of liver, when walking, with pain to touch, Natr. sulph. 6. The outer a. is sensitive to pain, Lye 7. Excessive sensitiveness of a., Nitr. ac 8. Sensitiveness of the distended, but soft a., Squill. 9. ----of region of liver, AEth. 10. Painful distension of a., with sen- sitiveness of the integuments, Stann. 11. Painful sensitiveness around na- vel, with uncomfortable feeling in a., Oleand. 12. The region of liver is sensitive to contact, Nux v. 13. Sensitiveness of umbilical re- gion to contact, with aching pain, Gent. lut. 14. ^.Painfulness of a., with tension in hypogastrium, Gent. lut. 15. Sensitiveness of a. below navel, Phos. 16. Painful sensitiveness of the ab- dom. muscles, Hyosc 17. Cannot bear tight clothes around the hypochondria, Lact 18. The a. is sensitive to contact, Tart. stib. 19. The abdominal muscles are pain- ful to the touch, Sulph. 20. She wakes at night with sensi- tiveness of the a., followed by soft stool, after which the pain ceases, Tab. 21. Excessive sensitiveness of the epigastrium to contact, Merc. corr. 22. Painful sensitiveness of the ab- PAINS. 591 dom. walls, after loose stool, with violent thirst, Puis. 23. A. and chest are painful exter- nally, Cann. 24. The abdominal walls are sensi- tive to the touch, Canth. 25. The region of the liver is sensi- tive to pain, Carb. v. 26. Tenderness of umbilical region, with swelling, Coloc. 27. Tenderness of a. as if raw, Coloc 28. Hard a., painful to touch, Cupr. TO. 29. Pain in the groins when pressing upon the parts, which feel hard as if the glands were swollen, Ant cr. 30. Epigastric region is sensitive to contact, Cupr. ars. PAIN AS IF BRUISED. 1. Pain as if bruised, and stitching in region of left kidney, Zinc to. 2. Strained sensation in tendon of psoas-muscle, it feels bruised, Arg. TO. 3. Pain of bowels as if bruised when riding on horseback, with stitches in right side of a., Natr. carb. 4. ----in abdominal muscles as if bruised, China. 5.----as from bruises in region of liver, when touching it, Clem. 6. ---- in hypochondria as if bruised, Cocc. 7. Bruised feeling in bowels, worst on walking or sitting bent, some- times extending through the whole a. with pressure, Coloc. 8. Bruising pain in abdominal mus- cles, Sabin. 9. Pain in the liver as if bruised, Carb. v. 10. The bowels feel painful as if bruised, Cann. 11. Bruising pain in loins, with op- pressive tension in opposite parts of hypogastrium, only when sit- ting, Ruta. 12. The abdominal muscles feel bruised, Cham. 13. Pain as from bruises, and pinch- ing in right side of a., followed by stitches through the pudendum, Caust. 14. Pain in abdom. walls as if bruised, when gaping, Puis. 15.----as if bruised or strained, at lowest left rib, Ran. bulb. 16. Bruising pain in upper lobe of liver, with feeling of fulness, Kreas. 17.----sensation in right iliac re- gion, Zinc. to. 18.----pain in region of hip-joint, as after a fatiguing walk, Lam. alb. 19.----pain in the loins, Staphys. 20. ----pain in bowels, Ign. 21. Pain as if bruised, in a,, Op. 22. Bruising pain in bowels, also in loins, early, with nausea, Nux v. 23. Pain in region of kidneys as if bruised, or as if a hook were plunged in, Alum. 24. Bruising pain under the last ribs, Mang. 25. ---- in hypogastrium, over the os pubis, Valer. 26. The bowels are painful as if bruised, when the flatulence is not passed, Verat 27. Dull aching, bruising pain in bowels, Verat. 28. Pain as if bruised in the groin, over left hip, when walking, Arg. m. 29. Pain as if bruised in a,, and small of back, waking him, Njqtr. sulph. 30. Drawing, bruising pain, when drawing breath, in whole right side of a., Camph. PAIN AS IF BORE. 1, Sore feeling in right abdom. ring, Dig. 2. Sudden sore pain at a spot in iliac region, Mez. 3. Soreness in a., with pressure downwards, Natr. carb. 4. Soreness of a. when touching it, Carb. v. 592 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 5. Fleeting sore pain, now in left, then in right side of a., Croc. 6. Pain in a., as if sore, with great hunger, less after eating, but a trembling setting in in the place, Arg. nit. 7. Sore feeling around a., proceeding from small of back, Bar. carb. 8. Painful soreness under the left short ribs, when moving the trunk, Ran. bulb. 9. In the morning both hypochon- dria feel sore to the touch, Sulph. 10. Painful soreness in region of left kidney, Zinc to. ll. Pain in abdom. ring, when walk- ing, as if sore, Magnet, p. arct. 12. Sore and smarting pain in left side of a., Hep. s. 13. Sore or inflammatory pain in a., extending to the genital organs, aggravated by contact, Phos. 14. Sore feeling in a., Stann. 15. Soreness of liver, Amm. carb. 16. Sore pain in a., with bearing- down towards the genital organs, Kal carb. 17. Pain in abdominal integuments, when touching or rubbing them, as if sore and covered with pimples, Menyan. 18. Soreness in the folds of the ab- dominal integuments, in the groin, Bry. 19. Soreness in a., with painful ten- sion when stretching the body, Calc. carb. 20. Sore and stitching pain in a., abating when lying upon it, Phos. PAIN AS IF ULCERATED. 1. The a. feels painful as if ulcerated, when moving about, not when touching it, Dig. 2. Pain in right groin as if swollen and ulcerated, Con. 3. Ulcerative pain in a., early, with feeling of shortness in integuments when extending the body, Rhus t 4. ----in region of kidneys, when touched or not, Cann. 5. Ulcerative pain in region of liver, China. 6. ----and contractive sensation in pit of stomach, Castor. 7. ----in the bowels, when press- ing against the sharp edge of a table, Ran. bulb. 8. ---- in a., also with griping- tearing around navel, at night, Kreas. 9. ----in a. when drawing a long breath, Kreas. 10. ----in a., when touched, with ar- rest of breathing, Stann. 11.----in hypogastrium, Nitr. ac. 12.----at a small spot on left side of umbilicus, Magn. carb. 13. ----with tearing in a., diarrhoea, languor, at the termination of the menses, Bov. 14.----in hypogastrium, Bov. PAIN AS IF RAW, EXCORIATED. 1. Pain in spleen as if excoriated, Asar. 2.----in a. as if raw and sore, as if something were moving about in a., or with sudden stitches from a. to head, Sulph. 3.----in a. as if sore and raw, Nux v. 4.----in liver as if raw. Lye CONTRACTIVE OR CONSTRICTIVE PAIN. 1. Contractive pain in a., Dig., Hep. s. 2.----from both sides below ribs, Ign. 3.----painful pressure in whole a., occasionally, Phos. 4. Constrictive, crampy pain in epi- gastrium, after eating, Cocc 5. Contractive burning pain in a., as if the menses would set in, at night, Phos. 6.----cutting pain in inguinal ring, Berb. v. 7. ----pain below the short ribs, extending to the lumbar verte- brae, Camph. 8. Contractive pains in a., towards small of back, Calc. carb. 9.----labor-like pains in a., with weakness, Natr. mur. 10.----pain in a., abating when walking, Natr. mur. 11. ---- in a., with dyspnoea, and subsequent diarrhoea, Natr. sulph. 12. ---- in right and then in left side of a., she has to sit stooping, Mang. 13. Painful constriction and pinching in right iliac region, Magn. carb. 14. Contractive pain'in umbilical re- gion, Magn. mur. 15.----in inguinal glands, Nitr. ac 16. Severe contractive pain in left groin when walking, ceasing after a liquid stool, Kal. nit. 17. Contractive and pinching pain in a., with nausea and flow of water in mouth, chilliness, twelve hours before the menses, Amm. carb. 18. Constrictive pain in region of gall-bladder, arresting the breath- ing, Aeon. 19. Contractive pain extending from right to left side of epigastrium, Phelland. 20.----in hypochondria, Nux v. 21. ----in groins, obliging one to bend double, Lauroc. 22. ----from both sides of a., Lau- roc. 23. ---- in left iliac region, when walking or pressing upon the part, Zinc. to. 24.----dull pain in bowels, Mur. ac. 25.----pain in umbilical region, where a depression is seen, Mosch. 26. Painful contraction in a., Merc. sol. 27. Sudden contractive pain above the genital organs, worse and less at intervals, Bar. carb. 28. Painful feeling of contraction in a., Aur.f. 29. Pain in a. as if drawn together with a rope, Cau$t. Vol. III.—38. IN. 593 30. Contractive pain, and pain as if bruised under the last rib, only when walking, China. 31. ----in bowels, followed by vio- lent rumbling, Sassap. 32. Constrictive pain in bowels, Sa- bin. 33. Contractive pain in region of uterus, Sabin. 34.----in a., causing tenesmus, Con. 35. Constrictive pain in hypogastri- um, with pressing towards the ge- nital organs, qualmishness in pit of stomach, waterbrash, Cocc. 36. Contractive pain in a. when sit- ting, worse when walking, or with rumbling, China. 37. ----and boring pains in umbi- lical region, Plumb, ac. 38.----pain in a. after the morn- ing stool, Arg. to. COMPRESSIVE PAIN. 1. Compressive pain in left iliae region, Sabin. 2. ----pain in a., Cham. 3. Painful compression on both sides of a., only when sitting, Amm. carb. 4. Pains in the a. as if compressed with a hoop, with digging and jerking in the hip, Gins. CRAMPY OR SPASMODIC PAIN. 1. Crampy constrictive pain in the lowermost bowels, alternating with dull stitches or jerks towards the perineum, Bell. 2. ----pain across the epigastrium, Stront. 3. Cramp-pain in umbilical region, with nausea, Stront. 4. ----, with pressure under the left short ribs, Mur. ac 5. Crampy pain in right groin, Sulph. ac 6. Violent cramp-pain in right groin, Zinc. to. 594 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 7. Cramp-pain in left side, with qualmishness in pit of stomach, Nux v. 8. ----in both groins, Petrol 9. Crampy pain at small spots in a., 01 an. 10. ---- pains in left side of a., with qualmishness, especially in pit of stomach, Nux v. 11. Cramp-pain below and above navel, Stann. 12. ---- in left groin while sitting, Spong, 13. Spasmodic pain from bladder to chest, before breakfast, Alum. 14. Severe cramp-pain in liver, when stooping, Lye 15. Spasmodic pains in hypochondria, alternating with dyspnoea, Zinc to. 16. ---- pains in a., with tearing .and boring, Ars. 17. Cramp-pain in a., with pinching, in the evening in bed, sweat, flatu- lence, loose stool, Ars. 18. Spasmodic pain in a., after din- ner, Bry. 19. Cramp-pain in bowels, at night, with deficient secretion of urine, Graph. 20. Crampy pain in a, Phos. ac. 21. ----pressing pain in left side of hypogastrium when sitting, Valer. 22. ----drawing pain in epigastrium, lod. 23. ----constrictive pain in epigas- trium, after eating, Cocc 24. Spasmodic, pinching, wandering pain around umbilicus, Crot. 25. ---- pains in right side of a., early, with desponding mood, Rhus t. 26. Violent, seated, dull, spasmodic pain in middle of a., worse when bending the body, Crot 27. Spasmodic, tensive, pinching, aching, pressing pains in epigas- trium, with malaise and heaviness, Crot 28. When bending backwards, the bowels feel painful and as if spas- modically shortened, Anac. 29. Violent spasmodic pains in a., Cupr. acet 30. Crampy pain in a., with pressure from without, Cycl 31. Spasmodic pains in a., pain as from a boil in a., with sudden stitches in the inner sexual organs, griping-tearing spasmodic pains in the labia pudendi, attended with periodical pressing from the small of the back forward, urging to urinate, also to stool, with uneasi- ness, anxiety of the whole body, sweat as from anguish, ill-humor, scolding mood ; the pains abate when walking about, Kreas. PRESSING, PUSHING, BEARING-DOWN PAIN, OR PAINFUL PRESSURE. 1. Pain around umbilicus as if a blunt plug were squeezed into the bowels, Anac 2. Painful tensive pressure in a., as from over-eating and then pressing on the a., with nausea and flow of saliva, Staphis. 3. Bearing-down and burning pains in right groin, as if the bowels would issue, Graph. 4. Pressing-burning pain across a., during rest or motion, Euphras. 5. Painful pressing and cutting in a. and both groins, at night, Magn. carb. 6. Pressing crampy pain in left side of hypogastrium when sitting, Valer. 7. Painful contractive pressure in whole a., occasionally, Phos. 8. ---- pressure in hypochondria, Camph. 9. ----• pressure in region of ccecum, as if caused by a spas- modic incarceration of flatulence, Verat. 10. Painful pressure from without inwards, externally, Tong. 11. Dull painful pressure at navel, with rumbling, Teucr. 12. Pressing pains in left renal re- gion, from within outwards, when sitting, Thuj. 13. Severe painful pressure in region of spleen, Bor. 14. Painful pressure in right iliac region, had to walk bent, Lye 15. ---- pressure in epigastrium, relieved by eructations, Lye 16. Pain at a small spot in a., as if something would get out there, Nitr. ac. 17. Pressing pain in left side of a., with griping in bowels, Nuxjugl 18. Painful pressure above os pubis, going off after passing wind, Kal carb. 19. Aching and pressing pain in uterus, when walking, Kal. hyd. 20. Painful pressure as from some- thing hard, at a small spot on left side of navel, Par. quad. 21. Pain in rectum, pressing from within outwards, Dros. 22. Dull, aching, pressing pain over the crest of the right ilium, round to the back, extending into the pelvis, Elater. 23. Painful pressure in inguinal glands, on right or left side, Dulc 24. Pressing pain in abdom. integu- ments, first on right, then on left side, returning for some days at regular intervals, Aeon. 25. Hard painful pressure below na- vel, right side, Staphis. 26. Painful pressure on right side of a., Merc. sol. 27. ----pressure in a., ascending to the throat, with sensation in the fauces as if scratched by a crust of bread, and as if eructations or heartburn were .approaching, Merc sol. 28. He is unable to lie on the right side, for then his bowels pain him as if they were pressed, Mere sol. 29. Painful pressure as from some- thing hard, in left iliac region, Sulph. 30.----pressing in left side of a., during motion, Asar. 31.----pressure in abdom, ring IN. 595 when walking, as if hernia pro- truded, Rheum. 32. Painful pressure in abdom. mus- cles, especially when walking, Bar. ca~b. 33. Pressing pain in side of a., from within outwards, when pressing upon pit of stomach, Bell 34. Painful pressure in distended epigastrium, after dinner, Sep. 35.----pressure in a. as if it would burst, abating after loose stool, Spig. 36. Pressing pain in the groins, worse when touched, Arg. nit. 37.----pain in liver during a walk, Carb. v. 38. Painful pressure above umbilicus, Chelid. 39.----pressure in umbilical re- gion, in both sides, like urging to stool, China. 40. Acutely painful pushes above left groin, Cann. 41. Hard, pushing, almost sticking pain at a small spot of left iliac region, Caps. 42. Painful feeling in right side of a., as if something would squeeze through, Carb. v. 43. The abdomen is painful when sitting, as if pressed upon, R\us t. 44. Pushing, almost paralytic pain in sphincter ani, a kind of urging the whole day, Sabin. 45. Violent pain in umbilicus as if pressed in, more violent durhig an inspiration, Cin. 46. Pressing pain in the groins as if the rrlenses would come on, < Wc. 47.----, pinching, aching, te sive, spasmodic pains in epigast ium, with malaise and heaviness, «trot. 48. Painful pressure in a., after vivid dreams, with sensation as if a. and chest would adhere to each ether, Mez. DRAWING, OR DRAWING-IN, DRAGGING PAIN. 1. Drawing pain from right hypo- 596 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. ohondrium to symphisis pubis, ! Calc carb. 2. Drawing pain from umbilical 1 egion to thighs, Natr. mur. 3. Painful retraction of the abdo- minal muscles towards the spine, Natr. nit. 4. Drawing pain, extending from the inguinal glands through the thighs, Thuj. 5. Severe drawing, burning pains in kidneys, Tereb. 6. Drawing pain in a., night and day, as if something became de- tached, Magn. mur. 7. ■----pain in a., also with pres- sure, down to the calves, Lye 8. ----pain in a., with shuddering, Nitr. ac 9.----pain in a., down the thighs, Nitr. ac. 10.----pain in liver, Kal. carb. 11. ---- pain in lower intestines, Kal nit. 12.----pain in a., worse when walking, Squill 13. Painful drawing in a., here and there, Aeon. 14. Drawing pains in a., proceeding from both sides to navel, excited by bending the a. forward, Aeon. 15. Seated drawing pain in umbilical region, with heaviness and fulness of the head and stoppage of the nose, Gent. lut. 16. A sort of drawing pain in right side of groin, succeeded by pinch- ing in same region, and a.stitch above the mammae, from within ontwards, Ind. 17- Drawing pain in a. and epigas- trium, Hep. s. 18. ----pain in a., Magnet p. arct 19. ----pain in the groin and testi- cles, Merc. sol. 20. ----pain in left inguinal region, Zinc. m. 21. Painful drawing from a. through region of bladder and groins to rectum, with urging to stool, Stront. 22. Drawing pain in region of liver, with stoppage of breath; she had to walk bent, Sulph. 23. ----pain, deep in epigastrium, descending along the right groin as by a string, Bar. carb. 24. ----, or else pushing-sticking pain above Poupart's ligament, extending towards the thigh, Berb. v. 25.----pain in both sides of a., Sep. 26.----, dull pain in both hypo- chondria, Silic 27. Oppressive drawing pain in whole a., down to groin, with ten- sion, Arg. nit. 28. Drawing pain in a., Cham. 29. ----pain from kidneys to ingui- nal glands, with anxious, sick feel- ing in pit of stomach, Cann. 30. ----pain in bowels as if bruised, Con. 31. Dragging pain in hepatic region, Coloc 32. Drawing pain in the inguinal glands, Mez. 33. ---- pain from left hypoehon- drium to hip, Cupr. m. 34. Painful retraction of the navel, particularly on stooping, Tab. 35.----retraction of umbilical re- gion, when sitting, Kal carb. 36. Drawing-digging pain in a., worse when laughing, Coloc. 37. Drawing-tensive pain in lumbar region and groin, Arg. to. 38. Drawing-tearing pain deep in a., Verat. 39. Drawing cramp-pain in epigas- trium, lod. PAIN AS FROM A FOREIGN BODY. 1. Violent pains in right groin, at night, as if a soft body had lodged there, Natr. sulph. 2. Pain in right side as from a lump, with stinging, Lact 3. Painful feeling in both sides of a., as if a stiff body or lump had lodged there, Sep. 4. Pain as from a lump in middle of a., Sep. 5. ----in stomach and a. as from a stone, with digging-up in a., Sabad. 6. ---- in a. as from a load, in walking, Natr. mur. WRITHING PAIN. 1. Writhing cutting pain in a., Calc carb. 2. Painful writhing around navel, with stitches, Bry. 3. Drawing-writhing pain in a., previous to emitting flatulence, Nitr. ac. 4. Writhing pain in a., Silic. 5. Pain as if part of the contents of the a. would become convoluted, with subsequent pressure, Anac 6. Writhing pain around umbilicus, followed by tearing in side of a., Crot. 7. Painful twisting around the um- bilicus, Cin. BORING PAIN. 1. Boring-aching pain in right groin, when lying or walking, Merc. sol. 2. Boring-digging pain in right groin, Spig. 3. Boring pain above left abdom. ring, from within outwards, as if hernia would protrude, Magnet, p. arct. 4.----pain in umbilical region, from within outward, Tarax. 5.----pain in region of liver, after dinner, Sulph. 6. Smarting-boring pain in right side of umbilicus, Sep. 7. Boring pain in left hypoehon- drium, Seneg. 8. Shifting, boring pain in umbilical region, Seneg. 9. Boring pain in left groin, close to sacrum, Color. 10.----pain above umbil., going off by pressure, Cin. IN. 597 11. Boring pain over right groin, Arg. to. 12.----and contractive pains in umbilical region, Plumb, ac. PAIN AS IF SWOLLEN. 1. Soreness in both groins as if the glands would swell, Calc acet 2. Pain in right groin as if swollen, Kal. carb. 3. ----in a., above right hip, as if something were swollen and in- jured, Phos. 4. The left inguinal glands are painful as if swollen, Graph. 5. The inguinal glands are pailful as if swollen, Hep. s. 6. Sensation in inguinal gland, as if swollen, Zinc to. 7. Pain as if the inguinal glands were swollen, Merc. sol. 8. ----in groin as from a swollen gland, Aur. f TEARING PAIN OR PAIN AS IF TORN. 1. Tearing-drawing pain deep in a., Verat 2. ----and shooting pains in right hypoehondrium, Kal. bich. 3. Drawing-tearing pain in lher, posteriorly, Calc. carb. 4. Pain in a., as if every part in it would tear, Natr. mur. 5. ---- in umbilical region a« if the bowels adhered to the perito- neum and would be pulled out; worse when the parts are pres seel upon, Verbasc 6. Fleeting tearing pain in symphy- sis pubis, Tereb. 7. Pain in a., early, as if the bow- els were empty, contracted .• nd would be torn out, Magn. carb. 8. ---- in both sides of a. a* if something would tear; extend ing to the thighs, Alum. 9. Tearing pain, with pressure, in both abdom. rings, while sitting, Spong. 598 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 10. Tearing pain in left groin when standing, Euphorb. 11. Pain in a. and stomach as if torn, Exmat 12. ---- as if something would be torn out, Sulph. 13. Griping-tearing pains in bowels, Without diarrhoea, especially at night, Anthrak. 14. Tearing pain in epigastric region, Cupr. acet. 15. Drawing-tearing or lancinating pvin in -left hypoehondrium, with sensation, on drawing breath, as if something were torn loose, Berb. vidg. 16. Wandering tearing or lancinating pains in walls of a., particularly in left hypoehondrium, Berb. v. 17. Pain under left ribs, as if some- thing would tear, Silic 18. ----in, a. as if the bowels would b> torn out, Sep. 19. Painful lancinating tearing in b.)th hypochondria, commencing at a point below pit of stomach, and d irting toward both sides, Carb. v. 20. Pain at a spot below the third fa Ise rib as if torn, Dig. 21. ----in a. as if the navel would b ; torn out, after which the pain s' dfts to the inner chest, Stram. DIGGING PAIN. 1. Digging boring pain in right g oin, Spig. 2. ---- drawing pain in a., worse m hen laughing, Coloc 3. ----, lancinating, oppressive pain in a. above navel, Dig. 4. Painful digging, deep in a., du- ring the menses, with chilliness and thirst, Natr. sulph. 5. Digging up pain in a., Valer. 6. ---- pain in upper and outer p irtion of liver, Phyt. dec. 7. ----pain in a. 8. ----in liver, Lact. 9. °----pain3 in a., Bell. 10. ---- up pain in epigastrium, with flatulence and sudden parox- ysms of ill humor, Seneg. 11. Digging up pain in epigastric re- gion, with crawling sensation and pain when touched, as if bruised, Cin. 12. ----, oppressive, lancinating pain in a., above umbilicus, Dig. PINCHING PAIN. 1. Pinching, spasmodic, wandering pains around navel, Crot. 2.----screwing pain in a., here and there, Staphys. 3.----burning pains in epigastri- um, preceded by redness and heat of the cheeks, Merc. sol. 4. ----and sticking pains in a. and small of back, Kal. nit. 5.----sticking pains in epigastri- um, Puis. 6. ---- pain in umbilical region, Camph. 7.----, almost spasmodic pain at a small spot in right groin, only when speaking, painful when touch- ing the parts, Calc acet. 8. Drawing pinching pain from left side of umbilicus to rectum and anus, Natr. mur. 9. Pinching pain above left os ilium, as if a tendon had become strained, when stooping, Stann. 10. Painful pinching in a., abating after half-liquid stool, Ind. 11. Pinching pain at the ossa ilii, posteriorly, Euphorb. 12.----in a. also with soft stool, Hep. s. 13. Painful pinching in a., Phos. ac 14. Continuous aching pinching pain in hypogastrium, much aggravated by thinking, Magnet, p. arct. 15. Painful pinching, from the sacrum and hips to a., Mercurial. 16. Frequent painful pinching in hy- pogastrium, with itching of the skin there, Rat. 17. Painful pinching in region of liver, Bell. 18. Pinching and aching pain in ab- domen, with uneasy feeling, Ruta. PAIN. 599 19. Pinching pain near umbilicus and dorsal spine, Cann. 20. ----in a. when leaning against a sharp edge, Samb. 21. Oppressive pinching pains in a. when touched ever so slightly, Cycl 22. Pinching pain in a., Cycl. 23. ——, from left hypoehondrium to hip, Cupr. to. 24.----, spasmodic, wandering pain around navel, Crot TENSIVE PAIN OR PAINFUL TENSION OR TIGHTNESS. 1. Tensive and aching pain in a., Op. 2. —■— drawing pain in lumbar re- gion and groin, Arg. to. 3.----painful pressure in a. as from over-eating, and then press- ing on the a., with nausea and flow of saliva, Slaphys. 4. ---- pain in hypochondria as from wind, Verat. 5.----in iliac region, as if caused by the swelling of a tendon, with pain when touched, Mang. 6. Painful tension in left hypoehon- drium, Lye 7.----of a., lod. 8. Tensive pain in right groin, when touching it, Spig. 9. ----in epigastrium, when walk- ing or sitting, Spong. 10. Painful tension over the whole a., with pain in lower left side as if something would break, or as from an internal wound, Petrol 11. Tensive pain in epigastrium, when holding his breath, worse when sitting or stooping, Dros. 12.----aching pain and anxious fulness in epigastrium, Magnes art, 13.----and burning pain in epi- gastrium and hypoehondrium, fol- lowed by drawing and tensive pain in calves, Magnes art. 14.----pains in whole a., with hard pressure here and there, and qualmishness, Magnet, p. arct. 15. Painful tension in epigastrium, succeeded by pinching, and lastly hard, then liquid stool, Ind. 16. Painful tension below the short ribs, Tart. stib. 17. Tensive and burning pain in re- gion of liver, Sulph. 18. ----pain in hypogastrium and bruising feeling in small of back, as if the menses would appear, Stront. 19. ---- in the inguinal regions, when walking, Kreas. 20. ---- aching pain in hypogastri- um, worse when pressing on the part, and disappearing during an expiration ; the pain is worse when walking up stairs, and then changes to a cutting pain, Merc, sol 21. Deep-seated tensive pain above the umbilicus, abating by eating, Merc sol. 22. Tensive pain from back to right ribs, when rising from a seat or stooping, Bar. carb. 23. Stitching-tensive pain in hypo- chondria, during motion, Sep. 24. Painful tension and pressure in a., as if sore and ulcerated, Arg. nit. 25. Pain over the whole a. as if all the fibres were tense and hard, Carb. v. 26. Continuous tensive pain in sub- costal region, with tension around the brain, (and huskiness of the chest,) Cham. 27. Tensive pain from a. to chest, as if caused by distension of a., Caps. 28. Dull, tight pain ceasing on pres- sure, Coloc 29. Tensive, aching pains in region of pubic bones, Tart. stib. 30.----pain in lumbar region, Crot. 31.----, pinching, aching, pressing, spasmodic pains in epigastrium, with malaise and heaviness, Crot. PAIN AS FROM CATHARTICS OR DIAR- RHOEA. 1. Pain in a. as after purging, Bry. 2.----as from a cathartic, Op. 600 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 8. Dysenteric pain in umbilical re- gion, Ars. 4. Acute pain in a., as if diarrhoea would set in, Squill 5. Diarrhoeic pain in epigastrium, Alum. 6. Sensation in a. as if diarrhoea would set in, a sort of relaxed feeling, Verat. » 7. Diarrhoeic feeling in a., with chills, Bar. carb. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning, itching pain in region of inguinal glands, Berb. v. 2.----and stinging pain in umbi- lical region, with thirst, eructation, vomiting, cold extremities, slow pulse, Plumb, ac 3. ----pressing pain across the a., during rest or motion, Euphras. 4.----contractive pain in a., as if the menses would set in, at night, Phos. * ' 5.----and tearing down pains in right groin as if the intestines would issue, Graph. 6.----pinching pains in epigastri- um, preceded by redness and heat of cheeks, Merc. sol. 7.----stinging or violent lanci- nating pain in region of liver, along the border of the false ribs, in- creased by pressure and passing to the region of the stomach, Berb. v. 8. Pain below navel, burning or lancinating, Calc. carb. 9. Severe burning, drawing pains in kidneys, Tereb, 10. Burning pain at one spot in re- gion of liver, Phos. ac. 11.----in region of liver, Kal. carb. 12. ----in a. when stooping, while sitting, going off by raising one's self, Kal. nit. 13. Burning and lancinating pain in a. after dinner, Alum. 14. Burning pain in a., Stann. 15. ■----in pit of stomach, and lower down, after supper, with anxiety, Nux v. 16. Extremely painful burning in region of liver, Gutt. 17. Excessive burning pains in sto- mach and a., Merc. corr. 18. Painful burning, cutting in right side of a., early, Stront 19. Horrible burning pains in abdo- men, Tab. 20. Burning pain in abdom. ring, Aur. f 21. Violent burning pain under the skin in left side of a., Berb. v. 22. During a walk, the perineal re- gion and the outer parts of the hip-joints become easily sore ami burning, Arg. m.. 23. Burning-stinging pains in epigas- tric region, Am. 24. Frequent burning pain in skin near umbilicus, Carb. v. 25. Burning pain in a., Caust. 26. Burning pain below left short ribs, Chelid. 27. Pain deep in a., rather burning, with cutting in umbilical region, especially when stooping or walk- ing, with weeping mood, ill-humor, apprehensiveness, sweat in face, Caps. GNAWING PAIN. 1. Gnawing pains in a., Ars. 2. Painful gnawing at a small spot below umbilicus, Gutt. 3. Gnawing pain in epigastrium, in the morning, with sense of empti- ness and faintness, Kal. bich. 4. Gnawing-aching pain in region of liver, Ruta. BEATING, THROBBING PAIN. 1. Beating-stitching pain in right groin, Thuj. 2. Acute throbbing pain in left hy- poehondrium, Agar. 3. Beating pain in left hypoehon- drium, Grat. PAIN. 601 4. «> Throbbing ulcerative pain in re- gion of liver, Silic. 5. Fine painful beating under left short ribs, Ruta. ITCHING PAIN. 1. Itching-burning pain in region of inguinal glands, Berb. v. 2. Itching-stinging pain in right ab- dominal muscles, Tarax. 3 Stitching pain above umbilicus, Sabin. PAIN EXCITED OR AGGRAVATED BY CONTACT. 1. The region of left kidney is sen- sitive to contact, Zinc. to. 2. The a. is painful to the touch, Kal. carb. 3. The a. is sensitive to the touch, Aeon. 4. Pain in a. and stomach when pressing upon the navel, Stann. 5. Pains in a., increased by con- tact, Plumb, ac. 6. The a. is painful when touched, Nux v. 7. The hypochondria are painful to the touch, he has to press upon them when coughing, Dros. 8. The bowels feel sore when touch- ing the a., Fer. acet. 9. Pain from region of liver (when pressing upon it) to pit of sto- mach, Tab. 10. Pain in region of liver when touched, Sulph. 11.----from navel to genital or- gans, especially when touching the . parts, Sep. 12. Pains from the stomach to um- bilicus, worse when touching the part, Chin, sulph. 13. On pressing upon the umbilicus the principal sensation is felt all along the intestinal canal to the termination of the rectum which protrudes somewhat in conse- quence of the pressure on the na- vel, Crot. CONTUSIVE PAIN. 1. Constant contusive pain and pressure in a., Coloc 2. Dull contusive pain below navel, in the integuments, Plat. 3. Contusive pain below umbilicus, Rhus t 4. Long-lasting, contusive pain in region of both kidneys, Kal carb. PAIN AS IF FROM A SPRAIN OR STRAIN. 1. Pain as from a sprain in left groin, Natr. mur. 2.----as from a sprain in left groin, Amm. mur. 3.----in epigastrium as if strained, Ign. 4. ----as if sprained in left groin, when walking, Tarax. 5. ----in right groin as if sprained, when stooping, Ars. 6.----in a., as from straining, when touching it or when raising the arms slightly, Carb. v. JERKING PAIN. 1. Violent jerking pain at umbili- cus, worse during motion, Magn. sulph. 2. Indescribable jerking pains in whole a., Magn. sulph. 3. Painful jerking in both sides, be- low the true ribs, Stann. 4. Continued jerking pain in region of liver, Plumb, ac. * VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN. 1. Pain wandering about in a., with diarrhoea and pains in anus, Ars. 2. Wandering pains in a., Plumb. ac. 3. Painful choking sensation around navel, with nausea, after dinner, when walking, Kal. nit. 4. Pain as if something in a. had broken, Phos. 5. ---- as if the contents of a. were dried up, Bov. 602 SYMPTOMS OF 6. Pain in left abdominal muscles, as if drawn up with a hook, Thuj. 7. Severe screwing-pmchwg pain in a., here and there, Staphys. 8. Pain as if the bowels were in a vice, with cutting pain downwards, eased by pressure, Coloc. 9. ----in a. as if the bowels would be smashed, Sep. 10. Labor-like pains through the whole a., followed by a sensation as if bruised in small of back, Sulph. ac 11. Laming-pain in left hypoehon- drium, Magn. carb. 12. Laming and bruising pain from liver to shoulder, when drawing breath, Lauroc 13. Tingling pain from pit of sto- mach to umbilical region, Ind. 14. Pain in right lower side of a. ex- tending into the groin, with pain- ful tingling extending to the foot and big toe, where a violent sting- ing is felt, Gins. 15. ----above left hip, as if a sac were forming, Chelid. 16. ----in region of spleen as if a ball were turning round its axis, Calc. caust. 17. Griping pain in a., Merc. corr. 18. Painful uneasiness in region of liver, which can only be relieved by laying the hand on the part, Lam. alb. 19. Biting pain in a. as from worms, with contractive pain at stomach, • chilliness, sweat, Amm. carb. 20. Distensive, pain in bowels, which feel as if gathered into a ball and fallen down, like a dead weight, the anterior parietes of the a. feel as if removed, and as if the bowels would fall out, Coloc. 21. Feeling in a. as if the bowels were squeezed between stones, and would burst out, sometimes the blood would rush to face and head, with sensation as if the face were ex- posed to a current of wind, after which the pain ceased, Coloc. , THE ABDOMEN. Colic. 1. Continual colic, Bell, Dig. 2. Violent colic, China, Merc. dulc. 3. Horrid colic, Cic. 4. Colic with nausea, China, Sep. 5. Intolerable colic, early, Cham. 6. Paroxysms of colic, Ars. 7. Periodical colic, Plumb, ac 8. Colic ceasing after stool, Bruc 9. °----of pregnant females, Bry. 10.----, with malaise and oppres- sive anxiety, Asaf. 11. Belly-ache with retraction of na- vel, Bar. carb. 12. Colic as if from cold, Dulc, Op. 13.----as from a cold, particularly when walking in the open air, Merc sol. 14. Colic at night as if the inner parts would be crushed and were ecchy- mosed, Sulph. 15. Violent colic, with vertigo, head- ache, nausea, contraction of a., small pulse, cold and damp skin, dilated pupils, Tab. 16. °Colic aggravated by eating sweet things, Sulph. 17. °----abating when one sits bent, Sulph. 18. °----after drinking, Sulph. 19. ■----on touching anything cold, Merc, sol 20. Inexpressible colic, which only passes off in a lying posture, Merc. sol. 21. Colic as if the bowels were con- tused and weakened, as after taking drastics, Led. 22. Colicky pains in a., proceeding from either side, Lauroc. 23. Colic after every meal, Sulph. 24. Labor-like colic, with flushes of heat in face, palpitation of the heart, frequent pulse, urine hot and scanty; all these symptoms alternate with the eye-symptoms, coming on in paroxysms, with chil- liness and milky leucorrhoea after the paroxysms, Kreas. 25. Colic aggravated by coffee, brandy and sweets, Ign. COLIC. 603 26. Colic, pain in loins and loathing, Hoemat. 27. ----, desire to vomit, painful digging about in a., rising toward the throat, and changing in pit of stomach to a bruising pain with oppression, Hcemat 28.----after emitting flatulence, Graph. 29. —:— with face bloated and red, eyes glistening and protruded from their sockets, tongue and mouth dry, red, with tormenting thirst, distended and sensitive a.; relief by hard pressure, Plumb, to. 30.----with frightful pains, parti- cularly around the umbilicus, Plumb, ac. 31. Formina intestinorum, Plumb, to. 32. Colic, with paralysis of the lower limbs, Plumb, to. 33. ---- every 2 or 3 days or months, Plumb, ac. 34.----with retraction of the ab- dom. muscles, Podoph.pelt. 35. °Haemorrhoidal colic, Nux v. 36. "Periodical colic, before break- fast or after a meal, Nux v. 37. Colic, with heat in face and feel- ing of dryness on lips, Nux v. 38. Excessive colic in umbilical re- gion, Ophiolox. 39. Colicky pains in a., with tension and pressure as from flatulence, Aeon. 40. Colic as previous to diarrhoea, Natr. sulph. 41. ——around umbilicus, eased by pressure, Nux m. 42. Violent colic, from small of back to pubic bones, Magn. carb. 43. Colicky pains, with flatulence, Magn. carb. 44. Colic, abating after eating warm soup, Magn. carb. 45. ----, with pain in pit of sto- mach and chest, Magn. sulph. 46.----, thirst and diuresis, Verat. 47. Nightly colic, with sleeplessness, Verat. 48. Colic from the back toward the navel, Verat. 49. Violent colic, with flatulence or headache, Calc phosph. 50. Colic before and during stool, ceasing afterwards, Rheum. 51. Dull colic in all the bowels when walking, also painful when pressing on the bowels, Ran. bulb. 52. Colic when walking, Puis. 53. ----after drinking, particularly in the evening, Puis. 54.----, with constipation, enuresis, eructation, inclination to vomit, Bell. 55.----, as if the a. were pressed upon by a hard load, passing off when sitting, Bell. 56.----with constipation, Silic. 57. Violent colic with sense of ri- gidity all over, yellow hands and blue nails, Silic. 58. Colic with pressing toward the rectum as from flatulence, Silic. 59.'----in umbilical region, as from a hard lump, Spig. 60. ---- around navel, for some days, Arg. nit 61. Momentary but frequent attacks of colic, Carb. v. 62. Colic, relieved by warmth, ex- ternal pressure and bending dou- ble, Castor. 63. Violent colic, also convulsive, Sec. corn. 64. Colic, ceasing after passing wind, Sabin. 65.----with thirst, China. 66.----abates after eating milk- soup, Crot. 67.----relieved by vomiting, twice a day, Natr. carb. 68. Violent turns of colic in umbili- cal region, Ars. hydrog. 69. Colic followed by sweat and trembling of the limbs, Cupr. carb. 70. At times violent colic, at others convulsions, trismus, rolling of the eyes and motion of the limbs, di- minished by pressure, but some- times aggravated by the least con- tact, Plumb, ac. 71. Colic as if a spot in the a. were seized with the nails, a griping, 604 SYMPTOMS OF THE ADBOMEN. clutching, seizing as with talons, Bell 72. Gnawing colic, Plumb, ac. FLATULENT COLIC 1. Flatulent colic, after supper, with pinching in bowels, China. 2. ---- colic deep in hypogas- trium, with spasmodic constriction of bowels, pressing of the flatu- lence against the abdominal walls, tightness and anxiety under the hypochondria, China. 3. Colic, early, as from spasmodi- cally incarcerated flatulence, with tensive, aching pain, and itching near the genital organs, Natr. mur. 4. Flatulent colic, Chin, sulph. 5. ----colic, with distension of a., Cocc. 6. ----- colic, flatulence moving violently hither and thither, as if the abdominal muscles would be pierced, with rumbling; the flatu- lence presses especially towards the abdominal rings, when the colic subsides, Cham. 7. ---- colic from time to time, the flatulence accumulates in the hypochondria, and stitches dart through the chest, Cham. 8.----and haemorrhoidal colic, Carb. v. 9.----colic, Am. 10.----colic, with distension of a., Asa f 11.----colic, with painful pressure, squeezing, anxiety, Aur. f 12. °Crampy flatulent colic, Sulph. 13. Colicky pain, in the morning, from incarcerated flatulence, with rumbling, Zinc. to. 14. Flatulent colic, after eating, Zinc. TO. 15. Colic as from incarcerated flatu- lence, even after stool and emis- sion of flatulence, Lam. alb. 16. Flatulent colic at night, as if fla- tulence were jumping from place to place, causing a disagreeable grumbling sensation, or a sore pinching pressure from within outwards in many places ; no relief after passing wind, Magnet p. austr. 17. Nightly flatulent colic, Ign. 18. Flatulent colic with stitches to- wards the chest, Ign. 19.----colic above navel, alternat- ing with flow of saliva, Ign. 20. Spasmodic flatulent colic in epi- gastrium on going to bed,"Ign. 21. Colicky shifting of flatulence in a., Hep. s. 22. Flatulent colic in epigastrium, with pressure, Hyosc 23. ----colic, deep in the hypogas- trium, sharp pressure as with a cutting or sticking instrument, going and coming, upon the blad- der, the neck of the bladder, the commencement of, the ure- thra, perinaeum, rectum, anus; passing off at once when sitting or lying, Nux v. 24.----colic, with painful pressure towards both rings, Phos. 25.-----colic, as from incarcerated flatulence in the sides of a., Phos. 26.----colic at night, Ferr. acet. 27. Spasmodic flatulent colic, a spas- modic pressing asunder, and con- striction in hypochondria, Eu- phorb. 28. Flatulent colic in epigastrium, in the evening, and after lying down, Nux v. 29. Pain as from incarcerated flatu- lence, deep in a. or hypogastrium, Nux v. 30. Flatulent colic, after stool, as if the bowels were pressed by stones here and there, Nux v. 31. ----colic, Natr. sulph. 32. Colicky incarceration of flatu- lence, Kal. carb. 33. Flatulent colic, early, in bed, Many. 34. ---- colic here and there in whole a., Verat 35. ---- colic,0 with diarrhoeic stools, Ipec. COLIC. 605 36. Flatulent colic, not eased by stool, Nitr. ac. 37. Pain in hypochondria as from in- carcerated wind, Rhod. 38. Flatulence and colic, with nausea and offensive eructations, Branc. 39.----colic after supper, with pressure in region of coecum, Bry. DRAWING COLIC 1. Drawing colic, as if the menses would come on, Croc. 2.----colic, Op. CUTTING COLIC. 1. Cutting colic, early, preceded by chilliness, headache, and nausea, Con. 2. Colic composed of cutting, tear- ing, and pinching, worse during motion, Rhus t 3. Cutting cramp-colic, in the even- ing, in bed, the pains darting to the abdom. ring, spermatic chord, and perinseum, terminating in rumbling, with abatement of the pains, Ars. 4.----colic in a., Mez. 5.----colic, with fulness in a., pain in pit of stomach, hurried breathing, Cinch, sulph. 6. ----colic in lower a., with good appetite, Con. 7.----colic, with flow of saliva, Cann. 8. ---- colic, at night, also with incarceration of wind, Silic 9.----colic, shortly after dinner; he has to bend double, Rheum. 10. ----colic deep in a., as if he would vomit, after a meal; he is relieved by bending double, Puis. 11.----colic, every other evening, Puis. 12. ---- colic, early, with emission of flatulence, Puis. 13.----colic, with chilliness, after supper, Stront 14. °Colio with cutting and stitching, Sulph. 15. Colic as if the bowels would be cut to pieces, Tart. stib. 16. Cutting colic with distension, ceasing after soft stool, Haimat 17.----colic, with drawing in the pelvis, Phos. ac. 18.----colic, early, with several stools, Graph. ">.----colic, with diarrhoea, Verat. K----colic, at night, Camph. STITCHING, LANCINATING COLIC. 1. Sticking-pinching colic in one side of a., Ign. 2. Sticking-aching, crampy colic, commencing in middle of a., with distension, weakness of lower limbs, Mez. 3. Lancinating and pinching colic; he has to bend double, Branc. 4. Colic, stitches, cuttings, and pinching in a., here and there, worse at every throb of the pulse, Hep. s. 5. Stitching colic, with pale com- plexion, chilliness, and headache, at noon, Phos. 6. ----colic under the last left rib, worse when drawing breath, Phos. ac. 7. Sticking colic, or sticking pains, here and there, with smarting in throat as from pepper, Verat. 8. Stitching colic, especially when pressing on the a., Nitr.'ac. PINCHING COLIC 1. Colic composed of cutting, tear- ing, and pinching, worse during motion, Rhus t. 2. Pinching and lancinating colic; he has to bend double, Branc. 3. Colicky pinching and tearing in a., with chilliness in a., Alum. 4. Pinching-tearing colic in umbili- cal region and in both sides of a., with pain in small of back as if broken, Cham. 5. Colic in one side of a., first pinching, then sticking, Ign. 606 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 6. Pinching, contracting colic, early, every day, Bor. 7. Colicky pinching in a., leaving great weakness, Cupr. to. 8. Pinching bellyache, with pale face, Caust 9.----colic, afternoon, Natr. mur. 10.----colic; has to sit doubled up, with urging to diarrhoea, and then vomiting, Bell. > 11. Dull pinching colic, all day, sometimes alternating with pain in chest, Ran. bulb. 12 Pinching colic, followed by emis- sion of flatulence, Rheum. 13.----colic in bowels, when walk- ing in the open air, Ign. 14.----colic in umbilical region, followed by a pinching and fine stinging in chest, Ign. 15.----colic as if sore, early, pass- ing to the back and scapulae, Natr. mur. 16. Drawing-pinching colic, followed by flatulence and expulsion of tenacious faeces, Verat 17. Pinching and aching colic, lod. 18. Colic and pinching in a., Bry. DIGGING-UP COLIC 1. Digging-up and writhing colic, as if a worm were creeping about, Rhus t 2.----colic, below umbilicus, Nitr. ac COLIC AS IF ULCERATED. 1. Colic with burning sore feeling, below umbilicus, and with ulcera- tive pain in bowels, Ran. bulb. 2. Violent colic in left side of a., as if ulcerated, two successive evenings, Valer. TEARING COLIC. 1. Tearing colic around umbilicus, early, Dig. 2. Continual tearing colic in side of a., with sensation as if rolled up into a ball, Cham. 3. Colicky tearing and pinching in a., with chilliness in a., Alum. 4. Colic composed of cutting, tear- ing, and* pinching, worse during motion, Rhus t. 5. Tearing pinching colic in umbili- cal region, and in both sides of a., with pain in small of back as if broken, Cham. 6. Violent colic as if her bowels would be torn out, Magn. carb. CRAMPY, SPASMODIC COLIC. 1. Crampy cutting colic, evening, in bed, the pains darting to the abdom. ring, spermatic chord, and perin38um,terminating in rumbling, Ars. 2.----, sticking-aching colic, com- mencing in middle of a., with dis- tension, weakness of lower limbs, Mez. 3. Painful distension of a., with colic resembling spasms, Caust. 4. °Crampy colic from piles, Sulph. 5. Violent spasmodic colic, with diarrhoea, Lach. 6. Spasmodic colic, on drawing breath, Bov. 7. Cramp colic, first in right side, then towards the back (also in right testicle), and upwards towards the region of the stomach, with sweat, loud moaning, and contor- tion of the facial muscles, Phos. CONTRACTIVE COLIC 1. Contracting, pinching colic, early, every day, Bor. 2. Colic, as if the bowels were seized one by one and drawn to- gether, Mez. 3. Writhing and contractive colic in pelvic cavity, in the morning, press- ing from within outward, Sep. 4. Crampy contracting colic, extend- ing to chest, groin, and genital or- gans, Sulph. 5. Constrictive colic, arresting the breathing, Zinc. to. COLIC. 607 6. Contractive colic, particularly in hypogastrium, during a walk in the open air, or with griping and digging in region of uterus, at- tended with increased discharge of coagula of blood, Nux v. COLIC, WITH SENSATION AS IF STOOL WOULD TAKE PLACE. 1. Colicky pains in a., with urging to stool, Seneg. 2. Colic as if diarrhoea would come on, in the evening, with oppressive pinching, or with violent pressure, when sitting, China. 3.----as if diarrhoea would set in, Nux v. 4.----as if diarrhoea would come on, Dulc. 5.----as if diarrhoea would come on, frequently ; afterward soreness above the ilium, when pressing from without, Phos. 6.----as if diarrhoea would set in, with loss of appetite, and cold feet, Led. 7. Horrid colic, as if dysentery would come on, Bry. COLIC, WITH DISTENSION OF BOWELS. 1. Slight colic on waking, distension of a., fulness, weight, fetid flatu- lence, Cinch, sulph. 2. Colicky pain in a., with disten- sion, Coloc. 3. Distended a., with colic, urging to stool, tenesmus and flatulence, Crot 4. Excessive colic and inflation, Euphorb. 5. Colic as if the a. would burst, Hyosc. 6. Colicky pain in epigastrium, as if the intestines would burst, extend- ing to the throat, in bed, in the morning, Ign. 7. Colic as if the a. were bloated, painful to the touch, Stram. COLIC, WITH CHILL OR SHUDDERING. 1. Colic in umbilical region, with shuddering, China. 2.----, causing a shuddering, with urging to stool and imperceptible discharge, Sabad. 3. Violent colicky pains on waking, distension on left side of a., urging to stool, trembling and chattering of teeth from chilliness, Bov. 4. Colic, with shuddering and goose flesh, Bor. 5.----followed by chilliness and a burning heat in the palms of the hands, Hcemat COLIC WITH RUMBLING. 1. Colic, with rumbling in a., Dulc. 2. Belly-ache, with rumbling, and warm, damp, inodorous flatulence, Carb. v. 3. Severe colic, evening, with rum- bling, Lye 4. Colic, with loud rumbling, Verat. 5. ----, followed by violent rum- bling, Silic. 6.----, with rumbling, as if large bubbles were breaking, Coloc. LEAD colic. 1. Colica saturnina, (See " Sympto- men-codex," vol. ii. p. 548.) 2. Colica plumbea, Plumb, ac, 3. °----, Plat, 4.----% Alum. COLIC WITH RISING OF WATER. 1. Sudden, compressive colic, with gulping up of water, Ant. cr. 2. Violent colic, with rising of wa- ter, Castor. 3. Colic followed by cardialgia, nau- sea and ptyalism, Tab. 4.----and flow of water from mouth, with fetid mucus, loss of appetite, Zinc. to. 5. "Chronic colic, with tension of a. and waterbrash, Bry. 608 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 13. Sudden colic, early, with expul- sion of yellow-green papescent fseces, with continued urging after the stool; a bruising sensation above the pubic bones and a qualm- ish feeling in pit of stomach re- mained, Verat. 14. Colic after dinner, with urging to stool and some fseces, sore feeling and stinging of the anus, and in- voluntary discharge of slime, next day, Alum. 15. Constant colic, also with diar- rhoea, Nice. 16. Severe colic, early, followed by diarrhoea and lastly hard stool, Graph. 17. Colic followed by sour-smelling diarrhoeic stool, leaving some te- nesmus and burning, accompanied by erection, Phos. 18.----and diarrhoea, with rum- bling, early in the morning; pre- ceded, the evening previous, by a sensation of a painful swelling on lower part of legs, with trembling, languor, stiffness of the knees as after a long walk, Hozmat. 19. ----, flatulence, pain to touch, soft stools with cutting, languor of the extremities, palpitation of the heart, sick feeling, anguish, and lastly shuddering and chilliness all over, Hozmat 20.----occasioned by the cool evening air, with diarrhoea, Mere sol 21. °----with diarrhoea, Sulph. 22.----, watery vomiting and diar- rhoea, Stram. 23. Horrid colic, with violent vomit- ing, diarrhoea, anxiety, internal spasms, Merc, prose rub. 24. Colic with diarrhoea and cold feet, Nitr. ac. 6. Colic with eructations and spit- ting, Kal. carb. COLIC WITH HAEMORRHAGE. 1. Colic with haemorrhage from anus, Led. 2. Colicky pains in a., with pressing downward, and discharge of blood from vagina, Magn. carb. COLIC WITH LEUCORRHCEA. 1. Colic, followed by watery leu- corrhcea, Magn. carb. 2.----with leucorrhcea, Bell. COLIC, WITH DISCHARGES FROM THE BOWELS. 1. Colicky pains,' generally attended with retraction of a. and navel, con- stipation, or discharge of dry, hard, black faeces, constriction of anus, pains in limbs, bluish saliva, Plumb, to. 2. Colic after breakfast, he has to go to stool, Spong. 9. Violent colic, with tenesmus or diarrhoeic stools and gagging, Cupr. acet. 4. Colic as in diarrhoea, Arg. to. 5. Tensive colic, at night, with cut- ting in a. and diarrhoea, Natr. carb. 6. Colicky pains in bowels, with desire to vomit and diarrhoea, Co- paiv. 7, Colic and watery diarrhoea, Co- paiv. 8. Colicky pain around umbilicus, followed by stool, Crot. 9.----pains in epigastrium, fol- lowed by diarrhoeic stool and smarting in anus, Cann. 10. Colic, followed by tenesmus and then an evacuation of faeces com- posed of small lumps, Am, 11. Colicky pains and a papescent, fetid stool, after beer, Teucr. 12. Severe colic, early, with hard, lumpy stool, and burning at anus, Magn. mur. Pressure. 1. Pressure from hypogastrium downwards, when eating, lessened by rising, Arg. to. 2. Pressure in hypogastrium when PRESSURE. 609 sitting, with emission of short fla- tus, China. 3. Pressing and digging in a., below navel, as if from wind, Kal. carb. 4. Pressure, constriction, tightness, fulness, and weight in hypochon- dria, Aeon. 5. ---- and shocks in region of liver, with oppression and arrest of breathing, Aeon. 6.----, fulness, burning, qualmish feeling at pit of stomach, Crot. 7.----, pinching-pulling, tightness in umbilicus, with sudden nausea, Crot, 8. ■----in region of spleen, Crot 9.----in region of anterior false ribs, during motion, Crot 10.----in left hypoehondrium, Dig. 11.----in a., which is hard and distended, with oppressed breath- ing, Mez. 12.----in epigastrium, which is swollen, Mez. 13. Oppression in a., as from great anguish and fear, gradually rising to the chest, Ars. hydrog. 14. Pressure in epigastrium, Natr. mur. 15. Pressure in hypogastrium every morning, Natr. mur. 16. Pressure in umbilical region, with distension, Colch. 17. Pressure in a., with nausea, when pressing the a. against any thing, Samb. 18. Pressing on mons veneris, Rhus t 19. Pressure in various parts of a., Caps. 20. Sudden pressure in right a. and chest, when sitting, Seneg. 21. Pressure, with heaviness, in whole abdomen, China. 22.----in a., as if stool would come on, Castor. S3.----in a., up to cesophagus, Caust. 24. ---- in stomach and a., with three diarrhoeic stools every night, Vol. III.—39. and stitches from back through to rignt side of a., Caust 25. Fulness and pressure in a., Carb. v. 26. Hard pressure in left hypoehon- drium, Arg. nit. 27. Pressure in bowels, worse after eating, Coloc. 28.----in lower belly as if from fulness, Coloc 29. ---- from the sides of lower belly to the groins, Coloc. 30. ----in a., followed by fermen- tation, Con. 31. Violent pressure in a., with hard stool, Calc. carb. 32. Pressure in region of liver when walking, Calc carb. 33.' Oppression across epigastrium and hypochondria, Calc. caust. 34. Pressure in left groin when standing, Camph. 35. Hard pressure in left iliac region, Camph. 36. Pressure in a., with flatulence, Silic. 37. ----m whole a., with dulness of head, and tension of the skin of the head, Sep. 38. ----in a., going off after stool, Sep. 39. ---- in region of liver, along the border of the false ribs, Berb. vulg. 40. Pressing in a., Puis. 41. Pressure in a., here and there, as from incarcerated flatulence, after midnight, with a feeling of heat all over, without thirst, Puis. 42. ---- deep in region of liver, when standing, Ran. bulb. 43. ----in region of spleen, Rheum. 144. ---- in bowels, on drawing breath, as if full of fluid, Rheum. 45. Continual pressure in hypochon- dria, as from flatulence, Aur. f. 46. Pressure from interior of liver to chest, with labored breathing and pulsation, Asa f 47. ---- in a., above ossa pubis, when lying on the back, Bar. carb. 610 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 48. Sensation in a. as if something were violently pressing through the bowels, Sulph. 49. Sore pressure in hypogastrium, after eating, Sulph. 50. Pressure in region of spleen, at- tended with pains elsewhere, Kreas. 51. ----in region of liver, with yel- lowness of the whites of the eyes, Sulph. 52. ---- at navel, with burning in chest, Mosch. 53. ---- in a., with anxious, hypo- chondriac mood, after dinner, Sulph. 54. Pressing and pushing in pubic region, Zinc. to. 55. Pressure under the left' ribs, Sulph. 56. "Chronic pressure in epigastrium, Sulph. s 57. Pressure in a. and bloat in pit of stomach, also sensitiveness of right upper lid, Zinc to. 58. Hard pressure in the sides of the a., hypochondria and back, worse when walking, Zinc to. 59. Pressure above navel, preventing sleep, Sulph. 60. Dragging or pressing motion in a., sometimes changing to a pain- ful griping, abating alter passing wind, Mercurial. 61. Severe pressure in region of spleen, Mercurial 62. Pressure at upper brim of left side of pelvis, worse when walk- ing, Led. 63. ---- on rectum, with violent emission of hot flatus, Tart. stib. 64. ---- in region of liver, with gnawing as by a worm in left hy- poehondrium, Kreas. 65. Sharp pressure in whole a. as if it would burst, Magnet, p. arct. 66. Hard pressure at middle of os pubis, Hell 67. Hard, tight pressure in a., pro- ceeding from the hypochondria, Graph. 68. Malaise and pressure in left hy- poehondrium, Gent. lut. 69. Pressure below short ribs as from flatulence, Nux v. 70. Pressure in hypochondria, Pe- trol. 71. Disagreeable pressure in a., Carb. v. 72. Oppression of a., and pressing puffiness of a., abating by moving the body, Op. 73. Pressing in hypochondria, as from incarcerated flatulence, with op- pression of the chest, Phos. 74. Pressure in hypogastrium, also as if the bowels would be moved, Phos. 75. Dull pressure in region of liver, when touching it, Phos. 76. Pressing and pushing in hypo- chondria, with anguish, Phosph. ac 77. Pressure in several parts of epi- gastrium, Phos. ac. 78. ----with violent colic, contrac- tion of the a., constipation, Plumb, ac. 79. ----in a., here and there, with desire for stool, Stann. 80. ---- in inguinal glands, with swelling in that region, Stann. 81. ---- in umbilical region, with heartburn passing off after an eruc- tation, Ambr. gr. 82. ---- in epigastrium, with cold hands and feet, Ambr. gr. 83. Paroxysms of pressure in a., mostly when sitting, lod. 84. Pressing movements in a., espe- cially towards os pubis, bladder, scrotum, lod. 85. Pressure in liver, changing to a sense of weight, Kal. carb. 80. ---- from right chest towards liver, with throbbing in region of stomach, which is painful to con- tact, Kal. carb. 87. ----in left side of a., Nitr. ac 88. ---- in umbilical region, with sensation as if it would pass off after stool, Nitr. ac. 89. Sharp pressure below the last right rib, when drawing a long breath, Lye 90. Pressure in a., or nightly press- ing from both sides to pit of sto- mach, Nux TO. 91. ----in a., both sides, Lye. 92. ---- in a., during the menses, Magn. mur. 93. ---- in hypogastrium every morning, Magn. carb. 94. ----and writhing in a., as from a cold, with pressure on bladder, coldness, shaking, Mephit. 95. ----in the inguinal glands when bending forward, Menyan. 96. ----, apparently in spermatic chord, which is painful when touched, Menyan. 97. Continual pressure in epigastric region, Plumb, m. 98. Pressing in groin, with pain in small of back as from wind, Magn. sulph. 99. Pressure below diaphragm, shift- ing from left to right side, Tereb. 100. Pressure in a., which is drawn in, Bell. 101. Pressure as from flatulence in various parts of the bowels, even- ing and morning, resembling a pressure on a bruised spot; a si- milar pressure is felt in various parts of the brain, Magnet, p. arct. 102. Constant pressure in the prae- cordia, with anguish, dry cough, tearing colicky pains, with retrac- tion of the abdom. walls, as if they adhered to the spine, constriction of the sphincter ani and vomiting, Plumb, m. * 103. Pressure in hepatic region, Coloc, Stann. 104. ----in region of liver, going off when stooping, China. 105.----in liver, even when ly- ing down, Carb. a. 106. ---- in kidneys, when sitting, Tereb. 107. ---- in region of left kidney, Zinc to. URE. 611 FROM WITHIN OUTWARD. 1. Pressing from within outward, in the groin, Camph. 2.----from within outward in in- guinal region, Lye, 3. Pressure in region of liver, from within outward, Lye. 4. Gurgling pressing outward in right inguinal region, Kal. carb. 5. Movement in a. as if the muscles were pushed outward, Thuj. 6. The a. presses outward, Kal carb. 7. Constant pressure at a small spot of the abdom. muscles which seem to be pushed outward, Plumb, ac 8. Pressing fr6m within outward in right groin, Phos. ac. 9.----in left groin, with a sore feeling, also in right groin after micturition, Euphorb. 10. Pushing and pressing from within outward, in liver, Mere sol. 11. Violent pressure in right side of a. as if the bowels were twisted out of his body, Merc. sol. 12. Movement in a. as if something would press out, Sulph. 13. Pushing from within outward in right lumbar region, in bed, Sulph, ac 14. Pressure from within outward, in left lumbar region, Tarax. 15. Pressing from within outward in right groin, Stront. 16. Pressure at navel from within, Asaf. 17..----in umbilical region as if the bowels would be pressed out, Rheum. 18. Sensation in a., below navel, as if the bowels were pressing out, mostly when standing, Bell. 19. Undulating pressure in right groin, from within outward, Sep. 20. Pressure in region of liver from within outward, Castor. 21. Pressing from within outward in abdominal ring, with ulcerative pain, Cann. 22. Pressure in right groin from * rHE ABDOMEN. 612 SYMPTOMS OF ' within outward, with canine hun- ger and rumbling in a., Rhus t. 23. Sensation of pressing out, in left side of a., Dig. 24. Crampy pressing and pushing in groins from within outward, for weeks, Tereb. 25. Pushing and crampy pressing from within outward in groins, for weeks, Tereb. 26. Pressing outward in inguinal re- gion, with drawing stitches, Kal. carb. 27. Crampy pressure over the ossa pubis, when sitting, as if some- thing were boring out, Ang. 28. Pressure from within, in hypo- gastrium, with anguish, Ang. FROM WITHOUT INWARD. 1. Violent pressure at umbilicus, externally, Sulph. ac. 2. Dull pressure from without in- ward under the right ribs, Sulph.ac 3. Sharp pressure below navel, from without inward, Hell 4. Pressure in umbilical region from without inward, Grat. 5. Pain around umbilicus as if a blunt instrument were squeezed into the bowels, Anac. 6. Pressure from without inward in right groin, Thuj. 7. Pressing from without inward, and severe stitches, in region of last true ribs, when standing, Valer. 8. When lying down, after dinner, he feels as though the umbilical region were pressed upon by a round, cold, flat surface, Tereb. FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD. 1. Pressing downward in right sper- matic chord as if squeezed, Teucr. 2. Pressure in left side down to the hip, Bor. 3. Pressing and bearing down to- ward lower pelvis, with diarrhoeic stools, lod. 4.----in a. toward the genital or- gans, Nux v. 5. Pressing in left groin from above downward, Lam. alb. 6. Pressure from fauces to a., as if a hard body resisted down below, Zinc. to. 7.----in a. from pit of stomach downward, Calc. carb. 8.----from above downward, as from a stone, Cupr. to. 9. Bearing down and boring in left side of a., Dig. 10.----in the groins, with sensi- tiveness to the touch, Kal. carb. FROM BELOW UPWARD. 1. Pressure from below upward, in region of spleen, like a continued stitch, when walking, Am, 2. Pressing in a. when sitting, as if the bowels would be raised, Rhust. 3. Pressing in hypochondria, from below upward, with anxiety of death, when sitting bent, Rhus I COMPRESSIVE SENSATION. 1. Burning pressing together across the a., as if externally, Thuj. 2. Compressive feeling in both sides of a., Canth. 3. Contractive pressure below um- bilicus, as from an induration, when sitting, China. 4. Pressure in hypogastrium, as if the parts were tied together, Sulph. 5. ----with contractive sensation from the sides of a. toward the middle, Grat. 6. Compressive sensation in umbili- cus, followed by' paroxysms of pressure in it resembling shocks, Aeon. 7. Sensation as if both hypochon- driac regions were pressed or screwed toward each other, Alum. 8. Both sides of epigastrium seem to press against each other, Alum. 9. Sensation in a. as if compressed, also proceeding from spinal column, Ambr. gr. 10. Pressing in both lumbar regions, toward the genital organs, Alum. 11. Compressive sensation in a., Mez. 12. Pressing together of the intes- tines, a pressure from behind and from above downward, and to the left side, especially when walking and pressing upon the parts, Cupr. m. PRESSURE WITH BURNING. 1. Pressure and sometimes burning in left hypoehondrium, with sense of rising to the chest from region of spleen when drawing breath, Bor. 2.----and burning as if in the womb, Sidph. ac. 3. ----and burning in a., Copaiv. 4.----and burning in a., followed by soft stool, Phos. 5. Burning pressure in right side of a., Stann. 6. Dull burning pressure in a. above navel, here and there, Kal nit. 7. Severe burning pressure in hypo- chondria, Tereb. WITH STITCHES OR CUTTING. 1. Pressing from without inward, and severe stitches, in region of last true ribs, when standing, Valer. 2. Pressure and dull stitches in left hypochondriac region, Kal carb. 3. Oppression and cutting in a,.,Ign. 4. Cutting pressure in liver, as from induration, China. 5. Dull sticking pressure in left side of a., as from a sore, Sabad. 6. Pressure, with sticking, in epi- gastrium, in bed, China. 7.----and stitches in region of spleen, increased by turning, Bor. 8.----in a., with stitches from pit of stomach downward, Cede carb. 9. Violent, incisive pressure in hy- pogastrium, here and there, Bell. 10. Stitching pressure in region of both kidneys, Zinc. m. 613 11. Pressure and frequent dull stitch- es in right inguinal region, Lye 12. Hard pressure and stitches in epigastrium, Tart. stib. 13. Slight pressure in left groin, sometimes changing to stitches, also striking down the spermatic chord, on one side or both, Mercu- rial. 14. Turns of pressure in right groin, terminating in stitches, Hell. 15. Pressure with stitching in region of liver and spleen, 01 an. 16. Sticking pressure in region of liver, Plumb, ac 17. Pressure and cutting in a., before dinner, Lye AS FROM A FOREIGN BODT. 1. Pain around umbilicus as if a blunt instrument were squeezed into the bowels, Anac. 2. When lying down, after dinner, he feels as though the umbilical region were pressed upon by a round, cold, flat surface, Tereb. 3. Pressure at navel, as from some- thing hard, with sensation when speaking, coughing, etc., as if the a. would burst, Anac 4-----in epigastrium as from a load, Caust. 5. Dull pressure in transversalis muscle, near crest of ilium, as if made with a foreign body, Arg. nit. 6. Pressure at navel as from a but- ton, during a walk in the open air, Bry. 7-----in a. as from a stone, in the evening, with pains in the loins, Bell 8.----in hypogastrium as from a heavy load, Bell. 9. Sensation in region of os pubis as if strong pressure were made with the tip of the thumb, Rheum. 10. Pressure under the right short ribs, as from a round, heavy body, with pain when touching the part, Tab. SURE. 614 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. WITH TENSION. 1. Pressure and tension in a., Men- yan. 2. Tensive pressing in whole a., at night, worse when pressing on the a., Ruta. 3. Pressure and tension in left iliac region, Calc acet. 4. ---- and tightness in epigas- trium, accompanied by pressure and stitches in umbilical region, Sep. 5. Severe tensive pressure in a., after rising in the morning, as if the hypogastrium were spasmodi- cally constricted or distended, Bell 6. Tensive pressure in a, below na- vel and in both lumbar regions, Aur. f. 7. Pressure, with weight and ten- sion in a., Staphys. 8. Pressure in umbilical region, with tension, Gent. lut. 9. Tensive pressure in region of liver, Nux v. 10. ---- pressure in hypogastrium, on drawing breath, talking, or touching the part, Nux v. 11. Pressure and tension in region of liver, Nitr. ac 12. Tensive pressure at mons veneris, when walking or sitting, Men- yan. 11. Dull pressure at a small spot be- low the navel, as if there were an induration, increased by external pressure, Zinc to. 12. Pressure in a. as if full of stones, worse when sitting forward, occa- sioning a continual motion of the limbs, uneasiness, lowness of spi- rits, Tart. emet. 13. ---- in the a. as from a stone, Merc sol. 14. ---- in epigastrium as from a stone, especially when thinking, Magnes art. 15. ----in a. as from a stone, Mag- net, p. arct. 16.----in a., below navel, hard as a stone, Hep. s. 17.----as from a stone in epigas- trium also after a meal, Nux v. 18.----above navel as from a but- ton, Amm. carb. 19.----in left side of a., as with the hand, Amm. mur. 20.----in middle of a., as from a big lump, Nitr. ac. 21. ---- in lower part of liver as from a stone, Thuj. 22.----at navel as from a stone, aggravated by bending forward, Verbose WITH DRAWING. 1. Drawing pressure or -cutting tearing in region of right kidney, Zinc to. 2. Pressure and drawing in region of right kidney, lod. 3. ----and dragging above navel, Crot. 4. Drawing pressure along the loins, when sitting, Ruta. 5. Pressure with drawing in right groin and in left side of a., Sulph. 6.----with drawing in umbilical region, early, Mang. 7. Drawing pressure in inguinal glands, only when spreading the thighs, Valer. WITH PINCHING. 1. Pinching pressure in middle of epigastrium, interiorly, Sabad. 2. ---- pressure in epigastrium, after every meal, with aggrava- tion of the pains by movement, China. 3. Pressure and pinching in a., Bry. 4. Pinching pressure in hypogastri- um, like a weight, after rising, with desire to vomit, bruising pain in back, Hyosc. 5. Frequent pinching pressing on right side of umbilicus, Lye DRAWING. 615 WITH TINGLING. 1. Pressure deep in hypogastrium, with tingling as far as urethra, Zinc. m. CRAMPY OR SPASMODIC PRESSURE. 1. Spasmodic pressure and constric- tion of a., China, 2. Crampy pressure or pain in hy- pogastrium, Carb. v. 3. Painless crampy pressure as from a broad body, in right upper a., when drawing breath, Croc. 4. Crampy pressure below sternum (left side) and below short ribs (right side), Staphys. 5. ---- pressure in side of a., succeeded by watery diarrhoea, Nux v. 6. ----pressure from a. to testes, Teucr. VARIOUS KINDS OF PRESSURE. 1. Screwing pressure behind navel, at night, Ran. seel 2. Paralytic oppressive sensation in epigastrium, as if one part of intes- tines were loose and the other part stretched, Cycl. 3. Pulsative pressing, with tearing in right groin, Lye Drawing. 1. Tearing drawing in right, then in left side, between the ribs and hip-bones, in paroxysms, Teucr. 2. Sharp drawing in region of liver, Magn. mur. 3. Spasmodic drawing and tearing in a., from below upwards, with spasmodic constrictive griping in right side of chest, and dyspnoea, Magn. mur. 4. Crampy drawing in hypogastri- um, Lye. 5. Drawing in bowels, Nuxjugl. 6. ----in left lumbar region, with sensation as of something alive in that region, Kal. hyd. 7. Drawing from side of a. to back, the side feeling painful when press- ing upon it, Aeon. 8. ----, from the side of -spine, as if the parts would be distended, Plumb, ac. 9.----, from the groin into the testicles, 01 an. 10. ----in the sides of a. from above downwards, Staphys. 11. Spasmodic drawing in middle of a., with dull pains in whole a., Zinc. oxyd. 12. Drawing and cold feeling in um- bilical region, Rat. 13. ---- and pinching in a., chang- ing to a pressing sensation in rectum, with qualmishness and weakness in pit of stomach, and paleness of face, Ign. 14. ---- and burning in a., Kal, carb. 15. ----and pressure in region of right kidney, lod. 16. ---- and griping at umbilicus, especially when moving the body, Nitr. ac. 17. ----feeling in a. after drinking, Con. 18.----from navel to pubes, Rhus t 19. Crampy drawing in umbilical region, Rhus t. 20. Drawing sensation, with pres- sure, in right side of a., with sen- sation of cobweb over the abdomen, Rhus t. 21.----in abdominal integuments, right side, when walking, Seneg. 22. ----in umbilical region, some- times with oppression, also in a., Ars. 23.----in epigastrium, then in uterus, CVoc. 24.----in whole left side of a., when standing, Arg. nit. 25.----, from liver to stomach and back, particularly after a meal, with vomiting, Bry. 26.----in a., with uneasiness, on waking, Calc, carb. 616 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 27. Tearing drawing through a., Spig. 28. Cutting drawing in left loin, be- low the short ribs, and anteriorly on the left side of the hypogas- trium, directly above the os pubis, Rheum. 29. Alternate darting and prickling, at night, Zinc. to. 30. Periodical drawing in liver, Lact 31. Continual drawing, with pres- sure, in right side of a., Lauroc 32. Drawing, with sticking above navel (right side), Lauroc, 33.----and pinching in a., espe- cially around umbilicus, Mez. 34. ----and stitches in sides of a., Natr. carb. DRAWING-IN, RETRACTION. 1. Retraction of a., not sensitive to pressure, Cupr. acet. 2. Desire to draw the a. in, Valer. 3. The a. is somewhat drawn in, Merc corr. 4. Pressure in a., which is drawn in, Bell 5. The abdom. walls are drawn in as if excavated, Plumb, ac 6. Retraction of a., not bearing con- tact, Plumb, to. 7. Drawing-in of a., Cupr. to., Cupr. acet. 8. Retraction of a., with darting up to the right clavicle when pressing the a. out, Lauroc. Of Umbilicus. 1. Retraction of the umbilicus, Am., Plumb, to. 2. The navel is drawn towards the spine as if adhering to it, Plumb, ac. 3. Retraction of navel, especially early in the morning, Aeon. 4. Crampy retraction of umbilicus, accompanied with nausea, Che- lid. 5. Painful retraction of navel, par- ticularly on stooping, Tab. 6. Painful retraction of umbil. re- gion, when sitting, Kal. carb. 7. Belly-ache, with retraction of navel, Bar. carb. DRAWING OUT. 1. The navel seemed to be drawn out, Gent. cruc. 2. Pain in a., as if the navel would be torn out, after which the pain shifts to the inner chest, Stram. DRAGGING. 1. Dragging in a., with nausea, as if the menses would come on, Valer. 2. Contractive dragging in umbili- cal region, Bell 3. Dragging and pressure above navel, Crot. Stitches, Prickings, etc. STITCHES. 1. Sticking in hypochondria, Par. quad., Petrol. 2. Stitches in liver, Lye 3. Dull stitches in right hypoehon- drium, after dinner, Magn. carb. 4. Stitches in both groins, evening, Lye 5. Tearing stitches in hernial region, Lye 6. Dull stitches and pressure in right inguinal region, Lye 7. Severe stitches in left hypoehon- drium, worse when drawing breath, during the menses, Magn. mur. 8. Stitching near umbilicus, which is contracted in consequence, Nux m. 9. Stitches in region of liver, when attempting to cry out, Nitr. ac. 10.----in region of spleen, during motion, Nitr. ac 11.----in left hypoehondrium, be- low the last ribs, Nuxjugl. 12.---- in left hernial region, Nitr. ac. 13. Severe stitches in left hypoehon- drium, Ipec. 14. Stitches in right groin and hip, when sitting, Amm. mur. 15. Crampy stitches in region of liver, Kal. carb. 16. Frequent dull stitches at a small spot in region of liver, with sore pain when touching it, Kal. carb. 17. Pinching-cutting stitches deep in iliac region, extending to the anus and perinseum, Kal. carb. 18. Frequent burning stitches in both costal regions, Kal. carb. 19. Stitches in hypochondria and pit of stomach, arresting the breath- ing, Kal. carb. 20. Sticking in region of left ribs, after lifting a weight, Kal. nit. 21. Stitches in side of a., lod, 22. A few violent stitches in hypo- gastrium, Kal carb. 23. Dull stitches in liver and right groin, Kal carb. 24. Stitches in region of liver, Kal. carb. 25. ---- in right side of a., when laughing, or like fine dartings, Kal. carb. 26. Sharp stitches and lancinating tearing in left side of a., Kal carb. 27.'Stitches in middle of both iliac bones when sitting, Kal. nit. 28. Sharp stitches in left hypoehon- drium, as if from incarcerated fla- tulence, lod. 29. Sticking in region of both kid- neys, worse when drawing a long breath, Kal. nit. 30. Stitches in the groins, when ex- tending the limbs, Kal carb. 31. Wandering stitches in a. and hypochondria, as if something would press out, Alum, 32. Stitches in a., impeding walking, Amm. carb. 33. Splenetic stitches, even when sitting, Amm. mur. 34. Burning stitches, deep in left side of a., Amm. curb. 35. Stitches in a., when moving it, WING. 617 or when drawing it in, or pressing upon it, Ambr. gr. 36. Violent stitches in region of liver when raising the trunk after stoop- ing, Alum. 37. Stitches in region of liver, Spong. 38. ----above groin, with a stitch- like oppression of the chest, Spig. 39. Dull stitches from without in- ward, in region of kidneys, Stann. 40. Stitches under the left short ribs when drawing breath, or stooping when sitting, Agar. 41. ---- in the sides, in the right side when drawing breath, and in the left when laughing hard, Aeon. 42. Severe stitches in right side of a., especially when coughing and drawing breath, Stann. 43. Stitching in right side of a., fol- lowed by drawing in right shoul- der ; she had to lie down, face and arms covered with sweat; after- wards she became chilly, Stann. 44. Stitches in spleen, when walking, Aeon. 45. Sticking in transverse colon, Plumb, ac 46. Stitches in the lumbar regions, when laughing, Plumb, ac. 47. Dull stitches in middle of umbi- licus, Plat. 48. ---- stitches, with pressure, in umbilical region and other parts, Phos. ac 49. Stitches above the groin, when changing his position, Phos. ac. 50. Stitching in region of liver and spleen, Phos. ac. 51. Stitches in region of liver, also from without inwards, sometimes accompanied by burning of the skin, or by a sensation as if she were- held fast in that region, Phos. 52. ----below the left side of chest, with anxiety, Phos. 53. Stitching in umbilical region, Nux v. 54. Dull stitches or shocks below navel, left side, Oleand. 618 SYMPTOMS QF THE ABDOMEN. 55. Dull stitches in region of liver, during a walk, 01. an. 56. Stitches in left side of a., Op. 57. Stitching in right groin, after an emission, Petrol. 58. Stitches in region of liver, Nux v. 59. Boring stitches in the abdom. in- teguments, right side, Dros. 60. Single, pulsative stitches below the left short ribs, when sitting, Dulc. 61. Dull stitches in right side of a., going and coming, increased by ex- ternal pressure, Dulc 62.----stitches from within out- wards, at a small spot on left side of a., as if something would squeeze through; with arrest of breathing, Dulc, 63. Stitching in anus and rectum, Gran. 64, Stitches in both hypochondria, forcing one to lie down, Graph. 65. Spasmodic stitches in a., Graph. 66. Stitching in left side, moving up- wards, then downwards, Grat. 67. Stitches in region of liver, when walking, Hep. s. 68. Splenetic stitches when walking, Hep. s. 69. Severe stitches in left side of a., below the ribs, Hep. s. 70. Severe cutting stitches in hypo- gastrium, from below upwards, during a walk in the open air, Magnet, p. arct. 71. Stitching in the region of the kidneys, Zinc. m. 72. ----, with pressure, in region of spleen, deep-seated, increased by pressing on the part, Zinc. to. 73. ----in right hypoehondrium, at various periods, also with burning or smarting on outside, Zinc. m. 74. ----in region of liver and right hip, Zinc. to. 75. ---- in umbilical region, cially after dinner, Verbose. 76. ---- followed by burning, with sensation as if an oblong depres- sion existed there, Tong. 77. Stitches from the groin through the thigh, Thuj. 78. ---- in epigastrium, with ten- , when stooping, Bov. left lumbar region, espe- sion, Boo. 79. ----in a. 80. ---- in Magn. mur. 81. Stitching in left hypoehondrium, Magn. sulph. 82. Burning stitches near umbilicus, Lye 83. Stitches in right iliac region, ex- tending into the pelvis, when draw- ing breath or turning the body, Lye. 84.---- in left side, like splenetic stitches, Magn. carb. 85. Dull stitching in region of spleen, Zinc. to. 86. Stitches darting from a. to vagi- na, Kreas. 87. Stitching in diaphragm, Zinc oxyd. 88. Crampy stitches above navel, left side, Staphys. 89. Dull stitching as from an ulcer, above navel, right side, increased by contact, Zinc. m. 90. Burning stitches in left side of hypogastrium, Tarax. 91. Single, severe stitches partly in left portion of epigastrium, partly in left or right side of a., partly in hypogastrium, Tarax. 92. Continuous stitches, with pres- sure, in left side of a., Tarax. 93. Stitches in right groin, arresting the breathing, Sulph. 94. Burning stitches in left groin, evening, Sulph. 95. Stitching in region of right ribs, during the menses, Sulph. ac 96. ----in left hypoehondrium, and also in region of lower ribs, some- times with stitching in the chest, Sulph. 97. Stitches in left side of a., Sulph. ac. 98. ----in the region of the ingui- nal hernia, Sulph. ac. 99. Numerous fine stitches in a., suddenly, Tab. DRAWING. 619 100. Stitching in right groin, Tab. 101. Stitches in liver, when walking, penetrating to pit of stomach, Tab. 102.----in the fold of the hip-joint (and heel) toward evening, Merc sol. 103.----under the left ribs, in the side, Mur. ac 104.----deep in umbilical region, Mosch. 105. ----in a., with rumbling, and anxiety through the whole a., Mosch. 106. Stitching in region of liver, worse when drawing breath, Mosch. 107. Stitches in region of liver and right groin, Sulph. 108. Stitching in both groins, worse when drawing breath, Stront. 109. ---- in left side of a. when drawing a long breath, Sulph. 110. Fine burning stitches in right lumbar region, externally, when sitting bent, Sulph. 111. Stitches from right os ilium through a. and chest, Lach. 112.----through the region of the spleen, Lact. 113. Boring stitches from hypogas- trium through anus, Mere, sol 114. Sudden stitches in a., reverbe- rating through the whole body, Sulph. 115. Stitches in left groin, after waking, Zinc. to. 116. Jerking stitches from within outward in right side, Asaf. 117. Single piercing stitches in a., Rhad. 118. Violent stitches in region of spleen, arresting the breathing, in the evening, during rest, Rhad. 11*. Stitches in navel with tingling or burning, Asaf. 120. Stitches in left side of a., when merely rubbing it, Asaf. 121. Frequent fine, itching stitches in right inguinal gland, Rheum. 122. Stitches in hypogastrium, Ran. bulb. 123. Severe stitches, immediately after dinner, proceeding from left lumbar region through a., espe- cially below navel, Ran. bulb. 124. A few colicky stitches after » taking milk, Bell. 125. Sharp stitches in right side of a., Bar. carb. 126. Sticking, with pressure, in um- bilical region, Bell. 127. Fine stitches in right groin, Bell. 128. Stitching in the side of the a., followed by difficulty of breathing, Sep. 129. Alternate stitching and pinch- ing in bowels, Sep. 130. Stitches from epigastrium to left side, upward, Sep. 131. Severe stitches in region of liver, which becomes painful to the touch with costiveness, Sep. 132. Stitches through a. from right to left side, Sep. 133. ---- in groins, also the left, Sep. 134. ----in hypochondria, Spig. 135.----in a. near os innominatum, while walking; passing off, how- ever, after making 30 or 40 steps, Spig. 136. ----from a. to back, with ar- rest of breathing, Calc carb. 137.----across the a. when draw- ing breath, Calc carb. 138. ----in groin as if hernia would protrude, Calc carb. 139. Severe stitches in lesser intes- tines when stooping forward, Calc. caust. 140. Stitches in right hypoehondri- um, Calc carb. 141. ---- in region of liver, during or after stooping, Calc. carb. 142. ----, jerks, and pressure in re- gion of spleen, Cal. seg. 143. ----or burning in inguinal re- gion, Ars. 144. ----and screwing together in right hypoehondrium, Natr. carb. 145. Stitchmg and pain as if bruised, in region of left kidney, Zinc. to. 146. Stitches and drawing in sides of a., Natr. carb. 620 SYMPTOMS OF 1 147. Stitches -and burning in hypo- gastrium, with cramp-pain in right lower limb, Sulph. 148. Stitching and pinching in a., morning, Sulph. 149. Stitches or dull jerks in hypo- chondria, Lact. 150.----and violent burning in hy- pogastrium, with cramp-pain in right lower limb, Sulph. 151. ---- and burning in the bubo, when moving or when touching it, Dulc. 152. Stitching and jerking in hypo- gastrium, morning, Phos. 153. Dull stitches and pressure in left hypochondriac region, Kal. carb. 154. Drawing stitches and pressing outward in inguinal region, Kal. carb. 155. Sticking and burning in hypo- gastrium, also in rectum, after din- ner, worse during exercise, Kal. nit. 156. Sudden stitches, concussive jerkings in left side of a., when sit- ting, Menyan. 157. Severe stitches and pressing from without inward ' in region of last true ribs, when standing, Valer. 158. Corrosive stitches and ulcers in bowels, Cupr. acet. 159. Tearing, piercing stitches in epi- gastrium, during motion, Cycl. 160. Stitches in region of left kidney, China. 161. ----in hypogastrium when sit- ting and taking an inspiration, China. 162. Pinching stitches, particularly in epigastrium, China. 163. Sticking, with pressure, below umbilicus, while walking, China. 164. Dull stitches, in umbil. region, Anac. 165. Stitches in a., followed by draw- ing sensation, Ang. 166. Corrosive stitches and ulcers in intestines, Cupr. to. 167. Stitches in groin when walking, Dig, ?HE ABDOMEN. 168. Stitches in the hypochondria when taking an inspiration, Anac. 169. Sharp stitches in umbilicus,Z>y. 170. Stitches in the sides of the a., during an expiration, Dig. 171. Dull stitches in right iliac, an4 in lumbar regions, Mez. 172. *--— stitches in hypogastrium and iliac region, Mez. 173. Tearing stitches in right hypo- ehondrium, Mez. 174. Single stitches dart through the a., when moving about, Cycl 175. Stitches in left hypoehondrium, also with soreness to contact, Natr. carb. 176. ----in coecum or in region of sigmoid flexure, Crot. 177. Sudden, deep, sharp stitches on left side of umbil., and inner side of scapula, Cin. 178. Stitches from right groin to a right rib and sternum when draw- ing a long breath, Natr. carb. 179. Violent single stitches in lower rectum, during emission of flatu- lence, Cin. 180. Dull stitches on left side and below pit of stomach, increased by pressure and diminished by deep inspirations, Cin. 181. Stitches in lowest part of groin, only when walking, China. 182.----in both sides, worse when moving about, Cinch, sulph. 183.----in a., here and there, only when stooping, Cocc. 184.----in region of false ribs, Coloc 185.----in groin, when rising from a seat, Con. 186. Sharp stitches from below up- ward, below navel, Con. • 187. Splenetic stitches, Crot 188. Stitches in left side of a., Sabad. 189. Severe stitches in hypogastrium, from without inward, Sabin. 190. Stitches in the groins, also at night, Carb. a. 191. Dull stitches in both sides of a., in the evening in bed, the pain then darts upward along the back, ter- DRAWING. 621 minating in stitches between the scapulae, and then returning to the sides of a., Cann. 192. Sticking between left ilium and navel, when walking, Selen. 193. ----in right or left side of a., Sassap. 194. Severe stitches in abdominal muscles, pit of umbilicus, obliging him to draw in the abdomen, Ruta. 195. Stitches under the last rib, or tearing drawing while standing, China. 196.----in region of spleen, par- ticularly when walking slowl), China. 197.----in the liver, China. 198.----in a. or right side of a., through to small of back, Caust. 199. Sharp stitches in loins, Caust. 200. Dull pinching stitches in a., as if from below upward and outward, Carb. v. 201. Stitches under the left false ribs, arresting the breath when standing, Am. 202.----in the side of a., Croc 203. Sudden stitches in liver, Arg. nit 204. Stitches in spleen, several even- ings, Arg. nit. 205. Shooting stitches between right hypoehondrium and epigastric re gion, succeeded by hunger and croaking sensation in bowels, Arg. m. 206. Periodical dull stitches in ante- rior surface of the liver, Arg. nit. 207. Sticking in left hypoehondrium, especially during a walk, Natr. sulph, 208. —— and beating in right side, when walking, Natr. sulph. 209. Stitches in region of liver, when sitting, every afternoon, Natr. mur. 210.----in left hypoehondrium, when drawing breath, Natr. mur. 211. —— in left lower a., Natr. mur. 212. Stitching in groin, particularly the left, eased by lying on that side, Nice. 213.----in both groins, with urging to urinate, early in the morning or during a walk, through to the small of the back, with diarrhoea after- wards, Natr. sulph. 214. Stitching in right groin,with nau- sea and desire to vomit, Natr. sulph. 215. Stitches and pressure in region of spleen, increased by turning,2?or. 216.----in right lumbar region, worse when stooping, Bor. 217.----in region of spleen, Bry. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Slight stitch in bubo, with sting- ing itching in the hard part, Nitr, ac. 2. Darting stitch in right hypo- ehondrium, accompanied by a simi- lar stitch in left side of a., when talking, Kal hydriod. 3. Boring stitch in os ilium, Spig. 4. Burning stitch, posteriorly, at border of left os innominatum, near os sacrum, when drawing breath, Spig. 5. Tensive stitch in right groin, only when walking, Spig. 6. Dull stitch in right psoas-muscle, Spong. 7. Fine stitch at navel, Spong. 8. Boring stitch in skin of epigas- trium, Phos. ac 9. Stitch from epigastrium to peri- • naeum, Phos. 10. Severe stitch in left groin, Ind. 11. Stitch in left or right side, Nux v. 12. Sudden lancination from right to left side of a., above navel, 01 an. 13. Burning stitch in right and left iliac region, Mur. ac. 14. Dull drawing stitch from right side of a. to left., when walking, stopping his breath, Dros. 15. ---- stitch in right groin on drawing breath, with violent stitch in bend of right hip on inclining to this side, after dinner, Phell. 16. Stitch in right iliac region, fol- lowed by pain as if bruised, Magn. ■ mur. 622 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 17. Stitch in region of left kidney, followed by a jerking and contrac- tive pain, Mang. 18. Sudden stitch in iliac region, when sitting, disappearing on touch- ing the parts, but coming on again immediately, Menyan. 19. Continuous sharp stitch in left iliac region when walking, succeed- ed by a short, darting stitch when standing still, Menyan. 20. Violent stitch as with a knife, in right lower rib, when stooping, Magn. carb. 21. Continuous dull stitch in umbili- cal region, aggravated by pressure, Staphys. 22. Pinching stitch in bowels, left side, Staphys. 23. Slow stitch in the side, like a sharp pressure, Led. 24. Stitch in middle of epigastrium, Lauroc. 25. ----along the spermatic chord, Lauroc 26. ----in region of liver, prevent- ing inspirations and eructations, Merc. sol. 27. Severe piercing stitch through right os ilium, from above down- ward, when bending forward, Zinc m. 28. Long, dull stitch from navel (left side) to a., Sulph. ac 29. Stitch in left groin when drawing breath, followed by fine stitches in upper and outer parts of left chest, Sulph. ac. 30. Sharp cutting stitch in left iliac region, after emitting flatulence, Zinc. to. 31. Severe stitch in left hypoehon- drium, when stooping, Mur. ac. 32. Itching stitch under the. right ribs, obliging one to rub, Mosch. 33. Stitch in right hypoehondrium, followed by burning, disappearing under pressure, but reappearing shortly after, Mur. ac. 34. Burning stitch in the region of the lowest ribs when pressing the foot to the ground, Rat. 35. Continuous stitch in the side of a., Puis. 36. A stitch in right side of a. and small of back, Bar. carb. 37. One lancination from umbilical region round left hip as far as the lumbar vertebrse, Bell 38. Concussive stitch from region of liver to chest, Calc carb. 39. Continuous stitch in left hypo- ehondrium, with sensation as if the parts around had gone to sleep, Dig. 40. ----stitch in right groin, Cocc 41. Pinching stitch, deep-seated, in region of heart, Sabad. 42. Fine stitch in abdom. muscles, leaving an itching, Am. 43. Stitch, from right groin to axilla, or with contraction, also at night, Natr. sulph. PRICKINGS. 1. Prickings, between the right ribs, Magn. mur. 2. Pricking in a., with rumbling, Spong. 3. Sharp prickings in region of liver, Agar. 4. Prickings in liver and bowels, Aeon. 5. Deep pricking below navel, Plumb, ac 6. Prickings in a., Nux v. 7. Pricking in a., sometimes with indications of diarrhoea, Oleand. 8. Pinching pricking in a., while walking, Oleand. 9. Pricking in region of spleen, after eating, Verat 10. Dull pricking above the hip, when standing and leaning to one side, Thuj. 11. Itching prickings in umbilical region, Staphys. 12. Burning prickings in a., Zinc. m. 13. Sharp prickings in bowels, Zinc. m. 14. Stitching or prickings in liver, Tab. 15. Prickings in the region of the right lower ribs, on stooping, Stront. 16. Prickling and drawing, alter- nately, at night, Zinc. to. 17. Prickings in hypogastrium, Zinc. m. 18. Burning pricking at a small spot near umbilicus, Sulph. 19. Prickings in lesser intestines, Sulph. 20. Darting and pricking under the ribs, extending to the small of the back, Puis. 21. Prickings in abdominal muscles, from within outwards, Calc. carb. 22. ----over the whole a., Caust. 23. Single dull prickings in left side of a., Samb. 24. Pricking in right side of mons veneris, Cann. 25. Prickings in left side of a., Cocc. 26. Shooting prickings in a., Dig. 27. Burning prickings under the right short ribs, Anac. STINGING. 1. Stinging in left hypoehondrium, Magn. carb. 2. Burning stinging above right groin, externally, Nice 3. Stinging in left hypoehondrium, with burning and pressure from without inwards, AEth. 4. ----in hypochondria, removed by rubbing, Plumb, ac. 5. ----in right side of a., shifting to the umbilical region when lying on right side, Plat. 6. ----in left side of a., below the false ribs, Phos. 7. Itching stinging in left side of a., directly above the short ribs, Oleand. 8. Stinging in right side of epigas- trium, with intolerance of tight clothing, colic, borborygmi, lanci- nations in pit of stomach, Gins. 9. Severe, afterwards fine stinging in pit of stomach, Ign. 10. Stinging in region of liver, Kreas, 623 11. Stinging in groin, especially on stooping, Lauroc. 12. Burning stinging in left subcos- tal region, externally, Tab. 13. Itching stinging at navel, passing off by rubbing, Bell 14. Burning stinging at a place of the size of the hand, below the ilium, towards the uterus, Camph. 15. Tingling stinging in hypogastri- um, Carb. v. 16. Stinging in abdominal walls, Canth. 17. ----or creeping in anus, in bed, Teucr. 18. ----and itching gnawing in the muscles over the left os innomina- tum, Spig. 19. ----and burning in abdominal walls when touching them, Canth. 20. ----and burning in right hypo- ehondrium, with pain when touch- ing the part, or shifting to the scapula after rubbing, Lauroc. DARTINGS. 1. Dartings in left side of a., espe- cially when suddenly beginning to move about, Arg. nit 2. Darting in hypochondria, some- times striking to the chest, Bov. 3. ----in left hypoehondrium, from behind forward, Lauroc. 4. Dartings in left groin, from above downwards, Canth. 5. Sudden undulating darting in a., from without inwards, Anac. 6. Dartings around umbil., China. LANCINATIONS. 1. Lancinations in a.T from above downward, Verbose. 2 ----in umbilical region, Zinc. to. 3. Frequent lancinations in left groin, down the thigh, Kreas. 4. Stitches in liver, also with sense of weight, Lact. 5. Stabbings in a., also deep in hypogastrium, from right to left, WING. 624 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. worse when walking, with painful tenesmus, without stool, Merc. sol. 6. Violent lancinations between right hip and navel, as if a dull knife were thrust in, Bell. 7. Lancinations in inguinal glands, Bell. 8. ----in a., from below upwards, after warm milk, disappearing after stool, Bry. 9. ----in both loins, Am. 10. ---- in a., relieved by pressure and warmth, Castor. 11. ---- in rectum, when sitting, Ruta. 12. ---- above umbilicus, abating after stool, Crot. 13. ----in a., as from knives, Con. 14. Violent lancinations in a., every day, especially right side, Con. 15. Lancinations in left side of a., Con. 16. Fine lancinations in bowels, thence shifting to epigastrium, Cinch, sulph. 17. Lancinations through left side of epigastrium, China, 18. ----in region of abdom. rings, Arg. to. 19. ---- from within outwards, in abdom. muscles, terminating in a fine pinching, near last true rib, Arg. to. 20. Lancinations and pinching in right side of a., when stretching the limbs, Amm. carb. 21. ----and burning in lumbar re- gion, Alum. SHOOTINGS. 1. Shooting from umbilicus towards the heart, at every beat of the pulse, Rhus I 2. Dull, shaking, wandering shoot- ings in left side of a., under short ribs, Ang. Distension, Fulness, etc. DISTENSION. 1. Distension of a., Carb. a.. China, Cocc, Ferr. acet, Lam. alb., Mang., Merc, sol, Mur. ac, Rheum, Sabin., Tart. stib. 2. Hard, distended a., Cham., Plumb, ac. 3. Flatulent distension of a., Bov., Lye, Nux to., Nice, Stront, Sulph. ac, Tereb. 4. Painful distension of a., Ars., Bar. carb., Merc, corr., Op. 5. Tympanitic distension of a., Lauroc., Nux jugl. 6. Meteorism, Plumb, to. 7. °Tympanitis, Op. 8. °Pot-bellied, Staphys., Sep. 9. Distension of a., with ptyalism, Verat. 10. Flatulent distension in a., here and there, Magn. mur. 11. Distension, fulness, and hardness of a., after eating, Magn. sulph. 12. ----of a., with desire to emit flatulence, Menyan. 13. ----of a., even after diarrhoeic stool, Magn- carb. 14. ---- of a., eased by emitting wind, Magn. carb. 15. ---- and fulness in a., after eating, Magn. carb. 16. ---- of a., also with arrest of breathing and- anguish, Magn. mur. 17. Distended a., with cold feet, Lye 18. Distension of a., with shortness of breath, Lob. inf. 19. ----of a., with feeling of qualm- ishness and pain in small of back, NUX. TO. 20. ----of a., with writhing around navel, at times rising to the heart, at others proceeding downwards, with ascarides during stool, Nux TO. 21. ----of a., with grumbling, Nitr. ac 22. Excessive fulness, tension, weight in a., Nux jug. 23. The hernial region is distended, Nitr. ac. 24. Distended a., after the cough, Kal. carb. rENSION, ETC. 625 FULNESS, DIS1 25. Distension of a., with aching pain, Kal. carb. 26. ----of epigastrium, with sharp pressure here and there, lod. 27. ----of a., with fetid flatulence, Kal. nit. 28. Fulness and distension of a., Kal. nit. 29. Distension and sticking in left side of a., Kal. nit. 30. ----of a., excessive, lod. 31. ----of a., with urging to stool, and flatulence, Alum. 32. Fulness and distension in region of-left groin, Amm. carb. 33. Distension of a., also with colicky bearing down, at night, Ambr. gr. 34. ---- of a., with liquid stools, Amm. mur. 35. The a. is distended and swollen as in dropsy, Aeon. 36. Meteorism, colic, and movements in bowels, Tereb. 37. Distended a., with rumbling, Verbasc. 38. Stitching distension of a., Zinc. TO. 39. Distended a., evening, Zinc. m. 40. Distension of a., with ineffectual urging to stool, Mosch. 41. The epigastrium is tense, hard, painful, Stram. 42. Distension of a., with sensitive- ness to pressure, Lach. 43. Painless distension of a., after a meal, relieved by leaning the back against something, Ars. 44. Fulness with distension after eating, Castor. 45. Things which are otherwise easily digested, bring on flatulence and distension, Carb. v. 46. Distension of a., with tearing headache, Castor. 47. Flatulent distension of a., with escape of flatus from vagina, Sang. 48. Distension of a., with hardness, tension and pain, on touching the parts, Sec. corn. 49. Distension of a., during the Vol. III.—40. pains, or with feeling of fulness, Canth. 50. ----of a., after eating, followed by headache, dartings towards the occiput and frequent sweat, Caps. 51. Painful flatulent distension in abdominal ring, Caps. 52. Distension of a., with fermenta- tion, Rhus t. 53. ---- of a. in umbilical region, with pinching, Rhus t. 54. ----of stomach and a., Croc. 55. ---- of a., and jerking-contrac- tive sensation towards the chest, with aching and pinching, Con. 56. ----of umbil. region, with con- striction of throat and nausea, Coloc. 57. ----of a., with pain on pressure, Chin, sulph. 58. ---- of a., and violent colic, Cinch, sulph. 59. ----of a., sometimes with urg- ing to stool, Natr. carb. 60. ----of a., especially after eat- ing, with pain as from internal pressure, Ant. cr. 61. Painful distension of a., with rumbling, anxious breathing, chil- liness, yawning, Mez. 62. Meteorism of right side of a., feels bruised when pressing upon it, Arg. to. 63. Distension of a., with colic and diarrhoea, with hardness and pains, tension, oppressive anxiety, China. 64. ----of right side of a., it feels painful as if torn or cut, when coughing, treading, or even when touched, relieved by passing wind, Am. 65. Tension and inflation of a., espe- cially lower part, at night; with dull pleasure, more in the side, heat of extremities, fatiguing dreams; he wakes every hour, emits flatulence without relief, Arn. 66. Distension and tightness from right groin to stomach, evening and morning, Natr. sulph. 626 SYMPTOMS OF 67. Distension of a., with fulness after drinking, Natr. mur. 68. Fulness, heaviness, and disten- sion of a., with'anxiety, after sup- per, Arg. nit. 69. Tightness and distension from right groin to stomach, evening and morning, Natr. sulph. 70. Distension of a., with colic, Calc. carb. 71. Distended a., with contraction of rectum, Calc carb. 72. "Enlargement and hardness of a., with swelling of mesenteric glands, Calc carb. 73. The a. feels heavy and distended, Silic. 74. Hard, distended a., even the veins are distended, with stitching pain in a., Sep. 75. Distensidn of a., with rumbling or diarrhoea, Sep. 76. ----of a., with cutting in bow- els, Sep. 77. The a. is distended, but neither hard nor painful, Bell 78. Distension of a., with rumbling in bowels of left side, Bell. 79. Hard distension of a., with pain- ful rigid feeling in a., and sensation as if it would burst, accompanied by swelling of the dorsa of the feet, Puis. 80. Distension of a., with continual urging to stool, Rat. 81. Feeling of repletion, heaviness, and distension of a., with rumbling in bowels, eructations and fetid flatulence, Rheum. 82. Distension of a. after the men- ses, Kreas. 83..----and hardness of a., evening, Sulph. 84. ---- of epigastrium, with dys- pnoea, Sulph. 85. ---- of a. on waking, every morning, Sulph. 86. ---- of a., particularly in um- bilical region, Lauroc 87. ---- of region of liver, with pain as from subcutaneous ulcera- HE ABDOMEN. tion, or as if an abscess would burst, Lauroc. 88. Distension of a., particularly in region of liver, Lact. 89. ---- of a., with pain when touched, Hyosc. 90. Tympanitic distension of a., ceasing after stool, Hyper, perf. 91. —:-------of a., worse when pressing upon it, Hozmat. 92. Distended painful a., with bruis- ing feeling in small of back, con- tusive pain in right iliac region, general sick feeling, shifting pain in a. and chest, pressure at the sto- mach and sensitiveness of the re- gion to pressure, Gins. 93. Painful distension of a., with pains in region of heart, and eruc- tations affording relief, Gins. 94.----------of a., with canine hunger, Granat. 95. Distension of a., with heaviness and fulness, or sensitiveness to contact, Gent lut. 96. Fulness and tightness in a., with drawing in the cervical muscles, and uneasiness, obliging him to be changing his place all the time; if he compelled himself to remain at one place, he felt a constrictive sensation in the head, Gent. cruc. 97. Distension of epigastrium, with coldness internally, Eug. 98. Fulness and distension of a. after a moderate meal, Mur. ac 99. The clothes around hypochon- dria and epigastrium feel tight, Nux v. 100. Distension of a., especially in umbilical region, Op. 101. ---- of a., also with painful- ness of the bowels, 01 an. 102. Flatulent distension of a., after eating or drinking, Nux v. 103. Enlargement of a. in children, with glandular swellings and con- sumption, Nux v. 104. Distension of a., after eating or drinking, Nux v. 105. ----of a., also with pressure FULNESS, DISTENSION, ETC. 627 and difficulty of drawing a deep breath, Phos. 106. Distension of a., also with nau- sea, Phos. ac, 107. ---- of a., with the navel deeply drawn in, Plumb, m. 108. Spasmodic distension of a., here and there, Plat. DISTENSIVE FEELING. 1. Distensive feeling in a., Valer. 2. Sensation as if the pubic arcade would be suddenly distended, Tereb. 3. ----of excessive distension of a., Ipec. 4. Feeling of distension in groins, Amm. mur. 5. Distended feeling in abdom. muscles, right side, Stann. 6. Sense of distension in a., with constrictive colic below navel, in paroxysms, one has tobend double, Bell. 7. Sensation when raising himself after stooping, as if the abdomen were bloated, with warm feeling in chest, Rhus t. 8. Sense of distension in a., em- barrassing the breathing, Caps. 9. Sensation of distension in mons veneris, Rhus t. BLOATING. 1. Bloated a., with contractive pains. Thuj. 2. ----feeling in umbilical region, with flatulence, Nitr. ac. 3.----a., Kal. bich» 4. Sudden bloating of the whole a. or only the umbilical region, going off after passing wind, Kal. hy- driod. 5. Painful puffing in both groins, when sitting, after dinner, Kal. carb. 6. Bloated a., with flatulence and colic, constipation and sensation as if something had lodged in the a., Bry. 7. Bloating of a., especially after eating, Petrol. 8. Inflation and uneasiness in a., with frequent rising of air, Dulc. 9. ----of a. with rush of blood to the head, heaviness in the head, vertigo, drowsy, dizzy feeling, Graph. 10. The a. is bloated and sensitive, Hep. s. 11. Swelling of the epigastrium, Tart. stib. 12. Inflated a., with cold feet, Con. 13. Bloated sensation in right side of a., below umbilicus, in the morn- ing, Cycl. 14. Bloating and pinching in a., after eating, aggravated by walking, Ign. 15. Inflation of abdomen, with flatu- lence, Caust. 16. Bloated a, very painful to the touch, Merc. corr. 17. ----a., with heat of the body, and anxiety in pit of stomach, cold sweat, chilly extremities, con- fusion 'of ideas, stupid slumber, evacuations upwards and down- wards, Stram. 18. ---- a., with short breathing, Kreas. FULNESS, REPLETION. 1. Feeling of fulness in a., as after eating too much, Nux to. 2. Fulness of a., with rush of blood to the chest, after dinner, Alum. 3. Troublesome fulness in a., Agar. 4. Fulness in a., after eating, Spong. 5. Oppressive fulness of a., Phos. 6. Soreness and fulness in region of liver, Eupat perf 7. Fulness and hardness in a., from incarcerated flatulence, Graph. 8. ----in a. and stomach, with loss of appetite and constipation, Graph. 9. Inflation and tension of a., with pinching in umbilical region, Gutt. 10. Repletion and heaviness in a., after a scanty meal, Sulph. 628 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 11. Repletion of a., Sulph. 12. Fulness in a., after eating, with colic and rumbling, Puis. 13. Feeling of fulness in region of liver, Sep. 14. Fulness in a. as if it would burst, Natr. sulph. 15. Feeling of repletion, during the diarrhoea, with flatulence, Natr. • sulph. 16. Repletion in epigastrium, with pinching, Ars. 17. Fulness in the groins, only in the sides ; when stepping forward the middle parts feel as if going to pieces, Cocc. 18. ----, pressure, constriction, weight, in hypochondria, Aeon. 19.----, pressure, burning, qualm- ish feeling at pit of stomach, Crot HARDNESS. 1. Hard a., with pressure on rec- tum, Magn. mur. 2. The abdom. muscles become hard, Plumb, ac. 3. Hardness of a., with protrusion of navel, Con. Coldness, Chilliness. I. Coldness or burning in a., Colch. 2. Cold feeling and drawing in um- bilical region, Ruta. 3. Chilliness in a., with tearing and colicky pinching in a., Alum. 4. Feeling of coldness in epigas- trium after every swallow he takes and at every inspiration, China. 5. Coldness in a., Crot. 6. ---- in umbilical region, with sensation as if something were de- tached in that part, Ruta. 7. Shuddering in a., as if cold water were flowing through it, Cann. 8. Great feeling of coldness in back and a., Sec. corn. 9. Agreeable coolness in a. and chest, Ruta. 10. Shuddering in a., Sabad. 11. Sense of coldness in a., with cracking and snapping as of sparks, Caust. 12. Cold and chilly sensation in a., which is warm to the hand, Ars. 13. Coldness in a., which is painfully irritated, Arg. nit. 14. Cold feeling in epigastrium and hypogastrium, Camph. 15. °Feeling of coldness in a., Calc. carb. 16. °----of coldness in a., Sep. 17. Peculiar sense of coldness in inguinal ring, passing into a sense of tearing, Berb. v. 18. Chilliness over the a., down to the small of the back, Puis. 19. ----in a., Merc. sol. 20. Painful feeling of coldness in a., with scanty urine, Kreas. 21. Coldness in a., Magnet, p. arct. 22. Icy-coldness and cooling flatu- lence in bowels, increasing for 15 minutes, Phell. 23. Creeping chilliness in region of liver, Nux v. 24. Cooling movements to and fro in epigastrium, Phelland. 25. Long-lasting feeling of coldness in a., after stool, Phell. 26. Coldness on right side of a., as if a cold breath were blowing upon it, Oleand. 27. Cold feeling in right side of a., Oleand. 28. Coldness in a., Phos. 29. Cold feeling in a., Phos. 30. Sensation m a.,as of cold water,and then heat, frequently, Plumb, ac. 31. ---- above navel, on left side, as if something cold were pressing out of it, Aeon. 32. Cold feeling in a., AEth. 33.----in a., Ambr. gr. 34. ----in a., Alum. 35. Chilliness, and sense as of swash- ing in a., as if full of water, Kal carb. 36. Cold feeling in a., as if a cold fluid were poured through the intestines (during the menses), Kal. carb. TEARING. 629 37. Coldness in a, moving about, Bov. 38. Sense of coldness in a, as if un- covered, after dinner, Tereb. Tearing. 1. Tearing, severe cutting, and pinching in a., ceasing after stool, Tart ttib. 2. ---- and cutting in bowels,1 Cupr. to. 3. Violent tearing and burning deep in the pelvis, worse during rest, Kal nit. 4. Tearing and colicky pinching in a., with chilliness in a., Alum. 5. ----and spasms in a., Magn. mur. 6. Cutting-tearing or drawing pres- sure in region of right kidney, Zinc m. 7. Tearing and cutting in a., Cupr. carb. 8. Shooting-tearing from mons ve- neris, to left groin, when bending backwards, Dig. 9. Tearing in a., early, with diar- rhoea and tenesmus, Dig. 10. Lancinating tearings in umbilical region, when walking, Dig. 11. Cutting tearings in a., especially when rising from a seat, with op- pressive pain in vertex, Dig. 12. Tearing in groin, from umbilicus, China. 13. ---- in a., with frequent, small pulse, Chin.- sulph. 14. Griping-tearing in left a., Cinch. sulph. 15. Tearing in mons veneris, when sitting, Con. 16. ----above the pudendum, Con. 17. Dull tearing at a spot below umbilicus, Con. 18. Sore tearing, in paroxysms, from navel to sides of a., as if the parts would be torn out, every morning, Con. 19. Tearing in colon, Crot. 20. ---- in left side, from groin to right nipple, Crot. 21. Spasmodic tearing in abdominal muscles, Samb. 22. Tearing in rectum and urethra, between micturition, Ruta. 23. Pinching-tearing in whole a., with flow of water in mouth, and flatulence, Castor. 24. Violent tearing in liver, Carb. v. 25. Tearing in a., with icy-coldness of the hands and feet, cold sweat in face, Ars. 26. Fine tearing in abdom. muscles, Am. 27. Tearing around umbilicus, before breakfast, Natr. sulph. 28.----and drawing in a., "from hips to stomach, followed by stitches, Bry. 29. Sudden griping-tearing in hypo- gastrium, for several days, with discharge of bloody mucus with the stool, Calc. carb. 30. Tearing in groins, evening, Silic. 31. Nightly cutting-tearing in a., which feels cold to the touch, Merc. sol. 32. Griping-tearing around navel, with ulcerative pain of whole a., Kreas. 33. Violent tearing in bowels, Merc. corr. 34. Tearing in left lumbar region, when sitting, Sulph. ac. 35. ---- in the inguinal glands, Sulph. 36. Dull tearing deep in iliac regions, Zinc. to. 37. Sensation around navel as if something would be torn loose, Lauroc. 38. Griping-tearing in umbilical re- gion, proceeding from the sides, sometimes rising to pit of stomach, and causing nausea, anxiety, heat of the cheeks, Hep. s. 89. Drawing-tearing, from each side of a. towards a point above the pubic bone, Nux v. 40. Pinching-tearing in bowels, Plumb, ac 41. Tearing below navel, Squill. 42. ----from both sides of a. towards 630 8YMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. navel, as if the integuments would be torn out in region of navel, Kal hyd. 43. Tearing in right side of a. .or groin, Kal. carb. 44. Burning-tearing in left side of a., near hip., lod. 45. °Griping-tearing in hypogastri- um, with arrest of breath, Lye 46. Tearing, with gurgling, in epi- gastrium. Lye 47. ----in a., evening and forenoon, Magn. mur. 48. ----in a., from below upwards, in paroxysms, Thuj. 49. Intermittent tearing in region of liver, Zinc. m. 50. Tearing in region of kidneys, Zinc. to. Constrictive Sensation. 1. Violent constriction, tightness, pressure, fulness, and weight in hypochondria, Aeon. 2. Pinching constriction of the bowels, when raising the trunk from a stooping position, China. 3. Constrictive feeling in upper part of a., Coloc 4. Constriction in a., every few minutes, eased by pressure with the hand, Coloc. 5. ----in left groin, abating when stretching the body, Bov. 6. ----of a. around navel as if a ball or lump would form, Bell. 7. Constrictive sensation at dia- phragm, Asar. 8. ----sensation in hypochondria, with hemicrania, as if a nail were pushed into the brain, Ign. 9. Sensation in whole a. as if she had laced herself too tightly, Plat. 10. Sense of constriction in bowels, towards the spinal marrow, with - anguish, hunger, and thirst, Tereb. 11. Constrictive sensation in umbili- cal region, Thuj. 12. Sensation in hypogastrium as if a string were drawn around the right side, with biting and gnaw- ing at a small spot, Tong. 2 13. Frequent constriction of a. in umbilical region, Verbose. Contractive Sensation. 1. Contractive, pinching, and cut- ting at umbilicus, soon after stool, Graph. 2.----feeling, nausea, and warmth, from middle of a. to chest, Mang. 3. Sensation as if the bowels were contracted, Cupr. acet 4. Contraction and straining of abdom. muscles when walking, has to stoop, Arg. to. 5. ----of a. and sides of a., with moving up and down of scapulae, China, 6. Morbid contractions of the mus- cular fibres of intestinal canal, with colic, Cinch, sulph. 7. Contracted spot in colon, Con. 8. Visible contraction in middle of a., it feels hard there, Rhus t. 9. Spasmodic contraction of the left abdominal muscles, with burning pain, Sabad. 10. Contraction in groin, Rhus t. 11. Constrictive feeling in a., Carb. a. 12. Contraction of the abdom. mus- cles when laying the hands on them, Canth. 13. Contractive sensation in a. Carb. v. 14. Constrictive sensation below the hypochondria, with trembling and throbbing in region of stomach, Calc. carb. 15. Spasmodic contraction in right side of a., also in stomach, Sep. 16. Contraction of a. in umbilical region, Bell.' 17. Contractive and crampy sensa- tion in epigastrium and hypoehon- drium, passing to chest and arrest- ing the breathing, Puis. 18. ----sensation in a., like a hard twisted ball in umbilical region, Kreas. 19. Violent contractions of the abdo- minal muscles, Tab. CONTRACTIVE SENSATION. 631 20. Sensation, when walking, as if the psoas-muscles were too short, Zinc. to. 21. Spasmodic contractive sensation in hypogastrium, externally and internally, Magnet, p. arct. 22. Sudden cutting contractive sen- sation in left side of a., Dulc. 23. Contraction of the intestines, during stool, followed by smarting in the rectum, Phos. ac. 24. ---- across the middle of the hypogastrium when sitting bent, Plumb, ac 25. Spasmodic contraction of the bowels, Plumb, ac 26. ----contraction of a., producing a sort of coldness, Kal. carb. 27. Contractive sensation under the short ribs, Ipec. 28. Contraction in a, with itching, Nitr. ac. 29. Crampy contraction of a., Nitr. ac. 30. Contractive sensation in epigas- tric region, when walking, as if pressing towards the outer parts, Nux TO. 31. Spasmodic contraction in a., Lye 32. Contractive cramp-pain in a., abating after diarrhoeic stool, Magn. carb. 33. Pinching and contractive sensa- tion from both hypochondria to umbil., going and coming Magn. carb. Burning, Heat, Warmth. 1. Burning and pressure in a., Co- paiv. 2. ---- or digging in inguinal ca- vity, excited even by the least touch, Ars. 3. ----, pressure, fulness, qualmish feeling at pit of stomach, Crot. 4.----and stinging in abdom. walls, when touching them, Canth. 5. ----or coldness in a., Colch. 6. ---- or stitches in inguinal re- gion, Ars. 7.----and stitches in hypogas- trium, with cramp-pain in right lower limb, Sulph. 8. Burning and cutting in region of left lower ribs, Sulph. 9. ----, tension and beating in right groin, Stront. 10.----and pressure as if in the womb, Sulph. ac. 11.----and stitches in hypogas- trium, with cramp-pain in right lower limb, Sulph. 12.----and digging-up in a. like a heaving, Magnes art. 13. ----and stinging in right hypo- ehondrium, with pain when touch- ing the part, or shifting to the scapula after rubbing, Lauroc 14. ---- and stitches in the bubo, when moving, or when touching it, Dulc. 15. Heat and weight in a , Euphorb. 16. Burning and drawing in a., Kal. carb. , 17. ----and lancinations in lumbar regions, Alum. 18. ---- and cutting around navel, with qualmishness, itching around navel, flatulence, Kal. hyd. 19s----and griping around navel. Kal hyd. 20. ---- and tearing deep in pelvis, worse during rest, Kal nit 21. ----and sticking in hypogastri- um, also in rectum, after dinner, Kal nit. 22.----and pressure in left hypo- ehondrium, with rising to the chest from region of spleen, when draw- iug breath, Bor. 23. Warmth and nausea, with con- tractive feeling from a. to chest. Mang. 24. Burning and cutting in right hy- poehondrium, as from a sharp rip- ping-up body, or as if a ribbon were cutting into the part, Tong, 25. Heat in umbilical region, China, 26. Burning like heartburn in a.. early, Arg. to. 27. ----deep in a., Anthrak. 28.----in a., Mez. 632 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 29. Tensive burning at a small spot in left side of navel, Natr. carb. 30. Glowing heat in a., and coldness of extremities, Ars. hydrog. 31. Warmth in a., terminating in pinching, Cin. 32. Heat in a. and chest, Cic. 33. Warmth in epigastrium, Cinch. sulph. 34. ----in a., thirst, urging to stool, with discharge of small quantity of faeces, acute burning at anus, Cinch. sulph. 35. Burning in a., Cocc. 36. Warmth in hypogastrium, fol- lowed by griping, Coloc. 37. Heat in bowels, Coloc. 38. Tingling warmth in abdom. inte- guments, Crot. 39. Burning in a. with thirst, Rhust 40. Corrosive burning in left region of a., Ruta. 41. Burning in a. when walking, Carb. a. 42. Heat and burning in a. and bow- els, Canth. 43. Burning above umbilicus, when coughing, sneezing and blowing one's nose, with burning in the skin, and with spots that burn and sting when touched, Canth. 44.----in a., with whirling sensa- tion until the bowels are moved, Canth. 45. Feeling of heat in abdom. walls, Canth. 46. Burning in a., Sec. corn. 47. Warmth and oppression in epi- gastrium during an inspiration, Seneg. 48. Hot streamings from breast to- ward liver, Sang, 49. Sensation as if hot water were poured from the breast into the a., followed by diarrhceo, Sang. 50. Painless warmth in stomach and liver, Sabad. 51. Heat in a. and chest, Ruta. 52. Burning in a., Sabad. 53.----in a. and rectum, after stool, Sabad. 54. Burning sensation around umbili- cus, for four days, Sabad. 55. Stinging burning in right side of a., with sensation as if something would get loose, Caust. 56. Burning in a. and arOund umbili- cus, Carb. v. 57. ----in a., with heat and thirst, cutting, going off after stool, Ars. 58. ---- here and there, evening, Natr. sulph. 59.----in the bends of the hips, evening, Natr. sulph. 60. Agreeable sensation of warmth in a., with accelerated pulse, Brom. 61. Burning and tension in region of liver, Bry. 62. Heat in a., Bry. 63. Burning in a., leaving a dull sen- sation behind, Cal. seg. 64. ---- in epigastrium and hypo- gastrium, Camph. 65. ----in a., frequently, Calc. carb. 66. Slight burning in a., with taste- less, watery evacuations, Spig. 67. Burning in a., Silic ' 68. Stinging burning in epigastrium, with pressure on rectum, in the morning after getting up, Silic 69. Burning in a., during a walk, Sep. 70. Burning in region of kidneys, when drawing a long breath, Sep. 71. ----in right groin, Sep. 72. ----in a. when sitting, going off when walking, Sep. 73. Heat with anxiety in a., chest and face, with stoppage of the nose, Bell. 74.----from below upward, with sweat as from anguish, afterward nausea with horrible anguish, the nausea descends more and more, Bell. 75. Burning in a., Bell 76. Feeling of heat in a., particularly around the umbilicus. Raph. 77. Burning in both hypochondria, when sitting, all day, Sulph. ac 78.----in a., particularly in umbi- lical region, Merc. sol. 79. ----in a., with bloating and in- tense colic, Lach. CONTRACTIVE SENSATION. 633 80. Burning in a., Merc. corr. 81. Sense of heartburn in umbilical region, Sulph. ac. 82. Heat in left side of a., Sulph. 83. Burning in left hypoehondrium, pit of stomach and a., Tart. stib. 84. °---- in region of liver, Merc. sol. . 85. Warmth in region of spleen, changing to an aching pain, Mercu- rial 86.----from a. to shoulder, with pain in the back and axillae, Lauroc. 87. Sensation as if a hot stream were rising from a. to shoulder, Lauroc 88. Burning in a., also with shifting of flatulence, Lauroc. 89. Disagreeable warmth in a., Lact. 90. Warmth in umbilical region, causing an anxiety, Magnet, p. arct 91. Burning in a., with shifting of flatulence, Gutt. 92. ----in a., with shifting of flatu- lence, Grat. 93.----in left side of a., also at a small spot, Graph. 94. ---- in left hypoehondrium, when sitting, Graph. 95.----in a., as from brandy, Eug. 96. Agreeable feeling of warmth in the whole intestinal canal, Euphorb. 97. Burning from a. to stomach, fol- lowed by eructations tasting of the ingesta, Phell.. 98. Burning in right hypoehondrium, Tereb. 99. ----at right lower ribs, or at a small spot below navel, early, 01. an. 100. ----in left groin, 01 an. 101. °Retarded circulation in a., with heat, burning and pulsations in a,, Nux v. 102. Burning at pylorus, Nux v. 103. Sensation of warmth in a., with sensation as if something were roll- ing off and moving about in a., Nux v. 104. Heat in a. and face, Phos. 105. Burning and pressure in a., fol- lowed by soft stool, Phos, 106. Burning and smarting in umbi- lical region, during a walk, Phos. ac 107.----around the umbilicus, Plat. 108.----sensation at a small spot on left side of a., by turns, Plat. 109. Heat and burning around navel, internally, with sense as of turning around in the umbilicus, sticking in the back and sensation as if somebody were lying upon it, at- tended with pains in pit of stomach, Plumb, ac 110. Burning in umbilical region, sometimes spreading to pit of sto- mach, with anxious beating and stinging there, and afterwards dis- appearing with a chill, Aeon. 111. Heat in a., rising Up to the chest, when smoking; the rest of the body feeling chilly, Spong. 112. Burning below diaphragm, Stann. 113.----in right hypochondriac re- gion, and cutting as from a sharp band, Alum. 114. Horrible burning at pit of sto- mach, externally, and then in both groins, Kal. hydriod. 115. Sensation of warmth in a., Kal. brom. 116. Burning around umbilicus, with pinching in a. during dinner, Kal. carb. 117. Sudden intense burning in,left groin, Kal. hyd. 118. Burning at a small spot in epi- gastrium, Amm. mur. 119. ----, with tensive stitches in right hypoehondrium, diminished by contact, Magn. mur. 120. ----in a., Lye. 121. Warmth in a., with moving to and fro in a., Mang. 123. Burning below navel, Magn. sulph. 123. Hot feeling in abdominal inte- guments, with burning at the anus, and sensitiveness of rectum after stool, Magn. mur. 124. Burning at navel, Bov. 125. Pain and feeling of warmth in 034 SYMPTOMS OF that part of the loins which corre- sponds to the kidneys ; also in the hypogastrium, which is sensitive to pressure; pressure occasions te- nesmus of the bladder, strangury, pains in the urethra, Tereb. 126. Burning in lumbar region, Thuj. 127.---- in a., going and coming, Tong. Pinching. 1. Pinching and writhing in umbili- cal region, as if vomiting would set in, Sabin. 2.----, aching, pressing, tensive, spasmodic pains in epigastrium, with malaise and heaviness, Crot. 3.----and tension in a., all after- noon, Sulph. 4.----and drawing in a., especially around the umbilicus, Mez; 5.----and stitching in a., morning, Sulph. 6. Severe pinching, cutting and writhing in a., with labor-like pains as if the internal parts would press out, with a fainting sort of nausea, Sulph. ac 7. Pinching, tearing and cutting in a., ceasing after stool, Tart. stib. 8.----and bloating in the whole a., after eating, much aggravated by walking, Ign. 9.----and cutting in a. and chest, as if caused by incarcerated wind, Dulc. 10.----or cutting in a., or hypogas- trium, Phell. 11. ----and drawing in a., changing to a pressing sensation in rectum, with qualmishness in pit of sto- mach, and paleness of face, Ign. 12. ----, contraction, and cutting at umbilicus, soon after stool, Graph. 13.----and digging in umbilical re- gion, Dulc. 14. Pinching and cutting in epigas- trium, when walking, Phos. 15. ——r griping, grasping-tearing in umbilical region, Aeon. 16.----and rumbling in a., Squill. 17. ---- and lancinations in right TIE ABDOMEN. side of a., when stretching the limbs, Amm. carb. 18. Pinching and rumbling in a., Ve- rat. 19.----, also pulsative, in a., Ant. cr. 20.----and crampy pain in a., Anac. 21.----in a., also with stitches and desire to vomit, Dig. 22.----in epigastrium, followed by a soft, yellow stool, after which -constipation, Cycl. 23.----colic, Natr. carb. 24.----and cutting in bowels, with flatulence, Crot, 25.----in a., obliging one to bend double, China. 26. ----, with increase of hunger and languor, China. 27.----, with inclination to vomit and urging to stool, with shaking chills, China. 28. ----as if diarrhoea would come on, particularly when sitting, with emission of flatulence, or in the evening, with pressure, China. 29. Cutting pinching in a., termi- nating when going to stool, Cin. 30. Pinching in a., Cin. 31.----or cutting in a., followed by emission of flatulence, China. 32. Compressive pinching in epigas- trium, arresting the breathing, Cocc 33. Pinching in a. relieved by flatu- lence, Coff. 34.----in a., Con. 35. ----in lower a., Coloc. 36. Fine pinching, externally, above navel, when bending forward, Con. 37. Pinching in a. while sitting, with oppression from below upward, Rhus t. 38.----in umbilical region, right side, with chilly creeping over up- per arms, Rhus t. 39. Jerking pinching in a. here and there, Rhus t. 40. Pinching in a., with flatulence, Samb. PINCHING. 635 41. Pinching in a. and epigastrium, Carb. a. 42.----in a., early, also attended with bearing-down pains toward the genital organs, Canth. 43. ---- in a., from below upward, with stitches stopping the breath, Canth. 44. ---- in a. and cutting in loins, Cann. 45. ---- in a., ceasing after liquid stool, Seneg. 46. Violent pinching in a., followed by painful contraction of sphincter ani, Sarsap. 47. Paroxysms of violent pinching in a., Cham. 48. Pinching and cutting in a., also right side, Caust. 49.----around umbilicus, with con- stant chilliness, diarrhoea, worse at night, Carb. v. 50.----in a., Croc 51. ----in a., as if the bowels were distended, Natr. sulph. 52.----, with shifting flatulence and diarrhoea, Natr. sulph. 53. Stinging pinching above umbili- cus, Natr. mur. 54. Pinching in epigastrium, with pain in stomach, Natr. mur. 55.----in a., followed by hard stool, afternoon, Nice 56.----in a., followed by diarrhoea (yellow mucus), Nice. 57. ---- at umbilicus, with urging to stool, Nice 58.----in the groins, with sticking, pressing, urging to stool, flatulence, Nice 59. ----in a., with diarrhoea, Bor. 60.----in a. on waking, with urging to stool, Bov. 61.----and nipping in hypochon- dria, extending below the sternum, where it becomes lancinating and excites eructations, Calc. acet 62. Violent pinching in hypochon- dria and chest, terminating here and there in a fine stitch. Calc acet. 63. Sharp pinching iu left hypoehon- drium, Calc. carb. 64. Pinching in a., with flatulence, Calc caust 65.----deep in hypogastrium, ^vith pain at every step, as if the parts were drawn down by a weight, Calc. carb. 66. ---- at a small spot below na- vel, changed to gurgling by rub- bing the parts, Calc. acet. 67.----, with pressure, in a., disap- pearing after passage of wind, Spig. 68. ----in a. as if all the intestines were strung together, causing anx- iety and dyspnoea, Spig. 69.----in whole a., followed by loose though somewhat difficult stool, Spifr 70.----or grumbling in a., with in- creased urging and flow of urine, Spig. 71. Severe pinching in a., every af- ternoon, Silic. 72. Pinching in a. almost every morning, with nausea, qualmish- ness and flow of saliva, Sep. 73.----in a., all day, with one hard stool daily, Sep. 74.----, with pressure, in a., Berb. v. 75.----across epigastrium and co- lon, Bell. 76.----in hypogastrium, worse when drawing the a. in, and bend- ing the a. toward the left side, Bell. 77.----in a-, morning, with chilli- ness and heat, Pids. 78.----, accompanied by stitches which strike into the penis, frequent thin stools and violent desire for beer, Puis. 79.----with griping, rumbling and diarrhoea, Puis. 80.----below navel, after dinner, with sensation as if the bowels would fall out, Ran. bulb. 81.----in a., with painfulness of both groins and pit of stomach, Ran. bidb. 82.----in a., with strong urging to stool in the large intestine, Rheum. 83. ---- in epigastrium, after sup- per, Rhod. 84. Dull pinching and cutting in a., 636 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. followed by diarrhoea and distended a., Asaf 85. Pinching around navel, abating after passing wind, Bar. carb. 86. ----in pit of stomach, followed by soft stool, and afterward sub- dued pinching and rumbling in a., evening, Merc. sol. 87. ----in a., accompanied by chil- liness and shuddering, Merc sol. 88.----in a. about midnight, waking her, Merc sol. 89.----in right hypoehondrium, when walking, Sulph. 90.----in a., also at night, followed by diarrhoea and dragging and burning at the anus, Stront. 91.----in a. or umbilical region, Lact. 92.----in a., followed by tearing pain in stomach, Tab. 93.----and rumbling in a., for twelve days, Tab. 94.----in a., eased by bending dou- ble, Mosch. 95. ---- in a-, with pressing on bladder, Mosch. 96. Colicky pinching in a., Mur. ac 97. Violent pinching in umbilical re- gion, with feeling of emptiness, Mur. ac. 98. Cutting pinching from rectum to epigastrium, followed by stool, Mur. ac. 99. Pinching in a. and drawing in the sides, as if diarrhoea would set in, Staphys. 100. ---- in a. causing sweat to break out, Sulph. ac. 101. ---- in a., with emission of flatulence, Tarax. 102. ----in epigastrium, Zinc to. 103. ---- in a., here and there, Zinc. to. 104. Stitching pinching in umbilical region, Zinc. to. 105. Pinching in hypogastrium, pre- ceded by rumbling in a., Sulph. 106.----in left hypoehondrium, Lauroc. 107. ----in a., most in the middle, Lauroc, 108. Pinching, proceeding from both sides of the a., also with contrac- tion, or followed by stitching in right hypoehondrium, Lauroc. 109.----in both sides of a. and thence shifting to small of back, Lauroc. 110. ---- in umbilical region, also with tearing, or with stinging in small of back, Lauroc 111. ----in a., Hyosc. 112. ----in epigastrium, also with cutting, Lact. 113. Continued pinching at a small spot in region of coecum, especially when walking in the open air, Ign. 114. Pinching in a., after eating, Hell. 115. ----in groins, Gutt. 116.----in a., moving downward until wind is passed, Guaj. 117. Severe pinching in entire a., also followed by diarrhoea, Gutt. 118. Pinching in a., or in umbilical region, Grat. 119.----with contraction, ascending from the sides to the chest, suc- ceeded by sticking above the um- bilicus, which is drawn in, Grat. 120. ----in a., followed by emission of flatulence, Graph. 121. ---- in a., especially in region of ccecum, Graph. 122. ----in a., in short paroxysms, Euphras. 123.----in a., also in umbilical region, Dulc. 124. Severe pinching in a., as if a long worm were crawling up and down in it, and were gnawing and pinching the parts, Dulc. 125. Fine pinching in abdominal muscles, and below the umbilical region, Mur. ac. 126. Pinching in a., also with diar- rhoea, Petrol. 127. ---- in a., here and there, Carb. v. 128.----in right groin, 01. an. 129.----and grumbling in a., 01. an. 130.----in a., after coffee, going ff by bending backward, Nux v. PINCHING. 637 131. Drawing pinching in the side, proceeding from the abdom. ring, Nux v. 132. Tearing pinching, towards the chest, Nux v. 133. Cutting pinching, with nausea, Nux v. 134. Pinching in hypochondria, at a small spot., Phos. 135.----in a., with discharge of a brown fluid, followed by burning, after which the colic ceases, Phos. 136. Violent pinching in left hypo- ' chondrium, followed by sensation as if something were moving about there, Phos. 137. Cutting pinching in a., as if diarrhoea would set in, Phos. ac 138. Sensation in a., from navel to back, as if pinched together, Plat 139. Pinching in epigastrium, as if something became detached and fell down, Plumb, ac 140. ---- between pit of stomach and navel, as if the muscles were pinched together, Stann. 141. Colicky pinching in whole a., Spong. 142. Pinching deep in a., abating after rising, Spong. 143. ---- below umbilicus, with bloated a., Agar. 144. Fine pinching in left groin, Stann. 145. Pinching below navel, with ful- ness and distension of a., Alum. 146.----in a, terminating in a flow of saliva, Alum. 147. On waking, pinching in a., and urging to stool, but no stool, Alum. 148. Griping-pinching in a., as if one were grasping with the hands in such a manner as if every finger were spread out, and a sharp impression were made with the end of every finger; less during rest; worse when moving about, Ipec 149. Pinching in both groins, suc- ceeded by pricking in anus when sitting, Kal. carb. 150. Pinching in a., in the morning, in bed, preceded by chilliness, Kal. carb. 151. ---- below umbilicus, during dinner, with burning in right iliac region, and sensation as if some- thing would fall out, on stooping. Kal carb. 152. ---- in a., also with dyspnoea, -4toto. mur. 153. Frequent pinching in a., Nitr. ac. 154. Pinching in a., like colic, Nux TO. 155. —— in hypogastrium, after, breakfast, Nux to. 156. "Sticking pinching from bladder to urethra, evening, Lye. 157. Pinching in a., with desire to vomit, Lye. 158.----in liver, Lye 159.----and cutting below navel, with shuddering over the back, followed by heat in head and desire for stool, Magn. mur. 160. ----at navel and bearing down towards the small of the back, fob lowed by yellow stool with piece of taenia, Magn. mur. 161.----in a., followed by diar- rhoea, burning at rectum, then again diarrhoea mixed with blood, Magn. mur.' 162.----in epigastrium, with sud- den desire for stool, Magn. mur. 163. ----in a., or at navel, abating upon emitting flatulence, Magn. mur. 164. ---- at umbilicus, with liquid stool, and burning at anus, Magn. carb. 165.----and rumbling in a., fol- lowed by green diarrhoea, Magn. carb. 166. Fine pinching, externally, under the last right rib, followed by burning at the same spot, Magn. carb. 167. Pinching in hypogastrium, also with urging to stool in rectum, Menyan. 638 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 168. Pinching in umbilical region, de- scending like a weight towards the hypogastrium, and disappearing after emitting wind, Menyan, 169.----in a., as from a cathartic, Magn. sulph. 170. ----, with stitching, passing into both hips, Magn. sulph. 171. Frequent fine pinching in right hypoehondrium, Teucr. 172. Pinching in epigastrium, with turning in stomach as of a ball, Tong. 173.----in a., after eating ; when sitting it was felt at a different spot than when walking, and vice versa, Verat. 174. Cutting-pinching in a., with eructations, Verbasc. Cutting. 1. Cutting and burning in region of left lower ribs, Sulph. 2. ---- and tearing in bowels, Cupr. to. 3. ----, pinching, and writhing in a., with labor-like pains, as if all the internal parts would press out, with a fainting sort of nausea, Sulph. ac. 4. ----and oppression in a., Ign. 5. Cutting-tearing and pinching in a., ceasing after stool, Tart stib. 6. Cutting, contraction, and pinch- ing at umbilicus, soon after stool, Graph. 7. ---- and pinching in a. and chest, as if caused by incarcerated wind, Dulc. 8. ----or pinching in a. or hypo- gastrium, Phell 9. ----and pinching in epigastri- um, when walking, Phos. 10. ---- and rumbling in a., with painful oppression of the chest, Alum. 11. Frequent cutting and burning around navel, with qualmishness, itching around navel, flatulence, Kal. hyd, 12. Sudden cutting or nausea in a., also after drinking a little water. Teucr. 13. Cutting and burning in right' hypoehondrium, also as if a ribbon were cutting into the part, Tong. 14. Internal cutting across the a., Arg. to. 15. Cutting in a., with anxiety as if from stomach, want of disposition to work, indifferent mood, pain at stomach, during eructations, Ant. cr. 16. ----in a., with loss of appetite, hard stool, red urine, Ant. cr. 17. ----in hypogastrium, with pres- sure on rectum, Ang. 18.----in a., with tenesmus, Dig. 19. ----in a., through the pelvis to the scrotum, with sensation of pressing and bearing down, Dig. 20. ----in a., with nausea and flow of water in mouth, Ant. cr. 21. ----in epigastrium, from both sides towards the umbilicus, Natr. carb. 22. —— in umbilical region, with cold sweat on forehead, China. 23.----in a., Chin, sulph. 24. ----in bowels, with fetid diar- rhoea and flatulence, Chin, sulph. 25. ----in epigastrium, right side, with rumbling and constipation, Cinch, sulph. 26. Griping-cutting or squeezing in a., relieved by bending forward, Coloc 27. Cutting with pressure in epigas- trium, as on drawing a full breath, Coloc. 28.----in a., he had to bend dou- ble, with lassitude, anxiety, Coloc. 29. ----in bowels, before and dur- ing emission of flatulence, Con. 30.----, from umbilicus to stomach, stopping one's breath, Crot. 31.----in bowels, with rumbling, Sabin. 32.----on left side of navel, during an inspiration. Rhus t. 33. ---- in a., followed by sticking in right side of a., Rhus t. ' CUTTING. 639 34. Cutting in a, with frequent natu- ral stools, Rhus t 35.----in a., with desire for stool, and even tenesmus, passes only wind, Carb. a. 36.----in a., with boring in knees, extorting cries, and attended with bitter vomiting after coffee, Canth.' 37.----from lumbar region to axillae, Canth. 38. ----in a., obliging one to bend double, all night, eased by exer- cise, Canth. 39. ----in a., up to pit of stomach, Seneg. 40.----in a., Sabad. 41.----in bowels, after eating1, Chelid. 42.----in a. or epigastrium, Caust. 43.----in umbilical region, Castor. 44.----in a., darting like lightning, Carb. v. 45. Pinching-cutting deep in hypo- gastrium, before, during, and after a diarrhoeic stool, Ars. 46. Cutting in side of a., increased by contact, Ars. 47. Violent cutting in left side of a., darting up to the vertex like a stitch, Am. 48. Cutting above navel, especially when taking a long breath, and at every step, Am. 49. Cutting in small of back and a., even when touching the parts, Arg. nit. 50.----in a., followed by soft stool, with burning at anus, Nice. 51.----in hypogastrium, with more profuse menstrual flow, Nice 52. ---- in hypochondria, at night, Nice. 53.----in a., he has to bend double, Bov. 54. Spasmodic cutting at navel, Cal. seg. 55. Cutting in left side of a., fol- lowed by stool, Calc c rb. 56.----in umbilical region, with chilliness, diarrhoea, and profuse urine, Spig. 57. Violent cutting, early, in bed, from both sides of a. to the mid- dle, with emission of flatulence, withdut relief, Spig. 58. Cutting across a. and in left tes- ticle, Sep. 59.----in a., at night, with desire to urinate, Sep. 60. Pinching cutting in bowels, with moaning, Sep. 61. Dull cuttings below navel, on left side, Bell 62. Cutting, with pressure, early, in bed, in left side of a., disappearing when turning to the other side, Bell. 63. Dull, strangulating cutting across a., Rheum. 64. Cutting in umbilical region. Rheum. 65. Violent cutting in the region of the lumbar vertebra?, as if in the bone, worse after stool, Rheum. 66. Cutting in a., also with pressure, Asa f. 67.----in epigastrium, Asar. 68. ----in. a., with sharp stitches in rectum from above downwards, previous to stool, Asar. 69. ----in hypogastrium, at night, with pain in bowels as if distended, fulness above the ossa pubis when lying on the back, as if the a. would burst; afterwards stool con- sisting of hard balls, then liquid stool with urging to stool, Bar. carb. 70.----in a., during micturition, Merc. sol. 71.----in the hypogastrium, even- ing, with pressure in epigastri- um, obliging him to loosen his clothes, Merc sol. 72.----in hypogastrium, when pressing on it, or bending back- ward, or making an effort at stool, Sulph. 73.----in a., with weariness when going up-stairs, Sulph. 74.----in a., with writhing pain and qualmish feeling, Merc. sol. 75.----in the epigastrium, Merc. sol. 640 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 76. Tearing cutting in region of left kidney, Merc. sol. 77. Cutting in a. and small of back, followed by diarrhoea and tenes- mus, Sulph. 78. Shifting cutting in a., followed by four diarrhoeic stools and drag- ging and burning in rectum, Stront. 79. Cutting in a., also before the menses, Lach. 80.----in a., with half liquid stool, Stront. 81. Severe long cuttings in right groin, causing him to start, Merc sol. 82. Cutting in a., with nausea and drenching sweat, Sulph. 83. ----in a., with chilliness in the open air, though warm, Merc. corr. 84. ----in epigastrium, as if felt in the chest, Sulph. 85.----in epigastrium, also when eating, Zinc. to. 86.----in a., all night, Zinc. to. 87.----in a. with contractive pain, ceasing after diarrhoeic stool, Lauroc 88.----below navel as if the bow- els would be cut to pieces, ceasing after emission of flatulence,Zawoc. 89. ----in a., with painful rumbling, and followed by slimy stool, Lact. 90.----in a., here and there, with pinching, Lact. 91.----in bowels, especially after a meal, with nausea, flow of water in mouth, lassitude ; followed by heat in the face, rush of blood to the head, swelling of the veins of the hands, Staphys. 92. ---- and rumbling in a., for days, Staphys. 93. Spasmodic cutting in a., with trembling of the knees when using them; especially violent after mic- turition, Staphys. 94. Cutting around navel, Kreas. 95.----at a small spot under the ossa pubis, Hyosc. 96. ---- in umbilical region, as if something were boiling in it, Hyper, perf. 97. Pinching cutting through the a., when drawing breath, Guaj. 98. Cutting in a., Grat. 99.----in hypogastrium, with pres- sure toward the groin, Grat. 100. ----, from pubic region to transverse colon, when touching the part, with sensitiveness of the a, Gent lut. 101. ---- in a., with heat and hur- ried breathing, Gent. lut. 102. ---- and constriction in a., as if it would be cut off around the ribs, Evon. 103.----in a., also with nausea, or diarrhoea, having a fetid, camphor- like smell, and bloody stools, Pe- trol 104. Severe cutting from navel to pit of stomach, after dinner, with acrid eructations, 01 an. 105. Cutting motion from a. to chest, 01 an. 106. Burning cutting in epigastrium, especially during exercise, Nux v. 107. Cutting in a., with desire to vomit and eructations, Nux v. 108. ----in a., with nausea and pre- ceded by pressing in pit of sto- mach, Nux v. 109. ---- in hypogastrium, every morning, with desire to vomit, sweetish taste in mouth, languor, drowsiness, Nux v. 110. ---- in a., followed by liquid stool, which is jerked out, Phos. Ill* ——'■ from hypogastrium across navel, with pain on pressure as if the parts were swollen, Phos. 112. Pinching cutting in umbilical region, Stann. 113. Cutting in a. after eating, Spong. 114. Cuttings in bowels, during stool, striking through the chest to right shoulder, Aeon. 115. Cutting in hypogastrium, Aeth. 116.----in a., from left to right side, when drawing breath, Stann. : TENSION, TIGHTNESS. 641 117. Cutting and sticking at ring, with i protrusion of the intestines, and soreness when touched, Spig. 118. ---- in right hypoehondrium, Stann. 119.----in a., with loose diarrhoeic stools, early, Ambr. gr. 120.----and stitches in both groins, as far as the small of the back, with tenesmus of the bladder every half hour, evening, Amm. mur. 121.----and stinging at a small spot in right groin, Kal. hyd. 122. ----in umbilical region, with papescent stools, lod. 123. ---- in a., as if the contents would be torn, Kal. carb. 124. —— in umbilical region, Kal. nit. 125. ---- in epigastrium, with dis- tension, Nux to. 126.----, proceeding, like two rays, from navel backward and down- ward, to either side of a., at night, Nux m. 127.----in ft., with flatulence, di- arrhoea, pain in temples, Nux to. 128.----in a., at night, with vomit- ing and diarrhoea, Lye. 129. ---- in hypogastrium, after dinner, followed by a stitch to the tip of the glands, twice, Lye 130. ----in epigastrium, every fore- noon, Lye. 131.----and pinching in epigastri- um, with sensation as if something hard were lying over the stomach, Magn. mur. 132.----in a., early, with desire for stool, Magn. mur. 133.----in a., in paroxysms, Magn. mur. 134.----in hypogastrium with bear- ing down, as if the menses would set in, Magn. carb. 135.----in left hypoehondrium, when walking, as from a hard, sharp, movable body, with sensa- tion in a. as if full of hard pieces intermixed with each other, Bor. 136. ----, with pressure, in hypo- ehondrium, Menyan. Vol. III.-41. 137. Cutting in umbilical region, when drawing a long breath, Mang. 138. Constant cutting in whole a., thence extending to the thighs, Tereb. 139. Shooting cutting from pit of stomach to umbilical region, Valer. 140. Stupefying, violent cutting be- low the last ribs, Verbose 141. Cutting in right hypogastrium, above the pubic bones, Verbasc. 142. Violent cutting and writhing in a., and labor-like tearing from above downward across the groin, through the thighs down to the knees, with fine, violent stitches in umbilical region, nausea, flow of water in mouth, shifting flatulence, rumbling in a., diarrhoea, Tart. stib. Tension, Tightness. 1. Tightness, pinching-pulling, pres- sure toward the stomach, in umbi- licus, with sudden nausea, Crot. 2. Tension, burning and beating in right groin, Stront. 3. ----, swelling and jerking in hy- pochondria, Mosch. 4.----and pinching in a., all after- noon, Sulph. 5. Tightness, constriction, pressure, fulness and weight in hypochon- dria, Aeon. 6. Tension and pressure in a., Men- yan. 7, ----in hypochondria, Ant cr, 8. Tightness of the skin on the a., when rising from his seat, Dig. 9. Tension in the tendon of the psoas-muscle when walking; when pressing on it he feels as if a hard body were pressing on it under the skin, Dig. 10. Anxious tightness and constric- tion in the hypochondria, Dig. 11. Tension around a. as from flatu- lence, Natr. mur. 12. ----around the hips, Natr. mur. 13. Rigidity in left side of a., Natr. mur. 642 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 14. Tightness between umbilicus and pit of stomach, Crot. 15. Tension around umbilicus, with pressing toward the anus, when lying, Crot 16. ----, with sticking in left groin, Rhus t. 17. Tightness in region of liver as if the skin were too short, Carb. v. 18. Oppressive tension in a., espe- cially in the epigastrium, between pit of stomach and umbilicus, in- creased by motion and attended with motion in lower part of back, Caps. 19. Contractive tightness in stomach and a., Caust. 20. Tensive sensation in left hypo- ehondrium, Natr. mur. 21. Tightness and fulness in a., as if it would burst, Natr. sulph. 22. Tension, burning or °stinging iii region of liver, particularly when ■ touching it, or when coughing or drawing breath, Bry. 23. —■— in hypochondria, Calc. acet. 24. ---- and pressure in region of liver as if very much enlarged, Calc. carb. 25. ----in the muscles of the epi- gastrium, when bending the body backward, with pain when moving the hand over the skin as if this were sore, Calc carb. 26. Rigidity in the inguinal glands, also when sitting, Calc carb. 27. Colicky spasmodic tension from chest to a., he cannot stir, Bell. 28.' Oppressive tension in a., as if full and hard, stool and flatulence be- ing passed slowly, Puis. 29. Tension in both sides of a., Zinc. to. 30.----in region of left groin, Merc. sol. 31. Sensation as if the a. were too tight, with anxiety driving her about, Mosch. 32. Crampy tension under the short ribs, going off after passing wind, Mur. ac. 33. Burning tension at a small spot in right hypoehondrium, Mur. ac. 34. Tension in a. on waking, Sulph. 35. Tensive sensation above navel, with qualmishness in pit of sto- mach, Zinc. to. 36. Tension in pit of stomach and pressure on xiphoid cartilage when stooping, Tarax. 37.----across the epigastrium and hypochondria, Staphys. 38. Contractive tension in hypochon- dria, worse when standing, Lach. 39. Crampy pinching tension in a., Hep. s. 40. Tension in groins, when stand- ing, Gutt. 41. Tightness as from a band in the hypochondria, with oppression of the chest, Graph. 42. Tension in lumbar region, Gent. cruc. 43. Tightness in region of ossa pubis, when rising from one's seat, Dulc. 44. Tension and cramps in a., Petrol 45. ----in hypochondria, with pain when touched, Op. 46.----in epigastrium when mov- ing the trunk, Phos. 47.----and pressure in region of liver, Nitr. ac. 48. ---- around hypochondria as from a hoop, Lye 49.----in lower region of liver, with pressure, Lye 50."----in hypogastrium, Lye 51. ——- in both groins, with sensa- tion when stretching them, as if they would break, Magn. sulph. 52.----in a. as if tied too fast, Thuj. Anxiety, Anguish. 1. Sense of anguish, with uneasiness and sick feeling in lumbar region, like an urging to stool, eased by emitting flatulence and a loose stool occasionally, Bar. carb. 2. Anxiety in praecordial region, Merc. Prepar. 3. Disagreeable anxious feeling in FLATULENCE. 643 a., ceasing after passing wind, Mur. ac. 4. Anxious feeling in a., in bedT Sulph, ac 5. Anguish in a., followed by a feeling of weakness in feet, resem- bling an inward tremor, Sulph. 6. Anxiety in a., Granot. 7. Anxious and sore feeling in a., Euphorb. 8. Anxiety below left side of chest, with bitter eructations every day, Phos. 9.----in a., with urging to diar- rhoea, Plat Twitchings, Jerks, etc. 1. Twitchings in a., Graph., Kal. earb. 2.----of the abdominal muscles, Ambr. gr., Nux v., Rheum. 3.----in right groin, like throb- bing, Natr. carb. 4. Twitching in hypochondria, on raising the arm, at night, Nice 5.----and pinching from right groin to chest, in a narrow band, Nice 6. Constant twitchings in the inter- nal abdom. muscles, right side, close to ilium, Guaj. 7. Painless twitchings at liver, when coughing, Lye. 8. Twitching of muscles in right loin, when sitting, Menyan. 9. Jerking in abdominal muscles, with agreeable warmth in chest, Verat. 10. Jerks in a., Lye. 11. •----in a., also below the liver, Nux TO. 12. Jerking in left groin and pressure from within outward as with a fin- ger, Sulj)h. ac. 13. Sharp, superficial jerking, over the whole a., Sulph. ac. 14. Sudden violent jerks in lumbar region, during a walk in open air, Ran. seel. 15. Spasmodic jerks from pit of sto- mach to rectum, Ars. 16. Painful jerkings in a., here and there, as from something alive, with a drawing from the right to the left os innoininatum, and thence into the knee, a pain remaining also in the hip, like pushes with tearing, Cann. 17. Concussive jerkings, sudden stitches in left side of a. when sit- ting, Menyan. 18. Dull jerks or stitches in hypo- »chondria, Lact, 19. Jerking and stitching in hypogas- trium, morning, Phos. 20. ----, tension, swelling in hypo- chondria, Mosch. 21. Sudden shocks in left side of a., as from something alive, Kal. nit. 22. Dull shocks in a. below the short ribs, Plat. 23. Shooting-darting shocks above the root of the penis, Oleand. 24. Cutting shocks in the muscles of a. and chest, worse when sitting, Dros. 25. Shocks and jerks, from a. to throat, Magnet, p. arct 26. Cutting shocks in both groins, forcing him to draw the a. in and the feet up, Aur.f. 27. Painless shock in epigastrium, upward, Croc 28. Dull shocks in left side of a., also at night, Croc. 29. Sharp thrusts through a. from right to left, Am. 30. Sharp pushes below the ribs, Cann. 31. A few darting pushes in region of pubic arcade, after which the re- gion of the abdominal ring feels as if stretched wider, and the ring as if pressed outward, Cann. 32. Shocks against the abdominal walls, Con. 33. ---- and pressure in region of liver, with oppression and arrest of breathing, Aeon. Flatulence. 1. Flatulence, Arg. nit, Bell, Bism., 644 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. Caps., Caust., Each., Merc, sol, Mez., Op., Plat. 2. Emission of fetid flatulence, Bov., China, Kal carb., Lact., Nux to., 01. an., Petrol, Sil, Sta- phys. 3. Incarcerated flatulence, China, Lye, Natr. mur. 4. Shifting flatulence, 01. an. 5. Hot flatulence, Aeon., Staphys. 6. The flatulence is fetid and hot, Magnes art., Zinc to. * 7. Flatulence smelling like rotten eggs, lod., Natr. mur., Oleand., Spig., Sulp. 8. ----smelling like garlic, Asaf, Mosch. 9. ----, with pinching in a., Magn. carb., Mang. 10. ----at night, Camph. 11. Excessive flatulence at night, Ign. 12. Flatulence pressing on the blad- der, Ign. 13, Short, fetid flatus, expelled with straining, Ign. 14. Sense of flatulence in hypogas- trium, most painful in small of back, Gutt. 15. Fetid flatulence, frequently, with periodical inflation of a., Graph. 16. Flatulence, with slight headache, succeeded by a papescent stool, Gent. cruc. 17. Constant emission of flatulence upwards or downwards, without relief, Gent lut. 18. Flatulence pressing towards the ribs and small of the back, Phell. 19. Incarceration of flatulence, after supper, 01 an. 20. Rising of flatulence with anxiety, Nux v. 21.----of flatulence to the chest, with stitching pressure in various parts of the chest, Nux v. 22. ----of flatulence in a., and in- carceration of flatulence under the short ribs, Nux v. 23. Sensation as if flatulence were rising from a. to throat, Phos. 24. Incarcerated flatulence, with hot face, Phos. 25. Oppressive incarceration of flatu- lence in a., as if drawn inwards, Phos. 26. Emission of flatulence, shortly after stool, with prickling in rec- tum, Phos. 27. The flatulence presses on the bladder, causing cramps in this organ, Prun. spin. 28. Pinching and shifting of flatu- lence around navel, with urging to stool, AVth. 29. Emits wind smelling of garlic, with smarting pain in rectum, Agar. 30. Emission of flatulence, with sen- sation as if loose stool had escaped at the same time, Spig. 31.----of a loud flatus whenever he touched the a., Squill. 32. Noisy, fetid flatulence, all the time, Squill 33. Shifting of flatulence in a., with pressure extending up into the throat, Kal, carb. 34. Incarceration of flatulence press- ing upon the bladder, Kal carb. 35. Copious emission of flatulence, with scraping in rectum, Kal. nit 36. Emission o£ flatulence, with slight cutting in bowels, lod. 37. Incarceration of flatulence, in left side of a., lod. 38. Excessive flatulence, causing dis- comfort, Nitr. ac. 39. Offensive flatulence, with pain, Lob. inf. 40. Flatulence, with pinching or pressing outwards, Nux m. 41. Shifting flatulence, with cutting or urging to stool, Bov. 42. Emits warm flatulence, fre- quently smelling like liver, Teucr. 43. Shifting of pinching flatulence, with discharge of hard faeces, and clawing in the anus after the stool, Tong. 4A. The flatulence passes off with great force upward or downward, Verat. FLATULENCE. 645 45. Shifting flatulence in epigastri- um and hypogastrium, Magn. mur. 46. ----flatulence in a., with qualm- ishness, Menyan. 47. Flatulence, with pressure in um- bilical region, Lye 48. ---- in a., hypochondria, back, chest, with tension and gurgling, Lye. 49. ----, with cutting and pinching at anus, and desire for stool, Magn. carb. 50.----, distending the a., and then passing off without smell; an hour before he goes to bed, and when- ever he emits urine, Mere sol. 51. ----, also incarcerated under the left ribs, Aur. f • 52.----pressing on the bladder or perinaeum, Lauroc. 53. Shifting of flatulence in a., also in epigastrium, with stinging in stomach, Lauroc. 54. Frequent passage of wind, with pressure in sacrum, Mercurial 55. Desire to vomit, and urging to diarrhoea, abating after emission of flatulence, Tart stib. 56. Incarcerated flatulence in left side of a., causing violent pressure, Sulph. 57. Painful incarceration of flatu- lence, in both sides of a., Sulph. 58. Flatulence in a., rising towards the chest, Rheum. 59. Fetid flatulence, after a meal, Puis. 60. Flatulence, with cutting colic, Puis. 61. Shifting of flatulence, with pinch- ing and rumbling, in the evening, in bed, Puis. 62. Incarceration of wind, with spasms of the face, Natr. carb. 63. Flatulence, with anguish and ill- humor, Cic 64. Emission of flatulence, with drawing in a., during hard stool, China. 65. Emission of cold flatulence, Con. 66. Easy emission of wind, which seems to form in rectum, Rhus t 67. Flatulence, the bowels feel bruised and as if torn, Carb. a. 68. Shifting of flatulence in a., with fermentation, Canth. 69. Incarceration of flatulence, with rising of the abdom. integuments here and there, Canth. 70. Incarcerated flatulence in upper and lower a., with colicky pains, Cann. 71. Flatulence upward and down- ward, Sassap. 72. Incarceration of flatulence in the hypochondria, with pressure up- wards, Cham. 73. Incarcerated flatulence in a., here and there, with cramp-pain and pressure; going off with sense of heat in rectum, Carb. v. 74. Flatulence, with feeling of lame- ness, in left thigh, which goes and comes, Carb. v. 75.----in a, with stitches, Carb. v. 76. ----of a putrid smell, humid, with painful bearing-down in the direction of the small of the back and abdomen, Carb. v, 77.----, with tension and stitches in a., Natr. mur. 78. Shifting flatulence, with heavi- ness of the head, humming in upper part of the head, buzzing in the ears, stoppage of nose, Natr, mur. 79. Sour-smelling flatulence, Natr. mur. 80. Fetid flatulence and diarrhoea, Nice 81. Incarceration of flatulence, with pains in a., Natr. sulph. 82.----of flatulence, with profuse saliva, desire to vomit, eructations having a bad taste and smell, Natr. sulph. 83. Fetid flatulence, early, or after eating, Natr. sulph. 84. Incarceration of flatulence, also with vertigo, Calc. carb. 85. Emission of flatulence, followed by pressure in a., Camph. 646 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. FERMENTATION, movements as from flatulence. 1. Motion in a. as from flatulence, afterwards tightness in both groins, Kal. hyd. 2. Continual fermentation in a., sometimes becoming seated in hy- pogastrium, with wheezing sounds, Mur. ac. 3. Fermentation in a., with hot ris- ing, Hep. s. 4. Movements and rumbling in a., especially in the evening, Zinc. to. 5. Fermentation in a, followed by diarrhoea and emission of putrid flatulence, Carb. v. 6. Movement in a., followed by dull stitches in left side, extending to ear, Cann. 7. Fulness and fermentation in a., with hunger, passing off after eat- ing, Rhus t. 8. Moving about in his abdomen, several mornings in succession, Cann. 9. Commotion in bowels as from fasting, Coloc 10. Fermentation in a., followed by vomiting, Coff. Noises as from Flatulence. RUMBLING. 1. Rumbling in a., Ang., Anac, Am., Bor., Brom., Caps., Con., Gutt, Hep. s., Ign., Mercurial, Natr. carb, Ran. bulb., Rhod., Stann. 2.----in a., with flatulence, Ars., Berb. v., Sabad. 3. ----and pinching in a., Squill, Verat. 4. ---- in a., with loose stool, Sabad. 5.----in a., after drinking, Graph., Merc, sol 6» Flatulent rumbling in a., with pain, Lob. inf. 7. Grumbling in a., pain in left groin, and cold feeling in bj.ck, Dulc. 8. Rumbling in umbilical region, with empty feeling in a., Oleand. 9. ----in a., as if stool would come on; she becomes faint and has to lie down, Nux v. 10. Grumbling and rumbling in a., early, in bed, with spasmodic, pinching, flatulent colic, heat in palms of hands and soles of feet, Nux v. 11. Rumbling, fulness, shifting of flatulence in a., lod. 12. ----, with emission of flatulence, Phos. ,. 13. ---- in a. and epigastrium, Phos. ac. 14. ---- in a., with cutting pain, Plumb, ac 15. ----and fermentation in a., also as if the parts were raw ; also only at night, Aeon. 16. ---- in a., here and there, also with papescent stools, Spig. 17. ---- and shifting of flatulence, Amm. carb. 18. Loud rumbling, after dinner, Alum. 19. Grumbling in a., with yawning and eructations, Kal. carb. 20. Rumbling in a., as if something alive were moving about in it, Kal. hyd. 21.----and shifting of flatulence in a., Amm. mur. 22. Uneasiness and rumbling in a., with diarrhoea, for a week, Nitr. ac 23. Rumbling in a., with fine cutting, all day, Magn. carb. 24.----and gurgling in a., when drawing breath, Magn. carb. 25. ----along the rectum, Mang. 26. ----, with crampy pain in a., Teucr. 27.----in a. day and night, Ferr. acet. 28.----in a. and gurgling, as from rising bubbles, Gent lut. 29.----flatulence, with gripings in stomach, Graph. 30. ---- in a., with uneasiness or nausea, Grat. 31. Loud rumbling in a., followed NOISES AS FROM FLATULENCE. 647 by colic as from incarcerated flatu- lence, Magnes arct. 32. Fermenting rumbling in right side of a., followed by a quagging noise, Zinc. to. 33. Rumbling in a., followed by painful retraction of the same, as if stool would come on, Zinc. to. 34.---- and cutting in a., for many days, Staphys. 35. ---- in a., also as if bubbles were breaking, Staphys. 36.----in a., also after dinner, with stitches below the prascordia, Lact. 37. Grumbling in a., with coldness in a., Lauroc. 38. Rumbling in a., with feeling of coldness of the whole body, Tab. 39.----in hypogastrium as if empty, Sulph. 40. *----in a., followed by hard and liqtrid stool, Sulph. 41.----in a., with canine hunger, Sulph. ac 42. Constant grumbling in a., ceas- ing after eating, Mosch. 43. Rumbling in a., with fetid flatu- lence or liquid stools, Stront. 44.----in a., as if animals were shrieking and moving about in the bowels, Stram. 45. ---- in a., with diarrhoea, colic, obscuration of sight, Stram. 46.----in a., followed by stool, Merc. sol. 47. Painful rumbling of flatulence, after supper, especially in epigas- tric region, Puis. 48. Rumbling in a., as from liquids, Bar. carb. 49. Violent rumblings in a., Bell. 50. Loud rumbling and empty feel- ing in left side of a., every day, Sep. 51. Rumbling and wheezing in a., with distension of a., Sep. 52. ---- and a tingling sort of rigidity from below upward, in right side of a., a8 if caused by wind, Calc. carb. 53. Rumbling or gurgling in a., Calc. carb. 54. Loud rumbling in a. in bed, for 18 days, Bry. 55. Rumbling in a., as if diarrhoea would set in, Bry. 56.----in a., in the morning, with urging to stool, Arg. nit. 57.----in a., with pinching and stitches in region of bladder, Sabad. 58. ----in the bowels and rectum, Carb. a. 59. Cracking and rumbling in a., with shocks towards mons veneris, Rhus t. 60. Rumbling and movements in a., Copaiv. 61. ----, with pulsation deep down in belly, when lying down, Coloc. < 62. ---- and jumping in hypogas- trium, Coloc. 63. Dull rumbling in bowels, Crot. 64. Rumbling in a., and sensation as if air-bubbles were passing through the bowels, Dig. 65.----in a., as if empty, Ant. cr. 66.----in a., after eating, every day, Cycl. 67.----in epigastrium, China. 68. ---- in a., with tearing or con- tractive sensation in intestines or hypogastrium, China. 69.----, with emission of fetid fla- tulence, China. 70.----in a. and cutting, wfth painful oppression of the chest, A lum. 71. Noises in a., without perceiving any flatulence, Dig. GURGLING. 1. Gurgling in right side of a., with hot feeling in outer parts of whole a., and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, Menyan. 2. Gurgling in a. or left hypoehon- drium, Lye 3.----in a., after a meal, Nitr. ac. 4.----in left iliac region, when pressing on it, Kal. carb. 5.----in a., when bending for- 648 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. LIKE AIR-BUBBLES. 1. Sensation of air-bubbles in epi- gastrium, Mez. 2.----in left a. as if blisters were forming which break without pain, Cupr. to. ward or backward, or when touch- ing the a., Phos. ac 6. °Gurgling in bowels as if full of water, Hell. 7. ---- in a. as from flatulence, causing a writhing sensation which rises up to the pit of the stomach and causes eructations, Magnet, p. arct. 8.----and rumbling in a., on drawing a long breath, Tab. 9. Pulsative gurgling in a., or in the abdominal muscles, after a meal, Merc. sol. 10. Fine, quick gurgling in right iliac region, Sep. 11. Gurgling in a., Natr. mur. BUBBLING. 1. Rumbling like bubbling in a., Ant. cr. 2. Bubbling in right abdom. mus- cles, Squill, 3. ■----in a., before breakfast, Plat. 4. Movement in a. as if bubbles were rising and breaking, followed by emission of fetid flatulence, Hell. 5. Painless bubbling in muscles of left iliac region, Tarax. 6. Bubbling in a. as of water, Sulph. ac. 7. Sudden continued movement in a. as if bubbles were breaking in it, Tarax. 8. Expanding bubbling in the ab- dominal muscles, Rheum. 9. Short perceptible bubbling in left iliac region, Sep. 10. Bubbling in a., Croc 11.----sensation in a., after eating, with hunger, Am. 12. ----in side, down to a., Cham. 13.----between short ribs and pit of stomach, with anxiety, Sabin. CROAKING. 1. Rumbling in a., like the croaking of frogs, Arg.f. 2. Croaking in a., Graph. LIKE FALLING DROPS. 1. Noise in right side of a., down to lower limb, as of softly-falling drops, Graph. 2. Sensation in intestines, as of the pouring and washing of water, es- pecially on left side, Crot Swellings. OF GLANDS. 1, Swelling of inguinal glands, Co- paiv., Dulc, Graph., °Iod., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac, Phos., Phos. ac. 2.----of an inguinal gland, Clem. 3. Glandular swelling in both groins, Calc. carb. 4. °Painless swelling of the inguinal gland, Thuj. 5. Slight and painful swelling of in- guinal glands, when sitting, Tereb. 6, Small glandular swellings in groin, Lye 7. Glandular swelling in right groin, with tensive pain in walking, Spong. 8. Swelling of an inguinal gland, first a redness round the gland which is painful when walking, and pressing on the gland; afterward the elevated portion of the gland becomes red and inflated ; he was unable to walk or stand without great pain and had to lie down, Merc, sol 9. °Syphilitic and scrofulous bu- boes, Merc. sol. 10. Swelling of the inguinal glands, also painless, Staphys. 11. Small buboes in left groin, and burning during micturition, Merc sol. 12. Swelling and induration of ab- dom. glands, Bar. mur. 13.----of mesenteric glands, Con. 14. Hard and painful glands in left groin, Ant. cr. SWELLINGS. 649 OF THE LIVER. 1. Swelling of liver, Bar. mur., China. 2. ---- and indurations of liver, °Mere sol, Nux v. 3. °----of the liver (reduced after appearance of bloody stool ),Nux to. 4. The liver feels swollen, hinder- ing breathing, Sulph. 5. Swelling of the liver, also with pressure, or with tension when pressing upon it, Lact. 6. °----and hardness of liver, also after abuse of quinine, Sulph. 7. Enlargement and induration of the liver, Merc. dulc. 8. Painful fulness in liver, with oc- casional drawing and stinging, es pecially when walking, Arg. nil 9. Infractions of the liver, China. OF THE SPLEEN. 1. 'Swelling and induration of the spleen, Agn., Sulp. 2. Sense of swelling in spleen, Nitr. ac 8. Sensation in spleen as if it would grow and swell, Lauroc. 4. "Enlargement and induration of spleen from mismanaged gonor- rhoea, Brom. OF ABDOMEN, ALSO DROPSICAL. 1. Swelling of a., Cann., Con., Colch., Natr. mur. 2. Excessive swelling of a., Ars. 3. Swelling of a., with heat all over, cold extremities, burning thirst, dry tongue, Morph. acet 4. ----of the abdom. walls, with tensive pain, Pub. 5. Black and blue swelling of a., Aeth. 6. Swelling of a., with colic and emission of flatulence, Verat 7. °Ascites, Agn., °Bry., Chin., °Hell, lod., Kal carb., Merc dulc, Squill, Sulp. 8. Dropsical swelling of a., with loss of appetite, scanty urine, and hard, knotty stool, Prun. spin. 9. Short-lasting ascites, Camph. 10. "Ascites, with induration of the liver and asthma, Lact 11. "----, after fever and ague, with swelling of a., feet and face, Lact 12. Affection of the liver, ending in fatal dropsy, Arg. nit. 13. Dropsy, dropsical swelling of a., China. IN HYPOCHONDRIA. 1. Tensive, painful swelling under the ribs, Aeon. 2. Enlargement and raising of right side of belly, with pressure and weight, Calc. carb. 3. Swelling, tension and jerking in hypochondria, Mosch. 4. Hard swelling in hypochondria and at umbilicus, Bry. 5. Painful hard swelling in right hypoehondrium, Cann. OF UMBILICUS. 1. Swelling of umbilicus, with pain all around when touching it, Caust. 2. Hard circular prominence around navel, painful when walking, Puis. 3.----swelling around navel and under the hypochondria, Bry. TUMORS. 1. Tumor in the groin, Stram. 2. Elastic swelling in left groin, with pain as if bruised, Amm. carb. 3. Tumor in groin, with burning pain, Phos. 4. ---- in region of abdom. ring, which feels like strangulated hernia, Alum. 5. Immovable, firm, hard tumor directly above the symphysis pubis, in region of bladder, with peculiar tensive and burning pains in the loins (See Symptomen-Codex, p. 397), Canth. SENSATION OF SWELLING. 1. Sense of swelling in a., Bar. carb. 2.----of internal swelling in hy- poehondrium, Nux v. 3 Feeling of swelling, itching and 650 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. creeping at anus as from ascarides, with tossing about at night; for weeks, at regular periods of the day, Teucr. Inflammations, Ulcerations. OF THE BOWELS. 1. Enteritis, Coloc, Cupr. acet, Mez., Sabin., Squill. 2. "Inflammation of the bowels and peritoneum, Aeon. 3. Enteritis with lentescent fever, and turbid, thick, reddish urine, anguish, burning in a. and con- vulsions, Plumb, ac. 4. Inflammation of the bowels, me- sentery, peritoneum, terminating in ulceration and gangrene, Plumb, to. 5. ---- of stomach and bowels, with gangrene, Merc. corr. 6. Enteritis (See "Symptomen-Co- dex," vol. ii. p. 246), Merc. dulc. 7. Gastro-enteritis, Merc prc&c rub. 8. Inflammation and mortification of the bowels, Canth. 9. Chronic inflammation of the mu- cous membrane of the intestines, Chin, sulph. 10. Inflammation in a., China. 11. Ulceration of bowels, Plumb, ac. 12. Ulcers in a., China. 13. Phthisis meseraica (See "Symp- tomen-Codex," vol. ii. p. 247), Merc dulc 14.----intestinalis, with ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels, Merc, corr, 15. ---- intestinalis, with nausea, gagging, loss of appetite, distension of a., pressure in umbil. region, constipation, emaciation, hectic fe- ver, delirium, Chin, sulph. OF THE LIVER. 1. "Inflammation of liver, Bry. 2. "Acute hepatitis, Merc. sol. 3. Hepatitis, Merc, dulc 4. "Chronic hepatitis, Lye, Magn. mur., Sulp. 5.----hepatitis, Nux v. 6. "Inflammation with induration of the liver, Lauroc. 7. Hepatitis, with fever, burning- stinging pains in liver and pain when touched, Aeon. 8. ---- terminating in gangrene, Sec. corn. 9. Inflammation of liver and dia- phragm, Canth. OF GLANDS. 1. Painful inflammation of the in- guinal glands, Silic 2. Red swelling in right groin, pain- ful when touched, Lye 3. Suppurating swelling of inguinal glands, painful when walking ; the whole limb feels paralysed and the muscles put upon the stretch, Nitr. ac. 4. Suppuration of the inguinal glands, Hep. s. 5. Painful swelling of the inguinal gland, "also with suppuration, Sulph. 6. "Ulceration and suppuration of the inguinal gland, Merc. sol. 7. "Swelling and suppuration of in- guinal glands, from abuse of mer- cury, or syphilitic, Aur.f. OF HERNIA. 1. "Inflammation of the hernia, es- pecially when accompanied by bit- ter, bilious vomiting, Aeon. 2. °----of incarcerated hernia, Sulp. Indurations, Sensation as of something Hard. 1. "Indurations in a., China, Lye, Sang., Thuj. 2. Nodosities in a. which can be felt with the hand, Plumb, ac 3. Sensation as of something hard in region of liver, with pinching in a., Magn. carb. 4. "Chronic induration of the liver, Lauroc 5. Inarctions and indurations of the liver, Merc. Prepar. BEATING, THR01 6. "Exostosis in pelvis, Aur.f. 7. "Hardness in a. and sensation of adhesion, Sep. Sensation as of a Lnmp, Ball, Plug. 1. Sensation as if a ball were form- ing in umbilical region, Nux v. 2. ----as if the parts below navel were rolled up into a ball, Asaf. 3.----deep in a. as of a lump, Bry. 4. Sense as of a ball in left hypo- ehondrium, Brom. 5. Sensation as if a ball were as- cending from a. into the throat, Arg. nit, 6. ----in a. as if a ball were mov- ing through it, Sabad. 7. ----as if a plug had lodged be- hind the navel, especially in the morning, Ran. seel. IYumb, Tingling Sensation. 1. Dull and numb feeling in a., Plumb, ac. 2. The abdominal muscles go to sleep, with tingling, extending to the thighs, Petrol. 3. Whirling above navel, Hep. s. 4. The left side of a. goes to sleep, with chilly feeling, Sulph. 5. Itching tingling in right groin, Camph. 6*. Numb, swollen feeling and creep- ing in abdom. muscles, Nux v. Gnawing, Biting. 1. Gnawing and itching about a., Natr. carb. 2. ---- and scraping in umbilical region, with nausea, Ruta. 3. Itching gnawing, fine stinging in the muscles over the left os inno- minatum, Spig. 4. Sensation of gnawing hunger be- low pit of stomach, Seneg. 5. Gnawing in a., Canth. 651 6. Gnawing sensation in epigas- trium, without appetite, Seneg. 7. Biting sensation in epigastrium, Zinc. m. 8. Gnawing in left groin, near the bone, Lach. 9.----deep in a., on both sides, Lach. 10.----in umbilical region, Grat. 11. ---- below navel, internally, Oleand. Beating, Throbbing, Pecking. 1. Beating, burning and tension in right groin, Stront, 2.----and tremulousness in re- gion of liver, now and then, Sulph. 3. Pulsation in hypogastrium, close above mons veneris, Cin. 4. Beating in hypogastrium, Cinch. sulph. 5. Pulsations in a., Caps. 6. Anxious throbbing in epigastri- um, Cann. 7. Beating from within outward, under the left last ribs, Cann. 8. Pulsative sensation in a., Tart. stib. 9. Crampy throbbing on left side between pit of stomach and um- bilicus, Am. 10. Beating and sticking in right side, when walking, Natr. sulph. 11. Pulsations in epigastrium, Cal. seg. 12. Throbbing, with pressure, in left hypoehondrium, Calc carb. 13 Beating in a., here and there, Sep. 14.----in region of liver, Sep. 15.----in a. and chest, Lach. 16. ----in region of hernial sac, for several days, Sulph. ac 17. ---- and throbbing in liver, as from an abscess, Lauroc. 18. Throbbing in a., Ign. 19. Gnawing throbbing above navel, Dulc. 20. Throbbing in region of liver, also as from an abscess, Nux v. 21. Beating in a., Op. 3BING, PECKING. 652 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. 22. Throbbing in a., Kal. carb. 23. Pulsations in a., lod. 24. Stinging throbbing on a right rib, opposite pit of stomach, Kal. carb. 25. Pulsations, deep in right abdo- minal ring, Lye 26. ----in a., with anxious crampy feeling, Lye 27. Stinging pecking in right hypo- ehondrium, Tong. Itching. 1. Itching, and gnawing about a., Natr. carb. 2. Itching, creeping and feeling of swelling of anus as from ascarides, with tossing about, Teucr. 3.----of umbilicus, Coloc. 4. Sore itching in umbilical region, worse after rubbing, Cann. 5. Tickling in abdominal integu- ments, Cann. 6. Voluptuous itching in left groin, aggravated by hard rubbing, re- moved by gently tickling with the finger, Sep. 7. Titillating itching at and above navel, with pain after scratching, Puis. 8. Itching in a., Stram. 9. Stinging itching on a., evening, with burning after scratching, Merc, sol 10. Itching of epigastrium and hypo- gastrium, at night, Sulph. 11. ---- of a., after dinner; when rubbing it, a sensation is felt in bowels as if punched or crowded together, abating when walking, Sulph. 12.----of navel, Ign. 13.----of navel, Magnes art. 14.----and intolerable tingling in rectum, Gens. 15. Burning itching of the anus, but- tocks, perinaeum, scrotum, thighs and hairy parts of the genital or- gans, Gran. 16. Disagreeable itching in the a., Petrol. 17. Itching of navel, Phos. 18. Itching of hypogastrium, with goose-flesh, all night, disappearing after perspiration has set in, Agar. 19.----in epigastrium, Kal. carb. 20.----in liver, Lye 21. Violent itching in right groin, with internal burning, attended with chilliness, Magn. carb. 22. Itching of left inguinal region, not removed by scratching, Magn. sulph. 23. Burning itching of the skin at right groin, Tereb. Weight, Heaviness as from a Load. 1. Weight and heat in a., Euphorb. 2.----, pressure, constriction, ful- ness in hypochondria, Aeon. 3. Heaviness and unpleasant feeling in a., with retraction of a., Crot. 4. Sensation as of a heavy lump in abdomen, Rhust. 5. Heaviness in left groin, when walking, as if a tumor were hang- ing down, Rhus t. 6. Feeling in left groin as if a heavy body were lying there, relieved by passing wind, Carb. a. 7. Weight in a., for some days, Carb. a. 8. Sensation as if the a. were hang- ing down like a weight, Carb. v. 9. Sense of hardness and heaviness in a., above navel, Camph. 10. Sticking-drawing weight in right side of a., increased by pressure, Camph. 11. Sensation in a., as if a load were descending in it, especially when drawing breath, Spig. 12. Weight in a., Sep. 13. Feeling as of a load in a., during exercise, Sep. 14. Weight in a., with icy-cold hands and feet, Aur.f. 15. Uneasiness in a., with feeling of fulness, or with pressure in the sides when drawing the a. in, Asaf. 16. Heaviness in a., after drinking, with coldness in a., Asaf. QUALMISHNESS, NAUSEA. 653 17. Sensation close above the genital organs, as if something heavy were pulling downward; accompanied by a pulling pain in both thighs as if the muscles and tendons were too short, Merc. sol. 18. Weight in a., Zinc. to. 19. Sensation in a. as if some heavy body had fallen toward small of back, Lauroc. 20. Weight in a., with pressure downward, after breakfast, Lact. 21. Sensation as if everything in a. would fall down, obliging him to walk slowly, Nux v. 22. Painful weight of the abdom. viscera, in walking, as if they would fall down, Ferr. acet 23. Weight in a., Hell. 24. Sensation as if a heavy body were descending in left side of a., Grat. 25. Weight in a., with bearing down, Graph. 26. Oppression and weight in a. as from a stone, Op. 27. Sense of weight in umbilical re- gion, with anxiety, flying internal heat and stupefaction of the head, Op. 28. Weight in a., as from a load, Nux v. 29. ----in liver, Phos. ac. 30. The a. feels as if hanging down like a load, when walking, Alum. 31. Weight in a., with anxiety as if it would burst, Amm. mur. 32. ----in a,, Amm. carb. 33. Sense as of a heavy load in hypo- gastrium, especially when walking, Kal. carb. 34. ° Weight in region of liver, Nux m. 35. ----in a. as from a load, Lye. 36. ----in a., Magn. carb. 37. Sense of weight and pain in re- gion of kidneys, Tereb. Empty, Fasting Feeling. 1. Empty feeling in bowels, going off after a walk, Ant. cr. 2. Empty feeling in a., with emis- sion of flatulence, Cin. 3.----sensation in a. as if she had no bowels, Cocc. 4.----feeling in lower a., Coloc. 5. ---- feeling in a., shortly after breakfast, Sassap. 6. Sense of hollowness in a., with continual motion in the bowels, also some anxiety, Cham. 7. Feeling of emptiness in a., Sep. 8. Empty feeling in a. as if all the viscera had been taken out, Puis. 9. Fasting sensation in a., with pinching and bubbling, Puis. 10. Sensation in a. as if empty and fasting, Lach. 11. Empty feeling in bowels, Hep. s. 12.----feeling in a., early, Euphorb. 13. Feeling of emptiness in a., Dulc. 14. Empty feeling in epigastrium, Oleand. 15. ----feeling in a., after emitting much flatulence, Phos. 16. ----feeling in a., with weakness, Stann. 17.----feeling in a., Squill 18.----feeling in region of trans verse colon, Kal. nit. Qualmishness, Nausea. 1. Qualmish feeling, burning, pres- sure, fulness at pit of stomach, Crot. 2. Nausea or sudden cutting in a., also after drinking water, Teucr. 3. ---- in epigastric and hypogas- tric region, Crot. 4. Qualmishness in a., with repeated oppressive headache along the co- ronal suture, Asar. 5. Qualmish feeling in a., Lact. 6. ----feeling in bowels, with pain and fetid flatulence, as from a ca- thartic, Magnes art. 7. Qualmishness in a., Graph. 8. Qualmish feeling in a., with fla- tulence and liquid stool, all day, Phell. 9. ---- feeling in a., with liquid stools. Spong. 654 SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN. Creeping. 1. Creeping, and numb, swollen feeling in the abdominal muscles, Nux v. 2. ----or violent stinging in anus, in bed, Teucr. 3. ----, itching, and feeling of swelling at anus, with tossing about, Teucr. 4. Sensation in rectum as if a worm were crawling in it, Arg.f. 5. A titillating sensation rushes through the a., Croc 6. Creeping in the inguinal glands, Merc. sol. 7. Drawing creeping below navel, P3_ o.----. during dentition, Ars. 124. Diarrhoeic St., smelling like pu- trid ulcers, dark brown, greenish, Ars. 125. ----stools, green, Magn. carb. 126. Fermented diarrhoeic stools, Ipec 127. Loose stools of a greenish-yel- low color, frothy, having a sour- putrid smell, Coloc 128. Diarrhoea, with drawing and cutting in lesser intestines, Chin. sidph. 129. Violent purging and vomiting, with rush of blood to the head and burning in stomach and oesopha- gus, Jatroph. 130. Gushing diarrhoea, with vomit- ing of albuminous watery sub- stances, burning at stomach, cold- ness of the body, viscid sweat, cramp-pains in lower limbs which make the calves look flat as splints, Jatroph. 131. Diarrhoea, with pressing down, lod. 132. ---- for a fortnight, with colic every day, and faeces of a light gray, Kal carb. 133. ----, with nausea and colic, Hell. 134. ----with tenesmus, Ars. 135. ----with colic, Ars. 136. ----with weakness, Ars. 137. ----with vomiting, Ars. 138. ----with thirst, Ars. 139. ----, accompanied by chilli- ness and yawning or contraction of the hamstrings, Cast. LIQUID, WATERY STOOLS. 1. Liquid stools, preceded by cut- ting in abdomen, Natr. carb. LIQUID STOOLS. 669 2. Watery diarrhoea, Natr. mur. 3. Liquid st. followed by small balls of a pungent smell, Plumb, ac 4. Watery diarrhoea, at^ night, Puis. 5. Frequent liquid stools, passing out with great force, yellow brown, or brown and frothy, Raph. 6. Liquid and fetid stools, Ran. seel. 7. Watery diarrhoea, preceded by grumbling in abdomen, Sulph. 8. ----, green diarrhoea, Sulph. ac. 9. Constant watery stools, Tart. stib. 10. Frequent discharge of a fluid having a cadaverous smell, Silic 11. Slippery and liquid st., mixed with blood and mucus, Sabad. 12. Cholera, watery diarrhoea, vo- miting, sudden change of features, anxiety and burning in pit of sto- mach, etc., Sec. corn. 13. Liquid st. followed by small balls of a pungent smell, Plumb. ac. 14. Constant involuntary discharge of fluid faeces, occasionally mixed with blood, Ox. ac. 15. Watery diarrhoea, Op. 16. ----diarrhoea, with pain in epi- gastrium, Morph. acet. 17. Mercurial ptyalism of the pan- creas (See "Symptomen-Codex," vol. ii., p. 252), Mcac. Prepar. 18. Liquid st., preceded by severe pains in abdomen, Rat. 19, ---- st., preceded by nausea, Sep. 20. ----frothy stools, with itching, burning at anus, tenesmus, Op. 21. Stools, first watery and slimy, then bilious, lastly bloody, Coloc. 22. Watery diarrhoea, Con. 23. Liquid dark-green stools, fol- lowed by debility, Crot. 24. Watery yellow stools, also with stinging in abdomen, Crot, 25. A number of liquid stools, with- out colic, or with nausea and colic, or with scraping in posterior wall of anus, Crot. 26. Copious liquid St., with colic, Berb. v. 27. Copious, watery diarrhoea, Merc. dulc. 28. Watery st., Berb. v. 29. Liquid stools, with tenesmus, Merc. corr. 80. Frothy, liquid evacuations, Canth. 31. Watery stools, immediately after profuse sweat, Bell. 32. Stool, first portion liquid, latter portion looks burnt, Alum. 33. Liquid st., Ant. cr. 34. ----, brown st., with ineffectual urging at the end, Arg. f 35. Watery diarrhoea, Aeon. 36. ----stool with nausea and cut- ting and fermentation in bowels, Agar. 37. Diarrhoea consisting of a liquid, bilious, greenish or light yellow substance, with tenesmus, Aeth. 38. Watery st., Asaf. 39. Liquid stools, Aur. mur. 40. Discharges of water, which is green, with distension of abdomen, Magn. carb. 41. Discharge of a fluid, which is liver-colored, followed by tenes- mus and burning, Magn. carb. 42. Watery stools, with burning at anus, Lach. 43. Four watery stools, with colic the whole day, Kal. nitr. 44. Watery diarrhoea, Hyosc. 45. ----stools causing a sinking of the pulse and temperature, Jalap. 46. ----, black-blue stools, Ind. 47. Urging to st., with discharge of semi-liquid brownish-yellow sub- stances of a sour-putrid smell; after st. the pain in the bowels ceased but soon returned, Coloc. 48. Liquid st., with qualmishness in abdomen, Ipec. 49. Discharge of whitish water, with burning at anus, Cast. MUCOUS STOOLS. 1. Small mucous stools, with urging and tenesmus, Nux v. 2. Discharges of mucus mixed with blood, Puis. 670 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 3. Frequent discharges of mucus preceded by colic, Puis. 4. Slimy stools, streaked with blood, Sulph. 5. Diarrhoea, a frothy mucus, with burning in the rectum, rumbling, Sulph. ac. 6. Discharges of mucus and water, with pieces of taenia, Tereb. 7. St. with bloody mucus, Silic. 8. ----followed by discharge of a white, corrosive mucus, Phos. 9. Diarrhoea consisting of bloody mucus, Petrol. 10. St., with quantity of white mu- cus, Graph. 11. Thin mucous stools, painless, Coloc 12. Diarrhoea consisting of white or green mucus, Dulc. 13. Stools consisting of masses of bilious mucus, Flat 14. Frequent stools consisting of transparent, jelly-like mucus, pre- ceded by colic, Colch. 15. Soft, light yellow, slimy stools, three a day, with faintness and weakness, Bor. 16. Slimy, green, acrid stools, ren- dering the anus sore, Merc. sol. 17. Discharges of dark-green mucus, preceded by pressure in abdomen as from a ball, Merc. sol. 18. Discharge of green mucus, with burning at the anus and protrusion of anus, Merc. sol. 19. Discharges of bloody mucus, with colic and tenesmus, Merc. sol. 20. Mucous stools, China. 21. Discharge of mucus, with tenes- mus, Carb. v. 22. Mucous stool, after drinking, Caps. 23. ---- st., in one string, scanty, yellow, Asar. 24. Diarrhoeic stools, first papescent and copious, then scanty, of a dark-colored watery mucus, Arg. nit 25. Discharge of liquid mucus, green, Lauroc. 26. Mucous diarrhoea, Hyosc. 27. Slimy st., Ign. 28. Copious discharge of a watery, foaming, whitish mucus, with pinching at navel, lod. 29. Discharges of thick, purulent mucus, lod. 30. Constant ineffectual urging to st., followed by discharge of slimy, green, bloody substances, prostra- tion, weakness and falling of the rectum, Merc viv. 31. White mucus before and during st., Kal. carb. 32. Expels pieces of mucus, with te- nesmus, cutting in anus, Ars. 33. Stools consisting of white mucus, as if the bowels had been scraped, Canth. 34. Discharge of burning mucus, pre- ceded by pinching-tearing in abdo- men, Cast. 35. ----of greenish mucus, Cast 36. ---- of mucus streaked with black blood, accompanied by colic, cutting and writhing round navel; every stool is followed by thirst and every drink by shuddering, Caps. 37. Passes shaggy masses of mucus, with ascarides, Asar. 38. Flatulent colic in abdomen, fol- lowed by tenesmus, small mucous stools with blood, Caps. PAPESCENT STOOLS. 1. Papescent stools, with burning cheeks, Natr. carb. 2. Frequent urging to st., followed by a papescent, fetid st., with colic and tenesmus after the st.; after rising from st., the urging and the pains in the bowels increase much, Rheum. 3. Papescent, sour-smelling st., with shuddering during st., and urging and pinching in the bowels after st., Rheum. 4. Frequent papescent st., with cut- ting in abdomen, Sulph. 5. Papescent st., with pressing in anus before and after, Sulph. ac. 6. Shifting of flatulence, followed by PAPESCENT STOOLS. 671 sudden, papescent, yellow-green or greenish-slimy stools with te- nesmus, Tabac. 7. Papescent stools, enveloped in foamy blood, Zinc met, 8. ---- st., with fetid, sourish smell, Sep. 9. ----st., with grumbling in bow- els, Seneg. 10. ----st., with patches of mucus, followed by smarting burning at anus, Silic. 11. ----st., Phos. 12. ----st., with burning at anus, Tereb. 13. Sudden urging to st., first pa- pescent, then thin, with shuddering through the body from above downward, and a drawing from small of back through thighs, Stann, 14. Thin, papescent, bilious-looking, involuntary st., Sulph. 15. Papescent brownish st., lined with mucus; with burning at the anus, tenesmus and rumbling in left side of abdomen, Crot 16. ---- stools, followed by tenes- mus, Mez. 17. ---- stools, every day, with burning at rectum, Con. 18. ----, thin st., with relaxation of the sphincter as if paralyzed, or with contraction of the rectum, Cinch, sulph. 19. - —stools, preceded by griping, Coloc. 20. anus, Coloc stools, with burning at the 21. 22. - 23. - sol. 24. - greenish stools, Magn. mur. stools, Brom. stools with mucus, Merc. st., with colic and fetid flatulence, Chin, sulph. 25. - — st., with burning at rectum, Carb. v. 26 27 St., Arg. f Copious papescent stools, dark brown, offensive, Asaf. 28. Papescent, brown st., with rum- bling, Am. 29. Urging, followed by loose or pa- pescent, sour smelling st., Am. 30. Papescent st., mixed with mu- cus, Bell. 31. ---- st., after diarrhoeic sensa- tion in abdomen, Lam. alb. 32. Copious papescent st., Hyosc 33. Urging to st., and sudden pa- pescent st. coming out like a shot, Crot. GELATINOUS, JELLY-LIKE STOOLS. 1. Gelatinous stools, with colic, Sep. 2. Viscid scanty stools, Coloc. 3. St. like glue, preceded by itching of the rectum, Euphorb. 4. Jelly-like, slimy, grayish or greenish stools, also with tenes- mus, Cupr. acet 5. ----white stools, with pressing, Hell UNDIGESTED STOOLS. 1. Undigested st., Am., Ars., Calc. carb., Cham., China, Coloc, Ole- and. 2. "Diarrhoea, with undigested st., Bry. 3. Hard, undigested st. every day, Calc carb. 4. St., with undigested food, Sulph. STOOL LIKE TALLOW. 1. Expels a lump resembling tallow and mixed with tendinous sub- stances, Ars. TOUGH, TENACIOUS STOOL. I. Tough, scanty st., followed by pressing and heat and burning at anus, Zinc. met. 2. Tough, light yellow st., with pricking at anus, Zinc. met. 3. Slow urging to st., with slow dis- charge of tenacious fasces, Plumb. ac. 4. Tenacious st., Merc sol. SANDY, GRANULAR STOOL. 1. Sandy, dry st., after dinner, Arg. f. 2. Granular, yellow st., Bell. 672 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. DRY STOOL. 1. Dry faeces, brown, Tereb. 2. ----, scanty st., every few days, Zinc met. 3. ----and sandy st. after dinner, Arg.f. FROTHY STOOL. 1. Frequent frothy diarrhoeic stools, with tenesmus, Sulph. 2. Sudden loose, frothy st., Rhus t. 3. Liquid frothy stools, with itching, burning at anus, tenesmus, Op. 4. ----frothy st., of a saffron-yel- low, of musty odor, Coloc. 5. Watery, frothy stools, Elat. 6. Frothy involuntary diarrhoea, Calc. carb. 7. Frothy, dark green, bilious stools, Merc sol. STIRRED STOOL. 1. Stirred diarrhoeic stool, Rhus t 2. ----st., with cutting before and after, Puis. 3. °Diarrhcea like stirred eggs, Cham. 4. St. as if stirred, Merc. sol. PILES, BLOODY STOOLS, H^EMORRHA&E FROM ANUS AND RECTUM. 1. Blind piles, Am., Cham., Coloc, Puis. 2. Flowing piles, Aeon., Bell., Chin., Cham., Hyosc, Puis., Stram. 3. Bloody stools, Aeth., Coloc, Ipec, Jalap., Squill, Tart. emet. 4. St. tinged with blood, Natr. carb. 5. ---- lined with blood and mu- cus, Nux v. 6. ---- mixed with blood, Natr. mur. 7. Scanty st., mixed with blood, Calc. carb. 8. Scanty st. with haemorrhage from anus, Phos. 9. Discharge of coagulated blood from anus, Stram. 10. Haemorrhage from anus, Zinc. met. 11. Violent bloody diarrhoea, Verat. 12. Pressing toward the anus, with blind piles, Verat. 13. Blood at st., Sep. 14. Stools mixed with blood, Rhus t. 15. Hard st., followed by discharge of blood from rectum, Sabin. 16. Haemorrhage from anus or rec- tum, Phos. 17. Blood during st., Nitr. ac. 18. Violent urging to st., followed by a copious st.; then st. with blood, followed by burning in bowels for 8 days, Sabad. 19. Haemorrhage from the rectum, followed by pulsations in the whole body, Kal. carb. 20. Discharge of blood from rectum, with stitches, Graph. 21. St., with a little blood, for 7 days, Graph. 22. Hard, bloody st. in large balls, Cinch, sulph. 23. Bloody stools, mingled with a skinny substance, Colch. 24. Bloody mucus, with st., Dros. 25. Discharge of mucus and blood with st., Ferr. acet. 26. ----of blood, with st., Con. 27. ---- of blood from anus, for months, Coloc 28. Bleeding piles, leaving a burning at the anus and sacrum, Coloc. 29. Bleeding from haemorrhoidal vessels, Cupr. to. 30. Bloody stools, Copaiv. 31. ----evacuations, Cupr. carb. 32. Discharge of blood from the rec- tum, Calc carb. 33. Soft st., followed by discharge of blood, Cal. seg. 34. Thin, bloody st., Bry. 35. Frequent discharge of bloody mucus, day and night, with cutting colic and painful urging and tenes- mus, Merc. corr. 36. Bloody diarrhoea, frequently, Merc corr. 37. Faeces, mixed with mucus and dark, coagulated blood, Merc. corr. 38. Bloody diarrhoea for several days, followed by hard st. with blood, Merc. sol. BLOODY STOOLS. 673 39. Discharge of red mucus from rectum, Merc. sol. 40. Diarrhoeic st. streaked with blood, Merc sol. 41. Bloody stools, with painful acrid sensation at anus, Merc, sol 42. Haemorrhage from rectum, Chin. sulph. 43. St. with blood, Carb. v. 44. ---- encircled with yellowish mucous filaments, looking bloody during the latter part of st., Carb. v. 45. Discharge of bloody mucus, Cast 46. ----of pure blood from rectum, with tearing pains, Carb. v. 47. Bloody st, with burning and soreness of rectum, Caust. 48. Bleeding from anus, Caps. 49. Blind piles, painful during stool, Caps. 50. "Blood during st., Anac. 51. Black blood from rectum, Ant cr. 52. Continual discharge of blood and solid stool from rectum, Ant. cr. 53. Dark blood from rectum, during a walk, Alum. 54. Blood from rectum, with disten- sion of abdomen, Bar. carb. 55. Discharges of bloody mucus, Arg. nit. 56. Bloody st., with debility, Arg. nit. 57. Blind piles, with burning sting- ing, Ars. 58. Haemorrhage from anus, after whieh the rectum is pressed out spasmodically, and remains pro- truded, Ars. 59. St. mixed with blood, Lauroc. 60. Bleeding from rectum, even with soft st., Lye 61. Haemorrhage from haemorrhoidal vessels, Lob. inf. 62. Discharge of bloody mucus, with rumbling as if close Co back, Hep. s. 63. Blood at st., Hep. s. 64. Haemorrhage from anus, with Itching of perinaeum, Ign. 65. Blind haemorrhoids with pain at anus and rectum, a pressure and soreness, Ign. Vol. III.-43. 66. St. covered with bloody mucus, Ipec 67. Discharges of bloody, fetid mu- cus, lod. 68. White, blood-streaked stools, with despondency, pain in liver when drawing breath, Calc. carb. 69. Discharges of bloody mucus, .with colic and tenesmus, Merc, sol 70. Discharge of blood with st., Merc. viv. 71. Constant ineffectual urging to st., followed by discharge of slimy, green, bloody substances, prostra- tion, falling of the rectum, Merc viv. 72. Drops of blood from rectum, du- ring st., Alum. 73. Bloody stools, with stitches in anus, China. 74. Blood-streaked stools, followed by anxiety and difficulty of breath- ing, Kal. carb. • 75. Bloody stool, with vomiting and colic, Ars. 76. Discharge of blood during and after stool, Amm. carb. 77. Flatulent colic in abdomen, fol- lowed by tenesmus, small mucous stools, with blood, Caps. 78. Discharge of blood-streaked mucus accompanied by colic, cut- ting and writhing around navel; every stool is followed by thirst, and every drink by shuddering, Caps. 79. Hard, scanty st., with blood, Lam. alb. SO. Discharge of blood during soft st., Ambr. gr. 81. Discharge of thick, black blood before st., Asar. 82. Whitish st., with blood and mu- cus, Nux v. 83. Pressing, with discharge of bloody mucus, after st., Asar. 84. Stools first watery and slimy, then bilious, lastly bloody, Coloc. Dysentery. 1. Dysentery, Coloc, Dig., Merc. Prepar. 674 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 2. Dysentery, with horrible cutting, Plumb, ac 3. Dysenteric' st., with tenesmus and cutting, Staphys. 4. Dysentery, with excessive colic, Plumb. 5. Dysenteric^diarrhcea, Ars. 6. ---- attack, for several years, in the beginning of summer, with blocdy motions, gnawing pain at navel followed by ineffectual straining ; tongue smooth, red and cracked, Kal. bichr. Unperceived Stool. 1. Unperceived discharge of fasces, Ars., Lauroc. 2. ---- discharge of loose st., Verat 3. Nightly diarrhoea, during sleep, Mosch. 4. Passage of st., in bed, uncon- sciously, Hyosc. Involuntary Stool. 1. Involuntary stools, Copaiv. 2. ----st., Hydroc. ac. 3. ---- diarrhoea, Camph., Sec. corn. 4. ----• thin, papescent, bilious st., Sulph. 5.----st.,° also at night, Rhus t. 6.----discharge of faeces, from paralysis of sphincter, Bell. 7. ----, frothy diarrhoea, Calc. carb. 8. ----st. at night, during sleep, Am. STOOL AT NIGHT. 1. St. only at night, Merc. sol. Stool of a peculiar shape. 1. Stool very large, Aur. f, Bry., Calc. carb. 2. St. like sheep's dung, hard, Magn. mur. 3. St., first portion large, latter consisting of thin strings of natu- ral consistence and color, Verat. 4. Stools like sheep's dung, with discharge of thick pieces of mucus when imagining he passed mere wind, Spig. 5. Worm-shaped mucous st., Stann. 6. Discharge of a single hard lump, with straining, Stann. 7. Stools looked burnt, and resem- ble sheep's dung, Plumb. 8. St. like sheep's dung, ash-gray, Plumb, ac. 9. Lumpy stool, with burning pain in anus and rectum, Sulph. 10. Dry st. of large size, with cut- ting pains, Stann. 11. Constipation, with discharge of hard little balls, Plumb, ac 12. Hard st., consisting of small black lumps mixed with blood, and attended with several prick- ings at anus, Sulph. ac 13. Scanty st., like sheep's dung, with straining, Verbose 14. Stool of the size of a worm, Graph. 15. Soft st., in pieces, Guaj. 16. St. in large balls, hard, bloody, Cinch, sulph. 17. Hard, scanty st., also like sheep's dung, Berb. v. 18. St. of large size, hard, with pressing and pains at anus, Merc. sol. 19. ---- like sheep's dung, Merc. sol. 20. A few hard lumps, with pressing and pinching at navel, Magn. sulph. 21. Scanty, large-sized st., followed by sick and relaxed feeling all over, Magn. mur. 22. Lumpy stool at night, followed by ineffectual urging and tenes- mus, Agar. 23. Retarded, hard stool, forming balls, Amm. carb. 24. Mucous stool in one string, scanty, yellow, Asar. 25. First part of st. knotty, latter part soft, for many days, Lye. 26. Large, whitish-yellow st., Ign. 27. Large-sized, hard st., with press- ing and pain at anus, Merc. sol. STOOL ARRANGED WITH REGARD TO COLOR. 675 28. St. resembling sheep's dung, coming away with pain and diffi- culty, Kal carb. 29. Difficult st. like laurel-berries, with cutting in orifice of rectum, followed by discharge of blood from rectum and soreness of rec- tum, Alum. 30. Knotty but not hard st., Sulph. Stool arranged with regard to color. YELLOW. 1. Yellow, black, scanty st., float- ing on the urine, Plumb. 2. ----, watery, scanty diarrhoea, Ars. 3. ---- mucous st. in one string, scanty, Asar. 4. ----, liquid, or slimy diarrhoea, Agar. 5. ----, loose stool, preceded by sensation as if the rectum would protrude, Any. 6, ----granular st., Bell. 7. —— watery stools, China. 8. Yellowish diarrhoeic st., twice a day, without sensation, Merc sol. 9. Sulphur-colored stool, Merc. sol. 10. °Yellowish, fetid diarrhoea of children, Calc. carb. 11. Three soft, slimy, light-yellow stools, a day, with faintness, Bov. 12. Yellowish, papescent diarrhoea, with rumbling, nausea, heat in face, Barb. v. 13. Yellow, watery stools, also with stinging in abdomen, Crot. 14. Urging to st., with discharge of brownish-yellow, semi-liquid sub- stances, of a sour, putrid smell: after st. the pain in bowels ceased, but soon returned, Coloc. 15. Liquid frothy st., of a saffron- yellow, of musty smell, Coloc 16. Light-yellow, tough st., with pricking at anus, Zinc met 17. Yellowish st., afterwards soft and watery, Plumb, ac. 18. Yellow loose stools, with warmth in stomach, pinching, Senn. 19. St. first yellow, then white like pap, diarrhoeic, Stront. carb. 20. Yellow diarrhoeic st., with burn- ing at anus, Rat. 21. Yellow liquid st., preceded by pinching in bowels, or pain in groins and hypogastrium, Natr. sulph. 22. Lemon colored st., Ipec. brown. «■ 1. Dark-brown, greenish diarrhoeic st., smelling like putrid ulcers, Ars. 2. Brown, papescent st., with rum- bling, Am. 3. Dark-brown, hard st., having a pungent, disgusting smell, with pain in anus, Asa f. 4. ----papescent stools, offensive, Asa f 5. Brown, liquid st., with ineffectual urging at the end, Arg. f 6. Brownish, loose, light st., floating on the water, Merc. sol. 7. Frequent brown loose st., in a baby, Bry. 8. Brown faeces, containing small, white, glistening bodies, Mez. 9. Brownish st., papescent, lined with mucus; with burning at the anus, tenesmus, A*,craL 10. Brown, loose, slimy, fetid faeces, with bubbling flatulence, ascarides, and numerous irregular whitish filaments, Squill. 11. Light-brown, yellow diarrhoeic st., Tart. stib. 12. Yellow-brown or brown and frothy liquid stools, passing out with great force, Raph'. BLACK. 1. Blackish diarrhoeic st., preceded by writhing pain in bowels, Stram, 2. Black, yellow, scanty stool, float- ing on the urine, Plumb. 3. Discharge of a black substance from the bowels, Op. 4. Copious, painful, blackish stools, sometimes mixed with blood; 676 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. with tenesmus and weakness, Cupr. acet. 5. Blackish stools, Merc, dulc 6. Black faecal diarrhoea and painful varices, Brom. 7. Black, hard st., Calc carb. 8. Blackish stools, China. 9. Discharge of black, fetid faecal matter, Aeon. 10. Black, burning and acrid diar- rhoea, with uneasiness and pain in abdomen, Ars. LIVER-COLORED. 1. Discharge of a liver-colored fluid, followed by tenesmus and burning, Magn. carb. LIGHT-COLORED. 1. Pale st., Sulph. 2. Frequent light-colored stools a day, Bov. 3. Light-colored faeces, with pinch- ing colic, Cham. GRAY. 1. Discharges of grayish mucus, Rheum. 2. White-gray diarrhoea, Phosp. ac 3. Ash-gray St., like sheep's dung, Plumb, ac. 4. Gray st., Phos. 5. Ash-colored diarrhoea, Dig. 6. Grayish or green stools, jelly - like, slimy, Cupr. acet 7. White-gray st., Merc. sol. 8. Diarrhoea for a fortnight, with colic every day and faeces of a light gray, Kal. carb. CLAY-COLORED. 1. Clay-colored st., Hep. s. 2. Scanty clay-colored stools, with aching in right hypoehondrium, metallic taste, fetid breath, confu- sion in head, Kal. bichr. WHITE. 1. Whitish st., with blood and mu- cus, Nux v. 2. White st. for four days, Puis. 3. White, slimy st., Sulph. 4. Whitish st., Sep. 5. White st., every day, Spig. 6. White diarrhoea, Spong. 7. Stools white, streaked with blood, accompanied by despondency, pain in liver when drawing breath, Calc. carb. 8. White stools, China. 9. St. white as lime, Bell. 10. White stools with red urine, Aeon. 11.----, diarrhoeic stool, Am. 12.----, jelly-like stools, with pressing, Hell 13. Whitish soft stools, Tod. 14. Copious, whitish, watery, foam- ing mucus, with pinching at navel, lod. 15. White diarrhoeic stools, mostly in the morning, with chilliness, and drawing-tearing colic, Copaiv. 16. White mucus, during and before st., Kal. carb. 17. Discharge of whitish water, with burning at anus, Cast 18. Stools consisting of white mucus as if the bowels had been scraped, Canth. GREEN. 1. Green diarrhoeic stools at night, preceded by rumbling, Puis. 8. ----, watery diarrhoea, Sulph. ac. 3. Shifting of flatulence, followed by sudden, yellow-green, or green- ish-slimy, papescent stools with tenesmus, Tabac. 4. Greenish-yellow, thin stool, Tereb. 5. ----st. Stann. 6. Green st., Phos. 7. Dark-brown, green st., Cinch. sulph. 8. Yellow-greenish stools, Coloc. 9. Green or white, mucous diar- rhoea, Dulc. 10. Dull olive-green stools, Elat 11. Greenish-yellow loose stools, BILIOUS. 677 mixed with mucus and bile ; with colic and tenesmus, Crot. 12. Dark-green liquid stools, fol- lowed by debility, Crot. 13. Green stools, Merc dulc. 14. Greenish, papescent stools, Magn. mur. 15. Green stools, in an infant, Bov. 16.----, slimy, acrid stools, render- ing the anus sore, Merc. sol. 17. Dark-green, bilious, frothy stools, Merc. sol. 18. Green diarrhoea, with violent pinching and cutting, Merc. sol. 19. ----st., with enuresis and sweat, Bell. 20. Sixteen discharges of greenish fetid mucus, with colic and copious flatulence, at night, Arg. nit. 21. Dark-green diarrhoea, a mixture of mucus and faeces, Ars. 22. Greenish, dark-brown diarrhoeic st., smelling like putrid ulcers, Ars. 23. Discharge of green, liquid mu- cus, Lauroc. 24. Discharges of green water, with distension of abdomen, Magn. carb. 25. Green diarrhoeic stools, Magn. carb. 26. Discharge of a green, foaming substance, Magn. carb. 27. Greenish st., Hep. s. 28. Green st., Ipec 29. Greenish, yellow, loose, frothy stools, having a sour-putrid smell, Coloc. 30. Diarrhoeic stools with green mu- cus, preceded by pinching in bow- els, Gutt 31. Green diarrhoea, with violent pinching and cutting, Merc. sol. 32. Discharge of green mucus, with burning at the anus and protrusion of anus, Merc. sol. 33. Discharges of dark-green mu- cus, preceded by pressure in ab- domen as from a ball, Merc. sol. 34. Constant ineffectual urging to st., followed by discharge of slimy, green, bloody substances, pros- tration, falling of the rectum, Merc. viv. 35. Discharges of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in stomach and drawing pain in abdomen, sensitiveness round the hypochondria when tied, Arg. nit. 36. Discharge of green mucus, Cast. BLUE. 1. Black-blue, watery stool, Ind. BILIOUS. 1. Bilious stools, China. 2. Diarrhoea, consisting of a liquid, bilious, light-yellow or greenish substance, with tenesmus, AVth. 3. Frequent bilious stools, Merc. corr. 4. Bilious, papescent, involuntary st., Sulph. 5. Stools consisting of dark bilious mucus, Elat. WHITISH-YELLOW. 1. Whitish-yellow, large St., Ign. 2. Yellowish-white stool, Aur. f. 3.---------loose stools, Rhus t. RED. 1. Reddish, sour-smelling st., Ja- lap. 2. Discharges of reddish mucus, with fever ; loss of appetite, colic, Sulph. 3. Red and yellow st., mixed with fluid and jelly-like mucus, Rhus t LEAD-COLORED. 1. Lead-colored st., with vomiting of faeces, Plumb, ac SHINING. 1. Shining stools, Phos, BURNT, AS IF, 1. Stools look burnt, and resemble sheep's dung, Plumb. 2. St. as if burnt, in small lumps, 678 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. with sticking pain in rectum, fol- lowed by burning at anus, Magn. mur. Stool arranged with regard to smell. FETID. 1. Fetid and liquid stools, Ran. seel. 2. Fetid, papescent st., with colic and tenesmus after st., Rheum. 3. Fetid st., partly hard and liquid, Sulph ac 4. Putrid, fetid, colliquative diar- rhoea, Sec. corn. 5. Fetid, loose, slimy, brown faeces, with bubbling flatulence, ascarides, white filaments, Spig. 6. °----yellowish diarrhoea of children, Calc. carb. 7. ----, putrefied stools, Merc. viv. 8. Discharge of fetid, black faecal matter, Aeon. 9. Discharges of fetid, greenish mucus, with colic and wind, Arg. nit. 10. Putrid diarrhoea, Ars. 11. Fetid stool, Ipec. 12. Discharges of fetid bloody mu- cus, lod. SOUR-PUTRID. 1. Stools having a sour-putrid smell, loose and frothy, greenish- yellow, Coloc 2. Urging to st., with discharge of a substance having a sour-putrid smell, semi-liquid and brownish yellow, Coloc SOUR. 1. Sour-smelling, papescent st., with shuddering, Rheum. 2. ---- st., Sulph. 3. ----loose st., with faint feeling, Dulc. 4. ----st., with burning at rectum, Graph. 5. ---- stools, Merc. sol. 6. Urging, followed by sour-smell- ing, papescent st., Am. 7. Sour-smelling st., with reddish tinge, Jalap. PUNGENT. 1. Stool with pungent, offensive smell, hard, dark-brown, with pain in anus, Asa f. MUSTY. 1. Liquid frothy st., of a saffron- yellow, of musty odor, Coloc LIKE SPOILED CHEESE. 1. Diarrhoea, smelling like spoiled cheese, Bry. CADAVEROUS. 1. Cadaverously smelling s o 1, Stram, 2. Stool having a cadaverous smell, Bism. MERCURIAL. 1. Stools which smell like his breath, Merc, prepar. LIKE SPOILED EGGS. 1. St. smelling like rotten eggs, hot and loose, Cham. 2, ----■ smelling like spoiled eggs, Calc. carb. Worms, Ascarides, Lumbrici, Taenia. 1. Ascarides, Bar. carb., Calc. carb., Carb. veg., Dig., Graph., Magn. carb., Merc sol, Petrol, Sec com., Sep. 2. Taenia, Arg. nit, Calc caust. 3. St. with ascarides, Phos., Silic, Sulph. 4. Lumbrici, Merc. sol. 5. Ascarides, every day, Spong. 6. Ascarides, with fetid, slimy, brown faeces, flatulence, white fila- ments, Spig. 7. Hard St., with lumbrici, Sulph. 8. St., with lumbrici, Graph. 9. °Worm-affections, Cina. 10. Ascarides, with itching and gnawing in rectum, Ferr. acet. VARICES, HEMORRHOIDAL TUMORS. 679 11. Discharge of ascarides, lumbrici, taenia, Crot. 12. Ascarides at every st., Magn. sulph. 13. Tingling and ascarides, China. 14. Hard st., followed by burning at anus, and passage of a lumbricus, or with sticking in groins and fla- tulence. Gutt. 15.-------, with taenia, Kal. carb. 16. Passes shaggy masses of mucus, with ascarides, Asar. Varices, Hemorrhoidal tumors. 1. Haemorrhoidal tumor, preceded by soreness, burning at anus and a little scurf, Berb. v. 2. ----tumors, with burning pain after st., Berb. v. 3. Painful varices of the rectum, Magn. carb. 4. The varices of the rectum are distended, painful, discharge blood, Calc. carb. 5. Protrusion of varices, with diar- rhoea, prickings and burning, Kal. carb. 6. Inflamed varices, with ulcerated rhagades of the anus, Cham. 7. A cord, resembling a swollen vein, extends from anus to nates, Graph. 8. Burning varices of rectum, Graph. 9. Burning cracks between the varices, Graph. 10. Varices at anus, Ferr. acet. 11. Ineffectual straining, causing hae- morrhoidal tumors, Plumb. 12. Varix at anus, after violent pres- sure down the back, when stand- ing, Nitr. ac. 13. Varices and prickling at anus, Nitr. ac. 14. Swelling and burning of the varices of the anus, Nitr. ac. 15. St. with protrusion of varices which burn when touched, Phos. 16. Sore pain of varices, when sitting or lying, with pressure and stitches in varices on rising, Phos. 17. Heemorrhoidal tumors, Sabin. 18. Stinging pain in varices, Silic. 19. Bleeding of the varices, during a walk, Sep. 20. Protrusion and itching of the varices of the rectum, Sep. 21. Thin acrid stools, followed by protrusion «f painful varices, emit- ting a humor, Sep. 22. The varices protrude, they smart, Zinc. met. 23. Varices of the rectum, with pricking and burning, Sulph. ac. 24.----damp and painful to the touch, Sulph. ac. 25. Soreness around anus, with burn- ing and a little scurf at this part, after which an itching-burning hee- morrhoidal tumor of the size of an acorn appears, lasting several weeks, Berb. v. 26. Titillation and burning of the varix, at night, until he falls asleep, Ant cr. 27. Distension of varices, with burn- ing pain when walking, Carb. a. 28. Varices of rectum, also stinging and burning when touched, Caust. 29. Swollen and painful varices, Carb. v. • 30. Itching of varices, Carb. v. 31. Protrusion of a varix, with sting- ing pain during st. or when touched, Merc. sol. 32. The varices are moist and pain- ful as if excoriated, Amm. carb. 33. Protrusion of varices, Alum. 34. The varices become moist, with lancinating pain, Alum. 35. The varices protrude during stool, Amm. carb. 36. Varices, with stinging and raw pain, Bar. carb. 37. Humid varices after st., Bar.carb. 88. Swelling and pain of the haemor- rhoids, with tenesmus, Ars. 39. Varices burning like fire, more so at night, with stinging in the day-time, particularly when walk- ing, Ars. 40. °The varices become smaller and less painful, Anac. 680 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 41. Swelling and stinging pain of the varices, Kal. nitr. 42. Stitches and tingling in the va- rices, Kal. carb. 43. Inflammation of the varices, Kal. carb. 44. Haemorrhoidal tumors round anus, with tenesmus, and discharge of thin st. after every hard evacu- ation, Lact vir. 45. Constipation, with varices of the rectum and painful pressure during st., Ferr. acet. 46. Protrusion of varices during micturition, Kal. carb. 47.----of varices, with diarrhoea, prickings and burning, Kal. carb. 48. Ineffectual pressing on the rec- tum, with protrusion of the varices which feel sore, Merc. sol. Symptoms occurring during Stool. STOOL WITH PAIN. 1. Diarrhoea with burning at rec- tum and pain in abdomen as if sore, Euphorb. 2. Discharges of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in stomach and drawing pain in abdomen, sensitiveness round the hypochondria when tied, Arg. nit 3. Diarrhoea with violent pains in abdomen and tenesmus, Merc. corr. 4. Cardialgia at st., with nausea, vomiting of water preceded by shuddering and attended with ver- tigo, shaking of the hands and feet; lastly anguish, heat; with deadly pallor of countenance, Kal. carb. 5. Gushing diarrhoea, with vomiting of albuminous watery substances, burning at stomach, coldness of the body, viscid sweat, cramp-pains in lower limbs which make the calves look flat, Jatroph. 6. Hard St., with pressing and se- vere pains at anus, Phell. 7. Violent pain in rectum, during st., Thuj. 8 Painful bruising sensation in the reaion of the first four ribs on left D side, during the st., ceasing after the st., Spig. 9. Diarrhoea, with pain during and after st., Verat. 10. Tensive pain over the whole fore- head, during st., Coloc 11. St. -first hard, then liquid, with writhing pains in abdomen, Bov. 12. Pain in the anus and bowels, du- ring stool, Canth. 13. ---- in small of back, during stool, Carb. a. 14. ---- in rectum, during stool, Ant cr. 15. Very loose st, after taking vine- gar, with pain in rectum, during st., Ant cr. 16. Frequent St., with slight pains in bowels, Arg. nit. 17. Pain in upper part of head, and buzzing in ears, during st., Lye 18. Hard st., with pain in small of back as if it would break, and colic as if the bowels would burst, Lye 19. When pressing at st., spasmodic pains pass from the lumbar to the right inguinal region, and thence to the hip, hindering walking, Kreas. 20. Haemorrhoidal pain during soft st., Ign. 21. Flying pains in belly, with fre- quent bowel complaint, Kal. bich. 22. Hard st. of large size, with press- ing and pain at anus, Merc sol. 23. White, blood-streaked stools, with despondency, pain in liver when drawing breath, Calc. carb. 24. Scanty clay-colored stools, with aching in right hypoehondrium, metallic taste, fetid breath, confu- sion in head, Kal bich. 25. Soft st. with tenesmus and vio- lent pain in small of back, Tab. 26. ---- st. during which a rough, sore pain is felt in rectum up into the bowels, Phos. 27. ----st., also with pain in groins, small of back and sides of abdo- men, Nice 28. Distressing feeling in abdomen, followed by twisting at navel, scanty dark brown hard st.; in SYMPTOMS OCCURRING DURING STOOL. 681 half an hour, paiu and bearing down, with loose muddy brown st., colicky pains at navel; bearing down below navel, griping pains in anus which caused severe ner- vous pains through the head, with heat in head; return of the pains after going to bed, with muddy brown st., Ox. ac. 1. Diarrhoea, with enuresis and colic, Aeon. 2. White diarrhoeic stools, mostly in the morning, with chilliness and drawing tearing colic, Copaiv. 3. Diarrhoea, with nausea and colic, Hell. 4. Liquid stools, sometimes with nausea and colic, or with scraping at posterior wall of anus, Crot. 5. Soft stools with cutting pain, colic, painfulness of abdomen, lan- guor of lower limbs, palpitation of the heart, general sick feeling, an- guish, chilliness all over, Hcemat 6. Watery diarrhoea, with colic and tenesmus, Gutt, 7. Discharges of bloody mucus, with colic and tenesmus, Merc. sol. 8. Soft stools with cutting pain, colic, painfulness of abdomen, lan- guor of lower limbs, palpitation of the heart, general sick feeling, an- guish, Hcemat. 9. Gelatinous stools, with colic, Sep. 10. Diarrhoeic stool, with colic, Staphys. 11. Diarrhoea with colic, hot hands and cheeks, nausea, rumbling, Hep. s. 12. Nightly diarrhoea, with colic, Cham. 13. Diarrhoea, with colic during and before st., Dig. 14. Diarrhoeic stools at night, with colic, Graph. 15. Diarrhoea for a fortnight, with colic every day, and faeces of a light gray, Kal. carb. 16. Discharge of blood-streaked mucus, accompanied by colic, cut- ting and writhing around navel; every st. is followed by thirst, and every drink by shuddering, Caps. 17. Bloody st., with colic and vomit- ing, Ars. 18, Diarrhoea with colic, Ars. TENESMUS, STRAINING, PRESSURE IN RECTUM. 1. Discharges of bloody mucus, with colic and tenesmus, Merc. sol. 2. Watery diarrhoea, with colic and tenesmus, Gutt. 3. Diarrhoea, with violent pains in abdomen, and tenesmus, Merc. corr. 4. ----with burning pain and te- nesmus of rectum, protrusion of anus, pinching at navel, Gutt. 5. Hard st., evening, with severe straining in rectum and cutting in bowels, Ant. cr. 6. Tenesmus and burning of anus and rectum, during st., Ars. 7. Diarrhoea with burning pain and tenesmus of rectum, protrusion of the anus, pinching at navel, Gutt. 8. Painful pressure in rectum, du- ring loose st., Sulph. 9. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus of rec- tum, for many days, Phos. 10. Diarrhoeic stools at night, with burning and tenesmus of the anus, Tabac. 11. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and pain at anus, during and after st.. Tax. bacc 12. Hard scanty # st., with painful pressure in anus, Staphys. 13. St. with burning heat in face and pressure on rectum, Gran. 14. Diarrhoeic st., with tenesmus, Cinch, sulph. 15. Four diarrhoeic stools, with te- nesmus and rumbling in abdomen, Mur. ac. 16, Pressing during st., with scanty discharge, Merc sol, 17. ----during stool, Canth. 18. Loose st., accompanied by pain- ful tenesmus in rectum as if it were contracted, by distension of the haemorrhoidal veins, and a 682 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. burning pain as if the rectum were corroded, Ang. 19. Small and loose st., followed by small, hard st., with violent strain- ing in rectum and anus, Ant cr. 20. Severe tenesmus after dinner, with sudden expulsion of common st., with straining, Ant. cr. 21. Frequent scanty and loose stools with tenesmus, Aeon. 22. St., with tenesmus, Amm. carb. 23. Diarrhoeic stools, also with te- nesmus, Lauroc 24. Diarrhoea with tenesmus, Coloc. 25. Liquid stools, with tenesmus, Merc. corr. 26. Diarrhoea, with pressing down, lod. 27. ----with tenesmus, Ars. 28. Expels pieces of mucus, with te- nesmus, cutting in anus, Ars. 29. Soft st., with tenesmus and burn- ing at the anus, followed by hot, fetid flatulence, Sulph. 30. ----st., with tenesmus and vio- lent pain in small of back, Tabac. CUTTING. 1. Hard st., evening, with severe straining in rectum and cutting in bowels, Ant cr. 2. Diarrhoea, with cutting and press- ing in rectum, Merc sol. 3. ----, green, with pinching and cutting, Merc sol. 4. ----, with cutting and pressing in rectum, Mere sol. 5. Soft stools with "cutting pain, colic, painfulness of abdomen, lan- guor of lower limbs, palpitation of the heart, general sick feeling, an- guish, chilliness all over, Hcemat 6. ---- stools with cutting pain, colic, painfulness of abdomen, lan- guor of the lower limbs, palpita- tion of the heart, general sick feel- ing, anguish, Hcemat 7. ---- st., with pressing and cut- ting in larger intestines, Phos. 8. Hard St., with cutting in anus, Phos. 9. Cutting in anus and rectum, dur- ing st., Natr. carb. 10. ---- in rectum during st., with discharge of blood, Sep. 11. Hard St., with cutting in rectum, Sep. 12. Dry st. of large size, with cut- ting pains, Stann. 13. St. first loose then hard, preceded and accompanied by severe cut- ting, Rheum. 14. Hard scanty st., with burning- cutting pain in anus, Staphys. 15. ----, large-sized st., with cutting pain in anus, and stinging in pit of stomach, Cinch, sulph. 16. ---- stool, with cutting pain, Canth. 17. Diarrhoea, with cutting, tearing or ulcerative pain in abdomen, Bov. 18. ----, with pinching and cutting in abdomen, and flatulence; also with painful drawing in stomach and abdomen, Agar. 19. Cutting in abdomen, during and before st., Asar. 20. Diarrhoea, with cutting in abdo- men and pressing, Magn. carb. 21. ----, consisting of faeces and slime, with cutting in bowels, be- fore and during it, Amm. carb. 22. ----, with drawing and cutting in lesser intestines, Chin, sulph. 23. Difficult st. like laurel-berries, with cutting in orifice of rectum, followed by discharge of blood from rectum and soreness of rec- tum, Alum. 24. Discharge of blood-streaked mu- cus, accompanied by colic, cutting and writhing around navel; every stool is followed by thirst and every drink by shuddering, Caps. 25. Diarrhoea consisting of fbeces and slime, with cutting in bowels be- fore and during st., Amm. carb. PINCHING. 1. Green diarrhoea, with pinching and cutting, Merc. sol. 2. Soft stools after dinner, with SYMPTOMS OCCURRING DURING STOOL. 683 pressing or pinching in epigastrium, and burning at anus, Lauroc 3. Sudden st., with fetid flatulence, st. first thick, then watery, with pinching and digging-up in bowels, Rhus t, 4. Hard st. with drawing-pinching pain in abdomen, Menyan. 5. Loose, tenacious St., with pinch- ing in abdomen and side, Mang. 6. Colic during st., as if the parts would be pinched together with the hand, Bry. 7. Pinching in a., during st., Anac. 8. Light colored faeces, with pinch- ing colic, Cham. STITCHES, PRICKING, STINGING. 1. Smarting, stinging pain in anus, during diarrhoea, Caps. 2. Hard st., with violent pressing and sticking in the vagina, Kal nitr. 3. Thin st., with burning pricking pain in rectum and anus, Ipec. 4. Diarrhoea, with protrusion of varices, prickings and burning, Kal. carb. 5. Pappy, thick and short St., after- noon, with stitches in fleshy part of left thumb resembling little quick cuts of a knife, Ox. ac. 6. Slow stitches in left groin from below upward, during st., Sep. 7. Painful itching and stinging of rectum, during soft St., Silic. 8. Sore stinging in anus, at st., Sabin. 9. St., with bearing down, during which he feels a stitch at anus and cramp-like contraction of nates, Plat. 10. ----, with darting pain from os coccygis through spine to vertex, the head being drawn backward, Phos. 11. Tough, light yellow st., with pricking at anus, Zinc. met. 12. Hard st., consisting of small black lumps mixed with blood, at- tended with severe prickings at anus, Sulph. ac. 13. Hard St., with stitches in rectum, Graph. 14. St. late in evening, with stinging pain, hardness and tightness in re- gion of bladder, dyspnoea, Gutt. 15. ----, first hard, then soft, with severe stitches in hypochondria, externally, and contractive pain in stomach, Magn. mur. 16. Burning stinging pain in anus, during, before and after st., Berb. v. 17. Soft st., with a burning sharp stitch in rectum, Bry. 18. Cutting and pricking at rectum, during st., Carb.v. 19. Stitches in rectum, during st., Caust. 20. Painful stitches in groins, during hard stool, Carb. a. 21. Pricking in anus, during stool, Carb. a. 22. Tearing, drawing and darting in rectum, with difficult, hard st., Kreas. 23. Hard st., with sticking in both groins, Kal. nitr. 24. Bloody stools, with stitches in anus, China. 25. Hard scanty st., with cutting stitches in rectum as if constricted around a body with cutting edges, Hell. 26. ---- difficult st., with pricking at anus, Amm. carb. CHILLINESS. 1. Violent cardialgia at st., with nausea, vomjting of water preced- ed by shuddering, and attended with vertigo, shaking of the hands and feet; lastly anguish, heat; after which the pain decreases, with deadly pallor of countenance and regular stool, Kal carb. 2. White diarrhoeic stools, mostly in the morning, with chilliness and drawing-tearing colic, Copaiv. 3. Gushing diarrhoea, with vomiting of watery substances, burning at stomach, coldness of body, viscid sweat, cramp-pain in calves, Ja- troph. 684 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 4. Frequent stools, with' chilliness and shuddering, Verat. 5. Sudden urging to st., first papes- cent then thin, with shuddering through the body from above downwards, and a drawing from small of back through thighs, Stann. 6. Cutting in abdomen, with vio- lent urging, scanty, liquid St., and chilliness in the head, Staphys. 7. Chilliness during st., Con. 8. Diarrhoeic stools with chilliness intervening, and flushes of heat when going to st., especially in the face, Merc sol. 9. Soft st., with shuddering all over, followed by burning at anus, and sensitiveness of rectum, Magn. mur. 10. Chills all over during stool, Alum. 11. Shuddering during stool, Bell. 12. Liquid St., with chilly creeping, Ind. 13. Diarrhoea, accompanied by chil- liness and yawning, or contraction of the hamstrings, Cast BURNING. 1. Tenesmus and burning of anus and rectum, during stool, Ars. 2. Soft stools after dinner, with pressing, or with pinching in epi- gastrium, and burning at anus, " Lauroc 3. Diarrhoea with smarting at anus or burning at rectum, Kal. carb. 4.----, with protrusion of varices, prickings and burning, Kal. carb. 5.----, with burning at rec- tum, and pain in abdomen as if sore, Euphorb. 6. Thin st., with burning-pricking pain in rectum and anus, Ipec. 7. Gushing diarrhoea, with vomiting of albuminous watery substances, burning at stomach, coldness of the body, viscid sweat, cramp- pains in lower limbs, which make the calves look flat as splints, Jatroph. 8. Burning at anus, during hard st., Nitr. ac. 9. St. with burning at anus, Natr. carb. 10. Burning in the anus during st., the anus looks red and inflamed, Sulph. 11. Burning at anus during st., Verat. 12. ---- in rectum, during st., Silic. 13. St. with burning in rectum, Plat 14. Burning at anus, during and after st., Zinc met 15. Liquid, frothy stools, with itch- ing, burning at anus, tenesmus, Op. 16. Burning at anus, during and after st., Zinc met. 17. Papescent st., with burning at anus, Tereb. 18. Lumpy st., with burning pains in anus and rectum, Sulph. 19. Hard st., with horrid pain and burning at anus, Stront carb. 20. Soft st., with burning at anus, Cocc 21. Burning at rectum, during St., Con. 22. Soft st., also with smarting burn- ing at anus, China. 23. Burning in rectum, during st., Cal. carb. 24. Soft stools, with burning at anus, followed by tenesmus, Magn. sulph. 25. Burning at anus and pain as from excoriation, during and after st., Magn. mur. 26. Diarrhoea, especially at night, with burning at the anus at every st., Bry. 27. Burning pain at anus, with the loose st., Merc, sol 28. ----in rectum, during st., Bar. carb. 29. ---- st., °accompanied by vio- lent colic, Ars. 30. ----at anus, during st., Lye. 3L ---- in anus, during or after st., Lach. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING DURING STOOL. 685 32. Papescent stools, with burning at rectum, Con. 33. Sour-smelling st., with burning at rectum, Graph. 34. Diarrhoea with burning at rec- tum, Graph. 35. Papescent stools, with burning at the anus, Coloc 36. Discharge of green mucus, with burning at the anus and protrusion of anus, Merc. sol. 37. Violent purging and vomiting, with rush of blood to the head, and burning in stomach and oeso- phagus, Jatroph. 38. Hard knotty st., with burning at anus, Lact. vir. 39. Discharge of whitish water,.with burning at anus, Cast. WEAKNESS, FAINTNESS, LANGUOR. 1. Extreme weakness during st., Verat. 2. Fainting during st., evening, Sassap. 3. Painful diarrhoea, with prostra- tion, Sec. corn. 4. He is unable to bear down dur- ing st., Bell. 5. Diarrhoea, with great prostration, Bry. 6.----, with debility and hectic fever, Asar. 7. Languor, weariness, yawning, ptyalism during St., Lact. vir. 8. Frequent stools at night, with bearing down, weakness, Hep. s. 9. Diarrhoea, with weariness, Kal. carb. 10. Scanty st., with urging and lan- guor, Lact. vir. 11. Diarrhoea with weakness, Ars. RUSH OF BLOOD. 1. Stool, with rush of blood to the head, Jatroph. 2. Rush of blood to the head dur- ing soft st., Sulph. NAUSEA, VOMITING. 1. Diarrhoea, with nausea and colic, Hell. 2. Liquid stools, sometimes with nausea and colic, or with scraping at posterior wall of anus, Crot. 3. Cardialgia at st., with nausea, vomiting of water preceded by shuddering, and attended with ver- tigo, shaking of the hands and feet; lastly anguish, heat; with deadly pallor of countenance, Kal. carb. 4. Discharges of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in stomach, drawing pain in abdo- men, sensitiveness round the hypo- chondria when tied, Arg. nitr. 5. Gushing diarrhoea, with vomiting of watery substances, burning at stomach, coldness of body, viscid sweat, cramp-pain in calves, Ja- troph. 6. Nausea during st., evening, Sulph. 7. Constant urging, with nausea, tearing in bowels, and occasional watery discharge, Rhus t. 8. Diarrhoea, with vomiting, Tart, stib. 9. Copious stools, with loss of ap- petite, nausea, vomiting, colic, te- nesmus, Copaiv. 10. Soft st., with cutting and qualm- ishness in abdomen, Mur. ac. 11. Nausea and eructations during a diarrhoeic st., Merc. sol. 12. Diarrhoea, with inclination to vomit and pressure in stomach, Bell. 13.----, day and night, with nau- sea, Coloc. 14. Mucous diarrhoea, with qualm- ishness in abdomen, Graph. 15. Liquid stool, with qualmishness in abdomen, Ipec. 16. Violent purging and vomiting, with rush of blood to the head and burning in stomach and oesophagus, Jatroph. 17. Discharges of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in stomach, drawing pain in abdo- men, sensitiveness round the hy- pochondria when tied, Arg. nit. 18. Diarrhoea with vomiting, An. 686 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETQ. 19. Bloody st., with vomiting and colic, Ars. CONTRACTIVE SENSATION. 1. Sensation as if the inner parts were contracted, during st., Sulph. 2. Contractive pain in anus during st., thence rising up the abdomen, Sep. 3. Papescent, thin st., with relaxa- tion of the sphincter as if paralysed, or with contraction of the rectum, Cinch, sulph. 4. Diarrhoea, accompanied by chil- liness and yawning, or contraction of the hamstrings, Cast. DISCHARGE OF BLOOD. 1. Discharge of blood from rectum, during st., Calc carb. 2.----of blood during, before, or after st., even when hard, Merc. sol. 3. ----of blood during and after st., Amm. carb. 4. ---- of blood during soft st., Ambr. gr. 5. ----of bloody mucus during st., Alum. 6. Drops of blood from rectum, during st., Alum. SCRAPING, SMARTING. 1. A number of liquid stools some- times with nausea and colic, or with scraping in posterior wall of anus, Crot. 2. Diarrhoea, with smarting at anus, or burning at rectum, Kal. carb. 3. Smarting, stinging pain in anus, during diarrhoea, Caps. 4. Scraping at anus during st., Sep. 5. Loose st., with pain in rectum as if excoriated, Phos. 6. Acrid feeling in anus during st., China. 7. Hard st., with pressure and ex- coriated feeling in rectum, Alum. 8. Soreness in rectum, during st., also as if an ulcer were torn open, Ant. cr. 9. Scraping sensation during st., Lob. inf. x 10. Diarrhoea, with warmth at anus and sense of roughness, Coff. 11. Bloody stool, with painful, acrid sensation at anus, Merc. sol. 12. Smarting at anus during and after stool, Agar. FALLING OF THE RECTUM. 1. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of rectum, protrusion of the anus, pinching at navel, Gutt. 2. Prolapsus of rectum during St., Gran. 3. ----recti during st., Sulph. 4. ---- recti during st., Magn. mur. 5. Protrusion of rectum, during st., Ant cr. 6. Prolapsus recti at stool, Ign. RUMBLING. 1. Frequent soft stools with rum- bling in bowels, or pain at navel and tenesmus, Gutt. 2. Soft st., with rumbling, Chin. sulph. 3. Heavy rumbling in right side of abdomen, after st., Ox. ac ITCHING. 1. Painful stinging and itching of rectum, during soft st., Silic 2. Soft st., with itching and tingling in rectum, Phos. TEARING. , 1. Pain during st. as if something would be torn in rectum, Nitr. ac. 2. Pain during st., as if the rectum would be torn, Sulph. ac. 3. ----in rectum as if torn open, during soft st., Calc. carb. 4. Stool accompanied by tearing from the pudendum through abdo- men, Carb. a. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING DURING STOOL. 687 5. Hard stool, with tearing In anus, and violent urging, A$(h. 6. Tearing from rectum to abdo- men, during stool, Magn. carb. BEATING, SHOCKS. 1. Beating in small of back, during st., Alum. 2. Shock in temples during hard st., Lye. PRESSURE, STRAINING. {Not in the Rectum.) 1. Soft stools, after dinner, with pressing or pinching in epigastri- um, and burning at anus, frauroc 2. Hard st., with violent pressing and sticking in the vagina, Kal. nitr. 3. Straining in hypogastrium dur- ing loose stool, Arg. to. 4. Presging towards the genital or- gans, during st., Natr. carb. 5. Hard st., with sore pressure at anus, Phos. 6. Copious, soft st., sometimes with a f|eling of tension or pressure in small of back and anus, Berb. v. 7. Hard st., with pressure in abdo- men, Am. 8. D ull pressure in abdom. muscles, below navel, during st., Anac. DISCHARGE OF MUCUS. 1. Discharge of prostatic fluid, when pressing at stool, Agn. 2. ---- of bloody mucus during st., Alum. 3. St. every morning, with dis- charge of mucus from the urethra and burning pain, 01. jec. 4. Discharge of thick mucus from the vagina, when straining at stool, Tongo. CONSTRICTIVE SENSATION IN RECTUM. 1. Sensation at st. as if the passage into the rectum were closed, Op. 2. Difficult loose stool, with con- striction of anus, Staphys. 3. Sensation in rectum as if the faeces could not pass, Phos. 4. Difficult St., first hard then loose, with pain during the loose st. and pressing as if the rectum had be- come constricted, followed by te- nesmus, Staphys. 5. The rectum feels dry and con- stricted, during stool, Alum. SWEAT. 1. Gushing diarrhoea, with vomit- ing of watery substances, burning at the stomach, coldness of the body, viscid sweat, cramp-pain in the calves, Jatroph. 2. Cold sweat as from anguish, in the face, with excessive malaise and diarrhoeic st., Merc. sol. 3. Stools with cold sweat on fore- head, Verat 4. Diarrhoea with profuse sweat, Verat. 5. Sweat during st., Crot. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. 1. Soft stools, with cutting pain, colic, painfulness of abdomen, lan- guor of lower limbs, palpitation of the heart, general sick feeling, anguish, chilliness all over, Hce- mat. 2. Palpitation of the heart during st., Sulph. 3. Diarrhoea, with palpitation of the heart, Tart. stib. VARIOUS PHENOMENA. 1. Diarrhoea, with drawing-in of stomach, Merc. sol. 2*----, with enuresis and colie, Aeon. 3. Difficult soft st., with urging and sensation as if something were rising from the hand to the shoul- der, Chin, sulph. 4. Cold sweat as from anguish, in face, with excessive malaise and diarrhoeic St., Merc. sol. 5. Violent purging, with disagree- 688 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. able sensation through the whole body and a nauseous taste, Crot. 6. Diarrhoea, with thirst, Ars. 7. Anxiety during st., with appre- hensions of apoplexy, Verat 8. During st. he turns pale, Verat. 9. Gnawing in rectum during diar- rhoeic st., Sassap. 10. Soft St., after dinner, with hum- ming in the head and giddiness, Zinc. met. 11. Twitchings in the abdominal muscles, during st., Calc carb. 12. Fleeting sensation, during st., as if the bladder were suddenly distended and drawn forward, Tereb. 13. Soft, scanty st., with sensation as if the passage of the faeces were arrested by a hard body in anus, Gutt. Symptoms occurring before Stool. PAINS. 1. Violent urging to st., with tingling in rectum and pressure on bladder, also labor-like pains in front and behind, followed by soft St., Carb. v. 2. Pain in descending colon, fol- lowed by copious mushy st., Ox. ac. 3. Cramp-pain in rectum, before and after hard st., Sep. 4. Liquid st., preceded by severe pains in abdomen, Rat. 5. Sudden pain at the anus, before st., Coloc. 6. St., preceded by pain around na- vel, Amm. mur. 7. Severe pain m abdomen, fol- lowed by blackish watery st., Kal. bichr. 8. Contractive pain in rectum, fol- lowed by sore pain in epigastrium and sudden diarrhoeic st., lastly tenesmus, Bell. 9. Spasmodic pains in anus, before and after st., Lach. COLIC. 1. Colic before st., Nitr. ac. 2. Colic, succeeded by discharge of dark-colored mucus, causing a smarting burning at anus, Nux v. 3. ----before st., Sulph. 4. Hard st., preceded by colic, Phos. 5. Colic, before and after st., Op. 6. Before st., aching colic with rumbling, Dulc. 7. Diarrhoea, preceded by colic, Bry. 8. Colic before st., China. 9. ----previous to st., Canth. 10. St. preceded by colic, four times, Carb. a. 11. Papescent st., preceded by colic and rum bling in abdomen, An- thrak. 12. Diarrhoea after constipation) every evacuation being preceded by colic, Alum. 13. ----, preceded by colic, Arg. nit. . 14. Colic before st., Ars. 15. Diarrhoea, with colic before and during st., Dig. 16. Frequent stools, consisting of transparent jelly-like mucus^» pre- ceded by colic, Colch. 17. Colic before and after loose st., Amm. carb. 18. Flatulent colic in a., followed by small mucous stools, with blood, tenesmus, Caps. ITCHING, TINGLING. 1. Violent urging to st,, with tingling in rectum and pressure on bladder, also labor-like pains in front and behind, followed by soft st., Carb. v. 2. Itching of the rectum before st., Euphorb. RUMBLING. 1. Rumbling and pinching in abdo- men, followed by soft st., Magn. mur. 2. Diarrhoea, preceded by rumbling in bowels, also with fetid flatu- lence, Magn. sulph. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING BEFORE STOOL. 689 CHILLINESS. 1. Pinching in abdomen, with chil- liness before st., Natr. carb. 2. Slimy st., preceded by chilliness and writhing colic, Ammoniac. 3. St., preceded by violent chill, Phos. 4. Chilliness before st., Dig. 5. Chills before st., Mez. 6. Diarrhoeic st., preceded by chil- liness and urging, mingled with flushes of heat, Merc. sol. 7. Every st. is preceded by chilli- ness or shuddering, Merc. sol. 8. Hard st., preceded by shuddering about the head, Carb. a. ANXIETY. 1. Heat and anxiety before St., Crot. 2. Diarrhoeic st., preceded by urg- ing, anxiety, and trembling of the whole body ; succeeded by bitter, rancid eructations, and heartburn, Merc sol. 3. Diarrhoea, preceded by anxiety in pit of stomach, Mez. 4. Soft st., with colic, early, pre- ceded by anxiety and vertigo, Magn. mur. NAUSEA, VOMITING. 1. Diarrhoea, with nausea and sweat, either before or after, Aeon 2. Liquid st., preceded by nausea, Sep. S. Two loose stools, preceded by nausea in rectum, Ruta. 4. Nausea and fermentation pre- vious to diarrhoea, Gran. 5. Vomiting before st., Dig. 6. Nausea before st., Calc. carb. SWEAT. 1. Diarrhoea, with nausea and sweat, either before or after, Aeon. 2. Profuse sweat above the anus, before and after st., Sep. FALLING OF THE RECTUM. 1. Loose, yellow st., preceded by Vol. III.—44. sensation as if the rectum would protrude, Ang. 2. "Prolapsus recti, before St., Asar. HEAT, BURNING. 1. Heat and anxiety before st., Crot. 2. Burning in rectum, before st., Rhus t. 3. St., preceded by heat in abdo- men, Phos. 4. ----, preceded by burning at the rectum, Carb. a. 5. Feeling of heat, previous to St., Magn. carb. TENESMUS, STRAINING, PRESSING. 1. Contractive pain in rectum, fol- lowed by sore pain in epigastrium and sudden diarrhoeic st., lastly tenesmus, Bell. 2. Tenesmus of rectum and bladder, passing off after St., Alum. 3. Hard st„ with previous straining in rectum, Ant. cr. 4. ---- st., after pressing in rec- tum, Lam. alb, STITCHES, PRICKING, STINGING. 1. St., preceded by stitches at anus and grumbling in bowels, Spong, 2. ----, preceded by violent con- tractive pain, with stitches in rec- tum, Phos. 3. Soft stools, preceded by stitches in lower part of abdomen, Many. 4. Burning-stinging pain in anus before, during, and after st., Berb. v. 5. Dull stitch in rectum, from above downward, succeeded by papescent st., Lauroc. 6. Pricking at anus before st.. Graph. WRITHING. 1. Shining st., preceded by chilli- ness and writhing colic, Ammoniac. 2. Writhing sensation in abdomen and back, previous to st., with great weakness, Verat. 690 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. CUTTING. 1. Cutting in rectum and pricking pain in abdomen, moving towards the small of the back and rectum, ceasing after st., Amm. carb. 2. ----and digging-up in epigastri- um and hypogastrium, followed by loose st., then again the pain, but no st., Staphys. 3. Stirred st., with cutting before and after, Puis. 4. St.,'first loose, then hard, pre- ceded and accompanied by severe cutting, Rheum. 5. ----, preceded by cutting in bowels, Merc sol. 6. Loose st., preceded by pinching or cutting in bowels, AVth. 7. Cutting in abdomen, before and during st., Asar. 8. ---- in abdomen, and as if the bowels became twisted, before st., Ars. 9. ----and pinching in abdomen, before st, Magn. carb. 10. Diarrhoeic stools, preceded by cutting in bowels, Lauroc. 11. Diarrhoea, preceded by cutting in bowels, and followed by burning at anus, Gutt. PINCHING. 1. Cutting in rectum and pinching pains in abdomen, moving towards the small of the back and rectum, ceasing after St., Amm. carb. 2. Pinching in abdomen, with chil- liness, before st., Natr. carb. 3.---- in abdomen, followed by st., with contraction of rectum, Phos. 4. Hard st., preceded ^by pinching, Op. 5. St., preceded by pinching and writhing in bowels, Merc sol. 6. Pinching in bowels, before st., Magn. mur. 7. Diarrhoeic stools, with green mucus, preceded by pinching in bowels, Gutt. 8. Papescent stools, preceded by griping, Coloc. PRESSURE. (Not in Rectum.) 1. Bearing-down pressure in abdo- men, before st., Natr. mur. 2. Pressure at stomach, ceasing after st., Alum. 3. Slow st., with straining, preceded by a troublesome pressure in ab- domen, Alum. 4. Discharges of dark-green mucus, preceded by pressure in abdomen as from a ball, Merc sol. VARIOUS PHENOMENA. 1. Whitg mucus, before and during st., Kal. carb. 2. Papescent st., preceded by dis- tension of abdomen, Am. 3. Sensation as if the abdomen would burst, before st., Ars. 4. Diarrhoeic st., preceded by urg- ing, anxiety, and trembling of the whole body; succeeded by bitter, rancid eructations, and heartburn, Merc sol. 5. Soreness in abdomen, before st., Natr. mur. 6. Digging in abdomen, before st., Stann. 7. Sick feeling in bowels, followed by st., Jalap. 8. Rumbling in bowels, colic, and diarrhoea, preceded by painful sen- sation of swelling on legs, with trembling, languor, stiffness of the knees after walking, Hcemat 9. Discharge of blood, before, dur- ing, or after St., even when hard, Merc sol. 10. ----of thick, black blood, before st., Asar. 11. White mucus, before and during st., Kal. carb. 12. St., preceded by a drawing from the anus through the pudendum, Carb. a. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING AFTER STOOL. 691 13. Discharge of burning mucus, preceded by pinching-tearing in abdomen, Cast. 14. Sensation before st., deep in abdomen, as if he would faint, Verat. Symptoms occurring after Stool. BURNING. 1. Burning at anus, after st., Nitr. ac. 2. ----pain in prepuce, after st., Silic. 3. Diarrhoeic st., followed by tenes- mus and burning at anus, Senna. 4. St., followed by scraping and burning at anus, and violent urg- ing to urinate, Phos. 5. Burning and darting at anus, after st., Coloc. 6. Soft st., followed by violent burning at anus and rectum, and debility, Phos. 7. St., with tenesmus, after eating, followed by burning in the eyes and urethra, with great sexual excitement; afterwards burning around the eyes, with heat in the head and sweat on the forehead, Natr. carb. 8. Burning in rectum, after hard st., Natr. mur. 9. St., followed by flashes of heat up the back, Pod. pelt 10. ----, followed by long-lasting burning at anus, Stront. carb. 11. Burning at the anus, after st., Tart stib. 12. Burning pain in region of liver, after st., Stann. 13. Violent urging to st., followed by an enormous evacuation ; then st. with blood, followed by burn- ing in bowels for 8 days, Sabad. 14. Tough, scanty St., followed by pressing and heat, and burning at anus, Zinc. met. 15. Continual burning at the anus, after st., Kal. carb. 16. Burning heat in rectum, after st., Gran. 17. Tenesmus and burning at anus, after st., Bov. 18. Long-lasting burning at the rec- tum, after hard st., Bry. 19. Burning in rectum, after st., Calc. carb. 20. ----at rectum, after st., Carb. v. 21. ----and stinging at anus, after st., Canth. 22. Loose, yellow st., with urging, followed by tenesmus and burning in rectum, Amm. mur. 23. Burning, preceded by scraping, after st., Amm. carb. 24. Scraping, then burning, after st., Amm. carb. 25. Burning of anus, sometimes ceasing after hard, knotty st., Ars. 26. Cessation of the colic, after st., with burning in rectum, prostra- tion, and trembling, Ars. 27. Heat and pressing in head, after st., Lye. 28. Burning at anus, early, also after st., Lauroc. 29. ----at rectum, after st., Magn. carb. 30. Diarrhoeic stools, followed by burning at anus, Lauroc 31. Hard, slow st., also succeeded by burning at anus, Lauroc 32. Soft st., after dinner, followed by burning and stinging at anus, Kal. nit. 33. Papescent stools, followed by burning at anus, lod. 34. Soft st., followed by burning at anus, Kal. carb. 35. Hard St., followed by burning at anus and passage of a lumbri- cus, or with sticking in groins and flatulence, Gutt. 36. Diarrhoea, preceded by cutting in bowels, and followed by burn- ing at anus, Gutt. EMPTY, WEAK FEELING IN ABDOMEN'. 1. Empty feeling after st., Rhod. 2. The bowels feel weary and ex- hausted after st., Sulph. ac. 692 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 3. Loose st., followed by relaxed feeling in abdomen, Phos. 4. St., followed by empty and relaxed feeling in abdomen, Sep. 5. Painful feeling of emptiness in abdomen, after st., Mur. ac. DEBILITY, FAINT FEELING, 1. Soft st., followed by violent burning at anus and rectum, and debility, Phos. 2. Exhaustion after St., Sulph. 3. St., followed by fainting feeling and giddiness, Phos. 4. Weak and dizzy after st., with vanishing of sight, Petrol. 5. Hard st., followed by weakness in abdomen and loss of appetite, Sep. 6. Exhaustion after st., Nitr. ac. 7. Fainting after st., Dig. 8. Tremulous weakness after st., Con. 9. Exhaustion after st., which was attended with pinching, Merc sol 10. Faint feeling, after st., Magn. carb. 11. ---- feeling, after st., Calc. carb. 12. Weakness in pit of stomach, after st., Ambr. gr. 13. Frequent St., after every st. he is obliged to lie down, Am. CHILLINESS, SHUDDERING. 1. Chilliness in small of back, with pressure in pit of stomach, after st, Puis. 2. Pressure in anus and rectum, after soft st., Sulph. 3. ----in hypogastrium, after soft st., Zinc. met. 4. Headache, after papescent st., Sep. 5. St., followed by painful pressure in forehead, Sep. 6. Pressure at anus, after soft St., Silic. 7. Dull pressure in rectum, after st., Stann. 8. Pressure in abdomen, after a difficult scanty st., Kal. carb. 9. After st., pressure in both sides of the spinal column in lumbar region, Dig. 10. Drawing-inwards and pressing in epigastrium and umbilical region, after st., Crot. 11. Tensive pressing in small of back and anus, after st., Berb. v. 12. Pressure in hypogastrium, after st., Ambr. gr. PRESSURE IN HEAD OR OTHER PARTS. 1. Chilliness in small of back, with pressure in pit of stomach, after st., Puis. 2. St., followed by chilliness and cutting colic, Stront. carb. 3. ----, followed by shuddering over the head, chest, and arms, Plat 4. ----, followed by shaking and shuddering in upper part of abdo- men, Plat. 5. Shuddering around anus, after st., Kal. carb. 6. Chills or shuddering after st., Mez. 7. Chilliness after st., as if cold water were poured over one, with internal warmth, Canth. 8. St., followed by lassitude, sleepi- ness, tingling in the ears, chills, Carb. a. 9. Shuddering, after st., Carb. a. 10. Shiverings over the face, and gooseflesh, after every st., Ang. STITCHINGS, PRICKINGS. 1. Burning and darting at anus, after st., Coloc. 2. Stitches and scratching in rec- tum and anus, after st., Nitr. ac 3. Stitching pain in abdomen, after st., Zinc. met. 4. ----and pinching in right side, after st., Tereb. 5. Difficult, but not hard st., fol- lowed by prickings in rectum, from the anus upward, Sulph. 6. Burning-stinging pain in anus, after, before, and during st., Berb. v. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING AFTER STOOL. 693 7. After the morning st., severe stitches in pit of stomach when pressing upon it, Calc. carb. 8. Stitches in rectum, with sticking- drawing, after st., China. 9. Pricking at orifice of rectum, after difficult st., Alum. ERUCTATIONS. 1. Empty eructations, after st., Bar. carb. 2. Yawning and eructations, after st., Anac. 3. Diarrhoeic st., preceded by urg- « ing, anxiety, and trembling of the whole body, succeeded by bitter, rancid eructations, and heartburn, Merc sol. MALAISE, SICK FEELING. 1. Nervousness, anxiety, malaise, after st., Nitr. ac. 2. Scanty, large-sized st., followed by sick and relaxed feeling all over, Magn. mur. DISCHARGE OF BLOOD. 1. Discharge of blood, after, be- fore, and during st., even when hard, Merc. sol. 2. Discharge of blood during and after St., Amm. carb. ANXIETY. 1. Nervousness, anxiety, malaise, after st., Nitr. ac. 2. St, is followed by anguish and oppression, sweat on forehead, nausea, with vanishing of hearing and sight, Crot 3. Blood-streaked stools, followed by anxiety and difficulty of breath- ing, Kal. carb. 4. Anxiety in chest, after st., Caust 5. ----and tremulousness after st., Carb. v. DISTENSION. 1. Loose st., with urging, followed by burning and feeling of distension in rectum, Bar. carb. 2. Distension of abdomen, after st., Ars. 3. Flatulent distension of abdomen, after St., Lye. 4. Feeling of fulness in rectum, after copious st., Lye. 5. St. every few days, every st. being succeeded by fulness in ab- domen and vexed mood, Lauroc. 6. Distension of abdomen, after St., Hep. s. COLIC. 1. Colic, and itching of anus, after a good st., Magn. mur. 2. Colicky pain in the abdomen, after st., Puis. 3. Colic, after frequent urging to st., Nitr. ac. 4. ----, after st. and before, Op. 5. After st., aching colic, with rumbling, Dulc. 6. Pressing or crampy colic, after st., Carb. v. 7. Cutting colic, after st., Canth. 8. Colic, after and before loose st., Amm. carb. CUTTING. 1. St., followed by chilliness and cutting colic, Stront. carb. 2. Cutting and digging-up in epigas- trium and hypogastrium, followed by loose st., then again the pain, but no st., Staphys. 3. Stirred st., with cutting after and before st., Puis. 4. Cutting in rectum, ceasing after st., Canth. PAIN. 1. Contractive pain in the anus, after st., Sulph. 2. Pain above anus, after a slight effort at st., for days, Phos. 3. Cramp-pain in rectum, after hard st., and before, Sep. 4. Hard st., followed by contusive pain in rectum, Staphys. 5. After st., pain in abdomen and small of back, Dros. 694 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 6. St. is followed by pain when pressing upon the abdomen, and by pressure along the bowels as far as the sexual organs and the glans, Crot. 7. Drawing pain in loins, after st., Magn. mur. 8. Strange painful sensation from interior of rectum, after st., Crot 9. St., followed by weakness and pain in bowels as if screwed to- gether, Carb. a. 10. Dragging pain around umbilicus, after st., Ars. 11. Diarrhoea, followed by pain in abdomen as if bruised, Amm. mur. 12. Contractive pain in perinaeum, after scanty, hard st., Lye 13. Spasmodic pains in anus, after st. and before, Lach. 1^. Urging to st., with discharge of brownish-yellow, semi-liquid sub- stances, of a sour-putrid smell; after st. the pain in the bowels ceased, but soon returned, Coloc. NAUSEA, VOMITING. 1. St. is followed by anguish and oppression, sweat on forehead, nausea, vanishing of hearing and sight, Crot 2. Diarrhoea, with nausea and sweat, either after or before, Aeon. 3. St., followed by sour vomiting or retching, morning, Phos. 4. Nausea, after soft st., Nitr. ac 5. ----and flow of water in mouth, after st., Magn. mur. 6.----, after st., Caust. SWEAT. J.. Diarrhoea, with nausea and sweat, either before or after, Aeon. 2. St. is followed by anguish and oppression, sweat on forehead, nausea, vanishing of hearing and sight, Crot 3. Profuse sweat above anus, after st. and before, Sep. PINCHING. 1. Pinching, after st., as if diarrhoea would come on, Natr. mur. 2. ----and stitching in right side, after st., Tereb. SORENESS, SMARTING, RAW FEELING. 1. St., followed by soreness of rec- tum, Phos. 2. Soreness in abdomen, after St., Sulph. 3. Smarting in abdomen, after thin st., Sep. 4.----in rectum, after st., Sep. 5. St., followed by scraping and burning at anus, and violent urg- ing to urinate, Phos. 6. Smarting, sore pain in rectum, after st., Staphys. 7. Itching and rawness at anus, with urging of mucus, after St., Coloc 8. Stitches and scratching in rectum and anus, after St., Nitr. ac. 9. Feeling of excoriation in rectum, after st., which was attended with contraction of rectum and constric- tion of orifice, Alum. 10. Burning-smarting at anus, after st., Hell. 11. Soreness of rectum, after St., with discharge of ichor, Hep. s. 12. Smarting at anus, after and dur- ing st., Agar. 13. Pain in anus as if sore, after St., and as if the rectum were con- stricted, Magnes art 14. Painful pressure and sore feel- ing, after st., when exerting the mind, Ign. 15. Pain in anus, after soft st., as if sore, Ign. 16. Smarting in rectum, as if sore, after st., lod. TENESMUS, STRAINING OR PAINFUL PRESSURE IN RECTUM. 1. Diarrhoeic st., followed by tenes- mus and burning at anus, Senna. 2. Severe tenesmus in anus, on SYMPTOMS OCCURRING AFTER STOOL. 695 rising from st., followed by natural st., Valer. 3. St. followed by frightful tenes- mus of the rectum, Phos. 4. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and pain at anus during and after st., Tax. bacc. 5. After st., tenesmus of rectum, even unto fainting, Cocc 6. Sharp painful pressure in rectum, after st., Ign. 7. Diarrhoea followed by urging in rectum, Dig. 8. Tenesmus with diarrhoeic st., fol- lowed by increased tenesmus, Bell 9. Tenesmus after stool, Canth. 10. Diarrhoeic st. followed by fre- quent urging, Bell. 11. Desire for stool in epigastrium and sides of abdomen, after stool, Alum. 12. Constant urging, after st., Ambr. gr. 13. Violent desire for st., soft, con- tinuing after the st., Ign. • ITCHING, CREEPING, TITILLATION. 1. Colic and itching of anus, after a good st., Magn. mur. 2. Itching and rawness at anus, with oozing of mucus, after st., Coloc. 3. Creeping in rectum, after st., Teucr. # 4. St. with mucus, followed by itch- ing_of the anus, Silic 5. Creeping in rectum, after stool, Teucr. 6. Burning itching in rectum, after St., Calc. carb. 7. Tingling in rectum, after st., China. 8. Titillation in rectum, after stool, Carb. a. 9. Burning itching of rectum, after soft st., Lye DYSPNC3A, OPPRESSION. 1. St. is followed by anguish and oppression, sweat on forehead, nau- sea, vanishing of hearing and sight, Crot. 2. Blood-streaked stools followed by anxiety and difficulty of breath- ing, Kal. carb. 3. St. followed by stiffness and feel- ing of hardness in back, tension in pit of stomach, and oppressed breathing, Sep. 4. Oppression of chest, after st., Silic 5. Dyspnoea after st., Calc. carb. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. 1. Palpitation of the heart, after st., Con. 2. Tremulous lassitude and palpita- tion of the heart, after st., Caust. 3. Palpitation of the heart, and tremulous weakness after st., Ars. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 1. Beating pain in the rectum, after st., Sulph. 2. St., first hard, then loose, wkh a few pushes in forehead from within outward, after st., Spig. 3. Protrusion of rectum, after st., with constant urging to st., Crot 4. After st. the anus becomes con- stricted around the protruding rec- tum, Mez. 5. Protrusion of rectum, after st., Lach. 6. Sensation at st., as if some faeces remained behind, Nux v. 7. Nervousness, anxiety, malaise, after st., Nitr. ac 8. St. followed by scraping and burning at anus and violent urging to urinate, Phos. 9. Ripping-up sensation in anus, after st., Natr. mur. 10. Tension at anus, after st., Sep. 11. Long lasting urging to st., in ab- domen, after st., Spig. 12. Abdominal and uterine spasms, after soft st., Lye 13. Three papescent stools, the last being followed by a cutting in the whole intestinal canal which con- tinues even after the st., Kal, nitr. 14. Stoppage of nose, after st., Hep, s. 696 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 15. Cramp in left leg, after a st., Coloc. 16. Discharge of milky prostatio fluid after st., Amm. carb. Symptoms of the Anus. PAINS. 1. Painful sensation at anus, Rheum. 2. Dull pains in anus and abdomen, Sabad. VARICES. 1. Varices of the anus, also with stinging pain and humid, Natr. mur. 2. Haemorrhoidal tumors at anus, with burning and pricking in rec- tum, Nux v. PROLAPSUS. 1. °Prolapsus ani of long standing, Pod. pelt. 2. ----of anus, Plumb, ac. 3. ----ani, Colch. TEARING. 1. Tearing, with pressure, at anus, when standing, Puis. 2.----in anus while moving about, Valer. 3. ----in anus and penis, evening and morning, Phos. ac 4. Pain at anus as if the abdomen would be torn asunder, with cut- ting in abdomen, flatulence, urging to stool, heat in hands, anxiety, Phos. 5. Lancinating tearing and cutting at anus, for some days, Kal. carb. 6. Tearing in anus, Colch. BEATING, BUBBLING. 1. Hammering in anus, also in small of back, Lach. 2. Beating pain in anus, Rhod. 3. Sensation at anus as if a series of smooth bubbles were passed in quick succession, Coloc. 4. Pulsations, dartings, soreness and burning at the anus, the skin around being somewhat swollen, Crot. 5. Transitory beating or stinging pain at anus, Berb. v. DRAWING. 1. Cutting drawing, from anus through os coccygis, Carb. a. 2. Drawing pain in anus, Ant, cr. TWITCHING. 1. Twitching at anus, between stools, Nux v. 2.----in the sphincters, Agn. TENESMUS, PRESSURE BEARING-DOWN. 1. Tenesmus with pressure, around the anus, Natr. carb. 2. Creeping tenesmus in anus, as if diarrhoea would set in, every even- ing, Plat. 3. Pressing toward the anus and small of the back, frequently, Con. 4. Pressure at anus, after passing ever so little mucus or wind, Coloc. 5.----alternately on anus and bladder, Coloc, 6. Pain at anus as from a peg press- ing out, Crot. 7. Painful tenesmus, tearing and drawing in anus and perinaeum, thence extending through the whole urethra, Mez. 8. Drawing-aching pain at anus or perinaeum, when walking or sit- ting, Cycl. 9. Aching and soreness under os coccygis, Carb. v. 10. Tenesmus, pressing and bearing down toward anus and genital or- gans, alternating with painful con- traction of the anus, Bell. 11. Pressure and stinging in anus, Aeon. BURNING. 1. Burning at anus, Colch., Kal. carb., Sep., Sulph., Zinc. to. 2.----and creeping in anus, Arg. nit. SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS. 697 3. Burning and soreness at anus, Bar. carb. 4.----and itching of orifice of anus, Alum. 5.----pain in anus, Caps. 6. ---- at anus, with dryness, Carb. v. * 7. ----and burning itching in the anus, China. 8. Feeling of warmth, spreading from anus to abdom. viscera, Chin. sulph. 9.----of warmth in region of anus, Berb. v. 10. Burning pain and excoriating feeling at anus, Berb. v. 11. Itching burning at anus, Mercu- rial. 12. Burning, soreness, dartings, pul- sations at anus, the skin around being swollen, Crot. 13.----heat at anus, Con. 14. Severe burning in region of sphincter, Copaiv. 15. Burning in anus and rectum, Coloc. 16.----and contraction of anus, Kal carb. 17.----and pinching of anus and rectum, Kal carb. . 18. Burning at anus, after St., Oleand. 19. Diarrhoea, with burning at anus, Phos. 20. Burning and stinging in anus and rectum, Petrol. 21. Excessive burning pain in anus for six days, Sabad. 22. Violent burning in the fold be- tween the nates, when walking, Thuj. 23. Heat and swelling of the margin of the anus, Sep. 24. Burning and tingling in anus, Tereb. 25.----pain at anus, after st., Tabac. 26. Titillating burning at anus, Ran. seel. CRAMPS, SPASMS. 1. Crampy sensation in anus, Sep. 2. Boring cramp-pain from anus to rectum and testicles, Silic 3. Spasm in sphincter ani, succeeded by chilliness in back and ineffec- tual urging to st., Colch. 4. Spasms from anus upward, Lauroc. CUTTING. 1. Cutting at the amis, now and then, Zinc met, 2. Crampy cutting in anus and pe- rinaeum, early, Lye. PINCHING. 1. Pinching in anus, with emission of wind, Merc. sol. 2. ---- and stinging around anus, Lye 3. Tearing-griping in anus, alter- nating with oppression at chest, Lach. DISCHARGES. 1. Humor and itching of the anus, Nitr. ac. 2. Sensation in anus as if something cold were dropping out, Cann. 3. A viscid humor oozes out of the anus, Carb. a. 4. Flow of white mucus from the anus, with itching, Aeon. 5. Sensation as of a warm liquid coming out of the anus, Aeon. 6. Discharge of moisture from the anus, followed by itching, Sulph. ITCHING. 1. Itching of the anus, Amm. carb., Anac, Ant. cr., Berb. v., Caps., Caust, Con., Crot, Graph., Men- yan., Mur. ac, Stann. 2. Creeping in the anus, Croc, Ipec, Rhod. 3. Itching and burning of anus, lod. 4. Violent itching at anus, at night, Jatroph. 5. Itching of anus and mons vene- ris, Lye. 6. ----of anus, with rough and ex- coriated feeling of the parts, Ars. 698 SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS, ETC. 7. Itching of anus, has to rub until he became sore, Arg. nit. 8. Creeping and burning in anus, Arg. nit. 9. Itching, stinging and smarting of anus, passing off by scratching, Ambr. gr. 10.----and burning of orifice of anus, Alum. 11. Violent itching between nates, near anus, Alum. 12. Itching or tingling at anus, as from ascarides, Agar. 13. Burning itching and raw feeling in anus, at night, Ant cr. 14. Itching of os coccygis, Canth. 15. Itching of anus, followed by burning, Carb. v. 16. Tingling in anus, also with creep- ing and itching extending into the urethra, accompanied by burning in the glans, China. 17. Itching of anus, as from ascarides, Merc. sol. 18. Burning titillation at anus and the parts around, Berb. v. 19. Itching and constrictive sensation at anus, Bell 20.----pain of the anus, Chan. 21. ----at the anus, also alternating with itching at the orifice of the urethra, Coloc. 22. Burning itching in anus, Cocc. 23. Tingling and jerking in anus Colch. 24. Frequent itching of anus, Cinch sulph. 25. Burning itching of the anus, but tocks, perinaeum, scrotu m and hairy parts of genital organs, Gran 26. Itching of the anus and scrotum Kal. carb. 27.----and tingling at anus, Kal carb. 28. ----and gnawing at anus, Phos 29. Tickling at anus, after walking in the open air, Phos. 30. Itching of anus, alternating with titillation of nasal wings and mea- tus auditorius, Sabad. 31.----at anus and os coccygis, for many days, Spig. 32. Creeping, also stinging in anus, in bed, Teucr. 33. ----, with pressure, in anus, Zinc. met. 3 4. Itching at anus, terminating in a small stitch, Zinc. met. 35.----of anus, with corrosive dampness, Zinc. met. 36.----of the anus and rectum, Sulph. 37.----of the anus, when sitting between the stools, Staphys. 38. Smarting burning itching of the anus, Natr. carb. 39. Voluptuous itching at anus, Nux v. 40. Itching at anus, changing to a smarting, sore pain, Nux v. 41. ----at anus, worse in bed, every five minutes, with painful stitches in anus, obliging him to get up, Nuxjugl. STITCHES, PRICKINGS. 1. Burning stitches in anus, Mur. ac. 2. Stitches at anus, with cramp-like contraction, for hours, Nitr. ac. 3. Creeping stinging in anus, Zinc met. 4. Burning stitches in anus, when walking, Zinc. met. 5. Stitch from anus to rectum, with strangling sensation, Zinc, met 6. Stitches in anus, Sep. 7. Sticking at anus, when walking, Spig. 8. Stitches in anus and front part of the thighs, when walking, Sabin. 9. Prickling at the anus, when walking, Phos. 10. Dull slow stitch in anus, fre- quently returning, Ox. ac. 11. Stinging and burning in anus and rectum, Petrol, 12. Stitching in anus and rectum, Gran. 13. Darting pain in anus and rectum, Coloc. 14. Pricking at the anus, with oozing of mucus, Coloc. 15. Stitches in anus, Con. 16. Slow dull stitches, extending SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS. 699 from the anus through the small of the back into the left groin, Croc 17. Dull long stitch, now and then, near the anus, affecting the whole nervous system painfully, Croc. 18. Dartings, pulsations, soreness, burning at anus, the skin around being swollen, Crot. 19. Stitches from anus to bladder, Mosch. 20. Transitory stinging or beating pain at anus, Berb'. v. 21. Sharp stitches in anus, causing him to start, Merc. sol. 22. Stitches striking through the anus into the urethra, Aeon. 23. Stinging and pressure in anus, ^Icon. 24. Severe, deep, sharp stitches in coccyx, Agn. 25. Stinging, smarting and itching of anus, passing off by scratching, Ambr. gr. 26. Prickling in anus, evening, Lact. vir. 27. Severe prickings at anus, Ipec. 28. Stinging, cutting, burning pain around anus, Ipec 29. Short dragging stitches in anus, when sitting, lod. SORENESS, SMARTING. 1. Soreness of anus, Puis. 2. Humid soreness of the anus and between the nates, when walking, Nitr. ac. 8. Soreness around the anus, Natr. myr. 4. Smarting at anus, with stinging, Stann. 5. Soreness and tingling at anus, Zinc met. 6.----between the nates, Sep. 7.----at anus, Rhus t. 8. Sore feeling at anus, Kal. carb. 9. Soreness, dartings, pulsations, burning at anus, the skin around being swollen, Crot 10. Sore or ulcerative pain in anus, when sitting or walking, Magn. carb. 11. Excoriating feeling and burning pain at anus, Berb. v. 12. Soreness of the anus, Merc sol. 13. Ulcerative pain at a spot in the flesh, near the anus, when walking, Agn. 14. Smarting, stinging, and itching of anus, passing off by scratching, Ambr. gr. 15. Soreness and burning at anus, Bar. carb. 16.----of anus when touched, Ars. 17. Smarting and rawness of anus, Kal. bichr. SENSE OF SWELLING, FULNESS. 1. Feeling of swelling, itching and creeping in the region of the anus, with restlessness at night, for weeks, at regular periods, Teucr. 2. Congestion of anus, after eating, Sep. 3. Pain in anus as if it would burst, after vomiting, Kal. carb. 4. Swelling of anus all round, Graph. 5. Sense of fulness in anus, Berb. v. 6.----of swelling at anus, Graph. 7. Swelling round the arms as if the veins were swollen, Ign. CONTRACTIVE, CONSTRICTIVE SENSA- TION. 1. Painful spasmodic constriction of the anus, Nux v. 2. The anus is constricted and drawn up, Plumb, ac. 3. Contractive pain in anus, Silic. 4. Anus drawn in and as if inter- nally constricted, with sensation as if a string were stretched across, Plumb. 5. Contractive pain in anus, pre- vented sitting, Cocc 6. ---- pain in anus, accompanied by a sensation as if she must close her thighs, Cann. 7. Constrictive sensation with stitches, at anus, when walking, Crot. 8. ---- sensation and itching at anus, Bell. 700 SYMPTOMS OF THE PERINEUM, ETC. 9. Painful contraction around anus, Aeon. 10. ----contraction above anus, in the direction of small of back, during st., Ars. 11. Contraction of anus, painful wrhen walking, with flow of saliva, Ign. 12. Painless contraction of the anus, for some days, Ign. PARALYSIS. 1. Momentary paralysis of the sphincter, with involuntary dis- charge of faeces, Aeon. 2. Paralysis of sphincter ani, Lauroc. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 1. Tensive pain from middle of ab- domen to anus, Spong. 2. Boring and smarting at anus, Kal. bichr. 3. Intolerable writhing in anus, Croc. 4. Gnawing and itching of anus, Phos. Symptoms of the Perinaeum, PAIN AS IF SORE, INFLAMED. I. Pain as if bruised in perinaeum, Alum. 2. Sensation as if the perinaeum were inflamed, Alum. PRESSURE. 1. Painful pressure in the perinaeum after dinner, Nux v. 2. ---- pressure in perinaeum, Berb. v. 3. Pressure in perinaeum on blowing the nose, Alum. 4. Pressing in perinaeum from within outwards, Asa f. STITCHES. 1. Sharp drawing stitches in peri- naeum towards anus, Nitr. ac. 2. Single painful prickings in peri- naeum, from within outwards, going off when drawing the anus in, Thuj. 3. Stitches in perinaeum, towards the rectum, when sitting, Sep. 4. Boring stitch in perinaeum, Spiff. 5. Stitches in perinaeum, Magn. mur. 6. Digging-sticking pain in perinae- um, with occasional short stitches striking deep into the pelvis, Berb. v. 7. Dartings from perinaeum to rec- tum and genital organs, Bov. 8. Stinging pain in perinaeum, Carb. v. 9. Stitches in perinaeum, Alum. 10. Lancinating pain in perinaeum, Amm. mur. ITCHING. 1. Itching of the perinaeum after dinner, Nux v. 2. Burning, voluptuous itching of the perinaeum, not eased by scratching, Mur. ac. 3. Itching and stinging of the raphe of the perinaeum, Natr. carb. 4. Titillation at perinaeum, Tarax. 5. Itching of the perinaeum, Cann. 6. Soreness of perinaeum, with pain- ful itching when touched, Carb. v. 7. Corrosive itching of the perinae- um, Agn. 8.----itching of perinaeum, Ars. 9. Itching of the perinaeum, espe- cially when walking, Ign. SWEAT. 1. Sweat on perinaeum, with itch- ing, Alum. 2. ----on perinaeum, Hep. s. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 1. Contractive sensation in perinae- um, Sulph. 2. Violent tension in perinaeum, Tart. stib. 3. Crampy-grinding pain in perinae- um, Carb. a. 4. At night, neuralgic pain shoot- ing from lower part of rectum SYMPTOMS OF THE RECTUM. 701 along the perinamm to middle of penis, Phyt. dec. 5. Tearing in perinaeum, when walk- ing, Amm. mur. 6. Pulsation in perinaeum, Caust. 7. Sense of weight in perinaeum, Copaiv. 8. Frequent burning pain in peri- naeum, especially after an embrace, Silic. Symptoms of the Rectum. PAINS. 1. Severe aching pain in rectum, arresting the breathing, about mid- night, Nux v. 2. Constant aching pain in rectum, when sitting, Staphys. 3. The outer border of rectum is painful and swollen, Aur. f. 4. Pain in rectum and bladder, Ambr. gr. 5.----in rectum, Aeon. 6. Excessive pain in rectum, with distensive pressure, Op. PRESSURE. 1. Pressure in rectum, in bed, lod. 2. Aching-pressing pain in rectum, while slumbering, disappearing after being wide awake, Magnet. p. arct 3. Pressing pain at rectum, from within outwards, Plumb, ac. 4. ---- on rectum as if it would protrude, with pressing on the bladder, Sulph. 5.----and boring from the rec- tum into the abdomen, Zinc. met. 6. Sensation in rectum as if pressed against by wind, Zinc. met. 7. Sore pain in rectum, with sensa- tion as if it would be pressed out, even when lying, Sep. 8. Spasmodic pushing and pressing in rectum, Spig. 9. Drawing in back from above downwards, with tension and pressing in rectum as if every thing would come out, Rhus t. 10. Dull pressure in rectum, Spig. 11. Distension of a vein in rectum, with itching and pressing, Silic. 12. Continued cramp-like pushing around rectum, Phos. 13. Painful pressure in rectum, be- fore the menses, with stitches in rectum on raising one's self, Pe- trol. 14. Pressing in rectum, before st., Nux v. 15. Bearing-down in rectum, Graph. 16. Urging to St., in rectum, Cocc. 17. Pressing in small of back and rectum as if the bowels would be pressed out, Cann. 18. ---- towards the anus, and sen- sation in rectum as if an opening would form, Crot. 19.----and dragging towards the rectum, with pinching flatulence, Crot 20.----sensation in rectum, with pressure and tension in sacrum, Mercurial. 21. Pressure in rectum, all day, only burning flatulence being passed, Magn. mur. 22.----in rectum) Magn. carb. 23.----in rectum, also with cutting, after dinner, Calc. carb. 24.----in rectum, towards orifice, Bell. 25. Tenesmus of rectum, Am. 26. Pressing in rectum when stand- ing, Am. 27. Painful pressure in rectum, Am. STITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. 1. Lancinating and constrictive pain in rectum and anus, after a meal or after mental labor,. Nux v. 2. Pricking in rectum, after hard st., Nux v. 3. Pricking pain in rectum, Nux v. 4. Stinging and burning in rectum, 01. an. 5. Stitches and pressing in rectum and anus during st., Nitr. ac. 6. Frequent stitches in rectum, Natr. mur. 7. Darting and burning pains. in 702 SYMPTOMS OF THE RECTUM, ETC. rectum, perinaeum, neck of bladder, Plumb, ac. 8. Dull stitch in the varices of the rectum, Sulph. 9. Severe stitches in rectum, ar- resting the breathing, Sulph. 10. Shooting stitches in rectum, Tart. stib. 11. Violent stitches from the abdo- men through the rectum, Tart. stib. 12. Jerking stitches from the rectum to the root of the penis, Zinc met. 13. Burning-pricking in the rectum, Thuj. 14. Stitch in rectum while standing, Valer. 15. Stinging and itching in rectum, Sep. 16. Stitches in rectum, Silic. 17. Dull sticking pain in rectum, Silic. 18. Itching stitch in rectum, Stann. 19. Prickings in rectum, Phos. 20. Stitches in rectum when cough- ing, Nitr. ac. 21. Sensation as of imperfect stool, with stitches in rectum, Natr. carb. 22. Stitches in rectum and anus, Kal. carb. 23. Dull tearing lancination from anus upwards in rectum, Graph. 24. Stitches in rectum and anus, Graph. 25. Darting in rectum, alternating with stitches in bladder, Coloc. 26. Lancinating pains in rectum, Calc. caust. 27. Single sudden lancinations in rec- tum, during exercise, Bell. 28, Violent painful prickings in rec- tum, waking her at night, Magn. carb. 29. Piercing stitch in rectum, up into the abdomen, Magn. mur. 30. Stinging and boring pains in rec- tum and small of back, Ber. 31. Itching dull sudden stitches in rectum, from below upwards, Bry. 32. Stinging as from ascarides, in rectum, Calc. carb. 33. Stinging pain in rectum as if sore, Calc carb. 34. Stitch through rectum as if with a hot pin, Carb. v. 35. Stitches in rectum, which is sore, Carb. a. 36. Sharp stitches in rectum, Aur.f 37. Stitches in rectum, all day, Bar. carb. 38. Stinging in rectum, during st., Amm. mur. 39.----in rectum, preceded by urging to st., Lauroc 40. Stitches in rectum, Lye. 41. Lancinations in rectum towards left groin, hindering walking, Kreas. 42. Long stitch from anus upwards in rectum, Ign. ITCHING, CREEPING, TITILLATION. 1. Creeping and titillation in rec- tum, Nux v. 2. Itching of rectum and anus, Sep. 3. Itching and stinging in rectum, Sep. 4. Creeping in rectum and anus as from ascarides, Spig. 5. Itching in rectum, Rhus t 6. Violent titillation in rectum, Sabad. 7. Itching and tingling in rectum, Gran. 8. Tingling and itching in rectum, Cocc. 9. Itching in the rectum, with burn- ing pain after friction, which causes a shuddering, Cic. 10. Tingling in rectum and anus, Calc. caust 11. Itching of rectum, preceded by itching in chest and abdomen, Con. 12. Tingling in rectum, Cupr. m. 13. Violent, sudden, painful itching of rectum and anus, Bell. 14. Tingling at orifice of rectum, Mosch. 15. Severe itching in rectum, Men- yan. 16. Itching in rectum, when riding in a carriage, Bov. " SYMPTOMS OF 17. Severe itching of lower rectum, Calc carb. 18. Tingling in lower rectum, Calc. carb. 19. Itching of rectum and puden- dum, Caust. 20. Crawling feeling in rectum, Arg.f 21. Sharp itching in rectum, Ant. cr. 22. Titillation of rectum, Ambr. gr. 23. Crawling in rectum, Bar. carb. 24. Itching of rectum, Amm. mur. 25. Creeping and itching of rectum, Lauroc. 26. ---in rectum, Hep. s. 27.---in rectum, Ign. 28. Severe itching in rectum, Ign. DISCHARGES. 1. Discharge of blood from rectum, with sensation as if it were con- stricted, Nux v. 2. A fluid which smells like herring- brine, oozes from the rectum, Calc. carb. 3. Humor from rectum, acrid, vis- cid, and musty, Carb. v. 4. °Dampness from rectum, Anac. 5. Discharge of slime from rectum with emission of flatulence, Ant. cr. 6. Discharges of serous mucus from the rectum, Kal. hydriod. TEARING. 1. Tearing in rectum and urethra, Ruta. 2. Tearing in rectum and genital organs, very violent, Phos. 3. Tearing jerks in rectum, when lying in bed, China. 4. Painful tearing in rectum, after dinner, Mang. 5. Tearing in rectum, Ferr, acet 6.----in rectum, Merc. corr. 7. ----in rectum, Lauroc. 8.----in rectum, arresting the breathing, Lye SORENESS, SMARTING. 1. Sore pain in rectum, waking THE RECTUM. 703 him at night, and changing to a burning itching, Sassap. 2. Biting, burning in rectum, Bar. carb. 3. Soreness of rectum, with pus- tules near anus, Amm. mur. CRAMPS, SPASMS. 1. Cramp-pain in rectum and below navel, Natr. carb. 2. Spasmodic pain in rectum, Rhod. 3. Severe cramp in rectum, in bed, morning, Phos. 4. Contractive spasm in rectum, Ferr. acet. 5. Cramp-pain in rectum, Eug. 6. Spasm in rectum, preventing walking, Caust. 7. Crampy sensation in rectum, Am. 8. Spasmodic pains from rectum to groin, one has to walk bent, Kreas. 9. Constant pains in rectum, Kal. chlor, BURNING. 1. Burning in rectum, Calc. carb., Hep. s., Puis., Sep. 2. Burning in rectum during and after loose st., Amm. mur. • 3. Burning pain at rectum, at night, preventing sleep, Amm. carb. 4. Burning or sensation of heat in haemorrhoidal vessels, Aeon. 5. Severe burning in rectum, even- ing, Carb. a. 6. Burning in rectum, after the siesta, China. 7. ----at rectum, high up, Magn. mur. 8.----heat in lower rectum, Con. 9.----sore pain at rectum, Eu- phorb. 10. ---- and pinching in rectum, Nitr. ac. 11. Painful burning in rectum, all day, especially after urinating, Nitr. ac. 12. Burning and darting pains jn rectum, perinaeum, neck of blad- der, Plumb, ac. 704 SYMPTOMS OF THE RECTUM, ETC. 13. Burning at the rectum, after St., Natr. carb. 14. ----and stinging in rectum, 01 an. CONTRACTIVE, CONSTRICTIVE SENSATION. 1. Contraction of the rectum, hin- dering St., Nux v. 2. Painful contraction of the rec- tum and anus, followed by tearing as if in the bowels, Thuj. 3. Contractive pain in rectum, thence proceeding to perinaeum and vagina, Sep. 4. Painful contraction of rectum, Carb. a. 5. Contractive pain in rectum, when sitting, Mang. 6. ---- pain in rectum, when sit- ting, China. 7. Constriction of rectum, Lauroc. 8. Constrictive and smarting pain in rectum, Ign. PINCHING. 1. Pinching and itching of the rec- tum, Nitr. ac. • 2.----and gnawing in rectum be- tween st., Carb. v. 3. Stinging pinching in rectum, Magnet, p. arct. CUTTING. 1. Cutting in rectum, followed by pressing, Sep. 2. Drawing cutting in rectum, Calc. carb. .3. Cutting* high up in rectum, Ign. RUMBLING, GRUMBLING. 1. Grumbling in rectum, Calc. carb. 2. ----in the rectum, Sulph. 3. Rumbling in rectum, Lauroc. 4. —— in rectum, Hep. s. DRAWING. 1. Violent drawing from rectum to genital organs, Rhod. 2. Drawing pain in rectum, as far as the abdomen, Zinc. met. 3. Drawing, tearing and darting in rectum, with difficult hard St., Kreas. WEIGHT. l.mWeight in rectum when stand- ing, Zinc met. 2, Sense of weight in lower part of rectum, Calc. carb. BORING. 1. Boring in rectum, Valer. 2. Boring and stinging pains in rec- tum and small of back, Bor. FULNESS, SWELLING. I. Congestion of blood to rectum, Carb. v. 2. Swelling of the varices of the rectum, with burning, sore pain, Mur. ac. 3. ----of the rectum, with burning itching, Sulph. 4. Fulness in the rectum, Sulph. 5. The rectum feels swollen, nar- row, and is painful during emission of flatulence, Camph. 1. Protrusion of rectum, and burn- ing at the anus, with discharge of bloody ichor, very painful at night, Natr. mur. 2. Prolapsus recti, Sep. 3. ----recti, Graph. WEAK, PARALYSED FEELING. 1. The rectum seems paralysed, Alum. * 2. Weak feeling in rectum, prevent- ing sleep at night, Sep. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 1. Spasmodic tension in rectum, all day, Ign. 2. Beating and working in rectum, Galv. {z.) 3. Sensation as if something hard, SYMPTOMS OF THE RECTUM. 705 like a pippin, were lodged in the rectum, Caust. 4. Gnawing and pinching in rec- tum, between st., Carb. v. 5. Compressive, spasmodic, sting- ing pinching in rectum, with an- guish, Calc. carb. 6. Twitchings in rectum, Calc. carb. 7. Escape of large flatus from the rectum, in walking, each imparting a shock to the rectum, Coloc. 8. Humid varices of the rectum, also with smarting and pricking, when walking or sitting, Sulph, Vol. III.—46. 706 SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. Pains. 1. The urethra is painful when touched, C'em., Nitr. ac. 2. Pain in vesical region when touched, Puis. 3.----in the urethra as if closed by swelling, Arg. nit. 4. Aching pain at the orifice of the urethra, with shuddering, between the acts of micturition, Nux v. 5. Pain at bladder, Morph. acet 6.----in urethra where it comes out of the bladder, Plumb, acet 7. Intense pain, striking from the left groin through the urethra to the glans, where a sore, smarting, contractive pain is felt, Asar. 8. Continuous, frequently-recurring aching pain in region of bladder, Berb. v. 9. Painful sensitiveness of the ure- thra, China. 10. Pain in urethra, with desire to urinate, Cocc 11. Pains in the region of the kid- neys, extending into the abdomen, with pain during micturition, Canth. 12. Violent pains in the urethra, with icy-coldness of the hands and feet, Canth. 13.----, excessive pains in the bladder, Canth. 14. The bladder feels painful, while walking, Aeon. 15. Frequent spasmodic pains in bladder, when sitting, Tereb. 16. Constrictive pain in urethra, be- hind the glans, with ineffectual urging to urinate, Verat, 17.----pain in abdomen as far as bladder, with pressure as from a stone, Puis. 18. Cramp-like pain, from the kid- neys towards the bladder, Nitr. ac. 19. Contractive pain from before backward, in the anterior part of the urethra, between the acts of micturition, early in the morning and when reflecting, Nux v. 20. Crampy, contractive pain in re- gion of bladder, Berb. v. 21. Sore pain in fore part of urethra, Zinc. to. 22. Ulcerative pain in urethra, at night, Rhod. 23.----pain in the middle of the urethra, as if a splinter had been pushed in, Arg. nit. 24.----pain in the urethra, Arg. nit, 25. Soreness at the orifice of the urethra, Nux v. 26.----at tip of urethra, Stann. 27. Ulcerative pain in the urethra when touching it, Prun. spin. 28. Sore feeling, with pressure, in fore part of urethra, not when urinating, Teucr. 29. Pain at orifice of urethra, as if sore, Copaiv. 30. Itching soreness of the urethra, Mez. 31. Pain in fore part of urethra, as if sore, Lach. 32. Stinging pain in urethra, Cocc. 33. Prickling pain in urethra, with discharge of some fluid, Mez. 34. Drawing-cutting pain in the ure- thra, when walking, Thuj. 35. Cutting pain in region of blad- der, most violent when walking, Thuj. 36. Sticking pain in lower portion of bladder, Tart. emet. 37. Stitching pain in bladder, after dinner, Nux v. FREQUENT URINATION, COPIOUS FLOW OF URINE. 707 38. Sticking pain in urethra, when straining at stool, Squill. 39. Stitching pain in the fore part of the urethra, after micturition, Phos. 40. Painful stitches at the termina- tion of the urethra, Phos. ac. 41. ----cutting from left kidney to bladder and urethra, Berb. v. 42. Oppressive-tensive or lancinating pain in region of kidneys, Berb. v. 43. Severe sticking pain in bladder, extending from the kidneys to the urethra, Berb. v. 44. Itching, burning, and stinging pain in forepart of urethra, Bry. 45. Sticking pain in the neck of the bladder, between the acts of mic- turition, Cham. 46.----pain in back part of ure- thra, all the time, Tart, emet 47. Painful drawing and creeping from abdomen as far as penis, Zinc. to. * 48.----drawing in urethra and fore part of penis, Zinc. m. 49. Drawing pain in urethra, Puis, 50. Violent drawing pain in fore part of urethra, Lye 51. Drawing, or tearing-pulsative pain in region of kidneys, Berb. v. 52. Burning and pricking pain in urethra, after dinner, Nux v. 53. Fleeting burning pains at blad- der, Sabin. 54. Burning pain in bladder, Berb. v. 55.----pain in forepart of urethra, exciting a constant desire to uri- nate, Cann. 56. Tensive-aching pain in orifice of urethra, between the acts of mic- turition, Cocc. 57. Titillating pain in the urethra, Berb. v. 58. Tearing pain, with scraping sen- sation, in middle of urethra, Ign. 69. Painful pushing in the urethra, Arg. nit. 60, Pinching pain in urethra, Verat. 61. Colica renalis, Ind, Frequent Urination, copious flow of Urine. 1. Frequent and scanty urination, Ant cr., Hell, Magn. mur., Men- yan, Merc, sol, Petrol. 2. Copious urination, Merc Pre- par., Mur. ac, Nitr. ac 3. Frequent and copious urine, Bell, Bism., Oleand., Rheum, Squill, Tarax. 4. Copious urination, at night, Alum., Amm, carb., Amm. mur., Arg. nit, Ars. 5. Increased flow of urine, Copaiv., Crot, Cubeb., Kal. carb., Kal. nit, Lact. vir., Rhus rad. 6. Frequent micturition, Euphr., Guaj., Merc acet., Plios., Spong., Valer. 7. Excessive micturition, also at night, Zinc met. 8. Enuresis, with profuse coryza, Verat. 9. ——, with loud rumbling in ab- domen, Verat. 10. Urinates a little every 15 minutes, Staphys. 11. Frequent and watery urine, Sta- phys. 12. Urinates every half hour, with voluptuous pressing, extending into the anus. Sulp. 13. Sensation in urethra as if he would urinate all the time, Sulph. 14. Profuse, involuntary discharge of urine, Stram. 15. Enuresis, with rumbling and shuddering in abdomen, Stram. 16. Urinates three times a night, passing a good deal of urine each time, Merc. sol. 17.----every hour, with burning in the urethra when commencing, Merc, sol 18. ---- every 10 minutes, Merc sol 19. Diabetes, with emaciation, Merc. Prepar. 20. Copious urine, Nitr. ac 21.----urine, with brick-dust sedi- ment, Natr. sulph. 708 SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. 22. Frequent and scanty urine, Ant. cr. 23. Frequent watery urine, scanty, Am., Dig. 24.----, but scanty urine, Petrol. 25. Profuse, light-colored urine, Ox. ac 26. Urinates every minute, Rhus t. 27. Frequent bright-colored urine, Sambue 28. Ten copious emissions of urine in one night, with painful pressure on the bladder, ceasing after uri- nating, Spig. 29. Frequent discharge of watery or cloudy urine, Phos. ac 30. Enuresis, with cutting burning in urethra, and cramp-pain in small of back, Phos. ac. 31. Sudden flow of urine, frequently, after ineffectual straining, Plumb. TO. 32. Has to urinate frequently and copiously at night, Prun. spin. 33. Frequent painless urination, Thuj. 34. Profuse watery urine, Teucr. 35. Frequent discharge of a little urine, preceded by a sensation as if something were getting into the urethra, and succeeded by burn- ing, Aspar. 36. Enuresis, in the morning, with thirst and obscured vision, Bell. 37. Nocturnal enuresis, with profuse sweat, Bell. 38. Profuse urine, with good appe- tite, and coldness of the skin to the touch, CeU.^\ i . 39. Frequent and copious urine, Bell 40. Enuresis, with appearance of the menses, Bell. 41.----, with sweat, diarrhoea, Bell. 42. The infant urinates every few minutes, and frequently cries pre- viously, Bor. 43. Frequent and copious micturi- tion, Bism. 44. ---- copious urine, with lan- guor and debility, Calc. phosph. 45. Frequent discharge of copious watery urine, Cann. 46. Urinates 60 times an hour, Canth. 47. Enuresis, sometimes with pro- fuse sweat, Aeon. 48.----, with distortion of the eyes, and spasmodic contraction of the feet, Aeon. 49. Copious urine, with bloody sedi- ment, Aeon. 50. Enuresis, with diarrhoea and colic, Aeon. 51. Copious, pale, watery urine, Mth. 52. Excessive micturition, followed by a dull pain in the region of the kidneys, Ambr. gr. 53. Profuse flow of urine, about midnight, Coff. 54. Excessive irritation of the blad- der, Copaiv. 55. Frequent discharge of a little urine, with soreness in urethra, Cupr, acet. 56. ----discharge of a little watery urine, Dig. 57. Enuresis, succeeded by retention of urine, nausea, vomiting, diar- rhoea, Dig. 58. ----and diarrhoea, with small, quick pulse, cold hands and feet, Dig. 59. Excessive flow of urine for 48 hours, with exhaustion, Dig. 60. Frequent, scanty micturition, Hell 61.----discharge of watery urinef Ign. 62. ----discharge of watery urine, Hyosc. 63. Increased flow of urine, with thirst, Kal. hydriod. 64. Frequent micturition, also at night, Kreas. 65. Increased urine, with mucous sediment, Kal. nit. 66, ----flow of urine, with reddish clouds, Kal. nit. 67. Frequent flow of turbid uriner with pressure on rectum, Kal. nit. JRE ON BLADDER. 709 ENURESIS,* PRESSI <58. Profuse watery urine, with burn- ing during micturition, Lauroc. 69. In the morning the urine is passed in abundance, but slowly, with tenesmus, Merc, aust, 70. Frequent urination, with burn- ing in the urethra, Magn. mur. 71.----urination, with tickling in urethra, Tab. Incontinence of Urine, Enuresis. 1. Enuresis, Hyosc, Tereb. 2. Nocturnal enuresis, Amm. carb., Canth., Caust, Calc carb., Con., Graph., Lact. vir., Puis., Sulph., Squill. 3. Involuntary flow of urine, Canth., Dig., Magn, carb., Phos., Verat. 4. Inability to retain the urine, Bell, Con. 5. Involuntary urination when coughing or passing wind, Puis., Sulp. 6. The urine passes off involunta- rily when sitting or walking, Puis. 7. Involuntary spirting out of urine when coughing, Staphys., Sulph. 8. Discharges urine while emitting wind, Sulp. 9. Inability to retain the urine, as soon as the desire is felt, Merc. 10. Involuntary urination, while walking, Natr. mur. 11.----dropping of urine, suc- ceeded by burning in the urethra, Spig. 12. Discharge of urine in the day- time, during a deep sleep, Bell. 13. During motion some drops of hot urine frequently passed from him without his being aware of it, Bry, 14. Almost involuntary micturition, with pain in urethra after the emission of urine, Camph. 15. Inability to retain the least quan- tity of urine, Canth. 16. Momentary paralysis of the bladder, with involuntary emission of urine, Aeon. 17. Involuntary emission of urine. Dig. 18. Incontinence of urine, Magnet, p. aust. Pressure on, Tenesmus of the Bladder. 1. Tenesmus of the bladder, Plumb. acet, Puis. 2. Sharp pressure at neck of blad- der, when walking, Puis. 3. Violent pressure on the neck of the bladder, Sulph. ac. 4. Pressure on bladder, with burn- ing in urethra, discharge of the urine in drops, the last becoming bloody, with severe pain in blad- der, Tart. emet. 5. ----on the bladder, with scanty urine and thirst, at night, Tart. emet. 6. Violent pressure on the bladder, with tension in perinaeum, Tart. emet 7.----tension, with pressure in region of bladder, Tart, emet 8. Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, Am. 9.----of the bladder, with emis- sion of white, acrid matter, Sas- sap. 10. Pressing in urethra and rectum, Phos, ac 11. Dull pressure in region of blad- der, at night, Bell 12. Pressing from the kidneys to the bladder, Canth, 13. Pressure and drawing in the re- gion of the bladder, Alum. 14. Violent pressure on the bladder, with cutting, Amm. carb. 15. Sudden pressure on the bladder, with discharge of flatulence, Coloc. 16. Sharp pressure in bladder, Con. 17. Pressure in the bladder, with sensation as if too full, even after urinating, Dig. 18. ----at the root of the urethra, with desire to urinate, Graph. 19. Painful pressure at neck of blad- der, with scraping sensation, espe- cially when walking, Ign, 710 SYMPTOMS OF THE 20. Sharp pressure on the bladder, especially when walking, Ign. 21. Dragging pressing in region of bladder, Lact. vir. 22. Burning and tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, between the acts of micturition, Aeon. 23. In the morning the urine is passed in abundance, but slowly, with tenesmus, Merc. acet. 24. Pressure on bladder, only when lying on the back, Puis. 25. Pressing urging whenever he wants to pass urine, the pressing proceeding only as far as the glans, where it causes the most violent pains and cramps ; sometimes at- tended with tenesmus of the rec- tum, Prun. spin. Urging to Urinate. 1. Frequent urging to urinate, Arg. f, Caust, Coloc, Cic. vir., Mang., Nux v., Nux jugl, Puis., Stann. 2, Constant urging to urinate, at night; when rising to urinate, he felt giddy and drowsy, Dig. 3. Sudden desire to urinate, with scanty discharge, Graph. 4. Nightly urging to urinate, with vertigo in and out of bed, Hyper. 5. Sudden urging to urinate, in bed, with contractive pain in the vagina, Kreas. 6. Urging to urinate, with frequent drawing in the glans, which strikes through the whole body, Lact, vir. 7. Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge, Anac, Dros., Nitr. ac. 8. Constant desire to urinate, only a few drops each time, Dig. 9.----, ineffectual desire to uri- nate, Copaiv. 10, Frequent urging to urinate, Coloe 11.----urgrng to urinate, with co- pious emission, Agar. 12. Desire to urinate, with aching pain, Cann* URINARY ORGANS. 13. Frequent urging to urinate, Cic, vir. 14. ----urging to urinate, Caust. 15. Ineffectual urging, with anguish, during micturition, Cham. 16. Frequent, irresistible urging to urinate, China. 17. Excessive urging to urinate, fol- lowed by voluptuous tickling in urethra, Carb. a. 18. Desire to urinate, with sensation as if the urine passed off sponta- neously, Bry. 19. Violent instantaneous desire to urinate, Bor, 20.----urging to urinate, Bry. 21. Strong urging to urinate, Bar. carb. 22. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge, Bell 23.----urging to urinate, with straining and scanty urine, with burning pain in urethra during micturition, Thuj. 24. Urgmg to urinate, for hours, Prun. spin. 25. Frequent urging to urinate, Stann. 26. Constant urging to urinate, Phos. 27. Urging to urinate, with scanty emission, Sil 28. Constant urging to urinate, with painful bearing-down in the pelvis, Sep. 29.----urging to urinate, worse after passing a few drops, with drawing in the urethra and violent burning, Sabad. 30. Irresistible urging to urinate, Sabin. 31. Excessive urging to urinate, though almost ineffectual, Ruta. 32. Ineffectual urging to urinate, Morph, acet 33. Frequent urging to urinate, Nux v. 34.----urging, with scanty yel- low-red urine, Am. 35.----urging to urinate, Nux. 36.----urging to urinate, Arg.f„ 37. Violent urging to urinate, with scanty urine, Nitr. ac. 38. Nightly desire to urinate, with cutting pain in abdomen, Nitr. ac 39. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge, Natr. carb. 40. ---- desire to urinate, with burning in the urethra, Mercurial. 41. ----desire to urinate, Mang. 42. Constant urging to urinate, the last drops being always preceded by a cutting in the abdomen, Sulp. ac 43. Urging to urinate, with or with- out vertigo, Tab. 44. Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge, Anac 45. Violent urging to urinate, with burning in urethra, Sulph. 46. Frequent and sudden desire to urinate, Sulp. 47. Desire to urinate, discharging a little dark-yellow urine in a thin stream, with continued dribbling after urinating, Staphys. 48. Frequent urging, with cutting pain during micturition, Puis. 49. Pressure on the bladder, without her being able to expel a single drop, with cuttings in the genital organs, and sense of distension in both hips, for two hours, Bor. 50. Painful, anxious urging to uri: nate, which is sometimes excited by merely touching the abdomen, with frequent discharge of a large quantity of watery urine, Aeon. 51. Constant violent desire to uri- nate, with inability to pass urine, or discharge of a few drops only, with great pain, and sometimes streaks of blood, or with discharge of tenacious mucus, attended with cutting, Canth. Urine arranged with regard to Consistence. 1. Foaming urine, Copaiv., Cubeb., Lauroc. 2. Albuminous urine, Canth., Merc. Prepar. 3. Milky urine, with bloody, gelati- 3 OF URINE. 711 nous lumps, or as if stirred with flour, Phos. ac. 4. Thick and milky urine, at the termination of micturition, Carb. v. 5. Urine sometimes milky, lod. 6.----, with mucous f laments, Se- neg. 7. Slimy, purulent urine, XJva, 8. Urine full of filaments, as if pus had been mixed with it, Cann. 9. A good deal of mucus is passed with the urine, Calc. carb. 10. Urine full of mucus, which is sometimes filamentous, or mixed with sand, or clots of blood, Canth, 11.----, with whitish flocks, Merc. sol. 12. Small pieces of hardened mucus are passed with the urine, Merc. sol 13. Clear urine, becoming filament- ous and flocculent by standing, and depositing a firmly-adhering sediment, Nitr. ac 14. Urine with dark-brown flocks, Petrol. 15. Pale urine, with whitish flocks, Phos. ac. 16. Urine with loose flocks and red- dish sediment, Mez. 17.----with slimy flocks and a clay-colored, greasy sediment, Chin, sulph. 18. Jellydike urine, almost looking like hydatids, Canth. 19. Bloody jelly-like lumps in the milky urine, Phos. ac 20. Watery urine, Bry., Mosch., Plumb, acet., Puis., Sec. corn., Squill. 21.----urine when first emitted ; it becomes cloudy after standing, Thvj. 22. ---- urine, with discharge of acrid mucus from the rectum, and a feeling of weakness in the loins, Puis. 23.----urine, with flour-like sedi- ment, Tart. emet. 24.----urine, with a snow-white sediment, Rhus t. 712 SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. 25. Watery urine, when the pain is felt, Phos. 26. ----urine, with sweat, Bell. 27. ---- urine, with fine, reddish- yellow sediment, Cinch, sulph. 28. ---- urine, at short intervals, Cocc. 29. Urine turbid and loam-colored, in the morning, Zinc. to. 30. Turbid urine, with dirty sedi- ment, Anac. 31. ----urine, Cina, Merc. sol. 32. White and turbid urine, like milk, when passing it, Mur. ac 33. Urine muddy and slimy, Morph. acet 34. Turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment, Sep. 35.----, flocculent urine, with a copious mucous sediment, covered with a white or greyish-white or reddish bran-like sediment, or yel- low-red crystals upon the sedi- ment and the sides of the chamber, Berb. v. 36.----urine, with violet-colored sediment, Bov. 37. ---- urine, with mucous sedi- ment, Aur.f. 38.----urine, with reddish sedi- ment, Bell 39.----urine, with white sediment, Canth. 40. ----urine, Cina. 41.----, red urine, with strong urinous smell, Chin, sulph. 42. White-turbid tirine, with white sediment, China. 43. Urine turbid, of a greenish-white color, Camph. 44. Turbid urine, containing phos- phoric acid, Cinch, sulph. 45.----, dark-brown urine, Ambr. 9?> 46.----urine, with copious deposit like gravel, Coloc 47.----, fetid urine, with fetid sweat, Dulc. 48.----, yellow urine, with whitish- grey sediment, Hyosc. 49. Copious turbid, slimy urine, with violent contraction of the urethra, and pain in region of bladder, Ind. 50. Turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment, Ipec. 51.----urine, with white sediment, Graph. 52. Urine turbid and white, Dulc. 53# ---- as if stirred with flour. Merc. sol. 54. ----, first clear, after which it becomes white as if mixed with chalk; shortly after, a burning pain is felt in the urethra, after merely touching the penis, Merc. sol. Urine arranged with regard to Smell. 1. Fetid smell of urine, Petrol., Phosph. ac, Sulph. 2. Pale urine, with offensive pun- gent smell, Rhod. 3. Badly-smelling, turbid urine, Nitr. ac. 4. Fetid, sourish, jumentous urine, Nitr. ac. 5. Clear, fetid urine, Aspar. 6. Jumentous urine, with yellow sandy sediment and crystals, Chin. sulph. 7. Fetid, dark-brown urine, Calc. carb. 8. Intolerable smell of the urine \ it becomes viscid, like the white of an egg over night, Coloc. 9. Frequent discharge of a badly- smelling, viscous urine without sediment, Cupr. to. 10. Ammoniacal odor of the urine, lod., Petrol, Phos. 11. Urine having an ammoniacal odor, with whitish sediment, Nitr. ac 12. Pale urine, with strong ammo- niacal odor, Stront. 13. Urine smells sour, Merc, sol, Natr. carb. 14. Sour smell of urine, at night, Calc carb. 15. Urine with pungent smell, dark- brown red, Tart emet. 16. Urine of a pungent (balsamic) SMELL, COL odor and a greenish-turbid color, Copaiv. 17. Urine smells like violets, Copaiv., Lact. vir. 18. ---- smelling like violets or nutmeg, Nux mosch. 19. ----smelling of violets, scanty and red, or profuse and clear, Tereb. 20. Pale urine, with strong smell, Phos. 21. Frequent, pale urine, of strong odor, Arg. nit. 22. Strong-smelling, pale urine, Arg. nit. 23. Urine with intolerably strong smell, brownish, Nitr. ac. 24. Urine having a musty smell, yel- low-green, Camph. 25. The urine smells of iodine, Stront. 26. Urine of a peculiar odor, Cubeb. 27. The urine smells like burnt horn, Ars. hydrog. Urine arranged with regard to Color. 1. Yellow, turbid urine, A loes, Bell. 2. Gold-yellow urine, Bell 3. Yellow, turbid urine, Bell. 4, Dingy-yellow urine, with yeast- like sediment, Raph. sat. 5. Urine of a yellow-red, Rheum. 6.----yellow and turbid, Verat 7. Yellow urine, depositing whitish flocks, Zinc to. 8. Clear, lemon-colored urine, Agar., Bell. 9. Pale yellow "urine, with chilli- ness and pain, Canth. 10. Lemon-colored, cloudy urine, Ambr. gr. 11. Pale-yellowish urine, with trans- parent, jelly-like sediment, Berb. v. 12. Clear, lemon-colored urine, Bell. 13. Light-colored and scanty urine, 01 an. 14. Lemon.colored urine, with sedi- ment, Op. lb. Orange-colored urine, with white sediment, Seneg. 16. The night-urine is foaming, pale,' 713 orange-colored, with a slightly tur- bid appearance at the bottom of the vessel, Crot. 17. Dark, turbid urine, lod. 18. Dark-dingy wine-colored urine, with jelly-like mucus floating through the urine, Berb. v. 19. Dark urine and dry tongue, Op. 20. ----urine, with brick-dust sedi- ment, China, 21.----urine, soon becoming tur- bid white, with increased dryness of the throat after urinating, Nitr. ac. 22. Urine dark, fiery, flocculent, with greasy particles floating on it; lighter-colored turbid sediment at the bottom of the vessel, Crot. 23. Red urine, Bry., Canth. 24. Dark-red urine, Ant. cr., Carb. v., Tab. 25. Red urine now and then, Puis. 26. Dark-red turbid urine, with yel- lowish sediment, Cupr. to. 27. Blood-red urine, with a quantity of mucus at the bottom of the vessel, Crot. 28.----urine, with violent pains, in the kidneys while discharged, Berb. v. 29. Reddish, fiery urine, Plumb, acet. 30. Blood-red urine, Sep. 31. Red urine, with white clouds, Plat. 32. Fiery-red urine, with flocculent cloud after standing; lastly a red- dish sediment and opalescent, Par. quad. 33. Dark black-red .urine, pure blood, depositing a thick coagulum of blood, with glowing heat in abdo- men while passing the urine, and cold extremities, Ars. hydrog. 34. Reddish urine, with cutting pain while emitting it, Merc, sol 35. Dark-red and brown urine, Merc. 36. Urine deep red, with copious red sediment, Lob. inf. 37. Increased reddish urine, with ammoniacal odor, Tab. 38. Dark-red urine without sedi- ment, Puis. OR OF URINE. 714 SYMPTOMS OF THE 39. Red urine, depositing a brick- dust sediment, Thuj. 40. Wine-colored urine, depositing a sediment of viscous mucus, imme- diately, Tongo. 41. Whitish urine, even while emit- ting it, Sulp. 42. White and turbid urine, Lye 43. White-turbid urine, increasing as the urine flows out, Rhus t, 44. Urine of a dark-violet color, or assumes a bluish tinge after stand- ing, Ind. 45. Brown urine, Puis. 46. Dark-brown red urine, turbid, with pungent smell, Tart. emet. 47. Brownish urine, with strong smell, Nitr. ac. 48. Brown urine, leaving brown spots on the linen, Nitr. ac. 49.----clear urine, which imme- diately becomes whitish and tur- bid, Am. 50. ----urine, with brick-dust sedi- ment, Am. 51. Greenish, dark-brown urine, Ars. 52. Urine brown and thick, with a strong smell of the oil, 01 jec 53.----dark-brown, with pungent odor, Asaf. 54. Dark-brown, fetid urine, Calc. carb. 55. Brown, burning urine, with brick- dust sediment, Aeon. 56. Brown, black urine, Colch. 57. Urine clear, with greenish tinge, Rhod. 58. Clear, greenish urine, Magn. sulph. 59. Green urine, Magn. carb. 60. Urine pale and watery, almost greenish, Phell. 61. Greenish urine, Seneg. 62.----urine, depositing some mucus, Berb. v. 63. Urine yellow-green, turbid, hav- ing a musty smell, Camph. 64.----of a greenish-turbid color and pungent (balsamic) odor, Co- paiv. 65. Dark yellow-green urine, lod. 66. Pale-greenish urine, Kal. carb. URINARY ORGANS. Acrid, Burning Urine. 1. Hot urine, Bry., Camph., Hce- mat, Rheum, Verat 2. Acrid urine, Lauroc, Merc, sol, Verat. 3. Urine hot, yellow, with floccu- lent sediment, Cham. 4. Smarting urine, lod. 5. Acrid, corrosive urine, Hep. s. 6. Urine hot and smoking, Kreas. 7.----sometimes burning, Ars. Tearing in the Urethra. 1. Tearing in the urethra, Sep. 2.----and drawing in the urethra, after urinating, Carb. v. 3. Zigzag-shaped tearing in the fibres of the urethra, Cann. 4. Tearing, cutting, and contraction along the ureters, abating when pressing upon the glans, Canth. Dribbling of the Urine, 1. Dribbling urine, Calc. carb., Kal. carb., Petrol, Selen. 2. Discharge of a few drops of urine after micturition, with sen- sation as if the urethra were swol- len internally, Arg. nit. 3. After urinating, a burning drop ran along the urethra, Arg. nit Hematuria, Bloody Urine, Hae- morrhage from the Urethra. 1. Haematuria, Arg. nit, Am., Ars,, Con., Copaiv., Mere corr., Mez., Op., Tereb., Uva. 2. Bloody urine, Ipec, Plumb, acet, Sabad., Squill. 3. Flow of blood from urethra, after painful micturition, Zinc. m. * 4. Blood is passed with the urine, the urine being slimy, Sulp. 5. Haemorrhage from urethra, with- out pain, also with lameness of lower limbs and constipation, Lye 6. Discharge of blood from th9 urethra, Aloes, Amm. carb., Merc sol. BLOODY URIN 7. Haemorrhage from the urethra, Sec. corn. 8.----from the urethra during an erection, attended with haemor- rhage from the rectum, Canth. 9. Painful haemorrhage from the urethra, with tenesmus, Canth. 10. Haematuria, with convulsions, Canth. 11. Bloody or hot urine, with pain- ful discharge drop by drop, Canth. 12. Enuresis, sometimes painful, with blood, Canth. 13. Discharge of blood from the urethra, Aloes. 14. ----of blood from the urethra, Amm. carb. 1.5. Urine mixed with blood, Ambr. gr. 16. Haematuria, with asthma, Con. 17. Urine mixed with blood, Plumb. TO. 18.----as if mixed with blood, scanty, Merc. sol. Scanty Urine. 1. Scanty urine, with white sedi- ment, Tongo. 2. Urine scanty and red, or profuse and clear, smelling of violets, Tereb. 3. Diminished urine, Tereb, 4. Scanty urine, Staphys. 5.----, frequent urine, Merc .sol 6.----, frequent urine, Menyan. 7. ---- urine, which looks as if mixed with blood, Merc sol 8.----, thick urine, Mosch. 9.----, turbid, badly-smelling urine, Nitr. ac. 10.----and light-colored urine, 01, an. 11.----, red urine, without clouds, Op. 12.----, brown-red urine, Bell. 13. Diminished secretion of urine, the first days, Ambr. gr. 14. Scanty, hot urine, Aloes. 15.----, red, burning urine, Hce- mat. 16.----, red urine, Ipec. E, SEDIMENT. 715 17. Scanty urine, with white film and whitish deposits, Kal bich. 18.----urine, with copious whitish sediment and pain in small of back, Kal bich. 19. Rare and scanty discharge of urine, Led. Sediment. 1. Thin, brownish sediment, Dig. 2. Loose, yellowish, resin-colored sediment, Chin, sulph. 3. Sediment resembling white flour, Sulp. 4. Flour-like sediment in watery urine, Tart, emet. 5. Frequent sediment of a white, flour-like powder, Calc. carb. 6. Pale urine, with slimy, brown- green sediment, Cinch, sulph. 7. Brick-colored sediment, Puis. 8. Brick-dust sediment, Op. 9.--------sediment, Phos. 10. —'-------sediment, Chin, sulph. 11---------sediment, Cinch, sulph. 12. Urine with brick-dust sediment, the urine being brown and burning, Aeon. 13. Reddish sediment, Kreas., Squill, Sulph. 14. Copious thick, red sediment, Sec corn. 15. Firmly-adhering bright-red sedi- ment, after standing, Nitr. ac. 16. Copious red sediment, Lob. inf. 17. Blood-colored sediment, with pellicle on urine, Sulph. ac. 18. Urine with thick, reddish sedi- ment, also large, white, jelly-like flocks on the sediment, and a thin pellicle on the urine like cobweb, • Lauroc 19. White sediment, Alum., Caps., Euphorb., Magn. carb., Petrol, Seneg., Sep., Spig., Sulph. ac. 20. Day-urine pale, with white sedi- ment, Crot. 21. Urine with white thick sediment, Bell. 22. Thick, greyish-white sediment, Spong. URINARY ORGANS. 716 SYMPTOMS OF THI 23. Snow-white sediment, Rhus t. 24. Whitish sediment, and ammo- niacal odor of the urine, Nitr. ac 25. Urine leaving white spots, Tart. emet. 26. Pale urine, depositing a white crust on the sides of the vessel, Phos. 27. Urine deposits a pink sediment, with a small brown crystal, Lob. inf. 28. Copious saturated urine, deposit- ing crystals, Chin, sulph. 29. Pale urine, with a light-brown, transparent, flocculent sediment, depositing small, red, hard, tena- cious crystals on the sides of the vessel, Coloc 30. Urine with a little cloud at the bottom of the vessel, which disap- pears gradually, and in the place of which form little crystals, which are also deposited on the sides of the vessel, Crot 31. The urine deposits a number of bright-red crystals, Ferr. mur. 32. Urine with sandy sediment, and a rising of violet-colored mucus on top, Puis. 33. Urine clear, with red sand, Lye 34. Brown-red gravel in the urine, Nitr. ac 35. Gravel, Chin. sulp.,° Ruta. 36. Sediment of yellow sand, Sil 37. ----of red sand, Phos. 38. Gravel, Chin, sulph. 39. Foaming urine, with a sediment of fine, yellowish sand after cool- ing, Chin, sulph. 40. Urine with a white sandy sedi- ment, for several days, Amm. carb. 41. Reddish-yellow sediment, in the evening, Natr. sulph. 42. Yellow sediment, Spong. 43. ----sediment, Sil. 44. —— sediment, Phos. 45. Dingy-yellow, loose sediment, China. 46. The urine deposits a fatly sub- stance on the sides of the chamber, Aspar. 47. Yellowish-white sediment, Phos. 48. Yellowish-white sediment, morn- ing, Natr. sulph. 49. Thick, muddy, white-yellow sediment, having the smell of violets, Tereb. 50. Chalk-like sediment, Phyt. dec. 51. Violet-red sediment, Puis. 52. Violet-colored sediment, Mang. 53. Urine with clayey sediment, Amm. mur. 54. Earthy sediment, Many. 55. Jelly-like sediment, Puis. 56. Slimy sediment, Tereb. 57. The urine deposits a sediment of viscous mucus immediately, and is wine-colored, Tongo. 58. White flocculent sediment, As- par. 59. Urine deposits whitish flocks, Phos., Zinc to. 60. Cloudy sediment, Magn. mur. 61. Thick flocculent sediment, 01. an. 62. Sediment of white flocks, Phos. 63. Urine with a reddish cloud, Ambr. gr. 64. Sediment consisting of bloody red filaments, Tart. emet. 65. Small red bodies in the urine after standing, Ant cr. Swelling, Inflammation. 1. Irritation at orifice of urethra, Kal bich. 2. The orifice of the urethra is red and inflamed, Hep. s. 3. Inflammation and swelling of the urethra, Gran. 4. ----of the neck of the bladder, Dig. 5. ----of the urinary organs, Co- paiv. 6. ----, swelling, and dilatation of the orifice of the urethra, with pulsative pains in the whole penis, Copaiv. 7. ----of the kidneys, Canth. 8. Suppuration of the bladder, Canth. 9. Gangrene of inner coat of blad- der, Canth. SWELLING, INFLAMMA 10. The urethra feels inflamed, with chordee during an erection, Cann. 11. Inflammation, swelling, and sup- puration of the urethra, Canth. 12. Urethra painful and inflamed, with purulent gonorrhoea, Sabin. 13. Inflammation and violent pains of the urethra, with increased go- norrhoea, priapism, dysuria, bloody urine, fever, Arg. nit. 14. The orifice of the urethra is somewhat inflamed and sticky, Tab. 15. Redness and inflammation of orifice of urethra, Sulp. 16. Inflammatory symptoms at blad- der, Tereb. 17. Swelling and inflammation of the fore part of the urethra, with burning and stinging pains, waking him in the night; increased by applying cold writer, Merc acet 18. The orifice of the urethra is dark-red and swollen, Nitr. ac 19. Discharge of a few drops of urine, after micturition, with sen- sation as if the urethra were swol- len internally, Arg. nit. 20. The urethra feels swollen, hard, and knotty, Arg. nit. 21. Swelling of the orifice of the urethra, Phos. ac. 22. Enlargement of the kidneys, Canth. Burning, Heat. 1. Burning in the urethra, Canth., Nux v., Merc, sol., Merc, acet, Thuj. 2. ----in bladder, Tereb. 3. ----at neck of bladder, in the evening, Puis. 4. ---- in kidneys and bladder, Rheum. 5.----deep in urethra, between the acts of micturition, Staphys. 6. >----in urethra, with violent urging to urinate, Sulph. 7. ----in fore part of urethra, in- side and outside, between the acts of micturition, Sulp. HON, SPASM, CRAMP. 717 8. Prickling burning in the urethra, Mercurial. 9. Burning in the urethra, especially during an erection, Mosch. 10. ---- in fore part of urethra, worse after urinating, Nitr. ac. 11. ----in urethra, with gonorrhoea, chordee, bleeding from urethra, shootings in the same from behind forward, Arg. nit 12.----at the orifice of the ure- thra when sitting, Par. quad. 13.----in the bladder, without desire to urinate, Sep. 14. ---- in urethra, with desire to urinate, evening, Phos. 15. ---- in urethra, arresting the urine, and causing a desire to urinate, Phos. ac 16. ---- in the urethra, with draw- ing in the groins, colic, diarrhoea, and pain in anus, Aspar. 17. ----of the orifice of the urethra, China. 18. Heat in the bladder, Canth. 19. Sensation of heat in the urethra, which passes off by lying still, Alum. 20. Burning of the orifice of the ure- thra and in the anus, Ambr. gr. 21. ---- in the urinary passages, Colch. 22. ---- in urethra during stool, Coloc. 23. ----and itching in fossa navicu- laris, Cubeb. 24. ----at orifice of urethra, Lact. vir. 25. ---- in the urethra, with small red pustules round the hip, Lau- roc. 26. ---- in urethra, with sensation as if some urine were flowing out after the burning, Aspar. 27. ----and tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, between the acts of urinating, Aeon. Spasm, Cramp of Bladder. 1. Crampy sensation in perineum, Lye. 718 SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. 2. Passing cramp-pain in region of bladder, Valer. 3. Painful spasmodic constriction of the urethra, without urging, Phos. ac. 4. Spasms of the bladder, not allowing any rest at night, Prun. spin. 5. Spasmodic contraction of the neck of the bladder, with cutting pain, Caps. 6. Colic, followed by spasm in bladder, Zinc m. Stricture, Constriction of the Urethra. 1. Sensation as if the urethra were too narrow, Stram. 2. The urine flows slowly, as if the urethra were constricted, Am. 3. Stricture of the urethra, Arg. nit 4. ° Spasmodic stricture of urethra, Nux v. 5. Constriction of the urethra, every morning, Carb. v. 6. Long-lasting constriction of the urethra, like spasmodic stricture, Clem. 7. Contraction of urethra, Copaiv 8. Sensation when urinating as if the urethra were too narrow, Bry. Paralysis of the Bladder. 1. Distension of bladder, Canth. 2. Has to make great efforts to void the urine, Op. 3. Weakens the contractile power of the bladder, Op. 4. Inability to propel the urine, Arg. nit. 5. Paralysis of the neck of the bladder, Canth. 6. Difficult micturition from para- lysis of the bladder, Cann. Painful Urination, Ischuria, Strangury, Dysuria. 1. Sensation as if the passage into the urethra were closed, Op. 2. Difficult micturition, as if the passage of the urine were impeded, Phos. 3. Violent stitches in glans, with desire to urinate, the urine being discharged in drops, Thuj. 4. The urine is discharged in drops, Copaiv'. 5. Slow flow of urine, Hep. s. 6. Tension during micturition, as if the urine would be arrested, Canth. 7. Strangury, Con., Dulc, Plumb. acet, Tereb. 8. Dysuria, Canth. 9. Painful micturition, with burn- ing, Uva ursi. 10. Ischuria, Colch., Plumb, to. 11. ----, with fever, Plumb, acet. 12. Urine passes off only after pain- ful straining, Lauroc 13. Painful retention of urine, with screams, sensation as if a ball were rolling about in the bladder, and pushing through the urethra, loss of sense, swelling of the face, Crotal. 14. Difficult and scanty emission of urine, with frequent urging and occasional pinching at navel, Aeon. 15. Strangury, also with burning, pain in the back, or discharge of blood, Canth. 16. ----, particularly at night, Cann. 17. ----, with desire to urinate, and tenesmus of the neck of the blad- der, Camph. 18. Painful retention of urine, with difficult emission of a few drops, Canth. 19. Difficult micturition, Bell 20. Urination impeded by a dull pain in the hypogastrium, in bed ; afterwards the urine passes off drop by drop, Phos. 21. Difficult urination, with con- stant urging in the bladder, Sec. corn. 22. Painful .emission of thick urine, Nux v. 23. Violent pain in the kidneys, STITCHES, LA especially when he has a desire to urinate, Ars. hydrog. " 24. Painful, ineffectual desire to uri- nate, Nux v. 25. Dysuria, Mere corr. 26. Difficult micturition, with smell of violet, Tereb. 27. Dysury, with painful erection as in chordee, Tereb. Prickings, Stitches, Lancinations in the Urethra. 1. Lancination along the urethra, Bell. 2. Fine stitches in orifice of urethra, Kal. nit. 3. Cutting or pricking at orifice of urethra, lod. 4. Stitches in the urethra, Am., Hep. s. 5."---- along the urethra, when walking, Ign. 6. Pulsative stitches in the urethra, Dulc. 7. Cutting, stinging, and gnawing in the urethra, Gran. 8. Stitches in region of kidneys, arresting the breathing, Crot. 9. Severe stitch in urethra, Con. 10. Pricking at the orifice of the urethra and anus, Coloc. 11. Stitches in the bladder, alternat- ing with stitches in rectum, Coloc 12. Lancinations in the urethra dur- ing a walk in the open air, Alum. 13. Shooting stitches in the urethra, during a walk, Aeon. 14. Stinging in fossa navicularis, worse when urinating, Aeon. 15. Burning stitch in the urethra, Agar. 16. Stitches in the urethra, between the acts of micturition, Cann. 17. Fine stitches, with sense as of pecking in the fore part of the ure- thra, between the acts of micturi- tion, Cann. 18. Frequent erection, followed by stitches in the urethra, Cann. 19. Cutting from region of kidneys to axillae, Canth. NCINATIONS. 719 20. Cutting, tearing, and contraction along the ureters, abating when pressing upon the glans, Canth. 21. Itching, tingling stitches in the fore part of the urethra, Cann, 22. Prickings in fore part of urethra, Caps. 23. Stitching in the orifice of the . urethra, Canth. 24. Stitches in the female urethra, Calc carb. 25. A succession of pulsative stitches above the symphysis pubis, reach- ing to the bladder, Berb. v. 26. Stitch in the urethra, extending into the bladder, Berb. v. 27. Burning or pulsative dartings in region of kidneys, at times fine, at others as of a nail penetrating into those parts, Berb. v. 28. Dull lancinations in the urethra, Aur. f 29.- Sticking at orifice of urethra, Squill. 30. Stitch from the neck of the blad- der along the penis, Phos. 31. ----in urethra and anus, Phos. 32. Fine stitches in fore part of ure- thra, Sil 33. Burning stitch in the urethra, with desire to urinate, Spig. 34. Stitches in bladder, when he feels a desire to urinate, Rhus t. 35. Itching pricking in fore part of urethra, Nux v. 36. Pricking and darting in urethra, Nux v. 37. Stitches in the urethra, Am. 38. Shooting stitch in urethra from behind forward, Arg. f. 39. Prickings at the orifice of the urethra, Nitr. ac 40. Stitches from the anus to the bladder, Mosch. 41. Stitches in the urethra, in the direction of the abdomen, evening, Merc. sol. 42. Drawing stitching in the urethra, several times, Merc. sol. 43. Cutting °and contraction in the region of the kidneys, at night, Merc, sol URINARY ORGANS. 720 SYMPTOMS OF THE 44. Stitching in urethra, resembling a beating, Merc, sol, 45. Stitches in fore part of urethra, between the acts of micturition, Merc sol. 46. Fine painful stitches at the ori- fice of the urethra, Mang. 47. Stitches in bladder, Lye. 48. Cutting in fore part of urethra, Lye. 49. Sharp stitches in region of kid- neys, particularly when moving the arm, Tart. emet. 50. Continuous dull stitch in neck of bladder, Puis. 51. Tearing cutting in fore part of urethra, Zinc. to. 52. Stitch in urethra, all along, with strangling sensation, Zinc. to. 53. Stitches in urethra from behind forward, not when urinating, Thuj. 54. Stitch from rectum into the ure- thra, below the fraenulum, Thuj. 55. Stitches in urethra, at night, with frequent erections, Thuj. 56. Lancinations in urethra, Thuj. 57. Burning, piercing stitches near the orifice of the urethra, Thuj. Retention of Urine. 1. Retention of urine, Ars., Camph., Canth., Copaiv., Hydroe ac, Merc. corr., Op., Phos., Plumb, to., Stram. 2. ----of urine and stool, Canth., Hyosc, Lauroc, Sulph. ac. 3. Complete suppression of urine, Tereb. 4. ----suppression of urine until death, Kal. bich. 5. Retention of urine, with retrac- tion of the testicles and priapism, Coloc 6. ----of urine, with pressure on the bladder or stitches in the re- gion of the kidneys, Aeon. 7. Suppression of stool and urine, with profuse sweat, Bell, 8. Retention of urine, in the fore- noon, Plumb, acet. 9. ----of urine, with burning, Sa- bin. 10. Retention of urine, with dry mouth and thirst, Op. 11. ---- of urine for three days; upon inserting the catheter the bladder was found empty, Merc. corr. 12. ----of urine, followed by fre- quent micturition, with burning at neck of bladder, Phos. ac. 13. Alternate retention of urine and urging to urinate, Sep. Discharges of Mucus, Pus, etc., from the Urethra. 1. Yellowish discharge from the urethra, Agn. 2. Yellow, purulent gonorrhoea, Co- paiv. 3. Discharge of mucus from the urethra, Kal hydriod. 4. Catarrh of the bladder, Dulc. 5. Mucous discbarge from the ure- thra, with burning drawing in the penis, extending to the glans, Gran. 6. Discharge of mucus from the urethra, Mez. 7. Discharge from the urethra of a dark reddish color, Cubeb. 8. ----of mucus from male ure- thra, Con. 9. ----of viscid, tenacious mucus from the urethra, Agar. 10. Gonorrhoea, first thin, then thick, with pain on urinating, and stitches through the urethra, Merc corr. 11. Discharge from the urethra like semen, with burning pain, espe- cially after urinating, Puis. 12. Mucous discharge from female urethra, Thuj. 13. Discharge of puriform matter from the urethra, Clem. 14.----of watery mucus from the urethra, Cann. 15. The orifice of the urethra is closed by mucus, Cann. - 16. Discharge of a purulent fluid from the urethra, Canth. 17. ----of a yellow fluid from the urethra, Canth. OPALESCENT URINE. 721 18. Discharge of mucus from the urethra when urinating after stool, with pain in the perinaeum, Phos. 19. ----of a milky fluid from the urethra, after urinating, Sep. 20. ---- of yellow pus from the urethra, with redness and inflam- mation of the glans and fever in the evening, with shivering, Sassap. 21. A drop of viscous, transparent fluid presses out of the urethra, when sitting or walking, Selen. 22. Purulent gonorrhoea, Sabin. 23. Gonorrhoea, Arg. nit., Sang. 24. Mucous discharge from the ure- thra, Petrol 25. Discharge of mucus from the urethral, Nux v. 26. Painless discharge of tenacious mucus from the bladder, when urinating, Nux v. 27. Discharge of pale urine, follow- ed by a discharge of a thick, whit- ish purulent matter, with violently- burning pain, Nux v. 28. Gonorrhoea, Arg. nit. 29. Discharge of yellowish matter from the urethra, Nitr. ac 30. ---- of mucus from the ure- thra, after urinating, Nitr. ac. 31. ---- of bloody mucus from the urethra, Nitr. ac. 32. ----of yellowish pus from the urethra, with tension in the in- guinal glands, Natr. mur. 33. Greenish gonorrhoea, particularly at night, Merc. sol. 84. Whole pieces of white filaments and flocks are emitted after the urine, without pain, Merc. sol. 35. Gonorrhoea, almost like semen, with burning, after micturition, Puis. 86. °Sycosic gonorrhoea, Thuj. Sensation as if some drops were running along the Urethra. 1. Burning in urethra, with sensa- tion as if some urine were flowing out after the burning, Aspar. 2. Sensation after urinating, as if Vol. III.-46. drops were running along in the urethra, Thuj. 3. Sensation in urethra as if a drop were running through it, Lact. vir. 4. ---- as if drops were running out of the urethra, Ambr. gr. 5. ----as of a cold drop passing along the urethra, Agar. 6.----in urethra as of a fluid running along in it, especially in the evening, Thuj. 7. ----as if drops flowed out of the bladder, Sep. 8.----as if a fluid were running along the urethra, Arg. nit. Opalescent Urine. 1. Opalescent urine, Hep. s., Phos. 2. Urine with a ring of violet- colored mucus on the top, and sandy sediment, Puis. 3. Pellicle on the urine, Sulp. 4. Pellicle on urine, with blood- colored sediment, Sulp. ac. 5. Opalescent urine, with red sedi- ment, Petrol. 6. Opalescent urine, after standing, Par. quad. 7. Urine with white pellicle and a white flocculent sediment, As- par. 8. Pellicle on the urine like cob- web, with reddish sediment, and white, jelly-like flocks on the sedi- ment, Lauroc Bitter Urine. Urine tastes bitter, Copaiv. Cold Urine. Cold urine, Nitr. ac. Itching, Tingling, Creeping in Urethra. 1. Itching in the urethra, Canth., Kal chlor., Nux v., Zinc. to. 2. Itching in the fore part of the urethra, Am., Lauroc, Merc. corr. 722 SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. 3. Burning, tingling, and smarting at the orifice of the urethra, Staphys. ^ 4. Itching in middle of urethra, Sulp. 5. Burning-titillating sensation from rectum through urethra, Tart emet. 6. Itching of the orifice of the ure- thra, followed by desire to urinate, Natr. mur. 7. Creeping sensation in urethra, June 8. Itching at the orifice of the ure- thra, with desire to urinate, Coloc. 9. Stinging tingling in the glans, followed by violent stitches in the orifice of the urethra, Aeon. 10. Creeping in urethra, between the acts of micturition, Phos. ac Morbid Condition of the Stream. 1. Intermitting stream, Gutt, Lye, Kal carb., Magn. sulp., Op. 2. Thin stream, Camph., Graph., Merc, sol, Nitr. ac, Puis. 3. Slow and weak stream, Cham., China. 4. Spreading, fan-shaped stream, Cann. 5. Urination at night, drop by drop, with erect penis, burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, with ineffectual urging to stool, Staphys. 6. Frequent urination, with divided stream, Arg. nit.. 7. Double stream, Rhus t. 8. The stream intermits, with puf- fin ess, Phos. 9. Thread-like stream, with urging to stool, Trun. spin. 10. The stream is interrupted five or six times before the urine is en- tirely voided, Thuj. 11. Intermitting stream, with burn- ing and tearing in the forepart of the urethra during the intermis- sions, Clem. 12. ---- stream, with stinging in the urethra after urinating, Led. 13. The urine is discharged in drops, with sensation as if a cylindrical body were pushed through the urethra, Stram. Drawing, Dragging in the Ure- thra. 1. Dragging sensation in urethra, with sensation as if a drop would press through, Selen. 2. Quick drawing to and fro in ure- thra as far as the bladder, with contractive sensation, Phos. 3. Drawing in urethra, as far as the anus, Phos. ac. 4. Drawing and tearing in fore part of urethra, between the acts of micturition, Bry. 5. Tearing drawing in the urethra, Colch. 6. Frequent drawing and tearing in urethra, Kal. carb. 7. Dragging and cutting in bladder, alternating with a similar pain above navel, worse during rest, Tereb. Various Symptoms of the Ure- thra. 1. Bubbling sensation in region of kidneys, Berb. v. 2. Throbbings in the urethra, Pe- trol 3. Gurgling in the urethra, resem- bling stitches, Merc sol. 4. Pinching and stinging in the bladder as far as the urethra, when lying down, Amm. mur. 5. Griping deep in abdomen as if the bladder were seized, Led. 6. Gnawing and cutting in the ure- thra, Gran. 7. Sense of writhing and turning in the bladder as from a worm, Bell 8. Retraction of the urethra, Plumb. acet. 9. Tension in the urethra, particu- larly in the morning, Canth. !0. ----across the bladder, Phos. 11. The urine passes without any sen- sation in the urethra, Sassap. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING WHILE URINATING. 723 12. When urinating he does not feel that any urine is passing out, Magn. mur. 13. Smarting and tearing in the ure- thra, Ars. 14. ----and burning-tingling at ori- fice of urethra, Staphys. 15. Frequent sense of rawness in urethra, with occasional stitching in the same, Phos. ac Symptoms occurring while Uri- nating. 1. Burning during micturition, Ars., Calc carb., Canth., Caust, Carb. a., Ferr. acet,, Merc, acet, Hep. s., Kal. nit, Nitr. ac, 01 an., Tereb. 2. ----pain in urethra, as if ex- coriated, during micturition, Thuj. 3. ----in urethra while urinating and afterwards, Thuj. 4. ---- during micturition, with painful pressure on bladder, Verat, 5. Painful pressure on bladder, and burning during micturition, Verat, 6. Burning in orifice of urethra dur- ing and after micturition, with brick-dust sediment, Puis. 7. ---- at root of penis during micturition, Rat 8. ----when urinating, in whole urethra, Staphys. 9. ----in fore part of urethra dur- ing micturition, Sulp. 10. -----, then smarting pain during micturition, Merc sol 11. ----and acrid feeling in urinat- ing, Merc, prevar. 12. ---- during micturition, with constrictive sensation in fore part of urethra, Arg. nit. 13. ---- and tearing pain in neck of bladder, during micturition, Nux v. 14. ---- pain in the root of the urethra, during micturition, Rhust, 15. ----in the neck of the bladder, when urinating, Petrol 16. Excessive urging to urinate, with painful burning in the genital organs after and during micturi- tion, Ruta. 17. Scalding in the urethra when urinating, Sabad. 18. Burning during micturition, with emission of oblong flocks, Sassap. 19. Pressure and burning when uri- nating, Seneg. 20. Burning in fore part of urethra when urinating, with constant urg- ing, Stann. 21. ---- during micturition, with cutting previous to micturition, Phos. ac 22. ----during micturition, follow- ed by gonorrhoea! discharge, Phos. ac 23. ---- in fore part of urethra, when urinating after rising, Teucr. 24. ----jerking during micturition, Canth. 25. ----in the neck of the bladder during micturition, Cham. 26. Painful burning and jerking in the urethra when urinating, Carb. v. 27. Acute burning during and after micturition, Cann. 28. Burning in the urethra, from beginning to end, during micturi- tion, Aeon. 29. Excessive urging to urinate, with painful burning in the genital organs during and after micturi- tion, Ruta. 30. Burning and titillation of the urethra and pudendum, during micturition, Ambr. gr. 31.----in the urethra and at the glans when urinating, Crot 32.----and pressing in the middle of the urethra, as if too. narrow, during micturition, Dig. 33.----and tingling in the urethra, with stitches, when urinating, Ign. 34.----in urethra during and aft«r micturition, Kal. carb. 35. Smarting pain, during micturi- tion, in back part of urethra, fol- lowed by pressure in the bladder resembling a desire to urinate, Cam2>h. 724 SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. 36. Pain in the urethra while emit- ting urine, which is constantly mixed with a tough, turbid mucus, Con. 37. Soreness in the urethra during micturition, Cinnab. 38. Burning smarting in the whole urethra, during micturition, Cann. 39. Smarting during micturition, Canth. 40. ----in the urethra, during mic- turition, Sil. 41. -----in urethra, during micturi- tion, Sep. 42. Scraping in urethra, during mic- turition, Sassap. 43. Smarting in urethra, during mic- turition, Sabin. 44. ----pain in the urethra, when urinating, Nitr. ac 45. Sore pain at the tip of the glans or in the whole urethra, when uri- nating, Nitr. ac. 46. Cutting smarting, particularly towards the end of micturition, with irresistible desire to urinate, Merc. sol. 47. Smarting in female urethra, when urinating, Lye 48. Pain in pudendum, as if sore and smarting, when urinating, Thuj. 49. Cutting in urethra, during mic- turition, Con., Thuj. 60. Violent cutting in the urethra, during, before, and after micturi- tion, Canth. 51. Cutting pain in fore part of ure- thra, during micturition, Cann. 52. -----during micturition, Canth. 53. ----in the urethra, before and after micturition, Berb. v. 54. ---- during micturition, with discharge of blood, Phos. 55. ---- in neck of bladder, when commencing, or stopping, to uri- nate, Petrol. 56. -----from posterior part of ure- thra to anus, when emitting the last drop of urine, Arg. nit. 57. ---- in the urethra while the last drop of urine is flowing out, Merc acet. 58. Cutting during micturition, Merc. sol. 59. ---- at the commencement of micturition, Merc. sol. 60. ---- during and after micturi- tion, Staphys. 61. ----- pain during micturition, after frequent urging, Puis. 62. ----during micturition, Thuj. 63. Stinging and pinching in the gl ibs, when urinating, Aeon. 64. Painful stitches in the region of the prostatic gland, when urinat- ing, Kal nit. 65. Lancinations from abdomen to chest, during micturition, Clem. 66. Shooting in left side of epigas- trium, during micturition, Tereb. 67. Stitches in penis, during mictu- rition, as if the urethra would be pierced, Sulph. 68. Burning stitches in the back part of the urethra, during mic- turition, Cann. G9. Pricking in fore part of urethra, during and after micturition, Rhus t. 70. Stitch in urethra, during micturi- tion, Petrol, 71. Stitches above the pudendum, when urinating, Nitr. ac. 72. Cutting drawing in urethra, dur- ing micturition, Con. 73. Painful drawing in the sperma- tic cord, when urinating, Clem. 74. Crampy drawing in the groin, during micturition, Agar. 75. Drawing in spermatic cord, dur- ing micturition, Bell. 76. Dragging sensation in the Ure- thra, when urinating, Sabad. 77. ---- pains during micturition, Arg. nit. 78. He eructates whenever he uri- nates, Rhus t. 79. Tingling and burning in urethra, with stitches when urinating, Ign. 80. Tickling in urethra, during mio- turitbn, Graph. SYMPTOMS OCCURRING AFTER URINATING. 725 81. Itching of the genital organs, when urinating, SU. 82. Burning itching in the tip of the glans, when urinating, Thuj. 83. Pinching and stinging in the glans, when urinating, Aeon. 84. ---- in hypogastrium, during, before, and after micturition, Sulp. ac. 85. Nauseous qualmishness, during micturition, Merc, sol. 86. Contractive pain in the bladder, during micturition, Dig. 87. Spasm of the bladder, during and after micturition, Asaf. 88. Violent contraction at bladder, when urinating, Petrol 89. Sensation when urinating as if the urethra were too narrow, Bry. 90. Pressing and burning in the middle of the urethra as if too narrow, during micturition, Dig. 91. Tension during micturition, as if the urine would be arrested, Canth. 92. During micturition, sensation be- hind the right scapula as of something running or flowing, Hep. s. 93. ----micturition the rectum pro- lapses, as if turned over, Mur. ac. 94. Protrusion of varices during micturition, Kal. carb. 95. Haemorrhage from rectum, during micturition, Merc, sol, 96. Pain at region of stomach, when urinating, Lauroc. 97. ----in abdomen, when emitting the urine, Bry. 98. Tenesmus of neck of bladder, during, before, and after micturi- tion, Plumb, in. 99. Ulcerative pain in urethra, dur- ing micturition, followed by re- newed ineffectual urging to uri- nate, Arg. nit. 100. Vibratory [shaking) sensation in the region of the bladder, dur- ing micturition, Aeon. Symptoms occurring after Uri- nating. 1. Burning in urethra, after and during micturition, Thuj. 2. ----in urethra, after urinating, Coloc, Nitr. ac, Spig., Sulp,, Zinc. m. 3.----in orifice of urethra, after and during micturition, with brick dust sediment, Puis. 4. Increased burning in urethra, after urinating, Tart. emet. 5. Burning and cutting in the ure- thra, after micturition, with dis- charge of a thin mucus, Natr. m. 6.----, after urinating, Nitr. ac. 7.----and itching-tearing pain from the glans to the root of the penis, after urinating, Sassap. 8. ----, after urinating, Spig. 9.----, smarting pain in urethra, after urinating, Caps. 10.----in urethra, after micturi- tion, Canth. 11. Acute burning after micturition, Cann. 12. Heat in the urethra after urinat- ing, succeeded by a sensation of burning and tenesmus of both the rectum and bladder, Alum. 13. Burning in the urethra, and pressing after urinating, Lauroc. 14. ---- in back part of urethra, after urinating, as if there were a drop of urine which cannot be ex- pelled, Kal. bichr. 15.----in urethra, after and during micturition, Kal carb. 16. ----in urethra, after urinating, early, Con. 17.----in urethra, after urinating, Coloc. 18. Cutting after and during mictu- rition, Staphys. 19.----in the urethra, after mictu- rition, Sulp. 20. ---- in the urethra after and before micturition, Berb. v. 21. Violent cutting in the urethra, after, before, and during micturi- tion, Canth. 726 SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. 22. Pressure and creeping' in glans, after micturition, Puis. 23.----on the bladder, after uri- nating, Merc sol. 24. Renewed ineffectual urging to urinate, after urinating, Arg. nit. 25. Pressure at neck of bladder as if closed, with pain, after urinat- ing, Ruta. 26. Pressing in neck of bladder, after micturition, Nux v. 27. Disagreeable pressure at the neck of the bladder and in the urethra, after urinating; worse after some drops of urine flow out, Stann. 28. Sensation at the end of micturi- tion, as if a load in the abdomen were pressing towards the genital organs, Phos. ac. 29. Tenesmus of neck of bladder, after, during, and before micturi- tion, Plumb, to. 30. Burning straining in urethra, after urinating, Bor. 31. Contusive pressure at the end of the penis, after urinating, Coloc 32. Pressing in the urethra, after urinating, Lauroc 33. Crampy pressure after urinating, at neck of bladder, with sharp stitches, Con. 34. Stitch in orifice of urethra, after urinating, Verat 35. Stitches, in the orifice, after uri- nating, Magn. sulph. 36. Pricking in fore part of urethra, after and during micturition, Rhus t. 37. Shootings along the urethra, after urinating, Seneg. 38. Itching pricking of the glans, after urinating, Merc. sol. 39. Stitches in neck of bladder, after urinating, Guaj. 40. Pinching in hypogastrium, after, during, and before micturition, Sulph. ac 41. Pinching from below navel to small of back, after urinating, Magn. carb. 42. Contractive smarting in o ifice of urethra, after urinating, evening, Chin, sulph. 43. Smarting at orifice of urethra, after urinating, Zinc. m. 44.----pain in glans, after urinat- ing, Phos. 45.----pain in outer border of prepuce, after urinating, Bell. 46. Inclination to vomit, after urinat- ing, Cast 47. After painful micturition, flow of blood from urethra, Zinc m. 48. Sensation after urinating as if the urine had not been all voided, Bry. 49. After urinating, some urine re- mains in the urethra, which drops out afterwards, Thuj. 50. ---- urinating, weak feeling in epigastrium, with trembling, Ars. 51. Languor after urinating, morn- ing, Phos. 52. Spasm of the bladder, after and during micturition, Asa.fl 53. Sensation, at every step, after urinating, as if the bladder were filled and moved up and down, Ruta. 54. Increased dryness of the throat, after urinating, the urine being dark, and soon becoming turbid- white, Nitr. ac 55. Pain as if sprained, after uri- nating, behind the os pubis, Sta- phys. 56. Drawing in the fore part of the urethra, after urinating, Am n. carb. 57. Sensation after urinating, as if drops were running along in the urethra, Thuj. 58. Creeping and pressure in glans, after micturition, Puis. 59.----pain, with pressure, in ori- fice of urethra, after micturition, Puis. 60. Burning-itching pain in urethra, after urinating, Tab. 61. Tingling in the urethra, after micturition, Canth. 162. Itching, smarting, and burning SYMPTOMS OCCURRING in urethra, after and before urinat- ing, Copaiv. 63. Shuddering over the head, chest, and arms, after urinating, Plat. 64. Creeping chill, after urinating, Eug. 65. Disagreeable sensation in the back part of the urethra, after urinating, Agn. Symptoms occurring before Uri- nating! 1. Burning and cutting before uri- nating, Bry. 2. ----, smarting, and itching in urethra, before and after urinating, Copaiv. 3. ---- and pressing before uri- nating, Ipec. 4. Pinching in hypogastrium be- fore, during, and after micturition, Sulp. ac 5. Tenesmus of the neck of the blad- der, before, during, and after mic- turition, with a burning sensation in the urethra, Plumb, m. 6. Increased flow of urine, preceded by distension of epigastrium and hypogaslrium, attended with trou- blesome breathing, Chin, sulph. 7. Copious micturition, preceded by BEFORE URINATING. 727 pressing in the genital organs, Merc sol. 8. Cutting pressing from both kid- neys, before urinating, Graph. 9. Pressing and burning before uri- nating, Ipec. 10. Cutting in the abdomen, before micturition, Sulp. 11.----before, and burning during micturition, Phos. ac 12.----and burning before urinat- ing, Bry. 13. Violent cutting in the urethra, before, during, and after micturi- tion, Canth. 14. Yellow leucorrhcea, previous to urinating, Kreas. 15. Itching, smarting, and burning in urethra, before and after uri- nating, Copaiv. 16. Smarting, burning, and itching in urethra, before and after urinat- . ing, Copaiv. 17. Pain in neck of bladder, before urinating, Nux v. 18. Pains in the urethra, followed by emission of a quantity of urine, depositing a thick sediment, after which the pains disappear, Cinch. sulph. 19. Uneasiness previous to micturi- tion, Sulp. 728 SYMPTOMS OF THE MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Pains. 1. Paroxysms of tearing-griping pain at the root of the penis, Ign. 2. Pain in penis as if several fleshy fibres were torn or pulled back- wards, Magnet, p. oust. 3. Spasmodic tearing pain, com- mencing between -the testicles, extending into the penis, and caus- ing an itching in the ulcers, Mere. sol. 4. Pulling, tearing, and contractive pains in the testes, spermatic cords, penis, either simultaneously with the pains in the bowels or at totally different periods; the tes- tes are drawn up during the pain, Plumb, to. i 5. Tearing pain in spermatic cords, after a walk, Arg.fl 6. ----pain in the testes, Puis. 7. Lancinating pain in the fore part of the glans, extending through the whole penis as far as the anus or even groins, Merc. sol. 8. Pain as if cut with a knife, from between the testes to root of pe- nis, Con. 9. Pricking pain in the glans, Kal bichr. 10. Painful drawing stitches from the body of the penis through the glans, Spig. 11. Sticking pain in right side of glans, when standing or walking, Staphys. 12. Prickling pain in the testes, mostly when sitting and stooping, for many days, Zinc to. 13. Drawing pain in the testes and spermatic cord, Clem. 14. Sore drawing pain under the pe- nis, inducing urination, Cic. 15. Drawing pain in the testes, China. 16. Pain in the spermatic cord as if it would be drawn out, attended with weak feeling in the genital organs, Mang. 17. Sharp drawing pain in the penis, Kal. carb. 18. Drawing pain in the testicles and groin, Merc. sol. 19.----pain in the testicle, Nitr. ac. 20.----pain in small of back, spine, and thigh, after an embrace, Nitr. ac. 21. Drawing-stretching pains in the spermatic cords, Phos. 22. Drawing and drawing-tensive pains from the abdomen through the spermatic cord into the testi- cles, which hang down low, Puis. 23.----pains, with pressure in right spermatic cord, Sabin. 24.----pain from root of penis to left testicle, Teucr. 25. Cramp-pain in penis, Graph. 26. Constrictive pain in the testicles, Nux v. 27. Contractive pain in the testicles, Merc, acet 28. Strangling pain in the testes, Spong. 29.----pain in left testicle, Plumb. acet , 30. Choking pain in scrotum and spermatic cord, Amm. carb. 31. Strangling sensation in the tes- tes, after lying down, evening, Ign. PAINS. 729 32. 7/cAin^-smarting pain the outer and inner side of the prepuce, Puis. 33. Painful itching behind the corona glandis, with exudation of fetid pus, Cinnab. 34. Soreness between the organs and thighs, Merc. sol. 35. Ihe testicles feel painful as if bruised, Cocc. 36. Pain in the testes, especially after erections, Con. 37. Painful sensitiveness of the pe- nis, Crot. 38. Pain as if excoriated, in the raphe of the prepuce, Ign. 39. Soreness and itching of the mar- gin of the prepuce, Ign. 40. The spermatic cord is painful to the touch, with pressure- in the groin, Menyan. 41. Soreness in the fold between the genital organs and thigh, Nux v. 42. Pain in the genital organs, espe- cially the right spermatic cord, Morph. acet. 43. Aching pain in outer parts of left testicle when walking, also after rubbing, Staphys. 44. Soreness of the scrotum and thigh, Plumb, acet. 45. Ulcerative pain in the glans, Ambr. gr. 46. When walking, the penis feels sore and as if burnt, Cann. 47. Burning pain in left testicle, Nitr. ac. 48. Burning pain in the glans, fol- lowed by desire to urinate, Staun. 49. ---- pain in penis, as if raw, Berb. v. 50. Contusive pain in left testicle, Nitr. ac. 51. ---- pain in the testes, when walking, Thuj. 52.----pain of the scrotum, Aeon. 53?----pain in testicles, Arg. f 54. Repeated attacks of digging pain deep in right testicle, Arg.f. 55. Jerking pain in the penis as if a nerve were suddenly put upon the stretch, Thuj. 56. Continuous boring pain in glans, Tarax. 57. Pain in left testicle as if swollen, Silic 58. Sense of painful turning in left testicle, Nitr. ac. Swelling, Inflammation, Hard- ness, Gangrene. 1. Swelling of the prepuce, Coral., Thuj. 2. ----of the testes, Clem., Plumb. acet 3. ---- of the penis, Cinnab., Cupr. to., Led. pal, Phos. ac 4. ----of the scrotum, Ars., Puis. 5. ---- of the prostate gland, Cann. 6. ----of the scrotum, penis, and fraenum, Canth. 7. ---- of scrotum, with chronic gonorrhoea, Brom. 8. ---- of the glans and penis, Cann. 9.----of the fraenulum and pre- puce, Cann. 10. Blue and red swelling of the glans, with rhagades, Ars. 11. Swelling, redness, and soreness of the prepuce, with itching pain, Cinnab. 12. ----of the right testicle, every evening, Aur. f 13. The right testicle is enlarged and hard, Arg. nit. 14. Swelling of the testes and sper- matic cord, Kal. carb. 15. ----of a lymphatic vessel of the penis, after a morning-erection, Lact. vir. 16. Dropsical swelling of the genital organs, Lye. 17. Thickening and swelling of the epidermis, Sulph. 18. Redness and swelling of the pre- puce, Sulph. 19. Phimosis, with secretion of fetid pus under the prepuce, Sulph. 20. Goitre-shaped swelling of the epidydimis, Thuj. 730 SYMPTOMS OF THE MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 21. Swollen, painful spermatic cord, Spong. 22. Swelling of the prepuce, with humid itching pimples on the out- side, Silic. 23.---- on the dorsum of the penis, near the glans, with moveable skin; flat, with sharp, pad-shaped border, for 8 weeks, Sabin. 24. The frsenulum is swollen and rigid, Sabin. 25. Tympanitic swelling of the scro- tum, with itchmg, Rhus ton. 26. Swelling of the glans, early, on rising, with smarting in the ure- thra during and after micturition, Rhus t 27. Rigidity and swelling of the parts, Rhus t. 28. Inflammatory swelling of the penis and scrotum, with fever, Plumb, acet. 29. Swelling of the left testicle, Phos. ac. jr 30.----of the spermatic cord, with dulness of the head, Phos. ac. 31.----of one half of the glans, Spig. 32. Aching swelling of the testes, Spong. S3. Painful swelling of the spermatic cord, Phos. 34. Swelling of prepuce where it unites with the glans, Rhus t. 35.----and phymosis of the pre- puce ; on its inner surface and in the orifice of the urethra chancre- like suppurating ulcers, with flat edges, not inflamed, but with violent lancinations, increasing towards evening and night, and aggravated by erections, Nitr. ac 36. ---- of right testicle, painful when touched, Nitr. ac. 37. The swollen testicle is sensitive to pain, previous to emission of flatulence, Merc sol. 38. Swelling of the prepuce, with burning, smarting, redness, cracks, and rhagades on the inner surface, and a fine, red eruption on the outer, Merc. sol. 39 Swelling of the prepuce and in- flammatory redness of its internal surface, with sensitiveness to pain, Mere sol 40.----of the prepuce, as if filled with air or water, Merc. sol. 41.----of the fore part of the urethra, with suppuration between the glans and prepuce; the pre- puce feels hot, is red, painful, with distress in the forehead and an itching eruption on the hands, Merc. sol. 42.----of the scrotum, evening, 43.----of the prepuce, full of water, with painless vesicles on the prepuce, Graph. 44. Painless swelling of left scrotum, Mez. 45. Swelling and induration of the testicles, Copaiv. 46. Redness, swelling, and sensitive- ness of the glans and inner side of prepuce, with secretion of yel- low-green, fetid pus, Coral. 47. Swelling of the scrotum, also only the right half, Clem. 48. The right testicle is drawn up and swollen, the spermatic cord is swollen, with tensive pain, the other testicle hangs down very low, Puis. 49. Swelling and inflammation of the prepuce,' with burning pain, Nitr. ac. 50. Inflammation of the prepuce, Con. 51. ----of the glans, C pr. m. 52.----of the prepuce, with burn- ing pain, Merc sol. 53. ----of the glans and prepuce, Natr. carb. 54. ----and swelling of the genital organs, Ars. 55. Soreness, swelling, redness • of the prepuce, Cinnab. 56. Prepuce dark-red, hot, inflamed, Cann. 57. Inflammation of the penis, Canth. ITCHING, CREEPING. 731 58. Inflammation and swelling of the prepuce, with burning pain ; soreness of its inner surface, and small ulcers secreting a very fetid humor, and leaving spots on the linen like bloody pus, Nitr. ac. 59. Induration of the prostate gland, with pain in urinating, Copaiv. 60. Hardness and tension of the spermatic cord, Phos. ac. 61. The scrotum becomes thicker and harder, with intolerable itch- ing, Rhus t 62. Gangrene of the penis, Canth., Lauroc. 63.----of the genital organs, Ars. Itching, Creeping, Titillation. lum, and orifice of the urethra, Cann. 17. Gnawing itchirig of the penis, Ars. 18. Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, Ang. 19. Fine itching of the penis, Ant. cr. 20. Gnawing itching of the penis, Agn. 21. Tickling of the sexual organs and thighs, Alum. 22. Titillation of the glans, Aeon. 23. Itching of the scrotum obliging him to scratch the part until it bleeds, Aeon. 24. Stinging itching of the glans, Thuj. 25. Frequent itching and dampness of mons veneris, Sulph. 26. Violent itching of the scrotum, not yielding to scratching, many evenings in succession, Zinc to. 27. Crawling itching of the scrotum, with burning pain when rubbed, Thuj. 28. Titillation between the prepuce and glans, Thuj. 29. Slow tingling movement in the testes, all day ; sometimes a fine humming comes from the thighs into the testes, after which the tingling becomes more violent, Sabad. 30. Stinging itching of inner surface of prepuce, Rhus t. 31. Itching of the scrotum, early, in and out of bed, Puis. 32. Stinging itching in the prepuce when sitting or lying, Puis. 33. Corrosive sensation at the froe- nulum during an emission, Plumb. mur. 34. Itching irritation in the region of the seminal vesicles, without amorous fancies, Puis. 35. Formication of the scrotum, Phos. ac. 36. Itching creeping in the frenu- lum, Phos. ac. 37. ----of the tip of the glans, for hours, Spong. 1. Itching of the scrotum, Aur.fl, Cocc, Lye, Nux v. 2. ---- of the glans, Dig., Mzrc. sol, Nitr. ac. 3. ---- of the genital organs, Aeon., Nitr. ac. 4. ----of the penis, Agar. 5. Crawling in the testes, Agn. 6. Itching of the prepuce, Aeon. 7. Tingling in the genital organs, Aeon., Lye 8. Itching in the inner scrotum, Graph., Many., Staphys., Sil. 9. ---- and burning of the sexual organs, Canth. 10. Stinging-burning itching of the prepuce, Bry. 11. Stinging itching of the inner surface of prepuce, Camph. 12. Itching titillation in fore part of glans, Bell. 13. Burning stinging-itching of the glans, evening, Cinnab. 14. Voluptuous itching of the outer parts of the scrotum, increasing to a sore pain by rubbing, the itching continuing internally, and finally occasioning an emission, Staphys. 15. Tingling in the scrotum and tes- tes, Carb. v. 16. Itching in the prepuce, frsenu- 732 SYMPTOMS OF THE MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 38. Tingling itching of the dorsum of the penis, Phos. ac 39. Smarting itching of the inner surface of the prepuce, Nux v. 40. ----itching of the glans, Nux v. 41. Itching of the prepuce and humid spots on its inner surface, Nitr. ac 42. Violent itching of the scrotum, Nitr. ac. 43. Itching of the scrotum, with sore spots, Nitr. ac. 44. Tingling of the scrotum, through the groin, Nitr. ac. 45. Itching of the scrotum which can- not be removed by rubbing, Nice 46. ----and tingling of the glans, Natr. mur. 47. ----in the right testicle, Merc. sol 48. Voluptuous itching of the pre- puce, Merc sol. 49. ---- titillation of the glans, Merc. sol. 50. Itching of the pubic bone above the penis, Merc, sol, 51. Excessive itching of the genital organs, scrotum, anus, Magn. mur. 52. Frequent violent itching of the glans, lod. 53. Peculiar itching of the urethra, glans, and scrotum, Ind. 54. Itching of the glans when stand- ing, Ipec. 55. ----of the penis and the parts around, Ign. 56. Burning itching at neck of blad- der, exciting the sexual instinct, Ign. 57. The testicles are drawn up, with tingling in the same, Euphr. 58. Stinging itching of the scrotum, China. 59. Voluptuous itching of the raphe of the prepuce, Euphr. Sweat. 1. Profuse sweat of the parts, Thuj. 2. ----sweat about the parts, Sep. 3. Sweaty scrotum, it itches all over, Silic. 4. Itching and moisture of the scrotum, Petrol. 5. Profuse sweat of the parts when walking, Merc. sol. 6. Profuse sweat of the scrotum, Magn. mur. 7. Sweat of the genital organs, Canth. Drawing-up, Retraction of Tes- ticles. 1. The right testicle is drawn-up and swollen, Puis. 2. Painful pressure and pain in left groin, with left testicle spasmodic- ally drawn-up, Calc acet. 3. Contraction in the right sperma- tic cord, with the testicle drawn up, Alum. 4. The scrotum is drawn up, Aeon. 5. Either the right or left testicle is drawn-up, with pain and swelling, Zinc. to. 6. The left testicle is drawn up, with swelling of the inguinal glands, Thuj. 7. Spasmodic drawing-up of the testicles, at night, Magnet, p. aust. 8. Cramp-like retraction of the genital organs, in bed, Euphr. Burning. 1. Burning of the prepuce and glans, Cann. 2. ----and itching of the sexual organs, Canth. 3. ----in the region of the excre- tory duct of the seminal .vesicles after an embrace, Canth. 4. ----in the region of the semi- nal vesicles, Ambr. gr. 5. ----stitch in glans, Stann. 6. ----in the interior of the geni- tal organs, Stann, 7. ----in the fore part of the ure- thra, after an embrace, Sep. 8. The glans is hot and itching, with soreness of the prepuce, Sep. 9. Itching burning of the scrotum and penis, Spong. STITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. 733 10. Itching burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, causing a desire for an embrace, Nux v. 11. Burning around the glans in the evening ; afterwards vesicles on the inner surface of the foreskin, which soon form little ulcers, heal- ing rapidly, Merc. sol. 12. Occasional burning striking from the vesiculae seminales to the glans, Mang. 13. Burning in the region of the prostate gland, Copaiv. 14. ----of the prepuce, during an erection, Ars. Tearing. 1. Tearing in the testes, Tart emet. 2. Pinching tearing in the testicles, Sep. 3. Burning tearing in left testicle, with burning in prostate gland, Phos. ac 4. Tearing in the spermatic cords, the testes being painful to the touch, Nitr. ac. 5. Paroxysms of tearing in penis, Mez. 6. Tearing in glans and left sper- matic cord, Colch. Stitches, Prickings, Lancinations. 1. Lancinating stitches in tip of glans, coming and going, Euphorb. 2. Pricking in the glans, Coloc' 3. Fine pricking stitches in the glans and tip, Mez. 4. Itching stitch in the glans, Dros. 5. Voluptuous prickings in the glans when sitting, Euphr. 6. Itching stinging of the glans when pressing it, Merc. sol. 7. ----stinging of the glans, Phos. ac. 8. Anxious dull stitches in the glans, Squill, 9. Dull stitches in the glans pro- ceeding from the scrotum, Zinc to. 10. Burning stitches in the clans, Thuj. 11. Stitches at tip of glans, Thj. 12. Itching stitches in the glans, Am. mont. 13. Prickings at the glans, early pricking being followed by a simi- lar pricking above the umbilicus, Aur.fl 14. Prickling and pressing in the glans, Caps. 15. Lancinations in the glans, oblig- ing him to urinate, Aur f 16. ----in the glans, Cinnab. 17. Stinging in the testes when lay- ing the lower limbs across each other, Ipec 18. Burning stitch in right testiele and penis, Spig. 19..Itching stitch in testicles and in the penis, from behind forward, Spig. 20. Long dull stitches from the tes- tes to the spermatic cord, Spong. 21. Severe drawing-burning stitches frorn right abdominal ring to right testicle, most violent when stoop- ing, Staphys. 22. Repeated sharp stitches in left testicle, Thuj. 23. Shootings, with pressure, in left testicle, Zinc to. 24. Lancinations in the testicles, which are drawn up, Bell 25. Stitches in testicles when sitting, Bry. 26. Burning stitch in the back part of the penis, Mur. ac. 27. Stitches from abdomen into penis, Puis. 28. Dull stitches with pressure, from the glans through the whole penis, Sabin. 29. Frequent burning stitches in penis, extending to the testes and navel, Thvj. 30. Stitches in penis, Sulph. ■Jl. Severe stitches in left spermatic cord, up to the chest, Grat 32. Burning stitches, with pressure, through the scrotum and cord, from below upward, Thvj. 33. Stitches and beating in the spermatic cord, Amm. mur. 734 SYMPTOMS OF THE MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 34. Boring stitch in the perinaum, when walking and sitting, Merc sol 35. Stinging in perinaeum, especially when sitting, China. 36. Itching stinging of the scrotum, like flea-bites, worse during rest, Ign. 37. Stitches in the scrotum, Lye 38. Burning stitches in the integu- ments of the scrotum and in sym- physis pubis, Menyan. 39. Severe stitches in the scrotum, Merc. sol. 40. Itching stitch in the scrotum, Phos. ac. 41. Prickings in the scrotum at night, Thuj. 42. ----in the scrotum, Sulph. 43. ----at frenulum, Coral 44. Stinging of the framum, with tensive pain when touched, China. 45. Lancinations in the pubic region, deep-seated, at every step, Bell. 46. Sharp stitches in the prepuce, Nitr. ac. Emissions, either excessive or wanting. 1. Nocturnal emissions, Aeon., Alum., Amm. carb., Am., Arg.fl, Arg. nit, Aur.fl, Bell, Calc carb., Carb. a., China., Coral, Ferr. acet, Lact. vir., Magn. carb., Magn. mur., Rhus t, Sassap., Staphys., Sulph. 2. No emission during an embrace, Graph., Kal carb. 3. Involuntary emission in an old man, followed by dryness all over, Bar. carb. 4. Nocturnal emissions, with ex- haustion, Bar. carb. 5. ----emissions, also followed by erections, Ars. 6. Excessive pollution, succeeded by burning in fore part of urethra, Carb. v. 7. Nocturnal emissions, causing great prostration, Led. pal. 8. ----emission, followed by hea- viness in the arms, Staphys. 9. Nocturnal emissions, followed by weight of the lower limbs, Ptds. 10. Frequent emissions, Phos. ac. 11. Emissions followed by heat and anxiety in the morning, Petrol 12. Nocturnal erections and emis- sions, 01 an. 13. ---- emissions, followed by coldness of the feet, Nux v. 14. Involuntary emissions, also with pain, Mosch. 15. After a nocturnal emission he is cold all over early in the morning, but not weak, Merc sol. 16. Nocturnal emissions of semen with blood, Merc sol. 17. Emission during the siesta, fol- lowed by burning pain in the ori- fice of the urethra during micturi- tion, Merc. sol. 18. An involuntary emission is fol- lowed by violent excitement and tingling through the whole body, Mez. 19. Nocturnal emissions, especially of women, Cupr. sulph. Impotence, Deficient or Excessive Erections. 1. Impotence, Camph., Hyosc, Op.i Phos., Plumb, to., Plumb, acet, Stram., Sulph. 2. Coldness of the scrotum, with impotence, Caps. 3. Impotence, with weak feeling in the hips, ign. 4. Impotence; there is erection and thrill, but no emission and sudden relaxation of the penis when the thrill is about to reach its acme, Magnet, p. aust. 5. Impotence during an embrace, with burning in the parts, and swelling in the penis on the day following, Kreas, 6. Absence of erections, Kal. carb. 7: Involuntary erections, Clem. 8. Frequent erections, China. 9. Violent erections, evening, Cin- nab. EXCITED SEXUAL DESIRE. 735 10. Sudden erection, with shudder- ing, evening, Bar. carb. 11. Erections at night, with contrac- tion and soreness of the urethra, Canth. 12. Priapism, with excessive pains, Canth. 13. JDeficient erections, with loss of semen, Agn. 14. The semen is discharged without any force, Agn. 15. Erection attended with a sort of amorous rage, without desire for emission, Agn. 16. Violent erection, early, with numbness of the external organs, followed by a tingling tearing in fore part of urethra, Ambr. gr. 17. ----erections, Zinc. m. 18. Obstinate erections, Sep. 19. Violent erections towards morn- ing, with frequent desire to uri- nate, Rhus t. 20. Erections day and night, Puis. 21. Spasmodic erections after mid- night, Nitr. ac 22. Violent erections at night, even after an emission, Nitr. ac. 23. Erections, with desire to urinate, Mosch. 24. Painful erections, Merc. sol. 25. Imperfect erections, with tension in the genital organs, Merc. sol. 26. An erection is followed by a dull distressing pain in the sper- matic cord, the small of the back, and the testicles when touching them, Magn. mur. 27. Erection, with cramp-pain of the penis, Hep. s. 28. ----, with stitches in the ure- thra, Clem. 29. Diminution of the sexual powers, Agn. Excited Sexual Desire. 1. Excited sexual desire, Agar., Aur. f, Cann., China, Croc, Dig., lod., Merc, corr,, Natr. carb., Natr. to., Nux v., Phos., Sep., Sil., Stram., Zinc to. 2. Frantic sexual desire, Canth. 3. Vehement desire for an embrace, with trembling of the body, Amm. carb. 4. Excited sexual desire, with un- easiness all over, Ant. cr. 5. Sensation, even when leaning the back against anything, as if an emission of semen would take place, Ant. cr. 6. In the morning, on rising, he grated his teeth from an excess of voluptuous feeling, Agn. 7. Thrill of delight in the inner sexual organs, without excitement in the external organs, Ambr. gr. 8. Amorous paroxysms, Aeon. 9. Alternation of increased sexual desire and sudden relaxation of the penis; Aeon. 10. Burning sensation and excite- ment of the sexual organs, Kal. carb. 11. Increased sexual desire, with violent erections, but aversion to an embrace, Sabin. 12. Excited sexual desire, with erec- tion for twenty-four hours, Op. 13. Violent sexual desire, also with nausea and vomiting after an em- brace, Mosch. 14. Sexual desire with violent titilla- tion, Mosch. 15. ---- desire, with tensive pain in the penis, Mosch. 16. Violent sexual excitement, Mosch. 17, Sudden sexual excitement, with inability of the organs, Ign. 18. Excessive lasciviousness of the fancy, with weight in the peri- neum, and tensive pain in penis, Graph. 19. Strong sexual desire, with erec- tions all night, Fluor, ac. 20. Excited state of the sexual organs, with dry heat of the body, Coff. 21. Violent sexual desire, with 736 DRAWING, DRAGGING. desire for food and drink, Cin- nab. 22. Satyriasis, Canth. Loss of Sexual Desire. 1. Diminished sexual desire, Aeon., Alum., Bar. carb., Carb. a., Lye, Nitr. ac. 2. The sexual instinct seems to be extinct, Bell, Con., Graph., Ign., Plumb, acet., Sabad. 3. The sexual desire almost extinct, Silic. 4. Weakness of the sexual organs, and loss of sexual desire, Copaiv. Discharge of Prostatic Fluid, Spermatorrhoea. 1. Spermatorrhoea. Canth., Plumb. mur. 2. Discharge of prostatic fluid, without lascivious thoughts, Con. 3. ---- of prostatic fluid during emission of flatulence, Magn. carb. 4. Lewd fancies, with copious emis- sion of prostatic fluid, Nitr. ac 5. Copious discharge of prostatic fluid, Zinc to. 6. Discharge of blood in the place of semen, Canth. 7. ---- of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis, Bell. Bilannorrhoea, Secretions under the Prepuce. 1. Balannorrhoea, Cinnab., Merc sol, Nitr. ac, Thuj. 2. ----, "with inflammation of inner surface of prepuce, Mez. 3. Continual suppuration and itch- ing of the prepuce, Sep. 4. Secretion of a purulent fluid under the glans, having a sourish- salt smell, with itching, Sep. 5. Dampness under the prepuce about the corona glandis, Staphys. 6. The prepuce becomes stiff and hard, it shines on the inner sur- face, and secretes a thin ichor having a bad smell, Sulph. Sense of Weight. 1 Pain and heaviness in both tes- ticles during an evening walk, shooting along the spermatic cords, Ox. ac 2. The scrotum feels heavy, Amm. carb. 3, Feeling of weight in the glans, especially during micturition, Phos. ac. Redness. 1. Redness, swelling and soreness of the prepuce, with itching pain, Cinnab. 2. Glans and prepuce are dark red, Cann. 3. Dark redness proceeding from the scrotum, and irradiating down the thigh, Rhus t. Beating, Throbbing. 1. Beating and stitches in sper- matic cord, A mm. mur. 2. Painless bubbling in the scro- tum, Staphys. 3. Throbbing and pressure in the glans, Nitr. ac 4. Pulsations in the penis after an embrace, Natr. carb. 5. Stinging throbbing in the scro- tum, Natr. carb. Drawing, Dragging. 1. Drawing, with pressure, in right testicle, as if compressed, Staphys. 2. Alternate drawing and twitches in the left spermatic cord, attended with shivering sensation in the adjoining parts of the scrotum and thigh, Ang. 3. Drawing in the testes and sper- matic cord, Agar. 4- ---- in the root of the penis, COLDNESS, PRESSURE. 737 or in the right spermatic cord, and down the inner side of the thighs, Lact. vir. 5, Frequent drawing in the tes- ticles, following the course of the spermatic cord, Zinc m. 6. Crampy drawing in left testicle, Tereb. 7. Drawing in the spermatic cord, as if the testicles were drawn to the ring, Sec corn. 8. ----, with soreness in the tes- ticles, as if excoriated, Phos. ac. 9. ---- in the spermatic cord, at intervals, Merc. sol. 10. ----, with pressure, in the tes- ticles, Merc. sol. Coldness, Numbness, Deadness, Dwindling of the Parts. 1. The glans is cold and shri- velled, Merc. sol. 2. The penis feels dead, goes to sleep, Merc sol. 3. Feeling of coldness in the tes- ticles, afternoon and evening, for a fortnight, Mere sol. 4. Tabes testiculorum, dwindling to the size of a bean, with extinction of the sexual instinct, Solan, caps. 5. Numb feeling in the testicles, Natr. carb. 6. The penis is relaxed, feeble, Nux mosch. 7. Shrivelling of the scrotum, Tine met. 8. Creeping and drawing in penis, as if gone to sleep, Valer. 9. Glans and prepuce are icy-cold, Sulph. 10. The penis looks bluish, and is cold, Sulph. 11. Coldness of the genital organs, Sulph. 12. Atrophy of the testicles, Kal. hydriod. 13. Shrivelling of the sexual organs, no desire, Arg. nit, 14. Numbness of the sexual organs for some minutes, Bar. carb. Vol. IIL—47. 15. Coldness of the scrotum, impo- tence, Caps. 16. Cold feeling in prepuce, some- times with numbness, Berb. v. 17. Coldness of the genital organs, Cann. 18. The penis is small and cold, Lye Pressing, Pressure. 1. Dragging pressure in the tes- ticles, Cann. 2. Pressing and prickling in the glans, Caps. 3. Pressure and tension in the scrotum and spermatic cords, Sulph. 4. Pressing from the prostatic gland forward, Silic* 5. Pressure in the testes, worse when touched, Phos. ac. 6. ---- and throbbing in the glans, Nitr. ac. 7. Pressing and bearing-down towards the testes, lod. Symptoms occurring during and after an Embrace. 1. Reeling sensation after an em- brace, Bov. 2. Sexual desire with deficient erec- tion, and nervousness after an embrace, Calc. carb. 3. Stitches in rectum, after an em- brace, Calc carb. 4. Weakness and trembling of the lower limbs (knees) after an em- brace, Calc carb. 5. No thrill during an embrace, the urethra felt as if put upon the stretch, Arg. nit. 6. Itching of the anus during an embrace, Anac. 7. Every embrace is followed by great debility, night-sweats, and sometimes a burning itching of the skin, Agar. 8. Prostration and oppression after an embrace, Tax. bac THE HAIR. 738 FALLING 01 9. Burning in the urethra after an embrace, Sulph. ac. 10. Erection after an embrace, with subsequent weakness of thought, vertigo, depression of spirits, Sep. 11. After an embrace the whole body feels bruised, Silic. 12. Paralytic feeling in right side of head, after an embrace, Silic. 13. Sudden relaxation of the penis during an embrace, when the semen is on the point of being emitted, Phos. ac, Nux v. 14. Weakness in the loins after an embrace, Phos. 15. Dry heat of the body, after an embrace, Nux v. 16. Burning in the male urethra, during an embrace, Merc sol. 17. Heat all over, with sweat, after an embrace, Graph. 18. Cold legs after an embrace, Graph. Falling off of the Hair. 1. Falling off of the hair of the organs, Nitr. ac, Phosp. ac, Zxnc TO. Various Symptoms of the Male Sexual Organs. 1. Disagreeable irritation in the testicles, Copaiv. 2. Sensation of dryness in region of prostate gland, Copaiv. 3. Shuddering over the scrotum and adjoining parts, Zinc to. - 4. Contractive sensation in tes- ticles, Camph. 5. Painful twitches in the penis, from before backwards, Aur. f. 6. Jerkings in the penis, Cinnab. 7. Jerkings in the whole penis, Stann. 8. Twitchings in the scrotum, Spig. 9. Burning cutting of the glans, with painful pressure in the groins from within outwards, Phos. ac. 10. Tensive sensation, with pressure in left testicle, frequently recur- ring, Sabin. 739 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Prolapsus. 1. Prolapsus vaginas, Stann. 2. o----0f the vagina and uterus, Sep. 3. ----of the vagina, Merc. sol. Soreness, Smarting. 1. Soreness and burning of entrance of vagina, Hyosc. 2. The pudendum feels sore and smarting, Thuj. 3. Sore spot in the pudendum and perinEeum, for ten days, Sulph. 4. Soreness and redness of the labia, Sep. 5. ----of the pudendum, Graph. 6. Smarting in the vagina, Graph. Symptoms or Pains occurring during or after an Embrace. 1. Pinching in the vagina, during an embrace, Kal. carb. 2. The vagina is painful during an I embrace, Ferr. acet., Ferr. mur. 3. Discharge of blood from the vagina, after an embrace, Sep. 4. Sore feeling in the vagina during an embrace, Sulph. 5. Burning in the parts during an embrace, next day the menses (dark blood), and then leucorrhoaa, with swelling and itching of the outer parts, Kreas. Stitches, Prickings, Lancina- tions. 1. Stitches in clitoris, with feeling of distension at night, Bor. 2. Stitches and heat in the puden- dum, Magnet, p. aust. 3. Sticking in the pudendum, after a long walk, Thuj. 4. Violent stitches in the puden- dum, almost as far as the navel, Sep. 5. Severe stitches in the vagina, deep-seated, from before back- wards, Sabin. 6. Burning stinging of the vagina and labia, Puis. 7. Stitches from vagina to uterus, Phos. 8. ---- in the vagina from with- out inwards, when walking, Nitr. ac. 9. ---- in the vagina, striking from the abdomen, Kreas. 10. Burning stinging of the puden- dum, Kal carb. 11. Stitches through the pudendum, Kal. carb. 12. Lancinations from genital organs to right epigastrium, Croc 13. Severe stitches in the puden- dum, Con. 14. Stitches in the pudendum, inter- nally, Bell. 15. Lancinations from hypogastrium into vagina, Ars. Burning,. Heat. 1. Burning and soreness of entrance of vagina, Hyosc. 2.----in the genital organs, with discharge of a few drops of blood, especially after walking and hard stool, Ambr. gr. 3.----in the genital organs, with discharge of blood, Petrol. 740 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS. 4. Burning in the pudendum, with desire for an embrace, Nux v. 5. Heat and stitches in the puden- dum, Magn. p. aust. 6. Burning and smarting in the vagina, when walking and sitting, Thuj. 7. ----in the vagina, Sulph. 8.----of the genital organs, Nitr. ac. 9. ---- in the vagina, as if ex- coriated, Cham. Itching, Titillation. 1. Burning itching and swelling of one side of the vagina and labia minora, Nitr. ac 2. Itching of the pudendum and vagina after the menses, Con. 3. Stinging itching of the puden- dum, Staphys. 4. ----of the pudendum, Sep. 5. Voluptuous tingling in the pu- dendum and abdomen, with op- pressive anxiety and palpitation of the heart, Plat 6. Violent itching of the pudendum towards evening, Nitr. ac 7. Itching of the labia, Merc sol. 8. Gnawing itching between the labia and vagina, succeeded by swelling of the labia, Kreas. 9. Itching in the vagina, with sore- ness, Kreas. 10. Burning itching of the puden- dum, Kal. carb. 11. Itching of the pudendum and anus, Carb. v. 12. ----and stitches in the puden- dum, Calc. carb. Pains. LABOR-LIKE, PRESSING, CONTRACTING PAINS. 1. Labor-like pains in uterus, with cutting and bearing-down, Asaf. 2. Sort of violent labor-pains, Camph. 3. Frequent labor-like pains in ab- domen, as if the menses would appear, Cina. 4. Spasmodic pains in the external pudendum, Kreas. 5. Excessive labor or after-pains, Nux v. 6. ----labor-pains, contracting the abdomen, with anxious, ineffectual urging to stool, Op. 7. Labor-like pains in uterus and vagina, Plumb, to. 8. Drawing-pressing pain towards the uterus, with desire to vomit, every morning, Puis. 9. Drawing-tensive pains in abdo- men, resembling labor-pair.s, Puis. 10. Contractive pains on left side of uterus, resembling labor-pains, obliging her to bend forward, Puis. 11. Labor-pains in hypogastrium, Rhus t 12. Spasmodic pains in the parts, Staphys. 13. Pressing and contracting pain in the pudendum, when sitting, Thuj. 14. Cramp-pain in the pudendum and perinaeum, on rising from a seat, Thuj. OTHER KINDS OF PAIN. 1. Sore pain in vagina, Rhus t 2. A kind of sore pain in right side of pelvis, with throbbing sensa- tion, Cic. 3. Pain of the pudendum, as if ex- coriated, with leucorrhcea; in a few days the long-suppressed menses reappear, and the leu- corrhcea ceases, Carb. v. 4. Dull tearing pain in the puden- dum, as if ulcerated, after a walk, Phos. 5. Pricking pain in the vagina, Mur. ac. 6. Pinching pain in labia, Kal. carb. 7. Pain in the parts, as if swollen, Lact. 8. Sudden lancinating pain in the vagina, Berb. v. 9. Cutting pain in the os-tincae, Puis. PRESSING, BEARING-DOWN, CONGESTION. 741 Sexnal Desire excited or sup- pressed. 1. Excited sexual desire, Merc corr. 2. Sexual desire, with intolerable titillation, Mosch. 3. Aversion to an embrace, Petrol. 4. Excessive sexual desire, particu- larly in lying-in females, Plat 5. Increased sexual desire, Sabin. 6. Sexual desire, especially in the outer pudendum, Sulph. ac 7. Violent excitement in the clito- ris, on awaking from a dream, Sulph. ac. 8. Burning in the pudendum, with desire for an embrace, Nux v. Involuntary Emissions. I. Nocturnal emissions, with dreams about an embrace, Sulph. ac. 2. ---- emissions, Cupr. sulph. 3. Voluptuous sensation in the female parts, followed by an in- voluntary emission, Calc. carb. 4. Sexual desire, with involuntary discharge of seminal mucus, Ars. 5. Nocturnal emissions, Arg. nit. Symptoms or Conditions occur- ring during Pregnancy or Confinement, or having relation to Child- hearing. 1. Excessive liability to become pregnant, Merc, sol, 2. Sterility, Ferr. acet 3. Miscarriage, Aloes, Arg. nit; Asar., Calc. carb., Ferr. acet, Plumb, to., Sabin., Sang., Sec. corn. 4. Disposition to miscarriage, Nux v. 5. Confinement in eighth month, with frightful convulsions, Cann. 6. Suppressed lochia, Hyosc, °Nux v., Sec. corn. 7. Suppression of the lochia, with burning feeling of fulness in the parts, Puis. 8. Suppression of labor-pains, Op. 9. Spasms of parturient women, Bell. 10. Spasms of parturient and preg- nant women, Hyosc. 11. °Nymphomania of lying-in wo- men, Verat. 12. "Complaints incidental to preg- nancy, Aeon. 13. Prolapsus of the vagina, during pregnancy, Ferr. acet. 14. Destroys or impoverishes the fetus, Merc. dulc. 15. Violent movements of the fetus, Op. 16. Nausea and vomiting, during pregnancy, Sep. 17. During the first movements of the fetus, palpitation of the heart and heat in the face, followed by burning in the abdomen, Sulph. 18. Discharge of blood from the impregnated womb about new moon, Rhus t. Pressing, Bearing-down, Conges- tion. 1. Pressing towards the genital organs, Canth., Graph., Plat. 2. Congestion of blood to the uterus, Aloes. 3. Uterine congestions, Sec. corn. 4. Pressing in pudendum and rec- tum, Zinc. met. 5. Pressure, with drawing in hypo- gastrium, as if the menses would appear, Sabin. 6. Painful sensitiveness and pres- sure at mons veneris and in the genital organs, with internal chills and coldness, Plat. 7. Pressure towards the genital or- gans, with contraction in hypogas- trium, Nux v. 8. Pressing-downwards in the hypo- gastrium, Natr. carb. 9. Pressing in the pudendum, Mur. ac. 10. Drawing and pressing towards the sexual organs, Mosch. FEMALE ORGANS. 742 SYMPTOMS OF THE 11. Violent bearing-down in hypo- gastrium, lod. 12. Bearing-down in the groin, as if the menses would appear, Croc 13. Pressure towards the uterus, with frequent desire to urinate, Cham. 14. ----in the womb, as if some- thing would come out, Ant. cr. Excessive or deficient Secretion of Milk. 1. Galactirrhcea, Aeon., Bell. 2. Deficient secretion of milk in lying-in women, Agn. cast 3. Deficiency of milk, or else ga- lactirrhcea, Calc. carb. 4. Yellow bitter milk of nursing females, Rheum. 5. Vanishing of milk, Rhus t. Spasms of the Uterus. 1. Excessive uterine contractions, [ Sec. corn. 2. Uterine spasms, a griping and digging, with discharge of coagula, Nux v. 3. °Uterine spasms, particularly with suppression of the menses, Cocc Swelling. 1. Swelling, itching, and burning of the pudendem, Amm. carb. 2.----■ and soreness of the labia, Ambr. gr. 3. ----of the neck of the uterus, with burning in the bladder, pain in the abdomen, constant vomit- ing, and acute fever, Canth. 4.----of the labia, with drag- ging pain and heat in the vagina, Coloc 5. Inflammatory swelling of the in- ner surface of the vagina, Mere sol. 6. Swelling on the inner side of the labia, Merc acet. 7. Internal swelling of the vagina, with burning pain, Nux v. 8. °Swelling and excrescences of the half-opened os-tinca), Sec.com. 9. ----of both labia, painful and burning only when walking and touching them, Thuj. 10. ---- of the great labia, with a pustule on the swollen portion, Bry. 11. ----and burning itching of one side of the vagina and labia minora, Nitr. ac. Inflammation. 1. Inflammation of the ovaries, Canth. 2. ---- of the labia majora and vagina, Nitr. ac. 3. Metritis, with burning heat, weight, sticking, and pressure, Nux v. 4. Inflammation of the labia, with burning pain, Sulph. Haemorrhage, Discharges of Blood. 1. Burning in the genital organs, with discharge of a few drops of blood, especially after walking and hard stool, Ambr. gr. 2. Drawing, from the small of the back, followed by griping in the uterus and discharge of large clots of coagulated blood, Cham. 3. Burning in the genital organs, with discharge of blood, Petrol. 4. Frequent discharge of coagulat- ed blood, with tearing pains in the veins of the legs and labor-like pains in uterus, Cham. 5. Discharge of blood from the impregnated womb, about new moon, Rhus t. 6. ----of blood from the vagina, after an embrace, Sep. 7. ----of blood between the men- ses, Ambr. gr. 8. Haemorrhage from the uterus, Arg. nit. 9. Discharge of a clot of blood from PAINFUL MENSTRUATI the vagina, preceded by nausea in pit of stomach, Am. mont 10. Haemorrhage from the uterus of an old woman, Calc acet. 11. Loss of blood between the men- ses, Bry. 12. Haemorrhage from uterus (in a little girl), Cina. 13. ----from the uterus when mov- ing about, Croc. 14. ---- from the uterus, Hep. s. 15. Uterine haemorrhage, lod., Sang., Squill. 16. Discharge of blood six days be- fore the menses, Merc sol. 17. ----of blood between the men- strual periods, Phos. 18. ---- of blood every day, for eight or ten weeks, becoming more and more watery, Prun. spin. 19. Profuse discharge of red blood, Sabin. 20. Uterine haemorrhage, Sang. 21. ----haemorrhage, Squill. 22. Discharge of black blood from the uterus, Stram. 23. ----of blood from the uterus almost every day, for weeks, Sulph. 24. ---- of watery blood from the vagina, Tart. stib. Painful Menstruation, Dysmenor- rhea. 1. Painful drawing in small of back, especially when bending backwards, Sabin. 2. °The menses become regular and painless, Brom. 3. Painful menstruation, PhyL dec. 4. °The menses cease to be painful, Coff. 5. °Painful menstruation, with dis- ' charge of coagula, Cocc 6. Scanty menses, like gray mucus, with violent pains in small of back, pressing pain in thighs, lancina- tions in umbilical region, etc. Berb. v. 7. Profuse menstruation, also with ON, DYSMENORRHEA. 743 colic and labor-pains, blood partly fluid, partly lumpy, diminished discharge of red urine with stran- gury, discharge of slimy fluid from the vagina, Sabin. 8. Excessive menstrual flow, with drawing pain in abdomen, thighs and other limbs, Stram. 9. Menses delay, with violent pain in small of back, Magn. mur. 10. ----too late, preceded by pain in small of back, as if a piece of wood, stretched across, were press- ing from within outwards, Nux mosch. 11. Profuse menses, with cutting pain in the small of the back and groin, Arg. nit. 12. Menses short and profuse, with colic and pressing from small of back to groin, Gran. 13. —— too early and profuse, or with drawing pain in abdomen, Mosch. 14. ----scanty, like serum, setting in with chilliness, pain in small of back, tearing in whole body, Berb. v. 15. Frequent discharge of coagulat- ed blood, with tearing pains in the veins of the legs, and labor-like pains in the uterus, Cham. 16. Metrorrhagia, with pain in small of back and headache, Bry. 17. Profuse menses, with colic, Merc. sol. 18. ---- menstruation, also with colic and labor-pains, Sabin. 19. The menses appear too late, with painful bearing down a few days previously, Sabad. 20. Premature menses, also with colic, nausea, and pain from sto- mach to small of back, Bor. 21. Menses too early, also with pro- fuse painful discharge of liquid blood, and nightly tearing in the vertex, Lauroc 22. —.— a fortnight too soon, with pressing and drawing pains in womb, and loss of blackish co- agula, Nuxjugl. 744 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS. 23. Menses too early, with distension of the abdomen, contractive cut- ting in abdomen at every motion and inspiration, contraction of the rectum, or sharp pressure as from stones in the distended abdomen when sitting or moving about, with ulcerative pain on touching the abdomen, Cocc. 24. Menses too early, also with colic and pain in small of back, Nice. 25. Spasmodic pressing and lancinat- ing pain in the' groin, during the menses, Bor. 26. Griping in abdomen, during the menses, Chin, sulph. 27. Pain in epigastrium, during the menses, as if everything would be torn to pieces, Graph. 28. Labor-pains during the menses, with eructations and stinging toothach, Graph. 29. Pain, like weight, in small of back, during the menses, Kal. carb. 30. Pressing-down in small of back and in abdomen, during the men- , ses, Kal. carb. 31. During the menses, aching pain, and as if bruised in both groins and in small of back, Kal. hy- driod. 32. Drawing pain in small of back, during the menses, worse when extending the limbs, Magn. carb. 33. Violent bearing-down in abdo- men, at night, during the menses, Magn. carb. 34. Severe cramp-pain in hypogns- trium, during the menses, with eructations, Nitr. ac. 35. Drawing pains at the appear- ance of the menses, Mosch. 36. Labor-like pains, during the menses, changing to a pressing- down, Nitr. ac. 37, Pressing in hypogastrium, dur- ing the menses, down the thighs, Nitr. ac. 38. Contraction towards the puden- dum, during the menses, Ni',r. ac. 39. Pressure in abdomen and pains in small of back, during the men- ses, Nitr. ac. 40. After the appearance of the menses, fainting turn early in the morning after rising, preceded by spasmodic movements in abdo- men, and followed by languor and chilliness on rising from bed, Nux v. 41. Pain in side of abdomen, with pressure from within outwards, during the menses, Nux v. 42. Colic during the menses, Phos. 43. Pain in the back, as if bruised or torn, in the evening; drawing in the whole body, palpitation of the heart, with anxiety, pinching across the bowels, faintness, nausea, dur- ing the menses, Phos. 44. Cardialgia, during the menses, Puis. 45. During the menses, pressure in the abdomen and small of the back, as from a stone, with dispo- sition of the lower limbs to go to sleep, and ineffectual urging to stool, Puis. 46. ----the menses, spasmodic, al- most burning pains in abdomen, Puis. 47. Griping in the pit of stomach, towards the small of the back, during the menses, Sassap. 48. Pinching in abdomen, during the menses, accompanied with pain in small of back and chilliness all over, Sulph. 49. Colie, and pain in the small of the back, during the menses, with scanty flow, Sulph. 50. Spasmodic pain in hypogastrium, during the menses, as if the intes- tines were strung up in knots, Sulph. 51. Pain, as if bruised, in small of back, afternoon and evening, Magn. carb. PREMATURE MENSES. 745 Profuse Menstruation, Menor- rhagia, Metrorrhagia. with pain in small of back, and headache, Bry. 22. Metrorrhagia, the blood smelling badly, Bell. 53. Profuse menses, with cutting pain in the small of the back and groin, Arg. nit, J4. Menses profuse, black, too early, Canth. >5. ----too profuse and too early, or with drawing pain in abdomen, Mosch. Delaying Menses. 1. Delaying menses, Cic, Graph,, Hep. s., Hyp. perf, Magn. carb., Sassap. 2. Menses too late, with constipa- tion and distension of the abdo- men, Sulph. 3. ----too late and scanty, with costiveness, Natr. sulph. 4. ----too late and scanty, Natr. mur. 5. ---- retarded, but longer, Chelid, 6. The menses appear too late, with painful bearing down a few days previously, Sabad. 7. Menses too late preceded by pain in small of back, as if a piece of wood stretched across were pressing from within outwards, Nux mosch. 8.----delay three days, then set in with anxiety, dyspnoea, heat all over ; on the following days swell- ing and tenderness of the breasts, headache, and faintness, Mercurial. 9.----delay, with violent pain in small of back, Magn. mur. 10. Delaying menses, with vertigo and palpitation of the heart, lod. 11.----menses, with scanty, watery blood, Ferr. acet. 12. Retarded menstruation, watery blood, Dulc. Premature Menses. 1. Premature menses, Ambr. gr., 1. Metrorrhagia, Aeon., Arg. nit, Cham., China, Copaiv., Hyosc, Ipec, Sabin., Sec. com., Stram., Sulph. ac. 2. Profuse menstruation, Aeon., Aloes, Cann., Magnes. art, Mag- net p. arct, Nitr. ac, Samb., Sec corn., Verat. 3. Profuse and premature menses, Ars., Natr. mur. 4. ---- menses, with debility, Vine min. 5. Hemorrhage from the uterus at the menstrual period, Sabin. 6. Menses much more profuse, with clots of blood, Sabin. 7. Metrorrhagia, lasting three weeks, Merc. sol. 8.----of an old female, Merc sol. 9. Re-appearance of the menses, with profuse flow, Kal. hydriod. 10. Profuse menses, with pressing in rectum, Elect. 11. Metrorrhagia from abuse of chamomile, China. 12. Menses re-appear profusely, having a bad smell, Phos. 13. Profuse menses, with acid smell, Sulph. 14. Excessive menstrual flow, with drawing pain in abdomen, thighs, and other limbs, Stram. 15. Menses profuse, but with pain in right side of head and forehead, and sensation as if the eyes would be pressed out, Sang. 16. Profuse menses, with colic, Merc. sol. 17. ---- menses, also with tooth ache, Lauroc. 18. ----menses, also with delirium, Hyosc 19. Menses short and profuse, with colic and pressing from small of back to groin, Gran. 20. Metrorrhagia, with discharge of clots of black blood, China. 21. ----, the blood being dark red, 746 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS. Amm. carb., Asa f, Bry., Calc. carb., Carb. a., Carb. v., Cast, Colch., Con., Cinch. Sulph., Ind., Lam. alb., Led. pal., Lye, Magn. carb., Mere acet, Mur. ac, Petrol, Phos., Rat, Sang., Sep., Verat. 2. Profuse menses, Amm. caust., Ars., Clemat., Grat, Gutt, Magn. mur., Plat, Zinc. to. 3. Menses too early and °profuse, Sulph. ac. 4.----too early and profuse, pre- ceded by chilliness, Sulph. 5. The menses reappear profusely, Rhus t 6. Menses every fortnight, Prun. spin. 7.----too early, with pinching, or colic, 01 an. 8.----too early, also with ab- dominal spasms, Nux v. 9. Brings on the menses when merely smelling of the drug, Mosch. 10. Menses too early, also with weakness and drowsiness, Kal. carb. 11.----too soon, with vertigo, nausea, feverishness, 'headache, Kal bich. 12. Brings on the menses, Hell 13. Appearance of the menses every time she was galvanized, Galv. 14. Menses too soon, thin, Graph. 15.----too soon, and long, Asar. 16. ---- too early, profuse, black, Canth. 17.----too early, also with colic and pain in small of back, Nice 18.----too early, also succeeded by the discharge of an acrid-smell- ing, bloody ichor, with corrosive itching and smarting of the parts, Kreas. 19.----too soon, a fortnight, with pressing and drawing pains in womb, and abundant loss of blackish coagula, Nuxjugl 20.----too early, also with pro- fuse painful discharge of liquid blood, and nightly tearing on the vertex, Lauroc. 21. Premature menses, also with colic, nausea, and pain from stomach to small of back, Bor. 22. Menses too early and profuse, or with drawing pain in abdomen, Mosch. 23. ----too early, with contractive cutting in abdomen, pressure as from stones in distended abdomen, ulcerative pain when touching it, Cocc. Suppression, Retention of the Menses, Amenorrhea. 1. Suppression of the menses, China, Con., Crot, Ferr. acet, Magnet, p. arct, Merc. sol. 2. Suppression of the menses, with pains in shoulders and sacrum, Ars. 3. Reappearance of the suppressed menses at the commencement of. new moon, Calc carb. 4. Suppression of the menses, with swelling of, and a hard-aching, oppressive pain in pit of stomach, labor-like pains and anasarca, Cham. 5. immediate reappearance of the menses, Cocc 6. Suppression of the menses, with abdominal spasms, flatulence, lameness, anguish, oppressed breathing, spasms in the chest, nausea, etc., Cocc. 7. ---- of menses, with weight in upper and lower limbs, Graph. 8. At the menstrual period (the menses not appearing) she was attacked with sour eructations, swelling of the cheeks with stitches, Kal. carb. 9. The menses cease for six weeks, and reappear at full moon, Nux v. 10. °The suppressed menses reap- pear at full moon, Phos. ac. 11. Cessation of the menses during an attack of colic, Plumb, to. 12. Suppression of the menses, also SYMPTOMS. 747 VARIOUS S with nausea and desire to vomit, Puis. 13. Suppression of the menses, with coldness of the body, chilliness and trembling of the feet, Puis. 14. Reappearance of the menses, at new-moon, with cutting and rum- bling in the bowels, Staphys. 15. ----of the menses, which had been suppressed for years, Stram. 16. ----of the menses, Rhod. Scanty Menses. 1. Scanty menses, too early, Asa f, Phos. 2. ----menses, Bar. carb. 3. The blood flows only in the day-time, when walking, Puis. 4. Scanty and pale menses, Alum. 5. ---- and acrid menses, with burning of the inner side of the thighs, Sassap. " 6. Menses scanty, black, with fetid odor, Ign. 7. ----scanty, like serum, setting in with chilliness, pain in small of back, tearing in whole body, Berb. v. Altered Smell, Color, or Con- sistence of the Menstrual Blood. 1. Profuse menses, with acrid smell, Sulph. 2. Retarded menstruation, watery blood, Dulc. 3. Delaying menses, with scanty watery blood, Ferr. acet. 4. Metrorrhagia, the blood smell- ing badly, Bell. 5. ----, with discharge of clots of black blood, China. 6. Menses scanty, black, with fetid odor, Ign. 7.----black, scanty, with fetid odor, Ign. 8. Scanty and acrid menses, with burning of the inner side of the thighs, Sassap. 9. Menses too soon, with pressing pain in womb, and blackish co- agula, Nux jugl. 10. Menses black, profuse, too early, Canth. 11.----too early, also with dis- charge of acrid-smelling bloody ichor, Kreas. 12. ---- reappear, having a bad smell, Phos. 13. °Pale menses, Sulph. 14. The menstrual blood is thick and acrid, Sulph. 15. Watery menses, Stram. 16. The menstrual blood causes a severe smarting pain in the pu- dendum, Rhus t. 17. Watery and pale blood, Puis. 18. The blood is viscid, thick, clotty, Puis. 19. The blood is thick and black, flowing by fits and starts, Puis. 20. The menstrual blood is acrid and pungent, makes the thighs sore, Kal carb. 21. The menses come away in lumps of coagulated blood, Ign. 22. Discharge of brownish blood instead of the menses, Con. 23. Menstrual blood acrid, corro- sive, Carb. v. 24. Black menstrual flow, with cramp-pain in bowels, Amm. carb. Various Symptoms. 1. Drawing from the small of the back, followed by griping in the uterus, and discharge of large clots of coagulated blood, Cham. 2. Escape of flatus from the vagina, with dilatation of os-tincae, Sang. 3. Weak feeling in the parts, Sulph. 4. Sense of distension and stitches in the clitoris, at night, Bor. 5. Painful feeling of oppressive weight in abdomen, Sabin. 6. Tension in region of uterus, as from a tight bandage, Hyp. perf. 7. Motion in the uterus as of a fetus, Natr. carb. 748 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS. 8. Tearing in the pudendum, at intervals, Bar. carb. Leucorrhoea. COLOR. 1. Yellow leucorrhoea, Carb. a., Gran,, Sep. 2. Itching and yellowish leucor- rhoea, after the menses, Phos. ac. 3. Copious, tenacious, yellowish leucorrhoea, Aeon. 4. Leucorrhoea, thin, yellowish, preceded by pinching in hypogas- trium, Sulph. 5. Yellowish, acrid leucorrhoea, Ars. 6. Yellow, corrosive leucorrhoea, Cham. 7.----, stiff leucorrhoea, with pain and weakness across small of back, and dull heavy pains in hypogastrium, Kal bich. 8. Yellowish leucorrhoea, with itch- ing and burning of the pudendum, Kal carb. 9. ---- leucorrhoea, with itching and gnawing of the pudendum, Kreas. 10. Pale-yellow leucorrhoea, of an unpleasant sweetish smell, Mere corr. 11. Yellow, fetid leucorrhoea, Nux v. 12. Yellowish leucorrhoea of starch- like consistence, ichorous, fetid, Sabin. 13. Greenish leucorrhoea, especially in the evening, causing a smarting in the forepart of the pudendum, Mere sol. 14. Greenish leucorrhoea, especially when walking, Natr. mur. 15. Yellow-green, acrid leucorrhoea, Bov. 16. Leucorrhoea, of greenish mucus, immediately after the menses, Nitr. ac 17. Cherry-brown, fetid leucorrhoea, Nitr. ac. 18. Brown, slimy leucorrhoea after every emission of urine, Amm. mur. 19. White, painless leucorrhoea, pre- ceded by pains in the small of the back, with flushes of heat in the face, Kreas. 20. Reddish leucorrhoea, in an old female, Phos. 21. Leucorrhoeal discharge of flesh- coZorea7 mucus, which can be drawn out, Nitr. ac. 22. Thick, yellowish-white leucor- rhoea, Carb. v. 23. Blood-red leucorrhoea, before full-moon, Lye 24. Discharge of a green-red fluid from the vagina during her preg- nancy, Sep. SMELL. 1. Leucorrhoea of a nauseously- sweetish smell, pale-yellow, Merc corr. 2. Fetid leucorrhoea, Nitr. ac. 3. Fetid, mucous leucorrhoea, Sep. 4. ----, ichorous, yellowish leucor- rhoea, of starch-like consistence, Sabin. 5. ----, yellow leucorrhoea, Nux v. 6. Discharge of fetid mucus from the vagina, Caps. CONSISTENCE. 1. Discharge of a serous liquid from the vagina, a fortnight after the menses, Tab. 2. Leucorrhoea like serum, with fetid smell, Kreas. 3. ----, °serous, mixed with a purulent liquid, Cocc 4. °Bloody, or bloody-serous leu- corrhoea, with clots of black blood, fetid purulent matter, itching, and spasmodic contraction in the inner parts, China. 5. °Mucous leucorrhoea, Arg. nit. 6. Bloody mucus after the menses, Ars. 7. Discharge of thick mucus from LEUCORRHOEA. 749 the vagina when straining at stool, Tongo. 8. Discharge of sanguineous mucus from the vagina, Sulph. ac. 9. ----of transparent mucus from the vagina, Stann. 10. Profuse mucous leucorrhoea, having a fetid smell, with drawing pain in abdomen, Sep. 11. Sanguineo-mucousdischarge from the vagina, Sep. 12. Pressing downwards in the groins, followed by discharge of mucus from the vagina, Rat. 13. Discharge of thick, white mucus, particularly when lying, Puis. 14. Mucous discharge from the va- gina, Plumb, to. 15. Slimy leucorrhoea, during a morning-walk, Phos. 16. Leucorrhoea, consisting- of thin, white mucus, 01. an. 17. Profuse leucorrhoea, also with transparent thick mucus, Natr. mur. 18. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina, preceded by abdomi- nal spasms, Magn. carb. 19. ----of mucus from uterus and vagina, Kal. hydriod. 20. ----of mucus and blood from the vagina, on rising in the morn- ing, Kreas. 21. Distress in hypogastrium, as before the menses, with slimy, whitish leucorrhoea, Hozmat 22. Discharge of bloody and thick purulent mucus from the womb, with pressing towards the vagina, Copaiv. 23. Bloody mucus for ten days, Con. 24. Discharge of a white, acrid mucus from the vagina, with burn- ing sensation, Con. 25. Bloody mucus from the vagina, Carb. v. 26. Discharge of a little bloody mucus from the vagina, with anxious beating of the heart, uneasiness in the body, pain in the back, and weakness even unto fainting, Bar. carb. 27. Discharge of pieces of a bluish- white mucus from the vagina, Ambr. gr, 28. ----of mucus from the vagina, with stitches before the discharge, Ambr. gr. 29. Leucorrhoea, consisting of trans- parent mucus, Alum. 30. Discharge of mucus from the vagina, attended with tremor, las- situde, and sensation as if every- thing would fall out of the abdo- men, Alum. 31. ---- of corrosive mucus from the vagina, Sulph. ac. 32. Leucorrhoea of greenish mucus, immediately after the menses, Nitr. ac. 33. Leucorrhoeal discharge of flesh- colored mucus, which can be drawn out, Nitr. ac. 34. Discharge of floeks, pus, and mucus from the vagina, Merc. sol. 35. Pressing-downward in the womb, with increase of jelly-like leucor- rhoea, Sep. 36. Thick, acrid, yellowish leucor- rhoea, Ars. ,37. Copious, tenacious, yellowish leucorrhoea, Aeon, 38. Purulent leucorrhoea, Merc, sol, Sep. 39. Viscid leucorrhoea, in place of the menses, Phos. 40. Discharge of flocks, pus, and mucus from the vagina, Merc sol. 41. Watery leucorrhoea, Alum., Carb. a., Sep. 42. Discharge of white water from the womb, with itching of the pudendum, Sil. 43. °Discharge of fetid black water from the vagina, two weeks after delivery, Rhus t 44. Watery leucorrhoea, especially after micturition, Nice. 45. Thin, white leucorrhoea, with pain in small of back, as if bruised, Kal. nit. 750 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS. 46. Thin, watery, or acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, Kal. hydriod. 47. ----leucorrhoea, with distended abdomen, Graph. 48. Watery, burning leucorrhoea, Cast. 49. Discharge of bloody water from the vagina, Calc carb. 50. ---- of acrid water from the vagina, Ant, cr. 51. ---- of water, with acrid feel- ing, from the vagina, Ant. cr. 52. Watery discharge from uterus, Amm. carb. 53. ----, burning leucorrhoea, Amm. carb. 54. Leucorrhoea thin, yellowish, pre- ceded by pinching in hypogas- trium, Sulph. 55. Milky leucorrhoea, Calc. carb., Lye, Phos. 56. Milky, or transparent leucor- rhoea, Sulph. ac. 57. ----leucorrhoea, occasioning an itching, Sabin. 58. ---- leucorrhoea, also painless, or with swelling of the pudendum, or particularly after the menses, Puis. 59. Leucorrhoea, like watery milk, smarting, Ferr. acet. 60. Thickish milky leucorrhoea, with contractive, labor-like colic from both sides of the abdomen, Con. 61. Milky, excoriating leucorrhoea, Carb. v. 62. Albuminous leucorrhoea, Mez. 63. Albuminous leucorrhoea, with- out sensation, Plat 64. ----, tenacious leucorrhoea, Bov. 65. ----leucorrhoea, with sensation as if warm water were flowing out, Bov. 66. ---- leucorrhoea, preceded by pinching at navel, Amm. mur. 67. Leucorrhoea of starch-like con- sistence, fetid, ichorous, yellowish, Sabin. SENSATION. 1. "Leucorrhoea of starch-like con- sistence, yellowish, ichorous, fetid, with painful discharges of fetid serous blood, Sabin. 2. Acrid leucorrhoea, causing sore- ness, ^4toto. carb. 3. ----, thick, yellowish leucor- rhoea, Ars. 4. ----, yellow-green leucorrhoea, Bov. 5. ----, watery leucorrhoea, after dinner, Cham. 6. ----, corrosive leucorrhoea, Kal. hydriod. 7. ----leucorrhoea, Merc. sol. 8. Thin, acrid leucorrhoea, Puis. 9. Acrid leucorrhoea, with soreness, before the menses, Sep. 10. Discharge of corrosive mucus from the vagina, Sulph. ac 11. Leucorrhoea, with soreness and rawness in the pudendum, Carb. v. 12. °Cessation of an old corroding leucorrhoea, lod. 13. Corrosive leucorrhoea, Merc, sol 14. Excoriating leucorrhoea, Phos. 15. Acrid and corrosive leucorrhoea, Ran. bulb. 16. Smarting leucorrhoea, Sil, Sulph. 17.----leucorrhoea, resembling watery milk, Ferr. acet. 18. Leucorrhoea, with burning sensa- tion in the genital organs, Alum. 19. Burning, watery leucorrhoea, Amm. carb. 20. Leucorrhoea, with burning and itching in the pudendum, Calc. carb. 21. Burning, watery leucorrhoea, Cast. 22. ----leucorrhoea, Puis. 23. ---- leucorrhoea, particularly during motion, Magn. sulph. 24. ----, painful leucorrhoea, Sulph. 25. Acrid, burning leucorrhoea, Sulph. ac, PRECEDED BY PAINS IN THE BACK OR ABDOMEN. 1. Leucorrhoea, thin, yellowish, pre- ceded by pinching in hypogastrium, Sulph. LEUCORRHGEA. 751 2. Leucorrhceal discharge, preceded by weakness and lameness in small of back, Con. 3. Pinching in abdomen, previous to the leucorrhceal discharge, Con. 4. Crampy, labor-like pressing in region of uterus, followed by a purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea, Ign. 5. Leucorrhoea, preceded by abdo- minal spasms, Magn. mur. 6. Profuse leucorrhoea, after fre- quent colic and writhing about the umbilicus, Natr. carb. 7. Leucorrhoea, preceded by colic, Sulph. 8. ----, also preceded by cutting colic, Zinc met 9. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina, preceded by pressing, early in the morning, as if all the contents of the abdomen would issue through the pudendum, and distended abdomen, Bell. LEUCORRIICEA ACCOMPANIED BT VARI- OUS PAINS OR SYMPTOMS. 1. Leucorrhoea, after the menses, also with itching and yellowish, Phos. ac 2. ----, dropping out, with emis- sion of flatulence, Ars. 3. ----and colic, Bell. 4.----, after micturition, Carb. v. , 5. ----, followed by discharge of blood from the vagina, with heat and turgescence of the vagina, Chin, sulph. 6.----, causing a pressing in the vagina, Cinnab. 7.----, Hyp. perf 8. ----, with coagula of the size of a hazel-nut, Elect. 9. Profuse leucorrhoea, also with weakness in small of back, Graph. 10. Leucorrhoea, Gutt. 11. ----, with debility, Kreas. 12. Profuse leucorrhoea, at intervals, Lye. 13. Leucorrhoea, after the menses, Magn. carb. 14. Leucorrhoea, early, after urinat- ing, Magn. mur. 15. Thick leucorrhoea, followed im- mediately by discharge of blood, a fortnight before the menses, Magn. mur. 16.----leucorrhoea, profuse, with bruising pain in small of back and thighs, Magn. sulph. 17. Leucorrhoea, with smarting pain and yellowness of the face, Natr. mur. 18.----, every day, Petrol. 19.----, with itching of the puden- dum, Sabin. 20.----, with itching in the vagina Sep. 21. Increase of leucorrhoea, with eructations and retching, Sep. 22. Leucorrhoea, with stitches in ute- rus, Sep. 23. °----, with debility, Stann. Symptoms or Pains occurring during the Menses. PAINS IN THE ABDOMEN. 1. Colic and chilliness, Graph. 2. Weight in abdomen, during the menses, Natr. mur. 3. Spasmodic pain in hypogastri- um, as if the bowels were strung in knots, Sulp. 4. Contraction towards the puden- dum, Nitr. ac 5. Pressing in hypogastrium, down the thighs, Nitr. ac 6. Pain in side of abdomen, with pressure from within outwards, Nux v. 7. Colic, Phos. 8. Pressure in abdomen and small of back as from a stone, Puis. 9. Spasmodic, almost burning pain, in abdomen, Puis. 10. Griping from pit of stomach to small of back, Sassap. 11. Pinching in abdomen, Sulp. 12. Colic and pain in small of back, Sulp. 13. Violent bearing-down in abdo- men, at night, Magn, carb. 752 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS. 14. Severe cramp-pain in hypogas- trium, with eructations, Nitr. ac. 15. Pain in epigastrium as if every- thing would be torn to pieces, Graph. 16. Spasmodic pressing and lanci- nating pain in the groin, Bor. 17. Griping in abdomen, Chin. sulph. 18. Pain in abdomen during the menses, foul taste in mouth, Kal. carb. 19. During the menses, °abdominal spasms, with pressing downwards, Sep. 20. Drawing colic, during the men- ses, Sulph. 21. Violent pain in abdomen, during the menses, with heat, chilliness, and a sort of epilepsy ; she be- came quite stiff, drew her mouth to one side, and moved to and fro without talking, with cold feet, forehead, and cold hands, Sulph. PAINS IN THE HEAD, HEADACHE. 1. Pressure in vertex and forehead, chilliness, ill-humor, Cast. 2. During the menses, debility in the afternoon, with headache as if the eyes would be pressed out; she was unable to hold up her head, felt chilly, after which she was attacked with internal burn- ing heat, dry lips, Nux v. 3. Headache, sweat, and nausea on the appearance of the menses, Hyosc. 4. Menses profuse, but with pain in right side of head and forehead, Sang. 5. During the menses, headache, with desire to vomit, Verat. 6. Pressure in forehead, during the menses, Sulph. 7. During the menses, pressure in the forehead and discharge of hard fetid matter from the nose, Sep. 8. Stinging pain in the forehead, with closing of the eyes, during the menses, Phos. 9. During the menses, hemicrania, Puis. 10. Ulcerative pain in occiput, worse on lying down, during the menses, Nux v. 11. Tearing in the sides of the head, vertex, and nape of the neck, dur- ing the menses, Magn. carb. 12. Headache, now and then, during the menses, Magn. carb. 13. During the menses, pain in the temples as if they would be screwed towards each other, and as if the forehead would split, Lye 14. Headache and heaviness, during the menses, early in the morning, Kal carb. 15.----, during the menses, with eructations and nausea, Graph. CHILLINESS, CREEPING. 1. Chilliness, ill-humor, pressure in vertex and forehead, Cast 2.----, griping in abdomen, nau- ser, Kal. hyd. 3. Lleadache, as if the eyes would be pressed out, chilliness, Nux v. 4. Chilly creepings over the back, night-sweat, Bell. 5. Chilliness and colic, during the menses, Graph. 6.----and pain in small of back, Sulp. 7.----, with cold hands and feet, during the menses, Phos. 8. During the menses, shudderings and icy-cold creepings over the hands, with pressure and griping in hypogastrium, Kal. hydriod. STITCHES IN THE CHEST. 1. During the menses, stitching in the chest, during an inspiration, Puis. 2. Pleuritic stitches during and be- fore the menses, excited by mov- ing the arms, loud breathing and talking; they render the arm lame, Puis. SYMPTOMS DURING THE MENSES. 753 ITCHING ALL OVER. 1. Stinging itching of the whole body, during the menses, Phos. 2. Violent itching of the whole body, during the menses, Kal. carb. PAINS IN THE BACK. 1. Pain in small of back, with colic, Sulp. 2. ---- as if bruised, in small of back, Magn. carb. 3. Painful drawing in small of back, Sabin. 4. Pain in the back, as if bruised or torn, Phos. 5.----in small of back, with chil- liness, Sulp. 6. Pressing-down in small of back, and abdomen, Kal. carb. 7. Aching pain and as if bruised in both groins and in small of back, Kal. hyd. 8. Drawing pain in small of back, Magn. carb. 9. Pressure in abdomen and pains in small of back, Nitr. ac. 10. Pain like a weight in small of back, Kal carb. 11. During the menses, tearing in the back, preventing sleep, chilli- ness, heat, thirst, and painful con- traction in the chest, Sep. 12. Violent pain in the back, during, the menses, Phos. TOOTHACHE- 1. Profuse menses, also with tooth- ache, Lauroc. 2. During the menses, toothache and throbbing in the gums, Sep. 3.----the menses, toothache, commencing at dinner, Phos. 4. Toothache during the menses, Nitr. ac. BUZZING, ROARING. 1. During the menses, buzzing in the head, Kreas. 2. Beating in the head and buzzing Vol. III.—48. in the ears, during the menses, Bor. 3. During the menses, buzzing in the ears, pain in all the limbs, and thirst, Verat 4. Singing and roaring in the ears, during the menses, Petrol. FAINTING. 1. Chilliness, and fainting turn, with morning-nausea, Nux v. 2. Fainting turn, early in the morn- ing, preceded by spasmodic move- ments in abdomen, Nux v. 3. Faintness after every stool, dur- ing the menses, Nux v. 4. Faint feeling, during the menses, Magn. carb. 5. Fainting spell, with pale face, during the menses, Lye. DEBILITY. 1. Prostration, during the nienses, Phos. 2. Extreme prostration, during the menses, Nitr. ac. 3. Debility, during the menses, lod. SWELLING OF THE FEET. 1. During the menses, swelling of the feet, Lye 2. Swelling of the feet, during the menses, Graph. OBSCURATION OF SIGHT. 1. During the menses, obscuration of sight and aggravation of the symptoms in a warm room, Puis. 2, Vanishing of sight, during the menses, with numbness in left hand and tingling, Graph. VERTIGO. 1. Delaying menses, with vertigo and palpitation of the heart, lod. 2. During the menses, vertigo when stooping and then raising the head again, Calc. carb. 3. Burning in right groin when sit- ting bent, during the menses, KaL nit 754 SYMPTOMS OF THE FEMALE ORGANS BURNING IN ABDOMEN. 1. During the menses, feeling of heat in hypogastrium, which does not bear external warmth, Kal. hydriod. ITCHING OF THE PUDENDUM. 1. Itching of the pudendum, during the menses, Lye 2. During the menses, stitching smarting^ and itching of the pu- dendum, with sensation as if the parts were swollen, Zinc. met. PAIN AT STOMACH. 1. Cardialgia, Puis. 2. During the menses, pressure in pit of stomach, with inclination to vomit, Caps. 3.----the menses, sudden tight- ness and oppression in region of stomach, Zinc, met •4. Pressure in pit of stomach, dur- ing the menses, Sulph. NAUSEA. 1. Nausea, sweat, headache, Hyosc. 2.----, desire to vomit, chilliness, pressing in groins, Kal. hyd. 3. During the menses, nausea in the morning, with chilliness and fainting turn, Nux v. 4. Repletion and nausea after a meal, during the menses, Kal. carb. 5. During the menses, nocturnal nausea, with discharge of water from the mouth, Puis. 6. ----the menses, violent nausea, when sitting up in bed, sour vo- miting, oppression of the chest, cold sweat on the forehead, vertigo in walking, Phos. 7. Morning-sickness, during the menses, with weakness and trem- bling in the day-time, Graph. SWEAT. 1. Sweat and enuresis, Hyosc. 2.----, nausea, headache, Hyosc. 3. The menses are attended with sweat on the chest at night, yawn- ing, chilly creepings over the back, anguish about the heart, Bell LABOR-LIKE PAINS. 1. Labor-like pains, changing to a pressing-down, Nitr. ac. 2. Labor-pains, with eructations and stinging toothache, Graph. ALTERED COLOR OF THE FACE. 1. She is quite yellow in the face during the menses, Caust. 2. Pale face, during the menses, . Amm. carb. LANCINATIONS. 1. During the menses, lancinations from rectum to anus and puden- dum, Ars. 2.----the menses, pinching lanci- nations from pit of stomach to hypogastrium and back, with eruc- tations, moaning, weeping, Ars. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. 1. Anguish and melancholy in pit of stomach, during the menses, Sil. 2. Melancholy, during the menses, Sep. 3. Sad, during the menses, Natr. mur. 4.----and taciturn, during the menses, as if she would die, Mur. ac. 5. Out of humor and obstinate, when the menses appear, Cham. 6. Low-spirited during the menses. 7. During the menses, ill-humor, chilliness, pressure in vertex and forehead, sickly, pale looks, smart- ing in the eyes, painful soreness in the abdomen, relieved by pres- sure, pressing in the groins, pain- ful weariness in the thighs, Cast VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 1. Bleeding of the nose, three even- ings in succession, during the menses, Sep. 2. During the menses, drawing from the teeth into the cheek, which became bloated, Sep. DURING THE MENSES. 755 3. During the menses, pain in the side, going off on the breaking out of sweat, Puis. 4. Soreness of bend of right hip, and desire to urinate, at the ap. pearance of the menses, Sassap. 5. During the menses, mental de- rangement, Puis. 6. Fever, two days in succession, during the menses: first day, chil- liness, followed by heat and head- ache ; second day, chilliness, with spasmodic shaking, chattering of the teeth, Phos. 7. Cramp-like contraction of the lower limbs, during the menses, Phos. 8. Prickling itching of the varices, during the menses, Phos. 9. Hot soles of the feet, and hot hands, during the menses, Petrol. 10. Spots on the legs, which are painful to the touch, during the menses, Petrol. 11. Palpitation of the heart, with faintness, nausea, Phos. 12. Soon after the appearance of the menses, palpitation of the heart, heat and anguish, trembling of all the limbs, Nitr. ac. 13. During the menses, restlessness, drawing pain in the lower limbs and abdomen, next day palpitation of the heart, with dyspnoea, Sep. 14. Drowsy, during the menses, Sulph. 15. Icy-cold feet, during the menses, Sil. 16. During the menses, sensation as if the upper part of the thigh were squeezed, Kal hydriod. 17. Half-waking state, early in the morning, during which she hears things that cause her anguish, though she knows that she is dreaming, Kal carb. 18. Costiveness, during the menses, Kal. carb. 19. Flatulence, during the menses, with fetid taste in mouth and ris- ing of bile, Kal. carb. 20. During the menses, heaviness in the lower limbs, with drawing around the knees as if they would be twisted off, Zinc met. 21. Scanty and acrid menses, .with burning of the inner side of the thighs, Sassap. 22. During the menses, hardness of hearing, Kreas. 23. Thirst and dry tongue, during the menses, Sulph. ac. 24. Rush of blood to the head and heat in the head, during the men- ses, Calc carb. 25. Burning in the hands and soles of the feet, during the menses, Carb. v. 26. Profuse menses, also with deli- rium, Hyosc. 27. Pressing in region of liver, dur- ing the menses, Nitr. ac. 28. Burning in the eyes, every day, during the menses, Nitr. ac. 29. Tearing in left arm and right thigh, after the siesta, during the menses, Nux v. 30, Creeping in the pharynx from below upward, in the evening after lying down, during the men- ses, Nux v. 31. Flow of water in the mouth, during the menses, Magn. carb. 32. Flat taste and little appetite, during the menses, Magn. carb. 33. During the menses, liquid stool, followed by tremor of the limbs, Magn. carb. 34. Hysteria at the age of pubes- cence, lod. 35. During the menses, acidity of the mouth, with coated tongue, Lye 36. Enuresis and sweat, during the menses, Hyosc. 37. Drawing pains, at the appearance of the menses, Mosch, 38. Blueness of the left leg, during the menses, on account of the va- rices, with pressing pain, Ambr. gr. 39. Pain in all the bones as if bruised, during the menses, Carb. v. FEMALE ORGANS. 756 SYMPTOMS OF THI 40. Vesicular- erethism, during the menses, Sulph. 41. Stitches in abdomen and vagina, during the menses, Stdph. ac 42. Frenzy, on the appearance of the menses, Aeon. 43. During the menses, convulsive trembling of the hands and feet, Hyosc 44. Menses delay, then set in with anxiety, dyspnoea, heat all over; next day, swelling and tenderness of the breasts, Mercurial 45. Enuresis, during the menses, Hyosc. 46. Things look pale, during the menses, Sil 47. During the menses, the body smelled as of semen, Stram. 48. Excessive loquacity, during the menses, Stram. 49. Soreness near the pudendum, during the menses, Graph. 50. Pains in the limbs as if bruised, during the menses, Sep. 51. During the menses, after taking milk at breakfast, painful pressing in both groins, obliging her to bend double, with yawning, lan- guor, exhausted feeling in the thighs, griping in abdomen, ex- tending into the thighs, excessive uneasiness in any position, chilli- ness, with gooseflesh, anxiety and warmth in the head, afterwards eructations, and rumbling in bowels, suppression of the men- strual flow, lastly nausea and pressure in the stomach, with inclination to vomit, shuddering in the face and on the hands, with sweat and heat of the face, Kal. hydriod. Symptoms or Pains occurring preTious to the Menses. HEAT, BURNING. 1. Dry heat in the whole body, be- fore the menses, Con, 2. Heat, with thirst, before the menses, Kal. carb. HEADACHE. 1. Headache before the menses, which appear too soon, Alum. 2. Previous to the menses, stinging headache, singing in the ears, dis- charge of long pieces of mucus from the uterus, flatulence, Ferr. acet. BLEEDING AT THE NOSE. 1. Bleeding at the nose, immedi- ately before and after the menses, Sulph. 2. The appearance of the menses is preceded by bleeding at the nose, Verat. PAIN IN THE BACK. 1. Before the menses, pain in the back, then palpitation of the heart the whole day, Spong. 2. The menses are too late, pre- ceded by pain in small of back as if a piece of wood, stretched across, were pressing from within out- wards, Nux mosch. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. 1. Depression of spirits, before the menses, Lye 2. Anguish and melancholy the week previous to the menses, Stann. COLIC. 1. The menses are preceded by lassitude, colic, loss of appetite, dimness of sight, Bell. 2. Spasmodic colic all day, before the menses, Carb. v. 3. Cutting colic and drawing in the thighs, previous to the menses, Cham. 4. Aching pain and heat in abdo- men, before the menses, Graph. 5. Before the menses, crampy dig- ging at navel, succeeded by white leucorrhoea, Kreas. 6. Menses preceded by colic and pressing towards the genital or- gans, Magn. carb. 7. °Colic and vomiting, before the menses, Puis. PREVIOUS TO THE MENSES. 757 10. Soreness around the pudendum, before, during, and after the men- ses, Kal. carb. 11. Before the menses, rising of white froth or vomiting of mucus, Kreas. 12. ---- the menses, hard hearing, Kreas. 13. Dilatation of the pupils, before and during the menses, Lye. 14. Anxiety before the menses, Natr. mur. 15. °Vertigo and eructations, before the menses, Puis. 16. °Pressure on the bladder and rectum, before the menses, Puis. 17. °Cardialgia, before the menses, Puis. 18. Before and after the menses, swelling of the gums and cheeks, Phos. 19. °Abdominal spasms, before the menses, Puis. 20. Itching eruption on the forehead, before the menses, for three days, Sassap. 21. Increased menses, also preceded by weight and oppression over the eyes, Sil. 22. Pain at malar bone, before and during the menses, Stann. 23. The menses appear too late, with painful bearing-down a few days previously, Sabad. 24. Menses preceded by vertigo and sweat at night, Verat. 25. Heaviness in all the limbs, be- fore the menses, Con. 26. Itching of the tetter, before the menses, Carb. v. 27. Before the menses, burning urine, with white sediment, Canth. 28. Sensation as if the pudendum were enlarged, before the menses, Sep. 8. Cutting in abdomen and small of the back, before the menses, 01. an. 9. °Hepatic colic, before the men- ses, Puis. 10. Before the menses, colic and faintishness, Sep. CHILLINESS. 1. Chilliness before the menses, with trembling of the limbs and spasmodic sensation in abdomen, Kal carb. 2. Chilliness, before the menses, Lye 3. Before the menses, chilliness, stretching, and yawning, Puis. 4. Shuddering all over, before the menses, Sep. PRESSURE, WEIGHT IN ABDOMEN. 1. Before the menses, weight in abdomen as from a stone, Puis. 2. Pressure in the abdomen, fol- lowed by soreness of the perinaeum and swelling of the pudendum, before the menses, Sep. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 1. Stitches in the liver, at night, when lying, before the menses, Con. 2. Crowded feeling in the chest, shortly before the menses, Sulph, 3. Uneasy, before the menses, Sulph. 4. Stitching in the hollow tooth every morning, before the menses, Sulph. 5. ° Waterbrash, before the menses, Puis. 6. Burning in the throat like heart- burn, before the menses, Sulph. 7. Pressure and pain in the groin, with cold creepings, before the menses, Tart stib. 8. Before the menses, rising of heat to the head, palpitation of the heart, enlargement of the neck, lod. 9. Loud laughing before the men- ses, Hyosc Symptoms or Pains occurring after Menstruation. 1. After the menses, discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina, Zinc. met. FEMALE ORGANS. 758 SYMPTOMS OF TH 2. Bloody mucus, after the menses, Ars. 3. Palpitation of the heart, after the menses, lod. 4. Contractive pain in abdomen, after the menses, Con. 5. After the menses, coldness in the back, with spasm and coldness in the stomach after midnight, Kal. carb. 6. ---- the menses, abdominal spasms, particularly in the groin. 7. Contractive pain in the vagina, succeeded by leucorrhoea, after the menses, Kreas. 8. Stitches in the head, after the menses, frequently recurring, Lye. 9. After and before the menses, swelling of the gums and cheeks, Phos. 10. Itching of the pudendum and va- gina, after the menses, Con. 11. Grating of the teeth and bluish face, towards the termination of the menses, Verat. 12. Itching of the outer nose, after the menses, for many days, Sulph. 13. Hiccough and moaning, after the menses, Stram. 14. Erysipelas of left cheek, after the menses, Stram. 15. After the menses, weakness, with blue margins round the eyes and anxiety, Phos. 759 SYMPTOMS OF THE Al TRACHEA, Cough of various kinds, and ex- cited by various causes. 1. Cough in the open air, causing a pain in the chest and abdomen. Phos. 2. When coughing and walking, he feels a pain in the side of the ab- domen, as if an intestine would break forth, Squill. 3. Coughing or talking excites an intolerable feeling of heat, Squill 4. Cough causing a pain in pit of stomach, as if bruised, Stann. 5. Short cough, with lachrymation, Ruta. 6. gainful tearing at a little spot in the brain, during a short coughing fit, Sep. 7. Cough, with scraping, raw sort of pain in region of larynx, Sep. 8. ----, with nausea and vomiting, Sep. 9. Gasping for breath at the com- mencement of every paroxysm of cough, Tart. emet. 10. At every turn of cough he feels a dull shock directly above the margin of the right eye-lid, from within outward, Sulph. ac. . 11. During the morning-cough, the upper part of the chest, under the sternum, feels sore; after expec- toration this part continues to feel sore and burning, as if something had been torn off, Cina. 12. Coughing fit, with subsequent heat, Bell 13. The child gets angry and coughs, Cham. 14. Coughing fit, as from dust that had been inhaled, Bell. R PASSAGES, LARYNX, BRONCHIA. 15. Sensation as if something had lodged in the pit of the stomach which excites a continual cough, Bell. 16. Cough, with a bloody taste in the mouth, Bell. 17. Paroxysm of cough soon after rising, which seems to proceed from the abdomen, every succes- sive paroxysm becoming weaker and weaker, Ant. cr. 18. Cough, with yawning after the attack, Anac. 19. ----, caused by a jerking in the hip, Ars. 20. ----, during a walk in the open cold air, Ars. 21. Paralysed condition of the epi- glottis, in paroxysms, food and drink getting easily into the larynx, inducing suffocation with cough, Aeon. 22. Cough, during the hot stage, Aeon. 23. ----, excited by smoking, Aeon. 24. °----, with oppression in the upper left lung, Aeon. 25. ----, excited by yawning, Am. 26. ----in children, caused by weep- ing and crying, Am. 27. ----, with heat in the head, Amm. carb. 28. ----, with asthma, in bed, .4toot. carb. 29. ----, followed by catarrhal irritation in the nose, and scrap- fag in the throat, ^4toto. carb. 30. ----and sneezing, Tart emet 31. ----of children, caused by an- ger, Tart. emet. 32. ---- and coryza, with violent hunger, Sulph. ac. 760 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES. ETC. 33. Cough at every inspiration, Sulph. 34. Sharp cough, as if the larynx would be torn, Staphys. 35. Cough, with ulcerative pain be- hind the sternum, Staphys. 36. Coughing does not cease until one sits still, Verat. 37. Cough, early in the morning, as if excited by sharp things, Thuj. 38. ----, excited by nausea, Bry. 39. ----, with violent oppression of the chest, headache, vertigo, Brom. 40. Violent cough, with oppressive headaches, Brom. 41. Cough, with shortness of breath, Brom. 42. °Catarrhal cough of children, after a cold or after measles, Cham. 43. Fatiguing cough, with asthma and burning in the chest, Carb. veg. 44. Troublesome cough, with stitches in the side, during the chilly stage of fever, or after midnight on wak- ing, China. 45. Cough, excited by laughing ; titillation in the throat, in the evening, China. 46. Painful cough, with sensation as if a stone were pressing down- wards in the pleural cavities, and violent pressure from the sternum to the back, Coral. 47. Cough, after which the tightness of the chest abates, Con. 48. Catarrh and cough, with aching pain in upper part of sternum, Ferr. acet. 49. Dull cough, without expectora- tion ; with sensation, during cough, as if breath were wanting, Ferr. acet. 50. Cough, day and night, as if caused by asthma, Euphorb. 51. ----, with contractive pain in the hypochondria, arresting the breathing ; the cough is prevented by the pain, unless he presses with his hand on the pit of the stomach, Dros. 52. Cough, deep from the chest, Dros. 53. Painful sneezing and coughing, during which he has to hold his chest by pressing the hands on it, Dros. 54. Constant cough when lying, go- ing off on rising, Hyosc 55. Cough, with throbbing in fore- head and temples, Hep. s. 56. Subdued cough, from oppression of the breast, Hep. s. 57. Cough, and rough throat, Kal. carb. 58. Continual cough after a walk in the cold air and when lying down, morning and evening, excited by a deep inspiration; accompanied with a colic, as if the umbilicus would be torn out, heat in the face, and sweat on the forehead, Ipec 59. Cough is excited by playing on the piano, Calc. carb. 60. ----, contracting the chest, Amm. carb. 61. ----, only when lying, night and morning, Sil. 62. Pain in pit of stomach, after a violent cough, Sil. 63. Constant cough from a deep spot in the chest, where he feels a pain as if the part had become sore and bleeding, Spong. 64. He is frequently obliged to draw a loug breath, and he then has to cough, Squill, 65. Cough, with a disagreeable ten- sion across the chest, Rhus t. 66. Consumptive cough, Stann. 67. Cough, with coryza, then diar- rhoea, Sang. 68. Continual severe cough, with pain in the breast and circum- scribed redness of the cheeks, Sang. 69. Loose cough, with pain and sore feeling in chest, Phos. 70. Cough caused by a burning in the chest, Phos. ac. 71. Violent cough, causing a pain in abdomen, Phos. ac. 72. Cough, with headache, as if the skull would fly to pieces, Phos. ac. 73. ----, when moving about, Nuxv. 74. ---- coming on while reading and reflecting, Nux v. 75. ----, after a meal, Nux v. 76. ----, with headache, as if the skull would fly to pieces, Nux v. 77. ----, caused by empty degluti- tion, Natr. mur. 78. ----, when swallowing, Op. 79. ----, with feeling of burning dryness in the throat, Lact. 80. Severe turns of cough, with hor- ripilation, for hours, Anac. Cough after Drinking. 1. Cough after drinking, Aeon. 2. Dry cough from taking a cold drink, Sil. 3. Cough when swallowing liquids, Op. 4. ---- after drinking, especially when drinking without being thirsty, Ars. Cough, with Titillation, Tickling, Scraping, or Irritation in the Windpipe. 1. Dry cough, caused by titillation and continual itching in the tra- chea (throat and pit), Cham. 2. On entering a warm room, from the open cold air, he feels an irri- tation in the larynx, causing a dry cough, Aeon. 3. Titillation low down in the tra- chea, inducing cough with expec- toration of whitish mucus, Cina. 4. Contractive sensation in the trachea, as if irritated by smoke, inducing almost constant cough, Cocc. 5. Constant irritation, with cough, arising from a sensation of huski- ness and contraction in the trachea arresting the breathing, Cocc. 6. Titillation in the trachea and chest, with cough, Colch. 7. Tickling in the larynx, causing a cough, Carb. an. UGH. 761 8. Continual titillation under the upper part of the sternum, with- out constant cough, Cham. 9. Frequent irritation in the back part of the throat, bringing on a short cough/ Carb. veg. ■ 10. Irritation and tingling in the throat, with deep painful cough, and feeling in the chest as if press- ed in, Carb. veg. 11. Short turns of cough, from irri- tation in the larynx, with hurried breathing and asthma, or with pain in abdomen, Canth. 12. Titillation of the trachea, caus- ing a short dry cough, Cascar. 13. Dry cough, apparently from the stomach, preceded by a creeping and tickling in the pit of the sto- mach, Bry. 14. Scraping and painful cough, with retching, as if caused by roughness and dryness of the larynx, Bry. 15. Cough, with titillating itching in the region of the throat-pit, SU. 16. Tickling in the lower parts of bronchial tubes, inducing cough, with slight expectoration, Verat. 17. Titillating cough, worse at night, also taking away his breath, Zinc. to. 18. ---- cough, in the day-time, Staphys. 19. Sharp irritation in larynx, with desire to cough, after a meal, Staphys. 20. Titillation in pit of stomach, in- ducing a hacking cough, Tarax. 21. Tickling and scraping in the throat, from below upwards, with irritation, inducing cough, Tab. 22. Titillation in the larynx, induc- ing cough, Tart. emet. 23. Hoarseness, with dry cough, caused by titillation in the throat, Sep. 24. Titillating cough, Sil. 25. Itching titillation in the back part of the larynx, in the evening, in bed, causing an irresistible de- sire to cough, Bell. 762 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 26. Dry cough, day and night, caused by a titillation in the throat-pit, or with headache and redness of the face, Bell. 27. Titillation in the larynx, inducing a dry, short, hacking cough, Ang. 28. Scraping irritation in the bron- chial tubes, inducing cough, Arg.f. 29. Cough caused by a titillation in the trachea, Ars. 30. Short dry cough, arising from titillation in the larynx, with con- stant inclination to cough, Aeon. 31. Violent, almost burning titilla- tion in the throat, occasioning a cough, Arg. nit. 32. Roughness of the trachea, induc- ing cough, Aeon. 33. Dry cough, caused by a tickling in the larynx and pit of stomach, Bar. carb. 34. ----, short, and hacking cough, as from a titillation in the trachea, every morning after rising, Am. 35. Short and hacking cough, from scraping in the throat, Bell. 36. ----and hacking cough, caused by a constant tickling in the throat, Caust. 37. Cough, caused by a continual creeping in the throat, from below upwards, with raising of mucus, Bry. 38. Roughness in the throat and trachea, also with hoarseness, or with irritation which induces a hacking cough, or with difficulty of speech, or with drawing in the trachea and hacking cough, Lau- roc. 39. Racking cough, as if the chest would fly to pieces, arising from titillation in the throat, Lact. 40. Cough from tickling in the throat, also from a feeling of tightness in the chest, Lact. 41. Short and hacking cough, caused by a titillation in the throat, Lact 42. Cough, excited by a creeping in the upper region of the bronchia, Kreas. 43. Itching dryness of the throat, with short hacking cough, Mang. 44. Cough, caused by a tingling in throat-pit, with raising of mucus which tastes like grease, Magn. mur. 45. ----, with tingling in larynx, and raising of mucus, Magn. mur. 46. ----, with tickling in the throat, Magn. carb. 47. ---- and titillation, with puru- lent expectoration, Lye. 48. Titillation in the larynx, with cough, Lye 49. ---- in larynx, with frequent short dry cough, Lob. infl. 50. °Rough cough, with feeling of dryness and stinging in the throat, Merc. sol. 51. Fatiguing short dry cough, excit- ed by a titillation behind the up- per part of the anterior wall of the chest, especially when talking, and scarcely permitting one to speak a word, Merc. sol. 52. Creeping and titillation in upper part of chest, inducing cough, Nux mosch. 53. Cough, induced by a contractive sensation in throat, especially when sleeping, Nitr. ac. 54. Titillation, with cough, Nitr. ac 55. Cough, caused by a tickling in the throat, Nice. 56. ----, from tickling in throat-pit, Natr. mur. 57. Titillation in larynx when draw- ing in air, causing a short cough which concusses the whole body, Oleand. 58. Cough, with acrid sensation in throat, Nux v. 59. Crawling in upper part of larynx, or in fauces, from below upward, inducing a hacking cough, Prun. spin. 60. Roughness of the throat and voice, with a short hacking cough, Plumb, acet. 61. Titillation in larynx, with cough, Nux v. COUGH WITH TICKLING. 763 62. Scraping in chest, inducing hawk- ing, Nux v. 63. Cough, caused by a tickling from middle of chest to larynx, Phos. ac. 64. Pinching in the throat, exciting a cough, Phos. 65. Cough, caused by a scraping in the throat, Phos. 66. ----, with titillation in the throat, Phos. 67. Roughness of windpipe, with hacking, Phos. 68. Cough, with titillation in the throat. Rhod. 69. Tickling in trachea from pit of stomach to epiglottis, exciting a cough, Puis. 70. Scraping and dryness in the throat, causing a cough, Puis. 71. Tickling in larynx, with hacking cough, Seneg. 72. Slight cough, with tickling in the throat, many evenings, Sang. 73. Creeping and tickling in larynx, exciting a cough, with expectora- tion of mucus, Sabin. 74. Titillating cough, causiog a dry- ness in the throat, Rhus t. 75. Frequent tickling in the air-pas- sages, as if cough would come on, Rhus l 76. ° Cough, with titillation in chest, Stann. 77. Titillating cough, as if the tra- chea were sore, Stann. 78. Titillation in larynx, obliging one to cough, with dry feeling, Stann. 79. Slight irritation in the throat-pit, inducing cough, Squill. 80. Titillation in the region of the xiphoid cartilage, internally, occa- sioning a cough which increased the titillation, Squill. 81. Dry violent hollow cough, occa- sioned by an irritation deep in the trachea, especially when stooping, Spig. 82. Itching in the throat, followed by expectoration of blood for six days, Amm. mur. 83. Violent cough, caused by a titil- lating ulcerative sensation in the fauces, Sassap. 84. When entering the warm room out of the cold air, he feels a sen- sation in the trachea as if full of smoke; this obliges him to cough; he feels as if he could not inhale a sufficient quantity of air, Bry. 85. Hacking cough, induced by prickling in the larynx and trachea, with subsequent dryness of the mouth and larynx, Lauroc. 86. Cough, caused by a titillation in the larynx and trachea, Lauroc. 87. Dry cough, caused by a titilla- tion in the upper part of the larynx, Ipec. 88. Cough, occasioned by a contrac- tive titillating sensation in the throat, extending from the upper part of the larynx to the lowest portions of the bronchial tubes, Ipec, 89. ----, caused by a violent tick- ling in the throat, lod. 90. Short cough, caused by a tickling in the throat, with thick yellow dis- charge, good appetite, sickly looks, lod. 91. Cough, caused by titillation in the throat, Kal. carb. 92. Short and dry cough, caused by roughness of the throat, Kal. hyd. 93. Titillation in the throat, as from rancid grease, with cough, Hep. s. 94. Hacking cough, caused by a prickling in the larynx and tra- chea, Hydroc. ac. 95. Dry titillating cough, as if from the trachea, Hyosc. 96. Short dry cough, caused by a titillation in the throat-pit, Ign. 97. Constrictive sensation in the throat-pit, exciting a cough as if from the vapor of sulphur, Ign. 98. Titillation in the larynx, induc- ing a short and hacking cough, with sensation as if a soft body had lodged in it, with fine stitches in larynx, extending down to right side of cesophagus, Dros. 764 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC, 99. Rough scraping feeling of dry- ness deep in the fauces and in the region of the soft palate, inducing a short and hacking cough, accom- panied by expectoration of yellow mucus and bass voice. „p 100. Cough, occasioned by a burning titillation in upper part of larynx, Euphorb. 101. Tickling deep in the chest, with loose cough and saltish expectora- tion, Graph. 102. Cough, occasioned by a feeling of roughness in right side of the chest, Grat. 103. Itching and titillation in the throat, causing a short, hacking cough, Con. 104. Turns of dry cough, as if caused by an irritation in the trachea, Croc. 105. Irritation in the larynx, induc- ing cough, Mez. 106, Hoarseness every afternoon, with constriction of the throat, or closing of the throat by swelling, with irritation of the throat, induc- ing cough, difficulty of breathing, pain in the forehead, heat of the head, frequent, soft pulse, pressure in epigastrium and particularly the left hypoehondrium, fetid flatu- lence, saturated urine which depo- sits crystals, and pain of one of the dorsal vertebrae when pressing up- on it, Chin, sulph. Spasmodic, Convulsive, Racking Cough. 1. Spasmodic cough, with eructa- tions and hoarseness, Ambr. gr. 2. °---- cough, after eating or drinking, Bry. 3. Suffocative cough about mid- night, as from something in the trachea, Cham. 4. °Spasmodic, raw cough, with danger of suffocation, Aeon. 5. Cough, with sense of suffocation or constriction of the trachea, Ars. 6. Suffocative cough, for several days, at noon, Arg. nit. 7. Dry, convulsive cough, with in- voluntary and copious discharge of urine, Ant cr. 8. Cough racking the chest, Rhus t 9. Spasmodic dry cough, worse in the evening and morning, with darkness around the eyes, Stram. 10. Dry cough, with retching; a few spasmodic violent turns of cough in the upper part of the trachea, - which feels as if lined with a dry, hard mucus; the cough is excited even by the smoke of tobacco, Bry. 11. Spasmodic cough, three or four turns a day, Carb. veg. 12. Violent dry cough, shaking the abdomen as if all its contents would protrude, Carb. an. 13. In the morning he is obliged to cough so hard, in order to detach] mucus, that his eyes fill with tears, Cina. 14. Dry spasmodic cough, Dig. 15. Cough, with the breathing almost suppressed, Cupr. to. 16. Convulsive cough, excited by a deep inspiration, Con. 17. Cough, with coryza and heat in the head, Graph. 18. Spasmodic cough, with raising of a transparent, tenacious mucus, ceasing after eating, Ferr. mur. 19. ---- cough, with vomiting of the ingesta, after dinner, Ferr. acet, 20. Contractive spasms in the chest and cough, when walking, Ferr. acet. 21. Painful contraction in the pit of the stomach, followed by a kind of spasmodic cough, with expecto- ration of mucus, Ferr, acet 22. °Dry spasmodic cough, with gagging, Dros. 23. Rapid turns of cough, preventing his breathing, Dros. 24. Sudden stoppage of breath in the upper part of the trachea, COUGH. 765 causing a short, violent cough, in the evening, Ign. 25. Dry spasmodic cough, particu- larly at night when lying down, sometimes with redness of the face and vomiting of mucus, Hy- osc 26. Cough so violent that she loses her senses, Kal carb. 27. Suffocating and choking cough, early in the morning, as if caused by dryness of the larynx ; she was prevented from talking by a spasm in the chest, with redness in the face and sweat all over, Kal. carb. 28. A few turns of spasmodic cough, with irritation in the throat even unto choking, with sore pain on top of the head and subsequent debility, Kal. carb. 29. Violent cough, proceeding as if from a small spot in the epigastri- um, painful to the touch, Kal bich. 30. Wheezing and panting on wak- ing, with violent cough, causing him to sit up, Kal. bich. 31. Suffocating, exhausting evening cough, for one hour, also with coldness of the extremities, Ipec 32. Suffocative cough, the child be- coming quite rigid and blue in the face, Ipec. 33. Dry spasmodic cough, with raw- ness of the chest and throat, Sil 34. Suffocative cough, as when water gets into the larynx, Spig. 35. Violent cough, early in the morning, with stitches in the side and expectoration, Squill. 36. Dry violent cough, occasioning a racking pain in the abdomen and dryness of the throat, Squill. 37. ---- cough, racking the chest, Seneg. 38. ----racking cough, Stann. 39. ----, convulsive cough, Plumb. acet. 40. °Spasmodic cough, with retch- ing, Merc. sol. 41. Violent cough, as if the sternum would fly to pieces ; it feels sore, especially when talking, laughing, or yawning, Mur. ac 42. Fits of spasmodic cough, all night, Magn. carb. 43. °Dry and suffocative cough, in a hysteric female, with sleepless- ness and gnawing feeling of cold- ness in the stomach and pit of the stomach, Lact, 4A. Convulsive evening-cough, Ipec. Cough, with Expectoration of Mucus, Pus, Water. 1. Deep, dry cough, with flow of water in the mouth, and subse- quent scraping in the throat, Ambr. gr. 2. Continual dry cough, early in the morning, with discharge of water from the mouth like water- brash, Bry. 3. Deep, rough, fatiguing cough, with rough voice, wheezing in throat, and raising of salt-sweetish mucus, Magn. mur. 4. Hacking cough, commencing in the throat-pit, a cool saltish liquid being lodged in the lower part of the throat, Cann. 5. Violent cough, about noon, seve- ral days in succession, with raising of a large quantity of tenacious mucus, Bell. 6. Cough, with a fluid, frothy ex- pectoration, Aeon. 7. Balls of soap-like mucus accu- mulate in the larynx, occasioning slight turns of cough, Arg. nit 8. Several turns of short rattling cough, in the day-time, with white, starch-like expectoration, Arg.fl 9. Dull cutting stitch in the tra- chea from below upwards, causing a few turns of cough, with watery expectoration, Arg.fl 0. When going up-stairs or stoop- ing, mucus gets into the trachea, which is expelled by one turn of cough, Arg.f. 766 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 11. He coughs up a purulent sub- stance resembling old catarrhal mucus, Bell. 12. Violent cough, with purulent expectoration, oppression, and rat- tling, Sep. 13. Cough, with expectoration of white mucus, Sep. 14. Coughing up greenish lumps, having a sweetish taste, Sulph. 15. Loose cough, with soreness and pressure in chest, and expectora- tion of thick mucus, Sulph. 16. Sharp cough, shortly after a meal, with flow of water in mouth, and sensation as if this water were driven through the cesophagus with force and cut it, Staphys. 17. Cough, with yellow purulent ex- pectoration, Staphys. 18. Thick, purulent expectoration, when coughing, day and night, Zinc. to. 19. Cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus, with sensation after expectorating, as if the chest were hollow and cold inside, Zinc. m. 20. ----, with profuse expectora- tion, blue face, and involuntary emission of urine, Verat. 21. Violent cough, in bed, early in the morning, with raising of a quantity of mucus, Bry. 22. Tightness of breathing, with flow of saliva, cough, and pains in the chest, colic, papescent stools, Brom. 23. Hoarseness, and cough, with rattling of mucus in the trachea; the place where the phlegm is detached feels sore, Cham. 24. Cough, with expectoration of greenish pus, the cough proceed- ing from a small spot in the right side of the chest, Carb. a. 25. ----, with jelly-like expectora- tion, Chin, sulph. 26. Moderate cough, afternoon and night, with bloody discharge and restless sleep, heavy dreams, Mez. 27. °Cough, with raising of white mucus, attended with paroxysms of spasmodic asthma, Cupr. to. 28. Cough, with foul-tasting expec- toration, Cupr. to. 29. Fatiguing cough, also with dis- charge of blood from the nose, Cupr. to. 30. Cough, with yellowish expecto- ration, tasting like spoiled eggs, Con. 31. Slight cough, with white, copi- ous, purulent expectoration, Ferr. acet 32. Cough and bloody expectoration, during lactation, Ferr. acet. 33. Dry cough, in the evening after lying down, with expectoration after walking, Ferr. acet. 34. Copious fluent coryza, in the morning, and violent cough, with expectoration, Euphr, 35. Cough, with raising of tenacious mucus, and stitches in sides of the chest, Dulc. 36. ----, with expectoration having a disgusting taste, in the morning, Dros. 37. Morning-cough, with expectora- tion, Dros. 38. Crampy pain in trachea, gradu- ally descending to the lowest bronchial ramifications, inducing cough with expectoration of small balls of tenacious mucus, Ind. 39. Cough, with greenish expectora- tion, Hyosc. 40. ° Loose cough, with saltish, starch-like expectoration of four weeks' standing, Bar. carb. 41. Dry and hacking cough, after- wards attended with greenish ex- pectoration, Kal. hyd. 42. Cough, with sourish expectora- tion, Kal carb. 43. ----, with profuse expectoration, Kal. carb. 44. Catarrh, at first dry, then loose and changing to a rattling cough, with yellow expectoration, pro- fuse sweat, sickly looks, hollow eyes, and disturbed sleep ; as the cough improved the boy blew COUGH WITH E from his nose puriform mucus mixed with blood, Arg. nit. 45. Dyspnoea and cough, with rais- ing of black tough mucus, Kal bich. 46. ----, early in the morning, with cough and expectoration of white mucus, which could be drawn into strings, Kal. bich. 47. Cough, with dense transparent sputa in small lumps, Kal. bich. 48. ----, with raising of yellowish- green, tough matter, Kal. bich. 49. ----, and raising of tough black mucus, with pain in the back striking through to the sternum, Kal. bich. 50. Chronic cough, chiefly on wak- ing ; he raises tough mucus, with lightness of the head, Kal. bich. 51. Dry cough, with dyspnoea, for weeks, followed by raising of dark-grey mucus, with soreness and oppression of the chest, Kal. bich. 52. Stuffing cough, with pain at chest, and raising of tough mat- ter, Kal. bich. 53. Cough, with transparent, dirty, slate-colored sputa, easily de- tached, Kal. bich. 54. ----, with raising of mucus, preceded by a sense of weight from the throat to the chest, lod. 55. ----, with raising of a thick mucus having a repulsive metallic taste, Ipec. 56. ----, with purulent expectora- tion, night or morning, Led. pal 57. Violent cough, first dry, then with saltish expectoration and pain as if something would be torn loose in the throat, Calc. carb. 58. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, also sweetish and yellow, Calc. carb. 59. ----, with viscid expectoration, without taste or smell, early in the morning, Calc. carb. 60. ----, with discharge of transpa- rent mucus, Sil. 61. ----, with diminished expecto- XPECTORATION. 767 ration; at every coughing turn he experiences a painful pressure in the thoracic cavity from within outwards, and a painful contrac- tion of the abdominal muscles, Squill, 62. Cough in the morning, with black, viscous expectoration, Rhus t. 63. ----, with tenacious mucus, Seneg. 64. Violent cough, with difficult ex- pectoration of tenacious mucus, Puis. 65. Cough, with bitter expectoration, Puis. 66. The mucus which is raised in coughing has a smarting-pungent taste, almost like tobacco-juice, Puis. 67. Cough, with raising of yellow mucus, Puis. 68. ---- ,with purulent expectora- tion and hectic fever, Puis. 69. ----day and night, with raising of mucus, in a few days stitches in the chest, Phos. 70. ——, with white, tenacious ex- pectoration, Phos. 71. Constant cough, with raising of mucus and tensive pain in chest, Phos. 72. Cough, with transparent expec- toration, and sensation in middle of sternum as if something had been torn loose, Phos. 73. °----, with saltish purulent ex- pectoration, Phos. 74. ----, with expectoration tasting and smelling like herbs, Phos, ac. 75. He coughs up a frothy mucus, Op. 76. Severe cough, with profuse ex- pectoration, for eight days, Petrol 77. Cough, with raising of mucus, Nitr. ac. 78. ----, with expectoration, Merc. sol. 79. ----, with grey, saltish expecto- ration, Lye 768 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 80. Cough, with expectoration of blackish mucus, day and night, Lye. 81. Morning-cough, with green ex- pectoration, after violent pain in the chest, Lye. 82. Cough, with purulent expectora- tion, for a week, with fever and night-sweats, Lye. 83. Violent cough, with difficult, thin, salt expectoration, Magn. carb. 84. Cough, with raising of grey, salt mucus, with scraping in the throat or itching in the chest, Magn. mur. 85. ----, with sensation of rough- ness under the sternum, and rais- ing of.grey, insipid mucus, Kreas. 86. Constant hacking, followed by expectoration of white, sweet-tast- ing mucus, Kreas. Haemoptoe, Haemoptysis, Bloody Cough, or Cough with Expec- toration of Bloody Mucus. 1. Haemoptysis, Dros., Ipec, Merc sol, Merc Prepar., Sabin., Stram. 2. Haemoptoe, Am., Cupr. to., Hy- droc ac, Kal. hyd., °Lauroc, Plumb, ac. 3. °Chronic haemoptoe, Sulph. ac. 4. Dry cough, with discharge of blood, burning, sore pain in chest, morning and evening, Zinc to. 5. Haemoptysis, °with nightly an- guish, moaning, red face, Aeon. 6. ----, when walking slowly, Sulph. ac. 7. ---- of plethoric individuals, after an erection, Ferr. carb. 8. Bloody cough at night, succeeded by increased asthma, Ferr. acet. 9. Haemoptysis, preceded by a sen- sation in the pit of the stomach as if there were a hard body ; after the cough a fetid sweat breaks out, followed by weakness in the head, Hep. s. 10. °----, with convulsions, Hyosc. 11. Bloody cough, with profuse ex- pectoration, Led. p. 12. Hacking cough, with raising of blood, vertigo, unsteadiness of the thighs, Calc. carb. 13. Deep hollow cough, with dis- charge of clear pure blood, Sil. 14. Cough, with spitting of blood, Stann. 15. ----, with lumps of dark blood, Puis. 16. ----, with raising of blood, ter- minating in fatal suppuration of the lungs, Plumb, to. 17. Spitting of blood, Op. 18. Discharge of blood either pure or mixed with mucus, with stitches in chest, Nux mosch. 19. While 'lying, he coughed up more than a pound of blood in three hours, Merc sol. 20. Cough, with bloody expectora- tion, Merc. corr. 21. Haemoptysis, followed by pul- monary phthisis and hectic fever, Merc corr. 22. ----, followed by pulmonary consumption, Merc. Prepar. 23. Cough, with bloody expectora- tion, Lye. 24. -----, with bloody expectoration, in the morning, in bed, after slight rattling in trachea, followed by sick feeling, chilliness, etc., Nitr. ac. 25. Continual irritation, with cough and spitting of blood, accompa- nied with torturing oppression of breathing, Arg. nit. 26. Cough, with raising of black, coagulated blood from the throat and nose, Nitr. ac. 27. He coughs up coagula of blood, Bry. 28. Cough, with raising of bloody phlegm, weight on the chest, short breath, especially when ascending an eminence, Amm. carb. 29. ----, with expectoration of phlegm mixed with globules of blood, Amm. carb. SHORT, HACKING COUGH. 769 30. °Cough, with thick, white, blood- streaked expectoration, Aeon. 31. ----, with raising of bloody mucus, early in the morning, Bell. 32. ----, with blood-streaked expec- toration, Sep. 33. ----, with expectoration mixed with drops of blood, preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest, Staphys. 34. ----, with discharge of sangui- neous mucus, preceded by stitches in the side, Zinc. to. 35. Short cough, with bloody ex- pectoration, Canth. 36. Cough, with expectoration of blood-streaked mucus, China. 37. ----, with raising of blood- streaked mucus, Kal. carb. 38. ----, with bloody mucus, Sil. 39. ----, with muco-sanguineous expectoration, Phos. 40. Roughness and bloody taste in mouth, succeeded by cough and expectoration of bright-red blood, with burning and weight in the chest, heat and redness of the face, and trembling of the whole body, Amm. carb. Short, Hacking Cough, 1. Short cough, from an irritation in the larynx, accompanied by a painful sensation of spasmodic asthma, Amm. carb. 2. Short and hacking cough, as if caused by a cutting coolness in the trachea, Camph. 3. Short and hacking cough, with soreness as if the chest were raw, or soreness from the pit of the stomach upwards, with short, la- bored breathing, Ars. 4. Irritating hacking cough, soon after rising from bed, Arg. f 5. Turns of dry, short, hacking cough, Sulph. ac. 6. Short and hacking cough, with burning and soreness in pharynx, going off after lying down, Sulph. Vol. III.—49. 7. Short cough now and then, with aching pain in the chest, after a walk, Stront carb. 8. Dry, short, and hacking cough, lod. 9. Hacking cough, caused by a sensation as if tenacious mucus were hanging down in the throat, Lauroc. 10. Dry and hacking cough, causing soreness in the chest, Silic. 11. Anxious, painful hacking cough, frequently waking him before midnight, with short breathing, Rhus t. 12. Hacking cough, concussing the head, Rhus t. 13. Increased short and hacking cough, for weeks, Seneg. 14. Paroxysms of short and hacking cough, from the pit of the stomach, Nitr. ac. 15. Short and hacking cough, Merc. sol. 16. ---- turns of cough, followed by dull aching pain in the chest, Magn. mur. ( Cough, with Vomiting or Nausea. 1. Nausea, Kal. carb. 2. ----and desire to vomit, Ars. 3. Desire to vomit, Dros., Merc. sol, Petrol, Puis. 4. Inclination to vomit without nausea, Ipec. 5. Vomiting, Am., Carb. veg, Hep. s., Sil, Sulph. 6. Cough, with vomiting of the ingesta, Bry., Dig., Natr. mur. 7. Spasmodic cough, with vomiting of the ingesta, after dinner, Ferr. acet. 8. Dry cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing, Alum. 9. He throws up water, mucus, and food, Bros. 10. Cough after a meal, inducing vomiting of the ingesta, Tart. emet. 11. Dry cough, with frequent vomit- ing, Plumb, to. 770 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 12. Cough at midnight, with scraping in chest, and sensation as if he would vomit, Ruta. 13. Vomiting of quantities of puru- lent matter when coughing, Sil 14. Wheezing cough, with retching and raising of tough mucus, Kal bich. 15. Cough early in the morning, almost causing vomiting, Kal. carb. 16. During an expiration, in the evening, in bed, sudden contrac- tion of the abdomen, occasioning a heaving as if he would vomit, and bringing on cough, Dros. 17. When the expectoration was in- complete and difficult, the cough caused a griping in the abdomen, and a heaving as if vomiting would come on, Dros. 18. Cough deep in the chest, which does not abate until vomiting and the raising of watery mucus take place, Mez. 19. Hoarse cough, with vomituri- tion, in the morning after rising; soon after the cough is excited again by an inspiration, as if par- ticles of dust had got into the throat, Cina. 20. Cough with vomiturition, in the evening, in bed, Nitr. ac 21. Dry cough, with vomiting of a bitter liquid, in the evening, Sep. Cough like Whooping Cough. 1. Nocturnal suffocative cough like whooping-cough, with intense pain, China. 2. °Whooping-cough, with haemor- rhage from mouth and nose, anguish, blue face, wheezing breathing, suffocation, Dros. 3.----and asthma, Con. 4.----cough, with raising of bloody mucus, Con. 5. Racking cough, resembling whooping-cough, coming on when- ever he begins to talk, Anac. 6. °Periodical turns of whooping- cough, Ars. 7. ° Whooping-cough, first stage, with fever, Aeon. Desire to Cough. 1. Desire to cough, during which the face becomes blue, but the breathing is arrested; after which he falls into a deep sleep, with cold sweat all over, Op. 2.----to cough, with chilliness and drawing in the cheeks, even- ing, Carb. veg. 3. Violent desire to cough, after eating; the chest became spasmo- dically constricted, and he was attacked with retching, Sulph. 4. He wants to cough but is unable, his sight is obscured, Sulph. Night, or Evening Cough. 1. Nightly cough and sweat, Arg. nit. 2. Suffocative cough at midnight, as if something had got into the trachea, Cham. 3. Severe dry nightly cough, with tearing pains in the head and stitches in the chest, followed by palpitation of the heart for a few minutes, Cupr. acet. 4. Nightly, very violent cough, succeeded by violent hoarseness, with chilliness from morning till evening, Cupr. to. 5. Dry cough in the evening and at night, with sensation as if small bubbles were breaking in the chest, Sulph. 6. Violent dry cough when sleep- ing, Cham. 7. Hoarse, dry cough at night, 8. Turns of dry cough in the even- ing, Hep. s. 9. Dry cough from midnight daybreak, Nux v. 10. Hacking cough, frequently NIGHT-COUGH. 771 waking him before midnight, Rhus t. 11. Dry cough in the evening, after lying down, with expectoration after walking, Ferr. acet 12. Cough at midnight, with scraping in chest and sensation as if he would vomit, Ruta. 13. ----, with vomiturition, in the evening, in bed, Nitr. ac. 14. Nocturnal, suffocative cough, like whooping-cough, with intense pain, China. 15. Convulsive evening-cough, Ipec 16. Cough, with vomiturition, in the evening, in bed, Nitr. ac. 17. Nightly cough, also with sore pain in the chest, where the expec- toration is detached, Lye 18. Violent racking cough, every other evening, when on the point of going to sleep, as if the chest and head would fly to pieces, for half an hour; the cough is fol- lowed by violent stretching, Merc. sol. 19.----cough, for many nights, with irritation, as if from the stomach, both while waking and during sleep, Merc sol. 20. Racking cough at night, with frequent arrest of breathing, stitches in the chest, sore throat, fever, Nitr. ac. 21. Nightly cough, obliging him to sit up and hold his head, Nice 22. Dry cough at night, for four- teen nights, Phos. 28. ----night cough, going off when sitting up in bed, coming on again when lying down, Puis. 24. ---- cough, waking him, and not ceasing till wind had been dis- charged upwards and downwards, Sang. 25.----cough before midnight, causing a stitching in the loins, Rhus t. 26. Cough and coryza, at night, Spig. 27. Cough for two nights, with fever, Sil. 28. Dry cough, after midnight, caus- ing a violent beating of the heart and arteries, Calc. carb. 29.----cough at night, with stitches in the left hypochondriac region, Amm, mur. 30.----cough at night, with intense pain in the chest, Kal. carb. 31. Nocturnal dry cough, Hyosc. 32. Nightly cough, Dros. 33. Hoarse cough, with vomiturition, only a few turns at a time, in the evening, Cina. 34. Evening-cough, Carb. veg. 35. Nightly cough, with burning in the throat, Castor. 36. Severe cough in the evening, with ptyalism, Verat. 37. Cough at night, with pricking in chest, Zinc. to. 38. A good deal of coughing when going to bed, with heat in head and face, and cold hands, Sulph. 39. Dry cough* at night, Sulph. 40. Cough commencing at 10 o'clock in the evening, and returning every few minutes, Bell. 41. Evening cough, with stitches in right hypoehondrium, Sep. 42, Night cough, waking one from sleep, Sep. 43. Violent cough during sleep, with gnashing of teeth, Bell 44. Nightly hoarseness, with dry cough and blood-streaked saliva, Arg. nit 45. Cough in the evening, or at night, with suffocation, obliging him to sit up, Ars. 46. ----during sleep, Am. 47. ----at night, every half hour, Aeon. 48. Night cough, frequently waking her from sleep, with rattling in scrofulous subjects, Bell. Dry, or Hollow Cough. 1. Dry, hard cough, Aeon. 2. Violent dry cough, with spas- 772 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. modic constriction of the anus, Aeon. 3. Dry cough, four or five turns a day, Cham. 4. Every inspiration causes an irri- tation with dry cough, Bell. 5. Dry cough, when sleeping, Cham. 6. ---- cough, soon after rising, with sensation afterwards as if a hard body were falling into the chest, Bar. carb. 7. Violent short and dry cough, with sneezing, and tearing, lanci- nating, pinching pain from the nape of the neck to right axilla, Alum. 8. °Dry cough, with heat all over, thirst, restlessness, Aeon. 9. Short, dry cough, with deep stitching pain behind the sternum, Berb. vulg. 10. Troublesome and almost dry hacking cough, Benz. ac. 11. Sensation as of a dry catarrh having settled in the chest, which continually excites a dry cough, Bell. 12. Violent dry cough, as if a foreign body had got into the larynx, Bell 13. Dry cough, as if caused by something in the stomach, Sep. 14. ----cough, with sticking in the pit of the stomach, morning or evening, Tab. 15.---- cough, with feeling of emptiness in chest, Sulph. 16. ---- cough in day time, with stitches in right side of abdomen, Sulph. 17. ----short cough, with pain in sternum, or stitches in chest, Sulph. 18. ---- cough, with hoarseness, dryness in the throat, and coryza of clear water, Sulph. 19. ----and hollow cough, Staphys. 20. —— cough, with stitches in chest, and sensation as if it would fly to pieces,. Zinc. to. 21. Long turns of hollow cough, with cutting pain in abdomenf Verat. 22. Turns of a hollow cough, which seems to proceed from the abdo- men, Verat. 23. Pain in the chest, with dry cough, Verat. 24. Continual stitches in the throat, in the region of the epiglottis, exciting a dry cough without going off by itr Caps. 25. Dry cough after every expira- tion, accompanied by a flush of warmth and sweat, Carb. veg. 26. Roughness of the throat evening and morning, with dry cough, Carb. veg. 27. Hollow cough in the morning after rising; violent shocks against the upper part of the traehea, with difficult raising of mucus, Cina. 28. Dry cough, with tight pain in the arm and shoulder, Dig. 29. ---- cough, with scraping at lower part of sternum, and stitches in right frontal eminence, Mez. 30. ---- cough, Cupr. carb. 31. ----painful cough, with feeling of dryness in larynx, Copaiv. 32. She is suddenly attacked with a sensation of obstruction in the region of the heart, as if the breathing would be arrested; the attacks are frequent, occur even at night during sleep, and excite a dry cough, which continues until some expectoration sets in, Guaj. 33. Dry cough, with a raw feeling in the entire trachea, Grat. 34.----cough, with roughness of the throat, and weight on the chest, Kal. nit 35.----cough, mostly at night, with stitches in the throat, Kal. carb. 36.----cough, coming on and going rapidly, Kal. carb. 37.----, violent cough, Cann. 38. Deep and dry cough, with stitches in the chest, lod. 39. Frequent attacks of deep and DRY COUGH, SECRETIONS FROM THE CHEST. 773 dry cough, caused by pressure in the chest, lod. 40. Dry cough, with dyspnoea, pressure and burning of the chest, lod. 41. Wheezing cough, with sensation as if the mucous membrane were too dry, Lauroc 42. Dry cough, with burning in the nose when coughing, Sassap. 43.-----cough day and night, with a burning in the chest as from some hot substance, Spong. 44. ----cough, with oppression of the ehest, and roughness of the throat, Seneg. 45.----cough, with tightness of the chest, and roughness of the throat, Rhod. 46. Hollow cough, with pressure in pit of stomach, Phos. 47. Dry cough, with headache, Phos. 48. Violent dry cough when sitting or lying, not at all during motion, Phos. 49. Dry cough, especially at night, as from particles of dust in the throat, Amm. carb. 50.----cough from midnight till daybreak, Nux v. 51.----cough when lying on the back, going off when turning to one side, Nux v. 52. Hollow, dry cough, Op. 53. Paroxysms of a violent dry cough, followed by yawning and a sudden loud cry, Op. 54. Cough, from dryness in the throat. Petrol. 55. Dry cough, Merc. sol. 56. Cough, which sounds as if the whole inside of the chest were dry, with pain in the chest and small of the back, Merc, sol 57. Hollow, fatiguing, dry cough, Merc corr. 58. Dry cough, with pains in ehest, Merc corr. 59.----, short cough, every morn- ing, with sensation as if the throat were hoarse, Lye 60. ----cough, with wheezing, and snapping sensation in throat, as of electric sparks, Lye 61. Dry rough cough, Lye 62.----cough, with pain in region of pharynx, Magn. mur. 63.----cough, with burning from larynx to pit of stomach, Magn. sulph. 64.----cough, with darting in the parietal bones, Many. 65. ---- cough, now and then, or short turns of cough racking the chest, abdomen, and occiput, Lact Various Kinds of Expectoration, or Secretions from the Chest. 1. Raising of clots of pale green, yellowish mucus, Carly in the morning, Mang. 2. Purulent yellowish expectora- tion, for some mornings, Magn. carb. 3. Bloody expectoration when walking in the open air, or when at work, Merc, sol 4. Yellowish - bitterish expectora- tion, Nitr. ac. 5. Much mucus in windpipe, lastly with green, tenacious expectora- tion, Par. quad. 6. Hawking up of yellow mucus, also with a black lump in the centre, Ox. ac 7. Expectorates a thick, sanguine- ous mucus, Op. 8. Mucus in throat, like saliva, frothy, transparent, clotty, in yellow-green, tenacious lumps, which can be easily hawked up, Plumb, acet. 9. °Greenish expectoration, Phos. 10. Raising of purulent flocks, with burning behind the sternum, as if excoriated, Phos. 11. Constant hawking up of cool mucus, in the morning, Phos. 12. Salt expectoration, Stann. 13. Yellow, foul expectoration, Stann. 14. Scraping in throat, with greenish AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 774 SYMPTOMS OF THE expectoration, having a disagree- ably-sweetish taste, Stann. 15. Mucus in trachea, the chest feel- ing very weak and empty, every morning, Stann. 16. Constant expectoration of mucus, Squill. 17. Thick, purulent, mucous dis- charge from the trachea, Sil. 18. Hawking-up of greenish-yellow, fetid globules, Sil. 19. Frequent hawking up of small clots of mucus, with roughness and soreness behind the uvula, Amm. mur. 20. Bloody expectoration, Am. 21. Expectoration of blood-streaked mucus, succeeded by nausea, as if he would vomit, Ars. 22. Saltish expectoration, with pain in the chest, while raising, pre- ceded by oppression of the chest, Ars. 23. Expectoration, tasting like spoiled eggs, Sep. 24.----tasting salt, Sep. 25. Tenacious mucus in chest, Staphys. 26. Accumulation of mucus in la- rynx, with dryness of the throat, and constant hawking-up of tena- cious, slimy saliva, Zinc oxyd. 27. Hawks up a quantity of black, coagulated blood, after mucus, Zinc. to. 28. ----up yellow mucus from the fauces, Bry. 29. Expectoration of pieces of green mucus, Carb. veg. 30. Frequent hawking up of mucus from the larynx, returning speed- ily, Cin. 31. Blood-streaked expectoration, Dig. 32. Expectoration of a tenacious, sour phlegm, Crot. 33. Copious expectoration of a greenish-grey purulent mucus of a disgusting smell, Copaiv. 34. Hawks up mucus, with retching, Guaj. 35. Constant desire to hawk up the tenacious and adhering mucus, Gent. cruc. 36. Copious expectoration of green- ish pus, having a sickish taste, early in the morning, Ferr. acet. 37.----expectoration of foul- tasting pus, early in the morning, Ferr. acet. 38. Hawking-up of bloody phlegm, Ferr. acet. 39. Expectoration tasting bitter, Dros. 40.----tasting salt, Dros. 41. Bloody expectoration, with ill- humor and weakness, Hep. s. 42. Expectoration of sourish mucus, at night, Hep. s. 43. Sour - smelling expectoration, Kal nit. 44. Raises small red lumps from the throat, Kal. carb. 45. Oppression at pit of stomach, with smarting-burning pain, fol- lowed by expectoration of tough light-colored sputa, Kal. bich. 46. Raises blood-streaked mucus, lod. 47. Hawking-up a quantity of yel- low mueus, without cough, for several days, attended with exces- sive pain in the middle of the chest, as if the pleura had become inflamed and adhered, June 48. Raising of mucus in the morn- ing, with soreness in the throat, lod. 49. Increased secretion of mucus, in the* trachea and bronchial tubes, lod. 50. Husky voice on account of phlegm in fauces and larynx, Bar. carb. 51. Accumulation of mucus in the air passages, °also excessive, Camph. 52. Hawking up of sweetish mucus, Lauroc. Hoarseness, Rough Voice. 1. Deep bass voice, Lauroc. 2. Hoarseness, early in the morn- ing, Aeon., lod. CATARRH. 775 3. Rough, hoarse voice, Bell, Stram. 4. Hoarseness, Bell, Calc. carb., Cupr. to., Merc, corr,, Nitr. ac, Phos. ac 5. ----and aphonia, Kal. carb. 6. ----, also with roughness of the throat, desire to cough, or with sensation as if the breath were ar- rested in the trachea, Lauroc. 7. Constant hoarseness and apho- nia, Merc. sol. 8. Hoarseness, with dry mouth and white tongue, Op. 9. ----, caused by viscid, tenacious mucus in larynx, Samb. 10. ----, with weak and empty feel- ing in chest, Stann. 11. ----and roughness in the throat, Amm. carb. 12. ----, with profuse coryza, and sleeplessness, Ars. 13. Sudden hoarseness, Sep. 14. Hoarseness, dryness, and rough- ness of the larynx, Sulph. ac 15. ----, with burning in the tra- chea, Zinc. to. 16. ----of the chest, as if full of mucus, Zinc. to. 17. ----on reading loud, Verbasc. 18. ----, as if occasioned by a con- traction of the throat, Thuj. 19. ---- and roughness of voice, when walking in the open air, Bry. 20. Catarrhal hoarseness of the tra- chea, with dryness of the eyelids, Cham. 21. Hoarseness, owing to tenacious mucus in the Larynx, Cham. 22. ----, sensation as if the throat had been burnt by a liquid, Cinch. sulph. 23. ----, after night-sweat, Dig. 24.----, for more than two weeks, lod. 25. ----, with scraping in the chest« Led. pal. 26. ---- and aphonia, for weeks, Bar. carL 27. ----, with violent fever, mur. Aur. Catarrh. 1. Catarrh, with chilliness, hypo- chondriac mood, aversion to every kind of food, and constipation, Merc. sol. 2. Dry, painful catarrh, early in the morning, with increased tempera- ture of the hands and feet, follow- ed by a general moisture, Nux v. 3. Dry, painful catarrh of larynx. Nux v. 4. Catarrh, with headache, heat in face, chilliness, and mucus in throat, Nux v. 5. ----, with hoarseness, Phos. 6. Hoarseness, cough, and coryza, Spong. 7. Catarrh, with hoarseness, and heat, profuse coryza, headache, and weeping mood, Spig. 8. Oppression of the chest, witn coryza, Amm. carb. 9. Accumulation of dry mucus in the nose, with sensation as if the nose were entirely filled with it, Agar. 10. °Influenza, Aeon. 11. Catarrh and coryza, sometimes with headache, colic, humming in the ears, and enuresis, Aeon. 12. Catarrhal voice, with a feeling of obstruction at the root of the nose, Sulph. 13. Stoppage of the larynx and nose, Verbasc. 14. Coryza, with humid stoppage of left nostril, Teuer. 15. Catarrh, with cough and rawness of the throat, Caust. 16. Profuse coryza, discharge of tenacious mucus from the nose, hoarseness, hawking up of mucus from the chest, dryness of the tra- chea, lancinations at night, Canth. 17. °Chronic catarrh, Dros. 18. °Bronchial catarrh, Hyosc. 19. Influenza, with sneezing, increased secretion from the ey es and nose, headache, and drowsiness, Kal hyd. 20. Awoke with the nose full and loaded, throat dry and painful 776 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. on swallowing, tonsils reddened, tongue coated with a brownish spot, larynx painful, Kal bich. 21. Stoppage of left nostril, in the morning, with discharge of thick yellow mucus, Kal. bich. 22. Pain, stuffing, and ulceration of the nostrils, and sneezing, then cough in fits from tickling at the throatpit, with raising of reddish mucus, Kal. bich. 23. Sneezing and soreness of the nose, Kal bich. Symptoms or Pains occurring while Coughing. PAINS IN VARIOUS PARTS. 1. Pain in chest, with roughness of the throat, Am. 2. ----above the left hip as if the part would fly to pieces, Caust. 3. ----in the larynx and in the re- gion of the thyroid cartilage as if the parts were ulcerated, Carb. veg. 4. ---- in the chest, as if raw, Carb. veg. 5. Sudden pain in one or the other limb, Caps. 6. Deep pain in the side of the thigh, extending to the knee, Caps. 7. Drawing pain in the side of the chest, extending up to the neck, Caps. 8. Pain in trachea and sternum, China. 9. Rough pain in larynx, Kal carb. 10. Pain in hypochondria, as if con- stricted, Dros. 11. Pains in the loins and sides, causing him to hold them, Kal. bich. 12. Pain in middle of sternum, dart- ing through to between the shoul- ders, Kal bich. 13. Pain in left side when coughing, with weakness and dyspnoea, Verat. 14. Ulcerative pain in occiput when coughing, Sulph. 15. Pain in head and abdomen, from coughing, Sulph. 16. Scraping sensation and pain in the chest when coughing, Sil. 17. Pain in the head and both sides of the abdomen, Lye. 18. ----in abdomen, like pressure on the bladder, as if the urine could not escape, Ipec. 19. Pain in the trachea, Lauroc. 20. ----in the chest, as if it would be cut to pieces, Magn. carb. 21. Ulcerative pain in chest, Magn. mur. 22. The region of the stomach is painful, Lye 23. Pain in the chest, Nitr. ac. 24. ----in chest and trachea, when coughing, with roughness in the throat, Spong. 25. Sudden pain in lower right arm, striking from above downwards, Puis. 26. Pain below the stomach, Nitr. ac 27. ---- in the stomach when coughing, Rhus t. 28. Raw pain at larynx, Sep. 29. Pain in pit of stomach, as if bruised, Stann. 30. Pains in chest, Merc. corr. 31. Pain in chest and abdomen, Phos. 32. ----as if something would be torn loose in the throat, Calc. carb. 33. Tight pain in arm and shoulder, Dig. 34. Pain in pharynx, Magn. mur. 35. ----in chest and small of back, Merc sol 36.----in chest, Verat. 37. Ulcerative pain behind the ster- num, Staphys. 38. Pain in chest, Phos., Sang. 39. Contractive pain in the hypo- chondria, Dros. 40. Cutting pain in abdomen, Verat. 41. Colic, as if the navel would be torn out, Ipec. PAINS OCCURRING WHILE COUGHING. 777 STITCHES, LANCINATIONS, PRICKINGS, IN VARIOUS PARTS. 1. Stitches in the throat, Bry., Kal carb., Lye, Nitr. ac. 2. ---- in sides of chest, Am., Bulc 3. ---- in the chest, Dros., lod., Phos., Sulph., Zinc to. 4. ----in the side, China, Squill. 5. ----in the head, Con., Zinc to. 6. ---- in the sternum, when coughing or yawning, Bell. 7. Tearing pains in the head and stitches in the chest, Cupr. acet. 8. Stitches in right side of abdomen, Sulph. 9. Stitching in pit of stomach, Tab. 10. Darting in the parietal bones, Mang. 11. Stitches in right frontal eminence, Mez. 12. ----in the shoulder, Puis. 13. Stitching pain in the hypochon- dria, Phos. 14. Stitches in the back, Puis. 15. ----in the occiput, Merc. sol. 16. Stitch in small of back, Nitr. ac. 17. When coughing, stitching pain from left hip to small of back, Sulph. 18. Stitches through the forehead when coughing, Sulph. 19. ----in the parietal and occipital bones when coughing, Sulph, 20.----along the spermatic cord when coughing, Verat. 21. Stinging in throat, with fluent coryza, Kal. carb. 22. Occasional stitches in left chest, Kal. carb. 23. Stitches in the throat, and pain in the head, as if it would split at the forehead, Hep. s. 24.----in upper part of chest, near the axilla, abating under pressure with the hand, with purulent san- guineous expectoration, Dros. 25. ---- in the muscles of the chest, Dros. 26. Painful stitches through the head, Carb. veg. 27. Long-continued stitch deep in the left hemisphere of the brain, Bry. 28. Stitches in the region of the last rib, Bry. 29.----in the sternum, obliging him to hold his chest with the hand, the stitches are likewise felt when feeling the parts, Bry. 30. Painful shootings in the head, from without inwards, like tearing, Calc. carb. 31. Lancinations in the side, under the left ribs, Bell. 32. Lancinating pains in the pit of the stomach, under the ribs, in the side of the chest and abdomen, or in the sternum, Ars. 33. Stitch in the pit of the stomach, Amm. carb. SHOCKS, CONCUSSIVE SENSATION. 1. Concussive pain in abdomen, Kal. carb. 2. Painful shock in the larynx when coughing, Sulph. 3.----shocks in the head when coughing, Sulph. 4. Dull shock above right eyelid, Sulph. ac. 5. °Shocks in the abdomen, Puis. 6. Concussion in the temples and chest, Lye. 7. Shock in knee, with pain in pa- tella when walking, Nitr. ac. 8. Concussion of chest and abdo- men when coughing, Sulph. SWEAT. 1. The coughing-spell is attended with sweat about the head, heat and dampness of the hands, Tart emet 2. Sweat all over, Rhus t, BURNING, HEAT. 1. Burning in the chest, Carb. veg., lod., Magn. mur., Spong. 778 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 2. Heat in the head, -<4toto. carb., Ars. 3. Burning from larynx down- wards, Magn. sulph. 4. ----in nose, Sassap. 5. ---- and soreness in pharynx, Sulph. 6. Intolerable feeling of heat, Squill 7. Burning in the stomach, Hep. s. 8.----in chest and throat, Phos. ac. 9. Painful burning in the chest, Magn. sulph. DYSPN03A, ASTHMA, SHORTNESS OF BREATH. 1. Shortness of breath, Lye Rhus t. 2. Dyspnoea, lod., Kal. bich. 3. Arrest of breathing, Ars. 4. Asthma, Amm. carb. 5. Spasmodic asthma, Amm. carb. 6. Gasping for breath, Tart. emet. 7. Sensation as if his breath would be arrested, Merc sol. 8. Oppression of the chest when coughing, Verat. 9. Stoppage of the breath, as in whooping-cough, Euphr. 10. Oppression of the chest and soreness of the larynx, China. 11. Danger of suffocation, with swelling of the throat at night, Ars. 12. Sensation as if breath were want- ing, Ferr. acet. PRESSURE, PRESSING. 1. Pressure in the umbilical region, Ambr. gr. 2. Violent pressure in the nape of the neck, as if it would break, Bell. 3. Pressure in the head, Bry. 4. Pressing towards the bladder, and a few stitches in the region of the neck of the bladder, from within outwards, Caps. 5. Painful pressure in the ear, as if an ulcer would break, Caps. 6. Painful pressure in the throat, as if an ulcer would break, Caps. 7. ---- pressure below the short ribs when coughing, Spong. 8V Pressure in the head, Nitr. ac. 9. Painful pressure in chest from within outwards, and painful con- traction of the abdominal muscles, Squill. 10. Pressure in pit of stomach, Phos. HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE HEAD. 1. Headache when coughing, as if bruised or torn, Sulph. 2. Headache and stoppage of breath during cough, Squill 3.----, Phos. 4.----, as if the skull would fly to pieces, Nux v., Phos. ac. 5. Oppressive headache, Brom. 6. Sore pain on top of head, Kar. carb. 7. Tearing pains in the head, and stitches in the chest, Cupr. acet. INVOLUNTARY MICTURITION. 1. °Spirting out of urine during cough, Squill. 2. Involuntary micturition, Ant cr. 3. ----micturition, Verat SORENESS, PAIN AS IF RAW, BRUISED. 1. The chest feels sore, and the larynx raw, Aeon. 2. Sensation in the abdomen, as if bruised, Ars. 3. Soreness in the chest, as if raw, Ars. 4. Feeling in the ribs as if bruised, Am. 5. Soreness in the pit of the sto- mach, Bry. 6. Rawness and soreness of the throat, Arg. f 7. Soreness in the abdomen, Crot 8. Pain at a spot in right side of chest, which feels sore when touched, Sulph. PAINS OCCURRING WHILE COUGHING. 779 9. Soreness in chest, as if ulcerated, Nitr. ac 10.----of windpipe, frequently, Natr. mur. 11. ---- of the upper part of the chest, under the sternum, Cina. 12. Sore and raw feeling in chest, or from the pit of the stomach up- wards, Ars. 13. Soreness and pressure in chest, Sulph. BAD OR ALTERED SMELL OF THE BREATH. 1. A badly-smelling breath rushes out of the lungs, Caps. 2. The air from the lungs causes a strange offensive taste in the mouth, Caps. 3. He expires air having a pungent smell, Dros. 4. Fetid smell of the breath when coughing, Sulph. Various Pains or Symptoms. 1. When coughing, sensation as if the lungs touched the back, Sulph. 2. Fulness in the chest, Sabin. 3. Taste of blood in her mouth, Rhus t. 4. Sensation as if the chest would fly to pieces, Zinc to. 5. Tension across the chest, Rhus t 6. Loud rattling of the chest, Caust. 7. Water in the mouth, like water- brash, Ars. 8. Painful shaking of the head, as if it would fly open, Calc carb. 9. Sensation as if the head and chest would fly to pieces, Bry. 10. Sensation as if something had become detached in the chest, Kal. nit. 11. Sparks dart from her eyes, Kal. carb. 12. Tearing scraping in chest, Kal carb. 13. Throat and chestvfeel as if cut when coughing, Sulph. 14. Itching in the throat and in the region of the thyroid body, Ambr. gr. 15. Sensation in throat as if a piece of flesh would be torn off, Phos. 16. Tearing at a little spot in the brains, Sep. 17. Pain in side of abdomen as if an intestine would protrude, Squill. 18. Lachrymation, Ruta. 19. Gnashing of teeth, Bell 20. Nausea or vomiting, Sep. 21. Flush of warmth and sweat, Carb. veg. 22. Beating in the head, Lye. 23. Throbbing in head, Hep. s. 24. Empty feeling in chest, Sulph. 25. Burning dryness in throat, Lact. vir. 26. Spasmodic constriction of the anus, Aeon. 27. Sensation as if a hard body were falling into the chest, Bar. carb. 28. Shuddering, Anac 29. Snapping in throat as from sparks, Lye. 30. Darkness around the eyes, Stram. 31. Sneezing, Bry. 32. Flow of water in mouth, Sta- phys. 33 Coldness of the extremities, Ipec. 34. Sensation as if the throat were irritated by the vapor of sulphur, Puis. 35. Violent hunger, Sulph. ac. Symptoms or Pains occurring previous to Coughing. 1. Suffocative arrest of breath, pre- vious to coughing, Led. pal 2. The coughing fit is immediately preceded by gasping for air, quick, spasmodic inspirations as if the child could not draw a full breath, Bry. 3. Oppression of the chest, before coughing, Ars. 780 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 4. Cough, preceded by a sense of weight from the throat to the chest, lod. 5. The cough is preceded by lanci- nations in the hypogastrium as if the womb would be torn off, Bell. 6. Cough preceded by stitches in throat, Caps. 7. ----preceded by a stitch in the trachea, Arg. f. 8. ----preceded by stitches in the side, Zinc. to. 9. Scraping in the throat before and after coughing, Lauroc. 10. Cough preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest, Staphys. 11. ---- preceded by burning in chest, Phos. ac. 12. ---- preceded by painful con- traction in pit of stomach, Ferr. acet. 13. ---- preceded by sense of ob- struction in region of heart, Guaj. 14. Before the cough, swelling and heaving at the stomach, Kal. bich. 15. The cough is preceded by weep- ing, Bell 16. Cough preceded by crampy pain in trachea and bronchi, Ind. 17. Cutting coolness in the trachea before the cough, Camph. Symptoms or Pains occurring after Coughing. 1. Beating pain in the head and pit of the stomach, after coughing, Ipec. 2. After the cough, pain and swim- ming in the forehead, Kal. bich. 3. Burning in upper part of ster- num, after coughing, Ferr. acet. 4. Contraction in the stomach and pit of the stomach, after coughing, Ars. 5. Hoarseness and chilliness after coughing, Cupr. to. 6. Yawning and sudden loud cry, after the cough, Op. 7. Dull aching pain in the chest, after coughing, Magn. mur. 8. Heat after coughing, Bell. 9. Yawning after coughing, Anac. Inflammation of the Air-Passages, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Tra- cheitis, Croup. 1. °Bronchitis, Aeon. 2. °Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis, Dros. 3. Inflammation of the larynx, Hy- droc ac. 4. ----of the trachea, lod. 5. "Laryngitis and tracheitis, Bell. 6. °Acute and chronic bronchitis, Bry. 7. Soreness of the throat and chest, when in bed, with wheezing in the throat and drawing pains in the lungs corresponding with the beats of the heart, lod. 8. Inflammation of the mucous membrane, Kal. hyd. 9. Sub-acute bronchitis, hoarse- ness, pain in chest, cough, and slight oppression of breathing, pain in both eyes, Kal. hyd. 10. ° Laryngitis, tracheitis, with pain when walking, Dros. 11. Mucous phthisis of old people, Carb. veg. 12. °Incipient phthisis pulmonalis, Ars. 13. °Croup, inflammatory stage, Aeon. 14. Inflammation of the trachea, Aeon. 15. °Incipient pulmonary phthisis, Amm. carb. 16. Consumption of the air-passages, Merc. Prepar. Titillation, Itching, Crawling. 1. Intolerable titillation of the larynx, which can only be relieved by coughing and hawking, with flow of water in the mouth, early, lod. \ 2. Tickling in the larynx, with cough and raising of mucus, Kal. bich. 3. Titillation in the larynx after swallowing a mouthful, going off by continuing to eat, Kal. bich. 4. ---- in middle of chest, as if cough would set in, Verat. 5. Creeping in the larynx, with cough when talking, Sulph. 6. Slinging itching and drawing in the larynx, Amm. carb. 7. Crawling in the superior bron- chial tubes, with tickling, Lauroc 8. °Tickling and burning in larynx, Merc sol. 9. Titillation in the trachea, fol- lowed by hurried oppressed breathing, Led. pal. Pressure at Larynx. 1. Pressure below larynx, when sitting, Cic. 2. Sensation in chest and throat as if something of the size of a fist were lodged there, pressing the throat asunder, Cic. 3. ---- as if the trachea were pressed upon in the throat-pit, Brom. 4. ---- as if the sides of the larynx were pressed together, Aeon. 5. ----as if the larynx would be closed by pressure from without, when lying on the back, 01. an. 6. Pressure in the region of the larynx, extending as far as the fauces, as if the parts were swol- len, lod. 7. Aching and stitches in the region of the larynx and the sub-lingual glands, lod. 8. Pressure in the larynx, which obliges one to hawk up a quantity of tough mucus, lod. 9. Swelling of the bronchial glands, with suffocative pressure, lod. Throat feels Closed, Narrow. 1. Sensation in the throat as if nar- IATION. 781 rowed, and as if the air were cut off, Alum. 2. Difficult breathing, as if the throat were closed with a plug, Spong. 3. Sensation as if the upper part of the larynx were oppressed and narrowed by mucus, Nux v. Dryness. 1. Chronic dryness in the throat, with sensation of swelling in la- rynx, and expectoration of thick mucus, Sang. 2. Dryness and roughness of the throat, Mang. 3. —— in the region of the larynx, increased by hawking, Spong. 4. Feeling of dryness and °burning in the larynx, Ars. 5. ----of dryness and mucus in the chest, relieved only for a short while by drinking, Ferr. acet. 6. Dryness and stinging in the re- gion of the larynx, Hyosc. 7. ----and irritation in the throat, nightly waking with oppression of breathing and loss of voice and all the symptoms of spasmodic croup, Kal hyd. 8. Sense of dryness in the bronchi, on waking in the morning, Kal. bich. Sense of Swelling at Larynx. 1. Scraping in larynx, with sensa- tion as if enlarged and swollen, Lauroc. 2. Chronic dryness of, the throat, with sensation of swelling in the larynx and raising of thick mucus, Sang. 3. Tensive feeling of swelling about the larynx, with difficulty of swal- lowing, Lact. 4. The larynx feels swollen, Sulph. 5. Sensation as if the larynx were swollen, Hydroc. ac. 782 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. Burning, Heat, Hot Breath. 1. Burning in the larynx, Cham., Hyosc 2. The mucous membrane of the air-passages becomes hot, injected, swollen, Tereb. 3. The air which one expires is hot, Sulph. 4. Burning and roughness in the throat, with hoarseness, Caust 5. ----heat in the larynx, Canth. 6. ----, rough sensation deep in the throat, immediately after din- ner, Dros. 7. Sensation as if the breath and saliva were hot, Asar. 8. °Burning and tickling in larynx, Merc. sol. 9. A hot vapor rises from the throat, Rhus t 10. Burning under the sternum, Tart. emet. Stitches, Stinging at Larynx. 1. Single fine stitches under the sternum, especially during an in- spiration, Euphr. 2. Stinging and feeling of rough- ness in the trachea, China. 3. Stitching in region of throat-pit, during an inspiration, for two davs, Thuj. " 4. Sticking with pressure on left side of trachea, below the larynx, worse when swallowing, Thuj. 5. Itching fine sharp stitches at upper end of sternum, obliging him to scratch it, Staphys. 6. Fine stitch in thyroid cartilage, Oleand. 7. Stitches in larynx when talking a long while, Nitr. ac. 8. Stitch in anterior region of la- rynx, impeding deglutition, Men- yan. 9. Darting in larynx from without inwards, arresting the breathing, Lauroc. Sense of Coldness, Cold Breath. 1. Feeling of icy-coldness in the air-passages, when drawing a deep breath, with difficult hawking up of bronchial mucus, in the morn- ing, Coral. 2. Coldness in the throat, during an inspiration, Sulph. 3. During an eructation he felt as if his breath caused an agree- able cooling sensation in the tra- chea, as if the walls of the trachea were too thin, Am. 4. Feeling of coldness in the chest, Am. 5. Sensation in throat as if a cold breath were rushing out, during an expiration, Rhus t. Sensation as if something had lodged in the Windpipe. 1. Violent spasms in the larynx and pharynx, as if the throat were filled with a plug which becomes alternately thicker and thinner, accompanied by a feeling of sore- ness, Ant cr. 2. Sensation as if a foreign body were hanging in the throat, which he tries in vain to swallow or ex- pel, Ant. cr. 3- ----as if something had lodged in the larynx, which can be hawked up, lod. 4.----after drinking, as if some- thing remained sticking to the upper part of the epiglottis, Amm. mac. Stuttering. 1. Stuttering, Merc. Prepar. 2. Rough and afterwards stuttering speech, Plumb, to. Scraping, Roughness. 1. Roughness in trachea, Rhus t. 2. Rough throat, Sulph. NOISES OR SOUNDS tt 3. Roughness of the larynx, Lact 4. ----of voice, owing to mucus in the trachea which cannot be detached, Camph. 5. Sensation in throat as if he in- haled smoke, Bar. carb. 6. Scraping of the trachea, Graph. 7. Frequent roughness and dryness of throat and fauces at different periods, Zinc. met. 8. Roughness and rawness in chest, with nightly heat and sweat, Zinc met. 9. Roughness of the trachea, all day, lod. 10. Scraping, burning, and constric- tion of the larynx, Spong. 11. Roughness and dryness in the throat, Seneg. 12. Scraping in throat and on the back part of tongue, with flow of saliva, Seneg. 13. Irritation in lower part of tra- chea, with oppression in upper part of chest, Phos. 14. Roughness of the throat, only when breathing, with oppression of the chest and fluent coryza, Nitr. ac. 15. Sensation in larynx as from the vapor of sulphur, Mosch. 16. Scraping in larynx, also with increased secretion of mucus, hoarseness, desire to cough, or with thirst and diminished pulse, or with sensation as if the larynx were enlarged and swollen, Lau- roc. Constriction, Contraction of the Larynx. 1. Constrictive sensation in throat, Camph. 2. "Spasmodic constriction of the throat, Bell. 3. Contraction and heat in the la- rynx, lod. 4. Constriction of the larynx, Hy- osc. 5. ----of the throat, with sensa- ' THE AIR PASSAGES. 783 tion as if something had lodged in the pit of the throat, arresting the breathing, Cocc. 6. Contraction and constriction of the larynx, Canth. 7. Constrictive sensation in throat, as from the vapor of sulphur, Camph. 8. Spasmodic constriction of la- rynx, with contraction of the pupil, Verat. 9. Paroxysms of suffocative con- striction of the larynx, with pro- truded eyes, Verat 10. Constrictive sensation in throat- pit, Rhus I 11. Contractive pain in throat-pit, Phos. ac. 12. Constrictive sensation and burn- ing heat in larynx, Merc. corr. 13. Constriction of the throat, arrest- ing the breathing, Mosch. 14. Contractive sensation in the tra- chea, with aching in the throat-pit, Magn. carb. 15. Spasmodic contraction of the larynx, with cough when attempt- ing to draw breath, Menyan. 16. ----constriction of the larynx, Lauroc, Noises or Sounds in the Air Pas- sages, 1. Rattling and vibratory trembling of the trachea, Aeon. 2. ----in the chest, Lye. 3. Dry mucus in windpipe, with wheezing inspirations, Plumb, acet. 4. Crepitation in the trachea, when walking, and in the evening, on lying down, Am. 5. Titillation in the larynx, with rattling and wheezing until mucus is expelled, Arg. nit. 6. When lying on the left ear, after dinner, he heard a whizzing and whistling in the larynx and bron- chial tubes, regular as the pulse, Arg. nit. 784 SYMPTOMS OF THE AIR PASSAGES, ETC. 7. Cracking and creaking noise in the larynx, with metallic reso- nance, Arg.fl 8. Shortly before falling asleep, during a quiet inspiration, two sounds were heard from the depth of the larynx, a deeper and a higher sound, Arg. f 9. Rattling of mucus, Tart., emet. 10. Wheezing and dull rattling in the trachea, Cham. 11. Loud wheezing in the windpipe, when drawing breath, Cina. 12. Rattling of mucus in the chest, with roughness under the sternum and oppression, lod. 13. ----in the bronchial tubes when drawing breath, Ipec 14. Voice weak and whizzing, Bell. 15. Noise and rattling in the bron- chial tubes, Bell. Altered Sound of the Voice, Aphonia. 1. Aphonia, Bell, Merc, corr., Plumb, to., Sulph. 2. Feeble voice, Aeon., Daph. 3. Aphonia and hoarseness, Kal. carb. 4. ---- for several mornings, as if a wedge were lodged in the larynx, Caust. 6. ----, from exhaustion or after chronic spasms, Tart. emet. 6. Dumbness, Tart. emet. 7. Loss of voice on becoming heat- ed, Ant cr. 8. Voice low and feeble, Amm. caust. 9. Aphonia, with swelling in throat, Sang. 10. Diminished power and vibration of the voice, Plumb, m. 11. Higher pitch of the voice, Stram. 12. Croaking voice, Aeon. 13. Tremulous voice, Ars. 14. Unequal voice, at times strong, at others feeble, Ars. 15. "Nasal sounds of voice, Merc. sol. 16. Paralysis of the organs of voice, Merc. Prepar. 17. When talking the voice is rough, and the ears feel stopped up, Menyan. The Larynx or Trachea feels Sore, Sensitive, Painful. 1. Painfulness of the larynx, with danger of suffocation when touch- ing or turning the neck, coughing, or drawing breath, Bell. 2. Pain in trachea and bronchial tubes, mostly when coughing, Camph. 3. ----of the larynx, with raising of hardened mucus, lod. 4. ----of larynx as if ulcerated, Kal. bich. 5. Frequent drawing pain about the larynx, with raw feeling, Kal. carb. 6. Pains in the larynx, Canth. 7. Sore feeling in the larynx, Silic 8. Throat sore and rough, Brom. 9. Pain in the larynx, talking is difficult for him, Sulph. ac. 10. Stitching pain in the larynx, Sulph. ac. 11. °The larynx feels painful when touching it, Aeon. 12. Sensitiveness of the larynx to the inspired air as if raw, Aeon. 13. Pressure and burning pains of the trachea, down to the pit of stomach, Aeon. 14. Pain at larynx, as if bruised, Ruta. 15. °Chronic sore throat, Ox. ac. 16. Sensitiveness of the trachea, with sensation as if drawn downward, Lauroc. Various Symptoms. 1. Sensation as if the trachea had gone to sleep, Aeon. 2. Rattling and vibratory trembling of the trachea, Aeon. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 785 3. Laryngeal asthma, Led. pal. 4. Sensation as of a hair on the tongue, extending down the tra- chea, Sil. 5. ---- as if a quantity of air were ascending in the trachea with an undulating motion, and were rushing out of the mouth. Lye. 6. Feeling of fulness in the trachea, less on bending the trunk back- wards, Lact. 7. Drawing and stinging itching in the larynx, Amm. carb. Vol. ia—60. 786 THE THORAX, AND MUSCLES. SYMPTOMS OF LUNGS, PLEURA Pains. PAIN, MORE OR LESS ACUTE. 1. Pain of the ribs on grasping them, Puis. 2.----in the chest, at intervals, Spig. 3. ----in the chest, with desire to expand it, and soreness after ex- panding it, Seneg. 4. Sudden, severe pain at a small spot in the right side of the chest, Seneg. 5. Shifting pains in the chest, Seneg. 6. Acute pain in front, and at left lower false rib, with cough, diffi- culty of breathing, and fever, Kal. chlor. 7. Dull pain in left chest, obliging one to take a long breath, Lact. vir. 8. Pains in the chest, with oppres- sion, Lauroc 9. Pain in every part of the outer thorax, on moving it, Lauroc 10. Paroxysms of seated pain under the left nipple in the chest, and shootings, Amygd. 11. Pain in right side, all morning, Chin, sulph. 12.----through the chest, from side to side, Chin, sulph. 13. Torturing pains, with feeling of suffocation in chest, Hydroe ac. 14. Sharp irritative fixed pain at the apex of the heart, Kal. bich. 15. Dull, circumscribed pain in right chest, worse when drawing breath, Kal. bich. 16. Pain in the chest, especially when talking, Kal. carb. 17. ----throughout the chest, with dry cough, Mosch. 18. ----in the middle of the ster- num, worse when drawing a long breath, Nat. mur. 19.----in the chest, with restless nights, for weeks, Ran. bulb. 20. Sudden pain around the chest, in the region of the diaphragm, when drawing breath, Nux mosch. 21. Pain across the chest, with short breathing, Nux v. 22.----over the whole chest, with oppression, passing off with the emission of flatulence, Bry. 23. The pain in the chest abates by pressure, Bor. 24. Peculiar distress in chest and abdomen, Crot. 25. Pain in outer parts of the chest, and stinging and tension between the scapula?, preventing motion, Ferr. acet. 26. Nightly pain in the chest, Arg. nit. 27. Pains in the chest, anguish, Am. 28. Pain in the chest, Ars. 29.----in the side, mammae, and thighs, Verat. 30->---- in the region of all the ribs, Verat. 31 •----m the side, and pains at the stomach, Verat. 32-----in the left chest, afterwards in the back, Verat. PAINS. 787 CONTRACTIVE, CONSTRICTIVE, COM- PRESSIVE PAIN. I. Violent contractive pain when walking, in the forepart of the chest, proceeding from the back, Silic 2. Compressive pain in the right side of the chest, terminating in a stitch, Squill. 3. Pain as if the chest were con- stricted, oppressing the breathing, and increasing by the slightest motion, Caps. 4.----as if the middle of the chest were squeezed into a narrow space, Carb. a. 5. Contractive pain at one spot in the right chest, obliging him to expire air, China. 6. Constrictive pain in the chest and scapulae, Magn. mur. 7. Contractive pain in the chest, both sides, Nitr. ac. 8. Pain at sternum, as if the chest were too short, only in the day- time and during an inspiration, Nux v. 9. Painful contraction in the middle of the chest, 01 an. 10.----contraction of the chest, especially after drinking, Cupr. m. 11. Contractive pain in the chest, under the right arm, changing to a pricking when moving about, Stann, 12. Painful constriction of the chest, as if the inner walls were adhering to each other, on waking, Dig. 13. Contractive pains in the ster- num, increasing when stooping, Dig. 14. Violent, sudden, incisive-con- tractive pain in front part of chest, down to abdomen, Berb. v. 15. Constrictive, aching, or oppres- sive pain in the chest, Aeon. 16. Pain in the chest, as if the sides were drawn towards one another, Aeon. 17. ----round both lungs, as if con- stricted with a sharp wire, Asar. 18. Crampy-contractive pain in left chest, periodically, Verat. 19. Stitching-contractive pain in the muscles of the chest, they are painful when touched, Sulp. PINCHING, GRIPING PAIN. 1. Dull stitching-pinching pain below the right nipple, from within outward, worse when drawing breath, Spig. 2. Contracting, pinching pain be- hind the right nipple, several even- ings, Ran. seel 3. Painful compressive pinching around the left nipple, Ran. seel. 4. Pinching pains in left chest, worse when drawing breath, Cina. 5. ---- pain in the whole chest, increasing by inspiration, Dulc 6. Griping pain in right chest, Verat. BEATING, THROBBING, BUBBLING PAIN. 1. Throbbing pain in the chest, Caps. 2. Painful throbbing in the head and teeth, when drawing breath, Carb. v. 3. Beating, laming pains along the left clavicle, Rhod. 4. Throbbing pain in left axilla, dis- appearing by motion, Dulc 5. Beating pain between the ster- num and pit of stomach, Bell. 6. Bubbling pain, with pressure, in the region of the pectoralis major, as if proceeding out of the inmost parts of the chest, Berb. v. 7. Beating sore pain in several parts of the chest, at night, Agar. 8. Stinging-beating pain at a small spot in the left chest, Verat. STITCHING, LANCINATING, PRICKING, DARTING, STINGING PAIN. 1. Sudden pain in the muscles of the chest and back, left side, as if a broad, pointed body were press- ing upward; a broad pressure, with fine stitches, Spong. 'HE THORAX, ETC. 788 SYMPTOMS OF T 2. Lancinating pain, commencing below the left nipple, and extend- ing to the scapula and upper arm, more violent when drawing a long breath, Spig. 3. Darting pains in outer parts of chest, below the axilla, Spig. 4. Sudden drawing-stinging pain along the sternum, from above downwards, Spig. 5. Slowly-shooting pain under the sternum, Sang. 6. Shifting, dull stitching pains in. the chest, with tightness of the chest, difficult breathing, frequent shuddering over the back, and oc- casional pains about the head, here and there, Seneg. 7. Sore pain between the third and fourth ribs, increased to a stitching pain when pressing upon the part, Seneg. 8. Painful pricking in the right nipple, Cann. 9. Stitching pain and stitches in the chest, one side or the other, or the sternum, Canth. 10.----pain in the left nipple, more violent during an inspiration, Ruta. 11. Stabbing pain in left side, under the short ribs, during every in- spiration, Merc, sol 12. Nightly darting pain through the whole chest, Merc. corr. 13. Painful rough stitch in the left chest, under the arm, Millef. 14. Stitching pain in the chest, when moving the body, Puis. 15. Stinging pain in left side, after lying down, in the evening, Puis. 16. Severe stitching pain in the region of the left nipple, near the axilla, Ran. bulb. 17. Painful stitching in right chest, Ran. seel 18. Stitching pain in the left chest, as if ulcerated, aggravated by motion, and by turning the trunk, Ran. bulb. 19. Severe stitching pains in the right chest, during a morning walk, Ran. bulb. 20. Stitching pain in the middle of the chest, aggravated by motion, Nux v. 21. Pain, almost like stitching, below and behind the left mamma, succeeded by warmth of the whole body, 01 an. 22. Painful pricking- below right nipple, from within outward, in the cavity of the chest, only dur- ing an expiration, Bry. 23. Pinching-stitching pain in left chest, Cina. 24. Darting pains in right or left chest, Cina. 25. Boring-sticking pain below the right ribs, disappearing when pressing on the side, Cina. 26. Stinging pain in left chest, when walking, Cocc. 27. Dull shooting pains in right chest on inspiring air, with slight pressure during expirations, Coloc 28. Pain between fifth and sixth left ribs, as if a blunt knife were thrust in, Dulc. 29. Lancinating pain from the middle of the sternum to the dorsal spine, when sitting, going off by rising from the seat, Dulc. 30. Painful stitches in sternum, from without inwards, Gutt 31. Pinching-stitching pain in the chest, on both sides of the ster- num, high up, Bell. 32. Burning-stinging pain between the scapulas, Berb. v. 33. Stitching pain, with pressure on the right side of the sternum, Aeon. 34. Lancinating pain, with pressure, under the left clavicle, when draw- ing breath, Ant. cr. 35-.---- and crampy pain at left side of sternum, most violent when stooping, Arg.fl 36. Drawing-sticking pain near the spine, in the region of the lowest ribs,Arg.fl 37. Stitching pain in one side of the PAINS. 789 chest, accompanied by a short cough, which increases the pain, and by continued asthma, Am. 38. Severe stitching pain, with pres- sure, across the chest, going off during motion, Dros. 39. Dull painful stitches and lanci- nations, right side, near sternum, under the last true ribs, Aur. f. 40. Stitching pain under the ribs, with all the symptoms of pleurisy, Aur. mur. 41. Paroxysms of stitching pain in the right chest, arresting the breathing, Verat. 42. Stitching pain in the left chest, with sensation as if the place where the pain is felt would go to pieces, Zinc m. x 43. Pain in the sternum, as if a knife were sticking in it, Tab. 44. Painful stitches in the chest, im- peding the expirations, Staphys. 45. Fleet, painful stitches in right chest; if he rubs the part he feels as if a load were descending there behind the skin, Spong. CUTTING PAIN. 1. Cutting pain, with pressure, in left chest, when drawing a long breath, Spong. 2. Pain in the chest, as if cut to pieces, Kal chlor. 3. Soreness in the chest, as if cut to pieces, Nice ^ 4. Burning - cutting pain in left chest, when sitting, worse when touching the part, Phos. ac 5. Cutting pain in the chest, here and there, Puis. PAIN AS IF SORE, BRUISED, ULCER- ATED ; SENSITIVENESS, OR PAIN- FULNESS OF THE CHEST. 1. Pain in the chest, as if ulcerated, early in the morning, on moving the trunk ever so little, also with stitches above left nipple, Ran. bulb. 2. Painfulness of the left chest, all day, with tenacious mucus in the throat, Ran. bulb. 3. The outer thorax is sensitive to contact, Seneg. 4. The inner chest feels bruised, Cham. 5. Pain in the side, as if bruised, China. 6. The sternum feels painful, with stitches through the chest when pressing on the sternum, Ran. seel. 7. Pain as if bruised in the articu- lation of the ribs, when drawing breath, Cfyina. 8.----at sternum, as if bruised, Ign. 9. The whole chest is sensitive to pain when touched, or during an inspiration, Calc carb. 10. Cannot bear the least pressure on his chest, Lact. vir. 11. Pain in the muscles of the chest, as if bruised, Magn. carb. 12. Sore pain in the chest, in both sides, lod. 13. Pain in the whole chest, as if ulcerated, June. 14. ----in the chest, as if bruised, Kal. carb. 15. Bruising pain in the chest, when sitting bent, Menyan. 16. Sore or bruising pain in chest, Merc sol. 17. Severe pain, as if bruised across the chest, not eased by a change of position, Merc sol 18. Pain in the chest, as if ulcer- ated, Merc, acet 19. The chest feels as if bruised by blows, particularly on drawing breath, and when the flatulent pinching is felt in the abdomen, Nux mosch. 20. Pain in the chest, as if sore, Gutt 21.----as from a blow at one spot in the sternum, Natr. mur. 22.----as if bruised, in right chest, and under the axilla, when press- ing on the part, Phos. 23. A small painful spot at sternum, 790 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. as if the expired air were striking against it, Puis. 24. Pain of the chest, as if bruised, Puis. 25. ---- as if ulcerated in the middle of the sternum, with aching in forehead before midnight, Puis. 26. Painfulness of the whole chest, commencing with a pressure at the lower part of the sternum and right chest, Ran. bulb. 27. The outer chest is very sensitive, Ran. seel 28. Painfulness of the whole chest, with anxiety, tightness of breath- ing and hurried pulse, Ran. bulb. 29. Bruising pain from the sternum to the scapulae, only in the day- time, with stitches and shortness of breathing, both during rest and motion, Nux v. 30. The sternum feels as if bruised when touched, Nux v. 31. Contusive and bruising pain in the side of the chest, under the shoulder, worse during motion and when touched, Nux v. 32. Bruising pain in outer parts of the chest, Ferr. acet 33. Pain as if sore and bruised in the xiphoid cartilage, when touch- ed, Bry. 34.----as if bruised in the region of the lowest rib (or in middle of sternum), Aeon. 35. The right chest is painful to the touch, Amm. carb. 36. Pain as if bruised, with oppres sion of the chest, abating after an eructation, Ambr. gr. 37.----as if bruised at one of the right ribs, Ambr. gr. 38. Contusive pain in pectoralis major muscle, Ant. cr. 39. The outer chest is painful to the touch, Arg. nit. 40. All the joints of the bones and cartilages of the chest feel painful, as if bruised, during motion and when drawing breath, Am. 41. All the ribs are sensitive to the touch, Zinc oxyd. 42. Pain as if bruised in the upper chest, Sulp. 43. Paroxysms of sore pain in the chest, with desponding mood, Tart. stib. 44. Sore pain in the whole chest, commencing at the throat, Stann. 45. Pain as if bruised in the muscles of the chest, early in the morning, when moving in bed, Staphys. 46. Constant pain in the middle of the sternum, as if ulcerated, worse when raising the trunk, Staphys. 47. Pain in the chest as if bruised, Stann. ACHING, PRESSING PAIN, PAINFUL PRESSURE, PAIN AS IF PRESSED UPON. 1. Pain as if the sternum were pressed upon, Nux v. 2. Aching pain in the chest, at night, on waking, or at indefinite periods, Seneg. 3. Violent aching pain across the whole chest, especially the left chest, whence the pain seems to proceed, Seneg. 4.----pressing pain in the chest, from within outward, Seneg. 5. Hard pressing aching in both sides at the lower part of the chest, when sitting, Seneg. 6. Slight boring-aching pain in the region of the heart, rather exter- nally, Seneg, 7. Pain as if the chest were pressed upon, when turning the body or drawing a long breath, Caps. 8./ Aching and tearing in left chest, Carb. v. 9.----in upper part of right chest, through to the scapula, Carb. v. 10.----pain in the sternum, op- pressing the breathing, Cham. 11. Pain of the chest, early," in bed, as if the sternum would be pressed in, going off after rising, Rhus t. 12. Pain in the sternum as if pressed upon, Calc. carb. 13. ---- in the chest, as if the sternum would be crushed in, Kreas. 14. Oppressive pain in the chest, as if full of wind, Lach. 15. Aching pain in upper part of the chest, after a walk, with prostra- tion, Lact. vir. 16. Pain at lower sternum, as if pressed in, June 17. Sharp aching behind the ster- num, when drawing breath, or when' swallowing liquids, Kal. carb. 18. Aching pain near the sternum, extending through to the back, Merc. sol. 19. Aching in right chest, when arresting the breathing, Merc, sol 20. Excessive aching pain in right side of the chest, Op. 21. Pressing pain in the outer parts of the chest, Ran. bulb. 22. Aching pain in the right chest, in the morning, after many empty eructations, Nitr. ac 23. Painful pressure in the left chest, going off after an eructation, Nux v. 24. ---- pressure across the chest, arresting the breathing, Nux v. 25. Digging-up aching in the right costal cartilages, with intermittent pressure, at a small spot, increased by pressing on the part, Oleand. 26. The outer parts of the chest ache, as if they had been pressed upon very hard, Oleand. 27. Pressing pain from within out- wards, at times in left chest, at others in small of back, Cina. 28. Pain under the sternum, with sensation as if the lower portion of the sternum were drawn or pressed in, Cinch, sulph. 29. Aching pain in middle of ster- num, with anxiety, afterwards the pain in the sternum becomes stitching, Cocc. 30. Pain in middle of sternum, as if NS. 791 pressure were made with a dull instrument, Cocc. 31. Sudden aching pain in lower chest and pit of stomach, with slight nausea in these parts, Croc 32. Oppressive pain in left chest, especially about the heart, with palpitation, Cycl. 33. Dull painful pressure on the left side above the ensiform cartilage. when sitting bent, afterwards also in an erect posture, resembling shocks penetrating deep into the chest, and going and coming at long intervals, Dulc 34. Painful pressure in the chest. with short breathing, when walk- ing or sitting, Bell 35. Sharp painful pressure at ster- num, above the ensiform cartilage, Bell. 36. Painful pressure below the right nipple, Bell. 37. ----pressure in the chest and between the shoulders, with short breathing when walking or sitting. Bell. 38. Crampy painful pressure in both sides of the chest, Bell 39. Painful pressure from without inward, between the mamma and the wall of the chest, most violent behind the nipple, and st nsation in the mamma as if swollen, Berb. v. 40. Aching at a small spot in right chest, Bism. 41. Painful pressure in the middle of the sternum, with icy-cold feet. Bry. 42. Aching, oppressive, and constric- tive pain in the chest or side of the chest, Aeon. 43. Oppressive or constrictive pain in the chest, Aeon. 44. Aching pain in chest, which i? only eased for a while by bending the trunk backwards, Aeon. 45.----pain in upper and left region of chest, the part is painful when touched, Aeon. 46. Painful pressure from the ster- num to the spinal column, Aeon. 792 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. 47. Oppressive aching in the region of the heart, Aeon. 48.----pain in middle of chest, alter- nating with a sensation of tightness and palpitation of the heart, Alum. 49. Painful oppression of the chest, Amm. carb. SO. Sharply-pressing, almost pinch- ing pain, at a small spot in upper portion of the chest, Ang. 51. Heavy, aching pain, sometimes in the chest, sometimes in the back, sometimes in both places at the same time, Ant cr. 52. Pressing pain from within out- wards, at a place under the second or third right rib, when drawing breath, Arg. f. 53. Pain in right side of chest, as if something hard were pressing upon the ribs, Arg.f. 54. Aching pain at a small spot in the right breast, not affected by contact or breathing, Am. 55.----pain at the sternum, after eating or drinking, Verat. 56. Painful pressure at upper part of sternum, in regular paroxysms, Verat 57, Sore aching pain around the right nipple, Zinc. m. 58. Hard, aching, and pinching pain in the chest, from time to time, Zinc m. 59. Dull, stitching-aching pain at the cartilages of the last ribs, when stooping; they feel sore when touched, Staphys. 60. Aching pain in the right side of the chest, below the arm, which becomes a beating pain when stooping ; when touching the parts he felt a pain as if the flesh were loose, Squill. 51.----in the whole chest, worse above the pit of the stomach, Stann. BORING PAIN. 1. Tearing-boring pain from within outward, below the right nipple, extending towards the sternum, and changing to a sharp pressure with tearing, Spig. 2. Aching-boring pain in the whole left chest, especially at the heart, where it becomes seated, and whence it radiates towards the left axilla, Seneg. 3. Severe boring pain through the back, under the right shoulder, the painful place feels as if palsied, Lob. inf. TEARING PAIN. 1. Tearing pain in left chest, Silic 2. Fine tearing pain on the right side of the nipple towards the pel- vis, Camph. 3. Pain in right side of the chest, as if the lungs were torn loose from the pleura, Caust 4. Fine tearing pain at the lower end of the sternum, Rhod. 5. Undulating tearing pain, with pressure through the whole left side of the chest, going and coming, Dulc DIGGING PAIN. 1. Pain at the sternum, now and then, a sort of digging-up, rubbing, and scraping, Led. pal. 2. Cramp-like digging pain under the sternum, as if the chest would burst, Cina. 3. Painful digging-up under the upper part of the sternum, Cina. 4. Digging pain in the right side of the chest, going off by pressure, Dulc BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning pain in the chest, Silic. 2. ----sore pain in upper part of left chest, also when touching it, Sep. 3. ----pain in left chest, Sabad. 4. Shifting, sometimes burning pains in the chest, Seneg. 5. Burning pain and dull stitches PAINS. 793 in left chest, when lying on the right side, Seneg. 6. Violent burning pain in left chest, when sitting, Seneg. 7. Burning pain in left chest, with anxiety, Seneg. 8. ----pain, with dull stitches at a small spot in the left chest, during rest, frequently, Seneg. 9. ---- pain under the sternum, extending to the mouth, Cham. 10.---- pain at a small spot under the right breast, on a quick move- ment of the body; deep breath- ing, sneezing, and feeling as if something had fallen out of its place, which went back again with great pain; a similar pain in the epigastrium and left side, Lob. infl. 11. Fixed burning pain in middle of sternum, Kal. bich. 12. Burning pain in right chest, Bry. TINGLING, CREEPING, CRAWLING PAIN. 1. Tingling pain in the chest during rest, Phos. ac. 2. Painful creeping and crawling in the chest, Aeon. GNAWING PAIN. 1. Gnawing pain in right chest, with corrosive and burning sensa- tion, Ruta. 2. ----pain under the cartilage of the last rib, Bell 3. ---- pain in right clavicle, Aeon. PAIN AS IF SPRAINED. 1, Severe pain, as if sprained in upper part of left chest, only when turning the body to the right side, making a wrong step, or turning the left arm, Spig. 2. The whole thorax feels as if sprained and bruised, Rhod. 3. Acute pain in the articulations of the chest and dorsal vertebrae, as if sprained or spasmodically contracted, especially during mo- tion, Cocc 4. Pain as if sprained in the joints of the chest and back, Am. DRAWING, DRAGGING, PULLING PAIN. 1. Violent sore pulling pain through the chest, when stepping hard or running, Seneg. 2. Drawing pain behind sternum, China. 3. ----pain in right chest, towards the axilla, Menyan. 4. Painful drawing in the pectoral muscles, Ran. seel 5. Pressing-dragging pain in the chest for many days, aggravating the breathing when walking, Ran. bulb, 6. Pinching-drawing pain near the sternum, Nux v. 7. Drawing pain, with anxiety, resembling an oppression at the heart, Nux v. 8. ----pain in the chest, Nux v. 9. ----pain in the ribs, Nux v. 10. Dull drawing pain above the heart, more violent when stooping, and continuing during an expira- tion, Oleand. 11. ---- drawing pain in right chest, when inclining the body to that side, Cocc. 12. Drawing pain at a small spot in the intercostal muscles, which is changed to a pain as from a blow, by bending over to the left side, Bor. 13. Dragging pain in the chest, with anguish, Am. TENSIVE PAIN. 1. Tensive pain, with pressure, in the middle of the sternum, Sabin. 2. ---- pain in outer part of the chest, as if too short, when raising the chest, Sassap. 3.---- pain across the chest, when taking breath, Cham. 4. ----pain in the muscles of the chest, China. 794 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. in the left sides, lastly in the chest, Puis. 11. Crampy pain in chest, above pit of stomach, especially when stoop- ing, while sitting, or when lying on one side, Bry. 12. ----pain in left chest, the place feeling sore afterwards, Arg.fl 13. ---- and lancinating pain on left side of sternum, Arg. f. 14. Aching cramp-pain at a spot in the right side, under the axilla, when pressed upon the place feels bruised, Arg.fl. 5. Tensive pain in the forepart of the chest, when raising himself while sitting, Ign. 6. ----pain at heart, lod. 7. ---- pain in the front part of the chest and all around, hinder- ing breathing, Mere sol. 8. ----pain in the muscles of the right side of the chest, Natr. mur. 9. ----pain under the ribs, along the attachment of the diaphragm, when drawing breath, Op. 10. Drawing-tensive pain in the sternum, Puis. 11. Tensive pain in the pectoral muscles, Dros. 12. ---- pain at the ribs, towards the back, when drawing breath, changed to a dull stitch when drawing a still deeper breath, Bry. 13. Aching-tensive pain in various places of the chest, of the size of half a dollar, Arg. nit. CRAMPY, SPASMODIC PAIN. 1. Crampy pain in different parts of the chest, Seneg. 2. ----pain and pulsations in left chest, afternoon, Seneg. 3. Spasmodic pain across the chest, Cast. 4. Crampy pain across the upper part of the chest, Cham. 5. Spasmodic pain in the chest, going off by eructations, Kal carb. 6. Cramp-pain and tension in left side, under the ribs, cutting off the breath; he dared not stir, Mere sol 7.---------, with pressure, in the chest, Mur. ac 8. Contractive-crampy pain in the sternum and back, during motion Op. 9. Cramp-pain in left side of the chest, slowly increasing and de- creasing, Plat 10.--------—, first in the right, then VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN. 1. Peculiar jerking pain in the inner chest, as if drawn towards the back by a thread, in parox- ysms, Croc 2. Pain in right side of chest, as if the skin were raised with a pin, Phos. 3. ---- as if swollen, in the left side, under the last ribs, Merc sol 4. ----in both sides of the chest, below the axillae, as if a fist were thrust in, coming and going, Dulc 5. Rheumatic pain in the right side of the chest, Ambr. gr. 6. When stooping, pain in front, on either side of the sternum, as if the ribs were pushed against each other, causing pain, Ign. 7. Sore pain in the chest, as if it would fly to pieces, when sneezing, Seneg. 8. Pain in chest, as if it would fly to pieces, with soreness, Carb. a. 9- ----in the chest when sitting, as if too full, Caps. 10. ---- when drawing a long breath, as if checked by something attached to the back, Sassap. H- ----in the chest, when drawing breath, as if something alive in the chest caused an uneasiness in the same, Led. pal, 'IONS, PRICKINGS, ETC. 795 STITCHES, LANCINA1 12. Rubbing-scraping, digging up pain at the sternum, Led. pal. 13. Pain in the chest, on turning to the other side, as if something were falling forward, Sulph. 14. Excessive pain in the chest, in the evening, as if some one seized the chest internally, and attempted to lift it out of its place, or turn it round, grind it, or dash it to pieces, Sulp. Stitches, Lancinations, Prickings, &c. STITCHES, STITCHING. 1. Stitches in the chest, Arg. nit. 2. ----in the left side, Squill. 3. Severe stitches in the chest and sides, hindering the breathing, several forenoons; distension of the abdomen in the afternoon, Stann. 4. Dull stitches in the intercostal muscles, worse when leaning back- wards, Staphys. 5. Stitches in the chest through to the back, Sulp. 6. Sharp stitches commencing at the right ribs, behind, and wind- ing round as far as the cartilages, Staphys. 7.----stitches at the fourth cos- tal cartilage on either side, press- ing slowly from within outwards, Staphys. 8. Stitches in the chest and shoul- der-joint when drawing breath, Stann. 9.----in the chest, from the left axilla inwards, Thuj. 10. Fine stitches deep in the left chest, from without inwards, with arrest of breathing, Sulph. ac. 11. Stitching under the sternum, with inability to draw a long breath, also accompanied by weak- ness of the head as if intoxicated, with scintillations, Tab. 12. Shooting stitches through the chest, from before backwards, ag- gravated by deep breathing, Tab. 13. Stitches in the muscles of the chest, on moving the arm, Sulp. 14. ----in the sternum on entering the room, striking to the inmost parts of the left chest, Sulp. ac. 15.----in the sternum, externally, with dragging, Sulp. 16. Severe stitches from the right chest through the pit of the sto- mach, Sulp. 17. Continuous stitching in left chest, Sulp. 18. Stitching in the left side of the chest, also with pressure, or with painfulness of the left nipple, Zinc oxyd. 19. Sharp, slow stitches near the nipple, terminating in itching, Ve- rat 20. Sudden stitches and burning deep in left chest, Bar. carb. 21. Stitches in the left side or left chest, when drawing breath or raising a heavy load with both hands, Bar. carb. 22. ----above the heart, Aur. mur. 23. Dull stitches in both sides of the chest, with heat in chest, dyspncea, Aur. f. 24.----oppressive stitches under the cartilages of the first three ribs, right side, sometimes becom- ing continuous and then producing a sensation as of a plug being inserted there, Aur. f. 25. Sharp stitches, when drawing breath, apparently in the bladder, Aur. f. 26. Acute stitches under the rib, when yawning or drawing breath, Aur. f. 27. Stitches in the right lung, during an inspiration, Asar. 28. Frequent dull stitches in both lungs, during an inspiration, Asar. 29. Stitches under the ribs as from flatulence, Am. 30.----with pressure in the ster- num, especially when walking, Am. 796 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. 31. Dull stitches in right side, near the ribs, Am. 32. Stitches and prickings below the last rib, Am. 33. Dull stitches in the chest through the sternum, from without inward, Am. 34. Stitches with pressure in right chest and sternum, Arg. f. 35. Fine stitches from within out- wards, in upper part of sternum, •Arg. f 36. Stitches under the right nipple, Arg.fl 37.----in the chest, when drawing breath, also with a little cough and headache, Ant. cr. 38.----with sensation of constric- tive pinching in middle of chest, Ant. cr. 39. ---- in left side of the chest, first in praecordial region, then moving towards the side and back, Amm. ca^b. 40. ---- near the lowest ribs when rising in bed, early, Amm. carb. 41.----in the right side of the chest when stooping, Amm. carb. 42.----in the chest when stooping, Amm. carb. 43.----near the last true rib when drawing breath or singing, Amm. carb. 44.----in the hands and fingers when drawing breath, Amm. carb. 45.----in the chest, sometimes with sensation of burning, Alum. 46. Shooting stitches in the pecto- ralis major muscles and in the intercostal muscles of the left side, Aeon. 47. Stitches, more or less severe, in the chest and sides of the chest, es- pecially when coughing or drawing breath, frequently accompanied with a plaintive or whining mood, anguish, ill-humor, oppression of breathing, Aeon. 48.----in the chest when lying on the back, aggravated by mo- tion, Bry. 49. Stitches and pulsations in lower part of right chest, Bry. 50.----in the side, at the ribs, when drawing breath, Bry. 51.----in the chest, between the scapulae and in the muscles of the chest, making the breathing quick, anxious, obliging him to sit erect, Bry. 52. Headache, with severe stitches in lungs when drawing a long breath, Brom. 53. Severe stitches between the sixth and seventh ribs of right side, Brom. 54. Sudden stitches from within out- wards, in right chest, on lifting the arm, Bor. 55. Stitches between the right ribs, so painful that he cannot lie on this side, Bor. 56. Fine tearing stitches in the re- gion of both nipples, Bism, 57. Stitches in the chest, when cough- ing or drawing breath, Bor. 58.----in the sides of the chest, from without inwards, Berb. v. 59, Dull stitches in the left intercos- tal muscles, arresting the breath- ing, Dros. 1.0. Stitches in the left side, below the true ribs, Guaj. 61. Stitching in the side on moving the body, Ferr. acet. 62. Severe stitches in the right side of the chest, Graph. 63. Stitches (also concussive stitches) and drawing, stupefying, crampy pressure in the region of the nip- ples, Evon. 64.----in left side of chest, Eu- phorb. 65. Single fine stitches under the sternum, especially when drawing breath, Euphras. 66. Shooting stitches from before backwards, in chest, Coloc 67. Stitches in the chest and pecto- ral muscles, when drawing breath or coughing, Dros. 68. ---- in left chest, under the STITCHES, LANCINAT1 clavicle, regularly going and com- ing, Mez. 69. Tearing stitches in chest, with dyspnoea, Cycl. 70. Sharp, flat stitches in upper part of sternum, Cycl. 71. Dull stitches, like shocks, in whole left side of chest and abdo- men, Clem. 72. Two dull, piercing stitches in quick succession, near the sternum under the left clavicle, when draw- ing a long breath, with much pain when pressing on the spot, Cina. 73. Single stitches in chest, now and then, Cina. 74, Stitches through the chest, from within outwards, ceasing while walking, Chin, sulph. 75. Single soft stitches in a hard nipple, as if caused by electric sparks, after which the hardness disappears, Bry. 76. Three fine stitches near the back, behind the left mamma, 01. an. 77. Stitches in left chest, as with a knife, Oleand. 78. Fine stitches in left chest, Ole- and. 79. Stitches in the muscles of the chest, Nux v. 80. ----and pain as if ulcerated in both sides of the chest, when stooping, Nitr. ac. 81. ---- in the right side of the chest and scapula, Nitr. ac. 82. Short stitches, as if in both lungs, Nuxjugl 83. Frequent long stitches behind the xiphoid cartilage, Ran. seel 84. Acute fine stitches in the middle of the chest, in front, when draw- ing breath, Ran. bulb. 85. Dull stitching, with pressure, in left chest, Plumb, acet. 86. Stitching in the pectoralis mus- cle, when raising the arm, evening and night, Puis. 87. ---- in the side, only when lying, particularly at night, Puis. ONS, PRICKINGS, ETC. 797 88. Dull stitches in the middle of the sternum, Phos. ac. 89. Stitches in both sides of the chest, Phos. 90. ---- in various parts of the chest, sometimes with burning, Phos. 91. Dull stitches from the last true rib to the xiphoid cartilage, with painful sensation in the stomach as if screwed together, Phell. 92. ---- stitches from before back- wards, as if through the heart, Poson. 93. Stitches in the right, then left side of the chest, Petrol. 94. Stitching about the clavicle, also early in the morning, or with a dragging sensation, 01. an. 95. Stitches in the sides of the chest, Natr. mur. 96. Severe stitches in right nipple, Mur. ac. 97. Slowly-ascending, broad stitches, externally, in the sides of the chest, Mur. ac. 98. Stitches in the chest, with red, puffed face, dilatation of the pu- pils, dry and bright-red tongue, and thirst, Mosch. 99. ----in the chest, shortening the breath, Mosch. 100. Stitching in the region of the last true rib and in the inguinal region, during an inspiration, with oppression of breathing, Merc. sol. 101. Single sharp stitches in the chest, also in the knee, malar bone, olecranon, Mere sol. 102. Stitches in the chest, when stooping, Merc. sol. 103. Acute stitches in the sides of the chest, Kal. chlor. 104. Fine flashing or extremely vio- lent stitches deep in the chest, Kal. hyd. 105. Dull painful stitches from with- out inwards, in left chest, going off by pressing on the part, Kal. carb. 106. Single cutting stitches under 798 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. the clavicle, with pain as from a thorn in the part, Kal. carb. 107. Continual stitches from within outwards, through the left breast and sternum, Hyp. perf. 108. Stitches in the chest, here and there, Magn. sulph. 109. Sharp stitches in the middle of the right ehest, only during an ex- piration, lod. 110. Stitches under the breast, Hyp. perf. 111. ----in one side of the chest, Hyosc. 112. ---- in the sternum, when drawing breath or walking, Hep. s. 113. ----and cutting in the chest, evening, Magn. carb. 114. Pulsative stitches in left side of chest, Lye, 115. Stitches in the chest, early in the morning, Led. pal 116. ---- from right axilla to the chest, Lauroc 117.---- through both sides of the chest, towards the sternum, Lau- roc. 118. ---- from the back to the sternum, Lauroc 119. Crampy stitching in upper part of left chest, with tightness of the whole chest, Lact. vir. 120. Stitches in the right chest, with subsequent sensation of spasmodic twitching, Lact. vir. 121. ----in left chest, Kal nit. 122. Violent stitches from the mid- dle of the sternum to the shoulder, Kal. chlor. 123. Stitches in the left or right side of the chest, Ign. 124. Fine stitches from the centre of the chest to the sternum, Tab'. 125. Stitches in the chest, high up, Calc. carb. 126. ---- in the right or left chest, when drawing a long breath, Calc, carb. 127. ----in the chest and arrest of breathing, which . causes great anxiety, when going up stairs, 1 Ruta. 128. Oppressive stitching in the sternum, when sitting, Ruta. 129. Sudden violent stitches through the lungs, causing him to start and rousing him from sleep, Rhus t 130. Boring stitching at one of the lower ribs, when standing, Rhus t 131. Severe pulsative stitches over the heart, obliging him to cry out, in the evening, in bed, Rhus t 132. Stitching in the side when walk- ing, talking, or drawing a long breath, Rhus t. 133. Stitches in the sternum during motion, Ruta. 134. ----deep in the fore part of the chest, frequently alternating with stitches in the right mamma, Gutt. 135. Dull quick stitches under the last rib, Rheum. 136. Stitches through the chest, when pressing on the sternum, Ran. seel 137. ---- in the side, with heat, hard and full pulse, and staring eyes, China. 138. ■----in left side, also titillating or with pressure, China. 139. ---- in right side, going ofl when stooping or pressing upon the part, China. 140. ---- in one side of the chest, only when moving about or touch- ing the part, in the day-time, China. 141. ----obliging one to expire air, China, 142. ----in left chest, early in the morning, China. 143. ---- from the middle of the chest to the right side, at every inspiration, Cham. 144. Single violent stitches in the chest, Cham. 145. Stitches through the chest, at every inspiration, Cham. 146.---- in the side of the chest, under the ribs and scapula), when drawing breath, Cham. 147.---- striking from the abdo- STITCHES, LANCINATIONS, PRICKINGS, ETC. 799 men to the middle of the chest, as if caused by flatulence, Cham. 148. Stitches in the sternum, when lifting or drawing a long breath. Caust. 149. ---- at night, in left side of the chest, with anguish and uneasi- ness, Caust 150. ---- in the right chest, as if ulcerated, Carb. a. 151. ----in the integuments of the chest, Cann. 152. ---- striking from both sides of the chest towards each other, with pressure in the middle of the chest, Gutt 153. ---- in the inner and outer chest, increasing from day to day, Camph. 154. ----in left chest when walking, Camph. 155. Fine stitches in the nipples, Camph. 156. ----stitches under the clavi- cle from before backwards, during a walk, Bell 157. Stitches in the side of the chest, under the right arm, arresting the breathing, Bell. 158. ---- in the sternum, when yawning, Bell 159. Fine stitches in left chest, from sternum towards the axilla, more violent during motion, Bell 160. Stitches in the throat, with con- striction of the same, on account of which the breathing is short and panting, Asar. 161. ---- in the chest, from left to right side, with dyspnoea, Calc. carb. 162. Dull stitches and burning pain in left chest, when lying on the right side, Seneg. 163. ---- stitches at first, after- wards violent oppression in the chest, with great debility of the lower extremities, sweat and nau- sea (almost fainting), during a walk, Seneg. 164. ---- stitches under the left short ribs, Seneg. 165. Dull stitches in left chest, especially when sitting or lying, Seneg. 166. Stitching in both sides of the chest, Sassap. 167. Stitches in the region of the last true ribs of the right side, towards the sternum, only when drowing breath, Sabin. 168. Stitching in fore part of the middle of the right chest, when drawing breath and coughing; he is waked by the pain several times at night; he is unable to lie on that side, has a cough, with expec- toration, Sabad. 169. Continuous stitches in the left chest, Sep. 170. Sharp stitches from without in- wards, above left nipple, when sitting bent, Spig. 171. Dull stitches in right chest, Spig. 172. Stitching in the chest, contract- ing it, so that he was unable to breathe, Spig. 173. Intermittent stitches in the cla- vicle, Sabin. 174. Excessive stitching near the sternum, from above downward, impeding respiration, Squill. 175. Stitches in the middle of the xiphoid cartilage, almost like one continuous stitch, Squill 176. ---- in the region of the left and right true ribs, simultaneously, Squill. 177. Pointed stitches at the end of the clavicles towards the shoul-, ders, Squill 178. Pressing broad stitches during an expiration, below the last rib, on either side, Squill. 179. Darting stitches on either side of the chest, not far from the ster- num, Squill 180. Stitches in the chest, especially when drawing a long breath, Silic. 181. Severe stitch in right side of chest, Silic HE THORAX, ETC. 800 SYMPTOMS OF Tl 182. Itching stitches at last true rib on right side, Ang. 183. Fine, gnawing, itching, pulsa- tive stitches in left chest, opposite " the pit of the stomach, Dig. 184. Pinching stitch in the whole chest, Phos. ac 185. Dull crampy stitches along the lower border of the ribs, below the axilla, Dig. 186. Crampy stitching in the left chest, 01, an. 187. Continuous boring, dull stitch in left chest, Staphys. 188. Boring stitches in left side and left chest, from within outwards, Asaf. 189. —=— stitches in the right inter- costal muscles, when sitting, Mur. ac. 190. Tensive-boring stitches in left chest, even during an expiration, Spig. 191. Boring stitch in the region of the diaphragm, right side, Spig. 192. Drawing stitch from the last true rib to the shoulder, Squill. 193. ----stitches in left chest when sitting bent, especially when tak- ing a slow, deep inspiration, Spong. 194. Tensive stitches in left chest, changing to a continuous stitch when going up stairs, Staphys. 195. ---- stitches in the sides of the chest, Spig. 196. Burning stitches in left chest, worse during an expiration, Stann. 197. Hot stitch in the right inter- costal muscles, Dros. 198. Prickling, burning, fine stitches at one of the true ribs, Cina. 199. Fine burning stitches under the left mamma, Mur. ac. 200. Burning stitches in the chest, Kal. carb. 201. Pulsative stitches in the chest, when sitting, Cocc. 202. Beating stitches in left side of chest, Thuj. 203. Throbbing stitches in left chest, from the pit of the stomach up- wards, Bar. carb. 204. Fine, gnawing, itching, pulsa- tive stitches in left chest, opposite the pit of the stomach, Dig. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Stitch, with pressure in right chest, Tarax. 2. Continuous stitch, with pressure, in the right chest, worse during a violent expiration, Zinc m. 3. Dull stitch, like a pressing from within outward, in left chest, be- low the axilla, while drawing breath, Valer. 4. ----stitch in left lung, arresting the breathing, Asar. 5. Severe stitch in the skin of the right side of the chest, Arg. f 6. ---- stitch in right side from within outwards, preventing breathing, Arg.f. 7. When drawing a long breath, pain under the upper portion of the sternum like a dull stitch or pressure, Ang. 8. Stitch with pressing in chest, from within outward, Bry. 9. When turning to the other side in bed, he felt a stitch in the side upon which he did not rest, Bry. 10. Stitch through the chest to the scapulas, when drawing breath, Bry. 11. Momentary stitch in left clavi- cle, Bry. 12. At every inspiration, stitch in left chest as with a knife, Bor. 13. After going up stairs, stitch from without inwards in right chest, Bor. 14. Continuous stitch with pressure in the cartilage of the left rib, worse during an expiration, when it resembles a burning, Bell. 15. Stitch below the heart, worse when drawing breath, Croc. 16. Severe stitch through the chest, to the back, when walking, Cocc. STITCHES, LANCINATK 17. Severe stitch in upper part of right chest, near the sternum, as with a red-hot pin, the burning at that spot continuing a long time after, 01 an. 18. Dull stitch in the chest, Oleand. 19.----continuous stitch in the sternum, Oleand. 20. Severe stitch through the lungs, in the forenoon, Nitr. ac 21. Stitch in the side, on raising the trunk or arm, Nice 22. Sharp stitch in upper part of chest, under the right arm, arrest- ing the breathing, Phos. ac. 23. Stitch in the left chest, penetrat- ing very deeply, Nice 24.----high, up in the chest, when sneezing or coughing, through to the back ; the chest feels contract- ed by the stitch, Merc. sol. 25. Itching stitch in right nipple, Mang. 26. Severe stitch in middle of ster- num, when sitting, through the chest, Ind. 27. Stitch below the left momma, proceeding thence as with a sharp knife and like an electric shock across the pit of the stomach, chest, right side of abdomen, thighs, down to the tarsal joints, Kreas. 28. Deep stitch on both sides of the sternum, when sitting bent, Rhus t 29. Stitch in nipple when drawing a long breath, with flatulence in ab- domen, Ign. 30. Sharp stitch in sternum, above the xiphoid cartilage, with sensa- tion as if a pointed instrument remained sticking in that spot, Rat. 31. ----stitch in sternum, arresting the breathing at every step in go- ing down stairs, Rat. 82. Stitch when walking fast, China. 33.----above the heart, particu- larly during rest and when read- ing, China. 34.----in the middle of the ster- Vol. III.—51. DNS, PRICKINGS, ETC. 801 num during a deep inspiration, Cast. 35. Continuous stitch in right side of chest, from without inwards, Bell. 36. Broad stitch in the pectoral mus- cle, from below upward, at every beat of the heart, Calc. acet. 37. Acute stitch in right breast, Sang. 38. Stitch in the right side of the chest and scapula, when drawing breath or coughing, Sep. 39. Severe stitch below the heart, changing to a creeping, then again to a stitch, Spig. CUTTING. 1. Cutting and stitches in the chest, evening, Magn. carb. 2. Compressive cutting at one of the left lower ribs, when lying on the right side, Puis. 3. Quickly-passing cutting and pinching in the chest as from fla- tulence, Dulc 4. Cutting with pressure in both sides of the chest, Ang. 5.----with pressure in chest, with anguish, Ang. 6. Severe cutting on both sides, in the region of the last true ribs, especially when drawing breath, Arg.fl 7. Cutting, where the cartilages of the left false ribs unite, afterwards alternating with a similar pain on the right side, Arg. f. 8. Horizontal cutting as with a knife, in the region of the left false ribs, Arg.f. 9. Cutting with pressure in both sides of the chest, Am. 10. ---- in the chest down to the pit of the stomach, Sulp. 11. ---- and burning deep in the chest, Sulp. 12. Sensation, on drawing a long breath, as if the intercostal mus- cles would be cut to pieces, from before backwards, Tab. 802 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. 13. Sense of cutting in the region of the left costal cartilage, with Stitches, Staphys. 14. Cutting through the chest from below upwards, and in front from within outwards, Stann. 15. Sudden sharp cuttings as with a knife, in left side of the chest, Stann. 16. Fine cutting from the throat to the chest, especially in the region of the clavicle and axilla, where it ends; the cutting is felt when walking, and becomes worse as one walks faster, Ruta. PRICKING. 1. Prickings in right chest, from within outward, Spong. 9. ---- in right side of chest, && 3. ---- above the xiphoid carti- lage, Sabad. 4. ---- in left side, posteriorly, near the two last false ribs, Se- neg. 5. Pricking at a small spot in the left chest, when walking, Seneg. 6. Prickings in right chest, during an expiration, Sabad. 7.----in the subcostal region, without affecting the breathing, Cast. 8. Burning prickings in the left chest, Carb. a. -ft Prickings in the chest, during a walk, Caust. 10. :----in the chest, Cham. 11. Prickling and formication in the outer parts of the chest and back, Ran. seel. 12. Pricking in the chest and a cold shuddering burning through the whole body, Magnes art. 13. Prickings in small places be- tween the nipple and axilla, inter- nally, Cal. seg. 14. ----in left or right side of the chest, early in the morning, Mang. 15. Itching pricking like flea-bites between the mammae, at night, Phos. ac. 16. Prickings in the sternum, at noon, Nux v. 17. Tingling pricking in the sternum, Oleand. 18. Prickling in the skin (chest, back, and thighs) during an even- ing walk, with sweat afterwards, Chin, sulph. 19. Fine prickings extending from the back into the chest, Bor. 20. Itching prickings in the region of the last false ribs, Anac. 21. Prickings under the xiphoid car- tilage, Arg.f. 22. ---- in the sides of the chest, Am. 23. ---- from within outwards, in right chest, Ars. cit 24.----in the chest, here and there, when drawing a long breath, Zinc m. 25. Prickling in right chest, Thuj. 26. Prick lings in the trachea, some- times attended with blood-streaked expectoration, Tereb. 27. Sharp, piercing prickings at the clavicle, Stann. SHOOTING. 1. Shootings and paroxysms of seated pain under the left nipple in the chest, Amygd. 2. ----through the chest from be- low upward, along both sides of the sternum, Stront, carb. LANCINATIONS. 1. Quick lancinations under the two last ribs, near the ensiform carti- lage, Bell 2. Lancinations in the sternum, Canth. 3. ----in the sternum, Carb. a. 4. Lancination from left chest to left side of abdomen, evening, Rhus t. 5. Lancinations in right chest, ceas- ing when bending the trunk for- ward, Chin, sulph. 6. Dull lancinations in region of last ribs, Bism. PRESSURE. 803 7. Lancination at a small spot be- low the clavicle, on drawing breath ever so little ; the spot is painful as if ulcerated, especially when raising the arm, Bry. 8. ----in the chest through to the back, Ambr. gr. 9. Pulsative lancinations above the heart, Anac. 10. Lancination across the last rib of left side when stooping side- ways, Arg.fl 11. Lancinations on the right side. DARTING. I. Frequent paroxysms of several darts at a time in the region of the heart when walking, Kal. chlor. 2. Dartings in the fore part of the chest, shooting obliquely upward, Nux mosch. 3. Violent dartings in the chest, Aeon, STINGING. 1. Stinging in the outer parts of the chest and arms, for some days, Spong. 2. ----and burning in the chest, Kal nit. 3. Itching stinging below the nip- ples, Nux v. 4. Stinging in both nipples, Cocc 5. ---- in sternum, at night, in bed, Ferr. acet 6.----in middle of sternum, Bism. Pressure. SIMPLE PRESSURE. 1. Pressure in left chest, Kal. carb., Staphys. 2. Severe pressure in the chest, be- low the left clavicle, Spig. 3. Hard pressure in the whole chest, Spig. 4. Painful pressure in chest, after hawking, Spig. 5. Pressure on both sides of the chest, for one hour, Silic. 6.----rushing into the chest like a wind; the chest feels dilated and nevertheless oppressed, Sabin. 7.----and weight in upper part of chest, with dysmoea, Sang. 8. When bending the head forward, he feels a violent pressure under the upper part of the sternum, gradually passing into a violent colic, Seneg. 9. Pressure and tightness across the lower part of the chest, in the evening, with fine stitches, aggra- vated by moving, stooping or drawing breath, Ran. bulb. 10.----at upper part of sternum as from a load, Sep. 11. Severe pressure in the chest, in the evening, in bed, Sep. 12. Painful pressure in praecordial region, Calc. carb. 13. Slight pressure in chest, behind the sternum, and a cooling sensa- tion rising from the chest into the mouth, Camph. 14. Pressure at the top of the ster- num as from a load, Camph. 15.----in the larynx when draw- ing breath, Carb. v. 16.----on the whole chest, or only below the sternum, as from a load, Cast 17.----at sternum, after eating, China. 18. ----with drawing across lower chest, when sitting, with anguish, China. 19.----at chest, particularly when bending the trunk forward when sitting or standing, also with an- guish and oppression of breathing, China. 20. Painful pressure across the ster- num, sometimes causing a sensa- tion as if the chest were narrower than before; at times stitches are felt instead of the pressure, Rheum. 21. Pressing and pushing in left 804 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. chest, not far from pit of stomach, when sitting bent, Rhus 1, 22. Pressure at sternum, internally and externally, Ruta. 28. Severe painful pressure in the middle of the chest, Sabad. 24. Pressure from the left clavicle into one of the lower molares, in the crown of which a tingling sen- sation is experienced, Magn. mur. 25. ----on the upper, lower, or mid- dle part of the sternum, Lauroc. 26. ----at the sternum, aggravated by motion, Led. pal. 27.----as from a button, on the true ribs of the right side, Lye 28.----at middle of sternum as with a sharp body, Ign. 29. ---- in right side of the chest, with oppressive anxiety, Hyosc. 30.----deep in the right chest, lod. 31. ---- in middle of chest, with sense as if drawn downward, Kal. carb. 32.----at the chest, with tickling in the larynx and feeling as if the lungs were too large, Magn. sulph. 33.----in left chest, hindering breathing, Merc. sol. 34. ---- and tightness at sternum, directly above the pit of the sto- mach, when standing, Mere acet. 35. ---- in the chest, not allowing one to lie down and threatening suffocation, Mosch. 36. Painful pressure in left chest through the nipple, Mosch. 37. Pressure at times in the left, at times in the right chest, at other times through to the spine, Mosch. 38.----at the sternum, low down, 01 an. 39.----at the chest, as if the parts in front were held with the hand, Petrol. 40.----over the whole chest, at night, shifting to the abdomen, and disappearing after emission of fla- tulence, Phos. ac. 41.----at the chest, Plumb, m. 42. Pressure at the lower half of the sternum on stooping, with beating after raising the trunk again, Ran. btdb. 43.----at the lower part of the sternum, right chest, and pit of the stomach, changing to painful- ness of the whole chest, Ran. bulb. 44.----on left side of chest as if the blood could not circulate through the heart, Nitr. ac. 45. Violent pressure on the chest, from the pit of the throat to the pit of the stomach, early, Nitr. ac. 46. Pressure and tension in the outer parts of the chest, as if op- pressed by a load, and as if the side were lame, Nux v. 47. Dull pressure in upper part of sternum, going and coming, Ole- and. 48. Pressure as from a shock or blow at lower end of sternum, with soreness, Cic. 49. Sudden pressure at sternum, as if a fist were striking it, Cocc 50. Pressure as from some hard body, near the cartilage of third rib, Cupr. m. 51.----and anxiety in the chest, with flushes of heat in the face and burning in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, Co- paiv. 52. Frequent pressure at the chest, at small spots, Colch. 53. Pressure in middle of sternum, as if from something in the lungs, Coloc. 54. Incisive pressure in the right side of the chest, going and com- ing, Bell. 55. Sharp pressure at sixth rib, from within outwards, Bell. 56. Pressure in right chest, causing an anxious feeling, Bell, 57. Hard pressure near left nipple, Bism. 58. Pressure in pit of stomach, op- pressing her chest, Bry. PRESSURE. 805 59. Pressure over the whole chest, Bry. 60. ---- across the epigastrium as with the hands, Bry. 61.----at the chest, with stitches in the sternum when drawing • breath, Bry, 62.----or stinging in the nipple, Sabin. 63.----at xiphoid cartilage, Agn. 64. ---- in the chest, followed by empty eructations, Alum. 65. ----at a small spot deep in the right chest, during a violent expi- ration, Ambr. gr. 66.----at the chest, with fulness, as if vomiting would ease him, Anac 67. Dull pressure as from a plug, in the right side of the chest, Anac. 68. Pressure across the whole right side of the chest and abdomen as if compressed in front and behind, accompanied by an incisive cutting in sternum, dorsal spine, Ang. 69.----in the side opposite the belly, followed by severe oppres- sive stitches when moving about or drawing breath; when lying still he felt a griping in those parts, attended with oppression on the chest which hindered breathing, Arg.f. 70. Severe pressure at sternum, in- ternally, increased by motion, ^rg. f 71. Pressure and weight at a spot in the middle of the sternum, Arg. nit. 72. Dull pressure above pit of sto- mach, Am. 73. Pressure in the chest, with op- pressive tightness in the throat, Asaf. 74.----in the chest, when lying with sobbing inspiration, Asaf 75. Sharp pressure as with the back of a knife, in the region of the last ribs, Asar. 76. Pressure in the whole chest, Asar. 77. Pressure at right chest, with great anguish, Aur.f. 78.----at sternum as from some- thing hard, with tearings towards the shoulders, Aur. f 79.----on left side, near pit of stomach, Aur.f. 80. Paroxysms of pressure in the outer parts of the chest, Thuj. 81. Pressure under the last rib, end- ing in a stitch, Verat. 82.----in the chest as if a foreign body were rising, Zinc. m. 83. ----in left chest and pit of the stomach, Sulph. ac. 84.----at the inner surface of the ribs, in the hepatic region, during an expiration, Tarax. 85. ---- as from a heavy load in the middle of the chest, Thuj. 86.----deep in the chest as from a load, Stann, 87. ----above the pit of the sto- mach, like soreness, with nausea in that region, Staphys. 88. Hard pressure on the cartilages of the third and fourth ribs, with difficult respiration, Stann. 89. Pressure across the chest as if he had swallowed too large a mor- sel of food, Sulp. 90.----at the upper part of the sternum, when walking in the open air, Sulp. 91. ---- in left chest, sometimes with stitches during motion and rest, Spong. 92. ----like tension, in both sides, from the axillae to the abdomen, particularly during an inspiration, Squill. CRAMPr, SPASMODIC PRESSURE. 1. Spasmodic painful pressure in fore part of chest, above the pit of the stomach, extending across the chest like a band, worse when drawing breath, Sabin. 2. Crampy pressure in different parts of the chest, with desire to gape and stretch, Lact. vir. 806 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. 3. Contractive pressing in upper part of left chest, Phos. 4. Crampy pressure behind the sternum, most violent when draw- ing breath, Bry. 5. ---- pressure at a small spot on both sides of the sternum, when sitting, Mez. 6. Spasmodic pressing asunder in the lower parts of the chest, Eu- phorb. 7. Drawing, stupefying, crampy pressure and stitches (also concus- sive stitches) in the region of the nipples, Evon. 8. Crampy pressure in region of diaphragm, through the chest, Bism. 9. ----pressure rising from pit of stomach, when stooping while sit- ting, Bor. 10. Spasmodic pressure in the chest and pit of the stomach, Zinc. oxyd. 11. Crampy pressure in either side of the chest, Phos. ac. PRESSURE FROM WITHIN OUTWARD. 1. Pressure as if the sternum would be pressed out, worse when press- ing on the sternum, stooping, or coughing, Phos. ac. 2. Sensation as if something would press out of the chest, on the left side, Dulc. 3. Pressure in the left chest, from within outward, Asaf. 4. ----in the left intercostal mus- cles, from within outward, Asa f 5. ----from within outward, below the right nipple, Stann. PRESSURE WITH STITCHES OR CUTTING. 1. Pressure in the middle of the chest, and stitches striking from both sides of the chest towards each other, Gutt. 2. Cutting pressure, when sitting bent, China. 3. Pressure in left chest and on the sternum, with stitches, Men- yan. 4. When violently moving the arm, he feels an incisive pressure on the opposite side of the chest, externally, in front, at the third rib, Dig. 5. Pressure at the chest, with stitches, Amm. mur. 6. Stitching pressure in the chest and throat, arresting the breathing, Sulp. ac. PULSATIVE OR THROBBING PRESSURE. 1. Pressure at the chest, with throbbing and difficult breathing, Magn. sulph. 2. Pulsative pressing in right side of the chest, Asar. 3. ---- pressure at the left fourth rib, as with a dull point, with soreness when touched, Verat. PRESSURE FROM WITHOUT INWARD. 1. Sensation as if the sternum pressed upon the chest, like a curve from without inward, Sabin. 2. A sort of pushing or pressing inward in left chest, with dull stitches, Cann. 3. Pressure from without inward, at a small spot on the" sternum, Lauroc. 4. ---- from without inward, in the right chest, low down, with flow of bitter water and inclination to dry cough, Nux mosch. 5.----at lower end of sternum, from without inward, Alum. PRESSURE OF VARIOUS KINDS. 1. Pressure from above downioard, at upper part of chest, followed by empty eructations, Phos. 2. Laming pressure in chest, upper arm, and tibia, when sitting still, Cycl. 3. Pressure with tearing in left side of the chest, Ambr. gr. WARMTH, H 4. Pressure with tingling in one side of the chest, or with oppressed breathing, China. 5. Pushing and tingling in the pit of the stomach, with beating of the heart, Tart, emet 6. Burning pressure from within outwards, in whole chest, China. 7. ----pressure in sternum, espe- cially during an expiration, Tarax. 8. Boring pressure above the pit of the stomach, Thuj. Warmth, Heat, Burning. 1. Burning in the chest, Arg. nit, Copaiv., Magn. sulph. 2. Heat in the chest, Bry. 3. Burning in the right chest, Bell, Sabad. 4. ----emanations from the mid- dle of the chest towards either shoulder and side, back and small of back, with anxiety, and sensa- tion as if the parts were being severed, Magnes art' 5. ---- and stinging in the chest, Kal. nit. 6. ---- from the middle of the chest to the throat, with pain of the tongue as if burnt, Kreas. 7. When walking in the open air, he imagines that heat is entering the chest, passing through the pharynx, Magnet p. arct. 8. Burning in the chest, on drawing breath, Lauroc. 9. ---- feeling in the chest, pass- ing upwards, Lob. inf. 10.----and throbbing in the chest, Magn. mur. 11. Sensation in the chest as if hot water were flowing in it, Hep. s. 12. Burning and oppression in the middle and sometimes in the sides of the chest, with dry cough, lod. 13. ----and stinging tension in the integuments of the chest, lod. 14. Warmth and nausea in the chest, attended by coryza, Mang. EAT, BURNING. 807 15. Burning in the chest, extending to the throat, Merc. sol. 16. ---- of the outer right chest, also at a small spot in the middle of the sternum, with sensation as if something were sticking there internally ; afterwards the burning changed to a mere pricking, Mur. ac. 17. Mounting of heat from the abdo- men to the chest, with sensation as if the senses would vanish, 01. an. 18. Burning in the chest or the xiphoid cartilage, 01 an. 19. ----rising from the stomach to the chest, with anxiety, with sweat on forehead and chest, Phos. 20. ---- in the outer parts of the chest, Phos. ac. 21. ---- in the chest, when eating anything salt, Nitr. ac 22. ----in the chest, with anxiety, Nux v. 23. Heat in the chest, rising to the mouth, and occasioning restless- ness, anxiety, sleeplessness, Nux v. 24. Warmth in the chest, also exter- nally, with fine stitches in the muscles of the chest, Nux v. 25. Burning in chest, with ineffectual inclination to vomit, Brom. 26. Heat in chest and abdomen, Cic 27. Spots in the chest, which feel burning or as if bruised, Coloc 28. Heat of the outer chest as if from a warm stove, shortly after, coolness, Dig. 29. Burning in the middle of the chest, Dros. 30. Warm feeling in middle of chest, Euphorb. 31. Heat, with anxiety and oppres- sion, proceeding from pit of sto- mach, and coming on during exer- cise, obliging one to lie down, Ferr. acet. 32. Excessive warmth in pit of sto» mach, shortening the breath, with a kind of aching, Bry. [E THORAX, ETC. 808 SYMPTOMS OF TH 33. °Smarting burning and bleeding of the nipples, Sulph. 34. A hot burning streaming in the right breast, begins under the right arm and clavicle, and extends downwards towards the region of the liver, Sang. 35. Heat in the chest, then in the head, with redness of the face and hands, Grat. 36. Feeling of heat in the lungs, Aeon. 37. Burning in the lungs as if some hot fluid would rise into the mouth, Aeon. 38. ----in the left breast, A^th. 39.----in the left chest, with prickling in the skin, especially at sternum, Agar. 40.----with pressure at one of the right ribs, Ambr. gr. 41. ---- in the chest from below upwards, Amm. carb. 42.----at small spots of the outer chest (when walking in the open air), Amm. mur. 43. ---- in the chest, when cough- ing, with a glowing-hot breath, Ant. cr. 44. ---- in chest, with dry cough and dyspnoea, Ant. cr. 45. ---- in the chest, also in the sternum, Ars. 46. ---- sensation in right chest, rather externally, Asar. 47. Sudden burning and stitches deep in left chest, Bar. carb. 48. Burning in the right chest, Zinc m. 49. ----in the left chest, Zinc. m. 50.----in the right chest, as if in the skin, Zinc. m. 51.----at a small spot on the right chest, also above the left nipple, Zinc. m. 52. ----with contractive sensation at a small spot on the sternum, rather externally, Sulp. 53.----in right chest, suddenly coming and going, Sulp, 54. ---- in the throat and hot breath, on waking, Sulp. 55. Burning and cutting deep in the chest, Sulp. 56. ----at the right clavicle, inte- riorly, as far as the sternum, Sulp. 57. Frequent scalding sensation on left chest, Sulph. ac. 58. Heat in the chest, with chilli- ness and coldness of the whole body, Silic. 59. Disagreeable feeling of heat in the chest, during a walk in the open air, Rhus t. 60. Burning in the chest, with dul- ness of the head as if he knew not where he was, Cham. 61. Heat in the chest or only under the sternum, Cast 62. Burning in the chest, as from red-hot coal, Carb. v. 63. ---- in the chest, with aching, Carb. a. 64. Heat and burning in the chest, also with raising of little clots of blood, Canth. 65. Sudden rising of heat from the abdomen to the chest, Bell. 66. Burning under the sternum, as far as the back, Seneg. 67. ---- and pressing in the chest, then heat through the abdomen and diarrhoea, Sang. 68.----, with pressure at the lower false ribs of the right side, Sabin. Breathing, Respiration. DIFFICULT, LABORED, OPPRESSED BREATHING. 1. Difficulty of breathing, lod. 2. Oppressed, anxious, panting breathing, Camph. 3 Difficult and unequal breathing, only with the ribs, Merc. corr. 4. Heavy and deep breathing at night, with oppression, Sep. 5. Labored breathing as if a load were lying on the chest, Cann. 6. Difficult respiration when lying down, Cann. BREATHING, RESPIRATION. 809 7. Difficulty of breathing, owing to contraction of the larynx and tra- chea, Canth. 8. Oppression of breathing, with crampy, contractive sensation and stitches in the chest, abating in a recumbent posture, Canth. 9. Sensation as if the expiration re- mained behind in the chest, Carb. a. 10. Oppressed and labored breath- ing, China, 11. Heavy breathing, after a short walk, Rhus t 12. Oppression of breathing, passing off after micturition, Chin, sulph. 13. Tightness of breathing, with nau- sea under the short ribs, Rhus tox. 14. Oppressed breathing when going up stairs, stitching in the chest and cough, with raising of blood, Kal. nit. 15. Difficult breathing, with stitches in the left lungs, or pressure in the pit of the stomach, Lact. vir. 16. Insufficient breath, when stand- ing or walking, owing to a spas- modic constriction of the umbili- cal and proscordial regions, Lact. vir. 17. Sensation when drawing a long breath, as if the air did not fill the lungs, Lact. vir. 18. Difficulty of breathing, the chest being raised spasmodically, Amygd. 19. Oppression of breathing, with sensation as if he had to draw a long breath to find relief, Lob. inf. 20. Difficulty of breathing, with oc- casional rattling, Hyosc. 21. ---- of expanding the chest, when drawing breath, lod. 22. Difficult breathing as if he had not air enough, early in the morn- ing, Merc. sol. 23. Oppressed and difficult breath- ing, with anxiety about the heart, Op. 24. Loud, labored, rattling breath- ing, Op. 25. Inspiration accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen and along the spine, Morph. acet. 26. Difficulty of breathing, in the evening, in bed, or from tightness of the pit of the stomach, Phos. 27. Breathing heavy and oppressed, with stitches between the short ribs, mostly on left side, Phos. ac 28. Oppressed breathing, with warm rising from the pit of the stomach to the throat-pit; she has to draw a long breath, with hoarseness, Plat 29. Impeded respiration in the morn- ing, owing to anxiety in the chest, Puis. 30. Difficulty of breathing, obliging one to sit up at night, and open the window, Plumb, acet. 31. Impeded respiration as from pa- ralysis of the muscles of the larynx, Plumb, acet 32. Difficulty of breathing, after eat- ing, from pressure as from a stone above navel, Nux v. 33. When the clothes press tightly against the parts below the ribs, he is unable to breathe in walking, the breathing becomes freer when the clothes are loosened ; but if the clothes are taken off entirely, the breathing becomes again op- pressed, Nux v. 34. Slow and deep inspirations, after dinner, Nux v. 35.----breathing, with dilatation of the pupils, Nux v. 36. The breathing is difficult and oppressed, as long as she remains up; it becomes natural on lying down, Nux v. 37. She is scarcely able to breathe, all day, Cic, 38. Difficult breathing with oppres- sion, as if the air passages were clogged with mucus, Copaiv. 39. Difficulty of breathing, with tightness of the chest, owing to colic, Crot. IE THORAX, ETC. 810 SYMPTOMS OF Tl 40. Difficulty of breathing, with sweat and anxious countenance, Eupaf. 41. Tightness of breathing on going up stairs ; a deep inspiration is accompanied by a drawing stitch from without inwards in the right chest, Bor. 42. °Anxious, labored sobbing breathing, Aeon. 43. Labored breathing as if the chest were filled with blood, Agar. 44. The breathing through the nose is interrupted, especially when asleep, Aeon. 45. Labored breathing when cough- ing, Ars. 46. Oppressed breathing when walk- ing rapidly, Ars. 47. Labored breathing when going up stairs, Ars. 48. Difficult oppressed breathing, with desire for water and anxiety, Thuj. 49. ■----breathing, particularly with the left lung, Zinc. oxyd. 50. His breathing is more and more difficult, and he is blue in the face, Stram. 51. Difficulty of breathing, with anxiety about the pit of the sto- mach, Stram. SHORT, ANXIOUS, nURRIED BREATHING. 1. Anxious, panting, oppressed breathing, Camph. 2. Short breathing, Bry., Nux, v. 3. Short breathing and anguish, he had to walk all the time, and was not able to remain seated, Carb.v. 4. Shortness of breath, particularly at stool, or in the evening, with tension across the chest and weak- ness in all the limbs, Rhus tox. 5. ---- of breath, with dry and hacking cough, cardialgia, Sabad. 6. ----of breathing, when ascend- ing the least eminence, Calc. carb. 7. ----of breath, with pain as if bruised when drawing breath, Kreas. 8. Hurried breathing, arising from a pressing sensation, and sensa- tion of effervescence in the chest, Lact. vir. 9. Shortness of breath as if some- thing were tied round the upper part of the belly, Kal. bich. 10. ---- of breath, early in the morning, Kal. carb. 11. Accelerated breathing, even when standing, with increased pulse, heat, and redness of the face, Men- yan. 12. Shortness of breath, as if he had inhaled smoke, Merc, sol 13. ----of breath when going up stairs, Merc sol. 14.----of breath, when walking, Merc, sol 15.----of breath, owing to stitches in the chest, Mosch. 16. Short, stertorous breathing, Op. 17. Quick, oppressed, anxious breathing, Op. 18. Anxious breathing, with smart- ing pain in the chest, strong, full pulse, Morph. acet, 19. Hurried breathing, with slight rattling, Cupr. m. 20. Quick breathing, with sensation as if the lungs would not expand sufficiently ; caused by a pressure and dull shooting in pit of sto- mach, Coloc. 21. Two turns of short breath every day, Coloc. 22. Short breathing when walking, also as if the chest were full, Sep. 23. Panting speech as if out of breath, Plumb, m. 24. Shortness of breath, especially when sleeping, after midnight, Aeon. 25. Hurried and superficial breath- ing, Aeon. 26. Short breathing, with stitches in the chest, Amm. carb. 27. Short, panting breathing, Am. 28. Small, frequent, anxious breath- ing, Bell. 29. Hurried breathing, with cough- BREATHING, RESPIRATION. 811 ing and yawning and contracted pulse, Asaf. 30. Anxious and oppressive short- ness of breath, Ars. 31. Short breathing after drinking coffee, Bell, 32. ----breathing, owing to weak- ness of the respiratory organs, with empty feeling in the chest, Stann. 33. ---- breathing, with anguish, Stann. SIGHING, MOANING. 1. Moaning, slow and rattling breathing, Lauroc. 2. Sobbing and deep breathing, Silic. 3. ----, and spasmodic double breathing, Led. pal. 4. Moaning, Sec corn. 5. Inclination to sigh, Lob. inf. 6. Moaning, slow, rattling, breath- ing, Hydroc ac. 7. Breathing interrupted by moan- ing, Plumb, in. 8. Convulsive breathing, Brue 9. Sobbing and moaning, owing to congestion about the lungs, Aeon. 10. Deep sighing breathing, as from fulness of the chest, afternoon, Ant, cr. 11. Sighing, with oppression of the chest, Arg. nit. 12. Moaning breathing, Ars. 13. Frequent sighing, Stram. IRREGULAR BREATHING. 1. Unequal and difficult breathing, only with the ribs, Merc. corr. 2. Breathing at times natural, at others as if it would cease, Bell 3. The breathing was at times stertorous and loud, at others difficult and feeble, Op. 4. Irregular, suffocative breathing, Op. 5. Labored, irregular breathing, at times hurried, at times slow. Bell. 6. Slow inspirations, and sudden expirations, Stram. SLOW BREATHING. 1. Slow and deep breathing, Camph. 2. ----, moaning, and rattling breathing, Lauroc 3. ----, deep breathing, as after exhaustion, Spong. 4. Heavy, slow expirations and inspirations, Squill. 5. Feeble and slow breathing, with wheezing and rattling, Nitr. ac. 6. The inspirations are slow, long, and sighing, Op. 7. Slow breathing during sleep, Aeon. DEEP BREATHING. 1. Deep and slow breathing, Spong. 2. ---- and slow breathing, Camph. 3. Frequent deep and sobbing breathing, Silic. 4. Deep inspirations, with heat in the face and chest, Cast 5. Frequent deep breathing, Calc. carb. 6.----desire to take a deep breath, particularly when sitting bent, Lact. vir. 7. ----and deep breathing, Hep. s. 8. When turning to the left side, in bed, he is obliged to draw a long breath, which causes a severe pain in the left groin, Merc. sol. 9. Single deep inspirations at times, at others the breathing is sup- pressed for minutes, Op. 10. Frequent deep breathing, owing to an anxious feeling of heaviness in lower part of the chest, Prun. spin. 11. ----deep breathing, with burn- ing fine stitches in left chest, Ran. bulb. 12.----and deep breathing, with pressure at the sternum and nausea, Ran. bulb. 812 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. 13. Has to take a long breath fre- quently, Dig. 14. Every few minutes he has to take a deeper and quicker inspira- tion ; this is always followed by a stitch in the right chest, with a subdued painful sigh, and slow- expiration, Bor. 15. Frequent deep breathing, Aur.f. 16. Oppression at pit of stomach, like a spasmodic sensation, oblig- ing him to draw a deep breath, Bell. BREATHING OF VARIOUS KINDS. 1. Imperceptible breathing, some- times accompanied with a little noise, Op. 2. Spasmodic double inspirations and sobbing, Led. pal. Asthma. 1. Asthma, Bell, Bry., brass, Cann., Cupr. carb., Plumb, acet. 2. Spasmodic asthma, Caust, Op. 3. Painful asthma, for many days, Dig. 4. Spasmodic asthma, the chest feels contracted; the spasms are succeeded by a convulsive vomit- ing, Cupr. m. 5. Asthma, particularly when talk- ing, with contraction of the throat at every word that is uttered, Dros. 6. °Nightly asthma, arising from erethism of the vascular system and congestion of blood to the lungs, abating when lying with the trunk high and uncovering the chest entirely, Ferr. carb. 7. °Asthmatic complaints, espe- cially in sensitive plethoric young persons (girls) who lead a seden- tary life, or when the attack is brought on by the least excite- ment, Aeon. 8. °----complains of full-grown persons, especially when accom- panied with violent congestion of blood to the head, vertigo, full and strong pulse, or haemoptysis, Aeon. 9. Asthma Millari, with violent, hoarse, crowing cough, at night, danger of suffocation, and con- striction of the trachea, Aeon. 10.----and palpitation of the heart, after every exertion, Amm. carb. 11. ----for eight days, was unable to ascend steps, in a warm room turned pale as a corpse, Amm. carb. 12. ---- on moving the arms with force, or when stooping, Amm. mur. 13. Suffocative asthma, Ant. cr. 14. Chronic asthma, Ars. 15. Asthma after exertions, Ars. 16. Spasmodic asthma of full grown people, Ars. 17. Asthma when walking in the open air, Aur.f. 18. ----when laughing or walking fast, as if the chest were too tight and too flat in front, Aur. f 19. ----and convulsions, Sulp. 20. Fit of asthma at night, Coloc 21. Asthma in the evening, followed by slumber, after which he wakes with a suffocative fit, short cough, vomiturition, aching in the fore- head, with tearing through the eyes, creeping on the tongue, cold feet, cold sweat in the face, and a good deal of rising from the stomach, Puis. 22.----, with danger of suffocation when walking or stooping, Mercur. Prepar. 23. ----, with impeded respiration in the trachea, lod. 24. ----, with pain when drawing a long breath, more violent and rapid beating of the heart, smaller and more frequent pulse, lod. 25.----all night, for a week, Ipec 26. Spasmodic asthma, violent con- traction in the throat and chest, a peculiar kind of panting sound being heard, Ipec DYSPNOEA, ORTHOPNOE. 813 27. Paroxysms of asthma, Lob. inf. 28. Asthma, with redness of face, eructation, and sensation as if the chest were extended, Caps. Dyspnoea, Orthopnoe. 1. Dyspnoea, Am., Aur. f, Men- yan., Merc, corr., Sec corn., Spong. 2. ----, with pain at the heart, Lauroc. 3. Orthopnoe, Caps. 4. Excessive dyspnoea, Plumb, m., Samb. 5. °Angina pectoris, Samb., Ars. 6. Sort of angina pectoris, Plumb, m. 7. Dyspnoea and vertigo, accom- panied by weakness of the head, when lying on the back, disap- pearing on sitting up, Puis. 8.----low down in the chest, as if too full or tight, Puis. 9.----morning and evening, Nux v. 10.----at night, on waking from frightful dreams; she is scarcely able to draw breath, accompanied with humming in the ears, quick pulse, and sweat, Nux v. 11.----, early in the morning, in bed; when turning to the right side, the dyspnoea disappears and headache sets in, Nvx v. 12. ----, as if the chest were not wide enough, with a tight pain in the muscles of the right side of the chest, Euphorb. 13. ----, after midnight, obliging one to sit up, Ferr. acet. 14. ----, with difficult, slow breath- ing, abating by walking and talk- ing, most violent when lying, Ferr. acet. 15. °----afternoon and evening, Sang. 16.----at night, with fear of chok- ing when the bedcover touches his mouth, ..4mm. carb. 17. ----, with internal anxiety and heat, Anac 18. Angina pectoris, with low breath, she has to bend forward, Ars. 19. Excessive dyspnoea, with diffi- culty of breathing at night, Aur.f. 20. Dyspnoea, with dull stitches in the chest when drawing breath, Aur. f 21.----, caused by tenacious mucus in the windpipe, Verat 22. Nocturnal orthopncea, Tart. stib. 23. Dyspnoea during an embrace, Staphys. 24.----as if the tclothes were too tight, he has to unbutton them to breathe easily, Stann. 25.----, with scraping in pharynx and larynx, afterwards cough, and throbbing congestion of blood to the vertex, fermentation, rattling breathing, lastly purulent-bloody expectoration, Natr. carb. 26.----and anxiety increase gra- dually for some hours, with sweat now and then, Nux v. 27.----after a meal, Merc sol. 28.----in sleep, Kal. bich. 29. Oppressive dyspnoea, Hydroc ac 30. Dyspnoea as if the chest had been constricted, Lye 31. Chronic dyspnoea, with sensation as of a lump in the throat-pit, impeding respiration and deglu- tition, Lob. inf. 32. Dyspnoea, obliging him to sit bent, or else felt when sitting bent, with crampy-contractive sen- sation in lower part of the chest, Lact, vir. 33.----, with tightness of the chest, Calc. carb. 34.----, with stitches in the chest, Calc. carb. 35.----, with anguish and tight feeling in the lower part of the chest, Calc. 'carb. 36.----, with oppressive fulness in the chest, Ruta. 37. ----, as if a load were pressing on the upper part of the chest when drawing breath. Rheum. THORAX, ETC. 814 SYMPTOMS OF TH1 38. Orthopnoea as in suffocative catarrh, at the throat-pit, with constant desire to cough, Cham. 39. Dyspnoea, especially when sit- ting or lying down, Caust. 40.----in walking, Caps. 41.----, apparently proceeding from the stomach, Caps. 42. Orthopnoe, he was not able to breathe except with his neck stretched, with wheezing in the trachea, and by greatly distending his abdomen, Cann. 43. Dyspnoea, wifch tenacious mucus in the chest, Sep. 44.----, with stitching in the chest, most troublesome during an in- spiration, Squill 45.----, with frequent quick breath- ing, Squill Oppression. 1. Oppression of the chest, Bell, Cham. 2.----across the chest, as if too tight, Squill. 3. Painful oppression in middle of chest, Spig. 4. Oppression behind the sternum, with pressure at pit of stomach, with nausea and feeling of debility, Samb. 5. ---- of the chest, especially during rest, Seneg. 6. ---- of the chest, with slight shooting pains through the chest, in the direction of the scapulae, Seneg. 7. Violent oppression in the chest, preceded by dull stitches, with great debility of the lower ex- tremities, sweat and nausea, dur- ing a walk, Seneg. 8. Oppression of the chest, in the evening, she had to sit up, with luminous vibrations before the eyes, Sep. 9. Vascular erethism and oppres- sion in the chest, with flushes of heat in the face, and frequent pulse, Seneg. 10. Oppression and heaviness in the chest, with stitches in the back, particularly under the ribs, Gutt. 11. ---- in the evening, in bed, with difficult breathing, as if pre- vented by mucus in the trachea; with burning in the chest, Bell 12. ----of the chest, resembling a suffocative catarrh, as if originat- ing in a pressure in the pit of the stomach, Camph. 13. Oppressed breathing, caused by a tensive aching pain in the middle of the sternum, Cann. 14. Oppression of the chest, with anxiety in the throat, she has to fetch a long breath, Cann. 15. ---- of the chest as from flatu- lence incarcerated in the epigas- trium, with aching pain; accom- panied by pain in the stomach as in heartburn ; afterwards burn- ing in the spine, Cham. 16. ---- of the chest, during an expiration, Chelid. 17. ----of the chest, with difficult, rattling breathing, with roughness of the chest, China. 18. ----of the chest, after talking, or as if from a full stomach, China. 19. ----of the chest, in the evening, with uneasiness of the chest, anxiety, inclination to draw a long breath, sobbing expirations, and a feeble pulse, China. 20. ----of the chest, after talking, or as if from a full stomach, China. 21. ----of the chest, in the even- ing, with uneasiness of the chest, anxiety, inclination to draw a long breath, sobbing expirations, and a feeble pulse, China. 22. Violent oppression in the prae- cordial region, with sensation as if something were digging about in it, China. IS. Oppression of the chest, at night, when lying down, China. 24. ----of the chest, with dyspnoea, Ign. 0PPR1 25. Nightly oppression of the chest, with stitching, particularly on drawing breath, Rhus I. 26. Anxious oppressiqn as if she were unable to draw breath, Rhus t. 27. Oppression of the chest; he imagines he will fall, with anguish about the heart, for half an hour, Sabad. 28. Sudden oppression of the chest, with anxiety, Magnet, p. arct, 29. Oppression of the chest, with frequent dragging in single parts of the chest, Lact vir. 30. Spasmodic oppression of the chest, Lauroc 31. Oppression, with tickling and smarting in the larynx, Lob. infl. 32. The chest feels oppressed and raw internally, Lye 33. Oppression of the chest, with palpitation of the heart, Hyosc 34. ----of the chest, with labored breathing, Kal. carb. 35.----and burning in the middle and sometimes in the sides of the chest, with dry cough, lod. 36.----of the chest, with violent beating of the heart, sometimes preceded by a rush of blood to the chest, or attended with a sensa- tion as if the lungs were tied together with a thread, Kal. chlor. 37. ---- at the sternum, Merc. sol. 38. Frequent oppression of the chest, with nausea, Phos. 39. Oppression, with chilliness and violent headache, so that he is scarcely conscious, Phos. 40.----as if the hot blood were pressing upwards in the throat, early in the morning, Phos. 41. ----of the chest as from a load, Phos. 42. ----of the chest as from a load, with deep breathing, Plat, 43. ----of the chest, with weeping, evening, Ran. bulb. SSION. 815 44. Sudden oppression of the chest, returning with increased violence at intervals, Plumb, acet, 45. Oppression of the chest, pro- ceeding from the pit of the stomach, Nux mosch. 46. ----of the chest, with difficulty of breathing, or with rush of blood to the heart, Nux mosch. 47. ---- of the chest, with tight ness of the throat, as if she would be choked, dryness of the mouth, swollen, viscid lips, extreme diffi- culty of breathing, hardness and obstruction of the abdomen, giddiness and heaviness of the head, and loss of memory, Nux mosch. 48.----of the chest, as if a suffoca- tive cough would set in, with sen- sation as if grease had lodged in the throat, through which air cannot pass, during a walk in the cool evening air, Nux mosch. 49.----of the chest, especially on bending backwards, Nitr. ac. 50.----of the chest when lying down; he throws up mucus and water, Oleand. 51.----of chest, as if the sternum were too close to the chest, Cina. 52. ---- of chest, especially at upper part of sternum, Cocc. 53. ----of the chest, with anxiety, Colch. 54.----of the chest, with short breathing, after the heat left the face, Coff. cr. 55. Constrictive oppression of the chest, in front and on the sides, especially when stooping while sitting, with shooting stitches when expiring air, Coloc. 56. Frequent oppression in upper and right chest, as if caused by flatulence, Con. 57. Oppression of the chest, as if pressed upon with the hands, Ferr. acet. 58.----of the chest, with stitches 816 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. in the pit of the stomach and the region of the kidneys, languor, Gins. 59. Oppression of the chest, on rising, Graph. 60.----and anxiety, and some headache, Brom. 61.----of the chest, as if the chest would not expand, Bry.. 62.----, dyspnoea, contractive sen- sation in chest, with slight feeling of oppressive anxiety, Aeon. 63.----of the chest, worse when drawing a long breath, Aeon. 64. ----of the chest, hindering deep breathing, Agar. 65.----of the chest, with anxiety, Aloes. 66.----and tightness of the chest, with uneasiness, Ambr. gr. 67.----of the chest, extending to the back between the scapulae, abating after eating, Ambr. gr. 68. ----of the chest, with inclina- tion to eructations, Amm. mur. 69. ----of the chest, accompanied by a crampy sensation which moves through the chest, Arg. nit. 70.----of the chest, with anguish, pains in abdomen, headache, Am. 71. ----as if the lungs could not expand sufficiently, Asaf. 72. ----across the chest, as if com- pressed from both sides, Bell. 73.----in the chest, as if some- thing adhered in it, Thuj. 74.----of the chest, when walking, and pressing in the same, as if too full, Verat. 75.----of the chest, preceded by a burning in the throat and a gnaw- ing pain in the stomach, Verat. 76.----of the chest, two evenings in succession, with dull stitching and pressure in the middle of the sternum, the pulse being quick and small, Zinc. m. 77. ----of the chest, with anguish, Tab. 78.----in the chest, and feeling of uneasiness, driving him from place to place, Staphys. 79. Oppression and tightness over the whole body, easier after sweating, Sulph. 80. ---- of the chest, as if con- tracted internally, with sensation as if the air were dry, Stann. 81. ---- of the chest, as if some- thing were rising into the throat which arrests the breathing, Stann. TIGHTNESS. 1. Tightness of the chest and short breathing, as from flatulence press- ing upwards, Carb. v. 2. Sensation in the chest as if the clothes were too tight, Caust. 3. Tightness and anxiety, as if the chest were too narrow, Calc. carb. 4. Sensation as if the lower part of the chest were too tight, with dread of taking a long breath, which causes him to start, Lact. vir. 5. Tightness of the chest, with short and labored breathing, and disposition to keep the mouth open, Lob. inf. 6. ---- of the chest, as if screwed in, afternoon, Magn. carb. 7. Sensation across the chest as if the clothes were too tight, Phos. 8. Tightness of the chest, with con- strictive pain of the muscles, aggravated by motion, Nux mosch. 9. ----of the chest on going up- stairs, ceasing after sitting down, Nux v. 10. Feeling as if the chest were too narrow, inducing frequent and deep breathing, Oleand. 11. Tightness of the chest, as if the ribs were contracted in front, Cinch, sulph. 12.^---- and constriction of the right chest, with oppression of breathing, Cocc. SUFFOCATIVE BREATHING. 817 13. Sensation as if the chest were too narrow, and the lungs could not expand freely, Mez. 14. Tightness . and fulness of the chest, Ferr. acet. 15.----of the chest as if con- stricted, with difficult, anxious breathing, aggravated by walk- ing, Ferr. acet. 16. ----in the chest, when drawing a long breath, Dulc 17.----, with oppression in• lower portion of chest, Agar. 18. Stricture across the chest, with feeling of apprehension when stooping, Alum. 19. Tightness of the chest when walking in the open air, Amm. carb. 20. ---- of the chest, particularly when sitting, Ars. 21.----of the chest, with anxiety, Aur.f 22. ----in left chest, or left hypo- ehondrium, Thuj. 23. ---- of the chest, as if bound by a band, Phos. 24. Sensation, on taking a long breath, as if the chest were too narrow, with anguish, Tab. Raw, Excoriating Sensation, Soreness. 1. Raw feeling in the chest, Sep. 2. Scraping sensation in chest, when drawing breath, Silic. 3. Sensation of excoriation in the chest, behind the sternum, Rhus rad. 4. Soreness, with burning at a small spot on the sternum, near the pit of the stomach, Mez. 5.----of the posterior surface of the sternum, as if bruised, Aeon. 6. Feeling of rawness in the chest, Ambr. gr. 7. ----of contusion in the middle of the chest, early in the morning, Amm. carb. 8. Pricking soreness in left chest, when sitting, Amm. mur. Vol. III.—52. 9. Sore and raw feeling in the chest, Anac. 10. The chest feels raw, the sputa being sometimes tinged with blood, Am. 11. Feeling in the chest as if raw and excoriated, Ars. 12. Sensation as if some one were excoriating the chest within, Thuj. 13. Soreness behind the sternum, Staphys. Suffocative Breathing, Suffoca- tive Arrest of Breathing. 1. Suffocative fits, Arg. nit. 2. ----breathing, Arg. nit. 3.----oppression of breathing, Verat. 4. ----catarrh, Ars., lod., Plumb. acet. 5.----paroxysms after midnight, withwheezing, bluish and bloated face and hands, heat without thirst, weeping, stitches in left side of the chest, below the nipple, Samb. 6. Paroxysms of suffocation, with anxiety, Aeon. 7. Suffocative fits, in the evening and at night, as from mucus in the larynx, China. 8. °---- paroxysms in dropsy of the chest, Lact. vir. 9. Nightly suffocative fit, with clos- ing of the throat by swelling, difficult, rattling, panting breath- ing, sweat all over, chilliness (particularly on the back), slow, small, soft pulse, flow of mucus in mouth, hunger, etc., Chin, sulph. 10. Suffocative attack, for some days, Ipec. 11. Feeling of suffocation, with tor- turing pains in chest, Hydroc. ac 12. Suffocative fit at night on lying down, while on the point of fall- ing asleep, obliging one to jump up suddenly, Merc, prate, rub. 13. Spasmodic inspirations and ex- 818 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. pirations, passing into a suffoca- tive sensation, Puis, 14. Suffocative oppression and an- guish, Plumb, m. 15. ---- sensation and arrest of breathing, caused by a disagree- able sensation in the pit of the stomach, rising to the larynx, Nux vom. 16.----oppression at night, or in the evening, in bed, Ars. 17.----oppression and arrest of breathing, also with weakness and debility, Ars. 18. Nightly suffocative fit, without pain, also with palpitation of the heart in the morning, and slight sweat, Sulph. 19. Frequent paroxysms of suffo- cative arrest of breathing, in the day time, Sulph. 20. Suffocative arrest of breathing, Cupr. acet. Tension. 1. Tensive sensation in lower half of the chest, when drawing breath, Seneg. 2. Stinging tension in left side when lying on it, up to the neck, in the morning, Lauroc 3. ----tension and burning in the integuments of the chest, lod. 4. Tension and tightness of the chest, with dryness, Phos. 5. Painful stiffness of the muscles of the chest, soon after rising, when drawing a long breath and moving the chest, Puis. 6. Warm tension in the chest, Nux v. 7. Tension and pressure in the outer parts of the chest, as if oppressed by a load, and as if the side were lame, Nux v. 8. ---- in the chest, when walk- ing, Bry. 9. Spasmodic tension, with pressure at some of the ribs, Arg.fl 10. Tension across the chest, worse when walking or standing, Am. 11. Painful stretchings in left side, Asar. 12. Drawing tension here and there, in the left chest, with pressure, Zinc. m. 13. Itching of the outer chest, Magn. mur. 14. ----of the outer chest, Sulp. 15. Stinging itching in the left chest, near the shoulder, Spong. Itching. 1. Itching of left nipple, Hep. s. 2. Tickling in right chest, Kal. carb. 3. Itching on the right chest, with fine eruption when rubbed, Kal. carb. 4. Gnawing-itching in the upper part of the sternum, not going off by scratching, evening, Puis. 5. Itching and heat in right side, Cic. 6. Gnawing-itching of nape of neck, Agn. 7. Itching and burning of the chest and nipples, with pimples, Agar. 8. Continual itching of the chest, all day, Ant. cr. 9. Itching of the chest and axillae, Arg. nit. 10. Stinging-itching of various parts, especially around the left nipple, Arg. nit. 11.---------in the sides of the back and on the back, not removed by scratching, Am. 12. Tingling itching in left side of the chest, Am. 13. Stinging-itching between the cos- tal cartilages, Staphys. Weakness, Weariness of the Chest. 1. Weariness of the chest, Plumb. acet. 2. Sudden weakness after an exer- tion, especially of the chest; she was almost unable to speak, with NOISES IN THE CHEST, LOUD BREATHING. 810 heat in the face and nausea; in a few hours heaviness of«the head, Spong. 3. Weakness of the chest, has to exert the whole chest to talk, Silic. 4. Feeling of weakness in the air- passages, with feeble voice, Canth. 5. Weakness of the chest, with dif- ficulty of speech, after a walk, Rhus t. 6. Painful weariness in lower part of the chest, on waking, early, Lact. vir. 7. Feeling of weakness in the chest, and region of the heart, lod. 8. The chest feels weak and bruised, for several evenings, Ran. seel 9. Painful weariness in the chest, ceasing on bending the trunk backward, Nux v. 10. Weak feeling in chest, it feels oppressed, Staphys. 11. The chest feels weary and ex- hausted, Aeon. 12. Chronic weakness of the chest, with coryza, Amm. carb. 13. Faint feeling in the chest, Amm. carb. 14. Weakness in the chest when talking, Sulp. 15. Weak and empty feeling in the chest, particularly after expecto- rating or talking, Stann. Twitching, Jerking. 1. Twitchings in the chest, Seneg. 2. Pinching jerk in the left inter- costal muscles, frequently, Silic. 3. Twitchings in fore part of the chest, Kal carb. 4. Muscular twitchings on the right side of the chest, Merc. sol. 5. Twitching of the- muscles, soon after waking, Puis, 6. ----and drawing under the ster- num, Dulc 7. Quivering in left side, Brom. 8. ---- sensation in the pectoral muscle when raising the arm, Anac. 9. Muscular twitchings and jactita- tions in the region of the clavicle, Asar. 10. Twitching of the intercostal mus- cles, Tarax. Shocks. 1. Dull shocks at the posterior wall of the thorax, towards the intra- scapular region, synchronous with the beats of the heart, Calc. carb. 2. Shocks or beatings in both sides of the chest, most violent in the region of the heart, Cann. 3. When taking exercise or stoop- ing, he feels a few violent shocks in the region of the heart as though it would fall out, with a feeling of warmth about the heart, Cann. 4. Dull shock in the left chest, Ruta. 5. Sudden shock in left side of the chest, when sitting, from above downward, Mang. 6. Cutting shocks in right chest, from below upward, Plat. 7. Intermittent dull shocks in the region of the left ribs, Oleand. 8. Beating, like dull shocks, below the axilla, in the outer parts of the chest, Oleand. Noises in the Chest, Loud Breath- ing. 1 - fifArtorous breathing, Aeon. 'z. Gurgling or bubbling sensation in left chest, Sep. 3. ----and grumbling in the chest, during every inspiration, Ind. 4. Audible rumbling in left chest, as if empty, especially when walk- ing, Cocc. 5. Loud sonorous breathing, with open mouth and dyspnoea, Aeon. 6. Imperceptible breathing, some- times 'accompanied with/a little noise, Op. 7. During an expira&onygrumbling 820 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. noise high up in the chest, descend- ing into the abdomen and groin ; this is succeeded by quick beat- ings of the heart, accompanied by languor, then slumber, Aur.f. 8. Rattling breathing, Cina. 9. ----in the chest, Sulp. 10. Loud rattling breathing, Phos. 11. Mucous rattling, which can be . heard at a distance, Aeon. 12. Rattling, slow, and moaning • breathing, Lauroc. 13. ----, labored breathing, Op. 14. Occasional rattling, with diffi- culty of breathing, Hyosc. 15. Rattling, moaning, slow breath- ' ing, Hydroc. ac. 16. ----, slow, moaning breathing, Lauroc. 17. ---- and wheezing in the chest, for hours, Carb. a. 18. Tremulous motion behind the sternum, sounding like a hollow ' rattling or snapping as of electric sparks, Sabin. 19. Wheezing breathing, in the morn- ing, Coloc. 20. ----in the chest, Ambr. gr. 21. ---- and rattling, with feeble and slow breathing, Nitr. ac 22. ----breathing, with suffocative oppression ; the breathing is very slow, or ceases entirely, with swol- len face, Cina. 23. Breathing attended with a whistling, wheezing, rattling in the pit of the stomach, a noise through the nose, stitches in the pit of the stomach, China. 24. Cracking in the sternum, Calc. phosp. 25. ----in the sternum, during mo- tion, Sulp. 26. ----in the sternum on bending the chest backwards, Amm. carb. 27. ----of the sternum, during mo- tion, Natr. mur. 28. ---- sensation below the last ribs, on raising the trunk, Cal. seg. 29. Sense of cracking in lower part of chest, from above downward, with drawing, Mang. 30. Cracking as from the rising of little vesicles, in the left, then in the right pectoral muscles, Rheum. Drawing. the 1. Drawing, extending from chest to the axillae, Seneg. 2. Sensation as if the right half of the chest were repeatedly drawn inwards, Cham. 3. Drawing at left chest, externally, from above downward, Rhus t 4. Feeling of drawing in left breast, from the nipple to the axilla, Lob. inf. 5. Drawing and burning-tearing in left chest, early in the morning, Nux v. 6. ---- and twitching under the sternum, Dulc. 7. When standing, sensation as if the lungs were drawn down, Amm. carb. 8. Undulating drawing in the left chest, Anac 9. Sharp drawing around the left nipple, with painful soreness when touched; the pain becomes pulsa- tive, Zinc. m. Tingling, Creeping, Formication. 1. Creeping in the chest, Guaj. 2. Tingling in the nipples, Seneg. 3. ---- in the chest, rather exter- nally, Seneg. 4. Crawling in the chest, Seneg. 5. Creeping in one side of the chest, China. 6. Formication and prickling in the outer parts of the chest and back, Ran. seel. 7. Stitching-pinching crawling in left chest, in the region of the sixth or seventh rib, becoming more painful* by external pressure, Spong. 8. Creeping in the skin of the left ANXIETY, ANGUISH, UNEASINESS. 821 side of the chest and abdomen, Coloc 9. Formication in region of left clavicle, with smarting titillation ; burning vesicles make their ap- pearance after scratching, Alum. 10. Tingling and pushing in the pit of the stomach, with violent, sud- den beating of the heart, returning every night and continuing until sweat breaks out, Tart emet Tearing. 1. Tearing with constriction of the lower part of the chest, above the pit of the stomach, with oppres- sion; afterwards the same pain is felt in upper part of chest, below the throat-pit, accompanied with palpitation of the heart, Spig. 2. Sudden pinching-tearing in both breasts, with chilliness and arrest of breathing, Cast. 3. Tearing and aching in left chest, Carb. v 4. ----with pressure in the fore- part of the chest, Caust. 5. ---- extending from the right side of the chest to the inner parts of the abdomen, mingled with prickings and shocks as if small pieces of flesh would be torn out or as if fiery sparks were flying about, Magnes art. 6. Darting-tearing or pinching in right chest, below the axilla, Ipec. 7. Tearing in the sides of the chest, Kal. carb. 8. Violent tearing in the muscles of the chest, near the shoulder, Merc. sol. 9. Burning-tearing and drawing in the left chest, early in the morn- ing, Nux v. 10. Lancinating tearing deep in right chest, to the back, Colch. 11. Tearings from the left side to the shoulder-joint, Amm. carb. 12. Tearing in left side of chest as if torn to pieces, Anac. 13. Tearing, with constriction of the muscles of the chest when stand- ing, Spig. Anxiety, Anguish, Uneasiness. 1. Anxiety in the chest, Sulp. 2. Sudden weakness after a little exercise in the open air, with anguish, nausea, paleness of face, rush of blood from the heart to the chest as if she would vomit blood, her eyes close involunta- rily, almost spasmodically, tears press out of her eyes through the closed lids, her will has no con- trol over her limbs, Spong. 3. Oppressive anguish in the chest, Calc. carb. 4. Anxiety and qualmishness about the chest, Magnet p. arct. 5. Oppressive anguish in the chest, with pressure in the pit of the stomach, Natr. mur. 6. Anxiety in the chest, with shud- dering, in the forenoon, 01 an. 7. Short attacks of anxiety, with short, oppressed breathing, and trembling of the arms and hands, Op. 8. Anxiety, with contraction of the chest, Op. 9. ---- in the chest, with throb- bing in the right side of the chest, Phos. 10. Anguish and suffocative oppres- sion ; he was unable to breathe, except when sitting, Plumb, m. 11. When lying on the left side, she complains of anxiety, palpita- tion of the heart, and want of breath, Puis. 12. Anxious feeling in the chest, the pulse beating more quickly, Puis. 13. Anxiety in pit of stomach, hin- dering breathing (a kind of asthma), Ferr. acet. 14. Uneasiness in the chest, Bell. % 822 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. 15. Oppressive anxiety in the chest, in the evening, in bed, Bor. 16. Anxiety, apparently proceeding from the abdomen, as if the breath- ing were too short, Bry. 17. Anguish in the chest arresting the breathing and accompanied with warm sweat on forehead, Aeon. 18. Paroxysms of anxiety in the chest, Agar. 19. Oppressive anxiety in the region of the sternum, Anac. 20. Anguish and pains in the chest, Am. 21. ---- across the chest, with in- clination to vomit, Am. 22. Excessive anguish, arresting the breathing, Verat 23. Anxiety in the chest, with head- ache, Zinc. m. Weight, Heaviness, Load on the Chest. 1. Weight on the chest, Amm. carb., Bor., Croc, Sulp. 2. ----and pressure in upper part of chest, Sang. 3. Load on the chest, hindering one's drawing breath, Ign. 4. Weight on the chest, at night, causing sleeplessness, two nights in succession, Gutt. 5. Heaviness on the chest, with contractive, crampy feeling on the chest, oppression, and increased warmth on the chest, Lact. vir. 6. Weight on the chest, with diffi- cult breathing, Kreas. 7. Load on the chest, oppressing the breathing, Lact. vir. 8. Heaviness on the chest, with sense of fulness in the trachea, : Lact. vir. 9. ----in the sternum, on bending forward, Lauroc. 10. Pressure at the chest, as from a load, Lauroc. 11. Sudden heaviness on the chest, during dinner, with arrest of breathing, nausea, flow of water in the mouth, heat in the face, spasmodic pressure under the tongue as if it would be pressed upwards, with inclination to eruc- tations ; the attack ended in i. chill, Magn. mur. 12. Painful feeling of weight on the chest, Nux mosch. 13. Spasmodic pressing feeling of heaviness from the pit of the sto- mach to the back and scapulae, with sensation as if the chest would be pressed asunder, dry cough, Nux mosch. 14. Pain in the chest, in the open air, as if oppressed by a load, ' Nux v. 15. Sense of oppression on the chest, as from some heavy load, occa- sioning deep and anxious breath- ing, Oleand. 16. Weight on the chest and abdo- men, disappearing after eating, Bry. 17. Feeling of weight on the chest, as if compressed on all sides, Aeon. 18. Weight and feeling of fulness in chest, with sensation as if the lungs would not expand suffi- ciently, Aeon. 19. Sense of weight behind the ster- num, preventing a deep inspira- tion, Aeon. 20. Weight in chest, with fine but severe stitches in the left breast, from without inwards, Aeon, 21. Load in the chest, on waking, early, Am. 22. Heaviness, pressure, and spas- modic tension of the heart, Zinc- oxyd. 23. Oppressive weight in the upper part of the chest; he has to draw a long breath frequently, accom- panied by a feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, Stann. 24. Feeling of heaviness in the chest, obliging one to draw a long breath, Sep. SPASMODIC, CONTRACT Constriction, Contraction, Crampy Feeling. 1. Contraction of the chest, Cham. 2. Constriction across the chest, Puis. 3. Cutting constriction of the chest, with anguish, Spig. 4. Painful constriction of the chest, frequently alternating with sudden expansion, Sassap. 5. Violent compression of the up- per part of the chest, especially during rest, Seneg. 6. Spasmodic breath-checking con- traction in praecordial region, with subsequent violent shocks, Calc. carb. 7. Constriction of the chest, in the morning, in bed, with stitches in the heart when talking and sensa- tion, on moving her arm, as if her heart and chest would tear, Carb. a. 8. Painful compression of the chest, on both sides, Caust. 9. Constriction of the upper part of the chest, with soreness when coughing, Cham. 10. ---- of the chest down to the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of heat and burning, aggravated by touching the left posterior side of the chest, Hozmat. 11. Contractive sensation in ster- num, with stitching jerks, going off after rising, Rhus tox. 12. Compression of the lower part of the chest, at night; he dreams that some one is seizing him round the body, which wakes him, Ruta. 13. Constriction of the chest, he feels qualmish, Rhus tox. 14. Contraction of the chest, had to gasp for air, Helleb. 15. Spasmodic contraction of the chest, with dread of suffocation and anguish, alternating with a spasmodic drawing in left side of occiput and nape of neck, Kal. nit. VE, CRAMPY FEELING. 823 16. Constriction of the chest, also with difficulty of breathing, Lau- roc. 17. Asthmatic constriction of the chest, aggravated by motion, Led. pal. 18. Constrictive sensation around the middle of the chest, with short breath, Magn. carb. 19. Contraction of the chest, with short and panting breathing; she had to gasp for air at the open window, all night, Ipec. 20. Disagreeable compression of the chest, all around, an anxious feel- ing, Menyan. 21. Compressive sensation in both sides of the chest, with sharp stitches, increased by inspiration, Menyan. 22. Suffocative constriction of the chest, Mosch. 23. Constriction of the chest, with difficult respiration, Op. 24. Contraction of the chest, with pressure or crampy feeling in epi- gastrium, Phos. 25. Constrictive cramp in the chest, several evenings in succession, Phos. 26. Sensation in the trachea as if pressed in and constricted, so that he was deprived of air a whole minute, in the evening, when standing, Puis. 27. Spasmodically-contractive sensa- tion on the right side of the chest, with vascular erethism and inter- nal warmth, Puis. 28. Contractive sensation in the praecordial region, causing anxiety, ceasing after one strong beat of the heart, Nitr. ac 29. Asthmatic constrictive sensation of the chest, when walking or go- ing up stairs, Nux vom. 30. The chest feels contracted, at night, in bed, Nux v. 31. Crampy-contractive sensation in left chest, Cina. 32. Fine crampy feeling at clavicle, 824 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. as if pressure were made with a dull point, Cina. 33. Constriction in chest, with raw- ness in the throat and hoarseness, Coloc 34. Spasmodic sensation as if the whole chest were constricted, par- ticularly between the shoulders and under the sternum, Grat 35. Crampy sensation in upper chest, at a small spot under the ster- num, going and coming, Dulc 36. ---- feeling in the chest, Gent, lut. 37. When drawing breath, her chest becomes contracted, Bor. 38. Compression of the chest in the region of the heart, Aeon. 39. Contraction of the middle of the chest, the place aches when press- ing upon it, Amm. carb. 40. Painless feeling of constriction in the middle of the left breast, impeding the breathing, accompa- nied by a pain in the pit of the stomach which arrests the breath- ing, Am. 41. Constriction of the chest, with anguish, Ars. 42. ---- of the chest, with oppres- sive anxiety in the pit of the sto- mach, Ars. 43. ----of the chest, not allowing him to speak a word, with difficult breathing, Ars. 44. Spasmodic contraction in the chest, with unequal pulse, Asaf. 45. ---- contraction of the chest, with small, unequal, contracted pulse, Asaf. 46. Constrictive sensation in left lung, as if a wire or string were twisted round it, cutting it through, Asar. 47. Spasmodic contraction of the left intercostal muscle, Verat 48. Constrictive sensation around the chest, with pain in the chest as if cut to pieces, Zinc. m. 49. Crampy-oppressive sensation in the lower part of the chest and in the pit of the stomach, disappear. ing when walking, Teucr. 50. Constriction of the chest, with anguish, in the evening, Stann. 51. Contractive oppression of the chest, with slow and difficult in- spirations, accompanied with anxiety and restlessness, Staphys. 52. Stricture across the chest, Stram. 53. Sensation as if screwed together, during motion, Sulph. 54. Constriction of the chest, after walking, Sulp. 55. Oppressive-crampy feeling in the chest when sitting, aggravated by drawing breath, Stann. Sensation as if Expanding, he- coming Wider. 1. Sensation as if the chest became wider, Alum. 2. Feeling as if the chest expanded, during rest, sometimes accompa- nied by a feeling of anxiety, Stann. 3. When breathing he feels as if the air passages were too much distended, so that the air passes in and out with extreme facility, Aeon. Inflammation, Ulceration. 1. ° Pneumonia and pleurisy, Bry. 2. ° Typhoid pneumonia, Sang. 3. Inflammation of the chest and lungs, several times in succession, Cann. 4. Pneumonia, with vomiting of a green, bilious substance* Cann. 5. ----, with delirium, Cann. 6> °----, acute, with fever, Aeon. 7. Inflammatory condition of the thoracic viscera, Aur. mur. 8. Pleuritis, Kal. chlor. 9. ° Pleurisy and pneumonia, Bry. 10- °—;—> with fever, bloody expec- toration, Aeon. 11. A kind of pleurisy, Squill. SENSE OF FALLING OR MOVING DOWN. 825 12. Pleurisy with oppression of the chest, Bry. 13. Pulmonary consumption, lod., Merc. corr. 14. ----tubercles, Merc. corr. 15. Suppuration of the lungs, Plumb, acet, Plumb, m. Fetid or Sour-Smelling Breath. 1. Fetid breath, Aeon., Led. p., Merc, dulc, Merc, corr., Plumb. m., Plumb, acet, Sassap. 2. ---- breath from the mouth, also on stooping, and attended with vertigo, Nux vom. 3. ----breath after rising in the morning, or after dinner, Nux vom. 4. Sour-smelling breath, Nux vom. 5. The air from the lungs, when coughing, causes a strange, offen- sive taste in the mouth, Caps. 6. When coughing, a badly-smell- ing breath rushes out of the lungs, Caps. 7. Foul vapor coming out of the mouth, during an expiration, for two days, Am. 8. Fetid smell of the breath when coughing, Sulph. 9. When coughing he expires air having a pungent smell, Dros. Sweat, 1. Sweat on the chest, after walk- ing, towards evening, Sabad. 2. ---- on the sternum, every morning, Graph. 3. ---- on the chest at night, Agar. 4. Red sweat on the chest, Am. Digging. 1. Digging and gnawing in both subcostal regions, Gutt 2.----, with pinching, in right side of chest, Aeon. 3. ---- sensation and tightness in the right side of the chest or in the middle of the sternum, fol- lowed by burning and anguish as if he would die, AEth. Boring. 1. Pricking borings from within outward, in right chest, during an expiration, Sabad. 2. Boring in left side, in the even- ing, in bed, Rhus t 3. ----in left chest, from without inwards, Kal carb. Gnawing. 1. Itching gnawing at right false ribs, Phos. ac. 2. Gnawing in left chest, Ruta. 3. ---- behind the lowest ror- tion of the sternum, arresting the breathing, Ran. seel 4. ----at one of the left ribs, op- posite the pit of the stomach, Oleand. 5. Intermittent gnawing or pecking at one of the costal cartilages, at night, over the xiphoid cartilage, Ruta. 6. Gnawing and digging in both subcostal regions, Gutt. 7. ----irritation in left chest, dur- ing rest, Arg. f. Empty, Hollow Feeling. 1. Empty feeling in the chest, Oleand. 2. Sensation, on waking, as if the chest were hollow and empty, making the breathing easy, Cinch. sulph. 3. Sense of hollowness in the chest, Crot. Sense of Falling or Moving Down. 1. Sensation in chest as if some- thing would fall down, Nux v. 2. ----as if everything were loose in the chest and would fall down into the abdomen, Bry. HE THORAX, ETC. 826 SYMPTOMS OF T! 3. During an expiration he feels as if something were moving downwards in the chest, and did not permit the breath to be ex- pelled, Amm. carb. Spasm, Spasmodic Condition of the Lnngs. 1. Spasm of the pleura, with suffo- cative catarrh, speechlessness, and subsultus tendinum, Sec corn. 2. °Spasmodic affections, also with organic affection of the heart, Lact. vir. 3. Spasm of the lungs, commenc- ing with a desire to cough, increas- ing gradually until one becomes desperate, Mosch. 4. Painful spasm in the region of the lower ribs of the right side; she is obliged to sit bent, with stitches in that side when drawing breath, Phos. ac. 5. Spasmodic sensation through the chest, Puis. 6. Contractive spasm in the chest, Ferr. acet 7. Spasmodic sensation in the lungs and heart, Zinc. oxyd. 8. Spasms in the chest, also with palpitation, Sulp. Want of Breath, Stoppage of Breath. 1. Want of breath, lod. 2.----of breath, even when sit- ting, Ferr. acet. 3. The breathing is almost stopped, Camph. 4. The breathing ceases for a few minutes, and then returns with a sigh, Op. 5. Breathing ceases for five mi- nutes; after this the inspirations became short and sudden, as if hiccough would set in, Op. 6. The breathing has almost ceased, Verat, 7. Loss of breath when ascending an eminence, with orgasm in the chest and nausea, Canth. 8. Sudden stoppage of breath, in the open air, the face became blue and red, with sweat all over him, Caust, 9. Want of breath when walking, with qualmishness in pit of sto- mach, cough when standing still, and languor of the whole body, Ign. 10. Stoppage of breath when walk- ing in the wind, followed by dyspnoea in the room, Calc acet. 11. The breath is .arrested in the pit of the stomach, Lauroc. 12. Arrest of breath, caused by stitches in the larynx, Hydroc. ac. 13.----of breathing, when walk- ing quickly, Phos. 14. Odors take away his breath, Phos. ac 15. Want of breath, on waking from the siesta, with restlessness and sweat on the body, Phos. ac 16.----of breath and palpitation of the heart, on going upstairs, Nitr. ac 17.----of breath during a walk, with heaviness of the feet, Nitr. ac. 18. Arrest of breathing, from a . choking sensation in the throat ascending from the pit of the stomach, Nux v. 19. Sensation as if the breathing were arrested in the middle of the chest, Brom. 20.----as if the air could not penetrate to a sufficient depth in the lungs, Crot. 21. Arrest of breath in bed; on rising suddenly he feels a cutting from without inwards in right chest, Bor. 22. ----of breath, owing to anguish in the chest, Aeon. 23. ---- of breathing, owing to a pain in the pit of the stomach, Ars. DNE TO SLEEP. 827 NUMBNESS, G( 24. Arrest of breathing from anguish and a pain in the abdo- men, with moaning and lamenting, Ars. 25. ----of breathing, in the even- ing, on going to bed, with wheez- ing in the trachea, and constriction of that organ, Ars. Rush of Blood, Congestion to the Chest. 1. She feels weak after every exertion, the blood rushes to the chest, the face becomes hot, the body glows, the veins are dis- tended, and she loses her breath, Spong. 2. Rush of blood to the chest, Amm. carb., Carb. v. 3. ----of blood in the chest, with hurried breathing, Lact vir. 4. ----of blood to the chest, with dry heat of the face, 01. an. 5.----of blood to the chest, with cramp-like contraction between the scapulae, Phos. 6. Sudden warm rushing of the blood in the chest, causing anxiety, Nux v. 7. Erethism in the chest, with qualmishness and tremor in the right arm, Sulp. 8. Congestion of blood to the chest and heart, at night, with anxious dreams, and starting with a cry, Puis. Tremor, Trembling. 1. Tremulous bubbling in the region of the last true ribs of the right side, Ruta. 2. Internal trembling during an inspiration, as if composed of two, Aug. 3. Tremor in the chest like a sort of moaning, Carb. a. Pinching, Griping. 1. Violent pinching behind the sternum, worse when stooping, Cann. 2. Pinching, or darting-tearing below the axilla, in the right chest, Ipec 3. Griping under the mammae, after a meal, Merc. sol. 4. Pinching in the lungs and heart, with sensation, when stooping, as if a stone were lying on the back, Par. quad. 5. Burning pinching below the right outer chest, with mounting of heat to the head, Phos. 6. Pinching and cutting in the chest, as from flatulence, Dulc. 7. Compressive griping in the chest, near the sternum, Bry. 8. Pinching and hard aching pain in the chest, from time to time, Zinc. m. Coolness, Chilliness, Cold Breath. I. Feeling of coldness in the chest, Carb. a. 2. Cold breath, Carb. v. 3. Coolness in the chest, Ruta. 4. The outer chest feels chilly in the open air, Ran. bulb. 5. Chilliness over the chest, with tensive pain, Nux v. 6. Sudden feeling of coldness in the chest, Oleand. 7. Peculiar feeling of coldness in the sides of the chest, Berb. v. 8. Chilliness in the chest, evening, particularly after eating, Ars. 9. Shuddering in the right breasts, when yawning, Aur.f. 10. Cold feeling, a sort of chilly tension, in the chest, Sulp. Numbness, Gone to Sleep, 1. Sensation in clavicle as if gone to sleep, Ferr. acet. 2. Numb feeling in the chest (and upper molares), Rhus t. 828 SYMPTOMS OF THE THORAX, ETC. Fulness. 1. Fulness in the chest, with hun- ger without appetite, Rhus tox. 2. Feeling of fulness in the chest, with anxiety, also with slight trembling in the chest and pain as if bruised, Lact. vir. 3.----of fulness in upper and front part of chest, with parox- ysms of aching pain under the sternum on drawing a deep breath, Nux mosch. 4. Fulness and tightness of the chest, Ferr. acet. 5. ----in the chest, with pressure and difficulty of breathing, Gent. lut. 6. ---- in the chest, with short breath, especially when ascending a height, Bar. carb. Beating, Throbbing, Bounding. 1. Crackling, beating in the left chest, when sitting or lying, Sulp. 2. Beating deep in the chest, Sulp. 3. ----in the sternum, as if there were an abscess, Sulp. 4. Strong pulsations and sore pain in the chest when bending the chest forwards, with vertigo when bending it backwards, Seneg. 5. Vascular erethism in the chest, when sitting, almost causing a fainting, Seneg. 6. Beating near the sternum, under one of the cartilages of the ribs, Cann. 7. ---- at sternum, morning and evening, China. 8. Throbbing at the left ribs, Cann. 9. ----in right chest, Ign. 10. Burn'ng, painful throbbing in the right chest, at a small spot, Lact. vir. 11. Throbi ng and burning in the chest, M gn. mur. 12. Bounding throbbing in right side, near fourth or fifth rib, Ind. 13. Violent pulsations in the chest, and palpitation of the heart, lod. 14. Throbbing in right chesc, Mang. 15. Beating in left chest, only when lying, Menyan. 16. Throbbing through the right chest, extending posteriorly up to the nape of the neck, where it terminates in intermittent pinch- ing, Pason. 17. Beating as with a finger, at right side of chest, when sitting, Phos. 18. Throbbing in the chest, above the stomach, ceasing for a while after drinking wine, Nitr. ac 19. A kind of bounding below the right ribs, Croc. 20. Beating in right chest, poste- riorly, Crot 21. Frequent beating bubbling be- tween sixth and seventh ribs, right side; next day a frequent throb- bing in the same region, Crot. 22. Throbbing in right chest, Dig. 23. Pulsations and stitches in lower part of right chest, Bry. Various Symptoms. 1. °Hydrothorax, with general swelling, anxiety, deficient breath, short and dry cough, debility, drowsiness, Lact. vir. 2. Sensation, when drawing breath, as if something were rising from left hypoehondrium to the chest, with a burning pressure, and then moving down again during an expiration, Bor. 3. Paralysis of the lungs, Hydroc. ac. 4. Contraction of the diaphragm, Merc. corr. 5. °Rheumatism of the muscles of the chest, Bry. 6. Sensation as if some soft sub- stance had lodged between the sternum and lungs, Brom. ?.----, at every inspiration, as if electrified, Dig, PAINS. 829 8. Sensation as if the left lung were adhering, Euphorb. 9. Fatal haemorrhage from the lungs, Ferr. acet. 10. Occasional raising of blood on making a violent effort to breathe, See com. 11. Induration in the flesh of the left side of the chest, Silic. 12. Nodosity on the xiphoid carti- lage, painless, finally causing diffi- culty of breathing, Cann. 13. Feeling of dryness in the chest, Stram. 14. Sensation of oppressive dryness under the sternum, Alum. 15. Early in the morning, his chest feels as if lined with mucus, which cannot be detached, Bry. 16. Sensation as if sprained in the left side of the chest, near the pit of the stomach, Thuj. 17. Sensation as if something were turning about in the chest, fol- lowed by heat in the face, Stram. 18. Accumulation of mucus in the chest, Arg. nit. 19. Sensation behind the sternum as if grasped with a hand, Chin. sulph. 20. Sudden clutching, internally, in both sides of the chest, near fourth true rib, Samb. 21. Sensation of stagnation in upper part of the lungs, Seneg. 22. Sensation as if the flesh on the chest were loose and bruised, Brom. 23. Nausea alternating with oppres- sion of the heart, Bell. 24. Nausea and warmth in the chest, attended by coryza, Mang. 25. Qualmish feeling in the chest, from afternoon till evening, Lact. vir. 26. Swelling of the outer chest, in front, Bry. 27. Swelling and painfulness of the left side, from the axilla down to the ribs, Rhus t. 28. Pulling and rigid sensation in left chest, worse on drawing breath, Prun. spin. 29. Sudden pullings in outer chest, near pit of stomach, Cic. 30. Tensive dulness of the left chest, with slight jerkings, palpitation of the heart, oppression, Cann. 31. Velvety feeling in the chest, Tart. stib. 32. Sensation as if the ribs had been knocked in, Phos. ac. 33. Sensation as of excessive hunger in the chest, with flow of saliva in back part of the mouth, Spig. MAMMAE, BREASTS. Pains. 1. Soreness in the fold under the mammae, Nitr. ac. 2. Ulcerative pain in the mammae, also periodically, Merc. sol. 3. Acute pain in the mammae as if sore and ulcerated in the inmost parts, decreasing in proportion as the goitre recommences to enlarge, lod. 4. Pain in the mammae, Con. 5. ----of the mammae as if ecchy- moscd, vith soreness of the nip- ples, Calc carb. 6. The right mamma is painful to the touch, Amm. carb. 7. The right mammary gland, towards the axilla, is painful as if ulcerated, especially when touch- ing the part; when stretching the arm and turning the trunk to one side, an oblong rounded protru- sion is felt, Arg. nil. 8. Painful stitches in left mamma, Zinc m. 9. Aching pain in right mamma, Zinc. m. 10. Painful contraction in one or • 830 MAMM.E, BREASTS. both breasts, during which they become harder, Plumb, m. 11. Severe sore pain in the mamma, with sensation as if the nipple would be bit off, Tab. 12. Itching and darting pains in both breasts, with discharge of a serous fluid from the left for 6 days, and an induration in the right mamma, with livid color and red streaks, with excessive pains in the arms; on making an incision, a quantity of thin, acrid pus, was discharged, Plumb, m. Stitches. 1. Stitches in the mamma, Phos. 2. Stinging or pressure in the nip- ples, Sabin. 3. Stinging in the breasts, Sep. 4.---- and burning in and below the mammae, Lauroc. 5. Tearing stitches in the mammae, Kal, carb. 6. Stitches in the breasts, Arg. nit. 7. A few dull stitches around the lower portion of the left mamma, going off by rubbing, but return- ing again, accompanied by fine tearing in the ring and middle fin- gers of the right hand, 01 an. 8. Darting in the mamma, when standing, from behind forward, 01. an. Itching. 1. Itching of the mamma, Sulph. 2. ---- of the mammae and nip- ples, with red, scaly skin, and burning after rubbing, Con. Atrophy. 1. Atrophy of the mammae, Kal. hydriod. 2. Dwindling of the mammae, Con. lod. Hardness. 1. Nodosities in the mammae. Nitr. ac. 2. ° Induration and inflammation of the mammae, Sulph. 3. Hard burning nodosity in the mammae, Lye 4. Hardness of the right mamma, with nightly stitches and pain when touched, Con. Swelling. 1. Swelling of the mammae, Brom., Sabin. 2.----of the mammae, particu- larly the nipples, which are some- what harder, Merc sol. 3.----of the mammae, with pain when touched, Calc. carb. 4.----and heat of the right mam- ma, Calc. carb. 5. ---- and inflammation of the left nipple, with stitches, Calc. carb. 6.----and hardness of the mam- mae, Bell 7.----of the mammae, also with tension as if milk would appear, Puis. 8. Painful distension of the mam- mae, after delivery, when the milk first began to flow, Rhus t 9. The breasts become filled with milk (in a female who is not preg- nant), Bell. 10. Feeling of distension in left mamma, Zinc. m. Inflammation. 1. Erysipelas of the mamma, with swelling, burning, stinging, and suppuration, Phos. 2. Erysipelatous inflammation of the mamma, with heat, hardness, stinging, and redness radiating from the nipple, Sulph. 3« °----inflammation of the mam- mae, Bell 4. Erysipelas of the mamma? PALPITATION, TREMOR, ETC. 831 and soreness of the nipples. Am. Other Symptoms. 1. ° Fistulous ulceration of the mammae, Phos. 2. Heavy feeling in both mammae, with pain, lod. 3. Creeping over the left mamma, Mang. 4. Shivering over the mammae, Cocc. NIPPLES 1. Stitches in the nipples, Cocc. 2. Discharge of blood and viscous water from one nipple, especially when touching it, Lye 3. Itching and mealy covering of the nipples, Petrol. 4t. ----of the nipples, not going off by scratching, Puis. 5. ---- of the nipples, at night, Rhus t 6. ---- of the left nipple, which bleeds and show a tendency to ulcerate, Sep. 7. ° Sore nipples, Graph., Sep., Zinc. met. 8. The nipples are sore and painful, Sang. 9. Pain in the nipples as if from flatulence, Rheum. 10..---- in the nipples as if milk would be secreted, Nux v. 11. The nipples are painful to the touch, Nux v. HEART. Organic Affections. I. °Carditis, Aeon., Aur. mur. 2. °Affection of the heart, with pressure, stitches, congestion, Aeon, 3. Dilatation of the heart, Tart emet 4. Hypertrophy of the heart, Brom. Palpitation, Tremor, Shocks, Jerking, Etc. 1. Palpitation of the heart, Aeon., Ant. cr., Aur. mur., Berb. v., Bism., Calc carb., Canth., Chin, sulph., Cocc, Cupr. m., Copaiv., Hyp. perf, Led. pal, Merc sol, Nux mosch., Plumb, acet, Sang., Sulp., Zinc m. 2. ----of the heart with anguish, Aeon., Kal. carb., Natr. mur., Oleand. 3. Continual palpitation of the heart, Sassap. 4. Tremulous palpitation of the heart, during slight exercise, Staphys. 5. Palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side, Tab. 6.----of the heart, with anguish, particularly in the evening, with spasmodic pulse, Zinc. oxyd. 7. The beats of the heart are more numerous and perceptible, Zinc. oxyd. 8. Painful palpitation of the heart, with a stitch at every beat, Zinc m. 9. Beating of the heart, which raises the ribs, Verat. 10. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety and hurried breathing, Verat. 11. Visible palpitation of the heart, Thuj. 12. Palpitation of the heart, with vexed mood, and lowness of spirits, Tart, emet 13. ----during the diarrhoeic stool, Tart. emet. 832 HEART. 14. Palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side, renewed' when thinking of it, Bar. carb. 15. ■----of the heart, °with anguish and oppression of the chest, Aur.f 16. Sometimes a single very violent beat of the heart, Aur. f 17. Palpitation of the heart, with anxious restlessness, Aspar. 18.----of the heart, which can be heard and felt, Aspar. 19. ----of the heart, also excessive, particularly at night, when lying on the back, with anguish, Ars. 20. The beating of the heart is more like a quivering, fluttering, Am. 21. Palpitation of the heart, with faint nausea, three paroxysms in one afternoon, Arg. nit. 22. ----of the heart at night, Arg. nit. 23.----of the heart when sitting or stooping, attended with sensa- tion as if the heart were con- tracted, Ang. 24. ---- of the heart, with retrac- tion of the epigastrium and weak feeling in pit of stomach, Amm. carb. 25.---- of the heart with sen- sation as if a lump had lodged in the chest, or as if the chest were stopped up, Ambr. gr. 26. Palpitation of the heart, during a walk in the open air, with pale face, Ambr. gr. 27. Painful palpitation of the heart when standing, Agar. 28. The beats of the heart were very rapid, with intermittent pulse, debility, Aeon. 29. "Palpitation of the heart of plethoric young persons, Aeon. 30. Violent palpitation of the heart, evening, Brom. 31. Bubbling sort of palpitation of the heart when going upstairs, Bell. 32. Palpitation of the heart during rest, as if the shock extended to the neck, with difficult and slow breathing, Bell. 33. Palpitation of the heart, which shakes the whole body, and seems to proceed from the pit of the sto- mach, particularly immediately after stool, Grat. 34. Violent throbbing about the heart and in the rest of the body, Graph. 35. ---- palpitation of the heart, Colch. 36. Palpitation of the heart, with pulsations all over, Coloc. 37. The beats of the heart produce a contraction and oppressive sen- sation with anguish and spasmo- dic pains in the sternum and be- low the ribs, Dig. 38. The beats of the heart become stronger, with anguish and con- tractive pains under the sternum, Dig. 39. Palpitation of the heart, after drinking, Con. 40. Sudden throbbing of the aorta, Crot. 41. Loud and perceptible pulsations and throbbings of the heart (after dinner, and during an embrace), Crot. 42. Palpitation of the heart, particu- larly on going up stairs, Crot. 43. ----of the heart, with anxiety, and subsequent languor through the abdomen to the feet, Croc. 44. ----of the heart, several days in succession, with oppression, Bry. 45. ----of the heart when walking, and listening to music, Staphys. 46. Tremulous palpitation of the heart after rising, Spig. 47. The palpitation of the heart in- creases by sitting down and bend- ing the chest forward, Spig. 48. Violent beating of the heart, on sitting down after rising; with painful oppression, as by a load above the place where the beating is felt; at the same time a cutting and digging up in the abdomen, PALPITATION, TREMOR, ETC. 833 as if caused by incarcerated flatu- lence, continuing after the palpita- tion, Spig. 49. Palpitation of the heart when sitting still, with trembling of the hand in which he holds something, Silic. 50. ----of the heart, with anxious oppression of the chest, Spig. 51. ---- of the heart, with anxiety and trembling of the fingers and lower limbs, Sep. 52. Visible beating of the heart, Spig. 53. Palpitation of the heart, and throbbing all through the body, Sabad. 54. The beating of the heart is stronger, and alternates with pul- sations in the abdomen, Sabin, 55. Violent palpitation of the heart, with contracted and frequently intermittent pulse, Sec. corn. 56. Spasmodic throbbings of the heart, Sec. corn. 57. Palpitation of the heart, shaking the whole chest, Seneg. 58. ----of the heart, with anguish, dyspnoea and pain in the back; with loud sound at every breath, as. if the air would all rush out, the body being cold, with cold sweat, Calc. carb. 59. The heart beats against the ribs, after a meal, Camph. 60. The beating of the heart is felt lower down, Cann. 61. Palpitation of the heart, she has to lie still, Carb. a. 62. ----of the heart, when sitting, or with intermitting pulse, Carb. v. 63. ---- of the heart, also with languor or irregular pulse, Caust. 64. Strong, violent beats of the heart, also with anxiety, or with feeble pulse, and cold skin, China. 65. Palpitation of the heart, also with rush of blood to the face, and heat and redness of the face, cold hands, China. 66. Frequent slight paroxysms of palpitation of the heart, Nux v. 67. Palpitation of the heart when Vol. III.—53. sitting still, so that the body was moved by every beat, Rhus t. 68. ----of the heart (with diminu- tion of the habitual sweat of the feet), Hamat. 69. ----- of the heart when lying down after dinner, Nux v. 70. ---- of the heart at night, or during deep meditation, or after dinner, or early in the morning, in bed, with heat, Ign. 71. ---- of the heart on rising, or when moving about quickly, with heat of the face and oppression of the face, Kal. nit. 72. ---- of the heart, with throb- bing in all the arteries, Magn. mur. 73. Violent palpitation of the heart, with fine stitches in the heart and left chest, Hep. s. 74. Palpitation of the heart, with oppression of the chest, Hyosc. 75. ----of the heart and undulating sensation in the head, with heat, during a rapid evening-walk, Ind. 76. ---- of the heart, without anxiety, Ipec. 77. Spasmodic palpitation of the heart, felt down to the navel, but mostly in thepitofthestomach,/od. 78. Perceptible beating of the heart, with coldness in the region of the heart, Kal. chlor. 79. Violent palpitation of the heart, Merc, prate rub. 80. Palpitation of the heart, with oppressive tightness of the chest, Mercurial. 81. Undulating and throbbing mo- tion in the region of the heart, the praecordia and upper belly; he feels the pulsations of the abdomi- nal arteries when sitting down, with dizziness, rumbling in bowels, etc., Mercurial, 82. Palpitation of the heart, with cardialgia, Natr. mur. 83. Fluttering motion of the heart, Natr. mur. 84. Palpitation of the heart, at night, after lying down, three nights in succession, Ox. ac. 834 HEART. 85. A sort of palpitation extending to the umbilicus, Petrol. 86. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety, morning and evening, Phos. 87. ---- of the heart on starting from sleep, Phos. ac 88. ----of the heart from exertion or mental emotion, Pod. pelt. 89. ----of the heart, with languor and anguish, as if she would faint, Nitr. ac. 90. ---- of the heart, with want of breath, on going up stairs, Nitr. ac. 91. ----of the heart, with diarrhoea, Nitr. ac. 92. ----of the heart, with sensation as if the chest had become wider, Oleand. 93. Shocks at the heart, felt as far as the neck, Graph. 94. Painful thrust or shock in the region of the heart, Ang. 95. Shocks towards the heart, with thirst, Sulp. 96. Slow shocks or pushes in the region of the heart from within outward, Aeon. 97. Frequent shocks in the region of the heart, Con. 98. Painful pulsative shocks in the region of the heart, Nux v. 99. Frequent spasmodic but pain- less starting of the heart, espe- cially when lying on the back, accompanied by fear of apoplexy, Arg. f. 100. Single jerks at the heart, Crot 101. Painful jerking in the heart, Fluor, ac. 102. Twitching in the region of the heart, Plumb, acet. 103. Tremor of the heart, Camph., Rhus t 104. ----of the heart with anguish. Bell. 105. ---- of the heart, in parox- ysms, Nitr, ac. 106. Confused undulating sensation at the heart, with fulness and feel- ing of anxiety in left chest, Mercu- rial, Intermission of the Beats of the Heart. 1. Intermission of the beats of the heart, Sep. 2. The beats of the heart intermit frequently, Kal. carb. 3. The beats of the heart intermit, Natr. mur. 4. The beats of the heart are less, Sec. com. 5. Feeble beating of the heart, Hydroc ac 6. The beats of the heart are scarcely felt, Dig. 7. The beats of the heart are scarcely perceptible, Bruc. 8. The beats ,pf the heart are scarcely perceptible, Aspar. 9. The heart almost ceases to beat, Tart. emet. Irregularity of the Beats of the Heart. 1. Irregular beating of the heart, with slow pulse, Lauroc. 2. ---- motions of the heart, Hy- droc. ac. 3. The beats of the heart are. not synchronous with the pulse, the right auricle being permanently convulsed, Aeon. 4. Irregular beats of the heart, Tab. 5. The motion of the heart is first very rapid, then suddenly slow, Am. 6. Irregular quick double beats of the heart, Aspar. Pains. 1. Pain in the region of the heart, Cann. 2. Pressing pain at the heart, Sang. 3. Pain at the heart, with dys- pnoea, Lauroc. 4. Dull sticking pain at the heart, and at the corresponding place on the right side, increasing when pressing upon or stretching the part, Menyan. rush o: 5. Crampy pain at the heart, as if the heart were hanging by bands firmly drawn round, Kal. carb. 6. Pain at the heart like electric flashes from within, Ox. ac. 7. ---- at heart, with spasmodic palpitation, Plumb, m. 8. ----at the heart, Thuj. 9. ----at the heart as if squeezed or shocked, Am. 10. Boring pain at the heart, Cupr. m. 11. Pain and pressure at heart, Hydroc. ac. 12. Sudden violent sore pain at the heart, with audible cracking (after a meal) accompanied by a tor- menting nausea, Magn. carb. 13. Slight deep-seated pain at the heart, Lob. infl. 14. Painfulness in the region of the heart, with oppressive anxiety, increased beating of the heart, small pulse, hot hands, chilliness over the whole body, Hwmat. 15. Pain in the region of the heart, with sensation as if a bar were extending from the heart to the right side, and violent pain in left upper region of the heart, Hatmat. Stitches, Lancinations. 1. Stitches in the region of the heart, Caps., Hep. s., Ran, seel, Sulp. 2. Severe stitch in the region of the heart, early in the morning, while writing, Arg.f. 3. Dull, painful, and oppressive stitches in the region of the heart, going off with rumbling in left side, Carb. v. 4. Stitching at the heart, afternoon, Sep. 5. Dull stitches in the region of the heart, Spig. 6. Stitches in the heart, leaving an aching pain, Calc. carb. 7. ---- in the region of the heart, when expiring air, Ign. 8. Severe stitch at the heart, Kal. nit. BLOOD. 835 9. Stitches at the heart, when draw- ing breath, Lauroc. 10. Spasmodic stitches at the heart, in bed, early, with colic, Nux mosch. 11. Stitches in the heart, arresting her breath, Magn. mur. 12. Acute stitches in the region of the heart, with drawing, Phell. 13. Dull stitches in the region of the heart, with continual pressure, anxiety which impedes respiration, abating after walking, Puis. 14. Stitches at the apex of the heart, after eating, Chin, sulph. 15. Stitching and tension at the heart, Zinc. m. 16. Severe stitches through the heart, day and night, Sulp. ac. 17. Stitches in the heart, from left side to right, °with fainting fits, Am. 18. ----at the heart, after dinner, Aspar. 19. Severe stitches above the heart, Aur. f 20. Sudden stitches at the heart when sitting erect or standing, Valer. 21. Sharp stitching at the heart, increased by violent inspirations, Zinc. m. 22. Frequent stitches in the heart, Amm. carb. 23. Short lancinations at the heart, succeeding each other two by two, Anac. 24. Lancinations in the region of the heart, apparently in the pleura costalis, hindering respiration, with sensitiveness to pressure, Aeon. 25. Painful dragging-sticking in the region of the heart, outwards and downwards, Berb. v. 26. Stitches at the heart, during an expiration, Crot. 27. Sharp stitches at the heart, from within outwards, Clem. 28. Severe stitches at the heart, early in the morning, after risfng, Nux v. 836 HEART. 29. Continuous stitch at the heart, the stitches multiplied when arrest- ing the breathing, Menyan. Anguish, Anxiety. 1. Anguish about the heart, after- noon, Canth. 2. ---- about the heart, with cold sweat, Plumb, acet. 3. Anxiety about the heart, with trembling of the whole body, for hours, Oleand. 4. ----about the heart, with arrest of breathing and flushes of heat, Ambr. gr. 5. —— and warmth about the heart, with palpitation, Tart emet. 6. Anguish about the heart, which , beats very strongly, with sensation as if it were warm, Verat. Tension. 1. Spasmodic tension and weight at the heart, Zinc. oxyd. 2. Tension and stitching at the heart, Zinc. m. Rush of Blood. 1. When pressing upon the heart, the blood seems to rise to the throat, hindering the breathing, Amm. carb. 2. Congestion of blood to the heart, with anguish, Nitr. ac 3.----of blood to the heart and chest, at night, with anxious dreams, and starting with a cry, Puis. Pressure, Oppression. 1. Oppression at the heart, Am., Cast. 2. Pressure in the region of the heart, Magnet p. arct., Ambr. gr. \ 3. Oppression of the heart, with anxiety, Cupr. acet. 4. ---- and burning at heart, L Arg-f- 5. Oppression of the heart, with melancholy, Caust. 6. Slight pressure at. the heart, Seneg. 7. Pressure about the heart, almost like pinching, Carb. a. 8.----and pain at heart, Hydroc. ac. 9.----or crushing sensation about the heart, 01. an, 10.----in the chest, affecting the heart, Bell, 11. Sense of pressure, heaviness, and spasmodic tension at the heart, Zinc, oxyd. 12. Oppression of the heart, alter- nating with nausea, Bell 13. Pressure at the heart when drawing breath, Graph. 14. Slight oppression about the heart, with palpitation, and sensa- tion as if the air which she inhaled were very cold, Brom. Burning, Warmth. 1. Burning, at the heart, Kal carb. J2. ---- at the heart as from red- hot coal, Op. 3. Warmth and anxiety about the heart, with violent palpitation re- verberating in the head, Tart emet 4. Feeling of warmth at the heart, with sudden languor, obliging one to let his arms hang down, Tart. stib. 5. Burning and oppression at heart. Arg.fl Coldness. 1. Cold feeling about the heart, Natr. mur. 2. Feeling of coldness at the heart, Petrol. Weight, Heaviness. *1. Sensation in the region of the heart, as if a heavy body were lying in its place, changing to an oppressive burning, with flush of heat over the back, Aeon. OTHER SYMPTOMS. 837 2. Uneasiness about the heart, Anac. 3. Oppressive heaviness in the re- gion of the heart, Silic. 4. Feeling of heaviness and hard- ness in the heart, with frequent and sudden arrest of breathing, Aur. mur. Other Symptoms. 1. Sensation at the heart as if squeezed together, lod. 2.----as if the heart had not space enough, Sulp. 3. Tearing at the heart, Colch. 4. Sensation as if the heart would fall down, Hyp. perf. 5. Painful cracking at the heart, several times a day, Natr. carb. 6. Crushing sensation or pressure about the heart, 01. an. 7. When walking, the heart seems to shake as if loose, Aur.f. 8. Hollow sensation in the region of the heart, Sulp. 9. Sensation as if the heart were on the right side, with hard pressure, Bor. 838 BACK AND NECK. SYMPTOMS OF Stitches, Lancinations, Prickings. STITCHES. 1. Stitches between the scapulae, Aeon., Sep. 2. ---- in the back, Aeon., Calc carb., Hep. s., Lauroc. 3, Severe stitches along the back, from below upward, Staphys. 4. Dull boring stitches from the fauces through the muscles of the nape of the neck, Stann. 5. Sharp, broad stitches in the spine, between the scapulae, from within outward, Stann. 6. Slow intermittent dull stitches between the scapulae, Stann. 7. Stitching in right side of neck, with stitching in the ear and parotid gland during deglutition, Spig. 8. Stitches in the back, opposite the heart, Rhus tox. 9. Long, slow stitches in right cer- vical muscles, disappearing during deglutition, and then reappearing, Spong. 10. Frequent stitches at right sca- pula, Silic. 11. Crampy stitches in right scapula, when sitting, Ant cr. 12. Stitches in small of back, with pain as if sprained, during rest, Staphys. 13. ----from right to left scapula, Cocc 14. ---- through the abdomen to the back, early in the morning, Cocc. 15. Boring, pulsative stitches in the cervical muscles, going off during motion, Cina. 16. Stitches in the spine, China. 17. Dull stitches in left loin, in quick succession, Chelid. 18. Stitches between the scapulae, arresting the breathing, Carb. v. 19. Stitching in the scapulae, also when drawing breath, Lauroc. 20. Itching, fine stitches on the right side of scapula, going off after scratching, Cann. 21. Stitches in nape of neck and scapulae, with dulness of the head, Calc. carb. 22. Severe stitches striking from the thorax to the spinal column, Calc. acet. 23. Stitches at a spot above the small of the back, when touched, Calc. acet. 24. Shooting stitches in the sacrum and also above the tarsal joint, Calc. acet. 25. Stitches in the lumbar vertebrae, Bry. 26. Itching stitches at scapula, Calc. carb. 27. ---- stitches at nape of neck, disappearing after scratching, Bry. 28. Stitches like electric sparks striking from left scapula to right, Bell 29. Continuous impressions as with a dull point across the lower part of the spinal column, Rhod. 30. Stitching in the loins on stooping, early in the morning, in bed, Puis. 31. Stitche3 in both sides of the nape of the neck, Aeon. STITCHES. 839 32. Stitches at sacrum, down to anus, Asaf. 33. Dull stitches below the scapulae, Asar. 34. Stitches at the scapulae, with chilliness, two days, Alum. 35. ---- in the small of the back, when sitting, aggravated by mo- tion, Ambr. gr. 36. Dull stitches in small of back, Anac. 37. ---- stitches in left shoulder- blade, causing a tearing pain all round, Anac. 38. Paroxysms of sudden stitching in the small of the back (when walking), Rhus t 39. Drawing-darting stitching at os coccyx, as with a nail, Rhus t 40. Stitching in the back, when stooping, Rhus t 41. Stitches in the spine when sit- ting, with sudden anxiety, Ruta. 42. Cutting stitches in both sides of the neck, particularly during motion, Samb. 43. Stitches above right hip, behind, with ulcerative pain when touched, Sep. 44. Stitching in the small of the back, afterwards the pain extends to the abdomen, arresting the breathing; followed by a creep- ing, heaviness, and drawing sensa- tion in the head, with vanishing of sight and hearing; afterwards chilliness, as if cold water were poured over him, Puis. 45. ----in the anterior portion of the hip, whenever he moves the right arm to the left side, Plumb. acet. 46. Cannot turn to one side, because then she feels a jerking stitching in small of back, Nux v. 47. Severe stitching in the small of the back, during the afternoon chill; the pain moves to the sides, oppressing the breathing, Nux v. 48. Stitching in spine and small of back, going off by rubbing, Plumb. acet. 49. Stitching in the scapulae, Plumb. acet. 50. ----in spine, all day, Phos. 51. Stitches in lumbar vertebrae, from without inwards, Phos. 52. Pulsative stitches at os coccyx, Par. quad. 53. A few pointed and painful stitches from left scapulae to axilla, 01 an. 54. Sudden fine stitches in. right half of back, Oleand. 55. Stitching between the scapulae, during motion and when drawing breath, Nux v. 56. Stitches between the scapulae, every stitch being followed by an eructation, Nitr. ac. 57. ---- in the outer parts of the neck, from above downwards, even at night, Natr. mur. 58. Severe stitches between the shoulders and in the back, worse when drawing breath, Natr. carb. 59. Stitches in the scapulae, Mur. ac. 60. Severe stitches in left side of back, abating during motion, Mur. ac. 61. Frequent stitches at small of back, when stooping and rising again, Mur. ac. 62. Stitching, at times in the neck, at others in the shoulders, Mosch. 03. Stitches near the spine, left side, Mosch. 64. Fine and dull stitches in the dorsal muscles when wolking, Merc sol 65. Fine stitches on the right side of the sacrum, Merc sol. 66. Stitching in small of back when drawing breath, Merc, sol 67. Dull boring stitching in the region of the left scapula, extend- ing towards the spine, Menyan, 68. Stitches at coccyx, when stand- ing, more itching than stinging, Verat. 840 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. 69. Pointed stitches between the scapulae, Thuj. 70. Stitching, with pressure, in nape of neck, Tarax. 71. ---- in left side of nape of neck, as with a dull pin, when standing, going off when sitting, Tarax. 72. Stitches in the nape of the neck when stooping, Sulp. 73. Several stitches below the sca- pula, arresting the breathing, Sulp. 74. Pulsative stitches in the region of the loins and kidneys, Sulp. 75. Sharp stitching close to upper part of right scapula, most violent during an eructation, Zinc m. 76. Continuous stitching in the border of the left scapula, with mounting of heat to the head, Zinc m. 77. Dull stitches and pressure at inner border of right scapula, Zinc. m. 78. Stitches in the region of both kidneys, Kal. carb. 79. Dull stitches in the small of the back, Magnet, p. aust 80. Stitches in the nape of the neck, Ign. 81. Single fine stitches in the neck and behind the ears, Hep. s. 82. Stitching, with pressure, in the spine, during a walk, Ign. 83. Stitches at apex of scapula, Ign. 84. Dull stitches in both loins, as if pressing from within outwards, at every inspiration, after walking, Dulc 85. Stitches in the dorsal muscles, also striking from left loin to penis, Dros. 86. ---- on the left side of the nape of the neck, from the scapula to the occiput, Guaj. 87. Severe stitches in the neck, from the larynx to the clavicle, Guaj. 88. Stitches and gnawing in the spine, Hell. 89. ---- below the right scapula, proceeding from the right chest, Guaj. 90. Stitches in both sides of the neck, on moving the head, Graph. 91. Stitching in the lower vertebrae, Grat. 92. Stitches in the small of the back, with drawing through the lumbar vertebrae, when standing, Con. 93. Burning stitches in small of back, right side, when sitting; on rising or pressing upon the part, the pain changes to a simple burn- ing, Arg.fl. 94. Dull stitches in the second lum- bar vertebra?, Arg.fl 95. Itching stitches between the scapulae, Arg.fl. 96. Boring stitches in right axilla, Arg.fl 97. Burning stitches at os sacrum, Colch. 98. Piercing pinching stitches every few minutes, between the right os innominatum and the last false rib, Cycl 99. Dull stitches between the sca- pulae, Dig. 100. Stitches and tearing in small of back, during motion, Dig. 101. ---- in the cervical muscles, when moving the neck, Dig. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Sudden acute stitch in lower part of nape of neck, Stann. 2. Sharp, jerking stitch in left side of back and left thigh, Stann. 3. Severe stitch in small of back, Spong. 4. Dull, boring stitch in left sca- pula, Spig. 5. Stitch on right side of dorsal spine, between the scapulae, during motion, penetrating to the chest, Ang. 6. Sudden stitch in small of back when stooping, after which a tension remains as if the parts STINGING, PRICKING. 841 would be torn; lastly a chill in bed, Sabin. 7. Stitch, at every inspiration, in the right side of the back, striking from the last ribs up to the axilla, Am. 8. Sharp stitch in middle of back, by the vertebra;, Chelid. 9. Severe stitch at os sacrum, Carb. a, 10. Stitch from between the shoul- ders to the lumbar vertebrae, on drawing breath, Prun. spin. 11. Severe stitch in small of back, when rising after squatting down, Phos. ac 12. Stitch in the loins when lifting anything, Phos. ac. 13. Burning stitch below left sca- pula, when sitting, Oleand. 14. Long stitch in small of back, when turning the trunk to one side; it arrests the breathing, Nux v. 15. Severe continuous stitch in the dorsal vertebrae, when standing, Nitr. ac. 16. Shooting stitch in right side of neck, Menyan. 17. Burning stitch at os sacrum, Mur. ac 18. Short stitch in the cervical mus- cles, when moving the neck, Thuj. 19. Continuous dull stitch in right scapula, from within outwards, Tarax. 20. Severe stitch in the nape of the neck, when sneezing, Magn. carb. 21. Tensive stitch in left cervical muscles, Staphys. 22. Stitch at lower angle of left scapula, then in toe, Kal. bich. 23. Itching stitch at os coccyx, Dros. STINGING. 1. Stinging at scapulae, Hyosc. 2. ----as from nettles around the neck and chest, abating by gently rubbing the parts (with redness and pimples which could only be felt), Verat. 3. Itching stinging of right scapula, Bell. 4. Stinging in the nape of the neck on moving the neck, with weak feeling in the nape of the neck, Aeon. 5. ---- in the outer parts of the neck, Aeon. 6. ----, first in the right side of the neck, afterwards in the parietal bone, followed by a beating through the bead and a weight in the occiput, Aeth. 7. ----and formication in the back and sacrum, Alum. 8. ---- and burning in left sca- pula, Ambr. gr. 9. ----in the sacrum, preceded by itching, Amm. carb. 10. ---- and burning-tingling be- tween the scapulae, Sabad. 11. ----at scapula, when drawing breath, sitting, or walking, Sep. PRICKING. 1. Prickings in the neck, exter- nally, shifting about, Anac 2. Burning prickling at left sca- pula and shoulder, Mez. 3. Sharp prickings in the spine, between the scapula, Merc. sol. 4. Tensive prickings in the spine whether walking or standing, Oleand. 5. Prickling under the skin, which becomes gradually seated under the right scapula, Lact vir. 6. Pricking and itching at coccyx, followed by discharge of slime from the rectum, Bor. 7. Prickling in the sacrum, Aeon. 8. Itching prickings at the nape of the neck, Stann, 9. ---- pricking at nape of neck, Rhus t. 10. Drawing prickings in left side of neck, Spong. 11. Burning pricking at a small spot in middle of back, Stann. 842 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. 12. Fine pricking through the back from within outwards, Stann. LANCINATIONS. 1. Lancinations and tearing in the back, Colch. 2. ----between the scapulae, also down the back, on raising the trunk after stooping, Gins. 3. Lancination in os sacrum, Zinc. m. 4. Lancinations in left cervical muscles, Aur.f. 5. ----from the lower regions of the dorsal vertebrae through the chest, arresting the breathing, Berb. v, 6. ---- from without inwards in the vertebrae, resembling stabs with a knife, Bell 7. ---- in lower part of nape of neck, Cann. 8. ---- and tearings in the os coccyx, Canth. 9. Lancination in small of back, down the thighs, at every inspira- tion, Carb, a. 10. Lancinations in the small of the back, in the evening, Alum. DARTING, SHOOTING. 1. Shootings in both scapulae, and outer parts of the chest, Calc. carb. 2. Frequent darts in small of back, when sitting, Kal. hyd. 3. Sudden darting in the small of the back, very painful when rising from a seat, Amm. carb. CUTTING. 1. Stabbing from third cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra, striking through the chest to the sternum ; with inability to straighten the spine, Kal bich. 2. Cutting between the shoulders, shortening the breathing, Kal. nit. 3. Severe cutting in the small of back, when moving ever so little, extending to the calves and feet; he is unable either to walk, stand, or lie down, Zinc m. 4. Cutting between the shoulders, with burning, Sulp. ac 6. On bending to the right side and backwards, sensation as if a knife were plunged through his left chest and back, Rhod. 6. Cutting above the small of the back when sitting, as if pressure were made with a sharp instru- ment, Aur.f. 7. Tensive cutting across the sca- pulae, Rhus t 8. Cutting thrusts between the scapulae, penetrating to the thora- cic cavity, when walking, Am. 9. Cutting in the small of the back and abdomen, Arg. nit. Swellings, Goitre, Sense or Fain as if Swollen. 1. Goitre, Brom., Con. 2. Sense of movement in goitre, a bloating and pressing as if every- thing would come out, Spong. 3. Sensation as if alive in the goitre, moving and shaking in it, Spong. 4. Stitches in the goitre, Spong. 5. Sort of goitre on right side of neck, Nitr. ac. 6. Swelling and burning in the buttock near the anus, after exer- cise, Crot. 7. Swelling of the cervical glands, lod., Kal carb., Silic 8. Swelling of the neck, Ars., Cic 9. Swelling of the glands, on one side of the neck, Graph. 10. A number of swellings about the neck, disappearing in a few days, Graph. 11. Moveable, painless, lymphatic swelling between the os hyoides and thyroid cartilage, lod. RIGIDITY, STIFFNESS, ETC. 843 12. Hard swelling of the sub-maxil- lary gland, Kal. carb. 13. Painful swelling of the neck, in front, Sulp. 14. Pain of a swollen gland near the thyroid body, when touched, Sulp. 15. Hard swelling of the cervical glands, Lye 16. Small glandular swellings on left side of neck, tensive when moved, Magn. mur. 17. Red, swollen streak on the left side of the neck, Mang. 18. Swelling of the cervical glands, also with painful closing of the jaws, Merc sol. 19. The left cervical muscles are swollen, and are painful when moving the head, as if the tendons were too short, Nux v. 20. Hard lump on the neck, under the chin, Phos. 21. Swelling on the nape of the neck, and also on right side, pain- ful as if ulcerated when touched, Puis. 22. Painful sensation as if the outer neck would swell, Rhodod. 23. Swelling on the nape of the neck, gradually spreading over the whole head, with red skin and pain as if ulcerated, Bar. carb. 24. Inflammation and swelling of a posterior cervical gland, Sulp. 25. Swelling of the posterior cervi- cal glands, Bar. carb. 26. Glandular swelling at the nape of the neck, with cloudiness of the head, Bell. 27. Scrofulous swellings on both sides of the neck, Brom. 28. Swelling and painfulness of the vertebra prominens, Calc carb. 29. Painless glandular swelling at nape of neck, Calc carb. 30. Swelling of a left cervical gland, with stinging sore throat when swallowing, Calc. carb. 31. Hard swelling of the cervical glands, Calc. carb. 32. The cervical glands are painful, Calc. carb. 33. Glandular swellings in the neck, Carb. a. 34. Swelling and pain of the cervical glands, especially behind, Carb. v. 35. Painless swelling below the right sterno-cleido mastoideus muscles, Chin, sulph. 36. Swelling of the cervical glands, painful when moving the neck or talking, Am. 37. Painless swelling at nape of neck, Sep. 38. The region of the thyroid body feels hard, Spong. 39. Swelling of the thyroid body, with itch and stinging when ^touched, Silic 40. Glandular swellings below the jaws, Spong. 41. Pain as if the cervical glands near the larynx and trachea would swell, Spong. Rigidity, Stiffness, Sense of Stiff- ness. 1. Painful feeling of stiffness in left side of nape of neck, when turning the neck to the right side, Spong. 2. ---- stiffness between the sca- pulae, and in the nape of the neck. early in the morning, in bed, Ang. 3. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, Sep. 4. ---- of the neck, and nape of the neck, Rhus t. 5. His neck aches during motion as if stiff, Rhus t. 6. Stiffness of small of back, pain- ful during motion, Rhus t 7. ---- of the nape of the neck, also painful and in the sides, Anac 8. ----, heaviness and laming sensation at os sacrum, down along the pelvis and to the hips, Arg. nit. 9. The lumbar region feels rigid, Arg. nit. 10. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, 844 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. as if bruised or sprained, also at the hips, Ars. 11. "Painful stiffness of the nape of the neck, Aeon. 12. Feeling of stiffness, and as if bruised in the left side of the neck, extending beyond the shoul- der-joint, and a portion of the dorsal muscles, diminished by motion, Aeon. 13. Painful stiffness of the .loins, after sitting, Cham. 14. Stiffness of nape of neck, with pain in occiput, Caust. 15. Painful stiffness of the back, in the morning, on rising, Carb. v. 16. ---- stiffness on left side of neck and nape of neck, Lauroc. 17. Stiffness at nape of neck and occiput, Calc. caust. 18. ---- of the nape of the neck and neck, Calc carb. 19. Painful stiffness of the spinal column, with heaviness of the lower limbs, Calc carb. 20. ---- stiffness in small of back, not allowing him to walk erect, Bry. 21. ---- stiffness and tension in nape of neck, and neck, Bry. 22. ---- swelling and stiffness of the nape of the neck, Bell 23. ---- stiffness between the sca- pulae and in the nape of the neck, when turning the head to and fro, early in the morning, Bell. 24. Stiffness of back and hips, he is unable to walk erect, Rheum. 25. The back is painful and stiff as a board, Puis. 26. Stiffness and ulcerative pain when lying, as if the parts were tightly bandaged, Puis. 27. Stiff neck, Plumb, m., Plumb, acet 28. Painful stiffness of left cervical muscles, Phos. ac. 29. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, Phos. 30. Sensation, on turning the neck, as if it were stiff and swollen, Par. quad. 31. Stiffness of right side of nape of neck, Nux v. 32. Stiff back, Nux v. 33. Stiffness of the spinal column, Nitr. ac. 34. ---- of nape of neck, with stitches during motion, Merc sol. 35. Swollen and stiff neck, Merc. sol. 36. Sense of stiffness in the poste- rior cervical muscles when mov- ing the neck, Menyan. 37. The neck feels swollen and stiff, Mang. 38. Feeling of stiffness in nape of neck and left side of neck, up to the ear, not increased by motion, Thuj. 39. Sense of stiffness in spine, Thuj. 40. Stiffness and burning pain in the nape of the neck, Sulp. 41. ----in the back and side, Sulp. 42. Drawing pressing stiffness at base of neck, when bending the head forward, Staphys. 43. Stiffness and pain in upper dor- sal muscles, for four nights, Zinc. met. 44. Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck, occasioning vertigo, Verat. 45. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with elongation of the uvula, Kal. carb. 16. Stiff and laming feeling in back and small of back, Kal. carb. 47. Stiffness of the cervical muscles, with tension as if too short, Hyosc 48. ---- of the nape of the neck, Ign. 49. ---- of the posterior cervical muscles, Dulc. 50. - - of the nape of the neck, 51. Graph. of the cervical muscles, up to the occiput, Hell. 52. Rheumatic stiffness in whole left side of back, very painful when moving ever so little, Guaj. 53. Stiffness of left side of neck, Coloc. PAINS. 845 54. Rigidity of the nape of the neck, and between the scapulae, when stooping, Ant. cr. 55. Swelling of the axillary glands, Ars. 56. ----of right side of neck, with pain when touched, Sarsap. Pains. SIMPLE PAIN. 1. Pain in the thyroid cartilage, Crot, 2. Flying pains in the back, Coloc. 3. Severe pain in the back, after a short walk, followed by nausea and exhaustion, Con. 4. Pain in small of back, spreading over every part of the body, Mez. 5. Drawing rheumatic pain in left side of neck, on moving the head, evening, with hot feeling in the ear, Cycl. 6. Rheumatic pain between the shoulders, down to small of back, Dros. 7. Violent pains in nape of neck, Graph. 8. Pain in the loins, and swelling around the ankles, Hyosc. 9. ---- at os sacrum, when lying on it, in bed, Ign. 10. ---- in small of back, after standing or walking, Kal. carb. 11. ---- extending from small of back to nape of neck, through to sternum, preventing him from working for four weeks, Kal. bich. 12. ----between the scapulae, which becomes a dragging pain when turning to one side, Verat. 13. ---- in the small of the back when sitting or walking, Zinc. m. 14. ---- above the small of the back, when walking, Sulp. 15. ----in small of back, on rising from a seat, Sulp. 16. Rheumatic pain along the whole spine, during exercise, Verat. 17. Dull pain in the centre of the spinal marrow, early in the morn- ing, with pain in the body, espe- cially the upper limbs, as if bruised, Tab. 18. Acute pain at parotid glands, and in the% cervical muscles, when moving the jaw and neck, Tarax. 19. Pain in the loins and arthritic tearing pains in the lower limbs, Verat. 20. ---- from the scapulae along the whole back, with diuresis, thirst, and costiveness, Verat. 21. ----in small of back, followed by colic in umbilical region, Ve- rat. 22. Sudden piercing pain in os coc- cyx, Magn. carb. 23. Pains in the small of the back, followed by pain in the thighs, Magn. sulph. 24. Severe pain between the shoul- ders when turning the head; ag- gravated by lifting any thing, Merc sol. 25. Nightly pain in small of back, hindering turning to the other side, Nux v. 26. Pain in small of back, has to lie on his face, Nitr. ac 27. ---- between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck, when moving the head, Nux v. 28. ----in the articulations of the cervical vertebrae, Nux v. 29. Severe pain at nape of neck, extending deep into the occiput, Natr. sulph. 30. Rheumatic pains in neck, scapu- lae, and axillae, 01. an. 31. Pain shooting from the loins to the limbs, with constant change of position, Ox. ac. 32. Acute pain in the back, gradually extending down the thighs, Ox. ac. 33. Sudden pain in the back, when- ever he swallows, followed by op- pressed breathing, Petrol. 34. Pain in back when sitting too long, Phos. 35. ---- at small of back when standing or rising after stooping, Phos. 846 PAINS IN THE BACK AND NECK. 36. Intolerable pains in the back, periodically, hindering walking, Phos. 37. Pain in small of back, when stooping forward, Puis. 38. ----in small of back after sit- ting, Puis. 39. Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, with weariness of the feet, Puis. 40. Pain in the spinal marrow, ex- tending to the os coccyx, Lact. vir. 41. Severe pain in the dorsal spine, early in the morning, so that he was unable to move a limb, Aur.f. 42. Piercing pain in right loin, only during an expiration, Aur. f. 43. Frequent pain in the axillary glands, Bar. carb. 44. Rheumatic pain in the back, Bell. 45. Pain at nape of neck, as after a cold, Bry. 46. Pains in the small of the back, impeding walking, Bry. 47. Pain in small of back, he was scarcely able to rise, Calc. carb. 48. The spinal column feels painful when bent backwards, Calc. carb. 49. Severe pains between the sca- pulae down to the small of the back, Calc, caust. 50. Pain in the back, frequently arresting the breathing, Cann. 51. Constant severe pain in small of back, Kal. hyd. 52. Rheumatic pain in the lateral cervical muscles, Squill 53. Constant pain in small of back, obliging him to draw the back in, when he feels a voluptuous pain in the same, Sabin. 54. Pain in small of back, with chil- liness, Sabad. 55. Rheumatic pain between the scapulae, aggravated by cold, Rhus t. 56. Nightly pains in the back, Arg. nil. 57. Intense pain in sacral region, blowing and sneezing cause him to start, Arg. nit 58. Intolerable pain in the back, particularly at night, abating in a sitting posture, Ars. hydrog. 59. Pains in the back, with uneasi- ness and anxiety, Ars. 60. The dorsal spine is painful, as if unable to support the body, Am. 61. Arthritic pain in the back and limbs, Am. 62. Pain in small of back, with stitches in that part when cough- ing, drawing a long breath, or walking, Am. 63. ---- in the loins after sitting, Led. pal 64. Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck, only when moving the neck, Aeon. 65. Painful sensation on inner sur- face of scapula, Cic. 66. Intolerable pain in the loins and hip-joint, at night, when lying on the opposite side, Cham. 67. Pain in the small of the back, especially at night, Cham. STINGING, PRICKING, LANCINATING, CUTTING PAIN. 1. Cutting pain, with numb feeling at nape of neck, obliging one to bend the head backwards, which is, however, prevented by a feel- ing as of something soft or dead being squeezed in between the atlas and the condyles of the occi- put, Dig. 2. Stitch-like pains in the left side of the back, at the false ribs, going off by contact, Cycl. 3. Pain in the small of the back, as if cut through, Hep. s. 4. Cutting and smarting pain at vertebra prominens, as if ulcer- ated, Graph. 5. Pain as if the body would be cut off above the hips, Dulc. 6. Painful stitches in middle of spine, when drawing breath, Dulc. 7. Painful stitches in the posterior STICKING, PRICKING, LANCINATING, ETC. 847 cervical muscles, when turning the head sideways, Dulc 8. Stitching pain in the back, as if something were sticking in the spine, Eug. 9. Pricking pain in the loins and side, Hyosc. 10. At night deep-seated dull shoot- ing pains under the scapulae, Kal. bich. 11. Shooting pains in back and renal region, with suppression of urine, Kal. bich. 12. Sharp shooting pains, first in left, afterwards in right renal re- gion, down the thigh, Kal. bich. 13. Cutting pain in outer left side of sacrum, striking up and down, Kal, bich. 14. Darting pain in small of back, when stooping, Kal. carb. 15. Lancinating pain between the scapulae, with oppression and an- guish of the chest, Kal. carb. 16. Stitching pain in the back and small of the back, when sitting or walking, Zinc. m. 17. ----pain, with pressure, in the whole spine, right side, when lying, with difficult breathing, Tarax. 18. Burning-stinging pains between the scapulae, when sitting, Thuj. 19. Stinging pains in the anterior surface of the neck, below the la- rynx, Thuj. 20. Stitching pain in small of back and thighs, with unsteadiness in the small of back, knees, and feet, Merc. sol. 21. Stinging pain in cervical glands, Merc. sol. 22. Shooting pain in the nape of the neck, Natr. carb. 23. Continual burning-stinging pain between the scapulae, Nux v. 24. Pain on right side of neck as if a dull point were pressing upon the oesophagus, Oleand. 25. Stitching pain in right scapula, Phos. 26. Stitching pain in small of back and abdomen, arresting the breath- ing, Puis. 27. ----pain in the back and across the chest, Puis. 28. Stinging pains in the back, Puis. 29. Stitching pain between the sca- pulae, during motion, arresting the breathing, Puis. 30. Drawing-stinging pains in the nape of the neck, between the sca- pulae and in the back, Puis. 31. Stitching pain in the nape of the neck, Puis. 32. Painful pricking below the right scapula, Aur.f 33. Lancinating and gnawing pain in spine, Bell. 34. Stitching pain, also with pres- sure, in one or the other lumbar region, frequently recurring, ex- tending outwards and forwards in the side of the abdomen, or to the hips, spine, small of back, accom- panied with numbness, lameness, and a feeling as if bruised, Berb. v. 35. Deep-seated, acute, lancinating pain in the iliac bone of one side or the other, extending obliquely inwards and downwards towards the small of the back, also with bubbling stitches penetrating deeply, Berb. v. 36. Stitching pain in the small of the back and back, at night, Bry. 37. Spasmodic shooting pain from small of back towards rectum, Calc. carb. 38. Cutting pain between the scapu- lae, during rest, Calc. carb. 39. Severe stitching pains in small of back, Calc. caust. 40. Fine painful stinging and severe aching in the vertebrae at the base of the chest, for 50 days, Cann. 41. Severe digging-stitching pain all along the spine, left side, Aeon. 42. Painful drawing stitches through and between the scapulae, striking to the chest, when moving the arms, for two days, Camph. 848 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. 43. Painful pricking at scapulae, or between the shoulders, through to chest and pit of stomach, Cas- tor. 44. Stinging pain in the back, Cham. 45. Stitching and throbbing pain in the back, China. 46. Darting pains in the back, con. stant, between the shoulders, Cinch, sulph. 47. Stitching pain in nape of neck, when moving the head either for- ward or backward, Cocc. 48. Severe stitching-digging pain all along the spine, left side, down to the small of the back, aggravated by drawing breath, Aeon. 49. Cutting pain over the left hip, extending in a circle from the spine to the abdomen, Aeon. 50. Constant stitching pain, with soreness, at scapulae, Spong. 51. Darting pain in the small of the back when raising the leg while sitting, Agar. 52. Painful darting in spine, oppo- site the pit of stomach, aggravated by pressure, in which case the pain strikes to the abdomen, op- pressing the breathing, Ruta. 53. Drawing-stitching pain at apex of scapula, when moving it, oblig- ing him to let the arm hang down at once, Ruta. 54. Stitching pain in dorsal verte- brae, Sabin. 55. Painful pricking at upper dorsal vertebrae, Spig. PAIN AS IF BRUISED, AS IF THE FLESH WERE LOOSE. 1. Aching-contusive pain at the lower end of the back, with vio- lent pressure in pit of stomach, Coloc 2. Severe contusive pain from right side of neck to upper part of sca- pula, Coloc. 3. Pain in small of back as if the flesh were loose, Lye. 4. Pain in small of back as if bruised, Alum., Arg. f, Dig., Cham., Cina, Kal. carb., Kal. hyd., Lam. alb. 5. ---- in small of back, as if bruised or weary, Hep. s. 6. ----in the back as if bruised, Alum., Am., Dros., Kal. carb., Merc. sol. L ---- in the cervical muscles as if bruised, when bending the head backwards, Hep. s. 8. ---- as if bruised in middle of spine, when bending the back backwards, Magnet, p. arct. 9. ----in the loins when touched, as if the flesh were loose on the bones, Kal. carb. 10. ----in the back as if bruised, with weakness during a walk, Zinc m. 11. The nape of the neck and back are painful as if bruised, Zinc m. 12. Pain in the small of the back as if bruised ; as this disappeared, an aching pain was felt, now in the sinciput, then in the occiput, Stront. 13. ----in the back at night as if crushed, Magn. carb. 14. Bruising pain in the small of the back, generally when sitting quiet, Menyan. 15. Pain at os sacrum as from lying on a hard couch, Merc sol. 16. Bruising pain in small of back, especially when sitting, Merc. sol. 17. ---- pain at left scapula, with stitching and tension in the part; the pain becomes intense by turn- ing the head, Merc, sol 18. Pain near the lumbar vertebrae, as from blows with a fist, Nux jugl. 19. ---- as if bruised or weak, in small of back, Nux v. 20. Contusive and bruising pain in small of back and knees, early in the morning, in bed, Nux v. 21. Bruising pain in small of back, when stooping, Nux v. PAINS. 849 22. Pain at last cervical vertebrae, as if the flesh were loose in con- sequence of blows, Nux v. 23. ---- as if bruised in back, in- creased by contact or pressure, Nux v. 24. as if bruised in small of back and knees, in bed, Puis. 25. ---- as if bruised in small of back. 26. when sitting, Bry. - as if bruised in the back and chest, Calc carb. 27. Severe bruising or cramp-pain in small of back, worse during motion, China. 28. The bones in the small of the back feel bruised, not worse by contact, Cocc. 29. Feeling as if bruised between the scapulae, Aeon. 30. ----as if bruised in the small of the back and loins, with painful paralytic stiffness of these parts (frequently extending to the nape of the neck), Aeon. 31. The small of the back is painful, as if bruised and lame, Am. 32. Pain at right scapula as after a violent shock or fall. Am. 33. Feeling as if bruised and of stiff- ness in the left side of the neck, extending beyond the shoulder- joint and as far as the dorsal muscles, diminished by motion, Aeon. 34. Pain as if bruised or contused, along the inner border of the right scapula, Asar. 35. ----at os sacrum as after a fall, Am. 36. ---- in small of back as if bruised or dashed to pieces, also at night, Amm. mur. 37. ----in the small of the back as if bruised, when lying on it quietly, Rhus t. 38. ---- at coccyx as if bruised, Ruta. 39. ---- in lumbar vertebrae as if bruised, also with digging and oppressive tightness in abdomen, Ruta. Vol. III.-54. 40. Pain in dorsal vertebrae as from a fall, Ruta. 41. ----as if bruised in the spine, and laming weakness in the small of the back, Ruta. 42. ---- as if bruised along the spine, when sitting, Ruta. 43. Bruising feeling in the even during rest, Spig. spine, ACHING, PRESSING PAIN, PAINFUL PRESSURE. 1. Severe aching under the right scapula, changing to a stitch when drawing breath, Crot. 2. Laming-aching pain at nape of neck, disappearing when bending the head backward, Cycl. 3. Aching pain in the back and lower limbs, Coloc. 4. ---- in the nape of the neck, on both sides of the vertebrae, Guaj. 5. — 6. 7. pain in the neck, Ign. ----pain in the glands, Ign. Laming-aching pains in the small of the back, Hyp. perf. 8. Sharp painful pressure at the cervical vertebrae, in bed, Ign. 9. Aching pain at the angles of the scapulae, Kal. bich. 10. ---- at sacrum and coccyx, periodically increasing and de- creasing, lod. 11. Vertigo and heavy pain in ver- tex, followed by severe pain in lumbar region, first aching, then increasing to a numb feeling, so severe that he could scarcely rise from his chair, for three days, with scanty, highly-colored urine and whitish sediment, Kal bich. 12. Dull aching pains in different parts of the back, Kal bichr. 13. Aching pain in small of back, occasioning an anguish or attend- ed with asthma, June 14. After dinner, dull oppressive pain on right side of spine, about 9th dorsal* vertebra, with uneasi- ness in the stomach and external stitches in chest, Kal. bich. 850 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. 15. Pain at coccyx, sometimes a pushing-aching, sometimes a pinch- ing, Zinc m. 16. Laming-aching pain in small of back, most violent when rising from a seat, Zinc. m. 17. Tensive aching between the sca- pulae, Sulp. 18. Aching pain in small of back, moving from below upward, Men- yan. 19. Painful pressure in sacrum, pre- ceded by pressing in rectum, Mercurial. 20. Aching pain in the loins, extend- ing to the spinal marrow, Nux v. 21. ---- under the false ribs, on left side of spinal column, Bell 22. ----pain in the fourth vertebra, especially after waking, Puis. 23. Painful pressure in the back from below upward, Puis, 24.----pressure in small of back, from within outwards, evening, Puis. 25. Aching pain in the small of the back, as if weary, Puis. 26.----under the left scapula, towards the outer border, Bell. 27. ----pain at neck when turning the head backwards, Bell. 28.----, or tensive, tearing, or tear- ing-stitching pain in lumbar and renal region, in posterior region of pelvis, thighs, and even calves, frequently recurring, with a feel- [ ing of lameness and swelling in the back, lower limbs, and a feel- ing of warmth or numbness in these parts, Berb. v. 29. Tearing-pushing or dragging pain in small of back, .with press- ing pain at anus and urging to stool, Berb. v. 30. Aching pain in the spine, between the scapulae, with dyspnoea, Calc carb. 31. Severe aching, and fine, painful stinging in the vertebrae at the base of the chest; the pain some- times darted towards the loins or scapula, for 50 days, Cann. 32. Aching pain between the sca- puhe, Am. 33. Pressing pain in small of back, Carb. a. 34. In the evening, when lying on one side or on the back, the spine aches as if broken, Cina. 35. Painful pressure in the middle of the dorsal spine, when sitting, Am. 36. Aching pain in the left portion of a cervical vertebra, Aeon. 37. Painful pressure at the neck, towards the trachea, from without inwards, as if pressure were made with the tip of the finger, Aeon. 38. Aching pain in left side of small of back, Aeon. 39. Tensive aching pain at the lum- bar vertebrae, with colic as from flatulence, Aeon. 40. Aching of the small of back or hip, when lying on them, Rhus t. 41. Drawing-aching pain in right side of spine, opposite the liver, worse when drawing breath, Ruta. 42. Laming-pressing pain in the muscles of left scapula, with burn- ing, gradually extending over the left side of the chest, Sabin. 43. Aching pain in middle of spine, lasting a long while, Samb. 44. Burning-aching pain below the right scapula, close to the spinal column, accompanied by a painful feeling of heaviness in right chest, Staphys. 45. Painful pressure at the cervical muscles, Dig, TENSIVE PAIN, PAINFUL TIGHTNESS, STIFFNESS. 1. Painful stiffness of the cervical muscles, Dig. 2.----tightness of right cervical muscles, Colch. 3.----stiffness of the cervical muscles when moving the neck, Cocc 4.----stiffness in the scapulas, during motion, Led. p. PAINS. 851 5. Painful stiffness in the nape of the neck and the external cervical muscles, Mez. 6. Tensive pain in the nape of the neck, when at rest, with dry feel- ing in fauces, Con. 7. Tight pain in the back, Con. 8. Severe tensive pains in the lum- bar regions, and on the shoulders, Zinc m. 9. Laming-tensive pain in the pos- terior cervical muscles, as if con- tused by pressure, during a walk, Menyan. 10. Pain as if a band were drawn through the small of the back, drawing the parts together ; this arrests the breathing, especially early in the morning, Puis. 11. Drawing-tensive pain in the nape of the neck, Puis. 12. Pain in nape of neck, as if it had become rigid, Rhod. 13. Tensive pain in posterior cervi- cal muscles, Camph. 14.----pain in the small of the back, worse in the evening, Bar. carb. 15. Painful tension in small of back when stretching it, Castor. 16. Tensive pain in small of back, China. 17. Crampy-tensive pain in the cer- vical muscles when sneezing or yawning, Am. 18. Tensive-squeezing pains in the back, Arg. nit. 19. Tensive pain as if bruised in both sides of the neck when putting the sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle upon the stretch, Arg. f. 20. Pain from right shoulder to chest as if the blood were arrested by a tight bandage ; worse in the cold and in the open air, Sabad. 21. Tensive pain between the sea- pulae, Sep. 22.----pain on left side of neck, followed by hard glandular swell- ing, with stinging during degluti- tion, swelling of the gums, morn- ing-sweat, and disappearance of the stinging by pressing on the swelling, Spig. PAIN AS IF SORE, ULCERATED ; SENSI- TIVENESS, ALSO TO CONTACT OR PRESSURE. 1. Sore pain in the articulation of the last cervical and first dorsal vertebra, when stooping, Dig. 2.----feeling, as if excoriated, at nape of neck, externally and inter- nally, Cycl 3. The skin of the neck is sensitive, Ant. cr. 4. Smarting and cutting pain in vertebra prominens, as if ulce- rated, Graph. 5. Painful sensitiveness of the skin across the back, from hip to hip, Squill. 6. The skin of the neck is sensitive to rubbing, and shows reddish places, Squill 7. Raw feeling at right scapula, during rest, Coloc. 8. Smarting and gnawing in the back, Magnet p. aust 9. The ischia feel sore as if raw; he feels better when sitting on something hard, Bell. 10. Bleeding soreness in the axilla, Ars. 11. Pain at neck, as if the skin were sore, Verat. 12. Ulcerative pain between the shoulders, with sensation as of a lump there, Magn. sulph. 13. Smarting pain in the back, espe- cially when sitting, Merc, sol 14. Sore pain at small of back, even during rest, Natr. carb. 15. Pain at coccyx as if ulcerated, Phos. 16. The cervical muscles are pained by movement and sensitive to pressure, Rhus r. 17. The neck is sensitive to contact and pressure, Lach. 18. Painful soreness of small of back, Brom. 19. ----soreness in the nape of the 852 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. neck and muscles of the face, when moving them, Bry. 20. Sensitiveness of the region of the kidneys, Aeon. 21. ---- of the lumbar region when pressing the foot to the ground, Aeon. 22. Acute pain at first and second thoracic dorsal vertebra, when pressed upon, Cinch, sulph. 23. Pain in the neck, on both sides, with sensitiveness to pressure, Chin, sulph. 24. Painfulness of the thoracic dorsal vertebrae, when pressed upon, especially during the chilliness, Chin, sulph. 25. Pain in small of back as if sore, Castor. 26. Ulcerative pain at lower end of spinal column, Carb. a. DRAWING PAIN. 1. Drawing pain in the back, Caps., Cocc, Nux v., Rhus t, Valer. 2. ----pain between the scapulae, Calc. carb. 3. ---- pains in small of back, Kal. carb., Stram., Sulp. 4.----rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck and between the sca- pulae, early, on rising, with languor all over until noon, Staphys. 5.----pain at scapulae, thence shifting to the head, with dizzi- ness, Silic. 6.----pains from small of back to pubic region, Sabin. 7. ---- pain at scapula, arresting the breathing, Ruta. 8.----pain in the nape of the neck, with stitches above the tem- ples and bloated face, Amm. carb. 9. ----pain from the small of the back to the legs, Amm. carb. 10.----pain from the mastoid pro- cess downwards, Arg. f. 11. Severe drawing pains in right side of nape of neck, Arg. f. 12. Painful drawing and heaviness at os sacrum, along the region of the pelvis, as if the menses would appear, Arg. nit. 13. Drawing pain from the small of the back to the shoulders, with stitches in the sides and flatu- lence, Ars. 14.----pain at scapulae, chest, and hands, Cham. 15.----pain in the back, for an hour, Cham. 16.----pain from nape of neck to head, with nausea and flow of water from mouth, Carb. v. 17. Drawing-tearing pain in and by the spinal column, Caps. 18. Dragging or tearing-pushing pain in small of back, with pressing pain at anus and urging to stool, Berb. v. 19. Painful drawing in small of back as if a heavy body were moving downwards, Bar. carb. 20. Drawing pain from the loins to the pit of the stomach, where it becomes stitching during an inspi- ration, Puis. 21. Painful drawing in the dorsal vertebrae, as if bruised, especially when sitting, Phos. ac 22.----drawing in the nape of the neck, extending to the occiput, Petrol. 23. Drawing pain in nape of neck as if oppressed by a load, Nux v. 24. ---- pain from the loins up- wards, Nux v. 25. ---- pain in the back, particu- larly in the spine, down to the thighs, Mosch. 26.----pain in the glutei muscles, extending to the groins, Mosch. 27. Painful drawing at sacrum, coc- cyx, and in the thighs, Thuj. 28.----drawing from nape of neck to occiput, afterwards spreading to the forehead, Tereb. 29. Drawing pain in the back, when sitting, Thuj. 30.----pain in the nape of the neck and scapulae, Sulp. 31. Fine drawing pain in the small PAINS. 853 of the back, at night, gradually changing to a burning pain in the joints of the lower limbs, Stront. 32. Slight drawing pain along the vertebral column, in the after- noon, changing to a seated, dull- tearing pain in the joints of the lower limbs, Stront. 33. Drawing pain in the pelvis, towards evening, shifting to the joints of the lower limbs, and changing to a stitching, Stront. 34. Fine drawing pain in the back, proceeding from the pelvis, Stront 35. Drawing pain in middle of spine, with drawing pain in the opposite posterior part of the sto- mach, Stram. 36. Small spot in back, occasioning a drawing pain when touched, Stram. 37. Drawing pain extending from the side of the neck into the limbs, Stram. 38. —— pains along the coccyx, followed by leucorrhoea, Kreas. 39. ---- pain in the small of the back, Lye. 40. Violent drawing pain in the left cervical muscles, Coloc. 41. ---- contractive drawing pain in left sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle, disappearing during mo- tion, Coloc. LAMING PAIN. 1. Laming pain in the small of the back, also with spasmodic drawing across the hips, Cocc. 2. Painfj>Klameness, as if bruised, in the back, disappearing on lying down, Asar. 3. ---- lameness of one of the posterior cervical muscles, as if bruised, Asar. 4. Laming pain in small of back, feels relieved by stretching, Sabin. PAIN AS IF WEARY. 1. Frequent pain in small of back as if weary, Lauroc. 2. Painful weariness in the loins, Cina. 3. Simple pain in whole back as if weary, ceasing after sitting down and pressing the back against any thing, Sabad. THROBBING, BEATING PAIN. 1. Dull throbbing pain in back, near the middle of the spine, Mez. 2. Painful throbbing in a cervical vertebra, after stooping and then raising the head again, Kal. nit. 3. Beating pain in the small of the back, with eructations and chills, Nux v. 4. Throbbing pain at sacrum, Tab. °- ---- and stitching pain in the back, China. 6. Severe throbbing pain in the small of the back, during rest, Amm. carb. 7. Intermittent painful beating above os innominatum, going off by pressure and then returning, Ruta. PAIN AS IF HEAVY, FROM A LOAD. 1. Pain as from a load between the side of the neck and left shoulder, Sulp. 2. ---- below the scapulae as if too heavy, Puis. 3. ----at nape of neck, as from a heavy load, Rhus t. GNAWING PAIN. 1. Gnawing pain in the whole back, hindering sleep, Magn. mur. 2. ---- pain between the' shoul- ders, Natr. carb. 3. ----pain at the sacrum, Alum, 4. ---- pain in the small of the back and loins, shifting to the abdomen and back, Amm. carb. 854 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning and pinching pains in the back, here and there, Zinc m. 2. ---- pain in the small of the back, near the anus, Sulp. 3. ----pain between the scapulae, Sulp. 4. Severe burning pain and con- stant itching of the back, Magn. mur. 5. Burning pain from right shoul- der to nape of neck, Merc. sol. 6. ----pain in the back, Nitr. ac 7. ---- pain at a spot in right lumbar region, making him sad, indisposed to work, Nitr. ac. 8. ----gnawing pains on the right side of, and near the dorsal verte- brae, Aeon. 9. Dull burning pain at nape of neck, Carb. v. 10. Pain at coccyx, changing to a burning when touching the part, Carb. a, 11. Burning pain at a spot above the small of the back, Phos. ac 12. ----pain in the back during a walk in the open air, Am, 13. ----pain, with stiches, in small of back, while sitting, Asar. PAIN LIKE LABOR-PAIN. 1. Drawing laming pains, like labor-pains, from small of back to thighs, Cham. 2. Pain in lumbar vertebrae as before the menses, Kreas. 3. Labor-like pains in small of back, with ineffectual urging to stool, or pressing in the abdomen through the pudendum and thighs, with anxiety, trembling, internal chilliness, stitches in the puden- dum, all worse when lying, Kreas. 4. Frequent pains in small of back and lumbar vertebrae, like true labor-pains, Kreas. 5. Pains in the loins like labor- pains, when walking, Aeon. BORING PAINS. 1. Blunt boring pain about the middle dorsal spine, Kal. bich. 2. Boring pain in the back, Cocc 3. Painful boring in the left side of sacral region, Aeon. CONTRACTIVE, CONSTRICTIVE, CRAMP- PAIN. 1. Contractive pain between the scapulae, Guaj. 2. Tensive-contractive pain in the back, Mez. 3. Constrictive pain in the poste- rior cervical muscles, Dulc 4. ---- pain between the shoul- ders, day and night, Graph. 5. Cramp-pain between the scapu- lae, during motion, Ipec 6. Contractive pain in the back, during rest, after working, Kal. carb. 7. Sudden cramp-pain in small of back, when changing the position of his feet, after long standing, Thvj. 8. Contractive cramp-pain in the small of the back, Magn. mur. 9. ---- pain in the small of the back, succeeded by pressure as with a thumb, and tingling, with increase of pain, Menyan. 10. Crampy-pain in the right cervi- cal muscles, terminating in a stitch, Menyan. 11. Cramp-pain under the scapulae, during motion, after midnight, Merc, sol 12. Contractive pain in small of back, afterwards extending to the side, Nux v. 13. Constrictive pain in the back, Nux v. 14. ----pain between the scapulae, Nux v. 15. Crampy-pain in right scapulae, when sitting, Puis. 16. Cramp-pain through the back in various directions, Lact vir. 17. Intense cramp-pain in small of PAINS. 855 if it had been twisted over night. Puis. 9. Pain as if sprained, in the right side of the back and spinal column, Bell. 10. ----between the scapulae, as if strained, Bell. 11. ---- as if sprained in small of back, Calc carb. 12.----between the scapulae, and in front of the chest, as if sprained, Carb. a. 13. ---- in the cervical vertebrae, as if sprained, Cinn. 14. ---- in the back, when stand- ing, as if strained, Cocc. 15. ----as if sprained and bruised in the small of the back when standing, Agar. 16. ----in left side of nape of neck, as if a bundle of muscular fibres had been strained by violent exertions, Asar. 17. ----as if sprained in the small of the back, early in the morning. obliging him to walk stooping, for four mornings in succession, Arg. nit. 18. Severe pain as if sprained in the small of the back, early, while sitting, Arg. nit. 19. Deep-seated pain as if sprained in small of back, aggravated by drawing up the limb, Arg.fl 20. Pain as if sprained in small of back, with stitches, during rest, Staphys. back and os coccygis; cannot lie on the back, Bell. 18. Cramp-pain, almost like pinch- ing between the right scapula and the spine, Bell 19. Spasmodic pain between the scapulae, almost like a shuddering, T Bry. 20. Contractive-crampy pain over the whole back, as if bandaged, Bry. 21. Severe cramp or bruising pain in small of back, worse during motion, China. 22. Crampy-pain in the cervical vertebrae, accompanied by dull stitches from without inwards, Am. 23. Pain in the back, as if the con- tents of the abdomen were pressed together, with sense of weight, as if it were impossible for him to straighten himself, Ambr. gr. 24. Constrictive pain in the muscles of the back, when sitting, Rhus t. 25. Burning constrictive pain around the shoulders, chest and neck, evening, Sep. 26. Pain in small of back, as if in a vice, Kal. hyd. PAIN AS IF SPRAINED, STRAINED. 1. Pain in the back, as if strained, Kal. carb. 2. ----in the back, as if sprained, when making a wrong step, Sulp. 3. ---- in left side of neck, as if strained, Thvj. 4. ---- at scapulae, as if sprained, Nux v. 5. ----as if strained in right side of back, or as if a hand had been violently thrust in, Oleand. 6. Intense pain in left lumbar region, above the hip, as from a violent strain, Valer. 7. Pain in small of back, as if dislocated, during motion, Puis. 8. ----in the nape of the neck, as PAIN AS IF BROKEN. 1. Drawing-pain in small of back as if broken, Carb. a. 2. Pain in the small of the back, as if broken, early in the morning, in bed, followed by cutting pains in bowels, and loose stools, Ang. 3. Pains in small of back, as if it would break, the pain extends to between the shoulders, where the parts feel tight as if bandaged, Kreas. 4. Pain in the back as i broken BACK AND NECK. 856 SYMPTOMS OF THI when stooping and then rising again, Verat. 5. ---- in the small of the back, as if it would break, when exposed to a current of air, Nux v. 6. ---- in small of back, as if broken, Plat. 7. ----in the spine, as if it would break, Cocc. 8. ---- in small of back as if broken, early in the morning; followed by hunger, colic and diarrhoea, Staphys. 9. Sensation at nape of neck, as if knocked in twain, Thuj. 10. ---- as if the vertebrae would be broken, when stooping for- wards and then again bending back, Chelid. PAIN AS FROM A PLUG, LUMP, TUMOR. 1. Pain at left scapula, as if a plug had lodged there, Phos. 2. ---- under the left scapula, on stooping, as if a plug were pushed in, Prun. spin. 3.. ----in small of back, on sitting down, as if she had a plug there, Carb. v. 4. On rising from his seat, sharp pain at crest of ilium, as if a sharp body were protruding, Bell. 5. Pain in the neck, on turning the head, as if a tumor would pro- trude, Calc. carb. PINCHING PAIN. 1. Pinching and burning pains in the back, here and there, Zinc. m. 2. Pain at coccyx, sometimes a pinching, sometimes a pushing- aching, Zinc. m. 3. Pinching pain at a small spot of the neck, Phos. ac. 4. ---- pain in middle of back, gradually extending to the abdo- men, Cann. 5.----crampy pain at inner border of right scapula, Chelid. TEARING PAIN. 1. Drawing, tearing pain at the scapula, Aeon. 2. ---- tearing pain along the whole spine, Cina. 3. Tearing pains in the cervical muscles, Magnet p. arct 4. Drawing-tearing pains in the back and epigastrium, Stram. 5. Painful tearing between the scapulae, from above downwards, especially when drawing a long breath, disappearing when sitting, returning during motion, Menyan. 6. Tearing pain at os coccyx, eased by pressing the hand against the abdomen, Merc sol. 7. Burning-tearing pain in the back, Nux V. 8. Paroxysms of tearing pain in the' nape of the neck, evening, Nux. v. 9. Dull tearing pain in left side of nape of neck, and in left scapula, alternating with tearing in the temple and left molar tooth, Oleand. 10. Tearing pain in the back, at night, Phos. 11. ---- pain in the ligamentum nugae, Berb. v. 12. ----or tearing-stitching, aching, tensive pain in lumbar and renal region, posterior region of pelvis, thighs, with a feeling of lameness, swelling in back and lower limbs, and a feeling of warmth and numbness in the affected parts, Berb. v. 13. ----, tearing-stitching, or press- ing-tearing pain in the haunch- bones, at times upwards, at others downwards, Berb. v. 14. ---- pain in back and lumbar vertebrae, especiajly when stand ing, Bry. 15. ---- pain at nape of neck, on bending the head forward, Camph. 16. ---- pain at clavicle and neck, Cham. 17. ----jerking pains in middle of » spine, going off during motion, Cina. 18. Tearing pain in the back, Cocc. 19. ----, drawing pain at the sca- pula, Aeon. 20. Pain in small of back, as if something were torn inside, Am. 21. ----across the spinal column, from one rim of the pelvis to the opposite, as if the flesh were torn and pulled towards the outer side, in paroxysms when walking, Asar. 22. ----between the scapulae, as if the parts would be torn asunder, Silic VARIOUS PAINS. 1. Flatulent pain in small of back, with sensation as if large bubbles were incarcerated there, and were pressing against the small of the back, with desire for stool, Kal. carb. 2. Numb pain along inner edge of scapula, Sang. 3. Pain at nape of neck, as if gone to sleep, early, when holding the neck still, Spig. 4. Burning-itching, or burning- digging-pain in lumbar region, or small of back, increasing to a sticking or gnawing pain when deep-seated, and frequently pass- ing round into the abdomen, Berb. v. 5. Griping pain in small of back, especially when standing, Mere sol 6. Pain at both scapula), as if seized there when lifting and car- rying something with both hands, Phos. 7. ----in the back, when lying or sitting, as if too short, Agar. 8. Painful jerks in right side of back, when drawing breath, with chilliness and cold creeping, Calc. carb. 9. ----jerks, twitchings and tear- ings in small of back, China. 857 Drawing. 1. Drawing and squeezing in the cervical muscles, even when not moving them, Squill. 2. ---- between the scapulae and in upper part of chest, Sep. 3. ----along the back, Amm. carb. 4. ----with pressure at nape of neck, Ambr. gr. 5. ---- and burning in the small of the back, Aloes. 6. ----and heaviness in the loins, with debility and trembling of the lower limbs, Arg. nit 7. Rheumatic drawing and tearing in nape of neck, from the occiput to the upper arms, Asaf 8. Crampy drawing, with pressure in the back, extending to the oeso- phagus, Agar. 9. Rough drawing in the left cervi- cal muscles, with a feeling as if bruised, Arn. 10. Laming drawing in side of neck and elsewhere, Cocc. 11. Stitching drawing towards the lumbar vertebra?, China. 12. Violent drawing in the tendons of the nape of the head, Castor. 13. Rheumatic drawing in the back, Carb. v. 14. Drawing along the cervical ver- tebrae, from below upwards, or towards the ear, Cann. 15. ----, down the back, when sit- ting, Bry. 16. ----along the neck to the ear, Bry. 17. ----and tearing in the scapulae, Berb. v. 18. Violent drawing between the scapulae, along the spine, evening, Bell 19. Dull, intense drawing in the whole circumference of the pelvis, Bell. 20. Drawing above the left clavicle, as if the skin would be drawn in, evening, Rat. 21. Crampy drawing in left cervical 858 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. muscles, as far as the eye, when turning the head, Phos. ac £2. Drawing in back, also with sud- den griping pain in stomach, Nux v. ~3. Spasmodic drawing at nape of neck, Natr. carb. 24. Drawing and tension between the scapulae. Natr. carb. 25. ----sensation of stiffness in the nape of the neck, with dulness of the occiput, Menyan. 26. ----in the small of back, Thuj. 27. ----in small of back and spine, a sort of painful weakness, Zinc. met 28. Tensive drawing in the dorsal and psoas-muscles when sitting Stront , 29. Burning drawing in the back and small of the back, Zinc. m. 30. Alternate drawing and throb- bing in small of back, Kal. carb. 31. Drawing in the back and small of back, with aching after rising from bed, chilliness, no thirst, Hep. s. 32. ----and tearing along the right side of the spinal column, Guaj. 33. ---- and sense as of grasping from nape of neck to occiput, day and night, Lye 34. ---- on the right side of the posterior brim of the pelvis, and in the small of the back, Arg. f 35. Crampy drawing from above downwards, in one of the right posterior cervical muscles, Ant. cr. 36. Drawing in the neck, Coloc. 37. Crampy drawing in the poste- rior cervical muscles, Ant. cr. 3S. Drawing in spinal column, from above downwards, Cycl. 39. Rheumatic drawing at nape of neck, only when bending the head backwards, Cycl, 40. Drawing, with pressure in nape of neck where the cervical muscles are inserted at the occiput, when bending the head backwards, Dig. 41. Burning itching of the back, at night; he tosses about all the time, Spong. Itching, Titillation. 1. Violent itching of the back, for a fortnight, Ant. cr. 2. Itching and burning of the whole back, under the skin, Seneg. 3. Stinging itching between the scapulae, Ruta. 4. Itching of the neck and fore- arms, Rhus l 5. Titillating and burning itching of the back, Agar. 6. Itching between the scapulas, Arg.fl. 7. Stinging itching about the neck and jaws, going off by scratching and then returning, Squill. 8. Pricking-itching at scapula, Am. 9. Itching of the back, in the even- ing, after undressing, with red pimples, Core. 10. Stinging itching of the neck and chest, with swelling of the cervical glands, and red points and spots on those parts, changing to hard little blotches, with burning and itching after scratching, Cinn, 11. Itching of the back and calves, Caust. 12. Stinging itching of the neck, with red spots, Carb. v. 13. ---- itching at os coccyx, Carb. v. 14. Itching or burning of coccyx, Lauroc 15. ---- of the coccyx, with scurf after scratching, Bov. 16. ---- and pricking at coccyx, followed by discharge of slime from the rectum, Bor. 17. ---- in small of back, also a burning, biting, prickling, itching, Berb. v. 18. ----of the back, day and night, Bar. carb. 19. ----of the neck and cheeks in the day-time; scratching occa- sions pimples, Puis. 20. Biting itching at the side of the TEARING. 859 neck after shaving, with pain after scratching, Puis. 21. Itching and sweat of the back, Phos. ac. 22. ----of the back and above the loins, Puis. 23. ----at right scapula, Merc sol. 24. Burning itching and heat of the back, especially during a walk in the open air, Merc. sol. 25. Titillation of the left side of the back, Merc, sol 26. Itching of the back, in the even- ing, in bed, Merc. sol. 27. ---- of the sacrum when walk ing, Merc. sol. 28. Creeping itching on the back, afternoon and evening, Magn. sulph. 29. Burning itching at small of back, Magn. carb. 30. Frequent distressing tickling at neck, in region of larynx, Zinc met 31. Gnawing-itching of the back, in the day-time, Guaj. 32. Itching, followed by small elevations on the skin, at scapulae and on the buttocks, emitting blood when rubbed, Mez. 33. ---- of the neck, frequently, Anac 34. ---- of the nape of the neck, Coloc 35. Gnawing itching of left loin, 6. Tearings, twitchings, in small of back, China. 7. Tearing :n the dorsal vertebrae, Caust. 8. ---- in the cervical muscles, Carb. v. 9. ---- in the posterior cervical muscles, back, small of back and coccyx, Calc. caust. 10. ----and drawing in the scapu- lae, Berb. v. 11. ---- in the sides of the neck, Berb. v. 12. ---- at right scapula, with sensation as of something alive raising it, Plumb, acet. 13. ---- in left side of the neck, then left side of head, then the parts behind the ear and lower jaw, where the pain changes to a gnawing, Phell. 14. ---- and pulling in lower part of back, when walking or sitting, Nux v. 15. ----in the loins, Nux v. 16. - - along the vertebrae, as if Dig. Tearing. 1. Severe tearing vertebrae, Stann. 2. ---- tearing, or in the lumbar beatinc pres- sure in the back, with chilliness, afterwards dull oppressive head- ache and heat in head, Silic. 3. Tearing between the shoulders, as if drawn nearer to each other, Rhus t 4. Fine tearing at os sacrum, from right to left, when sitting, Spong. 5. Tearing in the neck, Am. gnawed by dogs, Natr. sulph. 17. Fine, drawing tearing from middle of sacrum to lumbar vertebrae, Mur. ac 18. Sensation as though the cervical muscles would be torn off on either side, Mosch. 19. Tearing in the scapulae, Merc. sol 20. ---- and pressing in sacrum, with tickling at anus, Mercurial. 21. ----in the spinal column, from above downwards, Mang. 22.----in both scapulae, Magn. mur. 23. Two violent concussive tearings in lower part of vertebral column, which produced a sensation as if the column were drawn back- wards, followed by stitches in the same region, evening, Magn, carb. 24. Tearing and burning in the small of the back and hips, after- noon and night, Magn. carb. 25. ---- in the sides of the neck, Zinc mi. BACK AND NECK. 860 SYMPTOMS OF THI 26. Tearing in the psoas-muscles, Kal. carb. 27. ---- in the back, especially between the scapulae, Ferr. acet. 28. Cutting tearing in both sides of the small of back, Mez. 29. Tearing and stitches in small of back, during motion, Dig. 30. Lancinating tearing in the bor- ders of both scapulae, followed by a constrictive sensation in the muscles of the back, Guaj. 31. Tearing and drawing along the right side of spinal column, Guaj. 32. ----, from small of back to occiput, left brain and jaw; the cheeks being hot and bloated, and the eyes red and inflamed, Led. p. 33. ---- in upper portion of left scapula abating on rising from the chair, Arg. f 34. ---- at top of shoulder and head of humerus, Arg. fl. 35. ----in glenoid cavity of scapu- la, Arg.fl. 36. ---- and lancinations in the back, Colch. 37. Lancinating tearing in the cervi- cal muscles, coming and going, Crot. Tightness, Tension. 1. Sensation in the posterior cervi- cal muscles, as from a tight cravat, or as if pressed upon by a blunt edge, Asar. 2. ---- after a meal, as if the region above the hips were ban- daged, Cina. 3. Tension in right side of neck and chest, the trunk being drawn to the right side, Caust 4. ----in the back, Lauroc 5. Crampy tension in the cervical muscles, Bell. 6. Drawing tension between the scapulae, Kreas. 7. Tension in the cervical muscles, spasmodic on the right side, Lact vir. 8. Tension and d rawing between the scapulae, Natr. carb. 9. The sacral and lumbar regions feel tight, and are sore to the touch, Nux v. 10. Tight feeling in the back, with drawing as previous to the menses, Mosch. 11. ---- feeling in small of back, above the hips, Magn, carb. 12. Tension between the shoulders, and down the back, Magn. mur. 13. Tearing tension in the nape of the neck, as if the tendons would be drawn up, very painful, Stront. 14. Tension and weakness in small of back, when sitting, with tension in head, Zinc. m. 15. Feeling at right scapula, inte- riorly, as if the nerves and blood- vessels were stretched, Coloc. 16. Stitching tension between the scapulae, mostly during motion, Colch. Throbbing, Beating. 1. Bounding pulsations of the left carotid, Arg. nit 2. Bubbling sensation at left sca- pula, Spig. 3. ---- in lumbar region, worse when lying down or rising from a seat, Berb. v. 4. Perceptible throbbing of the carotids, Bell 5. Throbbing in the back, mostly during rest, Bar. carb. 6. The pulsations of the carotid are bounding and full, though slow, Oleand. 7. Painless beating at the scapula, terminating in a trembling, Merc sol. 8. Alternate throbbing and draw- ing in small of back, Kal. carb. 9. Constant beating in the back, Lye 10. Throbbing in the loins, abate- ing after belching wind, Coloc. BURNING, HEAT, WARMTH. 861 Weakness, Lameness. 1. Laming sensation, heaviness and stiffness at os sacrum, down along the pelvis and to the hips, Arg. nit. 2. ----- sensation and heaviness at os sacrum, obliging him to stretch the back when walking, Arg. nit. 3. Lameness and heaviness on left lumbar region, down to hip-joint, Arg. nit. 4. When moving the neck, single muscles of the posterior region feel weak, and as if bruised, espe- cially at night, Aeon. 5. Weakness of the small of the back, Ars. 6. ---- of the cervical muscles, causing the head to fall to every side, Am. 7. Weak feeling in the nape of the neck, with sensation as if the flesh were loose, and stinging in the nape of the neck on moving the neck, Aeon. 8. Weakness of the cervical mus- cles, the head falls forward, Staphys. 9. Feeling of lameness in nape of neck, Cina. 10. Weak feeling at nape of neck, as if a load were pressing upon it, Caps. 11. Painful weakness at nape of neck, Bry. 12. Feeling of lameness, and as if bruised in small of back, also on waking, Berb. v. 13. Weakness of the spine; when sitting long, it feels as though it would cave in, Bar. carb. 14. Paralysis of the cervical mus- cles, Plumb, m. 15. Weakness of the small of the back, as if gone to sleep, Phos. 16. Laming sensation in the small of the back, evening, Magn. mur. 17. Feeling of weakness and tension in small of back, when sitting, with tension in head, Zinc. m. 18. Laming and stiff feeling in back and small of back, Kal. carb. 19. Weakness of the spine, Hep. s. 20. Lameness of the cervical mus- cles ; the head fell forwards as if it would fall off, with vertigo, Lye 21. Weakness of the muscles of the neck, with heaviness of the head, Cocc. Burning, Heat, Warmth. 1. Burning in the back, during a walk, Silic. 2. ---- and itching of the back, under the skin, Seneg. 3. Intense burning at lower and outer parts of os sacrum, Staphys. 4. Burning point in small of back, towards the right side, Rhus t. 5. ---- at the back and small of back, Amm. carb. 6. ----and stinging in left scapu- la, Ambr. gr. 7. ----and drawing ui the small of the back, Aloes. 8. ----in the left loin as from a hot pin, AVth. 9. Sensation of heat in the back from below upwards, AVth. 10. Burning at a small spot on right side of neck, with redness, Caust. 11. Feeling of warmth in the spine, extending up to the neck, Carb. v. 12. Warm feeling on back from below upwards, Lauroc. 13. Burning or itching of coccyx, Lauroc. 14. ---- under the right scapula, Cann. 15. Stinging burning, with itching, in the nape of the neck, and at the scapulae, with heartburn, Calc. carb. 16. Burning in the back, Bry. 17. ----between the scapulae, Bry. 18. ---- at small of back, while sitting, Bor. 19. Hot flash over the back, Sulp. 862 SYMPTOMS OF Till 20. Burning in the loins, through the body, Bar. carb. 21. ---- in small of back, espe- cially when the menses are de- laying, Phos. 22. Sensation on left side of neck, under the jaw, as if a red-hot iron were moved along. Phell, 23. Itching burning on right side of neck, 01 an. 24. Pleasant feeling in nape of neck, as if a warm breath were rising along the part, 01. an. 25. Drawing burning along the back, from below upwards, under the skin, Mur. ac 26. Burning between the shoulders, and down the back, Merc sol, 27. ---- in the whole back, Merc. sol. 28. ----and tearing in the small of the back and hips, afternoon, and at night, Magn. mur. 29. ---- and stinging in the whole back, afterwards boring stitches between the shoulders, Magn. mur. 30. ---- and biting at the back, Sulp. 31. ----at scapulae, Zinc. m. 32. Heat through the whole spine, Magnet, p. aust. 33. Feeling of warmth in the back, immediately, Hyosc. 34. Burning in the nape of the neck, Ign. 35. ---- emanation from stomach through abdomen and back down to lower limbs, Magn. art. 36. ---- and swelling in the but- tock, near the anus, after exer- cise, Crot 37. Hot feeling along the back, in the morning on waking, Con. 38. Heat in the nape of the neck, Coloc. Chilliness, Coldness, Shuddering. 1. Chilliness of the back, Silic. £ BACK AND NECK. 2. Icy-coldness of the back, ter- minating in itching, Amm. mur. 3. When lying upon his back he feels a coolness near the os sacrum, as if the skin and muscles were touched with ice, Arg.fl. 4. Shuddering at nape of neck, evening, Caust. 5. Sensation of coldness, tightness, and numbness in small of back, Carb. v. 6. Coldness and numbness in the side of the back upon which he had been lying, Calc. carb. 7. Feeling of coldness, accompanied by a kind of painful tearing in upper portion of right side of thorax, Berb. v. 8. Cold feeling at a small spot on the side of the neck, passing into a slight burning, Berb. v. 9. Shuddering at lumbar vertebrae, while sitting, Rhod. 10. Shuddering from nape of neck down the back, Magnet p. aust. 11. Sudden feeling of coldness in the back, as if cold water had been poured over him, Copaiv. 12. Chilliness in the back, Lye. Creeping, Tingling, Formication. 1. Creeping in the small of back, Stann. 2. Creeping in outer neck, Spong. 3. Creeping in small of back, Sassap. 4. Burning-tingling, stinging be- tween the scapulae, Sabad. 5. Creeping over the back, com- mencing at the nape of the neck, Sabin. 6. Tingling in the shoulder-blades, or sensation as if they had gone to sleep, Anac. 7. Formication and stinging in the back and sacrum, Alum. 8. Tingling in the vertebral column, Am. 9. Tingling in the dorsal spine, PRESSURE, ALSO FROM WITHIN. 863 afterwards in the false ribs as far as the stomach, Am. 10. Crawling in the spine, as of beetles, Aeon. 11. Formication over the back, upper arms, and thighs, Aeon. 12. Itching creeping between the scapulae, Lauroc. 13. Formication in the back, Bov. 14. Cold creeping in the spine, from below upwards, Ox. ac. 15. Sense of numbness or tingling and pricklings in the back and thighs, Ox. ac 16. Formication in the back, Natr. carb. 17. Painless creeping in the small of the back, Tarax. 18. Creeping and gurgling be- tween the scapulae, Magnet p. arct. 19. Formication in back, Graph. 20. Tingling in left dorsal muscles, with pressing in the temples, Dros. 21. Formication in the loins, Crot. 22. Itching creeping from nape of neck towards the head, Con. 23. Tingling in the spine, as if gone to sleep, Con. 24. Tingling at left scapula, as if gone to sleep, Arg.fl. Shocks. 1. Sensation as of a shock between the dorsal vertebrae, Dig. 2. Painful shocks in the back, at night, during his slumber, arrest- ing his breathing, Staphys. 3. Undulating shock in the back, above the left ilium, Stann. 4. Dull shocks in the lumbar region, with sensation as if cool air were blowing on him, Stann. 5. Fine and dull thrusts or pushes at right half of left scapula, at short intervals, Anac. 6. Two electric shocks of the trunk, terminating in an explosive sensation near the foramen mag- num, Arg.fl 7. Shock in the dorsal vertebrae, Cic. Noises, such as Cracking, Gur- gling, Etc. 1. Gurgling sensation in the smal* of the back, near the os sacrum, Ang. 2. ---- and creeping between the scapulae, Magnet, p. arct. 3. Cracking in nape of neck, when stooping, Spong. 4. ---- of the cervical vertebae, when shaking the head, Stann. 5. ---- in the cervical vertebrae when stooping, Anac 6. ---- in the scapula on raising the arm, Anac. 7. Painful cracking of the cervical vertebrae, when moving the head, Cocc. 8. Painless cracking in the first cervical vertebra, when moving the head, Puis. 9. Cracking in the scapulae, when moving them, Puis. 10. ---- of the cervical vertebrae when moving the head, Nux v. 11.----in the cervical vertebrae, Nitr. ac. 12. ---- of the cervical vertebrae, when turning the head, Natr. carb. 13. Rumbling and bubbling in right scapula, Tarax. 14. Cracking in the small of the back, down to the anus, Sulp. 15. ---- of the cervical vertebrae when bending the head backwards, Sulp. 16. ---- in small of back when walking, Zinc. m. 17. ---- in the cervical vertebrae, during motion, Magnet, p. arct. Pressure, also from Within. 1. Drawing pressure in the spine, below and between the scapulae, Stann. 2. Pressing sensation in spinal BACK AND NECK. 864 SYMPTOMS OF THI marrow, up and down, when sit- ting erect, Spong. 3. Pressure at scapulae as from a load ; they felt swollen, and when leaning against them the pain arrested his breath, Silic. 4. ---- with numbness at upper part of nape of neck, Rhus t 5.----in the posterior cervical muscles when bending the head forwards, Rhus t. 6.----under the left scapula, op- pressing the breathing, Rhus t. 7. Pain at left scapula, as if strong pressure were made upon it with the finger, Rhus t. 8. Pressure and heaviness in small of back, Rhus t. 9. When standing or bending back- wards he feels a pressure* in the small of the back as from a sharp edge, Rhus t. 10. Pressure as from a heavy load on the right side of the nape of the neck, and on the top of the left shoulder, Anac. 11. Crampy pressure from without inwards, under and near the shoulder-blades, Anac. 12. Sensation in small of back, after yawning as if something elastic would press out, Amm. mur. 13. Severe pressure between the shoulders, penetrating deeply, Arg. nit. 14. Pressure in left axilla from without inwards, Asaf. 15. ---- on the right side of the neck, as if the skin were pressed between the fingers, Spong. 16.----in the cervical muscles as from a tight cravat, Am. 17. When bending the head forwards he feels a pressure and tension in the lowest cervical vertebra, Am. 18. Drawing pressure in first dorsal vertebrae, with smarting, Staphys. 19. Laming pressure in the sacral region, abating by movement and stooping forward, Aeon. 20. Pressure, with tearing, at lower- most lumbar vertebra, extending to the iliac bones, Chelid. 21. ---- at nape of neck, obliging one to bend the head forward, Lauroc. 22.----at coccyx, as with a sharp point, Cann. 23.----between the scapulae, dur- ing motion, arresting the breathing, Calc. carb. 24. Bearing-down in small of back, Calc. carb. 25. Pressure between the scapulae and on the opposite side, in front of the chest, when sitting, Bry. 26. Tensive pressure at the neck, near the vertebrae, Bism. 27. Pressure, tension or pressing in small of back, deep seated, with intense feeling, as if the bones would be pressed asunder, also with heaviness, warmth, numb- ness, or with a buzzing in the part, frequently recurring, worse when sitting, disappearing after passing wind, Berb. v. 28. Drawing pressure between the right scapula and spine, Bell. 29. Pressure as with a finger in the region where the head and nape of the neck unite, Rheum. 30.----at nape of neck, Plumb, acet 31.----at the neck, in front and on the sides, Phos. ac. 32. ---- from both sides of the back forwards, 01. an. 33.----in anterior cervical mus- cles, with pushing sensation from below upwards, a sort of stran- gling, Oleand. 34. Rheumatic pressure at nape of neck, even during rest, Merc. sol. 35. Pressure at sacrum, as from a blunt body, Mosch. 36. ---- with tearing in the nape of the neck, Menyan. 37. Bubbling pressure at coccyx, Valer. 38. Pressure in the small of the back, Tarax. CONTRACTION, CONSTRICTION. 865 39. Pressing at neck, when talking much, Sulp. 40. Pressure at neck as from a tight cravat, Magn. carb. 41. Tensive pressure in the side of the neck, Staphys. 42. Sensation at nape of neck, as if pressed upon, Staphys. 43. Burning pressure at dorsal spine, a little above the small of the back, Zinc m. 44. Violent pressure at scapulae, as if crushed and bruised, Verat. 45. Pressure in the right side of the neck, as with a finger, when talk- ing, Zinc. m. 46. ----and dull stitches at inner border of right scapula, Zinc. m. 47. Crampy pressure in small of back, all day, Kal. nit 48. Pressure between the scapulae, followed by a burning sensation from the scapulae to the crest of the ilium, during rest and motion, Kal carb. 49. Sensation, early in the morning, as if the small of the back were pressed into from both sides, Kal. carb. 50. Pressure at both kidneys, Kal. carb. 51. Drawing pressure in the back and scapula}, Kal carb. 52. Pressure in the spine, during deglutition, Kal carb. 53. Sharp pressure in the vertebrae, early in the morning, during rest, Ign. 54. Pressure at nape of neck, when lying on the back, Dulc 55. Sharp pressure and pain, as if bruised, in the small of back and lumbar vertebrae, especially the acro-iliac symphysis, down the thigh, Hep. s. 56. ---- pressure under the sca- pulae, Arg.fl Twitchings, Jerks. 1. Twitchings at the scapulae, Silic. Vol. III.—55. 2. Jerking at nape of neck, with shaking of the head, Sep. 3. Rumbling jerking and contrac- tive sensation at left scapula and above the right knee, Rhus t. 4. Twitching of the muscles of the left side when lying on the right, Ars. 5. Twitchings, painful jerks, or tearings in small of back, China. 6. Muscular twitchings in left half of back, Carb. v. 7. Painful twitching on both sides of the spine, when sitting, evening and morning, Bry. 8. Twitching between the shoulders, Phell 9. Spasmodic jerks in the muscles of the back, during manual labor, Nitr. ac 10. Twitching at right seapula, Merc. sol. 11. ---- in lower part of side of neck, Tarax. Numbness. 1. Numbness of the small of back and nates, Spong. 2. ----of the small of the back, extending as far as the lower limbs, Aeon. 3. ----of the shoulders, Aeon. 4. Sensation of numbness, coldness, and tightness in small of back, Carb. v. 5. Numb feeling at coccyx, Plat 6. Numbness and weakness in the back and limbs, Ox. ac. Contraction, Constriction. 1. Contraction of the skin at left scapula, Rhus t 2. Contractive sensation and rum- bling jerking at left scapula, and above the right knee, Rhus t * 3. Sensation as if the small of the back were in a vice, ASthus. 866 SYMPTOMS OF THE 4. Contractive sensation in the spine, Cham. 5. Sensation of spasmodic contrac- tion of anterior cervical muscles, when drinking, Lauroc 6. Spasmodic contraction of the left cervical muscles, accompanied by a visible flexion of the head towards the left side, Asar. Spasm, Cramp, Crampy Sensa- tion. 1. Crampy sensation in the right anterior cervical muscles, Arg. nit. 2. Cramp or spasms of the cervical muscles, Cic 3. Opisthotonos, Cic. vir. 4. Crampy-oppressive sensation in the middle of the spinal column, becoming tensive on attempting to straighten the back, Bell 5. Spasmodic sensation in left lumbar region, Bell 6. Cramp in the back, extending as far as the ribs, with drops of sweat on face and arms; after- wards copious mucous diarrhoea, Petrol. 7. Crampy sensation in both sides of the neck, Zinc. m. 8. Spasms in the back, lod. 9. Opisthotonos and emprostho- tonos, Ipec 10. Spasm in the back, with consi- derable pressure and drawing, Con. Gnawing. 1. Gnawing in the dorsal spine, with cough, Bell. 2. ----and smarting in the back, Magnet, p. aust. 3. ----at coccyx, Kal. carb. 4. ---- and stitches in the spine, Hell Sweat. 1. Sweat on the back, during the least exercise, China. BACK AND NECK. 2. Sweat and itching of the back, Phos. ac 3. ---- on the back and chest, in the day-time, Petrol 4. ----on nape of neck, almost all day, with coldness and shudder- ing, for a fortnight, Sulp. Pinching. 1. Pinching and contractive draw- ing between the scapulae, Calc. carb. 2. Sensation as if the flesh on the back were pinched together, Nitr. ac. 3. A few sharp smarting pinchings at the back part of the ribs, on both sides, Kal. carb. 4. Pinching in the muscles of the back, Magnet, p. aust. 5. Drawing crampy pinching along both sides of the neck from below upwards, Lye. Digging. 1. Digging-up in the small of the back, not allowing her to bend forward, Arg. nit. 2. Digging, boring sensation from right scapula to chest, worse when drawing breath, Aeon. 3.---- and boring between the scapulae, worse during rest, Lauroc 4. ---- in the cervical vertebrae, interiorly, Many. 5. ---- in small of back, as if something would come out, Kreas. Boring. 1. Boring, digging sensation from right scapula to chest, worse when drawing breath, Aeon. 2. ---- and digging between the scapulae, worse during rest, Lauroc. 3. ----at a small spot in the back, Thuj. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 867 Heaviness, Sense as of a Weight, Load. 1. Oppressive heaviness at nape of neck, with painful motion of the head, Samb. 2. Heaviness and pressure in small of back, Rhus t. 3. ----and drawing in the loins, with debility and weariness, trem- bling in the lower limbs, Arg. nit. 4. Weight in the small of the back, impeding sitting, Arg. nit. 5. Heaviness, stiffness, and laming sensation at os sacrum, down along the pelvis and to the hips, Arg. nit. 6. ---- and laming sensation at os sacrum, obliging him to stretch the back when walking, Arg. nit. 7. ----and lameness in left lum- bar region, down to hip-joint, Arg. nil. 8.----and painful drawing at os sacrum, along the region of the pelvis, as if the menses would appear, Arg. nit. 9.----in the back and oppression of the chest, Carb. v. 10. Sense of weight at nape of neck, Par. quad. 11. Feeling of heaviness between the scapulae, when walking; he has to bend backward and for- ward to obtain relief, Menyan. 12. Feeling of heaviness in the cervical muscles; he is obliged to bend his neck backwards, Menyan. 13. Heaviness of the nape of the neck, the cervical muscles refuse to support the head, Verat. 14. Feeling of a heavy load at upper part of nape of neck, Coloc Various Symptoms. 1. Congestion of blood to the neck, the cravat feeling too tight, Kal carb. 2. Sensation as if the vertebra were gliding over one another, during motion, in bed, Sulp. 3. Uneasiness in the cervical mus- cles, nape of neck, chest, or slow squeezing in these parts, with nausea, Thvj. 4. The veins of the neck are swollen, and look blue, Thuj. 5. Distension of the veins on the neck, Bell. 6. Atrophy of the spinal marrow, Merc. Prepar. 7. Pulling and tearing in lower part of back when walking or sitting, Nux v. 8. Is threatened with suffocation when the least thing touches the neck or larynx, Lach. 9. Sensation in the thyroid body as if air were rushing up and down in the part, Spong. 10. ---- at a small spot on the neck as if the skin would be raised, Carb. a. 11. Tremor of the left cervical mus- cles, Ang. 12. Tremor of the back, Cocc. 13. Shaking and trembling of nape of neck and head, Carb. v. 14. Sensation as if ihe spinal marrow were injected into its canal with a syringe, with a feeling of concus- sion, Am. 15. Sensation above the left os ilium as if pressed upon and grasped together, Kal. nit. 16. Feeling at nape of neck, as if seized with the hand, Grat. 17. Sense as of grasping and draw- ing from nape of neck to occiput, Lye 18. Redness of the neck and chest, lod. 19. Sensation in the back, almost under the shoulders, cr* if a lumn had lodged there, which causes 868 SYMPTOMS OF THE BACK AND NECK. dull stitches during motion, Am. 20. Sensation, on turning the head to the left side, as if a hard body were lodged behind the ear, Graph. 21. Contortion of the cervical mus- cles, Ars. 22. The neck is drawn to one side, China. 23. The neck is twisted to one side, Hyosc. 869 SYMPTOMS OF THE Pains. SIMPLE PAIN, MORE OR LESS ACUTE. 1. Distressing pain in middle of right forearm, a tearing tension and cramp-pain, Stront. 2. Severe pain in the finger tips, and partial swellings on the arms; this resulted in the loss of a finger joint, See corn. 3. Raging pain in the fingers and toes, awaking him, and obliging him to scratch, which causes a violent burning, Sabad. 4. Pains in the arms and fingers, Aeon. 5. Acute pain in right forearm, along the tendon of the flexor digiti minimi, Aeon. 6. Severe pain in the middle of the left forearm, in the evening, in bed, with sensation as if the bones would curve inwards and break, Amm. carb. 7. Heavy pain in middle of left humerus, from above downwards, Verat 8. Dull, indescribable pain in right axilla, Verat. 9. Sharp pain darting through the right thumb from the tip, Sulp. ac. 10. Pain in the index-finger, which causes it to tremble, Mosch. 11. ---- in the elbow-joint, when stretching the arm, Puis. 12. ----of the index-finger on the side of the nail, Puis. 13. Severe, deep-seated pain at scapula, extending to the neck EXTREMITIES. and elbow ; when raising the arm, the pain passes to the chest, arrest- ing the breathing, with chilliness in these parts on the day follow- ing, Berb. v. 14. Pains in the metacarpal and phalangeal articulations, Calc. phos. 15. Severe pain in the knuckles, as from caustic, Calc. carb. 16. Violent pain in the finger, which had been slightly burnt previous to taking the drug, and which had been without any pain, Coff. 17. The metacarpal bones are pain- ful to the touch, Verat 18. Pain under the finger-nails when grasping anything, Caust. 19. Flying pains in left metacarpus, Coloc. 20. The extensor muscles of the right arm are painful, Coloc 21. Flying pains hi the humeri, Coloc. 22. ---- pains in the shoulders, Coloc. 23. The arms, especially the right, are painful during rest, Cupr. m. 24. When pressing on a spot be- tween the end of the clavicle and the head of the humerus, a pain is felt which strikes into the fingers, Cann. 25. Distressing pain in the shoulder- joint of the side on which he is lying, disappearing after turning to the other side, with general slight sweat, Nux v. 26. Pains in the joints of the arms and head, with convulsive move- ments, Plumb, m. JPPER EXTREMITIES. 870 SYMPTOMS OF THE I 27. Excessive pains in the limbs, increased by contact, Plumb, m. 28. Pains in left hand, with loss of mobility, Plumb, acet. 29. Distressing pains in the bones and joints of the arm, in bed, upon which one does not lie, going off by lying upon it, Ign. 30. Horrid pains in the arms and lower limbs, Elec. 31. Deep-seated pain in the arm, which goes to sleep and trembles spasmodically, Magnes art. 32. Violent pain in the shoulder, extending to the elbow (and in the knee), Cast TEARING PAIN, PAINFUL TEARING. 1. Violent and painful tearing in both shoulders, evening, Stront. 2. Tearing pain in right shoulder and elbow-joint, Stront. 3.----pain in left elbow, wrist, and finger-joints, Stront 4. Dull tearing pain in right elbow- joint and the adjoining parts, Ruta. 5. Acute tearing pain around and in the styloid process of the ra- dius, Bism. 6. Drawing-tearing pain in shoul- der-joint, Aeon. 7. Pain in the middle finger of the right hand, as if it would be torn out, Ang. 8. Drawing-tearing pain in the wrist-joint and fingers, Aeon. 9.--------- pain in the forearm, Aeon. 10. Tearing pain in the wrist-joints, Sulp. 11. ---- pain in left upper arm, close to the elbow, Staphys. 12. ---- pain in the joints of the right thumb, Spig. 18. Drawing-tearing pain in the forearm, especially when moving the arm and hand, Staphys. 14.---------pains, with lameness, in the right shoulder - joint, Arg.f. 15. Drawing-tearing pain in the metacarpal joint of the left index- finger, changing to a beating pain, Arg.f. 16. Tearing pain in the arms and hands, Arn. 17. Distressing tearing pains in upper arms and elbows, and in the knee-joints, Ars. hydrog. 18. Drawing-tearing pain in the bones of the lower arm, both in the daytime and evening, Puis. 19. Tearing pain in the extensor tendons of the fingers, Puis. 20.----pain in the arm, most violent during rest, Rhus t. 21. When walking or standing he feels a sort of tearing from the hip to the knee, Rhus t 22. Crampy-tearing pain at lower arm, from elbow to wrist, Calc. carb. 23. Painful tearing from the elbow- joint down the ulna, to the back of the hand and the metacarpal joints of the fingers; attended with heaviness, weakness, and swelling of the arms, Berb. v. 24. Tearing, boring, drawing pain in the fingers, Cocc 25. ---- pain in the right carpal bones, Sabin. 26. Drawing-tearing pain in right forearm, Cina. 27. Jerking-tearing pain in the palm of the left hand, Cina. 28. Tearing pain in right elbow- joint, during rest, Cina. 29. ----pain in the left arm, Cic. 30. Crampy-tearing pain in back of right hand, Chelid. 31. Painful tearing in right upper 1 arm, Carb. a. 32. Pain in the shoulder-joints, as if it would tear, with throbbing, in the evening, Mez. 33» Painful drawing-tearing in the whole of the left arm, Guaj. 34. Occasional tearing and darting pains in upper and lower limbs, Asar. PAINS. 871 35. Drawing-tearing pain in and be- tween the shoulders, Bor. 36. Tearing, breaking, or stitching pain in the shoulder and elbow- joint, and in the humerus, abating by moving the parts, Cocc 37. Stretching-tearing pain in right arm, with paralytic feeling, Cina. 38. Pain in the left shoulder-joint, when lying on the right side, as if the ligaments were torn ; the pain disappears when turning to the painful side, Nux v. 39, Painful jerking tearing in the arms, fingers, and limbs generally, Phos. ac 40. Continuous tearing pain in the shoulder-joint, obliging one to bend the arm; it comes on in the morning on waking, and either disappears of itself or when resting on the painful arm, Puis. 41. Drawing-tearing pains in the shoulder, which is abnormally elevated, lod. 42. At night, soon after lying down, tearing pain in the shoulder and upper arm, on the side not lain upon ; on turning, the pain went to the other arm, Kal. bich. 43. Tearing pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained, during the morning slumber, Ign. 44. ----pain in the styloid process of the ulna and in the fingers, Ign. 45. Painful tearing in the posterior joint of the thumb, and painful drawing from the shoulder to the side of the head, ind. 40. Severe gnawing-tearing pain, ex- tending from the elbow-joint along the posterior side of the arm, to the little finger; when moving the arm, the pain sometimes extends to the shoulder, Ind. 47. Drawing-tearing pain in elbow- joint, Aeon. DRAWING PAIN, PAINFUL DRAWING. 1. Drawing pain in the bend of the elbows, when drawing them up ; sensation as if there were a swell- ing in the bends, with paralytic feeling in the arm, Verat. 2. Painful drawing in single finger- joints, Stront. 3. Drawing pain in the flat hand, through the fingers, Sabin. 4. ---- pain in the shoulder-joint and arm, Sulp. 5. Slow, painful drawing in the forearm, as if in the nerves, Sulp. 6. Painful drawing in the right finger-joints, Staphys. 7. Laming-drawing pain in the pha- langeal joints, more violent during motion, Staphys. 8. Drawing pain at right deltoid muscle, more violent when press- ing upon it, Spig. 9. Painful drawing with pressure in the back-joint of the last two fingers, at night, Ruta. 10. ---- drawing, with pressure, at middle of right forearm, Ruta. 11. Drawing pain in the elbow-joints, Aeon. 12. Spasmodic-drawing pain, with pressure, on the inside of the left forearm, Arg. f. 13.---------pain, with pressure, in the bend of the right elbow, only felt during motion, Arg.fl 14. Drawing pains in the fingers and their joints, Ant. cr. 15. ----pain, with lameness, in the muscles of the right upper arm, near the elbow, Arg.fl 16.----pain in the elbows, appa- rently in the marrow, Silic 17. ---- pain in right forearm, Dulc. 18. Painful drawing, with single stitches, in the muscles of the left arm ; a sort of tearing which disappears after a violent stitch in the knee, and is followed by a pain moving up and down from the knee to the toes and back again, Valer. 19. Digging-up drawing pain in the whole arm, with pressure from 872 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. within outwards; he feels a pain as if the flesh were separated from the bone, Thuj. 20. Drawing pain in lower arm, from above downwards, Thvj. 21. ---- pain in deltoid muscle while the left arm is resting on the table, Valer. 22.----pain at a spot of the size of a dollar on the left arm, as if an ulcer would form, Tab. 23.----pain in elbow-joint on turning the forearm, Tab. 24. Frequently-returning drawing pains in the forearm, Tarax. 25. Painful drawing in the metacar- pal joint of the thumb, Soig. 26. Cramp-like drawing pain in left middle finger, with jerks, causing the finger to tremble, Stann. 27. Painful drawing, with pressure, in the tendon of the triceps bra- chialis, alternating with a similar pain in the tendon of the psoas muscle, Arg.fl. 28. Drawing pain in the left deltoid muscle, with pain as if bruised when pressed upon, Arg. f. 29. ---- pain in the wrist-joint, dis- appearing when moving the hand, and changing to a pain as if bruised when pressing on the parts, Arg.f. 30. Acute drawing-piercing pain in the metacarpal joint of the ring- finger, as if in the bone, during rest, Arg.fl. 31. Painful drawing, with lameness, from the styloid process of right ulna upwards, then of the left, Arg-f> 32. Drawing pain in the middle joint of the right index-finger, accompa- nied by sudden lameness, Arg. f. 33. ---- pain, with lameness, at right upper arm, anteriorly, during rest, Arg.fl 34.----pain in the hands, with coldness of the fingers, Mere sol. 35. Tearing-drawing pain in the arm, especially in the fingers, at night, Puis. 36. Drawing pain in the thumb, with sensation of stiffness during mo- tion, Puis. 37.----pain in shoulder-joint, Rhod. 38.----pain in palm of right hand, Rhus t 39.----pain and lameness in left elbow and fingers, Bell. 40. Painful drawing in the posterior joints of the left and middle fingers of both hands, Bell 41. Drawing pain at inside of left upper arm, Bell. 42. Sudden drawing and burning pain from wrist through thumb and index-finger, Asar. 43. Drawing, tearing, boring pain in the fingers, Cocc. 44.----bone-pain in shoulder-joint and long bones of the arm, when raising the arm after a meal, Cocc 45. Pains and drawing in the limbs, particularly the bones, Cinch. sulph. 46. Drawing pain in the joints of the hands, Cina. 47. ----pain in the wrist, Cham. 48.----pain in the coronoid pro- cess of left ulna, China. 49. ----pain in the inner forearm, Cham. 50. ----pain in the muscles of the arm, Caust. 51. Painful laming-drawing through the fingers. Cocc 52.----drawing in both shoulder- joints, Carb. v. 53. Pain in the ulnar muscles, ex- tending to the fingers, also spas- modic (in the left arm) or drawing pain (particularly in the right lower arm, with a feeling of lame- ness and inability to grasp any- thing with the hand firmly, every half hour), Kreas. 54. Painful drawing on the inner side of the ulna and wrist-joints, Cycl. 55. Drawing pain, first in the right, afterwards in the left lower arm, Cupr. m. 56. Laming-drawing pain in the up per arm, during rest, Con. 57. Severe drawing pain in the right thumb, apparently the muscles, Coloc. 58. Drawing pain, with pressure, in the humerus, especially below the head, Coloc 59. ----and rheumatic pains in the arms, with tingling, lameness, dif- ficulty of raising the arms, Gran. 60. Laming-drawing pain in the forearm, all day, Nitr. ac. 61. Peculiar drawing pain in upper joint of right thumb, as if dislo- cated, also in index-finger, Nux jugl- 62. Drawing pain in the arm from below upwards, with paralytic stiffness, particularly at night, Nux v. 63. ----pain in the forearm, with stitches in the fingers, Nux v. 64. ----pain in the hand and after- wards in the elbow-joint, from below upwards, Nux v. 65. ---r pain in the fingers, up arid down, Nux v. 66. ----pains in the limbs, accom- panied by spasmodic movements, which are soon succeeded by defi- cient sensation, and lastly para- lysis and insensibility of the limbs, Plumb, m. 67. ----pains from the shoulder to the wrist-joints, in short parox- ysms, Puis. 68. ---- pain in both arms, Nitr. ac. 69. ----pain from the shoulder to the fingers, the whole night; the fingers became insensible, Puis. 70. ---- pains in the fingers, par- ticularly in the tips of the fingers of the left hand, with sensation as if swollen, Kreas. 71. Painful dragging in second joint of left middle-finger, as if it would become distended, Lauroc. 72. Drawing pain in left fingers, Led. p. MS. 873 73. Drawing pain in right shoulder, Kal. carb. *74. Pain on inner side of right wrist- joint, as if one part were forcibly drawn inwards, a depression be- ing observed on the outside, Kal. nit. 75. Drawing pain from the right wrist to the index finger, Hell. 76. ---- pain through the metacar- pal bones in the dorsum of the hand, during motion, Staphys. 77. ----pain in the arms, Ign. 78. Painful jerking-drawing, back- wards and forwards, from the shoulder-joint to the elbow, and disappearing in the scapula, Ind, PAIN AS IF SORE, EXCORIATED, SENSI- TIVENESS. 1. Pain at right forearm as if ex- coriated, Thuj. 2. Feeling as if excoriated, under the shoulder, Am. 3. Soreness of the shoulders, Aur.f 4. Sore feeling in the axilla, Mez. 5. Painful sore places all over the hand : when moving the fingers, the skin cracks, Graph. 6. The shoulder is painful when touched or moved, Phos. 7. The upper arm feels painful to the touch, Puis. 8. The periosteum of the finger- joints is painful when pressing upon it, Led. p. 9. Soreness of the bones of the hands, as if bruised, when pressed, Kal. bich. 10. Sensitiveness and burning in the right axilla, Kal. carb. ACHING PAIN, PAINFUL PRESSURE. 1. Continuous aching pain from the metacarpal joint of the right mid- dle finger to the tip, Staphys. 2. Aching pain in right ulna, in- creased by motion or contact, Sa- bin. 3.----above the right wrist-joint, during rest, Spig. 874 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 4. Painful pressure in the flesh of the upper arm, aggravated by con- tact, Arg. f 5. Severe aching pain in left shoul- der-joint, not disappearing by mo- tion, Staphys. 6. Laming-aching pain at upper arm, more violent when moved or touched, Staphys. 7. Painful pressure in the shoulder, which extends to the hand, Silic. 8. Aching pain at left upper arm also at inside, Tarax. 9. Intense paralytic aching at upper part of right upper arm, especially when raising the arm high up, Teucr. 10.' Aching pain in the three last fin- gers of the right hand, Tarax. ll.----pain in the middle-joint of the middle-finger when bending it, Merc, sol 12. When lying on one side, his hip aches, and when lying on the back, the small of the back aches, Rhus t. 13. Painful pressure at right elbow- joint, extending to the hand when pressing upon the elbow, Cymph. 14. Crampy, painful pressure in the muscles of the forearm, Cina. 15. Constant fine painful pressure in the ligaments and periosteum of the whole arm, resembling a draw- ing and tearing, Cham. 16. Severe burning aching under the finger-nails; they feel ulcerated when touched, Caust. 17. Paralytic aching pain in left up- per arm, worse when extending the arm outwards, Mez. 18. Burning-aching in left carpus, early, after rising, Mez. 19. Laming-aching pain in the meta- carpal bones of the right hand, Mez. 20. Tight aching of the muscles of the arms and shoulders, during motion, Dig. 21. After a sound sleep, her arms ache, also her lower limbs, she feels weary, Nux v. 22. Laming-aching in the middle of the right forearm, externally, Nux v. 23. Contractive-aching pain in the elbow, Nux v. 24. Painful pressure across the right thumb, Hell. 25. Aching, with drawing round the wrist-joints and knuckles, Hyosc PAIN AS IF BROKEN, CRUSHED, DIVIDED. 1. Pain in the muscles of the arm as if they would be divided into fine parts, Magnes art. 2.----in elbow and wrist-joints, as if crushed, Thuj. 3. Crushing pain in the humeri, Merc sol 4. Pain in the upper arms, when raising them, as if broken, Cocc. 5.----in left wrist-joint, as if broken, Ruta. 6. Breaking, tearing, or stitching pain in the shoulder and elbow- joint and in the humerus, abating by moving the parts, Cocc. 7., When leaning on the upper arm it feels as if it would break, Samb. 8. Sensation in wrist-joint as if it would break when moving it, Silic 9. Pain in left shoulder-joint as if broken, Magn. mur. 10.----in the upper arm as if broken or contused, Cupr. m. 11.----of the elbow-joint as if broken, Phos. 12. Sense of breaking and tearing in right hand, evening, Kal. nit. PAIN AS IF BRUISED, CONTUSED. 1. Pain as if bruised in the arm, Zinc met. 2. Sore feeling at a small spot in the axillae, as if bruised, Zinc met. ' 3. The arms feel bruised, particu- larly the left deltoid muscle, or the bend of the left elbow, Zinc. oxyd. PAINS. 875 4. The arms are painful, as if bruised, Sulp. 5. Contusive pain in shoulder and hip-joint, after sleep, Aeon. 6. Pains in the fingers as if bruised or contused, Ruta. 7. ----as if bruised in the bones of the wrist-joints and the backs of the hands, Ruta. 8. ----in left elbow-joint, as from a shock, with weakness of the arm, Ruta. 9. ---- in the forearm, as after a blow, Aeon. 10. ----in the arm when moving it, as if the flesh were loose, Dros. 11. The forearms and hands feel bruised up to the elbow-joints, Dros. 12. Contusive pain, first in the el- bow, then shoulder-joint, Dros. 13. Dull severe pain in right arm as from a blow, with sense of weight, immobility, stiffness of the mus- cles, and coldness of the whole arm, as if paralyzed, with pain in the elbow-joint, as if bruised, on bending or touching it, Dulc. 14. Pain at upper arms, as if bruised, Thuj. 15. ----at the humeri, as if bruised, Hep. s. 16. ----as if bruised in the balls of both thumbs, Am. 17. The left forearm feels painful as if bruised, Rhus t. 18. The left finger-tips are painful, as if jammed, Bell. 19. The humerus, above the elbow, feels bruised and lame during mo- tion, Cocc 20. Bruising pain in the ball of the thumb, Cina. 21. Pain in left forearm as if bruised, Cic 22. ----as if bruised in elbow-joint, China 23. Contusive pain in the tips of the fingers, Caust. 24. Sensation in the arms as if bruised, Mez. 25 Pain as if bruised or contused above the elbow-joints, Cycl 26. ----in the bones of the fore- arms as if bruised, with vibratory- sensation, Bism. 27. ----as from a blow in the fore- joint of the thumb, causing the thumb to tremble, Oleand. 28. Contusive pain in elbow-joints early in bed, Carb. v. 29. Pain at humerus, during rest, as if beaten to pieces; this pain extends to the thumb, making it useless, Puis. 30. ----as if bruised in the elbow- joint, when moving the arm, the pupils being dilated, early in the morning, Puis. 31. The upper arm is painful, as if bruised ; he cannot lift it, with coldness of the hand, Nitr. ac 32. Pain, as if bruised in shoulder- joint and scapula, when turning the head to the opposite side, Nux v. 33. ----as from a blow on outer side of both forearms, June 34. Bruising pain below the shoul- ders, Kal. carb. 35. ----as if bruised in left shoul- der, Kal hyd, 36. ---- as if bruised at border of right hand, behind the little finger. Kal. hyd. 37. Sensation as after a shock, in right upper arm, but not when touching the place, Hell 38. Pain as if bruised in the mus- cles of the arm, Ign. 39. ----as if bruised at the head of the left humerus, removed by ly- ing on it, Ign. 40. ---- in shoulder-joint as if bruised when bending the arm backwards, Ign. cramp-pain. 1. Cramp-pain, tearing and tension in middle of right forearm, Stront. 2._________and paralytic weak- ness of the hand when exerting it slightly, Silic. SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 3. Cramp-pain in left metacarpal bones as if the whole hand were squeezed, Spig. 4. Crampy pain across the right hand, Ruta. 5. ----■ pain in the fingers when stretching them, Amm. carb. 6. ----■ pain with pressure or tear- ing in the muscles across the back of the hand, Anac. 7. Cramp-pain in the right hand, where the metacarpal bones join the phalanges, Anac. 8. Violent cramp-pain in left fore- arm and back of the hand, Anac. 9. Cramp-pain in the fingers, espe- cially the joints of the left hand, Euphr. 10.---------in the metacarpus, Euphr. 11.--------around the right wrist- joint, going off when stretching the fingers, but returning again on bending them; this is accompa- nied with a lancination through the whole arm as far as the shoul- der, Staphys. 12.--------in the ball of right thumb, extending to the thumb when the hand is moved, Spong. 13. Drawing cramp-pain in the long bones of the fingers and forearm, from below upwards, Am. 14. Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the left lower arm, extending as far as the palm of the hand, almost like paralysis, Menyan. 15. Stitching cramp-pain in the mus- cles or periosteum, Merc sol, 16. Severe cramp-pain in the left hand, especially the fingers, Merc sol. 17. Dull stitching cramp-pain in left index-finger, Merc sol. 18. Pain in middle of upper arm, as if the flesh were drawn tight to the bones, Calc carb. 19. Drawing cramp-pain, when grasp- ing any thing, China. 20. Cramp-pain in the forearm and wrist, when stretching the arm or bending the joint back and for- wards, Cina. 21. Boring cramp-pain in left up- per arm, Cina. 22. Severe cramp-pain in right up- per arm, Cina. 23. Tearing crampy-pain in back of right hand, Chelid. 24. Bubbling cramp-pain at left elbow-joint, going and coming, Kreas. 25. Cramp-pain in the hollow of the right hand, Coloc 26.---------at right hand and four fingers, the hand feels a little hot, Cocc. 27.---------and heaviness in shoulder-joint, Puis. 28.--------in left hand and fin- gers, June 29.---------of the hands, when seizing any thing, Nitr. ac. LAMING, PARALYTIC PAIN. 1. Laming pain in the left fingers, particularly the posterior joints, Verbasc. 2. ----pain around and in the left elbow-joint, with pimples a few days after the pain, and scurf when scratching, Sabin. 3. Pain in the arms, as if lame and bruised; he cannot raise them without feeling pain, Verat. 4. Laming pain in the left hand, quick as lightning, Kreas. 5. ----pain darting suddenly into the arm, proceeding from the teeth, Mang. 6. Pain in the left hand (bones) on stretching it or seizing and press- ing anything, as if rigid and para- lyzed, Merc sol. 7. Laming pain in the right thumb, jerking or else drawing as if a cramp would set in, Mosch. 8. Burning-laming pain in whole of right arm, Calc carb. 9. Laming pain in the middle of the ulna, Dig. 10. Intense paralytic pain as if the PAINS. 877 bones would break, during a vio- lent motion of the arm, Cocc 11. Sudden laming pain in bend of right elbow, Cocc 12. Drawing laming pain in the el- .bows and hands, Cham. 13. Laming pain in the bones of the thumb, from behind forward, Mez. 14. ----pain as if sprained, in the muscles of the forearm and wrist, Mez. 15. ----pain in the arm, with tear- ing in the scapulae, terminating in a stitch, Cycl. 16. ---- pain in the arms, as if bruised, now and then, Coloc. 17. Paralytic pain in the nape of the neck, afterwards shifting to the wrist joint, Nux v. 18. Laming pain in the shoulder- joint, the whole arm feeling tired and heavy, both when sitting and working; after moving it for a while he is unable to hold up the arm, Nux v. 19. Pain as if lame in second joint of left middle-finger, Lauroc 20. Laming pain in both upper arms, Kal. carb. 21. ---- pain in right shoulder, Lauroc. 22. Drawing-laming pain, early in the morning, first in the left arm, then small of back, and other parts, Magnet, p. aust PAIN, AS IF SPRAINED, STRAINED, DIS- LOCATED. 1. Pain in the shoulder as if it would fall off, Aeon. 2. ----as if sprained in left wrist- joint, worse and worse (from pulling the plant through his fin- gers), Sabin. 3. ----as if sprained in shoulder- joint and in posterior joint of thumb and index-finger, Spig. 4. ----in the thumb as if sprained and lame, Aeon. 5. -----in the shoulder joint as if dislocated, Magnes art. 6. Pain in right shoulder as if sprained, only during motion, Sta- phys. 7. ----as if sprained in the poste- rior joint of the index-finger, Ign. 8. Dislocation-pain in the shoulder- joint, when moving the arm back- wards, Thuj. 9. Pain of the whole left index-fin- ger, as if sprained, when bending it or during rest, Stann. 10. Acute pain in left wrist-joint as if sprained, waking him at nights with heat and uneasiness of the hand ; in the morning a pimple is seen not far from the wrist-joint, with pus at the tip, and stinging pain as from a splinter; the tip is raised upon a red, hard base, Arg. nit. 11. Pain in right axilla as if strained or torn; on raising the shoulder, the pain extended along the arm as far as the hand, where a prickling was felt, Arg. nit. 12. ----as from a sprain in wrist- joint, Am. 13. ----as if sprained at carpal joint, when seizing anything, Rhus t. 14. Acute pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joints, abating by raising the arms, Ruta. 15. Pain as if sprained in right wrist, Calc. carb. 16.---- in glenoid cavity of fore- arm as if dislocated, during mo- tion and contact, Cocc. 17. The wrist-joint feels sprained, Cina. 18. Pain in the thumb and index- finger, as if sprained, Cham. 19. ----in the wrist-joint as if sprained, Carb. ac. 20. ----in the shoulder-joint, when moving the upper arm, as if the head of the humerus were loose and would come out, Croc. 21. ---- as if sprained, when moving or exerting the hand, Nux v. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 878 SYMPTOMS OF THE I 22. Pain as if sprained in shoulder- joint, when bending the arm back- wards, Puis. 23. ---- of the right arm, as if sprained ; she is unable to move it either forwards or backwards, Nitr. ac. 24. ----as if sprained in left del- toid muscle, only when the fore- arm is bent, Lact vir. 25. ----in left thumb, as if sprained or stiff, Kreat 26.----as if sprained in right wrist-joint, Lauroc. 27. ----as if sprained in the joint of the right thumb, Lauroc. 28.----as if sprained in right elbow-joint, June 29. —— in the arms, from the elbows to the wrist-joints, with tearing and breaking feeling in these joints, as if it would be sprained; from the wrist the pain goes to the knuckles, the parts between the knuckles becoming distended and swollen ; thence the pain travels under the nails, which feel bruised ; the pain is accom- panied by a sensation of swelling in the parts, numbness, weight, and weakness, as if paralysed, only in the night, Kal. nit. 30. ---- in a tendon of the right shoulder, as if stretched and swollen, Kal. hyd. 31. ----in the fingers as if sprained, when holding a large object; when stretching the fingers, they . feel as if too long, Kal. nit. 32. ----in the shoulder-joint as if dislocated, when moving the arm, Ign. 33. ---- in the joint of the right thumb, when bending it back- wards, as if sprained and swollen, with cracking in the joint, Kal. nitr. 34. ---- in the wrist-joint as if a tendon had become strained, or as if an electric shock were pass- ing through it, Magnes art. 35. ----as if sprained of left wrist- joint, with stiffness ; changing to a tearing, stitching, and swelling of the joint, Sabin. STITCHING, PRICKING, LANCINATING PAIN, PAINFUL STITCHES. 1. Stitching pain in the olecranon process of either arm, Sabin. 2. Prickling pain, in one or the other finger, Silic. 3. Pain in the flexor-side of right middle finger, as if a splinter had been stuck in, Sulp. 4. Dull stitching pains in shoulder- joint, worse when touching or moving it, Staphys. 5. Ulcerative, beating - stinging pams at the root of the nails, Magnet, p. aust. 6. Stitching pain in right deltoid muscle, as with a dull point, Thuj. 7 Painful stinging at right shoul- der, Thuj. 8. Burning-stinging pain above the wrist-joint, Thuj. 9. Prickling pain in the posterior finger-joints, Thvj. 10. Stitching pains in elbow, hinder- ing the sudden stretching of the arm, Tab. 11. Painful prickings at upper arm, posteriorly, going off by friction, Tarax. 12. Sudden dull cutting pain through the muscles of right forearm, about a span from the wrist, Teucr. 13. Painful pricking in the joints of both hands, also without moving them, Squill. 14. ----stitches like shocks, in the upper part of the upper arm, Am. 15. Stitching pain in left wrist-joint, Menyan. 16. Lancinating pains in the tips of the fingers, Mercurial. 17. Stinging pain in the fingers, Rhus t, 18. Occasional darting and tearing PAINS. 879 pains in upper and lower limbs, Asar. 19. Stinging pain at left forearm, down to little finger, Cocc 20. Stitching, tearing, and breaking pain in the shoulder and elbow joint, and in the humerus, abating by motion, Cocc 21. Fine, stinging pains on the hands after moistening them with the juice and then washing them with water, Clem. 22. Lancinating pain in right meta- carpal bones, increased by pres- sure, Chelid. 23. Painful lancinations in lower arm, through the palm of the hand, Carb. a. 24. ----darting and grumbling in the phalangeal bones, Mez. 25. Stitching pain in the muscles of the right forearm, Cycl. 26. Very painful stitches in right upper arm, Guaj. 27. Stinging and burning pain in the palm of the left hand, Graph. 28. Spasmodic-stitching pain in right index-finger, Cocc 29. Stitching pain in fore-joint of right index-finger, as from a splin- ter, Petrol. 30. Dull, painful stitch in left shoulder, Phos. 31. Painful stitching in the shoulder on raising the arm, Led. pal. 32. ---- stitches in right wrist- joint, lod. 33. Fine painful stitches in the tips of the four last fingers of right hand, as if ulcerated, Kal. carb. 34. Painful pricking in the right index-finger, as if a needle and thread were drawn from the root to the tip, abating when bending the finger, coming on again on extending it, Kal carb. 35. Beating-stinging, ulcerative pain at the root of the nails, Magnet p. aust, 36. Acute painful stitches through the left forearm, Dros. 37. Boring-stitching pain in the middle-joint of the middle and index-finger, Hell 38. Prickling pain in the tip of the thumb, in the evening after lying down, Magnes art. 39. —— pain in the arm, Magnet, p. arct. PAIN AS IF COMPRESSED OR PRESSED DOWN. 1. Pain in the shoulders as if pressed down, Merc sol 2. ----in the middle of the fore- arm, as if the bone were pressed upon, Verat. 3. ----in left lower arm, as if the bone were compressed, Spong. PAIN AS IF TOO SHORT. 1. Pain in the bend of the elbow, as if the tendons were too short, Graph. 2. ----of the finger-joints, as after hard work, or as if the tendons were too short, Nux v. JERKING, TWITCHING PAIN, PAINFUL JERKS. 1. Painful jerks in the upper arms, beginning in the centre, when reaching the elbow the pain strikes to the tips of the fingers, the bones feeling too narrow; accompanied with heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs, Ruta. 2. Drawing-jerking pain in the thumbs, Aeon. 3. Painful twitchings on the shoul- der, Ang. 4. Jerking pain in the finger-tips, apparently in the nerves, Sulp. ac 5. ---- pain in right upper arm, Ran. bulb. PAIN LIKE A SHOCK. 1. Every few seconds pain like a 880 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. shock in left ulna, close to the wrist joint; the pain begins sud- denly and violently, and radiates into the arm, decreasing as it pro- ceeds, and finally ceasing alto- gether, Sulp. ac 2. Pain at outside of left upper arm, like electric shocks, Tarax. ARTHRITIC, RHEUMATIC PAIN. 1. Arthritic pain in the joints of the right ring-finger, Ant. cr. 2. ----pain in deltoid muscle and knee, Verat. 3. Rheumatic pains in the left shoulder and elbow-joints, worse during motion, Rhus ver. 4. ----pains in the shoulders and arms, Calc phosp. 5.----pain in the right shoulder and deltoid muscles, Nux v. 6.----pains in the knees and arms, Ol.jec 7. ----■ pains in all the limbs, and swelling of the finger-joints, Kal. bich. 8. ---- pains in the fingers, Kal bich. 9. Rheumatic pains in both shoul- ders, worse at night, Kal. bich. 10. Stitehing-rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joint, in the morning, when moving the arm, or when bending the head to one side, Puis. ULCERATIVE PAIN. 1. Pain in right axilla, as from a burning-smarting ulcer, Ruta. 2. Ulcerative pain in left axilla, reaching to the chest, more violent when ascending an eminence, Sulp. ac 3. ---- pain at the root of the little finger, Bry. 4.---- pain and stitches in the tips of the fingers, Graph. 5. ---- pain in the tip of the middle-finger, as from some foreign body sticking in it, Bell 6- ---- pain of the right little finger, under both sides of the nail, with headache on waking, 01. an. PINCHING, GRIPING PAIN. 1. Pain in right lower arm, as if both bones were squeezed with pincers, Spig. 2. Single painful crampy gripings in the upper arms, above the elbows, at intervals, the muscles being hard as stone, day and night, Magn, carb. 3. Pinching pains in right arm, Ipec] PAIN AS IF SWOLLEN. 1. Pain of the shoulder-joint as if the head of the humerus were too large for the glenoid cavity, Mez. 2. ----at head of right humerus, as if swollen, and as if it had not room enough in the glenoid cavity, Lauroc. CONTRACTIVE PAIN. 1. Spasmodic-contractive pain in the palm of the left hand; on stretching it, it contracted again involuntarily, Sabin. 2. Crampy-contractive pain in the hand and fingers, sometimes ac- companied by stitches, Aeon. 3. Violent contractive pain in both shoulders, and tearing down the back, Magn. carb. 4. Painful drawing together, as with a string, two inches above and two inches below the righc elbow, the pain abates by extend- ing the arm, Rat. 5. Frequent pain at the elbow- joints, as if the ligaments were contracted, Kreas. 6. Contractive pain in the muscles of the forearm, during and after a walk, Mez. PAINS. 881 TENSIVE PAIK, PAINFUL TENSION. 1. Tensive pain in both elbow- joints, Sulp. ac' 2. ---- pain in the metacarpal joints of the fingers, Sep. 3. Painful tension between the scapulae and sternum, causing a lameness of the arm, Ferr. acet. 4. Tensive pain in the arm and carpal joints, here and there, Mang. 5. ----pain of the tendons of the elbow-joint when moving the arm, Puis. 6. ----pain at head of ulna, when moving the right index-finger, Kal. hyd. 7. Tight pain in the balls of both hands, Cupr. m. 8. Drawing-tensive pain in the inner arm, as far as the wrist, Puis. 9. Tensive pain in finger-joints, on bending them, as if they would break; with some swelling when stretched, and pain when pressed upon, lod. 10. Severe tensive pain in the arm, for eight days, Kal. carb. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning pain in shoulder and wrist-joint, Stront 2. ----pain under the bend of the elbow, the part feels numb when touched, Sulp. 3. ---- pain in right wrist and palm of the hand, Zinc met 4. ---- pain at left thumb-joint, Spig. 5. ----pain at a small spot in the region of the elbow, Arg. f. 6. ---- pain all round the upper arm, Bor. 7. Sudden burning and drawing pain from wrist through thumb and index-finger, Asar. 8. Burning pain at left arm, in paroxysms, Cocc. Vol. III.—56. 9. Burning pain in the joint of the middle.finger, Cina. 10. ---- pain in the hand, after- noon, Cham. 11. ----pain under the bend of the index-finger, after which a hard tremor showed itself, for a long while, Con. 12. ---- and stinging pain in the palm of the left hand, Graph. 13. ---- pain in the left fingers, Nitr. ac 14. ---- pain in the wart as if it would ulcerate, Petrol, 15. ---- of the skin of both upper arms, Phos. 16. ---- pain in the arm, evening, with a feeling of dryness in the fingers, Puis. 17. ----pain at two fingers of left hand, Kal. carb. DIGGING PAIN. 1. Drawing-digging pain in right shoulder-joint, under the deltoid muscle, Arg.fl 2. Dioging-pain along the ball of the right hand, Merc. sol. 3. ----pain in left fore-arm when moving it, the arm feels stiff, Rhus t 4. ---- pain in the arm, with sense of undulating drawing and as if bruised, Cocc 5. Digging-up pain in left forearm, shifting from wrist to elbow-joint, Cina. 6. Painful digging and gnawing in the ball of the right thumb, Kalnit, 7. Arthritic digging-up and boring pain at a spot of the lower-joint of the thumb, Magnes art. BORING PAIN. 1. Boring pain in metacarpal joint of left index-finger ; when moving or bending the finger the pain becomes a fine pricking, Carb. v. 2. ---- pain in the elbow-joint, Amm. carb. 3. ----pain at elbow-joints, Thuj. 882 SYMPTOMS OF THE 4. Boring pain in shoulder-joint. Rhod, 5. Tearing-boring pain in left shoulder-joint, the arm going t>< sleep, with prickling in tips cf fingers, Rhod. 6. Boring, tearing, drawing pain ii tho fingers, Corr. 7. Pinching-boring pain in the wrist- joint, Cina, 8. Frequent and painful boring in the knuckles of the hand. Curb, a, 9. Boring pain in the elbow-joint, after midnight, when lying on th- opposite side, Nux. v. 10. ---- and dijriiing.up pain at j spot of the lower-joint of the thumb, Magnes art. BURNING PAIN. 1. Smarting, or smart:ng-burning pain in various parts of the fore- arm, Berb. v. 2. Burning-itching pain at left elbow, going off after scratching, Rhus t 3. ----tickling pain in the right arm, on moving it, Coloc. 4. ----itching pain as if frozen, in first joint of little finger, Verat. 5. Painful and almost burning- itching in the dorsum of the middle phalanx of the little finger as if frozen, Magnet, p. arct. TINGLING PAIN, AS IF GONE TO SLEEP. 1. Pain, numbness and weakness of the right arm, especially around the elbow-joint, going off by changing the position of the arm and then returning, Phos. 2. Tingling pain in the fingers, even while writing, Aeon. 3. Pain in the arm as if gone to sleep and lame, during and after a meal, Cocc. 4. ---- in the arms, here and there, as if the blood had stopped, Magnet, p. aust UPPER EXTREMITIES. 5. Pain in the should 'r-joint, as if the arm would go to sleep, or as from weaki.ess, Dros. % GNAWING PAIN. f 1. Gnawing pain in the bones of the right forearm, Graph. 2. Painful gnawing in left ulna, at short intervals, followed by a paralytic feeling; going off by friction, pressu e, Kal nit, 3. ----gnawing and digging in the ball of the right thumb, Kal nit. THROBEING, PULSATIVE PAIN. Stitches, Prickings, Lancina- tions. STITCHES. 1. Stitching in left axilla and in front part of chest, from above downwards, with arrest of breath- ing, evening, Zinc. met. 2. ---- in the tip of the index- 1. Painful itching throbbing at upper arm, Dig. 2. Throbbing pain in tip of thumb, Bor. 3. ----pain in metacarpal bone of middle finger, Carb. v. 4. Pain at the insertion of the right deltoid muscle, at first pul- sative, then tearing, Coloc 5. Pulsative pain at inside of right forearm, near the wrist-joint, Oleand. 6. Hammering pain in the hu- meri, as if they would be crushed, Nitr. ac 7. Severe darting-throbbing pain in left wrist, near the pisiform bone, Kal. bich. 8. Pulsative pain in left upper arm, at intervals, Kal. carb. 9. Pain of the finger-tips, as if he had cut his nails too short, Sulp. 10. ----in the ball of the hand as if something would pierce through, Cupr. m. STITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. 883 finger, shooting to the posterior joint, Verbasc. 3. Pulsative stitches at inner fore- arm, Stront, 4. Titillating sharp stitches in the palm of the hand, Staphys. 5. Cutting stitches in both wrist- joints, Samb. 6. Boring stitches in right lower arm, Spig. 7. Fine deep stitches, changing to a corrosive itching, with redness and heat of the skin of the arms, Ruta. 8. Stitches, sometimes with draw- ing in the shoulder and upper arm, Aeon. 9. Shooting stitches in left shoul- der, Aeon. 10. When bending the fingers, vio- lent stitches strike through the wrist-joint to the elbow-joint, Aeon. II. Stitching in the fingers of the right hand, Agn. 12. Burning stitches at outer border of left-hand, Anac 13. Single, deeply penetrating stitches, above the left wrist joint, Anac 14. Drawing-stitching in left shoul- der-joint, especially when moving the arm to the chest, Staphys. 15. Stitches in the right arm, with pain from the shoulder to the elbow, Dros. 16. ---- through the fingers and their tips, also during rest, Dros. 17. Stitching and tearing in the shoulder-joint (which is painful as if bruised when touched) extend- ing through the upper arm, with cracking in the shoulder-joint, preventing one from raising the arm, Ferr. acet. 18. Itching stitches in the thumb- joint, Ign. 19. Piercing stitching in the fingers, Zinc, met, 20. Bubbling, dull stitches in the finger-tops, as if frozen. Spig. 21. Single stitches in left shoulder- joint, even during rest, Verat. 22. Drawing stitches at right shoul- der-joint and the bend of the right elbow, Thuj. 23. Dull stitches in the middle joints of the fingers, Sulp. ac. 24. Burning fine stitches on the side of the middle-finger, Sulp. ac. 25. Fine stitches in the axilla, when sitting, Spong. 26. Broad sharp stitches under the axilla, from without inwards, Arn. 27. Slow dull stitches in left fore- arm, with acute pain, as if the arm were broken, Arn. 28. Sharp broad stitches below the elbow-joints, Arn. 29. ---- stitches in middle-joint of index-finger, Arn. 30. Stitches in both middle-fingers and the knee, Arn. 31. Dull stitches in the middle of the upper arm which cause him to start, Arn. 32. Sharp stitches in wrist-joint, increased by motion, Arn. 33. Burning stitches in forearm, Arn. 34. Fine crawling stitches on inside of right deltoid muscle, Lob. inf. 35. Severe stitches in the shoulder- joint, evening, Mere sol. 36. Spasmodic stitches in the fin- gers, chiefly in the tips, fre- quently, Mercurial, 37. Single, pointed stitches, of five minutes each, in the olecranon, malar bone, chest, and outer con- dyle of the tibia, Merc. sol. 38. Stitching at the elbow, Merc. sol. 39. Fine stitches in the posterior joints of the fingers, eased by motion, Menyan. 40. Stitching, cracking and want of strength in the wrist-joint, Mere. sol. 884 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 41. Burning stitches in left shoulder, evening, Mur. ac 42. Stitching and drawing, from left wrist to elbow, he has to move the arm all the time, in the even- ing, in bed, Mosch. 43. Long-continued boring-stitching along the whole of the left fore- arm to the tip of the index-finger, Ran, seel 44. Fleeting stitches in the tips of the ring and index-fingers, with ! gnawing in the bones of the same, Ran. seel. 45. Stitching in the shoulder, when lying, ceasing during motion, Rhus t. 46. Boring stitches in upper arm when standing, Rhus t 47. Drawing stitches in the arm, commencing in the shoulders, Rhus t. 48. Stitching in a tendon on the back of the index-finger, Rhus t. 49. Stitches at the tip of the elbow on bending it, Bry. 50. ----at elbow-joint, Bell. 51. ---- in the left shoulder-joint, all day, Calc. carb. 52. ---- in the finger-tips, es- pecially when grasping any thing, with chilliness of the body, Bell 53. Severe tearing stitches in both shoulders, Asar. 54. Stitching, with pressure, on top of left shoulder, Bell. 55. Fine tearing and boring stitches in the muscles of the left lower arm, Calc. acet. 56. Stitching as from a splinter in the knuckle of the thumb, Colch. 57. Stitches in raising it, Bry. 58. Severe stitches in the muscles of the right forearm, Dig. 59. Stitches in right upper arm, Cocc. 60. Single stitches in the shoul- der-joint and the muscles of the upper arm, during rest, Cocc. 61. Severe drawing stitches in left forearm, Clem. 62. Stitches or lancinations on raising the arm, with feeling of weakness in it, Cic. 63. Fine stitches at the proximal extremity of the metacarpal bone of the ring-fingers, it feels bruised when pressed upon, Cina. 64. Short darting stitches at times in the right, at times in the left hand, Cina. 65. Stitching in the carpal bones, China. 66. Stitches beginning Carb. v. 67. ---- in in at the ball the of thumb, wrist-joint, upper arm, going upper arm, on off during motion, China. 68. Stitching or crampy sensation on the top of the shoulder, Cina. 69. Stitches in the tips of the fin- gers, Carb. a. 70. ---- in anterior joint of some fingers, Carb. v. 71. ---- in the left elbow-joint, striking to the hand, with flushes of heat; afterwards the arm felt as if it had gone to sleep, Caps. 72. ---- in the arm, from the shoulder-joint through the fingers, which feel as if gone to sleep, powerless, insensible, with twitch- ing, tingling, and heat of the hands when the stitches are not felt, Kreas. 73. ---- in the bones of the right middle finger, Coloc 74. Severe dull stitches through the right wrist-joint, Graph. 75. Stitches in left shoulder, for three days, arresting the breath- ing, Graph. 7Q- ---- in upper and lower arms, Graph. 77. Single violent stitches in right thumb, Guaj. STITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. 885 78. Stitches and ulcerative pain in the tips of the fingers, Graph. 79. Sharp stitches in the metacarpal joints of the fingers, during rest, Con. 80. Drawing stitching in the outer knuckle of the right hand, even- ing, Nux V. 81. Dull stitches in both axillee, broad and spreadrng, Phos. 82. Stitches in the axillae, through the shoulders, Phos. 83. Distressing stitches in the wrist-joint, during rest, Phos. 84. Drawing stitching in the palms of the hands, Phos. ac. 85. Stitches in the finger-joints, Phos. ac. 86. ---- in the right deltoid mus- cle, Puis. 87. ----in the middle-joints of the fingers, he was unable to bend them without pain, Nitr. ac 88. Stitching in right axilla, aggra- vated by raising the arm, Lact vir. 89. ---- in right upper arm, fol- lowed by a bruising sensation in the shoulder, Lauroc. 90. Stitches in left little and index- fingers, Lauroc 91. Severe stitches in shoulder- joint, even during rest, lod. 92. Stitches in the shoulder, Kal carb. 93. ---- in the bends of both elbows, Kal. carb. 94. ---- in left shoulder, when touching it, drawing breath or feeling chilly, Nitr. ac. 95. Stitching and throbbing in upper arm, Kal. nit. 96. Stitches at the top of the shoulder, at every inspiration, Hyp. perf. 97. Itching stitches in the flexor surface of the forearm, Hyosc. 98. Burning stitches in the ole- cranon process, Ind. 99. Fine sharp stitches in the fore- arm, and a rheumatic constric- tive pain in the deltoid muscle, Stram. LANCINATIONS. 1. Burning lancinations in the mus- cles of the first joint of the right fourth finger, Sabin. 2. Lancinations in the left thumb, as if a splinter were thrust under the nail, Ambr. gr. 3. Distressing lancinations, with tension in the arms on stretching them ; the tension commences at the joints, following the flexor muscles ; on bending the arms, a cracking is felt in the joints, espe- cially in the shoulder-joints, with pain as if the arms were dislocated, Anac. 4. Lancinations in the middle joints of the three last fingers of both hands, Zinc met. 5. Lancinating tearing in the wrists, Arn. 6. Slow lancination in the elbow- joint, Merc, sol, 7. Lancination in left carpus, Rhus t 8. Lancinations in the muscles of the right forearm, when writing, Cic. 9. Violent lancinations below the head of the humerus, from within outwards, Bell. 10. Lancinations in the little finger, accompanied by anguish, and a feeling of qualmishness about the heart, Caust. 11. Slow lancination in the right arm, from the shoulder to the hand, Caust 12. Lancinations in the metacarpal joints, Carb v. 13. ---- extending from the right wrist to the elbow with beatings at every lancination, Canth. 14. Frequent drawing and tearing lancinations from the left elbow to the wrist-joint, Guaj. 15. Lancinations in the arms, here and there, now and then, Coloc 886 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 16. Lancinations in right shoulder. Lauroc. SHOOTING. 1. Shooting in the tips of the fin- gers, Calc. carb. 2. Shootings in the dorsum of the hand, and in the posterior joints of the fingers, Ind. STINGING. 1. Stinging in both upper arms, from without inwards, near the elbow-joints, Sabin. 2. ---- and prickling in the arms and fingers, Aeon. 3. ----in the hands and fingers, Ambr. gr. j 4. ----and itching burning under \ the skin, on the inside of the; wrist-joint, Arg.fl. 5. ---- as from a thorn, behind the middle joint of right middle! finger, Thuj. 6.----in several tendons of the! fingers, at table, Tong. 7.----in the tips of the three left middle fingers, Thuj. 8. Fine stinging in the backs of the1 fingers, Thuj. 9. Itching stinging in the tips of; the fingers, Spig. 10. Stinging and swelling of the hands, Mosch, H-----and creeping at forearm,! Bry. 12. Continuous stinging in left elbow ' Cocc. 13. Stinging in the back of the left hand, Kreas. J4.----through the back of the' right thumb, extending to the nail, Phos. ac 15. Itching stinging between the thumb and index-finger, or between the middle and ring-finger of left hand, Plumb, acet. 16. Stinging in right arm, with sen- sation as if gone to sleep, Lach. 17. Stinging in the hand, Led. pal. 18.----and numb feeling in the ball of the right thumb and mid- dle finger, followed by stitches in the palm of the hand, going to the back of the hand and the arm, attended with a feeling of heat, Gutt CUTTING. 1. Cutting between the long bones of the forearm, with lameness, Dros. 2.----in right forearm, succeeded by burning, Mosch. 3. Tearing cutting in the right little finger, Bell. 4. Dull cutting and tearing in the axilla, Kal. carb. 5. Cutting and burning in the arms and chest, with cold shuddering, Magnes art. PRICKINGS. 1. Deep itching-burning prickings in the left thumb, inducing scratch- ing, Staphys. 2. Sudden prickings in the forearm, when sitting, Sabin. 3. Prickings in the first thumb- joint ; the place is afterwards sore to the touch, Sang. 4. Tingling prickings in the right thumb, when writing, Sabad. 5. Prickings in the back of the left hand, Anac 6. Intermittent prieklings at the right trochlea, Arg. f. 7. Hot prieklings in the tips of the fingers, at night, Aeon. 8. Prickings in the joints of the forearm, Aeon. 9. Prickling and creeping in the tips of the fingers, painful, Sulp. 10. Itching prickings in both axilla;, Staphys. 11. Prickings at left elbow, disap- pearing by contact, Thvj. 12.Slow pricking along the skin, from the shoulder to middle of upper arm, Squill. STITCHES, PRICKINGS, LANCINATIONS. 687 13. Burning pricking on the right shoulder, Stann. 14. Pricking in the finger-tips, Stann. 15. Prickings in the tips of the fin- gers, Magn. mur. 16. Fine prickings in right axilla, Menyan. 17. Prickings in left upper arm, Rhus t 18. Burning prickings in the arm, below the axilla, Rhus t. 19. Continuous prickings in lower part of upper arm, Dig. 20. Sudden jine prickling itching be- tween the fingers, Cycl 21. Prickings under the finger-nails, Con. 22.----in the periosteum of the forearm, Coloc 23. Fine prickings in the skin of the left hand, Coloc 24.----prickings at the tip of the thumb, when touched, Mez. 25. Burning prickings in the tip of the left index-finger, Oleand. 26. Pricking in left index-finger, June 27. Prickings under the nail of the left thumb, Kal. nit. 28. Severe prickings, evening, during a walk, Hell 29. Prickings across the flexor-ten- dons of left hand, during a walk, Hell 30. Fine prickings in the arms, Hyp. perf. 31. Prickings in the arm, Magnes art 32. Frequent prickings in the tip of every finger, in the evening, after lying down, Magnet, p. arct. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Stitch from the shoulder to the tip of the elbow; at the same time a stitch from the wrist-joint to the tip of the elbow, like an electric darting, Sabin. 2. Fine burning stitch in the tips of the left fingers; afterwards glowing heat in those parts, Sa- bad. 3. Quickly-parsing burning stitch in the middle cf left upper arm, ArS-f- 4. Stitch, with pressure, in right shoulder, from below upwards, Staphys. 5. Sharp cutting stitch in the tips of both thumbs, Zinc met. 6. ----stitch in the nail of the left thumb, Thvj. 7. Stitch at the tip of the elbow when bending the arm, followed by a tearing, Spong. 8. Digging-up stitch in right deltoid muscle, Stann. 9. Severe stitch in the tips of both elbows, Arg.fl. 10. Stitch through the right thumb and index-finger, Menyan. 11. Severe long stitch between the left middle and index-fingers, Ran. seel 12. Sharp stitch, from the middle to the tip of the thumb, Rat. 13. Burning stitch in the fleshy part of the left forearm, followed by tension, Rat, 14. ---- stitch in the bend of the right elbow, followed soon after by a short, sudden, creeping chill, Rat. 15. Severe stitch in left upper arm as if from without, Rhus t. 16.----stitch in the hand, evening, after which the second and third fingers were spasmodically drawn across and the others far apart from one another, Carb. v. 17. Stitch in the ball of the thumb, Graph. 18. Continuous burning stitch on the top of the right shoulder, Mez. 19. Burning stitch in the fore-joint of right index-finger, causing the finger to tremble, Oleand. 20. Stitch at right wrist-joint, return- ing after rubbing, Lauroc 21. ----in both elbows, Lauroc. 888 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 22. Violent burning stitch at times in the fingers, at times in the hand, also in the ankles and over the whole body, Gutt 23. When touching a hair on the hand, he feels a piercing fine stitch as if a splinter had lodged there, Ign. 24. Continuous burning stitch, with sore feeling, in the vola manus and calf, Magnes art. Tearing, 1. Tearing in the wrists, Carb. v., Kal. carb., Lauroc 2. — in the fingers, Carb. v., lod., Silic 3. — in the finger-joints, Calc carb. 4. — in all the finger-joints, Sa- bin., Rhus tox. 5. — tearing in left arm, Kal. carb. 6. — — in the joints, Amm. carb. 7. — in upper arms, Kal carb. 8. — in both arms, Silic 9. — in shoulders, Kal. carb., 10. Severe tearing in the arms, Hyp. perf. 11. Fine tearing in the phalangeal articulations, Spig., Led. p. 12. Tearing and tension in both shoulder-joints, Zinc met. 13. ----in arms and hands, Zinc met. 14.----in the tips of the index, middle, and little fingers, Zinc. met. 15. ----in all the tendons of the fingers, when the arm is hanging down, Stront 16. Jerking tearing in the left fin- gers, from the posterior joints to their tips, Zinc met, 17. Tearing in lower joints and pha- langes, Zinc. met. 18. ----from the elbow to the mid- dle of the forearm, excited by touching the spot with the finger, Stront. 19. Tearing in the shoulders or shoul- der-joints, especially at night, with gnawing, or pricking, or pain, as if bruised, Sulp. 20. ----and drawing in the arms and hands, Sulp. 21. ----, from elbow-joint upwards and downwards in the arm, Sulp. 22. Fine jerking-tearing in the mus- cles of several fingers, especially in their tips, Staphys. 23. Tearing in left wrist-joint, soon after a cramp-like tearing is felt in the palm of the hand, Spig. 24. Laming-tearing in the arm, as far as the hand, Sabin. 25. Tearing in the arm from the shoulder to the wrist-joint and fin- gers, scarcely ever felt except dur- ing movement, with blueness of the hand during the pain, Aeon. 26. Fine tearing in the tips and joints of the fingers, especially un- der the nails, Bism. 27. Tearing in the metacarpal bones of the right index and middle fin- gers, Bism. 28. ----and laming drawing in the wrists, Aeon. 29. Severe tearing and drawing, with a feeling of lameness in the head of the left humerus, Aeon. 30. Tearing in the right forearm, hand, thumb, Aeth. 31. ----and twitching in the ten- dons of the inside of wrist-joint, as if they would be torn out, also with swelling of the back of hand, Amm. mur. 32. Jerking tearings, apparently in the bony processes forming the trochlea, first of the right, then of the left forearm, finally in the posterior joint of the right middle- finger, recurring from time to time, Arg.fl 33. Severe tearing, with pressure, in the muscles situated between the olecranon process of the ulna and TEARING. 889 the trochlea ot the humerus, Arn.f. 34. Fine jerking-tearing in right arm, frequently extending from the thumb into the chest, Sulp. ac 35. Tearing in the ball of the left thumb during rest and motion, Dros. 36. ----in the back of the left hand, sometimes alternating with tear- ing in the right, Zinc. met. 37. ----in the right finger-joints, Spig. 38. ----, with pressure in the arms, Stann. 39. ----, with pressure, in the bones of the hand, Stann. 40. ----in fourth left-finger, with clenching of the fingers, especially when grasping anything, Arg. f. 41. ----, with pressure, in the thumb and big-toe joints, Arg.fl. 42. ----, with pressure, in the car- pal bones of both hands, Arg.fl 43. Rheumatic tearing of thumb, Arg. nit 44. Laming-tearing in the wrist- joints, Menyan. 45. Drawing-tearing from the tips of the fingers to the shoulders, Ars. 46. Dull tearing in the long bones, Ruta. 47. Tearing and drawing in the arms, also particularly at night, Ars. 48. ----in the shoulder and elbow- joints, during rest, Lye. 49. ----in the tips of all the fin- gers, soon after rising, Magn. carb. 50. Drawing-tearing through the whole arm, Mang. 51. Tearing in the arm, hand, and fingers, here and there, Mercurial. 52. ----in the right elbow-joint, Merc, sol 53. Jerking-tearing in both upper arms; the flesh feels sore when touched, Merc sol 54. Tearing at the inner surface of right arm, Merc. sol. 55. Tearing in the right shoulder- joint, the humeri, and wrist-joint (in the knee and hip-joint, and in the region of the femora), Merc. sol. 56. ----in the finger-joints here and there, Merc. sol. 57. ----in the hands, from which the knuckles become red and big, Merc. acet. 58. ----in the right arm, after- noon or evening, Natr. sulph. 59. Sudden tearings in right fore- arm, while writing, Ran. bulb. 60. Jerking-tearing in both thumbs, alternately, Rut. 61. Tearing in both upper arms from the shoulders to the elbows, Rut. 62. ----across the hand, Rheum, 63. ----in arm and finger-joints, Rheum. 64. ----in both upper arms ; worse during work and under the bed- cover ; the bone aches when feel- ing of it, Rhus t. 65. ----and drawing from the el- bow to the wrist-joint, Rhus t. 66. ----in all the finger-joints, Rhus t 67. ----in single fingers, frequently terminating in dartings through the tips of the fingers, Berb. v. 68. Lancinating tearing in left meta- carpal bones, Bell 69. Cramp-like tearing in the wrists, extending from the lower to the upper'row of bones, Aur.f. 70. Tearing, with pressure, at upper arms, anteriorly, Aur.f. 71. Fine shooting-tearing from mid- dle of left upper to middle of lower arm, Camph. 7^2. Drawing-tearing in right arm, from shoulder to hand, Calc. carb. 73. Laming-tearing in left arm, Asar. 74. Tearing in the posterior joints of the fingers, Bry. 75. Severe tearing in right forearm, Dig. 890 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 76. Tearing in the fingers and joints, Colch. 77. ----in the arm, from above downwards, Bry. 78. Laming-tearing in the carpal and metacarpal bones, Dig. 79. Tearing or jerking-tearing in the wrist and carpal bones, China. 80. ----and jerking-tearing in the phalangeal bones and joints, China. 81. Fine tearing at metacarpal and carpal bones of right thumb, Che- lid. 82. ----tearing in the tips of the fingers of the right hand, Chelid. 83. Laming-tearing in every part of the arms, aggravated by contact and motion, also with twitchings in the muscles and bones, from the shoulders to the fingers, China. 84. Tearing and drawing while ex- posed to a current of air, China. 85. Laming-tearing on the shoulder, aggravated and excited by contact, China. 86. Creeping-tearing in the long bones of the arms, as if numb, Cham. 87. Tearing in the upper or fore- arm inner border of wrist, &c, Cast. 88.----in palm of left hand, be- ginning at root of little finger, Carb. v. 89. Drawing-tearing in forearm, Carb. v. 99. Laming-tearing in the finger- joints, during rest and motion, Dig. 91. Tearing and stitches in right forearm and fingers, in the morn- ing, Mez. 92. ----in the dorsum of the left hand and between the knuckles, Mez. 93. ----in the left little, ring, and middle fingers, Cycl. 94. Fine tearing in and near the left wrist-joints, Cycl. 95. Tearing and smarting burning at inner border of left index and middle fingers, Mez. 96. Fine tearing in the tips of the fingers, Cupr. m. 97. Tearing in the left arm, down to the tips of the fingers, Color. 98. ---- in the hands, like rheuma- tism, Graph. 99. Severe tearing in left forearm, near the wrist-joint, Graph. 100. Tearing with lameness and pressure in right forearm, Bism. 101. Drawing-tearing in left wrist- joint, Guaj. 102. Crampy contractive tearing in the muscles of the right arm, Bism. 103. Tearing, also burning tearing, along the internal border of the right hand, toward the little finger, as if the flesh would be torn off the bone, going off by rubbing, which causes a burning, but re- turning and finally ceasing, 01. an. 104. ---- in left shoulder, especial- ly at night, Phos. 105. ----at right upper arm, shift- ing to the lower arm by friction, Phos. 106. ----at inside of forearm as if the bone would be torn out, Phos. 107. ----and boring from elbow to shoulder, Phos. 108. ----at inside of left forearm, as if the skin would be torn off Phos. 109. ---- in the shoulder and left hand, Phos. ac. 110. ---- in the fingers, especially the joints, with tension when moving them as if the tendons were too short, Phos. ac. Ill-----in the muscles of the upper arm, immediately, Puis. 112.----in the elbow-joint, with dartings radiating from this joint to the hand, Nitr. ac 113- ----in left forearm and hand, with pain when touched, Nitr. ac. I14- ----in the right shoulder and elbow-joint, then in other parts, Lact. vir. PRESSURE. 891 115. Tearing in the middle fingers of both hands, Lact. vir. 116.----in right forearm, with subsequent lameness of little finger, Lact. vir. 117.----in fourth left, right little, and left middle fingers, Lauroc 118. Drawing tearing in the fingers and joints, Lam. alb. 119. Dull tearing, with pressure, in both hands, between the thumb and index-finger, Kal. carb. 120. Tearing in upper part of both lower arms, Kal carb. 121.----in the bends of both elbows, Kal. carb. 122. Burning tearing in the tip of the index-finger, Kal. carb. 123. Severe lancinating tearing at outer side of left thumb, in a narrow oblong space, Kal. hyd. 124. Tearing in right thumb, also the forearm, with bruising sensa- tion and as if the tendons would contract, Lauroc. 125. Violent tearing at inner side of ring-finger, occasioning an invo- luntary contraction, Kal. hyd. 126. Tearing in right wrist-joint, fol- lowed by itching ; an itching vesicle shows itself after scratch- ing, Kal hyd. 127.----in right thumb as if it would be torn out, Kal. hyd. 128.----in left little finger, towards the tip, going off by mov- ing it, Kal. carb. 129.----in the elbows, Kal. hyd. 130. Violent tearing in the shoulder, then in the ear, Kal. hyd. 131. Tearing in the hands, with shuddering and thirst, Kal. nil. 132.----from right shoulder to fingers, with sensation as if the shoulder were standing out, Kal. n it, 133.----in index-finger, from root to tip, Kal. hyd. 134. Sense of tearing and breaking in right hand, evening, Kal. nit. 135. Tearing in right forearm, index- finger, and thumb, Kal nit. 136. Crampy tearing in the knuc- kles, alternating with headache, Kal. nit. 137. Fine tearing at the long bones of the arms, Hell. 138. Tearing in the shoulders, axilla, tendons of the extensor muscles of the fingers, and be- tween the metacarpal bones of the index and middle fingers (the skin being drawn in here), Gutt, 139. Laming-tearing in right little finger, Hell. 140. Tearing in the backs of all the fingers of the left hand, in the morning, in bed, Hell. 141. Fine tearing in left shoulder, Hep. s. 142. Cold air causes a tearing in right arm and right side of the head, Ign. Pressure. 1. Laming pressure and heaviness in bend of left elbow, Zinc. oxyd. 2. Pressure on the shoulder as from a load, during a walk, Sulp. 3. Hard pressure in right elbow- joint, worse when stretching the arm, Ruta. 4. ----pressing in right axilla and upper arm, increased by contact, Agn. 5. Pressure with scraping at the bone of the forearm, during rest, Anac 6. ---- from within outwards, in the forearms, Anac 7. ---- in the bend of the elbow, drawing the arm down as by a weight, Anac. 8. Tremulous pressure on left shoulders, Sulp. ac 9. Laming pressure in both upper and lower urms, more violent during motion and contact, Staphys. 892 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 10. Violent cramp-like pressure in left hand, between the inner sides of the little and ring-fingers, with a feeling of heat in all the fingers of that hand, whereas the left me- tacarpus and the whole of the right hand were icy-cold, Thuj. 11. Dull pressure as with the tip of the finger at head of humerus, Valer. 12. Pressure from within outwards at left radius, Tong. 13. ----as from a load, with draw- ing on left shoulder, at upper arm, and in the deeper muscles of the forearm. Stann. 14.----on the upper arm as from a hand, at night, waking him, Nice 15. ---- in left axilla, as with a rough piece of wood, Asar. 16. ---- on right shoulder, with stitches on drawing breath, Bry. 17. Burning pressure at left up^er arm, Colch. 18. Laming pressure at lower arm, especially during rest, Cocc. 19. ----pressure at left upper arm, Chelid. 20. Pressure at shoulder as if against sharp edges, Kreas. 21. Violent pressure in the whole hand, causing a weakness, with sensation as if swelled up, Mez. 22. Pressure at the left hand, Cycl 23. A kind of paralytic hard pressure at the right upper and lower arm, as if in the periosteum and interior of the muscles, whence the pain goes to the fingers, preventing writing, Cycl. 24. Hard pressure in the metacarpus of both hands, increased by con- tact, Cupr. m. 25. Sharp pressure in the right arm, as from the points of the fingers, Coral. 26. Pressure on the right shoulder, Nitr. ac. 27. Sudden cramp-like pressure m various parts of the arm, Petrol 28. Sharp pressure at upper arm, commencing like a twitching, Petrol. 29. Crampy pressure in the forearm, from without inwards, and from above downwards, Phos. ac. 30. Pressure at right upper arm from without inwards, Led. pal. 31.----at right or left acromion process, Lauroc 32. ---- and weight in right arm, especially the joints, Led. pal 33.----in both shoulder-joints, worse when moved, Led. pal. 34,----and weight at left upper arm, Led. pal. 35. ---- in left axilla, from within outwards, Led. pal 36. ----at right elbow-joint, worse when moved, Led. pal 37. Crampy pressure in right shoul- der, Kal. carb. 38. Pressure and drawing in the wrist-joint, with uneasiness of the forearm, Magnet p. arct. Throbbing, Pulsations. / 1. Throbbing in the elbow-joint, in the day-time; in the evening he feels a drawing in the arm as far as the fingers, Thuj. 2. Pulsations under the right shoulder, Tab. 3. Beating and throbbing in the shoulder-joint, Thuj. 4.----and jerking sensation in the shoulder-joint, Merc sol. 5. Paroxysms of painless beating in the wrist-joints, Merc. sol. 6. Bubbling in elbow-joint, Rheum. 7. Painless beating at left elbow, Rhus t. 8. Bubbling at left upper arm, Colch. 9. Throbbing, creeping, and burn- ing, from the shoulder to the fingers, Cocc 10.----in the thumb, Carb. v. NOISES. 893 11. Beating sensation in the wart on the finger, in bed; sore when touched, Petrol 12. Bubbling sensation in the shoul- der-joints, Puis. 13. Throbbing and stitching in upper arm, Kal. nit. 14.----in all the joints of the arms and fingers, Magnes art 15. Beating in the touched finger, Magnet, p. aust. 16. Pulsation in the dorsum of the left hand, with pressure through the forehead, Dros. Heaviness, Weight, 1. Heaviness of the arms, Magnet. p. arct. 2.----in the forearms, Thuj. 3. Weight in both arms, Bell. 4. The hand feels heavy, Kal. nit. 5. Heaviness and laming pressure in bend of left elbow, Zinc oxyd. 6. Sensation in upper arm as if something heavy were hanging from it, Sulp. 7. Laming heaviness in the elbow- joints, Samb. 8. Feeling of weight in right upper and lower arm, Spig. 9. Weight and weakness of the forearm as far as the fingers, which feel as if gone to sleep when tak- ing hold of anything, Aeon. 10. The right arm feels very heavy and weak, Amm. carb. 11. Her right arm feels, heavy and rigid, Amm. mur. 12. The left arm feels heavy, when walking, with pressure at the elbow-joint, externally, as if the arm were pulled down when let hang, Anac. 13. Heaviness from middle of upper arm to the fingers, Thuj. 14. The left arm feels heavy, and as if sprained when raising it, Merc sol 15. Heaviness of the arms, with tearing pain in the elbow-joint, I when attempting to bend it, only in the daytime, Puis. 16. Weight and lameness of the arms,'more however of the left, Bell. 17. Heaviness in the left arm, Dig. 18. The arm feels heavy, with severe stitches in the shoulder-joint on raising the arm, Cic. 19. When eating the right arm pains him, feels heavy and weary, Cocc 20. Heaviness in the elbow-joints, with fine stitches, Con. 21. ----and weariness of the arms \ and feet, afternoon, Nux v. 22.----and tremor of the hands, when letting the arms hang, Phos. 23. Painful crampy weight in right forearm, Phos. ac. 24. Heaviness and cramp pain in shoulder-joint, Puis. 25. Sensation of excessive weight in the shoulder-joint, and as if para- lysed when attempting to raise the arm, Puis. 26. Heaviness of the lower arms, with pain of the olecrana when touched, Lauroc. 27. Pain on the shoulder as if a weight were resting on it, Hep. s. Noises, such as Buzzing, Crack- ing, Rumbling. 1. Buzzing and humming in right index-finger, Agn. 2. Cracking in the elbow-joint, on turning it to and fro, Ant. cr. 3.----in the metacarpal joint of the thumb, when moving it, Ant. cr. 4. Audible cracking in the elboW- joint, Magnet, p. arct. 5. Painless rumbling on left shoul- der, with chilliness all over, Tarax. 6. Cracking in the shoulder-joints, with tearing extending to the hands, Tart. emet. 7. Gurgling in elbow and shoulder 894 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. joints, with pain when touched, Mang. 8. Cracking in the shoulder and elbow-joints, Merc. sol. 9. Cracking, stitching, and want of strength in the wrist joint, Merc. sol. 10. Rumbling in bend of left elbow, as if a heavy liquid or water were coursing through the veins, Bell 11. Cracking sensation in the wrist and shoulder-joint, Cic 12.----of the shoulder-joint, Chin. sulph. 13. Painless cracking in the left shoulder-joint, with paralytic feel- ing in the upper arm on raising it, Mez. 14. The thumb is apt to crack, when moved, Nux v. 15. Rumbling and gurgling down the left arm, Magnet p. aust. 16. Buzzing in the finger which is in contact with the magnet, Magnet, p. arct. Paralysis, Weakness, Weariness. 1. Paralysis of the arm, Kal. nit., Op. 2. ----of the arm, Elec, Plumb, m. 3. Painful paralysis of the arms, Plumb, acet 4. Paralysis of both hands, Plumb. acet 5. Weakness of both hands, Hell. 6.----of the arms, Kal. carb. 7. Weariness of the right arm, Lact vir. 8.----of the forearms, Nux v. 9. Debility of the arm, with atro- phy, after loss of sensation, Plumb. acet. 10. Languor of the right arm, going off during motion, Stront. 11. Weakness of the hands when writing, with chilliness, Sabin. 12. Lameness and numbness of the left arm, Aeon. 13. Paralytic weakness and cramps —pain of the hand, when exerting it slightly, Silic. 14. Weakness of the hands and feet, Ruta. 15. The arms hang down powerless as if paralysed, Aeon. 16. Feeling of lameness in right fore- arm and hand, especially when writing, Aeon. 17. Lameness and stiffness at right upper arm, Aeon. 18- Lameness and pain in left wrist- joint, only when turning the hand, Agn. 19. Painful lameness of the muscles of the upper arms, when bending the arms, as if they were contract- ed, or weakened by this contrac- tion, Ant. cr. 20. Feeling of lameness in the arms, during motion, especially in the elbow-joints, Arg.fl. 21. Tremulous weakness of the hands, Sulp. 22. Weariness and drawing in wrist- joint, Sulp. ac 23. Lame feeling in upper arm, going off by motion, Dulc 24. Weakness of the hands and fin- gers, Kal, nit. 25.----and tremor of the hands when writing, Zinc met. 26. The right hand feels paralysed, looks bluish, is dead, heavy, Zinc met. 27. Painful paralytic weakness ol upper and lower limbs, Verat 28. The right forearm feels paralysed at night when lying on the left arm, Sulp. 29. The hands feel lame, cold, after- wards burning, with bloated fin- ger-tips, Tab. 30. Lameness around the elbow- joints, Staphys. 31. Paralytic weakness and oppres- sive heaviness of the arms, aggra- vated by motion and sometimes by want of breath, Stann. 32. Painful lameness of almost every joint of the right fingers, Arg.fl. 33. The arms feel weary as if bruis- ed, so that he is unable to bend his fingers inwards, Arn. SWELLING, WITH OTI 34. Painful weariness in the bones of the forearm and leg, Merc sol. 35. Intolerable painful weariness in the arm when leaving it for a long time in the same position ; he is obliged to keep stretching and bending it, Merc sol 36. Paralytic weakness in the left wrist-joint, with stitching and cracking in the joint, Merc sol. 37. Lame feeling in the fingers, Bry. 38. Feeling of weakness in the upper part of right forearm during mo- tion, Rhus t. 39. Debility and stiffness of the fore- arm and fingers when moving them, Rhus t, 40. Lameness and drawing pain in left elbow and fingers, Bell. 41. The arms are bluish, lame, weak, languid, Bism. 42. Lameness with tearing and pres- sure at left upper arm, ai.tcriorly, Bell. 43----and pressure of the arms, with weakness, Bell. 44. The arm feels exhausted when resting on the table, Asar. 45. Painful lameness of the arms, Colch. 46. Laming weakness in the left arm ; he was scarcely able to raise it or to clench his fist without feel- ing a pain, Dig. 47. Lameness of the arm while writ- ing, Cocc. 48. Loss of strength in left arm, with lancinating pain on raising it, Cic 49. Painful lameness from the shoul- der to the hand, where he feels a tearing, with warmth of the whole body, particularly the forehead, China. 50.----weariness of the muscles of the lower arm, Chelid. 51. Lameness of the forearms, they feel heavy and stiff, Caust, 52. Sudden lameness of the hand, Cann. 53. Tensive lameness of the elbow- joint on raising the arm, with IER INFLAMMATION. 895 stitching pain on stretching the arm, M(z. 54. Excessive lameness of the upper and lower limbs, Cupr. carb. 55. Lame feeling in the arms and lower limbs, Cupr. acet. 56. Weakness and lameness of the hands, Cupr. in. 57. Feeling of exhaustion in upper arm, Guaj. 58. Lameness, tingling, drawing and rheumatic pains in the arms, with difficulty of raising them, Gran. 59. Paralytic feeling in right arm, the joint feels stiff", Cina. 60. Sudden sensation of loss of strength, in the arms and lower limbs, early in the morning, Nux v. 61. Paralytic weakness of the fore- arm and hands, after the siesta, Nux v. 62. Lameness of the finger-joints, af- terwards affecting the arm, and other joints, Par. quad. 63. Paralysis of the flexor-muscles of the forearm after several attacks of lead-colic, Plumb, m. 64. Paralysis of the arms; hands and fingers being twisted as by some external force, Plumb, m. 65. ■----and rigidity of the limbs, Plumb, ac 66, Lame feeling in left shoulder- joint, Lact. vir. 67. Languor of the arm, and pres- sure here and there, a sort of para- lysis, Led. pal. 68. Laming weakness of the arms, on waking, lod, 69. Inability to close the left hand, Plumb, acet. 70. Lameness and stiffness of right upper arm, Aeon. Swelling, also with Inflammation. 1. Swelling of the fingers, Hep. s., Ran. seel, Tab. 2.----of the hands, Bell, Hyosc 3. ----of the arm, Bell 4.____of the deltoid muscle, which 896 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES.] feels painful as if bruised when touched, Aeon. 5. Swelling of the hands, with fre- quent paroxysms of cough and good appetite, Aeon. 6. The balls of the two index-fingers become red and swell, Thuj. 7. Swelling of a finger-joint, with arthritic, tearing pain, Agn, 8.----of middle-joint of right middle finger, with painfulness of this joint when touched or beat, Amm. carb. 9. Redness and swelling of the hand and fingers as if frozen, Sulp. 10. Swelling of the three middle fin- gers of both hands, Sulp. 11.----of the hands and feet up to the knees, Ferr. acet. 12.----of the hands (they peel off afterwards), Ferr. acet 13. The anterior joints of the three middle fingers of the left hand be- come red, and swell, with stinging to the tips of the fingers, Thuj. 14. Red swelling on the forearm, Sep. 15. The metacarpal joint of the left middle finger became swollen and red, Spong. 16. Swelling of the hands, evening, Stann. 17. Hand swelling of the fingers, with pain in the bones, Ars. 18. Painless swelling of the hands, Ars. 19. Redness and inflammatory swell- ing of all the finger joints, Lye 20. Swelling, redness and heat of right middle finger, covered with itching blotches, on days when he has no stool, Magn. carb. 21. Redness and swelling of left wrist-joint, with pain in the bones when pressing on them, Magn. carb. 22. Red, violent, hot swelling of the left elbow, down to the hands, burning and tearing, with formi- cation, Merc. sol. 23. The left wrist-joint is swollen and painful when moving it, Merc sol. 24. Swelling of the left hand, Merc. sol. 2 . Painful swelling of the posterior knuckles, Merc sol. 26. Swelling and redness of the finger-tips, with burning pain, Mur. ac. 27. Swelling and stinging of the hands, Mosch. 28. Erysipelatous swelling of the arm, Rhus t. 29. Pain and swelling of the arm, Rhus t. 30. In the evening the hands and face are swollen and hot, Rhus t. 31. Swelling and stiffness of the middle-joint of the middle-finger, for some days, Graph. 32. ---- of the right arm, with pain in the axillary glands, Bar. carb. 33.----of the forearm and the back of the hand, with tension, during motion, Calc. carb. 34. Hot, pale swelling of the little finger, with stinging when pressing upon it or moving it, Bry. 35. Swelling of the elbow-joint, Bry. 36. ° Chronic arthritis, with swelling and stiffness of the joints, Brom. 37. Swelling of the knuckle of the middle-finger, with painful stiff- ness, China, 38. ----of the back of the left hand, with drawing pain during motion, China, 39. ---- of the fore-joint of left middle finger, with drawing pain, Carb. v. 40. ----of the right hand and fin- gers, at night, Dig. 41. ---- of the back of the hand and bruising pain of the metacar- pal bones and little finger, Mez. 42.----of the hand, with tingling as if it had gone to sleep, Mez. 43.----and heat of the hand and arm, with jactitation and fine beat- ing in the muscles, Mez. 44. Swelling of the tip of the thumb, with livid color, burning heat, and distension of the veins, Gran. 45. Arthritic nodosities on the fin- gers, Graph. 46. The muscles of the inner side of left forearm are swollen, and are painful as if burnt, Nux v. 17. Pale swelling of the hands and fingers, Nux v. 48. The ringers are red and swollen in various places, with burning itching, especially when entering a warm room, or getting into bed, Nux v. 49. Hot swelling of the thumb, pain- ful to the touch, and transformed into an abscess in the region of the joint, Nux v. 50. Sudden swelling of the ring- finger, with burning pain, Oleand. 51.----swelling of the hands and fingers, Phos. 52. Swelling of the fingers, early, Nitr. ac 53.----of the finger-joints, with arthritic pain, Hep. s. 54. Heat, redness, and swelling of one hand, with distressing contu- sive pain extending up the arm, during motion, Hep. s. 56. Stiffness of left wrist-joint, with pain as if sprained ; changing to a tearing, stitching, and swelling of the joint, Sabin. Drawing. 1. Drawing in both arms, Phos. ac, Thvj. 2. Cramp-like drawing in the fin- gers, Oleand. 3. Drawing and tearipg in the arms and hands, Sulp. 4.----, with pressure, in middle joint of the three right middle- fingers, Ruta, 5. Laming drawing and tearing in the wrists, Aeon. 6. Drawing, with sense of tearing and stitching, in the forearms and Vol. III.—57. V1NG. 897 their bones; movement excites the pain, Aeon. 7. Severe drawing and tearing, with a feeling of lameness in the head of the left humerus, Aeon. 8. Drawing in the shoulder joint, with weakness of the arm, Agar. 9. ---- with lameness in the right forearm, with pressure from with- out inwards, Ant. cr. 10. Twitching drawing in the mus- cles of the upper arms, passing off by warmth, and returning in a draught of air, Ant. cr. 11. Tensive drawing, resembling stitches, in different parts of the arm, Arg.fl. 12. Occasional drawing and spas- modically contractive paralytic pain in right arm, when writing, Sulp. ac. 13. Drawing and weariness in the wrist-joint, Sulp. ac. 14. Crampy drawing in the ball of the left thumb, Dulc 15. Arthritic drawing and tension in the right hand, with inflamma- tory redness of two finger-joints, spasmodic affection of these parts, and pain when moving them, Gent lut. 16. Drawing in the arm, occasioning a heaviness and lameness, Ferr. acet. 17. Crampy drawing at right biceps, from above downwards, Valer. 18. Tearing-drawing in left wrist- joint, Tarax. 19. Violent drawing and uneasiness in the arms, Tart emet. 20. Drawing, with pressure, in the muscles of the forearm and on the back of the hand, Staphys. 21. ----, with pressure, in right upper arm, in the evening, in bed, Staphys. 22. Stitching drawing through the upper arm, Spong. 23. Drawing in the joints of the three left midmost fingers, Arg.fl 24. Crampy drawing in the back of the right hand and foot, Arg.fl 898 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 25. Distressing drawing with lame- ness, in the right radius, Arg. f. 26. Painless drawing in the right deltoid muscle, Arg.fl. 27. Drawing and tearing in ^ the arms, also particularly at night, Ars. 28. ---- in the knuckles, every evening, Ars. 29. Repeated spasmodic drawing in the inner left lower arm ; at last the four fingers are clenched invo- luntarily, the arm becomes stiff as by a cramp, and cannot be moved, Menyan. 30. Crampy drawing in the back of the thumb, Menyan. 31. Drawing and stitching, from the left wrist-joint to the elbow ; he has to move the arm all the time ; in the evening, in bed, Mosch. 32. Cramp-like drawing in the hands and fingers, Mosch. 33. Drawing in right lower arm as if the skin were raised by a blis- ter, Natr. carb. 34. ----with pressure in the meta- carpal bones of the right hand, Ran. seel. 35. ---- in left upper arm-, when raising it, Rhus t. 36. Crampy drawing in left elbow- joint, when moving it, Rhus t 37. Drawing and tearing from the elbow to the wrist-joint, Rhus t. 38. Laming drawing in the middle- joint of right index-finger, Bell. 39. Drawing from above down- wards, in the muscles of right upper arm; when the drawing had reached the lower part of the upper arm, a few stitches occurred from the elbow to the shoulder, Bell. 40.---- and tearing in forearms, worse when touching them, China. 41. ----, with painful lameness in left wrist, ^4sar. 42. Crampy-contractive drawing in the fingers, Calc carb. 43. Drawing in the arms, down to the fingers, as if a thread were drawn through, Bry. 44. Laming-drawing in the ring-fin- ger, Cina. 45. Drawing and tearing while ex- posed to a current of air, China. 46. Laming drawing from above downwards, in right arm, Cina. 47. Drawing in the fingers from be- low upwards, with creeping and lowness of spirits, Magnet p. arct. 48. Laming-drawing in the wrist- joint, during rest, Con. 49. Sensation as if her thumb would be drawn in when holding any- thing with the hand, Graph. 50. Drawing in the elbow-joint when at rest, with tearing in the parts when raising the arm, and a feel- ing as though cold water were running through the bones of the arm, Graph. 51. Rheumatic drawing in the shoul- ders and arms, Grat. 52. Cramp-like drawing in left hu- merus, going and coming, Oleand. 53. Dull drawing at the tip of the elbow, Lact vir. 54. Drawing in the arms, particu- larly from the elbow-joints, Lact vir. 55. Sensation in the arms as if drawn in, Lauroc 56. —— in front of the axilla, as if the skin were drawn up, Mang. 57. Drawing and tearing in both elbows, Kal. carb. 58. ----, tension, and burning in the bend of the left elbow, Kal. nit. 59. Severe drawing from the middle of lower arm to the bend of the left elbow, Hell. 60. Drawing, with pressure at the inner border of the fingers, during motion, Hyosc. 61. Pulsative drawing from the upper arm to wrist and fingers, Ign. 62. Drawing from the head down to the tip of the fingers, Magnes art. SPASM, CRAMP, CONVULSIONS. 899 63. Drawing in the,bone, from the shoulder-joint to the thumb, where it terminates like a jerk, while sitting, Ind. Stiffness, Rigidity, 1. The arms are stiff and cold. Cic. 2. At night, when uncovered, the arm is stiff and cold, with weight in elbow-joint; on moving the arm, a tearing pain is felt in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, Amm. carb. 3. Stiffness of the left wrist-joint, with pain as if sprained; changing in a few days to a tearing, stitch- ing, and swelling of the joint, Sa- bin. 4. Rigidity in the right wrist, and sensation as if it had gone to sleep, Ign. 5. Stiffness and lameness of right upper arm, Aeon. 6. The hands are rigid and insensi- ble, Ars. 7. Rigidity of the hands, Hyosc. 8. The hands feel stiff, Coloc 9. Sense of stiffness in the elbow- joint, Magnet, p. arct. 10. Cramp-like stiffness in right fore- arm, Stann. 11. When bending the arms, the flexor muscles of the forearms be- come stiff, Am, 12. Painful stiffness of the right wrist-joint, Merc. sol. 13. ---- stiffness of the wrist-joint, when moving it, as if sprained, Puis. 14. Stiffness in second joint of thumb or knee, as if dislocated, or as if these joints would crack, Puis. 15. ----and debility of the forearm and fingers, when moving them, Rhus t 16. ---- of the right arm, it felt shorter, Bell 17. Feeling of stiffness in the right hand and fingers, Bell. 18. When grasping anything, the arm feels stiff, as if it would go to sleep, Cham. 19. Frequent and sudden stiffness of the fingers, Dig. 20. Rigidity, first of one finger, then the others, extending up- wards, through the whole arm, attended with inclination to faint, Petrol. 21. Drawing-rigidity in the muscles of the upper arm, Phos. 22. The fingers are stiff, now and then, Kal nit. 23. Laming-tearing and crampy rigidity in the fourth finger of the right hand, going off during rest, Hell 24. Rigidity of the right tarsal and carpal joints, at night, in bed, Magnet, p. arct. Cramp, Spasm, Convulsions. 1. Convulsions of the limbs, Plumb, m. 2. Spasms of the fingers, for months, Sec corn. 3. Tetanic spasm of the upper limbs, the forearms forming an acute angle with the upper arms, and being directed towards the chest, thumbs clenched, and the tips of the remaining fingers somewhat curved, and firmly drawn to each other; the hands, from the wrists to the fingers, are fixedly directed to the chest, Sec corn. 4. The whole hand is drawn in and several bones of the carpus are pressed outwards, See corn. 5. Difficulty of moving the hands to the mouth, the fingers are bent back, and the eyes distorted, Sec. corn. 6. Crampy curving of the fingers, Graph. 7. Spasm in the right arm, which draws the arm backwards three times in succession, succeeded by 900 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. heat of the body and turbid-white urine, Amm. carb. 8. Cramp in middle of upper arm, when raising it, Arg. f. 9. Spasmodic closing of the fingers, as with a jerk, he starts, Sulp. ac. 10. Cramp in the fingers, they remain contracted, Stann. 11. Clenching of the index-finger, Sep. 12. Cramp in the fingers, with numbness and insensibility, Ferr. acet. 13. ---- in single fingers, early in the morning, particularly while washing, Tab. 14. Spasms and formication in the three first fingers of the left hand, Tab. 15. Cramp of the ring-finger, when seizing anything, Arg. nit. 16. ---- in the fingers of the left hand, Arn. 17. Painful cramp in the fingers, Ars. 18. ---- cramp of the fingers and hands, Mere sol 19. In the afternoon the thumb is drawn towards the index-finger; they remain pressed against one another as by a violent cramp, with stinging in the thumb, Mere sol. 20. Cramp in the hands, all night, Calc. carb. 21. Spasm of the right arm, with grating of teeth, Bell. 22. Constant intortion of the arms and hands, Bell 23. Stinging-crampy, pinching feel- ing under the ulna, above the wrist, Dig. 24. Convulsions of the arms, with clenching of the thumbs, Cocc. 25. Crampy sensation or stitching on the top of the shoulder, Cina. 26. Intermittent crampy contraction of the hand, Cina. 27. Spasmodic stretching of the arms, with clenched fingers, China. 28. Convulsive movements and contortions of the extremities, Cupr. carb. 29. Violent cramps in the calves, during which the two big toes are tetanically drawn towards the soles of the feet, with great pain, Cupr. acet. 30. The arms are drawn to the body, Nitr. ac. 31. Drawing in the arms, with fre- quent boring through the elbows, Nux mosch. 32. When stretching her arms, her fingers are seized with cramp, and prickling, Nux v. 33. Stretching of the upper limbs, Bell. 34. Cramp in the fingers after mid- night, when in bed, Nux v. 35. Convulsive movements to and fro in one or the other arm, Op. 36. The fingers extend and then contract again with a jerk, early in the morning, in bed; after- wards numbness, difficult motion and chilliness of the fingers, Kal. carb. 37. Spasmodic sensation in right forearm, Kal. hyd. 38. Stretching cramp of the middle- finger, when using the fingers, Ign. 39. Spasmodic moving to and fro of the index-finger, in the evening, after lying down, Ign. 40. Arms, hands and fingers be- come curved, unconsciously, while removing the magnet from the arms, Magnes art. 41. Cramp in the fingers, and in several parts of the extremities, Staphys. 42. Convulsive rotation of the arms, Camph. Burning, Heat, Warmth. 1. The hands are alternately warm and cold, China. BURNING, HEAT, WARMTH. 901 2. Burning of the palms of the hands, Sang. 3. ---- and tingling in index- finger, with frequent deadness and sensitiveness to cold, Agar. 4. Feeling of heat in the back of the hand, Anac. 5. Burning of the fingers, with itching and redness as if frozen, Agar. 6. Itching burning and stinging under the skin, on the inside of the wrist-joint, Arg.fl 7. ---- prickling burning in the palms of the hands, Sulp. 8. Burning in the tips of the fingers, Sulp. 9. ----at left lower arm, at night, Zinc. met. 10. ---- at a small spot on left hand, Zinc met. 11. ----in the balls of the fingers, Sulp. 12. ----at right forearm, Tarax. 13. Short, smart burning in the tips of the three middle-fingers of left hand, Teucr. 14. The right hand feels hotter to him than it really was; it was redder than the other hand, with a fine tearing in the metacarpal joints of the four fingers, Staphys. 15. Burning from the shoulders to the fingers and scapulae, Magn. mur. 16. ---- in the elbow-joints, Merc. sol. 17. ---- at both arms, obliging him to let everything he held in his hands drop, and to let his arms sink, Merc sol 18. Cooling-burning in the index- finger, or else pain which causes the finger to tremble, Mosch. 19. Burning and redness on the back of the hands, as from nettles, Natr. sulph. 20. ---- of the skin of the fingers, from being touched by the juice, Ran. seel. 21. Sensation as if hot water were running through the arms. Rhus t. 22. Corrosive burning at the right forearm, Rhus t. 23. Burning in the flesh, between the thumb and left index-finger, Rhus t. 24. The back of the hand smarts and feels hot; the skin is hard, rough and stiff, Rhus t. 25. Burning of the back of the hand, about midnight, Bry. 26. Feeling of heat in the palms of the hands and forearms, succeeded by a feeling of coldness, Bry. 27. Burning heat and redness of the fingers, as if frozen, Bor. 28. ----, throbbing and creeping from the shoulder to the fingers, Cocc. 29. Both hands, first one then the other, are hot or cold, Cocc 30. Cooling-burning in the back joints of some fingers, Carb. v. 31. Burning at right elbow, exter- nally, Carb. v. 32. ---- on the right shoulder, Carb. v. 33. The palms of the hands burn like fire, Canth. 34. Burning of the right arm, as from a sore, Dig. 35. Heat through the whole arm and hand, perceptible to the touch, Mez. 36. Burning at a small point in the middle finger of the right hand, Coloc 37. Sudden burning at a small spot on the forearm, Graph. 38. Burning at shoulder-joint, Graph. 39. Sudden burning at a small spot of the right upper arm, accompa- nied by a feeling of coldness in the arm, Graph. 40. Agreeable warmth in the palms of the hands, with warm sweat on these parts, Kreas. 41. Burning painful spot on both the deltoid muscles, which like- 902 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. wise feel hot to the touch, Nux v. 42. Sensation of warmth in the head of the humerus and arm, here and there, Nux v. 43. Heat in the hands, early in the morning, with insufferable pain in the knuckles when they become cool, Nux v. 44. Burning at the back of the hand, Nux v. 45. ---- in the ball of the thumb, during the siesta, Nux v. 46. Tensive burning in the tip of the right thumb, Oleand. 47. Burning feeling in the hands, without external heat, Phos. 48. ---- sensation in the elbow- joints, Phos. ac. 49. ----at the elbow, as if scraped or rubbed with wool, Plat. 50. ----through the arm, at night, Puis. 51. Feeling of heat in both fore- arms, Nitr. ac. 52. ---- of heat, with subsequent weakness in the fingers, Lact. vir. 53. Burning of the hands internally, Lauroc. 54. ----in left axilla, Zinc. met. 55. ----of the ball and nail of left thumb, Lauroc. 56. Heat in the hands, lod. 57. Burning and sensitiveness in the right axilla, Kal. carb. 58. Sudden warmth at outer border of left hand, Lauroc 59. Burning, drawing and tension in bend of left elbow, Kal nit. 60. Frequent burning of the hands, Hep. s. 61. Burning in the elbow-joint, as if torn by hot pincers, with violent burning and sparkling of the eyes, Magnes art. 62. ----in right arm, as from fiery sparks, Magnes art. 63. ---- and cutting in the arms and chest, with cold shuddering, Magnes art. Sweat. 1. Fetid sweat in the axillae, Sulp. 2. Cool sweat in the palms of the hands, Aeon. 3. Sweat between the fingers, Sulp. 4. Cold sweat on the hands, Bell 5. Sweat of the palms . of the hands, Calc carb. 6. The tips of the fingers are covered with a cold sweat, Carb. v. 7. Sweat in the axillae, Bry. 8. Cold sweat, on one or the other hand, Cocc. 9. Sweaty balls of the thumbs, Carb. v. 10. Fetid, strong sweat of the axillae, Nitr. ac 11. Hot sweat of the hands, with heat and redness of the face, Nitr. ac. 12. Cool sweat of the palms of the hands, Nux v. 13. Profuse sweat of the palms of the hands during a walk, Nux v. 14. Warm sweat in the palms of the hands, Ign. 15. Sweaty palms of the hands, Led. pal 16. Sweat of the palms of the hands, the backs being cold, Hell Inflammation, Ulceration, Ery- sipelas. 1. Inflammation of the arm, with fever and delirium, followed by gangrene, Ran. bulb. 2. Inflammation of the hand, with heat, redness and swelling, Rhus rad. 3. The tips of the fingers ulcerate, Carb. v. 4. Inflammation of a lymphatic vessel, from the hand to the shoulder, with violent swelling of the hand, Cupr. sulph. TWITCHING, JERI 5. Erysipelas of the hands, Graph. 6. Erysipelatous inflammation of the arms, Petrol. 7. Inflamed spot near the nails of the left index-finger and right thumb, with ulcerative pain when touched ; next day some whitish fluid was discharged from.it, after which it healed, Hell. 8. Inflammation and gangrene of the arm, to the bone (exter. use), Ran. flam. Feeling as if Swollen, too Full, or Large. 1. Feeling in the arm as if too full and swollen, Verat. 2. The veins of the arms and hands feel tight and swollen with ill- humor, Stront, 3. Sensation in tips of fingers as if filled with too much blood, the backs of the hands being cold, Rhus t 4. The arms feel swollen, Coloc. 5. Feeling in right hand as if swollen, with tension on stretching it, Lauroc. 6. The veins on the hands are swollen, Lauroc. 7. The veins of the hands swell, become red, and feel tight, Ind. Shrivelling, Emaciation, Atrophy. 1. Shrivelling and numbness of the fingers, Cupr. in. 2. Debility of the arm, with atrophy, after loss of sensation, Plumb, acet. 3. The finger-tips look shrivelled, early in the morning, Ambr. gr. 4. Dwindling of the muscles be- tween the thumb and index- finger, causing a depression, Plumb, m. 5. Emaciation of the hand, Graph. Twitching, Jerking, Shocks, Starts, Involuntary Motions. 1. Twitching in the deltoid mus- cle, Bry., Ign, 903 2. Visible twitching of the deltoid muscle, June. 3. Twitching in the fingers, China. 4. ----of the muscles of the arms, Coloc. 5. Single twitchings in the arms, Op. 6. Jerking of single fingers, Phos. 7. Subsultus tendinum of the fin- gers, lod. 8. ---- tendinum in the arms, lod. 9. Jerking in the muscles of left forearm, Tarax, 10. Jactitation of the arms, Aeon. 11. Twitchings of both arms, Verat. 12. Twitching of the muscles of left upper and lower arm, Spig. 13. The left shoulder became raised above the right, with pain in the shoulder, which wakes him, espe- cially felt during motion, Mere sol. 14. The right arm is suddenly tossed upwards with a painful jerk, Sabad. 15. Jerking in the right wrist and further on towards the elbow, Verat. 16. Twitching and jerking in left thumb, Amm. carb. 17. Twitches and slight jerkings in right upper arm, Amm. carb. 18. Crampy twitchings all over the left forearm, Anac 19. ---- or pulsative twitches in the fingers of the left hand, pos- teriorly, Anac. 20. Jerks in the arms when moving them, Dulc 21. Twitching in upper arm when bending it or stretching it back- wards, with stiffness of the fingers, Dulc. 22. Crampy jerks through the thumb, Valer. 23. Sudden violent jerks in the hand, Valer. 24. Involuntary jerking of the arm in the day-time, Thuj. 25. Painful jerk in the right shoul- der-joint, evening, Silic ING, SHOCKS, ETC. JPPER EXTREMITIES. 904 SYMPTOMS OF THE 1 26. Jactitation of the muscles around the left shoulder-joint, Spong. 27. Painless jerkings in the muscles of the upper arm, Squill 28. Muscular twitchings at the upper arm, Stann. 29. Fine, dull, distressing shocks in parts of the hand, as if a nerve which is on the stretch were touched with a little hammer, Stann. 30. Violent electric shock in left arm, commencing in the shoulder- joint, Arg. fl 31. Jerkings in left upper arm, as if a nerve were put upon the stretch, Arn. 32. Painful shock in the arm, like an electric shock, Arn. 33. Spasmodic starting of the arms, particularly during the siesta, Lye 34. Jerking and beating sensation in the shoulder-joint, Merc, sol 35. Jactitation of the muscles of the right upper arm, Menyan. 36. The right arm is shaken and tossed the whole night, Merc, sol 37. Jactitation of whole muscles of right arm, Merc sol. 38. Jerking in right arm, with cramp-pain and going to sleep of the fingers, Mosch. 39. Burning jerking under the ball of the thumb, when writing, Merc. sol. 40. Visible twitching in the tendons of the fingers (also those of the toes and the tendo-Achillis) in the evening, accompanied with violent chills, which raised him off his seat, Merc sol. 41. Spasmodic jactitation of the hands and feet, followed by severe pain in these parts, Mosch. 42. Jerking of the fingers when moved, Bry. 43. Involuntary painless jerking inwards of both thumbs, when laying the hands on the table, Rhus t 44. He raises the right arm above his head without knowing it, Bell. 45. He occasionally extends his arms and hands as if he would catch something, Bell, 46. Twitching, from the bend of the elbow to the middle of the upper and lower arm, Bar. carb. 47. Convulsive concussion of the upper limbs as if caused by shud- dering, Bell 48. Twitching of the left thumb, Calc carb. 49. Fine twitchings in left upper arm, Calc acet, 50. Tearing jerking in the finger- joints, Stront. 51. Throbbing jerking in the thumb, which is touched, Magnet, p. arct. 52. Twitchings of the touched fin- gers, Magnet, p. aust 53. Twitching in the muscles of the thumb, Magnes art. 54. Shocks, at the top of the shoul- der, in the arm-joints, and head, Magnes art. 55. The arms are gently raised or even crossed, as if by spasm; one of the arms is spasmodically tossed, either horizontally or ver- tically, Magnes art. 56. Twitchings at the left arm, here and there, Hep. s. 57. Painful twitching of the hands, Lact. vir. 58. Visible twitchings of the mus- cles of the left upper arm, with pain as if some hard body were knocking against the part, Hell 59. Painless jerking in arms and legs, in the evening, in bed, Kal. nit. 60. Zigzag movements of the hands, lod. 61. Shocks as with a heavy body, distressing, in the middle of left upper arm, Anac. 62. Slight twitches of the arms, head, and face, during a pleasant slum- ber full of dreams, Morph. acet 63. Electric starts through both forearms and hands, simulta- TREMBLING, TREMOR. 905 neously, at the approach of sleep, in the forenoon, Nuxjugl. 64. Jerking in the arms and hands, Cupr. m. 65. Shock (beating) through the axilja to the teeth and side of the head, soon succeeded by soreness, Coloc. 66. Painless jerkings in the muscles of the upper arm, all day, Nitr. ac 67. Shock or jerk in left upper arm, Cupr. m. 68. Painful jerking of the hands and feet, extending to the upper arms, and passing into a cramp of the calves (alternating visibly in flexor and extensor muscles), Cupr. acet. 69. Involuntary twitching and stretching of the index-finger, Dig. 70. Spasmodic twitchings of the fingers, Cham. 71. Jerking in left arm, which shakes the whole body, Cic 72. Frequent involuntary jerking and twitching in the arms and fingers, the lower limbs, and head, Cic. 73. Sudden jerking inwards of the fingers of the right hand, Cina. 74. Subsultus in the second and third fingers of one hand, with cramp-pain in the other hand, Cinch, sulph. 75. Intermittent dull shocks at outer side of left upper arm, Cocc. 76. Jerking in the muscles of the left upper arm, Cocc Trembling, Tremor. 1. Trembling of the hands, Caust, lod., Lauroc, Op., Plumb, acet 2. ----of the arms, Phimb. m. 3. Tremor of the fingers, lod. 4. Trembling of the hands when writing, China, Kal carb. 5. Tremor of the hands when grasping anything, Led. pal. 6. Trembling of the arms when eating, Stram. 7. ----of the hands when trying to hold anything, Coff. 8. ---- of the arms and hands, Aeon., Sabad. 9. ----of the arm when grasping anything with the hand, Verat 10. Shaking of the right fingers, on pouring some liquid on them, Stront. 11. When stretching the fingers, without supporting them upon anything, they are convulsively moved up and down, Staphys. 12. Trembling of the hands, par- ticularly when holding anything, Agar. 13. Tremor of the hands, in cold and damp weather, Dulc. 14. ---- of the hands, early in the morning, when at work, Ferr. acet. 15. Trembling of the forearms and hands, Spong. 16. Involuntary shaking of the hands, Lye. 17. Tremor of the arm when exert- ing it moderately, Rhus t. 18. Trembling of the arm which is touched, Magnet, p. arct. 19. Tremor of the hands, towards evening, Mez. 20. Trembling of the limbs, Cupr. acet. 21. ----of the hands when eating, Cocc. 22. Tremor in the inner arms, Petrol. 23. Trembling of the hands when writing, with tingling and itching of the hands, Phos. ac. 24. ----in the muscles of the right upper arm, Nitr. ac. 25. ----and spasm in the left arm and fingers. Hyp. perf. 26. ---- of the arms, particularly in the evening, after exercise, Hyosc. 27. ----of the hand which touches the magnet, and of the foot of the opposite side, Magnet p. arct 906 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. Contraction. 1. Violent contraction of the fingers, Sec com. 2. Cramp-like contraction of the fin- gers, Cocc 3. Contractions of joints, Plumb. acet. 4. Contraction of two fingers, Colch. 5. Inclination of the fingers to con- tract spasmodically, with rigidity when grasping anything, Dros. 6. Spasmodic contraction of the hands shortly before death, Kal. bich. 7. ---- contraction of the limbs, Plumb, acet. 8. Periodical contraction of the fin- gers, like cramp, Phos. 9. Spasmodic contraction of the fin- gers when yawning, Nux v. 10. Cramp like contraction of the palm of the hand, which cannot be stretched without pain, Nux v. 11. Sensation in palm of left hand as if it would become spasmodically constricted, Sabin. 12. Contraction of the fingers in the evening, Ambr. gr. 13. Cramp-like contraction of the left hand, Anac. 14. The tendons behind the two first fingers in the palm of the hand, feel shortened, Sulp. 15. Painful contraction of the fingers and toes, Ferr. acet. 16. Spasmodic contractions in the arms and hands, Tab. 17. Involuntary drawing in the fen- dons of both hands, the fingers be- came contracted, with cramp-pains in the hollow of the hand, Spig. 18. Contraction of the fingers of both hands, especially the thumb, which is clenched as in epilepsy; the hands tremble when attempting to stretch the fingers, Merc sol. 19. The muscles of the forearm feel contracted, accompanied with tre- mulous motion of the hands, Rheum. 20. Contraction and sensation as if gone to sleep, in the right middle and ring-fingers, Rat. 21. Spasmodic contraction of right middle-finger, with cramp-pain, Cina. 22. Crampy contraction of the right hand, going and coming, Cann. 23. Slow, cramp-like contraction of the right thumb and index-finger, the tips approaching to one another, Cycl. 24. Spasmodic, painful contraction of the fingers and toes, Cupr. acet. 25. Contraction of the fingers, and stiffness of their joints, Gins. Formication, Tingling, Deadness, Numbness, Torpor, Insensibi- lity, Going to Sleep. 1. The fingers go to sleep, Chan. 2. The fingers frequently go to sleep, Dig. 3. Tingling in the hands, Arn. 4. ----in the arms, Arn. 5. The hands go to sleep, Nux v. 6. The hands are disposed to go to sleep, Carb. v. 7. Numbness of the fingers, Con. 8. Deadness of the fingers, Cic. 9. Formication of the hands, Sulp, 10. Deadness of the fingers, Calc carb., Merc sol 11. Sense of deadness in the hands, Ox. ac 12. The right arm goes to sleep, Graph. 13. Numbness of the tips of the fin- gers, Phos. ac. 14. The fingers go to sleep at night, Puis. 15. Sensation in the arms as if gone to sleep, Euphr. 16. The arms incline to go to sleep, Ambr. gr. 17. The arms frequently go to sleep, Sulp. 18. Sensation in the right wrist as if gone to sleep, with rigidity, Ign. 19. The hands are insensible and rigid, Ars. 20. Sensation as if the left finger- FORMICATION, TINGLINC, NUMBNESS, ETC. 907 tips were covered with a hard skin, he has little sensation in them, Staphys. 21. Creeping in the tip of the left in- dex-finger, Magnet, p. arct. 22. Crawling in left arm from above downward, resembling small shakes, Magnet p. arct. 23. Creeping in the muscles of the forearm, evening, Ign. 24. Painful numbness of the hands, Hyosc 25. Numbness and insensibility of the right thumb, for weeks, Kal. carb. 26. The tips of the fingers go to sleep, generally early in the morning, Kal. carb. 27. The hands go to sleep, in the morning, with dull headache, Kal. carb. 28. In the cold air the arms become numb and cold, Kal. carb. 29. The arms go to sleep, early in the morning, in bed; they feel rigid and lame, with sensation of pressing internally, Kal. carb. 30. Both arms go to sleep, even after exercise, Kal. carb. 31. Tingling in the thumb, it goes to sleep, June 32. ----between the thumb and in- dex-finger, Lauroc. 33. The backs of the hands and the balls of the thumbs feel as if gone to sleep, with creeping numbness in those parts and smarting of the skin on moving them as if they had been whipped, Lam, alb. 34. Deadness of the fingers, which grow pale and insensible, Kreas. 35. Deadness of the fingers in the cold air, Nitr. ac. 36. Numbness in the arm, with hea- viness when raising it, holding anything with it, or doing any kind of work, Pids. 37. Torpor of the hands and feet, Plumb, acet. 38. Formication of the hand as if cool air were blowing upon it, 39. The fingers go to sleep, become cold, yellow, shrivelled, the pulse being small and slow, Phos. ac 40. Deadness of one side of left in- dex-finger, Phos. ac 41. The right middle-finger becomes quite numb and cold, dead, Phos. 42. Both hands had gone to sleep, in the morning, on waking, Phos. 43. Creeping of the hands in the open air, when yawning, Phos. 44. The left arm goes to sleep, with numbness and contraction of the fingers, Phos. 45. Formication of the arms, both arms and lower limbs being pain- ful as if crushed, Morph. acet. 46. Disagreeable creeping in the hands and feet, passing into a frightful rolling, Op. 47. Tingling sensation in the fingers, worse when seizing anything, Op. 48. Numbness of single fingers, 01 an. 49. The fingers go to sleep during the night-sweat, Nux v. 50. Every morning, or every other morning, after rising, the forearm goes to sleep as far as the hand, with coldness, Nux v. 51. The arms go to sleep at night, Nux v. 52. Sensation as if the arms had gone to sleep, without prickling, follow- ed by a contractive sensation, Nux v. 53. Numbness of the right forearm, Coloc 54. Tingling, lameness, rheumatic pains in the arms, with difficulty of raising them, Gran. 55. ----and numb feeling at the tip of the index-finger, Graph. 56. Numbness of the hand after working, Graph. 57. Deadness of the left hand, espe- cially the palm, Con. 58. Burning tingling, with tightness in the tips of the fingers, Croc 59. Numbness and shrivelling of the fingers, Cupr. m. GO. ----of the last three fingers of UPPER EXTREMITIES. 908 SYMPTOMS OF THE the right hand and one half of the ball of the thumb, Dig. 61. Tingling in the tips of the fingers, as if gone to sleep, Cann. 62. The hands go to sleep, every day, Carb. a. 63. Deadness of the fingers, they be- come cold and insensible, Caust 64. Creeping and stinging at forearm, Bry. 65. The forearm goes to sleep while writing, with stinging in the tips of the fingers, China. 66. Tingling in the joint and tip of the thumb, as if gone to sleep, Cina. 67. The limbs go to sleep in any po- sition, Cinch, sulph. 68. The arm goes to sleep, with tin- gling sensation, Cocc. 69. Creeping, throbbing, and burn- ing from the shoulder to the fin- gers, Cocc. 70. Both hands become insensible, first one then the other, Cocc 71. The forearm goes to sleep, with sensation in the hand as if swollen, and a constrictive pain in the muscles ; the fingers are cool, the interior icy-cold, Cocc. 72. Creeping from the axillae down to the hip, Bry. 73. Dull sensation in the elbow-joint as if the nerve had been squeezed, or as if the arm would go to sleep, Dig. 74. Insensibility of the tips of the fingers which had touched the root of the plant, Colch. 75. Numbness of the palm of the hand, Bry. 76. Tingling and stinging in the wrist-joint, Calc. carb. 77. The arm feels stunned and pain- ful, Bell 78. Creeping along the left arm, Bell 79. Creeping in the finger-tips as if gone to sleep, Rhus t 80. ----and gnawing at the meta- carpal joints of the second and third fingers of left hand, Rhus t. SI. In the morning the index and middle fingers of one hand feel as if gone to sleep, Rhus t, 82. Numbness of the arms, with pricking in the fingers, Rhus rod. 83. Sensation as if gone to sleep, with contraction in right, middle, and ring-fingers, Rat. 84. ----under the forearm as if gone to sleep, Rheum. 85. Frequent tingling in single parts of the fingers, Ran. bulb. 86. Numb feeling in left hand ; the whole left arm was weak, Merc corr. 87. In the morning the fingers go to sleep, with buzzing, afterwards tearing up to the forearm, Merc. sol. 88. The right arm and hand felt as if gone to sleep, Mere sol. 89. The shoulders and the upper part of the arm feel as if gone to sleep, early in the morning, in bed, Merc. sol. 90. Deadness of the forearms and legs, Ars. hydrog. 91. Disagreeable tingling in the hands and feet, and fleeting stitches in the arms and lower limbs, Ars. hyd. 92. The hands go to sleep during rest, with tingling in the tips, Spig. 93. A sort of burning creeping near the bend of the elbow, Staphys. 94. Deadness, dryness, hardness of the finger tips, Tart. emet. 95. Formication and spasm in the three first fingers of left arm, Tab. 96. Burning-prickling creeping in the tip of the little finger, also at a small spot on the middle finger, Sulp. ac 97. Tingling in the tips of the three middle fingers of the left hand, Thuj. 98. Pain in the knuckles and finger- joints, more towards the outer side, as if gone to sleep, Euphr. 99. Deadness of the fingers in the morning, with numbness and shrivelled skin at the tips, Sulph. COLDNESS, CHILLINESS. 909 100. Numbness of the two little fin- gers, Sulp. 101. Creeping and prickling in the tips of the fingers, painful, Sulp. 102. The hands go to sleep, with tingling, as soon as they are dipped in hot or cold water, Sulp. 103. Insensibility of the palms of the hands. Aeon. 104. The ring-finger feels numb, Ang. 105. The right arm at times feels weak and cold, numb, with tin- gling, Amm. carb. 106. Tingling and burning in index- finger, with frequent deadness and sensitiveness to cold, Agar. 107. Numbness and lameness of the left arm, which scarcely per mits the hand to stir, Aeon. 108. Numb feeling of a finger, as if swollen, Silic. 109. Numbness of the fingers and their tips, Sec corn. 110. Tingling and insensibility in the forearm, Sec. corn. 111. —— creeping in the tips of the fingers, Sec corn. 112. Creeping in the fingers, as if they would go to sleep, Staphys. 113. Numbness of the right thumb, Stront. 114. The hand and forearm become quite numb, as if lame, though warm, Stront. 115. Frequent creeping and beating in left thumb, with a feeling of heat in the thumb, Zinc met. 116. Deadness of the thumb, Ver- basc. 117. The shoulder-joint feels as if gone to sleep, Zinc. met. 118. Tingling in the hand as if gone to sleep, Verat. 119. ----in the fingers, causing anxiety, Verat. Coldness, Chilliness. 1. Cold hands, Ars., Cann., Kal. carb., Nux v. 2. Coldness in the hands, Merc. corr. 3. The hands are icy-cold, Aeon., Carb. v. 4. Coldness of the limbs, Cupr. acet, Plumb, m. 5. Very cold hands, with ill humor, Nitr. ac. 6. Coolness in the interior of the arms, Ruta. 7. The arms feel chilly and insensi- ble, Aeon. 8. Coldness of the hands, particu- larly in the evening, with chilli- ness of the same, Ambr. gr. 9. The fingers of the right hand are cold to the touch, and feel cold inwardly, Anac 10. Coldness of the extremities, Ars. hyd. 11. The arms feel cold when raising them, Verat. 12. The tips of the fingers are cold as ice, Tarax. 13. Cold hands and icy-coldness of the tips of the fingers, Tart, emet 14. Icy-coldness of both hands in a warm room, spreading a chilly feeling over the whole body, Sep. 15. Cold hands, with clammy sweat, Spig. 16. Sense of coldness in the arms, Puis. 17. Coldness of the forearms, Rhus t. 18. Cold feeling at carpus, as if a cold wind were blowing upon it, Rhus t. 19. Icy-coldness of one hand, China. 20. The fore-joints of the fingers of the right hand became yellow, cold, and dead, with blue nails, Chelid. 21. The hands are cold, stiff as if lame, with dulness of the head, Cham. 22. Cold hands, with cold sweat in the palms of the hands, Cham. 23. Sense of coldness and rigidity in right forearm and fingers, Caust. 24. One of his hands is cold, Ipec. 25. Coldness and shivering in the arms and shoulders, Kal. bich. 910 SYMPTOMS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. 26. The hands are icy-cold the whole day, from touching the cen- tre of the bar, Magnes art. 27. Coldness of the arm, Magnet, p. arct. 28. Sensation as of a cold breath touching the hands, Magnet, p. aust 29. Feeling of coldness in left arm as if ice were lying-upon it, Mag- net, p. aust. 30. One hand is numb and icy-cold, Aeon, * 31. The hands are alternately warm and cold, China. o2. The arms are cold and stiff, Cic 33. At night, when uncovered, the arm is cold and stiff, with weight in the elbow-joint; on moving the arm a tearing-pain is felt in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, Amm. carb. 34. Feeling of icy-coldness in the right upper arm, Phos. ac. 35. The hands are cool and damp, with coldness of the tip of the nose, Nux v. 36. His hands are apt to feel chilly, and have to be covered, Nux v. 37. Cold hands as if frozen, with buzzing in the hands on entering a room, Nux mosch. 38. Sensation as if cold drops of water were sprinkled on the back with white pimples after scratch- ing, Agar. 7. Itching of inside of right forearm, with small red pimples, spots, and blotches, which itch after scratch- ing, Amm. carb. 8. Nightly itching in the hollow of the left hand and between the fin- gers, followed by the appearance of a pimple on the side of the index-finger, Anac. 9. Itching of the arm, with reddish blisters, after rubbing, Ant. cr. 10. Fine itching of the arms, Anac 11. ----itching at the tip of the right thumb, Ant cr. 12. Disagreeable itching at right forearm, Dulc 13. Burning itching of right upper arm, with redness and a burning pimple, Dulc. 14. ---- itching in the bones of of the hands on going into the open air, Berb. v. Itching, Titillation. 1. Itching of the finger-joints, Nux v., Petrol 2. Voluptuous itching in the axilla, Dig. 3. Itching of the palms of the hands, Kal carb. 4. ----of the backs of the fingers, Con. 5. Gnawing itching of the inside of the wrist, Verat. 6. Burning itching at the forearm, the middle phalanx of the index finger, Euphorb. 15. Stinging-itching of the upper arm, near the elbow, Euphorb. 16. Titillation at upper arm, fol- lowed by a fine stitch at a small spot, Thuj. 17. Itching of the palms of the hands and finger-tips as if frozen, Spig. 18. Burning itching in the middle of the palm of both hands, Spig. 19. ----itching of the back of the hand, Stann. 20. Titillation of the palm of the right hand, Arg.fl. 21. Fine pricking itching of the pos- terior joint of the fingers. Arn. 22. Gnawing itching above the wrist- joint obliging one to scratch, Ars. 23. Itching of the left elbow, Merc. sol 24. Tickling in the palm of the left hand, Merc. sol. 25. Gnawing itching of the backs of the hands, in the evening, in bed, Merc. sol. 26. Titillating, stinging itching of the back-joint of the right thumb, Merc sol. 27. Gnawing itching of the tip of the ITCHING, TITILLATION. 911 elbow, like rubbing with wool, Puis. 28. Dull itching in the palm of the hand, Ran. bulb. 29. Itching of the back and palm of the hand, Camph. 30. Deeply-penetrating titillating itching of the ball of the thumb, not diminished by rubbing, Cocc. 31. Smarting itching at lower- part of inside of left upper arm, Carb. v. 32. Itching of the fingers and backs of the hands, for days, Carb. a. 33. ----of the inner right lower arm, with an eruption, Carb. a. 34. Violent itching; after scratching a red pimple is seen at the back- joint of the ring-finger, turning white soon after, and looking like a blister surrounded with a red areola, Cycl. 35. Pricking itching at the bend of the right arm, during rest, Coloc. 36. Gnawing itching of the ball of the thumb and back of the hand, Gran. 37. Itching between the thumb and index-finger, with vesicles after scratching, Grat. 38. ----rash on the arm, with smarting pain after rubbing, Nux v. 39. ----of the back of the hand, more at night, Dig. 40. Gnawing itching of left middle finger, Phos. ac. 41. Itching of the wrist-joint, with burning and numb feeling for se- veral hours after scratching, Plumb. acet 42. ----of the hands, also with chilblains and swelling of the hands, Nitr. ac. 43. Tingling itching of the left fin- gers, Lact vir. 44. Prickling-gnawing itching of the arms, hands, and neck, Lam. alb. 45. Itching of the arms, in the even- ing, in bed, Nuxjugl. 46. ----of right arm, with burning pimples after scratching, Lauroc. 47. ---- of the arms, with white pimples after scratching, Kal. carb. 48. Itching on inner side of right up- per arm, with a red, dry, itching spot after scratching, for many days, Kal. hyd. 49. ---- of the ball of the left thumb, Gutt, 50. Tickling in left index-finger, Hell. 51. Continued dull itching in the palms of the hands, Hep. s. 52. Itching of the hands, with rough and dry skin, Hep. s. 53. Pricking itching at a spot on left fourth finger, followed shortly by a red pustule, with beating-burn- ing pain, Zinc met. 54. Itching in the bends of the el- bows, Sep. 55. ----between the fingers of the right hand, only at night. Sabad. 56. Stinging titillation in the palm of the left hand, Ruta. 57. Itching of the left upper arm, in- ducing a desire to scratch, Ruta. 58. Titillation of the palm of the left hand, Staphys. 59. Itching of the arms and shoul- ders, Op. 60. Prickling titillation in the fore- joint of the left thumb and right index and middle fingers, 01 an. 61. Stinging titillation in the palm of the right hand, 01, 62. Itching of the right thumb, changing to a gnawing after scratch- ing, Oleand. Boring. 1. Slowly descending turning bor- ing from the elbow to the wrist, going off by moving the arm, but returning again when kept still, Dulc. 2. Boring at upper arm, anteriorly, with tearing in the teeth and stitching in the scapula, Plumb. acet 3. ----and tearing from elbow to shoulder, Phos. JPPER EXTREMITIES. 912 SYMPTOMS OF THE I 4. Tearing boring in third joint of right middle finger, Mez. 5. Boring and gnawing in the right phalangeal bones, Ran. seel 6. ----in the metacarpal bones, in the evening, in bed, Natr. carb. 7. Stitching boring on inside of right upper arm, from within out- wards, Mang. Tension. 1. Tension in both arms and hands, Hyp. perf. 2. Burning tension in right upper arm, Kal. carb. 3. Tension at inner side of upper arm, as if the skin were raised with a pin, Lauroc. 4. Stitching tension at left shoul- der-joint as if too short, on stretch- ing the shoulder forward, Lauroc 5. Tension in right forearm, Coloc. 6. ---- in the arms and hands, China, 7. ---- in the whole hand, Merc sol 8. Crampy tension in the bend of the elbow, when bending the arm, Dros. 9. Tension at one spot on the right forearm as if the skin would be raised with a pin, Sulp. 10. ----and tearing in both shoul- der-joints, Zinc met Pinching. 1. Pinching in right humerus, Gutt. 2. ----and sharp stinging-crampy feeling under the ulna, above the wrist, Dig. 3. ----at a point in the palm of the hand, with sensation as if the skin were drawn towards it, Spong. 4. ----and pressure in the ball of the left little finger, every five minutes, with chilliness, Sulp. 5. Frequent dull pinching at left arm, here and there, Aeon. Gnawing. 1. Gnawing and boring in the right phalangeal bones, Ran. seel 2. Continued gnawing in the palm of the left hand, Ran. seel. 3. Gnawing in right upper arm, at first relieved, and then increased by pressure, Lauroc 4. Fine stinging-itching gnawing of both upper arms, Led. pal. Dryness of the Skin. 1. In the afternoon the tips of the fingers are very dry, Silic. 2. The hands are very dry all the time, Sabad. 3. Feeling of dryness in the hands, Anac. 4. The skin of the hands is very dry, Lye 5. Rough, shrivelled, dry skin of the hands, Phos. ac. Redness. 1. Itching redness between the fin- gers, with small vesicles, which can only be felt and burn after scratching, Lauroc. 2. Slight redness of the tips of the fingers and the backs of the first two anterior joints of the fingers, with frequent itching in the joints, as if frozen, Berb. v. 3. Redness of the back of the hand, with burning pain, after a heating walk, Dulc Uneasiness. 1. Uneasiness in the articulations of the arms and hands, Calc. carb. 2. ----and drawing in the arms, Tart. emet. 3- ---- in the arms, obliging one to bend or stretch them, Ferr. acet Impeded Motion. 1. Impeded motion of the hands, painless, Bell. SYMPTOMS OF THE 2. The motion of the arms is diffi- cult and painful, Thuj. Altered Color of the Hands. 1. The hands look jaundiced, Ign. 2. The hands are pale-yellow. Spig. Various Symptoms. 1. Pulling in the joints and mus- cles of the arm, Magnes art. 2. Crumbling sensation in and be- hind the wrist-joints, Spong. 3. Digging in left humerus, work- ing to the skin, where it causes a burning, Natr. carb. 4. Feeling as if a wedge had pene- trated her left shoulder, Magn. mur. 5. Sensation in upper arm as if air-bubbles would press out, Cupr. m. 6. Sensation at right elbow as if held by something, Canth. 7. Sensation from shoulder to hand, as if something were rolling down, Rhus t. 1. Swelling of the axillary glands, also suppurating, Sulp. 2. ---- of an axillary gland, re- sembling a hard, red ulcer, sepa- rating into parts, Amm. mur. 3. Swelling of the axillary glands, Lye, Silic. 4. Painful inflammatory swelling of the axillary glands, Nitr. ac. 5. Glandular nodosity in the ax- illa, Nitr. ac. 6. Painful sensitiveness of the right axillary gland, the whole forenoon, Nitr. ac 7. Swelling of the axillary glands, painful even when not touched, Rhus t Vol. III.—58. AXILLARY GLANDS. 913 8. Tearing rolling upwards and downwards, sometimes with stitches, in the bones of the hands, fingers, and forearms, Phos. ac. 9. Sensation in skin of left forearm as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, or as if scraped with a knife, ac- companied with a cold feeling in the arms, Rhus t. 10. Sensation in the skin of the hands as if covered with cobweb, Bor. 11. Feeling of extreme lightness in the inner limbs, Cinch, sulph. 12. Scraping along the bone as with a knife, China. 13. Biting on the backs of the hands, Hyp. perf. 14. Sensation in the arm, during every stool, as if drops were run- ning from the hand to the axilla, Chin, sulph. Illusion of tact. 1. He grasps at a thing quickly, imagines he has seized the thing before touching it, and, if he does take hold of the object, he is un- conscious of it, Stram. 8. Heaviness in the axillary glands, Cupr. sulph. 9. Suppuration of the axillary glands, Coloc. 10. Painful swelling of an axillary gland, Bell 11. Swelling of the axillary glands, with burning pain in the skin of the arms, Phos. 12. Induration of the axillary glands, lod. 13. Painful swelling of the axillary glands, Kal. carb. 14. Ulceration and suppuration of the axillary glands, Hep. s. SYMPTOMS OF THE AXILLARY GLANDS. 914 SYMPTOMS OF THE NAILS. 1. Panaritia, Sulp., °Bar. carb. 2. Panaritium on left index-finger, from a slight prick near the nail, lod. 3. Frequent panaritia, Silic. 4. Inflammation round the nail of the left index-finger, resembling a panaritium; discharging a thin pus, Kal. carb. 5. Inflammation and suppuration of the finger-nail, Phos. ac. 6. The finger-nails become thicker, Graph. 7. Yellow finger-nails, Con. 8. Panaritium with inflammation, burning pain, and throbbing, Con. 9. Blue nails, China. 10. Suppuration round the nail o the middle-finger, Calc. carb. 11. Exfoliation of the nails, Merc. sol. 12. Discoloration of the nails, Ars. 13. Painful hangnails, Stann. 14. Panaritium on left index-finger, Sep. * ' 15. Rough, yellow finger-nails, Silic. 16. Ulceration at the roots of the nails, on all the fingers, Sang. 17. The nails and the hair all over fall off, Hell. 18. Corroded nails on the fingers and toes, with itching, Marc sol. 19. Falling off of the nails, Hell. 20. Pale and livid color of the nails Ant. cr. 915 SYMPTOMS OF THE Pains. SIMPLE PAIN. 1. Pain in the large joints of the big toes, with slight tumefaction and redness, Benz. ac. 2. Pains in the loins and knees, and afterwards in the other limbs. at first fleeting, and gradually becoming seated and penetrating, Mere corr. 2. Indescribable pain in the thigh and leg, relieved by motion, but not by walking, Mosch. 4. Pain in the calves, they feel cold to the hand, Mosch. 5. ---- in both hip-joints, and small of the back, on rising from a seat, Led. p. 6. The bones of the lower limbs are painful when walking, Magn. mur. 7. Nightly pains in the lower limbs, with pains in the small of the back, Magn. sulph. 8. Shifting pains in left knee, also with tearing, Mercurial. 9. Momentary sharp pain in the leg, from the knee down to the tips of the toes, day and night, Nitr. ac. 10. The outer border of the right big toe is painful during rest, Rhod. 11. The tendo-Achillis is painful in walking, Merc. sol. 12. Dull pain in the knee, when making a step, Con. 13. Pains in the thighs, Cupr. acet. 14. When attempting to walk, she EXTREMITIES. suddenly feels a dull pain under the right buttock, Mez. 15. Bone-pain of the thighs and legs, Mez. 16. Violent pain and feeling of stiff- ness along the right tibia, Gutt 117. Acute bone-pain in the right j thigh and leg, during sleep, and j obliging him to stretch his leg on waking, Dros. 18. Pain in periosteum of left tibia, moving up and down, when sit- ting, Euphr. 19. When sitting, the nates and the posterior part of the thighs are painful, Hep. s. 20. Sudden pain in the thigh, with weakness, Hep. s. 21. Acute pain in the balls of the left toes, hindering stepping, Tab. 22. Pain in the hip, with feeling of warmth within, and intense cold- ness externally, Tax. bac 23. Painful movement in right knee, around the patella, afterwards shifting to the left knee, Tax. bac 24. Violent pain in the bend of the left hip, Phos. 25. Pain of the soles as from long walking, they are red, Phos. 26. Seated pain in the knees, soles of the feet, Plumb, acet 27. Violent pains in the joints of the lower limbs, and in the limbs, Plumb, m. 28. Deep-seated dull pain in the knee, early in the morning, on going up stairs, Plumb, acet. 29. Pain in the hip-joint, when bend- ing the back, at noon, Puis. 916 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 30. Pain in the leg when allowing it to hang down, Pids. 31. ---- in the big toe, increasing in the evening and disappearing as soon as he lies down to sleep, Puis. 32. ---- in the knee, particularly around the patella, increased by pressure, with sense of heat when touching the part, Ol.jec 33. ----in the thighs when walking, she has almost to drag them, Stajdiys. 34. Violent pain in the foot, all night, with general dry heat, Stront. 35: ----pain in left foot, Kalm. lat. 36. Pain of the posterior muscles of the thigh when sitting, Sulp. 37. Indescribable pain in the femur, from the middle to the knee, re- turning during rest, Ind. 38. Sharp pain in inner half of right heel, lod. 39. Pain along the left sciatic nerve, from great trochanter to calf, Kal bich. 40. Sharp pains in the knee and hip- joints, Kal bich. 41. Pains, heat, and throbbing in the toes, Kal. bich. 42. Pain at one side of the big toe- nail, Kal. carb. 43. Pains in the thighs, Cupr. acet. 44. Pain in bend of left knee, fol- lowed by severe pain in left index- finger and right foot, Kalm. lat. 45. Pain in right arm, and rending in left leg, Kalm. lat. 46. ----at external ankle, with sen- sation as if the affected part would be turned and come off in turning it, Kreas. 47. Pain in hip and thigh, in the evening, with oppressive heaviness in the forehead, which does not allow him to open his eyes, Lach. 48. ---- at big toe as if the nail would grow into the flesh, Colch. 49. ---- striking from the tuber ischii to the knee, Coloc. 50. Pain in the tarsal joints, accom- panied by despairing thoughts and dread of death, Aeon. 51. ---- in the heels, with great languor, Agar. 52. Excessive pain at ankle, dimi- nished by pressure, Aeon. 53. Pain in the calves, as after a cramp, Aeon. 54. ----in the thighs, Jalap. 55. The feet are painful when walk- ing, Ambr. gr. 56. Pain in the thigh when rising and pressing the foot to the floor, Arn. 57. ---- in the right knee when going upstairs, Arn. 58. Painful spots on the tibia?, Ambr. gr. 59. Pain in the knee, forcing him to limp, Ant. cr. 60. Violent pain in the limbs, par- ticularly the joints, Ars. 61. Pains in the feet, frequently aggravated by movement, Ars. 62. Sudden pain through the right knee, Verbasc. 63. Painful feeling in the hip, Asar. 64. Constant pain in the heels, Valer. 65. Excessive pain in thigh, when rising from a seat or stretching the legs, Cham. 66. Pain in left hip, with limping, Bell, 67. When lying upon her right hip she feels a pain in her left, but when lying on the former the pain subsides, Bell 68. Violent pains in the knee, Bell 69. Excessive pain in the legs, oblig- ing one to extend them, Bell 70. Violent pain from inner malleo- lus to big toe, with swelling of the ligaments and tendons, Berb. v. 71. ---- pain in the knees, hips, and small of the back, aggravated by motion, Calc phos. 72. The thighs are painful behind, above the bend of the knees, Camph. PAINS. 917 73. Pain in the knee when going upstairs, Carb. v. 74. ----in the soles. Caust 75. ----in the hips, for three days, Clemat. SENSITIVENESS. 1. Painful sensitiveness of the toes, soles, and corns, as if inflamed, Nitr. ac 2. Sensitiveness and tingling of the feet, when pressing them to the ground, Puis. 3. The tibia is painful when touched, Puis. 4. Painful sensitiveness of the soles when walking, Ign. 5. The soles of the feet are very sensitive, Ant. cr. 6. The toes of both feet are painful as if frozen, Asar. 7. The tips of the toes feel painful, Valer. 8. The hard skin under the foot is acutely painful, when walking, Bar. carb. 9. The calf of the leg is painful when walking, or when touched, Calc carb. 10. Sensitiveness of the soles, Calc. carb. 11. The knees are sensitive and pain- ful, particularly when touched, Canth. 12. Painful sensitiveness of the skin of the thighs, when rubbing the clothes against it, as if rough and covered with pimples, China. TAIN AS IF HRUISED, SORE, CONTUSED. 1. Painful spots on the lower limbs, as if beaten, Mosch. 2. Pain in right thigh as if the flesh were beaten loose, Mosch. 3. Bruise-like pain in the anterior muscles of the thigh, only when walking, Spig. 4. Pain at and in the knee, as if bruised, when touching it, Spig. 5. Pain as if bruised, in the poste- rior muscles of the thigh, Nux v. 6. ---- of the right thigh, as if bruised, worse when feeling of it or walking, Merc, sol 7. ---- of the periosteum as if bruised or sore, or as if the flesh were loose, when walking, sitting, or touching the parts, Led, p. 8.----in the knees, as if bruised and sore, Led. p. 9.----as if bruised, in front of the patella, Led. p. 10.----as if bruised, of the soles of the feet, when walking, Led. p. 11. ----in the thighs as if bruised, Nux mos. 12.----in the muscles of the lower limbs, as if contused, Rhod. 13. ---- as if bruised in the knee- joint, internally, Rhod. 14. Burning-sore pains in the toes, Ruta. 15. Pain in the bones round the hips, as from a bruise or fall, Ruta. 16. The haunch-bones and tibiae feel as if bruised, Ruta. 17. The whole thigh feels bruised, anteriorly and behind, Ruta, 18. His thighs feel as if bruised, only when walking on level ground; when sitting and drawing the thighs up, he feels a tension and pain in the thighs when touch- ing them, Sabin. 19. Pain in the right glutei muscles, as if the flesh were loose, Nux v. 20. Bruise-like pain in the thigh, alternating with burning and pres- sure in the breast, Sang. 21. Pain as if bruised, in hip-joint, Sep. . 22.----as if bruised, in the legs, with weariness, Sep. 23.----as if the sole were sore, Nux v. 24. Pain as if bruised, with pressure, at times in one, at times in the other knee, Cycl 25. Sudden intense pain in the knee, 018 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. as after a blow or contusion. Mez. 26. Contusive pain in the tip of left middle toe, Mez. 27. Pain in the thighs and legs, as if bruised, when first moving about, Dig. 28.----as if bruised in the legs, early, in bed, Ferr. acet. 29.----as if bruised, with tremor in the leg in walking, Ferr. acet. 30.----as if bruised or sprained in the knee, Graph. 31. Contusive pain in the inner ankle of left foot, Hell 32. Pain as from bruises in anterior muscles of the thigh, Hep. s. 33.----in knee as if bruised, Hep. s. 34. Intense pain as from a blow, obliquely above the left knee, in undulating paroxysms, Sulph. ac 35. A spot at the thigh, high up, feels painful as if bruised, Tarax. 36- Pain as if bruised, in the perios- teum of the tibiae, Phos. 37. Painful stretching in the hip- joint, with pain as if bruised; worse during motion, Phos. ac 38. Pain as if bruised, in the mus- cles of the thigh, also as if they would break in walking, Phos. ac. 39. Smarting pain at right foot, in the morning, Phos. ac 40. Pain as if bruised in the glutei muscles, after sitting, Puis. 41. Pain in the thigh-bones as if bruised, with sensation as if the bones would break, Puis. 42. A small spot on one side of the knee is painful as if bruised, Puis.. 43. Pain at the tibia, as if bruised, Puis. 44. The soles of the feet are painful as if bruised, Puis. 45. Pain in the thighs and legs. when walking, as if bruised, Phos. ac 46. All the muscles of the thigh feel bruised when walking fast, Staphys. 47. Stinging pain in the toes when walking, Ran. bulb. 48. Sore pain and stitches in the tips of the toes, in the evening, Ran. bulb. 49. Sore pain at upper and inner side of the thigh, Staphys. 50. Pain in lower limbs as if bruised, after a walk in the air, Sulp. 51. ----at inner side of the legs, as if the flesh were loose, Sulp. 52.----at tibia, as if bruised, dur- ing an evening walk, with heat, swelling, and red rash on the side of the ealf, Hyosc 53. In the afternoon, pain as if bruised or pricking pain in the spine of the tibia, first one, then the other, Kal. bich. 54. Pain in hip-joint, as if bruised, Kal. carb. 55.----as if bruised, above the right knee, Kal. carb. 56.----as if bruised, at left instep, Kal hyd, 57.----at the ankles as from vio- lent blows, 01 an. 58.----at tarsal joint as if bruised, when walking, Hyosc 59.----as if bruised, in the poste- rior muscles of the thighs, when sitting, Ign. 60. Contusive pain in the ball of the heel, Ign. 61. Pain of both iliac crests and lum- bar vertebrae, as if bruised, Kreas. 62. The thighs are painful as if bruised, when raising the limbs, while sitting, or when commenc- ing to walk, Cocc. 63. Pain in the glutei muscles, as from a blow, Lauroc. 64.----as if bruised, in the thighs, also with heaviness, Lauroc. 65.----in posterior joint of big toe, as from a chilblain or boil, Cocc 66-----as if bruised, in the dorsum of the foot, when bending the foot upwards, Cocc. PAINS. 919 67. Pain in a heel as if bruised, Cocc. 68. The lower limbs feel as if bruised, heavy, languid, Agar. 69. Acute pain in the hip-joint, every morning, in bed, as if beaten asun- der, for four weeks, going off by exercise, Amm. carb. 70. Pain as if bruised, in the thighs, Amm. carb. 71. The right side of the abdomen, and of the thigh and leg, feel bruised, Ang. 72. Severe pain behind the left hip as from a fall, Arg.fl. 73. Pain as if bruised, in the knee, worse when sitting, Arg.fl. 74. ---- as if from bruises, with throbbing, in the tarsal joints, Arg.fl 75. ----as if bruised on inner side of right knee, succeeded by an itching gnawing on inner side of left knee, Arg.fl. 76. ----as if bruised at left malleoli, Arg.fl. 77. ----as if bruised near right patella, obliging him to limp, Arg.fl. 78. ----as if bruised or contused, in the thighs, when walking, Arn. 79. ----as after a violent blow, above the right calf, with lassi- tude of the legs, Arn. 80. ----as if bruised, in the knees, as if the flesh were loose, when touching the parts and when sit- ting, Ars. 81. Sore pain in the corn, when standing on tip-toe, Verat. 82. Pain as if bruised, with cramp- feeling, heat and burning from left hip to middle of thigh, with languor of the limb and continual sensitiveness of the hip in walk- ing, Zinc. m. 83. The lower limbs, particularly the left, the hip and knee-joints feel bruised, Zinc oxyd. 84. Feeling as if bruised, and some- times a passing, painful tearing in the upper and lower limbs, Asar. 85. Feeling as if bruised in left tibia, Asar. S6. ----as if bruised, and weary, in the lower extremities, some- times with heaviness and a feeling of lameness and stiffness, Berb. v. 87. Pain as if bruised, in front part of the middle of the tibiae, as if the bones had been broken and not entirely healed, Valer. 88. Bruising pain in the knees, when going down-stairs, Verat. 89. Violent contusive pain in the middle of the right thigh, spread- ing gradually through the whole limb, Bar. carb. 90. Pain of the thighs and legs as if bruised, and as if they would crumble like decaying wood ; with fine stinging and gnawing near the long bones, and tearing in the joints ; the pain gradually rises from the tarsal joints to the hips, and obliges one to keep the feet in constant motion, Bell 91. ----as if from a bruise in the ball of the heel when pressing it to the ground, Bell. 92. Violent pain as if bruised, in the lower extremities, also in the knees, or as if lame, the posterior surface from the lumbar and sa- cral regions downwards being principally affected, accompanied with a sensation as if the calves had been pressed upon until they became sore, Berb. v. 93. Pain as if sore in the bend of the hip-joint, attended with burn- ing in the bend of the knee, or in the toes, with pale redness of the toes, Berb. v. 94. ----as if bruised in the patellae, and as if they would break in go- ing down-stairs, Bry. 95. ----as if bruised in the thighs, when sitting, with hammering throbbing, Bry. 96. ----as if bruised in the leg, with feeling of numbness during rest, Bry. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 920 SYMPTOMS OF THE 1 97. Pain as if bruised in the left toe- ball, Bry. 98. ----as if bruised in the left medullary bones, Calc. carb. 99.----as if bruised in the mus- cles of the thigh, when walking, Calc. carb. 100. ----as if bruised, or aching pain in middle of thigh, Cocc. 101. Sore pain in the knuckles of the toes and in the corns, Camph. 102. Pain as if bruised in the heel- bone, as if owing to a leap, Caps. 103. ----above the tarsal joint as if the flesh were loose, Canth. 104.----as if bruised, in thighs and legs, Caust. 105. ----as if bruised, in the thighs, Cham. 106. The posterior muscles of the thighs feel bruised when sitting, China. 107. Pain as if bruised, in the tibiae, when pressing the foot to the ground ; on touching the part, the whole leg was seized with a shud- dering and chilliness, as if plunged into cold water, China. 108.----in lower calf of both legs, as if the periosteum had been bruised and were swollen, only when standing ; the part feels sore and bruised, when touched, China. ACHING PAIN, PRESSING PAIN, PAINFUL PRESSURE. 1. Aching pain above the knee, in- fer iorly and interiorly, rendering the limb weaker and stiffer, Nitr. ac. 2. ----above the right knee, when sitting, Spig. 3. Pressing pain at outer, middle part of the thigh, with constrictive feeling in the head, Lob. infl. 4. Aching pain in the periosteum of the right tibia, almost like cramp, Merc. sol. 5. Tensive aching pain in the bend of the left knee, down to the heel, Rheum. 6. Dull quick pains in the lower limbs, a hard pressure from above downwards (also in the arms), Rhod. 7. Aching pain in both hip-joints at every step, and a paralytic feel- ing in the interior muscles of the thighs, Rhus t. 8. Pain in sole of right foot, near the ball, as if pressure were made on this spot, Rhus t. 9. The heels ache and feel numb, when pressing them to the ground, Rhus t. 10. Drawing-aching pain in the right big toe, with sensation of warmth. Rhus t. 11. Pain at posterior spinous process of ilium, as if something would press out there, Ruta. 12. The bones in the legs ache, when stepping firmly, with feeling of heat, Ruta. 13. Painful pressure at middle of thighs from without inwards, Sabin. 14. ---- pressure in the left sole, when sitting, Ruta. 15. ---- tensive pressure at tibia, above the tarsal joint, Sabin. 16. ----pressure in the sole of the left foot, when standing, Sabin. 17. Intermittent aching pain under the heel, at the commencement of the sole of the left foot, Sabin. 18. His legs ache when sitting, he has to stretch them or draw them up to find relief, Oleand. 19. Drawing, aching pain in the nates, Cupr. m. 20. Frequently recurring aching at right tibia, Mez. 21. Drawing-aching from the mid- dle of right thigh to the knee, Guaj. 22. Aching pain at the right calca- nean process, Hell 23. Fine painful pressure in right sole, when sitting, Hell 24. Burning aching pain in the sole of the right foot, Tarax. 25. Aching pain in left calf, Tarax. 26. Aching pain in the big toes, Bor. 27. Painful pressure in the thighs, under the muscles, as if drawn from above downwards, Merc. sol. 28. Aching pain around the hip-joint when walking or sitting, Staphys. 29. Aching pain at inner side of the sole of the left foot, Staphys. 30. Hard oppressive aching pain in the joints of the lower limbs, on going to bed, Stront. 31. Aching and jerk'ng pain in the legs, Kal. bich. 32. ----pain in the legs, with trem- bling, Kal bich. 33. Dull aching pain in the bones of the right lower limb, Kal. nit. 34. Aching pain in the tibia, when walking, Ign, 35. Pressing pain in left shin and right foot, Kalm. lat 36. Aching pain in the patella and tendo-Achillis, Aeon. 37. Aching, gnawing pain in the pa- tella, Aeon. 38. Painful pressure in the knee- joint, also in the muscles of the left leg, from within outward, Arg. f. 39. Cramp-like painful pressure in the thigh or calf, when bearing on that foot, Verat 40. Aching pain in right heel, worse when walking, Spong. 41. Pain in the thighs when sitting, as if the sciatic nerve were pressed upon, Teucr. 42. Aching and tearing sensation, with heaviness, in the whole right leg, Asaf. 43. Painful pressure in left knee when sitting, Bar. carb. 44. Aching pain in the bend of the knee, with sensation as if the ham- strings were shortened, as if the knee were stiff and swollen, Berb. 45. Drawing, aching pain, when standing, between the right ancle and the tcndo-Achillis, changing to a tearing when moving the foot, Camph. 46. Aching pain in the knees, or in the patella, Calc. carb. lINS. 921 47. Aching pain in right tarsal joint, ■when sitting, Chelid. PINCHING, GRIPING PAIN. 1. Pain as if the muscles were crowded together with a pair of tongs, Mosch. 2. Griping pain along the tibia, Led. p. 3. Painful pinching in the dorsum of the right foot, Gutt. 4. Pain in the toes as if the shoe had pinched him, Puis. 5. Acute pain in the heels, for two evenings, as if the boots were pinching him, which he had taken off, however, Ran. bulb. 6. Griping, tearing, pulling pain in the anterior tibial muscles, espe- cially during motion, Ign. 7. Pinching pain in right foot, Ipec. 8. ----pains in lower limbs, here and there, Carb. a. 9. Contractive, pinching pain at out- side of right foot, close to the heel, China. BORING PAIN. 1. Boring pain at the tip of the third toe, during rest and motion, Merc. sol. 2. ----pain above the right knee, during rest, Spig. 3. ----pain in the tibia, Merc sol. 4. ---- pain in the right glutei muscles, when sitting, Merc sol. 5. ----and gnawing pains in the right knee, Ran. seel, 6. Stitching, boring pains along the whole sole of the right foot, Ran. seel 7. Boring pain in the sole of the right foot, Tarax. 8. ---- pain in the heel, towards evening, Puis. 9. ----pain in the left glutei mus- cles, when sitting, Staphys. 10. ----pain, with lameness, in re- gion of ischiatic nerve, posterior- ly, Aug. 922 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 11. Painful boring in right knee, Caust. 12. Boring pain under the glutei mus- cles, from within outwards, going off by pressure and motion, Cina. CUTTING PAIN. 1. Cutting pain in sole of right foot, Dulc. 2. ----pain in both knees, shifting to the tarsal joint, Tax. bac. 3. ----pain in the heel, in the evening, after having become warm in bed, Puis. 4. Pain from the hip downwards, as if the parts were divided by a fine instrument, Magnes art. 5. Cutting pain at internal tibial re- gion of left limb, during rest, Coloc 6. Sharp cutting pain at inner part of left calf, during rest, Coloc 7. Pain as if cut to pieces, in hip- joint, knee and foot, China. 8. Cutting pain in all the right toes, as if cut off, Cina. LAMING PAIN. 1. Laming pain, like rigidity, in the leg, when sitting, and obliging one to move it now and then, Mosch. 2. ----pain in the hip-joint, Lye 3. ---- pain in the leg, with ex- cessive heaviness and lassitude, Nitr. ac 4. Pain and lameness of right ankle, Rhus rad. 5. Laming pain in left thigh, above the knee, going and coming, also in left radius, above the joint, Sabin. 6. ----pain in bend of the knee, as if there were water in the joint, Con. 7. ----pain in the sole of the left foot, in pressing the foot to the ground, Par. quad. 8. Paralytic pain in right hip-joint, when stepping, Euphorb. 9. Painful lameness of the thigh, going off by walking, Ferr. acet 10. ---- paralytic feeling in left hip, he cannot step on this foot, Phos. 11. Laming pain in the thigh, knee, and tarsal-joint, when going up- stairs, Plumb, act. 12. Dull laming pain in the tarsal- joint, during rest, with cracking in the joint when moving it, Phos. ac 13. Paralytic pain of the legs on rising from a seat, Puis. 14. Tearing-laming pain, with pres- sure at tibiae, with weakness of the knees, Cycl. 15. Laming pain of both lower limbs, in the evening, Stront. 16. Paralytic pain in the tarsal joint, as if the ligaments were relaxed, Par. quad. 17. Painful lameness of left thigh, Lauroc. 18. Dull, undulating, laming pain at left leg, from above downwards, Cocc. 19. Laming pain in the right thigh when drawing up the limb, with stitching in the limb, when press- ing it to the ground in walking, Verbasc 20. Paralytic pain in right thigh, when standing, Zinc. m. 21. Dull, laming pain in the hip- joint, and in the middle of the thigh, when touching the parts or walking, Asar. 22. Paralytic pain in the thighs and hips, as if they would break, Verat. 23. Painful feeling of relaxation in both hip-joints, as if too weak to support the body, with weakness all over, Thuj. 24. Laming pain in the leg, Bar. carb. 25. ---- pain in left os innomi- natum, at times with pressure, Cocc. 26. pain in the knees when rising from a seat, Carb. v. PAINS. 923 27. Cramp-like laming pain in right thigh and knee-joint, when rising from a seat, China. 28. Laming pain in left thigh, not far from the knee, Cina. ARTHRITIC, RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC PAIN. 1. Neuralgia of the sciatic nerves, Merc, Prep. 2. Rheumatic pain inside the knee- joint, Nuxjugl. 3. Arthritic pain in the knee, all day, Con. 4. Rheumatic pains in left thigh, then down the tibia3, and thence into the left forearm, Sabin. 5. ----pain on the inside of right thigh, Sang. 6. Arthritic pain in the right big toe, it is red, shining, swollen, with violent boring-stitching pains, she was unable to bear pressure or motion ; afterwards this pain passed into the right, and thence into the left wrist-joint, Sabin. 7. Rheumatic pains in the knees and arms, 01 jec pains in the hips, Kal bich. 9. bich. pains in right thigh, Kal. 10. Acute arthritic pain in the base of the great left toe, in the even- ing ; in a few minutes a similar pain in the right toe, Kal bich. 11. Arthritic pain in the foot, with a little fever in the evening, Arn. 12. ---- pain in the tarsal-joints and the ball of the big-toe, Ambr. gr. 13. Rheumatic pain in left knee, Brom. 14. ---- pain in the big toe, Cin- nab. BURNING PAIN. 1. Burning pain under the left big toe (during rest), Merc, sol 2. Burning pain above the right inner ankle, Spig. 3. ---- pain between the inner ankle and the tendo-Achillis, now and then, Rheum. 4. ----pain at upper inner side of thigh, Ruta. 5. ---- and gnawing pain in the bones of the feet, during rest, Ruta. 6. ----pain under the toes, when sitting, Con. 7. ----pain in the soles, Nux v. 8. ---- pain on the sides of the foot and toes, and on top of the toes, Nux v. 9. ----pains in the right foot, fre- quently, Mez. 10. ---- pain at night, in the bones of the hip-joint and femur, Euphorb. 11. ---- and tearing pain around the tarsal-joints, the parts being hot, Euphorb. 12. ----pain in all the toes, Fluor. 13. ---- and stinging pain in the corn, Hep. s. 14. ----pain at left patella, Tarax. 15. ----pain at right foot, Tarax. 16. ----pain in the soles, Puis. 17. ---- pain in lower limbs, Kal. carb. 18. Tearing-burning pain in the os calcis, in the morning on waking, Ign. 19. Burning pain in the corn, when sitting, Ign. 20. ----pain of the ball of the right big toe, A/it. cr. 21. ----pains in the corns of left little toe, Arg.fl 22. ----pain in the dorsum of the left foot, Spig. 23. ---- pain in the ball of the right foot, Squill. 24. - - pain around the left thigh, Bor. pain in left knee, Brom. 25. - 26. Sore, burning pain in the corns, Calc carb. .OWER EXTREMITIES. 924 SYMPTOMS OF THE L 27. Prickling, burning pain at hip, Caust. 28. Burning and stinging pains in various parts of the lower limbs, China. 29. Spot above the right knee, with burning and stinging pain, Oleand. CRAMP-PAIN. 1. Cramp-pain at the tibia, with sweat all over, Mosch. 2.---------and spasmodic con- traction of all the right toes, Nice. 3.---------in the calves, Nux v. 4. Violent cramp-pain in left pos- terior iliac region, scarcely allow- ing touch or motion, Lob. inf. 5. Cramp-like drawing, bruising pains at femora, with feeling of heat in the back and trunk, mostly when sitting, Menyan. 6.--------pain in the muscles of the right leg, from below upwards, like a paralytic pain, Menyan. 7. Dull stitching cramp-pain of the periosteum of left tibia, ante- riorly, when standing, Merc, sol 8. Cramp-pain in lower part of the leg, muscles and tendons, also when touching the parts, Nitr. ac. 9. Sharp crampy pains in the tar- sal joints, Rhod. 10. Dull stitching cramp-pain in the sole of the right foot, near the heel, only when sitting, Merc. sol 11. Cramp-pains in the right tendo- Achillis, afterwards they become tearing, Sabin. 12. Cramp-like pains in the right big-toe, during rest, Nux v. 13. Cramp-pain around the right patella, Par. quad, 14.--------in posterior surface of thigh, above the bend of the right knee, Cycl. 15.---------at left ankle, Mez. 16.---------and feeling of heat in lower limbs, here and there, Graph. 17. Cramp-pain, with pressure, in right thigh, Phos. ac 18.--------in the feet, after exercise, Phos. ac. 19. Cramp-like pain of the left hamstrings, near the knee, Merc, sol. 20. Aching cramp-pain in the foot, from the middle toe to the tarsus, lod. 21. Cramp-pain in the calves, when touching them, Hyosc 22.---------in the legs, Magnet. p. aust 23. Pain like a cramp, at ankle, when walking, Coloc. 24. Cramp-pain in left thigh, near the hip, when walking, Agn. 25. Cramp-like incisive pain above the left knee, on both sides, Arg. f. 26. Painful cramp in the muscles of the soles of the feet, Arn. 27. Cramp-pain in the thighs and legs, with jerking as of something living in these parts, when touch- ing them, Ars. 28. Spasmodic pain in the legs, early in the morning, with hum- ming and buzzing, Ars. 29. Cramp-pain in the thigh, during a walk in the air, Verbasc. 30.---------, with pressure, above the right knee, when sitting or standing, Verbasc. 31. Cramp-like pain in the right hip- joint, as if stiff, or in a vice, Bar. carb. 32. Tensive cramp-like pain in the calves, when moving the feet, Cham. 33. Cramp-pain in the glutei mus- cles, Bell. 34. Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the legs, during a walk, Cina. 35. Drawing cramp-pain in the dor- sum of the foot, especially during motion, Camph. 36. Tearing cramp-pain in the dor- sum of the foot, along the outer PAINS. 925 surface of the calf to the thighs, Camph. 37. Darting, strangling cramp-pain in right hip, almost extorting a cry, Cann. 38. Cramp-like pain in the anterior muscles of left thigh, when stand- ing, Cina. DRAWING PAIN. 1. Drawing pain from the head of the knee to the calf, Mosch. 2. ■----pain along the lower limb, Natr. mur. 3. ----pain in the right hip, and in the muscles of the right thigh, Spig. 4. ---- pain from the abdomen through the thighs, Nux v. 5. ---- pain in the tibiae, Merc. sol. 6. ----pain in the thighs and legs, Merc sol. 7. Pinching-drawing pain in both hip-joints, the acetabula, descend- ing along the posterior surface of the thigh, Led. p. 8. Drawing pain and as if bruised at outer side of thigh, small of back, and left loin, when sitting quiet, Menyan. 9. Painful slow drawing in the tarsal joint, below the outer ankle, extending to the bottom of the sole of the foot, and commencing with stitching and griping, Merc. sol. 10. Acute drawing pains deep in the outer ankle, along the leg, Rhod. 11. Drawing pain in right buttock, below the small of the back, going off by pressing on the part, Rhus t. 12. Occasional drawing pain in the thigh, obliging her to bend double when rising from a seat or stand- ing, Rhus t. 13. Drawing pain in the knee, Rhus t 14. Painful drawing in the toes, Ruta. 15. ---- drawing in the right toe- joints, aggravated by walking, Sabin. 16. Drawing pain in the knees, Sep. 17. ----pain in the leg, Sep. 18. Painful drawing in the right hip- joint, as if the limb would be pulled backwards, on pressing the left foot to the ground in walking, Par. quad. 19. Drawing pain in big toe, Cycl. 20. Undulating drawing pain along the whole thigh, leaving a painful weakness behind, Mez. 21. Drawing pain in the feet, up and down, extending to the calves, Dros. 22. Painful drawing in the legs, Ferr. acet. 23. Drawing pain with stitches, from the thighs to the soles of the feet, Kreas. 24. ---- pain from the head of femur to knee-joint, Kreas. 25. ----pain in the legs, Tarax. 26. ----pain in the dorsum of the right foot when standing, Tarax. 27. ---- pain in the thighs, ceasing after walking, Phos. 28. ---- pain from the knee to the feet, Phos. 29. Painful drawing within the left knee when the body rests upon the left foot in walking, Phos. ac. 30. Drawing pain in the muscles of the thigh, at night; he has to toss about in bed, with coldness all over, Puis. 31. - - pain in the leg, evening, Puis. 32. pain at left thigh, ante- riorly, Merc sol. 33. Laming-drawing pain in the middle of the thigh, during rest and motion, anteriorly, Staphys. 34. Painful drawing and feeling of lameness in the whole right limb, during a walk, Stront. 926 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 35. Drawing pain in the right knee and tarsal joints, evening, Stront, 36. ----pain in the muscles of the right leg, all night, Stront. 37. ----pain in the left hip, Sulp. 38. ----pain in lower limbs, Sulp. 39. ---- pain in left thigh, Kal. carb. 40. Painful drawing in the calves, when sitting, Kal hyd. 41. Tearing, drawing pain in the knees, shoulders, upper arms and side of the chest, 01 an. 42. Intolerable drawing pain in the knee when rising after sitting, Cocc 43. Drawing pain in the right toes, Cocc. 44. Jerking, drawing pain in the right thigh when standing or sitting, Coloc. 45. Drawing pain in the hip-joint during motion, Aeon. 46. ----pains in lower limbs, espe- cially the joints, Aeon. 47. ----tearing pain in the thigh, Aeon. 48. Stitching, drawing pain in the bend of both knees, extending into the thighs and legs, with debility, during rest it changes to a sort of drawing with pressure, as if the parts were dislocated, Agn. 49. Painful drawing in the tibia, Anac. 50. When walking, he feels a draw- ing pain in the tibia and around <*the tarsal joint, with sensation as ** if the tibia would break, Ang. 51. Early in the morning, when walk- ing about, she feels a drawing and aching pain in the joints of the feet, with heat in the joints, and sensation as if lacerated, Ang. 52. Drawing pain in right knee, Anac. 53. ----pain in the left hip-joint, when walking, especially when moving the thigh from before back- wards, Ant. cr. 54. ----pain in the muscles of the thigh, Ant. cr. 55. Drawing pain in the leg, also obliging him to move it, Ant. cr. 56. Painful drawing from the hip- joint to the sacrum, Ant, cr. 57. Stitching, drawing pain in the hip, down to the tarsal joint, Arg. nit. 58. Drawing pain with pressure in left hip-joint, when sitting with the thigh extended, Arn. 59. ----pain in the feet not allow- ing him to keep his legs still, Ars. 60. Painful drawing through the tar- sal joints, when sitting, Verat. 61. Drawing and tensive pain in head of left femur, and farther on in the bone, especially when walk- ing, Asar. 62. ----pain, with pressure in the hips when walking, Asar. 63. Rheumatic drawing pain in the muscles of the thigh, when stand- ing, Verat 64. Cramp-like drawing pain in the right thigh, when standing, com- mencing in the bend of the knee, Verat. 05. Drawing pain in both heels, in bed, Aur.f. 66. ---- pain from right foot to thigh, Spong. 67. ----pain in the muscles of both thighs, Squill, 68. ----■ and tearing pain in hip- joint, Tereb. 69. ---- pain in right leg, from above downward, Thuj. 70. Sharp drawing pain at left inner ankle, Thuj. 71. Drawing rheumatic pains at night, with lameness and numb- ness, constant desire to move the affected part, relief is obtained by external warmth, Cham. 72. ----pains from the knee through the leg, Cham. 73. ----pain at the right buttock, as if the flesh would be pulled off, Bar. carb. 74. ---- and crushing pain in the tibia, Calc. carb. PAINS. 927 75. Drawing pain in the bend of the right foot, Caust 76. ----pain along the whole of the left lower limb, from above down- ward, Bar. carb. 77.----pain in the legs, apparently in the bones, evening, Bar. carb. 78. ----pain from within outwards, at a small spot of the inside of left thigh, Bell. 79.----and tearing pain in right tibia, with sensation as if it would be pressed asunder, Bell. 80.----pain as from a sprain, in the hip-joint, when waking, Calc. acet 81. Cramp-like drawing pain at the patella Calc acet 82. Drawing pain as from bruises, in the thighs, after walking, also in the right thigh, below and on the inner side of the patella, with sen- sation as if the knee would give way suddenly, Camph. 83.----pain in the hip-joint, worse when bending the trunk back, Caps. 84.----and stitching pain in the inner left leg, Caps. 85. ----pain in the hip-joint, down the thigh, Carb. v. 86. ----pain in lower limbs, Caust. 87. Laming-drawing pain from the right iliac bones to the toes, dis- appearing suddenly, Chelid. 88. Drawing pain in left calf, from above downwards, Chelid. 89. Painful drawing along the long bones of the lower limbs, China, 90. ----drawing in femur, from above downwards, China. 91. Sharp drawing pain in right knee, when rising from a seat and walking, China. 92. Drawing pain, with pressure, in tibia, below the patella, when ex- tending the leg, China. - pain in the right metatar- sal bones, China. TEARING PAIN. 1. Tearing pain as if sprained, in left knee-joint, only when walking, he is not able to bend the knee, Spig. 2. Tearing pain in fibula, up to the knee-joint, Lob. infl. 3. Aching-tearing pains at left thigh, deep into the bone, Mercu- rial. 4.---------pains in the shins, Mercurial. 5. Dragging-tearing pains in the dorsum of the left foot, which wake him from a sleep caused by the drug, Mercurial. 6. Pain in the dorsum of the right foot as if the tendons would be torn, Mercurial. 7. Tearing and stitching pain across the instep, Rheum. 8. ----pains in the right tibia, Rhod. 9. ---- pain in the tendons of the right foot, Rat. 10. ----pain in left heel when sit- ting, as if sprained, Merc, sol 11. ----pain around the knee-joint, Con. 12. ----pain above the hip-joint, all round, only when walking, Samb. 13. ----pain, with pressure, in both metacarpi, Sabin. 14. Burning-tearing pain in hollow of right foot, during rest, Sabin. 15. Tearing pain in the left metacar- pal bones, Sabin. 16. Tearing and stitching pain a lit- tle above and below the middle of the knee, in the evening, Nux v. — pain in left leg, Nux v 18. Violent pain in tibia, after mid- night, as if the periosteum would be torn off, disturbing sleep, with chilliness penetrating rapidly through the whole body, and con- tinued violent thirst, Mez. 19. Drawing-tearing or stitching pain in the thighs, disappearing when walking and returning when sitting, Dulc 20. Tearing and burning pain around the tarsal joints, the parts being hot, Euphorb. 928 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 21. Tearing pain along the posterior surface of the calf, Dulc. 22.----pain in the thigh and leg, Hep. s. 23. ----pain in the calf, with con- traction of the toes, Gutt. 24. Slight tearing pain from the knee-joints upwards, Stront, 25. Lancinating tearing pain in hip, thighs, and legs, Tart. emet. 26. Slight superficial pain in right hip and knee, and deep-seated pain in thigh, a sort of tearing with chilliness, only in the day-time, Tax. hue 27. Pain at the tendo-Achillis as if it would tear off, Prun. spin. 28. Tearing pains in the knees, like jerks, Puis. 29.----pain in the knee, with swelling, Puis. 30. ----pains at inner ankle, worse when walking, Puis. 31. ----pain across the dorsum of the foot, morning and evening, Puis. 32. ----pain in the soles of the foot, above the knees, and in the back, Puis. 33. ----pain in the muscles of one or the other legs, when standing or sitting, Staphys. 34. ----pain in both hips and knee-joints, Stront. 35. Dull tearing pain in both knee and tarsal joints, Stront 36. Painful contractive tearing in the hollow and joints of the right foot, Stront. 37. Painful tearing down the leg, Kal. bich. 38. ----tearing in left thigh, worse when lying on it, Kal. hyd. 39. Tearing, griping, pulling pain in the anterior tibial muscles, dur- ing motion, Ign. 40. ----pain in the dorsum of the foot, Ign. 41. ----pain in the heel, every now and then, Magnes art. 42. Drawing-tearing pain in the pa- tella, Cocc. 43. Tearing pain in big toe, even during rest, Cocc. 44.----pain in the thighs, Coloc. 45. Drawing-tearing pain in the knee-joints, Aeon. 46. Tearing-drawing pain in the thigh, Aeon. 47.----pain, like a boring and digging, from above downwards, in the left calf; the pain then goes to the thigh, thence crossing behind the os coccyx, and finally terminating at the right iliac bone, Arn. 48. Lancinating tearing pain in the tip of the big toe, coming on gra- dually, when lying down, Aeon. 49. Undulating tearing pain in the tarsal joint, Aeon. 50. Tearing pain in the tibiae, from above downwards, Verat. 51. Occasional pressing, painful tear- ing, with feeling as if bruised, in the upper and lower limbs, Asar. 52. Lancinating-tearing pain in left thigh, Asar. 53. Tearing pain in the metatarsal bone of the big toe, Bell. 54. ---- and drawing pain in hip- joints, Tereb. 55. ----pain in the thighs and legs, Cham. 56.----pain in the feet, he cannot bear them to be covered, Cham. 57. Drawing-tearing pain in the knees, down to the ankles, Cham. 58. Tearing pain in the lower limbs, Arn. 59.----pain in the tibia, Bell. 60.----and drawing pain in right tibia, with sensation as if it would be pressed asunder, Bell. 61- Violent tearing, raging, digging- up pain under the patellae, first the left, then the right, Arg. nit. 62. Tearing pain below Ihe right outer ankle, every attack termi- nating at the tendo-Achillis, Bism. 63.----pain in the toes, worse when walking, Carb. v. PAINS. 929 64. Tearing pain and weight in the thighs when walking, Cic 65.----pain in the thighs on rising from a seat, increasing to a deep- seated stiffness by walking, Cic 66. ----pains in left calf, Cina. STITCHING, PRICKING, LANCINATING PAIN. 1. Stitching pain in the hip-joint, during motion and rest, Merc corr. 2. Darting pain in two nails, as if they would ulcerate, Mosch. 3. Stitching pain at head of femur, Nitr. ac. 4. Darting pain at right outer ankle, followed by a sensation on the dorsum of the foot, as if bruised, Lauroc. 5. Tensive-pricking pain in the knee, with swelling, when walk- ing, Led. p. 6. Stitching pain, when sitting, in the os ischium, Mang. 7. Darting pain above the knee, all along the thigh, Mang. 8. Stitching-contractive pain at hip- joint, around the acetabulum, only when walking, Menyan. 9. ---- pain in the right heel. Menyan. 10. ----pain at left foot, when sit- ting, as if nailed to the floor, Mer- curial. 11. ----and tearing pain across the instep, Rheum. 12. Pain in both heels, when first pressing the foot to the floor as if he were walking on pins, Rhus t 13. Stitching pain, with pressure, when sitting, first in the left, then in the right heel, Ruta. 14. Painful prickling and stinging in the big toe, where the nail is inserted in the skin, Crot, 15. ----stitches in the ball of the left big toe, Sabin. 16. Stitching and tearing pain, above and below the knee, evening, Nux v. I Vol. III.—59. 17. Stitching pain in the muscles of the right calf, during rest and motion, Cycl 18. Darting pain in hip-joint, down to the knee, Mez. 19. ----pains in the toes, obliging him to limp, Dros. 20. Shooting and also dull aching pain in the left thigh, in the course of the sciatic nerve, extending to the instep and toes, Dulc 21, Painful hot stitch as if a knife were thrust into the calf, Euphorb. 22. Pain terminating in a stitch, at a small spot on the dorsum of the right foot, Guaj. 23. Stitching pain in the whole left thigh, Tarax. 24. ---- pain in the knee-joint, Tarax. 25. Darting pain in right calf, going off speedily when touching the part, Tarax. 26. Stitching pain in the sole of the right foot, from within outwards, at times violent, at times fine, Tarax. 27. ---- pain in right ankle, with swelling, very painful when step- ping, Phos. 28. ---- pain in the bend of the right knee, worse during motion, Phos. ac 29. Tensive stitching pain at right inner ankle, extending to the tibia, Phos. ac 30. Tingling-stinging pain in the soles of the feet when standing, as if gone to sleep, Puis. 31. Burning-pricking pain in the ball of the heel, with itching, as in frozen limbs, Puis. 32. Boring-stitching pain in the heel, Puis. 33. Burning-pricking pain in the balls of the little and second toes, with itching, after becoming warm in bed, Puis. 34. Stitching or drawing-tearing pain in the thighs, disappearing when walking and returning when sitting, Dulc 930 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 35. Fine painful piercing stitches on inside of left thigh, above the knee, Staphys. 36. Stitch-like pain at inner border of the knee, Staphys. 37. Stitching ptin, with pressure, at the knee, when stepping or feeling of the part, Staphys. 38. ----pain in the knees and tarsal joints, evening, Stron*. 39. ----pains in the left heel, after lying down, in the evening, Stront. 40. ----pains in the knees, Snip. 41. Pricking pain in the spine of the tibia, first one, then the other, Kal bich. 42. Stinging and burning pain in the corn, Hep. s. 43. Pricking pain in the hip-joint and knees, when walking, Ign. 44. Stitching pain below the malle- olus, when walking, Ign. 45. Burning-stinging, or burning- cutting pain in the side of the foot, Ign. 46. Stitching pain in right index- finger, followed by a severe pain in the bend of the right knee and ■calf, with difficulty of breathing, Kalm. lat. 47. Painful prickings in left pop- liteal space, during motion, termi- nating in itching lancinations, Coloc 48. Lancinating pain in right hip- joint, sometimes extending above and below the joint; during rest it resembles a tearing with pres- sure, and is accompanied by debility and weariness, Agn. 49. Painful pricking sort of a pres- sure in left hip-joint, when running and pressing the foot to the ground, Arg.fl 50. Darting pain in the tibia, from below upwards, Arn. 51. Stitching pains in the big toe, Verat. 52. Short-lasting stitching pains in the toes of the right foot, when standing, Verat. 53. Fine painful stitches in right instep, Thuj. 54. Stinging and pain in the heels, when sitting, Valer. 55. Sensation in the sole of the left foot, when pressing it to the ground, as if the parts were too short, occasioning a stitch-like pain, Spig. 56. Stitching pain, with pressure, above the right knee, when sit- ting, Spong. 57. Painful stitches in the knee- joints, Bar. carb. 58. ---- stitches dart up to the knee when pressing the left foot to the ground, Bell 59. Stinging pain in the soles of the feet, Bell 60. Burning-stinging pain in the corns, abating by pressure, Bry. 61. Lancinating and throbbing pain in left knee, early in the morning, obliging him to limp, Caic. carb. 62. Stitching pain in right femur, when walking, Cocc 63. ----pain in left hip-joint, when walking, Cocc. 64. ----pains in the hip-joints, par- ticularly when pressing the feet to the ground, thence extending to the middle of the thigh, Calc. caust. 65. ----pain in the knee-joint, when stepping, Calc. caust. 66. Lancinating pain from the hip to the feet, when coughing, Caps. 07. Drawing-stitching, digging pain in the middle of left thigh, be- hind, Caps. 68. Stitching and drawing pain in the inner left leg, Caps. 69. Painful stitches in the bend of the left knee when walking, Carb. a. 70. Sti lging and burning pain in various parts of the lower limbs, China. 71. Spot directly above the right PAINS. 931 knee, with burning and stinging pain, Oleand. 72. Lancinating pain in left heel, when sitting, Cina. DIGGING PAIN. 1. Digging-up pain in right calf, Spig. 2. Digging pain in right hip when lying on it, Rhod. 3. Digging-up pain in the sole of the right foot when standing, Merc. sol 4. Digging pain at right patella, Hell. 5. ---- pain in the right toes, Agar. 6. Sudden digging pain in upper muscles of left thigh, Asar. 7. Digging pain below the left knee, Cina. 8. ----, drawing-stitching pain in the middle of left thigh, behind, Caps. 9. Buzzing digging pain in the big toe, Berb. v. BEATING, THROBBING, PULSATIVE PAIN. 1. Painful beating in right tendo- Achillis, early in the morning, in bed, Lauroc. 2. Beating pain in the front side of the left tarsal joint, Ruta. 3. Pulsative pain in the bend of the knee, while the leg is drawn up, Oleand. 4. Painful throbbing above the ball of the left big toe, Oleand. 5. ---- sudden beatings in the dorsum of the foot, Cann. 6. Violent throbbing pain in the chilblain, in the summer season, Nux v. 7. Painful itching throbbing in the flesh of the thigh, Dig. 8. Beating pain in the heels at night, Phos. 9. ---- and jerking pain in the hamstrings, with convulsive con- traction of the limbs, Magnet p. aust 10. Pulsative pain at upper part of internal femoral region, going up- wards along the posterior part of the thigh, Coloc 11. Dull throbbing pain in one toe, Arn. 12. ----beating pain at knee, when sitting, externally, Thuj. 13. Painful throbbing in upper and lower part of left thigh, Bell 14. Throbbing and lancinating pain in left knee, early, Calc. acet PAIN AS IF BROKEN. 1. Pain in both thighs as if broken, Nitr. ac 2. The knee-joints are painful as if broken, when lying, Merc sol. 3. The thigh-bones feel as if broken, when rising from his chair, Ruta. 4. Pain in left knee, as if the patella were broken, Con. 5. ---- in the knee-joint, as if broken, Cupr. m. 6. Dull pain in leg, as if the tibia would break, Mez. 7. The tarsal joints feel weak and painful, as if they would break, when beginning to run, Mez. 8. Pain as if the thighs and bends of the knees would break, Dros. 9. ---- in the tibia as if broken and crushed, Graph. 10. ---- in knee as if broken, Hep. s. 11. ----of the hip-joint as if broken, when walking or touching it, Phos. ac 12. When stretching a limb, in walk- ing, he feels a pain at a small spot in the left thigh, as if a tendon would break, Plumb, acet. 13. Pain in the thigh, above the knee, as if broken or bruised, Cupr. m. 14. Feeling in middle of left thigh as if broken, Lauroc \ 15. Sensation, in going up stairs, as OWER EXTREMITIES. 932 SYMPTOMS OF THE L if the lower limbs would break down, Ars. 16. Pain below the knee, in the bone, when stepping, as if broken and not firmly united, Verat 17. ----in the calves and tibiae, as, if they would break, Verat. 18. ---- in the right femur, as if broken, on laying the right thigh across the left, Aur. f. 19.----in thighs and hips as if they would break, Verat. 20. ----in the thighs when sitting, as if broken, Verat 21.----in left thigh, when walking, as if it would break, Thuj. 22.----in the patellae, as if they would break, in going down stairs, Bry. 23.----in the tarsal joints as if broken, when walking, Calc carb. 24. —— in the thighs as if broken3 when raising them, Cocc. PAIN AS IF SWOLLEN. 1. Pain in the sole of the foot, when pressing it to the ground, as though it were soft and swol- : len, Alum. 2. ---- in the tibia as if the bone would swell, tensive-aching or pressing, sometimes with burning, warm buzzing, or with a feeling of numbness, also with heaviness, and sensation as if bruised, Berb. v. 3. Violent pain in the knee-joint, as if swollen, Berb. v. GNAWING PAIN. 1. Continuous gnawing pain at a small spot between the right outer ankle and the tendo-Achillis, re- turning several times on moving the foot, Menyan. 2. Gnawing and boring pains in the right knee, Ran. seel 3.----pain in the ankles and heels, Graph. 4. Painful gnawing in left thigh, as if in the marrow, Stront, 5. Gnawing pain in middle of right thigh, when laying it across the left, Kal. hyd. 6. ----pain below the knees, fre- quently, 01 an. 7. —---pain in the toes, Cocc. 8. ----, aching pain in the patella, Aeon. 9. Dull gnawing pain in both sides of the leg above the malleoli, with sharp stitches in the tendo-Achil- lis, during rest, Aur.f. ITCHING PAIN. 1. Gnawing-itching pain at thigh and above the knee, in the even- ing, after lying down, Nux v. 2. Before midnight, he feels a pain- ful, intolerable itching and itching- stinging of the feet and toes, which feel inflamed ; this itching seems to penetrate the whole body, and is especially felt close to the roots of the nails, Puis. 3. Burning-itching pain at a spot on the dorsum of the foot, during rest, Ign. 4. Painful itching of the right toes, with heat, redness, and swelling, Zinc m. 5. Itching pain in the inner heel, Cham. PAIN AS IF WEARY, STIFF. 1. Pain in the knee as if stiff, on rising from a seat, Sulp. 2. Simple pain in the right knee, as if stiff, Merc sol. 3. Pain in the tibiae as if weary, Merc. sol. 4.----in the knee as from fatigue, Con. 5. ---- in the knee as if weary, Ipec 6. Pains in the feet, especially the knees, as if weary, as if heavy stones were tied to them, Verat. PAINS. 933 JERKING PAIN. 1. Drawing-jerking pains in the bones, Cic. 2.----------pain in right hip- joint, Silic. 3. Painful jerking in the hands and feet, extending into the upper arms and passing into a cramp oT the calves when reaching the legs (alternating visibly in the flexor and extensor muscles), Cupr. acet. 4.----nervous jerking in the big toe, in bed, early, Mez. 5. ----pulsative jerking from the middle of the thigh to the knee, Phos. ac. 6. Jerking pain from the hip-joint to the knee, in bed, early, Puis. 7.-----and aching pain in the hip, Kal. bich. 8. Pinching-jerking pains in the feet, Hyosc. 9. Itching-jerking pain in the ball of the heel, especially in the morn- ing, in bed, Ign. 10. Jerking and beating pain in the hamstrings, with evident contrac- tion of the limbs. Magnet, p. aust 11. Painful jerking in the right knee, Verat. PAIN AS IF SPRAINED OR STRAINED. 1. Pain in tarsal joints, as if sprained, with stitches in the toes, Mosch. 2. ---- in the big toe, as if sprained, Mosch. 3. ---- in both thighs, as if sprained, not allowing one to leave the bed, Mosch. 4.----in the hips, as if sprained, Natr. mur, 5. ----as if sprained in the tarsal joints, during rest and motion, Lauroc. 6. ----as if sprained in left calca- nean process, when walking, Lau- roc. 7. ----as if sprained in the tarsal joint, or as if the foot had become twisted, Led. p. 8. Pain as if sprained in the hip- joint, Lye * 9. ---- as if sprained at knee- joint, during rest and motion, Menyan. 10. ----as if sprained, when walk- ing, now in the left, then in the right leg, near the inner ankle, Menyan. 11. ----as if sprained in the right tarsal joint, Merc, sol 12. ----in the knees, as if sprained, when going down-stairs, Nitr. ac 13. ----in right hip, as if sprained, Rhod. 14. ---- as if sprained in the right hip, Rhus ver. 15. ---- in the tarsal joint, as if sprained; walking causes great pain all the way up the leg, Nux v. as if sprained, especially 16. - near the heel and ankles, Cycl. 17. The left hip-joint is painful, as if sprained during a walk, Hep. s. 18. Pain as if sprained in left tarsal joint, Hell 19. ---- as if sprained in tarsal joint, Hep. s. 20.----in the hips, as if sprained, Phos. 21. ----in left tarsal joint, also as if sprained, Phos. 22. ----as if sprained in the tarsal joint, Magnet, p. aust. 23. ---- in the tarsal joints, as if sprained, Phos. ac 24. ----in the hip-joint, as if dislo- cated, Puis. 25. When walking, sudden pain in the tarsal joint, as if sprained, Puis. 26. Pain as if sprained in the mid- dle of the left thigh, Staphys. 27. ----as if sprained in the right hip-joint, during motion, Sulph. 28. Sharp pain, like a strain, in the tendo-Achillis, in walking, Kal. bich. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 934 SYMPTOMS OF THE I 29. Pain as if sprained, in the tarsal joint, during a morning-walk, Ign. 30. ----as if dislocated, in left hip- joint, with sensation, when stand- ing on the other foot, as if too long, Kreas. 31. ----as if sprained, in left knee, Lact. 32. ----as if sprained in left hip- joint, only during motion, Lau- roc 33. The right hip is painful in the evening, and it feels sprained when walking, Con. 34. Pain as from a sprain, in the left tarsal joint, on pressing the foot to the ground, Anac. 35. Frequent pain in the hip, as if stiff or luxated, during motion, Ang. 36. Pain as from a sprain at right outer ankle, when turning the foot outwards, Ant, cr. 37. ----as if sprained in right hip- joint, with sensation at thigh and knee, anteriorly, as if bruised, Arg.fl 33. ---- as if sprained in left hip, when sneezing, Arg.fl. 39. ----as if sprained at right inner ankle, Arg.fl. 40. ---- as if sprained in right knee, Arg.fl. 41. ---- as if sprained in the hips, back, chest, wrists, Arn. 42. ---- as from a sprain, in the tarsal joint, Arn. 43. Arthritic dull pain, as from a sprain, in the big-toe joint, with some redness, Arn. 44. Pain as if sprained in the poste- rior joints of the toes, Zinc. m. 45. ---- as from a sprain, in the tarsal bones, when walking or bending the foot inwards, Bell. 46. ----in hip-joint, as if sprained, when standing up after sitting, Cham. 47. ---- as from a sprain in right knee, Calc. carb. 48. Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal joint and the dorsum of the foot, with severe stitches, during motion, Bar. carb. 49. ----as if sprained, in the meta- carpal joints of the toes, with sensation of swelling, Berb. v. 50. ---- in the hip joint, knee and foot as if sprained or cut to pieces, China. 51. Pain as from a sprain, when stretching the thighs outwards, Caps. 52. ---- as from a sprain, in left patella, when sitting, Calc. acet. 53. ---- as if sprained, in right ankle, Calc. carb. 54. Sudden pain as from a sprain, in left hip-joint, Caust 55. ----as if sprained or strained in the feet, Bry. 56. ---- in tarsal joint, as if sprained, Caust. 57. Pain in right hip-joint, as if sprained, Nitr. ac. CONTRACTIVE, COMPRESSIVE PAIN. 1. Compressive pain in the knees, increased by walking, Spig. 2. Contractive pain in the knee, Nitr. ac. 3. ---- pain, when walking, in the glutei muscles of one limb, Oleand. 4. ----pain in the knee and tarsal joints, Ferr. acet. 5. ---- cramp-like pain in the tibia and calf, in the evening, when commencing to walk, Ferr. acet 6. Violent contractive pain in the external tendon of the left knee, Ox. ac 7. Pain in left big-toe, as if it had become contracted, Lact. 8. Contractive pain in the bend of the left knee, when standing, Squill 9. ---- pain in the thigh, with PAINS. 935 giving way of the knee in walking, Carb. v. ULCERATIVE PAINS. 1. Ulcerative pain and stinging in the sole of the left foot, Magn. sulph. 2. Pains in the toes, balls and hol- low of the feet, as from chronic chilblains, Rhod. 3. Ulcerative pain at the tips of the toes, Con. 4. The soles are painful as if ulce- rated, when first pressing them to the ground, Spig. 5. Pain at the roots of the nails, when touching them, as if they would come off by ulceration, Nux v. 6. Ulcerative pain in the soles of the feet, Graph. 7. The nail of the big toe is painful as if ulcerated, when pressed upon, Hep. s. 8. Ulcerative pain of the soles when pressing them to the ground, Sulp. 9. ----pain at the nates, when sit- ting too long, Phos. 10. Pain of the big toe as if frozen, Phos. 11. Ulcerative pain of all the toes, Phos. ac 12. ----pain in the whole right sole, Prun. spin. 13. ---- pain in the lumbar verte- brae, worse during motion, in which case the pain extends to the hip- joint, with sensation in these joints as if the ligaments were too short, Prun. spin. 14. ----pain in the glutei muscles, after sitting, Puis. 15. ----pain in the flesh on the legs, relief is obtained by compressing it with the hands, Puis. 16. ---- pain in the soles, when pressing them to the ground, Puis. 17. Pain in the hollow of the foot, when pressing the foot to the ground, as if something had grown out there, or as if there were an ulcer, with stitches, striking to the calves, Puis. 18. Ulcerative pain under both big toe-nails, Magnes art 19.----pain in the heels and toes, Kal. hyd. 20.----pain in the glutei muscles and thigh, Kal. carb. 21.----pain along the tibia, lod. 22.----pain at the ossa ischii; on rising, the limb felt as if gone to sleep, Sulph. 23. Acute pain in the heel, early, on waking, as if the bone were per- forated by ulceration, Amm. carb. 24. When walking, the ball of the big toe is painful as if ulcerated, Amm. carb. 25. Ulcerative pain of the soles and heels, Zinc. m. 26.----pain in the heels, Aur. f 27.----pain in the soles when first pressing them to the ground, Spig. 28. Pain in the big toe as if inflamed or ulcerated, Caust 29.----in the toes ?s if ulcerated and contused, Berb. v. 30. Ulcerative pain in the nates, less when sitting, Calc. carb. 31.----pain in both hip-joints, Calc carb. 32.----pain in the heels, Carb. a. 33. ■----pain in the soles of the feet, Canth. TINGLING, NUMB PAIN. 1. Numb, tensive, aching, bruising pain at thighs, when walking or sitting, Menyan. 2. Tingling pain in the soles of the feet, Con. 3. Dull, numb pain in the heel, Nux v. 4, Tingling pain in the lower limbs, contracting the limb, Hep. s. 5. Numb pain in the sole of the feet and ball of the big toe, Puis. 6. Painful crawling in the right toes, Magnet, p. arct. 7. Numb pain in the heel, when 936 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. pressing the foot to the ground, Arg. f 8. Numb pain in the right foot, with inability to raise it when sitting, Ars. 9. Pain in the heel as if gone to sleep, on rising from bed, Thuj. 10. Painful tingling in the leg, Verat. TENSIVE PAIN, AS IF BANDAGED, OR TOO SHORT. 1. Tensive pain in the left glutei muscles when walking, Spig. 2. Pain in left foot as if firmly ban- daged, Mur. ac 3.----in the tarsal joint as if the tendons were too short, Spig. 4. Tensive pain at the knee and heel, after sitting, while walking, Led. p. 5.----pain in the extensor mus- cles of the thighs, when squatting down, Sabin. 6.----pain in the fascia lata of left thigh, Kreas. 7. Drawing, tensive pain in the calves, Puis. 8. Pain in the tarsal joint, as if the tendons were too short, Ran. bulb. 9. Tensive pain in the right thigh, when sitting, Merc. sol. 10. While slumbering at night (not sleeping,) he feels a violent tensive pain in the posterior part of left thigh, in the buttock, extending to the bend of the knee ; the pain becomes periodically worse and is diminished by supporting the thigh by something laid under h,Merc sol. 11. Sudden pain in the sole of the foot, with sensation as if the ten- don had become shorter, and with swelling of the ball of the foot, sensitiveness to pressure and beat- ing in the foot when allowed to hang down, Ind. 12. Tensive pain in the calves, dur- ing motion, Cocc. 13. Pain in right thigh, as if the psoas muscle were too short, felt only during motion, Coloc 14. Pain in knee, while walking, as if the joint were bandaged with a cord, Coloc 15. On bending the knee, tensive pain in the anterior muscles of the right thigh, Ang. 16. Drawing, tensive pain along the right psoas muscle, during rest, al- ternating with a shooting pain deep in right frontal eminence, Arg.fl 17. Tensive pain in extensor mus- cles of the toe, when walking, Verat. 18.----and drawing pain in the head of the left femur, Asar. 19. Pain in the knees as if tightly bandaged, when sitting and walk- ing. Aur.f. 20, Tensive pain in the knee, Caps. VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN. 1. Violent pain in the muscles of the thigh and upper arm, as if they would split, Puis. 2. Pain in the fore joint of the big toe as if it would be pulled out, Prun. spin. 3. Grinding pain in and below the calf, Cupr. m. 4. Sudden painful grumbling in the big toe, at regular intervals, Tart. emet 5. Undulating, griping, tearing, and pulling pain with pressure, in the anterior tibial muscles, espe- cially during motion, Ign. 6. Scraping pain at inside of tibia, from the ankle upwards, Berb. v. 7. Pain in the leg as if jammed, with a dull tearing and confused commotion internally, especially in the right leg ; relief is obtained by letting the leg hang down, Bell. 8. Painful tensive stretching in the bend of the foot, Cann. 9. Pain in left leg, when standing, as iflit had been crushed, Dig. 10. Pain at head of femur as if crushed, impeding walking, Aeon. STITCHES. 937 11. Sudden attacks of pain in the knee, as if the parts would be ripped with a knife, making the leg feel lame, Bar. carb. 12. Gurgling pain in dorsum of left foot, Chelid. 13. Sudden pain in left knee as if screwed asunder, with crack- ing sensation when stepping, Calad. 14. Pain in right knee as if in a vice, with sensation as if the leg would become contracted, Carb. a. 15. Dull trembling pain in a toe, Ars. 16. Frequent stupefying pain at right inner ankle, Thuj. 17. Acute pain in right femur as if the inmost marrow were shaken, worse when lying down, Amm. carb. 18. Painful stretching and pulling below the left inner ankle, Mez. 19. Conagra, Ars. Stitches, Lancinations, etc. STITCHES. 1. Stitches in the knee, Cocc, Petrol 2. ----in left knee, Aeon. 3. ----in the foot, Kal carb. 4. Severe stitches in the heels, Graph. 5. Stitches in the soles of the feet, Nux v. , 6. ----in the big toe, Silic. 7. Below the neck of the femur, in the external and posterior mus- cles, he experiences at a small spot, intermittent, burning, sharp stitches when sitting, diminished by rising, but more violent than before, when sitting down again, Spig. 8. Stitching in the calf, accom- panied with jerking and pulsations in the patellae when the knees are stretched, Spig. 9. ---- in the knee-joint, when walking in the open air, Merc. sol. 10. Single pointed stitches at outer condyle of the tibia (also in the malar bone, chest, olecranon), Merc. sol. 11. Stitching in the calf, when walk- ing in the open air, Merc. sol. 12. Crampy stitches in the toes, chiefly the tips, Mercurial. 13. Stitching in the thighs and legs, during motion, Merc. sol. 14. ---- in left knee, also on stretching the leg, Lauroc. 15. A good deal of stitching in the lower limb, when treading firmly, as if too short, Merc, sol 16. Burning stitches in the big toe, Magn. carb. 17. Distressing fine stitches in right hip-joint, when walking or stand- ing, Menyan. 18. Dull stitches at patellae, from within outwards, with a feeling of heat in the knees, Menyan. 19. ---- pulsative stitches below the middle of the tibia, during rest, Menyan. 20. Sharp stitches in the middle of the tibia, attended with a jerking griping together, Menyan. 21. Long stitches in the soles, when walking, Menyan. 22. Stitches in middle of left calf, from within outwards, Mercurial. 23. ---- in the toe joints, Mer- curial. 24. Sharp stitches at right ilium, posteriorly, Merc. sol. 25. ----, acute stitches at anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, at regular and short inter- vals, Merc. sol. 26. Stitching in right hip-joint, Merc. sol. 27. ---- extending from the outer ankle to the bend of the knee, Merc sol. 28. Stitches in the knees, when standing, Nitr. ac 938 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 29. Sudden stitches in the forepart of the right big toe, as if a needle were thrust in deep, Ran. seel. v30. ---- stitches in the right big toe, changing to a burning, Ran. seel 31. Burning stitches, at times, above the right knee, at times in the right upper arm, or in the small of the back, Rat. 32. Stitches in the thigh, from within outwards, Rhus t. 33. Boring stitches in the thigh, when standing, Rhus t. 34. Stitching as with a knife, from without inwards, in left tarsal joint, Rhus t. 35. ——— first in left, then in right knee, during a walk, Rhus t. 36. ---- below the right knee, Rhus t. 37. Burning stitches and sense of heat in the dorsum of the right foot, Rhus t 38. Stitches in the heel and fold of the groin, in the evening, Merc sol. 39. Sticking as with knives, in tendo-Achillis, low down, worse when touched, Rhus t, 40. Stitching in left heel, when sit- ting, after a walk, Rhus t 41. Stitches in the heels when press- ing them to the ground, Rhus t 42. Dull slow stitches along the tibia, from the dorsum of the foot, Ruta. 43. Burning and throbbing stitches in the instep, Con. 44. Stitches in both of the right ankles, finally striking up the leg, and waking him, Con. 45. Pulsative stitches in the small toe, Con. 46. Dull stitches in the left hip, only when drawing breath, Sabin. 47. Stitching as from a needle, in the instep, in the morning, in bed, Sang. 48. Sharp piercing stitches in the inner side of the tibiae, Samb. 49. Titillating stitches in the ball of the left big toe, shaking the whole body like electrical shocks, Sabin. 50. Severe dull stitches, at night, under the right heel, Sabin. 51. Sharp stitches in the heels, from within outwards, Sabin. 52. Stitching in the heel and corn, in the daytime, Sep. 53. ---- and drawing at outer ankle, Nux v. 54. Tensive stitches in the tip of the left big toe, Oleand. 55. Stitching in the hip-joint as if sprained, Nux v. 56. Sharp stitches in the sole of the right foot, so painful that they cause the whole limb to quiver, evening, Dig. • 57. Stitches in the fibula from below upwards, during rest, Dros. 58. Stitching and throbbing in right tarsal joint, particularly at night, in bed, Dros. 59. Drawing stitches in left hip- joint, at every step, with sensation as if the head of the femur would be dislocated ; the pain is lessened by stretching the limb, and a pain as if bruised remains, Dulc 60. Stitching in the hip-joints, when walking, Euphr. 61. Boring stitches in the tibia, from below upwards, Euphr. 62. Burning stitches under the soles of both feet, in the morning, Fluor. ac 63. Stitches in the big toes, alter- nately, Gins. 64. ----in the calf when pulling on the boot, Graph. 65. ----in the right leg when blow- ing the nose, Graph. 66. Dull stitches above the right knee, Guaj. 67.----tearing stitches from mid- dle of left tibia to the toes, Guaj. G8. Drawing stitches from right tar- sal joint to middle of tibia, Guaj. 69. Single, sharp stitches in the right tarsus when sitting, Guaj. STITCHES. 939 70. A few severe, somewhat slow stitches, as with needles, in left hip, Hell. 71. Stitches in right leg, darting up- wards near the outer ankle, Hell. 72. Sharp stitches, with cramp-pain in the left glutei muscles, Hyosc. 73. Stitches in the soles of the feet, Magnet, p. aust. 74. ----in the soles, heel, Sulp. 75. Crampy stitching in the dorsum of the right foot, Sulp. 76. Stitching in the tips of the toes, Sulp. 77. Dull stiffness, like shocks, in the middle of the right knee, when sitting, a simple pain being felt a long while after, Sulp. ac 78. Prickling stitches at left tendo- Achillis, Sulp. ac. 79.----stitches under the big toe, Sulp. ac 80. Boring stitches on inside of thigh, when sitting, Tarax. 81. Beating dull stitches at right calf, below the bend of the knee, Tarax. 82. Stitches from the dorsum to the sole of the foot, Tarax. 83. Continuous burning stitches in the calf, when sitting, Tarax. 84. Stitching in left hip, going off by friction, Phosp. 85. Nightly stitching in the knees, in paroxysms, Phos. 86. Tearing stitching in both soles, Phos. 87. Stitches in the left big toe, when walking, Phos. 88. Severe stitches in the thighs, during motion, Phos. ac. 89. Cutting stitches in the calf, from above downwards, Phos. ac 90. Paroxysm of severe stitches in the right sole, Phos. ac. 91. Stitching in the sole and heel, with heaviness in these parts, Phos. ac 92. Tearing stitches in the ball of the left big toe, Phos. ac. 93. Stitching in anterior side of left thigh, down to the knee, and from right calf to the heel, not during motion, Puis. 94. Single stitches in the soles of the feet and tips of the toes, during rest, Puis. 95. Stitches in the dorsum of the left foot when sitting, Ran. bulb. 96.----in the backs of the toes, Ran. bulb. 97.----and sore pain in the tips of the toes, in the evening, Ran. bulb. 98. Pulsative stitches in the left heel, when standing, in the after- noon, Ran. bulb. 99. Dull stitching, almost scraping sensation in the right thigh, inter- nally, above the knee-joint, Sta- phys. 100. Drawing stitching in the right knee-joint, worse during motion, Staphys. 101. Dull stitches in the right knee- joint, after rising in the morning, worse during motion, Staphys. 102.----stitches at right knee- joint, near the patella; when touching the part, the stitches were changed to an aching pain, Staphys. 103. Drawing-stitching in the left knee-joint, when sitting ; some- times he feels a jerking in the joints, Staphys. 104. Sudden stitches in the right hip-bones, Kalm. lat. 105. Single sharp stitches in the ankles, lod. 106. Fine, acute stitches in left hip- joint, when standing, Kal. carb. 107. Stitches at crests of ilia, strik- ing through the abdomen, Kreas. 108. ----in the heel, early in the morning, Ign. 109. Stitching in the right hip, only when standing, Lauroc 110. Stitches in the nates, also at dinner, Lauroc. 111. Stitching below the ankles, fol- lowed by drawing in the ham- strings and painful jerking of the calves, Magnet, p. aust. 940 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 112. Severe stitches in the skin of the left knee when sitting, Cocc 113. Shooting stitches in the knees, alternating with icy coldness, Aeon. 114. Severe stitches in left big toe, causing the whole limb to jerk, Agn. 115. Acute stitches in the backs of both big toes as if frozen, Amm. carb. 116. Tremulous stitches in left thigh, and at upper border of ili- um, painful, and felt only when sitting, Ang. 117. Ascending stitches in the outer hamstring, during a walk, Ang. 118. Deep stitches all along the tibia, Ant. cr. 119. Tearing dull stitches above the left patella, Arg. f. 120. Burning, corrosive stitches in the left tibia, not far from the knee, in the evening, in bed, caus- ing the foot to twitch, Arg.fl. 121. Pulsative stitches extending from left trochanter along the neck of the femur as far as the acetabulum, Arg.fl. 122. Stitches in the knee and both middle fingers, Am. 123. ---- in the foo^ through the big toe, Arn. 124. ---- in the right tendo-Achil- lis, when extending the tarsal joint, Am. 125. ---- in the soles of the feet, when walking, at one spot, Arn. 126. ----in the toes, when walking, Arn. 127. Single stitches in the big toe, Am. 128. Stitches in the border or sole of the foot, with lancinations in the heel when pressing the foot to the ground, extending up to the thigh, Ars. 129. Stitching above the right pa- tella, on pressing the foot to the ground, Verbasc. 130. ---- in the left metatarsal bones, Verbasc. 131. Piercing stitching in the balls of the toes, Zinc, m, 132. Drawing stitches in right hip- joint, extending into the abdomen, Asa f. 133. Painful shooting stitches in sole of foot, Asar. 134. Dull stitches in the dorsum of the left foot when sitting, Bell. 135. Fine stitches at right outer ankle, Thuj. 136. Repeated stitches as from elec- tric sparks, in the middle of the left thigh, when standing, followed • by a pain as if bruised, Valer. 137. Continuous stitching, directly above the left ankle, Valer. 138. Stitching in the knee and an- kle, Verat. 139. Severe boring stitches from without inwards, at right thigh, near the hip, Spong. 140. Drawing stitches at left thigh, below the groin, especially when walking, Spong. 141. Pulsative sharp stitches through the right thigh, above the knee, in bed, early, Spong. 142. Dull stitching in left knee, in the evening, when lying down, Spong. 143. Sharp stitches in right calf, when walking, Spong. 144. Fleet, burning stitches in the lower limbs, all over, Thuj. 145. Continuous corrosive stitches in the skin of the right patella, when bending and stretching the leg, Thuj. 146. Single stitches in the knees, when commencing to walk, Thuj. 147. Stitches in left thigh, Caust 148. Sudden stitches in hip-joint as if luxated, with pain, in walking, as if it would break down, Bar. carb. 149. Severe stitches in the dorsum of the foot, behind the toes, Aur.f. 150. ----stitches in the knee when going up stairs, leaving a painful lameness behind, Bar. carb. STITCHES. 941 151. Deep stitches in the ball of the right foot, Bar. carb. 152. Three or four severe stitches in the right hip, during rest or mo- tion, Bell. 153. Stitches and excessive weight in the thighs, when walking, Bell. 154. Dull stitches in the bend of the left knee, Bell. 155. Stitches, with pressure, in right patella, Bell 156. Burning stitches at the thigh, tuber ischii, bend of the knee, calf, leg, tendo-Achillis, ankle, soles of the feet, Berb. v. 157. Stitching (also pulsative smart- ing, lancinating, tearing, tingling, and bubbling stitches) at the calf, leg, heel, metacarpus, toes, big toe, Berb. v. 158. Stitches in the sole of the foot, Bor. 159. ----in the knees, particularly when walking, Bry. 160. ----in the feet, particularly in the soles of the feet when pressing them to the ground, with tension in the joints, Bry. 161. ---- in the hip-joint, when stooping, Calc. carb. 162. ---- from the patella to the hip-joint, at the commencement of a walk, when pressing the foot to the ground, Calc carb. 163. Sharp stitches in right knee- joint, Calc acet. 164. Stitches in the thigh, knee, and heel, at night, Calc carb. 165. Violent pulsative stitches at left thigh, when sitting, occasion- ing involuntary motions, Cocc. 166. Repeated stitches at left hip- joint, Cocc 167. Severe stitches in some toes, Calc. acet 168. Stitches at anterior surface of right patella, when sitting, Camph. 169. ---- through the tips of the toes, Caps. 170. Stitches in the left hip, when sitting, Carb. a, 171. Fine burning shooting stitches in different parts of the thigh and * small of the back, all day, Carb. a. 172. ----stitches in the hip, in pa- roxysms, Cast 173. Stitches in left knee-joint, China. 174. ---- in the tibiae, when walk- ing, China. 175. Stitching in left foot, China. 176. Stitches in the right knee, from without inwards, Canth. 177. Single stitches in the right big toe, ceasing after stamping with the foot on the floor, Caps. 178. Dull stitches in the knees, Cina. 179. Boring stitches in the tips of the toes, China. 180. Stitches as with a fork, in the left tibiae, Cina. 181. ---- in the ball of the right foot, Cina. 182. ---- in the tarsal joints from within outwards, with dread of walking, Mosch. 183. Stitching, with pressure, in the muscles of the left thigh, only when sitting, Mur. ac. SINGLE STITCH. 1. Itching continuous stitch in the left thigh, Spig. 2. Tensive continuous stitch in the left thigh, when walking, ceasing when standing, Spig. 3. ---- stitch in left tibia, during rest, Spig. 4. Fine boring stitch in the right inner ankle, during rest, Spig. 5. Itching-boring stitch in the dor- sum of the right foot, Spig. 6. Slow stitch in big-toe, Led. p. 7. Severe burning stitch in anterior surface of left thigh, above the knee, when sitting, Menyan. 8. Itching-boring stitch at inner 942 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. side of right knee-joint, during rest and motion, Menyan. 9. Constant deep-seated stitch in middle of right hip, from without inwards, Mercurial. 10. Sudden stitch darting through the left heel, Rhod. 11. Burning stitch at inner border of the sole of the left foot, extort- ing a cry, Rat. 12. Pointed stitch in the bend of the right knee, on rising from a seat, Rat. 13. Stitch in the tendons of the hamstrings, above the calf, dur- ing exercise, when rising from a seat, or when touching the part, Rhus t 14. ----• across the knee, when rising from a seat, Rhus t. 15. ----in right inner ankle, when rising from a seat, Rhus t. 16. ---- from the big toe to the middle of the left breast, when standing, Rhus t. 17. Itching stitch in the right tarsal joint and right inner ankle, Ole- and. 18. Sudden dull stitch in right knee, which feels sore afterwards, Mez. 19. Severe stitch in the os ischium, on rising from a seat, Dros. 20. Itching stitch in the balls of the left toes, when sitting, Dros. 21. Sudden burning stitch in dorsum of left foot, Sulp. 22. Severe stitch in right hip, to- wards the chest, Phos. 23. Boring dull stitch in left thigh, high up, Phos. ac. 24. ---- stitch in the left little toe, Phos. ac 25. Deeply-penetrating, dull stitch in the middle of the left thigh, Staphys. 26. Boring stitch in the right tibia, during rest, Staphys. 27. Itching stitch in right calf, going off by scratching, Staphys. 28. Burning stitch in the bend of the left knee, Sulp. 29. Sharp stitch between hip and last vertebra, Kal bich. 30. Itching-burning, slow stitch in the side of the calf, Magnet, p. aust. • 31. Stitch in left heel, during mo- tion, causing one to start, Kreas. 32. Continuous stitch at left knee- joint when walking, Cocc 33. Stitch in left knee, causing the leg to jerk, Ant. cr. 34. Dull long stitch in the right big toe, Arn. 35. Violent stitch in left knee, followed by a pain from the knee to the toes and back again, after- wards affecting the other limb, preceded by a pain from the shoulder to the fingers, Valer. 36. Continuous burning stitch near right outer ankle, Thuj. 37. Itching stitch in the sole of the right foot, Spig. 38. Sharp stitch in tendo-Achillis, Thuj. 39. Boring-itching stitch in the ball of the second and third toes, Spig. 40. Fine, distressing stitch in the skin at the inner side of right thigh, Spong. 41. Continuous burning-smarting stitch at left knee, anteriorly, Thuj. 42. Stitch, passing perpendicularly upwards through the right great toe, followed by a burning which increases gradually again to a stitch; appearing afterwards at the left great toe, from which it vanishes with a thrilling sensation, in the morning, whilst lying down, Benz. ac. 43. Itching stitch at the root of the two last left toes, during rest, Mere sol 44. Continuous itching stitch in dor- sum of left foot, Mur. ac. DARTING. 1. Sudden dartings in the right glutei muscles, Menyan. 2. Frequent darting from the feet to the hips, going off by turning to the painless side, Nux v. 3. ----darting in the right thigh, as if in the bone, Stront. 4. Darting at inner ankle, when walking, as if the foot would break, Kal. carb. 5. Dart in left hip, at every step, Kal. hyd. 6. Frequent darts, at times in the thigh, at others in the tibia, Kal. hyd. 7. Darting along the left tibia, as far as the ankle, Coloc 8. Darting along the outer edge of the sole of the left foot, Coloc 9. ---- in right tarsal joint, also through the toes, or worse during motion, Kreas. 10. Shooting in the bend of the right knee when standing, Agn. PRICKINGS. 1. Severe prickings through the knee, when bending it, Spig. 2. Dull pricking and pressure in right knee-joint, more violent during motion, Led. p. 3. Pricking in the ankle, Led. p. 4. Prickling sensation through the whole body, even to the fingers and toes, Lob. infl. 5. Burning pricking above the tar- sal joints, when walking, Menyan. 6. Pricking and itching of the skin of the right thigh, Nuxjugl, 7. Prickling in the right foot and hand when walking, Rhod. 8. ---- and smarting of the dor- sum of the right foot, Ran. seel. 9. ---- and itching in the feet, Ran. seel, 10. Pricking at leg, Rhus t 11. Prickings in the muscles of the left thigh, when sitting, Con. QNGS. 943 12. Pricking, itching and burning in the sole of the foot, Crot 13. Prieklings in the toes, Sabad. 14. Prickings in big toe, Sabin. 15. Prickling in the soles, Sep. 16. ----in many parts of the lower limb, Silic. 17. Burning pricking from the small of the back through the thigh, when walking, JSux v. 18. Fine pricking and itching of left heel, Oleand. 19. Prickling, burning stitches in the tip of left big toe, at regular intervals, Mez. 20. Sudden pricking in left calf, and afterwards a feeling as if warm blood or water were run- ning out at that place, Dulc. 21. Severe prickings in the anterior muscles of the thigh, when stand- ing, Euphr. 22. Pricking in the nates, when walking, Guaj. 23. Itching prickings in the skin of the thighs, Guaj. 24. Severe pricking in the fold of the left thigh, Gutt. 25. Single prickings in left hip, Hell. 26. Prickling in right heel, Sulp. 27. Burning prickings in outer parts of left knee, Sulp. ac 28. Distressing prickling stitches in the bend of the left knee, Sulp. ac. 29. Burning-pricking in the heel, Sulp. ac. 30. Pricking in the toes, especially the big toe, Puis. 31. Burning.pricking behind the left thigh, Staphys. 32.----------below the left knee, on the outer side, sometimes in paroxysms, Staphys. 33. Pricking in the sole of the foot, which is laid across the other, Staphys. 34. ---- and burning of inside of left thigh, Sulp. 35. Prickling sensation in leg, be- hind, Ind. 944 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 36. Prickings in the muscles of the calf and leg, with tenderness to the touch, Kal. bich. 37. Pricking from the knee to the feet, Magnes art. 38. Prickling at small spots on the lower limbs, Lach. 39. Hot prickling in the toes at night, Aeon. 40. Pricking in the left big toe, Agn. 41. Sharp prickings in the sole of a foot, Ant, cr. 42. Pricking in the knee when touched, Am. 43. Tingling prickings at one spot in the soles of the feet, Arn. 44. Prickings in the heels, when sit- ting down after a walk, Spong. 45. Prickling of the legs, Calc carb. 46. Prickings below the left patella, when sitting, Bell. 47. Cramp-like prickings in the right toes, Calc. acet. 48. Distressing sharp prickings in the flesh of the thigh, near the womb, Cann. 49. Pricking in the sole of the left foot, as if with a pointed instru- ment, Carb. a. 50. Frequent prickings in the heel when sitting, Cic. 51. Prickings in the region of the patella, Cina. CUTTING. 1. Cutting in the left toes, during sleep, Led. p. 2. ----, at both outer ankles, dur- ing rest, Menyan. 3. ----in the toes, at night, with redness of the tips of the toes, Sep. 4. ---- in the tarsal joint when walking, Hyosc. 5. ----, with subsequent sensation of warmness, in the dorsum of left foot, while walking, Thuj. 6. Sensation above the knee as if cut with a fine knife, Thuj. 7. Cutting in the gastrocnemii muscles when walking, Thuj. 8.----and jerking tearing in the posterior muscles of the left thigh, when sitting, Bell 9.----in the hips as with knives, Bry. STINGING. 1. Fine itching-stinging and itch- ing-gnawing at hip-joints, more violent after scratching, Led, p. 2. Fine stinging at a small spot on the right thigh, accompanied by tearing in left side of head, Rat. 3. Fine stinging in left big toe, Rhus t. 4. Cramp-like fine stinging in right little toe, when sitting, Ruta. 5. Stinging in both thighs, Sabad. 6. Disagreeable itching-stinging, with burning after scratching, Sa- bad. 7. Stinging in the tip of the big toe, Sep. 8. Itching-stinging sensation in the sole of the right foot, Oleand. 9. Stinging or burning in the thigh, at night, in bed, Graph. 10.----or burning in the leg, at a small spot, Graph. 11.----on the backs of the toes, Magnet, p. aust. 12.----at leg, from below upwards, Tarax. 13. Itching stinging in the sole of the right foot, Tarax. 14. Burning stinging in the soles, in the evening, a mere burning in the morning, Phos. ac. 15. Fine burning stinging at the in- side of left knee, when sitting, or in the thigh, when walking, Plumb. acet 16. Stinging in the heel, early, in bed, passing off after rising, Puis. 17. Itching stinging on the inner sides of the thighs, Staphys. 18. Titillating stinging in the tips of the toes, Kal. carb. 19. Stinging, drawing, and burning around the ankles, Kreas. 20. ---- in the left foot, heel, ball of big toe, Ambr. gr. 21. ----in the outer ankle of the right foot, Arg. nit. 22. ----above the knee, also with itching, Arn. 23. Violent stinging in the left sole, passing quickly, Thuj. 24. Burning stinging in the ball of the big toe and under the nail, Caust. 25. Stinging, particularly in the big toe-balls, also with pressure and pain as if frozen, less when walk- ing, also in the evening, with feel- ing of intense heat in the affected part, Bry. 26. Burning stinging in left femur, Cic 27. Stinging and itching in the skin of the thighs, waking him at night, Mere sol, LANCINATIONS. 1. Lancination at the tibiae, ante- riorly, attended with debility and weariness, Rhus t. 2. ----below the knee, in the tibia, Sabin. 3. ----in the big toes, Crot. 4. ----in the thigh, when walking, Sep. 5. ----or pinching in left thigh, Dros. 6. ----in right calf, when sitting, Dros. 7. Tearing lancinations between the tibia and fibula as far as the pa- tella, so violent that they made him start, Guaj. 8. Long tearing, drawing lancina- tions in the leg, from the right tar- sus to the knee, Guaj. 9. Drawing-tearing lancinations from the middle of right tibia to knee, Guaj. 10. Lancinations in the toes, Tarax. 11. ----in and below the right calf, and above the left heel, Staphys. 12. ----and tearing drawing from Vol. III.-60. XS. 945 the heels through the soles and toes, during rest and motion, in the evening, with swelling of the soles on waking in the morning, Kreas. 13. Itching lancinations in right leg, especially during rest, Coloc. 14. Sudden lancinations in the right heel, Amm. carb. 15. Lancination in the sole of the right foot, Mth. 16. ----from the left hip down to the leg, Mth. 17. Fine lancinations in the soles of the feet, Agn. 18. Lancinations from within out- wards in the external malleoli, when sitting, Arg.fl. 19. ----down to the big toe, appa- rently in the periosteum, Ars. 20. ----in the posterior joint of the right big toe, Zinc m. 21. Violent lancinations in the knee, during motion and when at rest, Asar. 22. Lancinations on both sides of the big toe-nails, Thuj. 23. ---- in the nates, Bar. carb. 24. ----in right thigh, Bar. carb. 25. ---- in the external muscles of the right thigh, above the knee, only when sitting, Bell. 26. ----or boring in the tendo- Achillis, Bell 27. ----in the left calf, from below upwards, Bell, 28. ----in the thighs and legs, ex- tending into the chest, Bov. 29. ----in the big toes, in the evening, Bov. 30. ----at the trochanter, when making a wrong step ; they cause him to start, with throbbing dur- ing rest and pain when touching the parts, Bry. 31. Lancination from the hip or but- tock to the knee and feet, Bry. 32. Lancinations, particularly in the calves, or from the feet to the bends of the knee, also with shin- ing-red swelling, Bry. 33. ----in right hip, Canth, 946 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 34. Lancination at right thigh, pos- teriorly, from below upwards, China. 35. ---- in the sole, when sitting or walking, China. 36.----from the coccyx to the left femur, Natr. sulph. 37. Slow lancination in the right knee, when sitting or walking, Merc. sol. Boring, 1. Stinging boring in the ball of the right foot, Ran. seel 2. Boring and gnawing in the right big toe, Ran. seel 3. ----in the big toe, Silic. 4. ----and drawing in the knee, causing uneasiness of the leg, Amm. carb. 5. ----in the right tibia, Ars. 6. ----or lancinations in the tendo- Achillis, Bell. 7'. ----in the knees, with contrac- tion of the lower limb, or attended with lancinations which extend to the feet and hip-joint, Caust. 8. ----and drawing in upper part of right femur, after an uneasy night, Carb. a. Tension, Tightness, Sensation as if too tight or short. 1. Tension in the muscles of the thigh, only when sitting, Spig. 2. Sensation as if the bend of the knee were too short, Mere sol, 3. Tension with stitches behind the thigh and leg, near the knee, Menyan. 4. ----and contraction in the bend of the knee, Nitr. ac 5. ---- in the left hip-joint, when sitting, Rhus t. 6. ---- in left thigh, proceeding from the joint, Rhus t. 7. Sensation as if the skin of the calf were too tight, with stinging in the skin when sitting, Rhus t. 8. Tension in left knee-joint when rising from a seat, Rhus i. 9. ----and pressing in the sole of the foot, Rhus t 10. Pain as if too short, in the ten- don of the tarsal joint, when walk- ing, Sep. 11. Sensation when walking, as if the calves were too short, Silic 12. ----in the bend of the knee as if too short, on rising from a seat, Nux V. 13. Tightness in the bend of the knees, Dig. 14. Painful tension in the ham-strings when walking, Euphr. 15. Pain in the bend of the knee as if too short, Graph. 16. Tension at a small spot on the knee, Grat. 17. ----in thighs as if the muscles were too short, Guaj. 18. ----from the .knee to the foot, when walking, Tab. 19. Arthritic tension in the knees, as if sprained; they feel hot to the hand, Phos. 20. Tension and drawing in the lower limbs, evening, Puis. 21. The legs and especially the tar- sal joint, feel as if squeezed into an iron band, Petrol. 22. Tension in the vastus externus when walking, Staphys. 23. ----and heaviness of the legs, Ign. 24. Sensation as of a broad ring around the ancles, Elec. 25. Tension at anterior superior spine of right ilium, extending to the groin and to the upper half of in- ternal femoral region, Coloc 26. Drawing tension in right thigh, Coloc. 27. Tension in the patellae, hindering walking, Aeon. 28. Sensation as if the hamstrings were shorter than usual, A con. 29. Tension in the left foot, at noon, Ambr. gr. 30. The tendons of the muscles feel too short, Amm, carb. TENSION, ri 31. Tension and drawing in the groin below the abdominal ring, as far as the thigh, Arg.fl. 32. Painful tension, with pressure, in the tendon of the psoas muscle, alternating with a similar pain in the triceps brachialis muscle, Arg.fl 33. Tension in the gastrocnemii mus- cles, from below upward, Arn. 34. ----in the bend of the knees as if too short, only when sitting or standing, Ars. 35.----and tearing in the borders of the right foot, Zinc. in. 36.----in the right tarsal joint, during a walk in the open air, Bell. 37.----and lassitude in the calves, when standing, Valer. 38.----in the bend of the knees, when standing or walking, Verat. 39.----with stitches, at the thigh, high up, Spong. 40.----from the hip-joint to the bend of the knee, more when walk- ing. Thuj. 41.----through the leg as from weariness, Thvj. 42. ----in the lower limbs, espe- cially when standing, as if all the tendons were too short, Bar. carb. 43.----in the hip-joints when walk- ing, as if sprained, Bell 44. During motion the tendons of the hamstrings, especially the outer, feel too short, Bell. 45. Tension in the sole of the right foot, near the heel, Bell 46.----in the thighs and buttocks, with a feeling of numbness and sometimes a feeling of warmth in the bend of the hip-joint, knees, calves, Berb. v. 47.----in the tarsal joints, particu- larly when moving them, or in the dorsum of the foot when sitting, as if the feet were swollen, Bry. 48. Tightness of the skin of the tower limbs, with burning or icy-cold- ness, Carb. a. TIGHTNESS. 947 49. The hamstrings feel as if too short, when walking, Carb a. 50. Painful tightness in the calves, when walking, Carb. a. 51. Tension in the dorsum of the foot, as if a tendon were too short; next day the place is swollen and sensitive to the touch, Carb. a. 52.----when walking, in the ante- rior muscles of both thighs, China. 53. Burning tension above the tendo- Achillis, China. Soreness, 1. Soreness between the lower limbs, high up, Nitr. ac. 2. Redness and humid soreness of the upper and inner surface of the lower limb, Petrol. 3. Soreness of the nates when touched, Nitr. ac. 4.----and itching between the last two toes of the right foot. Many. 5. Burning soreness between the thighs and perinaeum, Rhod. 6.----soreness of the posterior surface of right thigh, as if contus- ed, Mez. 7. Soreness between the thigh* Graph. 8.----between the toes, with itch- ing, Graph. 9.----between the scrotum and the thighs, Hep. s. 10.----of the big toe-nail as if it had grown into the flesh, Magnet. p. aust 11. The heels and balls of the toes feel sore when pressing them to the ground, Phos. ac. 12. Soreness between the toes, and burning of the soles, Phos. ac 13.----and stitches between the toes, Ran. bulb. 14. The nates feel sore after sitting, Staphys. 15. Soreness between the thighs, es- pecially when walking, Sulp. 948 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 16. Soreness of the thighs, where they rub against one another, lod. 17.----of the thighs when touching them, Aeon. 18. Painful soreness of the toe and corn, Agar. 19. Soreness between the thighs, with itching, Ars. 20. ----of the inside of the thigh, Bell 21.----as if excoriated, on upper M* and inner side of thigh, Caust. 22. The ball of the right heel feels sore, numb, Clem. 23. Soreness in the knee, when bend- ing it, Carb. a. 24.----between the thighs, high up, Caust. 25. Pulsative, drawing soreness in left hip, as from a bruise, Cic 26. Smarting and prickling of the dorsum of the right foot, Ran. seel 27. Smarting and itching of the soles, Ran. seel. 28.----in and around the right hip- joint, Sabin. 29. Scraping, smarting sensation on inner side of right thigh, Thuj. 30. Smarting as if excoriated, at the thigh, knee, calf,;) tarsal joint, Berb. v. Heaviness, Weight. 1. Heaviness of the lower limbs, Ars., Calc carb., Carb. v., Coloc, Graph., lod., Kal. carb., Nitr. ac 2. The feet feel heavy, Coloc, Ign., lod., Sabad., Sulp. 3. The legs feel heavy, Aeon., Ambr. gr. 4. The feet feel heavy as lead, Aeon. 5. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs, Rhus t. 6. The calves feel heavy, Rhus t 7. Heaviness and tension in the legs, when sitting, Rhus t. 8. The lower limbs feel heavy and uneasy, Ruta. 9. Heaviness and pressure in the tarsal joints, Crot 10. Weight in the right thigh, hin- dering the motion of the limb, Nux v. 11. Heaviness and frequent drawing in the feet, sometimes the legs, Led. p. 12. ---- in the legs, with increased vertigo, Lauroc. 13. ----and drawing in the lower limbs, Merc sol. 14. Painful heaviness in right foot, above the ankle, Sabin. 15. Heaviness of the feet after eat- ing, Op. 16. Painful heaviness in the tarsal joint, Cupr. m. 17. The left leg feels heavy and goes to sleep, Cupr. m. 18. Heaviness, lamipg drawing in the knees, Gran. 19. ---- and languor of the feet, Gutt 20. ----in the region of the ankles, with contractive sensation in the leg, from below upwards, Ind. 21. —— and paralytic sensation in the hip-joint, when commencing to walk after sitting, Phos. ac. 22. ---- in all the joints of the lower limbs, soon becoming pain- ful, Phos. ac. 23. ---- in the sole and heel, with stiching, Phos. ac 24. ---- and drawing pain in the legs, less in the arms, Puis. 25. ---- and tension in the calf, Staphys. 26. ----and weariness of the lower limb?, Sulp. 27. ---- and stiffness of the feet, Kal carb. 28. ---- and tension of the legs, Ign. 29. The lower limbs feel very heavy, languid, and as if bruised, Agar. 30. Sensation as if a heavy load were attached to the tarsal bones, drawing the foot down, in any position of the foot, Agn. 31. Paralytic heaviness and debility of the lower limbs, so that she did not know where to put them, Arg. nit. 32. Painful heaviness of the legs, as if weary, Verat. 33. He dreams that his knee-joints are heavy, they are painful after waking, Zinc in. 34. Painful heaviness of the legs, in the morning, Verat. 35. Heaviness and lassitude of the legs, when standing, going off when sitting, Valer. 36. ----in the calves, she does not get along easily in walking, Va- ' ler. 37. ---- in the tips of the middle toes, with drawing pain, and as if ulcerated, and a cooling sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the soles of the feet up the calves, Valer. 38. ---- in the knee-joint, when walking, Spong. 39. Sense of heaviness, with tearing, in left tibia, Spong. 40. ----as of a load in lower part of left tibia, when walking fast, Spong. 41. Paralytic heaviness and weak- ness in the limbs, especially the thighs and knee-joints, Stann. 42. 'Ihe limb is heavy and stiff, when walking, Thuj. 43. Increased weight of the thighs and legs, with discharge of yellow mucus from the nose, and increase of thirst, Bell 44. Heaviness of the thighs and legs, when walking, accompanied by stiffness of the knee-joints, Bell. 45. Excessive weight and stitches in the thighs, when walking, Bell 46. Tremulous weight of the legs, Bell. 47. Painful feeling of weight in right leg, when laying it across the left, Bell. VING. 949 48. Drawing weight in the legs, Bell. 49. Feeling of heaviness and numb- ness in the soles of the feet, par- ticularly when pressing them to the ground, as if on the stretch, or swollen, Bry. 50. The legs feel heavy, as if drawn down by a weight, Camph, 51. Weight and tearing pain in the thighs, when walking, Cic Drawing. 1. Drawing in lower limbs, Graph. 2. ----in the hamstrings, Asar. 3. ----in the feet, Nitr. ac. 4. ----in the thighs, Tereb. 5. ----in the toes, Thuj. 6. ----, with pressure, in the lower limbs, Nitr. ac. 7. ----in the muscles of the thigh, as if supporting a heavy weight, Nitr. ac. 8. ---- in the legs, from above downwards, with sensation as if warmth were coming to the part, Spig. 9. ----in the thighs, from above downwards, Nux v. 10. ----in the middle of the calf, sometimes changed to a spasmodic jerking, Nitr. ac 11. ----and heaviness in the lower limbs, Merc sol. 12. Frequent drawings and heavi- ness in the feet, Led. p. 13. Pinching-dragging sensation in the anterior surface- of the thigh, as if the skin were drawn up, Mang. 14. Cramp-like drawing at anterior part of the thigh, when sitting, Menyan. 15. Drawing in the bend of the right knee, through the calf, when sitting, Menyan. 16. Cramp-like drawing at outer side of left leg, when sitting, with sharp pressure on tibia, Menyan. 17. Tearing-drawing, from the heel to the buttocks, worse at night, 950 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. with contraction and giving way of the knees, Mere sol, 18. Laming-drawing along the bones of the leg, Nitr. ac. 19. Drawing and sensation of numb- ness in lower part of thigh, and in the knee, with weakness of the leg, and giving way of the knee, Nux jug I. 20. ----in right large toe, as if dis- located, Nuxjugl. 21. ---- in the calves, with trem- bling and weakness of the lower limbs, Nux mos. 22. - - in the legs and calves, Rat. 23. and tearing in right groin, extending along the thigh, Rhus t 24. Cramp-like drawing in left calf, Rhus t. 25. Drawing and tearing from the knee to the tarsus, Rhus t. 26. ----in the right calf, internally, causing uneasiness of the leg, Rhus t. 27. Laming-drawing in the leg, when sitting, Rhus t. 28. Drawing in left heel from below upward, with burning, Rhus t. 29. Sharp drawing under the heel, Con. 30. Dull drawing to and fro, in left calf, Sabin. 31. Drawing in the legs from above downwards, with sensation as if warmth were coming to the parts, Spig. 32. Spasmodic drawing in the legs, Nux v. 33. Drawing and stitching at outer ankle, Nux v. 34. Undulating drawing in the bones of the legs, Oleand. 35. Distressing drawing in left tro- chanter, 01, an. 36. Drawing along the right ham- strings, when standing, Par. quad. 37. Stretching drawing, with press- ure, in the hamstrings, when sit- ting or standing, Cycl 38. Drawing from without inwards, in metacarpal joint of big toe, Cycl 39. Rheumatic drawing in lower part of right tibia, Mez. 40. Cramp-like drawing in the mus- cles of the thigh, above the knee, Dig. 41. Drawing in the surface of the tibia, as if a part would be torn out, Dig. 42.----in the muscles of the thigh here and there, with sensi- tiveness to the touch, Dulc. 43. Cramp-like, almost cutting drawing through the left leg, Dulc 44. Stitching drawing from the thigh into the groin, most violent when sitting, Euphr. 45. Laming drawing, tearing, heavi- ness and stitching in the knee, Gran. 46. Spasmodic drawing in the calves, Graph. 47. Stitching drawing in the thighs, Hyosc. 48. Drawing from before backwards in the middle three toes, only when walking, Magnet, p. aust. 49. Drawing in the feet, up to the hip, with cracking of the joints at every step, Sulp. 50. Burning drawing in dorsum of right foot, Tarax. 51. Drawing along the tibia, from the little toe, Tarax. 52. Cramplike drawing in the left buttock, when walking, Phos. ac. 53. Drawing in the anterior portion of the hip-joint, when lying, Plumb, acet. 54. Drawing and tension in the lower limbs, in the evening, Puis. 55. Acute drawing in the legs, as far as the knees, with chilliness, Puis. 56. Laming drawing in the right knee-joint and in the bellies of the gastrocnemii muscles, when walk- ing, even afterwards, Staphys. 57. Sensation, on rising from a seat, as if the knees would give way ; DRAWING. 951 a tremulous nervous drawing-up in the bend of the knee, Staphys. 58. Drawing, with pressure, at tibia, when sitting, Staphys. 59.----, with pressure, across the tarsus, Staphys. 60. ----in the calves and soles, Sulp. 61. Cramp-like drawing down the tibiae, Natr. carb. 62. Rheumatic drawing in the whole of the left lower limb, especially the thigh and knee, lod. 63. Drawing and tearing in the tibiae, the periosteum being pain- ful when pressed upon, Kal. curb. 64. Laming and drawing in the right limb, Par. quad. 65. Drawing or tearing about the ankles or heels, Par. quad. 66. Crampy drawing from the hol- low to the dorsum of the foot, 01 an. 67. Laming drawing in the lower limbs, Hyosc 68. Drawing from the hips to the feet, leaving a burning, Magnes art. 69.----:, burning and stinging around the ankles, Kreas. 70. Tearing drawing and lancinations from the heels through the soles and toes, during rest and motion, in the evening, with swelling of the soles on waking in the morn- ing, Kreas. 71. Drawing, jerking and dull throb- bing in left hip, Coloc 72.----and pressure in the legs and thighs, going off on walking, Coloc 73. ----, with pressure, in the toes, Colch. 74.----in the thighs and legs, Agar. 75. Cramp-like drawing in the inter- nal femoral region, Coloc 76. Drawing in the right knee-joint, Coloc 77.----in the calves, now and then, Coloc 78. Drawing and tearing in left limb, with uneasiness, Con. 79.---- in right leg and tendo- Achillis, Aeon. 80.----in the aponeuroses of the lower limbs, Aeon. 81. ----and boring in the knee, causing uneasiness of the leg, Amm, carb. 82.----in the knees and ankles, Ambr. gr. 83. Jerking drawing from the left knee to the foot, with lameness of the muscles, Agn. 84. Cramp-like intermittent drawing in the legs from the heels up to the calves, Anac. 85.----drawing and dragging from below upwards, in the calf and thighs, Ang. 86. Drawing in one of the nates, all around the hip-joints, into the thigh, Ant. cr. 87.----and tearing in the right big toe, Ant. cr. 88.----and tension in the groin, below the abdominal ring, as far as the thigh, Arg. f 89.----in the anterior muscles, with tingling humming in left thigh, Arg.fl 90.----. with lameness, in the bones of the left hip-joint, Arg.fl 91. Periodical cramp-like drawing from the hip downwards, along the anterior surface of the thigh, (ischias antica) Arg. nit. 92. .Laming drawing as if bruised, above the patella. Arg. nit. 93. Violent drawing in the calves when going upstairs, so that he was scarcely able to drag himself along, Arg. nit 94. Drawing and scraping in the lower half of the tibia, ante, rly, Arg. nit. 95. ---- or cramp-like pressure in the muscles of the left thigh, when sitting, Am. 96. ----in the bones of the left foot, Zinc oxyd. 952 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 97. Rheumatic drawing in the thighs, Zinc. m. 98. Cramp-like drawing in the fleshy part of the first joint of the right big toe, with a feeling of warmth, less when walking, Thuj. 99. ----drawing in the glutei mus- cles when standing, Verat. 100. Drawing in the knees, when standing, walking, or sitting, Verat 101. ----drawing in left knee, followed by profuse sweat, Spong. 102. Arthritic drawing in the right foot, Arg. nit. 103. Laming drawing in the thighs, with weakness in the knees, Cocci 104. Drawing or tearing in the thigh, anteriorly, Bar carb. 105. Laming drawing in the right lower limb, Bell. 106. Cutting-drawing at a small spot of the lower limbs, spreading from below upwards, first through the legs and thighs, afterwards through the small of the back, as far as the shoulders, Bell. 107. A kind of painless drawing or creeping, from the heel to the toes, around the malleoli, Bell. 108. Drawing in the thighs, from above downwards, Berb. *>. 109. ---- in the thighs, as before the catamenia, Bry. 110. ---- in the tibiae or calves, with subsequent sweat, Bry. 111. ----or tearing in lower limbs, Calc carb. 112. ---- in the gluteus maximus, as if the limb would become lame, Camph. 113. Crampy-drawing in the bend of the knee, when walking, along the inner hamstring, Cann. 114. Drawing to and fro in left foot, from the toes to the arkles, Cann. 115. ----and pressing in the heel, when sitting, Cann. 116. ---- in the knee and thigh, after a walk, Clem. 117. Drawing in the ball of the right big toe, Cann. 118. ---- above the knee, and in the elbow, or in the back and penis at the same time, going off after eructations and emission of flatulence, Canth. 119. ----in the sole of the left foot, Canth. 120. ---- and tearing in the mus- cles of the thigh, Carb. a. 121. ----and tearing in the tendons of the right heel, Carb. a. 122. ---- and boring in upper part of right femur, after an uneasy night, Carb. a. 123. Painless drawing in left leg, at night, from below, Carb. a. 124. Rheumatic drawing in left thigh, Carb. v. 125. Drawing and stinging in the calves, Cast. 126.----and tearing in the knee, Caust. 127. Tearing-drawing in left glutei muscles, when sitting, China. 128. Drawing in the glutei muscles and knees at the same time, when standing, China, 129.----, with pressure, in the hip and knee-joint, disappearing when walking, China. 130. Cramp-like drawing in right thigh, from the bend of the knee upwards, as if the leg wrould be drawn up, China. 131. Stitching-drawing in the heel, China. 132. Jerking-drawing in the ham- strings, China. 133. Drawing and stretching in right thigh, very painful, and extending even to the penis, Clem. Contraction, Contractive Sensa- tion. I. Spasmodic drawing up of the toes, Lact. 2. Cramp-like contraction in the ' middle of the thigh, and below THROBBING, PULSATIONS, BEATING, ETC. 953 both calves, as if tightly bandaged, Nitr. ac. 3. Cramp-like contraction of the toes, at night, Merc, sol 4. Spasmodic contraction of the calf, occasioning the formation of hard and raised bunches of skin and flesh, Merc, sol, 5. Intermittent contraction above the heels, Rat 6. Cramp-like contraction in the right buttock, Rhus t. 7. Spasmodic contraction in the sole, inner side, Rhus t. 8. Contractive and cramp-like drawing from the middle of the thigh to the hip-joint and small of the back, Ruta. 9. Contraction of the lower limbs, the patients have to walk on the tips of the toes, Sec. corn. 10. Crampy contraction of right foot, Nux v. 11. Cramp-like contraction of the toes, when yawning, or in bed, after midnight, Nux v. 12. Painful spasmodic contraction of the fingers and toes, Cupr. acet 13. Painless contractive sensation in right calf, Guaj. 14, Contractive sensation in the soles as if too short, Sulp. 15, Contraction in lower and outer parts of the thighs, extending to the leg at times, Sulph. ac. 16. Cramp-like contractive sensation in both limbs and feet, in parox- ysms, Phos. 17. Spasmodic contraction of the thighs, Plumb, acet. 18. Crampy sensation of the mus- cles of the sole of the left foot, during rest, Plumb, acet. 19. Contractive sensation of heavi- ness in the left tarsal bones, close to the joints, Staphys. 20. Spasmodic contraction of the toes, in walking, Hyosc 21. Contraction in the calves, when extending the leg, Ign. 22. Sense of contraction in the thigh, as if too short, Ambr. 23. Spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the right thigh, near the knee, abating when extending the limb, Asar. 24. Painful contraction in the tendo- Achillis, frequently, Carb. a. 25. Cramp-like contraction of the toes, with tearing pain in the limbs, Cham. Throbbing, Pulsations, Beating, Bubbling. 1. Sense as of gurgling or bub- bling, in the lower part of the tibia, from below upwards, Arn. 2. Bubbling in the thigh, calf, mal- leolus, Berb. v. 3. Quick bubbling in forepart of left knee, when sitting, Bell. 4. Bubbling, from thighs to toes, in one line, Squill. 5. Pulsations in the left buttock, Zinc oxyd. 6. Dull beating and uneasiness in the tarsal joints and lower parts of the legs, with tingling and stinging in the skin of the tibiae, Arg. f. 7. Throbbing and pain, as if bruised, in the tarsal joints, Arg.fl. 8. Sense of bubbling in back part of right leg, followed by stitches in the joints of the foot, Ant. cr. 9. Frequent pulsations and jerks in the muscles of the legs, Anac 10. Pulsation in left big toe, going off on walking, Coloc. 11. Throbbing in right knee-joint, Coloc 12. Pulsation in left gluteal region, Coloc 13. Dull throbbing, jerking and tearing in left hip, Coloc. 14. Throbbing in the legs, from the knees to the toes, worse in the soles of the feet, Kreas. 15. ---- and beating in left knee, Kal carb. 954 SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 16. Throbbing, heat, pains in the toes, Ki I. bich. 17. Bubbling in the right calf, Sulp. 18. Throbbing in the soles of the feet, Petrol 19. Strong beating at a small spot on the outer side of the right calf, when lying, Plumb. acet 20. Perceptible pulsations in the left leg, during rest, Phos. ac. 21. Pulsation in the nates, Phos. 22. Beating in the calf, four days in succession, Graph. 23. Stitching-throbbing, with painful pressure in the right sole, Sas- sap. 24. Beating in the dorsum of the foot, Rhus t. 25. Bubbling in the leg from above downwards, with stitching, Rheum. 26. ---- in the bend of the heel, Rheum. 27. Throbbing in the left calf, Nux mos. 28. Paroxysms of painless beating in the knee-joints, Merc sol 29. Bubbling in rigjit calf, Spig. 30. Throbbing in the thighs, as if ulcerated, they do not bear con- tact, and are alternately hot and cold, Nitr. ac Deadness, Insensibility, Numbness, Creeping, Tingling, Formi- cation, Going to Sleep. 1. Deadness of the right foot, Rhus t 2. When standing, the middle of the right tibia feels dead, cold, and as if gone to sleep, Samb. 3. After walking the toes feel dead, with sore pain in the toes on resu- ming his walk, Cycl. 4. Deadness and coldness in left lower limb, Euphorb. 5. ---- of the lower limbs, Graph. 6. Difficulty of pressing the feet to the ground, as if they were dead or made of wood, Plumb, acet. ^ 7. Toward evening the legs are in- sensible, but weary, they tremble in walking, Puis. 8. The lower limb is almost insensi- ble, Op. 9. Lividity, coldness, and almost complete loss of the power of mo- tion in the legs, Ox. ac 10. The skin under the feet is in- sensible and thick as leather, with rhagades, Ars. 11. Formication in the left leg, Rhod., Tab. 12. Formication in the calves, Zinc. m. 13. ----in the heel, Par. quad. 14. ----in the feet and toes, Phos. 15. ----in the left thigh, with feel- ing of debility, 01 an. 16. ---- in the lower limbs, Sec 17. ----and feeling of heat in the toes of the right foot, Magn. mur. 18.----in the dorsum of the foot and under the toes, Magn. carb. 19. Tingling in the • legs, Elect, Graph. 20.----in the feet, Rhod. 21. ----of the right leg, Phos. ac. 22.----in the thighs, legs and soles of the feet, Cic 23. Stinging tingling from the big toe to the dorsum of the foot, dis- appearing when walking or stand- ing, China. 24. When rising from his seat he feels a burning and tingling in the thigh on which he had been sitting, as if it had gone to sleep, especial- ly in the bend of the knee, China. 25. Tingling in the thighs and legs, Caust. 26. Stinging tingling in the feet as if gone to sleep, Carb. a. 27. Tingling in forepart of sole of right foot, as if gone to sleep, Clem. 28. ----in the feet from below up- ward, Bell. 29. ----in the big toes, Caust. DEADNESS, INSENSIBIL 30. Tingling in both soles, Caust. 31. Frequent tingling in the left knee-joint, Zinc oxyd. 32. Tingling in the limbs as if gone to sleep, Ars. 33.----in the hands and feet, with lancinating pain in some joints, Am. 34.----and creeping in the feet, Arn. 35.----in left calf, without itching, Ant. cr. 36. ----in the dorsum of the left foot, Amm. carb. 37.----and numbness of the feet when lying down, with fainting and obscuration of the sight on rising, vomiting of -bile, he has to lie down again, Ambr. gr. 38.----in left heel, it feels ulcerat- ed when touched, Amm. carb. 39.----swelling and heat of left foot, Coloc 40. ----in left foot, simultaneously with pressure at the sacro-iliac articulation of the same side, when the tingling ceased in one foot, it commenced in the other, Coloc. 41.----in various toes as if frozen, Colch. 42.----at a spot in the middle of the sole, 01. an. 43. Deep-seated formication from the knee down the leg, 01 an. 44. Tingling in the toe and sole, Kal. carb. 45.----under the toes as if gone to sleep, Staphys. 46. Itching tingling in the toes, as if frozen, in the evening, Puis. 47. Tingling in right leg and left foot, Tax. bac 48. ■----in the thighs and legs as if gone to sleep, Guaj. 49.----in the knee-joints, Crot 50.----in the small and big toes, Crot. 51.----in the feet, early, when ly- ing in bed, Rhus t. 52.----and jerking in left big toe, Ran. seel 53. Numbness of the legs, Rhus rad. ATY, NUMBNESS, ETC. 955 54. Numbness of the thigh, Ferr. acet. 55.----of the foot, Op. 56.----and insensibility of the lower limbs, Carb. v. 57. Sensation as if the toes would curve and become numb, when sitting, Cham. 58. The ball of the right heel feels numb, sore, Clm. 59. Feeling of numbness in right hip and thigh, with sensation as if broken in many pieces, Calc carb. 60. Numbness and heat of left limb, Bo-. 61. ---- and stiffness of the feet with swelling and pains, Ars. 62. When walking, the right foot feels numb and goes to sleep, Ant. cr. 63. The feet as far as the knees feel numb, without tingling, Ang. 64. The legs and feet feel numb and go to sleep, Aeon. 65. Numbness and lameness of left thigh, Aeon. 66. ---- in the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the great toe, Coloc. 67. ---- down the posterior tibial region of right leg, passing into a dull spasm, Coloc 68. ---- in the ball of the heel, when walking, Ign. 69. The feet feel numb, as if pricked, Hyp. perf. 70. Numb feeling of right lower limb, Kal. carb. 71. Numbness and tingling in the right heel, with tearing in the toes, Stront. 72. Feeling of numbness in the left hip when standing, extending to the abdomen, Staphys. 73. The left foot is numb, insensible, dead, when walking, Phos. ac. 74. Numbness and coldness of the dorsum of the foot, Graph. 75. Numb and hot feeling in the thigh, Graph. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 956 SYMPTOMS OF THE ] 76. Numb feeling of the calf, after- noon, and evening, Dulc. 77. Numbness and sudden paralytic feeling of one lower limb, when standing, Sep. 78. ---- and insensibility of the feet, Con. 79. ---- of the two large toes of the right foot, with feeling as if there were a bag of cotton be- tween the toes, Rhus rad. 80. Creeping in the calves, Spig. 81. Crawling from the right knee to the middle of the thigh, anteriorly, Merc. sol. 82. Creeping in the sole of the left foot, Lauroc. 83. Alternate creeping and stinging and tearing under the skin of the right knee, Rat. 84. Crawling on inner side of right knee, with tension of the tendons, Rhus t. 85. Creeping in the feet, when standing, Sep. 86. ----in the calves, Spig. 87. ----in the calves, from the feet up, Nux v. 88. Tickling creeping in left toes ; rubbing makes them painful, Euphr. 89. Burning cutting creeping in the thighs, as if some corroding sub- stance had made the parts sore, Sulph. ac. 90. Creeping in both heels, Phos. 91. ---- in the thighs and legs, which had been swollen for years, with hot and heavy feeling in the limbs, and sensation as if they would sw'rell up, Staphys. 92. ---- in the feet, not as if gone to sleep, Ign. 93. Stinging creeping in the skin of the calves, after midnight, Ign. 94. Creeping in the tips of the right toes, Spig. 95. Itching creeping in the sole of the right foot, Spig. 96. Creeping in left foot, when walk- ing, Spong. 97. Creeping in the feet, gradually rising to the legs, Stann. 98. ---- in the legs, from below upwards, externally, accompanied with sensation as of innumerable stitches, internally, Bell. 99. The legs go to sleep, Amm. carb., Phos., Plumb, acet. 100. Sensation in the legs as if they would go to sleep, Cham., Merc. corr. 101. The limbs go to sleep, Hyosc, Sep. 102. Both feet go to sleep, Cocc 103. The knees go to sleep, Carb. v. 104. The big toe goes to sleep, Nux v. 105. One or the other limb goes to sleep, Canth. 106. When sitting or bending the knee, the leg goes to sleep, with feeling of coldness, Camph. 107. The lower limbs go to sleep, when sitting, Calc. carb. 108. The thighs and legs go to sleep, when sitting, Thuj. 109. After a short siesta, the legs go to sleep, first the right, then the left; when trying to walk, the left leg was spasmodically drawn up to the thigh; even when sit- ting, it was spasmodically drawn backwards, Spong. 110. The left lower limb goes to sleep, early, Nice 111. The left leg feels as if gone to sleep, with numbness of the foot, Asar. 112. Sensation from the right hip- joint to the knee, as if the limb would go to sleep, Asar. 113. Thighs and legs feel as if gone to sleep, with unsteady gait, Ambr. gr. 114. The toes of the right foot go to sleep while walking, Aeon. 115. Sensation in the legs as if the circulation had stopped, Lact 116. The thigh and leg go to sleep, while sitting, after eating, Ign. 117. The lower limbs go to sleep, early in the morning, Snip. ITCHING, TICKLING, TITILLATION. 957 118. The knees go to sleep after a walk, Kal carb. 119. The legs go to sleep on rising from a seat, Puis. 120. The fore part of the right foot and toes feel tight and as if gone to sleep, when walking, Phos. ac 121. The lower limbs go to sleep, when sitting, Phos. ac. 122. Feeling in the thighs as if they had gone to sleep, Ferr. acet 123. The lower limbs frequently go to sleep, with painful tingling, Euphorb. 124. The nates go to sleep and feel dead, Dig. 125. The left leg goes to sleep and feels heavy, Cupr. m. 126. Sensation in leg as if gone to sleep, without tingling, succeeded by a contractive sensation, Nux v. 127. The leg goes to sleep when sitting or standing; a pricking is felt in the leg, when touching it with the other, Nux v. 128. The lower limbs frequently go to sleep, as if paralysed, Merc sol. Itching, Tickling, Titillation. 1. Itching of the sole, Cham., Cupr. m. 2. ---- of the legs, Merc. sol. Silic 3. Tickling in the sole of the right foot, Mang. 4. Itching of the legs and feet, Calc. carb. 5. ----of the thighs, Calc carb. 6. Tingling itching of the toes, Hep. s. 7. Itching between the toes, most violent in the afternoon and even- ing, Merc. sol. 8. ----of the heel and little toes, Nice 9 Itching of the thighs, she had to scratch them until they bled, Nitr. ac. 10. Itching and stinging in the skin of the thighs, waking him at night, Merc. sol. 11. Creeping itching of the right thigh, Spig. 12. Itching of the skin of the thighs and legs, frequently returning after scratching, Spig. 13. ----of the dorsum of the left foot, Spig. 14. ----of the right thiard the evening previous, Phos. ac. Unpleasant Dreams. 1. Unpleasant dreams, Caust. 2. She dreams that her upper arm is painful and immovable, Nice 3. Vivid dreams insulting to his honor, Mosch. 4. Dreams about mortifying things, Rheum. 5. Bad dreams, with weeping, Silic 6. Dreams about sick or mutilated persons, Nux v. 7. She dreams that she is to go to the theatre, but that she cannot get ready with her toilet, she wakes angry, Magn. sidph. 8. She attempted to talk in a dream, but was unable; this tor- mented her, Magn. carb. 9. She dreamed she was travelling, but that she was not getting along; this vexed her, Kal. nit. 10. Dreams, full of disappointment, Ign. 11. ---- full of sadness, wakes in tears, Ign. 12, Unpleasant dreams, he does not succeed in anj thing, Cann. 1015 13. Dreams about insults which he had received, Asar. 14. Disagreeable dreams, with rest- less sleep, waking, tossing about, Cina. 15. Dreams about woful diseases. Con. 16. Dreams full of trouble, Cina. Vexatious Dreants, full of Quarrel. 1. Vexatious dreams, Ars. 2. ----dreams about quarrelling, Cham., Phos. ac, Puis., Tarax., Verat. 3. She dreams that she is disputing with some one ; this wakes her in tears, Sabin. 4. Dream about a row, or about - the lightning striking somewhere, Phell. 5. He dreams as soon as he falls asleep; now he fights with some one, then he has anxious images which wakes him ; then he dreams again, Staphys. 6. Wakeful before midnight, dreamed of dispute as soon as he went to sleep, Staphys. 7. Vexatious dreams, with talking, Ambr. gr. 8. ---- dreams, full of dispute, Alum. 9. Dreams, full of vexation and fighting, Con. 10. ---- full of dispute and vexa- tious things, Bry. Dream about the Same Thing. 1. He dreams about one and the same thing, which clings to his mind like a fixed idea, even after waking, Aeon. 2. He dreams the whole night of one and the same thing, which does not leave him even after waking, Ign. Pleasant Dreams. 1. Before midnight his dreams rea AMS. 1016 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO SLEEP. 4. He dreamed of men being flayed, Arn. 5. Anxious dream that his body has been disfigured, Sep. 6. ----.dre'ams, that her toe is to be cut off (with a stabbing sensa- tion in the toe after waking); that her daughter is crying for help in a pool of water, that she is flying through the air, etc., Natr. sulph. 7. ---- dream about a rebellion, Mere sol. 8. Frightful dreams that the world is to be consumed by fire, with beating of the heart on waking, Rhus t 9. He dreams of cruel mutilations and lacerations, which leave him indifferent, Nux v. 10. She dreams that one of her relatives has her head cut off, after which she wakes covered with sweat, Nice of an anxious, after midnight of a pleasant nature, Mez. 2. Pleasant dream of earthly great- ness, Stann. ' 3. Vivid, mostly pleasant dreams, Teucr. 4. Pleasant dreams, about travel- ling, flying through the air, Ind. 5. ---- dreams about a beautiful region of country, 01 an. 6. Dreams, first agreeable, then horrid, Nitr. ac 7. Pleasant dreams, about mar- riage, flowers, gardens, etc., Natr. sulp. 8. Dreams about feasting, Nitr. ac. 9. Merry dreams, Op. 10. Pleasant dreams about gardens, company, Phell 11. Funny dreams, Phos. 12. The dreams before midnight are pleasant, those after midnight frightful, Phos. ac Dreams about Unsuccessful Business. 1. He dreams that he has failed in every thing he undertakes; this makes him angry, Mosch. 2. Vivid dreams about affairs which he could not manage, Phos. 3. Vexatious dreaming, he does not succeed in any thing, Op. Dreams about the Report of a Gun. 1. He dreams he hears a firing, Hep. s. 2. He hears a loud report in a dream, Stann. Dreams about Mutilations, Wound- ing, etc. 1. Dreams about bodily mutila- tions, Con. 2. She dreams that she is to be stabbed, Guaj. 3. Horrible dreams about mutila- tions of men, Ant cr. Busy Dreams. 1. Dreams full of business, Ambr. gr. 2. Busy dreams, Staphys. 3. Restless dreams, as though he were at times in one, at times in another place; now he is busy with this, then with another ob- ject, Led. p. 4. Restless dreams, Oleand. Dreams full of Care. 1. Dreams full of care, with wak- ing, sometimes with cries about danger, he has the same dream after falling asleep again, Ars. 2. ----full of care, Nux v. Dreams about Animals, Vermin. 1. Horrid dreams about spiders, etc., Sassap. 2. He dreams of big dogs pursuing him, Silic. DREAMS. 1017 3. Anxious dreams, about serpents, Bov. 4. Frightful dreams about serpents, Grat. 5. Dreams about frightful animals, serpents, etc., Alum. 6. Immediately after going to sleep, he dreams that he is fighting with a wild beast, which makes him start, Staphys. 7. Fearful dreams about large black dogs and cats, after falling asleep, in the evening, Arn. 8. Vivid dreams about deer, walk- ing in the forest, prairies, etc., 01 an., Natr. sulp. 9. Dreams about serpents, illness, dead persons, Kal. carb. 10. She dreams of seeing yellow mice, and loathing them, Magn. sulph. 11. Horrid dreams (of wild beasts), Nux v. 12. Dreams about vermin, Nux v. 13. ---- about wild boars, Mercu- rial. 14. ----about snakes, Mercurial Dreams about one's Affairs. 1. Vivid dream the whole night, about attending to his business in a correct manner, Bry. 2. He dreams of his household af- fairs, Bry. 3. He dreams about his business as soon as he falls asleep, Staphys. 4. Dreams about his plans, Camph. 5.----about domestic affairs, Bell. 6. Anxious dreams about his affairs, as soon as he was near falling asleep, Rhus t. 7. Vivid dreams about the affairs of the day, or about one and the same object (all night,) and with uninterrupted exertions of thought, Puis. 8. - Merc sol. ■---- about his business, Dreams about Robbers. 1. Dreams about robbers, every night, Petrol 2. He dreams of robbers and says that he will overtake them, Silic. 3. Vivid dream about robbers, he woke in affright and imagined that it was true, Verat. 4. Frightful dreams about thieves, Aur. f. 5. Dreams about robbers and mur- derers, Bell. 6. Anxious dream, about a fight with robbers, inundations, etc., Magn. carb. 7. He dreams about robbers, Merc sol Dreams about falling from a Height, etc. 1. Pie dreams that he is engaged in war, or is falling into the water, Ferr. acet. 2. He dreams that he is falling from a great height, Aur.f. 3. He dreams that he had fallen into the water and was crying, Ign. 4. She dreams every night of fall- ing into the water, walking in the wind, of her daughter having fallen into a well, lod. 5. She dreams that she is falling from a high mountain, Sep. 6. He dreams that he is falling from a height, Merc, sol Dreams about Particular Persons. 1. He dreamed of seeing an old school-mate, which pleased him, Ant cr. 2. Dreams about a number of men, Bell 3. She dreams that her children have met with some accident, cries about it, and is drenched with sweat on waking, Kreas., VTING TO SLEEP. 1018 SYMPTOMS REL< 4. Anxious dreams about dead rela- tives, Rheum. 5. She dreams that people aie standing before her window, Merc. sol 6. She dreams that an acquaintance is approaching wbom she mistook for the devil, Nice Dreams about one's Teeth falling out. 1. She dreams that one of her teeth breaks off, Kal ni . 2. He dreams that all his teeth are falling out, Nux v. 3 Painful dream about a tooth fall- ing out, Tab. Dreams full of Reflection. 1. Dreams, with intense r flection, while half awake, Nux v. 2. Morning-dreams fatiguing the mind, Ign. 3. He dreams with reflection and thought, Ign. 4. He dreams that he is delivering a discourse, with vivid memory and reflection, Cham. 5. Dream, which fatigues mind and body, Bell. 6. ----full of fatiguing reflections, Ars. 7. Vivid dreams accompanied by mental exertions, causing a head- ache as from bruises, Anac. 8. Dreams full of mental exertions, Coloc 9. Confused dreams, during which his mind is very Lusy, Spig. Dreams about Scientific Objects. 1. Nightly dreams full of learned efforts and scientific labors, Ign. 2. Vivid dreams about scientific objects, Guaj. Various kinds of Dreams. 1. Strange dreams, Chin, s-p., Phos. ac. 2. He dreams that he is writing on a dirty table and on greasy paper, Prun. spin. 3. He dreams that he ha> a boil, Pr. spin. 4. Sleep full of dreams, w!th erec- tions, Phos. ac. 5. Dream about a haemorrhage, Phos. -* 6. Restless, at night, and dreaming constantly, Phos. 7. Dreams full of care about some- thing she had to attend to, and on account of which she gets up con- tinually, Phos. 8. He dreams that he is gliding on his way, Ox. ac. 9. He dreams that water is poured upon him, Ox. ac 10. 8 he dreams that some one is pinching her back, chest, and is tl I ling her soles, Phos. 11. Dream about an inundation and shooting, Merc. sol. 12. Starting while dreaming; he fan- cies that he is not in his house; he sat up in bed and spoke of a dis- tant village, Merc sol 13. He wakes and dreams the great- est portion of the night, Merc sol. 14. He dreams that he is going to a funeral, Nice 15. He dreams that he is standing on a tottering ladder, but without anxiety, Lauroc. 16 Strange morning-dream, that he is turning about on his leg, Lact. vir. 17. He dreams that the glans of the penis is breaking off on attempting to urinate, Kreas. 18. She dreams that she is beholding a small object which grows larger and larger, Kreas. 19. Fantastic dreams, Kalm. lat. 20. While half sleeping and half DREAMS. 1019 awake, he dreams that his lower limbs are soldiers, Kal. hyd. 21. Dream, with sensation of stran- gulation, Kreas. 22. He dreams that he is flying, Galv. 23. lie dreams before midnight during his slumbers, with heat, Ign. 24. He dreams that he is raising pus and blood, Hep. s. 25. Sleep full of fanciful dreams, Cham. 26. He has a dream which explains to him a thing that appeared inex- plicable in the waking state, Aeon. 27. He talks a good deal in his dreams, and is in constant motion, Aeon. 28. Dreams about falling, Bell. 29. She dreamed the whole night she was in darkness, Aur.f. 30. Dreams full of repentance, Ars. 31. She dreams that she is rebuked, Arn. 32. Dreams with irresolution, Arn. 33. Fantastic half slumbers, full of dreams the first part of the night, Arg. nit. 34. On falling asleep, he dreams about solemnities, Ant. cr. 35. Vivid dreams about smelling tinder and brimstone, this smell continues even after waking, A nae 36. Absurd dreams, Cina, 37. Confused dreams, full of uneasi- ness, Cic 38. Fanciful dreams in the evening, China. 39. Confused, absurd dreams, with frequent waking in a state of half consciousness, China, 40. Long dreams occasioned by the evening conversation ; when ac- cused of a crime he relied on his clear conscience, Thuj. 41. Innumerable dreams, Tab. 42. Vivid dreams that his body is puffed up to an enormous size, Squill. 43. She dreams that she is chilly and feels so on waking, Grat, 44. Dreams about falling, fire, coun- terfeit money, during a restless sleep. Zinc. oxyd. 45. ---- about life and death, Cocc. 46. He dreams that he is travelling all over the world, Crotal 47. He dreams that he is thirsty, and feels thirsty on waking, Dros. 48. She wakes every hour from a dream she recollects ; after falling asleep again she has another dream, which she recollects just as vividly, Bry. 49. He dreams that some one takes hold of his finger, Silic. 50. Dreams and fancies as soon as she goes to sleep, Silic. 51. On waking from a dream about war, he feels a rheumatic pressure between the scapulae, especially when moving the left arm, Silic Nightmare. 1. Nightmare, Ign., Tereb. 2. She dreams that she is on the point of being choked, but she is unable to cry out, Silic 3. A sort of nightmare, as if some one were lying under him, seizing him round the abdomen, so that he could not get loose, Nitr. ac 4. Nightmare, with sweat, while tormented with strange lascivious dreams, Nitr. ac 5. A sort of nightmare, as if her body were constricted with an- guish ; she attempted in vain to call out, Natr, mur. 6. Nightmare, he dreams that a stone is lying on him, and that he is being choked with a cord, Kal carb. 7. Restless sleep, with nightmare, Ign. 8. Nightmare, followed by lascivi- ous dreams and painful erections, Cinch, sulph. 9. ----: he dreams that his tongue is too large, that it is hanging out 1020 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO SLEEP. of his mouth, and reaches to the nose (hindering talking and screaming); weeps on that ac count with great anguish, Tab. , 10. Nightmare, he dreams that he is oppressed or crushed by some- thing, Sulp. 11. ---- when lying on his back, he wakes with screams, Guaj. 12. ----after midnight; on waking his limbs have gone to sleep, and his hands feel weak, Mez. 13. ----as soon as he lies down; he was unable to scream even af- ter waking, Cycl. 14. ----in a state of half waking, with anguish, as if a smoky beast, weighing a hundred weight, were lying on him, so that he was not able to stir or to utter a sound, Silic. Particular symptoms relating to Sleep. 1. Heaviness of the lids, obliging one to close them, with inability to look at an object long, Haimat. 2. Is afraid of falling asleep, Merc sol 3. Lying down in silence, Hyosc Symptoms during Sleep. 1. Convulsive movements of the muscles of the mouth, accompa- nied by jerking of the hands from without inwards, Ign. 2. Gnashing of the teeth, Kal carb. 3. Slow expirations, and a strong quick pulse, China. 4. She feels a pain in the joints when sleeping, not when waking, Sulp. ac. 5. Trembling in the inner limbs, after falling asleep, accompanied by twitching of the legs and feet, Carb. a. 6. During his slumber, he sees ob- jects which become larger or smaller at regular intervals, Camph. 7. Rumbling in the abdomen, Cupr. m. 8. The head feels heavy and op- pressed, Nitr. ac 9. Anxiety before midnight ; he started and remained anxious un- til he woke, Merc. sol. 10. Palpitation of the heart, during the siesta, waking him, Calc. carb. 11. He moves his mouth as if he were masticating, Bry. 12. The inspirations are shorter than the expirations, Camph. 13. He acts as if he would get up, Silic 14. Grating of the teeth, Ars. 15. He sleeps with one arm under his head, Cocc 16. He is lying on his face, Cocc. 17. Imaginary throbbing in the head, which he did not feel after wak- ing, Carb. v. 18. He imagined he heard some one walking, who stepped up to his bed, Carb. v. 19. Anxious dreams with shrieks, followed by sad dreams, Carb. a. 20. His face looks gloomy, vexed, and sad, Cham. 21. Ptyalism, Carb. a. 22. Loud laughing, Caust, Silic. 23. Sick feeling all over, Ars. 24. Has horrid figures before her eyes, Kal, carb. 25. He hears every sound, with con- stant dreaming, Ars. 26. Loud laughing, Lye 27. During his dizzy slumber he recollects every thing he had for- gotten in his waking state, Calad. 28. Emission without erection, Phos. ac 29. His features are at times laugh- ing, at times weeping, distorting the half-opened eyes, Phos. ac. 30. The child is pale, grumbles as if quarrelling, and has. convulsive drawings in the fingers, facial mus- cles, and eyelids, Rheum. 31. Deep and heavy breathing, now and then, Squill. 32. Singing, Phos. ac. SYMPTOMS DURING SLEEP. 1021 33. He frequently bites'his tongue, Phos. ac. 34. Sleeps with an open mouth, Rhus t 35. Short breath, Rhus t. 36. She exclaims that she is black, Sulp. 37. Saliva flows out of his mouth, Phos. 38. Short inspirations and long ex- pirations, Ign. 39. Irregular breathing, short, slow, forcible, soft, intermittent, ster- torous, Ign. 40. Sweat and smiling look, Hyosc 41. Stamps with his feet, Ign. 42. During his nightly slumber his imagination dwells upon one idea, which deprives him of sleep, Coff. 43. ---- a long, dull, giddy sort of sleep, thoughts about his business passed through his head like clouds, Hep. s. 44. Moves his fingers and hands, Ars. 45. Uneasiness, with tossing about, with moaning, crying, Alum. 46. Tearing, with pressure, in fore- head, proceeding from the occiput, Ambr. gr. 47. Excessive pain in the small of the back, with painful lameness in both hips and thighs, Amm. mur. 48. Nervousness, with heat and ful- ness of the head, Arg. nit 49. Audible blowing through the nose, Arn. 50. Violent stitches in the dorsum of the left foot, accompanied by a dream that a blister was applied to his foot, which caused the stitch, Asar. 51. Red face, Op. 52. Suffocative fit, Op. 53. Distortion of the eyeballs, one eye being open and the other half closed, China. 54. Spasmodic cough, from an irri- tation of the larynx, Agar. 55. Coldness of the left lower limb, Agar. 56. Drowsiness and a short nap, during which he thought his limbs were itching, Morph. acet. 57. Spasmodic distortion of the mouth, in a child, with opening of the eyes, distortion, and then again closing of the eyes, accompanied by twitching of the fingers, Puis. 58. Redness and heat during sleep, he wakes, points with his finger, exclaiming—there, there ; then falls asleep again, Menyan. 59- Copious urination, Agar. 60. He dreams in the morning, that men are killed by falling from a height, Sabin. 61. Prefers lying on the left side, at night, Sabin. 62. Fixed idea, such as, about a time, disturbing his sleep before midnight, Puis. 63. Towards evening she drew her mouth to and fro, opened her eyes, distorted them, and wan- dered as if she had been wide awake; she spoke distinctly, but hastily, looked around, spoke as with children, and wanted to go home, Bry. 64. Convulsion of the arms and hands, his eyes were open, staring, rolling to and fro, Con. 65. Grasping at flocks, Hyosc. 66. His arms and legs move about in every direction, Carb. v. 67. During the siesta he moves his hands to and fro, and plays with his fingers, Rhus t 68. Quick shaking of the arms and hands during the siesta, Magnet. p. aust 69. He stretches his limbs in the first part of his sleep, Kal. hyd. 70. He stretches his arms above his head, Verat. 71. Weeping, Carb. v., Con., Nux v., Thuj. 72. Loud weeping, Kal. hyd., Rhus t. 73. Weeping and crying. Cham. 74. ----and sobbing, Carb. a. 1022 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO SLEEP. 75. Tossing about, Each., Staphys. 76. Tossing about, with dreams which are sometimes disagreeable, China. 77. ----about; the children stamp with their feet and scold, Bell. 78. Moaning, Arn., Bell, Bry., Cham., Nitr. ac, Op., Verat 79. Moaning, with hot viscid sweat on the forehead, Cham. 80. Loud sobbing, Aur. f 81. Moaning, with tossing about, Ars. 82.----, with raising of the arms, tossing of the head, raising and jerking of the feet, spreading and closing of the fingers, Hyosc. 83. ----and restlessness, Ipec 84. ----and muttering, with hurried breathing and cold hands (not feet), Merc, sol . 85. —---, fearfulness, Ipec. 86. Tossing about and moaning, Phos. 87. Moaning, and bending his head back, Rheum. 88. The child moans and supplicates piteously, Stann. 89. Jerking of the limbs or the whole body, Puis. 90. The body is jerked up for an hour and a half, while sleeping without dreaming, Silic 91. Sudden jerks, proceeding from the abdomen; at times one, at times the other arm is jerked up, * at times a leg, then the whole body, Tirt. emet. 92. Twitches of the mouth and fin- gers, Anac. 93. Starting and jerking the head back, Arn. 94. Frightful jerks in the limbs, Op. 95. Twitchings of the muscles of the face and extremities, Morph. acet. 96. Jerking of the hands, with talk- ing and moaning, Phos. ac. 97. Jerks through the whole body, Zinc. in. 98. Jerking of the foot, when slum- bering, Sulp. 99. Frequent talking, Silic, Spong. 100. Loud talking, also particularly before midnight, of important things, which he says had hap- pened to him, or incoherent talk- ing in a slumber full of dreams, Puis. 101. Quiet talking, Thuj. 102. Loud talking about the things which he saw in his fancy, Sulp. 103. At daybreak he talks about business which he has to attend to; this talking ceases when the pain commences, Bry. 104. Loud dreaming and talking during the siesta, Nux v. 105. Clear and coherent talking, Tart. stib. 106. Singing and loud talking, Bell. 107. Talking, as if giddy and con- fused, with dreams and heat, which makes him feel uneasy, Calc. carb. 108. She expresses in her sleep what she hal thought of when awake, Amm. carb. 109. Loud unintelligible talking, Arn. 110. Talking, he said, come to me, Caust 111.----about this or that obstacle to be removed, Cham. 112. Incoherent talking, Carb. v. 113. Talking and quarrelling, Ars. 114. Moaning talking, Ign. 115. Talking about war, Hyosc. 116. Moaning talking, with the mouth wide open and one or the other eye being somewhat open, Ign. 117. Anxious moaning talking, early in the morning, succeeded by the emission of flatulence, Nux v. 118. Talking and moaning, with twitching of the hands, Phos. ac 119. Loud talking about his affairs, wants to throw away everything, and asks for one thing or another, Rhus t. 120. She talks aloud, tosses about, SYMPTOMS DURING SLEEP. 1023 and, on wraking, finds herself sit- ting up, Stann. 121. Starting, Ars., Cham., China, Cocc, Dros., Ipec, Kreas., Nitr. ac, Nux v. 122. Starts from his sleep, in the morning, as if in affright; after- wards the head feels heavy, Sa- bad. 123. Starting, which wakes him, Bell. 124. ----, in the evening, when slumbering, as if he would fall, Bism. 125. ----, uttering sudden cries, tossing about, and talking, Cham. 126. ----of the body, he bit his tongue, Mez. 127. Sudden starting and moaning, piteous expression of the counte- nance, stamping and kicking with the feet, hands and face pale and cold, Ign. 128. Frequent starting, she throws up her arms, Merc. sol. 129. Starting, also with twitching of the arms, Kal. carb. 130. ---- during the siesta, on a chair, with a stitch in the right side of the chest from without inwards, Nitr. ac. 131. Start and jerk through the whole body, during the siesta, Nux V. 132. Starting during sleep, followed by palpitation of the heart, trem- bling, vomiting, and diarrhoea, Petrol 133. Frequent starting, as if falling from a height, Phos. ac. 134. Starting every fifteen minutes, before mid night, Rhus t 135. Involuntary expulsion of faeces, Arn. 136. Passage of fleeces, without wak- ing, Con. 137. A dampness and some faeces escaped from the anus, Sulp. 138. She sleeps all day, with dry heat, without eating or drinking, with twitchings in the face, and six involuntary passages during her sleep, brown and smelling badly, Bry. 139. Sweat, Hiose 140. ----, towards morning, China. 141. Frequent pleasant sweat on the covered parts, Thuj. 142. Light and sniffling expirali > > ; the inspirations are inaudible, Rhus t 143. Sniffling breathing through the nose, Nux v. 144. Snoring, Camph, Caps., Cham. 145. Suffocative snoring when draw- ing breath, Bell. 146. Snoring inspirations; they are shorter than the expirations, the mouth being somewhat opened, and the forehead covered with hot, viscid sweat, Cham. 147. ----, particularly in the case of children, or especially during an inspiration, and sometimes with blowing expirations, China, 148. Suffocative snoring, w hen draw- ing breath, Hyosc 149. Snoring inspirations, before midnight, Nux v. 150. Stertorous breathing, Op. 151. Snoring inspirations, Rheum. 152. He sleeps on his back, with one arm under the head, Coloc. 153. Sleeps on his back, whereas generally he sleeps on his right side, Hep. s. 154. He lies on his back, with the eyes open and staring, Stram. 155. Lying on his back, with his arms above his head, or with his hands laid crosswise over his abdomen, Puis. 156. Sleeps on his back, with his legs crossed, Rhod. 157. Lies on his back, with the left hand under his head, Phos 158 He lies on his back, with his arms above his head, and his head bent backwards, Nux v. l.">9. Lying on the back, with the head bent backwards, the arms crossed above the head, China. 160. Lies on his back, with his flat hand under the occiput, Ign. 1024 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO SLEEP. 161. He lies on his back, with his left hand under his head, Ars. 162. Muttering, Sulp. 163. ----and moaning, Camph. 164. Screaming, Bell, Lye. 165. He screams anxiously when asleep, as if dreaming, Amm. carb. 166. Cries, as if he were falling from a height, Caps. 167. Piteous cries, Op. 168. Crying out and talking, Phos. 169. Frequent crying out, Silic. 170. She screams, calls to her mo- ther and sisters, with hurried, anxious breathing ; she moves her hands over the cover of her bed, grasping at things and push- ing things away from her ; at the same time she opens her eyes, distorts them without waking, and continually moves her head, espe- cially to the left side, Cocc 1025 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. Chilliness, general. 1. Chilliness in the forenoon, with coldness rising to the pit of the stomach, with painful pressure; she feels as if the coldness would contract her hair; afterwards it moves slowly over the arms and thighs down to the feet, Bar. carb. 2. Sudden chill, with goose-flesh, and the hair standing on end, Bar. carb. 3. Chilliness, with goose-flesh, hands and feet are cold, face blue, Asar. 4. Shuddering, with loathing and nausea, Asar. 5. Chill or chilly stage, preceded by feeling of illness through the whole body, stretching of the limbs arid drawing through the whole body, °yawning, desire to lie down, ° fainting, ° headache, vertigo, and stupefaction, inability to collect one's senses, humming in the ears, Ars. 6. Internal coldness, the skin not feeling cold, Ars. 7. Chilliness, with inability to get warm, particularly in the evening, in bed, Ars. 8. ---- all over, in the evening, with coldness, or only from the calves to the feet, Ars. 9. ----, with shaking, every after- noon at three o'clock, with hun- ger ; the chill is worse after eating, Ars. 10. Shuddering out of bed, Ars. Vol. III.—65. 11. Chill when walking in the open air, Ars. 12. ----in the evening, before bed- time, Ars. 13. ----every afternoon, Ars. 14. ----after a meal; sometimes it passes off after a meal, Ars. 15. ----, particularly after drink- ing, with chilliness, Ars. 16. Coldness in the evening and morning, with copious emission of urine, scanty stool, and stretch- ing, Ars. 17. Violent chilliness while undress- ing himself, Ars. hyd. 18. External and internal chilliness, an hour after the headache; with constant anguish, Arn. 19. Shaking chills, without thirst, Arn. 20. He feels cold all over, although the skin feels warm to the hand, Arn. 21. Violet-1 shivering when gaping, Am. 22 Internal chilliness whenever he wakes from sleep, wdthout shiver- ing, J'm. 23. Chi liness the whole forenoon; it begins before rising, Ars. 24. Chill after a meal, feels nervous, weak, Arg. nit. 25. Chilliness in the forenoon, with headache, pale-yellowish counte- nance, nausea, Arg. nit. 26. Coldness all over, in a warm room, evening, Arg. nit. 27. Shivering through the whole body, Arg.fl. 28. ----, with goose-flesh, in the afternoon, Ang. 1026 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 29. Continual chilliness, even in a warm room, Anac 30. At night, coldness of the body and twitches of the limbs, with restless sleep, or internal chilli- ness, which wakes him frequently, Ambr. gr. 31. Chilliness, with weariness, as ii he would go to sleep, four fore- noons in succession, Ambr. gr. 32. Internal chilliness and shudder- ing, especially in the evening, Alum. 33. Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst; the hands feel cold to the touch, Agn. 34. Constant trembling of the whole body from internal chilliness, the body feeling warm to the hands, Agn. 35. Chilliness, particularly in the morning or evening, Agar. 36. Shivering, with goose-flesh, first of the extremities, afterwards of the whole body, as if between the skin and muscles, and increasing gradually to a chill, only during rest, ceasing during motion, Aeon. 37. Goose-flesh, disappearing with sweat, Aeon. 38. Chilliness for hours, as if between the skin and flesh, especially on the back and abdomen, even while sweating, during a walk, Aeon. 39. Sensation in all the veins, as if the blood were cold and ceased to circulate, Aeon. 40. He feels chilly when stirring ever so little, Aeon. 4L Chilliness, with stitches in the chest, Bell. 42. ----during sleep, with coldness after waking, Bell. 43. Shuddering all over, as if the hair were drawn tight, Cann. 44. Shaking, coldness of the hands, knees, and feet after drinking, Cann. 45. Chills, accompanied by hurried- ness, tremor, distortion of the face, Cann. 46. Cold fe«ling all over, with head- ache as if the brain were contract- ed, and pressure above the root of the nose. Camph, 47. He is liable to taking cold ; when he does take cold, he is attacked with chills, or with cutting in the bowels, discharge of black, brown or black faeces, of the consistence and appearance of coffee sediment, Camph. 48. Coldness, with deadly paleness of the face, Camph. 49. ----and drawing after a meal, with cold arms, hands, and feet, Camph. 50. ----of the body, with paleness, Camph. 51. Chills and chattering of teeth, Camph. 52. The body is cold all over, Camph. 53. Shuddering, with goose-flesh; the skin all over the body is painful, even when touched but slightly, Camph. 54. He is sensitive to cold air, Camph. 55. Slight shuddering, with pale face, Camph. 56. Shuddering, chilliness and goose- flesh all over, Camph. 57. Internal chilliness, with uneasi- ness, Calc. carb. 58. °Chill followed by languor, Bry. 59. Chilliness, chilly feeling and creeping chills after the siesta, with muddled condition of the head, Bry. 60. Chills at night, with tremor, vomiting of food, tearing in the thighs, and pain in the femur as if broken, Bor. 61. Slight chills all over, with rough throat, stitches in the chest when drawing breath, lameness, burning in the eyes, Bor. 62. Cold creeping all over, with throbbing pain in the occiput, Bor. 63. Chilliness, with coldness of the body, also only over the arms, Bry CHILLINESS. 1027 64. Chilliness early in the morning, with cold feet and oppressive head- ache, Berb. v. 65. Chill with nausea, Bell. 66. Chilliness when drinking, Asar. 67. Chill, with drawing in the limbs and back, and sensation as if bruis- ed, Bell. 68. Shuddering with obscuration of sight, immediately after dinner, Bell. 69. ■----over the upper part of the body, as if the hair would stand on end,evennear the warm stove,Cina. 70. Chill with oppression of the chest, Cimex. 71. ----with pain in the joints, es- pecially the knee-joints, as if con- tracted, Cimex. 72. Evening-chill, with shuddering as if cold water were poured over her, with painful prickings, in the vertex, Cimex. 73. Chill, with clenching of the fin- gers, vehemence, rage, Cimex. 74. They want to sit near the stove, Cic. 75. Shaking chill, in the afternoon, with pale face and watery urine, which deposits crystals, Chin. snip. 76. Severe chill in the forenoon, dur- ing work, Chin. sulp. 77. The chill gradually changes to a shaking of the thighs and then dis- appears, Chin. sulp. 78. Feeling of coldness through the whole body, with internal tremor, pale face, pressure on the bladder, with emission of pale urine, in the evening, Chin. sulp. 79. Chill accompanied by headache, nausea, rush of blood to the head, pale face, cold hands and feet, vom- iting, China. 80. ----preceded by palpitation of the heart, sneezing, anguish, nau- sea, thirst, canine hunger, head- ache, aching colic, etc., China. 81. Chilliness, then coldness of the hands, after that shuddering. China. 82. Shaking chill all over, with icy- coldness of the hands, or with in- ternal coldness, or in the evening in bed, or early in the morning with weakness of the legs, or with shuddering which is sometimes ac- companied by cold hands and mental oppression, China. 83. Increased chilliness, after drink- ing, China. 84. Internal chilliness, without exter- nal coldness, or with external shuddering and shaking, accompa- nied by cold hands and feet, first on the left side only, China. 85. Internal and external chilliness all over, with cold feet and shud- dering, or else external chilliness, with cold hands, China. 86. Chilliness in the open air, with trembling and shuddering over the thighs, or with sensation as if cold water were flowing over the thighs, with coldness of the hands and chattering of the teeth, China. 87. ----all over, sometimes as if cold air were blowing upon the skin, particularly when walking, with shuddering over the arms, loins, and thighs when sitting, China. 88. ---- particularly on the back, China. 89. Internal and external shuddering, with chilliness particularly in the feet, as if in the marrow of the bones, China. 90. Shuddering all over, with goose- flesh, or with cold hands and op- pression of the mind, China. 91. Shuddering early in the morning, with cold hands, nausea and quick pulse, China. 92. Internal coldness, particularly in the arms and hands, or with shud- dering and shaking all over, China. 93. Coldness of the whole body, China. 94. Chills and shaking, with nausea, Chelid. 95. ---- and shaking, with cold hands, Chelid. LTING FO FEVER, 1028 SYMPTOMS REL^ 96. Shuddering through the whole body, no thirst, Chelid. 97. ^Chills and shaking, without cold- ness, in the open air, (summer,) Chelid. 98. Chilliness in the afternoon, with nausea in abdomen, lasting until night, accompanied by a throbbing, stinging headache in the forehead, worse when lying down, Cham. 99. Coldness in the evening after ly- ing down, with a sort of deafness, the sound appearing to come from a distance, inclination to vomit, uneasiness, tossing about, stupe- faction, diminished sensibility of the skin which feels numb when scratched, Cham. 100. He shudders wThen uncovering himself, Cham. 101. Chilliness and coldness of the body, in the evening, Carb. v. 102. ----and icy-cold feet, Carb. a. 103. Shuddering in the open air, Cham. 104. Chill after drinking, Caps. 105. Coldness all over, also with lowness of spirits and contraction of the pupils, Caps. 106. Chilliness and heat, with heavi- ness of the feet, lameness and im- mobility of the limbs, loss of appe- tite, pain in the eyes, and desire to be in bed, Canth. 107. Shaking chills, particularly in the afternoon, also with creeping in the bands and feet, and accom- panied by electric shocks through the body, Canth. 108. Chilliness early in the morning, in bed, with colic, throbbing in the stomach, papescent stool, Cinch. sulph. 109. Internal chills with shaking, Cinch, sulp. 110. Chilliness without heat, and coldness of the extremities, the body being warm, Led. p. 111.----and drawing in the limbs, no thirst or heat, Led. p. 112. Coldness and chilliness all over, Led. p. 113. Shuddering and chilliness, with gooseflesh, for twenty-four hours, without external coldness, Led. p. 114. Chilliness all over, with pains in the back, Lauroc. 115. Shuddering in the evening, in the open air, with dimness of sight, as from a gauze before the eyes, Lauroc. 116. Internal coldness, also external, Lauroc. 117. Chilliness all over with internal trembling and anguish, gooseflesh and soreness of the shin, Lam. alb. 118. Shivering, also over the hairy scalp, Lact. vir. 119. Severe chilliness, with chatter- ing of the teeth, and a kind of lockjaw, evening, Lact. 120. Chilliness with drowsiness, in the evening, proceeding from the lower part of the back and extend- ing upwards and thence through the whole body, Kal hyd. 121. Internal chilliness for four days, with icy-cold feet, exhaustion, swelling pf the lower jaw and gums, and burning toothache, with stitches, Kal. carb. 122. Shuddering, then chilliness without thirst, Ipec 123. Excessive sensitiveness to cold and warmth, Ipec. 124. Constant chilliness under the skin, increasing when sitting near the warm stove, Ipec. 125. Chilliness, but he is unable to bear the least warmth, Ipec 126 Shuddering with yawning, Ipec. 127. Chilliness, with constant desire to urinate, turbid urine, weariness, and malaise, Ind. 128. Aversion to the open air, it penetrates bone and marrow, Magnet p. aust. 129. Chilliness, with sensation as of wind blowing into the ear, Magnet. p. aust. CHILLINESS. 1029 130. Shuddering all over, at the moment of touching the magnet with the tip of the finger, Magnet. p. arct. 131. ----, with gooseflesh on the thighs, forearms, and cheeks, Ign. 132. Chilliness behind, immediately removed by the warmth of the stove, Ign. 133. Excessive chilliness in the air, with headache on one side, Ign. 134. Chill all over, with gooseflesh, the head is painful when feeling or moving it, drawing tearing in the limbs, and frequent stitches in the joints, especially the elbow and shoulder joints, without thirst, for some days, Hell, 135. ---- with eructations, thirst, pain in small of back, and biting as from ants over the whole body, at night, or excessive stitches in the ears, Gutt 136. Chilliness all over, with dry skin in the (generally sweaty) palm of the hand, Hcemat. 137. Violent chills, proceeding from the back, with coldness of the whole body, even of the forehead, from evening till morning, Gutt. 138. Chill preceded by violent pain in the head and back, Eupat. 139.----, with stiffness of the fin- gers, Eupat 140. Chilliness with trembling and nausea, Eupat. 141. Chill induced by a cold drink, Eupat. 142.----, preceded by pain in the bones, Eupat. 143.----ending with vomiting, Eupat. 144. Chilliness with bilious vomit- ing, Dros. 145. He feels cold, especially during rest, even in bed, with constant shuddering, Dros. 146. Chill commencing with cold- ness and stinging or pricking in both feet, Eupat. 117. Sensitive to the cold, Dig. 148. Cold hands, with chilliness all over, Mez. 149. Chilly all over, with oppression of the chest, Mez. 150. Frequent shuddering over the whole body, with gooseflesh, and icy-cold hands and feet, Mez. 151. Shuddering through the whole body, with yawning, early, Cycl 152. Chilliness all over; after the chilliness left, the nose remained cold; but when the nose became warm, the hands which had got warm became cold again, Cycl. 153. Icy-coldness of the body, par- ticularly of the hands and feet, Cupr. acet. 154. Chilly, shuddering from above downwards, behind and in front, Croc 155. Internal chilliness rouses him from his morning sleep, with cold hands and soles, and hot face, Con. m. 156. Coldness and chilliness early in the morning, with a feeling of giddiness and constriction in the brain, and desponding mood, Con. m. 157. Nausea and fainting, with ver- tigo in the evening, and some chilliness, Coff. 158. Cold creeping on rising from the chair, with pale face, Coff. 159. Sensitiveness to the cold, Coff. 160. Attacks of chilliness, increased by motion, Coff. 161. Shuddering, with anguish and oppression, and as if the hair would stand on end, Puis. 162. Chill all over, with stinging crawling here and there; very cold hands and feet; the shudder- ing is especially felt from the knees downwards, Samb. 163. Shuddering all over, her eyes saw black, she felt drowsy, Sabin. 164. Chilliness and shuddering the whole day, with drawing pain in the neck and back, Verat. 165. He feels sick, anxious, starts, his breath is short and hot; he I 1030 SYMPTOMS RELA trembles, feels drowsy, with icy-1 cold shuddering and nausea, Sabad. 166. Internal shivering from the head to the toes, Verat. 167. Coldness of the whole body, Verat. 168. A chilly trembling in the arm wakes him at night, Verat 169. Nausea and vomiting, followed by chills, with heaviness in the limbs and a tearing in the occiput, Thuj. 170. Shaking chill with yawning; the warm air feels cold to him, Thuj. 171. Chilly after eating, with sensa- tion in abdomen as if he would have a stool and as if this caused the chilliness, Teucr. 172. Shuddering as soon as she leaves the stove, Rhus t. 173. Cold air affects the skin un- pleasantly, Rhus t. 174. Chilliness all over or along the back, Stann. 175. Feeling of coldness, with goose- flesh on the arms and continual chattering of the teeth, Stann. 176. Shuddering every forenoon, with cold hands, deadness of the fingers, Stann. 177. Vomiting, with shuddering all over, cold skin, pulse forty, Squill 178. Shuddering all over, as if the hair would stand on end, Spig. 179. Chills brought on by the least motion, Spig. 180. Shiverings over the body, which seem to proceed from the region of the chest, every few minutes, Spig. 181. Chills every morning after rising, also from the feet upwards, Spig. 182. Chilliness with colic, Cocc. 183. In the evening, he is suddenly attacked with chilliness, trembling, with desire for strong food, Cocc 184. Coldness all over, with bluish hands, Cocc. TING TO FEVER. 185. Chills in the morning, without thirst or heat, Cocc. 186. Shuddering all over, particu- larly over the lower limbs, Cocc 187. Coldness of the arms and hands, then of the whole body, Dig. 188. Internal coldness, with warm face, or viscid sweat, or internal and external chilliness, Dig. 189. Creeping chilliness, with yawn- ing, in the evening, Bell 190. Frequent waking, with chilli- ness, Amm. carb. 191. Coldness, principally of the legs, Bell. 192.----of the whole body, gene- rally with pale face, Bell. 193. Shivering commencing on the arms, Hell. 194. Chills for five days, without thirst; after this period thirst, Hell. 195. Shivering, with yellowish com- plexion, Hell 196. Shaking chills over the back, with gooseflesh, Ruta. 197. Shuddering all over, when slightly uncovered, Cinnab. 198. Wakes several times at night, with sensation of rush of blood to the head, anguish, and shuddering, and a sort of formication when moving ever so slightly in bed, with sensitive hearing, Carb. v. 199. Shuddering at night, on waking, Caust 200. No sleep at night, with feverish chilliness for hours, Hep. s. 201. Shudderings at night, in bed, and jerks in the arms, causing them to start, Magnet p. arct. 202. Coldness before midnight, with yawning, Nitr. ac. 203. Shuddering during the sweat, at night, with cramps in the abdomen, Rhus t. 204. Chilliness after eating, Bell. 205. Shuddering, when touched by the least current of air, Bell. 206. Cold as marble after the spasms, with collapse of pulse, Tart, emet. CHILLINESS. 1031 207. Cold creeping through the blood-vessels, Tart, emet 208. Chill all day, with aching pain between the shoulders, yawning and stretching, Tab. 209. Chilliness, with oppressive headache, Tarax. 210.----all night and day, Sulp. 211. Coldness, with loss of sense, and feeble breathing, Stram. 212. Chill all over or partial, Stram. 213.----with pale face, vertigo, stupefaction, painfulness, and hea- viness of the head, anxiety, and oppression of the chest, or ''vomit- ing of mucus, Puis. 214. Frequent chilliness at night, which wakes him, but he does not be- come conscious of himself, Staphys. 215. Shuddering the whole night, without thirst and without subse- quent heat, Staphys. 216. Shuddering over the whole ab- domen, Zinc oxvd. 217. ----in the evening, in bed, or on waking in the morning, Merc sol. 218. Chilliness while eating, Ran. bulb. 219. Feels cold to himself and others, with chilliness, shaking, blueness of the body, all day ; she had to bend forward, Mere sol. 220. Cold all over, proceeding from the right side and arm, with shud- dering and debility, weakness and pains in the limbs, weariness, pain- ful pressure at the stomach, in- creased by contact, pressure at the chest and heavy breathing, Mercurial, 221. Slight chills in the evening. with colic, pain in the small of the back, coated tongue, pressure at velum pendulum palati, oppression on the chest, with difficulty oi breathing and drowsiness, Nux mos. 222. Shaking chills, from the loins. on uncovering himself at stool, Nux mos. 223. Shuddering as if gooseflesh would come on, the hair standing on end, Nit. car. 224. Internal chilliness, in the even- ing, with headache, as if the head were tightly bandaged, Nitr. ac. 225. Chilliness, in the evening, even in bed, Nitr. ac 220. Chill and shaking in the even- ing, followed by sound sleep and agglutination of the eye-lids, Nice 227. ---- at night, with chattering of the teeth, anguish and thirst, passing off speedily, Natr. sulph. 228. Chills in the evening, in bed, his hands and feet tremble and his teeth chatter, Natr. mur. 229. Internal heat, with heat and dryness of the trachea, attended with malaise, irritation, exhaus- tion, Petrol 230. Internal coldness, as if all the parts were contracted by cold and trembling, Par quad. 231. Coldness all over, with stupe- faction, Op. 232. Shuddering during motion or rest, Oleand. 233. Chilliness, going off near the warm stove, or the contrary, Men- yan. 234. Slight shuddering on the hairy scalp, thence all over, Mosch. 235. Sensation as if a cool breeze were suddenly blowing upon him, especially the uncovered parts, and particularly the hands, Mosch. 236. Feeling of coldness, particular- ly in the spine, with drawing pain, Mosch. 237. Chilliness and cutting colic, during the least motion, Merc corr. 238. Nightly chilliness, preceded by drawing through the thighs and legs, obliging one to contract and extend them alternately, Nux v. 239. Chilliness with chattering of teeth, Nux v. 240. Shuddering and chilliness for one hour, when touched by the air, Nux v. 1032 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 241. Shuddering and chilliness after drinking, Nux v. 242. Chills in the morning, in bed, followed by crampy contraction of the toes and soles of the feet, Nux v. 243. Chilliness, she dreads the open air, Nux v. 244. Coldness of the whole body, blue skin and blue nails, Nux v. 245. —---atnight, even in bed, iVkcr. 246. Shuddering followed by sleep, then again shuddering, with cold toes, Nux v. 247. Chill in the morning, with pressing pains in the hypochon- dria, and dull aching pains in the knees and ankles, elbows and wrists, Pod. pelt. 248. Chills all over, with icy-cold fingers; no thirst, Phos. ac 249. Chilliness the whole forenoon, in paroxysms, with blue icy-cold hands and dry palate, Phos. ac. 250. Chills in the forenoon, with blue nails, tearing in the wrist- joints and lameness of the arms, Phos. ac. 251. Frequent cold creeping, with chilly feelings and palpitation of the heart, Phos. ac 252. Feeling of coldness, with chilly feeling and coldness in abdomen, Phos. ac 253. Every evening, chilliness of the whole body, with drawing in the limbs, rousing her from sleep, Phos. ac. 254. Chilliness every evening, writh shuddering and dry throat, Phos. 255. Shuddering with headache and pain in the stomach, Phosp. 256. Shaking and chilliness when en- tering a warm room, without thirst, Rhus t. 257. Cold creeping all over, toward evening, in the room, Rhus t. 258. Chilliness, with dry lips and hunger, Rhus t. 259. ----, followed by trembling of the limbs, Merc, sol 260.----all over, in the evening and night; with frequent emission of urine, and involuntary jerking, toss- ing, and twitching of the head and limbs, while slumbering, Merc, sol 261 .j Violent chill from the nose and eyes to the occiput, with tearing pain in the outer parts, before midnight, in bed, Merc. sol. 262. Shaking chills in the evening, he is tossed off his seat (accom- panied by subsultus of the tendo- Achillis, and the tendon of the flexor communis digitorum pedis), Merc, sol 263. Chilliness in the evening, in- creasing as he sat nearer the warm stove, Merc, sol 264. ---- all over, with icy-cold hands, Merc. sol. 265. Internal chilliness, forenoon, Merc, sol 266. Shaking chill all through, morn- ing and evening, Merc, sol 267. Feels chilly in the open air, Merc sol General Chilliness, followed by general Heat. 1. Frequent paroxysms of shudder- ing, followed by heat, Sabad. 2. Chilliness all over, followed by warmth and a sense of creeping, especially in the thighs, Sabad. 3. Chill, followed by heat, all over, Squill 4. Hot hands in the evening, with sensation of dry heat all over, no sleep until morning, afterwards shuddering and cold hands all day, Cocc 5. Frequent shuddering in the day- time, followed by heat and faint feeling, Cocc 6. Violent chill, followed by a mixed sensation of internal heat and shuddering ; afterwards burn- ing heat, with quick pulse and hurried breathing, as if from death- ly anguish, Puis. 7. Chilliness in the*evening, feeling of heat in the morning, with hot hands and unwillingness to be un- covered, Puis. CHILLINESS, HEAT. 1033 8. Shuddering, followed by a plea- sant feeling of warmth, then again a shuddering from the head all over, Mosch. 9. ----and chilliness when eating, without thirst, with heat two hours after, Staphys. 10. Chill, then flushes of heat, trem- bling of the limbs, qualmishness, throbbing through the whole body, short and hot breath, hot and dry mouth, Zinc m. 11. Slight chills and shivering, then heat, with darkly-flushed cheeks, Mercurial. 12. Bitter taste in the mouth, fol- lowed by chilliness with thirst, then heat with sleep, Hep. s. ess in the evening, then heat, headache, humming in the ears, Nux v. 14. Violent chills from afternoon till evening, then violent -dry heat, causing almost a loss of sense, Phos. ac, 15. Chilliness in the morning, and heat towards noon, Merc sol 16. Febrile paroxysm, with irritated pulse, slight chilliness, heat, thirst, red skin, urination, ptyalism, di- arrhoea, ulcers, Aur. mur. 17. After the chill he feels hot to himself and others, Asar. 18. Cold feeling over the body, as if a cold wind blew upon him ; with gooseflesh; a little after he felt warm again, with slimy mouth, dry throat and thirst; then ano- ther attack of coldness, followed by warmth, with dry palate, Asar. 19. Shuddering, then chilliness, and lastly dry heat, in the evening, sometimes with cold hands and feet, Ars. 20. Coldness at night, followed by heat, Ars. 21. Coldness at night, followed by heat in the morning, Arn. 22. ----aud headache, in the fore- noon ; in the afternoon, heat and beating in the head, creeping chills, dry and hot skin, anusea; felt better after eating some pot- cheese greedily, Arg. nit. 23. Violent chills towards noon, with thirst for beer; then sleep, succeeded by heat and thirst, Ant. cr. 24. Frequent chilliness, towards evening, also with the hair stand- ing on end, blue nails ; chattering of teeth and shaking; sometimes followed by heat at night, Amm. carb. 25. Unpleasant chill in the forenoon, over the back and chest, followed by violent heat, with pain in the forehead ; another chill when stir- ring ever so little, Aeon. 26. Chilliness all over, followed by increase of warmth, Camph. 27. Violent chill, with chattering of the teeth, followed by violent heat in the head, Calc. caust. 28. Chilliness, also with icy-cold feet, or chilly creepings, here and there, followed by heat, with anguish and oppression on the chest, Berb. v. 29. Chills over the whole body, followed by heat and thirst, Berb. v. 30. Fever, commencing with a chill or shivering, mostly in the even- ing, sometimes, in bed or at night, succeeded by heat, also in the left side only, or a mere flush of heat, with or without sweat, Bell 31. Vomiting of the ingesta, followed by chilliness all over, then heat and thirst, Cina. 32. Chill followed by thirst; after drinking he has a headache, with tickling in the larynx, which con- tinues during the heat and induces a cough, oppression of breathing, weight on the chest, anxiety, Cimex. 33. Chilliness, followed by heat, without thirst, at the same hour every day, Cina. 1034 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 34. Chill, at the end of which the limbs feel uneasy ; when the heat sets in the uneasiness ceases, and she feels a pressure and gagging in the cesophagus, which impeded respiration; no thirst; whe,n she drinks for the purpose of stopping the gagging, the cesophagus feels constricted, and the water goes only down now and then; the gagging ceases with the heat, and then she feels very hungry, Ci- mex. 35. Chilliness, followed by flushes of heat about the head, Cimex. 36. Paroxysms of paleness, chilli- ness and shuddering, for one hour, with blue lips and nails, and a spasmodically-contracted pulse, afterwards general heat and red- ness of the face and lips, Chin. sulp. 37. Chilliness, alternating with heat, in the afternoon, with languor of the lower limbs, and aggravation in the open air, China. 38. Coldness and shuddering, during an evening walk, followed by great heat, particularly in the face, China, 39. Two paroxysms of chilliness, after which, heat, China, 40. Chills in the afternoon, with ptyalism, pain in the back and side, as if bruised, and dull aching in the forehead ; next night exces- sive heat with violent thirst and no sleep, Cham. 41. Chilliness all over, after a meal, afterwards heat in the cheeks, Cham. 42. Shuddering, in the evening, with weariness, followed by flushes of heat, Carb. v. 43. ----, with thirst, every other evening, followed by dry heat, as if sparks would fly out of her eyes, Carb. a. 44. Chilliness and cold creeping, in the afternoon, with trembling, followed by burning of the skin and eyes, Carb. a. 45. Chilliness all day, chattering of the teeth, heat in the forehead and all over, thirst at night, profuse sweat, with pain in the small of the back, painfulness of the whole body, particularly the eyes, ears, and genital organs, Cinch, sulph. 46. ---- in the forenoon, with rather hard and quick pulse, sen- sation as if the brain had become large, pain in the stomach, colic, feeling of repletion, flatulence, heat all over, weariness, Cinch. sulp. 47. Every afternoon, chilliness, with thirst, cold hands and feet, after- wards heat, with pale face, hot hands and feet, cutting colic, Cina. 48. Shuddering, then burning heat, with stupor, vertigo, languor, Lauroc. 49. Thirst, then shuddering, lastly slow heat, without thirst, Each. 50, Every evening, chilliness with thirst, then heat without thirst, with fluent coryza, followed by sweat and sound sleep; next morning, scraping in the throat, bad taste, loss of appetite, agglu- tination of both lids, Kal. carb. 51. Sense of chilliness and coldness, in the morning, in bed ; then heat, then again chilliness without heat, Knl. carb. 52. Coldness and shuddering, with vertigo and nausea, then heat, with shivering, and shooting pains in the temples, lod. 53. Shuddering, with colic, in the afternoon, then weakness and sleep, with burning heat, Ign. 54. Chilliness in the forenoon, heat and thirst in the afternoon, with pain in the dorsa of the feet when walking about during the chilli- ness, Copaiv. 55. Shuddering and coldness in the afternoon; in a few hours a glowing heat is felt in all the limbs, his listless sadness giving way to the keenest sympathy, Con. m. CHILLINESS, FOLLOWED BY SWEAT. 1035 56. Shuddering in the afternoon; burning heat in the evening, with thirst; starting; severe pains like labor-pains, with painfulness of the whole body, which prevented her from turning in bed, watery diar- rhoea, Puis. 57. Evening chill, followed by ex- ternal heat; at night the heat was only internal; in the morning bloody expectoration, which after- wards became liver-colored, Puis. 58. Chill without thirst, heat with thirst, Puis. 59. Chilliness, with trembling, fol- lowed by a.little heat, no sweat, Puis. 60. Violent chill, then burning heat with unquenchable thirst, with maddening anxiety, Sec corn. 61. Pain in the head and abdomen, early in the morning, then violent chills, with cold, bluish hands, and thirst; dry, burning heat on lying down, and uneasy slumber for 36 hours; during the night, when moving about, he feels a nausea and vertigo, with slight sweat every 12 hours; lastly stitching and tearing in the left eye and cheek, and eruption on the hip, Spong. 62. Chilliness in the evening, with cold hands and distended abdo- men, without thirst; next night, while lying on his back, all his joints seem bruised, he has vivid, pressing dreams, talks in his sleep, his body feels hot, his mouth, nose and eyes dry, without thirst, Spig. Chilliness, followed by Sweat. 1. Febrile paroxysm, with shud- dering, pain in the limbs, back, and stomach, terminating in criti- cal sweat, sediment in the urine, and ptyalism, Aur. mur. 2. Chilliness after a walk in the open air, followed by sweat pre ceded and succeeded by hiccough, Ars. 3. Chilliness in the evening, followed by sweat of the thighs, after mid- night, Ars. 4. Coldness all over, with parch- ment-like dryness of the skin, or with alternate dryness and sweat, Ars. 5. ---- after dinner, with tension round the hypochondria, swreat, lastly thirst, Bor. 6. Violent chills and shaking, in the evening, in bed, with goose- flesh, terminating in sweat, wdrich lasted all night, Chelid. 7. Chilliness in the evening, sweat and thirst in the night, Cham. 8. ---- and coldness the first night, sweat the next night, Caps. 9. ----, though he was warm; he had to cover himself, with dry mouth ; then sweat, with shudder- ing of the perspiring parts, Mag- net, p. aust 10. Feverish shuddering, in the evening, with painful stitches in the temples, left ear, and teeth, sweat in the night following, Graph. 11. Shuddering all over, followed by sweat at night, even about the head and hair, Dig. 12. Chill early in the morning, then thirst and sweat, Thuj. 13. He feels chilly as soon as he lies down, after which he is covered with a profuse fetid sweat, Spig. 14. Chilliness in the evening, and sweat every morning, Hell. 15. Internal chills about midnight, with lancinating pain in the back, followed by general sweat, with humming and heaviness in the head, Caust. 16. Chilliness in the evening, then profuse sweat, with itching, Natr. mur. 17. Icy-coldness in the evening, with drawing in the limbs, back and 1036 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. whole body; then sleep full of I dreams, sweat and violent thirst, Lye 18. Chilliness in bed, with sweat towards morning, Nux v. 19. Shuddering in the evening, fol- lowed by exhausting sweat, Phos. ac. 20. Coldness in the limbs, at noon, with headache and vertigo, chilli- ness in the evening, with vertigo, and sweat at night, Rhus t Chilliness, or Shuddering min- gled with Heat. 1. Short shiverings over the back, mingled with quick flushes of heat over the body ; the chills seem to commence in the face, with a sense of tension in this part, Bar. carb. 2. External heat, with internal chills and thirst, after dinner, Asar. 3. Excessive chilliness, when walk- ing about the room, or exposing himself to the air ; when keeping still or covered, he only feels a soreness in the eyes, pressure in the forehead and stomach, and a little heat, Ars. 4. Alternation or mingling of chil- liness and heat, Ars. 5. Internal chilliness in the after- noon, with hot skin and red cheeks, Ars. 6. External coldness, with internal heat, Ars. 7. Dry heat in bed, he feels chilly when uncovering himself, or stir- ring, Am. 8. Heat, especially of the head and face, particularly in the evening, also with red cheeks and headache, or with anxiety, and with a chill when stirring, Aeon. 9. °Frequent paroxysms of shudder- ing, with dry burning heat of the skin, Aeon. 10. Chilliness all over, with internal dry heat, and heat of the lobules of the ears, Aeon. 11. External heat with internal chil- liness, in the evening, wdien lying down, Calc. acet. 12. Coldness every other day, in the afternoon, with heat on waking, and aching pain in the lumbar re- gion, no swreat, Bor. 13. External coldness, with internal burning heat, Bell 14. ---- heat, with shuddering, Cham. 15. Internal heat, with shuddering, Cham. 16. ----heat, with anguish and ex- ternal coldness, Carb. v. 17. Heat and shuddering, with thirst for water, Caps. 18. ----in the afternoon, with burn- ing in the eyes, and chilliness in the open air, Kal. carb. 19. Constant chilliness, with violent thirst and internal heat, hot hands, aversion to eating, Kal. carb. 20. External coldness and internal heat, Ipec 21. Burning heat, >all over, in the evening after lying down, with in- ternal chilliness and shuddering, without thirst; aversion to drink, Hell. 22. In the afternoon his limbs feel weak and heavy, with febrile wrarmth, chilliness, Coff. 23. Chilliness all day, and three flushes of heat in the face, Puis. 24. Momentary chill at night; he feels warm, with prickling in the forehead, Sabad. 25. Pleasant ^warmth all over, in the evening, with cold fingers, sense of goose-flesh and slight shuddering all over, Thuj. 20. Internal chilliness at night, with external heat, Squill. 27. Febrile heat, mingled with shud- dering, with luminous vibrations before the eyes, heat and pressure in the eyes, nausea, oppression of the chest, Sep. 28. Chilliness with flushes of heat, Tart, emet 29. Internal heat, at noon, with red face and chilliness, sweat at night, Sulp. CHILLINESS, SWEAT. 1037 30. Ileat or hot stage, with anguish, headache, red and bloated face, sweat in the face, chilliness when taking off the bed-cover, moaning, Puis. 31. Ileat at night, and chilliness when turning in bed, Puis. 32. Chilliness, especially on the back, with internal heat, Nitr. ac 33. Shuddering, with mounting of heat, has to go into the open air, Mosch. 34. External coldness, with internal burning, particularly in the arms and legs, Mosch. 35. ----chilliness and internal heat, at night, dry mouth and aversion to drink, Nux v. 36. Chill, with heat again next day, Nux v. 37. ----in the morning, mingled with heat and drops of sweat on the forehead, another chill in the evening, Nux v. 38. Shuddering from head to foot, when stirring, with paroxysms of heat, Merc, sol 39. ----, mingled with flushes of heat, Merc, sol 40. Drowsiness and yawning in the forenoon, then stool with cutting, heat without thirst, sensation as if cold water were poured over him, with occasional shuddering, or sensation as if the blood were couising hot through the ves- sels, as if the head were pressed down, with beating headache, Rhus t 41. Feels hot internally, and chilly externally, not to others, Rhus t. 42. Simultaneous shuddering and heat all over, after a walk, in the open air, Rhus t. General Chilliness, followed by Partial Sweat. 1. Every forenoon, internal chilli- ness with vertigo, followed by de- bility, and sweat about the head, which was bloated, Sulp. 2. Chilliness towards evening, no perceptible coldness, with sweat after midnight, first on the face, then on the hairy scalp and neck, down to the chest, Rhus t. General Chill, with Thirst. 1. Chill, accompanied by pale face, aching in forehead and temples, tingling in the ears, thirst, in- creased appetite, difficult painful stool, and desponding mood, Chin. sulp. 2. Evening chill, with hurried pulse, also with dry mouth, thirst, rest- less sleep and brick-dust sediment in the urine, Chin. sulp. 3. Chilliness for half an hour, be- tween the paroxysms, with thirst, loss of appetite, short breath, weariness of the lower limbs, swelling of the feet, sadness, Cinch, sulp. 4. Chills, with chattering of the teeth and violent thirst, for two hours, Gutt 5. External coldness with thirst, without subsequent heat, Mez. 6. Chilliness in the open air, with violent thirst, the lips are glued together with mucus, Rhus t 7. Shuddering, with violent thirst, Ruta. 8. Chilliness with thirst, after din- ner, Sulp. 9. Chill with desire for beer, Nux v. 10. Shaking chill, in the evening, worse in the open air, with beat- ing toothache, flow of saliva, no thirst; the chill continues in the warm room, with violent thirst, the ptyalism ceasing; the chill ceases in bed, not the thirst, which continues all night; stu- pid sleep, with dulness of the head, which ceases after rising, Rhus t. 1038 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER, Chill, with partial Ileat. 1. Mingled paroxysms of chilliness and sweat, with feeling of heat and redness of the face, China. 2. Slight chills, with red and hot face, Verat. 3. Shuddering through and through, when uncovering the body ever so little in the warm air, hands and face being warm, Thuj. 4. Coldness, particularly of the feet, also with bloated red face and rush of blood to the head; or in the evening, with heat in the ear, Bell 5. Warmth in the afternoon, with heat of the head, shuddering with- out thirst; stretching in the limbs, headache as if the sides of the occiput were pressed together; violent cough, short breath, pain in the throat as if the tonsils were swollen; moisture in the morn- ing, Rhus t. 6. The right cheek is red, with burning, especially in the air, accompanied by heat of the right hand, shuddering, cloudiness of the head as if tipsy, ill-humor, Puis. 7. Chilliness, with hot ears and hands, every afternoon, Puis. 8. Hot feeling in the trunk, espe- cially the back, mingled with chil- liness ; in a few hours the cheeks became red, Menyan. 9. Red cheeks, with heat in the head and chilly body, Nux v. 10. Hot cheeks, with internal chilli- ness, Nux v. 11. Shuddering in the evening, with red cheeks, hot hands, and cold feet, Nux v. Chill, followed by partial Heat. 1. Chills for hours, then hot face and hands, with cold feet, Kreas. 2. Chilliness in the forenoon, hot hands in the evening, Kal. carb. 3. Shaking chills every evening, followed by hot face and cold feet, no sweat, Graph. 4. Constant chilliness, dulness of the head, then heat in the head, with thirst and flow of watery saliva; food has no taste, Dros. 5. Chilliness without thirst, towards evening, with shaking and shud- dering, afterwards heat of single parts, with anxiety, Cycl 6. ---- for five mornings, after rising ; heat at noon, on the trunk, but more in the face, with redness, but no thirst, Spig. 7. Frequent chills, followed by flushes of heat about the head, Cocc 8. Trembling and chilliness in the evening, after lying down, fol- lowed by slight heat in the face, Nux v. 9. Chill, with hot and red cheeks, Nux v. 10. Chilliness, with trembling, in the evening, next morning hot face, dry mouth, and pricking sore throat when swallowing, Phos. ac. 11. Internal chilliness, several after- noons, also with sensation as if hot water were in the pit of the stomach and back, Phos. 12. Stretching in the limbs, after- noon ; then shuddering, thirst, cold hands, red and hot face; moist in the morning, with press- ing in the temples, Rhus t 13. Chilliness in the forenoon, fol- lowed by heat in the head and hands in the afternoon, several days, Sulp. 14. Shuddering, in the evening, fol- lowed by heat in the face and hands, Sulp. 15. Chill, then flushes of heat in the face, with white tongue, before midnight, Op. Chill, followed by Thirst. 1. Chill, followed by thirst, China. AT, SWEAT. 1039 CHILL, HE, Chilliness, followed by Heat, with Thirst. 1. Chilliness in the evening, on lying down, with heat on waking. thirst, Phos. ac 2. Evening fever, chill in the limbs, then dry heat, sweat, and thirst; mucous diarrhoea, with cutting in the bowels, tenesmus, pressing from both temples to the middle of the head, Rhus t 3. ---- fever, chill, then dry heat and thirst, cutting in the abdomen and diarrhoea, Rhus t. 4. Chilliness out of, and heat in bed, with excessive thirst for milk at night, Merc, sol Chill, with Sweat. 1. Shaking chill, profuse sweat, nightly diarrhoea, discharge of blood now and then, and pain in left hypoehondrium, Chin. sulp. 2. Chilliness, with profuse sweat, with painful spasms in the head and along the back, Elec 3. Coldness, with paleness and sweat all over, Puis. 4. Profuse sweat, during motion, with chilliness, Natr. mur. Chill, with Partial Sweat. 1. Chilliness and cold sweat on the forehead, China. 2._Coldness, particularly of the hands and feet, the latter being [ covered with profuse and cold sweat, Bell. Chill, then Heat, lastly Sweat. 1. Chilliness, generally in the after- noon or evening, less frequently in the morning or forenoon, fol- lowed by dry heat, generally in the evening, and lastly sweat at the termination of the fever, mostly at night,'or towards morn- ing, Ars. 2. Alternate shivering and heat, followed by slightsweat and accele- rated pulse, Anthrak. 3. Shaking chill, followed by heat, after which sweat, for several hours, Chin. sulp. 4. Feverish paroxysms, with verti- go, and sense as of a mill-wheel in the head, hard hearing, tingling in the ears, blackness of sight, pain in the forehead as if it would split, bitter taste of the bread, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, colic, violent chilliness and trembling, heat, yawning, sneezing, and pro- fuse sweat, Chin. sulp. 5. Fevers, commencing with shak- ing and chilliness, generally in the evening or afternoon, followed by heat and then sweat at night, China. 6. Fever, during the chill he has to lie down, with thirst, no thirst during the hot stage, sweat after the heat; during the sweat prick- ing headache in the left brain; next morning bitter taste in the mouth, Cham. 7. Violent internal chilliness, with- out external coldness, except the feet, with thirst; afterwards heat, with sweat; when uncovering an arm she feels chilly, and when putting it back under the cover she sweats; with tearing in the forehead, Cham. 8. Humming in the ears, thirst, eructations, debility, trembling of the limbs, chilliness in the even- ing, dry heat, sweat at night hav- ing a sweetish-sickly smell, Cinch. sulp. 9. Chilliness with fever, in the evening, for some minutes, fol- lowed by nausea and vomiting, spasmodic pain in the chest, all night, with short breathing, inter- nal anxiety and sweat about the head, Kal. carb. 10. Chill in the morning, heat in the day, and slight sweat at night, Eupat. 1040 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 11. Every morning, chilliness, with blue nails, icy-cold hands, then thirst, heat in the face, with heavi- ness in the head, beating in the occiput, inclination to vomit; next night sweat, especially on the abdomen, Dros. . 12. Shivering, followed by heat and sweat, Dig. 13. Shaking chill, in the evening, in bed, then alternate heat and cold ness, oppression and profuse sweat, Sabad. 14. Chilliness in the evening, fol- lowed by heat and sweat all night, Spig. 15. ---- of the body, no thirst, cold hands, internal burning, dul- ness of the head, drowsiness, weakness of the feet, stiffness of the knees; after lying down in bed, he is attacked with heat and sweat all over, no thirst, Hell. 16. Cold all over, with ill-humor, then heat and sweat, Magnet, p. aust. 17. Shaking chill, then heat and sweat, with drawing-jerking pains in the bones of the extremities, Puis. 18. Chilliness, in the afternoon, in the open air, dry heat in bed, sweat and sleep towards morning, Nitr. ac 19. Excessive weakness before din- ner, he had to lie down; then chilliness in bed, heat, sweat, Natr. mur. 20. Chill, with sleep and thirst, heat with sweat, Op. 21. ■----, then heat with sleep and sweat, Op. 22. Chilliness worse towards even- ing, with vertigo, thirst, heat in the bed, soft and frequent pulse, sweat; next morning coated tongue, stitches in the head when- ever he presses the foot to the ground, Plumb, acet. 23. Chills, then heat, sweat in the evening, with brown and acrid- smelling urine, Sep. 24. Violent chill in the afternoon, then heat, with thirst and internal chilliness; heat and sweat all night, Phos. 25. Chills at night, with diarrhoea, then heat and sweat, Phos. 26. Chill in the evening, as if cold water were poured over him; after lying down and covering himself, he felt hot; at night drawing in the spine and limbs, as if he would stretch himself, sweat in the morning, Rhus t. 27. Thirst in the afternoon, then chill, without thirst; cold face and hands, anxiety, oppression of the chest, drawing-pain from the back to the occiput, temples and vertex; in a few hours heat, without thirst, drops of sweat in the face, sleepiness, restless- ness ; next morning, sweat all over, Puis. Partial Chill. 1. Night chilliness on the face and on the feet, Ars. 2. Coldness in the evening, on the hands, feet, and abdomen, Ars. 3. Chilliness of the back and front part of the thighs, early in the morning, Arn. 4. Shivering over the back, when walking about in the room, in the forenoon, Ang. 5. Creeping chilliness and formica- tion between the shoulders and down the back ; the tips of the fingers and the toes are cold, the nails blue, even in a warm room, Aeon. 6. ----chills from the middle of the vertebral column to either psoas-muscle, Aeon. 7. Chilliness and coldness of the hands and feet, in the evening, afterwards inclination to vomit, which passes off after eating, and is followed by heat of the face, with sad and desponding thoughts, Aeon. PARTIAL CHILL. 1041 S. Coldness, chilliness, and paleness of the fingers, followed by cramp in the soles of the feet and in the calves; afterwards chilliness of the forehead, Aeon. 9. Chill over the back and arms, or over the arms and feet, or even in the face and from the feet up to the chest; sometimes in the even- ing after lying down, or with yawning early in the morning after rising, Aeon. 10. Chilliness on the back, Camph. 11. Chilly feeling along the back and posterior surface of the arms down to the hips, before retiring at night, returning at intervals, the last attack being followed by a swelling on the left tendo- Achillis, Berb. v. 12. Chilliness of the back, also alter- nating with chilliness of the outer side of the arms and thighs, burn- ing stitches in the afternoon, with dizziness, lancinating pains in the head ; in a few days sweat having a urinous smell makes its appear- ance, Berb, v. 13. Shuddering down the back, with cold hands, Bell J4. ----on t]ie arms, on one only, or on the abdomen, Bell 15. Coldness of the lower limbs, then the arms; it seems to proceed from the chest, followed by an increased disposition to stare at one point, Cic. 16. ---- of the hands and feet, forehead, nose, and ears, noon and evening, Chin. sulp. 17. Cold limbs, also with trembling, Chin. sulp. 18. Shuddering above the elbows and knees, China. 19. ---- over the thighs early in the morning, worse when walk- ing, with cold hands and feet, China. 20. Coldness of the lower limbs, with warmth of the chest and face, China. Vol. 111,-06. ' 21. Shuddering in the open air, over the chest and arms, also over the thighs only, with trembling and chilliness, or over the whole body, with shaking chills and goose- flesh, China. 22. Coldness of the left leg, China. 23. ----of the hands and feet, even in a warm room, or early in the morning, with shuddering over the thighs, worse when walking, China. 24. Icy-coldness of the feet, par- ticularly in the evening, China. 25. Coldness of the hands, of the right hand only, or icy-coldness of the left hand, China. 26. The right leg is cold as ice up to the knee, the rest of the body feeling naturally warm, the veins of the arms and hands are swollen, Chelid. 27. Shuddering on the hands, though they are warmer than usual, Chelid. 28. He is cold, with shuddering from the back to the abdomen, Cham. 29. Shuddering in some parts, face, arms, with or without external coldness, Cham. 30. ---- of some parts which are not cold, with drowsiness, Chim. 31. Sensation as if cold water were flowing from the clavicle, across the chest, down to the toes, Caust. 32, ---- as if a cold wind were blowing on the parts between the scapulae, Caust. 33. Shuddering over single parts, back, vertex, forehead, elbow, Cast 34. When walking in the open air, sensation on the thighs as if covered with cold sweat, Caps. 35. Early in the mo en ing, cold hands and chilly creepings, with- out thirst, even near the warm stove, Cina. 36. Chilliness as if cold water were 1042 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. poured over this or that part of his body, Led. p. 37. Sensation as if cold water were poured over the head, Magnet, p. aust. 38. Sense of coldness in both arms, Magnet, p. aust. 39. Darkness of sight, when walk- ing, in the open air; and, when standing still, the muscles of the limbs shook and trembled, Magnet, p. aust. 40. Chill in the face and on the arms, with chattering of the teeth and gooseflesh, Ign. 41. The left arm feels icy-cold, Magnet, p. aust 42. .Chilliness and shuddering along the back, or after stool, with the hair standing on end, Grat. 43. ----over the back and occiput, as if the hair would stand on end, for ten days, Dulc. 44. Cold face, nose, and hands, Dros. 45. Slight chills in the back, Dig. 46. Shuddering along the back, Dig. 47. Cold creepings on the upper arms, back, and feet, when yawn- ing, Mez. 48. Cold hands and feet, as if dead, Mez. 49. Sudden coldness and paleness of the hands, with shrivelled fingers, Crot. 50. Chilliness and trembling in all the limbs, she has to be in the sun all the time, Con. m. 51. Feeling of icy-coldness in the soles of the feet, although not cold to the hand, Coloc 52. Frequent shivering along the back, Colch. 53. Chilliness towards evening of the thighs, also cold to others, leas and feet remain warm, Puis. 54. In the afternoon the lower part of the body feels chilly internally, not to others, Puis. 55. Shuddering from the back to the hypoehcndria and on the anterior portion of the arms and thighs,. with coldness of the limbs, and as if they would go to sleep, Puis. 56. Shuddering along the back, from below upwards, all day, Puis. 57. Disagreeable feeling of coldness in the back and abdomen, also like shuddering, likewise in the extremities, Sec. corn. 58, Creeping in the fingers, which are quite cold, Samb. 59. Chilliness and drawing pain in the limbs, Verat. 60. Cold limbs, with small, spas- modic pulse, Sabad. 61. Constant chills over the back and arms, Verat 62. Chills in the evening, In bedr on the left side, which feels cold to the touch, Thuj. 63. Shuddering in the back, Rhus t. 64. Icy-cold feet, in the evening, in bed, Rhus t 65. The hands and feet are very cold, all day, Rhus l 66. Cold feeling in the limbs, as when a finger becomes dead or a limb is going to sleep; not per- ceptible to the hand, Rhus t. 67. Shuddering only in the left arm, causing it to jerk, Stann. 68. Icy-cold hands and feet, Squill. 69. Chilly on the back and arm,. when walking, Squill. 70. Cold feeling in the lower limbs, Spong. 71. Coldness of the tips of the fin- gers, Spig. 72. Internal chill from the pit of the stomach over the trunk, head, and upper limbs, every few minutes, early in the morning, Spig. 73. Sense of gooseflesh on right thigh, without chilly feeling, Spig. 74. Chilly feeling and gooseflesh on the arms, with shuddering when approaching them to the body, Spig. 75. Slight chill from the back to the abdomen and umbilical region,, Spig. PARTIAL CHILL. 1043 76. Chilly creepings every morning, now over the feet, then over the head and hands, back, chest, ab- domen, or wThole body, Spig. 77. Chills sometimes extending from the pit of stomach to the abdomen or lower limbs and back, Spig. 78. Chilliness through the limbs, for two days, Spig. 79. Cold feeling on the shoulder, not perceptible externally, Cocc 80. Chilliness and feeling of coldness along the back, Cocc. 81. Trembling of all the limbs, al- ways with chilliness, even in a warm room, Cocc 82. The hands feel cold to the face, but warm to each other, Cocc 83. Shivering in the back, as if touched with ice here and there, not removed by the stove, Cocc. 84. Cold limbs, Dig. 85. Chilliness of the back or pit of stomach, or commencing on the arms and thence spreading over the whole body, Bell. 86. As soon as he fell asleep, he be- gan to wrander ; his forehead feels thick and sore to the touch, an aching pain over the eye, worse on stooping, as if everything would come out of the forehead ; he felt chilly and cold in the back, Spong. 87. Wakefulness early in the morn- ing, followed by drowsiness and a chilly shuddering over the back, Staphys. 88. Coldness down the vertebral co- lumn, Ruta. 89. Wakefulness in the evening, with shiverings of the whole left side, upon which he does not lie, Ant. cr. 90. Cold feet, in the evening, in bed, Carb. v. 91. At night he was startled by noise, with shuddering in the back, Carb. v. 92. The right side, upon which he was lying, feels cold, early, in bed, Arn. 93. Cold nose, hands and feet. Sulp. 94. Tremulous tossing of the knees and feet, in the afternoon, as if chilly, Stram, 95. The limbs and trunk are cold. Stram. 96. Chills over the back and arms, head and face, early, after rising, Staphys. 97. Shuddering on one side of the body, as if cold water were poured over it, from the shoulders down to the thighs, Verat. 98. Cold feet in bed, evening, Merc. sol 99. Chilly creepings along the back. in the evening, Sulp. 100. Sudden redness of the face, with shuddering of the feet and anxious trembling, Puis. 101. Constant coldness of the hands and feet, Merc sol. 102. Chilliness of the back, with sup- pressed pulse, Op. 103. Manipulation over the back, without chilliness or heat, Menyan. 104. Shuddering over the upper part of the body, without yawning, Menyan. 105. Cold feet up to the knees, as if standing in cold water, Menyan. 106. Icy-cold feet, with swelling of the veins of the hands and lower arms, Menyan. 107. ----hands and feet, the rest of the body being warm, Menyan. 108. Coldness of the spine, with shaking, Menyan. 109. The hairs stand on end, in the warm room, without chilliness, Menyan. 110. Chilliness on the left side of the body, for many days, Lye 111. Chilly feet as if cold water were poured over them, with trem- bling, Nux v. 112. ---- creeping over the face, Nux v. 1044 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 113. Chilliness in the back, and heav- iness of the lower limbs, after a chagrin, Nux v. 114. Chilly feeling in the back and limbs, the skin being painful as if frozen and the limbs feeling rather numb, Nux v. 115. Sudden coldness of the upper or lower limbs, Nux v. 110. Chilliness over the back and arms, in the evening, in bed, Nux v. 117. Chilly feeling in the face, tem- ples, and on the forehead, as if a cold breeze blew upon these parts, with feeling of coolness in the tips of the fingers, Phos ac 118. Icy-cold hands and feet, in bed, Phos. 119. Violent chill over the arms and shoulders, Spig. 120. Frequent icy-cold creepmg over the body, Silic 121. Chilliness around the knees, Ign. Partial Chilliness, with partial Sweat. 1. Sensation of coldness in the tip of the finger, which was in contact with the magnet, with drops of sweat on this finger, Magnet, p. arct. 2. Anxiety as soon as she com- mences to eat, with sweat on the head and forehead which feels to her icy-cold; she has to walk into the open air, lacks breath and has prickings under the right ribs, Merc sol. Partial Chill, followed by partial Heat. 1. Chilliness over the back, during u walk in the open air, followed by heat in the back with sweat, after which a feeling of coldness and slight chilliness, China.^ 2. Frequent shuddering m the back, for a few minutes, followed by an equally short heat there. Magnet. p. arct 3. Chill over the arms, followed by hot and red cheeks, hot hands andi feet, no thirst, Ign. 4. Cold creeping along the back, in a cold room, followed by sudden redness and heat of the face, hot palms of the hands and cold on their backs, Coff. 5. Alternate heat and chilliness;: the chilliness on the back, the heat on the hands and face, Spig. 6. ----coldness and heat of left side of forehead, not perceptible to others, Spig. 7. Chilliness in the feet and between the scapulae: soon after, heat on the left side and in the left arm, Rltus t. 8. Cold feeling in the stomach, in the evening, in bed, spreading from the right side of the breast and abdomen to the thigh and right arm, with heavy breathing;, warmth in these parts towards- morning, then profuse sweat and thirst; next morning she still feels the warmth as if perspiration would start, with hot face and red cheeks, Mercurial Partial Chill and partial Heat* 1. Coldness at the knees, with heat of the head and ears, Ars. 2. ° He feels chilly when uncover- ing himself ever so slightly during the hot stage of fever, Aeon. 3. Feeling of heat in the face, with eold hands, Camph. 4. Chilliness along the back, min- gled with warmth, as if sweat would break out, Camph. 5. In the forenoon, headache, with heat in the forehead and hands, with icy-cold hands after lying down, Calc carb. 6. Cold creeping over the back, with frequent yawning and hot forehead and face, Calc. acet. 7. Heat in the face, with a feeling of coldness in other parts of the body, Berb. v. PARTIAL CHILL A? 8. Burning on the chest and be- tween the scapulae; in the after- noon, with chilliness of the thighs and legs, no thirst, Puis. 9. Cold face, with warm, hands, Cina. 10. The cheeks are red and feel hot to the patient although they are not warm to the hand, with cold feet, China. 11. Heat and redness of the face, with cold body, warm forehead, which feels cold to the patient, China. 12. ----of the forehead, with rush of blood to the head and cold limbs, China, 13. ----of the cheeks and limbs, with red cheeks, chilliness over the abdomen and arms, China. 14. Coldness of the limbs, with rush of blood to the head, heat of the forehead or attended with shudder- ing and nausea, China. 15. Shuddering on the back part of the body, arms, thighs and back, recurring at intervals, with a feel- ing of dry heat within and without, especially on the forehead and in the face; chilliness on the front part of the body, Cham. 16. Cold limbs with burning heat in the eyes and burning breath, Cham. 17. Icy-coldness of the cheeks, hands and feet, with burning heat of the forehead, neck, chest; then again heat and redness of the right cheek, with contraction of the pupils ; afterwards sleep with snoring, Cham. 18. The face is alternately pale and red, also the lobules, with a burn- ing sensation, Caps. 19. Glowing cheeks after dinner, with cold hands and feet, Caps. 20. Chill over the back, with hot cheeks and forehead, cold hands, no redness, Led. p. 21. Increasing heat in the head and body, hands and feet being cold, Ipec NTD PARTIAL HEAT. 1045 22. Coldness of the thighs an warmth of the sexual parts, Mag- net p. aust. 23. ----of the left half of the face, with stinging pains and dry heat of the right half (after midnight), Dros. 24. Slight chills in the back, with burning of the head, face and ears, red cheeks, diminished size of the right eye, Dig. 25. One hand is cold, the other warm, Dig. 26. Feeling of heat in the hands, with cold cheeks, Cycl. 27. Cold hands, with hot face, Cycl. 28. Chilliness and heat on both cheeks, Coff. 29. Creeping-shuddering over the arms, with hot cheeks, and sensa- tion as if the air in the room were too warm, Puis. 30. Shuddering over the back, heat in the face, weak, burning eyes, beating headache, difficult breath- ing, stitches in the chest, feeling as if the body were bruised, fre- quent pulse, Seneg. 31. Burning in the face, with icy- cold feet, Samb. 32. Glow and redness of the cheeks, with cold feet and contracted pupils, Verat. 33. Warm all over, except at the hip, where she feels as if cold water were poured over her, Va- ler. 34. ---- hands with bloated veins, cold face, hot forehead, Thuj. 35. Feeling of burning heat in the face, without real heat, hands icy- cold, Thuj. ■36. Tips of the fingers icy-cold, the rest of the body hot to the touch, Thuj. 37. Redness and burning of the left cheek, with chilliness of the back from below upwards, when mov- ing about; her fingers become numb, Thuj. 3*\ Aching in the occiput, afternoon, with stitch on turning the head. TING TO FEVER. 1046 SYMPTOMS REL^ hot face, hands and feet; the rest of the body chilly, with bitter mouth, disposition to coryza; in the evening, after taking off his clothes, he had shaking chills, fol- lowed by heat, except on the thighs, which were numb and chilly, Spig. 39. Feeling of heat in the face and hands, whereas the face feels cold to the hands, and the hands feel cold to the face, Spig. 40. Burning heat of the cheeks, with cold feet, Cocc. 41. Chilliness in the back, with red cheeks, sleeplessness, hoarseness, weak voice, apprehensive irritable mood, emaciation, Hep. s. 42. Violent heat in the head, wdth cold hands and feet, then slight sweat, Hell. 43. Inclination to vomit, with heat of the head and hands, and chilli- ness of the rest of the body; afterwards chilly all over, Rhus t 44. Chilliness about the head and back, the forepart of the body felt hot, Rhus t. 45. The left side of the body felt hot, the right cold, Rhus t 46. Warm face and fingers, with chilliness on the scapulae, Rhus t 47. Alternation of heat in the head and chilliness of the lower limbs, Sep. 48. Hot face, with cold tips of the fingers, Thuj. 49. On one side of the body the hand and foot are cold and red, on the other they are hot, in the evening and at night, Puis. 50. One hand felt hot, the other cold, Puis. 51. Feeling of warmth on the forehead, as if touched by a warm breath ; sometimes as if touched by a cold breath, with red cheeks, Staphys. 52. One cheek is pale, the other red, or both pale, Rheum, 53. Cold extremities and burning face, in the evening, Nuxjugl. 54. His right hand feels warm, his left cold; to others both hands feel cool, Mosch. 55. Hot face, with coldness of the lower limbs, Nux v, 56. Cold, feet, with dry heat in the face, Nux v. 57. Red cheeks and hot hands in the evening, cold feet and shud- dering, Nux v. 58. Coldness of the lower part of the body, with heat of the face, Nux v. 59. Her face felt hot to Tier, never- theless her face was pale and cold; breath hot, two evenings, Rhus t. 60. Cold shivering over the hands, with dry heat behind the ears, Merc. sol. 61. Internal chilliness, with hot face and burning sensation in both cheeks, Merc sol. 62. Hot face, the rest of the body chilly, Merc sol 63. Chill on the back, with hot lobules, Merc, sol 64. Heat about the head, with cold feet, headache with pressure from within outwards, burning in the eyes, dryness and a burning-hot sensation in the nose on drawing in air, debility and bruised pain in the limbs, restless night, with vivid dreams and dry beat, sweat towards morning; for two even- ings, Rhodod. Partial Chill, followed by Sweat. 1. Shuddering and chilliness along the back, in the evening, followed by slight sweat, but neither heat nor thirst, Caps. Partial Chill, with Partial Sweat. 1. Hands and feet are icy-cold and dripping with cold sweat, one of the cheeks being red, the other pale, mind and body feeling GENERAL HEAT. 1047 wretched and languid, and the pupils being dilated, Ipec 2. The hands feel cold to the face but warm to each other; the palms are a little moist and clam- my, Spig. 3. Restless sleep, with cold legs, which are covered with a cold sweat, Thuj. Partial Chill, followed by Gene- ral Heat. 1. Chill in the afternoon, as if cold water were poured over the back; his teeth chatter; warmth in a few hours, with sweat and thirst; next night he feels a stitching in the chest and cough, Sabad. 2. Increasing chilliness, with little thirst, warm forehead, cold malar bones, cold nose and iey-cold hands, afterwards heat, with anx- iety, nausea, violent thirst, cool sweat about the head and hands, Core 3. Slight chill along the back, with icy-cold hands, followed by vio- lent heat and distended abdomen, Silic General Heat. 1. Fever, with constant heat of the skin, Aur. mur. 2. Excessive vascular erethism, as if the blood were too hot and coursing through the vessels too rapidly, with small, quick pulse, Ars. 3. Dry anxious heat, at night, sometimes without thirst, Ars. 4. Internal heat, sometimes accom- panied by diarrhoea, Ars. 5. Internal warmth, the skin not feeling warm, Ars. 6. Vascular excitement in the evening, accompanied by dizzi- ness of the head ; he feels pulsa- tions in the whole body (and coughs for hours, at night, until he vomits), Am. 7. Short attacks of anguish, with flushes of heat all over, Arn. 8. Dry heat all over, after waking, early in the morning, Arn. 9. Feverish heat for several even- ings in succession, with headache, A mm. carb. 10. Heat in the face and over the whole body,* every 15 minutes, Ambr. gr. 11. Flushes of heat all over, for two evenings in succession, Ambr. gr. 12.----of heat, with anxiety about the heart, Ambr. gr. 13. Heat all over, Aloes. 14. The skin is burning-hot, Aeon. 15. Dry skin, even in bed, with good appetite, Camph. 16. Heat, with trembling, Camph. 17. ---- all over, increased by walking, Camph. 18. Increased warmth of the body, with red face, Camph. 19. Sopor and crampy-contractive headache, heat all over, with dis- tended veins, quick breathing, and pain in the back as if bruised, without thirst, Camph. 20. Heat every forenoon, with red face, anguish and slight sweat, especially on the hands and feet, before the menses, Calc. carb. 21. ----, with languor and anguish, Calc. carb. 22. Flushes of heat, also with swell ing of the face and hands, Calc carb. 23. ----of heat, Bry. 24. Heat, excited by noise and mo- tion, Bry. 25. Dry heat in the morning or at night, Bry. 26. °Hot stage, with headache and vertigo, Bry. 27. Frequent flushes of heat in the morning, with inclination to vomit, Bor. 28. Internal burning, in the morn- ing, afterwards the burning is felt between the skin and flesh, Brom. 1048 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 29. Flushes of heat all over, espe- cially about the head and chest, Bism. 30. Internal or external heat, or both at the same time, Bell 31. Fever without thirst, Bell. 32. Heat or hot stage with delirium, red face, every thing he drinks is too cold, obscuration of sight, burning thirst, or else no thirst; burning in the stomach, rage, throbbing of the carotids, puffed face, Bell 33. ----during slight motion, Bell. 34. ----in the evening, particularly of the hands and feet, Bell. 35. ----at night, with pain when raising the bed-cover, Bell. 36, ----, especially after dinner or every noon, Bell. 37. ----, principally of the head and face, with redness and some- times sweaC of the face, Bell. 38. Dry heat, particularly of the hands and feet, also with pale face and without thirst, Bell 39. Burning heat, Bell. 40. Excessive heat all over, Cic 41. Febrile motions, with flushes of heat, Chin. sulp. 42. Heat in the evening, with hur- ried pulse, China. 43. Internal and external heat, with red face, China. 44. Dry heat all day, China. 45. Internal warmth, with swelling of the veins and warmth, not to the touch, China. 46. Increased warmth to one's-self and others, China. 47. Burning heat, with throbbing of the arteries, burning of the ears and forehead, and a feeling of in- ternal heat in the cheeks, hands, and feet, China. 48. Heat or hot stage accompanied by dry mouth and lips, with burn- ing, red face, headache, canine hun- ger, delirium, quick and full pulse, violent desire for cold drinks, or absence of thirst, stinging in the skin, inclination to uncover one's- self, or chilliness when uncovered, distended veins, dilated pupils, China. 49. lie feels hot externally, and cannot bear being covered, Cham. 50. Sensation of external heat, though no heat to the touch, Cham- 51. Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks, with tossing about and delirium, eyes open, Cham. 52. Heat at night in bed, hindering sleep, Carb. v. 53. Burning heat in the evening, nightly delirium, Carb. v. 54. Fever-heat, mostly about the head, with yellow complexion and blue margins around the eyes, Cina. 55. Heat in the whole body, in the evening, and inability to keep the hands under the cover, Lauroc. 56. Intolerable feeling of dry heat, which feels painful, as after exces- sive weariness, Lact. vir. 57. Sensation as if the blood were jumping in the vessels, in the even- ing, when lying down, Magnet, p. aust 58. Warmth all over, especially in the back, Magnet, p. aust. 59. ---- all over, in- the evening, with anxiety, Magnet, p. arct. 60. Anxious feeling of flush of heat, as if sweat would break out, Ign. 61. External heat and redness, Ign. 62. Flushes of heat all over, Ign. 63. Burning heat, internally, Hyosc 64. Flush of heat, proceeding from the abdomen, before midnight, with dry mouth, with foul taste and rising of a disagreeable vapor to the mouth, Ferr. acet 65. Hot stage, with prostration, Eu- pat. 66. ---- stage, with nausea and throbbing head at the commence- ment, Eupat. 67. ----stage, with sleep and moan- ing, Eupat. 68. Sudden warmth, with subsequent weakness, Dig. 69. Heat, with hard pulse, headache, GENERAL HEAT. 1049 and difficult deglutition, Cupr. acet. 70. Pricking-burning heat of the body, Crot. 71. Heat and prickling in the skin, as if sweat would break out, Croc 72. Hot feeling in the whole body, with dry, sticky lips, aversion to drink, noise, light, motion, and company, Con. m. 73. Nightly heat of the body, Colch. 74. Febrile heat, with delirious talk, wants one thing or another, Coff. 75. Dry heat at night, with hot breath, Coff. 76. Frequent, violent flush of heat all over, Cocc 77. Dry heat all over, with fear that he will be attacked with colic if he uncovers himself, Samb. 78. Febrile heat, with lucid and ac- tive mind, Thuj. 79. Hot stage, with flushed face and dry, hot skin, Eupat, 80. Feeling of heat all over, espe- cially the chest and back, also as if hot sweat were trickling down, Stann. 81. Sudden anxious heat over the whole body, with hot and red face, sweat, Spong. 82. Several attacks of heat in the daytime, with anxiety, pain in the region of the heart, weeping mood, she would like to die, Spong. 83. Feeling of heat in the body, without any heat being percepti- ble to others, Spig. 84. Heat of the body, with burnings of the face and constipation, Dulc 85. Hot all over, with hot face, though he longs for the wrarm bed, Spig. 86. Heat all over, especially in the face, with anxiety, as if he would die, arresting his breathing, no thirst; the tongue is coated white and feels rough, Ruta. 87. Frequent waking, with sensation as if too warm, Cocc 88. Uneasy nights, with heat in the whole body, Graph. 89. Restless at night, with anxious warmth and dreams, Graph. 90. Flush of heat, after sleeping, and glowing redness of the cheeks, without thirst, Cina. 91. Internal heat at night, with dry tongue in the morning and heat about the head, Calc. carb. 92. At night, anxious heat and un- easiness, also with burning as if hot water were coursing through the veins, or with throbbing in the head and inclination to unco- ver one's-self, Ars. 93. Troublesome heat at night, which wakes him, Magnet, p. arct. 94. Internal heat, at night, and yet he dreaded being uncovered, Magn. carb. 95. Heat and dryness of the mouth, at night, she has to drink much, Phos. 96. Intolerable dry or burning heat, with restlessness at night, Puis. 97. Heat at night, with anxious dreams, Sep. 98. Dry heat all night, she feels chilly when uncovering her hands, Bar. carb. 99. Heat at night, with anguish, Bar. carb. 100. Flushes of heat all over, fol- lowed by exhaustion, Bar. carb. 101. He feels hot, but wants to be covered; he licks his lips, but does not drink, moans, Puis. 102. Excessive heat of the body, morning and afternoon, worse dur- ing motion, Tart. emet. 103. Dry heat, in the morning, in bed, Sulp. 104. ----heat in the evening, with burning hands, Puis. 105. Dry heat all over, at night and early in the morning, Puis. 106. Heat and talking during sleep, Strain. 107. Restless, for three evenings, with headache and febrile heat, Ruta. 108. Heat, with quick and small pulse and vermilion-colored face, Stram. 1050 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 109. Heat at noon, with red face, vertigo, and lachrymation, Stram. 110. She is hot and restless, Rheum. 111. Heat all over, without being thirsty, Rheum. 112. ----early, in bed, with sensa- tion as if sweat would break out, Puis. 113. He cannot bear any external warmth, his veins are distended, Puis. 114. Sensation as if a hot air blew upon him, which gives him a head- ache, Puis. 115. Anxious heat all over, with burning hands, tearing pain in the occiput, Puis. 116. Heat all over, except the hands, with aching pain above the orbits and moaning, Puis. 117. Flushes of heat in the day- time, with moist hands, Nitr. ac. 118. Heat with anxiety, Op. 119. While reading, a heat seems to press out of his body, Oleand. 120. Flushes of heat when exerting himself, with prickings in the face, Oleand. 121. Heat, without sweat or thirst, Menyan. 122. Excessive vascular erethism, Mosch. 1*23. Burning heat all over, in the evening, in bed, especially on the right side, with dry feeling and scraping in the throat and mouth, stitching pain in the forehead, ver- tigo before her eyes, feeling as if bruised all over, sleepless, restless, occasional grasping at the parts above the umbilicus, and a press- ing towards the genital organs, with excessive ill-humor, Mosch. 124. Roasting heat, Merc corr. 125. Heat without thirst, or sweat after midnight, with sensation as if he were sweating, Merc. acet. 126. ----early in the morning, in bed, either all over or partial; he wants to lay the hot parts on cool places, but, if he does, he feels sick, or feels a pinching or cutting in the abdomen, Nux v. 127. Heat in the whole body, with deep inspirations and anguish, Phos. ac. 128. ---- all over, evening, with restless night, Phos. ac 129. Warmth of the whole body, with internal itching, Phos. 130. Flushes of heat, with burning heat in the palms of the hands, Phos. 131. Heat all over, with dry skin, Rhus rad. 132. Red face, with burning heat of the skin, Rhus t. 133. Heat, every afternoon, Sep. 134. Face and whole body feel hot, during a morning-walk in the air, Nux v. 135. Increasing internal heat, with a full pulse, Nux v. 136. Feeling of warmth in the whole body, for four days, the air being cold and raw, Merc. sol. 137. Hot stage, with full pulse, Nux v. 138. Sensation of burning, internal heat through the whole body, Nux v. Heat, with Partial Sweat. 1. Heat at night, with sweat of the face and feet, Ars. 2. Flushes of heat with thirst, sweat in the face, palpitation of the heart, unnatural hunger, Cham. 3. Dry tongue, with desire for wa- ter, want of appetite, flushes of heat, sweat in the face, palpitation of the heart followed by an unna- tural hunger, Cham. 4. Warmth in the whole body, as if proceeding from the shoulders, or with sweat on the nose, Lauroc. 5. Increasing heat, followed by a little sweat on the trunk and head, writh smarting itching, especially about the neck, Ipec 6. Sudden attack of heat all over, HEAT FOLLOWED BY CHILL. 1051 in the afternoon, with sweat on the arms and back, Ipec. 7. Sleeplessness, with profuse sweat, or with dry heat all over, prickling in the skin, and sweat in the face, Chin, sulph. 8. Heat all over, with anxiety dur- ing the night, with slight sweat around the nose; the hands and feet are particularly hot, with cold thighs, palpitation of the heart, short breathing and lascivi- ous dreams, especially when lying on the side, Ign. 9. Feeling of heat, with sweat, on the hairy scalp, head, and nape of the neck ; the heat seems to pro- ceed from the left side of the occi- put, where the burning is felt lon- ger, Phell. 10. Sudden heat, with sweat in the face, trembling of the limbs, dark- ness of night, Puis. 11. Early in the morning, sweat un- der the nose, on the forehead, nape of the neck, neck, in the pit of the stomach, between the thighs, with heat and anxiety, dry tip of the tongue and dry lips, Nux v. 12. Heat all over, with sweat on the forehead, anxiety, sensation as if smoke were issuing from her throat, thirst, Nux v. Heat followed by Chill. 1. Hot feeling, followed by chilli- ness, head and face remaining hot, Asar. 2. Heat and sweat, without thirst, for some hours; then shuddering all over with shaking and chatter- ing of teeth, thirst, anxiety, and restlessness, inability to recollect things ; next evening the same chill, with shaking coldness, etc., Caps. 3. Alternate heat and chilliness, with giddiness, headache, burning in the throat and difficult breath- ing, Copper pole of galvanic pile. 4. Heat all over, in the evening, with shuddering along the back; then hands and feet become icy- cold ; followed by heat and cold- ness until after midnight; head- ache in the morning, every step caused a pain, Coff. 5. Slight heat, followed by a creep- ing chill, with icy-cold hands in the evening, Thuj, 6. Heat, with full and slow pulse, then chilliness, Dulc. 7. ----, with weakness, thirst; next day, shuddering over the up- per part of the body, Rhus t 8. Constant heat of the whole body, with red face and sweat about the head and body, headache, palpita- tion of the heart, trembling; the heat is followed by chilliness, and deadness of the hands, Sep. 9. Flushes of heat in the face, then coldness of the body and weakness of the femora, Sulp. 10. Heat, followed by shuddering, Puis. 11. ----, followed by chilliness all over, Menyan. 12. ----before midnight, with burn- ing pain in the mouth ; chilliness after midnight, Petrol 13. Evening-fever, heat followed by chilliness and coldness, Nux v. 14. Heat and sweat at night, with canine hunger, then chilliness with chattering of teeth and external coldness ; after the chilliness, in- ternal heat, Phos. 15. Hot and red face, with feeling of heat in the whole body, especially the palms of the hands, not to others ; afterwards a sort of shak- ing chill until late at night, with feeling of heat in the palms of the hands, and icy-coldness of the tips of the fingers, Merc sol. Alternate Heat and Chilliness. 1. Chill in the morning, sometimes alternating with heat, Ars. 2. Alternate chilliness and heat, 1052 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. with sensitiveness to the cold air, Amm. carb. 3. Frequent alternation of chilliness and heat, Agn. 4. Alternate chills and heat, in the forenoon, Calc. carb. 5. ---- coldness and heat, also with sweat in the face, and cold creepings over the back, drowsi- ness, Bor. 6. Alternation of chilliness and her.t, Bell. 7. Alternate chilliness and flushes of heat, particularly after dinner and towards evening, Chin. sulp. 8. Alternately warm and cold in the whole body, sometimes only single limbs, Chelid, 9. Alternate chilliness and burning heat, with stupor and vertigo, Lauroc. 10. — — and heat, with thirst, cough with creeping from the mid die of the chest to the throat, Kreas. 11.---------and heat, in the even- ing, followed by sweat, Kal. carb. 12. Internal burning heat alternat- ing with feeling of coldness exter- nally, Sabad. 13. Alternate chilliness and heat, with vertigo, anxiety, and disposi- tion to vomit, Verat, 14. Flushes of heat, all day, alternat- ing with chilliness, Sabad. 15. Alternate chilliness and heat the whole day, with red face, Spig. 16. Quick alternation of heat and chilliness; she is suddenly attack- ed by heat, all over, with rush of blood to the face, although she looks pale; in a few minutes icy- coldness from head to foot, with momentary cessation of heat, Cocc 17. Alternation of heat and chilliness, Cocc 18. Restless at night, alternately cold and hot, with partial sweats, Aeon, 19. Heat at night, alternating with chilliness, Sulp. 20. In the evening, feels wakeful and hot, sleepless; no thirst, feels chilly when uncovering himself, his arte- ries throb, sensation in his eyes as if thick clouds were passing before him, Rhus t. 21. Chilliness during motion, alter- nating with heat, with thirst, and pressure on the bladder, Tart. emet. 22. ----, heat, then again chilliness and thirst, Sulp. 23. Heat with anguish, as if the chest were compressed, no thirst, alternating with a cold feeling all over, and debility, Merc, sol 24. Alternate chilliness and heat, in the evening, then dry heat in the face with chilliness; after the heat, a cold creeping all over ; profuse sweat towards morning, Phos. ac 25.----------and heat for a few minutes; she felt weary and anx- ious, and every thing, even that which was dearest to her, was re- pugnant to her, Rheum, 26.----------and heat, headache, drawing in the limbs, appearance of the menses which had been sup- pressed for six months, Rhodod. 27. ----heat and shuddering in the face, Merc sol 28. ----sensations of heat and chil- liness, not to the touch, Merc Heat with Sweat, 1. Flushes of heat, with red face, sweat, anxiety and dry throat, Sep. 2. Sweat with burning in the skin, Merc. sol. 3. Anxious heat, with sweat, espe- cially at night, Alum. 4. Heat in the afternoon, with sweat, headache, thirst, hurried breathing, debility, Agar. 5. Sweat during or after the heat, Bell. 6. External heat, with dry mouth and fauces, obstinate constipation, and frequent falling to one side in HEAT WIT the street, or with sweat on the chest, red face, convulsive move- ments of the muscles and frequent pulse, Chin. sulp. 7. General warmth, gradually ter- minating in sweat, Chin. sulp. 8. Flushes of heat on the abdomen and thighs, with heat all over, red cheeks, sweat on forehead, China. 9. Heat all over, increased by walk- ing in the open air, with sweat on the forehead and flushes of heat on the abdomen and thighs, with red che< ks, China. 10. When lying on his back, before midnight, he feels hot at once and sweats all over, Cham. 11. Sweat at night with pungent heat, in fever and ague, Eupat. 12. Heat and sweat all over, with- out thirst, pale face, Verat 13. Violent heat, with profuse sweat, thirst, diarrhoea and vomiting, Con. m. 14, Heat on going to bed, sweat, un- easy sleep, tremor, with short, rat- tling, moaning breathing, Con. m. 15. ----in the evening after lying down, with sweat towards morn- ing and thirst, Puis. 16. Flushes of heat in the afternoon, with heat and sweat in the face, Samb. 17. Heat and sweat all over, then thirst, Stann. 18. Burning of the skin, with twitch- ing tremulousness of the skin, and sweat all over at night; violent cough as soon as he lays the hand above the bed-cover, Rhus t. 19. Heat and swreat all over after a walk, Rhus t 20. Wakes with general heat and sweat, quick pulse, palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea, Kal. bich. 21. Vomiting in the evening, follow- ed by violent fever and profuse sweat, Stram. 22. Excessive sweat in the after- noon, with heat of the whole body, Staphys. 23. Ileat and sweat under the cover, H THIRST. 1053 with chill when raising it, Nux V. 24. Heat after midnight, with short breathing, short-lasting sweat, dry lips and dry tip of the tongue, Phos. Heat with Thirst. 1. Dry and burning heat, with de- sire for beer, Ars. 2. Heat on the upper part of his body, with thirst, sweat and hot breath ; nevertheless he feels chil- ly and shakes, Anac. 3. ---- all over, in the evening, also with glowing cheeks,, cold hands and thirst, Agar. 4. The whole body is very hot, with thirst, especially for beer, short breath and cough, Aeon. 5. Heat in the pit of the stomach, with violent thirst, Bry. 6. ---- internal or external, or both, dry and burning, with thirst and red urine, Bry. 7. ----or hot stage with burning thirst, Bell 8. Flushes of heat, with desire for cold drinks, China. 9. Thirst, with feverish heat and redness of the cheeks, Cham. 10. Heat with thirst, redness all over, and delirious talk about busi- ness or dead persons, Canth. 11. Ileat every forenoon, and then again every afternoon, with yawn- ing, thirst, headache, and throb- bing in the abdomen, Kal. carb. 12. Heat of the body in the evening, with thirst, foul taste, slimy mouth, Hyosc 13. Fever preceded by thirst, but no chill, or sweat, with cough, Eupat 14. Heat with thirst, Thuj. 15. ----through the whole body, with hard and frequent pulse, headache, red face, thirst, and sen- sation of dryness of the mucous membranes, Tereb. 10. ---- with desire for beer, Spig. 1054 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 17. Restless sleep after midnight; she dreams that she is having an attack of fever, and wakes covered with sweat, with heat, thirst, chil- ly creeping, increased to chatter- ing of the teeth when moving, Sulp. 18. Heat from mouth and nose, with chapped lips, dry tongue, thirst, Stront 19. Burning above the knees, in the evening, with heat through the body and thirst, Stram. 20. For many nights he wakes after midnight, with heat and thirst, then sweat, pulse 80, Ran. bulb. 21. Heat at night, with dry throat, waking her, thirst for 20 hours, Nitr. ac 22. Anxious heat, day and night, with violent thirst, Nice 23. Dry heat, with red face, thirst, painful deglutition, stitches in the left scapula arresting the breathing, and tearing in the upper and low- er limbs, Sep. Heat, followed by Sweat. 1. Sweat after the fever, generally at night, Ars. 2. Heat or hot stage, succeeded by nausea, sleep from which he wakes with sweat and anguish, Ars. 3. Burning heat, every fortnight, followed by sweat in the nape of the neck, Ars. 4. Heat, without chilliness, fol- lowed by sweat, Ars. 5. Dry, short heat, followed by sweat and hunger, Cimex. 6. Sweat after the heat, particu- larly at night, only on the back and forehead, with thirst, or ex- hausting sweat all over, China. 7. Heat of the body, with flushed cheeks, then warm sweat, with drawing and stitching in the small of the back, preventing sleep at night, Kreas. 8. Face hot and red, in the after noon, followed by sweat, Coff. 9. Heat all over, in the evening, with oppression and sweat at night, Coff. 10. Heat on the forehead, ending in a warm, then cold sweat, Verat 11. Heat, profuse sweat, drowsiness, increased urine, Tart. emet. 12. Skin at times dry and hot, then with slight sweat, Op. Heat, with Partial Chill. 1. Internal heat, hands and feet feeling cold, accompanied by chills all over, Am. 2. Warmth of body, but h e . cheeks feel cold, Ang. 3. Heat of the whole body, with cold knees, in the evening, in bed ; he feels as if fire were creep- ing over him, Agn. 4. Feeling of heat all over, with red cheeks, heat of the trunk and arms, and moist forehead, or with cold limbs, China. 5. Heat all over, with icy-cold feet, without shuddering, thirst, or sweat, Squill 6. ----of body, with cold feet, no thirst, Squill 7. Wakes at night with a feverish shuddering, with hot and dry skin, chilly creepings along the back, and on the chest; then a little sleep ; wakes with swreat, pressing pain in the back and abdomen, with desire to vomit, Hep. s. 8. Icy-cold legs and hot body, Tab. 9. Warm body, with icy-cold hands, Tab. Heat, followed by Thirst. 1. Heat or hot stage, followed by thirst, dry palate, coldness and rumbling in the abdomen, after eating, China. 2. External heat, with a red cheek, PARTIAL HEAT. 1055 with sleeplessness, followed by a' desire for beer, Nux v. Heat, with Thirst, followed by Chilliness. 1. Heat and vertigo, with sweat in the face, bitter mouth, thirst; then chilliness, inclination to vomit, and pressure in the fore- head, Sep. Heat, followed by Partial Sweat. 1. Red face, with burning heat of the body, then striking with the right arm and foot, loud cries, heavy breathing, and cold face and hands, which are covered with drops of sweat, Op. 2. Internal heat, with anxiety, fol- lowed by sweat on the forehead, Nux v. Heat, Sweat, and Thirst. 1. Rush of blood to the head, sweat in the face and desire for^fcold drink, Thuj. 2. Heat and sweat all over, day and night, with thirst for water, Phos. ac. Partial Heat. 1. Feeling of heat in the face, after dinner, with anguish and drowsi- ness, Asa fl 2. Dry heat in the face, in the evening, Ars. 3. Flushes of heat in the back, Arn. 4. He feels hot, in bed, especially about the head, he has to change its position all the time, Arn. 5. Increased warmth of the cheeks and body, accompanied by aching in the temples, and the sides of the forehead, Ang. 6. Heat about the head, on the hands and feet, Camph. 7. Red cheeks and lobules, Camph. 8. Heat in the face, particularly towards evening, also with red cheeks, or red round spot on the malar bone, also with thirst, Bry. 9. —■— in the head, with sensation as if the contents of the head would issue through the forehead, Bry. 10. ---- of the lower limbs, as if plunged into hot water, Bry. 11. ----in the abdomen, Bry. 12. Frequent and strong flushes of heat about the head, chest, with anguish in the chest, and sensa- tion of movement in the abdomen, Berb. v. 13. Flushes of heat in the face, par- ticularly in the evening, Berb. v. 14. Heat of the hands and head, for several afternoons, Berb. v. 15. ---- in the head, with disten- sion of the veins, China. 16. Redness of one cheek, now and then, without internal heat, Cham. 17. Hot ears, and hot red tip of the nose, evening, Caps. 18. Pleat in the face, with redness, and tremor of the limbs, Caps. 19. Burning heat of the face and redness of the cheeks, thirst for a cold drink, Cina. 20. Heat in the face, also with burn- ing redness and warm forehead, afterwards going down the back, Lauroc 21. Burning of the palms of the hands, and soles of feet, Lach. 22. Dry heat of the cheeks and hands, with shortness of breath, Kal. carb. 23. Partial flushes of heat, Magnet. p. aust. 24. Frequent flushes of heat in the head, with hot and red face, in the afternoon, with drawing in the head, Magnet p. arct 25. One ear and cheek is red and burning, Ign. 26. Heat in the face, without red- ness or sweat, Guaj. 1056 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 27. Hot hands, with burning in the soles, Graph. 28. Red and hot cheeks, for an hour, Euphr. 29. Sudden alternation of paleness and heat, and redness of the face, Verat. 30. Tremulous motion in the back, with wrarmth, Coff. SI. Dry warmth in the face, Coff. 32. Sensation as if hot water were poured from the chest into the abdomen. Seneg. 33. Heat in the back, during an evening-walk, Verat 34. Flushes of heat on the cheeks, with drawing-aching pain on the right side of the head, extending to the orbit, followed by colic, Valer. 35. ---- of heat on the cheeks, with dry feeling on the tongue, pulse 60, Valer. 36. Excessive heat of the face, with- out thirst, Thuj. 37. Hot face, with red and burning cheeks, two evenings, Thuj. 38. ---- and red face, after the least exercise, Squill. 39. Burning heat on the forehead, not to others, with quick, hard pulse, Spong. 40. Flush of heat over the face, without redness, Spig. 41. Warm back, hands and abdo- men feel burning hot, Spig. 42. Feeling of heat in the spine, Spig. 43. Flushes of heat over the back, after supper, Spig. 44. Heat in the lower limbs, at night, without sweat or thirst, Spig. 45. Redness of the left hand, with drawing in the middle finger, Cocc. 46. Heat in the forehead, Cocc. 47. Sleeplessness, on account of uneasiness, dry heat, and some- times burning at the stomach, Amm. carb. 48. Heat in the cheeks and ears, in the evening, before falling asleep, Phos. ac. 49. Hot hands, with headache, even- ing, Rhus t 50. ----face, with redness, Tarax. 51. Feeling of warmth over the back, long after a meal, Staphys. 52. The cheeks feel hot to him and others, Rheum. 53. Heat in the head, with red cheeks and sense of turning in the brain, Mercurial. 54. Burning or buzzing heat in the head, on the hands and feet, and all over, until next morning, w ith sensation as if a catarrh were ap- proaching, Mercurial. 55. Hot face and hands, with pros- tration and hypochondriac mood, several forenoons, Nux mos. 56. Frequent paroxysms of heat on the face and hands, with weakness of the limbs, Nitr. ac 57. Heat in the eyes, with pain in the small of the back, and anxiety, Nitr. ac. 58. Flushes of heat in the face, with burning hands, dry tongue, every evening, Petrol 59. Hot head'and face, Codein. 60. Hot face, evening, Puis. 61. Restlessness, oppression, confu- sion of ideas, scintillations, with burning heat mounting to the head and then spreading all over, Op. 62. Burning face and sense of heat in the eyes, six evenings, Op. 63. Flushed cheeks, towards even- ing, Menyan. 64. Hot face in the evening, with uneasy sleep before midnight, Nux v. 65. ----cheeks, with flushes of heat on the back, during an evening walk in the air, Phos. ac 66. Frequent rising of heat from the neck to the head, Phos. 67. Heat in the face, and lobule of the ear, for many evenings, Silic. 68. Flushes of heat in the face, even- ing, Nux v. PARTIAL HEAT, ETC. 1057 69. Red cheeks in the morning after ] waking, Nux v. 70. Flushes of heat and heat of the cheeks, when making the least mo- tion or exertion, Nux v. 71. Hot face, after rising, with cos- tiveness and shifting of flatulence, Nux v. 72. When sitting for a while heat mounted to his cheeks and head, with red face, no thirst, Merc. sol. 73. Hot face and head, from time to time, Merc sol. 74. Heat, redness, and pressure in both eyes, Merc sol. 75. The face is pale, but is hot to him and others, Merc sol. Partial Heat, with Thirst, 1. Glowing heat of the cheeks, with thirst and involuntary moaning, Cham. 2. No thirst, except in the evening, when hands and feet become warm, Cycl, 3. Heat of the hands, forehead, lips, cheeks ; the hands are dry and rough, mouth dry and sticky; little thirst, but desire for succu- lent food, no sweat; for two weeks, Sabad. 4. Flushes of heat on the cheeks, with thirst, Nitr. ac 5. Hot face, with thirst, afternoon, Phos. ac. Partial Heat, Partial Sweat, Partial Chill. 1. Delirium at night, in a waking state, with hot brain and body, then sweat, cold limbs and shud- dering, Kal carb. 2. Hot and red cheeks, in the even- ing, with warm sweat on the fore- head, accompanied by shuddering over the back and arms, and gooseflesh, with boring headache and dull stitches, also anguish, Puis. 3. Dry prickling heat in the face, with a feeling of heat all over, though not to others, 01, an. Vol. Ill—67. Partial Heat with Partial Sweat, 1. The left cheek is hot and red, after midnight, with sweat on the palms of the hands; afterwards diarrhoea and aversion to food, Mere sol Partial Heat, followed by Partial Chill. 1. Heat on the forehead, alternat- ing with shuddering on the back, afternoon, Spong. Partial Heat, with Partial Sweat. 1. Internal heat in the face, trunk, and thighs, with cold sweat on the forehead, cold cheeks and feet, China. 2. Frequent warmth and sweat on the head and hands, Lauroc. 3. Small burning spot on the foot, for one minute, in the afternoon, disappearing suddenly, and fol- lowed by heat in the head, with red cheeks and sweat in the face, for some minutes, Magnet p. arct. 4. The skin on the back feels hot, with sweat in the face, Dulc Partial Heat, followed by Partial Sweat. 1. Hot hands and feet, dry mouth, nausea, pain at epigastrium, wake- fulness, then swreat on the hands and legs, subsidence of the symp- toms for two hours; then again the former symptoms, Kal bich. Partial Heat, followed by Chilliness. 1. Increased warmth, in the room, followed by coldness of the body during a walk in the open air, with a feeling of coldness about the tarsal joints, China. 2. Heat in the face, especially on 1058 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. the cheeks and lobules; with redness, after which chilliness all over, with shuddering and cold- ness, China. Partial Heat, with Chill, 1. Heat of the forehead and hairy scalp, with slight chills, no thirst, pulse strong and quick, Asar. 2. Shaking chills, in the evening, with debility, especially in the knees and small of the back; hands cold, forehead hot, Asar. 3. Hands are icy-cold, face and body warm, though covered with gooseflesh, he has violent chills, Asar. 4. Chills with heat in the face, Asar. 5. Chilliness in the daytime, after- wards heat of the face in the even- ing, Ars. 6. Chill, with heat of the outer ear, Ars. 7. ---- at the commencement of the fever, also with hot forehead, hot cheeks, and cold hands, Ars. 8. Shivering over the whole body and head, with heat in the head and redness and heat of the face, accompanied by coolness of the hands, and a feeling as if the hips, back, and anterior surface of the arms were bruised, Arn. 9. Shuddering, ending in a febrile chill, with gooseflesh, hot head, and cold hands, nausea, the whole forenoon, on several days, Arg. nit. 10. Shiverings over the whole body, with heat in the forehead, early in the morning, no thirst, Ant cr. 11. Cold shiverings, also with heat in the face, Anac 1.2. Chilliness and shuddering all over, in the evening, especially over the back and legs, sometimes accompanied by heat in the face, Alum. 13. The whole body, especially the feet and knees, feels chilly and cold, with dulness of the head, hot and red face, pulse full and hard, Aeon. 14. Paroxysms of febrile redness of the cheeks, sometimes accompa- nied with a general shuddering, heat of the head and face, peevish and whining mood and headache ; or with a feeling of heat all over, and a foolish and imbecile de- meanor ; or with burning at the umbilicus and headstrong oppo- sition, Aeon. 15. General coldness and stiffness of the body, with redness and heat of one of the cheeks, and coldness and paleness of the other, open, staring eyes and contracted pupils which dilate with difficulty, Aeon. 16. Chilliness, particularly of the arms, when taking off his clothes, with gooseflesh, and redness and heat of the ears and nose, Bell 17. The body is cold, the face warm, Cann. 4 18. Heat in the head, with sensation as if sweat would break out, with shuddering over the limbs and abdomen, Camph. 19. Burning cheeks in the evening, with chilliness, particularly at night; or in the evening, Cham. 20. Coldness of the whole body, with burning heat in the face, the eyes shine like fire, Cham. 21. Feverish shuddering all over, with hot cheeks, no thirst, Cina. 22. ----coldness, with shuddering, for three days, with heat in the palate, and thirst for cold water, Led. p. 23. Shuddering, with redness of the face, evening, Ign. 24. ---- all. over, with hot hands and anxiety, Ign. 25. Frequent shuddering over the whole body, with cold hands, hot cheeks and warm forehead, Dros. 26. Chilliness all over, with heat and redness of the face, Dig. YAWNING. 1059 27. Chilliness with cold hands, and a hot face, with nausea, Con. m. 28. One cheek feels hot and red, with constant shuddering, Coff. 29. Flushes of heat in the face, with frequent chilliness all over, Sabin. 30. Hot head, not to others, with internal chilliness, Sabad. 31. Burning heat in the face, with chilliness all over, Sabad. 32. Glowing cheeks, with chilliness all over, Cocc. Sweat followed by Chill. 1. Sweat followed by chilliness, then again sweat, Nux v. Sweat followed by Thirst. 1. Desire for beer after the morn- ing sweat, Nux v. Partial Sweat, followed by Partial Chill. 1. He is waked by a desire to urinate; sweat on lower part of his body ; reeling on rising, with sensation as if cool air were blow- ing upon the perspiring parts, and as if cool sweat were trickling down along the feet, Croc 2. Flush of heat, with sweat about the head, neck, chest, and hands, succeeded by a sensation as if cold air were blowing upon the head, frequently during the day, 01 an. Partial Sweat with Partial Heat. 1. Profuse sweat about the head and face, which was hot to the hand, the body being cold, Sabad. 2. Heat about the head, with sweat on the forehead, early in the morning, in bed, Staphys. 3. Sweat on the upper parts of the body, the lower parts hot and dry, Op. 4. Sweat all over, except the face, which is hot, Rhus l 5. The hands, especially the tips of the fingers, feel hot, with sweat, Rhod. Sweat followed by Heat. 1. He began to sweat when on the point of falling asleep; he woke frequently, and then felt a heat all over, especially on the cheeks, he was drenched with sweat, Tarax. 2. Frequent sweat, followed by dry heat, Nux v. Sweat with Partial Heat. 1. Sweat all over, early in the morning with heat of the hands and interior of the face, Nux v. 2, Sweat all night, with hot feet and forehead, Phos. ac Sweat with Partial Chill. 1. Viscid, cold sweat, with cold limbs, languor, slow, intermittent pulse, Tab. 2. Profuse sweat, with cold limbs, Tab. 3. Sweat with cold hands and blue nails, Nitr. ac. Yawning. 1. Yawning, Merc. sol. 2. ----and chilliness, Arg. nit 3. Tremor of the whole body while yawning, with sensation of shud- dering, Cina. 4. A good deal of yawning, with flow of water in the mouth, weari- ness, uneasiness, chilliness, Amm. carb. 5. Yawning and stretching, with chilliness, Dig. 6. A good deal of yawning and stretching, also early in the morn- 1060 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. ing, with subsequent spasmodic pain in the limbs, and particularly in the knee, also attended with chilliness and inward trembling, or early in bed, as if proceeding from the abdomen, Nux vom. 7. Yawning with shuddering, Nux v. 8. ----and stretching, with slight chills, oppression of the chest, sensation in the arms as if bruised; pain in the back, and sensitiveness of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae to pressure, Chin, sulph. 9. ---- early in the morning, fol- lowed by headache, Nux v. 10.----causing a cough, Nux v. 11. Stretching and yawning, followed by spasmodic pains in the limbs, with chilliness and internal trem- bling, Nux v. 12. Yawning in the morning, with the eyes filled with water, Nux v. 13. Incessant yawning, leaving weakness behind, Nux v. Stretching. 1. Continual stretching of the arms, Phos. ac 2. Painful stretching, Sec. corn. 3. Stretching, early in the morning, in bed, as if proceeding from the abdomen, Nux v. 4. Early in the morning, excessive stretching of the limbs, and yawn- ing, cramp-pain in the limbs after the stretching, especially in the knees, Nux v. 5. Convulsive stretching, Nux v. Fevers, 1. Fever with pain in head and excessive thirst, Pod. pelt. 2. Continual fever and heat, with night sweats, sinking of strength, tearing pains in the limbs and trembling, frequent, round, deep, and spreading ulcers in the mouth, fauces, face, on the sexual parts, and all over, with white base and inflamed edges, Merc. dulc. 3. Febris erethica mercurial is (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 253), Mercurial Prepar. 4. Violent fever and heat, with malaise, headache, nausea, in- flamed wounds, Ophiot. 5. Acute fever, with delirium after a short sleep; weakness after the fever, with nausea, weak pulse ; in a few hours again delirium, with full pulse; then sleep for eight hours, Op. 6. Fever for two afternoons, Stram. 7. Feverish delirium, anxiety, asthma, burning at the stomach, vomiting, convulsions, death, Sulp. 8. Fever, with vomiting of green, acrid water, and constant nausea, Hep. s. 9. Fever with violent headache, pain of the scalp when touched, tearing in the joints, troublesome heat of the head and upper part of the body, icy-cold feet, burning and running of the eyes, dry spas- modic cough, spasmodic contrac- tion of the abdomen and hypo- chondria, Lact vir. 10. Fever, with heat and dry skin,. Dulc 11. ----every day, at different pe- riods, Verat. 12. ---- and delirium, from the seed, Sang. 13. ---- with desponding mood, sensitive skin and sleeplessness, Eupat. 14. ---- with dry, cold skin, soft, quick pulse, delirium, subsultus tendinum, picking at flocks, lod. 15. Violent fever with all the symp- toms of typhus abdominalis, lod. 16. Fever with dry skin and mouth, coated tongue, thirst, small and quick pulse, dim eyes, Lach. FEVERS. 1061 17. Violent fever, with vomiting and diarrhoea, Cina. 18. Acute fever, with profuse sweat, China. 19. Fever with drowsiness, Bell. 20.----with frequent micturition and debility, Bell. 21. ----with vomiting or yellow or green and bilious stools, Anthrak, 22. Evening fever, Arn. 23. Fever with hard crampy pulse, and restlessness, Aur. mur. 24. ----with vertigo, Bell. 25. °---- preceding an eruption, Bry. 20. ----in the day-time, commenc- ing with tearing in the joints, heaviness of the head, languor, heat, sensation as if sweat would break out, with trembling and un- easiness in the limbs, Calc carb. 27. He utters nonsense during his sleep, with wild staring looks and hothead, throbbing of the carotids, bright red, bloated face, dilated pupils, frequent pulse, moist hair of the head, burning heat, anguish, after which he sings, weeps, utters cries, gasps for air; this paroxysm was increased by violent headache, like a hammering, lancinations in the head, tingling in the hands and feet which feel numb, accom- panied by violent thirst and white coating of the tongue, Hyp. perf. 28. °'Intermittent fevers (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 371), Nux v. 29. °Tertian intermittent (see S. C, vol ii. p. 204), Merc, sol 30. intermittent fever (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 95), Lob. infi. 31. °--------with coldness in the abdomen, Menyan. 32. °---------(see S. C, vol. ii. p. 432), Op. 33. °--------(see S. C, vol. ii. p. 320), Natr. mur. 34. °---------(see S. C, vol. ii. p. 368), Nux mos. 35. 3---------(see S. C, vol. ii. p. 606), Puis. 36. "Quotidian fever (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 673), Rhus t. 37. intermittent fever (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 669), Rhus rad. 38. °Tertian fever, with scorbutic symptoms, Staphys. 39. °Quotidian fever (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 943), Tarax, 40. "Compound tertian fever, also with jaundice, Rhus t. 41. intermittent fever (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 693), Rhus t. 42. °Tertian with urticaria, Rhus t 43, intermittent fevers, quotidian, tertian, quartan, Eupat, 44. °---------(see S. C, vol. ii. p. 714), Sabad. 45. °---- ---- with extensive sweat, Samb. 46. °Tertian intermittent (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 618), Crotal, 47. intermittent fevers (see S. C.. vol. ii. p. 1005), Verat 48. Fever and ague, with distressing pain in pit of stomach, Eupat 49. "Tertian intermittent (see S. C, vol. i. p. 712), Ferr. acet, 50. ----and quartan fevers, with epileptic fits, weakness, flashes be- fore the eyes and rush of blood to the head, Hyosc. 51. intermittent fever (see S. C, vol. i. p. 811), Ign, 52. °Fever and ague with ailments (see S. C, vol. i. p. 825), Ign. 53. "Chilly stage, with various ail- ments (see S. C, vol. i. p. 825), Ign. 54. "Hot stage, with various ail- ments (see S. C, vol. i. p. 825), Ign. 55. "Intermittent fevers (see S. C. vol. i. p. 862), Ipec 56. Quartan fever, lod. 57. "^Intermittent fevers (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 55), Each. 58. °Quartan and tertian intermit- tent (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 55). Lach, 59. "Tertian fevers, Canth. 60. °Fevers, consisting of the chilly stage only, Cantlu 1062 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 61. Feverish shuddering in the even- ing, with thirst, weakness, short breath, drowsiness, ill-humor (see S. C, vol. i. p. 411), Caps. 62. "Quotidian fevers, with gastric symptoms (see S. C, vol. i. p. 122), Ant. cr. 63. °----or double-quotidian fever, Bell. 64. °---- and tertian fevers (see S. C., vol. i. p. 411), Caps. 65. Heat or hot stage, with symp- toms marked ° (see S. C, vol. i. p. 411), Caps. 66. "Intermittent fevers (see S. C, vol. i. p. 48'?), Cham. 67. "Hot stage, with anguish, Cham. 68. ° Intermittent fevers, particular- ly quotidian, tertian, or double- quotidian (see S. C, vol. i., p. 490), China. 69. °----fevers, quotidian, tertian, quartan, etc., also with secondary affections, dropsy, etc., or of a ma- lignant nature, Chin. sulp. 70. Tertian fever, with stretching and drowsiness during the chill, hands and feet feel dead, Cimex. 71. Constipation during the fever and ague, the faeces are hard and . dry, Cimex. 72. "Intermittent fevers, quotidian, tertian, quartan, etc. (see S. C, vol. i. p. 518), Cina. 73. "----fevers (see S. C, vol. i. pp. 322 and 335), Bry. 74. Chill, preceded by various symptoms marked ° (see S.'C, vol. i. p. 335), Bry. 75. ----, accompanied by symp- toms marked ° (see S. C., vol. i. p. 335), Bry. 76. Intermittent fevers (quotidian and quartan), commencing with chilliness in the evening, followed by a long-lasting, dry heat, Aeon. 77. Distressing painfulness of the periosteum of all the bones, resem- bling almost a drawing, as occurs in fever and ague (see #. C., vol. i. p. 161), Am, 78. "Intermittent fevers (see S. C-, vol. i. p. 165), Ars. 79. °----fevers (see S. C, vol. i. p. 181), Ars. 80. Chill or chilly stage, accompa- nied by stretching of the limbs, feeling of illness, pains in the limbs and stomach, anxiety, and a num- ber of symptoms marked °, for which see S. C, vol. i. p. 181, Ars. 81. ----.or chilly stage, followed by thirst and other symptoms marked °, for which see S. C, vol. i. p. 181, Ars. 82. Heat or hot stage, accompanied by anxiety, redness of the skin, sweat of the face and feet, colicky, anxious tightness in the'hypochon- dria and epigastrium, and other symptoms marked °, for which see S. C., vol. i. p. 181, Ars. 83. Intermittent fever, followed by hiccough, "pressure in the forehead and temples, with frightful dreams, Ars. 84. ----fevers, with languor, rush of blood to the head, swelling and painfulness of the spleen and liver, loss of appetite, bitter taste, bitter eructations and vomiting, yellow color of the skin and face, short spasmodic cough, stitches in the chest, debility, pain in the limbs, colic pain in the back, thirst before or after the chill, or during the sweating stage, also during every stage, China. 85. °'Mucous fever (see S. C, vol. ii, p. 205), Merc. sol. 86. "Fevers, mucous, gastric, bilious, Puis. 87. "Gastric fevers, with jerking of the arms and fingers, Stram. 88. ----fever, Tart. emet. 89. "Gastric fevers, etc. (see S. C, vol. i. p. 663), Dig. 90. °----and bilious fevers, after anger and chagrin, Cham. 91. "Bilious fevers (see S. C.,vol. i. p. 322), Bry. THIRST. 1063 92. "Gastric fevers (see S. C, vol. i. i p. 322), Bry. 93. "Bilious fevers, China. 94. °Heclic fever (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 504), Phos. 95. Lentescent fevers, with excessive sweats and prostration, Merc. corr. 96. Febris adynamica mercurialis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 253), Mer- curial. Prepar. 97. Lentescent fevers, with emacia- tion, Mercurial, Prepar. 98. Exhausting fever, with dyspep- sia and singultus, Ox. ac. 99. "Hectic fever, particularly after great loss of animal fluids, China. 100. °Inflammatory fevers, Cham. 101. °----fevers (see S. C, vol. i. p. 239), Bell. 102. °---- fevers (see Symptomen Codex, vol. i. p. 21), Aeon. 103. "----fevers (see S. C, vol. i. p. 322), Bry. 104. °Catarrhal rheumatic fevers, Merc sol. 105. ----fever (see S. Codex, vol. i. p. 928), under : Nose, Kal hyd. 106. ---- fever, with heat, fulness about the head, glistening eyes, Lach. 107. °Puerperal fevers (see S. C, vol. i. p. 240), Bell 108. °----fever (see S. C, vol. i. p. 323), Bry. 109. °Typhus petechialis, putridus, etc. (see S. (7.,, vol. i. p. 165), Ars. 110. °---- versatilis, abdominalis, bellicus (see S. C, vol. i. pp. 322, . 323. 111. °----cerebralis, versatilis (see S. C, vol. i. pp. 239, 240), Bell. 112. °----, typhoid fevers (see S. C, vol. i. p. 442), Carb. v. 113. °----, (see S. C, vol. i. p. 55), Lach. 114. °---- stupidus, abdominalis (see S. C, vol. i. p. 798), Hyosc 115. °--- pulmonalis (see S. C, vol. i. p. 799), Hyosc. 116. °---- versatilis (see S. C, vol. i. p. 798), Hyosc. 117. °----, with muttering, Crotal, I 118. °Typhus pulmonalis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 674), Rhus t. 119. °----abdominalis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 673), Rhus t 120. °----of every kind (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 673), Rhus t. 121. °---- versatilis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 673), Rhus t 122. °---- (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 883), Stram. 123. °---- versatilis, with settling down in the bed, depression of the lower jaw, slavering, Mur. ac. 124. °---- abdominalis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 508), Phos. ac 125. ----abdominalis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 478), Phos. 126. °---- pulmonalis (see S. C, vol. ii p. 480), Phos. 127. °----abdominalis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 205), Merc. sol. 128. ° Typhoid fevers (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 205), Merc. sol. 129. "Fevers, acute, inflammatory. typhoid, rheumatic, gastric, bi- lious, pituitous, etc. (see S. C, vol. i. p. 322), Bry. 130. "Typhoid fever (see S. C, vol. i. pp. 239, 262), Bell. 131. °----fever (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 669), Rhus. rad. 132. °----fevers, with loss of con- sciousness, delirium, weeping, somnolence, Puis. Thirst. 1. Sweat with excessive thirst, Ars. 2. Thirst during the yawning, then heat with little thirst, Am. 3. ----without external heat, the pupils being scarcely dilatable, Arn. 4. If he drinks during the fever, he has to urinate at once, the urine being hot and cloudy, Cimex. 5. Thirst only during the apyrexia, Cimex. 6. ---- in the evening; in the night he is waked by a pain, Cham. 7. Unquenchable thirst, with dry tongue, Cham. 1064 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 8. The lips were dry at night, and adhered without thirst, Cham. 9. Thirst in the day-time, and chil- liness in the evening, Led. p. 10. ----'during the cold, none dur- ing the hot stage, Ign. 11. ----during the chill and heat, with vomiting after every drink, Eupat. 12. ----commencing in the night previous to the chill, in tertian ague, Eupat. 13. Desire for cold drink, especially beer, Cocc 14. Thirst before and during the chill and heat, Eupat. 15. A good deal of thirst in the even- ing, with dry mouth, Mez. 16. Dry mouth and fauces, at night, he has to drink a good deal, Aeon. 17. At night, thirst, without desire for drink, Rhus t. 18. Loss of thirst, for 11 days, Sep. 19. Violent thirst followed by sweat, Stram. 20. Thirst for many nights, followed bv sweat, Rhus t 21. Desire for water or beer, Rhus t 22. Thirst for beer, nevertheless it has a disagreeable taste, Puis. 23. Wants to drink all the time, even icy-cold water, Merc, sol 24. Thirst for spirits, Puis. 25. ----for ice-water, Merc. sol. 26. ----during the heat, Merc sol. Sweat. Simple, Sweat 1. Copious sweat, China. 2. Excessive sweat, Hyosc 3. Sweat with enuresis, Bell. 4. Warm sweat, even when sitting still, Asar. 5. Sweat during which all the fever pains abate, Ars. 6. Debilitating sweats, sometimes the debility increases to syncope, Ars. 7. Sweat in the evening, in bed, when about to sleep, sometimes only on the hands and thighs, Ars, 8. ---- over the whole body, at night, accompanied by anguish, Arn. 9. ----at the same hour, for three days in succession, Ant. cr. 10. ---- in the day-time, Amm. carb. 11. ----all day, especially on the abdomen and thighs, Ambr. gr. 12. ----as from weakness, Aeon. 13. Profuse sweat with diarrhoea and enuresis, Aeon. 14. Moisture all over, sometimes with shuddering, Aeon. 15. Warm sweat all over, Camph. 16. Sweat in the day-time and at night, Calc carb. 17. Vaporous exhalation from the skin, with light slumber and dry mouth, all night, Bry. 18. Anxious sweat, preventing sleep, Bry. 19. Sudden, passing sweat, Bell. 20. Sweat during a walk in the open air, succeeded by colic, Bell. 21. ----with humming in the ears, Ars. 22. Exhausting sweat, with sudden exhaustion after every exertion, Chin. sulp. 23. Sweat when covering one's self ever so little, China. 24. ----during sleep and motion, China. 25. ----during a walk in the open air, China, 26. ---- during sleep, especially about the head, Cham. 27. ■----which affords relief, Lach. 28. Drenching sweat at times, at others the body feels dry and chilly, Kal. hyd. 29. "Sweat with stinging, and roar- ing in the ears, Ign. 30. ----with dull and weak head, Hyosc. 31.---- every other forenoon, al- ways preceded by headache, Ferr. acet. SWEAT. 1065 32. Little or no sweat, in fever and ague, Eupat. 33. Sweat all over, especially on the forehead, with red face and body, Con. m. 34. Slight sweat all over, on walk- ing, with itching, Led. p. 35. As soon as he rises from his seat, a cold sweat breaks out on his forehead, Verat. 36. Hot sweat all over, with exhaus- tion, Stann. 37. One sweats easily on being but slightly covered, Spig. 38. Anxiety at night, as if she had to die, with cold sweat, audible palpitation of the heart, and invo- luntary weeping, Amm. carb. 39. Profuse sweat day and night, Hep. s. 40. Sweat all over, also in the face, Rhus t. 41. Slight vaporous exhalation from the skin, in the day-time, he wants to be covered, Rhus t 42. Sweat all over in the evening when on the point of going to sleep, Verat. 43. ----all over, with uneasy sleep, Caust. 44. Slight sweat all over, during a stupefying slumber, Puis. 45. No sleep at night, with sweat as soon as he lies down, Rhus I 46. Anxious sweat, with tremor, in the evening, followed by vomiting, then heaviness of the head and weakness of the arms, Sulp. 47. Frequent sweats with appetite, distended abdomen, diarrhoea, co- lic, Stram. 48. Sweat all over, after a walk, Ruta. 49. ----, also with itching and for- mication, Rhod. 50. Disposed to sweat in the day- time, Puis. 51. Profuse sweat, with retention of urine, Morph. pur. 52. Sweat all over, with thirst, strong, full pulse, glistening eyes and bright mind, Op, 53. Sweat and red rash, with itching, Op. 54. Profuse sweat, with itching and a breaking out, and insensibility of all the senses, Op. 55. Hydrosis mercurialis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 253), Mercurial. Prepar. 56. Sweat every evening, after lying down, Mere sol. 57. ----in the day-time, with nau- sea and languor, Merc. sol. 58. ----for two days, Nux v. 59. Copious sweat during and after anxiety, Nux v. 60. Sweat, also in the morning, for many days, Dulc. Cold Sweat. 1. Cold sweat, Aeon., Stram., Tab., Verat. 2. Copious cold sweat, Camph. 3. Cold sweat, also clammy, Ars., Sec corn., Tart. emet. 4. ----sweats, with languor, Aur. mur. 5- ---- sweat, with abatement of all the symptoms, Nux v. 6.----sweat all over, a drop of sweat being suspended from every hair, with pale, sunken face, col- lapse of pulse, icy-coldness, Hell. 7. ---- sweats, during the symp- toms occasioned by a bite, Lach. 8. ----sweat all over, or only in the face, with thirst, China. 9. ----sweat on the forehead and all over, Plumb, m. Sweat from the least exertion. 1. Sweat after the least exertion, Bry, Chin, sulp., Hep. s. 2. Sweat, even during the slightest exercise, Graph., Sep. 3. Slight sweat all over, during the slightest motion, Cocc. 4. Sweat when making the least motion, especially in the face and on the nose, Bell. 1066 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. Morning Sweat. 1. Morning sweat, Bell, Carb. v., Kal. carb., Sep. 2. Profuse morning sweat, Bry., Merc sol, Puis. 3. ----sweat after waking in the morning, Nux v., Sulp. 4. Sweat all over, for several morn- ings, Hell. 5. Profuse morning sweat, for many mornings, Calc. carb. 6. Morning sweat, with heavy dreams about dead persons, and as if he were chased, Phos. ac 7. Warm sweat all over, every morning, Ant. cr. 8. Sweat during sleep, in the morn- ing, without smell, Rhus t 9. Morning sweat with thirst, and nausea unto vomiting, with into- lerable palpitation of the' heart, Merc, sol 10. ----sweat on the upper part of the body, followed by drawing pain in left side, Nux v. 11. Slight swreat all over, except in the face, at night and in the morn- ing, smelling like musty straw, Nux v. 12. ---- sweat, with desire to vomit, Nux v. 13. During the morning sweat all the parts on which he lies, are painful, Nux v. 14. Morning sweat with colic when uncovering himself ever so little, Nux v. 15. Early in the morning, during sleep, a sweat breaks out all over, with disposition to uncover him- self, Op. 16. Profuse morning sweat, also with sour smell, Natr. mur. 17. He sweats every morning after falling asleep again; feels weary on waking, Ign. 18. Sweat in the morning, especially in the face, Verat. 19. Sleepless, on account of itching and stinging in the skin; he remains awake until morning, when he falls into a heavy sleep, during which he sweats, 4mm. carb. 20. Slight sweat all over, in the morning, Dig. 21. Morning sweat all over, with biting sensation in the skin during or after the heat, then sour sweat, Cham. 22. ----sweat after a restless sleep, which had been disturbed by many fits of cough, Arg. nit. Night Sweats. 1. Fetid night sweats, Carb. v., Staphys. 2. Sour night sweat, Nux v. 3. Night sweats, Aeon., Kal carb. 4. Profuse night sweat, Berb. v., Silic 5. Sweat all over on waking, two nights, Samb. 6. ----every night, Bell. 7. Exhausting night sweats, ° China, Phos., Stann. 8. Night sweats, also fetid or ex- hausting, Carb. a. 9. ---- sweats, particularly about the thighs and knees, or on the back, with itching, Ars. 10. Sweat at night, with chilliness as soon as he got warm, Arg. nit. 11. ----at night, with restlessness, headache, soreness, prostration, accelerated pulse, Anthrak. 12. —'■— at night and in the even- ing, Amm. carb. 13. Night sweats, for two nights, Ambr. gr. 14. ---- sweat all over, without sleep, Cham. 15. Sweat all over, all night, with languor, Lauroc 16. Profuse sweat every other night, especially on the lower limbs, Kal. nit 17. At night, profuse sweat about the head, hands, legs, smelling like urine, Coloc. SWEAT. 1067 18. Profuse sweat after midnight, but not about the head, Samb. 19. Wakes about midnight, drenched with sweat, Con. 20. Night sweat, particularly on the neck, Rhus t. 21. Sweat all over, on waking from a restless sleep, or sweat of the hair only and on the forehead, with slight chills over the back, China. 22. Sweat at night, whenever he covers himself in the least, China. 23. Night sweat, with sour, pungent smell, Sulp. 24. Sweat at night, with stupefying slumber full of talk, desire for beer, cramp in the hands and arms, Puis. 25. Night sweat for twenty nights, Nitr. ac. 26. Sweat in the evening, in bed, or all night, Menyan. 27. Cold night sweat on the chest, back, and thighs, Sep. 28. Fetid sweat for many nights, Merc, sol Partial Sweat. 1. Sweat on the affected side of the face, during an attack of hemi- crania, Nux v. 2. Clammy sweat on the forehead, when walking in the open air, Nux v. 3. Profuse cold sweat in the face, Merc. sol. 4. Sweat on the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet, Mere sol 5. Sweat on one side of the head, hairy scalp, and face, Nux v. 6. Drops of sweat about the head, then all over, with sleep, Op. 7. Sweat on the right side of the face, Puis. 8. ---- only on one side of the body, right or left, Puis. 9. Cool sweat in the face, especially around the mouth and nose, Rheum. 10. He sweats on the forehead and hairy scalp, even after the least exertion, Rheum. 11. Warm sweat on the abdomen, 'feet, and sexual organs, when waking at night, Staphys. 12. Cold sweat in the face, with red cheeks, Ruta. 13. He wakes at night, with sweat on his legs, Mere sol. 14. Sweat on the legs, at night, Amm. carb. 15. ---- over the whole abdomen, at night, with cold feet and cut- ting in the soles, Sulp. 16. ---— on both thighs, every morn- ing, Rhus t 17. Slight sweat on the feet, Hell. 18. Sweat all over at night, with cold sweat in the face, Cocc. 19. Local fetid smarting sweat, Con. m. 20. Warm sweat in the hands, Dig. 21. Sweat in the face, three nights in succession, Dros. 22. ---- on the forehead and be- tween the scapulae, at night, after- wards itching on these parts, Cinch, sulp. 23. Cold sweat on hands and feet, Canth. 24. Heat in the face, on the neck and hands, Cham. 25. Frequent passing sweat in the face and palms of the hands, Cham, 26. Viscid, dripping swreat on the chest, Chin. sulp. 27. Sweat on the abdomen, at night, Cic. 28. Head and chest sweat most, Cimex. 29. Sweat about the head and nose, in the morning and during rest, Cimex. 30. Cold sweat on the forehead, nose, and hands, Cina. 31. ---- sweat on the forehead, Bell 32. Sweat on the back, at night, Calc. carb. 1068 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 33. Warm sweat on the forehead, and in the palms of the hands, Camph. 34. Sweat of the left hand, especially the internal sides of the fingers, in the open air, previous to the heat, Agn. 35. Sweat on the chest, at^ night, Arg. nit. 36. Slight sweat on the upper part of his body, and on the upper limbs, Asar. Sweat having a particular Smell. 1. Sour smelling sweat, Aeon. 2. Fetid sweat at night, Nitr. ac 3. "Sour, fetid sweats, Ars. 4. Sweat which smells like cam- phor, Camph. 5. Sour sweat at night, also pre- ceded by thirst, oppressive draw- ing in the head when the sweat is about to cease, succeeded by a muddled condition of the head, Bry. 6. Sweat having a pungent smell, Bell. 7. ---- with musty, offensive smell, Cimex. 8. Sour smelling sweat, with turbid urine, Ipec 9. Fetid exhalation from the' body, constantly, Hep. s. 10. Profuse sweat of a peculiar pun- gent smell, Copaiv. 11. Fetid sweat, with copious urine, Dulc. 12. ----sweat all over, even on the head, Led. p. 13. Sweat on the forehead, while walking, with fetid, sourish smell, Led. p. 14. Profuse sour smelling night sweats, Hep. s. 15. Sour smelling morning sweats, with cold, sweaty cheeks, Rhus t. 16. Exhalation from the skin, with a pungent smell, without the skin being wet, Rhus t 17. Viscid, fetid sweat, with itching and redness of the skin, Tax. bacc 18. Sour morning sweats and sub- sequent hoarseness, Sulp. ac 19. Morning sweat smelling of blood, Lye. 20. Sweats smelling like onions, Lye 21. Sour smelling sweat, with violent tearing in a limb when stretching it from under the cover, Merc sol 22. Sweat smelling almost like juni- per blossoms, Sep. 23. Excessive sweat having a sour and offensive smell, and making the fingers feel soaked, spongy, shrivelled, Merc. sol. 24. Profuse fetid sweats as if the mattress and bed-cover had been soaked in water, Merc sol 25. Fetid sweat all night, or on one side, Nux v. Sweat leaving a Stain. 1. Sweats tinging the skin and eyes yellow, Ars. 2. Sweat leaving a dark stain on the linen, Bell. 3. The sweat tinges the linen yellow, Rheum. 4. Profuse night sweat, oily and greasy, leaving a yellow stain on the linen, and imparting to it a feeling of stiffness, Mere sol Greasy Sweat 1. Sour smelling, greasy sweat, all night, Magn. carb. 2. Greasy sweat, China. 3. ---- sweat early in the morn- ing, China. Pulse. I. Pulse irregular, Lauroc, Nitr. ac 2. ---- irregular, weak, Hyosc, Spig. 3. ----irregular, small, Dig. PULSE. 1069 4. Pulse irregular, quick, China. 5. ----irregular and slow, Rhus t 6. ----unequal, a few quick, then slow beats, Ant. cr. 7. ---- unequal, slow, feeble, in- termittent, Agar. 8. ---- unequal, soft, and full, Aeon. 9. ----full or small, but soft and slow, Chin. sulp. 10. ---- unequal, feeble, soft, Cinch, sulp. 11. ---- irregular, with unequal distension of the arteries, Dig. 12.----at times irregular, small, contracted, Cupr. acet. 13. ---- unequal in strength and quickness, Con. m. 14. ---- irregular, at times slow and full, at others small and con- tracted, Sec. corn. 15. ---- irregular, weaker, and slower, with insensibility, cold- ness, etc., Sang. 16. ---- irregular, imperceptible, Tart. emet. 17. ----. irregular, frequent, quick, Stram. 18. Irregular pulse, frequent and rare, full or small, soft, feeble, Oleand. 19. Pulse irregular, small, con- tracted, Merc sol. 20. ----irregular, rapid, then slow, Plumb, m. 21. ---- irregular, intermittent, Phos. ac. 22. ----slow, feeble, China, Rhod. 23. ----slower than usual, Aeon., Canth., Kal. carb., Lact vir. 24. ----slow and full, Bell., Coloc. 23. ----■ slow and strong, Dig. 26. ----slow, irregular, Dig. 27. ---- sluggish and intermittent, Plumb, m. 28. ---- slow, feeble, unequal, in- termittent, Agar. 29. ----slow, scarcely perceptible, Cann. 30. ---- slow, particularly after dinner, or in typical fevers, Chin. sulp. 31. Pulse slow, thirty, Lauroc 32. ----down to sixty-two, Kal. nit. 33. ---- fell from eighty to fifty- nine, Hyosc 34. The pulsations diminish most when lying down, Dig. 35. Pulse very slow, thirty-five or forty beats, Dig. 36. ----fifty-two, Menyan., Sidp. 37. ---- slow, twenty-four beats, Cupr. m. 38. ---- slow, small, intermittent, Sec com. 39. ----slower, sixty, Samb. 40. ----• forty, during the vomiting, Squill. 41. ----fifty-four, during the morn- ing fever, Spig. 42. ----slow, very small, Hell. 43. ----fifty, Tart, emet, — forty-five, almost collapsed, Tab. 45. Tab. slow, small, intermittent, 46. Slow pulse, with slow moaning breathing, red, puffed face, profuse sweat, convulsions, Op. 47. Pulse slow, suppressed, Op. 48. ---- decreasing by fourteen beats ; in ten hours it increases by thirty beats, Op. 49. Slow pulse with stertorous breathing, Op. 50. Pulse first slow and full, after- wards weak, Op. 51. ---- sank from one hundred and eight to seventy-two, with chilliness and debility, and in- creased appetite, Op. 52. ----slow, down even to forty, Plumb, m. 53. Intermitting pulse, Nitr. ac, Nux v., Phos. ac. 54. Pulse intermitting, slow, Dig., Tab. 55. ---- intermitting, feeble, Ars., Op. 56. ---- intermittent, unequal, slow, feeble, Agar. 57. Every sixth beat of the heart and radial artery intermits, the pulse being full and strong, Aeon. 1070 SYMPTOMS RELATING TO FEVER. 58. Pulse intermittent and hard, Canth. 59. ---- intermittent, small, quick, Hyosc 60. ---- intermittent, slow, small, Sec com. 61. ---- intermittent, tremulous, weak, Stram. 62. ---- intermittent, every third beat missing, Mur. ac 63. ----feeble and quick, Mosch., Phos. 64. ----feeble and small, Camph, 65.---- feeble, slow, China. 66. ---- feeble, slow, and tremu- lous, Merc sol. 67. ---- feeble, small, and slow, Rhod. 68. ----weak, slow, 60, Thuj. 69. ----feeble, unequal, soft, Cinch. sulp. 70. ----feeble, rapid, intermittent, Ars. 71. ---- accelerated, Aloes, Camph., Kal. hyd., Merc, sol, Sang. 72. ----quick and full, Phos. 73. ---- quick and small, Ars., Puis. 74. ---- quick, small, rather hard, Ars. 75. ----90 to 100, Colch. 76. Frequent pulse and frequent beats of the heart, Chin. sulp. 77. Pulse quick and hard, also with flushes of heat, mingled with chil- . liness, and cold sweat on the back, China. 78. ---- accelerated, strong, swell- ing, Cinch, sulp. 79. The slow pulse is accelerated by the slightest motion, Dig. 80. Pulse quick, hard, Dig. 81. ----more rapid after a meal, with unusual clearness of sight, Mez. 82. ----frequent, small, contracted, at times irregular, Cupr. acet. 83. ----quick, with heat, Cocc. 84. ---- rises to 80, small and rather hard, Tereb. 85. Quick throbbing all over, Tart. emet. 86. Pulse 108, with burning hands in the evening, Nuxjugl. 87. ----quick, rather hard, violent, with dark-red face, Op. 88. ---- quick and feeble, with quick, anxious, oppressed breath- ing, Op. 89. ----strong and quick, Bell. 90. ----hard and full, as in inflam- matory fevers, Canth. 91. ----strong, almost undulating, Cinch, sulp. 92. Strong pulse through the whole body, with sensation as if the body were vacillating, only during rest, Kreas. 93. Pulse strong, full, Hyosc. 94. Strong, full pulse, Stram. 95. Pulse full and strong, from 80 to 100, Aur. mur. 96. ----full and strong, every sixth beat of the heart and the radial artery intermitting, accompanied with weight about the chest, par- ticularly in the region of the heart, Aeon. 97. ----full and quick. Camph. 98. ----full and slow, Bell 99. ---- full and large, with thirst, Chin. sulp. 100. ----full, soft, compressible, in pneumonia, Sang. 101. —— full and quick, Spong. 102. ----fuller and slower, Mosch. 103. ----small and quick, Nux v. 104. ----small and feeble, Aeon. 105. ---- small and hard, becom- ing slower and slower, Camph. 106. ---- small, hard, and inter- mittent, Canth. 107. ----small, soft, Dig. 108. ---- small, hard, like a tight cord, Squill 109. ---- irritated, frequent, not full, Ars. 110. ----jerking, full, strong, 100, Aeon. 111. Collapse of pulse, Con. m., Hell, Stram., Tart, emet 112. Pulse almost collapsed, Puis., Verat. 113. ----imperceptible, Verat. PULSE. 1071 114. Pulse suppressed, even while the beats of the heart are frequent and irritated, Ars. 115. Collapse of pulse, and vanish- ing of every sensation of life in the deadened parts, Ars. hyd. 116. Gradual collapse of the pulse, Aeon. 117. ° Collapse of pulse, in cholera, Carb. v. 118. Pulse suppressed, with faint- ing, Sang. 119. ---- imperceptible, with deathly coldness, clammy sweats, nails and fingers sometimes livid, Ox. ac. 120. Collapse of pulse, with full consciousness, Nux v. 121. Pulse tense, 112, Merc corr. 122. ----contracted, Cupr. ars. 123. ---- contracted, small, and slow, Lauroc 124. —>— wiry, scarcely perceptible. Hyosc 125. ----wiry, small, lod. 126. Undulating pulse, Plumb, m. 127. Pulsus dicrotus, every beat divided in two, Plumb, m." 1072 CUTANEOUS Eruptions. 1. Itch-like eruption, Coloc, Verat. 2. ° Dry itch, Lach. 3. Itch-like eruption on the hands, with nightly itching, and raging pain in the forehead, Merc sol 4. A kind of dry itch, Cupr. m. 5. "Dry itch and itch-like erup- tions, Sep. 6. Itch-like eruptions on the abdo- men and thighs, with itching, Merc, sol 7. Eruption resembling scabies sar- coptica, on the lower limbs, sexual organs, bends of the knees, neck, and abdomen, raised, red, humid, and itching, Mere sol. 8. "Dry, readily-bleeding itch, like rash, Merc sol 9. Psydracia mercurialis (itch) (see S. C., vol. ii. p. 257), Mercur. Prepar. 10. "Itch-like eruptions, Oleand. 11. ---- ---- eruptions, particu- larly on the wrist-joint and upper arm, Tart, emet 12. ° Itch (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 891), Sulp. 13. Itch-like eruption on the inner side of the wrist-joint, in the bend of the elbow, and on the olecranon, also on the knee and in the bend of the knee, Bry. 14. " Humid scurf Alum. 15. Whitish scurfs, falling off . in three or four days (externally ap- plied), Aur. mur. 16. Scurfs over the body, Rhus t. 17. Scurf at border of anus, smart- ing and titillating, Petrol. SYMPTOMS. 18. Small yellow scurf at the nostril and on the concha, lod. 19. Itching scurf at each elbow, Sep. 20. ° Eruption, consisting of thick, yellow-greyish scurfs, with burn- ing itching, Sulp. 21. Swollen spot on which a grey, flat scurf gradually made its ap- pearance, without moisture, after which the swelling and pain disap- peared, Merc sol. 22. ° Zona, Rhus t. 23. "----(see S. C, vol. i. p. 740), Graph. 24! Purpura hemorrhagica, ° Bry., Kal hyd. 25. ---- haemorrhagica (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 927.) 26. Abscess on the elbow, with diar- rhoea and shivering, discharging a red-brown matter, with skinny particles, Crotal 27. ° Bright-red, round, flat an,eu- risms by anastomosis, bleeding profusely when wounded, Carb. v. 28. ° Pemphigus, Bell. 29. ° Moles, Sulp. 30. ° Tinea (see S. C, vol. i. p. 740), Graph. 31. ° Reddish-brown moles, Carb. v. 32. "Tinea, humid and dry (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 891), Sulp. 33. Freckles, Lye 34. Dark freckles, Nitr. ac. 35. " Crusta lactea, Sulp. 36. ----lactea and serpiginosa (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 782), Hep. s. 37. ----lactea and serpiginosa (see & C., vol. i. p. 682), Dulc. ERUPTIONS. 1073 38. °Eruptive fevers, measles, pur- ple-rash, etc., with fever, nervous- ness, Aeon. 39. ° Variola, suppurative stage, Mere sol. 40. ° Eruption resembling varicella, after eating fat, Puis. 41. ----on the face, like small-pox, Kal. bich. 42.---- resembling lepra, Cupr. m. 43. ---- in five stages, redness, vesicles, pustules, desiccation, de- squamation, Crot. 44. Exanthem resembling varicella, Veralrinum. 45. Sudden eruptions, erythematous, papulous, and even vesicular, Tereb. 46. Pock-shaped eruption above the anus, with pressure, particularly when sitting, Merc, sol 47. Varicella on the chest and upper arms, peeling off in five days, Led. p. 48. ° Variola, during the suppurative stage, Sulp. 49. ° Measles, Puis. 50. Eruption like measles, all over, Kal. bich. 51. "Measles, with delirium, Stram, 52. Eruption all over, resembling varicella, preceded and followed by itchings, Silic 53. Measle-shaped exanthem (see S. C, vol. i. p. 604), Copaiv. 54. "Metastasis to the brain in small-pox, Bell. 55. Eruption resembling measles, Bell. 56. °Malignant scarlatina, with vio- lent sore throat, Mere sol 57. "Scarlet-like exanthems, Phos. ac. 58. "Fiery scarlet-eruption all over, Sulp. 59. Scarlet erythema over the whole body, Crot. 60. Scarlet-rash all over, except the face, Galv. 61. Eruption like scarlet-rash, lod. 02. Scarlet-like exanthem on the affected knee, spreading over the Vol. HI.—68. leg, then on the chest, right foot, and the rest of the body, Tereb. 63. Redness, inflammation and swelling of the whole skin, Bell. 64. °Dry, scaly eruption, Sulp. 65. Eruption, with scaling off, Ars. 66. Scaly eruption on the hands, Hep. s. 67. Red, scaly eruption on the lower parts of the body, as far as the abdomen, Bell. 68. °Erythema (see S. C, vol. i. p. 740), Graph. 69.----spreading from the genital organs all over (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 247), Merc, dulc 70, Eruption, with swelling, inflam- mation and itching, Stram. 71. Disgusting eruptions on the skin, Plumb, acet. 72. Red, scorbutic eruptions, Ars. 73. Itching-bum'mg erupt ions, Nux v. 74. Hot glans, with a pale red, some- times itching eruption, Sep. 75. Reddish eruption on the glans, with itching, Petrol. 76. Itching eruption at anus, painful when touched, Lye 77. Dry eruption in the bends of the knees, with itching in the evening, redness and smarting after scratching, Bry. 78. Eruption on both thighs, in the evening (preceded by heat in the head and dorsum of the foot), itching, with discharge of burning water after scratching ; about mid- night, the abdomen and thighs are covered with sweat, Merc sol 79. Itching eruption in the bend of the knee, Led. p. 80. Itching eruption on the limbs, especially the inner surface of the thighs, Merc. sol. 81. Fine itching eruption on the hands, Carb. v. 82. Colorless, smarting eruption on the neck, shoulders and sides, Ars. 83. Gnawing-itching eruption on the pudendum, Nux v. 1074 CUTANEOUS SYMPTOMS. 84. "Itching eruptions, with burning after scratching, Merc. sol. 85. Red, itching eruption on the back, Tab. 86. Burning-itching eruption, Sulp. 87. Eruption all over, especially on the back, with violent itching, Bry. 88. Eruptions, with smarting itch- ing, after sweating, Op. 89. "Itching, humid eruption, with corrosive ichor, heat, redness and swelling of the skin, Clem. 90. Suppurating eruptions in the face, with yellow scurfs and burn- ing pain, Cic 91. Humid eruption on the scrotum, Graph. 92. ---- eruption on scrotum, with swelling of prepuce and glans, Rhus t. 93. Swelling and humid itching eruption on the inner labia, Sep. Blotches, Tubercles, Papulae. 1. Two papulae, with sore pain under the skin of the occiput, 01. an. 2. Itching papulae on the cheek, 01. an. 3. Lichen, little tubercles, with hard scurf, on the instep, with redness and thickening of the skin, and violent itching, Nuxjugl. 4. ° Rose-colored blotches in le- prous patients, Natr. carb. 5. Light-red, small, flat blotches, with violent itching at the sexual organs and on the inner side of the thighs, also on the abdomen and chest, Mere viv. 6. Papulae on the upper and lower limbs, the tips of which are filled with pus, Merc, sol 7. Itching tubercle on the wrist- joint, pouring out clear water when pressing upon it, Magn. carb. 8. ---- blotches, like red millett seed, all over, except the face, neck, and hands, Led. p. 9. Red, lentil-sized blotches on the hands, emitting humor when pricked, Sep. 10. Tubercles and vesicles on the knees, hips, and shoulder-joints, Rhus t 11. Blotch on left side of anus, sore when touched, Stann. 12. Itching blotch at anus, causing a pressure when sitting on it, Ign. 13. Yellowish humor behind the corona glandis, with dark-red soft elevations, which smart and itch, Lye 14. Itching of anus, with blotches all round, Staphys. 15. Red, painless blotches at the anus, resembling fig-warts, Thuj. 16. Stinging-burning tubercle at the border of the labia, Calc. carb. 17. Stinging and burning blotches of the borders of the labia, Phos. 18. Small tubercles on the mamma, Many. 19. Hard pea shaped body on the left side of the nape of the neck, under the skin, Ant. cr. 20. Blotches on the neck, as from the heat, Sulp. 21. Little blotches and ulcers on the scapulae and abdomen, Merc. sol. 22. Red tensive blotches on right side of neck, Mur. ac 23. Red painless blotches on the backs of the fingers, between the second and third joints, Verat. 24. Large blotches and indurations deep under the skin, upon a hard base ; itching first, then burning after being scratched ; inflamed, with red-brown scurf which re- mains inflamed for a lorg time with swelling of the part, Amm. mur. 25. Dark-red small elevations on the back of the hand, covered with « little scabs under which pus seem- ed to be secreted, not painful, Sulp. ac. 26. Hard bullse on lower arm, of the size of peas, upon a red base, itching and burning, Silic. BLOTCHES, TUBE 27. Red blotches on the back of the right hand and index finger, chang- ing to yellow blisters on a red base, Arg. nit. 28. Blotches on the hand, Ars. 29. Painful tubercle on right arm, Ars. 30. The left arm, especially the el- bow, is covered with small, red, not inflamed elevations, the tips of which become white, scaly, and itching; they burn when scratched, Merc sol. 31. Red tubercle on the back of the hand, burning when first appear- ing, Merc sol. 32. Itching whitish blotches on the arms and hands, becoming red after friction, Natr. mur. )3. White bullae on the index-finger, with red areolae and burning, Natr. carb. 34. Inflamed blotch on the middle joint of the ring-finger, with itch- ing-burning pain, sometimes pass- ing into a slow stitch, Rhus t. 35. Hard, elevated blotches on the hands, with watery vesicles upon them, Rhus ver. 36. Itching blotches in the palms of the hands, deep under the skin, Rhus ver. 37. Blotches on the right forearm of the size of small peas, with itch- ing and becoming hard after scratching, Mez. 38. On the right forearm, near the bend of the elbow, violent burning and itching on a red spot as large as a dollar, in the centre of which a little tubercle was formed ; next day the spot had disappeared, the tubercle had grown and was pain- ful ; it gradually dispersed with out breaking, Nux jug I 39. Deep, hard, itching bullae on the ball of the thumb, Phos. ac. 40. Large blue tubercles and spots on both hands, itching, mostly at night, Nitr. ac. 41. Painless tubercle on the middle- joint of the index-finger, Led, p. RCLES, PAPULtE. 1075 42. Tensive painful tubercles on the left buttock, sore when pressed upon, Mang. 43. Small red blotches on inner sur- face of the thighs, Rhod. 44. Red, itching tubercle on left but- tock, Hep. s. 45. Blotches on both calves, itching, Petrol. 46. Large hard bullae on left but- tock, with itching and tensive pain, Ant. cr. 47. White hard tubercles on the leg, of the size of a pea, itching, and surrounded by a small red circle, Ant. cr. 48. Blotch on ' right knee, like a mosquito-bite, Ant. cr. 49. ---- on the little toe, with stinging pain when walking, Zinc. m. 50. White itching blotches on the calf, with stinging-burning when rubbed, Thuj. 51. Small and large blotches on the legs and calves, burning, of a dingy-yellow color, disappearing again in a few hours, coming on more particularly in the open air, Aur. f. 52. ---- blotches on the leg and below the knee ; when slightly rubbed, they are changed to thick hard nodosities under the skin, Aur. f. 53. Itching blotches on the calves, Carb. v. 54. Painful red, hard, suppurating tubercle in penis, Bov. 55. Tubercles here and there, Rhus t. 56. Small vesicular tubercles, like the bites of insects, in the joints of the hands, feet, particularly around the outside of the ankles, Rhus f. 57. Hard blotches, here and there, not itching, Phos. 58. Blotches and blotch-like spots, brownish and bluish-red, Phos. 59. Conical blotches, which ar© either red or of the color of the 1076 CUTANEOUS SYMPTOMS. skin, and can be much more easily felt than seen, Morph. acet 60. Tuberculoid elevations of the skin (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 670), Rhus rad. 61. Large itching tubercle on left lip, Rat. 62. Papulous eruption in the face, on the shoulders, and all over, also with dry throat, Kal. hyd. 63. Painfully sensitive blotch on the cheeks, surrounded with swelling and redness, Kal. hyd. 64. Burning blotch in the corner of the mouth, Kal hyd. 65. Small red elevation, with a dark centre and elevated circumference, itching and slightly painful, Kal. bich. 66. Papular eruptions on the fore- arms, lasting a few days, recurring frequently, Kal bich. 67. Heat and itching of the skin, at night, in bed, followed by the breaking out of reddish hard knots on the thighs and legs, from the size of a pin's head to that of a split pea, with a depressed dark scurf in the centre, surrounded with an inflamed base declining in two or three da s,Kal. bich. 68. Papulae, lod. 69. Itching papulae on both hands, first pale, then red, Gutt. 70. White blotches with red areolae on arms and thighs, stinging, itching, and burning when rubbed, Dulc 71. Itching blotches all over, also on the hands and feet, Sulp. 72. Blotches on the abdomen and thighs, itching, emitting a humor when scratched open, when they occasion a burning pain, Staphys. 73. Hard dry blotches, surrounded with red borders, burning and itch ing all day, on the limbs, wrist, and the back of the fingers, Cocc. 74. Fine blotches like dry itch, Carb. v. 75. Large red blotch close to the rectum, with a black pimple in the middle, Carb. v. 76. Itching blotches on the wrist and foot, with burning after scratching, Carb. a. 77. "Hard tubercles here and there, Bry. 78. Red tubercles around the elbow, cutting and painful, also on the neck, some are ulcerated, Amm. carb. 79. Blotches like nettle-rash on the upper arm, itching and scaling off, Berb. v. 80. Cold, painful blotches and swell- ings, Bell 81. Lentil sized blotches of the color of the skin, with smarting sensation, particularly in the night, Ars. 82. Blotches and bullse, as from stings of insects, especially in the face and joints of the extremities; they itch, and often pass off in a few hours, Ant. cr. 83. Painful red blotches on the fin- gers of the right hand, Aeon. Pimples. 1. Itching-pimple in the bend of the elbow, 01 an. 2. Small pimple at nostril, burning when pressing on it, 01 an. 3. Itching pimples from the scapu- lae to the middle of the back, Puis. 4. ---- pimple on the side of the neck, Puis. 5. Pimples on the neck, below the chin, painful when touched, Puis. 6. Large, red pimples on the back and scapulae, with fine stinging in the tips, the whole skin looks red, Bell. 7. Pimples on the small of the back and nates, Calc carb. 8. Itching pimples on the back, Calc. carb. 9. Pimples on nape of neck, Carb. v. PIMPLES. 1077 10. Red pimples on the back, in the evening, after undressing, with itching, Cocc. 11. Pimple, with inflamed border, on the side of the neck, with sting ing pain when touched, Arn. 12. Itching-pimples on the back, Arg. nit. 13. Small red pimples on right shoulder, without sensation, Ant. cr. 14. Red pimples on the neck, sore when touched, Spig. 15. Large pimples below the chin, painful to pressure, Spong. 16. A spot of the size of a dollar between the scapuke, densely covered with pimples, with titillating itching, and burn- ing stinging itching after scratch- ing, Spong. 17. Single pimples on the thighs, with stinging pain when touched, Mez. 18. Itching pimples around the knee, Hep. s. 19. White painful pimples between the toes, Sulp. 20. Violently-itching pimples on the knees and calf, with burning after scratching, the pimples run into each other and form readily-bleed- ing ulcers, Phos. ac. 21. Pimples on the leg, discharging a watery fluid, with a burning pain, Puis. 22. Small itching pimples between the scrotum and thigh, Petrol 23. A number of red and white pimples on both thighs and legs, the tips containing pus, Staphys. 24. Burning-itching pimples on the leg, Staphys. 25. Itching pimples on the inner side •of the thighs, Sulp. 26. Smarting pimple on the thigh, with burning after scratching, Agar. 27. Red pimples on the knee, like vesicles, resembling chicken-pox, with stinging pain when touched, Ant cr. I 28. Itching pimples, like blotches, on the lower limbs, at night, he had to scratch all the time, and was then as if in flames all night, Arg. nit, 29. Pimples on right buttock, with itching and burning when touched or scratched, Thuj. 30. ----on the backs of Ihe hand's, or between the thumbs and index- fingers, surrounded with red areo- lae, or burning when touched, and a titillating pain after dinner, as if the parts were raw, Canth. 31. Itching pimples in the axilla, burning when scratched, Phos. 32. Red pimples of the size of pins' heads, on and between the fingers, without sensation, exhibiting final- ly a white elevation in the centre, Phos. ac. 33. Itching pimples on right upper arm, Lauroc 34. ----pimples on right forearm, discharging water when scratched, Kal nit, 35. Two pimples at elbow, with sore pain when touched, Hyosc 36. Small pimples on the inner sur- face of the thighs, Merc sol 37. Gnawing-itching pimples on the buttock, Nux v. 38. Fine pimples on the dorsum of the foot, itching in the evening, Led. p. 39. Burning-itching pimples on the thighs, with scurf on their tips, Many. 40. Painful and stinging red pim- ples with white tips, on the nates, Merc sol. 41. Itching pimp2es on the legs, Sep. 42. Reddish hard pimple at a spot in the palm of the left hand, which had been burning and itching the day previous, Spig. 43. Painless pimples on middle- finger of right hand, discharging yellow pus when pressed upon, Spig- 1078 CUTANEOUS SYMPTOMS. 44. Inflamed pimples on the back of the hand, Agar. 45. Itching pimple between the thumb and the index-finger, with fine stinging pain when touched, as from a splinter, Am. 46. ----pimples on the lower arms, filled with pus, Lye 47. Pimples between the fingers, containing water, with a stinging pain when touching them, Puis. 48. Itch-like burning-itching pimples on the inner side of the carpus and on the cheeks, Rhus l 49. Hard pimples on the hand, with stinging corrosive itching, Rhus t 50. Dark-red, sore pimple on left arm, Bell. 51. Pimple between the thumb and index-finger, with stinging when touched, Bry. 52. ----under the shoulder, itching under the feather-bed, Cocc. 53. White itching pimples on the backs of the hands, burning and becoming red after scratching, Carb. a. 54. Red pimples on the back, the tips being filled with pus, with stinging-itching, and a burning- stinging-itching after scratching, on the following day every pimple was covered with a crust, Squill 55. Small pimples on both shoul- ders, like boils, Zinc. met. 56. ----burning-itching pimples on both forearms, Sabad. 57. Itching pimples on the back of both hands, with peeling off of the skin on the following morning, Amm. mur. 58. Pimples, with red areolae, and pus at their tips, on lower portion of upper arm, with painful itching when moving the arm, Anac. 59. Gnawing-itching pimples in the bend of the elbow, Ant cr. 60. Rash-like pimples on the middle of the upper arms, without itching, Ant. cr. 61. Red, itch-like pimple at the car- pal joint of the left thumb, painful and stinging when touched, with a brown scurf, Ant. cr. 62. Gnawing-itching pimples on the ball of the hand, on the flexor brevis pollicis, Ant. cr. 63. Large pimple at the styloid pro- cess of the left radius, Ant. cr. 64. Pimples on the hands, Tarax. 65. Pimples on the back, Dig. 66. Small pimples on the neck and under the chin, painful to the touch, Ant. cr, 67. Large burning pimples between the scapulae and the nape of the neck, Lye 68. Small red pimples on the back, with constant itching, Led. p. 69 Red smooth pimple on right side of neck, sore when touched, Mez. 70. Painless pimples on the neck and nape of neck, Hep. s. 71. Itching pimples on the nape of the neck, Kal carb. 72. Redness and rash-like pimples which can only be felt, on the neck and chest, after rubbing the parts in consequence of the itch- ing, Verat. 73. Small red pimples on the neck, close together, painful when touched, Thvj. 74. Clusters of red pimples round the neek, with violent itching, Lye. 75. Little red pimples on the back, shoulders and neck, containing a thick fluid, Nuxjugl. 76. Red pimples on the back, chest, and neck, Phos. ac. 77. Painful pimple at perinceum, Nitr. ac. 78. Pimple in rectum, near the orifice, with sensation of swelling, Hep. s. 79. Itching pimples on the glans, Nitr. ac. 80. Pimple, with burning, itching, on the inner surface of the pre- puce; rubbing changes it to a flat ulcer, yellow as if covered with PIMPLES. 1079 pus, painless, a little red around, Nitr. ac 81. Red pimples on scrotum and back of penis, with heat, Phos. ac. 82. Painful pimples at mons veneris, Silic. 83. Humid pimple on the scrotum, Thuj. 84. Small red and sore pimple on the scrotum, around a hair, Zinc m. 85. Itching pimple on prepuce, Am. mont. 86. Large pimple on mons veneris, painful when touched, Con. 87. Itching pimples on the labia, Graph. 88. Pimples or tubercles on the labia, Mere, sol. 89. Itching of the pudendum, with pimples all around, Sulph. 90. Pimples on the right labium, be- fore the menses, Verat. 91. ---- on the chest, with pain as if sore when rubbed, Calc. carb. 92. Pimple on the sternum, with ulcerative pain when touched. Canth. 93. Pimples on the right chest, with sore and excoriated feeling, and fine stitches from w ithin outwards, Rhus t. 94. Small red itching pimples on the chest, Led. pal. 95. Two pimples, with pus, on the sternum, with intense pain, Hep. s. 96. Scattered pimples on left breast, with tingling and itching, Bell 97. Red, hard lentil-sized pimples on the chest, with itching and burning, Bov. 98. Small red pimples, close to- gether, on the lower ribs, occa- sioning a burning itching stinging, as from nettles; painful after rub- bing the place; with chilly creep- ing across the part and the epigas- trium, Staphys. 99. Red, raised spot in front of the neck, with a white painless pim- ple in the centre, Stann. 1100. Pimples on the knee, resem- bling chicken-pox, Thuj. 101. Red pimples on the foot, with itching and burning, Bov. 102. Pimples on the nates and thigh, Cann. 103. Large pimple on buttock, with burning pain when touched, Camph. 104. Ulcerated pimples at anus, with stinging, Kal carb. 105. "Scurfy pimples, Oleand. 106. Small red pimples on the neck, in the face, on the shoulders, back, some containing fluid, Nux jugl. 107. Acne pustulosa, little pimples in the face, chiefly about the mouth, Nux jugl. 108. Pimples, with violent griping, on the dorsum of the foot, between the toes, shoulders, on left upper arm, obliging one to scratch until the parts bleed, with burning after scratching, Mosch. 109. Itching pimples, which break and burn like fire when scratched, Merc acet. 110. Small itching pimples changing to ulcers, during the healing of which the surrounding skin peels off, Merc, sol 111. "Small red pimples (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 767), Sep. 112. Red, smooth pimples on the forearm and neck, with red areolae, feeling sore when touched, Phos. ac. 113. Pimples on the abdomen, burn- ing when touched, Petrol. 114. Itching pimples in the joints, Sep. 115. Red pimples on the chest, scaling off in 24 hours, Plumb. acet 116. Itch-like pimples and vesicles, Kal hyd, 117. Painfully sensitive pimple near the nostril, Kal. hyd. 118. When exposed to the furnace, small itching pimples on the legs, which spread into large scarlet 1080 CUTANEOUS blotches, itching and discharging yellow matter, Kal bich. 119. Small, red, dry pimples on the arms, chest, and back, with a jerk- ing sensation in the pimples when first appearing, lod. 120. Dry, red, itching pimples on the arms, chest, and back, lod. 121. Pimples on the face and body, Ind. 122. ---- around the place where the magnet lay, Magnes. art 123. Miliary pimples, with yellow tips, and burning after scratching, Grat. 124. Bright-red acuminated pim- ples, filling with pus in a few days, Dulc. 125. Small itching pimples on the chest and abdomen, Dulc 126. Small red itching pimples, with their tips full of pus, frequently appear on the skin; they burn after, scratching, and disappear again on the day following, Graph. 127. Small pimples, without sensa- tion, at night, all over the body, passing off again in the morning, Graph. 128. Itching pimples full of acrid water, here and there, Graph. 129. Pimples (see Caps. VARIOUS PAINS. 1. Jerking pain in every part, at night, Mosch. 2. Twitching pain in the affected parts, Arn. 3. Jerking pain in the muscles, es- PAROXYSMS, FITS, g pecially of the forearms, resem- bling slight electric shocks, Aeon. 4. Boring pains in the joints, Ind. 5. ----, drawing, and tearing pains in the muscles, sheaths of muscles, etc., Mercurial. Prepar. 6. Sticking-boring pains in the peri- osteum, Hell. 7.---------pains here and there, worse after eating, Hell. 8. Numb pain in one half of the body, Ars. 9. Painful numbness in the joints of the lower limbs, with extreme absence of mind, Mosch. 10. Pain in the joints, as when the limbs go to sleep, Ipec. 11. Gnawing and burning pains in the periosteum, Ruta. 12. Gnawing, drawing, tearing, sting- ing pains in the bones, Canth. 13. Pulsative pains in the joints, Ind. 14. Beating pains, Tart. emet. 15. Intense pain at the periosteum of all the bones, as if scraped with a knife, Phos. ac. 16. ----pain in the bones, espe- cially the joints, as if the interior of the bones were scraped and cut with a sharp knife, especially in the right arm, Sabad. 17. Tensive pains, China. 18.----pain in the limbs, early in bed, with stoppage of the nose, Nux v. 19. Ulcerative pain, on touching the part, Puis. 20. Ulcerative pain in the side on which he is resting, with chilliness when uncovering himself; thirst and flushes of heat about the head, Silic 21. Pains in some parts as if ulcer- ated, Amm. carb. 22. Ulcerative pain in the affected part, Ars. 23. Pain in various parts of the trunk, as if some muscles were spasmodically contracted, and then extended again, Lye 24. Tingling pains, particularly in UDDEN ATTACKS. 1119 the affected parts, and in the face, spine, and sternum, Rhus t. 25. Anxious pains in affected parts, with moaning, when sitting, Rhus t. 26. Digging-up hone-pain, in the in- terior of the limbs, Cocc. 27. Pain in the limbs, as if the bones were squeezed into a nar- rower space, Alum. 28. ----in the affected part, as if the bone were swollen, or intersti- tially distended, Ars. 29. Sore pain, sometimes mingled with a fine stitch, at times on the chest, at others on the shoulders, etc., Rat. Paroxysms, Fits, Sudden Attacks. 1. Asphyxia, China, Galv. 2. Sudden falling down when ris- ing, with vertigo and aggravation of the headache, Ars. 3. Paroxysms of rigidity of all the limbs or of single limbs only, also with insensibility, swelling of the veins, red, puffed face, full, quick pulse, sweat, Bell. 4. Qualmish when walking in the open air; he pants and feels a warmth in his chest, which rises to his head, Bry. 5. Paroxysm : she threatens to fall over, opens her mouth and looks upwards; afterwards heat all over, with sweat in the face and whining mood, Carb. v. 6. Ill turn (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 424), Carb. a. 7. Paroxysm : . vertigo, shriek, opens her mouth, bends over to the right side, with the hand raised, Carb. v. 8. ----, when looking out at the window (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 443), Carb. v. 9. ----.: vertigo in the forenoon, with nausea, humming in the ears, trembling (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 443), Carb, v. 1120 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 10. Towards noon his eyes see black, the letters appear to move, his breath is arrested, with previ- ous lassitude; on rising from his seat, his whole body feels rigid. arms and legs being stretched and the fingers clenched, Amm. carb. 11. Qualmishness about the heart, the limbs feel suddenly lamed, and the feet feel as if worn out, Cham. 12. Paroxysm: every third day, drawing from the temples to the forehead, with loss of appetite, papescent stools, or pain in the forehead towards evening, or in the afternoon, with flushes of heat, thirst, sweat, Chin. sulp. 13. ----•: spasmodic stretching of the body at four o'clock in the af- ternoon, afterwards trembling of the whole body, with blue lips, pains in the chest, neck, limbs, China. 14. The head was pulled to one side with a jerk, with inability to collect his senses, and subse- quent stiffness of the nape of the neck, Kal. carb. 15. Paroxysms, commencing with nausea (see S. C, vol. i. p. 922) Kal. carb. 16. Spasmodic paroxysms (see S. C, vol. i. p. 922), Kal. carb. 17. Paroxysm, of a nervous charac- ter, with loss of hearing and sight (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 91), Led. p. 18. Painful attack, as if the blood ceased to be warm, Lye 19. Paroxysm, commencing with nausea, then loss of voice, the whole ceased with an eructation, Lye 20. Daily paroxysms, griping and grasping in the back, then stitches in the side, blackness of sight, Lye 21. Nervous depression, with drop- ping of the lower jaw, slow breath ing, the eyes are half open, as if covered with a gauze, Lye 22. After a vexation he feels weak, I with heaviness of the limbs, palpi- tation of the heart, trembling, etc., Lye. 23. Stiffness and stretching of the limbs, with clenched thumb, pre- ceded by yawning and pain in the small of the back, succeeded by languor, Merc sol. 24. Hysteric paroxysms, even in males, Mosch. 25. Hysteria, Cann. 26. Fit of anguish in the evening, with repletion of the abdomen, sweat about the head, paralytic weakness, Mur. ac. 27. Paroxysms, ceasing in the open air (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 270), Mosch. 28. Nervous paroxysms (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 321), Natr. mur. 29. Paroxysms in the evening, with obscuration of sight (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 299), Natr. carb. 30. ----, commencing with head- ache (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 355), Nitr. ac 31. ----, commencing with nausea and giddiness (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 983), Thuja, 32. ----, she runs about the room, until she falls down, or she screams and runs about with a dark-blue face, Verat. 33. Unable to rise for eight hours, when attempting to rise, he is tor- mented with a horrid anguish, with cold sweat on the forehead, and nausea, unto vomiting, Verat. 34. Paroxysm : in the morning, af- ter rising from a seat, he turns pale, becomes giddy, falls to one side, also next morning, S'aphys. 35. ----as if dead, paralysed, pulse thirty, the joints remain in the position in which they are put, Lauroc 36. ----: gaping, stitches in the sternum, etc. (see £. C, vol. i. p. 601), Con. 37. ----: inclination to weep, sob- bing, etc. (see S. C, vol. i. p. 601), Con. PAROXYSMS, FITS, SUDDEN ATTACKS. 1121 38. Paroxysms : lassitude, chilliness, palpitation of the heart, etc. (see S. C, vol. i. p. 601), Con. 39. He is very restless, and oc- casionally utters a loud cry, Cupr. m. 40. Sudden relaxation of the mus- cles, coldness of the body, cold sweat on the forehead, sudden fall- ing, stammering; slow pulse and contracted pupils, Hell. 41. Paroxysm, blackness of sight during a walk, with pressure and beating of the head, nausea, and faintness, Sulp. 42. ----, in the case of a child after being washed (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 925), Sulp. 43. ----, during a walk, commenc- ing with sudden obscuration of sight, etc. (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 925), Sulp. 44. ----, stitches in the small of the back, with pain in the head and nape of the neck, succeeded by heat and chilliness, and anxiety in pit of stomach, until evening, Sulp. 45. ----, feeling of coldness in the pit of the stomach, qualmishness, heat in the head, loss of conscious- ness, Tart emet 46. ----, commencing with sensa- tion as of an icy-cold hand, be- tween the scapulas (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 795), Sep. 47. ----, commencing with a draw- ing-aching pain in the umbilical region (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 795), Sep. 48. ----, commencing with nausea, in the morning (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 795), Sep. 49. ----, commencing with a disa- greeable sensation in the genital organs (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 815), Silic. , 50. ----, commencing with loss of appetite, sweat (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 815), Silic. 51. ----, commencing with turning Vol. 111.—71. pale (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 815), Silic 52. Paroxysm, commencing with a feeling of coldness in the whole left side of the body (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 815), Silic 53. ----, commencing with nausea and sour eructations (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 740, fourth line from below), Sassap. 54. Attacks of pain and other ail- ments, with chilliness, asthma, pale face, trembling of the lower limbs, Puis. 55. Paroxysm, commencing with drawing pain and pressure across the pit of the stomach (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 541), Plat. 56. ----, commencing with inclina- tion to vomit (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 541), Plat. 57. ----of illness (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 402), Nux v. 58. ----, the child lies motionless, and apparently insensible (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 434), Op. 59. ----, nausea, hissing in the head, and vanishing of the senses, Pozon. CO. ----, with drowsiness, stupe- faction, etc. (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 434), Op. 61. ----, with face pale, altered fea- tures, distorted eyes, etc. (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 432), Op. 02. ----, with alternate paleness. and redness of the face, stertorous breathing, etc. (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 434), Op. 63. ----, after riding in a carriage, and walking a little in the open air, commencing with nausea, etc. (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 470), Petrol. 64. ----, after a slight vexation (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 470), Petrol Fainting. 1. Fainting fits, Cham., China., Crot, Hell, Merc corr., 01 an., Verat. 2. Repeated fainting fits, Cupr. m., Hyosc. 1122 GENERAL 3. Fainting turn, with loss of con- sciousness, in mechanical injuries, Arn. 4. In the evening, pressure and pushing in his head, with loss of appetite, evanescent sweat and anguish, Ars. 5. Anxiety with languor, inability to collect one's senses, reeling sensation, and difficulty of attend- ing to business, Ars. 6. Violent deep fainting fits, Ars. 7. Fainting fit, with vertigo and swelling of the face, Ars, 8. ----fit, with weak pulse, Ars. 9. ---- fit, early in the morning, with anxiety, Ars. 10. ----turn, with pale face, sweat, oppression, shivering, Berb. v. 11. ---- fit, also as if dead, with lethargy, Bell 12. Disposition to faint, with tremor of the feet and formication, Bor, 13. Faint feeling after the siesta, with stitches in the intercostal muscles on drawing a long breath, Bor. 14. He strikes his breast and faints, Camph. 15. Stupefaction of the senses, re- sembling a swoon, Camph. 16. Fainting fits (especially when rising from a recumbent posture), also accompanied by extreme paleness, rush of blood to the chest (humming in the ears), dilated pupils, cold sweat on the back, pain in the limbs as if lame and bruised, and trembling all over, Aeon. 17. ---- fit, after an attack of oppression on the chest, with icy- coldness, Aeon. 18. ----fit, with contortion of the facial muscles, when moving the body, Cocc. 19. ---- fits, with coldness of the external parts, Coloc. 20. Deathly swoon, Coloc. 21. Swoon, with consciousness, Magnes art. 22.----, during which she feels her SYMPTOMS. pain, but is unable to complain on account of an inability to speak or move, Magnes art 23. Inclines to fainting fits and spasms, lod. 24. Fainting fits (see S. C, vol. i. p. 943), Kal. nit. 25. ---- fits, with vanishing of the senses, Lye 26. ----fit, at dinner, with anxiety, nausea, pale face, her eyes see green and red, and she trembles all over; feels better after an eructation, Magn. mur. 27. Short swoon, terminating in a nap of five minutes; before the swoon she felt something sweet rising in the chest, Merc sol. 28. She rubs her cheeks and fore- head with both hands, and then feels faint, Merc, sol 29. Swoon with consciousness, and gasping for breath, Merc, sol 30. ---- for ten minutes, with fair pulse, Merc. sol. 31. Fainting turns, also succeeded by headache, Mosch. 32. Twitching in the left cheek, every noon, with scintillation, pale face and fainting, followed by vomiting of a quantity of white foam, Verat. 33. Fainting, with stinging about the heart, Vip. r. 34.-----fits at night, alternating with vomiting and diarrhoea, Vip. t. 35. ----in the forenoon, with pale face, and loss of appetite, Stram. 36. ----, with dry mouth, Stram. 37. Swoon with stertorous breath- ing, Stram. 38. ---- followed by spasm of the head to either side, and red face, Stram. 39. Fainting fits (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 58), Lach, 40. ---- fit, falls down suddenly, Lauroc. 41. Faint, chilly, with headache and palpitation of the heart, Con. CONVULSIONS. 1123 42. Fainting spells with impercep- tible pulse and inclination to (- vomit, Crotal. 43. Sudden violent swoon towards evening, with slight pains, Hep. s. 44. Fainting fits, with inclination to vomit, Dig. 45. Faint feeling in walking, with blackness of sight, roaring in the ears and head at every step, and sensation as if threatened with apoplexy, Ferr. acet 46. Fainting spells, followed by weakness, Ferr. acet. 47. Syncope with vertigo, anguish at pit of stomach, cold sweat, etc., r Ign. 48. Deathly fainting, Hyosc 49. Fainting and vertigo in the afternoon, with vomiting and sweat, Sulp. 50. ---- fits, trembling, loss of consciousness, Tab. 51. ----fit with vertigo, with short breath, Sep. 52. ----fit, while slowly riding in a carriage, Sep. 53. Sudden fainting, in the evening, with consciousness, does not feel the beats of the heart, feels light internally but is unable to walk, Rhus t 54. Fainting after a walk in the open air, Nux v. 55. ----while sitting, in the even- ing, Nux v. 56. °---- fit, after an exertion, Nux v. 57. ---- turn, with vomiting and loss of sense, Ophiot 58. Sort of swoon, at the approach of a storm, Petrol 59. "Fainting turns, with rush of blood, heat, pressure in the pit of the stomach, palpitation of the heart, Petrol. 60.----turn, every quarter of an hour, with closing of the eyes, dropping of the head, weak breath- ing and loss of consciousness, the pulse being unaltered ; succeeded by spasmodic concussions of the body, after which the attack ends with moaning and finally anxiety, Op 61. Fainting turns, with vertigo, whenever he attempts to rise from bed, with sudden return of anima- tion on lying down again, Op. 62. Faint feeling after a walk, with flushed face in his room, and a gauze before his eyes, Petrol. 63. "Weakness after every exer- tion, with failure of sight, trem- bling, buzzing in the ears, Petrol Convulsions, General or Partial. 1. Convulsions, Aeon., Arg. nit, Cic, Camph., Dig., Nux mosch., Phos. 2. Violent convulsions, Cupr. m., Mosch. 3. Convulsions with foam at the mouth, Op. 4.----with crie?, Op. 5.----and spasms (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 402, from top of the page to " Paroxysms of Illness "), Nux v. 6. ----with distortion of the fea- tures and debility, Nux v. 7.----, attacks every few minutes, with rigidity of the muscles, Nux v. 8.----with frequent and agitated pulse, and sweat all over, Nux v. 9. ----, with excessive rigidity of the body, Nux v. 10. ----, the body being drawn to one side, succeeded by vomiting, and involuntary passage of urine and" faeces, with consciousness, Nux v. 11. Transitory convulsions, succeed- ed by violent trembling, Nux v. 12. Convulsions, excited by external objects, or by contact, as if by an electric shock, Nux v. 13. ----(see S. C, vol. ii. p. 568), Plumb, acet 14, ----, commencing with sudden 1124 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. pp. n. vertigo and blindness (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 750), Sec com. 15. Ergotism (see nn. 7. —■— as if affected with a large goitre, inducing one to feel all the time, Ind. Weight, Heaviness. 1. Heaviness in all the limbs, 1 Cham., Dig., Silic. 2. ----in the left upper and lower extremity when walking, Anac, 3. Heaviness in the limbs, with painful lameness in the joints, during motion, as if bruised, Arn. 4. During a walk in the open air, he feels as if the right side, espe- cially the shoulder, were too heavy and paralysed, Arn, 5. During a walk in the open air, sense of heaviness and pres- sure in the muscles covering the articulations of the limbs, Arn. 6. Heaviness in the limbs, she is scarcely able to move them, Bry. 7. ■ of the, limbs, followed by trembling of the upper limbs and knees, Caps. 8. ---- in the left arm and leg, Carb. v. 9. Painful sense of weight and sensitiveness in all the limbs, staggering gait, want of muscular power, Agar. 10. Sense of weight in the body, with weariness, Amb. gr. 11. Heaviness in every limb, parti- cularly the thighs, China. 12. ---- in single limbs, with sen- sation as if stronger, Magnet, p. arct. 13. Sense of heaviness in every part of the body, Magn. mur. 14. Heaviness of the limbs, with paleness, coldness, laziness, drow- siness, Merc sol 15. Clothes, bed-clothes, etc., are too heavy for him, Merc sol 16. Heaviness of the lower limbs, in the. morning, with qualmish- ness, Merc sol 17. ----in the joints of the body, also during a walk, Nitr. ac 18. When walking, his feet and knees feel heavy and strange, Verat. 19. Heaviness and weariness, in the morning on waking, Zinc m. 20. The clothes weigh like a load on chest and shoulder, Con. 21. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs, Mez. 22. Weight in the thighs and arms, Dulc. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS. 1151 23. Heaviness of the feet during a walk in the open air, with anxiety, Ign. 24. The feet are heavy and the legs are weary, Stram. 25. All the muscles of the limbs feel heavy and painful, Hell. 26. Heaviness and languor of the limbs, from morning till evening, Sulp. 27. ----of the feet, diminished by walking, Sulp. 28. ---- of the limbs, with heavy breathing, after going up stairs, Spig. 29. He does not feel well, his limbs feel heavy and weary, Spig. 30. The body feels so heavy during a walk that he has to lie on the ground, Spong. 31. Heaviness in all the limbs, lan- guid feeling in the chest, and more or less violent fits of anxiety, Stann. 32. The whole body feels heavy and weary, Squill. 33. Heaviness in all the limbs, es- pecially in the forenoon and to- wards evening, Sabad. 34. ----and inertia, he has to lie down, Sabin. 35. ---- of the whole body, with chilliness of the arms and lower limbs, Puis. 36. ----of the whole body, as when waking from a deep sleep, Rheum. 37. ----of the hands and feet, also all over, and of other parts, Phos. 38. ---- in the upper and lower limbs, Nux v. Noises. 1. Cracking of the joints, China., Cocc, Ipec, Merc, sol, Tart emet 2. ----in the joints, not audible, Ang. 3. ---- in the joints, especially those of the lower limbs, and pains in the same as if bruised, Cham. 4. Painless cracking of the joints, especially the knees, Aeon. 5. Cracking of the joints during the convulsions, Aeon. 6. ----in the joints, particularly in the articulations of the jaw and shoulders, Chin., Sulp. 7. ----in the joints, particularly the knees and elbows, Sulp. 8. ----in the joints during emo- tion, Sabad. 9. Sense as of purring in the lower limbs, arms, and hands, Sep. 10. Buzzing sensation through the whole body, Op. Various Symptoms. 1. Her dress feels as if too tight all over, Arn. 2. Catching at flocks, lod. 3. Sensation in the chest and ab- domen as if everything would fall to pieces, Phos. 4. ----, in walking, as if he would fall to one side, Sulp. ac. 5. Cholera, Tart. emet. 6.. Leucophlegmasia, Plumb, acet. 7. Nausea while sitting up, Rhus t 8. Inflammation of the veins, from an injection into the veins, Tart. emet. 9. Premature old age, Op. 10. Strikingly increased expression of individuality in a few hours, Ars. hyd. 11. Diminished power of the in- voluntary, and increased power of the voluntary organs, Op. 12. Parts are liable to being strained, Con. 13. When going down stairs he takes two steps for one, Stram. 14. Sensation in the bones of the limbs as if slightly bandaged, Con. 15. Suppression of all the secretions, Stram. 16. Undulating movements in single muscles, Zinc oxyd. 17. Lentescent fevers, with thirst and emaciation, Mercurial Prepar, 1152 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 18. Symptoms of fully developed scurvy, Mercurial Prepar. 19. Dry feeling in and about the body, especially about the head and in the bronchial tubes, Camph. 20. Mercurial neuralgia (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 259), Mercurial Prepar. 21. Suffocative catarrh, ending in death, Ant, cr. 22. Hydrophobia (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 402), Canth. 23, Catarrhal condition, with head- ache, coryza, humming in the ears, pain in the abdomen, espe- cially early in the morning, Aeon. 24. Peculiar sensation all over, as if drops were falling on the skin, Aeon. 25. During an exertion^u*^ of heat, followed by burning in the ab- domen, shaking and shuddering, Alum. 26. Sensation in the open air as if he had recovered from a long sick- ness ; everything looks changed and new, Hell. 27. Tamia, Copaiv. 28. Sensation, when walking, as if something arrested his steps ; never- theless he walked very fast, Con. 29. ---- in every part as if split with a knife, Magnes art. 30. Hydrargyrosis (see S. O, vol. ii. pp. 258, 259), Mercurial Prepar. 31. Hypochondria, Mosch. 32. Obesity, Ant. cr. 33. Sensation as of sparks flying over the body, Magnes art. 34. Scraping and boring in the peri- osteum, Asaf. 35. Sensation as if the bones were scraped, a pressure, with drawing in the periosteum, Rhus t 36. Uninterrupted boring in the right arm, all day, wrorse when touching it, Sabad. 37. Boring and scraping in the peri- osteum, Asaf. 38. Sensation all over, as if the blood would start out of the vessels, occasioning anxiety, and accompa- nied by chilliness, especially cold- ness of the face, even in a warm room; less during motion and in the open air, Aeon, 39. Uncomfortable feeling, as if all the parts of the body were pushed out of their natural places, Sulp. 40. Hurried motions, Menyan. 41. He hurries off too fast in going to a place, Stram. 42. Ailments from exposure to the open air, Puis. 43. The least exposure to the open air causes chilliness and shudder- ing, with pain in the back, or a catarrh, with stitching toothache, Nux v. 44. The open air is intolerable to him, Op. 45. Internal emptiness and weakness of the body, Aur. f. 46. Sense of hollowness in the whole body, Kal. carb. 47. Sensation in the bones, as if they contained no marrow, Lye. 48. Desire for the open air, though, while in it, colic and the desire to vomit are worse, Puis. 49. Irresistible desire for the open air, Kal. hyd. 50. He wants open air, Stram. 51. He feels crowded in every part of his body, with oppressed breathing, Ruta. 52. Chest, head, and hypochondria feel full, several mornings, on waking, Con. 53. Stretching of the limbs, Verat. 54. Disposition to stretch, Puis. 55. Painful stretching, Sec corn. 56. Constant disposition to stretch the arms, Tab. 57. Feeling of electric action, sud- denly perceived in the various parts of the trunk and limbs Morph. ac. 58. When he touches anything with the finger, he feels as if electrified, Alum. 59. The limbs are extremely flexible and yielding, Hydroc. ac. 60.---------remain immovable GLANDULAR AFFECTIONS. 1153 in whatever position they are placed, Op. 61. Acute inflammatory and arthritic rheumatism, Sang. 62. Gonorrhceal rheumatism (see S. C, vol. i. p. 604), Copaiv. 63. Mercurial rheumatism (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 259, dowm to " Neu- ralgia Mercurialis"), Mercurial Prepar. 64. °Arthritic and rheumatic com- plaints (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 282), Berb. v. 65. Gastric dyscrasia, with sinking of the irritable forces, Tart. emet. 66. Complaints proceeding from the abdomen (malaise, restless mood, shocks and jerks in the limbs), Tart. emet. 67. Sensation as if the joints were put loosely together, Lauroc. 68. ---- in the arms and limbs, as if they were separated from the body, in the joints, Stram. Affections of Bones. 1. Caries of the skull-bones (ft external frictions), Tart emet 2. Liability of the bones to break- ing after previous consumption of the marrow; they might be crushed with the fingers, Mercurial Prepar. 3. Exostosis, Mercurial Prepar. 4. Periostitis (see S. C, vol. ii. p. 261), Mercurial Prepar. 5. Osteosarcoma, Mercurial Pre- par. 6. Osteomalacia, Mercurial Pre- par. 7. Necrosis, Mercurial Prepar. 8. inflections of the periosteum and bones, Mercurial Prepar. 9. Swelling of bones, Mercurial Prepar. 10. Caries, Mercurial Prepar. 11. Softening of bones, Mercurial Prepar. Glandular Affections. 1. Glandular swellings, Amm. carb. 2. Inflammatory affections of the glands, Mercurial Prepar. 3. Swelling of the parotid, axillary, j inguinal, and cervical glands, Mer- curial Prepar. Vol. III.—73. 1151 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS OF THE MEDI- CINES MENTIONED IN THIS REPERTORY. Amelioration or Disappearance of the Pains. 1. The pains pass off during a walk in the open air, Graph. 2. The symptoms abate while lying down, Canth. 3. The pains abate after sleep, Crot. 4. The pains abate by contact, Asaf. 5. The pains abate during a walk in the open air, Asaf 6. The pains disappear when riding, Brom. 7. The pains are less during rest, Bry. 8. The pains abate when standing, or walking about, Ars. 9. The nervous phenomena and the phenomena of venous congestion disappear in the open air, during motion, or by the use of wine and coffee, and return again in a warm room, or during rest, Aeon. 10. The rheumatic, inflammatory, or acute febrile symptoms abate in a warm room, or during rest, but are aggravated by motion or drinking wine or vinegar, Aeon. 11. The pains in the limbs are diminished by motion, Agar. 12. Some pains (drawing, tearing, beating, lancinating, burning, etc.), abate or disappear during motion, Arg. f 13. The pains abate by applying warmth, Ars. 14. He feels better during rest, and in the open air, Ant cr. 15. He feels better in the open air, and during rest, Ant. cr. 16. The pains are least felt in warmth, Stront 17. Pains in muscles when first put in action, disappearing by using the muscles longer, Rhus rad. 18. He feels better in the open air. Tab. 19. He feels better when lying down, Sabad, 20. The symptoms cease in the open air, Sabin. 21. Many pains are diminished by motion, walking, pressure, exter- nal warmth, open air, whereas other pains are aggravated by these influences, Puis. 22. He feels better in the open air, Phos. 23. Most symptoms cease after din- ner, Phos. 21. The nightly-pains are moderated by pressure, Phos, ac. 25. The pains are less during motion than rest, Phos. ac. 26. The symptoms abate in the open air, Nice. 27. The pains are less after stool, Nux jugl. 28. Some of the pains abate when lying down, Nux v. 29. The symptoms are less in the open air than in the room. Magn. carb. 30. He feels better when walking, Merc. sol. 31. The gastric pains abate after eat- ing, and the rheumatic pains dis- appear. Kal bich. APPEARANCE OF PAINS, ETC. 1155 32. Most pains go off during motion,] Kal. hyd. 33. The pains abate or are sup- pressed by rubbing, pressure, or motion, Ind. 34. The symptoms abate during motion, Dulc 35. Most pains pass off during a walk in the open air, Gutt 36. The pains abate after dinner, Lauroc Appearance of the Pains at par- ticular periods of the daya or in particular positions. 1. The symptoms appear especially at night, Dulc 2. Many of the symptoms appear at night, Ferr. acet' 3. Most of the prins come on at night, and when sitting, Grat. 4. Most of the pains come on im mediately after rising in the morning, or in the evening before retiring, Guaj. 5. Most pains come on while sit- ting, Gutt. 6. The pains occur mostly during rest, Con. 7. Most of the symptoms appear at night, or when sitting, Cina. 8. Most pains come on while sit- ting, Bar. carb. 9. The pains are felt at night, dur- ing sleep, Ars. 10. The pains wake one before mid- night, Ars. 11. The pains come on after mid- night, Ars. 12. The pain-; are felt early in the morning, Ars. 13. The pains come on principally in the evening, after lying down, Ars. 14. The pains are felt when sitting or lying, Ars. 15. The pains seem to come on morning and evening, Arg.fl. 16. Many of the symptoms appear in the evening, or early in the morning, or disappear in the < pen air, Aeon. 17. Most of the symptoms appear in the morning and evening, Alum. 18. Some pains (as if bruised) re- main during motion and rest, Arg.fl. 19. Most pains come on during rest, Sulp. 20. The pains in the head and stomach come on during a walk in the open air, Sulp. 21. Most of the symptoms are more strikingly developed about full moon, Calc carb. 22. Most of the symptoms appear about new moon, Silic. 23. Pains during rainy weather, Rhus rad. 24. Some pains come on, or are worse, early in the morning, or after dinner, Puis. 25. Many pains arise from a change of external temperature, cold to warm, etc., Ran. bulb. 26. Almost all the pains appear at the approach of rough weather, Rhod. 27. Most symptoms appear early in the morning, and in the evening, in bed, Phos. 28. Many of the symptoms appear early in the morning, also after dinner, Nux v. 29. Most pains come on during rest, Kal. hyd, 30. The pain is .felt only when touching the part, Ign. 31. The pains come on again after dinner, or after lying down in the evening, or after rising from bed in the morning, Ign. 32. The pains (in the chest and neck) appear again in the morn- ing and evening, June 33. Most of the symptoms appear at night, and early in the morn- ing, during warmth and rest, Dros. 34. The symptoms are disposed to occur at night, or in the evening, Gutt. 1156 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS, ETC. 35. Many symptoms appear on ris- ing, and disappear again after lying down, Verat. 36. Most of the symptoms appear after dinner, and towards evening, Zinc m. 87. Most of the pains come on dur- ing rest, Tongo. 38. The symptoms are generally felt during rest, when sitting, Zinc. m. Aggravation of the Pains at Par- ticular Periods, or in Parti- cular Positions. 1. The pains are aggravated by con- tact and when sitting, Euphorb. 2. ----are aggravated by sitting, Ferr. acet. 3. ----are worse in the open air, Coff. 4. The worst pains come on at night, and rouse him from sleep, Con. 5. The pains are most felt on the left side, Crot. 6. The symptoms are aggravated by drinking coffee, Canth. 7.----are aggravated by contact, open air, and cold, Caps. 8. The symptoms are most violent in the morning and evening, Cina. 9. Same symptoms are aggravated or excited by pressure or contact, Cina, 10. The symptoms are aggravated during a walk in the open air, Caust. 11. The pains are worse at night or in the afternoon, Bell. 12. The pains are aggravated by the least contact or motion, Bell. 13. Some of the pains are worse or appear after sleep, Bell. 14. The symptoms are worse at night, or in the evening, Bry. 15. The pains are worse after dinner, or from the conversation of other persons, Ars. 16. The pains increase by talking, moving about, blowing, and even a sound, Arn. 17. The symptoms appear or are worse after dinner, Alum. 18. The pains grow worse when in bed, Kal. nit. 19. The symptoms are worse from evening till morning, Colch. 20. Some symptoms are worse in the open air, or in the evening, Amm. carb. 21. The symptoms, especially the headache, are extremely aggravat- ed by cold air, Cocc 22. In the evening all the symptoms are worse, Aeon. 23. The pains are aggravated or ex- cite" by contact, also at night, or after a meal, China. 24. The pains appear worse at night, Sulp. 25. The drawing pains in the limbs become intolerable under feather beds, Sulp. 26. The symptoms come on or are worse while sitting, and frequently last only a short time, Tart. emet. 27. The symptoms are most violent at night and in the afternoon after 3 o'clock, Thuj. 28. The pains are most violent when sitting quietly, Sep. 29. The symptoms are worse in the evening and at night, Sep. 30. All the pains are worse in the afternoon, Spig. 31. The pains are increased by mo- tion, Silic 32. The pain and soreness are worse in the morning wThen beginning to move, Rhus rad. 33. The pains are worse during rest, or at night, or on entering a room from the open air, Rhus f, 34. The pains are increased by cold, Sabad. 35. The pains are aggravated by con- tact, motion, changing the position of the body, Ran. bulb. 36, The pains seem to be excited and aggravated by motion, Ox. ac. 37. Many symptoms are most vio- APPEARANCE OF THE PAINS, ETC. 1157 lent from afternoon till next morn- ing, Phos. 38. The pains are excited or aggra- vated when sitting down after long exercise ; or on rising after having been seated for a long while ; or, during rest, when lying on the back or on one side, Puis. 39. The symptoms are worse when lying down (at night in bed), Natr. mur. 40. The pains, especially the draw- ing, are worse towards evening, Nitr. ac. 41. Many of the symptoms are ex- cited or aggravated by coffee, wine, smoking, watching, mental exertions, and windy weather, Nux v. 42. The pains become intolerable in the evening, Nux v. 43. The pains in the joints are aggra- vated by motion, Led. p. 44. Most of the pains are worse dur- ing rest and towards evening, Menyan. 45. The pains become intolerable in bed (at night), Merc, sol 46. The symptoms generally become worse in the evening and at night, Merc sol 47. The pains are worse when the body is cold, Mosch. 48. Many symptoms are worse in hot weather, Kal. bich. 49. Most symptoms appear or are worse in the morning, Kal. bich. 50. The symptoms are worse after sleeping, or in damp weather, or during rest, Lact. 51. The pains are most violent in the evening, Hyosc 52. The symptoms are aggravated by coffee, tobacco, noise, or bran- dy, Ign. 53. The pains are intense, and worse during rest, and when sitting, Ign. 54. All the symptoms and pains, especially in the head, are aggra- vated by drinking, eating, sleep- ing, or talking, by smoking and taking coffee, Cocc. 55. Most of the pains come on, or are worse, in the afternoon or evening, Ind. 56. The pains are aggravated by motion, contact, and pressure, also by warmth; they are worse in the morning and at night, lod. 57. The pains are worse at night, June 58. The symptoms are worse in a warm room, Dig. 59. The pains are aggravated by wine, even after having appa- rently been removed by camphor, Zinc m. GO. The pains, which are excited or aggravated when lying on the side, abate by turning to the back, Puis. 61. The pains are generally worst in the evening, at night, or before midnight, Puis. 62. In the evening, all the chest symptoms are aggravated, Aeon, Appearance of the Pains in par- ticular parts or sides of the Body. 1. The pains appear to be seated principally in the long bones, Crotal, 2. Most of the symptoms appear on the right side, Crotal. 3. The left side is principally af- fected, Bar. carb. 4. The left side seems to be prin- cipally affected, Arg.fl 5. The right side seems to be more affected than the left, Amm. carb. 6. Symptoms appear diagonally, for exchanging from right upper to left lower side, etc., Agar. 7. His right side is more affected than his left, Sulp. 8. The pains on the left side pre- dominate, Tab. 9. The pains seem to be principally seated in the long bones and their marrow, Stront. 10. The right side is particularly affected, Stront 1158 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS, ETC. 11. The pains in the limbs appear to be seated in the bones or skin; they appear only small spots, and reippear when the weather changes, Rhod. 12. Many of the pains are first felt j on the right, afterwards on the; left side, Sabad. 13. The pains in the limbs are espe- cially felt in the fore arm and leg, down to the fingers and toes; they soon pass off, and resemble a cramp-like drawing, Rhod. 14. Pains and ailments appear on one side, Puis. 15. The pains seem to occupy only a small spot, Ox. ac. 16. The respiratory organs are prin- cipally affected, Lact. vir. 17. The pains appear more fre- quently on the left side of the body, Merc. sol. 18. The symptoms of the right side! prevail, Gutt. 19. The symptoms on the left side predominate, Calc. caust. i Alternate Appearance and Dis- appearance of certain Pains. 1. The symptoms come on quickly and subside soon, Kal. bich. 2. Some pains disappear at one place, while other pains make their appearance elsewhere, Bell. 3. Some pains come on during motion, and abate during rest (pain as if sprained), Arg.fl. 4. Many of the symptoms abate during a walk in the open air, but recur again after sitting down, Ambr. gr. 5. Upon entering the room, symp- toms set in which disappear again in the open air, Aeon. 6. Some symptoms come on in the open air, and improve in the room, or vice versa, Mang. 7. The bodily symptoms disap- pear as the mental symptoms appear, and vice versa. Phat 8. The pains which come on by keeping one's-self confined in a room, abate during a walk in the open air, and vice versa, Nux v. 9. The symptoms appear slowly, but strongly, then disappear for a time, and appear again with re- newed force, Magn. sulp. Typical Appearance or Rerur- rence of the Pains. 1. The pains are disposed to appear in alternate groups, Cupr. m. 2. The symptoms intermit on the second day, and are felt only on the first and third days, Cinch. sulp. 8. The urine increases and dimi- nishes every other day, Cinch. snip, 4. The pains appear every day or every fourth day, Ars. 5. The symptoms seem to recur every fewT days, Anac. 6. The symptoms appeared again after the third week, and now on the left side, Ant. cr. 7. Many of the symptoms recur with regular intermissions, Aeon. 8. The nervous and mental symp- toms seem to occur typically, in the night, early in the morning or about noon, Arg. nit. 9. He is worse every eight days, Sulp. 10. The symptoms recur in parox- ysms, Tart. emet. 11.----appear with particular vio- lence every other evening, Puis. 12. The pains intermit occasionally for hours, and then return less violent, Ox. ac 13. Typical recurrence of the aggra-. vation, Lach. 14. ---- recurrence of the pains, Ai's. hyd. Pains which seem Maddening. 1. The pains seem intolerable, Cham. SHIFTING PAINS. 1159 2. The pains are distressing, Arn. 3. At night, the pains drive one to despair; they are accompanied by intense thirst, heat, and redness of one cheek, hot sweat about the head, even the hair, Cham. 4. The pains seem maddening, Ars. 5. In the evening, the pains are sometimes maddening, Colch. Pains accompanied by Particular Symptoms. 1. The pains are frequently accom- panied by secondary symptoms, Ars. 2. Most of the pains are accompa- nied by chilliness, shivering, and anxiety, A^on. 3. The pains are attended with shuddering, Sep. 4. The abdominal phenomena co- exist with vertigo, dizziness, cloud- iness of the head, as if from intox- ication, Arg. nit. 5. The paroxysms of pain are ac- companied by yawning, and dis- charge of watery urine, Phos. Shifting Pains. 1. The pains quickly wander from one place to another, Arn. 2. Many pains shift from place to place, so that their locality can scarcely be pointed out, Stront 3. Pains fly rapidly from one part to another, Kal. bich. Characteristic Pains of a Parti- cular Character. 1. The pains are characterized by a jerking-tearing, or tearing with pressure, China. 2. The debility, especially in the lower limbs, is excessive, even when the other symptoms are moderate, Arg. nit. 3. Among the febrile symptoms, the chilliness and nausea are the most troublesome, Arg. nit, 4. Nervous irritations never are very acute, but deep-seated and over an extensive surface, Arg. nit. 5. The pains seems to exist be- tween skin and flesh, Zinc met 6. When standing, his lower limbs feel weary, Anac 7. Some pains disappear suddenly after having reached the highest degree of violence, Bell. 8. Stitches are the most predomi- nating pains, Kal. carb. 9. Many pains, especially the draw- ing pains, with pressure, commence lightly,'' increase, and decrease gradually, Stann. 10. Fat and light-haired persons are most easily affected, Kal. bich. 11. Most of the symptoms produced by large doses last 5 days, Sabad. 12. Early in the morning, in bed, only those limbs and joints on which he is not lying, feel painful as if bruised, Rhus tox. 13. The head is almost always affect- ed during the pains, Arg. nitr. 14. The pains, even when slight, affect him violently, Nitr. ac. 15. Sore throat, with stinging be- tween the acts of deglutition, Ign. 16. Feeling of weakness at pit of stomach, Ign. 17. Itching, easily removed by scratching, Ign. 18. Disposition to swelling of the cervical glands, looseness of the teeth, pressure at stomach, Ign. ERRATA AND OMISSIONS. PAGE KYMPTO* i 17, (19). add name of medicine : Stram. / 19, (1). Phos. 35, (20), " Angvst.^/t 35, (21), " August. ■'. 63, (4). " Magnet, p. aust. rs. 66, (6), Graph.^ 550, (21), instead of Thauroc, read iawr.y 553, (2), " Asr., " Asar.^i 573, m.) " Cham, alb., " Lam. alb. X 578, (n under " Gnawing," instead of Acid, read acid, r^ 64$ (9), " " Liver," instead of infractions read infarctions. V 675, (9)> " " Crown," " As. crot. " Crot. V 708, (38), instead of Cell., read Bell. X 764, (99), add the name of the medicine : Dros. 803. ("), under "Lancinations," add the name of the medi-cine : Bell v INDEX EXPLANATORY REMARKS. The figures in parentheses refer to the volume and page of the Symptomen-Codex. Of the two remaining numbers, the first one is the number of the symptom, and the second the page of the Repertory. A. Page Abdomen, air-bubbles in, 648 alive, sensation as of something, in, 654 anguish in, 642 anxiety in, 642 beating in, 651 biting sensation in, 7, 651 bloating of, 627 boring in, 14, 658 bubbling in, 648 burning in, 631 chilliness in, 628 choking in, 1-4. 658 coldness ^n, 628 compression, painful of; see Pain, compressive. compressive sensation in, G ',"' ~2~H> congestion of, 655 constrictive sensation in, ^ » ' £8$ contractive sensation in, 630 crampy feeling in, 655 creeping in, 654 croaking in, 648 cutting in, 638 dartings, 623 digging in, 655 distensive feeling in, 627 distension of, 624 distension of, after eating (ii. 365, Nux mosch.) dragging in, 616 drawing in, 615 drops, like falling, in, 648 dropsy of, 1-13, 649 empty feeling in, 653 fasting feeling in, 653 fermentation in, 646 fulness of, 627 gnawing in, 651 grasping in, 656 griping in, 656 gurgling in, 647 hardness of, 628 hardness of, in children (i. 167,,4r».) heat in, 631 heaviness as from lead, in, 652 indurationa in, 650 Page Abdomen, inflation of; see Bloating of. itching in, 652 jerks in, 643 lancinations in, 623 liquid poured from one intestine into the other, as if a, 7, 658 loose sensation, as if, in, 654 lump, ball, plug, sensation of, in, 644 malaise in, 654 movements, as from flatulence, in 646 nausea in, 653 noises, as from flatulence, in, 646 numb sensation in, 651 painfulness of, 590 pains in the, 585 aching, 587 ball turning round its axis, as if,. 16, 602 bearing-down, 594 beating, 600 biting, 19, 602 boring, 597 broken, as if, 4, 601 bruised, as if, 591 burning, 600 cathartics, as from, 599 choking, 3, 601 compressive, 593 constrictive, 592 contact, excited or aggravat- ed by, 601 contractive, 592 contusive, 601 crampy, 593 cutting, 57, 589 diarrhoeic, 599 digging, 598 distensive, 20, 602 dragging, 595 drawing, 595 drawing-in, 595 dried up, as if, 5, 601 excoriated, as if, 592 foreign body, as from, 596 gnawing, 600 griping, 17, 602 hook, as if drawn up with a, 6, 602 itching, sol 1102 INDEX. Page Abdomen, pains in, jerking, 601 pains in, labor-like, 10, 602 laming, 11, 602 lancinating, 34, 589 pinching, 598 pressing, 594 pricking, 89, 588, 590 pushing, 594 raw as if, 592 sac, as if forming, 15, 602 screwing-pinching, 7, 602 shooting, 82, 590 simple, violent, or excessive, 585 smashed as if, 9, 602 sore as if, 591 spasmodic, 593 sprained as if, 601 squeezed between two stones, as if, 21, 602 stinging, 48, 589 stitching, 588 strained, as if, 601 swollen, as if, 597 tearing, 597 tensive, 599 throbbing, 600 tingling, 13, 602 torn, as if, 597 twisting, 5-7, 597 ulcerated, as if, 592 various kinds of, 601 wandering about, 1, 601 writhing, 597 pecking in, 651 pinching in, 634 pinching-pulling in, 6, 658 pressure m, 608 from above downwards 612 from below upwards, 612 burning; with. 013 crampy, 615 cutting, with, 613 drawing, with, 614 foreign body, as from, 613 painful, in, 594 pinching, with, 614 spasmodic, QF' m stitches, with, 613 tension, with, 614 tingling, with, 615 various kinds of, 615 from within outwards, 611 from without inwards, 612 prickings in, , *>22 qualmishness in, ffi-m repletion of, 627 retraction of, 616 retraction, painful of, 34-36 596 rumbling in, 646 rush of blood in, 655 scraping in, 20, 659 screwing together in, 4, 658 sensitiveness of, 590 Page 654 643 624 Abdomen, shaking sensation, as if in, shocks in, ~f2p: 2\< shootings in, shuddering in; see Coldness. sick feeling in, sinking in of, 24, spasms in, stinging in, stitches in, 1-207, stitches, painful, in; see Pain, Stitching. stitch, single, in, swelling of, swelling, sensation of, in, symptoms of the, tearing in, tenderness of, tension in, tension, painful, of, throbbing in, tightness in, tightness, painful, of, tingling sensation in, tremor in, 16, QD^<^~ turning sensation in, 11, twisting sensation in, 8, twitchings in, uneasiness, painful, in, uneasy feeling in, various phenomena in, warmth in, weak, sensation as if, in, weight in, writhing in, Abscess, 7, at elbow, 26, Abscesses, lymphatic (ii. 478, Phos.) Abscess of the mamma (ii. 797, Silic.) , of the psoas muscle (i. 490, China.) Achor (L 518 Cic.) Acidity of children (i. 474, Cham.) of the stomach (i. 344, Calc. carb ) Acne ; see Eruptions, tuberculous. rosacea (i. 373, Calc. phosp.) (i. 518, Cic.) (i. 166, Ars.) on the forehead, (ii. 674, Rhus t.) simplex (i. 343, Calc. carb.) Adenitis (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Adiposis (i. 113, Ant. cr.) After-pains (i. 151, Ann.) excessive (ii. 584, Puts.) (i. 560, Coff.) violent (i. 475, Cham.) Aggravation of the pains at particular periods or in particular posi- tions, 1156 Air, ailments fiom exposure to the open, 42, 1152 desire for the open, 48 eta, 1152 Air-passages, cold feeling in, 782 noises in, 783 roughness in, 782 654 659 655 623 616 621 649 649 585 629 590 641 599 651 641 599 651 650 658 658 643 602 654 658 631 654 652 657 1112 1072 INDEX. 1163 Page Air-passages, scraping in, 782 sounds in, 783 symptoms of the, 759 Air, rising of; see Eructations, j:mpty, 4|6 Alternation of states of feeling, .„4^6; 2 Amaurosis (ii. 373, Nux v.) hi. 478, Thos.) (i. 135, Arg. nit.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 663, Dig.) (i. 65, Ammoniac.) (i. 510, Chin, sulp.) traumatic (i. 151, Arn.) Amblyopia, see Amaurosis (ii. 206 292 292 746 1104 Merc, sol.) amaurotica (i. 344, Calc. carb.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 518, Cic.) (ii. 697, Ruta.) (ii. 581, Puis.) (ii. 892, Sulp.) Araenorrhoea (i. 871, lod.) (i. 741, Graph.) (i. 492, China.) (i. 168, Ars.) (ii. 893, Sulp.) (ii. 583, Puts.) from sudden exposure to wet (ii. 674, Rhus t/) of young girls (ii. 767, Sep.) Anasarca (i. 775, Hell.) y (i. 490, China.) (i. 321, Bry.) (L 164, Ars.) (ii. 574, Prun. spin.) (ii. 960, Tereb.) caused by disease of the liver (ii 204, Merc, sol.) , after scarlatina (i. 775, Hell.) ^?Lt'U0'W),by anastomosis, 27, ^of the aorta, Dig. Anger, consequences of (i. 7, Aeon.) about imaginary things, Angina catarrhalis (i. 241, Bell.) (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) faucium (i.' 241, Bell.) see Throat, soreness of, see " inflammation and suppuration of, 469 maligna (i. 166, Ars.) palatina, caused by a cold (i. 8, Aeon.) pectoris (ii. 876, Stram.) (i. 209, Aur. f.) (i, 168, Ars.) nharyngea (i. 474, Cham.) caused by a cold (i. 8. Aeon.) chronic (ii. 336, Nitr. ac.) putrida (i. 168, Ars.) tonsillaris (i. 241, Bar. carb.) (i. 241, Bell.) caused by a cold (L 8, Aeon.) 1072 466 Page Angina tonsillaris (i. 474, Cham.)] (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) see Angina faucium. uvularis (i. 241, Bell.) (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) see Angina faucium and Uvu- la, symptoms of the, 465 Antagonistic state of the mind, 5 Anthrax (i. 164, Ars.) Antipathy to men, 5 to things, 5 Anus, symptoms of the, 696 bearing-down in, 696 beating in, 696 bubbling in, 696 burning in, 696 boring at, 2, 700 contractive sensation in, 699 constrictive sensation in, 699 cramps, or crampy sensation at, 697 cutting, 697 discharges from, 697 drawing in, 696 fulness at, 699 gnawing at, 4, 700 itching at, 697 pains at, 696 pains, tensive, at, 1, 700 paralysis of sphincter, 700 pinching at, 697 pressure at, 696 prickings at, 698 prolapsus of, 696 smarting at, 699 soreness at, 699 spasms at, 697 stitches at, 698 swelling, sense of, at, 699 tearing at, 696 tenesmus of, 696 twitching at, 696 varices of, 696 writhing in, 700 Anxiety, 5, 1140 accompanied or diminished by nausea and vomiting, 6 when among people, 9 with apprehensions about the fu- ture, 11 as if apprehending some misfor- tune, 7 obliging him to bend double, y ~6- with chilliness, 7 =fr complicated with other pains and symptoms, 5-18 with desire to die, 9 as if one would die, 10 diminished by nausea or vomiting, 6 during downward motion, 8 as if one had done some evil deed, 9 with hurried breathing, 7 with hypochondria, 10 with irritability, */ «> 1164 INDEX PaSe Anxiety, with jerks in pit of stomach, 9 with lowness of spirits, 8 with moaning, 6 with oppression, 6 for others, 8 with pain or pressure in pit of stomach, 9 in the region of the heart, with palpitation, 12 particular kinds of, 8 with restlessness, 10 with confused sight, 7 preventing sleep, 7 with stitches, 6 with thoughts of suicide, 7 with sweat, 7 with trembling, 9 from various causes, 13 with warmth and sweat of the head and face, 9 Apathy, /3 -"Si- Aphonia (i. 242, Bell.) 442, 784 (ii. 480, Phos.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) Aphthae (i. 775, Bell.) 460 (i. 286, Borax.) (ii. 892, Sulp.) (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) malignant (i. 166, Ars.) Apoplexy, 13 (ii. 1042, Tart, emet.) 1143 • (i. 585, Con.) Apoplexia cerebralis (ii. 425, Op.) Apoplexy of the lungs (i. 66, Amm. carb.) Apoplexia nervosa (ii. 69, Lauroc.) (i. 636, Cupr. acet.) Apoplexy, precursory symptoms of (i. 150, Arn.) Apoplexia sanguinea (i. 239, Bell.) serosa (i. 663, Dig.) Appetite, 539 loss of, 537 Arm; see Extremities, upper. Arthritic nodosities (i. 35, Agnus cast.) Arthritis (i. 164, Ars.) (i. 490, China.) acute (ii. 203, Merc, sol.) (ii. 634, Rhad.) (i. 566, Colch.) (ii. 85, Led. p.) (L 150, Am.) with synochal fever (i. 8, Aeon.) acute and chronic (ii. 578, Puis.) anomala (i. 343, Calc. carb.) articularis, acute (i. 325, Bry.) with swelling (i. 242, Bell.) chronic (ii. 735, Sassap.) with gastric derangement (i. 113, Ant. cr.y mercurial (i. 208, Aur. f.) nodosa (i. 343, Calc. carb.) (i. 663, Dig.) Page Arthritis nodosa (i. 268, Berb. v.) (i. 321, Bry.) with swelling of the big toe- joints (i. 266, Benz. ac.) vaga (i. 343, Calc. carb.) Arthrocace (i. 571, Coloc.) (i. 493, China.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Ascarides (i. 716, Ferr. carb.) 678 Ascites (ii. 840, Squill.) 1104 (ii. 960, Tereb.) (i. 167, Ars.) (i. 164, Ars.) (i. 321, Bry.) with disease of the liver (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) sacculated (l. 490, China.) Asphyxia; see Paroxysms, 1119 Asthma (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) 812 (ii. 96, Lob. inf.) (ii. 579, Puis.) (ii. 951, Tart, emet.) (i. 933, Kal. nit.) (i. 168, Ars.) (i. 135, Arg. nit.) cardiacum (ii. 70, Lauroc.) (ii. 59, Lact.) of chlorotic persons, or such as are affected with amenorrhoea (i. 9, Aeon.) with congestion of the chest (i. 9, A con.) humidum (ii. 935, Tab.) hysteric (i. 587, Con.) Millari (i. 863, Ipec.) (i. 9, Aeon.) nightly (i. 716, Ferr. carb.) from repelled itch (ii. 894, Sulp.) senile (i. 537, Con.) spasmodic (i. 864, Ipec) (i. 629, Cupr. m.) spasticum (ii. 264, Mosch.) (ii- 59, Lact.) (i. 475, Cham.) (i. 242, Bell.) suffocating (i. 427, Carb. v.) after suppressed herpes (L 741, Graph.) thymicum (u. 994, Verat.) (ii. 69, Lauroc.) (i. 242, Bell.) Atrophy (i. 489, China.) 1144 of full-grown persons and chil- dren (i. 163, Ars.) of the mesenteric glands (i. 586, Con.) Atrophia meseraica (i. 343, Calc carb.) (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) Atrophy of scrofulous children (i. 239, Bell.) of the testicles (i. 405, Caps.) (i. 114, Ant. cr.) Attacks, sudden, mg INDEX 1165 Aversion to food, to labor, Awkwardness, Axilla, see Extremities, upper. B. Back, atrophy of (6), beating in, boring in, burning in, chilliness of, coldness of, constriction of, contraction of, cracking in, cramp of, crampy sensation in, creeping in, cutting in, darting in, digging in, drawing in, formication, gnawing at, gurgling in, heat in, heaviness in, itching of, jerks in, lameness of, lancinations in, load in, noises in, numbness of, pains in, aching, beating, boring, broken as if, bruised as if, burning, constrictive, contractive, crampy, cutting, drawing in, gnawing, 3, heavy, labor-like, laming, lancinating, load as from a, loose, flesh as if, lump as from a, pinching in, pressing, pricking, plug as from a, 6ore as if, sprained as if, Page 542 1148 13 867 860 866 861 862 862 865 865 863 866 866 862 842 842 866 857 862 866 863 861 867 858 865 861 842 867 863 865 845 849 853 864 855 848 854 854 854 854 846 852 853 853 854 853 846 853 848 856 866 849 846 856 851 855 Page Back, pain, strained as if, 855 stinging, 846 tearing, 856 tensive in, 850 throbbing, 853 tumor as from a, 856 ulcerated as if, 851 various kinds of, 857 as if weary, 853 pinching in, 866 pressure in, 863 in, from within, 862 painful, at, 849 pricking, 841 rigidity of, 843 sensitiveness, $T/- -^*- to contact or pressure, 851 shocks in, 863 shooting, 842 shuddering of, 862 stiffness of, 843 painful, 850 sense of, 843 stinging, 841 stitches in, 838 itching, boring, pulsative, etc. stitches, see Stitches. stitch, single, in, spasm of, sweat on, swollen, sense or pain as if, symptoms of the, tearing in, tension in, throbbing in, tightness in, painful, tingling in, titillation of, twitchings in, various*symptoms in, weakness of, warmth in, weight in, Balannorrhoea, (6) Baldness (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) Beating, Bedsores: see Decubitus. Bilious affections (i. 7, Aeon.) derangement (i. 474, Cham.) Bites, poisonous (i. 163, Ars.) Black-vomit: see Melaena. Bladder, burning at, cramp of the, paralysis of the (i. 167, Ars.) paralysis of the, pressure on the, Bladder, spasm of the, tenesmus of the, writhing and turning sensation in, 7, Blear-eyedness, 78, 79, 840 866 865 842 838 859 860 860 860 850 862 858 865 867 861 861 867 736 1143 717 717 718 709 717 709 722 314 1166 INDEX Page Blear-eyed: see Lippitudo. Blenorrhcea of the nose (i. 344, Calc. carb.) of the sexual organs (L 136, Arg. nit.) (i. 114, Ant. cr.) Blepharophthalmia, (i. 344, Calc. carb.) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) Blepharophthalmitis gonorrhoica (i. 8, Aeon.) Blindness, 292 Blisters, 1085 ulcerated, phagedenic (i. 164, Ars.) Bloated, sensation as if, 1150 Blood, rush of, 1144 spitting, 444 would start out of the vessels, sense as if the, 38, 1152 Blotches, 1074 Blue disease, see Cyanosis. Boils, 1100 see Furuncles. Bones, affections of, 1112,1153 caries of (i. 208, Aur.f.) of the nasal (i. 209, Aur. f.) of the facial (i. 209, Aur. f.) inflammation of, 5, 1112 (i. 208, Aur.f.) nightly pains in the (i. 208, Aur. /.) swelling of, 3, 1112 Boring, 37, 1152 Breaking, liability of the bones to, 2, 1153 Breasts, symptoms of the, 829 atrophy of, 830 hardness of, 830 inflammation of, 830 itching of, ■ 830 other symptoms of, 831 pains in, 829 stitches in, 830 swelling of, 830 Breath, affected, 446 bad, sensation as if, 447 cadaverous, 4, 447 cold, 782, 827 fetid (i. 209, Aur.f.) 446, 825 foul, see Fetid, 446 hot, 782 mercurial, 446 putrid, 446 sour, 446 sour-smelling, 825 stoppage of, 826 urinous, 447 various kinds of, 447 Breathing, anxious, 810 deep, 811 difficult, 808 hurried, 810 Breathing, irregular, labored, loud, moaning, oppressed, rattling, 8, short, sighing, slow, suffocative, stoppage of, various kinds of, wheezing, 19, Page 811 808 819 811 808 820 810 811 811 817 817 812 820 Brain, irritation of the, in consequence of repelled eruption (L 635, Cupr. acet.) irritation of the, with exhaustion all over, after grief and hard study (i. 636, Cupr. acet.) loose or shaking, sensation as if, 126 sensitiveness of the, vibratory, when walking, talking, etc. 127 Brighter, objects look, 304 Bronchia, symptoms of the, 759 Bronchial affection in typhus (i. 242, Bell.) Bronchitis (i. 492, China) 780 (i. 783, Hep. s.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) acute and chronic (ii. 832, Spong.) (i. 324, Bry.) maligna (i. 66, Amm. carb.) Bruises (i. 151, Arn.) Bubo scrophulosus (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) Burning, 1107, 1149 Burns (ii. 987, Urt.) 1102 with synochal fever (i. 7, Aeon.) C. 1144 Cachexia, see Emaciation, cinchona (i. 861, Ipec.) caused by iodine or cinchona (i. 163, Ars.) mercurialis (i. 782, Hep. s.) Calculi, biliarii (i. 692, Flat.) Cantharides, ill effects of, on the blad- der (i. 379, Camph.) Canthi, agglutination of the, 286 burning in the, 283 eruptions in the, 286 gum in the, 286 inflammation of the, 286 itching of the, 284 lachrymation of the, 287 pains in the, 282 pressure in the, 283 smarting of the, 285 soreness of the, 285 stitches of the, 28S swelling of the, 286 tearing of the, 287 INDEX. 1167 Page Canthi, twitching of the, 286 various phenomena of the, 285 Caprice, 13 Carbuncle (i. 164, Ars.) containing lice (i. 490, China.) malignant (i. 239, Bell.) Cardialgia, (ii. 374, Nux v.) 573 (ii. 479, Phos.) (ii. 582, Puis.) (ii. 766, Sep.) (ii. 885, Stram.) (ii. 893, Sulp.) (ii. 994, Verat.) (i. 167, Ars.) (i. 151, Arn.) (i. 135, Arg. nit.) (i. 450, Caust.) (i. 648, Cocc.) (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 282, Bism.) (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 344, Calc. carb.) (i. 412, Carb. a.) (i. 425, Carb. a.) (i. 812, Ign.) biliosa (ii. 94, Lob. inf.) from grief (i. 475, Cham.) simplex (ii. 94, Lob. inf.) with suppression of the menses (i. 660, Grat.) Carditis (i. 9, Aeon.) (i. 242, Bell.) (ii. 819, Spig.) . Carcinoma (i. 239, Bell.) (i. 164, Ars.) of the cheeks (i. 166, Ars.) after contusions (i. 585, Con.) of the lips (i. 166, Ars.) (i. 686, Con.) of the mamma (i. 587, Con.) of the mamma (i. 242, Bell.) of the nose (i. 209, Aur.f.) (i. 586, Con.) of the stomach (i. 167, Ars.) of the testes (i. 586, Con.) of the tongue (i. 166, Ars.) (i. 586, Con.) uteri (ii. 971, Thuj.) of the uterus (i. 167, Ars.) (i. 587, Con.) (i. 242, Bell.) of the womb, as a palliative (ii. 69, Lauroc.) Caries, 1, 9, 1112 of the bones (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) (i. 649, Mez.) (i. 373, Calc.phosp.) of the inner ear (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) of the facial bones (i. 209, Aur. f.) of the hip-joint (i. 783, Hep. s.) of the humerus (ii. 797, Silic.) of the jaw (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) Pagt- Caries of the jaw-bone (ii. 197, Silic.) of the lower jaw (i. 541, Cist.) of the malar bone (ii. 797, Silic.) of the nasal bones (i. 209, Aur.f.) scrofulous (i. 490, China.) scrofulous and mercurial (i. 586, Con.) syphilitic (ii. 203, Merc, sol.) of the tibia (ii. 797, Silic.) and ulceration of the palate (i. 209, Aur. f.) of the vertebrae (ii. 797, Silic.) Caruncula lachrymalis, symptoms of the, 312 Catalepsy, (i. 8, Aeon.) 1127 (ii. 263, Mosch.) Cataract (i. 386, Cann.) 307 Catarrh, 775 of children (i. 473, Cham.) chronic (i. 209, Aur.f.) neglected (ii. 740, Squill.) with sneezing (i. 643, Cycl.) suffocative (i. 492, China.) of a child (i. 864, Ipec.) fatal, 21, 1151 of the bladder (L 683, Dulc.) (i. 602, Copaiv.) (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) chronic (ii. 960, Tereb.) Catarrhal affections, caused by expo- sure to a dry wind or draught of air (i. 7, Aeon.) condition, 23, 1152 Cephalalgia (i. 734, Gent, cr.) (i. 425, Carb. v.) (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 682, Dulc.) (i. 648, Cocc.) (i. 449, Caust.) (i. 474, Cham.) (i. 166, Ars.) (ii. 166, Puts.) (ii. 372, Nux v.) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) chronic (i. 896, Kal. carb.) (i. 344, Calc. carb.) at the critical age (i. 607), Croc. excessive (i. 807, Hyp. perf.) See also Headache. Cerumen, morbid changes of the, 326 Chafing, 109S Chagrin, consequences of (i. 7, Aeon.) Chancres, with symptoms of gangrene (i. 167, Ars.) Chancre (i. 870, lod.) Characteristic symptoms, 1154 Cheerfulness; see Exaltation of Mind. Chilblains (ii. 579, Puis.) 1100 (ii. 481, Phos.) (ii. 585, Puis.) (ii. 579, Puis.) (ii. 477, Phos.) (ii. 370, Nux v.) inflamed (i. Ars.) 1168 INDEX. Page Child-bearing, symptoms relating to, 741 Children, diseases of; see the Particu- lar Diseases. Chilliness, general, 1025 alternating with heat, 1051 Chills or chilliness, general, followed by general heat, 1032 then heat, lastly sweat, 1039 Chilliness, general, followed by heat with thirst, 1039 followed by partial heat, 1038 followed by sweat, 1035 followed by partial sweat, 1037 followed by thirst, 1038 mingled with heat, 1036 with partial heat, 1038 with sweat, 1039 with partial sweat, 1039 with thirst, 1037 Chill, partial, 1040 followed by general heat, 1047 followed by partial heat, 1044 followed by sweat, 1046 and partial heat, 1044 with partial sweat, 1044, 1046 Chin, symptoms of the, 404 eruptions on the, 404 itching of the, 405 pains of the, 406 stitches in the, 406 various phenomena of the, 406 Chlorosis (i. 716, Ferr. carb.) (i, 490, China.) (ii. 543, Plumb, m.) (i. 710, Ferr. met.) Cholera Asiatica (i. 425, Carb. v.) (i. 379, Camph.) (i. 628, Cupr. m.) (i. 518, Cic.) (i. 167, Ars.) (ii. 994, Verat.) Cholera, with violent congestions (i. 8, Aeon.) Cholera Asiatica, last stage (i. 975, Hydroc. ac.) sporadic (i. 167, Ars.) Cholerina (i. 167, Ars.) Chorea (ii. 1039, Zinc, sulph.) caused by fright (i. 628, Cupr. m.) Circulation, disturbances of the (ii. 767, Sep.) Cinchona, bad effects of abuse of (i. 150, Arn.) Clavicles: see Thorax. Clitoris: see Sexual organs, female. Coldness, 1148 see Chilliness, 1025 Cold drinks, desire for, 546 Cold, liability to taking (i. 7, Aeon.) Colic, 602 bilious (i. 450, Cham.) (i. 548, Cocc.) from biliarycalculi (ii. 374, Nux v.) Page Colic, chill, with, 607 after a cold (i. 8, Aeon.) contractive, 606 crampy, 606 cutting, 605 digging-up, 606 discharges, with, 608 distension, with, 607 drawing, 605 flatulent (ii. 374, Nux v.) 604 (i. 672, Coloc.) (i. 548, Cocc.) (i. 692, Flat.) Colic, haemorrhage with, 608 haemorrhoidal (i. 425, Carb. v.) (ii. 374, Nux v.) inflammatory (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 572, Coloc.) lancinating, 605 leucorrhoea, with, bOf.S&i- Colica nephritica (ii. 375, Nux v.) (i. 241, Bell.) Colic, menstrual (ii. 375, Nux v.) (ii. 716, Sabin.) (ii. 742, Sec. corn.) (ii. 583, Puis.) (i. 475, Cham.) (i. 548, Cocc.) pinching, 605 Colica plumbea (i. 37, Alum.) 607 (ii. 425, Op.) Colic of pregnant women (i. 323, Bry.) Colica renalis (i. 393, Canth.) rumbling, w#ith, 607 spasmodic, 606 (i. 572, Coloc.) (i. 629, Caps, m.) (L 241, Bell.) stitching, 605 stool, with sensations of, 607 tearing, 606 ulcerated as if, 606 water, with rising of, 607 Coma, 50 (ii. 425, Op.) 992 during fever (ii. 1042, Tart, emet.) Bomnolentum (i. 8, Aeon.) vigil et somnolentum (i. 165, Ars.) Complexion, 369 Concussion of the brain and spinal marrow (i. 150, Arn.) Condylomata (ii. 716, Sabis.) 1097 (ii. 971, Thuj.) (i. 706, Euphr.) (i. 343, Calc. carb.) of the tongue, prepuce, and anus (i. 208, Aur.f) Confidence in one's self, want of, 82 Confinement, symptoms occurring du- ring, 741 Confusion of the head, 14 Congestion, 1144 Congestions of the head, eyes, chesty abdomen, uterus (i. 238, 239, Bell.) INDEX. 1169 ft 310 310 311 811 311 311 311 310 51 660 661 1145 325 Page Congestion of blood to the brain (i. 7, Aeon.) of blood to the eyes (i. 7, Aeon.) of blood to the face (l. 7, Aeon.) of blood to the heart (i. 7, Aeon.) of blood to the lungs (i. 7, Aeon.) Congestions, venous (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Congestion, venous, of the abdomen (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) Conjunctiva, symptoms of the, inflammation of the, puckering of the, pustules on the, redness of the, sugillation of the, yellow color of the, Conjunctivitis; see, Conjunctiva, in flammation of the, Consciousness, loss of, loss of, with loss of speech, Constipation (L 741, Graph.) (ii. 543, Plumb, m.) (ii. 345, Nux v.) alternating with diarrhoea, chronic (i. 323, Bry.) (ii. 893, Sulp.) haemorrhoidal (i. 241, Bell.) Constrictive sensation, Consumption, pulmonary, 13-15, scrofulous (i. 343, Calc. carb.) Contemptuous mood, 15 Contractive sensations, 1145 Contractions and.extensions, alternate, 1145 Contradiction, intolerance of, 49 Contusions (i. 151, Arn.) Convulsions (ii. 370, Nux v.) (ii. 425, Op.) (i. 518, Cic.) (i. 393, Canth.) Convulsion in anasarca consequent upon purpura miliaris (i. 861, Ipec.) Convulsions of both sexes and children (ii. 363, Mosch.) of children (i. 473, Cham.) with effusion in the brain (Bell.) with violent congestion of blood to the head (i. 8, Aeon.) epileptic (i. 343, Calc. carb.) general or partial, hysteric (i. 238, Bell.) (i. 321, Bry.) caused by fright (i. 8, Aeon.) of the lower limbs and face (ii Lach.) tetanic, traumatic (i. 150, Arn) with vomiting (i. 811, Ign.) Cornea, obscuration of the (ii Sulp.) parasitical growths of the latnel la* of the (L 844, Calc. carb.) Vol. III.—74. 1123 1127 692, Page Cornea, symptoms of the, 311 inflammation, specks, opacity, etc.; see Cornea, 311 specks and ulcers upon the (i. 166, Ars.) on the (L 240, Bell.) and ulcers of the (i. 344, Calc. carb.) on the (i. 386, Cann.) ulcers on the (ii. 336, Nitr. ac.) on the (ii. 892, Sulp.) on the (i. 240, Bell.) on the (i. 783, Hep. s) Corns, ii12 Coryza, 343 chronic (i. 168, Ars.) complicated with other pains or symptoms, 343-345 dry, 345 complicated with other pains, 345-346 fluent, _ 346 complicated with other pains, 346-347 dry and fluent, alternately, 347 fluent and dry, with synochal fe- ver (i. 8, Aeon.) Costiveness, //4-j &$£ of children who are brought up with artificial nourishment (i. 39, Alum.) Cough, symptoms or pains accompany- ing, 776 breath, altered or bad smell of the, 779 shorthess of, 778 burning in chest, etc., 777 concussive sensation in head, etc, 777 dyspnoea, 778 headache, 773 heat, 778 lancinations, 777 micturition, involuntary, 778 pain in the head, 778 as if bruised, raw, 778 in various parts, 778 pressure, 778 prickings, 777 shocks, 777 stitches in various parts, 777 soreness, 778 sweat, 777 various pains or symptoms, 779 symptoms or panic occurring after the, 780 symptoms or pain3 occurring be- fore the, 779 bloody, 768 catarrhal (ii. 584, Puis) chronic (i. 324, Bry.) convulsive, 764 during dentition (i. 475, Cham.) . 1170 INDEX. Page Cough, desire to, 770 after drinking, 761 dry, 771 dry, convulsive (i. 57, Ambr. gr.) dry, of consumptive persons (l 66, Amm. carb.) in the evening, 770 with expectoration of bloody mucus, 768 with expectoration of mucus, pus, water, 765 barking, 769 hollow, 771 after neglected influenza (i. 926, Kal. hyd.) with nausea, 769 at night, 770 remaining after pneumonia (i. 871, lod.) racking, 764 short, 769 spasmodic, 764 with titillation, tickling, scraping, irritation in the windpipe, 761 resembling whooping-cough, 770 of various kinds, excited by vari- ous causes, 759 with vomiting, / b '3 %$$ with weakness, emaciation, hys- teric convulsions, etc., in a deli- cate patient (i. 871, lod) Coxalgia (i. 242, Bell.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) (i. 783, Hep. s.) infantilis, incipient (i. 9, Aeon) scrophulosa (ii, 676, Rhus t) Coxarthrocace (ii. 894 Sulp.) (i. 572, Coloc.) (ii. 675, Rhus t.) Cramps, 1126 Craziness, 15 see also Dementia, easing faeces and cow-dung, 18 furious, 16 with particular gestures and ima- ginings, 17 with disposition to hang one's self 18 with loss of conscience, 16 mistaking a store for a tree, 18 merry, 15 obscene, 18 about pregnancy, 17 Craziness, quarrelling, 16 religious, 18 shy, 16 stupid, 16 with talking, 16 of various kinds, 16 with weeping, 16 Creeping, 1142 Critical age, complaints at the (il 583, Puis.) Croup (i. 306, Brom.) 780 Page Croup (ii. 832, Spong.) (ii. 725, Jamb.) (i. 9, Aeon.) (ii. 1044, Tart, emet.) (i. 871, lod) in alternation with Aconite Crowded, he feels, 51, 1152 Cruelty, 19 Crusta lactea (i. 7, Aeon.) (ii. 735, Sassap.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) (i. 782, Hep. s.) Crusta lactea, 36, 1072 and serpiginosa (i. 682, Dulc.) serpiginosa, (i. 204, Merc, sol.) 36, 1072 (i. 782, Hep. s.) (i. 164, Ars.) Crystals in urine; see Urine, deposit- ing crystals. Curvature of the spine (i. 345, Calc. carb.) of the spine, with pain in the back (i. 587, Con.) of the vertebrae (ii. 894, Sulp.) Cutaneous symptoms, 1072 Cyanosis (i. 663, Dig.) arising from an organic disease of the heart (ii. 70, Lauroc.) Cystitis (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 393, Canth.) D. 1107 Darting, Deafness, see also Dysecoia. Deafness (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) 331 Debility, 1134 of body and mind, 19 occasioned by loss of animal fluids (i. 489, China.) Decubitus (i. 239, Bell.) (i; 164, Ars.) . (i. 490, China.) (i. 322, Bry.) gangrenosus (i. 425, Carb. v.) Dementia, see also Craziness. caused by a cold (i. 782, Hep. s.) with apprehension of death and anxiety (i. 3, Aeon.) Delirium, 19 Bays that the disease will break forth from his head, 19 with desire to escape, 19 about former events, 20 with fear, 19 with fixed ideas (i. 636, Cupr. acet.) furious, 19 incoherent, 20 with lucid intervals, 19 from poisoning by lead, 20 loquacious, 20 INDEX 1171 Page Delirium, muttering, 19 particular kinds of, 19 religious, 20 tremens (i. 240, Bell.) ^i. 636, Cupr. acet.) (i. 163, Ars.) (ii. 425, Op.) (ii. 372, Nux v,) (i. 379, Camph) with tremor in the head, 20 with visions, 20 Dentition, congestion of blood to the head during (i. 8, Aeon.) difficult (i. 635, Cupr. acet) (l. 474, Cham.) (i. 344, Calc. carb.) (i. 241, Bell.) with congestion to the head and feverishness (i. 8, Aeon.) Depression of spirits, 22 about one's affairs, 23 of spirits, with anxiety, 25 with languor, 28 about supposed ill-will of others, 23 Derangements of the mind (i. 240, Bell.) Derangement, chronic, abdominal, and urinary, in an old man (i. 518, Cic.) Despair, 23 as if abandoned, 24 as if one had to die, 23 about one's salvation, 2% *^ about the least trifle, 25 Despondency, 23 Diabetes (L 206, Aspar.) h. 425, Carb. v.) (i. 135, Arg. nit) of hysteric persons (i. 66, Amm. carb.) mellitus (ii. 509, Phos. ac.) Diaphragmitis (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 167, Ars.) (L 323, Bry.) Diarrhoea, see also Stools, diarrhoeic. (i. 475, Cham.) alternating with constipation, 661 bilious (i. 492, China.) (L 475, Cham.) also bilious (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) catarrhalis (\. 323, Bry.) of children (ii. 133, Magn. carb.) dangerous (i. 344, Calc. carb.) and vomiting of children (i. 113, Ant. cr.) chronica (i. 683, Diilc) (j. 167, Ars.) (ii. 1, Kalm. lat.) (ii. 479, Phos.) (ii. 625, Rat.) :n consumption (i. 344, Calc. carb.) during dentition ; see Diarrhoea during teething and Stools, diar- rhoeic. Page Diarrhoea, faecal (ii. 630, Rheum.) of infants, painful, with restless- ness and crving (i. 868, Jalap.) involuntary (f. 492, China.) of lying-in women (i. 799, Hyosc.) of phthisicky patients ; see Diar- rhoea. rheumatica (i. 683, Dulc.) (i. 769, Gutt.) during small-pox (i. 167, Ars.) sour-smelling, of children (ii. 630, Rheum. during teething (i. 167, Ars.) without consciousness, in typhus (i. 167, Ars.) Diffidence, 28 Digestion, weak; see Dyspepsia. Diplopia (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 663, Dig.) (i. 798, Hyosc.) 301 Disagreeably impressed by outward things, • 42 Discouragement, 26 Displeased with things she looks at, 26 Dissatisfied with things and men, 28 with one's-self, 28 Distant, objects appear more, 2>Dh. P&£ Double-sights; see Diplopia. Doubting mood, 29 Dragging, 1145 Drawing, 1145 Dread of exercise, 1148 of labor, 1148 of men, 29 of solitude, 29 Dreams, 1011 about one's affairs, 1017 about animals, 1016 anxious, 1012 about unsuccessful business, 1016 busy, 1016 full of care, 1016 about dead persons, 1011 disgusting, 1014 about events, 1014 about falling from a height or into water, 1017 about fire, 1011 frightful, 1013 horrid, 1013 lascivious, 1014 about mutilations, wounding, 1016 about particular persons, 1017 pleasant, 1016 quarrel, full of, 1015 full of reflection, 1018 about the report of a gun, 10 IB about robbers, 1017 about the same thing, 1015 about scientific objects, 1018 about one's teeth falling out, 1018 unpleasant, 1015 various kinds of, 1016 about vermin, /p'o jlQl$ 1172 INDEX Page Dreams, vexatious, 1015 vivid, 1014 about having been wounded by an animal, 1011 Dress feels too tight, 1, 1151 Drinking, symptoms occurring after; see Liquids, 536 Drops falling on the skin, sense as of, 24, 1152 Dropsical swellings (i. 67, Amm. carb.) Dropsy, see Anasarca. Dropsy, 1104 of the knee-joint (i. 872, lod.) ovarian (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) of the pericardium (i. 663, Dig.) Drowsiness, 988 followed by or alternating with wakefulness, 992 Dry feeling all over, 19, 1152 Dulness of comprehension, 29 Ducts, orifices of the salivary, symp- toms of the, 465 Dumbness, 442 Dysecoia; see also Deafness, and Hear- ing, hard (ii. 581, Puis) (ii. 797, Silic.) catarrhal (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) chronica (i. 741, Graph.) Dysentery (ii. 209, Merc, sol) 673 (ii. 674, Rhus t) (i. 151, Arn.) bilious, epidemic (ii. 242, Merc. corr.) epidemic (i. 572, Coloc.) putrid (i. 167, Ars.) Dysmenorrhcea (i. 741, Graph.) 743 (i. 242, Bell.) Dyspepsia (i. 166, Ars.) (i. 344, Calc. carb.) (i. 64, Ammoniac.) (i. 66. Amm. carb.) (i. 885, Kal. bich.) (ii. 893, Sulp.) (i. 741, Graph) chronic (i. 323, Bry.) Dysphagia (i. 241, Bell) Dyspnoea, 813 with spasms in the chest (ii. 584, Puis.) Dysuria (i. 393, Canth.) 718 (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 167, Ars.) (i. 386, Cann.) ' (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) E Ears, heating in the, 323 wind or air, sense as if blowing on or through, 333 boring in the, 323 coldness of the, ": 325 Page Ears, contractive sensation in, 334 cramp in the, 324 creeping in, -884 darting in, 96, 337 digging in the, 322 discharges from the, 325 dragging in the, 323 drawing in the, 323 eruptions on or behind the, 337 gnawing in the, 324 heat in the, 320 inflammation of the, 315 with suppuration, 315 with ulceration, 315 itching in the, 824 jerkings of the, 326 lancinations in, 106, 337 narrow feeling in, 334 noises in the, 327 numbness in the, 326 pains in the, 316 boring, 105, 319 burning, 133, 319 burst, as if something would, 124, 319 compressive, 32, 317 constrictive, 30, 317 contractive, 31, 317 contusive, 117, 319 crampy, 72, 318 creeping, 132, 319 darting; see Sticking, 60, 317 dragging, 95, 318 drawing, 33, 317 drawing-sticking, 134, 319 grinding, 136, 319 itching, 138, 319 lancinating, 65, 318 picking and burning, 141, 319 pressing, 19, 316 pressed asunder, as if, 11, 316 press out, as if something would, 28, 317 pressed in, as if, 29, 317 rough body, as from a, 142, 320 shooting, 62, 317 sticking, 60, 317 tensive, 139, 319 turned about, as if, 135, 319 pinching in, 334 pressure in, 320 prickling in, 94, 337 pushes in the, 323 redness of, 316 redness and heat, 315 rolling sensation in the, ' 326 roughness in the, 327 rush of blood in, 321 hot air, smoke, blood, sensation as if rushing through the, 321 eold air, water, as if rushing through the, 325 shocks in the, 323 INDEX 1173 Page Ears, soreness and suppuration behind the, 4-11, 337 stinging in, 100, 337 etitchee in, 334 stoppage of the, 332 swelling of the, with or without discharge, 316 symptoms of the, 315 tearing in the, 322 tension in, 334 throbbing in the, 323 tickling in, 334 tightness in, 334 twitchings of the, 326 valve closing and opening, sense of a,12, 334 water in the, sense of, 333 weight in the, 326 Ear-wax: see Cerumen. Eating or drinking, symptoms disap- pearing after, Eating or drinking, symptoms occur- ring during or after, C~£L acid moutli, yZ'i anguish, anxiety, burning, chilliness, cold feet; colic, cough, cutting in abdomen, diarrhoea, distension, drowsiness, dulness of head, empty feeling, eructations, faintness, flatulence, flow of saliva, food lodged in oesophagus, sensa- tion as of, fulness, gulping-up of *omethiiag acid, headache, heartburn, heat of face and other parts, hiccough, intermittent puke, 4j languor, low-spirited, mucus in throat, nausea, oppression of chest, pain in stomach or abdomen, paine increase by eating, palpitation of the heart; peevish, pinching in bowels, pressure in head, at •stomach or in abdo- men^ 536 §*r 533 533 534 532 535 626 535 S35 534 524 533 532 535 52H S35 525 531 521 531 532 530 530 530 534 531 531 534 527 529 526 535 531 531 534 532 525 J Page Eating or drinking, symptoms occur- ring during or after, < - 523 qualmishness, 527 regurgitation of the ingesta, 530 shuddering, 532 spasm in chest, 533 stitches, 533 sweat, 531 taste in mouth, altered, 529 throbbing, 531 toothache, 535 tremor, 535 urging to 6tool, 534 various symptoms, 535 vertigo, 534 vomiting, 528 waterbrash, 531 weariness, 531 Eclampsia (ii. 530, Plat) infantum (i. 238, Bell.) puerperarum (i. 238, Bell.) (iL 741, Sec. corn,) (ii. 425, Op.) Eestacy: see Exaltation of mind. Ecthyma (i. 113, Atk. cr.) Ectropium (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) Eczema (L 343, Calc. carb.) 1086 mereuriale (i. 7, Aeon.) (i. 602, Copaiv.) (L 239, Bell.) Elbow: sec Extremities, upper. Electrified, feeling as if, 58, 1162 Embrace, female, symptoms or pains occurring after, 739 female, symptoms or pains occur- ring during, 739 male, symptoms occurring after an, 737 symptoms occurring during Emaciation, Eminences, frontal, symptoms of the, aching in, pain in, boring, compressive, drawing, gnawing, pressure in, stitches in, tearing in, tensive sensation in, tingling in, Eminence, frontal, left, symptoms of the, aching, beating in, boring in, compressive, contractive, drawing and digging, i'erking in, ancinations. 737 1144 149 149 149 149 150 149 149 150 150 150 150 160 151 151 163 153 152 152 153 153 152 1174 INDEX. Eminence, frontal, left, pain in, 1-6, 151 pressure in, 151 stinging in, 152 stitches in, 152 tearing, 152 tightness, 153 right, aching in, 150 burning ia, 151 cutting in, 151 pain in, 150 boring, 2, 6, 150 compressive, 150 drawing, 4, 150 stabbing, 3, 150 tearing, 5, 150 pressure in, 150 from withia, 150 stitches in, 150 tearing, 151 twitching^ 151 Emissions, seminal^ deficient, 734 excessive, 734 female, 741 nocturnal (ii. 509, Phos. ac.) Empty feeling, 45, etc., 1152 Encephalitis, when owing t» a meta- stasis (L 8, Aeon.) Ennui, 33 Enteritis (i. 151, Arn.) with lancinations, cutting, burn- ing and tearing pains, sensi- tiveness of the abdomen to contact, even after vomiting of faecal matter-, anguish, cold- ness of the inferior extremities have set in (i. 8, Aeon.) mucosa (i. 167, Ars.) (ii. 242> Mere, corr.} with symptoms of gangrene (L. 167, Ars) Enuresis (k 241, Belt.) 709 nocturna (i. 241, Belt) of children suffering with dropsy (I 529, Cina.) (i. 450, Caust.) of children (i. 393, Caust) Epidermis, separated fr@m eutiele, sense as of, 11, 1112: Epidydimis: see Sexual organs, mala. Epilepsy (i. 854, Ind) 1127. (i. 628, Cupr. m.) (i. 135, Arg. nit.) (i 238, Bell.) (ii. 19, Lach.) (ii. 846, Stann.} , (ii. 796, Silic.) (ii. 379, Nux Vi) (ii. 335* Nitr. ««.) from fright (i. 798; Hy&so.) after mechanical injuries (L 150, Arn.) Epilepsia menstrualis (i.. 190,, Arsen..) Page Epilepsy in the day-time (i. 190, Artem.) Epistaxis: see Nose-bleed. see Nose, bleeding of. (i. 607, Croc.) Erections, deficient, 734 exeessive, 734 Erethism, vascular, 1144 Eructations, attended with other ail- ments, 492 attended with raising of blood, 494 bilious, 490 bitter, 490 bitter-sour, 489 burning, 489 empty, 486 foul, 490 incomplete, 487 of a peculiar taste,. 494 putrid, 490 raneid, 493 rough, 494 scraping, 494 sour, 488 sour, after- eating or drinking, 489 suppressed, 487 sweetish,. 494 tasting of the ingesta, 491 Erupti®ns, 1072, 1113 chronic, in the face (i. 343, CaU. earB.) eutaneous,(i. 113, Ant. cr.) disgusting, 71/, 1073 ©n genital organs, 8, 1112 humid, 89, 1074 itching, 75,. , 1073 inching,, in the face (ii. 105> Lys) itching-burning, 73, 307S papulous (i. 113, Ant. cr.) (i. 321, Bry.) ' (i. 164, Ars.) pustulous (i. 113, Ant. cr.) (i. 66, Amm. earb.) (i. 321, Bry.) (i. 164, Ars.) pustulous and confluent (i. 518, Cic.) ye-appearance of suppressed, 1092 sealy (i. 164, Ars.) tuberculous (i. 164, Ars.) (i. 113, Ant. cr.) (i. 322, Bry) vesicular (i. 113, Ant. c;n) (i. 322, Bry.) (i. 164, Ars-.} Erysipelas (iii 891, Sulp.) 1092 laeve et fugax (i. 239, Bell.) (r. 740s Graph.) of the face (i. 239, Bell.) (i. 782, Hep. s.) of the head (i. 239, Bell.) pseudo, of the knee and foot (ii. Z7^,Nux v.) INDEX 1175 . . Pftse Erysipelas of the joints (i. 321, Bry.) of the mammae, after weaning, (i. 242, Bell) neonatorum (ii. 673, Rhus t) (i. 239, Bell.) phlegmonous (i. 239, Bell.) of the scrotum (ii. 674, Rhus t.) {i. 164, Ars.) smooth and vesicular (i. 7, Aeon.) occasioned by stings of insects (i. 239, Bell.) in typhus (i. 239, Bell.) vesicular (il 673, Rhus t.) Erythema, 68 (i. 474, Cham.) 1073 (i. 321, Bry.) Evening, in bed, symptoms occurring in the, 1002 anguish, 15, 1006 burning, 1004 colic, 8, 1006 congestion of blood, 76, 1007 cramp in limbs, 1003 delirium, 52, 1007 eructations, 6, 1005 heat, 1004 immovable eyes, 17, 1008 itching, 34, 1006 jerking of the limbs, 44, 1007 lancinations, 1003 nausea, 70, 1007 nose-bleed, 4, 1005 numbness, 1002 oppression of chest, 1003 pains in chest, 1003 pain in the head, 1004 pains in the teeth, 1005 pains in various parts of the body, 1005 palpitation of the heart, 62, 1007 positions one prefers, certain, 1004 prieklings, 1003 restlessness, 1003 rising in bed, 40, 1006 sanguineous expectoration, 16, 1008 screaming, 59, 1007 sleep, going to, 1002 spasms of ehest, ,';"'h 10#3 in limbs, 1003 stiffness of the fingers or limbs, 81, 1008 Btitches, 1003 tearing in the limbs, 55, 1007 tossing about, 1003 uneasiness, 1003 vertigo, 65, 1007 Exaltation of the bodily powers, 33 of feeling, 35 of the mind, 85 of temperament, 34 Exanthemata, acute (i. 113, Ant. cr.) acute, with disposition to torpor and colliquation (i. 113, Amm. carb. when dangerous symptoms, spha- Page celus, diarrhoea, etc. supervene (i. 164, Ars.) Exanthemata syphilitic (ii. 203, Merc. sol.) Exhaustion: see Debility, 1134 Exostosis, 3, 1153 of the bones, in the upper and lower limbs (i. 209, Aur. f.) of the cranium (i. 375, Calc. phosph.) of the pelvic bones (L 209, Aur.f) on the skull (i. 209, Aur.f.) Expectoration, various kinds of, 773 Extensions and contractions, alternate, 1145 Extremities, lower, anxiety in, 962 lower, atrophy of, 970 beating in, 953 boring in, 946 bubbling in, 953 burning in, 981 chilliness of, 972 coldness of, 972 compressive sensation in, 960 constrictive sensation in, as if bandaged, 966 contraction of, 952 contractive sensation in, 952 convulsions of, 966 cramps of, 966 crampy sensation in, 966 creeping in, 80, / 966- cutting in, 944 dartings in, 943 deadness of, 1, 954 drawing in, 949 complicated with other pains: see Drawing, 949 emaciation of, 970 formication in, 11, 954 gangrene of, 17, 972 griping in, 966 hardness in, 969 heat in, 981 heaviness of, 4j,3 "984" inflammation of, 971 insensibility of, . 954 involuntary movements jf, 983 itching of, 957 jerking of, 983 lameness of: see Weakness, 963 lancinations of, f4$* ^®*£ languor of, 963 lassitude of: see Weakness, 963 nodosities in, -969 noises in, 962 numbness of, 53, 955 pains in, .915 aching, 920 arthritic, 923 bandaged as if, 936 beating, 931 boring, 921 broken as if, 931 1176 INDEX. Page Extremities, lower, pains in, bruised as if, 917 lower, pains in, burning, 923 compressive, 934 contractive, 934 contused, as if, 917 crampy, 924 cutting, 922 digging, 931 drawing, 925 gnawing, 932 griping, 921 itching, 932 jerking, laming, 933 922 lancinating, 929 neuralgic, 923 numb, 935 pinching, 921 pressing, 920 pricking, (jlf ^2T pulsative, 931 rheumatic, 923 Bhort, as if to©> 936 sore as if, 917 sprained as if, 923 stiff, 932 stitching, 929 strained as if. 932 swollen as if, 932 tearing, 927 tensive, 936 throbbing, 931 tingling, 935 ulcerative, 935 various kinds of, 936 weary, 932 paralysis of, 963 pinching in, 966 pressure in, 960 complicated with other pains: see Pressuye, 960 painful, of, 920 prieklings in, 943 pulsations in, 953 restlessness ©f, 962 rigidity of, 970 sensitiveness of, 917 shocks in, 983 shuddering of, 972 sleep, going to, of, 99, 956 soreness of, 947 spasms of, 966 startings of, 983 stiff feeling in, 970 stiffness of, 970 stinging in, 944 stitches of, 937 „ burning, drawing, pulsative, etc.; see Stitches. stitch, single, 941 sweat of, 968 swelling of, 97 & ' Page Extremities, lower, symptoms of the, 915 lower, tearing in, 973 " complicated, with other pains; see Tearing, 973 tension of, 946 throbbing in, 953 tickling of, 957 tightness of, 946 tight or short, sensation as if too, ■, 806" convulsion of, 899 cracking in, 893 eramp of, 899 cutting, 886 deadness of, 906 drawing in, % Q y_ 892- dryness of the skin of, a IX *** emaeiation of, ' 903 erysipelas of, 902 symptoms of the, 869 formication in, 906 full, sensation as if too, 903 gnawing in, 912 heat in, 900 heaviness in, 893 impeded motion of, 912 inflammation of, 902 insensibility ©f, 906 itching of, 910 jerking of, 903 jerks, painful, 879 lameness of; see Paralysis. lancinations in, 885 large, sensation as if too, 903 motions, involuntary, of, 903 noises in, 893 numbness of, 906 pains of, aching, yj 'j -86^ arthritic, 33 0 -88?- boring, 33 88*- broken, as if, 37 \ 884- bruised^ as if» 574 INDEX 1177 Extremities upper, pains in, burn- ing, 881, 882 upper, pains in, compressed, as if, contractive," i o\322/'' jS*0= 889 contused, as if, 874 crampy, 875 crushed, as if, 874 digging, 881 dislocated, as if, 877 divided, as if, 874 drawing, 871 excoriated, as if, 873 gnawing, 882 griping, 880 jerking, 879 laming, 876 lancinating, 878 paralytic, 876 pinching, 880 pricking, 878 pressed down as if, 879 pulsative, 882 rheumatic, 880 shock, like a, 879 short, as if too, 879 sleep, as if gone to, 882 sore, as if, 873 sprained, as if, 877 stitching, 878 strained, as if, 877 tearing, 870 tensive, 881 throbbing, 882 tingling, 882 twitching, 879 ulcerative, 880 paralysis of 894 pinching in, 912 pressure in, 891 pressure, painful, 373- -88£" prickings in, 886 pulsation in, 892 redness of, 912 rigidity of, 892 rumbling in, 893 sensitiveness of, 873 shocks of, 903 shootings in, 886 shrivelling of, 903 sleep, going to, 906 spasm of, 899 starts of, 903 stiffness of, 899 stinging in, 886 stitches, painful, 878 stitches of, 882 stitch, single, in, 887 sweat on, 902 swelling of, 895 swelling of, also with infiam - mation, 895 swollen, as if, 903 tearing in, 888 Page Extremities, upper, tension, painful of, 881 upper, throbbing in, 891 tingling in, 906 titillation of, 910 torpor of, 906 trembling of, 905 tremor of, 905 903 902 912 913 900 894 895 893 twitching of, ulceration of, uneasiness of, various symptoms of, warmth in, weakness of, weariness of, weight in, Eye,'left, region above the, symptoms of the, aching in, beating in, headach in, heat in, jerking in, lancination, pains in, pressure in, stitches in,' Eye, right, region above the, symptoms of the, aching in, beating in, drawing in, headache, pains, pressure, pricking in, stitches in, tearing in, turning sensation, like a cur- rent of air, Eyebrows, symptoms of the, burning of the, drawing of the, eruption in the, itching of the, jerking of the, pains at the, pressure at the, Btitches in the, twitching of the, various symptoms of the, Eyelashes, symptoms of the, Eyelids, agglutination of the, blue margin around the, burning of the, closing of the, close the, inclination to, J> /3 coldness of the, convulsions of the, creeping in the, difficult opening of the, as if the muscles were too short, 279 drawing in the, 275, 280 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 156 156 158 157 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 307 309 309 308 309 309 307 308 308 309 809 307 273 275 275 278 -368- 275 282 277 279 1178 INDEX. ids, dryness of the, Page 280 Eyes, appearances before the. Page eruptions on the, '281 gauze, white, 6, 291 froth on the, 282 halo, 303 gum on the, 282 light, balls of, 291 heat of the, 274 wavelets of, 289 heaviness of the, 280 white, 291 itching of the, jjj \^ 27# luminous appearances, 288 of the margins, 275 motes, black, 296 jerking of the, 276 oscillations, luminous, 290 left lid, 277 points, black, 296 right lid, 277 shining, 290 upper, 276 rain, 304 mucus on the, 282 rays, 291 numbness of the, 282 rings. 291 opening of the, 282 scintillations: see Sparks ?, 289 pains in the, simple and compli snow, like, 291 cated, 269 sparks, 289 paralysis of the, 279 spots, black, 296 pinching of the, 275 shining, 290 pressure at the, 279 white, 291 hard body, as from, 280 6tars, white, 4, 291 with stinging, 280 suns, 290 with tearing, 280 vibrations, luminous, 290 from within outward, 280 visions, 303 from without inward, 280 zigzag, '..• ^8*- prickings in the, 277 beating in the, 268 pulling of the, 275 boring, 243 rigidity of the, 275 bubbling, 268 smarting of the, 273 burning in, 255 soreness of the, 273 complicated with other spasms of the, 282 symptoms, 256, 259 stiffness of the, 275 closed, disposition to keep, coldness of, 245 stitches in the, 277 243 stitch, single, in the, 278 sense of, 243 swelling of the, 270 color of the, 263 with inflammation, 272 compressive sensation in, 253 symptoms of the, 269 contraction in, 243 tearing of the, 275 cramp in, 243 tension of the, 276 creeping in, 269 tingling of the, 276 dazzling of the, 298 trembling of the, 277 difficult motion of the, 269 tremor of the, 277 distortion of the, 246 twitching of the, 276 dizziness before the, 305 ulceration of the, with or without drawing in the, 268 inflammation, 272 dryness of the, 242 weakness, paralytic, of the, 279 sense of, 242 winking of the, 278 eruption around, 245 s, agglutination of the, 241 exerting the, ill effects from, 265 right, 242 expression of the, 262 at night, 241 flickering before the, 299 in the morning, 242 fungus medullaris of, 269 attended with other symp glistening, 263 toms, 242 gnawing in, 245 appearances before the, 288 ff. haemorrhage of the, 268 blade of grass, 7, 304 heaviness in the, 268 circles, 291 inflammation of both, 239 cobweb, 295 left, 241 color, 302 right, 241 drops, white, 5, 291 intolerance of the, to light: see leathers, 304 Eyes, sensitiveness, 264 figures, 303 itching in the, 261 flashes, 290 complicated with other symp- gauze, 295 toms, 261 INDEX. 1179 Page Eyes, itching in left, 262 jerking of the, 245 lancinations in the, 259 look of the, confused, 263 extinct, 262 faint, 262 intoxicated, 263 tremulous, 262 wild, 262 loose, feeling as if, 245 lying above the, sensation as of something, 238 motion of the, 266 moving in the eye, sensation as if something were, 266 narrowing of the space between the lids, 245 opening the, difficulty of, 245 pains in the, 246 accompanied with other symp- toms, 246 aching, 247 boring, 249 bruised, as if, 248 burning, 259 contractive, 248 cutting, 248 digging-up, 249 drawing, 249 got into the eye, as if some- thing had, 250 itching, 250 jerking, 250 moved, when, 249 pinching, 250 pressing, 247 from above downwards, 247 inwards, 247 inwards and compressed, 247 as with a plug, 247 simple, 147 from within outwards, 247 pulled inwards, as if, 250 in right eye, 246 scintillations, with, 249 smarting, 248 sore, as if, 247 sticking, 24g then aching, 294 stinging, 248 tearing, 248 when touching the,' 246 pressure in, 250 from above downwards, 253 accompanied with other symp- toms, 250 body, foreign, as from a, 254 with burning or heat, 254 from within outwards, 252 from without inwards, 253 in left eye, 252 in right eye, 252 prickings in the, 259 Page Eyes, protruded, 262 redness of the, 241 region above the, symptoms of the, 154 air rushing in, sense as of, 156 aching in, 154 compressive sensation, 155 crampy sensation, 156 headache, 154 heat in, 156 pain in, 1-11, 155 pressure, 155 stitches in, 156 tearing in, 156 tension, 156 tingling in, 156 rush of blood to the, 269 sensitiveness of the, 264 to light, 264 shining, 263 smarting of the, 264 soreness of the, see Pain, sore as if, 248 sparkling, 262 spasm in, 243 squinting of the, 246 stiffness of the, 269 stitches in the, 259 and other parts, 259 with burning, 260 in left, 260 in right, 260 strong, feeling, 243 sunken, 262 suppuration of the, 242 swelling of the, 267 sense of, 268 symptoms of the, 239 general, of the, 239 tearing in, 244 with boring and cutting, 245 with lachrymation, 244 with pressure, 244 with stitches, 244 tension in the, 269 throbbing in the, 268 tingling in the, 269 twitching of the, 245 muscles of the, 277 vibrations before the, 299 weakness of the, 267 wipe the, disposition to, 292 F. Face, beating in, bloating of the, 6-11, see Swelling, cobweb in, sensation of a, coldness of the, color of the, bluish, 135, 388 382 379 389 384 87 9 1180 INDEX. _, Page Face, color of the, cadaverous, 89, 371 chalk colored, 96, 371 changing the color frequently, 160, 373 clay colored, 123, 372 copper colored, 121, 372 furrowed, 176, 373 greasy, 174, 373 hippocratic, 147, 373 jaundiced, 97, 371 lead colored, 80, 371 livid, 116, 372 pale, 1-44, 369 red, 44, 370 red on one, pale on other cheek, 72, 371 red and pale alter- nately, 77, 371 yellow, see Livid, 116, 372 contortion of the, < 390 contractive sensation in, 389 cramp-like sensation in, 390 crawling in, 389 creeping in, 389 cutting, 48, 386 drawing in, 386 eruptions in the, 365 black pores in the, 172, 369 blotches in the, 174, 369 boils in the, 147, 368 eruptions, particular in the, 366 copper colored, 369 with yellow crust, 151, 369 humid, 149, 369 itching, 153, 368 miliary, 369 scaly, 155, 368 mallpox, like, 159, 369 suppurating 156, 369 erysipelas of the, 1-7, 365 freckles in the, 8, 365 herpes in the, 160, 369 nodosities in the, 9, 365 pimples in the, 16, 365 pustules in the, 94, 367 rash in the, 74 366 roughness of the, 144, 368 scaly 6kin of the, 142, 368 6pots in the, 117, 368 6tigmata, red, in the, 184, 369 thickening of the skin of, 139, 368 tubercles in the, 113, 367 ulcers in the, 11, 365 vesicles in the. 82, 367 expression of anguish, 130, 372 of dissatisfaction of the, 165, 373 of the, 369 of idiocy, 173, 373 of old age, 163, 373 of pain, 132, 372 sad, 154, 373 of terror, 171, 373 Page Face, expression, stupid, 165, 378 transfigured, 162, 373 wild, 168, 373 worn out, 157, 373 formication in, 389 heat of the, without redness, 376 with redness, 378 flushes of, 379 itching of the, 388 complicated, 388 jerkings in, 387 lameness of the, 389 lancinations in, 42, 386 6ee also Stitches, 385 oedema, see Swelling, 379 pains in the, 373 aching, 374 bone, 88, 376 boring, 97, 376 bruised as if, 101, 376 burning, 74, 375 contractive, 83, 375 crampy, 29, 374 drawing, 60, 375 gnawing, 91, 376 itching, 106, 376 jerking, 43, 374 lancinating, 16, 374 neuralgic, 96, 376 numb, 92, 376 paralytic, 99, 376 gnawing-pressing, 107, 376 pricking, see Lancinating, 16, 374 prosopalgia, at night, 93, 376 stinging, see Lancinating, 16, 374 stupefying 42, 374 tearing, 52, 375 tensive, 9. 374 ulcerative, 70, 375 paralysis of the, 389 parched skin of the, 391 pressure in the, 382 prickings in, see Stitches, 385 rigidity of, 390 rush of blood to the, 390 sensitiveness of the skin of, 391 smarting of the, 390 soreness of the skin of the, 391 stitches in the, 385 sweat in the, 390 swelling of the, 379 of one cheek, 84, 381 sensation of, 382 symptoms of the, 365 tearing in the, 383 complicated with other symp- toms, 24—39, 384 tension of the, 384 throbbing in, 388 tickling in, 389 tingling in, 389 INDEX. 1181 Page Face, titillation in, 389 twitchings in, 387 various sensations in, 390 Fainting, 1121 Fainting fits, daily (ii. 875, Stram.) during haemorrhage after par- turition (i. 492, China). Fall to pieces, sensation in chest as if the parts would, 3, 1151 Falling asleep, symptoms occurring before, 1002 asleep, symptoms perceived when on the point of, 1001 Fancies, 36, 1008 Far-sightedness, 301 Fauces, see Throat. Fault-finding, 36 Fear, 36 Feelings or mood, alternation of, 2 Features, 369 altered, 150, 373 distorted, 166, 373 Fevers, 1060 Fever, bilious (i. 322, Bry.) (i. 571, 572, Coloc.) (i. 474, Cham.) (ii. 1043, Tart, emet.) (ii. 204, 205, Merc, sol.) Fevers, bilious; see Mucous, 85,ff, 1062 Fever, catarrhal (i. 474, Cham) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Fevers, catarrhal, 104, 1063 see also Fevers, 1060 during dentition (i. 474, Cham.) eruptive, 38, 1073 gastric: see Mucous, 85, ff, 1062 Fever, gastric (i. 322, Bry.) (i. 474, Cham.) (i. 114, Ant. cr.) (i. 165, Ars.) (ii. 1043, Tart, emet.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Fevers, gastric-bilious (i. 112, An- thrah) (i. 323, Bry.) Fevers, hectic, 1063 see also Lentescent. inflammatory, 100, 1063 see also Fevers, 1060 (i 239, Bell.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol) Fevers, intermittent, quotidian, ter- tian, quartan, etc.: see Intermit- tent, also quotidian, quartan, ter- tian, 28, 1061 (i. 862, Ipec.) (i. 811, Ign.) (i. 425, Carb. v.) (i. 322, Bry.) (i. 692, Flat.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 474, Cham,) (i. 165, Ars.) Page Fever, intermittent (ii. 579, Puis) (ii. 579, 580, Pids.) (i. 200, Asar.) (ii. 371, Nux v.) Fever-paroxysms, with intermittent type, particularly among females (1. 811, Ign.) Fevers, intermittent, after suppression by quinine (i. 150, Arn) Fever, intermittent, soporous (ii. 425, Op.) Fevers, intermittent, soporous (i. 379, Camph.) Fever, intermittent, with little or no sweat (i. 696, 697, Eupat. perf.) Fevers, lentescent (i. 165, Ars.) lentescent, 17, 1151 (ii. 205, Merc, sol) Fever, milk (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 240, Bell.) (L 474, Cham.) Fevers, mucous, 85, 1026 (i. 322, Bry.) (i. 204, 205, Merc, sol.) Fevers, puxrperal, 107, 1063 (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 571, 572, Coloc.) (i. 474, Cham.) quartan intermittent (ii. 346, Nux jugl.) quotidian intermittent (ii. 95, Lob. inf.) (ii. 943, Tarax.) with nightly paroxysms (i. (ii. 673, Rhus t) Fevers, quotidian, tertian, and quar- tan intermittent (ii. 300, Natr. mur.) Fever, remittent, with gastric symp- toms (ii. 371, Nux v.) rheumatic (i. 682, Dulc.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) (i. 322, Bry.) symptoms relating to, 1025 synochal (i. 239, Bell.) with chills (i. 7, Aeon.) Fevers, synochal, with catarrhal, rheu- matic, arthritic, erysipelatous symp- toms, also tendency to run into a bilious and typhoid state (i. 7, A con.) Fever, tertian (i. 322, Bry) Fevers, tertian intermittent (i. 712, Ferr. acet.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Fever, typhoid (ii. 648, Rhus r.) Fevers, typhoid (i. 239, Bell.) Fever, typhoid (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Fevers, typhoid (i. 150, Arn.) 3V (i. 239, Bell.) 128, IO60 Fever, typhoid (i. 322, Bry) Fevers, worm (i. 663, Dig.) Fever, worm (i. 165, Ars.) 1182 INDEX. Page Fever, worm, with colic and convul- sions (i. 518, Cic) Fissures in the rectum (i. 241, Bell.) Fistula ani (i. 583, Dulc.) lachrymalis (i. 344, Calc. carb.) Fits, 1119 Fit, fainting: see Fainting,- 1122 Fits, fainting, with vascular erethism and congestion of blood to the head, (i. 8, Aeon.) Fits of weakness, periodical (ii. 263, Mosch.) Flatulence, 643 eggs, rotten, smelling like, 7, 644 garlic, smelling like, 8, 644 of hypochondriac persons (L 425, Carb. v.) Flexibility, extreme, of the limbs, 59, 1152 Flocks, grasping at, 2, 1151 Foam at mouth, 463 Fontanelles, retarded closing of the (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) Food, appetite for particular kinds of, solid or liquid, 544 aversion to, 542 particular kinds of, 543 loathing of, 542 symptoms occurring after certain kinds of, 536 Foreboding, 37 Forehead, beating in, 147 boring in, 147 bruised, sensation as if, 147 coldness, sense of, 147 compressive sensation in, 137 contractive sensation in, 137 digging in, 147 fulness of, 145 heat in, 146 alternating with coldness, 146 complicated with other symp- toms, 146 heaviness of the, 132 complicated with other symp- toms, 132, 133 jerking in, 147 left side of, symptoms of, 158 aching ia, 158 beating in, 160 boring in, 160 darting in, 159 digging in, 160 drawing in, 160 gnawing in, 160 headache in, 158 lancinations in, 159 loose, sense as if, 160 pain in, 1-11, 159 pressure in, 156 prickings in, 160 stitches, 159, 160 tearing in, j 160 tension in, 160 Page Forehead, left side of, throbbing, in, 160 Forehead, pains in, 139 aching, 132-135 beating, 140 boring, 140 bruised as if, 142 burning, 139 compressive, 142 contractive, 141 creeping, 141 crushed, as if, 140 darting, 140 drawing, 140 with pressure, 141 dull, 139 lancinating, 140 oppressive, 139 pressing, 141 pulsative, 140 sticking, 140 sore, as if, 142 stupefying, 141 tearing, 141 throbbing, 140 various kinds of, 142 particular symptoms in, 148 pressure in, 135 from above downwards, f 137 accompanied by pain or weakness of the eyes, 137 accompanied or followed by drowsiness, 139 preceded or accompanied by vertigo, 138 alternating with stitching, 139 from below upwards, 137 drawing in, 139 excited or diminished by par- ticular portions of the body, 188 with heat, 138 from mental exertions, 138 with sensitive skin, 138 at a small spot, 135 with stitches, 138 stupefying, 135 from within outwards, 135 from without inwards, 136 pricking in, 143 pulsations in, 147 right side of the, 148 boring in, 149 beating in, 149 cool currents in, 149 digging in, 149 drawing in, 148 headache in, 148 pains in, 148 aching, 148 compressive, 148 constrictive, 148 pressure in, 143 tearing in, 149 throbbing in, 149 INDEX. 1183 Forehead, shaking sensation, stinging in, stitches in, symptoms of the, tearing in, Page 147 143 142-144 132 144 tearing, complicated with other symptoms, 144, 145 tension in, 145 throbbing in, 146 tightness in, 145 tingling in, 147 Forehead and occiput, symptoms of the, 206 beating in, 208 drawing in, 208 heaviness in, 206 headache in, 206 pains in, 206 aching and other pains: see Pains, 206 pressure in, 207 stitches in, 207 tearing in, 207 tension in, 208 occiput and vertex: see Occi- put, Vertex, and Forehead. Forehead and Sinciput, symptoms of the, 210 headache in, 210 pains in, 210 pressure in, 210 stitches in, 210 tearing in, 210 Forehead and temples, symptoms of the, _ 208 beating in, 210 burning in, 210 drawing in, 210 heaviness in, 208 headache in, 208 noises in, 210 208 pains in, aching, etc., pains; Pains, pressure in, stitches in, tearing in, 208 209 209 210 Forehead, Temple, and Vertex, symp- toms of, 212 Forehead, Temple, and Occiput, symp- toms of, 213 Forehead and Vertex, symptoms of, 210 boring in, 211 drawing in, 211 heaviness in, 210 headache in, 210 movements in, 211 pains in, 210 pressure in, 211 stitches in, 211 tearing in, • 211 Forgetfulness, 52 Forgetting dates, 53 , ., Page Forgetting one s own ideas, 53 words, names, 52 . things of recent date, 52 Formication, 1142 Freckles, 33, 1072 Fraenulum; see Sexual Organs, male, Fraenum linguae, symptoms of the, 464 Frenzy, 56 of parturient women, with nym- phomania (i. 151, Arn.) Fright, consequences of (i. 7, A con.) and fear, consequences (ii. 426, Op.) Frozen limbs (i. 150, Arn.) Fungus articularis of right patella (ii. 798, Silic.) articularis (i. 114, Ant. cr.) medullaris oculi (240, Bell.) Furor uterinus (i. 393, Canth) Furuncles; see also Boils. (i. 322, Bry.) (i. 151, Arn.) (i. 66, Amm. carb.) on the thighs and under the axil- la (ii. 507, Phos. ac.) G. 523 1148 1148 Gagging, Gait, staggering, unsteady, Galactirrhcea; see Milk. (i. 587, Con.) (i. 242, Bell) (1. 324, Bry.) (i. 345, Calc. carb.) Gastralgia (i. 136, Arg. nit.) biliosa (ii. 99, Lob. inf.) of nursing women (i. 425, Carb. v.) (i. 491, China) Gastric derangement (i. 734, Gent, cr.) (i. 241, Bell.) after the loss of animal flu- ids (i. 491, China.) (i. 474, Cham.) (i. 166, Ars.) (ii. 508, Phos. ac.) (ii. 582, Puis.) (ii 373, Nux v.) Gastric symptoms, 486 Gastritis (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 8, Aeon.) acute and chronic (i. 167, Ars.) chronic (ii. 393, Sulp.) Gastroataxia, with-nausea, etc. (i. 663, Dig.) Gastrodynia (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 282, Bism.) of pregnant females (i. 166, Ars.) periodical (i. 135, Arg. nit) Gastro-enteritis, chronic (ii. 1018, Zinc, m.) Gastromalacia (i. 167, Ars.) 1184 INDEX. Page Ganglion; see Wens, 1097 (ii. 796, Silic.) Gangrene, 1100 (i. 239, Bell.) (i. 66, Amm. carb.) dry and humid (i. 490, China.) of the lungs (i. 493, China.) (L 493, Carb. v.) (i. 168, Ars.) (male sexual organs) 799 of the penis, 62, 731 Gangraena senilis (i. 525, Carb. v.) (i. 165, Ars.) Gangrene of the spleen (i. 164, Ars.) threatening (i. 163, Ars.) Ghosts, dread of (i. 8, Aeon.) Glands, abdominal, swelling of, 648 axillary, symptoms, of, 913 affections of, 1112, 1153 inguinal, swelling of, 1-14, 648 Gland, parotid, symptoms of the, 338 6allvary, symptoms of the, 464 Glands, sublingual, symptoms of the, 464 submaxillary, symptoms of the, 414 suppuration of the (i. 239, Bell.) Glans, see Sexual organs, male. pains in the, see Sexual organs, male, pains of the. Globus hystericus (i. 812, Ign.) Gloomy, 27 Glossitis (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 8. Aeon.) (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) Goitre, 842 Gonorrhoea, see Urethra, discharges from the. (i. 539, Cinnab.) (ii. 752, Selen.) (ii.471, Petrosel.) inflammatory (i. 386, Cann.) (i. 393, Canth.) purulent, yellow (i. 602, Copaiv.) secundaria (ii. 971, Thuj.) (ii. 459, Petrol.) (ii. 242, Merc, sol.) Gout, see Arthritis. Gout, 20, 972 Grating of the teeth, in children, during sleep (i. 799, Hyosc.) Gravel: see Urine, depositing gravel. Gravel (L 386, Carm.) (i. 345, Calc. carb.) (ii. 735, Sassap.) (ii. 375, Nux v.) Grief, . 25 consequences of (i. 811, Tyn.) Grief and chagrin, 27 Grippe: see Influenza. Gums, bleeding of the (i. 135, Arg. nit.), 440 burning of the, 440 color altered, of the, 440 eruptions on the, 439 Page Gums, heat of the, 440 inflammation of the, 437 and swelling of the, 437 itching of the, 439 loose, 439 numbness of the, 440 pains of the, 437 pressure of the, 441 redness of the, 437 sensitiveness of the, 440 soreness of the, 440 sponginess of the (i. 135, Arg. nit), 439 stinging in the, 44o swelling of the, 438 symptoms of the, 487 tearing, 437 ulcers on the, 440 various symptoms, 441 Gutta rosacea (i. 740, Graph.) EL Haematemesis (i. 863, Ipec.) (i. 241, Bell.) (L 166, Ars.) See also vomiting of blood. after a cold (i. 799, Hyosc.) Haematuria (i. 863, Ipec.) (i. 393, Caust.) (i. 386, Cam.) (i. 602, Copaiv.) ' caused by external injuries (i. 151, Arn.) Haematuria (ii. 987, Uva urs) (ii. 583, Puis.) (ii. 262, Millef.) 714 768 Haemoptoe (i. 151, Am.), (ii. 509, Phos. ac.) (ii. 584, Puis) (ii. 262, Millef) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) in nursing females (i. 492, China.) Haemoptysis (i. 324, Bry.), 768 • (i. 242, Bell.) (i. 9, Aeon.) (i. 663, Dig.) (i. 492, China.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) alternating with arthritic pains in the limbs (ii. 45, Led. pi) of plethoric individuals (i. 716, Terr, carb.) in tuberculous phthisis (i. 9, Aeon.) Haemorrhoids (ii. 893, Sulp.) (ii. 395, Nux v.) (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) with burning soreness (ii. 272, Mur. ac.) blind and flowing (i. 426, Carb. v.) bad effects of a sudden suppression of (u 345, Calc carb.) INDEX. 118J Hemorrhage, 1144 atonic (L 150, Arn.) from the anus and rectum, 672 from the bladder in haemorrhoidal patients (i. 492, China.) from the ears (i. 518, Cic.) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) from the eye (i. 240, Bell). (i. 474, Cham.) from haemorrhoidal tumors (ii. 262, Millef.) internal (i. 861, Ipec.) from internal organs (i. 489, China.) from the lungs, in phthisis (ii. 480, Phos.) from the nose (i. 323, Bry.) pulmonary, acute (i. 168, Ars.) from the urethra (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) 714 uterine (i, 242, Bell.) with flushes of heat all over (i. 607, Croc.) also after miscarriage (i. 863, Ipec.) after parturition (i. 492, China.) after the deliveiy of the pla- centa (i. 863, Ipec.) from various organs (i. 7, Aeon.) Hair, whiteness of the, 13, 1112 see also Head, integuments of the. Half-sighted, 302 Hallucinations, 38 about being alone, 39 about a bird, 39 about one's own body, 40 about dead persons, 38 about dogs, • 39 about enemies, 39 of an exalted character, 38 frightful, 39 about ghosts, 39 taking men for hogs, 39 about one's size, 38 about sounds, 40 about a spot on the head, 39 about strange persons, 40 about strange things and figures, 40 about thieves, 39 of various kinds, 38 Hands: see Extremities, upper. Hardness: see Induration. (male sexual organs), 729 Headache: see also Cephalalgia. (ii. 240, Bdl.) 87 alternating with other symptoms, 94 beating, 95 as from a board in front, 114 with catarrhal symptoms, 93 with chilliness, 90 with closing of the eyelids, 97 contractive, 112 with contractive sensation in the head, 97 Vol. III.—75. Headache, crampy, 112 darting, 96 as if the brain would be dashed to pieces, 92 as from deranged stomach, 94 with debility of the body or lower limbs, 92 digging, 96 drawing, 97 dull, with whizzing pressure, beat- ing, 97 as if the eyes would fall out, 97 with flatulence, 94 with heat of the face or body, 91 as after intoxication, 94 lancinating, 96 with languor, 92 with malaise, 98 from mental exertion, 94 during motion, 90 with nausea or vomiting, 90 oppressive, 89 with pain of the eyes, 91 particular kinds of, 98 pinching, 97 with pressure in the brain or forehead, 94 with pressure of the eyes, 91 with pressure in the eyes from without, 113 pricking, 90 as if screwed or driven asunder, or pressed out at the forehead, 114 simple, 87 as if the brain were sore or bruis- ed, 95 with soreness of the eyes, 91 with stiff neck or limbs, 94 stinging, 96 accompanied by or terminating in a stitch, 98 stitching, 96 from stooping, 93 stupefying, 89 tearing, 95 with tension of the eyes, 91 with tightness of the brain, 96 with vertigo, 93 Head, balancing sensation in, 119 beating in, 125 boring sensation in, 131 bubbling in, 126 cold, liability of the, to taking, 233 coldness of, 116 constrictive sensation in, 111 creeping sensation in, 130 digging sensation in, 130 drawing in, 128 dulness of the, 29 with beating or throbbing, 30 with cloudiness, 31 with emptiness, 30 with heaviness, 31 1186 INDEX. Head, dulness of the, as after intoxi- cation. with lightness, and mind, changing to pain or pressure, particular kinds of, with pressure, with tearing and drawing, after walking, sitting, or eat- ing, falling backwards of the, fulness of the, hacking in, hammering in, heat in, with anxiety, with boring in head, burning, with burning in the ears, with compression, with cold feet, with dulness, flushes of, with heat of body, as if from hot vapor, with languor, with nosebleed, with pain in head, alternating with paleness or coolness, with pressure outwards, with red face, with sparkling eyes, as if from the stomach, with sweat on head or hands, with tingling, with throbbing, with warm hands, heaviness of the, with affection of the eyes, heaviness of the, from before backwards, from behind forwards, with sensation as if the skull would burst, with inability to hold the head erect, with sensation of fulness or enlargement, with giddiness, with heat, with humming in ears, with ill humor, as from intoxication, with languor or lassitude, as from a load on the head, with malaise, . moving it is disagreeable, with, nausea, with pain in back, with pain in forehead, with pain of head or scalp, Page 31 30 31 30 30 31 31 30 226 109 126 126 114 115 115 114 115 115 116 115 114 115 115 115 115 116 115 115 116 115 114 116 115 115 115 82 85 83 Page Head, heaviness of the, with pressure, 84 with tearing stitches or prick- ing, 84 as if the scalp were stretched, 85 with weakness of nape of neck, 86 integuments of, bald spots on the, 213 beating in, 225 blisters on, 223 boils on, 222 blotches on, 222 boring in, 238 burning of, 215 all over the head, 215 in particular spots or parts, 215 coldness of, 233 at a small spot, 234 co-existing with, or changing to warmth, 234 contractive sensation in, 226 crawling on, 225 as if the hairs were moving, 225 creeping on, 225 dead feeling of, 233 drawing in, 236 drop of water running down the, sensation as of a, 238 elevations, indurated, on, 222 eruptions on, 219 erysipelas of, 223 exostosis of, 222 formication of, 225 heat of, 215 hair, dry, 213 electric power of the, loss of the, 214 entangling of the, 214 falling off of the, 213 when combing it, 213 with sensitive scalp, 213 greasy, 213 gray, 214 hanging over the fore- head, sensation as of a, 226 musty smell of the, 214 rising on end, sensation as if, 214 shuddering of the, sense of,214 as if the hair would rise, 214 without the hair rising, 214 soreness of, 230 see also Pain, sore as if, 228 itching of, 217 complicated with other symptoms, removed or not by scratching, see Itching, 217, 218 at particular spots, 219 jerking in, 147 INDEX 1187 Head, integuments of the, lancinations Page in, 235 looseness, sense of, 215 movements of the, 236 noises in, 238 numb feeling of, 233 pimples on, 220, 222 pains of, 226, 227, 228 aching, of, 232 bone, 227 boring, of, 233 broken as if, 227 bruised as if, 227 burning of, 232 and cutting, 233 compressive o e; 233 cold, crampy, of, 233 creeping, of, 233 cutting, of, 232 cutting and burnin g, of, 233 drawing, of, 231 gnawing, of, 231 heavy, of, 233 itching, of, 233 loose, as if the skin were, 230 when moving the scalp or head, 229 pricking, of, 232 pulled, as if the hair were, 230 sore as if, 228 at spots, 227 strained as if, 229 tearing of, 231 tensive, of, 233 ulcerated as if, 229 pinching in, 238 pressure at, 224 complicated with other symptoms, 224, 225 prickings in, 234 pulled, sensation as of a single hair being, 226 pustules on, 224 rash on, 223 rough skin of, 223 scabs on, 233 scales on, 223 scurfs on, 220 sensitiveness of, see Pain, sore as if, 228 shocks in, 238 spots on, 224 stinging in, 234 stitches in, 234 complicated with other symptoms, 235 sweat of. 215 swelling of, 214 sense of, 214 of temporal veins, 225 symptoms of, 213 tearing in, 216, 238 boring, 217 Head, integuments of the. burning, tearing, in the, jerking in the, lancinating in the, with a tumor, tension of, throbbing in, tightness of, Page 216 216 216 216 237 225 237 complicated with other symptoms, 237 tingling in, 225 tinea capitis, 220 titillation in, 226 tubercles on, 222 tumors on, 222, 228 ulcers on, 228 vesicles on, 228 jerks in, 124 movements of the, spasmodic or convulsive, 130 moving about in, sensation as if something were, 119 noises in, 129, 130 pains in the, 101 aching, in the, 104 beating, in the, 108 boring, in the, 103 boring and drawing, in the, 104 bruised, as if, in the, 102 burning, in the, _ 103 stinging-burning, in the, 104 with burning in eyes, 104 contractive, an the, 104 with coughing or sneezing, 104 cutting, in the, 104 darting, in the, 102, 103 digging, in the, 104 drawing, in the, 102 as if empty and hollow, 104 hammering, in the, 104 heavy, in the, 108 lancinating, in the, 102 jerking-pinching, in the, 104 pricking, in the, 102 tearing-screwing, in the, 104 simple, in the, 101 shooting, in the, 102 sore, in the, 102 stinging, in the, 102-104 stitching, in the, 103 boring-stitching, in the, 104 stupefying, in the, 103 tearing, in the, 101-103 cutting-tearing, in the, 104 drawing-tearing and burning, in the, 104 tensive, in the, 103 with throbbing and stitches in knees, 104 ulcerative, in the, 108 pain, with vomiting, in the, 104 particular sensations in, 181 pressure in, 104 11SS INDEX Page Page Head, pressure in, from above down Head, sides of the, pains in, cut, as if, 11 , 18G wards, 112 pains in, darting, 16, 180 as if pressed asunder, also dashed to pieces, as if, 10, 1S<: as if pressed together, 113 drawing, 18, 180 and beating, 113 oppressive, 2, 180 from below upwards, 113 pinching, 6, 180 and boring, 113 stinging, 13, ISO as if the brain were pressing tensive, 12, 180 against the skull, 106 pressure in, 180 with feeling as if bruised and with tearing, 180 torn, 114 with tension, 180 as if the skull would burst, 106 from within outwards, 180 crampy, with tearing, 113 from without inwards, 180 and digging, 113 screwed in, sensation as if, 181 and drawing, 113 shocks in, 182 with moving sensation, 113 stitches in, 181 as from a nail, wedge, etc., 112 stitch, single, in, 181 as if the brain would press symptoms of the, 179 through the forehead, 110 tearing in, 181 simple, 104 and stitches, 182 through occiput and forehead, throbbing in, 182 on stooping, 113 tightness in, 18:; with glowing tearing, 114 left side of, beating in, 188 with weight rising and falling 114 boring in, 18i> from within outwards, 106 chilliness in, 189 through the temples, from coldness in, 189 within, 113 compression of, - 181 from without inwards, 107 crampy sensation in, 184 over the whole of the dartings in, 187 head, 107 digging in, 189 towards occiput, 109 drawing in, 189 in the temples, 108 empty feeling in, 190 pricking in, 123 forcing in, 189 pulsations in, 126 fulness in, .- 190 rush of blood to, 116 headache, 183 simple, 116 heaviness of, 180 complicated with other symp- jerks in, 1S9 toms, or in particular pe- lancinations in, 187 riods, 117 -119 noises in, 189- screwed in, sensation as if. 109 pains in, 184 shocks in, 125 aching, 185 sides of the,, beating in, 182 alternate, 186 boring in, 182 beating, 185 coldness in, 182 boring, 185 compressive sensation in, 181 tearing-boring, 185 constrictive sensation in, 181 crampy, 185 contractive sensation in, 181 cut, as if, 185 crampy sensation in, 181 tearing-darting, 186 ereeping in, 183 digging, 186 dartings in, 182 drawing, 185 with pressure, 182 aching-drawing, 186 with tearing. 182 oppressive, 18r grumbling in, 182 rheumatic, 18<; headache, 17'.) shooting, 185 heaviness of, 179 sore, 18-6 hemicrania: see Headache, 179 sticking, 185 jerks in, 182 drawing-sticking, 185 noises in, 182 stupefying, 185 pains in, 179 tearing, 185 , 186 aching, 179 pressing in, 189 beating, 9, 180 pressure in, 183 boring, 20, 180 with drawing, 184 bruised, as if,. 3, 180 with stitches, 187 INDEX 1169 184 184 187 184 190 187 187 186, 187 183 188 188 189 188 189 190 190 194 Head, left side of, pressure in, from within outward, from without inward, prickings in, screwed in, sensation as if, shock in, shooting in, stitch, single, in, stitches in, symptoms of, tearing in, complicated with other symptoms, tension in, throbbing in, tightness, twitching in, right side of the, symptoms of the, beating in, body in the, sensation as of a foreign, boring and throbbing in the, coldness in, cutting in, 18, dartings in, 13, digging in, with pressure, drawing in, headache in, heat in, heaviness of, jerks in, lancinations in, 12, noises in, numb feeling in, pains in, aching, beating, 5, blow, as from, 20, board, as from, 38, boring, 32, bruised, as if, 19, darting, 29, dragging, 9, drawing, 10, flushing, 34, heavy, 3, jerking, 4, lancinating, 27 aching-sore, 21, stinging, 24-26, stitching, 25, griping-tearing, 39, tearing, 35, twitching, 8, pressure in, with burning, 24, plug as from, 26, with stitches, 19, with tearing, 22, with trembling, 25, pressure from within outwards, in the, 12, Page 195 194 195 193 193 194 195 195 190 195 190 195 193 195 195 190 190 191 191 192 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 192 8±fc] 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 Head, right side of the, pressure from without inwards, in the, 18, prickings in, 20, screwed in, as if, 20, shocks in, stinging in, 14, stitches in, with tearing, 21, with pressure, 26, with throbbing, 27, stitch in, single, tearing in, with chilliness, 16, with drawing, 17, with stitches, 18, darting tearing in, tension in, throbbing in, and boring, stinging in, as if hair were pulled, stitches in, with chills, in particular directions, with heat, with ill humor, painful in, in particular parts of the head, of a particular kind, in particular positions, localities, at particular periods, with pressure, stitch, single in, stitches, with starting, with stitches in other parts, tearing in, symptoms of the, generally, symptoms of the, swelling of, swollen as if, tearing in, accompanied with tear- ing in other parts, ceasing when the cheek swells, in particular directions, or accompanied by particular symptoms or pains, with heat, with heaviness, P.'^e K<2 193 l'J2 195 193 192 193 193 193 193 193 194 194 194 194 195 194 194 123 123 120 122 120 122 122 122 120 123 121 122 121 121 122 122 83 83 128 128 123 124 124 124 124 123 in particular parts of the, 123 with prickings, with stitches, throbbing in, tightness of, undulating or balancing sensation in the, weakness of the, Hearing, hard, see Dysecoia hardness of, 123 123 126 111 119 82 1190 INDEX. Page Hearing, hardness of (i. 166, Ars) illusions of, 326 nervous hard (i. 57, Ambr. gr.) sensitiveness of the, 321 Heart, anguish at, 836 anxiety at, 836 arthritic metastasis to the (i. 209, Aur.f) burning at, 836 coldness at, 836 diseases of the (ii. 767, Sep.) (ii. 819, Spig.) organic of the (i. 168, Ars.) (i. 9, Aeon.) of the right (ii. 585, Puis.) heaviness at, 836 jerking of, 831 intermission of beats of, 834 irregularity of the beats of, 834 lancinations at, 835 oppression at, 836 organic affections of, 831 pains about the, 834 palpitation of, 831 pressure at, 831 rush of blood to, 836 shocks at, 831 stitches, 835 symptoms of the, 831 tension about the, 836 tremor of, 831 various symptoms of, 837 warmth at, 836 weight at, 886 Heat, general, 1047 alternating with chilliness, 1051 followed by chill, 1051 followed by sweat, 1054 followed by partial sweat, 1055 followed by thirst, 1054 with partial chill, 1054 with sweat, 1052 with partial sweat, 1050, 1057 with sweat and thirst, 1055 with thirst, 1053 with thirst, followed by chilli- ness, 1055 partial, 1055 followed by general chill, 1057 by partial chill, 1057 by partial sweat, 1057 with general chill, 1058 with partial sweat, 1057 with partial sweat and par- tial chill, 1057 with thirst, 1057 Heartburn, 498 after eating, 499 Heaviness, 1150 Helminthiasis: see Worms. Hemeralopia (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) (i. 663, Lig.) (i. 778, Hyosc.) Pago Hemeralopia of pregnant females (i. 240, Bell.) Hemicrania (i. 812, Ign.) (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 586, Con.) (i. 572, 583, Coloc.) (i. 560, Coff.) (i. 518, Cic.) (ii. 1018, Zinc, m.) (ii. 765, Sep.) (ii. 580, Puis.) hysteric (i. 209, Aur. f.) Hemiplegia (i. 547, Cocc.) (i. 448, Caust.) (ii. 673, Rhus t.) (ii. 370, Nux v) see Paralysis, partial, 83-39, 114:: Hepatitis (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) acute (i. 475, Cham.) sub-acute (i. 323, Bry.) chronic (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 663, Dig.) with lancinating, burning pain, acute fever (i. 8, Aeon.) Hernia, 657 incarcerated (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 548, Cocc.) (i. ii. 374, Nux v.) inguinal (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 548, Cocc.) (i. 209, Aur. f.) Hernia, sensation of, 657 umbilicalis of infants (ii! 374, Nux v.) Herpes (i. 164, Ars.) 1090 (i. 585, Con.) (i. 740, Graph.) circinnatus (ii. 765, Sep.) crustaceous (ii. 891, Sulp.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) dry (ii. 1018, Zinc, m.) (ii. 858, Staptys.) (ii. 765. Sep.) and humid (i. 296, Bov ) of the skin, erysipelatous (i. 112, Anthrak.) exedens (i. 518, Cic.) of the face (ii. 674, Rhus t.) in the face, bends of the knees, dry and itching (ii. 85, Led.p.) furfuraceous (i. 343, Calc. carb.) (i. 518, Cic.) (ii. 858, Staphys.) on the hands (ii. 204, Merc, sol) resembling hepatic spots (ii. -177, Phos) humid (i. 782, Hep. s) (ii. 104, Lye.) on the face (ii. 507, Phos. ac.) insensible (ii. 104, Lye.) palpebrarum (i. 322, Bry) phlyctaenodes (ii. 891, Sulp.) prceputialis (i. 782, Hep. s.) * INDEX 1191 Herpes praeputialis (i. 208, Aur. f.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) squamosus (ii. 891, Sulp.) suppurating, etc (i. 682, Dulc.) (ii. 204, Merc. sol.) syphilitic, on the tonsils, uvula, etc (ii. 336, Nitr. ac.) of the tonsils (ii. 1018, Zinc, m.) Hiccough: see Singultus, after eating or drinking, while eating, or immediately pre- ceding it, s-t particular hours, from smoking, Hoarseness, catarrhal (i. 675, Dros.) (i. 492, China.) Home-sickness, Hopelessness, Hunger, canine, even after eating loss of, Hurriedness, Hydrargyrosis (i 490, China.) (ii. 734, Sassap.) 30, Hydrocele (L 741, Graph.) (ii. 798, Silic.) (ii. 583, Puis.) (ii. 209, Merc, set.) Hydrocephalus (L 240, Bell.) (i. 663, Dig.) acute (i. 775, Hell.) (i 151, Am.) (I 166, Ars.) (1018, Zinc, m.) (ii. 425, Op.) and chronic (ii. 205, 206, Merc, sol.) metastatic (i. 114, Ant. cr.) (ii. 951, Tart, emet.) Hydrophobia, 22 (i. 393, Canth.) (i. 238, Belt) Hydro thorax (i. 427, Carb. v.) (i. 164, Ars.) (i. 168, Ars.) (ii. 59, Lact.) also cardiacus (L 663. Dig.) after scarlet fever (L 775, Hell.) Ilydruria (i. 548, Cocc.) Hypertrophy of the heart (ii. 819, Spig.) of the left heart (Dig.) of the sphincter ani (i. 799, Hyosc.) Hypochondria, in unmarried men (i. 586, Con.) swelling of, Hypochondriasis (L 208, Aur.f.) Hypopyon (ii. 892, Sulp.) Hysteria: see Paroxysms, (L 208, Aur.f.) Page Page Hysteria (ii. 1012, Viol, odor) (ii. 796, Silic.) (ii. 263, Mosch.) with amenorrhoea (ii. 580, Puis.) I. Ichthyosis (i. 671, Coloc) 496 Ideas, fixed, 37 496 slow flow of, 45 unsteadiness of, 68 497 vanishing of, 45 498 Idiocy, 41 497 Ileus (ii. 543, Plumb, m.) 774 Ill-feeling, 1128 111 kumor, with despondency, 43 with dry mouth, 43 40 after a meal, 42 23 with mental and physical inertia, 44 539 with pale looks, 541 with love of solitude, 541 and thoughtful, 537 with unwillingness to answer, 40 from various causes, various kinds of, from past vexations, 1152 with weeping mood, Ill-humored, Illusions: see Hallucinations. optical (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 518, Cic.) sensual, Illusion of tact, Impatience, Impetigo (i. 321, Bry) (i. 113, Ant. cr.) figurata (i. 740, Graph.) larvalis (L 220, Bar. carb.) rodens (i. 343, Calc. carb.) (i. lt;4, Ars.) (i. 518, Cic.) sparsa (i. 518, Cic.) 1152 Impotence (i. 35, Agnus cactus) (i. 586, Con) (i. 386, Cann.) (ii. 264, Mosch.) Indelieacy, Indifference, to joy or sorrow, Indolence, Indurations, Induration of the breasts of infants (i. 473, Cham.) of the cellular tissue (ii. 796, Si- lic) (i. 321, Bry.) glandular (i. 412, Carb. a.) 649 scirrhous, of the lips (i. 241, Bell.) of liver (ii. 221, Magn. mur.) (ii. 69, Lauroc.) of mammas (i. 324, Bry.) of prostate gland, 59, MM- 43 44 42 42 4I-. 4S 41 1008 91S 44 1086 734 46 47 48 48 1098 731 1192 INDEX. Page Induration and swelling of the ovaries (i. 586, Con) of the scrotum, 61,, 731 of the spermatic cord, 64, 731 scirrhous, of the tongue (i. 209, Aur. f.) uterine, after inflammatory condi- tions (i. 492, China.) Inflammation of the air passages (i. 242, Bell.) 780 see also Bronchitis. of the rectum ; see Proctitis. asthenic (i. 489, China.) with lancinating pains and syno- chal fever (i. 7, Aeon.) of the bladder; see Cystitis. see Urinary Organs, inflam- mation of the. of bones, 5, 1112 see Ostitis. of the lachrymal bone (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) of the brain; see Meningitis. 131 of the bowels; see Enteritis. 650 of the breasts; see Mammae and Mastitis. of the diaphragm ; see Diaphrag- mitis. of the ear; see Otitis. of the eyes; see Ophthalmia. of the feet, phlegmonous (i. 325, Bry.) of the glands; see Adenitis. of abdominal glands, 650 of the inguinal glands (ii. Merc. sol.) of the meibomian glands (i. 782, Hep. s.) of the parotid gland; see Paro- titis. (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) of the submaxillary glands (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) of the heart; see Carditis. of hernia, 650 of the hip-joints (ii. 859, Staphys.) of the kidneys; see Nephritis. of the knee (ii. 586, Puis.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) (ii. 85, Led. p.) scrofulous (i. 871, lod.) of the synovial membrane of the knee (i. 872, lod.) of the knee-joint (ii. 894, Sulp.) of the right knee-joint (ii. 675, Rhus t) of the labia majora (ii. 238, Merc. viv.) of the larynx; see Laryngitis. of the liver (see Hepatitis.) 650 Tage Inflammation of the lungs; see Pneu- monia. of the mammas (i. 151, Am.) of the spinal marrow ; see Myelitis. of the nose; see Nasitis. phlegmonous (i. 240, Bell.) of the ovaries; see Oophoritis. of the palate; see Angina Pala- tina. of the penis, 50-59, 7S'» of the pericardium; see Pericar- ditis. of the periosteum; see Periostitis. of the peritoneum; see Peritoni- tis. of the pharynx; see Angina pha- ryngea. of the pleura; see Pleurisy. of the prostate gland (ii. 583, Puis.) of the psoas-muscles ; see Psoitis. of the scrotum; see Orchitis. of the male sexual organs, 729 and swelling of the sexual organs (i. 167, Ars.) of the sexual organs after hard labor (i. 151, Arn) of the skin, erysipelatous (i. 135, Arg. nit.) of the spleen ; see Splenetis. of the stomach ; see Gastritis. erysipelatous, of the testes and cord (i. 241, Bell.) of the thyroid body (i. 242, Bell.) of the tongue; see Glossitis. of the tonsils; see Angina tonsil- laris. of the trachea; see Tracheitis. of the urethra; see Urinary Or- gans, inflammation of the. of the ascending vena cava (ii. 479, Phos) of the womb; see Uteritis. Influenza (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) (ii. 238, Merc, viv.) (i. 168, Ars.) (i. 8, Aeon) (i. 242, Bell.) (i. 324, Bry.) (ii. 1043, fart, emet.) (ii. 704, Sabad,) (i. 378, Camph.) first stage (ii. 376, Nux v.) Injuries, external, 1102 Insensibility, 1141 48 Insolence, 49 Integuments, pains in the, 1101 Intertrigo; see Soreness, 1099 (i. 474, Cham.) (i. 321, Bry.) (i. 740, Graph.) infantum (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) INDEX. 1193 (ii. 370, Nux v.) (ii. 376, "" Intoxication, 49 Iritis (i. 240, Bell.) 287 arthritica (ii. 245, Merc, corr.) Irresoluteness, 50 Irritability, 50 Irritation of the spine (ii. 894, Sulp.) of the brain; see Brain, irritation of the nervous spinal (ii. 376, Nux v.) Ischialgia (i. 573, Coloc.) Ischias (ii. 242, Merc, corr.) (ii. 376, Nux v.) ' (ii. 376, Nux v.) (i. 345, Calc. carb) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) (ii. 859, Staphys.) (ii. 894, Sulp.) (ii. 168, Ars.) nervosa (ii. 1018, Zinc, m.) (i. 475, Cham.) nervosa Cotunni (i. 573, Colic.) Ischuria, 718 (i. 176, Ars.) (i. 393, Canth.) Itch, see Scabies. 1-14, 1072 baker's, see Psoriasis palmaris. Itching, 1108 Itch-like eruptions, see Itch, 1-14, 1072 J. Jactitation, Jaundice (i. 321, Bry.) (i. 663, Dig.) (i. 475, Cham.) (ii. 208, Merc. sol.) 26-38, acute (i. 536, Chin, sulph.) neonatorum (i. 692, Flat.) from spasm in the liver (i. 445, Cast.) from stone in gall bladder, (i. 490, China.) Jaws, caries of the, spasmodic contraction of the, cracking of the, cramp of the, difficulty of opening the, dislocated, see Sprained, drawing in, eruptions on the, gnawing in, immobility of the, involuntary motion of the, jerks in the, locking of the, pains of the, aching in, 1131 1104 413 413 413 413 408 408 412 407 414 408 414 407 412 408 410 Page Jaws, pains, burning, boring, drawing, etc., pains, see Pains, 408 paralysis of the, 413 pressure at the, 407 complicated with other pains, 407 prickling in, see Stitches, 411 rigidity of the, 408 spasm of the, 413 sprained, liability to being, 408 stiffness of the, 408 stinging, see Stitches, 411 stitches in, 411 swellings on the, 407 symptoms of the, 407 tearing in, 411 tumors on the, 407 twitchings of the, 407 various symptoms of, 414 Jealousy, 50 Jerking, 1131 K. Kidneys, bubbling sensation in, 1, 722 inflammation of, see Inflamma- tion. Knee, see Extremities, lower. inflammation of, see Inflamma- tion. Labor, dread of, 1148 hard, consequences of, see the particular consequences (i. 151, . Arn) pains, deficient or delaying (il 584, Puis ) excessive (i. 560, Coff.) (ii. 742, Sec. corn.) too feeble (ii. 425, Op.) spasmodic (i. 324, Bry.) (ii. 742, Sec. corn.) violent, false (i. 475, Cham.) Lachrymal gland and sac, symptoms of the, 312 Lachrymation, 312 Lameness, 1-13, 1142 see Weakness, 1134 Lamenting, 26 Languor, 1134 Lassitude, see Weariness, 1139 Laughter, see Mirthfulness. Larynx, asthma of, 3, 785 burning in, 782 constriction of, 783 contraction of, 783 crawling in, '80 dryness of, '81 itching in, ^80 1194 INDEX pa?c Larynx, stinging itching in, 7, 785 narrow or closed, feeling as if, 781 pain as if ulcerated, of, 784 pressure at, 781 sensitiveness of, 784 soreness of, 784 stinging in, 782 stitches at, 782 substances swallowed getting into the, 483 swelling, sensation of, 781 symptoms of the, 759 titillation in, 780 Laryngitis, 780 catarrhalis (i. 209, Merc, sol.) chronic (i. 426, Carb. v.) with sense of dryness and raw- ness, roughness, and hoarse- ness of the voice (i. 8. Aeon.) Lead colic, see Colica plumbea. poisoning (i. 150, Arn.) Lethargy (i. 239, Bell.) (ii. 425, Op.) Leucoma (i. 386, Cann.) of the cornea (i. 344, Calc. carb.) Leucorrhoea (i. 394, Canth.) (i. 345, Calc. carb.) (ii. 357, Nux jugl.) (i. 492, China.) Leucorrhoea, 748 accompanied by various pains, 751 color of, 748 consistence of, 748 gonorrhoica (i. 602, Copaiv.) preceded by pains in back, etc. 750 during pregnancy (ii. 583, Puis.) from atony in scrofulous indi- viduals (ii. 710, Ferr. met.) of scrofulous females (i. 871, lod.) sensation accompanying, 750 smell of, yi& 740. uterine (i. 548, Cocc.) Lichen (i. 113, Ant. cr) [I 321, Bry.) agrius (i. 518, Cic) simplex (i. 7, Aeon) Lienteria (i. 492, China.) (i. 345, Calc. carb.) Lightness of body, 1149 Limping: see Luxatio. Lippitudo: see Blear-eyedness. (ii. 892, Sulp.) Lips, burning of the, 399 chapped, 21, 401 color, altered, of the, 402 cracks in the, 401 cuts, fine, sensation of, 20, 401 distortion of the, 402 dryness of the, 399 eruptions on the, 392 blisters, 395 blotches, 392 crusts, 397 Page Lips, eruptions on the. herpes, 392 pimples, 393 pustules, 392 scurfs, 393 sores, 396 • spots, 397 tubercles, 393 tumors, 393 ulcers, 396 vesicles, 395 inflammation of the, 403 itching of the, 400 jerkings of the, 400 pains of the, 398 peeling off of the, 402 prickings in the, 400 rhagades in the, 401 sore, feeling as if, 398 soreness of the, 398 spasm of the, 402 spasms of the, 400 stinging: see Pricking. stitches in the, 400 swelling of the, 397 near left corner, 398 of lower, 398 of upper, 397 symptoms of the, 392 tearing in the, 402 twitchings of the, 400 ulceration of the corners, 402 various phenomena about the, 403 Liquids, symptoms occurring after tak- ing, 536 Lisping, 443 Lithiasis (i. 206, Aspar.) Liver, swelling of the, 649 Load, sense as of a, pressing down, in pregnant females (i. 896, Kal. carb.) Loathing of food, 542 of life : see Weary. of life, . 50 Lochial discharge, long-lasting (i. 492, China.) Lock-jaw : see Jaws, locking of the, 412 with convulsions of the muscles of the back (i. 105, Ang.) Lonesome, feeling, 26 Loosely together, sense as if the joints were put, 67, 1153 Lumbrici, 678 Luminous appearance : see Photopsia. Lungs: see Thorax. Lupia: see Tumor, encysted. Luxatio spontanea (i. 345, Calc. carb.) (i. 321, Bry.) (i. 242, Bell) of the femur (i. 573, Coloc.) (ii. 675, Rhus t) (i 151, Am.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) INDEX. 1195 M.- Page Magnetic state: see Somnambulism, 1010 Malaise, 1128 Mammae: see Breasts. Mania, see Derangements of the Mind. (i. 379, Camph.) (ii. 875, Stram.) (ii. 994, Verat.) fixed (i. 812, Ign.) puerperalis (ii. 875, Stram.) after suppression of erysipelas of the face (i. 636, Cupr. acet) Mastitis (i. 324, Bry.) (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) (i. 242, Bell.) (ii. 480, Phos) Mastodynia nervosa (i. 242, Bell) Measles, 49, 1073 (i. 239, Bell.) (ii. 579, Puis) with synochal fever, photophobia, catarrhal inflammation of the eyes, cold, frequent sneezing, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, incipient pneumonia (i. 7, Aeon.) with typhoid symptoms (ii. 875, Stram.) Megrim: see Ilemicrania. Melancholy, Melancholia (i. 812, Ign.) with amenorrhcea (i. 798, Hyosc) Melancholy, on account of one's con- dition, Melancholia, with desire to destroy one's self (ii. 372, Nux v.) especially erotica (caused by dis- appointed love), moria (alterna- tion of sombre taciturnity with excessive and foolish mirth), and athymia melancholica (shyness and melancholy) (i. 8. Aeon.) with anguish and loathing of life (spleen) (i. 166, Ars.) in hypochondriacs (i. 35, Agnus castus.) after mechanical injuries (i. 151, Arn.) Melancholy during pregnancy (ii. 583, Puis.) religious, relieved by supper, Melancholia, with inclination to com- mit suicide (i. 208, Aur.f.) with visions (ii. 1018, Zinc, m.) Mclsena (i. 8, Aeon.) (ii. 374, Nux v.) (ii. 742, Sec. corn.) (i. 490, China.) Memory, involuntary, 26 24 49 Memory, loss of, weakness of, various kinds of, Meningitis (i. 393, Canth.) (i. 798, Hyosc.) (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 240, Bell.) first stage (i 8, Aeon.) traumatic (i. 151, Am.) Menorrhagia, Menostasia, chlorotic (i. 578, Con.) Menses, excessive, too long and too frequent (i. 8, Aeon.) irregular, scanty (i. 741, Graph.) restoration of the, in plethoric females, after being suppressed by fright, chagrin, or a cold (i. 8, Aeon.) retention of, suppression of, Menstrual blood, altered 6mell, color, consistence of, Menstruation, excessive (i. 345, Calc. carb.) irregular (i. 445, Cast.) painful, (i. 167, Ars.) premature, profuse, (i. 812, Ign.) (i. 168, Ars.) retarded, scanty, symptoms or pains accompanying, burning in abdomen, buzzing, color of the face, altered, debility, depression of spirits, fainting, itching all over, of the pudendum, labor-like pains, lancinations, nausea, obscuration of sight, pains in the back, pain at stomach, roaring in ears, etc., sweat, swelling of the feet, toothache, various symptoms, symptoms or pains occurring af- ter, symptoms or pains occurring be- fore, burning, chilliness, colic, depression of spirits, headache, heat, Page 51 52 53 745 746 746 747 748 745 745 745 747 751 754 753 754 753 754 753 753 753 754 754 754 753 753 754 753 754 753 753 754 757 756 756 757 756 756 756 756 1196 INDEX Menstruation, symptoms or pains oc- curring before, 7 56 nose-bleed, 756 pain in back, 756 pressure in abdomen, 757 weight in abdomen, 757 various symptoms, 757 Menstrual irregularities (i. 734, Gent. cr.) (i. 66, Amm. carb) (i. 587, Con.) Mentagra (ii. 891, Sulp) Mercury injuries from abuse of (i. 208, Aur.f.) Metastasis of acute exanthems to the brain (i. 239, Bell) Meteorism, see Distension of Ab- domen. of children (i. 529, Cina.) Metritis, see Uteritis. Metrorrhagia (i. 151, Arn.) (ii. 531, Plat.) (ii. 716, Sabin) (i. 324, Bry.) (i. 710, Ferr. met) Metrorrhagia, 745 (ii. 375, Nux v.) (i. 242, Bell.) also after miscarriage (i. 607, Croc) acute (i. 8, Aeon) of pregnant females (i. 548, Cocc.) from atony of the uterus (ii. 742, Sec. corn.) with general spasms (i. 799, Hyosc) Miliaria, 1093 alba in typhus (i. 164, Ars.) et rubra (i. 239, Bell.) crvstalline (i. 164, Ars) (i. 322, Bry.) herpetica (i. 7, Aeon.) red, all over (ii. 85, Led. p.) Milk, bloody (i. 152, Arn.) deficient secretion of, 742 excessive secretion of, 742 suppression of (i. 475, Cham.) (ii. 584, Puis.) Mind, absence of, 1 derangement of the (i. 240, Bell.) derangements of the (i. 518, Cic.) derangement of the, in lying-in females (i. 636, Cupr. acet.) weakness of the, 82 Mirthfulness, , 54 Miscarriage, see Pregnancy, symp- toms relating to. (i. 242, Bell.) (ii. 716, Sabin.) threatening (i. 475, Cham.) (ii. 766, Sep.) threatening (ii. 742, Sec. corn) disposition to (i. 710. Ferr. met.) Page Moaning, 24 Moles, 29, 1072 in the uterus (ii. 742, Sec. corn.) Monomania religiosa (ii. 875, Strain.) Morbilli (i. 321, Bry.) Morning, symptoms perceived in the, 998 Motion, difficulty, 1148 Motions, hurried, 40,- 41, 1152 involuntary, 1148 Motion, tremulous, 1132 Mouth, inner, burning of the, 459 coldness of, 461 altered color of, 461 contractive sensation in, 461 dryness of the, 459 eruptions in the, 459 froth in, 461 greasy, 461 heat of the, 459 inflammation of the, 458 numbness of the, 459 oily, 461 pains in the, 460 palate and tongue, symp- toms of the, 442 peeling off of, 461 pricking in, 461 putrefaction of, see Stoma- cace, 461 roughness of, 461 slimy, 461 soreness of the, 458 stinging in, 461 stomacace of, 461 symptoms of the, 459 ulcers in the, 460 various symptoms of, A1%%^ 461 viscid, 461 Mucous membranes, affections of the, (i. 163, Ars.) Mutterings, 443 Myelitis (i. 510, Chin, sulp.) (i. 242, Bell.) (ii. 376, Nux v.) acute and chronic (i. 168, Ars.) Myopia, see Shortsighted, 300 N. 914 Nails, finger, symptoms of, Nasitis (ii. 206, Merc, sol) Nausea, 499 with flow of saliva or water, 504 with headache, 506 as if from hunger or an empty stomach, 505 during or after a meal, 505 morning, 506 of pregnant females (i. 166, Ars.) removed by eating, 506 INDEX. 1197 842 1153 1092 Page Nausea,with shuddering or shaking, 505 with disposition to vomit and other ailments, 506 early in the morning, 511 during or after eating or drink- ing, 513 after or while smoking, 512 while walking in the open air, 512 as if the stomach were full of water, 505 Near-sightedness; see Shortsighted- ness, 300 Neck; see Back. swellings of the, Necrosis, 7, Nephritis (i. 386, Cann.) (i. 393, Canth.) (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 8, Aeon.) Nettle-rash, (i. 7, Aeon.) see Urticaria. Nervousness, excessive, after operations (i. 560, (•".in Neuralgia (ii. 7, Kreas.) [i. 8, A con.) coeliaca (ii. 479, Phos.) capitis (ii. 362, Nux mosch.) hypogastrica (i. 583, Coloc.) intermittent (i. 490, China.) mercurial, 20, 1152 of the optic nerve (ii. 818, Spig.) from spinal irritation (ii. 609, Ran. bulb.) Nightmare, 1019 in young people of a plethoric habit (i. 8, Aeon.) Night, symptoms occurring at, 1002 see Evening, in bed, symp- 54 toms occurring in the, 1002 Nipples, symptoms of the, 831 Nodosities ; see Swellings. 1105 arthritic (i. 35, Agnus cast.) 1098 milky (i. 242, Bell.) Noises, 1151 Nose, bleeding of the, 349 boring in the, 362 burning of the, 341 chapped ; see Soreness. 354 coldness of the, 363 constriction of the, 363 contraction of the, 363 cramp of the, 363 crawling in the, 361 creeping in the, 361 crusts of the; see Soreness. 354 discharges from the, 347 dryness of the, 342 eruptions at the, 355 black pores, 69, 356 blotches, 71, 357 Paee Nose, eruptions at the, 355 furuncles on, 79, 357 freckles on, 38, 356 herpes on, 40, 357 indurations, 74, 357 pimples on, 5-38, 355 polypus of the, 61, 356 pustules on, 71, 35(5 spots on, 81, 357 vesicles on, 43, 356 food getting into the, 362 fulness of the, 362 hardness of the, 363 heat of the, 341 heaviness in the, 362 inflammation of the, 340 and swelling, 341 irritability of the, loss of, 363 itching in the, 361 jerkings of the, 364 mucus, hard, in the, 343 numbness of the, 363 pains in the, 352 beating, 59, 353 boring, 353 bruised, as if, 10, 353 burning, 53, 353 crampy, 7, 353 drawing, 34, 353 dry, as if, 33, 353 gnawing, 55, 353 itching, 54, 353 pressing, 63, 354 smarting, 61, 353 sore, as if, 24, 354 stinging, 47, 353 tensive, 42, 353 tearing, 42, 358 touched, when, 88, 353 ulcerative, 16, 352 soreness of, 354 pressure in, 360 crampy, stupefying, disten- sive, etc.; see Pressure, 360 redness of the, 341 and heat of, 342 rush of blood to the, 362 scurfs of; see Soreness, 354 septum of the; see Nose, symp- toms of, 340 skin of the, morbid, 340 soreness of the, 354 spasm of the, 363 stitches in, 360 stoppage of the, 358 with discharge of mucus, 30, 859 and dryness, 24, 859 alternating with fluent cory- za, 41, 859 sensation of, on reading loud, 28, 359 with sneezing, 27, 859 of one or both nostrils, 44-53. 1198 INDEX. Page Page Nose, symptoms of the, 340 Occiput, heaviness in, 161 tearing in the, 363 jerks in, 1C8 tension of the, 362 lancinations in the, 166 tickling of the, 362 pains in, 162 tightness of the, 362 aching in, 162 tingling of the, 361 beating in, 168 titillation of the, 361 bruised, as if, 164 twitchings of the, 364 cutting in, 163 ulceration of; see Soreness, 354 drawing in, 163 various symptoms of the, 354 lancinating in, 163 warmth ; see Nose, burning, 351 rheumatic in, 163 Nose-bleed; see Nose, bleeding of the 349 sore, as if, 164 (i. 240, Bell.) sticking in, 163 caused by a blow or fall, etc. drawing-sticking in, 163 (i. 151, Arn.) with stiffness, 164 constant (i. 425, Carb. v.) tearing in, 163 nocturnal (ii. 674, Rhus t.) throbbing in, 163 profuse, of children and persons various kinds of, 164 at the age of pubescence, or in pinching in, 168 declining years (i. 8, Aeon) pressure in, 164 region of the root of the, symp- with drawing, 166 toms of the, 153 with heaviness, 166 aching in, 153 with nausea. 166 boring in, 154 with sticking, 166 compression in, 154 with tearing, 166 contraction in, 154 with throbbing, 166 crampy sensation in, 144 from within outwards, 165 drawing in, 154 with vertigo, 166 headache, 154 rush of blood in, 168 heaviness of the, 153 shivering in, 169 pain in, 1-5, 153 shocks in, 168 pressure in, 154 snapping in, 168 stinging in, 154 stitches in the, 166 Nostrils; see Nose, symptoms of the, 340 stitch, single, in, 167 Numbness, 1141 symptoms of the, 161 Nyctalopia (ii. 478, Phos.) tearing in, 169 Nymphomania (ii. 531, Plat.) with pressure, 170 with stitches, 170 with throbbing, 170 0. tension in, 169 Obesity, 32, ,_ Obstinacy, 7 / 1152 throbbing in, 177 ,5S4 tightness in, 169 Occipital muscle, action of the, heac tingling in, 169 and feet, 238 trembling in, 169 Occiput, beating in, 167 tumult in, 168 boring in, 169 twitchings in, 169 bubbling in, 168 compressive sensation in, 166 contractive-constrictive sensation, 166 crampy sensation in, 166 cracking in, 168 digging in, 169 drawing in, 170 and beating in, 170 with pressure in, 170 with tearing in, • 170 empty feeling in, 168 enlarged, sense as if, 168 fulness in, 168 gnawing in, 169 gurgling in, 168 headache in, 161 heat in, 168 wind, sensation as from a sharp, 168 and Forehead; see Forehead and Occiput. Forehead, and Temple: see Fore- head, Temple, and Occiput. and temples, symptoms of, 212 headache in, 212 jerks in, 213 pressure in, 212 tearing in, 212 and vertex, symptoms of, 211 boring in, 212 drawing in, 212 headache in, 211 pains in, 211 pressure in, 211 tearing in, 212 INDEX. 1199 Occiput, vertex, and forehead, symp- toms of, 213 pains in, 213 pressure as in a vice, 213 tearing in, 213 vertex, and Temples: see Vertex, Temples, and Occiput. Oedema of the feet (ii. 85, Led. p.) of the feet, after scarlet fever, etc. (i. 325, Bry.) rheumatic, of the scrotum (i. 775, Hell.) of the whole body (ii. 58, Lact.) Oesophagus: see Throat. Old age, premature, 9, 1151 people, affections of (i. 57, Ambr. Omentitis (i. 241, Bell.) Onanism, consequences of (ii. 507, Phos. ac.) (i. 393, Canth.) Oophoritis (i. 8, A con.) (i. 586, Con.) v„ 871, lod.) Ophthalmia arthritica (ii. 85, Led. p.) (i. 741, Graph.) (i. 344, Calc. carb.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 572, Coloc.) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) catarrhal (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 706, Euphr) (i. 663, Dig.) (i. 474, Cham.) (ii. 581, Puis.) (ii. 478, Phos.) chroni • (i. 449, Caust.) Egyptian (i. 344, Calc. carb.) gonorrhoica (ii. 581, Puis) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) during measles (ii. 581, Puis.) mercurialis (ii. 336, Nitr. ac.) metastatica (ii. 892, Sulp.) neonatorum (i. 344, Calc. carb.) h. 682, Dulc.) (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 323, Bry.) (i. 474, Cham.) (ii. 674, Rhus t.) rheumatic (i. 8, A con.) (ii. 818, Spig.) (ii. 206. Merc, sol.) (ii. 85, Led. p.) (ii. 892, Sulp.) scrofulous (i. 783, Hep. s.) (i. 741, Graph.) (i. 386, Cann.) (i. 843, Calc. carb.) (i. 706, Euphr.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 8, Aeon.) Page Ophthalmia scrophulosa (i. 586, Con.) (i. 166, Ars.) (ii. 892, Sulp.) (ii. 674, Rhus t.) (ii. 282, Natr. carb.) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) (ii. 133, Magn. carb.) syphilitica (ii. 336, Nitr. ac.) with chernosis (i. 8, Aeon.) traumatic (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 151, Arn.) Orbits, symptoms of the, 305 pains in the, 305 pressure in the, 306 stitches in the, 306 tearing in the, 306 various symptoms of the, 306 Orchitis (ii. 583, Puis) (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) acute and chronic (i. 209, Aur. f.) after contusions (i. 586, Con.) after mismanaged gonorrhoea (i. 542, Clem.) Orthopnoea, 813 Ostearthrocace (i. 343, Calc. carb.) Osteosarcoma, 5, 1163 Ostitis (ii. 171, Mang) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) Otalgia (ii. 206, Merc, sol) (ii. 581, Puis.) (ii. 474, Cham.) see Ears, pains in the, 316 Otitis (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) (ii. 581. Puis.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 8, Aeon.) Otorrhoea (ii. 581, Puis) (i. 344, Calc. carb.) chronic (i. 449, Caust.) caused by caries of the ossicula auris and the mastoid process (i. 209, Aur. f) purulent (ii. 892, Sulp.) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) scrofulous (i. 896, Kal. carb.) Ovaria: see Sexual Organs, female. Ozaena (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 209, Aur.f.) benign a (ii. 151, Magn. mur.) scrofulosa (i. 344, Calc. carb.) scrophulosa (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) syphilitica (i. 926, Kal. hyd) P. Pains, accompanied by particular symptoms, 1159 alternate appearance and disap- pearance of certain, 1158 appearance of the, at particular 1200 INDEX Page periods of the day or in parti- cular positions, 1155 Pains, appearance of the, in particular parts or sides of the body, 1157 general, 1114 aching, 1118 arthritic, 1115 broken, as if, 1118 bruised, as if, 1116 burning, 1117 crampy, 1115 drawing, 1116 laming, 1118 pressed upon, as if, 1118 rheumatic, 1115 simple, 1114 sprained, as if, 1118 stinging, 1117 stitching, 1117 tearing, 1117 various kinds of, 1118 maddening, 1158 in outer parts, 1131 of a particular character, 1159 sensitiveness to, 1114 shifting, 1159 in small of back, in pregnant fe- males (i. 897, Kal. carb.) typical appearance and recur- rence of the, 1158 Paedarthrocace (i. 343, Calc. carb.) Pale, objects look, 304 Palate, burning of the, 462 dryness of the, 463 eruptions on, 462 pains in the, 462 prickling in the, 462 roughness of the, 463 scraping of the, 463 soreness of the, 463 stitches in the, 462 swelling of the, 463 symptoms of the, 462 various symptoms of the, 463 Palpitation of the heart, metastatic (i. 168, Ars.) (i. 242, Bell) (i. 209, Aur.f.) Panaritium, 21, 972 (ii. 797, Silic.) h. 782, Hep. s.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) Panaritia, malignant (i. 164, Ars.) Papulae (i. 113, Ant. cr.) Papulae, 1074 Paralysis, 13-33, 1142 (I 547, Cocc.) (L 9, Aeon.) (ii. 370, Nux v.) from apoplexy (ii. 69, Lauroc.) of the bladder (l. 518, Cic.) tt. 167, Ars.) (ii. 375, Nux v.) Page Paralysis of the bladder (L 776, Hell.) of the brain, incipient in scar- latina (ii. 1018, Zinc, m.) of the upper eyelid (i. 682, Dulc.) of the face (i. 450, Caust.) of the facial muscles (ii. 373, Nux v.) painless, of the feet (ii. 675, Rhus t.) of the hands of drunkards (ii. 376, Nux v. of the lower limbs (ii. 073, Rhus t.) (ii. 376, Nux v. (ii. 543, Plumb, m.) of the lungs, incipient, in a child, (ii. 756, Seneg.) painless (ii. 403, Oleand.) of the sphincter ani (i. 799, Hyosc.) of the tongue (i. 798, Hyosc.) caused by apoplexy (ii. 83, Amygd. amar.) of the tongue, after apoplexy (ii. 373, Nux v.) partial, 33-39), 1143 Paropsis invertens (i. 240, Bell.) Parotitis (i. 334, Calc. carb.) (i. 240, Bell.) (i. 474, Cham.) epidemica (i. 425, Carb. v.) Paroxysms, 1119 nervous, characterized by the symptoms noted (i. 923, Kal. chlor.) with intermittent type, character- ized by the symptoms indi- cated (l. 535, Cinch, sulph) after knocking the thumb against something, characterized by the symptoms noted (i. 982, Hep s.) Pemphigus, 28, 1072 (609, Ran. bulb.) chronic (ii. 673, Rhus t) Penis; see Sexual Organs, male. swelling of the, 1-50, 729 Pericarditis (i. 9, Aeon) Perinaeum, symptoms of the, 700 contractive sensation in, 1, 700 itching of, 700 pain at, 2, 700 bruised, as if, 1, 700 burning, 8, 701 crampy-grinding, 3, 700 inflamed as if, 2, 700 lancinating, 10, 700 neuralgic, 4, 700 pricking, 2, 700 digging-sticking, 6, 700 pressure at, 3, 700 painful at» 1-2, 700 pulsation at, 6, 701 INDEX 1201 Page Perinaeum, stitches in, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 700 sweat on, 700 tearing in, 6, 701 titillation of; see Itching. weighty sense of, in, 7, 701 Periosteum, thickening of, 8, 1112 Periostitis, 4, 1153 (ii. 204, Merc, sol) (ii. 171, Mang.) of the tibia (i. 649, Mez.) Peripneumonia (ii. 756, Seneg.) Peritonitis, also puerperal (i. 8, Aeon.) (i. 241, Bell.) (i. 323, Bry.) Petechiae (i. 164, Ars.) Phantoms; see Hallucinations. Pharynx; see Throat. Phimosis ; see Swelling, Inflammation of male sexual organs. Phimosis (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) neglected (i. 167, Ars) Photophobia, 300 (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) without perceptible inflamma- tion (i. 812, Ign.) ecrofulosa (i. 344, Calc. carb.) of scrofulous children (i. 663, Dig.) Photopsia (L 240, Bell.) (i. 66, Amm. carb.) Phlegmasia alba dolens (i. 492, China.) (i. 242, Bell.) Phthisis (ii. 480, Phos.) florida, after neglected pneumo- nia (i. 712, Ferr. acet.) (i. 587, Con.) (i. 493, China.) intestinalis, 13-15, 650. laryngea and trachealis (i. 783, Hep. s.) laryngeal (i. 675, Dros.) laryngea (ii. 69, Lauroc.) and trachealis (ii. 210, Merc. sol.) laryngea (ii. 832, Spong) Phthisis pituitosa of hysteric females (i. 493, China) pulmonalis (i. 684, Dulc) (i. 897, Kal. carb.) (ii. 894, Sulp.) (ii. 846, Stann) (i. 874, lod) acute (ii. 69, Lauroc.) of stone-cutters (ii. 798, Silic) trachealis and laryngea (ii. 846, Stann.) tuberculosa (i. 783, Hep. s.) (i. 710, Ferr. met.) (i. 345, Calc. carb.) (i. 587, Con.) (i. 168, Ars.) (i. 926, Kal. hyd.) (ii. 242, Merc, corr.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) Vol. III.—76. " Page Pimples (ii. 767, Sep.) 1076 Pinching, 1149 PUes: see Haemorrhoids, 672 blind, 1, flowing, 2, 672 very profuse (i. 8, Aeon.) Pityriasis (i. 164, Ars.) Plague, when first breaking out, with burning heat, somnolence, etc. (i. 8, Aeon.) Pleura: see Thorax. Pleurisy (ii. 840, Squill.) acute (L 9, Aeon) traumatic (i. 151, Arn.) Pleuritis (i. 242, Bell.), 8-12, 824 (i. 324, Bry.) with effusion of lymph (i. 783, Hep. s.) muscular (i. 286, Borax.) (i. 9, Aeon.) stage of purulent infiltration (i. 412, Carb. a.) spurious (i. 151, Arn) Pleurodynia (i. 151, Am.) Pleuropneumonia (i. 9, Aeon.) Plica Polonica; see Hair, entangling of the, 214 Pneumonia (i. 386, Cann.) (i. 324, Bry.) (i. 306, Brom.) (i. 242, Belt) (i. 493, China.) (i. 897, Kal. carb.) {ii. 840, Squill.) 1-15, 824 acute (i. 9. Aeon.) with anguish (i, 799, Hyosc) every stage (ii. 480, Phos) last stage (ii. 951, Tart, emet.) biliosa (i. 324, Bry.) (i. 493, China.) (i. 9, Aeon.) of children (ii. 584, Puis.) (i. 9, Aeon.) dangerous (ii. 336, Nitr. ac.) when hepatization is about set- ting in (i. 871, lod.) neglected (i. 587, Con.) (i. 427, Carb. v.) notha (i. 66, Amm. carb.) with threatening paralysis (i. 493, China.) (ii. 70, Lauorc.) with symptoms of paralysis (i. 168, Ars.) traumatic (i. 151, Arn.) during epidemic typhus (i. 380, Camph.) Podagra (ii. 716, Sabin.) (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) very painful (ii. 85, Led. p.) Polvpi in the meatus auditorius (i. 344, Calc. carb.) Polypi, nasal, 15, 1112 1202 INDEX 741 730 736 729 1147 1147 1107, 1129 55 Polypus of the nose (ii. 478, Phos.) Polypi of the nose (i. 844, Calc. carb.) in the uterus (ii. 742, Sec. corn.) Porrigo (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) (i. 321, Bry.) larvalis (i. 164, Ars.) (i. 518, Cic.) (i. 239, Bell.) (i 343, Calc. carb) Pot-bellied; see Abdomen, distension of, Pregnancy, affections during; see the particular affections. ailments during; see the particu- lar ailments. symptoms occurring during, Prepuce; see Sexual Organs, male. inflammation of the, 50-59, pains in the; see Sexual Organs, male, pains in the. secretions under the, swelling of the, 1-50, Pressure from within, from without, Presbyopia; see Far-sighted. (i. 674, Dros.) Pricking, Pride, Proctalgia (i. 241, Belt) Proctitis (i. 151, Am.) Prolapsus of the rectum of children (ii. 375, Nux v.) recti (i. S12,Ign.) of the uterus (L 242, Bell.) of the vagina (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) Prosopalgia (i. 586, Con.) "(i. 241, Bell.) (i 572, 583, Coloc.) ' (i. 166, Ars.) \(ii. 1008, Verbasc.)', (ii. 892, Sulp.) (ii. 373, Nux v.) (ii. 206, Merc, sol.) lancinating, drawing, tearing, with congestion of blood to the head and face, anxiety (i. 8, Aeon.) Prostatic fluid, loss of Prostration, Pruritus vaginae (i. 393, Canth.) Psoitis (ii 210, Merc, sol.) (i. 8, Aeon.) chronic (i 572, Coloc.) Psoriasis (i. 321, Bry.) palmaris (i. 843, Calc. carb.) (i. 740, Graph.) scrotalis (i. 740, Graph) Ptosis; see Eyelids, closing of the, Ptyalism (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) during dentition (i. 286, Borax.) (i. 241, Bell.) of the pancreas, 17, Page 736 1134 P»g« Ptyalism, during scurvy (L 286, Bo- rax.) Pudendum; see Sexual Organs, female. Pulsations, 1143 Pulse, 1068 accelerated, 71, 1070 collapsed, 111, 1070 contracted, 122, 1071 dierotous, 127, 1071 feeble, 63, 1070 frequent; see accelerated, 71, 1070 full, 95,/, 107Q hard; see strong, 89, ff, 1070 intermitting, 53,/, 1069 irregular, 1-22, 1068 irritated, 109, 1070 jerking, 110, 1070 quick; see accelerated, 71, 1070 slow, 22,/, 1069 small, 103,/, 1070 strong, 89,/, 1070 throbbing; see strong, 89,/ 1070 and full, 95, /' 1070 tense, 121, 1071 undulating, 126, 1071 wiry, 124, 1071 Pupils, contraction of the, 287 followed by dilatation, 288 and dilatation, alternate, 288 dilatation of the, 287 of right pupil 288 dilated and immovable, 288 distortion of, 288 immovable, also (i. 240, Bell.) 288 insensible, 288 pustule in, 288 symptoms of the, 287 Purpura haemorrhagica (ii 927, Sulph. ac.) 25, 1072 (i 164, Ars.) h. 321, Bry.) \ Ii. 490, China.) (ii 85, Led. p.) senilis (i 379, Camph.) Pustules, 1088 Pyrosis (ii 927, Sulp. ac.) ' (i. 344, Calc. carb.) potatorum (i 241, Bell.) 278 443 669 Qualmishness, Quarrelsome, Q R. Rage, against one's-self, barking and snarling, beating, biting and tearing, alternating with convulsions, 499 56 55 5&* 66 56 56 56 INDEX 1203 Page Rage, cursing and swearing, .;' ?> ~fl# ,wanting to escape, 56 with desire to kill, 56 particular kinds of, 57 spitting, 56 striking, 56 ungovernable, 66 Ranula (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) Raphania (ii. 817, Solan, nigr.) Rash, 1093 in the face and on the chest (ii. 85, Led. p.) followed by dropsy and fever (i 7, Aeon.) Reading, phenomena when, 294 Recollect, inability to, 52 Recovering from sickness, sensation in open air as if, 26, 1152 Rectum, bearing-down in; see Pres- sure. . beating and working in, 2, 704 boring in, 704 burning in, 703 contractive sensation in, 704 jV. constrictive sensation in, 704 703, 4, 6, 7 Page 704 704 494 494 495 43 42 57, 1140 58 58 58 58 523 288 substances cramps in, 1 and 7, creeping in, cutting in, discharges from the, drawing in, 1 and 3, falling of the, fulness at. flatus, escape of, from, gnawing in, 4, itching of the, lancinations in, pains at, 1-69, boring and stinging, 2, burning, 11, 12, constrictive and smarting pain 702 704 703 704 704 704 705 705 703 701 703 704 703 in, 8, contractive in, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, cramp, 1, 2, 5, 8, darting and burning, 7, drawing, 2, lancinating, in, 26, pricking in, 28, stinging in, 30, 33, tearing in, 4, paralysed feeling in, pinching in, 4 and 5, _ pippin, sense as of a, in, 3, pressure in, prickings in, rumbling in, smarting in, soreness in, symptoms of the, stitches in, swelling of, tearing in, twitchings at, 6, varices, humid, of, 2, 704 704 703 701 704 702 702 702 703 704 704, 705 704 701 701 704 703 703 701 701 704 703 705 705 483 59 1099 Rectum, weak feeling in, weight in, Regurgitation of the ingesta, of solids, of liquids, Respiration; see Breathing. Repulsive mood, Restless, Restlessness, of infants, nightly (ii 630, Rheum.) with screams (i. 868, Jalap.) with anxiety, with ill-humor, of mind, of mind and body, with sadness, Retching, empty, Retention of urine (ii. 69, Lauroc.) of urine in typhus, painful (i. 799, Hyosc.) Retina, symptoms of the, Retinitis (i. 240, Bell.) Returning by the nose, swallowed, Reverie, Rhachitis (ii 891, Sulp.) Rhagades (ii. 210, Merc sol) (ii. 458, Petrol) syphilitic (i. 208, Aur. f) Rheumatism ((i. 490, China.) acute (i. 150, Arn) (i. 811, Ign.) (i. 473, Cham.) (i 322, Bry.) (i. 566, Colch.) (ii. 85, Led. p.) (ii. 1043, Tart, emet.) (ii. 672, Rhus t.) (ii. 203, Merc, sol.) with synochal fever, stiffness of the whole body, swell- ing of the joints, and acute pain (i. 8, Aeon.) and chronic (ii. 578, Puis.) articular, acute (i 325, Bry) (i. 8, Aeon.) with exudation (i. 493, China.) of the back and loins (i. 242, Bell) of the chest (i. 242, Bell.) of the dorsal muscles (i. 493.) acute, of the lower extremities, with painful lancination (i. 765, Guaj.) gonorrhoeal, 62, inflammatory; see acute. of the hip-joint and wrist (ii. 675, Rhus t.) acute, of the knee-joint (u. 585, Puis.) acute, of the knees (u: 675, Rhus t.) mercurial, 63, 1183 1153 1204 INDEX " Page Rheumatism, mercurial (i 566, Colch.) of the neck (i 242, Bell.) of the psoas-muscles and hips (i. 493, China) Rigidity, 1130 Ringworm; see Herpes circinnatus, 1090 Rough voice, 774 Rousing one from sleep, at night, symptoms, 995 Rubeola, with synochal fever (i. 7, Aeon.) S. 25 444 444 446 445 446 445 445 446 445 446 446 445 445 445 445 29 1072 Sadness, Salivation; see Ptyalism. Saliva, profuse secretion of, acid, alkaline, bloody, bluish, frothy, hot, iron, tasting of, profuse, putrid, •" saltish, sweet, tenacious, viscid, watery, Sarcastic mood, Sarcoma (i. 343, Calc. carb.) Satyriasis; see Sexual desire. (i. 393, Canth.) Scabies; see Itch, 1-14, dry (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) maligna (i. 164, Ars.) miliaris (i. 425, Carb. v.) pnstulosa (i 343, Calc. carb.) (ii. 891, Stdp.) (ii 765, Sep.) (ii. 609, Ran. bulb) Scald-head; see Tinea capitis. Scaly eruption, 64, Scarlatina (i. 239, Bell), 56, (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) consequences of the suppression of (i. 239, Belt) laevigata and miliaria, with syno- chal fever (i. 7, Aeon.) maligna ^i 164, Ars.) miliaris (i. 585, Con.) (ii. 673, Rhtis t.) Sciatica (i 9, Aeon.) Scirrhus; see carcinoma. ventriculi (i. 136, Arg. nit.) Scirrhus (i. 871, lod.) Sclerotica, symptoms of the, 309 altered color of the, 310 inflammation of the, 309 puffing of the, 310 redness of the, 310 vesicles on the, 310 1073 1073 Page Scraped, sense as if the bones were, 35, 1152 Scrophulosis (i. 343, Calc. carb.), 1, 1111 (i 164, Ars.) (i. 208, Aur.f.) (i 239, Bell.) (ii 357, NuxjugLY •' ,. (ii 204, Merc, sol.) fi 870, lod.) with swelling of the glands (i 585, Con.) Scrotum ; see Sexual organs, male. creeping at the, 731 formication at the; see Scrotum, itching of the. itching of the, Scrupulousness, Scurfs, 14-22, Scurvy (i. 425, Carb. v.), 18, (i. 490, China.) h. 164, Ars.) (i. 542, Citri succus.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) of the gums (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) Sea-sickness (ii. 459, Petrol.) Secretions from the chest, varit kinds of, Sensitiveness to contrarieties, to light, to music, to noise, to pain, to remarks or offences, nervous, Sequelae of measles, scarlatina, etc. (i 321, Bry,) Seriousness, Sexual desire, female, excited, suppressed, male, loss of,. excited,. organs, female, bearing-down in, burning of the, congestion of, discharges, bloody, from, 742 heat of ther 739 haemorrhage of, 742 inflammation of, 742 lancinations in, 739 pains in, 740 pressing in, 741 prickings in, 739 prolapsus of, 7391 smarting of, 739 soreness of, 739 stitches in, 739 swelling of, 742 symptoms of, 739 various symptoms of, 747 male, atrophy; see dwindling, beating in, 736' burning of the, 732 coldness of, 737 773 60 60 69 60 60 59- 1140 60 741 741 736- 735 741 739 741 INDEX 1205 Page Sexual organs, male, creeping at the, 731 deadness of, 737 dragging in, 736 drawing in, 736 dwindling of, 737 hair, falling of the, 738 itching of the, 731 lancinations in the, 733 numbness of, 737 pains of the, 728 boring, 59, 729 bruised, as if, 35, 729 burning, 47, 729 contusive, 50, 729 crampy, 25, 728 drawing, 13, 728 itching-smarting, 32, 729 jerking, 55, 729 lancinating, 7, 728 pricking; see Lancinat- ing. strangling, 28, tearing, 1, turning, 58, pressing in, pressure in, prickings in the, redness of, stitches in the, sweat of the, symptoms of the, tearing of the, throbbing in, titillation of the, various symptoms of, weight in the, Shameless, Shocks, Short-sightedness, Shoulder; see Extremities, upper. Shuddering; see Chilliness, Sick feeling, Sight, dimness of, haziness of, mistiness of, obscuration of, vanishing of, various phenomena relating to, weakness of, Sinciput, beating in, boring in, coldness in, compressive sensation in, constrictive-contractive sensation, drawing in, headache in, heat in, heaviness of, jerks in, movements in, noises in, pains in, aching in, 728 728 729 737 737< 733 736 733 732 728 733 736 731 738 736 46 1131 300 1025 1128 293 296 296 298 297 305 291 178 178 179 177 177 178 175 178 175 179 178 179 175 175 Page Sinciput, pains in, dashed to pieces, as if, 5, 176 pains in, burning, 2, 1*76 drawing, 12, | 176 nail, as from a, 7, 176 sore, as if, 4, 176 with stitches, 8-9, 175 tearing in, 10-12, 176 tensive in, 3, 176 throbbing in, 14-17, 176 pressure in, 176 from above downwards, 176 with burning, 177 crampy, 177 digging, 177 with drawing, 117 with sore feeling, 177 with tearing, 177 from within outwards, 176 stitches in, 177 stitch, single, in, 178 swelling up, sense of, 178 symptoms of the, 175 tearing in, 178 tearing and digging in, 179 tension in, 178 throbbing in, 178 tightness in, 178 tingling in, 178 and forehead; 6ee Forehead and Sinciput vertex and temples, symptoms of the, drawing in, headache in, pains in, pressure in, stitches in, tearing in, Singultus (i. 241, Bell.) Size, illusory, of things, Skin, biting in, chapped, cold, altered color of, black, blue, red, yellow, etc.; see Skin, altered color of, contraction of the, 14, cool, creeping in, disorganization of, dry, formication of, gnawing in, insensibility of, loose, with flabby flesh, numbness of, peeling off of, sensitiveness of the, soreness of the, 212 212 212 212 212 211 212 304 1104 1099 1099 1103 1103 1112 1099 1104 1103 1098 1104 1104 1102 1098 1102 1102 1102 1102 symptoms of the: symptoms, tingling in, see Cutaneous 1072 1104 1206 INDEX. Page Skin, unhealthy, 1103 Slavering, 446 Sleep, deep, 991 during, symptoms, 1020 back, sleeps on his, 152, 1032 convulsion of the arms and hands, 64, 1021 faeces, passage of, 135, 1023 jerking of the limbs, 89, 1022 moaning, 78, 1022 muttering, 162, 1024 screaming, 164, 1024 sniffling expirations, 142, 1023 snoring, 144, 1023 starting, 121, 1023 stretching of the limbs, 69, 1021 sweat, 139, 1023 talking, 99, 1022 tossing about, 75, 1022 weeping, 71, 1021 light, 7, 990 particular symptoms relating to, 1020 prevented or interrupted by par- ticular causes, 994 quiet, 58, 991 restless, 14, 990 stupid, 991 symptoms relating to, 987 unrefreshing, 1-7, 990 Sleeplessness, (i. 560, Coff.) 992 (i 239, Bell.) Smell, altered, 357 loss of, . 348 morbid, 357 sensitive, especially to certain odors, 358 of food, 555 from mouth, 5, 555 Sneering mood; see Sarcastic. 60 Sneezing, 351 Sobbing, 24 Softening of bones (ii. 891, Sulp.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) of the intestines (ii. 6, Kreas.) of the spinal marrow (ii. 370, Nux v.) (i. 168, Ars) Somnambulism (i. 8, Aeon.) 1010 (ii. 478, Phos.) Solitude, love of, 53 Sopor; see Sleep, stupid, 991 Soreness, 1099 of children (i. 740, Graph.) of the breasts, from weaning (i. 474, Cham.) Sore nipples (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) (ii. 106, Lye.) (ii 767, Sep.) (ii 640, Graph.) • (i 474, Cham.) (i 740, Graph.) throat (i 812, Ign.) Page Soreness of the throat (i. 734, Gent, cr.) between sexual organs and thigh, -29p^ «.', -734-721] Spasms (Bell.) 1125 '* (ii. 370, Nux v.) abdominal, during pregnancy (ii. 583, Puis.) of the bladder, with tenesmus (i. 799, Hyosc.) during pregnancy (ii 583, Puis.) chronic, especially in young peo- ple who lead a sedentary life, particularly girls of a sanguine temperament (i. 8, Aeon.) of the chest (i. 518, Cic.) caused by fright (i. 636, Cupr. acet.) (i 379, Camph.) during delivery (i. 518, Cic.) during dentition (i. 473, Cham.) epileptic (ii. 741, Sec. corn.) epileptiform; see Epilepsy, 1127 of the heart (ii. 376, Nux v.) i (ii. 70, Lauroc.) hysteric (ii. 875, Stram.) (518, Cic.) (i 861, Ipec.) of hysteric females (i 547, Cocc), hysterical, in abdomen (i 323, Bry.) of children (ii. 19, Lach.) of infants (i. 473, Cham.) menstrual (ii. 716.) (ii 766, Sep.) (i 548, Cocc) (i. 242, Bell.) of the oesophagus (i 518, Cic.) during parturition (i. 799, Hyosc.) (ii. 263, Mosch.) tetanic, 1127 uterine (ii. 151, Magn. mur.) (i 587, Con.) (i 812, Ign) Speech, difficulty of, 442 heavy, 442 organs of; see Tongue, 447 sudden stoppage of, by a jerk of the head, 443 spermatic cord, pain in the; see Sexual organs, male, pains in the. Spermatorrhoea, 736 Spine, irritation of the; see Irritation. Spitting-up of food or other sub- stances, 494 Spleen, gangrene of the (i. 164, Ars.) swelling of the, 649 Splenetis (i. 167, Ars.) Spots, 1081 red, at region of stomach, 584 resembling measles (ii. 204, Merc sol.) Staggering gait, 1148 Stammering, (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) 442 Staphyloma (i. 240, Bell.) INDEX 1207 Page Start, tendency to, 62 Starting from sleep, 1010 Stenocardia; see Angina pectoris. Steps, going down stairs, he takes two for one, 13, 1151 Sterility (i. 587, Con.) (i 386, Cam.) (i 719, Filixm,) (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) Sternum: see Thorax. Stiffness, 1130 Stigmata, 1081 Stinging, ♦ 1107 Stitches, 1107, 1129 Stomacace (i. 286, Borax). (ii 207, Merc, sol.) (i 425, Carb. v.) 461 also gangraenosa (i. 166, Ars.) gangrenosa (i. 241, Bell.) Stomach, acrid feeling at, 582 affections of the, nervous and in- flammatory (i 135, Arg. nit.) 135 anguish at, 582 anxiety at, 582 beating at, 577 bitter, sensation as of something, in, 583 bloating of, 580 blows on pit of, consequences of (i. 151, Arn.) boring at, 583 burning at, 570 with pressure, 572 with 6titches, 572 with nausea or vomiting, 571 •coldness at, 574 ! constrictive sensation at, 578 contractive sensation at, 578 coolness at: see Coldness. cramp at, 673 creeping at, 680 cutting at, 578 darting at: see Stitches. deranged, sense as if, 584 i digging at, 576 ' disagreeable feeling at, 583 distension of, 682 painful of, 560 dragging in, 583 drawing at, 577 empty feeling at, 575 fasting sensation at: see Empty feeling. flat feeling in, 580 flatulence in, 580 fulness at, 569 gangrene of, 676 gnawing at, 678 griping at, 576 heaviness at, 579 hollow feeling at, 583 inflammation of, 576 Stomach, itching of, jerks at, lancinations in: see Stitches. load at, lump or ball, sensation of a, movements at, nausea at, oppression at, pains at, Page 583 583 579 583 583 575 563 556 accompanied.by other symp- toms, 556 aching, at, 557 beating, at, 562 biting, at, 5, 563 boring? at, 562 bruised, as if, ** 661 burning, at, 559 canine hunger, as from, 11, 563 colicky, at, 560 compressive, at, 662 concussion, as if from, 6, 563 contusive, at, 2, 563 constrictive, at, 558 contracted or distended, as if, 3, 563 contractive, at, 558 crampy, at, 559 cutting, at, 560 digging-up, at, 9, 563 distensive, at, 560 drawing, at, 561 empty, as if, 562 fainting like, 1, 563 fasting, as if: see Pain, empty, as if. full, as if, 4, 563 gnawing, at, 662 lancinating, at: see Pain, stitching. oppression, with, 557 pinching, at, 562 pressure, with, 557 pricking, at : 6ee Pain, stitching. pulling, at, 7, 563 screwing, at, 562 simple, 556 sore, as if, 561 spasmodic, at, 559 squeezing, at, 13, 563 stinging, at, 560 see Pain, 8titching. stitching, at, 560 tearing, at, 561 tensive, at, 561 throbbing, at, 562 ulcerative, at, 559 various kinds of, 563 walking, from, 563 phlegmasia of, and bowels, 584 pinching at, 579 pressure at, 563 and other parts, 666 1203 INDEX. Fag* Stomach, pressure at, accompanied by other symptoms, 567 pressure at, with anxiety, 565 with burning, 666 with colic, 565 crampy, 565 , diminished or increased by contact, 567 with dyspnoea, 565 coming on or going off after eating, 564 with flatulence, 567 with fulness or swelling, 567 in particular positions of the body, • 564 at particular periods of the day, 564 as if something would rise from the stomach upwards, 666 with soreness or sensitive- ness, 564 spasmodic, 565 with stitches, 566 as from a stone, load, lump, or other body, 568 from within outwards, 564 from without inwards, 564 with nausea or vomiting, 568 prickings at: see Stitches. pulling, spasmodic, in, 583 qualmish feeling at: see Nausea. relaxed feeling in, 581 risings from, 578 rumbling in, 580 rush of blood to, 583 rough feeling at, 582 screwed together, sensation as if, 584 sensitiveness of, 563 shocks at, 583 soreness in: see Pain, sore, as if. Bpasm of, 573 stinging at: see Stitches. stitches at, 572 painful, at: see Pain, stitching, 560 suppuration of, /576 swelling of, 580 symptoms of the, 556 tearing at, 578 tension at, 581 throbbing at, 577 tightness at, 581 tingling at, 580 trembling at, 582 turning sensation in, 581 twitchings at, 583 uneasy feeling at, 583 various phenomena at, 683 warmth at: see Burning. watery feeling at, 583 weakness of, 576 weight at, 579 working at, 583 Stone (i 882, June.) Stone (i 345, Calc. carb.) Stool, bilious, Ind. black, bloody, blue, Ind. brown, burnt, as if, cadaverous, cheese, like spoiled, clay-colored, diarrhoeic, difficult, with straining, dry, eggs, smelling like spoiled, fetid, frothy, gelatinous, granular, gray, green, hard, partially hard and soft, involuntary, jelly-like, lead colored, light colored, liquid, liver colored, loose, see Diarrhceie. of mercurial odor, mueous, musty, papescent, pungent, red, sandy, scanty, shape, of peculiar, shining, slimy, see Mucous. sour, putrid, sour smelling, stirred like an egg, tallow, like, tough, tenacious, undigested, unperceived, urging to, watery, white, whitish yellow, yellow, symptoms occurring after, anxiety, beating pain in rectum, 1, blood, discharge of, Page 675 672 676 677 678 678 676 666 663 672 678 678 672 671 671 676 676 664 666 674 671 677 676 668 676 678 669 678 670 678 677 671 664 674 677 678 678 672 671 671 671 674 661 668 676 677 676 691 693 695 693 burning at anus and other parts, 691 chilliness, 692 colic, 693 cramp in left leg, 15r 696 creeping in rectum, etc., 695 cutting, 693 INDEX 1209 Page Stool, symptoms occurring after, de- bility, 692 distension in rectum or ab- domen, 693 dyspnoea, 695 empty feeling in abdomen, 691 eructations, \ 60S exhaustion, see Debility. faeces remaining behind, sen- sation as if some, 6, 695 faint feeling all over, 692 itching in rectum or anus, 695 malaise, 693 milky prostatic fluid, dis- charge of, 16, 696 nausea, 694 nervousness, 7, 695 oppression of breathing, 695 pain in anus, rectum, or other parts, 693 palpitation of the heart, 695 pinching, 694 pressure in head or other parts, 692 painful, in rectum, 692 protrusion of rectum, 3, 695 pushes in forehead, 2, 695 raw feeling, see Soreness. ripping up sensation in anus, 9, 695 scraping in anus, 8, 695 shuddering, 692 sick feeling, 693 smarting, see Soreness. 6oreness in rectum, abdo- men, etc., 694 spasms, abdominal, 12, 695 stitchings in rectum or other parts, 692 stoppage of the nose, 14, 695 straining, 694 sweat, 694 tenesmus, 694 tension at anus, 10, 695 tirgling, titillation in rec- tum, etc., 695 urging to stool in abdo- men, 11, 695 vomiting, 694 weak feeling in abdomen, 691 Bymptoms occurring before, 688 anxiety, 689 blood, discharge of, 9, 10, 690 burning, 689 chilliness, 689 colic, 688 cutting in bowels, 690 digging in abdomen, 6, 690 distension of abdomen, 2, 3, 690 drawing from anus through pudendum, 12, 690 fainting feeling in abdomen, 691 falling of the rectum, 689 rage Stool, symptoms occurring before, heat, 689 itching, 688 mucus, white, 1, 690 nausea, 689 pains in rectum, etc., 688 pinching in bowels, 690 tearing in abdomen, 691 pressing, 689 pressure, not in rectum, 690 rumbling, 688 in bowels, 8, 690 sick feeling in bowels, 7, 690 soreness in abdomen, 5, 690 stitches in rectum, 689 straining, 689 sweat, 689 tenesmus, 689 tingling, 688 trembling all over, 4, 690 vomiting, 689 writhing in abdomen, 689 Bymptoms occurring during, 680 anxiety, 7, 688 beating here or there, 687 bladder as if suddenly dis- tended and drawn for- ward, 12, 688 burning at anus or rectum, 684 chilliness, 683 colic, 681 constrictive sensation in rec- tum, 687 contractive sensation in anus or other parts, 686 cutting, 682 disagreeable sensation through the whole body, 5, 687 discharge of blood, 686 of mucus from urethra or vagina, 687 drawing in of stomach, 1, 687 enuresis and colic, 2, 687 faeces, as if arrested by a hard body in the anus, 13, 688 faintness, 685 falling of the rectum, 686 gnawing in rectum, 9, 688 humming in head, 10, 688 itching of rectum, 686 languor, 685 nausea, 685 pain in some part, 680 palpitation of the heart, 687 pale, he turns, 8, 688 pinching, 682 pressure in rectum, # 681 or straining, not in rec- tum, 68^ pricking, 683 rising from the hand to the shoulder, sensation as if, 3, 687 rumbling, 686 1210 INDEX Page Stool, symptoms occurring during, rush of blood, 685 scraping at anus, 686 smarting at anus, 686 stinging, 683 stitches, 683 straining, 681 sweat, 687 cold, in face, and ma- laise, 4, 687 tearing, 686 tenesmus, 681 thirst, 6, 688 twitchings of abdominal muscles, 11, 688 vomiting, 685 weakness, 685 Strabismus (i. 798, Hyosc) (i. 240, Bell.) Strangury, 718 (ii. 209, Merc, sol.) (i. 394, Canth.) Stretching, • 1060 53, 1152 Strophulus (i 113, Ant. cr.) confertus (i 518, Cic.) Struma (ii. 859, Staphys.) (ii. 832, Spong.) Stupefaction, 60 Stupor; see Sleep, stupid, 991 Stuttering, 442, 782 Stye (ii. 581, Puis.) Styes, ^V5 ".286 scattered (ii. 971, Thuj.) Subsultus tendinum, 1148 Suicide, thoughts of, 63 Sullen mood, 62 Sun-stroke (i 379, Camph.) Superstitious mood, 62 Suppurations, 1099 (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) of all kinds (ii. 796, Silic.) of abdominal glands, 3-7, 650 of the bladder (i 8, Aeon.) of the prostate gland (ii 971, . Thuh) Suspicious mood, 62 Swallow, desire to, 483 Swallowing solids or liquids, difficulty of, 482 Sweat, 1064 with partial chill, 1059 followed by general chill, 1059 partial, followed by partial chill, 1059 cold, 1065 colliquative (i. 343, Calc. carb.) (ii. 205, Merc, sol.) exertion, from the least, 1065 greasy, 1068 followed by heat, 1059 with partial heat, 1059 morning, 1066 night, 1066 Sweat, partial, with partial heat, smell, having a particular, stain, leaving a, ' followed by thirst, Swelling, Page 1067 1059 1068 1068 1059 1149 Swellings, arthritic, lymphatic, inflam- matory, etc., 1105 Swelling of bones, 3, ' 1112 of bones, syphilitic (i 926, Kal hyd.) of the metatarsal bones (ii. 210, Merc, sol.) of the breasts from weaning (ii. 584, Puis.) dropsical (i. 66, Amm. carb.) of glands (ii. 782, Hep. s.) inflammatory, of glands (i. 473, Cham.) scrofulous, of the glands (ii. 798, Silic) scirrhous, of the inguinal glands, from arthritic metaschematismus, (i. 871, lod.) of the joints (i. 35, Agnus cast.) of the knee (ii. 210, Merc sol.) dropsical, hot, of both legs, meta- static (ii. 585, Puis.) ulcerated, of the lips in scrofulous persons (i 209, Aur.f.) of the liver (ii. 208, Merc, sol.) (ii. 151, Magn. mur.) and spleen (i 491, China.) j>f the mamma, knotty (i 324, Bry.) scrofulous, of the nose (i 344, Calc. carb.) chronic, of the parotid glands (ii 674, Rhus t.) of prostate gland (i 926, Kal. hyd.) male sexual organs, 729 of the skin and subjacent cellular tissue, hot, hard, tense (ii 85, Led. p.) of the testicles (j. 492, China.) (T. 209, Aur.f.) of the testes, inflammatory (i. 151, Arn.) of the thigh and leg, hot, inflam- matory (ii. 85, Led. p.) Swollen, sensation as if, 1150 Swoon; see Fainting, 1121 Sycosis (ii. 971, Thuj) (i. 926, Kal. hyd.) menti (i 343, Calc. carb.) see Eruptions, tuberculous. Symptoms, characteristic, ' 1164 Symptoms, general, 1114 Syncope; see Fainting, 1121 Syphilis (ii. 1, Kalm, lat.) (203. Merc, sol.) inveterate (ii 240, Merc, pracip. rub.) secondary (ii 335, Nitr. ac) INDEX 1211 1 < ■''' „, Page T. Tabes dorsalis (i. 648, Cocc.) (i. 510, Chin, sulp.) mercurialis (i 871, lod.) Taenia, 678 (i 719, Filix m.) (I. 737, Gran.) i (ii 704, Sabad.) 27, 1152 '/Talk, indisposition to, 47 ^Talkative mood, 62 J-Taste, 546 i acrid, 552 after, of the food, 5, 554 i almonds, bitter, of, 18, 552 $■ astringent, 6, 552 bad, 549 bad, of the food, 2, 554 bile, like, of the food, 20, 555 bitter, 546 ..^j bitter, of the food, 17, 553, 555 >'r ' bitter-sour, 39, , 548 ).<'. bitter-sweet, 29, 550 ,|hi ■ blood, as of, 551 < burning, 25, 552 burnt, as if, 35, 652 catarrh, old, as of, 3, 552 , chalk, like, 51, 553 1 cheesy, 552 clayey, 552 of the food, 21, 555 coppery, 551 doughy, 40, 553 of the food, 7, 555 drug, like the, of the food, 8, 555 dry, of the food, 12, 555 earthy, 552 faeces, of, 14, 552 fasting, as if, 11, 552 fetid, 53, 553 fine and dull, alternately, 6, 558 fish, as of, 2, 552 flat, 550 of the food, 554 food, of the, • 553 foul, 549 garlic, as of, 552 greasy, 28, 552 grease, rancid, like, of the food, 9, 555 herby, 22, 552 of the food, 1, 554 herring-brine, like, of the food, 18, 555 ink, of, 15, 552 insipid, 550 of the food, 554 iron, of, 12, 552 ' linen, like old, of the food, 15, 555 loss of, 553 manure of, 56, 553 metallic, 551 milk, of, 10, 552 mouldy, 46, 553 musty; see Mouldy. Page Taste, nauseous: see qualmish. no, of the food, 11, 555 oily, 19, 552 pappy, 551 particular kinds of, 552 particular kinds of, of the food, 654 peas, raw, as if, 7, 552 pepper, of, 39, 553 peppermint, as of, 16, 552 pitch of cedar, as of, 4, 552 pungent, 552 pus, as of, 37, 552 putrid, 549 putrid, of the food, 554 qualmish, 32, 552 rancid, 42, . . 553 rotten eggs, as of, 34, 549 salt, 550 ofthefood.il, 554,555 saltish sour, of the food, 555 slimy, 551 and sour, 31, 548 smoking, as from, 8, 552 smoky, of the food, 16, 555 soapy, 49, 553 60ur, 548 of the food, 17, 553, 655 in throat, 34, 548 sourish and metallic, of the food, 4, 554 sourish-salt, 48, 548 straw, of, 13, 552 like, of the food, 10, 555 strong, of the food, 3, 554 styptic, 6, 552 sweet, 649 of the food, 554 sweetish-salt, 27, 550 sweetish sour, 52, 543 tallow, fetid, as of, 5, 552 urine, as of, 9, 552 viscid, 551 watery, 550 Tearing, > 1146 paroxysms of (i. 572, Coloc.) Teeth, bad smell of, 419 beating in, 417 boring in, 418 chilliness of, 418 coldness of, 418 color, altered, of the, 420 creeping in the, 425 dartings in the, 420 darting; see Stitches, 420 decay of, 419 digging in the, 425 discharges from the, of blood, ' water, etc., 420 . drawing in the, 416 complicated with other symp- toms, 416 dull, set on edge, 417 elongated, 417 exfoliation of, 419 1212 INDEX Page "41C * 413 419 420 424 419 Teeth, gnawing in, grinding of the, jerking in, lancinations, looseness of the, numbness of, pains in the; see Toothache. pecking in, 417 pressure in the, 425 prickling in: see Stitches, 420 raised, as if, 417 sensitiveness of, 424 sordes on, 419 soreness of the, 424 soft, feeling as if, 419 stinging; see Stitches, 420 stitches in the, 420 symptoms of the, 416 tearing in, 422 complicated with other pains, 422 throbbing in, 417 tingling in, 419 twitching of, 419 various symptoms of the, 436 Telangiectasia, congenital, Carb. v. Temples, beating in, 199 boring in, 199 compressive sensation, 197 constrictive sensation in, 197 contractive sensation in, 197 drawing in, 199 griping in, 199 headache in, 195 heaviness in, 195 pains in, 196 aching in, 195 beating, drawing, lancinat- ing, etc. pains; see Pains, 196 pressure in, 196 crampy, drawing, etc, pres- sure, see Pressure, 196, 198 pinching sensation, 197 screws, as if between, 197 stitches in, 198 symptoms of the, 195 tearing in, 198 complicated with other symp- toms, 198 tension in, 199 left, beating in, 202 boring in, 202 burning in, 202 coldness in, 202 cutting in, 201 digging in, 202 drawing in, 202 complicated with other pains, 202 jerks in, 202 lancinations in, • 200 noises in, 202 pain, aching in the, 199 boring, burning, drawing, etc., see Pains, 200 _ , . Page Temples, pressure in the, 199 left, crampy, throbbing, etc, see Pressure, 200 pricking in, . 201 shooting in, 201 stitches in, 200 complicated with other pains, 201 swelling of, 202 symptoms of the, 199 tearing in, 201-202 tension in, 202 twitching in, 202 right, beating in, 206 dartings in, 204 drawing in, 205, 206 gnawing in, 205 heaviness in, 202 jerking in, 206 jerks in, 205 noises in, 206 pains in, 203 aching in, 203 beating, burning, etc, see Pains, 203 pinching in, 206 pressure in, 203 crampy, etc, pressure, or pressure in various direc- tions, see Pressure, 203 prickings in, 204 rush of blood in, 205 shocks in, 205 stitches ia, 204 symptoms of the, 202 tearing in, 205 throbbing in, 206 tightness in, 206 and Forehead, see Forehead and Temples, 210 and Occiput, see Occiput and Tem- ples. Forehead, and Occiput, see Fore- head, Temple, and Occiput. Forehead, and Vertex, see Fore- head, Temple, "and Vertex. and Sinciput or Vertex, see Sin- ciput or Vertex, and Temples. Vertex, and Occiput, see Vertex, Temples, and Occiput. Tension, 1147 Tetters, 1090 Tetters, humid, in the hands (i. 896, Kal. carb.) see also Herpes. Testes, see Sexual organs, male. Testicles, drawing up of the, 732 pains in the, see Sexual organs, male, pains in the. retraction of the, 732 swelling of the, 1-50, 729 Tetanus, see Spasms, tetanic, 1127 1 518, Cic.) I 8, Aeon.) INDEX 1213 Page Tetanus hystericus (t 321, Bry) Thin, the body feels, 1149 Think, inability to, 44 Thinking, ill effects of, 41 Thirst, 545, 1063 loss of, 546 Throat, aching in the, 467 burning of the, 467, 481 choking sensation in, 474 closing of the, 474 coldness of the, 483 constriction of the, 473 constrictive sensation in, 473 contraction in the, 472 contractive sensation in the, 472 cramps of the, 484 creeping in the, 484 distension of the, 484 dragging in the, 484 drawing in the, 484 dryness in, 480 with altered taste, 481 foreign body, lump, plug, bristle, •v: ball, pippin, etc., in the, sensa- tion as of a, inflammation of the, itching of the, mucus in, narrow, sensation as if, noises in the, pains in the, tearing, ulcerative, paralysis of the, phlegm in, pressure in the, pricking in, rawness of the, redness of the, roughness in, scraping in, sensitiveness of the, Bmarting in, Boreness of the, attended - wfth other phe- nomena, cutting, in, stinging in, spasms of the, stinging in, \ stitches in, suppuration of the, swelling in, swollen, sensation as if, symptoms of the, tearing in the, tension in, tingling of the, titillation of the, various symptoms of the, Tb'. ax, anguish in, anxiety in, beating in, 470 469 486 476 483 483 466 469 469 484 475 472 477 468 469 478 478 467 484 466 466 468 467 484 478 476 469 474 474 466 483 484 485 485 485 821 821 828 Thorax, boring in, bounding in, burning in, chilliness in, congestion of, coolness in, constriction of, contraction of, cracking in, 24, crampy feeling in, creeping in, cutting in, darting in, digging in, drawing in, empty feeling in, excoriated, as if, expanding, sensation as if, falling, sense of, in, formication in, fulness in, gnawing in, griping in, heat in, heaviness on, hollow feeliDg in, inflammation of, itching of, jerking in, lancinations in, load on, moving downwards, sense of, noises in, numbness of, oppression of, painfulness of the, pains in the, aching, beating, boring, as if bruised, bubbling, burning, compressive, constrictive, 1 contractive, crampy, crawling, creeping, cutting, darting, digging, dragging, drawing, gnawing in, griping, _ lancinating, pinching, as if pressed upon, pressing, pricking, pulling, of the, as if sore, j Page 825 828 807 827 827 827 823 823 820 823 820 801 803 825 820 825 817 824 825 820 828 825 827 807 822 825 824 818 819 802 822 825 819 827 814 789 786 790 787 792 789 787 792 787 787 787 794 793 793 789 787 792 793 793 ' 793 787 787 787 790 790 787 798 789 / 1214 INDEX. Page Thorax, pains in, spasmodic, 794 pains, as if sprained, 793 stinging, 787 stitching, 787 tearing, 792 tensive, 793 throbbing, 787 tingling, 793 as if ulcerated, 789 various kinds of, 794 pinching in, 827 pressure in, 803 crampy, 805 with cutting, 806 painful, 790 spasmodic, 805 with stitches, 806 throbbing, 806 various kinds of, 806 from within outwards, 806 from without inwards, 806 pricking in, 802 raw, as if, 817 rush of blood to, 827 sensitiveness of the, 789 shocks in, 819 shooting, 802 sleep, sense as if gone to, 827 soreness of, 817 spasm of, 826 spasmodic condition of, 826 stinging in, 803 6titch, single in, 800 stitches in, 795 boring, crampy, burning, drawing, itching, etc., 182 -204, 830 symptoms of the, 786 sweat on, 825 tearing in, 821 tension of, 818 throbbing in, 828 tightness of, 816 tingling in, 820 trembling of, 827 twitching in, 819 \ uneasiness in, 821 various symptoms in, 828 warmth in, 807 weakness of, 818 weariness of, 818 weight on, 822 wider, sensation as if becoming, 824 Tongue, astringent sensation on the, 453 ^atrophy of the, 456 biting one's tongue, liability to, 454 blisters on the, sensation as of, 453 broader, feeling as if, 456 brown, 450 burning of the, 456 coating of the, 449 coldness of the, 455 sense of, in the, 455 Page Tongue, color of the, altered, 455 contractive sensation in the, 453 convulsions of the, 456 corrosive sensation in the, 451 convulsions of the, 456 corrosive sensation in the, 451 cracked, 462 creeping in the, 457 dryness of the, 454 eruptions on the, 447 furred, 449 gray, ^ 451 greenish-yellow, 451 hair on the, sensation as of a, 456 hardness of the, 457 heaviness of the, 451 heavy, 453 inflammation of the, . 455 insensibility of the, - 454 itching of the, ■'. 455 jerkings of the, 456 lancinations in the, 1, 449 movements, involuntary of the, 457 numbness of the, >.» 454 pains in the, 451 paralvsis of the, 452 pricking in the, 17, ' 449 rhagades in, 452 roughness of the, 453 sensitiveness of the, 457 skin on the, sensation as of a, 453 smarting in the, 451 soft feeling, as if like butter, 455 soreness of the, 448 spasms of the, 456 stiffness of the, 451 stitches in the, 449 swelling of the, 453 symptoms of the, 447 titillation of the, 457 trembling of the, 453 twitchings of the, 456 ulcers on the, 452 weakness pf the, 452 white coated, 450 yellow, 460 yellowish-white, 450 Throbbing, 1143 Tinea, 30, 1072 capitis (ii. 206, Merc, sol) (ii. 1011, Vine min.) (ii. 404, Oleand.) (i 740, Graph.) favosa (i. 164, Ars.) furfuracea (i 164, Ars.) capitis, humid (ii. 858, Staphys.) (ii 674, Rhus t.) (i. 220, Bar. carb.) and dry (ii. 891, Sulp.) Tingling, • 1H2 Tonsils, symptoms of the, 466 INDEX 1215 Tonsils, pains, swelling, ulceration of the: see Tonsils, 465 Toothache, Bar. carb. (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) K (ii. 648, Mez.) (i. 450, Caust.) (ii. 859, 869, Staphys) (ii. 710, Sabin.) (ii. 581, Puis.) (ii 373, Nux v.) (i. 812, Ign.) acids as from, 435 .,( \ attended with pain in other parts of the face or body, 426 arthritic (i. 566, Colch.) boring, 434 burning, 432 when chewing, 429 from a cold (i..799, Hyosc.) with congestion to the head and face (i 8, Aeon.) contractive, 434 crampy, 430 crushed, as if, 435 darting, 430 digging, 429 ','•:■, drawing, 432 also (i. 8, Aeon.) from eating, excited by contact, of warm food or cold air, by warm things, by contact, cold air, or any- thing cold, gnawing, griping, heavy, itching, jammed, as if, jerking, lancinating, loose, as if, nervousness, with (i 8, Aeon) numb, pinching, during pregnancy (i 241, Bell.; i 344, Calc. carb. ; i. 586, Con.; ii. 375, Nux v. ; ii. 583, Pids) pressing, raised out of the sockets, rheumatic (i. 328, Bry.) ■ and congestive (i. 474, Cham.) as if screwed in, shattered as if, shooting, simple, burning-stitching, drawing-sticking, stinging, stitching-boring (i. 643, Cycl.) as if the nerve were put upon the stretch, tearing, 435 428 435 435 428 432 429 435 434 428 431 430 433 434 429 434 434 428 435 430 426 435 435 430 429 427 Page Toothache, throbbing (i 8, Aeon.) titillating, 434 as if th"e nerve were touched, 428 turned about, as if, 435 ulcerative, 434 various kinds of, 436 weary, 435 Torpor: see Numbness, 1141 Trachea : see Larynx. affections of the (i 871, lod.) full feeling in, 6, 7So as if gone to sleep, 1, 784 hair in, sense of, 4, 785 sensation as if something had lodged in, 782 symptoms of the, 759 trembling of, 2, 784 Tracheitis, 780 see Laryngitis. (i. 783, Hep. s) Travel, desire to, 28 Trembling, 1132 Tremor, 11C2 of drunkards (ii. 370, Nux v.) Tremulous motion, . 1132 Trichiasis (ii 797, Silic) Trismus (i. 798, Hyosc.) (ii. 370, Nux v.) (i. 8, Aeon.) Tubercles, ^ 1074 on the lip (ii. 765, Sep) Tuberculosis pulmonalis (i. 306, Brom) Tumors: see Swellings, 1105, 1149 bloody, on the scalp of new-born infants (ii. 206, Merc sol.) encysted (i. 220, Bar. carb.) in groin, 1-5, 649 hajinorrhoidal, 679 lymphatic (ii. 796, Silic) of the labia (ii. 209, Merc. sol.) scrofulous (i. 375, Calend.) watery, on the patella (ii. 796, Silic.) Twitching, 1131 of the tendons, 1148 Tympanitis: see Abdomen, distension of. Typhus (i. 548, Cocc.) (ii 892, Sulp.) last stage (i. 425, Carb. v.) third stage (i. 343, Calc. carb.) abdominalis (ii. 205, Merc, sol) (i.240, Bell.)\ (i. 548, Cocc.) (ii. 508, Phos. ac.) (ii. 673, Rhus t.) (ii. 580, Puis.) (ii. 478, Phos.) (ii. 335, Nitr. ac) (ii. 242, Merc, corr.) (i. 322, Bry.) ambulans (i 490, China.) 1216 INDEX Page Typhus, asthenicus, with utter pros- tration (i. 379, Camph.) bellicus (ii. 673, Rhus t.) (i. 322, Bry.) cerebralis (i 240, Bell.) cerebral and abdominal, first stage, with synochal symptoms (i. 8, Aeon.) cerebralis (i. 636, Cupr. acet.) (ii. 425, Op.) with settling down in bed (ii. 272, Mur. ac) bellicus, abdominalis, pulmo- nalis, etc,109-127, 1063 exanthematicus (ii. 875, Stram.) gastricus (i. 240, Belt) (ii. 508, Phos. ac.) hepaticus, with agonizing pains in the region of the liver, restless- ness, inability to lie in bed, glassy, brown, very thick coat- ing on the tongue, prostration, delirium, etc., Ars. pulmonalis, with agonizing pain in the left lung, an attempt to swallow liquids excites spasms, horrid headache, delirium, picking at the bed-clothes, illusions of the fancy and vision, ^hickly-coated tongue, thirst, ere, Bell. pulmonalis (ii. 480, Phos.) (ii. 674, Rhus t.) (ii. 584, Puis.) (i. 799, Hyosc) putridus (i. 165, Ars.) stupidus (i. 548, Cocc.) (i. 150, Arn.) (ii. 508, Phos. ac.) versatilis (i 322, Bry.) (i. 239, 240, Bell.) (i. 165, Ars.) (ii. 508, Phos. ac.) (ii. 673, Rhus t.) (i. 798, Hyosc.) Ulceration of the bowels, 650 of larynx (i 885, Kal. bich.) Ulcerations, 1099 Ulcers (i. 474, Cham.)t 1094 (ii 579, Puis.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol) asthenic, superficial (i 135, Arg. nit.) of the bones (i 649, Mez.) on the cornea (i. 783, Hep. s.) (i. 240, Bell.) discharges from, 1097 on the feet (ii 765, Sep.) Ulcers of the feet, arising from pus- tules (i 740, Graph.) on the feet, phagedaenic (i 164, Ars.) fistulous (i. 343, Calc carb.) of the carpal joint (ii 697, Ruta.) gangrenous (i 164, Ars.) on the toes (ii. 675, Rhus t.) on the glans, etc. (ii. 106, Lye) inveterate (ii. 508, Phos. ac) on the feet (ii. 104, Lye) on the lips (ii. 206, Merc sol.) malignant (i. 585, Con) (ii 797, Silic.) t also malignant, on the limbs (ii. 20, Lact.) mercurial (i. 239, Bell.) old (ii. 370, Nux t>.)' putrid (i 425, Carb. v.) with putrid character (i. 151, Arn.) scrofulous (i 926, Kal. hyd.) (i 740, Graph) (i. 541, Cist) (i. 490, China.) (i 239, Bell.) (i 343, Calc. carb.) (ii 891, Sulp.) (ii. 797, Silic.) sensations in and around existing, 1097 syphilitic (ii. 241, Merc, corr.) (i. 926, Kal. hyd.) of the fauces and tongue (i. 209, Aur. f.) on the tongue (ii. 207, Merc, sol.) of the tongue and palate (ii. 797, Silic.) Umbilicus, drawing-out of, 616 retraction of, 616 swelling of, 649 Undulating movements in single mus- cles, 16, 1151 Uneasiness, ; 1140 4, 1111 Unsteady gait, 1148 Urethra, burning in, 717 constriction of the, 718 creeping in, 721 discharges from the, 720 dragging in the, , 722 drawing in the, 722 drops running along, sensation as of, 721 gnawing in, 6, 722 haemorrhage from the, 714 inflammation of the: see Inflam- mation. itching in, 721 lancinations in, 719 pinching in, 4, 722 prickings in, 719 INDEX 1217 Page Urethra, rawness, sense of, in, 15, 723 retraction of the, 8, 722 smarting and tearing in, 13, 723 Btitches in, 719 stricture of the, 718 tension in, 9, 722 tingling in, 721 Urethritis : see also Inflammation of the urethra. (i. 393, Canth.) Urinate, urging to, in fevers, without discharge (i. 241, Bell.) constant, during pregnancy (ii. 584, Puis.) urging to, 710 to stool, 661 ineffectual to stool, see Urging to stool. Urination, after, symptoms occurring, 725 before, symptoms occurring, 727 during, symptoms occurring, 723 frequent, 707 involuntary, 709 painful, 718 Urinary organs, inflammation of the, 716 swelling of the, 716 ;,?> symptoms of the, 706 pains in, 1-15, 706 burning, 52, 707 crampy, spasmodic, 15, 707 contractive, 19-20, 707 constrictive, 16-19, 707 cutting: see Pains, stinging. drawing, 47-51 pinching, 60, 707 pushing, 59, 707 stinging, 32, 706 stitching: see Pain, sting- ing. sore, 21, 706 ulcerative: see Pain, sore, as if. Urine, acrid, 714 albuminous, 2, 711 ammoniacal, 10-13, '12 bitter tasting, .721 bloody, 714 brown, 45, ' 714 burning, 714 cold, 721 copious flow of, 707 crvstals, depositing, 26-32, 716 dark, 17, 713 dribbling of the, 714 fetid smell, having a, 1-10, 712 with mucous filaments^ 6-11, 711 with flocks, 11-18, 711 foaming, 1, 711 greenish, 57, 714 horn, burnt, smelling like, 27, 713 horse urine, smelling like, 4, 6, 712 incontinence of, 709 iodine, smelling like, 25, 713 Vol. III.—77 Page 711 713 711 713 721 713 722 713 712 713 720 716 716 715 716 715 715 715 714 713 711 ' 714 713 1092 Urine, jelly-like, 18-19, lemon colored, 8, milky, 3-6, musty odor, having a, 24, opalescent, orange colored, 15, passing without sensation, 11, peculiar odor, having a, 26, pungent smell, having a, 15-17, red, 23, retention of, (i 151, Arn.) sand, gravel, 32-41, scanty, sediment, depositing a, bloody red, 63-65, brick dust, 7-13, brownish, 1, brown green, 6, violet, 44, violets, smelling like, 17-20, watery, 20-29, whitish, 41, yellow, 1, Urticaria, (ii. 673, Rhus t.) (i. 602, Copaiv.) (i. 343, Calc. carb.) (i. 113, Ant. cr.) (i 692, Elat.) acute and chronic (i. 681, Dulc.) chronica (i 164, Ars.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) (i. 241, Bell) in plethoric females (i 8, Aeon.) Uterus, see Sexual organs, female. Urine, sediment, chalk-like, 50, sediment, clayey, depositing a, 53-55, fatty, 46, flocculent, 58-63, flour, white, 3-6, jelly like, 55, reddish, 13-19, yellow, 41-46, resin-colored, 2, slimy, 56-58, violet colored, 51-53, white, 19-26, yellowish white, 47-50, sour smelling, 13—15, stream of, morbid condition of, strong odor, having a, 20-24, 713 turbid, 29-54, ' 712 Uterus, cancer of the (i. 242, Bell.) diseases of the (ii. 768, Sep.) prolapsus of the (i 242, Bell.) putrescence of the (i. 492, China.) spasms of the, 742 swelling of the (i. 242, Bell.) Uvula, symptoms of the, elongation, swelling, etc, of, sec Uvula, 716 716 716 716 715 716 715 716 715 716 716 715 716 712 722 165 1218 INDEX I Page Vagina, Bee Sexual organs, female. Varices, 679, 1099 (i. 164, Ars.) of the rectum, painful (i 8, Aeon.) Varicella, 46, 1073 with fever (i. 7, Aeon.) (i. 239, Bell.) (ii 579, Puis.) (ii. 204, Merc sol.) Variola (ii. 204, Merc, sol.) (ii. 950, Tart, emet) (i. 239, Bell.) varioloid, varicella, precursory symptoms of (i. 321, Bry.) maligna (i. 425, Carb. v.) (i 164, Ars.) putrida (i. 164, Ars.) with synochal fever, dry and burning heat, and hard pulse, (i. 7, Aeon.) Varioloid (i. 239, Bell.) (ii. 204, Merc, sol) , with fever, heat (i. 7, Aeon.) Various symptoms in general, 1151 Vehemence, 64 Velum, symptoms of the, 464 pains, burning, swelling, etc., of, see Velum, 464 Vertex, beating in, 173 boring in, 174 digging in, 174 and eye, pain in, 173 headache in, 170 heat in, 173 heaviness of the, 170 jerking in, 175, lancinations in, 173 noises in, 174 pains in, , 172 aching in, 171 beating in, 172 blown to pieces, as if, 172 boring in, 172 bruised, as if, 172 burning in, 172 digging in, 172 gnawing in, 172 lancinating in, 173 tearing in, 174 tensive in, 173 pressure in, 171 from above downwards, 171 contractive, 172 crampy, 172 small spot, at a, as with a nail, etc., 171 with stiff neck, 172 with stitches, 172 with throbbing, 172 from within outwards, 171 shocks in, 175 Page Vertex, stitches in, 173 burning, boring, etc.-j stitches; see Stitches. stitch, single in, 174 symptoms of the, 170 tearing in, 174 tension on, 174 throbbing in, 173 tingling in, 175 whirling sensation in, 174 and Forehead; see Forehead and Vertex. Forehead, and Temples; see Fore- head, Temple, and Vertex. and Occiput; see Occiput and Vertex. and Forehead; see Occiput, Vertex, and Forehead. Temples, and Occiput, symptoms of, 213 Vertigo, 64 additional varieties of, 81 in the open air, 80 with anxiety, 80 on ascending an eminence, 69 with balancing sensation, 81 as if a band round the head, 76 when closing his eyes, 70 ' 76 after coffee, 80 with contracted pupils, 81 in damp weather, 80 with delirium, 80 when going downstairs, 76 with drawing through the nose, 80 when drinking, 74 with dulness, 72 with dulness of head, 77 with sensation of enlargement of head, 77 with faint feeling, 73 as if one would fall, 69 as if falling forward, 65 falling suddenly, 81 on seeing flowing water or cress- ing a bridge, 71 with heat of the head, 71 cannot lay hold of a thing, 80 after intellectual labor, 71 as from intoxication, 76 when kneeling, 76 when kneeling against something, 76 on looking up, 75 when lying down, 70 after a meal, 69 with mistiness of sight, 76 on moving the arms, *76 on moving the eyelids, 74 when moving the head, 68 with nausea, 73 when stooping, 65 nervous, of old, people (i 57, Ambr. gr.) INDEX. 1219 Vertigo, with obscuration of sight, 77 with pain in the head, 77 particular kinds of, 79 as if raised, 81 when raising the head, 65 on raising the head after stooping, 69 when rising from a chair, • 69 on rising from a recumbent pos- ture, 76 as if rocked, 81 with rush of blood to the head, 71 with scintillations, 68 > when sewing, 76 when, sitting, 66 with staggering, 70 when standing, 66 with spasms, 81 when stooping, 65 or looking up, 65 v or moving the head, 65 or sitting, _ 65 or talking, 65 with stupefaction, 72 as if the brain or body were turning, 71 with sens&tj^f!