1 ^^'M^-^iV-"- '^'-v ■ ■- •: S »S!i SAVA^-r.-r ;•.'.■: IIP: SVW-V-.Y-,, \Y* \- WWr^v"'''''- Jfr^v; ■#■;■.:•;' ftR«\'»V«''vA'.' V'.'. &V.\WV,':.\Y..Y.'r wSft^trv •■•;■■ i';?Xy''- frftiv.vv '<■;''. ',- '&$$:« r^v-:. •■ \VSva.Vi'.V: .;.'. ya«:tt It K>£ tti& JAM'S NEW MANUAL, (OR SYMPTOMEN-CODEX.) Kranslittft, w\t\) crtenstut |Uoitiona from uarious Sources, B Y CHARLES JULIUS HEMPEL, M. D. AIDED BY JAMES M. QUIN, M. D. WITH A PftErACE by Da. C. HERING, Revisions and Cunical Notes by Dr. J. F. GRAY, CoNTRiBunoNa from Drs. A. GERALD HULL, G. W. COOK, B. F. JOSLIN, C. HERING, J. JEANES, C. NEIDHARD, W. WUXIAMSON, and J. KITCHEN. V01 —7- (•■• mow. NEW-YORK WILLIAM RADDE, PUBLISHER, 322 BROADWAY. J. T. S. SMITH, 483 BROADWAY. PHILADELPHIA: C. L. RADEMACHER, 39 NORTH FOURTH-ST. BOSTON, MASS.: OTIS CLAPP, 12 SCHOOL-ST. ST. LOUIS, MO.: FRANKSEN & WESSELHCEFT. 1848. WBK Jz5a Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, by WILLIAM RADDE, fa the Ckrk's Office for the Southern District of New-York. H. Lcdwig k Co., Printers, 70 Vesey-st. 146. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. KALM. LAT.—Laurel; mountain-laurel; broad-leaved laurel; lambkill; ivy ' bush; spoonwood; calico bush.—See Transactions of the American Inst, op Hom., Vol. I. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Dr. Hering, under whose direction this drug has been proved, offers among other interesting remarks the following, which we transfer to our pages: " As Ledum inhabits the marshy meadows among the mountains of Europe, and as Rhododendron beautifies the mountain plains of Asia with its golden blossoms, so Kalmia frequently extends itself along both banks of the narrow stony valleys of the brooks and small streams of North America, and enlivens them with its broad evergreen leaves; and in May it suddenly spreads a rose coloured carpet over the face of nature, which excites the admiration even of those who are accustomed to the magnificence of tropical plants. Rhododendron thrives in the region of storms and mountains, and Ledum draws its nourish- ment from the ponds of elevated regions, while Kalmia flourishes in the mists arising from the valleys. All three inhabit northern climates. They correspond to the great family of diseases, which we comprise under the collective names of rheumatism and gout; particularly to that class, which belongs to the north, and which is decidedly distinct from that of the south, and of the tropics. They also correspond to the intermittent and remittent fevers, and especially those of a long protracted gastric-nervous character." " No medicine in the whole materia medica has such control over the pulse as Kalm., except Digitalis. Aeon, and Tartar emetic approximate to it; but a remedy can only diminish the activity of the heart favourably, when it corres- ponds to the totality of the symptoms. In diseases of the heart, which alter- nate with rheumatism or have originated in rheumatic attacks, Kalmia must be- come most important. It will be of great service to the veterinarian. The other characteristics of this medicine are seen by the pathogenesis." *A diarrhoea which returned every eight weeks, was cured by a decoction of one ounce of the leaves with eight ounces of water, and boiled down one-half. * Kalmia has been used with much benefit in the cure of syphilis. Dr. Hering mentions two cases of poisoning, which resulted from eating a pheasant, in the craw of which laurel leaves were found. 1. Half an hour after eating, nausea with entire loss of sight; continual retching and violent pain in the crown of the head, which extends down in the direction of the cervical vertebrae; coldness of the extremities, and impercepti- ble pulse; when the pulse re-appeared it beat only forty strokes in a minute. 2. A peculiar noise while breathing, like that caused by spasmodic affections of the glottis. Paleness of the face. Excessive nausea, with dimness before the eyes. Violent pain down the back. Coldness of the extremities, with a very feeble pulse, of forty strokes in a minute. {Shoemaker). SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Irritable disposition of the mind towards evening, which continues next morning. Indisposition to move, with aversion to exercise. _ Head.—Vertigo and headache. Vertigo, (from 30 drops of the infusion, six times a day). Vertigo, with some nausea, attended with pains in the head and limbs. Nausea in the evening, followed by some dulness and aching in the VOL. n. 1 2 KALMIA LATIFOLIA. head. Vertigo while stooping and looking downwards. (From 8 until 9 o'clock in the morning, and from 3 until 6 o'clock in the evening.—Dulness in the head. Dulness in the head until evening, which continues slightly early the next morning.—Heaviness in the head for a short time on the right side, but towards evening the same sensation, very severe on the left side.—Heat in the head, on the morning of the fifth day.—A shock towards the occiput from the back of the neck with heat.—A momentary shivering without coldness, about 10 o'clock in the evening in bed, which seems to pass from the top of the head to the neck under the scalp, attended with a cracking noise, and at the same time alarm without palpitation of the heart; a sensation as if the body were surcharged with electricity. This sensation was repeated four times in the course of half an hour, and the whole ended with the sound of a horn before the ears.—Headache internally, with the sensation, when turning, of something loose in the head, diagonally across the top of it. Dull pain around the back part of the head, with frequent sharp, darting pains in the right side of the head. Pain in the head when awaking in the morning, and in the evening. Pain in the top of the head as if bound closely with a cord. Strong pain in the temples and forehead.—Pain in the forehead every morning on awaking. Pain in the forehead on rising, which increases afterwards. Pain across the forehead over the eyes.—Rending pain across the forehead.—Pressing pain in the forehead, especially in the right side. Pain in the forehead and over the eyes in the even- ing ; it seems to move backwards and down the neck outwardly on both sides, then disappears, and is followed by pain in the left shoulder. The pain in the forehead is sometimes followed by rending in the bones of the right or left side of the face, or on the top of the head.—Slight aching in the forehead, which sometimes shoots downwards to the eye-teeth, and at one time is easier in the forehead, at another in the teeth. Pains in the forehead every day, which ex- tends to the roots of one of the upper molar teeth of the right side. Severe pressing in the temples, and on both sides of the neck. Acute pain in the left temple, which is very much increased by going up stairs. Rending in the forehead and in the head, on rising from bed, succeeded by rending in the bones of the hips and lower extremities, down to the feet. Rending in the head and neck. Rending in the head. Rending in the left side of the forehead, which ex- tends into the temple. Strong pressure in the right temple. Rending in the right temple, passing downwards. Severe headache at noon of the second day; it is most severe in the right side.—Pulsating pain in the forehead. Pain -and throbbing in the whole of the left side of the head, with stitches in the left ear, and behind the right. The drawing in the head and eyes is worse towards evening, and in the open air. Eyes.—Glimmering before the eyes, exactly in the point of vision, so that it is almost impossible to distinguish the words while reading;. it seems as if small points were continually moving before the eyes; this continues half an hour. Glimmering before the eyes while looking downwards, with belching of wind, and some nausea.—Cloudiness before the eyes.—Itching of the eyes, and stinging when rubbed. Pain in the eyes, which makes it painful to turn them.__ Sensation of stiffness in the muscles around the eyes, and of the eyelids. Pain in the right eye.—Strong pressing in the right eye, in the evening. Pressing in the eyes, attended by pains in the arms and hands, in the lower extremities down to the feet, and sometimes in the right side of the abdomen. A sensation of pressing, above the right eye. Pressing pain about the eyes. Pressing in the eyes in the afternoon.—Acute stitches in the eyes, towards evening of the second day. Acute stitches in the right eye, in the morning of the second day. Stitches and violent pressing in the right eye, the eyes feel dim and weak. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. 3 Stitches under the left eye.—Itching in the eyes. Itching and burning in the left eye.—Burning with pressing in the eyes, particularly in the left one.—In- flammation of the left eye in the morning, with a burning jerking pain, till near noon, when the pain becomes more tolerable, and scarcely perceptible. Ears.—Severe stitches in the right ear, in the night of the second day. Severe stitches in the ears at 4 o'clock, P. M., followed by pain in the arms. Pain in the right ear, on the right side of the head, and in the leg. Excessive tingling in the ears. Nose.—Continued pressing in the ridge of the nose, with repeated sneezing. —Tickling in*the nose.—Fluent coryza with frequent sneezing, and percepti- bly-increased sense of smell. Tickling in the nose like that which precedes coryza. The nose is sometimes obstructed, particularly in the evening. Face.—Pressing pain in the right side of the face, between the eye and the nose, in the afternoon. Itching in the face at night.—Stinging in the bones of the jaws. Teeth.—Short pains in the teeth of the right side, in the evening of the third day. ^ Pain in the upper teeth.—Severe pressing in the molar teeth after 10 o'clock in the evening, which continues several hours.—Dull pain in the incisor and eye-teeth. Mouth.—Stitches in the tongue. Tongue white and dry.—Lips swollen, dry and stiff, in the morning.—Tingling in the salivary glands, immediately af- ter eating, attended with a sensation of fermentation in the oesophagus, and co- pious salivation. Dry skin and cracked lips.—Inflammation of the sublingual glands. Acrid, bitter taste in the mouth. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Continual rising of a slippery mucus in the throat, with tickling in the larynx.—Difficult deglutition. Dryness of the throat which renders deglutition difficult.—Scraping in the throat. Scraping in the throat, which excites a cough day and night. Pressing in the throat and nausea, with stitches in the eyes. Sensation of rawness and scraping in the throat, which is painful while swallowing, and is attended bv throbbing in the left tonsil. 5 Stomach.—Pressing in the scrobiculus cordis, which is relieved by sitting erect, but is aggravated by sitting in a crooked position. Nausea, with headache. Abdomen.—Pain in the right side of the abdomen followed by a pain in the gluteus muscle. A sensation of weakness in the abdomen, rising into the throat. When violent, it is sometimes relieved by eructations, but returns im- mediately. Occasional pain across the abdomen. Pressing in the right side. Pain in the right side in the region of the liver. Bowels.—No stool the first day. Scanty stool.—Looseness of the bowels at noon, after the stool in the morning. Stools less frequent. A soft stool early in the morning, followed by a diarrhoea, which lasted two hours, and another soft stool the same forenoon. Two soft stools and an evacuation of wind. Momentary nausea, with shifting of flatus in the afternoon while riding, followed by a stool, with cutting pain in the bowels, (the third day after repeated doses). Easily discharged, pappy stool, with pressing-in the rectum. Urine.—Strong desire to urinate, (the ninth day). Frequent discharges of yellow urine, in increased quantity. Sexual Organs.—The menses appear eight days too early, (the fourth day) Ihe menses make their appearance fourteen days too late.—Painful menstrua- I011' ,.S!lPP.res.swn °f Me menses.—Pain in the loins, back, and anterior part of the thighs during menstruation.— Yellowish leucorrhcea in the morning, eight days after the appearance of the menses, (three weeks after the exhibition of Kalmia).—The symptoms are more prominent during the leucorrhoea. 4 KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Larynx.—Cough excited by scraping in the wind-pipe. Cough, with easy expectoration of a gray, smooth unctuous matter, which has a putrid, saltish taste. Chest.—Oppression and shortness of breath, which obliges him to breathe quickly, involuntarily. Oppression of the chest, (after the fifth dose, every fourth day). Oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, dulness of the head, and nausea. Sensation in the chest, as if strained by liiting.—Stitches in the lower part of the chest.—Oppression of the chest, with the sensation of swelling in the throat.—Palpitation of the heart. Back.—Violent pressure in the right side of the neck, and at the same time in the left foot. Drawing and sticking in the left side of the neck, in the af- ternoon, which continues eight hours. Acute stitches and itching in the left side of the neck at night. Stitches under the left arm. A sensation as if the spi- nal column would break with an anterior convexity. Sharp pain in the three superior dorsal vertebrae, extending through the shoulder-blades. Constant pain in the spine, sometimes worse in the lumbar region, with great heat and burning.—Pressing below the left shoulder, in the evening. Pain in the shoul- der-blades. Sticking pain in the lower part of the left shoulder-blade, the night after the third day. Aching pain across the loins, worse in the evening. Para- lytic pain in the small of the back, at ten o'clock at night in bed, with con- tinued dulness and pain in the head. Lameness in the small of the back, in the evening in bed. Upper Extremities.—Rending in the right shoulder and clown the arm. Rending in the shoulder-joint. Drawing pain on the inner side of the left arm, of short duration. Pain in the right arm.—Frequent strong cracking in the joints of the elbows, in the afternoon. Rending from the left elbow, down the arm to the index-finger, which is flexed in a jerking manner. Cramp-like pain, from the elbow down to the middle of the forearm. Rending from the knuckle of the little finger of the right hand, up to the elbow. Repeated stitches in the hands. Pains in the right hand. Pains in the left hand, particularly in the palm close to the wrist. A sensation like paralysis in the right hand. Pain in the left wrist, so that the hand seems palsied. Pain in all the fingers of the left hand at the same time. Lower Extremities.—Stitches suddenly attacking the hip bones of the right side, in the evening. Stitches on the lower part of the knee, outside, in the evening.—Itching in the bend of the right knee, in the afternoon of the ninth day.—Pains in the left knee and foot, and also in the right foot, repeated- ly. Numbness in the shins, in the afternoon. A peculiar pain along the out- side of the left leg, which is very frequently repeated. Pain in the left foot. Great weariness in the evening, particularly in the extremities, so that it is nearly impossible to go up stairs. Numbness of the limbs, as if asleep. Vio- lent pain in the left foot. Aching in the tarsal bones of the right foot.—Stick- ing in the soles of the feet. Stinging in the tees. Stinging in the great toe of the left foot.—Pain in the left arm above the elbow, and soon afterwards be- tween the elbow and the hand; frequently alternating between the two places, during one hour, and followed by pain in both legs below the knees, which extends to the feet. Brief pains in the left elbow, arm, and knee, in the morning, and in both arms in the afternoon ; while lying down it is not observed.—Pain in the bend of the left knee, which is immediately followed by very severe, frequent but brief pain in the left index-finger, and afterwards in the right foot. Pain in the right shoulder and in the left arm, particularly in the elbow, and in both lower ex- tremities, especially in the knees. Pain in the left arm and in both legs, in the evening. Pressing pain in the left shin, and in the muscles of the left arm. KREASOTUM. 5 accompanied with the same kind of pain in the right foot. Pressing in the left shin, at eight o'clock in the morning, and in the left shoulder at ten o'clock in the morning. Pressing in the left shin and shoulder, and also in the left arm, fol- lowed by pressing in the right shoulder and arm. Pain in the right arm, and rending in the left leg, while at rest, which disappears on rising; it extends through the whole of the left side and arm. Rending in the right shoulder, in the left arm, in the right under jaw-bone, and in the flesh of the whole of the left leg downwards. Slight aching in the left hand and fingers, and in the posterior part of the left leg, towards the heel, with jerking in the heel. Sticking pain in the right index-finger, in the evening, which is soon followed by a severe pain in the hollow of the right knee and in the calf of the leg, attended by difficulty of breathing. Frequent pains here and ther6 in the limbs, continually changing from one plaee to another, for ten days, during the exhibition of a few globulea every second day; they lasted three weeks after the discontinuance of the medicine. Frequent pains in the muscles of the extremities, and also in the head, with dulness, vertigo, and some nausea. Sprain-like pain at times in the feet and hands. Sleep.—Restlessness, frequent turning. Getting up and walking, while asleep. Talking in sleep. Unpleasant dreams. Fantastic dreams. Fever.—Cold and shivering on two successive days. Skin and General Symptoms.—A red spot, about the size of a pea, ap- peared on the outside of the left leg, a little below the knee, which itched exces- sively and was followed by a burning pain; this was succeeded by a second on the outside of the leg close to the knee, with excessive itching, (from the af- ternoon of the 6th and 7th days). On the morning of the seventh day a small spot appeared on the right knee, also with some itching of short duration. Red inflamed spots in different places on the body, which appear like the beginning of blood-boils, and continue for several weeks. Pressing pains in the whole body, in one hour and a half after taking a third dose of six globules, which had been repeated every fourth clay. The pains are most severe while moving, and disappear while lying. The symptoms subsided gradually and successively, having all disappeared on the sixth day. 147. KREASOTUM. KREAS.—See Archiv, XVI. Compare with—Phosph., Mur. and Sulph. ac, Nitr. ac, Ars., Calc. carb., Chin., Chinin. sulph., Cocc, Ipec, lod., Kali hydr., Merc, Nux v., Petr. Phosph., Puis., Rhus, Sec. corn., Sil., Sulph. Antidotes.—Of small doses : Chin. ? Ars. ? Ipec. ? Cocc. ?—Nux v. has been found available against the violent pulsations in every part of the organism, Aconite against the vascular irritation (Wahle). CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Kreasotum promises to be very useful in acute diseases characterized by a ten- dency to decomposition of the animal solids as well as fluids, and in chronic dis- eases of a scrofulous, tuberculous, herpetic and cancerous character. Kreasotum is therefore particularly suitable to individuals with a torpid, leuco-phlegmatic dis- position, a lax and lymphatic constitution, with vitiated humours, impoverished vitality, prostration of the vegetative sphere, disposition to blennorrhoea of every 6 KREASOTUM. sort, to suppuration and ulceration, chronic, dry, and humid cutaneous eruptions, venous hemorrhage, fluidification of the blood, with tendency to putrefaction, etc. Kreasotum will therefore prove useful in diseases with a putrid character—im- poverished condition of the animal fluids, acute diseases with great disposition to gangrene, humid gangrene, decubitus in acute and chronic diseases, con- sumption of the mesentery in children, with ulceration of the mucous membrane of the entire intestinal canal, profuse diarrhoea, having a cadaverous smell and attended with considerable emaciation, (next to Ars.).—Neuralgia. ? Tonic spasms. ?—Epilepsy.?—Sea-sickness, (Wolf and Trinls).—-Diseases of the mu- cous membrane, with profuse secretion of mucus.—Rheumatic and arthritic affec- tions.—Scurvy. ?—Passive hemorrhage from every orifice of the body.—Venous hemorrhage.—Fungus hsematodes.?—Morbus maculosus Werlhofii.V—Dropsical conditions. ?—Scrofulosis.?—Anthrax. ?— Carbuncle. ?—Pityriasis.?—Malignant scarlatina with angina gangrenosa. ?—Chronic exanthemata. ? Chronic urticaria. —Vesicles.—Pemphigus.?—Pock-shaped pustules.—Humid itch.?—Dry, scaly, also moist, humid herpes penetrating into the skin, on every part of the body, on the dorsum of the hands and feet, in the palms of the hands, on the ears, el- bows, malleoli and knuckles, with violent itching.—Crusta lactea et serpiginosa. ? —Malignant, putrid smallpox.—Tuberculous exanthemata: acne on the fore- head and in the face.—Petechia. ?—Decubitus.—Scrofulous and varicose ulcers, particularly on the feet of old people, secreting an acrid, fetid ichor, readily bleeding, sinuous, with high edges looking as if corroded by insects.—Gangren- ous ulcers, malignant panaritia.—Chilblains. ?—Gangrena senilis. ?—Humid gan- grene. ?—Sleeplessness.?—Sleep disturbed by dreams.—Predominant chills and a disposition to feel chilly.—Third stage of typhus abdominalis with wide-spread ulceration, putrid character of all the symptoms, particularly of the evacuations, hemorrhage from every orifice of the body, petechia?, etc.—Melancholy. ?—Sad mood, with disposition to weep and ill-humour.—Longing for death.—Imbecility. —Failure of thought with confused and stupid feeling in the head.—Weakness of memory; dulness of the head; vertigo ; chronic nervous headache, (period- ical?), oppressive, pressing from within outwards, drawing, darting, tearing, beating; throbbing and beating headache.—Falling off of the hair.—Tinea ca- pitis favosa. ?—Itching and smarting in the eyes; heat in the eyes; chronic, catarrhal and scrofulous ophthalmia; chronic inflammation of the eyelids with swelling; profuse secretion of tears, mucus and gum ; lachrymation originating in scrofula and herpes; ectropium. ?—Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes.— Pimples and humid herpes in, on, and behind the ears.—Scrofulous otorrhoea. 'I Hardness of hearing with buzzing and roaring in the ears.—Bleeding of the nose, the blood being thick and black ; scrofulous ozsena. ?—Tearing pains in the face ; prosopalgia. ? Dry, scaly herpes in the face, on the eyelids, cheeks,. around the mouth ; miliary and also lardaceous pimples on the forehead, cheek, ch'n, with crusts.—Gutta rosacea.—Dry, parched lips, peeling off, with pain as from soreness.—Malignant watery tumour. ?—Swelling of the cervical glands.__ Cancer in the face? Drawing and tearing pains in sound teeth, and darting pains in those that are decayed; inflammation and bleeding of the gums.—Gastric, gangrenous stomacace. ?—Angina maligna, gangrenosa, putrida. ?—Nausea and vomiting of pregnant females.—Spasmodic gagging and vomiting.—Vomiting of drunkards. ?—Gastromalacia infantum et adultorum.—Organic destructions of the stomach.—Scirrhus of the cardia, ventriculus and pylorus. ?—Hscmateme- sis. ?—Chronic affections of the liver and spleen. ?—Softening and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal.—Watery, papescent, dark-brown undigested stools, having a cadaverous smell, with great thirst, aversion to meat and great emaciation (in the case of a child).—Chronic, profuse,, exhausting KREASOTUM. 7 diarrhoea of children and full-grown people, or of consumptive patients.—Gan- grenous dysentery. ?—Lienteria. ?—Costiveness and constipation.?—Diabetes in- sipidus et mellitus. ?—Frequent urging to urinate, first with scanty then copious flow of urine ; frequent and also nightly micturition ; nightly enuresis of children. —Secondary gonorrhoea. ?—Male impotence. ?—Complaints arising from too fre- quent and too long menstruation.—Too early, too frequent and too profuse menstruation.—Disposition to miscarriage.—Metrorrhagia.—Prolapsus, uteri.? —Putrefaction of the uterus. ?—Mild and acrid leucorrhoea.—Scirrhus et carci- noma uteri.—Frequent sneezing with dry coryza.—Chronic, fluent ancTdry cory- za,—Chronic roughness of the throat and hoarseness.—Malignant influenza.— Chronic catarrhs of old people and drunkards.—Wheezing, dry, spasmodic cough; scraping cough with slimy and purulent expectoration.—Cough with gagging, con- cussion of the abdomen, emission of urine and shortness of breath.—Asthma; oppression of the chest; heaviness and anxiety on the chest.—Phthisis pituito- sa, tuberculosa, cavernosa.—Stitches in the mamma.—A number of stitches in the neart.—Frequent pains in the small of the back and lumbar vertebrae, resembling hard labour.—Pains with hard bearing-down as during the act of parturition.— Nightly pains in the back.—Ischias nervosa. ?—Coxalgia.—Coxarthrocace. ?— Pains in the soles of the feet.—Stitches in the joints.—Swelling of the feet. Dr. Kitchen, of Philadelphia, has furnished the following clinical notes on Kreasotum. Many neuralgic affections in which the pain is characterized by burning paroxysms. A case of all the nerves of the left upper part of the body has been cured with it instantly after other remedies had failed: the head, face, jaw, shoulder, arm, tongue, side of neck worst, all were affected, head drawn over to the affected side, heaviness of eyelids, cold surface but no fe- ver following, brought on by talking, moving or sitting up, or lying on side not affected; the paroxysm was attended with chattering of the teeth and a very excitable, irritable, nervous state.—In asthmatic conditions which appear to be paroxysmal, purely nervous, not catarrhal or humid.—In sore mouths of chil- dren or even adults, when the odour is fetid and salivation is present. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—Sad mood with constant disposition to weep, or with constantly-increasing longing for death. Depression of spirits, in the evening, desponding of recovery. She cannot help weeping when hearing mu- sic or when experiencing any other subduing emotion.—^Ill-humour, -particu- larly early in the morning, or with disposition to weep without any certain cause. Constantly excited, vexed and obstinate. Scnsorium.—The head feels stupid, she stares without seeing or hearing any- thing. Frequent failure of thought, the head feeling confused and dull. * Weak- ness of memory ; -after having made a few steps to accomplish any thing, she remains standing, forgetting what she intended to do.—Dulness of the head, with beating and throbbing on the vertex. Painful dulness of the head as af- ter intoxication, also with weakness of memory and sensation as of a board pressing against the forehead. Painful dulness of the left side of the head, with short beatings extending to the upper molares, with frequent rumbling in these teeth.— Vertigo, early in the morning, in the street, with staggering to and fro as from intoxication, obliging him to stand still, the vertigo vanishes in the room.** Arertigo, with danger of falling on turning round quickly. Headache.—Headache with drowsiness. Headache with heat on the fore- head. Heat from every emotion.—Heaviness in the sinciput, as if something would come out. Heaviness in the occiput as if too full, with sensation as if the head would fall backwards. On stooping she feels as if the contents of the. 8 KREASOTUM. head were falling forwards, and as if she would fall.—Tensive pain in the head, aggravated by stooping.—Pressure above the right frontal eminence. Pressure above the right brow as from a plug, extending to the occiput. Painful press- ing in the head.—Pressure or pressing from within outwards in the middle of the head; under the left parietal bone; under the left temporal bone, particu- larly in the evening; in the middle of the forehead; in the sinciput, as if the contents, of the head would issue through the forehead, also with pressure in the eyes from without, extending to the vertex.—Drawing headache, with closing of the eye*s as if by force ; from the right frontal cavity to the right jaw, from morning till noon, and then from two o'clock in the afternoon till evening; in the left temporal bone, affecting the whole head, with dull and dizzy sensation in the head; tearing drawing in the left temple as if the parts were pulled out, or extending through the temples to the left side of the face and teeth.— Jerking pains in the upper part of the right hemisphere ; pulsative jerking above the left mastoid process.—Tearing headache, with drawing extending to the eyes. Tearing pain in the whole head, through the left temple as far as the cheek, and on the right side extending to the upper jaw. Tearing pain in the head day and night, for twenty-four hours, with violent heat in the face, inter- mittent tearing in the teeth, general heat at night and sleeplessness, great lan- guor, ill-humour, whining mood, and vexed about every trifle.—Stitch in the right temporal bone. Stitch on the right side of the head, anteriorly, as with a coarse needle, with vacant condition of the mind as if he had lost his senses, com- mencing in the % afternoon and having disappeared in the morning on waking. Drawing sticking through the temple to the upper jaw, with sense of turning in the head. Tearing and darting in the right temple anteriorly, extending to the up- per and lower teeth.—* Beating, throbbing, -slight, in the vertex,; on the top of the head, with dulness of the head. Slight beatings in the left side of the head with dulness of that side and grumbling in the upper teeth. Tearing in the fore- head, particularly early on waking, with heat in the face, languor of the lower ex- tremities, tingling in the legs and feet, and bitter taste in the mouth and of the food. * Tearing in the sinciput, -also constantly, or hammering tearing with fre- quent stitches in the temples and sensation, on stooping, as if the contents of the head would press out at the forehead. Jerking pulsations above the left mastoid process. Throbbing and bubbling in the left temporal bone as from an ulcer, ex- tending to the vertex and the lower jaw, with twitching and contraction of the eyelids which seem to have grown smaller.—°Whizzing in the head. Scalp.— Ulcerative pain in the right side of the sinciput. Sensation under the left occipital bone as of subcutaneous ulceration. The skin of the vertex and sinciput is painful as from subcutaneous ulceration on touching or combing the head, in the interval the pain is drawing, worst on the vertex. Pain above the sinciput as if the hair were pulled. Pressure on the right side of the sinci- put, as if proceeding from the cervical muscles.—* Falling off of the hair, -par- ticularly on combing the head (during which process the scalp is very sensitive). Eyes..—*Itching and biting in tJie eyes, -of the lids, (and around the mouth), with aggravation of the symptom and reduess after rubbing, and subsequent desquamation. Itching of the eyes, obliging one to rub and succeeded by biting, inflamed appearance of the whites of the eyes, and pressure in the eyes as from sand.— Warmth or *heat in the eyes, with lachrymation, particularly on looking at bright light. Burning and heat as from fire in the eyes, with lachrymation, prlssure as if something had got into the eyes, and agglutination of the lids on waking.— Redness of the lids, with some swelling. °Swelling of the margins of the lids. °Chronic swelling of the margins of the lids. °Suppuration of the eyes.— KREASOTUM. 9 *Lachrymation -on looking at bright light; on looking at an object for some time. Discharge of hot, acrid, smarting tears, like salt-water, particularly af- ter rubbing the eyes or early in the morning on waking. Lachrymation of the right eye, with gnawing in the right eye, twitching and jerking of the left eyelids. The eyes are constantly moist or bathed in tears, or they look as if the prover had been crying. After rubbing the running eyes, they look dry and inflamed, with smarting and burning.—Twitching of the lids, which she is unable to con- trol.—*Dim-sightedness as through gauze, °with dim, faint eyes. Sensation as if little particles of a feather were floating before her eyes, constantly oblig- ing her to wipe them. Ears.—Crampy pain in the right ear. Bubbling pain in the right ear, also with dragging sensation, or with sensation as of pressing asunder.—Stitches in the ears : in the right ear, in the interior of the left ear as with a needle. Stitch in the lower ear proceeding from the top of the right shoulder. Drawing stick- ing in the left ear, within and without. Darting in the right helix, with swell- ing and stiffness of the same, and stinging when touched.—Itching in the eara (and at the same time in the soles of the feet). Pimples in the left concha, with inflammation of the outer ear. ° Humid herpes on the ears, with swelling of the cervical glands and livid, gray complexion.—Heat and burning of the ears, with coldness of the feet. Inflammation of the left outer ear, with glow- ing heat, bright redness, considerable swelling and tensive burning pains, some- times proceeding from a pimple on the concha, attended with tensive pain and stiffness of the side of the neck extending to the shoulder and arm, not allow- ing me to turn the head to the left side, with internal shiverings through the limbs, and heat in the forehead with pressure over the eyes, as if they would be closed.—Hardness of hearing with buzzing in the ears, (particularly the left), which sometimes alternates with singing and hissing in the head. IVOSC.—Bad smell before the nose, with loss of appetite. Fetid smell in the nose early in the morning on waking.—Bleeding of the nose; with thick, black blood; with thin, light-red blood, early in the morning.—The nose is constant- ly moist, obliging one to blow constantly.—*Frequent sneezing, -particularly early in the morning, or with sensation as if an insufficient quantity of air passed through the nose, or with constant moisture in the nose.—Catarrhal sensation in the nose, as if the Schneiderian membrane would swell. *Dry coryza, °also with a good deal of sneezing, -or becoming fluent after the lapse of twelve hours, with a scraping roughness under the sternum. Fluent coryza with sensi- tiveness of the posterior nares to the atmospheric air. Face.—°Livid complexion, with swelling of a cervical gland and herpes on the ears.—Increased warmth in the face, with sensation as* if sweat would break out. Great heat and brown redness of the face during the siesta, with throb- bing in the cheeks and forehead, and frequent desire to urinate. Constant heat in the face, with shortness of breath in a warm room obliging one to walk out into the open air lest one should faint.—Tearing in the right side of the face, proceeding from the border of the lower jaw, extending to the temple in the evening, or waking him from sleep at night and extending to the ear, with stitches in that part.—Eruption: *pimples on the forehead, °also as on the forehead of drunkards, -or miliary pimples, sometimes stinging and always remaining dry. Ci reasy sort of pimples on the right cheek and on the chin, cov- ered with yellow, honey-like crusts. °Acne rosacea. °Scaly herpes on the eye- lids, cheeks and around the mouth.—Dry lips, with peeling off of the upper lip which is always hot and affected with a tensive pain. Pain as from soreness and chapped condition of the upper lip. Contractive tension and burning around 10 KREASOTUM. the right corner of the mouth, as if the right half of the lower lip would be drawn towards the corner of the mouth.—Crawling in the skin, under the chin, obliging one to rub without obtaining relief. Teeth.—* Drawing pains in the teeth: Extending to the temples °and af- fecting the interior of the ear. Drawing pains in the left molares, first the lower, then the upper, then the upper front-teeth. Drawing pains in the upper and lower front-teeth. Tearing drawing in the left upper teeth, (at five o'clock in the morning, on waking), afterwards extending to the left facial muscles and temple, with sensation as if the teeth were elongated.—Darting pain in the left hollow molar, lower jaw, with frequent yawning.—The gums of the left up- per jaw look i.iflained, with drawing pain. Mouth, Pharynx, etc.—Slimy mouth with a good deal of spitting in the evening.—Scraping in the throat, also with roughness, as after having drunk brandy, or with a feeling of dryness.—Painful choking in the oesophagus, ex- tending through the chest to the dorsal vertebrae. Pressure on the right side during deglutition. Pain as from soreness, on the left side during deglutition, as if something were suspended there, rendering deglutition difficult. Appetite and TaStC.—No taste in the mouth. Flat taste, every thing tastes like straw. Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning, in the evening the bad taste is in the throat and prevents one from relishing the food. Every thing she takes, tastes bitter on swallowing it. The appetite is gone. She has an appetite but does not relish any thing, with a feeling of fulness as if she had eaten too much. Actually-existing hunger disappeared immediately after taking the drug.—On taking her breakfast later than usual, she is attacked with gnawing in the stomach, succeeded by a choking sensation which passes off after eating. Gastric Symptoms.—Sour eructations. Rising of mere air after a meal, with subsequent spitting of a frothy saliva and scraping roughness in the throat. *Nausea °of pregnant females; -with spitting and chilliness through the whole body as if he would vomit, with burning in the mouth.—Choking early before breakfast, as during pregnancy.— Vomiting, before breakfast, of sweet- ish water. Gagging up of water and mucus on rising in the morning, with dry- ness of the nose, heat in the sinciput, with pressing in the forehead as if the contents of the head would issue through it, with coldness of the hands and feet, and thirst. Stomach.—Tightness across the stomach and pit of the stomach, he cannot bear tight clothes.—Drawing tearing in the pit of the stomach as if a thread were being drawn through it, or as if a muscular fibre were being torn out, it affects sympathetically every part of the organism ; at three o'clock in the af- ternoon, during rest.—Movement and throbbing in every artery, extending from the pit of the stomach through the entire trunk, worse during motion than rest. —Frequent stitches in the region of the heart (pit of the stomach ?) causing one to cry out, at night and in the day-time.—°Painful, hard place, on the left side of and near the stomach, or also in the region of the stomach (in the case of a female of fifty years).—°Scirrhus or cancer of the stomach. Hypochondria.—Continuous stinging in the region of the liver. Pressure in the region of the liver, with gnawing as of a worm in the left hypochondrium. Pain as if bruised in the superior and anterior lobe of the liver, with feeling of fulness, obliging one to open one's clothes.—Pressure in the region of the »leen which exists simultaneously with other pains in the body, but is felt only when she sits down immediately after rising, accompanied with painfulness of the part to the least pressure. • Abdomen.—Subdued pain about the umbilicus, as from eating acids, with KREASOTUM. 11 ill-humour.—Contractive sensation in the abdomen, as if a hard twisted tall were lying in the umbilical region, waking him at two or three o'clock in the night. Griping tearing around the umbilicus, with ulcerative pain of the whole abdomen. Digging and griping in the umbilical region, extending to the throat and occasioning nausea and inclination to vomit.—Labour-like colic, with draw- ing in the epigastrium in the direction of the small of the back, and pressing to- wards the lumbar vertebra?, as during the act of parturition, with flushes of heat in the face, palpitation of the heart, frequent pulse, and ineffectual urging to pass urine which is finally emitted in a small quantity and hot, all these symp- toms alternating with the eye-symptoms and setting in in paroxysms every quarter or half hour, with chilliness after the paroxysms and milky leucorrhcea. —Spasmodic pains in the abdomen: pain as from a boil deep in the abdomen, with electric stitches in the interior sexual organs causing one to start and griping-tearing spasmodic pains in the labia pudendi, attended with periodical pressing from the small of the back towards the anterior parts, frequent urg- ing to urinate, the urine being scanty and clear ; frequent urging to stool, unea- siness and anxiety through the whole body, with sweat as from anguish, out of humour, disposition to scold and beat every body, remission of the pains on rising from one's seat and walking about.—Cutting around the umbilicus as if diar- rhoea would set in, obliging one to bend double.—Drawing pain in the abdo- men, during the menses.—Darling around the umbilicus, in zig-zag, or with co- lic as from drinking water after having eaten fruit. Stitch in the right side of the abdomen, between the umbilicus and the brim of the pelvis, arresting the breathing and causing one to cry out. Stitches darting like electric shocks from the abdomen to the vagina.—Ulcerative pain in the abdomen during a deep inspiration. Ulcerative pain in the whole abdomen, also with griping-tearing around the umbilicus or only during motion and going off during rest, obliging one to turn frequently from side to side in the night.—Painful feeling of cold- ness in the abdomen, with scanty secretion of urine. Pain as from a cold in the region of the umbilicus, as if diarrhoea would set in.—Distention of the ab- domen as after a copious meal. The abdomen is puffed up but soft, with short- ness of breathing. Distention of the abdomen after the menses. Distention of the abdomen as in females in the last stage of pregnancy after the sudden cessation of the pains in the extremities, with languor, going off during the night.—Tensive pain in the inguinal regions, when walking. Frequent lancin- ations in the left groin, extending down the thigh. Frequent pain in the right groin, extending upwards and downwards, and reaching the right testicle. StOOl and Alius.—Intermittent stool, every three or four days, hard, dry, with a good deal of pressing. ° Constipation, with cancer of the uterus.—Two or three stools every day, even in persons of a costive habit. Two stools early in the morning.—When pressing at stool, spasmodic pains pass from the region of the lumbar vertebra? to the right inguinal region and thence to the hip-joint, after which walking becomes very difficult.—Lancinations in the rectum, towards the left groin, obliging one to stand still, during the menses. Drawing, tearing and darting in the rectum, with frequent ineffectual urging to stool, hard stool after a good deal of pressing and remission of the pains. Spasmodic pains in the rectum extending into the groin, obliging one to walk bent and to sit down very cautiously. Trinary Organs.—Diminished secretion of urine. Passes only half as much urine as usual altliough she takes a good deal of liquid. Frequent desire to urinate, even at night, with scanty emissions, sometimes a tablespoonful only. Feeble stream. * Frequent desire to urinate with copious emissions. * Fre- quent micturition, also at night, -sometimes with pressing on the bladder (as in 12 KREASOTUM. pregnancy) and with copious emissions of hot, clear urine. Passes copious quantities of clear urine every hour (also at night). Sudden urging to urinate, six Or seven times a day, with copious discharge. Passes a good deal of urine every half hour from four o'clock in the morning until noon. Violent sudden urging to urinate in bed, with contractive pain in the vagina.— Urine hot, also with frequent discharge, or with burning in the labia pudendi, or with offensive smell of semen. The urine is hot and smoking with acrid smell and reddish sediment. Clear urine, with copious discharge. The urine has a bad smell, but no colour. Urine of the colour of chesnuts. Turbid urine, after standing it looks like the sediment of small beer in a brewer's tub. Reddish urine, with red sedi- ment. Urine depositing a reddish sediment. Urine depositing a good deal of white sediment.—Burning in the pudendum during micturition. Mild leucorrhcea, ting- ing the linen yellow, previous to every micturition, with frequent desire to urinate. Male Sexual Organs.—Burning in the parts, and impotence during an em- brace, with swelling of the penis the next day.—He dreams about erections and urging to urinate, and that the glans is breaking off on attempting to urinate. Female Sexual Organs.—Spasmodic pains in the external pudendum. Stitches in the vagina proceeding from the abdomen like electric shocks, caus- ing her to start.—Itching inducing rubbing in the vagina, in the evening, suc- ceeded by smarting, swelling and heat of the external parts, with soreness of the vagina when passing urine. Corrosive itching between the labia and the vagina, succeeded by burning and swelling of the labia, violent itching, with biting, in the fold between the pudendum and the thigh, with soreness and burning af- ter rubbing. Voluptuous itching deep in the vagina.—Hard tubercle in the neck of the uterus, with ulcerative pain during an embrace, and more pain in the morning than evening. Prolapsus of the uterus.—Desire for an embrace, early in the morning, when only half awake. Wakes in the morning with desire for an embrace. Burning in the parts during an embrace, next day the men- ses make their appearance, with profuse discharge of a dark blood, leucorrhcea on the fourth day tinging the linen gray, and swelling of the outer parts with corrosive itching and burning.—* Menses too early by four or ten days, with pro- fuse discharge (-of dark blood), ^continuing even eight days, °also with pains in the small of the back. Menses every three weeks, profuse, continuing from four to five days, succeeded by the discharge of an acridly-smelling, bloody ichor, with corrosive itching and biting of the parts. Profuse menses, some- times coming away in pieces. The menses are much more scanty than usual (curative effect ?). The menses intermit for sixty hours on the sixth day, and re-appear on the eighth without any pains in the small of the back or ab- domen. The menses intermit for forty-eight hours, then return for twenty-four, with violent pains in the abdomen and discharge of thin, bright-red blood.—The menses are preceded by : hardness of hearing for three days ; rising of an in- sipid white froth, or vomiting of mucus; considerable distention of the abdo- men ; clawing and digging around the umbilicus, relieved by bending forward, succeeded by discharge of white leucorrhcea; great nervousness and uneasi- ness.—The menses are accompanied with : *buzzing and humming in the head, (°sometimes felt also before and after the menses), -or with pressing in the head from within outwards, worse on stooping; *hardness of hear ins ; -emis- sion of flatulence, smelling like rotten eggs ; interruption of stool and flatulence, with pressure on emitting flatulence, and subsequent profuse discharge of the menstrual blood, frequently in pieces, a good deal of chilliness ; darting in left lower breast, with cutting above the umbilicus at the appearance of the menses; profuse sweat in the back and on the chest, in the fifth night; thumping and re- ports in the abdomen, succeeded by sudden urging to stool and seven diarrhoeio KREASOTUM. ia discharges (curative action?).—After the menses: violent abdominal spasms,. particularly in the groin; pressing from above downwards as if the menses would re-appear; contractive pain in the vagina causing her to start, succeeded by leucorrhcea ; °frequent and acute pains remaining after too frequent and too co- pious menstruation.—°Metrorrhagia.—Leucorrhoza: white, painless, preceded by pains in the small of the back, with flushes of heat in the face, and flowing like the menses ; white and smelling like fresh corn-ears; acrid, leaving yellow- ish-white spots on the linen of the size of a dime, with itching and gnawing of the pudendum; yellowish, tinging the linen yellow, with great weakness of the lower extremities; leaving spots like serum, and having a putrid smell. Dis- charge of mucus and blood by the vagina, in the morning on rising. *Mild as well as corrosive leucorrhoza. *Leucorrhoza with great debility. Great de- bility after a leucorrhoeal discharge of twenty-four hours.—In pregnant fe- males : °nausea; °appearance of the menses in the third month of pregnancy, with black blood which flows like a stream. °Disposition to miscarriage.—In the mammai: frequent drawing from the sides to the nipples, sensation as if milk would flow into the breasts with increased flabbiness ; • stitches as with a dull needle under the left mamma, darting upwards, with stitches above the right mamma and under the right scapula which arrest the breathing. °Stitches in the mamma. Larynx and Trachea.—* Scraping and roughness in the throat, -also with rough, hoarse tone of voice. Hoarseness early in the morning, ceasing after sneezing. Sensation of scraping roughness under the sternum, inducing cough and ceasing after expectorating a gray, insipid mucus.—°Grippe. °Chronic catarrh, particularly in old people.—*Cough: °in the evening, in bed. Cough excited by a crawling below the larynx, or as if in the upper bronchial tubes (in the evening). Cough as from mucus on the chest, which cannot be detached. Cough with difficult expectoration. Dry cough with scraping in the throat and pain in the chest. °Cough with asthma. *Cough with emissions of urine °and concussion of the abdomen. Constant cough with a good deal of drowsiness, chilliness for one hour and succeeded by dry heat, during which the child con- tinues sleeping. Whooping-cough. * Wheezing, dry cough.—Dry and spasmo- dic cough early in the morning, unto retching, occasioned by constant crawling and tickling in the throat. * Cough with retching, -only saliva being thrown off.—Cough with expectoration: white loose expectoration and scraping in the throat. Scraping in the throat when coughing, in the evening, with expectora- tion of a thick lump. Constant hacking, occasioned by a sensation as if mucus were in the throat, succeeded by expectoration of white, sweet-tasting mucus. Cough with feeling of scraping roughness under the sternum, and expectoration of gray, insipid mucus.—Continual hollow rough cough, occasioned by continu- al loose mucus in the throat. °Scraping cough with copious expectoration of thick, yellowish or whitish mucus. Ohcst.—* Difficult and sometimes anxious breathing, -or as if the chest were compressed, obliging one to take deep breath constantly. Difficult expirations, on account of a feeling of heaviness in the lower chest.—Frequent desire to take deep breath, particularly on account of a feeling of heaviness on the chest.— Shortness of breath, as if the breath in the lower part of the chest were arrest- ed. Shortness of breath, with feeling of heaviness on the chest and frequent desire to take deep breath. Shortness of breath, with pain as if bruised in the chest on taking an inspiration. On going up stairs the shortness of breath, in the case of a person affected with it, changes to an easy expectoration, early in the morning.—^Oppression of the chest, coming on suddenly, with stitches in the left side of the chest.—*Heaviness on the chest °also with anxiety.—Pain 14 KREASOTUM. in the chest as if pressed upon, particularly in the sternum and especially when pressing upon the part or during an inspiration, sometimes extending to the cla- vicles and affecting the cervical muscles. Pain as if the chest or the sternum would be crushed in. Sticking with pressure through the whole chest, extend- ing to the inner border of the scapula.—Pain as if bruised in the chest, on taking an inspiration, with shortness of breath or with inability to take deep breath.—Painful feeling of rawness in the lower part of the chest. Contrac- tive pain in the chest on taking deep breath. Burning from the middle of the chest to the throat, as after drinking brandy, with pain of the tongue as if burnt, with heat, redness and tension of the face.—Stitch in the chest, directly above the heart, impeding respiration, relieved by pressure. Acute stitch in the mid- dle of the chest, worse during an inspiration, attended with a feeling of lame- ness, and extending to the elbow-joint across the right shoulder, where the pains are most violent on lifting the arm. Sticking across the middle of the chest, from morning till noon. Stitches in the left side, on taking an inspiration, after which the stitch becomes seated in the right chest. Stitch in the left chest, worst on turning *in bed. Stitch in the right side, arresting the breathing, sometimes extending as far as under the scapula, and so violent that she ima- gines she will fall. °Frequent lancinations in the right side of the chest, in the day-time, and at night, with sleeplessness and loud lamentations, relieved by hard pressure with the hand.—"Considerable diminution of a pain in the left side of five years' standing.—°Stitches in the heart.—Stinging in the left side of the chest (externally) also here and there between the ribs. Drawing pain in the region of the right upper ribs, from behind forwards, with stitches above the mamma. Drawing sticking on the right side of and near the sternum, or also (towards evening) below the left short ribs. Stitch below the left mamma, pro- ceeding thence as with a sharp knife and like an electric shock across the pit of the stomach, the chest, the right side of the abdomen, thighs, down to the tarsal joints. Back.—Pains in the small of the back proceeding from above downwards, with heat in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Digging in the small of the back as if something would come out. Pain3 as after long stooping, made worse by stooping and motion. Pains almost occasioning sickness at the stomach (fainting ?) ; worse during rest, relieved by motion. Pains as if the small of the back would break, extending to between the shoulders (as if there were a band in this latter region) with difficulty of stooping and pain when moving the arm. Drawing pains along the os coccygis, down to the rectum and vagina, (where a spasmodic contractive pain and sticking is experienced), with diminution of the pain by rising from her seat, aiid subsequent milky leucor- rhoea. Labour-like pains in the small of the back, with ineffectual urging to stool and distention of the abdomen, or attended, early in the morning on waking (and still worse after rising) with pressing in the abdomen, going through the pudendum down into the thighs, with anxiety and trembling in the whole body, internal chilliness, stitches in the pudendum, aggravation of the symp- toms when sitting and walking, amelioration in lying.—Pain in lumbar vertebra as before the menses. Ulcerative pains in the lumbar vertebral, or as if the Jlesh were beaten off the bones, also with sensation (in one of the upper vertebra? on rising) as if something would fall out, or (during the menses) with pressing on the rectum as if flatulence would be passed. Spasmodic drawing in the lum- bar vertebrae, towards the anterior parts, also extending to the pudendum, or down the thighs (like true labour-pains) with great uneasiness through the whole body.—*Frequent pains in the small of the back and lumbar vertebral, resem- bling acute labour-pains, °with strong urging to urinate— *Pains in the back, KREASOTUM. 15 at night, -worse during rest, scarcely allowing one to lie dcwn, spreading over the left hip into the inguinal region and scarcely allowing one to raise one's self.—Drawing tension between the scapula,. Frequent stitches between the scapulae. Pain in the region of the scapulae, as from blows.—°Swelling of the cervical glands, with humid herpes on the ears, and gray, livid complexion. Superior Extremities.—Pain in the shoulders as if they had been bare all night. Pressure in the shoulder as if pressed against sharp edges. Drawing pain in the posterior portion of the shoulders. Stitches in the right shoulder (at four o'clock in the afternoon), afterwards in the right side of the chest, and (at six o'clock in the evening) drawing pain in the right foot.-—Stitches in the arm from the shoulder-joint through the fingers which feel as if gone to sleep, powerless and insensible, so that she is unable to hold any thing with her hands, with twitching, tingling and heat of the hands whenever the stitches are not felt.—Pain as from a bruise, in the inner and lower side of the upper arm, only when touched. Pinching on the inner side of the left upper arm.—Frequent pain of the elbow-joints, as if the ligaments were contracted and too short. Bubbling cramp-pain in the region of the left elbow-joint, going and coming. Crampy sensation in the tip of the right elbow, when writing, scarcely allowing one to continue writing. Pain in the ulnar muscles extending to the fingers, also spas- modic (in the left arm), or drawing pain (particularly in the right lower arm with a feeling of lameness and inability to grasp any thing with the hand firmly, returning every half or whole hour).—Laming pain in the left hand which darts into the hand with the rapidity of lightning, and does not allow one to hold any thing firmly with the hand, so that every thing drops out of it immediately. Stinging in the back of the left hand. Agreeable warmth in the palms of the hands with warm sweat on these parts early in the morning, in bed, and frequent- ly in the day-time. Frequent and pleasant itching in the palm of the right hand, for hours, relieved by rubbing. Pimples over the whole hand, which are more felt than seen, with itching which obliges one to rub, and is most violent towardg evening, or in the evening in bed. Cracking of the skin on the hands, which become quite rigid.—Drawing pains in the fingers, particularly in the tips of the fingers of the left hand, with sensation as if swollen. Pain in the left index- finger as if lame (during rest and going off during motion), ulcerative pain as from a splinter. Deadness of the fingers which grow pale and insensible, par- ticularly early in the morning after rising (with tingling and going to sleep). Pain in the left thumb as if sprained or stiff. Lower Extremities.—Pain of the left hip-joint, as if the parts would be disjointed, with sensation, while standing on the other foot, as if the limb were too long. Pain of the crests of the ilia as if some hard or heavy substance had been lying on them. Stitches in the region of the crests of the ilia striking through the abdomen. Pain of both crests and of the lumbar vertebras as if bruised, or as if tired after walking, extending to the thighs and calves where the pain terminates suddenly, leaving stiffness or want of mobility.—Humming and buzzing sensation in the lower limbs. Languor and weariness in the lower limbs as after a long journey. Weakness and instability of the left lower limb. Painless jerk through the left lower limb, so that the foot is jerked up. Laming drawing in the left lower limb. Pain in the left lower limb, during motion, as if the part were yet stiff on account of a tearing in the limbs. Drawing pain with stitches from the thighs to the soles of the feet, worst in the right thigh and much more violent during motion. Drawing tearing and sticking, at times in the right hip-joint, at others in the calf, at times above the knee, causing one to start, with itching and gnawing in the eyes which obliges one to rub, after which a burning is experienced and a good deal of gum is perceived in the can- 16 KREASOTUM. thi.—Drawing pain in the thigh from the head of the femur to the knee-joint,, worse during motion than during rest, and scarcely permitting one to go up stairs. Pain in the left thigh as from a shock or blow, most violent when sit- ting. Tensivepain in the fascia lata of the left thigh, or in the posterior side of either thigh (as after being fatigued, most in walking and when stooping. Piercing darting pain in the left thigh, during rest. Pain in the left thigh, above the bend of the knee, as if too short, most violent when stooping and walking.—Darting pain above the left knee, during rest. Lancinating tearing in the right knee, during rest. Tensive pain above the knee, with pain on pressure as if the flesh had been detached from the bones by blows,, worse in the right limb, not felt at all during rest. Pain as if sprained in the left knee-joint, with sensation as if it would give way, not allowing one to stand upon the limb. Sharp pressure below the right patella. Tearing boring and sticking in the left patella, commencing in the evening (with chil- liness) and lasting all night until morning. Weakness of the joints, dur- ing motion, as if they would give way. Red, scaly skin, like herpes, in the bends of the knees.—Throbbing as from a boil in the legs, from the knees through the toes, worst in the soles of the feet. Tearing from the malleoli to the knees, with tension in the calf. Tensive pain from the knees to the tarsal joints, particularly in the calves. Heaviness from the knees to the tarsal joints, early in the morning, during motion. Chilliness from the dorsum of the foot to the other side of the knee.—Pain in the region of the external malleolus, with sensation as if the affected part would be turned and come away in turning it. Pain as if sprained in the left tendo Achillis. Darting in the right tarsal joint, also through the toes, or worse during motion. Stitch in the left heel during mo- tion, causing one to start and obliging one to stand still. Tearing drawing, and lancinations from the heels through the soles and toes, during rest and motion, in the evening, until one goes to sleep, with swelling of the soles in the morn- ing on waking. Burning, drawing and stinging around the malleoli, as far as the toes, worst in the soles of the feet, from forenoon till afternoon. Pain of the soles, as from subcutaneous suppuration. Burning of the soles for four days, from two o'clock in the afternoon until two o'clock in the morning. Swell- ing of the left foot. (Edematous white swelling of both feet, from the calves to the toes, larger on the right foot, with coldness and heaviness of the feet, only in walking. Coldness of the feet. Occasional sweatiness of the feet. Unea- siness in the soles, as after a long journey, with great languor particularly in the right sole. Burning itching of the soles. Sleep.—Frequent yawning, with pressure in the forehead and weariness. Yawning with lachrymation, the whole day. Yawning with chilliness. Yawn- ing early in the morning, as if he had not slept enough. Yawning with stretching, as previous to an attack of fever and ague.—*Great drowsi- ness with frequent yawning, -accompanied with putrid taste in the mouth and little appetite. Frequent drowsiness, he would like to sleep all the time. Weariness as if he had not slept enough, with a feeling of warmth in his eyes. Sleeps the whole night without once coming to his senses, contra- ry to his habit. °A good deal of sleep.—Sleeplessness: is rarely able to fall asleep before midnight, as if weary, with pains in every part of the body. For three nights past he has not fallen asleep before one or two o'clock, after which he falls into a sleep full of dreams until seven o'clock, on waking the elbows had gone to sleep. Tosses about in her bed the whole night without any apparent cause, without sleep, although very weary (until her menses make their appear- ance at 4 o'clock, after which she sleeps one hour) or with languor throughout the whole body early in the morning on rising, giving way of the knees when stand- ing, and frequent desire to rest by sitting or lying, and sweat over the whole KREASOTUM. 17 body on making the least exertion.—Restless sleep, no matter in what position of the bod,-, with ar<_dutination of the eyelids early in the morning. °Rest_less sloop with many dreams. Tosses about from three o'clock in the morning. Wakes three or four times at night, tosses about and goes to sleep again.— Starti'ig during sley. Loud laughing in a dream, without knowing why, on waki lg she was uncovered and cold without feeling chilly. Sensation of stag- nate mi in the throat (during a dream).—Symptoms at night, in bed: uneasi- ness through the whole body after lying down, not allowing one to go to sleep; waking after mid light, with sensation of excessive warmth in bed; she takes cold, however, on stretching her feat from under the coyer; pains in the small of the ba-k from nine o'clock in the evening, until two o'clock in the morning, with internal feeling of chilliness, violent pulsations in the head, inability to go to sluep and t ssing about; at the appearance of the menses she wakes at two o'cl )ck as if called, and is then wide awake; pressure and burning in the eyes, which are agglutinated early in the morning, with sleeplessness until early in the morning.—*A number of dreams, "also with restless sleep. Anxious dreams, the whole night, or as soon as she falls asleep. She dreams that her children have met with some accident, cries about it, and is dripping with sweat on waking. She dreams that she is falling from a height. — She dreams that it snows while in the open air with her infant, this makes her anxious. She dreams that she is pursued by men who mean to violate her person, without any sexual desire She dreams that she has taken poison and that she has lost flesh in consequence. She dreams that she is beholding a small object which becomes larger and larger. She dreams about a brightly-burning fire, with anxiety, she is waked by the dream. He dreams about erections, urging to urinate and break- ing off of the glans on attempting to uriratc. Dreams about dirty, disgusting linen. — /'/ the morning on, walrng: sensation as if he had not slept enough, and as if lame in every limb (daring the whole time of proving). Fainting spell when she is oblig'd to rise half an hour earlier than usual. Frequent waking at ni^ht, in spite of which he feels as if he had slept enough in the morning, and is very cheerful and bright, with amelioration of all the head-symptoms (to- wards the latter days of the proving?). Fever.—Slight chilliness and disposition to feel chilly, particularly during the menses. Slight chills through every part of the body, and uneasiness when sitting or walking, with frequent ineffectual desire to take deep breath. Shiver- ing all over the skin. "Predominant chilliness—Chilliness over the whole body, as soon as she remains quiet. Chilliness, the skin feels dead, with sensa- tion in the body as if he had been revelling the whole night. Chilliness three nights in succession (without thirst or heat). Internal chilliness in the warm room, with redness of the cheeks.—Partial chilliness: between the seapnl e, down the back, even near the warm stove (during the menses); at nine o'clock in the eveiiing, first on the feet, then in the back, about the head and arms, down to the fingers, with sensation as if these parts were cold, which is not the case, from the shoulders to the middle of the small of the back, suc- ceeded by pains in the small of the back which allow him neither to sit nor to lie down, and oblige him to walk about, after which the pains in the small of the back disappear and pains in the hip make their appearance, extending to the thighs, m.t all wing him to lie still in bed, increased by the access of air and di- minishing by external warmth (speedily removed by Nux v.).—Shaking chilli- ness: early on rising, with bleeding at the nose, the blood being of a bright- red colour; with flushes of heat, drawing and sticking in the temporal bones, pressure in the eyes with dini-si^htedness as from a gauze before the eyes, oblig- ing him frequently to rub, and succeeded by the secretion of hot tears, with vol. ir. 2 18 LACHESLS. inflamed appearance of the whites of the eyes; with great heal in the face, bright- red cheeks, icy-cold feet, painful heaviness of the upper arms during motion, only, and great ill-humour.—Fever: shaking chills for five hours, then heat in the face with heat of the hands and coldness of the feet, mingled with chills, from two o'clock in the afternoon until 11 o'clock at night; alternation of chil- liness and heat, with a good deal of thirst, languor in every part of the body, constant, painful, fatiguing cough occasioned by an irritation in the lower part of the chest, attended with creeping from the middle of the chest to the throat, painful concussion of the region of the stomach from coughing, and pressure on the vertex which is increased by contact; feverish feeling through the whole body, with good appetite; thirst after the chilliness; dry heat at first, over the whole body, the cheeks looking as if rouge had been put on, afterwards warm sweat followed by violent drawing and sticking in the small of the back, which does not allow one to sleep at night and renders it difficult to turn to the other side.—Frequent attacks of flushes of heat, with bright sharply-circumscribed red- ness of the cheeks.—Pulse small and subdued; pulse natural but perceptible in every part of the body as soon as she remains quiet; strong pulse through the whole body, with sensation as if the body were vacillating, but only during rest. Skin.—Itching, so violent towards evening that it came nearly driving her mad. Itching with irresistible desire to scratch, followed by a violent burning on the arms and lower limbs, whereas on the abdomen the itching disappears after scratching. Itching with burning and heat over the whole body, at night, not allowing one to sleep.—Blotches like nettle-rash. Blisters like bug-bites, over the whole body, excepton the calves, chest and face, with itching which is most violent from five to seven o'clock at night. Large, greasy-looking, pock- shaped pustules over the whole body. Pustules resembling scabies sarcoptica, over the whole body, with swelling and stiffness of the feet.—°Herpes, furfu- raceous and pustulous, dry and humid, on almost every part of the body, on the backs of the hands and fingers, in the palms of the hands, on the ears, elbows, knuckles and malleoli. General Symptoms.—Jerking and pinching in every joint. Pinching, here and there. Pains as if sore and ulcerated. Laming pains. Drawing and tearing. Sticking in the joints. * Nightly p'lins. Pains as if bruised and contused.—Great irritation throughout the whole body. * Uneasiness of the whole body, during rest, -also as if every part of the body were in mo- tion. Painful shocks through the body, at night during sleep.—* Pains as if bruised in every part (limb) of the body, -as after running a good deal. Wea- riness in all the limbs, as previous to violent catarrh, with drowsiness and weari- ness. All her limbs are affected as previous to a violent catarrh.—Fainting spell, early in the morning, when getting up half an hour before her usual hour. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains appear to be aggravated by rest. 148. LACHESIS. LACH.—Trigonocephalus lachesis.—See Hering, On the Poison of Serpents __Duration of Action: from four to five weeks. Compare with—Alum., Ars., Bell, Bry., Caps., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cocc, Con., Dulc, Hep., Hyos., Lye, Merc, Katr. m»r., Nitr. ac' Nux mos., Nux v., Phosph, ac, Puis., Rhus, Sarnb., Selen., Sulph., Verat. LACHESIS. 19 —Is frequently suitable after: Ars., Con., Hep., Lye, Merc, Nitr. ac, Xux v. —Afterwards are frequently suitable: Alum., Ars., Bell., Carb. v., Caust., Con., Dulc, Merc, Nux v., Phosph. ac. Antidotes.—Alum., Ars., Bell, Cham., Caps., Chin., Cocc, Hep., Merc, Natr. mur., Nux mos., Nux v., Phosph. ac, Rhus, Samb., Verat.—For the bite of the serpent: Ars., Bell, Caps., Natr. mur., Samb. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Jahr mentions that Lach. is particularly suitable to persons with a melan- choly temperament, also to those with a choleric temperament, and with a phleg- matic, bloated (spongy) constitution, with dark eyes and disposition to lowness of spirits and indolence. Lach. is also suitable to females with a choleric-tempera- ment, freckles and red hair. It is very rarely suitable to persons of a sanguine disposition, with a blooming complexion, soft, fine skin, unless the illness with which they are afflicted, should have changed their temperament to the choleric and melancholy. It is more frequently adapted to thin and emaciated than to fat people. Lach. is frequently of service to females at the critical age, particu- larly after the menses have ceased to flow.—Lach. has been employed with suc- cess for affections occasioned by spring-weather, by a cold, or by a long abuse of Merc, for affections occurring in damp or warm weather, in changing or windy weather, and in general for the following conditions : affections of drunk- ards.—Pains in the limbs, recurring every year, with burning and subsequent swelling of the face. Acute and chronic rheumatisms, with pain as from swell- ing and stiffness of the joints, aggravation of the symptoms night and evening, during motion or contact, sweat which does not afford any relief, and sometimes with danger of the rheumatism affecting the heart.—Bad consequences of long grief.—Tearing in the joints, either in all of them, or only here and there, also with contraction or stiffness of the affected joints, with aggravation early in the morning, difficulty of going upstairs, severe stitches on rising from a seat, re- newal of the attack after taking cold, and amelioration of the pains by cold air or cold applications.—Bone-pains, after abuse of Merc, which was given for syphilis, most violent in the evening, going off during sleep, worse when sitting than walking, less in the warm than cold air, relieved by the appearance of red spots on the glans, which took place every fortnight. Hemiplegia, particu- larly paralysis of one arm, the right or left, or of the whole left side (also in alternation with Rhus).—Emaciation during illness. Emaciation and exhaustion after abuse of Chin, for fever and ague.—Sudden paroxysms of vertigo as if one would die, every part of the body seeming to tremble and to palpitate, pre- ceded by palpitation of the heart with heat, anguish and shuddering, attended with trembling of the lower limbs.— Violent convulsions of the lower limbs and face, with rigid stretching of the body. Convulsions and other spasms with violent cries, particularly about midnight, waking him.—Threatening tetanus.— Spasms of children with vanishing of sight and loss of sense, distortion of the eyes as when one struggles against sleep, closing of the lids, hanging down of the head, inability to stand, staggering, constant moaning.—Epileptic fits: in an old woman, with loud cries, falling without loss of consciousness, with the eyes turned upwards, clenching of the hands, jactitation of the upper and lower limbs, and foam at the mouth. Epileptic fits with striking the head backwards, foam at the mouth, clenching of the thumbs, striking about with the hands and feet. The epileptic paroxysms are preceded by a sort of confusion and absence of thought in the manners and actions of the patient, or by a strange sensation in the throa', or by vertigo with headache and paleness of face, coldness of the feet, palpitation of the heart, bloatedness of the abdomen, eructations and heaviness of the head.—Deep sleep at the termination of the paroxysm.—After the nightly 20 LACHESIS. paroxysms : a quantity of mucus in the throat and mouth, waking with desire to urinate, or involuntary emission of urine during sleep.—Swelling of the bitten part (bjte of a viper), with nausea, vomiting, great thirst and swelling of the tongue.—Suppurations, particularly of deep-seated parts (frequently in alterna- tion with Hep. or Merc.).— Ulceration of a wound in consequence of a shock, with swelling and malignant suppuration.—Spreading, badly-coloured, painful ulcer (on the calf), occasioned by scratching.— Ulcers on the legs, with fetidly- smelling ichor, elevated, pad-shaped edges, foul, uneven base, great pain and in- tolerance of the least motion or contact.—Foul, ichorous, fiat ulcers from the size of a pea to that of the cornea of a horse, here and there on the body, and particularly on the legs.—Malignant ulcer (on the upper arm) with green-yellow, fetid ichor and elevated edges.—Old foul ulcers (on the leg), surrounded with vesicles.—Suppress;on of ulcers (in the case of a woman, who, after sudden desic- cation of an old ulcer on the foot, was attacked with a violent febrile heat and great pain in the abdomen).—Aneurisms. Numerous other cases of clinical experience which are recorded in the books as illustrative of the curative virtues of Lach., will be found in their respective chapters marked with the cypher. Dr. Heri.-ig, who has introduced this heroic agent into our materia medica, has reported some cases of cure with Lach. in the 15th volume of the Archiv, which illustrate some of the principal curative powers of that agent in a remarkable manner, and which we therefore transfer to our pages. The leading symptoms in these cases will be, moreover, found scattered through Jahr's text marked with a cypher. The following translation of these cases has been taken from the British Journal. 1.—A woman of 76 years of age, who had long suffered from a suffocating cough, which prevented her lying down at night, and who had besides ©edematous feet, etc , was for some time treated homoeopathically with alleviation of the swelling of the feet and distention of the abdomen. She afterwards got Ars., Nix v., and Ipec with temporary benefit. Lach. proved of the greatest efficacy in this case, and although from not being able to watch the case for a length of time, I cannot say whether that benefit was permanent, yet I shall detail the particulars of it. The chest was, as it were, staffed. She cannot lie down, from a sense of suffocation, and must open the doors and windows to obtain air ; a suffocating, shnr' cough with scanty and difficult expectoration (characteristic of Lach.). She is frequently better, and is then able to lie down, but the head must always be hiih, and she generally rests it on her hand. Fever every night at ten o'clock, with urgent and unquenchable thirst, dryness in the throat and mouth, she ran scarcely breathe for thirst, she must con- tinually moisten the mouth; drinking does no good and she dreads it; apples alleviate it somewhat. The fever begins with rigor on going to bed, and the heat continues till about four in the morning, viih intervals of shivering; there is sweat towards morning. Teasing pain in the temples during the hot stage, with burning heat in the epigastrium. So sleepy, day and night, that she can- not resist the inclination.- but yet she cannot sleep, except a little towards morn- ing. . Frequent micturition, the urine is scanty, dark-brown, at:d turbid. • Abdomen distended, much annoyance from flatulence; cannot bear anything on the abdomen. Little appetite, stool daily, frequent coryza. Som? weeks, ago, another^most annoying symptom appeared, which was very crara"tfistic of Lach., and-induced me to give this medicine, particularly as all the oth r symptoms were suited to Lach. It was this: the feeling of a ball in th; t'iroa, as if a button was stuck fast in the pit of the "threat, net LACHESIS. 21 perceptible on swallowing food but perceptible on attempting deglutition, during which it seems to rise and sink, as if it were turned round. It always feels as if she could bring it up, but it will not. come (characteristic of Lach.). She must have the whole neck bare, cannot even endure the bed-clothes on it, nor even tie her cap-strings on her throat. A short time before the appearance of these symptoms, she had a swelling between the collar-bone and first rib. .After taking Lach., the ball was much more perceptible, and seemed to threaten suffocation. On the morning of the third day, 48 hours after the -dose, some red bl >od was hawked up with much effort, a thing that had never happened to her before in her life. After this the ball in the throat disappeared, and she felt in every respect so much better as to consider herself quite cured; and I have never heard more about her. 2.—A young, robust, sea-captain, who had previously suffered from abscess of the throat, suddenly felt as if a fish-bone had stuck there, and some days after felt, with increasing discomfort, as if a sponge were hanging in the throat; it seemed to impede his breathing, and he felt as if he could hawk it up, but the attempt gave him pain, and did no good. He also felt as if there was a small dry spot, from which pain extended to the ear. There is continual inclination to swallow; there is no pain felt at the spot on swallowing food, but there is during deglutition, and on applying external pressure. When he presses the throat, he feels as if the eyes would spring out of the head, and externally as if he had got a blow on the neck. Between the sternum and glottis he has a throbbing, choking sensation. The throat is better in the morning; it begins two or three hours after rising, and continues until the evening. It is little felt during the night. After the first dose of Lach., the chief symptoms were all better ; after four days he was again worse, and he took the second dose on the fifth day. This produced new indications, and after another dose, with a similar interval between, he started on his journey in perfect health. 3.—A lady, of a weak frame of body and a quiet, sensitive mind, had suffered much distress from the death of her husband and the loss of her fortune. During the suffering from grief on account of her unaccustomed poverty, an affection of the throat became developed, along with shivering and fever; the affection went and came, and seemed to depend much on the state of the weather. When the catamenia were not present (she was in the climacteric period), the affection of the throat was more severe, and it became less when the catamenia returned five weeks afterwards; but on the following week it became so troublesome as to oblige her to seek medical assistance. She had hitherto undergone no regular medical treatment, and had never been ill before. Pain, especially to the right of the throat, increased by pressure, as if a thick substance were there, and it feels very dry. She feels no difficulty in swallowing solid food, or in deglutition, but she cannot easily swallow fluids, and must be very cautious while doing so not to have the drink forced back by the nose. • i t '-^ie pains are worse when she washes in the morning, and after sleeping in the day-time ; they generally disappear in the afternoon ; at this time the affection of the throat becomes so prominent, without being painful, as to prevent speech altogether. There is so much Welling of the throat that the speech becomes quite unintelligible and through the nose, many words she is quite unable to pronounce; the more and the longer she speaks, the worse it becomes; the voice is quite nasal, and at length altogether lost. In the morning, the speech is attended with pain in the throat, but is more distinct. The sufferings are aggravated in damp weather, when there is also pain in the back. No medicine suits these symptoms so well, not even Bell., as Lach. After the first dose the symptoms were all worse; during the improvement which fol- 22 LACHESIS. lowed, fire broke out at a neighbour's house, and the patient suffered from the alarm. She got another dose, which produced aggravation also and new symp- toms. Soon after this, during her improvement, the catamenia appeared, and after this was past, she got a third dose. After this, new symptoms set in, yet there was permanent improvement, ar.d in the course of a few weeks she was com- pletely restored to health. During the damp weather she became again affected with pain in the throat and hoarseness, for which she took Curb, v., which was followed by complete and permanent cure. 4.—A lady was affected with syphilis from her husband, and not knowing what the primary symptoms indicated, she did not seek advice nor do anything to arrest the disease until it appeared in the throat. Then the most distinguish- ed physicians in New York and Philadelphia were consulted, and sometimes the disease was better and sometimes worse. Thus in ten years she had consulted eleven physicians, and had used the various methods of the day, each of which seemed to do temporary good, but the return of the attack was always aggra- vated with some new and worse complication. For two years, with short intervals of relief, she had suffered from severe sore throat and cough. The soft palate and pharynx are full of cicatrices, between which may be seen small ulcers of a greenish yellow colour, seated deep in the pharynx. There is severe pain on swallowing food; she cannot swallow any- thing either sweet or pungent, nor anything hard, not even a morsel of bread; she is obliged to feed entirely on soft food; the pain is sometimes so severe that she cannot swallow anything at all; and at all times when she drinks, some of the fluid returns by the nose. The ulcers produce a continual titillation of the throat, which induces cough; there is a constant hawking, going on to empty retching without nausea; there is seldom any expectoration, and when there is, it is brought up with ex- treme difficulty, and at the risk of suffocation. There is constant salivation, so that she is often disabled from speaking by the salivation, cough, and expectoration; if the expectoration occurs after dinner, she frequently vomits her food. The throat is painful externally to pressure, and here and there are to be felt painful lumps. The pain of the throat extends as far as the ears, which feel as if stuffed. There is urgent desire of micturition, and much urine is passed, often there is burning pain when the water is passing. Formerly there was much leucorrhcea, which however diminished under homoeopathic treatment. The catamenia are regular, but always attended with pain, like labour-pains; in the loins, but only much more severe; some days before and after, violent diarrhoea, with intolerable tormina. In general there is great costiveness, on one occasion she was 20 days without a stool. She is frequently feverish, shiverings alternating with flushes of heat. She is besides haggard, and her face is of an unnatural colour, the cheeks are yellow with traces of red vessels visible, and spots of circumscribed red • the nose is pointed and red, as if raw from a sore, and there is always stuffing of the nose. She is very sleepy during the day, and yet sleeps very well at night when she is not kept awake by the cough, nor by the pains in the head and limbs. The attacks last frequently for half a day, the headache is frightfully severe, the brain feels as if it would burst the skull, especially at the temples • this generally begins on rising in the morning, seldom in the afternoon. Lying'down relieves the pain, but as soon as she raises the head, whether she sit or walk the pain is equally severe. She has also frequently attacks of pain in the limbs' LACHESIS. 23 in the back, loins, right hip and knee, less frequently, also in the left; these at- tacks occur at night, awaken her, and oblige her to rise ; they drive her nearly frantic for the time; the pains are piercing, griping, and squeezing, and frequently recur. The characteristic symptoms of this group are peculiar to Lach. alone, hence it cured this syphilitic perennial disease, which had been mistreated for ten years, in a few weeks. After the very first dose, the pain in the throat and the cough were lessened As after six days the pain in micturition and in the head increased, she got a second dose; when afterwards the rheumatic pains returned with much severity, she got a third dose; these doses relieved the costiveness. After fourteen days, the cough and headache returned, she then got a fourth dose. Then there appeared what seemed a crisis, for suddenly there was a copious discharge of blood and pus from the nose, as if a large abscess had opened. It felt as if it came from above the eyebrows. The second day after the fourth dose, the cat a menial discharge appeared, it might be a day or two premature, but unattended with pain or diarrhoea. The leucorrhcea was entirely gone. Her face was now of a natural colour, she felt strong and healthy, and as if metamorphozed; had no pain or suffering of any kind, and could swallow perfectly. Some weeks later, a chill brought the hoarseness back, but this was removed by Dulc. 5.—A young man, weakened by disease and by medicine, had suffered much from pains in the bones (probably mercurial syphilitic) of the right arm, which had been still further weakened by the fracture of the clavicle. After he had been cured of this pain as well as of caries of the upper jaw, and had remained perfectly well during four months of the coldest weather, that is from December to March, he was without any assignable cause, except that he had taken a piece of ice in his hand, suddenly attacked one morning with the following affection. Swelling of the back of the right hand, extending down the fingers; the whole after a few minutes became quite livid. After being wetted with hot brandy it went off; but after some days it returned as suddenly as before, and much more severe, and then it appeared every day, each day earlier than the foregoing, and continued three or four hours. It begins with severe itching and " creeping,"' the hand becomes blue and gradually darker, and has the appearance of a contusion on the worst part, but more transparent; it is at parts mottled; the hand looks as if it were stuffed, it is so hard. The affection now goes from the middle of the back of the hand, over all the fingers, the hand is ice-cold, but seems to him burning hot, it is very sensitive to pressure, and he can bear nothing to lie on it; burning and pricking in the finger- ends ; the heat of the stove relieves the pain, but increases the creeping sensation. Throbbing pain at the outside of the wrist, the whole day; sharp pain extend- ing up the arm as far as the elbow; spasmodic (?) pain in elbow-joint when he carries his arm in a sling, not when he allows it to hang; at every attack there i< pain at one small spot under the shoulder, (affection of a vein?). There is pri king and burning in the hand as it goes slowly away. Lach. given after an attack, made the succeeding one slighter, and there was one more. It was observed at the last attack, that the cold finger-points when rubbed became white, and by repeated stroking of the finger upwards, the blood was fuivod into the upper veins, thus the blue colour left the fingers; but it was m■■■re difficult to recover the back of the hand. (>.—A woman had to take charge of a child affected with the itch. After some months she became affected with the itch; psorin only increased, and 24 LACHESIS. after various medicines, she got, on account of the dark blue vesicles, the swell- ing, and the burning pain, Ars., which however did no good except at first, and on its repetition increased the disease, and brought on bilious vomiting. She had itching on the whole body, on the hands and feet; afterburning pains there appeared itch vesicles; attended with much itching, throbbing heat, there formed a large diffused red swelling; here and there among the small vesicles a larger vesicle the size of a nut was seen, at first full of water, but aiter- wards containing pus, and there was great inflammation at the time as tar as the elbow and knee; some of the pustules instead of being yellow, were dark blue, with burning throbbing pain in the whole swelling, as if the flesh were being torn from the bones; the attacks made her almost desperate; the pains attack the head, teeth, breast and back, and dreadfully severe burning pain is felt in the head, which causes a sense of sickness and nausea; throbbing and beating is felt in the head at every movement. After the attack she lies in a stupified sleep; the pains are worst, at night; she has constant thirst, but drinking makes her sick. Sometimes the itching goes off, and then she is very short of breath and full of anxiety. After the first dose of Lach. she was better, and the headache was gone. After some days a second dose was necessary. In a week she was quite cured, except the remains of stiffness in the joints of the fingers. 7.—A strong young man became affected with pain in the second toe of the right foot without any known cause. By the evening, from thence as far as the knee a livid swelling had extended, which was more painful when he walked. Salt and vinegar removed the swelling, but still he could not walk. There is much pain in both knees, he cannot stretch out the foot, and can scarcely move from the spot. The toe is still painful on pressure, in stretching out the foot on walking, and he cannot put on a shoe. Four days after the first dose of Lach. he could walk without any annoyance for half an hour, and he has now some sensibility in the ball of the foot to pressure. After a week a painless tumour appeared in the cheek, but he did not wish to take any medicine, and I have not seen him since. Lach. I have found very useful in many cases of so-called shortening of the tendons, sensation as of threads stretched along the arms, legs, or from the back of the neck to the eyes, and in various other sensations of tension. 8.—A young man suffered from what was considered to be dyspepsia, and was quite exhausted by the disease and the remedies. Ever since the first ac- cession of the disease, he had had no passage in his bowels except from laxative medicine. Several Homoeopathic medicines only brought out the symptoms of the complaint in a clearer light; on the whole he found himself better, although he had still the same symptoms as before and some new ones in addi- tion. These new ones afforded the best indications for the remedy. His appetite was occasionally very good, occasionally absent; sometimes he is so tormented by hunger that he cannot wait for a meal at the proper time. After eating he is giddy, heavy, and indolent, with a suffocating sense of dyspnoea. The stomach is painful from flatulence, he must often eructate, which gives him relief. Sometimes he vomits his food; when he gets no relief from eructation he becomes very ill. At a small spot between the navel and the epigastrium a sense of unpleasant pressure, which takes away the breath, and it also is relieved by eructation. Throughout the whole day he has frequent attacks of nausea and dyspnoea, weakness even to syncope, and palpitation of the heart attended with cold sweat! When lying in bed at night the slightest covering over the nose or mouth produces suffocating dyspnoea. LACHESIS. 25 He sleeps ill on account of continual dreams and frequent awakening, and in the morning he is heavy and out of sorts. Costiveness as before. He is very pale and emaciated, and the colour of the face is a dim whitish yellow. He has pain in the legs and stiffness of the knees after sitting. After the first dose of Lach., the only medicine which has all these symptoms, and in the same order, first the sleep improved, then the colour of the face, and then the eructation and the other symptoms therewith connected. The fits of dyspnoea become less severe and less frequent, but the painful sensation on pressing a particular spot of the body remained. After the second dose, all the symptoms were alleviated, even the costiveness. After the third dose some new symptoms appeared, but the aggravation of former ones which had followed the second dose subsided, and the improvement went on fast. After some weeks his colour was fresh and healthy, and he was in strong vigour. Great exertion and errors in diet, made some other medicines necessary, but the symptoms cured by Lach. never returned. 9.—A young man of phthisical habit of body, had suffered from pneumonia in autumn, and as happens in half the number of cases after severe depletion, he pined away, and came to me in spring quite emaciated, and suffering from a constant cough. Sep. seemed to correspond with the symptoms, and it 'had so good an effect as to change the man's appearance altogether. But the improvement went on only for three weeks after the first dose, and after the second dose, the complaint increased. This I always consider as an indication that a medicine does not answer, but that it is necessary to give some other medicine related to this one. Several other medicines, among the number, Stan, relieved the accessory symptoms, but only brought the essential ones out in clearer relief—for example, cough always after sleep. This forced me on Lach. The symptoms were: Short superficial tickling cough, which is very exhausting, sometimes causing vomiting. Expectoration attended with much difficulty, and what is expecto- rated is of two kinds, thin tough mucus and thick roundish lumps. He often coughs, hawks and spits without bringing up anything. He coughs only during the day, (this day-cough is very characteristic of Lach., but also a night cough of which the patient is ignorant. They often appear together without the latter being observed.) More cough in the open air, and after speaking, which seems to make every thing dry. It is always worse in damp weather, and after eating fish. The cough often seems to originate in the epigastrium, where it produces a tickling sensation, and also severe pain. There is a pain as if from suppura- tion under the ribs, also in the trachea, and much water-brash. He is also always short of breath, especially after working with the arms. He has, espe- cially after rising from the sitting posture, such a stiffness and weakness in the knees, that he can scarcely move from the place; he is always much bent as if from weakness. He has nausea and want of appetite in the forenoon. After Lach. the cough was very bad for an hour, then he expectorated some yellow matter for the first and only time. After this the cough became looser, gentler, and less frequent. After three or four days the symptoms re-appeared, the colour of the countenance alone remaining improved. After the second dose, improvement again occurred, and went on progressing for some time. After a few more doses, all his suffering almost entirely disap- peared, the hoarse phthisical voice was better, he walked upright and quick, and felt so strong and well, that he went on a journey of business. 26 LACHESIS. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition,—*Despondency, -also with shortness of breath, or with indolence and chilliness, °or also with discouragement, in gastric affections. "Very sad early in the morning, also with languor. °Melancholy of pregnant females, relieved after sighing. °Brooding and melancholy mood. °Taciturn and indolent, also in children. Avoids company and does not want to talk. 0 Great disposition to feel sad, and to look at the dark side of every thing, sadden. ing events overwhelm him. °Discouragement and loathing of life, the future looks dark to him and he despairs. °Hopeless and despairing in a person affected with rheumatic pains.—^Restlessness, "driving him from one place to another, or into the cpen air. Anxiety and apprehension after a meal. * Anguish, also with trembling. Oppressive apprehension during a ride in the open air, a sort of foreboding of some evil accident. °Dread of death, is afraid to lie down, lest a paroxysm (fit) should take place and destroy her life. °Anxiety on account of her illness. °A number of those who had been despairing of their recovery, now believe in its possibility. °Attacks of nightly fear, for instance: of the cholera, or of robbers who might break into his house and oblige him to jump out of the window, etc.; with an impression that all these fancies are real, and that he would rather die (accompanied with a good deal of vertigo, constipation and interruption of the sleep by every little noise).—*Mislrust and suspicion, -imagines that those around him, are all the time endeavouring to hurt his feel- ings intentionally, even the most innocent remarks appear odious to him. Fool. ish, almost frantic jealousy towards evening. *Doubts every thing, even those things which he had been firmly convinced of heretofore.—Ennui, with trembling. Great, continued indifference, also with forgetfulness.—Indolence, want of disposition to do any thing, also with lowness of spirits, °particularly in persons with a phlegmatic spongy constitution, -or with indifferent mood, at- tended with weariness and languor. °Indolent, taciturn, brooding and melan- choly, he considers himself too feeble to do any thing, with aggravation of the symptoms every other day. Aversion to exercise. Indolence of the mind, with bodily weakness and languor. Disposition to fritter away one's time, not dis- posed to accomplish any mental business, or to do any thing properly.—° Weak- ness of will: several young men who could not make up their minds to marry, soon did so after having been under the influence of Lach. for a time.—Vexed mood. Is frequently unable to conceive any thing but imaginary untoward events. °Peevish, fault-finding, discontented mood, with disposition to hunt up other people's faidts and to animadvert upon them. Excessive desire to quarrel and dispute, also from mere desire for contradiction. Desires impetuously more than one answer even when there is no occasion for it. Vehemence and anger, also without feel- ing vexed. Excessive orgasm of the blood after unpleasant news. °Malice, attacks others suddenly, wounds them, thinks of nothing but mischief. Hurried- ness and uneasiness. Is obliged to do every thing very quickly, is unable to remain seated, and swallows his food without chewing it. Disposition to under- take many things, without persevering with any.—Great nervous irritability, he is moved to tears in reading some touching poem, with pain above the eyes after weeping. Becomes enraged when touched by others ever so slightly. °Ex- cessive moaning and complaining of one's pains. Great tendency to start, par- ticularly in the evening. Exalted mood, with increase of well feeling smoking, however, affects him unpleasantly. Cheerful mood without any particular cause laughing to himself, and desirous of amusement. The more he has cause to* feel vexed, the greater his disposition to jest, ridicule, and to conceive ludicrous ideas. Sort of ecstasies, as after great joy, with disposition to talk and do a good d , and increased facility of accomplishing a thing. Heavenly ecstasies.— LACHESIS. 27 Sympathizing and communicative, and sometimes very impatient, while attending to a dry and tiresome business. Excited and talkative, in the evening, also with bodily languor, and jumping from one idea to another. °Morbid talkativeness after excessive study, discoursing about things in chosen language and jumping from one subject, to another, with pride and mistrust of those around him. ScnsoriUM.—Mental languor preceded by excitement. Great absence of mind, particularly in reading. Is frequently unwilling to read long, even in- teresting articles.—"Absence of though', °with weakness of memory, and a kind of anxiety if he is to speak in public ° Absence of thought, in paroxysms of half an hour, with incoherence of speech, complete forgetfulness of every thing which had taken place previously, and difficulty of setting himself in motion when sit- ting or lying (after vexation). ° Vanishing of thought, with blackness before the eyes, in paroxysms. Complete loss of sense, with cold feet, and disappear- ing as soon as the feet get warm.—^Inability to think intently -and without perseverance. °Does not succeed in his mental exertions, with painful dulness of the head. °Mental exertions affect him unpleasantly.—Great weakness of memory, finds its difficult to listen, and forgets entirely what he had been hear- ing a moment before. He is without memory, neither hears nor understands what other people tell him, although his power of thinking is unimpaired. Has to think how the words arc spelled. *Mikes frequent mistakes in uriting. Makes a number of orthographical mistakes in writing a letter, even the simplest words are spelled wrong. Is mistaken about the date of the month and the day week: on the 6th he dates from the 26th, and mistakes Wednesday for Satur- day. —Ideas crowd upon him: in attempting to write down an idea, a multitude of ideas crowd upon him so fast that he is scarcely able to follow them. In- creased activity of his fancy, which is crowded with an unusual variety of scenes and events. His mind is so active in the evening and at night that he is obliged to sit up for the purpose of composing, which he does with increased facility, variety and richness of thought.—"Delirium at night. °Talks a good deal while in a febrile condition, in the-evening.—''•'Men'a! derangement: after vexation ; °after excessive study; °in drunkards?. °Religious craziness, she thinks she is predestined to eternal punishment.—*Dulness of the head: -with heat and violent congestions ; early in the morning, also every morning, or with inability to think correctly and with languor of all his limbs, or with heaviness and dis- charge of blood from his nose, with headache in the forenoon, and congestions in the afternoon, or with pain in the right side of the head in the afternoon.— Vertigo, after stooping. Vertigo with staggering and incipient loss of sense, as if threatened with apoplexy, in the evening. Vertigo with staggering to the left side, early in the morning, after rising. Frequent, momentary vertigo, particu- larly on closing the eyes. °Giddiness in the sinciput, with dulness of vision as if a mist were before the eyes, or as if the eyes were too dry, obliging one to wipe them, worse early in the morning. Giddiness on walking out. °Giddiness on reaching high. Giddiness after rising, or when standing, going off on lying down, early in the morning. Giddiness on sitting down. Giddiness on sitting after walking. Giddiness after lying down, or when stooping or sitting still, in the evening. ^Giddiness with headache, particularly before the menses.— •Apoplectic fits : °with distortion of the head, facial muscles and mouth to the left sile, dark redness of the face and violent convulsions of the muscles, violent jactitation of the upper and lower limbs {particularly on the left side), the patient extends the body with a jerk, the face grows pale and blue-red, with foam at the mouth, succeeded by blowing and bubbling expirations, with a email and intermittent pulse, and staring and immovable pupils. °Apoplectic fit in hydrothorax, witli paralysis of one arm and of the tongue, imperfect conscious- 28 LACHESIS ness and unintelligible muttering. ° Apoplectic fit with paralysis of the leftside, coldness of the hand as if dead, moaning, complaining about pain and debility, dread of death, delirium (he does not know what he is saying), tearing in the head with heat and redness of the face, weakness and tightness of the chest, with some stitches (on the right side), difficulty of urinating with frequent desire and with moaning previous to every micturition, constant motion of the left eye and lid after the third paroxysm, with constant rising and falling of the lower jaw, inability to talk and swallow, with danger of suffocation.—°Cerebral affections of children.? °Acute dropsy of the brain (?) accompanying chronic helmin- thiasis. ? Head.—Headache generally : in the forehead ; in the left frontal protube- rance, as if sore, or deep-seated (early in the morning), as if connected with the ear, the outer parts feel painful as it bruised on pressing upon them; in the ver- tex, internally, worse on pressing upon the part; many of the pains are deep- seated ; pain above the eyes, extending to the root of the nose, continuing almost the whole day; pain near the right eye. Pain extending down to the root of the nose. Pain in both temples. Sudden pain in the left side, continuing the whole forenoon. °Pain in the occiput, every morning. °General, very trouble- some pain, every afternoon. °Pain every day (after recovering from the influ- enza), with a languid feeling in all the limbs as if proceeding from the chest, disposition to sleep and loss of appetite. °Headache from the heat of the sun, °Stroke of the sun. ?—*Dull aching : -in the sinciput; in the head, with nausea, in the afternoon; °in the vertex, in drunkards.—*Heaviness of the head : °early in the morning, with subsequent pain above the right eye ; °with weakness and dulness of the head, worse in the occiput and when walking. Excessive heavi- ness in the occiput early in the morning on waking, with vertigo. Oppressive heaviness in the forehead with nausea and giddiness, after drinking wine. Heavy spot in the middle of the head, moving to and fro when moving the head.— 0Headache after a cold, first a pressure in the forehead, which increases to a violent beating in the evening, with nausea and inclination to vomit, also with vomiting of green substances, bad taste in the mouth, and loss of appetite, at- tended with occasional dartings through the head from the forehead to the occi- put, tearing dartings in the upper and lower limbs, nightly empty eructations, succeeded by aggravation of the symptoms, redness of the face with expression of anguish, uneasiness, discontent and tossing about in the bed, the patient is at times lying on the back, at others on the belly, and talks has'ily without fre- quently knowing what he is talking about.—* Aching pains in the head.: -for two days, on the third day the headache is succeeded by congestion of the head. *Headache with nausea. Headache with drowsiness. *Aching in the forehead, °also with stitches, -or towards the inner parts (going off in the evening, in the open air or during motion, but returning in a room when sitting still). Aching on the right side of the eye or in the forehead, and soon after in the left temple, with a similar pain in the right side of the face (apparently in one of the upper teeth), and afterwards also in the left lower limb and foot, in the evening. Aching in the left temple, the whole forenoon. Aching under the skull all over, also asf after having taken cold (after a walk in the open air), or accompanied with nausea and alternating with heat and very much aggravated by stooping. —Pressing headache, early in the morning, violent, with congestions of the head. Pressing pain deep in the forehead and left temple. Violent pressing, in the evening, about the sinciput, most violent in the temples, which are pain- fully affected by every step in walking. Pressing in the right side of the head, about the eyes and towards the occiput, with heaviness, dulness and congestions^ particularly on stooping.—"Pressing in the forehead from without inwards, on LACHESIS. 29 stooping. Feeling of fulness the whole day. with some headache on the day fol- lowing. °Severe pain, as if the head would burst, particularly in the temples. after rising, frequently also in the region of the eyebrows, and the glabella, the pain is felt whenever the head is raised, and is silent only in a recumbent pos- ture. Constriction of the head above the ears, with pressure below either temple in the direction of the ears.—Tensive pain in the whole head, relieved in the open air and by pressing on the head, with sluggish, hard stool Tensive pain in the head, relieved by pressing on the head, with whizzitig in the head, feeling of heat, a good deal of sneezing and fluent coryza, with hard stool. Tensive pain in the right half of the occiput, extending to the orbits and the nasal bones. Tensive pain as if one side of the head were put upon the stretch, extending from the nape of the neck, across the ear, to the eyes, when coughing.—Draw-. ing pain extending from a spot above the right car to the vertex, an hour after dinner. Drawing pain in the nose and frontal cavities, and under the whole skull. Jerking, stretching drawing in the skull, malar bones, and lower jaw. Drawing pain in the right side of the head, with stinging, after smelling of coffee. —* Tearing in the head. Tearing in the forehead above the eyebrftws, also as if in the bone, early in the morning. Tearing from the side of the forehead to the nose. Tearing from the ears to the temple.—Cutting, as if a piece were cut off the right parietal bone.—* Dartings in the. h""d. L mcinations in the ver- tex, also proceeding from the eyes, or at the same time in the temple and through the whole head, accompanied with coryza and stiffness of the nape of the neck. Stitches in the left side.of the head, also at the same time in the temple, or proceeding from an old cicatrix. D.rp stinging throughout the whole head. Tearing lancinations in the forehead above the eyebrows. Sticking with pres- sure in the right side of the head.—* Meriting headache. "Violent beating in the whole head, particularly during the menses. (Beating above the right eye, with nausea, bad taste in the mouth, and heartburn). Sudden beat- ing in the forehead, proceeding from without inwards. (°Beatitig, with ver- tigo, nausea and vomiting, in arthritic individuals.)? Beating in bo h temples, also constant hammering (before the menses). °Beating above the eyes, which are so painful that she is unable to use them (d ring the menstrual flow which is very scanty, the pain in the head alternates with toothache). Hammer- ing on every motion, occasioning nausea and inclination to vomit, with painful boring in the vertex. Pulsative throbbing in the right temple, extending into the orbit. ° Undu1 riting pulsative beating, most violent above the eyes, or parti- cularly above the left eye, in which a shooting is experienced, the pain thence proceeds over the head to the occiput, resembling a sensation as if the dura mater were pulled at, with intermittent hard stool and improvement by eructa- tions. * Congest ion of blood 'o the head, °atteiiding other complaints. Con- gestion of blood to the head with dulness of the head and giddiness. Determi- nation of blood to the head with drumming and roaring in the ear. Determina- tion of blood to the head, particularly on stooping and walking, preceded or ac- companied by headache, or accompanied with discharge of blood from the nose in the morning, on blowing it. Congestion of blood to the head with painful pressure under the whole skull, sensitiveness of every decayed tooth, discharge of bright-red blood from the nose on blowing it, ami drawing in the nose and frontal cavity as if water had been poured under the skull.—*Heat in the head, accompanying o'her affections.—* Whizzing in. the head, accompanying other affectiois Sense as of turning (whirling) above the right eye, in the forehead. "Violent headache with congestions, violent pulsations, palpitation of the heart and vomiting, at two o'clock every night. * Violent head re he with twinkling before the eyes, -as if coryza would make its appearance, °or with inclination to vomit. 30 LACHESIS. Headache with vertigo, particularly in the evening. *Headachc with nausea, °also violent, particularly in the forehead, with chilliness and palpitation of the heart, almost depriving her of her senses, with frequent pains in the chest and general languor (after gastric fever). °Headache with toothache, with chilliness which does not allow one to get warm, and with unquenchable thirst, or with chilliness and heat and heaviness of the feet. Scalp,—Painful sensitiveness of the whole left side of the head, also as if the skin had been burnt by the heat of the sun, in the left temple, from the vertex to the face, on touching the parts or on moving the muscles for the pur- pose of laughing, chewing, etc. The skin of the forehead is painful to the touch. Round painful spot on the middle of the head. Tearing in an old cica- trix on the head, or also nightly tension and drawing, as when the weather is about to change. Drawing from the left temple to the forehead.—Tingling and numbness in the left side of the scalp (and whole body), in the evening and on the day following.—Itching of the hairy scalp. Violent burning after scratch- ing, accompanied with congestion of the head and headache. Peeling off of the akin of the head and face. Swelling of the head and face, with closing of the eyes from swelling.—°The hair which was falling off, grows firmer, thicker and longer (in alternation with Merc, during pregnancy). EygS,—Pain in the eyes, particularly the left. Pains near or above the eyes. Violent pain in the right eye. Sensation as if something were starting from the brows through the eyelashes. Pain in the eyes as if dust had got in. Pain in the inner canthi. *Pain in the eyes from reading, particularly from read- ing at candle dight.—Pressure in the eyes as if the orbits were too narrow, worse during movement. Pain in the right orbit, on moving the lids. Pain in the left eye and the right shoulder, early in the morning. Pain in and above the eyes, with pain of the frontal integuments when touched. "Pressure in the eyes as if the eyes would start from their sockets. Stinging pressure in the right upper lid.—Stinging in the eyes, which are sometimes hot and burning. Hot stitches darting from the brows through the eyelashes. Drawing sticking from the right eye to the vertex, in the afternoon.—Itching in the eyes, particularly in the left, sometimes succeeded by pressure in both eyes and attended with dizziness (going off after taking coffee). Itching near the left eye, in and around the eyes, with heat in the eyes, obliging one to rub a good deal, in the afternoon and evening. Itching pains in the lids. °Biting and burning in the eyes, par- ticularly in the upper lids, with constipation.—°Redness of the eyes.—*Infiam- mation of the eyes, -as if a stye would form on the right upper lid in the even- ing, or on the left lid with swelling. Inflammation of the lias, with pain in the eyes, particularly when reading, and with burning pressure, or burning pressure and itching. inflammation characterized by a large bundle of injected vessels, proceeding from the inner canthus towards the cornea, resembling a pterygium (giving first Puis.). °Ulcers of the cornea.—Sensation as if the eyes were larger, they look as if a person had been weeping a good deal, in the evening. The eyes feel stiff.—Faintness and dimness of the eyes, attending some other complaints, or *distortion of the eyes. °Dimness of the left eye after making the least effort, with lachrymation (in a horse).— The pupil is fixed and im- movable, during an apoplectic fit,—Sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.— Dimness of the eyes, particularly of the right eye, as t< m dust on the eyeball, obliging one to wipe constantly, sometimes accompanied with pressure in the orbit. The eyes become weak, he dis-en s distai t objects well, but not those near by, particularly in the evening, with flickering before the eyes when reading and blurred appearance of the letters. M?s iness before the eyes, obliging him to wipe, or with a blue-red ring around the light in the parlour. Flickering LACHESIS. 31 before the eyes, particularly before the right eye, with twitching in this eye, at- tended with congestion of blood to the head, and relieved by exercise in the open air. Sensation as if threads or sunbeams were moving before the eyes in confusion. A good deal of black flickering before the eyes, particularly after reading a good deal, and rendering reading difficult. Bright blue ring around the light, or fiery ring, with fiery rays. Ears,—Pain at a small spot behind the ear when touched. Sensation of swelling between the ear and the mastoid process, worse when pressing on the part. Stiffness in the region where the sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle is in- serted in the mastoid process, with pain on pressure. Throbbing in the bones. Dartings under the ears and in the sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle, as in ^ ery- sipelas, in the evening.—Numb (pithy) feeling of the conchse, and of the inner parts (when pressing on them), succeeded by an aching pain and heat. Smart- ing as from excoriation at the upper part of the left ear, only when touching it, particularly painful at night. Biting in the lobule, with blotches making their appearance afterwards. "Soreness and scurfs on the ears. Coldness of the ear and of the whole side of the head (during toothache), with relief from the application of warmth.—Itching and stinging itching in the ears. Contractive pain deep in the left ear, with pain as if swollen, on inserting the spatula,. Sting- ing and pressure in the right ear. °Indescribably-disagreeable sensation from the ear to the throat.—"Dryness of the ears. * White cerumen. ° The white cerumen turns yellow, or becomes like pap. The ears feel obstructed.—*Dimi- nution of hearing, hardness of hearing, -also with dryness, and a feeling of stoppage in the ears, with whitish pellicles on the ears, or with too light, yellow- ish and too hard, or too scanty cerumen. *Very sensitive to noise, °imagines that he hears every thing more distinctly, with a rushing noise in the head. Crackling in the ears. Chirping in the ears, sometimes attended with singing and tearing, or as if the noise were heard deep in the occiput. (Occasional oracking, with difficulty of hearing). Roaring in the left ear. Drumming roaring with congestion of blood to the head, or particularly in the right ear, early in the morning in bed or frequently in the day-time, and particularly in the evening, ceasing after shaking the inner ear with the finger. Roaring, with ooldness of the feet. Thundering. IVOSC—Pains in the nose proceeding from the head. Prickings in the nose (in a leprous patient). Drawing in the bone. Painful spot close above the left wing. (Tensive digging in the right nostril, followed by biting at the lower part of the nose).—Itching of the nose when eating, or when sitting down to dinner, or in the evening. Tingling in the tip of the nose with catarrh. "Redness of the nose in drunkards and in syphilitic patients who have been poisoned with Merc. °A red pimple on the right side of the nose, high up, and of long stand- ing, becomes a good deal larger at first, then smaller. Vesicular eruption in the right nostril. (Inflamed mucous plugs on the external portion of the Schnciderian membrane.)—Soreness of the corners of the, nose, after catarrh. Red s >re. borders, with running from the nose and eyes, without catarrh. Swell- ing and painfulness of the left nostril. "Scurfs in the nose. Bleeding of the nose, °three or four days before every menstrual period. Discharge of a few drops of blood from the nose, particularly after boring in the nose with the finger, or in the evening on blowing the nose. Discharge of blood from the no, increased by cross- ing the legs. Pinching in the epigastrium, early in the morning, in bed, or with cutting, and aggravated during and after dinner to such a degree that he is obliged to bend double.—Culling in the abdomen in various places, with pinch- ing. Cutting in the whole abdomen, with painful rumbling and subsequent slimy evacuation from the bowels.—Disagreeable feelii g of warmth in the abdo- men. Frequent rush of blood from the abdomen into the chest.—Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen, with pressure downwards, after break'ast. Sensation as if a load were lying on the abdomen, particularly on the umbilicus and pit of the stomach, worst when standing.— "Diseases of the portal system. 1—"As,Pcs (a't or the removal of fever and ague with constipation) with excessive swelling of the abdomen, feet aiid face. "Asrites, with it,duration of the liver and asthma.— IVeling of fulness in the abdomen, also with rumbling and emission of flatulence. Sensation as if too full in the right side, with oppressed breathing «2 LACTUCA VIROSA. and relief by eructations and emission of flatulence (s). Distention of the ab- domen, particularly in the region of the liver, in the evening.—Shifting of flatu- lence in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen, also at dinner, or after dinner (with stitches under the praecordial region and pinching in the abdomen), or par- ticularly in the umbilical region. Emission of a quantity of flatulence, also of fetid flatulence, (after previous rumbling) or in the evening with previous pinching. StOOl.—Constipation. "Diminution of the habitual constipation.—Stool pre- ceded by pressing and pinching. Urging to stool with feeling of excessive languor, and difficult, scanty stool. Stool preceded by urging and pressing hard, with contusive pain in the anus. Insufficient stool.—Costiveness. Dry, hard, difficult stool, with pressing. Hard, knotty stool, with burning at the anus, after a constipation of two days.—Promotes the alvine evacuations ? (s). Soft or papescent stools, the first days. Frequent papescent evacuations (s). Diarrhaza (s). At times diarrhoea, at times costiveness (s).—General languor, weariness with drowsiness, yawning and ptyalism during stool. Pressing at the anus after (soft) stool.—Drawing in the anus. Prickling in the anus towards evening. Hemorrhoidal tumours around the anus, with tenesmus of the rectum, and discharge of thin stool after every hard evacuation. Urinary Organs.—Urging to urinate, with frequent drawing in the glans, which strikes through the whole body.—Increased secretion of urine (also s). Frequent micturition and increased secretion of urine. Has to get up at night for the purpose of urinating.—The urine is clear as water, and is more copious and more frequently passed. Urine yellowish and clear, smelling like violets. Brown, hot urine, burning in the urethra.—Sensation in the urethra, while sit- ting still, as if a drop were flying through it. Burning at the orifice of the urethra,—Dragging pressing in the region of the bladder.—"Gonorrhoea. 'I Male Sexual Organs.—Swelling of a lymphatic vessel in the penis after a morning erection. Drawing in the root of the penis, or in the right spermatic cord and down the inner side of the thighs.—Diminished inclination for an embrace. Quiets sexual excitement and removes lascivious dreams (s). Pain- ful erections during the morning-slumber. Emissions, during lascivious dreams in the morning-sleep, or two emissions in one night, during sound sleep, without his being conscious of them. Female Sexual Organs.—Menses too early by six days or four (with cramp-pain in the abdomen (s).—Promotes menstruation (s).—Increases the milk in the breasts (s). Larynx and Trachea.—Increased volume of the voice. Roughness in the throat after reading aloud. Roughness in the larynx. Roughness in the trachea, obliging one to take deep breath. Rmghness with scraping in the throat (s). Dryness and scraping in the larynx and upper part of the chest. Hoarse- ness in the evening, or also early in the morning, with roughness in the throat. Feeling of fulness in the trachea, less on be iding the trunk backwards. Fre- quent irritation with hacking. "Constant feeling of fulness in the trachea, with irritation with hacking, difficulty of speech, and frequent 1 >ose couyh.__Cough from tickling in the ihroaf, also with a. fading of tightness in the chest. Cough with feeling of burning dryness in the throat. Dry cough now and then, or short turns of cough, concussing the chest, abdomen and back part of the occi >ut. Dry, barking, painful cough arising from a former loose c >ugh. >'/>«/•>, hollow and dry cough, or racking cough, as if the chest would fly to pi ens, arising from a titillation in the pharynx, which causes a husky aid r m<'h ee'i r*. "Complete disappearance of a former dry cough, which used to set in with changes in the weather. Secretion of mucus from coughing (the cough having LACTUCA VIROSA. 63 been dry before?), the turns of cough become more powerful and longer. Cough with profuse secretion of mucus.—Increased pain in the chest when coughing or hacking.—"Whooping-cough.? "Dry and suffocative cough, in a hysteric female, with constant sleeplessness and gnawing feeling of coldness in the stomach and pit of the stomach. Chest.—Shortness of breath. Short, heavy breathing (s). Difficult breath- ing, with stitches in the left lobe of the lungs, or with pressure in the pit of the atomach. Hurried breathing, arising from a pressing, and a sensation of effer- vescence in the chest. Frequent desire to take deep breath, particularly when sitting bent. Constant desire for air. Insufficient breath, when standing or walking, owing to a spasmodic constriction of the umbilical and precordial regions, with frequent desire to take deep breath. Sensation, when taking deep breath, as if the air did not fill the chest.—Asthma, dyspnoea, with oppression of the chest (s). Oppression of the heart, in the afternoon. Sensation as if the lower part of the chest were too light, with dread of taking deep breath, on which occasion he always gives a start. Great oppression of the chest at night, waking him from sleep, and obliging one to sit up with anxious suddenness (s). Frequent dyspnoea, with heaviness on the chest. He is obliged to take deep breath, with short relief by yawning and stretching. Dyspnoea as after inhaling acrid vapours, in the evening in bed, with huskiness and a hollow hacking cough. Dyspnoea with constant necessity to sit bent, lest the chest should feel too tight, compressed or constricted, or else these symptoms may be felt when sitting bent, or with frequent contractive crampy sensations in the lower part of the chest. Dyspnoea, as from spasmodic constriction in the hypochondriac region, particu- larly on the right side.—Oppression of the chest and breathing (also s). Op- pression of the chest, obliging one to take deep breath (also s), also with disposi- tion to yawn and anxiety, or with relief by raising and stretching the trunk. Oppression of the chest, with dull pain under the sternum. Great oppression of the chest, with frequent dragging in single parts of the chest. Slight oppression on both sides of the chest and under the sternum, with subsequent feeling of warmth on the opposite wall of the chest.—Feeling of fulness in the chest, with anxiety, also increasing towards evening. Feeling of fulness under the sternum and towards the clavicle, with disposition to take deep breath. Feeling of fulness in the whole chest, with slight trembling in the chest and bruised pain. —Heaviness on the chest, with tightness of breathing. Sensation as if a hundred weight were oppressing the chest, obliging him to unbutton his coat, which feels tight and oppresses the breathing. Heaviness on the chest, in the evening, with sensation of fulness in the trachea. Heaviness on the chest, during a walk in the open air, as if a load were in the chest. Heaviness on the chest, increasing and decreasing periodically, with a contractive crampy feeling in the chest, oppression aid increased warmth of the chest.—The difficulty of breathing is relieved by sitting up. Cannot bear any thing to press on the chest, lest the breathing should become oppressed.—"Spasmodic asthma, also with organic delects of the heart. "Suffocative paroxysms in dropsy of the chest. "Hydro- thorax, with general swelling, anxiety, deficiency of breath in a recumbent posture, short, dry cough, great debility, irresistible desire to sleep, in the after- noon, and diminished secretion of urine.—Dull pain in the chest, obliging one to take deep breath, in he Ift side of the chest, and soon after in the right, not constant. The di 11 pain in the chest increased by deep breathing.—Aching pun in the middle of the chest. Aching pain under the sternum, on pressing upon the | arts with the hand. Aching pain in both sides of the chest, early in tlio mom in-/, wors;! during an inspiration. Aching pain under the upper part of the sternum, during motion, with tension. Aching pain in the upper part of the 64 LACTUCA VIROSA. chest, after a walk in the open air, with weakness so as to sink down. Crampy pressure in different parts of the chest, or particularly in the upper part of the chest, with tightness and desire to gape and stretch the upper part of the body. —Stitches in the right chest, with subsequent sensation of spasmodic twitching, or in the lower part of the chest towards the back (s), in the region of the car- tilages of the upper false ribs Lancinations un fer the left short ribs. Pleuritic stitches from the middle of the sternum towards the right side. Crampy stick- ing in the upper part of the left chest, with tightness of the whole chest. Dull sticking, from the left chest to the scapula.—Dull drawing pain in the chest, early in the morning in bed, worse after rising.—Rush of blood in the chest, with pressing, and obliging one to breathe hurriedly. Rush of blood in the chest, with tightness, also after only moderate exercise, or with subsequent cramp- pain on the outer chest.—Burning painful throbbing in the right cavity of the chest, at a small spot.—Qualmish feeling in the chest, from afternoon till evening. Feeling of coldness in the chest (s).—Painful weariness, as after bodily exertion, in the lower part of the chest and on the walls of the thorax, particularly on the left side, early in the morning after waking.—Sudden pain in the pectoral and deltoid muscles, afterwards shifting to the shoulders, during rest. Back.—Drawing from the small of the back to the groins.—Pain in the spinal marrow, extending to the cauda equina through the os coccygis. Cramp- pain, moving through the back in various directions. Bruised feeling in the lumbar region.—Pain in the nape of the neck, when coughing. Drawing and tension (also at the same time in the shoulders and cervical muscles). Prick- ling under the skin, which becomes gradually seated under the right scapula.— Tension in the cervical muscles, also spasmodic tension on the right side. Upper Extremities.—Sticking in the right axilla, aggravated by raising the arm and pressing with the finger. Pains in the shoulders (s). Feeling of lameness in the left shoulder-joint.—Drawing in the arms, particularly from the elbow-joints. Drawing in the arms with jerking. Erratic tearing in the right shoulder and elbow-joint, as if on the bone, afterwaids at times on the wrist-joint, at times in other parts. Fine stitch under the right arm. Great weariness of the right arm.—Drawing and feeling of weakness in the upper arm. Cramp-pain at the lower extremity of the upper arm. Pain as if sprained in the left deltoid muscle, only when the forearm is bent.—Dull drawing in the tip of the elbow.—Tearing in the right forearm, with subsequent lameness of the little finger.—Painful twitching in the hands. Drawing in the left hand, also spasmodic drawing in the knuckle. Trembling of the hands (s).—Feeling of heat in the fingers, with subsequent weakness of the fingers. Tearing in the middle fingers of either hand. Tingling itching on the left fingers. Lower Extremities.—Great weariness in the lower limbs. Trembling and languor of the limbs. Heaviness, particularly in walking, with tension in the bends of the knees. Frequent going to sleep of the lower limbs, particu- larly when sitting.—Bruised feeling in the thighs, with tension in the bends of the knees on rising from a seat. Twitching in the left thigh.—Sensation, in the legs as if the circulation had stopped, particularly when sitting, with heaviness, or only in the right leg during rest and accompanied with drawing. Drawing pain in the right leg, with rigid feeling, even up to the hip. Trembling of the left leg, in the afternoon. Cramp in the left calf, when walking.—Pain of the left sole, as if he had been jumping on a stone, during rest, going off when step- ping, did feet.—Tingliig itching of the left toes. Pain in the left big toe as if it had become contracted, and would be stretched on stepping. Pain under the nail of the fourth toe as from sabcataneous ulceration. LACTUCA VIROSA. 65 Sleep.—A good deal of yawning. Yawning and stretching (s).—Great drowsiness in the day-time (also s). Drowsiness with weariness and languor. Feels sleepy early in the evening, and is obliged to go to bed. Irresistible drowsiness (s). Falls asleep while attending to his business. Sopor, also with loathing (s). Disposition to sleep, without any sleep taking place. Deep sleep for several hours, also with somewhat frequent pulse.—Calm, refreshing sleep at night. Sound sleep, full of dreams, also without dreams. Sound Bleep, with emissions, of which he is not conscious (s). Lethargic sleep, at night, with difficulty of waking early in the morning. Restless, unrefreshing night-sleep (also s). Long, restless sleep. Frequent waking, almost every quarter of an hour.—"Is unable to lie on his back owing to difficulty of breath- ing, with tension in the pit of the stomach. Likes to lie with the head high, and on the right side.—Symptoms at night in bed : great lightness of the chest, waking him, and obliging him to sit up in an anxious hurry, with great weari- ness early in the morning (s). Difficulty of breathing, with griping, oppressive pain in the chest, allowing but little sleep. "Want of breath which does not allow him any sleep, with throbbing in the head and region of the heart, and subsequent tearing in the head, with heaviness and stupid feeling. Headache, spasmodic cough and febrile heat, with dreams which he does not recollect and restless sleep.—Dreams full of fancy, during restless sleep. Vivid, or also anxious dreams (about being shot) during sound sleep. Dreams towards morning, also strange dreams, such as: turning about on his leg. Dreams the whole night, without waking.—Symptoms on waking early in the morning : great confusion of the head. Difficulty of rousing one's-self. Great weariness, after a restless night, with dyspnoea (s). Fever,—Frequent coldness over the back and head (also s), also with heat in the face (s), or with chilliness in a warm room, and coldness of the hands and feet. Slight chilliness during the day, even in a warm room. Shivering, also over the hairy scalp.—Fever with violent headache, pain of the scalp when touched, tearing in the joints (also in the nape of the neck and face) great heaviness in the head, in the evening, obliging one to bend it forward, dry and troublesome heat of the head and upper part of the body, with icy coldness of the feet, burning and running of the eyes, paroxysms of dry suffocative and spasmodic cough, racking the chest and head, and spasmodic painful contraction of the abdominal muscles and the hypochondriac region.—Intolerable feeling of dry heat, particularly on the legs, which feel painful as after excessive weari- ness from walking, from three to six o'clock in the morning—Slow pulse (also s). Slow and tight pulse. The pulse is less frequent, also, by ten or twelve beats (s).—Copious perspiration (s). Profuse sweats (s). Slight night- sweat, all over the body (s). Skin.—Prickling pinching and biting under the skin, here and there, also simple stinging.—Inflammation and eruption (from applying the drug to deli- cate parts of the skin).—"GEdematous swelling of the whole body, with asth- matic complaints, dulness of the head, difficulty of lying on the back, chills, de- ficiency of breath, short cough and small slow pulse. General Symptoms.—Drawing in the limbs and back, or periodical draw- ing in different parts (s). Erratic tearing, first in the right shoulder and el- bow-joint, then at times in the wrist-joint, at times in the knees, along the thigh, in the tarsal joint, nape of the neck, temples, etc. Painful buzzing sen- sation in the limbs, in the afternoon, when sitting still. Sharp, cramp-like twitching in the neighbourhood of the joints (in the nape of the neck, hypo- chondria, elbow, hips), generally in the evening and during rest, sometimes worse in the morning, and principally on the extensor side. Cramp-pains soon VOL. II. 5 66 LAMIUM ALBUM. re-appearing in other parts and limiting the use of the affected parts (particular- ly the elbows, hands, fingers, legs). Bruised feeling in all the limbs, obliging one to lie down the whole day.— Unsteady gait (s). Dangerous convulsions in a female (s). General relaxed feeling, also with languor and immobility. Great weariness. Great languor (also s), also with drowsiness, or early in the morning after rising, with indisposition to work. Exhausted and iired after a slight exertion as much as after a great one. Indescribable feeling of light- ness in the body (s). Feeling of invigoration, in a hysteric female (s). Great desire to sit erect.—Symptoms in the open air: feels better, particularly the chest feels freer. Uncommon lightness of body (s). Amelioration of the symptoms, particularly when taking exercise.—Desire for the open air.—"Hys- teric, nervous, spasmodic affections.?? "Affections with predominance of heat.? Characteristic Peculiarities.—Lactuca virosa seems to affect principally the respiratory organs. 150. LAMIUM ALBUM. LAM. ALB.—Sec Archiv, XII. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Noack and Trinks propose this remedy for the following affections: difficulty of falling asleep on account of restlessness and wakefulness.—Sleeplessness.— Sleep disturbed with dreams which return every time he falls asleep again.— Great mental uneasiness, and dread of lunacy owing to certain fixed ideas of which one is unable to free one's-self.—Dropsical symptoms. ?—Anasarca.?— Hardness of hearing. ?—Quinsy. ?—Flatulent colic. ?—Urging to urinate, the secretion of urine being at first suppressed, and afterwards becoming very abun- dant.—Congestion of blood to the uterus.—Premature menses.—Metrorrhagia.? —Smarting leucorrhcea, or leucorrhoea without any sensation, as it frequently takes place when the sexual organs are extremely weak. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sadness, as if he bad to endure unmerited troubles. Whining mood, he weeps with sensation as if he were abandoned. Great restlessness and anguish, not allowing him to remain at any one place or to continue the same kinds of work, also with trembling of the limbs. One or the other biblical sentence is constantly occurring to her mind, which makes her sad and induces a fear of losing her intellect. Ilead.—Dulness of the head, with difficulty of collecting her senses, she has to make an effort to talk coherently.—Headache on waking and during a walk in the open air. Headache, worse on rising from a chair, relieved by sitting. Indescribable headache, deep in the brain, as previous to severe illness, worst when rising from a stooping posture, (going off at night during sleep). Head- ache, early in the morning, in bed, as from revelling during the night, with con- fused feeling and sensation as if the head were constricted with a band, worst when lying and going off when rising.—Aching pain in the right temporal re- gion. Aching pain in the whole region, as if the head were compressed on all sides, so that the middle of the brain is most affected with pain.—Tearing in the head, from six o'clock in the evening until midnight. Drawing stitches in the left temple. Stitches in^ the head, followed by beating, accompanied by violent chills, in the evening, in bed. Sore pain in the head, in the temporal LAMIUM ALBUM. * 67 region.—Pain in that side of the occiput which is in contact with the cushion, as if it were lying too hard. The scalp feels as if put upon the stretch, parti- cularly in the region of the coronal suture.—Great mobility of the head, parti- cularly from before backwards. Eyes and Ears.—Itching inducing rubbing, of the lower lid, or (particu- larly in the evening), of the canthi. The pupils are very much contracted or afterwards dilated. Dim-sightedness, particularly in the evening, with pres- sure in the eyeball. Stitches behind the ears, in the region of the right lower jaw. Hardness of hearing. NoSC.—Bruised pain in the soft parts of the nose. Itching pimple near the right wing, with painful soreness when touched.—Discharge of blood from the nose on blowing it.—Sneezing and discharge of some drops of water from the nose.—Violent coryza. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Scraping sensation in the throat.—Pain as from a lump in the throat, during deglutition, (after the chilliness), and, on the following morning, with pain of the tonsils on swallowing, also on moving the neck or on pressing on the part.—Hawking of a thick, sour-tasting mucus from the throat.—Burning in the oesophagus, after every swallow of liquid or solid food. Gastric Symptoms.—Empty eructations. Sour eructations.—Walerbrash, two evenings in succession. Qualmish nausea, while eating, as'if waterbrash would set in, with pressure in the pit of the stomach.—Vomiting of the ingesta, with nausea, great heat, languor and prostrated feeling, and blackness before the eyes. Stomach and Abdomen.—Creeping in the stomach, with desire to vomit. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, or perceptible pulsations in that region.— Painful uneasiness in the region of the liver, which can only be relieved by lay- ing the hand on the part.—Colic as from incarcerated flatulence, also pinch- ing, continuing even after an divine evacuation with emission of a quantity of flatulence. Rumbling in the hypochondriac region. Distention of the abdo- men for several days.—Pressing in the left groin from above downwards, as if inguinal hernia would protrude. Bruised pain in the region of the hip-joint, as after a fatiguing walk.—Bruised pain of the abdominal muscles under the short ribs. Stool and Trine.—Hard stool, after pressing in the rectum. Scanty hard stool, with discharge of blood. Papescent stool, after sensation in the abdo- men, as if diarrhoea would set in.—Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emis- sion. Frequent micturition. Discharge of moisture from the urethra, or sen- sation as if a drop of urine were flowing along in it from the external orifice. Burning in the urethra. Tickling in the glans. Female Sexual Organs.—Violent excitement in the uterus, as if the men- ses would make their appearance, with pinching in the abdomen, or with cutting above the hips.—Menses too early, sometimes by eleven days and about new- moon, or too early and too scanty.—Leucorrhoza, smarting, or else without sen- sation. Larynx, Trachea, Chest, Back.—Feeble and trembling voice as in one who feels anxious.—Want of breath in speaking, from weakness of the chest — Aching pain above the left nipple, most severely felt when half waking, and dis- appearing when waki»g fully (early in the morning?). Bruised pain from the left chest to the shoulder.—Bruised pain in the small of the back. lippcr Extremities.—Bruised pain on the inner side of the arms, particu- larly in the bond of the elbow, and most violent when stretching the arm. Heaviness and languor in the right arm, particularly during rest. Prickling, 68 LAUROCERASUS. gnawing itching of the arms, hands and neck.—The backs of the hands and the balls of the thumbs feel as if they had gone to sleep, with creeping numbness in those parts, stinging smarting of the skin on moving the parts, as if they had been whipped.—Drawing tearing in the fingers, also in the joints. Crampy tearing in the right thumb. Lower Extremities.—Drawing tearing with pressure, in the posterior lower muscles of the right thigh, when sitting.—Tension of the calves when walking, as if stiff or unyielding. Cramp-pain and as if bruised, in the region of the right fibula. Feeling pf swelling, gnawing pressure and feeling of heat in the tibia (lower part) and in the tarsal joint.—^Blister on the heel, from slight rubbing, afterwards bursting and changing to a long-lasting ulcer, with smart- ing and biting.—Cramp-like pressure on the ball of the left big toe, when sit- ting. Sleep.—Sleeplessness in the evening in bed, from restlessness and wakeful- ness, with frequent waking in the night. Vivid, anxious dreams, waking him again after having fallen asleep with great difficulty, the same dream troubling him again after falling asleep again. She dreams that the menses, which had just ceased, will re-appear. Fever.—Chilliness over the whole body (at four o'clock in the afternoon) with internal trembling, uneasiness and anguish which drives him to and fro, disposition to sleep without being able to sleep, and goose-flesh over the whole body, the skin feeling sore and excoriated when touched, particularly on the upper arm and thigh. Chilliness with goose-flesh, early in the morning in bed, with sweaty skin, anxiety and heat, on taking the least exercise or on making the least exertion, even when talking. Chilliness with general weakness, most- ly of the hands, or anxiety, which does not allow him any rest, either in sitting, walking or standing. Burning heat of the cheeks, also with cold hands. Skin.—Smarting and stinging in the ulcer (in the evening, worst when ly- ing), also with redness and swelling around, and smarting early in the morn- ing in bed. General Symptoms.—Drawing tearing in the upper and lower extremities, now here then there. General languor. 151. LAUROCERASUS. LAUROC.—Prunus laurocerasus, Cherry-laurel. See Hartlaub and Thinks, I. Archiv, XII. Compare with—Amm, Canth., Chin., Cocc, Coffi, Hydr. ac, Ipec, Kali,. Lach., Merc, Nux v., Op., Rhus, Sec. c, Spig., Verat. Antidotes.—Of large doses: alkalies, particularly Amm.—Soap water.— —Strong coffee (Moench, Orfila).—Milk.—Mucilaginous substances.—Oil of turpentine.—Solution of tartar emetic {Bergonzi, according to whose ob- servations Lauroc. neutralizes the excessive action of tartar emetic).__Chlo- rine internally and externally.—Cold affusions.—Antidotes of small doses: Camph., Coff., Ipec, Op. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Noack and Trinks offer the following remarks on the clinical character of ' ' Laurocerasus. This agent seems to act principally upon the brain, spinal marrow, and the t t LAUROCERASUS. 69 -nervous trunks emanating from the spinal marrow, upon the ganglionic system and the nerves of respiration and circulation.—The action of that agent results in spasms, atony, torpor, lameness, or even entire exhaustion or annihilation of nervous life, occasioning those results particularly in the nerves of sensation and motion, and in the ganglionic system.—Laurocerasus is proposed for the following affections, and has been employed with success in some of them :— Asphyxia in consequence of fainting fits, cholera and other severe diseases.— Catalepsy.—Clonic and tonic spasms.—Spasms with subsequent lameness.— Tetanus.—Opisthotonos.—Emprosthotonos.—Trismus.—Epilepsy--—Trembling of the limbs.—Nervous apoplexy.—Paralysis of the extremities in consequence of cerebral apoplexy.—Drowsiness.—Irresistible drowsiness.—Somnolence.— Sopor with snoring breathing.—Sleeplessness arising from excitement and heat. —Typhous conditions.—Typhus cerebralis and abdominalis, with threatening paralysis of the brain.—Sopor.—Typhus stupidus, with sopor and rapid prostra- tion of the nervous life, coldness of the skin, cold sweat, sinking pulse, etc— Melancholy.—Hypochondria.—Hysteria.—Rapid alternation of the most oppo ■ site states of the mind.—Delirium tremens potatorum.—Stupor.—Slow train of ideas.—Loss of consciousness, speech and motion.—Intoxication.—Stupor.— Vertigo.—Chronic nervous headache.—Hysteric headache.—Acute and chronic inflammation of the eyes and lids.—Illusions of sight.—Xerophthalmia.—Am- blyopia —Amaurosis.—Otalgia. ?—Hardness of hearing, with buzzing and hum- ming.—Tearing, tensive, gnawing, lancinating pains in the soft and hard parts of the face.—Convulsions of the facial muscles.—Prosopalgia Fothergilli.—Tris- mus.—Eruption around the mouth, (Jahr).—Lancinating, tearing and boring pains in the teeth.—Spasm of the oesophagus.—Paralytic weakness of the fauces and oesophagus.—Singultus.—Spasmodic vomiting.?—Cholera, with violent con- gestion of blood to the head and chest, (Rummel).—Pains in the stomach.—Ach- ing, contractive pains in the stomach.—Gastrodynia.—Cardialgia.—Morbus ni- ger Hippocratis.?—Inflammation and induration of the liver, (Jahr.)—Induration of the liver for years, (Jahr).—Acute and chronic inflammatory conditions of the liver.—Hypertrophy and induration of the liver.—Cholera sicca, asphyctica, (Quin, treatment of the cholera, see Allg. horn. Zeit. Vol. I., p. 5, etc.—Acute and chronic inflammation of the spleen. ?—Hypertrophy and induration of the spleen. ?—Morbid conditions of the portal system.—Inflammatory conditions of the intestinal canal. ?—Of the peritoneum. ?—Flatulent and spasmodic colic.— Tympanitis. ?—Inguinal and femoral hernia. ?—Costiveness and constipation as from paralysis and great torpor of the intestinal canal, with chronic affection of the portal system, with trouble about the liver and spleen, spasm of the rectum and anus.—Paralysis of the sphincter ani.—Soft stools.—Diarrhoea, consisting of liquid green mucus, preceded by cutting colic, with or without tenesmus.— Suppressed secretion of urine.—Retention of urine.—Paralysis of the bladder.— Spasm of the bladder. ?—Has a specific action in the female sexual organs, (Horn. Zeit. Vol. L, p. 162).—Is a valuable palliative in cancer of the uterus, (Rau's Organon).—Catarrhal hoarseness and roughness of speech.—Catarrhal and nervous aphonia.—Laryngitis stridula.—Acute and chronic laryngitis and bronchitis.—Laryngeal and bronchial phthisis.—Typhoid pneumonia. ?—Spas- modic constriction of the throat.—Asthma thymicum.—Spasms of the chest, (Horn. Zeit. Vol. XVIII.)—Cough with copious expectoration of jelly-like ap- pearance and mixed with points of blood.—Dry, spasmodic cough, from titilla- tion in the throat and trachea.—lLrmoptoe.—Acute pulmonary phthisis, with purulent expectoration.—Florid phthisis, (Horn. Zeit Vol. I., p. 162). Incip- ient tuberculous phthisis.—Ulcerous phthisis—Asthmatic conditions.—Dys- pnoea in walking, (Jahr).—Spasmodic asthma.—Inflammation of the lungs in 70 LAUROCERASUS. the last stage, with threatening paralysis of the lungs which is developing itself, extreme dyspnoea, or hurried, raling, rattling, stertorous breathing, hurried, ex- cessively-frequent, why, empty, easily-compressible, unequal and intermittent pulse, excessive debility, coldness of the extremities, etc.—Frequent spasms of the heart—Purely nervous palpitation of the heart.—Asthmatic conditions, from organic diseases of the heart and the larger vessels, from defects of the valves, dilatation and thickening of the auricles and ventricles.—Angina pectoris, (M. Miiller, Horn. Zeit).—Cyanosis arising from hereditary or other organic defects of the heart.—Inflammatory affections of the spinal marrow. ?—Spinal irritation. ?—Rheumatic and arthritic complaints.—Ischias. ? SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Lowness of spirits, with want of disposition to work. Sadness with ill-humour, or with want of cheerfulness and a prostrate feeling. Whining mood, also with discouragement and loathing of life. Ex- cessive discouragement. Melancholy oppression of spirits, causing anxiety, pre- venting him from attending to his business, and driving him into the open air.^-Anxiety, particularly in the evening in bed, and preventing sleep. Un- easiness in the head, with warmth in and on the forehead, and going off in the open air. Apprehension of imaginary sufferings.—Laziness, and want of dis- position to attend to any kind of work, either menial or physical.—She feels so weary and exhausted that she is unable to utter a loud word.—Nervous irrita- bility, with want of disposition to do any mental work. Vexed mood. Every little occurrence puts him out of humour. Everything is disagreeable to him, he does not like to commence his usual work.—Hurriedness, precipitate deter- minations of the will.—Cheerful, merry exuberance of spirits.t Cheerful and sympathizing.! Disposed to do mental labour, it gives him pleasure, f Every part of the body appears to him more animated.t Feeling of internal ease and quiet.f Soft languishing, with feeling of pleasant languor and contented smiles. Sensorium.—Dulness of the senses. Insensibility and complete loss of sensation. Disappearance of every kind of pain.—Inability to collect one's ideas. Inability to think or work, with laziness. Slow train of ideas.—Loss of consciousness, also with weakness, or with loss of speech and motion, (in the case of a child). Dulness of the head when meditating or writing. Dulness in the left side of the head. Dulness in the right side, from the occiput to- wards the forepart, with pressure in the forehead. Sensation in the head as if the whole brain were cloudy. Dulness of the head, with dimness and mistiness before the eyes, feeling in the head as if intoxicated, and tension in the frontal region. Dulness rendering the head obscure and affecting the whole body, mak- ing a clear conception of one's own condition and of the surrounding things im- possible. Dulness of the head changing to pressure, particularly in the forehead and orbits. Dull and stupid feeling in the head, also painful or when raising the head from a stooping position, or with feeling of heat in the head. Dizzi- ness. Intoxication, also with dulness of the whole head, or intoxication-like vertigo, with sudden death. Stupefaction, also with vertigo.—Vertigo with dis- position to sleep. Vertigo with tension in the head. Vertigo after raising the head. Vertigo at every motion, with loss of thought, in the evening. Vertigo on, rising from a seat, with dull feeling in the head. Vertigo which increases in the open air. Vertigo so violent that he is scarcely able to keep his feet. Ver- tigo with cloudiness of the senses. Vertigo with dulness of the head. Vertigo. with oppression of breathing, languor and necessity to remain in bed for eight t Alternate effects. ? LAUROCERASUS. 71 days. Vertigo as if the head were turning in a circle, particularly in the even- ing. Vertigo, as if something were turning around him, with dilatation of the pupils, immovable, staring, widely-opened eyes, and pressure in the left side of the head, from the occiput to the forehead. Vertigo with stupefaction, also with sensation as if everything around him were in motion and as if a gauze were before the eyes, with difficulty of remaining on one's feet. Head.—Violent aching over the whole head. Headache with vertigo. Ach- ing in the right side of the forehead. Aching in the right temporal bone. Dull headache, particularly in the forehead and temples. Headache as after a night's revel. Headache, the head feels dull and heavy, in the evening, going off dur- ing sleep.—Slupifying pain in the whole head, with sensation on stooping as if the brain were striking against the skull. Aching ia the sinciput, particularly on stooping, with heaviness. Aching in the front part of the head.—Heaviness of the head, with dulness. Heaviness of the head, with sensation as if the brain were obscured, or as if it were pushing towards every part of the skull. Heaviness in the head, particularly when stooping, and relieved by raising the head. Heaviness in the sinciput, particularly when stooping, with stupifying pain, or with pressure in the orbits as if the eyeballs were too large. Heaviness in the forehead, particularly on stepping out of the room.—Fulness in the fore- head. Sensation as of pushing forward in the forehead, and as if the head became larger, with warmth and sweat on the forehead and hands. Pressing pushing against the frontal bone from within. Sensation as if the frontal bone were pushed out and raised.—Aching inihe whole head, worse in the warm room, with prostrate feeling. Aching in the head, now here, then there, with heaviness of the head, in the evening. Aching pain, extending from the vertex to the forehead and orbits, with pressure from the occiput down the nape of the neck. Oppressive pain on the top of the head, as from a weight. Aching of the occiput and sinciput, particularly on the right side, also more especially in the inner canthus, with dulness of the head, (which disappears in the open air). Aching at times in the occiput, at times in the forehead. Aching pain in the right side of the head, particularly in the region of the parietal bone, where the pain is increased by contact, or it shifts afterwards and appears at times in one temple, at times in the region of the left mastoid process. Aching in the left side of the head, particularly in the forehead and vertex, and sometimes shifting to the right side, Aching in the left temple, particularly in the afternoon, or on entering the room. Aching in the sinciput, commencing in the open air and worse in the room, with great heat in the face and amelioration by rest. Aching in the region of the forehead, also early in the morning, in bed, or with falling of the pulse from 70 to 64, or with dulness of the head, and more frequent and smaller pulse. Aching in the left region of the forehead, extending thence over the whole head and making it difficult to think. Aching pain above the orbits. Frequent periodical paroxysms of aching pain under the frontal bone. Pressure in the forehead from without inwards, relieved by pressing upon it. Pressure from within outwards, under the right temporal bone, or in the fore- head, particularly on stooping, or also in the left half of the occiput, with van- ishing of thought. Pressing from within outwards in the forehead and the region of the nasal bones. Violent pressing in the region of the left frontal emi- nence, from without inwards. Tension in the forehead and left side of the face, or in the right occiput, (as if a tuft of hair were being pulled). Dragging pain in the sinciput, or also in the occiput, always accompanied with drowsiness. Constant contractive and hot feeling on the vertex. The brain feels contracted and painful.— Tearing headache, in the evening, in bed. Tearing pain from the occiput to the neck. Tearing pain in the left side of the head, in the after- 72 LAUROCERASUS. noon. Tearing pain in the right temple, or from the left temple to the vertex, and thence along the outer canthus of the eye to the malar bone and one tooth. Tear- ing pain from the sinciput to the vertex. Tearing in the forehead, which feebj hot to the prover, but not to others. Drawing from the middle of the forehead, or deep in the right side of the occiput.—Stitches in the head, here and there. Stitches in the vertex, frequently in succession, relieved by stooping and increas- ed by raising the head. Stitches in the sinciput, particularly in the right side. Stitches in the right side of the head, with beating and throbbing, sometimes ag- gravated by stooping. Prickings in the left side of the head, or with boring be- fore the ear. Stitches at times in the sinciput, at times in the occiput. Stitches in the left temple, with dulness of the head, and sensation as if the brain were pressed upwards and forwards. Stitches in the forehead, during a walk in the open air. Stitches in the right frontal protuberance, particularly after dinner, or first in the left, then in the right.—Boring headache, particularly above the eyelids, or in the left side of the head, with subsequent dull feeling.—Beating in the head, in the left side of the head, worse on stooping. Beating in the left occiput. Beating in the right side of the head, with stitches, sometimes aggra- vated by stooping. Beating in the right temple, as with a finger. Single beat at a small spot in the left side of the head, which feels bruised after that.—Sen- sation as if the blood were rushing to the head. Rush of blood and stupefaction in the head. Heat in the head, also with laziness and ill-humour, or with sweat on the forehead, (with cold feet, and less in the open air). Warm feeling in the forehead, alternating with coolness, as if a wind were blowing upon the part.— Violent tingling and stinging in the brain. Tingling pain in the forehead, with dull feeling and heaviness in the head, aggravated by stooping. Scalp.—Frequent short attacks of pain on the vertex. Tearing in the left region of the vertex, or from the occiput to the neck. Sensation in the occiput, as if the tendons were too short, like a painful weight, which draws the head backwards.—Feeling of icy-coldness on the vertex, then in the forehead, nape of the neck, etc, extending to the small of the back, after which all the pains in the head disappear. Itching of the hairy scalp, here and there. Itch- ing of the hairy scalp, with creeping as from vermin. Itching of a small spot on the right side of the head. Itching in the frontal region, also with burning after scratching. Titillation on the occiput, going off by scratching. Creep- ing on the forehead as from fleas and flies, in the evening, going off after long scratching. Eyes.—Pain around the eyes, particularly the left. Sensation as if the eyes would be pressed out. Sensation as of a band around the eyeballs, mingled with stitches. Pressure in the eyes, in the evening. The lids press upon the eyes as if too dry, or as if he had not slept enough. °Diminution of the pains in cancer of the eyes. Drawing in the upper margins of the eyes, when exerting them. Stitches in the region of the left outer canthus. Itching in the left eye, also particularly in the afternoon, and sometimes going of by rubbing, itching in ihe left inner canthus, particularly in the afternoon, or passing over into a sort of pressure, or with lachrymation, or ease from rubbing. Itching under the right upper lid, or in the left brow, going off by scratching. Scraping sen- sation in the right canthus, constantly. Smarting in the eyes, as from salt.— Burning of the eyes at candle-light, also with dryness. Burning of the eyes, with weakness and dim-sightedness. Burning with stinging, particularly in the right eye, and more especially in the inner canthus, for several evenings. Burn- ing in the lids. Burning in the left outer canthus. Burning quivering in the right lower lid.—Turgescence of the vessels at a small spot in the left inner canthus.—The congested vessels spread, like the branches of a tree, from the LAUROCERASUS. 73 inner canthns towards the pupils.—Dryness of the eyes, also with sensation of warmth in the eyes, or with burning, (particularly at candle-light). Lachry- mation, particularly early in the morning. Agglutination of the left eye, re- lieved only for a short time by washing.—Staring eyes, sometimes as if pro- truded. Distorted eyes. Eyes half open. Eyes open and staring. Eyes lightly closed, with dilated, immovable pupils.—Pupils dilated, the right more than the left. Pupils contracted. Pupils immovable.—Optical illusion, every object looks larger until touched, when it assumes its natural appearance. Dark- ness before the eyes, the objects look dim. Amaurosis. Ears.—Dragging in the ears, particularly the left. Distensive sensation in the right ear. Stitches in the right ear, or through the left, or also before the ear. Pressure in the right ear. Drawing in the muscles behind the right ear. Tearing in the right ear, from without inwards, or through and behind the left ear. Burning in the left ear. Boring in the right outer concha. Itching in the ears, or in the left lobule. Tingling in the ears, particularly the left, or in the right ear as if it had gone to sleep, (soon after dinner).—Buzzing in the left ear, or humming and confused noise before the ear. Hardness of hearing. Nose.—Distensive pressing in the nasal bones. Cramp-pain in the right na- sal bone. Alternate sticking and pressure from without inwards, in the root of the nose. Pushing in the upper region of the nose. Drawing through the nose. Feeling of icy-coldness near both wings. Stinging in the right wing in the af- ternoon.—Itching above the root of the nose. Itching on the right side of the nose, so violent that one would like to scratch until the part bleeds. Itching of the tip of the nose. Itching of the left wing. Itching high up in the nose. Itching in both nostrils. Titillation in the right nostril, or also on the left wing. Crawling and itching on the left wing, which is painful, as if ulcerated, when touched.—Sensation in the upper nasal cavities, as if mephitic air were rushing through, which causes a prickling on the mucous membrane.—Constant smell before the nose, as of bitter almonds, or as of fetid breath.—Frequent sneezing, also with yawning, or particularly in the afternoon. Violent sneezing, early in the morning, with subsequent running of the nose. Incomplete sneez- ing.—Obstruction of the nose, also as previous to coryza, (in the afternoon), or with almost complete loss of breath through the nose. No air passes through the nose, with sensation as if the nose were stopped up by something in the upper part. Feeling of fulness in the nose.—Dryness (suppressed secretion of mucus) of the nose, without coryza.—Catarrhal sensation in the nose. Dry coryza, early in the morning, worse on stooping, with inability to breathe through the nose. The catarrh in the nose becomes loose. FaCC.—Sunken countenance. Livid, gray-yellow complexion. Pale ap- pearance. Yellow spots on the face. Transfigured features. Bloated face. Swollen face. Spasmodic distortion of the features. °Convulsions of the facial muscles.—Prosopalgia. Tension in the region of the left malar bone, with itching. Darling in the left lower jaw, (during a walk in the open air), or in the right jaw, striking through the head and ear, or also on the left side of the chin. Bruised pain in the whole lower jaw, in the evening. Tearing in the an- gle of the left lower jaw and in the molares. Gnawing on the side of the chin, as if in the bone. Sensation as if the jaw would become dislocated. Titilla- tion in the face, which obliges one to rub all the time, as if a hair were moving over the parts, or as if flies and spiders were crawling over the skin. Burning in the interior of the right cheek.—Itching on the right side between the chin and lips, continuing even after scratching. Itching in the middle of the upper lip, going off after scratching. °Eruption around the mouth. Lock-jaw. Teeth.—Disposition to clench the teetb, as in lock-jaw. Pain in the left 74 LAUROCERASUS. molares, which is relieved by pressing them against one another.—Darting toothache, particularly in the right lower jaw, or at times in the upper, at others m the lower teeth, at times under the vertex, at others under the temporal bone. —Darting pain in the left lower teeth, in the evening. Tearing in the left lower teeth and gums, going off by cold water, or also in the left upper cuspida- tus, going off by pressing upon it.—Boring in the right lower teeth, with gnaw- ing during supper, going off after supper. Boring in the left lower teeth, with digging, during dinner, at times spreading towards the front, at times towards the back part.—Feeling of elongation of one of the left lower molar teeth. Sen- sation as if the teeth would be raised, with stinging in the teeth and choking sensation in tlio oesophagus. Mouth.—Dry mouth, particularly early in the morning (with accumulation of mucus), or with scraping in the fauces, and aching in the left side of the head. —Increased flow of saliva, with frequent spitting, or dryness of the throat. Thin watery saliva in the mouth, constantly, with taste as in fever. Accumula- tion of acidulated saliva. Foam at the mouth.—Coated tongue. Tongue covered with white mucus, particularly early in the morning, with confused and empty feeling in the stomach, and flat taste in the mouth as after a paroxysm of fever and ague. Viscidity of the posterior portion of the mouth, with constant accumulation of watery saliva in the forepart of the mouth. White and dry tongue. Dry and rough tongue, particularly after dinner, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Astringent sensation at the root of the tongue, extending to the larynx, where a scraping and burning are experienced. Burning in the tip of the tongue. The tongue feels burnt and numb. Cold feeling on the tongue. Soreness of the border of the tongue. Swelling and stiffness of the left side of the tongue, with pain as if the tongue had been pricked.— *Loss of speech °also after apoplexy'. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Dull pain in the pharynx (also in the chest, region of the heart and stomach, and in the region of the right scapula). Fre- quent paroxysms of painful feeling in the throat as if drawn downwards, during and between the acts of deglutition, going off after taking soup. Slicking in the throat, as from a peg, extending to the left side of the back. Burning in the throat, also with roughness, or with pain, or at the same time with pain in the pa- late. Scraping in the fauces, particularly during deglutition (with roughness).— Spasm, heat and pain in the pharynx, oesophagus and stomach. Choking pain m the upper part of the pharynx, extending into the chest, with oppression of the chest, after which the pain extends over the whole side of the neck and face, with stinging in the teeth to the touch and sensation as if they would be dis- placed—Deglutition is impeded. Was unable to swallow until his senses had returned The drink he takes rolls audibly through the oesophagus and intes- tines.—Accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, every morning. A piece of watery mucus gets into the throat, which is easily hawked up Appetite and Taste.—Taste in the mouth as in fever. Acrid pungent taste. Slimy, pappy taste. Flat, insipid taste. Sweetish taste on the tongue. —Constant taste as of bitter almonds, with a like smell before the nose Fetid taste on the tongue with feeling as if the breath were fetid.—Slight appetite at dinner. Diminished appetite and digestion. Long-continued loss of appetite. Aversion to food—Increased appetite (afterwards). Great hunger.—Violent thirst with dry mouth.—After dinner: pain in the stomach with nausea Sen- sation as if the stomach were deranged, going off by eating bread Gastric Symptoms.-Hiccough, also the whole day.—Disposition to eruc- tate. Ineffectual eructations. Frequent, empty, tasteless rising of mere air, particularly after breakfast. Bitter eructations, particularly during and after LAUROCERASUS. 75 breakfast. Eructations tasting as of bitter almonds or prussic acid, very fre- quent, or followed by burning in the stomach. Empyreumatic eructations. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Attacks of nausea, particularly early in the morning, as if a fainting fit would set in, or with colic. Loathing, particularly in the stomach. Nausea, with accumulation of water in the mouth.—Disposi- tion to vomit, in the stomach. Desire to vomit as after an emetic, particularly early in the morning in bed, or in the afternoon (with anxious warmth, lassitude, and qualmishness about the heart). Desire to vomit with a feeling of hunger in the stomach, with aversion to food, early in the morning. Desire to vomit, with loathing and accumulation of water in the mouth, going off by an eructa- tion.— Vomiting and loathing. Vomiting of the ingesta, and nausea (in a child). Stomach.—Pain in the stomach with nausea, particularly after dinner. Pain in the stomach like fainting. Feeling of weakness in the stomach. Un- comfortable feeling in the stomach as if fasting. Empty feeling of the stomach, even after a good meal. Sensation as if the stomach were full of water, with nausea.— Pain in the stomach with qualmishness. Violent pain in the stomach with rapid loss of speech, and death in one hour, without vomiting, convulsions or any other secondary symptoms.—Pressure in the stomach, also violent, or with nausea. Contractive feeling in the region of the stomach, also particularly in the afternoon. Dartings in the pit of the stomach, also extending to the small of the back, or cramp-like sticking. Spasmodic pulling in the pit of the stomach, in the evening in bed, when lying on one side, with small, feeble, con- tracted pulse, going off in a quiet recumbent posture.—Agreeable warmth in the stomach and abdomen. Rising of heat from the stomach. Burning in the stomach and abdomen, also cooling burning. Burning in the stomach and warmth in the whole abdomen, after breakfast (composed of beer-soup.) Burn- ing in the pit of the stomach.—Shifting (of flatulence ?) in the stomach. Grumbling in the stomach, also succeeded by acid eructations.—Oppressive anxiety or anguish in the pit of the stomach, also alternating with beating pains. Hypochondria.—Pinching, extending from the hypochondria to the umbili- cus.—Indescribable pain in the right hypochondrium, going to the small of the back. Simple pain in the right hypochondrium. Dartings in the right hypo- chondrium, sometimes going to the back or the axilla. Stinging and burning in the right hypochondrium, with pain when simply touching the part, or shifting to the scapula after rubbing. Sticking pains in the liver, with pressure. Beat- ing and throbbing in the liver as from an abscess. Lame, bruised pain from the liver to the shoulder, at every inspiration. Distention of the region of the liver, with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration, or as if an abscess would burst. inflammation with induration of the liver. °Induration of the liver, having lasted for many years.—Sensation in the spleen as if it would grow and swell. Pinching in the left hypochondrium. Darting in the left hypochondrium, from behind forwards. Abdomen.—Malaise as if proceeding from the epigastrium. Colicky pains in the abdomen, from either side toward the middle of the bowels, with subse- quent diarrhoeic stools.—Pinching in the abdomen, most violent in the middle or in the left side (succeeded by soft stool). Pinching with shifting of flatulence in the abdomen. Pinching all around the epigastrium, succeeded by pinching in the middle of the epigastrium, or in the left hypochondrium. Pinching from both sides of the abdomen, also with contraction, or with subsequent sticking in the right hypochondrium. Pinching in both sides of the abdomen, and thence shifting to the small of the back. Pinching in the umbilical region, also with tearing, or (in the evening), with stinging in the small of the back, or with 76 LAUROCERASUS. two papescent stools.—Cutting in the abdomen, in the afternoon when walking. Violent cutting, without alteration of the pulse. Cutting in the whole abdomen, with contractive pain, waking him at two o'clock in the night, with subse- quent diarrhoea and cessation of the pains. Cutting in the epigastrium, some- times from either side (in the evening), or succeeded by a stitch in the left hypochondrium. Cutting in either side, going off after emission of flatu- lence. Cutting below the umbilicus, as if the bowels would be cut to pieces, succeeded by shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, and disappearance of the pain after emission of flatulence.—Continual drawing, with pressure, in the right side of the abdomen. Drawing with sticking on the right side above the umbilicus. Tearing (one single tearing) from the umbilical region to the right groin, in the evening. Sensation around the umbilicus as if something would be torn loose, in the afternoon.— Contractive pain from both sides of the lower abdomen, in the evening, continuing even in bed. Contractive pain from both sides of the abdomen, with pinching. Retraction of the abdomen, on press- ing it out he experiences a darting up to the right clavicle. Stitch in the middle of the epigastrium, and then in the right hypochondrium. Darting in the right side through the groin. Darting in the left side, also early in the morning (after taking beer-soup). Pinching stitch in the left side of the abdomen, ex- tending upwards.—Sensation in the abdomen as if some heavy body had fallen towards the small of the back.— Warmth from the abdomen to the shoulder, with pain in the back and axillae. Sensation as if hot steam were ascending from the abdomen to the shoulder. Rush of blood from the abdomen and back upwards, with anxiety and uneasiness, after breakfast. Burning in the abdomen, also with shifting of flatulence.—Distention of the abdomen, particularly around the umbilical region. Almost everything he eats, distends the abdomen, which feels stuffed up. Hard tympanitic distention of the abdomen. Fulness in the abdomen, relieved b^emission of flatulence.—Shifting of flatulence in the ab- domen, when eating soup. Shifting of flatulence in the epigastrium, with sting- ing in the stomach. Flatulence shifts from the right to the left side, where a stinging is experienced, after which the shifting ceases. Grumbling in Nfche right side of the abdomen, or in the whole abdomen, with'coldness in the abdomen.— Flatulence presses on the bladder or perinaeum, from within outwards. Fre- quent and easy emission of (sometimes loud) flatulence. Emission of flatulence after stool, after dinner.—Stinging in the groin, particularly on stooping or bending forward. Contractive pain in the right groin (after dinner), or in both groins, obliging one to bend double (in the afternoon). Stitch above the right pubic bone, along the spermatic cord. Itching in the right groin, going off by scratching. Pressing and stretching under both Poupart's ligaments, as if hernia would press forward. "Inguinal and femoral hernia. ? StOOl and Anus.—Constipation for eight days. Stool every two or three days, every evacuation being succeeded with fulness of the abdomen and vexed mood. No stool or urine. * Hard, firm, delayed stool, which has to be pressed out, and is sometimes succeeded by burning at the anus.—Costiveness and constipation appear to be the primary effect of Lauroc.—Ineffectual urging to stool, with emission of mere wind.—Stool first hard, then soft, with colic as from a cold and ineffectual tenesmus.—Soft stools after dinner, with pressing or with pinching around the epigastrium and burning at the anus. Soft stools in the afternoon, also without relief. Soft stools in the morning, sometimes with tenesmus. Two soft stools in one evening. Papescent stool, with colic as from a cold. Liquid stool.—*Diarrhozic stools, *with tenesmus, -or without, both in the morning and evening. Diarrhoeic stools in the afternoon, preceded by LAUROCERASUS. 77" cutting in the abdomen. Diarrhoeic stools succeeded by burning at the anus. Discharge of green, liquid mucus, in the afternoon.—Discharge of faces with- out being conscious of it.—Complete paralysis of the sphincter ani.—Burning at the anu3, early in the morning, or very violent burning after stool, in the evening.—Stitch in the rectum as with a dull needle from above downwards, succeeded by papescent stool. Stinging in the rectum, preceded by an urging to stool. Tearing in the rectum. Creeping in the rectum, also with itching (in the morning) as from ascarides, (in the evening in bed). Rumbling and grumbling in the rectum. Spasms from the anus upwards. Contractive sen- sation of the rectum. Constriction of ihe rectum. Urinary Organs.—Retention of urine, also for four days. Passes only a few drops of urine with the stool. No urine or stool for the first days. In- ability to emit a single drop of urine, owing to complete paralysis of the bladder, for five days.—Slow flow of urine. The urine does not pass off as soon as the desire to urinate is felt, in the morning, or passes off after painful urging. Pressure on the bladder after dinner, and urging to urinate which takes place very scantily only after painful pressing.—Diminished secretion of urine. Passes a small quantity of urine three times in twenty-four hours.—Frequent emission of small quantities of urine, in a few hours.—Increased secretion of urine, (subsequently), with increased exhalation from the skin. Increased se- cretion of urine in the afternoon when walking, and in the morning, also in the evening (with burning during micturition). The urine which had been emitted in the afternoon in larger quantity, becomes turbid in the night.—Emission of a quantity of watery urine, with burning during the emission. Urine yellow, scanty, also watery. Pale, also increased urine. Pale-yellow urine. Acrid urine, corroding the labia. Foaming urine. Urine depositing a small cloud shortly after emission, pale or gold yellow. Urine depositing a thick, reddish sediment, when standing, also with large, white and jelly-like flocks on the sediment, and with a thin pellicle on the urine like cobweb, the urine being clear when emitted.—Pain about the region of the stomach when urinating. Burning in the urethra and pressing after urinating. Violent burning in the urethra, immediately, with small red pustules around the hip. Itching in the forepart of the urethra. Male Sexual Organs.—Gangrene of the penis. Voluptuous itching un- der the prepuce, with desire for an embrace.—Increased sexual desire.—Erec- tions evening and night. Female Sexual Organs.—Menses too early by eight days, also with pro- fuse, painful discharge of liquid blood for eight days, and nightly tearing on the vertex the first four days. The menses are more profuse than before, also with toothache (on the second day), and colic in the afternoon (on the third), which is relieved by the application of warm cloths.—Stinging and burning in and below the mammae. Larynx and Trachea.—Darting in the larynx from without inwards, ar- resting the breathing. Pain in the trachea when coughing. Sensitiveness of the trachea, with sensation as of drawing downwards, worse when swallowing. Spasmodic constriction of the larynx, also with hawking.—Itching below the larynx inducing a hacking cough. Crawling in the superior bronchial tubes, with tickling as from a feather. Titillation in the throat, inducing cough, or in the trachea, with roughness. Scraping in the larynx, (and in the trachea), also with increased secretion of mucus, hoarseness, and desire to cough, or with increase of thirst and diminution of the pulse, or also with sensation as if the larynx were enlarged and swollen. Troublesome scraping in the Ihroat, or in the trachea, with roughness. Roughness in the Ihroat and trachea, also with 78 LAUROCERASUS. hoarseness, or with irritation which induces a hacking cough, or with difficulty of speech, or with drawing in the trachea and hacking cough. Hoarseness, also with roughness of the throat, or with desire to cough, or with heat in the throat, or with sensation as if the breath were arrested in the trachea. Deep base voice.—Frequent hawking owing to roughness in the throat. Frequent hawking of mucus. Hawking up of sweetish mucus. Tenacious mucus in the trachea.—Hacking cough from roughness in the throat (or trachea). Hacking induced by titillation in the larynx. Hacking induced by prickling in the la- rynx and trachea, with subsequent dryness of the mouth and larynx. Hacking, induced by a sensation as if tenacious mucus were hanging down in the throat, which is detached afterwards.—Frequent turns of cough with roughness and hoarse voice.—Cough from roughness in the throat. Cough from titillation in ihe larynx and trachea. Frequent single turns of cough. Violent cough (from the vapour). Whizzing cough, with sensation as if the mucous membranes were too dry.—°Cough with copious, jelly-like expectoration, mixed with bloody points. "Bloody cough (disappearing immediately after taking large doses). —°Acute suppuration of the lungs. ?—Scraping in the throat before and after coughing. Chest.—Panting breathing. Slow, feeble, almost imperceptible breathing. Slow, moaning and rattling breathing. Difficult breathing, also with rattling. Anxious breathing. Short breathing, owing to stitches in the liver and right shoulder. Frequent deep inspirations. On taking an inspiration the breath is ar- rested in the region of the stomach.—Dyspnoza, tightness of the chest during and after stooping. Dyspnoea with sensation as if the lungs could not expand suffici- ently. Dyspnoea with pain in the region of the heart, urging to take deep breath and slow inspirations. Tightness of the chest, with pressure in the region of the heart or in the right half of the chest. Dyspnoea with stitches in the chest on taking a deep inspiration. °Diminution of the asthma in walking.—Sudden paralysis of the lungs and death (in phthisical patients).—Oppression of the chest, also spasmodic, or with difficulty of breathing. Constriction of the chest, also with difficulty of breathing. Anxiety in the chest. Feeling of tightness in the chest and abdomen.—Pains in the chest, also with feeling of oppression, or intense pains with feeling of oppressive anxiety.—Feeling of heaviness on the sternum, on bending forward, going off on raising the trunk. Sensation as if a heavy body were lying on the chest, with pressure on taking a deep inspira- tion.—Pressure on the chest in a room, or when walking in the open air and then going off in a room. Pressure on the chest during an inspiration. Pres- sure on the chest, as from a load on the chest, particularly when sitting. Pres- sure on the chest with oppression of breathing and cutting in the chest. Pres- sure and tightness on the chest, with ill-humour. Pressure in the middle of the chest. Pressure on the upper, lower, or middle part of the sternum. Pressure from without inwards at a small spot of the sternum.—Stitches in the chest from the back to the sternum. Stitches through both sides of the chest towards the sternum. Stitches in the right chest (in the evening, when stand- ing) so violent that he came near crying out. Stitches in the sternum, also in the middle or in the lower part, (also extending to the back, in the evening, during an inspiration).—Burning in the chest on taking an inspiration.—Burn- ing on the sternum, after stinging.—Stitches in the region of the heart, during an inspiration. Palpitation of the heart, with soft, full pulse. Irregular beat- ing of the heart, with slow, subdued pulse.—Stinging in the region of the ribs, externally, also stabbings in the muscles and bones of the left side. Pain at a small spot under the left ribs. Bruised pain of the ribs when lying on one side. Cramp-pain in the left intercostal muscles. Burning over the xiphoid cartilaget LAUROCERASUS 79 or also in the region of the right clavicle. Burning and stinging under the left mamma. Pulling pain in the left pectoral muscles. Pain in every part of the external thorax on moving it. Stinging tension in the left side when lying on it, extending up to the neck, in the morning. Stitches from the right axilla to the chest. Back.—Frequent pain as from weariness in the small of the back, on rais- ing the trunk. Painful stiffness in the small of the back and back, when writ- ing, going off on raising the trunk. Stitches in the right side of the small of the back. Itching or burning of the os coccygis.—Tension in the back extend- ing hetween the shoulders and into the neck. Slicking in the back. Sensation of warmth ou the back from below upwards. Itching near the right scapula.— Sticking between the scapfl^: particularly on taking off the corset. Digging and boring between the scapulae, w'-rse during rest, very little during motion. Pressure from without inwards between the scapykfi. Itching between the sca- pula;, as from fleas, with creeping. Pressure under the rig"ht scapula.—Stick- ing in the scapula, also during an inspiration. Stinging and burning in the right scapula.—Pressure in the nape of the neck, particularly in the open an* and going off in the room, or in the evening, obliging him to bend the head for- ward, and with tensive pain on raising it. Tension on the right side on moving the head. Tearing extending to the left shoulder, after dinner. Sticking, par- ticularly on the right side, or towards the left shoulder. Painful stiffness in the left side of the neck and nape of the neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck.— Sensation of spasmodic contraction of the anterior cervical muscles, when drink- ing. Strong beating, as with a hammer, on the right side, when running. Superior Extremities.—Tearing in the shoulders, particularly the left (also with sticking). Piercing pain in the left shoulder-joint, in the evening, waking him, relieved for only a short time by laying the arm over the head. Pressure on the right shoulder, (also as after a blow), or in the joint, (worse on bending the arm backwards or waking one at night every half hour, with tossing about in the bed). Pressure in the right or left acromion process. Pressure and tension in the ligaments of the left shoulder. The pressure of the suspender on the right shoulder becomes painful. Laming pain in the right shoulder, or violent lancinations in that part. Sticking and tension as if too short, in the region of the left shoulder-joint, on stretching the shoulder for- ward. Pain of the head of the right humerus, as if swollen, and as if it had not sufficient room in the glenoid cavity.—Sensation in the arms as if drawn in. —Pressure in the tendon of the deltoid muscle. Tearing in the humerus. Sticking in the right upper arm, followed by a bruised feeling in the shoulder. Gnawing in the right upper arm, which is at first relieved and afterwards in- creased by pressure. Pinching in the anterior side of the right arm. Tension on the inner side of the upper arm as if the skin were raised with a pin. Itching, with burning pimples after scratching, or itching pimples on the right upper arm.—Pain in the left elbow. Stitch in both elbows. Tearing in the right elbow, through the bend to the tip. Itching of the left elbow, also with burning after scratching.—Heaviness of the lower arms, with pain of the ole- crana on touching them. Tension in the tendons of the right lower arm. Pressure on the middle of the left lower arm. Cramp-pain in the left lower arm, worse when lying on it. Itching of the right lower arm, with burning af- ter scratching, and of the left where it is succeeded by pimples.—Tearing in the wrist-joints. Pain as if sprained in the right wrist-joint, or also stiffness as if the hand were twisted out of joint. Stitch on the right wrist-joint, soon returning after rubbing. Stitch in the left styloid process.—Sudden warmth on the outer border of the left hand, as if brought near a warm stove. Tear- 80 LAUROCERASUS. ing in the dorsum of the hand, or in the border of the left hand, going off after rubbing. Cramp-pain with stitches in the left metacarpus, during rest. Burn. ing of the hands, internally. Twitching burning on the dorsum of the left hand. Feeling in the right hand as if swollen, with tension on stretching or closing it. Distention of the veins on the hands. Trembling of the hands.— Tearing in the fourth left, right little and left middle fingers (also particularly in the upper joint and worse during contact). Tearing in the right thumbr also succeeded by tearing from the wrist-joint to the forearm, followed by a bruised feeling in the upper arms, or with sensation as if the tendons would be- come contracted. Tearing and sticking in the left thumb, behind the nail Stitches behind the right thumb, (after dinner). Stitches in the left little and index -fingers. Sticking with pressure on the articulation of the right thumb, early in the morning, in bed. Painful dragging in the second joint of the left middle-finger, a3 if the joint would be distended, in the evening, in bed. Pain, as from lameness, in the second joint of the left middle-finger or also (with pressure) in the right thumb and metacarpal bones. Pain as if sprained in the joint of the right thumb. Tingling between the thumb and index-finger, going off by rubbing. Burning of the ball and nail of the left thumb. Vio- lently itching redness between the fingers, with small vesicles which are per- ceptible only to the touch, and burning after scratching, in the evening, in bed. Rough, scaly skin between the fingers, with burning when touched by water. Inferior Extremities.—Sticking in the right hip, only when standing, going off during motion. Pain as if sprained in the left hip-joint, during mo- tion. Stitches in the buttocks, also at dinner. Itching of the right buttock, after dinner. Pain in the glutei muscles, as from a blow, only when sitting and touching the parts. Painful feeling of weariness in the bend of the right thigh, as after a good deal of walking, also with heaviness.—Pain as if bruised in the thighs, as after a good deal of walking, also with heaviness. Aching pain in the posterior side of the left thigh, with pain as if bruised on touching it. Feeling in the middle of the left thigh as if broken in two. Painful lameness in the left thigh, extending beyond the knee, or also with pressure and worst during motion. Painful stiffness of the inner muscles of the right thigh. Twitching pain in the left thigh. Sticking in the posterior surface of the right thigh, or in the inner side of the left, increased by pressure. Burning in the left thigh near the fold between the thigh and pudendum. Itching of the right thigh, ex- ternally, with burning after scratching.—Unsteadiness of the knees, as if they would give way, on going down stairs. Tremor of the knees, during a walk in the open air. Painful weariness around the knees, after rising from a seat. Pinching under the left knee. Twitching in the bend of the right knee. Ten- sion in the bends of the knees after rising from a seat, going off in the open air. Tearing in the knees, sometimes succeeded by a twitching tearing in the right shoulder. Sticking in the left knee, also in the evening, or on stretching the leg.—Heaviness in the legs, particularly the right, when spinning and also when walking, (with increased vertigo). Feeling of heat of the right leg, when spin- ning. The right leg goes to sleep, during motion. Tickling in the left leg, continuing after scratching. Itching on the right leg, going off by scratching. Tearing in the left calf extending to the inner malleolus, going off by motion. Tearing in the tibice, also as if in the bones themselves, or with tension and sensation as if the skin were drawn up. Gnawing on the right tibia as far as the inner surface of the knee. Tensive pressure or also painful tightness on the left calf. Visible twitching of the right calf/early in the morning, in bed, going off by stretching the leg. Itching on the left calf, soon returning after scratching. Painful beating of the right tendo Achillis, early in the morning, in LAUROCERASUS. 81 bed.—Pain as if sprained in the tarsal joints, during rest and motion. Pain as if sprained in the left calcanean process, when walking. Laming pressure in the region of the left inner malleolus. Darting pain in the region of the right outer malleolus, followed by a bruised sensation of the dorsum of the foot. Tearing and burning at a small spot under the right inner malleolus, relieved by rubbing, going off by exercise.—Stiffness in the feet, after rising from one's seat, removed by walking. Going to sleep of the foot, particularly the right (when sitting or when crossing the legs). Twitching in the border of the right foot, followed by a sensation as if a worm were crawling about the outer malleolus. Ulcerative pain in the lower part of the heels, on rising from bed, removed by walking. Creeping in the sole of the left foot. Tickling under the left heel. Itching of the inner border of the right foot.—Tearing in the right second toe, going off by rubbing. Stinging under the left big toe. Burning in the ball of the right big toe, going off by rubbing. Sleep.—A good deal of yawning. Frequent yawning without drowsiness, also particularly after dinner. Yawning with drowsiness, also in the afternoon, or with stretching. Yawning with chilliness. Yawning with constant shudder- ing and subsequent goose-flesh.—Drowsiness even from the smallest doses. Great drowsiness with languor. Irresistible drowsiness, like sopor, with exces- sive languor, frequent yawning, and with drowsy gloominess of the head on waking from a sleep of one hour. Drowsiness after dinner, also irresistible, or with weariness. Sleeps after dinner from twelve till three, contrary to his habit. Feels sleepy early in the evening, is unable to keep awake, or with burning of the eyes. Looks sleepy. Sopor. Deep, snoring sleep. Falls asleep before supper, eats his supper, after being waked, then sleeps again without saying a word, starts in his sleep, first from head to foot and then upwards, rises from bed, steps to the middle of the room with staring eyes and red face, finally lies down again without saying a word, and then sleeps soundly until morning. Soporous condition between sleeping and waking, without heeding the persons around him, with sensation, on waking, as if he had not slept at all.— Sound night's rest and longer than usual. Sleeps soundly until morning, with some sweat. Difficulty of rousing himself in the morning.—Sleeplessness, owing to excitement and attacks of heat. Difficulty of falling asleep, lying awake until one o'clock, with constant tossing about the bed. Wakes after midnight, and is not able to fall asleep again, with constant tossing as if he were lying too hard. Restless night-sleep with frequent waking.—Confused dreams. Vivid dreams which he is uuable to recollect. Cheerful or sad dreams, with sound sleep. Frightful dreams about fire, also waking him. Heavy dreams with anxiety. Frightful dreams about dead men. He dreains that he is standing on a high tottering ladder, but without anxiety. Fever.—Cold feeling in the open air, also particularly in the afternoon. Cold feeling in the warm room, particularly about the nose, which feels like ice. Coldness of the extremities. Internal coldness through the whole body. In- ternal and external coldness, from two to four o'clock in the afternoon, with warm feet. Great coldness from six to eight o'clock in the evening. Coldness with flushes of heat in the face. Coldness and chills, even near the warm stove, in the evening, after a walk in the open air. The body feels much colder than naturally. ^Deficiency of natural heat. Shuddering with goosefiesh. Shuddering, particularly on stepping out of the room. Violent shuddering over the face and hands, in the open air. Shuddering in the evening, in the open air, with dim-sightedness as if there were a gauze before the eyes.—Chilliness and disposition to feel chilly, constantly, or only on leaving the room. Chilliness with coldness of the skin to the touch. Chilliness with flat taste in the mouth. vol. n. 6 82 LAUROCERASUS. Chilliness the whole forenoon, with feverish taste. Chilliness in the afternoon, with shaking through the skin. Chilliness of the whole body, with pains in the back. Chilliness in the evening or about midnight, after rising, not yielding to the warmth of the bed. Chilliness with shaking, in the room, or at six o'clock in the evening, even near the warm stove and even in bed, somewhat relieved by laying warm clothes on the abdomen.—Fever, first a shud- dering, afterwards burning heat with stupor, vertigo and subsequent languor of the limbs. Alternation of violent chilliness and burning heat, with stupor and vertigo. Fever, lasting twelve hours.— Warmth in. the whole body, as if pro- ceeding from the shoulders, or with sweat on the nose. Increased warmth of the skin before midnight, without any feeling of heat. Warmth in the upper part of the body, with cold feet. Frequent attacks of warmth (or heat) and sweat on the head and hands. Warmth about the forehead, and afterwards through the whole body.—Heat in the whole body, in the evening until one o'clock at night, with sleeplessness, and inability to keep the hands under the bed-clothes. Heat in the face, also with redness, and with warmth in the body, or with burning redness and warm forehead, afterwards descending along the back, accompanied with a sort of stupifying headache. Flushes of heat in the head, in the afternoon. Heat with thirst, also flushes of heat, or in the evening, going off in bed or on falling asleep.—Heat with sweat on the »hole body, in the afternoon. Heat with sweat on the forehead, also with warmth in the hands. Heat with sweat in the face, also at dinner, or in the afternoon or evening.— Violent thirst, with dryness of the mouth, evening or afternoon.—Pulse less strong, at times strong, at times feeble and quicker (62-68). Pulse scarcely perceptible (as well as the beating of the heart) and very slow (30). Pulse small and slow, also contracted. Pulse of unequal strength. Pulse quick and feeble. Pulse slow, full, hard. Pulse feeble and slow. Pulse less frequent, going down to 64, 60, 55, also with gloominess of the head. Pulse increasing from 58 to 77, 78.—Sweat over the whole body, from ten o'clock at night, until morning, with languor. Skin.—Itching stitches in different parts.—Rough, scaly skin between the fingers, with burning of the part when touched by water.—Dry skin. Increased gecretion of the skin, glands, (salivary glands), kidneys, serous membranes. General Symptoms.—Pinching burning, at times in one, at times in another part, particularly in the upper and lower limbs. Laming pains in the heads of bones, here and there. Sensation as if the joints were put loosely together.— Great depression of sensibility of the irritable organs. °Deficient vital energy and re-action against remedial agents.—Painlessness when suffering.—Great lan- guor of the whole body, particularly of the lower extremities. The feet feel faint, as if paralyzed or bruised. He feels easy when sitting, as after fatigue. Lan- guor, as if he could not keep himself on his feet. Excessive weakness and pros- tration. Relaxed feeling, early in the morning. Great, prostration, also (parti- cularly towards evening) with irresistible drowsiness, lassitude, and feeling of weakness, sometimes accompanied with ill-humour and dread of work. Loses his strength more and more every day. Nervous weakness. Sudden weakness, with excessive nervous prostration, until death.—Fainting Jit, falls down suddenly.— Catalepsy. Paroxysm as if dead, paralyzed, with scarcely perceptible pulse (30), with flexibility of the joints, which remain in the position in which they are put. —Convulsions, with subsequent paralysis of the muscles. Convulsions, with twitchings about the head, and in the dorsal and cervical muscles, which soon became paralyzed. Convulsions, with staring eyes, lockjaw, foam at the mouth, (and death). Slight convulsions. Spasms of the back. Tetanic spasms, also general. Sudden falling down, with spasms and foam at the mouth, (and death AMYGDALA AMAR^E. 83 shortly after). Shocks through the body, resembling electric shocks, in the eve- ning in bed. "Epileptic spasms, with foam at the mouth.— Trembling of the limbs, with inability to use them. Lameness of the limbs, with loss of sensation. Paralysis. Apoj>!cxy. Falls down slupifled.—Death soon after taking the poison (large doses), also sudden death. Falls down immediately without ut- tering a sound, and is lifeless in five minutes, without pulse or breath, with icy- coldness of the extremities, and paralysis of all the muscles, the eyes continuing to shine as if full of life ur.til evening. Death after previous pains in the sto- mach, without vomiting, diarrhoea, or convulsions. Death by paralysis, without any symptoms of any kind of irritation. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains seem to be less in the open air, except the roughness of the throat, which is worse. The pains appear less after dinner. °Evening exacerbation. °Amelioration at night. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In Animals : The vessels on the superior surface of the brain were black and turgid with blood.—The cortical substance of the brain was likewise filled with blood.—The inner vessels of the ventricles of the brain were found injected, the lungs were redder than in their normal condition, rose-coloured, crepitating, and at times either filled with blood to excess or only moderately.—The blood in almost all cavities and vessels was fluid, coagulated in some cases.—No trace of inflammation in the stomach and intestinal canal, which was frequently covered with tenacious mucus. (See Orfila's Toxicology). In men: Face and abdomen are bloated.—The blood is thick, oily, blue- black.—The contractive power of the muscles is less than after natural death.— Slight traces of inflammation of the stomach. (Fodere's Medic. Legale, Vol. IV., p. 27).t AMYGDALAE AMAR.E. AMYGD. AMAR.—Bitter almonds. See Noack and Trinks. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. See the clinical observations of Hydrocyanic acid and Laurocerasus. In Kessler's chemis- try, chapter on fruits, mention is made of the case of an apoplectic individual whose speech was restored by bitter almonds. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Intense emotion, weeping.—Excessive nervous prostra- tion, which does not allow one to speak a loud word.—Loss of consciousness, speech and power of motion. Hesid. —Feeling of intoxication in the brain, affecting the whole body. Complete in- toxication.—Vertigo as from intoxication, and sudden death.—Loss of consciousness.—Violent pains over the whole head.—Aching pain in the frontal region, above the orbits.—Feeling of heaviness in the frontal region.—Dulness of the left half of the head.—The eyes are open, staring, turned upwards, as if they would protrude from their sockets.—Contracted pupils.__ Immovable pupils.—Spasmodic distortion of the features. Foam at the mouth.—Smell and taste as of bitter almonds, constantly. Digt'sti ve A ppu rat us.—Impeded deglutition.—Inability to swallow.—Eructations tasting of bitter almonds.—Nausea and vomiting of the ingesta.—Unpleasant sensation, pro- ceeding principally from the epigastrium.—Colic, distending the abdomen in less than two i Noack and Trinks have placed the article on " bitter almonds" after Laurocerasus, on the ground that bitter almonds are very similar to the latter drug. We will observe the same order. Jahr has mixed up the symptoms of these two agents. S4 LEDUM PALUSTRE. hours like a balloon, accompanied by convulsive motion of the jaw, loss of consciousness, foam at the mouth, and, soon after, death. Genital Organs.—Gangrene of the penis. . Respiratory Organs.—Scraping in the larynx and hoarseness, followed in the evening, or during the whole of the following day, by increased secretion of mucus in the trachea, particularly the larynx.—The breath smells strongly of bitter almonds—Difficulty of breathing, the chest being raised spasmodically, and the motions of the chest being hurried. —The inspirations arc snoring, slow, and becoming more and more rare. Several shootings and occasional paroxysms of seated pains under the left nipple in the thoracic cavity, ren- dering the expirations and inspirations somewhat difficult. Sleep.—Deep, snoring sleep. Fever.—Slow, full and pretty hard pulse. Pulse falling from 70 to 64.—Scarcely per- ceptible pulse at the wrist-joint, neck, and in the region of the heart.—The beats of the heart take place at intervals of two seconds. Oeneral Symptoms.—Feeling of languor, as if he had no control over his mus- cles.—Falls down without consciousness.—Violent convulsions for three-quarters of an hour, recurring, but less violently, in fifteen minutes.—General tetanic convulsion.—Falling down with a roaring cry, followed by immediate death, (from taking the oleum aether, amygd. amar. Heck in Caspe's Medical Journal, 1844, No. 44). PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In animals: The oesoghagus is somewhat inflamed, very much distended and filled with mucus.—The duodenum contained a viscid chyme.—The blood in the vessels and in the ax- illa was fluid and bright-red, the cerebellum was filled with blood.—The lungs looked healthy, (in a pigeon, Wepfer, Hist. Cicut. Aquat. p. 239).—The heart no longer contracted, and contained a very small quantity of blood ; the lungs looked grayish ; every piece of the bitter almonds still remained in the stomach, and this organ smelled very strongly of prussic acid ; the duodenum was lined with a substance which, in texture and colour, looked very much like a bilious substance, (in a dog, one hour after death ; Orfila's Toxicology). In men: Face bloated, bluish ; cornea clear and shining, conjunctiva red; the pupils rather contracted than otherwise ; teeth and lips are tightly closed, the latter being covered with white foam.—Every time the body was turned, an almost pure blood, which smelled of bitter almonds, flowed out of the nose and mouth, with discharge of a fine, white foam from the nose and mouth, (Heck).— The vapour of the bitter almonds comes abundantly out of every cavity of the body, (Heck).—The fingers of both hands are spasmodically clenched, and it is difficult to open them, (Heck); the fingers are bent inwards, the nails blue, as well as the tips of the fingers and ears.—Every muscle is highly movable.—Stomach and bowels are very red, distended with gas, and start immediately out of their cavities.—The orifices of the stomach were redder than the outer surface of this organ.—In the stomach were found clots of a brownish liquid, which smelled strongly of bitter almonds.—The inner surface of the stomach was very red and lined with blue streaks, that of the intestines likewise.—The smell of bitter almonds diminished as one approached the rectum.—Liver, spleen and kidneys con- tained a fluid, dark-violet blood.—The liver and spleen were found turgid with blood, (Heck). —The bile was dark-blue, (Merzdorf).—The bladder was found contracted, (Heck).—The lungs were flaccid, collapsed, contained but little blood and floated in a bloody liquid, which filled up the pleura, (Merzdorf).—The flaccid heart was distended with gas and almost empty ; the posterior cavities of the heart contained some violet-coloured fluid blood, (Merz- dorf).—-The ventricles contained a moderate quantity of black, fluid blood, (Heck).—The large veins were filled with a dark, fluid blood, (Heck).—All the vessels of the skull and cere- brum were filled with a fluid and bluish blood, smelling less of bitter almonds than the blood of the abdomen, (Heck and Merzdorf).—Effusion of a serous liquid between the pia mator and the arachnoid, (Orfila).—Bloody serum in the lateral sinuses, and the choroid plexuses were turgid with blood, (Merzdorf).—Softening of the cerebral substance, (Merzdorf). 152. LEDUM PALUSTRE. LED. P.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med., III. Duration of Action: several weeks. Compare with—Ars., Bell., Bry., Canth., Cham., Chin., Fer., Jod., Kal. hydr., Lye, Merc, Nux v., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Pub., Rhod., Rhus, Sep., Sulph., LEDUM PALUSTRE. 85 Thuj.—Led. p. is frequently indicated after Lye.—After Led. p. are fre- quently suitable : Chin, and Sep. Antidote.—Camph. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks Led. p. has a powerful action upon the brain, the respiratory organs, the lymphatic vessels, the secretion of urine, the skin, the serous and fibrous tissues, muscles and bones, etc., and may be used in the fol- lowing affections : acute and chronic rheumatic and arthritic affections of the joints and ligaments, when the pains are stinging, aching and tearing, aggravated by motion and warmth, most violent in the night, with hot swelling and numbness of the limbs, these latter going to sleep, and being affected with arthritic nodosi- ties, or stiffness of the tendons and ligaments. (Edema of the feet.—Itching of the whole body.—Stinging and corrosive itching of several parts of the body.— Rash in the face and on the chest.—Red miliaria over the whole body, on the forehead, back and dorsum of the foot.—Pustules on the upper lip, burning and itching. Tubercles on the forehead, in the face, as in drunkards.—Small, round, red, insensible spots on the arms, abdomen and feet; blue spots on the whole body, like petechias.—Purpura hemorrhagica.—Pustules like varicella on the arms and chest.—Dry itching herpes in the face, in the bends of the knees.— Boils on the forehead.—Hot, hard, tensive swelling of the skin and the sub- jacent cellular tissue.—Intermittent fevers, characterized by violent chilliness and long-lasting coldness.—Great seriousness.—Disposition to vehemence.—In- toxication, vertigo, violent stupifying, tearing, beating headache.—Liability of the scalp to take cold.—Rheumatic and arthritic ophthalmia, with aching and tearing pain.—Chronic inflammation of the lids and profuse secretion of corrosive tears and gum.—Amblyopia.—Hard hearing as if the ear were stopped up, with whizz- ing and roaring.—Tearing pain in the face. Tic doloreux. Acute and chronic inflammation of the throat and tonsils.—Ascites. ? Diarrhoea. ?—Flowing hemor- rhoids. V—Desire to urinate, first with scanty, afterwards with increased secre- tion of urine.—Diabetes.—Profuse involuntary emissions of bloody and watery mucus.—Too early and profuse menses.—Metrorrhagia.—Hoarseness with roughness and scratching in the trachea.—Whooping-cough in the second stage. —Haemoptysis.—Haemoptysis alternating with arthritic pains in the limbs.— Cough with purulent, greenish and fetid expectoration.—Suppuration of the lungs, with purulent, greenish expectoration after neglected pneumonia.— Phthisis pituitosa.—Purulent cavernous phthisis. Asthma. Hydrothorax. ? —Palpitation of the heart.—Smarting itching of the chest, with red spots and eruption of rash.—Pain in the small of the back and back.—Lumbago. ?— Painful stiffness of the back.—Rheumatic affections of the hip-joint.—Arthritie inflammation of the knee.—Hot, inflammatory swelling of the thigh and leg, with stinging and tensive pains.—Podagra with intolerable pains. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—Very serious, considering every little occurrence an important and grave event.—Anxiety. Tendency to start.—Inclines to be out of humour and angry.—Calm and quiet mood the whole day, with cheerful- ness (curative effect). Cheerful and composed mood, with desire to work (curative effect).—Dissatisfied with his fellow-beings the whole day, he finally hates them.—Feverish mood with much restlessness and inconstancy, he was un- able to think about any thing calmly or perseveringly.—Out of humour, every thing annoys him.—Out of humour, he withdrew to some solitary place and desired to die, almost with tears in his eyes.—Vehemence. 86 LEDUM PALUSTRE. Sensorium and Head.—Vertigo when walking and standing, he was scarcelj able to keep himself erect. Vertigo, the head inclines backward. Vertigo, the whole day, even when sitting, increasing when stooping, and becoming so violent in walking, that he threatens to fall, as if he were intoxicated, with a feeling of heat in the whole body, especially in the face, without thirst, with pale cheekg and forehead. Stupefaction of the whole head as in vertigo.—When walking in the open air, he feels as if intoxicated. Excessive feeling of intoxication.— Loss of sense.—Violent headache. Dull headache in the morning during sleep. Headache, as if produced by a blow or shock.—Raging headache.—*Stupifying headache.—Pressure in the left vertex. Pressure in the forehead.^ Aching pain in the upper part of the forehead, with dulness of the head, especially when covered. Painful pressure over the whole brain as from a flat, pressing weight, changing on the second day to a dull pressure at a small spot in the right temple. — Tearing pain in the head and eye; the sclerotica and conjunctiva are swollen and inflamed; the tearing pain in the eye becomes worse when lying down, and is relieved by sitting; the eyelids are not affected, but they are agglutinated in the morning, and a fetid fluid flows from between the lids; accompanied with evening shuddering followed by heat, nightly thirst, rumbling in the abdomen (with good appetite), more internal than external heat of the head, sweat on the back and hairy scalp.—Sticking pain under the left frontal eminence, in the brain. Sensitiveness of the head, with painful shaking of the brain on making a wrong step.—°Violent beating pain in the head. Scalp.—Aching pain in the temple when feeling it. Stunning aching pain on the forehead, as if he had been revelling over night, in any position of the body. Creeping itching on the forehead and hairy scalp. Dry pimples on the forehead, especially in the middle, resembling millet-seed, insensible for six days. * Tubercles on the forehead, as in drunkards. *Pimples and boils on the forehead.—"The least covering is intolerable to the head. °Liability of the integuments of the head to take cold. Eyes.—Pressure in the external margin of the right orbit, more violent during motion.—Pain in the eyes, without inflammation, a pressure behind the eyeball, as if it would be pressed out of the head. Burning pressure in the eyes, espe- cially in the evening, the eyes are agglutinated in the morning, in the day-time they run, even in the room. Lachrymation (without the sclerotica being in- flamed) ; the tears are acrid and make the lower eyelid and the cheeks sore. Violent itching of the inner canthi.—Ophthalmia with tensive pain. The eye- lids become agglutinated, but without pain. The eyelids are full of gum, but neither swollen nor inflamed. Contracted pupils. ? Considerable dilatation of the pupils (shortly after taking the medicine).—He had luminous vibrations be- fore the eyes, he saw nothing in a steady position. When looking at anything steadily, there was a shine or a vibrating of the light before the eyes, as when one has been running fast, and, (as in vertigo,) he is unable to look at an object steadily. Weakness of sight. Ears.—Short hardness of hearing °from taking cold in the head -or as if something had lodged in front of both tympana. Hardness of hearing of the right ear, sensation as if it were obstructed with cotton and as if he heard dis- tant sounds.—Violent, but interrupted whizzing in the ears, the whole day. Roaring in the ears as of the wind. Ringing or whizzing in the ears. N0SC—Slight bleeding at the nose, bloody mucus from the nose. Burning pain as of hot coals, in the interior of the nose, the nose feeling sore when press- ing on it or blowing the nose. Face.—Paleness of the face, but without chilliness. GBloated face, at times red, at others pale.—Intolerable tearing in the face, extending to the head and neck, the whole night, alternating with stitches in the tooth, and terminating LEDUM PALUSTRE. 87 with shuddering and deep sleep. Hard pressure on the left lower jaw. *Ervp- tion in the face. *Red tubercles, also on the forehead (as in drunkards), with "tinging when touched. -Scaly dry herpes in the face, burning in the open air. ♦Pimples and boils on the forehead.—Pustules on the upper lip, with burning itching inducing scratching.—Swelling of a submaxillary gland, with aching pain when touched.—(Toothache, aching in a left upper and lower incisor.) Hard pressure in the lower jaw from without inwards. MOUth, Pharynx, etc.—Stinging on the forepart of the tongue. Feeling of. dryness in the palate, with desire for water.—° Hemorrhage from the mouth.? —Sore throat with fine slinging pain. Stinging in the throat between the acta of deglutition, only in the forenoon; when sneezing the stinging was changed to a pressure in the back part of the throat. Sensation as of a lump being in the throat, when swallowing she feels a stinging. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—Bitter taste in the mouth.—Want of ap- petite.—A sort of sick and qualmish feeling in the stomach, accompanied with a bad and musty taste in the mouth. She does not feel hungry, and when eating anything she feels as if she had eaten too much, she feels a pressure and nausea. —Aversion to the usual tobacco, with proper appetite for food.—Great desire for cold drink, especially water. Constant absence of thirst.—When eating fast he feels a contractive pain in the sternum. Drawing and pressure in the pit of the stomach during a meal. (Bitter eructations after a meal.) Frequent attacks of hiccough.—Sudden flow of water from the mouth resembling saliva, with colic, waterbrash.—Colic : digging-up sensation under the umbilicus, with dis- charge of water from the mouth, like waterbrash. Nausea when walking in the open air, with sweat over the whole body, especially on the forehead. When spitting, he is attacked with nausea.—In the morning after rising he is attacked with retching, eructations and a pressure (choking) upwards in the pit of the stomach. Stomach and Abdomen.—-Drawiug pain in the abdomen. Colic, as in dysentery. Colic, as if the bowels were coutused and weakened, resembling the sensation which is felt after having been purged by drastics. Colic as if diar- rhoea would set in, from the umbilicus to the anus, accompanied with loss of appetite and cold feet, the taste being otherwise natural. Colic, every evening. (Sensation in the left side of the abdomen, as if overloading the stomach with food had produced a pressing tumour in this region.) Slow stitch in the side, above the hip, resembling a sharp pressure.—Emission of flatulence the first day. Frequent emission of flatulence.—Colic (cutting ?) with hemorrhage from the anus.—Dull sticking in the abdominal muscles, and a pressure between the pelvis and the lowermost left rib.—Pressure in the region of the upper brim of the left side of the pelvis, and in the muscles, extending as far as the last false rib, more violent when walking. °Ascites. ? Stool.—Constipatiou for several days. The stool is mixed with blood.—Di- arrhea, ftcces with mucus. Papescent stool, resembling diarrhoea, without any pain.—Red, humid spot above the anus, in the region of the os coccygis, affected with a smarting and sore itching, when sitting or walking. Irinary Organs.—Enuresis. He is obliged to urinate frequently and to emit a large quantity each time.—Diminished secretion and emission of urine. Rare and scanty emission of urine, the first 12 hours. Frequent desire to uri- nate, with scanty emission. Reddish urine. (Yellow urine, with a white, lime- like sediment.) Burning in the urethra after urinating. Griping, deep in the abdomen, as if the bladder were seized, (immediately). The stream of urine frequently stops during its flow ; after she has emitted it, she feels a stinging in ihe urethra. Genital Organs.—Swelling of the penis, the urethra seems closed up with 88 LEDUM PALUSTRE. swelling, he has to press very hard to emit his urine, the stream being very small, but painless. (Itching of the glans.) Violent and continual erections. Nightly emissions. Nightly emissions of sanguinolent or watery semen. (After a nightly emission he felt so faint that he was scarcely able to drag his limbs along.) The menses appeared a few days too soon. Increased menstruation. °Metrorrhagia. V Larynx.—Tingling in the trachea, followed by hurried, oppressed breath- ing. Laryngeal asthma. Hoarseness with scraping in the chest. Cough without expectoration. Suffocative arrest of breath previous to coughing. °Whooping-cough? (for which it is used by the people in some parts of Ger- many). Cough with purulent expectoration, night or morning. °Greenish, fetid expectoration. *Bloody cough, -with profuse expectoration. Violent cough, with expectoration of bright-red blood. °Pulmonary hemorrhage. ? Chest.—Fetid breath. Spasmodic, double inspirations and sobbing, (as in chil- dren who have cried much, and have become very angry). Violent tension in the hypochondriac region during an inspiration and retention of breath. Op- pressed painful breathing. She was unable to take a full breath the whole day. * Asthmatic constriction of the chest, -aggravated by motion and walking. Asthma when going up stairs. Asthma with difficult quick breathing, as if the chest were constricted, accompanied with constant soreness of the sternum.— Pain in the chest, during an inspiration, as if something alive in the chest caused an uneasiness in the same.—Pressure in the chest when walking. Pressure in the region of the sternum when in bed, more violent during motion. Hard pressure from within outward, one handbreadth below the right nipple, more violent during an expiration, in the morning when in bed.—Lancination in the side of the chest over the pit of the stomach, at every movement of the arm and when sitting.—Pain in the outer part of the right chest, as if there were a sore, especially when feeling the part, but also without feeling. Drawing in the outer parts of the chest, especially during an inspiration, accompanied with single stitches. Pain of the sternum, as if the pain were in the cartilage, in occasional attacks, a sort of digging-up, rubbing and scraping in the part, without cough. °Soreness under the sternum.—Palpitation of the heart.—Dull sticking in the region of the last true rib of the right side. Stitches in the chest, early in the morning. A sort of varicella on the chest and upper arms, peeling off in five days. *Small, red, constantly-itching pimples on the chest, with biting itching. Back.—Pain in the small of the back, on rising from a seat. Drawing in the small of the back and stiffness in the back, or particularly when standing, and going off when pressing on the part. Painful stiffness of the back and loins after sitting.* Spasmodic, cramp-like pain under the short ribs and directly above the hips, towards evening, so violent that his breathing was arrested and he was not able to rise from the chair without assistance. Pain in the loins after sitting. Tearing from the small of the back to the occiput, the left hemi- sphere of the brain and the left jaw, especially in the evening, the cheeks being hot and bloated, and the eyes red and inflamed. Pressure and sticking near the vertebrae of the back, worse during an inspiration. Painful stiffness in the scapulae during motion. Bruised pain below the scapula. Boil on the scapula. Small, red pimples on the back with constant itching. Painful sticking in the shoulder when lifting the arm. Upper Extremities.—Pressure in the left axilla from within outward. Tearing in the right shoulder-joint. Painful sticking in the shoulder-joint, on lifting the arm. Pressure in the left shoulder-joint, more violent during motion. Tearing, with pressure, in the left shoulder-joint, more violent during motion. Pressure in both shoulder-joints, more violent during motion. Languor of the upper limbs and pressure in several parts of the same, a sort of paralysis Tear- LEDUM PALUSTRE. 89 ins in the arms. Pressure, and tearing with pressure, with sensation of weight in various parts of the right arm, especially in the joints of the arm, the pain being aggravated by motion.—Pain in the middle of the left upper arm during motion. Fine, stinging-itching gnawing of both upper arms, relieved by scratch- ing, but returning soon with greater violence. Pressure on the right upper arm from without inward. Pressure and feeling of heaviness in the outer part of the left upper arm. Intermittent tearing, with pressure, in the outer parts of the left upper arm, posteriorly, more violent during motion.—Pressure in the right elbow-joint, more violent during motion.—Feeling of tension and pressure in the muscles of the right forearm, as if sprained, in any position. Painful jerking in the upper part of the forearm.—Pressure between the metacarpal bone of the right thumb and the carpal bones, more violent during motion. Tremor of the hands when seizing anything, and when moving the hands. "N io- lent trembling of the hands, as if from old age, especially when moving them. Severe or fine stinging in the hand. Itching rash on the wrist-joint. Tearing pain in the hands. Sweaty palms of the hands in day-time.—The periosteum of the finger-joints is painful when pressing upon it. Tearing pain in the pos- terior joint of the thumb, going off when moving the thumb. Fine tearing in the fingers of the left hand, especially in the joints, more violent during mo- tion. Drawing pain in the extensor tendons of three fingers of the left hand. A hard tumour on the tendon of the extensor pollicis near the wrist-joint, becom- ing painful when bending the thumb. Painless tubercle on the middle-joint of the index-finger. Lower Extremities.—Pain in either hip-joint and in the small of the back when rising from the seat. °Laming rheumatic pain in the hip-joints. Pres- sure in the region of the right hip-joint, more violent during motion. Tearing, with pressure, from the hip-joint to the ankles, more violent during motion. Pinching-drawing pain in either hip-joint, in the acetabulum, descending along the posterior surface of the thigh. Fine itching stinging, and itching gnawing in the region of the hip-joints, somewhat relieved by scratching, but returning the more violently.—Sensation as if the posterior muscles of the thighs were paralyzed. Pain of the periosteum as if bruised or sore, or as if the flesh were detached, when walking, sitting, or touching the parts. Burning itching of the thighs in the night, being changed to a mere burning when scratching the parts, and disappearing afterwards. Fine, stinging-itching gnawing of the thighs, somewhat relieved by scratching, but afterwards re-appearing so much more violently. Pressure in the posterior region of the left thigh ; sensation as if the muscles had not their proper length, with pain as if sprained in every position, but especially violent when touching the parts and when walking.—Tre- mor of the knees (and hands') when sitting or walking. Great weakness in the knee-joints, obliging him to sit down. Weakness in the knee-joints, and tear- ing, with pressure, in these joints when walking. Dull pricking and pressure in the right knee-joint, more violent during motion. Pressure on the right side and near the left patella, more violent during motion. Pain in the knees, as if bruised or sore. Cracking in the knees. Stiffness in the knees, only when walking. Stiffness of the knee. Tensive pain of the knee and heel, after sit- ting, when walking. Pain in the front part of either patella, as if bruised, when walking. Sweat of the knees, in the morning. * Swelling and tensive and pricking pain in the knee, -when walking, °or also with tension, stinging hard- ness even of the whole leg, and nightly tearing and pressure. Itching eruption in the bend of the knee.— °Hut swelling of the legs, with stinging-drawing pain. Feeling of coldness of the legs, when sitting, without any coldness to the touch. Weakness and pressure in the left lower limb, from the sole to the thigh, a kiud 90 LEDUM PALUSTRE. • of paralysis or paralytic pain. Weakness and heaviness in the legs. Stretch- ing of the lower limbs. Griping pain in the calf, along the tibia. Swelling of the leg extending to beyond the calves, with tensive pain,_ especially in the evening. Tensive pain in the calves, when walking, after sitting. Cramp-pain in the calves. Cramp in the calves at night, when lying down, going off by rising, but returning immediately after lying down.—Pain as if sprained in the tarsal joint, or as if the foot had become twisted. Fine pimples on the dorsum of the foot, itching in the evening. Swelling around the ankles, and in- tolerable pain in the tarsal joint when stepping. In the morning his fee* feel rigid. Stiff feet, with chilliness and confused feeling in the head. When sitting or lying down, she feels a great weariness in the feet as if she had walk- ed many miles, she does not feel this weariness when walking. Heaviness in the feet, frequent drawing in the feet, sometimes extending beyond the knees. Jerking and weary sensation in the feet, when bending them. Pricking in the ankle. *Obstinate swelling of the foot. Swelling of the foot for eight days. inflammatory or cedematous swelling of the feet and legs. Pain of the soles of the feet when walking, as if ecchymozed,—Pressure in the sole of either foot, more violent during a walk. Burning pressure in the anterior part of the sole of the right foot. Bruised pain in the heel when walking. Pressure above the internal left malleolus, more violent during motion. Pres- sure, as with the finger, below the left ankle, in any position of the limb. Pressure in various parts of the feet. Pressure here and there in the left tarsal joint, more violent during motion.—Pressure on the dorsum of the left foot, in bed. Pressure above the right heel. Pressure in the region of the internal border and the dorsum of the left foot.—Excessive gnawing-itching of the dorsum of either foot, increasing after scratching, and not abating till the feet had been scratched sore, much more violent in bed.—Pressure in the anterior joints of the toes of the left foot. Fine tearing in the toes of the left foot, especially on the lower surface of the toes. Pressure in the region where the last three toes join the metatarsal bones, more violent during motion. Sensation as if the blood were rushing to the big toe. Slow and continuous stitch in the big toe. Cutting in the toes of the left foot, in the night when sleeping.— The ball of the big toe feels soft, thick and painful when stepping. °Podagra. ? SlBCp.—Sleepiness in the day-time like sopor. In the morning he has a great desire to lie down, he feels drowsy, nauseated and anxious.—Deep, but restless sleep; at night he lays himself on the side on which he does not usually rest, in the morning he is unable to get warm.—She is unable to sleep and starts constantly; when closing her eyes, she raves, almost in a waking state. Restless sleep, and extremely-confused dreams. Starting from a dream. He frequently wakes, and only falls asleep again after a while.—Sleeplessness, with restlessness and tossing about. Restless sleep at night, tossing to and fro in the bed ; early in the morning when in bed, he feels great chilliness and is unable to get warm; afterwards he sleeps late in the morning. Morning sleep full of dreams about murder and violence.—Shameful dream, and sweat the whole night. Dream full of anxiety of conscience, with profuse sweat. Restless dreams; he dreams that at times he is in one, at limes in another place, at times he is busy with this, at times with that object. Vivid dream about great misfortunes.—Vivid, voluptuous dreams, with erection without emission. Las- civious dreams. Fever.—^General coldness and chilliness. In the morning his body feels cold, though not to him.—Shaking chills with trembling, towards evening, with- out thirst and without any subsequent heat. Chilliness and feverish drawing in the limbs, without any subsequent heat. Chilliness as if cold water were being LEDUM PALUSTRE. 91 poured over this or that part of his body. Shuddering and chilliness, for twen- ty-four hours, with goose-flesh, without any external coldness. He is very chilly in the forenoon. Violent chilliness in the morning, when in bed, he is un- able to get warm. Feverish coldness, increasing and decreasing at intervals, with shuddering all over, for three days, without heat, but with desire for cold water, and heat in the palate. Chilliness, without any subsequent heat, the rest of the body was warm, only the extremities were cold. Chill over the whole back, with somewhat hot cheeks and hot forehead, without redness of face and thirst, with cold hands. °Evening fever, with pain in the head and eyes. °Feeling of heat alternating with sweat. Heat all over, without thirst. (Much thirst, he is obliged to drink even at night.) Much thirst in the day-time and feverish chilliness in the evening, shortly before going to sleep. When sweating while walking, the sweat on the forehead has a fetid, sourish smell.—When walking, he becomes immediately warm and hot, and sweats on the forehead. Sudden sweat when walking in the open air, mixed with chilliness. Fetid sweat over the whole body, even the hair of the head was wet. He sweats, and cannot bear being covered. Sweat during the whole night, from evening till morning. Slight sweat all over on waking, with itching of the whole body, obliging one to scratch. Skin.—Dry, extremely-itching herpes, with anxiety Itching of the skin.— Itching and gnawing of the side of the abdomen, and the arms, with burning after scratching. Itching of the whole body as if an eruption would break out. Superficial, fine-stinging itching of the skin over the whole body. Slight, itch- ing prickings in several parts of the body, especially 'm the region of the hip- joints, thighs and upper arms, inducing one to scrawh; after the scratching the itching is a little less, but returns with the more violence afterwards. Itching of the joints in the region of the calcanean process, the tarsal joint and the loins.—Bluish spots on the body like petechige. Small, round, red, insensi- ble spots on the inner side of the arms, on the abdomen and feet. Eruption: small blotches, resembling red millet-seed, over the whole body, (except the face, neck and hands,) with itching in the day-time, and sometimes in the night, not much relieved by scratching. *Dry, itching herpes, -with anxiety.—°Boils. —°Hot, tensive, hard swellings, with tearing pains. °Painful arthritic nodo- sities. ?—°ffidematous swelling, also of the skin of the whole body. General Symptoms.—Heat of the hands and feet in the evening.—Long- continuing warm sweat on the hands and feet. Drawing along the long bones during motion. (Tearing pain in the back and knees.) The gout re-appears. Lancinating pain in the joints. (Tearing-darting pain in the joints.) Beating pain in the affected joints, hindering motion.—Painful, hard tubercles and tophi in the region of the joints. Paralytic pain of all the joints at night when in bed, when moving the body. Shooting, tearing, rheumatic pains, especially during motion. The limbs and the whole body are painful, as if bruised and contused. °Aching or aching-tearing pains in the joints, worst in the evening, in bed. He cannot bear the warmth of the bed, on account of heat and burning in the limbs.—Feeling of numbness and heaviness in the limbs, with bone-pains. The limbs are numb and go to sleep. Troublesome languor and weariness when sit- ting, standing or walking; after having been seated for some time, he feels pains in the os coccygis. Inclination to stretch the upper limbs.—Fainting.— Nervous attack : after a walk in the open air a sensation of pressure and ten- sion is felt moving from the side to the shoulder, thence across the chest, ac- companied with a grasping sensation in the sternum; he hses hearing and sight; has to lie down, and remains pale for a quarter of an hour; is anxious, and has cold hands and diarrhoea. 92 LOBELIA CARDINALIS. m Characteristic Peculiarities.—Only the pains in the joints become more violent during motion, not the pains in other parts of the body. 153. LOBELIA CARDINALIS. LOB. CAR.—The scarlet lobelia, or cardinal flower. See Transact, of Amer. Inst, of Homodop., Vol. I. Dr. Samuel R. Dubs, the prover of this agent, took ten drops of the concen- trated tincture, in about the third of a tumbler of water, at ten minutes past ten o'clock, a. m. After the lapse of several minutes, it produced a burning sensa- tion, with stinging in the tongue and fauces, which lasted till 12 o'clock at night. In twenty minutes after taking, felt a sticking, like the pricking of needles in the sole of the left foot, shooting inwards. Passed away in a few minutes. Same sensation, thirty minutes after taking, in the inner part of the right thigh, just above the knee. 11£ o'clock, a. m. Dryness of the nose with fulness, fol- lowed by sneezing. 12 o'clock, m. Severe stitch in the left side of the chest, which compelled me to press with the hand to moderate it, as it nearly took my breath; it continued about ten minutes. 12£ o'clock, p. m. Same sticking pain in the left hypochondrium, which came on suddenly and so violently as to induce me to cry out. I placed the ends of my fingers over the spot, and the pain was at once moderated. Lasted abflrt five minutes. Bowels were opened about this time; stools at first thin, and tffen more consistent. 3 o'clock, p. m. Tongue raw, and sore, very red, especially at its tip, and a painful blister on that part. Throat sore and dry, with disposition to swallow, as also to hawk up phlegm. Head- ache dull and distressing, with fulness in the forehead and base of the occiput; the latter part was peculiarly painful. The pain increased by motion, or shaking the head. 5 o'clock, p. m. Severe pricking pain with itching in the heel of the left foot, so great as scarcely to be borne. Headache increased, throb- bing and weakness in the lower extremities, so much so, as to cause me to lie down. Hot sweat on the forehead, with throbbing in that part, and at the base of the occiput. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Dull pains in the upper maxillary bone of each side, with aching in the molar teeth. Whilst lying down, great sleepiness, with difficulty of falling asleep. Constant dreaming with extreme lightness of the head. Starting in sleep, with jerkings of the hands. 7 o'clock, p. m. The soreness of the fauces is diminished, but the burning and pricking sensation remains the same. The soreness has extended lower down to the pharynx, and upper part of the oesophagus. 7£ o'clock, p. m. Unpleasant sticking pain in the epigastrium, which . lasted five minutes. 9 o'clock. Very little pain in the forehead, but the pain is still throbbing, and almost insupport- able in the occiput and nape of the neck. Soreness in the eyes, with smarting and slight watering. Great repugnance to the light of a lamp. 10 o'clock, p. m. Oppression of the breathing, with dull and distressing pain in the lower part of the sternum, with the same feeling on each side forming a kind of circle. Relieved by beating lightly upon the part with the hand. Dull heavy pain in the epigastrium, with sensation of a weight or load. Dull distressing pain about three inches below, and a little to the left of the epigastrium. Debility, and languor of the whole system, with weakness as from a strain across the kidneys. 11£ o'clock, p. m. Slight shooting pain in the forehead, with an eruption of small vesicular pimples in the centre and upper part of this locality. They feel sore on passing the hand over them. The pain in the occiput is now very slight. LOBELIA INFLATA. 93 Disposition to sing, which I was continually doing whilst walking up and down the parlour. 12 o'clock at night. Thirst for cold water, of which I drank half a pint. This very much relieved the pain and burning in the tongue and fauces. The pain and oppression at the breast were also alleviated. Next day at 6 . o'clock, a. m. Head feels light with dull pain in the forehead and occiput. 8 o'clock, a. m. Eyes burning and watery, with dread of light, and feel sore on closing them. Mouth and fauces dry, with a raw and distressed feeling extend- ing down to the epigastrium. Some nausea, and still much distress at the epi- gastrium. No appetite for breakfast. Throughout the day great debility of the whole frame, but more especially of the lower extremities. They are so much fatigued by any exertion, that it is with difficulty that I can drag them along. My knees bend under me in walking. August 13th. Sticking pains with sensation of a load at the epigastrium. Dryness and rawness, from the mouth to the epigastrium. Appetite still very indifferent. Oppression of the breathing through the day, with sticking pains on taking a long breath. Pricking pain in the left lung, coming on several times during the day, and lasting for several minutes each time. Great weakness of the lower extremities. Unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning, and through the day. Prickings like from needles in the calf of the left leg and the heel, worse in the latter part. Most of the above symptoms continued, though with less intensity for two weeks, and it'was at least three weeks before my stomach recovered its usual tone, and my usual good appetite returned. 151. LOBELIA INFLATA. LOB. INF.—Emetic herb, Indian tobacco.—See Transactions op Amer. Inst, of Hom., Vol. I. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS, BY DR. JEANES, OF PHILADELPHIA. The Lobelia inflata has been found both in large and in small doses a very valuable remedy in certain forms of asthmatic disease. Of its curative powers in these disorders, we have the testimony of Barton, Stewart, Randall, Brad- street, Reece, Andrew, John Forbes, Elliotston, Cutler, Bidault de VUliers, Behrend, Neumann, Sigmond, and others. That the relief afforded in some of the cases has been permanent, amounting to what may be properly termed cures, we also have satisfactory evidence. That it has relieved, in doses of a few drops of the tincture, we have the tes- timony of Noack ; but whether this mode of application has much to recommend it, time, observation and experience must determine. That it has effected cures in the infinitesimal, minute doses of the homceopa- thist, I have the evidence of numerous cases in my own practice; that these cures would not have taken place had the remedy been administered in emetic doses, or in Noack's drop doses, I cannot assert. I can only be certain that they did tako place after the administration of the minute doses, and according to my judgment in consequence of such administration. But it must be allow- ed, that if the minute dose answers only as well as the larger, it is much to be preferred, on the grounds of pleasantness and convenience. Noack has arrived at the conclusion that its operation is peculiarly directed on the pneumo-gastric nerve, an opinion which is strongly supported both by its pathogenesis, and its curative effects. There are other operations of Lobelia inflata than those on the lungs and sto- 94 LOBELIA INFLATA. mach which are worthy of attention. Eberle succeeded readily in the reduction of an incarcerated hernia, after an enema of the infusion of this plant. This might depend upon mere relaxation, as from blood-letting, the tobacco enema, etc., etc. But an experience of my own has made me suspect that it possesses some properties which render it peculiarly suitable as a remedy in hernia. A patient labouring under all the syniptoms of incarcerated hernia which remained in all their violence, after the apparent reduction of the hernia, (most probably from a constriction of the sac,) received, when in an almost hopeless condition, a minute dose of Lobelia inflata. In the course of two hours the bowels, which had not been moved for several days, became open, and the symptoms of incar- ceration speedily disappeared. This may have been a spontaneous change, such as has occurred in other cases of hernia, but it is certainly calculated to call at- tention to the investigation of the Lobelia inflata as a remedy for incarcerated hernia. Doctor Gosewisch, of Wilmington, Delaware, remarks, in a letter to me: " Among the symptoms of lobelia which I have seen until now, I do not find any thing said about hemorrhages. At first Dr. Edward Caspari told me he gave lobelia to an elderly lady, (who had not menstruated for four years,) for a pain in the right shoulder ; it relieved the pain and brought on menstruation. I gave the same medicine to a lady in the last stage of consumption, who had not menstruated for six months; it palliated the cough and brought the menses, which continued for some days, though of course in small quantity; she died about three weeks afterwards. A lady over fifty years of age, who had long ceased to menstruate, had, after taking lobelia for a cough, bleeding at the nose. I have now under my care a boy who, after taking a Thomsonian emetic, had every evening, after an hour's sleep, a violent raving, with flushing of the face and palpitation of the heart. This has yielded rapidly to homoeopathic treat- ment." In some forms of gastric disorder the Lobelia inflata has been found a valua- ble remedy. Noack gives the two following cases of cardialgia. Cardialgia simplex.—A young man had suffered for many years from attacks of pressing in the stomach, which extended itself upwards into the breast, caus- ing a feeling of oppression and accompanied by nausea, flowing of water into the mouth and disposition to vomit, but no vomiting. The attacks occurred at no certain intervals, and sometimes continued for a long time. He had already tried a variety of remedies, among others the Carlsbad waters, which at first af- forded a little relief, but after a time ceased to do so. At a time when there was considerable fever, he took two drops of the saturated tincture of Lobelia inflata, once a day for five days in succession; many green diarrhoeal stools oc- curred, but the pressing in the stomach gradually diminished, and by the sixth day was entirely removed. Nineteen months afterwards the patient still remain- ed free from the disease. Cardialgia biliosa.—A servant maid, aged twenty-six years, of bilious habit, had suffered for a long time from cramp of the stomach, which showed itself by a severe pressing feeling in the epigastrium, and which was excited by certain kinds of food, or mental emotion, especially in the evening, and continued into the night. In October, 1839, after fright and vexation during the menstrual period,which caused a suppression, she complained of alternating heat and cold, nausea, bitter taste, thirst, vomiting of bile, severe pressing in the epigastrium after eating, and also whilst fasting, exacerbating in the evening; oppression and a feeling of anxiety in the breast, and pain in the sacral region; her tongue had a yellow coating, and her pulse was small, weak and slow. A drop of the tincture of lobelia was given morning and evening, and by the second day pro- LOBELIA INFLATA. 9fr duced marked effects. Severe pain in the forehead and frequent diarrhoeal stools (seven in the day) took place, the vomiting ceased, the nausea diminished, and the breast was no longer oppressed. A drop of the tincture on the third and fourth days removed the remaining bitter taste and the sacral pain. The pa- tient was perfectly well by the fifth day. To the above I add the following cases from my work on homoeopathic prac- tice, remarking that they have since been confirmed by many similar cures. Case in a married lady, set. 38 ann. Accompanying chronic dyspnoea. Sen- sation of weakness and oppression at the epigastrium, and extending from thence into the chest. Burning in the stomach, and a sensation as if there was a burn- ing lump in the pit of the throat, which appeared to impede swallowing and respiration. In swallowing, it seemed as if at this point something rose up to meet the food and obstruct its descent into the stomach. Frequent eructation of acid fluid with sensation of burning. Frequent vomiting of the food after meals, especially after eating warm food. She " had not known what it was to be without heartburn for one hour for the last year." Her urine was high- coloured, and deposited a copious red sediment. She had for a long time been iubject to pain in the left lumbar region of the abdomen. Lobelia 4|6 effected a gradual but perfect removal of the whole train of her dyspeptic symptoms. In numerous cases besides the above, I have succeeded in removing the dys- peptic symptoms by the employment of the same remedy. The chief indications for its use are—the sense of weakness and oppression at the epigastrium, and at the same time some oppression at the breast. But the nearer the approach of the symptoms has been to those of the above case, the less have I been disap- pointed in my expectations of a strikingly-beneficial operation of the lobelia. There are, however, some cases where, although the symptoms of pectoral op- pression are very trifling, yet this remedy operates satisfactorily. In a case of this kind, which I have but recently treated, and which occurred in a fat and robust man about 45 years of age, who complained chiefly of a copious hemor- rhoidal discharge and consequent debility, and a sensation of tightness in the epi- gastrium and some acidity of stomach. I at first gave him Nux v. without any apparent abatement of his disease, and subsequently some other remedies, with the same want of success. At length he complained of some oppression at the breast, for which I administered lobelia 5|(J. The following day he informed me that he felt new life and vigour, and that the pectoral, gastric and hemor- rhoidal disorders had all disappeared. Since that time, now about two weeks, he has remained free from them, and also from a feeling of want of power in the anus and rectum which was exceedingly uncomfortable to him while at stool, and to which he had been subject for many years. In bleeding from the hemorrhoidal vessels the Lobelia inflata has proved use- ful in the case just mentioned, and also in my own person. The following cases show that, as a remedy for some forms of intermittent fe- Ter, it is deserving of attention. Febris intermittens quotidiana.—Attack at 104 o'clock, a. m. In a man net. 48 ann. Severe coldness, alternating with flashes of heat till 12 m., when the heat, which was moderate, became more constant, but alternating with slight chilliness, continuing till evening. Profuse sweat at night, slept during the sweat as usual. Thirst great from the first chill and during the whole of the hot stage, but worse in the chill. Respiration short, anxious, laborious and wheezing, with sensation of tightness of the chest. Sensation of oppression and weakness, principally at the epigastrium, but extending thence through the whole breast. Tickling in the pit of the throat, with frequent hacking cough. Severe headache, extending round the forehead from one temple to the other. 96 LOBELIA INFLATA. Loss of appetite, both in the paroxysm and apyrexia. Tongue white, scaly, coated on the right side, but clean on the left. Great debility. Lobelia inflata 15|15, given at 3£ o'clock, p. m., during the paroxysm, produced considerable relief of the oppression of the respiratory organs, and the next day there was a very slight paroxysm, of short duration; the third day and afterwards, 110 more. Febris intermittens.—-Chill (shaking chill) with thirst, then heat with thirst and sweat. The thirst is sometimes observed before the chill and through the whole fever; often only before the chill, and not in it, and then again in the heat. The coldness is increased after drinking. The sweat begins with the heat, or after the heat has continued for some time. The Lobelia inflata has by some been considered a valuable remedy in whoop- ing cough. Noack remarks, that in some cases of whooping cough the lobelia appears to him to be even in the third stage (stadium adynamicum) of essential service. It will be proper to add, to what has already been said, some cases of cures effected by the use of the Lobelia inflata. Asthma.—Dr. M. Cutler narrates his own case as follows : " It has been my misfortune to be an asthmatic for about ten years. I have made trial of a great variety of the usual remedies with very little benefit. In several paroxysms I had found immediate relief, more frequently than from anything else, from the skunk-cabbage, (Dracontium fcetidum, Lin., Arum Americanum, Catesby). The last summer I had the severest attack I ever experienced. It commenced early in August, and continued about eight weeks. Dr. Drury, of Marblehead, also an asthmatic, had made use of the Indian tobacco, by the advice of a friend, in a severe paroxysm early in the spring. It gave him immediate relief, and he has been entirely free from the complaint from that time. I had a tincture made of the fresh plant, and took care to have the spirit fully saturated, which I think is important. In a paroxysm, which perhaps was as severe as I ever experienced, the difficulty of breathing extreme, and after it had continued for a considera- ble time, I took a table-spoonful. In three or four minutes my breathing was as free as it ever was, but I felt no nausea at the stomach. In ten minutes I took another spoonful, which occasioned sickness. After ten minutes I took the third, which produced sensible effects upon the coats of the stomach, and a very little moderate puking, and a kind of prickly sensation through the whole sys- tem, even to the extremities of the fingers and toes. The urinary passage was perceptibly affected by producing a smarting sensation on passing urine, which was probably provoked by stimulus upon the bladder. But all these sensations very soon subsided, and vigour seemed to be restored to the constitution which I had not experienced for years. I have not since had a paroxysm, and only a few times some small symptoms of asthma. Besides the violent attacks, I had scarcely passed a night without more or less of it, and often so as not to be able to lie in bed. Since that time I have enjoyed as good health as, perhaps, before the first attack." He afterwards further remarks that " in all instances of which I have had information, it has produced immediate relief, but the effects have been different in different kinds of asthma, some patients have been se- verely puked with only a tea-spoonful, but in all cases some nausea seems to be necessary. The asthma with which I have been afflicted, I conceive to be of that kind which Dr. Bree, in his practical inquiries on disordered respiration, etc., calls the first species, ' a convulsive asthma from pulmonic irritation of ef- fused serum.' My constitution has been free, I believe, from any other disor- der, than what has been occasioned by an affection of the lungs, anxiety of the praecordia, and straitness of the breast, and other symptoms produced by that affection." LOBELIA INFLATA. 97 Dr. William P. C. Barton states, that he administered it to a domestic in his family, "who was distressingly affected with spasmodic asthma. She is a fe- male of narrow and depressed thorax, and for years past has been subject to this c implaint. During one of the paroxysms I directed her to take a tea- spoonful of the brandy tincture every two hours. After taking the second spoonful, she was immediately relieved. In a subsequent attack, the experi- ment was repeated, increasing the dose to a tea-spoonful every hour, with the same effect; the patient declaring that she never found such immediate, and entire relief, from any of the numerous medicines she had previously taken for this complaint. She complained of dizziness, nausea, and some debility after taking the second spoonful." Dr. Alphons N>ack, of Leipzig, narrates the following case. "Afhrna. A lady in climacteric years, of bilious constitution, choleric tem- perament and great excitability, in a high degree hysterical, who had been married young, and since then been attacked from time to time by severe con- strictive pains of the chest, uninterrupted hiccough, a jerking out of sounds which resembled a disagreeable laughter, and distortion of the muscles of the face. The paroxysms, when less severe, consisted only of loud sighing, moaning, with hurried expiration; the abdominal muscles worked strongly, the hands were firmly pressed upon the breast, the countenance presented the expression of a pain ul smile, and the pulse, with the skin at the ordinary temperature, was small, oppressed and slow. After some five minutes, longer and less noisy expiration, and long drawn sighs occurred, the patient became able to speak, opened her eyes, complained of great thirst, severe pain in the breast, epigas- trium, hypochondria and loins, and of great debility. After short pauses, new attacks supervened on each other for many hours. The paroxysms were await- ed in a lying posture, with the head drawn back. Strong mental emotion and frequent social dissipation, especially through the whole night, brought on these paroxysms, which mostly appeared in the early morning hours, and then were not repeated for twenty-four hours. The habitual disorders of the patient consisted, moreover, in day-sleepiness, nightly sleeplessness, twitching during sleep, bef ire going to sleep restlessness, heat in the hands and feet, which were at < t'ler times cold ; shortness of breath from somewhat severe exertion of the body, pressing pain in the forehead, and frequent vomiting of water, with other- wise go :d digestion. In the earlier periods of her disease numerous medicines, from the s i-callcd class of the volatile remedies, as musk, etc., also many mine- ral waters, were prescribed, but without success. I also had no cause to con- gratulate myself on my success with the many remedies I had employed, until I resolved to administer the lobelia. For a length of time I allowed her to take, cvoni lg and morning, a drop of the tincture on sugar, and during the attacks the same dos.i every quarter of an hour. The result was tolerably satisfactory, in- asnrieh as at times, the disease only gave intimations of approach, without comin r to an outbreak, and also, when this happened they were both far less severe and ceeil now to mention one of the many cases of asthmatic disease in which lobelia has proved useJ'ul in my hands. Oise <>f'a manied lady, tut. 38 ann., the mother of several children. She had Buff'icd since her childhood from dyspnoea/increased by any active exertion, by going un or down stairs, by exposure to cold, and eating very warm food. Pain in the 1c t lumbar region of the abdomen (also from childhood). Within the last year, constant burning in the stomach and throat, with a sensation of dry- voi.. ir. 7 98 LOBELIA INFLATA. ness in the latter, as also of a lump in the pit of the throat which impeded re- spiration and deglutition. Weakness and oppression in the epigastrium with other symptoms of gastric derangement. Urine of a deep red, depositing a co. pious red sediment. Lobelia inflata, 4|6 was given in the evening, and by next morning the sensation of a lump and burning in the throat, together with the dyspnoea, had greatly diminished, and in a few days entirely disappeared. The urine also became perfectly normal in appearance. She has continued well, without perceiving a trace of the asthmatic symptoms and pain in her left side, which she had experienced from childhood. The symptoms which I have found most strongly to indicate the lobelia, arc constant dyspnoea, which is increased by slight" exertion, and aggravated so much by slight exposures to cold, as to form a kind of asthmatic paroxysm. A sensation of _ oppression and weakness at the epigastrium, extending* upwards from thence into the breast, with or without pyrosis and cardialgia. A sensa- tion of a lump or quantity of mucus, or of pressure, in the pit of the throat. A pain extending around the forehead from one temple to the other. Pain in the back about the lowest dorsal vertebra. Pain in the left side of the abdomen, immediately below the short ribs. High-coloured urine depositing a copious red sediment. Since the preceding remarks were written, I have been induced, by the patho- genesis of the Lobelia inflata, to employ it in the following severe case of a di- sease, which, though generally termed bilious colic, might much more properly be called Gaslralgia biliosa. A robust man of 35 years of age, who had an intermitt- ent fever^ suppressed about a week before by the employment of the sulphate of quinine, in grain doses frequently repeated, was attacked during the night with uneasiness of the stomach, which continuing to increase, he took, about 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a large dose of anti-bilious pills. In the evening the pain became excessively violent. It occurred in frequent paroxysms of °most excruciating pain, chiefly in the region of the stomach, accompanied with the feeling of a heavy load, great nausea and a disposition to vomit. By pushing his finger down his throat, he was enabled to produce vomiting, and succeeded in bringing up some thick yellow bile. About 10 o'clock, I was called to see him; I found.him bathed in a cold sweat, with great prostration of strength and very feeble pulse, I gave him a drop of the first centesimal dilution of the tinc- ture of the Lobelia inflata in a little sugar. It was succeeded by a paroxysm even more violent then any cf the preceding. In his agony he made the same efforts to accomplish vomiting as before, but succeeded in bringing up but little. As the pain in the stomach began to abate, he complained of violent pain in the top of the right shoulder, and shortly afterwards of pain in the back, from about the first to the fourth dorsal vertebra. This pain lasted for some minutes He then lay down and appeared to fall into a light sleep, during which the hands became-warmer, the skin dryer, and the pulse stronger. In about half an hour he had another paroxysm; the pain which was not half so severe as it had been before was ielt lower m the abdomen, and was accompanied by rumbling of flatus. Soon after this I left him, feeling very confident that the disease was subdued Ashe was very anxious about the pills not having operated I allow- ed him after he had rested a short time, an enema of molasses and water, which was followed by a couple of stools in the course of the night. The next day I found him sitting up, but quite weak, though entirely free from pain of which he had but little after the second paroxysm, which followed the administration of the lobelia In this case, the pathogenetic opeiation of the lobelia in the production of the pain m the shoulder and back, (which he had not felt previously LOBELIA INFLATA. 99 "to its employment,) led me to anticipate the result of its action, and all happened afterwards as I expected. The power of this remedy to produce those identical symptoms I knew, and when the patient complained of them, it was plain to me that the remedy was strongly operating upon the system, and that on this ground I must view the increased violence of the paroxysm as a homoeopathic aggrava- tion, which must be followed by cure. The improvement of the condition after this paroxysm, so different from that in which I found him, confirmed these views, which were still further corroborated by the mildness of the next par- oxysm which also proved to be the last. Some persons will no doubt attribute the cure to the enema, which would aid in the operation of the purgative pills taken in the morning. But I object to this view of the Case, that the cure was almost complete before the bowels were open; in fact, that the bowels were opened in consequence of the cure, instead of the cure being a consequence of such opening. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sobbing like a child.—Mind uneasy. Despond- ing and exhausting.—Apprehension of death and difficulty of breathing. Head.— Vertigo, with nausea. Vertigo, with pain in the head, and tremb- ling agitation of the whole body. Dull feeling in the head after dinner, increas- ed in the evening to violent pressive pain, with considerable heat of the face.— Pain in the head. Headache, with slight giddiness, occasionally transient shoot- ing in the temples. Dull feeling in the occiput and forehead. Pressive pain in the occiput, one while accompanied by heat, at another relieved by removing the covering from the head. Pain in the occiput. Dull heavy pain, passing round the forehead from one temple to the other, on a line immediately above the eye-brows. (In numerous cases, both of pathogenesis and cure; the latter often preceded by homoeopathic aggravation, of several days' continuance.) Pains through the head in sudden shocks.—Outward pressing in both temples, at the same time a dull pressing in the flesh just above the left elbow, and the hand feels as if paralyzed.—Pain in the parietal protuberance on the left side of the head.—Heaviness in the head, and uneasiness in the back.— Chilliness of the left side of the head, with a feeling as if the hair would rise on end. G.VCS.—Pain and soreness in the right eye.—Pressing pain in the eyeballs. most in the upper parts.—Severe and frequent itching in the angles of the eye- lids. Itching in the angles of the lids of the left eye. Smarting of the inside of the eyelids. Ear.—Aching in the left ear.—Shooting pain, extending into the left ear from a painful spot in the throat, situated about an inch to the left of the larynx, and on a line with its lowest cartilage. Face.—Heat of the face.—Perspiration of the face, accompanying the nau- sea.—A peculiar drawing feeling extending from the right side of the mouth to the right eye.—A. chilly feeling in the left cheek,.extending to the ear. Slight drawing feelings, at one time in the left, at another in the ricrht side of the lower jaw. Tertlf.—Dull pressing pain in the loft molar teeth and temple. Moiltll.—Disagreeable taste in the mouth, somewhat similar to that of a so- lution of corrosive sublimate. Pungent taste in the mouth.—Flow of clammy saliva. Flow of saliva in the mouth.—Soreness of the throat. Dryness of the mouth. ThrOlt.—Burning in the throat.—Dryness of the fauces, frequent spitting. Dry ness of the throat.—Tough mucus in the fauces, causing frequent hawking. 100 LOBELIA INFLATA. Prickling in the throat. Burning prickling in the throat, increased secretion of viscid saliva, fiausea and eructations. Prickling in the throat, eructation and burning sensation rising from the stomach. Dryness and prickling in the throat, not diminished by drinking, after dinner. Unpleasant sensation in the upper and back part of the pharynx, as from swallowing saliva during smoking. —Sensation as if the oesophagus contracted itself from below upwards.—Feeling of pressure, as from a foreign body in the whole course of the oesophagus, down which it proceeds with a vermicular motion, but most strongly felt in a spot just below the larynx and in the epigastrium.—Drawing pain in the right side of the throat, which extends upwards to the ear. *Sensatton of a lump in the pit of the throat impeding deglutition. °Sensation in the oesophagus as if something were rising in it which prevents the descent of the food. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—*Loss of appetite.—Acrid, burning taste in the mouth. °Bitter taste, with coated tongue and thirst.—Hiccough. Slight, frequent flatulent eructation, with flow of water in the mouth. ^ °Fre- quent gulping up of a burning, sour fluid. "Acidity in the stomach, with con- tractive feeling in the pit of the stomach. Flatulent eructation, with sensation of acidity and heat of stomach. Frequent violent hiccoughs, following each other quickly from twenty-four to thirty times, with abundant flow of saliva in the mouth. Eructation of an acid fluid with burning sensation. * Incessant violent nausea, -with shivering and shaking of the upper part of the body. An indescribable feeling about the stomach, compounded of nausea, pain, heat, oppression and excessive uneasiness, accompanying the affection of the respira- tory organs. Nausea, great uneasiness and vomiting. Nausea with great in- clination to vomit. Extreme nausea, with profuse perspiration, copious vomit- ing, great prostration of strength, but good appetite shortly afterwards. Vomit- ing with cold perspiration of the face. °Vomiting of food, particularly after eating warm.—"Dyspepsia.—Heartburn and running of water from the mouth. *Heartburn of long duration. Stomach.—*Feeling of weakness of the stomach °or in the pit of the sto- mach, extending through the whole chest. *Sensation of excessive weakness at the praacordium extending upwards into the chest, and downwards as far as the umbilicus. Feeling of pressure in the stomach, and extending to the back, as from a plug, in frequent paroxysms. Feeling of weight in the stomach. Sen- sation of oppression at the epigastrium, as if the stomach were too full, worse on pressure. Burning pain in the stomach towards the back, as if the part of the stomach nearest the spine weiv inflamed.—°Pressure in the pit of the stomach, before breakfast and after eating, worse in the evening, with bilious vomiting, oppression and anguish of the chest, and pain in the small of the back. Violent painful constriction in the region of the cardia.—°Spasm of the stomach, during the catamenia,? in arthritic patients,? in drunkards,'/ or with bilious complaints. Warmth in the stomach. Burning in the stomach. Abdomen.—Pain in the right hypochondrium. Distention of the abdomen, with shortness of breath. Flatulent rumbling' in the abdomen, with pain. Slight pain, sensation of motion in the abdomen, and escape of offensive flatus. Pain in the abdomen, always worse after eating. Dull pain in the abdomen. Some pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Sensation in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were about to occr.r. StUDL—Pappy stools. Whitish, so't stools. Scraping sensation as from the passage ot a rough, hard body, during stool. Discharge of black blood, after stool. * Copii us hemorrhage fr< m the hemorrhoidal vessels. CriliC.— Detire to urinate and mcree^ed secreth n of urine. Increased secre- tion of trjLe. Diminished secretion of urine. Urine with a loose cloudy sedi- LOBELIA INFLATA. 101 ment. Urine easily decomposed, and depositing a pink sediment, with a small brown crystal. *Urine of a deep red colour, depositing a copious red sediment. Sticking pain in the region of the right kidney. Pain in the loins. Sexual Organs.—Uterine hemorrhage.? Pains in the sacrum. *Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever, etc., supervening suppression of the menses dur- ing their flow. Aching pain in the urethra. Smarting of the prepuce. Trou- blesome feeling of weight in the genitals. Larynx and €0Ugh. — Sneezing, accompanying gaping and flatulent eructa- tion.—Titillation in the larynx, with frequent, short, dry cough.—"Sensation of a foreign body in the throat, impeding the breathing and swallowing. Chest.—A general tightness of the chest, with short and somewhat laborious breathing; discovered that he had a disposition involuntarily to keep his mouth open to breathe. Oppression of the chest. A tightness of the breast, with heat in the forehead. Sensation of fulness in the chest, breathing somewhat short and superficial, twenty-four respirations in a minute. Oppression causing a deep breath to be taken. Deep inspiration causes a feeling of comfort, from relieving the pressive pain in the epigastrium. Oppression of breathing, accele- ration of breathing, with the feeling as if it were insufficient, and therefore re- quired from time to time a deeper inspiration. Abdominal respiration less than usual. Inclination to sigh, deep inspiration. Short inspiration, slow expira- tion. Great difficulty of holding the breath. A peculiar feeling, between tick- ling and smarting in the larynx, like irritation to cough, which, however, occur- red but seldom, and then was accompanied by a feeling of oppression. Slight tickling, on taking a deep breath, under the lower part of the sternum. *Chronic dyspnoea, with the sensation of a lump in the pit of#the throat, immediately above the sternum, impeding respiration and deglutition. * Paroxysmal asth- ma.—Pains in the chest, increased by deep inspiration. Pain in the breast. Pains in the chest after walking after dinner.—Burning feeling in the breast, passing upwards.—Slight deep-seated pain in the region of the heart.—Pain under the middle of the sternum.—Burning pain in a small spot under the right breast, near the epigastrium; on a quick movement of the body, deep breathing, sneezing, and feeling as if something had. fallen out of its place, which went back again with great pain : the same pain in the epigastrium and left side.— Violent boring pain through the back, under the right shoulder, extending from the painful place through the body, becoming more violent by motion; the pain- ful place as if palsied. Pressing pain at the left side of the lower part of the sternum. Feeling of drawing in the left breast, from the nipple to the axilla. Back.—°Burning and cutting in the lower part of the spine.—Pain about the third, fourth, and fifth dorsal vertebra?. Rheumatic pains between the scapulae. Slight drawing pain between the scapulae; previously slight muscular twitches over the ribs of the left side near the spine. Upper Extremities.—Slight rheumatic feeling iu the right shoulder-joint. —Pain, only when touched, in the muscles of the right arm, in a space of the width of the hand, the pain in the shoulder gone.—Fine crawling stitches on the inside of the right deltoid muscle.—Paralvtic feeling in the left arm. Pain in the right elbow-joint. Severe rheumatic pain in the right elbow-joint. Lower Extremities.—Pressing pain on the exterior, middle part of the thigh, and at the same time constrictive feeling in the head. *Inflammatory rheumatism of the right knee, with swelling and extreme pain.—Violent spas- modic pain in the left posterior iliac region, scarcely allowing touch or motion.— Violent tearing pain in the fibula, from below up to the knee-joint. Pain in the left leg, whilst sitting. A feeling about the knees of pain aud stiffness, as from fatigue.—Weariness in the limbs.—Cramp-like feelings in the left gas- 102 LUPULUS. trocnemius. Cramp in the calf of the leg, on awaking from a restless sleep. Cramp-like feeling in the hollow of the left foot.—Prickling sensation through the whole body, extending even to the fingers and toes. The action of Lobelia is felt in the fingers and toes. Frequent yawning and stretching. General Symptoms.—Shivering through the whole body.—Feeling of wea- riness. Unusual weariness. Fever.—Heat, and inclination to perspiration, particularly in the face.— Chills down the back, with heat in the stomach.—intermittent fever. (See Clinical Observations.)—Pulse more frequent, and weaker than usual, in the evening. Pulse slower than usual. Pulse of the usual frequency, but smaller and weaker.—Prostration of strength. Sleep.—Restless sleep, with many dreams, also anxious dreams.—Sad dreams. Sleep disturbed at night by numerous dreams and frequent wakings* 155. LUPULUS. LUP.—Common hop.—See All. Hom. Zeit., X. Antidote.—Coffee.? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Noack and Trinks propose hop in the following diseases, which are apt to be induced by the excessive use of beer containing a large quantity of hop. Imbe- cility, delirium tremens„paralysis of the brain, nervous apoplexy, vertigo, in- toxication followed by violent headache, as if the brain would be torn and dashed to pieces, chronic headache, organic diseases of the liver, obesity, etc.—Ascites and hydrothorax. Chronic and organic affections of the heart, emaciation of the extremities. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Vertigo.—Stupefaction.—Heat in the head and face, with stupid and confused feeling in the head, and soon after pinching in the abdomen.—Dizzy duZl headache.—Increased determination of blood to the head and eyes. Dull pressure in the forehead, as after intoxication.—Drawing pain in the head. Eyes.—Illusion of sight (a dish of fish is mistaken for a plateful of mushrooms). Digestive Apparatus.—Eructations tasting of hop. Eructations increasing to nausea, accompanied with a dizzy and confused feeling in the head, after which a colic is experienced, with turning in the stomach, and sensation as of strong hunger without appetite.—Eructations tasting of hop, and increased sen- sation of warmth in the stomach, for one hour.—Eructations with nausea and slight colic for one hour, which is shortly after succeeded by turning in the stomach, heat in the head, dizziness and dull headache, without diminution of appetite.—Weakness of digestion.—Turning in the stomach, in paroxysms of one minute, and at intervals of a quarter of an hour, with sensation of great hunger, but without appetite, and with greater sensation of warmth in the stomach than usual.—Dull pinching in the abdomen, with nausea after the turn- ing in the stomach had diminished. Fermentation and dull sensation in the abdomen for some time.—Violent urging to stool, with softer stools than usual. Urine.—Increased secretion of urine (from eating the sprouts).—Determina- tion of blood to the uterus.—Burning in the urethra on urinating. Sleep.—Great drowsiness.—Falls asleep in the evening and continues to sleep next day, with occasional interruptions, during which he complains of LYCOPODIUM. 103 pains in the forehead.—Sopor.—rThe pulse becomes slower (falls from 96 to 60 in twenty-four hours). Skin.—Itching painful sensation as from nettles, in the chapped hands, and also in the face when rubbed with the hands frequently.f—Swollen face which is covered with an eruption, and swelling of the eyes.—Vesicles on the face and hands, increasing in size, and bursting, first on the hands, then in the face, after which all the symptoms (see " Sleep and Eyes,") particularly the swelling of the face, abate, and desquamation takes place. General Symptoms.—Drawing and twitching in almost every muscle, now here, then there, mostly between the shoulders and in the muscles of the arms and hands, in short paroxysms, as in rheumatism.—After taking coffee all the symptoms disappear, except an unusual burning in the urethra on urinating. 156. LYCOPODII POLLEN. LYC.—Lycopodium clavatum.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, IV.— Duration of Action: from 40 to 50 days. Compare witii—Ambr., Am., Am. mur., Ars., Bar., Bry., Cole, Canth., Caps., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cic, Con. m., Graph., Ipec, Led. p., Mag., Magnet, p. arct., Mag. mur., Mang., Merc, Mur. ac, Natr., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Petrol., Plat., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Puis., Rhod., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Spig., Staph., Sulph., Thuj., Verat.—Lye is frequently suitable after Calc, Sil.; after Lye. are frequently suitable: Graph.. Led. p., Phosph., Puis., Sil. Antidotes.—Cam'ph. generally moderates the violent effects of Lye.; Puis. subdues the violent feverish feelings from Lye ; the ill-humour, readiness to find fault, diffidence, tendency to reproach, etc., are subdued by Caust. A cup of coffee prevents and completely neutralizes the action of Lye. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. This drug has an especial action upon the sensorium, the splanchnic nerves and the organs over which they are distributed, the intestinal canal, the liver, the uropootic and sexual organs of both sexes, the lungs, nervous and fibrous tissues, the skin, and perhaps also the periosteum and the bones. Lycopodium is especially adapted to individuals of a soft, mild, melancholy disposition, to lymphatic and leuco-phlegmatic constitutions, and when they are moreover subject to mucous discharges, coryza, catarrh, etc.—Diseases with ag- gravation of the symptoms in the afternoon and in a room, amelioration and mitigation of the same in the open air.—Great sensitiveness to open and cold air.—Typical, periodical diseases.—Diseases with paroxysms of pain, causing great uneasiuess, walking about and weeping.—Diseases with deficiency of ani- mal heat as a prevailing S}Tmptom.—Diseases based upon obstructions, stases, and plethora of the portal system.—Diseases with inclination to dr< psy and af- fections of the urinary organs.—Bad consequences from vexation : great weak- ness unto falling, palpitation of the heart, trembling, heaviness in the limbs, as if they were made of lead.—Diseases from dyscrasia.—Scrophulosis. Scrofula of the bones.—Rickets.—Sccondiiry syphilis.—Condylomata.—Liability to infec- tion after being cured of syphilis.—Periostitis and ostitis with nightly pains, t From applying the hop externally, in the case of a girl of 14 years, who plunged her chapped hands into the hop-box for the purpose of wanning them. See Lond. Med. Gaz., Vol. XV. 104 LYCOPODIUM. even when brought on by mercury. Spina ventosa. Scrofulous caries. Mer- curial caries.—Fistulous ulcers in the bones.—Gout.—Arthritic affections, even nodosities.—Rheumatic fevers.—Drawing and tearing in the limbs, in periodical attacks, when the weather is rainy and stormy.—Great liability to cold.— Parts are easily strained—Stiffness in the joints and limbs, with numbness and insensibility.—Paralysis.-Uneasiness in the body. -Orgasm of the blood.- Spasmodic conditions : convulsions in alternate parts ; involuntary turning and twisting of the whole body.—Spasm* of the muscles.—Attacks of spasmodic ex- tension and contraction of the limbs and of single muscles, without pain and with entire consciousness.—Contraction of the fingers and toes.—Cramp in the fin- gers and calves.—Epilepsy—Rhagades.—Itching and painful little nodosities on the occiput, os sacrum, and nates.—Scabies vesiculans humida.—Large, red spots on the epigastrium, pit of the stomach and joint of the thumb, itching and burning. Hepatic spots.—Impetigo figurata.— Lichen agrius— Freckles— Ur- ticaria febrilis chronica.—Psoriasis.—Psoriasis simplex.—Psoriasis palmaris.— Lupus vorax.—Herpes; small, herpetic, itching spots, itching spotson both sides of the neck and on the back.—Violently itching herpes. Insensible, yel- low-brown, shrivelled herpes.—Humid suppurating herpes, full of rhagades and covered with thick crusts.—Herpes squamosus.—Herpes ecthyma.—The her- pes becomes worse when Lycop. has been given improperly; it becomes ichor- ous and spreading; in this case Sepia affords relief.—Periodically-recurring boils on the nates, scapula?, arms, etc. Boils in and around the axilla.—Fu- runcles after typhus.—Intertrigo of infants and full-grown persons. Warts.— Chilblains.—Old, malignant ulcers on the feet, with hard, shining, elevated edges, copious, watery, ichorous, extremely fetid pus, blue-red, hard, hot, pain- ful areola, big-swollen, shining, red leg and foot, and tearing, lancinating pains, increased at night and by bad weather.—Phagedenic ulcers.—Salt rheum.— Dropsical conditions.—Dropsical conditions with oedema of the feet and dimi- nished secretion of urine.—Chlorosis.—Chlorotic colour of the skin.—Intermit- tent fevers.—Intermittent fevers with constipation.—Quotidian and tertian fe- vers.—Consumptive fever with viscid night-sweats. — Nervous fevers, charac- terized by ill-humour, when waking, by coryza, screaming, improper manners and constipation.—Exhausting night-sweats.—Hysteria and hypochondria.—Me- lancholy. Absence of mind.—Vertigo, with the loss of thoughts, confused talking, rheumatic pains in the face, teeth, back, small of the back, and limbs. Headache from vexation, with great uneasiness and faintishness.—Nervous, chronic headache.—Megrim. Hemicrania neuralgica.—Rheumatic headache. The hair turns white.—Falling off of the hair, after a heavy illness during confine- ment..—Pityriasis ;j„gcald-head.—Tinea capitis favosa.—Eruptions on the head, with violent suppuration, covered with coherent, thick crusts, forming one mass with the hair, violently itching, with swelling of the glands in the neck and nape of the neck, humid tinea behind the ears and pustules in the nape of the neck. Plica polonica.—Spasmodic twitchings and jerkings of the eyelids.—Hordeoli.— Inflammation of the eyelids, with swelling and redness of the same ; profuse se- cretion of acrid tears and mucus; nightly agglutination of the eyelids and can- thi.—Inflammations of the eyelids. Ophthalmia neonatorum.—Catarrhal rheuma- tic, and scrofulous ophthalmia—Arthritic ophthalmia, with formation of pannus. Fungus medullaris cornea.—Synechia anterior. Weakness of sight. Obscu- ration of the crystalline lens with amenorrhoea. Cataract.?—Muscae volitantes. Amaurosis.—Purulent otorrhcea, with hardness of hearing and humid eruption on the head.—Caries of the ossicula aurium, and of the internal ear, after scar- latina.—Chronic wheezing in both ears, with diminution of hearing, in the case of a woman, who had suffered with it for 5 years past. Scrofulous, mercurial ozasna. Inflammation and suppuration of the frontal cavities and the antrum LYCOPODIUM. 105 Highmori.—Catarrhal inflammations of the Schneiderian membrane, of the mu- cous membrane of the frontal cavities, with tearing pains in the head and secre- tion of lemon-yellow mucus.—Chronic blennorrhoea of the Schneiderian membrane. Polvpi in the nose.—Wretched, sunken, small, pale countenance.—Blue margins around the eyes, with clay-coloured countenance, deep wrinkles, and blue lips. Circumscribed' redness of the cheeks. Contractive and tearing pains in the face, cheek and bones of the face.—Spasmodic distortion of the muscles of the face. Corrosive, biting, and stinging pains in the right half of the face. Nerv- ous prosopalgia.—Rheumatic swelling of the cheek and face.—Itching of the face.—Pching, suppurating eruptions in the face, covered with ele;;aled crusts. Pimples in the face.—Unclean skin of the face. Itching herpes near the nose. —Scaly herpes in the face and corners of the mouth.—Herpes fariuosus in the face.—Herpes furfuraceus, with a yellow base.—Crusta lactea.—Crusta serpigi- nosa.—Pale, bluish lips.—Spasmodic movements of the lips and corners of the mouth, first distensive, then contractive. — Swelling of the lips.—Sore and ulcerative pain of the corners of the mouth.—Eruption around the mouth.— Ulcers in the vermilion border of the lower lip. Cancer of the lips.—Itching pimples on the chin. Sycosis menti.—Lockjaw.—Spasmodic movement of the lower jaw.—Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with a boring pain.— Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks.—Drawing, stinging, grumbling, boring, burrowing, beating, throbbing pains in sound and hollow teeth. — Pains in the teeth, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, or as if they were dashed to pieces, with or without swelling of the cheek and gums — Looseness and elongation of the teeth.—The teeth become yellow.—Swelling of the gums. -^Fistula dentalis.—Bleeding of the gums. — Fetid odour from the mouth.— Ptyalism.—Spasmodic movements of the tongue.—Heaviness of the tongue.— Soreness and rawnes3 of the tongue. Vesicles on the tongue.—Aphthae.— Coated tongue.—Exudations of the mouth and fauces.—Chronic inflammation, and induration of the amygdalae.—Ulceration of the tonsils.—Angina gangre- nosa with stupor, in scarlatina.—Chancre-like ulcers on the tonsils and in the pharynx, also from abuse of mercury.—Syphilitic and non-syphilitic ulcers of the palate and the tonsils.—Troublesome feeling of dryness, and actual dryness of the throat.—Syphilitic herpes in mouth and fauces.—Syphilitic affections of the throat—Bitter, sour, slimy taste.—Loss of taste.—Want of appetite.—De- sire to eat.—Canine hunger.—Gastric affections.—Difficult, slow digestion.— Violent, empty, and sour eructations.—Heartburn.—Waterbrash.—Vomiting of food and bile.—Chronic vomiting.—Chronic gastritis.—Gastrodvnia; enterody- nia.—Chronic affections of the stomach and abdomen.—Pressure of the sto- mach. Contractive spasm of the stomach. Spasm of the stomach and abdo- men.—Cancer of the stomach.—Chronic inflammation of the liver and spleen.— Chronic irritation of the mucous membrane of the intestines.—Peritonitis.— Cutting, pinching, drawing, constrictive pains in the abdomen; also after a cold.—Atrophia meseraica infantum.—Spasms in the abdomen.—Flatulence.— Flatulent colic, with cold feet.—Ascites.—Inguinal hernia.—Incarcerated her- nia.—Swelling of the inguinal glands.—Constipation.—Dysentery.—Prolapsus recti.—Hemorrhage from the rectum. Protrusion of the varices of the rectum, with itching, aching and burning pains in the rectum and anus.—Hemorrhoid- al affections.—Herpes at the anus.—Hemorrhage from the kidneys.—Diseases of the urinary organs.—It effects the discharge of gravel and stone, and ap- pears to remove the disposition to their formation.—Colica renalis from gravel. —Ischury, dysury, and strangury.—Retention of urine in children.—Polypus of the bladder.—White fig-warts, fissured at the top and on stems.—Suppuration of the kidneys.—Gravel.—Hematuria, with obstinate constipation.—Itching, cutting, and burning in the urethra.—Blennorrhoea from the urethra.—Second- 106 LYCOPODIUM. ary gonorrhoea.—Suppurating ulcers on the glans and prepuce, not syphilitic, in conjunction with hemorrhoidal herpes.—Soreness between the scrotum and thigh.—Impotence, with pollutions brought on by onanism.—Impotence caused by the vapour of chlorine.— Exhausting and excessive pollutions.—Chronic dryness of the vagina.—Suppressed pollutions.—Promotes fecundity. Prolap- sus uteri.—Inclination to miscarriage, with varices of the pudendum.—-Nodosi- ties and indurations in the mammae.—Soreness of the nipples, or corrosive scurf on the nipples.—Intertrigo neonatorum.—Constipation of new-born children.— Weak, hollow voice.—Hoarseness in croup.—Rattling and raling in the chest. Pneumonia.—Neglected pneumonia, threatening to become fatal. Chronic ca- tarrh.—Influenza.—Chronic, dry cough.—Cough, with bloody expectoration.— Cou^h, with discharge of salt mucus, or green purulent substances.—Incipient phthisis tuberculosa.—Haemoptysis.—Cough, with yellow purulent discharge.— Cough, with expectoration of mucus. Pituitous phthisis.—Phthisis purulentar cavernosa.—Spasm of the chest. Ashmatic affections. Palpitation of the heart.—Aneurism.—Aneurism of the external iliac artery.—Painful eruption on the chest.—Hepatic spots on the chest. Spasmodic movements of the head :. involuntary nodding and shaking, stretching it forwards and backwards ; exten- sion and contraction of the muscles of the neck.—Painful eruption on the neck. —Large nodosities, formed of red pimples, around the neck, itching violently.— Swelling of the cervical glands.—Struma.—Caput obstipum.—Neck spasmodi- cally drawn to one side, with spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles.—Draw- ing and stiffness of the neck.—Rheumatic, tearing pains in the upper limbs.— Spasmodic jerking upwards, at times of one, at times of the other shoulder, and of the arms, during the siesta.—Spasmodic shaking of the hands. — Cramp of the fingers.—The arms go to sleep and feel paralytic.—Chiragra.—Dry- ness of the skin of the hands.—Sweaty palms of the hands.—Rheumatic, tear- ing, drawing, and darting pains in the lower limbs.—Ischias.?—Phlegmasia alba dolens.?—Gonagra.?—Stiffness of the knee.—White swelling of the knee. —The lower limbs are involuntarily spread asunder, and then pressed against one another.—Cramp of the calves and toes.— Spasmodic contraction of the fingers and toes.—Podagra.—Varices.—(Edema of the feet.—Icy coldness of the feet. —Sweaty feet until they become sore.—Restores a suppressed sweat of the fee*. —Corns. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Hypochondriac, tormenting mood; he feels un- happy. Desponding, grieving mood. The child loses its cheerfulness, becomes silent and discouraged. Desires to be alone. Dread of men. When men ap- proach her, she feels a sort of anguish in the pit of the stomach. She avoids the society of her own children. ^Melancholy, in the evening. Want of cheer- fulness, sad thoughts. Sad mood: she had to weep the whole day, and found it impossible to calm herself, without any particular cause. Sad, desponding, finally weeping mood. Extremely sad and low-spirited. Weeping mood, with chilliness. He weeps first on account of the past, and then on account of future evils. Great oppressive anxiety in the pit of the stomach, from vexation. Great anxiousness, apparently in the pit of the stomach, without any particular thoughts. Internal anguish, in the forenoon, and internal chilliness, resembling an internal trembling. Anxiousness, in the evening, her sight is half confused. Anxious, fearful, timid. She is very much afraid of phantoms, crowding upon her fancy in the evening, with weeping mood during the day. In the evening, when attempting to open a door which is rather tight, in the dark, he is seized by fear. In the evening, when entering the room, he imagines he sees some- body, which alarms him; also in the day-time, he sometimes imagines he hears LYCOPODIUM. 107 somebody in the room. *She is afraid of being alone. Internal uneasiness. Im- patience. Discouraged and faint. Want of confidence in his strength. Pusilla- nimous, sad, fanciful. Distrustful, suspicious, inclining to find fault. Despair- ing and disconsolate. °Internal uneasiness. °Nervousness.—^Extremely sensi- tive, -she weeps when people thank her for a kindness. Extremely irritable, in- clining to start, and out of humour. Great tendency to start. Every noise hurts her. Dissa'isfled. A'ery irritable, and inclining to be melaucholy. Ill humour. Out of humour and desponding. A number of past disagreeable occurrences crowd upon the mind, even at night, when waking, they put her out of humour. He finds it difficult to conceal his internal obstinacy and vexed mood. Exces- sive irritability, with apprehensiveness. He smiles without being cheerful, it is mere caprice. The child becomes less docile, although not ill-humoured. In- solent, self-willed, ^headstrong, vehement, angry.—Vehement mood, without ill-humour, (in a few hours). She cannot bear the slightest contradiction, and is immediately beside herself with ill-humour. Vehement rage, partly against herself, partly against others. He disputes with absent persons. Frenzy and madness, breaking forth in envy, reproaches, pretensions, and commanding spirit. She seeks disputes as if she were mad, scolds one in the most vehement manner, and strikes the person whom she scolds.—Ennui.—The mind is insen- sible to external impressions. Irritated mood, but indifferent to external im- pressions. Extremely indifferent.—Want of desire to talk.—Inclines at the same time to weep and laugh. Anxiousness, followed by great desire to laugh at trifles, for some hours, after which she weeps for half an hour without know- ing why.—Excessively merry, with vertigo. Wantonly merry. She laughs when one looks at her, while telling anything serious.—Involuntary whistling and humming with the lips.—Excessive mirth, as if he were obliged to distort the muscles of the face, succeeded by want of cheerfulness and by impatience. Sensorium.—Weakness of memory. Acting as if he were absent. Living as if beside one's-self, as at the commencement of a fever. When thinking, his head feels empty, he is unable to fix one idea. He is unable to do anything, or to think, he spends his time in «doing insignificant things, without being able to do that which he has to do. *He is unable to retain his ideas, it is difficult for him to express himself and to find suitable words, especially in the evening. She is unable to conceive-an idea, owing to dulness of the head with internal tension. His thoughts feel as if they were arrested, the mind feels clumsy and rigid, there is dulness without gloominess. He is capable of talking logically about higher, abstract things, but he becomes confused when talking about common-place things : for instance, he says plums instead of pears. Using wrong words and syllables. He is unable to read, because he mistakes and confounds the letters ; when seeing them, he is able to copy them, but he does not recollect their meaning; he knows, for instance, that Z is the last letter in the alphabet, but he has forgotten its name; he is able to write anything he chooses; he writes the proper letters, but he is unable to read that which he has written.—°Complaints arising from mental labour. Dulness of the head, as if he could not collect his senses. Dulness of the head, as if from deranged stomach. Dulness of the head, with pressure over and in the eyes, in the even- ing. (J-loomincss of the head, with dull pressure in the fore part of the head, as if a cold had been repelled, with dryness of the lips and mouth, and with thirst. —Dizzy, early in the morning, as if one were intoxicated. Dizziness, she could not tell where she was. Dizziness, indolence and relaxation of her limbs, the whole of the second day. Stupefaction towards evening, with heat of the tem- ples and ears. She felt as if everything before her would pass away. Reeling sensation, early in the morning, and sensation of heaviness in the eyes. As 108 LYCOPODIUM. soon as she sees anything turn about, she feels as if the contents of her body were likewise turning, for one hour. Vertigo like dulness of the head, in the forenoon, with sensation as if her eyes were deep in the orbits; thinking and comprehending are likewise very difficult. Vertigo, in the forenoon, everything turned with her, accompanied by violent nausea. Vertigo when rising from a seat. Vertigo when drinking. Vertigo when stooping. Vertigo in a hot room. Vertigo, early in the morning, while getting out of bed and afterwards, so that he staggered to and fro. °Incipient paralysis of the brain. Head.—Simple headache, for several days, more violent when at rest, less when walking in the open air. Headache, especially when shaking and turning the head. Violent headache, at night, as if caused by a wrong position. Head- ache on the left side, apparently on the outside, reaching also to the ear and teeth, especially violent in the evening, and becoming insupportable from writ- ing and reading, or by the least pressure on the temples. * Headache from cha- grin. °Headache with faintishness and great uneasiness. Headache over the eyes, immediately after breakfast, (the first two days). Headache between both eyes. Pain in both temples, at every step, not when at rest. She feels every step which she makes, in her head, at every motion she feels a sort of concussion in her brain. Dull pain in the forehead, as if the head were being compressed from both sides. "Rheumatic headache. Pressure as from a nail, in the middle over the hairy part of the forehead. Pressure in the forehead and down the nose, early in the morning. Pressure, at times in the right, at times in the left temple. Pressure in the right half of the occiput, towards the ear. Pres- sure in the nape of the neck, at a small spot, also for many days. Paralytic aching in the temple. Aching in the top of the head, as if a cold would come on. Aching in the whole head, in the afternoon, especially when stooping. Aching, with contractive sensation in the head, the former prevailing early in the morning, when rising. °Tensive-aching pain in the head. The headache in- creases when lying down.—Headache, as if the bones of the skull were being driven asunder, and as if the brain were vacillating to and fro, especially when walking, going up stairs, and raising one's-self after stooping. Sense as of being pressed asunder, in the top of the head, with nausea, as if she would throw up everything, with trembling of the limbs. Heaviness in the head. Heaviness of the occiput. Dull feeling of heaviness in the occiput, with confused pain in the forehead, increased by motion. Pain in the head, at night, shifting about and making the head feel heavy; it felt so painful that she did not know where to place it, in order to obtain some rest, the whole night. Pinching pain about the head, behind the ear.—^Tearing in the occiput. Tearing in '(about) the head, for 48 hours, ceasing after the appearance of a painless swelling of the cheeks. Tearing headache, in the evening, on the top and on both sides of the head. Tearing, in various places, in (about) the head, afterwards in other parts of the body. Tearing in the head. Tearings throuo-h the left side of the head as far as the ear. ° Tearing in the forehead to and fro, every afternoon. Sharp radiating tearing in and above the left frontal eminence, "towards the left side. Radiating tearing in the right half of the head, commencing at the temple. Tearing with pressure in the right half of the forehead, extending to the root of the nose, and the right eyebrow, apparently in the bone. Tearing with pressure in (about) the left side of the occiput, at a small place near the nape of the neck. Aching, with tearing close over the eyes and into them, early in the morning. Tearing and lancinating headache, at ni»ht, over the rh'ht eye, in the temple, and about the occiput. '--Tearing on the "top of the head"in the forehead, temples, eyes and nose, down to a tooth, obliging him to lie down. Sticking headache in .the region of the eye. Sticking pain in the occiput. LYCOPODIUM. 109 Stitches in the forehead, from within outwards, coming with a jerk*, frequently during the day. Violent sticking pain in the left side of the forehead. Tearing headache from afternoon till evening, toothache in the subsequent night. Single stitches in the head, worst at night, causing one to start. Stitches and pressure in the head (in a few hours). Stitches and pressure in the top of the head, at night. Sticking headache with pressing and pushing in the eyes, with violent fluent coryza—Sore pain in the forehead, almost every day, aggravated by stooping.—Vio'enf shock from the back to the top of the head, which obliged him to hold his head,, when sitting, (after a copious meal). Jerking sensation in the head, with sensation as if something were balancing to and fro in the head Darting headache, apparently in the bones of the skull.— Throbbing pain near the orbits, from within outwards. Throbbing in the head, in the evening, after lying down. Throbbing headache, after every attack of cough. Throbbing in the brain, when leaning the head backwards, in the day. Violent beating in the head, resembling a hacking (with sour eructations). Violent throbbing in the forepart of the head} in the evening, afterwards extending over the occiput, down to the nape of the neck, with a feeling of tension. Throbbing in the top of the head. Continual, throbbing headache, in the centre of the forehead, in the morning until evening. Beating and pressure in the occiput. Pulsations and pressure in the head, when reading, while sitting. Beating in the brain, with heat about the head.—*Rush of b'ood to fhr head, early in the morning, on waking, °also particularly on raising the head in bed, with subse- quent headache. Fulness of blood- in the occiput, after stooping.—Headache, like a sound through the head, as from the breaking of a musical string.— (n:filing sensation in the head, when setting the foot down with force. Whiz- zing in the bead, with a feeling of heat. Scalp.—Excessive sensitiveness of the head externally. Painfulness of the forepart of the head, on the outside, when touching it. Superficial pain above the forehead, on the top of the head, in the region of the malar bones, the ear, the jaw-bones; intermitting in the afternoon, returning in the evening. — Quick by- passing tearing in the integuments of the head, when walking in the open air. —Tearing in the hairy scalp, above the right hah of the forehead. Fine, burn- ing, stinging tearing in the skin of the right temple, after itching and rubbing, afterwards crampy headache. "Nightly tearing, boring and scraping about the head.—Drawing pain in the right side of the head, down the nape of the neck. Sensation on the left side of the hairy scalp, as if a. single hair were being pulled. —Contractive scnrs a r umber of gray hairs—Great liability of the head to take cold ; a cold little breeze ca's s a cutting sensation in the hairy scalp.—Itching of the hairy sc dp. C. m ding sensation of the hairv scalp, he is obliged to scratch himself. * Eruption on the head, with swelling of the cervi- cal glands; large pustule on the occiput, a' d a scurf over the hairv scalp, which is scratched open by the child, and the 1 b!et ds. R ad tubercle under the skin of the forehead, without the c 1 ur of the skin b ing changed at that place. 'rumour on the occiput, of the size of a walnut. *Eiuutions on the head, sup- purating profusely, °also fetid. 110 LYCOPODIUM. Eyes.—Pain in the eyes, in the evening, she finds it difficult to open them. The eyelids are painful when touched.—Pressure in the internal canthi.— *Painful pressure in the eyes, as if dust had got in. Pressure in the eyes, with drowsiness, in the forenoon. Pressure on the right upper eyelid. Pressure in the right eye, as if something had got into it.—Pain in the eyes as if they had been bruised, and as if they would fall out; the pain was so violent that he was unable to look at anything fixedly, in the afternoon, but mostly in the evening. Heaviness of the eyelids, also in day-time, especially when the light is very dazzling. The eyes feel tired and heavy, they look sleepy.—Tensive pain in the left eye.—Pressing together of the eyes, the skin over the malar bones feeling tense.—Tearing around the eyes, extending into the forehead and the cheeks. Tearing in the right eyeball.—Stitches in the left eye. * Stitches in the eyes -without any redness, the whole day, but especially early in the morning, °or especially at candle-light. Prickling, at times in one, at times in another eye- ball.—Itching in the eyes. Itching in the canthi. Biting in the right eye, as if caused by smoke, with closing of the eyelids. Biting sensation in the exter- nal canthi, with lachrymation, as if caused by smoke, in the evening at twilight. Itching around the eye.—"Smarting of the eyes.—Cold feeling in the eyes, in the evening.—* Burning in the eyes, "also smarting. Burning in the eyes, when he was about to close them. Violent burning and itching in the eye, "also of the upper lid.—Redness of the eyes, with pressure in the same. Redness of the white of the eye, with pain. Red, inflamed eyes, with sticking pain, in the evening. Inflammation of the white of the eye. inflammation of the eyelids, with aching, and nightly agglutination in the outer canthi. *ln- fiammation of the eyes, -with redness and dimness of the white, redness and swelling of the lids, burning, pressure, and secretion of mucus in the eye. In- flammation of the eyes, with redness of the white and swelling of the lids, stitches, photophobia, *profuse lachrymation and nightly agglutination. Inflammation of the eyes, with itching in both canthi, redness and swelling of the bids of the right eye, tensive pain when they had become dry, and nightly agglutination. Swelling and painfulness of the eyelids, with nightly agglutination in the canthi. —A number of pustules on the eyelids. Styes on the eyelids, near the internal canthus. Ulceration and redness of the eyelids, the water which oozes out causes a corroding and smarting sensation on the cheeks. Suppurating stye on the eyelid. Red pimples on the upper lid of the right eye, combining into a sort of scurf. * Agglutination of the eyes especially at night, and more particularly in the outer canthi. A quantity of purulent gum in the eyes, with smarting pain. A corrosive humour flows out of the eye,, the white being very red. Mucus in the eyes, he has to wipe them, in order to see more brightly. Lachrymation and a quantity of gum in the eyes, with pressure and pale face. Profuse lachryma- tion of the right eye, when exposed to a rough wind. ^Dryness of the eyes, in the evening. Dryness of the eyes, he has to close the lids. Dryness under the eyelids, as if from dust there, early in the morning, on waking. *Dim, hot eyes. Faint eyes, in the evening, by candle-light, painful when turning them.__Spas- modic twitching of the lower eyelid, also towards the inner canthu3. Slight twitchingof the left eyelids.— Weakness of sight, she is unable to see or to sen long, she is obliged to close her eyes fr6m pain, in the morning they become some- what agglutinated. The letters become blurred when writing or reading. Un- certain sight and frequent twinkling before the eyes.—His eyes become dim, even at a very short distance, sensation as if he looked through a fine wire-gauze! Dim-sightedness, as if there were a viscid humour in the eye, which cannot be wiped away, and which increases and decreases in paroxysms. -Short-sighted- ness. Far-sightedness, when reading or writing, every thing seems indistinct to LYCOPODIUM. Ill her, as if it were covered with a gauze, things at a distance appear bright and distinct. He only sees the left half of the objects, the right is either wanting, or else obscured, more so when using the right eye alone. Dimness of sight, he is obliged to hold the writing at times near to, at times far from, his eye, in or- der to be able to read.—Black spots hover before his eyes at a short distance. the left hip. Paralytic, pain in the hip-j int, posteriorly, when stoop- ing and when rising from a chair after having been seated for a time. Pain, as 126 LYCOPODIUM. from a sprain, in the hip, towards the small of the back, when rising, so that he had to limp, for two days.—In the right limb he felt a pain every four days, from the hip-joint down to the foot, which obliged him to limp. Drawing in the limbs from top to bottom, when at rest, less when taking exercise. The limbs go to sleep in the day-time, when sitting. Uneasiness in the thighs and legs, when lying, or in the evening, he had to move them frequently. "Nightly tearing in the lower limbs. Jerking, and jerking sort of trembling in the lower limbs. Involuntary, violent shaking, first of the right, afterwards of the left limb. Cold and havy limbs. While walking, the lower limbs appeared to be- come insensible, (although they were warm,) with sensation as if the upper part of the body would fall. The lower limbs felt tired and powerless, as if they had been bruised. Soreness between the limbs, high up, she is scarcely able to walk. The inner side of the left thigh feels sore, with biting itching •.extending as far as the genital organs. "Phlegmasia alba dolens.?—Pain of the left side of the thigh, as if it had been wounded, burning afterwards. Continual jactitation of the muscles on the posterior surface of the right thigh. Cramp in the right thigh, extending to the knee, he is scarcely able to go up stairs. Involuntary spreading of the thighs, followed by pressing them together, with an erection afterwards. Tension in the femora and calves, mostly when sitting. Drawing pain in the posterior surface of the thigh. Drawing and burning in the thigh. Drawing and aching pain, in the fore part of the left thigh. Tearing In the upper part of the left thigh. Tearing, downwards, in the left thigh, mostly when sitting, especially when bending the knee. Tearing in the middle of the right thigh. Tearing in the thigh, in the evening, accompanied with a sensation as if the parts were excoriated. Pulsative tearing, with a paralytic feeling, in the outer muscles of the left thigh, when walking. Stitches in the left thigh, when setting the foot down. Pain, as from a bruise, in the right thigh, just above the knee-joint, increased by contact and motion. Pain in the left hip- joint, during motion, as if he had made a false step. Cold thrills along the left thigh, in the day-time.—After walking, the skin of the thighs is painful, as if excoriated, causing the limb to twitch for one hour. A large boil on the thigh, above the knee.—Early in the morning, when rising from the bed, the knees feel painful, as if they would break; also during motion. ^Stiffness of the knee- join', -early in the morning, when rising, -as after a long journey on foot. The left knee is curved, the child is unable to stretch it, frbm pain. Tension around the knees, as if the parts around were too short, she was unable to set her foot down. Fine darlings in the knee, several evenings. Drawing in the bend of the left knee. Great uneasiness in both knees, at night, when lying in bed. "Tearing in the bend of the knee, particularly in the the evening, or down the tibia, beyond the dorsum of the foot. * Tearing in the knees and ankles, with pain, even when touching them. Unusual lassitude in the knees. Sore pain in the knees and other parts of the limbs. Pain, as from a. sprain, in the knee-joint. Swelling of the knees, also with sweat. *Ilching in the bend of the right knee, "also burning and biting. Bone-pain in the side of the tibia, when touching the part. Sensation in the leg, as if something were firmly tied around it. "Cramp in the calf, when walking. * Cramp in the calf, at night, also in day-time, extorting cries, when sitting with his knees bent. " "Contrac- tive pain in the calves when walking. Frequent attacks of a darting pain in the leg, below the knee. Drawing in the legs, at night. Drawing in the leg from the ankle to the knee, in the afternoon, for two hours. Drawing in the right leg, in the evening, and occasional starting. Drawing and tearing in the left leg. Violent tearing, before midnight, extending from the knee, through -the calf down to the feet; she had to sit up, and was unable to go to sleep. LYCOPODIUM. 127 Tearing in the legs and toes. Rheumatic drawing in the left leg, at night, when waking up. Sharp, darling tearing, in lower part of the left tibia, in the evening when in bed. Lancinating tearing in the leg below the knee, at the game time felt in the thigh. Sensation as if the legs were swollen and heavy. Great heaviness of the legs, with uneasiness in the same. "Burning on the legs. Swelling of the legs extending beyond the knees, with large red, hot patches, painful and burning, especially on the knee and ankle; she is unable to set her foot down, from pain and stitches; in the afternoon these symptoms are accom- panied by shuddering and constipation. Red spots on the legs, resembling mos- quito-bites, going and coming. Violent itching of the calves, down to the ankles. "Old ulcers on the legs, with nightly tearing itching and burning.—The ankles are painful at night.—Pain the ball of the right foot, when beginning to walk. Pain in the heel, when setting the foot down, as if a little stone were underneath it. Tight sensation around the ankles. "Cramp in the feet. Burning ten- sion in the dorsum of the foot, near the big toe. Drawing in the foot, below the ankle, with heat in the parts. Pressing in the foot, which had been affected formerly, as if it would break out again. Tearing in the heels and the ball. Pricking in the ball of the foot, when stepping or pressing on it. S itches in the dorsum of the foot. Prickings in both heels. Prickings in the feet, when walking in the open air. Violent cutting stitches in the left side of the heel. Pain, as from a sprain in the right tarsal joint, also in the outer malleolus,.dur- ing rest. Sensation of stiffness in the left tarsal joint^ Pain as from subcuta- neous ulceration, in the ball of the right foot. Pain as from subcutaneous ul- ceration, in the soles of the feet, when setting the foot down or when sitting, with a burning sensation. Burning in the feet. Nightly burning in the soles of the feet. "Pain of the soles when walking. Great weight of the feet. Swell- ing around the ankles, "and of the ankles. Swelling of the feet, also during the menses. Considerable swelling ofthe right'foot, (the first days). Swell- ing of the left foot, with stitches in the toes, when stepping on it. Swelling ef the feet, with stitches in the ankles, mostly when walking. Swelling of the dorsa of the feet. "Swelling of the soles. The swelling of the feet increases to ascites, with swelling of the genital organs, oppressed breathing, and scanty micturition with pressing. Both feet are numb and go to sleep, as far as the calves, at night. The left heel feels as if gone to sleep. His feet feel cold easily. * Cold feet constantly. Coldness, first of the right, afterwards of the left foot, in the evening, when in bed, for one hour. Coldness of the right foot, and heat of the left. *Cold, sweaty feet. * Profuse sweat, on ihe feet, until they become sore. Itching around the tarsal joint. Tumours on the borders of the foot, painful when walking. Callosities in the heel, with soreness. Rhagades in the heel.—The toes are involuntarily extended and contracted again. "Cramp in the toes. "The toes bend involuntarily in walking. Pres- sure on the ball of the big toe. Tearing in the first three toes of the right foot. Tearing and drawing in a corn on the little toe, painful whin touched. Stitches in the big toe of the right foot, in the evening. Stitches in the big toe, and afterwards in the sole. Stitches, mostly early in the mcrnirg in the little toe of the right foot, looking red and frozen. Sore pain in the ball of the big toe when walking, it feels excoriated. Sore pain between the toes, as from excoria- tion. Burning sore feeling of the toes, as if sand were on them. Burning- Btinging sore feeling of the toes. L flammatory pain around the nail of the big toe. * Corns come on in a fortnight. "Pain in the corns. Stitches in the corns, with sore feeling. Sleep.—A good deal cf yawning. The child wants to yawn, but cannot; the yawning is broken; this causes the child to weep. Unsuccessful yawning; 128 LYCOPODIUM. she has to open her mouth widely, and nevertheless is not able-to complete the yawning. *Drowsiness in day-time ; he falls asleep when sitting. Even while walking, she is unable to resist sleep. Sleepiness, in the forenoon, with pressure on the eyes, frequent yawning, and internal chilliness. Irresistible drowsiness, at noon; after the siesta, laziness and dulness of the head. ^Drowsiness, in the afternoon. *Early drowsiness, in the evening. Irresistible drowsiness in the evening; nevertheless, he falls asleep late. "Is unable to sleep, owing to thoughts crowding upon him. He is a little tired in the evening, when in bed, he wakes early in the morning. He wakes every morning, at day-break, and afterwards falls asleep again. *He lies a long time in bed, in the evening, with- out being able to fall asleep. *Bad sleep, for several nights, on account of be- ing too much irritated, "or on account of dreams. She was unable to fall asleep at night, and her sleep was very restless. Restless sleep, waking several times, and being wide awake at four o'clock. Restless sleep, when lying on the left side. At night, when asleep, he always finds himself on his back. *Nightly sleep, full of dreams. *Sleep full of confused dreams. Restless sleep, with confused dreams; he imagines he is at times in one, at times in another place; he wakes very often, and feels more tired in the morning than he had been in the evening. Restless sleep, full of dreams, but he does not wake. Light sleep, at night; he tosses from side to side, wakes, and imagines he is now in one,. then in another place. * Sleep full of fancies. Ugly fancies, during the siesta. She was unable to- sleep in the night, because, when closing her eyes, she saw vividly everything which had taken place the day before, she had to rise. "Was unable to lie on the left side, owing to palpitation of the heart and stitches.—Heavy dreams, at night.— Vivid dreams, at night, and talking while asleep. Loud talking while asleep, without any anxious dreams. She fre- quently laughs aloud when asleep. At night and towards morning she had such agreeable dreams, that she was sorry to wake. Lewd dreams, at night. .Vo- luptuous dreams, at night. She dreams, at night, that she feels a titillation in her genital organs as during an embrace. He dreams he has an embrace, but there is no emission of .semen. He wakes after midnight, with sensation as if he had enjoyed an embrace, but without any emission of semen. She is roused from a vivid dream about her daily business; she thinks she ought to perform that business, even after having become awake. He frequently wakes at night from frightful or anxious dreams. * Anxious dreams, at night. *Frightful, confused dreams, and restless sleep. Frightful dreams; the fright continues even apter having become awake. Fearful dreams, -sad dreams. He dreams he is to be murdered. He dreams he is present at a row, and hides himself to escape the danger. Vivid, agreeable dreams; he finds it difficult to arouse him- self early in the morning; he continues dreaming, as soon as he closes his eyes. —He frequently wakes at night, tosses about from side to side, and only sleeps soundly early in the morning. She frequently wakes at night, remains awake for hours, and looks in the morning as if she had not slept enough. After many vivid dreams, she has a very anxious dream, early in the morning, as if a num- ber of curs were clinging to several parts of her body, and as if the number were constantly increasing. Starling, whm falling asleep. Starting, when falling asleep, apparently beginning at the feet. *Startings and jerkings of the limbs, with restless sleep. Anxious wak ng, at night. Screaming, while asleep, delirium Several anxious ssreams, when asleep. Restless nights, with moan- ing while asleep. Weeping at night, while asleep. The child sleeps very rest- L-slv, and moans while asl eo. Anxiety, when falling asleep. She frequently wakes at night, as if roused by anxiety. In the evening, she is a'raid of going to bed. She wakes for several morniags in succession, with anxiety and rest- LYCOPODIUM. 129 lessncss. She starts up from her sleep, wants to scream, but cannot, as in night- mare. Night-mare. After midnight, she wakes, and is attacked with anguish, so that she is unable to take breath, for two hours, two nights in succession. She wakes early in the morning, after a deep sleep, with anxious thoughts, as if she would die ; she even prepared herself for death, by thinking of farewell let- ters to her friends. Anxious palpitation of the heart, at night, when turning to the other side. Palpitation of the heart almost every evening, when in bed. < >rgasm of the blood, early in the morning when waking. At night, he finds a recumbent position intolerable, he is obliged to sit up. At night, he was una- ble to find ease in any position, this vexed him so that he cried. At night he feels his pain while asleep, he dreams of it. Stitches and throbbing in the occi- put, at night. Waking with a gloomy mind, at night. Dry eyes at night. Sa- liva flows out of his mouth, at night, while asleep. Sour eructations at night. She wakes at night with vertigo and nausea. Hunger at night, when waking. Thirst at night, she is frequently obliged to drink, and can only drink little at a time. Troublesome pressure in the stomach, in the evening when in bed, re- lieved by friction. Cutting in the region of the stomach, at night, she had to sit up. Cutting pain in the hypogastrium at night. Pinching below the um- bilicus, after midnight, she had to bend herself. Drawing pain in the left side of the abdomen, at night. At night, continual, almost unsuccessful desire for stool. Nightly cramp of the abdominal muscles, they are quite hard, and are so painful that one would like to scream. Cough and pain in the chest, at night; he does not fall asleep till late after midnight. A sort of spasm of the chest, at night, during confinement, extending from the small of the back, along the back, into the region of the stomach, then into the chest, aggravating the breathing, and giving her a good deal of anxiety. At night, pain in the small of the back, and stitches in both hips and the left side of the chest. At night, the hands go to sleep. Tearing in the left lower hmb, at night. Violent drawing pain in the heel, in the evening when in bed. Cramp in the feet, for several nights. At night the limbs feel as if they had gone to sleep. "Uneasiness and twitching of the feet during sleep. Early in the morning she wakes from a heavy sleep, dis- turbed by a number of fancies; the whole right side of the body feels as if it had gone to sleep, for half an hour. At night, drawing in the gums and in the whole left side of the body, the pain rouses her from sleep. Sleepless night, owing to trembling and a sensation as if all the inward parts of the body were balancing to and fro. Single twitchings, while asleep, the lower limbs are push- ed forwards. Orgasm of the blood, early in the morning, when waking. Early in the morning, when waking, relaxation and weakness of the limbs, disappear- ing after rising. Unrefreshing sleep. Unrefreshing and gloomy sleep. Early in the morning, when rising, he feels weary, heavy, and tired of life. Fever.—Chilliness, in the evening, when falling asleep. Shuddering after drinking. Spasmodic shaking from chilliness, as if caused by a mental com- motion, with throbbing in the forepart of the head, in the evening. Internal chilliness, early in the morning. Early in the morning, continual concealed chilliness. Continual chilliness, with coldness all over, more violent towards evening. For many days, chilliness on the left side of the body. Hands and feet are so cold that they feel dead. During the chilliness, she feels as if the movement in the internal parts would be arrested. Violent chilliness in the evening, hindering sleep, with nausea.—Fever, every other* evening, the chills commencing at seven oclock ; they caused him to start high up in his bed, with- out any consecutive heat or sweat. Chilliness in the back, at three o'clock in the afternoon, worse towards evening, after lying down, lasting a quarter of an hour, with cold feet, without being followed by heat or sweat.—Fever every af- TOL. n. 9 130 LYCOPODIUM. ternoon, from three o'clock until evening, the chilliness increasing progressively, without any subsequent heat or sweat.—Fever at seven o'clock in the evening, chills and great coldness, even when in bed, as if she were lying in ice, for two hours, with drawing in all her limbs, in the back and the whole body; on wak- ing from her sleep, which was full of dreams, she is covered all over with sweat, two evenings in succession, with violent thirst after the sweat.—Coldness of the body, in the evening, with heat in the forehead. At eight o'clock in the morning, violent chilliness of half an hour, fallowed by but little heat. Early in the morning she wakes with chilliness, soon afterwards she has much heat and pain in the occiput, she feels quite sick. Chilliness every day.—Evening-fever, every day, chilliness followed by heat. Evening-fever, a little chilliness, follow- ed shortly by violent, continued heat, weariness and pain in the limbs. Chilli- ness, every evening, when in bed, until midnight; after midnight he feels warm and hot; early in the morning, sour-smelling sweat. In the evening, alternate chilliness and heat, with aching of the whole head, and coryza. Alternate chil- liness and heat, and great redness and heat of the cheeks. Fright causes alter- nate attacks of chilliness and heat and sweat, for twenty-four hours.—Fever; she goes to bed, feels nauseated, vomits four times ; chilliness, followed by sweat, without any previous heat; all her limbs were affected, she had stitches in the head, chilliness in the day following, preceded by redness of the face. Fever, with great weakness, heat predominant, afterwards chilliness.—Fever, every even- ing, burning heat; she drinks very often, but little, has frequent desire for stool, without any evacuation; at night she frequently emits a small quantity of very brown urine. ° Tertian fever, with sour vomiting after the chilliness, and bloat- ed face and hands.—"Hectic fever, with clammy night-sweats. Typhoid fever, with constipation, waking with a peevish mood, scolding, screaming, ugly de- meanour, nervous irritation, without heat of the head or red face, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, great weakness, sweat without relief, red, dry tongue.— Sweat in the day-time, after little exercise. "Feverish day-sweats. A good deal of heat over the whole body, with violent burning and stitches in the eyes. *Flushes of heat. Burning heat, with short breath, slight thirst, pale face, and starting while asleep. He constantly perceives a smell as of strong sweat around him. The exhalations of the body smell like onions. Sourish, acrid sweat of the whole body, except the legs. Night sweat, only on the trunk, not the lower limbs. Sweat, every night, after midnight, especially on the chest. Profuse sweat,at night, with coldness of the forehead and neck. Morning-sweats, only in the joints. Morning-sweat, in bed, for seven mornings in succession. Morn- ing-sweat over the whole body, smelling of blood. Morning-sweat, after a rest- less night. Skin.—*The skin of the whole body is hot and dry, hot hands. "Tendency of the skin to crack. Early in the morning, itching of the head and back. *Itching, as if caused by fleas, in different parts of the skin and of the herpetic eruptions. Prickling itching of different parts of the skin. "Itching of the skin, when heated, and before going to bed. Stitches in different parts of the body. Insufferable tingling stitches in the small of the back, and in other places. Darting stitches from the neck to the right foot. Smarting and burn- ing itching over the whole body. Burning sensation in different parts of the skin, on the back, arms, etc. Violent itching of the lower limbs, the back, the nates, in the evening, when in bed, with blotches after scratching, going off again very speedily. "Corrosive itching of the arms and lower limbs.—Pimples, partly itching, partly painful, on the occiput, small of the back and nates. "Painful eruption on the neck and chest. Large, red spots on the legs, neither painful nor itching. Large, bright-red spots on the epigastrium, around the pit of the LYCOPODIUM. 131 -stomach, and on the joint of the thumb, with itching and burning. Itching he- patic spots. Small, herpetic, itching spots on both sides of the neck, and on the back. ""Violent itching of a herpetic eruption on the tibia. *Freckles. "In- sensible, yellow-brown, shrivelled herpes. "Humid, suppurating herpes, full of deep rhagades, and covered with thick crusts. "If not suited to the symptoms, it causes the tetters to become ichorous and to spread, (cured by Sep.). Large boil on the left lower arm, making the whole arm stiff, and another boil on the left but- tock, (in a few days). "Boils, returning periodically. The painless ulcers bleed °or burn when bandaging them, and are then affected with painful stitches, or with nightly tearing and itching. "Fistulous ulcers, with hard, red-shining, everted edges, and inflammatory swelling of the affected part. "Mercurial ulcers. "Ca- rious ulcers, (caries of bones). Large boil appears on the left scapula, with in- flammation all around, and burning stitches, with alternate chilliness and heat of the body. "Chafing of children. Warts.—"Chilblains. "Varices of pregnant females.—*Glandular swellings. "Arthritic nodes. *Dropsical swellings. Chlo- rosis. Aneurisms. ? General Symptoms.—All the limbs and all the soft parts of the body are painful, when touched or pressed. Everything on which she is sitting or lying, feels too hard for her. Pain, in various parts of the trunk, as if some muscles were spasmodically contracted, and then extended again. Intermitting, cramp- like drawing in the knees, forearms, hands and fingers. "Tearing in the arms and lower limbs, or in the feet and fingers. Drawing, with pressure, in all the joints, especially the knees. Drawing in the left hand and tarsus, early in the morning. Drawing and tension in the carpal and' tarsal joints, early in the morning, when in bed. Drawing in the limbs, every other afternoon, and also across the face. "Drawing and tearing in the limbs in windy, rainy weather, relieved by external warmth. Drawing at times between the scapula?, at times in the chest. Quickly-passing tearing in various parts of the body. Pinching pains in different parts of the body. Violent stitches in the thoracic cavity and the umbilical region, arresting the breath.—Stiffness of all the joints. Stiffness of the limbs and the small of the back, with audible cracking in the joints when bending them. Stiffness of the arms and lower limbs with insensibility and numbness, he is unable to walk without falling, or to eat alone, since he is no longer able to use his hands. Stiffness of all the muscles of the upper part of the body and the whole trunk, so great that he is unable to stir.—"Paralysis.— Desire to go into the open air. Aversion to stay in the room.—Sheis extremely sensitive to the cold, open air. Feverish sensitiveness to cold air, especially after a meal.—"Deficiency of animal heat. Sort of anguish and attack of giddi- ness, when walking in the open air. Severe dulness of the head, after having been long in the open air. Heaviness of the lower limbs when walking in the open air. Constrictive pressure in the middle of the chest, from walking in the open air.—The oppression of the chest is very much increased by walking in the open air, and accompanied by loud palpitation of the heart. Heat in the eyes and palms of the hands after walking in the open air. When walking in the open air but a little, he perspires excessively and becomes quite weak. "Weari- ness of the feet and burning of the soles after walking in the open air. *Disposed to take eohl. Appears to favour the ramollissement and curvature of the bones. Sriisatioii in the bones, a> if they contained no marrow. She feels a heaviness in all her limbs. *The whole body feels bruised, especially in the evening. He feels a heaviness in all his limbs, is not disposed to work, is out of humour, a good deal of heat rises to his face from time to time. * Drawing and stretching in all his limbs. Uncomfortableness in the whole body. He feels, early in the morning, as if he had spent a sleepless night. Desire to move about. 132 LYCOPODIUM. Disagreeable sensation of uneasiness in the body, when sitting, which does not permit him to continue writing; he has to jump up and to breathe deeply; his chest feels oppressed.— Great agitation of the blood, in the evening, increasing until it becomes a sensation of trembling. Considerable orgasm of the blood, towards evening. Orgasm of the blood, agitation in the whole circulatory appa- ratus.—Disagreeable feeling of heat over the whole body, everything he wears is too heavy and hot; he has frequently to breathe deeply, he feels oppressed; his hair stands on end, and feels as if drawn together into one cluster. Internal restlessness, she feels as if she must throw her hands aud feet about, accompa- nied by a feeling of faintish weakness, (during her headache).—Sensation as if the circulation of the blood tee re arrested. Frequent attacks of a very painful sensation, as. if he became quite cold internally, as if the blood gradually ceased to be warm.—Paroxysms : pain in the chest, with nausea, as if she would vomit, she then lost her voice, was only able to speak in a low tone; all this dis- appeared again after an eructation.—Several daily attacks of half an hour each, first, of griping and grasping in the back, after which the side becomes affected with a sort of stitches ; this is accompanied with obscuration of sight, and she has to lie down wherever she may be.—After a vexation he becomes quite weak, as if he would fall, with palpitation of the heart and trembling, the whole forenoon. He has a vexation, after which the pit of the stomach becomes suddenly affected, and his limbs feel heavy as if they were made of lead.—In- voluntary twitchings in various places, which affected her a good deal. In- voluntary turning and twisting of the whole body, this makes him pant, and makes his face hot and red. Involuntary alternate extension and contraction of the muscles in different parts of the body, without pain, and with full conscious- ness, in paroxysms, one every seven days, for the period of eight weeks. Spas- modic contraction and extension of the limbs, almost without any pain. "Con- traction of the fingers and toes. "Cramp in the fingers and calves. "Jerking and twitching of single limbs, or of the whole body, sleeping or waking. Epi- leptic fit, screaming, foam at the mouth, loss of consciousness, he throws his arms and limbs about, he then imagined he would have to die, and complained of great anguish about the heart. Epileptic fit, his left arm was bent upwards, his fingers clenched for a couple of minutes, he then was without his senses, tore things, threw his arms and legs about, screamed, had foam at the mouth for a quarter of an hour; he then lay like a dead being, motionless; then he began to mutter. Epileptic fit, visible twitching of the muscles of the whole of the right lower limb; the pit of the stomach became affected, he began to scream, without consciousness, threw his arms and legs about, had foam at the mouth; then he was motionless for half an hour ; on cold water being introduced into his mouth, he blew it out again, and his senses returned. "The limbs (arms, hands, lower limbs,) go to sleep, day and night, "Insensibility of the arm and foot. Fainting fits when lying down, with vanishing of the senses and obscura- tion of sight, without any desire to move. Total relaxation of the nervous sys- tem ; dropping of the lower jaw, slow breathing through the mouth, the eyes are half open, as if covered with a gauze. Fainlishness at certain hours, every day, mostly in the evening. She fell down suddenly, without vertigo. Sudden failing of strength, like a swoon; she had to hold on to something; accompanied by dimness of sight, for half an hour— Tremor of the limbs. Attacks of trembling, in the evening, when in bed. Drawing trembling in all the limbs. Trembling, without sensation of cold, in the afternoon. He becomes thin and pale. * Great thinness, (this is relieved by Graph.). *Great emaciation, "also of children. She feels quite wretched (with a sore throat) and has a yellow- gray complexion.—AValking, and continual sitting while writing, are very trouble- MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 133 some to her, and bring on profuse sweat.—Sudden weakness when sitting. Feels very tired from a little exertion, and cannot recruit his strength in any position. Desire for rest, without feeling tired. He would like to lie down all the time, and when he lies down, he falls asleep immediately. * Weariness, especially early in the morning. Relaxation of the body, with nervous irritation. Weakness, in the afternoon, with tremor of the hands. Sudden lassitude in all the limbs, occasionally, with ill-humour. Frequent attacks of weakness, she is obliged to let her hands hang down. Weakness of the body, he would like to rest himself all the time, his spirits being bright. Although accustomed to work, she is now obliged to lie down several times during the day. Exhaustion, after a long walk. Great weakness, especially of the limbs. Weariness of the limbs, with dryness of the throat. Weariness of the limbs, especially when ascending an elevation. Extreme weakness when going up stairs, the bones of the lower limbs being painful. The weakness increases during rest. In the evening, when in bed, he feels as if he would die from weakness. "Internal weakness. Characteristic Peculiarities.—During the paroxysm of the pains she is obliged to walk about and to weep; she is unable to remain quiet. Her ailments increase in the afternoon at four o'clock; but at eight o'clock in the evening she feels better, with the exception of her weakness. He feels better in the open air than in a room, which he is frequently unable to endure from heat and un- easiness. 15T. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. MAG. CAR.—Carbonate of Magnesia.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, Vol. IV.—Duration of Action : 40 to 50 days. Compare with—Aeon., Ai-s., Bar., Bell., Bry., Calc, Carb. a., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Con., Croc, Cycl., Fer., Graph., Hyos., Jod., Kali, Lye, Mag. mur., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Nux mos., Petrol., Phosph., Plat., Plumb., Rhus, Sil., Spig., Spong., Squil., Staph., Sulph., Sulph. ac, Verat. Antidotes.—Cham.,? Puis.,? Merc, sol., Nux v. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Magn. is suitable to morbid conditions of the female organism, especially to menstrual irregularities and hysteria. Morbid conditions of children.—Scrophu- losis.—Atrophia infantum.—Epilepsy. Scrofulous ophthalmia, with obscuration of the cornea.—Cataract. Drawing, tearing and boring in decayed teeth and in the whole side of the face, with swelling of the cheek, stiffness of the nape of the neck and neck.—Throbbing pain with single stitches in the teeth. Pyrosis.—Gas- trodynia, aching pain in the stomach.—Cardialgia, contractive and aching pain in the stomach with sour eructations.—Hernia scrotalis.—Costiveness.—Cholera sporadica infantum.—Green, and sour-smelling diarrhoea of children.—Chronic looseness of the bowels.—Chronic diarrhoea.—Incontinentia urinae.—Copious pollutions.—Profuse menses.—Metrorrhagia.—Menses delayed, scanty and too short.—Leucorrhcea.—Old, malignant ulcers on the feet. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Trembling anguish and fear, as if some accident would happen, going off in the evening, when in bed.—Anxious and warm through the whole body, especially in the head, while eating warm food. Anxious, with 134 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. sweat, the whole day, especially during motion. Anxious and worn out, with. stitches through the whole body, after rising from bed. Sort of fear, fulness, with indisposition to attend to anything, in the afternbon, with headache, as if the head were screwed in ; cheerful in the evening—Internal uneasiness, with trembling of the hands, and so much absence of mind, that he has to begin a letter three times on account of having omitted something.—Peevish, she knows not what she wants, with sweat. Vexed. Indisposed to attend to anything, more so after some time. Ill-humour; every thing she looks at, is disagreeable to her, less in the evening. Bl-humour ; nevertheless she hums a song (going off shortly).—Sad mood, with indisposition to talk, and a sort of fearfulness.—Physical, mental and moral depression.—Forgetful and ill-humour- ed. Very talkative, she does everything very handily. In better spirits in the afternoon than forenoon. Sensorium.—Dulness of the head from mental exertions.—Reeling sensation in the head, frequent sensation as of loss of consciousness. Vertigo when kneel- ing, as if she would fall to pieces. Vertigo when standing, as if objects were moving around her, with intoxication and heaviness of the head. Vertigo, ear- ly in the morning, after rising, as if everything were turning with her, with in- clination to vomit and accumulation of water in the mouth. Vertigo as if every- thing were turning with her, and as if she would fall. Fainting vertigo, in the evening, after lying down, with coldness followed by inclination to vomit, for half an hour; afterwards sleep, interrupted by frequent waking and violent nau sea on moving ever so little ; this was worst in the morning after rising, accom- panied by eructations, which tasted of rotten eggs, with pale face and coldness. Vertigo unto falling, in the evening when sitting, (and sewing,) with nausea; afterwards lying down without being conscious of it. Head.—Headache, as if brought on by stiffness of the neck. Violent head- ache, early in the morning, when in bed, lasting until noon. Violent nightly headache, while asleep, but more violent after waking, going off when raising the head. Headache in the afternoon, becoming worse towards evening, with ulcerative pain of the head, when pressed upon from without. Heaviness of the head, while lying, after waking from the siesta, the saliva being tinged with blood. Weight in the forehead when standing. Heaviness and dizziness of the head, early in the morning, when rising, going off after having been walk- ing about for an hour. Heaviness and gloominess of the head, early in the morning when rising, as if he had not slept enough, going off after washing him- self and moving about. Heaviness of the head with yawning and nausea. Great heaviness and painfulness of the head. Heaviness in the forehead and ulcerative pain on the left side of the occiput.—Pressure over the head, during mental exertions. Pressure over the whole head, in a room, among a number of men. Pressure in the forehead, every day. Great pressure in the forepart of the head, with pain in the eyes. Aching about the forehead, early in the morn- ing on waking, until afternoon. Pressure in the forehead from morning till noon. Stupifying ache in the left side of the forehead, and sometimes in the eyes. Sticking with pressure in the forehead, intermitting. Sensation in the head as if bothi sides of it were being screwed towards one another, afterwards this sensation is also felt in the occiput.—Tension and drawing in the occiput during and after the act of swallowing, as if the head were drawn backwards, worse when standing, going off when sitting. Drawing pain in the head! Drawing pain in the forehead, with nausea.—Violent darting headache, with a sensation of heaviness, brought on by vexation, increasing from one o'clock in the afternoon, and going off in the evening when in bed. Tearing and heaviness in the forehead and top of the head, after dinner. Tearing and throbbing, deep MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 135 in the forehead. Tearing in the nape of the neck, and as if it were drawn back- wards, from afternoon till evening, when it passes off in bed. Tearing in the forehead, with stupefaction and heaviness in the brain. Painful tearing in the forehead, deep in the brain, and in front of the left car. Tearing in the left temple, going off by pressing on it, felt also in the evening when lying in bed. Violent tearing in the left temporal region from below upwards, with toothache in a posterior molar tooth. Painful tearing in the right temple, which closed her eyes. Violent, darting tcarings, alternately in the vertex, the occi- put, upper arms and thighs. Violent tearing and cuttings in the whole head, in the evening, before going to bed. Tearings and dartings in the right side of the head, from without inwards, after dinner, when sitting.—Stitches in the right side of the head; afterwards, when moving the head towards the left side, a tearing sensation in the right side of the occiput. Lancinating headache, early in the morning after rising, with pressure over the eye. Stitches in the right side of the forehead, from within outwards, rather externally with previous itching. Frequent stitches about the forehead, in the evening. Stitches in the vertex. Painful stitches in the right temple, after dinner. Stitches in the left temple. Dull stitch in the left temple, and afterwards above the right ear. Violent stitches in the right side of the head, from within outwards, passing off when turning to the other side at night in bed. Dull, painful stitches in the anterior corner of the right parietal bone, in the evening. Stitches and throbbing in the right side of the head, after dinner. Dull stitches in the right side of the head from without inwards, when standing. Deep, dull stitch through the brain, from the vertex to the right side of the occiput. Stitches in the left side of the head, when standing, also in the evening. Stitches, dartingyrom both parietal bones towards one another. Violent stitches in the occiput, in the evening. Stitching pain in the whole head, making her ill-humoured, from 8 o'clock in the evening until she goes to sleep. Stitches in different parts of the head. Stitches in the head, followed by contusive pain in the sides of the head, when standing; the pain is not aggravated by motion. Boring stitches, extending from the upper part of the right side of the head through the occiput, early in the morning.—Painful boring in the left side of the head.—Groaning vibratory sensation in the whole head, during slight motion. A sort of groaning jerk over the left eye, through the head, during motion and walking.—Pulsative sensation in the region of the forehead. Congestion of blood to the head, especially when smoking (which was his habit), or in the forenoon. — Warmth in the head and sweat in the face. Frequent flushes of heat, with- out any subsequent sweat. Frequent feeling of heat in the head, also in the evening. Feeling of heat in the head, alternating with paleness of the face and external heat and redness of the same. Heat in the head and hands, with red- ness of the face and increase of external warmth. Scalp.—Fine incisive pain in the hairy scalp, from the middle of the fore- head towards the left eye, as if the skin would be cut. Intensely-painful prick- ings about the head, after dinner.—When pressing on the vertex, it feels bruis- ed, this sensation had been preceded by a darting tearing.—Headache on the top of the head, as if the hair were pulled from afternoon till evening.—Itching of the hairy scalp, iu different places. Violent itching of the scales of the hairy scalp, especially during rainy weather.—Scurfy formation on the left side of the forehead. Increased falling off of the hair.' E)('S.—Pain in the left eye, as if it would fly to pieces, or as if it pressed from within outwards, with profuse lachrymation, flow of tears from the left nostril, with increase of the drawing-sticking headache over the left eye when blowing the nose.—Pressure around the eyes, towards evening.—Tearing in the 136 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. upper border of the orbit. Tearing in the eyes, followed by lachrymation, go- ing off after washing, early in the morning, when in bed. Darting tearing in both the lower eyelids. Darting in the lids of the left eye, with lachrymation, for three days.—Itching of the whole of the right eye, going off by rob- bing. Itching and smarting in the left eye, going off by rubbing. Smart- ing itching in the internal canthus of the right eye, removed by rubbing. Itching and burning of the eyes, especially the canthi, in the evening.—Burning and stinging in the eyes, which look injected. Continual burning and dryness of the eyes. Burning and inflammation of the internal canthus of the right eye. Inflammation and swelling of the lower eyelid, with redness of one of the canthi.—Swelling of the eyeball, as if dropsy of the eye would set in.—-Dryness of the eyes, early in the morning. Dryness and burning of the eyes. Lachry- mation and burning of the right eye, with congestion of the internal canthus. Watery eyes, every morning, as after long crying. Lachrymation, the whole day. Lachrymation and smarting of the left eye. * Agglutination of the eye- lids, early in ihe morning, going off after washing. Gum in the eyes, early in the morning on waking, with burning and dim-sightedness of the eyes. Agglu- tination of the lids, early in the morning, with burning of the eyes when looking at the light of day, for many days. Early in the morning, on waking, her eyes looked swelled, with dizziness of the head; she was for a long time unable to open them. "Obscuration of the cornea.- "Obscuration of the crystalline lens. —Failure of sight in the right eye, when looking at the letters attentively, while reading.—Dim-sightedness particularly of the inflamed eye, as if feathers were before it. Mist before the eyes, especially the right.—Photophobia, with burning in the eyes. "Black motes before the eyes. Ears.—Tearing in the ears, with tearing in the left molar teeth, and in other places, changing every moment. Painful tearing in the whole of the left concha, in the evening; in the forenoon the tearing is felt in the right.—Dull boring in the right ear. Painful boring and stitches in the left ear from with- out inwards. Continued tickling in the right ear, in the evening. Burning in the right ear, for a short while only.—Violent stitches in front of the left ear. Painful, dull stitch behind the right ear, terminating in tension, going off for a short while by pressing on the part. Sore pain behind the right lobule, when pressing on the part.—Redness and inflammation of the right meatus auditori- us externus, for three days, with ulcerative pain and sensitiveness to pressure, which remained a long time after.—Great sensitiveness to noise, causing one to start.—Tingling of the ears. Tingling in the right ear, after dinner. Tingling and ringing in the left ear. Ringing in the left ear, early in the morning, when in bed, followed by painfulness of the whole ear to the touch. Violent ringing in the right ear, after dinner. Whizzing before the ear, with alternate whistl- ing. Whizzing in the right ear. Whizzing and ringing in the left ear, *wilh diminution of hearing. Roaring in the ears, so violent, that she was unable to remain in bed, she had to sit up and rise. Whizzing, fluttering and buzzing in the rightear, with hardness of hearing. Fluttering, as of a bird, in the right ear. Rushing, as of water, in the right ear, in the evening. Whizzing in the right ear, with diminution of hearing, and a sort of intoxication in the open air, so that she did not understand what she was asked, worse in the room. Nose.—Redness of the nose, and swelling, for several evenings. Scurfy for- mation in the nose, (a. 3 d.). Bleeding of the nose, early in the morning. Bleeding from nose and mouth. Violent bleeding from the nose, early in the morning, on waking, with violent sneezing and tickling in the right nasal fossa. * • Discharge of blood from the nose, when blowing it. Painful itching of the up- per part of the left side of the nose, near the eye. Violent tearing from MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 137 the left side of the nose, over the margin of the orbit, as far as the temple. —Violent tickling in the nose, followed by sneezing, in the evening or morning. Frequent itching in the left nasal cavity. Violent itching in the nostrils, going off after stratching. Prickling, sore feeling in the right nasal fossa, as in a cold, during and between the acts of micturition. Frequent sneezing, early in the morning, with obstruction of the nose. Feeling of coryza, early in the morning, with obstruction of the nose, interrupted by the sudden secretion of a few drops. Desire to blow the nose, with sensation, as if the nose were full of mucus ; but nothing is expelled, and the nose remains obstructed.—Dryness of the- nose, early in the morning, and obstruction of the left nostril. Dryness of the nose, every morning on waking. *Dry coryza, -and obstruction of the nose, waking her at night. *Obstruction of the nose, -frequently alternating with fluent coryza. Obstruction of the nose, in the afternoon. Coryza, fluent early in the morning, dry in the afternoon. Violent coryza, with obstruction of the right nostril. Coryza, for several days, especially morning and evening. Dry coryza, the whole day; she has to open the mouth in order to get breath; nevertheless, there is mucus in the nose. Water drops out of her nose una- wares, without any coryza being present. Fluent coryza, early in the morning, when rising, followed by obstruction of- the nose, the whole day. Fluent coryza, until next morning. Coryza, with discharge of thick mucus, and sensation as if the nose were swollen from the frequent blowing, for three days. Face.—Pale face with sickly complexion, accompanied with general uncom- fortableness. Wretched, pale, earthy complexion, for a long time. Appear- ance of ill-humour, in the forenoon.— Tension in the whole face, as if albu- men were drying upon it.—Tearing in the left side of the face. Nightly tearing, digging and boring in the malar bone, as if with a red-hot iron, somewhat alleviat- ed by sitting up in bed, or else, driving one out of bed with a horrid anguish. She has to run from one room into another the whole night on account of the pain in the face, she has to hold the painful side and shake her head constantly, as soon as she is quiet, the pains return. Throbbing pain in the antrum High- mori, and swelling of the right malar bone. Redness and burning of the face, with external heat, in the evening. Great redness of the face, with general heat. Contiuual burning and tension between the lips and chin, in the evening. Heat in the face and hands, with redness, burning and thirst, at noon. Redness and swelling of the right cheek aud lower jaw, with violent ulcerative pain, especially painful when pressing on the parts, and accompanied with darting while talking, sneezing or yawning, for G days. A number of vesicles on the sides of the forehead, and in the right corner of the mouth. Vesicles on the nose, some of them filled with pus. A number of vesicles around the chin. Pustule under the right nostril, which becomes finally covered with scurf. Pustule in front of the right ear, without sensation.—Hard nodosity on the right temple, painful when touched.—"Diminution of the nodous tumours in leprous patients.—The right submaxillary gland is painful when pressing on it, or when moving the lower jaw. Dryness of the lips, early in the morning, with- out thirst, until noon. Burning and tension of the upper lip. Fine, painful tearings in the lower lip. Itching burning above the upper lip, towards the left corner of the mouth. Itching of the upper lip, as if an eruption would come out. Soreness of the upper lip. Fine eruption about the mouth. Herpetic eruption around the lower part of the mouth. Pustule on the upper lip. Pus- tules on the lower lip. Vesicle on the lower lip, near the right corner of the mouth, for three days. Clear vesicles near the left corner of the upper lip, with tensive pain. Hard, little nodosities in both corners of the mouth. Pain 138 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. on the inner part of the upper lip, and in the gums, as if cut; contact with the tongue causes a burning sensation. JaWS and Teeth.—Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Toothache, when riding in a carriage, aggravated by cold. Toothache every morning after waking or rising, on the right side, going off by walking about for some time. Pain of the posterior and inferior molares of both sides, evening and morning. Great pain in one of the right hollow molares, which it is impossible to relieve. Toothache every day, especially at night. As soon as he gets into bed, the toothache increases, and there is a good deal of water accumulating in the mouth.—"Nightly toothache with ulcerative pain in the teeth when touched. *Toothache, with drawing (tearing) in the direction of the temples, "and in the whole side of the face which is swollen, with stiffness of the nape of the neck and neck, and boring in the teeth, commencing in the evening, when going to bed, and driving him out of bed at night, several nights in succession.—Draw- ing in all the teeth, with swelling and redness of the gums.—Darting toothache, almost every day, early in the morning after rising, and at night, with dartings in the fingers and feet, waking or sleeping.—Tearing and drawing in the poste- rior and inferior molares, also in the evening, sometimes relieved by salt. Vio- lent tearing, drawing and gnawing in a hollow tooth, relieved for a short time by cold, and by turning to the affected side, continuing until 4 o'clock in the morn- ing, worse in the warm room, with restlessness, discontent, and tensive pain over the whole of the right cheek, (after the menses). Tearing in the inferior molares of the right side, with sensation in a posterior superior molar tooth, as if screwed . ■ ■ out of its socket. Violent tearing in the lower teeth of the right side, extend- ing as far as the temple, after dinner. Tearing in the roots of both rows of teeth. Tearing in the last left upper or lower molar tooth, in the evening when in bed, until he falls asleep, and in the morning when waking, going off after rising. Sticking toothache after a meal. Stitches and tearing in the roots of the left upper teeth, with sensation as if the teeth were elongated, and a tickling in the teeth in the open air. "Throbbing toothache with single stitches.— Burning, slight jerking, and tearing, with sensation as if this or that tooth were elongated, in the upper or lower row, relieved by motion, and Avorst at night when in bed, also brought on in the day-time, by eating and masticating. Burning toothache, in the evening when in bed, with pain as if the teeth were loose.—The teeth feel elongated and very sensitive. One of the molares feels elongated; early in the morning, when applying cold water to the tooth, it feels as if it would be pulled out, also when chewing.—Two wisdom-teeth made their ap- pearance.—Looseness of the teeth, with swelling of the gums. Looseness of the teeth ; they feel elongated; the gums feel sensitive and burning, at dinner, passing off in the evening, but renewed by eating. Continual and almost painless swelling of the gums, even in the empty sockets. Burning vesicles frequently make their appearance on the gums, on the inside of the cheeks, lips, and palate. Mouth.—Violent itching of the inner side of the right cheek. A small, red- blue place on the inner side of the right cheek, without any sensation, and bleed- ing when rubbed. A number of miliary eruptions in the mouth, on the tongue and cheeks, bleeding when touched ever so little, and burning when eating any- thing sour. Numbness of the whole inner mouth, the palate, and the anterior half of the tongue, early in the morning, when waking, until noon. Burning, painful vesicles on the left border of the tongue and on the lower lip, suppurat- ing after the lapse of three days. Vesicles, with tensive pain, on the anterior border of the tongue and in the right corner of the mouth. Vesicles on the palate, early in the morning, with sensation as if the parts were sore, and as if MAGNESLA CARBONICA. 139 the skin were off; going off at the appearance of the menses.—Burning sensa- tion of the palate, as if the skin were off. Roughness of the palate, early in the morning, as if the skin were coming off. Heat in the mouth the whole day. Dryness of mouth, without thirst, at night. The mouth is slimy, and as if one had eaten flour, in the forenoon.—She spits up mucus and little clots of blood, with sweetish taste. Bloody saliva. Continual spitting, early in the morning, with nausea. Accumulation of water in the mouth, with frequent gulping up, vertigo, and desire to vomit, after eating plums. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—-Sore throat, as if caused by a hard body, with burning and retching, and a rough feeling, accompanied by a desire, be- tween the acts of deglutition, to hawk up mucus. Pain in the throat, when swal- lowing, as if she would swallow a large foreign body. Sensation as if the throat were stopped up and did not admit of the passage of air, early in the morning after rising.—Spasmodic strangling in the throat, at 8 o'clock in the evening. as if it would be distended, she had to open her mouth, but without being re- lieved by it.—Stinging pain in the right side of the throat, during deglutition in the evening. Stitches deep down in the throat, when talking.—Sore pain on the right side of the throat, with stinging and burning on the left side,!when talking, sneezing, or yawning; the pain is greater during than between the acts of deglutition.—Burning and roughness in the throat. Roughness and burning acidity in the throat, shortly. Roughness in the throat, with desire to vomit. Stinging roughness in the throat, and sense as of scraping from the beard of a corn-ear. Frequently-recurring roughness of the throat. Roughness and scraping of the throat, as if caused by old smoked meat. Roughness and scraping sensation of the throat, with tasteless eructations after every new dose of medicine.—Dry throat, with sensation, when swallowing, as if the throat would be pulled to pieces. Dry throat, early in the morning, with stinging in the left side, during and between the acts of deglutition. —Frequent rising of mucus in the throat, with roughness and dryness of the fauces. Frequent, un- successful desire to hawk. — Soft, fe'id tuhzrcles of the colour of peas, which he has to hawk up, frequently get into the larynx from the fauces, and produce a momentary suffocative irritation.—Discharge of tenacious mucus, streaked with blood; it had caused a pressure in the throat for a long time past, and he had not been able to hawk it up. Rising of water in the mouth. Taste and Appetite.—No taste for several days; the nourishment she takes tastes like straw, although her appetite is good. The nourishment she takes is tasteless, her tongue is coated white, and the mouth is slimy. Bitter- sweet taste in the mouth, the mouth being full of mucus, going off after eating bread. Bitter taste in the mouth, the tongue being coated white and the mouth full of white mucus, going off after rinsing the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning, pappy condition of the mouth, the teeth and tongue being covered with mucus.— Sour taste in the throat, suddenly followed by roughness. Sour taste in the mouth.—The appetite disappears, ever since then the stomach feels full. Little or no appetite or hunger. No appetite for din- ner, the appetite comes while eating. After having eaten one mouthful, he feels satiated. Sometimes little appetite and immediate repletion, sometimes the ap- petite is good.—Hunger, but no appetite for bread. She does not relish warm food, she desires nothing but bread and butter.—Aversion to vegetables, she prefers meat. Great appetite for vegetables ; aversion to moat. Eating meat causes dryness of the skin and heat. Desire for fruit and acid things.—Thirst, with appetite for acid things, at noon. A good deal of thirst, with little appe- tite Violent thirst, afternoon or evening. Thirst for water, she drinks a good deal m the afternoon. Thirst for water in the forenoon, in the afternoon the 140 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. mouth feels dry, without thirst. Thirst, towards evening, he drinks a good deal, with emission of urine during the night. Violent thirst, waking her in the night, (previous to the appearance of the menses). Thirst for cold drinks, (succeeding a looseness of the bowels,) causing her to drink a good deal. Gastric Symptoms.—She feels weak while eating. After a meal, weakness, pale face, nausea and dark-coloured vomiting of the ingesta. Colic and dis- tention of the abdomen, after a meal.—Unsuccessful eructations. Empty eruc- tations, even after breakfast. Frequent eructations, without taste or smell. Belching, in the afternoon. Eructations, tasting of the ingesta, early in the morning. Empty eructations, accompanied by a cutting-tearing above the um- bilicus, from the left to the right side. Eructations, with sneezing, towards evening. Frequent eructations, with pain in the stomach. Rising of cold air. Sour eructations.—Frequent hiccough, followed by eructations, early in the morning, after rising. 'Continual hiccough, in the evening. Suppressed hic- cough, causing a spasmodic pain in the stomach.—Loathing, without any desire to vomit, (shortly). Loathing and inclination to vomit, in the evening. Loath- ing, with pain and coldness of the stomach, (shortly). Loathing and nausea, (as if from a deranged stomach). Loathing, with shuddering, followed by eruc- tations, (shortly).—Nausea and desire to vomit, with constipation, for three days. Nausea and general sick feeling in the forenoon, going off after dinner. Nausea, with eructations tasting of rotten eggs, the whole night until early in the morning.—Inclination to vomit, and accumulation of water in the mouth. Vomiting of bitter water, but no food, at dinner, after which the bitter taste in the mouth continued for a long time. Vomiting at dinner, after nausea ; vio- lent vertigo and retching; first, he vomited a saltish water, afterwards soup, then again water, for a quarter of an hour, accompanied by anguish as if he must die, sweat on the forehead for one hour, followed by discharge of white liquid stools, which were succeeded by cutting in the abdomen and distention of the same. Stomach.—Sickness at the stomach, as if he would vomit, with empty eruc- tations.—Pain in the stomach with nausea, heaviness of the head and ill-humour, without aversion to food. Pain in the stomach, with nausea, early in the morn- ing, relieved by eating. The stomach feels sick and as if full of water, with a desire for eructations. Pain in the stomach, like qualms of sickness, (shortly). Sensation as if the stomach had been deranged, after dinner.—Pain in the sto- mach, in the forenoon, resembling a feeling of emptiness and qualmishness, bet- ter after dinner. Empty feeling in the stomach, early in the morning, with empty eructations.—Pressure in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, ex- tending into the chest, going off by empty eructations. Distention and fulness of the stomach, going off only by frequent eructations. * Contractive pain in the stomach, also after dinner, or hindering sleep at night. "Contractive-oppres- sive pain in the stomach, also with sour eructations. Sore pain in the stomach and in both hypochondriac regions, when touching the parts, even at night, when in bed. Ulcerative pain in the stomach, with great sensitiveness to pressure, and feeling as if the stomach would fall out of the body, accompanied by cold- ness and inclination to fall; she was so weak that she was unable to walk across her room; relieved by drinking some coffee. Audible grumbling in the stomach, towards noon. Audible grumbling in the stomach and afterwards in the abdo- men, with yawning, in the evening.—Sudden stitches, as with a knife, on the right side of the pit of the stomach, they can scarcely be endured. Violent stitch in the pit of the stomach, causing one to start.—Dull stitch from the right side of the pit of the stomach to the right chest.—Burning sensation on the inner side of the left half of the chest, with sweet taste in the throat; MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 141 afterwards cough with discharge of a piece of tenacious, brown mucus; when sitting. Hypochondria.—Pinching and contractive sensation extending from both hypochondria towards the umbilicus, frequently going and coming.—Stitch in the right hypochondrium. Dull stitches in the right hypochondrium, after din- ner. Violent stitch as with a knife, in the right lower rib, from without inwards in the evening, when stooping, going off when raising the head. Sensation as of something^hard in the region of the liver, with frequent pinching in the abdomen. Fine pinching, externally, under the last right rib, extending a little higher up, followed by a burning sensation in that same place. Fine stinging in the left hypochondrium.—Stitches in the region of the left ribs, resembling splenetic stitches, when standing. Paralytic pain in the left hypochondrium, which prevented her resting on this side, in the evening. Abdomen.—Colic, followed by watery leucorrhcea, occasionally. Violent colic, early in the morning, especially around the umbilicus, in and out of bed, relieved after eating some warm soup.—Great heaviness in the abdomen.— Feeling of repletion in the abdomen, relieved by walking, in the afternoon.— Distention of the abdomen, after a meal, and immediate feeling of repletionw«| noon. Great bloatedness of the abdomen, from afternoon till evening. Ex^ cessive distention of the abdomen, followed by excessive emission of flatulence affording relief. Great distention of the abdomen, in spite of three diarrhoeic stools.—Pressure in the hypogastrium, every morning, when in bed, ceasing after a meal.—Spasmodic contractive pain in the abdomen, afterwards diarrhoea, affording relief, in the evening.—Constriction and pinching in the right iliac region, very painful. Griping, and digging in the abdomen, as if the menses would set in, with emission of a quantity of fetid flatulence, at noon; in the evening, the colicky pains increase, preceded by grumbling in the abdomen. Painful griping in the abdomen, below the umbilicus, frequently intermitting, and afterwards reaching to the stomach.—Colicky pains in the whole abdo- men, with pressing towards the genital organs, accompanied by discharge of blood from the vagina. Colicky pains and movement of flatulence in the abdo- men, with regular stool, frequently intermitting, and occurring likewise early in the morning, when in bed; after turning from side to side, she finally discovers a position which makes her feel more easy. Colicky pains in the abdomen, more violent in the evening, with distention of the abdomen relieved by emis- sion of flatulence.—Frequent pinching, in the right hypochondriac region. Violent pinching around the umbilicus, with distention of the abdomen; after- wards stool, which was at first hard, then soft. Violent pinching around the umbilicus, followed by liquid stool causing a burning sensation in the anus. Pinching and digging around the nmbilicus, early in the morning. Pinching in front of the abdomen, early in the morning, without stool. Violent painful pinching in the side of the abdomen. Pinching and rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by green diarrhoea; three times. Violent pinching in the middle of the abdomen, relieved by emission of flatulence; afterwards stool, first hard, scanty, and coming out with bearing down; then soft and easy, with burning at the anus. Pinching in the abdomen, three days in succession.— Culling in the left side of the abdomen. Painful cutting and pressing in the abdomen and both groins, rousing him from sleep at night. Cutting in the hy- pogastrium, below the umbilicus, with bearing-down, as if the menses would set in. Cutting in the bowels, in the evening, until he falls asleep. Violent colic, extending from the small of the back towards the pubic bones.—Tearing in the.left side of the abdomen, especially when walking. Violent colic, as if her bowels would be torn out, for tliree days (removed by smelling of Hepar 142 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. sulph.).—Sensation as if everything in the abdomen were turning about, with stitches below the umbilicus.—Pain in the abdomen, early in the morning after rising, as if the intestines were empty, contracted, and would be torn out.—A small spot on the left side of the umbilicus is painful when pressing on it, as if ulcerated.—Cramp-pain in the right groin, going off by friction, when walking. —Violent itching in the right groin, with internal burning, both symptoms going off after scratching, accompanied by chilliness.—Rumbling and moving of flatulence in the abdomen. Flatulence in the epigastrium, with pinch- ing. Flatulence and pinching in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatulence and soft stool, affording relief. Audible rumbling, grumbling and moving of flatulence in the abdomen, with fine cutting, the whole day. Rum- bling and gurgling in the abdomen, when taking an inspiration, as in spasms, evening and morning; going off by eating. Frequent emission of loud flatus, afternoon and night, also having a strong smell, or when walking, with stool soon after. Pressing as if diarrhoea would set in, but nothing but flatulence is emitted. Desire for stool and emission of flatulence, with cutting and pinching in the anus, afterwards hard stool with pressing as if diarrhoea would set in.— ^Inguinal hernia. Stool.—Frequent, unsuccessful desire for stool, also after breakfast. Con- tinual desire for stool, only little stool being passed; it is more like a sort of fermenting. Stool every two days. Desire for stool, with scanty stool, fol- lowed by unsuccessful desire for stool, with emission of flatulence and burning at the anus. Hard stool only in the evening, with pain and pressing.—*ln- dines to be constipated. * Retention of stool appears to be the primary effect of Magnesia.—Stool hard as stone, with pain in the anus. Very hard stool, early in the morning, also with pressing. Hard stool in the afternoon, followed by burning at the anus. Even when the stool is not hard, she has to employ force to expel it, for several days. Soft stool in sufficient quantity, the latter part being expelled with pressing, twice a day. Stool, the first part of which is hard, the second liquid with burning at the rectum after stool. Stool only in 4 days, little of it, but soft and without any pain.—Soft stool, preceded by pinching in the abdomen, with emission of loud flatulence, which affords relief, afternoon and evening.— Yellow stool, in the forenoon, with bearing-down, more frequently in the afternoon. Natural stool, morning and afternoon.—Diarrhaa for several days. Diarrhoza with violent cutting in the abdomen and pressing, from seven to eight times a day, for eight days. Soft diarrhoeic stools, three a day. Liquid diarrhoeic stools, three a day, without trouble. Half-liquid stool without pain, early in the morning. Liquid stool, followed by burning at the anus. Discharge of a liver-coloured fluid, followed by tenesmus and burning. Diarrhoea with great weakness. Discharge of a green, foamy substance. Diarrhoea of green mucus, early in the morning. Green diarrhceic stools, three times a day. Urging to diarrhoea, night and morning, rousing one from sleep; next afternoon, discharge of green mucus. Discharge of a green liquid, preceded by pinching, especially in the right side of the abdomen. Discharge of green water, with great distention of the abdomen, eight times in one forenoon. Discharge of green mucus, forenoon and afternoon, with a number of ascarides, and followed by burning at the anus.—A quantity of as- carides with stool. Discharge of ascarides between the stools.—A good deal of motion in the abdomen previous to stool; he feels hot previous to the expul- sion of stool.—Cutting and pinching in the abdomen previous to stool.— Tearing in the rectum, during stool, extending into the abdomen.—Faintness after stool—Desire for stool with violent prickings in the rectum; he only passes some flatus, which affords relief. Pressure in the rectum, between the MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 143 stools. Prickings in the rectum after walking, relieved by emission of flatu- lence. Violent pain in the rectum, as if pins were stuck into it, rousing her from sleep at 4 o'clock in the morning, somewhat relieved by emission of flatulence, which is likewise very painful. Sore pain in the anus, or as if ulcerated, when sitting or walking.—Painful varices of the rectum. I'rinary Organs.—Desire to urinate, rousing her from sleep at 9 in the evening. Increased secretion of urine, at night. Nightly micturition contrary to habit. Frequent micturition, emitting a good deal of urine first, afterwards less. In the evening, and also at night, he emits more urine than usual, the urine being pale.—Apparent diminution of urine, an emission of urine being followed by burning, in the evening.—Inability to retain the urine, when rising from the seat, or when walking. Involuntary emission of urine when walking (in a female).—Pale urine. Green urine, in the afternoon. White sediment in the urine.—The urine burns while emitted, like salt water, sometimes sting- ing. Pain as from excoriation in the urethra, when urinating. Pinching below the umbilicus after micturition, extending into the small of the back, with sensation as if flatulence would be emitted, in the open air. Male Genital Organs.—^Diminution of the sexual instinct (immediately). Stitch in the urethra, in the region of the glans. Pollution (the first night). Frequent pollutions, almost every night. Slow erection, the embrace being nevertheless satisfactory. Emission of flatulence with discharge of prostatic juice. Female Sexual Organs.—Frequent itching of the pudendum.—Menses delaying seven days, preceded by sore throat. Menses three days too late, scanty and short. Menses delaying three days, first only a little flow in the evening, increasing in the night, and still more next day, with discharge of whole lumps of coagulated blood, for 3 days. Menses delaying 4 days, and more profuse than usual. Return of the menses in the case of an old lady, that had stopped for years, they flow profusely for 4 days. The menses which are habitually scanty, appear immediately a few days previous to their regular period, with tearing toothache and a distention of the abdomen lasting 4 weeks. The menses appear at night, first a little, more profusely hi the forenoon; sudden cessation in the afternoon. The menses appear at the proper period, and are painless ; this was not the case usually ; they are accompanied in the forenoon by ill-humour, improving in the afternoon. Re-appearance of the menses on the third day, with colic, they continue for several days. The menses are more profuse than usual and last one day too long. The menses flow profusely on the 4th and 5th days, with headache, which is worst in the evening. The menses appear six days too soon, in the afternoon when walking; on the third day the flow is very profuse, they last 6 days. At night, the menstrual flow is stronger than in day-time; the bearing-down pains which accompany it, are relieved by compressing the abdomen or by stooping. No discharge of blood during the pain ; the blood only flows after the pain, also at night when asleep.—The flow is most profuse when walking or standing.—The menstrual blood is dark and acrid. The menstrual blood is dark, viscid, almost like pitch and can only be washed out with difficulty. The menstrual blood is thick and black, and appears 6 days before the time. The menses appear 3 days too soon, are more scanty than usual, and last three davs longer than usual. The menses appear 7 days too soon. The menses re-appear after 20 ilays. Discharge of blood 7 days before the time of the menses, they then appear regularly on the 28th day. The menses appear 14 days too soon, first scanty^ then more profuse, dark and flowing 3 days. The menses appear a fortnight too soon, with pain which is especially violent in the small of the 144 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. back, worst when sitting and easier when walking. The menses appear 9 days too soon, are very scanty and only flow 2 days. The menses appear 8 days too soon, at night, after bathing the feet, first scanty, then more profuse and dark, with bearing-down in the groins, during which no blood is discharged; blood is discharged with every emission of flatulence, especially at noon and in the afternoon.—Canine hunger in the evening previous to the menses, followed by pain in the stomach. Previous to the menses, bearing-down, cutting and pain in the small of the back, as if it were contracted and bruised, especially when sitting, less so when walking; on the second day of the menses a profuse flow of brown blood with diminution of the pain; at night, the blood flows more profusely. Menses appear 6 days too soon, preceded by colic and pressing towards the genital organs.—Coryza, with obstruction of the nose, for 4 days. During the menses : a quantity of liquid stool, followed by tremor of the limbs. Out of humour, but not on the first day. Headache, with feeling of heaviness and heat. Continued tearing, now in the sides of the head, now in. the vertex, now in nape of the neck, relieved only at night. Drawing pain from the fore- head to the occiput, with heaviness in the brain, the whole day. The top of the head feels bruised in the evening; it is painful to the touch. Morning- agglutination of the inner canthi of both eyes, with heaviness of the head. Dim, dry, burning eyes. Burning rhagades in the lobule of the ear. Pale complexion. Flat taste and little appetite. A quantity of water accumulates in the mouth, which she is continually obliged to spit up ; nausea from morning till noon; violent colic; cutting around the umbilicus, relieved by emission of flatulence; violent bearing-down in the abdomen, at night, and early in the morning, frequently rousing her from sleep; frequent sneezing, early in the morning; frequent, but intermitting headache ; drawing pain in the small of the back, relieved by stooping, increased by extending the limbs ; pain in the right shoulder, as if it were dislocated, she finds it difficult to raise her arm; the knees are painful when walking as if they were bruised; pain in the feet, also, when in bed; itching around the neck and shoulders; faintness, exhaustion, with sweat without any thirst; so faint that she was scarcely able to walk; sleepy and weary on the second day of the menses ; frequent waking at night; chilliness; chilliness when she woke or uncovered herself; violent pain in the small of the back, as if it were bruised, whether stooping or not, afternoon and evening.—Leucorrhoza after the menses. Thin, scanty leucorrhcea, with pinching around the navel. Leucorrhcea, several times in the afternoon, when walking or sitting. Leucorrhcea, like water. Smarting leucorrhcea. Discharge of white mucus, preceded by adominal spasms.—"Toothache of pregnant females. . Larynx and Trachea.—Contractive sensation in the trachea, with aching in the pit of the throat.—Hoarseness for two days. Hoarseness and roughness in the throat, in the forenoon, going off after dinner. Complete hoarseness, towards evening.—Irritation in the region of the thyroid gland, with a good deal of coughing, in the forenoon. Tickling in the throat, followed by a short cough. Frequent cough, in the afternoon, from tickling in the throat. Cough, with scraping in the throat, also at night. Morning-cough, towards three o'clock, in two turns, with expectoration of mucus. Hollow, dull cough. Fits of spas- modic cough, the whole night. Cough after the slightest echauffement. Violent cough, with difficult, thin, salt expectoration.—During the cough, pain in the chest as if it would be cut to pieces; early in the morning, yellowish, purulent discharge, for some days. Chest.—Short breathing when walking. Tightness of the chest, in the after- noon, as if it were between screws, with short breathing. Tightness of the chest. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 145 with weary and painful feet when ascending an elevation.—Contractive sensa- tion around the chest, the shoulder feeling bruised, with pain in the right middle finger as if sprained; all this passes off by eructation, in the evening— Con- strictive sensation around the middle of the chest, with short breath, in the evening. Contractive and crampy sensation in the chest, with heavy, short breathing, when sitting or walking.—Great oppression of the chest, with occa- sional deep breathing. Pressure on the chest, with heaviness and a feeling of oppression, in the evening. Sudden aching in the chest, arresting the breathing. —Intensely-painful cutting and stitches in the chest, in the evening. Painful cutting and pricking deep in the middle of the che..,t, until evening. Stitch in the ribs below the right axilla. Stitches below the right side of the chest, towards the umbilicus, or darting through the shoulder, also during an inspira- tion. Dull stitches in the left half of the chest, during an inspiration, extending into the shoulder. A stitch from the left region of the ribs to the left scapula, when standing. Single, violent stitches in the region of the last left rib, which almost make her scream, mostly when sitting. Stitches below the left half of the chest, when yawning, also after dinner, or in the evening when they are felt in a sitting posture, and sometimes extend into the sternum. Stitches in the left side of the chest, under the shoulder. Stitch from without inwards in the praecordial region. Stitches in the sternum, sometimes in the evening, when walking, with short breathing.—Palpitation of the heart.—Sudden, violent sore pain in the heart, with distinctly-audible cracking, (after a meal,) accompanied by a tormenting nausea.—A number of small, red, not elevated spots on the chest, without itching.—Pain as from bruises in the muscles of the chest, during motion, aud when touching them. Back.—Sudden, piercing pain in the os coccygis. Pain in the small of the back and back, at night, so violent that she was unable to sit still.—Violent pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, from afternoon till evening, also from morning till afternoon.—Two violent, concussive tearings in the lower part of the vertebral column, which produced a sensation as if the column were being drawn backwards, followed by stitches in the same region, in the evening.—Stitch in the small of the back, on the right side, from without inwards, followed by jerk- ing stitches in the small of the back.—Burning itching in the small of the back, above the nates.—Feeling of tightness in the small of the back above the hips.— Violent pain in the back, at night, in bed, as if the parts had been crushed, worst during motion, but also when at rest.—Dull stitches in the back, from without ■inwards.—Violent itching, especially above the hips. Violent tearing and dart- ing in the nape of the neck, gradually descending along the back, and then passing off.—Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Violent stitch in the nape of the neck, when sneezing.—Itching biting in the nape of the neck and neck, with burning after the scratching.—Tearing and drawing in the muscles of the right side of the neck, in the evening. Pressure on the neck, as if the cravat were tied too tight.—The thyroid gland appears to her enlarged. Superior Extremities.—Fine stitches towards the axilla, when raising the arm, not otherwise.—In the right shoulder she feels a pain as from a sprain, when raising the arm without thinking of it; she does not feel the pain when raising the arm on purpose. *Pain, as from a sprain, in the right shoulder, when moving the arm, also when in bed. Pain, as from a sprain, in the right shoulder-blade, with a sensation as if he would let his arm hang down, in the evening. Pain in the right shoulder. Pressure on the shoulder. Rigid sensa- tion from the shoulder to the angle of the lower jaw, painful and preventing him from stooping, with inability to close the jaws. Paralytic pain, as from bruises, in the left shoulder, only felt when moving the arm and trunk, and when gaping, VOL. II. 10 146 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Violent- contractive pain in both shoulders, and tearing down the back, early in the morning. Tearing in the right shoulder, extending to the scapula, early in the morning, also to the clavicle and chest. Tearing in the left shoulder, extend- ing to the middle of the upper arm and elbow. "Nightly attacks of tearing, with tingling down to the fingers, and inability to move the arm from pain.— Violent tearing in the arm, from the left shoulder to the wrist-joint, when raising the arm and during rest. Painful tearing from the right shoulder to the wrist- joint, on turning the hand, the tearing would extend to the joints of the fingers. —Drawing in the arm, from below upwards.—Darling in the arms.— Weariness of the arms.—Pimples on the left arm, disappearing after scratching, and not itching the last two days.—Single, painful, cramp-like gripings in the upper arms, immediately above the elbows, at intervals, the muscles being hard as stone, day and night; when pressing on the parts with the other hand, the pain is relieved for some time. Tearing in the upper arm, above the right elbow, ex- tending as far as the middle.—The elbow-joint is painful when bending the arm. Sharp drawing around the right elbow, apparently in the bone, in the evening when in bed. Violent tearing in the elbow-joint, as if it would be pulled out, when knitting. Stitches in the right elbow, when moving the arm, early in the morning. Gnawing in the left elbow in the evening.—Drawing as far as the hand, in the right lower arm, also when at rest; the arm feels heavy when raising it. Tearing, from the elbow to the middle of the forearm, apparently in the periosteum. Violent stitches in the anterior muscles of the right lower arm, near the wrist-joint. Itching on the forearm, below the bend of the elbow, scratching leaves a red spot. Itching of the forearm when washing it with cold water and soap, scratching brings on a number of itching pimples, going off again on wiping the arm.—Drawing pain in the hands. Stitch in the palm of the left hand, followed by violent itching, going off by scratching. Burning in the palms of the hands. The left hand goes to sleep, early in the morning, she had been lying on it during the night. Redness and swelling of the left wrist-joint, with pain of the bones when pressing on them. Itching of the palm of the hands; scratching brings out clear vesicles. Spreading vesicles on the hands, with stinging pain. "The skin of the hands becomes chapped.—Cramp-feeling in the finger-joints. Tension in the metacarpal joint of" the left middle finger, two mornings in succession, going off in a few hours. Tearing in the dorsum of the posterior joint of the little finger. Tearing from the posterior joint of the right thumb to the nail. Tearing in the posterior joints of the right fingers. Tearing in the tips of all the fingers, towards the back of the hands, early in the morn-' ing after rising. Violent boring and gnawing in the posterior joint of the left thumb, apparently in the marrow. Throbbing, as if from an ulcer, in the tip of the left thumb, after dinner, going off by pressing on the part. Pain of the posterior joint of the middle-finger, as if it had been sprained. Ripping-up pain around the left thumb and index, followed by a short-lasting paralysis of both fingers, for two evenings. Swelling, redness, and heat of the right middle finger, covered with itching blotches, on those days when he has no stool. In- flammatory swelling, with stinging pain, of the posterior joint of the index- finger. Itching between the fourth and fi."tli fingers of the right hand, scratch- ing brings out clear vesicles which do not itch, and two long,°white streaks on the fingers. Spreading blisters on the fingers. Inferior Extremities.—Pain in both hips, generally when moving the limbs. Violent pinching in the left hip and small of the back, after dinner, when walking; soon after desire for stool, accompanied and preceded by violent cutting in the rectum. Painless dartings in the posterior part of the hip, after- wards in the right hypochondrium. Painfal tearing in the left hip-joint, from MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 147 afternoon till next morning. Stitches in the left hip, in the joint, and in the surface of the bone. Dull stitches above the right hip. Fine, burning-itching stingings, resembling flea-bites, at times in one, at times in the other hip, the left side of the small of the back, and the left hypochondrium. Stitches, burn- ing, and pain as from bruises above the left hip, extending up to the shoulder, increasing for three days, and worse when stooping towards the painful side, ac- companied by dry cough and violent stitches in the side, somewhat relieved by bending double and pressing on the parts with the hand. Itching stitch above the right hip, going off after scratching.—The lower limbs, especially the knees, are very painful. Sudden jerk in the left lower limb, in the evening, after fall- ing asleep, which caused her to start and kept her awake for a long time. Tingling uneasiness in the lower limbs, in the evening, she had to move them constantly.—Pain in the thighs, until evening. Pain as from bruises, in the femur, from above the left knee to the middle of the thigh, when walking. Tear- ing in the left thigh, in front, from the middle to the knee. Continual, lanci- nating tearing from the middle of the thigh to the middle of the leg, going off after rising from a seat. Painful drawing darting from the right knee to the middle of the thigh, when standing or bending the limb. Tearing from the left knee to the middle of the thigh, after dinner.—Pain in the knees, as after a fatiguing journey on foot, he was scarcely able to walk without a cane. Heavi- ness and pain in the knees when walking, from afternoon till evening. Weary pain in the knees when walking, from afternoon till evening. Rigid sensation in the bend of the left knee, as if too short, when setting the foot down, on coming from the open air and entering the room. Tension in the bend of the knee. Tension and drawing in the bend of the left knee, when walking. Draw- ing pain in the knees, to the soles of the feet, resembling a digging in the marrow. Tearing in the right knee, when standing, or towards the surface. Violent boring and tearing in the left knee, as if it would be torn out, in the evening. Fine boring in the right knee, frequently intermitting. Painful tearing, from the bend of the left knee to the leg, apparently in the bone, with tension when walking, as if the tendons were too short. Hard swelling in the bend of the knee, so painful that he is unable to extend the limb. Stitches in the knee- joint.—Painful drawing in the legs, from above downwards. Painful tension in the tendo Achillis, extending up to the calf, when walking fast. Cramp in the left calf, at night, in bed, when raising himself or turning to the other side. Cramp in both calces, in the evening when in bed, painful, nothing can alleviate it. Violent tearings in the right calf, in the afternoon. Culling pain in the tibia. Pain as from bruises, in both tibia;. Spots on the tibia, with burning pain.—"Boils on the legs.—Violent pain of the feet, as if they were too heavy and weary, especially when going up stairs, in the evening.—Pain as from bruises of the left tarsal joint, early in the morning, extending to the middle of the tibia, when walking and setting the foot down, going off by continued walking.— Cramp in the heel, early in the morning, when in bed. Piercing stitches in the right heel, in the evening when in bed. Painfully-darting tearing in the left heel, in the evening when in bed. Drawing pain in the soles of the feet. Cold feet, as if she were wading through cold water. Formication in the dorsum of the right foot and the lower surface of the toes. Violent tearing in the fourth and fifth toes of the left foot, when walking. Tearing in ihe big toe of the right foot, when walking, extending to the tip. Piercing stitch in the bend of the big toe of the right foot, through to the dorsum, causing her to start and to draw up the foot, in the evening. Burning stitches in the big toe. Sleep. — Constant, troublesome gaping, early in the morning, after rising Frequent yawning, everyday. Yawning, accompanied and followed by hiccough. 148 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Frequent yawning, with sneezing.—Drowsy and indolent, in the forenoon, with frequent yawning and stretching. Drowsy, early in the morning, after a sound sleep. Inclines to sleep, starting frequently. She does not wake in the night, which is contrary to her custom. Sound sleep the first nights, and better than usual. Falls asleep easily and soon, sleeps well.—* Sleeplessness the whole night. No sleep for several nights, and constant tossing about, when in bed. "Sleepless- ness from oppression of the abdomen. Little sleep, and a number of dreams. She does not fall asleep till late in the night. Restless sleep, with frequent waking. A number of restless nights, with unrefreshing sleep. Wakes at mid- night without any particular cause, she was unable to fall asleep again before two o'clock in the morning, and then slept imperfectly until five o'clock. She wakes after one o'clock, and is unable to fall asleep again before five; all her limbs feel sore, and she tosses from side to side. She wakes at, two o'clock in the morning, and is then unable to fall asleep again.—Agitation of the blood, in the evening, which prevents her from falling asleep; she has a restless sleep, and has to toss about constantly. Anxiety at night, with sleeplessness, and heavi- ness in the whole body. She feels anxious for many nights, with sensation as if she were lying on stones, and has to turn about frequently. For many nights she is unable to fall asleep, owing to anxiety, she has to uncover herself fre- quently, but she cannot remain uncovered long, on account of feeling too cold. She feels anxious and too warm for many nights in succession, she remains awake for a long time. Restless sleep from one to four o'clock at night, with heat and sweat, so that she cannot bear being covered, after four o'clock she sleeps with- out sweating.—Great internal heat at night, he was scarcely able to endure the covering of ihe bed, and, nevertheless, dreaded the slightest exposure.—Tooth- ache, at night, the tooth jeels elongated, the pain being more tearing than throb- bing. Throbbing and drawing toothache, the whole night. After midnight she is roused from sleep by a violent pain in the stomach, which feels empty. At four o'clock in the morning she has to urinate, followed by pinching in the ab- domen, and early in the morning she feels a pain in the stomach and inclination to vomit. Wetting the bed at night. At night she wakes with thirst, which she had felt before in her dream. Great uneasiness in the left lower limb, at night, he has to lay it on some cool place outside the bed clothes. Throbbing in the left side of the chest, in the evening when falling asleep. Horrid itching at night, like biting, over the whole body, causing her to start frequently. For two nights in succession he started high up in his bed, from side to side; when the body lay still again, the upper and lower limbs quivered the whole night, even while awake, but without pain ; on waking in the morning, he knew nothing of what had happened in the night. Talking while asleep, alter midnight. Loud talking, early in the morning, while asleep, knocking her head against the wall; she knows nothing of it on waking. She attempted to talk in a dream, with- out being able to do so, this tormented her. Loud shrieks when asleep, waking from a vivid dream, which she was not able to recollect. Starting from her sleep at midnight. He starts when on the point of falling asleep, and then feels uneasy in his limbs. Starting during the siesta, for several days. At night, when lying on his back or on the right side, he s'arts and utters shrieks, owing to some horrid dream. Nightly starting and shrieking in a dream, he quarrels with a beggar. * Anxious dreams at nigh'. Anxious dreams, as if he could not find his way in his own house. Anxious dream about a fight with robbers. He dreams he had an epileptic fit. Dreams of quarrels and vexation. Dreams of money, pleasure, jokes, and historical events. Anxious, sad dreams of dead relatives, misfortunes, etc. Anxious dream with shrieks, weeping and sobbing. Anxious dreams about fire and burning. Dreams about danger of an inundation. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 149 Fever.—Coldness in the evening, and chills with shaking, continuing for a time even in bed. Cold feeling, in the evening, when undressing, passing off when in bed. Cold feeling, in the evening before lying down, going off in bed. Coldness in the evening when in bed, for a quarter of an hour, as if icy-cold wa- ter were poured over one. Chilliness from morning till evening, four days. Chills, with shaking, in the evening; also when in bed, she was a whole hour without getting warm. Chilliness, when in bed, in the evening, for two hours. Chills, with shaking, in the evening, without feeling cold to the touch; the chills begin at the feet; they go off in bed; next morning, sweat. Chilliness, after a long journey on foot, the whole night, and also early in the morning when near the warm stove. Chilliness along the back, every afternoon from four o'clock till night.—Feverish shuddering down the back, every forenoon at nine o'clock, with some nausea, without any subsequent heat. Shuddering, in the evening when in bed, for a quarter of an hour, without any subsequent heat, sweat or thirst. Thirst after dinner, afterwards chilliness, in the evening burning heat in the face, with cold feet and violent mental excitation.— Warm feeling, with sweat about the head. A warm feeling flows through her whole body. Hot feeling in the body, in the forenoon, frequently going and coming, without either sweat or thirst. Increased feeling of warmth, early in the morning, after rising, lasting until noon. Increased warmth in the body, at night, without sweat. Profuse night-sweat. Morning-sweat, for five days. The child sweats in the evening, when falling asleep. Fetid night-sweat. Sour-smelling, greasy sweat, which it is difficult to wash out, the whole night. Skin.—Great sensitiveness of the scalp and skin of the body, especially to cold; every little breeze gives her a cold thrill, and she shivers through and through.—Dryness of the skin, towards morning, when in bed.—Profuse sweat by day, even when taking but little exercise.—Formication in different parts of the body, especially in the shoulders ; scratching brings out small, clear vesicles, drying up in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, in the afternoon, evening, and morning. Itching of different parts, forehead, face, head, and almost all over, going off by scratching, sometimes with burning after scratching. Violent itching of the whole body, also of single parts ; after scratching the parts, the itching appears in some other part. Itching in different parts, recurring after scratching the parts. Violent itching of the whole body. Burning prickings in different parts of the body. Violent itching of the nates and forearms, in the evening, when undressing; scratching brings on violently-itching pimples, which itch more the more they are scratched. Itching of the shoulders, thighs and neck, in the evening before going to sleep, and early in the morning when dress- ing, with itching pimples after scratching, lasting twenty-four hours.—Large pimples in different parts of the body. Vesicles and pimples, sometimes itch- ing violently, on the neck, nape of the neck, below and in front of the ears, on the arms, and between the fingers.—Large nodosities, with stinging pain, under the skin, in the axilla, and above the elbow-joint. Hard nodosities in front of the left shoulder, deep in the skin, with stinging pain when pressing upon them, as is felt in a boil, with redness. Itching tubercle on the wrist-joint, pouring out clear water when pressing upon it. Small, red, little elevated, smooth herpes, scaling off afterwards, without sensation, on the chest and calves.—Small boils on the forehead, neck, chest, and especially the thighs.—An old cicatrix remain- ing from a burn, changed to a spreading blister, with which he suffered for six weeks. General Symptoms.—Pains in every part of the body, at times in one, at times in another place. Pains over the whole body. Stiffness of the whole body, early in the morning, when rising. Dartings in the nates, the thighs, the 150 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. shoulders, and frequently the face. Parts become easily strained and sprained,- when bending the arm backwards, the shoulder was painful, as from a sprain, and felt bruised when touching it; she was unable to turn her head to the left without suffering great pain.— Uneasiness in the limbs, in the evening, after long sitting.—Relaxed condition of the body. Sudden depression of strength, when walking in the open air. Weak feeling, early in the morning, when in bed.—Great weakness of the lower linibs. Heaviness and great weariness of the limbs, the whole day. Weariness and languor of the thighs, when sitting, worse when walking. Great weakness of the legs, when sitting and when rising from a seat, going off during motion.— Weary and drowsy, at noon, after eating (anything hard to digest); he suddenly drops to sleep while standing or talk- ing, with dulness of the head, completely unfitting him for thinking. Languid and drowsy after supper, with a sort of qualmish feeling in the abdomen. Lan- guid and weary in the whole body, especially the feet.—Hands and feet feel as if they had been broken and crushed, early in the morning, on waking, with tre- mor and weakness; she has to lie dpwn, then she feels better; when getting out of bed she feels cold immediately.—Weak, as if one would fall, after vomit- ing. Great weakness in the whole body, with wretched appearance, and inch. nation to vomit. Very languid in the afternoon, when sitting or walking, less when standing. Weakness, in the evening, she had to lie down. Languid, in- disposed to business or conversation, uncomfortable, early in the morning. Lan- guid, weary, uncomfortable, with anxious warmth and sweat. Languid and tre- mulous, early in the morning when in bed, going off after rising. When waking from a sound sleep, early in the morning, he is nevertheless more fatigued than he was before going to bed.—A kind of paralysis of the left lower limb, with pain in the hip and knee-joint; next day, the right lower and upper limbs became af- fected; when walking, he suffered with pain constantly, and was obliged to turn his foot entirely outwards.—"Frequent sudden falling, with consciousness, when standing or walking. "Epileptic attacks.—"Emaciation of children. Characteristic Peculiarities.—She feels comfortable when in bed; when rising, the darting pains re-commence in different places. After the lapse of three weeks, the symptoms recur with a certain regularity. The symptoms which made their appearance while sitting, diminish while walking. In the open air the symptoms appear to be milder than in the room. 158. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. MAG. MUR.—Muriate of magnesia.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, Vol. IV.—Duration of Action: Seven weeks. Compare with—Aeon., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bry., Cole, Carb. a., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Con. m., Cycl., Fer., Graph., Hyos., Kali, Lye, Magn., Magn. sulph., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Nux mos., Petrol., Plat., Plumb., Puis., Rhus, Sil., Spig., Staph., Squill., Sulph., Sulph. ac, Verat. Antidotes.—Ars.? Cham. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Magnesia mur. is especially suitable for diseases of the female sex, especially for hysteric and spasmodic conditions.—Scrophulosis.?—Diseases of the bones.? —Contractive, boring, spasmodic neuralgia, here and there.—Nervous head- ache.?—Diminution of hearing.—Deafness.?—Soreness and sore pain of the MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 151 nostrils.—Scurf in the nose, which is painful to the touch.—Ulcerated nostrils. —Discharge of an acrid, corrosive fluid from the nose.—Blennorrhoea of the Schneiderian membrane.—Ozaena scrophulosa.—Ozaena benigna; soreness of the inside of the nose, especially of the internal surface of the wings of the nose and the septum, yellow scurf in the nose, discharge of a slimy, acrid fluid from the nose, causing redness and soreness of the upper lip, obstruction of the nose, and inability to breathe through the nose, sore pain and burning, increased by blow- ing the nose, sneezing, or by touching it, swelling, hardness, redness, heat, espe- cially of the lower part of the nose, worse in the morning, with pale, yellowish face.—Crampy, tearing and tensive pains in both the hard and soft parts of the face.—Slow dentition of small children, with bloatedness of the abdomen, and constipation.—Frequent, and even continual nausea, with livid complexion, great nervous irritation, and great disposition to weep.—Want of appetite, with clean tongue, in whooping-cough.—Chronic affections of the stomach and abdomen.— Chronic inflammations of the liver and spleen.?—Nausea of pregnant females, the whole day, without resulting in vomiting; in spite of this nausea they eat certain aliments with appetite, their complexion being livid, with weeping mood. — Induration of the liver, especially of the left lobe, with constant feeling of heaviness and pressure in the abdomen, bad digestion and hypochondriac mood, from badly-managed hepatitis.—Painful distention, and large size of ihe livery especially of the left lobe, of the praecordial region and the abdomen, with dimi- nution of appetite, bitter taste and eructation, flatulence and jaundiced complex- ion.—Spasm in the abdomen, with violent bearing-down upon the rectum and the genital organs.—Delaying menses.—Too scanty menses.—Profuse discharge of a watery, thick mucus from the vagina.—Scirrhous induration of the uterus. —Nightly spasmodic cough from tickling in the throat.—Sweaty feet. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Anxious and fearful, with ennui, in the evening. Fearful and inclining to weep, after dinner. Fearful and grieving, lonesome; she is home-sick and weeps. Anxiousness, in the room, relieved in the open air; early in the morning.— Want of cheerfulness.—Discouragement with internal uneasiness. Out of humour, early in the morning, after rising, also immediate- ly. Vexed, out of humour. Peevish and out of humour, in the evening, cheer- ful during the day. Out of humour, peevish, not disposed to work or to mental labour.—Joyless and like one suffering; whatever she looks at is offensive to her ; she is very unwilling to answer, early in the morning.—Feeling as if one had not slept enough. He was loath to talk ; he was desirous of indulging his thoughts in solitude.—Irresoluteness. ScnSOriuill.—Illusions of the fancy; she imagined Avhile reading in a book, that some one was reading after her and obliged her to read faster, with buzzing and humming around her; when raising her head she imagined she saw large clouds and rocks, disappearing gradually; followed by anguish, fearfulness, restlessness, so that she knew not what to do with herself; all these symptoms disappeared by looking around for a while, but returned again twice by continu- ing to read.—Dulness of the head, as if the head were too full, early in the morning.—Reeling sensation in the head. Stupefaction and dulness of the head, with painful sensitiveness of the left lower limb. Feeling of dulness and intoxication in the head. Dulness and heaviness of the head, the whole forenoon. Dulness of the head, early in the morning, after rising.—Giddy and dull head, at dinner; she has to go into the open air, where the symptom passes off; heat in the head, after returning to the room. Vertigo, early in the morning, when rising; he inclines to fall. Giddy and reeling sensation, going off after motion, 152 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. early in the morning. Vertigo, even when walking in the room, and when lowering the head ever so little. Head.—"Headache every day.—Headache early in the morning, as if she had not slept enough, with languor and weariness of the feet. Dull pain in the head, with sensitiveness of the scalp when touching it, and sore burning pain in the eyes, after dinner. Pain in the forehead, as if too heavy, in the afternoon. Heaviness in the occiput. Heaviness and reeling sensation in the head, he is in danger of falling. Heaviness and dulness of the head.—Pain, as if the brain were pressing against the forehead. Pressure in the forehead, when stooping, as if the brain would fall out, in the evening. Pressure in the forehead and the forepart of the head, with confused and cloudy state of the head, the whole fore- noon, worst on waking. Pressure in the frontal cavities, extending to the fore- part of the head, where he feels a burrowing sensation; he got into a perspiration by strong exercise, after which the pain went off. Pressure in the occiput. A good deal of pressure, sharp and crampy, especially on the top of the head and in the occiput, (the whole time of proving).—Compressive sensation in the head, from both sides, with a hot feeling, and with beating in the forehead when pressing upon it.—Violent, tearing pain in the left temple. Tearing pain in the left side of the head. Tearing from the occiput to the vertex. Painful tearing in the right side of the head, from without inwards, extending to the eye ; afterwards the place continued painful for a long time. Tearing and feel- ing of heaviness in the forehead, in the evening. Tearing in the left side of the forehead, and farther back, stitches. Tearing and stitches in the forehead, dur- ing motion, in the evening. Violent tearing and stitches in the forehead and temples, obliging him to lie down, with great sensitiveness of the vertex, as if the hair were raised by pulling them ; accompanied by a feeling of heat in the forehead which feels rather cold than hot. Tearing, or stitch and tearing in the forehead, when stooping while sitting, frequently accompanied by stitches in the head. Tearing and stitches in both sides of the head, the whole day. Painful darting tearing in the right side of the occiput. Throbbing tearing, first in the occiput, then in the whole head, after entering the room; going off when sitting. Throbbing tearing from the occiput towards the vertex.—Fre- quent stitches in the middle of the forehead, in the evening. Stitches from be- hind the right frontal eminence to near the ear, from within outwards. Stitches in the left side of the head and the occiput. Stitches in the right occipital pro- tuberance. A stitch in the right side of the occiput, followed by burning in that part. Violent stitches in the right side of the vertex. A violent stitch in the upper part of the right side of the head, frequently recurring (during the menses). Violent stitch in the upper part of the left side of the head, causing her to start, Stitches and tearing in the right side of the head, extending as far as the eye, which she is obliged to close. Dull stitches in the right side of the head, with ill-humour. Dull stitches in the left side of the head, from within outwards. A few dull stitches in the region of the left parietal bone, when bending the trunk to the right side, with boring near the left ear. Dart- ing stitches in the right side of the occiput and deep in the forehead.—Boring in the left side of the head, in the evening.—Throbbing and beating in the left side of the head, with hot feeling and heaviness in the forehead. Throbbing and heaviness in the occiput, early in the morning, after rising, (during the menses). Throbbing in the occiput and afterwards in the whole head, when raising the head after stooping, and afterwards.—Painful undulating sensation in the head, with pressure in the occiput, going off in the open air and returning in the room. Whizzing as of boiling water, in that side of the head on which he was resting, early in the morning, when in bed, not painful. G riping and MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 153 tumult (roaring) in the temples, in the evening after lying down, as if vertigo and loss of consciousness would come on ; relieved by pressing the head together.— Hot feeling and burning at a small spot behind the right frontal eminence. In- crease of warmth in the whole head. Hot feeling in the forehead, over the left eye, with throbbing in the whole head, and dimness of sight. Frequent flushes of heat in the head. Heat and undulating sensation in the head, with heat and sweat of the whole body, afternoon and evening, (during the menses). Heat in the head after dinner, apparently proceeding from the stomach, better in the open air. Heat in the head, with redness of face, without any external warmth, but with internal shuddering and desire for stool. Continual feeling of heat in the head, mouth and throat, with hot breath, during a cold, for 8 days.—The headache is alleviated by wrapping up the head. Scalp.—Numbness of the forehead. Sore pain of the vertex, when touched or not. Great painfulness of the outer parts of the head, when touching them, or when stooping. Drawing in different parts of the outer head, also extending into the ears, teeth and half the face, which makes the head feel confused ; the pains diminish after sneezing. Large nodosity on the occiput, with tearing all around, especially painful to the touch. Eyes.—Aching in the eyes and the canthi. Pressure in the eyes, as if from dust, with dimness of sight. Pressure in the eyes, especially the left, as if from a grain of sand, going off for a short while by friction. Pain as from bruises in the lower border of the orbit. Stitches in the right internal canthus, pressing out tears. Continual stitches and burning in the eyes. Itching of the left up- per eyelid. Itching of the eyes. Itching of the internal canthus of the right eye, going off by friction, soon afterwards affecting the left eye.—Burning in the eyes, and great sensitiveness of the same, so that she is unable to open them, and has to close them again immediately, cannot bear the light of the sun. Vio- lent burning in the eyes, especially when looking at the light. Burning and dry- ness in the eyes, in the evening, when looking in the fire.—The capillaries of the eyes appear injected.—Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure, biting, burning, especially when looking at the light; in the evening there was lachrymation, in the day-time they filled with gum; the lids were swollen and red, with nightly agglutination.—Agglutination of the eyes early in the morning, with burning when opening them.—Great dryness of the eyelids, especially early in the morn- ing, and after the siesta.—Twitching in the upper eyelids, which were swollen, heavy, and half closed.—Dim-sightedness, with burning of the eyes. Dim- sightedness, with vanishing of sight, when looking at anything near; she sees better when looking at things at a distance.—In the evening, the light is sur- rounded with a green halo (while the eyes were inflamed). Ear.—Painless darting in the ear. Darling tearing in the left ear. Tear- ing in and near the left ear. Stitches in the ears. Painful stitches at times in one, at times in the other ear. Frequent stitches and tearing in the left ear, when inclining the body to the right side; they cause one to start. Stick- ing boring in the ears. Boring and *pulsative throbbing in the right ear. Tickling in the ears, going off by boring into them with the finger. Agreeable warmth and tickling in the right ear.—Violent roaring in the ears.—Fluttering in the right ear. Sensation as if her ear had become closed, without producing any hard hearing, going off by boring into the ear with the finger, (during the menses). Sensation in the ears as if something were stretched across, with di- minution of hearing, and burning and humming in the head. Almost complete deafness of both ears, particularly of the left, frequently decreasing and increas- ing.—Ilchiig of the old herpes behind the ears, with burning after scratching. IVose.—Violent tearing in the upper part of the nasal cavities, causing lachry- 154 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. mation. * Burning of both nasal cavities as if sore. "Redness and swelling of the lower portion of the nose, (with hardness, heat and morning aggravation,) redness and swelling of the right wing, painful when touched. *Sore pain of the inner nose. *Scurf in both nostrils, intensely painful when touched, with loss of smell. * Ulcerated nostrils. Soreness of the nostrils. Small vesicles on the nose, feeling tight when touching them.—Bleeding from the nose, when blowing it.—Dull smell. "Troublesome dryness of the nose.— Tickling in the nose, with lachrymation. Tickling in the nose, with sneezing and sensation of coryza. Frequent sneezing with discharge of water from the nose.—Oppressive sensation of obstruction in the nose. Obstruction of the nose, early in the morning arid evening. Obstruction of the left nostril. Coryza, with obstruc- tion of the nose, and catarrhal sound of voice. The nose is so obstructed that the air passes through the nose with a wheezing sound. A quantity of mucus is discharged from the nose. Violent coryza, with hoarseness and feeling of ob- struction in the nose, which discharges a quantity of water, for several days. Severe coryza, at times dry, at times fluent, with dulness of the head, and com- plete loss of smell and taste, for two days. Discharge of fetid, purulent, yellow nasal mucus. Catarrhal mucus, mixed with little particles of blood. "Discharge of acrid, corrosive water from the nose. In the evening, when in bed, she has to sit up a long time, owing to the coryza; she cannot he down, nor fall asleep, and has to open her mouth widely, in order to get air. Face.—Pale complexion, especially during the menses, with sadness and irri- tability. Miserable sickly appearance. Pale face. Pale, bilious complexion. Considerable yellowness of the face, especially of the white of the eye, and around the eye. Red face, with increased warmth of the forehead, and palms of the hands, in the evening.—Hot feeling in the face, without any warmth being perceptible to the touch, in the afternoon. Severe cramp-pain in the bones of the face. Tensive feeling in the face. Tensive pain in the region of the right malar bone.—Tearing, extending from the right malar bone to the side of the head.—Tearings in both sides of the lower jaw and the roots of the teeth, across the face, as far as in front of the ear, where the pain became darting.—Stitch in the right cheek. Pimples on the forehead, with itching in the evening, becom- ing worse by friction.—A spot in the region of the malar bone, full of yellowish pimples, with drawing, tingling, throbbing pains, and becoming covered with scurf.—Feeling of pressure under the left lower jaw, as if the glands were swol- len. Inflammatory swelling of the left submaxillary gland.—Chapped lips, especially the upper lip. When touching the inner side of the upper lip with the tongue, it feels rough, during a cold. Blister on the margin of the ver- milion border of the lower lip, first itching, afterwards burning. Large, clear vesicles on the vermilion border of the upper lip, tensive and burning. White pimples on the inner side of the upper lip. Pimple near the corner of the mouth. Large blotch in the skin, between the upper lip and nose, painless. Teeth.—Drawing toothache. Darting in the teeth of the right side, in the evening, with sensation as if the cheek would swell.—Frequent tearings in the upper front teeth. Tearing in the right cuspidatus, extending into the malar bone, going off by pressing upon it. Tearing in a sound molar tooth, at dinner. Tearing in a lower molar tooth, going off by pressing on the tooth.—Tearing and boring in a hollow molar tooth, with stitching pain when touching the cheek, relieved in the open air and by cold, aggravated by warm substances.—Boring in several molar teeth, relieved only for a short time by pressing upon them. Digging, in the molar tooth, as of a worm, going off by pressing upon it; after- wards tearing in a hollow molar tooth. Digging, frequently intermitting, and sometimes a tearing in the last but one molar" tooth, relieved by warmth; ag- MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 155 gravated by cwld, or when biting upon it and when touched by food, early in the morning and after dinner.—Throbbing in the root of a tooth.— The upper cm- pidati feel elongated, and are very sensitive to pain.—The upper gums are swollen and painful, especially when eating, with throbbing in the gums. Pain- ful swelling of the lower gums and cheek.—Bleeding of the gums. Mouth.—The inner mouth feels burnt and numb, early in the morning, (dur- ing the menses).—Violent pricking in the tongue, frequently, followed by burn- ing, during a cold. Burning sensation on the tongue, early in the morning and afternoon. Sensation as if the surface of the tongue were burnt, during a cold. —Rhagades in the tongue, with violent burning pain.—Tongue^ coated white, early in the morning.—Dryness in the mouth and throaty early in the evening, without thirst. Great dryness of the mouth, with sensation as if mouth and tongue were covered with mucus. A quantity of mucus in the mouth and teeth with slimy taste. Mucus in the mouth and on the tongue, almost every morn- ing.—Accumulation of water in the mouth, before and during the dryness, or with frequent spitting. Hot air from the mouth. Pharynx.—Sore throat, feeling raw at the entrance of the pharynx, with stitches when coughing and swallowing saliva, which go into the ears ; worse in the evening. Stinging sore throat, in the upper part of the fauces, when breath- ing and talking, in the evening and at night.—Prickings in the palate. Sting- ing in the left side of the throat, worse when swallowing. Sore throat, worse when swallowing, (during a cold). Her throat feels so dry, that she is not able to eat any bread. Dryness and roughness of the throat, with hoarse voice, so that she was scarcely able to talk, (shortly). Hawking of tough mucus, early in the morning, some mornings in succession. Frequent hawking of sour mucus accumulating in the throat. Hawking up of thick, tough mucus, in threads, early in the morning, after rising. Quantity of tough mucus gets into her throat, with difficulty of hawking it up, early in the morning. Mucus in the throat, which appeared bloody when hawking it up. Appetite and Taste.—Watery taste in the mouth, with much spitting of water. Pappy taste early in the morning. Saltish taste, and accumulation of salt saliva. Bitter taste in the back-part of the mouth, also early in the mor- ning, when beginning to eat, disappearing by continuing to eat. Sour taste in the throat, in the afternoon. Sour or slimy taste, with coated tongue, early in the morning.—No hunger, in the evening. No appetite, the whole day, she did not eat with appetite till night.—Increased appetite. Canine hunger and vio- lent feeling of hunger in the stomach, followed by great nausea. Appetite, without knowing for what, not for her usual nourishment. Appetite for dinner, but she is satisfied immediately. Disposition to nibble ; seeing a piece of cake, he breaks something off stealthily, in order to eat it.— Thirst at three o'clock in the morning, with dryness in the mouth and throat. Thirst, in the forenoon. Thirst, after dinner. Thirst, in the evening. Thirst, before and after midnight. Violent thirst, day and night, during a cold. Gastric Symptoms.—A good deal of acidity in the stomach, after dinner. Distention of the abdomen, after dinner. Desire to sleep after dinner, the whole body starts on going to sleep.—Rising of air after dinner. Frequent, empty risings in the afternoon. Empty risings, followed by a stitch above the xiphoid cartilage. Rising of white foam. Eructation, tasting of onion (after a spasm). Frequent eructations tasting of the ingesta.—Eructations with re- gurgitation of the ingesta, after a meal, when walking. Sour regurgitation of the ingesta, especially milk, after dinner, mostly when walking. Bitter-sour eructations. Violent hiccough, during dinner, causing a pain in the stomach. Violent hiccough, after dinner. Frequent nausea.—*Nausea, early in the 156 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. morning, after rising. Frequent or constant nausea, with livid complexion, violent nervousness and great inclination to weep. Fainting nausea, short but frequent when sitting, lying, standing, or walking, three days and nights. Fainting nausea, followed by coldness and weakness of the stomach, with gulping up of water, early in the morning- Frequent nausea, with accu- mulation of water in the mouth.—Loathing in the stomach the whole forenoon. Inclination to vomit, with rising of sour water, early in the morning after rising. Stomach.—Painful sensation as of fasting, early in the morning. Great qualmishness in the stomach, with rumbling in the abdomen, going off after breakfast. Pain and tremor in the region of the stomach, when walking and setting down the foot, even when talking, which she had to discontinue.—Fre- quent pressure in the stomach, extending to the throat and back. Pressure in the stomach, extending to the chest and throat as if caused by flatulence, reliev- ed only for a short while by eructations. Violent pressure in the stomach, with nausea. Pressure in the stomach, going off by eructation.—Tension iu the re- gion of the stomach, with ulcerative pain, especially when touching the parts and in the evening, after lying down. Ulcerative pain in the stomach, which cannot be alleviated in whatever position of the body it be, in the afternoon. At one o'clock in the night, she is roused from sleep by a pain in the stomach as if it were cut to pieces; when extending the body this pain extends over the whole abdomen and hypogastrium, with heat in the head, rising into the throat of a ball, with suffocative arrest of breath, and tossing about in the bed and on the floor, for two hours ; the pain is at last relieved by eructation ; during the pain she has to lie crooked and could not endure any covering. Pain, as from bruises, in the stomach, with painful sensitiveness of the region of the stomach when touching it. Pain, as from bruises, in the stomach, when bending the bo- dy over, with tension when raising it.—Frequent and painful stitches in the left side of the stomach. Stitches across the region of the stomach.—Cutting pain in the right side of the stomach, which feels sore when touched. Heat, in the stomach, shortly.—Movement of flatulence in the region of the stomach, after- wards in the hypogastrium, relieved by emission of flatulence.—Gurgling in the pit of the stomach, going off by friction and pressure.— Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, with dulness in the head. Hypochondria.—Sharp drawing in the region of the liver. "Aching of the liver; even when walking or touching the part, worst when lying on that side.—Burning and tensive stitches in the right hypochondrium, reliev- ed by pressing on the part. Dull stitch in the region of the lower right rib, close to the back. Prickings, between the right ribs. "Chronic hepatitis.— Stitches in the left hypochondrium. Violent, painful stitches in the left hypo- chondrium, resembling splenetic stitches, in the afternoon, when walking, worte during an inspiration and going off when sitting (during the menses). Abdomen.—Colic at 4 o'clock in the afternoon; two days in succession. Violent colic, early in the morning, with desire for stool, which was hard and came out in pieces, with burning at the anus. Pain in the abdomen, in the after- noon, with bearing down upon the rectum; soon afterwards soft stool surround- ed with white mucus.—Feeling of pressure in the abdomen, (during the men- ses). Pressure in the left side of the abdomen.—Drawing pain in the abdo- men, at night and in day-time, during every motion, even slight, as if something became detached. Drawing and tearing in the abdomen, at night, on waking. Tearing in the abdomen, in the evening, until one falls asleep. Tearing in the abdomen, the whole forenoon. — Contractive pain in the umbilical region. *Spasms in the abdomen, -with violent pressing upon the rectum and the geni MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 157 tal organs, accompanied by lowness of spirits and ill-humour. Spasms and tearing in the abdomen, several evenings in succession, until one falls asleep. Spasmo- dic drawing and tearing in the abdomen from below upwards as far as the right side of the chest, where one experiences a spasmodic, constrictive griping, with oppressed breathing, for 5 hours ; made worse by eating cherries, alleviated by pressing on the parts with the hand, in the evening—Fulness of the abdomen, after a meal. ^Distended abdomen, -relieved by emission of flatulence. "Con- stant distention of the abdomen, extending high up. Considerable distention of the abdomen, extending even into the throat, with arrest of breath and an- guish, from afternoon till night.—*Hard abdomen particularly in the right side, -or painful when touched, with disagreeable pressure on the rectum.—Pinching in the epigastrium, relieved by the emission of flatulence; afterwards sudden desire for stool, resulting merely in an emission of flatulence. Pinching in the abdomen, as if the menses would come on. Violent pinching around the navel, extending towards the stomach, after a meal; relieved by emission of flatulence. Pinching and cutting below the umbilicus, with shuddering over the back, af- terwards heat in the head and desire for stool, at noon. Pinching and tearing in the abdomen, also after stool. Pinching around the umbilicus and bearing down towards the small of the back, afterwards sudden desire for stool, and soft, yellow stool, mingled with a piece of taenia. Pinching in the abdomen, early in the morning, after rising ; afterwards diarrhoea accompanied and succeeded by burning at the rectum ; afterwards again diarrhoea mixed with blood.— Cutting in the epigastrium as after a cathartic, extending into the small of the back, early in the morning. Cutting sensation in a small place of the left hypochon- driac region, early in the morning. Cutting and pinching in the epigastrium, with sensation as if something hard were lying over the stomach. Cutting in the abdomen, below the umbilicus, in frequent paroxyms. Frightful cutting in the abdomen, suddenly, she had to sit stooping. Cutting in the abdomen, early in the morning, when in bed, with desire for stool, relieved by emission of fla- tulence. Cutting in the abdomen, after breakfast, with frequent emission of flatulence, followed by unsuccessful tenesmus, afterwards soft stool, with cessa- tion of the pain. Cutting in the whole abdomen, almost the whole day.—Dig- ging sensation in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on. Weak feeling in the abdomen. Feeling of looseness and digging about in the abdomen, as if the intestines had no support. Accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen, distending it in different places'. Continual shifting of flatulence, in the epigas- trium and hypogastrium. Rumbling in the abdomen, with bearing down to- wards the small of the back. Fermentation in the abdomen. Rumbling and pinching in the whole abdomen, followed by soft stool. Grumbling in the ab- domen, before a meal. Constant formation of flatulence. Frequent emission of flatulence. Hot feeling in the abdominal integuments, with burning at the anus, and sensitiveness of the rectum after stool. Frequent stitches in the left lumbar region. Stitch in the right iliac region, followed by pain as if from bruises, increased by pressing on the part. Sticking pain in the left iliac re- gion, with hardness and distention of the abdomen. Stool.—Constipation. No stool for sixty-four hours, after this lapse of time the stool is easily expelled, with prickings in the rectum. Urgent desire for stool; nevertheless she has to press hard, before she succeeds in expelling a small quantity of soft faeces; after this she experienced a shuddering for a short time. Constant pressure on the rectum, without anything being passed, as if the faeces were receding into the rectum ; this is followed by a short shuddering. Pressure on the rectum, the whole day, only flatulence, or burning flatulence be- ing passed. Frequent desire for stool; nothing, however, is passed except a 158 MAGNESLA MURIATICA. small quantity of thin and slippery faeces. Frequent and severe pressure on the rectum, with colic, almost the whole day. Frequent desire for stool, but little being passed. *Hard, difficult stool. Hard stool, with pain as from excoriation in the anus. *Hard, knotty stool, with pain in the rectum when passing it. Very hard, knotty stool, followed by softer stool, encircled by yellow mucus. A small quantify of hard, knotty stool, like sheep's dung. She went to stool in great haste, it came out in small pieces, and seemed as if burnt, with sticking pain in the rectum, and afterwards burning at the anus. Hard, knotty stool, encircled with thick mucus. Hard stool, surrounded with streaks of blood. Stool is for many days composed of hard pieces, then soft or liquid. Stool first scanty and of a large size, followed by desire for stool which is soft; afterwards she feels unwell, with relaxation of the abdomen, and thence extending over the whole body; she has frequently to lie down. Two stools, harder than usual, the first time he had to strain more. Four stools within an hour, the first being hard, the succeeding ones diarrhoeic, with soreness of the rectum, and cutting pain in the abdomen, which sometimes continues between the stools. Stool, the first part of which is hard, then soft, with burning at the anus and violent stitches, externally, in both hypochondriac regions, with contractive pain in the stomach, extending into the back. Pain, as from excoriation, in the rectum, after a soft stool.—Soft stool, followed by burning at the anus and tenesmus. Another soft stool, with shuddering over the whole body, followed by burning at the anus and sensitiveness of the rectum. Soft stool, with colic, early in the morning, after great anxiousness and vertigo. Violent desire for stool, which was liquid, at noon. Diarrhoeic stool, three times in succession, with cutting in the whole abdomen. Violent, irresistible desire for stool; tenesmus, with small pieces of soft, then thin stool, accompanied by shuddering and colic. Liquid stool, jerking out with force, followed by tenesmus and burning at the rectum, and constant desire for stool, resulting in the discharge of a small additional quantity of thin stool. Frequent diarrhoeic stools, every day, with expulsion of a small quantity of liquid, brown stool. Several greenish, papescent stools. Several attacks of diarrhoea, with discharge of mucus and blood, and tenesmus of the rectum. Sensation as if flatulence would pass off; in the place of which soft stool is emitted. "Chronic disposition to diarrhoea. "Discharge of taenia. Pinching in the abdomen, previous to stool.—Burning at the anus, and pain, as from excoriation, during and after stool. Pain of the varices during good, not too hard stool.—Nausea and accumulation of water in the mouth, after stool. Drawing pain in the loins after stool. Colic and itching of the anus, after a good stool. Violent pain in the abdomen, at every motion, after stool. Re- newed desire for stool, after an evacuation. Renewed pressure on the rectum, after diarrhoea, as if more would come; only mucus, however, is passed. Burn- ing at the anus, after a natural stool. Stinging in the rectum, (in a few hours). Piercing stitch in the rectum, extending into the abdomen. Burning at the rectum, high up. Prolapsus recti, during stool. Stitches in the perimeum. Urinary Organs.— The urine can only be emitted by bearing fitown with the abdominal muscles. Pressure on the bladder, with scanty emission and burning in the urethra. Frequent micturition, in day-time, always scanty. She had to rise five times in the night for the purpose of urinating, and emitted but a small quantity each time.—When urinating, he does not feel that there is any urine passing through the urethra.—Sensation as if he were not able to retain the urine. Unexpected desire to urinate when walking; when stopping for the pur- pose of urinating, no urine was passed. Rare and scanty emission of urine. The urine is emitted drop by drop, and some remains behind all the time. Frequent micturition, with burning in the urethra, and frequent erection.— MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 159 Urine pale-yellow, followed by burning in the urethra. The urine looks as if it had been mixed with yeast, and deposits a cloudy sediment. Male Genital Organs.—Excessive itching around the genital organs, and on the scrotum, extending as far as the anus; profuse sweat of the scrotum in the evening and night, and an emission of semen. Itching of the glands, in the evening, when going to sleep. Itching of the scrotum and the lower portion of the penis ; he had to rub a good deal, after which the itching subsided. Erec- tion, early in the morning, in bed, with burning in the penis. Stitches in the mons veneris, towards evening, or with inclination for an embrace, or also without. After an embrace in the evening, he feels a burning pain in the back early in the morning, which rouses him from sleep, becomes more and more violent when at rest, decreases during motion, and passes off entirely after rising.—Dull, dis- tressing pain, the whole day, in the spermatic cord, the small of the back, and the testicles, when touching them while moving about, after a violent erection which was not relieved by an embrace. Relaxed scrotum. Frequent pollutions, even two days in succession. Female Genital Organs.—*Uterine spasms, "also extending to the thighs and occasioning leucorrhcea. "Scirrhous indurations of the uterus.—Some dis- charge of blood, five days previous to the menses. Menses two days too soon, two days longer and more profuse than usual. Re-appearance of the menses in a woman of fifty years, who had not had her menses for seven months past, with some pain in the small of the back. Discharge of black clots of menstrual blood, more when sitting than when walking. The menses are more profuse than usual, but painless, and five days before the time. The menses are scanty the first days, but more profuse and constant the fourth and fifth. The menses delay four days, with violent pain in the small of the back, and somewhat shorter than usual. Menses delay eleven days, first watery, then coloured, with pressing downwards in the iliac regions, and frequent yawning.—She is very much excited the day preceding the appearance of the menses.—During the first two days of the menses, she feels faint even unto swooning, her lower limbs feel weary and she is unable to fall asleep until late. The menses become more and more profuse, with pain in the small of the back and thighs, the pain in the small of the back being more violent when walking, the pain in the thighs when sitting. Constant yawning during the menses.—^Leucorrhoza, -early in the morning, after urinating. Profuse leucorrhcea, continuing for eight days, almost without intermission. Leucorrhcea, immediately after stool. *Abdominal spasms, followed by leucorrhcea. Watery leucorrhoea. Thick leucorrhcea, fol- lowed immediately after by discharge of blood, fourteen days previous to the regular period of the menses, and three days previous to full moon. Larynx.—Hoarseness, every day in the morning, after rising. Hoarseness, with a sore feeling in the throat and chest. Sudden, violent hoarseness, with dry cough and pressure on the chest, during rough weather. Roughness and dryness of the larynx. Heat and dryness of the larynx.—Cough, with some expectoration. Cough, with tingling in the larynx, with discharge of mucus.— Dry cough, mostly only evening and night. Frequent attacks of dry cough at night, she has to raise herself when coughing. Short fits of cough, followed by dull, aching pain in the chest. Dry cough, with pains in the region of the pha- rynx. l Nightly spasmodic cough, from titillation in the throat!—Cough, from tingling in the pit of the throat, with discharge of tough mucus, tasting like grease. Deep, rough, fatiguing cough, with rough voice, wheezing in the throat, and slight expectoration of a salt-sweetish mucus; also at night, even unto retching. Cough, with discharge of gray, salt mucus, from scraping in the throat, or itching in the chest. Bloody expectoration, brought on by sea-bath- 160 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. ing.—Ulcerative pain in the chest, when coughing, evening and night. Sore pain in the chest, when coughing; she dreads coughing, although coughing re- lieves her. Violent burning in the chest, when coughing. Chest.—Her chest feels worse in the open air; every inspiration brings on a fit of cough. Want of breath, when going up hill. Oppressed breathing, greater after a meal than in the forenoon. Contraction of the chest, with oppressed breathing and dull stitches, from without inwards, in the right side of the chest near the nipple, after supper. Tensive pain in the chest, most acute during a deep inspiration.—Congestion of blood to the chest, from bathing in the sea, or when walking in the open air. Sudden heaviness on the chest, during dinner, with arrest of breathing, nausea, accumulation of water in the mouth, heat in the face, spasmodic pressure under the tongue, as if it would be pressed upwards, with inclination to eructations ; she had to open her dress and walk into the open air; the attack lasted a quarter of an hour, and ended in a chill.—Violent ach- ing pain in the chest.—Constrictive pain in the chest and scapulae.—Dull stitches under the right chest. Stitches deep in the right chest, as from a, point- ed body. Stitches, deep in the left side of the chest. Stitches in the left side of the chest, from without inwards, with soreness when touching the parts.— Considerable burning and throbbing in the chest, at times in one, at times in another place.—Stitches in the heart, arresting her breath. Palpitation of the heart, when sitting, for three days, or when rising from a seat, going off during motion. Violent palpitation of the heart, with pulsation in all the arteries. Oppression of the heart, (immediately). Dull, aching pain, externally, in the xiphoid cartilage. Fine stitches, externally, in the upper part of the left side of the chest. Pressure from the left clavicle into one of the lower molares, in the crown of which a tingling sensation was experienced. Tension across the chest proceeding from the pit of the right axilla. Back.—Pain in the small of the back. When turning the body rapidly, he suddenly feels a dull pain in the small of the back; during the day this same pain is more felt when sitting or lying. Pain, as from bruises, above and iy, the small of the back and both hips, with sensitiveness of the parts, when touch- ing them, for several days. Pain in the small of the back, as if the parts were broken, when stooping, or stretching the limbs. Contractive cramp-pain in the small of the back. Incisive pressure in the region of the small of the back. Tearing and burning in the small of the back and hips, afternoon and night. Dull stitches, with tearing, in the small of the back, going off by pressing on the parts. Gnawing pain in the small of the back and the whole back, in the evening, after lying down; the pain appears to be in the marrow' and extends to the throat, so that she is unable to sleep from pain, and has to toss from side to side constantly. Paralytic sensation in the small of the back, in the evening. —Severe pain as from bruises, in the back, (during the menses,) or in the whole vertebral column, at night. Pain as from bruises, and burning, between the, shoulders. Burning, and still more stinging, in the whole back, apparently in the marrow; afterwards boring stitches between the shoulders, alleviated by motion. Severe burning pain and constant itching of the back.—Tension be- tween the shoulders and down the back. Tearing between the shoulders. Vio- lent tearing in both scapulae. Tearing first in the right scapula, afterwards in the hip. Aching pain in the region of the right scapula, across the shoulder, extending to the clavicle; worse when moving the arm or head, relieved by pressing on the parts—Tearing in the nape of the neck, and in the right shoulder alorg the external _ sur ace of the arm. Tensive, drawing pain, in the tendons (muscles) of the right side of the neck. Small glandular swellings on the left side of the neck, tensive during motion, and painful when pressing on the part MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 161 Superior Extremities.—The shoulder-joint is so painful, that she is not able to raise her arm close to the face. Pain in the left shoulder-joint, as if broken. Violent pain in the left shoulder-joint, it felt heavy; she dared not move her arm, although this made the pain go off; afterwards the place conti- nued to be sensitive to pain, even when not touched.—Pressure on the left shoulder. Feeling as if a wedge had penetrated her left shoulder, she imagined she was not able to move the arm; nevertheless she felt nothing when moving it. Dull drawing pain in the left shoulder. Drawing and tearing in the left shoulder-joint, most painful during motion. Drawing, slicking pains in the left shoulder-joint, and alternately in the right, most painful when raising the arm. Tearing in the shoulder. Tearing in the right shoulder-joint, extending as far as the scapula, when pressing the arm downwards. Tearing, extending from the right shoulder down to the tips of the fingers, so violent that she cannot raise her arm. Stitches and burning in the region of the left shoulder, down to the hip. Throbbing pain in the right shoulder.—Jactitation of the biceps muscle of both arms, as if something alive were jumping about in them. Tear- ing in the surface of the right arm, with sensation as if gone to sleep, down to the fingers, early in the morning, when lying on the left side, going off by fric- tion. Tearing, from the right shoulder to the palm of the hand. Burning, from the shoulders to the fingers and scapulas. *The arms, particularly the right arm and fingers, go to sleep, early in the morning, when in bed, when lying on the left side.—Pain, as from bruises, in the left upper arm, and a stitch in the elbow-joint, with sensation as if the arm were dislocated, in the evening, after lying down. Tearing in the upper arms, apparently in the marrow. Tearing in the muscles of the right upper arm.—Violent tearing in the right elbow-joint.—Painful transitory tearings in the left lower arm, meandering be- tween the skin and flesh. Tearing around the right lower arm, in a small circular band near the wrist-joint, going off only for a short while by pressing on the part. Tearing in the inner surface of the right lower arm, extending as far as the thumb. Violent tearing behind the left wrist-joint, and in the direction of the index-finger. Both lower arms go to sleep, early in the morning, after ris- ing. Burning pain and continual itching of the lower arms. Burning, painful red spot behind the styloid process of the ulna.—Excrescence on the right wrist-joint.—Drawing pain in the right hand. Violent tearing in the metacar- pal bone of the right ring-finger. Tearing in the right hand. Tearing and sticking pain in the ball of the right thumb, in the evening, when in bed. Tear- ing in the right thumb. Tearing in the right middle and ring-finger. Tearing in the distal extremity of the first phalangeal bone of the left index-finger, going off by pressing on the part. Darting tearing on the left index and middle finger, extending from the middle joint to the tip and nail. Prickings in the tips of the fingers, going off by friction. Burning prickling in the tips of the fingers. Numbness and insensibility of the tips of the fingers, going off by friction. Inferior Extremities.—Sensitiveness of the hips to contact, for some time. Tearing pain in the right hip, extending to the knee. Tearing in the right hip, in the evening, after lying down; the parts are so painful that she cannot lie still; she fools most comfortable by lying on the sound side. Tearing in the right hip-joint; when pressing and rubbing the parts, the pain is felt lower down, in the evening, when in bed. Tearing in the right hip, apparently in the marrow, in the evening, when in bed. Violent, darting tearing, obliging one to scream, in the posterior parts of the hip-joints, frequently intermitting, in the evening, when in bed. Tearing and pain, as from bruises, in the right hip, aggra- vated by walking, early in the morning. Throbbing in the left hip. Burning on the posterior parts of the right hip. Pain, as from bruises, in the nates, vol. 11. 11 162 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. whether touching them or not, day and night. Tearing in the nates, when walking, less when sitting. Violent twitching in the right buttock. Itching or itching burning on the bend of the thigh.—The bones of the lower limbs are very painful when walking. Pain, as from bruises, in the left thigh, as if it would break, in the evening. Tension in the lower limbs, as if the muscles were too short, going off by continued walking.—Pain, as after riding on horseback, in the muscles of the thighs. Violent pain in the middle of the thighs, early in the morning, when in bed, (immediately before the menses). Spasmodic cramp- pain of the inner side of the right thigh, early in the morning. Tensive tear- ings above the bend of the left knee. Sudden and painful stitches in the thigh, from time to time, which oblige him to draw up his leg. Uneasiness and rigid sensation in the thighs, frequently obliging him to move his legs, in order to find relief. Violent pain, as from bruises, in the middle of both thighs, in the even- ing, after lying down, hindering sleep for a long while. Weakness in the thighs, ■when standing, going off when walking. Itching of the thighs, scratching brings on small pimples.—Tearing in the knees. Itching in the knees, at times in the right, at times in the left knee. Violent tearing, deep in the right knee. Stitches under the left knee. Weakness of the right knee, with sensation as if something were tied around it.—Drawing along the tibia down to the foot. Tearing in the left leg (during the menses). Transitory, very keen pain in the region of a fracture of the tibia, which happened 12 years ago, as if it would break again. Tension and tearing in the right calf. Cramp of the calf when walking. Cramp in the calves, the whole night, which leaves a pain in the parts that prevents him from walking the next day. Twitchings in both oalves, without pain. Tearing in the calves from below upwards, when stand- ing. Tearing in the right calf, from above downwards, down to the heel, in the evening. Paralytic pain, as from bruises, in both calves and in the dorsum of the foot, in the evening when in bed, (during the men.-os;.—Heaviness of the legs and feet, early in the morning, Avhen in bed. Thc*riJs of the nipples. — Corrosive watery coryza.—Dry coryza with obstruc- tion of the nose.—Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the la- rynx, with fluent coryza, catarrhal inflammation of the eyes, hoarseness and roughness of voice, dry, scraping cough, with constant tit-illation, with or with- vol. n. 14 210 MERCURIUS. out fever.—Inflammatory catarrhal fever—Chronic hoarseness and aphonia.— Burning and tickling in the larynx. Phthisis laryngea and trachealis —Phthisis trachealis from syphilis.—Acute and chronic bronchitis.—Influenza.—Influenza with debility, hoarseness, pain in the head, neck and chest, profuse sweats, pa- ralytic weakness, hoarseness, roughness of voice, dry scraping cough, exciting a feeling of soreness in the larynx, copious sweat affording no relief, and remittent fever —Short, dry and hacking cough—Rough dry cough, with feeling of dry- ness in the chest.—Violent concussive dry cough.—Spasmodic cough with retch- ing.—Hsemoptysis.—Cough with bloody and purulent expectoration.—Con- sumption of the lungs in the first stage.—Incipient tuberculous consumption.— Tuberculous phthisis, even when the tubercles commence to soften, with occa- sional fits of hemoptysis.—Asthma during motion.—Asthmatic symptoms and spasms of the chest, brought on by inspiring the fumes of copper.—Stinging, aching, burning soreness in the chest.—Pleurisy.—Pneumonia.—Hydrothorax. • ' Palpitation of the heart.—Inflammation' of the vertebra?.—Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck and neck.—Induration of the cervical glands.—Rheu- matic and arthritic pains in the upper and lower limbs, with sweats which afford no relief.—Rhagades of the hands and fingers.—Panaritium in the inflammatory stage ; mercury accelerates the formation of pus, diminishing thereby the raging and maddening pain.—Exfoliation and distortion of the nails.—Ischias, with boring pain along the whole course of the ischiatic nerve, worse at night.—Pso- itis, when it is necessary to promote suppuration.—Scrofulous chronic inflamma- tion of the hip-joint in children, to prevent suppuration and caries, (giving first Bell.).—Coxalgia.—Spontaneous limping.—Shining, transparent swelling of the thighs and legs.—Inflammation and swelling of the knee, from wounding the capsule of the joint and the synovial membrane, by a blow with the axe.— Swelling of the knee-joint, from repelled itch.—Gonagra.—Local inflammatioa of the right tibia.—Podagra.—Hyperostosis of the tarsus.—Painful swelling of the metatarsus.—Fetid profuse sweat of the feet. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Inexpressible feeling of some internal, insupport- able illness, during which he remains silent and does not wish to leave his bed. He imagines he is enduring the tortures of hell, without being able explain himself.—Involuntary weeping with relief. Disposed to weep while acting foolishly.—*Great restlessness, -is unable to remain, at one place, has to go hither and thither. Is so restL >s that he is neither able to stand nor lie, he is like one mad, or as if he had committed a great crime. Excessive restlessness at night, from evening till morning, obliging him at times to rise, at others to lie down, he cannot bear walking.—*Anguish with a feeling of oppressive anxiety in the blood. Anguish with restlessness which drove him to a distant place, as if he had committed some evil deed, or as if he had to fear stme accident. Anguish with lowness of spirits and restlessness. Constant anxiety and apprehensiveness which does not allow him any rest any where, or with sudden rising to the pit of the stomach, accompanied with sweat of the hands and heat of the face. A good deal of anxiety and rushing of the blood at night, with stitches in the blood-vessels. No desire to do anything serious accompanied with absence of thoughts as from a consciousness of having com- mitted some evil deed.—Attack of fear, he imagines he will lose his understand- ing or die, accompanied with illusion of the fancy, such as seeing water where there is not any.—Great tendency to start in the evening. Excessive starting after a little surprise, with trembling of the whole body, lameness, mounting of glowing heat to the right cheek which swells and becomes blue-red, great ner- MERCURIUS. 211 vousness which cannot be quieted, bruised feeling in every limb, violent chills, tottering of the knees, and desire to lie down before the usual hour.—Exces- sive indifference to everything, even to food, although he relishes it on com- mencing to eat, and eats the usual quantity. Is serious and indifferent, and is even vexed when other people laugh. His not courage enough to live. Wants to die, is indifferent even to those things which are dearest to him. Every thing, even music, is disagreeable to him.—Ill-humour, with want of confidence for the future, or with dissatisfaction, at variance with himself and want of dispo- sition to talk or jest. Dissatisfaction with himself and his condition. Low- ness of spirits with anxiety as if threatened by some accident. Peevish, taci- turn.—Peevish, taciturn, suspicious, distrustful, with great irritability and quarrelsomeness, or wi.h insulting manners to others, all of whom he considers enemies. Qwirrelsome, disputalive, irritable, vehement, bold.—Longing for home. Irresistible desire to travel abroad.—Hurried speech.—Kind of frenzy, during which he tears every thing, with great aversion to liquids and great oppression of breathing.—°Derangement of the affective or emotive sphere in drunkards. ? Sensorillin.—Momentary vanishing of thought. Loss of sense, so that he knows not where he is. Loss of consciousness and speech, with collapse of pulse and cadaverous appearance, natural temperature of the body and soporous condition, with gradual return of speech and sense.—Absence of mind, one idea repelling the other, and strange ideas crowding on his mind while attending to his business.—Craziness, absurd talking or manners (with disposition to weep, and great lassitude after the attack). Great inclination, when walking, to take people by the nose. Does foolish things, heats the stove in the middle of summer, lays swords across one another, places candles in one corner and boots in another, the head feeling gloomy and heavy, with complete indiffer- ence to warmth and cold. Craziness, she uncovers herself at night, tosses the straw of the mattress about and scolds, jumps up high in the day-time as if beside herself with wanton folly, talks and scolds to herself, does not recognise those of her own family, rubs the saliva, which she expectorates fre- quently, over the floor with her feet, and then licks it with her tongue, fre- quently laps cow-dung and mud from pools, or puts- little stones into her mouth, and, without swallowing them, complains of their cutting her bowels, with frequent discharge of blood with the stools, at the same time she struggles against being touched, does not take any advice, stays away from her meals, takes food aud drink irregularly, looks pale and suuken and is very languid.— Great weakness of memory, he frequently forgets the first part of a phrase before commencing the remaining portion.— Weakness of intellect with dizzi- ness, does not hear the questions he is asked, is unable to remember what he has been reading, and is apt to use wrong expressions in talking. Is unable to read or work, talking is difficult for him, his head feels confused, and he falls asleep when sitting, is unable to calculate anything or to reflect on anything. —Dulness of the head with heaviness, also when sitting or lying, or with painful gloominess. Dull and stupid feeling, also with dizziness, or on rising from a seat with vertigo and obscuration of sight, worst in a warm room and less in the open air. Gloominess, early on waking, or on rising (with dull pain). Muddled feeling in the head, aud as if he had been sitting up all night, in the morning after rising. Dizziness with fulness in the brain or with drowsiness, or with turning sensation and weakness in the head. Feeling of intoxication after eating, with mounting of heat and redness of the face, which swells.— Vertigo on raising the head after stooping. Vertigo in a recumbent posture, with qualmishness, relieved by turning to the side. Vertigo on bending the 212 MERCURIUS. head forward when standing. Vertigo on entering the room from the open air, with staggering. Vertigo as if one would fall, when walking in a room. Vertigo when sitting rather than when standing, with blackness before the eyes, particularly towards evening. Vertigo as if intoxicated, when writing while sitting; afterwards, after rising from a seat, staggering when walking about in a room, and appearance of anxious heat with nausea. Vertigo with feverish shuddering, cold hands and subsequent dulness of the head. Vertigo on turning quickly, as if everything turned with him. Vertigo when walking in the open air, also with staggering, or with nausea and sensation as of a worm crawling up in the chest and throat. Vertigo when lying, as if balancing from side to side. Vertigo in the forehead.—°Concussion of the brain. ? °/n- fiammation of the brain. ? Acute and chronic hydrocephalus. 1 °Serous apoplexy. ? Head.—Heat and pain in the whole of the head. Uneasy, painful sensation in the head, in the evening, and lasting until he went to bed; loud talking was troublesome to him; relieved by sitting down and leaning the head upon seme- thing. Dull and gloomy pain in the forehead and sinciput, in the evening, with ill-humour.—Constrictive pain.—Aching pain in the head as if the head were tied, round very firmly. Headache in the evening as if the brain were encircled with a band. Contractive headache, the head feels as if screwed in, now in the sinciput, then in the occiput, then in the left side, with lachrymation. Tight and heavy feeling under the skull.—Headache, a pressing from within outwards. —Headache, a pressing from within outwards in ihe parietal bones. Head- ache, as if the brain would be pressed asunder. Feeling of fulness in the brain, as if the head would burst. Distensive headache, in a space of three fingers' breadth, all around over the eyes and ears.—Headache, pressing into the forehead, and bone-pain below the eyebrows, even when touching the parts. Violent headache, as if the head were falling to pieces at the top, and a pressure as if every thing were descending towards the nose. Aching pain in the occiput. Headache, with pressure through the forehead, also with bone- pains above the eyebrows (particularly from contact), most violent when lying, relieved by pressing on the forehead with the flat hand.—Violent drawing in the right temple. Jerking, drawing and pinching in the right temple, down the occiput and nape of the neck. Drawing sensation from the palate to the brain, with bruised pain in the brain.—Continuous, violently-tearing pain from the occiput to the sinciput, where a pressure was felt. Tearing in the skull, especially the frontal bones. Tearing in the sinciput, extending as far as the vertex. Tearing pain in the lower part of the occiput. Headache, resembling a slow tearing lancination and a bruised feeling.—* Stitches through the whole head. Stitching pain in the forehead (immediately), also when walking in the open air.—°Stitches in one side, extending to the ears, teeth and throat. Inter- mitting, boring stitches in the left side of the forehead when sitting, but very painful. Painful lancinations in the left side of the forehead, when standing. Lancinations in the left region of the forehead when sitting, with chills over the whole body, cold hands and hot cheeks, without thirst.—Drawing digging-up in the anterior part of the head. Headache when stooping, a sort of digging-up and heaviness in the forehead.—Repercussing shocks in the brain, especially when moving or stooping.—Undulations and throbbing in the sinciput. *Heat end burning in the head. Aching pain in the right side of the forehead. °Nightly headache. °Megrim. ? ? Catarrhal and rheumatic headache. Scalp.— The whole of the outer head is painful to the touch, as if from sub- cutaneous ulceration. °Pain of the skull-bones, particularly of the occipital bone.—Tearing pain in the outer parts of the forehead, in every position of the MERCURIUS. 213 head. * Tearing pain in the outer parts of the head, particularly the bones. Boring in the region of the occiput. Burning in the region of the left temple. Burning in the skin on the left side of the forehead.—Itching of the forehead. Burning itching of the forehead, going off after contact. Itching smarting in the nape of the neck and top of the head. Burning paiu in the scalp, above the left forehead. Burning and itching of the hairy scalp. Itching of the hairy scalp, day and night. Itching ^eruption of the head. Dry eruption over the whole head, causing a pain all over when feeling it. *Sinall elevated scabs between the hairs of the head, firmly adhering to the skin. A number of scabs on the hairy scalp, itching and burning after scratching. *Humid eruption on the hairy scalp, eating away the hair with painful pressure, especially at the sore places.—* Fall ing off of the hair without headache.—Shuddering of the hairy scalp, the hair standing on end, and the scalp feehng as if it trembled, and became contracted.—Sweat on the head and forehead, cold, clammy.—"Swelling of the head.—°Exostoses on the hairy scalp. Eyes.—*Pressure in the eyes as from sand, -or particularly when moving or touching them, °also when looking at a thing sharply.—*Stitches in the eyes, -particularly in the left. * Cutting under the lid as from a sharp body.—*Itch- ing in the eyes. *Heat in the eyes, -also with lachrymation.—Burning in the eyes. Burning and smarting in the eyes, as from horseradish. Burning in the eyes, as after reading a good deal. * Burning, particularly in the open air. Burning of the lids. Burning of the right eyebrow.—^Inflammation of both eyes, -with burning, smarting pain, worse in the open air.—*A number of red vessels become visible in the whites of the eyes.—°Injected state of the outer can- thus. °Redness of the eyes, sclerotica and conjunctiva. °Rheumatic, "ca- tarrhal, °arthitric, "scrofulous ophthalmia. "Syphilitic ophthalmia. Heat, in the eyes, with lachrymation. * Lachrymation of both eyes, in the morning. Profuse lachrymation of the right eye. Lachrymation in the open air, °in the evening.—The left lower lid is swollen, especially toward the outer canthus, with burning pains fur five days, aud profuse lachrymation preceded by sneezing for three days. The upper eyelid is thick and red as from a stye.—* Considerable swelling, redness, -and constrictive closing of the eyelids ; they are painful when touched, also with scurfs and ulcers at the margin.—*Nightly agglutination. *Pustulcs on the conjunctiva. "Fleers on the cornea. *Scurfs around the eyes.—*Blue-red margins around, especially below the eyes. *The eyes are dim and without lustre.—Inflammatory swelling in the region of the lachrymal bones. Dilatation of the pupil.—*Black point before the eyes, moving in front of him, and low down. Black points before the eyes. Black motes before the eyes. His eyes see green and black; the room turns with her ; she has to lie down (during a meal).—^Complete vanishing of sight for five minutes ; -every half hour he is completely deprived of his sight for five minutes.—Fiery points before the eyes, high up toward the clouds, especially in the afternoon. Scin- tillations before the eyes.—^Mistiness before one or both eyes.—Amaurotic dim- / ness before the left eye, increasing gradually, lasting ten minutes; the letters seem to move in the evening when reading. Amaurotic blindness of the left eye for a few minutes, when walking in the open air, without pain. *Dim-sighted- ne.ss.—Illusions of sight; sensation as of a blade of grass hanging before both eyes. Pointed things seem to have a double point.—Twitching of the lids. She is not able to discern a thing distinctly ; her eyes constantly close involun- tarily ; the more she endeavours to prevent this, the less is she able to do so; she has to lie down and close her eyes. He is not well able to open his eyes, as if the eyeballs were agglutinated. When sitting, standing, or walking, his eyes close involuntarily, as when one has been long deprived'of sleep. Fire 214 MERCURIUS. dazzles the eyes very much in the evening. Burning in the eyes, as after having read a good deal at night; one of the eyes is red. * The eyes cannot bear the glare of a fire or the light of day. Ears.—Dragging pain in the car. Pullings and pinchings in the ear, or behind the ear with jerking, hindering sleep, with pain to the touch. Violent pain, as if something were pressing through the ear. *Tearing in the cars. Tearing in the left ear when the menses make their appearance. * Slicking in the ears, -particularly when stooping. Sticking in the ear, with pressure ; the warmer she became in bed, the colder and moister became the ear; at last she felt as if she had ice in the ear. Stinging and burning in the ear, worse in the left. Burning in the cartilage of the left ear.—The ear and meatus, particu- larly the left, are painful, as if inflamed. The ear feels inflamed externally and internally, the pain being partly cramp-like, partly stinging, and the ear feel- ing moreover obstructed, as if by swelling. *Soreness and excoriation of the internal ear, -particularly the right. "Ulceration of the concha. Heat and redness of the lobule, which is excessively painful; two days after a little tuber- cle forms in the lobule of twelve weeks' duration. Tubercle in the lobule, which is immovable and lasts four weeks. Burning, corrosive, itching and humid pimple on the right lobule, having a scaly appearance like herpes. "Fun- gus excrescences in the ear.—Sensation as if cold water were running out of both ears, several times a day; the sensation comes suddenly and goes off after a few minutes; in the intervals there is a good deal of itching in both ears.— Humour oozes from both ears. Blood comes out of the left ear, early in the morning. Discharge of blood and fetid pus from the right ear, with tearing pain. ^Discharge of pus from both ears ; a bag of pus is seen in the fore part of the right ear, discharging pus on feeling it, with pain in the whole right side of the head and face, preventing her from lying on this side.—Discharge of yel- lowish pus from the left ear. Discharge of liquid wax from both ears.—*Hard- ness of hearing, -in both ears, "or with stoppage of the ears, which open on swallowing or blowing the nose. Is scarcely able to hear anything, every little noise sounding very loud in the ear. The ears feel obstructed, with roaring.— Roaring in the ear, as if something had lodged in the ear. Buzzing in the ears, as if he were about to faint. Pulsative roaring in the ears. Roaring in both ears, when lying in bed.—* Buzzing in the left ear, -as from wasps. Flut- tering before the left ear. Fluttering and crawling in the left ear. Various kinds of ringing in both ears, worse in the evening, for many days.—* Swelling of the parotid glands, "also inflammatory, or with painful closing of the jaws, or with burning pressure only in warmth, and ceasing in cold, and with irritation and cough on touching the glands with wool. Nose.—Crawling and gnawing sensation in the skin of the root of the nose. Teusion across the nose.—Pain of the nasal bone when touching it.—Swelling of the who\e nose,^ especially the left side; it is red and shining, itching, especially the interior of the nasal wings. Inflammatory swelling of the nose. Swelling, redness, inflammation, itching of the tip of the nose. The septum narium becomes swollen and chapped. Swelling of the left wing of the nose, as in profuse fluent coryza. Interstitial distention of the root of the nose. "Swelling of the nasal bones. Painful blister on the nose. Scurfy nostrils, bleeding when cleansed. "Blackish nose. Violent itching of the right side of the nose; he has to rub it. Pressure in the nose from above downward, as if something heavy had been attached to it. Want of air through the nose.— *'Bleeding from the nose, of various degrees of violence. Bleeding from the left nostril; the blood coagulated while dropping out of the nose, and remained adhering to the nose in the form of flakes. Bleeding of the nose, while sleep- MERCURIUS. 215 ing. Profuse bleeding from the nose, while coughing.—Discharge of acrid pus from the nose smelling like old cheese.—Putrid smell from the nose, as in pro- fuse coryza.—Want of air through the nose. "Dryness of the nose. Frequent meeting, particularly early in the morning, or constant sneezing with swelling of the lower eyelid, with burning and lachrymation.—*Coryza, with much sneezing. "Violent dry coryza with stoppage of the nose. "Profuse fluent coryza, particularly with profuse discharge of watery, corrosive mucus. Moisture dropping out of the nose in abundance without coryza. Face.— Wit ite * clay-coloured face, with attenuated, sunken features, and dim, gloomy eyes. ° Yellow complexion, even the whites of the eyes are yellow, Blue-red margins around the eyes. ^Feverish heat and redness of lhet cheeks. -particularly of the left cheek after midnight. Heat in the face with paleness. Sweat in the face, also cold.—Distortion of the corner of the mouth to one side, at three o'clock in the morning, with want of breath. Spasmodic drawing to and fro of the muscles between the chin and the lower lip.—*Tearing in the face, -particularly in the right masseter muscle, or also on the left side where the tearing is excessively violent in the whole ear. Pressure in the malar bones from within outwards. Sticking in the left lower jaw, or in the malar bone, particularly in the forenoon and when walking.—Swelling of the right side of ihe face, particularly below the eye, with heat. Violent swelling of the left cheek. "Swelling of the cheeks, with toothache.—Large tubercle under the skin of the left check. Red spots in the face. Reddish-white, rough, herpetic spot, on the left malar bone. "Yellow scurf in the face, with discharge of fetid moisture, constant itching day and night, and bleeding after scratching. "Crus- ta lactea ? "Syphilitic spots and pustules in the face and on the forehead.— Burning pain of the lips, as if burnt by nettles, when touching them with the fingers. *I)ry lijis. Rough and dry lower lip, as from cold and rough air. Yellow crusts on the upper lip, near the margin, with smarting and burning pain. Internal swelling of the upper lip.—Painful ulcers on the internal sur- face of the lower lip, opposite the incisores. Pimples below the vermilion bor- der of the lower lip, towards the corner of the mouth; they cause a smarting pain when touching them.—Soft, red swelling of the upper lip ; it recedes from the gums internally and assumes a shaggy appearance; deeply-ulcerated sores form on both surfaces of the lip, with stinging pain, and sometimes itching. Considerable swelling of the upper lip and the lower cheek, soft and very red, marked with inch-deep depressions (as if excavated), looking as if lined with a grayish-yellow matter, with discharge of a watery, yellow fluid; they had a somewhat putrid smell, and bled when touching them, the blood oozing out from the border. * Ulcerated corner of ihe mouth, with sore pain. While-bluish spo's on the internal surface of the lips. Pain in the corners of the mouth as if they had been cut. ■Cracks and rhagades in the corners of the mou'h. Burning of the skin of the chin. Red ulcers of the size of a millet-seed, on the right side of the chin, painless when touched. Pustule on the chin, of the size of a pea. Suppurating, red ulcers on the left side of the chin, painless (third day). Jaws and Teeth.—Tension in the articulation of the jaw, when opening the mouth wide. * Almost complete immobility of the jaw, scarcely permitting him to open his mouth, with violent pain °or with inflammatory swelling of the lower jaw. i>he is unable to open the jaws ; with tensive pain on the right side of the os hyoides, bitter taste of every thing he cats, except milk, which has a good taste: tearing and hard hearing in the right ear, emission of a quantity of hard fit id flatulence, and humid eruption on the head.—Pain under the lower jaw.—Tearing iu the lower jaw, towards evening. Caries of the jaw.— 216 MERCURIUS. °Swelling of the submaxillary glands, also inflammatory, with stinging and throbbing, or cold, painless. Terrible tearing in the teeth, especially increased by eating. Pain in the teeth, especially after eating, as if corrodW. The teeth become black-gray, black. Sensation, when moving the mouth, as if the teeth were loose, especially the lower front teeth. Sensation as if all the teeth were loose. Looseness of the teeth, they were painful when touched by the tongue. Weakness in the teeth. The front teeth feel as if they would be wrenched out. Pain in the incisores. *Pain in the front teeth ; the air which is drawn into the mouth affects the teeth painfully.—* The anterior incisores ache when cold air gels into the mouth, or when he eats or drinks anything cold, the aching continuing only so long as the teeth are touched by the cold air or food.—*Toothache, as if the teeth were on edge.—* Violent toothache in the night: -as it passed off, a violent chilliness was experienced through the whole body. "Toothache in the evening. "The toothache becomes intolerable by the warmth of the bed. "The toothache becomes intolerable in the cold air, or by applying anything warm or cold to the tooth. * Tearing in the roots of the teeth the whole day. ^Tearing toothache after midnight, and especially early in the morning. Tearing in the teeth, increased by eating. Tearing toothache, extending into the ears like a stitch, especially at night; the pain does not allow him to remain in bed, he has to sit up the whole night. "Tearing in decayed teeth, also extending to the cheek of the affected side, with painful swelling of the cheek or of the submaxillary glands, accompanied by chilliness and saliva.—Drawing toothache, also in the front teeth, early in the morning. —Darting toothache, especially in the night.—Pulsative jerks extending from theteeth of the lower jaw into the ear, and from the upper jaw into the head, the gums being painful; the jerks commence at nine o'clock in the evening, and abate when lying down and going to sleep.—* Violent stitches in the teeth. —*Horrid stitches in the tooth, in the evening. Grating of the teeth in the night, while asleep, so violent that the pain woke her. The gums are painful when touched or when chewing, especially hard substances. Itching of the gums. * The gums recede from the teeth.—Tearing in various parts of the gums; *they are sore and swollen. *The upper border of the gums looks indented, the indentations being white and ulcerated. * Ulcerated gums. Painful, swollen gums. Swelling of the gums over night; better in day-time. Swelling of the gums every night. Transitory swelling of the gums, only early in the morning. Burning pain in the gums, in the night when he is on the point of falling asleep. Burning beating pain in the gums, increasing after noon, abating on lying down and disappearing in the night.—Fine tearing in the spongy'and bleeding gums, which' had become detached from the teeth, also in the roots of the denuded teeth, almost the whole day and early in the morning when rising; the pain is somewhat relieved in the evening by smoking. *The gums which had receded from the teeth have a sickly appearance and look white along the upper border. Painless swelling of the gums, for several days. *Blceding of the gums when touching them ever so little, for fifty-six days. "Scorbutic affections. Mouth.—*Fetid smell from the mouth -which is perceived by others more than by the patient. Bluish colour of the inner cheeks. Nightly burning in the mouth. Soreness of the mouth. Constant dryness of the mouth. "Inflam- matory swelling in the mouth. Vesicles or round, elevated white blisters in the mouth, with burning and peeling off of the skin. * Aphtha'. * Ulcers and sores, -with burning and smarting, particularly in the evening. "Stomacace. —Accumulation of saliva iu the mouth, also sour, or slimy which can be drawn into thread. Constant spitting. Ptyalism, the saliva being sometimes MERCURIUS. 217 tenacious and fetid, particularly at night or in the evening. The orifice of the salivary duct is swollen, white, ulcerated and very painful. Pain and swelling of the salivary glands. "Accumulation of tenacious saliva in the mouth.— The tongue is very sensitive to the open air. *The tongue is coated as with fur -particularly early in the morning, sometimes accompanied with whitish swelling and ready bleeding of the gums. The tongue is insensible, it feels pithy. Rough tongue. "Brown or blackish tongue. Painful tongue as if chapped, with burning, The tongue feels sore and stiff, in the region of the right os hyoides. Dry, hard and clattering tongue. *Swelling of the tongue -also with white coating. "Inflammatory, hard swelling of the tongue, -or with ulcerated edges which become indented by the impression of the teeth. Hollow ulcerated, tongue, with swelling. Pricking in the tip of the tongue. Creeping on the tongue. "The tongue feels as if burnt. Fissure along the dorsum of the tongue, with prickings. "Ranula.—"Quick and stuttering speech. *Complete loss of speech and voice, -also with sunken countenance, weeping over her condition, sleeplessness and great debility (relieved by Hyos- cyamus).—Dryness of the palate as if from heat. Roughness of the palate, with smarting soreness on touching it with the tongue. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—*Sore throat; sensation as if something had lodged in the throat.—*Pain in the throat, as if a pippin had lodged in it. *Sen- sation as if he had something in his throat which he. had to swallow. Sensation as if a worm were rising in his throat, obliging him to swallow all the time. *Difficult deglutition. He had to press very hard, to get something down. "Constant desire to swallow. Spasmodic difficulty of swallowing with danger of suffocation. Deglutition is painful to him, as if he had burnt his throat or had swallowed boiling oil. AVhen the beverage has reached the region of the larynx, it does not go down any farther, but flows back through the nostrils.—*Pain in the throat, when swallowing, and -hoarseness. Roughness of the velum pen- dulum palati; when touching it with the tongue, a smarting pain is experienced in it, as if the palate were sore. Dryness of the palate, as if caused by heat. *He,at ascends in her throat. Pain in the throat, like a pressure. Burning in in the pharynx from above downward, afterwards in the abdomen. After a mo- derate dinner, a glowing-hot vapour ascended into her throat from the abdomen, the throat becoming more and more painful, and a violent thirst setting in. *Pain in the throat, as if too dry. *The fore part of the tongue is very slimy, the fauces being very dry.—*Dryness of the throat, obliging him to swallow all the lime. *Constant dryness of the throat; it felt sore as if it were narrower behind than in front; deglutition caused a pressure in the throat, nevertheless he had to swallow all the time because he had his throat constantly full of wa- ter. Stinging sore ihroat, as if pricked. *Stitches in the back part of the throat, when swallowing, which extend even into the ears. *Stitches in the back part of the palate. * Stitching pain in the tonsils when swallowing. ♦Elongation and swelling of the uvula. When blowing the nose, a pain is felt in one side of the throat, also in the fauces; an aching as if the parts were swollen. Continuous aching pain in the oesophagus, in the region of the larynx, more violent when eating, as if the food passed over raw flesh, with burning pain in that region.—*Ulceration of the tonsils with sharp stinging pains in the fauces when swallowing. Inflammatory swelling of the tonsils. "Catarrhal sore throat. Rheumatic sore throat. ? "Phlegmonous sore throat, ? "Syphilitic ulcers in the throa'. Aching pain in the oesophagus, in paroxysms, as if an ulcer would form.- Sensation in the right side of the pharynx *a"s if sore, -even between the acts of deglutition. "The soreness frequently extends to the cars, or the parotid, submaxillary and cervical glands. "Aggravation during empty 218 MERCURIUS. deglutition, at night in the cool air, and when talking. "Ptyalism attending the sore throat—Mucus gets from the posterior nares into the throat, and has to be hawked up constantly. Expectoration of tenacious, bitter, or saltish mu- cus.—Blood rises in the throat and mouth, without vomiting or cough. Taste and Appetite.—Metallic taste in the mouth, causing almost vomit- ing. The tasteless oxyde has at first a perceptible, afterwards a striking, re- pulsive, metallic, clayish, earthy, soap-like, putrid, sourish taste; at last it be- comes intolerable.—Great bitterness in the mouth, especially after drinking cof- fee. *Bitler taste in the mouth, especially between meals. Food does not taste bitter, but his mouth is bitter before and after a meal. Bitterness of the lip and tongue between and during meals. * Putrid taste in ihe mouth, especial- ly in the morning.— Very saltish taste of the lip. Saltish taste of the tongue for several days. Taste as of pus in the throat. *Saltish taste in the mouth. Sweet taste on the tip of the tongue. * Sweet taste in the mouth -and sensation as if the whole body consisted of sweet things.—Putrid, very disagreeable taste in the throat. Taste of putrid eggs in ihe mouth as soon as he moves his tongue, after which he has to swallow involuntarily. Putrid taste in the mouth as of faeces, and the saliva has a saltish taste. Early in the morning before breakfast, she has a sour taste in the mouth, going off after a meal. *Slimy taste in the mouth. * Sourish taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth during and between meals, when one has had intermittent fever. Butter has a bad taste to him. Bread has a sweet taste. Rye-bread tastes bitter. Hop-beer tastes sour. No desire for wine or brandy, to which he was used. Slimy aud salt taste of food and drink, especially of water. Excessive appetite and hunger, -but he is unable to eat any thing, because he does not relish any thing; things have no bad taste, but they are tasteless. Canine hunger ; she feels that it is unnatur- al hunger. Canine hunger for a short time, shortly after a sufficient meal (im- mediately). Ravenous canine hunger. Continuous greediness for eating; he becomes weaker and weaker withal. *He has no appetite for dry food, likes liquid food. Want of appetite, especially early in the morning. Little ap- petite, but a good deal of hunger.—Aversion to sweets. Aversion to beef. Excessive aversion to meat. Aversion to coffee. Aversion to butter. *IIe has lost h's appetite for everyjhing. He does not care for warm food, cares only for cold food, bread and butter, etc. Had no desire for food; but he relish- ed what was set before him. * Complete loss of appetite.—More appetite for drinking than for eating. More thirst than hunger, and continued chilliness. *A good deal of thirst. "Violent, burning thirst, day and night. Thirst for cold drinks, particularly water. Desire for water, towards evening. Wants to drink all the time. Gastric Symptoms.—"Violent eructations. Eructations shortly after din- ner, with putrid vapour in the mouth. * Constant risings of air. Eructations which are frequently tasteless, and sometimes sour. Rising of bitter water.— The eructations have a bitter taste and a putrid smell. Bilious eructations, in the afternoon. Eructations tasting of fresh-baked bread. Eructations during a meal, an acrid fluid rising into the mouth. Eructations like hiccough, during a meal. Regurgitation of the ingesta.—Heartburn.—Rancid heartburn after a simple supper. Violent hiccough, after a meal. Frequent hiccough, especially iu the forenoon.—He feels a nausea in the chest, with cutting pressure; he feels as if he would vomit, and is driven from place to place by great anguish. When smok- ing tobacco he feels an inclination to vomit in the chest, from the pit of the sto- mach to the pit of the throat, with oppression and cutting in those parts.— Con- tinued inclination to vomit, with pressure and cutting in the chest, and here and there dull stitches in the direction of the sides of the chest, cutting in the abdo- men, and cutting with pressure in the pit of the stomach. Sweet taste in the MERCURIUS. 219 throat, with inclination to vomit. Sensation as if he had eaten something sweet, causing nausea. Turns of nausea increasing after a meal. Nausea and shud- dering the whole day. Headache at every attack of nausea. Nausea, quite in the upper part of the pharynx, but not in the stomach, so that he was not able to vomit (especially after a meal). He feels so nauseated and such an inclina- tion to vomit that he almost loses his senses. Inclination to vomit, accompanied with vertigo obscuring the sight, and with flushes of heat. Inclination to vomit directly after a meal, the appetite and taste being good. He experiences nau- sea in the pit of the stomach, followed by eructations, which sometimes arrest his breathing. Nausea in the region of the stomach (immediately), followed by a bruised pain in the right side directly above the hips, becoming worse by mo- tion and contact. At one o'clock in the night a good deal of wafer accumulates in her mouth, with nausea, waking her from sleep and making her vomit; the substance she vomits is very bitter. Occasional rising into the throat of something acrid like brandy, not like acid. "Empty retching.—*Violent vomit- ing of bitter mucus. Bilious vomiting.—Digestion is impeded on bending for- ward. Stomach.—When walking moderately fast, he feels a pressure from the left side of the pit of the stomach as far as the xiphoid cartilage, where the pain be- comes most violent.—Constrictive tearing in the pit of the stomach ; afterwards this pain is felt in the chest. Violent pulsation of an artery near the pit of the stomach and on the same line with the pit; he saw the pulsation through his clothes.—Burning pain in the pit of the stomach (immediately). Mounting of heat to the pit of the stomach when stooping, with blackness before the eyes, go- ing off on rising. Ulcerative pain in the stomach and abdomen. Violent pain in the stomach, as if one had vomited a good deal. Great painfulness of the pit and region of the stomach, particularly to the touch. Intensely-painful ach- ing in the stomach, especially during a deep inspiration and when touching the parts.—Pain in the pit of the stomach as if cut crosswise. *When sitting, the food weighs like a stone in the pit of the stomach, as if it were concentrated in one lump. Repletion and tension in the pit of the stomach, oppressing the breathing, with undiminished appetite. * Pressure in the pit of the stomach after a meal, accompanied with nausea.—Bread oppresses the stomach.—When eating little, he feels a sort of cramp in the stomach a few hours after eating.— He cannot bear even the lightest kind of food : a little bread oppresses his sto- mach, draws his stomach down ; nevertheless he is hungry; if he eats a little more he becomes ill-humoured, he almost dies with ill-humour.—The stomach feels replete and constricted. Hypochondria.—"The region of the liver is painfully sensitive to contact. *Stitch in the region of the liver, preventing inspirations and eructations. "Burning in the region of the liver. Pushing and pressing from within outwards in the liver. "Swelling and hardness of the liver. "Acute hepatitis. *Com- plele jaundice. Abdomen.—* Colic as from a cold, particularly when walking in the open air. * Colic occasioned by the cool evening air, with diarrhoea. Colic on touching anything cold. * Inexpressible colic which only passes off in a lying posture.—Pain as if the bowels were relaxed and loose, particularly in walking, with smsation as if they were shaking.—He is unable to rest on the right side, for his bowels pain him as if they were pressed. Violent pressure in the right side of the abd mien, as if the bowels were twisted out of the body. Pressure in the abdomen (immediately). Aching pain in the abdomen, ascend- ing to the throat, as if the fauces were scratched by a crust of bread and as if eructations or heartburn were approaching. Pressure in the abdjmen as from 220 MERCURIUS. a stone. Painful pressure in the right side of the abdomen.—Tensive-aching pain in the hypogastrium, becoming worse when pressing on the part, and disap- pearing during an expiration; the pain increased while walking; especially when going up stairs, the pain was increased to a sort of cutting pain. Tensive pain over the umbilicus, deep seated, relieved by eating.—Sensation in the ab- domen, close above the genital organs, as if something heavy were pulling down- ward in the direction of the genital organs, for forty-eight hours; accompanied with a pulling pain in both thighs, as if the muscles and tendons were too short. Painful contraction in the abdomen.—*Pinching in the abdomen about midnight, waking her. Pinching in the pit of the stomach, followed by soft stool, and afterwards subdued pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening. Pinching in the abdomen. Redness and heat in the cheeks, followed by burn- ing-pinching pains in the epigastrium. *During the pinching in the abdomen, he is attacked icith chilliness and shuddering.—Cutting in the abdomen during micturition. Cutting with writhing pain and qualmish feeling. Cutting in the epigastrium. Cutting in the hypogastrium, in the evening, with pressure in the epigastrium, obliging him to loosen his clothes. Tearing cutting in the region of the left kidney. Nightly cutting tearing in the abdomen, which feels cold to the touch.—*Stabbings in the abdomen, also deep in the hypogastrium, from right to left, worse when walking, with painful tenesmus, without stool. Boring stitches from the hypogastrium through the anus.—Chilliness in the ab- domen. Burning in the abdomen, particularly in the umbilical region.—"Dur- ing the pain, the abdomen is painful to contact or pressure. "Enteritis.? "Pe- ritonitis.? "Ascites.? "Scrofulous enlargement of the abdomen, from swelling of the mesenteric glands.?—* Distention of the abdomen. Distended hard abdo- men, "also with painfulness to contact, particularly in the umbilical region.— Pulsative gurgling in the abdomen, or in the abdominal muscles after a meal. Rumbling in the abdomen, after drinking. Every stool is«preeeded by rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. In the evening, an hour before going to bed, and every time he emits urine, he is tormented with flatulence, distending the abdomen, and then passing off without smell. Frequent emission of flatu- lence. Stinging itching of the abdomen, in the evening; scratching occasions a burning; there is no eruption visible on the skin. Small buboes in the left groin, and burning during micturition. Aching-boring pain in the right groin, when lying or walking. Aching pain in the left groin. Tension in the region of the left groin. Intensely-painful stitches in the left groin, worse during an inspiration. Pricking pain in the right groin, in the region of the ilium. Vio- lent, long cuttings in the right groin, causing him to start. Pain as if the in- guinal glands were swollen. Aching pain in the inguinal glands, from time to time. Stitches in the fold of the hip-joint (and heel) towards evening. Creep- ing in the inguinal glands. Drawing pain in the groin and testicles. Swelling of an inguinal gland (bubo); first there is a redness round the gland, which is painful when walking and when pressing on it; afterwards the elevated portion of the gland becomes itself red and inflamed; he was unable to walk or stand without suffering great pain, and had to lie down. "Ulceration and sup- puration of the inguinal glands. "Syphilitic and scrofulous buboes. StOOl.—Frequent tenesmus, after which he passes a small quantity of hard, thick faeces, with great effort and at long intervals. Stool after some cutting pain in the abdomen. Stool, after pinching and writhing in the abdomen. * De- sire for stool every moment, with tenesmus, without being able to accomplish any- thing. Constant desire for stool, passing but little every time, with pinching in the abdomen.—Stool, once every three days. * Constipation -for several days with catarrhal fever, hypochondriac low-spiritedness, and aversion to all MERCURIUS 221 nourishment, except beer.—Ineffectual desire for stool, in the morning. In- effectual pressing on the rectum, and protrusion of the varices, feeling sore. Anxious desire for stool, accompanied and preceded by great nausea and press- ing in the temples. Cold sweat, as from anguish, in the face, with excessive uncomfortableness for a quarter of an hour, and diarrhoeic stool. A good deal of desire, anxiety and trembling of the whole body before the diarrhoeic stool: the stool is succeeded by bitter, rancid eructations, and some heartburn. A good deal of pressing during stool, and little discharge. Violent urging, some- times compelling him to go to stool suddenly.—Stool passes off in small pieces, like sheep-dung. Tenacious stool. *Hard stool, -large, and passed after much pressing and pains at the anus. Scanty hard stool.—Several scanty burning- smarting stools during the day.—*Every stool is preceded by chilliness or shud- dering. *The diarrhoeic stool is preceded by chilliness and urging, and the chilliness is mingled with flushes of heat. *Chilliness between the diarrhaic stools ; -but when going to stool, he was attacked with flushes of heat, especial- ly in the face.—He is very much exhausted after an evacuation which was accompanied with much pinching. *He feels nauseated during a diarrhozic stool and eructates considerably.—^Discharges of bloody mucus, accompanied with colic and tenesmus. "Dysenteric stools.—"Fall dysentery.—* Loose faces lined with mucus and blood. * Papescent stools with mucus. * Stool of the co- lour of sulphur. * Yellowish, diarrhozic stool, twice a day, without sensation, for several days. * White-gray stool *Mucus discharge from the rectum, with scanty discharge of faces, four or five times. * Stool only at night. Urg- ing desire for stool, which goes off involuntarily, unless he can relieve himself as soon as the desire is felt. *Diarrhoza in the evening and at. night. *Diar- rhceic stool streaked with blood. Discharge of red mucus from the rectum (in a few hours). * Bloody stools, with painful acrid sensation at the anus. *Dis- charges of dark-green mucus, -preceded by pressure iu the abdomen as of a ball. * Dark-green, bilious, frothy stools. * Green, slimy, acrid stools corrod- ing the anus. * Discharge of green mucus with burning at the anus and protru- sion of the anus. Loose, brownish, easy stool, floating on the water. "Chopped- like stool. * Sour-smelling stools. "Undigested stools. "Black, "tenacious, "pitch-like stools. Diarrhoea with cutting and pressing iu the rectum. Burning diarrhiea. Bloody diarrhoea for several days, followed by hard stool with blood. 'Green diarrhoza with violent, pinching and cutting.—* Burning pain at the anus, with the loose stools.—Burning at the anus after every stool. Protrusion of a varix, with stinging pain during stool and when touching it. Hemorrhage from the rectum during micturition. ^Discharge of blood before, during or after the evacuation of faces, even when hard. Pinching sensation in the anus, as in diarrhoea, with emission of a quantity of flatulence. Sharp stitches in the anus, causing him to start. Itching of the auus, as from ascarides. Soreness of the anus. * Ascarides creep out of the- rectum. * Discharge of several large lum- brici.^ "Falling of the rectum which is black and discharges blood. Urinary Organs.—Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge of urine. Constant desire to urinate, but no urine is passed. Had to urinate cvry hour, day and night, with violent burning in the urethra at the commence- ment of micturition. Had to urinate every ten minutes, but passed very little urine each timo. Frequent desire to urinate (after a nightlu emission).—The urine he emits is more than the quantity of liquid which he had taken. Pres- sure on tho bladder after micturition. Pressing in the genital organs, after which she is obliged to urinate considerably. Has to urinate at four o'clock in the morning. His to urinate three times in the night, and passes a quantity each time. The stream is extremely feeble. Dark, red and brown urine. 222 MERCURIUS. Urine with whitish flocks. *The urine is extremely turbid even while leaving the urethra, and deposits a sediment. "Turbid and fetid urine. The urine looks as if stirred with flour, it deposits a thick sediment. The urine is reddish, it becomes thick when standing, and a cutting pain is felt during the emission. Acrid urine. Dark urine for several weeks. The urine is at first clear, then it becomes white as if mixed with chalk; shortly after a burning pain is felt in the urethra after merely touching the penis. Brown-red urine. Small pieces off hardened mucus are passed with the urine, resembling little pieces of flesh. * Whole pieces of white filaments and flocks are emitted after the urine, without pain. *The urine smells sour. Emits but a small quantity of urine which looks as if mixed with blood. *Scanty, fiery-red urine. *Dark-red urine, as if mixed with blood. "The urine looks as if mixed with pus or mucus, and deposits a thick sediment.—Inability to retain the urine, when he feels the desire to urinate.—Nauseous qualmishness during micturition.—*Burning in the urethra between the acts of micturition. Burning in the urethra at the commencement of micturition. Early in the morning, cutting during micturition. Cutting at the commencement of micturition. Burning, afterwards smarting pain, during micturition. Cutting smarting, particularly towards the end of micturition, with irresistible desire to urinate —*Discharge of blood from Ihe urethra.—Itching of the pubic bone above the penis.—*Cutting and "contrac- tion in the region of the kidneys at night.—Gurgling in the urethra resembling stitches. Sticking resembling a beating in the urethra. Stitches in the fore- part of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Stitches in the urethra in the direction of the abdomen, towards evening. Drawing stitching in the urethra, several times. "Cutting in the urethra. ^Greenish gonorrhoea, par- ticularly at hight. Male Genital Organs.—Soreness between the organs and the thighs. Pro- fuse sweat of the parts, when walking.—The glans is cold and shrivelled. Dead- ness, going to sleep of the penis, for a quarter of an hour. Itching of the glans. Itching stinging in the glans, when pressing the part. Itching pricking of the glans, after micturition. Voluptuous titillation in the glans. Lancinating pain in the forepart of the glans, extending through the whole penis as far as the anus, sometimes as far as the groins. Swelling of the anterior part of the urethra with suppuration between the glans and prepuce; the prepuce feels red and hot, and is very painful when walking or touching it; accompanied with a painful tumultuous sensation in the forehead, and a rough, itch-like eruption on the hands, especially in the region of the joint of the thumb, rather superiorly, and itching very much at night. *Inflammation of the prepuce, -with burning pain. *Considerable swelling of (he prepuce, -as if distended into a blister by water or air. * Swelling of the prepuce, and inflammatory redness of its inter- nal surface, with great sensitiveness to pain.—*Balanorrhaza.—Voluptuous itching in the surface and the interior of the prepuce. Swelling of the prepuce, with burning, smarting, and redness, with cracks and rhagades on the internal surface, and a red, fine eruption on the surface.—Vesicles on the forepart and sides of the glans, penetrating into the part and spreading; they discharge a fluid and soon disappear. Burning around the glans in the evening, after- wards vesicles on the inner surface of the foreskin, which soon form little ulcers> healing rapidly. A number of small red vesicles at the termination of the glans behind the prepuce, changing to ulcers, which burst and discharge a yellowish- white, staining, strong-smelling matter ; afterwards the larger ulcers bleed, and when touching them, a pain is felt in them which affects the whole body ; they are round, their edges, which look like raw flesh, overlap the ulcers, the base of which is covered with a cheesy lining. "Chancre.—Feehng of coldness in the MERCURIUS. 223 les'icles, afternoon and evening, for a fortnight. Previous to emission of flatu- lence, the swollen testicle is sensitive to pain, but not painful. Violent stitches in the scrotum. * Drawing with pressure in the testicles, the drawing predomi- nating. * Drawing pain in the testicles and in the groin. * Drawing in the sperma'ic cord, at intervals. Spasmodic tearing pain, commencing between the testicles, extending into the penis, and causing considerable itching in the ulcers. Itching in the right testicle.—"Hard swelling of the testicles, with shining red- ness of the scrotum.—Emission of semen without any voluptuous dreams. Im- perfect erections with tension in the region of the genital organs, they are ap- parently occasioned by flatulence. Boring stitch in the perinneum when walking and sitting. Emission during the siesta, followed by burning pain in the orifice of the urethra during micturition. Painful erections. Nightly emission of semen, mi ted with blool. After having had an emission in the night, he is cold all over early in the morning, but not weak. Burning in the urethra of the male, during an embrace. Female Sexual Organs.—Biting sensation in the female urethra during micturition. Itching of the labia. Long-lasting itching of the labia shortly before the menses. Pimples or tubercles on the labia. Inflammatory swelling of the internal surface of the vagina, as if red and swollen. * Prolapsus of the vagina.—*Suppression of the menses. The menses are too profuse and attend- ed with colic. Discharge of blood six days before the menses.—Before the menses, "dry heat, with rush of blood and congestion of the head.—During the menses, anxiety, "red tongue, with dark spots and burning, salt taste in the mouth, sickly colour of the gums and the teeth are set on edge. Metrorrhagia of an old female, whose menstruation had ceased eleven year3 ago. Metrorrha- gia lasting three weeks. Leucorrhcea causing an acrid sensation. Purulent leucorrhoea. Corrosive leucorrhoea. Mild leucorrhcea. Leucorrhoea, especially in the evening from eight till ten o'clock, greenish, causing a smarting in the forepart of the genital organs, obliging her to scratch, especially in the evening and at night; the scratching brings on a violent burning. Discharge of flocks, pus, and mucus, from the vagina, of the size o£ hazel-nuts.—Excessive liability to become pregnant. —Pain in the mamma), also periodically, as if ulceration would take place. Swelling of the mamma?, particularly of the nipples, which are somewhat harder. "Hard swelling of the mamma', with sore pain, or with suppura'ion and ulceration. "Soreness of the nipples. Larynx.—* Catarrh wi'h chilliness, -hypochondriac mood, aversion to every kind of nourishment, and constipation. "A specific remedy in catarrh with cough, coryza (sore throat), chilliness, dread of the open air. "Constant hoarse- ness and aphonia. "Nasal sound of voice. "Burning and tickling in the larynx. — "Specific in grippe.—*I)ry cough.—*Cough with expectoration.—*Fatiguing, short dry cough, excited by a titillation behind the upper part of the anterior wall of the chest, especially when talking, and scarcely permitting one to speak a word. Violent cough for many nights, with irritation as if from the stomach, inducing cough ; the cough sets in while waking and sleeping, and does not oblige him to raise himself.—* Cough which sounds as if the whole inside of the chest were dry, with pain in the, chest and small of the back. * Violent racking cough every -other *evening, when he was on the point of going to sleep, as if the chest and head would fly to pieces, for half an hour; -the cough is fallowed by violent stretching.—"Rough cough with feeling of dryness and stinging in the throat. Spasmodic cough, with retching.—Short and hacking cough. — Haemoptysis. Woody expectora'ion when walking in the open air, or when at work. While lying, he coughed up more than a pound of blood in three hours. Sensation 224 MERCURIUS. during cough, as if his breath would be arrested.—Inclination to vomit during cough. "Stitches in the occiput during cough. Chest.—Difficult breathing, as if he had not air enough, early in the morning. *Shortness of brea'h, as if one had inspired smoke. * Shortness of breath when going up stairs. ^Shortness of breath when walking, -as if he could not take in sufficient air. Anxiety behind the sternum; he has to take a deep inspira- tion.—Oppression in the region of the sternum. Pain in the chesty as if op- pressed. Anxiety about the chest; a sort of asthma. When turning to the left side, in the evening, in bed, he is obliged to breathe very deeply, causing an intolerable pain in the region of the left groin. Dyspnoea after a meal.—Aching pain in the side of the sternum, extending through to the back, and being even felt during rest, but worse when walking in the evening; afterwards the place felt painful, as if bruised.—Pressure in the left chest, hindering deep breathing. Aching in the right chest when arresting the breath, going off during an inspira- tion and expiration.—Burning sensation in the chest, extending to the throat. Burning in the left side, in the region where the ribs terminate. Sore pain in the chest. Bruised pain in the upper part of the chest, in the evening, as from a blow.—Cramp-pain and tension in the left side, directly under the ribs, not painful, but he lacked breath and dared not stir, for on making the least motion, with the arm, etc., or when uttering a single word, he felt as though life would cease.—Single stitches in the chest, when stooping. When sneezing and cough- ing, between the acts of respiration, he feels a stitch in the anterior and superior portion of the chest, extending through to the back ; the chest feels contracted and squeezed together by the stitch. Single sharp stitches in the chest (every stitch continuing for five minutes), more particularly in the forenoon and when walking (also in the knee, the malar bone, and the olecranon). Five or six severe stitches in the left chest, during and between the acts of respiration. Stitches in the left side. Dull stitches in the right chest, for some minutes, only during an expiration, when lying and stooping.—Stabbing pain in the left side, under the short ribs, during every inspiration.—Painful feeling, as if swollen, in the left side under the last ribs.—Twitching in the muscles of the chest on the right side. Stitching in the region of the last true rib, and in the inguinal region during an inspiration, with oppression of breathing. Griping under the mammae, after a meal, at intervals. Violent tearing in the muscles of the chest, near the left shoulder. Tensive pain in the anterior part, and all around the chest, diminishing the breathing (when sitting; for some days). Violent bruised pain across the chest, not relieved by changing his position.—* Palpitation of the heart. Back.—Tearing pain in the region of the os coccygis, relieved by pressing the hand against the abdomen.—Griping pain in the small of the back, espe- cially when standing, somewhat relieved by walking. Pain in the os sacrum, as if one had been lying on a hard couch. Pain in the small of the back, relieved when sitting. Bruised pain in the small of the back, especially when sitting (for several days). Itching of the os sacrum when walking. Pricking itching in the os sacrum when walking. Stitching in the small of the back during an ordinary inspiration. Stitching pain in the small of the back and in the thighs, with unsteadiness in the small of the back, knees and feet.—Fine stitches on the right side of the spinous processes of the os sacrum. Pock-shaped eruption directly above the anus, with pressure, particularly when sitting.—Sharp prick- ings in the dorsal spine between the scapula;. Fine and coarse stitches in the dorsal muscles when walking. Smarting pain in the back, especially when sit- ting. Itching in the back, in the evening when in bed. Titillation in the left MERCURIUS. 225 ride of the back. (Burning itching and heat of the whole back, especially when walking in the open air.) Burning-hot sensation in the whole back. Bruised pain in the back. When walking in the open air he feels a bruised pain in the left side of the back, as if he had stooped too long, for several days.—Burning pain on the right shoulder, extending as far as the nape of the neck (while sit- ting). Burning between the shoulders and down the back. Violent pain between the shoulders at the commencement of the neck, when turning the head, or when turning the body while lying; wh.n lifting anything the pain became bo violent that he had to press his teeth together.—Twitching in the region of the right scapula Itching in the region of the right scapula.—Tearing in the scapulae Painless beating in the scapula, terminating in a trembling Cramp pain under the scapulae, during motion, after midnight. Bruised pain in the left scapula, with stitching and tension in the part; when turning the head, the pain became so violent that he cried out and wept (in the morning immediately after waking). Little blotches and ulcers on the scapulae ■■ d abdomen.— Burning pain in the upper part of the right shoulder, extending as far as the nape of the neck when sitting. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, arid stitches in the part, during motion. A sort of rheumatic pressure in the nape of the neck, even during rest, most violent when bending the head backward. Swollen and stiff neck, wi'h difficulty of turning it, accompanied with a feeling of heavi- ness in the neck.—Stinging pain in the cervical glands. *Swelling of the cervi- cal glands, also with painful closing of the jaws, "or inflammatory swelling with Bringing and pressure. Upper Extremities.—The left shoulder became raised above the right, with pain in the shoulder which wakes him from sleep, and is especially felt during motion. The shoulders and the upper part of the arm feel as if gone, tj sleep, early in the morning when in bed. Horrid stitches in the shoulder-joint in the evening. Cracking in the shoulder and et bow-joints. Jerking and beating sen- sation in the shoulder-joint. * Tearing in the right shoulder-joint, the humeri and wrist-join' (in the knee and hip-joint and in the region of the femora), "par- ticularly at night and when moving the parts. Pain in the shoulders as if pressed down. Burning in the outer parts of both arms, obliging him to let everything he held in his hands dr<>p, and to let his arms fall. The right arm and hand felt as if gone to sleep, less during motion. Tearing in the internal surface of the right arm. When leaving the arm for a long time in the same position, he feels an intolerab'e, painful weariness in it; he has alternately to stretch and bend it, the stretching being the more pleasant. Jactitation of whole muscles of the rightarm. The right arm is shaken and tossed about the whole night. When raising the left arm, it feels heavy, and as if sprained.— Crushing pain in the humeri.—Darting, tearing in both upper arms; the flesh feels sore when touched.—Tearing in the right elbow-joint. Single, pointed stitches of five minutes each, in the olecranon, in the malar bone, chest, and in the outer condyle of the tibia; more in the forenoon, and when walking. Slow lancination in the elbow-joint. The left arm, especially the elbow, is covered with small, red, not. inflamed elevation", the tips of which became white, scaly, and itching; they burn when scratched. Red, violent, hot swelling of the left elbow, extending as far as the hands, burning and tearing with formication. Burning in the elbow-joints. Itching of the left elbow. Stitching in the region of the elbow.—Painful weariness in the bones of the forearm (and in the tibiae), not when touched. Sticking cramp-pain in the muscles or on the periosteum. Itching rash on the forearm. *Herpes on the right forearm, round, the skin peeling off, with voluptuous itching, and lasting eighteen days. Large, red, round, scaly spots, with burning pain, one inch in diameter, on the forearm and VOL. II. 15 226 MERCURIUS. wrist.—Paroxysms of painless beating in the wrist-joints. Red tubercle on the dorsum of the hand, burning when first coming out. Blisters full of a watery fluid on the inner side of the wrist-joint. *Itch-like eruption on the bands, -with violent nightly itching and raging pain in the forehead. Painful stiffness of the right wrist-joint. Paralytic weakness in the left wrist-joint, with cracking and sticking in the joint. Pain in the left hand un the bones) when stretching it, when seizing and pressing anything, as if rigid and paralytic. Cracking" sticking, and want of strength in the wrist-joint. The left wrist-joint is swollen, and painful when moving it, and seizing anything hard. Deep rhagades in the hands, looking like iucisions (chapped hands). Considerable swelling of the left hand. Tension in the whole hand.—Drawing pain in the hands, with coldness of the fingers. Severe cramp-pain in the left hand, especially the fingers (when moving the hands). The hands and fingers are liable to become rigid when working, and a cramp-pain is experienced in them. The skin of the dorsum of the hand peels off. Corrosive itching of the dorsa of the hands, in the evening when in bed, going off after scratch- ing, but returning soon. Violent tickling in the palm of the left hand. Fine tickling in the palm of the left hand. * Contraction of the fingers of both hauls, -especially the thumb, which is clenched, as in epilepsy; without aid he is only able, with great exertions, to stretch the fingers two-thirds; the bands trembling all the while. Painful, cramp of the fingers and hands ; first, the fingers became stretched, making the bending difficult; after bending thera, the cramp contracts the fingers.—Deadness of theflngers. Deep rhagades in the fingers, ihe base of which looks sore and bleeding. The fingers, especially the inner sides, became cracked as if cut into. Deep crack, resembling an in- cision, between ihe thumb and index-finger, bleeding and painful. Small sores on the finger-joints which are somewhat ulcerated. In the morning the fingers go to sleep, with buzzing in the fingers, afterwards tearing, extending to the middle of the forearm. Painful swelling of the posterior knuckles. Tearing in the finger-joints here and there. Titillating, stinging itching of the inner side of the posterior joint of the right thumb. In the a'ternoon the thumb is drawn near to the index-finger (of the le!t hand, which had been held in a horizontal position while sitting); this thumb and index-finger remained pressed against one another for several minutes, as if by a violent cramp ; accompanied with fine stinging in the thumb; in a few minutes the thumb receded from the index- finger spontaneously, whereas during the cramp, the fingers could not even be separated by force. Aching pain in the middle joint of the middle finger, when bending it. Visible twitching in the tendons of the fingers (also those of the toes and the tendo-Aehillis) in the evening, accompanied with violent chills which raised him off his seat. Dull, stitching, cramp-pain in the left index-finger. Digging-up pain along the ball of the right hand, commencing on the outer side under the little finger, worst when at rest. —Burning jerking under the ball of the thumb, when writing. Exfoliation of the fi lger-nails. Lower Extremities. — Sharp stitches in the right il'ium, posteri rly. Sharp, acute stitches, at regular and short intervals, in the anterior-inferior spi- nous process of the ilium. Boring pain in the right glutei muscles (when sit- ting). Burning of the nates. Stitching in the right hip-j int. Red pimple, with a white tip, on the nates, pain!ul and stinging. * Tearing in the hip- jvn', in the knee, and in the fern ra, (in the ri^lit shoulder and wrist-pint, and in the humerus, "particularly at night and during motion, sometimes with a feeling of coldness in the affected parts.—Itching of the lower e ifremi- ti s, in the evening. The lower extremities frequently go to sleep, as i' para- lyzed. Tearing drawing irjm the heel to the buttocks, worse at night, with MERCURIUS contraction and giving way of the knees. Stiff feeling in one limb, when walking. Stitching of the thighs and legs during motion. A good deal of stitching in the lower limb when treading firmly as if it were too short Drawing and heaviness in the 1 >wer limbs. Involuntary twitching and moving forward of the lower limbs. Trembling when walking, worst about the knees and in the in- guinal region. The limbs give way. Drawing pain in the thighs and legs. Shining transparent swelling of the thighs and legs. Itching eruption on the limbs, especially the inner surface of the thighs. Pain of the right thigh as if bruised, especially when feeling it, and aggravated by walking. Itching of the inner sides of the thigh, becoming agreeable by scratching, which occasions the appearance of small blotches. Coldness of both thighs. Cramp-like j>ain of the let ham-striiigs, near the knee (when sitting). Stitch-like tearing in the muscles of the right thigh, in every position of the limb. Tensive pain in the right thigh (when sitting). During a nightly slumber (without sleep), he feels a rin'int lens-re pain in the p< sterior part of the left thigh, in the buttock, (most violent in the bend between the buttock and the thigh), and extending as far as the bend of the knee; the pain is most easily relieved in a recumbent posture by supporting the thigh by means of something laid underneath; she cannot sit on the posterior part of the thigh on account of the pain; the pain beccmes peri dically worse. Drawing pain in the anterior surface of the left thigh. Painful pressure in the thighs behind the mvselcs, as if the parts were drawn from above downwards. Eruption on both thighs in the evening (pre- ceded by heat in the head and in the dorsum of the foot), itching, a burning water oozing out alter scratching, as when one pours brandy into a wound ; abcut midnight, the abdomen and thighs become covered with sweat, after the itch- ing; no thirst. .S inging and iiclvng in the skin of the thighs, waking him at three o'clock in the night. Small pimples on the inner surface of the thighs. * Herpes on the pr sterior surface of the thigh, painful when scratched, and the epidermis coming off when scratching, for thirty days. Tumour on the upper portion of the left thigh, painful when walking and when feeling it. Gnawing, itching u'rers on the outer side of the right thigh. Crau.p in the lower part of the thigh, above the bend of the knee.—Both knees feel to him too large and bin, and he experiences a jerking iu them for thirty six hours. Cravling from the right knee to the middle of the thigh, anteriorly. The knee-joints are pain- ful, as if broken, when lying. Slaw lancinafon in the right knee when sitting t walking. (Jreat weariness above the knee when walking. 7Y«rVi^ in the knee-joint. Simple pain in the right knee, and as if stiff. Paroxysms of pain- less bcatiiv in the knee-joii.ts. — Weakness in the knees and tarsal joints worst when standing, as if the tendons were without strength and firmness. Sensa- ti 'ii as i' the beml of the knee were too short. Stitching in the knee-j( int when walking in the open air. Single poin'cd stitches of five minutes' duration each, in the region of the outer condyle of the tibia, not in the knee-joint (also in the malar bone, cl.oxt, and olecranon^, more in the forenoon ai:d when walking. — H airiness and restlessness in the let's; in the evening. Spasmod:c droving up of the legs, they remained contracted the whcle night. Swelling of both legs. Drop ical swilling of the legs and feet. Excessive swilling of one leg. A number of ulc-r^lcd fores on tl e left leg remaining open for einht or ten da's; at Grst th-y were small, itchi ;g pimples; when healing, the skin scaled ( ff all around, i'eling of st lines in the le t leg, extending to the bend of the knee. Irkingof the legs. St itch-like tcir':ng\n the muscles of the right hg (when walki g\n the open air). Drawing pa':n in the inner side of the left leg above tie eal'. Hard elevation on the right tihia, red and si inino-, with a imsice pain —lioring pain in the tibia. Drawing ■/ ain in the tibiac.^Pain in the tibia) (and bones of the forearm), as if weary, not when touching the parts. 228 MERCURIUS. Stitching in the calf when walking in the open air. Spasmodic contraction of the calf, occasioning the formation of hard and raised bunches of skin and flesh. One of the calves becomes excessively long. Oblong, deep furrows in the calves. Aching pain in the periosteum of the right tibia, almost like cramp (when standing). Painful cramp in the right calf. W, stitching cramp- pain in the periosteum of the anterior surface of the left tibia, when standing, almost like tearing.—Violent pressure under the ankles and in the tarsal joint superiorly, rendering walking difficult. Violent swelling of the right tarsal joint, with stitching pains in the joint, especially when walking, and in the even- ing. Pain as if sprained in the right tarsal joint. Stitching extending from the outer ankle to the bend of the knee. Tearing from the ankles to the dor- sum of the foot, this space being surrounded with swelling. Painful, slow draw. ing in the tarsal joint, below the outer ankle, extending to the hollow of the sole of the foot and commencing with stitching and griping. Cold feel in the even- ing after lying down, in bed. Toward morning, the feet are covered with cold sweat. Stitches in the heel (and fold of the groin), in the evening. (Burning in the soles of the feet in the evening.) Swelling of the dorsa of the feet. "Painful swelling of the metatarsal bones. Sensation in the soles of the feet as if standing in cold water, accompanied with a burning sensation in the parts. Digging-up pain in sole of the right foot (when standing). Dull, stitching cramp-pain in the sole of the right foot, near the heel, only when sitting. Tear- ing pain in the left heel (when sitting), as if sprained. — The tendo-Achillis is painful when walking.— Visible twitching of the tendo-Achillis and the tendons of the toes, in the evening, with violent chilly shuddering, tossing him off his seat. Considerable swelling of the heel, scarcely allowing her to step on the toes; accompanied with violent burning and biting in the whole foot; even when in bed, the pain in the foot was so great that she had to leave the bed. Cramp- like contraction of the toes in the night. Paroxysms of tearing from the big toe to the other side of the knee. Swelling of all the toes. Swelling of three toes, going and coming at short intervals, painful in the night. Boring pain in the tip of the third toe, during rest and motion. Burning pain under the left big toe (during rest). I ching between the toes, most violent in the after- noon and evening. Itching stitch in the root of the two last left toes (during rest). Sleep.—A good deal of yawning before dinner and supper. Drowsiness (when sitting), going off in walking. While standing, she was seized with an irresistible sleep. First, drowsiness, afterwards sleeplessness. Continual slum- ber, but no sound sleep. Slumbers in the night, and turns from side to side, as if the bed-cover were too heavy. Drowsiness, interrupted by starting, palpita- tion of the heart, and frightful fancies (for example, as if he would have an epileptic fit). Nightly sleep with open mouth without snoring, but with frequent tossing to and fro in the bed, as if he had no rest. * Great incli- nation to sleep, in day-time. Sleeps twelve hours, and this is not enough. He falls asleep every moment, day and night, and wakes again every minute. Too much sleep and loo sound Sleeps even in the afternoon.—Cannot sleep soundly after midnight, and feels at night a violent tensive pain in the left lower limb. Sleeps much in the day-time, and is sleepless at. night. Sleeplessness with excessive restlessness, anxiety and unpleasant feeling. Excessively weak, and constantly drowsy, yet he is unable to sleep. * Wakeful un'il three o'clock in the morning; she sweats before falling asleep (from two to three o'clock). Falls asleep late and wakes quite early. * Falls asleep la'c in 'hr night. He wakes every night between two and four o'clock. He is unable to go to sleep, he tosses about without knowing why, and feels very tired in the morn- ing. He wakes every night at four o'clock with a desire to urinate. Sleep* MERCURIUS. 229 only towards morning. He wakes in the night with sweat on the legs, from the knee down to the foot, which disappears as soon as be uncovers his feet. After having slept two hours, she wakes at eleven o'clock in the evening, as if started by fright; she weeps aloud for some minutes, before she is able to collect her senses and calm her mind. She wakes early and is then unable to fall asleep again. Frequent waking as if by fright. Frequent waking as if by a noise. Frequent waking as if he had slept enough. He wakes every quarter of an hour in the nigh', without dreaming. The pain re-commences as soon as he gets into bed, hindering sleep. When on the point of falling asleep, the pain becomes worse, and he wakes again. Stretching in the uight, while waking fre- quently. When on the point of falling asleep, she starts violently, the starting re-percussing in the teeth and occasioning a severe stitch through the face with shuddering. She frequently starts while asleep, throwing up her arms into the air. Frightful fancies in the evening, hindering sleep. Moaning and muttering during sleep, with hurried breathing and coldness of the hands (not of the feet). * Excessive restlessness, anxiety and malaise, with sleeplessness. *A good deal of anxlet 1/ and orgasm of the blood, at night, with pricking in the blood-ves- sels. Restless nights, full of heat; he imagines, while half awake, he hears thieves breaking in. Is afraid of falling asleep. Sleeps, but, on waking, every part in his head seems to turn; sleep is rather disagreeable to him than otherwise. Anxiety shortly after falling asleep, before midnight; he started and remained anxious until he woke.—He wakes and dreams the greatest portion of the night. Agreeable dreams, after midnight.t Dreams about events, in great number, at night. Anxious dreams, with palpitation of the heart; nevertheless, she is unable to wake. He dreams that he is falling from a height. Restless nights, he dreams about robbers. Vivid dreams about his business. She dreams that she has swallowed a pin, and such like anxious dreams, which did not wake her entirely. Anxious dreams, as if he had been bitten by a dog, or about a rebel- lion, after midnight. Vivid, agreeable and also disagreeable dreams. She dreams that people are standing before her window; on waking she will not believe that they are not there. Dream about an inundation, about shooting. He started in a dream ; he imagined that he was not in his house, he sat up in bed and spoke of a distant village. Vivid dreams which he is unable to recol- lect. Amorous dreams and erection in the second night, without emission. Fever.—Yawning. "Wants to drink all the time, even icy-cold water. Vio- lent thirst. Continual coldness of the, hands and feet. He feels cold to him- self and others, with chilliness, shaking and bluencss of the body, the whole day; she had to bend forward. Cold feet in bed, in the evening. Chilly shud- dering over the whole body. Shuddering in the evening, in bed, for half an hour. Shuddering, early in the morning on waking. He feels chilly on walk- ing into the open air. He feels more chilly in the open air than in the room. although the temperature was the same. Chilliness over the whole body, morn- ing and evening; he shakes through and through. He feels chilly, and expe- riences cold thrills, especially over the hands; behind the ears he feels a dry heat, Chilliness in the back, with heat in both lobules. Chilliness in bed, early in the morning, on waking. Internal chilliness, also early in the morn- ing, in bed. Internal chilliwss of the whole body, in the forenoon. Chilli- , ness in the morning, and heat towards nnon. Chilliness a'ter the siesta. Chil- liness towards eveninc, increasing as he sat nearer the warm stove. Chilli- ness in bed, early in the morning and. in the evening. Chilliness of the whole body under the skin, for half an hour, in the evening, in bed. Chilliness until midnight, in the evening, in bed, followed by heat with violent thirst. t This is probably a curative effect. 230 MERCURIUS. Violent shaking chills in the evening; he is tossed off his seat (accompanied with subsultus of the tendo-Achillis and the tendon of the flexor commu- nis digitorum pedis). Chilliness in the night, fallowed by alternation of chilli*- ness and heat. Chilliness all over, with icy-cold hands. Chilliness, as if cold water were poured over him. Violent chilliness, from the nose and eyes down to the occiput, with tearing pain in the outer parts, before midnight when lying in the bed. Chilliness all over, at nine o'clock in the evening and through the night; accompanied with emission of urine every hour, and involuntary jerking, tossing and twitching of the bead and limbs, while lying in a slumber. Violent shaking chills in the evening while in bed; she could not get warm. Chilliness binds all his limbs, like a violent catarrhal fever ; he had to lie down. Trem- bling of all the limbs, after the chilliness.—* Paroxysms of fever, *especially at night. Shuddering, frequently mingled with flushes of heat. Shuddering from head to foot, when making the slightest motion; mingled with paroxysms of heat. Heat in the face, with chilliness of the rest of the body. Internal chil- liness, with heat in the face and a burning sensation in both cheeks. Alternate heat and shuddering in the face. Alternate chilliness and heat in the head and face. Fever : first, heat and redness in the face, and a feeling of heat in the whole body, especially in the palms of the hands, without any warmth being per- ceptible to the touch ; afterwards internal chilliness, obliging one to lie down, a sort of shaking chill, continuing until late in the night, and accompanied with a feeling of heat in the palms of the hands and icy-coldness of the tips of the fin- gers. Frequent febrile paroxysms, consisting in general flushes of heat and frequently-recurring chills and shuddering (especially over the face, back, chest and arms). Alternate sensations of heat and chilliness, not perceptible to the touch. The face feels hot to him and others, with paleness of the face. Heat and redness of the left cheek, after midnight, with sweat of the palms of the hands; afterwards diarrhoea and aversion to food. Paroxysms of heat, with great anguish, as if the chest were compressed, without thirst, alternating with a feeling of coldness over the whole body, and great failing of strength. Heat, redness, and pressure in both eyes. When sitting for a while, heat mounts to his cheeks and head, with redness of the face, without thirst. Feeling of warmth in every part o? the body, for four days, the air being cold and raw (imme- diately). Heat in the face and head from time to time. Constant mingling of chilliness and heat; chilliness out of and heat in bed, with excessive desire for milk in the night, (he drank three quarts of milk in one night). For the fevers which have been cured with Merc, see Clin. Observ.—*_4 good deal of thirst, particularly during the hot stage. Thirst, day and night. Desire for icy-cold water. Thirst for water, towards evening. * Violent thirst. Wants to drink all the time.—Sweat, occasioning a burning sensation in the skin. Great disposition to sweat, especially in the night. Profuse sweat when walking or moving. Sweat in the, day-time, with nausea and languor. As soon as she commences to eat she is attacked with great anxiety, and with sweat on the head and forehead, which feels to her icy-cold; she has to walk into the open air, lacks breath and has prickings under the right ribs. Sweat in the face and on the chest. Profuse cold sweat in the face. Sweat on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.—Fetid sweat for many nights. Profuse night- sweat, also of an oily and greasy nature, tinging the linen yellowish and impart- ing to it a feeling of stiffness. Profuse fetid sweats, as if the mattress and the cover of the bed had been soaked in water. Profuse sweat on various parts of the bodv, during the night Excessive sweat, having a sour and offensive smell, and making the fingers feel soaked, sp< ngy, and shrivelled, like the fingers of washerwomen. Sour-smelling sweat; when stretching a limb from ui.der the cover, she felt at once the most violent tearing in it. Sweat every evening, MERCURIUS. 231 an hour and a half after lying down. Profuse -morning-sweat. During the morning-sweat he feels thirsty and nauseated unto vomiting, with intolerable palpitation of the heart. cProfuse sweat in rheumatism, which does not afford any relief. * Accelerated pulse. Pulse twice as fast. Quick and violent beat- ing of the pulse. * Feeble, slow and trembling pulse. Skin.—*ltching -• -indcred pleasant by scratching. Violenlitching on every part of the body, particularly at night, with great desire to scratch, and a bright- red, hot face. Intolerable stinging itching as from flea-bites, in the evening. Itching, as from the itch, day and night, worse in the evening. "Nightly itching aggravated by the warmth of the bed.—"Itching eruptions, with burn- ing after scratching. Small, transparent vesicles full of a watery fluid, appearing on various parts of the body before day-break. Round stigmata (on the thighs and legs), gradually changing to round ulcerated spots, and becoming finally covered with a scurf. Small, itching pimples, afterwards changing to ulcers, during the healing of which the surrounding skin peels off. Pustules on the upper and lower limbs, the tips of which are filled with pus, with itching. Red, raised little spots, with stinging itching. Nettle-rash, afterwards changing to red spots. °Herpetic spots and suppurating pustules, which either run into one another, forming at times dry and scaly spots, at times discharging an acrid humour, or which remain sore, become hollow and after- wards raised and cicatrized, new pustules springing up in the neighbourhood.— *Itchlike eruptions -on the abdomen and thighs, with itching. ^Eruption. resembling greasy itch -on the lower limbs, sexual organs, bends of the knees, neck and abdomen, considerably raised, red as if sore, humid and itching. "Dry, rash-like, readily-bleeding itch.—Rash-like eruptions, also over the whole body, particularly on the chest, thighs and the lower part of the back. Measle- shaped rash, with burning and itching.—°Malignant scarlatina, particularly with violent inflammation of the throat. "Mercury is a specific remedy in ihe sup- purative stage of smallpox. — *Herpes, *with burning when touched. Dry, raised, burning-itching herpes on the lower and upper limbs, wrist-joints, hands and between the fingers. Herpes surrounded with a border of large scales (on the forearm and knee), discharging a good deal of moisture. °Impetiginous herpes on the abdomen, thighs and knees. ° Visibly-spreading herpes after several ulcers, discharging a corrosive ichor.—Swollen spot, on which a gray, flat scurf gradually made its appearance without moisture, after which the swell- ing and pain disappeared.—* Erysipelatous inflammations.—"Syphilitic ulcers of every kind, particularly primary. * Spreading ulcers. Spongy, bluish, readily-bleeding ulcers. Ulcers which are extremely painful to the least touch, discharge an acrid, corrosive ichor, with unequal elevations and depres- sions as if corroded by insects, with unequal quick pulse, sleeplessness, drip- ping night-sweats aud great nervousness, during which the least thing irri- tates one and makes one impatient.—* Carious ulcers. *Caries, -and abscesses in the joints. Thickening of the periosteum. Swelling of bones. °Syphilitic exostosis.—inflammatory catarrhal, rheumatic, arthiric or erysipelatous swell- ings. "HeaHhy an I malignant suppurations. *Glandular swellings, particu- larly when not inflamed, or wi'h intense, shining redness and beating and sting- ing. "Suppuration of glands. "Syphditic buboes.—Peeling off of the epider- mis, particularly on the hands and feet.—*Jaundice, -also with biting itching on the abdomen. The linen receives a saffron tinge from the imperceptible exhalation.— Dropsical persons lost their swelling, in the place of which fetid ulcers made their appearance on th». leg?, vh'chbzcame speedily putrid.—Cor- rode! nails of the fingers and toes, with itching General Symptoms.—(Cracking in all the°jnints). damp in several parts during motion. Paroxysms of pawless beating in the joiuts. WLile lying, the 232 MERCURIUS. head, arms and thighs go to sleep. As soon as she sits down, every part of her body goes to sleep, upper and lower extremities, hands, even the abdomen, although less, back and chest, so that she is aim st insensible; numbness and deadness all over; when moving she feels a creeping in the moved part, as when a part goes to sleep. Rigidity of all the limbs, making it impossible for him to move them in the least; they can be easily moved by others.—* Violent pain, as if bruised, in the whole body, especially the thighs; he felt as if he had been beaten all over for many days. All the limbs are painful, as if dis'ocated, more when sitting. * Arthritic pain in the joints with swelling of the same. ^Rheumatic or arthritic pains in the joints and limbs, particularly at night, or with copious sweats which do not afford any relief. *Tearing in the limbs, here and there, -also aggravated by pressure, or darting. Tearing in the hands, back and chest, with headache. * Drawing and tearing in the limbs, particularly at night. Darting pain in the affected parts.— *All his bones ache, when sitting, lying, walking, aud standing.—Constant uneasiness in all the limbs, in the evening, like a jerking in the limbs, as is felt after too long a fatigue; he is unable, to keep his limbs quiet. Restlessness towards evening, he is unable to remain quiet anywhere; he was unable to remain seated for even two minutes, nor was he able to lie down, for then he felt a jerking in his lower limbs, and had to get up again ; in the night he started constantly, accompanied with jerk- ing even of the head, and when asleep he threw bis arms about. Almost unin- terrupted pain in the joints as if sprained, compressed and broken at the same time; the pain obliges him to move his limbs constantly in every direction.— Heaviness of the limbs, with paleness, coldness, laziness and drowsiness. Hea- viness as if the blood-vessels were filled with lead, worse when sitting. Every kind of covering is too heavy for him, clothes, bed-cover, etc.— Weariness, with tearing-drawing pain in both thighs, after midnight, in bed ; after rising from bed, when stepping, he feels a pain extending from the inguinal region to the knee, as if the flesh on the anterior part of the thigh had been detached by blows■.-<—*Languor especially when sitting, as if his limbs would drop off Pa. roxysms of internal mental and bodily sinking. He does not eel languid when sitting, but very much so when walking; then the upper and lower parts of his lower limbs ache very much, as if he had taken a long walk. In the morning he does not feel languid, nevertheless the least walk exhausts him. He feels very much exhausted after stool accompanied with much pinching. * Weakness, -less when walking than when standing. He complains all over without feeling a pain anywhere; he feels faint, is not disposed to do anything, is out of humour. Talking is troublesome to him, he is unable to read, his head feels confused and muddled; he is unable to do any work, and goes to sleep on sitting down. Great weakness, he is scarcely able to move along. Excessive weakness and sudden giving way of the knees. Qualmishness in the morning, with heaviness of the lower limbs, languor and drowsiness. At five or six o'clock every after- noon he is attacked with great languor. Weary after a short walk. Languor with melancholy. Great languor in the evening.—Short swoon, terminating in a sleep of five minutes; before the swoon she felt something sweet rising in her chest. Swoon for ten minutes, the pulse being pretty good. She rubs her cheeks and forehead with both hands, a'ter which she feels faint. A kind of swoon, his consciousness remaining intact, mostly when lying; he gasps for breath, with laziness and languor in all his limbs. "*Sinking with an indescriba- ble malaise of body and soul, obliging him to lie down.—Trembling, at first of the rar ds only and then of the whole body.—Jictitation of the limbs. He has to lie down in the forenoon, on account of twitching and heaviness of the thighs, with sweat on the whole body and in the face. Paroxysms of spasmodic con- traction of the upper and lower limbs. Contraction of single parts. Local or MERCURIUS JODATUS. 233 general catalepsy. General cataleptic immobility. Rigidi'y and immobUi'y of all the, limbs, although they can be easily moved by others. Stiffness and stretching of the upper and lower limbs, with clenched thumbs, preceded by yawning and pain in the small of the back, and succeeded by languor. "Epi- leptic at a<-k at night, with a shriek, stiffness of the body, distention of the ab- domen, itching of the nose and thirst.—Paralysis.—Apoplexy.—Excessive emaci- ation, also with complete exhaustion of strength.—Desiccation of the whole body. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The symptons generally become worse in the evening and at night. The pains become intolerable in bed, (at night). The evening air is unpleasant to him. Chilliness when walking in \\\e open air. Palpitation of the heart when walking. Sweat breaks out on the forehead, aa soon as he walks in the open air. Violent sweat when walking. Sweat at ev°ry motion. Sweat when drinking anything warm. The ailments appear more fre- quently on the left side of the body, (as in syphilis?). He feels better when walking, than when lying or sitting. 2. MERCURIUS JODATUS.—(Hydrargyrum Jodatum.) MERC. JOD.—Protiodideof Mercury.—By Geo. W. Cook, M.D.,of New York. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS, ETC. The combination of mercury and iodine in equal atoms, I first prepared ac- • cording to Hahnemann's directions, and introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1S40. A favourable opinion of the value of a combination of these two medi- cines was the result of practical observations, first from an alcoholic solution, and then by trituration. The latter is decidedly the best, and the only one that should be used. The first trituration has generally been used by me, and I am not aware of any very satisfactory results from higher attenuations. An im- provement will follow the first few doses, but it should be persevered in until convalescence is established. If the medicine is discontinued too soon or higher potencies substituted, the patient will often relapse. This I have observed in many instances, and it is not uncommon for the patient to be so sensible of the cu- rative action of the medicine, as to be able to detect any change in the dose from the effect which immediately ensues. In infantile diseases, and in highly-sus- ceptible subjects, higher potencies will be found sufficiently active. The toxicological effects of iodine and mercury in combination, are not noticed by Christison, nor have we any more recent trials upon the healthy with it that may be relied upon as purely pathogenetic of this combination. First using it for jaundice and some other diseases of the liver and stomach, new symptoms were observed to follow, which were properly ascribed to its over action, and al- though this was not the best way to obtain a true pathogenesis, still it served as a guide to its future use, in which we have not been disappointed. It was first brought into notice as a valuable auxiliary in the treatment of tracheal and bronchial disease in 1S42, bv some observations which I communicated to the editor of the Homoeopathic Examiner, since which time it has been extensively used in the United States, and with the most satisfactory results. Thus while our pathogenesis is limited, our clinical observations are so abundant as to make it a valuable addition to our materia medica Both these medicines, in their uncombined state, are acknowledged by long ex- perience to have a more powerful medicinal action or influence over mucous tissues and glandular structures, than any other articles of the materia medica, and yet there are constitutional idiosyncrasies and peculiarities which cannot bear even an infinitesimal dose of either of these medicines separately. In delicate scrofu- 234 MERCURTUS JODATUS. lous subjects mercury alone is inadmissible ; and iodine not unfrequently disturbs the nervous system too powerfully to be borne. Here this combination will be found to be peculiarly adapted. A modihcation of the evil properties of both is clearly obtained, while a new energy is given to their curative properties. Hence many diseases which would strongly indicate either of these medicines separate- ly, and yet will not yield to them, will be quickly cured by their combined ac- tion. Again, we often meet with cases in which the constitution has been bro- ken down, from the organism being completely saturated with mercury, adminis- tered by allopathic practitioners during "fevers, liver complaints, lues venerea," etc., where the usual antidotes have but little influence beyond a mere palliation of the sufferings of the patient; here this combination cures the difficulty radi- cally, with the aid of some other judiciously-selected remedies, and the patient whose case had been considered incurable because of the inadmissibility of mer- cury, finds prompt relief from the protiodide of mercury. The most important sphere of the action of this combination, is the mucous-glandular and parenchy- matous structures. ' It is most happily indicated (other conditions coinciding,) in all enlargement or disease of the glands, acute or chronic, " conglobate or conglomerate" swelling of the parotids and tonsils during scarlatina, enlargement, engorgement or torpor of the liver or spleen during fevers, particularly those fevers of a typhoid type, enlargement of the inguinal glands and testicles during "gonorrhoea" or lues, a feeling of soreness of the scalp on combing or brushing the hair. Inflammation of the meibomian glands, with ulceration and adhesions of the lids in the morn- ing, from an accumulation of matter on the edges of the lids. Inflammation and* ulceration of the conjunctiva and sclerotica, with elevated, granulated and swollen surface. (Scrofulous ophthalmia,) chronic inflammation of the lachry- mal sac, and duct. Catarrhal inflammation of the posterior nares. The whole mucous membrane of the nose inflamed, and the wings of the nostrils excoriated from the profuse discharge of corrosive mucus, particularly in children. Nasal bones sore to the touch, and black spots on the skin. Mouth.—Sordes about the teeth and lips. Dry lips, tongue dry, and deeply chapped in the centre, deeply coated whitish, ash-coloured, velvety, deep yellow or brown. Ulcers are scattered along the margin of the tongue, with red edges and an ashy gray centre, the edge of the tongue shows the prints of the teeth where it rests against them. The gums easily bleed and look spongy, or have small ulcers of the same character as those on the tongue. The buccal and submaxillary glands are enlarged, inflamed, painful, throbbing, or hard, painless and hypertrophied ; parotids and tonsils are in a similar condition, and there is an abundant flow of tough saliva, with cough and expectoration of yellow mucus, or transparent frothy mucus, with an occasional heavy flake in the centre. The teeth are sore and feel as if elongated, with sharp shooting pains proceeding from them up the side of the face to the temples and head. Throat—The uvula, tonsils and isthmus-faucium are inflamed. The mucous membrane of the posterior nares, pharynx, etc., is changed from its normal pale red hue to a deep scarlet, or even purple, as the inflammation advances in seve- rity. As it passes to a chronic form the inflammation appears more in patches, of an irregular circumscribed form, growing paler towards their circumference until it is blended in the colour of the surrounding membrane into which it merges. From the surface of these patches a quantity of tough, white, or yellowish mucus is discharged, which keeps the patient constantly coughing, or hawking, to clear the air passages. In some cases, where the passage of the disease is rapid, and the inflammation is intense, the membrane is smooth, shining, tense, glossy, and dry; the ca- pillary vessels, which in the healthy condition of the parts are not seen, now MERCURIUS JODATUS. 235 become distinctly visible from their enlargement. In some instances the mucous follicles are so much impaired in their function as to cease to throw out any healthy mucus, and the entire entrance to the air-passages, and oesophagus, and palatine arch, is deep red, and dry, except spherical drops of water which stand on the surface like sweat, presenting the appearance of an erythematous in- flammation, with exudation very analagous to that which appears on the skin. The epiglottis, particularly at its root, is more abundantly supplied with mucous follicles, and hence is most affected by this condition. The inflammation ex- tends from the lingual surface of the epiglottis to the laryngeal surface, and by continuity to the entire surface of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial ramifica- tions. The voice is changed, or entire aphonia may take place as the inflam- mation extends to the larynx and involves the chord* vocales in ulceration. At this stage, in addition to the character of the expectoration, we have the follow- ing signs of this extension of disease ; external pressure upon the larynx pro- duces pain and sometimes cough, which latter is of' a peculiar cracking character, with a rattling in the throat. In the second stage of some forms of this disease of the throat, particularly when the first stage has passed off slowly, the surface is raw, the epithelium, which in the healthy condition of the mucous membrane covers its surface, being entirely destroyed, the mucous glaudulse will gradually swell and project, show- ing small pea-like granulations studding the entire surface, in a state of hyper- trophy, the transparent and bland mucous secretion of the healthy state by this transformation to diseased action becomes opaque, viscid and tough, causing a constant disposition to cough or hawk, which brings off a large quantity of this diseased mucus. A feeling of soreness attends upon pressing the larynx, upper end of the sternum and under the clavicles, with weariness and oppression, and a rattling " rale muqueux " which the patient notices, in the larynx and trachea, and aus- cultation discovers this rattling to extend more or less throughout the chest. The respiration is hurried, and the pulse over 100, small and wiry, slight chills and fever followed by perspiration twice in twenty-four hours. Percussion exhibits a dull sound throughout the clavicular region and upper lobes of the lungs, and tuberculation, more or less extensively developed, or hepatization, which often follows inflammation of the lungs. Emaciation, hectic fever, night and morning cough, with mucous or muco-purulent expectoration, leaves but little hope, even from this agent, after all other means have proved abortive. I have been more minute in the details of this portion of the diseases of the mucous and glandular tissues, because this is by far the the most important sphere of the action of the protiodide of Merc. Many of the conditions above described, will indicate other remedies, and will at once be recognised. I men- tion this as an auxiliary in the treatment of most, if not all, of these phases of morbid action, and a specific for some of theni. A number of highly-important cases might be cited to illustrate this practice and prove its value, but this is not the place, and we will pass them over, trusting entirely to the practical skill and discrimination of the reader, to prescribe this remedy when it is best adapted. The causes which tend most to bring about these pathological changes are numerous, and as this is not the place to enter into a full investigation of them, we shall only enumerate a few. The exceedingly-great changes of the temperature, of the northern portion of this continent, are prominent among the first causes; public speaking has been another source of great evil to the throat. The almost indiscriminate use of Merc in the treatment of all fevers, and in all portions of the world has had a prominent share of these throat diseases justly turned to its credit. A great 236 MERCURIUS JODATUS. many of these cases may be traced back to a period of life when the patient had a fever or some other disease, in which ptyalism was at one time considered as the " sheet-anchor," and although fevers were broken up as soon as a cer- tain quantity of saliva could be discharged, yet recovery was only a transfer to to laryngeal phthisis, which quickly terminated the sufferings of the patient, or chronic inflammation and ulceration of the entire mucous membranes was the secondary effect to stick to the patient through many tedious years, if not an entire life. The last cause of the extensive prevalence of disease of the air-passages which I shall mention here, is the indiscriminate and popular use of the topical application of nitrate of silver to these parts. This, like hydropathy, has been resorted to, from time immemorial, as an auxiliary in the treatment of disease, and with due discrimination, salutary results follow. But he who rides a hobby to such an extent, as to thrust a sponge into the throat of every patient that presents himself, whether it be for a recent catarrh, tubercular phthisis, or any other grade of disease, must do immense injury. Too many cases have come under my treatment, after having been subjected to the caustic practice, not to be able to state most explicitly, the entire failure to afford even temporary relief to many ; the relapse of more whose cases had been palliated, and the transfer or the extension of diseased action to the lungs, in others whose lives have paid the penalty within a year, from consumption, or have been snatched from this impending fate by the timely intervention of the proper treatment, after being dismissed by the champion of this practice, with the assurance, in tones of triumph, of a perfect cure. I am not wanting for an example, (even from among those whose names are mentioned by Dr. Green in his controversy with the " New York Medical and Surgical Society," as having made known, through the public press, their restora- tion), of mere palliation. Scarcely was this publication fairly before the world, when such a case was before me for my advice, not only in a more aggravated form, locaHy, than before the caustic was applied, but complicated with incipient tracheal and bronchial disease. That this hobby of Dr. Green's is more justly entitled to the appellation ("fabric of a vision,") which he so sneeringly applies to homoeopathy, a very brief period will suffice to prove. The practice of homoeopathy has been pretty extensively adopted in this country for a much longer period than his caustic practice, and yet for every case of a failure to cure these throat diseases by proper homoeopathic practice, I will pledge myself to produce five cases of failure by the application of the nitrate of silver. Nitrate of silver is corrosive, and acts locally only when used in the solid or strong liquid state. In minute doses it is capable of being absorbed, and then has other and more permanent influences upon the animal organization. ScWopfer experimented with it by introducing it into the healthy trachea, and found that it caused inflammation of the wind-pipe and pneumonia, passing rapidly on to hepatization of the lungs. A series of experiments which I have instituted by applying this caustic to mucous membranes in the normal state, proves, that even in the strength of ten grains to the ounce, it causes inflamma- tion, swelling and abundant discharge of thick, deep-yellow mucus in a very few hours; this gradually grows lighter, until it has recovered the bland and trans- parent aspect which is secreted by the mucous follicles in their normal state, if not too of'ten repeated. When it is often repeated the epithelium is destroyed, the entire membrane presents the attenuated and shining appearance, or from the swelling of mucous glandulae, on the raw surface, the granular surface above described. Thus it is at once manifest, that whenever this throat complaint is cured, it MERCURIUS JODATUS. 237 is strictly cured by the careful observance of the fundamental law of homoeopathy, "similia similibus curantur." And that practitioner, and he only, who under- stands this principle, and is guided by it, ad can guide or limit his local medi- cation to the diseased membrane alone, is the only one who is worthy of being entrusted with its application. The controversy on this subject has been principally, if not entirely confined to the question of the practicability of introducing a foreign substance into the larynx at all without great distress and suffocation. The opponents of this practice contend, that thcextreme irritability as evinced by the effect of the least drop of even a bland fluid coming in contact with the air-passages, is suffi- cient evidence of its impracticability. While on the other hand its advocates show by actual experiment and practice, that the air-passages may be entered even with a sponge containing about a drachm of a solution of nitrate of silver of the strength of 60 grs. or even 120 grs. to the ounce of water, with less spasmodic resistance or strangling, than the accidental imbibition into the cavity of the larynx of a single drop of tea, or even pure water, always pro- duces. Although this is perfectly true as to the fact, as stated by the advocates of this practice, it is a most dangerous position to lay down as a practical maxim, and if the practice is adopted under this impression without the physiological rationale being appended to it, the most fatal consequences must ensue. By parity of reasoning, it can be proved, that the actual cautery should be pre- ferred, because it would paralyze, more effectually, all re-active powers of these organs. We have no doubt of the practicability of introducing a sponge con- taining about one drachm of the strongest solution of the nitrate of silver below the epiglottis, nor have we any doubt but that this fluid is promptly pressed from the sponge by the spasmodic closure of the glottis, and sent not only to the dis- eased portion, but broadcast throughout the entire pulmonary mucous mem- brane. Herein consists the main evil. The facility with which this c peration can be performed causes it to be done more frequently than the nature of the case demands and the operator loses sight of the established fact, that every line of healthy membrane upon which this poison is allowed to extend, has mor- bid action at once instituted. The first sensation after the immediate strangling is a sense of numbness, which is quickly followed by a heat and smarting through- out the entire ramification of the air-cells, this is soon foil.wed by an expec- toration of deep yellow, or even reddish yell w mucus, which the patient supposes to be a salutary action of the application, but the physician ought, to km w that it is just as certain to follow the application of it to a perfectly heaithy mem- brane, while the introduction of this caustic, out of the sight and control of the operator, is claimed as the great improvement in its use. T cannot help the conviction from repeated observation, and some patients whrrhave come to me from such treatment, know from bitter experience that it is the most fatal poison to them. The skilful surgeon, when he fi ds it necessary to apply the nitrate of silver to ill-conditioned ulcers, or other cafes, is very care,ul to be guided by certain peculiar conditio s which his experienced e\e at once detects, ai d then he is erpially careful not to have the application extend beyond the limits of the morbid parts, and thus salutary results follow. This care should be more rigorously adhered to in the application to the mucous membranes, because they .are more sensitive to its action, and of course more disposed to put on morbid action. And of how much more importance is the.delicate mucous membrai c of the lungs to animal life? Cauterize its surface so as to prevent the admission or absorbtion of oxygen, and life must cease, and just in propor- tion as the extent of its surface is rendered impervious to the admission of 238 MERCURIUS VIVUS. this vital air. does the process of respiration, nutrition and support, become imperfect. Now, suppose the mucous membrane of the cavity of the larynx to be actually diseased, what means have we. after the caustic is once below the epiglottis, of confining it to this morbid portion? or suppose one lung to be diseased, and the other sound, (which is not unfrequently the case,) what means have we of directing the nitrate of silver to the diseased lung ? Indeed, the more free inha- lation of air to the sound lung would necessarily carry the largest portion, if not all of the caustic, where it was not only not needed, but where it would be posi- tively injurious, and exert a legitimate effect in bringing about diseased action. In these cases the Protiodide of Mercury is much more safe, pleasant and effectual in bringing about a healthy re-action, and a radical cure is the result instead of the mere palliation which is the most that can be attained by the caustic treatment. The Protiodide will also be found effectual in removing tenderness, fulness, hardness, and aching of the hypochondria and epigastrium, bloating and tympa- nitic or hard and doughy feel of the abdomen, particularly of infants, (tabes mesenterica,) with cloudy urine. Diarrhoea of a dysenteric character, green alvine discharges and sanguineo-mucous discharges, with tenesmus, particularly in scrofulous children, or when these symptoms follow a severe catarrh. 3. MERCURIUS VIVUS. MERC. VIV.—Mercurius regulinus, Argentum vivum, liquidum. Quick- silver.—Noack and Trinks. (The following symptoms are the effects of large doses of the metal.) CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Syphilis. Primary syphilitic ulcers.—Zona.—Threatening suppurations.— Lockjaw.—Blepharophthalmia variolosa.—Tearing pain in sound and decaved teeth, aggravated by cold air and cold drinks and at night, with sci rbutic affec- tion of the gums.—Darting and tearing toothache with ptyalism.— Ulcers of the tongue and inner mouth —Aphthae.—Hepatitis.—Icterus.—Dysentery.—Swill- ing of the testicle.—Inflammation of the labia maj .ra which had commenced with a small induration (furuncle?); the lip was excessively enlarged, hard, hot, dark red, shining, excessively painful when touched or rubbed by the clothes in walking; accompanied with burning, beating, darting stitches and pains, and with fever.—Grigpe, with great languor, headache, sore throat and pains in the chest, hoarseness and cough. SYMPTOMS. Eyes,—Staring eves which are constantly directed to one spot, without any- thing being seen.—R illing about of the eyes, with the head pressed backwards. (Minnecke, in Archiv, XV.) Ear,—Hard hearing, (Muvnecke, a 1.) Face,—Hipp cratic face with cold sweat in the face, (Munwcke).__Lead- coloured, bl.ated face, (Sch»el, contributions of Mecklenburg physicians. Part 1st, 1830).—Dry, hot, cracked lips, (Mimnecke, a. 1.). —The'teeth are set on edge, loose, fall out and frequently beer me yellow and carious, (Wibtwr, a. 1.). —Swollen gums. (Mminecke, a. 1 ).—Inflammation of the tongue, palace, J'auces, gums, lips, and the whole buccal cavity; the swelling was so considerable and MERCURIUS VIVUS. 239 there was such a profuse secretion of a tenacious fluid, that the passage was closed aud the patient was unable to eat, drink, talk, or even breathe ; his face was blue and swollen, looking like the face of a person who has died by suspen- sion, he was near suffocating, the buccal cavity and tongue were covered with aphthae, (in the case of a man who employed for the itch a belt of cloth which contained mercury and grease.—P. Jalon, Eph. nat. cur. Dec. II., ann. 6. obs. 107).— Ptyalism, (Gazette.—Zwinger in Eph. nat. cur. Dec. II. ann. 6).— Ptyalism with ulcers iu the mouth and paralysis of the extremities, (in the case of a man who had taken seven ounces of mercury in a fortnight. Laborde, Journal de M decine, torn. 50, p. 3); inflammation of the mouth, afterwards gangrene of the gums, tongue and cheeks, (from mercurial frictions in the case of a man of 0th. Pressure and breaking sensation in the teeth proceeding from the left malac bone, with sensation as if he were unable to press more than a portion of the teeth of the upper and lower row together. Breaking, stretching and drawing in a hollow molar tooth, and thence extending to the throat and fauce3, so that she is unable to open her mouth, or to swallow, or to utter a loud word; the pain extends also to the ear, where she experiences an itching and stinging sen- sation ; worst in the evening and before midnight. Dull drawing in the teeth. Drawing toothache after a meal and at night, followed by swelling of the cheeks. Violent drawing in the right row. Drawing toothache, with stitches, extending even into the eye, every other day.—Stitches, only in the hollow or carious teeth. Stitching pain, now in one, then in another tooth, one hour every fore- noon. Stitches in the teeth and side of the head, with stitches through the ears, from morning till evening. Stitching and throbbing pain in an anterior tooth.—Throbbing toothache, afterwards drawing extending into the ear, a3 if something would get out there, with much heat in the face and swelling of the gums; the teeth beitg higher and elongated, after midnight.— Throbbing pain and burning boring in an anterior tooth. Throbbing and boring in the teeth.— Sore pain in the teeth. Numbness of the teeth when pressing on them, they feel elongated, and as if they did not correspond to one another. Loose teeth. —Looseness and pain of the anterior teeth. The teeth arc set on edge.— Increase of the decay of the teeth.—Gum-boil on the inner side of the right jaw, more painful between than during the acts of eating.—Extreme sensitive- ness of the gums to cold and warm things; touching them with the tongue, excites a stinging pain.—Drawing pain in the gums, now in the upper, then in the lower jaw, the gums swell and are very painful to the touch. Inflammation and swelling of the gums, with swelling of the cheeks. Swelling of the gums of a hollow tooth. Swelling of the gums, for a couple of hours every morning; she was unable to chew on that side. Swelling and sore pain of the gums, also of the inner side of the gums of the upper front teeth. Painful swelling of the gums, readily bleeding. "Scorbutic putrid inflammation of the gums.— Bleeding of the gums.—Ulcer on the gums, painful day and night, for three weeks. "Fistula dentalis. Mouth.—Vesicles and soreness in the mouth, very painful. Ulcerated places in the mouth, on the gums, tongue, where both the snlid and liquid food cause a smarting sensation.—Accumulation of saliva, in the evening in bed, which gets into the larynx on swallowing, with a violent turn of cough. Watery, tasteless, saliva in the mouth. Constant spitting, owing to continual accumulation of water in the mouth. "Ptyalism. Bloody saliva. *Vesieles en ihe tongue, -burning and smarting when eating. Swelling under the tongue with a stinging pain. Sore feeling of the tongue, also between meals. One side of the tongue feels numb and stiff. Tingling in the tongue, it goes to sleep. "Chronic sensation as of a hair on the tongue. Sensation in the tip of the tongue, as if it trembled. Heavy tongue. Difficulty of talking, as if the organs of speech were weak; the weakness proceeds from the hypochondria. Pharynx and (Esophagus. —Sore throat as if the submaxillary glands were swollen. Sore throat, worse morning and evening. *Sore throat, as if NATRUM MURIATICUM. 307 a plug had lodged in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition, and as if the parts were raw, with burning pain and an anxious sensation as if the throat would close by swelling, waking one at night. Sensation as of a plug in the region of the xiphoid cartilage, on touching it, with jerks when drinking.—Spasm in the pharynx; when swallowing, she found it very difficult to get the food down, or to bring it up again, so that she came near suffo- cating. Constriction of the right side of the throat with frequent yawning, the pain extending to the nape of the neck, which becomes stiff from it. Stinging, sometimes pinching pains in the throat, from the larynx to the ear. When swallowing something, when laughing while drinking, the beverage comes out again at the nose, and she came near suffocating. Stitches in the left side of the throat, during empty deglutition, and deglutition of food. Stitch be- hind the right tonsil, towards the ear, when yawning. Stitches and burning in the throat, as if it were inflamed, with elongation of the uvula and impeded deglutition. — Smarting in the oesophagus, as if it were inflamed and narrow, when swallowing. Ripping-up pain, with sensation of excoriation, in the parotid gland, when drinking. When swallowing tepid drink, it feels cold, owing to heat in the oesophagus.—Ulcerated places in the oesophagus, with sore throat, putrid inflammation and dark-red swelling of the gums.—Dryness in the oesophagus. Dry tongue, no thirst. Much mucus in the throat. Con- tinual hawking of mucus, when smoking. *Hawking of mucus in the morn- ing, -with expectoration of dark-green mucus. Taste and Appetite.—Loss of las'e, for a long time. Watery taste in the mouth, evening, with absence of thirst, and suppressed secretion of urine. Flat, watery taste in the mouth, with want of appetite; however, he relishes food. Flat taste in the mouth, early in the morning, with tongue coated white Pappy, viscid taste, with good appetite and natural taste of food. * Bitterness of mouth. Bitter taste of food (immediately). Bitter taste of to- bacco when smoking. * Putrid taste -and smell in the mouth. *Sour taste in the mouth, early in the morning, "Taste in the mouth as if fasting. Want of appetite and aversion to food. Repugnance to coffee. No appetite for meat Repugnance to brown bread. Aversion to smoking, although used to it. Smoking makes him sweat and tremble. Aversion to fat meat. No appe- tite for supper. Appetite in the mouth, but no hunger. Little appetite, it increases while eating. Much appetite, but does not relish food (the first days). No appetite, she feels too full, but relishes what she eats. Desire to eat, without much appetite, and afterwards repletion.—"Desire for bitter food and drink.—Frequent feeling of hunger. Feeling of hunger in the stomach, in the afternoon, after drinking water, but without appetite. Feeling of great hunger in the stomach, as if it were emp'y, but no appetite. A violent feeling of hunger, as if the stomach were empty, rouses him from sleep early in the morning, with uneasiness. Violent hunger, she had to eat much, during the day. He has to cut frequently ; in an hour after eating, he is hungry again. * Excessive appetite at supper and "dinner. "Canine hunger, with feeling of repletion after eating but little. Painful feeling of hunger in the stomach, nevertheless he is immediately satiated. Sensation of excessive repletion, in the afternoon. Thirst, but almost no desire for drink. "Constant thirst. Much thirst, in the evening. Beer tastes flat and watery in the evening. Putrid ta>te of water. (■astric Symptoms.—Before catin?: great drowsiness—During a meal: "sweat in the face.—After eating: "heartburn. Nausea after a meal, for half an hour. Nausea and spasm, in the chest, after eating something without appetite. Acidity in the mouth, after a nie:il, for half an hour. Acidity in 308 NATRUM MURIATICUM. the mouth and dryness in the throat, after every meal. Heartburn after sup- per. Burning from the stomach and sour eructations, after dinner, two after- noons. Eructation after eating bread, for twenty-four hours. Long after- taste of food, especially when acidulated. Long after-taste of food, or he has the smell of the food in his nose. Hiccough after a meal. Pressure and re- pletion in the stomach after dinner. Fulness and distention of the region of the stomach after a meal. Distention of abdomen, and feeling of laxity in the abdomen, as if everything were loose in that part, after a meal. Distention of the abdomen, heat of the face, slumber, and afterwards herby taste in the mouth, with stupefaction and intoxication of the head. Compressive griping in the pit of the stomach after a meal. Sensation of pressure, with soreness in the stomach, after a meal. Rumbling in the abdomen, after a meal. Pinching cutting in the abdomen after eating or drinking. Dulness of the head, after a meal Aching in the forehead after a meal. Compression in the forehead after supper. After drinking warm milk, early in the morning, she becomes imme- diately hot and trembling in the whole body. Inclination to lie down after dinner, drowsiness and inability to think. After eating a little more than usual for supper, he has a number of confused dreams of crimes, for which he was tried. Quick pulse, and palpitation of the heart after a meal. Quick pulse, with anguish and oppressed breathing after a meal. Intermittent pulse, after dinner. After a meal, he feels quite exhausted for a couple of hours.—Un- successful eructations. Empty eructations from time to time. Empty eructa- tions after every meal, or in the open air. Eructations tasting of the ingesta, several hours after ihe meal. Gulping up of bile. *Sour regurgitation of food. Gulping up of a sour fluid, late in the evening. Sour, scraping regurgi- tation of food. Acid scraping sensation in the fauces.—Sort of raw heartburn. Heartburn, the whole day, worse in the evening.—Hiccough for several days. —Nausea and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, every morning from 7 till noon. Nausea and digging sensation in the pit of the stomach, at 8 o'clock every morning, for two hours. Nausea towards noon, as if from canine hunger. Frequent nausea, at different periods, not hindering eating. Nausea, as soon as she presses on the painful spot. Excessive nausea, after drinking something which was agreeable to her; she was obliged to lie down, and lay on the right side, which diminished the rausea. * Nausea, immediately after a meal, -with heaviness of the head, and frequent bitter eructations, for two hours. Nausea, as if vomiting would ensue, for some minutes. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, hawking up a good deal of mucus while smoking. Nausea, with incli- nation to vomit, accompanied with writhing and turning in the stomach. In- clination to vomit, after breakfast. Retching with nausea and apparent exhaustion of the vital powers, after taking a warm breakfast, which was agreeable to her. "Waterbrash with writhing about the stomach.—Water- brash, almost every day, after a meal. Waterbrash preceded by pressure on the stomach after a meal, followed by nausea, *after which the patient vomited up the ingesta, -and lastly, bile, accompanied by colic. Vomiting of the in- gesta with acidity, preceded by waterbrash. "Vomiting and nausea of pregnant females. "Bad effects from eating sour things or bread. "Fat things and milk occasion disagreeable eructations. Stomach.—Dull, disagreeable sensation in the stomach, relieved by stoop- ing. Sensation in the region of the cardiac orifice and behind the sternum, as if a foreign body had lodged there. Weight and tightness across the parts below the pit of the stomach Sensation as of a hard swelling in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon, w'th tightness across the hypochondria. Pres- sure in the region of the stoma m. "Pain in the region of the stomach on NATRUM MURIATICUM. 309 pressure. "Swelling of the region of the stomach, with pain as from subcu- taneous ulceration.—* Pressure in the region of the stomach, as if he had taken cold. Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest. "Pressure in the stomach with nausea and sudden sinking of strength. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from some hard body, obliging one to take deep breath (imme- diately). Pressure and dull, stitching pain in the pit of the stomach, from above downwards. Aching pain below the pit of the stomach, above the um- bilicus, relieved by pressure.—Oppression in the pit of the st< mach, when standing. Fcling of anguish in the pit of the stomach.—"Cramp in the stomach, towards evening, through the night, until next morning. Contractive cramp in the stomach, in the afternoon, with feeling of coldness in the stomach and back, until evening. Contractive pain in the region of the cardiac orifice in paroxysms. Colicky pain in the stomach, with nausea, early in the morning, on waking "Griping in the pit of the stomach. "Jerks in the pit of the stomach.— Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, resembling palpitation. Pain, as from contusion, on the left side of the pit of the stomach, also when touch- ing the part. Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Short stitches on the right side near the stomach, every afternoon. Very painful prickling in the stomach. —Burning in the pit of the stomach, in paroxysms. At times heat, at times coldness in the pit of the stomach.—Small red spots in the pit of the stomach, exciting a stinging sensation when touched, and obliging one to rub; after- wards the spots change to elevated itching pustules. Hypochondria.— Violent aching in the, region of the liver. Feeling of stiffness in the region of the liver, when bending the trunk to the left side. Painful tension in the right side of the abdomen. Pinching pain in the right side of the abdomen, making lying on the left side intolerable to him. Draw- ing pain in the region of the liver, also from above downwards; afterwards pinching below the umbilicus. *Stiiches in the region of the liver, -when sit- ting, every afternoon. Scraping sensation in the region of the liver.—Tensive sensation in the left hypochondrium, as if caused by incarceration of flatulence, in the afternoon Boring, with pressure, in the left hypochondrium, and afterwards dull, gloomy headache. Pressure, with a stitching sensation, in the left hypochondrium, mostly when walking fast. *Stitches in the left hypochon- drium, -when taking an inspiration. Burning pain in the left hypochondrium, towards evening. Abdomen.—Tension around the abdomen, as if from flatulence, relieved by eructations. Tension around the hips, as if the skin were too tight; she had to open her dress. Pain in the abdomen, as from a load, felt in walking. Continual uncomfortableness and dull pain in the abdomen, as if from indiges- tion, characterized by periodical paroxysms of short pressure or pinching, ac- companied by a feeling of the formation of flatulence, which passes off with a fetid odour. "Rigidity in the left side of the abdomen.—^Pressure in the epigastrium. Pressure in the hypogastrium, every morning. "Pressure in the left side of the hvpogastrium.—Colic, early in the morning, on waking, as if from spasmodically-incarcerated flatulence, causing a tensive, aching pain, with violent itching near the genital organs ; all these symptoms disappeared after a short sleep, without emission of flatulence. Crampy sensation in the left side of the abdomen, when walking or lying. Contractive pain in the abdomen, towards evening; she had to bend double, relieved by walking. Jerking con- tractions in the abdomen, early in the morning, in bed. — Contractive, labour-like pains in the abdomen, with weakness. Labour-like colic, when riding in a car- riage. Labour-like drawing in the lower part of the abdomen, extending into the thighs.—Drawing pain in the umbilical region, in the direction of the 310 NATRUM MURIATICUM. thighs. Drawing, pinching pain in the left side of the umbilicus, extending into the rectum and anus.—Pinching in the abdomen, as if caused by worms, in the evening. Pinching colic, every afternoon. Pinching in the flesh, first below the short ribs, afterwards below the umbilicus. Pinching in the epigas- trium, with pain in the stomach. Frequent pinching, every day, in the whole abdomen, the sides of the abdomen, and towards the small of the back. Pinching colic, and as if the parts were sore, early in the morning when in bed; afterwards in the back and the scapulae, pressing and sore, going off after rising. Stinging pinching above the umbilicus. Pinching, with pressure in the epigastrium.—"Cutting pain in the abdomen every day, early in the morn- ing when in or out of bed, for some mornings. Cutting pain in the abdomen, in the morning, worse in the afternoon. Cutting in the abdomen, with rumbling. Continuous stitches in the left side of the lower part of the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, as if every part in it would tear. When walking, the intestines feel as if they were loose and too heavy, and as if they would fall out.— "Swelling of the abdomen.—* Frequent distention of the abdomen, -with feeling of fulness after drinking and sense of fluctuation in the abdomen.—He is very much tormented by flatulence, and the abdomen is distended. * Incarceration of fl ifulence. Flatulent colic, especially during motion (almost immediately). A quantity of flatulence, inducing tension and stitches in the abdomen. Flatu- lence moves about in the abdomen and the sides of the abdomen, accompanied by heaviness of the head, humming in the upper part of the head, buzzing in the ears, and obstruction of both nostrils. Fermentation in the abdomen. Rumbling. *Gurgling in the abdomen, -as in diarrhoea. Borborygmi for many weeks. Excessive emission of flatulence. Sour-smelling flatulence. Flatulence smelling like rotten eggs.—Pinching under the short ribs, afterwards under the umbilicus.—The inguinal region is painful on rising from a seat and during rapid walking. Pain as from a sprain in the left groin. Protrusion of inguinal hernia. StOOl.—Unsuccessful urging to stool. * Retention of stool the first days. *Hard stool, -every two or three days, with exertion, "or with tearing stitches in the anus and rectum during stool. Hard, dry stool. Irregular, in- sufficient stool.—Frequent small stools a day. Frequent desire for stool, with only a small quantity of feces. Violent desire for stool; he was scarce- ly able to retain the stool for a moment; the stools were papescent. Hard 6tool the first days, the following days the stool was soft. "Chronic looseness. * Diarrhoea like water, "also with colic.—Stool mixed with blood. Coagu- lated blood with the stool.—Pressure in the hypogastrium, in the region of the bladder, previous to stool. Pressing towards the rectum, previous to stool, as if flatulence had become incarcerated. Soreness in the abdomen, previous to stool or to every emission of flatulence. Cutting pain in the abdomen previous to stool.— During stool (which was soft), or during emission of flatulence, labour-like press- ing in the abdomen, from above downwards; she has to lean her hands against something ; the pain goes off with the stool. Scraping sensation in the rectum, during hard stool. "Burning in the rectum during stool.—After stool, violent, unsuccessful urging. Pressing in the rectum, after stool. Burning in the rec- tum, after hard stool. Burning at the anus, after soft stool. Ripping-up sen- sation at the anus, after stool. Itching at the anus after the somewhat bloody stool. After stool, pinching as if diarrhozi would come on, without inducing any, early in the morning.—Tenesmus of the rectum, without stool, after a meal. Pressing pain in the rectum. Spasmodic constriction of the anus. Sensation during stool, as if the rectum were contracted; the expulsion of stool requires great efforts; first, hard fasces are passed, fissuring the anus and causing it to NATRUM MURIATICUM. * 311 bleed and making it feel sore ; this hard stool is always followed by a liquid one ; she is constipated every other day. Frequent pinching in the rectum, with urging, resulting in mere emission of flatulence with mucus. Frequent stitches in the rectum, especially after noon. "Smarting and beating in the rectum.—Stitches in the anus, along the rectum from below upwards, between the stools. Stitches and itching at the anus. Itching stitches in the rectum, in the evening when in bed. Protrusion of the rectum and burning at the anus, with emission of a quantity of bloody ichor, so that he was unable to sleep in the night from pain, (in a few hours). Continuous "burning at the anus, -especially after chagrin. Smarting soreness at the anus, especially after thin stool. Sore, hot anus. Soreness around the anus and between the nates. Herpes about the anus. * Varices of the anus, "painful, -or with stinging pain and humid. Urinary Organs.—Desire to urinate, without emission. Pressure on the bladder, between the acts of micturition. Frequent desire to urinate, emitting a quantity of good-coloured urine. Frequent micturition, every half-hour. *Frequent micturition at night, and also unsuccessful desire to urinate.—Fre- quent, copious emission of hot urine. Copious micturition, with violent desire, almost every half-hour, however little he may drink; at night it rouses him from sleep.— Violent, desire to urinate, and inability to retain the urine, which flows copiously. * Involuntary emission of urine while walking, "also when coughing and sneezing.—Light-coloured urine. White-turbid urine, after pinch- ing in the urethra. The urine speedily deposits a sediment looking like brick- dust. Red sediment in the loam-coloured urine. Red sand in the urine.—Pres- sure on the bladder and in the hypogastrium, during micturition. Biting sen- sation in the urethra, during micturition. Biting sensation in the pudendum, during micturition. Burning in the urethra during micturition.—Contraction in the hypogastrium after micturition, like cramp, for five minutes. Drawing in the urethra, after micturition. Cutting in the urethra shortly after urinating. Burning and culling in the urethra, after micturition, with emission of a thin mucus, leaving translucent, stiff spots on the linen. Discharge of a fluid from the urethra, after micturition, first causing an itching, afterwards a burning. Milk-like discharge after urinating, (prostatic fluid?).—Violent stitches in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Soreness in the urethra on touching it. Slinging itching in the orifice of the urethra, which seems to be glued up with a sort of gum, (prostatic fluid?). Itching stitches in the urethra, between the acts of micturition, some days in succession. Itching of the orifice of the urethra, followed by desire to urinate. Itching and burning in the orifice of the urethra, in the evening when going to bed. Discharge of yellow pus from the urethra, leaving spots on the linen, like gonorrhoea, but without pain during micturition, with tension in the inguinal glands, which are not visibly swollen. "Discharge of mucus from the urethra. "Gleet.? micturition. Stitches in the penis, during and between the acts of micturition. Itching and tingling of the glans, obliging him to scratch. Itching of the tip of the glans with desire to scratch. Redness of the tip of the glans. Great itching and humidity of the corona glandis. S< me red spots on the glans. Re- Irar/ion of the prepuce behind the glans, with feeling of rubbing dryness on the glans, when touched by the clothes—Pinching in the 'esticles. ^Drawing-aching in the testicles, commencing at the abdominal ring. Relaxed scrotum, for several days. \ luJent itching of, and under the scrotum, and of the left thigh, at a red, inflamed place. Soreness near the scrotum, on the thigh. Itching, circum- 312 • NATRUM MURIATICUM. scribed, humid herpes on the scrotum, and on the thigh adjoining.—Feeling of weakness in the genital parts. The sexual instinct is dormant or feeble, with retarded emission during an embrace. ""Excessive sexual desire, -erections and voluptuous feeling during an embrace for the first twelve days, all these symp- toms diminishing as much more afterwards. Lewdness in the evening when in bed. Sudden sexual desire while sitting, going off when walking about. "Excessive excitement of the parts and of the fancy for an embrace. The sexual desire is more of a physical nature. A Violent erections. Erections, early in the morning, without sexual desire. Burning in the urethra, alter the morning erection. Deficiency of erections (the first day). No erection or pollution for five weeks. The erections were either wanting or rare, (after a time). No emission of semen, although no embrace, for five weeks. Pollution, in a married man. Frequent nocturnal emissions in spite of frequent embraces. Involuntary emis- sion of semen, which was very unusual with him. Pollution with smarting of the glans. Profuse emission of an individual suffering with impotence, followed by a violent erection lasting the whole night, and being almost painful. Weak embrace, the emission of semen being rather sudden with feeble thrill. Weak embrace, nevertheless he has an emission of semen in the morning. "Impotence. Vehement embrace, wTith sudden emission of semen afterwards. — He feels very much fatigued by an embrace, which he had not enjoyed for a long time previous ; in .the subsequent night he had a pollution which exhausted him considerably Pollution five hours after an embrace. Pollution shortly after an embrace, another three nights after. After an embrace, he feels a sharp sticking in the urethra after micturition.—Pollutions bring on coldness in the joints, and weak- ness. Cutting in the urethra after a pollution.—When thinking of sexual things, he loses a quantity of prostatic fluid, without his fancy or his genital organs being excited, and without erection. Female Sexual Organs.—Pressing and pushing from the side of the abdo- men towards the genital organs, early in the morning; she had to sit down to prevent a prolapsus uteri. Dryness of the vagina and painful embrace (secondary effect?).—Shortly after an embrace she feels easy and light-hearted, but in a little while she becomes irritable and is out of humour.—Itching of the puden- dum. Pimples on the mons veneris. Falling off of the hair.—* The menses delay four days, "and are scanty. The menses last only three days, followed by dulness of the head and congestion of blood to the head. The menses are only one-third as profuse as usual, but appear at the proper time. The menses are scanty on the first and second days ; on the third day, they are very profuse, with pain in the abdomen as if sore.—* Retention of the otherwise regular menses. "Delay of the first appearance of the catamenia in young women. Primary effect, shortening of the menses; secondary, extension. The menses appear in eighteen days, then in seven weeks; after this period they cease to flow. * The menses appear seven days too soon. The menses appear at once, and are more profuse than usual, afterwards they delay and decrease. The menses appear three days too early. The menses appear seven days too early ; are scanty, with headache when coughing, stooping, or sneezing, as if the head would burst. Re-appear- ance of the menses which had stopped for the last eighty-five days; immediately after, the lower limbs feel very heavy. The menses re-appear in a woman of fifty years, after having ceased flowing for six months. Increases the menses which had already appeared. The menses are more profuse than usual; they appear at the proper time, and there is less colic; she feels chilly on the first day, with much yawning, especially in the afternoon. The menses are very pro- fuse, even at night, the blood being blackish—Anxiety previous to the menses. "Melancholy, vexed, and aching pains in the head before the menses. Previous NATRUM MURIATICUM. 313 to the appearance of the menses which had delayed, she feels anxious and qualm- ish for a few hours, early in the morning, with sweet risings in the oesophagus, •and spitting of blood with the saliva.—Very *sad during the menses. She feels anxious and fainting during the menses, with cold cheeks and much internal heat. Heat in the face, during the menses, in the evening. Tearing toothache during the menses, with stitches, on cold air getting into the mouth. Heaviness in the abdomen during the menses. "Spasmodic pain in the hypochondrium, during the menses. Frequent burning and cutting in the hypogastrium, during micturition, and when sitting at table during dinner. Violent fev< r during the menses, after their appearance at night, with violent thirst and t..tal want of sleep. Hard stool during the menses.—Dulness and heaviness of tuc head after the menses, as if from congestion of blood to the head. Impotence after the menses, aversion to an embrace, and dry vagina, with pain during an embrace. —* Leucorrhoza, -at night. Leucorrhoea after colic, early in the morning, as if the menses would come on, contractive, and pressing downwards. * Profuse leucorrhoza, also with transparent, white, thick mucus. Leucorrhoea, causing an itching in the pudendum. Greenish leucorrhcea, especially when walking. ♦Acrid pain during leucorrhoea, also with yellowness of the face.—Stitches in a mamma. Larynx. Trachea.—Dryness of the larynx, early in the morning, on rising. Scraping sensation in the larynx, rough voice. Continual scraping in the middle of the chest. Rough voice, with obstruction of the nose as in dry coryza and some sneezing.—Violent hoarseness, (the first days). Hoarseness, early in the morning after a sound sleep, with a quantity of mucus in the throat, and cough. "Huskincss of the chest with cough. "Hawking. Catarrh and cough with titil- lation, as if he had taken cold. * Cough from titillation in the throat-pit, "par- ticularly when walking and taking deep breath. Cough from titillation in the pit of the stomach, with asthma. Rough, hoarse, dry and hacking cough. Desire to cough brought on by empty deglutition. Talking causes a desire to cough, and oppression of the chest. Cough, which makes the boy quite breathless day and night. *Morning cough. * Cough after going to bed. The cough is worse at night, than in the day-time. Dry cough with titillation and pricking at night, not in the day-time. "Chronic hacking cough. Violent cough, almost unto vomiting, but not continual, for four weeks. Cough, with vomiting of the ingesta. "Spasmodic suffocative cough, in the evening in bed.—Cough with retching and vomiting, and expectoration of bloody saliva, which appeared to come from a dry spot in the larynx. Short and hacking cough, with some rat- tling in the chest, and some expectoration of mucus. Cough with expectoration, day and night. Mucus in the chest, oppressing it and becoming loose when walking in the open air. Cough with badly-tasting expectoration, early in the morning, with pain in the chest, as if it would be torn open. Purulent expecto- ration, with one turn of cough. Bloody cough.—Pain in the throat and chest when coughing During cough : pain in the cervical glands, and deep in the chest. Cutting pain in the left side of the chest. Soreness of the larynx and trachea, frequently. Pain in the abdominal ring extending even to the scrotum, as if the spermatic cord would tear. * The forehead feels as if it would burst. Hiest.—The breath appears hot. The breath smells. "Rattling breathing. "Wheezing in the evening, in bed. Hoarse, deep breathing, with pain in the abdomen. Wheezing sound in the trachea during an expiration. Asthma. Op- pression of the chest, in the evening. Oppression when breathing, with pain in the chest. Oppression of the chest in a room, he had to go into the open air, which gave him relief. Painful oppression of the chest, re- sembling a pressure on it, every day, when raising one's-self, after stooping. Oppression of the chest, with pressure in the middle of the sternum, during * 314 NATRUM MURIATICUM. motion. Oppression of the chest, as if constricted, with burning in the hands. Oppression of the chest on going to bed, and also in the afternoon. Dyspnoea and shortness of breath when walking fast. "Dyspnoea while perform- ing manual labour.—Oppressive anguish in the chest, with pressure in the pit of the stomach, worst after a deep inspiration.—Her chest is painful under the left arm, when moving the arm or when drawing breath. Pain in the centre of the sternum, increased by a deep inspiration. Simple pain in the sternum, in short paroxysms.—Pressure in the front part of the chest. Aching pain in the chest arte.- standing or talking considerably. Pressure in the left chest. Ach- ing pain in tiie region of the heart, early in the morning. Tension in the chest, early in tue morning.—* Tensive pain in the muscles of the right side of the chest, in the forenoon, he cannot walk erect, nor perform any other motion with the trur.i;, stretch his limbs, or draw a deep inspiration. Tensive pain in the region of the clavicle, and along the cervical muscles, which is even felt on touch- ing the parts.—Stitches in the right chest, with hoarseness. "Stitches in the chest during a deep inspiration or when coughing. Stitching pain through the lungs, in frequent paroxysms. Single stitches along the sternum. Pricking pain in the middle of the sternum. Stitches with oppressed breathing, first in the sternum, afterwards in the region of the liver. Frequent pleuritic, stitches. Stitching pain in the right side of the chest, with oppression, only when walking, so violent that he had to press his hand on it to find relief. Stitches in the left side, with tensive pain under the arm. Continuous stitching pain in the left chest, in the evening, arresting the breathing, but disappearing in the open air. —Soreness in the chest. Pain as from bruises, of the outer parts of the chest. Pain, as from bruises, in the sternum. Pain, as from bruises, in the left half of the chest, when stooping, or taking an inspiration, not when touching the parts. Contusive pain in one spot of the left side of the chest. Pain, as of a blow, in one spot of the sternum. Disagreeable warmth in the chest, early in the morn- ing on waking. Faint feeling in the chest, from walking in the open air (ip the sun) ; it obliges him to talk softly.—Continuous pains in the heart, especially at night. Violent stitches in the heart. Darting pain in the region of the heart. Contusive pain in the region of the heart, early in the morning, in bed. Violent pressure below the heart, as if from the abdomen towards the chest, in the evening when in bed, with palpitation of the heart, increased by lying on the left, diminished by lying on the right side, continuing until he falls asleep.— * Frequent palpitation of the heart. * Palpitation of the heart from the slightest motion. Palpitation of the heart when standing. * Palpitation of ihe heart with anguish. Palpitation of the heart, without any anxious thoughts, five minutes or even hours. Palpitation of the heart, with pressure in the region of the heart (cardialgia), abating somewhat when pressing the hand on the parts, (immediately). Fluttering motion of the heart, "'irregularity of the beats of the heart. *Intermitting beating of the heart. Cold feeling about the heart, when exerting the mind.—Tensive pain from the region of the clavicle along the cervical muscles, with pain when touched, or in the muscles of the right side, (forenoon,) obliging him to walk bent on account of the pain with great pain on turning or raising the trunk. Tearing stitch from the left chest to the shoulder-joint, Pain as if bruised in the outer chest, sternum, or in the left chest on stooping forward or breathing, or also in the region of the left ribs, with aggravation of the pain by pressure or contact, even of the clothes. Violent itching in the outer parts of the chest, especially in the open air. The bones of the right chest seem to stand out. Cracking of the sternum, during motion. Dartings under the right arm, down the side. Back.—Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, when raising one's-self after long stooping. Occasional stitch in the small of the back. Sharp stitches NATRUM MURIATICUM. 315 across and through the small of the back, close above the hips. Pain in the small of the back, as if broken. ^Paralytic pain in the small of the back, -most violent when raising one's-self again. Paralytic sensation in the small of the back, early in the morning, on rising. Weakness, in the small of the back, like lumbago; he was unable either to walk or to stand straight; he feels most com- fortable when lying the whole day, worst after dinner. "Cutting in the small of the back. "Sharp drawing-down from the small of the back through the hip. Violent pulsations in the small of the back. Painful throbbing in the small of the back, also in the evening, after having gone to bed. Violent itching of the small of the back in the evening when in bed. —Pain in the left side of the back, as when one presses upon an inflamed part. Continual aching below the right scapula. Pressure above the loins, with sensation in the legs as if stiff and bandaged. Rigid sensation in the left side of the back. ^Tension in the back -obliging one to stretch. Tension and heat in the region of the kidneys, even when sitting; walking soon tires one out. Pain in the back, as if broken. Bruised pain in the region of the hips and scapula, particularly when sitting, and worst when lying. "Nightly pain. Drawing pain in the back from below upwards, "also with pressure. Stitch in the inguinal region, when taking deep breath. Burning smarting of the upper vertebra. "Weariness in the back. Pimples with itching in the evening in bed.—"Tabes dorsalis.?—Drawing and tearing in the right scapula, obliging him to take deep breath.—Tearing and pain as if broken in the scapulae., with stiffness of the back and nape of the neck. Stitch below the left scapula, when drawing-in the scapulae, not when taking an inspiration. Burning in the left scapula, as if hot water had been poured over it.—The nape of the neck is painful when turning ihe head ever so little. "Pres- sure in the nape of the neck. Violent pain in the nape of the neck, so that she is not able to turn. T«nsion in the nape of the neck, with swelling of the cervi- cal glands. Stiffness of the nape of the neck and occiput. Stiffness and rigidity in the nape of the neck and across the upper part of the back. Violent draw- ing pain in the nape of the neck, so that he is unable to turn, for several days. Pain in the nape of the neck, as if strained, contused, or fatigued.—The cervical muscles are painful when touching them, or when turning the head. Painful stiffness of the right side of the neck, she was unable to turn her head. Draw- ing pain in the neck, in the region of the larynx. Stitches in the outer parts of the neck, from above downwards, even in the night. "Goitre. The cervical glands are painful when touched, or when coughing. Boils on the neck. Superior Extremities.—Dull stitching and tearing in the pit of the axilla. Biting burning in the axilla?, with swelling after scratching. "Scurfs in the axilla. Swelling of the right axillary glands.—Pain in the shoulder-joint, she is unable to move her arm. Tension and drawing in the shoulder-joint, early in the morning when in bed, with rheumatic pain when uncovering the parts. Drawing and tearing in the right shoulder, afterwards in the upper arm. Tear- ing in the posterior side of the shoulder-joint, and axilla, day and night. Digging pain above the right shoulder-joint, early in the morning on waking, which makes the arm feel paralytic. Paralytic pain and tearing in the shoulder! I'ain, as if bruised, sprained, or painful weariness in the shoulder-joint. Draw- ing pain in the left arm, she has to stretch it continually. Deadness, (goimr to sleep) insensibility and creeping in the left arm, with tingling in the tips of "the fingers. ^Languor, heaviness and sinking of the arms. Bone-pain as if broken. Small, red, itching vesicles on the arms, here and there. Itching, whitish blotches on the arms and hands, becoming red after friction, with more violent itching. A number of round, itching herpetic spo's on the arms.— Pain of the upper arms, at night, when resting on them. Pain in the deltoid 316 NATRUM MURIATICUM. muscle, when lifting something. Pain, as from bruises, in the upper arm, most intense in the shoulder-j int, when lifting anything, or bending them for- wards and backwards. Burning in the right upper arm, the heat can be felt externally. The upper arms are very sensitive to cold. "Digging in the right upper arm.—Painful cracking of the elbow-joint during motion. Stitches in the tip of the elbow. A jerk in the left elbow, his hand becoming paralyzed with pain, which ceased on stretching the arm. Frequent jerks in the left elbow, everything which he held in his hand fell to the ground. Dull bone- pain in the forearm, increased by letting the hands hang down, diminished by moving the arms.—Drawing in the forearms, apparently in the ulna. Paralytic tearing on the inner side of the lower arm. Going to sleep of the forearm, from the hand to the elbow, as if paralyzed, with sudden bending of the wrist- joint on attempting to use her hand. Painful weariness of the forearms. Pain, as if bruised in the left radius, becoming intolerable when pressing on the part. Jactitation of the muscles of the forearm, perceptible on touching the parts, Red elevations of the size of small peas on the inner side of the right forearm, with violent itching, for twenty-four hours.—Cramp in the hand when seizing a cold stone. Tearing, excessive and sudden pain in the external border of the left hand, and the metacarpal bone of the little finger. Prickling sensation in the hand, as if it were going to sleep. Itching and stitching pain in the dorsum of the hand and finger. "Stitches in the wrist-joint. Pain, as if bruised, in the wrist-joint. The hand goes to sleep, when lying on the arm. Weakness in the hands, especially when clenching them. Trembling of the hands when writing. Swelling of the right hand, from morning till evening. Itching and biting sensation in the palm of the left hand, he is obliged to scratch the parts for a long time. Itching burning of the left hand, as from nettles. Itching of the inner border of the wrist-joint, with blisters after scratching. Itching vesicles on the left wrist and on both hands, as if herpes were forming. A number of small vesicles on the hands, drying up gradually, the skin then peels off Brown, painless spots on the dorsa of the hands, as if she had injured the parts. The skin of the hands becomes dry and cracked. An excoriated spot on the hand becomes inflamed and changes to a pustule. Sweaty hands, for many days.—The joints of the fingers bend with difficulty. Tension in the right index-finger. Tearing in the extensor tendon of the right index-finger, extending along the forearm. Violent tearing in the posterior joint of the left thumb, as if it would tear. Ripping-up pain, in paroxysms, from before back- wards in the thumb, and from behind forwards in the index-finger, paralyzing the whole hand. Stitches in the fingers. Stitches in the left thumb. Stitch in the phalangeal joint of the right index-finger, as from a pin or fiery spark. Stitches in both little fingers. Itching-tearing stitching in the middle joint of the index-finger. Pain, as from a sprain, in the posterior joints of the thumb (immediately). Pain, as from a sprain, in the posterior phalangeal joints, when writing. Pain, as from bruises, in the bones forming the anterior joints of the fingers, intolerable when pressing on them. Prickling in the fingers, especially in the tips. "Thefingers go to sleep, with tingling. Violent itching of the fingers, in the evening when in bed, hindering sleep. Itching vesicle on the little finger. Dark-red mottled spot near the nail of the third left finger. Inflammation and pain on the side of the nail of the third and fourth fingers. A number of hang nails; after cutting them, the place becomes red, swollen and sore when pressing on it. Inferior Extremities.—Drawing pain in the nates. Lancinations above the nates, towards the hypogastrium and hips. He becomes sore between the nates, by walking.—Tensive pain of the hip-joint, and pain to the touch. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 317 Tension in both hip-joints, almost like a sprain, also felt when sitting. Painful cramp in the hip. Rheumatism of the left hip; he was unable to walk for eight or nine days. Stitches in the right hip-joint, more when walking than when sitting. Contusive pain in the outer parts of the left hip. *Pain, as if sprained, in the hips. Pain, as if sprained, in the right hip, extending to the Bmall of the back, so that he was unable to rise from a seat without pain, or to stretch himself or walk; especially violent during a deep inspiration. Paralytic feeling in the hips. Unsteadiness of the hips and thighs. Itching of the in- terior of the hips.—Drawing cramp-pain in the left lower limb and foot. ^Drawing pain along the whole lower limb. Uneasiness in the lower limbs, late in the evening, as if the joints, for instance the knee-joints, were tied too tight; he is frequently obliged to stretch them. Violent twitchings in the lower limbs, when waking or when taking the siesta. Heaviness of the lower linibs, even during rest. Pain in the left limb, as if a tendon had been sprained. The left leg goes to sleep during the siesta. Weakness in the right lower limb. Paralytic condition of the lower limbs, early in the morning. Paralytic feeling in both lower limbs, suddenly (after writing); going off by dint of walking. A good deal of itching of the lower limbs.— Tensive pain of the thighs when walking. Drawing pain in the right thigh, as far as the knee, at intervals, during rest and motion, even at night. Tearing in the right thigh, (after riding in a carriage). Jactitation of the muscles of the thighs. Large, itching pimple, with a red areola, on the thigh, with sore pain when scratching. —Cracking of the knees in the evening when walking. Feehng of stiffness at times in one, at times in the other knee, after rising from a seat. Tension in the bends of both knees, when rising from a seat or when walking, increasing during the day. "Painful contraction of the hamstrings. Compressive pain, as from weariness, in the knees and tarsal joints, and afterwards a dull drawing in the whole of the lower limbs. Drawing pain in the knees, when sitting. Paralytic drawing in the left knee, in the evening. Tearing drawing in the bends of the knees, most violent when walking. Stitching drawing pain -above and below the knee, when sitting. Sticking in the left knee. Pain, as from a sprain in the (left) knee, when walking. * Weakness of the knees, as if they would give way. Bubbling sensation under the skin of the left knee. *Red herpes in the bend of the knee. Boil on the knee.—Great heaviness of the legs; when going up-stairs the lower limbs feel bruised. Stretching of the calves when walking, as if the muscles were too short. Cramp-like contrac- tive pain of the calves, when walking. Cramp of the calves, when turning the foot while sitting. Cramp-like paralytic drawing in the right leg, finally ex- tending into the thigh, with weakness of the limb when standing. Slight beating in the left calf. • Contusive pain at one spot on the tibia, net when touching it. Tremulous unsteadiness of the calves, when walking or standing, even when sitting. Miliary erujition on the calves, extending over part of the thighs. Rash on the legs, in groups, with corrosive itching when touching it. —The feet are painful when walking, from the toes to the joint. Cramp-fain in the left foot. Cramp-like, pricking pain in the left foot, as if the parts had been sprained, when walking and pressing the sole to the ground. Cramp in the sole of the foot, in the evening. Tearing in the right malleolus, increasing from morning till evening to such an extent, that he was unable to clcsc his eyes on account of the pain ; accompanied by pain in the back. Fine beating in the whole foot. * Ulcerative pain in the region of the malleolus, when set- ting the foot down or when touching it; when sitting, the pain is merely tensive. * Disagreeable burning of the feet, -when walking. Prickling tingling in the right sole. Very cold feet. Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal joint, for 318 NATRUM MURIATICUM. several days. Cracking in the metatarsal and phalangeal joints. Paralytic condition of the tarsal joint, or as if the interior of it had gone to sleep, when sitting or walking ; she was scarcely able to move her foot. The foot goes to sleep for a long time. *Great heaviness of the feet, -also on the second day, they feel very light on the third. Increased sweat of the sole of the foot. "Restoration of the sweat of the feet, which had been suppressed. "Swelling of the feet. Itching of the dorsum of the foot. "Herpes on the dorsum of the foot.—Smarting stinging pain in the toes. Drawing pain in the big toe. Itching of the dorsa of the toes. Redness and coldness of the posterior joint of the big toe, with ulcerative pain when touching it, with tearing and stinging in the joint when standing or walking, not when sitting.—Slinging pain of tin corns. Boring pain in the corn. Sleep.—Frequent yawning. Yawning and stretching. Excessive, spasmo- dic yawning, after sound sleep. Frequent yawning, with constriction of the right side of the throat and pain extending to the nape of the neck, which became stiff in consequence of it. * Great, inclination to sleep, in the day-lime, -and great weariness. She has great trouble in getting out of bed for some weeks. He falls asleep tcfiile reading. When unoccupied, he falls asleep as soon as he sits down ; nevertheless he wakes every moment. Drowsiness early in the evening, and late waking in th» morning. He goes to bed without feeling sleepy; however, he falls asleep immediately. *He finds it difficult to go to sleep, although he went to bed later than usual. He was willing to sleep, but he was unable to fall asleep, it was a sort of struggle between sleep and waking. Total sleeplessness at night, he was wide awake, but did not feel unwell. Sleep- lessness from internal restlessness. He spends two nights without sleeping, but without feeling any pain.—She wakes two or three hours every night, feeling some anxiety. He wakes every half-hour.—Restless sleep ; he tosses about and has vivid dreams. "After sleeping a little at night, he ties awake for hours.— At night: pain in the outer parts of the head, when lying on the occiput. Heat in the head. Anxious feeling in the head, in the evening after lying down, as if he would lose his understanding. Stitching, aching pain in the fore part of the head. Violent pulsations in the head, with heat of the body. He spits inces- santly. Bleeding at the nose. He wakes before midnight, from pain in the left molares and the gums around, two nights in succession at the same time. Stitching pain in the throat, during deglutition. Scraping sensation in the throat, a copious flow of saliva, hawking up blood, and sleeplessness. Contrac- tive sensation in the stomach, in the evening, in bed. Colic before midnight, with restlessness and contractive sensation in the region of the stomach, causing anxiety. Colic every night, without diarrhoea. Incarceration of flatulence, with heaviness and fulness in the abdomen. Flatulent colic, the flatulence mov- ing about in the abdomen, and becoming incarcerated, with pressure and pinch- ing, with light, frequently-interrupted sleep. Uneasiness in the hypogastrium, from cons'ant unsuccessful desire, to urinate. Desire to urinate, without emis- sion. *Mic'urition -every night, also every hour. Burning at the rectum. Stitch in the right scapula, during a deep inspiration. Want of breath, in the evening, on lying clown Attack of asthma and palpitation of the heart, but without anxiousness. Dry cough, with titillation, and scraping. Drawing *pain in the back ; she had to turn frequently to obtain relief. Stitches in the nape of the neck. Violent stitches in the left thigh. Cramp in the leg. Burning in the corn. Intei.sily-painful sticking in the corn. She cannot rest on the right side, owing to a pain as from bruises in the hip, knee, and tarsal joints. "Tremor of the nerves. Sort of nightmare, as if h\jr body were constricted, with anguish; she attempted in vain to call out; she was even unable to open NATRUM MURIATICUM. 319 her eyes or to stir at all. He wakes with erethism of the blood or violent throb- bing of the arteries without sensation of heat. A good deal of uneasiness in the lower limbs, (ireat restlessness at night with much heat and drinking. Heat which hinders sleeping, without thirst, with labour-like pains in the hypogastrium. Anxiety and heat; she had to uncover herself, with a variety of dreams on fall- ing asleep, (accompanied by profuse menstrual flow). Sleep with sweat and anxiety, at night. Great anguish, at night, during a storm, the sweat of an- guish drives her out of the bed. Moaning while asleep. Talking while asleep, and restless night. He rises at night from anxious dreams, and walks about in the room. He leaves his bed after having just fallen asleep, wakes up in the middle of the room, lies down again and falls asleep. Slartings when asleep. While falling asleep, he is so much frightened when some one enters the room, that it causes him a violent palpitation of the heart. About midnight, he wakes from fear, imagines there are thieves in the room, and dares not lie down again, with oppression of the chest and palpitation of the heart, for a quarter of an hour. Startings while asleep. A shock, as if proceeding from the heart, during the siesta, causing a starting. A number of dreams during the siesta, some of them anxious. Dreams, about a variety of things, during sound sleep. * Sleep full of fanciful ravings, -the first ten nights, frequent waking, tossing about in the bed; in the day-time he feels so tired that he is unable to work. While closing her eyes to sleep, she saw all sorts of fancies, and felt a desire to make verses. Amorous dreams. Lewd dreams. Night-sleep disturbed by voluptuous dreams, pollutions and long erections. A number of dreams during the morning-sleep, which he is unable to recollect. Dreams, the subject of which occupies her mind a. long time after waking. He dreams that he is reproaching himself with faults he had committed, full of restlessness and anguish. Vexing and *anxious dreams, -also with weeping. She dreamed she was beaten ; this made her feel so anxious, that she sweated all over and remained anxious the whole day. She dreamed of murder and rows ; when walking, she felt hot aud was covered with the sweat of anguish. He dreamed he had been poisoned. Frightful dreams of murder, fire. Disgusting, horrid dreams. Horrid dream, which she believed to be a reality on waking. Sad dream; he dreams the same dream twice over, after waking and falling asleep again. Fever.—Occasional cold thrills over the back, with cold sweat on the fore- head, anxiety and shuddering. Coldness of the back, at night, with restless- ness. * Chilly, the whole day. Chilliness and cold hands, (immediately). *Cold hands and feet -which cannot be got warm. * Const ant. chilliness, "and want of animal heat. Chilliness in the evening when in bed, also with thirst, two evenings in succession. Chilliness, even in the forenoon, with very cold hands, which feel so chilly, even in the warm room, that he is obliged to put on gloves. uFrequent internal chilliness. Chills, in the evening when in bed, shaking him so much that his hands and feet tremble and his teeth chatter, without either thirst or heat; afterwards he falls asleep before the chills have terminated, two evenings in succession. Violent chilliness, with short, sharp pain in the lower incisores. Chilliness, early in the morning when asleep, and subsequent sweat shortly before waking. Chilliness after a vi< lent echauffement in bed, with a groaning sensation in the head and great languor.—Shuddering, with feeling of goose-flesh. Shuddering, without chilliness, vhm sdHng. Shud- dering and chilliness in the back, without thirst. Shuddering iu the back, espe- cially when sitting—Shuddering, with chills, in the evening with increase of the pains and subsequent heat, especially about the head, and redness of face. Chills and shuddering, with great inclination to sleep, even in the day-time; he sleeps a good deal, becomes warm afterwards, even when sitting, and sweats a 320 NATRUM MURIATICUM. little. Fever shortly before dinner; first excessive weakness, which obliged him to lie down; afterwards violent chilliness in bed, followed by moderate heat, and lastly sweat for some hours. Fever, with headache, on waking from a short evening slumber, first chilliness, then heat, in several paroxysms, but more heat. Violent chilliness, in the evening, followed by profuse sweat over the whole body in the night, accompanied with violent itching. Fever, in the afternoon, chilli- ness and coldness with much thirst, without subsequent beat. Fever, at 8 o'clock in the morning, first violent chilliness until noon, afterwards heat until evening, without sweat, and without thirst either in the chilly or hot stage; she lay without consciousness, with violent headache.—"Fever and ague, particular- ly with bone-pains, pain in the back, yellow, livid complexion, headache, great debility, bitterness in the mouth, ulceration of the corners of the mouth, loss of appetite, pressure in the pit of the stomach, with painful sensitiveness to con- tact, quotidian or tertian type, the fever generally setting in towards morning, with chilliness, followed by heat and thirst. °Intermittent fevers from abuse of cinchona.—"Before the fever (chilliness) languor or headache. "During the chilliness : shortness of breath, yawning and drowsiness, thirst or thirstlessness. "During the heat: thirst, and a good deal of violent, headache.—" Typhoid fevers, particularly with debility, dryness of the tongue and great thirst. Heat after the siesta, followed by shuddering until evening. Heat in the evening, with thrills of coldness and shuddering over the back, without thirst. Flashes of heat, for moments. Flashes of heat and slight sweat. Heat, with sweat in the axillae and on the soles.—*Much sweat in the day-time, "when walking. *Profuse sweat breaks out easily, during motion, -although he is very chilly. Constant sweat, even during the siesta, but not in the night. Profuse night- sweat, for several nights. Profuse *sweat,for several mornings, also having a sourish smell. Skin,—Painful sensitiveness of the skin, even a slight knock or contusion is very painful. Itching over the whole body, (the first three weeks). Fine, itch- ing pricking of the skin, in the evening when in bed. Itching stinging of various parts of the skin, with flashes of internal heat, without redness of the face.— Red spots, of the size of a pin's head, over the whole body, preceded by a feel- ing of heat in the face, on the abdomen, arms and lower limbs; the spots itch, and, when rubbing them, the whole body becomes red, for half an hour. Small pimples on the abdomen and lower limbs. Rash over the whole body, with stinging sensation in the skin. Miliary eruption over the whole body, on the neck and throat, on the abdomen, nates and thighs; the eruption was at first felt only, afterwards it became visible in the shape of small millet-seed ; scratch- ing made it redder and harder; the itching prevented sleep. Large and red blotches, itching violently, over the whole body and on the neck. Nettle-rash, after violent exercise, itching for an hour. Small blotches and boils on different parts of the body. A number of boils on the body. Warts form in the palm of the hand; they are painful when pressing on them. Smarting pain in the old warts.—Pain and redness of an old cicatrix. A wound becomes much more painful, inflamed, swells, suppurates ; she is very irritable, sad, weeps on touch- ing the wound. A little prick in the finger bleeds again several days in succes- sion. "Varices. General Symptoms.—"Rheumatic affections, with shortening of tendons. "Paralytic affections. "Scrofulous affections. "Bad effects from loss of animal fluids, also by onanism. "Bad effects from chagrin and anger. "Hysteric affec tions, weakness and fainting fits.—"Drawing with pressure in the limbs. *Ex- cessive liabiliiy to take cold, -producing cough and hoarseness. Dread of the open air. Uneasiness in the body, with chilUness. All the muscles, especially NATRUM MURIATICUM. 321 those of the thighs and upper arms are painful during motion, as if the flesh had been detached by blows. Cramp-like sensation in the limbs, especially in the hands, as if the parts had gone to sleep. The violent nightly pains (for instance, a boil on the back,) cause a suffocative arrest of breathing and a kind of para- lysis of one side which deprives him of the use of his hmbs on that side. Pa- roxysms of gnawing pressure, at times in the pit of the stomach, at times around the umbilicus, at times in the chest, in the evening. Violent constriction of the stomach and chest Stitches in various places. Pain of all the hmbs, as if bruised.—Stiffness of the scapulae, the hip-joint and small of the back. Violent stiffness of all the joints of the body. Jerking sensation in the back and nape of the neck, towards the head Jerking of the limbs, both arms are jerked for- wards. Starting up of the upper part of the body, in the afternoon, on lying down, while awake. Jactitation of the muscles, here and there. The limbs and head move farther than he intended. Cracking in the shoulder and hip- joints, when moving them. "Liability to strain or sprain joints.—A iolent heat in the blood, lasting for a long while, after drinking wine. He spits blood and discharges it from his nose, when blowing it. Congestion of blood to the chest, stomach and head, with coldness of the limbs. When laying the arm on the table, the blood ceases to circulate, also in other parts of the body. The circu- lation is excited by every motion of the body. Full and undulating pulse in the whole body, even during re.-t. Pulsations in the whole body, which cause every part of the body to move. Full, quick pulse, when sitting erect. The pulse and breathing are quicker, especially a.ter drinking. The pulse intermits, a few beats. The beats of the heart intermit during the siesta.—Depressed condition of the mind and body, with great appetite. After making a bodily effort, he is unable to think, and feels indifferent. "Exhaustion aud pains from talking.—Chagrin causes stitches in the upper and left part of the^hest, want of appetite and headache; the head is affected h$ every step she takes ; she be- comes very weak and her feet are heavy. After a slight vexation she cries the whole night, and coughs a good deal, with ineffectual retching.—Nervous paroxysms: 1. Attacks of heaviness in the head, he is obliged to lie down, twice or three times a day, for ten days ; after lying down the whole body be- comes covered with sweat, after which the heaviness disappears in half an hour. 2. Fit of nausea, early in the morning, with weakness and deadly pallor of the face ; he was (jhliged to lie down. 3. The nape of the neck became stiff, her eyes felt sore, she felt ill, chilly, and lost her senses. 4. Painful sensation in the left shoulder, whence it moved to the head ; afterwards pressing in the tem- ples, as if the head would burst; the brain felt sore and bruised; constant drawing pain from the shoulder to the head and constant nausea with inclina- tion to vomit, apparently proceeding from the stomach; she had to lie down, and felt chilly, with heat in the face. 5 Attack of nausea at supper time, (without having eaten anything,) every attack being accompanied-with violent chilliness ; after lyiug down in bed, she soon feels warm, without any subsequent heat; she wakes twice during the night, and then feels an intensely painful drawing to aud fro in the forehead, mingled with a slight beating (throbbing). 6. Attack of pressure and digging under the right ribs, with drawing in the ha' k, extending towards the head, hindering the night's rest and accompanied with stitches in the head; all these symptoms abate after continued talking and while making a bodily effort, by rumbling in the abdomen or emission of flatu- lence, or after a meal. 7. Fit of great excitement with anguish, tingling in the tips of the fingers, in the hand and arms ; the arm goes to "sleep, as if dead, the tingling rises into the throat, lips and tongue, which feels stiff, accompanied with boring in a tooth; afterwards weakness of the head with deficiency of sight; VOL. II. 21 322 NATRUM NITRICUM. the limb goes to sleep and the joint feels dead; all these symptoms occur mostly towards evening. 8. Fit of nausea, early in the morning (alter drinking milk), with tremor of the limbs, one hour; she felt giddy, with obscuration of sight, and danger of falling. 9. Inclination to vomit, in the forenoon, with vertigo and a digging sensation in the pit of the stomach, accompanied with chilliness, as if cold water were poured over her; everything she looked at, turned with her. as if she would fall; her head felt so heavs that she was scarcely able to walk. She felt for some time as if she had an epileptic fit. "Heaviness. "Indolence after rising in the morning. "Dread of exercise. Dread of walking. He merely staggers onward when walking. Fear of falling in walking. Great bodily weakness ; for several weeks he is too weak to do his business. Weak- ness in the morning, when rising, as if the back and small of the back were paralyzed, sometimes across the abdomen. Restless night, followed by a feeling of exhaustion during the day, with wretched appearance and sadness. Fainting fit, for half an hour. * Feeling of weakness, -when sitting. Weakness of the whole bod;!, heaviness of the feet; when standing she feels tired immediately; she feels better when walking, riding in a carriage, sitting or lying. Standing was so troublesome to her that she had to sit down immediately. Riding on horseback, fatigues him very much. Great exhaustion after a short walk. If she exerts her limbs in walking, she feels at once exhausted and sick. When rising from a seat, her linibs tremble with weakness, she feels better after walk- ing a little longer. She feels weakest early in the morning in bed and when sitting ; she feels no weakness in walking. The whole body feels weak, for in- stance, when moving the arms Painful weariness of the lower limbs, early in the morning on waking. Tickling painful weariness. Unrefreshed after sleep. Tired and trembling, as if he would fall, immediately after the siesta. Great weariness efcery day, and constant yawning. "Hysteric languor. "Alternate languor and lightness of the limljs. —^Emaciation, -also excessive. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The symptoms come on or are renewed or increased in a recumbent position, even in the day-time ; at night she is obliged to sit up in bed, in order to find relief. 171. NATRUM NITRICUM. NATR. NIT.—Nitrate of soda.—See Archiv, XIII. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Dulness of the head, as after mental exertions. Ears.—Otalgia, apparently'in the tympanum, in the evening, accompanied by warmth in the ear c -lclness of the right concha, burning heat of the left which extends bevond the temple, where a pressure is felt from without inwards, followed by a feeling of heat on the right side of the head and outer ear, which gradually changes to general heat of the face, with pressure in the left frontal protuberance. Face.—Pressure in the region of the malar bone from without inwards. Pharynx, etc.—Stitches in the back part of the throat, in the evening, in bed, on drawing air through the nose. Taste.—Soirish taste, accompanied with sourish eructations, almost like heartburn. C »ppery taste on the lips and tongue, in the forenoon.—The desire for coffee is dimm'shed, he som°,'imes experiences an aversion to coffee. GaStriC Symptoms.—Sourish eructations. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. 323 Abdomen.—Distended abdomen, with a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, emission of a quantity of wind and eructations afterwards. Flatulence, with pressure in the pit of the stomach and under the sternum, aggravation after ex- ercise, amelioration by emission of flatulence and eruct.itions. Painful retrac- tion of the abdominal muscles towards the spinal column. Stool.—Stool large, slor, coming out with difficulty, with sensation after the stool as if faeces were still remaining. Che-it,—Pressure on and between the ribs, on inspiring air while sitting bent or on taking a deep inspiration. Extremities.—Pressing asunder in two joints of the right hand. Fever.—Feverish shudfervig over the wh >le body from time to time. Cold- ness of the left foot and leg, also when walking and in the warm room. De- crease of temperature from the feet to the calves. A feeling of coldness per- vades the trunk and arms, in b 'd, followed by ai increase of warmth. General Symptoms.—Pressure and bruised feeling in the joints of the feet. toes, shoulders and fingers. 172. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. NATR. SULPH—Sulphate of soda.—See Hartlaub and Trinks' An- nals, III. SYMPTOMS. Hind and Disposition.—Weeping mood, indulging in sad thoughts. Music, even lively, disposes him to weep.—I'I-humoured in the morning, taciturn. Low-spirited and tired of life, despairs of getting better.—She feels vnxed, is sensitive and vehemmt, cannot achieve anything.—Cheerful, particularly after a diarrhoeic stool. Sensorium. — Didoes-; of the head, the whole day.—Vertigo with dulness of the head, on rising from bed. Vertigo with disposition to fall to the right side, and yawning. Vertigo after a meal as if everything were turning with him, with buzzing in the head. Vertigo a'ter a meal, followed by mounting of heat to the head from the abdomen, increasing until the forehead becomes moist. Head. —Headache while reading, with sweat and heat which cease after rising and on walking about. Heaviness of the head, with bleeding at the nose a"ter- wards which affords no relief.—Pressure in the occiput, particularly on entering a room. Pressure on b >th sides of the head, in the evening and on the follow- ing morning, when the pain extends over the whole side of the face. Pressure in the right siie, obliging him to hold the head with both hands, or pressure from without inwards in the evening, in bed, and the whole night. Pressure in the forehead, particularly a^ter a meal, or as from a hard body. Periodical at- tacks of pressure in thn. right side of the, forehead.—Tearing in the right tem- ple, also extending to the bones of the face or to the vertex, continuing the wh le night, with chilliness in the back from below upwards, shaking, chattering of teeth, which is not relieved by the warmth of the stove.—Stitches in the left Bide of the head on exerting the arms.—Boring in the occiput. Boring in the forehead as if it w.uld hurst. Boring in the right side of the forehead as if the left eve would be closed as by force.—Griping pain in the forehead, discontinu- ing a "ter bathing the feet in cold water, returning soon a'ter with increased vio- lence. Paii in the forehead as if it would burst, immediately after a meal, followed by great drowsiness.—Beating pain in the head, abating somewhat in the 324 NATRUM SULPHURICUM. afternoon. Painful beating in the temples, in walking, with violent pain in the vertex as if ulcerated, and as if it. would burst, also when touching the parts, ceasing at night (during the menses).—Jerks in the head, tossing it to the right side, in the forenoon, when sitting. Sensation as of electric shocks in the left side of the vertex.—Feeling of looseness of the brain and as if it were falling to the left temple, in the forenoon, on stooping. Scalp.—Sensitiveness of the scalp, the hair is painful when combing it, in the morning. Tearing in the right side of the occiput, during rest.—Blotches on the occiput. Eyes,—Tearing in the lower border of the left orbit. Bursting pain around the eye, in the forenoon. Sticking in the eyes, with si' ':ness of the stomach.— Pressure in the eyes, obliging one to rub. Pressure in the evening, when read- ing at candle-light, with excessive heaviness of the lids. Pressure in the left eye, as if something had got into the eye.—Itching in one or the other eye and ear, or in the right eye and left ear. Creeping in the lelt eye, obliging one to rub—Burning of the eyes, evening and morning. Burning of the right eye, with discharge of burning water, in the afternoon in the open air, or in the morning with dimness of sight. Burning and dryness of the eyes, with redness, or increasing from afternoon till evening. The eyeballs feel hot.—Nightly agglu- tination, with sensitiveness to light.—Photophobia, with burning of the eyes, particularly in the morning.—Dimness of sight, from weakness of the eyes. Mistiness and moisture of the eyes, early in the morning. Dimness of sight, as from a leaflet before the eye, going off for a short time only after washing. Dimness of sight, with burning and tearing of the eyes, as if heat were coming out.—Small, yellow, sparkling stars before the eyes, alter blowing the nose. Ears.—Pressure in the right ear, worse in the morning. Pressure in the ears from within outwards, as if the tympanum would be pressed out.—Stitches in the right ear, or shootings, also causing one to start in the evening.—Ring- ing in the ears, particularly in the right ear. Hissing in the left ear. Closing of both ears. Nose.—Itching of the wings, inducing rubbing. Itching under the nose as if an eruption would break out.—Tearing from the right side of the nose to the forehead.—Bleeding of the nose during the menses, particularly in the afternoon when walking or sitting, and even at night, in bed.—Coryza, with obstruction of the nose and want of air through the nose. Face.—Pale face on waking, as after nightly revelry, with ill-humour and disposition to beat everybody.— Tearing in the right side of the face, succeeded by beating on the neck. Tearing in the left malar bone, also at nine o'clock in the evening, or during and after a pain in the neck, or succeeded by griping and raging in the root of a left tooth (generally in the morning ar.d on inspiring cold air;.—Frequent itching of the face.—The lips burn in the evening, as irtm pep- per. The upper lip is dry, the skin peels off. Vesicles on the lower lip.— Pimples on the chin, with burning tension on touching them. JaWS and Teeth.—Small blotches in the skin of the lower jaw. Great pain and stiffness of the joint, with difficulty of opening the m< uth, and sensation as if the difficulty arose from a bone in front of the joint.— Tearing in the left lower decayed teeth, at night, out of bed. Tearing with stitches in a left pos- terior molar tooth, only in the day-time.—Beating toothache, in the lelt lower row, from evening till morning, depriving one of sleep the whole night. Tumultu- ous throbbing in a left upper molar tooth, waking one at two o'clock in the night, with increased temperature of the body, heaviness and uneasiness in the head.—Darting pain in a left upper molar tooth, coming on in the open air and continuing in the room.—One of the left upper molares feels loose and elongated, NATRUM SULPHURTCUM. ^25 With drawing pain, relieved by cold air and smoking.— The gums burn like fire. Painless, movable tumour on the left lower gums. Blister on the upper gums, suppurating and then drying up. ,. Mouth.—Feeling of numbness and roughness in the mouth, early in the morning. Burning in the mouth as from spice. Dryness, with redness of the gums and thirst. Accumulation of saliva after eating.—Burning of the tongue in the afternoon, as if covered with blisters. Slimy coating of the tongue, with slimy taste in the mouth. Burning blisters at the tip of the tongue.—Burning of the palate as if sore and raw, during the menses. Blisters on the palate, with painful sensitiveness, relieved by cold. Pharynx and ^Esophagus.—Pain of the left side of the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition, until after breakfast, during the menses. Fre- quent constriction of the throat, when walking.—Infl immotion and swelling of the tonsils and uvula (worse in the morning,) with difficulty of swallowing.— Painful and impeded deglutition, in the evening, with urging to swallow saliva. — Drijnss of the throat, extending to the oesophagus.—Accumulation of a qwtnlity of mucus in the throat, particularly at night, with hawking up of salt mucus in the morning. Appetite and Taste.—Want of appetite, with frequent yawning and thirst. —Desire for cold drinks for three days. Thirst in the afternoon, with great drowsiness and hard stool. Great thirst (after bodily exercise).—Absence of thirst, during the whole first period of the proving.—While eating (soup,) dark- ness of sight, unto falling, with cloudiness of the head.—After eating, sweat in the face, with tightness of the chest and running of the right eye. Fluid saliva in the mouth, with ineffectual heaving of the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.—Constant gulping up of sour water.—Exhausting hic- cough, towards evening. Constant hiccough after eating bread and butter, in the afternoon.—Waterbrash during an afternoon-walk. Accumulation of a quantity of sour water in the mouth and constant spitting, particularly during the nightly headache/.— Vomiting of saltish-sour water, preceded by nausea on going down stairs. Vomiting of sour mucus, in the evening, preceded by giddi- ness. Great languor and burning pain in the head after the vomiting. Stomach.—Feeling of repletion in the stomach, extending to the chest, iu the evening in bed, with difficulty of breathing (during the menses). Feeling of fasting in the stomach, with shifting of pinching flatulence in the abdomen. Qualmishness, before eating.—Boring in the stomach, as if it would be perfo- rated, a'ter rising from bed in the morning, preceded by nausea, and attended with diarrhoea. Boring as from canine hunger, going off after breakfast.— Trembling and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with want of breath, as if fainting, first when sitting, afterwards when walking.—Beating in the stomach, with nausea. Burning and pinching after rising, going off after breakfast. Hypochondria.—Great sensitiveness of the region of the liver, in walking, with painfulness to the touch. Sticking in the region of the liver while walking in the open air, with tightness, or during a morning-walk with beating.—Stick- ing in the left hypochondrium, particularly during a walk in the open air, or in the forenoon while sitting. IbdO'UlW.—Colic as previous to diarrhoea. Colic waking one early in the morning, going off after urging to stool.—Griping in the abdomen, before break- fast. Griping, the whole day, relieved in the afternoon by the emission of flatu- lence.— Taring around the umbilicus, with flatulence, before breakfast. Pain- ful digging deep in the abdomen, in the evening, during the menses, with chilliness and subsequent thirst. Contractive pain in the abdomen, extending to the chest, with tightness of breath and subsequent diarrhoea. Pain as if bruised 326 NATRUM SULPHURICUM. in the abdomen and small of the back, waking him at night: he is unable to fall asleep again and has to lie on his side to find relief. Pinching in the abdomen, with sensation as if the bowels were distended. Pinching around the umbilicus,. when sitting or writing, with shifting of flatulence (at noon) until emitted. Pinching in the whole abdomen, with rumbling, shifting and subsequent diar- rhoea, in the afternoon. Pinching extending to the groin, succeeded by diarrhoea. —Slicking and beating in the right side, during an afternoon-walk. Burning here and there, in the evening.—Distention and tightness from the right groin to the stomach, in the evening (v.hile sitting) and morning. Constant Jeeling of repletion, during the diarrhoea, with emission of a quantity of flatulence. Tight- ness and fulness in the abdomen, particularly in the right groin, as if it would burst, with pinching in the abdomen. Flatulent colic, also in the evening (above the umbilicus;, with pinching, accumulation and difficult emission of Jiaiulence, witli relief after the emission. Incarceration of flatulence, with many pains in the abdomen which are relieved by emission of flatulence. Incarceration of flatu- lence in the evening, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, inclination to vomit, and eructations of bad taste and smell. Rumbling in the stomach and abdomen. Emission of fetid flatulence early in the morning or after a meal.— Violent pains in the right groin, waking him at night, with sensation as if a soft body had lodged there. Sticking in both groins, with urging to urinate, or in the afternoon, during a walk in the open air, or early in the morning, the stitches striking to the small of the back, as from flatulence, with subsequent diarrhoea, Sticking in the right groin, with nausea and inclination" to vomit. Stitch from the left groin to the axilla, or with contraction and also at night. Burning in the bends of the hips, in the evening, going off in bed. StOOl and Anus.—Constipation or hard stool (after repeated doses), also with a quantity of fetid flatulence instead of stool. Hard stool with pressure, some- times streaked with blood. Knotty stool, accompanied and succeeded by smart- ing at the anus.—The stool is at first hard, then soft and diarrhozic. Diarrhoza ajter the first dose, followed by hard stool. Looseness of the bowels seems to be ihe primary, retention of stool the secondary effect of the sulphate of soda.— Half-liquid stools with tenesmus of the anus.—Diarrhaa, preceded by pain in the groins and hypogastrium. Yellow liquid stools, after rising from bed in the morning. Yellow liquid stool, after pinching in the abdomen, the first part of the evacuation being sometimes hard and accompanied with blood and froth.— Constant urging to stool.—During stool: emission of a quantity of flatulence. Burning at the anus (also after stool).—Itching of the anus. Urinary Organs.—Urging to urinate when sitting, with pinching around the umbilicus clown to the groin.—Increase of urine, also nightly micturition, with burning during the emission. Copious micturition with brick-dust sedi- ment.—Rare emission of scanty portions of urine (afterwards).—Urine with yellow-reddish sediment, in the evening. White-yellowish sediment, in the morning.—Burning during or after micturition, or with pain in the small of the back on retaining the urine. Male Sexual Organs.—Itching of the glans or penis, obliging one to rub. Itching of the scrotum, with burning after scratching. Itching of the perinamm, and mons veneris.—Excited sexual instinct, in the evening. Erections with »iexual desire, in the morning. Female Sexual Organs.—Sticking in the pudendum and vagina, in the afternoon, while sitting.—Scanty, retarded menses, with colic and costiveness. Profuse menses, particularly in the afternoon in walking, or profuse flow for one day, and more fluid, previous to the termination of the menses. Profuse flow on the second day only. Acrid corrosive menses, flowing profusely the first twa NATRUM SULPHURICUM. 327 days. The menses continue one day longer than usual, with discharge of lumps of coagulated blood, every forenoon.—During the menses: chilliness in the. afternoon. Piu'-hing in the abdomen, early in the morning, in bed, with frequent discharge of black blood, in the forenoon while walking. On the third day a " white bloody mucus makes its appearance instead of blood.—Leucorrhcea. Larynx and Trachea.—Dry cough, particularly after rising from bed in the morning. Dry cough, particularly at night, with soreness of the chest and roughness of the throat, obliging one to sit up and to hold the chest with both hands.—Loose cough early in the morning, from tickling in the throat. Fre- quent loose cough with expectoration, and with stitches in the left side of the chest, attended with shortness of breathing, when coughing while standing. Chest. — Shortness of breath in walking, relieved by rest, afterwards con- tinuing while sitting. Tightness of the chest, on waking early. Pressure on the chest as from a heavy load.—Stitches in the left side of the chest when sitting ; when yawning; after a meal; during an inspiration; when standing; towards evening, while walking fast; in the afternoon, with cough, and want of breath during motion, relieved by rest; after- bending towards the left side, with a stitch in the right side on bending to that sides; with inclination to cough, which is, however, impossible, on account of the pain.—Stitches in the right chest, in the afternoon when sitting. Back.—Pain in ihe small of the back, the whole night, as if ulcerated, obliging one to lie on the right side. Pain as if bruised iu the small of the back, from morning till evening, going off" in bed. Sticking in the os coccygis, when sitting.—Tearing in the back, along the bones, as if gnawed by dogs. Itching in the evening, while taking off one's clothes. Stabbings between the shoulders, in the evening, while sitting.—Violent pain in the nape of the neck, extending deep into the occiput, when sitting. Pain as from blows (also in the region of the scapuho), particularly when stretching and yawning, which takes place very frequently. Stitches in the nape of the neck, at night.—Tearing in the right side of the nrck, also with tension, or with visible throbbing of the arteries. Superior Extremities. — Sticking in the left axVla.—Heaviness in the right arm, with tearing in the upper arm. Tearing in the bones of« the left arm.—Sticking in the region of the humerus, in the evening, going off by rubbing. Tearing in the ri"hl upper arm, also as if in the humerus, in the afternoon, or when sitting. Pinching and tearing above the left elbow, in the afternoon.—Burning at the elbow. Ulcerative pain in the right elbow, extend- ing to the tendons of the forearm, with pain on contact. Tearing in both elbows, extending down to the fingers, early in bed, with sensation as if the parts had gone to sleep.—Tearing in the right forearm, also apparently in the bones, in the afternoon or evening. Itching pimples on the right arm, with burning after scratching (also containing clear water and during the menses). —Pain of the flexor-muscles in the hand, as if strained, from the fingers to the elbows, on clenching one's fist or on seizing anything. Tearing between two fingers and on the d >rsum of the hand. Sticking in the right hand, also be- tween the metacarpal bones, in the evening. Stinging throbbing on the dorsum of the hand, ceasing during motion. Twitching of the hands and feet, during night sleep, particularly after midnight. Sensation as if the blood were rushing towards the right hand, which feels full and tight, with stiffness of the iinirers when knitting. Loss of strength of Ihe left hand, which is unable to hold anything heavy. Trembling of the hauls on waking or also when writing. Burning and redness on the dorsum of the hand, as if from nettles, from a ternoon till evening.—Tearing in the index and middle fingers, and in tho 328 NATRUM SULPHURICUM. thumb, also in the afternoon, when sitting or spinning. Sticking in the tip of .the thumb, when knitting or writing. Tingling in the tips of the fingers of the right hand as if gone to sleep. Itching between the fingers of the right hand, with burning after scratching. Watery blister between the left thumb and index-fin&er. Stinging ulcerative pain under the nail. Stinging under the • nail of the left thumb, in the evening. Lower Extremities.—Yiolent pain in the hips, in the morning on rising, and the whole day, particularly on stooping and on making certain motions, most violent on rising from a seat and on moving about in bed, ceasing on stretching the limb and when walking. Stabbing pain in the left hip, after a fall (also in the abdomen and small of the back) only during rest. Lancina- tion and tearing from the os coccygis to the left femur, in the evening. Burn- ing and sore feeling in the bends of the hips, during an evening walk; going off during rest.—The thighs and legs feel weary and exhausted.—Pain as from blows, in the anterior portion of the right thigh, when walking. Pain in the muscles of the left thigh as if strained.—Drawing pain in the bend of the right knee, when sitting, going off during motion.—The legs feel weak as if they had been crushed. Drawing pain in the legs when standing and walking. Drawing pain in the calves, proceeding from the ten dines Achillis, or in the forenoon when standing. Tearing in the right calf, in the evening when spin. ning, or drawing tearing in both calves with difficulty of pressing the foot to the ground. Breaking and tearing sensation in the right tibia. Burning heat of the legs, in the evening before lying down, and in the morning.—The feet are painful and heavy as if made of lead, ih the morning on waking. Great languor of the feet at night, with uneasiness, sensation of the right joint as if sprained, in the morning on rising, with inability to press the foot to the floor except after some walking. Lancinations and tearings in the heels, causing her to cry out (in the evening while spinning), or in the right heel when walk- ing. Sticking in the left heel, in the afternoon when sitting. Tearing in the right heel, in the afternoon when walking. Ulcerative pain in the right heel, scarcely allowing one to walk. Stitch in the left sole when standing, causing it to twitch. Burning of the left sole, the whole night. Glowing burning on the outer parts of the left foot. Itching of the dorsa of the feet, worse after scratching (in the evening while undressing). Itching of the sole and toes. —Stitch in the toes, also when setting the foot down or when sitting. Tearing in the right little toe, and in the lower arm. Twitching of the balls of the toes as if they would be drawn together. The ball of the right big toe goes to sleep, in the morning when sitting. Itching on or between the toes, in the evening while undressing, also going off by rubbing. Sleep,—Drowsiness in the forenoon, particularly when reading or writing.— Falls asleep late on account of restlessness.—Symptoms at night, in bed: vio- lent headache waking him frequently. Frequent waking from a restless sleep, full of heavy, anxious dreams, followed by hawking up of a quantity of mucus. Starting as if in affright, soon after falling asleep. Sleep full of dreams. Pleasant dreams about a marriage procession, flowers, gardens, beautiful scenery, etc. Dreams about injuries, (also with a brawl on that account). She dreams of hav- ing had a violent quarrel with her daughter. Anxious dreams, that she is throwing boiling grease into the fire, that her toe is to be cut off (with a stabbing .sensa- tion in the toe on waking), that priests have discovered a crime which she had committed, that her daughter is crying for help in a large pool of water, that there is danger from rafts on the near river, that her daughter has had an apo- plectic fit (with waking in sweat after starting as if in affright), that she is upset in her carriage, that she is falling from a height, that she is making NICCOLUM. 329 a dangerous passage across the water, that she is flyiug through the air and is in danger of falling, that she is engaged in a row. Fever.—Internal ro'dwss, with yawning and stretching. Coldness the whole day, from morning (after a walk) until evening, going off in bed, with strong shaking and chill, feeling of heat in the head and pale complexion.— Cold chilliness, like a shuddering, with thirst. Chilliness, particularly m the evening, also as if fever would set in, with desire for a warm stove, cr in the evening in bed, with coldness the whole night.—Chilliness, generally in the evening, and going off in bed. Chilliness after rising, with external coldness. Chilliness in the afternoon, with icy-coldness and goose-flesh, increasing until eveuing and going off in bed. Chilliness at n'ght, wiking with shaking and cha'tering of teeth as from coldness, with anguish and thirst which passes off speedily. Attack of chilliness, with warmth of the forehead and hands.—Fre- quent flushes of heat, towards evening. Dry heat in the whole body as if sweat would break out, for several afternoons.—Morning sweat, before the menses. General Symptoms.—Jerking in the limbs. Jerking tearing, particularly at night and in the evening, even in the face and left lobule. Prickings here and there, with burning.—Great languor and exhaustion, particularly in the afternoon, obliging one to lie down, relieved by walking. Languor and exhaus- tion of the hands and feet, early in the morning, after the nightly fever. Languor, weariness and prostration as if a severe illness would set in. Painful languor and weariness of the limbs, as after a long journey, in the forenoon. —Languor at nine o'clock in the morning, with dulness of the head. General languor, particularly about the knees, which are scarcely strong enough to support the body.—Trembling in the whole body, with spasmodic movements of the muscles, particularly on the left side of the chest, with great and oppres- £ sive anxiety and apprehension of misfortune. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The majority of the symptoms set in during rest and disappear during motion. Amelioration in the open air. Cessa- tion of many of the morning symptoms after dinner. 173. NICCOLUM. NICCOL.—Niccolum carbonicum. Carbonate of Nickel.—See Hartlaub and Trinks' Annals, III. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Oppressive anxiety with whining mood, or with melancholy mood as if she were threatened with an accident, or in the after- noon, when she feels strangely without being able to tell how.—Anxiety, as if sweat would break out at every movement. Tremulous and timorous, with disposition to seek solitude.—Ul-humour, with want of disposition to talk. Impatient, vehement, cannot bear contradiction, feels better in the evening. Feels so angry that he would like to quarrel with everybody, contradicts every- thing he hears.—Constantly cheerful, and of a bland and dispassionate temper. Sensorium.—Gloominess of the head, early in the morning, with dulness and as if intoxicated, or as if he had not slept enough. Sense of fulness in the In-ad, with want of disposition to do anything, in the forenoon.—Vertigo in the afternoon, worse in the open air and as if he would fall. Vertigo on rising in the morning, with staggering, or as if from weakness. Yertico the whole day, particularly after rising from a stooping position. Vertigo with a whirling sensation iu the forehead, as if nausea would come on. 330 NICCOLUM. Head.—Headache after rising, increasing until noon, with pressure in the vertex and dulness. Headache in a room, after a walk in the open air.—Pain as if bruised in the whole head, particularly the occiput. Pain as if the head would burst, on either side. Pain in the forehead as if the brain would fall out, in the morning after stooping.—Heaviness of the head, early in the niorn- ing#in bed, going off after rising. Heaviness in the forehead, tcith sense of reeling, also from the moment after waking in the morning, relieved in the open air, or from forenoon until afternoon, when standing. Heaviness of the head with sens.; of fulness and as if the brain were cut to pieces, with stupefaction of the head, and pain on stooping as if bruised and sore in the occiput.__Pres- sure in the region of the vertex as from a hand. Sensation in the head as if compresseu and in a vice, early in the morning, with stitches in the right side of the head.— Tearing in the head, becoming intolerable. Tearing in the head with tearing in the left eye. Tearing in the right side of the head, in the evening in sitting, or in the afternoon with sticking. Tearing in the left side of the head and nape of the neck. Tearing in the right temple, in the after- noon when sitting. Stitches in the head, here and there, particularly on stooping. Stitches with concussive sensation in the head. Stitches in the sin- ciput, with drawing from the ears to the head. Stitch, first in the sinciput (with great sensitiveness externally), afterwards in the "sides and forehead, with sensation as if the frontal bone would burst, and great ill-humour. Stitch in the left side of the head, early in bed. Stitch in the right side, with a bruised feeling in the temple. Pricking in the left temple.—Boring at a small spot m the fore part of the head, from icithout inwards. Gnawing boring in the left occiput, in the afternoon. Pain in the sinciput as from a nail.—Hammer- ing in the whole head, in the forenoon during motion. Pccking'hammering in the right side of the forehead.—Feeling of warmth in the head, in the after- noon, particularly in the room. Heat in the head, obliging him to go into the open air, in the afternoon, with sensation as if sweat would break out. Feeling of heat in the forehead, with heaviness, from afternoon till evening. Hum- ming and twitching in the right side of the head, particularly in the ear, at night Eyes.—Tearing in the inner canthi. Sticking in the left outer canthus. Feeling of coldness in the right outer canthus as from a drop of water, with titillating boring in the ear from without inwards.—Yiolent itching of the eyes, with redness of the lids as if ecchymozed, or inflamed. Smarting in the inner canthus, soon returning after rubbing.— Burning of the eyes, as from sand, in the afternoon. Burning, particularly at candle-light. Burning of the eyes on waking, with sensation as if closed by swelling and agglutinated, going off after washing. Burning of the eyes after rising from bed in the morning, with lachry- mation. Burning, in the afternoon, during the menses, rendering reading difficult Burning in the left eye, with tearing from the inner canthus down the nose. Burning of the margins of the lids, with sensation of swelling in the evening, and lachrymation.—Swelling of the Meibomian glands, in the evening, with burning of the eyes and lachrymation. Agglutination of the inner canthi, early in the morning.—Painful jerking in the eyes, as if they would be turned about. Twitching in the eyes, particularly in the left, impeding sight. Twitch- ing in the left upper lid, or also in the left outer canthus, inducing lachrymation. — Weakness of the eyes, particularly in the evening, with failure of si^ht and burning on exerting them in the least. Dim-sightedness, with red, sensitive eyes and some relief after washing them in cold water. Mistiness of sight, early in the morning, with dim, watery eyes. Distant objects appear larger than they really are, early in the morning. Ears.—Tearing in the right ear, with toothache, or tearing and darting, or NICCOLUM. 331 Btitches in the ear from within outwards. Intensely-painful stitches in the left ear. Blister in the left meatus auditorius, of the size of a pea. Tubercles be- hind the left ear of the size of a pea, with tension on pressure.—Sudden deaf- ness in the evening, with humming and whizzing in the ear. Chirping in the right ear as from crickets. IV'OSe.—Painfulness and tearing in the left corner of the nose, on pressure. Tearing or bruised feeling in the root of the nose.—Eruption on the nose and lip. Redness and swelling of the tip of the nose, with burning and tearing.— Sneezing at five o'clock every morning. Frequent violent sneezing in the tore- noon.—Dryness of the nose. Stoppage of the nose, particularly at night, with want of air. Stoppage of the nose, going and coming.—Dry coryza. Pace.—Feeling of swelling and heaviness of the face, with lachrymation. Swelling of the right side, with sore throat. Swelling of the cheeks, with pain which wakes him at night and is relieved by cold.—Itching of the face which cannot be quieted by rubbing. Dry herpes on the cheeks, of the size of lentils. —Twitching of the lips, resembling a shaking. Eruption on the lips. Tuber- cle on the upper lip, burning when eating. Pimples on the lower lip, near the left corner of the mouth. Burning pimples on the inner side of the lower lip. Large sore in the vermilion border of the lower lip. JaWS and Teeth.— Tearing in the jaws, evening and night, succeeded by swelling of the gums, worse in the open air and on pressure. Cramp and pain in the articulation of the right jaw, with difficulty of opening the mouth. Pain in the articulation when talking, as if there were a tubercle, with sore throat. —Pain in a lower molar tooth, at six o'clock in the evening and on falling asleep. Pain in a left lower molar tooth, when touching or biting on it.—Tear- ing in the right lower teeth, at night. Tearing in the left lower teeth, with ul- cerative pain, the whole day.—Gnawing in a right lower tooth, very violent every evening until ten o'clock, with sensation as if the tooth were too long and would be lifted out of its socket, relieved in bed. (inawing in a right lower molar tooth, also with boring, or in the evening with secretion of a sour, fetid water on sucking it.—Feeling of looseness of a left upper molar tooth.—Dis- charge of sour fetid water from every molar tooth, on sucking them.—Swelling of the gums, with febrile symptoms, obliging one to lie down. DlOUth.—Constant dryness of the mouth. Accumulation of sweetish saliva. —The anterior part of the palate is painful.—Fetid smell from the mouth. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Sore throat from evening till morning, at times when talking and yawning, at others when swallowing. The whole throat is painful as if ulcerated, particularly when swallowing, with yawning and chilly shaking.—Slinging of the throat, only during deglutition, apparently in the uvula. Stinging in the morning with violent pain during deglutition.—Con- strictive sensation in the throat, afternoon and night, impeding respiration. Spasmodic choking and contraction, with stinging during deglutition.—I flim- mation of the ihroat with intense pain, threatening suppuration, deglutition al- most impeded, violent thirst and vomiturition. Inflammation of the right side with swelling of the tonsil and external sensitiveness to contact.—Roughness of the throat, relieved by coughing. Accumulation of a quantity of thick mucus, with stinging. Appetite, Taste and Gastric Symptoms.—Mealy taste in the mouth, on waking early. Bitter taste, also with bitter eructations, or early in the morning in bed, and going off after rising. Disagreeable taste and smell in the mouth.— No appetite for anything.—Painful feeling of hunger, without appetite and without relishing food, he thinks he feels better after eating.—YMent thirst day and night.—Eructations tasting like burnt flour. Bitter and sour eructations 332 NICCOLUM. with pressure in the stomach, in the forenoon.—Violent hiccough, generally in the evening, also in bed.—Sickness of the stomach from morning till noon, also with gulping up of sour water, in the forenoon. Sickness of the stomach with pain in the stomach as if from weakness, going off after breakfast. Stomach.—Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, with pain as from fasting, without hunger. Feeling of repletion after a moderate dinner.—Pressure in the stomach, early in bed, going off after breakfast, or eructation. Pressure as from a stone with disposition to eructate, after which the pressure increases con- siderably.—Pinching in the stomach after dinner. Stitches in the stomach, striking through to the back, and causing one to start. Cutting in the pit of the stomach, and stabbings as with knives, very painful in any position.—Con- striction in the stomach, a sort of digging or as from fasting. Pain in the sto- mach as if screwed together, in the forenoon. Abdomen.—Cutting in the hypochondria, towards the umbilicus, at night. Stitches in the region of the right ribs. Twitching in the hypochondria on raising the arm, in the evening.—Constant colic, also with diarrhoea.—Pinching in the abdomen, followed by hard stool, in the afternoon. Pinching as if diar- rhoea would ensue, at times in the epigastrium, at others in the hypogastrium. Pinching in the whole abdomen, in the afternoon, succeeded by diarrhoea, con- sisting of yellow mucus, which comes out with great force without affording any relief. Biting pinching above the umbilicus, waking him at four o'clock in the morning. Pinching around the umbilicus, with urging to stool.—Cutting in the abdomen, succeeded by soft stool, with occasional burning at the anus. Cutting deep in the hypogastrium, with more-profuse menstrual flow, worse when sitting, relieved by motion.—Bloated abdomen in the evening, with grumbling, succeed- ed by hard stool. Bloatedness of the abdomen with sticking in the left groin which is sensitive externally. Distention of the whole abdomen, as if it would burst, with shifting and emission of flatulence. Fetid flatulence and diarrhoea.— A good deal of fetid or inodorous flatulence.—Pinching in the groins in the evening, with sticking, pressing, urging to stool and emission of inodorous flatu- lence. Twitching and pinching in the right groin, proceeding from the chest as if in a narrow band, before midnight. Sticking in the groin, particularly the left, (also when sitting and relieved by lying on that side). Stabbing in the right groin. Burning stinging above the right groin, externally. StOOl.—Constant ineffectual urging. Constipation. Hard stool the first days. The primary effect of Niccolum is to retain and harden ihe stool.—Soft stool, towards the latter period of the proving. Soft, difficult stool, also with violent pain in the groins, small of the back and sides of the abdomen.—Diar- rhoza after taking milk, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea with stinging burning and tenesmus.—During stool: stinging in the rectum. Yiolent urging.—After stool: itching of the anus. Renewed but unsuccessful urging. Urinary and Male Sexual Organs.—Scanty and rare emission of urine, also with burning, (after six, twelve days). Increased, frequent desire to uri- nate (after one, four, five, nine, ten days), also with burning. Nightly micturi- tion, with copious discharge.—Itching of the scrotum, which cannot be removed by rubbing. Erections in the forenoon, after dinner or at night. Female Sexual Organs.—Itching of the pudendum.—Menses too feeble and short. Menses too early by three, five days, also with colic and pain in the small of the back. The menses which had ceased flowing, re-appear after every dose.—Profuse leucorrhcea. Watery leucorrhoea, particularly after micturition. Larynx and Trachea.—Hoarseness in the evening or morning. Yiolent hoarseness, he is scarcely able to speak.—Cough from tickling in the ihront, in the evening (sometimes not commencing till in bed). Nightly cough, obliging NICCOLUM. 333 him to sit up and to hold his head with both hands. Frequent turns of cough in the day-time, without or with expectoration of mucus. lliest,—Great shortness of breathing, when working while sitting, going off in walking.—Painfulness of the inner chest, in the afternoon. Soreness in the chest, particularly in the afternoon, or as if cut to pieces (afternoon and evening) with itching of the part afterwards.—Heaviness on the chest, in the afternoon.—Pressure on the chest, from afternoon till evening, with sore pain. Pressure the whole day, with difficulty of breathing and frequent hacking.— Stitch in the chest, particularly on raising the trunk. Stitch in the left chest, also striking to the inmost part of the chest and arresting the breathing, or causing one to start, or when walking and worse on drawing breath. Stitch in the left side, also on raising the trunk from a stooping posture, or on raising the arm, causing one to start, or when laughing. Stitch in the right side, also on raising the arm, or with tension, in the afternoon. Stitch in the sternum, from afternoon till evening, or burning stinging.—Biting itching of the outer parts of the cliest, in the evening, going off after scratching. Sticking in the region of 011(3 rib, from afternoon till evening, worse when sitting and arresting the breath- ing. Burning of the left side of the chest, also in the afternoon or on raising the arm. Back.—Pains in the small of the back, night and morning. Stitches in the small of the back, in the afternoon. Gnawing in the small of the back.—In the back: tension, with pinching in the umbilicus, before dinner. Stitch striking from the back to the pit' of the stomach, in the afternoon when sitting. Itching, going off after rubbing.—Between the scapula,: sticking, also when standing, going off by motion. Frequent twitching on the left scapula, in the evening. Tearing in the left scapula, as if it would be torn out, waking him from a deep sleep at night, with painfulness of the part to contact even early in the morning. —Nape, of the neck: stinging and tension during motion. Pain as if sprained on raising the head, with cracking on stooping.—Neck : itching. Sensitiveness of the thyroid body to pressure, with sensation, on swallowing, as if a blister had formed there. Upper Extremities.—Itching on the shoulders. Itching stitches, like flea- bites, on the shoulders and sternum, in the evening, iu bed.—Tearing in the arms, at times in the right, at others in the,left, worse in sitting, or in the right humerus. Feeling in the left arm aud leg as if gone to sleep, in the afternoon when sitting.—Pressure on the upper arm as from a hand, at night, waking him, the part remaining sensitive afterwards.—Tearing from the left elbow to the hand.—Tearing in the right radius down to the wrist-joint, with numbness of the last two fingers.—Tearing in the border of the right hand, in the forenoon when writing, succeeded by beating and a tumultuous sensation in the part which goes off by moving the arm. Pain as from bruises in the left hand, par- ticularly at night, with sore pain of the border of the hand during motion. Heaviness of the hands and feet as if weary, relieved by motion.— Tearing in the fingers, also in the thumbs, apparently in the bones, or in the joints of the fingers. Sticking, also under a nail, or in the tip (of the right little finder). Burning under two nails, as if a panaris would form, in the evening. Lower Extremities.—Tearing in the hips, also extending to the toes, when sitting, or particularly in the left hip, in the evening, at night and in the morn- ing. Itching of both hips, particularly in the evening, with burning after scratch- ing. Itching herpes on the hips.—Tearing in the right lower limb, in the after- noon when walking, less during rest. The left lower limb goes to sleep, with tingling, early in bed, in a recumbent posture.—Tearing in the right thigh, also darting tearing in the left, when sitting, and going oft after rising. Pain as 334 NICCOLUM. from bruhes, only when sifting, only in the left lower limb in the evening, and in both in the afternoon. Yiolent pain as from weariness in both lower limbs, with pressing towards the groins, and diarrhoea, during the menses.—Tearing in the knee, in the afternoon, also extending to the thigh when sitting, or with trembling of the knees. Sticking in the outer part of the knee, when standing, also in the evening, or in the right patella in the afternoon. Yiolently-itching pimples on the right knee.—Tearing in the legs, also at night, or in the after- noon when spinning, and obliging one to stop Heaviness of both lower limbs, with tearing from the knee to the toes. Painful weariness of the calves, when walking, less when sitting.—Tearing in the internal right malleolus Gnaw- ing in the external right malleolus. Stinging tension in the left heel, particu- larly early, arter rising, when pressing the foot to the floor. Cramp in the outer side of the left foot, during the menses, when sitting, going off after rising. Itching of the heel and little toes.—Tearing and tingling in the right tees, at night. Cramp-pain and spasmodic contraction of all the toes of the right foot, early in bed. Sleep.— Yaivning with droivsiness, also in the afternoon when sitting, with malaise.—Restless sleep at night, and frequent waking.—Symptoms at night in bed,: restlessness and heat, with frequent waking, diminished by walking about. Pains in the head, which do not allow one to go to sleep. Pain in the throat, with restless sleep. Waking at ten o'clock with vertigo, nausea and disposition to vomit, obliging one to walk into the open air, which affords relief. Sticking in the left side, worse on stooping, not allowing one to sleep, and obliging one to turn to the other side.—Constant dreams, while half awake, confused and fanciful. She dreams that her brother is arriving. She dreams that an ac- quaintance is approaching, whom she at first mistook for the devil. She dreams that she is quarrelling with her husband, who had returned from a distant jour- ney. Dreams about murder and deeds of violence. Dreams about a tooth fall- ing out. She dreams that one of her relatives has her head cut off, after which she wakes covered with sweat, as from anxiety. She dreams that her upper arm is painful and immovable. She dreams that she is falling, and wakes as if in affright. She dreams that her mother had fallen into the water and had been drowned, after which she wakes trembling and in tears. She dreams about having been hurt in running. Dreams about the death of an acquaintance, with weeping. He dreams that he is going to a funeral.—On waking in the morn. ing: heaviness of the head, as if he had not slept enough. Fever.—Frequent shuddering over the nape of the neck, at night. Shud- dering the whole day, commencing with yawning Shuddering on the back, re- lieved by the warmth of the stove, or on the back, hands and feet.—Creeping chilliness, after yawning with drowsiness. Chilliness in the afternoon, going off in the evening. Chilliness with shaking, in the evening, followed by sound sleep, with agglutination of the eyes. Chilliness with shuddering, in the whole body, at night, from evening till morning.—Feverish and. sick, as if a severe illness were approaching. Alternation of short shiverings and heat, commencing early in the morning. Heat mingled with chills, accompanied with thirst and sore throat. At times chilliness, at times heat, with dread of being uncovered. Heat in the evening, in bed, followed by chilliness. Heat in the afternoon, followed by shuddering in the evening, while hands and feet are warm, the shuddering alter- nates with heat; during the night he suffers with heat and thirst. Heat with sweat and thirst, followed by chilliness.—During the first days, the prover feels rather warm than cold. Feeling of heat in the whole body, with anxiety, great languor and exhaustion. Anxious heat, day and night, with' violent thirst. Nightly heat, with great thirst and desire to uncover his hands and feet. Heat NITRIC ACID. 335 all over, as if sweat would break out.—Sweat in the afternoon. Sweat after midnight. Sweat all over, in the morning, in bed, with unpleasant feeling of warmth. Skin.—Itching of the whole body, particularly of the neck. Itching of the neck, nape of the neck, region of the clavicles and small of the back, with small tubercles after scratching.—Biting here and there, in the evening, going off af- ter lying down.—Burning stinging as from bees, here and there, particularly in the palm of the left hand and on the neck. General Symptoms.—Tearing in various parts Stinging here and there, going off after lying down, (in the evening in bed?), or particularly on the right side, at times on the head, at others in the region of the clavicles, at times in the back.—Languid and weary, particularly in the lower limbs. Feverish feel- ing of illness, as if a severe illness would set in.—Trembling of the hands and feet. Characteristic Peculiarities.—In the open air the symptoms appear less than in the room. 174. NITRIC ACID. NITR. AC.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, IY. Duration of Action: several weeks. Compare with—Aeon., Am., Aur., Bell., Bry., Calc, Con., Hep. s., Jod., Kali carb., Kali nitr., Lye, Merc, Mez., Mur. ac, Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Op., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Puis., Rhus, Sep., Sulph.. Sulph. ac, * Thuja.—Nitric ac. is frequently suitable after Bell., Calc, Hep. s., Kali, Natr. carb. and mur., Puis., Sulph., Thuja.—After Nitric ac. are frequently suitable : Calc, Petrol., Puis., Sulph. Antidotks.—Of large doses: alkalis, a saturated solution of soap ; pure magnesia stirred in water ;—of small doses : Calc. carb., Camph., Con., Hep. s., Merc, Mez., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Sulph. CLINICAL OBSERVATION. According to Noack and Trinks, this drug has cured the following affections : Rheumatic and arthritic affections.—Hydrargyrosis, when appearing in the form of a scorbutic dyscrasia.—Diseases of the periosteum and bones, especially chronic inflammation of those parts.—Caries.—Necrosis.?—Tophi.?—Scrophu. losis.—Serophula torpida.—Rachitis.—Hysterismus.—Congestion and orgasm of the blood.—Hemorrhage from arteries and capillaries.— Te]angieclasia in the nape of the neck of a boy of ten years.—Epilepsy, the fits being relieved by riding in a carriage, accompanied by attacks of vertigo in a girl of 14 years. —Humid, itch-like eruption with ulcers on the skin, and ramollissement of the bones, having been mismanaged by quicksilver, (in conjunction with Aurum and Acid, phosph )—Dry and humid herpes.—Scarlatina.—Painless ulcers with gray, inverted edges, readily bleeding and emitting an ichorous pus.—Mercurial ulcers.—(''tapped skin of frozen limbs. —Syphilitic bubo.—Chancre, with hy- drargyrosis.—Secondary syphilis. —Condylomata.—Itching smarting and sting- ing syphilitic eruptions, resembling psoriasis, in individuals having taken much Mercury.—Syphilis with hydrargyrosis.—Syphilitic ulcer, a'ter Mercury.__ Typhus abdomintlis: especially with hemorrhage from the rectum, excessive sensitiveness of the abdomen, with green mucu.Cacrid diarrhoea and tenesmus, 336 NITRIC ACID. aphtha?, loose, rattling cough, and threatening paralysis of the lungs, especially after having taken large doses of calomel or chlorine.—Febres lenta\ hecticae.— Melancholy.—Caries of the skull-bones, in children.— Ophthalmia from an abuse of Mercury.—Ophthalmia from sudden suppression of syphilitic complaints.— Inflammation of the cellular tissue in the internal canthi of the eyes, terminating in suppuration and afterwards ulceration.—Blepharoptosis.—Ophthalmo-blen- norrhcea gonorrhceica.—Phlyctaense of the cornea, passing into the form of flat ulcers.—Obscuration and spots of the cornea.—Photophobia.—Amblyopia.— Myopia.—Diplopia.—Muscae volitantes.—Photopsia.—Amaurosis.—Glaucoma from abuse of Mercury.—Caries of the zygomatic process.—Purulent otorrhcca. __Parotitis.—Ozaena scrophulosa, mercurialis and syphilitica.— Polypi of the nose.—Mercurial ptyalism.—Erysipelas of the face.—Stomacace.—Throbbing toothache from the abuse of Mercury, most violent in the evening and at night. —Rheumatic tearing and drawing pain iu the teeth and face, most violent at night, now in the upper, then in the lower row of teeth, and in the nerves of the face, with twitchiug of the facial muscles.—Ulcers in the mouth, on the tongue and gums, with ptyalism from abuse of Mercury.—Syphilitic herpes of the ton- sils, uvula, root of the tongue, inner side of the lips.—Stomacace.—Aphthae of the mouth and fauces.—Chronic inflammation of the palate, uvula, tonsils and fauces, with burning, or pressing-stinging soreness,—Angina pharyngea et ton- sillaris.—Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the fauces, owing to syphilis or hydrargyrosis, with a feeling of soreness and redness of the throat at every change of weather.—Chronic inflammatory conditions of the liver.— Jaundice.—According to Buchner, nitric acid prevents the formation of pus in the syphilitic bubo.—Chronic diarrhoza.—Chronic, colliquative diarrhoea, threat- ening phthisis intestinalis.—Hemorrhage from the swollen and painful varices of the anus, at every stool.—Ascarides.'.''—Pressure on the bladder.—Diabetes mellitus et insipidus.—Enuresis.— Chronic inflammation of the urethra.—Phy- » mosis.?—Balanorrhcea. Removes the bad smell from the flat ulcers accompanying balanorrhcea.— Suppressed menses.—Dangerous metrorrhagia after confinement, and especially in miscarriage.— Leucorrhcea.— Carcinoma of the womb.—Scir- ihus and carcinoma of the mamma?.—After operations for scirrhus of the mamma.—Pneumonia: in thin, emaciated, rather old individuals with choleric temperament, the first stage to which Aconite is specific, passing quickly into the second which threatens to be fatal, the cough being either dry or else accompa- nied with copious, green, blood-streaked expectoration, violent stitches mostly on the left side, excessive difficulty of breathing, soft, intermitting pulse, profuse sweat, rapid failing of strength. These are cases which have been pointed out as dangerous, even by older physicians, where the pain vanishes, but the fever increases, whereas the reverse takes place in favourable cases.—Rhagades of the hands.—Ischias.?—Chiragra.—Podagra. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sad mood. Desponding, seems to feel discouraged and to be absorbed in deep thought. * Sadness, and as if oppressed with grief He is unable to banish his sad thoughts.—Honie-sickness.— Weeping mood, without any cause. Easily moved and inclined to weep. The child weeps when admonished ever so little.—Excessive melancholy and anguish. Sad and full of anxiety, in the evening, (the day previous to the menses). She is ab- sorbed in thoughts about former events inducing anxiety ; she cannot withdraw her mind from them, she seems as if in a waking dream ; she starts from time to time, as in affright.—* Anxieties, the whole day. Fits of anguish, with palpita- tion of the heart, arresting the breathing. Anguish, with stitches above the NITRIC ACID. 337 heart, and a sort of raving as if delirious, with colduess of the body and inclina- tion to fall. Anxiety, as if he were engaged in a law-suit or quarrel, exciting uneasiness. He is assailed by anxious thoughts, without any positive cause for it. He feels quite anxious in the evening, he is unable to sit, and has to walk about. During a thunder-storm he is more anxious than usual. "Exces- sive nervousness, particularly after abuse of mercury. Tendency to start. Timid, with tendency to start. Timid, he is easily affected unpleasantly by something.—Hopelessness, despair. Boundless despair. She imagines she will soon die, but she is not sick. Tired of life. She wishes to die, but she fears death. Indifferent, joyless. Taciturn.—Dissatisfied with herself, induc- ing her to weep violently, after which she feels more easy. OiU of humour and desponding. Out of humour and uneasy, early in the morning, after rising. Discouraged, early in the morning on waking. ' Impatient in the afternoon. Angry at himself.—^Irritable disposition. Out of humour, sad, headstrong, full of uneasiness, she knows not where to turn herself. He is vexed at the least trifle, and at himself, when not doing a thing to his satisfaction. Angry mood, which makes him nervous. Trembling of all the limbs during a quarrel. —Disposed to be vehement and quarrelsome. Tendency to be angry and to use insulting expressions. He gets into a passion on account of trifles, and has to laugh at himself the whole day. Fits of rage and despair, with curses and male- dictions.—Inveterate ill-will, unmoved by excuses or apologies.—* Indisposition to work, or to perform any serious business.—Changeable mood, at times cheer- ful, at times sad. Sensorilim.—Great weakness of memory, even while the bodily strength increases.—Diminished power of thinking, not disposed to perform any scientific work. Her tlwughts vanish, when attempting to think on important business. She has no ideas, comprehends nothing, does not understand what people tell her, as if she did not hear well. Thoughtless, as if without consciousness.— Dulness of the head, she is unable to think or to take notice of things, for a long time. Dulness of the head, which is sometimes like loss of consciousness, especially in the open air. Cloudiness and dizziness of the head. Vertigo, when raising the head after stooping. °Yertigo, when walking and sitting. °Vertigo, obliging him to lie down. Vertigo in the evening, immediately after lying down. Violent vertigo, in the evening, she was scarcely able to support herself when rising from a seat. Vertigo, early in the morning, when rising, with obscuration of sight, he had to sit down. Vertigo, as if he would lose his senses. Vertigo, at night, when rising, she knew not where she was. Vertigo with nausea, early in the morning, followed by eructations. Vertigo with pul- sations in the head, and pressure in the middle of the brain, in the evening. Head.—Headache in the occiput, after a slight effort, especially when think- ing. Headache, with nausea. Headache, early in the morning when waking, going off after rising. The head is sensitive to the rolling of carriages and loud footsteps. Headache, as from an intoxication on the day previous, aggravated by stooping, with pain in the eyes, as if smoke had got in. Dull headache and heaviness of the head.—Heaviness and dulness of ihe head, with nausea. Heaviness in the temples, with frequent chilliness. He is roused from sleep by a painful heaviness in the head, as if from the vapour of coal. Sensation as if some one were pressing her head violently forwards.—Feeling of fulness in the head. Painful feeling of fulness in the bead, as if it would burst, several times a day, half an hour each time. Pain, as from fulness of blood, in the head, eyes, and upper part of the nose, when shaking the head or blowing the nose. —Sensation in the head, as from a violent cold, but without any marked secre- tion of mucus.—Headache, with tension in the eyes, when moving them. Pain- vol. ii. 22 338 NITRIC ACID. ful tension in the interior of the head and in the eyelids. Headache, as if the head were surrounded with a tight bandage.—Dull headache, early in the morning, when in bed; after rising, violent pressure in the right temple, with chilliness, qualmishness in the umbilical region, lastly a troublesome colic, as if caused by incarcerated flatulence and frequent eructations.—Pain, as from bruises, in the occiput.—Pressure in the upper part of the head, in the temples and eyes, as if pressing on the part with the thumb. Pressure in the forehead, for half an hour, every morning. Pressure in the sinciput and eyes, which are then more immovable. Excessive pressure in the head from above downwards, with violent coryza. Pressure in the head and heaviness of the limbs, (the first days). Very intense, painful, drawing pressure from the forehead upwards. Sharp, aching pain in both frontal eminences, mingled with stitches. Ccmpres- sive pain in the forehead, the whole afternoon.—Drawing headache. Drawing pain in the right temple, (in a few hours). Drawing in the temporal muscles. Drawing, at times in the right side of the head above the orbit, at times in the left, in the region of the ear. Cramp-like drawing in the head, which feels gloomy and dull. "Tearing in the forehead, vertex and sinciput.—Darlings in the lower part of the left hemisphere of the brain, from before backwards. Darting in the left hemisphere, towards the temple. Cutting headache.— Stitches in the left temple, in the evening. Stitches in almost every part of the head. Stitches in both occipital protuberances, extending to the lower jaw, Stitching pain in the upper part of the head, every day, worse in the afternoon, as if her head would be torn to pieces; she had to lie down, the pain prevented her from sleeping at night. Violent stitching pain in the right side of the head and occiput, the pain is also felt when touching the parts. Stitches in the tem- ples, particularly the right. Violent stitches in the left side of the occiput, at breakfast, drawing the head backwards and arresting the breathing. Violent, sudden stitches, in the evening, in the right side of the occiput, followed by violent headache in the occiput, both pains disappearing about the time of going to bed. Stitches above the eyes, every morning, for half an hour. Stitches above the left eye. Boring stitches in the vertex, in the evening. Stitching headache in the left temple, the whole afternoon. Stitching, sometimes throb- bing headache in the left frontal eminence, with sensation as if the eyelids were drawn together, from four o'clock in the afternoon, worse in the evening, until night; during night the pain rouses him from sleep.—Shocks in the head, when stooping or lying down. Jerks in the head, in the evening.—Throbbing head- ache in the left side of the head, the whole afternoon. Throbbing pain in the temples. Beating in the occiput. Beating headache in the right temple, with nausea, early in the morning on waking, for several days. Intolerably painful hammering in the head.—*Congestion of blood to the head. When stooping, the head suddenly feels heavy as a hundred-weight. Pain in the head, as from congestion of blood, she was unable to collect her senses, with sensation as of a gauze before her eyes.—Heat in the head, the whole day. Humming in the head. Constant groaning sensation in the head. Scalp.—Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration, of the outer parts of the head, on touching them. Bone-pain of the whole left side of the head, also in the teeth and the meatus auditorius externu3, aching and drawing. Pain, as from bruises, of the whole right side of the head. Tension of the scalp. Pain- ful spots of the hairy scalp, when touching them. Intense painfulness of the hair of the head. Pain of the roots of the hairs, when touching them, at a spot on the vertex, of the size of the hand. Drawing and stinging in the scalp. Drawing in the temporal muscles. Violent sticking in the right side of the head and occiput, painful when touching the [arts.— Tingling on the right side NITRIC ACID. 339 of the head, about the ear. Numbness of the head, and sensation as if it had gone to sleep.—Sensation about the head as of burning points or sparks. He frequently feels a heal about the head. His head perspires easily. Frequent sweat on the forehead. "Itching of the scalp. Scurfy, humid, itching eruption on the hairy scalp. The tinea on the hairy scalp smells very badly. ^Falling off of the hair. A number of boils about the head, chin, nape of the neck, etc. —°Ulcerated spots on the head, humid and burning. Eyes.—The eyes are weak and sore, as if tired.—Pressure in the eyes, as if pressing on an ulcer. Pressure in the outer canthi, as from sand. Pressure in the eyes as when one looks at the sun ; eye-gum forms, and the eye becomes red and itches. Pressure in the eyelids, in the evening. Pressure and smarting sensation in the left eye. Periodical pressure on the inner surface of the eye- lids, especially the lower, with sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, causing a winking.—Pinching pain in the eyes. Contractive pain in the left eye. Sensa- tion as if the right eye would be compressed. Contractive pain over the left eye, externally.—Drawing pain above the left eye. Violent drawing pain in the eyes. —Stitches in the eyes. Stitch in the right eye and left ear, from within out- wards, with subsequent inflammation of the eyes; the white of the eyes becomes very red; he was unable to see in the open air. Stitch near the left eyeball, towards the inner canthus, externally.—Itching of the inner canthi. Itching and pressure of the eyes. Smarting sensation in the eyes. Burning in the eyes and left temple. Burning in the eyelids, early in the morning.—Inflamma- tion of the right conjunctiva, °or of the eyes, from abuse of Merc, or from syphi- lis. Swelling of the eyelids. Swelling of the upper eyelid, with an itching pimple on it. °Suppuration of the eyes.—Dark spots on the cornea. A small wen near the pimple on the upper eyelid.—Dryness under the upper eyelids. Sensation as if the eyes were full of tears.—Frequent lachrymation. Lachry- mation and itching of the eyes. Lachrymation in the right eye, in open, mild air. Lachrymation of the eyes, increased by reading, and pain in the eyes.— Acrid humour in the eyes. Stickiness of the eyes as if from eye-gum. Dry gum in the canthi. Agglutination of the right eye, during the night.— Trembling of the right eyelid. Continual jerkings below the right eye, after dinner. In the morning it is difficult to open the eyes and to raise the upper eyelids. °Paralysis of the upper lid. Dilatation of the pupils. °Difficulty of contract- ing the pupils. Photophobia, the eyes are dazzled by the light of dav.—Ob- scuration of the eyes, when reading. When looking at a thing carefully, the object seems to him too dark. The sight becomes dim ; objects appear dark ; he sees nothing; he imagines there is an eclipse of the sun, or he is blind. In the open air he suddenly became as if blind, and deranged; his ideas wandered and he felt like one fainting, for a couple of minutes. At twilight, he is obliged to cease reading sooner than usual. The halo around the candle- light becomes stronger. Mistiness before the eyes, when looking at a thing. Gauze before the right eye.—When reading he sees a green spot by the side of every letter. * Short sighted, objects at a moderate distance appeared in- distinct.—The horizontal objects appear double when seen at a distance. Gray spots before the eyes, at some distance, hindering sight. *Muscai volitanles. At candle-light, a cobweb seems to hover before his eyes; this disappears again when closing the eyes firmly or when moving them. Sparks before the eyes ; obscuration of sight; four times during the day he was unable to recognise any- thing for an hour. Ears.—Pain in the ears, as if something would burst in the ear. Pain in the left ear, as if it would be distended. Pain, as if the tympanum would be pressed in. Dragging pain in the ears, also sticking. Cramp-pain in the ears. 340 NITRIC ACID. Dartings in the internal meatus auditorius. Drawing in the internal meatus, auditorius. Drawing in the right ear and right cheek. Tearing, at times in the right, at times in the left helix.—*Stitches in the right ear, -with pressure in the forehead. Stitches and humming in the right ear, for three days. Beating in the region of the tympanum.—Itching heat of the ears. Itching in the ears. Feeling of dryness in the ears, they are swollen. Redness, suppuration and violent itching behind the left ear. Soreness behind the left ear. Pimples of the size of small peas on the posterior surface of the lobules, with pain when touching them. °Steatoma at the lobule.—°Caries of the mastoid process.— Glandular sivelling behind and below the right ear, with stitching and tearing in the swelling, through the ear, in the evening, and continuing until she gets warm in bed. Itching in the swollen parotid gland.—Feeling of obstruction in the ear, after previous soreness in that organ. The right ear becomes suddenly closed, as if he were entirely deaf, for a short time. * Difficulty of hearing °from enlargement of the toasils, particularly after abuse of Merc. Dull hear- ing. Echo in the ears of her own speech.—Sound in the ear as if water were in it. Humming in the ears and hardness of hearing, for a fortnight. Humming in the left ear. Roaring before the ears. °Throbbing in the ears. °Cracking in the ears. Sudden sensation as of fanning the left ear, in the afternoon, for some minutes. A few loud reports in the ear. Cracking in the ear when chewing during breakfast. IVOSC—Violent itching in the nose. Smarting painvin the nose. Stitches in the nose, when touching it, as from splinters. Stitches in the root of the nose, which is distended, especially when sneezing or coughing.—Burning in the nose. Soreness in the nose. Soreness of the wings of the nose. Soreness and bleed- ing of the inside of the nose, with violent coryza. *Soreness and scurf in the nose. Ulcerated nostril; sore nose. Itching herpes on the wings of the nose. Redness of the tip of the nose, and scurfy blisters on it. ° Fig-like excrescence in the nose. Discharge of blood from the nose when blowing it, in the morning. The nose bleeds, from weeping. * Violent bleeding of the nose. Discharge of black blood from the nose.—^Disagreeable smell in the nose, °on inspiring air, -or in the evening after lying down, for three evenings in succession. °Fctid smell from the nose. When eating, small pieces of food get into the posterior nares, with a disagreeable sensation, and are carried down with the mucus. A good deal of sneezing, every day, without coryza. Frequent sneezing with obstruc- tion of the nose. Violent sneezing, morning and evening, without coryza. Tingling in the nose, and sensation as if the nose would bleed. Much sneezing, and copious discharge of mucus. °Unsuecessful attempt to sneeze.—"^Obstruc- tion of the nose. Obstruction of the left half of the nose. Complete obstruc- tion of the nose, early in the morning on waking, water drops out.—°Dryness of the nose. Dry coryza, with dryness of the throat and nose, inflamed and swollen wings of the nose. Violent dry coryza, in the night. Acrid water runs out of the nose, in the night. Yellow, fetid discharge from the nose. Discharge of thick, corrosive mucus from the nose. Coryza with sore feeling of the nostrils. Coryza with dry cough and headache. Coryza with waterbrash. Violent coryza with swelling of the nose and upper lip, and especially with nightly cough. —Fluent coryza with obstruction of the nose. Violent fluent and dry coryza, with difficult breathing even through the mouth, and with stinging in the throat during empty deglutition and when swallowing food. Violent fluent coryza, with tearing in all the limbs, only one day. Violent fluent coryza, with great coarseness and cough, with stitches in the throat, at every attack. Violent fluent coryza, after sneezing and chilliness. Face.—°Pale face. Yellowness, particularly around the eyes, with red NITRIC ACID. 341 cheeks. Sickly yellowness under the eyes (after rising, with feeling of languor). Deep eyes. Bloatedness around the eyes, on waking early.—Heat of the face, in the afternoon. Feeling of great internal heat iu the face, especially the eyes; he can scarcely keep them open, the face looking pale. Feeling of heat in the checks, no heat is perceptible to the touch.—The bones of the face are painful^ whether touched or not. Tension of the skin of the face, early in the morning. Tension of the skin of the forehead. Violent cramp-pain in the bones of the face, especially the malar bones. Sensation of contraction about the nose, zygo- mata and around the eyes. Drawing in the right cheek, towards the nose. Tearing in the malar bones, commencing at the angle of the lower jaw. Violent tearing deep in the facial muscles or in the periosteum of the malar bone, waking him after midnight. Violent pain in the malar bones as if they would be torn to pieces. Pain, as from bruises, in the malar bones. Prickings in the face. Twitching, now in one, then in another muscle of the face, especially the masse- ter muscles. Violent, painful pulsations on the left side of the face. Erysipe- latous inflammation and swelling of the left cheek, stinging, painful, with nausea and chilliness; followed by heat; the shuddering returned when raising one's- telf in bed. Swelling of the cheek, with a red, rough spot in the centre, and tearing pain in the teeth. Swelling of the cheek and upper lip.— Scaly skin of the whole face. *Black pores of the face. * Small pimples in the face, espe- cially on the forehead. *Pimples on the hairy border of the temple. Itching- burning, red pimples, with pus in their tips, in different parts of the face, on the forehead, temples, lips, chin, etc "Pustules with red, broad borders and be- coming scurfy. Fine, itching eruption in the region of the beard. Itching herpes in the whiskers. Herpetic spot close to the mouth, extending towards the chin.—Swelling and itching of the lips. Swelling of the upper lip and upper gums. Swelling of the lower lip. °Both lips are chapped. Cutting pains in the upper lip. Stitches in the upper lip, as if from splinters, when touching it. Itching of the upper lip. Pimples on the lip, with gnawing itching. Itching eruption on the upper lip. Ulcerated pimples on the lower lip. Ulcerated scurfy corners of the mouth. °Ulcer in the right corner of the mouth.—Pustules on the chin. Several pimples on the chin, with a red, hard circumference, at first painful when touched; this painfulness passes off as soon as pus appears in their tips; afterwards they leave an induration with a red circumference. A large boil on the side of the chin.—Pain in the jaws as if from Merc. Cramp-like pain in the right jaw. Dartings in the right lower jaw, from the region of the ear to the fore part of the face. Continuous stitch in the region of the articula- tion of the jaw. Great weakness, pain, and want of strength in the lower jaw, in the evening. Cracking in the joint of the jaw, when masticating or eat- ing.—Pain of the submaxillary glands. Sensation as if the submaxillary glands were swollen. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with pain when touching or moving the neck. Dull pressure in the submaxillary glands and about the neck. Teeth.—Toothache in the upper row, not hindering mastication; accompa- nied with tense swelling of the cheeks. The toothache becomes worse immedi- ately on leaning the head on the cushion.—Contractive darting and gurgling in a hollow tooth. Darting toothache, mostly in hollow teeth, aud in the even- ing. Drawing pain in the teeth, extending to the larynx. Drawing and grum- bling in the teeth and jaws, at night. Sharp drawing in the right row of teeth, and in the head. Tearing in the teeth.—Stitching toothache, with swelling of the cheeks, for two days. Yiolent stitches in the upper molar teeth, downwards towards the crown. Darting in a tooth, when taking any thing cold or warm into the mouth. Stitches and burning in the teeth, at night. Boring pains in 342 NITRIC ACID. the teeth, when touched by either cold or warm substances. * Throbbing tooth- ache, worst in the evening when in bed, hindering sleep for several hours, now in one, then in all the teeth. Feeling of coldness in the teeth.—^Looseness of the teeth, -with pain when chewing. One of the lower molares is painful when chewing. The anterior and superior teeth, and an inferior hollow molar tooth are painful,' as if they were loose and dull, or as if they had been bent forwards and loose, going off in the evening after a warm supper. Sensation as if the teeth were soft and spongy ; he dares not press them together, lest they should fall out; when sucking at the gums ever so little, blood comes out, and he feels a pleasant sensation through the whole mouth. The teeth feel elongated.—The teeth became yellow.—Cutting pain in the gums of the upper incisores. Ach- ing pain and soreness of the gums. Itching of the gums. White, swollen gums. Swelling of the upper gums, even in the sockets. Swelling of the gums, and the teeth were so loose that she might have taken them out. °Bleeding of the gums. Mouth.—The inner parts of the mouth feel stiff and swollen, in the morning on waking. Sensation as if the parts in the mouth had gone to sleep. Contrac- tive sensation in the mouth. The inner cuticle of the cheeks is apt to get be- tween the teeth, and to be bitten when masticating. Ulcerated spot of the in- ner side of the cheek, with stinging pain, as from a splinter. Ulcers in the mouth and fauces. Spreading ulcer on the side of the uvula.—Dry mouth, no thirst, swollen, hot lips. Great dryness in the mouth, with thirst. Scraping and dry sensation in the mouth, as after much smoking.—Her mouth is always full of water. Tough mucus. Copious flow of saliva. Ptyalism without affec- tion of the gums. Ptyalism and ulcers of the fauces. Bloody saliva in the morning.—Putrid smell from the mouth. Cadaverous smell from the mouth. — Vesicles on the tongue and its edge, with burning pain when touched. Small painful vesicles on the sublingual glands. Small painful pimples on the tip of the tongue. The tongue is very sensitive ; even mild food causes a sharp smart- ing sensation. He bites his tongue when chewing. Soreness of the red portion of the tongue. Soreness of the tongue, palate, the inner side of the gums, with stinging pain, and ulceration of the corner of the mouth, (for five days). Lisp- ing. Coated tongue. White, dry tongue, in the morning. Dry tongue, stick- ing to the palate, early in the morning. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Pressure in the throat, as if the food would not go down. Pressure in the back part of the throat, during deglutition, with sensation as if the pressure were moving downwards on the inner side of the back. Pressure in the throat, as from a tumour, with sore pain.—Sensation as o/a lump in the throat, during empty deglutition. Sensation as of a no- dosity ascending in the oesophagus. Sore throat when swallowing, as if the throat were swollen, raw and ulcerated.—Sensation as of the food being press- ed through the oesophagus, as if this were narrower. Small crumbs of food press towards the posterior nares and pass through the nose.—Stinging in the throat, after long talking. Stinging-burning sore throat. Stitches in the throat in the evening when in bed, apparently in the root of the tongue, be- tween the acts of deglutition. Soreness of the pharynx. Pain in the tonsils, with soreness of the uvula.—Stitches in the tonsils, and burning in the fauces, behind the uvula. Burning in the throat after supper, for half an hour. Swelling of the tonsils. "Ulcers in the throat, particularly from abuse of mercury. Heat and dryness of the throat. Scraping sensation in the throat, as if speech were impeded. Tickling in the throat. Acidity in the throat, after eating fat.—A good deal of mucus in the back part of the throat. Taste and Appetite.—Acidity in the throat, particularly after eating fat. NITRIC ACID. 343 Sour taste in the mouth, particularly in the evening or morning. * Bitter taste in the mouth, particularly after eating, also with wliite-yellow coated tongue. Bitter- ness in the throat. '*Sweetish taste in the mouth, particularly in the morning, early. Pure water tastes saltish.—*G?r.at thirst, continually.—°Thirst attend- ing suppuration of the lungs. Pinching in the abdomen after drinking, (during a meal,) or tearing soreness in the pharynx, chest, and stomach.— Want of ap- pr.i'Ve, especially in the morning. Want of appetite; she feels qualmish and somewhat nauseated after eating. Aversion to everything. Feeling of repletion with dulness of the head. Feels satisfied immediately, in spite of good appe- tite.—Aversion to food, boiled meat, sweetish things, bread. Brown bread gives her a sour taste and makes her vomit.—Appetite for herring and fat things. inclination to eat earth, chalk, lime, etc.—Violent hunger, with weariness of life. Canine hunger.—During a meal: °Sweat. Sweat on the forehead. Sore- ness in the chest.—After a meal: long after-taste of the food. Eructations and flatulence, or tasting of the ingesta. Nausea, particularly in the throat, and going off after motion. Qualmishness in the abdomen, several days in suc- cession. Vomiting, and headache above the eyes and in the parietal bones, as if the head would burst. Eructations, with bitter and sour vomiting. Heart- burn with eructations.—°Replction of the stomach. Distention of the stomach and abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen. Feeling of coldness and pressure in the stomach. Headache above the eyes, more stitching than aching. Heat and redness of the face. Frequent cough with vomiting, with tingling and irri- tation in the throat. *Excessive languor, -especially in the knees and elbows. Much yawning. She becomes weary and drowsy. Chilliness, paleness, and coated tongue. Sweat all over, after breakfast and dinner. Anxiousness. She feels sick ; all her limbs tremble and feel weary, she has to lie down.—°Nausea from eating fat. °Milk is indigestible. Gastric Symptoms.—Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Eructations after and before a meal. Empty eructations (almost immediately). *Sour eructations. Bilious eructations, during a meal. Regurgitation of half-digested food, with flat taste in the mouth.—Eructations, accompanied by heartburn, very readily. Burning in the (esophagus, down to the pit of the stomach.—Hiccough, from morning till evening.—*Nausea, -as from excessive heat, not as if one would vomit, for many hours. Nausea with anxiety and trembling. Nausea, with anxiety, without inclination to vomit, below the short ribs. Nausea, sick feeling .and movement in the whole body, as if one had taken an emetic. Nausea about the stomach, the whole day. Qualmish, unwell, chilly, after taking her usual coffee; she had to lie down.—Waterbrash after drinking rapidly. Frequent at- tacks of sickness, as if she would faint, with anxiety and sensation as if eructa- tions would ensue, alternating with canine hunger and painful sensation of emp- tiness in the stomach, making her feel as if she ought to eat something, accom- panied by accumulation of water in the mouth; this occurs frequently during the day, the attacks lasting from five to ten minutes.—*Constant nausea and in- clination to vomit, the whole day, many days in succession, with heat from the pit of the stomach, to the pit of the throat; there is no retching, the nausea is not felt while eating or drinking ; her appetite is good. Irresistible nausea, re- sulting in vomiting.—Bitter and sour vomiting, with many eructations after a meal. Stomach.—Pain in the region of the cardiac orifice, on swallowing food. Pain above the stomach, which does not allow him to keep himself erect, relieved by eructations.—Pressure in the stomach, increased by pressing on the part with the hand. Pressure in the stomach, especially previous to a meal, or after having been without nourishment for an hour; the pressure is removed by eat- 344 NITRIC ACID. ing; accompanied by empty eructations. Violent pressure above the stomach and the pit of the stomach, when walking in the open air. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, and sudden burning, as if he would vomit blood. Pressure in the stomach, as if sore, in the morning and day-time.—Cramp in the stomach, as from cold. Cramp-pain in the pit of the stomach. Cramp-like contractive pain in the stomach. Contractive cramp in the stomach, disagreeable griping and pinching, off and on. Violent, cramp-like pinching in the stomach. Cramp- like drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, with tension extending to the um- bihcus, which shortens the breathing. Gripings in the stomach, early in the morning after rising, extending into the chest, followed by short attacks of pinch- inf in the stomach.—*Stiteh below the pit of the stomach. Gnawing in the region of the stomach, before breakfast. Pulsations in the pit of the stomach. Rushing of the blood in the pit of the stomach. Feeling of heat in the sto- mach. Burning sensation in the stomach. Coldness in the stomach. Pain- less movement on the left side of the pit of the stomach. Hypochondria.—Pressure and tension in the region of the liver. Stitches in the region of the liver, when attempting to cry out. Jaundice, yellowness of the skin, with costiveness.—Pressure °also with tension in the left hypochon- drium. Pressure in the left side of the abdomen. Sensation as if the spleen were swollen. Stitches in the region of the spleen, at every movement. Abdomen.—Aching pain in the abdomen. Pressure in the middle of the abdomen, as from a big lump. Aching pain, and occasionally a stitch in the abdomen, when touching it. Pressure in the umbilical region, with sensation as if it would pass off after stool.—Pain at a small spot in the abdomen, as if something would get out there.—Contraction in the abdomen, with itching. Contractive pain in the umbilical region. Cramp-like contraction of the abdo- men. Cramp in the abdomen.—Drawing pain in the abdomen, with shudder- ing. Drawing pain in the abdomen, extending into the thighs. Drawing and griping in the umbilical region, especially when moving or bending the body.—^Frequent pinching in the abdomen, -without diarrhoea. Frequent pinching in the abdomen, early in the morning, after good stool.—* Cutting pain in the abdomen, in the morning when in bed, -and after rising ; afterwards soft stool. Cutting colic with diarrhoea, and inability to get the feet warm. Cut- ting and tension in the right side of the abdomen.—*Stitching colic, -especially when pressing on the abdomen.—Digging-up colic, below the umbilicus. Digging-up and pinching in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. Colic as from cold. °Ulcerative pain in the hypogastrium.—Distention of the abdomen, in the morning, when waking. Distention of the abdomen, from flatulence, with grumbling in the abdomen, from morning till evening, for many days. Bloated sensation in the umbilical region, with flatulence. Continually-distended ab- domen. *Excessive flatulence, moving about in the abdomen, causing a dis- agreeable sensation and finding no outlet, incarceration of flatulence, morn- ing and evening. Flatulent colic, almost no flatulence being emitted, even when stool is procured by injections of water. Uneasiness and * rumbling in the abdomen, -with diarrhoea, for more than a week. Colicky motions, in the morning, and distention of the abdomen, the flatulence moving about in the abdomen with pain and rumbling, and even soft stools procuring no relief. Violent flatulent colic, early in the morning, after rising. Rumbling in the abdomen. Gurgling noise, frequently after a meal.—Abundant emission of flatulence, early in the morning, after pinching in the abdomen. Emission of a quantity of fetid flatulence. Excessive flatulence. Drawing-writhing pain in the abdomen previous to emission of flatulence.—Excessive sensitiveness of the abdomen. A congenital wart-like excrescence on the abdomen, becomes sensi- NITRIC ACID. 345 tive, sore and scurfy.—°Liability of the abdomen to take cold.—The region of the hernia is very much distended. Stitches in the region of the left hernia. Pain in the left inguinal region as if broken and as if hernia would protrude, diminished by walking. °Inguinal hernia of children.—Swelling of the inguinal glands. Contractive pain in the inguinal glands. _ Slight stitch in the bubo, when feeling it or not, with stinging itching in the hard part of the bubo. ^Suppurating swelling of the inguinal glands, -painful walking; the whole hmb feels -paralyzed and the muscles put upon the stretch. Stool.—*Painless constipation, -for several days. *Costiveness, the abdo- men became distended, but the flatulence did not pass. Every other day, hard stool covered with mucus, during the first days, afterwards every day. Hard, scanty stool. The stool passes off in hard lumps. Stool, resembling sheep's dung, with much pressing and accompanied with mucus. °Dry stool.—diffi- cult, irregular stool. Pressure on tlie rectum, as if stool would come on, with scanty discharge. *Long pressing, when going to stool, -the stool came out with difficulty, but was not hard. Constant unsuccessful desire for stool.— Stool alternately hard and liquid. Soft stool after pinching in the abdomen. Soft stool, twice a day, for several weeks. Three, four stools a day, with shuddering and qualmishness under the short ribs (the first thirteen days). ° Too frequent stool. Papescent stool.—Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, although it did not. Diarrhoea, several stools a day (the first ten days). Diarrhoea, with nausea after dinner. Diarrhoea every other day.—Mucous diarrhoea, sometimes accompanied with colic and violent desire. Undigested food is passed with the stool. Thin, yellowish-white stool. Stool and flatu- lence, having a putrid smell. Smarting acrid stool. Bloody, dysenteric stool, with tenesmus, fever and headache.—Colic, sometimes drawing, previous to stool. Pinching in the abdomen, previous to good stool.—Pain, during stool, as if something would be torn in the rectum. Stitches, cutting and pressing in the rectum and anus, during stool. Profuse discharge of blood during gtool. Burning at the anus, during hard stool. Stitches in the anus and cramp-like contraction of the anus, for many hours.—Unsuccessful desire, after stool. Burning at the anus, after stool. Stitches and scratching in the rectum and anus, after stool. Nausea, after soft stool. Complete exhaustion, after stool. Excessive irritation, anxiety and general uneasiness after stool. Colic, after frequent, and partly unsuccessful desire for stool.—The rectum appears to be inactive and incapable of expelling the faeces. Pressure in the rectum. Pinching and itching of the rectum. Itching in the rectum as from ascarides. Stitches in the rectum, when coughing. Smarting pain, more in the rectum than anus, immediately after stool, for two hours. Heat in the rectum. Burning and pinching in the rectum. Painful burning in the rectum, the whole day, especially after micturition.—Painful pressure at the anus, as if a varix were forming. Varix at the anus, after violent pressure dom the back, when standing. Varices and prickling at the anus. Painful varices at the anus. Swelling and burning of the varices of the anus. Continual protrusion of those varices. Bleeding of the varices of the anus, during stool. Almost daily contraction of the anus. * Itching of the anus, -when walking in the open air and after stool. Soreness of the anus. Smarting of the anus. Humid soreness of the anus and between the nates, when walking. Humour and itching of the anus.—Painful pimple on the perinceum. Sharp drawing Pitches in the perinceum, towards the anus. Urinary Organs.—Painless suppression of urine, for several days. °Pam- ful urination. °Pressure pn the bladder.—Great desire to urinate, with scanty urine. Nightly desire to urinate, with cutting pain in the abdomen.__Thin 346 NITRIC ACID. stream, as from contraction of the urethra.—Scanty, turbid, badly-smelling urine.—Copious, easy emission of urine. Copious, pale-coloured urine. Enu- resis. °Inability to retain the urine -also in children.—Cold urine.—Dark urine, soon becoming turbid white, with increased dryness in the throat after micturition. Brown urine, leaving brown spots on the linen, like coffee spots. Clear urine; when standing, it becomes filamentous and flocculent, and de- posits a bright-red sediment firmly adhering to the chamber. Red sediment in the urine. A quantity of brown-red gravel in the urine. "Whitish sediment and ammoniacal odour of the urine. Urine emitting an intolerably strong smell, smarting, brownish. Acrid smell of the urine, like that of tobacco. *Felid, -sourish urine, like the urine of horses.—Burning in the urethra, during mictu- rition. Stitches in the hypogastrium, above the pudendum, when urinating. Smarting pain in the urethra, when urinating. Sore pain in the tip of the glans or in the whole urethra, when urinating. Cutting in the urethra.— Violent burning after micturition.—Cramp-like*, contractive pain from the kid- neys towards the bladder. Pressure in the region of the kidneys.—The urethra is painful when touched. Prickings in the orifice of the urethra. Burning sensation in the fore part of the urethra, inducing urination and the idea that the burning will be relieved by urinating, whereas it increases. The orifice of the urethra is dark-red, swollen, like a pad. Ulcer in the urethra. Yellowish matter comes out of the urethra. Mucus drops out of the urethra between or, after the acts of micturition. Discharge of tenacious mucus from the urethra, after micturition. Discharge of bloody mucus from the urethra. Male Genital Organs.—Great falling off of the hair of the genital organs. Itching of the genital organs as if caused by mosquito-bites.—Titil- lation of the penis. Itching of the penis, especially the glans, under the pre- puce. A spot on the penis, which had been rubbed sore, ulcerates and refuses to heal. Frequent itching of the glans.—Itching pimples on the glans. *Red spots on the glans becoming covered with scabs. Several brown, painful spots on the corona glandis. From ten to twelve small, flesh-coloured excrescences on the corona glandis, decreasing in size in a few days, emitting a fetid humour, and bleeding when touched. °Sycotic condylomata on the glans and prepuce. Deep ulcer on the glans, with elevated, lead-coloured, extremely sensitive edges. Flat ulcers on the corona glandis, looking clean, but emitting a fetid pus. Balanorrhcea. Smegma behind the corona. Throbbing and pressure about the glans.—Sharp stitches in the prepuce. Itching of the prepuce and humid spots on its internal surface. Inflammation and swelling of the prepuce, with burning pain; soreness on its internal surface, and small ulcers secreting a very fetid ichor, leaving spots on the linen, like bloody pus. Considerable swelling and phymosis of the prepuce, without much redness ; on its internal surface and border, and in the orifice of the urethra, chancre-like, suppurating ulcers, with flat edges, without inflammation, but with violent lancinations, increasing towards evening, continuing during the night, hindering sleep, and becoming much worse in the morning by violent erections. Small, itching vesi- cles on the prepuce, bursting in a few days, and becoming covered with small, dry scurf. Pimple, with burning itching, on the inner surface of the prepuce; mbbing changes it to a flat ulcer, on a level with the skin, and yellow, as if covered with thick pus and painless, only surrounded with a little redness. Flat, yellow, ulcerated places, like flat chancres, humid, but painless, on the inner surface of the prepuce, on both sides of the froenulum.—Violent itching of the scrotum. Tingling of the scrotum, through the groin. Itching of the scrotum, with sore places.—Drawing pain in the testicle. Sense as of painful turning in the left testicle. Contusive pain in the left testicle. Burning pain in the left testicle. Swelling of the testicle (right), painful when touched. °Hang- NITRIC ACID. 347 ing down of the scrotum. Tearing in the spermatic cords, the testes being painful to the touch.—* Deficient sexual desire. Diminished, and even deficient sexual desire, the first eighteen days, and slow, insufficient erections, becoming bo much the more satis actory afterwards (in a man of fifty-one years).—Sexual desire and erection, without any voluptuous fancies (the first two days). Fre- quent desire for an embrace, after several weeks (secondary effect). Lewd fancies, *wilh copious emission of prostatic fluid. Discharge of prostatic fluid after difficult, stoel.—Erections in the morning, and pain in the urethra. Erections, with burning and stitches in the urethra. Violent, erections in the nigh', even after a pollution.—Spasmodic erections after midnight, he tosses about restlessly. Violent erections and pollutions. °Too frequent nocturnal emissions.—Feeble voluptuous sensation during an embrace.—When enjoying an embrace too soon after a former, even with sufficient desire, it produces weakness and calls up old complaints. Drawing pain in the small of the back, spinal column, and thigh, after an embrace. FefhalC Sexual Organs, — Violent itching of the pudendum, towards evening. Irritation and inflammation of the labia majora and vagina. Itching of the pudendum, when walking, with soreness, or in a child who rubs herself sore in the night. Stitches in the vagina, from without inwards, when walking in the open air. Dry burning of the genital organs. Swelling and burning itching of one side of the vagina and the labia minora. Ulcer in the vagina, on a level with the skin, looking as if covered with yellow pus, with burning- itching pain.—The menses delay three days. The menses delay seven days, in a young person (until full moon); they are a little too profuse, with headache and colic. Menses too early. Menses too early by seven, eight, eleven, and fourteen days, scanty. The menses come on again a few days after the cessation of the period, pale-reddish. Menses too profuse. "Suppression of the menses.—The limbs feel bruised one day previous to the appearance and during the flow of the menses.—Violent cramp-pain in the hypogastrium at the appearance of ihe menses. Violent pain in the small of the back, at the appearance of the menses, for one hour.—During the menses : burning in the eyes, every day. Toothache. Swelling of the gums. Violent pressing in the region of the liver. Pressure in the abdomen and pains in the small of the back. Distention of the abdomen Violent cramp-pain in the hypogastrium, as if it would burst, with constant eructations; she was not able to remain quiet. Violent pains, first labour-like ; afterwards more like a pressing in the hypogastrium extending into the vagina. Violent pressing in the hypogas- trium, as if everything were coming out at the pudendum, with pain in the small of the back, through the hips down the thighs. Contraction towards the pudendum. She feels so weak that she loses speech and breath, and has to He down.—Soon after the appearance of the menses, palpitation of the heart, heat and anguish, for half an hour; all the limbs tremble. Leucorrhcea, consisting of mucus, which can be drawn out flesh-coloured. Leucorrhoea, of greenish mucus, immediately after the menses. Fetid leucorrhoea. Cherry- brown, and fetid leucorrhoea.—Hard knots in the mamma. °Vanishing of the mammae. Soreness in the fold below them. Larynx and Trachea.—Stinging pain in the larynx. Stitches in the larynx when talking a long while. Sharp, scratching sensation in the larynx. Scratching in the throat, and irritation inducing cough, when reading aloud. Roughness of the throat only when breathing, with oppression of the chest and fluent coryza. "Roughness of the chest.—Husky voice, sometimes. * Hoarse- ness. Hoarseness, she was unable to talk, °or with coryza and cough. Tena- cious mucus in the chest. "Tracheal phthisis.?—Much cough. Titillation, 348 NITRIC ACID. with cough, and soreness in the throat. °Cough only in the day-time. Cough, induced by a contractive sensation in the throat, especially during the night when sleeping. Cough during a deep inspiration. Short and hacking cough in the morning. Cough, with vomiturition, in the evening, when in bed. Dry, bark- ing cough, especially in the evening.—Violent cough after midnight, for one hour. Concussive cough in the night, the breathing being frequently arrested, as in whooping-cough, accompanied by stitches in the chest, sore throat and fever. Coughs more in the night than in the day-time, and in the day-time more when lying.—,::'hort and hacking cough, in paroxysms, from the pit of "the stomach, not in the night.—*Dry cough, -as after a cold. *Barking cough, particularly in the evenng.—°Cough with vomiting.—Mucous discharge, with cough. * Yellow, -bitterish expectoration. °Purulent expectoration.—• Ulcerative phthisis (using first Kali).—Cough, with bloody expectoration, in the morning, in bed, after a slight rattling in the trachea, followed by sick feeling, chilliness, etc. Expec- toration of black, coagulated blood, with cough, with discharge of similar blood from the nose.—Symptoms during cough : pain below the stomach. Pressure in the head. Pain in the hypochondria. Sneezing. Stitches in the throat, Pain in the chest. Stitches in the middle of the left chest, almost at every inspiration and when coughing, especially when lying in bed. Soreness in the chest as if it were ulcerated. Stitch in the small of the back. Shock in the knee causing it to give way, with pain in the patella when walking. Chest.—Feeble and slow breathing, with wheezing and rattling, or soreness in the chest.—Want of breath when walking in the open air, with heaviness of the feet. Want of breath, palpitation of the heart, and anguish, when going up stairs. Sudden want of breath and palpitation of ihe heart, when walking slowly. ^Shortness of breath. *Panting, °during work.—Sudden oppression of breathing in the morning. Asthma, as from congestion of blood to the chest. —Oppression and anxiety, when walking a little fast, with sweat on the back and chest. Short, anxious breathing. Oppression of the chest, especially when bending backwards.—Pain in the chest, as if sore, at every inspiration. The chest feels crowded. Oppression on the chest. Pressure on the left side of the chest, as if the blood could not circulate through the heart.—Aching pain in the right chest, in the morning, after many empty eructations, for half an hour. Aching pain in front, near the ribs, and as if bruised, also felt when drawing breath. Violent pressure on the chest, from the pit of the throat to the pit of the stomach, in the morning, early.—Cramp-like drawing in the chest. Cramp- pain in the front part of the chest and in the back, rousing him from sleep. Momentary cramp in the chest.—Cramp-like contractive pain in the right upper muscles of the chest, obliging him to bend double. Contractive pain in the right chest, mostly when sitting. Contractive pain in the left chest, above the heart, oppressing the breathing.—Stitches and drawing in the region of the sternum. Violent stitch through the lungs, in the forenoon. Stitclies in ihe right side of the chest and scapula. Stitches in the right chest, when taking an inspiration, not when coughing. Violent stitch, in the upper part of and within the right ribs, through the abdomen and back. Stitches in and below the left chest, as if from incarcerated flatulence. Violent stitches in the left chest, in the morning, impeding the breathing. Stitches in the side of the. chest, with nausea. Stitches and pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, in both sides of the chest, when stooping, reaching high, and drawing deep breath. Stitclies, as if in the outer parts of the chest.—Turning pain in the right side of the chest.—Heat in the upper part of the chest, early in the morning, sometimes returning in the day- time. Feeling of heat in the chest. Burning in the chest, when taking the least thing which is salt.—Congestion of blood to the upper part of the chest NITRIC ACID. 349 Congestion of blood to the heart, with anguish. Orgasm of the blood in the heart. Throbbing in the chest, above the stomach, like palpitation of the heart, especially after a good walk, removed for some hours by drinking wine, but afterwards returning.—Palpitation of ihe heart, more or less strong, espe- cially after exercise, with languor and anguish, as if she would faint. Palpita- tion of the heart, in paroxysms, with anxiety and subsequent oppression of breathing, for one hour. Momentary tiolent palpitation of the heart, with diar- rhoea. Palpitation of the heart, from some slight emotion.—Tremor of the heart, in paroxysms. Contractive sensation in the precordial region, causing anxiety ; this ceases as soon as the heart has made one strong beat.—Pain of the outer parts of the chest, on stooping. Itching little spots, like freckles, on the chest. Two tmall warts on the sternum. Back.— In ihe small of the back : pain, as if stiff. Pain so violent that he has to lie on his face. Pain, almost only during motion ; it made walking almost impossible; apparently in the bones. Aching pain. Drawing pain towards evening. Painful tension hindering deep breathing. Stitches when coughing. Pulsations.—Pain in the back, after taking the least cold. Stiffness of the spinal column. Sensation in the flesh of the back, both during rest and motion, as if it were pinched together. Drawing pain in the back, evening. Tearing stitches in the back and chest, during motion, especially in the night. Violent continuous stitch in the dorsal vertebrae, when standing. Violent burning pain in the back. Burning pain in the right lumbar region, (region of the liver ?) at a spot of the size of a hand, making him feel discouraged, sad, and indisposed to to think or do his business. Spasmodic jerks in the muscles of the back, while performing his manual labour. Violent itching of the back, and pain after scratching.—Between the scapulae: pain. Pinching as with pincers. Stitch between the scapulae, from time to time, every stitch being followed by an eruc- tation. Stitches between the scapulae and in the front part of the chest, arrest- ing the breathing, more when stooping than when sitting. Nape of the neck: stiffness. Painful tension of the muscles. Want of power to support the nape of the neck. Cracking of the cervical vertebra?. Itching. Sweat. Drawing in the cervical muscles, as if they supported a heavy weight. "Glandular swelling -of the right side of the neck; neck and tongue are somewhat stiff. Sort of goitre on the right side of the neck. Itching of the neck, when walking in the open air. Superior Extremities.—Violent itching of the axilla?. Painful sensitive- ness of the right axillary glands, the whole forenoon. Glandular nodosity in the axilla. *Painful swelling and inflammation of the axillary glands. Fetid, strong-smelling sweat of the axilla. The left shoulder is painful as from a blow. * Pressure on the right shoulder. Aching pain on the shoulder, as if she had carried a heavy burden on it. Stitches in the left shoulder, when touching it, when taking breath or when feeling chilly.—Pain of the left arm-joints. Pressure in the right arm. Violent tension and contrac- tion in the shoulders and arms, the arms are drawn to the body. Drawing in arm and hand, as if they had been sprained. Drawing pain in both arms. Drawing in the humerus. Tearing in the arm, especially during motion, dis- turbing sleep. Hammering pain in the humeri, as if they would be crushed. Pain of the right arm as if bruised. Pain of the right arm as if sprained ; she is unable to move it cither forwards or backwards. Dull pain as from weariness, and groaning sensation in the muscles of the whole arm. The right arm goes to sleep, at night. Paralytic feeling in the right arm. When shaking the arm, it feels paralytic. Languor of the arms, as after fever. Jerking and drawing in the arms and fingers.— The upper arm is painful as if bruised, he cannot lift it, from pain, and the hand becomes cold. Painless jerkings in the muscles of the 350 NITRIC ACID. upper arm, especially the deltoid muscle, the whole day. Trembling in the muscles of the right upper arm. Wens on the arms.—The elbow-joint is pain- ful when stretching the arm. Tearing in the elbowjoint, and dartings radiating from that joint towards the hand.—Dull pain and stitches in the forearm, ex- tending as far as the dorsum of the hand and fingers. Pain, as from bruises, in the outer parts of the forearm, when moving or touching it. Paralytic, drawing pain in the forearm, almost the whole day. Drawing deep in the muscles of the forearm, along the bones. Tearing in the left forearm and hand, with pain when touching it. Feeling of heat in both forearms. Constant trembling of the forearm and hand.—Heat in the left wrist and palm of the hand. Aching pain in the right wrist-joint. Pinching aching in the right wrist-joint, during the siesta. Cramp-pain of the hand when seizing something. Painful stiffness of the palm of the left hand when seizing something. Visible twitchings in the hand. Drawing pain in the hand, towards evening. Tearing in the left wrist- joint. Tearing around the wrist-joint. Stitches in the right hand. Violent stitches in the palm of the left hand. Pain in the wrist-joint, as if bruised. Very cold hands, with excessive ill-humour. The hand goes' to sleep, in the morning when in bed. The hand becomes numb and goes to sleep when laying it on anything. Trembling of the hand. Sweaty hands. Hot sweat in the palms of the hands, (with heat and redness of the face). °Rough skin. °Rha- gades. ° Copper-coloured spots in syphilitico-mercurial patients.? Itching of the hands, also with chilblains and swelling of the hands, (at the end of April). Large blue tubercles and spots on both hands, itching, mostly at night. Erup- tion on the hands and between the fingers, with an itching-burning, going off by rubbing.—The fingers are painful when moved, with tension in the metacarpal joints. Frequent drawing pain in the extensor tendon of the index-finger to- wards the fore part. Paralytic drawing pain in the posterior joint of the thumb and in the hand, on falling asleep and on waking in the morning. Stitches in the middle joints of the fingers, he was unable to bend them without suffering pain. Burning pain in the fingers of the left hand. Pain, as from bruises, in the left little finger. Deadness of the fingers, in the cold air. All the fingers go to sleep, and feel a tingling. Swelling of the fingers, early in the morning on waking. Painful swelling of a finger-joint. °Small, itching vesicles on the fourth finger, like incipient herpes. °Herpes between the fingers. Suppurating spreading vesicle at the tip of the thumb.—White spots on the nails. Inferior Extremities.—Soreness of the nates when touched. When riding in a carriage, at night, the nates feel sore. Pain in the region of the right glutei muscles.—Pressure and tension in the right hip-joint, when rising from a seat and beginning to walk, as if the head of the femur would be sprained. Draw- ing pain around the hips. The child limps and can only walk on his toes. Soreness between the upper part of the lower limbs, when walking. Ulcer below the right hip-joint, with tensive pain.—Itching of the upper and inner parts of the lower limbs. The lower limbs feel heavy, and painful when sitting. Drawing with pressure, in both lower limbs, from hip to foo*, evening. Draw- ing pain in the right limb. Tearing in the bones of the lower limbs, causing her to moan. Pain, as from bruises in the limbs, as if too weary. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Paralytic pain in the left limb, at intervals of a couple of hours. Languor of the limbs when lying, not when walking. Tingling in the lower limbs, from the hips to the toes, day and night. °Uneasiness of the lower hmbs, in the evening. Feeling of heat, with lassitude, in the joints of the limbs. Violent burning itching of the right limb, without eruption. * Coldness and feeling of coldness in the right limb.—Weakness of the left thigh, after a walk, with sensation as if the circulation were arrested. Stitching pain in the region NITRIC ACID. 351 of the head of the femur. °Pain of the thighs on rising from a seat. Aching pain above the knee, inferiorly and internally, rendering the hmb weaker and Btiffer. Cramp-like contraction in the middle of the thigh and below both calves, frequently during the day, a sort of tightness, as if the parts were com- pressed by a bandage. Drawing in the muscles of the thigh, as if they sup- ported a heavy weight. Drawing in the thighs, in the evening, and itching of the skin. Drawing and fearing in the thigh, beginning at the knee, when sit- ting down, abating when seated. Tearing in the thigh, beginning at the knee, when walking. Throbbing and beatings in the thighs, as if ulcerated within; they do not bear the least touch, and are alternately hot and cold. Pain, as from bruises in the left thigh, or when stepping forwards. Pain in both thighs, as if broken. Prickling in the thighs. Itching of the thighs, she had to scratch them until they bled. Violent itching of the outer side of the thigh, at night when in bed, soon returning after scratching. Dry herpes on the outer side of the thigh, painful when touched. Boil on the thigh.—Tension and constriction of the bend of the knee, the whole afternoon. Pain in the left patella, he can scarcely walk. Painful stiffness of the bend of the knee, he is obliged almost to limp. Sensation as if the ham-strings were too short. Painful contractive sensation in the knee. Violent drawing in the knees, ending with a dart. Tearing in the knee, extending into the hip, at night, in bed, after walking a good deal. Stitches in (he knee, when standing. Stitches in the bend of the knee, at night. Stitching pain in the outer part of the knee, when walking. Pain in the knees, as if sprained, especially when going down stairs. Pain, as if sprained or bruised, in the patella, when walking, especially when going down Btairs; the pain gradually diminishes when walking on level ground, ceases even for a time; the pain is felt when bending the knee considerably, which then cracks. Giving way of the knees, when walking, he was sometimes unable to stir. Feeling as if the bends of the knees were swollen, when walking in the open air. °Weakness of the knees. Cold knees.—Momentary sharp pain in the leg, from the knee down to the tips of the toes, day and night. Cramp- pain in the lower part of the leg, in the muscles and tendons, also when touching the parts. *Cramp in the calf -towards morning. Violent cramp in the calf when stretching the foot, or when drawing up the leg. °Cramp in the calf when walking (after sitting). Drawing in the middle of the calf, both during rest and motion, sometimes changed to a spasmodic, sudden jerking, in frequent attacks for two hours, (immediately). Drawing in the legs, as far as the knee. Para- lytic drawing along the bones of the leg. °Jerking in the calves. Paralytic pain in the leg, with excessive heaviness and lassitude, during rest. Great weariness of the lower part of the legs, after a short walk. Feeling of heat in the legs, nevertheless they are cold to the touch.—The feet are painful; he cannot bear the pressure of the shoes. Pain in the periosteum of the os calcis. Drawing in the feet, as far as the knee, or when walking. Drawing pain from the ball of the foot to the heel, with feeling of weakness. Tearing in ihe rioht foot, early in the morning. Tearing in the left foot. Tearing and stitches in the right foot. Stitches in the malleoli. °Stitches in the heel on stepping. Pain, as from a sprain, in the tarsal joint, in the morning, on rising. Heaviness in the malleoli, extending through the foot, when walking and setting the feet down, as if the malleoli had been very much compressed. Giving way of the tarsal joint, when walking. Considerable swelling of the feet, after walking in the open air. Burning above the malleoli. Burning and itching of the feet. Icy-cold feet and legs, towards noon. Continual coldness of the feet, as far as the calves, in the day-time. Sweat of the left foot. Copious sweat of the soles, with subsequent soreness of the toes and balls, with prickling pain, as 352 NITRIC ACID. if he were walking on pins. Sweat of the feet, also cold sweat. °Fetid sweat of the feet. °Restores the suppressed sweat of the feet, (secondary effect).— Painful sensitiveness of the toes, soles, and corns, as if inflamed. Pain in the ball of the little toe, when walking. A'iolent stitches in the right big toe and sole of the foot, hindering sleep. Pain under the nail of the big toe. Yiolent burning under the nail of the left big toe, in the evening when in bed. Violent tingling and itching of the big toe, evening. Redness, inflammation and swell- ing of one toe, with burning pain, after the foot had got wet. Redness and heat, with stitches, of the big toe and ball, as if frozen. Chilblains on the big toes. Spreading vesicles on the toes. A corn, with burning pain, forms on the middle left toe.—The corns become painful. Smarting pain in the corns. Sleep.—Great weariness, in the evening, and nausea, followed by excessive yawning. Frequent yawning. Drowsiness in the day-time. Drowsy and weak the whole day. Very drowsy in the afternoon. Giddiness and drowsi- ness, he came near falling asleep when walking or standing, with drawing pain in the skin of the thighs, on the inner side. Drowsy and chilly in the evening. —He was unable to fall asleep, several nights, his sleep was a mere slumber. Unable to sleep for several nights. He wakes at four o'clock in the morning, and remains wide awake. *He wakes at two o'clock every night, and is after- wards unable to fall asleep again, without complaining of anything. Feels in the morning as if he had not slept at all. ^Frequent waking, in the night. Sleeplessness and restlessness, until four o'clock in the morning; afterwards sleep with anxious dreams.—Unrefreshing, restless sleep. Restless sleep, he falls asleep late, wakes frequently and has many frightful dreams.—Symptoms in the night: she frequently jumps out of bed, roused from the deepest sleep by an imaginary frightful event, walks about, and finally discovers that -it is a mere illusion. Waking in a state of restlessness, with anguish. He wakes once or twice, with headache, and remains awake one or two hours. Bleeding from the nose at night. Heavy, oppressed head, when asleep or only half asleep. Drawing and stitching toothache, with some swelling of the gums. Thirst. Violent eructations and spasm of the stomach. Violent pressure at the stomach. He wakes with pain in the stomach. Uneasiness in the abdomen aud frequent waking. Pain in the stomach, during sleep, going off when waking. Restless- ness and anguish in the abdomen, with heat in the head and hands. Pinching in the abdomen, and restless sleep. Spasms in the abdomen. A good deal of burning in the rectum, in the night when waking, and in the morning. Sleep- lessness, owing to cold feet. Icy-coldness of the soles, hindering sleep. Yio- lent stitch in the right chest, in the evening after lying down. Pains, when half asleep, which he does not distinctly recollect on waking. Sleep interrupted by oppressed breathing. He wakes with a very strong palpitation of the heart, and pulsations below the clavicle, without anguish.. He wakes with anguish, coughs, and, if he does not drink, has to vomit. Stitchings and pinchings, at times below the chest, at times in the back. Stitches in the region of the heart, heat and thirst. Spasmodic pains in the chest and in the corresponding side of the spine, increased by inspiration. Twitchings in the left lower limb. The legs feel numb and dead ; afterwards they experience cramps, especially in the calves, lastly stitches and prickling in the heels. Tearing iu the lower limbs. Violent stitches in the right thigh. Weariness of the feet. Congestion of blood to the chest and heart. Oppressed breathing and anxiety, also in the morning. He wakes with a sort of oppressive anxiety. He is full of fear, for a moment after waking. Coldness, which does not allow him to get warm before midnight, with much yawning and little sleep. Anguish resembling palpitation of the heart, with nausea, without inclination to vomit, as if she had done something NITRIC ACID. 353 wrong; she could no', remain in her bed. A number of fancies, in the night. Ravings in the place of sLcp, every night. Iu the eveniug, when in bed, he saw all sorts of figures, walking, mini ig, disappearing, appearing again, increas- ing, decreasing, accompanied with c'nili less. Sy.nptoms during sleep : sweat- ing, with the hands extended above the head, and snoring. The head feels heavy and pressed. Pain in thest jmach, going off on waking. * Pains -which he does not recollect distinctly on waking. Oppressive anxiety, a sort of night- mar '. shortly after falling asleep, as if S' in ; one were lying under him, seizing him around the ab lome i, so that he could not get loose. Sort of nightmare with sweat, while tormented by strange, lascivious dreams. Starting when falling asleep. Starting and jerking of the limbs. Starting, during the Biesta, while sitting on a chair, a.s if touched by an electric shock, when lying on his ba k, he starts up, with a stitch in the right side of the chest from without iiwards. Frequent anxious waking from an uneasy sleep. Fanciful dreams about feasting. Dreams caising anxiety, with violent starting. Anxi- ous dream-, many nights. Anxious dream, as if he had to die. Anxious dream; on waking, all her pulses beat. An ci >us sleep, wi'.h moaning. Anxious, vivid, sad dreams. Anxious dreams, with screams during sleep. Confused dreams, and a sort of coma vigil. *Lascivious dreams, -also strange dreams with night- mare and sweat. He dreams he is committing a crime. Dreams about dead bod is. Frightful, terrifying dreams. Dream, first agreeable, then horrid. Vexa- tious dreams during an uneasy morning sleep, or the whole night, coutinuina; even during a second sleep after waking. After waking in the morning: trembling through the whole body. Internal restlessness, particularly in the arms. ( *Difficult anxious waking from a heavy, unrefreshing sleep. Great drowsiness after rising, would like to go to sleep again immediately. Fever.—Cold skin over the, while body, at night. Cold hands and feet. Coolness of the body and head.—Chilliness, in the evening before goin" to bed anl aft'.r lyiwi dow.i, over the whole b->Jy, a quarter of an hour. Chilliness of the whole bod,', with warm feet. Chilli less, especially in lh", eve ling, dullness in the afternoon, without any subsequent heat; he felt a dulness of the head the whole day. Chilliness, in the evening, when moving about in bed. Continual internal chilliness, in the evening, the external body feeling warm although he d >es not feel the warmth himself, (he goes near the st >ve,) with headache, as if the head wero firmly bandaged.—Shudderings even in a warm room. S!iud lerings, as if goose-flesh would come on, the hair stand- ing on end. Frequent shuddering, especially iu the afternoon.—Yiolent fever with chilliness, especially in the back; he cannot get warm, and yet feels an in- ternal heat. ChiHiness, iu the morning in bed, and the v^ole dav, with heat in the face, in the afternoon. Chilliness and shaking, iu the evening, afterwards flushes of heat with dryness of the throat. Chilliness, from bed-time till mid- night (in August); afterwards dry heat of the lower limbs, head and body. Al- ternate coldness of the hands and heat of the head, with fevcrishness. Feverish chilliness, in the afternoon, for one hour, afterwards heat all over, for a quarter of an hour; followed by general sweat for two hours, without thirst either in the cold or hot stage. Qu ttidian fever, after having taken cold during a lon» ride in a violent wind, first chilliness for three hours, afterwards heat for six hours, with excessive sweat. °Afteruoon-fever, heat and chilliness. Feverish chilli- ness, in the after iio.i, in too open air, for an hour and a half, afterwards dry heat, while in bed, with delirium in a sort of half-waking state, no sleep; sweat and sleep towards in .riling.^ Dry heat, afterwards violent chilliness, in the morning, in h:d.—F.veri.s'i he it with quick pulse. Great heat in the face, in the evening, with icy-cold bauds with' it thirst. Flushes of heat on the checks. vol. ii. 23 354 NITRIC ACID. with thirst, and next evening very drowsy. Heat in the face and coldness of the rest of the body. Heat in the face, in the morning, on waking, and inclina- tion to sweat.. Heat and thirst, with little, turbid urine. ^ Internal, dry heat, with thirst and feverish weakness. Heat in the eyes, pain in the small of the back and great anxiousness. Flushes of heat from time to time, or all over, towards evening, with sweat. Frequent flushes of heat in the day-time, with moistness of the hands. Flushes of heat and nausea, in the evening, previous to going to bed. Flushes of heat in the cheeks, without thirst. Dry heat over the whole body. Increased, continual warmth in the body, day and night, as from spirituous drinks, with increased inclination to perspire. Constant feeling of heat in the whole body, without thirst; she wants to be without covering day and night, and in a cool room. Heat, in the evening, especially of the feet. Heat in the face, in the evening. Heat of the skin. Frequent attacks of heat in the face and on the hands, with a good deal of weakness in the limbs. Great heat and no sleep, in the night. A good deal of heal in the night, especially on the thighs. The blood, especially in the hands, feels hot in the night. Heat, with thirst and dryness of the throat, in the night, frequently waking her from sleep, the thirst lasted twenty hours.—Unequal pulse ; after a regular beat come two small beats, the fourth beat intermitting entirely.—Sweat, with cold hands and blue nails. Morning-sweat. Nightly moisture of the skin. Night sweat, every other night, profuse. Night-sweat, every night, also twenty nights in succession. Night-sweat, during which one wakes, with agreeable ideas. Night-sweat, especially on the feet, or on the chest, or only on the parts on which she is rest- ing. He sweats as soon as he covers himself, (with the feather-bed). Night- sweat, during sleep. *Felid sweat, for several nights. Profuse, fetid sweat, when performing manual labour. Sour, very fetid sweat, like the urine or horses. Nightly vaporous exhalations from the skin. Skin.—°Dryness of the skin.—Itching over the whole body, and back. Violent itching in the bends of the knees and elbows, in the region of the olecra- non, patella, and dorsum of the foot. The itching parts bleed when scratched. Itching prickings over the whole body, with large blotches after scratching.— Pimples.—Frequent, mostly large boils, on the scapula, nape of the neck, nates, thighs and legs.—.\ spot which had become sore by rubbing, becomes ulcerated. —Stinging pain in rie ulcer, especially the first day. Shooting stitches in and around the ulcer, but especially burning, as from nettles. The ulcer bleeds violently when dressing it. The bloody ichor of the ulcer corrodes the skin, causing a smarting pain.—Dark freckles. Small warts on the neck. Smarting in a large wen on the upper lip, of eight years' standing, it bleeds when washing it, and is painful to the touch. Itching of the warts. Stitches and sense as of peck- ing in the wart. (Fof the eruptions and ulcers which have been cured with Nitri acidum, see Clin Obser.) Swelling of the hands and feet. General Symptoms.—Pain in all the limbs, apparently in the bones. Pain in the arthritic nodosities, which had previously been painless. Cramp-like stiffness of the back and whole body. Stiffness of the lower limbs. Tension of the arms and lower limbs. Tension in the head and whole bodv. Painful rigidity in the left arm and lower limb. General tension of the nerves, with much thirst.—Drawing in all Ihe limbs, stretching being very agreeable. Draw- ing pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as is felt previous to fever and ague. Drawing and tearing in the whole body. Drawing from the foot to the back, during motion. *Drawing and burning in the limbs. ^Frequent drawing pains in almost every part of the body, -coming and going rapidly. Aching and drawing pain around the knee-joints, malleoli, etc.- * Tearing in the upper and lower limbs.—Twitchings in every part of the body. Twitchings and stretch- NITRIC ACED. 355 ing of the limbs rouse her from the siesta. Twitchings and tearing of the joints. Twitchings of the muscles; also winking of the eyelids —Burning of the joints. After walking the joints are painful, as if luxated. Great sensitiveness in the joints, early in the morning. Cracking in all the joints during motion. Wea- riness in all the joints, as if from running.—Stitches in all the parts of the body, now here, then there.—Orgasm of the blood and languor in all the limbs. The throbbing of the arteries in the upper part of the body is distinctly felt. In warm weather and after short exercise he feels easily heated. A slight motion causes palpitation of the heart and sweat, also soon after dinner. *Hc takes cold easily. Inclines to sweat and to take cold. In the evening, when exposed to a cold wind, he easily takes cold in his weak part, which then feels a drawing pain. The whole body is sensitive to the open air. He is sensitive to cold wind, and very chilly, for a long time. Pain in the back from taking cold. "Pinching and cutting in the abdomen from taking cold.— When walking in the open air: sweat, followed by headache and nausea. Short, but violent head- ache. Lancinations in the scapula, he was unable to rest on that part in the night. Violent pressure above the stomach and pit of the stomach. Pain in the left scapula and the region of the kidneys. After a walk, the feet remain cold, with heat iu the head.—°Pains when the weather changes.—*Excessive thinness. *Emaciuiio>i of the whole body, especially of the upper arms and thighs. —The body feels weary and worn out, as after a severe illness. Sick-feeling in the whole body, with weakness of the joints and heat in the head. Feehng of great faintness, the whole day. Frequent subdued trembling through the whole body. Tremor in the evening, and great weariness, as after violent bodily fatigue. Trembling all over. Great weariness and indolence, as if exhausted and bruised, both when sitting and walking. Sensation in all the muscles, as when resting one's-self after violent fatigue.—Heaviness. Heaviness of the head, and lower limbs. Feeling of heaviness in the joints, early in the morning, in bed, even when lying perfectly quiet. When walking in the open air, the body feels so heavy that he is scarcely able to drag it along. Indisposition to walk. The joints feel weak and bruised, as after long fatigue.— Exhausted after rising, until ten o'clock. The hmbs feel paralyzed. Weakness and trembling of all the joints, *or all over. The hands and hmbs feel weak and paralyzed, when pressing on them or when placing them in a constrained posi- tion, as if the circulation were arrested by a bandage. Weakness of the feet, and despondency. Great weakness, in the afternoon, going off in the evening. Want of energy of both mind and body. He felt so weak that he had to lie down all the time. He feels weakest in the evening, especially in the limbs. He feels weak even after slight exercise. Faintish sort of weakness, every. other morning, with oppressive anxiety.—Fit of headache, in the afternoon, several days in succession, followed by nausea and anxiety; in the night, he is attacked with vomiting and diarrhoea. Two paroxysms every day, first, draw- ing in the back, followed by a griping in the sides moving along the lower bor- der of the costal region to the pit of the stomach, where a turning sensation is experienced, the attack terminates with eructations. Fit of headache, in the morning when waking, with nausea and sensation as if the buccal cavity were numb and had gone to sleep.—Epileptic Jit, beginning with a drawing in the left side of the chest, afterwards convulsive drawing through the arms to and fro, for one minute, when sitting, consciousness remaining almost undis- turbed. Epileptic fit, after midnight; sensation in the left side as of a mouse .creeping up and down ; after this he lost his senses, his arms were jerked, his head and mouth were drawn to and fro, he bit his tongue, and finally became quite stiff and snored. 356 NUX JUGLANS. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The majority of the svmptoms disappear by riding in a carriage. The symptoms increase towards evening, especially tho drawing pain which is felt here and there. Pains, even slight ones, affect him violently, he is almost beside himself. NITROUS ACID. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. SYMPTOMS, (Obtained from inhaling the fumes.) Spasmodic motions. Delirium. Bluish face. Weakness. Dry, sharp heat in the fauces, with irritation in the stomach and chest, with sensation of constriction in the pit of the sto- mach. Hiccough. Yellow stools after drinking milk. Violent cough; considerable op- pression of the chest, he had to sit down, the face was pale ; a slight rattling was constantly heard in the chest; accompanied with frequent, not dry cough, after xohich an orange-co- loured, frothy substance was frequently expectorated.—Hard pulse, with increasing danger of suffocation; inability to talk; death, with full consciousness. Pathological Anatomy.—In two men: emphysema in the left side of tho chest and throat ; red face ; black lips; nails and sexual organs are blue; on moving the body, blood flowed from the nose and mouth. The right lung was entirely adhering, and filled with black, coagulated blood. The heart, particularly the right ventricle, was full of black, fluid blood. The trachea and the bronchial tubes were violet. The uvula was gan- grenous, the stomach full of gas. The walls of the stomach were thickened, and ulcerated in the region of the pylorus. The bowels were of a slight rose-colour, all the blood-vessels were filled to excess with black, coagulated blood. (Wibmer, Desgranges, etc.) NITRI SPIRITUS DULCIS. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. During the hospital typhus of 1813, Hahnemann recommended that agent for tho follow- ing symptoms: indolence of the internal sensus communis, a sort of semi-paralysis of the mind ; the patient lies quiet without sleeping or talking; he scarcely answers any ques- tion, even when urged ; he appears to hear without understanding, the few words ho utters are uttered with a low tone of voice, and are rational; he does not seem to feel any- thing, and is motionless without being paralyzed.—Hahnemann suggests that the spirits of nitre should be old enough not to redden the cork. He mixed one d op of the spirits with one ounce of water^ and gave this solution within twenty-four hours, in tea-spoonful doses. (See Hahnemann's lesser writings.) The spirit of nitre has cured the following symptoms, resulting from an abuse o[ com- mon table-salt. Pale face, with sunken eyes; languor ; emaciation; extreme ill-humour, discouragement, disposition to quarrel and to be vehement; want of disposition to talk or work; heat in the mouth; heartburn; sour taste; loss of appetite ; constant nausea and accumulation of water in the mouth ; contractive sensation in the throat, and as if a plug were in the throat; sour and slimy vomiting, generally two hours after eating, followed by headache ; repletion and pressure in the stomach, after eating, with contractive sensation ; chilliness over the whole body, after vomiting ; a good deal of chilliness in the back ; tearing in tho back from above downwards; aggravation in the afternoon ; irregular and scanty menses; hands covered with warts. 175. NUX JUGLANS. NUX JUGL.—Juglans regia, European walnut.—See Hyqea, XXII., Nob. 1 and 2. ANTinOTES.? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Of the many pretended cures which have been effected with this drug, the following have been reported by Doctor Clotar Muller, as well authenticated: A man of twenty-one years had been suffering with febris intermittens quar- NUX JUGLANS. 357 tana -incc May, 1834. which had been treated with resolventia, amara, adstrin- gentia, and particularly with China and sulphate of quinine, without the least effect. The paroxysms, which were at times anticipating, at others postponing, almost always set in early in the m jrning, lasting twelvehours, without any marked sweating stage; the patient was very much exhausted by night-sweats. Towards the end of August the patient became excessively feeble, headache, stupor, dyspmE i, dry cough supervened and the paroxysms came on every day. The patient suffered with thirst, had a strong appetite, the stools were at times hard, at times watery, the region of the liver was puffed up without being painful, the pulse was feeble and soft. After the use of Chelidonium, sal ammoniac and tartarus tirtarisatus the fever resumed its quartan type. On the 9th of Octo- ber the patient took two drachms of an infusion of Juglans with peppermint, after which ho had two other slight paroxysms, and remained perfectly well ever after; all the symptoms disappeared.—A somewhat choleric but robust female of twe ity-six years, whose catamenia had always been regular, had been affected with fluor albus for nineteen months past, without any syphilitic symptoms. The menses continued regular, but the discharge was at times slimy, at others bloody, sometimes accompanied with a burning sensation and pain in the exter- nal pudendum which was somewhat swollen. The remedies which had been used so far, internally and externally, had no effect. The discharge was cured completely and permanently with injections of a decoction of the shell of Nux juglans, (two drachms to six ounces colat.). Soubcrbielle of Paris, has cured, with the Juglans, several cases of jaundice, for which many remedies had been tried fruitlessly. Prof. Negricr, of Angers, recommends it for scrophulosis. Of fifty-six patients affected with goitre, ophthalmia, glandular swellings and swelling of bones, he cured thirty-one completely, relieved eighteen, and four died, two of phthisis tuberculosa, one of encephalitis, and one of compound pneumonia. i; KM".UAL THERAPEUTIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL REMARKS. The sphere of activity of Juglans appears on the whole to be rather limited, the digestive organs being particularly and directly affected by this drug. In these it causes derangement and irritation, which simultaneously call forth ab- normal symptoms in other organs and systems, especially in the head. Gradually after the continued action of Nux jug., the digestive apparatus (a term to be taken in tho broadest sense, because it embraces not only the stomach and intestines, but includes the liver, spleen, kidneys, glands, etc.), undergoes an entire change of action, its functions appear altered, and the product of it* activity, the lymph and the blood are changed dyscrasically in their composition; the signs and consequences of this impression are the various exanthematous symptoms and material changes in the organic structures. For this reason these latter symp- toms appear late and run a very chronic course, whereas the symptoms of the prima) viae, which are mostly of a gastric nature, appear early and run a rapid course. But since the impression made "by Juglans affects principally or ex- clusively the reproductive life of the organism, the symptoms caused consist, to a small degree only, of pains and subjective sensations, but chiefly of disturb- ances or alterations of the functions and secretions, and of organic changes of matter. The forms of pain are only itching and burning (skin,) aching (head, stomach, belly,) stitches (belly, chest, back, anus,) drawing (belly, extremities,) tearing (teeth,) and pinching (belly). The symptoms of general fatigue and lassitude in the body are evidently of no great importance, aud dependent only on the gastric affections, and those of the head. 358 NUX JUGLANS. I am of opinion that the symptoms which may be traced to the influence of the time of day, of evacuations of the bowels, or of meals, on the aggravation or alleviation of previously-existing symptoms, do not possess much characteristic value, and should not determine us in our selection of this drug as a remedy. Thus, for instance, an inflation and tension of the abdomen and stomach will, of course, be relieved by the discharge of wind and freces ; affections of the head caused by congestion be aggravated towards evening, whereas they will hardly be perceptible in the morning after a few hours sleep, etc. Without intending to detract from the importance of the subjective symptoms, since they are of characteristic and decided significance in those remedies par. ticularly which exercise their chief influence on the sensitive nervous parts, we cannot but make them very inferior to the objective symptoms; these will un- questionably furnish the best criterion for the employment of Juglans. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Indolence of the mind. Disinclination, and in- capacity for work. Inattention when reading. Unusual indisposition to speak and argue. Peevish, discontented towards evening. Head,—Vertigo. Excitement as if from intoxication, sensation as if hang- ing in the air, in the evening after lying down. Confusion and heaviness in the head in the forenoon, diminished after dinner. Heaviness in the head, which after dinner becomes an aching pain, but totally disappears at 3, p. m. Sensa- tion in the forehead, the eyes and the nose, as at the commencement of catarrh. Dull headache until dinner-time. Pain in the forehead, particularly on jarring the head and moving the eyes. Pain in the forehead above the eye, particu- larly on the left side. Pain over the eyes in the forehead like a degree of ver- tigo. Headache, especially over the left eye. In the evening headache in the forehead. Pressing pain in the head, increased by motion of the latter. Press- ing pain over the eyes, increased by motion. Pain and confusion in the head with burning in the eyes. The pain in the forehead aggravated by motion of the eyes. In the region of the left parietal bone, in a space of the size of a dollar a very unusual pain, like megrim, rendered very violent by speaking, but shortly disappearing, in the forenoon. Burning heat in the head whilst the ex- tremities are icy-cold, in the evening in bed. Eyes.—Burning in the eyes. Sensation in the eyes as if a catarrh were eoming on. Face.—Little pimples, mainly round the mouth. Painful, red and hard swelling of the left upper lip and cheek, with accumulation of pus in the centre. Teeth.—Dull, tearing pains in hollow teeth, in the evening, aggravated by the warmth of the bed. In the gum of an upper left incisor a painful swelling and abscess without previous toothache; on the hard swelling of the upper lip and cheek was found a sharp distinct circle of the size of a sixpence, rather depressed if compared with the rest of the swelling, dark-red and quite soft; a removal of the tooth caused an internal discharge of the pus and in a few days the swelling had totally disappeared. Mouth.—White-coated tongue, in the morning on waking. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Appetite.—Mucous, bitter, disagreeable taste in the morning on waking. Very bitter taste. Good appetite in spite of great fulness in the stomach and abdomen. Extraordinarily strong appetite. Great thirst. Unusual want of thirst at dinner and supper, a kind of comfort in keeping the mouth dry. Wine does not taste well. Aversion to smoking in the evening. After eating aggra- vation of most symptoms, but few improve. NUX JUGLANS. 359 Stomach.—Hiccough, particularly after heavy dishes. Violent, loud, con- stant eructations, mostly without taste. Inclination and desire to eructate. Great fulness and heaviness in the stomach, relieved by eructations. Immense fulness, inflation and tension of the stomach, so that he can hardly endure the clothes, and although having a good appetite, can hardly eat anything. Nausea, with a sensation of burning in the stomach immediately on taking the medi- cine. Nausea with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Disposition to vomit. Vomiting of food three hours after the usual evening meal, which wakes him in his sleep, but he soon falls asleep again. Pressure in the stomach. Abdomen.—Great fulness, inflation, tension and weight in the abdomen. Immense fulness before and after meals. Great inflation which causes a con- stant desire to go to stool. Hard, tympanitic abdomen. Disagreeable sensa- tion of tension and fulness after a healthy evacuation. Inflation, modified by eructations, and passage of wind fvom the bowels. Constant flatulence nearly the whole day. Very frequent flatulence which is discharged mostly in a hori- zontal position. The flatus are nearly free from smell. Rumbling noise in the belly. Darting pains in the left hypochondriac region, aggravated by a full breath, laughing and stooping, from the morning at eleven till towards six in the evening, repeated for several days. Stitches in the left hypochondrium below the last ribs for several minutes. Darting pains in the left side of the abdomen, perceptible at first only when taking violent exercise, and then spreading over the whole abdomen. Violent stitches in the hypogastric region when stooping. Violent aching pains in the whole abdomen, alleviated by eructations and dis- charge of wind. Pressing pain in the whole left side of the abdomen, with shifting gripes in the intestines. Dull pain in the left side when walking fast. Drawing in the intestines. Slight sensation of pain as if in the intestines just above the navel. Slight gripes preceding the evacuations. Violent pains in the whole lower region of the abdomen with nausea, pretty constant throughout tho day, with short intermissions ; the next day these pains grew more violent, pressing and drawing, aggravated by motion, and menstruation sets in too early. Stools.—Solid. Constipation lasting from forty-eight to sixty hours. Hard stools requiring great exertion. Crumbling stool, though not hard. Abundant evacuation, very soft, finally nearly liquid. Frequent desire to evacuate, two or three times a day, but always without much result. Very suddenly great desire to go to stool during dinner. Soft, nearly liquid. Liquid faces five times a day preceded by gripes in the belly. After evacuation : relief of inflation and weight in the belly. Alius.—Burning pain and pressure in the anus after a large evacuation. Itching in the anus very much aggravated in the evening on lying down in bed, returns periodically every five minutes, with painful stitches in the anus, oblig- ing him to get up. Urinary Organs.—Exceedingly increased secretion of urine (nearly twice as much as usual) without perceptible increase of thirst. Very frequent urina- tion (in one forenoon eight times) during the day as well as at night. For seve- ral successive nights he was waked by the desire to urinate. Frequent inclination to urinate though but little passes at a time, as if owing to a relaxed state of the sphincter vesica;. Constant pressure to urinate, and sometimes, if not imme- diately gratified, involuntary evacuation of urine by drops. Diminished secre- tion of urine, inadequate to the liquids taken into the stomach. Nearly always clear urine without sediment. Male Genital Organs.—Frequent erections, by day and night, eight and ten in one day. Dreams with erections. Emissions of semen two nights in 360 NUX JUGLANS succession. A small abrasion of the skin on the penis near the prepuce, con- sequent upon coition, degenerates in a week, notwithstanding cleanliness, into an ulcer several lines broad, l.ali' encircling the member between glans and penis, with hard edges and a surface which bleeds easily, suppurating violently, forming a scurf, and taking thirty-seven days to heal Female Sexual Organs.—Menstruation a fortnight too soon, preceded by violentlv-pressing and drawing pains in the womb; the less of blood very abundant in blackish and o'tcn large lumps, continuing a week, whereas its normal duration has been three days. Respiratory Organs.—In the nose, eyes and head a sensation as if a catarrh were beginning. Increased mucous secretion in the thn at, thrown up by hawking. Transient short stitches, as if in both lungs, independently of respi- ration or motion, frequently in the course of the day. Oppression on the chest before and during exercise. Itching on the sternum, frequently returning and inducing scratching, in the afternoon. Trunk.—Exceedingly severe short stitclies, deep in the sacral region, fre- quently in the course of the forenoon. Eruption on the back, on the shoulders and the neck, of little red pimples, of which several grew larger, containing a thick fluid (a species of acne). Small vesicles in the axillae, appearing suddenly with burning and itching, slightly exuding, with soreness, redness and abrasion of the skin (eczema rubrum). Great boils on the shoulder and regii n of the liver, suppurating violently, and painful. Burning and itching in various parts of the body, in the evening in bed, interfering with sleep. Upper Extremities. —Electric starts, recurring simultaneously through both forearms and hands, on the approach of sleep in the forenoon. Drawing, and numb feeling, with sensation of weakness iu the right hand, lasting but a short time. Peculiar drawing pain in the upper joint of the thumb of the right hand, more violent when moved, not increased by pressure, seems as if dislocated, felt for several days. The same sensation in the right index-finger. Itching in several fingers of the right hand, in the afternoon. Itching on the arms in the evening in bed. In the bend of the right elbow spots of the size of two inches,. which itch violently, and on which is formed a small yellow elevation filled with pus, vanished in a week without bursting. On the biceps muscle of the right arm a red spot, which gradually rises and in about ten days reaches the size of a buckshot, and feels hard to the touch, somewhat like a hardened cutaneous gland or a steatoma, but is, however, totally painless; disappearing in a few weeks. On the right forearm near the bend of the elbow, violent burning and itching on a red spot as large as a dollar, in the centre of which a little knob was formed; next day the red spot had disappeared, the knob had grown considerably and was very painful; although pus had evidently been formed within it, yet it did not continue to increase, but gradually dispersed so that in six days nothing more was to be seen of it. On the biceps of the right arm a large and painful boil with considerable hardening and redness of the circumference, which broke in ten days, discharging a good deal of thick, bloody pus, but healed up very quickly afterwards. An old tetter on the hand commenced to itch and to grow sore. Lower Extremities.—Pain and impediment to walking, about the right patella, shortly before noon. Rheumatic pain inside the knee-joint rendering walking difficult, lasting a minute, forenoon. Drawing and sensation of numb- ness in the lower part of the thigh and knee, with great weakness in the leg, and giving way of the knees, very much interfering with walking, forenoon. Pe- culiar drawing in the right large toe, as if it were dislocated, in the evening in bed, next morning after rising this symptom disappears. Pricking and itching NUX JUGLANS. 361 in the skin of the right thigh. Burning and itching on the legs, in the evening in bed. On the left instep redness of the size of a dollar, with little knobs which discharged no fluid, but formed a little hard scab, rendering the whole spot gradually elevated and painful. In a few months these knobs vanished, but the spot remained bluish-red and a little indurated. The same thing was observed on the right instep but in a less degree. Sleep.—Frequent yawning and stretching during the day. During the evenings in bed, excitement as if from intoxication, a sensation as if hanging in the air, with turning and reeling. In the evening uneasy sleep.' -Cannot fall asleep for some time, is very uneasy and tesscs about. Uneasy sleep with fear- ful dreams. Many and uneasy dreams. He feels earlier disposed than usual for his afternoon nap, but cannet drop asleep. Sudden waking during the after- noon sleep, caused by electrical starts which run simultaneously through both forearms and hands as soon as he begins to fall asleep. Fever.—During the day, alternation of cold and heat in the body, of short duration. In the evening odd extremities and burning face. Sudden flashes of heat, several times in the day. Moderate perspiiation, iu the evening. Fre- quent pulse and fuller than usual in the evening. Frequent pulse (108 a minute) with burning hands in the evening. Skin.—Itching on the fingers. Itching on the right hand, then again at one time on the foot, at another on the forehead, the scalp, or the belly, without any peculiar appearance on the skin, in the afternoon. In the evening in bed burning and itching sensation on the skin of the legs, arms and belly, here or there, interfering with the approach of sleep. Frequent pricking and itching on the skin of the right thigh. Violent itching on the arms in bed. Little pim- ples (acne pustulosa) in the face, chiefly about the mouth. Small red pimples on the neck, in-the face, on the shoulders and the back, some of which grow larger and contain a thick fluid. Small blisters in the axilla?, appearing suddenly with burning and itching, rendering the shirt stiff and colouring it greenish- yellow, accompanied by soreness, redness and chapping of the skin, aggravated by sweating and violent motion of the arms (eczema rubrum). Little knobs with hard scurf on the instep, with redness and thickening of the skin, and vio- lent itching (lichen). On the arm a round red spot, in the middle of which a little knob is formed which burns and itches violently, lied spots on the arm with a little pimple in the middle. Large boils on the shoulder, on the arm and on the hip, suppurating violently, accompanied by severe pains; only in one in- stance leaving behind a hardening which did not disappear for weeks. A small, hard, red, ball-like swelling on the arm (like an indurated gland) which several weeks after disappeared. (An old tetter on the hand commences again to itch and becomes sore.) A small erosion on the penis is transformed into a violently suppurating ulcer, extending round the whole penis, with thick hard edges, the surface bleeding easily, and required five weeks to heal up, whilst scurf was forming. Hard, reddish, very painful swelling on the left cheek, in the midst of which a round, dark-red, soft, depressed spot, proceeding from the gums and discharging itself internally on the extraction of a tooth. General Symptoms,—General lassitude of the body. Feeling of relaxation of the muscles. Debility. Aggravation of several of the symptoms towards evening and night. Aggravation of symptoms after meals, but rarely an alle- viation of them. Improvement of symptoms by evacuation of the bowels. 362 NUX MOSCHATA 176. NUX MOSCHATA. NUX MOSCH.—Nutmeg.—Helbig, Heraclid, I.—Duration of Action : from eight days to three weeks. Compare with—Con., Ign., Mosch., Nux v., Op., Puis., Sep., Sulph. Antidotes.—Camph.,? Carroway. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. The following affections have been cured with Nux Moschata: hysteria. Im- becility.—Nervous vertigo.—Neuralgia capitis : aching, burning, stinging paina above the right eye, with hot face, contracted lips, spasmodic movement of" the lower jaw and heaviness of the feet.—Convulsive movements of the head from behind forwards, difficulty of swallowing and talking, violent drawing and drag- ging pains in the nape of the neck, in the case of a female.—Dyspepsia.—Enor- mous distention of the abdomen after every meal, with nervous irritation of the intestinal canal.—Chronic cough after a cold. SYMPTOMS. Whining mood, with lachrymation and burning of the eyes.—Indifference.— Hypochondriac mood for several forenoons, with heat in the face and hands, and prostration.—Fitful mood : wants to undertake a thing and changes his mind before commencing it. At times serious, at others disposed to laugh.—Fine spirits, everything appears to him ludicrous, ludicrous ideas crowd upon his mind all the time. Excessive disposition to laugh, particularly in the open air. • Sensorium.—* Weakness of memory. Is unable to remember certain things, is unable to recolletet the things which had been learned a short time previous. —Absence of mind, as if intoxicated and deprived of his sense. Gradual vanishing of thoughts, in reading, with disposition to sleep. Dulness of sense, and dizzy vanishing of thoughts. He staggers while walking, during which hia thoughts gradually become fixed on one idea until he starts suddenly from a complete loss of ideas without knowing where he is. He never achieves what he proposes to do, remains standing at one spot in perfect absence of mind, and appears entirely changed to his acquaintances. Sudden disappearance of ideas while writing, even before the idea is half written down, with great difficulty of ealling back the lost thought, which soon again escapes the memory and is called back with difficulty. Uses different kinds of letters in writing, contrary to his intention, and falls from one subject into another.—Slowness of ideas, he has to think of an answer a long time and is frequently unable to say anything. Ii unable to comprehend anything in reading and does not know what he is read- ing. Nutmeg possesses stupifying, narcotic powers. °Imbecility.V—Delirium and imbecility. Intoxication resembling madness. Delirium with violent ver- tigo, strange gestures, improper talk with a loud tone of voice; cannot be quieted or put to sleep by anything. Craziness, idiocy. Remains standing in the street, gesticulates like a crazy person, loses his thoughts completely, and (on waking) thinks everything around him ridiculous, looks stupid and childish, (all these symptoms cease on re-entering the room).—* Dulness of the forehead, -as if from vapour. Induces a feeling as from heavy vapours in the head. Con- tinual slowness of the external senses and motor system. °Gloominess of the head.—Feeling of intoxication in the head. Intoxication, also with staggering or indolence, or also with heaviness of the head and pain in the forehead and NUX MOSCHATA. 363 afterwards in the occiput.—Reeling, with great anguish. ReeUng sensation in the evening during a walk in the open air, with staggering to the left side. Reeling, with gradual rigidity and insensibility, causing him to fall from his chair; soon after, sleep alternating with delirium, with subsequent dulness and headache.—Vertigo : with heaviness of the head and loss of memory. Vertigo and fatal apoplexy. Nux mosch. has soporific powers, causes apoplexy, reeling and delirium.—°is useful in all non-inflammatory affections of the brain, paraly- sis and other nervous affections.?? Head.—Pain in the forehead, also early in the morning.—Heaviness of the head, with oppressive dulness and feeling of swelling in the left half of t\e head and face, with prickling in those parts as from an electric current. Viwieiit sen- sation in the forehead as if it would be pushed out; the forehead feels to him as large again, with reeling sensation and dizziness as after intoxication.—Pres- sure in the head, on the right side, as if in the bone, partly about the occiput, partly above the ear. Pressure at a small spot above the left frontal eminence. Pressure from the sinciput to the forehead, on stooping. Pressure in the sinci- put, with feeling of stupefaction, also with closing of the eyelids and yawning. Pressure from behind forwards at a small spot above the left eye.» Hot pressure in both sides of the head, particularly in the temples, as if from within outwards. Hard pressure on the sinciput, in the forenoon.—Compression of the head from behind and before, on waking from the siesta. Sensation of painful compression or spasmodic contraction in the sinciput, with dulness of the mind and disposition to sleep.—Stitches in the right temple from within outwards, with stitches and pressure in the left temple.—Beating with pressure above the left eye, early in the morning. Beating with pressure at small spots of the head, particularly in the region of the left brow, at night, with restlessness, dry heat, sleeplessness, dryness and stickiness of the lips and tongue, and sensation as if all the vessels were beating.—Sensation in the head on shaking it as if the brain were striking against the skull, with heat in the head and pain, particularly in the temples, which are sensitive to the touch.— Mounting of warmth to the vertex, with sen. sation of contraction on the sinciput and pressure from without inwards. Eyes.—Feeling of fulness in the eyes, with sensation as if the pupils were contracted. Pressure in the lids as if one would go to sleep. Tension around the right eye, particularly in the lower lid, as if difficult to open, with pressure in the eye and urging to press the lids together, imagining that this will open the eye more widely. Burning of the eyes and profuse lachrymation.—Sensa- tion of bloatedness under the right eye.—Feeling of dryness in the eyes, with dulness of the head and forehead, disposition to close the eyes as from sleep, and difficulty of reading by candle-light. Feeling of dryness and roughness of the eyes, and difficulty of opening or closing them.—Dryness of the lids with ten- sion.—"Weakness of sight.? °Amaurosis.?—Illusion of sight: he was unable to distinguish distances; his workshop appeared so far to his eyes that he thought he should never get there ; his body felt heavy, his head confused and hot, and he was unable to find words for his thoughts, (in the case of a man who had eaten a whole nut on a slice of bread and butter). Ears.—Pain in the ear, in the region of the posterior wall of the fauces (Eustachian tube), as if a rough body had lodged there, during a ride in the carriage, in the evening, previous to the setting in of wind and rain. Pain in the ear as if a dull instrument were pushed to and fro.—Dragging pain in the ear, also sticking dragging. Stitches in the ears, also particularly in the right ear. Single turns of sharp pressure in the left ear, particularly on moving the lower jaw. \OSC—Griping and sticking in the nose, inducing rubbing.—Frequent sneez- 364 NUX MOSCHATA. ing, also early in the morning, or with sensation of coryza.—Dryness of the nose, immediately after blowing the powder up into the nose.—Stoppage, particularly of the left nostril, with tingling, sneezing, necessity to breathe with open mouth, momentary amelioration on moving about or raising one's-self in bed, and com- plete disappearance of the symptoms after rising. Catarrhal sensation of stop- page in the left ncstril, without dryness or actual obstruction, but with a sensa- tion of want of air. Face.—Blue margins around the eyes. °Pale face.? Heat of the cheeks with slight redness.—Violent pain in the right malar bone. Pressure in the right c; •''. extending to the ear and articulation of the jaw, early in the morn- ing.—°Pi. ' "<\Y—Hot stinging about the chin. Painfulness of the skin under tho chin, as n pimples would form. Pustules on the chin, with a broad, red border. JaWS and Tcctll.—Drawing pain in the flesh of the right jaw. Spasmodic contraction with pressure, from both articulations forwards.—Painfulness of the teeth, in the evening, more particularly of the left upper and lower molares. Painfulness of the front-teeth on inhaling cold or damp air, also on drinking anything warm. Grumbling in the teeth as if toothache would set in.—Pressing and pressure from within outwards in the molar teeth, early in the morning, oc- casioned by the contact of the open air and returning after washing or taking cold. * Pressure as if the teeth urrc grasped, to be pulled out, -particularly in a loose tooth, and sensation as if the pain were occasioned by concussion of the body, °or arising from damp cold evening-air, also with pain in the nape of the neck, feeling of looseness of the teeth aud relief of the pain by warm water.— Painless jerks in a molar tooth, after taking a cold drink, succeeded by redness of the cheek. Jerking drawing in the left upper molares, when talking a good deal and with a strong voice, also when touched by cold air.—°Tearing in the teeth, °at night, with inability to close the jaws, which feel paralyzed. °Slicking and tearing in the teeth of pregnant females, with tearing in the ears and tem- ples, stitches in the teeth on sucking them with the tongue, and aggravation of the pain by air and contact.—°Sticking pains in the teeth, relieved, by the appli- cation of warmth (several cases). Prickling in the front-teeth.—Dulness of the teeth as if covered with lime, or also with a feeling of softness.—Increased dis- position of the gums to bleed. Mouth.—Great feeling of dryness in the mouth, particularly at night, with slimy feeling in the mouth, thirst, dryness of the nose, and mealy sensation about the palate. Feeling of dryness in the mouth, with disposition to press the tongue constantly to the palate, and taste in the mouth as after eating salt things. Feeling of dryness in the mouth and on the tongue, also extending to the throat, or (in the evening) as after eating herring and with sensation as if the tongue were sticking to the palate. Feeling of dryness with sensation as if the saliva and mucus were quite thick, with sensation on the tongue as after having eaten salt things and disposition to drink without any real thirst.— Real dryness, with saliva, which feels like cotton. Dryness in the mouth, throat and on the tongue, with fulness in the stomach and loss of appetite. Dryness of the palate and tongue at night, with stoppage of the nose as from thick mucus, absence of thirst, and feeling of the tongue as if made of leather.—Pressure in the region of the orifices of the salivary ducts on either side of the tongue. Bright-red, shining elevations, resembling mucous glands, below the frsenum linguae, somewhat larger than millet-seeds. °Aphtha.?—At night the tongue feels pithy, as if gone to sleep and dry. The tongue is coated with white mucus, with slimy mouth, feeling of dryness in the throat and much thirst. °Paralysis of the tongue.? NUX MOSCHATA. 365 Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Pressure in the region of the velum palati and the left tonsil as from a hard body. The vessels of the velum palati and fauce3 are injected, with sensation of rawness. Stinging in the throat, obliging him to S hawk.—°Kind of quinsy in children, with violent fever.?—°Paralysis of the organs of deglutition.?—Scraping in the throat, particularly on swallowing, or with feeling of dryness and scraping. Feeling of dryness in the fauces and posterior nares, with urging to empty deglutition.—Dryness of the curtain, palate and lips, with burning as in coryza. Violent dryness, so that one is scarcely able to swallow a piece of apple. Appetite and TastC—Chalk-like and pappy taste in the mouth and on the tongue, also particularly in the morning, before breakfast.—A good deal of thirst soon after taking the drug.—Little appetite and speedy repletion. Aversion to smoking.—Increased appetite, returning soon after a meal. Great hunger, he eats a good deal, with bloatedness after eating, or with hurried eating and ina- bility to be satiated, although the food oppresses the stomach. °Canine hunger.? —After a meal: feeling of languor. "Malaise which disappears after exercise. —* Weakness of stomach and digestive functions. The headache is apt to set in after eating, and particularly after breakfast. Gastric Symptoms.—Eructu'wns as from the oil of turpentine. Scraping eructations, after every meal.—°ll-ar:bnrn.l! °Hiccough.??—Nausea in the forenoon, alternating with increase of appetite. "Nausea- aud vomiting of preg- nant females.? °Retching and vomiting.? °Vomiting and loathing.?? "Sea- sickness.? ? °Asiatic cholera.? ? Stomach.—"Repletion of the stomach with tightness of breathing. "Dis- tention of tho stomach.—* Pressure at the stomach, -also with burning rising. "Pressure in the pit of the stomach as from incarcerated flatulence.—"Spasm of the stomach with great weakness of that organ.??—Warmth in the stomach.— Bloatedness of the stomach, bowels and uterus. Hypochondria.—"Strengthens the liver and spleen.?? "Obstruction of the liver or spleen.? "Relieves swelling of the liver, with appearance of bloody stools. "I'Yeling of heaviness in the region of the liver. Pressure in the liver (in a female affected with enlargement of the liver) as if stones would press out or cut through, with diarrhoeic stools, preceded by a feeling of ease about the stunach, as if something were rising in the region of that organ and as if the evacuation proceeded from the liver. "Biliary calculi.??—"Swelling of the spleen.? ? Abdomen.—Colic around the umbilicus, reheved by pressure.—Pressure in the abdomen or nightly pressing from both sides to the pit of the stomach. Uncomfortable feeling of fulness as after eating too much.—Jerks in the abdo- men, also below the liver.—Co itractive sensation in the epigastric region, on the right side, when walking, as if pressiug towards the outer parts. Pinching con- traction at a small spot on the right side of and near the umbilicus.—Pinching in the abdomen below the stomach as if colic would set in. Pinching in the umbilical region, in bed, at night or in the evening (after the chill). Pinching in the hypogastrium, several mornings after breakfast, going off during rest.— Cutting in the epigastrium, with distention. Cutting, proceeding, like two rays, from the umbilicus backwards and downwards to either sile of the abdomen, at night. Cutting, commencing in the left side of the hypogastrium, and proceed- ing to tho right side and downwards. Cutting in the middle of the abdomen, in the evening, with shiftings of flatulence, diarrhoea and pain in the temples.— Sticking near the umbilicus which is contracted in consequence, painful like a splenetic stitch.— Distention of the abdomen as from flatulence, "depriving one of sleep at night. Distention of the abdomen, towards evening, with writhing 366 NUX 310SCHATA. around the umbihcus, which at times rises to the heart, at others proceeds down- wards, attended with discharge of ascarides during stool. "Distended abdomen, with restless sleep, or heaviness in the epigastrium.—Feeling of qualmishness in the full, distended abdomen, with pain in the small of the back.—"Flatulence . after parturition, with labour-pains.?—Flatulence in the evening, with pinching in the abdomen and discharge of flatulence which affords relief. Flatulence with pressing in the left side from within outwards. Rumbling. Discharge of fetid flatulence. Stool and Anus.—Slow, difficult stool, the first days. Even the soft stool does not come out without pressing, and is sometimes attended with a sensation as if stool were still remaining, or with sensation of fulness and distention in the abdomen.— Urging to stool, as if diarrhoza would set in, however there is either no evacuation or only a hard, difficult stool (which is sometimes of a light- yellow colour, and contains undigested food). Empty urging with sensation in the anus as if swollen.—Hard stool with prickings, succeeded and accompanied by painful contraction of the anus and rectum.—Easy papescent evacuation the first day. The stools are looser than usual, also early in the morning, or in children, or attended with pressure towards the pelvis, and with sensation in the rectum as of an acrid fluid and as if more stool would be discharged after the evacuation. Watery stool, preceded by hard, intermittent stool.—*Diarrhoea, early in the morning, after eating milk. Slimy diarrhoea, as from worms. Chronic diarrhoea in the case of a pregnant female. "Stools look like stirred eggs, with great loss of appetite, in the case of a child. "Diarrhoea with loss of appetite and great drowsiness, in the case of little girls. "Diarrhoea from debility and taking cold.? °Colliquative, putrid diarrhoea, particularly in typhoid fevers.? Bloody diarrhoea in putrid fever.? "Various kinds of diarrhoea in young and old people.? ? "Lienteria and dysentery.??—Bloody stools, in the case of two women with indurated livers, and also in the case of an infant affected with swelling of the cervical glands.—"Worm-affections of children, with drowsiness and cutting in the abdomen. Urinary Organs.—A good deal of urging with scanty emission, at night. Painful dysuria.— Urine diminished, saturated. Urine smelling of violets or nutmeg.—"Burning and cutting of the urine.? "Stone.?? "Celica renalis.?? Male Sexual Organs.—Cramp-pain in the penis from below upwards. Pressure and drawing in the spermatic cord of the testicle which had formerly been contused.—"Spermatorrhoea.??—Want of sexual desire, also with diminu- tion of the thrill during an embrace. Great laxness of the parts, feeble or defi- cient erections, even when there is an inclination for an embrace. "Nutmeg was recommended in former times for deficiency of semen and weakness of the sexual powers. Female Sexual Organs.—Menses too late (2, 3 days), preceded by pain in the small of the back as if a piece of wood stretched across the small of the back were pressing from within outwards, accompanied with headache, languor, pressure in the stomach, waterbrash, pain in the liver, and discharge of a thick, dark blood, whereas only mucus had been discharged at the time of the menses. Menses too early by 4, 5 days, with pressing in the abdomen and drawing in the limbs.—"Various, non-inflammatory uterine affections.?? "Sterility.?? "Threatening miscarriage.? °False, deficient, or spasmodic labour.pains..?? "Painful bloatedness of the uterus after parturitionXI °Difficult labour.'ll Larynx.—Hoarse voice. Altered voice, with feeling of dryness in the larynx. —°Sudden hoarseness, on walking against the wind. °Catarrh and roughness of the trachea from taking cold.— Creeping and titillation in the upper part of the chest, inducing cough, also with soreness in the trachea.—"Cough of preg- • NUX MOSCHATA. 367 nant females.? °Dry cough with interruption of breathing, in the case of a child, after taking cold by standing in the water. "Cough coming on in bed or when getting heated by working, with creeping from the chest to the throat.— Expectoration of a quantity of mucus, in a prover who was affected with a dry cough. Discharge of blood either pure or mixed with mucus, with stitches in the chest. "Older physicians recommend nutmeg for cough, asthma, spitting of blood and consumption.—Painful rawness in the chest when coughing. Chest.—"Difficulty of breathing. "Want of breath after eating. Sudden pain around the chest in the region of the diaphragm, on drawing breath.—*Op- pression of the chest proceeding from ihe pit of the stomach. Oppression of the chest with difficulty of breathing, or with rush of blood to the heart. Oppres- sion of the chest with lightness of the throat, as if she would be choked, dryness of the mouth, swollen, viscid lips, extreme difficulty of breathing, hardness and obstruction of the abdomen, giddiness and heaviness of the head and loss of memory. Oppression of the chest as if a suffocative cough would set in, with sensation as if lard or grease had lodged in the throat, through which a suffici- ent quantity of air cannot pass, in the evening, during a walk in the open cool air. Tightness of the chest, with constrictive pain in the muscles, obliging one to draw deep breath, and becoming so violent during motion that he has to sit down.—Painful feeling of weight on the chest, impeding the breathing. Op- pressive feeling of heaviness, particularly under the sternum, worse in the even- ing on going to sleep, and at noon on waking from the siesta, and frequently obliging him to take deep breath and expand the chest. Spasmodic pressing feeling of heaviness from the pit of the stomach to the back and scapulae, with urging to take deep breath, sensation as if the chest would be pressed asunder and dry cough which becomes loose in the morning, and seems to proceed from the back, attended with drowsiness, dryness of the nose, and afterwards pains in the back between the scapulae.—"Spasms in the chest.?—Feeling of fulness in the upper and front part of the chest, with paroxysms of aching pain under the sternum on attempting to draw deep breath. Pressure, from without inwards, in the right and lower part of the chest, succeeded by rising to the throat aud mouth, with accumulation of bitter water and inclination to dry cough. —Dartings in the fore part of the chest, shooting upwards in an oblique direction and arresting the breathing.—Painfulness of the fore part of the chest, in the evening, impeding the breathing, sometimes accompanied by pressure in the right side of the chest. Sensation as if the chest had been beaten, particularly on drawing breath and when the flatulent pinching is experienced in the abdo- men. Pain as from a blow in the pectoralis major on moving the arm, increased by contact and pressure.—Spasmodic stitches in the region of the heart, early in bed, with colic. "Tremor of the heart.? Palpitation of the heart. "Palpi- tation of the heart with fainting.? Back.—Bruised pain in the small of the back and calves, with languor of the lower limbs. Pain as from blows all over, particularly during rest, also in the evening.—Pains in the back, when riding in a carriage. Pain near the lumbar vertebra', as from blows with a fist.—° Tabes dorsalis??—Drawing pain in the nape of the neck, when a damp wind blows on the parts. Upper Extremities.—Paroxysms of drawing in the arms, with frequent boring through the elbows.—Sensation as of flatulence in the muscles of the upper arms. Sticking in the flexor side of the upper arms, also of the shoulder and elbow-joint, apparently in the vessels.—Tearing in the extensor muscles in the region of the left elbow, impeding motion.—The hands are hot and burn. Cold hands as if frozen, with buzzing in the hands on entering a room.—Pain, as if epraiued, of the joints of the left little finger, on seizing anything. 368 NUX MOSCHATA. Lower Limbs.—The lower limbs are painful and languid as after a long journey, with great uneasiness in the limbs, and pain in the dorsum of the feet, aa if a hard body had fallen on them.—Pain in the thighs as if he had had a fall on them, particularly posteriorly as from riding on horseback, aggravated by contact and walking. Drawing pain in the thighs.—Sensation of constriction in the right knee, as if grasped by some one. Pain in the right knee as if sprained, during motion, and particularly on going up-stairs.—Pressure iu the fore part of the left leg, in the morning, while standing. Drawing in the calves, particularly when standing, less when lying, with trembling and weakness of the lower limbs and hands after rising. Violent cramp in the calves on moving the right lower limb while lying. Throbbing in the left calf as from the bursting of a vessel.— Throbbing and feeling of warmth on the inner border of the foot, at noon, while lying. Digging pressure in the soles, early.—Buzzing in the toes as after freezing, across the sole to the heel, which is painful as if sprained, the buzz- ing remains the same in any position of the foot, and returns on pressing the foot to the ground. Sleep.— Great drowsiness, with great inclination to laugh. Drowsy and dizzy, as if intoxicated. Drowsiness with agglutination of the eyes, the head being constantly drawn to the left side. Drowsiness with nausea and accumu- lation of water in the mouth. Irresistible drowsiness, particularly after eating. She falls asleep as soon as she sits down, with pain of the whole head and rising to the head as if intoxicated. Deep sopor, he lies immovable.—Dreaminess, with drowsiness and closing of the eyes. After waking from a sound sleep in the day-time, with pleasant dreams, he falls into an irresistible absence of con- sciousness and is absorbed, infancies, with inability to find his way home (from the theatre), thinking at the same time that the distance is much greater than it is. Vivid dreams disturbing the siesta. Voluptuous dreams during the nightly sleep.—Restless sleep at night. . Fever.—Chilliness and sensitiveness to the cool air. Chilliness and pale- ness when remaining in the open (damp, cool) air, disappearing again in a warm room. Shaking chills from the loins, on uncovering himself at stool. Feeling of coldness in the feet, with heat in the hands. Chilliness in the evening, with pain in the small of the back, increasing to a shaking chill in the open cold air, and going off again in a warm room, with dulness in the forehead, slight appe- tite, slimy tongue, cheerful mood and disposition to joke. Slight chills in the evening, with colic, pain in the small of the back, slight appetite, white-coated tongue, pressure in the region of the velum pendulum palati, pressure on tho chest with difficulty of breathing and great drowsiness.—°Intermittent fevers : °quartan,? "tertian ; "compound tertian, with drowsiness, white tongue, rattling, bloody expectoration, slight thirst, even during the heat.—Agreeable feeling of warmth in the hands and feet, in the evening. Violent heat iu the face and hands, with prostration and hypochondriac mood, several forenoons. Increased circulation.—"Malignant fevers.? "Typhoid fevers with putrid or colliquative diarrhoea.?—"Putrid fever.? Skin.—Cool, dry skin, not disposed to perspire.—Bluish spots on the skin.— "Scorbutic affections.?—"Chilblains.?—"Wounds.?—"Boils.?—"Old ulcers on the legs.?—"Plague? General Symptoms.—"Rheumatic pains in the limbs, particularly when oc- casioned by cold. "Arthritic affections, also arthritic nodosities.? "Scorbutio affections.? "Bloody and serous discharges.? "Is said to strengthen the sto- mach, particularly a'ter sanguineous depletions.—"Spasmodic complaints.? °Eclampsia of infants.? "Spasmodic paroxysms and attacks of weakness of hysteric females.? "Scrofula and atrophy.? "Rachitis.? "Tabes dorsalis.?— NUX VOMICA. 369 Aching pains at small spots, wandering, also with digging sensation apparently of the bones, (forehead, eyebrows, upper arms, tibiae, etc.). Drawing in the muscles of the extremities, as after taking cold, more during rest. Pains in the parts on which he is lying. "Nutmeg is particularly useful in diseases arising from wet and cold, "in complaints which are relieved by the application of warmth and increased by the cold open air; "in affections accompanied by drow- siness and disposition to faint. "Nutmeg appears to be particularly suitable to persons with a cool, dry skin not disposed to perspire. "Nutmeg is more suita- ble to children and females than to other persons.—General uneasiness in the muscles, with dizziness. Anxiety in the body, with disposition to tremble. Relaxation of the extremities, particularly the arms, with pressure here and there. Pain in the nape of the neck, bones, and every part of the body, as from taking cold while in profuse perspiration, with pressing in the forehead from be- hind forward. The lower limbs and small of the back feel bruised and languid. —Great languor, with particular weakness of the knees, as after a long journey, with drowsiness and want of disposition to do anything, even to talk. Languor after the least exertion. Feels very ill from taking the drug, the whole first day, with violent clawing in the body, and sensation as if she would faint.—Convul- sions. 177. NUX VOMICA. NUX V.—Strychnos nux vom. Vomica nut.-—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pura, III. Duration of Action : from fifteen to twenty-one days. Compare with—Aeon., Alum., Ambr., Am., Am. mur., Ant. crud., Am., Ars., Arg., Bism., Bor., Calc, Camph., Caps., Carb. a., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cocc, Coff., Colch., Con., Cupr., Cycl., Dig., Dros., Dulc, Ferr., Graph., Guaj., Hyos., Ign., Ipec, Lach., Lauroc, Lye, Magn. p. arct., Magn. p. oust., Magn. mur., Merc, Mur. ac, Natr., Natr. mur., Nux mos., Op., Petrol., Phosph., Plumb., Puis., Paris, Ranunc, Rhod., Rheum, Rhus, Ruta, Sabad., Samb., Sep., Spig., Squil., Siram., Sulph., Tabac, Tartar., Tarax., Thuj., Valer., Viol. od.—Is frequently suitable after : Ars., Ipec, Lach., Petrol., Phosph., Sulph.—After Nux are frequently suitable: Bry., Puis., Sulph. Antidotes.—Of large doses : Wine, coffee, camphor, opium.—Of small doses: Alcohol, Bell., Camph., Cham., Cocc, Coff, Op., Puis., Stram.—Nux v. an- tidotes : Ambra, Ars., Calc, Cham., Chin., Cocc, Coff., Colch., Cupr., Dig., Graph., Lach., Lye, Mere., Mosch., Opium, Petrol., Phosph., Plumb., Puis., Stram., Sulph., Tabac, and the poison of orchis morio, (moril.) CONICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, Nux vomica has hitherto been successfully employed in the following affections: Affections with intermittent type, particu- larly periodical affections of the nervous system, neuralgia, neuroses.—Exces- sive sensitiveness to the open and cool air.—Great liability to take cold, with catarrhal complaints from the least current of air, such as shuddering, chilliness, toothache, colic, etc.—Rheumatic affections, with and without fever; tearing rheumatic pains ; drawing-tensive rheumatic pains, with weakness and feeling of numbness in the affected parts, accompanied with cramp-like pains, jactitation of single muscles and limbs.—Febrile rheumatic and catarrhal affections.—Rheu- vol. u. 24 370 NUX VOMICA matic-catarrhal affections.—Rheumatic affections, particularly of the muscles of the trunk, back, loins, small of the back and chest.—Feverish and non-febrile rheumatisms, distinguished not only by their intensity, but by the exces- sive sensitiveness tothe open air, which accompanies them.—Rheumatic inflam- mation of the cellular tissue.—Bruised pain in the limbs, in those on which one is lying and in thus- on which one does not lie, going off by turning to the opposite side, after which the pains re-appear in the painless parts, and thus oblige one to turn frequently from side to side; the pains disappear entirely by rising from bed.—Lancinating pains.—Muscular debility of children, and difficulty of learning to walk.—Precursory symptoms of the gout.—Metastasis of the gout.—Scrofulous and lymphatic affections.?? Rush of blood to the head and chest.—Irritation in every part of the cerebrospinal and ganglionic systems of nerves.—Hupera'Sihcsia of the nerves of ihe senses : excessive sensitiveness of sight, hearing, smell, taste: external impressions of any kind, even touch, are very disagreeable, and induce a c mcussion of the whole nervous system, spasms, convulsions, etc., (in many cases).—Tremor of the limbs, also arising from in- toxication by metals, mercury, lead, etc.—Tremor of drunkards, of opium eat- ers.—Spasmodic rigidity and immobility of the limbs.—Clonic and tonic spasms. —St. Vitus' dance, more frequently iu boys than girls.—Spasms. Convulsions of all or of single muscles, wandering from one extremity to another, affecting even the muscles of the chest and abdomen, and generally depending upon spinal irritation.—Convulsions of single parts of muscles, spasms of the whole body, sideways and backwards.—Tonic spasms.—Tonic spasms as from electric shocks, tonic spasmodic flexion and extension of the whole body, opisthotonos, emprosthotonos and plcurothotonos, occasioned by noise, contact, and strong light, etc., consciousness remaining intact—Convulsions preceded by headache in the forehead, aching pains in the pit of the stomach, anxiety, vanishing of the senses, partial disturbance of consciousness : extension of the body with a vio- lent jerk; the abdomen, which was somewhat below the level of the rest of the body, was jerked up; the jerks recurred about fifty times in one minute; at every jerk she uttered a moaning sound. Every contact, even if ever so slight, every motion of the bed, excited the convulsions again. The paroxysms were so violent that it was feared the muscles of the limbs -and abdomen might tear, (the patient, a girl, was cured by ^'o grain doses of scraped Nux v. every '2 hours. Tetanus.—Trismus of children and full-grown persons.—Catalepsy.?—Epilepsy. —Epilepsy, particularly when the attack is brought on by some emotion.—Epi- lepsy from irritating substances in the intestinal canal, and from excess of spi- rituous drinks.—Precursory stage of sanguineous and nervous apoplexy.—Para- plegia.—Hemiplegia occasioned by cerebral apoplexy.—Incipient paralysis of one half of the body.—Apoplexia spinalis. ?—Central softening of the spinal marrow, (giving Nux and Agaricus).—Paralysis of the extremities, occasioned by various affections of the spinal marrow.—Paralysis with or without painful- ness of the vertebral column.—Paralysis of the upper and lower extremities.— Paralysis arising from poisoning by lead, arsenic or mercury.—Fainting turns from making the least effort, from moral emotions, from violent paroxysms of pain, from a walk in the open air at night, and from rush of blood to the chest and head.—Great languor and weariness of all the limbs.—Complaints after measles, particularly catarrhal cough.—Herpes with burning redness of the cracked parts of the skin.—Boils.—Pseudoerysipelas.—Old ulcers, around which a bright-red swelling forms when the affected parts get cold, with tearing pains in the ulcers.—Chilblains with burning itching, bleeding rhagades and pale-red swelling.—Frozen limbs with a rather bright-red swelling.—Great sensitiveness of the corns.—Drowsiness in the day-time, particularly in the forenoon and NUX VOMICA 371 after dinner.—Drowsiness early in the evening.—Sleep setting in before the usual time.—Sleeplessness until after midnight and towards morning.—Sleep- lessness from extreme wakefulness and mental excitement.—Sleep with rest- less t« ssing about, disturbed by anxiety, palpitation of the heart, frightful dreams, falling asleep again late.—Irresistible, sweet morning-slumber, with difficulty of waking, want of disposition to rise, with greater weariness, greater languor and dulness of the mind, greater confusion, heaviness and dulness of the head than the evening previous.—Stupifying sleep towards morning, with anxious dreams, which cause one to start, and from which it is scarcely pos- sible to wake one, with feeling of languor after waking.—Sleep with frightful dreams.—Remittent fever, with gastric, bilious and pituitous symptoms.—In- termittent fever, particularly when setting in in the afternoon, evening and night. —Quotidian and tertian fevers.—Quotidian and tertian fevers with or without gastric symptoms.—Intermittent fevers, mostly chilliness and partial heat, with or without subsequent sweat.—Intermittent fevers, consisting mostly of beat, preceded, succeeded, or mingled with chills.—Intermittent fevers, an alternation of chills and heat, with constant desire for beer.—During the fiver paroxysms: pains and languor of the limbs, vertigo and dulness of the head, oppressive head- ache, aching and spasmodic pains in the stomach, pressure in the pit of the sto- mach, nausea, bitter eructations, bitter and sour taste, white and yellow coat- ing of the tongue, vomiting of the ingesta, loss of appetite, constipation, or else frequent small evacuations of watery mucus, abdominal spasms, fainting fits, great languor of the body and inii.d, excessive debility and prostration. During the heal: vertigo, headache, chilliness upon uncovering one's-self in the least, or on making the least motion, thirst, nausea, vomiting, buzzing in the ears, pains in the chest, red urine.—Intermittent fever with or without gastric and bilious symptoms.—Intermittent fevers after the abuse of Chin, or Quin., with or without swelling and hardness of tie liver.—Intermittent fever : some- times without the usual coldness of the body, or with long-lasting coldness, chat- tering of teeth, icy-coldness of the hands and feet, blue nails, no thirst, tearing pains in the thighs and legs and in the small of the back, succeeded by continued general heat, with aching j.ains in the fore part of the head, redness of the face, violent thirst, shuddering and chilliness on moving or uncovering ( ne's-self, lastly sweat. Apyrexia: vertigo, heaviness and dulness of the head, tearing, aching and beating pains in the sinciput and temples, wan paleness of the face, toothache, clean tongue or else tongue coated with a thick, yellow-brown mucus, loss of taste and appetite, bitter, putrid taste, nausea, bitter vomiting, stitches in the region of the liver and right side of the chest, great sensitiveness and pain- fulness in the pit of the stomach, distention of the pit of the stomach, oppressive, contractive pain in the stemach, painfulness and distention of the leit hypochon- drium, swelling of the spleen which does not admit of pressure; when turning to the right side, a heavy body seems to fall to that side; constipation, stinging of the rectum, dry night-cough, emaciation, weakness, anguish, disconsolate mood with violent weeping, excessive sensitiveness of feeling, the patient is beside himself on account of trifles. Many of these symptoms continue even during the paroxysm. -Quotidian fever : violent coldness followed by heat with thirst and white-coated tongue.—Quotidian intermittent fever, with loss of appetite.__ Compound quotidian fever.—Tertian, quartan and compound quartan fevers, with constipation.—Anomalous intermittent fever with gastric sympt( ms.—In- termittent fever with jaundice.—Apoplectic intermittent fever (recommended by Ilartniann only).—Castiie fevus with predominant affection of the intestinalS mucous membrane.—Gastric and bilious fevers.—Typhoid bilious fever.— Mucous fever of cattle.—Typhus versatihs with excessive sensitiveness of all 372 NUX VOMICA. the senses.—Typhus abdominahs in the second stage, with predominance of gastric and bilious symptoms.—Melancholy, with desire to destroy one's-self, great anguish which drives one from place to place (in several cases).—Nervous hypochondria, sometimes attended with a variety of abdominal complaints.— Hypochondria with great nervous irritation.—Hysteria.—Mental derangement after mortification, excessive mental exertion, suppression of haemorrhoids, and abuse of spirituous drinks.—Delirium tremens.—Loss of consciousness and stupefaction.—Dulness of the mental powers in consequence of an abuse of spirituous drinks.—Vertigo with disposition to fall to the left side.—Nervous vertigo with or without obscuration of sight, buzzing of the ears, reeling and staggering, constant or in short-lasting paroxysms.—Neglected vertigo.—Apo- plexy, with loss of consciousness, sopor, paralysis of the extremities, of the organs of deglutition, of the lower jaw and sphincters.—Sanguineous apoplexy.—Daily headache, generally in the forenoon, and most violent after a meal.—Headache excited and aggravated by rough weather and meditation, from abuse of coffee, spirituous drinks, beer, excessive mental exertions, want of open air and bodily exercise, watching, etc.—Idiopathic headache of various kinds.—Inter- mittent nervous headache.—Headache with spurious vertigo from onanism.— Headache arising from some abdominal disorder.—Headache with spastic urine, the pains being drawing, tearing, beating, compressing the temples, distensive, affecting various parts of the head.—Aching pains above the root of the nose and eyebrows extending to the right, with paleness of face and cold sweat, every morning.—Periodical headache : commencing after rising from bed, every morn- ing, increasing until noon, when the pain is the most violent; it gradually di- minishes after noon, and disappears entirely towards evening; the pain is oppres- sive, tearing, the head feels confused; at times uncomplicated, at others, compli- cated, with pain in the region of the liver, nausea, disposition to vomit, bitter eructations and vomiting, costiveness, choleric temperament.—Catarrhal head- ache, increased to an intense degree by continued mental exertions: aching,1 beating pain in the forehead, above the eyes, in the temples, and on the vertex, as if the head would burst; the pain is increased by stooping and coughing, it returns every morning, and lasts until afternoon; the headache came on after previous catarrh and cough.—Headache from congestion of blood to the head: vertigo on walking, aul particularly on stooping, confusion and heaviness of the head, oppressive tensive pain in the fore part of the head, particularly above the eyes, heat and redness in the face, tasteless vomiting, night and morning.— Paroxysms of hysteric headache every 10 days or every fortnight, commencing with a dull, oppressive pain over the whole head, particularly the vertex and forehead, with vertigo, confusion of the head, violent pressure above the eyes, sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, increased lachrymation, dimness of sight, obscuration of sight on looking steadily at an object, buzzing of the ears; fol- lowed by paleness and distortion of the countenance, nausea, bitter, sour taste, frequent vomiting of bile, night, morning, and forenoon, asthmatic constriction of the chest, tumultuous palpitation of the heart; when the paroxysm is at its acme, there is stupor, frequent urging to urinate with scanty emission, the urine is clear as water, chilliness and coldness of the whole body, particularly the bands and feet> without thirst; when the headache abates, profuse sweats set in, with general debility, as when one is fainting, paralytic weakness, dull pains in the right upper and lower limbs, which go to sleep, the menses are too early and too profuse; between the paroxysms there is frequent but not very violent pain in ^the head, constant feeling of chilliness in the head, painfulness of the scalp, sensitiveness of the whole body to cold air; occasional pressure at the sto- mach, empty, and sometimes sour eructations in the stomach, dryness of the NUX VOMICA. 373 mouth and fauces; the paroxysms are excited by emotions, joy, chagrin, fright, and by the neighbourhood of disagreeable persons.—Hemicrania with inclina- tion to vomit.—Nervous headache with cardialgia, also with constipation.— Clavus hystericus.—Headache of hysteric females, at times in the shape of clavus hystericus, at times of frightful pressure in the temples with subsequent vomit- ing—Headache and toothache of sensitive females.—Aching-throbbing pains in the head, at every motion and exertion of the head, with drawing pains in the teeth.—Neuralgia capitis.—Chronic headache.—Convulsions of the head.—Con- gestion of blood to the head, with heat and redness of the face, violent pains in the forehead, vertigo and fainting turn.—Inflammation of the lids and eyeball, of a catarrhal, arthritic, and scrofulous nature.—Painless effusion of blood into the white of the eye.—Hemorrhage from the eye of a child.—Muscae volitantes. —Weakness of sight.—Amaurosis.—Otalgia.—Otitis.?—Ringing, roaring, buzz- ing, cracking in the ears, ringing in the ears with nausea, increased by motion and exertion.—Hardness of hearing arising from a cold.—Excessive sensitive- ness of smell, either idiopathic or accompanying other affections.—Tearing pains in the right cheek, with oppressive pain in the head, vertigo, heat of the face, nausea with inclination to vomit, vomiting of sour-bitter mucus.—Prosopalgia of the facial and infraorbital nerves, intermitting, with nightly exacerbations, the pain being tearing.—Rheumatic paralysis and distortion of one half of the face.—Paralysis of the muscles of the face on one side, in consequence of a cold and cerebral apoplexy (in several cases).—Pimples in the face of plethoric individuals and from the excessive use of spirituous drinks.—Toothache, in sound and decayed teeth, from cold, of a rheumatic, arthritic, and purely nervous nature.—Sticking, drawing, tearing, jerking and digging pains in sound and decayed teeth.—Tearing toothache, with fine or jerking stitches, with or without Bwelling of the submaxillary glands.—Tearing pains in decayed teeth, renewed by cold air and drinks, relieved by warmth.—Toothache which is tolerable during rest, but is aggravated by meditation or reading.—Toothache in de- cayed teeth, thence extending to sound teeth and to the adjoining parts, the pains are generally drawing, tearing, without swelling of the cheeks, most violent at night, aggravated by cold and warm substances, and generally by cold air, with great sensitiveness of the teeth to cold air; the pain at times appeared to be rheumatic, at times it seemed to arise from an excessive sensitiveness of the dental nerves.—Tearing in the teeth and jaws, with rheumatic swelling of the cheek, palate and gums.—Very violent pains in the lower jaw, coming on after the extraction of a tooth.—Difficult dentition.—Nervous irritation during the period of dentition.—Offensive, putrid smell from the mouth, generally proceed- ing from a bad stomach, and accompanying gastric affections.—Dry tongue, coated white, yellow, or lined with mucus, as is the case in gastric, bilious and pituitous affections.—Syphilitic herpes on the tongue.??—Peculiar, chronic pains of the tongue.—Paralysis of the tongue in consequence of cerebral apoplexy, with consequent inability to speak, or, at any rate, with difficult and indistinct speech.—Catarrhal angina.—Angina uvularis and pharyngea.—Spasm of the oesophagus.—Complete loss of appetite, with clean or coated tongue, with pure or morbid taste.—A variety of gastric difficulties after every meal: fulness and distention of the stomach and abdomen, sensation as if the stomach were overloaded, qualmishness and nausea, loathing, vomiting of the ingesta, op- pression of the stomach, chilliness and coldness, heat in the face, drowsiness, hypochondriac mood, etc.—Hiccough.—Stoppage of the eructations as if by spasm.—Vomiting of drunkards.—Saburral vomiting.—Vomiting, with gastric and bilious .symptoms.—Vomiting from derangement of the stomach in conse- quence of overloading it with food and spirituous drinks.—Vomiting from exces- 374 NUX VOMICA. sive sensitiveness of the nerves of the stomach.—Spasmodic vomiting.—Nausea and vomiting of pregnant females.—Vomiting of the ingesta.—Vomiting and ab- dominal pains with arthritic pains in the limbs from drinking wine—Bilious vomit. ing with bilious symptoms generally in consequence of chagrin.—Bilious vomiting of drunkards.—Vomiting from incarcerated hernia.—Chronic vomiting of sour and bitter substances.—Chronic vomiting of bitter and sour substances, with aching pains in the stomach, want of appetite, and twitching of the fingers of the right arm.—Vomiting of coagulated, black blood, with colic, vertigo, headache, rushing of blood in the chest, fainting turn.—Mehcna, morbus niger Hippocratis. — Indigestion. — Dyspepsia. — Bradypepsia.—In- flammation of the stomach.?—Chronic inflammatory conditions of the mucous membrane of the stomach, with great sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to contact. — Gastric affections of scrofulous children. — Increased sensibility of the nerves of &he stomach, with atony of the muscular fibre.— Gastro-cnterodynia.—Constant pains in the stomach and pit of the stomach.— Tensive, aching, contractive-crampy and. griping-tearing pains in the stomach. —Cardial gia.-^-Cardialgia with vomiting.—Cardialgia from abuse of coffee, from overloading the stomach, from arthritis and organic defects of the stomach. —Cardialgia of females in middle age: painful griping as if the stomach would be constricted, extending from the back down to the anus which is drawn in; attended with vomiting having a sour taste and smell, obstinate constipation, increased flatulence and emission of flatulence by the mouth ; vertigo, dull head- ache, jaundiced complexion and emaciation.—Cardialgia of drunkards, and from abuse of chamomile and coffee. Chronic spasmodic affections of the stomach. —Gnawing and corrosive feeling in the stomach.—Spasms in the stomach and abdomen with constipation. Incipient scirrhous degeneration of the cardia and pylorus, with atrabilious constitution, haemorrhoidal disposition, spasmodic pains and slow stool.—Nux v. alleviates the pains in organic affections of the stomach, induration and carcinoma of the ventriculus and pylorus; the pains and the vomiting are particularly quieted by Nux.—Acute hepatitis.—Rheumatic hepa- titis.?—Venous inflammation of the liver.—Hepatalgia with constipation.—Pains in the liver with jaundice.—Inflammatory conditions of the liver, with distention and aching-burning pains and fever.—Swelling and induration of the liver after intermittent fevers, from abuse of China and mercury.—Jaundice.—Colic from biliary calculi, with extremely violent spasmodic pains, spasmodic vomiting and subsequent jaundice (in many cases).—Abdominal pains with loud eructa- tions.—Enteralgia.—Enterodynia.—Neuralgia cceliaca, in conjunction with Ars. —Gastric affections : distention of the abdomen, constipation with inclina- tion to vomit, slimy and pale tongue, colic, feverish pulse.—Abdominal derange- ment after apoplectic attacks.—Flatulent colic.—Catarrhal, arthritic rheumatic and haemorrhoidal colic.—Lead colic.—Flatulent colic: pains as if the bowels were squeezed between stones, with cutting or sticking pressure on the rectum, bladder, neck of the bladder, perinasum, as if the flatulence would press through everywhere, aggravated by motion, relieved by rest.—Colic from mechanical closure of the intestinal canal by fasces.—Abdominal spasms.—Congestion of blood in the abdomen, with heaviness, heat, burning and pulsations iu the part. —Congestions and infarctions in the portal system with atrabilious symptoms, acidity in the primne viae, excessive accumulation and difficult emission of flatu- lence, slow evacuations, haemorrhoidal congestions, derangement of the assimila- tive functions, and hypochondriac, melancholy mood.—Rheumatalgia of the colon in conjunction with Ars.—Umbilical hernia of infants and full-grown persons, particularly females.—Incarcerated hernia.—Spasmodic incarceration of hernia.—Incarceration of hernia in consequence of an abnormal activity of the NUX VOMICA. 375 bowels.—Crural hernia.—Incarcerated crural hernia.—Vomiting of feces from mechanical closure of the intestinal caifctl by incarcerated hernia, volvulus, in- tussusceptio.—Slow digestion.—The stools consists of lumps of the size of a walnut, and covered with mucus. Constipation with congestion of blood to the head and chest.—Constipation with obstructions in the portal circulation, affec- tions of the liver, deficient and disturbed secretion of bile, excessive acidity, ex- cessive development of gas, haemorrhoidal complaints.—Constipation as if from inactivity and paralysis of the bowels, particularly of the colon aud rectum, where the faeces seem to remain lodged, the peristaltic motion of the lower half of the intestinal canal appears to have ceased "entirely; the appetite and stomach are in good condition.—Chronic constipation from too weak or perverse peristal- tic movement of the bowels with considerable discharge of flatulence by the mouth, nausea, regurgitation of food.—Constipation as if from spasmodic con- striction and contraction of the rectum and anus.—Constipation of infants, pregnant females, coffee-drinkers and drunkards.—The foeces are too large, hard, form hard impacted lumps, are pressed out with difficulty and with violent pains in the rectum and anus, from which they fall like stones.—Mucous diarrhoea.— Tenesmus with diarrhoea and constipation.—Proctalgia.—Haemorrhoidal con- gestions.—Haemorrhoids from the abuse of spirituous drinks, from a seden- tary life, from pressure on the rectum, as is the ca-e with pregnant females. —Inflamed haemorrhoidal tumours.— Excessive discharge of blood from the rectum and anus after every stool.—Spasmodic stricture of the anus.—Prolapsus of the rectum in children and full-grown persons (in several cases).—Pains from tenia.—Ascarides.—Nephralgia. — Gravel and stone.—Colica nephritica: burn- ing and spasmodic constrictive pains in one or the other renal region, afterwards extending along the course of the ureter, ceasing upon the passage of a stone into the bladder, aud frequently accompanied by spasmodic gagging and vomit- ing, violent spasmodic pains in the abdomen, convulsions, and discharge of urine drop by drop (in the commencement), bloody or as if tinged with the juice of the cuttle-fish (in many cases).— Strangury after drinking stimulating beer.— Ischury.—Dysury from inactivity of the bladder.—Hemorrhage from the blad- der ; haematuria.—Chronic catarrh of the bladder.—Paralysis of the bladder and neck of the bladder, with involuntary discharge of urine.—Nightly involun- tary micturition of children.—Discharge of blood and mucus from the urethra. —Gonorrhoea from suppression of haemorrhoids.—Balanorrhcea.?—Choking, spasmodic pains in the spermatic cords, with swelling, hardness and drawing up of the testes.—Inflammatory swelling of the testis.—Inflammatory pains in the testes.—Excessive sexual desire with painful erections.—Obstinate involuntary emissions in robust men.—Metritis.?—Congestion of the uterus arising from obstruction of the abdominal circulation and varicose condition of the uterine vessels.—Metrorrhagia in non-pregnant females, in whom a change of life is about to take place, from abdominal plethora.—The menses are too scanty or too early —Too early and too profuse menses, and the consequences thereof.— Menstrual colic.—Dysmenorrhoea.—Drawing pains in the cervical muscles, towards the occiput, previous to the too early appearance of the menses.—Ap- prehensive and disconsolate, with qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, after the too early appearance of the menses.—Internal swelling on one side of the vagina, with burning-stinging pains.—Recent prolapsus of the uterus. Prolap- Bus of tho uterus and vagina.—Pains during pregnancy : headache and tooth- ache.—Congestions of the head and chest.—Vomiting and abdominal spasms.— Nausea and vomiting, colic, abdominal spasms.—Vomiting of pregnant females (frequently accompanied by clonic spasms) and accompanied by colic in the last period of pregnancy.—Constipation.—Premature labour-pains.—Violent after- 376 NUX VOMICA. pains with pressing on the rectum.—Premature labour-pains, sometimes a fort- night before the time.—Miscarriage. Miscarriage from constipation.—Phleg- masia alba dolens puerperarum.?—Puerperal fever.?—Puerperal metritis.?— Drawing pains and soreness of the nipples.—Convulsions, ophthalmia, umbilical hernia of new-born infants.—Dry and fluent coryza.—Inflammation of the mucous membrane of'the nose, pharynx, bronchia, with dryness or watery dis- charge.—Excessive sensitiveness of the respiratory organs, the least cold caus- ing a catarrh. Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respira- tory organs, larynx, trachea and bronchia,—First stage of the laryngeal and tracheal catarrh, with coryza, hoarseness, roughness, soreness and dry cough.— Catarrhal affections of persons affected with piles, attended with paroxysms of cough induced by a violent titillation iu the throat, and little or no secretion of mucus.—Influenza: dry cough with desire to vomit, coryza, headache, loss of appetite.—Influenza with catarrhal and rheumatic symptoms. Bronchitis.?— Cough with vomiting and fever as a sequel of whooping-cough.—Dry cough caused by a titillation or dry feeling in the larynx with or without spasms of the trachea.—Titillating cough causing a distensive headache or bruised pain in the abdomen.—Paroxysms of dry cough with vomiting, immediately after lying down in the evening, attended with sore feeling in the pit of the stomach appa- rently induced by the exertion of coughing (Hempel).—First stage of whooping- cough.—Parapleuritis.—Sticking pains in the left side of the chest, pleurodynia. —Neuralgia pectoris.—Neurosis of the pneumogastric nerve and its branches.— Incipient phthisis trachealis and pulmonalis.?—Idiopathic spasm of the chest in hysteric and hypochondriac individuals, in consequence of anxious dreams.— Asthmatic complaints.—Asthma humidum nocturnum.—Asthma with nightly suffocative fits.—Congestion of blood to the chest in consequence of a sedentary mode of life, mental exertions, or the use of spirits.—Spasm of the heart.—An- gina pectoris, when it is a purely nervous inflammatory affection.—Myelitis, particularly of the lower part of the spinal marrow.—Acute and chronic inflam- mation of the spinal marrow.—Spinal irritation: aching, tensive and burning pains in single parts of the spinal marrow with painfulness of the vertebrae in the region of these parts on pressure, with paralytic sensation in the upper and lower limbs, alternating with clonic spasms in those limbs.—Neuralgic affections of the spinal marrow and of the sentient and motor nerves emanating from the affected parts.—Spasms of the dorsal muscles from cold.—Sudden attacks of paralysis.—Dolor fixus Paracelsi.—Pains in the small of the back after taking cold by the feet.—Sticking and bruised pains in the small of the back.—Peri- odical attacks of pains in the small of the back, extending to the shoulder and genital organs, increased by motion and attended with constipation.—Paralysis of the left arm.—Paralysis of the hands of drunkards.—Psoitis.?—Ischias antica et postica.—Ischias with nightly pains as if the thigh would be broken.— Spasms of the lower limbs after taking cold.—Paralysis of the lower limbs, with and without painfulness of the spinal column.—Paralysis of the foot.—Inter- mittent paroxysms of gonagra with formation of arthritic nodosities, the attacks being attended with vomiting and constipation.—Pseudo-erysipelas of the knee and foot.—Erysipelatous inflammation of the right foot, with typhoid gastrio symptoms.?—Cramp of the calves.—Cramp-like contraction of the soles and toes. —Latensely painful, burning-stinging pain with swelling of the heel, aggravated by walking. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—*Sadness, -also without being able to weep. "Me- lancholy. Inward grief and chagrin. Taciturn. Desire for quiet and silence. NUX VOMICA. 377 Dl-humour, with lowness of spirits.—* Anxiety, 'with sweat on the forehead, as if occasioned by internal heat. Anxiety in the evening, in bed, with sweat after midnight. Anxiety with restlessness, obliging him to move from one place to another. Anxiety, followed by hurried breathing, accompanied by nausea, which causes a dry cough aud vomiting.—Anxiety, as if he had committed some evil deed, or as if he were threatened with some misfortune, (early on waking and in the afternoon). Anxiety, with solicitude and irresoluteness. Oppressive anxiety, in the evening while walking, with sensation as if he were intoxicated. *Hypochondriac mood, -also with sullen temper, or particularly after a weal, and still more after supper than after dinner. °Soliciious about oni health. •Desire to talk about one's condition, with anxious reflections aboui i:. °De- spairs of getting better. * Apprehends death, and thinks that death is nigh.— * Excessive sensitiveness to external impressions. *Noise, talk, strong odors and bright light are intolerable. *Music and singing affect him a good deal, -even unto tears. Even the least footstep and the slightest shock affect him painfully. —Anxiety, especially in the hours after midnight, originating in a suspicious and apprehensive state of the mind. Great anguish ; he has no rest, and prefers death to life. * Violent palpitation of the heart after midnight, with extreme anguish, and desire to kill himself. He is apprehensive, and inclines to start, the head feeling dizzy and intoxicated. When beholding any disagreeable object, her lower limbs, and then her whole body become affected, and she almost loses her consciousness. *She is unable to bear her pains without moaning and la- menting, reproaching and quarrelling. Even the least ailments affect her be- yond measure. She is anxious, solicitous, and inconsolable, weeps, complains, reproaches, moans, her cheeks being very red and hot, without thirst. She moans piteously, without assigning any cause. He weeps when people do not exactly do as he wishes. She cannot bear the least contradiction, or the calm- est persuasion to act differently; this puts her completely out of humour. He is in a doubtful and vexed state of mind, takes everything in bad part, and is apt to quarrel and scold. *She is very much disposed to quarrel and to feel vexed. She is very much disposed to reproach others with their faults. He quarrels, reproaches, using insulting language from jealousy, mixing it with im- pure expressions, sometimes he howls or weeps aloud. Quarrelsomeness, even increasing unto violence. He obstinately resists that which is desired by others. He is hasty, looks at everybody who asks him a question, in an angry manner, without answering, as if he had to make an effort not to insult the questioner; he is so irritated that it seems as if he would like to strike any one in the face who asks him a question. lie knits his brows and crosses his arms. Taciturn, as if everything were disagreeable to him. Taciturn, and slow train of ideas. She wants to have rest.—He finds time very long (in the first hours). *No desire to do any kind of work. She becomes weary as soon as she commences any kind of work. He dreads labour, but not exercise. He cannot prevail upon himself to attend to his scientific labours. He is not disposed to exert his mind; the blood rises to his head, until evening. Dread of composing literary articles, in the morning.—He is irresolute and fritters away his time. She would like to accomplish a great deal, but she was afraid it would not succeed. He is awk- ward ; he easily stumbles against something, or upsets things. "Hysteric mood. Sensorinm.—lie finds it difficult to keep his ideas together. *He is inca- pable of thinking correctly. * He frequently makes mistakes in speaking. Has great trouble in finding the words, and chooses expressions which are not suita- ble; he makes mistakes in quoting weight and measure. He easily makes mistakes in reading or writing; he omits even whole syllables and words.— 378 NUX VOMICA. Early in the morning, after rising, he is scarcely conscious on account of a mul- titude of ideas crowding upon his mind.—* Insanity. "Delirium and foolish ac- tions. "Disposition to Escape from home. "Runs about in the open air, like an insane man. "Gives wrong, absurd answers. °Mental derangement, occa- sioned by mortification, "by excessive study, "by suppression of the haemorrhoi- dal flux, "in the case of drunkards, (delirium tremens).—"Muttering delirium. "Illusions of the fancy and frightful visions.—°Loss of consciousness, stupefac- tion.—"Weariness of the head fr:;m mental exertions.—*Dulness of the head, with e...- >stion of blood during motion, and indolence of the body. *Confu- sionof tltc . '/, as from nightly revelling. Gloiminess of the head, particu- larly in the evening, in the open air, (as if he would lose his consciousness), or after a meal, or mounting to the head from behind. Dull feeling in the head, particularly in the open air and in the sun, or when holding the head erect, with sensation, on stooping, as if something heavy were falling forwards in the fore- head. *Stupefaction of the head. *Intoxication and cloudiness. °Ailments from intoxication and nightly revelling.—° Chronic vertigo. * Vertigo, with ob- scuration of sight °and whizzing of the ears. * Vertigo, with loss of conscious- ness, -also with sensation as if the brain were turning in a circle. * Vertigo with balancing sensation in the brain. * Vertigo toith staggering in walking, as if one would fall, (sideways or backwards). Vertigo, particularly during a meal, or when eructating, or *in the evening in bed, as if the bed were turning in a circle. ° Vertigo when walking. ° Vertigo when stooping. Vertigo when sneezing, coughing, and raising one's head from a stooping position, as if sight and hearing would vanish, with danger of falling. Vertigo on raising the head in a recumbent posture, with obscuration of sight. "Vertigo on waking or ris- ing from bed, early. * Vertigo after a meal, -particularly when walking, and going off when standing. * Fainting sort of vertigo.—"Apoplexy, with loss of consciousness, soporous condition, and paralysis of the limbs, organs of degluti- tion, and lower jaw. Head.—"Headache every day. Headache early in morning, as if he had not slept enough, or while the eyes are kept closed on waking, (as if in the centre of the brain). "Headache, excited or aggravated by stormy weather. °Head- ache from taking wine or coffee. *Headache when coughing or stooping. * Headache, excited or aggravated by reflection. °Headache from excessive mental exertions. °Headache, from piles. "Headache from leading a seden- tary life. "Catarrhal and rheumatic headache. ^Congestive headache. *IIe- micrania, -particularly in the afternoon and evening, with languor and weari- ness, °or as if from pressing a nail into the brain, "and particularly from abuse of coffee, or in hypochondriac patients. ^Headache, with nausea and vomiting, "also vomiting of sour and bitter substances. "Headache, with heat and red- ness of the face. "Headache down to the eyes or nose.—Stupifying headache, early, in bed, going off after rising. "Stupifying pain, particularly in the fore part of the head. Pain in the temples, when exerting the head.—Giddiness and heaviness in ihe head early in the morning, as from intoxication.—*Heavi- ness in the head, early in the morning. Headache when stooping, as if some- thing heavy were falling into the forehead. Headache after dinner, consisting of heaviness and pressure, especially when moving the eyes. When closing the eyelids, he feels a pain (aching?) in the middle of the brain, as is felt after vo- miting.—Aching pain in the forehead, relieved by laying the head on the table, aggravated by the open air, accompanied with weariness of the feet when going up stairs. Aching pain in the forehead, as if he had not slept enough. Aching pain above the left eye, with pain in the bones as if he had knocked them against something; he was not able to open his eye. Aching pain above the orbit of NUX VOMICA. 379 the right eye, early in the morning, in bed, while lying on the right side, and go- ing off when turning to the opposite side or the back. Aching pain in the oc- ciput, in the morning immediately after laving the bed, also as if the brainv were pushed forward. c Tensive aching pain in the forehead, particularly above the eyes. * Pressure and sticking, -also particularly above the eyes, "or aggra- vated in the open air, and by raising the head. *Disfensive sensation in the head, "with pressure through the forehead and eyes. Distensive headache after the least thinking, in a recumbent posture. Distensive headache in the occiput, as if the skull would be pressed asunder, with heat in the brain, momentarily relieved by compressing the head. Distensive pain throughout the brain, early, in bed, as if the head would burst.—Tensive headache, particularly at night, or in the forehead. Crampy headache. Drawing in the head : first in the tem- ples, then in the forehead, lastly in the occiput. Drawing in the right half of the head from below upwards. Drawing in the occiput, as if she felt chilly in that part. Drawing from the forehead to the root of the nose. Pressure from above downwards, deep in the vertex.—* Tearing in the forehead. "Tearing in the head, also particularly towards evening.—Headache, early in the morning while iu bed, as if his head had been struck with an axe, going off after rising. Headache, as if the brain were cleft. Headache, early in the morning while lying on the left side, with pain in the right hemisphere of the brain as if torn; the pain disappears when turning to the right, painful, side. Tearing pain in the head, extending to the root of the nose, and the upper jaw, aggravated by walking. Tearing in the vertex, forehead, eyes, with qualmishness and nausea in the region of the chest and the organs of speech. Tearing in the head along the ear from above downward. Tearing headache after a meal, with feeling of heat in the cheeks and a feeling of chilliness over the body, at least in the hands. Drawing-tearing and burning pain in the head, early in the morning.—Burning in the brain behind the os frontis.—"Congestion of blood to the head. "Conges- tion of blood with heat and redness of the face ; "also with violent pains in the forehead; "with vertigo ; -with fainting.—Groaning and swashing sensation in the brain when walking and running.—Bubbling and shaking sensation in the head, while walking. Single jerks in the head. Drawing-jerking headache, early in the morning.—Single shocks in the head. [Headache early in the morning, a constant pecking (dull-stitching headache) worse when stooping, when he feels as if part of the forehead would fall out.] Violent jerks or dull •titches in the left hemisphere of the brain, from the orbit to the parietal and occipital bones, shortly after a meal.—Single violent stitches in the head. Head- ache, commencing a few hours before dinner, increasing after dinner ; followed by violent stitches in the left temple, with nausea and sour vomiting; these symptoms disappear in the evening after lying down.—Sticking in the forehead, also with pressure.—Intolerable (digging-up) headache, commencing early in the morning when lying in bed, and going off after rising. Scalp.—Headache in the outer parts of the head, as if the hair of the occi- put were painful. One portion of the scalp feels bruised; the hair covering that part stands on end, and is painful to the touch. Drawing pain in the outer parts of the head. *The scalp on the top of the head feels bruised when touched. Pain, in a rough wind, as if the scalp were sore; nevertheless that portion of the scalp is not painful to the touch. Red, painful pimples or blotches on the hairy scalp and in the face, the tips of which became filled with pus.—(Itching and gnawing in the hairy scalp and nape of the neck, as when an ulcer is heal- ing, especially in the forenoon.) Painful, small tumours on the forehead. Creeping in the forehead and vertex. Eyes.—Pain of the right eyebrow when touching it. Pain of the skin above 380 NUX VOMICA. the left brow, as if burnt. Bruised pain in the left eye, with gum in the outer canthus. "Nightly tearing in the eye. Drawing, tearing pain in the eyelids. Twitching of the eyelids.—Closing of the eyelids, as if the upper eyelid were too heavy, accompanied with an effusion of tears. * Pressure on the upper eyelids, especially early in the morning. "Pressure in the eyes, on opening them and looking at the light.—Itching in the anterior part of the eyelids. Itching of the eyelids in the evening, in the direction of the inner canthus. Burning, itching pain of the eyelid. "Burning and twitching of the lids. The margin of the eyelids is painful, as if it had been rubbed sore, especially when touched, and early in the morning. The canthi are painful as if sore. The inner canthus is painful as if made sore by friction. *Suppurating canthi: the outer canthus is agglutinated early in the morning. A feeling of smarting dryness in the inner canthi, early in the morning, in bed. Smarting in the inner canthi, as from acrid tears. Smarting in the eyes, especially the outer canthus, as if oc- casioned by salt, with lachrymation. Dryness of the right eye. "Nightly agglutination of the eyes. * Burning in the eyes, without any inflammation. Tingling burning in the eyes. (Prickings in the eyes.) Itching of the eye- balls, reheved by friction. The eyes are filled with tears, as in lippiludo, or dry coryza. * Painless sugillations in the sclerotica. Painless redness in the left outer canthus, early in the morning. ^Exudation of blood from the eye. Glistening, staring eyes. Swelling of the eyes, the sclerotica being marked with red bands, and an aching tensive pain being experienced in the eye.—Contrac- tion of the pupils (the first hours). Dilatation of the pupils with very slow breathing.—Ophthalmia of various kinds (see CI. Notes). Photophobia "also of scrofulous persons. ^Intolerance of the light of day, early in the morning, with obscuration of sight. Complete obscuration of sight, for a few hours, like amaurosis. Luminous vibrations out of the line of the visual ray, espe- cially on the left side, in the forenoon (Ilerz's false vertigo). The objects appear brighter than usual. Black and gray motes before the eyes, with stupe- faction of the head. Presbyopia. Ears.—"Pains in the ears, worse on entering the room or at night in bed. "Tearing in or behind the ear, extending to the face. Stitching pressure in the region of the external orifice of the ear.—Itching in the inner ear, through the tube of Eustachiusv obliging him to swallow frequently, and disturbing his night's rest. Creeping titillation and itching in the inner ear. Single sharp pushes in the inner ear, also with crampy feeling, resembling otalgia. Stitches in the ear, early in the morning, in bed, obliging one to cry out. Lancinations in the inner ear from without inward, towards evening. Paroxysms of sticking in the inner ear. When chewing and compressing the jaws, he feels a stitching- drawing pain towards the inner ear, almost like cramp. Tingling hissing in the ears. Chirping in the ear, at night, as of a cricket. *Ringing in the ears. (Humming and buzzing in the ears, as of bees.) * Roaring in the ears, -early in the morning when rising. Noise in the ears as of a fulling machine, at night. Hollow sensation in the ears, early in the morning, causing one's own words to re-echo in one's ears, disappearing after dinner.—"Otitis.?—"Inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands. _ Nose.—Intolerable itching of the nose. The interior of the nares is sensi- tive to pain. Pain of the borders of the nostrils, as if sore and ulcerated, when moving the nose, especially in the evening. Ulcerative pain of the anterior corners of the nostrils, and as if a wound were cut into. "Increased smell.— (Curative effect.) She imagines she smells rotten cheese all around. He has a smell of sulphur in his nose. In the evening he has the smell of a glimmering tallow-candle wick in his nose.—Sanguineous nasal mucus. Continued bleed- I NUX VOMICA. 381 ing at the nose. Discharge of coagulated blood from the nose, early in the morning.—Discharge of an acrid humour from the nose. Discharge of nasal mucus, without coryza. (The interior of the nose is dry, although he is able to breathe through it.) Copious discharge of mucus from both nostrils, although they feel as if obstructed by catarrh.—*Stoppage of the nose, also of one nostril only.—*Fluent coryza in the day-time, and dry coryza at night. Dry coryza early in the morning, with excessive dryness of the mouth. Fluent coryza early in the morning.—Heat in the head, as from catarrh, with redness of the cheek, and discharge of mucus from the nose. Continued heat in the nose and frequent incipient symptoms of catarrh. Real catarrh, with scraping in the throat, ting- ling and scraping in the nose, and sneezing.—Frequent sneezing. Sneezing early in the morning when in bed, with sudden flow from the nose after rising. Catarrh early in the morning and after dinner.—Itching of the obstructed nose, as in dry coryza.—Fetid breath through the nose *Dry coryza "with inflam- matory condition of the frontal cavities and headache. "Dry coryza of infants. —"Almost a specific for the ordinary catarrh in the inflammatory period which precedes the usual catarrh, particularly when there is a violent oppressive dul- ness of the head. Face.—Earthy, yellowish complexion. ° Yellowish appearance around the nose and mouth. *Pale, wretched look, "also with blue margins around the eyes and with pointed nose. "Sunken cheeks. "Distorted, gloomy features. *Red, bloated facet "Dark redness of the face. "Alternate redness and paleness. ^Redness and heat of the cheeks, "or of one cheek only, with paleness of the other.—°Swelling on the cheek, particularly pale swelling. Bloatedness around the eyes, mouth and nose, with tightness of the bloated region. *Swelling and redness of the face.—"Tearing in the malar bones, on one side of the face, with swelling. Twitching in the right side of the face, as if one were pulling a thread across it, in the evening. Twitching in the facial muscles, in the evening, in bed. Tingling in the cheeks, with heat and redness.—Itching and creeping in the face, speedily returning after scratching. Formication. Small pustules on the cheeks.—Distortion of the mouth to one side.—Stinging in the lips, early. "Dryness of the lips. Ulcerated corners of the lips. Painful peeling off of the lips. Itching pimples above the margin of the upper lip. Sore feeling on the inner surface of the lower lip. Little ulcer on the inner surface of the lower lip, painful when touched. An ulcer on the vermilion border of the lip, covered with scurf, with a burning pain. Ulcerated scurfs on the margin of the lip, causing a stinging pain while forming. Stitching in the upper and lower lips, early in the morning. Rhagades in the middle of the lower lip. Miliary pim- ples around the lips, containing pus. A hair of the beard above the lip is pain- ful to the touch, as if a splinter were sticking in the flesh. Jaws and Teeth.—Lockjaw, with perfect consciousness. Sensation in the muscles of mastication and jaws, as if lockjaw were coming on, or as if the jaws would be closed, although their motion was quite easy. A blotch in the skin of the lower jaw which is painful only when touched. Itching pimples on the chin, the larger one being surrounded with a red areola.—Herpetic eruption on the lower part of the chin. Drawing-tearing pain in the jaws.—Toothache early in the morning, as if the gums were sore. * Continuous painful soreness in the teeth, aggravated by fatiguing the head, and by reflection. Constant toothache, *when walking in the open air, like a quiet feeling of soreness, especially when opening the mouth.—Darting pain in the teeth, with sensation as if the gums were swollen. Darting pain in the teeth, pulsative and accompanied with swelling of the gums. Darting pain in the teeth, with jerkings in the ear, also twitching and screwing sensation in the ear, early in the morning, immediately on waking, and in the evening. Dartings in the open air, ending in a stitch. 382 NUX VOMICA. —Toothache after dinner ; at first it is felt like a blow or stitch in the tooth; this is followed' by a humming in the tooth, or a sort of painful roaring, extend- ing as far as the eyes, and aggravated by walking in the open air, continuing from time to time until deep in the night, when it abates by wrapping up tho cheek very warm; when returning it commences with prickings.—Draw- ing toothache, accompanied with stitches in one row, especially when inspiring the open air with an open mouth. Drawing toothache with sti'chcs in no par- ticular tooth. Drawing pain in a hollow tooth when rubbing the tongue against it. Drawing pain, now in a lower, then in an upper molar tooth, followed by drawing in the remaining molar teeth in the direction of the front teeth, especial- ly immediately after dinner and supper; red, hot spots appearing on the cheeks and neck, and the mind being full of despair and disposed to indulge in reproaches. Drawing toothache occasioned by warm drinks and soups.—* Tear- ing toothache ; at first in a hollow tooth, from which it extends now through tho upper, then through the lower jaw, afterwards affecting the facial bones and next the head, occasioning a tearing pain in the temple of the affected side, re- turning in paroxysms, -appeased for some time by sleep, but *brought on again by cold water, -or b}' a few crumbs having got into the hollow tooth.—Boring- gnawing toothache, neither aggravated nor diminished by contact or mastication, abating on the inspiration of cold air, but increased by the warmth of the room.—Digging-up toothache when exerting the head or when reflecting; after- wards, towards evening, one of the submaxillary glands becomes painful.— *S; itch ing toothache, -in several, teeth of either jaw. Dull-stitching pain in one of the upper incisores.—"Sticking in a hollow tooth with drawing boring.— Toothache, as if the tooth were dislocated, or had become loose by biting, accompanied with single long stitches, which are only felt when inspiring the open air with the mouth wide open. Loose tooth, with dull pain, in- creased by mastication, late iu the evening and early in the morning before rising. Looseness of the teeth. Looseness of a sound tooth, which is only painful when pushing it. Falling out of sound teeth which had never been loose before.—* Swelling of the gums. Painful swelling of the gums, with pain- ful pimples on the inner surface of the lip and on the tongue, as in mercurial ptyalism. Swelling of the gums, with pain, with a throbbing sensation in tho swelling, as if an ulcer would burst. Swelling of the gums to the size of a fin- ger, with throbbing pain as in an abscess, hindering eating, for five days. Swelling of the gums with drawing pain. "Putrid, bleeding swelling of the gums. Ulcer in the region of the cuspidatus, with drawing and burning pain. Swelling of the gums, with toothache, previous to dinner. Swelling of the gums with toothache, commencing with pressure. , Mouth.—°Inflammation of ihe buccal cavity. °Inflammatory swelling, par- ticularly of the velum pendulum palati and of the gums, with difficulty of swal- lowing and opening the mouth. °Aphtha;. "Fetid ideers in the mouth and fauces. "Stomacace.—"Putrid, cadaverous smell from the mouth. Bad smell from the mouth, early after rising, also with clean tongue and good taste. Bad smelling vapour from the mouth early on waking, when stooping, accompa- nied with vertigo.—Dryness of the mouth, only of the fore part and particularly of the tip of the tongue, or early in the morning as after having taken spirituous drinks the evening previous. Parched condition of the mouth, after midnight, as if the tongue were glued to the mouth, with accumulation of a quantity of mucus in the fauces.—Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Discharge of saliva from the mouth during sleep. Bloody saliva. Spitting of blackish, co- agulated blood, early and in the afternoon, with smell of blood in the nose and discharge of blood from the nose on blowing it.—Mucus in the mouth and fauces, early, with yellow gum in the canthi of the eyes. Slimy mouth, tho NUX VOMICA. 3 S3 gums, tongue and palate feeling raw and sore. "Tongue black and cracked, with bright-red edges. "Dry tongue. * While tongue. "Brownish tongue. "Tongue coated with yellow or white mucus. Painful vesicles on the tongue. Itching of the left side of the root of the tongue. Pricking in the tip of the tongue, when on the point of falling asleep after dinner.—* Difficult speech, "also with heaviness of the tongue. Inability to talk aloud. Sensation, when talking, as if the tongue were growing bigger.—Painful vesicles on the palate, behind the incisores. Swell ing of the, velum pendulum palati, "also with pressure and biting. Painful feeling. Sore throat as from a swelling in the region of the palate, not perceptible while drinking. , Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Swelling of the velum pendulum palati. with aching pain, also between the acts of deglutition, and a smarting sensation behind the velum pendulum palati. Swelling of the velum pendulum palati and the uvula, as if thickened by mucus, especially perceptible during deglutition. Sore throat, as if caused by a swelling in the region of the palate, not percepti- ble while drinking. Sore throat; pressure in the throat, perceptible only when swallowing saliva, not when swallowing food. *Sore throat, with sensation of swelling in the pharynx, more during than between the acts of deglutiton, also early in bed. Single stitches on one side of the throat, between the acts of deglu- tition, especially perceptible when stooping and going up stairs. Itching prick- ing in the fauces in the direction of the ears, during deglutition, and when mov- ing the jaws. Pricking in the upper part of the threat in the afternoon. Stitching in the uvula and the submaxillary glands during deglutition, with shuddering in the day-time, sweat in the night and headache. Stitching sore throat, with pressure as from a plug in the throat, more between than during the acts of deglutition.—*Sorc rawness of the fauces, -only when inspiring cold air and during deglutition. Sore throat during deglutition, as if the throat were raw (without pricking). Burning of the fauces, as if occasioned by heartburn. Burning (boiling) sensation in the pharynx, rising to the top of the threat. Burning in the throat at night; she has to sit down; when lying down she feels worse. Burning in the (esophagus, up to the mouth. Scraping sensation in the throat, and in the region of the orifice of the larynx, as from rancid, heart- burn. Scraping-scratching sensation in the throat, as after heartburn, or as if the skin had been scraped with a sharp instrument, not during deglutition. °Sore throat, particularly after taking cold. "Catarrhal sore throat. * Swelling of the uvula, "also inflammatory, with stinging and pressure during and between the acts of deglutition. "Swelling of the tonsils.—"Choking and constrictive sensation of the pharynx.—Hawking up of salt mucus. Taste and Appetite.—Sour taste in the mouth, and sour smell from the same. *Sour taste in the mouth, -especially early in the morning. *Sour taste in the mouth, immediately after eating, the food having a natural taste. Bread tastes sour to her, no other kind of food docs. *Milk seems to sour upon his stomach.—Disagreeable taste and smell in the mouth and hose, almost like sul- phur (Disagreeably-sweetish taste and smell.) Bad slimy taste in the mouth, l>;irtly herby, partly metallic, early in the morning.—Disgusting, herb-like taste in tho fauces, almost like carrot-tops. Beer tastes to her like herbs.__ Taste in tho mouth as if the stomach were deranged. In the morning the milk tastes as if sour. He wakes in the morning with dry fauces, and experiences a very bad smell from the throat after rising.—* Putrid taste low down in the pharynx, when hawking up mucus. * Putrid taste in ihe mouth early in the morning, going off after breakfast. Putrid taste in the mouth early in the morning, as if proceeding from hollow teeth.—* Putrid or bitter taste in the mouth early in the morning, nevertheless food and drink have a good taste. 384 NUX VOMICA. While expectorating he experiences a bitter taste low down in the pharynx. Bitter taste in the mouth, not of the food. Bitter taste while spitting.—Bread tastes smoky to him. *Food has either little or no taste -to him, particularly milk at breakfast, meat and coffee.—* Constant, want of appetite, "also with constant thirst. Aversion to food (immediately). Sour (brown) bread ia disagreeable to him. Aversion to rye-bread; it causes water to accumulate in his mouth. He eats without an appetite. Food and drink have a fetid smell. Loss of appetite after half an hour's walking. * Aversion to the ordi- nary food and drink, and the usual tobacco and coffee.—Thirst in the afternoon and evening. (Desire for milk.) He is thirsty, ^nevertheless water and beer are disagreeable to him.—Desire for tobacco.—*Great hunger, also early in the morning. *Hunger, nevertheless aversion to food. Disagreeable sensation in the stomach and abdomen, as if they were empty, accompanied with hunger, an hour before dinner. Periodical canine hunger in the afternoon, especially after drinking pale beer; after taking a little swallow of it, he becomes hungry, and if he lets the hunger pass off without eating, he feels as if replete with food. He is hungry, but even if he eats ever so little, he feels at once full to the mouth. "Great appetite with vomiting of the ingesta.—During a meal: *heat in the head. "Sweat on the forehead and hairy scalp. A kind of fainting, with nausea and flush of heat, going off when lying.—After a meal: sick feeling, *and as if he had overloaded his stomach in spite of his sickness. Pressure at the stomach, -with return of the herb-like and metallic taste. Dissatisfied and sad. * Hypochondriac; the least cause affected him. Chilliness and coldness (after dinner and supper). A good deal of heat, especially in the face; the heat seem- ed to arise from the abdomen, with sweat over the whole back. Heat and red- ness of the cheeks, *with dulness of the head. *Drowsiness. Heat of the cheeks, accompanied with burning in the interior of the cheeks, the pupils be- ing very dilatable, with photophobia, chilliness and goose-flesh on the arms. Great dryness in the back part of the fauces. *Sudden qualmishness; after- wards attack of vertigo and fainting turns; lastly, eructations without taste or smell. Aversion to the nourishment which one had taken, particularly on ly- ing down. * Vomiting, "with pressure in the pit of the stomach and burning in the throat.—*Tobacco induces nausea and inclination to vomit. "Ailments from tobacco.—Drinks oppress the stomach, even when thirsty. Nausea and inclination to vomit, after drinking, in the evening. Gastric Symptoms.—*Frequent hiccough, before dinner. "Regurgitation of food while eating, with hiccough.—^Frequent eructations, -after eating or drink- ing. Painful eructation. Ineffectual eructations, with sensation as if the oeso- phagus were spasmodically contracted. *Bitter eructations before breakfast. *Sour eructations, also after a meal, or (-after a morning walk), with yawning. "Putrid eructations.—After a meal a watery fluid is gulped up. Gulping up of a bitter-sour fluid at night.—"Waterbrash of drunkards. Discharge of water from the mouth, on stooping.—Heartburn as from old grease.—Nausea when she begins to eat. Nausea an hour before dinner. * Nausea early in the morn- ing. Qualmish about the heart early in the morning, with nausea and flow of saliva; shuddering in the afternoon. Nausea early in the morning, pervading different parts of the body as if every part were in a state of fermentation. Qualmish and anxious, nauseated and sick after a meal, as if one had taken a drastic; the sensation proceeded from the pit of the stomach. * Nausea after a meal. Nausea in the pit of the stomach in the afternoon. Qualmishness after a meal as if one would vomit. "Chronic morning-sickness, with vomiting. —Palpitation of the heart, followed by inclination to vomit, although the tongue is clean. Inclination to vomit immediately after a meal. Nausea after a meal NUX VOMICA. 385 and after drinking, the abdomen becoming distended as if swollen after drinking. Sensation as if one would vomit when hawking up mucus.—"Empty retching, also of drunkards. * Violent vomiting. Vomiting of mucus in the forenoon. * Vomiting of sour-smelling and sour-lasting mucus, towards evening, with head- ache, being a sort of tearing (?) around the lower portion of the skull. "Taste- less vomiting. "Nightly vomiting of bile. "Morning-vomiting. "Vomiting after a meal, periodical. "Vomiting with cramp of the calves and feet, lockjaw, cold feet, anguish and trembling. "Vomiting of blood, "also of black blood, or coagulated, with colic, pressure in the forehead and undulating motion in the chest. Gulping up of blood from the stomach. "Vomiting of pregnant females. Stomach.—Aching spasmodic pain from the fauces down to the pit of the stomach, early in the morning. Scraping sensation in the pit of the stomach. Constant pressure in the region of the heart. *The region of the stomach is very sensitiv, to pressure. Sick feeling in the pit of the stomach, towards even- ing, as if nauseated. Constant pain in the stomach. Violent pain in the sto- mach. * Pressure in the stomach as from a stone, or pressure in the stomach after eating but litt'e (early in the morning). Aching pain in the region of the stomach, directly after a meal, as if he had eaten too much. Pressure in the pit of the stomach and abdomen, with distention, after a meal.—"Oppression in the pit of the stomach, with excessive anguish at night. Drinking is imme- diately followed by a pressure in the pit of the stomach which causes dyspnoea and is accompanied with distention of the abdomen. Pressure below the pit of the stomach, causing eructations. Pressure below the pit of the stomach, especially after walking in the open air. Pressing in the epigastric region early in the morning, followed by cutting in the abdomen with continued nausea. Pressure in the epigastrium as from a stone, increased by walking, diminished by sitting down. "Feeling of fulness in the stomach, and pit of the stomach, particularly after a meal. ^Tension in and across the stomach (epigastrium) in the afternoon (at three o'clock), -followed by pain in the abdomen, as if every part of it were raw and sore. * Cramp-like pains in the stomach: *with pressure, -also extending from the pharynx to the pit of the stomach. * Contractive- cramping pains in the stomach. *Griping-iearing pains, -also as from a cathartic, particularly after midnight, aud passing into a burning in the pit of the stomach. Griping-tearing pains, particularly after a meal, "or before breakfast. ° Cardialgia from abuse of coffee or chamomile.—"Painful feehng of contraction in the region of the pylorus, with difficulty of swallowing the food which appears to rise again in the oesophagus. °Scirrhus and cancer of the stomach.''.—"Choking and gnawing in the stomach. ^Tearing in the stomach. Lancinations in the pit of the stomach, also in the evening, even in bed. "Raw and sore pain in the pit of the stomach. * Throbbing in the region of the sto- mach, also particularly after supper. "Shocks proceeding from the stomach to the pit of the stomach. Sensation as if something were turning about in the stomach.—* Burning in the region of the pylorus. *Burning in the pit of the stomach, -also as if proceeding from below upwards, or soon after supper, with anxiety, or with a cooling sensation (at night) rising into the oesophagus and pharynx.—"Cardialgia with intense anguish.—"Gastritis.? Hypochondria.— *Thc clothes around the hypochondria and epigastrium feel tight and cause a pressure. Sensation in one of the hypochondria, as of an internal swelling. * Pressure as from incarcerated flatulence under the short ribs. Contractive pain in the hypochondria.—Cramp.pain in the left side, with qualmishness in the pit of the stomach.—°The region of the liver is sensitive to coitact, and does not admit of lying on it. *Throbbin- * called—are no primary effect of Nux v., as far as I have been able to observe ; the diar- rhoeic stools mentioned in these (symptoms are either very small discharges of mucus with the stool and accompanied by pressing-, or else, if the discharge was one of loose faeces, it was a curative effect of Nux produced in a patient affected with costiveness and constipation and ineffectual urging for stool. J Note by Hahnemann.—Copious emission of urine is a curative effect of Nux v. NUX VOMICA. 389 charge of a thick, whitish, purulent matter, with violently-burning pain. Pain- less discharge of tenacious mucus from the bladder, when urinating. "Reddish urine with brick-dust sediment.—hemorrhage from the urethra—Previous to^ micturition: pain in the neck of the bladder. Burning and pricking pain in the urethra, after dinner. Fine pricking or darting in the urethra. During micturition: * burning and tearing pain in the neck ofthe bladder. * Burning ■m the urethra. Burning pain in the anterior part of the urethra. Itching in the urethra.—After micturition: pressing in the neck of the bladder. Soreness at the tip of the glans.—Aching pain in the orifice of the urethra, with shudder- ing between the acts of micturition. Contractive pain from before backward, in the anterior part of the urethra, between the acts of micturition, early in the morning, and when reflecting. Pain of the orifice of the urethra, as if sore, before or after micturition. Itching pricking iu the fore part of the urethra.— "Spasmodic stricture of the urethra, with retention or difficult emission of urine. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. "Gonorrhoea.? WalC Genital Organs.—Sore pain of the tip of the glans. after micturition Itching of the glans, also early in the morning. Smarting of the glans. Smart- ing itching of the glans. Corrosive itching of the glans, evening and morning. Burning itching of the posterior part of the glans Increased secretion of Btnegma behind the corona glandis. Retraction of the prepuce behind the glans. Smarting itching of the inner surface of ihe prcpucr especially towards evening. Soreness of the margin of the prepuce, especially towards evening. Soreness in the fold between the genital organs and the thigh. (Glandular swellings in that fold.)—Pinching pain in the right side of the scrotum. Itch- ing of the scrotum. Heat in the testicles. Stitches in the testicles.—* Con- strictive pain in the testicles. °Inflammation and swelling of both testicles, with hardness and drawing up of the testicles, attended with sticking and spasmodic choking sensation rising into the spermatic cord. "Hydrocele.?—Sexual delight occasioned by the least caress or contact of a female, especially early in the morn- ing when in bed. Itching burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, early in the morning when in bed, inducing a desire for an embrace. Involun- tary irritation in the genital organs and desire for an emission, early in the morn- ing after rising from the bed. Nocturnal emission with sexual dreams. Emis- sions followed by continuous coldness of the feet, not going off by motion. * Emissions -without erection; afterwards languor of the lower limbs.—* Con- tinued erections which arc painful. Erection after the sies'a. ^Erections many mornings in succession. Desire for an embrace; during the embrace the penis becomes relaxed. Dry heat of the whole body, directly after an embrace; he cannot bear being covered, and has a dry mouth, without thirst Female Sexual Organs.—*Contractive uterine spasms, a griping and dig- ging, with discharge of clots of coagulated blood. Pressure towards the genital organs, early in the morning, in bed, or during a walk in the open air, with contraction in the hypogastrium. ° Congest ion of blood to the uterus. Metritis, with burning heat, heaviness, sticking and pressure. "Pro- lapsus of the uterus from straining by lifting, with hardness and swelling of the os tinea?. * Internal sudling of the vagina, resembling a prolap- sus, with a burning pain, making, contact intolerable. Burning in the pu- dendum, with desire for an embrace. "Inflammation of the labia. "Varices on . the labia.?? Corrosive itching eruption on the pudendum.—*The menses appear too early, by tliree days, also with abdominal spasms. The menses appear too early, do not last s > long, and are more scanty than usual. The menses which had ceased flowing the day previous, re-appeared for a few hours. The menses re.-appeared in a fortnight. The menses appear at full moon. The menses cease for six weeks, and re-appear at full moon. During the menses : nausea early 390 NUX VOMICA. in the morning, with chilliness and fainting turns. Fainting turns after the ap- pearance of the menses, early in the morning after rising, preceded by spasmodic movements in the abdomen, and followed by languor .and chilliness on rising from bed. She becomes quite faint after every stool. Debility in the after- noon, with headache, as if the eyes would come out of the head; she was unable to hold her head up, felt chilly so that she shook ; an hour after she was attacked with an. internal burning heat, with dry lips. Pain in the occi- put, as from an ulcer in the brain, and as if there were subcutaneous ulceration; on lying down the pain became worse. Pain in the side of the abdomen, with pressure from within outward. Tearing in the left arm and right thigh, after the siesta. Creeping in the pharynx from below upward, in the evening, after hying down. ^Leucorrhoza, * also fetid, tinging the linen yellow.—In pregnant females: °nausea and vomiting. "Desire to urinate.? °Retention of stool. "Colic and abdominal spasms. "Toothache. "Headache.—Too violent labour- pains or after-pains. °False, spasmodic labour-pains, particularly when accom- panied with ineffectual urging to stool. * Precursory symptoms of miscarriage, or disposition to miscarriage. "Metrorrhagia after parturition. "Phlegmasia alba dolens of lying-in females.? °Suppression of the lochia. °Puerperal fever. The nipples are painful to the touch. Pain in both nipples as if milk would be secreted in the breasts. °Soreness of the nipples in lying-in females.? —In infants : "ophthalmia neonatorum. "Dry coryza. "Hernia. °Constipa- tion. "Convulsions. Larynx and Trachea.—Hawking up of mucus from the larynx, without cough. Catarrh with headache, heat in the face, chilliness and a good deal of mucus in the throat. *Di-y, painful catarrh in the larynx -in the evening be- fore going to bed. Catarrhal affection of the chest early in the morning; he is unable to throw off mucus without pain. Roughness of the throat occasioned by a catarrh. Tightness of the chest; he is unable to get anything loose by cough. Dry, painful catarrh, early in the morning, with increased temperature of the hands and feet, requiring those parts to be covered, although they have to be uncovered again after the lapse of an hour, followed by a general exhala- tion (and disappearance of the catarrh). Huskiness of the chest, early in the morning with soreness of that part of the trachea where the mucus is detached, relieved after rising. Tenacious mucus in the upper part of the trachea, early in the morning, after rising ; his chest feels tight. Scraping sensation in the chest inducing hawking. Sensation as if the upper part of the larynx were oppressed and narrowed by mucus, which he has to hawk up by hacking. "Grippe.—"Nux v. is almost a specific remedy in the first stage of the ordinary bronchial catarrhs, with dry coryza and dry cough.—"Constrictive spasm of the larynx.—"Bronchitis.—Titillation iu the region of the velum pendulum palati, exciting a dry cough. Roughness and scraping in the larynx, inducing cough. Itching titillation in the larynx, and in the middle of the sternum, inducing cough. * Cough when moving the body. Tickling in the trachea, brought on by an expiration, and occasioning cough. * Cough coming on while reading and reflecting. Cough returning every other day with violence. * Cough after a meal. ^Titillating cough, "a light hacking in the day-time, worse in the even- ing, seldom at night, and most violent in the morning. "Cough with roughness, during and after measles and rubeola. "Short hacking, with soreness of the chest.—*Dry cough from midnight until daybreak. Violent fits of dry cough in the evening after lying down, and early in the morning. Violent cough early in the morning before rising, with expectoration of coagulated blood and aching pain in the chest. Cough in the night; his chest feels tight. Cough until midnight; after midnight she slept soundly. *Dry, fatiguing, continuous NUX VOMICA. 391 cough, "also with vomiturition and vomiting of mucu3 about midnight, -in a recumbent posture, going off when turning to one side. "Spasmodic cough with retching. "Whooping-cough.—"Cough becoming loose in the open air (curative offect). Cough aud expectoration increase during a walk in the open air, fol- lowed by faintness. Cough with sweetish expectoration. * Acrid sensation in the throat, only while coughing, and causing a pain in the pit of the stomach. Sore stitching when coughing. "Sore and raw feeling in the throat-pit, during cough. * Cough, occasioning a headache as if the skull would burst. *Cough occasioning a pain as if bruised in the epigastrium. Cough, exciting heat. (Cough occasioning a cracking in the ear.) "Cough inducing vomiting. "Cough with danger of suffocation. "Cough with discharge of blood from the nose and mouth. "Rattling of mucus in the chest. Chest.—Fetid breath: through the nose. Fetid breath from the mouth, also on stooping, and attended with vertigo. Fetid breath after rising in the morning, or after dinner. Sour-smelling breath.—Oppression of breathing oc- casioning a hacking (short cough). Shortness of breath ; she is unable to in- spire a sufficient quantity of air, even when lying, with quick pulse. Asthmatic, constrictiv" sensation through the chest, when walking or going up stairs. Tightness of the chest when going up stairs, as if his clothes were too tight, dis- appearing after sitting down. When the clothes press tightly against the parts below the ribs, he is unable to breathe in walking, the breathing becomes freer when the clothes are somewhat loosened, but if he takes off his clothes entirely, the breathing becomes again oppressed. The pressure of the clothes above the hips produces an oppressive feeling, they feel too tight. Difficulty of breathing immediately after a meal, from pressure below the umbilicus as from a stone. Arrest of breathing, from a choking sensation in the throat ascending from the pit of the stomach.—Dyspnoea morning and evening. Oppression of the chest, in the evening. "Anxious oppression of the chest at night, before breakfast and after a meal. Dyspnoea and anxiety increase gradually for some hours, the breathing becoming shorter and shorter, and sweat breaking out over the whole body occasionally. Dyspnoea at night, on waking from frightful dreams; she is scarcely able to draw breath, accompanied with humming in the ears, quick pulse and sweat. Dyspnoea, early in the morning in bed, in a recumbent pos- ture ; when turning to the right side the dyspnoea disappears, and headache sets in.—°Sutfoca'ire fits after midnight. "Dry spasmodic asthma of full-grown people. "Asthma Miliari.? "Congestive dyspnoea.?—"Spasms of the chest, caused by the vapors of copper and arsenic?—A somewhat painful weariness in the chest, relieved by bending the trunk backward.—After dinner he is obliged to take slow and deep inspirations. Dilatation of the pupils during slow breathing.—Crampy sensation in the cliest at night, in bed; it feels contracted. Pain directly below the umbilicus, as if a stone were lying there, almost arrest- ing his breathing.—Disagreeable feeling in the pit of the stomach, rising to the larynx, producing a suffocative sensation and arresting the breathing.—The breathing is difficult and oppressed, as long as she regains up; it becomes natu- ral when lying in bed.—Pain in the chest, inthe open air, as if oppressed by a load. Painful pressure across the chest, arresting the breathing. Pain across the chesty with short breathing. Pain, as if the sternum were oppressed. Pain in the region of the sternum, as if the chest were too short, only in the day-time and during an inspiration.—Aching (and cutting) pain in the chest, directly after a meal. Aching pain in the left side of the chest, when sitting a while, but going off immediately after an eructation.—Pinching-drawing pain, near the Bternum. ^ Drawing below the left chest with anxiety; a sort of oppression in the region of the heart, rendering breathing difficult. Drawing pain in the 392 NUX VOMICA. chest. Drawing pain in the ribs. Drawing and burning tearing in the left chest, early iu the morning.—Burning in the chest with anxiety. He feels hot in the chest. °Congestion of blood to the chest. Sudden warm rushing of the blood in the chest, causing anxiety. Heat in the chest rising to the mouth, and occasioning restlessness, anxiety and sleeplessness. Warm tension in the chest. Warmth in the chest, internally and externally, with fine stitches in the muscles of the chest.—Prickings in the sternum in the afternoon. (Dartings in the chest.) Stitches in the muscles of the chest, not excited by breathing. A few violent stitches in the region of the heart, early in the morning, an hour after rising. Stitching pain in the chest, becoming more violent during motion, in the middle of the chest.—Painful pulsative shocks in the direction of the heart. Beating in the chest, also in the side of the chest. ^Palpitation of the heart, -when lying down after dinner. Orgasm of the blood, with palpitation of the heart early in the morning. Frequent, small paroxysms of palpitation of the heart. "Palpitation of the heart, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and heavi- ness in the chest.—Sensation in the chest, as if something would fall down.— Bruised pain from the sternum to the scapulae, only in day-time, with stitchea and shortness of breathing, both during rest and motion. The whole sternum feels bruised when touched. Contusive and bruised pain in the side of the chest, below the shoulder, worse during motion and by contact than during rest. Pain in the outer chest, below the axilla, when touching the parts; he dares not press the arm against the chest. "Rheumatic sticking in the muscles, even in the intercostal muscles. "Rheumatism of the muscles of the chest. Tension and pressure in the outer parts of the chest, as if oppressed by a load and as if the side were lame. Chilliness over the chest, with tensive pain.—Itching sort of stinging below the nipple. Back.—Nightly pain in the small of the back, hindering turning to the other side while in bed. Beating pain in the small of the back, with eructations and chills. Contractive pain in the small of the back, afterwards extending to the side. The sacral and lumbar regions feel tight and are sore to the touch. A current of air occasions a pain in the small of the back, as if it would break; she had to walk bent. Pain in the small of the back, only in the day-time, as if bruised or too weak, as after confinement. The small of the back feels bruised, -worse during motion than rest. Contusive and bruised pain iu the small of tho back and knees, early in the morning, iu bed, mixed with a drawing pain, neither diminished nor increased by rest or motion. Bruised pain in the small of the back, when stooping too low or bending backward considerably, but more when stooping. Bruised pain in the region of the pelvis, when making the least motion. (Chilliness in the afternoon, with violent stitching in the small of the back, afterwards extending into the sides, and oppressing the breathing.) When turning the upper part of the body to one side, he feels a long stitch in the small of the back, arresting the breathing. Dull stitching, resembling a jerk, in the small of the back and the ossa ischii, preventing her from turning from side to sJde; also during rest she felt a dull pain in the small of the back; she was unable to remain still; the painful jerks permitted her nei- ther to cough nor to sneeze.—Tearing in the loins.—Drawing pain, commencing in the loins, and ascending the back, accompanied with a paralytic stiffness. "Drawing, extending to the shoulders. Aching pain in the loins, extending towards the spinal marrow, directly after supper, causing anxiety. A somewhat aching pain from the loins to the spinal column (early in the morning), immedi- ately after drinking; afterwards the pressure is felt in the hypochondria, as if flatulence had become incarcerated in that region. Pulling ami tearing in the lower part of the back, when walking or sitting, but not when lying. "Rheu- NUX VOMICA. 393 matic or haemorrhoidal pains in the loins, small of the back and back.—Draw- ing pain in the back. Drawing in the back, commencing in the nape of the neck (when sitting), attended with a violent pain in the pit of the stomach, being a sort of sudden griping, and obliging her to sit bent. Drawing-tearing pain in the back. *Tearing in the back, "also particularly in the evening. Burning-tearin * pain in the back. Contractive, or rather constrictive pain in the back. Stiffness of the back (in a few hours). "Haemorrhoidal stiffuess in in the back. Aching pain in the dorsal vertebrae. *Bruised pain in the back, increasing by contact or pressure, -as if ccchymozed.—Pain in the scapula, as if sprained. Stitching between the scapulse, during motion and inspiration. Continued burning-stinging pain between the scapula). Drawing and bruised pain between the scapulae, especially when stooping. Constrictive pain between the scapulae. Pain between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck, when moving the head.—Pain in the region of the last cervical vertebrae, as if the flesh had been severed from the bone by blows; even the contact of the shirt was painful. Cracking of the cervical vertebrae when moving the head. Pain in the articulations of the cervical vertebr.e. * Drawing pain in the nape of the neck, and as if oppressed by a load, early in-the morning. Stiffness in the right side of the nape of the neck, as if his head had not rested well in the night. Paroxysms of tearing pain in the nape of the neck, in the evening. Bruised pain in the nape of the neck, when moving the part, (stooping), or when touch- ing it.—The left side of the cervical muscles is swollen, and is painful when moving the head, as if the tendons were too short. Superior Extremities.—Bruised pain in the shoulder-joint and scapula, when turning the head to the opposite side. Pain as if bruised in the shoulder- joint, hindering the raising of the arm. Pain in the shoulder-joint, when lying on the right side, as if the ligaments were torn; the pain disappears when turning to the painful side. Indescribable pain in the shoulder-joint of the side on which he is lying, early in the morning, gradually disappearing after turning to the other side, and accompanied with general slight perspiration. Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint, the whole arm feeling tired and heavy, both when sitting and walking; after moving it for a while he is unable to hold the arm up. Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if bruised or wearied by labour, when the arms are hang- ing down while walking in the open air. Drawing pain in the head of the hume- rus. Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder and the deltoid muscle. Sensation of warmth in the head of the humerus and arm, here and there. Burning painful spot on both the deltoid muscles, which likewise feel hot to the touch. —Itching rash on the arms; friction occasions a smarting pain. Sensation as if the arm had gone to sleep, but without prickling, followed by a contractive sensation. Pain in the arm, hindering motion. Indolent feeling in the arms. She feels weary in the morning, after having had a sound sleep ; her arms and (lower limbs) ache as if she had slept upon a hard couch (after having sat still for half an hour, she feels strong again). When stretching her arms, her fingers are seized with cramp and prickings. Heaviness and weariness of the arms and feet, in the afternoon.—Sudden sensation of loss of strength in the arms (and lower limbs) early in the morning. "Paralysis of the arm, with tumult and shocks in the arm, as if the blood would start out of the vessels. ^Drawing pain in the arm from below upwards, with paralytic stiffness, particularly at night. The arms go to sleep at night.—"Rheumatic laming pain in the upper arm, increased by motion.—Contractive aching pain hi the elbow. Boring pain in the elbow-joint, after midnight, when lying on the opposite side.—Weariness of the forearms. Paralytic aching pain in the middle of the right forearm, ex- ternally. The muscles of the inner side of the left forearm are swollen, and are 394 NUX VOMICA. painful as if burnt. Herpes on the inner side of the right forearm, but without itching, continuing for a fortnight. Drawing pain in the forearm with stitches in the fingers. Paralytic weakness of the forearms and hands, after the siesta. Every morning, or every other morning after rising, the forearm goes to sleep as far as the hand, as if dead, with coldness, but without distention of the veins.— Pain, as if sprained in the right wrist-joint, when moving and exerting the hand. —Drawing pain in the hand, and afterwards in the elbow-joint, the drawing proceeding from below upwards. Deadness of the hands, they go to sleep. Drawing stitching in the outer knuckle of the right hand, in the evening, before going to bed. Cramp-like contraction of the palm of the hand, which cannot be stretched without pain. Pain in the nape of the neck when walking in the open air, the pain afterwards moving to the wrist-joint, a sort of paralytic pain; he had not strength enough to grasp anything firmly ; the pain went off in the evening when lying in bed. He had not strength enough in his hand to write. His hands feel easily chilly, and have to be wrapt up. Cold hands. Heat in the hands early in the morning; he covers them because an intolerable pain is experienced in them when they become cool. The hands are cool and damp, with coldness of the tip of the nose. Cool sweat of the palms of the hands. Profuse sweat of the palms of the hands when walking in the open air. (The hands are frequently dark-red, with turgescent veins.) Pale swelling of the hands and fingers. » Burning of the dorsum of the hand.—Drawing pain in the fingers up and down. Itching of the finger-joints. *In a mild season of the year, the fingers are red and, swollen in various places, and affected with a burning itching, especially when entering a warm room or getting into bed. Pain of the finger-joints, as after violent labour, and as if the tendons were to« short. The fingers go to sleep during the night-sweat. Spasmodic contraction of the fingers when yawning. Cramp in the fingers after midnight, when in bed. Darting pain from before backwards, in the direction of the bones of the thumb. Burning in the ball of the thumb, during the siesta. Hot swelling of the thumb, painful to the touch, and converted into an abscess in the region of the joint. When moving the thumb, it cracks easily. Lower Extremities.—Pain in the right glutei muscles, as if the flesh had been severed from the bone by blows. Gnawing-itching pimples on the but- tock. Burning in the right hip-joint. Stitching in the hip-joint, as if sprained. Jerking in the hip-joint before dinner.—*Frequenl dartings from the feet to the hips, -in a recumbent posture, early in the morning, going off when turning to the painless side. Weakness in the right lower limb, when walking in the open air. Vacillation and unsteadiness of the lower limbs. The child frequently falls when walking. She feels very tired in the morning, when rising after a sound sleep, her ypper and lower limbs ache as if she had been lying on a hard couch, (her strength returns after half an hour's rest). Heaviness and weari. ness of the lower limbs, in the afternoon, especially when going up stairs, and aching when walking. The limbs are too weak to carry the body ; he has to lie down. Sudden sensation of weakness in ihe upper and lower limbs, early in the morning. The lower limbs go to sleep while taking dinner. "Numbness and paralysis of the lower limbs. Coldness of the lower limbs, particularly the thiglls, even in bed.—Weight in the right thigh, hindering the movement of the limb. Jerking sensation in the right side of the thigh, as if one were pulling a string. Frequent jerking and twitching in the flesh of the thigh. Drawing pain from the abdomen through the thighs. Sense as of drawing in the thighs, from above downwards. Paralytic drawing in the muscles of the thigh and calf, painful when walking. Drawing-tearing pain in the thigh, down to the knee, when tired. Paralytic pain in the head of the femur, extending below the knee, NUX VOMICA. 395 when walking. Painful tension in the thigh, as if too short. Bruised pain in the posterior muscles of the thigh, worse when rising from a seat. Pain as after great fatigue, in the flesh of the thigh, with bruised pain when touched. Pain in the muscles as if bruised, iu the middle of the thigh, when walking. Boils on the thigh, causing a violent stinging pain. Burning pricking from the small of the back through the thigh, when stepping and walking. °Sticking and drawing from the knee to the groin, aggravated by contact ar.d motion. Itch- ing of the thighs, when walking. Itching of the left thigh and foot, esp-eV1? in the evening when getting into bed. Burning-itching rash on I th • n.giis during the menses. A gnawing-itching pain in the outer parts of the th:gh, and above the knee, in the evening after lying down, not going off by scratching. Sweat of the thighs and calves after midnight.—Tearing and stitching pain a little above and below the knee, in the evening. Tottering and giving way of the knees. Excessivo weakness of the knees, occasionally. Trembling of the knee and one foot, while the mind is agreeably but ardently employed, mostly in the evening, when standing. Jerking in the bends of the knees after walk- ing in the open air, when standing. Sensation in the bends of the knees, as if they were too short, when rising from a seal. Stiffness and tension in ihe bend of the knee, especially after standing. Tensive pain in either patella, as if fatigued from a walk, when going up stairs, worse in the morning. Disagreeable sensation in the knee-joint, when walking, as if the synovial fluid were wanting, and as if the joint would crack. Pain in the knees, as if bruised, during rest and motion, only in the day-time. Painful swellings above the knee. * Arth- ritic inflr/mmalion and swelling of the knee, also with formation of nodosities. Burning-itching rash on the knee. Itching of the bends of the knees, early in the morning. A sort of small boil on the knee, making the whole limb stiff.— Spasmodic drawing in the legs. The leg goes to sleep when sitting or standing; a pricking is experienced in the leg, when touching it with the other. Sensa- tion in the leg as if gone to sleep, without tingling, succeeded by a contractive sensation. After sitting, the legs go to sleep when walking or standing. Tear- ing pain in the left leg, extending down to the toes, in the afternoon. Tearing pain in the ulcer on the leg, when coining in contact with the open air. Inflam- matory redness around the ulcer on the leg, when walking or performing any other motion. "Bright-red swelling of the leg, with black painful spots. Burning stinging at a small spot of the tibia. Itching of the leg at some dis- tance from the ulcer.—The calves and feet go to sleep early in the morning. Pricking in the calf when the cold air blows upon it, as if the leg had been to sleep. Pressure on the side of the calf. Cramp-pain in the calves. Cramp in the calf, in bed, when stretching or bending the leg. Tensive pain in the calves. Creeping in- the calves, after walking in the open air. Creeping from the feet upwards.—Pain in the tarsal joints, only when moving and walking, as if she had performed a fatiguing journey; the tendons are painful, as if too short and rigid. The tarsal joint is liable to be sprained and to give way when walking. Pain in the tarsal-joint early in the morning, when walking, as if sprained; he is not able to step without suffering great pain as high up as the leg. Tearing in the ankle (after the siesta). Drawing and stitching in the outer ankle of the right foot, in the evening, before retiring. Cramp-like contraction of the right foot. The. feet go to sleep. Heat in the feet, early in the morn- ing, with intolerable pain in them when they become cool. Early in the morn- ing, the foot of the leg affected with an ulcer, is swollen. Swelling of the dorsa of the feet. After having been seated in the day-time, and when rising, she is frequently affected with a cramp in the soles of the feet; she is obliged to Btretch the foot to find relief, or she runs about the room to get rid of the sen- 396 NUX VOMICA. sation; at night she is attacked with painful cramp in the soles of the feet, which hinders sleep and comes on as soon as she draws up her feet and benda the legs. Painful cramp-like contraction of the soles, when bending the legs, disappearing when stretching the legs. Burning pain in the soles. Tearing in the soles, when lying down after dinner, (preceded by a burning in the ball of the thumb). Stitches in the soles of the feet. Single stitches in the heel. Dull, numb pain (pithiness) in the heel, as after jumping from a height. (Pain in the heel when stepping, as if it had become sore by walking; worse when steppiu. ion stone.) Pain, as if the shoe were too tight and pinched him, and as if the sole of the foot were sore and weary from walking. On the sides of the foot and toes, and on the top of the toes, he experiences a burning pain, and as if the shoe pinched him, in the evening. Violent pain in the chilblain, in the summer season, as is felt in the most violent cold, a sort of throbbing in the chilblain (immediately).—Pain in the region of the roots of the nails when touching them, or knocking them against something, as if they would come off by ulceration.—*Itching burning of the toes, as if frozen, in a mild season, especially when he enters a warm room or gets into bed.—The big toes go to sleep (immediately). Cramp-like pain in the right big toe (when at rest), go- ing off soon. Cramp-like contraction of the toes when yawning, or after mid- night, in bed.—The corns feel sore like boils. Sleep.—A good deal of yawning, with stretching, also early in the morning, with subsequent spasmodic pain in the limbs, and particularly in the knee (also attended with chilliness and inward trembling), or early in bed, as if proceeding from the abdomen. Constant disposition to sleep and yawn in day-time. Con- stant yawning, succeeded by great languor. Yawning early in the morning, with lachrymation, or subsequent headache. Yawning with shuddering. Yawning occasioning a cough.—*Excessive drowsiness in the day-time, -as if the head felt stupified. Drowsiness when walking in the open air, followed by palpitation of the heart, and great anxiety, with swelling of the veins of the hands, without heat. Disposition to sleep, before dinner (about eleven o'clock). * Irresistible drowsiness after a meal, for several hours. He dreams and talks aloud during the siesta. *Great drowsiness, two hours before retiring ; he falls asleep as soon as he goes to bed., wakes after midnight, remains awake a long time, and then sleeps until late in the morning, dreaming of the things of yesterday, and disinclined to rise in the morning.—* He falls asleep late in the evening, sleep being hindered by a multitude of ideas interfering with one another. Sleeplessness until midnight, with a feeling of heat without thirst. *Ile only sleeps from eleven till one o'clock, after which he wakes and has to rise at three o'clock. Night seems to him very long and tiresome, with comatose slumber and busy dreams.? * He does not feel sleepy till day-break.—Symptoms at night in bed: uneasiness, particularly in the arms, which require to be alternately cover- ed and uncovered.—Uneasiness and anxiety in the evening; after lying down, obliging him to draw his limbs up and to extend them again. Uneasiness in the lower limbs, before midnight, a pleasurable, almost voluptuous, but intolerable sensation in these limbs, hindering sleep, rousing him when on the point of going to sleep, and obliging him to draw the limbs up and then to extend them again. cLight sleep at night, with frequent waking. Timely waking with oppres- sive anxiety. Frequent waking, with difficulty of going to sleep again, which is then disturbed with dreams.—During sleep: ^starting at night, and in the day-time when waking. * Violent starting on going to sleep. He wakes with a start by the least noise.—Start and jerk through the whole body, during the siesta, affecting him like an electric shock, as if he would fall down. (During the evening slumber he jumps out of bed delirious.) *Anxious, moaning bab- NUX VOMICA. 397 bling, early in the morning during sleep, -succeeded by emission of flatulence. He lies on his back, with his arms above his head, and with his head bent back- ward or lying. Snuffling, whistling expirations through the nose. Snoring in- spirations, before midnight. Anxious delirious fancies, in the evening when in bed, as if some one would get into his bed, as if there were not room enough in bis bed, as if his bed had beeu sold, etc. Frightful visions in a dream.— Sad visions, at night, in a half-waking state, for instance, of the heads of deceased acquaintances without their bodies, etc. "Soporous condition with heavy deep sleep (in apoplexy). She cannot sleep at night, and when she does go to sleep, she has fearful dreams which wake her; she remains awake for hours, and after going to sleep again, she again has frightful dreams, and after waking knows what she has been dreaming about.—* Delirious, frightful visions at night. Horrid dreams (of wild beasts). Dreams about sick or mutilated men.—Wakes from horrid dreams. Dreams about vermin. He dreams that all his teeth are falling out. He dreams that he is very much pressed to ac- complish a certain business. He has disagreeable dreams about things which had taken place or had been talked about the day previous.—Anxious dreams, and weeping during sleep. Dreams, accompanied with intense reflection, and in a state of half-waking. He dreams of cruel mutilations and lacerations which leave him indifferent. "Lewd dreams. Dreams full of care. Early in the morning in bed: Anxious orgasm of the blood, with discouragement. Irre- sistible, sweet morning slumber. Difficult waking. Feels more weary than the evening previous. Great inclination to lie down again after rising. He does not feel very well; he fears to rise,, as if he had performed a fatiguing journey on foot, this feeling goes off after rising. After rising : diarrhoeic stool, follow- ed by languor, yawning, drowsiness, chilliness, dulness of the head, and lastly, refreshing sleep. Fever.—Convulsive stretching. A good deal of yawning and stretching in the afternoon.—Frequent stretching, which makes her feel comfortable. Early in the morning excessive stretching of the limbs, and yawning, cramp-pain in the limbs after the stretching, especially in the knees. Stretching, early in the morning when in bed, the arms being stretched upward; the stretching seems to proceed from the abdomen. Long paroxysm of incessaut yawning, leaving great weakness behind. While yawning early in the morning, the eyes are filled with water.—Yawning, early in the morning, immediately after rising from bed. Headache early in the morning, immediately after yawning. Yawning causing a cough. The stretching and yawning are followed by spasmodic pains in the limbs, with chilliness and internal trembling. Shuddering while yawning. Sleep after the shuddering, then again shuddering, with coldness of the toes. * Coldness -at night, not even yielding to the warmth of ihe bed. Sudden cold- ness of the arms and hands, or of the legs and feet, in the afternoon, not even disappearing in bed. Great coldness, not yielding to the warmth of the stove or of the bed. * Coldness of the whole body, with blue skin, particularly on the hands, and blue nails. Great coldness of the limbs. The temperature of the skin is diminished all over. Coldness of the lower part of the body, with heat. of the face. Coldness of the feet, particularly early in the morning, or with dry heat of the face.—* Chilliness -in the evening in bed, aud at ni°mt on waking, as if she could not get warm. *Chilliness with dread of the open air, and great liability to take cold. Chilliness over the back and arms, in the evening, in bed. Chilliness in the evening when in bed, also when waking she feels as if she could not get warm in bed. Violent chilliness in bed, at night; sweat breaks out towards morning, preceded by creeping in the skin. Excessive chills, early in the morning, in bed, without any coldness being perceptible to the touch, for 398 NUX VOMICA. half an hour; followed by cramp-like contraction of the toes and soles of the feet. Feeling of chilliness in the back and limbs, early in the morning, the skin being painful as if frozen, and the limbs feeling somewhat as if gone to sleep, as they do in cold weather. Chilliness for several days in succession, early in the morning after rising. * Shuddering and chilliness after drinking. Chilliness in the back, and heaviness in the lower limbs, after a chagrin.—Chilli. ness on making the least motion. *Shuddering and chilliness for one hour (with pain in the back), when touched by the least fresh air. The whole body feels more and more chilly. Violent chilliness, with chattering of teeth. Thrill of chilliness over the face. Sensation of chilliness about the head, from time to time. Chilliness of the feet, as if cold water were poured over them, with trembling. * Desire for beer during the chilliness. "Chilliness when uncover- ing one's-self, even during the hot stage. Feeling of chilliness, the whole body feeling extremely hot to others, with redness of the cheeks and coldness of the hands, feet, and hairy scalp.—Chilliness with hot cheeks. * Chilliness with heat in the head and redness of the cheeks, "or with redness of only one cheek. 0Chilliness with rush of blood to the head. "Chilliness with headache. Nightly chilliness preceded by violent drawing through the thighs and legs, obliging one to contract and extend the limbs constantly. "Chilliness with sticking in the side and abdomen, pains in the back and small of the back, drawing in the limbs, stretching, spasmodic yawning and urging to lie down.—Shuddering while yawn- ing, with horripilations. Shuddering of the whole body, on making the least motion. Shuddering during the siesta, with drawing in the limbs as if arising from a pain in the small of the back. Shuddering with feeling of heat in the face. Shuddering with desire for beer, particularly in the evening, with redness of the face and coldness of the limbs. Frequent shuddering iu the evening, with redness of the cheeks, heat of the hands and coldness of the feet.—(For the fevers which have been cured by Nux v., and for the symptoms during the apyrexia iu intermittent fevers, (see Clin. Observ.).—Afternoon or evening fever: the heat is followed by chilliness and coldness. External or internal heat, ac- companied with chilliness and great weariness, requiring one to lie down, or at least to put on warm clothes, especially in the afternoon. Chilliness at six o'clock in the morning, occasionally mingled with general heat and drops of sweat on the forehead; the chilliness returns in the evening. In the evening the cheeks are red and the hands hot, with cold feet and recurring attacks of shud- dering. The face feels hot to him, with shuddering of the rest of the body. Heat of the face, with coldness of the lower limbs. Heat in the interior of the head, the outer parts feeling chilly. Hot cheeks, with internal chilliness. Red- ness of the cheeks, with heat in the head and chilliness of the rest of the body. Redness of the face, in the evening, with shuddering and coldness of the limbs, and desire for beer. Fever towards six o'clock in the evening; chilliness mingled with paroxysms of heat, returning next day. At night, he feels chilly exter- nally and hot internally, the mouth feeling dry, accompanied with aversion to drink. Fever in the afternoon; chilliness for four hours and coldness with blue nails; followed by general heat and burning in the hands, with desire for water, then for beer, without any subsequent sweat. Chilliness in the evening before lying down ; but when in bed, the head and face feel hot. Chilliness and one hour's sleep, in the evening after 1\ ing down, followed by heat, accompanied with headache, humming in the ears and nausea. Trembling and chilliness in the evening after lying down, followed by slight heat in the face. Unusual warmth early in the morning, with desire for water. Paroxysms of heat over the whole body, without redness of the cheeks, with drops of sweat on the forehead, aud anxiety, febrile heat, rather internally; sensation as if smoke were issuing NUX VOMICA. 399 from her throat; she drank a good deal. Early in the morning, while yet in bed, he is attacked with an intolerable feeling of heat, either over the whole body, or particularly in the cheeks, hands and feet, especially in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet: he is exceedingly eager to lay th s' parts on cool places, but cannot leave them there on account of the whole body feehng sick when those parts become cool, or on Account of being attacked with momentary pinching or cutting in the abdomen. In the evening, after lying down, he feels a heat in the lace and in the palms of the hands, and the feet are likewise hot. — External heat with a red cheek, and sensation of anxious, intolerable internal heat (in spite of which he covers himself with great care) ; the mouth is filled with saliva; nevertheless the lips are dry, and there is no thirst; or rather, he desires to drink, but declines drinking when the drink is offered; he does not like it.; sleeplessness accompanies the heat; he lays his arms under his head; after the heat he has a desire for beer. At night he has heat without thirst, and almost without sweat. Anxiety at night; while sleeping, he had cast the bed-cover off. Violent thirst.—Dry heat about midnight, while in bed, without thirst.—Heat with a full, frequent pulse, accompanied with a desire to go to bed, and with thirst. Internal heat with a full pulse; the heat increases from hour to hour, without thirst; afterwards sleeplessness. Early in the morning, while walking in the open air, the face and the whole body feel hot. When walking, the flushes of heat are more frequent than at other times. Flushes of heat during motion. Flushes of heat, and heat of the cheeks when making tive leas' mo'ion or exertion. The face feels hot to him, without any heat being perceptible to others. Red cheeks early in the morning after waking. Heat about the head, in the evening. Flushes of heal in the face -towards evening. Heat in the face, early in the morning after rising, with costiveness and shifting of flatulence iu the abdomen. Red, hot cheeks, without thirst. Heat iu the face in the evening, when in bed, and uneasy sleep before midnight. Sensa- tion of burning, internal heat, through the whole body. (For the symp- toms during the hot stage, see Clin. Observ.).—*Full pulse, during the hot s'agc. "Pulse hard, full and frequent. Pulse small and quick, or intermittent. Collapse of pulse, with full consciousness.—Sweat for two days. (Sweat breaks out easily when lying in bed or walking fast.) Sweat when moving about in the room. (Sweat in the room, going off in the open air.) Viscid sweat on the forehead, when walking in the open air.—Sweat on the affected side of the face, during an attack of heraicrania. Frequent attacks of sweat, followed by dry heat. Copious sweat during and a'ter great anxiety. Anxiety causing sweat, at least on the forehead. Internal heat, occasioned by anxiety, followed by sweat on the forehead. Profuse sweat. Fetid sweat the whole night, or on one side. Very fetid sweats. Cold sweat. Cold sweat, during which all the symptoms abate. Sweat one side of the head, hairy scalp and face.—Ni^ht- sweat: At three o'cloek in the morning, he is attacked with sweat under the nose, on the forehead (on the hairy scalp), on the nape of the neck, on the neck, in the pit of the stomach and between the thighs, with a feeling of heat and anxiety, and dryness of the tip of the tongue, the anterior parts of the palate and the lips, without any desire for drink. Sweat after midnight. Sweat during sleep, from two o'clock in the morning; when waking, he is ouly covered with a slight moisture. Sour night-sweat.—Morning-sweat: sweat of the upper parts of the body, early in the morning, b >th when awake and asleep, fol- lowed by drawing pain in the left side. Profuse, general sweat (except the head aud face), in the morning, after waking. Slight, general sweat (except the face), at night and in the morning, having the smell of musty straw kept in a close room.—During (he morning-sweat, all the parts on which he lies, are 400 NUX VOMICA. painful. Inclination to vomit during the morning-sweat. Colic during the morning-sweat, when uncovering himself ever so little, as if occasioned by a cold Great hea' and sweat under the bed-cover; he shudders when raising the cover ever so little. Chilliness alter the sweat, and then again sweat. General sweat early in the morning on waking, with heat of the hands and of the interior of the face, without thirst.—Violent desire for small beer after the morning-sweat. Skin.—'The skin of the whole body becomes sensitive, as if sore; when touching any part of the skin it feels as if gone to sleep.) (Smarting) itching in various parts, especially in the extremest parts of the body, the limbs and joints, in the evening after lying down. Burning itching over the whole body, also in the evening, in bed. Burning itching of the upper arms, thighs, abdo- men, and back, early in the morning when dressing, in the evening when un- dressing, even at night. Burning stinging'm various parts of the body. 4>jrn. ing prickings here and there, terminating in burning. Burning prickings in various parts of the skin, resembling flea bites, in the evening after lying down. Burning-itching pricking in various parts of the body.—Itching or itching-burn- ing eruptions.—"Rash. "Blue spots on the body, as if ecchymozed.—°Boils.— *Chilblains with burning itching, "or also with bleeding rhagades, and pale-red swelling.—Cicatrices of former wounds are painful again.—° Ulcers with raised, pale-red edges.—"Chlorosis.? *Jaundice, -with aversion to food and fainting fits.—"Miliaria alba, catarrhal cough, etc., after measles. Single stitches in the affected part from time to time. Single long stitches in various parts of the body, characterized by a sore pain. Dartings in various parts, concussing the whole body; they seem to dart through the whole body. Dartings in the limbs in the evening when in bed. General Symptoms.—Chronic ailments from the abuse of coffee, wine, or other spirituous or narcotic substances. "Complaints arising from a cold, cha- grin, anger, mental exertions (particularly when the patient leads a sedentary life), from a sedentary life generally or from watching.—"Is principally suitable to lively, sanguine or choleric temperaments, also to individuals of a malicious, artful character, with pale, livid colour, or bright-red, highly-coloured face; "also to venous constitutions disposed to haemorrhoids, hypochondria, melancholy and hysteria. "Nux seems to be more suitable to the male than the female sex, and seems to be more useful to females when the menses are too early and too profuse.—^Periodical and intermittent ailments. °Rheumatie affections, par- ticularly of the large muscles of the back, loins, chest and small of the back. "Precursory symptoms of arthritis, and arthritic metastases. Scrofulous and lymphatic affections. °Scrofulous alroj)hy of infants. °Congestion of blood, particularly to the head, chest and abdomen. "Muscular debility of infanta with difficulty of learning to walk.—^Stitches here and there, also with sore pain, or darting stitches striking through the whole body. "Sticking and tear- ing in the joints, worse when the weather changes, or during changeable weather. °Drawing and tearing in the limbs, particularly at night, or with feeling of numbness of the affected parts. Pains which appear 'so intolerable that he would like to die. Twitchings under the skin. Tearing and heaviness in all the limbs, with stiffness in the muscles and joints, convulsive trembling, (Lond. Med. Repos.).—*Pain in all the joints, also as if bruised, and particularly dur- ing motion, also after midnight. * Sick feeling in all the limbs. * Bruised pain of the limbs, early in bed, either on the .-ide on which he is lying or on that on which he is not lying, going off by turning to the unaffected side, in which case the pain appears in the latter side; this obliges him to turn frequently from side to side, until the pain disappears entirely after rising. Bruised feeling of the joints and long bones, early in bed, with incarceration of flatulence in the hypo- NUX VOMICA. 401 gastrinm and the region of the pubic bent.-. Ti.e k>.0 r he lies in bed, the more painful are his limbs and particularly tne joints (early fc bed .—Violent pain in the musck-s. at every movemeLt (Lsmd. M?4. Repos.)—Tetsive pain in the limb-, early in bed. with stoppage of the nose. Painful contractive sensa- tion through the whole body, alsowith weariness of the lower limls. scarcely aflowic? nun to dra? tvem alor._'. S-; nation of spasmodic drawing to and fro in the ma-cles of the limbs, back and scapulae, as if something were m.vinj about in them.—Almost every part of the body is mser.-ih!e and goes :o sleep. P'■"!■ sis, T^artienlarly of the lower limbs. *Trembling ■:■■ the lower limbs. -ais . with tutt-ri\g of the heart. Trent MLousness thro":h the whole body, early. ''Trembling of drvnkr -<;■:.—'St fn ss of the limbs -also with jactita- tion, or with teuton, part; tilarly around -lie knee?. I'iuiirii^ed mobility of ihe joi'.ts.—*Cmrulsions and spurns: t • body big drawn to one side, with ineffectual efforts to keep himself erect, succeeded by voici'i. g and invtluntary discharge of urine and faeces, with full cor.S'iousness. -Epileptic spasms, ?.~'ih criff. bending the head backwards, v rnitir.-j. profuse -weat. thirst and rattling, ire paroxysms s-.-l in again after the least emotion. Frequent attacks of • pis- i:. rton-'-s. ->'. Vif us1 dance, particularly of boys, less of irirL-», frequently ac- companied with sensation of numbness and as if gone to sl-.--p in the aff^ tc3 parts after the paroxysm-. Weakness and transitory convulsions, after which ?-. trembled violently, (OUer). Paroxysms of convulsion-, excited by ext mal stimuli that strike the senses, or by coi.ti ?t. as if by an electric shock, (Voigt). Violent convulsicr- with distortion of the roitures and _-e . rai debility. Con- vulsive attacks from time to titr.-?. lasting two minutes and attended with stiff- ness of the mti-seles.—Closing of the jav. - and exter.-i >n cf the truck, the puke beins affected yery little, with excessive sensitiv.n°~- of b-arir.g and -i_'ht; the .< contact or noise occasioned tetanic convulsions. The pulse, during the con- culttvnjt. was frequent and agitat-i, and a general -^ at brckc- out, (Clocuet). Flxtr* n. iy painful muscular contractions, co :ir. ;ir._' from three to four mi. .t .-. after the lapse of which period they are interrupted by a violet-t -i u-rn : the body was considerably drawn backwards, the beats of the heart were feeble, pulse small and scarcely cerceptible, _" i; in eoi.-ecjuence of a st asm of the mu-cles of ma^t; :ati"n,: he pttiert 'it everything which was held near Lis month, (I/reiser's Ann., 17, 193).—Tightr.c-s in the temples and nape of the neck, soon sj reading over all the muscle- of the trunk and hmb-; on drawing breath, the paiierit? are ur.able t" expand ti.e ch-t : this .-titfuess i- n_t cor.=tant. in- creasing only momentarily and suddenly passing from a lesser to a higher 4f:gjf:e; these spasmodic contraction- are frequently preceded by violent chills ur.l shudderings, after which the patien's experience, alo: _' the track of the nerves in the hmbs. formications and painful sensations resen.biing the passage ' f electric .-parks; the spasm.- wbieh set in after the chills are the more violent. the more the precursory symptoms were intense; tiie muscles of the pharynx, 'esophagus, the erectores penis, etc., are !:able to similar spasms. (Trousseau, '.mitt, d* Mat. Med.). Violent convulsions d\irinz wbieh the whole body became •o rigid, that, in spite of every exertion, the thi^h- could not be bent in the leu ', and the patient could not be placed upon a chair, (Oilier;. Painrul teta- nic convulsions, leaving the limb- s^ .tiff that walking is impossible, (Trousseau and Ptdamx's Mat. Med.'). Continual tetanic convulsions in the paralyzed limbs, alternating with violet: concussions. ' Siidelin). Tetanic spasms, affect- ing even the muscles < f the chest and occasioning a ztl'i ally-increasing d;.s- pooea, i Simdelin). Tetanus, alternatkg with asphyxia and paralytic relaxation of the parts, ( !<_';. Frightful sp - a of the whole bdy, every three or six iiLiL-A.*, a real tetanic spasm with benciir-.g of the bo Jy backwards, drawing in ▼ol. ii :'j " 402 NUX VOMICA. of the muscles of the chest, loss of consciousness, stiffness of the limbs, hardness of the muscles as if made of wood, distortion of the eyes, cherry-redness of the face, (Most's Memorabilia). Sudden falling without loss of consciousness, with pale complexion, indifferent expression of countenance, anguish, rapid alternation of laughing and crying, widely-opened eyes, contraction of the pupils, unequal, superficial breathing, irregular, small pulse, cool skin, with the forearms half bent whilst the hands and fingers were convulsively moved, with immobility and stiffness of the lower linibs, and continued hardness and tetanic contraction of the muscles of those limbs, (v. Basedow, in Hufeland's Journal, 67, I.). Spas- modic attacks from merely touching the parts with the hand, (Levie's Annals of Medicine). Violent convulsions with subsequent stiffness and stupefaction of all the senses. (Lcutter). Tetanus, (Thorn. Mellor). Alternate opisthotonos and trismus, (Leonhard). Frightful convulsions, particularly opisthotonos, re- turning and abating several times in one minute, with full consciousness, (Cons. bruch, in Hufeland's Journal, IV., 442). Frequent attacks of tetanus, (Land. Med. Repos.). Tetanic convulsions and death, (Orfila and Grimaud). Teta- nic spasms from the least contact, with intermissions of some minutes, and death during the eighth paroxysm, (Adelmann). Violent convulsions lasting from one to two minutes: all the muscles became stiff in one moment, the jaws were drawn close together; the convulsions were excited by the least contact or noise, the pulse was frecpuent and irritated, the patient (a female) was drenched in sweat, (Bouillaud). Spasms of the spine and limbs, with distorted look, in- terrupting the speech which was uttered with anxiety and by fits and starts, (Levii). Asphyctic condition: she never breathed again, (Ollier\ Death takes place by suffocation, the respiratory process ceasing, (Sundelin). Death: tetanic stiffness, during which respiration ceases, whilst the beats of the heart and the peristaltic motion of the bowels still continue for a time, (Voigt). The muscular weakness and the general nervousness increase unto trembling and con- vulsive motions, (Sachs). Trembling of the whole body alternating with sudden starting up and staggering for a short time about the room, (Leonhard).—Pa- roxysms of illness: 1. After midnight, commencing with tingling in the hands and feet, followed by a burning rising towards the pit of the stomach and thence to the throat, attended with heat of the face, nausea aud oppressive anxiety, dulness of the head and ringing in the ears. 2. In the evening, rising to the pit of the stomach, with anxiety and nausea, attended with trembling and neces- sity to lay the head on the table. 3. Soon after dinner, commencing with heat in the face, followed by rising of nausea from the pit of the stomach, attended with general sickness, trembling through the whole body and languor, which obliges him to lie down. 4. During a walk in the open air, the head becomes affected, with vanishing of thought, necessity to stand still, rush of blood to the heart, contraction of the trachea, scintillations before the eyes, and loss of sense so that she did not know where she was. 5. Early in the morning, in the open air, the eyes suddenly stare, with loss of sense and sensibility as in fainting.— °Fainting fits after making the least exertion. Fainting while sitting, in the evening. ^Fainting after a walk in the open air. "Fainting at night. "Faint- ing from congestion of jthe head and chest.—*Great weariness, even after the least motion. ^Languor in all the limbs, -particularly after going up stairs. *Great inclination to be sitting or lying. *Great inclination to lie down again, particularly early and in the forenoon. °Laziness, and dread of motion. * Heaviness in the upper and lower limbs, so that they can scarcely be raised.— Great weakness in the afternoon, with loss of appetite. Excessive weakness, not allowing him to stand on his feet, or with tottering of the feet and necessity to sit down. *Sudden failing of strength. Sudden paralytic weakness, even OLEANDEPi. 403 when sitting, but most violent during motion.—°Great nervous weakness, with excessive irritation of all the organs of sense, particularly hearing and sight.— * Excessive sensitiveness to the open air. The least exposure to the open air occasions shuddering and chilliness with pain in the back, or a catarrh and sticking toothache. *Great liability to lake cold, even a slight current of air occasions a disagreeable sensation in the skin, colic, etc.—Symptoms after a walk in the open air: great sadness or weariness. Great languor and weariness, particularly early in the morning, and evening. ^Emaciation, -also excessive. ° Atrophy and emaciation of children, particularly scrofulous children. Characteristic Peculiarities.—*Many of the symptoms are aggravated or excited by coffee, wine, smoking, watching and mental exertions, also by windy weather. : Many of the symptoms appear early in the morning (in bed or after rising), also after dinner. In the evening (8 or 9 o'clock) the pains are in- creased to an intolerable degree. "Nux is particularly suitable, if the symptoms are worst early in the morning, particularly if the patient wake at 3 o'clock in the morning, and then, overwhelmed with ideas, fall again into a heavy sleep full of dreams, from which the patient wakes more weary than he was on lying down. *The pains which come on by keeping one's-self confined in a room, are relieved by a walk in the open air, and vice versa. Some of the pains are relieved by lying down. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Death by Nux v. or Strychnine generally takes place in consequence of asphyctic spasm. The bodies frequently remain stiff and rigid a long time after death; the lungs and heart are in most cases sound and without blood, likewise the large vessels; frequently, however, these organs are filled with dark blood. The heart loses its irritability soon after death. The pharynx and oesophagus do not show any symptoms of change; only the stomach and bowels are red and inflamed, if death should have taken place in consequence of large doses of the poison, or after the poison has acted a long time; the other abdominal organs are in a natural condition. The head and the vertebral canal are filled with venous blood, all the membranes of the brain and spinal marrow are turgid with dark blood; the venous sinuses between the cervical and dorsal, and be- tween the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae, and the cauda equina are swelled with blood ; parts of the spinal marrow are softened and even papescent. The cere- brum and cerebellum are likewise filled with blood, imparting in many cases an entirely blue tinge to the cortical substance and the pons Varolii. The blood itself is thick, dark, tar-like, and deposits neither serum nor crassamentum. Devermon and Magendie pretend to have discovered a particular contraction of the spleen.—Large doses occasion an effusion of serum in the brain and spinal canal, inflammation and ulceration of the stomach and bowels. 178. OLEANDER. OLE AND.— Nerium oleirdir; Lurjl-rose.—Hahnemann's Mat. Med., III. Compare with—Agn., Chin., Cin., Cocc, Ign., Nux v., Puis., Sabad., Sulph. Antidotes.—Camph., Cocc.,'? Nuxv.V CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Noack and Trinks state that this drug has been found useful in the following affections: painless paralysis. Eruptions on the hairy scalp, at times scaly, at 404 OLEANDER. -times humid, with burning itching of the hairy scalp. Tinea capitis sicca et ; ' i /Sfavosa.—Lienteria. ^ SYMPTOMS.t r-^ " Mind and Disposition.—Dulness of sense, out of humour, not disposed to > do anything. Want of confidence in himself, and sad mood on that account.— Reserved, out of humour. He does not bear contradiction.—He is irritable; he becomes vehement, but immediately repents of his vehemence. Sensorium,—(When walking in the open air) he is attacked with vertigo, he stood firmly, but the things around him, trees and men, seemed to be moving amongst one another, as in a confused dance; and the sight became obscured with scintillations before his eyes, resembling the dazzling of snow. When standing , erect, and attempting to look down, he becomes giddy, and his eyes see double. On rising from bed, he was so giddy that he was scarcely able to walk across the room. Vertigo in the forehead, and staggering of the lower limbs, as if too weak. The vertigo does not leave him, even when walking in the open air.__ Loss of consciousness.—The whole head feels obtuse. * Dulness of the mind; he is unable to think.—While reading long sentences he has often a difficulty to comprehend their meaning. He has to read a phrase three or four times before he succeeds in comprehending the meaning; his own ideas constantly intrude upon his mind, drawing his attention away from that which he is reading. While studying, he thinks of something else than the object before him; he thinks of the future, adorning it with beautiful images. When reading a book he com- prehends that which he is reading least when he imagines that he will not under- stand it; in that case his ideas become confused, and incapacitate him for reading; he understands that which he is reading more easily, when he does not at all think of intending to understand it; in this case he is not interrupted by strange ideas. He is unable to recollect the names with which he is well acquainted. Head.—Heaviness of the head. He is unable to keep his head erect, owing to a feeling of great heaviness in the same ; he is obliged to cease reading and to lie down ; while lying down he feels well, but as soon as he rises he feels the heaviness and dulness in the head, and also the nausea, with the other disagree- able sensations. Pain in the head, as if a hundred-weight were drawing it forward. Sensation of tightness round the head, which occasions a feeling of stupefaction rather than pain.—Crampv ' ain in the right temple.—Aching pain in the brain. —Stupifying pressure in tuv right side of the head, as if a dull instrument were slowly pressed into it. Dull pressing together in the forehead. Aching pain in the forehead with pressure from within outward. Pressure in the upper bones of the skull, with sensation as if they were sore. Pain in the forehead as if it would split. Painful pressure in the left frontal eminence, from within outward, going off by pressing on it with the hands. Uneasiness, with pressure, in the whole forehead. Aching in the left temple, moving up and down, going off in the open air.—Slight drawing in the left temple.—Slow painful beating in the forehead, like the beating of the pulse. Pain, like a shock on the left temple.—A sudden stupifying pain in the fore part of the forehead, as if occa- sioned by a heavy blow.—Boring pain in the whole brain.—Deeply-penetrating sharp stitches in the right side of the vertex, in slow succession. Scalp.—Gnawing itching over the whole hairy scalp, going and coming the whole day, also at night. Violent itching in the hairy scalp, smarting after scratching the parts, as if they had been scratched open. "Scurfy eruption on t Some of these symptoms have been observed on three females, each of whom swallowed half a tumblerful of the tincture. OLEANDER. 405 the hairy scalp. °Scaly or humid scald-head, with nightly itching and burning after scratching. Itching pimples on the hairy scalp.—*The epidermis of the hairy scalp peels off.—Contractive burning pain in the outer and left side of the vertex.—Sharp aching pain in the outer and left side of the occiput. Dull pressure at a small spot of the occiput. Pressure on the right side of the head, as if pressed in. Pressure in the right frontal eminence.—A few shocks are experienced at a small spot on the forehead, like blows with a hammer.—Ten- sive stitch in the occipital bone. Eyes.—Sore pain in the right eyebrow, when touching it, towards the temple. Dull pressure in the upper margin of the orbit, alternately increasing and de- creasing. Dilatation of the pupils, followed by contraction. When looking to one side without turning his head, his sight became obscured.—Sensation as if his sight became obscured.—Lachrymation while reading.—Tension in the left eyelids when reading. Pressure in the left eye, from above downward, and in the left malar bone. Tensive pain in one of the canthi, in the evening, as if the eye were pressed violently upward; he had difficulty in turning the eye the other way. Burning tension in both lids of the right eye, even during motion.—The eyes feel sore as if sire had fatigued them by reading. Smarting in the left eye. Pressure in the eyes as from a hard body. Burning in the region of the lower eyelid, and itching all around. Burning in'the right upper eyelid.—Itching in the right eyeball. Stinging and itching of the left upper eyelid.—The eyelids close involuntarily, as if he were drowsy.—Stinging itching near the left eye, in the region of the root of the nose and the malar bone.—Red swelling below the eyes, as if an eruption would break out. Ears.—Cramp-like drawing in the outer ear and underneath, as if pulled out, increasing gradually and then diminishing again. Heat, now at the left, then at the right upper ear, extending over that side of the head and thence over the whole face. Burning at the left meatus, externally. Sensation in the left temple and the outer meatus auditorius, as is felt when yawning.—Sharp aching pain in the interior of the ear. Pain below the ear and over the mastoid process, as if a nail were pushed into the head, with stupefaction. Constant buzzing in the left ear. Stinging in the left ear.—Shrill, stupifying ringing in the left ear. °Humid, fetid spots behind the cars, ivith red, rough, herpetic spots in front. \0SC.—Numb feeling like a painless pressure on the dorsum of the nose. —Smarting itching in the root of the nose, in the direction of the left eye, as if the room were filled with smoke. Stinging around the nose, the whole after- noon —Stupifying dull pressure between the root of the nose and the left orbit. Face.—Wild looks after rising from bed in the morning; he looks pale, the eyes are surrounded with blue margins, and the cheeks are sunken. Pale com- plexion the whole day. Burning itching of the forehead, the left cheek and the tip of the chin, after which small blotches make their appearance, having an elevated hard edge, and painless both with or without contact.—Itching gnaw- ing on the right cheek.—Sensation in the left cheek, as if a cold wind were blow ing upon it; when touching the part with the hand, that feeling disappears, and the hand feels hot to him and warmer than the other cheek. Redness of the cheeks without heat. His cheeks feel hot to him and to others, with dryness of the palate and throat.—Stupifying compression in both malar bones, as if they were seized with pincers. Dull, numb, painless pressure in the region of the left malar bone, near the ear. Violent pressure in the right cheek, near the angle of the lower jaw. Aching pain in the facial bones of the right side of the face, continuing while moving the lower jaw. Dull aching pain in the right upper jaw, below the malar bone. Pressure on the malar bone, stupifying rather than painful, extending deep into the head and the root of the nose ; a tensive stupify- 406 OLEANDER. ing troublesome sensation. Violent aching pain in the temples, at a spot more or less elevated, during mastication.—Painless sensation as if the upper lip were swollen. Burning pain in the right lower lip, continuing during and after motion. Burning pricking above the left corner of the mouth. The lips are brown, especially the lower lip, the complexion being scarcely altered. Con- vulsive twitching of the left corner of the mouth in the direction of the ear. Sudden swelling around the left corner of the mouth.—Suppurating pimple on the right and left sides of the chin. Teeth.—Constant toothache at night, tearing and drawing in the left first molar tooth, and sometimes in the hollow tooth by the side of the former; this toothache seized him immediately on leaving the bed, and returned on getting into bed again, accompanied with an anguish as if he would die ; more- over frequent micturition, disposition to vomit and heat in the left cheek (the first night).—Simple drawing in the lower right molar teeth. Sharp drawing ache affecting the second left molar tooth.—Cutting-aching pain during masti- cation. The molar teeth are sensitive during mastication, as if decayed.— Strange feeling in the mouth, as if all the teeth were loose, the gums of both jaws being bluish white. Mouth.—White-coated tongue with a feeling of dryness in the mouth, and with dry lips.—The papillae are erect, giving the tongue, which has a dirty- white colour, a rough appearance.—Burning prickings on the left side of the tongue. Fine stitches in the tongue.—The power of speech is almost entirely lost, the breathing being natural. She attempted to answer when addressed, but was only able to utter sounds, but no intelligible words.—A sort of burning in the oesophagus, down to the stomach. Appetite.—Flat taste in the mouth, between meals, as if he had deranged his stomach. Everything tastes flat.—No appetite for food or tobacco. He has no appetite, but is somewhat hungry; he eats very little ; eating gives him more discomfort than pleasure. He relished his meal, but was satiated im- mediately.—Great hunger and appetite. No appetite, but canine hunger, he swallowed quantities and greedily. Canine hunger, the hands trembling when eating, and the whole body being weak (after a quick walk of half an hour). His hands tremble from an excessive desire to eat the food before him. He swallows his dinner in a great hurry, as if he had canine hunger; while swallow- ing it his head feels giddy as if he would lose his senses, the sight of the right eye especially seems to be obscured.—Great thirst for cold water. Gastric Symptoms.—Frequent, violent, and empty eructations at dinner. Eructations having a putrid smell, several times. Gulping-up of particles of food during an eructation.—Aversion to cheese, of which he was generally very fond. Aversion to everything as if it would make him vomit, or give him a diarrhoea.—Disposition to vomit from the stomach, and accumulation of water in the mouth; when swallowing this water, the inclination to vomit disappears momentarily; accompanied with a flat taste in the mouth. The inclination to vomit increases by stooping, and is momentarily relieved by an eructa- tion. The inclination to vomit is succeeded by great hunger.—Nausea, also in the mouth, as if he would vomit.—Nausea, as if in the mouth; the retch- ing was frequently accompanied by a sort of waterbrash for two hours; at the same time the cervical muscles felt spasmodically and painfully con. tracted, as if he were threatened with strangulation, likewise the abdomen and abdominal muscles; in tho commencement he succeeded only by a great effort to bring up mucus; afterwards, however, he brought up a portion of the liquid food which he had taken, which tasted sour; for two hours. He had to vomit after eating a little bread; he threw up a quantity of water OLEANDER. 407 with the few crumbs of bread he had taken. He relishes his dinner, but is soon obliged to stop eatinir, as he feels qualmish in consequence of it.—Exces- sive vomiting, followed by" thirst. Vomiting of a yellowish-green water of bitter taste. General sick feeling with inclination to vomit. Stomach.—Sensation of emptiness in the region of the pit of the sto- mach, with a feeling of fulness in the abdomen. Intermittent throbbing on the left side over the pit of the stomach. * Sensation in the pit of the sto- mach, as if he felt every beat of the heart through the wliole chest, he does not feel thi3 beating when touching the parts with the fingers, nor does the heart beat more powerfully than usual. Painful pressure below the short ribs o£ the left side, and below the region of the stomach, at a small spot, during an expira- tion, disappearing at every inspiration, increasing by pressure and continuing for about half an hour. Abdomen.—Great emptiness of the epigastrium. Long-extending stitch-like pain as if winding out of the abdomen, on the right side of the umbilicus. A sort of darting-aching pain above the left haunch-bone, in the side of the abdomen. Dull stitches or shocks, on the left side below the umbihcus. Shooting darting shocks directly above the root of the penis, causing him to start. Itching sting- ing in the left side of the abdomen, directly above the short ribs. Pinching pricking in the abdomen, while walking. Pricking pain below the umbilicus. Intermittent pricking in the abdomen, sometimes accompanied with indications of diarrhoea.—Pinching in the bowels.—His bowels feel as if weakened by pur- gatives, and as if he would be attacked with diarrhoea.—Feeling of coldness on the right side of the abdomen, as if a cold breath were blowing upon it. Feeling ef coldness in the right side of the abdomen.—Gnawing, internally, below the umbilicus. Gnawing pain, directly above the umbilicus, on the left side. Pain- ful sensitiveness around the umbilicus, with an uncomfortable feeling in the whole abdomen, and an uneasiness around the umbihcus, which is now manifest- ed as a pressure, now as a gnawing.—Grumbling and rumbling in the region of the umbilicus, with a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen; shortly after, he emits flatulence. Grumbling in the epigastrium and hypogastrium. Emission of a quantity of fetid flatulence, having the odour of putrid eggs. StOOl.—Ineffectual urging to stool.—No stool the first day.—Hard and diffi- cult stool. The fir.-t portion of the frcces is diarrhoeic. the latter solid, he is ob- liged to make an effort. Stool after twenty-four hours, the first portion being hard and in lumps, the latter thin.—Stool thin and yellow, preceded by rumb- ling in the abdomen.—The food which he had taken at supper last evening, passes off undigested, and almost without effort; he imagined he merely emitted flatulence.—Scanty, thin, watery stool.—Burning at the anus between the stools, id.so before and after stool. i rinary Organs.—Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. *JFVe- qutiu emission of copious urine, "particularly after drinking coffee.—"Brownish, burning urine, with whitish sediment. Larynx.—Fine stitch in the thyroid cartilage. Tenacious mucus in the trachea, early in the morning when rising. Titillation in the larynx occasioned by the inspiration of air, aud causing a short cough, which concusses the whole body. CllCSt.—Sudden feeling of coldness in the left chest.—The chest feels empty, as if all its contents had been taken out. He feels as if the chest were too nar- row, he is obliged to take a long and deep breath. *Oppression of the chest when lying; a quarter of an hour after lying down he throws up mucus, water and small fragments of bread which he had swallowed. Sensation as if the chest were oppressed by something heavy, when walking, standing or lying, oc- 40S OLEANDER. casioning a deep and anxious inspiration. A'iolent palpitation of the heart, with sensatiou as if the chest had become wider; the chest expands much while breathing, without anxiety. Anxiety about the heart, without any anxious thoughts, with trembling of the whole body, for several hours. Palpitation of the heart with anxiety. Dull drawing pain above the heart, more violent when stooping, and continuing during an expiration.—Tingling pricking in the ster- num. Dull, continuous stitch in the sternum. Dull stitches on the right side of the sternum, in the region of one of the false ribs; when pressing on that part, a simple pain is experienced in it. Tensive pricking in the sternum, more violent when stooping. Dull stitches in the chest while walking, more violent during an inspiration. Dull stitch in the chest, continuing during an inspira- tion and expiration. Stitches in the diaphragm, in a recumbent posture, during an inspiration and expiration, ceasing when raising one's-self. Fine stitches in the left chest. Stabbiugs in the left chest as with a knife. Pinching stitch im the left chest, through the false ribs. Dull stitches in the left side of the chest when walking. Tensive stitch in the middle of the chest. Dull pressure, going and coming, in the upper part of the sternum. A few intermittent, dull shocks, in the region of the left ribs. Intermittent gnawing in the region of one of the left ribs, opposite the pit of the stomach. A beating, like dull shocks, in the outer part of the chest, below the axilla. Dull pain in the.sternum.—Digging- up aching in the costal cartilages of the right side, with intermittent pressure at a small place, increased by pressing on the part.—The outer parts of the chest ache, as ir' they had been pressed upon very hard. 'Jerking in the muscles of the right side of the chest. Sudden feeling of coldness in the left chest. Back.—Pain as if strained in the right side of the back, or as if a hand had been thrust in violently.—Tensive pricking in the dorsal spine, when walking or standing. Burning stitch in the back below the left scapula, when sitting, going off during motion. Sudden, fine stitches in the right half of the back, deep in the interior, causing him almost to start. Itching in the region of the right scapula.—Sharp aching pain on the left side of the neck, near the apple of Adam. Pain as if a dull point were pressing upon the oesophagus on the right side; the muscles of the neck are likewise painful when touched. Pressure ia the anterior cervical muscles, with a sensation as of pushing from below upwards, obliging him to loosen his cravat, a sort of suffocative, strangulating sensation. Violent and full, although slow pulsations of the carotids, which are felt without contact.—Dull tearing pain in the left side of the nape of the neck and in the left scapula, alternating with tearing in the temple and in the left second molar tooth. Upper Limbs.—Dull pressure on the right shoulder. When raising the arms very high, or when laying them under his head, the shoulder-joint feels painful, as if sprained.—Continuous stitch in the left axilla, shortened by fric- tion.—Pinching pain in the outer and upper parts of the left upper arm. Cramp-like drawing in the left humerus, near the elbow, going and coming.— Jerking in the muscles of the left arm. Jerking sensation in the right upper arm.—Itching, somewhat continuous stitch in the left upper arm. Itching sen- sation above the bend of the elbow.—Itching in the tip of the right elbow.— Dull pressure on the forearm, as if occasioned by a hard blow. Intermittent pressure at a small spot on the outer side of the left forearm. Dull stitches or shocks in the outer parts of the left forearm, near the wrist-joint. Drawing in the right forearm, above the wrist-joint. Dull pressure, going and coming, in the outer parts of the forearm, directly below the elbow. Burning stitch in the left forearm.—Pulsative pain in the inner side of the right forearm, near the wrist-joint. The veins of the hand are swollen, without the hand feeling hot. OLEANDER. 409 Intermittent, dull pressure in the palm of the hand. The hand trembles while writing (before a meal).—Cramp-pain (cramp-like drawing) in the fingers. Drawing in the posterior finger-joints. Burning prickings in the tip of the left index-finger. Burning stitch in the anterior joint of the right index-finger, causing the finger to tremble. Cramp-like, jerking tearing in the posterior joint of the left middle finger. Fine stinging and itching in the posterior joint of the middle finger. Sudden swelling of the ring-finger, with burning pain; be was unable to bend it. Fine pricking in the finger. Itching of the right ti'uuib, obliging him to scratch; this causes the itching to disappear at fir.-;, but then it returns and becomes a gnawing. Tensive burning in the tip of the left thumb. Pain in the anterior joint of the thumb, as if he had received a violent blow upon it, causing the thumb to tremble. Lower Limbs.—Itching on the glutei muscles, obliging him to scratch. Itching vesicles on the glutei muscles. Contractive pain, when walking, as if sprained, in the glutei muscles of one limb.—Dull stitches in the region of the haunch-bones ; pressure on the parts causes a simple pain. Buzzing sensation in the lower limbs, from above downwards.— Weakness in the thighs and legs, and a sensation in the feet, especially in the soles of the feet, as if they had gone to sleep, when walking.—Drawing stitch in the right thigh, not perceptible when standing or ascending an elevation. Pricking pain in the muscles of the inner side of the left thigh. Feeling of heat in the side of the thigh, soon after a feeling of coldness farther down. (Burning tension in the right thigh.) Buz- ring in the lower limbs from above downwards. Pain in the front part of the thigh, when walking fast, as when one presses upon a bruised spot. Gurgling sensation in the right thigh. Stunning pressure in the outer side of the left thigh, as if the part had been bandaged firmly, and as if the circulation had been arrested in this manner. Itching stitch in the posterior muscles of the thigh, with burning after scratching. Dull stitching pressure in the outer part of the right thigh. Intermittent pressure in the upper and outer part of the right thigh, increased by pressing on the part. Painless jerking in the lower surface of the left thigh, as if a muscle were moved. Simple pressure in the outer part of the thigh, directly above the knee. Spot in the right thigh, di- rectly over the knee, with buming and stinging pain.—Cramp-hke drawing in the right knee, when bending it.—Buzzing sensation in the legs, when sitting, as is felt after a journey. His legs ache when sitting; he is now obliged to draw his legs up, then to stretch them, to obtain relief. Feeling of painful weakness in the legs, as from a long journey. Undulating drawing in the bones of the legs. Pulsative pain in the bend of the knee, while the leg is drawn up.—Jerk- ing sensation in the right calf. Painful cramp in the right calf when sitting. Tearing in the left calf when walking. After having been seated for a while with his feet drawn up, he feels a paralytic weakness in them when walking.— Painful pressure directly above the left tarsal joint, at long intervals, when standing. Itching, somewhat continuous stitch in the right tarsal joint, towards the front part, continuing even during motion. Simple pressure in the dorsum of the foot. Itching stitch in the internal ankle of the right foot, going off by scratching. Fine pricking and itching of the left heel.—°Buzzing sensation in the feet and legs, particularly the soles. ° Constant coldness of the feet. °Pa- ralysis of the feet and legs. Dull stitches in the fifth toe of the left foot, during motion and rest. Pain in the left toe and ball, as if pressed strongly. Burning in the rip of the right big toe, when sitting. Painful throbbing above the ball of the left big toe. Tensive stitches in the tip of the left big toe. In- termittent, dull pressure at a small spot on the sole of the right foot, as if he 410 OLEANDER. had been beaten in that part. Itching-stinging sensation in the sole of the right foot during rest. Sleep.—He stretches his arms and the upper part of the body. Stretching of the limbs produces a feeling of comfort. Frequent yawning, every yawning being accompanied with a shuddering over the whole body, causing all the mus- cles to shake, afterwards to tremble (immediately). She seemed to slumber, but had her consciousness and was able to move.—Sleeplessness.— Voluptuous dreams, with emission of semen (second and third nights). Restless dreams.— On v,,.' ' t, while yet lying in bed, he experiences a sensation of qualmishness in the pa of the stomach, as if he would vomit, accompanied with difficulty of breathing, which decreases on raising the body. Fever.—He shudders suddenly as if attacked with a violent chill, or as if horror-struck. He shudders while yawning. Feverish shuddering all over, without thirst or heat, during rest and motion.—Chill all over with cold hands and warm cheeks, without thirst, during rest and motion. Feeling of heat and chilliness of the whole body, without thirst; he felt warmer to others than usual.—Flushes of heat, especially when attending to anything with more than his usual eagerness (also when sitting); he feels likewise very warm when walk- ing fast; in the face he experiences fine prickings from the heat. While read- ing, a heat seems to press out of his body.—The pulse varies; it is alternately frequent, rare, full, soft, small, and faint. The pulse is slower early in the morning after rising. Frequent and full pulse in the evening. Skin.—The skin of the body is very sensitive all over; it becomes sore, raw, and painful merely by the friction of the clothes ; for example, the skin of the neck becomes so from the rubbing of the cravat, that of the thighs from the rubbing of large trowsers when walking. Swelling. Gnawing-itching over the whole body, while undressing. "Itch-like eruptions. "Herpes. "Scurfy pim- ples. "Tension through the whole body. "Painless paralysis. "Numbness and insensibility of the whole body.—Sick feeling and weakness in the abdomen and chest. Weak, lazy, indisposed to work. Faint-hearted and sinking. Sensa- tion of weakness, as if he would breathe his last at every moment. He was so weak that some one had to take him home; he had to lie down, and slumbered until evening; afterwards he slept well all night.—Weariness from a short walk, and the soles of the feet are painful. All his limbs feel weak and weary; the knees are very weak. * Fainting fits, "going off after sweating. The arms are drawn to the chest, and the lower limbs to the abdomen, the chin is pressed upon the chest.—The symptoms are much more violent on the second day than the first. General Symptoms.—Violent pressure in several parts of the body, gradu- ally increasiug and decreasing, from without inwards. Cramp-pain in several parts of the limbs, for instance, in the ball of the thumb, feet, etc. Crampy pressure in several parts of the body and limbs, in the fingers and toes, as if the bones of those parts would be crushed. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In animals: In an animal which was opened immediately after death, the heart ceased to contract. The blood of the heart, dark in the aorta, was fluid, the lungs were rose-coloured, the parenchyma somewhat dark, and the crepita- tion diminished. The ventricles of the brain contained a small quantity of red- dish liquid, the superficial cerebral vessels were turgid with blood, (Orfila). OLEUM ANIMALE. 411 179. OLEUM ANIMALE. OL. AN.—Oleum aniraale aethereum; Oleum animale Dippelii.—See Hart- laub and Trinks' Mat. Med., II. Compakk with—Anac., Am., Cocc, Ign., Nux v., Op., Phosph., Rhus, Zinc. Antidotes.—Camph., Nux v., Op. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. There are no cures on record performed by this powerful agent. Hartmann mentions that it has been of service to him in the treatment of asthmatic com- plaints. Jahr proposes it for rheumatic and arthritic affections, hypochondriac and hysteric paroxysms, hysteric spasms and convulsions, paralytic conditions, muscular debility. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sadness. Sad thoughts crowd upon one's mind, making one sad. Sadness and lowness of spirits after dinner; she talks in a low tone of voice. Taciturn and thoughtful as if overwhelmed with grief. Not disposed to do or enjoy anything. Seems to be absorbed in reverie all the time without knowing what she is thinking of.—Anxiety, and warmth about the chest.—Ill-humour and peevishness, in some cases preceded by cheerfulness for * etc.—Itch-like eruvivns, also in animals, with falling out of the hair.— Yellow colour of the skin. Jaundice. Petechiae in persons who are on the point of dying. The spot where the bite has been inflicted, turns red and blue, with swelling. Erysipelas. Inflamed, erysipelatous swelling, a long time after the bite. Small vesicles, or spreading blisters, round the wound. Blisters, also black blisters, on the skin. Blisters as from heat, with burning of the skin.—Pale, hard swelling. Swelling of the glands and lymphatic vessels, in the neighbourhood of the wound. Swelling of the whole body, particularly the abdomen. Swelling with lethargy and death. "The bezoary of" the snake is a popular remedy for dropsy. Large tumors and swellings on the body, particu- larly in the joints..—Ulcers, particularly around the bite. Thin pellicles over the bitten spot, the cicatrices being somewhat swollen and readily bleeding. Small elevation on the spot where the bite had been inflicted, paler than the sound skin, with pain and rigidity of the adjoining parts. The parts around the bite become quickly putrid—Gangrene of the bitten spot, with an ulcer of large OPHIOTOXICON. 423 circumference. Purple-redness, blueness and blackness of the bitten arm, ac- companied with violent vomiting, and excited, hard pulse. A hard, pale swell- ing of the bitten limb becomes reddish, then gangrenous, with fainting fits, vomiting and convulsions until death.—In ihe wound: stinging, also in the whole limb, or violent slicking, with bleeding.— The blood rushes out of the wound like a jet. The blood is at first red, then black and badly-coloured. Venous blood is discharged from the closed wound. Discharge of purulent blood and lymphatic fluid, in the case of a pigeon, with increasing languor until death, (n\). A bloody froth presses out of every orifice of the body. Symptoms of decomposition of the blood, in both m°n and animals, in every case. General Symptoms.—Parol y-is of ihe bitten limb or of other limbs. Chronic paralysis, also particularly of the lower limbs. Apoplexy. "The flesh of serpents is a popular remedy for paralysis in Brazil.—Cachectic condition, lasting a long time after the bite.—Languor and difficulty of motion, followed by death without spasms, (x.). Chronic debility. Irresistible weariness, (b.). Physical and mental prostration, immediately after the bite (in every case).— . Fainting turns, (also n.), preceded by nausea and accompanied by vomiting, vertigo, obscuration of sight, loss of sensibility, difficulty of swallowing, and loss of all the senses. Fainting, with spasms of the back, (n.).—Loss of sensibility, as if dead, also with lockjaw, (n.). Loss of sight and hearing, with inability to swallow, (n.). Sensation is restored sooner than speech, (n\). The patient is lying insensible, with coldness and relaxation of the limbs which remain in whatever position they are placed, with deadly paleness of the face, closing of the eyes, slow, difficult breathing, small, tremulous beating of the heart, loss of sight and hearing, and death soon after with convulsions in the face. Insensi- bility and prostration, with vomiting, (cured by Ar-mic). Rigidity of the body, like that of a corpse, with loss of muscular power and vanishing of the senses and pulse.—Trembling of the whole body. Trembling of the head and forefeet of animals. Trembling of the muscles of the bitten limb (in a dog, n.).—"The bile of serpents is a popular remedy for epilepsy. Spasms of the dorsal muscles, with coldness of the skin, nausea, vertigo, feeble pulse, insensibility, fainting and difficulty of swallowing, (n.). Distortion of the limbs and subsultus tendinum. Spasms of the h'ad and oesophagus, in animals, (also n.). Complete rigidity, with entire consciousness.—Symptoms of the dying: rapid languor, lowness of spirits aud anxiety. Irregular and spasmodic beats of the heart, with nausea. Swelling and blueness of the wound, without inflammation, with or without pain. Pulse quick, full and soft. Vertigo with headache and vomiting, diarrhoea in some cases, also bilious diarrhoea. The urine changes to a brownish-yellow and becomes turbid. Copious, cold sweats, either local or general. Increasing anguish, with desire for open air and fresh water. Tongue coated yellow and trembling. Swelling of the bitten limb, with a blue margin around the wound, which keeps spreading. The face becomes livid, with a faint, sunken look. The limbs are trembling and quivering. Collapse of pulse and loss of conscious- ness. The tongue becomes black, with hemorrhage from the nose, mouth, ears, anus, etc., and swelling of the abdomen and body.—Persons restored from a bite, drag on a sickly life, or die with slow typhoid fevers. Many remain weak for a long time, cachectic, livid, lose their hair. Paralysis lasting for years, with vertigo, pain in the chest and ulcers. Some die of dropsy even after years. —When the poison is applied to the eye, tongue and interior of the ear, it oc- casions violent paroxysms and death, (n.); when applied to the skin, the poison of serpents has no effect, and, if taken in the mouth and stomach, it is hurtful only when taken in a large quantity. The poison of serpents generally occa- sions : local swelling with discharge first of blood, then of an oily substance and 424 OPIUM. lastly of pus and slaver. Black blisters at the place where the bite has been inflicted. Frightful pains moving to and fro. Difficulty of breathing, with great heat, fever and burning, coloured urine. Headstrongness and imbecility. Vertigo and bleeding at the nose. Cold sweats, entire prostration of strength and apoplexy.—Symptoms of single serpents : Cerastes causes a hard swelling,. black and green pus, vanishing of senses, convulsions and death. Hamorrhois: hemorrhage from every part of the body, with pains in the stomach, diarrhoea, difficulty of breathing and paralysis. Amphisbana: difficult parturition. Ptias: lethargy and death. Natrix : a gaping wound with black, fetid pus, blindness and voluptuous (exquisite) pain without swelling, green colour of the skin and quick death. Cenchris: lethargy and death. C&cilia: inflamed wound like fire. Dipsas : excessive thirst. Dryinus : emaciation, great swell- ing and horrid smell. Tyrus vipera : painfulness of the whole body, discharge of oily blood and brown ichor. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Bloody, watery, serous fluid in the ventricles. Portions of the cerebral sub- stance and the spinal marrow are papescent and soft.—The liver is swollen, dark-blue, with gangrene of some parts.—Gangrened spot in the intestines. Watery bloody fluid in the abdominal cavity.— The lungs, vena cava and pul- monary artery are filled with non-decomposed blood, also with reddish froth in the trachea. Watery bloody fluid in the cavity of the thorax. Gangrenous spots on the lungs which are turgid with blood. 183. OPIUM. OP.—Papaver somniferum.—Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pur., IV.—Duration of Action : from a few hours to months. Compare with—Aeon., Bell., Bry., Camph., Cann., Chin., Cham., Cic, Coff., Colch., Con. m., Croc, Dig., Hep. s., Hyos., Ipec, Lach., Lact., Menyan., Merc, Mosch., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Plumb., Puis., Rutar Stram., Tart., Verat. , Antidotes.—Of large doses: very strong coffee, also by injection, (Hahne- mann).—Coffee with lemon-juice or vinegar, (Carminati, Murray).—Vegeta- ble acids, according to Orfila, increase the effects of Opium as long as it has not been removed from the stomach.—Camphor, Ether, Ammonium, Natrum (Ackerley).—Cold effusions of the body, (Kopeland, Johnes).—Emetics, (Sprague).—Ipecacuanha.—Asa feetida, (Monro).—Warm'baths.—Of small doses : Bell., Camph., Coff., Hyos., Ipec, Merc, Nux v., Strychnine, Plumb., Stram., Vinum.—Opium antidotes, Lach., Merc, Nux v., Strychnine, Plumb., Stram. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS, FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Opium does not manifest its narcotic effects immediately except when adminis- tered in large doses; in this case it overwhelms the cerebral life and paralyzes the vitality of the whole cerebro-spinal system of nerves. Among the recorded physiological effects of Opium there are many alternate and secondary effects. These apparently opposite effects are so many curative indications of which the physician may avail himself for the treatment of similar morbid conditions. The Opium stupor, for instance, is just as important a therapeutic indication as the exalted state of the fancy which the Opium is capable of exciting, the Opium- OPIUM. 425 sopor as important as the Opium-insomnia, the retention of stool as important as the diarrhoea, the spasms as important ap the paralysis occasioned by Opium, and even the painlessness and insensibihty mentioned by Hahnemann, appear to be one of the frequent alternate effects of Opium, from which we may infer that Opium is capable of exciting pains. Although this is denied by Hahne- mann, yet it is now a fact established beyond all doubt; nervous pains of the most obstinate kind, neuralgic affections of the nerves of sensation and of the splanchnic nerves, have been cured by the sole use of Opium, and sometimes by Stramonium and Conium, although these two latter remedies are likewise sup- posed to be incapable of exciting pain. We refer to the treatise of Dr. George Schmid, who, next to Hahnemann, has furnished the best treatise on the physio- logical effects of Opium. Opium has been successfully employed in the following affections: ailments consequent on fright and fear: trembling, diarrhoea, retching, etc.—Ailments from taking cold suddenly while the body is very much heated.—Excessive sen- sitiveness of the nervous system to external impressions.—Painlessness while affected with the pains.—Neuralgia of the brain and of single nervous trunks. —Starting of the body after severe surgical operations.—Clonic spasms of children and full-grown people.—Tetanic convulsions with sopor in consequence of a concussion of the spinal marrow.—Convulsions without consciousness, with spasmodic intermittent breathing which is sometimes sobbing and rattling, with deadly paleness of the face and body and feeble pulse.—Epileptic spasms.— Lethargy-—Sopor with dark-red, bloated face, the eyes half-opened, the lower jaw hanging down and complete loss of consciousness, in lying-in females.— Soporous conditions in typhoid fevers. Coma in fevers.—Sleeplessness from excessive wakefulness.—Intermittent fevers, with sleep and convulsions during the hot stage.—Soporous intermittent fever.—Febris perniciosa Werlhofii, which becomes fatal after the second and third attacks.—Typhus.—Fever with sopor, thirst, and on waking, vertigo, heaviness and dulness of the head. Ty- phus stupidus with loss of consciousness, sopor.—Typhus cerebralis.—Somnam- bulism.—Timid mania.—Delirium tremenv potatorum.—Aertigo, particularly after fright.—Apoplexia cerebralis sanguinea.—Apoplexia cerebralis nervosa.— Acute hydrocephalus during the comatose stage(.—Hemicrania and megrim.— Cerebral affections from a stroke of the sun.—Obscuration of the crystalline lens. Cataracta.—Colica saturnina.—Neuralgia coeliaca.—Vomiting of fasces and urine.—Obstinate constipation.—Suppression of the menses.—Excessive men- strual spasms.—-Prevents miscarriage when threatening to set in in consequence of fright and chagrin.—Too feeble labour-pains.—Eclampsia parturientium.— Fatiguing, tight cough, constantly followed by yawning.—Convulsions of a par- turient woman, with subsequent coma somnolentum.—Whooping-cough with yawning and constipation. Dry cough from a constant titillation in the larynx and trachea.—Suffocative condition during an attack of pneumonia in the case of a child. Ncurocarditis, with great excitement, trembling and double-beating of the heart, anguish and oppression.—Valuable palliative in organic affections of the heart. SYMPTOMS. Milld and Disposition.—Sadness, generally preceded by ecstasy. Low- ness of spirits. Melancholy. Sullen mood. Lamentations and howling.—De- spondency, also with peevish mood and ill-humour.—Distrust.—Anxiety. Ex- cessive anguish. Anguish about the heart and restlessness.—*Fearfulness and Untilucy to start.—Discouragement.—Taciturnity.—Pain makes him angry, even unto tears.—Alternation of sullen and solicitous mood and cheerfulness.— 426 OPIUM. Great tranquillity of mind, internal contentment, forgetfulness of all his com- plaints and pain, delightful feeling of bliss with sweet fancies, as if he were in heaven. Ecstasy, also followed by sadness. Cheerfulness, contentment, ex- alted feeling of strength, in most cases. Courage, perseverance, boldness. Contempt, of death.—The opium-eaters, who are generally sad and stupid, be. come cheerful after eating opium ; they revel, sing amorous songs, laugh, and indulge in all sorts of ludicrous gestures ; this pleasant exaltation of the mind lasts about an hour, at the termination of which they become angry and raving, finally relapse into a state of sadness, and then fall asleep.—Inconstancy, opi- um-eaters frequently promise what they refuse to do soon after. The least trifle prostrates all power of volition.—No sense of propriety, and refined feel- ings.—Daring boldness. Cruelty. Rage and frenzy, with distortion of the mouth. Scnsorinm.—Loss of mind. * Stupefaction of the senses, -also with faint looks and excessive debility. Stupidity and loss of sense. Insensible, stupid, not conscious of himself. *Complete loss of consciousness and sensation, -with relaxation of all the muscles. Does not know his own relatives, nor any of the objects with which he is very familiar.—Imbecility, dulness of the mental facul- ties and senses. Stupid indifference to pain and pleasure. Dulness of sense, with half-closed eyes filled with tears, and short, anxious breathing, with heav- ing of the chest. Slow consciousness. Constantly stupid, as if drowsy and intoxicated. Does not comprehend anything clearly, does not comprehend that which he is reading. Complete extinction of sensibility.—Weakness of memory. Complete loss of memory, also for a long time. Unsteadiness of the ideas.— Morbid exaltation of the mind. Ideas crowd upon him, with merry mood. Dis- posed to serious, important business, or to elevated, profound meditations, (par- ticularly at night, with sleeplessness). Has to spend the whole night in the deepest meditations, without being able, after a short morning-slumber, to recol- lect them.—* Delirium. * Visions. * Frightful fancies, ° also of mice, scorpi- ons, etc., with disposition to escape. Delirious talk about ghosts, devils, and masks assembling, according to her statement, around her bed, for the purpose of torturing her. Delirious talk about former events, with her eyes open, which seems to be afterwards like a dream. During her delirium she points to masked people who, she pretends, are approaching her, at times bursting out into loud laughter, at times starting as if in affright at men engaged in fencing, with dread of being stabbed, and getting angry if one supposes him mad, although he reproaches himself with his madness in his delirium. Confused talking, with anxious heat and feeling as if intoxicated, retracting afterwards what she had been saying, and at times starting as if in affright, at times angrily and furiously grasping the hands of those around her. Furious delirium.—Confusion of intellect. Her mirth and bliss increase until she becomes irrational. She acts absurdly.—''Ma- nia. Furious mania, with distortion of the mouth. "Mania, with strange fan- cies. "Mania, with erroneous notions, the patient imagines he is in some strange house. Violent mania, with red face, glistening eyes, and increased lightness of the body. Mania, with swelling of the head and face, protruded, inflamed eyes, and red-blue, thick lips; at the same time he rolls over the floor with threats, and does not know his own relatives. °Delirium tremens.—Dulness of the head, as from vapour in the brain. Dulness as when waking from a violent in- toxication. Stupifying dulness, as if a board were pressing against the fore- head, with vertigo, obliging him to lie down, and subsequent trembling. Cloudi- ness of the head, also with weakness of the intellect and illusion of the senses, for instance, that his eyes are four times as large as they really are, and his body hke that of a giant. Gloomy feeling in the head as after watching in the OPIUM. 427 night, with a feeling of heat in the eyes and disposition to close them, without drowsiness.—*Intoxication, -particularly from large doses. Intoxication, with staggering to and fro as in giddiness.—* Violent intoxication, with stupefaction. —Vertigo on stooping. Vertigo with stupefaction. ° Vertigo after fright. .Vertigo obliging one to lie down. Vertigo as if everything were turning round with one, also with sensation as if he were flying or hovering in the air. Vertigo with anxiety and delirium.—°Apoplexy, with vertigo, buzzing in the ears, loss of consciousness, red, bloated, hot face, red, half-closed eyes, dilated, insensible pu- pils, foam at the mouth, convulsive movements of the hmbs, and slow, snoring breathing ; the paroxysm is preceded by sleeplessness, or sleep with anxious dreams, rush of blood and heat in the whole body ; after the paroxysm a ner- vous irritation, with laughing and delirium. Head.—Painful headache, "increased by moving the eyeballs, -also particu- larly in the occiput. Headache on one side of the forehead, with pressure from within outward, increased by external pressure.—Tearing and beating in the forehead, with sour eructations, sour vomiting; she had to lie down, after which she began to perspire.—Sort of pressure in the forehead, as far as the eyes and nose.—Sensation of tightness in the head.—Pain in the head as if all the con- tents were torn, with sensation as if every part in the body were turning wrong side up, with a feeling of angriness and uncomfortableness.—Heaviness of the head for several days; the occiput feels heavy as lead, the head falling backward constantly. He is unable to keep his head erect; it totters to and fro. * Con- gestion of blood to the head. *Throbbing of the arteries of the head. Twitch- ings in the temporal muscles. f Eyes.—Sensation as if the eyes were too large for the orbits.—Swelling of the lower lids.—The lids tremble, and cover only one half of the eyes. The lids hang down as if paralyzed.—C listening, sparkling eyes.—* Staring and glistening eyes. Glassy, protruded, immovable eyes, which do not see any- thing, like those of a dying man. *The pupils are insensible to the light. Dilated pupils (the first hour). The pupils dilate easily.—Contracted pupils. *The eye is only half-closed, and the pupils are dilated without possessing any irritability.—Open eyes with the pupils turned upward. He stares at those who are present with watery eyes, but he does not know what is taking place, and he is unable to recognize those persons.—Scintillations before the eyes. Dim-sightedness, as if he were looking through a gauze. His eyes see black, he is giddy. Although he has his full understanding, yet he complains that his eyes are obscured, and that he is getting blind. Ears.—Dull roaring in the ears, after dinner. *Humming in the cars (very soon,) "also previous to apoplexy. Ringing in the ears. Nose.—Stoppage of the nose in a warm room, like dry coryza, with thicken- ing of the nasal mucus.—Dryness of the nose, owing to suppression of the secre- tion of mucus. Face.—Sunken, pale face. Frequent alternation of redness and paleness of the face. Pale face and nausea, with sensation of drowsiness and diminution of all the secretions, frequently even of the exhalations from the skin. Pale face and forehead, and glassy eyes. Clay-coloured, pale face and dim eyes filled with tears; he slumbers with his eyes half open, does not heed anything, gives vague answers, passes stool involuntarily, settles towards the feet, and has a short, anxious respiration. * Bluish, clay-coloured face.—He looks as if he had nut slept enough, or as if he had been revelling the whole night, with sunken, winking eyes. *All the muscles of his face are relaxed, which gives the countenance a stupid expression; the lower lip inclines to drop, the nostril* are widely open, and it is only with great difficulty that he can raise 428 OPIUM. the upper eyelid. Disfigured countenance, taciturnity, staring eyes.—Red spots on both cheeks. *Bloated face, -also with hot and dry skin, white tongue, hoarseness, oppressed breathing, spitting of blood. *Dark-red face. *The face is entirely red. *Red, bloated, swollen face. * The face is cherry-brown. *The veins of the face are distended. *The face is red and puffed, -and the veins of the head are distended. * The face and eyes are red. The face is uncommonly red, and the lips are swollen. *Theface is not only red, but looks inflamed. * The face is entirely red, and the eyes look wild, red, and protrude from their sockets. *Spasmodic movements of the facial muscles. Convulsive trembling of the facial muscles, lips and tongue. * Distortion of the mouth.— The lower lip is painful when touched. JaWS and Teeth.—*Lockjaw. Violent pains in the lower jaw (after seven days). Force had to be used in opening her mouth, and pouring a few table- spoonfuls of soup down her throat.—Pain of the upper jaw. * Hanging down of the lower jaw. Looseness of the teeth. Fine, corrosive pain in the nerves of the tooth. Month.—Ulcers in the mouth, on the palate and tongue. When chewing it, it burns one's mouth and tongue, and inflames the throat. White tongue. Black tongue. Ptyalism. Profuse ptyalism. Ptyalism as if occasioned by Merc.— Suppresses the secretions from the salivary glands, the Schneiderian membrane and glands of the larynx. Inspissates the saliva, the nasal mucus, the mucus of the trachea, and makes the tongue dry. Dryness of the tongue, palate and fauces, without inclination to drink. Feehng of dryness of the anterior part of the tongue, without thirst, early in the morning. Dryness in the mouth, with- out desire for drink, with chilliness over the abdomen. Dryness in the back part of the throat. Dryness in the throat and on the tongue. The mouth is so dry that he is scarcely able to utter a word.—Distention and strangulation in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing and blue-red face, in daily paroxysms.— Liability to swallow. Paralysis of the tongue. Speech becomes feeble when he begins to talk; he has to make an effort in talking loud. He is unable to talk, although his mouth is open. Pharynx.—Bitter mouth. Flat, almost no taste. Sour taste. Appetite.—Loss of appetite. Takes away the appetite immediately (when taken in a somewhat large quantity).—Want of appetite either for solid or liquid food. Aversion to all things. Excessive aversion to food, with extreme debility. Extreme aversion to meat, with coated tongue. He asks for food, but as soon as he has swallowed a morsel, he does not care for the remainder. —Increase of appetite.—Canine hunger in frequent paroxysms, sometimes ac- companied with a flat taste in the mouth. Canine hunger, with puffiness and oppression of the stomach after a meal. Excessive hunger with great debility. Canine hunger with aversion to food.—Violent desire for small beer. Gastric Symptoms.—Eructations. Nausea. Continual hiccough with short intermissions.—Inclination to vomit. Frequent nausea and vomiting.—Violent retching. Vomiting. Inclination to vomit, during exercise. Vomiting after a meal.—Disposition to vomit; haematemesis. Pain in the stomach and convul- sive motions, during which she vomits. Continual vomiting. Green vomiting. The stomach is insensible to emetics. Weakens the stomach. Retards diges- tion and diminishes the appetite. Slow digestion. Disturbs digestion, occasions a feeling of heaviness, and compression in the stomach, and an indescribable trouble in the pit of the stomach. "Vomiting of faeces and urine in miserere or incarcerated hernia. "Sour vomiting with stupor (Hempel). Stomach.—Repletion of the stomach. Oppression of the stomach. Violent pressure at the stomach (immediately). Weakness of the stomach. Oppression OPIUM 429 of the stomach as from a stone. Violent pressure in the region of the stomach, immediately after dinner, diminishing during a walk. Painful distention of the stomach. Troublesome pressure across the stomach, after dinner, as if he had eaten too much, or as if the food had been too hard; this pressure is relieved by walking in the open air.—Violent pain in the stomach.—Sudden pressure at the stomach and compression of the diaphragm.—Constrictive pain in the stomach, intolerable and causing a deadly anguish. Painful distention of the pit of the stomach. Abdomen.—The hypochondria feel tight and are very painful when touched. Pain in the right hypochondrium.—Pain in the abdomen, as if one had taken a cathartic. Colic, as from a cold. Simple pain in the abdomen, as if bruised. Oppression of the abdomen, and a pressing puffiness of the abdomen, as if it would burst; the pressure decreased by moving the body, but it returned when sitting.—Sensation as if the abdomen were oppressed by a weight in the umbili- cal region, with anxiety, with a feeling of flying internal heat and stupefaction of the head.—Beating in the abdomen.—Aching and tensive pain in the abdo- men.—Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, also between inspirations. Colic, before and after stool. Oppression and heaviness in the abdomen, as from a stone.—Drawing colic.—Pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were cut to pieces. Distention of the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region. Sensa- tion of distention of the abdomen and especially the stomach. Accumulation of flatulence in the stomach and intestines. Distended abdomen. The abdomen is distended and painful. Constant formation and emission of flatus. "Hard distention of the abdomen, with painfulness of the abdomen. ° Tympanitis.— 0Incarcerated hernia, with vomiting of faeces and urine. StOOl.—Sluggishness of the peristaltic motion, retention of stool. Paralysis of the intestines. ^Costiveness. Retention of stool and urine.—Constipation for ten days, terminating in death. "Constipation, from torpor of the intestinal canal, after chronic diarrhoea, abuse of cathartics, long confinement in bed, want of exercise. "Frequent constipation of strong plethoric persons, pregnant females and infants. *Hard stool, -preceded by pinching pain in the abdomen, and flatulence. Sensation at stool, as if the passage into the rectum were closed. Hard stool for six days, he has to make an effort every time he goes to stool. * Costiveness for six, eight weeks, with loss of appetite, nothing but small, hard balls being passed. Costiveness for several months.—Opium sometimes causes diarrhoea (secondary effect). Papescent stool. Increase of stool. Watery diarrhcea.f Discharge of a black substance by the rectum. Liquid, frothy stools, with itching, burning in the region of the anus, and violent tenesmus. Fetid diarrhoea. °Involuntary stools.—Excessive, labour-like pains in the uterus, obliging her to bend double, with anxious, but almost ineffectual desire for stool. Excessive pain in the rectum, with distensive pressure. Urinary Organs.—*Suppression of urine. Retention of urine with dry mouth, and increased thirst. * Weakens the contractile power of the urinary bladder. Opium sometimes suppresses, sometimes excites the urine. When making an effort to urinate, he feels as if the passage into the urethra were cluscd. Spontaneous interruption of the stream when urinating. He is not able to emit urine, except after great efforts. Lemon-coloured urine, with a good deal of sediment. Dark-coloured urine. Dark urine and dry tongue. The urine is dark-red, and deposits a sediment.—Hematuria.—Scanty, red urine, without clouds.—The urine has a brick-dust sediment. Male Genital Organs.—Erections during sleep, and impotence after waking. t Whenever she uses Opium for her toothache. 430 OPIUM. Excessive erection. Excitation of the sexual instinct, erection, emission, and lascivious dreamsv.—Excitation of the sexual desire, erection for twenty-four hours, lascivious dreams, emission. Nightly amorous fancies, emissions.—In some the sexual desire is excited, in others diminished. Slow sexual desire.— Opium is supposed by some to diminish the sexual powers. Impotence. Female Sexual Organs.—Increased menstrual discharge.—Opium left the menstrual functions undisturbed, even in a case where it had been used for thirty years every day, in doses of four grains and more, causing very painful, spasmodic paroxysms.—Excessive labour-pains in the uterus, contracting the abdomen and obliging her to bend double, with anxious, ineffectual urging to stool. Violent movements of the foetus.—Suppression of labour-pains.—°False spasmodic labour-pains. Larynx.—Hoarseness, with dry mouth and white tongue. Excessive hoarse- ness. Hoarseness as if occasioned by mucus in the trachea. Faint voice.— When swallowing liquids she coughed.—The cough is worse after a meal.— Hollow, dry cough (immediately after taking the drug), it passes off again very speedily. Paroxysms of a violent dry cough, followed by yawning and a sudden loud cry.—His face becomes suddenly blue, and he wants to cough, but the breathing is arrested ; after this he falls into a deep sleep, his body being covered with a cold sweat. Cough during deglutition. He coughs up a frothy mucus. Spitting of blood. Expectoration of a thick, sanguineous mucus. Suppression of the sanguineous expectoration and stool. Chest.—Quick respiration. Quick, oppressed, anxious respiration. Accele- rated, difficult respiration. The breathing becomes shorter and shorter. Diffi- cult, oppressed respiration, especially at night. At times single, deep inspira- tions ; at times the breathing is suppressed for minutes. The inspirations are slow, long and sighing. Short, *snoring breathing. Short attacks of anxiety, with short, oppressed breathing and trembling of the arms and hands.—Difficult respiration and anxiety. Anxiety, with contraction and tightness of the chest. Constriction of the chest, as if it were rigid, with difficult respiration.—Asthma, as if he would be attacked with pleurisy, accompanied with tension in the region of the scapula. Spasmodic asthma.—Oppressed and difficult respiration, and anxiety about the heart. Panting, loud breathing. Excessively-difficult and anxious breathing, with open mouth. The breathing was at times snoring and loud, at times difficult and feeble. Loud, painful, rattling respiration. Moan- ing, slow respiration. Moaning, suppressed breathing. The breathing is im- perceptible ; sometimes accompanied with a little noise. Irregular, suffocative breathing. The breathing stops for a few minutes, after which it returns with a sigh. The breathing was arrested; for five minutes he was like one dead; after this the inspirations became short and sudden, as if hiccough were about to set in. Intermissions of breathing, increasing until'death.—Excessive aching pain in the right si le of the chest, also between the acts of inspiration, with stitches in that side during an inspiration. Drawing tearing pain in the side of the chest. Contractive crampy pain in the sternum and back, which is felt during motion. He feels hot in the chest. Burning in the heart, as from red-hot coal. Tension in the infracostal region; it is very painful to the touch. Tensive pain be- low the short ribs, along the attachment of the diaphragm, during an inspiration. Back and Upper Limbs.—Drawing tearing in the back.—Single twitchings in the arms. Convulsive movements to and fro in one or the other arm. Pa- roxysmal trembling in the left arm. Paralysis of the arm. Trembling of the hands. Tiugling sensation in the fingers, increasing when seizing anything. Itching of the arms and shoulders. Disagreeable creeping in hands and feet, passing over into a frightful rolling.—"Distended veins of the hands. OPIUM. 431 Lower Extremities.—The lower limb is almost insensible. Violent itching of the lower limbs, in the evening. Weakness of the lower limbs.—Sensation as if the blood-vessels were alternately traversed by sudden torrents of fire and by icy-cold water.—He raises his foot convulsively up and down, with a sudden, loud cry. Numbness of the foot. The foot feels stiff, and is so sensitive that he can neither step on it, nor use it in walking. Swelling of the foot. Heavi- ness of the feet after a meal. Sleep.—Yawning for many hours, with pain in the articulations of the jaws, as if they would break. *Drowsincss. Great inclination to sleep. Falls asleep suddenly. Coma vigil. Unintelligible talk during the sopor. A sort of sopor, the eyelids being half open, the eyeballs turned upwards below the upper eyelid, the' mouth more or less open, and the breathing snoring. Drowsi- ness, sopor, stupor. Produces a morbid slumber in place of a sound sleep. Continuous sopor in the night, with increase of thirst, clean tongue with dark- red edges, and dry, parched lips. The stupor was so intense that it was impos- sible to get an answer from him. *Sound sleep, with rattling breathing, as after an apoplectic fit. Almost constant slumbering, the eyelids being half closed, accompanied with constant grasping at flocks, and moving of the hands over the bed-cover. Stupor, without consciousness, and rattling in the chest. Sleep with consciousness. *He hears everything that is said, but is unable to rouse himself; he wakes after the lapse of two hours. *By shaking the patient and talking to her, it was impossible to wake her. When awake she complained, and wished to die soon. Sopor and insensibility, with natural warmth, and a natural pulse and respiration. Unconquerable sleep, during which be feels pain, and opens his eyes when pinched. Irresistible sleep (immediately after taking two or more grains), which was, however, disturbed with dreams, and at the termination of which he felt nauseated instead of refreshed. Unrefreshing sleep with general sweat. Sweet, pleasant slumber, from which he is suddenly waked by frightful jerks in his limbs. Restless, sleepless nights. *He is very drowsy; nevertheless he is Unable to fall asleep ; the pulse being slow. The soporific power of opium is very much diminished by great pain or great grief. Sleepless nights with delirium. Sleeplessness, full of imperfect images, and full of fancies which were altogether distinct from the surrounding objects, as in crazy persons. Between the waking and the sleeping states he had dreams and fancies about dragons, skeletons, and horrid ghosts, and masks. Restless nights, sopor alter- nating with waking,f delirium, hot skin, stupor; he is lying coiled up in a heap.—Weariness after a sleep produced by opium. He feels faint-hearted on waking. Inclination to vomit on waking. On waking from his opium.sleep he feels faint, his head feels heavy and the throat dry. Erection during sleep, and impotence after waking. Stuttering on waking from his opium-sleep. Diffi- culty of moving the tongue after waking. The .head feels gloomy after waking. He starts in his sleep; on waking he is like one drunk and half crazy. Intoxi- cation and vertigo after the sleep. He feels still more exhausted after waking, owing to restless dreams in the night. A man who had not had any dreams for a long time past, dreamed after taking opium. The whole night he was haunted by a multitude of visions and fancies. Opium-sleep is always disturbed with dreams and gesticulations.—During sleep : frightful jerks in the limbs. Start- ing. *Redness of face. * Snoring -during an expiration, while asleep. Moan- ing while asleep. Lamenting cries during sleep. Restless sleep, full of moan- ing and groaning. Anxious sleep, full of dreams. Anxious sleep, disturbed t Tills n!rr|>J«-Bncfs is an alternate effect of opium, and therefore a curative indication. Wakefulness, from iu r/ous iirtation or pain, can only be treated enantiopathicaily with opium. 432 OPIUM. with the saddest dreams; he seems to be in constant delirium in his sopor. Suffocative fit during sleep (night-mare). Sleep full of terrible fancies and fearful dreams. Sleep full of fright; when closing his eyes, he feels as if he had lost his understanding.—Merry dreams. His dreams are at times pleasant, at times sad, at times anxious and terrible. Vivid, vexatious dreams, he does not succeed in anything. Frightful dreams. FeTer.—Coldness of the extremities. (reneral coldness with stupefaction. He complains of feeling chilly. Inclination to shudder. Diminution of animal heat.—Chilliness in the back, with suppressed, scarcely-perceptible pulse. "In- termittent fever with soporous condition, snoring, convulsive movements of the limbs, constipation and suppression of urine, and warm sweat. Fever: first chilliness, afterwards flushes of heat in the face (with white tongue and sweat before midnight). Fever : first chills, afterwards heat with sleep, during which he sweats a good deal. (Fever: he falls asleep during the chilly stage; no thirst during the chilliness; thirst during the hot stage, accompanied with a profuse, general sweat.) Chilliness as soon as she gets into bed in the evening; as soon as she falls asleep she begins to perspire, especially about the head. (Fever : trembling chilliness with thirst, afterwards increased heat of the whole body, with inclination to uncover herself, with strong, full pulse, dryness of the fauces without thirst, and vividness of ideas and memory.) Increased heat. Alternation of moderate warmth and coldness. Great redness of the face with burning heat of the body, for eight hours ; afterwards convulsive beating with the right arm and foot, with loud cries, heavy breathing and coldness of the face and hands, which are covered with drops of sweat (shortly before taking the drug). Burning heat in the face, and a sensation of heat, especially in the eyes, without thirst, for six evenings in succession. Heat with thirst. Increases the heat of the whole body, and occasions dryness of the mouth, and thirst. The skin is sometimes dry and hot, sometimes a slight sweat breaks out. Heat of the body, with great anxiety. Restlessness, oppression, confusion of ideas and scintillations, during which a burning, disagreeable heat ascends to the head, and afterwards spreads over the whole body. Acute fever, with delirium after a short sleep, and lasting twelve hours ; after the fever he became very weak, and was attacked with fits of nausea, the pulse being weak; in three hours the delirium recurred, lasting forty-eight hours, with a strong, full pulse; after this he slept for eight hours. The pulse sank from one hundred and eight to seven- ty-two beats ; accompanied with chilliness and shuddering, diminished cheerful- ness, great debility, and increase of appetite. Diminishes the beats of the pulse and the inspirations. The pulse decreases by fourteen beat3 (the first four hours); after the lapse of ten hours the pulse increases by thirty beats. The pulse diminishes one half. The heart beats four times more slowly. Slew pulse, the respiration being slow, heavy and snoring. The pulse is stronger. The pulse is at first slow and full, afterwards weak. Slow pulse, with moaning, slow breathing, red, puffed face, and profuse sweat, with convulsions. Full, equal, slow pulse, with deep, snoring breathing. Faint, suppressed, slow, small pulse. Strong, quick pulse, which finally becomes weak and intermittent. Quick and unusually-weak pulse, with quick, oppressed, anxious respiration (after several hours). Quick pulse with headache. Quick, violent, rather hard pulse, with a dark-red face. Congestion of blood to the brain. Violent, quick, hard pulse, with heavy, impeded respiration. Accelerated circulation, with sensation of heat. The blood-vessels are distended with blood. Drops of sweat about the head, afterwards over the whole body, and sleep. Increased exhalation from the skin. Sweat all over. Early in the morning during sleep, a sweat breaks out over the whole body, and he shows a disposition to uncover OPIUM. 433 himself. Cold sweat on the forehead. Sweat, especially on the upper parts of the body, the lower parts being hot and dry.—Profuse sweat (for twelve hours). Violent sweat, during a pretty quiet sleep. Profuse sweat, causing an itching of the skin, and bringing out an eruption, all the senses, taste, sight, smell, be- coming in the meanwhile insensible. Sweat and red rash, with itching. Gene- ral sweat over the hot body with great thirst, full, strong pulse, vivid eyes and bright mind.—"Febris helodes. Skin.—Pale, bluish colour of the skin, especially that of the genital organs. Blue spots on the body, here and there. The whole body is red.—Burning pain and sometimes itching of the skin. Burning and itching of the skin, and rising of the epidermis in pustules. Stinging itching in the skin here and there. Itching, especially of the upper parts of the body, commencing at the chest and extending over the face, especially the nose, troublesome itching. Redness and itching of the skin. Itching of the whole body; after scratching, red blotches make their appearance, itching a good deal, but soon disappearing again. Violent itching of the skin is said to be a constant symptom in poisoning by Morphine, attended with small, round, colourless elevations of the skin. Cutaneous eruptions, and sometimes itching. Sweat is frequently followed by eutaneous eruptions and a smarting itching in the skin. Small, red, itching spots on the skin here and there. Itching and creeping in all the limbs. General Symptoms.—°Opium seems to be useful only in recent cases 0 Affections from abuse of liquor. °Ailments of old people. °Bad effects from fright and fear, or also from sudden joy. "Apparent death.?—*DiminisJied sensibility, -succeeded by diminution of irritability. Numbness and insensi- bility of the hmbs, with coldness of the limbs. "General insensibility of the nervous system, and deficiency of reaction after taking certain medicines. Painlessness during the complaints. Frightful pains penetrating to the very marrow of the bones (secondary effect?).— Uneasiness in the limbs, she is unable to remain for one minute in one place. Buzzing sensation through the whole body.—Trembling of the limbs: convulsive, spasmodic. Trembling of the hmbs with distortion of every muscle. Trembling as after fright, with jerks of the body and quivering of the limbs, attended with a general external coldness. — Convulsions and spasmodic motions with foam at the mouth. * Convulsions with cries. "Convulsions with sleep after the paroxysm. °Convulsions in the evening or towards midnight, with drowsiness, clenched fists, and involuntary motions of the hands and head.—"Tetanic spasm with rigidity of the back or the whole body. Tetanic spasm with bending of the back or head backwards Rigidity of the whole body. The trunk is curved in the form of an arch owing to the violent tremor in the hmbs which causes a sensation in the nerves as if they would be pulled to pieces.—Epileptic convulsions with tetanus, and violent delirium Epileptic convulsions particularly at night or towards moraine with sujfocatuc paroxysms, loss of mobility and sensation, with violent move- ments of the hmbs. "Sleep after every epileptic fit. -Great indolence, also with relaxation, irresistible weariness, or pleasant weariness as if from intoxication Ureat disposition to lean against something and to rest with the feet carelessly stretched out and the head leaning on one's hand. Great malaise of body and soui. Disposition to lie down. Heaviness of the h'mbs. Languor also with aTlTs" o°f m'erjthing pT^' Wkh dr°WSineSS' *»* -t«te^£ 2animnf merr^-Fa;hng of strength—Great prostration with sinkine of he annual sp.nts— Weakness, with languor and inability to perform any kind 1ZL TfT • > ^ P™tration °f siren^ <**>»ith inability to move and want of tonicity of the ^.-Fainting turns with vertigo whenever he attempts to rise from bed, with sudden return of animation on lying down VOL. II. Og JO 434 OPIUM. again. Fainting turn every quarter of an hour, with closing of the eyes, drop- ping of the head, weak breathing and loss of consciousness, the pulse being un- altered ; succeeded by spasmodic concussions of the body, after which the paroxysm ends with moaning, and finally with anxiety (from a compound of opium and sal ammoniac).—Difficulty of moving the muscles. Diminished strength and irritability of the voluntary muscles, -also with heaviness of the head and great debility. Diminished power of the involuntary muscles, with increased power of the voluntary motions (this is, according to Hahnemann, the true primary effect of opium). Relaxation of the muscles and limbs. Slow gait. Tottering gait. *The limbs remain immovable in whatever position they are placed.—Nausea, and incipient paralysis of the lower limbs. * Apoplexy.— Grows old prematurely.—Emaciation of the body.—The open air is intolerable to him, with disposition to take cold.—Paroxysms: 1. The child lay immovable and apparently insensible, breathing with long inspirations, with pale complexion, extreme mobility and dropping of the lower jaw, dilatation and insensibility of the pupils, small, slow pulse, marble-coldness of the skin of the lower limbs, re- laxation of the muscles and difficulty of swallowing.t 2. The face is alternately pale and red, the breathing is at times stertorous, at times heavy and feeble, stu- pified sleep from which the patient can be roused by shaking him, pale, colourless face, diminished temperature of the skin, large, full, slow, regular pulse, imper- ceptible breathing. 3. Disfigured, pale, sunken face, distortion of the eyes, warm hands, natural pulse, obstinate constipation, apparent paralysis of the bowels, gangrene of the rectum which had protruded previously, lameness and stiffness of the whole body, death in ten days. 4. Drowsiness, stupefaction, loss of speech, snoring, deep sleep, from which the patient cannot be roused, large pulse six hours after the commencement of the attack, rattling breathing, spas- modic clenching of the jaws, distention of the abdomen, intermittent pulse, death in twelve hours.—Insanity, stupor, death in fifteen hours.—Decomposition of the blood, derangement of the digestive organs, deep sleep and death.—Hemor- rhage from a vein which had been opened some time ago.—Dropsical condition of the body. Characteristic Peculiarities.—"Renewal and aggravation of the pains when becoming heated.—Opium is said to act more powerfully when adminis- tered by the rectum in the form of an injection, than by the mouth. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In men : The body is stiff, the head, and particularly the face, is very much bloated, the whole posterior portion of the body, and the lips and nails are very blue. The eyes are sunken, half open, the tongue is tightly squeezed between the teeth, the fingers are contracted, the scrotum is very nearly gangrened. On opening the abdomen an excessively volatile cadaverous smell filled the whole room. The stomach and bowels are very much distended with air. The larger intestines scarcely contained any excrements; here and there they ex- hibitcd ash-coloured spots. The stomach was very much bloated, the vessels of the stomach very much distended and filled with blood; the cardiac portion and' the fundus of the stomach were somewhat inflamed. It contained a soup- plateful of a brown liquid of a pungent and volatile odour. The inner surface of the stomach was considerably inflamed at the entrance and extremity of the stomach, and the blood-vessels were very much distended. The liver exhibited in some parts brown spots, the large edge of the liver was entirely blue. The gall-bladder was filled with a large quantity of fetid bile.—The spleen is crumb- t In the case of a child of four years, from eating a few heads of unripe poppies. OPIUM. 435 ling.—All the veins were turgid with a fluid black blood and were distended to double their natural size.—The diaphragm was somewhat inflamed in the region of the foramen of the cesophagus.—The lungs were somewhat inflamed, tumes- cent with air and a black, frothy blood.—Two ounces of fluid in the pericar- dium.—The heart, which was very large, and the ventricles, particularly the right, contained a quantity of black, coagulated blood, the auricles were empty and relaxed.—The veins of the neck were turgid with a decomposed black blood. —The sinuses of the head and all the cerebral vessels were distended with blood; the two ventricles contained a tea-spoonful of a bright-red fluid, the plexus choroidei were very much distended, (Pyl, in the case of a man who had taken sixty grains of opium. Colin found extravasated blood in the brain, and the cerebral vessels very much distended).—Leroux found the pia mater injected and thicker than usual; at the base of the brain he discovered about a tea- spoonful of a bright-red fluid, the choroid vessels very much distended.—Jourd found several clots of coagulated blood in the substance of the brain.—Accord- ing to Christison actual inflammation never takes place after poisoning with opium.—Lassus asserts that he has seen the stomach inflamed, but without suppuration. The following post-mortem appearances were discovered in the case of an in- fant of seven weeks, that was killed by taking ten grains of Dover's powder, (see Lond. Med. Gaz., 1844, March,) : Calm features, white and swollen gums and tongue.—The fingers of both hands are firmly clenched.—Traces of putrefaction on the abdomen.—The liver distended with blood ; the mucous membrane of the stomach was very much in- jected ; the colon had a peculiar white colour and was very much distended with gas.—The distended bladder contained a very large quantity of urine. The lungs were tilled with blood, with infiltration of a greenish serum in the upper lobes; the pericardium, the vessels of which were very much injected, contained three ounces of a fluid, the right auricle was empty; the ventricles contained Bolid fibrinous coagula, the left ventricle contained a thin, fluid, light-red blood, the sinuses of the dura mater were filled with dark coagula. The surface of the brain was covered by a net-work of distended vessels, containing a light-red blood. Slight extravasation of blood on the surface of the posterior lobe3, the substance of the brain was soft, so that it was scarcely possible to distinguish the medullary and cortical substances from one another. All the internal vessels of the brain were turgid with blood. Extravasation of serum at the base of the brain and in the ventricles. A. MORPHIUM ACETICUM. MORPH. ACET.—Acetate of morphia.—Translated by A. C. Becker, M.D , from the New Akciiiv., III. Sensorilim.—Vertigo with disposition to sleep, (Chevallier).—Confusion and dull headache, (Wibmer).—Weight in the region of the forehead, (Allinio). —Heavy, stunned state of the head immediately on rising from his bed, (Wib- mer).—Coma, from which, four hours after, he awoke for a few moments with full consciousness, (Orfila).—Coma, dilated pupil, rumbling in the belly, pulse 79, (Crispo).—Dulness of the mental faculties, (Chevallier).—Inability to do any mental labour, (Chevallier).—He is seized with an unaccountable uneasi- ness, (the translator).—Great excitement without sleepiness, (the translator). Head.—Uneasiness, headache, and pains in the region of the navel, (Allinio). —Violent pulsation of the carotids with heat in the head, which spreads over 436 OPIUM. the whole body excepting the extremities, which remained cold, (Orfila).—Great heat in the head, (Orfila).—Violent burning in the occiput, which attacked also the abdomen, (Orfila).—Violent headache with red face, red and injected con- junctiva, strong, violent pulse, even temperature of the skin, with disagreeable itching, (Chevallier).—Headache more on the right than on the left side with some dilatation of the pupil, {Chevallier).—Tension in the head with accelera- tion of the pulse, (Charvet).—Heaviness of the head, with a feeling of tension in it, which seemed to press asunder both parietal bones ; this feeling interfered with thinking and writing, {Wibmer).—Intolerable pain in the right side of the head, uneasiness, the face, usually pale, became red, drops of perspiration stood on the forehead, the expression of the countenance silly and melancholy, itching of the skin, (Beraud).—Throbbing headache with red turgid face, (Allinio).— Headache increased by reading and thinking, (Wibmer).—Violent pain in the forehead, burning heat of the skin, debility, pulse 80, (Allinio).—Violent pain in the region of the forehead, cold perspiration on the back, (Allinio).—Pain in the right side of the head with dilated pupils, (Beraud).—Pain in back of the head, and pressure over the eyes, (Beraud). Face and Eyes.—Face red, bloated, the skin of the eyelids swollen, lips blue, throbbing headache in the fore part of the head, (Allinio).—Increase of warmth in the face with distensive headache, (Wibmer).—A circumscribed red spot on the cheeks, stupid countenance, glaring eyes, cold sweat over the body, heaviness of the head, inclination to sleep, (Crispb).—The face, usually pale, becomes red, subsequently becomes livid and covered with sweat, (Beraud).— Countenance animated, lips livid, great thirst and nausea, (Allinio).—Face red, lips pale, the eyes seemed to be starting from their sockets, the tip of the tongue red, gums scarlet and painful, (Allinio).—Contraction of the pupil, {Bally).— Dilatation of the pupil, (Beraud).—Pupil dilated, even when looking at the sun, (Beraud).—Conjunctiva of the eye, red, as if injected, the eyes sparkling, dull pain in the forehead, especially on the right side, (Berandi).—Conjunctiva of the eye as if injected, (Berandi).—The eyes were congested and the face bloated, (Berandi).—A feeling of fulness in the orbits, (Charvet).—The eyes looked as if ready to start from their sockets, pupils dilated, face red, {Allinio). —Aching pain above the eyes, (Berandi).—Pricking in the eyes which seem to be covered with a veil, (Orfila).—Impaired vision, (Bally).—Wild expression of countenance, (Chevallier).—Looks silly, the eyes glaring, (Allinio).—Noise in the ears, (Charvet).—Lips red, as if injected, (Allinio and Crispo).—Lips pale, (Allinio and Crispo).—Lips blue, (Allinio). Mouth and Pharynx.—Gums scarlet, somewhat painful, tongue red at the edges, violet in the middle, (Chevallier).—Tongue equally red, whilst there is nausea, dryness and a stinging sensation in the fauces, (Chevallier).—The edges and the tip of the tongue red, (Rabuni).—In twenty minutes after the dose the tongue appeared red and the pupil dilated, (Allinio).—The tip and the edges of the tongue red, violet in the middle, painful sensation in the stomach, navel and bladder, with a feverish pulse, (Berandi).—Heavy, pale tongue, (Berandi).— Tongue dry, (Orfila).—Burning in the fauces, (Crispo).—Irritation of the fauces with burning thirst and colicky pain in the stomach, (Chevallier).—Dry- ness and contraction of the fauces. Taste and Appetite.—Taste bitter, acrid, (immediately), (Allinio).—Taste bitterish, (immediately,) (Wibmer).—Taste bitter, with irritation in the fauces (immediately), appetite slight, (Allinio).—Impaired appetite with weight in the head and constipation, (Charvet).—He dined without much appetite; during the dinner the heaviness and giddiness of the head increased, obhging him to lie down. Burning thirst and dry tongue, (Orfila).—Burning thirst, (Chevallier). OPIUM. 437 Gastric Symptoms.—Nausea with painful sensation in the head. Great nausea with red tongue and dryness in the throat. Nausea, sleepiness, then co- pious general sweat, (Crispo).—Nausea, difficult breathing, heavy, pale tongue, pulse 06, (Berandi).—Constant nausea and pain in the region of the navel, on rising after having been lying down. Nausea, disposition to vomit, weakness in the joints, (Berandi).—Nausea and disposition to vomit after eating, {Allinio). —Nausea, eructations and strong inclination to vomit, with great sleepiness, (Wibmer).—Nausea and inclination to vomit disturbed his sleep, (Charvet).-— Repeated nausea and attempts to vomit (first day), (Charvet).—Nausea with increased temperature of the face, the head becomes heavy, hot, and there ap- peared a disposition to vomit; some time after, (in consequence of the nausea) general weakness of all the limbs, decreased temperature of the face, the face became paler than it usually was, pulse 66, (Wibmer).—Nausea with aching pain in the head and disposition to sleep, (Wibmer).—Nausea, (Crispo).—De- clination to vomit with strong irritation of the fauces and violent headache, (Chevallier).—In the evening nausea and vomiting of the food he had taken at dinner, ( Wibmer).—Vomiting with slight pains in the region of the navel, inter- mittent, small, contracted pulse. Vomiting and increase of urine after taking milk. Obstinate vomiting without thirst, without loss of appetite or a red tongue, (Bally).—Vomiting of green matter, (Berandi). Stomach and Abdomen.—Violent pain in the epigastrium, (Bally).—Co- licky pains in the stomach, with burning thirst, irritation of the fauces, headache and dilated pupil, (Chevallier).—Violent burning in the praecordia whence emanates an itching sensation like the creeping of ants, passing along the linea alba to the left and right popliteal spaces, (Orfila).—A feeling of pressure in the epigastrium with sleepiness, (Wibmer).—Pain in the praecordia, inclination to sleep, and somewhat difficult breathing, (Allinio).—Violent pain in the praecor- dium, nausea, disposition to vomit, (Allinio).—Painful sensation in the praecor- dia down to the bladder (immediately), (Berandi).—The pain in the praecordia was aggravated by taking food, (Berandi).—Swelling of the abdomen with heat over the whole body, cold extremities, burning thirst, dry tongue, without nau- sea or vomiting and without impaired consciousness, (Orfila). Stools.—Constipation with heaviness in the head, (Charvet).—The consti- pation lasted a whole month, (translator).—Constipation with occasional natu- ral motions, (Bally).—Bowels moved on the second day only in the afternoon, but sluggishly, with painful tenesmus and discharge of a small quantity of faeces, (Wibmer).—Watery diarrhoea, pain in epigastrium, (Crispo).—Diarrhoea with pain in the stomach, navel and bladder in the evening and next morning, (Berandi).—Watery diarrhoea on the following morning, (Allinio).—Two pain- ful evacuations, (Allinio).—Diarrhoea continuing the following day, (Berandi). I'riue.—Pain in the region of the bladder, (Allinio).—Pain in the bladder, (Crispo).—Urine retained, (translator).—Ineffectual efforts to urinate, though feehng a desire for it, (Charvet).—Urine clear and bright, (Chevallier.)— Urine muddy and slimy, (Chevallier).—In the evening passed some turbid urine, (Wibmer).—Pain in the urinary and genital organs, especially in the right spermatic cord, (Allinio). Chest,—Anxious breathing with smarting pain in the chest, strong, full pulse, (Clievallier).—Dyspnoea with smarting pain, full, accelerated pulse, drowsiness. Inspiration accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen and along the spine, (Chevallier).—Accelerated pulse, 80, regular, equal beats, (Charvet). —Accelerated pulse, (Bally).—Pulse slow, full, intermitting, (Chevallier).— Pulse rather hard, small, 72, (Wibmer).—Pulse rose in half an hour from 63 to 10S, (Rabuni).—Pulse rises from 68 to 78, accompanied by violent headache, and weight in the forehead, (Allinio). 438 OPIUM. Extremities.—Slight trembling and want of steadiness in the hand when writing, ( Wibmer).—An itching sensation in the upper extremities, very much like the creeping of ants ; both upper and lower extremities are painful, as if crushed, (Orfila).—Slight twitches in the arms, head and particularly the face, during an agreeable slumber full of dreams, during which he retained a clear perception of his condition. Subsultus of the tendons, (Bally).—Violent shak- ing of the whole body, (Bally).—Convulsive shakes with vertigo and slight loss of consciousness, (Bally).—Slight rigidity or heaviness of the limbs when rising from a chair, (Wibmer).—Weakness in the limbs, the sacrum, the neck, the joints, pulse 68, irregular, the conjunctiva injected; face red, bloated, lips pale, the functions of the brain unimpaired. Heat over the whole body, with cold extremities, violent pulsation in the carotids, coma, (Orfila).—Violent perspira- tion with a free, full pulse, some loss of consciousness and slight spasms. Sweat so profuse that in the course of one night he had to change his linen nineteen times, (translator).—Profuse sweat over the whole body, pupils largely dilated, pulse 94, (Allinio).—Profuse general sweat, (Berandi).—Smarting on the skin without sweat, sometimes accompanied by small, round elevations. In some places appeared an eruption of reddish blotches, arm and thigh covered with reddish blotches, (Chevallier). Sleep.—Dozing five and a half hours without interruption, during which he dreamed of a great number of things, but heard nearly all the time what was passing around him, and retained a clear consciousness of his condition, (Char- vet).—Uneasy starting sleep from which he woke with a feeling of general weakness, headache and sunken eyes, (Chevallier).—Uneasy sleep with frequent starting, after sleep stiffness, pain in the arms, and here and there eruption of red blotches, (Chevallier).—Quiet sleep for five hours, from which he woke with pain in the right side of the head, weak limbs, and pain along the spine, (Chevallier).—Long, tolerably quiet sleep; after waking headache, faintnes.s, nausea, anxiety and general debility, (Chevallier).—Drowsiness and a short nap, during which he thought his limbs were itching, ( Wibmer). During his sleep he experienced occasional twitches of some muscles in the face and extre- mities, (Wibmer).— Several hours of sound sleep, from which he woke with a dull pain in the forehead, soon followed by an evacuation of the bowels, (Allinio). Sound night's sleep, (Crispo).—Sleep uneasy, disturbed for three hours in suc- cession ; on waking, pain in the praecordia and bladder, he passed clear urine in moderate quantity with a strong desire, (Berandi).—Night uneasy, skin dry and itching, (Berandi).—Heavy sleep with red cheeks, (Berandi).—Uneasy sleep; the face moist with perspiration, pulse &8. After waking, pain in the forehead, praecordia and bladder, faintnes.s and pains in the joints, (Allinio). Skin.—Violent itching over the whole body, (Wibmer).—Itching of the skin, (Allinio).—Eruption over the whole body. (Crispo). General Symptoms.—Two fainting fits with dilated pupils, pale tongue, mouth sticky and bitter, (Allinio).—Loss of consciousness, very difficult breath- ing, livid countenance, head drawn backwards, seme mucus in the mouth, the upper parts of the body covered with viscous mucus, the lower extremities cold, pulse small, intermitting, the patient experiences violent convulsive shocks. Characteristic Peculiarities.—Motion and erect position aggravate many of the symptoms, and cause nausea and headache. All the symptoms disap- peared after taking exercise, (Chevallier).—Lying down eases the symptoms. Reading and reflection increase the headache. Taking vinegar seems to aggra- vate the nausea and headache, (Wibmer). OPIUM. 439 B. MORPHIUM PURUM. The following pathogenetic effects of this substance are derived from Pfister's Schweizer. Zeitschrift, II., n. 2. Wibmer's Medicines and Poisons. Ronander in Hecker's til. Ann., 1834. Sentjerner in Buchner's tox., p. 202. Hegmanus in Cooper's Med. Gaz., 1837, No. 27. Charvet. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Violent restlessness, (o.).—Violent nervous irrita- tion, (cir.).—Loss of consciousness, (ch.).—Stupor, (ch.).—Inability to per- form any labour, (cii.).—Weakness of memory, (o.).—Indescribable anguish, (h.).—Apoplexy, loss of sense and consciousness, loss of mobility with laborious snoring, rattling breathing, and bluish, puffed face, (pf.).—On the following morning he was lying in his bed without consciousness, with the left side of his face on the pillow, which was drenched with the saliva that had run out of his mouth, (pf.). Head,— Vertigo, (sen., b., m., pf.).—Dulness of the head, (sou. and pf.).— Heaviness in the head, (ch.).—Congestion of blood to the head, (b.).—Irri- tation of the brain, (b.).—Tightness in the head, (ch.).—Transitory headache, (o., s., ch.).—Violent headache on the right side, disappearing in half an hour, but leaving some pain in the frontal protuberances, (ch.).—The head is drawn backward, (ch.). Eyes.—Fulness in the orbits, (ch.).—Considerable contraction of the pupils, (sc, ii., o., cii.).—In some cases the pupils dilate, (o., oh.).—The sight is dis- turbed, (ch.)—Obscuration of sight, (m.).—Weakness of sight, which does not allow one to read, (m.). Ears.—Ringing in the ears, (en.).—Humming in the ears, (ch.).—Violent roaring in the ears, (m.). Face.—The countenance is somewhat altered, (ch.).—Bluish face, (ch.).— Cadaverous face, (cir.).—The face is slightly reddened, (h.). Mouth.—The edges of the tongue are red, the middle blue, (ch.)—Mucus in the mouth, (oh.).—Ptyalism, (b.). Appetite.—Disagreeable taste, (ch.).—Bitterness in the mouth, (b.)—Loss of appetite, (ch.). Stomach.—Turns of nausea, and disposition to vomit, waking him from his slumber, (ch.).—Constant retching, (h.).—Continual vomiting, (b.).—Unin- terrupted vomiting for three days, (o.). Abdomen.—More or less pain in the epigastric region and in the intestinal canal, with constipation which is frequently followed by sudden diarrhoea, (o.). —Slight pain in the umbilical region, (en.).—Colicky pains, (b.).—Suppression of stool and urine, (pf.). Stool.—Constipation which is sometimes followed by diarrhoea, (b., m.)— Constipation for a whole month, (ch.).—Violent diarrhoea, (b.). Urinary Organs.—Ineffectual urging to urinate, which only takes place once in twenty-four hours, (cu.).—Difficulty of emitting the urine and occasional sup- pression of urine, only in men, (o., b., ch.).—After making great efforts, he passes a little urine, after which the urine stops, and flows again in a little while, until the bladder is empty, (b.).—Diminished and concentrated urine, (b.). Chest.—The breathing is not much affected, (o.).—Short breathing, (h.).— 440 OPIUM. Difficult breathing, (ch.).—The inspirations are rare and rattling, (ch.)—Vio- lent beating of the heart and carotids ; the beats of the carotids and radial arte- ries were very hard, (pf.) Sleep.—Disposition to sleep, (ch.).—Slumber for five and a half hours, (ch.). —Sweet, quiet sleep, (b.).—Sopor, (b.).—Restless night, (ch.).—Restless sleep, which is frequently disturbed with frightful dreams, (ch., si.).—Dreams about a multitude of things, (ch.).—Anxious dreams, (o.).—Headache after waking, margins around the eyes, particularly the right eye, slimy mouth and general feehng of weariness and exhaustion, (ch.). Fever.—Sweat with full pulse, (ch.).—Profuse sweat with retention of urine, (ch.).—Cold sweat over the whole body, (h.).—Small, irregular pulse, (h.).— The pulse is slow and small, and sometimes accelerated, (ch.).—Pulse small, intermitting, (ch.).—Pulse slow, large, intermitting, (ch.).—Imperceptible pulse, (ch.).—Fever, with intermittent, small, and contracted pulse, (ch.). Skin.—Warm skin.—Itching of the skin, (b.), and cutaneous eruptions, (m.). Itching of the arms, head and particularly of the face, (ch.).—Itching, particu- larly of the face, neck, loins and genitals, (sch.).—Conical blotches, which are either red, or of the usual colour of the skin, and can be much more easily felt than seen, (sch.). General Symptoms.—Convulsive twitchings, (ch.).—Convulsions and con- vulsive motions, the head being drawn backwards, (m.).—Feeling of electric action, suddenly perceived in the various parts of the trunk and limbs, (sch.).— Electric motions in various parts of the body, inducing startings, and rousing the patient from sleep, (m.).—Violent spasmodic concussions, (ch.).—Subsultus tendinum, (o.).—Restlessness and sleeplessness, (cii.).—Diminished sensibility, (b.).—The upper parts of the body are covered with viscid sweat, the lower limbs are cold, (ch.).—The body is blue and warm, (ch.).—Troublesome trem- bling, (sch.).—Illusion of the senses, (sch.).—Muscular debility, (b.).—Ex- cessive exhaustion, (h.).—Death by sanguineous apoplexy, (cu.). C. MORPHIUM MURIATICUM. See Hufeland's Journal, 1840, Nov., p. 77, communication by William Gregory.—Trousseau's Mat. Med. SYMPTOMS. Violent, long-lasting excitement, as if intoxicated, (a..).—Unpleasant languor, with loathing and vomiting, after several hours, and after the other symptoms had disappeared, (g.).—Somnolence.—Vertigo.—Headache.—Warmth in the head and face, (g.).—Rushing of the blood in the head, afterwards in the whole body, (g.).—Accelerated pulse, (g.).—Itching of the skin, (t.).—Eruptions of various kinds, (t.).—Thirst, (t.).—Loathing, (t.).—Vomiting, (t.).—Consti- pation, (t.). D. MORPHIUM SULPHURICUM. Forgate in Americ. Journ. of Med. Science, and in Froriep's Notices, 1842, No. 447. SYMPTOMS. Languor, (f.).—Apathy, (f.).—Rheumatic and arthritic complaints (from OXALIC ACID. 441 the external application).—Prickling sensation in the skin, (f.).—Violent loath- ing with effort to vomit, (f.).—Sensation of thickening and numbness of the posterior cervical muscles, gradually extending to the flexor muscles of the ex- tremities, (t.).—Full, slow pulse, (f.). E. CODEIN. See Gregory in Dublin Journ. of Med. and Chem., 1834, May.—Kunkel. SYMPTOMS. Disagreeable lowness of spirits with nausea, followed by a disposition to sleep, (G')-—Excitement, as after taking spirituous drinks, not disagreeable, and ac- companied by violent itching, which commences at the head and thence spreads oyer the whole body, (o.).—Itching over the whole body.— Convulsions of tive limbs and of the cervical muscles, (k.).—Accelerated pulse, (h.).—Heat of the head and face, (g.).—Loathing and vomiting, (g.). F. NARCOTLN. See Wibmer's Medicines and Poisons.—Barbier's Mat. Med. SYMPTOMS. Slight disposition to sleep, (n.).—Sleep, followed by general stupefaction and headache.—Sleep, followed by violent headache, languor, discolouration of the skin and lips, coldness of the whole body, sopor, vertigo, illusion of the senses, heaviness of the head, and contraction of the pupils, (b.).—Dulness of the head, (w.).—Slight pain in the forehead, (w.).—Irregularity of the pulse, (w.). G. NARCOTINUM ACETICUM. SYMPTOMS. Extreme excitement and violent headache, (Magendie).—Convulsions, (n.). Intermittent fever with variable type, (Roats.)—The pulse increases from 86 to !>5, (ch.). H. NARCOTINUM MURIATICUM. Sudden starting on hearing the least noise.—Vertigo.—Glistening eyes.— Obscuration of sight.—Excitation of the sexual organs, in the case of two females.—Frequent erections, (Bailly, in Revue Medicale, 1825). 184. OXALIC ACID. AC. OX.—Sec Transactions of the Amer. Inst, of Hom., I. Antidotes.—(When taken in large doses.) As the vomiting in such cases is speedy and continual, emetics are unnecessary, and will often fail of their 442 OXALIC ACID. effect; besides during the time lost before their operation, the acid would in general have acted long enough to prove fatal. Vomiting may be pro- moted by tickling the throat. Mr. Thompson found, that large quan- tities of chalk, given after the dangerous symptoms had begun, speedily re- moved them, and restored the animals to health. The results of his experi- ments have been applied to poisoning in man, and in one of the cases of re- covery the antidote was used with advantage. Its effect is evidently owing to the insolubility of the oxalate of lime. Magnesia has also been advanta- geously given. The reporter observes that the first dose was followed by in- stantaneous relief from the burning pain in the stomach. According to Dr. Christison it is the best of all chemical antidotes, and preferable to carbo- nate of lime, which occasions considerable inconvenience on account of the sudden extrication of a large quantity of carbonic acid gas. Yet chalk will be oftener employed, since it is more frequently at hand, and there is no room for delay in the selection of remedies. In the two cases of recovery recorded, small doses of opium were administered after the use of chalk and magnesia, and the vomiting soon became less violent. One of them took brandy with advantage, and the other experienced much relief from friction and hot fomen- tations. Drs. Christison and Coindet also recommend ammonia and ether, as worthy of trial. The stomach-pump may be used, but on account of the rapidity with which this poison acts, it is not advisable to lose time by its ap- plication, until after the antidote has been administered. GENERAL VIEW OF THE ACTION OF OXALIC ACID ON ANIMALS. In giving a general view of the action of Oxalic acid Drs. Christison and Uoindet assert, that the symptoms differ according to the quantity given, and to the degree in which it las been diluted. They likewise differ somewhat ac- cording to the tissue to which it has been applied—and further, they vary in dif- ferent species of animals. They are seen most characteristically when the acid has been so given as not to prove fatal for an hour or more. If, with this view, a small quantity be injected into the stomach, intestines or peritoneum of a dog, he is soon seized with violent efforts to vomit. But the first unequivocal sign of its action is generally a slight permanent stiffness of the hind legs, drooping of the head, weakness, and increased frequency of the pulse, and a very peculiar, dull, sorrowful look. About the same time there appears a slight sudden check in inspiration, from the respiratory muscles contracting before the chest is fully expanded. Gradually several of these come together, so as to constitute paroxysms of short, hurried breathing, with intervals of ease. Meanwhile the stiffness of the hind legs increases ; they become likewise insensi- ble, and often the spasm gives place to paralysis ; he jerks the head occasionally backwards, walks with a peculiar, stiff' gait, and assumes very odd postures, from inability to regulate the motions of the limbs. As the poisoning advances, ^he motions of the chest during the paroxysms become more and more confined by spasm of the muscles; and at last there is a period towards the close of each paroxysm, when the spasm is so great as completely to suspend the respiration. This is commonly accompanied with more or less extension of the head, tail and extremities, sometimes amounting to violent opisthotonos. In the intervals, the breathing continues hurried, and the heart beats very feebly and rapidly. In one case only we observed it prodigiously strong, so that it might be heard a few feet from the animal. The insensibility hitherto limited to the hind legs, now extends to the trunk and fore legs, and lastly the head. As the insensi- bility increases, the breathing diminishes in frequency, the spasmodic paroxysms become more and more obscure and then cease altogether. For some OXALIC ACID. 443 time, however, they may be slightly renewed, by striking the back and limbs ; but at last the animal falls into a state of deep pure coma, with complete relaxa- tion of the whole body. The heart now can scarcely be felt; the breathing is slow, regular and short, and becomes gradually more obscure, till finally life is extinguished without a struggle. Several striking variations are produced by differences in the dose. Thus, if it be augmented, the fits of spasm come on early and with great violence, the intervals are marked by remissions only, and the animal expires in a paroxysm, before the stage of insensibility begins. The action then resembles considerably that of the vegetable alkalies, brucia and strychnia, but differs from it in being also exerted, as we shall soon see, upon the heart. Death may be produced in this manner, in three, five or ten minutes. If, on the other hand, the dose be much diminished, there may be stiffness of the hind legs, much dulness, drooping of the whole body, and a sort of somno- lency, without insensibility, or even without spasmodic paroxysms, and then the animal will commonly recover. In such cases, notwithstanding the local irritat- ing power of the acid, inflammation is not apt to ensue. The diluted state is in part the cause of this. Similar modifications arise from ihe degree to which the acid is diluted; dilu- tion having nearly the same effect as increase of quantity.t The symptoms likewise vary somewhat, according to the tissue to which it is applied. Thus no vomiting precedes the spasmodic symptoms, if the poison has been injected into the pleura or cellular tissue. Moreover we have always found the paroxysms of spasm to be most remarkable, when it was applied to the serous tissues. Death ensues quickest when the acid is introduced directly into the veins. Lastly, they vary in different species of animals. Thus cats are more rapidly killed by it than rabbits inferior in size, and frequently the spasmodic paroxysms are not distinct. In rabbits the opisthotonos is always remarkably violent. When a drachm in twelve parts of water is introduced into the stomach, the trunk and extremities during the paroxysms are extended with such suddenness and force, that the whole body is often raised nearly two feet into the air. The order of the symptoms and appearances after death, seems to indicate, that the primary action of the poison is on the spinal marrow and brain, and the heart and lungs arc, affected secondarily, through the injury done to the nervous system. Thus the first symptom observed is spasmodic contraction, or sometimes para. lysis of the hind legs; next, the trunk is similarly affected ; as is shown by the spasm of the muscles of respiration; and then the animal becomes insensible, which marks the commencement of an affection of the brain. The functions of the heart and lungs begin to suffer as soon as the insensibility begins, the pul- sations of the heart becoming feeble and hurried, and the impeded respiration bringing on symptoms of incomplete asphyxia. These two functions are variously affected in different circumstances. When the dose has been small, the heart suffers less; the signs of an injury of the brain are fully developed, and end in pure coma,—in consequence of which the animal dies slowly, asphyxiated. This is shown not only by the symptoms, but likewise by the heart contracting after death, and by the arterial system being filled with black blood. But when the dose has been greater, the heart's action t This remarkable observation is literally transcribed from Christison's and Coindet's inte- resting Memoir. 444 OXALIC ACID. is destroyed at once through a sudden impression conveyed from the origin of the nerves, before the symptoms either of coma or of asphyxia can be developed; for then the heart does not contract after death, and the blood in its aortal cavi- ties is florid. It is a curious confirmation of this secondary action on the heart, that precisely the same appearances are found when the nervous system has been powerfully irritated, not through absorption, but by sympathy with extensive injury of the stomach. In that case, too, the heart loses its contractility as soon as the animal expires, and its aortal cavities contain florid blood.—(Christison and Coindet.) The experiments of Rave and Klosterman, as well as those of Pommer, com- pletely confirm the above observations of Drs. Christison and Coindet. The experiments of Pommer, who used a still smaller quantity of the poison in his injections than Drs. Christison and Coindet, fully establish the fact, that in pro- portion to the diminution of the quantity and its dilution, if injected into a vein, the more rapidly death ensues. It is true, we have no data of the weight of the animals which he used in his experiments. The injection of the poison into the jugular, instead of the femoral vein, as was done by Christison and Coindet, might also hasten death. But in whatever light we may view the experiments, there is no reason to doubt the truth of this proposition. It is unnecessary for me to dwell here on the strong confirmation which the doctrines of the Homoeopathic school may draw from the facts here proclaimed. But let those, who are in the habit of smiling at these doctrines, carefully ex- amine and sift them. They will at least not be able to accuse Drs. Christison and Pommer of partiality. THERAPEUTIC OBSERVATIONS. Only few decided observations may be ventured upon the curative powers of Oxalic acid. Most of the provers have taken it but once, and on the female organism it has not been tried at all, if I except one observation. Further ex- periments will be necessary to enlighten us about the whole range of its action on the healthy human body. The observation of Drs. Christison and Coindet, that Oxalic acid acts prima- rily on the brain, and secondarily on the heart and lungs, seems also to be cor- roborated by the experiments upon the healthy human economy. All provers seem to have felt its action first in the head, and afterwards in the heart and lungs. It has a most decided action on the vertex and forehead, and seems to produce in its secondary effect great exhilaration of spirits, with other peculiar effects upon the mind. Its action on the abdomen in the region of the navel with colic and difficult emission of flatulency, is very decided. I have cured a chronic inflammation of the abdomen, in the region of the navel, in the case of a child, set. 5, with a few small doses of Oxalic acid, where several other remedies had proved ineffectual. Jaeggy speaks highly of it as an antiphlogistic, in small fractional doses in most inflammations of the abdominal viscera, hepatitis and psoitis excepted. Its effect on the urinary organs and testicles, is also prominent, although the experiments are too few in number to admit of the establishment of more direct indications for its choice in any particular case. I have prescribed it with benefit in a case of chronic soreness and heaviness in the testicles, accompanied with a bruised sensation in the os sacrum, and general weakness of the genitals. There were also many symptoms indicating tabes dorsalis. It will probably prove serviceable in laryngitis, diseases of the chest and heart, OXALIC ACID. 445 rheumatic affections of the joints, and also lameness of the lower extremities. A palpitation of the heart, occurring at night after lying down in bed, and depending on a rheumatic affection of the heart, was entirely cured by Oxalic acid. The assertion of Valli, that in oxalic acid we should probably find a remedy that would prolong life, seems to be merely theoretical. His theory is, that oxalic acid would have the effect of retaining the animal lime in a fluid form, and in a condition to be carried off, thereby preventing its becoming compact, and the brittleness of the solids, depending thereon, as well as the obstruction of the vessels. This theory, based entirely upon chemical laws, seems to lose complete sight of its powerful dynamical effect. I have repeatedly prescribed the 2d and Bd triturations, to persons of different ages, with a view to the above effect, but without any visible operation. Whether by giving larger doses a different result might have been obtained, I am not prepared to say. The following are the pathogenetic effects of the 1st and 2d triturations of oxalic acid. Those of Dr. Christison, are taken from cases of poisoning. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—In the morning, power of meditation very difficult and slow; is hardly able to answer questions proposed to him. Sensation of fulness in the face, and excitement, with disinclination to conversation. Seems in its primary action to diminish the power of concentrating his ideas, and after- wards to increase it.—Greater presence of mind, the relations of the world seem to be clearer to him. The pains from oxalic acid, as soon as he thinks about them, return, particularly the hiccough and the pain in the knee, etc. Philopro- genitiveness,(?) greater love of his children, in one in whom this feeling was always predominating ; a decidedly expressed, and clearly distinguishable symp- tom, it being not traceable to any other cause. He feels more composed than usual, and very much exhilarated. Great cheerfulness of the mind, quicker in thought and action. The whole forenoon unusual vivacity, and power of con- centration, which is still more decided in the afternoon. Great increase of ani- mation through the day, with playfulness and mirthfulness, which has not of late years been natural to him. Nervous and vascular excitement, as from alcohol, constituting a feeling of hilarity, and the pulse one-third more frequent than usual, and tense. Head.—Giddiness the whole day. On lying down vertigo, like a swimming, towards the left side. Emptiness in the head, sensation of faintness, as if all the blood had left the brain, with anxiety. Sensation in the upper part of the body, and particularly the head, as if the blood were coursing from below up- wards, and from within outwards. Pain pressing inwardly between the vertex and occiput, at a spot not larger than a dollar, on the middle line. Pain along the base of the occipital bone, returning several times, during the first two days. In the morning after rest slight aching in the occiput, and erections. Slight compression in the head, with a sensation as from a screw behind each ear. Soou after taking it, pain on the vertex. Heaviness in the forehead and vertex. Con- tinual dull pain in the forehead and vertex. Flushes of heat and perspiration in the morning, with sharp pains in the forehead and vertex. Sharp pains in the forehead and vertex, with a feeling of lightness ; the pain is most acute over the left eye, and in the left temple. Dull pains, with occasional sharp pains in the forehead. Dull headache. Fulness in the forehead above the eyes. °Removes immediately a dulness in the forehead, to which he was frequently subject in the morning. Painful pressure in the right temple, (confined to a small spot), the pain is also jerking, sliding; soon after, the same sensation in the hollow of the 446 OXALIC ACID. left knee. Pain in the left temple, extending as far as the lower jaw. Jerking in the left temple. Eyes,—Pressure in the upper part of the eyes during walking. Pain in both orbits, but worse in the left one. Linear objects appear larger and more distant than they really are. Ears.—In the afternoon occasionally a pain in the depth of the ear, as if in the Eustachian tube, near the throat; worse on the right side. A kind of slight blowing noise in the left ear. Nose.—Watery running from the nose, with sneezing. Pain in the nose. Sneezing with chilliness. Face, JaWS.—Sensation of fulness in the face. An internal sensation of heat, particularly in the face. Some heat at first in the face, and afterwards in the left leg. The face is redder than usual. Drawing pain with rigidity near the angle of the lower jaw, first in the left, then in the right side, but longer in the left. Teeth.—Dull aching pains of the molar teeth of both upper jaws, worse in the right jaw. (Lasted nearly all day, but passed away towards evening.) Dull pain in the first molar tooth of the right upper jaw, which is very dis- tressing. Bleeding of the gums on rubbing them. Mouth.—Inflammation of the tongue and mouth, if the acid has had time to develop its operation, (Christison). The tongue was red, swollen, tense and tender, the day after the acid was swallowed, (Christison). Tongue dry, sore and excoriated, worse towards the point, continued all day and evening. The tongue felt rather more cool than hot. In rinsing the mouth, a sour taste in it. Pharynx.—Soreness of the fauces on swallowing, for two hours in the morn- ing. °Thc chronic sore throat, to which he is subject, feels much better. Ex- pectoration of thick yellowish mucus from the throat. Augments in the first hour the secretion of mucus from the throat. Stomach, Appetite.—Eructations of tasteless wind after every meat Eructations of wind, tasting of the food he has eaten. Eructations and dis- charge of flatulence by the anus. Hiccough, which continues for some time.— Vomiting, (Christison, only from very large doses). Slight sickness of the stomach. Qualmishness of the stomach with sickness. A sensation of grasping in the stomach, very transient.—Slight gnawing, burning in the stomach and eructations. Burning pain in the stomach, and generally also in the throat, (Christison; immediately, in every caset)-—Pressure in the stomach. He wakes at night with a most violent pressive pain, like a heavy weight in the pit of the stomach ; it comes and goes at intervals of fifteen minutes, but diminishes in force at each renewal; it lasts altogether about two hours ; discharge of flatu- lency relieves the pain. Severe pain in the stomach, (Christison, from seven drachms). Excruciating pain in the stomach. The slightest touch of the stomach caused the most violent pains. Excessive sensibility of the stomach,' with disposition to costiveness, (in a patient who recovered, but who remained for a long time subject to those symptoms). °His natural weakness of the stomach is much diminished. In the evening after tea, pyrosis, with much t Oxalic acid is one of the poisons, of whose operation distinct evidence may sometimes (though certainly not always) be found in the symptoms. If a person immediately after swallowing a solution of a crystalline salt, which tasted purely and strongly acid, is attacked with burning in the throat, then with burning in the stomach, vomiting, particularly of bloody matter, imperceptible pulse and excessive languor, and dies in half an hour, or still more in twenty, fifteen, or ten minutes, I do not know any fallacy which can interfere with the con- clusion, that oxalic acid was the cause of death. No parallel disease begins 60 abruptly and terminates so soon; and no other crystalline poison has the samo effect.—Christison on Poisons. OXALIC ACID. 447 emission of flatulency, and pressing downwards. Every evening pyrosis.—Great increase of appetite.—Loss of appetite.—No thirst, and rather a repugnance to water. Unusual thirst at 3 o'clock, a. m.—Violent thirst.—A sensation in the fauces, as if from acidity in the stomach. Abdomen.—Slight colic pain in and around the umbilicus, just before the afternoon evacuation. Pain like a cramp a little to the left of the umbihcus, and several minutes after, colic pain in the right iliac region; eructations of tasteless winds several times. Distressed feeling around the navel, and through the whole abdomen, with a sensation of great weakness in the latter. Dull ach- ing pain in the abdomen, worse round the umbilicus. Colic-like pains in and around the navel, every day. Dull aching pain in the right side of the abdomen, the whole afternoon, at a small spot. Pain round the navel like colic, repeat- edly, but always after the symptoms in the head. Flatulent colic, as if he had eaten unripe fruit, on waking at night, below the navel, which is increased by movement after getting up; the pain diminishes during rest and returns periodi- cally ; in the morning after breakfast, on walking about, the same pain returns, gets better about 9 o'clock, and disappears entirely at 12 o'clock. Sensation of soreness on touching, all around the navel. Sensation of soreness in the abdo- men. Pain in the abdomen, (Christison, first felt six hours after swallowing half an ounce of oxalic acid, diluted in water). Sharp and constant pain in the left iliac region. For half an hour after retiring, a continued pain in the left hypochondrium. A sticking pain in the left hypochondrium. Pain between hypochondrium and navel, on the left side, like a development of flatulency. On sitting down after a walk, violent effort to discharge flatulency, (as from a small spot on the left iliac region,) sensation as if the part would burst. Distressed feeling and great weakness in the whole abdomen, with flatulent colic. Great flatulency the whole day, with expulsion of wind downwards; swelling of the abdomen with dull cclic-like pains at intervals, in and around the umbilicus, but worse in the right iliac region, with itching at the anus, and crawling sensation as if from worms, which was relieved by rubbing the parts for several minutes, and returned several time3 during the night. Colic pain around the umbilicus, and in the right iliac region, coming on by paroxysms. Pain in the region of the navel, with painful pressing down towards the anus and flatulency. Pain in the region of the navel, with emission of flatulency in the night. Difficult dis- charge of flatulency. The whole evening rumbling in the bowels with pressing downwards. StOOl.—Pain in the descending colon, followed by a free evacuation of mushy stool in the evening, one hour after taking it. 6 o'clock, a. m., was sud- denly seized with a distressing feeling in the whole abdomen, followed in several minutes by twisting in and around the umbilicus, with a discharge in a few minutes of a small quantity of hard feces of a dark brown colour; in half an hour again violent pain and bearing down% followed by a loose evacuation, of a muddy-brown colour, accompanied by colic pains in the navel; below the navel he felt a bearing down, and griping pains in the anus; the latter were so severe, as to produce severe nervous pains through the head, with heat in this organ; after retiring to bed the same pains returned again in five minutes, followed by a copious evacuation of consistent, dark, muddy-brown faeces ; on going to bed the pains invariably returned, whilst sitting or reclining; is better during mo- tion, (had to take Merc. sol. 2d, to be relieved of the pain). Violent symptoms of irritation in the alimentary canal, (Christison, from two drachms). Severe pain in the bowels, and frequent inclination to stool, (Christison, in a patient, who lived thirteen hours after swallowing the poison). In the anus a dull slow stitch, often returning. In the evening a slight pinching from flatulency near 448 OXALIC ACID. the anus. On rising, a violent tenesmus in the upper part of the rectum, a pro- longed, very painful urging from above downwards. On sitting down to stool in the morning, pressing cutting pain from the right side of the rectum above, towards the anus. Evacuation pappy, light-brown. In the afternoon again, passage from the bowels, pappy, thick and short; during the passage violent stitches in the fleshy part of the left thumb, like little quick cuts of a knife. After the passage, a heavy rumbling in the right side of the abdomen, (coecum,) and noise from flatulency. Twice passage of the bowels during the day. Con- stant involuntary discharge of fluid faeces, occasionally mixed with blood, (Christison). Constipation, (Christison, in two persons who recovered). Dur- ing yawning, a pressing stitch above the right hip, which takes away his breath. During hiccough a sticking pressure above the right hip. In the evening slight pain in the region of the right kidney. Urine, Genitals.—Disposition to pass water every two hours, and in large quantities. Inclination to pass water every hour, and in large quantities each time ; slight burning in passing the urine, which is clear, and of a straw colour. Profuse flow of light-coloured urine frequently during the evening. Copious discharge of urine, at 5 o'clock in the morning. Urging to pass water, with copious discharge; the water is of a lighter colour than usual. Desire to urinate; the urine is of a lighter colour. Discharges less urine than usual.— Great increase of sexual desire during night and morning, with voluptuous dreams every night, for three nights. After walking out, pain in the testicles and spermatic chord, more in the latter, and worse in the right side. On lying down, erections, without any cause, and afterwards the pains in the testicles, mentioned above. Sensation of contusion in both testicles. During walking in the evening, a pretty severe pain and heaviness in both testicles, shooting along the spermatic chords; worse on the right side. Jerking in the testicles and spermatic chord. Larynx and Chest.—On walking in the open air tickling in the larynx, with a sensation of sticking, he coughs several times, the larynx feels swelled. A natural secretion of mucus from the throat is diminished. Expectoration of hard mucus in lumps, and watery running from the nose, with sneezing. Ex- pectoration of thick yellow mucus from the throat. Hawking up of thick yel- lowish-white phlegm with a black lump in the centre, of the size of a pea. °The chronic sore throat, to which he is subject, is much better. During speaking, a sensation of mucus in the larynx, hoarseness; he has to expectorate more than usual. Augments, the first hour, the secretion of mucus from the throat. Slight cough, from tickling in the larynx and trachea; also sensation of soreness in the larynx. Difficulty of breathing, with constrictive pain in the larynx, and wheezing; oppression of the whole chest towards the right side. Sharp shoot- ing pain in the left lung and heart, extending down to the epigastrium, lasting for some seconds. In the afternoon, stitches several times in the left lung. Stitches in the left breast, more during walking. Sharp, lancinating pain in the left lung, coming on so suddenly, that it deprived him of breath for several seconds, and then gradually subsided. In the forenoon, during repose, and also afterwards, during walking, a pain in the heart, extending from behind and be- low towards the anterior part; the pain in the heart is very violent, like elec- tric flashes coming from within. Immediately after lying down in bed at night, palpitation of the heart, for half an hour, three nights consecutively. Loins and Back.—After rising from a recumbent position, a pain in the region of the loins towards the right, between the last rib and hip. Weak- ness in the loins and hips, extending to the lower extremities. Pain, shooting down from the loins to the limbs, the patient seeking constant relief in a change OXALIC ACID. 449 of posture, (Christison, in a patient, who died in thirteen hours). The pain in the sacrum, habitual to him in the morning, is gone; instead of it a bruised sen- sation in the back from the loins to the shoulders. Acute pain in the back, gradually extending down to the thighs, occasioning ere long great torture, and continuing almost to the moment of death, (Christison, the first symptom in a patient who had swallowed half an ounce of Ox. ac). Numbness and weakness in the bark and limbs, (Christison). Sense of numbness and tingling or prick- ing in the back and thighs, (Christison, from two scruples, in 24 hours). Sen- sation of numbness in the sacrum. Creeping of cold, particularly from the lower part of the spine upwards. Extremities.—Sharp, shooting pain in the right shoulder-joint, coming on suddenly, and lasting about fifteen minutes. After lying down in bed, a twitch in the left deltoid muscle, and in a few minutes one in the right. During the forenoon increased sprain-like pain in the right wrist, which he has had for some time. The pain in the right wrist worse ; it jars and cracks. The right wrist painful, as if it were strained or dislocated; on taking hold of anything, he has to let it fall again. During writing, a violent jerking pain in the ulnar region, near the right metacarpus. Sensation of slight numbness in the left arm. Sensation as if the hands were dead, (Christison). Tensive pain in the fleshy part of tho left thumb, with heat, numbness, and a sensation of swelling, lasting about half an hour. Lividity of the nails and fingers. Sticking pain in the right hip-joint. Aching pain in the right ankle-joint, with a feeling of swelling of this part and the whole right foot. Sharp, shooting pain on the instep of the right foot, lasting for half an hour, at in- tervals. The same pain the next day, lasting five minutes. Sharp pain in the right ankle-joint, several days after the first pain. A very violent contracting pain in the external tendon of the left knee. Jerking, sliding pain in the hollow of the left knee. Uneasiness in limbs and feet, which he is hardly able to keep quiet for a few minutes at a time. Slight lameness and stiffness in the lower extremities. Lividity, coldness, and almost complete loss of the power of mo- tion in the legs, which symptoms were not entirely removed for fifteen days, (Christison, from two drachms). Sleep.—Slept very little through the night, and when he did, had constant unpleasant dreams with starting and then waking* with fright. He raised himself in bed in alarm, looking round the room, but on recollecting where he was, he lay down again, repeating the same action in an hour. Being awaken- ed by a noise in the night, he could not go to sleep again for two hours. Con- tinual and vivid dreams, always of a frightful nature; he wakes often and dreams constantly. Sleep very restless, but without dreams. Has had dreams which he cannot remember. Very profound and long sleep ; on rising from bed quite stupid, he lies down again and sleeps one hour longer. Very violent yawning. Great sleepiness in the morning. After dinner, sleepiness, and pro- found sleep while in a sitting position. He is more inclined to sleep at night than usual. Dreams of rapidly-sliding walking, he glides on his "way, every step without difficulty ; dreams also that water is poured upon him. Dreams of an agreeable and lascivious nature, and of a character of reality. Fever.—Creeping of cold, particularly from the lower part of the spine up- wards. In the evening, after tea, sneezing, with chilliness. An internal sensa- tion of heat, particularly in the face, for several hours during the forenoon. Some heat at first in the face, and afterwards in the left leg, as from external warmth. General sensation of heat. Exhausting fever with dyspepsia and singultus, (Christison, in a patient, who seemed at first to be doing well, but was carried off afterwards with the above fever in twenty-three days). Flushes vol. ir. 29 450 OXALIC ACID. of heat and perspiration all over the body. Clammy perspiration, (Christison). His hands, feet and face were cold and covered with a cold perspiration. He perspires less than usual. Pulse more frequent and harder than usual. Pulse increased, in frequency, from 100 to 108. The pulse is more frequent than usual, and tense. The pulse in every case became imperceptible, and even in those who recovered, it could not be felt for several hours; this state of the pulse was accompanied with deadly coldness, clammy sweats, sometimes lividity of the nails and fingers, (Christison ; contrary to this general fact, observes Dr. C, he once remarked in a dog the pulsation of the heart so strong, as to be audible at the distance of several yards). Extreme feebleness of the pulse, (Christison, from two scruples, after twenty-four hours). Pulse small, tremu- lous, intermittent. General excitement in the evening. Skin.—During shaving, the skin is more sensitive. The face is redder than usual. Red points on the glans penis, without itching or any other sensation. In the evening after walking, during sitting, a violent itching on a small spot of the neck, the right side of the hairy scalp, and on the left side of the trui.k, etc. Itching on the neck. Smarting soreness around the neck, as if chafed by the collar. On a spot on the right index-finger, where a cut from a peukiii'c had healed four days previously, a very painful pustule appears. An eruption or mottled appearance of the skin, in circular patches, not unlike the roundish red marks on the arms of stout, healthy children, but of a deeper tint, (Christison). General Symptoms.—Extreme lassitude of the body. Pain, but chiefly great lassitude and weakness of the limbs, and next morning nuinbnej-s and weakness there as well as in the back, at first so severe that she cov.ld hardly walk up stairs; she recovered entirely in a few days, (Christison, in the case of a girl who had swallowed by mistake about two drachms). A feeling, as after a debauch the previous night; dull headache, with a gnawing, tensive pain and Boreness in the eyes, and superciliary regions, lassitude, disinclination to occupa- tion, reading, etc., and inclination to stretch, with occasional yawning; relief by walking in the cool open air. Tremor of the limbs.—A very singular ease in his motions.—A peculiar general numbness, approaching to palsy, (Christi- son). Loss of consciousness for eight hours, (Christison, from two drachms). Nervous symptoms appear mostly in these patients, who have taken the diluted acid, (Christison). Convulsions either at the time of death or before it, (C/'.ris- iison). Convulsions, with two or three deep inspirations before death, (Chris- tison). °Some, who are generally much affected by cold weather, appear better able to bear it. Characteristic Peculiarities.—All the pains from oxalic acid, seem to occupy only a small spot, half an inch to an inch in length, viz: in the eusta- chian tube, right wrist, right hypochondrium, region of navel, knee, etc. They seem to be excited and aggravated by movement, as the pains in the bowels, testicles, kidney, back, etc. From time to time he has tlu.se peculiar jerking pains, like short stitches, confined to a small spot, and lasting only a few seconds. Oxalic acid has a decided action on the joints, ankle, knees, hips, wrist, shoulders. The symptoms from oxalic acid occasionally intermit for some hours or a day, and then return in a diminished degree. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. 1. In Animal\—When an animal is examined immediately after death, no i appearance of note is found in the brain, peritoneal sac or intestine. Unless i death has been very rapid, the lungs are almost always studded on their sur ace s with bright scarlet spots, and sometimes we have seen even the whole paren- ■ chyma of a uniform and beautiful scarlet colour. At the same time there never r OXALIC ACID. 451 was any effusion, either in the air-cells, or into their cellular tissue. In cases of poisoning that prove fatal before the stage of insensibility comes on, the heart, two or three minutes after death, is found neither contracting nor contractile; its pulmonary cavities are distended, and the blood is dark in those cavities and florid in the aorta. This fact is conformable with what we have observed in the same animals, first, at the time of death, viz: the contractions of the heart are almost imperceptible, even before the breathing ceases, and never continue after it. In the slowest cases, in which c ma prevails for some time before death, the heart, though very feeble in its contractions towards the close, beats a little after the breathing has ceased, and then the blood is found equally dark in both vascular systems. There is likewise an intermediate variety of poisoning wherein the stage of in- sensibility is short, and the heart scarcely survives the stoppage of respiration; and in such cases, the blood in the aortal cavities is darker than natural, but still considerably more florid than that of the veins and pulmonary cavities, (Christison and Coindet). Rave and Klostcrman, after washing off the internal coat of the stomach, saw many dark brown spots, extending from the cardiac orifice, where they were most numerous, along the great curvature to within half an inch of the pyloric orifice. The spots formed longitudinal streaks which always occupied the back part of the folds of the internal tunica. The interstices between these folds were either unchanged, or only coloured light yellow. The corroded cuticle was easily de- tached. The spots themselves, carefully scraped off, showed many small blood vessels. One and a half inch round the pyloric orifice, the internal cuticle was coloured yellow ; the nearer the pylorus, the more the colouring decreased. In the duodenum and other intestines no changes were visible. The bladder was distended with urine, and the kidneys, on making an incision, discharged large quantities of urine. In other cases the internal coat of the small intestines was reddened. Iu other respects the appearances were the same as those observed by Drs. Christison and Coindet. 2. In Mm.—The examinations of dead bodies are both very deficient, and exceedingly discordant. The authors, generally, were neither sufficiently pre- cise hi their phraseology, nor minute in their descriptions. A reddish froth sometimes issues from the m^uth and nose. In one case there was a good deal of general emphysema, ten hours after death. The brain has been rarely examined. In one case the cerebral organs were turgid; in another case there was some effusion under the arachnoid, appear- ances probably independent of disease. In the three best-described cases, the appearance of throat and stomach, etc., was the following. 1st. The mucous crat of the throat and gullet looked as if it had been scald- ed, and that of the gullet could be easily scraped off. The stomach contained a pint ' f thick fluid. This is usually dark, like coffee grounds, as it contains a good deal of blood. The inner coat of the stomach was pulpy, in many parts black, in others red. The inner membrane of the intestines was similarly, but less violently affected. The outer c( at of both stomach and intestines was in- flamed. The lining membrane of the windpipe was also very red, (Hebb). 2d. The inside of the gullet was pale, as if boiled, strongly corrugated, and brittle, and covet iig a raniifi ation of vessels filled with consolidated blood. The stomach presented externally numerous vessels in the same state, and its villous coat was pale, so t, a:id brittle, but here and there injected with vessels. The duodenum, and part of the j. jnnuni, were red; the other intestines natuial; the liver, splcoi a>d kidneys congested. The stomach contained a brownish jelly, 452 P.EONIA. in which gelatine was detected, as well as oxalic acid. The blood was fluid everywhere, except in the vessels of the gullet and stomach. 3d. The whole villous coat of the stomach was either softened or removed, as well as the inner membrane of the gullet, so that the muscular coat was exposed; and this coat presented a dark gangrenous-like appearance, being much thicken. ed and highly injected. These are the most common signs of its action, but cases have - occurred where no such signs of violent irritation have been observed. In the case of a girl, who died about thirty minutes after swallowing an ounce of the acid, no morbid appearance whatsoever was to be seen, in any part of the alimentary canal. In the case of another girl, where death took place in twenty minutes, there was no appearance but contraction of the rugae of the gullet and stomach, one spot of extravasation on the latter, and doubtful softening of the villous coat, (Christison on Poisons). Dr. John Mollan, in the case of poisoning related by him in the Dublin Hos- pital Reports, says, " one circumstance deserves notice from its infrequency, namely, the discovery of air in the right cavities of the heart. I am not aware that anything similar has been observed in cases of sudden death, produced by any deleterious substance, and I am at a loss to account for its production." In one case communicated in October, 1844, by Dr. H. Letheby, in the Lon- don Lancet, the tissue of the stomach was so softened and disorganized, that it could scarcely be handled without tearing. At the cardiac end it was reduced to a soft, pulpy, gelatinous substance, and had numerous perforations in conse- quence. The contents which had been saved in a glass amounted to about six ounces in quantity ; they had a very dark colour resembling porter. On being tested they were found to contain about three drachms of oxalic acid. 185. P^EONIA. PJEON.—Peony—See Pract. Commun. for Hom. Phys., 1827, p. 61, and Hom. Gaz., XXVIIL, No. 12. SYMPTOMS, FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Sensorium and Head.—Vertigo, gloominess and heaviness of the head. The vertigo continues after the nausea had been relieved by a glass of water. Vertigo during every motion, with constant reeling in the head. Vertigo, par- ticularly on walking in the room, with staggering to and fro. Reeling sensation in the head, with staggering of the limbs. Dulness, heaviness, vertigo and feeling of heat in the head.—Pressing pain in the left side of the head, after din- ner. Boring pain in the right temporal region, from without inwards.—Darting tearing from the right temporal region to the interior of the head.—Gnawing headache.—Sticking with pressure in the left side of the head, above the eye- brows.—Continuous aching paius in the occiput and nape of the neck.—Rushes of blood to the head, and feeling of sweat. Ears.—Intensely-painful darting through the right ear, from within outwards, in the forenoon.—Painful jerking in the cartilage of the ear. Pinching behind the ear. Eyes.—Periodical itching of the right upper eyelid. Intensely-painful stick- ing in the right upper eyelid, toward the inner canthus, not going off by rubbing. —Burning of the eyelids and eyes. Burning, itching and feeling of dryness i in the eyes. Dry, smarting eyes which it is difficult to open. P^EONIA. 453 Face.—Burning heat in the face. Nose.—Tingling in the tip of the nose. Stoppage and dryness of the nose, early in bed and in the evening. Jaws and Teeth.—Violent pressure from the articulation of the jaw through the inner ear, occasioned by stretching the jaw and increased by closing the jaws tightly. Mouth.—Tingling in the upper lip. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Heat in the throat. Burning sensation in the pharynx and oesophagus, from below upwards. Sensation in the throat as if something acrid and burning were creeping along in it from below upwards. Accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, inducing hawking, with scanty expectoration. The heat in the throat and fauces increases by hawking, in the afternoon. Stomach and Abdomen.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from great anxiety. Drawing creeping below the umbilicus, going off by rubbing. Stool.—Papescent diarrhoea, with feeling of qualmishness in the abdomen, burning in the anus after stool, returning in six hours, afterwards internal chilli- ness and increased feeling of illness.—Painful ulcer at the anus, with exudation of a fetid moisture. Chest.—Throbbing through the right chest, and extending posteriorly up to the nape of the neck, where the throbbing terminates in intermittent pinching.— Cutting pressure in the left side of the chest. Pressing on both sides of the Bternum, while eating. Dull stitches in the chest from before backwards, as if through the heart. Back and Extremities.—Pinching, at times in the back, at others in the abdominal muscles, and sticking in many parts of the back, going off by rubbing. Fine boring pain on the left scapula, going off by motion. Sharp stitches in the axillae. Tension of the muscles on bending the arms, a3 from pressure. Stick- ing pinching in the left wrist-joint behind the thumb. Severe cramp in the wrist-joint. Crawling in tho left forearm, as from something alive. Transitory creeping in the fingers and sides.—Painful weariness in the left tarsal joints, during rest. Severe cramp in the right knee-joint while sitting. Single sharp pushes on the inner side of the left knee, from within outwards. Itching of the calf, going off by rubbing. Burning itching of the toes, which are bloated and as if contracted, with pain as if a sharp knife were drawn through them, at in- tervals. Sleep.—Restless sleep with fancies and dreams. Skin.—Burning smarting on the head, chest and limbs, accompanied with itching of the skin, obliging one to rub (during a cool north-east wind).—Prick- ling, itching and stinging of the skin, in the open air. Prickling in the skin, first on the chest, then on the axilla?, on the shoulders, arms, and down the side of the back.—Heat and burning smarting on the chest, back and shoulders. General Symptoms.—Languor, weariness during a walk, heaviness in the chest and in the limbs, in the open air. Languor and heaviness of the hmbs, less after eating. Great languor and prostration in the evening.—Nausea, hiss- ing in the head, vanishing of the senses. Fainting turn on entering the room, after returning from a short walk up-hill. 454 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 186. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. PAR.—Truelove.—See Archiv. VIII. and XIII., Hartlaub and Trinks, III. Compare with—Hell., Ign., Kali, Natr. mur., Nux v., Puis., Sabad. Antidotes.—Camph.,? Coff. SYMPTOMS- Mind and Disposition.—Great disposition to treat others with malice and Contempt.—Loquacious vivacity. Foolish manners, with shallow and absurd talk about one thing and another, jumping with a good deal of self-complacency from one object to another, merely for the sake of talking.—Indisposition to mental labour. Scnsorium.—Dulness of the head. Stupid feeling in the head, going off in the open air. Sense of intoxication.— Vertigo after loud reading, or when sitting. Head.—Headache when smoking. Headache aggravated by thinking. Headache which is worse in the evening and attended with dulness of the whole sinciput, and a sensation as if the skin of the forehead were contracted and the bone scraped sore, with heat in the eyelids, surrounded with red margins; at the same time a violent pain is experienced in the eye, as if a thread from the eye to the centre of the head were put upon the stretch.—Heaviness of the head, which inclines forwards.—Pressure in the occiput. Contractive pressure in the forehead. Pressure in the temples, particularly the right, where it goes off by pressing on the part. Slight pressure in the left temple. Constant pressure deep in the right frontal protuberance. Pressure in the whole head from within outwards, during a walk, accompanied with a feeling of intoxication, and preceded by a painful dulness which is aggravated by reading and looking at a thing steadily.—Feeling of distention, as if the head would swell up and the temples and eyes were pressed out. Tightness, as if the cerebral membranes and the brain were put upon the stretch, with tightness around the eyebrows, as if the skin in that region were thicker and could not be drawn into wrinkles. Sticking, in the middle of the head and in the temples, with subsequent pressure on the forehead on stooping. Sticking in the left side of the vertex. Sticking in the right side of the head. Sticking in the left temple.—Gnawing, first in the left frontal bone with sticking, afterwards in the left lower jaw.—Stupify- ing throbbing in the left frontal region. Bubbling in the head, at night on waking, with internal restlessness which prevents him from falling asleep again. Throbbing, undulating sensation in the head, when going up stairs. Scalp.—Tension in the skin of the forehead and occiput, as if the skin were adhering fast to the skull and immovable. Drawing in the occipital muscles. Sticking with pressure in the right frontal protuberance. Sticking in the vertex. Stupifying sticking in the left frontal eminence. Pain of the hairy scalp when touchii\g it. Sore pain at a small spot of the skin on the forehead, as after a hard shock, coming on at night.—Itching of the hairy scalp, with burning after scratching. Small scabs on the hairy scalp. Pimples on the forehead, with aching pain on touching them.—Falling out of the hair, with painfulness of the hair on the vertex. EyCS.—Sensption as if the eyeballs were loo large, or swollen, and the orbits too narrow, with unsteadiness of sight as if the objects were in motion. Pres- sure in the upper margin of the orbit, apparently in the bone. Pressure from above downward eti the left upper lid. Tearing with pressure in the right eye- PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 455 ball. Darting through tho eye, with mistiness of sight, tingling in the region of the upper lashes of the right eye. Burning of the eyes, also with lachrymation, or smarting, or particularly in the internal canthus. Feeling of coldness in the right eye.—Dry pimples above the left brow, with itching gnawing, which is made worse by scratching and changes to a sticking as from a splinter.— A quantity of gum in Ik- eyes, also particularly early in the morning, or in the canthi during the day, and then accompanied with burning, particularly when touching the parts. Lachrymation, after rising in the morning.—Quiver- ing of the upper lid.—Dilatation of the pupils.—Unsteadiness of sight, as after crying. The eyes swim. Ivlirs.—Sudden pain in the meatus auditorius, as if distended by a wedge, particularly in the right, in the evening, during a walk in the open air. Tear- ing in the ears, also with dragging, or as if the ear would be torn out of the head. Sensation as if a burning heat were rushing out of the ears.—Ringing in the left car, also with dra2.nd yawning, want of appetite and pressure in the abdomen. Vertigo, when rising from a recumbent posture, with heat in the face when lying. Head.—Indications of headache, every morning. Headache in the morning, until after breakfast. Headache in the evening, after walking in the open air. °Headache from chagrin. Headache, in the right side of the head, she was un- able to open her eyes, to keep her head erect; had to lie down. °Headache in the forehead, increased to stupefaction by mental exertions. Dull headache, from morning, with drawing towards the forehead until evening, accompanied with violent chilliness until noon. ^Heaviness of the head, in the morning, -with sensation of fulness and heat in that part, especially when stooping and sewing. The occiput feels heavy as lead.—Pressure in the head, teeth, and antra Highmoriana. Pressure in the occiput. Pressure in the forehead, with single stitches above the eye. Pressure with stitching in the occiput, in the morning. Violent pressure on the head, when stooping. Strong pressure on the vertex, with dizziness. Pressure and pushing in the head.—Pressing sensation about the head, with a sort of qualmishness.—Tension in the head. Tensive and pulling sensation in the dura mater, also every day. with dulness of the head. Sensation as if the brain were pressed together.—Constrictive, draw- ing headache. Contractive, constrictive headache. Sensation as if the interior of the head were screwed together. Cramp-like, intensely-painful drawing and pressing in the left temple. Cramp-like, transitory drawing in the temples.— Pinching headache. Pinching in the occiput. Pinching drawing from below upwards towards the left temple.—Drawing headache, preceded by a drawing pain in the right arm. Drawing in the forehead, with stitches above the eyes. Drawing, with pressure, in the right temple, perceptible during sleep.—'^Stitches in the head, -accompanied with pressure in the head, and nausea. Stitches in the left half of the occiput, in the afternoon. Stitching pain in the forehead, in the morning on waking, soon spreading over the occiput. Stitches and heat in the head. Dull, darting stitches from the vertex to the interior of the head, followed by continued pressure in that part. Excessive dartings in the head, when stooping or walking; she had to stand still after walking a few steps. Beating stitches over the eye, in one side of the head.—* Throbbing in the head. Throbbing in the occiput the whole day. Pulsations in the occiput when lying on it. Strong, pulsative undulations, especially in the forehead, as if the head would burst, better during motion.—Sensation as if the blood were rushing to the head, during every quick motion ; this caused a darting through the brain. —Boring in the head.—Disagreeable feeling in the head, as if full of living things, whirling and turning in the head, with aversion to work. Trembling, balancing and roaring in the head, but without any feeling of heat. Scalp.—The outer parts of the head feel numb, as if made of wood. Ulce- rative pain on both sides of the head. Pain of the integuments of the head as if bruised. Pain of the vertex, as if bruised, or soft.—Soft tumors on the PETROLEUM. 461 hairy scalp, excessively painful when touched. Itching of the hairy scalp, with sore pain after scratching.— *Pimples on the head °and in the nape of the neck. Scurf on the hairy scalp.—Falling out of the hair for three days.—Profuse sweat about the head, in the evening after lying down. Sensation about the head, as if a cold breeze were blowing on it. Eyes.—Great pressure in ihe eyes, especially in the evening at candle-light. Oreat pressure in the eyes, as from a grain of sand. Culling in the eyes, when exerting them in reading. Stitching and beating in the eyebrows. Stitches in the eyes and lachrymation. Stitches from the outer to the inner canthus. Stitches in the eyes, also when pressing on them.—Beating pain in the right eye.—Itching of the eyelids. Itching and dryness of the lower eyelids. Itch- ing and slinging of the eyes, also with burning. Smarting in the eyes, as from smoke. Smarting and heat in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, with pressure; and obscuration of sight, when exerting the eyes. Burning and pressure in the inner canthus.—Inflammatory swelling in the inner canthus, resembling an in- cipient fistula lachrymalis, of the size of a pigeon's egg; accompanied with dry- ness of the right side of the nose for several days. Pimples on the eyelids.— Lachrymation in the open air, which was not cold. Frequent lachrymation, even in the room. A quantity of water oozes from both canthi.— Weak eyes. The eyes are easily tired.—Jerkings in the eyes. Tremor and twitchings of the eyelids. Winking of the eyelids. The eyes frequently feel as if they would become distorted. In the morning he is unable to open his eyelids, and his sight is dim and as if through a gauze. Great dimness of sight. Great dilata- tion of the pupils for many days; he is unable to distinguish letters with the left eye at the usual distance; when seen at a greater distance, they become more distinct, but at the same time smaller.—Painful sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of day; he is obliged to keep them covered.—* Long-sightedness, °he is unable to read fine print without spectacles.—Double-sight in both eyes. Frequent obscuration of sight, with diplopia.—Black spots before the eyes, hindering reading. Something occasionally hovers and vibrates before her eyes; nevertheless when looking at things steadily, they appear bright and distinct. Objects appear to move before the eyes. Vibrations and black figures before the eyes. Scintillations before the eyes. Ears.—Pressure in the ears, with heat. Cramp-pain in the right ear. Cramp-like drawing in the right ear. Painful drawing and jerking in the outer right ear. Painful drawing and tearing, as if the muscles were strained, from the mastoid process to the clavicle, on both sides of the neck, every five minutes. Darting pain in the left ear. Tearing in the right ear. Cutting in the left ear. Titillation and stitching in the ear, followed by stiffness in the articulation of tho jaw, as if it would crack when moved.—Itching in the left ear, and discharge of sanguineous pus. The meatus is closedyrom swelling. Pimple on the right ear, bursting in the evening. Eruptions on the outer ear, for thirty days. Redness, rawness, soreness and humour behind the ears.—°Dryness and trou- blesome feeling of dryness in the inner ear.—Diminished hearing. Loss of hear- ing of the right ear, which had become affected with a pain previously felt iu the left eye. During an eructation the ears felt somewhat closed, hindering hearing momentarily. °Hird hearing. °Paralytic deafness.—Singing in the ears. *Roaring and pain in the ears. Whizzing b°fore ihe ears, diminishing hearing. Sensation, as of the rushing of water before the left car, in the evening, with oc- casional cracking in the ear, for three evenings. Cracking in the ear from time to timo. Gurgling sensation in the ears rVose.—Tensive pain in the root of the nose, from one eyebrow to the other, with ulcerative pain when touching the part.—Itching of the tip of the nose.— 462 PETROLEUM. Burning on and near the nose, (in a few hours.)—Pimple on the nose.—Pustule in the nose. Pustule on the lower part of the septum, with red areolae. Pus- tules on the right wing of the nose, painful when touched.—cSwelling of tho nose, with purulent discharge and pain over the root.— Ulcerated nostrils. Scurf in the fold of the left wing of the nose, painful when touched. Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose, when blowing it.—Bleeding of ihe nose, (in a few hours).—Sneezing, with drowsiness in the evening. Catarrhal sensation in tho throat, with titillation inducing one to cough. Feeling of obstruction in the pos- terior nares.—°Dryness and troublesome feeling of dryness in the nose.— °Catarrh with hoarseness. Dry coryza and ulcerated nostrils. Profuse coryza. Cessation of the discharge of mucus from the nose ; he is obliged to blow it out with force in little lumps. Face.—°Yellow face. Continual paleness of the face.—Heat in ihe face, and redness of the cheeks. Sensation of heat in the face. Heat in the face and head. Burning heat on the forehead and in the face, with itching. A good deal of itching in the face and eyes (immediately.)—Itching in the face, here and there, (from the vapour). Pimples in the face. Pimples around the eyes. Pimples in the face, with white tips.—Eruption on the lips. Pimple in the corner of the mouth, stinging and painful. Scurfy pimple over the upper lip, with stinging pain except when touched. Chapped lips. Boil on the lower lip.—Pustule on the chiv, painful when touched. JaWS and Teeth.—Drawing and tension in the jaw, below the car. Liability of the articulation of the right jaw to be sprained, in the morning, in bed, very painful. Swellings on both lower jaws, painful when stooping and pressing on them. * Swelling of the submaxillary glands.—Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks; she cannot lie still in the night on account of pain, has to sit up in bed. Too'hache, when cold air enters the teeth.—Aching pain in the right mi lar teeth. Drawing pain in the upper foreteeth, with feeling of coldness. Tear- ing in a hollow tooth, from evening till midnight, the gums feeling sore. Cut- ting and contractive pain in the teeth. Stitch in the hollow foretooth. Cutting toothache, in both jaws, most violent in the night, she was unable to remsiiti in bed. Paroxysms of stitch-like pain in the teeth, every evening until midnight. Pain in the teeth, as if ulcerated, with throbbing pressure in the right jaw, ex- tending as far as the ear and the posterior cervical muscles.—Boring tcothache. —Numb feeling of the teeth, and pain when pressing them together. All the lower and some of the upper teeth feel raised and are affected with an ulceiative pain. Both the cuspidati feel elongated, in the morning.—The teeth aie alway3 covered with sordes.— The gums feel sore when chewing. The gums between the lower foreteeth look inflamed, with stinging and burning pain, ^'veiling of the gums, with stitching pain when touched. Vesicle on the gums. Pustule on the gums covering the hollow tooth, resembling a fistula dentalis. Black, hollow vesicle on the gums of one of the lower molar teeth, sensitive to water and cold air; the tooth is painful when opening the mouth. Mouth. — Ulcers on the inner side of the cheek.—Dryness of the mouth in the morning. The tongue is dotted with yellowish spots. * While-coaled tongue. Coated tongue, remaining coated in spite of scraping. The tongue and right side of the palate in the region of the cervical muscles feel so raw and painful, that he is unable to eat or to move anything haid about in the mouth; acid and saltish things cause a smarting sensation as if the tcigue were sore. Fetid odour from the mouth; even the saliva smelt badly. Smell frtm the mouth, sometimes like garlhk, sometimes putrid. Pfcarynx.—The threat feels swollen.—When swallowing, s me parts of the swallowed substance press towards the posterior nares.—Slinging pain in the PETROLEUM. 46a throat when swallowing, as if the swallowing were impeded by a fish-bone. Violent titillation in the throat, extending into the ear, when swallowing. Ting- ling in the pharynx and nose, as from snuff. Scratching and scraping in the throat. Rawness in the throat when swallowing. Raw feeling in the pharynx, extending as far as the stomach. Sore pain in the throat, with dryness of the mouth.—Dryness of the mouth and throat in the morning, so violent that it arrests the breathing. Creat dryness in the throat, causing a good deal of cough. Dryness in the throat, with eructations and loss of strength. Accumu- lation of mucus in the throat. Continual hawking up of mucus, in the morning, with headache. Taste and Appetite.—Slimy taste in the mouth, with white tongue. Slimy mouth, for twenty days. Slimy mouth, without appetite. Sourish slimy taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Bitter-sour taste in the mouth, early in tho morning. Bitterness in the mouth, after breakfast, with scraping in the throat, and eructations.—*F/at taste in the mouth, -and saliva as from deranged stomach. * Putrid taste in the mouth. Rancid taste in the pharynx.—Much thirst the whole day. Much thirst for beer, a whole week.—No appetite, no thirst. °Aversion to warm, boiled food or meat. Canine hunger, causing nausea and waking her at night. Ravenous appetite at dinner.—Inclines to nibble. Gastric Symptoms.—His stomach is deranged by little food, especially sour- krout, brown cabbage, etc.; it gives him a diarrhoea day and night. Smoking occasions cloudiness, (intoxication). A little wine makes him feel slightly tipsy. —After a slight me il he feels gidly and his head sxims. Congestion of blood to the head after a meal. Short flush of heat on the left side of the head after a meal, with continual redness of the cheeks. Feeling of heat and sweat after a meal, mostly about the head. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, after every meal, she is obliged to spit a good deal. * Repletion after a moderate dinier, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. Painful, cramp-like spasm in the chest, arresting the breathing, immediately after a meal; stooping relieved the spasm, but the arrest of breath returned on raising the head. Uncomfort- ableness after supper. Flatness and restlessness after supper. °The previously- existing weakness disappears after a meal. Toothache after breakfast.—Acid erucf j ions at dinner. Sour eructations with dim sight. Sour eructations, set- ting the teeth on edge. Gulping-up of a sour fluid after breakfast. Repeated hit, a. id risings and gulpings. Scraping eructations even after a slight meal. Tasteless eiu^tati uis, the whole day. Eructations, with oppres.-ion in the ab- domen. Eructations in the morning, tasting of rotten eggs.—Heartburn, to- wards morning, and eructations.—Hiccough, in the evening, followed by much sneezing. VLLnt. hiccough, sometimes at three different periods of the day, for several clays.—"Waterbrash. Nausea with eructations'. Nausea every morn- ing. N iise.iled and qualmish the whole day. Nausea, frequently arresting the breathing. Nausea the whole day, with loss of appetite, with sourish taste in the mouth, and white and dry tongue. Violent nausea, with cold sweat and stitches in the right side of the abdomen. Nausea in the morning, with accumu- liitioi of wa'er in the mouth. Sudden nausea when walking, with accumulation of water in tho mouth, sudden heat in the face and vertigo; for a quarter of an hour. Momentary attacks of nausea, morning or evening, with inclination to vomit. °Sieknes3 at the stomach when riding in a carriage. °Sea-sickness. "Vomiting of pregnant females. °Green, bitter vomiting. StOIIiach.—tyi.hnish feeling in the stomach. Empty feeling in the sto- mach, with dulness of the head. Great feeling of emptiness in the stomach, as after long fasting. Relaxation of the stomach.—Intolerable heaviness in the stomach, relieved by walking.—Pau iu the stomach, ca.ly in the morning.—Op- 464 PETROLEUM. pression of the stomach before breakfast, going off by eating. Pressure in the stomach with diarrhoea, in the afternoon, preceded by colic. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, two mornings in succession, before breakfast, with nausea.— Distention of the stomach, in the afternoon. °Fceling of fulness in the pit of the stomach.—Stomach and abdomen are frequently painful, feeling at times as if they were contracted, at times as if distended.—Crampy sensation in the pit of the stomach. Sudden gripings in the stomach, as if occasioned by a cold, with anxiety in the evening for a quarter of an hour.—Violent pain in the pit the stomach, as if something would be torn off in that part. Cutting around the stomach, with inclination to stool. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon. Stitches in the region of the stomach, when making the least bodily exertion. °The pit of the stomach is swollen and painful when touched. Hypochondria.—Pressure in the region of the liver. Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, with nausea.—Pressure in the left hypochondrium.— Stitches in both hypochondria, going off without emission of flatulence. Abdomen.—Colic, a sort of painful pressure. He is roused from his sleep by pressure and pinching in the abdomen, as if occasioned by a cold. °Colic towards morning, with diarrhoea.—Puffiness of the abdomen, especially after a meal, with pressure below the pit of the stomach. Distended abdomen, from flatulence or a little drink. Painful tension over the whole abdomen, with pain in the lower part of the left side of the abdomen, as if something would break through, or as from an internal wound, in paroxysms of two, three hours. Ten- sion and spasms in the abdomen.—Gripings in both sides of the abdomen, from below upwards, with heaviness of the lower limbs and great drowsiness. Griping and pinching in the parts round the upper half of the umbilicus, in frequent paroxysms.—Pinching in the abdomen, for several evenings. Pinching in the abdomen, every ten minutes; she has to bend double at every paroxysm. Pinching and grumbling in the abdomen, in the evening. Pinching in the ab- domen, and diarrhoea the whole day.—Cutting in the epigastrium with nausea and diarrhoea, at four o'clock in the morning. Cutting colic, late in the even- evening ; she had to bend double. Cutting in the abdomen as if occasioned by a cold ; afterwards diarrhoea with bearing down. Cutting in the abdomen, im- mediately, and again after the lapse of seventy-two hours, in the morning when waking, and several times during the day. Cutting in the abdomen, for two days, followed by discharge of faeces, and then bloody stools. Violent cutting in the abdomen, for two days, with griping in the abdomen; afterwards eructations, vomiting of clear water, diarrhoea and headache, (in a few hours). Cutting colic in the morning, followed by diarrhoea having a very fetid, camphor-like Bmell; the diarrhoea is succeeded by ineffectual urging. Drawing cutting in the abdomen, with eructations and emission of flatulence. °Feeling of coldness in the abdomen.—Disagreeable itching in the abdomen.—Accumulation and move- ment of flatulence in the abdomen, (immediately). Grumbling in the abdomen, in the evening. °Rumbling with feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. Emis- sion of a quantity of fetid flatulence, for many days. Fetid flatulence preceding the liquid stool. Sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would come on, with- out stool.—Going to sleep and tingling of the abdominal muscles extending as far as the thighs, when sitting; she had to rise and walk about. Pimples on the abdomen, burning when touched. Pressure in the right abdominal ring. Stitch- ing in the right groin, after a nightly emission. Cramp-pain in both groins, like a sort of pressure, when walking or lying, mostly when sitting. Pain in the groin as if inguinal hernia would press through, at every turn of cough. StOOl.—Stool is expelled with great exertions, as if the rectum lacked power to expel it. No stool for two days, but much bearing down; the rectum ap- PETROLEUM. 465 peared too weak to expel the faeces. Difficult stools, with sore pain in the anus. °Hard, knotty stool.—Frequent desire for stool, with slight diarrhoea, followed by much pressing, as if a good deal of stool were yet to be expelled.—Inclination to diarrhoea and two soft stools. Diarrhoea with colic. Diarrhoea, after derang. ing the stomach, especially in stormy weather. °Yellowish, watery stools. Diarrhoea, followed by excessive weakness. Mucus with the stool. Profuse mucous diarrhoea, (in a few hours). * Diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus.— Soft stool, with tenesmus. Soft, difficult stool, as if from inactivity of the bow- els.—The stool becomes harder, (secondary effect). °Diarrhcea of pregnant females.—Ascarides are passed with the stool.—"Taenia. Canine hunger, after stool, but speedily satisfied. Flatulent distention after stool. Qualmishness and weak feeling, after a second good stool. Weak and dizzy after stool, vanish- ing of sight; he had to close his eyes to recover himself.—Pressure about the anus. Painful pressure in the rectum, two days before the menses ; she had to bend double ; when raising the body, she felt stitches in the rectum, which increased when walking. Itching of the anus when going to sleep. Burning pain in the region of the anus. Burning and stitching in the anus and rectum. Fistula recti. Scurf on the border of the anus, titillating and smarting.—Itching herpes on the perinaeum. Urinary Organs.—Pressure on the bladder; he had a desire to urinate at least ten times in the afternoon, and it was some time before the urine made its appearance. Frequent desire to urinate; the urine passes off in a double stream, with burning pain, and with tearing in the glans. Frequent desire to urinate; only a little urine being emitted.—Frequent micturition, little at a time. He passes twice as much urine as corresponded to the quantity of liquid he had drunk. Involuntary micturition. °Constant dripping of the uriue. "Noctur- nal enuresis.—Urine with white sediment. Dark-yellow urine, with a quantity of red sediment. The urine deposits a red sediment, the surface being covered with a shining pellicle. Urine turbid, and red as blood. Dark-brown flocks in the urine, after standing some time. Brown urine, having a fetid and sour smell. The urine has a strong ammoniacal odour. The urine has a fetid smell, it deposits a reddish sediment, adhering to the vessel.—Burning urine. Burning in the neck of the bladder when urinating. Cutting in the neck of the bladder both at the commencement and termination of micturition.—A few drops of urine flow out after micturition.—Violent contraction in the region of the blad- der, on both sides of the mons veneris, especially during the emission of urine which was frequently arrested during that contraction.—*Burning pain in the urethra, -towards evening. Throbbings in the urethra, as during the emission of semen. Mucous discharge from the urethra. Stitch in the urethra during" micturition. "Contraction of the urethra. Male Genital Organs.—Tearing in the glans, (immediately). Itching of the glans, passing into a stitching. Smooth, red spot on the glans, without sen- sation. Reddish eruption on the glans, with itching.—Cramp-pain in the left testicle, (spermatic cord,) the scrotum contracting during that pain. Itching pulling in the right half of the scrotum. * Itching and moisture of the scrotum. Redness and humid soreness of one side of the scrotum. "Herpes between the scrotum and thigh.—Diminished desire for an embrace, and less sexual excite- ment in the imagination, (the first days).—"Restores erection and power for a few months. Violent desire for an embrace, in the morning, in the interior of tho genital organs. "Discharge of prostatic fluid. Emission of semen while dallying with a female.—Retarded emission of semen during an embrace. "Weakness and nervous irritation after an embrace.—Two emissions the first night. Amissions, followed by anxious heat in the morning. vol. n. 30 466 PETROLEUM. Female Genital Organs.—Soreness near the female organs of generation. Itching in the female urethra, during micturition, preceded by violent desire to urinate.—Aversion to an embrace in a female, (the first four weeks).—Burning in the genital organs- with some discharge of blood, (in a few hours).—The menses appear slightly, after having been suppressed for a long time. Prema- ture menses. Premature and scanty menses. Menses delaying ten days, until full moon. The menstrual blood causes an itching of the genital organs— During the menses: heat in the soles of the feet, and in the hands. Singing and roaring in the ears. Painful tearing in the thigh. Spots on the legs, which are painful to the touch. Languor and bruised feeling in the body___ Leucorrhoza, like albumen. Profuse leucorrhoea every day, for several days, calso with lascivious dreams.—Itching and mealy covering of the nipples. Larynx.—*Hoarseness, in the afternoon. Severe hoarseness, for several flays.—Cough from dryness in the throat. Cough with scraping in the throat. Cough deep out of the chest. Cough, when smoking. "Dry cough with sting- ing under the sternum. Evening-cough, fatiguing the chest, occasioned by an irritation in the lower part of the trachea. "Cough in the evening, immediately after lying down in bed. Night-cough. Cough only in the night after going to sleep, which is then very severe. Dry suffocative cough, she cannot cough deep* enough.—Violent cough, with profuse expectoration, for eight days. Inclina- tion to vomit when coughing. Chest.—The breathing is laboured, especially when going up stairs, when beginning to walk, and during animated talking. When the child fell or knockedi himself against anything, his breathing stopped immediately. Wheezing in the trachea, during an inspiration, in the evening when in bed. Rattling in tho trachea and dry cough, in the evening when in bed, previous to falling asleep.— Asthma and suffocative huskiness as if from constriction of the trachea, with titillation, inducing dry cough. Asthma in the evening, for some hours.—Op- pression of the chest in the night, and restless sleep. Oppression of the chest, with difficulty of breathing, more when sitting than when walking.—The chest is very sensitive to cold air; after having been exposed to cold air, her chest feels very much oppressed next day.—Pressure and tightness of the chest, in the afternoon. Pressure on the sternum, in the morning. Pressure on the upper part of the sternum, at night, going off by eructations. Pressure on the chest, as if the parts in front were held together with the hand. Pressure and digging- up in the chest. Intense drawing pain, with pressure in the region of the left short ribs, in the outer parts of the left chest, and in the right hypochondrium. Stitching in the right, *afterwards in the left side of the chest, just below the arm. Lancinating pain, in front, from the right to the left side of the chest, when bending the trunk to the left side. *Stitching in the chest, -and contrac- tive pain in the head, when coughing. Violent pleuritic stitches.—Violent stitch as far as the heart, arresting the breathing. Feeling of coldness in tho chest in the region of the heart. Occasional momentary palpitation of the heart. A sort of palpitation extending as far as the umbilicus, in the evening when sit- ting.—Violent pain, more tearing than stitching, in the outer chest, under the arm, preventing sleep the whole night. "Herpes on the chest. Back.—Pain of the os coccygis when sitting. Violent, but short pains in the small of the back, when rising from a seat, "preventing one from standing. Cutting pain in the small of the back, in the morning after rising, and in the evening, before falling asleep, only during motion and when stooping, not when sitting erect. Paroxysms of pain in the small of the back, during several mo- tions. Pain as from a sprain in the small of the back, in the morning when in bed, also when sitting. Great uneasiness and stiffness in the small of the back PETROLEUM. 467 and os coccygis, in the evening. Weakness in the small of the back, after a walk.—Pain in the back, so violent that he is unable to stir. Pain in the spine during an easy drive, as from concussion. Pressure on the shoulders and in the back. Pressure, heaviness and weariness in the back, in the morning. Cramp in the back extending as far as the ribs, accompanied with drops of sweat in the face and on the arms, for three quarters of an hour: afterwards copious diarrhoea consisting of mucus. Rigidity of the back. Drawing in the back, going off by bending the back backwards. Frequent drawing in the trunk, as occurs when yawning. Pain as if sprained and oppression between the scapulae, reaching into the chest. Tearing in the back, between the scapulae; she is unable to stir. Sudden pain in the back, during every act of deglutition, sometimes also during an imperfect eructation ; sometimes without deglutition, when in a state of rest; every attack of pain is followed by oppressed breathing. Sweat on the back and the chest, during rest, in the day-time. The skin on the left side of the back is painful as if excoriated.—Aching pain in the nape of the neck, increased by the slightest motion. Weight in the nape of the neck. Pain in the nape of the neck. Painful drawing in the nape of the neck, extending to the occiput. "Herpes on the nape of the neck. °Glandular swellings and eruption.—The right side of the neck feels stiff. Upper Extremities.—Copious sweat in the axilla. Tumour in the axilla, more tearing than stitching, and threatening suppuration. Pain of the shoulder. joint, when raising the arm. Tension and drawing in the shoulder. Drawing pain in the left shoulder, as far as the elbow. Frequent twitching in the right shoulder. Pain in the shoulder-joint as if sprained, when raising the aim.— Sudden, cramp-like pressure in various parts of the arm. - Twitchings in the muscles of the arms. Involuntary stretching of the arm, early in the morning when in bed. Drawing pain in the right arm, afterwards in the head. Stitches in the whole right arm, from below upwards and from above downwards, espe- cially when bending the arm, but also when holding it still. The left arm goes to sleep, for several days. Arms and hands go to sleep when lying on them in the night. Great weakness in the arms. Tremor in the interior of the arms. Erysipelatous inflammation of the arms, with burning pain. Yellow spots on the right arm.—Violent cramp in the upper arm when holding a little thing with the hand, renewed by the least motion; the deltoid muscle becomes hard; next day the spot is painful as if bruised. Sharp pressure on the upper arm, com- mencing in the shape of a twitching. Tearing in the right upper arm.—Lame- ness around the elbow-joint, for two days. Itching in the bend of the elbow.— Boil on the forearm, stinging when touched.—Pain of the wrist-joint as if sprained. Drawing pain in the right hand and index-finger. "Tearing in the hands. Stitching in the right hand extending into the fingers, in the morning, when in bed. Her hands feel chilly all the time. Burning of the palms of the hands. Heat of the hands, then sweat of the palms of the hands. Sweaty hands. "Brown spots on the wrist-joints. The skin of the hands is brittle and rough. * Chapped hands, covered with rhagades, "particularly in the winter. Itching of the palm of the hand.—Momentary drawing in the fingers. Draw- ing in the tips of the fingers. Ripping-up pain in the posterior joint of the right thumb. Sticking pain in the fore-joint of the right index-finger, as from a splinter, with itching in the outer parts. Shootings in the ball of the right thumb. Pain in the posterior joint of the thumb, as if sprained. Rigidity, first of one finger, then of the others, extending upwards through the whole arm, accompanied with inclination to faint; this subsided by walking out into the open air, except the palpitation of the heart and the" heaviness of the arm. °Arthritic stiffness of the joints. Itching of the joints of the fingers. "Rough 468 PETROLEUM. chapped tips of the fingers, -with stitching and cutting pains. "Chilblains.— Pain of the finger-nails, as if bruised, when touching them.—Pecking sensa- tion in the wart on the finger, in the evening when in bed; when touching it, it feels sore. Burning pain in the wart, as if it would ulcerate, in the evening when in bed. Lower Extremities.—Pressure in the hip when sitting. Transitory draw- ing pain in the left hip-joint. Pain in the hip, near the os sacrum, as if sprained, during motion. Redness and humid soreness of the upper and inner surface of the lower limb. Small, itching pimples in the fold between the scrotum and thifh. Violent stitching in a painless, soft tumour of many years' standing, on the upper and inner surface of the right thigh. Itching of a red herpetic spot, on the upper and inner side of the thigh.—Heaviness of the lower limbs. Feel- ing of coldness in the right lower limb, in the night. Pain and stiffness in the lower limbs. Drawing pain in the left lower limb. Uneasiness in the lower limbs, he has to move them to and fro all the time.—Stiffness and heaviness of the thighs when walking. Pain in the left thigh when walking, preventing her from sitting. Tensive pressure on the posterior surface of the thigh, above the bend of the knee. Cramp in the thighs the whole day. Sudden darting pain in the left thigh. Large inflamed pimple above the knee. Large boil on the thigh.—Tension in the knee, when making the first step, after rising from a seat. Cramp-pain in the knee-joint. Cramp in the left knee, when walking. Rigidity and burning in the bends of the knees. Stiffness of the knees, legs and tarsal joints. Pulling pain with itching of the knee-joints. Tearing in the left knee, in the evening; she was unable to stretch it. *Stitches in the knees. Stitch- ing in the right knee-joint, as if occasioned by a sprain, in the evening when walking or lying, not when sitting. Pain in the knees and tibiae, as if bruised. Contusive pain in the region of the patella. Constant paralytic, prickling sen- sation, when walking or sitting, from above the knee down to the foot. Weak- ness in the right knee when walking, going off by continuing to walk. Painful weakness in the knees, in the morning when rising. Cracking in the knee, as if one of the semidunar cartilages had become dislocated, and pain during motion. Large red spot on the left knee, aching afterwards. Frequently a cold spot on the knee, from which a cold current pervades the whole limb. "Herpes on the knee. The legs, and especially the tarsal joint, feel as if squeezed into an iron band. The tibiae are painful when walking. Cramp in the calves, thighs and feet, the whole day. Cramp-like drawing in the right tibia. Jerking of the right leg, commencing at the knee, painful, and felt only when walking. Tear- ing, stitching and pressure at a place on the leg, which had previously been ul- cerated. Blotches on both calves, itching a good deal.—Aching pain in the foot and weakness below the outer malleolus. Pressure in the right heel. /Tension in the foot when walking. Cramp in the sole of the foot at night. Stiff foot; when moving it, cramp in the sole. Momentary drawing in the foot, when walk- ing. Violent drawing and twitching in the feet. Tearing in the heel, in the morning on waking. Cracking in the tarsal joint when moving the foot. Stitches in the heel, as from a splinter. Throbbing in the soles of the feet, worse during rest. Feehng in the feet as if swollen. * Swelling of the foot for several days. Swelling and heat of the fore part of the sole of the foot, two evenings in succession, for one hour, accompanied with burning. "Cold feet. Burning itching of the outer malleolus. Blisters on the heel. "Herpes on the malleolus. Sweaty soles. Profuse sweat of the feet.—In the evening the toes are drawn inwards by a cramp. Pressure in the ball of the big toe, as if it had been frozen or as if tightly surrounded with an iron band. Tearing drawing in the ball of the right big toe. Prickings in the toes. Pain, as if sprained, in the PETROLEUM. 469 posterior joints of the toes, when stepping. Eruption between the toes. "Ulcers on the toes, (see Clin. Obs.). Stitclies in the corns. Burning pain in the corns. Sleep.—Drowsiness, and weariness of the limbs. She feels so weak that she falls asleep on her chair. Drowsiness in day-time. ' Drowsiness in the evening, when sitting still, for several evenings. Constant somnolence.—He remains awake for a long while, in the evening when in bed; he tosses from side to side all the time. He tosses from side to side, while in bed, in the night, sleeping only fifteen minutes at a time.—The night's rest is interrupted by emission of semen and urgent desire to urinate. Urinates a good deal during the night. Heaviness of the lower limbs and weariness of the back in the night. Cramp in the calves at night. Cramp in the tendo Achillis in the night. Cold feet, in the night, preventing sleep. She feels excessively hot during the night, under the bed-cover ; she has to uncover herself from time to time. Anxious heat in the night, with itching; he is beside himself and knows not what to do with himself. Sweat on the back at night, waking him at four o'clock ; afterwards dry, internal heat with uncomfortable feeling, hindering sleep. *Nightly slum- ber full of fancies. No sleep, mere fancies concerning one and the same disa- greeable object, with night-sweat.—He imagines some one is lying by his side.— Sniffling during sleep. He raises himself in his bed and leaves it.—Sleep full of dreams. Vexatious dreams. Confused dreams. Vivid dreams which he is unable to recollect. Restless sleep and anxious dreams. Vivid, horrid dreams, every night. Frightful dreams of robbers every night. Frightful dreams every night, every dream continuing the whole night; in the morning she feels very faint. He dreams he had committed rape and murder ; the same dream in the siesta, and that he murders the same individual. Starting from frightful dreams in the night. Starting in the night, causing the limbs to shake. She started when asleep, had palpitation of the heart, trembling, vomiting and violent diarrhoea. Fever.—Cold in the bed, in the evening, she cannot get warm; followed by night-sweat. Cold feet every evening.—"Frequent slight chills through the whole body, followed by violent itching of the skin. Chilliness in the evening, followed by flushes of heat in the face. Chills, every evening. Excessive chilli- ness from morning till noon, with dull headache and drawing towards the fore- head, without thirst, for half an hour; in the afternoon heat in the face, especially the eyes, with thirst, for half an hour. Violent, internal chills, at ten o'clock in the evening, for a quarter of an hour, for several evenings. Chilliness through the whole body; he is obliged to lie down. Chilliness every afternoon, for two hours, with cold hands and dryness in the mouth. Feverish coldness, at six o'clock in the evening, with blue nails.—Fever and chilliness, with excessive languor and a painful feeling in the whole body. Chills, at seven o'clock in the evening, lasting one hour, followed by sweat in the face and over the whole body, except the lower limbs, which, were quite cold. Fever, with full pulse, and burn- ing skin, but without pain. "Chilliness every evening, followed by heat in the face and cold feet. Heat in the head, with cold, moist hands. Heat before midnight, with burning pain in the mouth ; chilliness after midnight. Internal heat, with heat and dryness of the trachea, accompanied with uncomfortableness, irritation, exhaustion. Heat and chilliness at the same time, (almost like chills,) both internally, in the evening; accompanied with weeping mood. Heat over the whole body, in the morning when waking. Heat for several evenings from five to six o'clock.—Feeling of heat over tho whole body, after thirty-six hours. —Flushes of heat over the whole body. Flushes of heat, six or eight times a day, followed by sweat all over. Flushes of heat in the face, burning°hands, dry 470 PETROLEUM. tongue and agitated breath, every evening from five to six o'clock.—He sweats easily. The legs sweat beyond the knees ; also the lower arms, especially the wrist-joints. Profuse night-sweat, also after twenty-four hours. Skin.— Painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body ; the pressure of the clothes is painful.—Itching of the skin with chills. Itching of the whole body, in the morning when yet half asleep. Itching stinging over the whole body, with great anxiousness, at seven o'clock in the evening. (For the erup- tions cured with Petrol., see CI. Obs.) Stitches in various parts of the body. Everything on which she is sitting or lying, feels hard. Unhealthy skin, even small wounds ulcerate and spread. Stitching in the ulcer. General Symptoms.—"Scrofulous and rachitic affections. A slight vexa- tion does much harm : the taste in the mouth becomes bitter, the appetite dis- appears, a short walk exhausts her strength, diarrhoea, orgasm of the blood, eructation and nausea, restless sleep, next morning trembling through the whole body, diarrhoea and internal wretchedness, her tears trickling down all the while. Agitation of the blood, brought on by slight motion. Violent orgasm of the blood in the evening, and bitter taste. Strong pulse, especially when walking and going up stairs. Strong pulse, when walking, with pale face and difficult speech. After riding, stepping out of the carriage and going up and down in the open air, she was attacked with sudden violent nausea and became so weak that she fell down, with urging to stool, cold sweat on the head, neck and chest, with pale face and blue margins around the eyes ; after stool she had a violent chilliness and next evening some heat.—Pain as if sprained, in arms, chest and back, in the forenoon. Stiff arms and legs, in the morning after rising.— Trembling tension through the whole body, with apprehensiveness and discour- agement.—* Cracking of the joints "also with stiffness. Weakness in the joints. Pain of the limbs, as if bruised, in the evening; he knows not what to do with them.—Arthritic pain in the hip, knee, and tarsal joints, in the night.—Paraly- tic drawing, with pressure, in the left tibia and lower arm, on the extensor sur- face. Drawing with pressure on the bones, here and there, not diminished by walking in the open air. Jerking, with sharp pressure on various parts. Cramp-like drawing and pressure in the limbs.—Burning in the throat, stomach and the right side of the abdomen.—*The arms and legs go to sleep easily. Heaviness in the feet and the whole body. Heaviness in all the limbs, with laziness.—Visible emaciation, with good appetite.—Trembling in the morning when rising. Excessive weariness in the morning when in bed, the limbs feel bruised. The whole body feels weary and relaxed, in the morning, when rising. Uneasiness in the limbs: restlessness. Jerking in the limbs, in the day-time, also during sleep, at night and after dinner.—Painful weariness in ihe shoulders, the spine and loins. Weakness of the body and heaviness in the lower limbs. Feeling of uncomfortableness all over the body, as if threatened by severe illness, with tremor and great weakness. Great weakness, without any apparent cause. Painful weariness of the limbs. Faint feeling, in the morning, after a walk; when again in his room, he felt unwell, the face became flushed and a gauze seemed to be before his eyes, with compressive sensation in the temples ; he was near fainting, but when he roused himself, the symptoms went off in three minutes. Sudden, almost momentary loss of strength, even unto swooning, with pale face, and sudden nausea for a quarter of an hour. "Great weakness after every exertion, with failure of sight, trembling of the body, buzzing in the ears and nausea. "Fainting turns, with rush of blood, heat, pressure in the pit of the stomach and palpitation of the'heart. Liability to take cold, a cold makes her feel faint. A cold brings on headache, lachrymation, inflammation of the throat, cough and coryza. *Dread of the open air. During an evening walk PETROSELINUM. 471 the air appeared to him chilly, (in July). The open air is unpleasant to him during a walk. A sort of nervous weakness in the whole body after a s/iort walk. Burning over the whole body during a walk. A sort of swoon at the approach of a storm. 188. PETROSELINUM. PETROSEL.— Parsley.—See Stapf's Archiv., XVHL, 3, etc. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. By Hahnemann's recommendation, Petrosel. has been successfully employed by several homoeopathic physicians for acute and chronic gonorrhoea.—Chronic gonorrhoea and tingling in the urethra.—Swellings with diminished secretion of urine. SYMPTOMS. Sleep late and full of anxious dreams.—Shrill singing in the ears.—Burning ■at the anus.—Clayish, whitish stool.—Chronic diarrhoea.—Secretion of a milky moisture in the urethra.—Agglutination of the orifice of the urethra by mucus (albuminous yellow discharge from the urethra).—Slight burning when urinating, drawing and stinging in the fossa navicularis, which changes to a cut- ting biting during micturition.—fTingling, rather than burning, during micturi- tion, from the perinseuni through the whole urethra.)—Creeping in the isthmus of the urethra, early iu the morning.—Tingling in the urethra, followed by pres- sure, in the region of Cowper's glands^ early in the morning, abating when sit- ting and standing.—Slight drawing and pressure immediately behind the fossa navicularis.—Drawing, afterwards itching, in the fossa navicularis.—Frequent voluptuous titillation in the fossa navicularis.—Titillating stitch behind the fossa navicularis, inducing a desire to urinate, almost every half-hour.—(Pri- apism without the penis becoming curved.)—Profuse emission towards morning. —Bubbling sensation in the muscles of the back and arms. 189. PIIELLAXDRIU.YI AQUATTCOI. PHFL.— Five-leafed water-hemlock.—See Hartlaub and Trinks' Mat. Med., II. Compare with—Bry., Puis., Sep., Stram., Sulph. Antidotes.'? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Hortmann recommends Phel. for affections of the chest. Gross has employed it for intolerable pains in the region of the lactiferous tubes during and between the acts of nursing. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Insolence. Vexed mood.—Cheerful mood and great lightness of body, with agreeable warmth.—Great exuberance of spirits. in the evening. Sad and apprehensive mood, the whole forenoon. Delights in 472 PHELLANDRIUM. dwelling on sad thoughts. Thoughtful. Oppressive anxiety and ill-humour, with tightness about the chest, and uninterrupted application to business after dinner. Head.—Vertigo and heaviness of the head, with disposition to fall forward, backward, and sideways, particularly to the side to which one turns, in the room, no less when sitting than during motion, aggravated during a walk in the open air, and relieved by lying. Vertigo aggravated by walking, and attended with a sensation as if something were standing out on the forehead, over which he is unable to see.—Cloudiness and intoxication of the head, in the open air, going off in the room. Dizziness and confusion of the head, as after intoxication, in the afternoon or the whole forenoon.—Oppressive dulness of the occiput, continuing a long time.—The head feels large, full and heavy, and as if it would be drawn backwards by a weight in the nape of the neck. Violent, painful, long-continued heaviness on the vertex, as if a hard body were lying on it.—Pressure in the right temple, or (with feeling of warmth) on the left frontal region. Troublesome pressure in the occiput, going and coming.—Constrictive pain in both sides of the head, with dull headache. Dig- ging-up pressure on the sinciput, rather on the left side. Intermittent dig- ging-up in the left frontal region. Slight digging-up in the left occipital protuberance.—Contractive sensation from the vertex to the anterior part of the head. Almost burning, contractive sensation in the occiput or on the sinciput, rather anteriorly and on the left side.—Stinging burning in the left temple, in the evening.—Sticking in the frontal region, continuing for a long time. Stinging in front of the left temple, passing off soon. A few pointed stitches in the right occiput. Sudden stitch in the vertex, so painful that the head is drawn backwards. Painful beating and stinging on the vertex, con- tinuing a long time, in the afternoon.—Painful tearing in the occiput, in the forehead, or, when shaking the head, high up in the right side of the head, or along that side from above downwards. A few tearings and a stitch on the right side of the vertex, after dinner. Tearing with pressure towards the right frontal region, when standing, after dinner.—Sounding in the brain, as if from striking a piece of silver, early in the morning, waking one, and gradually going off after waking.—Dull headache, particularly in the anterior part of the head. Headache with sweat from the sinciput to the forehead, followed soon after by coolness about the head, after dinner. Headache with dizziness in the left frontal region, with increased warmth of the head and hand, but without sweat. —Feeling of warmth in the head, with coldness of the forehead, going off in the open air. Increased warmth in the head, with stupid feeling. Sensation of heat in the head, more on the left side, with paleness of the face and increased warmth of the hands, with desire for milk, after dinner. Intensely-painful, transitory heat in the temples, particularly the left temple, afterwards in the remainder of the head, with sweat on the head and hands, and moderate tem- perature of the skin. Undulating heat from the occiput to the vertex, and a subdued stitch on the left side of the vertex, after dinner.—Movement to and fro in the forehead, almost as if the head were moving to and fro.—The dull headache, and, in general, the majority of the head symptoms disappear at din- ner.—The headache seems to abate in tlfc open air. Eyes.—Intermittent pressure around both eyes.—Frequent tearing in the margin of the right supra-orbital bone, or in the right lower eyelid near the outer canthus, after dinner.—Burning of the eyelids, early in the morning. Tension and burning at a very small spot of the left lower eyelid.—Biting or biting-burn- ing in the left upper eyelid, almost as from horse-radish or mezereum.—Itching and biting itching in the left lower eyelid, going off after rubbing.—Frequent twitching in the left eyelids.—The eyelids close with heaviness and drowsiness. PHELLANDRIUM. 473 Itching and itching-stinging biting in the inner canthus, going off by rubbing.— Increased secretion of tears in both eyes, with biting. Watery but not aggluti- nated eyes, early in the morning. Lachrymation in the room and open air.— Frequent corrosive biting in the left eye.—Itching, and sometimes stinging itch- ing in the eyes, going off by rubbing. Dryness and burning or stinging in the eyes, in the room and open air.—Dimness of sight, during and between the at- tacks of vertigo. Ears,—Painful itching tearing behind the left ear, frequently recurring. Fine tearing in the right outer meatus. Frequent painful tearings deep in the left ear, extending to the lower jaw.—Itching biting in the right inner ear, pene- trating still more deeply by boring with the finger into the ear.—Titillating itching in the inner and outer right ear, going off by boring with the finger into the ear, after dinner.—Singing and ringing on the right ear, early in the morning. Nose.—Itching in the right nostril, low down, going off after rubbing.—Red, burning nostrils, swollen (the upper lip being likewise swollen), attended with coryza and hoarseness.—A number of vesicles on the right nostril, itching at first, afterwards running into each other and smarting when scratched open.— Complete loss of smell for three hours.—Sneezing after dinner. Stoppage of the nose, obliging one to sit up in bed at night to breathe more freely, with fluent coryza on the morning following. Stoppage of the nose and coryza, with husky voice. Fluent coryza and hoarseness. Face.—Pale face, without feeling cold, after dinner.—Tension at a small spot on the left cheek, going off' by rubbing.—Sensation as if the left cheek were seized violently and were pulled to and fro for a time (a sort of violent twitch- ing), in the open air.—Burning on the cheeks, with redness of the face, without any increase of warmth being perceptible to others.—Fine stitch resembling a flea-bite, between the chin and the lower lip, somewhat towards the right side, after dinner. Jaws and Teeth.—Tearing at a small spot of the left lower jaw.—Tearing in the gums over a molar tooth in the right upper row, passing off soon.—Biting sensation, almost like burning, in the inner gums of the anterior inferior cuspi- dati.—Redness and swelling of the gums of the lower left cuspidati, with ulcera- tive pain on pressing upon them.—A few tearings in the last lower molar tooth of the right side, in the cool air, going off in the room, in the evening. Fine tearings in the socket of a left lower molar tooth, in the evening. Fleeting tearing in the right upper sockets. Itching tearing in the stump of an upper and an opposite lower molar tooth of the right side, during dinner.—Pricking and tearing in the last molar tooth of the left side, iucreased by contact with the tongue, in the afternoon. Mouth.—Burning prickling or biting at the tip of the tongue, as from vesi- cles, passing off soon. Red vesicles burning like fire on the right border of the tongue, towards the tip. Great dryness in the mouth and throat, rendering deglutition difficult, at night.—Frothy saliva in the mouth and constant flow of saliva, after dinner. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Sensation on the left side of the neck below the jaw, as if a red-hot iron were moved along close to that part.—Tearing in the left side of the neck below the jaw, afterwards in the left side of the head, thence passing to the parts behind the ear and to the lower jaw, where the tear- ing changes to a gnawing. Dryness in the throat, at night, with thirst for beer, and particularly for milk on the following morning, going off after breakfast and returning again in the night following.—Roughness in the throat, obliging one to hawl;, frequently going and coining. Roughness in tho throat with hoarseness 474 PHELLANDRIUM. and shortness of breath, continuing a long time.—Burning sensation down the oesophagus.—Sore throat: stinging in the throat during and between the acts of deglutition, going off when eating bread, returning immediately after in the afternoon. Sore throat with pressure and stinging during and between the acts of empty deglutition, not after eating, from afternoon till evening. Stinging in the throat, more during than between the acts of deglutition.— Drink is apt to get into the wrong channel, in the evening. Appetite.—Slimy taste, or (after drinking water) sweet taste in the mouth. Beer tastes bitter. Cheesy taste on the tongue.—Loathing after having eaten veal at supper, obhging him to spit frequently. Aversion to water in spite of being thirsty, the whole forenoon and after a meal.—Want of hunger, sensation as if the stomach were full all the time, loathing of food, although he eats the usual quantity.—Appetite for acid things, with thirst, early in the morning.— Great thirst for milk and beer, aversion to water, going off, for a time, after eating soup, early in the morning. Stomach.—Disposition to eructate, and ineffectual eructations with pressure in the stomach. Eructations smelling almost like bed-bugs.—Sensation as if an acrid, rough vapour were ascending from the stomach, with disposition to eructate, without any eructations taking place.—Sensation as if the stomach were full of water which wants to rise, succeeded by a sensation as if a large round body were turning about in the stomach and were then falling ; lastly, grumbling in the stomach.—Sensation of qualmishness and emptiness iu the stomach, with constant painless shifting of flatulence in the bowels.—Nausea, loathing and inclination to vomit in the stomach, continuing a long time.—Nausea and inclina- tion to vomit, afterwards pressure in the stomach, going off by empty eructa- tions.—Pinching and cutting in the region of the stomach.—Long-continued burning in the stomach.—Indescribable disagreeable feeling in the stomach. Abdomen.—The abdomen feels bloated.—Dull sticking above the pit of the stomach, independent of breathing. Sticking in the region of one of the costal cartilages on the left side of the pit of the stomach, during various movements of the trunk, but not during rest, in the evening. Violent dull stitches in sue cession in the region of the last false ribs of the right side.—Longdasting and frequently-intermitting pain in the epigastrium, in the afternoon.—Short cooling movements to and fro in the epigastrium.—Sudden burning or biting in the right epigastrium, internally.—Pressure in the epigastrium and around the umbihcus, in the afternoon.—Contractive pain in the right side of the epigas- trium, extending in a straight line to the left side, where the pain terminates in a sticking, while eating, disappearing after rising from a seat and when walking. —Pinching in the epigastrium and urging to stool, only flatulence being passed, after dinner.—Sudden painful pinching and contraction, particularly around the umbilicus, with very soft stool, disappearing soon.—Biting at a small spot, on the right side of the umbilicus.—Short pinching in the right side of the abdomen, several times.—Frequent-intermitting pinching in the abdomen. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, as previous to diarrhoea, early in the morning (intermit. ting for some time after hard stool, but returning in half an hour), gradually abating in violence after a liquid stool with tenesmus.—Painful cutting in the middle of the hypogastrium, ceasing after a soft stool.—Burning from the ab- domen to the stomach, followed by eructations tasting of the ingesta.—Long- continuing feeling of coldness in the abdomen, after stool.—Qualmish feeling in the abdomen, with frequent emission of flatulence and liquid stool without tenes- mus, the whole day.—ley-coldness and movement of cooling flatulence in the •bowels, as after spirituous drinks, constantly increasing for a quarter of an hour. PHELLANDRIUM. 475 — Dull stitch in the right groin on drawing breath, with violent stitch in the bend of the right hip on inclining to this side, after dinner.—Rumbling in the abdomen.—Pressing of the flatulence towards the ribs and small of the back. Stool.—Liquid stool with subsequent tenesmus and soreness at the anus.— Shining stool of ordinary consistence, with burning at the anus after stool. Stool with flatulence and pinching in the abdomen, and succeeded by tenesmus of the anus.— Very hard stool, with pressing and violent pains at the anus. Copious, hard stool with some drawing at the anus.—Itching at the anus, with burning after rubbing. Irinary Organs.— Urging to urinate with scanty emission and violent burn- ing after micturition. Pale and watery, almost greenish urine. Genital Organs.—Itching of the prepuce.—Cessation of the menses which had just commenced flowing.—Premature menses. Appearance of the menses with: languor, yawning, violent pain as if bruised on the inner surface of both thighs, very painful when sitting, standing, walking and lying, somewhat relieved by bending the body to the left side, and going off in the afternoon. The menses last four days, and flow only morning and evening, more profusely than usual. Larynx.—Hoarseness. °Cessation of the habitual expectoration of mucus in the morning. Cough with mucus and hawking at night. Dry suffocative cough and short breathing. ChCSt.—Oppression of the chest in walking. Oppression of the right side when breathing, in a space of the size of a hand.—Sticking in the middle of the chest on drawing breath, after dinner. Sticking deep in the left chest. Pointed stitches below the left mamma. Dull stitch in the groin on drawing deep breath. Dull stitches from the last true rib to the xiphoid cartilage, with painful sensa- tion in the stomach, as if screwed together. Pointed stitches in the region of the heart, with drawing, not increased by movement and breathing.—The beat- ing of the heart is felt in front of the chest.—The lower part of the sternum and the pit of the stomach are sensitive on pressure. Pointed stitch in the upper part of the sternum, somewhat to the right. Dull stitch in the left side of the chest, below the shoulder. Dull stitches iu the mamma. Violent stitch through the right mamma near the sternum, through to the back between the shoulders and then striking downward into the right side of the os sacrum, which is very painful on drawing breath, after dinner. Painful tearing stitch through the left mamma. Smarting stinging of the right nipple before going to bed.—Burning high up on the sternum and in the middle of the left scapula, when standing. Back.—Painful stitches in the os sacrum, in the afternoon.—Sudden violent biting of the right side of the sacrum, causing one to start.—Bruised pain in the small of the back when sitting, relieved by walking.—Sticking in the back, here and there, in the groin, etc., when moving the trunk while sitting. Twitching between the shoulders on the cervical vertebra?. Pointed stitches between the shoulders, after dinner. Stitch in the lower end of the left scapula, from with- out inward. Dragging or contractive sensation at the lower extremity of the left scapula. I'pper Limbs.—Tearing in the right shoulder. Tearing in the left shoulder from behind forward.—Itching and twitching in the middle of the inner surface of the right upper arm. — Tearing in the inner surface of the right upper arm. as far as the shoulder, or in the righ.t ulna, and from the elbow-joint to the middle of the forearm. Fine tearing in the left ulna above the wrist-joint.— Fine tearing between the second and third joints of the left middle finger to- wards the dorsum of the hand. Intermittent, quivering tearing in the upper 476 PHELLANDRIUM. joint of the right thumb, or in the posterior joint of the thumb from behind for- ward towards the tip, in the afternoon. Lower Limbs.—Long dull stitch in the right hip near the os sacrum.— Painful tearing down the anterior surface of the right thigh.—Drawing pain in the bend of the left knee, from above downwards.—Sensation in the knees as if blood would accumulate there, almost like burning, when sitting or standing, not when walking, in the afternoon. Burning or prickling sensation on the anterior surface of both calves and from the right calf to the heel, almost as after a fatiguing walk, when standing, sitting and walking. Tearing in the right calf from above downwards. Groaning sensation in the left calf, as after a long walk.—Tearing in the posterior part of the left heel.—Slight tearing in the ex- ternal border of the right foot, near the small toe. Fine tearing along the sole of the foot, early in the morning. Fine flashing tearing in the sole of the left foot, towards the toes, in the evening. Sleep.—Frequent yawning without drowsiness, after dinner!—Excessive drowsiness during work. He wakes frequently before midnight and then sleeps long in the morning, or wakes after midnight and soon falls asleep again, or wakes towards morning with sensation as if the limbs would go to sleep. Wak- ing after midnight with anxiety, nausea, loathing which rises from the abdomen to the stomach, and is succeeded by two diarrhoeic stools, with pressing, tenes- mus and subsequent soreness at the anus.—Dreams. Pleasant dreams about gardens, company, pleasures. Dream about a row or about the lightning strik- ing somewhere. Fever.—Diminished temperature of the body.—Coldness and chilliness with frequent shaking, in the evening, continuing after lying down until midnight, without the skin feeling cold to the hand. Chilliness with shaking, in the even- ing, not going off near the warm stove, but going off in bed. Chilliness with • shaking of the whole body, goose-flesh on the arms and cutting pains in the region of the stomach, from six to ten o'clock in the evening. Shuddering ^s if cold water were poured over him. Shuddering from four in the afternoon until ten in the evening, when the patient falls asleep, the shuddering subsides neither near the warm stove nor in bed.—Thirst with the shuddering, from four o'clock in the afternoon until night.—Agreeable warmth in the whole body.— Heat and redness in the face, going off in the open air.—Mounting of warmth, with sweat on the forehead, when standing, after breakfast. Warmth (feeling of heat) and sweat, on the hairy scalp, head and nape of the neck, with ordinary temperature of the skin, and feeling of warmth on the hands without sweat; the heat seems to proceed from the left side of the occiput, where the burning continues some time longer and where a groaning sensation is experienced simi- lar to that in the calves, in the afternoon.—Pulse 64, diminishing to 60. Pulse 73 or 80, pretty full and hard, with general warmth of the skin. Skin.—Tension of the skin of the left side of the face, with increase of warmth.—The pimples on the upper lip which had existed previously to taking the drug, commence to burn.—Wart-like pimple on the right side of the neck, without sensation.—Small blue spots like petechiae, between the mamma? and on the neck, without sensation, going off on the day following without desqua- mation. General Symptoms.—Phellandrium is said to irritate the mucous mem- branes and to increase the action of the skin and urinary organs.—Indolence with languor and no interest in anything. Weariness which scarcely allows him to stir a foot, the whole forenoon. Languor, first in the feet, afterwards in the whole body. Feehng of weakness, particularly in the knees, during rest and PHOSPHORUS. 477 motion, after dinner.—Sensation in the whole body as if all the vessels were trembling, when sitting or standing, after dinner. Sensation above the right eyebrow as if a fly were crawling about there. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The majority of the symptoms seem to come on when sitting, standing and even lying, and to abate and disappear in the open air. 190. PHOSPHORUS. PHOSPH.—See Hahnemann's Chron. Diseases, V. Compare with—Aeon., Agar., Alum., Ambr., Am. carb. and mur., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc. carb., Carb. v., Chin., Coff., Graph., Iod., Ipec, Kali, Kreos., Lye, Magn., Merc, Nux v., Op., Petrol., Plumb., Puis., Rhus tox., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Verat.—Is frequently suitable after Calc. carb., Chin., Kali, Kreos., Lye, Nux v., Rhus tox., Sil., Sulph.—Afterwards are frequently suitable: Petrol., Rhus, Sulph. Antidotes—Of large doses: Emetics, and, if the Phosphorus had been very much divided, Magnesia with water, (Orfila). Of small doses : Camphor, Nux v., Coff., Vinum. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. According to Noack and Trinks, Phosphorus is indispensable in acute affec- tions, in the course of which the cerebro-spinal system of nerves becomes very much depressed and finally threatened with paralysis. Such dangerous • condi- tions are frequently attendant on pleurisy, pneumonia, typhus abdominahs, acute exanthemata, and are, as by miracle, removed by the use of Phosphorus. In chronic diseases characterized by great debility and an impoverished vitality, for which Phosphorus is indicated as the specific remedy, it is expedient, according to Hahnemann's advice, either to mesmerize the patient previous to the exhibition of Phosphorus, or else to give him a few doses of China, particularly when the debility arises from an excessive loss of the animal fluids. The best remedy to diminish the excessive sensibility of the nervous system previous to the exhibi- tion of Phosphorus, is Nux vomica. Phosphorus is not absolutely contra-indi- cated by weakness of the genital organs and absence of sexual desires; there are cases with these symptoms, where Phosphorus is necessary. The great curative powers of Phosphorus in nervous apoplexy and its immediate consequences, par- ticularly in the case of old people, ought likewise to be remembered. Phosphorus has been employed with success in the following affections: Morbid conditions characterized by nervous irritation.—Rheumatism.—Tearing in the limbs.—Arthritis.—Onanism and its consequences.—Straining.—Pulsa- tions in the whole body.—Debility from old age.—Tonic spasms arising from the uterine system. Tetanic spasms. Tetanus and trismus with violent deli- rium. Sanguineous variola with hemorrhage from the lungs.—Angina scarlati- nosa maligna, with sopor, delirium, difficulty of swallowing.—Herpes resembling hepatic sjiols, most frequently on the neck, chest, back, inner surface of the arms, rarely on the abdomen and lower extremities; the herpes arises from an altered condition of the epidermis, looks faint, feels rough, can be pressed to- gether into small folds, itches in the evening and in the warmth, and falls off in large scales.—Brown spots on the body.—Chilblains.—Yellow spots on the abdomen and chest. Violet-coloured spots on the hands and feet, and blisters with burning pain, arising from hydrargyrosis.—Telangiectasia (giving Phos- 478 PHOSPHORUS. phorus in alternation with Sulphur).—Fungus hrematodes.—Leuco-phlegniatie tumour.—Lymphatic abscesses with fistulous ulcers, callous edges, discharging a fetid, badly-coloured pus, and attended with hectic fever.—Chlorosis.—Exos- toses and other affections of the glands, skin and abdomen. Caries scrophulosa. Caries scrophulosa with hectic fever, (other remedies being likewise used).— Drowsiness in the day-time.—Dangerous coma vigil after scarlet-fever.— Morning-drowsiness.—Falling asleep late.—Sleep disturbed with dreams.— Frightful dreams.—Chilliness in the evening, in bed.—Flushes of heat.—Typhus abdominalis, which set in with great violence, attended with rapid failing of strength, nightly delirium, dry tongue. Typhus abdominalis with violent diar- rhoea. Typhus abdominalis: Phosphorus seems to arrest or even to prevent the ulcerative process in the intestines ; it is likewise indicated iu the stage of convalescence, when the voice is feeble and there is a sensation in the pit of the stomach as if the parts there would dissolve and fall down. Typhus abdominalis with dry tongue, nose and lips, pale or ash-coloured complexion ; painless diar- rhoea with much rumbling ; when the action of the lungs is very much depressed and the breathing rattling, Phosphorus accelerates death. Typhus abdomi- nalis, second and third stages, with congestion of the lungs, oppression of breath- ing, oppressive anxiety, expectoration of bloody mucus, or fetid, easy and sudden expectoration ; also with pleuritic stitches and rattling in the trachea. Typhus abdominalis, with sensitiveness and rumbling in the coecal region and diarrhoea, although the pneumonic symptoms are most marked. Typhus putridus : sopor with open mouth, dry, black lips and tongue.—Morning-sweat.—Want of cheer- fulness.—Hypochondria.—Hysteria.—Fearfulness when alone.—Anxiety for the future.—Irritability and anxiety.—Fearfulness.—Tendency to start.—Irrita- bility and ill-humour.—Dread of labour.—Somnambulism.—Nervous vertigo. Nervous apoplexy and hemiplegia.—Disposition to paralysis.—Paralytic condi- tion of the brain after nervous apoplexy.—Paralysis of one side.—Stupifying headache.—Morning-headache.—Nervous headache.—Congestion of blood to the head.—Sticking on one side of the head, externally.—Itching of the hairy scalp.—Tinea capitis sicca.—Falling out of the hair.—Falling out of the hair, after scarlatina.—Burning and smarting in the outer canthus of the eye.— Lachrymation, in the wind.—Pressure as from a grain of sand.—Inveterate catarrh of the eyes : inflammation of both eyes and lids, the edges of the lids feel corroded, constant lachrymation with biting and burning, copious secretion of thin purulent gum, itching and burning of the eyes, agglutination in the morn- ing, indistinct sight.—Arthritic ophthalmia.—Chronic inflammation of the eye- lids with nightly agglutination and lachrymation in the day-time.—Congestion of blood to the eyes with burning and photopsia.—Difficulty of opening the eye- lids.—Painful and excessive sensitivenes of the optic nerves.—Dimness of sight. —Short-sightedness. Amblyopia amaurotica.—Blindness in the day-time, every- thing looking like a gray covering.—Darkness of vision at candle-light.—Amau- rosis (using Phosphorus and Graphites).—Muscae volitantes. Cataract. Glau- coma. Beating and throbbing in the ears.—Whizzing in the ears.—Difficulty of understanding human speech.—Hardness of hearing after typhus.—Affections of hearing consequent upon typhoid and inflammatory diseases.—Scrofulous ozaena. Chronic inflammation and swelling of the outer and inner nose, with obstruction of the nose, vertigo, dulness of the head, and loud talking during sleep.—Polypus of the nose. Discharge of blood from the nose in blowing it. Bleeding from the nose.—Loss of smell. Bad smell from the nose.—Swelling of the face and burning of the hands and feet Burning and redness of the cheeks. Prosopalgia Fothergilhi.—Painless ulcer on the inner surface of the lower lip, with indented, rather hard edges and tallowy base.—Tearing in the PHOSPHORUS. 47f> upper and lower jaws, at night when lying.—Toothache as from subcutaneous ulceration, early in the morning when chewing. Sticking toothache.—Soreness of the inner mouth. Slimy mouth. Roughness of the inner. White-coated tongue.—Tongue coated white, or covered with white mucus, also parched, cracked or covered with black crusts (particularly in typhus abdominalis).— Acute and chronic inflammation of the soft palate.—Dryness of the throat day and night. Scraping and burning in the throat. Smarting and burning in the throat.—Dysphagia. Hawking up of mucus from the fauces early in the morn- ing. Slimy taste in the mouth. Cheesy taste in the mouth. Loss of taste.— Hunger after a meal. Canine hunger.—Eructations. Spasmodic eructations. Sour eructations.—Sort of rumination.—Panting for refreshing things.—Morn- ing-sickness with hunger. Nausea after eating. Qualmishness in the abdomen after breakfast. Constant water-brash. Mekena. Chronic vomiting.—Indo- lence and drowsiness after a meal.—Pain in the stomach.—Sort of contraction of the cardiac orifice : the food which has just been swallowed, regurgitates into the mouth.—Painfulness of the pit of the stomach when touching it. Digging- up in the pit of the stomach. Repletion in the stomach. Gastralgia. Violent pressure in the stomach. Cardialgia: constrictive, turning pains in the pit of the stomach, with vomiting of a sourish fluid towards evening and at night, attended with sour eructations. Cardialgia: contractive pains with sour eruc- tations and chronic diarrhoea. Gnawing pains at the stomach. Violent pres- sure from the stomach to the back. Nervous cardialgia. Colic early in the morning, in bed.—Want of tonicity in the abdomen.—Neuralgia cazliaca : violent contractive pain in the pit of the stomach after every meal, shooting towards the left hypochondrium, pit of the stomach and left shoulder; the attack ends in violent eructations and contraction in the chest and sternum. Pressing in the side of the abdomen.—Inflammation of the ascending vena cava : intense burning pains in the region of the stomach, spleen and along the back, etc.— Bloatedness after dinner.—Incarcerated flatulence.—Rumbling in the abdomen. —Phthisis intestinalis : purulent evacuations with sensitiveness of the abdomen, fever and colliquative sweats.—Flatulent colic deep in the abdomen, aggravated when lying. Tympanitis.—Habitual and rheumatic diarrhoea. Watery diar- rhoea.—Hernia inguinalis.—Violent urging previous to stool. Tearing in the abdomen with a good deal of urging. Excessive dryness of the faeces. Green diarrhoer. accompanying measles. Cholerine. Chronic looseness of the bowels. Chronic diarrhoea of children which is probably occasioned by a degeneration of the mucous membrane. Chronic diarrhoea with weakness of the rectum. Colli- quative diarrhoea of phthisical individuals, even with involuntary discharge of faeces.—Itching at the anus.— Chronic painless diarrhoea, slowly undermining health.—Discharge of blood with stool.—Varices of the rectum and anus.—Ty- phoid dysentery: copious, involuntary evacuations with excessive debility, sopor, delirium.—Discharge of mucus from the anus, which is constantly open.—Taenia. —Lithiasis.?—Paralysis of the bladder.—Involuntary discharge of urine and faeces.—Tension in the urethra. Smarting as from excoriation in the urethra, during micturition. Burning sort of quivering in the urethra between the acts of micturition. Burning and stinging in the urethra. Cutting in the urethra before and after micturition.—Constant desire for an embrace. Frequent erec- tions and nocturnal emissions. Phosphorus promotes conception and makes it certain. Feeble and too rapid emission of semen during an embrace. Amenor- rhea in persons with a rigid fibre. The catamenia delay four or five days, but are then too copious. Menstrual spasms. Delaying menses with amenorrhcca. Metrorrhagia in consequence of difficult labour. Amenorrhcca with chlorosis. The menses are too scanty and too watery. Stitches from the vagina to the 480 PHOSPHORUS. uterus. Leucorrhcea. Erysipelatous inflammation of the mamma with threaten- ing suppuration, or the suppuration having already set in. Prevents the suppu- ration of the mamma. Inflammation, induration and suppuration of the mamma with phthisical complaints. Erysipelatous or phlegmonous inflammation of the mamma soon after parturition.—Fermentation during the menses.—Inflamma- tion of the breasts, commencing with the formation of hard nodosities which suppurate, in consequence of which the inflammation is either prevented or accelerated, and the abscess is cured and the remaining nodosities are dispersed. Stony nodosities with violent pains in the breasts. Suppuration of the breast with inflammatory redness and hardness.—Galactirrhcea from enlarged breasts for four years, the breasts being full of nodosities consisting of hardened milk.— Dry coryza. Dryness of the nose. Roughness of the throat. Inflammatory affections of the larynx, croup. Aphonia. Expectoration of mucus from the larynx. • Catarrh. Influenza. Titillation inducing cough. Tickling in the chest. Incipient phthisis of the larynx. Last stage of croup, with rattling breathing in the upper part of the chest and trachea.—Cough with hoarseness and attacks of suffocative asthma. Cough excited by laughing. Dry and frequently spasmodic nightly cough, with pain and stitches in the lower part of the chest, oppression of the chest, fulness in the right side of the chest. Cough unto vomiting. Cough with rawness and hoarseness in the chest. Congestions of the chest, manifesting themselves by shooting stitches proceeding from the inmost parts of the chest here and there, especially anteriorly, with feeling of soreness in the region of the diaphragm, excited by laughing, talking and walk- ing, and occasioning oppression of breathing.—Nightly cough with stitches in the larynx.—Hemorrhage from the lungs of phthisical young persons, with, great irritation of the bronchial mucous membranes and dry irritating cough.— Pituitous phthisis.—Bloody cough, with tuberculous lungs.—Chronic affections of the chest. Phthisical conditions. Suffocative attacks. Difficult respiration. Purulent phthisis. Loud, panting breathing. Incipient pulmonary phthisis. Oppression of the chest. Spasms of the chest. Stitches in the left side of the chest, with sticking when touched. Chronic stitches in the side of the chest.— Sore burning pain in the chest. Pain below the left breast when lying on it. Pleuritis with tuberculosis of the lungs. Pneumonia in every stage, according to Fleischmann. Pneumonia of tuberculous lungs. Pneumonia with tubercu- losis of the lungs or with bronchitis.—Typhoid peripneumonia.—Typhoid pneu- monia : great prostration, faint eyes, feeble, dr}r hacking cough, particularly at night, difficulty of expectorating, owing to debility, burning, darting, rattling in the chest, danger of paralysis of the lungs setting in, complication with bron- chitis, delaying crises in consequence of debility. Pneumonia with great ex- haustion of strength, subsultus tendinum and furibund delirium. Long- neglected pneumonia. Pneumonia : stage of hepatization in pure and asthenic pneumonia, when the hepatizing process manifests itself by the well known phy- sical symptoms and by the livid, pointed countenance, cold sweats, small, quick and rather full pulse, frequent cough with frothy, brown and sometimes gelati- nous sputa.—Paralysis of the lungs.—Palpitation of the heart in sitting.— Threatening paralysis of the heart.—Chronic pains of the back and weakness of the lower limbs.—Pain in the back as if broken. Stiffness of the nape of the neck.—Large neck.—Pain of the arm in lifting it. Tearing stitches in the arms and scapulae. Heat of the hands. Trembling of the hands. Sort of ischias with swelling and suppuration in one groin (psoitis). Lameness of the small of the back after heavy labour. Profuse sweats, diarrhoea and hectic fever (in conjunction with Silica). Nightly tearing pains in the feet of pregnant females. Jerks and twitchings in the feet day and night before going to sleep. Drawing PHOSPHORUS. 481 pain in the knees. Quivering in the calves. B my tumour on the tibiae. Cold- ness of the feet at night. Swelling of the feet. Pain of the soles as from sub- cutaneous ulceration. Numbness of the tips of the fingers and toes.—Chilblains, which become inflamed and burst, exhibiting a soft, white, humid surface of the size of a two-shilling piece, containing a small opening with watery, fetid secre- tion; the pains were moderate and stinging. External application of Phosphorus: For obstinate chronic inflammation of glandular organs, of the parotids, submaxillary and sublingual glands and mam- mae, particularly in cachectic, debilitated individuals affected with exhausting and colliquative sweats and diarrhoea (one grain in one ounce of olive oil).—Also in recent burns and panaritia. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—* Great lowness of spirits. Gloomy, taciturn, re- flecting, lazy, out of humour, not disposed to anything. Aggrieved, disconso- late, weeping.—Sadness about twilight, some evenings in succession. The world appeared horrid to him, he felt relieved by weeping ; shortly after complete dulness and indifference. Weeps in the morning on waking from a saddening dream, for a quarter of an hour. Easily moved, especially liable to fearfulness, (the whole time of proving).—Anguish. Anxiety and heat in the head, with hot, red hands, recurring frequently, and visibly relieved by standing. Anxiety with oppression. Occasional anguish in the evening, as if he would die. Ap- prehensive of misfortune. Anxious about her illness. °Anxious for the future. Internal uneasiness. Anxiousness and uneasiness, with much sweat on the forehead and heat in the head. Uneasy during a thunder-storm. Fearfulness with horror, as if a horrid mask were looking out of every corner. * Anxious and irritable when alone. Fits of anguish, apparently under the left mamma; they torment her so much that her whole body trembles, accompanied with occa- sional bitter eructations and palpitation of the heart. Loathing of life.—Ex- cessive sensibility of all the senses, especially hearing and smell. ^Inclines to start.—Discontented and irresolute. Ill-humoured, the general health being excellent. Discouraged about his health. Peevish; everything, especially men and noise are repulsive to him. Very much out of humour, cannot forget that which put him out of humour. Is greatly vexed at the least trifle before dinner; afterwards feeling of heat, followed by pressure at the stomach; then nausea with much heat in the face and total loss of appetite. Is easily put out of humour, with cold hands, heat in the face and palpitation of the heart. Capri- cious, susceptible. Great irritability. Hypochondriac. When thinking of disagreeable things, he is attacked with a sort of apprehensiveness, which is most felt in the pit of the stomach. When thinking of a thing very intensely she is attacked with a heat as if hot water were poured over her. An unpleasant oc- currence gives her anguish, mixed with fear and chagrin, and disposes her to weep. Irritable, every little remark offends her and makes her feel low-spirited. When she gets angry, she becomes exceedingly vehement.—Obstinate.—Hatred of men.—Tenderness, (secondary effect).—Increase of cheerfulness in the first days. "Increase of the sensus communis. Good-humoured, especially in the afternoon. Cheerfulness. Freedom of mind, good spirits, with pleasant warmth in tho whole body, particularly on the hands, which are quite red from a conges- tion of blood, his senses are much brighter.—Spasmodic laughing and weeping. She laughs against her own inclination, being very sad.—In the evening her fancy is so vivid, that she shudders even when merely thinking of repulsive things.—Absence of shame; she undresses herself, and wants to go naked, as if crazy. Great indifference to everything. Her otherwise beloved child is indif- tol. u. 31 482 PHOSPHORUS. ferent to her. *Indisposed to work, the head feeling free. Absence of mind, in the morning, although disposed to work. Sensorium.—Forgetful and dizzy. Forgetful and stupid, he does some- thing quite different from what he intends. Slowness of thought, emptiness of the mind. Great flow of ideas, which she finds it difficult to arrange. Fanciful delirium when slumbering or waking, as if she were on a distant island, had a great deal of business, were a noble lady, etc. °Somnambulism. Clairvoy- ance. General slight dulness of the head. Dulness of the head after a meal. Violetit dulness of the head, and vertigo, obliging one to lie down.—Painful dizziness, eight mornings in succession. So dizzy in the morning after waking, that she has to be assisted out of bed. Dizziness, with violent headache, chills and shuddering, without thirst, heat in the head occasionally, shuddering and uncomfortableness of the whole body.— Stupid feeling for many days. Dulness and heaviness in the forehead, the head inclines to fall forward: less in the open air, and when knitting the brow, returning in the room and increased by stooping. Gloomy, uncomfortable feeling, in the morning after rising.—In the morning, when rising, he is unable to collect his senses, his head feels giddy, heavy and painful, as if it had been lying too low during ihe night. Stupid sensation, when waking in the night. Inability to conceive an idea, with headache. Painful stupefaction of the head, in the morning when waking, going off after rising.— Weakness in the head; when reflecting upon some- thing, his head aches. She was unable to bear the sound of the piano. Laughing, stepping a little too firmly, or stretching the limbs, causes a throbbing and beating in the head, which is especially violent after sitting a long time. Slight stupefaction and pain between the eyes, in the forehead, g< ing off after dinner, returning an hour after, and continuing until evening.—Vertigo, when rising from her seat, with obscuration of sight. Vertigo, followed by nausea and an oppressive pain in the centre of the brain, with stupefaction and sensa- tion as if he would fall forwards, in the morning and after dinner; afterwards nausea in the afternoon, heartburn, red face, and sensation as if something had lodged in her throat; with sadness and weeping without any cause ; gauze he- fore her eyes in the evening, and itching of the eyelids. Giddy feeling in the afternoon, as if the chair on which he was sitting were rising, and as if he were looking down ; afterwards hypochondriac mocd, with drowsiness and lan- guor, until nine o'clock in the evening. Vertigo, unto falling, in the morning after rising. Vertigo in the morning, resembling a heavy pressure from above downwards in the fore part of the head, with a fainting sort of nausea, and ob- scuration of sight when stooping, with much sneezing, until evening; less in the open air. Vertigo in the forenoon; when walking, everything turned with her; she staggered. Vertigo in the evening, in bed; she had to sit up; after this she had four diarrhoeic stools with violent chills, followed by great heat and sweat over the whole body. Vertigo, as if turning about; when he recovered himself, he found himself with his arms stretched, as if he had endeavoured to lay hold of something. Short, but violent vertigo, in the evening, for ten seconds. Violent vertigo, in the evening, when walking; everything turned with her; the vertigo ceased when standing, and returned when walking. Violent vertigo about noon, she threatened to fall from her chair. Frequent vertigo about noon, before or after a meal. She staggered when walking, looking at people as if she were intoxicated. Vertigo when closing her eyes, as if she were turn- ing round all the time. Vertigo when stooping, with chilliness and nausea from time to time. Vertigo; when turning about once, she knew not. uhere she was ; the same fit occurred in the forenoon after stooping. Vertigo with headache and excessive secretion of saliva. °Vertigo with vanishing of ideas. ° Chronic vertigo. °Various kinds of vertigo. PHOSPHORUS. 483 Head.—Headache when lying, with nausea; a sort of vertigo when the headache passed off. Violent headache from stooping, (in the open air). Head- ache over the left eye, with flying spots before the face. Headache when think- ing, in the evening. Headache when feeling the slightest vexation. Headache in the morning at the commencement of a walk, and recurring during other motions. Headache in the forehead over the eyes, every morning, rousing her from sleep, gradually going off after rising, twenty-one days in succession. Head- ache, commencing immediately after lying down, two evenings in succession. Headache, in the night, after evening nausea. Violent, dull headache with nausea, eructations, and waterbrash.—Dull pain in the left half of the head. *Dull, stupi- fying headache, (on the vertex). Dull headache, as after a nightly revelry. Violent feeling of numbness and dizziness, with oppressive pain in the head, in- ability and disinclination to work, especially to perform intellectual labour, accompanied with drowsiness; after lying still for a while in a sort of half slum- ber, that feeling disappears almost entirely, but recurs shortly after rising and moving about, with sensation as if these parts of the head were loose; some parts of the head feeling sore when touched, for several days. Headache, with a confused feeling as is felt at the approach of a catarrh.—In the morning the head feels heavy, weak and confused.—Haviness of the head; he sees through a gauze.—Fulness of the head, with obstruction of the ears without diminution of hearing, except when swallowing. Fulness in the brain, not as if filled with blood, and without hindering thinking.—Pain as if the brain were bruised or dashed to pieces, from afternoon till bed-time; going off while asleep.—Oppres- sive headache, here and there, increasing to a pain as if the brain were dashed to pieces on the surface. Pressure, moving to and fro in the head. Oppressive pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes, as if they would be pressed out. Oppressive and pinching headache. Oppressive headache, in the forehead over the eyes, two days in succession, from morning till night, with digging-up in the upper parts of the head. Oppressive headache, or a muddled feeling, with jerk- ings in the head, or tearing every morning ; increased during motion after rising. Oppressive headache on one side, going off when walking in the open air, (im- mediately). Oppressive headache, here and there, on the surface of the brain. Oppressive heada-he, alternately in the temples and the upper part of the head, with a feeling of fulness in the brain, but not as if there were too much blood. Pressure from the right half of the sinciput to the parts above the eye.—Head- ache above the eyes, pressing from within outwards,,as if the forehead would fall out, more externally. Pain as if the head would burst, so violent that she cried out, from six o'clock in the morning until bed-time.—Constrictive, head- ache every other day.—Drawing with pressure in both temples. Drawing ach- ing pain alternately on either side of the head. Drawing pain at a small spot on the right side of the head, in the evening. Drawing headache, in the morn- ing, passing, towards noon, into a sort of vertigo, with luminous vibrations before the eyes, going off after dinner, recurring at two o'clock, with rapid circulation of the blood, cheerfulness and mental excitement, with inability to perform any kind of work. Cramp-like drawing under the vertex, with stitches in the tem- ples.— Tearing in the forehead. Tearing in both temples. Tearing in the upper and right side of the head, as if she were pulled by-a hair, when sitting. Slight tearing in the head, especially over the right eye. Violent tearino- in the right side of the head, from below upwards, in the evening, when sitting. Fre- quent twitching in the upper part of the left temple, followed by drawing towards the side of the forehead, a'ter dinner. Periodical twitching-beatiog pain in the root of the nose, for eight days in succession, every day at nine o'clock in the morning, also extending to the eyes and nose, most violent about noon when she 484 PHOSPHORUS. vomited. Digging-up sensation in the head from time to time, with dulness the whole day, extending more towards the right side and nose, both during motion and rest, and diminished only in the open air.—Pain in the sinciput, periodi- cally mingled with stitches, especially in the left side, more in the afternoon and evening. Stitches in the forehead, vertex, sides of the head, in the left sinciput, in the temples, occasionally burning, sometimes with a sensation as if pulled by the hair, or as if the head would burst, sometimes after dinner or in the morn. ing, mostly when sitting, and sometimes going off by friction. Stitches in the left half of the head. Tearing stitches in different parts of the head. Stitches in the right temple, in the evening. Single stitches in the head, in the even- ing. Stitches in the temples, in the evening, with pain in the whole head. Stitches in the right side of the head, for several days. Stitches in the occiput. Prickings in the vertex. Stitching and pressure in the occiput, afterwards vio- lent beating in the forehead.—Beating in the vertex, also in the left side of the head, especially at the back part. Beating pain in the temples, frequently lasting half an hour. Pulsations in the head, in the morning when waking. Throbbing in the head, when lying. Throbbing pain in and on the upper part of the head, especially when chewing, and painful to the touch. Beating and gnawing in the region of the right parietal bone, apparently in the bone itself, in the evening. Pulsative pain in the right side of the head, deep in the brain, in the evening. Hammering and stitching sensation in the vertex, coming from the front part.—Shootings from the side of the head towards the root of the nose and the ball of the right [thumb. Jerks in the sinciput, as if pieces of lead were shaken in the brain. Shocks in the head, especially during a difficult expulsion of faeces.—* Congestion of blood to the head. Slight rush of blood to the head, towards evening. Intolerable rush of blood to he head. Rush of blood to the head, with burning heat and redness of the face, when sitting.—Hum- ming and roaring in the head, almost the whole day. Violent roaring in the head, mostly when sitting.—Tickling in the head. Transitory titillating head- ache, in the forehead.—A good deal of heat and feeling of heat in the head, especially in the forehead and face, (likewise on the hands,) sometimes accom- panied with throbbing in the head sometimes arising from the back and going off in the open air. Heat in the head and then in the whole body. Feeling of heat in the head, and sensation as if a foreign body were moving about in it.— Burning pain in, the region of the forehead, sometimes with nausea. Coldness of the left side of the head, with pain deep in the ear. Frequent alternation of coolness and heat of the head and body. Sensation, when remaining in the open air, as if the brain would become congealed.—Her head feels easier in the open air. Her headache, except a sort of confused feeling in the head and obstruc- tion of the ears, disappears almost entirely after dinner; it returns in the warm room. Scalp.—Sensitiveness and twitching on the vertex, as if pulled by the hair. Boring and beating in the right side of the scalp, when sitting. Burning pain about the head; it felt hot, without the temperature of the rest of the body being increased, accompanied with loss of appetite, and the prover is obliged to lie down. °Stinging on the side of the head. Tearing-drawing pain on both sides of the head, with painfulness of the hair when touched; the pain com- mences in the evening and increases during the night. Pain in the vertex, as if ecchymozed.—Liability of the head to take cold.—Pressure on several parts of the head, as if nodosities were under the skin. Shining, painless, uninflamed tumour on the forehead, with violent headache over the eyes. °Exostosis on the hairy scalp.—Pressure on the hairy scalp, in the face and on the neck.—Violent itching of the hairy scalp. *A number of scales on the hairy scalp, itching oc- PHOSPHORUS. 485 easionally. Itching blotches on the hairy scalp, painful like boils when touched. °Dry scales. Smarting of the eruption on the head, although itching but little. —* Great falling out of the hair, (the first days). The roots of the hairs seem to be dry. A spot over the ear becomes bald.—Sensation as if the skin on the forehead were too tight, with anxiety for many days. Cramp-like contractive pain on the head, afternoon and evening. Cold cramp-pain on the whole left side of the head. Eyes.—Tickling of the periosteum around the eyes. Digging-up pain in the eyes.—Pressure in the upper eyelids. Pressure and heaviness of the eyes, as if one would go to sleep. Pressure in the eyes, with dimness. Dull aching in the orbit. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Pressure and stitching in the eyes, they are dim and dull. Pain of the eyeballs, as if pressed upon, the pain is in- creased by seeing. Pressure and burning in the eyes, for two days.—Tension in the eyes.—Stitch and tearing in the right eyeball, in the afternoon when sit- ting. Stinging and dryness in the eyes. Stitches in the left eye, and a stye on the lower lid. Stitching behind the eyes. Fine stinging in the inner canthi, * worse in the open air, in the morning.—Frequent itching of the eyelids, in the day. Itching df the eyes. Sensation in the right outer canthus as if something acrid, salt or smarting were in it, without redness. Smarting and dryness of the eyes, when reading.—* Determination of blood to the eyes, he feels the eyeballs, but the feeling is not unpleasant.—Burning of the eyeball for half a minute. Burning pain in and around the eye. Burning of the upper eyehds. Heat and burning of the eyes, frequently during the day, for four or five minutes.—^In- flammation of the eyes, °with heat in the eyes, and pressure as from a grain of sand; -with burning and itching in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes with stitches. Inflammation of the right eye, the left being weak. * Inflammation and redness of the eye, -with itching and paiuful pressure. Redness of the eyes, with itching and smarting, and copious discharge of a burning and smarting fluid. Redness of the conjunctiva, with sensation as if something had got into the eye, obliging him to wipe and rub constantly. Redness, inflammation, swelling, and agglutination of the right eye, with burning pain, for two days. Yellowness of the white of the eye. cScrofulous ophthalmia.—°Arthritic ophthal- mia.?—Swelling of the right upper eyelid, with itching and pressure. A kind of puffiness of the right upper lid. Swelling of tho left eyelid, with pain of the bone of the orbit when touching it. Tumour on the border of the orbit.— Dryness of the eyes, also in the morning when waking. Feeling of dryness in the eyes.—Lachrymation, in the morning, when at one's work, and dim- ness. Lachrymation in the open air, °and in the wind. Violent lachrymation, even at night. Lachrymation, smarting, and mucus in the right eye, in the evening. Watery and dim eyes when reading. Tho eyes run so much that the eyelids are glued to tho eyes.—*Agglutination of the eyelids in the morning when willing, and difficulty of opening them. Agglutination of the inner can- thi, in the morning. Agglutination of the eyelids, in the morning, with burning and stinging in the eyes and seeing through a gauze. Agglutination of the eye- lids in the morning, *with secretion of gum during the day. "Difficulty of open- ing the lids. Winking of the eyelids and of the external canthus of the left eye, recurring frequently. °Photophobia of scrofulous persons. The eyes are daz- zled by the light of day. Pain of the ey,s by candle-light, particularly when reading (in the day-time).—Weak, languid, drowsy eyes. Weak eyes, especi- ally in the morning on waking; the weakness disappears somewhat after ris- ing. Vanishing of sight when reading. Inclination to look only with one eye.— Short-sigldedness; the outlines of distant things seem effaced. She is obliged to hold things close to her eyes when desirous of seeing them distinctly; things 486 PHOSPHORUS. at a distance appear as if in a smoke or through a gauze; even when holding things near to her she is unable to look at them steadily for a long time; she sees better when dilating the pupils while shading the eye with her hand.—Early at day-break he sees more distinctly than in the day-time. He sees everything through a gauze, with some loss of consciousness. °Blackness before his eyes. "Darkness at candle-light. The eyes are very dark, he sees little. *Frequent attacks of sudden blindness in the day-time, and sensation as if a gray cover were hanging over the eyes. Sensation as of a black gauze before the right eye. °Cataract. °Glaucoma. °Amaurosis.—Dark bodies and spots before the eyes. *Black, passing spots before the eyes. Large, black spots hovering be- fore the eyes after a meal. Tremulous vibrations of things when looking at them early in the morning when waking; their outlines seemed to be confused. Luminous vibrations before the eyes, and whizzing in the head. Sparks before the eyes, in the dark. Green halo around the light of a candle, in the evening. Ears.—Dragging pain in the ears. Pressure in both ears, or in front of the ears, (in a warm room, going off in the cold). Intense drawing pain in both ears. Dull drawing pain in the lobule. Tearing in and under the right ear, when sitting, going off by friction. Fearful tearing and sticking in the ear and head, as if the head would fly to pieces. Jerking in the left ear. Violent dart- ing from the left ear to the lobule, when sitting. Severe stitches deep in both ears. Stitching in the right lobule. Frequent, intensely-painful prickings in the right meatus auditorius externus. Pain in the right lobule, as if squeezing it with the hand, so sensitive that she could not bear it to be touched by a hand- kerchief, going off in the evening. Violent itching of the ear. Pulsations in the ear, after a quick walk. Throbbing in the ear. Violent stitching beating on the posterior surface of the lobule.—Heat and redness of the ear. Moisture in the ear. Feeling of dryness in the ear, with and without whizzing.—Pimples in the ear, with stitching. Vesicles on the concha, with a burning pain. Vesi- cles behind the ears.—Troublesome tension in the parotid gland, especially when stooping; it is painful to the touch. Occasional burning in the parotid gland.— Strong echo in the ears in the morning. One's own and other people's words resound strongly in one's ears, like an echo. Every tone which is uttered dis- tinctly by somebody, is re-echoed unchanged. A sort of groaning in the head, when talking aloud, he dared not speak in a loud tone.—The right ear feels ob- structed occasionally. Sudden darting in the left ear, afterwards roaring; fol- lowed at times by hard hearing, at times by the discharge of a yellow fluid, for several jvrcks ; after pressing on the ears, she hears better for a moment;—*Loud whizzing before ihe ears.--Humming intheears, as if a gauze were stretched across. Ringing iu the left ear. °Constant buzzing in the ears. Continual singing be- fore the ears, worse when lying.—*Hard hearing, with sensation as of a foreign body being in the ears. °Does not hear speech well. "Congestive deafness. "Affections of the hearing after typhoid and inflammatory diseases. Nose.—Severe pain in the nose, in the forenoon. Feeling of fulness in the nose. Feeling of pressure in the nose, as in catarrh. Itching and tickling in and about the nose. Sore pain of both nostrils, also when feeling them. Ve- sicles in the right nostril, burning when feeling them.—Z)a?7<: redness of one of the wings of the nose, with smarting pain when touching the part. Inflamma- tion of the interior of the nose, with feeling of dryness and slow bleeding of the nose. Swelling of the nose during catarrh. "Scrofulous swelling of the nose. Ulcerated nostrils. Itching and pimples on the nose. Painful pimple in the right wing of the nose. Vesicles in and around the nose; it looks inflamed. Freckles on the nose, in the morning, after having spent part of the night in per- forming some bodily exercise which made him feel very warm. Clots in the nose. PHOSPHORUS. 487 Dry, hard crusts in the nose. Frequent coagula in the nose, without itching or obstruction. "Polypus of the nose.—Itching of the nose; it bleeds when rub- bing it. Blood with the nasal mucus. Violent bleeding of ihe nose. Bleed- ing of the nose, especially when going to stool. *Frequent discharge of blood from the nose, -particularly early in the morning, with yellow mucus from the nose.—Acute smell, especially for offensive things or during headache. "Loss of smell. "Fetid smell from the nose.—Frequent sneezing. Sneezing, with vio- lent pain in the throat, as if something would tear. Sneezing with rumbling in the left groin. Spasmodic sneezing, with violent sensation in the head, contor- tion of the limbs, and constriction of the chest. Coryza and feeling of fulness in the nose, particularly high in the left nostril, with loose mucus.—"'Obstruc- tion of the nose, every morning.—Feeling of dryness in the nose, with sensation as if the walls would adhere to each other.—* Discharge of mucus from the nose, without coryza. Discharge of water, from the nose in the open air, no mucus. Sensation as if drops of water were flowing out of the nose. *Green-yellow dis- charge from the nose. *Discharge of yellow mucus from the nose, also early in the morning, and with discharge of blood. Feeling of obstruction in the nose, with dulness of the head, as if a cold were approaching.—Dry coryza. She blows her nose all the time. Coryza, with heat in the head.—Fluent coryza, of one nostril, the other being obstructed. Violent fluent coryza, with great dulness of the head, want of appetite and general sick feeling. Coryza with in- flammation of the throat and great dulness of the head. Frequent alternation of fluent and dry coryza. Face.—*Palc fare. Sudden, striking paleness of the face, with chilliness, colic, and headache. *Pa1e, sickly complexion. Sunken eyes, with blue mar- gins. Sunken, livid countenance, with deep, hollow eyes and blue margins around. *Hippocralic countenance.—Excessive, almost blue redness of the cheeks, without feeling hot, in the morning. "Circumscribed redness of the face. Red and hot face, with some sweat on the forehead, and dulness of the head. Great heat in the face after washing, with red spots. Flush of warmth on the upper part of the face, with increased redness and cloudiness of sight. Glowing heat for two hours, every evening, on cither cheek, without thirst.—Burning in the face, around the nose aud upper lip, as if from acrid humour. "Burning and redness of the cheeks. Sweat in the face, with nausea ; the face feeling cold, in the afternoon. Rush of blood to the face, with feeling of distention in the open air, going off in the room. Puffiness of the face on the side on which he has been lying.—* Puffiness and swelling around the eyes. Painless swelling of the cheek and gums.—Pimples on the face and on the wing of the nose. Violent itching of the face. Frequent pustules and scurf on the face, after the slightest excoriation*. Rough, red, marbled and somewhat elevated eruption on the face. Single red pimples. Miliary eruptions on the forehead and chin. '* Tension of the skin of the face, "also on one side only. The skin on the face peels off. Burning smarting of the skin, as after staying iu the cold open air.—Twitchings of the malar muscles.—Aching of the malar and parietal bones, and of the teeth, especially when chewing warm food, and when entering a warm rocm com- ing out of the cold air. Pressure from without inwards above the orbit of the left eye, after dinner. Tension in the malar bones, as if violently pressed towards each other, going off by friction.—*Inereasing tearing in the facial bones and temples, as if every part would be torn out, until evening. * Tearing in the jaws, in the evening, when lying, -ceasing when eating and moving the jaws. Tearing in the lower border of the orbit, as if the flesh would be torn off. Violent tearing below the right ear.—Twitching in the left malar bones going off after friction.—Violent stitch from the middle of the left lower jaw, through 488 PHOSPHORUS. the cheek and eye, coming out at the forehead. Stitch in the left cheek. "Sticking in the malar bones. "Pain on one side when opening the mouth.— "The pains in the face come on again after the least cold, when talking, eating or by contact.— *Dry lips, the whole day. Blue lips. Burning stitches in the margin of the upper lip, when sitting. Both lips burn like fire. Burning pain in the vermilion border of the lower lip, with white vesicles on the inner side, burning and painful. Rhagades in the middle of the lower lip. Itching of the upper lip, with pain after friction. The upper lip is swollen every morning. Eruption on the vermilion border of both lips, sometimes with stitches. Pus- tule in the corner of the mouth. Painful vesicles on the internal surface of the lower lip, of the size of peas, and filled with lymph. Herpes in the left corner of the mouth, with cutting and stitching. Herpes over the upper lip. Rough skin around both lips. Ulcerated corner of the mouth. Pimple in the right corner of the mouth. Painful ulcer on the inner surface of the lower lip. Jaws and Teeth.—Pressure, drawing and tearing in the lower jaw, towards the chin. Closing of the jaws. Involuntary grinding of the teeth, as from a cramp, somewhat painful. Jerkings in the lower jaw, almost like toothache. Violent drawing in the lower jaw. Glandular swellings in the region of the articulation of the lower jaw.—* Toothache -with swelling of the cheeks. Vio- lent toothache, three evenings in succession, in bed. Violent toothache on the left side; two days after, painful swelling of the neck, with five large, white vesicles in the mouth. Toothache, only at night when in bed, going off by rising. "Toothache from the least cold, with ptyalism. Toothache in a hollow tooth, excited and increased by the warmth of the bed. Toothache when walk- ing in the open air. Toothache, (tearing?) in the upper incisores, excited by cold air, warm food and contact. Violent pain in the left molares, when blowing the nose violently, ending with chattering of teeth and subsequent redness of the cheeks.—Pressure on the left upper and lower teeth, from behind forwards.— Drawing toothache, with cold hands and feet. Drawing pain in the anterior in- cisores. Drawing and digging-up sensation in the teeth. Drawing in one of the lower molares, also succeeded by darting from the right upper jaw to the ear, early in the morning.—Darting tearing in the roots of the upper and right molares. Darting in decayed teeth, when opening the mouth, with great sensi- tiveness of the teeth when touched by the tongue, excited again by food getting into the teeth.—Tearing in the teeth, every day, evening or morning, especially in the open air, or when entering the room, coming out of the air. Tearing from the upper molares to the malar bones. Tearing in an empty socket, going off by pressing upon it. Tearing in the upper and right molares, abating when pressing on them.—Violent stitching pain in the upper foreteeth, with swelling of the upper lip.—Gnawing in a lower left molar tooth. Continual boring in n right molar tooth. Violent gnawing and boring in a tooth, morning and even- ing, when lying in bed.—Beating, jerking, and stitching in the teeth when ex- posed to the least air, not in the room or when covering the cheek. "Sticking in the teeth, every night until two o'clock.—Sore pain in the teeth. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration, when preying the teeth together.—When biting upon the teeth, they feel smooth as if greased with soap or fat in the morning. Bleed- ing ulcer on the gums over a hollow molar tooth. A tooth becomes hollow- Dull teeth. The teeth are loose, this prevents her from chewing. All the lower foreteeth are loose, they can be taken out. Sudden bleeding of the upper molar teeth, without any apparent cause.—Soreness of the gums. Painful sen- sitiveness of the gums, hindering eating, with two small ulcers on the gums. Itching and beating in the gums. Burning and soreness of the inner gums on the upper foreteeth.—Painful sore swelling of the gums. Inflammation of the PHOSPHORUS. 48f> gums. The gums over the carious teeth are swollen. Swelling and itching of the gums. Ulcer on the gums after toothache. Ulcer on the gums, with •welling of the upper lip. Bleeding of the gums at the slightest touch. The gums bleed easily, and stand off from the teeth. Mouth.—Blood gets into the mouth. Painful blotch on the inner side of the cheek. Pain of the fraenulum linguae and the palate, hindering eating and talking. Painful sensitiveness of the mouth, gums and palate. "Soreness of the inner mouth. Roughness of the mouth and sore feeling in different places. Painful vesicles in the mouth, with sore throat when swallowing, and with thirst. —Swelling of the root of the tongue. Fine stinging in the tip of the tongue. Prickling sensation of the fraenum linguae. Sensation in the tip of the tongue as if rough and burnt. *Dry tongue. * While mucus on the tongue, with slimy mouth. Furred tongue. A number of small, red, bleeding tips on the anterior surface of the tongue. Two small, clear vesicles on the tip of the tongue, burn- ing when touching them. Burning, white-coated tongue in the night.—Prick- ling itching of the back part of the fauces, as in catarrh. Intolerable tickling in the palate. Burning in the upper part of the palate. Blisters on the palate, bursting and suppurating. Sensation in the palate as if the skin would become detached, it became shrivelled and painful. Stitch in the upper part of the palate, immediately after dinner. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Rawness and soreness in the back part of the throat, with dark redness.—Sore throat as if the uvula were swollen. Pain in the throat when sneezing and gaping.—Pressure in the throat, in the morning. Sticking with pressure in the pit of the throat.—Pressure in the upper part of the throat, in the direction of the stomach.—Scraping in the throat, afternoon and evening.—Stinging sore throat, when swallowing.—Burning in the pharynx "also with scraping or smarting as if excoriated.—Painful irritation of the tongue and oesophagus, as if a pin were thrust down.—Dragging sensation in the upper part of the oesophagus. Troublesome, painful deglutition, towards noon. Sensation of tightness about the throat.—Swelling of the tonsils, par- ticularly of the left, impeding deglutition and the motion of the head.—Dryness in the pharynx and fauces, "day and night. Accumulation of mucus in the throat. * Hawking up of mucus, in the morning. "He throws off much less mucus in the morning than usual. He hawks up a gray saltish expectoration. Discharge of sour mucus. Taste and Appetite.—Bad, viscid taste in the mouth, in the morning when rising. "Slimy taste, or taste as of bad cheese. Saltish-sweet, sourish taste. with sensation in the mouth as of much mucus accumulating in it. Sweet taste in the throat, occasioning accumulation of saliva.—Bitter taste in the mouth, the whole day. Breakfast tastes bitter. Acrid bitterness in the fauces, with rough- ness.—Sour taste in the mouth, she has to spit a good deal. Acidity in the throat and scratching in the gullet. Sour taste in the mouth, after drinking, milk. Acidity after a meal. Increase of acidity after every meal, and pulsative headache in the forehead. Everything, even the most innocent, turns sour with her.—Doughy taste-of bread.—°Loss of taste.—She does not relish food, but she would like to drink all the time. Loss of appetite in the morning, with white tongue, and repletion in the pit of the stomach, the food having a good taste. Aversion to boiled milk. Diminished sense of taste; food has its natu- ral taste, but less of it; spirituous drinks taste like water.—No appetite, no thirst.—Thirst after getting up in the morning. Much thirst for water. "Pant- ing for refreshing things.—No hunger, the whole day; but when eating, she eats with an appetite. "Hunger after a meal. * Canine hunger, -also in the night, 490 PHOSPHORUS. followed by languor with heat and sweat, afterwards chilliness with external coldness and chattering of teeth. Gastric Symptoms.—Sour eructations after taking milk. "Water-brash after acid things. "Nausea and palpitation of the heart from smoking.— The pains commence at dinner or supper, and continue during the meal.— Uncomfortable feeling of repletion after a meal, he never had it before. When scarcely satisfying his appetite in the evening, he feels an uncom- fortableness in the pit of the stomach; his sleep is restless, and he has no appetite next morning. Qualmishness in the region of the stomach, after dinner, almost every day, as if he would vomit. After a meal the saliva tastes of the ingesta. Repletion as high as the throat, this took away her appetite. Empty eructations after a meal. Hiccough after a meal. Repletion in the abdomen, after eating with appetite. Headache after dinner, every day. After dinner her head feels so confused that she is scarcely able to collect her senses. Heat in the face, after dinner. A sort of vertigo after supper, the ob- jects appeared partially obscured and invisible, the sight being impeded by zigzag vibrations of light, and rings before the eyes ; his head seemed to turn, and he knew not whether he was sitting on his chair. Drowsiness while eating, or after a meal. *Irresislible sleep after dinner. "Indolence. Pain in the stomach an hour after dinner, going off shortly. Pressure in the stomach after a meal. A few hours after dinner she feels qualmish as if nauseated, she is obliged to sit down. "Qualmishness in the abdomen, after breakfast. Vio- lent pulsations below the pit of the stomach, shortly after a meal. Oppression of the chest and shortness of breathing, after a meal. Shocks of the heart, for two hours, after dinner, obliging her to cough frequently, and causing flushes of the face. Oppressed breathing after the least meal. Oppression of the chest after dinner, with anxiety. Anxious pressure in the abdomen, after every meal, with distention. Tension and pressure in the region of the stomach, after a meal, with distention of the abdomen. "Oppressive anxiety and heat. Anguish and agitation of the blood, after a. slight meal. "Burning in the hands. Scratch- ing sensation in the mouth and great weariness after a meal; walking exhausted him a good deal, he felt chilly and out of humour. Great weakness in the whole body after a meal, and especially in the affected part. Vesicles on the tongue, an hour after a meal. Colic, with tension, after dinner and supper, with rumb- ling in the abdomen. Violent pressing en the rectum after a meal.—Great weakness of digestion.—* Frequent eructations; the stomach feels as if it were distended with air. Constant eructations, with fermentation in the abdomen. Frequent eructations tasting of urine. Eructations tasting of oranges. * Dur- ing an eructation, pain in the upper orifice of the stomach, -as if something would tear off. Ineffectual eructations, with pressure in the chest. Empty eructations. Frequent ineffectual eructations, wi'h sensation as if the hypo- chondria were filled with air, which could not be sufficiently expelled. When eating something, he has empty eructations, afterwards tasting of the ingesta, as if he did not digest. Eructations with burning. Frequent eructations and yawning. Eructations with accumulation of water and contraction in the mouth, increasing unto retching, accompanied with expulsion of mucus, followed by eructations and yawning. Bitter eructations. Violent eructations causing a pain in the chest. "Spasmodic eructations. Violent eructations tasting of the ingesta, with rumbling in the abdomen. *Sour eructations after every meal. Sour eructations in the evening. Eructations with the smell and taste of phos- phorus, and blue fumes from the mouth. Eructations tasting of phosphorus, with yawning, burning and roughness in the throat, expectoration of mucus and PHOSPHORUS. 491 dulness of the head. Eructations tasting of olive-oil, and rising through the nose, from which a white vapour is seen to issue. Gulping up of bitter, rancid water. *Sour regurgitation of food, with eructations having a repulsive taste, sometimes after a meal, for several days. Gulping up of bile, when stooping.— Rising of water from the stomach into the fauces.—Heartburn, nioming and afternoon. Heartburn, after eating a little fat.—Frequent hiccough during the day, also before a meal. Hiccough after a meal, so violent that the pit of the stomach feels sore and aching.—Loathing, also with shaking, for two days.— Nausea, with expectoration of much mucus, without cough. Qualmishness in the stomach, in the forenoon. Nausea in the stomach, with vertigo, oppression in the pit of the stomach, and eructations tasting of phosphorus. Constant nausea. Nausea almost the whole day. Nausea with great thirst, also with loss of appetite and necessity to lie down. Nausea, noon aud afternoon, going off after drinking. Nam-ca, in the evening when in bed, causing her to talk in a faint tone of voice. Nausea the whole day, and vomiting in the evening. Nausea, late in the evening, unto fainting and vomiting. Nausea and inclina- tion to vomit, unto fainting, either in the forenoon or evening. "Nausea with hunger, early in the morning.—Nausea and inclination to vomit, in the morning, until breakfast. Nausea unto vomiting, and frequent inclination to faint, with dull pressure in the pit of the stomach, making every external covering intolera- ble.—* Water-brash "after acids. Water-brash after a meal, with eructations, nausea and flow of water from the mouth.— Vomiting, several times.- Ineffectual urging to vomit, while suffering the most horrible tortures; nothing relieved him except drinking cold water. Empty vomiting. Violent vomiting. Vomiting, accompanied with excessive weakness, small, quick pulse, and pains in the abdo- men; death. Continual vomiting ; internal spasms, absence of mind, paralysis of the arm, death. Vomiting and nausea when riding in a carriage. * Vomit ing of the ingesta, -in the evening. Vomiting of mueus, with taste of olive-oil, in the night. * Vomiting of bile several times. * Vomiting of bile for eighteen hours ; twenty-four hours after, nausea unto vomiting, and loss of appetite, with natural taste in the mouth. Sour, bilious vomiting, towards evening, preceded by vertigo with nausea; at the same time the hands and then the feet became icy-cold and completely numb; cold sweat on the forehead; after several attacks of vomiting during the space of two hours, he had two natural stools; nausea and coldness disappeared only after lying down. *Sour vomiting. Green, blackish vomiting. clfamiateniesis. "Vomiting with diarrhoea. °Asiatic cholera. Stomach.—Pains in the stomach, with nausea and desire to vomit. Qualm- ishness in the pit of the stomach, and soon after shuddering.—*The region of the stomach is painful to the touch. The stomach feels empty and fasting. * Painful ness of the stomach when walking. "Painfulness of the pit of the stomach to the touch.—Deranged, weak stomach, for a long time. Weak digestion, lie digests with difficulty those things which he used to eat without any trouble. Distensive pain in the stomach, until evening. Violent pain in ihe stomach, gradually extending over the whole abdomen, with vomiting, first of greenish, then of blackish substances.—^Pressure at a small spot in the stomach, and at the same time in the right temple. Pressure in the region of the cardiac orifice, especially when swallowing bread, which appears to remain lodged there. Continual pressure in the pit of the stomach, even before breakfast, but most when sitting. Pressure over the pit of the stomach, as from a large body, with coldness, (immediately). Pressure in the stomach, in the morning when in bed, and in the evening. * Pressure in the stomach after a meal, as if it contained a load. Excessive pressure in and above the pit of the stomach, afterwards in the 492 PHOSPHORUS. whole sternum and in the region of the ribs, arresting the breathing, when walking and sitting.—*Repletion in the stomach with pressure and shifting of flatulence. Puffiness of the stomach and abdomen with inclination to eructate, the eructations affording no relief. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.—Sen- sation, when sitting, as if the stomach were held together from side to side. Cramp-feeling in the stomach, pit of the stomach and chest, resembling a chilly tremulousness. * Cramp in the stomach, also in the evening, on lying down. Pain in the stomach, as if pressed together, in the morning when in bed, after sweating. Tensive contraction of the stomach, with sourish eructations. Con tractive pinching in the stomach. Contraction and gnawing in the stomach. ^Griping in the region of the stomach, in paroxysms, lasting some minutes, "also with arrest of breathing, and at night with writhing pain.—Drawing and stretching in iLe stomach, when riding in a carriage. Drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, extending into the chest. Cutting in the region of the stomach. Stitches over the stomach and through the abdomen, which then became en- larged. Stitching in ihe pit of the stomach, arresting the breathing, going off by eructations, every evening.—Rumbling in the stomach, or sensation as if bubbles burst in the stomach.—Feeling of coldness in the stomach, sometimes alternating with heat. Violent, burning heat in the stomach, sometimes issuing from the mouth like gas. ^Burning in the stomach, also extending to the throat and bowels. Violent burning in the stomach, with violent thirst, anguish and convulsions .of the face, cold limbs, clear, running eyes, pale lips, weak pulse, vanishing of strength, death. Burning and cutting or burning and oppressive weight in the region of the stomach.—"Burning in the pit of the stomach.— ^Inflammation of ihe stomach. Inflammation and gangrene of the stomach and intestinal canal, with violent burning and cutting.—"The pains in the stomach come on again after eating, in the evening and at night.—"Sort of contraction of the pit of the stomach, with regurgitation of the food almost as soon as swallowed. Hypochondria.—Pinching in the hypochondria, at a small spot, particularly in the right, going off by rubbing. Drawing cutting during a walk. Pressing from incarcerated flatulence, with oppression of the chest.—Violent pain in the left hypochondrium, he was not able to stoop, or to he on the right side. Anxious- ness below the left side of the chest, with bitter eructations every day. Stitches below the left chest, with much anxiet}'. Violent pinching in the left hypo- chondrium, towards the epigastrium; afterwards sensation in that place as if some- thing living were moving about there, when sitting or standing.—Sensitiveness of the region of the liver; when touching it, one experiences a dull pressure in it, especially when lying on the right side. Stitches in the region of the liver, also from without inwards, sometimes accompanied with burning of the skin, which passes off by rubbing, or with sensation as if she were held fast in that region. Abdomen.—Drawing aching pain in the epigastrium, and as if the place were sore. Tension in the epigastrium, at every movement of the trunk. Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium, when walking.—* Colic, in the morning. Colic in cool weather. Violent pain in the whole abdomen.—Pressure in the abdo- men, towards the small of the back, as if caused by flatulence, with scanty emis- sion thereof. Pressure in the hypogastrium, in the forenoon, and also after supper, (the first days). Pressure in the lower part of the abdomen, as if he would evacuate the bowels. Spasmodic pressure, deep iu the abdomen, near the genital organs, in the morning when in bed. Pressure in the abdomen, every morning when waking, as if upon the bladder. Occasionally a very painful contractive pressure in the whole abdomen, of short duration.—Contractive sen- sation in the left side of the abdomen. Occasional contractive pain in the intes- PHOSPHORUS. 493 tines. Burning contractive pain in the abdomen, as if the menses would make their appearance at night, (the menses had stopped a few days previous,) exces- sively painful.—Spasmodic griping and contraction, apparently in the uterus, iu the evening, when stooping and afterwards.—Pinching in the abdomen, with discharge of a brown fluid, followed by some burning and cessation of the cohc. Violent cutting in the abdomen, followed by discharge of liquid stool, jerking out suddenly. Cutting after a meal, during a walk. Cutting from the left side of the hypogastrium across the umbilicus, with pain on pressure, as if the part were swollen. Cutting before bed-time.—Fine stinging in the left side of the abdo- men below the false ribs. Stitching colic, with pale complexion, chilliness and headache, at noon. Occasional transverse stitches in the abdomen. Jerking and stitching in the hypogastrtum, in the morning. Stitch from the hypogastrium to the perinasum.—"Tearing in the abdomen with urging to stool.—Occasionally a sudden pinching hi the hypogastrium, followed by emission of flatulence. Pain, as if something in the abdomen had burst. Pain above the right hip, in the abdomen, as if something were swollen and injured; pain as if bruised when touching the part. Sore or inflammatory pain in the abdomen, extending to the genital organs, especially painful when touching the parts, as if the bowels were sore, with weakness. Sore and stitching pain in the abdomen, reheved by lying on the abdomen.—Cramp-colic, first in the right side, afterwards towards the back, (also in the right testicle,) and upwards towards the region of the stomach, with sweat, loud moaning and distortion of the muscles of the face. Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on, short but recurring frequently ; afterwards great sore- ness above the ilium, when pressing from without. Colic, followed by sour- smelling diarrhoeic stool, leaving some tenesmus and burning, accompanied with erection.—Feeling of coldness, and coldness in the abdomen. Heat in the abdomen and face, in the morning. *Burning -and pressure in the abdomen, followed by soft stool.—Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, after emission of much flatulence. Great feeling of weakness in the abdomen and back, she had to lie down. ^Relaxed feeling in the abdomen.—Sensitiveness of the abdomen below the umbilicus.—Distention of the abdomen, and sensation as if distended, sometimes with pressure, sometimes reheved by motion, sometimes with difficulty of drawing a deep breath, or with pain as if bruised in the small of the back and abdomen, when touching the parts. Distention, relieved by taking coffee. Bloated, extremely-sensitive abdomen. Oppressive fulness of the abdomen, towards the stomach, especially after midnight. Sensation as if flatulence were rising from the abdomen into the throat; this rising ceased as soon as eructa- tions set in. * Incarceration of flatulence, -with coldness of the body and heat in the face. Distention of the abdomen from flatulence, notwithstanding the emission of much flatulence. Full, distended abdomen when eating but little. Colic, extending from the region of the inguinal hernia to the stomach. Flatu- lent colic, especially in the sides of the abdomen, as if the flatulence were incar- cerated here and there; it passes off with great exertion in the space of twelve hours in the shape of short, broken flatus. Oppressive incarceration of flatulence in the abdomen, when sitting or lying, almost imperceptible when walking; sen- sation as if the abdomen were being drawn inwards, causing an unpleasant feel- ing.—*Pressing in the abdomen, sometimes towards the small of the back, "or in the sides. *Rumbling, -as if diarrhoea would set in, or painful, after eating. 'Rumbling, -with emission of flatulence.—Ineffectual urging to emit flatulence. Emission of a quantity of flatulence. Emission of flatulence, shortlv after, stool in small pieces, with prickling in the rectum, leaving the parts sensitive a long while after.—Itching of the umbihcus, which cannot be removed by scratching. *Large yellow spots on the abdomen, on the side of the umbilicus. Two boils 494 PHOSPHORUS. on the abdomen.—Aching in the left groin. Great pain in the region of the inguinal hernia, even without touching it, during the menses. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Tumour in the groin, with burning pain. Painful pressure towards both inguinal rings, duriug an attack of flatulent colic, as if inguinal hernia would set in. Protrusion of the inguinal hernia, during soft stool; it is painful as if incarcerated, when stooping, touching it, or when walking, or even when lying on that side of the abdomen; it cannot be reduced with the hand. Rumbling in the region of the inguinal hernia. StOOl.—No stool, during the first days. Constipation for six days; with pressure in the pit of the stomach after a meal, distention of the abdomen, and incarceration of flatulence.—Difficult expulsion of faces.—Stool with violent pressing, only a little piece being passed at the time. Violent pressing, the stool not being hard. Scanty stool, followed by discharge of blood from the anus Costiveness the first four days. Hard stool in small lumps. Hard stool covered with mucus. Hard stool, with cutting in the anus. °Paralysis of the intestinal canal.—Scanty stool, followed by discharge of blood from the anus.—"The stool is too dry.—*Several good stools a day, only a little each time. Pinchinor in the abdomen, after which stool with contraction of the rec- tum ; in two hours another evacuation, without pinching, preceded by copious emission of flatulence, and followed by contraction of the anus.—*Soft stool, -with pressing and cutting, in the larger intestines. The stool feels hot when passing. * Papescent stool -at an unusual period (the first days). Diarrhoea with tenesmus of the rectum, for sixteen days, reheved by coffee. Half-liquid stool. Diarrhoea, preceded by shifting of flatulence and pinching around the umbilicus, accompanied or succeeded by burning at the anus, or passing out with force. ° Chronic diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with expulsion of ascarides "Slimy, "bloody, "watery, "exhausting diarrhoea of phthisicky per- sons. "Typhoid diarrhoea. "Alternate diarrhoea and constipation of old people. —Green stool (of a baby whose nurse had taken phosphorus). Green, rather loose stools. Green and black stools. Gray stool. The loose stool is mixed with lumps of white mucus. Shining stools. "Undigested stool. "Involuntary gtool.—Heat in the body previous to stool. Stool is preceded by violent chilli- ness. Colic previous to the hard stool. Stool is preceded by violent contrac- tive pain, with stitches in the rectum. Sore pressure at the anus, before and during the hard stool. "Violent urging before stool.—Tingling and itching in the rectum during the soft stool. Erosive pain in the rectum during ihe rather loose stool. Darting pain, during stool, from the os coccygis through the spine, as far as the vertex, the head being drawn backwards by it. Protrusion of varices during stool, with burning pain when touching them, or when sitting and walking, (after some hours). * Blood with the stool for two mornings.—Soreness of the rectum after stool. Sharp scraping and burning at the anus, frequently, after stool, with burning desire to urinate, without much urine being passed. Tenesmus after stool. Frightful tenesmus of the rectum, some time after stool. Pain above the anus after making a slight effort at stool, six days in succession. Violent burning at the anus and rectum, after a soft stool, and great weakness. Great relaxation in the abdomen, after loose stool. Giddy and near fainting after the second stool. Sour vomiting, or retching after stool, several mornings in succession. Shortly after stool, a white, corrosive mucus is discharged from the anus.—Tearing in the rectum. Prickings in the rectum, between the evacu- ations. Burning at the rectum. Tearings in the rectum and the genital organs, so violent that one comes near falling down. Continued cramp-like pushing around the rectum. Severe, troublesome cramp in the rectum, in the morning when in bed. Sensation in the rectum iu the evening, asfif the passage of the PHOSPHORUS. 495 faeces were prevented by something obstructing the rectum, the stool not being hard. The rectum feels contracted ; during the passage of the fasces, which are not hard, an acrid sore pain is felt in the rectum, continuing for several hours and extending into the abdomen.—Prickling at the anus, when walking. Stick- ing at the anus. Violent pain at the anus, as if the abdomen would be torn asunder, with cutting and movement of flatulence in the abdomen, and constant unsuccessful desire for stool; heat in the hands, and anxiety; the pain was re- lieved by applying warm cloths. Cutting in the anus and rectum, especially in the evening. Gnawing and itching of the anus. Tickling of the anus after a walk in the open air.—Sore pain of the varices, for many days, when sitting or lying, with violent pressure and stitches in the varices when rising. Hemor- rhage from the anus or rectum, (also during emission of flatulence). "Mucous discharge from the anus, which is constantly open.—°Tamia. "Ascarides with stool. Urinary Organs.—Great desire to evacuate the bladder and bowels. Sud- den desire to urinate in the morning.—He was unable to retain his urine, owing to a violent desire to urinate. Frequent emission of the ordinary quantity of urine, five emissions in two hours, in the morning after rising, for some days. Frequent micturition, little at a time.—Profuse micturition. Increased emission of dark brown urine, smelling of garlic and sulphur.—Frequent micturition in the night. Involuntary emission of urine, frequently. Some drops of urine pass off when coughing.—Difficult emission of the urine, as if the passage were impeded. The urine stops every moment, and refuses to pass off; accompa- nied with puffiness. The emission of urine is impeded by a dull pain in the hypo- gastrium, in the morning, when in bed, preventing a complete emission of urine; after short intervals he felt again a desire to emit urine; in this case it came off drop by drop and in small quantity.—Want of desire to urinate; even when the bladder was full, she felt no desire to urinate, but she was able to do so, whenever she pleased.—The urine has a strong ammoniacal odour, becomes tur- bid and deposits a white-yellowish sediment. Acrid, offensively.smelling urine, like violet root. A good deal of watery, colourless urine, when the pain is felt. Pale, dear urine. White, strongly-smelling urine. Brown urine, with sediment of red sand. Red urine, smelling of sulphur, depositing a quantity of thick, yellow mucus. The urine is gold-yellow, and deposits a whitish sediment. Urine, with a sediment of white flocculi. *The urine deposits a brick-dust sediment. Greasy pellicle on the urine of various colours. Yellow sediment. The pale urine deposit a white crust on the sides of the vessel.—Cutting mic- turition with discharge of blood. —When urinating after an evacuation bv the rectum, some drops of mucus come out of the urethra, with pain in the peri- naeum. Smarting and burning.—After micturition, languor in the morning. After micturition, stitching pain in the fore part of the urethra. Stitch from the neck of the bladder along the penis. Burning in the urethra, with desire to urinate, in the evening. Smarting pain in the glans, at the end of micturi- tion and afterwards. Burning in the urethra. Stitch in the urethra and anus. "Jerking in the urethra. "Stretching. Quick drawing to and fro in the urethra, as far as the bladder with contractive sensation. Tension over the bladder. Male Genital Organs.—Stitch in the glans, in the region of the frenu- lum.— I U-er on the prepuce, healing rapidly.—Pain in the scrotum for several days. Violent drawing in the testicles. Drawing-stretching pains in the spermatic cords. Swelling of the spermatic cord, painful as well as the testi- cle, (the stool being loose).—Unusual irritation of the genital organs, rather interiorly.—* Irresistible desire for an embrace.—Erection, without sexual fan- 496 PHOSPHORUS. eies, in the evening. Powerful erections in an old man for the first seven days, then none at all for twenty-two days, and again very violent from the 29th to the 43d day. Erections day and night.—Aversion to an embrace. Impotence. °Feeble and too rapid discharge of semen during an embrace.—Emissions, soon after an embrace. Nervous weakness in the loins soon after an embrace. Nocturnal emissions without dreams. Discharge of prostatic fluid, during hard stools. Female Sexual Organs.—A few blotches, stinging and burning, on tin margin of the labia, for a fortnight. * Stitches through the pelvis, -from the va- gina to the uterus. Dull, tearing pain in the pudendum, as if ulcerated, during and after a walk in the open air.—Aversion to an embrace (secondary effect ?). Menses too late. Delay of the menses is a secondary effect of Phosph.— *Menses too early and scanty. Appearance of the menses which had been sup- pressed for many months. "Menses too early, too profuse and too long, also with pains in the small of the back and abdomen. Discharge of blood from the uterus between the menstrual periods. After a suspension of eighteen months, (in a female of fifty-one years,) the menses appear again for five days with vio- lence, having a bad smell. "Discharge of blood in pregnant females. Previous to the appearance of the menses : bleeding of the ulcer. "Leucorrhcea, urging to urinate and weeping. Before and after the menses : swelling of the gums and swollen cheeks.—During the menses: toothache, commencing at dinner. Colic. Chilliness, with cold hands and feet. Prickling itching of the varices. Stinging itching of the whole body. Dulness of the head, and she feels so re- laxed that she falls asleep while reading. *Violent pain in the back, -as if bruised. She feels very sick especially in the evening, has pain in the back as if bruised or torn, drawing in the whole body, palpitation of the heart with anxiety, pinching across the stomach with contractive pain, feels tired and faint unto falling, and so nauseated that she has to lie down. Stinging pain in the forehead, her eyes close. "Cutting in the abdomen, with pain in the back and vomiting. Fever two days in succession; the first afternoon the fever begins with chilliness, followed by heat and headache, without thirst; on the second day, at noon, chilliness for one hour, followed by spasmodic shaking of the* whole body, with chattering of teeth, then heat, especially in the head, and headache. Violent nausea, when sitting up in bed, sour vomiting, oppression of the chest, cold sweat on the forehead, and vertigo when walking. Cramp-like contraction of the lower limbs. "Fermentation in the abdomen. "Bloody expectoration. "Bruised feeling of the limbs. "Palpitation of the heart.—After the menses: Great weakness, with blue margins around the eyes, and anxiety.—Milky leu- corrhcea. Slimy leucorrhoea, during a morning walk. Acrid, excoriating leu- corrhoea. "Smarting leucorrhoea, drawing blisters. Reddish leucorrhoea (in an old female). Viscid leucorrhoea, in place of the menses. Profuse leucorrhoea. —Stitches in the mamma. "Hard, painful nodosities. *Erysipelas, with swelling, accompanied with burning, stinging, and suppuration. °Abscesses also, with fistulous ulcers. Larynx and Trachea.—Irritation low down in the trachea, with oppres- sion high up in the chest. "Painfulness of the larynx, impeding speech. "Sen- sitiveness of the larynx, with burning.—^Roughness of the larynx and trachea, with hacking. ^ Roughness of the chest. Feeling of dryness in the chest.— ^Hoarseness -in the morning. "Chronichoarseness. The larynx seems furred, he is unable to utter a loud word. "Aphonia. * Violent catarrh with hoarseness. "Catarrh with cough, fever, and dread of death. Catarrhal mucus in the chest, in the morning. "Mucous expectoration from the larynx. Constant hawking up of cool mucus, in the morning.—° Croup, with disposition to relapses,—*Cough PHOSPHORUS. 497 from titillation in the throat, "waking him at night. Cough from scraping in the throat, iu the afternoon, in the open air. Cough from irritation in the larynx, in the afternoon. "Cough from tickling in the chest. "Cough from laughing. cCough with rawness and hoarseness in flue chest. "Night-cough with stitches in the throat. Cough, with stitching pain in the hypochondria. Cough, with stitching pain below the pit of the stomach ; she has to hold her chest. Sharp pressure in the pit of the stomach, at every turn of cough. Sourish vomiting during the cough. Pain in the stomach when coughing. Pinching iu the throat, exciting cough. Cough from cold air, affecting his chest. Cough when eating, loose, rattling, as in old people. Cough, with soreness of the throat, after din- ner. Cough in the open air, causing pain in the chest and abdomen. Cough, especially when drinking. Violent, dry cough, when reading in the evening. Violent, dry cough, when sitting or lying, not at all during motion. "Cough with chilliness all over.—Dry and hacking cough the whole day, and preventing sleep.—Violent dry cough, with oppressive headache. Dry, troublesome cough, wakes her from sleep fourteen nights in succession. Dry cough, with headache as if the head would burst, with coryza. "Cough for several hours a day, with pain in the stomach and abdomen. Hollow, mostly dry cough, with pressure in the pit of the stomach, hindering sleep the whole night. "Inveterate cough, as if from tubercles, or from chronic inflammation of the lungs.—Hollow cough, mostly in the morning, and also at night, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. —Li)ose cough, without expectoration, with pain and sore feeling in the chest. Violent paroxysm of loose cough, about midnight, for one hour, reheved t)y sit- ting up, with sore feeling in the throat next morning. Panting cough, with slight oppression of the chest, and some expectoration. Fatiguing cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus.—Cough with white, tenacious expectoration. Cough in the morning with translucent expectoration, and sensation in the mid- dle of the sternum, as if something had been torn loose. — Continual cough with discharge of mucus and tensive pain in the chest. Cough day and night, with expectoration of much mucus ; in a few days violent stitches supervened in the chest. Miico-sanguineous expectoration, when coughing, or with fatiguing hacking, before and during the menses. Discharge of purulent floccuh, with erosive burning behind the sternum. "Greenish expectoration. "Cough, with saltish, purulent expectoration, particularly morning and evening. "Suppura- tion of the lungs. "Mucous phthisis.—Sensation in the throat when coughing as if it would tear away a piece of flesh with it. Chest.—Short breathing after coughing. "Loud and panting breathing. Anxious breathing when thinking, or from fulness of the abdomen.—Arrest of breatlvng during a quick walk. *Difficulty of breathing, in the evening when in bed, or from tightness of the pit of the stomach. Panting breathing when as- cending a hill. Loud, rattling breathing.—Anguish in the chest in the evening. Anxiety in the chest, with throbbing in the right side of the chest.—Frequent oppression of the chest, with nausea. Oppression of the chest, worse when sit- ting ; relieved by eructations. Sensation as if the chest were oppressed by a load Oppression in the lower part of the chest, with shortness of breathing in the evening. Oppression above the xiphoid cartilage, with tightness of breath- ing in the evening, when stooping, relieved by raising the trunk.' Oppression early in the morning, with palpitation of the heart, and nausea, for one hour. Oppression early in the morning, in bed. Oppression at night, and after a walk in the open air, preventing a complete yawning. Oppression with chilliness and violent headache, so that he is scarcely conscious. Pressing oppression. Op- pression as if the hot blood were pressing upwards in the threat, early in the morning.— Tightness of the chest, as if bound by a band. Tension and tight. vol. n. 32 498 PHOSPHORUS. ness in the chest, with dryness. Tightness in the chest, without asthma. Op- pressive, tight feeling in the chest. Sensation across the chest, as if the clothes were too tight.—Contraction of the lungs. Contraction of the chest, with pressure or crampy feeling in the epigastrium. Contractive pressing in the upper part of the left chest. Constrictive, crampy sensation, high up in the chest. Crampy contraction of the whole chest. Cramp in the chest after tak- ing a drive in the evening. Constrictive cramp in the chest, several evenings in succession.—Pain in the chest, especially during an inspiration.—Pressure on the lower part of the chest.—Pressure on the upper part of the chest from above downwards, followed by empty eructations.—Stitches and stitching in various parts of the chest, when sitting, sometimes with burning. Cutting from tho middle of the sternum to the right scapula, worse during an inspiration, less during motion. Stitches in the left side of the chest when taking an inspira- tion. Severe stitches in both sides of the chest, during motion and rest. *Stitches in the left side, under the ribs for five days. Stitching in the right side of the chest when breathing, "also with stinging when touched. "Chronic stitches in the side. Shootings in the upper part of the chest. Rush of blood to the chest. Rush of blood to the chest, at every emotion of the mind, with cramp-like contraction between the scapulae. Rush of blood to the heart, and palpitation of the heart, very violent after dinner.—* Palpitation of the heart -with anxiety, morning and evening. Palpitation of the heart, frequently only 2 or 3 beats. Palpitation of the heart, in the morning, in bed, and in the even- ing after lying down. "Palpitation in the day-time, when sitting. A few strong beats of the heart when moving the left arm, when sitting up in bed, stretching the limbs, etc., going off again when at rest. Burning rising from the stomach into the chest, with anxiety ; and with sweat on the forehead and chest when sitting. "Sore burning in the chest. Itching in the chest, (trachea) and in the pit of the throat, with dry cough which does not alleviate the itching. —Weakness of the chest, for several days, with sensation as if a pain would appear there. Bruised pain in the upper part of the chest, when stooping, mov- ing, or when touching the part.—Stitches in the outer chest. Pain as if bruised, behind the right chest, and under the axilla, when pressing on the part. Violent soreness of the pectoralis major. Stitch in the right clavicle, near tho shoulder. Soreness of the clavicle, whether touched or not. Pain in the fleshy part of the right chest, as if the glands were violently pressed upon. Stitches in the mamma. Pain in the right side of the chest, as if the skin were raised with a pin. Beating, as with a finger, on the right side of the chest, when sitting. "Pain below the left chest, when lying on it. Warmth on the chest. Burning at the lower end, of the sternum, as far as the left clavicle, after dinner. Burning pinching, below the right outer chest, with mounting of heat to the head. "Yellow spots on the chest. , Back.—Pain of the os coccygis, as if ulcerated. Pain in the os coccygis, hindering motion; afterwards painful stiffness in the nape of the neck. Pain in the small of the back when rising after stooping, and when standing, less when walking. Pain in the small of the back after sitting a long time. Pain above the os sacrum and the adjoining parts of the 03sa ilia, especially when stooping, while sitting and after dinner, with great languor. Paralytic weakness of tho small of the back. Weakness of the small of the back, as if gone to sleep, when sitting and when rising from a seat. Burning in the small of the back, especi- ally when the menses are delaying —Viident pain in the back, when sitting too long. "Pain as if the back were broken. Heaviness and weariness of tho back, when lying. Periodically-returning, intolerable pains in the back, hinder- ing walking. Unceasing stitching in the spinal column, the whole day, at dif- PHOSPHORUS. 499 ferent hours. Violent stitch in the muscles of the back, above the left hip. Stitches in the lumbar vertebrae, from without inwards, extorting screams. Pressure close below the scapulae.—Pain in the left scapula as if a plug had lodged there. Sensation as if some one seized her on both scapulae, when lifting and carrying something with both hands. Tearing in the scapulae. Stitches in and under the scapulae. Stitching pain in the right scapula. Darting pain in the left scapula. Beating and tearing in the right scapula.—Sensation as of a heavy load in the nape of the neck. Pressure in the nape of the neck. *Stiff- ncss of the nape of ihe neck. Occiput and nape of the neck are painful and quite stiff.—Stiff neck. The anterior cervical muscles are painful to the touch, or when moved. Stitches in a tumour on the neck. Hard lump on the neck under the chin, of the size of a hazel-nut, painful when touched. Jerkings in the cervical muscles. Stitching pinching in the outer parts of the neck when walking in the open air. Stitching in the front part of the neck towards the right ear, and thence tearing extending to the vertex. "Swelling of the pos- terior cervical and the cervical glands. Upper Extremities.—Violently-itching pimples in the axilla, burning when scratched. *Swelling oftlie axillary glands, -with burning pain in the skin of the arms. Violent itching in the right axilla, and a glandular lump of the size of a pea.—Pressure and drawing in the shoulders. The shoulder is painful when touched or moved. The shoulder-joints are painful when walking in the open air. Tearing in the left shoulder, especially at night. S'it dies in the right shoulder. Dull painful stitch in the left shoulder. Boring in the right shoulder. Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder, extending to the first ribs, for one hour, also in the morning on waking. Pain as if sprained in the right shoulder, especially when raising the arm. Stitches in the axillae, through the Bhoulders. Dull stitches in both axillae, broad and spreading out. Cracking in the shoulder-joints. "Pain of the arm on lifting it. Heaviness in the shoul- ders and arms. Drawing rigidity in the muscles of the arm, from the shoulders down to the lower arm. Drawing pain in the whole arm, increasing in the even- ing. Tearing in the left arm and hand. "Tearing sticking in both arms and scapulas. The left arm goes to sleep, with numbness of the fingers (without coldness) and contraction of the same, especially in the morning; after which the arm becomes quite languid. The arm on which his head leans, goes to sleep. Itching oftlie arms. Weakness of ihe arms, she was unable to move them in the least. Weakness of the joints of the arms, with distention of the veins of the hands. Paralytic, sore pain in the arm, with tremor in the hand when hold- ing anything. Pain in the right arm, as if sprained. Pain, numbness and weakness of the tight arm, especially around the elbow-joint, in the evening when lying, going off by changing the position of the arm, but returning soon after, and so on in frequent repetition. "Itching of the arms. "Scaly herpes on the arms. Tearing on the outer surface of the right upper arm ; friction causes it to shift to the lower arm, where the muscles twitch visibly. Pain in right upper arm as if bruised. Pain in the left humerus as if bruised, moving up and down, when sitting. Rheumatic pain in the right upper arm, after a slight cold. Tear- ing in the upper arm. Great weariness of the upper arm. Burning of the skin of both upper arms—Painful pressure in the periosteum of the humerus and the radius, resembling bone-pain.—Pain of the elbow-joint as if broken Tear- ing and drawing in the right elbow-joint. Tearing in the inner side of the fore- arm, as if the bone would be torn out, going off by friction. Tearing aud boring from the elbow to the shoulder. Tearing and stitching in the right elbow. Stitches in the elbow-joint after a fright, afterwards in an excoriated spot on the foot. Gnawing pain in the elbow, extending towards the shoulder. Shock and 500 PHOSPHORUS. jerking in the tuberosities of both arms. Red tips, with corrosive itching on a place of the size of the hand, in the bend of the right elbow.—Violent tearing on the inner side of the left forearm, as if the skin would be torn off. Tearing in the forearms, especially around the wrist-joints.—Tearing in the wrist-joint, with paralytic weakness, in the evening. Pain as if sprained in the wrist-joint. —Intensely-painful stitches in the wrist-joint, during rest. Tearing in the metacarpal bones. Tearing iu the hand, especially the knuckles, generally at night, in bed. Darting in the knuckles and thumb. Drawing in the hands and fmgers, after moistening them with tepid water. Creeping of the hands in the open air, when yawning. Heaviness and tremor of the hands, when letting the arms hang, with redness and distended veins, with sensation as if much blood were pressing into the veins. Determination of blood to the hands and head, as if coming from the stomach, the veins on the backs of the hands being distended. Cold hands. * Tremor of the hands. One hand occasionally feels paralyzed, for several hours. Both hands had gone to sleep, in the morning on waking. Itching of the hands. The skin on the hands was rough and dry. Warts form on the hands. Vesicles as from heat, on the backs of both hands, with itching, worst at night. Burning feeling in the hands, without any external heat. Burning feehng in the palms of the hands. Sudden swelling of the hand and fingers. Swelling of the wrist-joint, with throbbing in the same as in an ulcer, and tearing extending into the fingers, even when at rest, and much worse when moving the stiff wrist-joint, (after a cold ?).—Pain in the thumb, as if sprained, when seizing something. Swelling of the posterior joint of the thumb, painful when touching it, with tensive pain during motion. Pain, as if sprained, in the finger-joints. °The tips of the fingers feel numb and insensible. The fingers of one hand feel numb and insensible, -those of the other as if they had gone to sleep. The middle finger of the right hand becomes quite numb, dead, bloodless and cold, in moderately-cold air. Jerking of single fingers. Paralytic jerkings in the right thumb when writing, he is unable to hold his pen. Periodical contraction of the fingers, like cramp. Heaviness in the tips of the fingers. Cramp-like drawing and tearing in the little finger. Tearing in the right little finger. Paralysis of the fingers ; they are sensible, but can scarcely be moved. Tension in the fingers of the left hand. Tension in the fourth and fifth fingers of both hands, as if sprained. Painful swelling of a finger, especially painful when knocking it against something. Chronic pana- ritium, which refuses to heal. Cracked skin of the finger-joints, as if by cold. Lower Extremities.—Pain of the nates as from subcutaneous ulceration, when sitting too long. Pulsation in the nates. Twitchings in the nates. Visible, but painful twitching in one of the buttocks and in the thigh.—Pain in the left hip-joint. Painful paralytic feeling in the left hip, in the evening, making it almost impossible for him to step on that foot; no pain when sitting or lying. Sensation in the region of the right hip as if held fast, no pain when sitting. Violent pain in the bend of the left hip.—Pain in the hips as if sprained.— Stitching in the left hip, going off by friction. Violent stitch in the right hip, towards the chest.—Itching of the hips.—Great weakness in the lower limbs, she inclines to fall. The left limb goes to sleep, without any apparent cause. Severe paralytic sensation in the right limb, at night. Weariness in the limbs, early. The limbs are painful in the morning, as after a long walk. Ten- sion in the left limb and painful stiffness with pressure. Cramp-like contractive sensation in both limbs and feet, in paroxysms. Violent aching in the left ischium, when sitting too long. Great restlessness in the limbs, with icy-cold hands, especially in the evening.—Violent drawing to and fro in the thigh, during the siesta. Drawing pain in the thighs, relieved by walking. Momentary, tear- PHOSPHORUS. 501 ing pain in the left thigh, commencing" at the knee. Paroxysms of tearing pain in the posterior side of the thigh, extending to the knee, during and after a walk in the open air, every four minutes, with soreness of the spot when touching it. Burning of the thigh, increased by contact. Pain as from bruises in the middle of the thigh, hindering walking, the spot is painful to the touch. Itching of the thigh and the region of the patella. Violent itching of a small spot on the thigh, with smarting after scratching. Large pimples on the pos- terior sides of the thighs, painful to the touch. Soreness of the inner sides of the thighs. Herpes above the knees and below the patella.—Continual cold- ness in the knees, at night, in bed. Trembling in the knees. Cramp-hke draw- ing in the knee when walking. Tearing in the knees, in the open air, several evenings.—Violent tearing along the inner side of the calf, as if the flesh would be' torn loose, going off by friction; after dinner. ^Drawing pain from the. knees to the feet. Drawing from the knee to the foot, in the evening, every drawing being followed by a paroxysm of sudden pain. Tearing in the bend of the right knee, at night. Rigidity of the hamstrings when walking* as if too short. Arthritic tension in the knees, as if sprained ; they feel hot to the hands. Paralytic feeling in the left knee. Pain as if sprained in the left knee. Dull pain around the left knee-joint. Nightly stitching in the knees, in paroxysms. Stitch in the inner surface of the right knee, at every step; pain as if bruised over the knee, when sitting or when raising the thigh ; the pain disappears on rising. Tearing from the knee to the dorsum of the foot, the fore part of the left foot having gone to sleep, going off by friction. °Arthritic stiffness of the knees, with paralytic weakness of the legs. Suddenly-forming, red, inflamed, smarting and painful tumor between the calf and bend of the knee.—Tension in the right calf when walking. Cramp in the calf. Cramp in the calf, and the leg is jerked upwards when stretching it while walking. "Twitching in tho calves. The leg from the calf to the foot has gone to sleep, as if the circulation had been stopped by tying the leg up below the knee. Violent itching of the calves and tibiae. Pain of the tibice when walking. Pain in tibia; as if bruised. Pain, as if bruised, in the periosteum of the tibice, painful when touched. Tear- ing along the left tibia, on waking. Tearing stitches in the tibiae. A number of small spots hke freckles on the lower part of the tibife. A number of small, blue-red spots on the legs, like petechia?.—Pain in the left tarsal joint, extend- ing upwards to the calf, also as if sprained. The tarsal joint is liable to be sprained, or to give way in walking. Violent tearing and stitching in the feet, hindering sleep at night. Paralytic feeling iu the feet. Paralytic drawing pain in the ankles, extending to the knees. "Twitching of the feet, in the day-time, and in the evening before going to sleep. Jerks in the feet, with tingling cramp in the soles. Jerks and shootings in the feet. The feet feel weak and as if gone to sleep, with great restlessness. Tearing in the inner border of the left sole. Tearing in the left ankle, at night. Violent itching of the soles and toes, in the evening. Formication in the feet and toes. Creeping under the toes, Tingling in the feet, at night. *Icy-cold feet, even when in bed, (in June). Sweaty feet. Heaviness of the feet, as if swollen. Swelling of the tendons of the right ankle. * Swelling of the feet, in the evening. Spots on the feet. Increase of vesicles and ulcers on the feet. Stitches in the swelling on the foot. Stitching pain in the right ankle, the parts being swollen, very painful when stepping. Pain of the soles, as from long walking, they are red. "Ulcerative pain in the soles. Troublesome feeling of dryness in the soles. Cr^mp in the soles and toes. Tearing stitching in both soles.—Beating pain in the heels, at night, she is obliged to rub them warm, to alleviate the pain. Creeping in both heels. Tension in both heels, in the morning, in bed. Blister on the heel, 502 PHOSPHORUS. bursting, emitting a fluid, and very painful when walking. The heels and toes which had been frozen previously, become very painful, especially when walking with shoes.—Itching under the toes and feet. Violent stitches in the ball of the big toe. with inflammation. Chilblains in March. S'i'ches in ihe left big toe, mostly during motion and in the evening. Tearing in the toes when sitting, going off by friction. Pain of the big toe as if frozen. Jerking in the left big toe, when sitting. Violent stitch in the right big toe.—Pains in the corns, piercing bone and marrow. Violent stitching pressure in the corns, as if boring into them with a knife. Stitching in the corns when walking. Old corns on the little toe become painful, the toe swells. Sleep.—Frequent yawning, with chilliness in the evening.—Drowsiness after dinner. Drowsiness after a walk in the open air. Drowsiness with reel- ing, without being able to sleep. "Morning drowsiness. "Stupifying slum- ber in the day-time. Sleeps long in the morning.—* Sleeplessness and rest- lessness. Light sleep. She was unable to fall asleep, owing to a feeling as if the eyes did not close, but had to be kept closed with the hands, and were turn- ing round in the head. After waking in the evening and at night, he has great difficulty of falling asleep again. Is unable to fall asleep. Can only rest on the right side. Lying on the left side causes anxiety. A general sick feeling prevents sleep until two o'clock. Restless sleep, with dreams, and anxiety while awake. Restless sleep, with lascivious dreams and emissions, after which he woke and then slept but little afterwards. Wakes in the evening with vio- lent vertigo and nausea.—Symptoms at night, in bed : Dull pain in the haunch- bones as if he had been lying on too hard a couch; he had to alter his position constantly; went off in the morning. Wakes as if from pressure on the blad- der. Violent drawing in the right upper and lower limb. Sensation as of hav- ing deranged one's stomach. Intolerable itching of the hands. Intense prick- ling itching of the backs of the hands, preventing him from sleeping; scratching does no good. Eructations as of rotten eggs. Great thirst. Pressure at the stomach and nausea. Pain in the lower limbs as if bruised, or as if from excessive weariness. The external ear is painful. Violent stitches through the ear and teeth. Frequent boring in the tooth. Violent palpitations of the heart (5 nights). He wakes with colic at one o'clock. He wakes every night after midnight, in a state of discouragement. Pressure in the abdomen. Spasm of the chest, he is near suffocating. He wakes with a sensation as if the larynx and trachea had become much narrrower, he feels suffocating. Inclination to vomit and continual eructation tasting of the ingesta. He is roused from sleep by obstruction of the nose and difficulty of breathing. A kind of vertigo with turning to the other side, as if all the blood were rushing to the head. Vertigo as if the bed were turning in a circle. On waking, he feels stupified, intoxicat- ed, giddy. Drowsy, a sort of giddiness, without being able to sleep. A* soon as he falls asleep, he has anxious dreams, and then wTakes again. She is so un- easy in the evening that she cannot fall asleep; she feels the same uneasiness on waking. Great anxiety and restlessness as soon as she goes to bed in the evening. Anxiety without heat, as if he had committed murder, with constant tossing about. Illusion when falling asleep, as if somebody were seizing him by the throat, with an intention of throttling him. She wakes towards morn- ing with a start. She wakes with anxiety every morning. Frequent waking in the night, with chilliness.—Heat and dryness of mouth, she has to drink a good deal for some nights. Frequent waking in the night, from feeling too hot, without sweat. Dry heat without thirst, with pain of the parts on which she had lain. Waking from auxious dreams in the night, after which chilliness and tremor of the whole body, especially in the abdomen, violent orgasm of the blood PHOSPHORUS. 503 and oppression of the chest, hindering breathing, and scarcely permitting him to breathe. Uneasy a long time previous to falling asleep; after which she wakes with oppression of the chest, as from a load, aggravating the breathing. Symp. loms during sleep: Saliva flows out of the mouth, even in the day-time, when sitting. Starting, towards morning, or when falhng asleep. Great disposition to sleep on a chair, with the head bent forward. Lies on his back, with the left hand under the occiput. Turning from side to side. Crying out and talking. Tossing about and moaning, the whole night, with anxious dreams. Anguish during a state of sopor with absence of consciousness, still weeping, wringing of the hands, as if in despair, lamentations, tossing about, short breathing; she seizes those around her slily or lays hold of them with vehemence.—Confused dreams. Vexed dreams. Sleep full of dreams. *Restless at night and dreaming constantly. Heavy anxious dreams towards morning. Vivid dreams about affairs which he could not manage. Anxious dreams. Dreams full of care about something which she had to attend to, and on account of which she gets up continually. Anxious dreams about biting animals, she cries out and wakes. Dreaui3 that she is stung by an insect behind the ears. Dreams that some one pinche% her back, chest, etc., and that he tickles her soles. Dream about robbers. Dream about fire, with screams and kicking about. Dream about a hemorrhage. Sad dreams. * Frightful dreams. Fun- ny dreams. Dreams about historical events, every night. Dreams about dead persons and quarrels.—Symptoms early in the morning, in bed: stupifying, long sleep. Languid and indolent. Stretching of the limbs and expanding the chest. Waking with a start every morning, or with anxiety.—*Feels as if he had not slept enough in the morning. On rising: not refreshed by sleep. As if paralyzed and bruised in the morning after rising, particularly the hands and feet. Great languor of the limbs, particularly the thighs. Fever.—Internal chilliness, several afternoons, for a whole or half an hour; occasionally a sensation as if hot water were in the pit of the stomach and back. Coldness: in tho whole body, as if deficient in animal heat. Coldness every afternoon, with languor. Coldness of the limbs. Icy-coldness of the hands and feet, even in bed. Feeling of coolness in the whole body. Shuddering, with yawning, and sometimes with goose-flesh on the arms. Shuddering with head- ache aud pain in the stomach. Shuddering at 7 o'clock in the evening. Shud- dering over the back, with chilliness. Shuddering 'over the whole body, with loss of appetite and chilliness. Violent shuddering, with a cold feeling over the back, urging to lie down and cover one's-self, with renewed shuddering on stretch- ing the hand from under the bed-cover, attended with benumbing of the hands from cold, and painful dulness of the head.—Slight chills: in the evening on go- ing to bed. Chilliness of the hands, with warmth, redness and distended veins of the hands. * Chilly feeling in the evening, -with anxiety, or in bed.—Frequent chilliness the first days. Chilliness creeping over the back from below upwards, in tho day-time. Chilhness in bed, several evenings. Chilliness every even- ing, with shuddering and dryness of the throat." Chilliness for two hours, early in the morning, with yawning. Chilliness in the evening, and falhng asleep from weakuess ; wakes towards midnight from heavy dreams, with pro- fuse sweat all over. Subdued chilly tremulousness in the whole body, even near a warm stove.—Fever : violent chills at night, with diarrhoea; afterwards great heat and sweat all over, the sweat continuing for several nights, before midnight. Long coldness without thirst, afterwards thirst at njght, after the lever came diarrhoea. Fever in the afternoon, commencing with violent chilli- ness, he could not get warm, afterwards heat with thirst and internal chilhness, aud when the chilliness had passed off, heat and sweat the whole night until 504 PHOSPHORUS. morning. Febrile heat and sweat at night, with insatiable canine hunger, fol- lowed by chilliness with chattering of teeth and external coldness ; the chilliness is succeeded by internal beat, especially in the hands, the coldness continually on the outside of the body. Alternation of heat and chilliness at night, with violent pains in the head, abdomen and lower limbs ; vomiting in the forenoon, for more than twenty-four hours, banishing appetite and sleep. General heat in the evening, with absence of thirst, without any previous chill. Heat in the forenoon for two hours, with thirst for beer, preceded by a chill, and followed by chilhness; all these symptoms were experienced while in a state of slumber full of dreams, and making many movements with the hands. Afternoon-fever for many days, heat with or without any previous chilliness. Warmth through the whole body, with dulness of the head. Frequent rising of heat from the neck to the head, with redness of the face when sitting in the afternoon. Heat and feeling of heat. Great heat after midnight, with short breathing, without any thirst, and general short-lasting sweat, dry lip and dry tip of the tongue; the mouth is moist. Flushes of heat, especially in the evening, with slight fever- ish restlessness and burning heat in the palms of the hands. Febrile heat in the afternoon especially in the face. Freqvient attacks of heat, especially in the face, with dry mouth, without thirst. Warmth of the whole body, with internal itching. Anguish aud heat.—General heat and sweat. Heat and sweat of the head and hands, and the feet, every day for half an hour.—Fever, with small, hard, quick pulse. Fever with thickly-coated tongue. °Hectic fever with dry heat towards evening, particularly in the palms of the hands, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, exhausting night-sweats and diarrhoea.—Accelerated cir- culation of the blood. Throbbing of the carotids. * Increase of pulse, -warmth and comfortable feeling through the whole body. * Pulse quick and full. *Pulse quick and faint.—Sweat, first on the anterior surface of the body, especially the abdomen, afterwards on the chest, then in the axillae and on the back; go- ing off during dinner. Sweat during sleep and at dinner. Increased sweat and urine. Shining sweat on the forehead. Exhausting sweats every morning. Sweat on the body with coldness of the head. *Nighl-sweais -for six nights. In the night, sweat and turbid urine, having felt exhausted the whole day.— Sweat and anxious feehng, towards morning. Sweat in the morning when in bed, especially on the feet and hands. Skin.—Formication an'd itching in the paralyzed parts. General i'ching of the body. Itching of the back, and bends of the knees. Violent itching at night, of the arms, legs, back, and abdomen. Itching and gnawing of the abdo- men, arms, and thighs ; scratching brought on red streaks. Itching of the whole body at night with much heat and dryness of the mouth. Burning itch- ing of the whole body. Frequent prickings in the skin. Stitches, with pres- sure in various parts of the body.—Itching, large vesicles over the whole body, also in the face.—Round herpetic spots over the whole body. "Furfuraceous dry herpes. Blotches and blotch-like spots, brownish and bluish-red, as in leprous patients. Brownish, dark, sometimes elevated spots in the bends of the knees, on the chest, forehead, and below the corner of the mouth. "Yellow or brown spots on the body. "Sanguineous spots.—Painful hard blisters, in various parts, not itching. Blisters bursting with moisture. Itching vesicles between the fingers, and in the bend of the knee.—*Small boils -on the nape of the neck, chest and thighs. Large boils on the thighs, chest and forehead. Sore excori- ated spots on the skin, with redness, or smarting and stinging pain. Trifling wounds bleed a good deal. Black blood oozes from the cicatrix of an old vesi- catory. Pinching contractive pain in a cicatrix.—Scaling off of the epidermis. —Itching of the wart on the forehead. Burningrin a wart as in a suppurating PHOSPHORUS. 505 wound, in the evening after lying down.—°Affections of glands after contusion. Tensive drawing in the glands, also on the neck. General Symptoms.—cScrofulous and rachitic affections. °Is suitable to persons with phthisical constitution; but is frequently hurtful when the nerves are very weak, in which case China, Nux v., or some other remedy, ought to be employed first. Is suitable to persons with blonde hair, or red hair, also to Tean, slender persons. "Catarrhal affections. "Ailments from chagrin. °Rheu- matism and attacks of gout of years' standing. "Weakness from loss of ani- mal fluids, semen. °Bad effects from onanism. "Hysteric and hypochondriac affections.—Increased feeling of warmth in the paralyzed parts. Burning, in various parts, particularly on the arms and thighs, in the hands and lower limbs, and on the whole side of the body.—°Lymphatic, abscesses, full of fistulous ulcers with callous edges, fetid, badly-coloured pus, and hectic fever.—"Affections of bones.—Exostoses, with nightly pains.—Bad effects from suppression of scarla- tina and measles.—"Chlorosis.?—"Dropsical affections.?—Chilblains. Stitching in the chest and back, also in the right arm, during motion, especially at night, in bed. Drawing in arms and legs, with weeping mood. Tearing in the right forearm and knee as soon as she becomes cold. Tearing and sticking after every cold. * Sensitiveness to cool weather. His pain increases when the weather changes. ""Liability to take cold in the open air, bringing on colic, pain in the nape of the neck, stiffness of the arms, toothache, lachrymation, hic- cough, cutting and stitching in and above the pit of the stomach, dulness of the head, or at last cold and damp-cold feet and hands, with hot cheeks, etc. Sort of coryza during a walk. Catarrhal feeling through the whole body, with chilh- ness and drowsiness. A slight wetting or cold of the feet brings on weariness in all the limbs, burning of the hands, headache; has to go to bed; next day coryza. Catarrh and toothache when rising, after having slightly perspired dur- ing the night, with sudden paroxysms of slight pain in the teeth.—* Agitation of the blood. In the night he thinks he hears the blood rush through the body. Orgasm of the blood, with chilliness and trembling, and anxiety in the intestines. Heat in the head and chest when talking animatedly. Profuse bleeding of small wounds. Hemorrhage from various parts of the body, haemoptysis, bleed- ing of the gums, varices, etc. "Pulsations in the whole body.—Sensation as if all the limbs were rigid, when performing quick motions. Hands and feet go to sleep. Deadness of the hands and feet. Rigidity of the hands, feet and nose. A sort of insensibility in the whole body.—Coldness, want of warmth in the whole bod}-. Icy-coldness of the hands and feet the whole day, also in bed. Chilliness when sitting, not when walking. Pain in all the limbs. *The limbs feel bruised. All the joints are painful, especially during motion. Languid feeling, as of being bruised, not disposed to do anything. Pale, and bruised all over. Bruised feeling and heaviness in the left knee and elbow.—Heaviness of the hands and feet.. * Heaviness of the mind and body. Painful heaviness of the whole body, now of the head, then the chest, now the thighs and legs, then all over, making him indolent, and putting him out of humour; the heaviness is pre- ceded by a general exhausting sweat. Hands and feet are heavy as lead. Heaviness of the limbs before rising.—"Liability to strain a part. Sprained feeling in every limb during quick motions.—Languor and weakness in the joints, especially the knee-joints, during motion and when sitting. Feeling of looseness in the knee-joint, he is scarcely able to stand. Weakness and lan- guor in the lmibs, especially the knee-joints, with stinging, and burning, some- times most after rising, and aggravated by rest, relieved by walking, for several days. Great weakness iu the limbs, for upwards of three weeks. Great weakness in the morning, when rising and during the day, general sick feeling, 506 PHOSPHORUS. heartburn, and after a quick walk canine hunger and trembling of the limbs. walking exhausts him very much. Frequent and sudden attacks of great weak- ness. *General sudden excessive weakness. Sudden general weakness, with heat in the face. Faint, oppressed feeling the whole day. * Hysteric weakness," -she is unable to move a limb, with gnawing, gulping up, and pressure in the chest. Sensation in the chest and abdomen as if everything would fall to pieces. ♦Lan- guor, with great nervous weakness.— Weariness of the whole body, especially of the thighs, in a robust man. Tired and drowsy, after drinking a glass of wine in the afternoon.—Paralytic feeling after sitting, for some minutes. Sick and paralytic feeling in the body. Loss of strength in all the limbs, especially tho j^'nts, with good appetite. The whole right side feels paralyzed, with nausea. He walks IP:n one paralytic, without noticing it himself. As if paralyzed mentally and bodily, in the morning and the whole day. As if paralyzed in the back and arms after the siesta.—Tremulous in the morning, with perceptiblo twitching of the limbs. Chattering of teeth and general trembling in the morn- ing when waking. Tremor of the hands. Tremor of the thighs like shudder- ing. Trembling of the chest and hands as if she had taken too much coffee. Sick feeling in the whole body, especially the stomach.—Fainting.—* Emacia- tion especially of the hands. *Hectic fever and emaciation.—Convulsions.— Death by gangrene and imflammation; in one case the body shone in all its parts. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The majority of the symptoms appear early in the morning, and in the evening in bed, other symptoms commencing at dinner, and disappearing after dinner. Most of the symptoms cease after dinner, in the afternoon. He feels better in the open air. She is impelled to go into the open air. Many symptoms are most violent from afternoon till next morning. Constant yawning and watery urine during the paroxysms of pain. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In men : The cutaneous veins were very large and shone through the skin like broad, dark-brown strings. The whole anterior half of the body was covered with somewhat elevated spots, of the size of a hemp-seed, and of a rather light- red appearance (petechiae). The nails of the fingers were blue-black, the nails of the toes had a natural colour. No erosions in the buccal and pharyn- geal cavity. The vessels of the pia mater were distended with blood; between the pia mater and the tunica arachnoidea there was a wide-spread accumulation of a yellowish-white, opalescent exudation of the thickness of a fig-leaf, by means of which those two membranes were glued to each other in several places. The lower lobes of the lungs felt solid, and were turgid with venous blood, the right ventricle was filled with a dark, fluid blood; the coronary veins looked like thick, black strings; the mucous membrane of the oesophagus was inflamed and red, interstitially distended, and, in the region where it passed through th» diaphragm, it was dark-gray and might easily be pulled off. The abdomen was distended with gas, the peritoneum and the omentum were inflamed aud red; the vessels of the omentum and mesentery are distended like strings and turgid with black blood; the stomach has a dingy-gray appearance externally, with a reddish tinge, the ileum is of a dark-red brown colour, and is dotted here and there with spots looking like verdigris; the stomach which had been tied up, contained two ounces of a green, thiok pap; on the posterior wall of the stomach, in the neighbourhood of the pylorus, there were two gangrenous ulcen perforating the mucous membrane, a similar ulcer was discovered at the fundus of the stomach, which had perforated all the coats of the stomach as far as tha peritonaeum; the mucous membrane of the stomach, from the cardia to the fun- PHOSPHORIC ACID. 507 dus, was partly ash-coloured and dark-red, partly interstitially distended and Boftencd ; the villous coat of the ileum as far as the valvula Banhini, exhibited ramifications of a dark inflammatory redness ; the villous coat of the large intes- tine was in a normal condition (Oesterr. Med. Woehensch., 1843, No. 39).— Worbe discovered at both extremities of the stomach, in the region of the cardia and pylorus, black or ash-coloured spots, which were found to be true ecchy- mozed spots, (Mi'm. lue a la soc. mod. d'emulation, 1825). In animals: The mucous membrane of the stomach is very much inflamed, and lined with a flocculent, tenacious, easily-separable layer; the muscular coat exhibited an intense redness at one spot; the stomach contained a small quantity of greenish, thick fluid; the mucous membrane of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum was purple-red, and lined with a thick, ink-coloured liquid. Several ccchymozed spots in the cellular tissue and at the base of the heart, on the ven- tricles, part of the aorta and on the pulmonary artery within the pericardium. The lungs exhibited several blue spots, of a dense and slightly crepitating tissue; the remaining portion of the lungs was rose-coloured. According to Noote's experiments on dogs, Phosph., if used internally, destroys fibrin so com- pletely, that no trace of it can be discovered through the microscope. The bladder was red internally ; the cerebral veins were filled with blood, the dura mater was injected ; the pia mater was ccchymozed.—Magendie discovered that Phosph. causes an obstruction of the pulmonary vessels (hepatization) ; Flacks- land found the kidneys, and Worbe the bladder inflamed. 191. PHOSPHORIC ACID. PHOSPII. AC.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, V. Compare with—Asa /., Bell., Chin., Coff, Con., Fer., Ign., Lach., Led., Lye, Merc, Nitr. ac, Op., Phosph., Rhus, Sec, Sep., Staph., Sulph., Thuj., Verat. Phosph. ac. is frequently most serviceable after Lach. and Rhus.— After Phosph. ac. are frequently suitable Chin., Fer., Rhus, Verat. ANTinoTES.—Camph., Coff. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, the following affections have been cured with Phosph. ac.: arthritis, inveterate arthritis. Inveterate tearing pains in the limbs.—Debility from loss of animal fluids (semen, blood), excessive night- Bwcats, chronic diarrhoea. Onanism and many of its evil consequences. Bad effects from grief, anguish, sorrow, unhappy love and long watching.—Rachitis of the lower limbs in boys of four years.—Softening and consequent curvature of the bones.—Paidarthrocace.—Caries of bones. Necrosis.—Drawing darting, tearing and burning pains in the limbs.—Great weariness after walking.—Da- tolerance of noise and conversation.—Scarlatina,? (Rau).—Typhoid scarlatina, with stupor, angina and involuntary diarrhoea.—Measles.—Erysipelas ?, (Rau). Pimples on various parts of the body.—Humid itch-like eruption on the fore- head, face, back, thighs, occasioned by hydrargyrosis.—Herpetic, humid erup- tion on the vermilion border of the lips and on the cheek near the corners of the mouth; the affected portions of the lips were partly sore, and partly covered with yellow and brown scurf, (in a boy of four years).—Furuncles on the thighs and under the axilla. —Itching of the ulcers.—Inveterate ulcers, with secretion of bad pus and corroded base and edges, with stinging and burning pain. Flat, 508 PHOSPHORIC ACID. painless ulcers on the leg, without redness, with indented, uneven base and dirty pus.—Constant drowsiness from excessive languor.—Constant sleeplessness.— Remittent fever.—Typhus.—Typhus stupidus, with great insensibiliy, tacitur- nity, diarrhoea and great debility.—Typhus abdominalis, second stage : constant somnolence or also sleeplessness, bland delirium in the waking or sleeping state, apathy, stupid countenance with circumscribed redness of the cheeks, incipient desiccation and parched condition of the Schneiderian membrane, lips, tongue, or else gastric tongue coated with thick mucus, thirst, rumbling in the abdomen, particularly after drinking, slight sensitiveness of the abdomen, particularly in the right ileo-caecal region, two or three thin, fermented, painless evacuations a day, great languor and prostration, fever with remittent type, dry and hot skin, or also profuse sweats which do not afford any relief, clear urine, etc. In a large number of cases Phosph. ac was sufficient to arrest the development of the disease and to bring about recovery. In severer cases when the nervous life is more intensely invaded, and the affection of the ganglionic system and the intestinal mucous membrane has a more malignant character, the stools are more copious, and have a fetid smell, and pass off involuntarily, when the abdo- men is much more sensitive, and rash and septic phenomena make their appear- ance, when a rapid prostration of strength supervenes, no time should be lost in giving Phosph. and Ars.—Typhus versatilis with dulness of the head, vivid red- ness of the face, great relaxation of the body without vivid delirium, the fever be- ing on the point of passing into the stupid stage.—Incipient typhus stupidus with great apathy.—Typhus gastricus and typhus stupidus biliosus.—Typhus gastri- cus with disposition to watery stool, coated tongue, pappy taste, and prostration of strength.—Night-sweats.—Copious, exhausting night-sweats, in many cases, particularly after severe influenza.—Profuse, exhausting night-sweats in the case of a nursing female.—Melancholia, in one case, (Trinks).—Nervous irritation.— Nervous irritation, with dulnes3 of the head, momentary vanishing of the senses and thoughts in consequence of severe illness and mental depression.—Dulness and weakness of the mind,, (in many cases after onanism, Trinks). Dulness of senso and inability to perform any mental labour, (a sort of mental paralysis, as frequently takes place after onanism).—Inability to perform any mental labour, with great discouragement and indolence of body and mind.—Chronic dulness and confusion of the head.—Heaviness of the head, as if it were full of water.—Nervous vertigo. —Morning-headache.—Great falling out of the hair in consequence of anguish and grief.—Ophthalmia with burning.—Lachrymation.—Dread of the light of tho sun.—The eyes are dazzled by looking at bright objects.—Short-sightedness after onanism.—Difficulty of hearing anything close to the ear.—Scurfs from the nose.—Bleeding of the nose.—Fetid smell from the nose.—Burning of the cheeks. Pimples on the forehead and chin.—The teeth become yellow.—Angina of the tonsils and fauces. Hawking-up of tenacious mucus.—Putrid, flat, sourish and bitter, also slimy taste.—Sensation, after dinner, as if the stomach were balancing up and down.—Constant nausea in the throat.—Gastric symp- toms, with diarrhoea and shuddering, as if cold water were poured into the pit of his stomach.—Sourish and putrid eructations.—Gastric and bilious conditions with thick white or yellow coating of the tongue, flat, slimy, or bitter taste, aversion to meat and broth, rumbling in the abdomen, disposition to diarrhoea with or without fever.—Burning in the abdomen.—Copious watery diarrhoea with rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, mostly setting in in the summer.— Disposition to diarrhoea.—Chronic diarrhoea.—Lienteria.—Gastric conditions with and without fever, violent pain and dulness of the head, thick and white- coated tongue, bad smell from the mouth, putrid taste, disposition to diarrhoea, general languor and prostration, restless, unrefreshing night-sleep disturbed by PHOSPHORIC ACID. 509 dreams, exhausting morning sweats, thick urine which deposits a good deal of mucus, (Trinks, in a number of cases).—Cholerine.—Intolerable pain of the protruded hemorrhoidal varices, when sitting. Excessive hemorrhage from the varices, which protrude during stool. — Nocturnal enuresis.—Milky urine : the urine is white as milk, as if stirred with lime, with clots of bloody jelly and white cheesy coagula, smelling like raw meat, with pains in the back and kidneys, and emaciation (in men and women).—Diabetes mellitus.—Cutting urine, par- ticularly in pregnant females.—Extinction of the sexual instinct.—Impotence in consequence of sexual excesses.—Gnawing pains in the testicles.—The testi- cles are painful when touched.—Excessive nocturnal emissions with subsequent weakness of the nervous system, (Trinks, in many cases).—Pain in the liver during the menses.—Too early and too long menses.—Passive metrorrhagia.— Roughness of the throat. Scraping of the larynx inducing cough.—Hacking with expectoration of mucus early in the morning.—Haemoptoe, (in many cases, Trinks).—Typhoid pneumonia, (in conjunction with Aeon., Bernstein).—Short- ness of breath, with inability t;> talk for any length of time. Weakness of the chest from talking. Weakness in the small of the back and back, occasioned by excessive nocturnal emissions. Pimples on the anus. Swelling on the nates. Swelling of the feet. Corns. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Lowness of spirits.—Sadness.—She apprehends sickness. Is constantly brooding over his illness. Apprehensive for the future. —Weeping mood as if home-sick.—Sad, serious, low-spirited, only when walk- ing in the open air; the longer he walks, the more these symptoms increase.— Anxie'y and uneasiness in the whole body. Great anxiety ; he has t<> he down in the afternoon. Anguish as if the chest were too narrow, with internal heat. —Iuternal uneasiness prevents him from attending to his business.—Hurried- ness when talking; when asking for something, he cannot get it fast enough. Great irritation of the nerves, the mind feels oppressed, the body faint.—Out of humour, *not disposed to talk.—Not satisfied with himself. Out of humour, peevish, irritated. Headstrong. He gets easily angry. Vehement about a trifling vexation. Taciturn, ^indifferent, "apathic, indisposed to work.—Cheer- ful, frequently to excess. Dancing vehemently and wildly, for several days without resting herself, except at night. Sensorium.—He is unable to connect his ideas properly. He dwells upon one and the same idea, and is unable to connect any other with it. He is at a loss to find the words he wishes to use. When alone he becomes thoughtless and unconscious of himself, in the morning. Want of ideas and weakness of mind; he became giddy when reflecting upon something. Dull, heavy mind, without imagination, not disposed to do anything, not even to perform any plea- sant intellectual labour. When reading, he thought of a thousand other things, he was unable to comprehend anything, he forgot immediately what he had been reading, and had great difficulty in recollecting that which he had known for a long time past.—Illusion of the senses; he imagined he heard the clock strike or he saw high things placed beyond the sphere of his vision, move by his side. In the evening when sitting he saw mere figures, his head feehng at the same time dull and sick, and finally very hot.—Dulness of the head. Muddled state of the head, for three hours. Dulness of the sinciput, especially the orbits. In- ability to think. Dulness of the head, as from indulging in sexual excesses, for three days. Sensation in the head and limbs as if one had been intoxicated or as if one had not slept enough. Reeling sensation in the morning after rising.— Vertigo when standing or walking, as if intoxicated, Vertigo when stooping, 510 PHOSPHORIC ACID. or sitting. The head inclines to fall backwards and forwards (immediately). Vertigo when rising, after having been seated for a long time Vertigo after reading. Vertigo in the morning, in bed; when closing his eyes, he felt as if the feet were being raised and as if he stood on his head. Frequent vertigo from heat in the head, even when sitting; when writing he had to nod frequent- ly and involuntarily; the objects appeared to turn, the table seemed to fall; and when walking or standing he fell forward, and had to make a step forward to keep himself on his feet. Head.—Headache when turning the head rapidly, and when stepping firmly. Aching pain in the occiput, obhging him to lie down. Violent headache, with stiffness of the nape of the neck. Headache increased by the slightest concus- sion. Violent pain over the eyes, she is unable to open them. Headache, as after an effort in lifting something. Heaviness of the whole head, with violent pressure towards the left frontal eminence. Heaviness and pressure from be- hind forwards in the occiput, only when stooping, disappearing upon inclining the head backwards. Dull headache in the forehead and temples, with tolera- ble cheerfulness. Dull creeping pain in the forehead, with sweat on the fore- head. Dull headache with buzzing in the head; when coughing the pain increases as if the head would burst.—Pressure in the brain, behind the left ear. •Painful pressure in the right side of the occiput, from within outwards. Aching pain in the right occiput, increased when pressing upon it and turning the head. Dull, stitching pressure, at intervals, deep in the left vertex. Dull painful pres- sure over the orbits, with stitches behind the ears, in the afternoon. Hard pressure on the left side of the forehead. Violent pressure in the right frontal eminence, from within outwards. Pressure in the forehead, as after intoxication. Hard pressure above the left temple, extending to the occiput, with dread of motion. Pressure in the head, especially after going up stairs. Hard pressure in the forehead or temples, almost as if bruised, as if on the surface of the brain, when reflecting, especially in the evening, but not hindering thought. Violent, hard painful pressure as if on the surface of the brain, and in the periosteum of that portion of the skull on which he is lying, on waking after midnight; tho pain becomes intolerable by remaining lying on the same side, but disappears when turning to another side, and is then felt in this one with the same degree of violence. Violent pressure from the forehead down upon the nose. Prcssuro in the head as from a load, from above downwards, or as if the upper part of the head were bruised. Violent pressure in the forehead, in the morning on waking, she was stupified and was unable to open her eyes; the pain scarcely allowed her to talk and was increased by the least motion. Excessively-violent pres- sure in the "head, in the afternoon. Headache, as if the brain were pressed upwards, with painful pulsative throbbing in the brain. Aching and stitching pain in every part of the head, at intervals. Violent pressure in the right tem- ple from within outwards. Crampy pressure in the parietal bones, more violent during motion. Pressure in the occiput as if lying on something hard. Crampy, dull, hard pressure in the left temple, at regular intervals. Crampy pressure and tearing in the brain, in different places. Crampy tearing pressure in the occiput, increased by noise and the slightest motion. Crampy pressure in the right temple.—Compressive pain in the whole brain. Pain as if both parietal bones were compressed by a pair of pincers. Pain in the evening, in bed, as if both temples were pressed towards each other in some parts.—Violent pushing and pressing through the vertex, from within outwards, for three days. —Jerking through the head from behind forwards, also pulsating.—Drawing with pressure in the right vertex and occipital bone, more violent during motion. Drawing in the left temple and the anterior cartilage of the ear, changing to PHOSPHORIC ACID. 511 pressure during motion.—Tearing in the vertex and occiput. Tearing in the left temple, extending as far as the forehead, worse during motion.—Stitch above the left eye, from below upwards, in the head. Dull stitch through the middle of the forehead. Dull dartings in the right temple, striking deep into the brain, at frequent intervals. Violent stitch from the right temple to the eye. Stitch, with drawing, in the vertex, reheved by pressing upon it.—Single sharp shocks in the right temple. Single blows in the head, as with a hammer. Hacking in the head, as with a hatchet, (cured by Staphys).—Prickling headache, in the morning when rising, until noon. Burning headache in the upper part of the brain.—Digging-up boring in the right occiput. Boring with pressure in the left temple. Boring in the head as if the skull were being perforated, especially in the vertex.—Painful concussion in the head, when walking. Humming in the head. Scalp.—Pain of the scalp, when touching it, as if sore, or as if the hairs were pulled. Dull pain of the hairy scalp. Pressure in the occiput, as from lying on a. hard couch, diminished by friction. Aching pain in the right temple. Pressure and gnawing in the forehead, near the root of the nose.—Itching gnaw- ing of the forehead. Itching of the scalp.—Pain in the occiput as if bruised, in the region where the cervical muscles are inserted. Drawing pain in the oc- cipital bone, every day. Burning stitch in the upper part of the head. Long- •ontinuing stitch in the vertex, increased by contact. Burning pain in the right ■idc of the scalp. Burning pain in the skin of the forehead, left side. Feeling of warmth in the side of the frontal bone. Feeling of coldness on the hairy ecalp.—Painful elevation on the scalp, with sensation as if he had been pulled by the hairs; pain as if bruised, when touching the parts.—*Great falling off of the hair, particularly after grief. °Flaxen, withering, gray hair. Eyes.—The eyes are painful in the morning when opening them, she is un- able to hold them open for a long time.—Sudden pain in the left eye, as from a grain of sand or a pimple in the eye. Pressure on the left lower eyelid. Pres- eure on the right eyelid and feeling of heaviness in the same. Constant pres- sure in the eyes as is felt when looking too long at one object, compelling one to close the eye. Pressure of the eyes, as if they were too large, with immobility of the same as if he had not slept enough, and with dulness of the head. Pres- sure under the lower left eyelid, increased by pressing upon it, and then disap- pearing immediately. Pressure in both eyes, towards the back part. Crampy sensation, with pressure in the upper border of the left orbit.—Pain as if the eye- balls were, compressed and pressed into the head. Sensation as if the eyes would be pressed out, causing frequent winking.—Itching in the eye. Itching and pressure in the eye.—Drawing stitching through the eyelids, from one canthus to the other, with sharp stitches in the canthi and in the circumference of the orbits. The right eyeball is pressed into the outer canthus, in consequence of a dull, now stitching then burning, pain; afterwards sensation before the eye as of a long snowy plain to which fiery points descended, and afterwards a fiery plain before the eyes, to which shining white points descended. Sudden stitches under the right eyelid, as from electric sparks, he had to close the eyes firmly afterwards. Sharp stitch in the thin bony wall of the orbit, towards the root of tho nose.—Perceptible coldness of the inner borders of the orbits, when closing the eyes.—Burning in the eyes, with burning tears. Sudden burning in the left eye. Burning and pressure in the eyes ; she is unable to look at the light in the evening. Burning in the upper eyelids, the whole day, and burning itch- ing in the inner canthus. Burning under the upper eyelid. Burning in the inner canthus, as if too much air and light were pressing in; the burning is less when closing tho eyes firmly. Smarting burning in the eyes, especially in the 512 PHOSPHORIC ACID. evening, at candle-light.—^Inflammation of the eyes and stye on the upper eyelid. °Inflammation with congested vessels towards the inner canthus. °Inflammation of the eyelids. Swelling and redness of the lower eyelids.—Smarting lachry- mation of both eyes, Dry gum in the lids, in the morning, with smarting when washing the eyes. Agglutination of the eyes.— Yellow spot in the white of the eye towards the inner canthus, but more towards the cornea, accompanied with dim-sightedness. disappearing on dilating the pupil.—Both eyes look glassy, the eyeballs moving almost involuntarily, mostly when staring. Faint, glassy, staring look. Sunken eyes.—Twitching of the lower eyelid, towards the inner canthus. Heaviness of the lids as if they would close.—First, dilatation, afterwards contraction of the pupils, for sixteen hours. Contraction of the pupils for seve- ral days. Dilatation of the pupils. Excessive dilatation of the right pupil in- creasing in proportion as he made an effort to see ; even seven days after, it was four times as large as the left. °Photophobia in the day-time. * The eyes are dazzled by looking at bright things.—Short-sightedness when sewing, reading or writing, as if a gauze were before the eyes; she does not recognize the letters; things at a distance are distinct and clear to her; when looking away from her work for one moment, she then sees again the objects near her better; but the dim-sightedness returns immediately on re-commencing to read. °Ue sees better at a distance, (curative effect). Increased short-sightedness. Ilo sees everything in a fog beyond the distance of six steps.—Dimness of sight, with quick and short luminous vibrations before the eyes, and pressure iu the internal canthus when looking long at one spot; rubbing brings on lachrymation and the dimness passes off. Weak eyes, more so in the forenoon than after- noon ; distant objects seemed to be wrapped in mist; every near but somewhat bright object dazzled him and caused a pressure in the eyes; the same symptom was felt when looking suddenly in the dark.—Black streak before the eyes, wiping does not remove it; she feels as if she might see over her own head when lowering it. Vibrations before the eyes when reading at candle-light. Ears.—Cramp-like drawing pain in the right ear. Drawing in the inner and outer right meatus auditorius. Fine twitching in the right lobule. Jerk- ing tearing or simple tearing in the cartilage of the left ear. Tearing in the outer and inner ear.—Almost painless stitch in the left ear, going off when in- serting the finger into the ear. Stitches in the ears when she hears a musical sound or the stroke of a bell, or even when singing herself. Stitches in the ears, with drawing pain in the jaws and teeth. Stitches in the ears, with drawing pains in the left cheek. Long-lasting fine stitch, deep in tho right ear. Burning stitches in the ears. Itching stitches in the interior of the right ear, continuing while moving the jaw. Stinging itching of the right lobule.—Swelling and heat of both ears, with burning and itching. Large tubercle on the posterior surface of the right lobule, sore, especially when touching it.—Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ear. Constant singing in the ears, when lying. Ringing before the ears. Shrill sound in the ear when blowing the nose. Whizzing in the ears every day. Whizzing in the ears, in the evening, not when lying in bed, but again in the morning. Roaring in the ears, especially the right. Roaring in the ears, with hard hear- ing.— He does not hear the tick of a watch when held at a moderate distance from the ear; he hears it more distinctly at the distance of a foot and a half, when held close to the ear he only hears a hissing, no tick.—*For a long time he found musical sounds very disagreeable.—intolerance of noise and conver- sation. Nose.—Cold nose. Itching of the tip of the nose, he had to scratch it. Creeping and burning of the nose. Pimple on the tip of the nose, with beating in the nose and pain when touching it. Swelling of the dorsum of the nose, with red spots PHOSPHORIC ACID. 513 on the dorsum and sides, going and coming, with a tensive sensation. * Scurfs on the nose. Itching scurf on the lower part of the septum.—Suppression of the secretion of mucus in the nose. Bitter mucus frequently gets into the mouth and fauces from the posterior nares.—Purulent discharge from the nose.— Bleeding of the nose and frequent discharge of blood from the nose when blow- ing it.—Sensitive smell.—°Fetid smell from the nose.—Dry nose. Catarrhal fever, with pain in all the hmbs and loss of appetite. Violent coryza, and red margins of the nostrils. Face.—Pale face when rising, with disposition to stare. Blue margins around the eyes. Sunken eyes. Heat of that side of the face on which he was not lying. The face is frequently dark-red, momentarily, with flushes of heat. —Tension of the skin of the face, as if albumen were drying on it; it feels hot to the touch. Formication in the face and in other parts. Fine, sudden drawing through the left cheek, as far as the ear. * Burning pain in the skin of the cheek, -near the right corner of the mouth.. Burning pain at a small Bpot on the left cheek.—Itching of the whole face. Large pimples in the face, -or on the forehead and chin. Red pimples on the cheeks and nose, filled with pus, and itching, especially when touched. Blotches on the forehead, with sore- ness when touched.—°Moist scurfs, herpes on the cheeks, lips, and in the cor- ners of the mouth. °Dry lips. Violent burning pain in the lower lip, continu- ing even when moving it. Dull stitching and creeping in one point of the ver- milion border of the lip. The lower lip is chapped in the middle. Oblique fissure in the right side of the upper lip, with sore pain, especially when moving the lip, for several days. Burning, painful pimples on the vermilion border of both lips. Ulcerated, deep sores in the vermilion border of both lips, with ten- sive smarting, even when not touched; they form a dark skin which is easily rubbed off when washing the face; in this case the sores bleed and smart when touched. Yellow-brown, crust-like eruption with pus on the lower lip towards the corner of the mouth, painless, for six days. Jaws and Teeth.—Pain of the lower jaw as if it were torn out of its joint, more so when chewing. Pain of the left submaxillary gland when touching it, resembling a broad stitch with pressure, simultaneously with sore throat. Dull drawing pain with pressure, in the angle of the right lower jaw. Violent ach- ing in a hollow tooth, when particles of food get into it, going off after they had been removed. Pain of tho wisdom-tooth.—Jerking tearing in the upper right molares, independent of chewing. Tearing in the teeth, extending into the head, as if the tooth would be pressed asunder aud driven out, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, or by anything hot or cold. Boring-stitching toothache, ending with swelling of the cheek.—Feeling of chilliness in the roots, especially those of the molar teeth, when chewing; this feeling is painful in the morning and goes off after a meal. A sort of grumbling burning in the hollow tooth. Burning pain in the foreteeth, at night.—Dulness of the teeth, as from a corro- sive acid. °The teeth become yellow. Violent bleeding from a hollow tooth.— Swelling of the inner gums, and pain when eating or touching them. Soreness of the gums when touched, blee_ding when rubbing them. Bleeding of the gums from the slightest contact. °The gums stand off from the teeth. °Painful tubercle on the gum. Mouth.—S.»re and raw pain in the mouth, betweeu the acts of deglutition. Great dryness in the mouth, in the afternoon, with a quantity of tasteless, viscid, soap-liko mucus, which he spits out frequently. A quantity of sourish saliva in the mouth, having an acrid taste. A quantity of sourish saliva in the mouth. The mouth is slimy, oily and thirsty, in the morning. °Teuacious, viscid mucus in the mouth.—°Smarting on the tongue when chewing solid food. The tongue vol. ii. 33 514 PHOSPHORIC ACID. is quite dry. Feeling of dryness on the tongue and in the palate, without thirst. Stinging in the tip of the tongue. Itching stinging in the tip of the tongue. Stinging pain in the right side of the tongue. Itching in the tongue for several days. Burning on the tongue, immediately. Burning in several parts of the tongue, as from something corrosive. Swelling of the tongue with pain when talking.—°Nasal speech.—Dryness of the palate, without thirst. Burning of the velum pendulum palati, as if inflamed. Painful soreness of the velum pen- dulum palati, and rawness in the throat, especially during an expiration. Swell- ing and sore feeling of the posterior nares. °Sore, ulcerated velum. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Pain of the throat when swallowing, in the region of the thyroid cartilage. Rawness of the throat, with pain when talking or swallowing. Sore throat when swallowing. Smarting of the throat, between the acts of deglutition. Scraping in the throat when swallowing bread. Sting- ing in the throat when swallowing food. Stitch, with pressure in the throat, when swallowing saliva. Soreness of the left side of the throat, ulcerative, beat- ing, tensive and dry, between the acts of deglutition; talking is troublesome; when swallowing he experiences a scraping and sore pain, extending into the ears, where he feels likewise a scraping and stinging pain. Inflammation of the throat, with a smarting vesicle. Sensation as if something had lodged behind the palate, impeding deglutition. Taste and Appetite.—Putrid, flat taste. Taste constantly acid. Putrid, smoky taste. Taste, as of herbs, in the morning after waking. Tasting the bread a long time after eating it, with some scratching in the throat. Aversion to brown bread, when merely looking at it, and especially on account of its sour smell, also when eating it, almost causing vomiting. Bread tastes hke bile, the taste in the mouth being natural.—* Violent thirst. Violent desire for cold milk or beer.—Loss of appetite.—The child wants to eat all the time, without eating much.—"Desire for juicy, refreshing things.—°Acids occasion eructations and other ailments. Gastric Symptoms.—After a meal: dulness of the head. Pressure in tlie stomach, as from a load, with drowsiness. Excessive relaxation of the body (after breakfast), she had to be carried to bed. Oppression of the stomach with drowsiness. Load in the stomach like lead. Repletion and anxiety. Frequent rising of air, preceded by rumbling in the stomach. "Sensation as if the stomach were balanced up and down. Ineffectual offensive eructations. Sour eructations.—* Nausea, as if in the palate. °Constant nausea as if in the throat. Nausea obliging one to lie down, -also with writhing around the sto- mach. Nausea unto vomiting in the region of the stomach.—Vomiting of the ingesta, and afterwards vomiting every hour. Stomach.—Oppression of the stomach, before and after dinner. Painful op- pression of the stomach when touching the pit, he dares not button up his clothes. —Stitching, with pressure, in the pit of the stomach, as if something were pulled away. Stitching in the pit of stomach, and a drawing thence to the small of the back.—Coldness in the stomach. Burning under the pit of the stomach, then moving to the left side.—Rumbling in the region of the stomach. Hypochondria.—Pressing and pushing in the hypochondria, with great anguish, as if he would be deprived of his life, most when standing. Periodi- cal crampy sensation, with pressure under the short ribs. Crampy sensation with pressure, after walking, above the liver, and extending thence to the um- bilical region.—Feeling of heaviness in the liver. Stitching in the region of : the liver and spleen. Burning pain at one spot of the region of the liver. Abdomen.—Pressure in several parts of the epigastrium. Painful pinch- • ■ ing in the abdomen, like flatulent colic.—Crampy pain in the abdomen. Crampj f f PHOSPHORIC ACID. 515 sensation with pressure in the umbilical region. Contraction of the intes- tines, in the morning during stool, and afterwards smarting in the rectum. Excessive pinching contraction of the intestines, from both sides of the umbili- cal region. Griping and pinching in the umbilical region, when sitting. Cut- ting pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on.—Cutting pain across the abdomen, in paroxysms. Tensive stitching pain in the whole right side of the abdomen and chest, almost arresting the breathing. Cutting cohc, with drawing in the pelvis.—Intermittent, dull stitches, with pressure, around the umbilical region and in many other parts of the body. Fine intermittent stitches in the abdomen, towards the pit of the stomach, especially when rais- ing the body while sitting. Stitching cohc under the last left rib, more violent during an inspiration. Stitches above the groin, when changing his position, when beginning to walk, or when just sitting down.—Burning and smarting in the umbilical region, when walking in the open air. °Burning in the abdomen.— Distention of the abdomen, ceasing entirely after the passage of a single flatus. Distention of the abdomen, with nausea. Tensive pain in the epigastrium, al- most arresting the breath.—Dicarceration of flatulence. Rumbling in the epi- gastrium and abdomen. Gurgling in the abdomen, as of water, when bending forward or backward, also when touching the abdomen. * Emission of a quan- tity of flatulence, particularly after taking anything acid.—Stitches in the left abdominal muscles. Boring stitch in the skin of the epigastrium, also during an inspiration and expiration.—Cutting in the left groin. GurgUng twinges in the right groin. Pressing from within outwards in the right groin, as if hernia would form, increased by pressure.—Swelling of the inguinal glands. StOOl.—Stool first hard, then papescent. No stool for two days, with flatu- lence.—Frequent desire for stool. Unsuccessful desire, then difficult stool, next day no stool. Hard stool, in pieces. Stool with great exertions, although not hard.—Stool every day the first 6 days, then every 2, afterwards every 3 days.—Stool loose and frequent. *Diarrhoea. * White-gray diarrhoza. °Sli- my diarrhoea. °Watery diarrhoea. °Lienteria. Involuntary, light-yellow, papescent stool, coming out while emitting flatulence.—Protrusion of the va- rices during stool.—Smarting of the anus after difficult stool. Tenesmus after stool.—Tearing in the anus and penis, evening and morning. Itching stitch in the border of the anus. Itching gnawing in the region of the os coccygis. Smarting itching of the anus.—Tearing in the rectum, and sensation as if di- arrhoea would come on, but no stool. Urinary Organs.—Retention of urine the first 7 hours, then frequent mic- turition, with burning in the neck of the bladder.—*Desire to urinate, -with scanty emission. Urging to urinate, 8 times a day, 2 or 3 times a night. Urg- ing with burning during micturition. °Urging with pale face, heat and thirst. °Lrresistible desire to urinate. Pressing in the urethra and rectum. Enuresis with cutting burning in the urethra, and cramp-pain in the small of the back. *Frequent micturition, the urine being either watery or dark with clouds.__ Pale urine forming thick, whitish flocculi. Milky urine with bloody jelly-like lumps, or as if stirred with flour.—Fetid urine.—Burning during micturition, followed bygonorrhoeal discharge. °Cutting in the urethra. Sensation towards the end of micturition, as if a load in the abdomen were pressing towards the genital organs. Great burning in the urethra, arresting the urine, and exciting a desire to urinate. Burning during, and cutting previous to, micturition. ° Anguish and uneasiness before micturition. Cutting, with ineffectual desire before micturition. Drawing in the urethra, extending as far as the anus. Frequent feeling of rawness in the urethra, with occasional stitching in the same. Stitching in the urethra, between the acts of micturition, (immediately). 516 PHOSPHORIC ACID. Creeping in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Painful stitches at the termination of the urethra. Painful spasmodic constriction of the bladder, without urging. Swelling of the orifice of the urethra. Male Genital Organs.—Tingling itching on the dorsum of the penis, ex- ternally. Feeling of heaviness in the glans, especially during micturition. Itching stinging of the glans. Fine stinging of the tip of the glans. Burn- ing cutting of the glans, with painful pressure in the groins from within out. wards. Itching creeping in the froenulum. Vesicle near the frenulum, itching when pressing on it. Humid, itching vesicles on the fraenulum, preceded by creeping. Heat and burning of the sycotic excrescences. Soreness of the same, when walking or sitting.—Drawing soreness in ihe testicles, as if excori- ated. °Pain of the testicles when touched. Pressure in both testicles, in- creased when touching them, or when walking. °Gnawing in the testicles. Burning tearing in the left testicle, and burning in the prostate gland, with frequent erections. Swelling of the left testicle. Itching of the scrotum. Long-itching stitch of the scrotum. Formication of the scrotum. Soreness of the scrotum. Inflammation of the scrotum. Hardness and tension of the spermatic chord. Swelling of the spermatic chord, with dulness of the head. Small red pimples on the scrotum and the posterior part of the penis, with feel- ing of heat in the same.—Falling cut of the hair of the genital organs. Sup- pression of the sexual desire.—Swelling of the penis for several minutes. In- clination to erection in the morning when standing. Violent erection. *Fre- quent emissions, °also after onanism.—Discharge of the prostatic fluid, when straining during stool.—Sudden relaxation of the penis, during an embrace, when the semen is on the point of being emitted, preventing the emission. Female Sexual Organs.—°Meteoristic distention of the uterus.—Re-ap- pearance of the menses at full moon, after having been suppressed for many months.—°Pain in the liver during the menses.—Leucorrhoea after the menses. Profuse, yellowish leucorrhcea with itching, some days after the menses. Larynx.—Contractive pain in the region of the pit of the throat, worse when bending the neck. Roughness of the throat, hindering speech. Violent hoarseness. Irritation, occasioning a few stitches in the throat, but no cough. Cough, occasioned by a tickling from the middle of the chest to the larynx. Continual cough with irritation. Cough, occasioned by burning in the chest. Cough inducing a desire to vomit. Cough with vomiting of food. Cough from tickling in the chest, the cough is worse in the evening after lying down. Violent cough with expectoration, causing a pain in the abdomen. Cough with yellow expectoration. Cough with expectoration tasting and smelling like herbs. The cough occasions a headache, as if the skull would burst. Burning in the chest and throat, when coughing or during the fluent coryza, or even when she did not cough. Chest.—Breathing heavy and oppressed, with stitches between the short ribs, mostly on the left side. Odours take away his breath. Want of breath, on waking from his siesta, with restlessness and sweat on the body. °Short- ness of breath, with inability to talk for any length of time, on account of weakness of the chest. Oppressive anxiety in the chest. Pain in the chest, as if from weakness or sitting too long, relieved by walking.—Oppression and contraction of the chest, with stitchts. Painful oppression of the chest, when beginning to walk. Constrictive pain of the chest. Painful spasm in the chest and diaphragm, in the region of the lowermost ribs of the right side, sudden and unexpected; she is obliged to sit bent, with stitches in that side when breath- ing.—Pressure in the chest for several hours. Violent pressure over the whole chest, in the night, shifting to the abdomen, and disappearing after emission of PHOSPHORIC ACID. 517 flatulence. Pressure behind the sternum, impeding the breathing. Aching pain in the left side of the chest, most violent when breathing. Pressure in the middle of the chest, most violent during an inspiration, as if the sternum would be pressed out, more violent when pressing on the sternum, or when stooping or coughing. Crampy pressure in the right side of the chest, in the region of the seventh rib. Crampy pressure in either side of the chest, by several provers. Cutting pressure in the left side of the chest, during a deep inspiration.—Stitch in the lower part of the right side of the chest, during an inspiration, going off while walking. Dull stitches in the middle of the ster- iiuia^ Dull stitch in the left side between the lowest rib and the pelvis, through the whole cavity of the abdomen, more violent during an inspiration. Sharp stitches in the region of the right lowest rib. Sharp stitch in the upper part of the chest, under the right arm, arresting the breathing momentarily. Boring, dull, continuous stitch in the left chest, more violent during an inspira- tion. Pinching stitch in the whole chest.—Boring pinching in the left chest, continuing during an inspiration. Burning sore pain internally in the region of the last rib.—Burning in the outer parts of the chest.—Burning-cutting pain in the left chest when sitting, worse when touching the part. Palpitation of the heart when starting from sleep.—Tingling pain in the chest when at rest; pain on the sternum when stooping, moving about, or touching the parts. Sen- sation as if the ribs had been knocked in. Sharp pressure in the left mamma. Itching pricking like flea-bites, between the mammae, obliging her to rise in the night. Itching gnawing in the region of the right false ribs. Back.—Itching stitch in the region of the os coccygis. Fine stitches in the region of the os coccygis and sternum. Intense pain in the small of the back, a sort of drawing and pressing, sometimes tearing, very perceptible only when standing. Intermittent, quickly drawing, aching pain in the small of the back, mostly when standing, less when walking; going off by pressing upon the part, sitting and stooping. Intermittent tearing in the small of the back, when rising after stooping; when standing, the pain changes to a mere quiet drawing. Burning pain at a spot above the small of the back. Violent stitch in the small of the back when rising after squatting.—Itching and sweat in the back. Painful drawing in the dorsal vertebrae, as if bruised, most when sitting. Tear- ing pain in the back, at night. Pinching pain in the middle of the spine. Stitch in the loins when lifting something, continuing when sitting, but disap- pearing at once when commencing to walk. Stitches in the region of the kid- neys. Short, violent stitches in the middle of the spine at intervals. Itching gnawing around the lumbar vertebras and in other parts of the trunk, also in the thigh ; he is obliged to scratch. Red pimples on the back, chest and neck, especially above the scapula?, less visible in the morning than evening, painful only when rubbing them and when touched by the clothes, and lasting a fort- night.—Eruption on the scapula', without itching, painful only when touched. Painful tearing in the region of the left scapula, when sitting bent. Subdued drawing and pressing in the surface of the bones, like a sort of gnawing, below the apex of the scapula.—Drawing-sticking pressing in the nape of the neck, extending to the occiput. Jerking sensation in the nape of the neck, when at rest, but more frequently when raising the head. Stiff feeling in the nape of the neck, when at rest, disappearing by motion. Burning soreness on the side of the nape of the neck.—Pressure on the neck, in front and on the sides. Pinch- ing pain at a small spot in the neck. Painful pressure on the left side of the neck, as from incipient internal ulceration, aggravated neither by swallowing nor by talking. Cramp-like drawing in the left cervical muscles as far as the eye, 518 PHOSPHORIC ACID. when turning the head. Pain of the right cervical muscles. Painful stiffness of the left cervical muscles ; the rigidity extends into the head. Upper Extremities.—°Boils in the axilla. Swelling of an axillary gland, going off of itself. Drawing and beating in the shoulder-joint. Rheumatic laming pain in the right shoulder-joint. Tearing in the shoulder and left hand. Crampy pressure on the top of the right shoulder. Boils on the right shoulder.— Burning as from red-hot coal in different parts of the arm and on the shoulder. Weakness in the arm, in the forenoon, with trembling. The (injured) arm be- comes stiff and painful at every motion; the hand becomes heavy as lead; pecking and pricking in the ulcer, and tearing and pricking in the ball c# the thumb and fingers; painful burning in the interior of the hands, and the blood rushes into the hand when letting the arm hang. °Pimples on the arms.— Drawing in both arms, from the shoulder.—Itching stitch in the upper arm, not removed by scratching. Muscular twitchings in the upper arm, arrested by moving the arm. Painful jerking tearing in the arms, fingers and limbs gener- ally. Paralytic crampy pressure in the upper arms, increased by contact. Feel- ing of icy-coldness in the right upper arm. Drawing from the elbow to the shoulder.—Burning sensation in the elbow-joints. Pain of the elbow-joint when feeling it. Drawing cutting in the elbow, wrist, and posterior finger- joints.—The forearms are painful as if bruised, when laying them on the table. Crampy pressure in the forearm, from without inwards, and from above down- wards. Painful crampy weight in the right forearm. Sharp sticking boring in the inner side of the left forearm near the bend of the elbow, worst when at rest. Paralytic pain in the outer side of the forearm, below the elbow, not hindering the motion of the arm.—Feeling of stiffness and crampy feeling in the wrist-joint, increased by motion. Pinching crampy feeling between the me- tacarpal bones of the right hand. Tearing rolling, upwards and downwards, sometimes with stitches, in the bones of the hands, fingers and forearms. Pinching pain above the right wrist-joint. Tearing, transversely across the right wrist-joint.—Drawing sticking in the palms of the hands. Increased warmth in the palms of the hands. Trembling of the hands when writing, with tingling and itching in the hands. Heaviness like lead and burning of the hand of the injured arm, with determination of blood to the hand on letting it hang down.—Itching in the backs of the hands, increased by friction. Wen between the metacarpal bones, exceedingly painful, especially at night and when touching it. Rough, shrivelled, dry skin of the hands.—Stitches in the finger-* joints. Tearing in the fingers, especially the joints, with tension when moving them, as if the tendons were too short. Violent, sharp-sticking tearing in the posterior joint of the right middle finger. Cramp-pain in the fingers of the left hand, uninfluenced by motion. Painful drawing, with pressure, in the little finger, especially the joint, going off by bending the finger towards the palm of the hand. Intermittent, dull stitches in the ball of the thumb. Fine stinging through the dorsum of the right thumb, extending as far as under the nail. In- flammation and suppuration behind the finger-nail. Corrosive itching of the left middle finger, recurring soon after scratching. Deadness of one side of the left index-finger, from cold, the dead part being marked off very abruptly. The fingers go to sleep, become cold, yellow and shrivelled, the pulse being slow, small and scarcely perceptible. Numbness of the tips of the fingers. Deep, hard, itching vesicles on the ball of the thumb. Pimple-shaped, red spots on the backs of the fingers, without sensation. Red pimples of the size of a pin's head, on and between the fingers, without any sensation, for five days, exhibit- ing finally a white elevation in the centre. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 519 Lower Extremities.—-*Boil on the nates.—Cramp-like drawing in the left Bide of the nates when walking. Itching twitching in the glutei muscles of both sides. Itching of the right hip. Pain of the hip-joint, as if broken, when walking or when touching it. Pain in the hip-joint, when rising from one's seat. Cramp in the hip-joint, with tearing extending through the whole thigh, intoler- able when eating or sitting. Painful stretching and pain as if braised, in the hip-joint, worse during motion. Heaviness and paralytic sensation in the hip- joint, when commencing to walk after sitting; going off after having walked a little.—Pain of the thighs and legs when walking, as if bruised. Tearing, from the thigh to the big toe. Heaviness, which soon becomes painful, in all the joints of the lower limbs. Rheumatic paralytic feeling of the whole left lower limb. The lower limbs go to sleep when sitting.—Dull pressure on the thigh. Cramp-pain, with pressure, in the right thigh. Tearing in the upper part of the thigh, commencing in the bend of the knee. Tearing with pressure in the outer side of the thigh and at the same time in the region of the tibia. Burning feel- ing in the posterior muscles of the thighs, when standing, disappearing when walking. Violent stitches in the thighs, during motion, most when sitting or when rising from a seat. Boring, dull stitch in the left thigh, near the abdomi- nal ring, when at rest. Pain as if bruised, in the muscles of the thigh. Pain as if bruised across the middle of the thighs ; they feel in walking as if they * would break down. The thighs feel as if beaten lame, he is scarcely able to drag himself along, worse after sleeping. Painful swelling of the glands of the thighs, he is unable to extend the hmbs. Weariness and anxiety in the thighs, when sitting ; he is constantly obliged to move his feet. Sharp pressure in the muscles of the thighs, extending as far as the knee. Painful pulsative jerking from the middle of the thigh as far as the knee. Pressure on the thigh, a hand's breadth above either knee. Crampy feeling with pressure above the knee, on the outer parts of the thigh.—Painful rigidity in the hamstrings, worse during motion and when feeling the parts. Painful drawing in the inmost part of the left knee and iu the direction of the tibia, when walking, but only when the body rests on the left foot in walking. Stitching pain in the bend of the right knee, worst during motion. Violently-itching pimples on the knee and calf, in the day-time and especially in the evening when in bed; scratching brings on a burning sensation; the pimples run into each other, spread and be- come converted into readily-bleeding ulcers.—Pressure in the legs, beneath either knee. Dull, crampy pressure, close below the left knee, every five or six minutes. Cramp-like drawing in the leg, also in the night; had to keep chang- ing the position of the limb. Perceptible pulsations in the left leg, when at rest. Itching gnawing of the left leg, worse after scratching. °Itching ulcers on the leg. Languor of the legs, when walking. Tingling of the right leg. Itching of the region of the tibia. Aching pain in the right tibia, when at rest, disappearing when walking. Nightly, burning tearing in the tibia, from above downwards. Sharp stitches in the lower part of the tibia.—Cutting stitches in the calf, from above downwards. Cramp-like twitching in the left calf, abating after friction. Constant coldness, from the malleoli to the calves.—Dull, para- lytic pain in the tarsal joint, when at rest, with cracking in the joint when moving it. Pains in the tarsal joint, as if sprained, even in the morning when in bed. Cramp-pains in the feet, after motion. Tensive, stitching pain in the right inner malleolus, extending to the tibia. Tension and going to sleep of the fore part of the right foot and toes, when walking. Crampy pressure in the soles. Violent stitches, in paroxysms, in the right sole. Intermittent pressure in the left sole, towards the big toe. Stitching in the sole and heel, and heavi- ness in those parts when at rest, as if they were made of lead. The heels and 520 PHOSPHORIC ACID. balls of the toes feel sore when stepping. Smarting pain in the outer side of the right foot, in the morning. Burning" stinging in the solos, especially in the evening, in the morning burning without the stinging. Burning in the feet and soles. Burning in the soles and head. Burning heat of the soles, and soreness between the toes. °Swelling of the feet. °Sweaty feet. The left foot is numb, insensible and dead, only when walking. Violent itching of the ankle; scratching makes the spot appear red. Itching of the heels.—Tearing stitches in the ball of the left big toe. Crampy pressure on both the two last toes of the right foot. Boring stitch in the left little toe. Ulcerative pain of all the toes. A nail which had grown into the flesh, causes inflammation and pain. Swelling on the joint of the big toe, with burning beating; when touching it, he experiences cuttings, causing a jerking of the toe; the pains are excited even by swallowing or by the fear lest some one should put his hand near the swelling. °Chilblains on the toes. Blisters on the balls of the toes. Stinging and burning in the corns. Sleep.— Yawning, the water trickling down from the eyes. Continual stretching of the arms.— Great drowsiness in the day-time; sleeplessness at night, heat and sweat from evening till midnight. Drowsiness after dinner, he falls asleep while talking. Deep and sound sleep, coming over him while writing. Sleepiness early in the evening, and great drowsiness in the morning. Deep sleep, can scarcely be roused in the morning.—Falling asleep late in the even- ing ; he saw nothing but figures for a few hours, which passed off after raising himself in bed.—At night: heat in the cheeks and ears in the evening before falling asleep. He is roused from his night-sleep by canine hunger. Anxious waking. Frequent starting, as if he were falling from a height or into the water. At one o'clock in the night he wakes with sad, solicitous thoughts, en- tertaining them for about half an hour, with pretty clear consciousness; after this he enjoys a calm sleep until morning.—During sleep : moaning. Jerking of the hands, and talking and moaning, with eyes half open. His features are at times laughing, at times weeping, distorting the half-opened eyes. Singing. He frequently bites his tongue. Emission, without erection.—Restless sleep with dry heat.—Sleep full of dreams, with erections. Lascivious dreams, with emission. Vexatious or indifferent dreams ; towards morning he lays his arms under his head, they go to sleep. Vivid dreams about a dinner. He dreams every night of the things which he had last seen, done or heard the evening be- fore. Strange dreams. Dreams causing anxiety. Dreams before and after midnight, the former agreeable, the latter frightful; does not recollect them. Dreams about dead persons, with fear on waking. Dreams full of quarrel; restless night.—Early in the morning : out of humour, weak and drowsy in the morning when getting up. In the morning, pressure in the head and bitter taste in the mouth. Fever.—Feeling of coldness: with chilly feehng and coldness in the abdo- men. Frequent feeling of coldness on the right cheek, with feeling of warmth on the left, without any change of temperature being perceptible externally. Frequent cold creepings with chilly feeling and palpitation of the heart. Cold and chilly feeling for hours, in the evening. Chilly feehng, even when walking about in a warm room.—Attacks of shuddering, in the evening, followed by ex- hausting sweat. Shivering over the abdomen, with cold tips of the fingers, mostly on being touched by cold air.—Chills, in the forenoon, with blue nails, tearing in the wrist-joints and paralytic weakness of the arms. Chilliness of the whole body, with drawing in the limbs, every evening, rousing her from sleep. Feeling of chilliness in the face, temples, on the forehead, as if a cold breeze blew upon the parts, with feehng of coldness in the tips of the fingers, PHOSPHORIC ACID. 521 feeling also cold externally. Chilliness the whole forenoon, in paroxysms, a sort of general shuddering even in the room, with blue, icy-cold hands and dry palate, without any particular thirst. Chilliness in the evening when lying down, after which, on waking, heat over the whole body, with thirst. Chilliness with trembling, in the evening; next morning heat in the face, dryness in the mouth and pricking sore throat when swallowing. Violent chills from afternoon till evening, followed by dry heat, so violent that he almost lost his senses on account of it. Alternation of shiverings and heat, in the evening. Frequent alterna- tion of chilliness and heat, in the evening; dry heat in the face without redness, with chilliness; after the termination of the heat, the chilliness returns with more violence, it is a cold thrill over the whole body; profuse sweat towards morning after he had fallen asleep again after waking. Chills over the whole body, with icy-cold fingers, no thirst, (an hour after dinner); four hours after, increase of warmth, without thirst. Chilly creepings from time to time, last- ing several minutes, no thirst, shortly after followed by heat, and then again chilliness shortly after the heat.—Dislikes heat. Feverish heat without thirst, in the day-time. Heat over the whole body, in the evening, succeeded by rest- less night. Dry heat on going to bed. Heat over the whole head, in the even- ing after lying down, with cold feet and moderately warm body. Heat in the face, with thirst, in the afternoon, without redness. Heat through the whole body, without thirst, not perceptible to the hand, and no redness of the cheeks, with deep inspirations and slight anguish. Heat on the cheeks, and flushes of heat in the back, in the evening, during a walk in the open air. Heat and sweat all over, day and night, with violent desire for water, (for the fevers which have been cured with Ph. ac, see CI. Obs.).—Pulse irregular, frequently inter- mittent. Pulse more full, the temporal and radial arteries being distended.—■ Profuse sweat, for two nights, about midnight and when waking, first about the head and most profuse on the chest. Morning-sweat with heavy dreams of dead persons and as if he were chased. Profuse morning-sweat. Sweat, the whole night, with hot feet and hot forehead. Sweat in the nape of the neck, especially during the siesta. Skill.—Formication of the whole body. Itching creeping of the body and hands, in the evening after lying down. Sudden itching of different parts of the body, back, arms, genital organs and scalp, relieved only for a short while by scratching. Violent, burning prickling in several parts, increased by scratching. —Soreness of the skin all over, even shaving is painful. The skin is insensible. —Red spots on the upper and lower limbs. Increased redness of the whole body, with single large red spots on the shoulders, without sensation, and with red streaks over the patellae and from the hips down to the umbilicus, accompa- nied with great sensitiveness to the open air; the warmth of the bed does him good. °Scarlet-like exanthems. °Erysipelas. Red, smooth pimples on the forearm and neck, with red areolae, feeling sore when touched. Rash over the whole body, more burning than itching. °Clusters of red, fine rash.—Itch-like pustules on the nates, balls of the toes and toes. °Moist or dry herpes.—°Boils. —Sore places on the toes, in the bends of the thighs, and the genital organs.— 0 Ulcers, itching, inveterate or flat, with dirty pus or indented base. Burning pain of the ulcers. Every injured spot feels sore. ^Smarting pain in the wounds, even in those of bones. General Symptoms.—°Arthritic affections, particularly when inveterate. "Pcedarthrocacc (spina ventosa?. Swelling of joints in children?.) °Debility from loss of animal fluids, (blood, semen,) also without pain and only with burn- ing. °Bad effects of onanism. °Bad consequences of too rapid growth. °Bad effects of grief, chagrin, care, anxiety, unhappy love. °Bad consequences of 522 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. suppressed scarlatina or other exanthems. ° Hypochondriac sufferings. ^Scro- fula and rachitis. °Diseases of bones, also particularly paedarthrocace, inflam- mation and caries. °Bone-pains and other sufferings from abuse of mercury?. —°Drawing and jerking tearing in the hmbs.—Intense pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as if scraped with a knife. Cramp-like drawing in the hands and feet, as if gone to sleep, evening and morning.—°Burning through the whole lower half of the body, although the hmbs feel cold to the hand.—The upper and lower limbs go to sleep in the night; he is obliged to have them moved by others. The thighs and legs feel weak, with tingling as if gone to sleep.—All the joints feel bruised in the morning, in the arms, lower limbs and nape of the ne^k. Hands and feet feel bruised and paralyzed. Bruised, contractive sensa- tion in the hmbs. * Bruised sensation in the hips, arms, thighs and nape of the neck, as if caused by too rapid growth, -with single lancinations in all these parts at the same time, especially when going up stairs and when beginning to walk.—Jactitation of the muscles, especially in the lower hmbs.—Tumultuous movements in the blood. Great agitation of the blood, he is beside himself. Restlessness in the body, in the evening, itching of the canthus, nostrils, face and hairy scalp.—Heat in the head, with icy-cold hands, when talking a good deal. Sweat over the whole body, when sitting.—Sensitive to cool air.—A walk tires him out, and makes him feel faint and desponding; feels chilly in his room. Sweat over the whole body when walking in the open air, especially in the genital organs.—Emaciation, with wretched appearance and sunken eyes.—Languor of the body, inactivity of the mind, mental oppression. He imagines he is stag- gering when walking. °Excessive weariness after walking.—Weakness after go- ing up stairs, with pain in the pit of the stomach. Weakness in the morning after rising, with pale face, she has to lie down again for a time, after which she feels well. * Weakness all over, also nervous weakness, -with great disposition to sweat in the day-time. Epilepsy (immediately). Characteristic Peculiarities.—Pains caused by Phosphoric acid remain unchanged by external pressure. The nightly pains can be reheved by pressure. He changes his place constantly; the pains are less during motion than rest. 192. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. PHYTOL. DEC—Poke.—Trans. Amer. Inst. Hom., Vol. II. Compare with—? Antidotes.—Of large doses : coffee seems to diminish the action but does not stop it entirely : Opium is said to be the best antidote.—Of small doses : Ign.? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. While the most prominent effects of Phytol. dec. appear to be produced on the stomach and bowels, the skin, the nervous system, the urinary and genital organs of both sexes share largely in its influence. When given to animals in large doses it produces vomiting, purging, bloody stools, perspiration, drowsi- ness or stupor, cough, tremors, convulsive motions, increased urination, and dis- tention of the abdomen. In large doses it has produced on the human subject all the above symptoms and also great prostration of strength, vertigo and dimness of vision. In its operation on the stomach as an emetic it causes less straining and disagreeable sensations than tartar emetic or ipecacuanha. The PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 523 flesh of wild pigeons and other birds which eat the berrie3, acquires a highly red colour, a disagreeable flavour, and is destitute of adipose substance; and in some instances whole families have been excessively purged by eating game which has fed upon the berries, although children frequently eat the berries themselves without any bad consequences following.' Phytolacca has been suc- cessfully used in veterinary practice for discussing tumours, fistulous ulcers, and in a disease called "yellow-water." Allopathically it has been used some- what extensively at different times. The Cherokee Indians used to dress vene- real chancres with the powder of the dried root. And some physicians aver that it will cure syphilis without the aid of mercury. It has been applied externally in the form of powder and poultice to ulcers, and in the form of ointment to cu- taneous eruptions, etc. The Phytolacca has been used with accredited suc- cess in cancer of the lips, and cancerous ill-conditioned ulcers of the face and breasts, in some cases producing slight eschars. The expressed juice of the berries, externally applied, is said to cure corns ; scabies and herpes have often been removed by it. But the most extensive use of the Phytolacca and the most unequivocal success attending its administration, has been in syphilitic rheumatism. Other cases of chronic rheumatism and neuralgia have also been removed by it. Tinea capitis, secondary syphilis, swelling of the testicles, bleed- ing piles, and fistula lachrymalis, have all been successfully treated with it, ac- according to allopathic observation. When externally applied it produces burning and smarting pains. From the application of the juice of the root to corns, the whole toe became inflamed and turned black hke gangrene. Eating of the root causes inflammation of the fauces and pain in the stomach. Being given in a case of chlorosis where the leucorrhea had been cured by Pulsatilla, it brought the leucorrhea back again. Persons have had all the symptoms of severe catarrh and coryza from powdering the root. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sense of entire indifference to life, and disgust for the business of the day, on waking early in the morning. Increased cheerfulness of the mind. Sensoritim.—Sensation of soreness in the interior of the head, deep in the brain.—Dulness of the head. Transient giddiness.—Vertigo, with dimness of vision. Head.—Pains throughout the head; aching; dull feehng in the head; dull- ness, with the sensation of weight in the forehead; dull pain in the forehead; slight pain in the fore part of the head, with increased sense of hearing; dull, steady, aching pain, principally on the forehead: heavy aching pain about the forehead, after dinner; aching pain along the lower half of the right orbit; slight pain in the tuberosities of the forehead; Headache: with sickness of the Btomach ; from walking; one-sided pain just above the eyebrows, with sickness of the stomach.—The pain is increased by looking down and by stooping.— Headache; slight fulness of forehead with constant gaping; heaviness in the head and especially in the temples ; Pain : in the region of time and mirthful- ness, on the right side; in the top of the head and a sensation as if the brain were bruised, when stepping from a high step to the ground; in the left tem- ple, followed by burning in the skin in the left region of time; in the left re- gion of combativeness.—Cold in the head.—Pressure: in the temples and over the eyes; in the temples ; in the forehead, after dinner, most in the glabella; on forehead and upper parts of both eyes, painful; on the temples and constric- tive feeling at the praecordia, like the feeling that precedes sea-sickness; slight across the forehead, with gaping.—Sore pain : over the head, worse on the right 524 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. side and in damp weather, as if an attack of sick headache were approaching___ Slight constriction across the forehead.—Drawing sensation above the root of the nose; drawing pain in the right temple.—Moving, transitory pains in vari- ous parts of the head, almost constantly, generally on one side at a time, but more frequently and most severe on the right side. Shooting pain from the left eye to the top of the head, which passes off and returns at short intervals. Heat in the head. Eyes.—Shooting pain from the left eye to the top of the head.—Pressure in the eyes.—Pressure around the eyes in the afternoon as if the eyes were too large.—Pressure over the eyes.—Some painful pressure on the upper parts of both eyes and forehead.—Burning and smarting sensation in the left eye with great flow of tears.—Sensation in the eyes like that caused by horse-radish.__ Smarting in the left eye.—Sandy feeling in the eyes.—Itching at internal canthi of the eyes, very severe, which causing the application of the finger to rub the eye—the ball became very painful from the slightest pressure.—Sensation as if a grain of sand were lodged under the left eyelid, causing a secretion and flow of tears from that eye.—Smarting in the internal canthi of both eyes, but worse in the left one and very much aggravated by gas-light in the evening.—Feehng in the eyes and nose as if a cold would come on.—Soreness on closing the eye- lids.—Reddish-blue swelling of the eyelids, worse on the left side and in the morning ; cannot close the eye without pain all the forenoon, better in the after- noon.—Agglutination of the eyehds during the night. Flow of tears all the time from the eyes, relieved in the open air.—Photophobia in the morning.— Dimness of sight.—Long-sightedness. Ears.—Shooting pain in the right ear, very quick.—Pain in both ears, worse in the right one.—Dritation in one of the eustachian tubes.—A sensation of ob- struction in the left eustachian tube, with a rushing sound in the ear of the same side, and a feeling as if the hearing were dull, while at the same time it is sen- sitive to the most minute sounds.—Increased sense of hearing with pain in the forehead. IVOSC.—Drawing sensation above the root of the nose.—Feeling in the nose and eyes as if a cold would come on.—Cold in the head.—Stoppage of the right nostril.—Coryza.—Flow of mucus from one nostril while the other is stopped.— Discharge of mucus from one nostril at a time, sometimes one and sometimes the other.—Total obstruction of the nose when riding, so that one is forced to breathe altogether through the mouth, and cannot relieve himself by blowing the nose. Face,—Paleness of the face.—Heat in the face after dinner.—Heat on the left side of the face in the afternoon.—Heat with redness of the face and a sen- sation of fulness about the head, and coldness of the feet.—Eruption on the up- per lip, left side.—Aching pain along the lower half of the right orbit. Teeth,—Shooting pains in the molar teeth of the upper and lower jaws of the right side.—Disposition to bite the teeth together.—Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth together. Month.—Small ulcers on the inside of the right cheek, like those caused by mercury.—Tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth and on the tongue.— Flow of saliva into the mouth.—Mouth fills with water.—The saliva is yellowish and has a metallic taste.—Dryness of the palate in the morning.—Swelling of the soft palate.—Slight feehng of smarting and coldness towards the tip of the tongue. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Sensation in the pharynx like that caused by eating choke-pears.—Pressing pain in the right side of the throat.—Sore throat and swelling of the soft palate in the morning, with a thick white and yellow PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 525 mucus about the fauces, after the removal of which the throat feels better, and still better after breakfast.—Soreness of the throat, and a feehng when swallow- ing saliva as if a lump had formed there; the same sensation is felt on turning the head to the left side.—The throat feels very dry and sore, especial- ly on swallowing in the afternoon.—General soreness of the posterior fauces, and apparent extension of the irritation into one of the eustachian tubes.— Roughness in the pharynx.—Unpleasant sensation of dryness in the pharynx towards morning, which makes him cough.—Great dryness of the throat.—Dry- ness of the throat on going to bed.—Dryness in the throat, worse in the morn- ing.—Sensation of dryness of a spot in the fauces on the left side in the morn- ing, continuing until after breakfast. Appetite and Taste.—Taste like nuts in the mouth.—Taste, bitter at first, but leaving a slight feehng of smarting and coldness towards the tip of the tongue.— Raging appetite.—Hungry soon after eating.—Diminished appetite. The usual appetite remains notwithstanding the nausea of the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.—Eructations.—Eructations with spitting of water.— Eructation of flatus.—Violent pressure in the stomach on waking in the morn- ing, with accumulation of water in the mouth, disappears after rising.—Constric tive feeling at the prascordia, with pressure in the temples.—Sickly feeling in the stomach.—Nausea on being awoke out of sleep in the night.—Feeling of sick- ness as if he would vomit.—Sickness of stomach accompanying the headache. Vomiting with but little distress in the stomach. Stomach.—Cutting in the pit of the stomach and in the abdomen.—Tender- ness to the touch of the pit of the stomach.—Pain in the region of the pylorus. Hypochondria.—Digging pain in the right hypochondrium, in the upper and outer portion of the liver, preventing motion ; first felt at two o'clock in the afternoon, then every morning before daylight; some soreness remaining through the afternoon and evening.—Pain in the region of the pylorus.—Cannot lie on the right side after midnight, on account of penetrating pain in the right hypo- chondrium.—Violent dull pressing pain in the left hypochondrium, in the even- ing, so that he cannot remain in the sitting posture, he lies on the painful side all night and the pain is gone the next morning.—^Soreness and pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy. Abdomen.—Boring pain to the left and a little above the umbilicus, con. tinuing but a few minutes.—Deep-seated, but not severe pain, in the left iliac region.—Neuralgic pain in the left groin. Cutting in the abdomen.— Griping pain, as before a diarrhoea.—Griping all day long, followed by the passage of offensive flatus.—The griping disappears in the night.—Sensation in the bowels, as if a diarrhoea would follow.—Rumbling noise in the bowels.— Frequent passage of wind downwards. Stool and Anus.—*Constipation of long-standing.—Hard stools.—Three stools during the day, the first one is hard and preceded by griping, and the others with pains moving about in the abdomen.— Continual inclination to go to stool.—Mushy stool.—Diarrhoea attended with a sickly feeling in the bowels, but no tormina or tenesmus.—Copious discharges of bile from the bowels.—In the middle of the night, neuralgic pain shooting from the anus and the lower part of the rectum along the perinaeum, to the middle of the penis, followed in a few minutes by a neuralgic pain in the right big toe. Urinary Organs,—*Urgent desire to pass water.—Copious nocturnal urina- tion.—Weakness, dull pain and soreness in the region of the kidneys, most on the right side, ami connected with heat; uneasiness down the ureters; a chalk- like sediment in the urine.—A gurgling sensation in the prostate gland, repeat- edly in the afternoon.—*Pain the region of the bladder, before and during 526 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. urination.—*Dark-red urine which stains the chamber of a mahogany colour, and is very hard to get off. Female Sexual Organs.—^Metrorrhagia.—*Menstruation too copious and too frequent.—*Painful menstruation.—* Violent pains in the abdomen during menstruation, in a barren female.—*Leucorrhcea.—^Inflammation and swelling and suppuration of the mamma?. Windpipe and Cough.—Tickling in the left side of the larynx, with hacking cough, and aching in the right side of the breast and great dryness of the throat. —Sensation of roughness in the bronchia.—Cough towards morning, from dry- ness of the pharynx. Dry bronchial cough, with the sensation of roughness and slight increase of heat in the trachea and bronchia.—Hacking cough. Chest and Respiration.—Shortness of breath.—Aching pain in the right side of the breast.—Pain in the right side of the chest about the region of the nipple, passing through to the back, felt on taking a long breath, and on bend- ing the shoulder backwards; better in the afternoon.—Pain in the right side of the chest, so bad after midnight as to prevent sleep, aggravated by lying on the right side; disappears after getting up in the morning.—Tenderness of the muscles of the chest, as if they were bruised.—Occasional shocks of pain in the region of the heart, and as soon as the pain in the heart ceases, a similar pain appears in the right arm. Back, Small Of the Back.—Pain in the left lumbar region, followed imme- diately by severe itching.—A lasting pain in the left shoulder-blade, as if from a blow.—An occasional sensation as if a small piece of cold iron were pressed on the painful shoulder-blade.—Sensation of weight and pressure on both shoulder- blades, as after carrying a heavy load.—Stiffness in the right side of the neck, worse in bed, after midnight. A very peculiar pressure and tension in the pa- rotids.—Hardness of a gland on the right side of the neck. Suppuration of a tumour behind the right ear, with a discharge of matter and blood. Upper Extremities.—Dull aching pain and tenderness along the top of the right shoulder, along the superior edge of the trapezius muscle, increased by pressing upon the part and by contracting the muscle.—Pain throughout the muscles of the left shoulder.—Pain at the humoral insertion of the left deltoid muscle.—Slight drawing pains in the right upper arm.—Pain appears in the right arm after a similar pain ceases in the heart.—Tenderness in the outside of the left arm just above the elbow, when pressing upon it, and when extending the arm.—Dull aching pain and excessive tenderness, as if from a bruise in the muscles of the outside of the right upper arm, most severe for about two inches above the elbow, felt particularly when the part is pressed upon and touched, and when extending the arm.—Twitching and fluttering of the muscles of the right upper arm, while it is resting on a table.—Weakness and aching in the bone of the right arm above the elbow, aggravated by motion and extension.— Rheumatic drawing in the right forearm.—Rheumatic drawing in the left fore- arm along the ulna, and the same sensation in the right leg.—Rheumatic pains in the hands and feet, sometimes in the arms and legs.—Drawing pain in the right hand, now and then, by shocks upwards to the elbow.—Rheumatic feehng in the little finger of the right hand, very annoying when writing.—Rheumatic pain, first in the left hand, and afterwards in the right one.—Shooting, like needles, in the end of the left thumb.—Violent shooting pain in the fleshy part of the left thumb, lasting about half a minute.—Lancinating pain in the little and ring-fingers of the right hand.—Neuralgic pains in the palm of the right hand.—Occasionally frequent sudden pricking in the points of the fingers, as if from electric sparks.—Shooting in the finger-points, sometimes in one hand and sometimes in the other. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 527 Lower Extremities.—Sciatica.—Neuralgic pain on the outer side of the left thigh.—Neuralgic pain in the external part of the right thigh.—Neuralgic pain in the external part of the left thigh.—Neuralgic pain in the left groin.— Heaviness in the knee-joints, tired from a little walk.—Heaviness in the lower extremities, as if they were asleep, in the afternoon.—Rheumatic pain in the right knee, in the afternoon, increasing in the open air, and especially on a damp day.—Rheumatic drawing in the right leg and in the left forearm along the ulna.—Rheumatic feeling in the left knee, with the sensation of shortening of the tendons behind the knee when walking.—Rheumatic pains below the knees and in the arms.—Pain on the dorsum of the right foot at four o'clock in the morning.—Coldness of the feet with increase of the capillary circulation about the face and head.—Free sweating of the feet, most under the toes.—Neuralgic pain in the right big toe, in the middle of the night.—Pains at a spot on the ball of the right foot, which had been frost-bitten years before, and in a corn never painful before. Sleep.—Yawning.—Frequent gaping in the day-time.—Drowsiness.—Sleepi- ness.—Very wakeful at night.—Restless sleep at night, he lies on his stomach. —Nausea on being woke out of sleep at night. Skin.—A small boil behind the right ear.—Suppuration of painless tumours. —Drawing in cicatrices.—Pustule behind the right ear.—A painful boil on the left side of the back.—Eruption of spots on the chest of the size of lentils, ele- vated, with great itching. General Symptoms.—Many of the symptoms, especially those about the head and throat, are better after breakfast, while the heat and many of the abdominal symptoms are worse in the afternoon.—Dryness of the fauces, most in the morning.—Some of the abdominal symptoms disappear in the night.—The symptoms of the chest are worse after midnight, better in the after- noon, and most of them on the right side.—The pains in the head are chiefly in the forehead, and worse after dinner.—Dulness, giddiness and vertigo.—The prominent feeling in the eyes is that of smarting.—The symptoms of the eyes and eyelids are worse in the morning, but the vision is worse in the evening.— Increased sense of hearing, the right is most affected.—Sensation of a lump in the throat.—The symptoms of the stomach, throat and mouth are worse in the morning.—The first appearance of the pain in the right hypochondrium was in the afternoon, but afterwards it was always worse before daylight in the morn- ing.—Griping pains without diarrhoea.—Pain in the left iliac region.—The symptoms of the lower extremities are worse in the afternoon. The pains are sometimes followed by itching and burning.—The pains shoot inwards and up- wards.—Transitory pains.—Many of the symptoms are attended with heat.— Neuralgia in the perinseum in the middle of the night.—The cough is worse to- wards morning.—rSudden translation of internal pains to the extremities.—During one of the provings, the symptoms of the eyes became so severe, that Sulphur was taken as an antidote, and all the subsequent symptoms appeared on the left side. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains all partake of the nature of neu- ralgia ; they are pressing and shooting, sometimes sore, drawing and aching. The pains are all made worse by motion and by pressure.—The pains in the extremi- ties are always in the outer portions of the limbs.—The secretion of tears, sahva, bile, urine and the menses is increased.—Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth together.—Vomiting attended with but little distress in the stomach.—The diarrhoea appears to be kept up by the increased action of the liver, and conse- quent redundancy of bile, with but little tormina and tenesmus.—With the increase of the secretion of bile, there is a dry, irritative cough, and almost constantly- 528 PINUS SILVESTRIS. recurring transitory pains in different parts of the head. We find the symptoms predominating in the right side of the head and neck, the right upper extremity, the right side of the chest, and the right lower extremity.—When enumerating the symptoms of the eyes only, we find the left one most frequently men- tioned.—In the above extract there are forty symptoms located on the right side, and thirty-one on the left. In several instances, the symptoms appeared on the left side first, and either passed over to the right, or the next symptom occurred on the right side. 193. PINUS SILVESTRIS. PIN. SILV.—Common fir. This drug has not yet been proved; it has been employed with success for: difficulty of walking of scrofulous children. 194. PIMPINELLA. PIMPLN.—Pimpinella saxifraga, L.—Pimpernel, pimpinel. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Violent vertigo, drawing one sideways, early on rising.—Giddiness and dulness of the head.—Reading affects the occiput and thinking is difficult for him.—Heaviness in the head when reading, and disposition to sleep.—Dul- ness of the head, as if senseless and stupified. The head feels as if bandaged and screwed together. Headache, particularly in the occiput and nape of the neck. Constant dull aching in the occiput.—Fine pinching stinging in the vertex when reflecting. A stinging burning pain with pressure moves from the vertex down over the temples. Painful stitches around the occipital protuber- ances. Sticking in the forehead on both sides, above the eyes. Continual sticking and tension in the occiput and nape of the neck. Pushing and pressing pain wandering from the temples to the occiput and nape of the neck.—Buzzing in the whole head, with pressure, which increases by the buzzing. Humming in the head and sounding as in an empty barrel.—Rush of blood to the head, with heat, in the afternoon.—Heat, rushing of the blood and cloudiness of the head, soon after bleeding of the nose (after taking forty drops). Eyes.—Sore pain of the eyelids.—Smarting sore pain in the right eye.— Burning of the eyes, particularly of the upper part of the eyeballs.—Disagree- able coolness in the eyes. Dimness of the eyes and indistinct sight, for a few minutes. Mistiness before the eyes. Ears.—Fine stitches in the ear from within outwards, accompanied with buz- zing.—Sensation in the ear as from distant noise. Nose.—Bleeding of the nose, after heat, rushing of the blood and cloudiness of the head.—Dry, stopped nose. General catarrhal fever with languor and painful weariness. Face.—Pain as of an ulcer in the cheek. Teeth.—Sore aching pain in a stump of the left lower jaw. Mouth.—Burning aromatic feeling on the tongue, palate and in the throat, the taste being like that of a pungent aroma from the commencement and not comparable to any other taste, not even that of horse-radish.—Piercing taste PIMPLNELLA. 529 as of an acrid spice, while chewing the drug and afterwards, not only felt in the mouth but spreading a warmth in the whole body, for one minute.—Acrid, burning, somewhat bitter, earthy taste in the mouth and fauces (immediately), changing in a quarter of an hour to a peculiar, mouldy taste.—Increased secre- tion of saliva during and after the chewing of the drug.—Mucus in the mouth- and fauces, obliging one to hawk; while hawking up the tenacious whitish mucus, a friable, cheesy and fetid concrete substance is detached from the cur- tain and the back part of the fauces; this takes place several times; afterwards mucus is discharged. Stomach.—Rising of inodorous air, frequently during the day.—Insipid eructations, with pressure at the stomach.—Rising of flatulence, accompanied with yawning and vertigo.—Sourish eructations, after stooping.—Sensation of heaviness in the praecordial region and the abdomen, as if the bowels would fall down by their own weight. Abdomen.—Stinging above the umbilicus, several times.—Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, also with emission of flatulence.—Dry, hard stool in the evening, harder than usual. Larynx.—Catarrh, passing off in a few days with expectoration of mucus and sweat. Chest.—Oppressed breathing during a walk in the open air and in a room.— Oppressive anxiety in the chest.—Urging to draw deep breath, without pain.— Pain as from fatigue in that part of the chest which is pressed against the table. Back.—Contractive pain in the small of the back, particularly when stoop- ing.—Cramp-pain in the small of the back, when standing and walking. Burn- ing pain in the small of the back and loins. Tensive pain, particularly in the email of the back and back. Pain as if broken around the hips and pelvis. Tension and tearing in the small of the back and hips, to and fro.—Sticking with pressure in the right lumbar region, when standing.—Aching pain in the nape of the neck, and tension towards the shoulders. Upper Limbs.—Sticking pains with pressure in the right shoulder.—Aching pain and sticking in the right shoulder, stitches dart from the shoulders deep into the right breast.—Slinging in the right upper arm and drawing pain extending to the hand, with cold shuddering sensation through the limb.—The arm which is lying on the table goes to sleep.—Fine stinging as from nettles deep in the Bkin, when writing, near the last joint of the right ring-finger. Lower Extremities.—Sensation as of a cooling stream moving through the right leg and foot, here and there, accompanied with stinging.—Burning pain in the corns (which had not been felt for a long time previous). Sleep.—Yawning, with rising of flatulence.—Irresistible drowsiness. (Rest- less sleep disturbed with dreams.) Fever.—Great sensitiveness to cool air.—Shuddering when merely opening the window, particularly iu the back. Cold sensation in the back fnin below upwards. Unusual chilliness through the whole body, in a warm room and well clad. Chilliness on the hairy scalp and shuddering even in a warm room. The hair stands on end. Chilliness and feeling of coldness in the back, with icy-cold bands, the remaning portion of the body feeling warm. Feeling of coldness in the occiput, in a closed room, as if a sharp current of air were constantly blowing on the | art.—Sweat, every morning. Skin.—Itching on the vertex. General Symptoms.—Constant pain, contractive pressure in various parts, alternately at times in the rape of the neck, at others in the side of the neck, then again in the right bhoulder.—Fleeting prickingti here and there in the sides vol. n. 34 530 PLATINA of the chest, in the back, small of the back, and abdominal integuments.—Lan- guor and general feeling of exhaustion.—The whole body feels languid, weary, as if giddy, in the afternoon.—Painful weariness of the hmbs during rest; that portion of the chest, which is pressed against the table, is painful as from fatigue. 195. PLATINA. PLAT.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, V. Compare with—Agn., Angust., Asa f, Aur., Bell., Canth., Carb. a., Croc, Fer., Hyos., Lye, Magn., Mang., Natr., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac, Plumb., Puis., Rhus tox., Sabad., Stron., Verb., Valer., Viol. od.—Is frequently suitable after Bell. Antidotes.—Spir. nitr. dulc, Puis.—Plat, antidotes Plumb. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, Platina has been employed with success in the following affections : affections of females characterized by erethism (vascu- lar or nervous excitement), with predominant excitement of the sexual instinct resulting in frequent re-appearance of the menstrual flow.—Eclampsia: the patient sank into an adynamic condition as if by spasm, remained motionless for days and hours, became unable to speak, partly from a spasmodic closing of the jaws, partly from loss of voice, with her eyes turned upwards and full conscious. ness. The only movement made by the patient, was a convulsive trembling of the eyelids and a distortion of the corners of the mouth. This condition alter- nated with dyspnoea unto suffocation, the patient being obliged to draw deep and anxious breath and to cry out. Between the paroxysms the patient suffered with deeply-penetrating weakness, nausea, obstinate constipation, oppression of the stomach, aversion to meat, rigid stretching of the arms, feet and fingers, amenorrhoea of one year's standing, likewise yielding to the Platina.—Epilepsy. —Uterine epilepsy.—Melancholia with nightly sleeplessness, anguish about the heart, rigidity, uttering inarticulate shrieking sounds, fearfulness, tendency to start, trembling of the hands and feet, red face, small, feeble pulse.—Sadness, melancholia, absence of mind, forgetfulness, constipation after mania.—Fear with dread of death.—Hysteria : great lowness of spirits, anxious mood, fear of death, great nervous debility, vascular erethism.—Irresistible disposition to slight even that which one habitually honours and cherishes most, to over- estimate one's-self, the objects around one appearing smaller to the sight, (Stapf considers this condition a species of melancholia which is not very rare).—Mo- nomania, as an anormal condition of special faculties of the mind.—Puerperal mania with furor uterinus.—Violent cramp-pain in the anterior part of the head, particularly above the root of the nose, with heat and redness of the face, whin- ing and uneasy mood, with premature, profuse menses.—Morilz Muller recom- mends Plat, for hysteric megrim with uterine affections.—Beating digging in the right jaw with cramp-like numb feeling in the right side of the face- Stinging pain in the tongue.—Stuttering.—Loss of appetite.—Eructations after a meal.—Colica plumbea.—Constipation when travelling.—Discharge of prosta- tic fluid.—Profuse catamenia with labour-like pressing and yellowish leucorrhoea, with stitches in the uterus.—Premature menses.—Profuse catamenia with cutting, pressing, labour-like pains in the abdomen, small of the back and thighs. .—Too long and profuse menstruation, with pressing from the groins to the PLATINA. 531 genital organs and spasmodic labour-like pjains in the abdomen; the blood is dark, partly fluid, and partly coming away in pieces.—Metrorrhagia: dark, thick blood, with pains in the small of the back, which penetrate to both groins, press- ing downwards in the inner parts and excessive sensitiveness of the genital organs.—Disposition to miscarriage in females of an excitable temperament.— Profuse exhausting metrorrhagia with miscarriage, the blood passing off in black lumps.—Metrorrhagia with morbid excitement in the sexual organs or excessive unusual desire for a sexual embrace. (This observation is by Stapf. Trinks observes that he has never seen metrorrhagia accompanied by nymphomania, and that the sexual desire generally disappears when metrorrhagia sets in. As far as I have been able to observe, Platina may be successfully exhibited in me- trorrhagia without any sexual excitement being present, but there are females in whom metrorrhagia and excessive sexual excitement co-exist, Hempel.) Metrorrhagia of pregnant females. Metrorrhagia with thirst, anorexia, sensation as if a ball were moving about in the abdomen, pressing pain in the groins. Metrorrhagia with sensation as if the body were growing larger in every direc- tion.—Molimina abortus.—False, very painful labour-pains.—Puerperal fever: acute pains in the abdomen, tumultuous congestion of blood to the head, excited fancy and anxiety and fear of death.—Nymphomania.—Polypus uteri.—Indu- ration of the uterus.—Scirrhus of the uterus.—Dry coryza.—Languor of the extremities.—Cold feet. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—Low-spirited, taciturn. She imagines she is aban- doned by everybody. Anxiety, with trembling of the hands and flushes of heat. Anxiety with palpitation of the heart, especially when walking. Fre- quent and sudden feeling of anxiety through the whole body. Great anxiety, with violent palpitation of the heart, when attempting to talk in company; talking is difficult to her.—* Anguish as of death, as if she would lose her senses, with trembling of all the limbs, oppression of breathing, and palpitation of the heart. *Excessive anguish about the heart, with excessive fear of death which is thought near. Oppressive anxiety about the heart and out of humour the whole day. Sensation as if he would die soon, being horrified by this thought. The same symptoms experienced by a female. °Fear, with trem- bling of the hands and feet, and illusion of the fancy, as if all who approach her were mere devils. °Loud cries for help.—°Hysteric mood, with great low- ness of spirit, nervous weakness and vascular excitement.—Great uneasiness of the mind; she knows not what to do with herself; sadness, marring even her most agreeable moments; she imagines she is not fit for this world, is tired of living, but has great aversion to death, which she believes to be near.—Dis- couraged and lazy in the morning. Out of humour and dissatisfied. Taciturn, quarrelsome, vexed by the least trifle. She is discontented with the whole world; weeping mood. Sensitive. Taciturn, drowsy, sad, peevish, weeps when addressed. Taciturn and weeping involuntarily, even when addressed in the most friendly manner. Weeping mood, after having received a mild rebuke. Weeping mood and out of humour, weeping relieves her. Easily angry and ve- hement ; he would like to beat innocent people. Vexed and irritated about in- nocent things and words ; she would like to beat herself and friends.—Dlusion of fancy; on entering the room after a walk she imagines that everything around her is very small and everybody inferior to her both in body and mind, and that she herself is tall and elevated; the room appears gloomy and disagreeable to her; accompanied with slight anguish, sad and vexed mood, vertigo and uncomfortable feeling in the midst of people of whom she is geue- 532 PLATINA. rally very fond; all this passes off in the open air when the sun shines.—Look- ing down contemptuously and pitifully upon otherwise venerable people, against her will, in paroxysms. During her contemptuous turns she is suddenly at- tacked with canine hunger and eats in a greedy, hasty manner; when the regu- lar meal-time arrives, she has lost her appetite. * Proud feelings with over-es- timation of one's-self.—Cold, absent, indifferent in company of friends; sbo only answers when she must, and is only half conscious of what she says; after having answered she reflects whether her answer had been suitable; she is constantly absent, without knowing where her thoughts are roaming. Indif- ference ; he did not care whether his absent wife would die. She imagines she does not belong to her family; after a short absence, all things appear changed to her.—Vacillating mood.—Sad and out of humour the first morning; next morning she feels inexpressibly happy, especially in the open air, she felt like embracing everybody, and laughing about the saddest things. Serious and ta- citurn the whole day; next day everything appears laughable to her. Great cheerfulness, she would like to dance, half an hour after the weeping. Great cheerfulness for two days, followed by excessive sadness on the third; she cries even when addressed, or when seeing something merry aud ridiculous.—In- voluntary disposition to whistle and sing. Sensation of an increase of power, intellectual tranquillity, and disposition to think. Sensorilim.—Absence of mind, she listens to conversations around her, but forgets what she heard. Great absence of mind; she hears not what is said to her, even when addressed with great emphasis. °Loss of consciousness. °Delirium. °Mental derangement after fright and chagrin.—Not disposed to intellectual labour.—Dulness of the forehead. Dull, tensive sensation as of a board before the forehead.—Passing attacks of vertigo in quick succession, in the evening when standing, as if he would lose his senses. Violent vertigo, she dares not move her eyes, more in the day-time than at night, generally at- tended with palpitation of the heart. Headache after the vertigo, as if torn and pulled into shreds. Head.—Passing headache, over the left eyebrow. Headache, as if ihe head were jammed in, a dull pain. Tensive numb feeling in the whole sinciput, as after a blow, extending as far as the nasal bone. Numb feeling in the sin- ciput, as if constricted, in a warm room full of men, increased after a short time to a violent pressing together with sensation as of a dull digging-up, with impatience and ill-humour, and heat on the upper part of the body, especially in the head, as if the sweat of anguish would break out; in the evening, when in the cool air, he feels an unusual heat, and when beginning to walk, a painful vibratory shaking of the brain, as if knocking against the skull like a ball; afterwards the same sensation is felt when lying in bed, accompanied with a slight roaring in the ears; while the pain is abating he falls asleep. A cramp- like contraction suddenly strikes through the head from the right temple to the left; afterwards feeling of numbness as if the head were tied too fast, with tremulousness in both sides of the head.—Cramp-pain in the right temple, in the afternoon. Cramp-pain in the forehead, as if between screws. Cramp- like drawing constriction in the head from time to time, especially around the forehead; it begins feebly, increases in violence and ends feebly. *Cramp- like pressing in the temples from without inwards, °also with heat and redness of the face, vexed mood and weeping. Cramp-like tension in the temples, as if between screws. Compression in the forehead, in paroxysms.—Violent, press- ing in the forehead, as if everything in the forehead would come out, with sen- sation as if a load were pressing on the head, which presses on the eyes and closes them, and presses out tears; increased by stooping, and by making the PLATINA. 533 slightest movement with the head; the attack is preceded by anguish about the heart, and a sensation as if knocked against the forehead, preventing her from talking; with the increasing anguish accompanied with burning heat and bright redness of the face and violent thirst, the headache increases likewise until 10 o'clock in the evening ; the pain recurs for several days at the same hour. Sud- den and short pressing from without inwards in the vertex. Sudden dull press- ing in the left side of the forehead from without inwards. Undulating pressing in the left temple from without inwards.—Pressure under the left frontal emi- nence, increasing and decreasing in paroxysms. Headache, as if she had water in her head, about midnight, accompanied by great dryness and intensely-pain- ful scraping in the throat, great ill-humour and large drops of sweat all over, especially in the face. Pressure, with a dull digging-up sensation, in the left half of the forehead, after dinner, when walking in the open air, and continu- ing in the room. Dull pressure in the right parietal bone, as from a plug. Crampy pressure in the left temple, first feeble, then increasing in violence, and decreasing again.—Sudden attack of contusive pain, at a small spot in the left parietal bone. Pain as from a blow on the right side of the head and in front. Quickly-passing pain in the right frontal eminence, as if contused.—Cramp- like drawing from the left side of the occipital bone to the jaw, through the head. Paroxysms of drawing in the right and left sides of the head. Drawing, from the left side of the forehead to the temple, where he feels a pressure.— Sharp stitches in the left side of the head, in the evening, in bed. Single dull stitches in the sinciput. Dull, corrosive stitching at a small spot in the left pa- rietal bone, in paroxysms. Burning pricking in the left temple, going off by scratching.—Violent boring in the centre of the forehead, decreasing gradually and finally disappearing. Scalp.—°Roaring in the head, as from a mill. Numb' pain on the vertex, as it the scalp were drawn together, and as if pressed upon by a heavy weight. Formication in the right temple, afterwards down the side of the lower jaw, with feeling of coldness. Burning on the top of the head. Painful drawing in different parts of the head. Pain of the scalp, intolerable at night, as if lying upon hard stones; he had to sit up. Cold creeping in the occiput, down towards the cheek, where a dull burning pain is felt; lastly drawing in a hollow tooth. Eyes.—Undulating, stupifying pressure over the right crbit. Batermittent cramp-pain near the outer border of the right orbit. Pain as from a blow on tho right eyebrow. Sore and gnawing sensation in the upper border of the orbit, as if excoriated. Tensive pain in the upper borders of the orbits, and in the eyeballs which feel compressed.—Burning sensation in the eyes, with drowsiness, as if they would close, with sensation, on looking steadily at a thing, as if they would run, more in the room than in the open air. Pressure in the eyes as if drowsy, without drowsiness. Frequent creeping in the right canthus; he is obliged to rub. Smarting and feeling of coldness in the right eye. Sensation as if a grain of saud had got into the right eye. Painless drawing around the left eye, seeing as if through gauze, and sensation as if the e\ es were agglutinated. The eyes are painful when using them in the evening at candle-light, and when exerting them; they first itch, obliging her to rub them ; then they suppurate, are very painful, see a tremulous and twinkling light obliging her to close them and making it impossible for her to see any ob- ject.—°Distortion of the eyes.— Twitching of the eyelids. Ears.—Otalgia, a sort of eramp-pain in both ears. Tearing, drawing and dull stitches in the right car, a sort of otalgia. Paroxysms of dull stitches in the right external ear, with a feeling of numbness or coldness extending through 534 PLATINA the cheeks as far as the lips. Sensation as if cold air were getting into the right ear. Burning heat of the ears, perceptible to the touch, with redness. Digging-up in the right car and drawing in the left. Corrosive gnawing of the left lobule, he has to rub. Gnawing creeping in the right meatus auditorius.— Tingling of the ears, afterwards tearing in the same. Whizzing m the ears, with3 stitches in the head. Noise in the ears as from the wind blowing into them, increased by the least noise to such an extent that she has great difficulty in hearing others. Roaring in the right ear. *Dull roaring and rolling in the ear, -every morning, and afterwards every evening after lying down, at the same hour for several weeks. Dull roaring in the right ear, with dulness of the head from a sort of cramp-like pressure. Reports in the right ear, like distant thunder. Nose.—Gnawing in the outer parts of the nose, as from something acrid. Cramp-pain in the right side of the nasal bone, with a feeling of numbness. Cramp-like twitching in the left nasal wing, coming and going at regular inter- vals. Pulling sensation in the nose, above the left wing, as if a hair were pulled, afterwards feeling of numbness in that part. *Dry coryza, only in one nostril, and afterwards (during a walk in the open air) profuse fluent coryza with sneez- ing, followed by stoppage of the other nostril, and then again fluent coryza. Increased secretion of mucus from the nose. Face.—Face pale and sunken. Pale, wretched looks, for several days.— Violent heat of the face, the eyes burned and itched a good deal. Burning heat in the face with glowing redness, accompanied with great dryness of the mouth, violent thirst, headache, and vibrations before the eyes causing giddiness, with lachrymation, for several evenings from 5 to 9 o'clock. Heat of the face and the whole head, oppressive heat and dull pain in the forehead, she knows not what to do with herself.—Feeling of coldness, creeping and ^numbness in the whole right side of the face. Cramp-like, painful feehng of numbness in the left malar bone. Tensive feeling of numbness in the malar bones and mastoid processes, as if the head were between screws. Dull, stupifying pressure in the right malar bone and the whole half of the nose. "Pulsative digging in the jaws, particularly in the evening and during rest, with involuntary weeping. Dull pressure, as from contusion, in the left mastoid process, when pressing upon it.—Burning, fine stitch in the left cheek; he is obliged to scratch. Itching stitch in the skin of the cheek, as from a splinter, going off by rubbing. Gnaw- ing in the cheeks after scratching, soon recurring. Dull painful feeling of cold- ness in the chin, below the corner of the mouth.—Cramp-like jerking, at inter- vals, in the upper lip, in the morning when in bed. Gnawing around the mouth, as if sore, as when shaving with a dull knife. Vesicles on the outer border of the lower lip, smarting. Vesicle on the inner margin of the upper lip, with vio- lent stinging pain when touched. Dry upper lip, as if burnt. Great, dryness and roughness of the lips. Peeling off of the lips and bleeding of the same, for many days, with violent aching pain, and smarting in the open air. Erosive sensation in the lower lip, close below the vermilion border, as if the place had been rubbed sore. Erosive sensation on the inner side of the lip, with a pain- ful feeling of looseness of the upper teeth, with smarting of the gums of both jaws.—Tensive feeling of numbness in the chin, as if between screws. Sensa- tion as if the chin were suddenly pushed up, in paroxysms. Dull shocks under the chin, slowly going and coming. Corrosive gnawing in the chin as if sore, he has to rub the parts. Small aneurism by anastomosis in the chin, painless, for several days. JaWS and Teeth.—°Lock-jaw.—Cramp-pain in the lower jaw or in the lower border of the lower jaw. Sudden cramp-like drawing through the lower PLATINA. 535 and upper rows. Numb pain in the left lower row of teeth, in the morning after rising. Continual digging-up drawing in both a hollow and sound incisor tooth. Drawing and throbbing in a molar tooth, first in the upper, then in the lower row, as if it were hollow. Paroxysms of drawing, first in the right side of the neck, afterwards in a hollow tooth, lastly in the ear, where the prover expe- riences dull stitches at intervals.—°Throbbing digging in the teeth. Mouth and Pharynx.—Viscid and slimy mouth, the whole day, especially af'i'-r* meal, also in the morning, with very bad humour. Occasional accumu- lation of water in the mouth—Burning under the tongue, or in its right side. Creeping on the tongue. Sensation on the tongue as if burnt, increased by rubbing the teeth over it.—Scraping sensation in the throat, as if raw, in the evening after lying down and on the day following, sometimes accompanied with an irritation resulting in hacking cough.—Painful feeling of rawness in the throat, as if a piece of skin were hanging down in it, between and during emp- ty deglutition. Feeling of rawness and soreness in the right half of the palate, with creeping in the left nostril. Scraping in the throat, as in incipient catarrh, or as after having swallowed acrid substances ; she is frequently obliged to clear her throat, which causes a stinging pain. A subdued pain in the throat suddenly disappears and is succeeded by a feeling of drawing heaviness through the head.—Cramp-like drawing in the throat, around the os hyoides, as if the parts were constricted.—Pressure in the throat, as if constricted.—Sensation as if the uvula were elongated. Painful swelling of the right tonsil.—Mucus in the throat, occasionally. Appetite and Taste.—Sweet taste on the tip of the tongue.—*No appetite. Aversion to eating, with weeping mood. She relishes the first mouthfuls but is soon satiated, also at supper, owing to great sadness.—Aversion to to- bacco.—Thirst, with much drinking, also immediately after supper.—Continual hunger.—Pinching in the umbilical region after a meal, as if diarrhoea would come on. Gastric Symptoms.—Empty eructations, in the morning. Loud eructa- tions, in the morning and after dinner. °Pressure at the stomach after eating. Sudden gulping up of a bitter-sour fluid, inducing cough and a scraping sensa- tion in the throat.—Nauseous feeling in the region of the stomach. Qualmish- ness in the region of the stomach, in the morning.—Continual nausea, with great languor, anxiousness and a trembling sensation through the whole body, in the forenoon. Desire to vomit, without vomiting, coming and going with increas- ing violence, accompanied with great qualmishness, and uneasiness in the limbs. Stomach.—Visible twitchings in the region of the stomach, hke jactitation of the muscles. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, also when touching it. Pressure in the pit of the stomach after eating bread and butter, as if he had eaten something that had not been digested. Repletion in the stomach and ab- domen as if overloaded, in the morning before breakfast, with a good deal of empty eructations. Distention of the pit of the stomach and of the stomach it- self, with a scratching and tearing sensation in the stomach.—Drawing pain with pressure, under the pit of the stomach, as if occasioned by a strain.—Con- tractive pain around the pit of the stomach, as if she had laced herself too lightly, with a suffocative sensation, or with sensation as if it would go off by eating.—Pinching in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, and shortly after- wards a sensation as of pressing towards the hypogastrium, as if flatulence were crowding down ; this sensation went off when a desire for emission of flatulence made its appearance, which, however, took place with great difficulty. Creeping from the pit of the stomach to the throat, as if she had swallowed little particles of a feather, inducing a hacking cough with vomiturition. Fermenting sensa- • 536 PLATINA. tion in the region of the stomach.—Dull beating, as with a hammer, in and near the pit of the stomach, in the region of one of the cartilages of the ribs, (immediately). Violent stitches on the right side near the pit of the stomach.— Dull shocks in the pit of the stomach. Violent dull-sticking shocks in the pit of the stomach, slowly going and coming. Gnawing and writhing sensation in the stomach early in the morning, with canine hunger and accumulation of water in the mouth, not relieved by eating.—Itching in the region of th^ sto- mach, going off by friction. Abdomen.—Colic towards evening, increased by raising one's-self in bed and then ceasing gradually. Sensation in the whole abdomen as if she had laced herself too tightly. Constrictive sensation in the abdomen.—Sensation in the whole abdomen as of being pinched together from the umbilicus to the back. Painful pinching under the left short ribs. Attacks of pinching in both sides of the abdomen. °Colica plumbea.—Attacks of drawing in the right side of the abdomen, with some arrest of breathing. Drawing through the abdomen from the chest towards both groins, terminating in the genital organs, where it causes a pain. Darting pain through the abdomen, succeeded by weariness of the kness.—A writhing sensation around the umbilicus, with oppressed breath- ing and a tremulous sensation through the whole body.—Very painful stitch deep in the abdomen above the umbilicus, when suddenly raising one's-self after squatting. Dull stitches in the middle of the umbihcus. Stitches in the abdomen in the morning. Fine stinging in the right side of the abdomen, moving to the umbilical region when lying on the affected side, but increasing when lying on the left side. Dull shocks in the abdomen at intervals below the short ribs.—Anxiety in the whole abdomen, succeeded by a pain in the abdo- men, as after fright; accompanied with urging to diarrhoea.—Slight burning around the umbilicus. Sudden burning, striking from above downwards in the right side of the abdomen. Burning sensation at a small place on the left side of the abdomen, in paroxysms.—Distention of the abdomen after a meal. Spas- modic distention of the abdomen in several places, causing elevations and de- pressions on the surface. Rumbling in the epigastrium before breakfast. Bub- bling sensation in the abdomen, before breakfast,' with a pinching and anxiety in the intestines. Emission of short, interrupted flatus, sometimes difficult. Copious emission of flatulence.—Sudden jerking, resembling a dull shock, at a small spot in the abdominal integuments. Dull contusive pain below the umbilicus, in the integuments. Dull shocks, a sort of beating, in the region of a true lowec rib. Stool.—* Constipation for several days, °also from poisoning by lead or when travelling.—Frequent desire for stool, the stools coming out in lumps, and caus- ing great weakness and a sensation of rigidity in the abdominal muscles.—Dif- ficult stool, with cutting, burning, and protrusion of the varices. Hard stool, as if burnt, with slight desire before and after. Difficult expulsion of scanty stool, cohering like soft clay. Stool every two days with much bearing down. ■—Papescent stool in the morning, half digested and somewhat bloody; after- wards increased tension in the left hypochondrium and small of the back.— Papescent stool in the evening, with discharge of ascarides. Stool rather thin with slight tenesmus in the anus before and after. Violent, noisy expulsion of faeces after dinner; first thin, then hard; in lumps which have to be squeezed out singly, and which are almost as dry as dry clay; after stool he experiences a shaking and shuddering in the upper part of the body, and after rising from stool, he feels a slight .pain and weakness about the umbilicus.—Even when the stool is not hard he has to bear down considerably, after which he experiences a violent stitch in the anus with subsequent cramp-like contraction of the nates, • PLATINA. 537 extending towards the small of the back ; this pain is so intense that she has to discontinue the bearing down.—Shuddering over the head, chest and arms, after stool or micturition.—Blood with stool.—Creeping tenesmus in the anus, as if diarrhoea would set in, at the same hour every evening. Creeping and itching at the anus, in the evening as from ascarides.—Burning in the rectum during stool, followed by violent itching. Violent dull stitches in the forepart of the rectum. Violent pressing in the rectum, without stool. Urinary Organs.—Slow flow of urine, but frequent.—Pale yellow urine in the morning, in the afternoon clear as water. Red urine with white clouds.— The urine becomes turbid and deposits a red sediment on the sides of the vessel. Male Genital Organs.—Corrosion near the genital organs, as if sore and excoriated. A similar sensation in the scrotum even when lying in bed, for many days. °Excessive sexual desire.—"Discharge of prostatic fluid. Con- tinual erections while asleep, with amorous dreams. Embrace with little plea- surable excitement. Female Sexual Organs.—Excessive sexual desire, particularly in lying-in females. Painful drawing in both groins, as if the mense3 would appear. Pressure in the hypogastrium with qualmishness, as previous to the appearance of the menses. Cutting in the hypogastrium, as if the menses would appear, with drawing headache, (immediately). Painful pressing towards the genital organs, as if the menses would make their appearance ; sometimes accompanied with desire for stool, extending through the groins as far as the small of the back, where the pain is then felt for some time. °Congestion of blood to the uterus. Painful sensitiveness and continual pressure in the region of the mons veneris and in the genital organs, with internal almost constant chills and cold- ness perceptible to the hand, (except in the face). The painful pressing as if the menses would appear, disappears in the evening but returns in the morning. Voluptuous tingling in the pudendum and abdomen, with oppressive anxiety and palpitation of the heart; afterwards painless pressure in the lower part of the genital organs, with a relaxed feeling and stitches in the sinciput.—°Induration of the womb. Cramp and stitches in the indurated womb.—*Amenorrhoea in Dish emigrants.—* Menses too early by 6, 8,14 days, also accompanied with diar- rhoea or *prof 'use menses, *or too long, -also with drawing in the abdomen.—The menses which had been suppressed for months, appeared after 11 days. °Be- fore the menses : cutting and labour-like pains in the abdomen. °At the appear- ance of the menses : cramps.—During the menses: pinching in the abdomen en the second clay of the menses, followed by pressing in the groins, alternating with pressure in the pudendum, with increase of the menstrual blood. °Great sensitiveness of the parts, with pressing from above downwards. Pressing in the hypogastrium with ill-humour and menorrhagia. Discharge of a quantity cf coagulated blood, on the first day of the menses. cHeadache, restlessness, and weeping, ^the menses being premature and profuse).—°After the menses: de- bility.—°Metrorrhagia (see CI. Obs.).—°Painful sensibility of the vulva after coition.—Leucorrhoza, like albumen, only in the day-time, without sensation, partly after micturition, partly after rising from a seat. (For the diseases which have been cured with Plat., see CI. Obs.) Laryn\.—'Tjoss of voice. °Short, dry cough. ('best.—Sud h-n arrest of breathing in the throat, as takes place when walk- ing against a sharp wind. "Short, difficult, anxious breathing. Oppressed breathing, with warm rising from the pit of the stomach to the pit of tive throat', she has to take deep breath, accompanied with a hoarse voice, going off again with the oppression. Impeded respiration from weakness of the chest. Deep 538 PLATINA. breathing, as if a load were oppressing the chest. Frequent deep breathing, without oppression of the chest. Dyspnoea as if laced too tightly, with heavy slow breathing.—Aching pain in the chest, as if strained.—Cramp-pain in the left side of the chest, slightly increasing and decreasing. Pushing pressure in the left half of the chest, partly below the axilla, partly in the middle of the. chest. Cramp-hke pressure in the chest at intervals, below the right clavicle Pushes in the region of one of the costal cartilages near the sternum. Cutting shocks in the right chest from below upwards. "Tension, pressure, and sticking, in the sides, not permitting one to he on any side. Dull pressure at a small spot in the upper part of the chest.—Sudden stitch in the left side of the chest, below the axilla, causing him to start. Stitch in the right side during an in- spiration.—Burning between two ribs on the left side, going and coming. Burning and stitching in the lower part of the region of the heart. Sensation in the chest as if fasting, as if from getting up too early, continuing a long time after getting up and gradually increasing until nausea, going off towards noon. Darting pricking at a small spot on the right side of the chest, speedily recur- ring after scratching. Back.—Numb feeling in the os coccygis, as from a blow. Cramp-pain, contusive in the os ilium.—Pain in the small of the back, as if broken, especi- ally when bending backwards. Pain in the. back and small of the back, as if broken, after a walk. Dull pressure as from a plug, on the right side of the middle of the dorsal spine; pain when pressing on the part, as when pressing on a bad sore. Dull pressure and dull shocks in the middle and left side of the spine, slowly going and coming. Pricking in the right half of the back, as if excoriated.—Burning dull stitches in the left side of the back, going and coming, when sitting, and as if excoriated. Paroxysms of drawing from the right scapula to the hands. Sore feeling with pressure, going and coming, in the outer border of the right scapula. Pressure, with a feeling of coolness, in the apex of the left scapula.—Pain on the top of the left shoulder, as from a blow, slightly increasing and decreasing. Aching pain on the top of the right shoulder, as if he had carried a heavy burthen on it.—Weakness of the nape of the neck, the head inclines forward.—Tensive numb feehng in the nape of the neck, close to the occiput, as if tied together. Cramp in the posterior cervical muscles as if from a hard couch, worse during motion. —Cramp-pain in the side of the neck, when turning it towards the shoulder. Slight aching and soreness in the goitre, especially when touching it. Superior Extremities.—Cramp-pain near the shoulder and chest, as if constricted. Great weakness in the shoulder. Sharp stitches in the shoulder causing the arm to start. Relaxed feehng in both arms, as if they had lifted and carried heavy weight, diminished by moving them to and fro, but returning immediately when at rest, with a drawing sensation from the shoulder to the hand, as when a string is pulled. Pain in the arms as if beaten to pieces. Sud- den lameness, as after an apoplectic fit, at times in the right, at times i# the left arm. Paralytic feeling in the left arm, worse when leaning the arm against the stool, when sitting; it is even felt when merely leaning the shoulder against the chair. Weariness and weakness of the left arm, with drawing in the same. Burning in the right arm from the shoulder to the wrist-joint.—Dull pain in the upper arm, as from a blow, most violent when moving or stretching it. Small, painless blue spot in the left upper arm, soon diminishing and becoming dark- red.—Burning in the elbow, as if scraped or rubbed with wool. Undulating pain above the elbow-joint, as if bruised or contused. Pain in the right elbow, apparently in the periosteum.—Cramp-pain in the forearm, when leaning the elbow on something. Darting pain in the region of a tendon on the left ulna PLATINA. 539 close to the wrist-joint, in paroxysms. Paralytic feeling in the right forearm, from above downward. Pain in the right forearm, with contraction of the fin- gers when stretching the arm. Undulating beating pain in some parts of the bones of the forearms and legs. Cramp-hke rigid feehng in the left forearm and hand. Cramp.like pressure, going and coming, in the bend of the left fore- arm.—Formication in the hand, or as if cool air were blowing upon it. Trem- bling of the hand and fingers when held out unsupported. Cramp in the hand, when exerting it. Cramp-pain of the hands and fingers, especially the joints, particularly when grasping something firmly. Cramp-like twitching jerking, at regular intervals, close below the styloid process of the radius. Cramp-pain in the hand, behind the first two fingers. Crampy twitching in the metacarpal bone of the thumb and the joints of the thumb, more violent when moving it Btrongly. Cramp-pain in the ball of the left thumb.—Burning, fine stitches in the metarcarpal joint of the index-finger, shortly returning after scratching.— Itching and gnawing on the right wrist-joint. Itching prickling on the backs of the hands, going off after scratching.—Cramp-like drawing in the right hand and index-finger, at intervals. Contraction of the fingers, with painful drawing in the arm from below upwards, when bending the arm. Intensely-painful feel- ing of numbness and tremor of the right thumb in the morning, as if contused. Numbness of the little finger. Pain in the last phalanx of the index-finger, as if an ulcer would burst. Tingling in the left index-finger. Tingling in the in- ner side of the right thumb. Lower Extremities.—Crampy tensive pain in the hip close above the joint, as after a blow, increasing and decreasing at intervals.—Jactitation of the mus- cles of the lower limbs, after walking, especially those of the legs. Inclination to uncover his lower limbs at night, although he does not feel warm. Tingling in the limbs when laying them across one another in sitting.—When sitting with the legs stretched, the thighs are painful as if broken, with undulating, cramp- hke darting in the limbs when drawing them up. Feeling of weakness with tremulous uneasiness in the thighs, especially towards the knees, as when tired by walking ; only when sitting. Tensive sensation in the skin of the thighs as if bandaged too tightly, with a feeling of weakness in them. Cramp-pain in the middle of the thigh, when sitting. Cramp-like feeling of numbness, as from a blow, on the anterior surface of the right thigh. Cramp-pain in the posterior surface of the thigh, when sitting. Cramp.pain in the inner side of the right thigh. Pain of the thighs as if bruised, also more when sitting than when walking. Drawing in the upper part of the left thigh, so violent when stepping, that her limb gives way. Drawing and tearing extending from the middle of the groin to both thighs, increased by contact and breathing. Dull pain as after a fall, in the upper part of the left thigh, when sitting.—Drawing in the knee, afterwards burning and pain as if sprained, when stepping. Burning prickling in the right knee. Violent tension in the bend of the left knee, after a quick walk in the open air. Dull pressure on the inner side of the bend of the left knee, when sitting with his limbs drawn up. Pain in the left knee as after a violent blow. Contusive pain on the left side above the knee. Tremulous feel- ing of numbness in the knees, extending down to the foot, as if bandaged too tightly. Feeling of numbness and weakness, and dull pressure on the inner side of the bend of the left knee, when sitting. Feeling of great weakness in and around the knee-joints, greater when standing than when sitting, occasioning a vacillation of the limb. "Weakness of the knee-joints, causing them to give way, greater when standing than when walking, most violent when going up stairs. Weak feeling in the knees when walking; when sitting it is also felt in the thighs, a sort of weariness as from walking.—Painful weariness below the knee, 540 PLATINA. when stepping, or sitting. Pulsations with erosive sensation in the middle of the right leg, anteriorly. Cramp-like sensation in the legs, in paroxysms, from above downwards, accompanied with a feeling of rigidity, which is likewise felt in the feet when sitting, especially in the evening. Intensely-painful shocks along the tibiae, from above downwards. Tremulous, tingling uneasiness in the legs, accompanied with a feeling of numbness and rigidity when sitting, especially in the evening and also in bed. ^Languor of the legs, after a short walk, with oppressed breathing, more at the commencement of a walk than after it; lastly nausea. Cramp-like drawing through the right calf, when sitting after a short walk. Beating in the right calf and tightness of the skin, causing the foot to tremble, when sitting.—Weariness of the feet, with a feeling of swelling around ' the ankles; when sitting, the weariness together with a tightness of the skin extends as high as the calves, in the evening. Pain in the tarsal joint as if sprained. Feeling of numbness and weariness in the feet, as after long stand- ing, only when sitting. Painful tearing in the dorsum of the left foot, with dull cuttings across it. Tensive pain in the bend of the foot, especially when inclin- ing the body forward while standing. Smarting sensation above the tarsal joint, on the outside. Violent stitch above the tarsal joint, not relieved by scratching. Corrosion and smarting around the ankles as if excoriated; when the parts are touched by the dress they pain her as if raw and sore. Stinging gnawing at a small spot on the sole; he is obliged to scratch. Stinging in the balls of the toes of both feet, in the evening after lying down, until midnight. Painful puffings in the right sole when standing, and pressure with creeping in the same, when sitting. Hard pressure in the right sole, near the toes. Cramp-pain in the right metatarsus. Cramp-like drawing in the right heel. Tremulous pain at a spot on the dorsum of the foot, as if occasioned by external pressure. °Cold feet.—Pain in the big toe, as if bandaged too tightly. Cramp-like, burn- ing tension in the left big toe. Cramp-like drawing in the toes, especially the big one. Cramp-like beating in the left big toe, at irregular intervals. Painful beating under the little toe. Tearing with slight beating as in an ulcer, in the right toes, especially the big one. Prickling itching under the big toe. Itching tingling in the right big toe. Burning pricklings under the big toe. Sore pain in the ball of the toe which had formerly been frozen, especially when walking. Swelling of the ball of the toe, with nightly tearing pains. Sleep.—Yawning inducing lachrymation. Violent yawning causing a pain in the cervical muscles. Great inclination to violent, almost spasmodic yawning. Stretching the limbs does her good.—Excessive weakness and drowsiness in the evening. She goes to sleep while talking. Great drowsiness in the evening; as soon as she closes her eyes, she dreams of distant things, but soon wakes again. Great drowsiness in the evening, she goes to sleep while reading, wakes frequently, asking " what?" because she hears indistinctly the speech of those around her; she sleeps soundly at night.—Falls asleep after midnight, with tearing in the ball of the toe.—Symptoms at night, in bed: she wakes in a sort of stupor, and is unable to collect her senses. Wakes about midnight, ideas which he is unable to repel crowding upon his mind, no sleep until morning. He wakes about midnight with melancholy thoughts and violent thirst, but after an hour he goes to sleep again. Uneasiness in the abdomen, as from a cold. Burn- ing pain in the toes. Cramp and contraction of the soles, after rising. Violent itching of the whole body.—Anxious dreams, gloomy thoughts and sad visions when waking suddenly. Anxious confused dreams of war and bloodshed. She dreams that her distant sister had died, and is astonished that she should not have apprehended such an event. Incoherent dreams. She dreams of a conflagra- tion, wants to go to it, but cannot get ready with her preparations of toilet, etc. PLATINA. 541 Dreams, even during the siesta. Sound sleep, with pleasant dreams.—He wakes in the morning with a peevish and anxious mood, as if he had suffered injury during his sleep. Drowsy, after after a long and sound sleep. In the morning, when waking, he lies with distended limbs, or with the legs drawn up and the knees wide apart, one or both hands above his head, and always on his back, with great desire to uncover the limbs and constant erections. Fever.—Chilly creeping over the back.—Constant shuddering through the body, particularly the limbs. Shuddering after yawning, pervading the body. Sudden shuddering about the head, chest and arms, after entering a warm room. —Chilliness in the evening when undressing, with chattering of teeth. Chilli- ness in the evening before bed-time, the coldness continuing even after having gone to bed; restless sleep, waking with anxiety, tremulous feeling through the whole body; nausea and headache.—Chilly feeling with shuddering of the lower limbs from above downwards, especially in the open air, even when warm. —Chilliness through the whole body, down to the feet. Chilliness in the even- ing. Attack of chilliness when going into the open air, out of her room. Chilli- ness in the forenoon, with drowsiness.—Chilliness and shuddering mixed with flushes of heat accompanied with ill-humour and taciturnity, in the open air; afterwards agreeable warmth through the whole body, the cheerfulness returning likewise.—She feels suddenly hot, and she imagines she looks very red, although she has her usual complexion.—Sweat during sleep. Skin.—Itching, gnawing, stinging prickling and burning tickling in various parts, especially the arms, hands and scrotum, more violent towards evening when he goes to bed. Burning prickling in various parts of the body, speedily disappearing of itself. Itching stinging of the whole body, as from vermin, which cannot be removed by scratching.—Ulcers on the fingers and toes. General Symptoms.—Plat, is particularly suitable to females of an irritable disposition, with copious menstruation and sexual excitement. "Chronic ailments from abuse of lead. "Ailments from chagrin, anger, mortification. "Neuralgia and neurosis. "Spasmodic affections, particularly of females and hysteric indi- viduals.—Pressing pains from without inwards, pushing pains, constrictive pains, crampy pains with pressure as from a plug. Cramp-like drawing or jerking in the limbs and joints. Tension in the limbs, as if bandaged too tightly. Pains as from blows or contusions, particularly when pressing on the affected part. Paralytic feeling of numbness and rigidity here and there, also with trembling and palpitation of the heart. °Spasmodic affections (for the spasms which have been cured with Platina, see Clin. Obs.).—Paroxysms: 1. Fit of inclination to vomit, when walking in the open air, especially when walking against the wind ; diminishing in the room, when leaning the head on the table; becoming again intolerable when raising the head, with vertigo, aggravated by looking in the air, with obscuration of sight, as if by smoke; when laying the head down, he at once falls into a state of half sleep and waking, with lively dreams; all these symptoms disappear on raising the head. 2. Drawing pain, with pressure, across the scrobiculus cordis, increasing and decreasing at inter- vals, accompanied with a sensation in the middle of the upper arm as if seized with violence, with a paralytic and numb sensation in the arm ; the pain in the side increases by laughing, inspiration, pressure ; at every step he feels a painful concussion in that place.—Burning in the limbs, heTe and there. Drawing in various parts of the body in succession, at times in the side of the chest, at times in the occiput, at times in the abdomen, at times in the shoulders, etc. Dartings through the whole body. Cramp-like jerking here and there in the limbs, re- sembling sudden throbs. Transitory, cramp-like drawing here and there, as from a cold. Pressing upon the parts affected with the cramp-pain, excites a 542 PLUMBUM. contusive pain in those parts.—Painful tremulousness of the whole body, with throbbing in the arteries. Tremulous sensation through the whole body, occa- sionally. Trembling sensation in the hands and feet, followed by chilliness and violent trembling of the whole body as during the paroxysm of a chill, with chat- tering of teeth, the face being warm, the hands cold.—Weary, relaxed, inclining to fall. Weariness of the whole body, she staggers when standing. Weariness from the open air, unto sleeping.—Staggering when standing, as if the limbs could not support the body. Weakness, with sensation in the face, as if cold sweat would break out.—Tremulous uneasiness of the feet, especially when sit- ting. Excessive languor and drowsiness immediately after a meal. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The symptoms of the body disappear as the symptoms of the mind appear, and vice versa. Many symptoms are worse during rest, and reheved by motion. Many symptoms are worse in the evening. The symptoms which abate in the open air, are worse in the room. PLATINA CHLORICA. SYMPTOMS. * Small, unexpected movements of the transverse fibres of the occipital portion of the occi- pito-frontalis muscle, of the muscles of the back and extremities.—Slight shiverings.—Pulse 85.—Violent headache, particularly in the occiput.—Turns of nausea.—Disposition to vomit. —Acidity of the stomach, accompanied with violent headache.—Violent constriction of the throat, so that the voice and swallowing were perceptibly impeded. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In animals: (dog, rabbits). Death amidst convulsions; the orifice of the stomach and the lesser curvature and duodenum are tinged yellow ; the inner coat of those parts and of the oesophagus are very much softened, partly destroyed, the blood in the ventricles was fluid and not coagulated.—(In a dog): the stomach, ileum and colon were very much inflamed even on the outside; the stomach which was almost contracted and violently inflamed, contained only a bloody watery fluid ; the rectum was violently contracted and inflamed, the left lung was dotted with dark spots ; the right ventricle contained some coagulated blood; from the large vessels flowed a dark, blackish, coagulated blood; the bladder was very much con- tracted and inflamed, (see Hoefer's and Gmelin's experiments with Baryta, Chrome, etc., and the muriate of Platina). 196. PLUMBUM. PLUM.—Lead.—See Noack and Trinks' Handbuch. Compare with—Alum., Bell., Chin., Con., Hyos., Merc, Natr. mur., Nux v., Op., Phosph., Plat., Puis., Sabad., Sec. c, Stram., Sulph., Verat., Zinc. Antidotes.—Alum., Ac. sulph. in the shape of a lemonade, Bell, Hyos., Merc, Nux v., Op., Plat., Puis., Sabad., Sec c, Stram., Strychnine.— Plumbum antidotes the bad effects occasioned by long abuse of vinegar. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. The principal physiological effects of this metal upon the animal organism were known to the older physicians; they were first systematically arranged by Paulus de iEgina, (see de remedus, III., c. 8,) and have since been completed with great care and accuracy by the important and interesting ob- servations of Schmidt, Brambilla, Tanquerel de Planche, Sander and many others. The first effects of lead are felt by the organs which derive their nerves from the splanchnic system of nerves, after these the sentient and motor nerves PLUMBUM. 543 are affected, and finally the brain and the cerebral nerves. The primary effects of lead are characterized by increased sensibility and spasms, and, after a shorter or longer space of time, exhibit an opposite character, that of local and general neuroparalysis, arising from impoverished nutrition, and principally from decom- position and degeneration of the nervous substance. Lead is probably less suitable to acute than to chronic affections ; it may be considered one of our best remedies for chronic affections of the cerebro-spinal and ganglionic system of nerves, characterized by increased sensibility or spasm, or by paralysis, even if this should have lasted for some time and should arise from an anomalous nutrition (degeneration) of the nervous substance. The following affections have been cured by lead: Chlorosis.—Exulcerations of the mucous membranes.—Hypochondria.—Spasmodic vomiting; periodical vomiting with violent cardialgia, anxiety in the praecordial region, pains from the back to the stomach.—Beus.—Obstinate constipation.—Affections of the blad- der with slimy sediment in the urine.—Excessive involuntary emissions, (Hah- nemann has observed that excessive nocturnal emissions stopped after giving the acetate of lead, but returned afterwards, see Culleris Mat. Med., H.).— Hemoptoe.—Spasmodic palpitation of the heart?.—Paresis of the lower extremities. PATHOGENETIC EFFECTS OF DIVERS PREPARATIONS OF LEAD.t Mind and Disposition.—Lowness of spirits and indifference, (Voigtel.)— Restless, hopeless, tortured by anguish during the paroxysms, and with lowness of spirits during the remissions. Indifference and somnolence, with lamentations about difficulty of breathing, and headache, (Br.).—Mental derangement and difficulty of motion, (Gal.).—Suppression, without derangement, of the men- tal activity, during the paroxysms.—Loss of memory, (Mont.).—Loss of all the senses, the convulsions returning with increased violence, (Bramb.). Idiocy, (Ramaz.).—Derangement of the affective sphere, (Br.). Mistrust, (Mont.). Melancholia, (Richter). Fright, (Mont.).—Delirium, after violent and fre- quent attacks of cohc. Delirium (Mont., Warr.) : furious, constant or inter- mitting, (Heine), nightly, alternating with sopor, (Br.), calm and furious lo- quacity, frequently alternating with rage, (Br.).—Encephalopathy Satur- nina, (generally consisting of delirium, coma and convulsions, without fever, from four to seventeen days); precursory symptoms: violent headache, of differ- ent degrees of intensity; general or partial pains in the head, most frequently in the region of the forehead, frequently accompanied with vertigo and tremu- lousness ; sleeplessness, or else sleep disturbed by dreams or hallucinations, so that the patients suddenly take fright and jump out of bed; ringing in the ears, weakness of sight, amaurosis, diplopia, contraction and dilatation of the pupils ; squinting, fulness and feeling of heaviness with violent pain in the orbit, formi- t Vapors of load in lead and silver mines, effects of the metallic leads and its oxydes, see carbonate and muriate of lead. The symptoms of the latter will be found marked PI. mur. This list of the physiological effects of lead has been derived from the following authorities: Gmelin, Voigtel, Richter, Sundelin, Voigt, etc.—Beer, (Br.,) Austrian Journ., 1841, No. 36^(:rixelle, 'Grin.,) in Journal hebdom., Dec. 1836.—Schraeder, (Schr.) Med. Vereinsz., fur Pr. 1844, No. 9.—Tanquerel de Planches, (T. de PI.) traite" des maladies du plomb, Paris, I. and II.—Monlault, (Mont.,) in l'expeneuce, 1838, p. 217.—Brenner, (Br.,) in Rust's Magazine, 1*42, 17.—Sander, (Sa.,) in Casper's Med. Wochensch. 1836, No. 2— Andral, (Al.,) Malad. de l'abdom., II. p. 236.—Duplat, (Dpt.) in Arch, ge'ne'rales, 1824, M&y.—Burlon, (l\n.,) in Froriep's Notices, 1842, No. 453.—Warren, (Wa.)in Med. Trans- act., II. p. 87.—Christison, (Chr.) on poisons, 1836.—Hartlaub and Trinks' Mat. Med., vol. 5, p. 9, and the homoeopathic authorities : Munnecke, Kurz, Winter, Wiedemann, Muhlen- hein, Hartlaub, sen., Mama. 544 PLUMBUM. cation and prickling from the index and thumb of the right hand to the shoul- der. The look is suddenly changed, as if frightened, dull, or meditating. Sad- ness, extreme uneasiness; indifference ; taciturnity; peevish mood; weeping without any apparent cause ; constant change of locality, as if driven by fear and terror. Stupor: slowness of thought and motion. Dysphagia: constrictive sensation in the fauces; turbid urine, which is pale and without sediment, during an attack of colic, (Hulxam). Paralysis. Colic (42 attacks). Sudden disappear- ance of the colic.—The encephalopathia generally commences at night. Encepha- lopathia, with delirium : it is either light or violent, partial or general, continuous, remitting or intermitting, with or without loss of one or more senses, a, With bland delirium : the following phenomena alternate with wonderful rapidity in a couple of hours : look full of wonderment with immobility of the eyes, look full of deep meditation, expression of countenance, which is at times full of mildness, at others, full of dissatisfaction, at other times the expression is stupid. Three patients seemed to be in a sort of ecstasis. Some were constantly laughing and seemed to be attacked with risus sardonicus, others were crying violently, with melancholy looks. Questions were answered in such a manner, as led one to suppose that there was no correspondence whatsoever between the physiognomy of the patients and their ideas. At first the answers are quite rational, after which they suddenly break forth in a multitude of incoherent words, and finally, after a long interval, they again talk rationally. Some do not answer immediately, but seem to be thinking of words for their ideas, speak one word for another, or they give cor- rect answers without looking at the person who addressed the question to them; or the patients do not seem to understand the question except after it has been frequently repeated, or they return the same answer to every question. If left alone, the patients are at times silent, at times they talk to themselves, call to the neighbours or to absent persons ; they reply to all who are talking around them, or whom they suppose to be present. In their delirium they talk about all sorts of things; frequently the ideas remain the same during several successive periods of their delirium. The speech in general unimpeded, and the voice has its natural vibration. Some mutter, and utter unintelligible sounds in a low tone. Accompanying symptoms are : agitated movement of the arms, throwing off the bed cover; desire to go away, to get into the bed of some other person; micturition at any place indiscriminately as soon as the desire is felt. The pa- tients recognize persons imperfectly, but get into their beds again if admonished by their nurses. Some tremble slightly, particularly with the arms and face, or they use their arms with difficulty and stutter. Hallucinations of sight and hearing; they see frightful things which drive them out of their beds; or they hear music, etc b, With furious delirium : the eyes are widely open, threat- ening, wild; the features are spasmodically contracted. They shriek, curse, tear their clothes and fetters. They rush upon others to injure them. The rage increases by violent opposition, the patients then run against the walls, or throw themselves out of the windows. Every opposition of force brings on an attack of rage. Accompanying symptoms: spasmodic contractions of the facial mus- cles, distortion of the eyes, cracking of the jaws, subsultus tendinum or trem- bling of the limbs, frightful hallucinations ; lamentations and curses, induced by a belief that they will be poisoned, etc. Confused delirium, with abrupt stut- tering words and loud voice. Delirium and paroxysms of rage generally set in together. There are frequently long intervals of rest between the paroxysms, the agitation is seldom permanent. The patients think of words, and become enraged if unable to find them. Sometimes a few words are rational, the others again delirious. The face is generally straw-coloured, sometimes injected, sweat breaks out after a long paroxysm. After long and violent paroxysms the tongue PLUMBUM. 545 becomes dry, parched, and, as well as the teeth, is covered with yellow or black- ish crusts; the movements of the limbs are unsteady, trembling as in chorea. If amaurosis supervene, the patients stagger from side to side. Both the bland and furious delirium soon increase to the highest degree of violence; some- times, however, the attack remains incomplete for hours and even days, and is confined to illusion of the senses and incoherence of the ideas, with trembling of the limbs and hurried speech. The completely-developed delirium is exceeding- ly irregular in its course, and increases or diminishes without order or periodicity. Sometimes the delirium progresses in paroxysms, with lucid intervals. The bland and furious delirium frequently alternate without regularity during the course of the malady, though each may exist isolatedly. Some patients are attacked with bland delirium in the day-time, and furious delirium at night. Between the paroxysms of alternate delirium the patients are soporous, with their eyes half closed, and frequently opened unequally, or entirely open at times, with ster- torous breathing and muttering; this sopor likewise alternates with either kind of delirium, sets in from time to time, less frequently at night than in the day-time, generally one or two days after the commencement of the disease, for minutes or hours, but is almost always shorter than the paroxysms of delirium. In twenty-two patients, the blood taken from a vein was unchanged, in one case only there was a buffv coat; the pulse was full and regular, 70 to 80 (Br.). Head. — Vertigo (Gris., Sir.). Epileptic vertigo, (Gris.).—Headache, (Br. Gris.). Violent pains in the integuments of the skull, from the occiput to the forehead, (Br.). Vijlent headache, with vomiting, every second and third day, (Br.). Headache proceeding from the occiput, with bilious vomiting, (Br.). Headache, with vomiting, and violent pains in the umbilical region, (Br.). Eyes.—Contraction in the eyes and particularly the eyelids, (Bramb.). Violent closing of the eyelids, as if the eyes were in a press, (Bramb.). Com- plete paralysis and insensibility of the eyelids, (Bramb.).—Relaxed ozdematous eyelids, (Br.).—Profuse discharge of acrid tears and diminution of sight, (Brimb.).—Faint, sad look, (fir.). Staring look, (Br.).—Protruded eyes, with staring L>ok, (Br.).—Sunken eyes.—Livid col >ur of the eyes, and particu- larly of the inner canthi, (Bramb.).—Supinations of the conj mctiva, (Br.).— Bluish, lead-coloured sclerotica, (Br.). Contraction of the pupils, (Rich/., Br.). Mistiness of sight, (Br.).— I);minuiion of the viswtl p'twer, (Br., Rich'.).— Blindness, (Br.).—Amaurosis saturnina, (of which nineteen descriptions have been given): several paroxysms of colic, pain, convulsions or paralysis of the hands are succeeded by sudden obscuration of sight, increasing in a few hours to perfect blindness, and generally disappearing as suddenly; the blindness seldom lasts 1 mger than a week, and seldom remains permanent. The pupil is very much dilated, and generally remains immovable, (Dupla', Rich'., Br.); accord- ing to the latter the blindness is accompanied with congesti >n of the vessels of the conjunctiva and sclerotica, and a feeling of fulness in the eveball. It gene- rally s,-ts in simultaneously with encephalopathia. It mav be the only symptom of p >isi>ningby lead, (Trouss., Mirani.) ; generally, however, it appears before, during, or a 1 >ng time a^ter other forms of the lead-disease, particularly colic and emcphalopathia. In fourteen cases it set in suddenly ; four patients complain- ed of pain in the forehead, in one case it came on gradually. It reached its acme in a few hours, in one case only in eight days. In incomplete blindness light is distiniruis'ied from darkness, objects are seen as through a thick cloud; some patients saw all fixed objects white. The pupil is moderately dilated, and is still Bum 'w'iat m nable. In complete amaurosis the pupil is considerably dilated and perfectly imm tvable. Tie bottom of the eye is black, and n >t turbid. It not unfrequently happens that the two eyes are attacked with different degrees vol. n. 35 546 PLUMBUM. of amaurosis, and that the pupils are capable of different degrees of dilatation; in this case the patients squint slightly. Complete amaurosis lasts a few hours, or usually from four to six days, after which period it disappears suddenly. In one case it lasted several years. If amaurosis sets in alone, without encephalo- pathia, it develops itself, and disappears again rapidly; if it sets in simultaneous- ly with colic or arthralgia, these affections disappear either gradually or suddenly, during which time the amaurosis continues the same as when it sets in alone. Amaurosis which sets in during encephalopathia, lasts longer than this condi- tion, but less perfectly, and then disappears entirely iu one or two days, very rarely in one month. Paralysis and anaesthesia almost always last longer than amaurosis. Amaurosis is very much subject to relapses. If it sets in gradually it disappears gradually. Complete amaurosis does not get well sooner than in- complete. Amaurosis attended with cerebral sufferings, generally gets well more rapidly than other varieties of tl.ut affection. Diagnostic characteristics of the lead-amaurosis are : the characteristic mode in which it develops itself; the considerable dilatation of the pupil, whicr is of unequal extent and changes with excessive rapidity; the black, non-transparent bottom of the eye; and lastly, the fact that one eye never gets blind alone, (Smetius, Montauceix, Andral, Ra- gueite, Duplay, Grisolle, T. d. PL). Ears.—Buzzingin the ears, (Br.).—Diminution of hearing and sight, (Rich/.). Nose.—Bleeding of the nose, (in 13 cases). Frequent, copious bleeding, (Br.).—Copious bleeding which can scarcely be arrested, (Br.).—Peaked nose :—Loss of smell, (Ramazz.). Face.—Clay-coloured face, (Br.). Death-like, lead-coloured face, (Ra- mazz.).—Cadaverous face, (Schm.).—Swelling of the face: and eyelids, (Br.), and of the abdomen, (Br.), and feet, (Br.).—Sunken features, (Gris, Br.).— Emaciation, most in the face, which is traversed by furrows, looks much older, and has an expression of sadness (after a fortnight—or some years, T. d. PL). —Expression of anguish in the face, with animated, tumultuous jactitation of the muscles; the eyes, which are dim, wildly rolling, and surrounded with blue margins, are either sunken or protruded; the nose is peaked, the cheeks are sunken.—Expression of countenance as in mania or idiocy, when the colic lasts a long time, attended with despair and weakness of the senses. Teeth.— The gums are interstitially distended, (Br.).—Turgescence of the gums, (Thorns.).—The margins of the gums of two or more teeth in each jaw are marked by a narrow, lead-coloured border of one-tenth of an inch in width, the parenchyma of the gums exhibiting the natural colour arid consistence, (Burt.).—A peculiar coloration of the gums, mucous membrane of the mouth, and teeth.—That portion of the gums which is nearest the teeth, exhibits a violet-coloured border of from one to two lines in width, gradually changing to a bluish ash-colour. This bluish ash-colour sometimes extends over the whole gums and mucous membrane of the mouth ; in some cases this mucous mem- brane exhibits only a few spots of a natural appearance, or single blue spots or streaks. Simultaneously with this change of colour, the gums, in many cases, dwindle away, either in thickness until they are like thin paper, or in height, in which case the tongue-shaped elevations of the gums between the teeth disap- pear, and the gums retreat below the teeth, where they assume a pad-shaped appearance. This alteration of the gums is accompanied with a correspondingly- increasing dark-brown colour at the base of the teeth, changing at the upper border to a light-brown, with a yellowish or greenish tinge; this alteration of colour is most marked in the region of the cuspidati. The colouring substance (consisting of the sulphuret of lead?), does not cover the teeth like common tartar, but seems to be intimately interwoven in the parenchyma of the teeth. PLUMBUM. 54T The teeth thus altered are fragile, disposed to be carious and to fall out, (T. d. PL).—The teeth turn black, (Ram.).—Looseness and falling out of the teeth, (Ram.).—Toothache similar to that which is occasioned by sour fruit. Mouth.—Dryness of the mouth, (T. d. PL, Br., Gal., Voigtel), with, de- crease of the secretion of saliva.—Aphthae, (Richt.).—Dry tongue which is fre- quently covered with a brown crust. The tongue is generally moist, rose- coloured on the sides and at the tip, lined with a thin, white coating, which is sometimes yellow in the middle and at the base of the tongue; the tongue is frequently larger than in its normal condition. At the commencement of the colic the tongue is clean, in a few days the whitish, thin, but firmly-adhering coat- ing almost always makes its appearance. In some cases the tongue is red, grayish, cracked, dry, with enlarged papillae.—The end of the tongue is dotted with a num- ber of small, black-blue spots, resembling small ecchymoses; on the inner surface are several large foul ulcers, resembling mercurial ulcers; the tongue and lips are painful, with salivation and fetid smell from the mouth (as after abuse of Merc), attended with languor; loss of appetite, burning sensationin the stomach, nausea, and vomiting, (Mansa.).—Salivation everyday for several hours, (Warr.).— Increased secretion of saliva, the saliva having a bluish colour, (Christ., Thorns.). —The saliva re-acts like an acid, (in five cases).—Difficulty of enunciation, (Mont.).—Dragging, scarcely-audible speech, (Br.).—Aphonia, (Schm.). Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Constriction of the throat, (Sir.).—Feeling of constriction or lump in the pharynx, impeding deglutition.—Sensation as if a ball were rising from the epigastrium to the chest and pharynx. Appetite.—Astringent taste in the mouth as from sugar, and fetid-styptic, (T. d. L.).—An intensely-bitter taste frequently makes its appearance in the place of the former stypticsweet taste, the taste becomes rarely pappy.—Clay- like taste, (Br.).—Loss of appetite, (Voigtel, Gabr., Br.).—Apepsia and dys- pepsia, (Richt.).—Violent hunger, (Gris.).—Aversion to drink, (Mant.).— The thirst is generally pretty intense, sometimes there is no thirst at all.—Ex- cessive thirst, (Br.). Stomach.—Hiccough, (Mont.).—Troublesome eructations, (Gabr.).—Sweet- ish eructations, (Str.), as if one would vomit; upwards of a hundred times in two hours, (Schm.).—Sour, sweet, bitter eructations, (Voigtel).—Loathing, (Voigtel).—Inclination to vomit and loathing, (McegL).—Excessive retching, causing him to stretch as if convulsed, (Lehm.).—Retching with discharge of a sour fluid, (Richt.).—Vomiting, (30 or 40 times in one day, Thunb., Br.).— Frequent vomiting of a grass-green substance, (Br.).—Vomiting of a greenish- gray substance, (Br.).—Constant vomiting of a substance resembling the acetate of copper, (Schm.)—Vomiting of a black substance, (Richt).—Vomiting of bilious and foul substances, afterwards changing to an ineffectual retching, (Voigtel.).—Heaviness in the stomach, (Str.).—Oppression of the pit of the stomach.—Slight oppression of the stomach, (Richt.).—Pressure in the stomach and intestinal canal, (Voigtel).—Violent pains in the region of the stomach and umbilicus, (Str.).-.—Great sensitiveness of the epigastrium, (Br.).— Violent burning pains in the region of the stomach, and tumultuous vomiting for several hours; violent pains in the pit and region of the stomach, (Schb.).__ Constrictive pain in the praecordia, (Br.).—Paroxysms of cardialgia which are at first light, transitory and recur at long intervals, afterwards becoming more violent, more frequent and permanent, ( Voigtel). Abdomen.—Affections of the spleen, (Ramazz.).—Continual pressure in the epigastric region, (Schm.).~Evc-ssire, pains in the abdomen, (Diosc, Laur.)t with oppression in the praecordia, trembling and weakness of the limbs, (Tim. a G.).— Violent pains if the region of the umbilicus, (Schmidt, Ricltt.), particu- 548 PLUMBUM. larly during the vomiting, (Br.), with obstinate constipation, (Tronch.).—Re- traction oj the umbilicus, (Schm., Gabr.).—Pinching in the abdomen, (Bramb., Back., Str.).—Distention of the abdomen, (Br., P., Fr.), with the umbihcus deeply drawn-in, (Str.).—Meteorism, (Br.).—Sunken abdomen, (Br.).—Re- traction of the abdomen, not bearing to be touched, (Tiss.).—Constant pressure with anguish in the praecordia, dry cough, tearing colicky pains, while these symptoms last, the abdomen is drawn in so that the abdominal, walls seem to be glued to the spine, attended with constriction of the sphincter ani and vomiting, (Richt., Gabr.).—Tormina intestinorum, (Gal.).—Inflammation of the bowels, mesentery, peritoneum, terminating in ulceration and gangrene, (Hanck.).— Colic and paralysis of the lower extremities, (Plenck.).—Colic: the face is bloated, reddened, the eyes are glistening and protruded from the sockets, the tongue is dry as well as the mouth, and reddened, with tormenting thirst and desire for cold water, distention of the abdomen and sensitiveness to contact; the pains are relieved by strong and deep pressure, on which account the patient pressed strongly against one whenever the pains became violent; with constipa- tion, (SchL).—Violent colicky pains, generally, but not always, accompanied with retraction of the abdomen, particularly in the umbilical region, constipation or discharge of dry, hard, black, globular faeces, constriction of the anus, vio- lent pains in the limbs, and bluish, sweet saliva, (Voigtel.). Colica saturnina, (lead-colic).—Intolerable pains in the abdomen, frightful anguish, uneasiness day and night for eight days, constant retching, drawn-up testicles, feeling of lameness in the lower extremities, retraction of the abdomen, and particularly of the umbilicus, to such a degree that the vertebrae could be distinctly felt through the abdominal integuments, constant constipation, great thirst, (large doses of calomel, from two to three grains each, afforded speedy relief, in a young man of fifteen years, who had ground two hundred pounds of the ace- tate of lead. Schr.).—Violent, alternately-burning and tearing pains in the umbi- lical region, extending through the whole abdomen, moving towards the back and chest, with sensation as if the bowels were twisted and pulled to and fro. Ac- companied with violent anguish and oppression, ineffectual tenesmus, vomiting of a viscid, discoloured, and frequently sour-smelling mucus, which is rarely mixed with bile ; burning in the oesophagus and spasmodic constriction of the throat. The abdomen is not painful, when but slightly touched; it is hard, and drawn-in; the 'alse ribs and the anterior spinous processes of the ileum were very promi- nent, the umbilicus formed a fossa, and the orifice of the anus was drawn up. An evacuation of the bowels was accompanied with the most violent pains and tenesmus ; the stools were scanty, and composed of hard, black-brown faeces, like sheep-dung, without affording any relief. The hands trembled, and the patient had great difficulty in bringing anything liquid to his mouth. The right eye was entirely turned towards the nose, the pupils were very much dilated, and saw things double particularly the flame of the candle. Sleep was uneasy, anxious, disturbed with frightful dreams, which drove him out of bed without conscious- ness. Mind and memory are very much weakened; the tongue is clean, the back part of it being covered with mucus, the appetite is strong, and accompanied with vomiting of the ingesta. Aqueous urine; skin dry, hard, and brittle. Pulse small, hard as wire, 65-75, (Zu-ick.).—Precursory symptoms: peevish mood, sinking of the features, fatigue from every occupation, interrupted, unre- freshing si ep, unusual coldness, with fleeting chills, abdominal complaints, such as chilly 'eeling in the epigastrium, dull, fleeting pains in the abdomen, worse after eating, vomiturition, eructations, flatulence, decrease and h ss of appetite, constipatiim, discharge of rather bard, blackish balls, difficult, and sometimes painful micturition. These precursory symptoms generally appear at night; the PLUMBUM. 549 precursory symptoms are very seldom entirely wanting; the colic likewise sets in at night, suddenly. The colicky pains are most frequently seated in the median line of the abdomen, without following exactly the course of the colon; in some cases the pain goes round the trunk hke a belt, frequently it is only felt in some parts, and sometimes shifts from one place to another, in something hke the fol- lowing order: umbilicus, epigastrium, hypogastrium, these parts being the most painful even when the whole abdomen is sensitive to the touch, or when seve- ral parts are simultaneously iuvaded by the pain with different degrees of inten- sity ; they are central points from which the pain radiates, observing the same order: umbilicus, epigastrium, hypogastrium, kidneys, testicles, etc. The pain is much less-frequently seated in the last-named parts, the region of the kidneys, the hypochondria, groins, iliac fossa, anus, testicles, .spermatic chords, and penis. In some cases the pain spreads to the thorax. The pain is generally violently contractive, it consists less frequently of a sensation of tearing, pulling out, sting- ing, burning, boring; sometimes the pain is described as a simple contractive pain, or as an oppressive pain, as from a weight, in which case it is generally dull, and constantly uniform. The pain is remitting, with exacerbations, and remissions, the paroxysm lasting from a few seconds, to several hours and days. The more violent the colic, the nearer and more violent are the paroxysms; the more the colic progresses, the more prominent are the paroxysms; when the colic is retrograding, the pain becomes continuous. The pain is at times slight, at others moderate, at other times it is violent, or it is exceedingly varied in one and the same individual. Wrhen the pains are slight, the patient remains gene- rally quiet, even during the paroxysm, the face sinking but little. When the pains are moderate the patient becomes uneasy, lies on his abdomen and sides, and moans and laments. Violent paroxysms are accompanied by exces- sive anguish, sunken features, sunken, dim, wildly-rolling eyes, moaning, shrieks, roaring, constant tossing about, lying on the belly or crosswise on the bed, jumping up and attempting to go out of the room, bending double, rolling about, balancing, leaning the body against something, hiding the body, which is trembling and rapidly jerked to and fro, deep under the cover, laying the hands on the abdomen, rubbing the umbihcus and pressing the thumb into it, tying a rope around the abdomen, laying heavy weights on the abdomen, striking the abdomen, making preparations to kill one's-self, answering questions incompletely, insensibility to hot water or a burning cylinder. During the re- mission of the paroxysms the patient is quiet and exceedingly exhausted; the patient scarcely complains, although a painful drawing, pressure, pinching, and a slight degree of bending-double remains. The remissions are rarely without any pain. Some patients think that the attack is brought on again by cough- ing, talking, deep breathing, drinking, moving about; in some the pains are increased by the application of cold, in others by the application of warmth. The pains are most frequent in the evening and at night, and abate at day-break; the reverse is very rare. The pain is diminished by external pressure. Vio- lent and sudden pressure on any circumscribed part of the abdomen generally increases the pain, whereas it is diminished by pressing upon the abdomen with ihe palm of the hand, first slightly, then gradually, more strongly, or by making friction. In some cases pressure with the thumb decreased the pain, which was increased by a pressure with the palm of the hand. In some patients the pain was relieved by strong pressure, in others it was aggravated by slight pressure. In a few cases only the pain is exceedingly aggravated by gentle pressure. There arc cases where pressure causes the pain to shift, for example, from the epigas- trium to the hypogastrium, in which case the pain either remains the same, or is increased or diminished. In some cases the effect of the pressure varies from 550 PLUMBUM. day to day ; one day pressure relieves the pain, and next day the pain is made worse by pressure, or else pressure has no effect whatever. The influence of pressure is not always the same in every part of the abdomen ; in some cases, where the pain extends through several regions of the abdomen, pressure relieves the pain in one part of the abdomen, and increases it in another. Generally the effect of pressure is most intense, either in aggravating or relieving the pain, when this is at its acme. The intensity of the pain does not alter the result of pressure.—Constipation of different degrees of intensity. Mere difficulty of stool takes place rarely and only in the lighter cases of lead-colic; in violent cases the stool is suppressed for some days, in one case it remained suppressed for a fortnight. Frequently there is a momentary urging to stool, resulting in a violent, ineffectual, exhausting pressing, or in the protrusion of varices. Di- arrhoea sometimes sets in after to constipation. The fasces which are press- ed out with difficulty, and are very scanty (according to Merat the faeces of eighteen stools weighed six pounds), are yellow as goat-dung, black, and float on the urine.—Depression or retraction and hardness, or contraction of the abdomen. Retraction is generally accompanied with an equal degree of ten. sion and hardness. During the height of the paroxysms retraction, and parti- cularly contraction, is much more marked ; during the remission the abdomen is ■ softer and not much depressed. The abdomen may be drawn in in various de- grees ; in some cases the walls of the abdomen are not much more prominent than in their natural condition, in others they seem to adhere to the spinal co- lumn. At times the abdomen is uniformly depressed, at times the depressions exist only here aud there, most frequently, however, in the region of the umbili- cus, the retraction of which forms a cavity, having the shape of a goblet, or the epigastric and hypogastric regions are depressed ; these three regions, the um- bilical, epigastric, and hypogastric, are the most frequent seats of the depres- sion. Contraction frequently induces a strong hardness of the abdomen, as of the muscles in a cramp of the calves; this hardness does not disappear even when the thighs are drawn up close to the pelvis. The bowels seem to be in- volved in this muscular contraction. The degree of contraction increases and decreases with the pains. In several cases the abdomen has been convulsively moved; in other cases the hand on the abdomen has been repelled by the tu- multuous and violent movements of this organ. The contraction is either par- tial or general. In single cases it occasions an almost permanent contraction of the portion of the region traversed by the corresponding portion of the recti muscles, with a hard and somewhat concave prominence in the middle line, whereas the sides are fiat, and have almost a natural shape. During the paroxysms, and rarely between, tumours are perceived on the abdominal walls, varying in tension and extent, which are probably formed both by the abdominal muscles and by the contraction of the bowels filled with gas; they can be moved to and fro. The retraction and the pain occupy the same parts of the abdomen.—Tenesmus of the anus is frequently present; some patients feel as if a string were drawn across the anus; when the parox- ysms are violent the anus is drawn in and constricted internally.—Inclina- nation to vomit and vomiting; the former is more frequent than the latter, pre- cedes it, and is quite exhausting. The substance which is vomited up is green as leek, viscous, has a peculiarly-fetid smell, and is exceedingly bitter; if the vomiting is very hard, a blood-streaked mucus is sometimes thrown up. The patient throws up but little at a time, but the whole of the mass vomited is very considerable. The vomiting frequently proceeds from the seat of the colic in the epigastric region; it is frequently exceedingly difficult and attended with excessive anguish. In most cases it takes place at short intervals, at times dur- ing the paroxysms, at times (and this is very frequent)- during the remission.— PLUMBUM. 551 uas is always present in considerable quantity, and is generally discharged by the mouth, seldom by the rectum. Sometimes a subdued painful sensation passes from the epigastrium to the larynx, accompanied by discharge of gas, which is sometimes either preceded or succeeded by nausea and vomiting. The eructations have very frequently a peculiarly-fetid and bitter taste and smell, hke that of the vomited substance; many patients are tormented by frequent eructations tasting like sugar. The accumulations of gas took place in various parts of the abdomen, particularly in the right iliac fossa. The gas which accu- mulates in the intestines here and there forms tumours which can be distinguished by percussion, pressure, and by their mobility, from the tumours formed by the spasmodic contraction of the bowels. Some tumours are painful from the disten- tion of the bowels, the pain being somewhat relieved by theemission of flatu- lence. Sometimes the gas is in motion, and pervades with excessive rapidity and with a gurgling noise the whole intestinal canal, particularly during the re- mission. Sometimes an alternate contraction and dilatation of the bowels and the abdominal walls is observed.— Hiccough is present only in very violent parox- ysms of colie, either during or before the vomiting, with eructations and pain in the epigastrium. The hiccough appears momentarily during or after the re- turn of the paroxysms, with discharge of gas and convulsive movements in the whole abdomen, particularly the epigastrium. According to its seat, we distinguish 1. Colica umbilical is : pain in the region of the umbilicus ; retraction and even deep depression of the umbilical region with hardness of the correspond- ing abdominal walls, constipation, nausea, vomiting, very rarely, however, and at long intervals, with scanty discharge. 2. Colica epigastrica : pain, retraction, and hardness of the epigastric region, nausea and frequently copious vomiting ; anorexia and more thirst than in the former colic. Beating of the arteries in the epigastric region. Dyspnoea and other functional derangements of the respiratory organs; jaundice. 3. Colica hypogastrica: with difficulty of micturition, tenesmus of the blad- der, pains and spasmodic movements in the region of the genital organs. 4. Colica renal is: pain in tiie region of the kidneys, whence it extends to the bladder aloug the ureters. Great diminution of urine, which is suppressed even for days ; there is no urine found in the bladder even on inserting the ca- theter, (T. d. PL). During the paroxysms of lead-colic many rest for hours on the occiput and nape of the neck, stretching the lower linibs up along the walls. At the same time they distort their features, push and roar so violently that the neck and head swell up, the voice is altered for a considerable length of time, and violent bleeding at the nose sets in. Other patients stretch themselves on their backs on the floor, aud have their friends lay themselves across the patients' bellies; others again lay heavy weights on their bellies ; others have themselves carried about, laying the lower limbs over the shoulders of those who carry, and letting head, chest and belly hang down behind. During such efforts umbilical and inguinal hernia is apt to set in, (Sander).—Eating frequently brings back the paroxysm even after it had completely ceased. Lead-colic becomes extremely dangerous if accompanied with delirium tremens, (Sand.). StOOl.—Disposition to flatulence, (Voigtel).— Dysentery, (Gal., Nard.), attended with excessive colic, (Fern.).—Sluggish stool, (Bramb.).—The stools look burnt, and are like little balls, resembling sheep's-dung, (Richt.).—Scanty, hard, black-brown faeces resembling sheep's-dung, (Zwick).—Yellow, black, scanty stool, floating on the urine. Alternation of diarrhoea and constipation. Ineffectual tenesmus, (Zwick).—Disposition to constipation, increasing con- stantly and finally resisting every remedy, (Richt.). 552 PLUMBUM. Anns.—Constriction of the sphincter ani, (Gabr.).—The anus is drawn in and as if internally constricted, with sensation as if a string were stretched across.—Ineffectual, exhausting urging, inducing the formation of haemorrhoi- dal tumours. Urinary Organs.—Diminished secretion of urine, (Tiss.).— Suppression of the secretion of urine, (Gal.).—No urine is passed except when the paroxysm of the colic abates, (Gabr.).—Frequent urging to urinate ; during the parox- ysms of colic no urine is passed, except perhaps a few drops; during the re- mission the urine flows freely, and is frequently discharged quite suddenly after previous ineffectual efforts to urinate. Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, before, during and after micturition, with a burning sensation in the urethra, preventing the introduction of the catheter.—Ischuria, (Schm.).—Red urine with painful and difficult micturition, the urine being rarely pale.—The urine looks saturated, brown, is mixed with blood, (Br.).—Copious, red or yellow urine without albumen. Genital Organs.—Pulling, tearing and contractive pains in the testicles, spermatic chords, penis, uterus, vagina, breast, either setting in simultaneously with the pains in the abdomeji, or setting in with increased violence at totally different periods ; they cannot be considered as emanating from the abdominal pains. If the pains attack the testes and penis, they are frequently attended with violent pains in the hypogastrium. Most frequently both testes are af- fected, rarely one only; one testicle is sometimes more painful than the other. If the pains are violent, the testes are drawn up ; if the left testicle is alone painful, it alone is drawn up towards the abdominal ring. The pain is most fre- quently relieved by pressure and suspension. The scrotum becomes wrinkled during the paroxysm and relaxes again during the remission. The sexual desire is diminished, (P/in.).— Weakness of the sexual powers, (Fahn., Ackerm., Borch.).—Great desire for an embrace, (from PL mur.).—Peculiar weakness of the genital organs (from PL mur.).—Impotence and sterility, (Braun., Ack- erm.).—Swelling of the testicles, (Braun.).—Disappearance of the male sexual instinct, neither erection nor emission of semen during the paroxysms, even when the testicles are drawn up very tightly.—Nocturnal emissions, (from PL mur.). Spermatorrhoea, (gonorrhoea), (from PL mur.). Corrosive sensation at the fraenulum praeputii during the emission of the semen, (from PL mur.). —Mucous discharge from the vagina, (from PL mur.).—Labour-like pains in the uterus and vagina. If the colic sets in at the time of the menses, these sud- denly cease or they do not make their appearance, returning, however, after the paroxysm or else at the next turn. In one case the appearance of the menses relieved the colic considerably.—Miscarriage becomes quite frequent and habitual with women who live for some length of time in smelting-houses for silver-ore ; likewise with cows, sheep and goats pasturing in the neighbourhood of such es- tablishments, (Sand.). Larynx.— Fetid breath, (Richt.) sometimes perceived by those around the patient, sometimes by the patient alone.—The power and vibration of the voice are diminished, particularly during the paroxysms. Rough and afterwards stut- tering speech, (Richt.). Panting speech, as if out of breath. Talks in a low tone, lest the cohc should return. Extinction of the voice, (Richt.).—Cough, (Gal.). Dry cough, (Br.). Short, dry, fatiguing cough. Dry cough, with frequent vomiting, (Br.). Dry cough during a deep inspiration, (Br.). Cough with discharge of blood, (Br.), terminating in fatal suppuration of the lungs (Med. Ephem.). Chest.—Oppression of the chest, (Sir., Schm., Tronch.).—The breathing is interrupted by moaning, (Br.).—Respiration is disturbed if the colic is seated in the epigastrium; the patient frequently takes from 60 to 70 inspirations a PLUMBUM. 55$ minute, (Br.); at times the breathing is at the same time incomplete, difficult, noisy, moaning, and the patient complains of dyspnoea and suffocation ; in some cases the movements of the lungs and diaphragm are impeded ; some complain of constriction in the praecordial region and round about the chest; others com- plain of pains in the different parts of the chest, which are evidently traceable to the pains in the abdomen ; sometimes the breathing is suddenly arrested.— The breathing sinks to 12 inspirations a minute.—Excessive dyspnoea, only 35 to 40 inspirations a minute.—Anguish and suffocative oppression, he was una- ble to breathe except when sitting, (Br.).—Sort of angina pectoris.—Suppura- tion of the lungs, (Richt.).—Pain in the region of the heart and violent spas- modic palpitation of the heart, (Sand.).—Violent palpitation of the heart, (Mont.).—Violent pulsations of the aorta in the epigastrium as far as the um- bilicus.—Painful contraction in one or both breasts, during which they become momentarily harder, (StolL). During the colic the mamma becomes smaller. Itching and darting pains in both breasts, with discharge of a serous fluid from the left for 6 days, and induration in the right breast extending over the whole mamma, with livid colour and red streaks, attended with excessive pains in the arms; on making an incision, a large quantity of thin and acrid pus was dis- charged, (Bramb.).—Pressure on the chest, (Br.). Neck.—Stiff neck, (Gris.).—Paralysis of the cervical muscles, (Sand.). Extremities.—Excessive pains in the limbs, (Br.), increased by contact, (Br.).—Drawing pains in the limbs, accompanied with spasmodic movements, which are soon after succeeded by deficient sensation, and lastly paralysis and complete insensibility, (Richt.).—Exhaustion and languor of the extremities, (Str.).—Coldness of the limbs, (Schm., Haase).—Trembling of the limbs, (Br., Hg., Bramb.).—Convulsions of the limbs.—Pains in the joints of the arm and head with convulsive movements, (Bramb.).—Dwindling of the mus- cles between the thumb and index-finger, causing a depression, (Richt.).— Trembling of the limbs, particularly the arms, (Voigtel).—Difficulty of moving the fingers, (Tiss.).—Paralysis of the arms, (Voigtel).—The flexor-muscles of the forearms are always paralyzed after several attacks of lead-colic with constipation, (Sand.).—Paralysis of the arms, hands and fingers being twisted as by some external force, (Richt.).—Violent pains in the joints of the lower limbs and in the limbs, (Br.). Great languor and weariness of the lower limbs, (Br.).—Violent cramps in the calves, (Mont.).—Paralysis of the lower limbs. Sleep.—Restless sleep, (Br.).—No sleep during the colic ; the sleeplessness continues even after the colic for several nights, (T. d. PL).—Sleeplessness for 7 nights, (Tiss.).—Somnolence, (Richt.).—Sopor, (Br.). Coma: 1. Simple coma; workers in lead are liable to be suddenly attacked with coma even when in good health apparently, rarely during an attack of colic or other lead-disease; in some cases amaurosis is said to precede the coma. In the highest degree of coma the patient is motionless, except occasional movements of the head, trunk and extremities; the patient sinks down all bent up, with his eyes closed either half or entirely, and the pupils dilated or contracted or very sensitive to the light; occasional stertorous breathing or deep moaning, tight closing of the jaws; he moves his lips as in smoking. Pinching is felt but not resisted. 2. Coma with partial delirium: the patient wakes suddenly between the paroxysms, opens his eyes, mutters indistinctly or else utters a torrent of distinct words alter- nately with crying and lamenting, and assumes the strangest postures. He is brought inta this condition by violent pinching, or by mere contact or by cough. In this kind of waking condition he answers questions, but without knowing it. Sometimes, however, he gives a rational answer, or he slowly raises his hand and points to the seat of the pain or he stretches out his tongue, (T. d. PL). 554 PLUMBUM. Fever.—Chilliness.—Slight elevation of the temperature of the body, with more or less profuse sweats and excited circulation in the middle or towards the end of the paroxysms. Intolerable heat.—Cold sweat on the forehead and over the whole body, (Schm.).—Great thirst (Voigt.). Great dryness of the mouth and unquenchable thirst, (Richt.). Sloiv pulse falling from 70 and 60 to 50 and 40, (Gris.).—Slow pulse: in 370 patients it only beat 30 to 60 times a minute; in 376 patients from 65 to JO times, in 120 patients from 80 to 120 times. On the first day of the colic the pulse is not as slow as towards the middle.—Pulse small, (Schm.), soft, (T. d. PL), easily compressible, (T. d. PL), extremely hard, ( Voigtel), sluggish, small, spasmodic, intermittent, particularly during the spasm, (Richt.).—The pulse is hard like a wire vibrating uniformly and slowly. Large pulse. Irregular pulse, as it were remittent, not hard and seldom slow (in 299 cases) ; for a few moments the beats were exceedingly rapid, after which they became slow again suddenly. Pulsus dicrotus, ^>ne beat divided in two)—(in 22 cases). Undulating pulse, (in 5 cases). In encepha- lopathia the pulse is generally normal, 70 or 80, full and regular; during the furious and muttering delirium the rapidity of the pulse changes; during the convulsions it is very frequent and subdued; in coma it is slow and hard. Skin.—Itching in the evening, (from PL mur.).—Excessive sensitiveness of the skin, (Mont.). The skin, particularly that of the arms and eyelids is very sensitive to contact, (Br.).—Serous infiltration of the skin, (Br.).—Jaundiced appearance and ©edematous condition of the skin, (Br.).—Skin rough, dry, scaly, yellowish, (Richt.).—Skin pale, clay-coloured, dingy, particularly in the face, (Voigtel).—Eruptions, (Richt.). Dark spots on the skin, (Richt.). General Symptoms.—Arthralgia saturnina : Intense pains in the limbs, which are neither red nor swollen, and in the trunk; the pains do not follow the track of the nerves, they are permanent, but at times more violent than at others, reheved by pressure, aggravated by motion, and attended by various disturbances of the mobility of the muscles, cramps, tension and hardness of the parts.—Pre- cursory symptoms : generally sweetish taste, jaundiced appearance of the skin; the parts which are affected at a later period, are attacked with a more or less violent numbness and weariness, lasting days or even months, sometimes show- ing itself in the morning on rising and disappearing in the day-time during work. The pain, which is the characteristic symptom of this affection, is generally felt at night and may affect every part of the limbs, trunk, head, etc. It is more frequently felt on the flexor than the extensor surface of the limbs, and is gene- rally more frequent in the joints than in the body of the limbs. In the trunk, the lumbar region, the posterior portion of the chest, the dorsal spine, and some- times the adjoining parts of the spine, the face and scalp are generally the seat of the pain. In most cases the pain is first felt in the lower limbs, then in the upper limbs, the lumbar region, the walls of the chest, the back and neck, and the head; in some cases several parts are affected at the same time. The pain is at times superficial, at times deep-seated; the skin, muscles, bones, or nerves are pointed out as the seat of the pain. The pain does not altogether or ex- clusively follow the track of the spinal nerves; or, when it does follow their track, on the posterior surface of the lower limbs, for instance, the pain is only felt in one half or one fourth of the track; moreover, the space in which the pain is felt, is wider than the nervous track. All the nervous parts of the affected limbs, seem to be invaded by the pain, which is at times felt in one, at times in the other limb, throughout its whole extent or only a part. The pains vary: simple prickling, rigidity or numbness, sensation of exhaustion or as if broken, a sort of constriction or withering, or shuddering, as if a number of ants were creeping through the part; pain as if bit, or as if from a red-hot coal, or as if a PLUMBUM. 555 hot fluid were coursing through the blood-vessels, or the pain is as from an icy body; most frequently, however, the pains are tearing, crushing, mingled with a few single violent sudden darts, recurring from time to time, and resembling electric shocks.—If different parts of a hmb are affected, it is not equally violent in every part; in one part it is tearing and crampy-contractive, in another part it is concussive and permanent, only in one part it is prickling. After having lasted more or less in one part, it sometimes changes both in character and locality, never shifting to a different hmb, aud being at times more violent in the region of the joints, at others in the intermediate parts. Generally the pain continues very rarely the same in regard to intensity, it remits and gradually increases again to the most violent degree of intensity. The more violent the pain, the more distinct the remissions. They last minutes and even hours. The exa- cerbations are not long at the commencement of the affection; when the disease is at its acme, the exacerbations become so frequent that the remissions almost dis- appear. Motion, coldness, etc., frequently occasion a sudden attack of pain; the pains are aggravated by moving the affected part, in spite of which the pa- tients frequently change their position when the paroxysm has reached the highest degree of violence. The patients throw off the bed-cover, and hasten to place the limbs, if these should be affected, upon the floor, in order to cool them. Other patients avoid cold because it increases their pain. Slight and gradual pressure frequently allays the pains, particularly during the exacerba- tions, in other cases, the pains are increased by pressure. Slight friction fre- quently allays the pains, compression aggravates them. The pains exacerbate in the evening and at night, and are then attended with spasmodic rigidity and constriction of the muscles, which can be felt by others and by the patient. In violent paroxysms unequal hard pads are formed, or a sort of tetanus sets in. There are paroxysms where the muscles are attacked with more or less violent trembling or spasmodic movements. Sometimes the disease is confined to such spasms, and during the period of the remission, the patient is free from pain. During the violent paroxysm the motion of the affected limbs is not arrested, but it is uncertain, imperfect and irregular, and becomes natural again when the pains remit. The affected parts are neither hot, red, nor swollen; the pulse is naturally soft and regular; in 55 cases it was hard, slow and vibrating, in 17 cases it was irregular. Violent pains banish all sleep. If colic and arthralgia co-exist, the paroxysms alternate. If arthralgia and paralysis co-exist, one generally affects the upper limbs, the other the lower, one the flexor, the other the extensor muscles. If arthralgia and encephalopathia come together, the cerebral symptoms generally set in more or* less suddenly in the course of the disease, or the two orders of symptoms alternate, the arthralgia sometimes last- ing longer than the encephalopathia. The arthralgia lasts from 3 to 6 days, when well-treated, or even without being treated. Sometimes it lasts weeks and months, (T. d. PL).—Exhaustion and weariness, weakness, (Gris.).—Great failing of strength, (Br.). Excessive languor, (Br.). Anesthesia saturnina (less frequent than paralysis). 1. Deep-seated anaesthesia of the limbs and trunk. Skin, cellular tissue and muscles are insensible to the action of external stimuli; in some cases the insen- sible parts are perfectly movable, in which case the patient complains only of numbness ; in two cases the mobility of the affected muscles had gone. Anaes- thesia set in suddenly, without any precursory symptoms, except a feeling of numbness. It likewise sets in during an attack of colic, but more frequently some time after paralysis has commenced. Arthralgia sometimes precedes anaesthesia. As the patient is getting better, the skin and muscles seem to 556 PLUMBUM. recover their sensibility at the same time ; in some cases the skin remains in- sensible after the muscles have recovered their sensibility. 2. Superficial or cutaneous anceslhesia : the subjacent muscles at times lose, at others preserve their mobility. It attains its highest degree of violence within a day or a few hours; it is very changeable in regard to locality or inten- sity, and seldom lasts more than eight days or a fortnight. It is sometimes con- tinuous, in others it comes and goes suddenly. It leaves a tendency to relapses, (T. d. PL). Stiffness of the neck, of a limb, or one half of the body, (Gris.). Paralysis Sattjrnina: consisting in debility or in suppression of the vo- luntary motion, particularly that of the extensor muscles. The precursory •symptoms are: debility, sensation as if broken, feeling of coldness and rigidity, stupe'notion, sometimes accompanied with heaviness, and more or less violent trembling, awkwardness of motion, weariness from the least exertions, so that the lower hmbs can be scarcely dragged along, and everything drops out of the hands. In some cases there is increased sensibility of the parts, but the head and the ver- tebral column are never painful. The disease very rarely sets in without any precursory symptoms. Colic frequently precedes paralysis ; in some cases the colic is entirely relieved, though the limbs remain immovable. Paralysis is to be apprehended when the colic lasts too long or disappears suddenly, or when it is accompanied by sweats, (Baglivi). Paralysis is likewise to be apprehended when arthralgia affects different parts from those which are afterwards paralyz- ed. Symptoms of paralysis : loss of mobility of the affected part, which is rarely capable of performing any motions. The paralysis is either general or partial, and is frequently confined to a single muscle, or a bundle of muscular fibres. The upper limbs are more frequently paralyzed ; frequently, however, the upper and lower limbs, and the trunk and the organs of speech are paralyzed together. Only the extensor muscles are paralyzed. At times both limbs of the same side and the corresponding muscles are paralyzed, at times only one limb and mus- cles which differ both as to name and number. The extent of the paralysis and the loss of mobility by no means correspond. The first degree consists in a trembling, accompanied with a feeling of weakness, and weakness of the mus- cular contractions. The trembling affects only one part or limb, rarely both limbs at the same time, but it may also affect the tongue, lips, and organs of •peech; but it never took place simultaneously in all those parts, at least not when they were paralyzed. If it last for any length of time, the trembling con- stantly ends in complete paralysis of one or several muscles of the affected part. In the paralyzed parts, particularly in the joints, the patient feels a sensation aa of a heavy weight, or a continual feeling of icy coldness, which is increased by every current of air or every decrease of temperature, without any coldness being perceptible to the hand. Paralysis is frequently accompanied with anaesthesia, and still more frequently with arthralgia; sometimes with hyperaesthesia. Amaurosis and deafness rarely accompany it. The pulse of the paralyzed parts is vibrating, easily compressible, and, if the paralysis be extensive and in- veterate, the impulse and the sounds of the heart suffer sympathetically. The blood which was drawn was very watery. In the morning the paralyzed parts are bathed with a copious, viscid sweat; the secretion of tears is sometimes con- siderably increased, the secretion of the mucous membranes of the lungs dimin- ished. There is a general emaciation, the urine is pale, watery, without sedi- ment, alkaline, but soon turns sour again. H the paralysis last for some time, the affected parts become emaciated; if only one or two muscles be paralyzed, the emaciation is confined to these. The skin becomes pale, livid, yellowish, clay-coloured, rough, dry, scales off, looks thinner and more relaxed. The cellu- lar and adipose tissues disappear, the muscles are thin and soft. When thig PLUMBUM. 557 atrophy has reached the highest degree, the patient is reduced to skin and bones; eome pathologists assert that the head of the femur has dropped spontaneously out of its cavity. If the atrophy continues, the whole organism becomes involv- ed, and the patient is reduced to a walking skeleton. The limbs are infiltra- ted, either all over or in part; gangrenous spots are seen here and there. Atro- phy seems to supervene much sooner in paralysis saturnina than in paralysis from other causes, (T. d. PL). 1. General paralysis of the upper limbs always accompanied with aphony and difficulty of speech. By a great effort the arms can be slightly raised with the aid of the trapezius muscle; if the dorsalis magnus and the pectoralis muscles are not paralyzed, the whole limb can be moved forwards and backwards, parti- cularly one hand can be moved towards the other. An acute pain is experienced in the arm, when it is suddenly dropped after being raised, the pain being most intense in the axilla and scapula. Atrophy, particularly about the shoul- ders, the hand is frequently very painful, cedematous, livid. 2. Paralysis of the shoulder, deltoid muscle, inability to raise the arm, which remains resting on the chest. Generally accompanied with paralysis of the muscles of the arm. 3. Paralysis of the arm; it stands off from the chest, the lower arm is bent towards the upper arm, cannot be stretched, on account of a pain in the posterior brachial muscle. 4. Paralysis of the upper and lower arm, hand and fingers. The lower arm is in a constant state of pronation, the wrist-joint is at a right angle to the fore- arm ; the fingers are turned towards the metacarpus, and the last phalanges are slightly bent towards the middle ones. The thumb is half bent under the first phalanges. 'Phis shows that the supinator of the arm the extensor, abductor, and adductor muscles of the hand and fingers are affected. On the arched dor- Bum of the hand one or two bony prominences gradually make their appearance, and in the region between the carpus and metacarpus, there are constantly seen tumours of from six to seven lines in diameter. These are formed by the second and third knuckles, and sometimes by the scaphoid and semilunar bones. 5. Paralysis of the wrist-joint and fingers. 6. Paralysis of the wrist-joint. The hand is violently and permanently bent towards the forearm. The posterior radial and ulnar muscles are affected. Each of these muscles may be paralyzed alone. 7. Paralysis of the fingers : they are either paralyzed together or only some of them. In most cases, however, they are not all paralyzed, sometimes only one of them. 8. General paralysis of the lower extremities : the limb is perfectly motion- less, and, when an effort is made to move (he limb, the muscles become agitated. Atrophy frequently sets in after the lapse of one month. 9. Paralysis of the thigh: the triceps and anterior cruralis muscles, (the quadratus feinoris in our books) are paralyzed. The leg is in a state of half contraction and cannot be stretched. When attempting to stand the patient Btaggers, he drags the limb in walking, and threatens to fall when attempting to pass over the least unevenness of the ground. Going down stairs is most diffi- cult Great weariness in the knees. The anterior portion of the thigh becomes atrophied. 10. Paralysis of the thigh, leg, and foot: the joints are bent, except the foot, which is constantly extended, the toes being considerably drawn towards the s >le of the foot. The triceps, anterior cruralis, peronaeus parvus, extensor digitnrum pedis communis, are paralyzed. B my elevation in the middle region between the tarsus and metatarsus. Standing b impossible; when lying the 558 PLUMBUM. leg can be moved to the right and left side. In a few weeks the anterior sur- face of the thigh becomes flat. 11. Paralysis of the foot: the toes are slightly drawn towards the sole of the foot. The foot cannot be bent towards the leg, the tip of the foot is direct- ed forwards and downwards. This shows that the peronaeus parvus, the exten- sor communis digitorum pedis, the exterior proprius pollicis are affected. 12. Paralysis of the trunk : a, of the intercostal muscles: sudden difficulty of expanding the chest in men affected with colic or paralysis of the limbs. On drawing a deep breath the clavicles only are raised, and the action of the diaphragm distends the abdomen; the breathing becomes rattling, mucus ac- cumulates, after which asphyxia set3 in as when the pneumo-gastric nerve is cut through ; accompanied with irregular, frequent and small pulse, b, of the pectoralis muscle, and the dorsalis magnus, also of the sterno-cleido-mastoi- deus. • 13. Paralysis of the muscles of the organs of speech : inpatients affected with colic or with paralysis the tongue and lips begin to tremble, and their mo- tions are irregular and difficult. Stuttering, ptyalism, uncertainty in drinking. Pharynx and oesophagus were never affected. 14. Paralysis of the muscles of the glottis, with aphonia (Baglivi, de Haen, Bonte, Desbois, T. d. PL). 15. Simultaneous paralysis of the muscles of the organs of speech, and of the glottis, generally accompanied with paralysis of the upper limbs. All these different kinds of paralysis may be united in one and the same indi- vidual. Hemiplegia : Paralysis of the wrist-joint, and of the left fingers and lower limbs, (Stoll, Andral, Wall,).—The course of the lead-paralysis is slow, gradual, progressive.—It may exist simultaneously with the lead-colic ;— generally the colic abates somewhat, and the paralysis increases imper- ceptibly. At times, colic and paralysis set in together, run their course together, and their symptoms increase and decrease together. Paralysis takes place least frequently in the midst of an attack of colic which subsides rapidly. The paralysis increases during the exacerbation in every successive attack of colic. Frequently, whilst paralysis of the upper liiubs is setting in, arthralgia attacks the lower limbs, or those two affections attack the same limb simultaneously, or one of those affections appears before or after the other. The paralysis gener- ally lasts longer than the arthralgia. The paralysis generally affects the upper parts of a limb first, the lower parts are attacked last; recovery follows the same course. The extensor muscles which are generally seized first, generally recover their mobility last; the flexor, pronator and supinator muscles are most frequently the first to recover their mobility. The disease may appear and disappear in the different parts of one and the same hmb at longer or shorter inter- vals. Paralysis rarely attacks a whole limb at once. If the upper and lower limbs are attacked together, the lower limbs are generally the first to yield. In many cases one limb is entirely paralyzed before the other is affected. The paralysis may last days, years or a whole life. It terminates either in health, in other dis- eases or in death. It is more easily removed after the first, than after subse- quent attacks. Paralysis of whole limbs, particularly the lower, is dangerous. Paralysis of the intercostal muscles is always fatal. Paralysis is cured more easily in spring than in winter. It scarcely ever gets well of itself, (T. d. PL). General Contractions : they set in pretty frequently during violent at- tacks of colic or tormenting pains in the joints, particularly in individuals who, exhausted by pain, are lying with desponding and sunken features. At first there is a general trembling and chattering of teeth as during a chill, and the PLUMBUM. 559 patients, as if they had a foreboding of the attack, extend themselves softly on the floor; afterwards they are attacked by violent and irregular shocks, particularly in the face and upper limbs, which are a sort of flexion and extension, after which general rigidity sets in. During the paroxysm, which lasts one or more minutes, conciousness does not entirely disappear; for the patients relate very rational- ly what they have been seeing and saying during the attack, although in some in- stances they first feel a little drowsy. Such attacks are very rarely followed by delirium, whether bland or furious. Some perceive a thick cloud before their eyes during the attack and some minutes after.—Convulsions, ( Voigtel) : small, con- vulsive movements with transitory colic (Bramb.).—Slight convulsions, (Tiss.). —Convulsions recurring at shorter and shorter intervals (Str.), continuing four hours, (Schm.), at times general, at times partial, (Br.), of the limbs, (Br.), of the upper limbs, which stand off from the trunk (Mont.), frightful, with reten- tion of stool and urine, and retraction of the abdomen (Bress.); partial convul- sions, attended with delirium, somnolence, or only with headache and hallucina- tions, appearing suddenly at intervals, and affecting the face, sides, or several limbs, hke electric shocks, or hke more or less permanent contractions. Sudden convulsions of an epilectic nature, preceded by aching pain in the forehead, and lasting several hours. Epileptic convulsions, consisting of almost constant, gener- al, spasmodic shocks, alternating with flexion and extension of the hmbs; in most of which cases there is neither foam at the mouth, nor rattling, nor red and swollen face, from one to four hours. Epilepsy (Jahn, Richt.), with foam at the mouth, (Mont.), the attacks succeeding each other with increasing rapidity and terminating in apoplexy (Gris.) ; the epileptic attacks recur very rapidly, are very violent, almost tetanic, last a long time, become rapidly fatal, and are frequently accompanied or succeeded by delirium and coma (Br.). Epilepsia saturnina: After a few attacks of colic accompanied with headache, which abates somewhat, the patient has an epileptic attack followed by another attack in a few hours; during the intermission he is constantly attacked with headache and occasional paroxysms of violent vomiting; flat abdomen, pain in the umbilical and epigastric regions which is not increased by pressure; consti- pation, pulse 62, inspiration 16. Seven weeks after this first attack: sopor, dilatation of the pupils, paralysis of the limbs, incontinence of urine. On the day after a second attack: convulsions with furious delirium, coma, trismus, (post-mortem appearances : hypertrophy and induration of the hemispheres of the brain, which were, moreover, without blood, in the case of a boy of 11 years, whose business was to grind colours, Bull, de Therap., VII., 10). The epilepsy at times sets in suddenly, at times is preceded by precursory symptoms. In the latter case, one perceives suddenly, without any apparent cause, distortion of the features, listless talking or acting, or a sort of gyrating vertigo, or a slight frontal headache which lasts a few hours or a whole day, or even amaurosis, delirium, coma, but there is never the aura epileplica.f Only one patient uttered a cry on the occurrence of the attack, another sighed. In some the paroxysm is slight, lasting, however, a few hours, and attended with slight convulsions. After the paroxysm the patients are not entirely conscious, talk slowly aud Confusedly, their countenance remains stupid, their limbs tremble and they stagger. Violent attacks are at first marked by alternate redness and paleness of the face, alter- nate rigidity of the body and convulsive movements of the hmbs, particularly t For the benefit of our lay readors, wo will observe, that this is a sensation as if a current of warm, and still more frequently of cold air, were suddenly rushing from a particular spot (gnnerally one which had been previously affected by disease), spreading onward as an itch- ing sensation, formication, cold creeping and frequently extending to the region of the stomach, chest and head. The attack sets in immediately after the occurrence of the aura.—Hempel. 560 PLUMBUM. the upper. Soon after, the thumbs are clenched, the limbs are flexed and stretched with the utmost violence, and, towards the termination of the paroxysm, are attacked with tetanic rigidity, which may, however, alternate with convulsions, with the head violently drawn backwards, chattering of teeth and trismus. If only one side is affected, the wretched-looking, pale, or violet-coloured face, is frightfully distorted, the breathing is short, interrupted, frequently stertorous, with the mouth shaped as in smoking, and the bitten tongue frequently spirting a bloody and frothy saliva out of the mouth ; the pupils are generally insensible, dilated or contracted; the pulse is frequent or strong, or regular and of a natural quickness, though this is seldom the case. In most cases the cutaneous veins are swollen, and urine and faeces are discharged by some from time to time. The convulsions cease after 20 or 30 minutes, sometimes after a sigh, deep cry or howl, only slight and partial convulsions continuing in some cases, the limbs re- lax, the skin is covered wiih sweat; the breathing is slow, moaning and some- times rattling. In some cases every stertorous expiration was suddenly inter- rupted by a valvular noise, as if the glottis were convulsively closed. The beats of the heart became irregularly quicker; the pulse was depressed and uncount- able. After very violent paroxysms there appeared in one case copious haemop- toe, in another, some time after, pneumonia. After a violent attack of epilepsy, the consciousness never returns completely, at any rate a slight delirium is al- ways present, which can, however, be perceived only by the attentive observer. After one or several attacks of epilepsy coma or even carus sets in, which lasts for some hours or even days, is sometimes interrupted by renewed epileptic attacks, and is generally the deeper, the more violent the epileptic paroxysms. Any form of delirium may set in, after the paroxysms, or may alternate with them. In some patients we perceive after the paroxysms a staring stupid look widely-spread, protruded eyes, muttering, or sleeplessness with astonished look, incoherence of ideas, or even a kind of stupor with trembling limbs and confusion of ideas. If the paroxysms continue, the delirium becomes very violent. The attacks may occur at intervals of from some minutes to 6 or 7 days. There have been from one to 34 paroxysms in twenty-four hours.—Catalepsy: the patients seemed to be asleep, they did not seem to feel either pinching or burn- ing, they allowed their limbs for one or two minutes to be placed in the strangest postures, which they abandoned after some trembling. In one case the trunk was stiff as wood. After having remained in this state for a quarter or half an hour, or for some hours, the scene changed entirely. Face, head, trunk, and limbs performed the most varied and very expressive motions, the eyes remaining closed, and the patients sometimes crying out and stuttering. It was now impos- sible to replace the limbs iu the above-mentioned postures. Pinching was sen- sibly felt. One patient manifested a desire to drink, but spirted the beverage on those around him. These two conditions alternated for hours and days. After this the eyes suddenly opened, the patient asked for food and drink, mut- tered frequently, continuing the same idea only for a few minutes, but readily answered questions. Sometimes he was very much agitated, rose, scolded, beat and bit people, etc. On the following day this condition either disappeared en- tirely, or continued alternately with delirium and somnolence.— Combination of epilepsy, delirium and coma ; the attack commences with delirium, which it is very difficult to recognise; in a few hours or days an epileptic attack sets in, after which the patient falls into a sort of stupor from which he wakes delirious, the delirium being more violent than before the convulsions. The attacks occur again on the same day, in the night or on the morning following, every attack being followed by increased stupor which is only occasionally interrupted by muttering in a half-waking state. If the epileptic attacks occur frequently, PLUMBUM. 561 the coma terminates in death. Recovery takes place in this way : the patient wakes from his stupor*with a most violent desire for sleep, which leads to the re- storation of health, (T. d. PL).—Diminution of the secretions, (Voigtel).— Cracking of the joints, (Richt.). Cachexia satubnina.—Impoverished nutrition with continuance of the colic; the skin becomes rough, scaly, yellowish, the muscles become atrophied; other patients become bloated and are attacked with anasarca. Emaciation of the paralyzed parts, (Richt.). Considerable emaciation, the skin becoming dry, pale, clay-coloured, the limbs feel exhausted, weary and heavy, (Richt.).— Emaciation and consumption, (Voigtel, Rammazzi.).—Dulness of the senses, (Richt.).—Apoplexy, (Voigtel).—Jaundice, (Richt.): during a paroxysm of excessive headache, without any change in the symptoms. In slighter degrees of jaundice, the skin is pale-yellow, or of a light ash-colour, in the highest degree of jaundice the skin is of a dingy yellow or clay-colour. This colour extends over the whole skin, but is most marked in the face. It is likewise seen on the con- junctiva where it is united to a bluish colour. The urine has a slightly-yellow shade, it docs not leave a perceptible yellow tinge on linen, nor can a trace of the bilious pigment be discovered in the urine by means of nitric acid. The faeces are of a livid yellow, the serum has a light yellowish tinge, which is never greenish, (T. d. PL).—(Edema of the face and feet, (Br.). Anasarca, (Richt.).—Consumption, affections of the chest, helminthiasis, cutaneous affec- tions, itch arc very rarely met with in workers in smelting establishments for silver ore, (Sand.).—The effects of lead are most marked in rough and foggy weather, (Sand.). n. PLUMBUM ACETICUM. PLUMB. ACET.—Acetate of lead. Authorities.—Iliff, London Med. Repos., 1827, Jan. Moylk, Frorieps's Notices. SuNnELiN, Mat. Med., II. Sandelin, Mat. Med., II. Trousseau, Froriep's Notices, III. William Laiolaw, in Giacomini's Lec;ons surla Mat. Med., 1837. Hoidkn, in Oppenh. Zeitschrift, 1844. JBukton, Lond. Lancet, 1840. Weismann, T. Percival, Tcelkemit, Wibmer on Poisons, Melion, in Prager Zcitsch., and the homoeopathic authorities in Noack and Trinks. Wind and Disposition.—Melancholy with stupefaction, complete dulness of the senses and somnolence, (Richt.).—Lowness of spirits, (Hck.).—Cheerful- ness—C reat oppressive anxiety, (Rernt, Bramb., Jahn).—Restlessness, (Volpi). Discouraged, weary of life, (Jahn).—Ennui, irdulence, taciturnity. Weakness of memory. Absence of mind, delirium; nightly delirium with swollen eyes, (Orf).— Furious delirium, rage, (Jahn, Stall).— Mania, (Wall). Head.— Vrtit'o, (Sloll, Ts., Jahn).—Vertigo on stoc ping or on looking up. Vertigo going off in the open air. Stupefaction and sommlence, (Bramb.).__ Falling, (Hi rmstadt).— Heaviness and stupid feeling in the head, when standing. Heaviness, particularly in the occiim', (Hg., Ts.).—Feeling of heaviness in the forehead, early in the morning. Heaviness in the luad roin behind forwards. Pressure under the skull as from congestion of blood.—Tearing in the temples, alternating with tearing in the forehead, with heat and redness in the head, without any heat being perceptible externally.—Stitch in the rigl.it frontal emi- vol. n. 36 562 PLUMBUM. nence. Dull sticking pain in the right temporal region, which is also painful ex- ternally. Sticking and tearing in'the upper region of the parietal bone. The hair, which was formerly dry, became greasy.—Falling out of the eyebrows and moustachios. Eyes,—Itching in the canthus of the left eye, with pain in that part when rubbing it, (Ts.).—Tearing in the eyelids with drowsiness early in the morning. Twitching of the lids.—Frequent discharge of corrosive tears, contracting the skin, (Thunb.).—Heaviness in the eyes on moving them, and painful drawing in the inner muscle from before backwards, (Hg.).—Aching pain above the eyes when moving them, for several days. Sensation as if something had lodged un- der the eyelids, and as if the eyeball were too large, with exquisitely-painful pressure, (Hg.).—Darting tearing in the left eyeball in the forenoon. Violent stitch with burning under the left eyeball in the afternoon. Burning in the right eye as from snuff. Pressing oftlie blood in the eye, (Ts.).—Redness of the eyelids, (Hb.).—Inflammation of theeyes, (Thunb.).—Varicose distention of the vessels of the cornea, resembling a thick net and obscuring the sight, (Schm.). —Hypopyon, Schm.).—Frightful distortion of the eyes, (Volpi).—The pupil is at first contracted, afterwards dilated, immovable, paralyzed, (Haase).—Fre- quent wiping of the eyes as if they were dim, (Hg.).—Obscuration of sight, (Haase).—Constant mistiness of sight. Blindness, (Haase, Jahn, etc.).— Amaurosis, (Haase, Jahn, Richt.). Ears.—Tearing and tension in the region of the right ear. Tearing in the ear. Fine stitch in the right lobule. Fleeting pains in the left meatus audito- rius, (Hg.).—Boring in the right ear after dinner. Hardness of hearing, deaf- ness, (Haase). Nose.—Pain in the tip of the nose, (Hg.).—Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose, (Hg.).—Vesicles in the reddened corner of the nose, filled with thick pus, which is discharged after slight pressure, (Hg.).—Cold nose for several days, (Hg.).—Horrid smell from the nose, (Jahn).—The air in a room full of people is very unpleasant, occasioning a faint feeling and obscuration of sight, (Hg.). Painful tearing in the septum narium. Constant irritation of the Schneiderian membrane. Obstruction of the nose. Fluent coryza. Dis- charge of watery mucus. Tenacious mucus which is only discharged by the posterior nares. Face.—Pale face, (Wibmer, Jahn, etc.). Bloated face, (Tronch.).—Pale or yellowish complexion, (Orfi).—Cadaverous complexion, (Schm.). The skin of the face is glistening and feels greasy, (Hg.). Flush of heat with redness in the face, sweat on the trunk, frequently in the afternoon. Frequent itching in the face. Fine stitches in the skin of the face here and there. Increased turgor of the face, (Mel.). Vesicles on the forehead and nose, (Hg.). Tearing in the jaws going off by friction.—Boring in the jaw and teeth.—Acute draw- ing in the flesh of the upper lip, (Hb.).—Swelling of the right side of the face with violent pains in the ears, particularly on swallowing saliva, (Thunb.).— Violent, loud motion of the lower jaw and frightful grinding of the teeth, (Volp.). Lock-jaw, (Him.).—Peeling off of the lips every day, without pain or dryness, (Hg.). Teeth.—Brown or blue colour of the upper border of the gums, constant and first symptom of a lead-disease, (Burt.). Swelling of the gums about the roots of the teeth, painful, hard tubercles on the gums, (Thunb.).—Pale gums. A tooth becomes more hollow, fetid, friable and breaks, (Hg.). Fetid odcur from the hollow teeth while eating, (Hg.). The teeth become covered with yellowish mucus, (Thunb.). Month.—Dry mouth, (Hg., Jahn, etc.). Heat and burning in the mouth PLUMBUM. 563 and tongue. Difficulty of opening the mouth. Impeded speech and heavy tongue, (Senn.). The epithelium of the buccal cavity is white, (Mel.). Swell- ing of the gums and ptyalism, (Wibm.). Aphthae in the mouth and pharynx, (Richt.). Ulcers in the mouth, particularly on the sides, with fetid smell; they afterwards turned yellow, (Thunb.).—Tenacious mucus in the mouth, early in the morning, (Hg.). Sourish, tenacious mucus and saliva, (Hg., Thunb.). Bluish, sweetish saliva, (Jahn). Ptyalism, particularly in the front part of the mouth, (Hg., Thunb.).—Froth in the mouth, (Senn., Hg.). Inflammation of the tongue, (Senn.). Burning pimples on the tip of the tongue, in the evening, suddenly. Dry tongue, (Hohnb.). White-coated tongue, (Schm.). Greenish and yellow-coated tongue, (Stoll, Hg.).—Dry, brown, cracked tongue, (Haase, Thunb.).—Ugly, thick mucous coating on the tongue, (Jahn.). Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Pressure in the nape of the neck, (Werd.).— Stiff neck, (Werd.).—Burning and stinging pain in the fauces, (Schr.).— Drawing in the pharynx, as if the oesophagus would be torn off, while eating, (Ts.).—Creeping sensation in the oesophagus, (Stoll). Sensation of swelling in the throat, when swallowing. Difficulty of swallowing, (Heck.). The pha- ryngeal muscles are almost paralyzed, (Heck.). Sensation as if a foreign body had lodged in the throat: the sensation descends on swallowing, but rises again i immediately, and frequently disappears for a time, attended with smell of sul- phur in the right side of the fauces. Sensation as if a small body were fre- quently rising in the throat, (Hg.).—Globus hystericus, (Stoll).—Constriction and pullings in the throat and fauces, (Schm., Ts.).—Paralysis of the pharyn- geal muscles and inability to swallow food, (Schm.). Appetite.—Sweetish-styptic taste in the mouth, (Werd.).—Metallic taste in the mouth, (Wibm.).—Sweetish taste, (Bramb., Bernt).—Bitter taste, (Stoll).—Sulphurous and sour taste deep in the throat. Want of appetite and sleep, (Laur.). Feeling of hunger and nausea, in the evening, (Ts.).—Hunger even after a meal, (Ts.).— Violent hunger, (Ts.), in the evening, (Hg.).—Great desire for bread and cakes, at every hour of the day, (Hg.).—He relishes tobacco with particular delight, (Hg.).—Thirst, (Hg., Jahn, etc.). Excessive thirst, (Hohnb.). Stomach.—Eructations, (Tcelk.). Eructations with taste of sugar in the mouth, (Orfl). Rising of air from morning till evening, (Ts.). Eructa- tions having a strange taste, (Jahn). Sweetish eructations, (Schm.).—Hic- cough, (Diosc, etc.). Loathing, (Orfl, etc.).—Nausea, (Wibm.).—Inclination to vomit, (Stoll, etc.).—Retching, (Schm.). Empty retching, (Sund.).—Fre- quent expulsive gulping-up, (Hg.).—Sour gulpings.—Gulping-up of insipid or sweetish water, (Hg.).— Vomiting, (Chr., etc.). Constant vomiting, (Trail., etc.), with constipation, particularly when attended with sticking pains, (Bernt). Excessive vomiting which cannot be arrested, (Hohnb.). Sour, bilious vomit- ing, (Tcelk.). Vomiting tasting like liquorice, (Hohnb.). Vomiting of a thick, viscid mass with yellow streaks like the yolk of an egg, (H.). Vomiting of a black substance, (Richt.). Vomiting of a yellowish, fetid substance, with colic, (Orf). Vomiting of a substance hke the acetate of copper, with a bilious, yellow mass, (Stoll). Bloody vomiting, (Thunb.). Irresistible vomiting mixed with faecal matter, (Haase). Vomiting of faeces with violent cohc and constipation, (Thunb.).—Miserere, (Haase). Ileus, (Senn).—Malaise at the stomach without inclination to vomit. Frequent feeling of emptiness or as of fasting in the stomach, also particularly early in the morning in bed, going off after rising. Heaviness oftlie stomach, (Weism.).—Pains in the stomach, (Wibm., etc.). Excessive pains in the stomach, also in the abdomen and loins, attended with troublesome internal heat, (Fern.).—Pressure at the stomach, 564 PLUMBUM. (Wibm., etc.). Pressure at the stomach as from a hundred-weight, (Jahn), as from overloading the stomach with indigestible food, attended with heaviness in the occiput, increased by moving the head, (71s.). Dull, anxious pressure in the pit of the stomach, (Hg.).—Contraction in the stomach, (Bramb.).—Con. strictive burning pains in the stomach and afterwards in the umbilical region, recurring at shorter or longer intervals, (Stoll).—Burning at the stomach, (Volp.). Burning, stinging pains in the stomach and oesophagus, (Chr.). Fre- quent dartings from the pit of the stomach to the back. Sort of boring pain from the pit of the stomach to the right side, going and coming. Intermitting pains at the stomach, (Weism.).—Cardialgia, (Slockh.), with vomiting and all the other symptoms of gastritis, (Heck.).—Suppuration of the stomach, (Weism.). Abdomen.—Stinging in the hypochondria, relieved by rubbing.—Dull pains in the liver, (Hg). Continuing darting pain in the region of the liver, (Hg.). Sticking pressure in the region of the liver, (Hg.).—Slight pain in the region of the spleen, (Hb.).—Pains in the praecordia, (Weism.). Dull and numb feeling in the abdomen, (Hg.).—Pains in the abdomen, (Diosc, etc.). Intole- rable pains in the abdomen, with uneasiness, mental derangement and fainting turns, (Stockh). Wandering pains in the abdomen, (McegL). Pains in the abdomen increased by contact, (Stoll). Pains in the umbilical region, (Senn.). Pains with hardness and retraction of the abdomen, (Orf). Pains in the ab- domen with emaciation, (Rudl.). Pains in the bowels, (Hoffm., etc.). Ab- dominal pains with sensation of constriction, (Sund.).—Pressure in the abdo- men, (Wibm.). Constant pressure at a small spot of the abdominal muscles, which seem to be protruded, (Hg.). Pressure with violent colic, contraction of the abdomen and constipation, (Heck.).—Pinching in the epigastrium as if something became detached and fell down, painless, with shifting of flatulence in the abdomen.—Gnawing colic, (Back.).—Violent burning and stinging pain in the umbilical region with violent thirst, eructations, vomiting, cold extremities and slow pulse, (Talk.). Contraction across the middle of the hypogastrium when sitting bent Constrictive pains, {Haen.). Contractive and boring pains in the umbilical region, (Haen.) —Colic, (Hub.).—Pinching-tearing, (Stre.it.). Pinching. — Cutting, with soft stool, (Ts.). Cutting as from flatulence, early in the morning, (Ts.).—Slicking in the transverse colon, (Orf). Deep pricking below the umbilicus. Drawing from the side to the spinal column, as if the parts would be distended, (Ts.).—Sensation in the abdomen as of cold water, and then of heat, frequently. Heat and burnirg around the umbilicus, inter- nally, with sense as of turning around in the umbilicus, sticking in the back and sensation as if somebody were lying upon it, attended with pains in the pit of the stomach. Pains in the loins, (Orf, etc.).—Stitches in the lumbar regions, when laughing, going off by pressing on the parts.—Bruised pain in the ab- dominal muscles, more violent when feeling the parts, coughing or raising one's- self.—Colic, returning periodically, (Back.). Colic, returning every 2 or 3 minutes. Colic with frightful pains, particularly around the umbilicus, (Haase). Colic intermitting 2 or 3 days, frequently 2 or 3 months, (Orf). At times vio- lent colic, at other times convulsions, (Trouss.), violent convulsions, trismus, rolling of the eyes and motion of the limbs, (Orf), relieved by pressure, some- times, however, aggravated by the. least contact, (Orf, etc.). Colic, very seldom accompanied with uncontrollable diarrhoea, (Heck.).—Colica plumbea. (Tiss.). — Distention of ihe abdomm, (Volp.).—Hardness of ihe abdomen, (Hub.).— The abd»minaf muscles become hard, (//.). The. abdominal walls are drawn vp, as if excavated, ( Wibm., etc.).— The umbilicus is drawn towards the spine as if adhering to it, (Haase, etc.). Spasmodic contraction of the bowels, PLUMBUM. 565 (Back.).—Enteritis, with lentescent fever and turbid, thick, reddish urine, (Stock.), with anguish, burning in the bowels, and general convulsions, (Richt.). —Nodosities in the abdomen which can be felt with the hands, (Richt.). Ul- cers in the bowels, (Senn.).—Flatulent distention of the abdomen, (Senn.). Moving in the abdomen, (Hg.). Gurgling in the bowels. Audible rumbling in the abdomen with cutting pain. Stool.—Flatulence, (Hg., etc.). Ineffectual urging to emit flatulence. Burn- ing or fetid flatulence.—Slow urging to stool, with slow discharge of tenacious faeces, (Hg.). Ineffectual urging to stool.—Constipation, with discharge of hard little balls. Constipation, with violent colic. Constipation, with paralysis of both hands. Irregular stool, (Jahn). Hard, slow stool, (Hb.). Stool like sheep-dung, ash-gray. Whitish stool. Yellowish stool, afterwards soft and watery, (Orf). Lead-coloured stool with vomiting of faeces. Liquid stool, afterwards small balls of the most pungent smell.—Diarrhoea with rumbling, without pain. Dysentery, bloody, with horrible cutting, violent eructations, fever, (Fern.).—Pressing pain at the rectum, from within outwards, (Hb.). Darting and burning pains in the rectum, perinaeum, and neck of the bladder, (Vering.). Tenesmus, (Stoll).—Constriction and drawing up of the anus, (Haen). Prolapsus of the anus, (Senn.).—Disappearance of the haemorrhoidal complaints, (Hg.). Urinary Organs.—Strangury, ( Wibm.). Retention of urine, (Jahn), in the forenoon, going off in the afternoon. The urine is passed drop by drop, with difficulty, (Tramb.). Dysuria.—Ischuria, with inflammatory fever, (Per.).— Tenesmus of the bladder, (Stoll).—Increased secretion of urine, (Haen). In- voluntary emission of urine, (Wibm.). The urine looks natural, but watery, (Stoll), reddish, fiery, (Thunb.). Turbid and frequently bloody urine, (Wibm.). Pain in the urethra, where it passes out of the bladder, (Ts.).—Retraction of the urethra, (Stoll). Male Genital Organs.—Drawing pain from the pubic region to the middle of the spine, (Hb.). Violent inflammatory swelling of the penis and scrotum, with fever, dysuria, costiveness, delirium, gangrene, death, (Sir.). Slight jerkings in the spermatic chord, early in the morning, with stitches in the afternoon, in the region where it comes out of the abdomen, (Hg.). Strangulating pain in the left testicle, which sometimes seems to proceed from the spermatic chord, (Hb.). Tension about the testicles, (Bernt).—Swelling of the testes, (Hoff'm.). Occa- sional drawing up of the testes, (Stoll). Soreness of the scrotum and thigh after sweat, (Hg.). Painful swelling of the testes, as if each testicle weighed a hundred weight, (Baum.).—Erections early in the morning, (Ts.).—Emission of semen during the morning sleep, with lascivious dreams, (Ts.).—Emission of semen during sleep, without being aware of it, with relaxed penis, after drinking wine; afterwards languor and slightly-painful erections; several nights in suc- cession, (Hg.), scanty emission of semen during an embrace, (Hb.). Relaxation of the penis, (Lind.). Extinction of the sexual instinct, (Fab.). Impotence, (Lind.). Female Sexual Organs.—Miscarriage and death, (Vekoskr.). Derange- ment of the menses, (Foth.) Suppression of the menses, (Werd.) Larynx.—Roughness of the throat and voice, (Haen.), with a short hack.— Dry mucus in the trachea, with difficulty of detaching it, and whistling inspira- tions, (Hb.). Mucus in the throat like saliva, frothy, transparent, clotty, in yel- low-green, tenacious lumps, which can be easily hawked up, (Hg.). Light cough, which is excited by dry mucus, early in the morning, (Hb.). Dry, con- Tulsivc cough, (Haase). Hatmoptoe, (Sund.). Chest.—Difficulty of breathing, (Wibm., etc.), obliging one to get up at night 566 PLUMBUM. and to open the window. Short, anxious, panting, oppressed breathing, (Orf., etc.). Weariness of the cliest, (Weism.).—Dyspnoza, (Sund. etc.,).—Sudden op. pression of the chest, returning with increased violence at intervals, (Stoll), with anxiety. Impeded respiration, as from paralysis of the muscles of the la- rynx, (Trous.). Asthma, (Jahn, etc.). Constriction of the throat, (Stoll).— Suffocative catarrh, (Senn.).—Fetid breath, (Senn.).—Pressure on the chest; on the lower part of the sternum. Crampy pressure after motion. Dull pres- sure on the left chest, aggravated by breathing and laughing, or when lying after dinner, at which time he feels a sticking between the scapulae, which disappears suddenly, (Hb.). Dull sticking, with pressure, in the left chest, at intervals, (Hg.).—Suppuration of the lungs, (Richt.).—Twitching in the region of the heart. Stitch in the region of the heart during an inspiration; with anxiety, heat, and redness of the face. Anguish about the heart, with cold sweat.— Rushing of the blood in the region of the heart during a rapid walk. Palpita- tion of the heart. Back.—Tearing from the right side of the neck to the shoulder. Drawing in the nape of the neck. Tearing in the right scapula, with sensation as from something alive in the scapula raising it. Sticking in the scapula1. Slicking in the spinal column and small of the back, going off by rubbing. Pressure in the region of the sacro-iliac symphysis. Itching on the os coccygis. Sticking in the anterior portion of the hip, less in walking, whenever he moves the right arm to the left side. Extremities.—Pains in the limbs, intermitting, most violent at night, draw- ing ; rheumatic; tearing; creeping on the bones, at intervals.—Languor and great debility.—Paralysis and rigidity of the extremities. Slight insensibility in the extremities. Torpor of the hands and feet. Insensibility and immobility of the extremities. Complete and partial paralysis of the limbs, (Tiss., Haen, etc.). At times cramp, at times paralysis of the limbs, (Wibm.). Spasmodic contraction of the limbs. (Wibm.). Violent spasms, (Perc). Contractions of the joints, (Henk., etc.). Exostosis, (Bramb.). Weariness and languor. 1. Upper Extremities.—Bruised pain in the deltoid muscle, (Hg.). Burning stinging in the anterior portion of the shoulder.—Fleeting tearing in the right arm, in various parts of the lower surface of the arm, in the right ring and mid- dle finger, towards the tips, going off after rubbing, but returning with more violence afterwards.—Boring in the anterior portion of the upper arm, with tearing in the teeth and sticking in the scapula.—Twitching above the left elbow, in the left thumb, and on the dorsum of the left hand.—Itching of the wrist-joint, with burning, and numb feeling for several hours after scratching. Itching stinging between the thumb and index-finger, or between the middle and ring-finger of the left hand.—Paleness, weakness, trembling, paralysis of the hand.—Pains in the left hand, with loss of mobility.—Inability to close the left hand, (//.).—Paralysis of both hands, (Tronch.). Painful paralysis of the arms, (Orf.). Trembling of the hands, (Tronch.). Debility of the arm, with atrophy, after loss of sensation, (Huberthy).—Swollen, red spots on the fingers, (Thunb.) 2. Lower Extremities.—Seated pain in the knee, in the soles of the feet, and between the limbs, even in the foot, (Thunb.) Fleeting pain in the tibia, when walking. Painful feeling as if sprained, on the outer and anterior side of the tarsal joint, when stepping, early in the morning, (Hb.). Difficulty*of pressing the feet to the floor, as if they were dead or of wood, (Bramb.). When stretching the limb in walking, he feels a pain at a small spot in the left thigh, as if a tendon would break, (Hg.). Drawing in the anterior portion of the hip-joint, when lying. Spasmodic jerking of the thighs, (Weism.). Fine burn- PLUMBUM. 567 ing stinging in the inner side of the left knee, when sitting, (Hb.), or in the thigh, when walking. Dull pain, deep-seated, in the knee, early in the morn- ing on going up stairs. Strong beating at a small spot on the outer side of the s right calf, when lying, (Hb.). Burning at a small spot in the thigh, (Stoll). The legs go to sleep, (Ts.). Cramp-like contraction of the muscles of the sole of the left foot, during rest, relieved during motion, (Ts.). Spasmodic contrac- tion of the thighs, (Perc). Spasmodic shaking of the right thigh. Weariness and languor of the knees when walking. The extremities become cold, (Tozlk.). Stiffness of the legs, (Wibm.). Laming pain, or painful feeling of lameness in the thigh, knee, and tarsal joint, when going up stairs, (Hb.). Complete para- lysis of the lower extremities, (Reimh.). Stiffness of the knees, (Thunb.). The foot is shorter by a few lines, with paralysis and atrophy of the foot, (Bramb.). Swelling of the feet, (Jahn). Fetid sweat on the soles, (Ts.). Sleep.—Yawning. Somnolence.—Sleeplessness at night, occasioned by the nightly exacerbation of the abdominal pains. Starting when on the point of going to sleep. Dreams, agreeable, terrifying, etc. Fever.—Chilhness and coldness from morning till afternoon. Chilhness, which is worse towards evening, even near the warm stove, with dulness of the head, vertigo, thirst, reduess in the face, soft, frequent pulse, heat in bed, sweat with- out thirst, confused dreams; with coated tongue on the morning following, dul- ness, pale face, and stitches in the head whenever he sets his foot down, (Hg.). Warmth in the whole body towards evening, increased at night, without any warmth being perceptible on the skin, and without febrile pulse, (Stoll). Fever, with excessive thirst, (Wibm). Cold sweat, (Jahn). Viscid sweat. Pulse rare, slow, slow and hard, feeble, small and frequent; small, unequal and fre- quent ; small, contracted, hard, intermitting, slow; quick, feeble, small, and in- termitting ; hard, full, feverish, quick; quite intermitting. Skin.—Sensitiveness of the skin to the air, (Hg.). Dryness of the skin and mouth, (Heck.). Itching of the whole body, (Jahn). Itching of the tendon which was usually without sensation. Griping iu the insensible dry herpes on the anterior surface of the tibia.—Lead-colour of the whole body, (Jahn).— Yellowish colour of the skin and white of ihe eye, (Jahn)—Bluish colour of the body and of the extremities, (Nic). Red pimples on the chest, scaling off in 21 hours. Dark-brown spots over the whole body, (Richt.) Disgusting eruptions on the skin, (Richt.).—The mamma} become sore, with discharge of serous water from the left breast, in the region of the areola, and with a hard tumour in the right breast, livid, with red streaks, with violent pains extending to the arm and discharging a thin, acrid pus when opened, (Bramb.). A small stab becomes inflamed, suppurates, and then heals rapidly. Burning in the ulcers as from fire, (Laur.). °Suppuration is arrested and ceases, (Laur.). A burn becomes excessively inflamed iu consequence of the external application of lead, with swelling, itching vesicles full of a yellow fluid ichor, gangrcne,dclirium,constipation. Gangrene from the external application,(Ques7i.). Slight swelling and sensitiveness of the submaxillary glands, when pressing upon them, (Nagle).—Swelling of the sublingual and submaxillary glands, (Thunb.). General Symptoms.—Indolence, exhaustion and weariness, at twilight, when lying, with perceptible throbbing of the pulse, heat in the face, tremulous- ness in the hands and vertigo; dulness of the head after sleep and bruised pain in the small of the back, (Jig.).—General debility and malaise, (LaidL). Gra- dual emaciation and increasing debility, (Wibm.).—Paleness, emaciation, lan- guor, and anguish about the heart, (Tcelk.). Flaccidity and paleness of the muscles, (Jahn).—The muscular motions are impeded, (Senn.). Oppression of the chest- (Wibm.) Restlessness. Anguish, (Wibm.). General lowness of 568 PLUMBUM. spirits, (Kerkh.). Loss of voice and senses.—Rigidity, numbness, immobility, (Wibm.). Fainting turns. Apoplexy. Nervous apoplexy, (Sund.). Paraly. sis, partial and incomplete. Painful paralysis. Paralysis of the right side, {Orf). General paralysis. Transitory paralysis. In many cases the spas- modic pains in the abdomen abate when paralysis sets in. Convulsions of sin- gle limbs. Slight convulsions. Violent convulsions. Spasmodic movements. General convulsions. Frequent and frightful convulsions attendant on the pains in the stomach, (Orf.). Convulsions returning at shorter and shorter in- tervals, (Streilt.). Five attacks of convulsions with loss of sense, (Bramb.).— Horrible convulsions, (Volpi). Convulsions leaving paralysis of the limbs for some time, and a number of wens on the limbs, as if they were dotted with wens, (Bramb.). Four or five paroxysms of convulsions a day, with loss of consciousness for half an hour or an hour, (Orf.). Convulsions returning from time to time, with deep moaning towards the end, and pains in the limbs and epigastric region on waking. Convulsions, with frightful shrieks alternating with pain in the bowels, (Trouss.).—Epilepsy, (Sund.), followed by general paralysis, (Richt.), with excessive swelling of the tongue, protrusion of the tongue from the mouth, and wounding of the tongue by the teeth, (Stoll). Trismus. Trismus with rigidity. Opisthotonos. Frightful neuralgia. Nutrition, and all the secretions, decrease more and more, in consequence of which the skin be- comes dry and has a bad colour, (Jahn). Complete emaciation of the com- pletely-paralyzed hmbs. Excessive emaciation, (Haen.). Consumption, (Boerh.). Atrophy, (Stockh.).—General cachexia and lentescent fever, (Richt.). Hectic fever. Gangrene. Leucophlegmasia. Dropsy. Swelling of the body. Jaundice. Frightful jaundice with excessive indurations in the bowels. In- creased feeling of ease and diminished short-sightedness in the forenoon, during a walk in the open air, (Hg.).— Aggravation of the pains at night, convulsions, delirium, and diarrhoea, (Orf). PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In animals (dogs): Excessive emaciation. The stomach contained a slimy- bloody substance of a yellowish-brown colour. The mucous membrane is cor- roded, white, mostly in the region of the large curvature, dotted with small white points in the upper part of the stomach. Irregular spots of a cherry- brown colour, mingled with smaller dark-brown spots. The small dark-brown spots penetrated more deeply into the mucous membrane. The dark-brown sub- stance was easily removed, leaving a cavity ; underneath there was a circum- scribed vivid redness, with congestion of the small vessels. The intestinal canal from the stomach to the coecum contained a slimy-bloody substance; the mucous membrane was very red, overlaid with a bloody substance. The redness arose from a congestion of blood in the smallest vessels of the lowest layer of the mucous membrane, viz : the villous coat. The mucous membrane of the coecum was red on the surface, and here and there only. The redness of the colon was less than that of the inferior portion of the ileum; the longitudinal folds were reddest. The blood in the body was coagulated, dark, the serum pretty copious, dark and slimy.—The lungs were perfectly dense, as if com- pressed, light-coloured and without blood, (Milscherlich). In men: Compact state of the bones of the skull.—Considerable flatness of the convolutions of the brain (in men dying of poisoning by lead), (Gris.).— Cerebral substance pale, soft, deprived of blood, with a small quantity of fluid blood in the falciform process. Extravasated blood on the surface of the brain, (Christison). Brown, clear serum in the middle ventricle. Unusual softness of the cerebral substance, (Baker).—Partial induration of the cerebral sub- PLUMBUM. 569 stance, (Andral).—Hypertrophy and induration of the hemispheres, with ab- sence of blood, after epilepsia saturnina, (Bull, de therap., VIL). Paleness of the plexus choroidei. The pineal gland was soft, without sand. Clear serum at the base of the skull. Partial and complete softening of the spinal marrow, which was transformed into a soft pap.—The thyroid body was pale and tena- cious. The trachea contained a quantity of fluid mixed with mucous flocks, the mucous membrane of the trachea was pale. The pulmonary cells were generally adhering to each other, the free spaces containing several pounds of a brownish serum. The substance of the lungs was pale, tenacious, without blood, filled with a quantity of frothy serum; the pericardium contained two pounds of dark-brown serum mixed with hard flocks.—The serous coat of the heart, particularly of the pericardium, is lined with a layer of reddish-gray, fine-villous, meshy, firm, exuded lymph.—The heart is more than double its natural size. The wall of the left ventricle is more than an inch thick, is pale-brown, containing firm, pale, bloody lymph, with black-red, coagu- lated and other blood; the wall of the left auricle was firm.—The liver was brown-red, relaxed, the gall-bladder contained a light-yellow, fluid bile; the small lobe of the liver was inflamed.—The spleen was interstitially distended.— Pancreas relaxed.—Stomach contracted into the shape of a barrel, containing a small quantity of a brown turbid fluid; the mucous membrane of the stomach was considerably involuted, thick and tenacious. The stomach exhibited gan- grenous spots here and there, the mucous membrane was corroded in some places. The bowels were considerably contracted, containing gray, yellowish faeces which were adhering to the walls. The bowels show partial contractions and dilatations, arising from paralysis of some portion of the muscular mem- brane. The mesenteric glands are in a flaccid condition.—The duodenum and jejunum seem involuted and inflamed, the whole colon is filled with scybala, the blood-vessels of the intestines are blue. Both kidneys have dwindled to one half their size; the surface of the cortical substance shows large degenerations, or granulations of the size of a millet-seed and slightly raised above the sur- face, of a dingy, yellowish white, very firm, tenacious; a deposit of a black- blue pigmentum was deposited here and there through the degenerated portion of the kidneys, with a few scattered cysts of the size of a pea, containing a brownish serum. The bladder was contracted, contained a few drops of turbid urine; in the abdominal cavity 6 pounds of a gray serum were discovered (in the case of an engraver, 30 years old, who had handled preparations of lead since his childhood, and had had 10 attacks of the lead-colic, the last attack 10 years ago). As consequences of a chronic poisoning by lead were discovered : shrinking and considerable contraction of the inner cavities, particularly of the stomach and bowels, hardness of the parenchymatous organs, which have be- come much smaller in consequence of a morbid contraction ; great thinness and almost inorganic hardness of the muscles; complete shrivelling of the mucous and adipose tissues. A special examination of the neurilemma and the ner- vous substance is entirely wanting. 570 PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. 197. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. PODOPH. PELT.—Hog-apple, Duek's-foot,—See Transact, of Amer. Inst, of Hom., I. Compare with—Ars., Bry., Nux v., Puis., Sep., Sulph. Antidotes.—Nux v. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Dr. Williamson, the prover of this drug, proposes it in the following affec- tions :—Congestions of internal organs, especially of the liver and spleen.—Con- gestion of the head, with derangement of vision.—Periodical diseases.—Sympa- thetic affections.—Disease of one organ interrupting the functions of another.__ Hypochondriasis.—Indigestion.—Headache, from disorder of the digestive organs.—Diarrhoea.—Dysentery.—Prolapsus ani.—Haemorrhoids.—Asthmatic complaints.—Colica pictonum.—Rheumatism. Rheumatic affections from the abuse of Merc.—Remittent fever. Intermittent fever.—Dropsies.—Verminous diseases. — Diseases with a slow pulse. — Pleurisy. — Cough. — Heartburn. Waterbrash.—Cholera infantum.—Diseases of children during dentition. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Giddiness and dizziness, with the sensation of fulness over the eyes. Dulness and headache, with sleepiness in the morning. Momentary darts of pain in the forehead, obliging one to shut the eyes; attended with giddiness. Pain on the top of the head, when rising in the morning.—Pressing pain in the temples in the forenoon, with drawing in the eyes, as if strabismus would follow. Stunning headache through the temples, reheved by pressure. Morning head- ache with heat in the vertex. *Delirium and loquacity during fever, with ex- cessive thirst. *Rolling of the head, during difficult dentition in children. *Perspiration of the head during sleep, with coldness of the flesh while teething. Sudden pain in the forehead, with soreness of the throat, in the evening. Ver- tigo, while standing in the open air. Vertigo with inclination to fall forwards. Headache alternating with diarrhoea. Heavy dull pain in the forehead, with soreness over the seat of the pain. *Morning headache with flushed face. Pain in the left frontal protuberance, aggravated in the afternoon. Eyes.—Smarting of the eyes. Drawing sensation in the eyes, accompanying pain in the head.—Heaviness of the eyes, with occasional pains on the top of the head. Pain in the eyeballs, and in the temples, with heat, and throbbing of the temporal arteries. Teeth.—* Grinding of the teeth at night, especially with children during dentition. The teeth are covered with dried mucus, in the morning. Mouth.—Copious salivation. *Offensive odour from the mouth. *Offen- siveness of the breath at night, perceptible to the patient. The taste of fried liver in the mouth at night. Sourness of the mouth. Dryness of the mouth and tongue, on waking in the morning. *White fur on the tongue with foul taste. Throat.—Soreness in the left side of the throat, especially painful when swal- lowing liquids, and worse in the morning. Dryness of the throat. Soreness of the throat extending to the ears. ^Rattling of mucus in the throat. *Go1tre. *Sore throat commencing on the right side, and then going to the left. Appetite.—*Voracious appetite. *Satiety from a small quantity of food, followed by nausea and vomiting. *Regurgitation of food. Indifference to PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. 571 food. Loss of appetite. *Putrid taste in the mouth. Desire for something •our. * Moderate thirst during fever. Thirst towards evening. *Diarrhcea immediately after eating or drinking. Stomach.—*Sourness of the stomach. *Acid eructations. Acidity in the afternoon with an unpleasant sickly sensation in the stomach. *Xausea and vomiting with fulness in the head. *Vomiting of food an hour after a meal, with craving appetite immediately afterwards. *Regurgitation of food. Extreme nausea, continuing for several hours. Vomiting of hot frothy mucus. *Vomit- ing of food with putrid taste and odour. ^Heartburn. *Waterbrash. Heat in the stomach. *Belching of hot flatus which is very sour. Sensation of hollowness in the epigastrium. Throbbing in the epigastrium, followed by diar- rhoea. *Stitches in the epigastrium from coughing. *Food turns sour soon after eating. *Gastric affection attended by depression of spirits. Abdomen.—Fulness in the right hypochondrium, with flatulence. Stitches in the right hypochondrium, worse while eating. Sensation of weight and drag- ging in the left hypochondrium, close under the ribs. * Colic, with retraction of the abdominal muscles. Pain in the transverse colon, at three o'clock in the morn- ing, followed by diarrhoea. Rumbling of flatus in the ascending colon. Pain in the ascending colon. Pain in the bowels at daylight in the morning, which is re- lieved by external warmth and by bending forwards whilst lying on the side, but is aggravated by lying on the back. The pain in the bowels at first is attended with coldness, which is followed by heat and warm perspiration. Sensation of heat in the bowels, accompanying the inclination to go to stool. Twisting pain in the right hypochondrium, with the sensation of heat in the part. *Chronic hepatitis, with costiveness. *Fulness, with pain and soreness in the right hypochondrium. Sensation of flatus in the left hypochondrium. Faintness, with the sensation of emptiness in the abdomen after stool. *Cramp-like pain in the bowels, with retraction of the abdominal muscles, occurring at ten o'clock in the evening, and again at five in the morning, and continuing until nine. * Sharp pain above the right groin, preventing motion, in the latter months of pregnancy. Bowels.—*Constipation, with flatulence and headache. *Constipation, ac- companying remittent fever. *The faeces are hard and dry, and voided with diffi- culty. Diarrhoea early in the morning, which continues through the forenoon, followed by a natural stool in the evening. *Cbronic diarrhoea, worse in the morning. *Extreme weakness and cutting pain in the intestines, after stool. Evacuations of green stools in the morning. From six to eight evacuations in a day. Diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking. *Faeces yellow or dark green. *White slimy stools. *Cholera infantum. *Evacuations, consisting of darkish-yellow mucus which smells like carrion. *Frequent chalk-like stools, which are very offensive, with gagging and excessive thirst in children. Copious evacuations, with blueness under the eyes. Painful diarrhoea, with screaming and grinding of the teeth, in children during dentition. Stools muco-gelatinous small and unfrequent, with flatulence, and pain in the region of the sacrum. *Hot, watery evacuations. *Frothy mucous stools. *Food passes the bowels in an undigested state. Evacuations in the morning, attended with strong urg- ings iu the bowels, with heat and pain in the anus. Flashes of heat running up the back, after stool. Sensation at stool, as if the genital organs would fall out, in females. Too much bearing down at stool, as if from inactivity of the rectum. Secretion of mucus from the anus. Chronic diarrhoea, with prolapsus ani at every stool, in children.—*Prolapsus ani, with diarrhaa of six years' standing in an adult. *Prolapsus ani of long standing. *Descent of the rectum from a little exertion, immediately followed by stool, or a discharge of thick transparent mucus, sometimes of a yellow colour, and mixed with blood. *The prolapsus 572 PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. occurs most frequently in the morning.—*Constant pain in the lumbar region, which is worse during evacuation, and particularly after stool. Urine.—*Enuresis. *Involuntary discharge of urine during sleep. ♦Di- minished secretion of urine. *Suppression of urine. Scanty urine, with fre- quent voidings. *Frequent nocturnal urination, during pregnancy. Genitals.—Sticking pain above the pubes, and in the course of the spermatic chords. *Relaxed menstruation. *Suppression of the menses in young females, with bearing down in the hypogastric and sacral regions, with pain from motion, which is relieved by lying down. *Leucorrhoea; discharge of thick transparent mucus. ^Leucorrhoea, attended with constipation, and bearing down in the gpnital organs. *Prolapsus uteri. *Symptoms of prolapsus uteri, continuing lor several weeks after parturition, with rumbling of flatus in the region of the ascending colon. Symptoms of prolapsus uteri, with pain in the sacrum, flatu- lence unfrequent, muco-gelatinous stools. *Pain in the regions of the ovaria, especially the right. *Numb aching pain in the region of the left ovarium, with heat running down the left thigh in the third month of pregnancy. *Ability to lie comfortably only on the stomach, in the earlier months of pregnancy. *Swell- ing of the labia during pregnancy. * After-pains attended with heats and flatu- lency. After-pains, with strong bearing down. Larynx.—*Cough, accompanying remittent fever. *Dry cough. *Loose hacking cough. * Hooping cough, attended with costiveness and loss of appe- tite. Chest.—Pains in the chest, increased by taking a deep inspiration. Snap- ping in the right lung, like breaking a thread, when taking a deep inspiration. Inclination to breathe deeply; sighing. Shortness of breath. Sensation in the chest, as if the heart were ascending to the throat. Sensation of suffocation, when first lying down at night.—Palpitation of the heart, from exertion or men- tal emotion. *Palpitation of the heart, with a clucking sensation rising up to the throat, which obstructs respiration. Sticking pain in the region of the heart. ^Palpitation of the heart, from physical exertion, in persons subject to rumbling in the ascending colon, heavy sleep, and a feeling of fatigue on awaking in the morning, followed by drowsiness in the forenoon. Tmnk.—Pain in the small of the back when walking or standing, with the sensation of the back bending inwards. Pain in the lumbar region, with the sensation of coldness, worse at night, and from motion. Pain in the loins in. creased by a misstep and walking over uneven ground. Pain between the shoulders with soreness, worse night and morning, and increased by motion. Pain under the right shoulder-blade. Stiffness of the nape, with soreness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Pain in the nape with soreness, increased by motion. Pain between the shoulders, in the morning. Upper Extremities.—*Rheumatism in the left forearm and fingers. Weak- ness of the wrists, with soreness to the touch. Lower Extremities.—Pain and weakness in the left hip, like rheumatism from cold, increased by going up stairs. Pains in the thighs, legs and knees, worse from standing, Weakness of the joints, especially the knees. *Slight paralytic weakness of the whole left side, of one year's duration. (In a girl 18 years of age.) Cracking in the knee-joints from motion. Heaviness and stiff- ness of the knees, as after a long walk. Stiffness on beginning to move. Ach- ing of the limbs, worse at night. Pain in the left knee, leg, and foot. Sharp pain in the outer and upper portion of the left foot. Coldness of the feet. Per- spiration of the feet, in the evening. S166P*—Sleepiness in the day-time, especially in the forenoon, with rumbling in the bowels. Restlessness in the fore part of the night. Sleepiness early in POTHOS FGETLDUS. 573 the evening. Too heavy sleep at night. Distress after the first sleep in the evening. Rising up in bed during sleep, without waking. *RestIess sleep of children, with whimpering at night. Moaning in sleep, with eyelids half-closed. Drowsy and difficult to wake in the morning. Unrefreshed by sleep, on waking in the morning. *A feeling of fatigue on waking in the morning. Fever.—*Chilliness while moving about during fever, and in the act of lying down, with perspiration immediately afterwards. *Chilliness when first lying down in the evening, followed by fever and sleep, which is disturbed with talk- ing, and imperfect wakings. *Fever attended with constipation. *Fever with incoherent talking. Intermittent fever, quotidian, tertian and quartan. *Chill in the morning at seven o'clock, with pressing pains in both hypochondria, and dull aching pains in the knees and ankles, elbows and wrists. *Backache before the chill. *The shaking and a sensation of coldness continues for some time after the heat commences. *Some thirst during the chill, but more through the heat. *The patient is conscious during the chill, but cannot talk because he forgets the words he wishes to employ. *Delirium and loquacity during the hot stage, with forgetfulness afterwards of all that passed. * Violent pain in the head, with excessive thirst during the fever. *Sleep during the perspiration. *Loss of appetite in the apyrexia. Skin.—*Softness of the flesh, with debility in children. *Moistness of the skin, with preternatural warmth. *Sallowness of the skin in children. General Symptoms.—Sudden shocks of jerking pains. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The symptoms generally, but especially the abdominal symptoms, arc aggravated in the morning and better in the evening. 198. POTHOS FGETIDUS. POTH. FOET.—Ictodes foetidum. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Headache, here and there, of short duration. Drawing from both sides of the forehead to the glabella, very violent in the region of the latter, as if drawn by a magnet. Face, Mouth, and Pharynx.—The nose above the nasal bones is swollen and red. forming a saddle, painful when touched, particularly high up on the left side of the nose, the cartilaginous portion being cold and bloodless, with red spots on the cheeks resembling small pimples.—Violent sneezing, inducing a pain in the fauces, palate, pharynx, down to the stomach, and long-lasting after-pains in the region of the orifice of the stomach.—Swelling of the cervical and sub- maxillary glands.—Numb feeling in the tongue, inability to carry it to the teeth, red and sore on the edges and at the tip.—Burning from the fauces down through the chest. Appetite. Stomach, etc.—Pain in the pit of the stomach on stepping firmly, as if something were breaking off. Sensation in walking as if the bowels were shaking. Stool, Urine, etc.—Soft stool.—Painful voluptuous titillation around the corona glandis. Chest.—Pain in the chest, with pain under the shoulders, which seems to bo in connexion with burning in the pharynx. Aching pain on the sternum. Sudden feeling of anguish with oppression of breathing and sweat, after which be has an evacuation from the bowels, with relief of all the symptoms. Disposition to 574 PRUNUS SPINOSA. take deep breath, with hollowness of the chest, afterwards with contraction of the chest and throat. Extremities.—Bone-pain in the right border of the tibia. 199. PRUNUS SPINOSA. PRUN. SP. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Prun. sp. has been successfully employed for the following affections:—Drop- sical affections, particularly anasarca, in consequence of chronic and lentescent diseases. General dropsy, consequent upon dropsy of the pericardium.—Loath- ing of food.—Diminution of the palpitation of the heart, in hypertrophy of the heart, attended with oedema of the feet. (Edema pedum, depending upon af- fections of the heart.—Wahle recommends it, moreover, for spasmodic affec- tions of the bladder and affections of the respiratory organs. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Restlessness obhging one to move from one spot to another, with shortness of breath and oppression of the chest.—Peevish mood. Head.—Dizziness, with heaviness of the head.—Nervous pain in the occi- put, so violent that he loses his ideas.—Pressure from the right parietal bone to the occiput through the brain. Pressure in the right occiput, as if the parts were pressed against a sharp edge.—Compressive pain, as if the brain were compressed from all sides.—Pressure under the skull, as if pressed outwards with a plug. Pressure in the right parietal bone, increased by external pres- sure, or attended with dragging distensive pressing in the head, inducing a loss of ideas.—Itching sore pain from the left side of the occiput to the teeth. Aching sore pain in the sinciput, going off when thinking of the pain intently.— Painful dragging in the right temporal bone, extending to the ear, where the prover experiences otalgia.—Flashing pain, striking from the right temporal bone through the brain to the occiput. Darting shock through the right hemis- phere of the brain. Paroxysms of sudden pain striking from before backwards. —Stinging in the skin of the occiput. Eyes, Ears, and IVose.—Pain in the right eye as if torn asunder. Itch- ing of the canthi and margins of the lids.—Dragging pain in the left ear. Press- ing asunder in the right ear. Pressing asunder in the nose above the nasal bone. Frequent sneezing. Face and Teeth.—Itching stinging on the malar bone.—Pinching in the right submaxillary gland.—Toothache as from cold water in the mouth. Inde- scribable pains in various teeth obhging one to press them together, which affords relief. Nervous pain in the last left lower molar tooth, as if it would be pulled out.—Pain as if sprained in the molar teeth, also particularly on introducing warm substances into the mouth. Pain as if the teeth were raised out of their sockets, wandering from one tooth to another.—Itching tingling in the front teeth and in the tip of the tongue. Mouth.—Burning on the tongue only between meals. Pricking on the right side of the tip. White coating on the back part of the tongue. Appetite and Taste.—Slimy taste in the mouth. Pappy taste after a meal.—Repletion after eating a few spoonfuls of soup. PRUNUS SPINOSA. 57& Stomach and Hypochondria.—Fulness in the pit of the stomach, with shortness of breath, obliging one to stand still frequently in going up stairs.— Painful pressure in the region of the liver, worst when sitting. Stitch in the posterior and inferior lobe of the liver, on the right side, arresting the breathing in walking. Abdomen.—Colic as after a cold.—Pressure in the right side of the abdo- men at night, not allowing one to he on that side. Pain in the right side of the abdomen, as if something would press through.—Aching pains in the right side of the abdomen as if single parts were squeezed in.—Contractive pain in the abdomen, not allowing one to lie on the back or sides. Cramps in the abdomen, obliging him to walk very cautiously and with a light step, on account of the urinary difficulties being aggravated by the least concussion. The cramps and the breathing are reheved by bending the trunk forwards.—Cutting across the abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in. Dartings from the right lumbar region to the umbilicus, arresting the breathing.—Dropsical swelling of the abdomen, with loss of appetite, scanty urine, and hard, knotty, difficult stool. °In a case of ascites, a quantity of fetid water is involuntarily passed by the rectum at night, with decrease of the swelling and the heaviness consequent upon it.—In- carceration of flatulence causing violent cramps in the abdomen. The flatulence presses on the bladder causing cramps in the region of the bladder, which oblige one to bend double.—Sticking in the inguinal region, going off by pressing on that part with the hands. Pressing in the right abdominal ring from within outwards, as if hernia would protrude. Stool and Anns.—Hard stool, intermitting stool looking hke the excre- ments of dogs, in small lumps, with stitches in the rectum, extorting cries.— ^Diarrhoea, -with discharge of a quantity of fasces, preceded by cutting colic, in the case of a prover troubled with costiveness. Slimy diarrhoea succeeded by violent burning in the anus, as from a wound. "Diarrhoea with nausea and con- stant loathing of food.—Discharge of blood from the anus after hard stool.— Crampy bubbling in the rectum when sitting. Crampy pressure in the right side from below upwards, as from a body with edges. Urinary Organs.—Tenesmus of the bladder almost every quarter of an hour. Strangury. Troublesome urging to urinate for hours, with burning biting in the bladder and urethra. Burning in the urethra, at every attempt to urinate, obhging one to bend double, without any urine being passed. Pressing urging whenever he wants to pass urine, the urging proceeding only as far as the glans, where it causes the most violent pains and cramps, some- times attended with tenesmus of the rectum, and momentary alleviation of the pains in the bladder at the time when the urine passes into the bladder.— Scanty emission of brown urine. *Has to press a long time before the urine makes its appearance, °also with scanty emission and feeble stream (in the case of a drunkard). Thread-like stream, with urging to stool.—Has to rise frequently at night, with copious discharge (the opposite condition having ex- isted previously).—Spasms of the bladder, not allowing any rest at night. Burning in the sphincter vesicae.—Burning biting in the urethra. Ulcerative pain in the urethra when touching it, so that he dares not touch it. Male Sexual Organs.—The prepuce retreats behind the glans, with shrink- ing of the penis.—Pinching pain on the left side of the scrotum. Agreeable tickling under the scrotum. Female Sexual Organs.—Painless throbbing in the parts. Constant titil- lating itching in the region of the ovaries, obliging one to scratch constantly, but not yielding to it.—Menses every fortnight, attended with pains in the back.—Metrorrhagia, the blood being watery and thin. Discharge of blood 576 PRUNUS SPINOSA. from the vagina every day, for eight or ten weeks, becoming the more watery the longer it lasts.—Leucorrhcea, making the parts sore, and tinging the linen yellow.—Sticking in the mamma, on drawing deep breath, in every direction, and extending to the axilla. Larynx.—Roughness of speech. Hoarseness and weakness of the organs of speech when talking, with pains in the chest so that she has to stop.—Sore- ness and scraping in the throat, or crawling, inducing a hacking. Crawling in the upper part of the larynx or in the fauces from below upwards, inducing a hacking cough. Cough occasioned by a tickling in the trachea which comes on when drawing breath. Cough occasioned by a tickling below the larynx, which is renewed by arresting the breath. Wheezing cough. Chest.—Anxious and short breathing. Oppressed and difficult breathing, with anxiety about the heart. Panting breathing. Frequent deep breathing, owing to an anxious feeling of heaviness in the lower part of the chest. The chest feels heavy and oppressed. The oppression of the chest and the pains under the sternum seem to be connected with the fulness in the pit of the stomach and the distention of the abdomen. The breath is constantly arrested in the pit of the stomach.—The chest is very painful on drawing breath, with sensation as if pressed in. Sticking with pressure on drawing breath, imped- ing inspirations.—Pulling and rigid sensation in the left breast, worse on draw- ing breath. Stitches in the left side of the chest, independent of breathing.— Pain in the left outer side of the chest, as if the parts were pressed against a sharp edge. Pain of the pectoralis major when touching it, as if bruised. Sticking in the region of the posterior and inferior lower ribs, with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration on touching them. Back.—Pain in the small of the back, when sitting. Stiffness of the back and small of the back as from a strain. Stitch from between the shoulders to the lumbar vertebras, on drawing deep breath, arresting the breathing. Pain under the le't scapula on stooping, as if a plug were pushed into the part.— Pressure in the nape of the neck and occiput on stooping. Aching-ulcerative pain in the le't axillary glands. Feeling of swelling in the left axilla. Upper Limbs.—Pressure from the top of the right shoulder to the deltoid muscle, not allowing one to raise the arm. Laming pain in the left shoulder- joint, extending across the breast.—Pinching in the right elbow-joint, with pres- sure during motion. Laming pain from the left elbow to the wrist-joint.— Rigid sensation in the left forearm, impeding the movement of the arm. Pain in the le t forearm as from a blow. Cramp-like pressure at the right forearm, worse when seizing anything. Painful rigidity in the right forearm, scarcely allowing him to hold his pen. Darting pain in the left forearm, causing him to start. Pain on the right forearm as if burnt.—Ciamp-like contractive pain in the right hand, extending to the tips of the fingers. Pain as if sprained in the right wrist-joint. Pain in the right wrist-joint as if a ganglion would form.— Pul'ing pain in the left fingers, extending to the arms and the pectoral muscles. Pressure between the right thumb and index-finger. Contractive pain in the second finger of the right hand. Drawing pain in the fourth finger of tho right hand. Contusive pain in the left finger. Pain as if burnt on the little finger of the right hand. Itching of single fingers at their tips.—Pulling or crampy pain in the left thumb. Painful rigidity in the right thumb. Pain as if sprained in the left thumb. Pain as if sprained in the right thumb. Lam- ing pain in the right thumb. Pinching pyns in bi th thumbs. Lower Limbi.—Pains in the hip, most violent in the forenoon, scarcely any after midnight. Sticking below the crest of the ilium, deep-seated, worse on bending the limb backwards. Feeling of weariness iu the joints. Pain in the % PULSATILLA. 577 lumbar vertebrae as from subcutaneous ulceration, very violent when lying, less during slight, and worse during strong, motion, in which case the pain extends to the hip-joint, with sensation in the joint as if the ligaments were too short, with inability to lie on either side. Itching stitches or prickling itching on the buttocks and thighs obliging him to scratch here and there, changing to a twitching when he does not scratch. Hot prickings on the buttocks and thighs. —Burning on the lower limbs, obliging him to pull off his boots. Painful lameness in the right lower limb, going from above downwards. Tension of the skin on the calves and thighs, on going up stairs, with sensation as if the parts were swollen.—Tearing in the middle of the thigh. Pinching in the upper part of the thigh. Tension about the left thigh. Pressure in the right thigh. Vio- lent itching of the outer parts of the thigh, with pimples after scratching.— Pain as if sprained in the right knee, also coming on during rest and continuing during motion. Painful stiffness in the left knee-joint, in walking. Languor in both joints, when standing. Unsteadiness of the left joint, as if it would give way. Darting pain in the left knee. Pinching in the bend of the right knee. Pressure in the edges of the bones of the right knee. Sensation around the right knee as if warm vapour were rising alongside of it.—Pain in the left tibia as from blows. Pressure on the left calf as from a plug. Pain in the tendo-Achillis as if it would tear off. Pressure in the tendo Achillis which sometimes is of a pulsative nature.—Pain as if spraiwd in the left foot, in the tarsal joint or below the outer malleolus. Pain as from subcutaneous ulcer- ation in tho whole right sole.—Painful rigidity in the left toes. Prickings aa with awls in the ball of the left big toe. Pain in the anterior joint of the big toe, as if pulled out. Sleep.—Drowsiness after dinner.—Falls asleep late in the evening and wakes early in the morning. Wakes quite eirly. Sleeps for some hours, and then wakes without any s.irt of sleepiness.—-Dreams and fancies. He dreams that he has a b iil. He dreams that he is writing on a dirty table and on greasy paper.—Feels in the morning as if he had not slept enough, with pain in the bones and bruised feeling of the thighs. Fever.—Chilliness every evenoig, obliging one to go to bed. Chilliness with disposition to stretch.—Dry heal over the whole body, with painfulness of the glans and redness of the prepuce. Burning heat, not on the arm3, most violent on the genital organs, relieved by sweat and going off entirely in bed.— Sweat in the face, during sleep. General Symptoms.—Stitches in single muscles.— Tottering gait, he stag- gers to and fro. Trembling through the whole body. Constant uneasiness, particularly in the 1 >wer limbs.—Itching stitches in different parts of the skin, at night, waking him, going off by scratching. 200. PULSATILLA. PULS.—Pulsatilla nigricans, Anemone pratensis, Pasque-flower.—See Hah- nemann's Mat. Med. Pura, IV. I Compare witu—Aeon., Agar., Ambr., Am., Am. mur., Ant., August, Arv., Ars., Asaf., Aur., Bell., Bov., Bry.. Calc, Camph., Cann., Canth.. Caps., Carb. v., Cliam., Chin.. Cic , C cc, C ff., Colch., Con., Cupr., Cvcl., Dig., Dros., Euphr., Fer., Graph., Hyos., / ;n., Ip"c, Kili, Lach, Lee'., L>/c., Mag. p. ant., Marig., Magn. in lr. Men van., M:rc, Mezer., Mosch.. Nat^-., Nirr. mur., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Oleand., Op., Par., Petrol., Phosph., Plat., vol. ir 37 578 PULSATILLA. Plumb., Ranunc, Ranunc. sceler., Rheum, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabad., Sabin., Sass., Scilla, Sep., Selen., Sil., Spig., Spong., Stann., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Sulph. ac, Tartar., Thuja, Valer., Verat., Zinc.—Puis, "is frequently par- ticularly suitable after Asa f., Antini., Aurum, Chin., Lach., Lye, Nitr. ac, Rhus tox., Sep., Sulph., Tartar., Thuja.—After Puis, are frequently suitable: Asaf., Bry., Nitr. ac, Sep , Thuja. Antidotes.—Cham., Coff., Ign., Nux v., vinegar.—Puis, antidotes Agar., Ambr., Arg., Bell., Cham., Chin., Colch., Ferr., Ign., Lye, Merc., Plat., Ra- nunc, Sabad., Stann., Sulph., Sulph. ac, Tartar. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, Puis, has been successfully employed in the following affections : Uneasy sleep ; beating and throbbing in the left temple, muscae volitantes, profuse perspiration about the head; slimy taste; white, furred tongue; dryness without thirst; difficulty of swallowing; fits of dizzi- ness ; unsteady gait; increased expectoration of mucus in the evening; fre- quent palpitation of the heart; tearing pains in the small of the back; formi- cation in the arms; frequent empty eructations; loss of appetite; small con- tracted pulse; flushes of heat; diminished strength (in the case of a lady of 54 years). Epilepsy.—Internal suppuration.—Apoplexy from organic affection of the heart.—Dropsy. Chronic dropsy of the skin, belly and chest in a drunkard. Scrophulosis. Chlorosis with stat. pituit.— Chlorosis in the early stages (in its higher stages which originate in scrofula this remedy is not suita- ble). Diseases of the whole venous system. Passive congestion with turgor venarum. Affections of the mucous membranes both with and without fever, with increased excretions; blennorrhea. Rheumatic pains; tearing, drawing, jerking pains in the limbs, with evening and night-exacerbation, and amelioration in the open air, with numbness and lameness, or with swelling of the suffering part.—Tearing darting pains in the limbs, in the left upper arm, and in the upper part of the thigh, greatest at night. Drawing sticking in one limb or another with chill and cold, or in frequent short paroxysms.—Stinging and feeling of cold in the suffering parts during changes of weather. Rigidity as if from a shortening of the sinews in single limbs.—Wandering pains which shift quickly from one part to another, also with swelling and redness of the joints. Acute and chronic rheumatism. Rheumatic complaints with atrophy of the limbs. Rheumatismus vagus, where the erysipelatous inflammation set- tles on single joints, and suddenly shifts from one joint to another, with mode- rate fever. Rheumatic pain of the head and limbs. Rheumatism of the joints. —Rheumatism with slight redness of the skin.—Rheumatismus acutus, draw- ing-tearing pains in the limbs making motion difficult, shifting to other parts and leaving a swelling of the suffering parts.—Rheumatismus acutus. jerking- tearing and drawing pains in the whole body, particularly in the muscles of the head and chest, with gastric symptoms and accelerated pulse.—Arthritis acuta and, chronica. Arthritis ; paroxysms of drawing in all the joints, particularly in the right knee, violent in the evening until midnight, then changing to stitch- es, with feeling of lameness in all the joints, tearing-drawing pain in the lower jaw, stiffness of the neck.—Arthritis acuta: gouty inflammation of the hands, knees, and joints of the foot, with erysipelatous inflammation of the feet, pitui- tous symptoms, shivering through the whole body, proceeding from the back; jactitation of the musi-les; starting at night, want of sleep, red sediment in tho urine, feebleness, costiveness. Arthritis vaga.—Bruised fain and pain as from an internal ulcer on toue.hi ig the parts. Pains and affections on one side.—■ Paroxysms of pain and othjr complaints, accompanied with chilliness. Asthma; PULSATILLA. 579 paleness of the face or trembling of the legs.—Violent pains generally cause an increase of the chilliness.—The complaints are increased or renewed in sit- ting after continuous motion; during rest whilst lying on the side or on the b;i'-l;—the complaints arising from lying on the back, are sometimes ameliorated hy lying on the other side or on the painful part; those pains increased or re- newed by lying on the side, are relieved by lying on the back—many complaints arc ameliorated by motion, pressure, external warmth and open air, whilst others are increased by the same circumstances. Complaints which are worse in the cveninc, night, arid before midnight.—Complaints which exacerbate early or after dinner.—Complaints which increase in violence every other day. Com- plaints arising from the open fresh air. Longing after the open air.—Bruised and broken feeling in the limbs.—Painful feeling of lameness in the joints, par- ticularly in the evening.—Indolence and heaviness in the whole body. Tin- gling numbness of the limbs. Numbness of the limbs, with feverish condition, pressure in the pit of the stomach, &c.—Weariness.—Feebleness.—Weakness. —Trembling weakness.—Trembling with tearing and drawing pains in the limbs.—Convulsive paroxysmal trembling in the forearms and feet like St. Vitus's dance.—St. Vitus's dance.—Fainting fits with cadaverous paleness of the face.— Kpileptic convulsions, (from suppression of the menses). Emacia- tion.—Biting and stinging itching, increased by warmth.—Measles, even from the beginning, with violent vascular fever.—Bad consequences from suppressed measles, and illness consequent thereupon. Promotes the eruption of the mea- sles.—Metastasis of the measles especially in affections of the larynx, manifest- ed by hoarseness. Prophylactic against measles. Varicella. Urticaria. ? Pustulous eruption, like varicella, after having eaten pork or fat duck or goose. Eruption like that caused by eating much bacon.—Erysipelas with burning heat and stinging on touching or moving the parts.—Zona. ?? Crack- ing of the skin on wetting it. Intertrigo from the abuse of chamomilla, in children, recommended by Gross.—Suppurating wounds.—Flat ulcers on the skin.—Ulcers with stinging and biting-burning pains, slight bleeding of the same, and itching shining redness and hardness of the parts around.—Cold swellings V Varices. — Chilblains, with bluish swelling, heat, burning or throbbing.—Gaping.—Inclination to sleep in the day-time.—Somnolence. Fall- ing asleep late, with too early awakening.—Feverish somnolence, with restless- ness and troublesome delirium, thirst, heat, dry tongue.—Sleeplessness, from restlessness, accelerated circulation, excessive crowding of thoughts. Nocturnal sleeplessness. Frequent waking at night with long-continued wakefulness, and drowsiness in the day-time—Light, superficial, drowsy, restless sleep, full of dreams, with tossing about in bed, restlessness, intolerable heat, etc. Symp- toms during sleep; tossing about, great restlessness, disposition to start, loud talking, jerking of single linibs, or of the whole body, crampy distortion of the mouth aud rolling of the eyes.—Exclamations, nightmare.—Dreams causing one to start. Lively, anxious dreams. Intermittent fever for the most part consisting of chilliness without thirst, the heat follows attended with thirst, with simultaneous or subsequent perspiration, mostly commencing in the afternoon or evening and passing away toward morning. Symptoms during the chill: pale- ness of the face, dizziness, deafness, pains and heaviness of the head, anxiety, oppression on the breast, expectoration of mucus. During the heat: fits of anxiety, headache, red, bloated face, perspiration of the face, chilliness when uncoveiiig one's self, lamentations, meaning and groaning, deep, uneasy slc^p, qui.-k, anxious breathing, nausea, diarrhoea —During intermittent fever er in tho apyrexia: headache, painful oppression on the chest, loose cough, drowsiness, Litter taste in tho mauth, diarrhoea or ostivencsj.—Intermittent fever after china or 580 PULSATILLA. abuse of china.—Rare forms of intermittent fever.—Intermittent fevers after measles, with urticaria; first heat, then shivcrings perspiration during the heat, after some hours the paroxysm occurs again, tongue furred white, no appetite, diarrhoea.—Tertian intermittent fever, with unci mmon heaviness in the body, chilliness and sleepiness in the day-time.—Intermittent fever without chill, the paroxysms consisting of dry heat, and profuse sweat, dulness of the head, heavy and deep sleep, the paroxysms occur in the night.—Tertian intermittent fever, with dizziness and pain in the stomach during the apyrexia, accompanied with gastric derangement.—Quotidian fever with headache, cough, pain in the chest, bitter taste with a clean tongue.—Quotidian fever with nocturnal cough, pain in the chest and expectoration of mucus.—Quartana.—Quartan fevers with gastric derangement.—Intermittent fever recurring after the abuse of sul- phate of quinine. — Quotidian fever in children.—Fever with gastric, bilious and pituitous symptoms.—Fever with pituito-catarrhal affections, leucorrhcea in childbed.—Fever with nervous symptoms: loss of consciousness, drowsiness, violent delirium, wringing of hands, crying.—Typhoid fevers.—Typhus abdomi- nalis : relaxed state of the body, little or no thirst, gastric symptoms, pale and yellow face, phlegmatic temperament, anxious disposition, ill-humour, hitter taste, tongue coated white or yellow, loss of appetite, vomiting of mucus, di- arrhoeic, slimy stools—Great inclination to perspire during the day—Partial sweat on one side—Copious, offensive night and morning sweats.—Perspiration only on the face and scalp.—Hysteria with amenorrhoea, etc. Melaneholy, morose disposition.—Melancholy with crying and fear of death.—Melancholia after metastasis of the milk aud constant flow of red lochias.—Melancholia of a woman—Great inclination to laugh or to cry.—Peevishness.—Great anxiety about one's business, domestic affairs and health.—Despair about the salvation of his soul, and constant praying.—Melancholia religiosa.—Excessive uneasi- ness, anxiety and fear, as if in the head, with sleeplessness, despair about the salvation of her soul, fear, constant praying ; she is beside herself, with anguish (in a girl). Great apprehensive anxiety in the region of the heart and pit of the stomach, with palpitation of the heart obliging her to undress, or urging her to suicide, etc.—Fear of supernatural appearances in the evening and night, with disposition to fly or hide himself. — Derangement of the mind in a woman in the eighth month of pregnancy. Distorted features, cold, gloomy, distrustful, taciturn, reserved, moaniir. deprived of sleep, deliriou's at night, with visions, desire to escape, heat i>. i^e iace, thirst (in conjunction with Bel- lad.).—Monomania, she imagines that she has been guilty of adultery.— Verti- go.—Headache from derangement of the stomach.—Hemicrunia : beating and stinging in the left side of the forehead, morning and evening, relieved by pres- sure and in the open air, aggravated in a room, when lying, stooping, ov when moving the eyelids; the attack is followed by violent pains in the stomach, with sour or bilious vomiting, succeeded by pinching, crampy and contractive colicky pains, in the c^se of a girl of 8 years, with mild and gentle temper.—Headache all over, as if between screws, with vertigo, heaviness, great languor, alternate redness and paleness of the face, nausea, tingling in the pit of the stomach, constrictive sensation above the pit of the stomach, anguish and restlessness, dryness of the mouth without thirst, aversion to food, shuddering, feeble, scarcely-perceptible pulse.—Cephalalgia, ascending from the nape of the neck and becoming seated in the vertebras, boring, sticking and tearing, frequently shitting to the iulrascapular regi n, attended with vertigo, roaring in the ears, pressure in the eyes with lachrymation, sticking in the limbs, with chilliness and heat.—Cephalalgia, the paroxysms setting in every 2-1 hours, with stick- ing in the vertex and burning in the eyes, nausea, dryness of the mouth, ±A. PULSATILLA. 581 with sensation, during motion, as if the brain were falling out.—Acute and chronic inflammation of the eyelids, with redness, swelling and in- creased secretion of mucus and acrid tears.—Inflammation of the eyes with profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus from the meibomian glands.—Inflammation of the eyelids, with biting and burning, dimness of sight, copious secretion of mucus and tears, stiffness of the lids.—C ; arrhal inflamma- tion of the eyelids with coryza, ani profuse secretion from the meibomian glands.—Hordeolum.—Ophthalmia from suppression of gonorrhoea.—Ophthalmia during measles. Catarrhal ophthalmia: pressure and burning in the eyes, at- tended with inflammatory swelling of the eyelids, photophobia and lachrymation. Catarrhal inflammation of the conjunctiva or eyelids, with increased secretion of mucus. Catarrhal ophthalmia with gastric-bilious symptoms. Catarrhal ophthal- mia with agglutination of the eyes. Rheumatic ophthalmia. Scrofulous ophthal- mia. Erethism of the eyes. Incipient cataract. Simple light-grey cataract, with catarrhal inflammatory affection of the eyes and eyelids.—Amblyopia: almost complete blindness of the left, and diminished vision of the right eye, with frequent lachrymation in the wind and light, dim cornea, whitish-grey pupil. Momen'ary obscuration of sight, and starlike halo around the candle- light; on looking at a thing at candle-light, painful sensations are experienced in the right eye.—Amblyopia amaurotica (in two cases).—Hemeralopia.— Rheumatic otalgia evening and night, with hardness of hearing, humming, pain- fulness of the region of the ear, sticking and tearing in the head, confusion and heaviness of the same.—Otitis and inflammation of the external meatus audito- rius, with tearing, darting pains in the interior of the ear.—Otalgia of children, with subsequent otorrhoea.—Catarrhal inflammation of the middle mucous mem- brane of the ear, with hardness of hearing, cracking in the ear when chewing, (inflammatory affection of the Eustachian tube)—violent nightly pains in tha ear, occasioned by an inflammation of the outer meatus auditorius.—Otitis with otorrhoea after suppression of the measles.—Otitis of the outer and inner ear with synochal fever.—Internal otitis with violent tearing and beating pains.f— Periodical otitis.—Otorrhoea consequent upon acute exanthemata. Otorrhoea or blennorrhoea of the drum. Inflammatory purulent otorrhoea, with violent stitches in the ear.—Hardness of hearing from suppression of the measles. Hardness of hearing consequent upon a catarrh of the head after cutting the hair, or consequent upon suppression of exanthemata, of the menses, or attended with dysmenorrhoea at the critical age. Hardness of hearing with dry coryza. Deafness succeeded by otorrhoea. Catarrhal and nervous hardness of hearings (in many cases, Trinks).—Epistaxis.—Epistaxis in typhus.—Illusions of the sense of smell. Loss of smell and taste.—Neuralgia of the facial nerve.— Toothache : drawing gnawing, tearing in the upper and lower molares, both de- cayed and sound, most violent at night, extending to the eyes and temples, also tearing and jerking pains, attended with hemicrania, aggravated by warmth, in individuals of gentle and patient temper, and with delaying catamenia.—Draw- ing pains in a decayed tooth, the drawing being felt as far as the temples, most violent at night.—Tearing, sticking toothache, at times on the right, at others on the left side, aggravated by warmth.—Toothache intermitting entirely in the open air and returning in the room.—Toothache : fine stinging in the gums, with a drawing-jerking sensation in the nerve of the tooth, as if violently put upon the stretch and then suddenly let loose again, attended with a sensation of chilliness and paleness of the face; the pain sets in more frequently towards t Trinks remarks that in some cases of true internal otitis Puis, had no effect, and that the inflammation speedily yielded to Merc. sol. 582 PULSATILLA. evening than in the morning, is aggravated by the warmth of the room and bed, relieved by cool air, excited less frequently by mastication than by picking the affected tooth —Paroxysms of sticking and digging pains, worse in the evening and at night, not bearing warmth.—Paroxysms of sticking toothache, affecting whole rows of teeth, increasing towards morning.—Troublesome toothache: beating, tearing, fine stinging; sensation of soreness in the gums which bled readily; the pains were relieved by chewing, attended with rush of blood to the face, sensation as of flea-bites in the head and face, pain as if the hair were pulled out, sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch, pains in the left eye as if it would fall out, aggravation of the pains in the evening and at night, and some- times in ?he daytime, with exacerbation by excitement, talking, attended with weakness, anguish, elisposition to constipation, spasmodic complaints about the abdomen previous to the catamenia, coldness of the hands and feet, pains in the limbs.—Toothache, which is aggravated and excited in the wind, or every time be eats, particularly when eating anything warm, in the afternoon, evening, and at night, in bed, and by warmth generally ; it is relieved by cool air and cold water.—Rheumatic toothache, the pains being generally sticking, and affecting a decayed tooth at night.—Angina : sore throat with dark, varicoso distention of the vessels, with aggravation of the pains in the evening and after- noon, redness of the palate, tonsils, and uvula. (Trinks remarks of this indica- tion by Hartmann that it is derived from theory, not practice ; I, Hempel, do not believe that Pulsatilla will do much good in idiopathic angina faucium of any kind). —Angina faucium with ulcerative pain during deglutition, and sensation as if he had to swallow over a tumour, with blue redness of the uvula and the velum pendu- lum palati.—Sore throat when swallowing saliva and liquids, not when swallow- ing solid food, attended with frontal headache, general languor, and suppression of the menses.—Sore throat after influenza.—Sore threat: pain as if every part of the throat were raw and sore, more so between the acts of deglutition, with swelling of the tonsils and ptyalism.—Varicose swelling of the vessels of the mouth and fauces, impeding deglutition, and occasioning aching pains in the throat—Indigestions and recent saburral derangement, the food remaining undi- gested in the primae vise.—Gastric derangement: appetite, aversion to food, white yellow tongue, bad taste as if one would vomit, bad smell from the mouth, pressure in the stomach after eating, tearing in the head.—Gastric derangement with and without fever.—Gastric typhus with and without fever.—Gastric-ve- nous conditions with fever.—Hiccough with suffocative symptoms.—Vomiting, pressure at the stomach, roaring in the head after overloading the stomach.— Vomiting of food after every meal, vomiting of mucus.—Hcematemcsis.—Cardi- algia, aggravated early in the morning, in the evening, and after a meal, also attended with compressive pain.—Griping and griping tearing in the stomach.— Stitches in the pit of the stomach as from an abscess, on touching tho part.— Pain in the stomach as from subcutaneous ulceration, with vomiting, after eat- ing pork.—The action of the stomach is completely paralyzed, with complete los3 of appetite and consequent emaciation (in the case of a boy who had swal- lowed an icicle).—Pressure in the stomach, aggravated by eating fat, attended with sour eructations and vomiting, alternate constipation and diarrhoea, scanty menstruation.—Pulsation in the epigastric region.—Hepatitis, with darting and drawing-tensive pain3. Chronic susceptibility to hepatitis, and derangement of the secretion of bile with looseness of the bowels.—Abdominal spasms.—As- cites with amenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, etc. (in conjunction with other remedies.)—■ Plethora abdominalis venosa.—Diarrhoea consisting of bloody mucus, preceded by pinching and cutting. Diarrhoea with inflamed moist eyes. Diarrhoea, con- sisting of bloody mucus, corroding the anus, preceded by flatulence and cutting PULSATILLA. * 583 around the umbilicus, also gastric symptoms. Mucous diarrhoea. Bilious dy- sentery with slimy evacuations.—Retention of urine (in a little child).—Affec- tions of the urinary organs: Urine with slimy sediment and frequently painful micturition. Tenesmus of the bladder. Constant urging to urinate. Inconti- nence of urine from paralysis of the sphincter of the bladder after parturition, attended with leucorrhoea. Enuresis nocturna. Hematuria, preceded by cut- ting in the abdomen, shrinking of the scrotum and penis, burning in the region of the orifice of the urethra, rumbliug in the abdomen, drawing through the testes. —Pains in both kidneys during micturition, with bloody, slimy, and purulent urine.—Retention of urine, with difficult and painful micturition in typhus.— Urine which leaves a reddish tinge and smells like manure. Gonorrhoea. Re- stored the gonorrhoeal discharge in a case of ophthalmia gonorrhoeica, with ameli- oration of this affection.—Tearing-drawing pains through the spermatic cord, extending to the testes which were not swollen, particularly at night and in the evening, with gonorrhoea and burning urine.—Orchitis.—Inflammation and swelling of the testes from suppression of gonorrhoea. Orchitis from contusion. Hydrocele.—Inflammation of the prostate gland, with pain and swelling in the region of the neck of the bladder, intermittent stream and spasmodic contractive pain after micturition, extending to the thighs.—Dysmenorrhoea.—Dysmenor- rhoea, violent spasms with ineffectual urging to stool, troublesome pressing on the genital organs.—Delaying menses.—Suppression of the menses in young girls, in consequence of cold.—Suppression of the menses with paleness of face, spasmodic tension in the chest after slight emotions, spasm in the chest, constant chilliness even in summer and when warmly clad.—Amenorrhea with leucor- rhoea, vertigo, throbbing headache, fulness and pressure in the stomach, drawing aching pain in the uterus, painful micturition.—Amenorrhoea in persons with lymphatic constitution.—Amenorrhoea with troublesome sensitiveness of the eyes. Irregular menstruation, with headache, palpitation of the heart, leucorrhoea and menostasia.—Amenorrhoea, which comes on spontaneously, without being occa- sioned by dyscrasia. particularly when attended with nervous debility and irrita- bility.—Abdominal spasms: violent pressing from the abdomen to the rectum, with scanty diarrhoeic stools, and vomiting a few hours after the appearance of the scanty menses, which is attended with chilliness and languor.—Menstrual colic: cutting in the abdomen, pressure on the bladder and cutting during mic- turition, attacks of vertigo, loss of appetite and taste, too short catamenia, with discharge of black, viscous blood.—Menstrual colic : excessively-painful stitches in the right groin, cutting pains in the uterine region during the catamenia, first with discharge of blackish, lumpy, afterwards of bright-red blood ; after the ca- tamenia the mucous leucorrhoea reappears.—Menstrual colic: violent pains in the small of the back, cutting and contraction in the abdomen.—Complaints at the critical age: haemoptoc1, particularly at night, with shortness of breath, sticking in the left side of the chest and cold feet; painful swelling of the abdo- men with oedema of the legs, pains in the small of the back.—Metrorrhagia, particularly at the critical age, the discharge of blood being at time3 profuse, at others intermitting and mixed with clots of blood.—Metrorrhagia in the evening and night, most profuse in persons given to reveries.—Leucorrhoea during pregnancy.—In pregnant females: melancholy, toothache, gastric complaints, colic, flatulence, abdominal spasms, pressing in the hypochondria, incarceration of flatulence, cutting in the bowels.—Seated pain in the impregnated uterus. Painfulness at a small spot in the abdomen, during pregnancy, in the region where the placenta is inserted, the pains being of a pulling-stretching kind, par- ticularly at night when lying on the side where the pain is ; on touching the part an ulcerative pain is experienced. Violent abdominal spasms in a pregnant fe- 584 PULSATILLA. male, with strong, painful urging to urinate, more when sitting than during motion.—Labour-like pain in the abdomen, in a pregnant female, with violent chilliness, small pulse, alternate heat and paleness of the face, dim eyes, white- coated tongue, loss of appetite, slow stool, sticking in the chest, labour-like pains in the uterus, some discharges of blood from the vagina, nausea.—Con- stant urging to urinate, with drawing in the abdomen, in the case of a pregnant female.—Spasms of the bladder, in pregnant females.—False labour-pains or rheumatic pains of the uterus.—Excessive after-pains.—Suppression of the lochia, with a burning feeling of fulness in the parts.—Puerperal mania.—Too short labour-pains.—Spasmodic labour-pains.—Suppression of the secretion of milk.—Puerperal fever.—Swelling of the breasts from weaning.—Swelling of the mamma1, with burning tension or painful stitches and discharge of a thin, acrid milk in girls who have not yet menstruated, also in boys.—Excessive secre- tion of milk in lying-in females.—Deficient labour-pains.—Delaying and chfi- cient labour-pains.—Deficient labour-pains owing to the large size of the foetus. Rare, feeble labour-pains, with violent pains in the small of the back.—Exces- sive and too long-continued after-pains.—Pulsatilla is a valuable palliative in cancer of the womb, it ranks with Secale and Laurocerasus, (according to Rau, also with Rhus and Bell., according to Hartmann).—Chronic coryza, with green-yellow, purulent discharge, leucorrhcea and other complaints.—Affections of the mucous membrane of the bronchial passages, with increased secretion.— €atarrh of the lungs with frequent mucous expectoration.—Mucous phthisis.— Catarrhal cough with expectoration of a yellow, thick, clotty mucus, particularly in the morning, attended with hoarseness, dryness and painful soreness in the throat, burning pain in the chest as in consumption, dyspnoea, debility, emacia- tion, fever with burning heat, thirst and sweat; the cough commences in the evening, continues through the night; the cough is relieved by sitting up, it is a violently racking cough, attended with discharge of mucus, vomiting of food or bile ; the cough arises from taking cold in consequence of drinking cold water. Catarrhal night-cough.—Violent, dry, catarrhal, spasmodic night-cough.—Dry, short, frequent cough, with feeling of dryness and tickling in the trachea.— Spasmodic cough, evening and night, from constant tickling in the trachea, with dryness in the same, pain in the chest, dyspnoea, oppressive anxiety in the chest, palpitation of the heart.—Concussive spasmodic cough, early in the morning and at night, with arrest of breathing, retching, vomiturition and vomiting.—Whoop- ing cough : violent paroxysms of dry cough at night, relieved by raising one's- self in bed, attended with vomiting of mucus and food.—Hamoptoe.—Pneu- monia of children: very quick, short breathing, with cough which is frequently dry at first and afterwards becomes a little loose, accompanied with painful ex- pression of countenance, very quick, small pulse, burning skin with copious sweat all over, subsultus tendinum, starting as if in affright, afterwards weeping, vio- lent thirst with moist tongue, the stools are at times thin, at times they delay, frequent tossing about, bland delirium, anxiety, ill-humour, scanty red urine.— Neglected or chronic forms of pneumonia, with dull, aching, sore or ulcerative pains in the chest, with dryness and roughness in the chest, and tenacious mucus in that part.—Catarrhal, pneumonic-bilious conditions of the lighter kind.— Typhoid pneumonia, also in pneumonia from measles, chlorosis, pituitous habit, sudden suppression of the menses, from chronic catarrh; the disease runs on very slowly, and is attended with dull-aching sore pain, dryness and roughness, and tightness of the chest. Pulsatilla is likewise useful in bilious pneumonia.— Phthisicky condition.—Dyspnoea with spasms in the chest and abdomen, even unto suffocation, attended with death-like anguish, palpitation of the heart, cold hands and forehead, in consequence of suppression of the menses by a cold.— PULSATILLA. 585 Asthma in a child of one year, occasioned by the vapour of sulphur.—Nightly suffocative fits with cough and expectoration of mucus.—Affections of the heart, with anomalous menstruati m, accompanied with affections of the trachea and bronchi.—Paroxysms of palpitation of the heart, with obscurati >u of sight and vanishing of the senses, trembling of the limbs, particularly when arising from fright, chagrin, joy, (in conjunction with Aconite.)—Affections of the right ven- tricle: also with insufficiency of the bicuspid valve in consequence of endocar- ditis of the left ventricle, and excessive fulness and increase! activity of the right ventricle.—Ischias nervosum Cotunni posticum, with atrophy of the limb, (in conjunction with silic. and calc).—Acute rheumatism of the knee-joints with exudation.—Arthritic nightly pains in the lower limbs, with anasarca of those limbs.—Arthritic affections: tearing-sticking pains in the feet with inflammatory swelling of the tarsal and carpal joints.—Inflammation of the knee, with fleeting darting pains —Rheumatic swelling of the knee, with tearing and lancinating pains, particularly at night.—Darting pains in the knee, succeeded by a shi- ning, white, homogeneous swelling of a doughy feel, with stiffness and immobi- lity.—Contraction of the ham-strings.—Varices of the legs withdrawing and tearing pains.—Hot dropsical swelling of both legs in consequence of the sudden suppression of an intermittent fever.—Chilblains on the toes with burning paini, and hot, blue-red swelling. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—*Gloomy and melancholy. °MeJuucholy, with weeping, sadness, and apprehension of dying. Sad and desponding from some disagreeable news. *Silent mood, °also as if deranged, with eold, sombre, strange look, sitting silently with folded hands. Moaning, without complaining about anything.—°Disposed to weep or laugh.—°Despairs of his salvation aud prays constantly. * Solicitude about his health. *He is full of care about his domestic affairs, early in the morning. *He is unable to think of his affairs, without grief, early in the morning. The child moans and groans when it wants to be carried or to have an evacuation.—Towards evening he began to tremble; *he was assailed with a fear of ghosts, four evenings in succession ; in the day- time he was likewise attacked with anguish, trembling, and a feeling of a flush of heat over the whole body, although hands and face were pale and cold. Morn- ing-dream with anxiety; after wakiug the anguish continued, accompanied with apprehensions and discouragement, on account of an unfounded but dishearten- ing vision of the fancy, (the same which he saw in his dream).—Anxiety ; h« has no rest, (for one hour). Anguish ; thinks he will be ruined. * Anguish in the region of the heart, even unto a desire for suicide, -with a sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he would vomit. * Anxiety, as if he would have an apoplectic fit, -in the evening after lying down, with chilliness, noise in the ears like music, with jerkings in the fingers of the right hand. Tremulous anguish^ as if death were near. °Fear of ghosts at night, with desire to hide one's-self and to escape.—°Anthropophobia. °Suspicion and distrust. °Timid, whining mood. "Mild and yielding.—Uneasiness of mind, as if one did not do one's duty. Excessive irresoluteness. He flees from work, is irresolute, beside him- self, with panting breathing. He wants to do this or that kind of work, and when he is offered it to do he refuses. —* The child wants now this, then that, even when good-humoured.—Ts envious, greedy, would like to have evervthing to him- self.—Aversion to labour, with ill-humour. * Peevishness, which increases to tears when he is interrupted in his business, (in the afternoon). Sullen mood, (after several hours). Cries a good deal, and feels greatly dissatisfied, early in the morning a''ter waking. Ill-humour and discontent the whole day, without any cause. Gloomy, ill-humoured, chilly. * Hypochondriac peevishness; finds 586 PULSATILLA. fault with everything that is said. The child stretches its limbs from ill- humour. Excessively peevish in the evening, toward sunset; he does not like to answer any questions. °Disposed to feel sad and aggrieved internally. *He is disgusted with everything.—Her head feels so still, and the world around her seems to her so empty, that she imagines she is alone in the world; she did not wish to speak to anybody; as if everybody were a strar ger to her. The things around him are not indifferent to him, but he does not wish to heed them. P--"^ not take any pleasure in anything, but on the other hand is not displeased w ■ h anything. Exceedingly whimsical, and put out with everything, even with himself. (For the mental affections cured with Puis., see Clin. Observations.) Sensoriam.—°Insensibility, he knows not where he is, or what he is doing. His head is full of ideas, but they change. °Delirium, also violent, with loss of consciousness. °Frighiful visions, with fear and desire to escape.—Hurried- ness. Want of attention, is precipitate in his actions, does something different from what he intends. Has great trouble in finding the proper expressions while talking. He omits single letters when writing. ° Imbecility. * Intellectual labour fatigues him. In the evening he is more disposed to employ his mind than at other times of the day.'f—He is unable to divert his mind from an idea.— Gloominess of the head, with vanishing of ideas. Gloominess of the head with ver- tigo, and excited by motion. Painful gloominess on entering a warm room.—Stupid feeling in the head, with heaviness of the head. Stupid feeling as if from loss of memory. Stupid feeling with soreness of the eyes, or bruised pain in the forehead.—* Confusion of the head, *wilh pain as after intoxication or watch- ing, -also with sensation in the whole body, as if one had not slept enough. The head feels as if it were a lantern. °Emptiness of the head with great in- difference.—Paroxysms of intoxication after dinner, with vertigo and heat.— Reeling as if one would fall to one side. Giddy staggering when walking, par- ticularly in the evening, also as if from intoxication, with heat in the head, and pale, but not hot, face.—* Vertigo as if intoxicated. Vertigo, as after turning for a long time in a circle, accompanied with nausea. ° Vertigo on raising one's- »elf in bed, early in the morning. ° Vertigo in the evening. ° Vertigo on rising from a seat. "Vertigo during a walk in the open air. "Vertigo after dinner. "Vertigo with obscuration of sight. °Vertigo with roaring inthe ears. *Aggra- vation of the vertigo by talking and meditating. Vertigo as if the blood were mounting to the head; rapping sensation in the head, with sensation of repeated and short diggings-up. Fits of vertigo, intoxication, heat. * Vertigo, especially when sitting. Vertigo early in the morning when rising, he is obliged to lie down again. Vertigo when walking in the open air,J going off by sitting. Turning sensation and stupid feeling in the head, only when sitting, and as if drowsy. Vertigo ; he imagines he is not able to stand firmly, (in the first hours). Ver- tigo ; he imagines he is not able to lay hold of a thing, (in the first hours). *Sort of vertigo, when turning the eyes upward, as if he would fall, or as if he were dancing. * Vertigo when stooping, as if he would fall, as if intoxicated; after- wards disposition to vomit. * Vertigo when stooping, scarcely permitting her to rise again. *When stooping, his head felt heavy, as if he were unable to raise it again. Vertigo when walking and stooping, as if the head were too heavy, with a somewhat turning sensation, which was likewise felt when lying. * Sen- sation in the head, when stooping, as if he would fall forward. When walking he, staggers as if giddy, without, however, being so, in the evening, (after three t Curative effect. t One of the alternate symptoms of Puk, occurring after its opposite, and less frequently ; in this case the symptoms are diminished in the open air, or disappear entirely, and re-appeai when sitting, or when in a state of rest. PULSATILLA. 587 days). Gloomy sensation in the head and vertigo, excited by motion. Is un- able to carry the head erect, is obliged to lie down, and is nevertheless unable to remain in bcd.t °Apoplectic fit, with loss of consciousnes, blue redness and bl >atedness of the face, loss of motion, violent beating of the heart, collapse of pulse, and rattling breathing. Head.—Is unable to raise "the head, or to carry it erect. Heaviness of Ihe head. Heaviness in the head ; he is unable to bear the glare of a light.I— The head feels gloomy, and the forehead feels as if beaten in two.—Headache as if the forehead and temples would burst, early in the morning, in bed. ; Headache wlrn moving ihe eyes, deep in the orbits, as if the forehead would fall out and as if the frontal bone were too thin, with a gloomy feeling in the head, iu the evening. *Hemicrania, as if the brain would burst and as if the eyes would fall out. Head- ache on waking, and a little while after; the brain feels oppressed and dull, or as if torn, as it does after taking brandy. The head feels stupid, the eyes ache. The head feels stupid and heavy. The head feel s rather stupid, and the head aches as if the forehead fell bruised.—Creeping pain in the forehead.—Bubbling sensation in the head, at night; he heard pulsations in the head distinctly. Headache, resem- bling pulsations in the brain. * Beating headache, about midnight. Beating in the forehead, when stooping, and when exerting the mind, disappearing on walking, in the evening. Beating headache, diminished by external pressure. °Stinging beating with rush of blood to the head.—Aching pain in the head when stoop- ing. Aching pain in the whole forehead, only when walking. Aching pain in the occiput; with frequent heat and constant exhalation of the body.—Tearing headache in the left side of the occiput, early in the morning.—After lying down to sleep, he experiences a tearing headache in that side of the head on which he does not rest.—° Tearing in one side of the head, also in the ear and teeth. * Jerking tearing, or drawing-darting tearing, -also particularly in the temples, as if they would be torn asunder. Tearing with sticking, particularly in the temples. —Cutting headache.—Drawing headache in the occiput above the nape of the neck, early in the morning. Lachrymation of one eye, with drawing headache. •Drawing pain extending into the ear and teeth. Drawing pain with heaviness and creeping in the brain, attended with failure of sight and hearing, and succeeded by chilliness.—Tensive and drawing pain in the forehead, over the orbits, increased by raising the eyes. * Headache : the brain feels tight, with a boring pain in the vertex. Pinching pain over the eyes, which becomes worse when looking at a thing intently. Constrictive pain in the temples.—Boring pain from within outward, with dull stitches.—Single, sharp shocks or jerks in the right hemisphere of the brain. Stitches from the occiput through the ears. Stitches in the occiput, worse when lying, passing off on raising the head. Stitches through the whole brain, after dinner, and continuing until bed-time, mingled with shuddering and fainting fits. Stitching in one side of the head. Stitches in the temples. Stitches through the forehead, from within, in the evening. Boring sticking with obscuration of sight, humming in the ears and vertigo. Humming in the head. Headache from time to time, as if a keenly- painful wind were rushing through the brain. Pulsative sensation in the brain, when walking, like the snapping of an electric spark.—Headache, on lying down to take the siesta, on the side on which he is not lying. °IIeadache ascending from the nape of the neck, where he feels a con- tractive sensation. Headache extending to the eyes, with pain of the eyes, t A sort of mediate symptom botween those symptoms w'.iich appear iu ths sittir.g position, and those which appear during motion. I Altcr.iate symptom of obscuration of sight. 588 PULSATILLA. pressure in them, and lachrymation. Headache, with desire to lay the head on one side. * Headache as if from intoxication and watching. * Hemicrania, -also with nausea and vomiting. *Sticking hemicrania. Frequent attacks of headache, aggravated by a walk in the open air. Headache in the evening, as if from dry coryza, succeeded by dry heat in bed, with excessive drowsiness, delirious fancies, aud almost waking dreams. *Headache, as if from overload- ing the stomach, or from eating fat meat. °Headache from a cold. °Headache from abuse of Merc.—°Headache in the evening or early in the morning in bed, or at night. °Aggravation of the headache, mostly in the evening, and con- tinuance of the headache through the night. °Amelioration of the headache by meditation or by compressing the head. Scalp.—Drawing pain on the scalp, on rubbing the hand over the hair from before backwards.—Biting itching on the scalp. Small tumours on the hairy scalp, with ulcerative pain. Large pustule ou the occiput, with tearing pain. Pimples on the forehead.—*Sweat on the hairy scalp and face. Eyes.—Pain in the eye as if scraped with a knife, moving from the head downwards. Violent tearing, boring and cutting in the eye.—*Pressure in the eyes: in the right eye, proceeding from the head, with pain in the head and discharge of a tear. Pressure in the left eye. Pressure in the internal can- thus. Pressure in the eyes as if from heat. Burning pressure, particularly in the morning and evening, or as if from a little hair in the eye. *Pressure as if from sand, -particularly when reading.—*Stieking in the eyes when shaking the head, with discharge of a tear. ° Pressure when looking in the light and particularly the light of the sun. Pressure in one or the other eye, with inability to bear the glare of a candle or to open the eyes wide.—Itching in the inner canthi after sunset, with pressure and prickling after rubbing. Pressure in the outer canthus, in the evening, with agglutination of the lids towards morn- ing. Stinging itching. Burning and itching in the eyes, inducing rubbing. Itching gnawing and burning in the lids, in the evening. Biting sore pain in the inner canthus, in the evening.—^Inflammation of the eyes (for the varieties cured see Clin. Observ.). * Inflammation of the margins of the lids, also with swelling, -and with discharge of a tear towards morning. °Inflammation of the meibomian glands. Inflamed red spot in the whites, near the cornea. *Red- ness and swelling of the lids. *Stye, -also with inflammation of the white, at times in one, at times in another canthus, also with drawing tension in the stye on moving the facial muscles, and ulcerated nostrils. ° Trichiasis on the upper lid.—°Obscuration of the cornea? "Cataract.—*Dryness of the eyes -with pressure as from a foreign body, early in the morning. Dryness of the right eye, in the evening, with dimness of sight, as if through mucus. Dryness of the lids, particularly when he is sleepy.—* Lachrymation in the open air -also with dimness of sight. *Lachrymation in cold air, -in the wind. Blear- eyedness. °Sharp, biting, corrosive tears.—Abscess in the canthus as if a fistula laehrymalis would form.—Agglutination of the lids in the morning, or of the canthi.—Twitching of the lids.—Bloatedness of the eyes, with sensation as if one were squinting.—The pupils at first contract, afterwards dilate.— *Dimness of sight, as if through mist, particularly on rising from a seat, and on walking. Dimness of sight on waking, in the morning and after dinner, as if something were adhering to the cornea, which can be wiped off. °Dimness of sight on getting warm by exercise. Obscuration of sight, on rising in the morning. Paleness of sight.—Obscuration of sight, with inclination to vomit, and paleness of the face. Obscuration of sight as if from giddiness, on standing up or commencing to walk after sitting. Frequent paroxysms of obscuration of sight. —°Incipient amaurosis. °Hemeralopia. Diplopia. °Sees better at a PULSATILLA. 589 distance than formerly.f—Luminous vibrations before the eyes. *Fiery circles before the eyes, -increasing in size, towards noon, going off in the evening. Star-shaped halo around the flame of a candle. Ears.—Pain in the ear as if something would press out. ^Otalgia, also inflam- matory. *Darting through the ears, -also tearing darting. Darting in the outer ear succeeded by heat. *Slinging in the ears, -also itching stinging. On blowing the nose, air penetrates into the ear, attended with a feeling of distention and stitches which dart towards the eye.—* Hardness of hearing as if the ears were stopped up. Hardness of hearing as if the ears were stopped up, withf trembling and sweat on the back, returning every other hour. (For the kinds of deaf- ness cured, see Clin. Obs.) Heat, redness and swelling of the outer ear, °also of the inner.—*Pus flows out of the ears, also after measles and other exanthe- matous diseases.—Itching deep in the ear. Itching in the right ear, afternoon and evening. Itching pricking in the internal ear. Painful glandular swelling between the antihelix and the articulation of the lower jaw. .Scurfy eruption on the antihelix with a burning smarting pain, emitting water, accompanied with a glandular swelling lower down in the neck, painful to the touch.—Stinging in the parotid gland.—Cracking in the ear when moving the head or the body. Rush of blood to the organs of hearing. Heat and sweat of the outer ear. —Pulsative murmuring in the ear. Frequent buzzing in the ear. *Noise in the ear as i! caused by the wind or by the rushing of water, after four o'clock in the afternoon. Tremulous sounding in the ears, as when one strikes against an iron bar. Ringing in the ears, (from the fourth to the eighth hour). Chirping in the ears as of crickets, early in the morning when in bed. NOSC.—Pressure in the root of the nose. (Pain in the root of the nose when stooping, as if an ulcer would form). Sensation in the left nostril, as if an ulcer would form. Ulceration of the external wing of the nose, emitting a wa- tery humour.—Darting pain in the nose. Smell in the nose, early in the morn- ing, as of old coryza.—Illusion of smell; he imagined he was smelling coffee and tobacco, even in the open air.—* Hemorrhage from the nose -with dry coryza. Blows blood out of the nose early in the morning. Dry coryza, with ulcerated nostrils.—*Green, fetid discharge from the nose.—Obstruction of the nose as in catarrh, in the evening when retiring ; in the nioruing a thick, yellow, opaque mucus is blown out of the nose, as in old coryza.—Continual tickling in the nose. Sneezing, also in the evening when asleep. Sneezing early iu the morn- ing when in bed. Coryza also with loss of smell and taste. FiVCP.—* Pale face. °Yellowish complexion. "Alternate redness and pale- ness. °Red, bloated face during the febrile heat. "Puffed, blue-red face, dur- ing a fit of apoplexy. Twitching of the muscles and cheeks.—Warmth in the lace, also to the prover only. *Heat in the face, also particularly in the even- ing, -or at times with burning redness and subsequent paleness. Shuddering on one side of the face. * Sweat in the face and on the hairy scalp.—Painful sensi- tiveness of the skin of the lips and face, as if sore, when touching it. Tightness oftlie face and of the fingers when toucliig anything, as if the parts would swell. —"Erysipelas in the face, with stinging and subsequent peeling off of the skin. —lied blotch in the region of the malar bone. Red, hard elevation iu front of the right ear, with burning contractive pain. Jaws and Teeth.—The epidermis peels off near the outer border of the lips, until the raw flesh becomes visible. The epidermis of the lips becomes craeked. Twitching in the lower lip for two days. The lower lip is swollen and cracks in the middle, with a tensive pain. Itching in the region of the t Curative effect, after taking a large dose. 590 PULSATILLA. chin, especially in the evening.—(Drawing tearing pains in the lower jaw) f Contractive (astringent) pain in the jaws, as if occasioned by an acid, accompa- nied with shuddering and cold sweat in the face. Small painful glandular swell- ing between the articulation of the jaw and the antihelix. Pain of the submax- illary glands, on deglutition, as if they extended into the throat and were raw and sore. Boring or drawing tension in the submaxillary glands.—"Rheuma- tic toothache. "Toothache of pregnant females. "Toothache from cold, parti- cularly in the spring, and generally attended with otalgia, hemicrania, chilli- ness, and pale face.—(Sticking beating toothache, at four or five o'clock in the afternoon, aggravated by cold water). * The toothache comes on again every time he eats. The toothache commenced at two o'clock in the night, and did not allow him to lay his head on a cold place in the bed ; a sort of sticking-dig- ging, first in the teeth of the lower, then of the upper jaw, shifting from one root to another, coming on again at noon. Stinging toothache relieved by eating. Stinging-gnawing toothache in the gums, especially towards evening, aggra- vated by the warmth of the bed, relieved by exposing the tooth to the cold, open air, and removed by sleep in the evening. Sticking pain in the posterior molar tooth, aggravated by opening the mouth, from two to six in the afternoon. ^Toothache comes on as soon as he takes anything warm in'o his mouth. Drawing-jerking toothache, aggravated by drinking anything cold. Darting in the molares, with a slight swelling of the gums. (Darting toothache, especially early in the morning, ^relieved by cold water, after having been warmed in the mouth, not increased by chewing, but excited by picking the teeth.) Darting toothache, from six in the afternoon until eleven at night, preceded by heat in the head with thirst; the toothache is followed by sweat. *Drawing toothache, as if the nerve were put upon the stretch and let loose again suddenly, "also with fine stitches in the gums.—"Gnawing drawing in the teeth.—Tearing toothache, "also sticking tearing.—"Digging or beating in decayed teeth, with drawing extending to the eye.—Pain in the teeth as if they would be pushed forward.—The tooth is painful when chewing or biting.—The toothache in- creases in thewind.J *The teeth are loose early in the morning. — The gums are painful as "if sore. The internal side of the gums is painful, as if corroded. Sensation of swelling on the posterior side of the gums, which, however, did not exist; he experienced a burning sensation in that region whenever he inserted anything warm or cold into his mouth. Mouth.—Bad smell from the mouth, early in the morning, or also in th» evening, in bed. Putrid smell early in the morning or also at night.—Badly smelling mucous coating in the mouth early on waking, also with dryness of the mouth and throat.—Dryness of the mouth, early in the morning, particularly of the tongu e, or of the palate and lips at the same time, afterwards changing to tenacious mucus.—Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, as after drinking vine- gar. Frequent discharge of watery saliva. Ptyalism, also with inclination to vomit. The saliva tastes sweet. The tongue feels broader than usual. *The tongue is lined with a tenacious mucus as with a kind of fur. White tongue, with bad taste in the mouth, early in the morning. Painful vesicle on one side t The so-called tearing pains of Pulsatilla are generally a short-lasting, drawing tension, which always terminates in a darting analogous to tearing, somewhat as if a nerve were put upon the stretch, and then let loose again suddenly, causing a painful jerk. Hence tho terma " single, tearing jerk ," " drawing jerking," etc. t The increase, or the appearance of the symptoms, in the r.ool, open air, is a rarer alter- nate effect than the appearance of the symptoms in warmth, especially tho warm air in thu roam. PULSATILLA 591 of the tip of the tongue. Sensation in the middle of the tongue as if it were burnt and insensible, even when the tongue is moist, at night and early in the morning. The tongue is parched, and coated grey. Pharynx: sore throat; stitches in the back part of the throat, between the acts of deglutition, none during deglutition, "or particularly during empty deglutition. Stinging sore throat. °Pressure and tension in the throat on swallowing. Sore throat: cut- ting pain in the throat. Sore throat: pain in the side of the palate when touching it, or when talking, as if there were a painful pimple with dilatation of the pupils, early in the morning. Painless sensation, as if the epiglottis were covered with tenacious mucus, or were swollen. Sore throat: *scnsation on swal- lowing, as if the back part of the throit were narrower than usual or closed by swelling. Sore throat: sensation as if the pharynx were swollen, now low down now high up. Sore throat: pain when swallowing, as if the submaxillary glands were protruding into the throat, and as if the protruding part were sore and raw. Sore throat, when swallowing the palate feels sore, as if raw. The back part of the throat is painful as if it were raw, accompanied with a drawing pain in the cervical muscles. Sore throat: rawness and sore feehng in the throat, be- tween the acts of deglutition, and as if the throat were too dry. early in the morning. "Burning and cutting during deglutition. Sore throat: scraping and raw sensation in the throat, as after violent vomiting; he docs not feel any- thing when swallowing ; early in the morning the throat was dry. Sore throat: *when swallowing he feels as if the throat were swollen, and as if the trachea were rough. "Pharyngitis (see Clin. Observ.).—Difficulty of swallowing, as if from paralysis of the muscles of deglutition. Choking pain in the pharynx, aa from swallowing too large a morsel. Dry throat after midnight, or early in the morning—Intolerable feeling of dryness in the throat, extending as far as the tip of the tongue (without any dryness being visible), with thirst; he is, how- ever, unable to drink much, on account of a desire to vomit, which is excited by the drink. Early in the morning the mouth and throat feel dry, and are lined with an insipid flat-tasting mucus, with a fetid smell from the mouth, which he does not perceive himself. Taste and Appetite.—*Slimy taste in the mouth, and inclination to vomh\ early in the morning. (Slimy, saltish-bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning, not without appetite.) Taste as of putrid herbs in the back part of the throat. * Taste as of putrid meat in the mouth, with inclination to vomit, or especially early in the morning when hawking up. Taste as of pus in the mouth occasionally, especially in the morning. Nauseating taste in the mouth, as one experiences before breakfast when rising early. Empyreumatic (pungent) taste in the mouth. Earthy taste in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. Flat taste in the mouth, as if one had eaten earthy things. Bitter beer has a nauseating sweetish taste.—* Nauseating taste from smoking tobacco. The tobacco has no taste when smoking, but does not cause any loathing, towards evening. Bitter taste in the mouth in the evening at six oY.lock.t Bitter taste in the mouth early in the morning, going off after a meal. He has a constantly bitter, ^bilious taste in the mouth, especially alter a meal. Bitter taste with desire for lemon juice. * Ertry kind of nourishment tastes better to him ; afterwards he feels chilly and a cold sweat breaks out. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the evenings t Rarely [and at most only in the evening and morning] does Pulsatilla occasion a con- tinually b.tter taile in tho mo.ilh ; the bitter taUe which Pulsatilla occasions most frequently is cii her occasioned while drinking, or whilo eating and chewing, especially brown bread, or it makes its appearance after the beverage or food has been swallowed; th's kiud of bitter taste is mi ultniiato symptom. T ie b Iter andaour eructations are alternate symptoms, al- though both of them uro primary effects. 592 PULSATILLA. after drinking beer. Aversion to milk, early in the morning, although it tasted well to him. Milk has no taste in the morning. The food she takes has an excessively salt taste to her (except brown bread >; several hours after eating, a scraping, salt taste continues to ascend in her throat. Bitter taste in the mouth after taking coffee. Wine has a bitter taste. Aversion to butter; it has a bitter taste to him. Bread and meat have a bitter taste. Brown bread tastes bitter, not the other food. * Bread has a bitter taste while chewing it; -the bitter taste disappears as soon as the bread is swallowed. Bitter taste in the mouth, a quarter of an hour after eating, the appetite being good. The taste in the mouth is somewhat bitter, especially early in the morning, and some time after a meal; the food, however, had a good taste. Bitter taste after vomiting. Beer has a bitter taste in the morning; it leaves a sour taste afterwards. Bread has a sourish taste ; she finds it too dry. Sourish taste in the mouth after a meal.—*Loss of appetite, the taste being otherwise pure and natural. Aversion to meat and stale bread. Diminished taste of every kind of food. Meat has no taste. Fresh meat has a putrid taste. He has some appetite, but bread, butter, and beer have little or no taste ; stewed prunes are the only things which have a good taste to him. *He does not care about any warm food. He only cares about butter, bread, and fruit. Want of appetite," on ac- count of the food being tasteless, and the stomach feeling full.—Increased ap- petite in the evening.—Early in the morning when rising, a sort of gnawing sen- sation in the stomach, as one experiences after having suffered hunger, going off after eating. Gnawing sensation in the stomach like canine hunger. Canine hunger immediately, but passing off soon. *Desires food, but does not know what ; does ,not relish anything he eats.—*Is hungry, but has no de- sire for any particular kind of food.—* Loss of thirst. Desire for water, parti- cularly in the evening. Desire for beer, particularly early in the morning, or with disagreeable taste of the beer. Desire for spirituous drinks or tonics. "Thirst, with putrid eructations. Thirst occasioned by an intolerable feeling of dryness from the throat to the tip of the tongue, in spite of which he is able to drink but little, because drink excites an inclination to vomit.—Nausea with inclination to vomit, which ascends in oesophagus and pharynx with a very disagreeable sensation. Bread and meat occasion an inclination to vomit. In- tolerable nausea with inclination to vomit, without vomiting Inclination to vomit, -with chilliness. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, only in the throat, not when swallowing. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, when on the point of taking food. Smoking tobacco causes an inclination to vcmit in persons who are used to tobacco. Excessive aversion to smoking. Nausea, with inclination to vomit when slumbering or sleeping, although he has an appetite even for brown bread. Nausea towards evening, after a walk in the open air, with salt or sour vomiting. Sensation of nausea and inclination to vomit in the epigastric re- gion, especially after a meal. Inclination to vomit, with grumbling and rumbling in the epigastric region.—Vomiting of the food which had been taken a long time ago. Vomiting of food in the evening; afterwards bitter taste in the mouth and dulness of teeth. Nightly vomiting, with stitching drawing pains in the back in the direction of the scapulas. Vomiting of a small quantity of food before midnight, almost without any nausea. *Short vomiting oj bile. Rvm- bling and movements in the abdomen, accompanied with flinching pain, ard fal- lowed by the ascension of humid qualms in the throat. Nausea and inclination to vomit, with accumulation of mucus in the mouth, which soon subsides and gives way to sour taste. "Nausea and inclination to vomit, evening or night, cr with tingling in the pit of the stomach.—*Waterbrash.—*Salt or sour vomiting, in the evening, after a walk in the open air, and with nausea. "Bitter-sour vom- PULSATILLA. 593 King. °Bitter vomiting early in the morning. *Vomiting of mucus, -also parti- cularly in bed after supper, discharging with great exertions green, watery, and sour substances,- causing a burning in the oesophagus. "Vomiting after every meal, -or long after the meal. ° liaimaiemesis.—Before ihe vomiting : "Chilli- ness. "Stitches in the ear. "Pale face.—After the vomiting: Burning in th« oesophagus. Bitterness of mouth. Loss of appetite. Gastric Symptoms,—Irresistible heaviness at dinner. — After a meal: *Eruclations lasting of the ingesta, also with subsequent inclination to vomit. "Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pain in the stomach. "Heaviness of the head. "Stiffness of the neck. "Shortness of breath. Gulping up. *Nausea, with disposition to vomit. * Vomiting. "Vexed, melancholy mood. "Laughing and weeping.—(For the gastric derangements cured by Puis., see Clin. Obs.).— Nausea and qualmishness in the stomach after taking milk, early in the morn- ing. "Pressure at the stomach after eating bread. Eructations after eating cake, tasting of old, rancid tallow. Sour eructations after taking coffee, or bit- ter taste early in the morning. Tension in the feet, at breakfast, from eating a little too much. Loud eructations. *Frequent eructations, particularly after a meal. * Frequent eructations tasting oftlie ingesta. Ineffectual eructations. *Sour eructations, also particularly early in the morning. *Bitter bilious eruc- tations, also particularly in the evening. Eructations tasting of putrid meat, after a meal, with subsequent disposition to vomit, and putrid taste in the mouth.—Sensation as if a worm were creeping along the oesophagus.—Rising of the food, as if it would be vomited up again.—Gulping up of a bitter fluid. Gulping up of a sour substance, after drinking coffee. Gulping up of a watery substance, preceded by a sensation in the pit of the stomach, as if something were torn loose in that region, with pressure there during an eructation.—*Hic- cough, -with suffocative paroxysms.—Hiccough when smoking. Hiccough after drinking. Hiccough during the night's rest.—*Nousea, -as if arising from great heat of the body. Nausea, as if one had drunk oil, with loathing. *Nausea while eating, the food becoming repulsive. Stomach,—Feeling of anxiety in the region of the stomach.—*Pain in the pit of the stomach during an inspiration. "Pain on pressure. Pain after eating. Gnawing in the stomach as if hungry. Aching, afterwards dart- ing pain in the pit of the stomach. Violent pressure in the pit of the Btomach, early in the morning, mingled with inclination to vomit. Aching crampy or choking pain in the pit of the stomach, arresting the breathing, in the a"temoon. Aching-drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, early in the morning, passing into the side of the chest as a sticking pain, and lastly into the back as a tearing. Sensation of weight in the stomach, as if a stone were lying there, early in the morning on waking. Pressure in the stomach and flatulent colic, immediately after supper, followed by nausea and inclination to vomit. Tension in the region of the stomach, in the forenoon, going off by mntion. Tension from the pit of the stomach to the chest.—"Cardialgia, (see Clin. Obs.).—Jerks from the stomach to the throat with tensive pain in the throat, anxiety and a feeling of internal heat, which passes off after a meal.— Griping-tearing in the stomach, early on rising, as after long fasting, going off after breakfast. Griping in the pit of the stomach.—"Tingling in the pit of the stomach.—Stitches in the pit of the stomach when missing a step on an un- even pavement, etc. Beating in the region of the stomach. *Perceptible pul- sation in the pit of th^ stomach.—°Gislri'isJ Hypochondria. "Increase of pain in tlia hypochondria and pit of the stomach, during pregnancy. Darting and pricking in the infracostal region, is if there were an ulcsr extending to the small of the back. Contractive and clawing sensation in the epigastric and vol. xi. 38 594 PULSATILLA. the hypochondriac regions, as if the flatulence became incarcerated in that region. (especially after a meal); the sensation afterwards passes into the chest and arrests the breathing. Drawing-tensive pain in the hypochondria.—"Hepatitis? "Sticking in the region of the fiver, also particularly when walking.—"Diaphrag- mitis.?? Abdomen.—"Colic, relieved by rest, aggravated by motion. Colic after drink- ing, particularly in the evening. Colic only when walking. Colic in the evening, also with rumbling in the abdomen.—Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, as if all the viscera had been taken out. Fasting sensation, with pinching and bubbling as if something were fermenting. Cohc as if diarrhoea would come on, with natu- ral stool.—Pressing in the abdomen. Disagreeable sensation of oppressive tension in the abdomen, as if full, hard, as if neither stool nor flatulence could be be passed, although both are passed, though slowly and with difficulty.—"Abdomi- nal spasms, particularly in pregnant females.—Tearing in the abdomen. Griping, deep in the left side, obliging one to bandage the abdomen firmly.—Pinching in the epigastrium. Pinching-sticking pains in the epigastric region, with flatulent colic, in the morning. Pinching in the whole abdomen. Pinching in the morn- ing, with chilliness and heat. Cutting pinching in the hypogastrium with soft stool. Pinching attended with stitches that strike into the penis, frequent thin stools and violent desire for beer. Pinching with griping, rumbling and diar- rhoea.— Cutting colic above the umbilicus, as if diarrhoea would set in Cutting colic during rest, after motion. Cutting colic as from flatulence, before supper. Cutting colic every other evening. Cutting colic deep in the abdomen, as if he would vomit, in the afternoon, after a meal, reheved by bending forward and going off in bed on bending double and going to sleep. Cutting colic, early in the morning, with emission of flatulence.—Sticking in the abdomen. Continu- ous stitch in the side, as from incarcerated flatulence.—-°Enteritis.?—Abdominal congestion.?—Fulness in the abdomen, after a meal, with occasional colic and rumbling. Fulness after supper, as from flatulence.—Distention of the abdo- men, after every meal. Hard distention of the abdomen, with a painful sensa- tion of rigidity in the abdomen, and sensation as if the abdomen would burst (accompanied with swelling of the dorsa of the feet). Hard circular prominence around the umbihcus, painful when walking.—Flatulent colic, directly after sup- per ; painful rumbling of flatulence, particularly in the epigastric region. "Flatulent colic of hysteric females. Colicky shifting of flatulence in the abdo- men, in the evening after lying down. Shifting of flatulence from one part of the intestines to the other, with a loud rumbling, and with a more or less pinch- ing sensation, especially in the evening when in bed. Loud rumbling in the ab- domen, with frequent purging, and griping and pinching in the abdomen. Re- pletion after a meal, and colic with rumbling from time to time. The wind is passed with cutting colic, in the morning. Fetid flatulence after a meal. Colic in the night: pressure in the abdomen, here and there, after midnight, as if flatulence had been incarcerated, with a feeling of heat over the whole body, without thirst; the emission of flatulence afforded no relief.—Pain in the abdo- minal walls as if bruised when gaping. Chilliness over the abdomen (extending as far as the lower part of the back). Pain in the abdominal muscles when sit- ting and coughing. * Painful sensitiveness of the abdominal walls -after a loose stool, accompanied with violent thirst; the abdomen could not be touched without suffering pain. Swelling of the abdominal walls with tensive pain. Titillating itching in and above the umbilicus, with pain after scratching.— Small pustules in the groins, with stinging pain. StOOl.—*Obstinate constipation. Daily stool, but hard (with pain in the PULSATILLA. 595 • haemorrhoidal tumours. "Alternate costiveness and diarrhoea. Difficult evacua- tion with painful pressing and pain in the back.f Difficult stool early in the morning, and two loose stools in the day. Frequent desire for stool, with livid complexion and faint feeling. Frequent urging to stool as if diarrhoea would set in, occasionally. No tenesmus either in the rectum or anus, but a constant desire in the more remote intestines, without any stool being passed. ^Frequent loose stool mixed with mucus. ^Frequent passages of mere mucus, every evacua- tion being preceded by colic. *Evacuations consisting of nothing but loose mucus mixed with blood. Discharge of faeces mixed with blood, early in the morning. *Diarrhoea, one or two stools at night, green as bile; every discharge being preceded by rumbling.! Diarrhoea, first green, then slimy. White stool, (for four days). Stool like stirred eggs, preceded and succeeded by cutting, especially in the morning. * Watery diarrhoza at night. (The faeces are thin and as if pressed flat.) ^Diarrhoea with cutting in the abdomen. *Loose, acrid stool in the morning. *Slimy diarrhoea. "Diarrhoea after measles. Diarrhoea with discharges of stool at night, during sleep, without being conscious of them. "Dysenteric diarrhoea.—During stool: "shaking chill with goose-flesh. *Burn- ing in the rectum. "Painful soreness of the rectum. Drawing in the back.— After stool: *pain in the abdomen, also colicky pain, as from flatulence. Chilh- ness in the small of the back, with pressure in the pit of the, stomach. *Sore- ness oftlie anus. Pressure in the rectum. "Stinging in the rectum.—Tearing with pressure in the anus, when standing. Sticking in the rectum as from in- carcerated flatulence. Smarting sore pain of the anus, between the nates, and of the varices.—Blind haemorrhoids with itching in the evening. Blind haemor- rhoids with itching of the anus. (Flowing haemorrhoids), discharge of blood from the anus. Haemorrhoidal tumours with single itching stitches in the anus. Blind haemorrhoids until nine o'clock in the evening, with sore pain in the anus, during both rest and motion. Painful, protruding blind haemorrhoids. Blind haemorrhoidal tumours, preceded by pain in the small of the back, early in the morning. Ailments from suppression of the piles. Urinary Organs.'—°Retention of urine, with redness and heat of the exter- nal region of the bladder, and with uneasiness and pain in the hypogastrium. Pain in the vesical region when touching it. Constrictive pain in the abdomen, extending as far as the bladder, with pressure as from a stone.—Continuous, dull stitch in the neck of the bladder, as if occasioned by incarcerated flatulence. Sharp (almost cutting) pressure on the neck of the bladder when walking in the open air, as if caused by flatulence, but without any desire to urinate. Con- tinual pressure on the bladder, without desire to urinate, in the evening and night. Pressure on the bladder as if occasioned by flatulence, towards morning. Tenesmus of the bladder. "Catarrh of the bladder. Frequent, almost inef- fectual urging to urinate, with cutting pain during micturition (cutting water). Pressing before micturition. "Difficult emission of urine, drop by drop.—°In- continence of urine. "Copious flow of urine. Pressure on the bladder only when lying on the back, obliging him to pass urine. Burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, in the evening, as if he would urinate.—* Frequent de- sire to urinate, °with drawing in the abdomen, particularly in pregnant females. Enuresis nocturna. Involuntary micturition ; the urine passes off involuntarily when sitting and walking. Copious micturition.§ Passes some urine involun- t This and the six following symptoms are the most usual and principal kinds of evacua- tion occasioned by Pulsatilla. t These kinds of nightly diarrhoea are characteristic of Pulsatilla, and there is scarcely a drug which occasions them as often. § Secondary or curative effect, succeeding a tenesmus of the bladder. The symptoms 437, 436. seem to be primary alternate symptoms of the above-mentioned tenesmus. 596 PULSATILLA. tarily, when coughing, or when emitting flatulence.—*Colourless watery urine. • Passes acrid mucus from the rectum while emitting a watery urine, and accom- panied with a feeling of weakness in the loins. *The urine is red from time to lime. Brown-red urine. Dark-red urine without sediment. Brown urine. Urine with a ring of violet-coloured mucus on top, and a sandy sediment. (*Jelly-like sediment.) Urine with violet-red sediment. Urine with red sedi- ment. Urine with brick-coloured sediment.—"Hematuria, with purulent sedi- ment and pains in the kidneys, or with burning in the region of the orifice of tho urethra.—After micturition : "Spasmodic pain in the neck of the bladder, ex- tending to the pelvis and thighs. Burning in the orifice of the urethra during and after micturition, the urine depositing a brick-dust sediment. Drawing pain in the urethra between the acts of micturition. Creeping pain with pres- sure in the orifice of the urethra, after micturition. Pressure and creeping in the glans after micturition. Sharp pressure in the urethra.—Contraction of the urethra, the stream becoming very thin. *Gonorrhceal discharge from the urethra, -almost like semen, with burning immediately after micturition. Dis- charge of drops of blood in gonorrhoea. "Bad effects from suppression of gonor- rhoea, (See Clin. Obs.)- Genital Organs.—Stinging next the sexual organs. Stitches from the ab- domen into the penis. Stinging itching in the prepuce when sitting and lying, but not when walking, (in the evening). Itching-Smarting pain in ihe outer and inner prepuce. Biting itching under the prepuce near the glans.—Itching of tho scrotum, early in the morning, in and out of bed. Swelling of the right side of the scrotum. Swelling of the scrotum.—The scrotum hangs down very low. * Tearing pain in the testes. The right testicle is drawn up and swollen, the spermatic cord is swollen, with tensive pain, whilst the left testicle is hanging down low. * Drawing and drawing-tensive pains from the abdomen, through the sper- matic cord into the iesticles, which hang low. "Swelling of the testicles after bruises and contusions. "Burning of the testicles, without swelling. °Hydro- cele. "Inflammation of the prostate gland, (see Clin. Obs.).—°Excessive sexual desire, almost like priapism, with violent desire for an embrace, and a number of continued painful erections. *Long-lasting erection in the morning after waking, not without sexual desire. In the morning after waking, the sexual desire ifl excited. Itching irritation in the region of the vesiculae seminales, early in the morning in bed, exciting a desire for an emission, almost without erection, arid without any amorous thoughts.—^Erections day and night. ^Frequent erec- tions with discharge of prostatic fluid. Emission in' the night. "Emission after onanism. Two emissions in one night, without dreams, and next day an intolerable heaviness and laziness in the limbs. Discharge from the urethra of the colour and consistence of semen, with burning pain, especially immediately after micturition. Female Sexual Organs.—Cutting pain in the os tineae. Drawing.pressing pain towards the uterus, with inclination to vcmit every mornirg. Drawing- tensive pain in the abdomen, resembling labour-pains. Contractive pains on the left side of the uterus, resembling labour-pains, obliging her to bend forward. ° Uterine spasms, resembling labour-pain». "Inflammation of the uterus.? Burn- ing stinging in the vagina and labise.—*Suppression of the menses, (see Clin. Obs ). *Suppression of the menses with nausea and disposition to vomit, -also without vomiting and with full appetite. Suppression of the menses with coldness of the body, chilliness and trembling of the feet. (For the menstrual irregularities cured by Puis, sec Clin. OOs.)—*Tbo early mens's: "Menses too long or too short. Profuse menses. "Puis, is suitable in cases of delaying menses —Before the menses : Chilliness, stretching and yawning. . Heaviness in the abdomen, as of a stone. "Pressing on the rectum like urging to stooL PULSATILLA. 597 °Hcpatic colic. "Abdominal spasms. "Colic with vomiting. "Waterbrash: •Vertigo and eructations. "Pressure in the bladder and rectum. "Cardialgia. Pleuritic stitches during and before the menses, excited by moving the arms. breathing and talking loud, and rendering the arm lame.—During the menses: Sticking in the chest during an inspiration. Pain in the stomach, oppression in the pit of the stomach, cardialgia. Pressure in the abdomen and small of the back as from a stone, with disposition of the lower limbs to go to sleep when sitting, and attended with ineffectual urging to stool. Spasmodic, almost burn- ing pains in the abdomen. Nocturnal nausea with discharge of water from the mouth. ° Chillinessandpalenessoffa.ee. llemicrania. Mental derangement. Obscuration of sight and aggravation of the symptoms in a warm room. Pain in the side, going off whenever sweat breaks out.—*The blood is thick and black, -fl iwing by fits and starts. The blood flows only in the day-time when walking, not at night. The blood is viscid, clotty, thick, dark, or else pale and watery.—° Metrorrhagia, (see Clin. Obs.).—* Leucorrhcea, -burning. *Thin, acrid leucorrhoea. * Milky leucorrhoza, -also painless, or with swelling of the pudendum, or particularly after the menses. ^Discharge of thick, white mucus, -particularly when lying, "or before and during the menses, with cut- ting in tho abdomen.—(For the diseases incident to pregnancy and par- turition, which have been cured with Puis., see CI. Obs.).—In lying-in females: Suppresion oftlie lochia, with burning feeling of fulness in the parts. "Puer- peral fever.? Deficiency of milk.? °Ailments from weaning-—^Swelling of the breasts, -also with pressing tension in the breasts, as if milk would ap- pear in them, "or with painful sticking and discharge of thin, acrid milk in girls who are not nubile. Itching of the nipples not going off by scratching. —In new-born infants : "Ophthalmia.? ° Chafing of the skin of infants, par- ticularly after previous abuse of chamomile. Larynx and Tracheal—Scraping sensation in the region of the epiglottis, as is generally the case in hoarseness. *Catarrhal huskiness of the chest, early in the morning after rising, with cough and expectoration "of tenacious white mucus, or of yellow, thick lumps, particularly early in the morning. Hoarseness, with- out being able to speak a loud word. *Scraping and dryness in the throat, causing two or three turns of cough. Tickling in the trachea, extending from the pit of the stomach to the epiglottis, exciting cough. When the child coughs, it scorns to shake all over. Sensation, when coughing, as if the stomach would turn inside out, and as if he would vomit; the cough makes tears come out of his eyes. Coughs immediately after having taken a mouthful of food. (Cough excited by a contractive sensation in the larynx, especially after eating, with vomiting and bleeding at the nose.) Sensation in the throat, while coughing, as if it were irritated by the vapour of sulphur. Tickling in the region of the thy- roid cartilage, occasioning a short cough. An inspiration occasions a desire to cough. (lough excited by an accumulation of mucus and a tickling in the trachea. "Cough excited by yawning. Night-cough hindering sleep and causing exhaustion. Night-cough occasioning dryness of the throat. *Dry night-cough, going off when sitting up in bed, returning when lying down again. * Continuous cough in the evening after lying down. Cough, with pain in the chest. The child vomits after coughing. Night-cough, with stitches in the side. * Violent cough, with difficult expectoration of a small quantity of tena- cious minus, "with painful sticking in the chest and sides. (For various kinds of (rough which have been cured with Puis., see Clin. Obs.) Hard cough towards evening. "Dry cough after every sleep. "Short cough as soon as he begins to feel warm in bed. Dry cough for half a day, followed by a continuous secre- tion of mucus in the anterior portion of the trachea for several days, which can 598 PULSATILLA. be thrown off by voluntary cough. : Cough with expectoration of yellow mucus. (The expectoration during the morning-cough has a disgusting salt taste.) * Cough icith a bitter expectoration. The mucus which is thrown off in coughing has a biting-pungent taste, almost like the taste of tobacco-juice in a pipe (after some hours.) "Greenish expectoration. "Expectoration having a putrid taste.—*Ha>,moptoe. "Cough, with expectoration of pieces of dark, co- agulated blood. "Haemoptoe at night, or until evening. *Cough with purulent expectoration, hectic fever, and corroded, ulcerated lungs.—During the cough : shaking of the body, in an infant. *Sensation as if ihe stomach would turn, unto vomiting, with pressing out of tears. Sensation in the throat as from the vapour of sulphur. *Pain in the chest. Pain in the side, also on rising. Pain- ful weariness in the region of the short ribs, on both sides, such as generally sets in after a long fit of concussive cough. *Stitches in the, side. Stitches in the shoulder. Sudden pain in the lower right arm, striking from above down- wards. Stitches in the back. "Headache. °Shocks in the abdomen. "Pain in the small of the back. "Palpitation of the heart. Severe hacking, after cough in an infant. Chest,—"Battling breathing. Quick, short breathing, His chest is affected, and feels sore. Shortness of breath immediately after a meal, for a few hours. Want of breath when the air is drawn in through the nose, but not when drawn in through the mouth. (Dyspnoea when smoking his usual tobacco.) *Dysp- noea and vertigo accompanied by weakness in the head, when lying on the back; all this disappears when sitting up.y "Dyspnoea at night in bed, as if the throat were constricted; or as if the smoke of sulphur had got into the throat. Dysp- noea, early in the morning, or low down in the chest, as if too full or tight. "Dysp- noea excited and aggravated by cold air. Asthma aggravated by exercise and by ascending an eminence. "Spasmodic asthma. "Evening asthma, particularly after a meal. "Oppression of the chest on walking fast. Sensation in the trachea as if pressed in from without and constricted, so that he was deprived of air a whole minute, in the evening when standing, without cough. Asthma in the evening, followed by slumber, after which he wakes with a suffocative fit, short cough or vomiturition, aching in the forehead with tearing through the eyes, creeping on the tongue, cold feet, cold sweat in the face, and a good deal of rising from the stomach. "Suffocative fit with hiccough. "Suffocative fit as from a spasm in the throat and chest. Spasmodic inspirations and expirations, passing into a suffocative sensation.—"Attacks of asthma Millari. ?—"Spasms of the chest, with short cough and suffocative paroxysms. * Constriction across the chest. Spasmodic sensation through the chest. Continual spasmodic tight- ness below the chest. When lying on the left side she complains of anxiety, quick palpitation of the heart, and want of breath. Spasmodically contractive sensation on the right side of the chest, with vascular erethism and internal warmth. Spasmodic pain across the chest. Cramp-pain first in the right, after- wards in the left side, lastly in the chest. "Pain in the side with cough, not allowing one to lie on the side. Sticking pain in the chest when moving the t The symptoms which Pulsatilla excites in a recumbent posture, when sitting, when rising from a seat, when standing or walking, form as many primary alternate symp- toms of different value. The symptoms excited in a recumbent posture, are generally calm- ed by sitting up, the reverse seldom occurs ; the symptoms excited in a sitting posture, are frequently relieved or removed by motion, the reverse occurring but seldom. The act of rising causes so many more and so much more vehement symptoms the longer one had been seated ; the symptoms which are felt after sitting down, are likewise so much more vehe- ment the longer and more violent had been the previous exercise. Those alternate effects which occur most frequently, and which are most characteristic, have likewise the greatest curative power, when homoeopathic to the disease. PULSATILLA. 599 body. *Slicking in the side, only when lying, particularly at night. °Sticking in the chest, aggravated by drawing deep breath. Stinging pain in the left side, after lying down, in the evening. Tearing and somewhat stick- ing pain in the side of the chest. Cutting pain in the chest here and there. — "Typhoid pneumonia.? — "Paroxysms of burning in the chest.— Dull stitches in the region of the heart, with continual i; -ssure, anxiety impeding respiration, relieved by walking. (For the affections of the heart, cured by Puis., see Clin. Obs). "Heaviness, pressure and burning in the re- gion of the heart. (See Clin. Obs.). Anxious feehng in the chest, the pulse being quicker. Impeded respiration in the morning, owing to anxiety in the chest. Congestion of blood to the chest and heart, at night, with anxious dreams, for instance about being immured, and starting with an anxious cry. Pain in the middle of the sternum, as from an internal ulcer, with aching in the forehead, before midnight.f A small painful spot in the region of the sternum as if the expired air were striking against it. Drawing-tensive pain in the ster- num. [Pressiug and gnawing in the region of the sternum, extending as far as the region of the stomach.] Corrosive itching in the upper part of the sternum, not going off by scratching, in the evening. *Pain of the chest as from bruises. Jerking of the muscles, early after waking. Painful stiffness of the muscles of the chest, early after rising, when drawing deep breath and moving the chest. Sticking in the pectoralis major muscle, when raising the arm, evening and night, until morning. Pain of the ribs on grasping them. Compressive cutting, al- most like stitching, in the region of one of the left lower ribs, when lying on the right side, going off when stretching one's self, or when lying on the painful side. Neck and Back.—Aching pain in the small of the back as if weary, in the evening. Painful pressure from within outward, in the evening. Stiffness and pain when lying, as if from subcutaneous ulceration, or as if the parts were held l)y a tight band which refuses to yield. Pain when raising the upper part of the body and bending it backward, going off by stooping. Pain resembling labor pain, as if a band were drawn through the small of the back, drawing the parts together; this arrests her breathing, especially early in the morning. Pain as if dislocated, during motion. Pain when stooping forward, going off when rais- ing the trunk and bending it backward. Pain as if bruised in the small of the back and knees, when lying in bed, going off when rising and walking about. Pain after sitting; he is scarcely able to rise or stoop. Pain as from stooping too long; the pain is felt most when standing or sitting, relieved ^by bending the body backward and by walking; accompanied with weariness in the feet which obliges one to sit down. Sticking pain in the small of the back and the abdo- men, with cutting pains in the abdomen which arrest the breathing. Sticking in the small of the back; afterwards the pain extends into the abdomen, where it becomes cutting and sticking, and arrests the breathing ; followed by a creep- ing, heaviness, and a drawing sensation in the head, accompanied with vanishing of sight and hearing; afterwards chilliness, as if he had cold water poured over him. The back is painful, and stiff as a board. Pain between the shoulders as if one had been stooping a long while and then rose again; going off by walking. Tearing pain in the back. Stieking pain in the back and across the chest. Stinging pain in the back. Painful pressure in the back from below upward. Itching in the back and above the loins. "Interstitial distention and curvature of the dorsal vertebrae nearest the neck. Aching pain in the fourth vertebra, es- pecially after walking. Drawing-tensive pain in the loins.f: Drawing pain from t Pains here and there as from an internal ulcer, are especially peculiar to Puis. X A sort of artificial ischias. 600 PULSATILLA. the loins to the pit of the stomach, where the pain becomes sticking during an inspiration. Sticking in the loins on stooping, early in the morning when in bed. Excoriating pain in the lumbar region and wrist, as if the parts were sore on the outside. Cracking in the scapula', when making the least motion, early in the morning. Crampy pain in the right scapula, when sitting. Sticking pain be- tween the scapulae during motion, arresting the breathing, f Sticking pain be- tween the scapulae, even during rest.:}: Stitches in the scapulae, at night. Pain below the scapulae, as if too heavy. Drawing-stinging pairs in the nape of the neck, between the scapvl:""and in the back. Pimples extending from the sca- pulae to the middle of the back; itching continually, especially in the evening when i "dressing. Sticking pain in ihe nape of the neck. Drawing-tensive- pain in i he nape of the neck. Bheumatic pain in the nape of the neck, with weariness of the feet. Sort of rheumatism in the nape of the neck in the af- ternoon ; he had great difficulty in moving about. Pain in the nape of the neck as if the neck had been twisted over night. Swelling on the nape of the neck, extending as far as the carotids, and painful only when touched; but the pain is then very intense, as if the parts were ulcerated. Swelling on the right side of the neck, with sensation, when moving or touching the neck, as if the parts would tear or were tight, or as if there were an internal ulcer ; this pain is not felt when swallowing. Itching-pimple on the side of the neck, the itching cannot be reheved by scratching. Painless cracking in the first cervical vertebra, when moving the head. Biting-itching on the side of the neck, after shaving, not going off by scratching, or rubbing, but becoming painful. Itching of the neck and cheeks in the day-time; scratching occasions pimples. Pimples on the neck below the chin, which are painful to the touch. Pain of the cervical glands. Upper Limbs.—Pain in the shoulder, when attempting to raise the arm. [Stitches in the axilla when sitting.] Continuous tearing pain in the shoul- der-joint, obliging one to bend the arm; it comes on in the morning when waking, and either disappears of itself or when resting on the painful arm. Sticking rheumatic pain, in the shoulder-joint in the morning, when moving the arm, or when bending the head to one side. A few stitches in the deltoid muscle of the right arm. Darting pain in the shoulder-joint. Bubbling sensation in the shoulder-joint. A bubbling, a sort of tremulous sensation on the right shoulder in the afternoon. Sensation of excessive weight in the shoulder-joint, and as if paralyzed wThen one attempts to raise the arm. Pain in the shoulder-joint, resembling a cramp-pain and heaviness. Pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joint, when bending the arm backward. ^Drawing pains, coming on in short-lasting paroxysms, extending from the shoulder to the wrist-joint. Burning through the arm at night, beginning in the shoulder. Burning pain in the arm, in the evening, with a feeling of dryness in the fin- gers. Sensation of numbness in, and heaviness of, the arm when raising it, when holding anything with it, or doing any kind of work. The upper arm feels painful to the touch. The arm is painful during rest, as if the humerus were beaten in two in the middle; this pain extends into the thumb, and makes it useless. Tearing in the muscles of the upper arm, immediately. Drawing pain in the arm, even in rest, the whole night, from the shoulder to the fingers; these became insensible, without, however, becoming cold or pale. [When hold- ing anything in the hand, the arm feels as if it would go to sleep.] Pain, as if bruised in the elbow-joint, when moving the arm, the pupils being dilated, earlj t It. is peculiar to Pulsatilla to cause asthma by exciting the parts not belonging to th» respiratory apparatus. t Alternate symptom of the one preceding. PULSATILLA. 601 in the morning. Pain of the elbow-joint when stretching the arm. Pain of the elbow-joint, when moving it. Corrosive itching of the tip of the elbow-joint, hke itching and rubbing with wool. Small, not inflamed, tumours, above the elbow-joint, under the skin, painful when touching them. Heaviness of the arms, with tearing pain in the elbow-joint, when attempting to bend it, only in the day-time. Tensive pain of the tendons of the elbow-joint when moving the arm. Drawing-tearing pain in the bones of the lower arm, in repeated pa- roxysms, both in the day-time and evening. The veins of the lower arm are distended. Sensation of coldness in the arms, as if they would go to sleep. Jerking-tearing pain in the arms. Darting sensation in the forearm, in the di- rection of the wrist-joint, especially early in the morning after waking. Tear- ing-drawing pain in the arm, especially in the fingers at night. Drawing-tensive pain in the interior of the arm, extending as far as the wrist Itching of the lower arm, especially of the dorsum of the hand, and between the fingers, obliging one to scratch, but without occasioning the formation of pimples. Ri- gidity of the right wrist-joint, even when not moving the hand. Painful stiff- ness of the wrist-joint, when moving it, and as if the hand were sprained or strained. Sweaty hands, early in the morning after rising. Pain, as if sprained or strained in the carpal bones, afterwards iu the arm, in the evening, more per- ceptible during motion than in rest. Drawing pain in the thumb, with a sensa- tion of stiffness during motion. Pain in the second joint of the thumb, when moving it, as if sprained or strained. Stiffness in the second joint of the thumb or knee, as if these joints were dislocated, and as if they would crack. Tension in the posterior joints of the fingers, early in the morning. Tearing pain in the extensor tendons of the fingers. Pimples between the fingers containing water, with a fine stinging pain, as from a splinter, when feeling them or when moving the fingers. "Itching chilblains on the fingers ?—Pain of the index-finger on the side of the nail, as if a panaritium would form. The fingers go to sleep early in the morning. The fingers go to sleep at night. Lower Linibs.—Simple pain in the glutei muscles, as if bruised, or as if from subcutaneous ulceration, after sitting. Pain in the hip-joint, when bend- ing the back, at noon. Pressure in the left hip, and at the same time in the head, in the forenoon, going off during motion. Pain in the hip-joint, as if dis- located. "Coxalgia, also chronic.—"Jerking tearing of the lower limbs. * Trembling of the lower limbs, -in the morning, or particularly during the pains. Drawing and tension in the lower limbs, in the evening. Uneasiness in the left lower limb, at night, unless it is kept bent. Inability to move the affected lower limb, at night, on account of a bruised pain.—Visible, painless twitching of a few muscular fasciculi of the thigh, in the evening, in bed. Jerking, almost sore pain, from the hip-joint to the knee, early in the morning, in bed, disap- pearing on walking. Stitching in the anterior side of the left thigh, down to the knee, and extending from the right calf to the heel, not during motion. Violent pain in the muscles of the thigh and upper arm, as if they would be burst open. Drawing pain, at night, in the muscles of the thighs, obliging him to move them ; he cannot find ease in any position ; feels sleepless, tosses about in his bed to and fro, even after the pain has disappeared, with coldness all over. Sudden, transitory paralytic weakness in the thigh, when walking.t [Pain in the right thigh, resembling stiffness ; when grasping it (or when touch- ing it) the part aches, a sort of pricking being felt in it.]—Pain in the thighs, as if bruised, in the bones ; also when pressing on the part, the pain feels as if in the bones; she is unable to bend the knees or to kneel down ; sensation as if t Or rather when commencing to walk after having been seated a long while. 602 PULSATILLA. the bones would break. Bruised pain in the muscles and bones of the thighs. (Tension about the thighs, when walking and stooping.)—Paralytic pain in the knees and heel, as after a long journey, at the commencement of a walk, after having been sitting on a chair. (Painful stiffness in the right knee, when walk- ing, when stretching the limb). Excessive weariness of the legs, with trem- bling of the knees. * Tearing pains in the knees, like jerks. Tearing pain, extending from the knee to the hip, only when sitting, not when walking, Tear- ing and drawing pain in the knee. Tension in the bend of the knee (immedi- ately). Tearing pain in the knee with swelling. (Pimples in the bend of the knee). Painless ^swelling of the knee. °Inflammatory, hot swelling of the knee (particularly above the patella) with stinging. (Coldness in the knee at night, when covered with the bed-cover). A small spot on one side of the knee is painful as if bruised.—Cracking in the knees.— Unsteadiness and weakness of the knees; when walking his knees give way suddenly.—The legs go to sleep when rising from a seat. Paralytic pain of the legs on rising from a seat, going off when continuing to walk. Pain as if bruised in the outer region of the tibia. Simple pain of the legs. Pain in the leg when letting it hang down. Drawing pain in the leg, in the evening. Acute drawing in the legs as far as the knees, in the evening, with more chilliness than in the day-time, without any subsequent heat.f Drawing pain in the legs from the feet to the knees, as after a long walk; the pain abates in the morning, and finally disappears entirely. Sensation of coldness in the leg, although it has a natural warmth. Heaviness and drawing pain in the legs, less in the arms. Heaviness of the legs in the day-time. Towards evening the legs are insensible, but weary; they tremble in walking. Tremulous sensation in the legs and knees, in the evening, after lying down. Weariness of the legs. Weariness of the knees (not of .the legs), on rising from a seat. Weakness of the legs, so that he is scarcely able to stand. Buzzing and moaning sensation in the legs, when standing, disappearing on walking. "Bed, hot swelling of the legs and feet, after suppression of fever and ague. (Bleeding of the varices of the leg). The tibia is painful when touched. Pain a3 if bruised on the tibia, especially when raising the leg. Pain on the tibia, as if beaten with a stick, from afternoon till evening. Pimples on the leg, discharging a watery fluid, with a burning pain. Drawing on the inner side of the calves when sitting down, after a long walk. Visible twitching in one part of the right calf, early in the morning, in bed, not without some disagreeable sensation. The flesh on the legs is painful as if from subcutane- ous ulceration, especially in the evening, after lying down ; this pain is relieved by compressing the parts with the hands. Pain in the bones of the leg, as when pressure is made on an ulcerated spot, after having walked for some time, especially in the afternoon, reheved by pressing on the part, or by sitting down, but especially by a night's rest. "Drawing in the bones. Drawing-tensive pain in the calves. Tensive pain of the calves. Cramp of the leg, in the eve- ning, after lying down, with chilliness. When walking, he feels a pain in the calves like cramp.—When walking, he feels a sudden pain in the tarsal joint, as if sprained. Tearing in the tarsal joint when moving the foot, early in the morning, with dilatation of the pupils. Tearing pains in the region of the mal- leolus internus, aggravated by walking. Tearing pain across the dorsum of the foot, extending as far as the heel, morning and evening. "Jerking in the re- gion of the malleolus, when sitting, with sticking in walking.—Bed and elevated spot on the dorsum of the foot, painful to the touch, with a prickling or some- what stinging pain, as if an ulcer would form at that place. * Swelling of the t Most of the pains of Pulsatilla are accompanied with chills, or at least chilliness. PULSATILLA. 603 •dorsum of the foot. (Swelling of the dorsum of the foot with painful rigidity). "Erysipelatous, burning swelling of the dorsum of the foot, with stinging when touching or moving the part. Swelling of the feet above the malleoli, not be- low. ^Swelling of one foot, in the evening. * Swelling of the feet. Hot feet. *Hot swelling of the feet, extending as far as the calves. Constant burning and heat of the foot during rest, increased by walking. *Red, hot swelling of the feet, with a tensive, burning pain, increasing to a stitching pain when standing. "Gvlctnatous swelling of the feet, extending above the malleoli. Bed, hot swelling of the feet, with itching creeping, as if frozen. Profuse sweat of the feet every morning in bed (secondary effect ? after curing a swelling of the foot). Excessive sensitiveness and tingling in the foot, when first setting the foot on the floor in the morning, as if too full of blood. Tingling-stinging pain in the soles of the feet when standing, as if pithy, or as if gone to sleep. Numb pain in the ball of the big toe. Numb pain in the soles of the feet and the ball of the big toe, as after a high leap, and as if pithy, immediately on treading, after having been seated a long while ; this pain gradually disappears by walk- ing. The soles of the feet are painful, as if bruised. Tearing pain in the soles of the feet above the knee, and in the back. Single stitches in the soles of the feet and the tips of the toes, when at rest. When stepping, the soles feel ecchymozed, or as if ulcerated. Burning pain in the soles. Pain in the hol- low of the foot when stepping, as if something had grown out, or as if there were an internal ulcer, with stitches, extending thence into the calves.—Boring pain in the heel, towards evening. Early in the morning, when in bed, he ex- periences a stinging in the heel, which passes off after rising. Burning-prick- ing pain in the ball of the heel,f with itching, as in frozen limbs. Boring-stick- ing pain in the heel. Cutting pain in the heel, in the evening, after having become warm in bed.—Tearing jerks or shocks (ictus in Latin) in the big toe. Pricking in the toes, especially in the big toe. Pain of the toes, as if the shoe had pinched him. Pain in the big toe, which increases in the evening, and dis- appears as soon as he lies down to sleep. Itching tingling in the toes, as in frozen limbs, in the evening. In the evening, after having become warm in bed, he experiences in the ball of the little and second toes, a burning-pricking pain, accompanied with itching, gradually becoming excessive, as in frozen limbs. Before midnight he experiences a painful, intolerable itching, and itching-sting- ing of the feet and toes, which feel as if inflamed; this itching seems to go through the whole body, and is especially felt close to the root of the nails; it is an itching resembling that of frozen toes, but leaves no painful pithy feeling in walking, as is the case when the feet are really frozen. Sleep.—* Yawning.—^Drowsiness in the day-time. Constant drowsiness, with a number of dreams. Drowsiness at dinner. Irresistible drowsiness in the afternoon. Drowsiness at an unusual hour, either late in the morning or early in the evening. Is unable to keep off sleep in the evening, without, how- ever, feeling tired. °Feverish somnolence, with uneasiness and anxious fancies day and night.—Falls asleep late in the evening, waking early in the morning without being able to fall asleep again. Sleeplessness, also with excessive, rest- lessness, or as from vascular excitement. *Sleep prevented by ideas crowding upon one, evening and night. Does not fall asleep before midnight, and is then only able to sleep when sitting or with his head bent forward or sideways.— * Frequent waking at night, remaining awake a long time, with drowsiness in the day-time. Waking before midnight, with a number of dreams; she did not sleep quietly until after two o'clock, and felt so tired in the morning that t The pricking pains of Puis, are generally burning-pricking. 604 PULSATILLA. she could have slept the whole morning, Wakes every three hours and is then wide awake. Wakes after having slept an hour- and a half, and remains awake until early in the morning, turning constantly from side to side.—Light sleep, with sensation, on waking, as if he had not slept at all. Bestless, stupifying •leep, with tossing about. Long slumber, full of fancies and dreams. *Resl- less sleep, wi'h tossing about in bed, as from excessive warmth, -or with throw- ing off of the bed-cover on account of the heat, and with warmth in the palms of the hands.—Symptoms at night in bed: Drawing from above downwards, to the feet ^1: mediately after lying down). Ailments when lying on one or the other side, particularly spasmodic symptoms, hccmorrhoidal pain at the anus, headache as if the skull would burst, pains in the joints, tightness of the chest, anxiety, etc., on which account he prefers, at night and early in the moraine, a recumbent posture with his limbs drawn up. Waking on account of a feeling of heat. Intolerable dry or burning heat, with restlessness Intolerable itch- ing (after lying down). "Great restlessness and tossing about. Malaise in bed, relieved by getting up. Waking with inability to collect one's senses, as if frightened and stupified. Anguish on waking, as if he had committed some evil deed. Anguish (in the evening after lying down) with ideas crowding upon his mind and rush of blood to the head obliging him to get up. Fixed idea, for instance, about a tune, disturbing his sleep before midnight.—Symptoms during sleep: Lying on his back, with his arms above his head, or with his hands laid crosswise over the abdomen and the lower limbs drawn up. Snoring inspira- tions through the nose (during the evening, sleep when sitting). Moving the body to and fro. Sitting up in bed, staring at every body and ordering the " man to be driven away." ^Liability to start. Jerks in the arm with start- ing. Screaming, and starting as if in affright at a black dog, cat, bees, which ■he wants people to chase away. Loud prating, also particularly before mid- night, of important things which he says had happened to him, or incoherent talking in a slumber full of dreams. Jerking of the limbs or the whole body, also particularly on falling asleep (even after dinner). *Spasmodic distortion of the mouth, in a child, with opening of the eyes, distortion, and then again clos- ing of the eyes accompanied with twitching of the fingers. ° Crying out. •Nightmare. Slight general sweat after midnight, during a stupifying slumber with vivid dreams.—* Sleep full of dreams. Confused dreams. Vivid dreams about the affairs of the day, or of one and the same object (the whole night) and with uninterrupted exertions of thought. " Lascivious dreams evening and morn- ing, almost without sexual excitement. Vexatious dreams about quarrelling. 0 Anxious dreams. *Frightful dreams obliging him to raise himself in bed. Fright- ful dreams with starting as from a fall. Dreams full of fright and loathing. He dreams that he is to be beaten, or that some misfortune has happened, with loud crying and moaning which continues even after waking, in consequence of the vividness of the dream. On waking : Sensitiveness of the hearing, the words sounding too strongly and shrill.—Early in the. morning, in bed : Pain of the limbs and particularly the joints, constantly obliging one to extend the limbs, with heat of the whole body. Languor, which increases in proportion the longer he lies in bed, so that he wants to remain in bed longer or to fall asleep again.— Malaise through the whole body, early after rising, going off by motion. Fever.—* Coldness, -with paleness and sweat over the whole body. Cold- ness of the hands and feet, which are like dead.—^Shuddering -in frequent paroxysms, as if sweat would break out. Shuddering, the hair standing on end, with anguish and oppression. Shuddering along the back from below up- wards, the whole day. Shuddering from the back to the hypochondria, and on the anterior portion of the arms and thighs, with coldness of the limbs and sen- PULSATILLA. 605 sation as if they would go to sleep, at four o'clock in the afternoon. Creeping shuddering over the arms, with heat of the cheeks and sensation as if the air in the room were too hot.—Chilliness and a chilly feeling internally; constant sen- sation as if one would feel chilly even in the warm room, morning and evening. Chilliness early in the morning on rising. In the afternoon the upper part of the body felt warm, the lower part chilly internally, without any coldness being perceptible to the hand. Chilliness, in the evening, all over; he felt cold with- out shuddering. Chilliness towards evening, only on the thighs, which felt cold to the hand, whereas legs and feet remained warm. Chilliness, the whole eve- ning before going to bed, even while walking. Quickly-passing chilliness after dinner. Chilliness after dinner, in the epigastric region, and over the upper arms. Chilliness in the evening after lying down ; a short attack of heat after lying down. Feeling of chilliness with trembling, returning in a few minutes, followed by little heat, without sweat. Chilliness in the room in the evening. Chilliness in the warm room toward evening, or sensation as if he were cold, mingled with a feeling of heat.—Fever: Chilliness the whole day, and three flushes of heat in the face. Chilliness, with occasional flushes of warmth, af- terwards increased warmth in the face and the rest of the body.f Chillinesi without thirst; thirst during the hot stage. In the evening, after lying down in bed, he is attacked with heat immediately, without thirst or sweat; the sweat broke out between two and five o'clock in the morning, accompanied with thirst, and increasing after every drink he took. Chilliness in the evening, followed by heat which was rather external than internal, with weariness and debility; at night the heat was only felt internally, and became entirely dry until five o'clock in the morning, without sweat; this was followed by a confused feeling in the head, and in a few hours by a bloody expectoration from the chest, which afterwards became liver-coloured. Bepeated shuddering in the afternoon; in the evening a general, burning heat set in, with a violent thirst; starting as in affright, which prevented sleep; pains resembling severe, raging labor-pains, with painfulness of the whole body which made her unable to turn in bed, and watery diarrhoea. He feels hot, and nevertheless wants to be covered; he licks his lips, but does not drink; he moans and groans. Great chilliness and exter- nal coldness in the evening, without shuddering or thirst; in the morning ha has a feeling of heat as if sweat would break out (which does not break out, however), without thirst and without any external heat, but with hot hands, and unwillingness to be uncovered. Violent chilliness, followed by a mixed sensation of internal heat and shuddering; afterwards a general, burning heat with very quick pulse and hurried breathing, as if suffering mortal anguish. Shaking and chilliness, followed by general heat and sweat, with drawing-jerk- ing pains in the bones of the extremities. Chilliness with hot ears and hands, every afternoon at one o'clock. Chilliness, followed by heat of the head and hands, perceptible to himself and others, with a slow, full pulse. Thirst at two o'clock in the afternoon ; at four, chilliness without thirst, with coldness of the face and hands, with anxiety and oppression of the chest; after this he lies down and feels a drawing pain in the back extending to the occiput, and thence to the temples and vertex ; a'ter the lapse of three hours his body feeb hot with- out thirst; the skin is burning, with large drops of sweat in the face, sleepinesa t The Pulsat. fever and ague is generally characterized by the thirst occurring only dnring tho hot stage, rarely after tho hot stage, or before the chilly stage. There is no thirst when there is merely a feeling of heat without any heat being perceptible to the hand. An alter- nate symptom of this more feeling of heat is a feeling of heat mingled wi*h a feeling of cold. There are a few moro altemato symptoms belonging to this latter symptom ; but they are rare, and therefore of little avail in practice. 606 PULSATILLA. without any real sleep, and great restlessness; next morning the whole body was covered with sweat.—°Intermittent fevers : "quotidian, tertian, quartan. "Intermittent fever, generally consisting of chilliness without thirst, followed by heatwith thirst, accompanied or succeeded by sweat. "The fever generally sets in or exacerbates in the evening or afternoon, remits towards morning. *The chilhness is generally accompanied with paleness of face, vertigo, stupefaction, painfulness and heaviness of the head, anxiety and oppression of the chest, or "vomiting of mucus. °During the heat: ^paroxysms of anguish, *headache with red, bloated face, *sweat in ihe face, ^chilliness when taking off the cover of the bed, -lamenting and moaning, °deep or restless sleep, "hurried and anxious breathing, "disposition to vomit, "diarrhoeic stools. " The fever generally, or the apyrexia, is characterized by headache, painful oppression of the chest, moist cough, somnolence, bitterness of mouth, diarrhoea or constipation. "In- termittent fever after abuse of Quinine or China.—Desire for water during the heat. Desire for water in the evening. Thirst for beer ; nevertheless it has a disagreeable taste. Violent thirst after the disappearance of the heat, espe- cially for beer, with white tongue. Thirst, especially in the morning, and for beer (a. a few hours). Desire for spirituous drinks. He wants something strong and stimulating.—Internal heat with moderate thirst in the afternoon. *Heat at night, and chilliness (shuddering) when turning in bed. Burning on the chest and between the scapulae, at six o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied with chilliness of the thighs and legs, without thirst. Heat, followed by shud- dering. She feels too hot with her clothes on and too chilly without them. First heat, afterwards violent chilliness. *Dry heat of the whole body at night and early in the morning. Dry heat of the body, in the evening, with distended veins and burning hands, with desire to lay them on cool places. One hand feels hot, the other cold. On one side of the body the hand and foot are cold and red, on the other they are hot, in the evening and at night.f Hands and feet are hot. Sudden heat and redness of the cheeks, with warm sweat on the forehead, especially in the evening; the heat in the face is accompanied and succeeded by shuddering on the back and over the arms, without goose-flesh, and by a boring headache, from within outward, with dull stitches; mingled with paroxysms of anguish. Bedness of the right cheek, with violent burning of the cheek, especially in the open air; accompanied with heat of the right hand, shuddering of the whole body, cloudiness of the head, resembling intoxi- cation, and ill-humour, with inclination to take every thing in bad part. Sud- den heat with a good deal of sweat in the face, trembling of the limbs, and ob- scuration of sight, as if one would faint. Flushes of heat. *Heat of the. whole face in the evening. Sudden redness of the face, with shuddering of the feet and anxious trembling. Heat in the afternoon, for one hour, in the whole body. Heat of the whole body except the hands, which are rather cool, with aching- pain above the orbits and an anxious moaning. Anxious heat over the whole body, the hands however being more burning than the rest of the body, with tearing pain in the occiput. Sensation as if a very hot air blew upnn him, which gives him a headache. He cannot bear any external warm'h; his veins are distended. Heat, early in the morning, when in bed, with sensation as if sweat would break out.—"Acute fevers. "Mucous fevers. "Gastric fevers. "Bilious fevers. "Typhoid fevers, also with loss of consciousness, delirium, weeping, and wringing of hands, somnolence. "Hectic fevers ?—* Pulse q tick and small. Feeble and slow pulse. The pulse is feeble and almost collapsed. * This redness, even of the cold parts, shows that Puis, has the power to cai s^ dish n'.ion and swelling of the veins even when there is no heat; in bome instances, wni;h aie not mentioned here, Puis, has even produced varices. PULSATILLA. 607 —Disposition to sweat in the day-time. Disposition to sweat early in the morn- ing. Sweat, the whole night, accompanied with stupifying slumber full of talk, and with desire for beer, or with cramp in the hands and arms. Sweat during the morning-sleep, going off after waking. Slight, general sweat. Copious *morning-sweat. Sweat on the right side of the face. Sweat only on the right side of the body. Sweat only on the left side of the body. Skin.—*Biling itching here and there, "also like formication. Itching of the dorsum of the foot and between the breasts, early in the morning in bed. Itching-stinging sensation in the skin, resembling flea-bites.—Burning itching over the whole body, before midnight, when getting warm in bed, becoming more violent by scratching; thi3 prevents his night-sleep; not much in the daytime, and only after having become heated by a walk, or when rubbing the skin ; no eruption is visible.—Bed, hot spots on the body, like nettlerash, with biting pain. "Zona ? "Measles and their secondary ailments, or bad conse- quences from suppression of measles. °Eruption resembling varicella, after eating pork and fat things.—"Erysipelas, also with swelling, hardness, burning heat, and stinging when touching or moving the part.—° Cracking of the skin on wetting it. Sore pain on touching the affected part.—Boils here and there. —"Flat putrid ulcers. "Carious ulcers. The ulcer inclines to bleed. Severe stinging-biting pain in the ulcer, with itching all around. Burning biting in the region of the scurf (belonging to the ulcer), early in the morning, in bed, ac- companied with a dry cough. Burning as from hot coal, early in the morning, on the side of and directly over the ulcer of the foot, for two minutes. Tickling itching below the ulcer of the foot. Exessive itching around the ulcer, as if it would heal. Stitches are experienced in the ulcer which concuss the whole body, whilst the parts around the ulcer are merely affected with stinging pains, which afterwards change to a burning. Stitches in recent wounds in the even- ing. In the ulcer of one foot stitches are experienced shooting from below up- wards ; in the ulcer of the other foot he feels a burning. A biting is experi- enced in the ulcer of the foot shortly before bandaging it, morning and evening. The redness around the ulcer becomes hard and shining. The cicatrix of an old burn is painful to the touch. Increase of pain in the ulcer, when on the point of eating. "Suppurating wound.—"Swelling of the limbs with stinging limbs or with a feeling of numbness. "Dropsical swellings.—"Jaundice?— Chlorosis?—"Varices?—"Chilblains, with blue-red swelling, heat and burning, or throbbing. General Symptoms.—"Pulsatilla is especially adapted to ailments of the female sex, or to individuals u-ith a gentle, good-naturedly mischievous disposition, who easily laugh or weep, with phlegmatic temper and inclination to melancholy, lymphatic constitution, paleface, blue eyes and blond hair, freckles, disposition to eatarrh, leucorrhoea or other kinds of blennorrhoea.—"Chronic ailments arising from the abuse of sulphur water, quinine, chamomile, mercury. "Ailments from the use of pork, fat pastry, or other fat. "Bad effects from the abuse of wine. "Bad effects arising from fright or mortification. "Ailments arising from taking cold by exposure to wet, or by placing the feet in water, etc.—"Con- sequences of bruises and contusions.—° Ulceration of internal parts.—°Rheu- matic and arthritic affections, "also with swelling. "Articular rheumatism. 0Erratic gout. "Scrofulous affections and rickets, also with atrophy. "Curva- ture of bones. * Passive congestion with distention of the veins. *Blennor- rlwen.—* Pains of the extremities, (tearing, drawing, or jerking) in the muscles, with aggravuiou of the pains at night or in tlie evening in bed, amelioration in the open air, "attended with numbness and paralytic weakness, or with swelling of the affected parts.—* Drawing tearing in one or the other limb, -also with 608 PULSATILLA. chilliness and coldness, or in frequent, repeated attacks. Stinging drawing in the limbs, particularly the joints, which feel painful as if bruised when touched. Darting pain in the left side. Jerking drawing in the muscles, as if pulled by a string. "Stinging and feeling of coldness in the affected parts, when a change of weather sets in. "Bigidity in single limbs, as if the tendons were contracted. "Erratic pains, rapidly shifting from one part to another, also with swelling and redness in the joints. *Pain as if bruised or from subcutaneous ulcera- tion on touching the part. * Pains and ailments of one side of the body. * At- tacks of pain and o'her ailments with chilliness, asthma, paleness of face, or also with trembling of the lower limbs. "The more violent the pains, the greater the chilliness.—* Ailments from the open air, with dread of the open air. De- sire for the open air, although while in it, colic and disposition to vomit increase.__ Great languor after a walk after dinner, from the least cause, with an almost irresistible drowsiness, which increases in proportion as he makes efforts to re- main awake.—Excessive debility and bruised feeling of the limbs. Painful feeling of lameness in the ligaments, also particularly in the evening at twilight, with chilliness and drawing in the limbs as previous to the setting in of a parox- ysm of fever and ague. Bigid iramobi.ity in the body. Indolence with constant disposition to be sitting and lying. Disposition to stretch. Great disposition to extend the limbs, when sitting, in the daytime. Heaviness of the whole body, also excessive, with chilliness in the arms and lower limbs.—Excessively disa- greeable sensation in the body, almost driving one to despair, not allowing him to sleep or to have any rest. Troublesome beating of the arteries through the whole body, mostly perceptible when touching the parts.— Tingling sensa'ion, and as if gone to sleep, in the parts on which he had been lying, on waking. Tingling sensation, and as if gone to sleep in the fore arms, hands, and legs, when lying still, relieved by motion.—Excessive weariness from a short walk. Excessive weariness of the legs on rising, after having been sitting for some time. Languor of the whole body, obliging one to lie down. Is unable to walk even a few minutes, on account of languor, and has to sleep frequently lor hours in the daytime. Weakness and relaxation of the limbs, without weariness, early in the morning, on rising. Tremulous weakness. The weakness and weariness occasioned by Pulsatilla, are generally characterized by heaviness.— Trembling of all the limbs, with tearing pains, particularly in the left arm and foot. * Anxious feeling of trembling, -with drawings in the limbs and the whole body, or with aggravation of the pains when sitting or lying, and with ameliora- tion by motion. Trembling of the hands and feet during motion. Anxiety in the afternoon, with trembling of the hands, which are marked with red spots, but not hot.—°Fainting turns, with cadaverous paleness of the face.—° Epileptic convulsions (after suppression of the menses), with violent tossing of the limbs, followed by relaxation of the limbs, disposition to vomit, and eructations.— ^Emaciation. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains are aggravated or excited when sitting, after long exercise ; *on rising, ater having been seated for a long time; during rest, particularly when lying on one side, -or on the back; the pains which come on when lying on the back, sometimes are relieved by turning to the one or the other side, or by lying on the affected side; the pains which are ex- cited or aggravated by lying on the side, are relieved by lying on ihe back; a number of pains are relieved by motion, walking, pressure, external warmth, and open air, whereas other pains are aggravated under those circumstances ; the pains are generally worst in the evening, at night, or before midnight; some of the pains are aggravated or come on early in the morning, or after din- ner. *The symptoms appear with particular violence every other evening. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. 609 PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. (In animals, dog).— Death after two hours. After opening the body, which was done immediately a ter the djath of the animal, the heart continued to con- tract for ten minutes; the blood in the heart was blackish and fluid. The lungs were somewhat denser than usual, crepitated but little, and became somewhat submerged in water. The stomach was very much distended by the food, and contained a viscid, greenish fluid. < me-third of the mucous membrane of the stomach adjoining the pylorus, had a cherry-red colour. The rest of the sto- mach was dark-red, and dotted with black spots, which seemed to be somewhat prominent, and contained venous, black blood. The muscular coat seemed to be little altered. The rectum was inflamed, dotted with red spots, and con- tained greenish excrements. (Orfila.) , 201. RANUNCULUS. 1. BANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. BAN. BULB.—See Staff's Addit. to the Mat. Med. Compare with—Ars., Bry., Merc, sol., Nux v., Puis., Ban. seel., Bhus tox., Sabad., Sep., Staphys., Sulph. Antiootes.—Bry., Camph., Puis., Rhus. Arrack and wine do not interrupt the action of Banunc.; on the contrary, the pains, particularly those of the head, are aggravated. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Ran. bulb has been successfully employed in the following affections: neu- ralgia from irritatio spinalis, particularly in two cases of neuralgia intercosta- lis.—Pemphigus neonatorum, where the vesicles were two, three or four inches in size, after the desiccation of which the infants looked as if excoriated.—Sca- bies pustulosa.—Herpes universalis. Herpes of the fingers and palms of the hands. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Vexed and inclining to be angry; quarrels and scolds when the slightest cause is offered. Ill-humoured, and disposed to quar- rel and scold the first forenoon ; in the evening he is desponding, apprehensive, sensitive, discontented; on the second day he again inclines to be provoked by the innocent jests of his friends, etc.; this continues for several days, and recurs frequently during the action of Ban. (The objects of his feelings, for instance chagrin, occupy his mind long after the occurrence has taken place; one sees that he is thinking of those things, he talks to himself, gesticulates in his anger.) Fearfulness in the evening, she does not want to remain alone, she is afraid she will be haunted by ghosts. ScnSOrium.— Vanishing of thought, when reflecting, he stares at one point for a long while: he knows not where he is. Obtuseness of the senses, for weeks as long as the herpes lasted, nothing made a strong impression upon him; even his painful herpes did not affect him as vividly as it ought to have done, and he finds it difficult to furnish an exact description of it from beginning to end. Vertigo while walking. Vertigo, as if he would fall, on leaving the room and going into the air. Sudden attack of vertigo in the occiput, when walking, as if he would fall, followed by violent ten ring in the right temple. Dizziness in the head, making it difficult to think. Dizziness of the head and sensation as if vol. u. 39 610 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. the head would be enlarged and distended. Head and body feel quite weak the whole forenoon. Head.—Headache, with anxiety and weakness when eating, in the region where the right malar and temporal bones unite, at noon. Pain in the occiput, after slight chagrin, early in the morning. Headache, over the right eye, with disposition to weep and mental oppression, which seemed to emanate from the chest, in the evening, on the third day. Headache, over the right eye, aggra- va'ed by lying, relieved by walking and standing, with heat in the face and cold hands. Headache, over the right eye (frontal cavity ?), thence pressing down- ward into the nose, with vertigo as if he would fall forward, and beating in the right frontal eminence, the whole day until evening, (in a female liable to simi- lar attacks). Heaviness of the head. The head feels distended. Yiolent tearing in the evening, first in the left side of the occiput, as far as the nape of the neck, afterwards along the left lower jaw from behind forward. Tearing in the vertex, when writing, while standing. Violent tearing in the right temple, preceded by vertigo in the occiput. Pain in the vertex, as if the parts would be pressed asunder, in the evening, when entering the room on coming out of the open air, accompanied with pressure in the eyeball near the outer canthus. Pain in the sinciput, in the afternoon, as if filled with blood. Drawing pressure in the upper part of the frontal bone and in front of the forehead, with sensation as if the hairs of the sinciput were standing on end, shortly after supper. Acute stitches in the left temple, but only in the outer parts ; after they had disappear- ed he felt stitches in the left ear, and tearing in the left side of the occiput. Drawing ^sticking pain in the occiput.—Aching pain at a small spot, where the left temporal bone unites with the parietal, (before dinner). Pain in the region where the right malar aud temporal bones unite. Upon entering the room when coming out of the open air, he suddenly experiences an aching pain in both tem- ples and in the nape of the neck, with vertigo, apparently deep in the brain (evening). Pain in the temples, drawing and pressure, in the evening while walking, with feverish restlessness and difficulty of breathing. Occasional sub- dued, soft beats, not like pulsations, but at longer intervals, in the left side of the occiput. Transitory (beating?) pain, while sitting, in the right side of the occiput, with great debility. Congestion of blood to the head, especially in the vertex, when walking in the open air.—Passing feeling of dizziness in the fore- head, followed immediately by transitory pressure in that part. Warmth about the forehead, in the evening when writing, with sensation as if sweat would break out in that region. Pressure in both frontal eminences, when entering the room from the open air, early in the morning. Pressing pain in the forehead, from within outward,, afternoon. Pressing pain in the forehead and eyeballs, early in the morning, when in bed, abating after rising, whereas the pain in the chest increased. Sore pain of the hairy scalp in the forehead, in the afternoon, not when touched. Burning prickings in the outer and right side of the hairy scalp, accompanied with a sensation as if the blood were rushing to the brain (without any heat being felt on the outside), and incipient obtuseness of the head (van- ishing of thought). Crawling and creeping in the hairy scalp, in the evening, in bed (from the vapour while preparing the juice). Nose.—Pressure in the region of the root of the nose (when seating himself). Face and Teeth.—Great dry heat in the face, with bright redness of the cheeks, the feet being icy cold; during the heat, they felt chilly; the mouth is dry, viscid, so that she is scarcely able to speak, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Heat in the face in the evening, and redness, with internal chilliness. Creeping in the face, especially about the chin and nose. Spasmodic paralytic sensation in the up?er and lower jaw, after lying down, in the evening. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. 611 Spasms Of the Lips.—Stitchest near the right corner of the mouth.—Pain in the right molares, as if pressed asunder by a foreign body, (a kuife). Eyes.—Smarting in the eyes, as from smoke, in the evening. Smarting in the eyes, nose, and fauces; the eyes run and are very painful, so that he has to stop using them for half an hour, because he is unable to see anything; the whites are slightly inflamed, the mucus runs in torrents from the nose, the fau- ces are painful as if sore, during an inspiration, less during deglutition.! Smarting and feeling of soreness in the outer canthus of the right eye. ^ Sore smarting in the interior of the right eye.§ Sensation of burning soreness in the right lower eyelid. Swelling and redness of the left outer canthus, with painful soreness. Itching of the eyes in the room, she had to rub them, with constant stretching and yawning, afterwards eructations. Pressure in the eyes, as if a hair had got in, going off by rubbing. Painful pressure in the region of the right eyebrow exteriorly, while making a moderate mental effort. Pressure as with a dull point in the right eyeball from above downward. • Violent pressing pains in the eyeballs, at times in one, at limes in another. Pressure in the eyeballs for several days. Slight pressure on and in both eyeballs, as if tliey would be pressed out, with slight sensation of vertigo in the forehead. Point in the eye- balls, when moving them. Pressure in the eyeballs, especially in the left. Pain- fulness of the right eyeball. Immobility of the pupils, soon after. Mist before the eyes, immediately. t Is perhaps the Ranunculus bulb, capable of exciting Risus Sardonius ? or is this symptom peculiar to Ranunculus sceler. ? Risus Sardonius is one of the principal symptoms in cases of poisoning with Ranunculus sceler., which is the reason that some (Delachamp) believe it to be the herba Sardoa of the ancients, whereas others (Sprengel, Hist. Rei Herb., and Haller) be- lieve the ffinanthe Crocata to be that herb. Symptoms 45-61, see note to Ranunculus acris. t From preparing the juice. According to Krapf, Pleuk, Orfila, the deleterious action, (hence also the curative action) of Ranunculus bulb, depends upon local inflammation and the sympathetic affection of the nervous system. § This symptom, and other similar symptoms, arose from preparing the juice, the acrid vapour touching the parts. But these symptoms are not merely local symptoms. All those symp- toms arose likewise from the internal use of the juice after it had been so much diluted with water that the acridity of the juice could neither be perceived by the taste, nor by the tact externally, hence the cause was purely dynamic ; even many of those symptoms which the above named authors consider as sympathetic symptoms, for instance, the symptoms of the brain, temperament, eyes, chest, where no local contact had taken place, came on much eooner than the symptoms of the pharynx, the oesophagus and stomach, organs which were immediately touched by the drug. Except the blisters and the redness produced by many lo- cally-applied drugs (for instance, Cantharides, Mezereum, etc.), it may be said perhaps that there exists no local symptom of any drug which cannot be realized by its internal U6e, al- though much more slowly ; whereas it is on the other hand very often the case that drugs which are applied locally, cause a number of internal and external phenomena in distant or- gans and parts of the body. Thus we see psoric ulcers and chancres, together with other characteristic symptoms, occasioned by the internal as well as the external use of sulphur and mercury ; I have seen a number of the characteristic symptoms of lead occasioned by a plas- ter of the acetate of lead, etc. It seems as if there were as few local remedies, as there are local diseases, for the so-called local symptoms are nothing else than their specific action which becomes manifest in whatever mode the remedies may be applied, with this difference, that the local application occasions symptoms with more certainty and rapidity in the place where the drug is applied than its internal use is capable of doing, which requires long circuit- ous rontrsto realize the same definite phenomenon within the same external limits. Never- theless, although the remedy may seem to act more rapidly upon a definite spot when applied externally ; this external application is not always advisable, not even in cases where the remedy is the precise homoeopathic specific, for this reason, that it is well known that the in- fection of the organism by the skin is not perceived upon the 6kin until the internal disease has pervaded the organism, and the action of the drug upon the skin is too rapid to have the necessary influence upon the internal disease. This is shown by the unhappy results of the external treatment of chancres and the itch. 612 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Ears.—Cramp-feeling in the inner and outer left ear in the evening. ,S/,',-/, - ing in the right ear, in the region of the tympanum. Stitches through the right ear extending into the right parietal bone, in the evening. Stitches in the left ear, in the evening. Pressure above the root of the nose. Creeping, wander- ing from the tip of the nose to the root and to the right eyebrow, or painful creeping in the nose, also like pressure, with frequent blowing of the nose, during which blood is discharged. Obstruction of the nose, in the evening, with sore pain extending high up in the nose, or particularly with painful soreness of the right nostril, in a room, going off in the open air. Sore nose, also red and swol- len, with tension in the nose, and a number of scurfs, almost only on the right nostril, attended with constant dryness. Nightly discharge of tenacious mucus from the nose, (from the vapour). Mouth, Pharynx, and (Esophagus.—Stitches near the right corner of the mouth. Scraping-burning sensation in the region of the right portion of the velum. White-coated tongue. Scraping-burning sensation in the throat, increas- ed during an inspiration and by the smoke of tobacco. Increased secretion of mucus in the throat,.the whole afternoon, he had to hawk frequently; also for se- veral evenings. Roughness and tenacious mucus in the throat. Spasmodic feel- ing in the pharynx and oesophagus, from below upwards. Frequent accumula- tion of water in the mouth. Accumulation of white saliva, tasting like copper. Taste.—Flat taste in the mouth. Bitterish, pungent taste in the mouth, while eating dry food, and after having done eating, the food having its natural taste. Bitter-sour taste in the mouth, half an hour before dinner, afterwards the food has a natural taste. Sweetish taste on the tip of the tongue, with ac- cumulation of water.—Increased thirst in the afternoon, for several days. Gastric Symptoms.—Frequent eructations and great hunger before dinner, still he eats less than usual. Empty rising. Frequent eructations before breakfast, after taking the drug. Frequent eructations in the evening. Hic- cough. Spasmodic hiccough. Nausea in the afternoon, sometimes with head- ache. Nausea in the evening, especially when smoking tobacco as usual, reliev- ed by eating. The day after drinking a glass of wine he has headache in the forehead and constant nausea, pressure in the upper part of the chest, and stitch- es in the left side of the chest. Nausea and eructations towards noon. Nau- sea, drowsiness. Quickly-passing nausea. Stomach.— Violent burning in the region of the cardiac orifice of the sto- mach, with great anxiety about the heart f Burning-sore pressure in the pit of the stomach. Painful soreness in the pit of the stomach when touched. Pres- sure in the pit of the stomach. Pressure on both sides of the xyphoid cartilage, as it were on the cartilages of the ribs, most violent and painful on the right side. Feeling of hunger and rumbling in the stomach early in the morning. Abdomen.—Pain in both hypochondria, accompanied with painfulness of that region when touched. In the evening both hypochondria and the lowest ribs in the chest feel painful as if bruised. Pain in the morning, as if bruised, or as if one had been lying in a wrong position, in the region of the lowest true rib in the left side. Pain as if bruised in the region of the short ribs, with pain in the back, lassitude, ill-humour. Painful soreness under the short ribs of the left side, especially when moving the trunk, for several days. Jerking (violent pulsating) in the region of the left short ribs at night, also several times in the day-time. Periodical pulsations in the left hypochondrium. Pressure deep in ihe region of the liver, when standing, increasing by pressure. Sticking pres- sure in the region of the liver, arresting the breathing, with stitches and pressure + In four persons who had eaten the root of the Ranunc. bulb, boiled in chicken-broth. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. 613 on the top of the right shoulder, when walking, after sitting.—After dinner he feels a pinching below the umbilicus, with sensation as if the bowels would fall out: the pinching spread to the side of the abdomen, in the shape of a drawing- aching pain; it then rose to the pit of the stomach. Immediately after dinner he feels violent stitches from the left lumbar region through the abdomen, espe- cially below the umbilicus and towards the right groin. Immediately after sup- per he feels a sore pain and stitches in the left side of the chest. Jerking in the abdomen and arm. The whole day he feels a subdued pinching colic, some- times alternating with pain in the chest. When walking he feels constantly a subdued colic in the whole track of the intestines, they are painful when press- ing upon the integuments of the abdomen. When pressing with the abdomen against the sharp edge of a table, the intestines feel painful as if from subcuta- neous ulceration, followed by a colicky pinching below the umbilicus. Sensi- tiveness of the intestines when walking, and dull pain. Slight movements and grumbling in the abdomen, in the evening when lying down. Colic and rum- bling in the abdomen in the evening after lying down. Violent colic, drawing and pinching, below and around the umbilicus, in the evening, while going to bed and moving about. Violent pinching in the umbilical region, while walking, at noon. Colic around the umbilicus, whence a coldness ascends her back and arms. Pain, deep in the hypogastrium. Now concealed, now sharp colic and pinching, with some burning sore feeling below the umbilicus, someti nes accom- panied with stitches in the side of the abdomen ; at the same time the intestines are painful, as if from subcutaneous ulceration, when pressing with the hand on the abdomen. About two hours after supper, he feels a pinching deep in the hypo- gastrium, for several evenings in succession. Pinching in the hypogastrium, fol- lowed by emission of flatulence. Pinching in the hypogastrium, shortly after a meal. Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, in the forenoon, when walking. Violent stitches near the anterior superior spinous process of the ileum in the groin, when walking. Stitches in the right lumbar region when walking, with a slight burning sensation. When stretching the body, he feels a pain from the spinous process of the right ileum to the groin. During the pinching in the abdomen, both groins and the pit of the stomach are painful when touched. Frequent emission of fetid flatulence. Stool.—The, alvine evacuations take place more frequently and easily. Two evacuations a day for many days. After several urgings he has a hard stool in the morning, and a natural one in the afternoon, for several days. Colic, followed by an evacuation. The stools which had been soft heretofore, became hard and more scanty, dark-brown. Stools very hard and painless, although apparently larger in size than the anus. Stools delay and are hard. The stools delay and are very hard (in one who had regular and soft evacuations). Stitch- es in the anus. (Profusely-flowing haemorrhoids.) Genital Organs.—Frequent erections towards morning, and dizziness in the head. Kmissions towards morning. Increase of leucorrhoea ; having been mild at first, it now became acrid and corrosive. Chest.—The pain in the chest is accompanied with some cough. Pressure in the chest and shortness of breath when walking on level ground, but no op- pression of breathing when going up hill. Heavy, short breathing in the even- iug, he has to lake deep breath frequently, with burning and fine stitches in the left chest. Oppression of the chest, with much weeping, in the evening, and sore pain iu the eyes, especially the right. Oppressive sensation in the chest, as after deep chagrin ; he had to take deep breath frequently, continuing the whole evening. Oppression of the chest when walking and going up hill. Pain and oppression of the chest, shortly after taking the drug. Restless sleep, with 614 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. violent aching of the chest and oppression. Light pressure on the left chest, passing off. Pain in the chest and restless nights, continuing for weeks. Vio. lent pains in the chest the whole forenoon. After dinner he feels a violent beat- ing in the chest, as if caused by congestion of blood, with inclination to lie down; Pain in the whole chest; early in the morning on rising he feels a sort of rheu- matic pain and as from subcutaneous ulceration, when moving the trunk ever so little. Pain in the left chest, a few hours in the morning, none during the day. Pain in the chest, as soon as he wakes in the morning, as if the parts were bruis. ed, with stitches in the left side above the nipple, in a space of the size of a hand, worse during contact and, motion., '•very day for eight days. Pain in the left chest, in the morning, in the region of the pectoralis major near the axilla, worse during motion. Violent pressure and pain as if bruised, over the whole left chest, immediately after rising in the morning; every movement of the chest causes pain; the pain spreads over the whole chest, with shortness of breath ; he is unable to speak long sentences on account of his want of breath. Violent sticking pain on the side of the left nipple, near the axilla, in the morn- ing when rising; he dares not move his arm or raise it, he dares not even raise the trunk lest he. should scream with pain; he has to sit or stand stooping with head and chest forward to the left side. Sharp pressure in the upper part of the left chest. Pain in the chest in the evening, pressure on the upper and left side of the chest, complicated with stitches, tthe breathing is painful, even contact is painful. In the forenoon, when walking or standing, he feels a pain as if bruised, or as from subcutaneous ulceration in the region of the left true ribs, accompa- nied with mild stitches. Slicking pain in the left chest and as if from subcu- taneous ulceration, increased by motion and by turning the trunk; it continues the whole afternoon and evening with scarcely an interruption; in the evening an aching pain is felt in the right scapula. Constant pain in ihe chest the whole afternoon, mostly in the left side, and partly as if in the pectoralis major, where a rheumatic pain is felt on turning the body, and as if from subcutaneous ulcera- tion ; at first the pain is felt externally, afterwards the pain seems to recede to the internal and posterior surface of the sternum and the pit of the stomach ; the pain frequently disappears and an aching pain as from subcutaneous ulceration is felt below the liver in the right lumbar region; the pain is frequently preceded by a bitter pungent taste in the mouth, and a necessity to hawk. Stitches in the left chest, when talking, in the forenoon. Violent, fine stitches in the middle of the chest, in front, during an inspiration, in the forenoon. Sticking in the side of the sternum, towards the left side, with sensation as if bruised, while going up hill. Stitches in the interior of the left chest, when walking in the open air, in the region of the nipple; the stitches disappear after some walking, after whicu a pain is felt below the last true rib in the right side of the abdomen (splenetic stitch ?). Early in the morning, while walking, he feels a sticking in the region of the fifth and sixth true ribs of the left side, with great sensitive- ness of that spot to the touch, and great debility. Single stitches in the right chest. Violent sticking pains in the whole of the right chest, early in the morn- ing during a walk in the open air. Sticking pain in the right chest, in the re- gion of the fifth and sixth ribs, in the forenoon. Violent sticking in the right side of the chest, in the region of the fifth and seventh ribs, arresting the breath- ing, with stitches and pressure on the right shoulder, while walking, after having been seated. Violent stitches, the whole day in the right and less frequently in the left chest; in the evening a pressure is felt in the middle of the sternum. Pains in the chest, stitches in the right chest and pressure in the middle of the chest, continuing uninterruptedly almost the whole day, with painful inspiration. The pain extends from the left into the right chest, the sticking pain being felt in RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. 615 Iioth sides of the chest at the same time; however he is able to take deep breath while bending forward. Painfulness of the left chest, the whole day, worse in the evening, with quantities of tenacious mucus in the throat. Violent pressure in the middle of and in the left chest in the evening, for several hours, with in- crease of phlegm in the throat. Violent aching pain in the middle of the chest, in the evening while writing. Nausea in the evening, pressure on the sternum, and laboured breathing; he fetches breath frequently and sometimes very deep, as if he could not take in a sufficient quantity of air. Beating in the sternum. When stooping, he feels a pressure on the lower half of the sternum, in the region of the xyphoid cartilage; when raising the trunk again, he feels a beating in that place, which disappears soon, after which the place is painful to the touch. The pressure on the lower part of the sternum spreads, in the space of the size of a hand, towards the right side of the chest and the pit of the stomach ; the pit and sternum are painful to the touch and even when stooping; the whole of the outer chest becomes so painful that even the buttoning of the coat gives him pain; this continues for three hours without interruption, in the first six hours. In the evening, when walking or standing, in the open air and in the room, he experiences a pressure and tightness across the hirer part of the chest, with fine stitches, which seem to be felt in the outer parts of the chest at first, but never- theless extend deep into the chest, now in the right, then in the left chest, in- creased by moving, stooping, or taking an inspiration. Pressing and pushing in the lowest part of the right chest, towards the liver, in the forenoon. Pain of the whole chest, in the evening when in bed, especially in the left side; he is not able to lie on either side, owing to the painfulness of the outer parts of the chest; accompanied with anxiety, tightness of breathing, accelerated pulse. Pressing pain in the outer parts of the chest. Pressing-dragging pain in the chest, for many days ; it is rather external, and only aggravates the breathing when walking. Unusual chilliness of the outer parts of the chest, when walk- ing iu the open air. Back.—Early in the morning he feels a pain in the small of the back, and a laziness through the whole body, after having had a restless night, disturbed with dreams and seminal emissions. Pain in ihe back early in the morning when rising. Pain in the back, lassitude and pain as if bruised in the region of the short ribs, with ill humour. Pain, as if bruised, in the back and in the hy- pochondriac region, especially perceptible during motion, for many days. Stitch- es in the right scapula, early in the morning when waking. Sticking between the scapula?, early in the morning, in the region of the third and fourth dorsal vertebrae. Bheumatic pain between the scapula? early in the morning on waking. Aching pain in the nape of the neck ; a slight blow on the nape causes a pain in the forehead and in the parietal bone. Bheumatic pain in the nape of the neck (evening), which could be felt in the left shoulder, early in the morning. Upper Limbs.—Stitches and pressure on the right shoulder.—Jerking of the arms. Jerking in the abdomen and arm. Violent inflammation about the arm, with fever and delirium, followed by gangrene of the arm.—Jerking pain in the right upper arm. Rheumatic pain in both elbow and shoulder-joints, early in the morning. While writing he feels sudden tearings, (stitches, jerk- ings?) in the right forearm, and between the thumb and index-finger.—Violent stitches dart through the forearm; some time after they are likewise felt in the left thumb.—Visible spasmodic contraction of the skin and muscles in the re- gion of the styloid process of the ulna of the left arm.—Frequent and violent itching of the forearm, which he frequently had had in his healthy days, espe- cially at night.—Tearing in the left wrist-joint, extending along the dorsum of the hand.—She has cold hands the whole day. The hands tremble while thread* 616 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. ing a needle. Jactitation of parts of muscles of tho hands. Jerking of the left hand, while lying quiet. Dull itching in the palm of the hand. Stinging itching in the palm of the right hand. Burning itching of the palm of the left hand, passing off soon. Itching of several parts of the hands, sometimes slight and passing off soon, with redness.—Frequent tingling in single parts of the fingers.—Tearing in the ball of the left thumb ; the place is afterwards sensi- tive to the touch. Pain under the nail of the right index-finger, as if a splinter had been thrust in there, and had produced suppuration. Tingling in the skin of the fingers. Inflammation of the arm, from the finger to the shoulder, f In the first quarter of an hour, the pounded bulbs, when applied to the fingers, cause an itching of the same, which is always followed by a blister, even if the skin be not changed. On applying a piece of the bulb between the fingers, a burning was experienced after the lapse of two minutes, which soon ceased alter the removal of the bulb ; after the lapse of two hours the place became red, and in ten hours a blister was formed, emitting a thin, yellowish and burning fluid in large quantity. Vesicles on the fingers, especially those of the right hand, as if caused by burns or a vesicatory (of the size of a hazel-nut and still larger); after being opened with a pin so that the skin of the blister was preserved, they emitted for eight days a yellowish lymph,, with burning pains, the bright red skin shining through the blister (from the skin being touched by the juice while expressing it). After the blisters on the fingers had been healed a fortnight, and the new skin which had been excoriated, had likewise healed again, small, deep, transparent, dark-blue, slightly-elevated blisters of the size of an ordinary pin's head were formed (as if the pores had become raised in the shape of small, blue, transparent vesicles) ; they were crowded together in oval-shaped groups of the size of a shilling, with intolerable burning-itching (as is felt in the spots caused by nettles on the skin, which the vesicles resembled); when the vesicles were opened, they emitted a dark-yellow lymph, and afterwards became covered with a herpetic, horny scurf, itching intolerably, and emitting a clear fluid when scratched, or even of itself. J After the horny scurf which had formed after the vesicles had been scratched open, had crumbled away of itself within eight or ten days, new blue vesicles appeared again, with intolerable burning itching, in- ducing frequent scratching ; the scratching brought on a shining-red, loose swelling of the fingers (they felt like sheep -skin) with inflammation, and intol- erable burning-stinging itching. On applying hart's grease to the swollen fingers, to suppress the itching, the horny scurf no longer formed, but, in places of the size of a shilling, crowded groups of small holes of the size of a pin's head (as if they were the pores) formed',§ emitting a yellow lymph in the sh ipe of drops of sweat and changing to small, flat,spreading and difficultly-curable ulcers, with corroded sharp borders and intolerable burning-stinging itching, depriving t From blossoms and leaves laid upon warts, which had been cut off until they bled, but were not removed in spite of all that. X Theso dark-blue vesicles reappeared periodically even for six months, the former healing up and new ones forming in their places. § The affection of the fingers described above, came on a fortnight after the vesicles on the ringers caused by the juice while expressing it, had healed ; first the affection appeared on the index and middle fingers, which had been covered with vesicles by being touched by the juice, and afterwards it spread from finger to finger, and from hand to hand, although no vesi- cles had existed on these parts. Rhus and Bryonia were the best antidotes, Sulphur and Staph, made the affection worse. Drs Schweikert and Hauboldt,guided by thei-o facts, have healed herpes on the fingers and in the palm of the hand by giving the Ranunculus bulb, in- ternally, and causing at the same time the herpes to be washed externally with a drop of the tincture diluted in water. BANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. 617 him of rest for weeks, day and night. Ulcers on the fingers, penetrating down to the flexor-tendons.t Lower Limbs.—Drawing pain in the right hip, when walking in the eve- ning. Painful drawing in the posterior and internal sides of both thighs down to the calves, especially perceptible in the region of the inner hamstring, in the afternoon while sitting.—While walking, in the evening, he feels a cramp-like tearing in the outer side of the right thigh, from the centre downwards, skip- ping the bends of the knees, and commencing again in the calves.—Tearing boring in the middle of the left thigh, early in the morning, in bed, and after- wards when standing. Tearing in the iuternal side of both knees, when walk- ing. Violent itching in the internal side of the knee and in the tarsal joint, in the evening. Weakness in the bends of the knees, they give way involuntarily. Cracking in the patella when going up hill, as if it would become sprained.— Tension in the right tendo-Achillis when walking.—Stiffness in the right tarsal joint and the whole of the right leg, with vertigo deep in the brain, when walk- ing in the open air. Violent and constant pain in the tarsal joint, in the eve- ning when rising from a seat. Tearing in the left tarsal joint, in the evening when sitting.—Pain in the tarsal joint up to the middle region of the tibia, as if the tendons were too short when walking.—Drawing-aching continuous pain in the dorsum of the right foot. Cramp in the dorsum of the foot when walking, suddenly, in the articulations of all the toes, as if he had sprained them in mak- ing a false step. Stitches in the dorsum of the left foot when sitting.—Cold feeling in the big toe, in the evening, as if a current of air were rutehing through. Violent stitches in the fourth toe of the left foot, when entering the room and coming out of the open air. Stitches in the backs of the toes, in the evening. Stinging pain in the toes when walking. Feeling of soreness and stitches be- tween the toes. Sore pain and stitches in the tips of the toes in the evening. Pulsative stitches in the left heel, when standing, in the afternoon. Acute pain of the heels for two evenings, as if the boots were pinching him, which he had taken off, however. Sleep.—Irresistible desire for sleep two afternoons. Great drowsiness in the evening, he falls asleep over his work ; nevertheless he is unable to sleep several hours after having gone to bed. Great drowsiness in the afternoon; he sleeps three hours after dinner three days.—Falls asleep late in the evening and wakes several times at night, not from any pain, but because he is not sleepy. Falls asleep late in the evening, is not sleepy, is unable to lie on the right side, wakes early. Falls asleep late in the evening, and wakes early, with a vaporous ex- halation from Up} skin. Lies awake several hours in the evening although he was very tired, owing to an intolerable itching of the thighs, and internal unea- siness, his skin is moist, he rises four times to urinate, although he had taken but the usual quantity of liquid in the evening.—Disturbed sleep at night. Very restless sleep, with increase of pain in the chest and heat. Frequent waking at night, he remains awake a long while, owing to want of sleep and anxiety in the chest. Bestless sleep with seminal emission, with pain in the small of the back in the morning, and laziness the whole day. Bestless nights, unrefreshing sleep with frequent flushes of heat. Sleep before midnight; re- mains afterwards wide awake until five o'clock in the morning, when he fell into a sleep full of dreams. Nocturnal emissions and slight erections at night. Vivid dreams, such as that he is swimming, etc. Anxious dreams, that he is near drowning, etc. Voluptuous dreams at night, without seminal emission. Wakes earlier than usual and is wider awake. t Tn a child which was cured of fever and ague with subsequent dropsy arid hydrocele by applying tho Ranunc. bulb, to the wrist. 618 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Fever.—An hour after dinner in the warm room, chills creep over his body, the hairs stand on end, shuddering across the scapula?, hands and thighs, and shortly after pinching in the hypogastrium, with stitches resembling pushes, which dart towards the hypochondriac region. Chilhness after dinner, with cold tips of the ringers and hot face: Frequent chilliness after dinner for two hours, with goose-flesh on the calf and forearm.—Chilhness after dinner with cold hands and hot face. After supper chilliness over the shoulders, upper arms, and thighs. Chilliness for two hours in the evening, with general exter- nal coldness of the body. She felt chilly all over, her teeth chattered and she shook; with heat in the face, dryness and phlegm in the mucus; this lasts an hour, in the open, not cold air, (the chilliness was less in the room.)—Heat in the face in the evening, especially on the right side, with cold hands, quick pulse and eructations. Heat in the face in the evening, with burning of the ears, es- pecially on the right side, with cold hands and general uncomfortableness. Heat in the face in the evening, and redness with internal chilliness. Pulse full and strong, seventy-two beats. The pulse is accelerated towards evening, eighty- five—ninety beats, and rather hard. Small, hard pulse. Skin.—Prickings, terminating in itching, in various parts of the skin, in the upper arm, thigh, etc. (See Extremities.) "Horny and other excrescences. ^Herpes over the whole body. General Symptoms.—(Dread of labour ; he has to make a great effort to bring himself to note down the observations which he had gathered.) Unea- siness proceeding out of the body.—Anxiety, headache, fainting.— The whole body feels bruised, especially in the hypochondriac regions. Great weakness the whole day, his head feels as if he had not slept enough, although he per- forms his occupations with ease if he chooses. In the morning, while writing and standing, he feels so weak all of a sudden that he comes near falling.— Tired and broken down the whole day he would like to sleep all the time.— Great heaviness and lassitude in the whole body, in the forenoon. Great weak- ness in his lower limbs in the forenoon when walking. Weak and debilitated during an afternoon walk, trembling of the limbs. Lassitude, ill-humour with pain in the back and pain as if bruised in the region of the short ribs. Trem- bling of the limbs, when he has the least cause for chagrin. Jerks through the whole body, in the evening when lying down to sleep. Frequent turns of sud. den weakness, in the afternoon when sitting down; they seem to proceed from the head; he feels as if his senses would vanish.—Violent epilepsy.f Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains (particularly in the trunk and hmbs) are excited or aggravated by contact, motion, stretching, changing the position of the body. Many pains arise from a change of the external tempera- ture, from cold to warm, or vice versa, or morning and evening, or after dinner. t In paroxysms; in a student, also in a captain who was first seized with headache from inhaling the smoke of the plant which was burnt in a censer with other herbs ; afterwards, after thrusting his nose several times in the censer, he was attacked with epilepsy for the first time in his life ; it returned in two weeks, passed into cachexia, nodous gout, headache, and ended with death. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. 619 2. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Compare with—Clem.,? Merc.,? Puis.,Ran. bulb., Rhus. Antiootes.—-Puis.—Wine and coffee antidote the action of Ran. only par- tially. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Laziness, want of disposition to perform any men- tal labour, morning.—Sad mood, grief, evening. Head.—Vertigo, when sitting. Vanishing of thought, giddiness. Heavi- ness and sensation of fulness in tho whole head. His head feels distended from within and enlarged. Contraction in the hairy scalp. His head feels as if in a vice. His head feels dull, especially in the morning, after the characteristic un- easiness in the afternoon. Dull pain in the occiput, the whole of the head feel- ing painful externally. Drawing crampy pressure across the vertex. Stitches with drawing, in the skin of the vertex. Painful pressure in the region of the vertex as with a dull instrument. Burning pain in the region of the vertex, con- tinuing a few minutes. Long-continuing, dull, aching-gnawing pain in the left vertex, seated 'in one point. Jerking in the head, in the region of the vertex. Pain like a suddenly-coming and speedily-disappearing gnawing, at one spot of the vertex. Boring^ pain behind the right ear. Gnawing, with pressure in the right temple. Stitches in the left temple. Pressing in the temples from within outwards. Continual pressing above the temples from without inward. Sense of fulness in the forehead, also from the vapour of the juice. Itching of the hairy scalp, immediately. Biting over the whole hairy scalp. (Hard blotches above the temples, which do not suppurate). Face and Eyes.—Slight drawing and feeling of coldness above the right eyebrows, down the cheeks as far as the corners of ihe mouth, for half an hour, evening. Feeling of coldness in the face. Sensation as if the face were cover- ed with cobweb. Tremulous sensation around the corners of the mouth and the lower lip, preceding the vomiting, but without any inclination to vomit. Profuse lachrymation, while pressing the juice out. Lachrymation at night. Slight smarting in the corners of the eyes and recurring periodically for many days. Burning of the margins of the eyes. Violent smarting in the eyes, while ex- pressing the juice. Stinging smarting in the outer canthus of the right eye. Injected state of the conjunctiva, from the vapour of the juice. Painful pres- sure in the eyeballs, the whole day, after expressing the juice. Pressure in the eyeballs, shortly after taking the drug, recurring periodically for many days (for hours). Pain of the eyeballs when moving them quickly. Hard blotch below the left eyebrows, which does not suppurate. Ears.—Boring and drawing in the left outer meatus auditorius. Otalgia of the right ear, with aching pain in the head and drawing in all the teeth. Conti- nued drawing along the right outer meatus auditorius. Stitches in the right ear. Stitches in front of the right ear. Long stitches in the right meatus au- ditorius externus. Nose.—Pricking in the outer parts of the tip of the nose. Tingling and smarting in the nose, from the vapour of the juice. Frequent sneezing. Ex- cessive secretion of watery mucus. Teeth and Jaws.—Drawing pain in the upper left molar tooth. Painful drawing in the upper right molar teeth. Drawing pains in the molar teeth, the whole afternoon and evening. Tearing pains in the lower right molar tooth. Stinging gnawing in the foreteeth. Quickly-passing jerking in the incisores. 620 BANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Stinging drawing in all the teeth. The teeth are sensitive the whole day. Drawing and jerking in all the teeth. Dull teeth, and afterwards stinging pains in the same. Pain, swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums (from tho herb in the mouth). AlOUth.—Violent burning at the tip of the tongue, while chewing the fresh herb. Shootings in the tip of the tongue. Smarting at the tip of the tongue. Symptoms from introducing portions if the plant into the mouth: obstinate pains, burning, redness, inflammation of the tongue. Peeling off of the cuticle of the tongue, and cracking of the tongue. Ptyalism. While expressing the juice, a large quantity of frothy mucus accumulates in the mouth, obliging him to spit frequently. Ptyalism. Excessive dryness of the mouth, at night. Taste, Appetite, and Gastric Symptoms.—White-coated tongue and sweetish taste in the mouth, in the morning, for several days. Want of appe- tite, evening. Little appetite at dinner, followed by a turn of nausea. Frequent empty eructations, immediately after taking the drug, returning for many days before breakfast. Frequent eructations tasting of the ingesta after a meal. Rancid, sour eructations, evening.—Hiccough.—Turn of nausea, while express* ing the juice. Nausea, especially after midnight. Desire to vomit, returning periodically in the morning.— Heartburn. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Smarting in the region of the palate and fauces, while expressing the juice. Slinging pains in the parts of the soft pa- late. Smarting drawing pain in the region of the palate. Burning in the pha- rynx. Stitches in the tonsils, swelling of the tonsils with shooting stitches in the same. Contractive sensation in the throat, frequently before breakfast, increased by eating bread. Scraping in the throat, immediately. Strangulating sensa- tion in the throat, at night. Stomach and Abdomen.—Tension in the pit of the stomach, while ex- pressing the juice. Pressure and sensation of fulness in the pit of the stom- ach, increased by external pressure, most violent in the morning. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, causing an acute pain. Stitches in the skin of the pit of the stomach. Burning soreness behind the xyphoid cartilage. Trouble- some sensation of fulness in the stomach. Constriction of the stomach. Stitches in the hepatic region. Continual pressure as from a dull instrument below the right false ribs, increased by a deep inspiration. Acute stitches in the region of the gall-bladder. Long stitches in the region of the spleen, worse during a deep inspiration. Bumbling and pinching in the abdomen, imme- diately. Cutting in the intestines, at night. Screwing pressure behind the umbilicus, at night. Sensation as if a plug had lodged behind, the umbili- cus, especially in the morning, for several days. The abdominal walls are pain- ful. Sudden violent jerks in the lumbar region during a walk in the open air, arresting the breathing. Continual pressure in the right lumbar region. Aching pain in the groins. StOOl.—Delaying stool. Three watery evacuations in rapid succession. Fre- quent loose stools, the same days. Liquid and very foetid stools for three or four days. Frequent urging and loose stools for several days. Frequent sen- sation as if diarrhoza would set in, whereas a natural evacuation takes place.— Titillating burning in the region of the anus. Genital Organs.—Sudden stitches in the forepart of the glans. Drawing pains in the penis. Smarting about the scrotum. Seminal emission without any lascivious dreams, after midnight. Respiratory Organs.—Dry and hacking cough, rarely, and without an ef- fort. Tight and deep breathing. Sensation of great weakness in the chest, for several days.—Oppression of the chest, immediately, and continuing the RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS 621 whole day. The whole chest feels weak and bruised ; several evenings.—Fre- quent involuntary sighing.—Frequent but subdued stitche3 in the right chest. Painful slicking in the right chest, not increased by inspirations. Continued dull sticking in the left chest and below the false ribs.—Stitches in the region of the heart. Violent contracting pinching pain in the chest behind the right nipple, several evenings in succession. Sticking contracting pinching in the re- gion of the heart, causing tightness of breath, at night. Violent continued gnawing behind the lowest portion of the sternum, arresting the breathing. Long frequent stitches behind the xyphoid cartilage, in a space of the size of the palm of the hand.— Continued sticking in the skin of the pit of the throat. Great sensitiveness of the integuments of the chest. Painful drawings in the pectoral muscles. Frequent stitches in the pectoral muscles. Itching stinging below the right nipple. Very painful compressive pinching around the left nip- ple. External painfulness of ihe sternum; pressure on the sternum causes painful stitches through the chest. Prickling and formication in the outer parts of the chest and back. Back.—Pain in the small of the back as if bruised. Paralytic pains in the small of the back. Aching pain between the scapulae. Drawing in the region of the right shoulder. Stitches in the left shoulder. Compressive drawing in the region of the scapulae. Upper Limbs.—Stinging itching in some parts of the upper arms.—Para- lytic drawing in the forearm, immediately.—Stitches in the forearm. Long-con- tinuing boring sticking along the whole of the left, forearm to the tip of the in- dex-finger, where it is most violent. Stinging burning at one spot in the forearm. —Gnawing in the right elbow-joint. Long stitch in the elbow.—Frequent stitches in the dorsum of the hand. — Continued gnawing in the palm of the left hand. Passing drawing-sticking in the ball of the right hand.—Drawing with pressure in the metacarpal bones of the right hand. Boring in the metacarpal bones of the thumbs.—Burning of the skin of the fingers from being touched by the juice.—Swelling of the fingers.—Titillating sensation in the skin be- tween the fingers. Fine itching in the skin between the fingers of the right hand.—Aching pain in the right middle-finger.—Violent long stitch between the left middle and index-fingers. Gnawing and boring in the phalangeal bones of the right fingers. Darting, in the bones of the left index-finger. Gnawing in the last phalanx of the left ring finger. Sticking boring in the last pha- langes of the index-fingers. Fleeting stitches in the tips of the ring and index- fingers, with gnawing in the bones of the same. Lower Limbs.—Drawing-gnawing pressure in the right lower limb. Itch- ing of the legs, not relieved by scratching, evening. Biting in the bends of the knees. Gnawing and boring pains in the right knee.—Painful drawing with pressure along the leg. Stinging burning at a small spot on the calf. Jactita- tion of the muscles of the right calf.—Gnawing in the region of the outer mal- leolus of the right foot.—Prickling and furious smarting of the dorsum of the right foot.. Itching stinging of the dorsum of the let foot. Stinging boring in the ball of the right foot. Gnawing in the region of the ball of the left foot. — Cnawing pains in the left heel. Itching prickling in the right heel. Gnaw- ing in the ball of the right big toe. Painfulness and stitches in the corn of the ball of the right foot. Intolerable burning in that corn. Sticking-boring pains along the whole sole of the right foot. Itching and furious smarting of the sole of either foot. Sudden stitches in the forepart of the right, big toe, as if a needle were thrust in deep, recurring at short intervals. Sudden stitches in the right big toe, passing into a burning. Boring and gnawing in the right big 622 RANUNCULUS REPENS. toe. Tingling and jerking in the left big toe. Itching stitches in the toes of the left foot. Intolerable itching and prickling in the feet. Sleep.—He wakes after midnight with great thirst, and heat of the whole body. Half-slumber after midnight, frightful, anxious dreams about dead bodies, serpents, battles, etc. ; constant tossing about in the bed. Restless sleep after midnight, many nights in succession. He passed the whole night in this state of half sleep and waking, with imperfect consciousness ; he was not sleepy in the morning. He wakes after midnight the third, fourth and fifth nights, is wide awake and remains so for a long time. Fever.—Heat in the head and face, in the evening when entering the room on coming out of the open air. Fever: He wakes after midnight many nights in succession with heat over the whole body and violent thirst; the pulse is full, soft, accelerated, eighty beats; afterwards sweat over the whole body, especially on the forehead. Dry skin and dry mouth without thirst, at night. Chilliness while eating. Skin.—When applied externally: Itching, pain, burning, redness of the skin. Vesicles upon the skin, emitting a thin, acrid, yellowish ichor. Obstinate ulcers. General Symptoms.—Itching, boring, biting, tingling, gnawing, in various parts of the body, now here, then there, especially towards evening. Sleepless- ness from three o'clock in the morning, the first nights, accompanied with anxi. ety, uncommon debility, gloomy, thoughtless brooding of the mind; his limbs feel bruised; in the morning the mind feels worn out; he "s not able to fix his thoughts upon one subject. SYMPTOMS OBSERVED ON ANIMALS. a.) On horned, cattle. Cold fire (as it is called by the German shepherds), the cattle declining to eat, they tremble and shiver, the abdominal veins become distended (Schreber, m.,p. 71). b.) On a dog, from two ounces of the juice introduced into the stomach. 1. No symptoms after the first trial. 2. A few days after the second experiment. The dog became anxious, howled, tossed about, bent double, was very restless at night. Having been killed with an axe, the stomach was found contracted, inflamed in several parts, red, with erosions on the inner surface, the papilla} being very prominent; swelling, pale redness and contraction of the pylorus. 3. RANUNCULUS REPENS. (From the vapour in preparing the juice.) Smarting in the eyes, while preparing the juice, and even two days after. Profuse lachrymation. In the evening, in bed, he experiences a sensation in the forehead and the region of the hairs, as if a May-bug was crawling about; less when sitting up. In the evening, in bed, he experiences a beating in the region of the 03 sacrum, resembling a strong and full pulsation. (In the even- ing, in bed, he dreams while yet awake, that he is in a large city and seeB well-dressed people, masquerades, Turks, etc.) Wide awake and feeling ex- tremely well in the morning, although he slept but a few hours. RANUNCULUS ACRIS. 623 SYMPTOMS OBSERVED ON A FLOCK OF SHEEP. Several fell down as if struck by lightning, the eyes rolled, the breathing was hurried and aggravated ; some reeled, and died with their heads bent towards the left groin. Depletions were injurious. The mucous membrane of the eyes was injected, the mouth dry, the abdomen was slightly distended, ruminations ceased. Some of them raised themselves, reeled, fell down again, bleated piti- fully ; most of the sheep were in profound coma. Sulphuric ether in milk gave much relief. Great weakness of the feet remained behind. (Med. Gaz.) 4. RANUNCULUS ACRIS. a. On men (applied to the temple) : Headache, intolerable heat and faint- ing; (applied to the joints): soreness of the joints, obstinate ulcers. Both feet, as far as the knees, looked burnt, red, hot, covered with blisters here and there, attended with fever and intolerable pains ; several places became gangre- nous on the third day, accompanied with trembling and fainting on raising him- self, restlessness, small quick pulse and very red face; on the eleventh day the fever was broken, sweat and critical urine made their appearance, and the wounds began to improve (in the case of a female of 20 years, from applying a decoction of the leaves to the legs).—Burning pains and spasms in the oesopha- gus, griping in the abdomen (from two drops of the expressed juice). Violent irritation of the salivary glands, excoriation and parched condition of the tongue, pain of the teeth and sensitiveness and bleeding of the gums (from chewing the leaves). b. On dogs (from five ounces of the juice introduced into the stomach of a small dog) : Efforts to vomit; a. 1 h. Symptoms of debility and insensibility, during which death occurred; a. 2 h. Post Mortem Examination.—Redness of the mucous membrane of the sto- mach in various parts; the rest of the intestinal canal was sound; the eyes contained a quantity of fluid blood, and showed several livid spots of hard texture.f (From two drachms of watery extract, obtained by boiling the Ranunc. acris, and applied to the cellular tissue of the internal side of the leg of a dog) : De- bility. Death in twelve hours. Post Mortem Examination.—The place was inflamed, swollen, infiltrated, the inflammation spread as far as the abdominal muscles, the heart contained coagu- lated blood, the lungs were red and congested with blood. 5. RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA.J Inflammation and gangrene of the arm, down to the tendons and bones (in the case of a female, from applying the plant to the wrist). (According to Gmelin) (in horses, from eating the herb): Distention of the abdomen. Inflammation and gangrene of the abdominal organs. Note by Franz :—t Compare the eye-symptoms of Ranuc. bulb. It seems to me that it is peculiar to several acrid drugs to occasion an effusion of blood into the eye. From Clematis erecta I have seen sanguinous spots and afterwards drops of blood in the eyes, both in myself and in another person, on the third day after taking the drug. X It is said that the Ranunculus flammula is only hurtful to horses when eaten in exces- sive quantities, but that it promotes digestion when eaten moderately (Die. des Scienc. Med.). 624 RAPHANUS SATIV US. 202. RAPHANUS SAT1VUS. RAPH.—Radish.—See Revue Crit. et Retrospect de la Mat. Med. Spec, 1840. Antidotes.—To drink a quantity of water.—Milk and water increase the pains in the abdomen. SYMPTOMS. Head, etc.—Dulness of the head, early on waking, with dull pain in the forehead. Vertigo, with dimness of sight. Pressure above the eyes, with dif- ficulty of sight, going off after vomiting. Pressure above the root of the nose. Sticking on the vertex.—(Edema of the lower lids. Dilatation of the pupils. The sight of a short-sighted person is somewhat improved. Tearing and stick- ing in the left ear, apparently in the bone. °Hardness of hearing.? Itching of the left concha which is painful when touched.—* Stoppage of the nose.— Red face and gloomy countenance. Disfigured countenance, with pointed noso and yellow cheeks, or with deep-seated eyes and livid complexion. Pale face, with expression of anguish and great suffering. Tearing in the right malar bone.—Hardness and swelling of the submaxillary glands. Sticking pain in the left molares. Mouth, etc.—* Thick white coating of the tongue. Pale and blue-red tongue with a deep furrow and pale-red points in the middle (during recovery). —Heat and burning in the throat, particularly in the tonsils, with sticking. Swelling, redness and soreness of the tonsils. Accumulation of mucus in the throat. White, tenacious mucus in the throat, after heavy sleep, with some soreness.—*Flat taste. *Bitter taste. Taste as of pepper.—No appetite, with great desire for boiled milk. * Violent thirst.—Rising of air from the stomach, having a putrid smell.—Constant paroxysms of nausea, as if she would faint, she is not able to lie down and has to sit up in spite of great weakness.— * Constant desire to vomit -with vanishing of sight and hearing. Gulping up of a sour, colourless liquid. Frequent vomiting of food end white mucus, with oppression of the chest, heaving of the stomach, and coldness. °Vomiting of bile and mucus. Vomiting of a green, bitter liquid, then of water. Every vomiting is preceded by shuddering over the back and arms. °Morbus niger.f Miserere.? , Stomach, etc.—°Pains in the stomach, obliging him to eat all the time. Sticking and pricking in the stomach and pit of the stomach.—Sticking in the region of the liver, also with pressure and soreness.—Pinching around the um- bilicus, with sticking and pressure on the right side. Violent cutting and stick- ing around the umbilicus, after breakfast. Feeling of heat in the abdomen, par- ticularly around the umbilicus. Burning over the umbilicus. Distention of the abdomen, succeeded by pinching as if stool would come on. Gurgling in the abdomen, particularly at night or previous to the vomiting. *No emission of flatulence either by the mouth or rectum, for a long time (characteristic). "As- cites. *Frequent, liquid, copious stools, passing out with great force, yellow- brown, or brown and frothy, (characteristic). °Chronic diarrhoea, green, liquid, with mucus and blood.—Undigested diarrhoeic stools.—^Copious micturition. The urine makes its appearance some time after the desire to urinate is felt. Dingy-yellow urine, with yeast-like sediment. °Turbid urine. °Stone.? Burn- ing in the urethra during micturition. Drawing and tearing in the testicles, followed by a similar sensation in the sole of the right foot. RATANHIA. 625 Larynx, Chest and Extremities.—Cough, with mucus in the throat. ^Spasmodic asthma.?—Pain in ihe chest, particularly when eating and cough- ing, less when drinking, the pain being of an aching and sticking character, ex- tending from the pit of the stomach to the throat-pit and frequently to the back. Heat on the right outer chest. Violent quick beating of the heart.—Itching burning in the back. Tearing in the loins when stooping. Prickling in the right axilla. Trembling of the limbs.—Sticking in the left elbow-joint, appa- rently in the bone. Weakness, tearing and prickling close above the right wrist-joint.—Feeling of lameness in the left lower limb when lying. Coldness of the knees and feet, with drowsiness, dulness of the head, dull pain in the forehead, and vomiturition. Cramp in the calves, at night, in bed. Tearing in the border of the right foot. Stinging and prickling in the sole of the right foot. Redness and swelling of the right heel, with violent pinching when pressing the foot to the floor, and afterwards formation of a blister filled with a clear reddish fluid, which passes off after rising. Genera! Symptoms.—* Great weakness and languor, -also with bruised feel- ing in all the limbs. Visible emaciation.—Fleeting burning, here and there. The whole body smells of horse-radish.—Somnolence the whole day, with scold- ing during sleep. Restless slumber with frequent waking, headache, nausea, and pinching around the umbilicus. No sleep from eleven till two o'clock, fol- lowed by restless sleep, dulness of the head and coldness of the knees and feet. Wakes at three o'clock at night, with shuddering over the back and arms. Pro- fuse sweat during sleep, or low muttering as if talking to his friends. Feverish shuddering over the back and the posterior surface of the arms, particularly after drinking cold water. Frequent febrile shudderings with heat in the head and warmth all over the skin. * Internal hea' after the shuddering, -or alternation of shuddering and heat. Coldness, in the evening, in bed, with weakness of the joints, particularly the elbow-joints, followed by profuse night-sweat. Inter- nal coldness, with warmth and moisture of the skin. Is constantly complaining of coldness, altliough the skin feels burning. The sweat and breath smell of the medicine.—Pulse small, bounding and rather hard.—* Full of anguish, -with dread of death, which was supposed near, and induces her to send for a mi- nister. 203. RATANHIA. RAT.—See Hartlaub and Trinks, Mat. Med., Vol. IV. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Rummcl has cured with Ratanhia an obstinate and long-lasting twitching of the eyelids, impeding sight. Nenning has cured with it a troublesome diarrhoea of one year's standing. Ratanhia promises to be useful in atonic hemorrhage. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Quarrelsome and ill-humoured; vexed mood. Sensorlnm and Head.—The head feels dull, as if intoxicated.—Fleeting tearing in the forehead. Tearing in the vertex, followed by painful fine stitches in the vertex at short intervals. Tearing in the left temple. Painful tearing and burning on the vertex, also at night, relieved in the open air, during the menses. Pain-like tearing from the occiput to the vertex. Fine tearings, ge- nerally in the left side of the head. Tearing or stitch in the head, on moving it, vol. ii. 40 626 RATANHIA. or when drawing a deep breath.—Slicking in the middle of the forehead on stoop- ing. Painful sticking in the head, here and there, in the evening. Fine stitches in the right side of the forehead. Dull, deep stitches in the vertex. Sharp stitch high up in the right side of the head, after which the part feels bruised. Pointed stitch in the lei't side of the head, on sitting down.—Headache, as it the head were in a vice, continuing for a long time. Pain in the middle of t!ie fore- head on straining at stool, as if the brain would fall out. Pain as if the head would burst.—Drawing behind the right side of the forehead, in walking.— Fine twitching deep in the brain. Tearing twitching from the nape of the i eck to the vertex, when walking. Twitching at a small spot on the outer parts of the right temple. Bruised p.tin in the left parietal bone, frequently recurring. Bruised pain at small spots, here and there, in the head.—Digging-up in the brain, in the right side, relieved in the open air.—Heat in the whole head, with heaviness of the head, and perceptible heat on the forehead. Eyes.—Inflammation of the whites, with sensation as if a burning pellicle were forming towards the centre of the eye. Agglutination of the lids a ter waking. Lachrymation after waking. Twit chin-:, in the right eye, in the right upper lid. Burning and contractive sensation in the eyes Biting in the right eye, early in the morning. Fine tearing in the inner canthus of the riirht eve, in the evening. Fine stinging in the left upper eyelid, in the evening. Sensation in the right eye as if in a vice, or as if the motion of the eye were prevented by some obstacle, although the eye can be easily moved. T; itching in the right lower eyelid, for two hours, with weakness of sight. Twitching in the inner canthus of the right eye, with sensation after the twitching as if the lid were pressed upwards, impeding vision.—Dim-sightedness on looking at distant objects, as if seeing through a gauze. Sensation as of a white speck before the eyes, impeding sight, in the evening by candle-light, with constant urging to wipe the eyes, and amelioration after wiping. Ears.—Tearing in the ear. Violent stitch in the right ear. Sensation as if an insect were creeping in the ear. Ringing in the ear, on waking at midnight. Chirping in the right ear. Nose and Face.—Feeling of swelling in the right nostril. The left nostril is somewhat inflamed and scurfy. Pimples in the right nostril, changing to scurfs. Violent itching in the nose, about the nostrils and at the tip of the nose. Burning in the nostrils. Violent sneezing. Dryness of the nose. Fulness aud stoppage of the nose. Dry coryza with complete stoppage of the nostrils. Vio- lent bleeding of the nose three times a day, for five days in succession. Violent tearing in the left malar bone, in the evening. Tearing in the left lower jaw and teeth.? Frequent piercing tearing in front of the right ear. Tearing in the left mastoid process from below upwards. Tearing at a small spot on the inner sur- face of the lip. Two pointed stitches over the outer canthus of the right eye. Sensation as if the parts over the mouth, on the right side, were covered with cobweb. Several small vesicles iu the vermilion border of the upper lip, burn- ing when touched. Teet'l.—Spot on the gums, which is painful as if torn. On sucking the gums, sour blood exudes. Tearing, at times in the lower, at others in the upper molares of the right side, at times also in front of the right ear, deep in the bone, in the evening. Digging pain in some of the lower molares, in the evening. Shooting pain in the molares, with feeling of cold proceeding from those teeth, evening and morning. Violent pain in an incisor, in the eve iing after lying down, the pain being partly a beating, partly a shooting pain, dis- turbing sleep the whole night, continuing the whole of the next day, aggrava- ted by chewing. Beating in one of the upper roots, j Beating pain in the upper RATANHIA. 627" left incisor, and frequent bleeding of the teeth. The molare3 feel elongated, with sensation as if coldness rushed out of the teeth. The left upper inci- sor feels elongated and is painful to the touch. Month.—The tongue feels tight, as if swollen. Burning itching at the tip of the tongue. Burning as from fire at the tip of the tongue. Accumulation of tasteless water in the mouth. Flat taste in the mouth, early, in bed. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Sore throat, more during empty deglutition than when swallowing large pieces. Pointed stitch in the throat from time to time, during and after deglutition. Painful spasmodic contraction in the throat, during which he is unable to speak a loud word. Appetite and Stomach.—Constant desire to eat. No appetite.—Violent hiccough, which causes a pain in the stomach. Eructations after dinner, empty, or tasting of the ingesta. Vomiting of water, preceded by loathing. Bloated- ness of the stomach, before dinner, going off after emission of flatulence. Shift- ing of flatulence and rumbling in the stomach, after dinner. Pinching pain about the stomach. Constrictive pain in the stomach and cutting in the abdo- men, going off by eructations. Ulcerative pain in the region of the stomach. Heat and burning in the stomach. Sudden sense of turning in the pit of the stomach, twiee in succession. Fine painful stitches on the left side of the pit of the stomach. Pain over the pit of the stomach, as if cut to pieces ; afterwards the pain is felt in the stomach, and is aggravated by deep breathing. Pain under the left breast, near the pit of the stomach, consisting of beating, burning, cut- ting, and an ulcerative sensation, reheved by pressing on the part and going off by motion. Abdomen.—Violent sticking, repeatedly, in the right subcostal region, in the evening. Sticking in the left subcostal region. Sticking in the groins, in the afternoon, when sitting. Pointed sticking, at times in the left ribs, at others in the small of the back, in the region of the hips, etc. Violent stitch in the re- gion of the left ribs, at dinner. Burning stitch in the region of the lowest ribs, near the back, when pressing the foot to the ground. Stinging burning and cut- ting under the left breast, along a rib, in the evening. Drawing in the umbilical region, with a feeling of coldness in that region. Frequent twitching around the umbilicus, in the afternoon. Burning and twitching in the abdomen, early in the morning. Pinching in the sides of the abdomen. Frequent painful pinching in the hypogastrium, with itching in the skin of that region, early in the morning. Pinching in both groins, going off after emission of flatulence, on waking. Con- tractive pain at a small spot in the groin. Crampy or contractive pain in the right groin, in the evening. Grumbling in the epigastrium, in the afternoon. Motion as of a living body, first in the right, then in the left side of the abdo- men. Shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, as after taking a cathartic. Dis- tention of the abdomen, with constant urging to stool and frequent emission of flatulence, in the afternoon. StOOl.—Hard stool, wijh straining.—Sudden and strong urging to stool. Urging feelings in the small of the back, as if stool would come on. Ineffectual urging to stool. Soft stool preceded by pinching. Hard stool followed by one diarrhoeic stool. Liquid stool early after rising. Yellow diarrhoeic stool, with burning at the anus as from fire. Scanty diarrhoeic stool, three times a day, preceded by cutting and rumbling in the abdomen. Liquid stool, five times, preceded by violent pains in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen during the stool, which takes place frequently. Rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by two diarrhoeic stools, the last stool being accompanied by a few drops of clear blood without pain. Three diarrhoeic stools, with discharge of a few drops of blood, accompanied by pressing in the groins and rumbling in the abdomen.—^ 628 RATANHLV Protrusion of the varices after hard stool with straining, and violent pressing in the rectum.—Burning at the anus before and during the diarrhoeic stool. Urinary Organs.—Burning at the root of the penis, during micturition. Frequent urging to urinate, only a few drops being passed each time. Copious micturition, also at night.—Watery urine. Scanty urine, soon depositing a se- diment, and becoming turbid. Male Sexual Organs.—(Increase of an existing chronic gonorrhoea.) Itching of the scrotum, not passing off after scratching. Female Sexual Organs.—Discharge of blood, four days after the men- ses. The menses are two days too early, and more scanty than usual. The menses are three days too early, with pain in the abdomen. Too early menses by five days. Pain in the small of the back during the menses. Leucorrhoea Pressing in both groins from above downward, as if the menses would make their appearance, followed by discharge of mucus from the vagina. Larynx.—Foetid breath. Frequent titillation in the larynx, inducing cough. Dry cough, with difficult expectoration of hard mucus. Dhest.—Congestion of blood to, and heat in, the chest, with difficult respira- tion. Ulcerative pain in the chest during and after the cough. Violent pressure on the chest, as from a stone, during a slight exertion, with shortness of breath, obliging one to rest in order to fetch breath. Painful constrictive sensation from both sides of the chest. Fleeting cutting pain at the upper part of the sternum, repeatedly. Dull stitch in the right side of the chest, shortly after dinner. Sticking in the chest, in front of the le't axilla, as from a pointed body, worse during an expiration, less during an inspiration, in the afternoon.—Sharp stitch in the sternum over the xiphoid cartilage, with sensation as if a sticking instru- ment remained in that spot. Sharp stitch in the sternum, as with a knife, arresting the breathing at every step in going down stairs. Dull sticking on the right ribs as from a foreign body, in the afternoon. Several fine stitches under the left breast, along the ribs. Pointed sticking in the region of the heart, rather externally. Twitching in the skin, under the left axilla. Back*—Pain as if bruised in the whole spine, going off after rising. Twitch- ing in the region of the hips and small of the back. Several dull stitches from the spine to the pit of the stomach. Drawing and tensive pain along the whole spine, as if in the marrow, proceeding from the nape of the neck, after dinner. Several intermittent stitches in the inner border of the right scapula.—Violent drawing and tension in the left side of the neck, in the evening when standing. Tearing, sticking and contractive sensation in the left side of the neck. Fine tearing in the left side of the neck. Violent tearing in the nape of the neck, in walking, extending to the forehead, with heaviness of the head. Feeling of stiffness in the nape of the neck, on turning the head, gradually disappearing by moving the neck violently. Sticking and drawing above the left clavicle, as if the skin would be drawn in, in the evening. Upper Extremities.—Tearing in the shoulders.. Violent tearing from the right shoulder to the wrist-joint. Violent tearing above and below the left elbow, less when the arm is hanging down, worse on bending the arm. Tearing in both upper arms from the shoulders to the elbows. Tearing from the left forearm to the posterior joint of the ring-finger, apparently in the bone. Violent tearing in the right wrist-joint. Fine tearing in the fleshy part of the left fore- arm, as far as the wrist-j >int. Jerking tearing in the dorsum of the right hand. Jerking tearing in both thumbs, alternately. Violent tearing and sticking in the ri»bt wrist-joint, behind the ball of the thumb. Tearing between the left thumb and index-finger. Painful drawing together, as with a string, two inches above and two inohes below the right elbow, with dread of extending the arm, although RATANHIA. 629 the pain was reheved by doing so. Crampy drawing together in the bend of the right elbow, on keeping the arm bent, always disappearing on stretching it. Burning stitch in the bend of the right elbow, followed soon after by a short, eudden, creeping chill. Burning stitch in the fleshy part of the left forearm, followed by tension. Contraction and feeling as if gone to sleep in the right middle and ring-fingers, rendering it difficult to stretch the parts, in the even- ing. Painful contraction of the middle and ring-fingers of the right hand, going off by rubbing, but returning frequently. Sharp stitch from the middle to the tip of the thumb. Itching of the forearm, with pimples after scratching, which soon disappear. Itching of the ball of the right thumb, inducing one to scratch. Coldness of the fingers, preventing one from working, in the morning. Lower Extremities.—Rapid twitching in the middle of the right thigh, early in the morning. Twitching in both calves. Twitching in the right foot.— Tremulous sensation in the right thigh, in the evening.—Tension in the flesh above the right knee, when standing. Tensive burning in the thigh and leg, on rising from a seat, in the evening. Tearing in the hips. Tearing from the hip to the knee. Intolerable tearing in the posterior part of the thigh, on crossing the thighs. Tearing from the middle of the right thigh to the knee, when sitting, going off after rising from the seat. Tearing in the right knee, when sitting. Tearing in the right tibia. Violent tearing in the lower extremity of the right leg. Tearing in the calves, during rest and motion. Tearing in the tendons of the right calf, evening and morning, only when sitting. Tearing in the ten- dons behind the outer ankle of the right foot, when standing. Tearing pain in the tendons of the right foot. Tearing in the dorsum of the right foot. Sting- ing and burning tearing in the left big toe. Fine tearing in the first three toes, from behind forwards. Tearing from the left tendo-Achillis upwards, followed by a few stitches deep in the right knee, when standing, relieved by sitting.— Fine stinging at a small spot on the right thigh, accompanied by tearing in the left side of the head. Burning stitches, at times over the right knee, at times in the right upper arm, or in the small of the back. Burning stitch in the inner border of the sole of the left foot, extorting an exclamation. Pointed stitch in the bend of the right knee, on rising from a seat.—Drawing in the legs Draw- ing in the calves, in the evening.—Intermittent contraction above the heels, apparently in the tendons, in the evening, not preventing one from walking.— Itching in the anterior surface of the thighs, in the evening, going off by rub- bing. Itching in the bends of the knees, in the evening, with burning after scratching. Titillating voluptuous itching in the sole of the left foot. Titillation of the heels and soles of the feet.—Creeping under the skin of the right knee, alternating with stinging and tearing in that part.—Pain as if sprained in the anterior joint of the right big toe. when sitting, going off by motion.—Great heaviness and weariness in the inner side of the thighs. Weariness and hea- viness around the right thigh, when sitting, going off after rising and walking about. Great debility of the legs, after rising from bed and in the afternoon. Feeling of heat as from glowing coal, at the outer ankle of the left foot. Sleep.—Violent yawning, in the evening, without drowsiness. Indolent and sleepy, early in the morning and after dinner, with yawning. Restless sleep, with frequent waking. Waking at two o'clock in the night, with trembling, oppressive anxiety and fear, causing him to start up. Waking at one o'clock in the night, with sweat, thirst, and dryness of the mouth. Waking at one o'clock at night, with nausea, retching and vomiting of the ingesta. followed b; sleep until three o'clock, when great nausea, with rumbling and constriction again set in, and only disappeared in the open air. Starting soon after going to sleep, se- veral nights.—Dreams about serpents, sick people, and waking with sweat and €30 RHEUM. thirst. Dreams about earthquakes, etc. Dreams about funerals, death of a friend, etc. Dreams full of anger, quarrel and chagrin. Fevtr.—Frequent shuddering in the evening. Constant chilliness, also in othe warm room, in the afternoon and night. Coldness and chilly shaking early •in the morning, going off by sitting near the hot stove. Chilliness for half an hour, in the evening, going off in bed, followed by sweat until midnight. Chilly shuddering over the whole body, in the evening, continuing in bed. General chilliness in the evening, with burning of the hands and feet and external heat followed by sweat in bed until midnight. Profuse sweat at night. Skin.—Itching with small glandular swellings on the occiput. Itching with pimples between the shoulders, burning after scratching. Itching with small red spots in the region of the stomach.—Vesicles under the border of the lower lip. Two blotches on the right temple. Small blotch on the inner surface of the right lower lip. Large tubercle, like a boil, on the left lip, itching a good deal. Boil on the sole of the right foot, terminating in suppuration. General Symptoms.—Sore pain, sometimes mingled with a fine stitch, at times on the chest, at others on the shoulders and other parts.—Languor and prostration, with uneasiness in the whole body. Hemorrhages. 204. RHEUM. RHEUM.—Rhabarbarum, Rhubarb.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med., IV. Compare with.—Ars., Cham., Coff., Ipec, Merc, sol., Puis. Antidotes.—Camph., Cham., Coff. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Rhubarb has only been employed for derangements of the intestinal canal, ia children and full-grown persons, arising from improper alimentation, colds, and generally accompanied with excessive acidity in«the prima? viae, cutting colic, dis- turbance of the night's rest by starting, moaning, weeping, slight convulsions, etc. Nightly complain*s, particularly of children; snoring inspirations; stretching the hands above the head, restlessness, moaning, crying, peevish mood, bending of the head backwards, tossing about, convulsive drawing in the fingers, facial muscles and eyelids; delirium, etc.. weeping, crying, wanting this or that thing, and asking for it with vehemence, all those symptoms being occasioned by a dis- ordered condition of the bowels. Nightly crying and tossing about of infants, probably owing to colic.—Sour, flat, slimy taste.—Bitter taste of food.—Pinch- ing and cutting pains in the bowels, with flatulence, with or without diarrhoea.— Facal diarrhoza in children and full-grown individuals, preceded by a constric- tive pinching in the abdomen and pressing upon the rectum.—Diarrhoea in chil. dren of nine months, the stools consisting of a granular, light-coloured substance mixed with mucus.—Diarrhoea of children from acidity in the prima? viae.—Co- pious diarrhoea, with vomiting and great debility.—Papescent. sour-smelling diarrhoea, particularly in children, with frequent ineffectual urging upon the rectum.—Diarrhoea of lying-in females. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Taciturnity, nothing moves him. Taciturn and indolent. Peevish, silent, brooding to himself. Gloomy mood, is unable to con- RHEUM. 6S1 tinue the same occupation long at a time. Moaning, anxious. *The child asks for many things with vel (mtnce and tears.—°Ai guith, as if threatened with death. Sensorium.—Inability to collect oue's sei.ses, as if half asleep. Delirium.— Cloudiness of the sinciput, with drawing. The head feels stupid as after intoxi- cation. Gloominess of the head, with bloated eyes, afterwards pressure over one eye, with dilatation of the pupils.— Vertigo, particularly when standing, as if he would fall to one side. Head. —Headache extending as far as the occiput, afterwards the pain be- comes tearing.—Dull, tight, dizzy sort of headache, extending over the whole brain, and being worse on the top of the head and in the temples.—Stupifying headache, as i.' the parts in the head were turned out of their places, more dur- ing motion than when stooping.—Heaviness iu the head, with an oppressive heat ascending to the head. Sensation of heaviness in the head and intermittent tearing in the same (while walking) —Sensation when stooping as if the brain moved.—Creeping in the temporal region.—Drawing pain deep in the head be- hind the frontal eminences. Pulsative, crampy headache, now in the left, now in the right temporal bone and on the head.—Aching pain across the whole sin- ciput. Aching pain in the right side of the head, especially on the head and in the temples.—Dull, beating headache in the sinciput, especially when standing. Beating headache. Hammering sensation in the head, which seemed to proceed from the abdomen. Slight stitches above the temples.—The frontal muscles incline to contract into wrinkles. Eyes.—Aching and burning sensation in the margin of the upper eyelid.— The eyes feel weak; they become painful when looking at a thing for a long time ; with a pressure in the eyes as if weary.—Corrosive pain in the left eye before going to sleep, as if dirt, dust, or an insect had got in, with lachrymation. Lachrymation in the open air.—Beating pain in the eyes.—Pressure on the eyelids even when they are closed. Drawing in the eyelids. The pupils are more or less contracted, accompauied with an internal restlessness, for sixteen hours. i\0SC and Ears.—A sort of dragging with some itching in the left ear, which obliges him to insert the finger into the ear. Pressure in the meatus auditorius as if pressed upon with a finger.—Sometimes a beating is felt in the ears, espe- cially when stooping while writing.—Roaring in the right ear, with sensation in that ear as if the tympanum were relaxed, with dull hearing (as if the hearing were on the point of becoming obstructed); the roaring and the relaxation of the tympanum abated (the hearing became restored) whenever he swallowed with a certain force, only momentarily, for the symptoms returned immediately. Snap- ping as of electric sparks and clucking in the ear and in the muscles of the side of the neck, which could be felt with the hand.—Warmth around the nose.— Drawing, a sort of stupifying pain along the root of the nose, causing a creep- ing in the tip'of the nose. Face, Jaws and Teeth.—Pale cheeks, or paleness of one cheek, with red- ness of the other. Tension in the skin of the face. The frontal muscles incline to contract into wrinkles. *Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles, corners of the mouth and eyelids. Itching rash on the forehead and arms. Cool sweat in the face, particularly about the mouth and ncse. Drawing, expanding sensa- tion in the right lower jaw extending as far as the right temple. Digging-up pain in the hollow teeth, which feel elongated and loose. Pain in the left molar an.l front teeth, which is accompanied ui ha sensation of coldness, and occasions an accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—Sour taste in mouth. Aliments, even sweet, taste bitter, but not when merely put into the mouth.—Want of appe- €32 RHEUM. tite.—Hunger, but no appetite. Great appetite, but the food, although one re- lishes it in the beginning, soon becomes repugnant. Desire for various things, accompanied with aversion to certain other things, for instance, greasy, fat things ; however, he cannot eat much of the things he likes, because they become repugnant immediately. He does not relish his food, and it soon becomes re- pugnant to him, although he has a good appetite.—Coffee is repugnant to him unless very sweet.—The abdomen is distended after a meal. Urging to stool after a meal. Nausea in the region of the stomach. Feeling as if one would vomit. Qualmishness. Nausea, colic. Sensation of nausea in the ab- domen. Mouth, Pharynx, (Esophagus, Stomach and Abdomen.—Dryness of the mouth, which feels dry to him, without any desire for drink.—Astringent sen- sation in the pharynx. The sensibility of the tongue and the sense of taste dis- appear the whole day.f Repletion in the stomach as if he had eaten too much; this is sometimes followed by drowsiness. Contractive sensation in the stomach, accompanied wit^i nausea. Stitch on the left side of and in the pit of the sto- mach. Violent beating and painless clucking in the pit of the stomach at regu- lar intervals.—Distention of the abdomen. Pressure in the region of the spleen.—Pressure in the intestines, on taking an inspiration, as if full of fluid.— Rumbling in the abdomen.—Cutting colic shortly, (1-4 hour,) after dinner; he has to bend double when sitting, in order to find relief; it is worse when stand- ing. Colic before and during stool, abating after stool. The emission of wind is preceded by pinching colic. Pinching in the abdomen,^ he feels a strong urging to stool in the large intestine; but he is unable to accomplish anything; the rectum is inactive. ,. Flatulence in the abdomen, which seems to rise towards the chest, and to cause a pressure and tension jpere and there. Dull, strangu- lating cutting across the abdomen. Single painful cuttings in the abdomen with- out stool. Pressure in the umbilical region, immediately. Pressure in the umbilical region, as if the intestines would be pressed out. Cutting in ihe umbi- lical region. (The cutting in the abdomen is increased by the eating of a fe* plums.) C^lic, bloatedness of the abdomen. Cutting drawing in the left loin below the short ribs, and anteriorly on the left side of the hypogastrium di- rectly above the os pubis; digging-up sensation in the intestines. (Sharp) cut- ting in the left loin. Tension in the left side of the hypogastrium, directly over the os pubis, after a meal. Pressure in the region of the os pubis, as if a strong pressure were made with the tip of the thumb. Violent cutting in the region of the lumbar vertebra, as if it occurred in the substance of .the vertebra, increas- ed by an evacuation.—Twitching in the abdominal muscles. Expanding bub- bling (plucking) in the abdominal muscles, as if one could hear it.—Painful pressure in the abdominal ring when walking, as if hernia would protrude.—Fine, frequent, itching stitches in the right inguinal gland. StOOl.—Ineffectual urging to stool, with pinching in the abdomen, and inac- tion of the rectum. * Tenesmus. —Stool, the first part of which is hard, the second liquid. Stool, first loose, then hard; preceded and accompanied by vio- lent cutting. *Diarrhazic stools, consisting of faces and mucus. Discharges of grayish mucus by the rectum. °Diarrhcea of lying-in females. "Frequent diarrhoea, with vomiting and great debility.—Papescent, sour-smelling stool; t From chewing the stems and leaves. t The primary effect of rhubarb appears to be a colicky, sometimes ineffectual urging, th» stools being bad faecal matter. The evacuation"! occasioned by rhubarb consisting of faeces, the drug cannot be employed in dysentery, (although the colicky pains are alike), for thin additional reason, that there is no correspondence between the other symptoms of rhubarb and those of dysentery. RHEUM. 633 one shudders while the evacuation is taking place, and after the evacuation a renewed urging and pinching in the bowels (constriction) set in. Frequent urging to stool, which results in a loose, papescent, faztid evacuation, with colic, and tenesmus immediately after the evacuation—in spite of his efforts no- thing is passed, although he feels an urging—another evacuation taking place a little while after; after rising from stool, the urging, which had subsided gradually, becomes more and more violent, the pain in the abdomen which ac- companied the evacuation increases likewise.—Increased urging to stool wlien moving about. A sort of tenesmus of the rectum. Painful sensation in the re- gion of the anus, as is felt after a diarrhoea of long duration. Urinary and Genital Organs.—Weakness of the bladder; he had to press hard when urinating, otherwise the urine would not have been voided entirely. Pressure on the bladder. Burning in the kidneys and bladder.—Red-yellow urine, as in jaundice and acute fevers. The urine is light yellow, with a green- ish tinge. Burning urine. Frequent emission of a large quantity of urine.— Pain in the nipples as from flatulence. Stitches in both nipples. Yellow, bitter milk in nursing females.—°Diarrhcea of infants. °Difficult dentition. Respiratory Organs.—Dry cough in the evening. Cough with expectora- tion of mucus, ljjgyivc minutes. Dull, quick stitches under the last rib, during an expiration afrerinspiration, continuing for a long while. Single stitches in the chest.—Oppression of the chest.—Crackling rising as of little vesicles, first in the left, afterwards also in the right pectoral muscles, continuous, and percep- tible to his own ears.—Compression of the chest. Dyspnoea; when taking a deep inspiration the chest does not yield sufficiently, as if a weight were op- pressing the chest directly under the throat. Painful pressure across the ster- num, occasioning a sensation as if the thoracic cavity were narrower than be- fore ; sometimes single stitches are felt instead of the pressure.—Burning pain on the left side of the sternum. Back and Extremities.—Stiffness of the small of the back and hips; he is unable to walk erect. Pressure as with a finger in the region where the head and nape of the neck unite. Upper limbs : single stitches in the arms. Jerk- ing sensation in the right elbow. Jerking in the arms and hands early in the morning, also in the rest of the body, two days in succession. Bubbling sensa- tion in the elbow-joint, during rest and motion. Tearing in the upper arms and the finger joints. Tearing in the forearms.—The muscles of the forearm feel contracted, accompanied with a tremulous motion of the hands. Sensation in the lower surface of the forearm as if it were going to sleep. Distended veins of the hands. The palm of the hand feels hot to him and others. Cold sweat in the hollow of the hands, whereas the dorsum of the hand and the rest of the body are warm. Sweat in the palm of the hand while the hands are closed. Tearing from the thumb to the little finger across the hand. Lancinating pain in the thumb. Lower limbs : weariness of the thighs, as after an excessive effort. Twitching of single parts of muscles on the posterior surface of the thighs, especially when the muscles are put upon the stretch, when sitting and when drawing up the knees in a recumbent posture; the twitching is percepti- ble to the eye, and can be felt with the hand. The lower limbs go to sleep when laid across one another.—Tensive aching pain in the bend of the left knee, ex- tending down to the heel. Bubbling sensation in the bend of the knee, as if it could be heard. Painless bubbling in the bend of the knee, extending as far as the heel. Stiffness of the knee, which is painful during motion. Painful weari- ness in the bend of the left knee when standing, with a drawing sensation from above downward. Tensive weariness in the bend of the right knee. Stitch in the left knee when walking. Bubbling in the leg, from above downward, ac- 634 RHODODENDRON. companied with sticking. Early in the morning, after rising, the left tarsal joint feels sprained, and is painful when stepping on the foot. Tearing and sticking pain across the instep. Stinging-itching in the hollow of the foot. Bubbling- snapping sensation in the ball of the left big toe. Stinging-itching of the root of the little toe, almost as one experiences in a frozen toe. Sticking in the left foot in the edge of the sole, behind the little toe. Burning paroxysmal pain between the internal malleolus and the tendo-Achillis, as if it were touched lrom time to time by an incandescent coal. Sleep.—Drowsiness —Before falling asleep, he raises his hands involuntarily above his head.—In his sleep he fancies that he is walking about, half dreaming, half waking. Snoring inspirations during sleep. He extends his hands above his head when sleeping. He is restless when sleeping; he moans and bends his head backward. The child tosses about at night, cries several times, -and says tremblingly that there are men.—*The child is pale ; she grumbles in her skip as if she were quarrelling, and has convulsive drawings in the fingers, facial mus. cles and eyelids. Dreams about vexatious, mortifying things. Anxious dreams about dead relatives. Vivid, sad and anxious dreams.—He is delirious in his even. ing-sleep, and walks about in his bedroom with his eyes closed.without talking, and feels very hot.—It takes her a long time, after waking, to bdtome conscious of herself.—After sleeping: he feels a heaviness in his whole bocryT His eyes are ag- glutinated. The mouth is lined with foetid mucus. He has a putrid taste in his mouth. His breath has a foetid smell. He has a pressure in the pit of the sto- mach, spreading over the sternum during an inspiration, and changing to a pain as if bruised. Early in the morning, after sleeping, he feels lazy, and has a violent, crampy, tensive headache across the whole anterior half of the head. Fever.—He shudders without being cold externally. One cheek is occa- sionally pale, while the other is red, or both are pale. The cheeks feel hot to him and others. Alternation of chilliness and heat for cnly two minutes; she felt weary and anxious, and everything was repugnant to her, even those things which were dearest to her. He feels hot all over without being thirsty. Ilia hands and feet feel hot, without his arms and thighs feeling so, the face being cool. She is hot and restless.—Cool sweat in the face, especially around ihe mouth and nose. He sweats on the forehead and hairy scalp, even after making a little exertion. The sweat tinges the linen yellow. General Symptoms.—He feels a simple pain in all his joints when moving them. The lirnbs on which he is lying go to sleep. Heaviness in the whole body as when one wakes from a deep sleep. Debility of the whole body when walking.—Debility of the whole body.— The whole body feels heavy as if one had not slept enough. 205. RHODODENDRON. RHODOD.—Rhododendron chrysanthum.—Yellow rose of Siberia.—See Stapf's Additions to the Mat. Med. Compare with—Ac. phosph., Clemat., Chin., Dulc, Led., Merc, Nux v., Puis., Rhus tox., Seneg., Sulph., Thuja, Zinc. Antidotes.—Camph., Clem., Rhus. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Ti inks, Rhododendron has been successfully employed in the following diseases : Acute gout, the paroxysms being particularly excited RHODODENDRON. 635 by rough weather, with aggravation of the pains during rest.—Drawing and tearing pains in the joints and limbs, most violent at night and during rest, leaving a feeling of stiffness and lameness in the joints.—Chronic indurations.— C jmplaints arising from abuse of Merc.—Typhus with rheumatic tearing in the limbs, vertigo, headache, fever with little thirst, stinging iu the abdominal mus- cles.—Paralytic condition of the limbs, with violent drawing, pinching, stinging, so that he was unable to move, stand or walk, with nightly aggravation of the pains.—Arthritic toothache, particularly at night, equally aggravated by cold and warm drinks, somewhat relieved by external warmth.—Toothache, always re- turning in the spring and fall during a rough east wind, (a dry wind in Germany,) continuing for several weeks; the pain was boring, seated in one tooth, which felt as if in a vice, with darting extending to the ear; the pain was increased by contact; it sometimes abated a little, was worse at night, relieved by external warmth, aggravated by cold drink, and still more by drawing in cold air; warm drinks did not increase the pain. Nux v. and Merc, gave relief for a short time only. Three doses of Rhod. removed the pain entirely.—Hydrocele in the case of a boy, of the size of a hen's egg.—Hard swelling of the scrotum of the size of a hen's egg, preceded by inflammation of the scrotum.—Stiffness in the nape of the neck with tearing pains extending over the back, and aggravated by rest and in bed.—Violent pains in the small of the back, followed in the evening by drawing, pressing pains in the right testicle, which is swollen, with aggravation of the pains when standing, which sometimes extend into the abdo- men and occasion a tension in the right abdominal ring.—Heaviness and stiffness of the lower limbs, consequent upon arthriti-i gonorrhceica.—Feeling of weakness in the arms, with tingling as if gone to sleep, these pains being worse in cold and rough weather.—Tearing pains at a small spot in the upper arm. thence ex- tending to the nape of the neck and back, from which parts the pain seems to shift suddenly to the legs, where a sticking is experienced; the heels are very painful; walking is difficult; sensation as if the feet had to drag heavy bullets ; the pains are worse during rest and changing weather.—Tearing-drawing pains, first in the right wrist-joint, afterwards in the dorsum of the right hand.—. Tearing pains in the upper limbs, with anchylosis of the joints.—Tearing pains in the limb.-, particularly in the right foot and forearm, most violent at night.— White swelling of the knee, with violent nightly tearing in the right knee and leg. most violent during rest.—Periodical tearing pains in the lower limbs, in the region of the hip-joints, in stormy weather, most violent during rest and at night; the joints of the fingers sometimes swell and are painful.—Violent tear- ing pains from the posterior surface of the right thigh down to the foot, with formication ; the pains are aggravated during rest; they are worse in the fore- noon, and the limb is then stiffer.—Violent drawing, digging-up pains in the left os innominatum, extending periodically to the middle of the thigh, intolerable during rest, attended with chronic blennorrhoea of the urethra, swelling of the left testicle, and drawing pains in the spermatic chord. — Sticking pains in the tarsal and knee-j tints, with tension in the lower limbs when walking, sensation as if the feet and legs had gone to sleep, aggravated by rest.—Violent, tearing pains in the limbs, with swelling and redness ofisingle joints, right knee, elbow- joints, finger-joints, nnst violent at night and in the morning, with tension and stiffness in the joints ; subsequently to mercurial treatment. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—Frigh'ful visions.—Fits of anxiety. Mental de- rangement. A sort of delirium.—Indifferent, phlegmatic mood, neither affected by pleasant nor unpleasant impressions. Peevish without any apparent cause. 636 RHODODENDRON. Gloomy mood, indifferent. Aversion to everything, especially to serious occu- pations. Sensorium.—Vertigo. Vertigo and sleep. Vertigo, as if one would fall to and fro, such as is occasioned by sharp tobacco. Vertigo when sitting; after a quarter of an hour. Vertigo, as if the head would fall backward more and more, with anguish, when lying in bed ; shortly after an inspiration. Vertigo when lying in bed ; decreasing after a few minutes, and on the second evening giddy, vertiginous sensation when writing, disappearing by motion in the open air.—Stupefaction. Obscuration of the senses. Giddiness. Intoxication. A sort of intoxication and loss of sense. Affects the head like brandy. Reel- ing sensation 1 : the head, as if intoxicated, immediately. Makes the head feol wild and confused. Reeling sensation in the brain; his brain feels as if sur- rounded with a fog. While talking he easily forgets what he is talking about. Forgetfulness and sudden disappearance of all thoughts; he omits words in writing conr; virion. Obscuration of the head, with want of attention.—Dul- ness of the head, immediately after rising. Dulness of the head, with drawing in the eyes, increased in the open air. Dulness and heaviness of the sinciput, immediately after rising. The head feels dull, wild and confused, as after in- toxication. The head feels as if he had been revelling the whole night. The head feels wild and confused, with drowsiness, or with pressure in the fore part of the head. Early in the morning, on waking, the head feels dull, the nose is obstructed, and he perceives a humming in his ears. Dizziness and dulness in the forehead. Head.—Headache early in the morning, in bed, which almost deprives him of his senses, decreasing after rising. Excessive headache, as if the whole brain were oppressed with a weight of lead; early in the morning, on the third day. The whole brain is painful, as if it were pressed too hard against the skull Headache as if a catarrh were about to set in. Dull headache, in the evening. —Burning stitch through the head. Shootings in th,e left half of the head. Short, violent stitches in the left temporal region. Quickly-passing, dull stick- ing pains in the left half of the head. Sticking headache, particularly in the part near the forehead.—Beating headache. Beating sensation in the left frontal region. Beating pain in the right half of the head.—Violent drawing, tearing pain in the forehead, in the direction of the temples and eyes, especially when moving about in the room. Dulness of the sinciput; when moving the head, a pain is experienced in the forehead. Violent drawing in the left part of the os frontis, followed shortly after by a cold, suddenly-passing shuddering across the face. Fine, drawing tearing, close to the os frontis; it feels like a dragging and pressure, and is increased by drinking wine.—Painful pressure in the left frontal bone, as if with the thumb. Aching pain in the forehead.—In- tense pain in the region of the right frontal bone, with pressure from within outward. Beating pain in the forehead, with pressure as if everything in the head would come out there, going off during rest. Aching pain in the left half of the forehead, spreading towards the left temporal region, continuous, increased by the use of wine.—Aching on the vertex. Dulness of the head, especially of the frontal region, with aching pain in the left temporal region; the pain and dulness are alleviated for a short time by laying the head on the table; both disappear by exercise in the open air. Hard, painful pressure in the left tem- poral region, as if in the outer surface of the bone. Painful pressure in the temple from without inward. Aching pains in the left temple. Aching draw- ing pain under the left temporal bone.—Tearing boring pain in the left tempo- ral region.—Pain under the left temporal bone, pressing from within outward. Drawing pain under the right temporal bone, with pressure from within outwara. Pressure in the temporal bones. Aching pain deep in the right side of the RHODODENDRON. 637 occiput, with paroxysmal drawing from below upward. Dull pressure deep in the occiput, in the evening.—Tension in the left portion of the frontal bone. Tension with pressure in the front part of the forehead.— Dull pain in the occi- put, early in the morning on the second day. Violent pain in the right half of the occiput, aa if a foreign body had been forced in in that part.—Aching Bore pain in the right hemisphere of the brain and cerebellum, when sitting. Aching sore pain in the left hemisphere of the brain, when lying, going off by sitting up.—Racking sensation in the head when walking, as if the brain were shaken from all sides, especially from above. Scalp.—Contusive pain at a small spot on the right side of the outer parts of the occiput, with alternate drawing in the direction of the ear. The scalp ia painful to the touch. Pamfulness of the vertex, as if from subcutaneous ulcera- tion.—Violent itching of the hairy scalp. Shortly-passing biting in variouJ parts of the head. Itching of the hairy scalp, obliging one to scratch ; scratch- ing changes the itching to a burning, in the first evenings, but decreasing from day to day.—Cold tingling in the temporal region.—Pustules on the forehead. Eyes.—Drawing from the left half of the face into the left eye, leaving a pressure behind in the eye, after half an hour. Burning and prickling under the right eye i,i the cheek, and returning occasionally for many months. Pim- ples on the left side over the outer part of the eyebrow and under the right corner of the mouth ; painful when touched. Dull, drawing pain over the left eye. Sticking pain with pressure all around the margin of the left orbit, with spasmodic contraction of the left eyelids. Sticking pain in the right eyeball, an with a red-hot needle, darting from within outwards.—Itching pinching sensa- tion in the skin of the right eyebrow. Pinching pain in the skin of the fore- head over the right eyebrow.—Swollen eyelids which easily become red.— Twitching of the right upper eyelid, after nine hours. Frequent twitching of the left upper eyelid, for some time.—Suppuration of the eyelids, at night. Dampness of the eyes, and agglutination of the lids.—Lachrymation, also in the open, raw air.—Painful pressure in the internal right canthus, as from a grain of sand —Burning and pressure in the inner canthi, early in the morning, with increased secretion of gum in those canthi. Slight burning and pressure in the eyes. Dry burning in the eyes.f—Burning in the eyes when looking at the light of day, shortly before rising from bed. Burning in the eyes when looking intently at an object. Burning and feeling of dryness in the eyes, especially in the evening. Burning pain in the eyes; when writing or reading he has s feeling of heat in his eyes. Periodical burning in the eyes, without the eyei being inflamed, early in the morning on the first day. The right eye is affected with a burning pain, and the sight of that eye seems to be dim ; in the evening when reading.—Itching of the eyes.—Periodical smarting pain in the right eye.— Contraction of the pupil.—When reading and writing the eyes feel somewhat weak. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, second day. Ears.—Humming and ringing before the ears : soon after taking the drug, and on the second evening while lying in bed. Constant buzzing in the ears, and a sensation as if water were rushing into them ; strong sounds re-echo for a long time after. Buzzing in the left ear the whole forenoon, which is most dis- tinct when whistli g. Sensation in the left ear, as if a worm were creeping about in it.—Darting pain in the left ear and in the left temporal region — Beating sensation in the left ear.—Shooting stitches in the left ear.—Tickling iu the left external meatus auditorius, changed to a pain by borii g with tLe t Observed from ten drops of tho tincture in a girl of twenty years, whose menses had been suppressed for six mouths past, and who was suffering with tightness of the chest, heavi- ness and drawing in the limbs in consequence; she recovered perfectly a few weeks after taking the Rhododendron. 638 RHODODENDRON. finger, for hours. Violent otalgia in the. right outer ear, commencing in the morning, and continuing the whole day. Pain in the right ear, as if the ear would be pressed asunder. Stitches in the right ear, slow and pressing, from within outwards.—Tearing sensation in the right ear and all around.—Periodi- cal boring or drawing pain in aud around the ears.—A suddenly-passing itching in the region behind the left ear, extending down to the nape of the neck. Nose.—Itching of the nose. Itching and creeping in the nose.—A bright- red spot on the nose, sensitive to the tuuch, and lasting for several da) s.— Pinching in the skin of the dorsum of the nose.—Moderate bleeding from the left nostril, after half an hour.—Troublesome dryness of the nose, after eight hours. Obstruction of the nose early in the morning, the first days. Obstruc- tion of the left half of the nose, near the root of ihew)se, worst in the morning before rising ; during the day the obstruction of the left nostril alternates with that of the right, but the nose, is never obstructed entirely ; less in ihe, open air; immediately after taking the drug ; continually. The left nasal cavity was ob- structed near ihe root, with sore pain in the right cavity, accompanied with a sensation of accumulation of mucus in the open air. Obstruction of the left nostril, early in the morning ; several mornings in succession.—Increase of nasal mucus, while one or the other nasal cavity was obstructed near the root of the nose. Increased secretion of mucus in the nose, as if a catarrh would set in. Increased secretion of mucus in the nose, in open air, the first days. The smell and taste are altered; all things smell and taste alike.—Violent fluent coryza, with headache and roughness of the throat. Face.—Prickling biting in the cheek for several days, coming suddenly and passing off soon.—Pimples over the right eyebrow and near the corner of the mouth.—Dry and burning lips. Pimples around the left corner of the mouth. Vesicles on the internal surface of the lower lip and on the inferior surface of the tongue, with biting when eating. Drawing stitches from the left submax- illary gland towards the cheek. JaWS and Teeth.—Quickly-passing pain in single teeth,recurring espe- cially in damp weather, and when the air is greatly charged with electricity. Occasional grumbling and tearing in the first jour anterior molar teeth, for a short time; now in the upper, then in the lower jaw: now on the right, then on the left side.—Drawing in the left molar teeth ; recurring on the first day and afterwards several times.—Dull sticking pain in the hollow tooth of the left upper jaw. Drawing and pricking pain in one of the left molar teeth; it does not bear contact. Tearing sharp aching pain in the upper molar teeth, increased by warm food, and by staying in a warm room ; towards evening, on the first day. Tearing in a hollow tooth.—Prickling and biting in the foreteeth. Vio- lent, drawing pain in the teeth of the right lower jaw, disappearing by eating. Toothache: the approach of a thunder-storm, or of cloudy, windy weather, is always preceded by a pain which partakes of the character of drawing, aching (and cutting); the thunder-storm sets in in one or two, the cloudy and rainy weather several hours after the toothache. The pain commenced in the ear, or at any rate was in relation with a pain in the ear.—The whole night he had a pain in the left lower jaw and teeth, accompanied with otalgia. The right side of the head was affected in a similar manner, but less violently. Pressure seemed now to relieve, then to increase the pain; the warmth of the bed had no influence on the pain.—Continuous, not very troublesome itching of the gums, obliging one to rub them frequently. Aching pain, as*if swollen and sore, be- tween the gums of the right lower jaw and the cheek. Mouth, Pharynx and (Esophagus.—On one side of the root of the tongue and gums, he has a painful, somewhat swollen spot in the mouth. Contractive sen- sation along the left Stenonian duct. The tongue has a greenish coating, with RHODODENDRON. 639 bitter taste in the mouth. Burning on the tongue, during an inspiration. Prickling sensation on the tongue. Increase of saliva, which has a sourish taste, early in the morning. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, after two hours. Great dryness of the whole buccal cavity, after half an hour. Contracts the fauces, and has a burning taste. Burning in the fauces, with constrictive feel- ing in those parts. Simple pain in the posterior surface of the throat, during the deglutition of food, on the first day, in the evening. Burning, and a feehng of heat in the posterior part of the mouth, as if catarrh would set in. Stitches in the uvula, after one hour. Scraping and scratching sensation in the fauces, sensa'ion as if those parts were lined with mucus. Roughness in the throat, early in the morning. Burning in the throat and palate, after eating bread. Taste.—All things taste alike, the first days. Flat, bitter taste, after one hour. Putrid, bitter taste on the posterior part of the tongue, after 24 hours. Straw-taste in the mouth, the whole day. Sourish taste in the mouth. Sourish, saltish taste in the mouth, with nausea, on swallowing saliva, early in the morn- ing, the first and second day. Troublesome thirst. Gastric Symptoms and Appetite.—Eructations, also empty and tasteless rising of oppressive wind after dinner, causing a burning through the whole chest, which extended as far as the dorsal vertebrae. Gulping up of a rancid fluid, oc- casioning a scraping sensation in the throat. Gulping up of a small quantity of a a bitter-tasting moisture. He is easily satiated, and feels very weak after having satiated himself. Pressure at the stomach, after drinking cold water. Loss of appetite. Uncomfortable feeling after a meal.—Nausea. Nausea, accumulation of water in the mouth, and inclination to vomit. Nausea on stooping, diminish- ed by an eructation, shortly after taking the drug Nausea, with pressure in the pit and region of the stomach, after 24 hours. Nausea,with accumulation of water in the mouth, after half an hour. Nausea, as if one had taken an emetic, with urging to stool. Nausea while walking; he has to remain seated, and ex- periences a feeling of qualmishness at the stomach.—Vomiting (from large doses). Vomiting of a green, bitter substance. Vomiting, after taking any- thing fluid, especially cold water, which weakens the effect of the drug. Stomach.—Unpleasant creeping sensation in the region of the stomach, after one hour. An unusual, gnawing sensation (sensation of hunger) in the region of the stomach, before a meal. Troublesome pressure in the pit and stomach, the first days. Aching pain in the pit of the stomach when stooping, and when pressing the hand into that part. Sharp pressure in the pit of the stomach, an hour after dinner. Continual aching pain in the pit of the stomach, before, during, and after dinner, after one hour. Pressure and cramp-like drawjng, deep in the pit of the stomach, one hour after dinner. Contractive pressure in the pit of the stomach, with tightness of breathing, several evenings, during a walk. Aching, crampy pain in the pit of the stomach, sometimes spreading to both hypochondria and impeding respiration. Continuous aching pain deep in the pit of the stomach, accompanied with alternate drawing and dull sticking along the region where the short ribs unite, frequently increasing to oppres- sion of breathing, with anguish and heat in the face, especially in the after- noon, when standing. Pinching in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen.—Superficial pain in this or that part of the scrobiculus cordis, or the region of the short ribs, especially on the left side; the pain is now a fine, now a dull stitching, accompanied with pressure. Hypochondria. Periodical crampy pain under the short ribs. Quickly-passing dull pain, extending from the chest to the left hypochondrium, almost like splenetic stitches, when walking fast. Violent stitches in the region of the spleen, arresting the breathing, in the evening, during rest. Sticking pain in the right hypochondrium, in the 640 RHODODENDRON. evening. Pressing and drawing pain under the short ribs, early in the morning, with a feeling of repletion in the pit of the stomach, and oppression of breath- ing. Seated pain in the left hypochondrium, with tension when stooping. Pain in the hypochondria, as if from incarcerated wind. Abdomen. Pinching pain, after supper, across the epigastrium. Cutting, afterwards aching pain, in the epigastrium, after a meal. Pressure in the epigastrium, after dinner.—Pa- roxysmal drawing-aching pain in the epigastrium, with nausea. Pinching in the umbilical region, after a meal, and weight and indolent feeling in the abdomen, not as if filled with nourishment. The usual breakfast causes a disagreeable feeling of repletion in the abdomen, relieved by eructations. Slight digging-up sensation in the abdomen, with a feeling of repletion in the same.—Pinching colic. Pinching in the abdomen, followed by loose stool, after half an hour. Pinching pains in the right side of the abdomen, after one hour.—Single, piercing stitches in the abdomen.—Feeling of repletion, heaviness, and distention in the abdomen, especially early in the morning, in bed, and in the evening, with ri;m- bling in the bowels, empty eructations and emissions of foetid flatulence, continu- ing for some time. Sensation of repletion and bloatedness in the abdomen, without the abdomen being really puffed up, relieved by rising of air and emis- sion of flatulence.—Painful distention of the abdomen. Rumbling and grum- bling in the abdomen. Copious flatulence occasions various pains in the ab- domen, now in one, then in another part; they are diminished or removed en- tirely by emission of foetid flatulence. Incarceration of flatulence, early in the morning.—Aching pain in the left lumbar region. Drawing, from the left groin into the left thigh. Intermittent sticking above the crest of the left ilium, from without inwards. Drawing pain in the right abdominal ring, also in the left, but feebler, with tension in the ring when walking.—The abdominal integuments are painful, as if he had received several blows on them. Stool.—Costiveness. Delaying stool, (secondary effect). Papescent stool, occurring 20 hours after the regular time. The faeces are not hard, but their expulsion is accompanied with much straining, with a sensation in the anus as if the contractile power of the anus were diminished, for several days.—Sudden desire for stool, but only some flatulence is emitted after straining. Ineffectual urging to stool several times a day.—Occasional diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, directly after a meal. Diarrhoea, stool spurts out as if constantly accompanied with flatulence. Food and drink cause diarrhoea without colic. Diarrhoea, a sort of lienteria. Diarrhoea as soon as he rises from bed. Fruit occasions diarrhoea and a feeling of weakness in the stomach. Feeling of qualmishness as if diar- rhoea would set in. The disposition to diarrhoea returns in damp weather.—Th« stools look fermented. Brown, papescent stool. Papescent stool at the regular periods, the latter portion of the stool being somewhat loose and leaving a smart- ing sensation in the rectum. Loose stool, but sluggish, going off only after straining. Loose and yellowish stool, but sluggish, expelled with much strain- ing, and insufficient, with sensation as if some faeces remained behind. Desire for stool, as if diarrhoea would set in ; nevertheless, the natural stool is passed with much straining. Tenesmus, with papescent stool, for some days. Stool is suc- ceeded by a feeling of emptiness, followed by pinching in the abdomen.—Beat- ing pain in the anus. Spasmodic pain in the rectum, as if flatulence had be- come incarcerated. Sticking pain in the rectum, extending as far as under the ribs. Crawling in the -anus, as if from ascarides. Biting pain in the anus, ac- companied with eking out of a small quantity of moisture. Violent drawmg, from the rectum to the genital organs. / Male Genital Organs.—Burning sore pain between the genital organs and thighs, especially when walking, the first days. Beating pain in the glans, in the RHODODENDRON. 641 evening on the first day. Pinching, jerking pain in the glans, both during rest and motion, after four hours. Itching, crawling behind the prepuce. Itching and increase of sweat about the scrotum. The scrotum shrinks easily, espe- cially when walking or standing, or when the air becomes cool ever so little, for many days. The testes are somzwhat drawn up, swollen and painful, for many days. (Jontusive pain in the testes, with alternate drawing ; more or less now in one, then in the other testicle, for many days. The testes, especially the epi- dydimis, are intensely painful to the touch, for many days. Violent, painful drawing in the hard, somewhat swollen testes, extending as far as the abdomen and thigh, especially on the right side. Creeping-pain in the testes.f Sticking pain in the right testis. Violent stitching in the right testicle, as if contused violently, in the evening while sitting; the pain disappeared in walking, but re- turned immediately upon sitting down. Drawing-sticking pain in the right tes- ticle and spermatic cord, disappearing by motion. Sometimes the pain was pricking, commencing in the right testicle and spreading in zigzag along the pe- rinaeum towards the anus, lasting some seconds, and being so violent that it arrested the breathing. The swelling of the testicle, which had been painless heretofore, enlarged to the size of a hen's egg, especially the left testicle, with stitching and tearing pains in both testicles, which were short, but violent, (a homoeopathic aggravation). °The swelling of the testicle, which had existed for years, decreased more and more until the testes acquired their natural size, after fourteen days. (Curative effect.) °Swelling of the right testis, with drawing pressing, relieved by lying with the limbs drawn up, worse when standing, at- tended with tension in the right abdominal ring. °Sweliing of the left testis, after suppression of gonorrhoea and chordee, or with blennorrhoea from the urethra, with drawing from the testis to the spermatic cord and down into the thigh, where the pain becomes intolerable when lying quietly, preventing sitting and lying.—°Hydrocclo. The erections are preceded by a creeping sensation from the perinoeum to the penis.—Want of the usual morning erections, continuing for many days. Profuse emission, with amorous dreams, five nights. Emission of semen in sound sleep, in the middle of the night, with subsequent erections. After an embrace he had lascivious dreams, with an emission of semen, and long- continued erections. Aversion to an embrace with want of erection, the first days. Increase of the sexual instinct, the erections coming on very easily. Trinary Organs.—Frequent desire to urinate. Desire to urinate, with drawing in the region of the bladder and the groins, in the forenoon. Scanty, or profuse emission of urine.—Brown-red urine, having an offensive smell.— The somewhat increased pale urine has an offensive, acrid odour. The urine is clear, with a greenish tinge. Burning in the urethra before and during micturi- tion. (A few drops fl jw out after urinating, occasioning a burning pain iu the urethra, and a shuddering through the whole body.)—Stitches in the urethra, after micturition, or in the evening (in the orifice). Twitching in the orifice. Pain in the urethra as from subcutaneous ulceration, or as if ccchymozed, at ni^ht Female Genital Organs.—The menses, which had ceased two days ago, re-appear for a short time. The menses occurred too early by several days. The menses, which bad been suppressed for six months, appear, accompanied with febrile motions, and continual headache. The menses, which had been suppressed for six months, re-appear again for two days, with intermissions.J Larynx and Trachea.—Great dryness in the trachea, early in the morn- t Thin symptom has been observed in a young man, who suffered with excessive nightly emissions, but whose health was otherwise good, after taking oue-te:ith of a grain of the pow- der of Rliod. chrys., triturated ia the usual manner. I See note to pag>' U4. VOL. II. 41 642 RHODODENDRON. ing. Scraning sensation in the throat, sensation as if a tenacious mucus were adhering to the trachea, which he is unable to cough up, during a walk. He hawks un a quantity of white and tenacious mucus. Several attacks of dry cough, excited by tickling in the trachea. Titillation in the throat, exciting cou"h. Dry cough, early in the morning. Fatiguing, dry cough, morning and night. Dry cough, from roughness in the throat, early in the morning. Scraping. dry cough, in the evening. Scraping cough, accompanied with expectoration of mucus, disturbing sleep, continuing for several days. Dry cough, with increased tightness of the chest and roughness in the throat. Iu diseases of the chest, the cough becomes more easy, and the expectoration of mucus 1oosl\ Chest.—Scraping, rough feeling in the chest, with heaviness, obliging him to hawk frequently. Aching pain in the chest, with tight breathing. Extremely violent, aching pain deep in the chest, arresting the breathing, in the afternoon. Painful slickiig in the left side, below the ribs, the stitches extending in the direction of the dorsal vertebrre. during rest. Sticking pain in the middle of the lec"t chest, he feels the pain as far as the scapula), and it is increased by motion. Pain in the middle of left chest, resembling cuttings, increased by turning the upper part of the body from the left to the right side. Crampy pain through the chest. Fine, tearing pain in the region of the lower extremity of the ster- num. Oppressive, burning pain in the chest, below the ribs, with anxiety, not impeding respiration, a'ter forty-four hours.—Contractive pain in the chest.— Constriction of the chest. Suppressed breathing, suffocative sensation.—Op- pression of the chest during sleep, a sort of nightmare. Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest, and pain in the chest when stooping, or when sitting bent. Oppression of the chest, as if the sternum were pressed upon. Oppression of the chest, as if the chest were constricted, rather externally.— Oppression of the- chest, caused by a tensive feeling in the pectoral muscles; in the evening, on the first day.—Violent congestions of the chest, returning for two days, with more or less violence. The respiration is accelerated by an anxi- ous, undulating sensation, (rushing of blood), from the abdomen. Rushing of the blood in the chest and region of the heart.—The beat of the heart is stronger and more perceptible. Pain in the muscles of the chest, increased by contact. The whole thorax feels sprained and bruised, the first days.. Periodical pinch- ing pain in the outer chest, especially in the room, during motion. Beating, pa- ralytic pains along the left clavicle. Small ©f the Back.—Pain, also while sitting. Aching pain in the small of the back, and back. Aching pain, with anxiety, going off by motion. Pain, as if sprained. Pain becoming intolerable by stooping. Pain resembling a fine, drawing tearing, as if close to the bone. The small of the back is painful when sitting, as if the back had been bent too long, and as if one had been lying on it too long. Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, increased during rest, es- pecially violent in rainy weather.—Several large pustules on the back and shoul- ders. Shocks in the side, across the lower part of the spinal column, or rather, single, continuous impressions, as with a dull point. Aching pain on the leftside of the lumbar vertebrae, during rest. Shuddering sensation in the region of the lumbar vertebrae, while sitting. Rheumatic drawing pain in the left scapula.— Pain in the left scapula, early in the morning, when turning, as if sprained and rheumatic. Rheumatic pain between the scapulae, hindering motion. Pam in the back, shoulders, and arms, early in the morning when in bed, digging-up, drawing, disturbing sleep, accompanied with a bruised pain of the whole body. When bending to the right side and backward, he feels as if some one were plunging a knife through "the left chest and back. Violent aching-drawing pam in the right side of the back, more in the region of the scapula, waking him from RHODODENDRON. 643 the uiriruinpj-sleep, and going off gradually by turning to the other side. Ten- ri.e pain in t. le anterior cervical muscles, at noon. Tensive pain in the left cer- vical in i- l)s, even during rest. Painful sensation, as if the outer neck would swell, alter six: hours. Tensive, rheumatic pain in the right outer side of the ne:k, with drawing, extending as far as behind the ear. Drawing pain in the right side of the neck, t .wards the shoukbr. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, early in the morning, in bed. Rheumatic pain, with stiffness, in the nape of the neck, early in the miming. Pain in the posterior cervical muscles. Pain in the nape of the neek, as if it had become rigid. Superior i',vtremitiCS.— Tearing pt:n in the shoulder, early in the morning, in b >d. Violent tearing in the right snoulder, for several evenings, in bed, and disturbing the night's rest. Vi vv the elbow, and going off by turning to the other side. Dull pain in the left shoulder-joint, continuing the whole day. Violent tearing-boring pain in the left shoulder-j >i.it, tho ana going to sleep, and with a prickling sensation in the tips of tho fingers, returning for several days. Lj'.ltT E\trS!ttiik'S.—Pain i-i the right hip, as if sprained, also when walk- ing. Dig'/ing-up pain in the right hip when lying on it in the evening. Some painful stitches in the region of the narrow part oftlie left thigh, both during rest and motion.—-Q ii;kly-passing pains in the lower limbs, (also in the fingers,) rather of a dull kind, a hard pressure from above downward. The lower limbs refuse to remain steady, he feels all tlio time as if he ought to sit down. Occa- sional contusive pain in some of the muscles of the lower limbs, when sitting iu the evening. Weakness and heaviness in the whole right lower limb. Early in the m truing, after rising, his thighs and legs do not feel refreshed, especially the left, he feels as if he hud taken a long walk the day before. Pain in the muscles of the lower limbs, as if contused, when sitting. °Tearing in the lower limbs, also particularly in the hip-joints, worse during rest and in stormy weather, also at night. "Tearing from the thigh to the foot, worse during rest, with formication in the limb, and going to sleep of the foot when sitting, the limb being stiller in the forenoon ; he has to get up early on account of thepain.—Feeling of coldness, with goose-skin, in small portions of the lower limbs. Acute drawing in the right thigh. Feeli i r of coldness and rigidity in the thighs, when rising from his seat, in the even- ing. Weariness of the muscles of the right thigh, when walking. Heaviness in the thighs, when commencing to walk, relieved by continued walking. Itching of the inner surfaces of the thighs. Sore feeling of the thighs, near the genital or- gans. Lancinations in the outer side of the left thigh, when at rest. Tensive pain in the inner surface of the right tnigh. Several dark red spots on the inner side of tin; right thigh, oeeasi miag a s >re pain when walking. Feeling of a burning soreness between the thighs and the perimeura. Small, red blotches on the inner surface of the thighs.—Fine tearing, deep in the knee-joints, apparently close to the bo le, daring rest and when bending the knee. Pain in the right knee-joint, as if the part were sue internally, or as if he had received a blow on the inner surface of tho knee-pan. Fine tearing in the region of the right knee, disap- pearing during motion. Tensive pain, as if sprained, in tho right knee when bending it during rough weather. Drawing in the right knee, when at rest. Drawing, afterwards tearing pains in the right knee-joint, continuing for several hours at night in bed Jerking sensation in the right knee. Cold, undulating sensation ab >vo the knee, extending as far as the point of the knee. Drawing iu the bend of tho knees, when walking. Tho knees threaten to break, after the siesta; at the same time he is indifferent and low-spirited. °Cold swelling of 644 RHODODENDRON. the right knee, with raging pain extending to the leg, in bed and during rest. 0 White swelling of the knee, with intolerable tearing extending to the leg, par- ticularly during rest, disturbing the night's rest.—Drawing along the anterior surface of the legs. Painful weariness in the tibiae, as if he had taken a long walk the day previous. Tearing pains in the right tibiae. Fine tearing in the left tibia, commencing in the knee, as if in the periosteum. Boring, beating pain in the right tibia. Tearing drawing in the right leg. Uneasiness in the left leg, as if he had walked a good deal and had tired himself out, in the evening. Rigid feeling in the left leg, accompanied with a sort of concealed tingling in the leg. °Constant sensation as if gone to sleep, also in the feet, with sticking in the knees and tarsal joints, tension in the limbs when walking, and aggravation of the pains when sitting still and when rising from bed. Formication in the left leg. QZdematous swelling of the legs and feet, increasing considerably when performing an unusual exertion, especially of the right leg, continuing for several weeks.— Pain in the tendo-Achillis when stepping.—Acute drawing pains deep in the malleolus externus, extending along the leg, especially when at rest, in rough weather. Tearing in the right foot, especially in the outer malleolus. Prickling in the right foot and hand when walking, as when the parts go to sleep. Sharp crampy pains in the tarsal joints. Tingling in the left foot, as if it had gone to sleep. Troublesome tingling in the feet, especially in the balls and heels. Pains in the toes, balls and hollow of the feet, as from chronic chilblains. Small painful spot in the sole of the right foot, as from a corn. A sudden stitch darts through the left heel. Dull pain in the right heel. The outer border of the right big toe is excessively painful during rest. Sticking pain in the corn, at night, in bed. Shooting stitches in the coins. Drawing, digging-up pain in the joints of the upper limbs, especially the left, when at rest. Heaviness, and tremulous, paralytic weakness of the right arm, when at rest,. diminished by motion. Fine drawing and jerking in the right arm and in the left hand. Sticking pain in the right arm. Sensation in the left arm, as if the blood ceased to circulate, with weakness and heaviness in the arm, especially when at rest. Spasmodic, contractive pain in the left arm, with a paralytic feeling in the same, so that it can be lifted only with great trouble. Feeling of heaviness and weakness in the left arm, as after an excessive effort, disappearing by moving the arm. Considerable feeling of weakness in the right aim, with prickling in the tips of the fingers. Drawing pain in the whole right aim, espe- cially when at rest, in rough weather. Quickly-passing, dull sticking pains in the whole left arm. ° Weakness in both arms, with tingling as if gone to sleep, particularly in the warmth of the bed, or in cold and rough weather.—Pain in the muscles of the upper arm, as after an excessive exertion. Pulsation in the upper arm. Fine tearing, as if in the periosteum of the right arm and elbow- joint, and only when at rest. Pain as if the right arm were dislocated, so that it is very difficult for him to hold anything in his hand, continuing the whole day. Drawing in the left upper arm, the whole arm feeling weak. Drawing pain along the right upper arm. Violent aching pain, as if seated in the peri- osteum, on the inner side of the left upper arm. Sharp stitches deep out of the left upper arm.—Fine tearing close to the bone, commencing in the right elbow- joint, and extending upward and downward on the posterior surface of the arm. Drawing in the elbow-joints. Pinching pain in the tip of the elbow. Painless pustules on the right forearm. Tearing in the right forearm. Darting pain in the left forearm. Tearing in the left forearm, at night, when in bed. Weak and paralytic feeling in the left forearm. Sensation in the forearm, as if the blood ceased to circulate, the veins of the hand being very much distended, a pleasant warmth spreading through the hands and a pricking sensation being RHODODENDRON. 645 •experienced in single fingers, as if they had gone to sleep, especially during rest, and at different periods.—Pain in the wrist-joints, as if sprained, with increase of warmth. Digging-up, a drawing pain in the wrist-joints, with increased warmth in the hands, especially when at rest, and afterwards at different periods, during rough weather. Pain in the wrist-joints, as if sprained, during and after motion. Crampy pain in the right wrist-joint, and as if sprained. Pain, as if sprained in the right wrist-joint, impeding motion, increased during rest, in rough weather. Shooting stitches in the right wrist-joint, in the evening. Violent tearing pain in the left wrist-joint, when walking in the open air. Drawing pain in the left wrist-joint, and in the right leg. Intensely-painful drawing and digging-up in the left wrist-joint, in the evening when at rest. Constant pain in the left wrist- joint, moving towards the hand, with difficulty of motion. Painful weariness in the left wrist-joint, only during rest. Painful sensation at a small spot on the metacarpal bones, as if an exostosis would form.—Puffiness of the hands. °SwelIing, with drawing tearing, first in the joint, afterwards in the dorsum of the hand. Tremor of the hands, during rest and motion. Sensation of loss of strength, and heaviness in the hands, accompanied with frequent drawing in small spots of the bones of the hand. Paroxysmal tearing in the right hand, in the evening. Paroxysmal twitching and tearing in the outer side of the right hand, in the direction of the little finger, in the evening hours. Burning stitch in the right hand. Violent tearing pain in the right hand, especially in the thumb and index-finger in the evening. Drawing pain in single carpal and pha- langeal bones. Sudden formication in single fingers or other parts of the hands and feet. Itching sensation in the fingers of the left hand, obliging him to scratch, followed by burning, which goes off again by washing the part with cold water. Continuous darting pain in the fingers of the left hand, especially in the little finger. Continual formication in the right thumb, also during motion. Fine, sharp stitches in the index-finger of the left hand, in the evening when in bed. Jerking in the left index-finger, in the evening hours. Itching of the middle and ring-fingers of the left hand, wi'h erysipelatous redness of those parts. Pain under the nail of the right index-finger, as if he had received a vio- lent blow on that part, continuing the whole day. Coldness of the three middle fingers of the right hand. Darting pain in the left phalangeal bones. He is roused from his nightly sleep by a continuous painful itching between the index and middle fingers of the left hand in rough weather. Continuous digging-up pain in the second joint of the right index-finger, with a feeling of tension in the joint when moving it, in the afternoon, in rough weather. Paralytic pain in the left thumb. Pain, as if sprained, in the joint of the left thumb, continuing for Beveral davs. Aching sensation in the metacarpal bone of the left index-finger. Numb feeling, afterwards formication in the little finger of the right hand. Vio- lent pain in the middle joint of the little finger of the left hand, impeding motion. Slcfp.—Frequent yawning without weariness.—Great drowsiness in the day- time, and deep night-sleep during the first nights, afterwards the reverse of these symptoms takes place.—Great drowsiness with burning in the eyes, in the afternoon. On lying down, in the evening, he falls into a deep sleep immediate. ly. Deep calm sleep, the first hours; towards morning he wakes frequently and tosses about.—Ivvrly in the morning he wakes at a certain period for several mornings in succession, as if he were called, and is afterwards unable to fall asleep again. Wakes early in the morning, after which his sleep is restless. —Contrary to his habit he lies on his back, the legs across one another. He feels most comfortable in bed, with his linibs drawn up.—Restless sleep. Un- easiness in the lower limbs, obliging him to turn from side to side all night. Tremulousness of the hmbs at night. Restless sleep, disturbed with dreams, 646 RHODODENDRON. the first nights. Sleep full of dreams : feels more weary on rising than he did on lying down. Anxious dreams, he dreams about fire, 12 nights. He dreams about fire, remaining indifferent. Vivid, lascivious dreams towards morning. In the morning in bed, all his limbs are affected, he stretches himself all the time. and turns from side to side. Fever.—Cold feet. Icy-cold feet in a warm room, especially in the evening; they do not get warm in bed, and frequently disturb slcp. Chilliness of the whole body, especially early in the morning, in bed. He leels chilly the whole day, the least current of air makes him feel chilly. A feeling of coldness is experienced along the thigh, commencing at the left knee, the hands being warm, forenoon.—Paroxysm of fever at six o'clock in the evening. Great heat about the head, with cold feet and absence of thirst, intolerable headache, with pres- sure from within outward, burning in the eye?, dryness in the nose, and a burn- ing-hot sensation in the nose, when taking an inspiration, feeling of debility and a bruised pain in all the limbs, and weariness of the mind; he passed a restless, almost sleepless night, owing to vivid dreams and dry heat of the body; towards morning he slumbered a little ; during his slumber a general sweat broke out, which alleviated his sufferings: this paroxysm of fever returned the two fol- lowing evenings, but in a lesser degree. Febrile heat, with violent thirst,—Al- ternation of chilliness and heat, headache, drawing in the limbs, and appearance of the menses, which had been suppressed for the last six months; fourth day.f Feeling of warmth and anxiety in the upper part of his body, as soon as he en- ters the room on coming out of the open air. Pleasant feeling of warmth over the whole body, in a few minutes. General feeling of warmth, and slight sweat over the whole body, after one hour. Warmth in the face and on ihe body, down to the thighs. Increased feeling of warmth of the hands, they feeling cold generally, after three hours. Frequent increase of warmth of'the hands, even in the cold air, the first days. The hands, especially the tips of the fingers, feel hot, accompanied with visible sweat, after half an hour. Paroxysmal burn- ing heat in the face, evening.—Sweat of the lower limbs in bed, towards morn. ing. Fetid, increased sweat in the axillas, the first hours. Profuse sweat, first night. Sweat, frequently accompanied with itching and formication in the skin, the sweat is said to smell of spice frequently. Profuse sweat, and in< ist .'-kin in the day. When walking in the open air he sweats, easily, and feels tired.— Slow pulse. Diminishes the number of pulsations. Immediately after taking the drug, the pulse becomes feeble, small and slow. Skin.—Itching and gnawing in different parts of the body, for several even- ings, when going to sleep. Itching of the skin. Prickling of the skin, here and there. Dropsical swellings. *The joints affected by gout become red, swollen and painful. Itching and pains of all sorts in the body. General Sympioms.—(For the rheumatic affections which have been cured with Rhodod., see Clin. Obs.). Drawing paralytic pain, now in one, then in the other finger, now in the, metacarpus, then in the forearm. Tearing in different parts, especially in the left elbow and also in the affected limb. Creeping sensa- tion in the limbs, causing an uneasiness in the same, especially in the arms during rest, which obliges him to move them, at different pern ds, especially in rough weather. * Erratic tearing pains in the limbs. The limbs go to sleep easily. Burning formication, pricking in the limbs. Unceasing creeping in the affected parts. Formication in the limbs which had been affected with gout, in a few hours.—Insensibility of the affected parts. Insensibility and paralysis of the limbs.—Increase of the pains in the limbs. Creeping sensation iu the affected t Sec Note on page 637. RHUS RADICANS. o47 par-. Disagreeable seusation in the affected parts. Disagreeable sensation in the affected °parts, accompanied with a sensation as if a worm were creeping through them. Slight drawing and jerking sensation in the whole body, now here, then there, but especially in the joints, returning at indefinite periods, and continuing upwards of a fortnight. Drawing as if in the marrow, worse in bad weather. Painful sensitiveness in windy and cold weather, for several days. Disagreeable general feeling of weakness. Great weariness and bruised feehng of the whole body. Vacillating gait, as if he had been sick a long while.^ A short walk fatigues him a good deal, and makes all his limbs feel bruised. (General weakness.) Sensation in the whole bv.ly, as if he had strained every part.—Convulsions. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains in the limbs are especially felt in the forearm and leg down to the fingers and toes; they soon pass off, and re- semble a cramp-like drawing. * Almost all the pa'ms re-appear at the approach of rough weather, °or of a thunder-storm. The pains in the limbs appear to be seated in the bones or skin, they affect only small snots and reappear when the weather changes. Many symptoms appear in the morning. JO j. RHUS RADICANS. RHUS HAD.—Poison Ivy, Poison Vine.-;- Duration of Action, from five to seven weeks, in some cases. Compare with—Rhus fox., and most of the remedies which are analogous to the latter. Rhus rad. has acted well after Ant. crud., Am., BjIL, B.y., Lach., Nux v., Op., and Sulph. Antidotes.—Bry., Camph., Coff., Merc, Puis., Sulph. Infusion of coffee taken as a drink, interrupts its curative action. 'ihe following are some of the particular effects of Rhus rad. which have been re- mored by these antidotes.—Bry. has removed the sensation of fulness in the scalp—the rheumatic pains iu the chest, increased by inspiration—the palpitation at nin;ht in bed, with pain iu tho cliest and dyspnoea—and tho painless rigidity of the neck. lUerc. has remov- ed tho sore feeling of the tii) of tho tongue. Puis., the toothache in the evening. Sulph., the semilateral pain on tho upper and left part of the forehead, in the evening ; and the pain in tho loft cliest, opposite tho middle of the left lung, especially in tho evening in bed, and at nirht. • t This modicino has been proved and the symptoms arranged by Dr. B. F. Joslin, with tho oo-operation of Drs. S. I!. Barlow, E. Bayard, R. M. Bollcs, B. F. Bowers, R. A. Snow, J. Taylor, W. Williamson, and C. Wright.' A few symptoms are from Drs. Bute and Horsfield. In the following article, tho long dish is employed to separate symptoms observed at differ- ent times or by different provers. None but concomitant symptoms aro connected by the words " and " or '■ with," or placed in the same group between consecutive dashes, unless some intimation of their disconnection is given by the expressions employed. The distinc- tions of type refer to tho number of provers by whom the symptoms have been verified. No symptom is italicised, unless experienced by two or three provers. Tho small capitals denote twice as many concurrent provers, and the larger capitals three times as many as were re- quired for italics. The distinctions of type and the grouping of concomitants increase the value of tho symptoms, though at some sacrifice of superficial regularity. Tho following is believed to be the first published pathogenesis of this Climbing Rhus, except so far as its symptoms may have been mingled with those of tho shrub Toxicoden- dron, which, in medical and botanical properties, it closely resembles. For the distinction between tho two plants, see '■ Note," at the end of this article. 648 RHUS RADICANS. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Melancholy and discouragement.—Vertigo.—Cerebral congestion.----Fulnesi in the head.—Cephalalgia.---Rheumatic headache.---Headache with vertigo. ---Throbbing headache.---Aching of the forehead.---Headache with numbness of the extremities.---Pain in the head with pain in ihe neck.---Ophthalmia.___. Blepharitis, with burning and itching in the eyelids and canthi.—Parotitis after scarlatina, with cedematous swelling of the hands.— Habitual sneezing.—Coryza. —Toothache in a carious tooth, with inflammation of the periosteum and adjacent gum.—Dryness of the mouth.—Saliva white, dense, viscid, and frothy.__Yellow coat on the tongue.—Inflammation of ihe anterior extremity of the tongue.__Ul- ceration and redness of the point of the tongue, and sensation as if the tongue had been burned.—Vesicles and redness at the point of the tongue.__Erysipe- las of the face.—Herpes oris.—Stomacace.—Angina.—Oesophagitis.__Dyspha- gia.—Flatulence.—Neuralgia of the stomach.—Dull chronic pain in the left hypochondrium.—Constriction at the hypochondria.—Colic.—Shootings in the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region.—Constipation.—Diarrhoea, stools frothy, mucous and yellow.---Cystitis.—Nocturnal seminal emissions.__Affec- tions after parturition.—Tendency to aphonia.---Influenza.---Bronchitis.___ Cough with excoriation in the chest.—Cough, dry and short, excited by tickling in the chest, the open air and deep inspiration, and attended with a sensation of excoriation in the chest.—Rheumatism of the chest; thepain in the pectoral muscles is aggravated when the patient is seated, especially in a stooping posture. ----Pain in the chest from gastric irritation.—Palpitation of the heart.—Spinal weakness.---Lumbago.---Rheumatism of the back.---Rheumatism of the neck, the pains increased by moving and by pressing the part.—Semilateral rheuma- tism of the neck with pain, rigidity, and tenderness to pressure, and constant contraction of the cervical muscles of the affected side.—Chronic partial paralysis of the left arm and hand, the arm pulseless and nearly useless, and affected with numbness, prickings, and occasional severe pains.—Ery- sipelas of the forearm, with swelling, redness, great sensibility to the touch, and burning pain.—Erysipelas of the forearm, developed by a sulphur bath.----Chronic rheumatism of the left upper arm.—Inflammation of the hand in consequence of external injury.—Rheumatism of the legs.—Rheu- matic pains in the region of the ilium.—Lameness of the knee from contu- sion.—Chronic nocturnal itching of the legs below the knees.—Erysipe- las of the foot.—Insomnia.—Intermittent Fever.-—Quartan intermittent, commencing in the evening with heat, then heat with perspiration; tongue coated yellow, tip reddish; pains in legs and small of back during the fever; sleep during the fever; debility after the fever.----Double tertian, chills pre- dominant.----Fever with debility.----Quotidian intermit'ent fever, chills commencing every day at one o'clock, increased by movement, and at- tended with pain in the bones, and followed by heat intermixed with chills- Quotidian intermittent commencing between nine and ten in the nurning.—Re- mittent fever at the close of the catamenia; chills in the morning, followed by much perspiration, with moderate heat; pains in the limbs in the afternoon; tongue red at the tip; diarrhoea.—Typhoid fever, frequent pulse ; pains in the limbs; vertigo on rising; thick brown coat on the tongue and redness at ihe Zip.—Typhoid fever; saliva consisting of a white, dense and viscid froth ; urine depositing a pink-coloured sediment at the edge of the surface; trem. bling and jerking of the hands.—Typhoid fever with rheumatism of the neck.—Typhus fever.—Fever; small, feeble, and frequent pulse; angina, and pains in the head, neck and back.—Fever, chills followed by universal heat, with dryness of the skin.—Fever in consequence of a burn; pulse frequent; RHUS RADICANS. 649 skin hot and dry ; headache, and disagreeable taste.—Watery vesicles.—Itch- ing and dry-scabbing eruptions.—Superficial erysipelatous eruptions.—Itching eruptions on the legs and arms.—Itching eruptions on different parts, espe- cially the ankles, appearing chiefly in winter.—Lichen urticosus; the itching of the red and elevated eruptions increases at night.—Erysipelas.—Excoriation after walking.—Sprains.—Inflammation of fibrous tissues, especially from me- chanical injuries.—RHEUMATISM.—Predisposition to rheumatic attacks.— Rheumatism, with stiffness of the joints of the inferior extremities on rising. Rheumatism of the chest, with pain in the chest when seated.—In mechanical injuries, where stretching or expansion of the affected part has taken place, or where similar sensations exist.—Easy taking of colds.—Neuralgic sufferings. Symptoms threatening trismus, and resulting from wounds of the hand or fin- gers.—Debility.—Paralysis of the extremities. The above relates to observed curative effects.—We may infer from the pathogenesis, that Rhus rad. deserves attention also in the fol- lowing affections: Hypochondriasis.—Cephalalgia.—Cerebral congestion, threatening apoplexy.—Obscuration of sight.—Ptyalism.—Sufferings from drinking cold water, or from external exposure to it.—Dyspepsia, and various symptoms of gas'ric derangement.—Flatulent colic.—Lead colic? with paraly- sis of the limbs —Some cases of diarrhoza, with heaviness of the legs.—Intesti- nal hemorrhages, especialby anal.—Enuresis.—Diabetes and Dysuria.—Ure- thritis.—Gonorrhoea.—Seminal weakness.—Impotence.—Leucorrhcea —Cata- menia profuse—Rheumatic, pains in the left side of the chest, especially when near the nipple.—Rheumatism of the heart.—Psoric and other eruptions.— Contusions, or wounds, followed by inflammation and pain.—Injuries of fibrous tissues, especially of tendons or ligaments.—Burns and scalds.—Scald of the tongue or mouth.—Paralysis.—Neuralgic affections.—Rheumatismus vagus. —Rheumatic pains in the neck, arms or loins.—Erratic pains.—Semilateral affections.—Pains which occur in succession, on parts transversely or diagonally opposite.—Partial palsy of the limbs.—Rheumatic paralysis of the shoulders, arms, chest, and muscles of respiration, with faintness and dyspnoea. SYMPTOMS. Affective Faculties and Disposition.—Melancholy.—* Mental depres- sion.—Mental apathy.— Unusual irritability of disposition.—Depression of spirits in the afternoon or evening.—Religious melancholy.—Mental and physical indolence in the evening.—Peevish humour.—Does not wish to speak or be spoken to.—Desire for solitude.—Aversion to society, yet with bursts of pleasantry and sarcasm when roused.—Mental indolence and apathy, with ten- dency to omit words when speaking.—Discouragemen', anxiety, and apprehen- sion about the fti'ure.—Great indisposition to mental exertion, with dread of business, and inability to fix the attention.—Great depression, discourage- ment, and dissatisfaction with the world, or with his condition, sometimes attended with sleepiness by day and desire to lie down.—This is followed, after some weeks, by great and long-continued calmness and serenity of mind, freedom from inquietude or anxiety about the future.—Discouragement and impatience. Disposition to criticise and to utter reproaches, in the morning and evening. Disposition critical, combative and imperious, in the morning.—Extreme peev- ishness, and impatience.—*Greit discouragement.—Disposition to censorious- rtess in the moning, followed by depression in the afternoon.—Mental indo- lence— Mind heavy a'ld listless, with inclination to close the eyes and doze. Diminished resolution and firmness of purpose.—Easily discouraged.—EasUj overcome with difficulties.—°Appreheusion that the disease will be fatal. 650 RHUS RADICANS. Sensorium and Intellect.—Inability to fix the attention. Inaptitidk to mental labour.—Intellectual labour performed with some difficulty in the afternoon.—Intellectual labour difficult in the evening.—Familiar places appear strange to him, when travelling, in the evening.—Weakness of memory.—Men- tal dulness and indisposition to conversation.—Obtusion of the head in the evening, with feeling in the stomach as if from indigestion.—Cerebral conges- tion.—After about eighteen days, writing and study fatigue the mind less than usual.—*Vertigo.—Vertigo referred to the lower part of the forehead.—Ver- tigo with fear of falling forward, while riding.—:;Wertigo on walking.—cVertigo on rising and alter stooping.—Swimming in the top of the head when stooping or rising up, v.i. - 'oudiness of the eyes.—During the afternoon, dizziness, with severe pain in tie ctomach.— Confusion in the head every evening on first lying down.—Corfu ion of head.—Confused sensation through the head, as if it com- menced above the L't't ear, also a sensation of fulness, as if the ears were stop- ped.—Moi/ie.-' ■->> loss of consciousness.—Momentary suspension of all the mental faculties, occurring when iu the erect posture. When consciousness re- turns, he finds himself beginning to fall.—The head feels too large.----*Thc head feels as if it were too large when lying down. This sensation goes off when she rises up.—*It appears to her as if she could feel the head swell- ing out. Head.—* Heaviness of the head.—*Fulness in the head.—Fulness in the forehead —Fulness in the forehead, with pain in it and in the occiput.—SEMI- LATERAL PAIN IN THE TEMPLE.—Semilateral pain at the occiput. Semilateral pain at. the eyebrow —Pain above the eyes.—*Pain over one eye.—Shootings in the head.—Pain at the left eyebrow.—Pain over the right eye.—Dull pam in the occiput.—Pressure in the head.—lit mitient pain in the head.—Occasional pain in the left temple.—Pain in the right temple.—Pain over the right eye and in the right temple in the evening.—Darting pain through the temple.—Feeling of upward pressure or crowding upward at ihe occiput.— Superficial pain at the inferior occipital ridge, increased on exerting the mus- cles whose tendons are there inserted.—Pain in the occiput on awaking in the night, or morning.—Pain at, the mastoid process behind the left ear, at three in the afternoon.—Dull pain at the occiput and forehead in the morning and even- ing, increased by intellectual labour, in the evening, ar.d attended with a rasp- ing sound at the occiput whenever the scalp is moved by the occipito-frontalis muscles, in the evening.—Semilateral pain at the right side of the occiput — *Dull and continued. PAIN IN THE FOREHEAD.—Semilateral pain in the occiput and temple.—*Pain above the left eye.—Sharp pain in both temples and over the orbital plates.—Piemittent, semilateral pain in the right temple, in- creased by shaking the head, especially at the instant, and especially when the head is moved suddenly in the opposite direction, so as to cause the brain to strike against the cranium. Throbbing at the same part after one hour.—Vio- lent and *unceasing pain across the forehead, and on the top of the head, for five hours.—Headache followed by griping pains in the bowels.—Pain at the right mastoid process in the morning in bed. —Headache with nausea.—Severe and protracted headache, preceded and at first accompanied by nausea, in the afternoon.—Dull pain in the forehead in the forenoon.—Quotidian periodical headache.—Quotidian headache in the afternoon, commencing between twelve and two, ceasing about four or five o'clock —Quotidian, periodical headache in the af'emoon.—Headache about ten dclock in the evening.—Severe pain across the forehead from six till seven in the evening.—Dull aching in the whole head, on waking in the morning.—Pain in the left side of the forehead.—Pressive • pain in the left side of the occiput.—Dull headache in the forenoon.—Pressive RHUS RADICANS. 651 pain in the right hemisphere of the cerebellum, after intellectual labour, in the forenoon.—Pain over the right eye, after intellectual labour in the forenoon.— Pain at the right hemisphere of the cerebellum, and over the right eye at the superciliary rid'irc.—Feeling of unsteadiness in the head. —Headache in the fore- noon, with sleepiness.—Dull pain in the forehead, temples and occiput, in the morning.—Pain in the right temple, in the morning and evening.—Pain at the right superciliary ridge, for several days.—Pain at the left eyebww.—Transient burning, semilateral pain, in the temple, just above the zygoma, and in the occi- put of the same side, in the night at three o'clock.—Remittent and intermittent pains immediately above the superciliary ridges over both eyes, attended with de- pression of spirits, indisposition to conversation, and weakness of the legs. These symptoms occur during the forenoon, diminish during the arternoon, and return in the evening.—Head feels heavy and dull, especially the forehead, with heavi- ness of the eyes and disposition to sleep.—Burning pain just above the left su- perciliary ridge, immediately after washing the hands and rinsing the mduth with eold water, at nine in the evening.—Severe stinging, like the sting of a bee, in the centre of the left eyebrow.—Pain over the left eyebrow, with depression of spirits, yawning and lachrymation.—Pain over the right eye and in the upper part of the occiput, right side.—Fulness and dull pain in the forehead, espe- cially in the region of causality, with impatient desire to accomplish several kinds of business, chiefly intellectual.—Pain simultaneously over the right eye- brow and in the region of the right hemisphere of the cerebellum.—Sharp pain over the left eyebrow, extending to the occiput.—Dull pain in the forehead, temples and occiput during a great portion of the time for ten days, with dys- pepsia, low spirits, and imperfect sleep.----Dull pain in the whole head, com- mencing in the anterior part.—°Pain in the top of the head in the morning.— Transient, but severe, semilateral headache from intellectual labour, late in the evening: the pain midway between the left eyebrow and the middle of the organ of causality, followed by cough on lying down at midnight.----Headache along the coronal suture when exposed to dampness in the evening.—Penetrating pain along the coronal suture.----Penetrating pain in the right temple at • noon.----Shivering and trembling sensation in the occiput and through the whole extent of the spine, followed by feeling of intoxication, with nausea and restless feeling referred to the occiput.----*Shooting pains by spells through the head.—*The headache is worse and the pains are sharper when lying down.— *A1I the head symptoms get better arter rising.—Darting pains in the head.— Darting pain through the forehead.—Semilateral pain at the junction of the right temple and forehead.----Pain in the forehead and left temple.----Semi- lateral pain at the left angle of the forehead and in the left temple.----Pain in the fore part of the head from exercise.----Darting pains at the top of the head at noon.—*Pain in the head and nape of the neck.----Shocks of pain in the head.----Sudden shocks of acute pain running from near the ear upward and forward to the right temple.—Dull aching in the occiput.—*Pain in the occiput and neck.—Dull aching in the occiput and nape of the neck, aggravated on bending the head forward.—Pain in the forehead and left temple, increased by turns, passing over the forehead from left to right, like a wave, with occa- sional sharp shocks through the forehead.—Feeling as if the crown of the head were rising up. — Pain in the top of the head, as if it would open, and the brain jump out.—Headache in the occiput, with feehng of weakness in the head, and of inability to make much exertion of body or mind.—Severe headache, with nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach.—Pricking in the left temple—Head- ache increased by movement and stooping.—Compressing pain in the left parie- tal bone.—Pain in the head, with feeling of fatigue from writing.—* Throbbing ' 652 RHUS RADICANS. in the head.—Heat of the head.—Heat in the head, as if it were stimulated with wine.—Sensation of heat as if from some stimulating application at the left eyebrow, followed by pain, about ten in the evening.—Heat in the head, with headache.—Heat, pain, and throbbing of the head.—Heat and stinging in the back part of the bead.—Heat at the top of the head, with pinching pain at and above the root of the nose. Scalp.—Itching of the scalp.—Itching of the scalp in the evening.—Itch- ing in the anterior part of the hairy scalp, when walking in the open air — Eruptions on the scalp.—Elevations on ihe scalp like mosquito biles, at length becoming covered with scabs; they itch, and, after combing the head, are burn- ing, smarting, and sensitive.—Tenderness of the scalp, on combing the hair.— The action of the occipital portion of the occipito-frontalis muscle heard and felt; the sound like that of wind among the leaves of distant trees, the sensa- tion like that of a cap on the occiput. Eyes.—Pain in the right eyeball.—Pressive pain at the inner canthus of the left eye, and the left side of the root of the nose, in the morning at hall-past nine o'clock.—Burning, with stinging-pricking in the inner canthus of the left eye.—Burning in the left eyelids, with lachrymation from the left eye —Sensa- tion of jerking near the inner canthus of the right eye —Pain in the eyes on opening them.—Heaviness and pain over the eyes.— Heaviness of the eyes, with difficulty in keeping the lids open, and sleepiness.—Feeling of unsteadiness in the eyes, with slight fine pains like needles sticking in the eyeballs.—Smarting of the eyelids.—Itching of the eyelids.—Itching at the inner canthus, often in the evening.—Prickings of the lower lid near the inner canthus of tie left eye.—Slinging pain at the inner canthus of the left eye.—Heaviness of the eyes.—Jerking of the eyelids.—Smarting of the eyes and lids.—Quivering and trembling of the left upper eyelid.—Violent itching in the inner canthus of the right eye, at seven o'clock in the evening.— Itching at the inner cantl i of both eyes.—Itching at the inner canthus of one or both eyes, about six o'clock in the evening.—*Itching in the eyelid.—Itching in the eyelids in the evening.—* Burn- ing in the eyeballs.—*Heat and itching of the eyes.— Itching of the right eye- lid.—Smarting itching of ihe eyelids.—* Sensation of heat in the eyelid.— Heat with smarting itching of the edges of the eyelids.—Burning in the inner can- thus of the right eye, in the evening, sometimes in the morning.—Feeling of coldness in both eyes, as well in the eyeballs as in the lids.— Conjunctivitis on rising in the morning, with painful sensibility to light, continuing through the day.—Congestive inflammation of the conjunctiva of the right eye, extending to the lids and inner canthus, with smarting and itching as if lime-dust were in tho eye.—* Redness and swelling of ihe eyelids, with itching and burning.—Smsi- bility of the right external canthus on pressure, and on closing the lies.—Sensa- tion of fulness of the eyelid.—Pain and sense of fulness of the left under eye- lid, (without swelling), as if erysipelas were about to commence.—(Edematous swelling of the eyelids with smarting. — Swelling of the lower eyelids in the morning.—Swelling of ihe lower eyelids, without redness, in the morning.— Lachrymation.—Gluing of the eyelids at night.—Photophobia on waking in the morning, with difficulty in keeping the eves open and seeing during a few moments.—Confusion of sight.—Great confusion of sight, lasting for one hour, and attended with an appearance of irregular lines having a wavering motion. The confusion and spectra appear more in the right half of the field of vision.— Obscurity of vision continuing half an hour —Imperfect hemiopia of both eyes, with an appearance of wavering zigzag lines in the right inferior portion of the field of vision.—Dimness of sight by candle-light. Ears.—Hard and sensitive line within the rim of the left ear.—Burning sen- RHUS RADICANS. 653- sation on the rim of the left ear.—Pain in the right ear on yawning, at six in the afternoon.—Pain in one ear.—Pricking in the left ear.—Smart shock of pain running from the an^le of the right jaw to the right ear.—Heat and swelling of the rijrht ear, resembling erysipelas.—Heat and itching in the left external ear.— Small boil in the ear.—Sensation as if the beating of the heart or arteries were heard in the ear.—Sound as of falling water in the left ear.—Noises in one ear, oflener the left.—Sound in the left ear like that of a cascade, or of a heavy shower of rain striking the ground.—Sound in the ears like that of water rush- ing at regular intervals, as if pulsations of the arteries.—Sensation as if the beating of the heart or arteries were heard in the left ear.—Sounds synchronous with the pulse in the ear, especially the right, when on the pillow.—°Parotitis after scarlatina, with cedematous swelling of the hands. NOSC.—Itching in the left nostril, with urgency to rub the part.—Tickling in the left nostril and the tip of the nose.—Soreness of the alas nasi, as if pus- tules were forming.—Heat of the nose, as if from hot air passing through it.— Itching in the nostrils.—Pricking in the nose.—Scab in the nostril.—Scab on. the septum nasi.—Mucus collecting in the posterior nares, and simultaneously in the throat—Pressive pain at the left side of the root of the nose, and at the inner canthus of the left eye in the morning.—Median edge of the right nostril inflamed, without coryza, but with tough, irritable, and inflamed pimples at its upper extremity. These become incrusted on the day after their appearance.— Excoriation of the right nostril, at the lower part of the septum —Eruption in the nostril.—* Epistaxis.----*Bleeding from the nose in the morning.—Dryness of the nostrils—Obstruction of the nostrils, especially in the morning.—*Sneez- ing.-----*Frequent sneezing.—Sneezing from tingling in the nostrils.—Repeat- ed sneezing with fluent coryza.—* Fluent coryza.-----Severe fluent coryza, dis- charge watery; burning and smarting pain in the nostrils, with pain in the occi- put and the forehead, especially above the nose.—Semilateral fluent coryza; mucus from the left nostril.—Sharp defluxion from the nose. Breath in passing the nostrils feels hot.—Fluent coryza, discharge of mucus, commencing suddenly in the afternoon.—Fluent and burning coryza with copious discharge of serum or mucus, and attended with headache.—Fluent coryza in the evening.—Watery coryza, with burning and smarting of the nostrils and pain in the nostrils and above the nose. Face.—°Complexion pale and yellow.—Pain in the left side of the face.—Pain in (he leftside of the lower jaw.—Pain in the left side of the face and upper part of the left side of the forehead.—°Pain at the left maxillary joint on moving the jaw.—Crampy pain in one of the masseters.—Crampy pain in the left maxillary muscles. —Idling in the face.—Pricking in the face.—Stinging on the left cheek, and in the sole of the right foot.—Pricking in the lip.—Pricking in the left side of both lips.—Pricking in the chin and left cheek.—Furunculi, pustules, pimples or vesicles on the face.—Skin of the face rough.—Sensation of heat in the face.—Redness of the face, in the after- noon.—Aching and stiffness at the angles of the jaw —Burning-itching of the face and desire to rub it.—^Burning in the face, with redness and itching.— Burning-pricking as if from a spark on the upper lip, when walking in the open air in the evening.—*Erysipelas of the face.—Itching, swelling and red- ness of the face.—Erysipelas in the face, below the left eye, three times.—Ery- sipelatous redness, burning and smarting of the left side of the face, with itching and pricking of the back ; the affection of the face sometimes commencing im- mediately after going to stool in the morning, the faeces being thin and brown.— °I)ryness of the lips.—Exfoliation of the cuticle of the lower lip.—°Blackish in- crustation on the external red portion of the lower lip.—Lower hp peculiarly 654 RHUS RADICANS. sensible to titillation by the friction of the protruded tongue.—Swelling of the right cheek and upper lip.—Pimples upon the face and forehead.—Painful pimple on the left temple, which threatens suppuration, but goes away without it.—Large tubercular pimple deep-seated, tough, and irritable to the touch, on the upper lip, opposite the alveolar process, and near the root of the left posteri- or bicuspid tooth, remaining witn but little change for several days.—A similar one on the upper lip opposite the left cuspidatus tooth.—Itching in the face, es- pecially in the beard and whiskers.—Itching of the chin.—Excoriated, smarting and burning spot below the nose, having a serous discharge and becoming scab- by.—Large red pimple on the cheek.—Pustule on the lower lip, at the junction of the skin and mucous membrane, disappearing after some days by absorp- tion.—Vesicles on the lower lip.—A large pimple on the left cheek near the nose, from which water oozed; when it dried away a rough spot remained on the skin.—Eruptions on the upper lip, first consisting of small flat vesicles in clusters ; the part afterwards becoming encrusted.—Small unsuppuratina1 furun- cle on the eyebrow and between the chin and lip.—Boil on the face which does not mature.—Eruption near and at the angle of the mouth.—Eruption near the left angle of the mouth.—A few small blisters on the face.—A glutinous fluid somewhat resembling varnish, oozes from the eruption on the face.—When the eruption of the face dries, the cuticle peels off like bran.—Eruption of small granules across the forehead, which soon run into each other, producing a thick. ening of the skin, with a granulated surface.—Pricking eruption of the face, ex- tending to the ears.—Eruption on the right side of the face below the angle of the mouth; on first coming out, it looked like the sting of nettles, afterwards it presented a thickened state of the skin, with an appearance like barber's itch. Teeth.—Darting pain in the carious teeth.—Dull pain in the sockets of all the teeth.—Transient throbbing in the tooth.—Repeated attacks of transient, throbbing toothache.—Pressure and throbbing in a carious stump, in the even- ing, after taking a glass of wine.—Pressure in the same before one p. m. after tasting wine.—Severe shocks of semilateral pain in the upper and lower teeth, on taking warm drink, (weak black tea).—Pain in carious roots in ihe upper jaw. Toothache commencing in the roots of an old stump in the leit upper jaw, extending to two Or three neighbouring molar teeth, the jaw-bone and side of the face, to the ear and to the lower jaw on the same side.—Toothache attended with flow of saliva.— Toothache in the evening.—Toothache on the right side of the lower jaw at each forcible inhalation of cold air, in the evening.—Pain in the socket of a carious tooth, pain and swelling of the adja- cent gum.—The gums bleed readily.—Bleeding of the gums especially on rins- ing the mouth.—Inflammation of the gums.—Gum-boil.—Soreness of the gums with feeling as if the mouth had been scalded.—Tenderness and swelling near the roots of the painful teeth.—Hard tumour near the extremity of the root of a carious tooth without any superficial inflammation. Mouth.—Air feels unusually cold to the mouth.—Feeling as if the mouth had been scalded.—°Breath foetid.—^Dryness of the mouth.—In- crease of saliva. — Salivation when expectorating—°Saliva, a white, dense and viscid froth.—Much salivation —Sore feeling of the palate.— Sore feeling at and about the velum palati, felt during empty deglutition, but not when drinking water.— The whole mouth and throat feels as if scalded with hot tea.—°Ulcers inside of the mouth, below the cheek and inside of the lips.—Burning and smarting of the tongue with increase of saliva.—Tongue dry. with a disagreeable taste in the mouth in the morning.—Mucus on Ihe tongue in the morning.—Tongue thickly coated. —Thin whitish coat on the edges of the tongue, and rough, reddish, dry and soluble coat on the remainder of the RHUS RADICANS. 655 upper surface, on rising in the morning.—* Yellow coat on the tongub.— Yel- low coot on the tongue, in the morning.—Tongue coated dark brown.—Dark- brown, mucous coat on the tongue, in the morning.—Lot se, reddish-brnwn coat on the tongue, on rising in the morning —PRICKING IN THE TONGUE. Burning in the tongue.—Sore feeling of the tongue.—*Dry ness of the tongue.—Biting of the tongue, like the biting of Arum m. when chewed. The tongue feels as if it were burned or scalded.—The tongue feels rpiite sore at the root and on the right side.—Many affections of ANTERI- OR PARTS OF THE TONGUE, at different times.— *Redness of the an- terior extremity of the tongsje.—*R dness of the anterior margin of the tongue.—Metallic taste at the anterior extremity of the tongue, with sensation of soreness at the anterior margin.—Cutting or stinging at the right portion of the an'erior edge of the tongue.—Burning-cutting at the right portion of the anterior edge, of the tongue, as if it were scalded accompanied by an increased flow of saliva,—Many affections of the TIP OF THE 'I ONGUE, at d ft'er- ent timos.— *REDNESS OF THE TIP OFTHE TONGUE.-Sensation of warmth and itching at the tip of the tongue.—Pricking at the apex of the tongue, within a few minutes, after a high dilution.—Sensation of pungency at the apex of the tongue five minutes after taking a few globules of the 30th.— Burning-pricking at the tip of the tongue, after 1£ minutes, followed by the same sensation at the roof of the mouth, and increase of saliva, after three minutes, after the 50th.—Stinging-pricking at the tip of the tongue, two minutes alter a few globules of the 50th.—TONGUE FEELS SORE AT THE TIP.— Tip of the tongue feels as if it had been burned or touched wi'h caustic.—Redness with sensation of excoriation at the tip of the tongue.—Tip of the tongue red and warm.—Tip of the tongue very red, with raw, biting feelings.— Pricking and tingling in the end of the tongue.—°Excoriation wi'h vesichs at ihe 'ip of the tongue.—° Vesicles with redness at the tip of the tongue.—Acrid burning at the root of the tongue.—Roughness oftlie tongue near the anterior or posteri r ex- tremity.— The abnormal sensations in the tongue are of en among the earliest symptoms, even when high attenuations, in the form of dry powder or aqueous solution have been employed, and when these have not been directly applied to that part of the tongue in which their action is ma li.ested.—Pricking in ihe palate.—Burning-pricking in the palate, then increase of saliva, then pain in the pit of the stomach. Sore feeling of the palate. Throat.—Pricking in the throat.—Constriction and irritation in the throat. Pricking and stinging in the throat.—Roughness in the thro it.—Burning in the ihroat.—Smarting in the throat.—Sensaion of dryness and heat in the throat. Burning in the oesophagus in the forenoon.—Pain and burning in the oeso- phagus.—Sensation of excoriation in the throat —Sensation of swell- ing, of fulness and of rawness in the throat, requiring deglutition Fe- verish heat and setting in of soreness of the throat, after a feeling of con- striction and dryness of the throat.—Uvula, fauces and velum palati. red and dry, with feeling of warmth in the parts.—Slight sense of suff cation in the throat with heat. Throat hot, sore, red, swollen and painful for many days, with painful deglutition.—Hot and raw feeling of the throat,—Redness of the fauces. —Inflammation of the throat.—Soreness at the roo' of the, tongue.-—°The tonsils, especially the right one, swollen, red, and partly covered with slough- like membrane.—*Painful deglutition.—*Deglutition m re painfal on the right side.—Inclination to swallow.—Sharp pains when swallowing, especially when drinking warm tea.—Sore feeling in the throat on swallowing, with hoarse- ness.—Feeling of soreness, hardness and contraction of the throat, during degluti- 656 RHUS RADICANS. tion.—"Sensation as if from a foreign body in the throat.—Mucus in the throat and posterior nares.—*Drynesg of the throat.. Appetite and Taste.—*Disagreeable taste in the mouth.—Bitter taste. Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, with bleeding of the gums.—Disagree- able taste in the mouth, in tho morning on awaking. Metallic taste.—The mouth tastes too fresh.—Loss of appetite.—* Appetite deficient.—Indifference to all kinds of food.—A sensation in the stomach like hunger.—Disgust for water when drinking it.—The idea of drinking a watery solution, though tasteless, gives nausea.—°Thirst at night. Gastric Symptoms.—* Empty eructations.— Tasteless eructations.—Eruc- tations in the morning.—Eructation, attended with shooting in the right portion of the epigastric region and in the right axilla, at 1 p. m.—Belching of tasteless water with regurgitation of some food.—Flatulency and tasteless eructation after tea, with uneasiness at the stomach.—Eructation of food, two or three hours after dinner.—Burning in the stomach, sometimes preceded by burning in the throat.—Uneasiness in the epigastrium, with flow of saliva and feeling as if an attack of waterbrash were coming on.—NAUSEA.— Nausea with faintness followed by general chilliness with perspiration.—Nausea soon accompanied by headache.—Nausea all day, without any desire to eat or drink—Nausea com- mencing after two minutes, and after a short interruption continuing several hours till afternoon, attended with symptoms in the following order; viz : empty eructations; pain in the chest on inspiration; pain in the right shoulder especial- ly during repose; shooting in the stomach; and chills, especially in the back. —Vomiting of about a pint of tasteless water, with retching and pain in the stomach. Stomach.—*PAIN IN THE STOMACH.—Pain in the stomach at night. Severe pain in the stomach with dizziness in the head.—Griping pain in the stomach.—Pain in the stomach in the morning.— Constant inclination to bend forwards to relieve the pain in the stomach.—Pain in the pit of the stomach.— (Dull pain at the base of the chest like gastralgia, constant for a few hours. relieved by fasting.)—Pains in the stomach and abdomen with disagreeable taste in the mouth, in the evening.—cPain in the stomach after meals.—Weakness and oppression in the stomach.—Sinking feeling at the stomach, with salivation. —Sensation of fulness in the stomach.—*Pressure and fulness in the epigas- trium, relieved by eructations.—Distress in the stomach like a heavy weight, mitigated by eating.—Sensation of oppression in the pit of the stomach, in the evening.—Cramping pain in the stomach.—*Severe pains in the stomach, at in- tervals, extending to the chest.—Strong heavy pains in the stomach and anterior part of the chest, extending from both parts through to the back, increased by cold drink (milk) in the morning.—°Periodical attacks of sharp tearing pains in the stomach, extending to the sides of the chest, the shoulders and nape of the neck.—Shootings in the stomach.—Sensibility of the stomach to pressure.—Sto- mach painful to the touch, cannot bear pressure even of the clothes.—Soreness of the stomach with pain when striking upon the epigastrium. Hypochondria.—°Constriction of the hypochondria,—Severe shocks of pain at both' hypochondria and through the diaphragm, on coughing.—Pain in the region of the liver.—Sharp lancinating pains in the right hypochondrium, at each inspiration, in the morning.—*Pain in the left, hypochondrium.—°Habitual dull pain in the left hypochondrium.—Pain in the left hypochondriac region with sensation as if something adhered to the lower ribs.—Pain in the right side of the abdomen. Abdomen.—Pain at or near the ascending colon.—Flatulence with pain in the RHUS RADICANS. 657 hypogastrium.—Transient pain in the region of the ascending colon, on rising up after stool, in the morning.—Accumulation of flatus, with severe pain in the ab- domen in the region of the ascending colon. This pain is increased by gradual pressure, and still more by sudden pressure or percussion, and is often more severe at some distance from the part pressed or struck than at the part itself. Pathological inference : Painful distension of the muscular coat of the ascend- ing colon by means of gas; the tension and muscular pain being momentarily increased by sudden pressure or percussion over that or the surrounding parts. —Severe pains just above the umbilicus, with slight nausea and sensations as if a diarrhoea were about to commence. Foetid flatus expelled immediately after the subsidence of these paroxysms of colic.—Griping after rising in ihe morning, followed by discharge of neces or of flatus.—Colic after exposing the head to falling snow.—Heaviness in the abdomen, with painfulness from turning when lying.—°Pain bearing or pressing down towards the hypogastric region.—Con- stipation with sense of dragging and falling in the abdomen.—Severe, griping pains in the upper part of the abdomen at intervals during three hours, ceased before evening, returned next morning on rising.—Twisting colic pain.—Sharp pains in the abdomen.—Sharp griping pains with looseness.—Colic pain in the lower part of the abdomen.—Colic followed by loose stool or frequent evacua- tions. Griping pain in the bowels at noon, followed by two stools in quick suc- cession.—S/ioo'ings in the abdomen in the afternoon or evening.—Shootings in the abdomen after drinking cold water.—Pain in the umbilical region, with soreness on bending.—Shootings at and near the umbilicus.—Shootings in narrow streaks from the abdomen to the anus, commencing in the umbilical region.—In the evening, sharp darting pains in the right side of the abdomen.—Colic, compel- ling them to flex the trunk in the morning.—Twisting colicky pain succeeded by a loose stool.—^Flatulence °with borborygmus.—Abdomen much distended with incarcerated flatulency.—Offensive wind with a mouldy odour discharged from the anus.—Shootings in the groin.—Soreness in the right groin with lameness in- creased by walking, also after sitting and attempting to raise the leg. StOOl and Alius.—^Constipation.—Constipation, with depression of spirits, mental inactivity and headache.—Urgency to stool.— Three stools, each fore- noon.— Costiveness, stool once iu three or four days, large, hard, and evacuated with much effort.—Brown stools.—Loose and brown stools.—Dark brown stools.—Stool greenish brown.—Dark brown stool with procidentia ani.—Light colored stools.—Pale-yellow stools.—The stool is thin and dark brown in mass, but gives to paper a light brownish-yellow stain. Slimy stools.—Loose, pappy, slimy, sour-smelling stools.—Stools watery and slimy.—Blood with the stools.—Blood witliihc diarrhaic stools.—Bright blood with the stool.—Stools slightly streaked with blood.—Stool thin and tinged with blood.—Blood from the anus after the stool.—Dark brown stool preceded by constipation.—Evac- uations too freoi ent.—*Diarrhcea, the evacuation sometimes preceded by lassitude.—Dysenteric diarrhoea preceded by lassitude and feehng of unsteadi- ness in the head.—Looseness of the bowels; each stooPis preceded by a sense of weakness and exhaustion.—Bowels moved twice a day.—Soft stools.—*Di- arrhcea with frothy, shiny and yellow stools.—Painful burning in the anus, soon attended with burning in the penis near its anterior extremity.—Faeces partly gelatinous.—Evacuation preceded by pain in the abdomen.—Diarrhoea with pap- like stools and colicky pains.—Diarrhoea in the morning, preceded by griping at the umbilicus, and attended with bitter and acid eructations.—Evacuation pain- less.—Evacuation painless, but urgent.—Evacuation preceded and attended by pain along the whole ulnar edge of the left forearm, more severe in the middle___ vol. ir. 42 658 RHUS RADICANS. Pale-yellow stools preceded by urgency and griping.—Diarrhoea with burning in the anus after evacuation.—Loose stool with burning smarting in the anus during evacuation.—Loose dark brown stool, preceded by pain in the symphysis nubia, and attended with burning in the anus and procidentia ani.—Diarrhoea with a Binking, faintish sensation before each discharge.—Redness, burning and smart- ing of the face, commencing during evacuation.—Griping pain in the morning on rising from bed, followed by two stools with an interval of half an hour.—Evac- uation painless, but urgent.—Soreness of the anus on one spot on the left side. —Shootings in the anus, instantly followed by shootings at the umbilicus, soon after in the stomach and then behind the sternum.—Procidentia recti.—Itch- ing at the anus, also when walking.—Pressing down at the anus with a dull aching pain in the rectum.—Intolerable itching and burning at the anus.—Itch- ing about the anus at night.—Pain iu the rectum when urinating.—Transient pain in the rectum.—Irritation and sensation of heat in the rectum after urina- tion.—Tingling pains, (as if from vibrations as rapid as those of low notes,) felt almost simultaneously in the rectum and the left hip, when lying on the left side, in the morning.—Smarting and burning in the anus, during and after an evacua- tion.—Pricking-itching in the anus, repeatedly restored by walking and removed by rest, in the afternoon. — Soreness, feeling of excoriation, redness, moisture, and great smarting about the anus and between the nates after walking. Urinary Organs.—*Frequent urination.—Frequent disposition to uri- nate, arising from a sensation as if there were a little urine in the urethra.—IN- CREASED SECRETION AND DISCHARGE OF URINE.—Urination profuse during the night.-----*Frequent and small discharges of urine.—"Pres- sure on the bladder, with difficult urination, frequent and painful desire to urinate, the urine being small in quantity.—Increased secretion of urine, with irritation in the urethra during urination.—Increased secretion of urine at night. —Increased secretion of urine, with coldness of the feet and legs.—Frequent and copious urination.—Increased secretion of urine, with frequent urination and slight tenesmus of the bladder —Urine less than usual; heat in the urethra during urination.—Frequent small discharge of red urine, with burning in the fossa navicularis.—* Urine red and discharged in small quantities.—*Deep red urine.—°Pink-coloured sediment.—Heat in the urethra during urination.— Heat, irritation or pain in the urethra or rectum during urination after dinner, at different hours of the afternoon till half-past six.—Cutting and burning in the anterior portion of the urethra, during and after urination. Last portions of the urine milky. Urination followed by irritation and sensation of heat in tho rectum, at half-past three in the afternoon. Three hours afterwards cutting, burning and smarting in the anterior portion of the urethra during urination, and severe burning and smarting pain in it after urination, with irritation and heat in the rectum.—Pain in the rectum when urinating, about three in the afternoon.—Cutting in the urethra when urinating, at five o'clock in the after. noon.—*Prcssure on the vesica. Sexual Organs.—Dull aching pain in the penis.—Miliary eruption on the back of the penis, with stinging and itching.—The penis is bloated, swelled up, a sort of false erection as in syphilis—Itching of the scrotum.—inflammation of the scro- tum.—°Scrotum inflamed and irritated by walking.—Itching and pricking of tie left side of the scrotum, at night on going to bed, and in the morning on washing the part; relieved by washing.—Itching, swelling and redness of the scrotum and prepuce.— Vesicles on the scrotum-—Diminished sexual drshe.—Erections dur- ing sleep at night without amorous dreams or feelings.—°Nocturnal seminal < mis- sions.—Pricking at the mons veneris and outer side of the labia and in the inguina. RHUS RADICANS. 659 —Catamenia profuse.—°Uterine pain, referred to the small of the back, brought on by mental anxiety, six days after parturition, with melancholy, despair and distrust of Providence. Larynx and Trachea.—"Influenza.—° Weakness of the voice.—°Is fatigued by speaking.—Feeling of soreness of ihe larynx.—Bronchial catarrh, with sore scraping in the throat.—Inflammation of the larynx descending from the fauces, with heat, soreness and sense of suffocation.—Acute bronchitis.— Soreness extending from the throat downward through the chest, with weight, cough with expect ;ration of frothy mucus of a saltish taste; after seven days, more free ex- pectoration of thick, yellowish, insipid, mucopurulent sputa.—* Dry cough, often short.—°Dry cough in the morning, with soreness of the throat.—*Cough from irritation in the chest.—Short cough from tickling and irritation behind ihe upper half of the sternum, after sleeping.—Short, dry cough, excited by tickling behind the upper half of the sternum, when sitting inclined forwards.—*Pain in the chest when coughing.—^Hacking cough excited by tickling in the chest, -by the open air and by deep inspiration, and attended by a feeling of excoria- tion in the chest.—Impelled to cough or hem, as if to remove something from the throat which produces a choking sensation.—*Cough from tickling in the throat.—Cough from tickling in the throat-pit. Short cough excited by tickling in the throat-pi', with expectoration of mucus from that part of the trachea.— °Cough on movement. — Cough on lying down, at midnight, preceded by tickling in the throat and behind the sternum. Cough in the evening from tickling in the throat and throat-pit and behind the upper part of the sternum. Chest.—Dyspnoea after walking in a current of air.—Pain in the chest NEAR THE NIPPLE.—DULL PAINS IN THE LEFT SIDE OF THE CHEST.--Aching heavy or pressive pains in the region of the heart.—Pain behind the sternum, in the night, pretty severe, but subsiding within a minute.—*Pain in the chest at night.—Awoke in the night with pain in the left side of the chest one or two inches upward and outward from the nipple.—Pain in the right side of the chest, a little above the nipple.—Pain in the left side of the chest, a little below the nipple.—* Pain in the chest when inclined forwards.—Dull pain in the left mammary region, when sitting inclined forwards.—Repeated pains in the left side of tiik chest.—Pain in the right side of the chest.—Pain of the left side of the chest and scapula, soon extending to the shoulder-joint.— Pain in the left side of the chest, midway between the sternum and the angle of the ribs, soon extending to the shoulder and upper arm.—Heavy pinching pain in the left side of the chest, in the region of the heart.—Aching pain in the lower part of the sternum, with oppression.—*Pain in the chest, more when at rest.—Dull pain in the left side of the chest, when lying down in the evening.—Dull pain anterior to the middle of the left lung.—°Chronic rheumatic pain in the chest, worse when the patient was seated, especially in a stooping posture. The pain returned in two months, soon after the use of black coffee, and was again re- moved by Rhus rad.—Pain in the right side of the chest about the middle of the ribs from four to six in the afternoon, preceded by headache.—Pressure at the sternum, a little to the left of the centre, in the evening.—Pressive pain in the chest, two inches to the right of the centre of the sternum.—Pressive pain in the right side of the chest, and simultaneously in the region of the left quadratus lumborum muscle..—Feeling of lameness in the muscles of the chest,—Sensation of excoriation in the chest behind the sternum.—Pain of the left chest and scapula, s>on extending to the shoulder-joint.—Drawing, crampy pains of the chest—*Pain in the chest, commencing in the stomach.—Severe pressing pain in the stomach extending to the anterior part of the chest, then to the back, increased by a cold drink.—°Stinging-tearing pain in the sides of the chest, 660 RHUS RADICANS. commencing in the stomach, and extending first to the left side of the chest, then to the right.—Dull pain in the left side of the chest, which changed into sharp pain.—*Pain in the chest when walking.—Sharp stitch-like pain in the precordial region, when walking in the forenoon.—In the forenoon when walk- ing, sharp pain in the left side of the chest, feeling as if it extended to the threat. —Shooting in the left side of the chest.—Shooting pain near the middle of the right side of the chest, when lying on that side.— Pain in the chest, worse on movement.—Pain in the chest, increased by deep inspiration.—Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, extending to the neck, aggravated by motion and deep inspiration.—Drawing and stitching pain, extending from the left side of the chest near the nipple, through to the left scapula, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, yawning, etc.—Shooting pains in one side of the chest.—Pain in the chest, worse on inspiration.—Extremely severe stitches at the third rib, about three inches to the left of the mesian plane, the pains so severely aggra- vated by inspiration, as to render an ordinary inspiration impracticable for some minutes. These commenced on sitting, about six o'clock in the afternoon, at the close of a meal at which ice-water was the principal drink.—Shock of pain in the chest.—Sensation of heat in the chest.—Burning in the chest and threat, as if in the oesophagus.—A transient burning and pressive pain at the middle of the lower side of the left clavicle, and in the stomach on swallowing mode- rately cold water.—Burning and pressive pain and sensation of excoriation be- hind the upper half of the sternum, with short cough excited by tickling at the same part, in the evening.—Stinging pain near the left nipple, in the evening, with abnormal sensibility of the skin of the chest to pressure.—Aching pains about the heart, and occasionally sudden shootings.— Palpitation of the heart in the evening.—* Palpitation of the heart, with a sensation of fulness in the head. —After walking up-stairs, in the evening, palpitation of the heart, with sensa- tion of fulness in the forehead, and pain in the forehead and occiput,—Severe palpitation at midnight, in bed, with pulse hard, small, and very frequent (120), with dyspnoea, pain in the chest, and feeling of painless rigidity of the neck and of fulness in the scalp.—°Palpitation of the heart, increased by sitting still.— Palpitation of the heart, not perceived when walking.—Tough, unsuppuniting pimple on the chest, one inch above the left nipple.—Tubercular pimple, large, deep-seated and irritable to the touch, on the left side of the chest, two inches above the nipple ; it is so tough that scratching does not readily break it, but produces redness, burning and smarting in it and the surrounding skin.—Sup- purating pimple on the chest in the left mammary region, in the morning.— Large red spots on the chest, just beneath the clavicles.—Itching about the sternal extremities of both clavicles.—^Sensibility of the chest to pressure.—*Sensi- bility of the sternal integuments to pressure.—Pain at the middle of the stenwm, with sensation of superficial soreness there on pressure.—Stinging in the chest below the right nipple, with itching on the front part of the chest, on the back, and the skin in various parts of the body, in the morning in bed, at four o'ch ck. Spinal Regions,—Shivering and trembling sensation through the whole extent of the spine and in the occiput.—°Spinal weakness.—*Pain in the loins, also on moving the part, especially at first.—*Aci,ing in the loins when lying in bed at. night.—Pain in the loin when lying on the opposite side.—Pain in the left loin above sacro-iliac symphysis, when lying on the right side, repeatedly removed by lying on the affected side.—Pain in the right loin above the ilium, when lying on the left side, always removed by lying on the affected side —Constant pain above the posterior part of the right ilium, extending forward to a point above the anterior part at each inspiration, which also increases its intensity.—°Aching in the lumbar spinal region and ilia, when lying down at night.—Rigidity and pain RHUS RADICANS. 661 of the right loin, as if wrenched by severe lifting; felt more on rising and beginning to walk, than after walking for some time.—Pain in the loins at eight, a. m., most in the right, and on motion.—Pain in the region of the left quadra- tus lumborum muscle with nausea, simultaneously with pain in the right side of the chest.—Pain in the region of the right quadratus lumborum, on rising from the recumbent posture ; immediately followed by pain in the calf of the left leg, at each step: in the afternoon at half-past two o'clock, during cold and rainy weather. —Pain in the left renal region, in the evening, at half-past ten o'clock, increased after lying down at midnight.—Rheumatic, burning aud semi-acute pain in the side, between the spine of the ilium and the ribs, in the evening.—Pain and rigili'y in the posterior lumbar region.—When standing erect he feels as if he could not stoop, but on trying he finds he can do it without much pain. The pain in his back is very much increased by pulling off his boots in the evening: worse when first lying down in the evening.—Pain in the back felt when bending backwards.—Backache at ten o'clock in the evening.—* Aching pain through the back in the region of the kidneys, -attended with a sense of weariness and languor with stiffness.—*Pain in the dorsal spinal region, worse in bed.—Ach- ing pressive pain in the back, increased by cold drink, and preceded by and attended with pain in the stomach and chest.—°Drawing in the dorsal spine on stooping.—°Backache worse in the morning, and in bed.—Pain between the shoulders.—Pain in the back below the scapula, in the evening.—Severe, pro- tracted and somewhat burning pain in the back, near the lower angle of the right scapula, a little within it, coming on when walking at ten o'clock in the evening, but continuing after the end of the walk, aud subsequently extending up along the inner edge of the scapula, increased by empty eructations, by deep inspiration and by coughing.—Chills in the, back.—Chills in the back, and slight shivcrings, especially when coming near a fire.—Pains in the back, loins, and left eyeball, about noon.—Pain slightly burning in the back, with burning in the throat and chest, as if in the oesophagus.—Weakness of the back with lame- ness. The back becomes fatigued in walking.—Itching on the back, especially betiecen the shoulders.—Itching in the back, and at the anterior part of the chest, in the morning, at eight o'clock.—Itching on the back between the shoul- ders.—Biting on the back, as if from bed-bugs.—Pricking-itching at the upper part of the right side of the back, after drinking cool water.—Tickling between the scapul.e.—Pains in the scapula.—Burning pains in the scapula?, worse in the evening in bed.—Pain under the right scapula.—Pain at the lower angle of the right scapula, when beginning to pull with the arm.—Repeated pains at the right scaonlare joint, especially at the lower extremity of the scapula, whenever the shoulder is elevated or depressed.—Severe, remittent, aching pain at the lower angle of the right scapula, when at rest, lying on the opposite side, in bed at night.—Pain from the left scapula across to the right, and thon through the right side of the ediest.—Rigidity and pain in some of the muscles of the neck, after lying for some time in a position which required their protracted action in an extended state.—Severe cramp-like pain in the right sterno-mastoid muscle, at and near its insertion behind the ear, occurring on rising and attempting to straighten the neck, after lying on the right side with the head much elevated. —* Rigid i'y of the, neck.—*Side of the neck sensitive to pressure.—''Rigidity of the ne'-k. with a frequent and small pulse.-----°Rigidity of the neck, with pain in it, increased at night, and by attempts to move it and by coughing or laugh- ing.—°Th'j pains in the neck frequently extend into the shoulder.—*Mu-cIesof the neck pained by movement and sensi'ive to pressure.—Stinging prickings at the lower part of the neck and upper part of the back, after drinking water.— Stinging-prickings in the l.nver part of the noek, especially over the sterno- 662 RHUS RADICANS. mastoid muscles, after drinking water, on different days at six o'clock in the afternoon, when walking.—Tenderness on pressure at the sides of the neck and at the greater transverse ridge of the os occipitis, with cramp-like pain in some of the muscles of the neck when exerting thein ; followed by pain in the left upper arm, shooting in the anus, and severe and repeated cramp-like pains in the right masseter muscle.—Shooting in the right axilla. Superior Extremities.—Severe pain in the right shoulder in the evening. —Pain at the top of the left shoulder in the morning.—Pain in the left shoulder at the deltoid muscle when exerting it.—Pain at the acromion, about eight o'clock in the evening.—Pain at the right acromion process.—Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder and arm.—Sore pain in the right shoulder-joint, on wakin» early in the morning, made worse by lying upon it, but relieved by lying with the right arm over his head.-----The pain in the right shoulder grew worse in tho afternoon, and by evening it had become almost intolerable.—Pain in the right shoulder when walking at six in the afternoon.—Transient pain in the riyht shoulder.—Somewhat severe rheumatic pain in the back part of the right shoul- der and of the upper arm for several minutes, at rest and still more when moving the parts, in the evening in bed.—Pain in the deltoid muscle.—Fixed rheumatic pain for several days in the left shoulder and upper arm, as far down as the in- sertion of the deltoid; remissions frequent during the day, but less frequent at night, not affected by motion.—Burning pain in the deltoid, worse in the evening in bed.—Sensation of grating and crepitation in the shoulder-joint, on moving the arm.—Burning pain in the left shoulder, when walking, at one p. m. —Pain in the left shoulder, when riding in the forenoon.—Bruised feeling of the muscles of the right shoulder after bein:>; moderately pressed by clothing —Hea- viness of the left arm aud hand with pricking in the palm and fingers.—Frequent pains for nearly two hours, occurring successively in various parts of the superior extremities, commencing at half-past six p. m., immediately after supper.— °After the apparent healing of the bite of a rat at the extremity of the forefinger of the left hand, pain of the whole limb, worse at night, redness of the back of the hand, sensibility of the limb to pressure along the route of the lymphatics, and pain at the left maxillary joint on moving the jaw.—Erratic pains in the upper extremities between the joints, remaining in one place only a few seconds. Drawing, aching and shooting in the arms, wrists, hands and fingers.—Pain at tho radical edge of the right forearm, aud immediately pretty severe pain at the ante- rior side of the right upper arm, then passing to the shoulder.—Pain in the shoul- der, then immediately in the upper arm.—The pains in the shoulder and upper arm slightly nauseating.—Pain at the left acromion, followed immediately by pain at the inner and back side of the left upper arm, about eight, p. m.—°Nnnibnes8 and feeling of deadness of the arras and hands at night.—Numbness of the arms with pricking in the.fingers.—Feeling of great fatigue in the hands and arms.— Pain in the left upper arm commencing immediately after lying down, on the right side, about noon.—^Rheumatic pain in the left upper arm, increased by movement, especially backwards, and attended with weakness of the part.- Semi-acute pain about at the middle of the os brachii.—Pain in the left upper arm.—Pain in the left upper arm, as if the muscles or tendons were un- duly strained, when the arm is carried by them far upwards and backwards.— Sharp drawing pain in the left upper arm and in the radial side of the forearm. —Very severe shock of pain in the anterior and middle part of the left humerus. —Pain in ihe right upper arm—Pain at the left biceps muscle.—Cramp in the right upper arm.—Pain at the middle of the right upper arm. - Pain in the region of the right biceps, the arm being at rest.—Burning pains in the biceps of both arms, more severe in the night in bed, worse in the left and sometimes RHUS RADICANS. 663 confined to it.—Pain in ihe elbow, especially ihe left.—Vain in the left elbow on drinking ice water—Aching pain in the left elbow-joint. — Aching pain in the right elbow-joint.—Sudden attack of sore, rheumatic pain about the left elbow- joint, more especially in the flexor muscles of the hand, the part very painful to pressure and on moving it.—Twinges in the left elbow.—Rigidity of the left elbow, on beginning to move it in the morning, ameliorated by a continuance of the exercise —Tubercular pimple, large, deep-seated and tough, at the hollow of the right elbow.—Pain in the left forearm.—Pain at the ulnar edge of the right forearm.—Pain at the ulnar side of the right forearm.—Deep-seated aching of the le!'t forearm—Pain at the middle of the ulnar side of the left forearm.—Pain at the middle of the left radius.—Pain in the middle of the left ulna.—Darting like electric shocks from the elbow to the little finger.—Severe pains on the ulnar side of the left forearm, afterwards running along on the same side from the elbow to the extremity of the little finger.—Pain on the ulnar side moving from the el hew to Ihe li'tle finger.—Numbness of the forearm, hand and fingers.—Pain at the left ulna, at the middle of its palmar side.—Sensation of warmth and pain at the ulnar edge of the right forearm, followed immediately by pain in the right shoulder.—Pustules on the lower part of the forearm, one on the radial edge, an inch above the wrist-joint, another on the palmar side, two inches above the wrist-joint.—Pain at the radial edge of the right forearm, followed by pain at the ulnar edge of the right metacarpus.—Aching of the wrist.—Aching of the. wrists during exertion ofthefia.gers.—Pain in the right wrist.—Pain in the right wrist when writing.—Severe tired aching of the wrists and hands.—Hard aching of the left wrist and forearm.—Pretty strong and steady pain in the left wrist, increased by grasping, in the afternoon at four o'clock. —Pain at the back of the left carpus, followed immediately by. pain on the palmar side of the left forearm, one and a half inches above the wrist-joint.—Violent itching of both wrists, about daylight in the mejrning in bed.—Pricking, biting and burning, granulated eruption on the inside of both wrists and both ancles.—Vesicles on the wrists.—Itching vesicles, resembling those of scabies, on the palmar surface of both wrists and of the lower part of the arms, most on the palmar-ulnar side of the right wrist —Vesicle on the right wrist, below the lower head of the ulnar. —Aching in the left wrist.—Pain at the back of the wrist.—Pain at ihe ulnar edge of the metacarpus.—Pain in the ulnar edge of the right metacarpus, in the morning at 6± o'clock.—Pain at the ulnar edge of the right metacarpus, when at rest in bed in the evening; mitigated by movement.—Pain at the ulnar edge of the left metacarpus, subseepiently extended to the wrist and arm.—Pain at the ulnar edge of the left metacarpus, immediately succeeding a slighter pain at the corresponding part of the right hand, at 2 p. m.—Pain at the ulnar edge of the left metacarpus, immediately followed by pain at the corresponding part of the right hand; the same succession of symptoms repeated about twenty minutes afterward, at 7 A o'clock p. m.—Pressing fulness in the hands.—Pains in the metacarpal bones of the left hand.—Pain on the dorsal side of the first meta- carpal bone of the right hand, in the evening at seven o'clock, after supper.— Pain at the dorsal side of the metacarpal bone corresponding to the right ring- finger, extending subsequently to the wrist.—* Numbness of the hands -and fingers.—Tingling numbness ofbo'h hands.—Numbness with burning and tin. gling of the hand and fingers, more pn the palmar surface and in the thumb and forefinger, worse in the pendent position.—Stingings in the hands and fingers.— Pricking in the palm and fingers of the left hand.—Burning in the palms of the hands.—°Coldness of tho hands.—Swelling of the hands.—* Inflammation of the hand, with heat, redness and sicclling.—Heat, throbbing, redness and shining of the hands, with swelling and stiffness.—°Inflammation of ihe hand from e.cter- 664 RHUS RADICANS. nal injury.—inflammation of the hand extending from a burn on the fingers. -----°Burning and heat of the left hand, heat in the arm and sensibility in the bend of the elbow and in the axilla, with yellow coat and red anterior edge of the tongue, all after a gunshot wound in the hand a week previous.—Swelling of the hands in the afternoon, worse for holding the reins and riding in the sun.— Small, immature boil, with erysipelatous inflammation on the entire back of the hand, with smarting, burning pain.—Hard, tubercular and itching eruption on the dorsum of the right hand, between the thumb and first metacarpal bone. This soon healed, but left a smooth, indurated and slightly-elevated spot for a month or two, and a distinct whitish sear still remains at the spot after nine months.— Vesicles on the hands.—Vesicles with inflamed base, on the more hairy parts of the right hand, little finger and wrist.—Pimple, large, deep-seated and sensitive, among the most thickly-set hairs of the dorsum of the left hand, over the smallest metacarpal bone,—Stinging on the dorsum of the hand near the smallest metacarpal bone.—Small watery blisters on the backs of the hands. —The eruption extends over the backs of both hands.—The eruption of the back of the hands looks like measles.—Pain in one or more of the phalanges of the fingers, oftener near the middle.—Pain in the phalanges of several fingers of the left hand.—Pain in the first joint of the forefinger of the right hand.—Pain at the middle of the upper phalanx of the right ring-finger immediately after sup- per.—Pain at the dorsal side of the upper phalanx of the right ring-finger.—Pain in the dorsal side of the middle phalanx of the right thumb.—Pain at the dorsal side of the middle phalanx of the right ring-finger.—Awoke with a burning and remittent, osteocopous pain, throughout the middle phalanx of the right little finger, in the morning at 5^ o'clock.—Pain in the middle phalanx of the right little finger, followed by pain in the region of the left kidney, in the evening at 10^ o'clock.—Pain at the phalanges of several lingers, about midway between the joints.—Pain at the finger-joints.—Pain at the middle joint of the left fore- finger, then at its metacarpal joint.—Pain in the middle joint of the right ring- finger.—Pain in the third phalanx of a left finger, followed by pain in the third phalanx of a left toe—Pain at the nail of the left ring-finger.—The affcc- tions are principally on the dorsal and more hairy parts of the hand and fingers, seldom on the palmar surface.—Sharp pain in the finger.—Sharp pain in the middle phalanx of the second finger of the left hand.—Sharp pain iu the forefin- ger of the right hand, followed by stinging pain in the thumb of the same hand. Darting pains in one or more fingers.—Sharp transient pains in the left ring- finger, darting from the metacarpal articulation to the tip.—Pain in one or more fingers in the afternoon.—In the afternoon, rheumatic pain in the fingers of the left hand.—Severe shocks of pain in the right little finger on the side next its fellow.—Darting pains in the fingers as from needles, also tingling numbness.— Tingling in the fingers.—Tingling in the ends of the fingers.—* Pricking in the fingers.—Pricking in the thumb.—r-Pricking in the fingers of the right hand.— Stinging on the knuckles of the right hand.—Pricking in the end of the right thumb.—Shooting-burning pain in the ball of the right ring-finger.—Stinging- pricking on the dorsal surface of the upper phalanx of the thumb.—Aching of the phalanges, with fulness, heat and redness.—Itching, unsuppurating eruption on the.fingers.—Abortive pustule at the root of the right thumb nail.—Vesicular eruption between the fingers of the right hand, very much resembling psora (made its first appearance at four o'clock in the afternoon) ; it itches violently, and is worse after rubbing.—Vesicular eruption between the fingers of the left hand.—Circumscribed induration on the ball of the left thumb, going away after about a month by the peeling off of the thickened cuticle.—* Sufferings from wounding a finger.—Swelling, heat and much suffering of a finger, after a wound in RHUS RADICANS. 665 it.—Slight scratches on fingers suppurate.—°After a wound of a finger, inflam- mation extends up the arm ; pain at the maxillary joint on moving the jaw. Inferior Extremities.—-*Pain in the hip.—Rheumatic pains from the hips and nates to the legs inclusive.—Tain in the hip and legs.—Lameness in the left hip with pain there on walking.—Lameness of the left hip, during the first part of a walk in the forenoon, between ten and eleven o'clock.—Lameness in the left hip, at five o'clock in the afternoon.—Pain in the let lip whenever the trunk is bent to the right,—Pain and weakness in the left hi;- on beginning to walk.—*Achingpain with soreness along the crest of the right iiium over the hip and down the front part of the thigh ; worse from motion.—Tingling pain in the left hip, extending from the rectum, when lying on the left side, in the morning, about six o'clock.—Pain simultaneously behind the right sacro-iliac symphysis and in the left shoulder.—Pain at the left tuber ischii after rising from a seat.—■ Limping walk, in the afternoon, with pain above the left sacro-iliac symphysis about six o'clock.—Inflammation and excoria'ion of the inside of the nates.— Cutaneous inflammation, redness and feeling of excoriation at the inner side of the left of tho na'es, commencing in the evening, after a walk of no unusual length, and continuing till next morning; on the next afternoon, it affected both nates.—Large tubercular pimples with bases deep-seated, and prominent parts irritable to the touch, situated on the Inner side of the nates, sometimes on the sides of the os coccygis, — Feeling of weakness, heai'iness, and instability of the lower limbs, when walking.—In the evening, weakness and rigidity of the in- ferior extremities, and indisposition to walk fast; on the next evening unusual agility and disposition to walk fast.—The sufferings are mitigated or disappear on movement and when walking.—Pain in the left thigh, when walking.—Pain in the left thigh in the forenoon.—Pain in the anterior and inner and sometimes posterior part of the left thigh when walking.—Pain at the anterior part of the left thigh, along the whole course of the rectus femoris muscle, during its action in throwing the leg f rwaid at each step, worse during the earlier portion of each walk, in the afternoon. Long walking removes the lameness for the time.— SrnsibilVy of the anterior muscles of the thighs, especially of the left thigh, con- tinuing for several days.—Eight days afterwards the anterior part oftlie right thigh is exclusively affected, the rectus cruris muscle, feeling as if bruised, very sore on pressure, for two days.—Shoo'ings in the left thigh.—Shootings in the external side of the left thigh, at and below the trochanter major, several times in the evening. —Shooting pain in the left thigh from the hip to the knee. —Shootings in the long muscles.—Sharp pain along the anterior inner side of the left thigh, and just above the patella, felt at the commencement of a walk at noon.—Pain in the region of the sar'orius.—Shocks of pain in the sartorius above the right knee.—Pricking in the thigh, at the middle of the anterior part, in the evening, near six o'clock.—Eruption, on the thigh.—Itching vesicular eruption on the posterior surface of the left thigh.—Weakness of the knees.— Weakness of the knees and I gs.—*Lameness at the knee Occasioned by con- tusion at the external condyle of the os femoris.—*PAIN I\ ONE KNEE.— Pain in the knees.—Pain in the right knee with numbness of the limb.—Pain in the knee-joints with heaviness of the right leg in the evening.—Aching in the knees and ankles.—Pain at the tendon just above, the left patella on walking, especially at the commencement of a walk.—Pain at the inside of the knee near the patella, on moving the joint.—Pain at the outer edge of the let patella, .felt at each step on going up stairs in the even- ing, after sitting for some time. — Rheumatic pain in the inner and lower edge of the patella, extending into the knee-joint, aggravated by motion.—Pain at the inside of the head of the left tibia, on sitting after 666 RHUS RADICANS. walking.—Severe pain, as if from a sprain, at the insertion of the ligament of tho patella into the tibia, coming on suddenly on rising from a seat, and, with ten- derness of the part, remaining a few minutes.—Severe pain just below the outer side of the head of the left tibia, a few minutes after a cold drink.—Pain in the left knee on beginning to walk down stairs, after sitting.—Pain at the outside of the left knee.—Severe pain immediately above tho right knee-j int inside of the upper extremity of the patella, on rising from a scat.—Pain at the inser- tion of the ligament of the left patella at the commencement of a walk. —Sting- ing pain at the head of the left fibula, felt immediately after drinking ice water, followed by pain at the same part when stepping. —Shooting pain on the inside of the right knee and on the top and outside of the right foot.—Pricking in the right knee.— Kuptionon the inside of the left knee.—*The legs feel weak.— Weakness of the legs in the morning with depression of spirits.—Weakness of the legs in the afternoon, at five o clock —Weakness of the legs in the forenoon. — Weaknvs and heaviness of the legs when walking.----Legs weak and si. w in obeying ihe will in walking, in the evening.—Weakness and heaviness of the legs, at and below the knees, especially posteriorly, at four o'clock in the after- noon.—Weakness of the legs, which diminishes by continuing the walk, but again returns on commencing a walk after resting.—Aching*of the legs.—Pain in tho lower part of the legs in the afternoon and evening.—Dull aching and sensati n of weakness in the legs and ankles.— Tiresome aching of the legs.—°Pain as if in the bones, like rheumatism.—Tired aching of both legs, better when walking, worse when sitting in a room or riding in a carriage.—Pain of the vp.pr, inte- rior and anterior portion of the left tibia.—Pain at the head of the left tibia, anterior and inner part, in the evening at eight o'clock.— Pain in ihe lef tibialis amicus, when lying in bed at six iu the morning.—Pain in the right tibialis anticus, when lying in bed at night at eleven o'clock.—*Pain in the calf of the leg often when walking.—*Pain at the junction of the calf with the Hnilo- AchiUis,—Pain in the calf of the left leg, mitigated by movement.—Pain at the upper-inner part of the left calf, when walking in the evening after resting.— Pain at, the lower part of the calf, during the earlier part of a walk, whenever the heel is raised by the action of the muscles of the calf.—Pain at the upper extremity of the tendo-Achillis when walking.—Pain immediately above the upper extremity of the tendo-Achillis, when walking.—Rigidity and weakness at the upper part of the tendons of Achilles of both legs; walking pives slight pain there.—Restlessness of the legs.—Drawing pains of the legs.—Cramp in the leg. —Cramps in the calves of the legs at ten in the forenoon.—Cramping pain in the calf of the left leg at its junction with the tendo-Achillis.—Cramp in ihe. leg on extending it.—Cramp in the calf of one leg u hen lying in bed.—Cramp in the calf of the right leg on extending it in the morning in bed — Cramps in tho calf of the left leg at night.—Sharp pains in the legs and soles of the feet.— Sharp drawing pain in the calves of the legs—Shooting pains of the legs.— Stinging in the anterior-outer part of the leg.—Deep-seated pricking in the legs. —*Nuinbness and sense of torpor of the legs—°Numbness and paralytic weak- ness of the legs at night, with sense of deadness and want of feeling in the linibs. —Itching of the legs.—Violent itching of the legs and ankles in the evening. —Itching in the calf of the left leg, when walking in the afternoon, at four o'clock.—The itching of the legs is more especially in the lower half, between the middle and the ankle.—Severe itching of the ankles and lower halves of the legs in the evening, worse at ten o'clock.—Severe and almost intolerable itching of the legs and feet, especially the lower half of each leg, the ankle, instep and upper part of the foot; rubbing produces severe burn- ing and smarting.—Vesicles on the legs and feet.—Red eruption encircling the RHUS RADICANS. 667 lower part of the legs.—An eruption like a red band, three inches in breadth, around the legs just below the calf.—Burning and smarting eruption on the instep and lower portion of the leg, with burning, smarting and redness, on the upper side of the foot in the metatarsal region.—Pains at the ankles some- times severe.—Pain at the ou'er malleolus.—Pain immediately behind the outer malleolus of the left ankle.—Pain in the ankles in the evening.—Deep-seated pain in the outer malleolus when pressed, between eight and nine in the evening. —Severe pain in the ankles in the evening.—Aching in the knees and ankles. ♦PAIN IN ONE ANKLE.—Sudden attacks of pain in the outer malleolus of the le'.t ankle.—*Pain in the right ankle.—*The right ankle feels as if it were breaking.—Rheumatic pains in the legs and especially in the ankles, worse toward evening, felt through the night, and again worse in the morning, un- noticed whilst and after walking, attended with uneasiness and desire to move about.—*Pain and lameness of the right ankle.—°Great pain and lameness of the right ankle from a sprain several weeks before; °the pain at times extended to the knee, severe pain when walking, a sensation of weakness as if the foot could not be used.—Pain in the anterior part of the left ankle.—Pain and lameness in the right a ikle, on commencing a walk, shifting to the hip, and go- ing entirely off on continuing to walk.—Weakness in the ankles.—Stinging at the anterior part of the right ankle-joint in the evening at ten o'clock.—* Siccll- ing with pain of the, rieht.ankl".—°Great pain and lameness with some swell- ing of the right ankle.—^Swelling and sereness of the right ankle and foot j worse in the morning, diminishes in the middle of the day, and gets worse again in the evening—Itching of the eruptfcm on the right ankle.—Pain in the lop of the right foot, sometimes in that of both feet.—"Lameness, weakness and aching of the feet and ankle-joints, after walking. — Pain in the rigid foot.—Pain in the sole of the, right fool.—Sharp drawing pains in the soles of the feet, with heat.—Pain in the sole of the right foot in the morning.—Pain in the sole of the right foot as if it were drawn up.—Aching of the sole of the right foot in the morning in bed about six o'clock.—Pain in the sole of one foot, at night. Aching of the ball of the right foot in the morning in bed.—In the night, burn- ing pain, for one or two minutes, in the anterior ridge of the right sole.—Draw- ing pains in the feet.—Drawing pain in the sole of one foot.—Awoke at night in bed by severe twinges and drawings in the sole of the left foot, extending to the toes, with cramps of the toes.—Sharp pain in the right foot.—Sharp pain on the top of the right foot.—Sharp stinging in the foot.—Shooting pains in one foot.—Shooting-stingings in the right foot.—When walking, shooting-stingings in the right foot, followed by occasional stingings in the feet and toes.—Sling- ing in one foot.—Stinging of the left instep.—Pain in the left heel.—Aching at the base of the left heel in the morning in bed.—Sharp stinging pain in the le't heel, while walking.—* Coldness of the feet. — Unusual coldness of the feet, with slight numbness.—Hea' of the feet.—Heat of the feet with sensation as of sweating oftlie feet.—Burning-itching on the top of the right foot, with swell- ing of the veins.—Burning in the top of the left foot.—Burning in the top of both feel, with stinging in the ends of the toes.—Burning and itching on the top of the left foo\ with itching about the ankles.—Vesicles on the feet.— Tingling numbness of the feet and toes.—°Redness of the top of the foot with internal soreness pain on stepping or moving the part.—Pain between the joints of the toes.—Pain in the posterior phalanx of the fourth toe of the left foot, felt on beginning to walk in the morning and on pressure.—Stinging in one or more toes.—Stinging pains in the toes of the right foot.—Stinging pains in the little toe of the left font.—Stinging iu the upper part of the fourth toe of the left foot iu the evening at ten o'clock.—Stinging in the upper part of the posterior pha- 668 RHUS RADICANS. lanx of the fourth toe of the right foot, in the evening in bed.—Pain in the ball of the great toe of the left foot, followed by burning pain in its posterior phalanx. Inflammation, with redness and smarting pain, at the posterior joint of the right great toe.—Numbness of the two larger toes of the right foot, with feeling as if there were a bag of cotton between those toes. This feeling lasted several days. Sleep.—Frequent yawning.—Yawning in the evening.—*Sleepiness in the day-time.—Sleepiness during the day and evening.—Sleepiness in the forenoon, with headache.—Excessive sleepiness early in the evening ; to keep awake al- most impossible from eight to nine o'clock.—Sleepiness and yawnings, with in- disposition to mental and bodily labour in the forenoon.—Inclination to lie down. —♦SLEEP IMPERFECT.—* Sleepless at night.—Dreamy, unrefreshing sleep.—Occasional waking at night.—*Sleep disturbed, frequent waking. —Repeated waking during the latter part of the night.—Restiess sleep through the night.—Jactitation and tossing during sleep.—Uncommonly sound sleep u-hich continues late in the morning.—In the night when asleep, incubus with inability to move, and sensation of pressure on the right upper portion of the ehest, with superstitious fear connected with the supposed vicinity and agency of some invisible, sly, and malicious being. Subsequently, after waking, a pressive pain at the left clavicle.—* Seminal emissions during sleep at night.— Erections during sleep at night, icith seminal emissions.—Sleep disturbed by dreams, and followed by dull pain in the occiput, forehead and temples, on waking in the morning.—Disposition to sleeplessness, and sleep disturbed by dreams.—Dreams of horses.—Dreams aitxious.—Dreams amorous and volup- tuous.—Dreams of dangers.—Frightful dreams.—Dreams at last changing sud- denly to a frightful character, which occasioned waking in the night.—Dreams of travelling through woods in the night, and of being in danger from many horses.—Awoke by a dream of an effort to rescue a companion from imminent danger from ruffians.—Fantastic dreams.—Dreams of sportive and other pur- suings of persons, and of persons moving in the horizontal posture, and of rob- bers and mysterious persons.—Anxious dreams with occasional waking at night; dreams of travelling in pathless places, and of a friend getting separated and lost.—Dreamed,of travelling with another man in pathless fields, and of being in danger of being kicked by a horse.—Dreams of an enemy's cavalry, sickness, and bad news of friends.—Horrible dreams of enemies, dangers by tire, attacka of furious dogs, serpents, etc.—Fear on waking.—Anxious, uneasy sleep, with frightful dreams, on awaking from which the mind could scarcely be pacified.— Feeling of danger after the dreams—Waked in the morning by a gentle and imaginary voice, addressing him with some allusion to sleep —Sudden waking with a start and slight fear.—Pain felt on looking.—Pressive pain at the left clavicle on waking.—Sudden waking with a pain in the sole of the right foot.— Awoke for several successive nights with numb pain and pricking in the legs, leep-seated as if in the bones.—Awoke with cramp in the calf of the left leg, at light. Fever.—"Chills, -general or partial, especially in the back.—Chilliness in the back, with weakness of the legs, desire to lie down, and shootings in the ab- domen, at noou.—In the evening, slight chilliness, especially in the back.—Gene- ral chills.—Chills partial, affecting the upper parts of the body.—Chilliness and trembling sensation, both affecting the whole posterior part of the body, from the occiput to the heels inclusive, followed after some minutes by general shivcr- ings.—Chills increased on going into a warm room, diminished in the cool air.— ^Coldness of the extremities.—Coldness, with aching of the limbs.—Shivering succeeded by slight heat.—Shivering succeeded by thirst and a slight degree of RHUS RADICANS. 669 heat.—Chills at evening, with fever reaching through the night.—*Chills and fe- ver, with thirst slight.—Coldness of the extremities, with heat and bloatedness of the face and head.—Chills during perspiration.—°Chills in the day-time, thirst at night.—*FEVER.—inflammatory fever.—Intermittent fever. —° Quo'id i in intermittent fever, chills between nine and ten in the forenoon, fo'lowed by heat, with frequent pulse.—°Quotidian intermittent, chills commen- cing every day at one o'clock in the afternoon, increased by movement, and at- tended with pain in the bones, and followed by heat intermixed with chills, the fever sometimes attended with sharp pains in the abdomen.—°Double tertian, chills predominant, pain in the forehead during the chill, thick paste-like grey- ish-white coat on the posterior part of the tongue, redness of the anterior part. °Feer with pains in the legs.—°Intermittent fever, quartan, commencing in the evening with heat, followed by heat with perspiration, yellow coat and red- dish tip of tongue, neck tender on the left side; during the fever, sleep and pains in the legs and small of the back ; after the fever, debility.—*Remittent fever.— Fever remittent, going off with moderate sweating.—°Remittent fever at the close of the catamenia, chills in the morning followed by much perspiration with moderate heat, pains in the limbs in the afternoon, tongue red at the tip, diar- rhoea.—°Fever with debility.—cNervous fever.—° Typhoid fever.—°Typhoid fever, frequent pulse, pains in the limbs, vertigo on rising, thick brown coat on the tongue and redness at (he tip.—°Typhoid fever, saliva consisting of a white, dense, and extremely viscid froth, urine depositing a pink-coloured sediment at the edge of the surface of the liquid; trembling and jerking of the hands.—"Ty- phoid fever, with rheumatism of the neck.—Typhus fever in an early stage. —°Fever in consequence of a burn, frequent pulse, hot and dry skin, headache increased by movement and stooping, disagreeable taste in the mouth.—°Fever, small and frequent and feeble pulse, angina, pains in the head, neck, and back.— °Fever with slough-like appearance on the tonsil, throbbings in the head, cough, and burning of the eyes and cheeks.—* Universal, heat with dryness of the skin. —*Pulse frequent.—Pulse slow, especially when lying down.—°Pulse fee- ble, frequent, and small.—*Pulse frequent and small, with rigidity of the neck. — Easy persp>ruiion.—Constant perspiration, with a sticky feeling.—Perspira- tion from the least exercise.—Easy perspiration with dryness of the mouth, yet without thirst. Skill.—The skin is stiff, and moves as if there were a fluid effused beneath it.—General feeling of heat in the skin.—Heat at night.—ITCHING OF THE SKIN in various parts.—Itching of the skin, morning and evening.—Itching worse, in the, evening.—Stinging itching sensation as if from flea-bites over the skin.—A crawling sensation over the skin in spots.— Heat and itching of the skin in various parts.—General itching of the skin, soon after taking the medicine.—Itching worse in the evening, particularly im- mediately after going to bed.—Itching in various parts of the trunk, face and head.—Itching often in warm weather.—Prickings or stingings in various parts of the skin.—Stinging like the bites of fleas in various parts of the, skin.—Itching, tickling, and pricking of the skin.—Pricking of- tcner in warm weather.—Prickings in various parts, as if from electric sparks. —Pricking simultaneously in the knees, hands, right elbow, right cheek, aud right nostril.—Pricking in the left heel, left ankle, and left side, all at the same time, followed by an uneasy sensation through the day, causing her to rub one limb and then another, in order to be comfortable.—Itching transiently relieved by rubbing.—Itching and pricking in various places on the arms and legs, reliev- ed by rubbing.—CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS with itching, burning and pricking.—*Hard, red, and itching eruptions.—°Hard, red and itching blotches 670 RHUS RADICANS. on the extremities, face, eyelids and neck, with a raised and swollen appearance of the surrounding parts, the itching increased by heat and at night.—Red, in- flamed, tuberculoid elevatiois oftlie skin, or large, pimples, tough, deep-sea'cd, and irritable to the touch, the smaller ones disappearing without suppuration, tho larger ones suppurating slowly and imperfectly.—Tubercular pimples, large and tough, their bases deeply seated in the skin, their prominent parts highly sensi- tive to the touch.—The eruptions are generally much larger and much less su- perficial than itch vesicles, and never discharge unless broken by external force. —*Vesicular eruptions.—°Eruption of watery pimples, in children, itching bleeding and scabbing after being scratched, occurring on the arms, face, and legs.—Red, elevated eruptions, becoming more and more vesicular.— V sides or pustules which finally disappear without rupture of the cuticle.__ Vesicular eruption with innumerable small points.—A sort of dry itch, that is, hard, wart-shaped blotches, which crowd upon one another arid form groups of elevations.—Itching eruption in warm weather.—The pricking slinging ol the eruption feels like that of the prickly heat.— The fluid passes out of the vesicles loifhout bursting the cuticle.—The eruption is most prominent about the face and larger joints, especially the elbows, wrists, knees and ankles.—The eruption is attended with pricking, biting and burning, with constant and almost irresistible inclination to rub it, although there is very little itching. It is somewhat re- lieved by rubbing geutly, but immediately afterwards it becomes worse.— When the itching begins, there is almost an irresistible inclination to rub, or scratch the part, which, however, only increases the itching and burning, until it be- comes painful and produces a sensation of sickness, and a glow over the whole body, and also increases the swelling and makes the eruption mere prominent, like the sting of wasps or nettles. Cold water applied externally gives some temporary relief.—Intolerable itching, with burning and pricking in the morn- ing about daylight, in every part where the eruption has appeared.—The erup- tion pricks and burns very much when drinking any thing warm.—The eruption itches worse in the evening, at midnight, and about daylight in the morning. A spell of itching can be excited at any time by rubbing the eruption.—Return of the pricking and itching at four o'clock in the afternoon.—The desquamation which follows the eruption resembles that which ta'nt on mniiig it.—Aching pain and lameness, especially of the extremities.—Limbs readily sprained.—Senm'im of trembling.—Jerking, trembling or shaking, and paralytic weakness of the extremities, especially at night.—°Coldness of the ex- tremities —Fatigue from walking.—* Excessive debility.—*GeneraI de ility in the m irni ig.—* Jener il languor, with inclina'.ion to lie down.—Diminished ability to exercise the b >dy or mind.—Disinclina'ion to physical or men'al la- bour.—B jdily torpor.—Dread of bodily and mental exertion.—Physical apathy. RHUS RADICANS. 671 —Lassitude, with disposition to stretch.—Yawning lachrymation and stretching in the afternoon, followed by general debility, with weakness and rigidity of the inferior extremities in the evening.—Restless nights.—Day-sleepiness, with frequent yawning* and chilliness.—Numbness of the limbs, especially at nigth. Uiaractcristics, Sphere, and Conditions.—This remedy appears to act <■'■:/ (dally upon the brain, the muscles, tendons, skin, and mucous membranes.— Pains often semilateral. — Pain3 in various and often in remote parts in succession. — Pains uhere tendons are connected with the muscles or botes, especially during the action of the muscles.—Stiffness of the joints.— The symptoms often occur successively in parts either transversely or diago- nally opposite.—Pains in muscle3 during the early part of'Thh time in which they are exerted, disappearing after long-conti- nijeo aci'ION. -*Th» pain and soreness are worse in the morning when begin- ning to m>re.—Pains when lying on the opposite side.—The sufferings are some- times mitigated by movement and walking, sometimes by rest and when lying down.—Many of the pains are relieved while walking in the open air, and when the mind is fully occupied ; worse when beginning to move, from the agita- tion of laughing, and in the house.—Many sufferings after drinking cold water. Languor on rising in the morning at seven o'clock.—Many sufferings occur be- tween four and seven in the afternoon, especially about six o'clock.—Exacerba- tions or new symptoms often occur in the evening or morning.—Some symptoms are increased in the evening and at night.—Sufferings aggravated by change of weather.—Many symptoms occur on a sudden depression of atmospheric temperature.—Drowsiness, pains, and other symptoms on ihe approach of a storm.—Pains during rainy weather. Note.—Rhus Radicans and Rhus Toxicodendron are considered by some botanists as varieties of the same species, but by a majority of them as distinct species. The trunk of the Radicans is from five to forty feet in height, and is furnished with an immense number of dark reddish.brown radicles or root-like fibres, which enable it to adhere to trees and other objects, and be thus support- ed like a kind of vine. The Toxicodendron is a low, self-su;iporting shrub, only . two or three feet in height. When the radicans grows where it meets with no object suitable for its support, its height is only four, five or six feet, and its branches frequently recumbent. In a dry soil, the branches may not be recum- bent, and the stuuted radicans with few or no radicles, be mistaken for a toxi- codendron, fr'.m which, however, it is even then distinguishable by the crooked- ness or obliquity of its trunk. As to the leaves, both plants are trifoliate, but the leaflets of the radicans are generally entire at their margins, and smooth and glabrous on both surfaces, whilst thuse of the toxicodendron are generally toothed or lobed, and their inferior surface pubescent. Until the precise relation which the radicans and toxicodendron sustain to each other, in their medical properties, has been rigorously determined, no spe- cimens of them should be collected, either for pathogenetic or curative purposes, except from wild and almost full-grown plants, and from those which possess several of the botanical peculiarities in a high degree, not only to prevent the possibility of confounding them, but to determine the extreme points of differ- ence in their medical properties. For example, it would be desirable to select a toxicodendron at least twelve or fifteen years of age, and under three feet in height, having a trunk perfectly straight, erect, and free from rootlets, with leaves pubescent boncath, and decidedly serrate, toothed or lobed. The writer 672 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. deems it proper to acknowledge, that his description of the toxicodendron has been taken chiefly from books, and confined mainly to those points on which there is a general agreement among the numerous authorities consulted. Tho radicans leaves which he collected for trial,' and from whose juice by far the greater portion of the above symptoms were obtained, were from a female plant growing spontaneously in a fertile and somewhat humid soil, and in a situation exposed to the sun. It had a trunk about twenty feet in height and two inches in diameter, numerous radicles, and leaves entire, and smooth on both surfaces. It was in flower at the time, June 18, 1846. Without considering whether Hahnemann allowed these two kinds of rhus to be used indiscriminately, or what proportion, if any, of his symptoms, mi^ht have been from the radicans proper, it is a sufficient reason for publishing sepa- rately the above symptoms of this American vine, that the botanical differences. between the two plants afford ground for at least a suspicion of a difference in their medical properties It would be incompatible with the strictness of ho- moeopathic science, to rely solely on botanical analogy, or on a general corres- pondence between the effects. Moreover, in these provings, the radicans has evinced great power, and several properties not hitherto discovered in the toxi. codendron. Jahr evidently considers his toxicodendron symptoms as obtained from the toxicodendron proper. He remarks in his Pharmacopoeia, that " many authors agree in saying, that the Rhus radicans has absolutely the same pro- perties as the Rhus toxicodendron ; but as this assertion, true as to the general facts, is not sufficiently proved as to ihe details which homoeopathy requires, ire, must be careful not to mistake the two plants." He alludes to " the leaves of the Rhus tox." as the kind to be collected " for homoeopathic use." This— though also an American plant—appears to be more generally known in Europe than the radicans, as it is said to have been long since introduced and cultivated as an ornamental shrub, and to have been the kind of rhus most generally used in medicine. 207. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. RHUS TOX.—Poison Oak.—Hahnemann's Mat. Med, IV. Compare with—Am. carb., Am., Ars.. Bell., Bry., Calc, Caust., Chin., Clem., Cocc, Coff., Con., Dulc, Lach., Led., Lye, Nitr. ac, Nux v., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Plat., Puis., Ranunc, RhorL, Samb., Sep., Sil.. Sulph., Vera!., Zinc.—Rhus tox. is particularly suitable after Arn., Bry., Calc. c, Con., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Puis., Sulph. Antidotes.—Bry., Camph., Coff., Sulph. — Rhus tox. antidotes Bry., Ranunc, Rhodod., Tart. stib. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, Rhus tox. has been successfully employed in the following affections : Catarrhal affections from exposing the perspiring skin to wet.—Bad consequences from getting wet by a. sudden shower of rain, or from bathing in cold water.—Rheumatic and arthritic affections with and with- out swelling.—Acute rheumatism.—Arthritic pains in the limbs.—Bad effects from contusions, straining of tendons and ligaments, straining and distorting of single muscles.—Straining of tendons, even if attended with swelling and great pain of the affected parts.—Spavin of horses, in blood-spavin, dry or bone- spavin, particularly in the first stage with swelling of the hip-joint, increased RHUS TOXICODENDRON, 673 feeling of warmth.—Secondary syphilis.?—Hydrargyrosis.—Tophus.—Pains as if bruised, in single parts, or sensation as if the flesh had been detached by blows or were rubbed to and fro over the bones.—Paralysis of the extremities.—Opis- thotonos.—Chorea sancti Viti.—Hemiplegia after apoplexy (in conjunction with Cocc).—Scarlet-rash with intense fever: Rhus is said to abbreviate the course of the disease (Kreusler ; Trinks, on the contrary, observes that he has never seen Rhus have that effect; in one case, where the disease had passed into the stupid stage, the typhoid symptoms were removed by Rhus, after which the fever went through its ordinary course).^-Erysipelas neonatorum (alternation with Bell.; Trinks pronounces the use of Bell, unnecessary).—Scarlatina miliaris, with dark redness of the skin which was covered with innumerable Vesicles containing a yellowish moisture; the skin felt as if covered with a viscous liquid, and looked as if handfuls of mustard-seed had been thrown on it, attended with burning beat, great thirst, sopor, starting as if in affright, restless- ness, painful, ineffectual desire to urinate, constipation.—Erysipelas erraticum of a child.—Erysipelas pustulosum.—Erysipelas bullosum faciei.—Erysipelas bullosum of the face and head.—Erysipelas bullosum of the face with telangiec- tasia.—-Erysipelas bullosum breve et fugax with anasarca.—Carbuncle.—Malig- nant blister: inflammatory redness and swelling with increasing burning and stinging pains, after which blisters are formed, or one large blister containing a yellow substance $ in a few days, the blister becomes dark and blackish, and leaves deeply-penetrating gray-looking ulcers.—Morbus maculosus Werlhofii and purpura haemorrhagica.—Urticaria.—Urticaria with burning itching.— Variola.—Burning-itching eruptions with erysipelatous inflammation of the parts, with formation of pustules, which are at first filled with lymph, afterwards become yellow, run into each other and form scurfs.—Herpes on the forearms and dorsum of the hands: itching burning under the light-yellow scurfs which rest upon a rose-coloured, elevated, prominent base.—Eruption consisting of vesicles which afterwards form crusts, attended with burning and swelling on the hands, forearms, feet and legs.—Pustulous eruption on a rough base (on the thigh), with itching burning.—Chronic pemphigus.—Humid, suppurating, burn- ing-itching herpes, which afterwards are covered with crusts.—Cancerous erup- tion on the skin, with swelling of the parts and burning-itching pain.—Warts. —Leucophlegmasia after scarlatina.—Quotidian fever, the paroxysm setting in at night, with violent trembling of the heart, oppression, crampy feeling and throbbing in the praecordia.—Double-tertian fever.—Tertian with urticaria.— Phlebitis.—Typhus gastricus.—Typhus versatihs after the cholera.—Typhus versatilis when on the point of passing into the stupid stage.—Idiopathic typhus. —Catarrhal typhus.—Typhus with violent tearing pains in the limbs.—Epidemic typhus.—Hospital typhus.—Abdominal typhus.—Abdominal typhus in every stage of the disease : heat in the head, drawing and stiffness in the nape of the neck and back with sticking, diarrhoea followed by griping; white tongue, dispo- sition to vomit or mucous vomiting, vertigo, dulness of the head; at a later period copious watery stools of which the patient is not conscious, bleeding at the nose and petechia.—Chronic petechia? with great prostration of strength in feeble individuals—Nervous vertigo, particularly in old people.—Nervous apo- plexy of old people, after Arn. and Phosph.).—Sanguineous apoplexy (recom- mended by Dr. Schubert!!).—Hemiplegia. Paralysis and apoplexy.—Incipi- ent paralysis of the upper and lower extremisies.—Cephalalgia.—Hemicrania with violent ophthalmia.—Hemicrania, the pain being tearing-sticking, with dulness of the head.—Periodical aching in the occiput, excited by chagrin or exercise in the open air.—Acute hydrocephalus.—Rheumatic, inflammatory cerebral affections of children.—Bloody tumor of neonatorum.—Moist tinea vol. u. 43 674 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. capitis.—Dry herpes on the head.—Traumatic ophthalmia.—Ophthalmia neona- torum (in a child six months old!!), with swelling of the eyelids and interstitial distention of the conjunctiva.—Ophthalmia neonatorum with great swelling, red- ness and profuse secretion of mucus from the lids, in the case of a scrofulous child. —Inflammation of the eyes and lids, lachrymation, suppuration of the eyes, and oedematous swelling of the parts around.—Scrofulous ophthalmia.—Sorofulous ophthalmia with phlyctenae and tinea favosa.—Scrofulous ophthalmia with photo- phobia.—Adventitious growths of the cornea.—Amaurosis.—Otalgia.—Parotitis. —Epidemic parotitis.—Parotitis after scarlatina.—Chronic swelling and indura- tion of the parotid gland, where new inflammatory symptoms and swellings are, from time to time, perceived.—Humid herpes in the face.—Red, dry herpes of the face, going and coming, with a smooth clear skin underneath.—Herpes of the face with dry crusts and scales on a humid base, and the surrounding parts being likewise moist (Rhus alternated with Ranunc. bulb, and Graph.).—Crusta lactea. —Crusta serpiginosa.—Pimple-shaped, crusty eruptions in the face.—Acne rosacea on the forehead, nose, and around the mouth.—Nocturnal epistaxis.— Rheumatic and arthritic toothache with sore pain, particularly when the pains are tearing or aggravated by warmth.—Nightly tearing pains in the teeth.— Tearing-sticking pains in sound and decayed teeth, communicating to the ad- joining parts. Foetid smell from decayed teeth.—Enteritis and peritonitis.?— Incarcerated hernia with typhoid inflammatory condition, paralytic condition of the intestinal canal and tympanitis.—Volvulus.?—Soft diarrhceic stool mixed with mucus and blood.—Nocturnal diarrhoea with violent cohc.—Diarrhoea, even with bloody evacuation and violent colic.—Mucous and bloody dysentery.— Dysentery with nocturnal involuntary. evacuations.—Incontinence of urine, particularly in dysentery.—Incontinence of urine with paralytic affection of the inferior extremities, in the case of a pregnant female.—(Edema of the pre- puce in children.—Erysipelas of the scrotum, in the case of a new-born infant. —Suppression of the menses from getting wet suddenly. Menostasia.?—Puer- peral fever, particularly when the nerves of the female are irritated, or when the symptoms are aggravated by a little chagrin, or when such a cause brings on bloody and generally coagulated lochia after the blood had ceased to appear. (According to Trinks, all the important indications for the use of Rhus tox. in puerperal fever are entirely omitted in the above recommendation.)—Violent sneezing after the influenza.—Glanders of horses.—Cough with expectoration of bright-red blood. Violent dry cough racking the whole body, particularly vio- lent at night, with hoarseness, difficult breathing, loss of smell, and taste.— Bloody cough with tightness of the chest, stitches in the chest, erysipelatous swelling of the dorsum of the right hand, causing a burning pain, and ulcers arising from a blister.—Catarrh of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, oesophagus and bronchia, with expectoration of mucus.—Typhoid pneumonia: burning heat with starting as if in affright, bland delirium, little sleep, starting up from the bed, brownish, parched, rough, dry tongue, difficulty of speech, diffi- cult expectoration, constant stitches with anxious oppression of the chest, which ifl particularly felt when in an inconvenient position ; Rhus is particularly indicated in the erysipelatous form of typhoid pneumonia, less in the venous, the former of which is frequently accompanied with loss of voice.—Inflammatory affections of the chest, with fever and typhoid symptoms.—Sticking and tensive pains in the outer and inner parts of the side of the chest, with trembling and beating of the heart, creeping and feeling of lameness in the left arm.—Affections of the heart: valvular diseases with consequent derangement of the functions of the heart, particularly when the valves are insufficient and the auricles contracted. __Chronic rheumatic pains : pain in the small of the back with tearing pains in RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 675 both feet, proceeding from the lumbar region, aggravated by rest and the warmth of the bed, relieved by motion, with coldness and a feeling of numbness of the left foot.—Painful bony swelling in the small of the back, with dislocation and curvature of the vertebrae, tonic spasm of the posterior cervical muscles, paralysis of the feet (reported by Dr. Aegidi. Trinks ridicules this by calling it a very miraculous cure !!).—Rheumatic pains in the deltoid muscle of the right arm without fever, with feeling of stiffness, inability to move the arm to the head, tearing pains in the side of the neck and stiffness, most violent at night.—Intolerable tingling with violent throbbing and hammering pains in the arms, extending to the occiput and temple, aggravated by rest.—Paralysis of the arm, with coldness and insensibility, in consequence of cerebral apoplexy.— Inflammation and ichorous suppuration of the hands after external injury.— Warts on the hands and fingers, in many cases.—Coxalgia scrophulosa : limping. with intense pain in the hip-joint, which is increased by pressing on the trochanter major and alternates with pain in the knee, attended with shortening of the leg.— Coxarthrocace in the first stage, also in the second stage.—Spontaneous luxation, with formation of abscess in the groin.—Ischias (in conjunction with Sulph.).— Tearing and sticking in the feet, violent during rest and when touching the parts, with febrile motion.—Stiffness and stitches in the knee-joint when moving the limb, in consequence of a dislocation of the patella.—Inflammation and swelling, tearing-sticking pains and ichorous suppuration of the right knee-joint, with fever, sleeplessness, etc.—Painless paralysis of the feet in the case of a man whom Hahnemann had treated unsuccessfully for three years; he took the tincture of Rhus tox. in increasing doses, and took four ounces of the drug, until his cure was completed, without experiencing any bad effects whatsoever from the medicine.—Painless paralysis of both feet with inability to move them, to walk or to stand, in the case of a girl of 14 years; the girl was entirely cured by consuming two ounces of the tincture in increasing doses, and has been perfectly well for the last two years.—Paralysis of the feet from a fall on the back.— Pains, as if sprained, in the hip, knee and tarsal joints.—Acute rheumatism of the knees, with exudation.—Erysipelas pustulosum of the legs.—Gangrenous ulcers at the roots of the toes, with burning-itching vesicular eruption over the whole body, with febrile motions.—Chilblains.—Rhus may be employed exter- nally to ccchymozed parts, to chronic exudations, particularly in the knee-joints and synovial membranes, and to the morbid growths occasioned in those parts by external violence. NOTE BY DR. NEIDHARD. The disease in which I have most frequently made use of Rhus, is rheumatism characterized by the following symptoms: it is a form of rheumatism which ia most common in our climate : rigidity, paralytic weakness in the joints, with stinging pain along the tendons and muscles. Swelling and redness on or near the joints. Rheumatism of the hip-joint and wrist seems to be most effectually controlled by its action. The greatest rigidity and pain is experienced ON FIRST MOVING THE JOINTS AFTER REST, AND ON WAKING UP IN THE MORN- ING. After the joints are moved for a while, the pain is lessened. This symp- tom is mentioned by Jahr. Its paramount importance has been evidenced to me by numerous cures. Jahr lays, however, more stress on the symptoms aggravated by rest. More than 60 cases might be detailed in this place, where rheumatic affections, characterized by the above symptoms, were removed in the shortest time by Rhus tox., 3 to 30. In several of these cases other homoeo- pathic remedies had been prescribed in vain. G7G RHUS TOXICODENDRON. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Impatient and vexed about every trifle; she does not like to be spoken to often. Out of humour. Averse to every kind of work, even ever so little. Her ailments are excited or increased by the slightest annoy- ance, for instance, discharge of lumps of blood after the menses had ceased, etc. Sad ; weeps without knowing why.—Involuntary weeping without feeling in a weeping mood, with rumbling in the abdomen. Desponding; he would like to weep. *Sadness, inducing a love of solitude.—Melancholy and anxious as if she apprehended a misfortune, or as if she were alone, in dead solitude and silence, or as if she had taken leave of a friend, worst in the room, relieved by walking in the open air.—Dryness in the throat, with fits of frightful anxiety and mental uneasiness. Anxious and tremulous (from 10th to 27th day). Debility, with anxiety as if he would die, more after than before midnight. Desires to die, without feeling sad. Dread of men during her despondency.—Anxiety: she had to hold on to something when sitting, because she thought she could not sit unsupported, on account of the pain (bruised and drawing sensation in the limbs). Anguish of heart, more in the afternoon than forenoon; she felt so anxious half the night that she did not sleep, and sweated all the time. Inter- nal uneasiness, which prevented her from sitting still; she had to move to and fro on her chair, all her limbs being in a state of perpetual motion. Restless mood, anxiety and apprehensiveness, accompanied with constant paroxysms of sudden and painful uneasiness about the heart (in the pit of the stomach), and heavy breathing. Hl-humoured, desponding.—Full of sad thoughts, anxious and fearful, which induce debility, and oblige her to lie down for hours, to gather strength. *He imagines that an enemy means to poison him. °Dread of the fu- ture and want of confidence in himself, with anxious apprehension on account of his children and business. °When on the point of falling asleep, he starts in affright about a trifle, as if it would cause him the greatest misfortune. Inex- pressible anguish, with pressure at the heart and tearing in the small of the hack. She was unable to sleep from three o'clock in the morning; she rose anxious, rest- less, and debilitated, and trembled constantly, especially in the knees (with sweat on the back). During her anxiety she feels a confused movement under her chest, oppressing her so much that she breathes heavily and deeply, which gives her relief; the pulse is alternately slow and fast.* Anxiety and apprehensiveness at twilight, towards evening, as if he ought to kill himself, for one hour. She was assailed with sad thoughts, which gave her fear and made her tremble. She could not dispel her disagreeable thoughts. Sensoriunii—He has a perfect control over his ideas, and is able to pursue any train of ideas at his pleasure, without being disturbed with intercurrent thoughts, with calm, slow breathing.f Absence of mind, as if absorbed in thought, nevertheless there is an absence of ideas. Absence of mind as from swimming of the eyes, with frequent disappearance of the objects. Absence of mind: for instance, if he intends writing 12, he puts down one and forgets putting down 2, or, if he holds anything in his hands, he has to think of what the thing really is. Absence of mind during a walk after dinner.—*Mental derangement, he fancies that he has to die. °Illusions of the fancy and visions. ■°Delirium, also chattering delirium.—^Languor of the mind, is unable to hold an idea, feels almost stupid. Thinking and talking are difficult for him, or are repugnant to him. Slow train of ideas.—Is unable to recollect the things which have just past. Finds it difficult to recollect things, even those which t Curative effect. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 677 are most familiar; his recollections are very clear when he has no feverish chil- liness.— Weakness of the head : on turning the head she is without conscious- ness, and, after stooping, she is unable to raise her head again. When sitting, he feels stupid as if intoxicated; on rising from his seat he feels giddy as if he would fall forwards or backwards. The head is gloomy and stupid. Confusion of the head. Stupefaction and weakness of the head.—Dulness of the head, as if intoxicated, early in the morning. Painful dulness of the head, as if stupified, with humming in the head. Dulness of the head, with indisposition to attend to any literary labour. Violent vertigo when lying down, with fear that he will die. Vertigo; everything turned with her, especially when standing or walking, also (but less) when sitting, not at all when lying. ReeUng and tottering sensation in the body, without feeling giddy in the head. Sensation, when walking in the open air, as if something were turning in the head, still he does not feel giddy. Giddy when walking, as if she would fall forward. *Dizzy when rising from bed; he is scarcely able to keep himself on his legs. When walking, he feels so dizzy that he scarcely sees the men who are standing before him.—Vertigo after walking or stooping, not otherwise. Head.—Aching through the forehead. Aching in the occiput, going off by bending the head backward. °Aching in the occipital protuberances, as if from derangement of the stomach. °Headache immediately after a meal. °Headache from drinking beer. Headache in the forehead on moving the arms, as if pres- sure were made with a dull point. Headache on ascending an eminence, as if her head would become deranged ; she feels every step she takes, in her head. °Headache obliging him to lie down, coming on again after the least chagrin and the least exercise in the open air. Reeling, with headache affecting the whole head; when writing he lost his thoughts and memory, and wa3 unable to collect himself. Obtuse feeling on the head, pressure in the right temple, and a pressure directly over and behind the right orbit, as from a weight. Headache as if the eyes would be pressed out of their sockets, with yawning and chilliness, without thirst.—When stooping he feels as if he could not raise himself again; the nape of the neck feels embarrassed; when stooping he feels as if a quantity of blood were rushing to his brain. Constant heaviness in the head; when stoop- ing he feels as if a weight were settling down the forehead, and would draw the head down, the face becoming hot at the same time. Headache behind the left eye, with pressure from behind forward. The head feels so heavy that she has to hold it straight in order to diminish the lead which is pressing down the fore- head. The head feels heavy and gloomy on turning the eyes: the eyeball itself is painful. Painful heaviness in the temples, pressing from above downward.— Headache as if the brain were compressed from temple to temple.—Heat in the head, with dry lips and thirst, followed by a violent headache, as if the forehead would be pressed asunder, with great heaviness in the forehead, especially when coming into the room out of the open air, or on waking from the .siesta; the headache disappears as soon as she lies down in the evening.—Burning pressure- in the region of the right temporal bone. Pressure i 1 the right temple, radi- ating from below upward, in the evening in bed, worst during rest; in order to be relieved he had now to sit down, then to leave his bed.—Tearing in the head to and fro, worse when stooping; from five o'clock in the afternoon until bed- time. Headache, with drawing in the occiput and temples, with pressure in the eyes ; it is so violent early in the morning that be has to leave his bed. Tear- ing in the upper part of the head, shortly a ter a meal: at the same place the head feels sore to the touch; sometimes the whole head is affected by the pain. On waking and opening his eyes he is attacked with a violent headache, first in the forehead behind the eyes, as if the brain would be torn to pieces, as after an 678 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. intoxication by brandy, and made worse by moving the eyes; afterwards in the occiput, as if the cerebellum were bruised; a pressing from within outward is felt in the temples.—Headache in the left side and occiput, as if the parts were sore, (extending as far as the teeth). Occasional shaking sensation in the brain. Wavering sensation in the brain, when walking. Sensation when shaking the head, as if the brain were loose and were striking against the skull.—Stitches in the head from within outwards A few fine violent stitches in the right temple from without inward. Single stitch in the head, above the eye, from within outward, while eating, and continuing for four minutes; followed by nausea and fulness ; a warm sensation ascending into the head. °Stitches day and night, extending to the ears, the root of the nose and the malar bones, with painfulness of the teeth. Fine beating in the right side of the head.—Burning in the head and a fine beating or pecking headache. Burning pain, sometimes in the occiput, sometimes in the forehead. Burning-creeping sensation in the forehead. He feels the pulse in the occiput. Her head feels too full and heavy (with ringing in the ears), occasionally accompanied with stitches in the left temple from with- in outward.—Painful creeping in the head, a sort of digging as with a needle, a fine prickling digging. A sort of creeping headache after a walk in the open air. Single jerks in the occiput, in the afternoon. Scalp.—Creeping in one part of the occiput, in the afternoon, as if an abscess would form. Creeping in the scalp. Pain contracting the scalp as if she were pulled by the hair; nevertheless, the head is not painful to the touch. The hairy scalp is very painful to the touch, and when moving the hairs back- wards. The head is painful to the touch, like a boil. —Corrosive itching of the hairy scalp of the forehead, face, and around the mouth; rash-like pimples make their appearance.—Pressure and drawing in the left side of the hairy scalp from below upward.—Tearing pain in the right temple. Simple tearing across the hairy scalp, externally. Creeping and crawling over the forehead and nose when sitting erect, going off on stooping.—Swelling of the head, attended with swell- ing of the face, neck, and even chest.—°Tinea capitis. °Periodical tinea capi- tis, every year. ° Tinea capitis, eating away the hair, with nightly itching and pus, sometimes of a greenish colour or with crusts. °Small, soft tubercles on the hairy scalp. Eyes.—*The eyeball feels sore when turning the eye or when pressing upon it; he is scarcely able to turn the eye. Bruised pain in the orbital bone.— Pressure in the eye as if from dust. Painful pressure in the eyes.—Pressure in the eye, when exerting the sight. Pressure in the left eye, as if inflamed; the internal canthus is red. and filled with gum in the evening. Aching and contrac- tive pain in the eyes, evening. Burning pressure in the eye, from evening until morning; going off in the morning after rising. In the morning the sclerotica is red, with a burning pressure in the eye; the eyes felt as if protruding from their sockets. — Biting in the inner surface of the lower eyelids. In the cold air the eyelids are made sore by saltish, acrid tears. The eyelids feel dry, especially in the inner canthus. In the evening the eyelids feel heavy, stiff and rigid, as if paralyzed, and as if he found it difficult to move the lids.—Twitching and con- tractive sensation in the lids. Cutting in the eyes, with difficulty of opening the lids, in the morning. Stitches under the eye. —°Burning of the eyes.—Feeling of swelling in the inner canthus of the right eye.—Feeling of swelling on the up. per lid, with pressure, going off in the open air.—Ophthalmia, °arthritic, °scrofu- lous, -with swelling, closing the eyes.—* Inflammation of the lids. Redness of the whites, early in the morning, with burning pressure and sensation as if the eyes would protrude. *Agglutination of the eyes, in the morning, they are red. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 679 * Swelling of the lids. Red, hard swelling, like a stye, on the lower lid of the left eye, towards the inner canthus, with an itching pain, for six days. The eye- lids are dry and are constantly closed as if he were drowsy, in the evening. Twitching and feeling of dryness in the eyelids, during a febrile chill. Sensation as if the right inner canthus were swollen. Biting sensation in the right eye, as from an acid.—*Lachrymation with burning pain in the evening. °Lachryma- tion with oedematous swelling around the eyes. Bleareyedness.—°Photophobia, in scrofulous persons.—The objects look pale. Sensation of a gauze before the eyes. "Incipient amaurosis. Ears.—Otalgia. Painful beating in the internal ear at night. Sudden drawing pain in the ear, as if a thread were drawn through it. Tearing behind the left ear. (Whizzing in the ear.) Piping in the ears, as of young mice. (Titillating creeping in the ears, as of something living; she had to insert her finger.) Tingling in the right ear, when walking. Two violent reports in the left ear in short succession, as if the tympanum were bursting, when on the point of going to sleep in taking the siesta, in a recumbent posture ; he started in af- fright at every report, but soon went to sleep again. Swelling of the ears and lobules. °Discharge of bloody pus, with hardness of hearing. *Parotitis, °also after scarlatina. lVose.—Tension under the right nostril. Sore feeling at the nostrils. Her- petic eruption around the mouth and nose; sometimes causing a darting and burning-itching pain. Feeling of hardness and swelling under the nose, going off when feeling the part. The tip of the nose is red and painful to the touch, as if it would ulcerate. Crusty eruption near the left wing of the nose and be- low the nose. Burning sensation below the left nostril, making the air which comes out feel hot; this symptom goes off in the open air. *Bleeding of the nose. * Frequent bleeding of the nose, almost only when stooping. *Bleeding of the nose, at night. Bleeding of the nose early in the morning. Bleeding of the nose on hawking.—Frequent and violent sneezing, almost spasmodic.— °Dryness of the nose. * Stoppage of the nose (worse in the room, relieved in the open air). Discharge of a quantity of mucus from'the nose, early after rising, without coryza. Face.—*Pale face. Sickly appearance, with sunken cheeks, blue margins around the eyes and pointed nose. The face is disfigured aed distorted, the left side looks shorter, the right side looks elongated. * Red face; °also with burn. ing heat, -or sweat. °Cold sweat on the face.—* Swelling of the face, particu- larly of the eyelids and lobules of the ears. Swelling of the face, occasioning a rigid feeling. Swelling of the face and hands, so violent that he was not able to open his eyes. Pale swelling with burning, closing of the lids and lachrymation, followed by an eruption of vesicles filled with a yellowish liquid, which burst; lastly, the swelling peeled off. Violent burning or itching of the swollen face, lids and lobules.—* Erysipelatous inflammation of the face. *Erysipelatous in- flammation of the face, with swelling, -also on the neck. * Vesicular erysipelas. "Erysipelatous inflammation of the face with tensive-aching sticking and burning tingling.—Drawing and tearing in the eyebrows and malar bones. Pressure and stirking in the region of the malar bone. Drawing through the left cheek, from the forehead into the jaw-bone, through muscles and teeth. Burning cramp in the right cheek, as if ulcerated, the skin of the cheek being hot and rough as if an eruption would make its appearance, obliging him to rise from bed, with much thirst. Pricking in the right cheek. Cutting at one point of the cheek, fol- lowed by itching and stinging, which goes off after scratching. Cutting con- tract ion in the right-cheek, or burning contraction with pressure in the upper molares.—°Chronic eruptions in the face, suppurating. ^Herpetic eruptions, 680 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. -also particularly around the mouth and nose, sometimes attended with twitch- ing and burning itching. Pustule in the fold of the cheek, with pricking when touched. Burning vesicles around the mouth and nostril. °Acne rosacea around the mouth and chin. ° Crusta lactea with thick crusts and secretion of a foetid, bloody ichor.—*The lips are dry and parched, covered with a reddish, brown cru3t °Black lips. Pinching point in the lower lip, early in the morn- ing, with sensation as if it were bleeding. Pimple on the lower lip, below the vermilion border, in the white skin. Clusters of pimples, which are filled with a watery fluid when first forming; they are near the corners of the mouth, on the border of the lower lip, feel sore when touched, and, when not touched, a smarting sensation, as if occasioned by salt, is experienced in them.—Pimples on the sides of the chin, the tips whereof become filled with pus; when touching them a pain is experienced in them as if a sharp edge were pressed into them, accompanied with a burning which is continuous. JaWS and Teeth,—Pain in the region of the articulation of the jaw, close to the ear, which feels like a cramp, during rest and whenmoving the parts ; the pain is diminished by a strong pressure on the articulation, and by eating warm things. Pain in the articulation of the jaw, as if bruised, or as if it would break, when moving it. Pain in the articulation of the jaws, as if they would become dislo- cated, during a spasmodic yawning in the evening. Cracking in the joint, when moving the jaw to and fro (in the morning). Cracking in the ear (in the articu- lation of the jaw) during every movement of the jaw. Sensation in the lower jaw, as if the gums were squeezed from both sides, with a sansation of de- caying flesh in the mouth. Aching and digging-up pain in the submaxillary gland, even when not moving it. Swelling of the submaxillary glands ; deg- lutition causes a pricking in the glands. Pressure in the outer gums of the lower molares, and at the same time on the shoulder, and in the region of the left clavicle. Dull pressure in the lower molares and near the shoulder in the left clavicle. Toothache in the right upper teeth, as if pulled into their cavities by the roots. Toothache in the lower molares; sharp pressure and a dull pain, with a musty smell in the mouth. Sensation between the right teeth, as if a tenacious body were between them. —Single dartings, in the evening, from the temple to both jaws and rows of teeth, debilitating him entirely, and accom- panied with a bruised pain in the left temple ; he yawned, but he was unable to go to sleep immediately, lest the pain should return. Slow sticking and at the same time darting pain in the cuspidatus, in the evening. Darting toothache at night, at ten o'clock; the dartings struck into the head, and were relieved by pressing on the parts with a cold hand. Darting in the nerves of the roots of the hollow teeth. Darting in the nerve of the tooth, from below upward, palli- ated by laying a cold hand on the part.—Cutting toothache, as when a wound is inflicted. Intolerable burning sore pain in the gums, as far as the roots of the molar teeth, at half-past two o'clock in the night; the pain obliges him to sit up in bed, with a feeling of heat in the body and especially about the head, with sweat on the forehead. Cutting beating pain in that portion of the palate where the teeth terminate, as if from ulceration; contact occasions a pricking as in an ulcer. cTearing toothache, at night, in all the teeth. °Tearing toothache, aggravated in the open air. "Rheumatic arthritic toothache, relived by warmth. —Pressure in the inner gums of the foreteeth, and in the periosteum of the teeth, shifting to and fro.—The teeth feel loose, with painful tingling in the teeth from time to time, as when a part goes to sleep. Painful tingling in the tooth, resembling a digging as with a needle; a fine prickling digging. The teeth are painful when chewing, as if they were elongated and loose; still they a-"e not painful when touched, and do not vacillate. Toothache (in the evening), RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 681 first in the hollow tooth, which became looser and elongated, afterwards also in the other teeth, in which partly a prickling, partly a creeping was experienced. The foreteeth are loose and feel painful when touched by warm or cold drink. Pain of the foreteeth, when touched by the tongue. Visible vacillation of the first two molar teeth, the two cuspidati, and the four lower incisores, with a creeping pain in the gums, also between the acts of mastication. Great loose- ness, vacillation of the lower four incisores ; the gums stand off from those teeth; th|y can be separated from the teeth, and touched without feeling any pain, except when the teeth themselves feel painful. Mouth.—"Foetid smell from decayed teeth. *Feeling of dryness ("or also dryness of the mouth with violent thirst, which is not even quenched by drink- ing). Accumulation of water in the mouth ; he has to spit frequently. Internal inclination to spit, as if he had much saliva in his mouth. The saliva flows out of his mouth, while taking a siesta in a silting posture. Salt mucus in the mouth, in the morning in bed. He has to spit out a quantity of saliva and mucus the whole day; at the same time something sour rises from the stomach into the mouth. "Nightly discharge of yellow or bloody saliva from the mouth. Frequent hawking of mucus in the morning. She hawks a good deal, only in the morning; the more she rinses her mouth, the more the mucus in her throat increases. The mucus on the tongue has a salt taste. *The tongue is not coaled, but very dry, which occasions a desire to drink. Feeling of dryness at the tip of the tongue (without any dryness being visible) ; he thinks that that is the cause of his thirst. "Parched, red or brown tongue. Sensation as if the tongue were covered with a skin. Thirst occasioned by a feeling of dryness in the mouth; it remains in spite of drinking, in the afternoon and after midnight. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Feeling of swelling in the throat, accompanied with a bruised pain, when talking or when keeping the throat quiet; when swallowing he feels a pain as from a swelling, with pressure, and accompanied with a stitch as if something pointed had been stuck in. Stitch when swallowing and yawning, as if she had swallowed a pin. Severe stitches in the throat, in the region of the epiglottis, dull at the commencement, and sharp at the termination; they are only felt between the acts of deglutition, and pass off while swallowing. Stinging in the throat during deglutition when the throat is dry, with pressure when the throat is moist. Appetite and Taste.—Sharp, bitter-sour taste in the mouth. Coppery taste in the mouth and a scraping sensation extending deep into the throat. Putrid taste in the mouth, early in the morning after waking and after a meal, without any bad smell from the mouth. Greasy taste in the mouth ; the food, however, has a natural taste. In the forenoon he has a taste in the mouth as of putrid meat; aliments, however, have a natural taste (the putrid taste did not return after a meal). Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth, she has to spit a good deal. Flat taste. *His mouth feels bitter the whole day; food too has a bitter taste. Bitterness in the mouth, which disappears after eating. Bread has a bitter taste, or tastes dry, rough and scraping. (Sour things taste bitter to her.) Sourish taste in the mouth after taking milk ^Complete loss of appetite -with much saliva in the mouth, tasting flat and slimy. No appetite in the palate and throat, with emptiness of the stomach and canine hunger, disappearing after sit- ting. Eats little, is satiated immediately, also with sensation as if the chest were weak, in consequence of the hunger. No appetite for tobacco, but no aversion to it. From time to time one feels a shuddering as from nausea over the whole body, without any sensation of chilliness. She has no appetite, but food has a natural taste; she has a putrid taste in the mouth after swallowing a mouthful. Reple- tion iu the region under the sternum, with a sensation as if the appetite had 682 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. gone for ever. * Complete loss of appetite for any kind of food ; he does not relish anything solid or fluid, nor tobacco. She ate without having any desire for food, although she relished her food. Although she relishes her food, yet she has no appetite for it, and her stomach always feels full. The breakfast will not go down, owing to a feeling of repletion.—Beating in the back part of the throat.— "Sensation as if something were detaching itself in the throat. "Violent burn- ing in the throat after drinking brandy. Feehng of roughness and soreness in the left tonsil when swallowing.—Every time he swallows liquid, part of it g$ts into the larynx as if the epiglottis were inactive or paralyzed, with a feeling of dryness in the back part of the throat. "Difficulty of swallowing solid food, as if the pharynx and oesophagus were contracted.—Feehng of dryness in the throat. * Dryness of the throat with thirst.—Tenacious mucus in the throat, which can be hawked up, but leaves a feeling of roughness. Frequent hawking of mucus, sometimes only in the morning, the worse the more she rinses her mouth. * Bread, and food generally, are repugnant to him. Aversion to meat and broth for several days.—Aversion to coffee. After drinking wine he feels full, detests the wine, with heaviness of the head.—Desire for cold milk, he swallows it greedily. Frequent sudden desire for dainty things.—Hunger early in the morning, with indifference to food at dinner, although he relishes his food. Hunger when sitting, with heaviness of the abdomen, which feels quite empty. —Canine hunger, with emptiness in the stomach and loss of appetite in the palate and throat, going off after sitting. A sort of canine hunger; nevertheless he has a sort of soap-taste in the mouth; everything he takes has a straw-taste and causes eructations; the appetite disappears after taking the least quantity of food, and he feels replete. Gastric Symptoms.—Creeping in the stomach and horrid eructations, which only abated in the recumbent posture, but returned whenever he raised himself. Empty eructations after eating or drinking. Violent empty eructations in the evening, followed immediately after by hiccough which had no taste of any kind. Frequent eructations, also tasting of the ingesta. Burning eructa- tions.—Giddy and faint shortly after a meal. Drawing toothache in a sound tooth, shortly after dinner. Anxiety in the abdomen with flatulence, mostly after a meal. Sudden weakness in the head and vertigo (when standing) as if he would fall forward. Headache immediately after a meal (tension in the whole sinciput). (Cough immediately after a meal.) Weary immediately after a meal. Excessive sleepiness immediately after a meal. Excessive dis- tention of the abdomen immediately after a meal. Repletion after a moderate meal, with strong appetite. Headache after drinking beer. Sensation of heat in the head after drinking beer. Shuddering, especially after a meal. Pressure at the stomach after a meal, for several hours, as if occasioned by indigestible food. Pinching in the epigastric region, after eating or drinking. Shuddering and nausea over the whole body, from time to time. Nausea after eating and drink- ing. Nausea and accumulation of saliva in the mouth after eating and after drinking coffee. Early after rising, he feels warm and qualmish as if he would vomit; the nausea disappears after lying down again. She frequently raises herself in the night in her sle«p, and gags as if she would vomit, but does not vomit. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth early in the morning, with a desire to vomit; still she feels hungry. He felt rmalmish and nauseated after rising from bed, as if in the chest. Nausea as if in the throat. Nausea in the chest with canine hunger; the nausea disappears after satisfying the hunger. Nausea in the stomach and qualmishness in the chest, which became worse when stoop- ing. Risings from the stomach, which became incarcerated in the right chest. Drawing with pressure, from below upward, in the left hypochondrium, with RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 683 anxiety and nausea in the chest. Nausea early in the morning after rising, with a sort of anguish, which gradually goes off in the open air. Nausea which was somewhat relieved after eating, but which returned again, with hunger without appetite.—"Waterbrash.—"Sudden vomiting when eating. Stomach.—*Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if swollen, impeding respi- ration (in the evening). Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if he had swal- lowed too large a morsel. Sensation as of a lump in the stomach, after a meal, particularly when standing. Frequent risings, in the evening, from the pit of the stomach to the throat-pit, almost arresting the breathing.—*Oppression in the stomach toward evening, as if the parts in the pit of the stomach were drawn together. Contractive pain on the right side toward the stomach. A sort of crampy feeling in the pit of the stomach, as if too full and tight.—* Violent throbbing below the pit of the stomach.—Stitches from the right side towards the stomach. Sticking pain with pressure in the region of the stomach (im- peding a deep inspiration). Sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. Simple sticking in the pit of the stomach, near the right hypochondrium. Pain in the stomach.—Painful pinching below the diaphragm, over the stomach ; afterwards the pinching is felt in the stomach itself. Pinching in the pit of the stomach, extending thence rapidly into the hypogastrium, where it is felt at a small place. "Ulcerative pain in the pit of the stomach. "Sensation in the stomach, when stooping or making a wrong step, as if something became detached.— Cold feel- ing in the stomach. Abdomen.—Pressing in the hypochondria from below upward, with anxiety as if death were approaching, when sitting bent.—"Violent colic, particularly at night, aggravated by eating and drinking, also with bloody stools. Colic: sen- sation as if a heavy lump were lying in the abdomen. No colic when lying down, but the abdomen is painful when sitting, as if pressed upon. Aching pain at a small spot in the abdomen, as if wind had become incarcerated, only when moving and turning the body considerably, for instance, when going up stairs ; not when feeling the part Pressing in the abdomen, as if the intestines were raised towards the heart, when sitting. A pressing in the left side below the ribs. Spasmodic pains in the right side of the abdomen, early in the morn- ing, when taking a little cold, accompanied with a moaning, desponding, disconso- late mood. Cutting in the abdomen, afterwards sticking in the right side of the abdomen. Cutting on the left side of the navel during an inspiration. Colic composed of cutting, tearing, and pinching, affecting the whole of the intestines, without much flatulence or distention of the abdomen, worse during motion, but gradually improving during rest. Cutting in the middle of the abdomen, before noon, at the same time she was frequently obliged to go to stool, the discharge looking natural; the pain abated by bending the body double; it increased by motion.—Burning in the abdomen and thirst.—Cramp-like drawing in the umbili- cal region. Drawing from the umbilicus to the pubis. Drawing pain in the left side of the abdomen during an inspiration.—Pinching in the umbilical region on the right side, with a chilly creeping over the upper arms. Pinching in the abdomen while sitting, with oppression ascending from below upward. Pinch- ing in the right side under the ribs, soon extending to the umbilical region, as if he had worms, when sitting. Pinching in the abdomen, in the fore noon, when walking in the open air, accompanied with incarcerated flatulence, which is not passed in sufficient quantity. An almost jerking pinching in differ- ent parts of the abdomen. Excessive pinching in the abdomen, during a natural evacuation. Distention of the abdomen in the umbilical region, with violent pinching.—Digging-up pain in the right side of the abdomen. Digging-up and writhing colic as if a worm were creeping about in the abdomen.—Shooting from 684 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. the umbilicus toward the region of the heart, as if an arrow were flying through the part, repeated at every beat of the pulse.—Sticking above the umbilicus.— Contusive pain below the umbilicus.—When walking, the interior of the abdomen feels lax, and he feels a shaking in it at every step.—Visible contraction in the middle of the abdomen, across the umbilicus, the abdomen feeling hard, distended and rigid along that line. Contraction and pain in the abdomen, obliging her to walk bent.—"Sensation as if something would tear off in the abdomen.— *Excessive distention of the abdomen after a meal. Distention of the umbilical region with flatulence, after a meal. * Painful distention, with colic, after a meal, as from incarcerated flatulence. Distention the whole day, with fermentation. Sensation when raising himself after stooping, as if the abdomen were bloated, with a warm feeling in the chest.—Cracking and rumbling in the abdomen, with shocks in the direction of the mons veneris. Fulness and fermentation in the abdomen, with hunger, all passing off after a meal. The flatulence occasions a jerking in the abdomen. Easy emission of a quantity of wind, which seems to form in the rectum. Frequent flatulence in the abdomen, which he does not pass, in the evening.—Rumbling flatulence and pinching in the abdomen, with- out any flatulence being emitted.—Early in the morning, after rising, the abdo- men was affected with an ulcerative pain when extending the body, aud the ab- dominal integuments felt as if too short. Drawing sensation, with pressure in the right side of the abdomen, and a feeling in the abdominal integuments, when sitting, as if covered with cobweb. "Scarlet redness of the abdomen.—Pre.-sing on the mons veneris. Sensation in the mons veneris, as if distended, when walking in the open air.—Drawing, across the region of the abdominal ring, when sitting.—Tension, with sticking in the left groin.—Sensation in the left groin, as if one portion of the contents (hernia) had protruded. Pressure in the right groin as if hernia would come on. Heaviness in the left groin, when walking, as if a tumor were hanging down. Pressure in the right groin, from within outward, accompanied with canine hunger and rumbling in the abdomen. Con- traction in the groin.—Pain in the inguinal glands, at night, in bed, on turn ing, or when moving, or raising himself.—Red, sore places, from blisters that burst. StOOl.—"Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Frequent urging with little stool. * Constant tenesmus, with nausea and tearing in the intestines; the urg- ing sometimes was ineffectual, sometimes resulted merely in a watery discharge. Severe pinching and digging-up in the abdomen, accompanied with sudden ex- pulsion of frequent stools, mingled with flatulence, excessively foetid, first thick. afterwards watery. The colic abates after the evacuation, but soon returns again with a renewed desire for stool. Diarrhoea, several stools an hour, for 60 hours. *Stools, mixed with blood. *Red and yellow stool, mixed with mucus, jelly-like and fluid. Sudden, loose, yellow, frothy stools, without almost any smell, and without being preceded by colic; the first drops are passed involun- tarily, as if the sphincter were paralyzed. Coherent, but loose, white-yellowish stools. Four natural stools at short intervals (after a few hours). Seven diarrhoeic stools, like jelly, streaked, white and yellow, without colic. Three or four watery stools, with a quantity of flatulence. Diarrhoea. (Several loose stools a day, followed by tenesmus.) Diarrhoea; every evacuation being preceded by pinching. *Stirred-up stool. *Stirrcd diarrhoeic stool. "Nightly diarrhoea with colic, disappearing after stool, or with headache and pains in all the limbs.— *Involuntary stool, "also at night. (White stool, neither too loose nor too hard.)—Burning in the rectum before every stool. The child cries previous to stool; it is quiet after the evacuation.—Sore, blind hsemorrhoids, protru- ding after every stool. Soreness in the anus between the stools. Labour-hke RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 685 drawing toward the uterus, when standing. Drawing in the back from above down- ward, with tension and pressing in the rectum, as if everything would come out there. Creeping in the rectum as of ascarides (after a few hours.) Itching, deep in the rectum. Itching pain in the anus, as if occasioned by haemorrhoids. Urinary Organs.—"Retention of urine. "Dysuria with discharge of drops of bloody urine, attended with tenesmus.—"Diminished urination, in spite of drink- ing. He has to urinate every minute in day-time. Profuse emission of urine. He urinates three times at night.—"Incontinence of urine, particularly during rest when it is passed involuntarily. Hot urine. Dark urine. The urine is turbid while being emitted. Dark urine, which soon becomes turbid. White, turbid urine, which became more so as the emission continued, so that the last drops looked like flocks. The urine looks hke water, with a snow-white sediment.— (The stream of the urine was double.)—Burning pain in the region of the root of the urethra, during micturition. Stitches in the bladder on both sides, when a desire to urinate is coming on.—He eructates whenever he urinates.—Pricking in the fore part of the urethra during and after micturition, more during rest. Male Genital Organs.—Rigidity and swelling of the parts. Tympanitic swelling of the scrotum, with much itching, Horrid eruption on the genital or- gans, closing of the urethra by swelling. Humid eruption on the scrotum, and swelling of the prepuce and glans. Swelling of the glans, early in the morning when rising, with simple pain when touching it, accompanied with biting in the urethra, during and after micturition. Humid vesicle on the glans. Blister on the glans, which bursts. Stinging itching of the inner surface of the prepuce. Red spots on the inner side of the prepuce, near the fraenulum. Swelling of the prepuce, close to where it unites with the glans. The prepuce is darker than usual. Spots near the framulum.—The scrotum feels like the skin of a hog. The scrotum becomes thicker and harder, with intolerable itching, particularly towards the perinaeum. Microscopic rash on the scrotum, with moisture on the scrotum where it touches the thigh, and in the region of the perinaeum. Dark scarlet-redness proceeding from the scrotum, and forming streaks in the middle of the thighs—Violent erections towards morning, with frequent desire to urinate. Irresistible desire for emission. Profuse nocturnal emissions. Female Sexual Organs.—Violent labour pains, as if the menses would sud- denly make their appearance, in the hypogastrium (immediately, for four hours). Sticking in the vagina, not increased by contact. Pain in the vagina as if sore, in the evening, shortly after touching it. Sore pain in the vagina in the evening, without touching it, two evenings in succession.—Discharge of blood from the womb (menses). Some discharge of blood from the womb, without pain, in a pregnant female, about new moon. In a female somewhat advanced in years the menses stopped suddenly on the third day, without another drop of blood.— 0Metrorrhagia, with coagula of blood and labour-like pains.—"The lochia again became bloody.? Puerperal fever.? Phlegmasia alba dolens.? Ailments from sup- pression of the milk, or from weaning.?—Itching of the breast, particularly in the evening in bed (of the nipples). Vanishing of the milk "also with burning heat over the whole body. The menses, which had ceased for a long time, re-appear profusely. The menstrual discharge causes a violent biting pain in the pudendum. "Vitiated and diminished discharge of lochia, with shoot- ings upwards in the vagina, with a bursting feeling in the head, especially from the fourth to the seventh day after delivery.—"Discharge of offensive black water from the vagina two weeks after delivery. "Repeated attacks of milk leg. "Heavy numb pain four weeks after delivery, along the bones of the right leg, from the knee to the foot, as if the leg had been asleep.—Painful distention of the mammae from the first flow of milk after delivery.—"Soreness and swelling of the mammae from cold or external violence during lactation.—Rhus 30, in al- 686 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. ternation with Graph. 30, other symptoms agreeing, has been very successful in the treatment of inflammation of the mammae during lactation. Larynx and Trachea.—Hoarseness deep in the trachea. Scraping, rough feeling in the larynx, causing hoarseness. Roughness in the throat and trachea, as if the chest were raw and sore. Ascension of a hot vapour from the throat (the lungs). Sensation in the throat-pit as if the trachea were stopped up and con- stricted, passing off for a short time only by eating and drinking. Frequent tickling in the air-passages, as if he would cough, impeding respiration, and going off after moderate exercise.—°Grippe.—Sensation of coldness in the throat during an expiration, as if a cold breath were rushing out. Roughness of the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough. Cough and coryza, with expecto- ration. Short, anxious, painful cough, frequently waking him before midnight, with very short breathing. Titillating cough especially in the evening, causing dryness in the throat. Cough, with a disagreeable tension across the che3t. Panting cough, with concussion in the head. The cough racks the whole chest, as if every part in the chest were loose. Pain in the stomach when coughing. (Vomiting of the ingesta when coughing, in the evening, "also in bed and par- ticularly when lying on the back.) Sweat all over when coughing. When coughing she feels a taste of blood in her mouth, without, however, coughing up any blood. Stitches in the left side of the chest when coughing. The cough torments him a good deal at night. Dry cough before midnight, which occa- sioned a sticking in one of the loins. Cough at three o'clock in the morning, worst after waking. Cough especially violent after waking. (Cough, especially in the morning, with black, viscid expectoration.) "Cough with expectoration of bright-red blood and qualmish feeling in the chest. "Chronic haemoptoe. Chest.—Shortness of breath, particularly at stool, or in the evening, with tension across the chest and weakness in all the limbs. The breathing becomes heavy after a short walk.—* Tightness of breath - from nausea under the short ribs, "or also from pressure and painfulness in the pit of the stomach.—*Oppres- sion of the chest. Oppression of the chest as after violent weeping. Nightly oppression of the chest, with sticking, particularly in taking breath. *Anxious oppression as if she were unable to draw breath. "Oppression as if the breath stopped in the pit of the stomach. Is unable to sit, has to take deep breath as if she would suffocate, particularly after a meal. Constriction of the chest, he feels qualmish.— Weakness of the chest, with difficulty of speech, after a walk in the open air.—Fulness in the chest, with hunger without appetite. Pressing and pushing in the left chest, not far from the pit of the stomach, when sitting bent.—Pain of the chest, early in bed, as if the sternum would be pressed in, going off after rising. Contractive sensation in the sternum, with sticking jerks in the part.—"Stitch in the chest when sneezing and drawing breath. Frequent sticking in the side, particularly during a walk in the open air. Sticking in the left side, when talking and drawing deep breath, or in the evening until midnight. Deep stitch on both sides of the sternum, when sitting bent. Violent pulsative stitches over the heart, obliging him to cry out, in the evening, in bed.—Boring in the left side, in the evening, in bed.—Disagreeable feeling of heat in the chest, during a walk in the open air.—Violent palpitation of the heart, when sitting still, so' that the body was moved by every beat. Weakness of the heart, like tremor. "Sticking in the region of the heart, with painful lameness and numbness of the left arm.—Drawing on the left chest, from above downwards, externally. Lancination from the left chest to the left side of the abdomen (in the evening). Boring sticking in one of the lower ribs when standing. Numb feel- ing in the chest, (and in the upper molares). Swelling and painfulness of the left side, from the axilla below the ribs. Pimples on the right chest, to the middle of the back; they feel sore and excoriated, with fine stitches from within outwards. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 687 Back.—When sitting, the small of the back feels painful, as after stooping and bending the back. *Pain in tlie small of the back, as if bruised, when lying on it quietly, or when sitting still; he does not feel the pain when mov- ing about; ° it is relieved by lying on a hard couch. Stitching jerks in the small of the back (when walking). Stiffness of the small of the back, painful during motion. Pain in the small of the back, when touching the parts, as if the flesh had been beaten loose. (When walking or standing he feels a sort of tearing from the hip to the knee.) When lying on one side, his hip aches, and when lying on the back, the small of the back aches. When standing or bend- ing backwards, he feels a pressure in the small of the back as with a sharp edge. Burning point in the small of the back, towards the right side. Heaviness and pressure in the small of the back, as if a blow had been received upon it, when sitting. Drawing-darting sticking, as with a nail, in the os coccygis. "Painful bony swelling in the small of the back.—Sticking in the back when stooping (evening). Stitches in the back, with pressure, more when walking than when sitting; also when stooping, but more when raising himself again. Drawing pain in the back in the evening; he had to sit straight. Drawing pain in the back when sitting, disappearing when walking. Constrictive pain in the mus- cles of the back when sitting, diminished by leaning backward, increased by bending forward.—"Pain as if sprained in the back and shoulders. "Creeping coldness in the back. "Curvature of the dorsal vertebrae.—Tensive cutting across the scapulae. Rumbling jerking and contractive sensation in some parts of the left scapula and over the right knee. Pain on the left scapula as if strong pressure were made upon it with the finger. Contraction of the skin on the left scapula. Jerking in the side near the left scapula, when sitting. Pres- sure under the left scapula in the side of the back, seeming to come from below. Drawing and pressure under the left scapula, oppressing the breathing.—Pres- sure on the right scapula. Rheumatic pain between the scapulae, relieved by warmth, aggravated by cold. Tearing between the shoulders, drawing them near to each other.—His neck aches during motion, as if stiff and rigid. Pain in the nape of the neck as from a heavy load, preventing him from lying down. Itching pricking, like flea-bites, in the nape of the neck. "Pain as if sprained in the nape of the neck and shoulders. Pressure in the posterior cervical muscles when bending the head forward. Pressure in the upper part of the nape of the neck; the place feels numb. Drawing across one side of the nape of the neck, when stooping. Rheumatic stiffness in the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the whole neck, obliging her to complain of pain in the nape of the neck whenever she attempts to move her head. Itching of the neck and forearms. Upper Extremities.—Swelling of the axillary glands, painful even when not touched.—Sticking in the shoulder when lying, ceasing during motion. Pres- sure on the left shoulder. Tearing in the joint and upper parts of the scapula. "Tearing and burning in the shoulder, with lameness of the arm, particularly during cold weather, rest, and in bed.—Jerking sensation in the left arm. Violently tearing pain in the arm, most violent during rest. Sensation from the shoulder to the hand, as if something were rolling down; the sensation is neither warm nor cold. Burning prickings in the arm, below the axilla. Drawing in the left arm, when raising it, from below the axilla to the middle of the upper arm. Sensation as if hot water were running through the arms. Tremor of the arm when exerting it moderately. Drawing stitches in the arms, commencing in the shoulders. "Paralysis of the arm, with coldness and insensibility. Pain and swelling of the arm. *Erysipelatous swelling of the arm. Burning and itching pustules on the arms and hands. "Bony swelling on the arm, with burn- ing and ichorous ulcers.—Boring stitches in the upper arm, when standing. 688 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Tearing in both upper arms; worse when working; she then has to let her arms hang down ; they are more painful under the bed-cover, and the bone aches when feeling it. Prickings in the left upper arm. Violent stitch in the right upper arm, as if from without. Tension in the left upper arm in the open air. Painless beating in the left elbow.—Drawing and tearing from the elbow to the wrist-joint. Tension in the elbow-joint, when stretching the arm; she had diffi- culty in lifting the arm. Jerking tearing in the elbow and wrist-joints, relieved by motion. Cramp-like drawing in the left elbow-joint, when moving it. Burn- ing-itching pain in the left elbow, going off after scratching. Digging-up pain in the bone of the left forearm when moving it, and jerking in the right carpus; the whole forearm feels stiff. Debility and stiffness of the forearm and fingers when moving them. Coldness of the forearms. Corrosive burning in the right forearm. Sensation of debility in the upper part of the right forearm during motion, and pain in the carpus, as if sprained, when seizing anything. The left forearm is painful as if bruised. Sensation in the skin of the left forearm as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, or as if it had been scraped with a knife, accompa- nied with a cold sensation in the arm.—Sprained sensation on the left carpus, when bending it. Lancination in the left carpus. Drawing pain in the palm of the right hand. Cold sensation in the carpus, which has the natural warmth to the feel, as if a cold wind were blowing upon it. *The dorsum of the hand smarts and is hot; the skin is hard, rough and stiff In the evening the hands and face are swollen and hot. (Bubbling for several hours in the right hand between the thumb and the index-finger.) Hard pimples on the hand, with stinging corrosive itching. Small vesicles on the right hand, first between the fingers, then on the whole hand, resembling Willar's vesicles, except that the swelling is greater. Inflamed blotch on the middle joint of the ring-finger, with itching- burning pain, sometimes passing over into a slow stitch; cannot be removed by friction and scratching. Pimples on the inner side of the carpus and on the cheeks, which resemble itch, affected with burning itching, and smarting when scratched (Pinching on the dorsum of the fingers, on the outer parts of the arms and on the occiput.) (Spasmodic contraction of the fingers.) In the morning the index and middle fingers of one hand feel as if gone to sleep. Burn- ing in the flesh between the thumb and left index-finger. Involuntary painless jerking inward of both thumbs, only when laying the hand on something, for in- stance, on the table. Tearing in the joints of all the fingers. Creeping and gnawing on the metacarpal joints of the second and third fingers of the left hand. Stitching in the back of the index-finger, in a tendon. Stinging pain in the fingers.—Sensation in the tips of the fingers (in the warm room) as if they were filled with too much blood, the dorsa of the hands being cold. Creeping in the tips of the fingers as if they had gone to sleep. Sensation in the left index- finger, as one feels after it has gone to sleep.—"Warts on the hands and fingers. Lower Extremities.—Aching pain in both hip-joints at every step, and a paralytic feeling in the anterior muscles of the thighs. "Coxalgia, (see Clin. Obs.). Red, hot spot on the right hip, affected with a burning pain. Drawing pain in the right buttock, directly below the small of the back, going off by press- ing on the part. Cramp-like contraction in the right buttock. Cramp-like pain in the left buttock when standing. Cramp in the left buttock and thigh. Ten- sion in the groin near the left hip, when sitting, as if there were not skin enough. Tension in the left hip-joint when sitting.—Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs. "Paralysis of the lower limbs. Stiffness of the lower limbs, particu- larly of the knees and feet, he has to stagger constantly in walking, (forenoon). °Pain as if sprained in the joints.—Jerking in the thigh, with tremor of the knees. Stitches in the thigh from within outwards. Boring stitches in the RHUS TOXICODENDRON. csg thigh when standing. Occasional drawing pain in the thigh, obliging her to bend double, when rising from a seat and when standing, but not when sitting. Jerking tearing in the right thigh, a little above the knee. Tension in the left thigh, proceeding from the joint. Drawing and tearing in the right groin, extend- ing along the thigh. Tearing pain in the outer part of the middle of the thigh when sitting, going off during motion. Sensation in the upper part of the right thigh, internally, towards the groin, as is felt in the fingers when stretching them apart, with the wrist-joint being either strained or sprained. Tension in the posterior side of the thigh when crossing the limbs. Bruised and drawing pain in the right thigh. Cramp-like pressure when sitting, in one part of the right thigh below the groin. Burning point in the inner side of the right thigh, near the scrotum. When sitting down after a walk, he feels a buzzing sensation in the knees and bends of the knees. Drawing and tearing from the knee to the tarsal joint. Drawing pain in the knee.—Stitching in the side of the knee when walking. Violent itching in the region of the tendons of the hamstrings, in the evening when pulling off the stockings ; scratching causes pain. The bends of the knees and the calves feel heavy as a hundred-weight; he can scarcely drag his feet. Tension in the knee, as if too short. Cramp-like pressure in the left tibia when bending the knee ; afterward burning. Coldness in the region of the left tibia. Pressure on the right tibia, which is followed by burning. Fine pricking in the outer parts of the leg. Stinging itching in the left calf. Draw- ing in the right calf, internally, which makes the leg uneasy. Sensation as if the skin of the calf were too tight, with stinging in the skin when sitting, disappear- ing during motion. Cramp-like drawing in the left calf, extending as far as the bend of the knee. Sticking as with a knife in the left tarsal joint, from without inward. Drawing in the right tarsal joint. The legs feel very weak in the after- noon when walking in the open air; he was scarcely able to drag them, they felt so heavy and bruised; after having sat an hour, the weariness had disappeared. Paralytic drawing in the leg when sitting. Great inclination to stretch the leg, early in bed. Tension in the calves when walking, and as if the hamstrings were too short. Jerking in the calves. Heaviness aud tension in the legs, when sitting; when walking, he merely feels weary. Painful weariness in the legs when sitting, going off by walking. Heaviness in the legs extending from above the knee to the lower tarsal joint, making it difficult for her to stand; this heaviness diminishes when walking, and is not felt when sitting. His legs feel weak only when sitting, as if the blood were rushing to the feet. Weariness of the legs, so that she is not well able to ascend a height, as if she had been run- ning too fast.—Cramp in the calf after midnight, when lying in bed, and when sitting after a walk ; the cramp disappears by bending the knee. Cramp in the calf when sitting, going off immediately after rising or commencing to move (im- mediately). Stitch in the tendons of the hamstrings directly above the calf, during fatiguing motion, when rising from a seat, and when touching the parts. (Clucking sensation in the outer side of the calf, lasting several hours.) Lanci- nation in the parts covering the tibia), anteriorly, accompanied with debility and weariness. When rising from a seat she feels a stitch across the knee. Sudden pain for half an hour in the affected leg, toward evening: a general slight beating and creeping, a ccompanicd with a cramp-like pain (somewhat as is felt in a panaritium, during rest, but increased by motion; worst when touch. ing the part; it disappeared suddenly). Pain in the tibiae; a sort of groaning in them at night when laying one leg over the other; she had to move them frequently to and fro, which prevented her from sleeping. Red, burning spots and streaks on the inner side of both knees, with small vesicles which soon dried up. Crawling on the inner side of the right knee, with tension of the vol. n. 44 C90 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. tendons. Tension with stretching of the tendons on the inner side of the right knee, causing an uneasiness in the leg. Tension in the left knee-joint, when rising from a seat. Drawing in the bend of the right knee, when bending it. Tearing in the knee and the tarsal joint, more during rest.—Stitching below the right knee. Stitching during a walk, first in the left, then in the right knee. Beating in the dorsum of the foot.—Burning stitches and sensation of heat in the dorsum of the right foot. Tingling in the feet early in the morning when lying in bed (and after rising). Deadness of the right foot; it felt as if made of wood. Itching in the region of the outer malleolus of the left foot and above the dorsum of the foot. * Swelling of the feet, painless when touched, in the evening. °Inflammatory swelling of ihe feet, erysipelatous, sometimes with pustules and rash on the dorsum of the foot. Sticking as with knives in the lower part of the tendo-Achillis, worse when touched and after lying down. Stitch in the inner malleolus of the right foot, when rising from a seat. Cramp. like stitching in the tarsal joint, in the region of the malleolus. Early in the morning, when rising, the foot feels sprained, (sweaty feet). Pain in the sole of the right foot, near the ball, as if an increasingly-strong pressure were constantly made upon the painful spot. Tension and pressing in the sole of the foot. When stepping, the heels ache and feel pithy. Stitches in the heel when step- ping. Drawing in the heel of the left foot, from below upward, accompanied with burning. Feeling of heat in the left foot. Stitching in the left heel, when sitting, after a walk in the open air. Spasmodic contraction in the inner side of the bottom of the foot, abating when stretching the foot or bending it upward. Stinging itching, in the ball of the big toe of the left foot. Drawing- aching pain in the big toe of the right foot, with a sensation of warmth. Fine stinging in the left big toe. Fine stinging in the fourth toe of the left foot. Short burning pricking between the small and the great toe, in the evening when walking and also at night when in bed. Stitching in the affected ball of the big toe, in paroxysms, as is felt in an abscess which bursts ; a beating is felt in the evening. Stitch from the big toe to the middle of the left breast, when standing. Stitch in the right big toe. The chilblains break out again, four months and a half too early, with burning itching in the chilblains, in the after- noon and evening; when not scratching, he feels a pricking in the chilblains, obliging him to scratch; blotches come on after scratching. Burning sore pain in the corn, from the pressure of the shoe. Pain in both heels when first press- ing the foot to the floor, as if he were walking on needles. (Small, red, round blotches on the balls of the toes.) Sleep.—Inclines to sleep, when sitting down after a walk. A good deal of yawning in the morning, as if sleepy ; also in the evening. Violent and spas- modic yawning,^ occasioning a pain in the articulation of the jaw, which is near being dislocated, in the morning, and at, any other period. Wants to lie down all the time ; drowsiness in the day-time, anxiety, restlessness, sadness, dry lips. Drowsiness in the day-time ; she feels very sleepy in the morning when rising. Restlessness during the siesta; he moves his hands to and fro when sleeping, and plays with his fingers and hands. He feels nauseated when sitting up. In- clines to lie down, feels weary and debilitated; does not feel rested enough when sitting. Does not want to get up in the morning. Feels drowsy in the evening at six o'clock, suddenly, anrl to sueh an extent, that she is not able to undress herself; paralyzed in all her limbs.—Somnolence, full of laborious, interrupted t The muscles of mastication, in this cramp, seem to obtain a spasmodic preponderating action, which is sometimes so violent that the lower jaw has to be held with the hand, lest it should be drawn down too low. This same symptom is produced by Ign. and the north-pole of the magnet. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 691 dreams. "Somnolence with snoring, muttering and grasping at flocks.—Sleepless- ness before midnight, with or without sweat.—Sleeplessness until midnight, with- out heat; he was simply sleepless. Sleeplessness for four whole nights ; he was unable to remain in bed.—lie has no sleep at night, he sweats as soon as he lies down, without thirst, but leaving him no rest.—*Restless sleep -with tossing about and throwing off the cover of the bed. Restless slumber before midnight, full of anxious, disagreeable notions and fancies. Is unable to sleep after three o'clock, and, if he does sleep, he has vivid dreams, and feels, on waking, as if he had not slept at all.—Symptoms at night in bed: "sad thoughts preventing sleep; painful cramp, first in one, then in the other leg, in the forenoon, which cannot be removed by bending or stretching the limb, nor by pressing the foot against the foot of the bed, for half an hour. Feels so wakeful and hot in the evening, that he is unable to sleep; no thirst, feels chilly when uncovering himself, his blood was agitated, Jiis arteries throb, sensation in his eyes as if thick clouds were passing before him; after midnight he becomes quiet and sleeps well. She feels nauseated in the evening, when lying down; she has no rest in bed, and has to turn from side to side all the time. Jerking in that part of the head on which he is resting. She is frequently waked by an unpleasant bitter taste, with a dry feeling in the mouth. Thirst without desire for drink, the mouth feeling slimy. Violent pressure at the stomach, preventing sleep for a long while. Starting, when on the point of falling asleep, as if he dropped something of importance. As soon as he was near falling asleep, he had anxious dreams about his affairs. Short breath. He cannot lie in any position, except on his back. Sensation as if something were pressing him out of bed. Great anxiety, he cannot remain in bed. Disagreeable feeling of heat over the whole body, without thirst. No sound sleep after midnight; she has a burning sensa- tion over her b dy, obliging her to toss from side to side, without thirst, accom- panied with dreams full of anxious agitation. Violent colic in the night. Is waked about midnight by a violent pinching, digging-up pain in the abdomen, with a sensation of weariness and emptiness in the pit of the stomach, and quickly- passing desire to vomit. Anxiety at night; he would like to leave his bed and call for help, on account of an indescribably-disagreeable feeling. Wakes from his sleep with convulsive, irregular movements of the limbs. Complains of an excessive headache, which seems to come from a sensation in the limbs as if they were violently distended. Nausea in the chest and stomach in the evening, going off after going to sleep. During sleep : sleeps with an open mouth. Short breath. Light and sniffling expirations, the inspirations are inaudible. Loud weeping. L md talking about his affairs, wants to throw away everything, and asks for this and that. Starting every quarter of an hour, before midnight. Starting (on falling asleep) as if she dropped something of importance. Motion of the hands and playing with the fingers, during the siesta.—Dreavs about things which hail been done or spoken of in the evening. He dreams that the plans which had been conceived the day before had been realized, in connection with tlie things which had suggested,' the plans. *Frightful dreams, -such as that the world is going to be consumed by fire, with palpitation of the heart on waking. Dreams about fire.—Wakes early out of humour. Dizzy on waking in the morning. Fever.—Feeling of coldness in the limbs ; for instance, as when a finger be- comes dea 1, or when a limb is about to go sleep, or as is felt in the interior of a limb when a paroxysm of fever and ague sets in : no coldness is perceptible to the hand. "Feeling of coldness at every motion. Extreme coldness of the hands and feet, the whole day. He is very sensitive to the cold, open air; it affects the skin painfully; however, heisn>! averse to the open air. Icy-cold feet, in the evening when in bed; they cannot be got warm; the rest of the body 692 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. being warm. She is attacked with shuddering as soon as she leaves the stove. Shuddering in the back (immediately). He cannot get warm when walking in the cold air, although he may be covered ever so much; he shakes with chilliness in the open air, with violent thirst, and the lips being glued together by mucus, Chilliness, with dry lips and less thirst than hunger. Shaking and chilliness when entering a warm room from the open air, without thirst. Chilliness in the room towards evening; she had a cold creeping all over. Chilliness (immedi- ately). Chilliness about five o'clock in the evening, with shaking, in the room, with beating toothache and accumulation of saliva in the mouth, without thirst; the shaking and chilliness are still worse in the open air; afterwards the shaking and chilliness continue in the warm room, even near the hot stove, with violent thirst, the ptyalism ceasing; the chilliness ceases only in bed, the thirst remaining; this is followed by a stupid sleep, as if the head had been dull and confused; the thirst exists yet in the morning, and the dulness of the head likewise, but this passes off after rising. Chilliness towards evening; he had to lie down and to cover himself; after this he became warmer. At seven o'clock in the evening, he feels chilly and cold to himself externally, without shudder- ing, but did not feel cold to others, nor does he feel cold internally; he is able to drink cold water without being troubled from it; immediately after lying down he feels hot externally, which does not permit him to be uncovered; no thirst; with watery mouth and dry lips; afterwards, about midnight, while he is in a state of half slumber, a general exhalation sets in, increasing to a sweat after midnight, first in the face, then on the hairy scalp and neck, down to the chest. Chilliness in the open air, without thirst. "The chilliness, with the paroxysms of pain and other concomitant symptoms, generally sets in in the evening.— Shuddering and heat at the same time over the whole body, after a walk in the open air, without thirst, also some warm sweat over the whole skin; the palms of the hands sweat most. She feels too hot internally, the whole day, and chilly externally; nevertheless her skin feels naturally warm to the hand, and she has no very great thirst; coffee increases the internal heat. Pinching chilliness in the feet and between the shoulders; and a quarter of an hour after a good deal of external heat and burning pain on the left arm and in the left side of the upper part of the body, with redness of the cheeks. Chilliness and heat in the evening; her face felt to her very hot; nevertheless the cheeks were pale and cold, but the breath which came out of the mouth was very hot; two evenings in succession. Her face looks red, and she experiences a burning heat in the Bkin; to others her skin has a moderate temperature. * Evening-fever with diar- rhoza ; -chilliness at eight o'clock in the evening, followed by dry heat and thirst, and cuttings in the abdomen and diarrhoea, for several hours, in bed; afterwards sleep; diarrhoea again in the morning. Evening fever with diarrhoea (second paroxysm); chilliness through all the limbs, for one hour, after six o'clock in the evening, without thirst; followed by dry heat, after which came heat with profuse sweat and thirst, three hours in all; mucous diarrhoea with violent cut- tings in the abdomen, followed by tenesmus, and by a pressing from both tem- ples towards the centre of the head, with congestion of blood and heat in the head. Fever: drowsiness, weariness and yawning (in the forenoon); when walking, he felt inclined to sleep, with anxiety ; afterwards an evacuation with cutting, followed by excessive heat in the whole body (at ten o'clock in the fore- noon), without thirst; sensation as if warm water were poured over him, during which he felt an occasional shuddering; or sensation as if his blood, were ccurs- i»g hot through the vessels, and too violently through the head ; and as if the head were pressed down, obliging him to stoop, with beating headache; chilli- ness at seven o'clock in the evening, as if cold water were poured over him, or as if the blood coursed too rapidly through the vessels; after lying down and RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 693 covering himself he was attacked with heat immediately ; at night he felt a kind of drawing in the dorsal spine, between the shoulders and in the limbs, as if he ought to stretch himself constantly; sweat in the morning. Fever: towards noon he is attacked with a febrile coldness in all his limbs, with violent headache and vertigo (somewhat relieved by a walk); again chilliness toward evening; he has to lie down; he is unable to sleep at night; he is in a constant state of giddi- ness and sweat. Fever; (at five o'clock) in the afternoon he feels a stretching in all his limbs, a shuddering over the whole body, with much thirst, cold hands, and redness and heat in the face; he feels a shuddering in the evening in bed; in the morning his whole body is covered with a moisture, accompanied with a press- ing in the temples. Chilliness in the feet and between the scapulae ; soon after heat on the left side and in the left arm (immediately). Fever : (at six o'clock) in the a'ternoon the body feels warm, with internal and external heat of the head, and shuddering over the body, without thirst; accompanied with stretching, drawing and debility in the limbs, and headache as if the head felt dull and the sides of the occiput were pressed together; accompanied with violent cough, short breath, and pain in the throat, as if the tonsils were swollen; towards morning the whole body was covered with a slight moisture. Warmth in the face and fingers, with chills in the scapulae, without thirst. Slight chills, followed by slight warmth, after lying down in the evening, without thirst—*Quotidian fevers. " Tertian fevers. *Compound tertian fevers, -also with jaundice. "Generally the chilliness and coldness set in first, with secondary symptoms, afterwards heat with thirst (and with sweat), or first chilliness with thirst, then general warmth with chilliness at every motion, then sweat. "Alternation of coldness and paleness, and heat and redness of the face. °During or after the fever : twitchings, tingling in the ears, hardness of hearing, dry coryza, sleepless- ness with uneasiness and tossing about, nettlerash, gastric derangement, thirst at night. During the chilliness : "pains in the limbs, headache, vertigo, in- clination to vomit.—The left side of the body felt hot and the right side cold, without chilliness. Chilliness about the head and back, the fore part of the body felt hot. Occasional cold shuddering during the sweat, at night, in bed, the shuddering being accompanied with cramps in the abdomen. Inclines to vomit, with heat of the head and hands, and chilliness of the rest of the body; after- wards chilliness all over during the inclination to vomit. She feels hot to her- self and others, the veins being distended, and accompanied with a weakness obliging her to lean backward, with violent thirst, also frequently at night; next day shuddering over the upper part of the body, especially the arms. Heat in the forehead, in the evening, and in the whole head; the heat is not felt so much on the outside. Extreme heat in the hands with dull headache, in the evening. (He is attacked with heat, when sitting.) When returning home from a walk in the open air, he is attacked with heat and sweat over the whole body. Vio- lent burning in the skin, with twitching tremulousness of the skin, and a gene- ral sweat at night; a violent paroxysm of cough sets in as soon as he stretches the hand from under the cover. He is attacked with warmth when walkino- in the cold, open air, and is covered with sweat all over. "Flushes of heat with sweat, proceeding from the umbiliealregion, and suddenly alternating with chilli- ness.—-*Feverish thirst -even early in the morning. ATiolent feverish thirst. Thirst for many nights (from two to five o'clock), followed by perspiration. *Great desire for water or beer.—Pulse : quick. Slow and irregular pulse.— Fev-rs of various kinds (see Clin. Obs.).—"Sweat during the pains. "Sweat when sitting, frerjuently with violent trembling. Sweat over the whole body, except the face, which is, however, hot (after noon). Slight sweat over the whole body early in the morning when in bed, except the head. Slight vaporous ex- 694 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. halation from the skin, in the day-time, he wants to be covered. *Gcneral sweat, also in the face. "Constant sweat, the skin is moist and the hair is wet.—*Night- sweat, -particularly around the neck. Sweat before midnight. "Sweat with itching rash. Slight sweat the whole night. Acrid-smelling exhalation from the skin, without the skin being wet.—Profuse morning sweats. Sweat on both thighs every morning. Sour-smelling morning sweats, with cold, sweaty cheeks. Sweat over the whole body, without smell or debility, during sleep, from three to four o'clock in the morning. SkiD.—Itching on the head. Itching of the whole body, particularly of the hairy parts, hairy scalp and genital organs. Burning itching, here and there. "Erysipelatous inflammation (also zona).—"Petechial spots, also with great de- bility, even unto complete loss of strength. Black spots on the part which ha^ been touched by the juice. Red spots of the size of lentils, with small vesicles in the middle.—The part of the skin which has been touched by the juice be- comes tough and hard like leather, also with peeling off of the hardened parts.— Nettle-rash. *Small burning vesicles, with redness of skin on the whole body, except on the hairy scalp, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. *Burn- ing itching eruptions, -particularly on the scrotum, prepuce, eyelids and eyes (arms and loins), with swelling of the parts, and small yellowish vesicles which ran into each other and became moist, the larger ones terminating in suppura- tion with red areolae, the smaller ones drying up more rapidly, and scaling off in a few days. Confluent vesicles, most of them containing a milky or watery fluid, with peeling off of the skin in three days. Pustules on the hands and forearms, which burst and emit a clear moisture. Black pustules, with inflammation and itching, rapidly spreading over the whole body.—cHerpetic eruptions, alternating with pains in the chest and dysenteric stools. Scurfs over the body.—"Rhagades. "Warts, disfiguring the whole skin, or particularly on the hands and fingers. "Panaritia. "Hangnails.—Ulcers as if gangrenous, from small vesicles, attended with violent fever.—In the ulcers: tingling. Smarting, as if from salt, only at night, waking him frequently, and in the day-time, re-appearing when walk- ing in the open air. Burning biting, with weeping and moaning. Pain as if bruised. Sticking in the region of the scurf, early on waking. Burning of the affected part. Painful uneasiness in the affected part, which induces him to moan, while seated.—The wound becomes inflamed, and is covered with little vesicles. Swelling of the hands and feet. "Red, shining swelling, with sting- ing sore pain when touched. °Glandular swellings (also indurated?). "Swell- ing of bones. "Caries of bones.? "Jaundice. Dr. Neidhard, of Philadelphia, has favoured us with the following case of poisoning by Rhus tox., the symptoms of which we will record in their connection as they occurred. POISONING BY RHUS TOXICODENDRON.! (Ten days after preparing some tincture of Rhus tox., I experienced the fol- lowing symptoms of its poisoning.) First day.—Small vesicular tubercles, like the bites of insects, show themselves in the joints of the hands, feet, particularly around the inside of the ankles. In the evening, excessive, almost intolerable itching at the same time, with a kind of voh'}.. nous feeling in the ikin, followed by a. homing after the skin had been scratched to bleeding. Scratching aggravates the itching and burning. t A young lady, Miss R-, used for some days daily frictions wilh the leave? of Rhus on the arm, breast, etc., until a slight redness appeared. For fourteen days afterwards the omitted to do so, when the eruption broke out over the whole body. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 695 Second to fifth day.—Swelling and redness of the upper and lower lids of the right eye and all around it, to such an extent, that I could only see with diffi- culty. A similar swelling around the left eye, but to a smaller extent. The itching is less violent in the eyes than in the other parts of the body. Tuber- cles appeared in different parts of the body. The itching always worse in the evening. Vesicles and tubercles appeared also on the knees, hip and shoulder- joints ; this action on the joints was a characteristic symptom. On the fifth day the skin began to peel off and the itching diminished in vio- lence. On the inside of the ankles, where the itching was most severe, dark- brown marks have remained to this day, now five years. For several years, the same month (July), a slight return of the itching was experienced. But the most remarkable effect of Rhus was the evident propagation of the poisoning from one person to another. During the most aggravated state of the poisoning in my own person, five women and two men, who were either in the same room, or had come in contact with me, complained to me of symptoms, which, after the most careful scrutiny, I was compelled to ascribe to the influence of Rhus, although the.se persons had never been exposed to its influence, except through me. / Some were more, others less affected by it. Antidotes : a decoction of cort. sassafras taken repeatedly^on the third day diminished the itching in some measure. Its main action was to bring out the eruption on the skin. Camph., Bell., Bry., had very little influence. The greatest relief I received was from the Merc. Precip. Rubr. in small doses, employed externally as well as inwardly. General Symptoms.—"Affections of the ligaments, tendons and synovial membranes. "Deficient plasticity of the blood, with disposition of the organic activity to become extinct, even unto paralysis. °Rheumatic or arthritic affec- tions, also with swelling. "Scrofulous and rachitic affections. "Glandular swellings and indurations. "Ailments arising from cold bathing, particularly convulsions. "Paralysis. "Ailments arising from suppression of the measles. °Ncrcous inflammations of internal organs. °Rheumatic tension, drawing and tearing in the limbs, most violent during rest or in the cold season, or at night iu bed, frequently attended with numbness and insensibility of the affected part after moving it. * Tearing drawing, in the evening, icliile silling, -going off when walking. Cramp and rigidity as from contraction of the tendons, in vari- ous parts. Contraction of single parts. *Sticking in the joints, during rest. "Tensive sticking, with stiffness, worse on rising from a seat and in the open air. Sticking in small places of the extremities, worse on lying down. * Tingling pains, particularly in the affected parts, -or more especially in the face, spine and sternum. Anxious pains in affected parts, with moaning, when sitting. Drawing in all the hmbs, when lying. ^Bruised pains in single parts, or sen- sation as if the flesh had been detached from the bones by blows. Pressure with drawing in the periosteum, as if the bone were scraped. °Se:isa:ion in in- ternal organs as if something were being torn off. * Pains as if sprained. "Li- ability to strain parts. °Bad consequences from straining or spraining parts. * Semilateral complaints. *The parts on which one is lying, go to sleep, -par- ticularly the arm. °Numbness of single parts, with tingling and insensibility.— *Sliff/tc-i.< of the limbs -on first moving the limb after rest. Stiffness on rising from a seat. Stiffness on going down stairs, disappearing by walking on level ground. Stiffness of the left arm and lower limb, which are somewhat contract- ed. Sense of immobility, after a walk in the open air, with pain in the feet, going off when sitting.—^Lameness in all the joints, worst on rising from a seat after having been seated for some time. Lameness in all the limbs, during and after a walk in the open air, with stiffness, and sensation as if the nape of the neck were oppressed with a hundred-weight. * Complete paralysis. "Hemi- 696 RHUS VERNIX. plegia. *Paralysis of the lower limbs, with dragging, slow, difficult walk. Tingling in the paralyzed part#—Tremulous sensation in the upper and lower hmbs, also during rest. Tremulousness and hasty grasping with the hands. Tre- mor of the limbs, after some exertion. Staggering and inability to stand erect early on rising. Instability of the limbs, preventing one from standing firmly, during the chilliness.—*Twitchings of the limbs and muscles. °Convulsions arising from bathing in cold water. "Tetanus, opisthotonos. "Chorea?.— Wea- riness of the lower limbs. Weariness, worst when sitting, less when walking, with stiffness of the limbs on rising.—*Great languor of the whole body. Lan- guor of the lower limbs, most violent during rest. Languor of the limbs and body, with bruised feeling and sensation as if one had been up all night. *Lan- guor with constant disposition to be sitting or lying. Languor with sensation as if the bones were aching. * Wants to be lying all the time, is not sufficiently rested by sitting. Does not want to get up in the morning and to dress him- self. *Is unable to remain out of bed. Feels nauseated while sitting up.__ * Great debility. Sudden paroxysms of fainting, at nine o'clock in the evening, with full consciousness, does not feel the beats of the heart, is more cold than warm, feels quite light internally, but is scarcely able to walk.—Extreme mo- bility and vivacity, for a whole afternoon. (Alternate effect?.)—Great sensi- tiveness to the open air, "even when warm. Cold air is painful to the skin. El-humoured in the open air, came near falling asleep in the open air. Characteristic Peculiarities.—*The pains come on or are worse during rest, or at night, or on entering a room from the open air, °or in cold weather. The pains in the joints are worse in the open air. Early, in bed, only those limbs and joints on which he is not lying, feel painful as if bruised. 208. RHUS VERNIX. RHUS VER.—Varnish-tree, Poison-ash, Poison-oak. (The following symptoms were observed by Dr. Bute, on himself and wife, from expressing the juice of the plant.) SYMPTOMS. Intolerable heaviness of the head. Excessive swelling of the forehead, so that this part of the head is quite prominent. Feeling of heaviness of the swelling on the forehead on going up stairs. Redness of the eyes. Darkness before the eyes, on looking at a thing. Dim- ness of sight when reading. Sensitiveness to the light, early on waking. Groups of vesicles behind the ear. Redness of the face here and there, the redness remaining even while pressing upon the part with the finger. Swelling of the face, also with redness of the eyes, or particularly on the left side, or also with red spots and blotches, accom- panied with constant itching and with burning after rubbing. Sense of heavi- ness in the swelling on the face. Pain as if burnt on the lips, or sensation as of sand. Sore pain in the left side of the throat wheu swallowing. Immediate appearance of the menses, the time for which had come, in lumps hke pieces of flesh. Sudden violent stitches through ihe lungs, causing him to start and rousing him from sleep. Rheumatic pains in the left shoulder, and elbow-joints, worse during motion. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 697 Violent itching in the palms of the hands, or itching blotches deep under the skin. Hard, elevated blotches on the hands, with watery vesicles on them, with violent itching. Groups of watery vesicles on the fingers.—Pain as if sprained in the right hip (removed by Nitr. ac). Cramp on the dorsum of the foot, or in the right malleolus, as if seized by a hand in those parts. Shuddering along the back from below upwards, without coldness, but with gooseflesh. Renewal of the shuddering whenever he thinks of the leaves of the poison-ash. Dreams of murder and accidents. Skin.—Itching, suddenly commencing at times in one, at times in another part, and continuing in the afternoon. Violent, corrosive itching in various parts, as after mosquito-bites. The itching is worse after midnight and early in the morning. Groups of watery vesicles on various parts, particularly the fingers, first itching, then burning and sore. Elevated red blotches, particularly on the face, neck and chest. 209. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. RUTA.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pura, IV. Compare with—Aeon., Asa f., Bell., Bry., Ign., Led., Merc, Nux v., Puis., Rhus, Sec. c, Sil., Staph., Sulph., Thuj., Verat. Antidotes —Camph. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. In local injuries Ruta may be employed externally as well as internally. Dr. Aegidi has used it with success in injuries and rheumatic paralysis of the tarsal and carpal joints ; Rummcl in fistulous ulcers of the left carpal joint. It has likewise been successfully employed in amblyopia amaurotica and amaurosis. SYMPTOMS. Itlind and Disposition.—Frequent attacks of anxiety, with apprehensions and desponding thoughts. Indifference. She is not disposed to do anything; she does not feel comfortable. He feels low-spirited in the afternoon and the whole evening; he indulges melancholy, sad thoughts, and feels weary of life. Anxiety the whole day, as if he had done something evil; when the door was opened he feared they came to take him to prison. Peevish and out of humour if things do not go according to his wishes. Irresolute, not disposed to do any- thing. Inclines to be angry. Inclines to contradict. Out of humour and dis- trustful the whole day ; he did not trust his best friend, and imagined he was de- ceived. Good-humoured (curative effect). •Sensoriuul.—Slow train of ideas. Frequent absence of thought; things which have become quite familiar to him are doue by him cpiite mechanically at an improper period.—Gloominess of the head, a sort of inability to collect one's consciousness.—Dulness of the head. Sensation in the head and body as if he had not slept enough. Sudden attack of vertigo when sitting; everything turns with her in a circle; afterwards her cheeks glow. Violent vertigo when walking in the open air; he came near falling to the right side. Vieleut vertigo, early in the morning when rising from bed; he came near falling forward. Head.—Heaviness in the head, mostly in the forehead, as if a weight were lying in the forehead.—Headache after dinner, a sort of pressure on the whole 698 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. brain, with great nervousness, and restlessness in the whole body, which does not allow him to sit down. Painful pressure on the whole brain, in the morning after rising. Painful pressure in the sinciput, at regular intervals, like the beats in music. Pressure in the forehead, over the root of the nose. Stupify- ing headache with nausea, especially in the right side of the forehead, with a feeling of heat in the face.—Drawing headache in the right side of the forehead. Pecking headache, in one side of the occiput.—Intermittent, boring stitches in the right side of the forehead (when sitting). Stitching-drawing pain extend- ing from the frontal to the temporal, bone.—Heat in the head, with feverish un- easiness of the whole body, in the evening.—Dulness of the brain in the forehead, with a beating pain in the forehead, in the evening before going to bed, worse in the morning on waking from a sound sleep. Scalp.—Sticking drawing in the vertex, externally. Tensive-drawing pain as after a blow or shock, in the sides of the head, externally.—Itching and sore- ness of the hairy scalp, directly behind the left ear; the place was painful to the touch; the itching and soreness disappeared after scratching. Corrosive itching of the whole hairy scalp, especially of the left side and the occiput, abat- ing after much scratching, but returning constantly. Gnawing pain with pres- sure, on the forehead.—Dull tearing in the temporal bones.—Pain as from a fall, extending from the temporal bones to the occiput, in the pericranium.— Burning compressive pain, on the head, externally, causing stupefaction.—Two little ulcers on the hairy scalp, one on the left side and one towards the nape of the neck, occasioning a corrosive itching, which obliged him to scratch all the time, and returned frequently. Tearing in the outer region of the right parietal bone, going off in the evening; afterwards a tumour was discovered at the same place of the size of a walnut, which is painful when touched as if there were sub- cutaneous ulceration, going off in a few days. First a violent pain, sticking and tearing in the hairy scalp, after which a tumour forms in that place of the size of a dollar, and half an inch high, which was first painful to the touch.—Sweat on the vertex (immediately).—Humid scurfs on the scalp.—Erysipelas on the forehead.f Eyes.—"Pains of the eyes from exerting them too much. Sensation in the eyes as if he had exerted them too much by reading.—Slight, aching pain in the right eye, with obscuration of vision, as after having looked too long a time at an object incommoding the eyes.—Feeling of heat and sensation as of fire in the eyes, with soreness, when reading at candle-light. Burning under the left eye. —Itching of the inner canthi and the margins of the lower eyelids, increas- ing to a smarting biting by scratching; at the same time the eye fills with tears. —Pressure on the upper wall of the mints, with tearing in the ball. Pressure on the inner surface of the left eye, *ui!h considerable lachrymatwn in the open air. Pressure in both eyeballs, accompanied with spasm of the lower eyelids, which draws them partly upwards and partly towards the inner canthus, the latter most, for some days. Spasm of the lower eyelids, ihe tarsal cartilage moves to and fro; when this abate.'-, water runs out of both eyes for an hour and a half. Spasmodic movement to and fro of the orbicularis muscle.—Involuntary staring at one and the same object, with contraction of the pupils.— Sensation as if shadows were hovering before his eyes. Sensation as if there were not sufficient light before his eyes.—"Specks on the cornea.—Muscae volitantes.— * Weakness of the eyes, as from too much reading.—"Red halo around the can- dle-light.—* Incipient amaurosis "particularly from exerting the eyes too much by reading or fine work, with mistiness e>f sight and complete darkness at a distance. t From gathering the herb. RUTA GRAVEOLENS 699 Ears and Nose.—On shaking the head, he experiences a sensation in his ear as if something were rolling to and fro. Sensation in the ear as if a piece of blunt wood were moved over its walls, a sort (f scraping with pressure. Pain about the ears as if violent pressure were made upon them. Titillating, hot pressure in the ears, becoming worse by inserting the finger.—Itching stitches in the right inner ear.—Contusive pain in the cartilages of the ears.—Pain as from a s/iock or fall, below the mastoid process.—Sharp pressure in the root of the nose.—Pain in the upper part of the nose as if a plug were bored through it in a transverse direction, occasioning a scratching and pressure; this sensation does not pass off by blowing the nose or by inserting the finger into it.—Slight sweat on the dorsum of the nose; the nose and cheeks are warmer than usual, the face being but slightly red, without thirst.—*Bleeding of the nose, -also with pressure in the root of the nose. Face and Teeth.—Numb pain in the facial bones as from a blow, as far as the jaws and teeth. Pinching in the left cheek. Gnawing-arthritic pain in both cheeks. Cramp-like tearing in the malar bone, with stupefying pressure in the forehead.—Itching and gnawing in the face and cheeks.—Erysipelas in the fore- head. Pimples on the lips (from applying the vinegar of Ruta).—"Acne rosa- cea (in conjunction with Rhus).—Digging pain in the lower teeth.—The inner side of the right upper gums is sore and swollen, with stinging pains, which are most violent when touched. Mouth, Pharynx, etc.—The mouth feels sometimes dry and viscid. Feel- ing of soreness and pressure in the region of the velum pendulum palati, when swallowing, but not otherwise. Sore throat as from a lump on swallowing. —Spasm of the tongue with difficulty of speech. Taste, Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—The aliments she eats have a taste as of wood, they taste dry and flat.—Desire for cold water in the afternoon. Unquenchable desire for cold water in the afternoon; he drinks much and often without being incommoded by it.—Eructations (immediately). Empty risings. Eructations tasting of the ingesta, after a meal.— He has an appetite; but as soon as he eats, he experiences a tensive oppression in the epigastrium and chest, as if replete with food. She has an appetite as usual; but as soon as she begins to eat, she feels an aversion to everything.—Frequent hiccough with some nau- sea (while smoking the usual tobacco).—Inclination to vomit when stooping. A sort of nausea in the pit of the stomach, with desire for stool, decreasing mo- mentarily by emission of flatulence. "Sudden nausea while eating, with vomit- ing of the ingesta.—*Pinching iu the stomach after eating bread and butter. Stomach and Abdomen.—Lancination in the pit of the stomach. Pricking in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing oppression in the pit of the stomach, night and morning.—Oppression in the region of the liver, near the pit of the stomach, exciting an uneasiness.—Burning gnawing in the stomach. Emptiness and gnawing in the stomach, as if he had not taken any food for a long time.—Ach- ing gnau-ing pain in the region of the liver. Fine, painful beating, or a peck- ing sensation, under the left short ribs. Pain under the left short ribs, increas- ing when pressing on the part, and arresting the breathing, when waking at night. "Painful swelling of the spleen.—Corrosive burning in the left region of the abdomen.—Coldness in the umbilical region, and sensation as if something became detached in that part.— Severe stitches in the abdominal muscle's, in the pit of the umbilicus, obliging him to draw in the abdomen, Lancination from below the umbilicus towards the mons" veneris, during an expiration, arresting the breathing; she does not feel anything when pressing hard on the parts.— Scraping and gnawing in the umbilical region, mixed with nausea. "Colic as from worms iu children.—Cutting.pinching, as from iucarcerated flatulence. 700 RUTA GRAVEOLENS, Pinching and aching pain in the abdomen, with a feeling of uneasiness as after a cold.—Tensive pressing in the whole abdomen from the umbilicus to the hypo- gastrium, at night, as if the menses would make their appearance; the pain in- creases when pressing on the part.—Agreeable coolness in the abdomen and chest.—Heat in the abdomen and chest.—Drawing pressure in the region of the kidneys along the loins, when sitting.—Bruised pain in the loins, with oppres- sive tension in the opposite parts of the hypogastrium, only when sitting, but not when walking or standing. A digging-up bruised sensation in the lumbar region directly over the small of the back, when sitting after a long walk; the pain continues for some time when walking, and then disappears gradually; it returns when standing or sitting.—Rumbling in the abdomen. Foetid flatulence. Easy emission of flatulence. Emission of flatulence as if stool would come on. Lancinations in the rectum when sitting. Tearing in the rectum and in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. StOOl.—Scanty, hard stool, almost like sheep's dung. Difficult expulsion of stool in the first twenty-four hours, as if from a want of peristaltic motion in the rectum; the faeces being of large size.—Constant desire for stool, although the faeces are more loose than usual; the urging continues after the evacuation. Two loose stools after sensation of nausea in the rectum, the stools being ex- pelled with great difficulty owing to a sort of rigidity and inactivity of the rec- tum. "Mucous diarrhoea alternating with constipation.—^Frequent urging to stool, with protrusion of the rectum, "also during stool, soft or hard; -a consider- able quantity of flatulence is emitted whenever the urging takes place; the rectum protruded when stooping ever so little, and especially when squatting; the falling of the rectum continued the following days, and, although the rectum was easily pushed up again without pain, it fell out again immediately for several days.—Tearing, or lancinating tearing in the rectum and urethra. Urinary Organs.—Pressure in the region of the neck of the bladder, as if the neck closed, with pain, shortly after micturition. The quantity of urine he emits is very inconsiderable; *but after micturition he feels a pressing in the bladder without any more urine being emitted (on the second and third days). Immediately after micturition she feels at every step as if the bladder were filled and were moved up and down; not when sitting. Excessive urging as if she could not retain the urine, although she emitted only a drop ; during and after micturition she feels a painful burning in the genital organs, and the urging con- tinues for a long time; the urging was felt only in the morning before day- break. "Involuntary emission of urine at night, in bed, and in the day-time during motion. "Frequent urging with discharge of green urine. "Frequent nocturnal enuresis.—"Gravel. Genital Organs.—Increased sexual desire. Nocturnal emissions, without dreams.—"Menses too early and profuse, "irregular, "feeble and only two days, followed by mild leucorrhoea.—Metrorrhagia?. Miscarriage?. "Sterility?.— "Corrosive leucorrhoea, after suppression of the menses. Larynx and €hest.—Pain in the region of the larynx, as from a bruise or contusion. Hacking cough, waking him at midnight, with scraping in the chest, and sensation as if the stomach would turn, as if vomiting would set in. Violent cough, in the evening in bed, with copious expectoration of tenacious mucus. "Expectoration of thick, yellow mucus, attended with a feeling of weakness in the chest. "Ulceration of the lungs, after mechanical injuries.—Dyspnoea, from oppressive fulness in the chest.—Agreeable coolness in the chest.—Gnawing, corrosive drawing in the left chest. Gnawing in the left chest. Gnawing pain in the right side of the chest, accompanied with a somewhat corrosive and burn- ing sensation.—Strong compression of the lower part of the chest in the region RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 701 of the last false ribs, at night; he dreams that some one is seizing him round the body violently, and that he wakes in consequence.—Pressure in the region of the sternum, which seems both internal and external. Hard pressure iu the region of the sixth true rib, more violent during an expiration and contact.— Dull shock in the left chest.—Sharp stitches between the left nipple and axilla, more violent during an inspiration. Sticking pain in the interior of the left nipple, more violent during an inspiration. Stitches in the chest and arrest of breathing, which causes great anxiety, when going up stairs. Stitches in the sternum during every movement. Oppressive sticking in the sternum, when sitting, both during an inspiration and expiration.—Fine cutting, which extends from the throat into the chest, especially into the region of the clavicle and the axilla, where it stops ; the cutting is felt when walking, and becomes worse as one walks faster.—°Anxious palpitation of the heart.—Tremulous bubbling in the region of the last true ribs of the right side. Intermittent gnawing or peck- ing in the region of one of the costal cartilages, at night, over the xiphoid carti- lage.—"A spot on the sternum is painful when touched. Back.—Pain extending from the os coccygis to the os sacrum, as if caused by a fall or bruise. "Stitches in the small of the back, only when walking or stooping, or only when sitting, going off by pressure and by lying on the back. Hard pressure iu the region of the left lower surface of the os sacrum.—Pain in the lumbar vertebras, as if bruised, also with digging and oppressive tightness in the abdomen.—Painful darting in the dorsal spine, opposite the pit of the sto- mach ; this becomes worse by pressing on the part, in which case a pain is felt under the last short ribs extending into the abdomen afterwards, and arresting the breathing. The dorsal spine is painful as if bruised, when sitting or walk- ing; this pain arrests the breathing. Hard pressure on the left side close to the os innominatum, not far from the dorsal spine. Intermittent painful beating in the back, directly over the left os innominatum, going off when pressing on the parts, and re-appearing afterwards. Beating in the region of the posterior border of the left os innominatum (after a long walk, extending across the hip over the anterior surface of the thigh, down to the knee, and disappearing when pressing on the os innominatum). Intermittent beating in the anterior spinous process of the left os innominatum. Stitches in the dorsal spine when sitting, accompanied with sudden attacks of anxiety. Drawing-aching pain in the right side of the dorsal spine, opposite the liver; the pain being especially severe dur- ing an inspiration. Pain as from a fall, in the dorsal vertebrae, during motion and rest. Drawing pain in the dorsal spine, as if bruised, frequently arresting the breathing.—Bruised pain in the left side of the back when sitting, disap- pearing again when standing or walking. Pain as if bruised in the dorsal spine, and paralytic weakness in the small of the back. Bruised pain along the dorsal Bpine when sitting, especially on the left side.—Pressure in the interior region of the right scapula. Stinging itching between the scapulae ; it did not go off by rubbing (immediately). Drawing-sticking pain in the apex of the scapula, when moving it, obliging him to let the arm hang at once. Drawing pain in the scapula, arresting the breathing.—Drawing in the nape of the neck. Upper Limbs.—Intense pain, as if sprained, in the shoulder-joints; these pains abate somewhat by raising the upper arm and by drawing it, but they re- turn immediately by letting the arm hang down, or by laying it upon anything. —Pain in the right axilla as from a burning-biting ulcer.—Fine deep stitches changing to a corrosive itching, with redness and heat of the skin of the arms. Dull tearing in the long bones.—Crampy drawing in the biceps muscle of the upper arm.—Painful jerks in the upper arms, beginning in the centre; when the pain reaches the elbow it is felt all along the arm as far as the tips of the fingers, 702 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. the bones feeling too narrow; accompanied with weariness and heaviness of the lower limbs.—Coolness in the interior of the arms.—Itching of the left upper arm, inducing a desire to scratch.—Hard pressure in the right elbow-joint, more violent when stretching the arm. Pain in the left elbow-joint, as from a shock, with weakness in the arm. Dull tearing pain in the right elbow-joint, and the adjoining parts, extending to the lower extremity of the humerus; when stretch- ing the arm, the pain is changed to a sort of painful pressure.—The ulna feels bruised. Crampy tearing in the left forearm. Paralytic pressure in the outer Bide of the right forearm. Painful drawing with pressure, in the middle of the anterior surface of the right forearm.—Tearing, -with pressure in the right wrist- joint, more violent when moving it with force.—Weakness of the hands and feet. Distention of the veins of the hand, after a meal. Stinging titillation in the palm of the left hand. Erysipelas of the hands, from gathering the plant. Pain in the left wrist-joint, as if broken, even during rest. Pain in the bones of the wrist-joints, and of the dorsa of the hands, as if bruised, during rest and mo- tion. "Painfulness of the wrists on lifting anything. cPain as if sprained, and stitches in the wrist-joints.—"Numbness and tingling in the hands, after exert- ing them. Crampy pain across the right hand. Painful drawing, with pressure, in the posterior joint of the last two fingers at night. Pains in the fingers, dur- ing rest, as if bruised, or contused. Tearing in the left middle finger, especially the middle joint, and the middle phalanx. Drawing, with pressure, in the mid- dle joint of the three right middle fingers.—"Contraction of the fingers. Lower Limbs.—Pain in (he bones around the hips, as from a bruise or fall (during motion). He is unable to bend double; all his joints are painful, and the haunch-bones feel bruised. When feeling the affected parts, especially the haunch-bones and tibia, they are painful as if bruised.—Uneasiness and heavi- ness of the lower limbs. "Weariness and weakness after walking.—Pain in the posterior spinous process of the ilium, even when sitting, as if something would press out there, decreasing when the parts are pressed upon. Burning, sharp pressure, in the upper bend of the right thigh. Pain in the middle of the femo- ra, as if bruised (during motion). The whole anterior surface of the thighs feels bruised and, is painful to the touch. When stretching the lower limbs ever so little, the thighs are painful in the middle, as if bruised. The bruised pain in the thighs continues two days, so that he is scarcely able to walk. Pres- sure in the middle of the outer side of the right thigh. Bruised feeling in the posterior part of the thigh and above the knee (during motion). He is unable to walk directly after sitting and rising; he tumbles back upon his chair; the bones feel as if broken ; the thighs give way from weakness and pain. Viedent contractive and cramp-like drawing from the middle of the thigh to the hip- joint and thence to the small of the back. When walking he staggers from side to side ; the legs do not support him ; the thighs feel debilitated, and are unable to hold out.—Burning pain in the upper and inner side of the thigh, only when sitting or when waking, and on one's back.—Hard pressure in the upper in- ner surface of the left leg. Hard pressure in the middle of the outer side of the left leg.—The knees give way when rising from a seat and commencing to walk. Paralytic heaviness in the knees; he is obliged to change the position of his legs; he feels relieved after a walk. He finds it difficult to go either up stairs or down stairs ; his knees give way. Cramp-like contraction of the bends of the knees when rising from a seat. Tremulousness in the knees, with lassitude of the legs. Tremulous heaviness of the legs. He cannot step firmly, lest the bones in the legs should ache, accompanied with a feeling of heat. Dull stitches dart slowly along the tibia, commencing in the dorsum of the foot.—Cold feeling on the inner side of the leg, from the soles of the feet to the knees, without RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 703 shuddering, as if the parts had gone to sleep.—Beating and hacking pain in the anterior side of the left tarsal joint, as if from an ulcer. Burning and cor- rosive pain of the bones in the feet, during rest. Burning sensation under the malleolus externus, when standing. Sticking pain, with pressure, when sitting, first in the left then in the right heel. Burning tearing in the left big toe, espe- cially when making pressure from without. Burning pains in the toes, as from a bruise or contusion, as if a foreign body had been thrust into the parts. Cramp-like fine stinging in the little toe of the right foot, when sitting, which became more intense when moving the toes. Painful drawing in the toes. Pain- ful pressure in the sole of the left foot, when sitting. Hot, pricking titillation in the sole of the foot. Sleep.— Yawning and stretching of the hands. Imperfect yawning, several times. She fell into a deep and sound sleep as soon as she lay down in the evening.—Excessive drowsiness after a meal; he fell asleep when reading; it was a sleep with half consciousness; when touched ever so lightly he woke with a cry of terror.—Restlessness at night: she wakes frequently, experiencing a nausea, and a painful turning in the umbilical region; a sensation as if water would accumulate in her mouth, sometimes rises up to the pit of the throat. He is excessively restless, tosses from side to side, wakes every hour, and has great difficulty in falling asleep again. Restless sleep, with vexatious dreams. Fre- quent waking at night, as if the time for rising had come.— Vivid, confused dreams. Fever.—Shuddering of the whole body; even while near the warm stove ; hands and feet are cold to the touch, the face being warm interiorly and exteri- orly, and the head feeling dull as in catarrhal fever, with violent thirst, which disappears after drinking. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body. A cold creeping on one side of the head and face. Coldness descending along the ver- tebral column. Chilly shuddering, especially in the back and over the chest, at short intervals. Cold sensation iu the back, ascending and descending. Chilli- ness, or rather shaking chills, over the whole back, with goose-skin, accompanied with yawning and stretching. Internal chilliness; she is unable to get warm (be- fore the proving she had this sensation regularly previous to the appearance of the menses).—Heat in the face, interiorly and exteriorly, with redness. "Fre- quent flushes of heat. Heat over the whole body in the afternoon, with febrile uneasiness and anxiety as if he would die, arresting his breathing; he is espe- cially troubled with great heat in the face, without thirst, accompanied with white coating of the tongue and a feeling of rough dryness on the same. Great restlessness three evenings in succession, with headache and febrile heat. Increase of warmth in the feet.—After walking in the open air, she perspired over the whole body. Cold sweat in the face in the morning, in bed, with red- ness of the cheeks. Skin.—Itching over the whole body, on rising from bed, relieved by scratch- ing.—Draws blisters when applied to the skin. °Chafing of the skin, when riding on horseback, or in children when walking.—"Inflamed ulcers.—"Warts. —"Anasarca.—° Contusions and injuries of the bones and periosteum. General Symptoms,—"Ailments from mechanical injuries. *Bone-pains, burning and gnawing, in the periosteum. * Pains as after a fall, bruise or con- tusion, in the limbs, joints or bones. Cramp-hke tearing with pressure, now in the upper, now in the lower, limbs, during rest and motion. When lying, all the parts on which he is lying are painful, as if bruised, even in bed. He feefa tired and lazy, only when sitting; he does not feel so after having walked awhile. His lower limbs feel so restless and heavy that he cannot keep them still; he turns constantly from side to side.—Great debility. Great weariness and heavi- 704 SABADILLA. ness in the whole body after dinner; she was so sleepy that she had to close her eyes ; she felt better in the open air. He feels very tired after a short walk; his limbs feel bruised; his loins and the small of his back ache ; but he feels the pain only when sitting; he feels relieved when rising and walking about. Tired- ness in the limbs when sitting; when keeping his hands on his knees they felt so comfortable that he did not like to remove them from that position. Lassi- tude and heaviness in the whole body.—He feels crowded in every part of his body, oppressing the breathing. Characteristic Peculiarities.—°The pains in the limbs are aggravated during rest, particularly when sitting, relieved by motion. "The pains are worse in damp and cold weather. 210. SABADILLA. SABAD.—Semen Sabadillae, Veratrum Sabadilla, Alder-buckthorn, Berry- bearing alder. See Stapf's Additions. Compare with—Bell., Hyos., Ign., Lye., Merc, Natr. mur., Nux v., Phosph., Puis., Rhus tox., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Verat. Antidotes.—Camph., Puis. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, the following affections have been cured with Sabadilla: Intermittent fever, with thirst between the chilliness and heat, chilli- ness with nausea as if one would vomit, alternating with paroxysms of flushes of heat, attended with great heat in the face and hands, no thirst either in the hot or chilly stage.—Intermittent fevers always setting in at the same hour, with thirst between the chilly and hot stages. Intermittent fevers : the chilliness sets in with nausea, returns frequently, sometimes alternates with flushes of heat; the heat is more perceptible in the face and on the hands than on the rest of the body; no thirst either during the chilly or hot stage. Quotidian fever : chilli- ness at four o'clock every afternoon, followed by sleep for four hours, from which he awoke with sweat and thirst, in the case of a boy of four years who had gone through a gastric fever. Quotidian fever, setting in regularly with moderate chilliness, succeeded by thirst, heat with headache. Obstinate quar- tan fevers. Worm fever.—Chronic sore throat.—Taenia in the case of a pletho- ric young man: redness of the face, hemicrania with drawing extending to the shoulder, convulsive tossing of one side, involuntary rotations of the arm of that side, with discharge of taenia. Tcenia : spasms, speechlessness, with other symp- toms depending upon the presence of the worm.—Grippe with inflammatory af- fection of the organs of the chest, with chilliness and external coldness. Grippe: excessive drowsiness, chilliness, shuddering, goose-flesh, lachrymation, redness of the eyelids, pressure of the eyes on looking upwards, aching pain in the fore- head, sore tongue with thick and yellow coating, difficulty of swallowing, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, dryness of the mouth, loss of appetite, rumbling in the abdomen with deficient stool, sometimes discharge of brown, fermented, jdiarrhoeic stool, yellowish, turbid urine, cough with vomiting, headache and Sticking in the vertex, pain in the stomach, dull cough with bloody expectoration, painful lameness of the limbs, particularly the knee-joints, aggravation of the pains by cold, or towards noon and evening, heat of the face with chilliness and coldness of the hmbs, shuddering, dry skin, restless sleep disturbed with dreams. SABADILLA. 706 —Pleuritis without inflammatory fever, without thirst; the patient complains more of coldness, with occasional attacks of heat (Stapf).—According to Noack and Trinks, this is no true pleuritis.—The tincture of Sabad. is employed exter- nally to remove crab-lice. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—Cheerful disposition, which was not natural to her, —Gloomy mood soon after taking the drug, as if he were the greatest criminal, for twenty-five minutes.—Vexed at every trifle.—He imagines all sorts of strange things about his own body: for instance, that his body has shrunk like that of a dead person, that his stomach is corroded, that the scrotum is swollen; he knows that all those notions are imaginary, nevertheless he imagines that he sees the things in reality.—Not disposed to work.—Absorbed in reverie the whole day.—* Anxious restlessness. "Great anguish. He starts at the least noise. Vexed, inclined to be vehement, out of humour. Rage. Thinking is troublesome and gives him a headache ; except this, she has a particular dispo- sition to laugh at everything; afterwards she feels indifferent, almost apathetic. The mind seems to be excited, almost strained, whereas the heart is cold; in a few days the mind becomes duller and slower, the heart is more easily moved. Sensorium.—Vertigo as if everything were turning, especially when rising from a seat. Vertigo as if he would faint, with obscuration of sight. Vertigo, as if one would fall. Vertigo early in the morning after rising, greater when sitting than when walking or standing; his head felt stupid. Vertigo when go- ing to bed, so that he had to hold himself, continuing for five days. He had to rest his head on the table, the whole forenoon until after dinner, in order to keep off the vertigo ; accompanied with constant nausea, without vomiting. Stupe- faction of the head without vertigo or real headache.—Gloominess of the head. His head feels dull and heavy, as if he were obliged to hold it all the time; for several days. Sensation as if the head were taken with vertigo, with a little aching pain, shortly after taking the drug, continuing an hour and a half. Dizzi- ness, as after a slight intoxication, without vertigo or pain, continuing for two days. lie ad.—Aching in the vertex; it ascends from the skin of the forehead, where a sort of whirling motion is experienced; after the second day. Painful pres- sure in the right temple from within outward. Pressure in the head with heavi- ness, so that he is scarcely able to lift it; immediately after taking the drug, for half an hour. Dull, aching pain in the sinciput, diminished by pressing with the palm of the hand against the forehead.— Tensive pain in the forehead, with pressure. Stupifying, oppressive sensation in the forehead, producing a reel- ing sensation, which obliges him to stagger from side to side, as if he were drunk. Headache, as if a thread were drawn from the middle of the forehead to the occiput above the temples, leaving a burning sensation behind. Headache, as if the head were violently squeezed from all sides.—Headache, as if occa- sioned by strong pressure, extending from both temples towards the vertex, and thence to the lowest part of the occiput. Headache, as if some one were pushing from the upper part of the occiput through the brain and forehead.—Pain- ful pressure in the head, as if the whole head would be pressed asunder. Pressure in the occiput from behind forward, with a reeling sensation. Slight painful pressure in the forehead above the left eye, afterwards also in the tem- ple. Painful pressure in the right hemisphere, extending as far as the molares of the left lower jaw. Painful pressure with dizziness in the sinciput and tem- ples, with occasional painful stitches in the back, followed by a drawing sen- Bation.—Painful pressure in both temples, continuing for one hour. Pain- vol. n. 45 • 706 SABADELLA. ful pressure toward the right temporal bone. Itching with pressure in the head, most violent in the forehead. Painful pressure froai above downward, in the left temple near the ear.—Painful heaviness, first in the right side, afterwards in the forehead, whence it extends more and more towards the left side, and finally affects the whole head continuously; increases during motion, when it becomes a sort of vertigo. Constant headache, or sort of tension; on the first day it was only felt in the forehead; on the day following in the whole head; less violent when staring at a thing or reflecting upon a thing. Dull sensation in the fore- head, as if it had received a blow; not exactly a pain, whilst the hmbs feel heavy. Slight jerking headache, first on the right, then on the left side, over the fore- head.—Single stitches in the outer parts of the left temporal region. Sticking in the temples, especially in the right side.—Headache, especially after every walk ; when returning into the room she is attacked with a turning screwing pain, commencing in the right side* of the head, affecting both temples very sensibly, and extending over the whole head after going to bed; recurring every day.__ Headache occasioned by continued attention.—Pulsative headache in the right side of the forehead; afterwards more in the upper part; it continued for three- quarters of an hour; after which lapse of time it decreased gradually, but the head remained painful the whole day.—Sticking headache, especially in the fore- head. Pain in the left side of the occiput, as if- a wound were strongly pressed upon.—Confused headache, with burning and itching of the scalp; this feeling of heat extends over the surface of the whole body.—Pains in the head, in the evening when reading, as if single parts of the brain were pressed against sharp corners.—Heat in the head and face, as if he had drank much wine, not percep- tible to the hand. Increased warmth in the forehead, followed in a few minutes by coldness in the hairy scalp; even the hairs felt cold to the hand, as if cold water had been poured over the head. Scalp.—Pressure on the left temple. Tension of the scalp, particularly dur- ing the fever. Stinging in the scalp, particularly on the forehead and temples. Lancinations in the left side of the forehead. Pricking in the forehead, when he gets warm and goes up stairs. Burning pain on the hairy scalp. Corrosive, burning point on the vertex. Burning tingling over the eyebrows.—Itching of the hairy scalp, inducing scratching until he bleeds. Itching on the vertex as from vermin. Face.—Heat in the face, after drinking wine, the first days. Heat and sting- ing itching in the face, here and there, towards evening.—Redness of the face and hands. Flush of heat in the face ; his cheeks are red and burn. Redness of the face and heat, without ihe heat being felt by him.—Violent itching in the left cheek; specks in the face, like herpes, disappearing only in a few days.—Burn- ing of the lips as if scalded. Burning, itching, tingling and prickling of the lips. Tensive sore pain of the upper lip, as if drawn together with a fine string, and upward, early in bed, with real soreness on touching them with the teeth.—Pain of the lower jaw on touching it, as from swelling of glands. Chattering of the articulations of both jaws, as if loose, particularly of the right, on opening the mouth and drawing the jaw backwards. Eyes.—Painful drawing from below upwards, in the interior of the right eye and in the temple.—Pressure in the eyeballs, especially when looking upward; less when looking down. Gum in the outer canthi, about noon.—Blue rings around the eyes, for many days.—Redness of the margins of the eyelids, and sen- sation in the eyes as if an inflammation would take place. Burning sensation in the left eye, as if something corrosive had got into it; intermitting and returning a ter a few pulsations.—Dim-sightedness with vertigo.—* Lachrymation, -when walking in the open air, when looking at bright fight, when coughing or • SABADILLA. 707 yawning; for several days. Lachrymation as soon as the least pain is experi- enced in some other part of the body, for instance, the hand. Blackness before the eyes. Ears.—Burning itching in the interior of the lobules, without any external redness or heat.—Burning sensation in the outer parts of the right ear, without any redness being perceived, accompanied with a burning of the left temple, continuing for an hour. Pressing pain in the exterior of the ear.—Violent sticking in the left ear, and right lobule.—Otalgia and snapping as of electric sparks in the ears.—Humming and buzzing about the, ears, and sometimes a sensation as if something heavy were falling upon the floor and burst, after which the ringing in the ears- continues for a long while. Sensation as if the ear were obstructed by something. Report in the ear; humming in the ear when the air presses into it, shortly before dinner.—Painful boring behind the left ear in the parotid glands, the lower jaw and submaxillary glands. Burning- prickling sensation behind the ear. Small pimples behind the right ear. IVOSC—The smell of garlick is intolerable to him.—Contractive, biting sensation in the nose, as if occasioned by mustard. Itching tingling in the nose. Bleeding from the nose, profusely, twice.—Viedent sneezing from time to time, concussing the abdomen; followed by lachrymation. Occasional sneezing, ac- companied with sticking contractive headache over the eyes and red margins of the eyelids, as in catarrh, which, however, does not make its appearance.—Dry- ness and sensitiveness in the upper part of the nose. Fine whizzing in one nos- tril during an inspiration, the other nostril is obstructed. Obstruction of one or the other nostril; the air has to be forced out with a sniffing noise, and is drawn in with great force, with dull snoring, for several days. Copious, thin, whitish, transparent nasal mucus, sometimes coming out in large lumps, when blowing ever so slightly, without catarrh, for several days; afterwards he has to blow his nose frequently, discharging a viscid, yellow-greenish mucus.—"Fluent coryza, with disfigured countenance and dulness of the head. Jaws and Teeth.—Beating and jerking in the muscles of the left upper jaw. The lower jaws, when touched, are painful like swollen glands, for several days. Drawing in the jaws and teeth. Frequent painful jerking in the gums, in paroxysms, every day. Sticking pain in one of the right lower molares, ex- tending into the submaxillary glands. Sticking pain in one of the anterior left lower molares, extending towards the ear, continuing a few minutes. "Cessation of the toothache in the left lower row. A carious molar tooth becomes more hollow, six weeks after taking the drug, one-fourth of the tooth breaks off sud- denly without pain. Subdued beating and drawing in the teeth, not continuing, generally during a walk. Small stitches from above downwards in the upper teeth of the right side. Mouth.—Intermittent aching pain in the internal side of the left cheek, where the teeth come in contact with each other, not altered by contact. Sting- ing sensation, with disagreeable bitterness and repulsive sweetness at the tip of the tongue, in the lips and the gums. Burning at the tip of the tongue, conti- nuing twenty minutes. Burning pain through the right side of the tip of the tongue, followed immediately after by violent spitting, and a taste as of unripe fruit. *The tongue feels sore, and as if full of blisters. The tip of the tongue and the buccal cavity felt sore and scalded. Pinching dull stitches in the tip of the tongue, more on the right side, intermitting and recurring.—*The tongue is coated, mostly yellowish, especially in the middle and posteriorly, for several days. The tongue is coated white, the tip is bluish, the gums are bluish like- wise.—"Dryness of the mouth, without thirst.—Accumulation of saliva and. nausea, with a little retching, immediately, for eight minutes. Accumulation of saliva, causing an astringent sensation in the mouth, as if full of metal. Burn- 708 SABADILLA. ing of the tip of the tongue with great soreness of the throat, increased by swal- lowing saliva, and leaving a burning sensation when drinking, immediately, for one hour. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—-Burning in the fauces, and about the uvula, with pungent taste; he had to spit a good deal. Sore throat when swallowing. The throat feels swollen. He is constantly obliged to swallow; with pain in the mouth, and behind the larynx, as if something were lodged there, accompanied with scratching roughness ; he hawks constantly, especially in the morning, af- terwards the whole day, also when eating; more after eating. Roughness of the throat, he has to hawk all the time. Scraping sensation in the fauces, with dry- ness and difficult deglutition. Swelling of the uvula.—Burning and pressure in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition; the interior of the throat feels swollen. The throat feels as if the neck were constricted with a string. Scraping and painful sensation in the throat. Scraping in the throat, imme- diately after taking the drug, as if one had swallowed something acid, with dry- ness in the region of the posterior nares. Scraping in the throat; when swal- lowing he feels as if the uvula were resting on the tongue; the flat sensation in the throat obliges him to hawk, which causes a sweet, flat-tasting mucus to come up. Burning and pressure in the throat, during empty deglutition, as if a plug had lodged in the throat. Sensation as if a soft body had lodged in the throat, especially during deglutition. Dryness in the throat when swallowing. Stick- ing sensation in the throat, occasioned by tightness and sharp scraping; he has to hawk, in order to breathe freely. Tensive crampy sensation in the parotid gland, with increased secretion of saliva on the side of the gland.—Burning- crawling, stinging sensation in the palate. Constrictive sensation deep in the throat, as if the fauces were constricted, as after swallowing an astringent drink. Phlegm in the throat, before breakfast. Sensation as if vapour were rising in the throat, with bitterness, almost like heartburn.—°Oesophagitis.? Taste and Appetite.—Bitterish-sourish taste rising from the oesophagus into the posterior part of the mouth immediately after taking the drug, accom- panied with a dull burning in the chest. Repulsive, burning-sweetish taste in the mouth, aggravated by smoking (which he is in the habit of doing), but going off by eating. Flat, bitter taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, from the throat up to the nose, for three hours, going off after a meal, immediately. Sweet taste in the mouth, as if he had chewed liquorice. Loss of taste and ap- petite. "No appetite, everything he eats tastes of the drug; but as soon as he swallows one mouthful the food has again its natural taste. Aversion to food, continuing until the next meal. Aversion to food and coffee; he eats, but with- out an appetite.—Thirst, which can only be quenched for a short while. Desire for cold water, especially towards evening. Desire for beer and milk. Increase of thirst; he has to drink cold water in the morning, contrary to his custom. Ravenous desire for sweet things, honey and dishes made of flour, alternating with aversion to meat, wine or sour things. Canine hunger in the evening, after having been without an appetite the whole day. He eats his warm breakfast with great avidity, for several mornings in succession. Gastric Symptoms.—Eructations, partly tasting of the drug, partly having a fatter and pungent taste. Frequent painful eructations, which frequently ascend only as far as the middle of the chest, as if the air had to press through the orifice of the stomach with great trouble. Sour eructations, rarely continuing for days. Empty eructations with a feeling of shuddering over the body. Fre- quent eructations, having a rancid taste. A kind of heartburn, heat being felt in the abdomen, extending through the stomach and as far as the mouth, accom- panied with considerable ptyalism, the saliva appearing to be as hot as the heat in the abdomen, but it is not. Hiccough, several times.—Nausea while eating, SABADILLA. 709 several tiflte. Nausea, waterbrash, and vomiting. Nausea before dinner, ceas- ing afterlmner. Nausea, sensation of anxiety, and as if he would vomit, im- mediately after a meal. Nausea, relieved somewhat by bitter eructations. Fetding of nausea and pain with weakness. She feels as if she would fall, and is obliged to sit down. He feels qualmish and nauseated; with tasteless eructa- tions, after which the qualmishness terminates. Nausea and desire to vomit; he spits up insipid water all the time. Constant desire to vomit. Nausea and gulping up of bitter mucus, leaving a greasy substance behind, as if ^ he had eaten tallow. Nausea with retching, without vomiting, followed by vertigo unto falling, after which he experiences a pressing headache, continuing for fifteen minutes. Desire to vomit as soon as she sees boiled food, for three hours. Nau- sea with bitter taste on the tongue ; the food he takes has a good taste, imme- diately. Nausea with retching; there was no vomiting, but a cough came on which increased the retching, immediately. Qualmish, uncomfortable, cold sen- sation in the stomach.—"Vomiting of ascarides. Stomach.—Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Sensation as if the stom- ach were being turned inside out, directly below the pit of the stomach. Below the pit of the stomach he experiences a pain, on pressure, as one feels when pressing on a sore part, especially during an inspiration. Slight burning imme- diately after taking the medicine, gradually rising from the stomach to the pha- rynx, and becoming so violent in half an hour, that he requested help, saying that the burning was like that of a burning coal; passed off gradually in half an hour. Horrid burning in the stomach, immediately after waking; she thought the burning would come through the throat, and that she would suffo- cate ; her breathing was oppressed; she thought she felt relieved by compress- ing the chest with her two hands, but it was not the case. Slight pressure in the stomach, with sensation as if bloated. Internal, slight painful digging-up above the pit of the stomach, on the left side; the place is painful for several days when touching it. Warm feeling in the right hypochondrium not far from the pit of the stomach, soon after taking the drug. Dull sticking pain on the left side, on one side of the pit of the stomach. Warm sensation in the prae- cordia. Burning in the stomach and along the whole oesophagus, immediately, continuing for ten minutes, and then gradually decreasing. Corrosive burning pain in the stomach. Sudden oppression of breathing, in the pit of the stomach. with anxiety.—"Gastritis.? Abdomen.—Digging-up in the right lobe of the liver extending as far as the left, accompanied with paroxysms of painful drawing ; when pressing on the part, a pain is experienced as in an old sore; at the same time a similar digging-up is experienced in the forehead, abating when pressing upon it. Painless warmth in the region of the stomach and liver, internally. Burning pains in the abdomen. Sticking in the right side, especially in the region of the liver. Sensation as if the region of the liver were scraped with the back of a knife.—Dull sticking pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as if there were a sere. Pinching stitch behind the heart towards the left side, deep-seated, worse during an in. spiration. In the afternoon, while sitting, he is suddenly attacked with a vio- lent, stitch-like pain in the right side below the last rib, resembling splenetic stitches; accompanied with lachrymation; he rises and twists himself in every direction to alleviate the pain, when thepain suddenly attacks the left side, and it seems as if both pains met in the middle of the abdomen; he sits down again without knowing it, stretches himself, bends the back forward, presses his hands in his sides, after which the pain disappears after having lasted twenty minutes in all. Pain in the stomach and abdomen, as from a stone, with digging-up in the abdomen. Culling in the abdomen as with knives. Burning in the abdo- 710 SABADILLA. men. Shuddering in the abdomen. Sensation in the abdomen attM a ball of thread were moving and turning through it. Painful boring iu the hypogas- trium, especially in one place of the right hip. Colic, which causes one to shudder, with violent urging to stool, with imperceptible discharge. Warmth through the abdomen, and desire for stool, without being able to effect a pas- sage, immediately after taking the drug. Burning in the abdomen and rectum, coming on after every stool, and continuing an hour after every evacuation. Burning sensation around the umbilicus for about four days. Rumbling in the abdomen, emission of an immense quantity of flatulence, followed immediately after by urging to stool and an evacuation, which was followed by a second in half an hour. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, as if it contained something living; however, no flatulence was emitted; continuing for two hours. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, and loose evacuation in five minutes; another violent rumbling in ten minutes, followed by a copious loose evacuation. A good deal of rumbling in the abdomen, with pinching in the region of the bladder, accom- panied with a few deep-seated stitches in the same; continuing for an hour. Rumbling in the abdomen, as if empty. Pinching pressure in the middle of the epigastrium, interiorly, at a place between the pit of the stomach and the verte- brae ; the pressure is intermitting about five minutes. Intermittent, slow, dull stitches in the left lumbar region. Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, when sitting. Spasmodic contraction of the abdominal muscles of the left side, with burning pain; he bent double on the left side. Abdomen, hands and chest are covered with red spots, becoming redder in the open air, of the size of a pin's head, but not elevated. Stool.—Violent urging to stool; he has to strain more than usual, passes but little and loose stool, followed by increased toothache; five and seven hours after having taken a strong dose. Slightly progressive urging to stool, accom- panied with jerking drawing in the pubic region, as if proceeding from the sper- matic cords, and extending as far as the hollow between the thigh and scrotum; afterwards noiseless emission of short flatus, followed by a shuddering across the back. Slippery and liquid stool, mixed with blood and mucus.—Diarrhoea; the stool looks fermented and brown. Several stools a day after a large dose; no 3tool for four days after taking a small dose. Violent urging to stool, with' noise like the croaking of frogs ; he had to sit a long while; after this an im- mense quantity of flatulence was passed, followed by an enormous evacuation, which was soon followed by a second evacuation mixed with blood; from this moment he felt a sort of burning pain in the abdomen which lasted about eight days, decreased gradually after that time, and left an itching behind, which yield- ed to rubbing, and changed to a slight burning. A sort of pinching sensation around the umbilicus, followed by a copious evacuation, which was soon followed by another; in a quarter of an hour he emitted a quantity of foetid flatulence. No stool for several days; the first portion of the stool is harder, requiring much pressing at first, scanty. The stool delays in proportion as he increases the dose. No stool for five days ; he felt one strong urging, but it disappeared as soon as he sat down ; three days after taking the last dose he had stool, which •required strong pressing.—Dull pains in the anus and abdomen, continuing for five hours. Burning pain in the anus for six days, she imagined she had a burning coal in that region.—Itching of the anus; violent burning after scratch- ing, for five days. Itching of the anus, alternating with titillation of the nasal wings and the meatus auditorius externus. Violent titillation in the rectum, as from ascarides. Quickly-passing pinching tearing in the rectum, immediately.— "Taenia. Urinary Organ*.—Increase of urine mixed with blood.—Burning in the SABADILLA. 711 urethra, between the act3 of micturition, with urging to urinate. The urine becomes thick and turbid, like loam-water. Little urine, although he drinks more than usual. Scalding in the urethra, when urinating.—Dragging sensa- tion as far as the tip of the urethra, when urinating. Constant desire to urinate, towards evening; she emits only a few drops, after which the urging is most violent, accompanied with drawing in the urethra from before backward; the urging is accompanied with violent burning in the urethra. (This troublesome symptom was soon removed by a small dose of Puis.). Wale Genital Organs.—Drawing, beating, sticking intermittent pain in the penis, towards the tip. Slow, whirling tingling movement in the testes, the whole day; sometimes a fine humming comes from the thighs into the testes, after which the whirling commences again, and with more violence. Subdued contusive pain in the left testicle, going and coming, towards evening. Has no sexual desire for five days ; after which he is scarcely able to dispel his volup- tuous fancies, the penis remaining relaxed. Amorous caresses disgust him. Painful erection, with some chordee in the morning, without sexual desire. Las- civious dreams in the morning, with scanty emission of semen and relaxed penis ; he knows that he is dreaming; followed by painful erection and extreme lassi- tude ; feels easier on getting into the open air. Female Sexual Organs.—Decrease of the menses, which were just flow- ing; they re-appeared at irregular periods, more or less profusely. The menses appear one day after the time, more profusely than usual, and flow one day longer than usual; three or four days before they appeared, she felt a painful bearing down, as if they would come on. Larynx and Chest.—Wheezing in the larynx, during an inspiration, when lying on the back. Hoarseness. He hawks up bright-red blood, coming from the posterior nares. Short cough, a few light turns, with lachrymation. Vio- lent cough immediately after taking the drug. Nightly dry cough, which leaves him no rest; he feels hot and sweats. Short dry cough, produced by a scrap- ing in the throat. "Cough as soon as he lies down. "Deep dull cough with bloody expectoration. "Vomiting when coughing, with sticking in the vertex, and pains in the stomach.—°Grippe. Tightness in the pit of the stomach and the chest, especially during an inspiration. Short, difficult breathing, especially in the afternoon. Oppression of the chest when sitting or lying, as if a heavy stone were lying on the chest. Great oppression of the chest; he imagines he will fall, accompanied with anguish about the heart, continuing a full half-hour. Shortness of breath the whole day. Shortness of breath, dry and hacking cough, cardialgia. "His chest feels free and easy; he feels well all over, (secondary effect). "The breathing is easier than usual (in a person who was generally suf- fering with shortness of breath, secondary effect). Strong, painful pressure in the middle of the chest. Burning in the right side of the chest, as if he had swal- lowed hot water. Burning pain in the left side of the chesi. Pricking borings from within outward in the right side of the chest, during an expiration (when sitting), and disappearing soon during slight motion. Sticking in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs. Several fine prickings above the xiphoid cartilage. Sticking in the fore part of the middle of the right side of the chest, during an inspiration and when coughing ; he is waked by the pain several times at night; he is unable to lie on that side, has to lie on the back; has e.'Ugh with expectoration, frequently returning at night. Siitches in the left pide of the chest. Sticking in the right side below the short ribs, continuing for ten minutes, increased by a deep inspiration. Sticking in the left side, at first more frequent in the upper, then in the lower part, in the region of the short ribs; worse when coughing and taking a deep inspiration. Sweat on the chest 712 SABADILLA. towards evening, after walking, and in the axilla; violent itching about the nip- ple.—Palpitation of the heart, and sensation as if all the arteries in the body were beating.—Prickings in the right chest, during an expiration. Back.—Violent pain in the small of the back, in the region of the left sacro- iliac symphysis, when bending double. Pain in the small of the back, with chil- liness. Pain in the upper border of the os ilium, not far from the superior spi- nous process, relieved by walking and pressing on it, aggravated by sitting. Simple pain in the whole back, as from weariness, more intense, however, going and coming at short intervals, for some time in the forenoon and afternoon ; it oomes on while walking; movement avails nothing; but it yields when he sits down, bends backward, and leans firmly against anything.—Stitches in the right side of the back, in rapid succession. Bruising pains in the spine, when sitting. Pain in the nape of the neck, when moving. Burning-tingling, stinging sensa- tion between the scapulae. Pain from the right shoulder into the chest, as if the circulation of the blood were arrested by a tight bandage; the pain is not re- lieved by Opening the dress ; it lasts the whole day, almost uninterruptedly, is increased by cold and in the open air; sometimes the pain is felt in the left shoulder. Upper Limbs.—Convulsions of the arms. Aching in the muscles of the upper arm, when moving the arm. Tosses the right arm upward with a sudden and painful jerk. Intermittent pinching in the flesh of the right upper arm. Aching pain below the elbow-joint, when bending the arm. Painful drawing in the right elbow-joint. Spasmodic jerking in the elbow. Red spots on the left arm, occasionally red tips, not elevated, occasioning merely a hot sensation, not itching, and remaining in the open air. Small, burning-itching pimples on both forearms. Stitches in the muscles of the left forearm from within outward, going off when touching the arm ever so lightly. Aching pain in the muscles of the right forearm, near the wrist-joint, only during motion. Red, elevated streak across the left forearm. Darting pain on the inner side of the forearm, more towards the hand. Sudden cramp in the right hand, he is unable to grasp any- thing. Yellow spots on the fingers. The hands are very dry, all the time of the proving. The right wrist-joint is painfully affected, constantly, but most during motion. Beating tearing in the interior of the metacarpus, in the upper part of the side of the little finger. Tearing in the middle finger of the left hand. Beat- ing pain in the right middle finger, as if in the bone. Itching fleeting tearing in the left ring-finger. The skin peels off on the sides of the finger-nails in seve- ral places. Paralytic drawing, painful rigidity in the thumb and index of the left hand. Painful darting in the right thumb, aggravated by suddenly pressing on the part. Redness of one hand and red spots upon it Both hands seem to be dotted with small red spots, the left more than the right. Raging pain in the fingers and toes, awaking him from sleep and obliging him to scratch, which causes a violent burning. Stitches in the right hand. A kind of itch between the fingers of the right hand, which itches considerably, but only at night when in bed; nothing could be seen in the day-time. The skin on the hands becomes dry and rough, in the forenoon; it becomes smooth again in the afternoon. Trembling in the right hand when writing, as from weakness. Cramp in the right hand, especially the fingers, so violent that the hand becomes quite stiff, and the fingers are quite crooked, and cannot be held during that time. Trem- bling of the arms and hands. Violent trembling of the left hand when lifting or holding anything, as if it had become apoplectic. Tingling prickings in the right thumb towards the index-finger, when writing Fine burning stitch in the tips of the left fingers; afterwards glowing heat in those parts, the other parts of the hands being quite cold. Sticking in the right index-finger.— SABADILLA. 713 Cramp-like painless contraction of the left little and ring-fingers, during rest. Aching pain in the left index-finger, going off by motion. Lower Limbs. —Aching pain in the left hip, when sitting. Painful pres- sure in the right hip-joint, especially sensitive when lying on it.—Intermittent jerking-sticking pain in the internal surface of the right thigh, near the genital or- gans. Intermittent stitches in the muscles of the right thigh, when sitting. Sting- ing sensatiim in both thighs at the same time. Violent pains in both thighs, as if they had been compressed, abating somewhat while the limbs are stretched, in- creasing during motion, but abating again by continuing to move. Bruising pain in the anterior muscles of the thighs, when walking, worse when touching the parts. White blister with a red border and burning pain in the right knee. A few stitches in the outer parts of the left knee, when sitting. Sticking in the right knee. Burn- ing of the knees. Tearing in the right side of the knee, whenever she sets her foot down. The knees feel weary, as if they would give way. Drawing with pres- sure in the outer side of the left knee-joint. Violent, tearing-tensive pain in the calves, shortly after midnight, in bed, going off almost entirely after rising; eight mornings in succession. Tension in the right calf, when walking. Wea- riness in the legs. Pinching with pressure along the right tibia, when walking. Erysipelatous inflammation on the right tibia, with violent burning pain.—Heavi- ness in the feet. Excessive sweat of the soles of his feet. The feet are some- what swollen and very painful when walking; she would like to walk on soft ground ; she feels every little stone, and can scarcely get along. Swelling of the feet, most violent in the morning, for a fortnight. Tension in the feet. Painful pressure in the sole of the left foot, when standing. Pricklings in the toes. Cold feet. Sleep.—Frequent yawning, with lachrymation. She is constantly obliged to stretch herself, with cracking in the shoulders and back.—Constant desire to sleep; also in the day-time. Excessive drowsiness ; she sleeps as soon as she sits down, and is like one dead. Drowsiness which closed his eyes. Contrary to his habit he sleeps in the afternoon, and feels extremely peevish on being dis- turbed in his sleep.—Restless night with an aching pain in the right thigh, and the right upper arm. * Restless sleep; dreams a good deal. * Unrefreshing sleep. Towards evening he generally feels unwell; he lies down and falls asleep; during the sleep his mind seems to be worried by all sorts of strange thoughts; his sensations are quite weak ; no images in his dream, the first days. Ideas crowding upon his mind in the evening prevent him from going to sleep, several evenings.—Pulsation all over, in the evening, before falling asleep.— Excessive itching all over, at night, in bed ; scratching occasions a violent burn- ing. Violent itching of the hands and feet, for three nights in succession, as if she had the itch. In the evening, when half dreaming in bed, he has strange thoughts, as if they existed out of him, and were more important than he, and as if he could not drive them away, the first days. His night-sleep is disturbed with dreams. Confused .dreams. His sleep is disturbed by frightful restless dreams; he wakes frequently, and then feels an icy coldness, with a feeling of internal heat and cold sweat. Vivid dream, with great details about his helping other people and making them glad.—In the morning he starts up from his sleep as if in affright. Lassitude in the forenoon, while sitting down, until he falls asleep; he is disturbed after three-quarters of an hour, and starts up as if in affright, whereas he generally woke very calmly and easily; afterwards his head feels heavy; (after a large dose). Fever.—Small, spasmodic pulse and coldness of the limbs. Chilliness with- out thirst, and without subsequent heat. Febrile shivering through the whole body. Chilliness with goose-skin and moderate thirst. Chilliness the whole 714 SABADILLA. •day. Chilliness all over, followed by a kind of warmth, and as if a creeping would set in, especially in the thighs. He is shaken and waked from sleep by a momentary chill, at eleven o'clock at night; he feels warm without sweating, with fine pricklings in the forehead. Shivering over the back; he feels chilly through the whole body. Frequently-recurring paroxysms of shuddering, pass- ing off quickly, without being immediately followed by heat or thirst; after that he feels hot suddenly, especially in the face; he feels as if hot breath were com- ing out of his mouth and nose, and as if it made the adjoining parts warm, with- out thirst, and the whole body feeling comfortable, and the head bright; the paroxysms of shuddering recur eight or ten times at short intervals; the parox- ysms of heat are less frequent, but they last longer.—Burning heat in the face, with chilliness over the body, especially in the extremities. Violent chilliness at five o'clock in the afternoon; coldness over the back, as if cold water were poured over it; his teeth chatter with internal coldness; the coldness is somewhat relieved by the warm stove; it lasts full two hours, and then ceases gradually; after that he feels warm all over, and some sweat breaks out at last, especially on the forehead; the lower limbs are simply warm, with thirst; the warmth and the sweat last three-quarters of an hour at most; in the following night he experiences a stitching in the chest, and cough. Fever: chilliness in the evening; when in bed, he is seized with a violent chill and shaking; half an hour after he feels alternately hot and cold, for half an hour; afterwards he feels oppressed as by sultry weather, and he sweats so profusely that he is obliged to change his shirt, although that makes him feel chilly. Fever: flushes of heat the whole day ; more in the forenoon, alternating with chilliness. Febrile condition; he feels sick, anxious, starts easily, his breath is short and hot, he trembles; there is orgasm of the blood; irresistible desire to sleep, with yawning; icy-cold shuddering without shaking; constant nausea.—°Intermittent fever. ° Chilliness or external coldness with shaking of the limbs, with little or no thirst, followed by heat with little thirsfand accompanied or followed by sweat. "Quo- tidian, tertian or quartan fevers occurring at a regular hour, attended with loss of appetite, oppressive bloatedness of the stomach, pain in the chest, cough, de- bility, and thirst between the chilly and hot stages. °During the chilliness : pain of the upper ribs, dry, spasmodic cough and tearing in all the limbs and bones. °During the hot stage: delirium, yawning and stretching. "Sleep dur- ing the sweat. ° After the fever the limbs feel bruised without any other com- plaint. Heat only at night, and in the morning after rising; more internally; only the hands, forehead, lips and cheeks feel hot to the hand; the hands are always dry and rough; the mouth is dry and sticky; moderate thirst, but a desire for succulent food; no sweat; for two weeks, every day, the same. Burn- ing heat in the face to him and others, with redness and heat of the forehead, without thirst. Sudden burning heat of the cheeks, with cold forehead, without thirst. Heat in the head, which is not felt externally, with internal chilliness. Alternation of burning internal heat and cold feeling externally.—Profuse sweat about the head and face, which was hot to the hand, the whole body being cold. Skin.—Considerable prickings under the skin all over, continuing for many days, especially about the fingers and toes. Burning creeping sensation about the body, here and there. Feeling of heat and painfulness of the skin, particu- larly in the face, more felt when stooping, relieved by washing with cold water, after which a tension is experienced. Flying stitches here and there, particularly in the fingers and toes. Red spots and streaks, more distinct in the cold. General Symptoms.—Painful drawing in all the limbs and heaviness in the feet so that walking becomes troublesome to her. Drawing through all the limbs and sensation as if paralyzed. Pain in the limbs, especially the lower; a pecu- SABADILLA. 715 liarly-painful drawing in the middle of the bone, obliging one to stretch the limbs; relieved during rest; the limb feels stiff and heavy during motion ; the pain is especially felt in the joints and continues for many days. Creeping sensation in the limbs.—Cracking in the joints during motion.—Intense but transitory pain as of bruises, in various parts of the body.—Drawing pains in the right thigh and leg; continuing for eight days. Sensitiveness to cold. Shuddering over the whole body, immediately after taking the drug; continuing for ten minutes.— Immediately after taking the drug he felt a violent burning in the tip of the tongue, in the throat and abdomen, with violent rumbling in the latter, followed in five minutes by an evacution mixed with blood, and accompanied with burn- ing of the anus; after this he felt weak and slumbered for about a quarter of an hour; upon waking he felt extremely well and comfortable.—Intense pain in all the bones, especially the joints, as if the interior of the bones were scraped and cut with a sharp knife, especially in the right arm; uninterrupted boring the whole day, more or less violent, increased by contact, relieved for a short time by moving the arm very rapidly, continuing for some time in warmth and at night. Beating, dull stitches in several parts of^he body, almost like pres- sure, and sometimes pinching, intermitting several times, returning after four or seven beats of the pulse, and continuing in this fashion for a while in various places, rarely in the same place, for instance in the cheek, tip of the tongue, epigastrium, groin, penis, lower arm, metacarpal bone of the little finger; the first days.—Tremulous sensation and trembling in the upper and lower limbs. A sort of slight jerking, once only, of the upper lip, then of the hands, fingers, or thighs, especially of the left side, and always from right to left; the first days, then after the lapse of five days, and then again after several weeks. Convulsions resulting in death, from the powder being placed upon the head of a child.—Stretching of the arms.—Weakness of the whole body, as if he would become .very sick. Sudden extreme weariness, her eyes close involuntarily. Weariness in the limbs, he sweats when making an exertion ; he also sweats at night, in bed, which he never did before. Great weariness and heaviness in all the limbs, especially the joints. Relaxation of the whole body. Lassitude for several days. Violent trembling of the body, especially on the third day. Heaviness, with lassitude in the whole body; feels relieved by lying down, for three days. He feels so weak that he came near falling all the time. Paraly- tic weariness in all the limbs, late in the evening. In the morning, when wak- ing, he feels more weary than before ; all her body feels painful, as if she had been resting on blocks of wood After a short walk he was suddenly attacked in the street with an uncommon weariness and with dulness of the head, as if he had taken liquor ; his eyes closed ; he was almost unable to get up stairs. His limbs, especially the knees, feel bruised ; also when sitting. She felt tired and broken down, so that she wanted to lie down and sleep all the time; for two days. She feels bruised all over; would like to lie down all the time. Weari- ness and heaviness in all the limbs, especially the feet; she frequently lets her arms hang down, as if they had no strength. Continuous heaviness in all the limbs, obliging one. to lie down, the whole day, but especially in the last hours of the forenoon and towards evening. Staggering motion, the first days; after- wards he thinks that he performs his movements with more grace than ever. Characteristic Peculiarities.—Most of the primary effects of large doses last five days ; in one prover many of the symptoms returned after the second five days, and then disappeared for weeks. Many of the pains are first felt on the right, afterwards on the left side, for instance, headache, pain in the side, pain in the limbs. He feels more comfortable in a recumbent posture, than when standing or walking. The pains which Sabadilla causes in the joints, 716 SABINA. seemed to be especially violent in the last hours of the forenoon, particularly the weakness and drowsiness. Cold increases the pains. 211. SABINA. SABIN.—Juniperus Sabina, Savin.—See Stapf's Additions. Compare with—Aeon., Agn. cast., Bell., Chin., Fer., Ign., Ipec, Merc., Phosph., Plat., Puis., Rut., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Thuj., Zinc. Antidotes.—Camph., Puis.? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, Sabina has been successfully employed in the following affections: Acute and chronic gout.—Caries.—Beating toothache with sensation as if the tooth would burst, throbbing of all the arteries, with profuse discharge of bloovery different inducements, ccmmonly beginning in the morning, increasing in violence through the day, only diminished by lying quiet, and when possiblo by sleep ; North American sick headache.—Feeling as if the head is drawn for- ward.— Soreness of the scalp, on being touched. Feeling of looseness of the Bcalp on the right side. Sensation of looseness and drawing in one side of the scalp, on raising the eyes.—*Distention of the veins in the temples, perceptible on touching. Face.—Feeling of fulness in the face. Distention of the veins of the face, with excessive redness, and a feeling of stiffness.—Severe burning, heat and red- ness of the face. *A red cheek, with burning in the ears. *Redness of the cheeks, with cough.—Paleness of the face, with disposition to vomit.—*Cheeks and hands livid, in typhoid pneumonia.—Twitching of. the cheeks, towards the eyes. Eyes.—Pain in the right eye.—Pressing pain in the left eye.—Stitch in the upper eyelid.—Watering and burning of the right eye, which is painful on being touched, then coryza. Feeling as if the eyes were affected by acid vapour.—In the afternoon dimness of the eyes, and a feeling as if hairs were in them. Very great glimmering before the eyes.—Diminished power of vision.—Dilatation of the pupils, by the seeds. Ears.—Beating under the ears, at irregular intervals, frequently only a couple of strokes.—*Burning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks.—Pains in the ears, with headache. Pain in the left ear during the pain in the forehead.— Singing in the ears with vertigo. Humming in the ears, with determination ©f blood.—Slow stitches in the left ear. Beating humming in the left ear. In the neighbourhood of a smithy he feels every hammer stroke painfully, in the right ear. A crackling in the right ear, when he draws his fingers lightly over his right cheek; on the left side this is not the case. NOSC—Heat in the nose.—*Nasal polypus.—*Loss of smell. Smell in tho nose like roasted onions. Dislike to the smell of syrup.—Much sneezing.— Fluid coryza, with frequent sneezing. Severe fluid coryza in the right nostril. Watery, acrid coryza, which renders the nose sore. Copious watering of tho right eye; the eye painful, especially on being touched; and soon afterwards there occurred a copious watery discharge from the night nostril; in the even- ing two diarrhoeic stools, and then all the symptoms disappeared.—Fluid coryza, alternating with stoppage of the nose.—* Influenza. * Coryza, rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea. JaWS.—Stiffness in the jaws.—Pain in the upper teeth. Pain in a hollow tooth, especially when touched by the food. Toothache, from picking the teeth. Pain in one or more of the incisor teeth, and in a carious molar tooth. Shooting and thrilling pain in a carious molar of the upper jaw, which passes away gra- dually in that form of pain which is often termed a grumbling toothache. On awaking, toothache in an upper carious tooth, on the right side, at the same tima SANGUINARIA. 731 headache on the same side. The toothache is made worse by cold water, (also by drinking hot things,) and better by drinking warm drink. Pain in a carious molar after cold drinking, two mornings in succession.—Looseness of the teeth. Salivation and looseness of the teeth ; he supposes himself able to take them all out. Pharynx, etc.—Feeling of dryness in the throat, not diminished by drink- ing.—Ileat in the throat, alleviated by the inspiration of cool air.—A transitory, b it marked sensation in the fauces, as if he had swallowed something acrimo- nious.—Burning in the fauces, after eating sweet things. Burning in the oeso- phagus.—A feeling in the throat, as if it were swollen up, and would suffocate him, with pain in the throat on swallowing, and with aphonia. In the evening a pain with a feeling of swelling in the throat, worse on the right side, and most perceptih'e on swallowing. *Angi:ia, in several cases, particularly a species of pharyngitis. *Ulcerated sore throat. Month.—Feeling of dryness of the lips. A prickling sensation on the tongue, and roof of the mouth, as after chewingmezereum, but slighter. Crawl- ing on the point of the tongue, after which a sharp feeling extends itself over the whole tongue, in the morning on awaking. Pricking on the point of the tongue. Tongue as if burned. A feeling of dryness and rawness as after acrid things, begins on the right side of the tongue and spreads over the whole tongue, mornings on awaking. *Tonguesore, pains like a boil. Stitches on the leftside of the tongue. White-coated tongue with loss of appetite.—Loss of appetite with uncertain cravings.—*Increases the appetite.—L .ss of smell and taste.—A piece of sugar-cake tastes bitter, followed by burning in the fauces.—Fatty taste in the mouth. Slimy taste in the fnouth.—Disinclination for butter, which leaves a disagreeable after-taste. Dislike to the odour of syrup.—Craving for piquant food. Stomach.—Pressing in the stomach.—Soreness in the epigastrium aggrava- ted by eating. Feeling of warmth and heat in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, from large doses. Burning in the stomach, with headache.—Jerking in the region of the stomach, as if from something alive. *Strengthens the stom- ach. Soon after eating, a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. *Inflammation of the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.—Severe nausea from large doses. Nausea as if vomit- - ing would succeed. Nausea after eating. Nausea which is not diminished by vomiting. Loss of appetite and periodic nausea. Nausea by stooping. Nausea with much spitting. Long-continued nausea with chill. Nausea without vomit- ing, then headache. Nausea withthe headache, with chill and heat. Nausea be- fore the nettle-rash.—Heartburn and nausea.—Regurgitation and disposition to vomit.—Flatulent eructation. Spasmodic eructation of flatus. Hiccough, whilst smoking tobacco. Frequent flatulent eructation of unpleasant odour, with dispo- sition to vomit, and paleness of the face. After the eructation of flatus, the dul- ne^s of the head is better.—Vomiting. Before vomiting, great anxiety. Before vomiting, slight pressure to stool. Vomiting of bitter water. Bitter vomiting, with the headache. Vomiting, with craving to eat, in order to quiet the nausea. Vomiting worms. Vomiting and diarrhoea. Whilst vomiting, and afterwards, great weakness. Abdomen.—Severe and continual pain in the hypochondria; vertigo and de- bility. *Pain in the left hypu'hondrium, worse by coughing, better by pressure, and king on the left side. I >i-oases of the liver. Torpor and atony of the liver. —Inflammation of the abdominal viscera.—Hot streamings from the breast towards the liver. Beating in the abdomen. Cramp in the abdomen, which passes from one place to another.—Sensation as if hot water were poured from 732 SANGUINARIA. the breast into the abdomen-, followed by diarrhoea.—^Flatulent distension of the abdomen in the evenings, with escape of flatus from the vagina.—Dis- charges of flatus upward and downward, by raising himself on account of the cough, which then ceases.—indurations in the abdomen.—Paroxysmal pain in the abdomen.—Slight cutting drawings in the abdomen.—*Colic, with torpor of the liver.—At night, digging pain in the abdomen, with pain iu the sacrum. An hour after taking it, severe cutting pain in the bowels, followed by a single watery stool. In the morning, colicky pain in the upper part of the abdomen, and then a diarrhoeic stool. Stool.—Pressure to stool, without evacuation, with the sensation of a mass in the lower part of the rectum; this sensation recurred frequently during the day, without stool. Ineffectual pressure to stool, then vomiting. Urging to stool, with great discharge of flatus.—Frequent discharges of very offensive flatus: in the evening a hard stool. Flatulent discharge, followed by a small stool, with relief of the sensation of pressure to stool. Diarrhoeic stools, with great flatulence. After cutting pains, stool. After severe pains, stool like water. *With the diarrhoea, termination of the coryza and catarrh. *Diarrhoca terminated the attack of pains in the breast. *Dysentery. The food passes away undigested in the stool. Frequent natural stools, five times in the day. Two small, but not fluid stools. The first days the stools are more laxative and frequent, afterwards rather costive.—* Haemorrhoids. A twisting pain on the left side above the groin, equi-distant from the symphysis pubis, and the crest of the ilium; worse whilst sitting, standing, or bending towards the right side, in- creased by pressure ; better whilst walking erect; afterwards this pain passed towards the hip, around and upward, till it reached posteriorly on the short ribs, and remained peculiarly sensible by bending to the right. Urinary Organs.—*Frequent and copious nocturnal urination.—Seminal emissions during sleep, two nights in succession, after which he feels very well. *Gonorrhcea. Female Sexnal Organs.—Abdominal pains, as if the menses would appear. —It at times aids menstruation. The menses appear a week too early, with a discharge of black blood.—Abortion, on account of too strong operation on the uterus. Causes uterine hemorrhage.—* Amenorrhoea.—*Escape of flatus from the vagina, with dilatation of the os uteri.—*Climacteric disorders.—The men- ses appear at the proper time, but still much more freely than at other times, with less pain and weakness in the sacrum, but with pain in the right side of the head and forehead, and a feeling as if the eyes would be pressed out of the head, worse on the right side. Larynx.—*Chronic dryness in the throat, and sensation of swelling in the larynx, and expectoration of thick mucus. Aphonia with swelling iu the throat. —Frequent slight cough, especially whilst eating. Many evenings after lying down, a slight cough from tickling in the throat. A dry cough, awakening him from sleep, which did not cease until he sat up in bed, and flatus was discharged both upwards and downwards. ^Continual severe cough, without expectoration, with pain in the breast, and circumscribed redness of the cheeks. *Tormenting cough, with expectoration; and circumscribed redness of the cheeks. *Feela Stronger and freer in the breast in the mornings, and in the afternoon and in the evening the customary dyspnoea does not appear. A hot burning streaming in the right breast, begins under the right arm and clavicle, and draws itself down- wards towards the region of the liver. Acute stitches in the right breast in the region of the nipple.—*Pulmonary consumption.—*Cough with coryza, then diarrhoea.—*Croup. Whooping cough. Chest.—*Hydrothorax.—* Asthma. — *Pneumonia. — *Typhoid pneumonia, SANGUINARIA. 735 with very difficult respiration, cheeks and hands livid, pulse full, soft, vibrating and easily compressed. *Diseases of the lungs. *Pain in the breast, with periodic cough. *Pain in the breast, with cough and expectoration. *Pain in the breast, with dry cough.—*Burning and pressing in the breast, then heat through the abdomen and diarrhoea.—Slowly-shooting pain in the right side of the chest about the seventh rib. Acute stitch in the right breast. Slowly- shooting pain in the left side of the chest, near the axilla. Stitche3 from the lower part of the left breast to the shoulder.—Pressing pain in the region of the heart.—Pressing pain in the chest and back. Stitches in the left side in the region of the short ribs, by moving and turning the body.—Constant pres- sure and heaviness in the whole of the upper part of the chest, with difficulty of breathing. Slowly-shooting pain under the sternum.—Numb pain the whole length of the left scapula, along its inner edge, which is also increased by breath- ing.—Palpitation of the heart.—Stitches in both breasts. Severe soreness under the right nipple, aggravated by being touched. The nipples are sore and painful. Back.—Pain in the nape of the neck. Soreness on the nape of the neck on being touched. Pain in the left side of the nape of the neck. Pain in the right Bide of the neck, as if sprained. Stiffness in the nape of the neck—Pain in the back. Pain in the sacrum and bowels. *Pain in the sacrum from lifting. Pain in the sacrum which is alleviated by bending forward. Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, shoulders and arms. Superior Extremities.—Severe pain in the left shoulder, in the evenings. Pain under the shoulder-blade with chill. Pains from the left breast to the shoulder. Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder, worse in the forenoon, when she has retained the arm for a long time in the same position, drawing itself downwards to the elbow. Pain on the top of the right shoulder. Sudden rheumatic pains in the shoulder-joint. In the upper part of the shoulder-joint severe pain at every motion.—*Rheumatic pain in the right arm and shoulder, worse at night in bed; cannot raise the arm. *Pain in the right shoulder, and in the upper part of the right arm, worse at night on turning in bed. Rheumatic pains in the arms and hands. Rheumatic pains in the right forearm in the evening.—Severe pain in the hand, with aching in the arm when lying warm and quiet in bed; it is also often felt in the left foot, now above, then in the instep, and then in the toes. In the right palm near the index-finger, a severe pain as from a boil.— "Burning of the palms. Redness of the hands and severe burning. *Lividity of the hands in pneumonia. Numb pain in ball of the right thumb. Cutting pain on the second joint of the left middle finger. Sticking in the point of the right small finger. Stiffness of the finger joints. Pain as from a boil at the root of the right thumb-nail, then in the left, from this to all the fingers, one after another from the thumb to the small finger, alike on both hands. *Ulceration at the roots of the nails, on all the fingers of both hands. Inferior Extremities.—Rheumatic pain in the left hip. Pain as from a bruise in the left hip-joint, whilst walking, but worse on rising from a seat. *A rheumatic pain on the inside of the right thigh.—*A bruise-like pain in the thigh, alternating with burning and pressure in the breast.—Stiffness of the knees. Stiffness and tightness in the bend and sides of the .knees.—Cramp and pain in the calf of the left leg. Drawing in the calves and into the instep, worse right than left.—Sticking pain in the right ankle. Continual stitches under the right exterior ankle-bone as from the sting of a bee. Pain in the left foot with hcada die, and during the pain in the right arm. Sticking as from a needle in the instep, in the morning in bed, and in the afternoon coldness of the feet.— Burning in the soles of the feet, and in the palms of the hands, forenoon. Burn- 734 SASSAPARELLA. ing of the soles of the feet, worse at night. *Burning of the hands and feet, at night.—Pain in the corns. Great weakness of the limbs, with pains in the sacrum, whilst walking. Sleep.—Sleeplessness at night.—He awakens at night with affright, as if he would fall.—Dreams two nights in succession of sailing on the sea. Dreams, of a frightful and disagreeable character.—He awakens earlier than common. Fever.—In the evening in bed, chill and shivering in the back. Shaking chill, with pain under the shoulder-blade on motion. Chill, with the headache. Chill and nausea.—Transient feeling of heat before the regurgitation. Heat fly- ing from the head to the stomach. *Sensation as if hot water was poured from the breast into the abdomen. Burning heat, rapidly alternating with chill and shivering.—Fever and delirium, from the seed.—Abates irritative hardness and frequency of the pulse, also heat and dryness of the skin. Pulsation through the whole body. A gradual increase in the force and fulness of the pulse; from moderate doses. The pulse rendered more frequent, by large emetic doses. Quickened circulation, with the vomiting. The frequency of the pulse diminished by the nausea. The frequency of the pulse diminished by small doses. Strength and frequency of the pulse extremely reduced, with irregularity, and with iu- eensibility, coldness, etc., from very large doses. *Brings the pulse from 112 to 80. *Pulse full, soft, and easily compressed, in pneumonia. Suppression of tho pulse, with fainting, from large doses. Skin.—Heat and dryness of the skin. Increased itching of an old tubercle, like eruption on the skin. *Itching and nettle-rash before the nausea. *Warts. *01d, indolent ulcers; ill-conditioned ulcers with callous borders and ichorous discharge. *Nasal polypi; fungous excrescences, etc. *Jaundice. General Symptoms.—Rheumatic pains in the limbs. * Acute, inflamma- tory, and arthritic rheumatism. *( Acute swelling of the joints of the extremi- ties.) Stiffness of the limbs and rheumatic pains, with headache. Pain in those places where the bones are least covered with flesh, but not in the joints; on touching the painful part, the pain immediately vanished and appeared in some other part.—Great weakness. Great prostration of muscular strength, by large doses. Extreme weakness and debility in the limbs, whilst walking in the open air. Debility with vertigo and pain in the hypochondria. Great weakness, with the vomiting. Great weakness with suppression of the pulse, also with irregular pulse. AVeakness and palpitation of the heart. *Is tonic in diseases of the lungs. A quickly-diffused and transient, but at the same time a very peculiar nervous thrill, which is often extended to the minutest extremity. A slowly-shooting pain with long-continued thrill, ending in a grumbling aching, in a carious molar tooth of the upper jaw. Fainting weakness. General sensitive- ness and weakness. Torpor and languor, from the seeds. *Paralysis of the right side of fourteen years' duration, cured by the tincture in the dose of a small tea-spoonful every three or four days. Convulsive rigidity of the limbs. 214. SASSAPARILLA. SASS.—See Hahneman's Chronic Diseases, V. Compare with—Am., Cham., Clem., Cocc, Merc, Puis., Ran., Sep., Sil., Sulph. Antidote.—Camph.? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. The following affections have been treated with Sassaparilla: Hydrargyrosis. SASSAPARILLA. 735 —Chronic gout with scanty secretion of urine.—Erysipelas fugax in children.— Chronic rash.—Crusta laclea.—Herpes nasalis.—Gravel. Stone in the bladder. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Desponding.—Weeping mood and ill-humoured, in the forenoon. The mind is very much affected by the pains ; the mind feels op- pressed and the heart gloomy; he feels unhappy, and groans involuntarily.— Dread of labour, awkward. Net disposed to work, peevish, and hot in the face, (immediately). Peevish, but inclined to work.—Silent ill-humour. A fly on the wall vexes him, he is exceedingly ill-humoured. Out of humour, and is unable to forget what made him ill-humoured.—Easily offended.—Disposed to work, in the afternoon. More cheerful than usual. ScnSOrinm.—Absence of mind. Inability to perform mental labor.—Gloomi- ness of the head, with trouble from flatulence. Dulness of the head, when sit- ting a long while, with fog before the eyes, paralytic weariness of the limbs, ob- struction of the nose, and gloomy mind; the head always became easy again towards evening. Dulness and stupid feeling of the head, the whole fcrencon; in the afternoon out of humour.—Weakness of the head, as after a fever.—Ver- tigo : when standing near the window, he suddenly fell with his back on the floor, without consciousness ; the throat was swollen, sour eructations before and after the fit; the chest afterwards felt oppressed, and at night a violent sweat broke out. Vertigo when sitting or walking ; the head inclines forward. Head.—Headache, a sort of pressure as from a heavy load in the head. Pressure in the left side of the forehead. Pressure in the forehead and occi- put. Pressure in the left side of the head, especially in the temple, during rest and motion. Aching pain, especially in the sinciput, si iwly increasing and de- creasing. Pressing pain in the forehead. Pressure and heaviness around the whole forehead, forenoon and after dinner. Pressure with frequent stitches in the left side of the head, in the morning. Pressure in the right frontal eminence, with fine stitches, slowly rising. Strong pressure in the right temple, with drawing stitches from the occiput to the forehead. Violent pressure and stick- ing in the vertex, on the right side. Violent pressure, and afterwards sticking in the left frontal eminence. Sticking pain, with pressure, in the region of the temporal bone, increased by contact.—Sensati. n as if both sides of the head were between screws.—Cramp-like headache on one side, commencing with ob- scuration of sight and luminous vibrations before the eyes; he is like one with- out consciousness, has to lie down, is unable to speak, inasmuch as every word ho utters occasions a sort of concussion in the bead.—Tearing in the whole frontal region, sometimes deep in the brain. Tearing, with a sort of pressure, in the whole left side of the head.—Lancinations in the left vertex. Lancinations in the region of the temporal bone. Stitching pain in the left occiput. Stitches extending from the right temple into the lower teeth. Dull stitches in the left side of the head, down to the nape of the neck. Violent stitches in the forehead going off in the open air. Acute, fine stitches in the middle of the forehead. Pierc- ing sticking in the left frontal eminence, in the evening. Violent lancinations, with pressure, in the right side of the head, so violent that they make him shudder.— Beating headache, in the evening; worse at night, with violent nausea and so ir vomiting. Beating in the right frontal region, while walking in the air. —Hum- uiing in the head, sensation in the head, as of the wind blowing into one's ear. Scal;>.—Pressure and cuttings in the outer parts of the head. Tearing in the head, with pressure, in different parts, increased by motion and walking. Drawing, with pressure, in the region of the right temporal bone and cartilage of the ear. Sticking drawing from tho right mastoid process to the left frontal 736 SASSAPARILLA. eminence. Sticking drawing in the region of the right parietal and temporal bones. Dull sticking in the left frontal eminence. Pulsative stitches in the forehead. Burning, dull stitches in the region of the left temporal bone.—Tho pains about the head are made worse by touching the head and by walking.— Falling off of the hair and sensitiveness of the scalp w„hen combing the hair.— Itching of the scalp, posteriorly. Eyes.—Pain of the eyes when looking at something by candle-light. In the morning the eyes are affected by whatever she looks at.—Pressure in the eye- ball, in the evening, while reading, the paper reflecting a red light.—Sticking in the eyes, as if they contained dust or sand. Sticking in the eye, when closing the lids, and violent pain when pressing on the closed eyes, accompanied with a broad, red streak from the cornea towards the outer canthus ; the inner canthi. look blue and puffy, and the right canthus is somewhat swollen.—Continual burning in the eyelids, sometimes alternating with aching pain. Violent burn- ing and agglutination of the eyes, in the morning when waking.—Infiamed, dry eyelids. Lachrymation; agglutination in the morning.—Twitchings in the right upper eyelid.—Dilatation of the pupils.—Dim-sightedness, as if seeing through a fog, or as if the eye were covered with a gauze. Ear.—Violent pressure in the ear, extending into the temple, where a press- ing sensation is experienced.—Contractive sensation in the right ear. Painful contraction in the right outer ear.—Tearing with pressure in the cartilage of the right ear and the outer meatus auditorius.—Ulcerative pain deep in the left ear and around the forepart of the same.—Violent, dull sticking, deep in the right ear. Dull sticking in the root of the right mastoid process, going off by pressure.—Violent itching in the left outer meatus auditorius.—Drawing and visible pullings in the lobules.—Scurf on the lobule, first burning, then itching. —Frequent tearing in the posterior side of the left ear, from below upwards, in the afternoon. Sticking below and in front of the left ear, in the morning.— Tingling in the left ear.—Inflammation and swelling of a gland below the right ear, passing into suppuration. Nose.—Prickings in the tip of the nose.—Itching eruption under the nose, as if caused by an acrid discharge. Itching of the left side of the nose and around the eyes. Eruption in the left nostril.—Bleeding of the nose, with sensation as of small bubbles bursting inside of it. Bleeding from the right nostril. Dry coryza without sneezing, no air through the nose. Face.—Short-lasting heat in the face, with sweat on the forehead and heat on the chest and back, accompanied with prickings from within outwards, most frequent and violent in the neck.—Drawing lancinations in the muscles of mas- tication of the right side ; they seemed to have become convulsively contracted. —Stiffness and tension in the muscles of mastication and the articulations of the jaws, when moving them.—Contusive pain in the face in the lower borders of both orbits, in the morning after waking, but only when pressing on the parts. —Fine stinging itching in the face and scalp, and around the neck and shoulders, with a feeling of great warmth in these parts, the itching being immediately ex- perienced in some other place when removed by scratching.—Pale-red, a little elevated, rough spots on the forehead, of the size of lentils, without itching. Itching pimple on the cheek, spreading inflammation far around, with violent burning, forming a thick large scurf, and causing tearing pains in the open air. Pustules in the face, without sensation. Itching pimples on the chin. Itching pimples on the sides of the chin, becoming shortly filled with pus. Clear vesicle on the right side of the lower lip. Herpes on the upper lip, with pain as if pricked by a number of pins. Jaws and Teeth.—Pain of the jawB as if broken. Pricking pain, with SASSAPARILLA. 737 pressure, in the lower and inner border of the right lower jaw, but only when touching it, and when bending the head backwards.—Toothache of the right side, with creeping in the roots of the teeth; the pain ceases after picking the teeth until blood comes out; in the evening.—Tearing in the teeth, from a cold draught of air or cold drink.—Lancination in the gums and the root of the last right lower molar tooth. Swelling and soreness of the gums of the inner side of the lower jaw., Tlouth, Pharynx, (Esophagus.—Stitches in the tongue.—Tongue coated white, in the morning, taste natural. Aphthae on the tongue and in the palate. —Tenacious mucus in the mouth, and throat. Constant hawking up of mucus, in the morning.—Drawing pain, with pressure, in the soft palate.—Dryness in the throat and stinging during deglutition, in the morning.—Pain in the right side of the throat, as if a barley-bristle had lodged there, extending upward through the ear, and causing a stinging pain during deglutition.—Cramp-like pressing in the throat, at night. Constrictive sensation in the throat and chest, with difficult respiration. Appetite and Taste.—Sweet taste in the mouth, for several days. Bitter taste. Bad herby taste. Metallic taste. Flat, sweetish taste. Bad, sour and slimy taste in the throat, in the morning, like leaven.—No appetite or hunger, the food had too little taste for him, and after eating he felt in his stomach as if he had not eaten anything; the stomach seemed to be insensible. The taste of tobacco is entirely changed.—No thirst, contrary to his habit. Gastric Symptoms.—Constant, imperfect eructations. Bitter-sour eructa- tions, after rising, with bitter taste in the mouth. Bitter eructations after drinking and eating soup. Continual sour eructations. Gulping up of a bitter- sour liquid.—Constant nausea. Nausea when thinking of the food which he had taken. Nausea in the throat, owing to the rising of a disagreeable vapour into the mouth, with dulness of the head. Great nausea in the morning, unto vomit- ing, with taste as of herbs in the mouth. Nausea and faintness after dinner. —When he eats ever so little, his stomach, nevertheless, becomes very much dis- tended, as if he had eaten a good deal. Stomach.—Aching pain in the pit of the stomach, below the xiphoid carti- lage, increased by contact.—Frequent cramp-like sensations in the pit of the stomach. Constriction in the stomach, with nausea, going off at night.—Heat in the stomach. Abdomen.—Pain in the left hypochondrium as if bruised, with beating. Stitch. ing in the left side of the abdomen. Contractive pain of the intestines, after- wards violent rumbling round the umbilicus, or in the direction of the chest, or again downwards as if diarrhoea would come on.—Frequent crampy feelings in the abdomen.—Emptiness and hollowness in the abdomen, shortly after break- fast.—Violent pinching in the abdomen, and afterwards painful contraction of the sphincter ani.—Aching pain in the left side of the abdomen.—Drawing in the abdomen, with pressure, as after a cold.—Painful pressure from without in- wards and pinching in the left side of the abdomen at a small spot, aggravated only by deep breathing.— Sticking in either the right or left side of the abdo- men.—Heat or coldness in the abdomen.—Rumbling and empty feehng in the abdomen.' Emission of flatulence upwards and downwards. Foetid flatulence- Pinching in the left groin. Stool.—Urging, but no stool. °Obstinate constipation, with violent urging to urinate.—Great desire with contraction of the intestines and excessive pres- sure from above downwards, as if the bowels would be pressed out, for some minutes; after this, some stool is passed, with violent tearing and cutting in the rectum, and this is again followed by desire for stool, as if the rectum would be vol. n. 47 738 SASSAPARILLA. pressed out, so that he is scarcely able to sit still on account of the pain.—Feel- ing of inactivity in the intestines.—Violent and constant urging; nevertheless the stool is very scanty and soft, passing only with great difficulty through the rectum, which feels as if contracted.—Hard stool on the first day ; on the second day no stool at all; on the third day, the first part of the stool was hard, the latter soft.—Copious soft stool. Soft stool with tenesmus in the rectum.__ Fainting fit during stool in the evening. °Discharge of blood at stool. Corro- sion in the rectum during the diarrhoeic stool.—He is waked from his nightly sleep bv a sore pain in the rectum, which passes into a burning itching, continu- ing the whole day.—Ulcer at the anus, of the size of a nut, covered with a black blister, which speedily bursts, causing pain and emitting pus. Urinary Organs.—Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission, the urine being clear and red.— Tenesmus of the bladder, with cutting pain during micturition. Pressure on the bladder the whole day, but scanty emission. Se- vere tenesmus as in gravel, with emission of white, acrid, turbid matter, with mucus.—Micturition with burning, once a day. Frequent micturition and more copious every day.—Quantity of pale urine, depositing a sediment. Two or three micturitions a night, emitting a quantity of urine each time.—The urine is passed without any sensation in the urinary organs.—Gravel.'!1—Stone.?—Burn- ing during micturition, with emission of oblong flocks. Burning in the whole urethra, at every micturition Scraping sensation in the urethra during mictu- rition —Painful constriction of the bladder, without tenesmus.—After micturi- tion he feels a burning and itching.tearing pain from the glans to the root of the penis. Sharp cutting stitches in the urethra.—Discharge of yellow pus from the urethra, with redness aud inflammation of the glans and fever in the evening, with shivering. Male Genital Organs.—Intolerable stench about the genital organs.— Herpes on the foreskin.—Emission, (the first night). Painful emissions almost every night, with lascivious dreams.—Inclination for an embrace, for several days, with frequent emissions. Female Sexnal Organs.—Delaying menses. Scanty and acrid menses, with burning of the inner sides of the thighs. Itching eruption on the forehead previous to the menses, for three days, burning and becoming moist after rub- bing.—Soreness of the bend of the right hip and desire to urinate on the appear- ance of the menses. Frequent pinching in the abdomen during the menses. Griping in the pit of the stomach in the direction of the small of the back, dur- ing the menses.—°Mucous leucorrhoza when walking.—The nipples are flaccid, insensible. Itching around the nipples. Larynx.—Coryza and cough. Violent cough in the day-time, produced by a titillating ulcerative sensation in the fauces. Dry cough with burning in the nose when coughing. Chest.—Foetid breath. Oppression of breathing. Painful constriction in the chest, frequently alternating with sudden expansion. Pain during a deep inspira- tion, as if something, attached to the back, prevented it. Pressure in the region of the sternum, worse when touching it—Stitching in either side of the chest. Violent stitches in the region of the left ribs, in the evening when sitting. Stitches in the middle of the chest, near the sternum, uninfluenced by breathing. Stitches in the right chest, uninfluenced by breathing. Stitching pain in the left side of the chest, when walking.—Tensive pain in the outer parts of the chest, as if too short, when raising the chest and when walking erect.—Frequent palpitation of the heart, by day. Almost continual palpitation of the heart, with some anxiety. Back.—Pain in the small of the back, extending towards the genital organ3 SASSAPARILLA. 739 around both sides of the pelvis, worst at night and during motion. Tensive pain during the slightest motion, from the small of the back across the left hip, hindering walking. Formication in the small of the back.—Small_ violent stitches in the back between the scapulae. Stitches, sometimes lancinations, near the spinal column, from the right scapula to the last false rib, increased during an inspiration, and arresting the breathing when taking deep breath. Pain in the back, increasing to violent pressure when stooping, less when at rest, but being felt as a stitch whenever turning the body.—Stitching with pressure, in the cervical muscles, increased by contact and motion. Tension in the nape of the neck, with stitches when moving the head. Tearing in the nape of the neck, and thence across the vertex to the right side of the forehead. Violent, continual, drawing stitches in the right cervical muscles, from the clavicle to the os hyoides. Painful stitches with pressure in the xiphoid cartilage, uninfluenced by deglutition. Swelling of the right side of the neck, with pain when touched. Upper Extremities.—Tearing in either arm, from the shoulder to the hands. Paralytic pain in the right shoulder-joint. Pulsative stitching pain in the outer part of the shoulder-joint. Dull stitches in the upper and fore part of the region of the humerus.—Pain in the elbow as if a tendon had been strained, when turn- ing the arm inward rapidly. Paralytic weariness in the elbow-joints.—Paralytic tearing in the forearm, near the elbow-joint, worse during rest than motion. Tearing with pressure in the region of the ulna, sometimes extending to the metacarpus. Stitches with pressure in the muscles covering the ulnae. Draw- ing lancinations in the inner side of the right forearm. Lancinations above the left wrist-joint, from below upwards.—Tearing behind the wrist-joint, superiorly, with drawing lancinations towards the finger.—The hand is painful, although not swollen. Pain as if sprained in the right wrist-joint, extending towards the fourth finger. Tearing in the left wrist-joint.—Stitching, with pressure, in the metacarpal bone of the right index-finger, intermitting for two days. Cold hands, towards the tips of the fingers, for eight days. Itching in the dorsum of the hand and fingers. Feeling of stiffness, burning and itching of the hands, less when moving them. Blister on the right wrist-joint, itching, afterwards burn- ing. Stitching with pressure in the muscles of the lelt thumb, both when at rest and in motion. Small stitches in the posterior joint of the right little fin- ger. Innumerable prickings in the first joint of the thumb ; the place is after- wards painful to the touch. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in the tips of the fingers, when pressing them upon something, or the pain is as when salt gets into a wound. Drawing tearing in the bones of the fourth right finger, increased by moving the joints. The fingers go to sleep. Inflammation of the thumb, beating and burning, worst at night. Herpes on the hands. Sweaty hands. Rhagades in the thumb. Itching pustules on the fingers and on other parts of the body. Lower Extremities.—Stitching with pressure, in the region of the right iliac bone, in every position of the body. Paralytic, weary and bruised feeling in the hip-joints; she has to sit down, although this does not afford relief.— Heaviness, with pressure, in the left thigh, when sitting or walking, without pain. Dull pressure on the right thigh, a little above the knee-joint, when sitting. Pressure on the inner side of the left thigh, near the knee-joint.—Tearing with pressure in the upper side of the thigh, near the knee-joint, from below upward, and from within outward. Stitching, with pressure, in the left thigh, near the patella.—Single, a the chest: the pains were relieved by endeavouring to straighten the contracted part. Ergotism and tetanic spasm of the upper^ limbs, the forearms forming an acute angle with the upper arms and being directed towards the chest, the thumbs clenched, the tips of the remaining fingers somewhat curved aud firmly drawn to each other; the hands from the wrists to the fingers are fixedly directed to the chest.—Violent contraction of the fingers.—The fingers are violently drawn towards the palm of the hand; the pains are relieved by forcibly straightening the fingers, which, however, contract again immediately. In many persons, particularly in children, the spasms in the fingers lasted for many months, incapacitating them from attending to any kind of work.—After the first relapse a watery, soft, painful swelling on the wrist-joints remains be- hind for many months.—Numbness of the fingers, tips of the fingers. Lower Extremities.—Indolence of the lower extremities. Languor and pains in the lower extremities. Difficult, staggering gait. Complete inability to walk, although the patient seemed stronger than he was, with a peculiar un- fitness to perform light movements with the limbs or hands.—Pains in the hips. —Contraction of the lower limbs, on which account the patients stagger. The patients can only walk on the tips of the toes, owing to the spasmodic Contraction uf the lower limbs. Violent, periodical spasm of one calf. Tetanic spasm of 748 SECALE CORNUTUM. the toes.—Formication of the lower limbs.—Tingling sensation in the anterior portion of the thighs and calves, as if gone to sleep.—Swelling of the feet. Dropsical swelling of the feet.—Gangrene of the feet up to the knees. Gan- grene of the lower limb and spontaneous dropping off of the same. Sleep.—Painful stretching.—Drowsiness, like sopor.—Stupor, for days.— "Somnolence with delirium and starting.—"Sleeplessness, restlessness and dry heat.—Restless night-sleep, with heavy dreams.—Languid and exhausted after the sleep. Fever.—Disagreeable feeling of coldness in the back and abdomen, also like shuddering, likewise in the extremities. Sudden chilly creeping. Violent chilliness, also with shaking.—Fever: first violent chilliness, afterwards burn- ing heat with unquenchable thirst, the heat being particularly felt in the interior, attended with anxiety which deprives one of the understanding.—°Dry heat, with quick pulse, restlessness and loss of sleep.—The pulse remains natural even during the most violent convulsions. The pulse is feverish, small, contracted. "Small and suppressed pulse. Sloiv, small and intermittent pulse. The pulse is at times slow and full, at others small and tight. Spasmodic, small, acceler- ated and frequently intermittent pulse.—Sweat from the head to the pit of the stomach. *Cold sweat, -also viscid. Skin.—The skin is dry and brittle. Withering, dry. The skin all over looks lead-coloured, the parts becoming shrivelled and insensible, and not emit- ting even a drop of blood on being cut into. Peeling off of the skin, particu- larly of the affected parts or of the whole body.—Burning of the skin as if a spark of fire had fallen upon it. Formication, particularly in the extremities and neck, or in the fingers and toes, or in the tongue, where it is particularly painful. Creeping under the skin, all over. Drawing and creeping, increasing to spasms, with contraction of the limbs and profuse sweats. °Rash on chest and back. Boils. Spots on the feet, resembling flea-bites. Petechia,. Large ecchymoses. Bloody blisters on the extremities, becoming gangrenous. Black, suppurating blisters. Tumours on the neck, discharging a yellow pus, with burning. Emphysematous swellings. General Symptoms.—Ergotismus, rapiiania, morbus cerealis appears in two different forms, ergotismus gangrcenosus characterized by degeneration of the blood, and ergotismus convulsivus, where the nervous system is princi- pally affected. 1. Ergotismus gangrcenosus (necrosis ustilaginea epidemica), the more fre- quent form, commences almost always with a feeling of weariness in the lower extremities, followed by deep, lancinating pains which become worse during the night and gradually extend over the arms, shoulders and thighs; great cold sometimes relieves those pains. Afterwards the skin of the limbs becomes blue and cold (in birds the crest, ears, bill and tail) with sensation as if those parts had gone to sleep, with loss of sensibility and mobility. Phlyctsenae form under the skin, the skin becomes violet, livid, black, with tumors on various parts; whole limbs burst, bleed, discharge a quantity of foetid ichor, become gangrenous, and wither. At first the pulse is accelerated, then it becomes slower, with diffi- culty of breathing. Death sometimes sets in only a few weeks after the de- struction of the limb. Some had a dull, stupid look, with yellow colour of the skin, distended, hard abdomen, and excessive emaciation. The venous blood was viscous and flowed with difficulty; the patients whose mortified limbs had been amputated, died more rapidly. 2. Ergotismus convulsivus (convulsio ustilagina). Dulness of the head, in- creased warmth and redness of the face, alternating with chills, headache, vertigo, stupefaction, disposition to sleep, diplopia, dilatation of the pupils, languor, stiff- SECALE CORNUTUM. 749 ness of the muscles, debility of the limbs particularly the lower, staggering, tremulous gait, alternate contractions of various muscles, particularly of the ex- tremities and face, the pulse and beats of the heart are at first accelerated and full, and afterwards become feeble, irregular, even slow; the breathing is irregu- lar and accelerated; formication, trembling in the ends of the extremities; pres- sure in the praccordial region, violent cardialgia, feeling of coldness in the back and abdomen ; the trembling and creeping pass into violent burning paius and spasms, so that the joints appear as if dislocated, the spasms being even of an epileptic and tetanic kind and alternating with stiffness and loss of mobility; finally the extremities become paralyzed and contracted; the spasms are attended with violent retching, thirst, alternation of loss of appetite and canine hunger, continual pain and pressure in the region of the stomach, constipation or •dis- charge of foetid, burnt excrements alternating with diarrhoea; vertigo, loss of the senses and consciousness; small, slow, scarcely perceptible, frequently-intermit- tent pulse, involuntary emission of urine. Death or recovery took place in two or twelve weeks; those who recovered, suffered for a long time afterwards with weakness of the extremities, a sort of stiffness, with dulness of intellect. Almost all those who had had epileptic fits, died; those who did die, experienced at the moment of death a sensation as if their extremities were paralyzed ; they seemed to be struck with apoplexy (Serine, iiurghart).—Amid a feeling of anguish, languor, vertigo and a peculiar coldness in the whole body, the patient experi- enced a stinging, prickling pain, with formication, in the hands ; soon after the arms were seized with a similar sensation ; the arms were spasmodically contract. ed in the elbow-joints, and remained so for half an hour; after this, the parox- ysm ceased, except the languor and formication in the hands. In the first three days the paroxysms occurred only a few times, but after this period they became more frequent and violent. Soon after the same symptoms were perceived iu the feet and in the whole of the lower extremities, a similar drawing and prick- ling being perceived in the facial muscles, which were contracted, with staring eyes. The contracted extremities, having been forcibly straightened, contracted again soon after. At the same time the patients experienced a contraction of the abdominal muscles, as if, according to the expression of the patients, a board were pressed against the abdomen ; the recti muscles were put upon the stretch. On the sixth day of the attack, children became nauseated, and they vomited a green bitter mucus and had diarrhoeic stools; afterwards the stool became slow and took place every two or three days only. There was a succession of colicky pains, violent spasms of the bladder, retention of urine with frequent urging to urinate. During the cessation of the spasms the limbs remained still rigid for a long time. On the twelfth and fourteenth days of the paroxysm the children fell into a state of stupor, in which they remained for a long time and from which it was extremely difficult to rouse them, they heard with difficulty, tossed about anxiously, were slightly delirious, and complained stammeringly of great anguish, languor, vertigo, dulness and dull pain in the occiput, with painful feelings in the extremities; when raised on their feet, they were scarcely able to stand, trembled and soon fell down. The face was generally pale, the head cool, the limbs almost cold. Congestion of blood to the head was perceived only during the most violent paroxysms of spasm. The pulse was small, spasmodically con- tracted, frequent. At first the appetite was slight, afterwards morbidly excited. On the twelfth day an itch-like rash made its appearance on the skin, with itch- ing; panaritia in the fifth week. All the patients remained for a long time afterwards affected with trembling and great weakness (in the case of a whole family, from eating bread containing Secale). Intermittent fever and raphania. co-existed in the same patient and ran their course together. 750 SECALE CORNUTUM. Si Ergotismus neonatorum. General livid appearance of the skin, emaciation, dry and withered skin, blue lips, diminished secretion, general rigidity of the muscular system, which causes the stiffness of the body and extremities and the contraction of the fingers in those infants that are born dead, and a curioui alternation of spasms and paralysis in those that are born alive. After th« breathing has commenced, convulsions set in which frequently last forty-eight hours; these are followed by a condition resembling paralysis, mingled with oc- casional convulsions of the facial muscles and extremities, by continued squint- ing, inability to suck, and difficulty of swallowing (from large doses given during parturition, Bealhy, Ramsbothom). Considerable diminution of the beats of the heart after the lapse of fifteen minutes or half an hour, then they became irregular, the sounds intermit and finally are scarcely any longer perceived, (Hardy).—Apparent death, (Lorenz).—Erratic pains in the whole body, par- ticularly the back and small of the back. Obstinate periodical pains. Moan- ing of the infants from pain. Sensation of creeping insects in the skin of the whole body. Creeping in the tips of the fingers, hands, neck and several other parts. Formication in the arms, lower limbs and face.—Subsultus or tremulous motion of single muscular fibres and of entire muscles, in the face, on the hands, etc.—Painful stretching.—Various twitching motions of the voluntary muscles. Slight twitchings and visible movements under the skin.— Convulsions slight at first and then becoming frightful and permanent, the patients being even unable to separate the fingers or to move them towards each other. Violent convulsions are preceded by the creeping sensation and are attended with excessive pain; during these spasms the muscles are constantly trembling, and the spasms which were at first clonic, gradually increased to tonic and real tetanic spasms.— The extremities become quite rigid, the patients have an irresistible desire to overcome the spasmodic contractions or extensions of the muscles.—Violent convulsions of the extremities, several times a day; during the remission the fingers remain numb and frequently contracted.—Curious distortions and con- tortions of the limbs, alternate contractions and extensions, clonic spasms alter- nating in some parts with tonic.—Epileptic spasms. Epilepsy in children.— Sudden vertigo and blindness, the patients were entirely deprived of their senses, fell down, and had to endure the most violent contractions of the joints, convulsions, trembling, violent, ineffectual retching; the elbows were pressed to the chest, the wrist-joints were bent, the fingers clenched, the heels were drawn upwards towards the tendo-Achillis, the toes were drawn under the soles of the feet, the joints could not even be straightened by two strong men.—Tetanus, emprosthotonos, opisthotonos, risus sardonicus and rage. Cold sweat during the paroxysms. In some the spasm set in at any hour of the day; in others it con- tinued for three days without remission and then became fatal. The most violent spasms appeared to recur periodically, with premonitory symptoms. The most violent spasms generally set in at night, and gradually abated towards noon without a crisis, so that the patients were able to return to their work at that hour; the sweat accompanying the spasm, seemed to be caused by the anguish and pains. After the spasm the limbs of many remained distorted, the pupils dilated, they lost their understanding, became crazy, imbecile, or they re- tained a certain insensibility, remained solitary and taciturn, stared at those who addressed them, as if their questions had not been understood; others were as if paralyzed, were neither able to stand nor walk.—A violent emotion brought on a new paroxysm.—Long-continued indolence, followed by stupefaction, cold- ness, insensibility of the limbs and finally gangrene.—Great, general languor.— Rapid sinking of strength.—Rapid emaciation.—Emaciation as by a slow poi- son. Complete prostration of the assimilative functions.—Insensibility and SELENIUM. 751 paralysis of the parts affected with spasms.—Insensibility, numbness, rigidity and immobility of the extremities.—The patients were rigid, insensible, bad yet Gome mobility and suffered with violent pains which were considerably increased by warm air or by the warmth of the bed; the pains were somewhat relieved in the cold, but then a distressing feeling of coldness in the whole body set in iu their stead.—The vital forces are gradually exhausted, paralysis sets in, the Bkin of the affected parts peels off, blisters on the whole skin make their appear- ance, the fingers and toes become gangrenous, drop off, the stools become liquid, are passed involuntarily and without the patient being conscious of it, death takes place by gangrene or apoplexy.—True anthraces on the extremities, which become rapidly gangrenous.—Gangrene, dry, cold; hot gangrene, the flesh being eaten off the bones. The fingers or toes first become discoloured, then gangrenous; the local gangrene soon becomes general, penetrates to the bones, and causes whole limbs to drop off even while the patient is still living.—Gan- grene of the nose, fingers, hands, arms, feet, tibiae and thighs. Some lose their gangrened fingers and toes without pain and without being conscious of it, the parts being found in the gloves or stockings. The gangrened part becomes black and drops off.—Hemorrhage takes place sometimes upon the limbs drop- ping off. The patient did not feel the least pain when the gangrened limb waa pricked or cut into, the mobility of the limb was not entirely destroyed. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The bodies become rapidly decomposed after death, and emit an offensive, cadaverous smell.—Eight hours after death the limbs were as rigid and as much contracted as during the spasm, the face was yellowish and bloated, the eyes sunken, the skin of the abdomen had a greenish tinge owing to the decomposi- tion having commenced. A fetid mucus was discharged from the mouth and fiose; there were ecchymoses on the back, chest, neck. The omentum was slightly torn and soft, the intestines were yellow, the liver hard and turgid with blood. The stomach contained a frothy, bilious water and a lumbricus which was in a state of partial decomposition. The gall-bladder, which was extremely dilated, was filled with a light-green, watery bile. The spleen was darker than usual and contained more blood; the urinary bladder and even the ureters were filled with a watery inodorous urine even unto bursting; the heart and the large vessels were empty, the lungs were turgid with blood, likewise the arteries and membranes of the brain; the vessels of the dura mater were empty, the plexus choroidei were already in a state of decomposition (in the case of a boy of four- teen years).—The intestines and other membranes were covered with brown Bpots, swellings and blisters, which were filled with a whey-like pus. 217. SELENIUM. SELEN.—See Archiv, XII., 3. Compare with—Agnus c, Ambr., Bry., Carb. a., Graph., Ign., Lach.> Merc, Nitr. ac, Puis., Rhus, t., Ruta. ANTinoTES.—Ign., Puis.—Chin, aggravates the pains. CLINICAL REMARKS. Guided by the symptoms, Dr. Hcring gave Selen. in complaints incident to old age, both in males and females, particularly at the critical age, in gastric and nervous headache, chronic affections of the liver, hard stool, urinary difficulties, 752 SELENIUM. mucous consumption, ulcers on the legs, and other psoric ailments. It is espe- ciallv useful in secondary gonorrhoea and weakness of the sexual organs. Selen. has generally proved curative when the following symptoms prevailed: violent stiekiug pain over the left eye, obhging one to lie down, with sensitive- ness of the outer head, melancholy, and profuse micturition; accumulation of mucus in the mouth and fauces after sleep; burning during micturition; he can always squeeze some moisture out of the urethra; secondary gonorrhoea ; puru- lent, milky secondary gonorrhoea became clearer, less, or ceased altogether; re- appearance of the menses in the case of a female of 40 years, which had re- mained suppressed after a severe illness ; night-cough attending ulcers on the legs ; great sensitiveness to a current of air; liability to sweat in walking and during the siesta; flat ulcers on the legs.—According to (i), Selen. promotes the alvine evacuations of sick persons.—Dr. Neidhard has cured several cases of gonorrhoea with Selen.; after the inflammatory symptoms had passed off, the discharge remained yellow, thick, and copious, particularly in scrofulous subjects predisposed for pulmonary consumption.—Accordingto Dr. Chapman, a twitching at night when falling asleep ceased after taking the first trituration, although it had lasted for years ; the relief was, however, only temporary.—Selen. has been suc- cessfully employed for a chronic complete obstruction of the nose, and in many cases of itching of the nose.—Dr. Paul Wolf has given it with success for great nervous debility after typhus, particularly when the sensations of the patient spread from above downwards. Not only the more important pathogenetic symptoms of Selen., but also those symptoms which have been observed on sick people, have been confirmed in practice. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Rage and cruelty in his dreams, as if he were a* hyena. Dread of society; he does not want to see his patient.—Great talka- tiveness when excited.—Is so exhausted by mental labour, that he is scarcely able to think for some days.—Complete inability to perform any kind of labour. Very forgetful, particularly in his affairs; but he recollects everything during a nap.—A kind of stuttering, he pronounces words wrong by substituting one syllable for another, and is on that account unable to pronounce various words. Vertigo particularly on rising from a seat, on raising himself in bed, on moving about, on rising from a seat, so that he apprehends he will fall. Paroxysms of vertigo, with fainting, most violent one hour after breakfast and dinner. Every- thing turns, so that he is obliged to close his eyes. Attacks of sickness, with pale, disturbed face, frequent breaking out of profuse sweat as if from anguish, followed by vomiting of the ingesta, then of insipid, and lastly sourish water; accompanied with a desire for cold water, which is vomited up again ; hiccough, eruetation, excessive bodily and mental debility; pressure on the forehead as with a hand; sticking in front of the chest as from incarcerated flatulence. The emission of flatulence is reheved. Head.—Dulness of the head, particularly in the evening. Headache every afternoon.—Single fleeting tearings deep in the head.—Pressure in the forehead or pressure in the occiput, with vertigo on rising or moving.—Dull 6titches in the forehead, temples and eyes, on entering a warm room out of the cold air.— Great heaviness in the occiput, now and then, with undulating sensation in the brain, blowing in the ears, jerking and pressure in the eyeballs.—Headache after drinking lemonade, wine, and sometimes after tea, not after any other beverage. Painfulness of the scalp, here and there, as if the hair would be pulled out.— Palling out of the hair on combing the head. SELENIUM. 753 Eyes.—Falling out of the hair of the eyebrows.—Pains deep in the orbits, Dull pressure in the left eye, with lachrymation.—Stinging, twitching, pressure in the eyeballs, during the headache.—Spasmodic twitching of the left eyeball. —Itching of the margin of the eyelids inducing friction, pressure as from a grain of sand, and small vesicles (which were likewise observed in the region of the eyebrows).—Twitching of the eyehds, with indistinct sight. Increased short- sightedness. Ears.—Pimples behind the left ear, with sensation as if a pellicle were Stretched over the ear; this sensation passes off only momentarily on shaking the ear with the inserted finger.—Distant buzzing in the left ear, in the evening. —Beating in the right ear, during the toothache.—Blowing in the ears during the headache. Nose.—Itching in the nose. Itching of the borders of the wings of the nose. Pain of the septum, as if a pimple would form. Sudden, short-lasting, fluent coryza.—Fluent coryza every evening,—Clots of jelly-like nasal mucus, mixed with small yellow lumps, or yellow and thick mucus.—Stoppage of the nose with dryness of the throat, oppression of breathing and fever. Face.—Twitching of the facial muscles. The skin of the face feels greasy. Inflammation and suppuration of the comedones near the nose.—Cracking from above downwards of the middle of the inner surface of the upper lip. Teeth.—Toothache as when a tooth decays; he has to pick the tooth until blood makes its appearance. A decayed tooth on the left side is painful as if it would be pulled out, attended with a feeling of coldness extending to the cheek, relieved in the open air and by taking cold water into his mouth, also by eating, drinking, smoking; aggravated in the evening, in bed, until the pain becomes a raging and throbbing pain and extends to the jaws, temples and eyes.—Boring in the molares.—Tearing in the lower jaw. Mouth.—In the morning the tongue is coated with a thick, white, or puru- lent mucus, (the teeth being covered with mucus and creaking on being rubbed with the fingers). Burning sensation on the tip of the tongue, which wakes him. —Pains in the region of the root of the tongue. As the discharge of mucus from the nose and the posterior nares increases, the expectoration from the fauces and larynx decreases.—Tickling and scraping in the throat inducing hawking (not coughing).—Hawking up of mucus which is mixed with a little blood.—Violent, disagreeable feeling of dryness in the throat, particularly in the evening, when the throat feels parched. Appetite.—Gastric Symptoms.—Increased appetite, hunger.—Hunger at night on getting up, with diminished appetite in the morning.—Hunger early in the morning.—A good deal of thirst in the evening.—Desire for brandy, parti- cularly late in the evening (in one who never took any).—Aversion to salt things, afterwards desire for them.—Repulsively-sweetish taste on the lips when smoking tobacco. Hiccough and eructation when smoking before dinner.—Car- dialgia.—Pressure as if cardialgia would set in. Has to lie down after eating, but is unable to go to sleep, on account of feeling the beating of the pulse through the whole body, and particularly the abdomen. Abdomen.—Pains below the ribs of the right side, extending to the renal region, particularly on drawing breath ; the whole region is sensitive to pressure. Red itching rash in the region of the liver, in front and in the side.—Violent Btii king between the spinous process of the left ilium and the umbilicus, when walking, so that he is scarcely able to stir.— Cutting colic, terminating in the emis- sion of a single flatus, evening and night.—Flatulence is emitted more easily. StOOl,—Has not the usual morning evacuation.— Stool hard, and so impact- ed, that it has to be removed by mechanical aid.—The faeces contain threads vol. n. 48 754 SELENIUM. of faecal matter like hair.—Some blood after hard stool. Mucus after difficult stool.—Papescent stool with tenesmus, attended with a sensation in the anus as after a very hard stool. Urinary Organs.—Dripping of urine after micturition, particularly after an evacuation from the bowels.—Little dark urine. Red urine in the evening. The urine has a strong violet odour.—Red, sandy, coarse-grained sediment. Brick-dust sediment.—Frequent micturition at night. Involuntary dripping of urine in walking.—Sensation at the orifice of the urethra, as if a smarting drop would press out.—Dragging sensation along the urethra, with sensation as if a drop of urine were squeezing through.—When sitting, and also when walking, a drop of viscous, transparent fluid presses out of the urethra, occasioning a peculiarly-disagreeable sensation; the same sensation is experienced shortly before and after stool. Genital Organs.—Sweat in the pubic and hypogastric regions. Itching of the scrotum. Darting pain in the right testicle, in the evening.—Erections with much itching in the urethra.—No erection in the evening, notwithstanding he was excited. Erection in the morning without sexual desire. Diminution of the sexual desire. Impotence, with sexual desire. Slow, imperfect erection. The semen was emitted too early, but there was a long-continued thrill.—Emis- sion of semen, during sleep, at night, without his being conscious of it. The semen is thin and inodorous. Weak and ill-humoured after an embrace.—The menses delay eight days. Laryn\ and Trachea.—Huskiness of the voice, particularly in commenc- ing to sing, he has to hawk frequently. He hawks up transparent lumps every morning, to which a little blood adheres frequently.—Slight cough in the morn- ing, which is however felt through the whole chest. The cough is followed by an expectoration of lumps of mucus with blood. Cough deep out of the .chest. He frequently draws deep breath, as if he were moaning.—Feeling of fulness in the chest and region of the heart, as if some change were taking place. Oppressed breathing with stoppage of the nose, dryness of the throat, thirst, cough, sleeplessness, and constant alternation of heat and cold. Oppressed breathing and stitches in the side, in the open air. Stitches in the left side of 4he chest, first at night, then in the evening, then morning and evening.—Pains in the chest as if raw, at night when lying, particularly in the left side, then in the small of the back, then here and there. Pain in the middle of the chest, on raising the arms and on making pressure. Back.—Painless lameness of the small of the back, in the morning.—Stiff- ness of the nape of the neck and cervical muscles, impeding the turning of the bead, accompanied with tearing iu the left side of the trunk and head.—Painful gland on the left side of the neck, particularly when pressing upon it, accom- panied with tearing pains along the neck. Drawing-sticking pressure in the left side of the nape of the neck, extending to the eye, which discharges tears ; in paroxysms of half an hour.—Fleeting tearing through the left side of the neck, accompanied with a similar sensation in the posterior side of the left thigh. Extremities.—Tearing in the hands, with cracking in the wrist-joint at night. Twitching in the ulnar side of the left hand.-—Emaciation of the hands.—Cracking of the knee on bending it, when lying.—Cramp in the calves, soles, near the malleoli, in the flexor-tendons and in the big toe, in the evening wlmn lying. Cramp in the soles, in the morning and at night, on moving in a recumbent posture.—Violent pricking in the corns. General Symptoms.—Stiffness and cramp in all the limbs. Pains in all the limbs as from a cold. The least current of air is intolerable to him. He is fre- quently obliged, when sitting and working, to cease suddenly and to lie down, on SELENIUM. 755 account of all his strength leaving him suddenly.—Striking emaciation, particu- larly of the face, hands, cheeks and calves.—Irresistible desire to lie down and sleep; has to lie down in the day-time during the hottest part of the day, but is only able to doze. Sleep.—He sleeps soundly the whole forenoon.—Is very sleepy at nine /clock in the evening, has to lie down and falls asleep immediately. Drowsy early in the evening, slumber with frequent waking; wide awake in the middle of the night, and sleepy again after reading. Sound sleep towards morning. He remains awake until late in the evening. Falls asleep later than usual, and wakes earlier. Remains awake from three o'clock in the morning, without feeling any inconvenience. Wakes early, always at the same hour, even when going to bed late. From a deep siesta which is disturbed with dreams, he wakes regularly at the moment when he has to go out to make his visits.— He thinks during his slumber of the things he had forgotten when waking.— Starting of the whole body, in the evening, on going to sleep.—Sleep disturbed with a number of dreams which he is unable to recollect. Dreams about dis- tant persons. Dreams about visiting, travelling, an embrace, and wakes with erections. Dreams full of calculations, dispute, malicious cruelty.—Every little noise wakes him.—After the siesta the mouth is filled with tenacious saliva.— He wakes in the morning and afternoon with great dryness of the mouth, fauces and pharynx, drinks a good deal, after which sweat breaks out.—On waking he feels at first lazy and is unable to collect his senses ; is much brighter after washing himself. Fever.—Ill-humoured, drowsy and indolent, with frequent yawning and stretching of the arms.—Drowsy with yawning, languor, disposition to vomit, drawing in the occiput, ringing in the ears and dulness of hearing.—On some parts of the body, right side, hepatic region, chest, abdomen, and loins, a glow is felt as if proceeding from a hot furnace, more externally and more perceptible to the hand than felt internally, although he feels hot; particularly after a meal, after the siesta, also when lying in a cool room.—Sweat during and after the heat. Sweat during the siesta. Slight sweat on going out. al«o in the forenoon.— The sweat on the chest and in the axillae leaves whitish stiff spots on the linen. Skin.—Biting in the skin, all over, particularly in the palms of the hand. Frequent tingling at small spots as from a particle of dust, particularly around the mouth, on the cheeks, chin, obliging one to scratch hard, and going off after- wards. Itching of the margin of the wings of the nose, and of the inner side of the wrist, between the fingers, at small spots, also of the feet, in the evening. Itching around and below the malleoli, between the tendo-Achillis and the mal- leoli.—Pain as if a pimple would form between the eyebrows, on the septum of the nose. Small pimples below the ear. Itching pimples on the back, hands. Vesicles on the buttock, resembling itch-vesicles.—Rash in the region of the liver and on the forearms. Itching smarting pimples between the thighs and scrotum. Itching on the balls of the fingers; after scratching, a white spot with a red areola makes its appearance.—Insensible blotch in the skin, on the riodit tendo-Achillis.—Blotch in the skin, on the left calf; he has to scratch it until the part becomes sore; the place remains humid for a long time. A spot over the malleolus, which had been scratched open, remains humid for some days, and is very sensitive after it has healed.—Sore and painful hang-nails on several fin- gers.—The ischia become sore from sitting.—A painless flat pimple with a {lustule on it, ulcerates. Blister on the middle-joint of the second toe of the eft foot, which is rubbed open. Characteristic Peculiarities.—All his pains are worse after sleep, to which ho is greatly incliued. 756 SENEGA. 218. SENEGA. SEN.—See Stapf's Additions. Compare with—Am., Ars., Bell., Bry., Canth., Euphr., Lach., Puis., Scil., Stan., Sulph. Antidotes.—Arm, Bell., Bry., Camph. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Bites of poisonous animals.—Increased secretion of mucus from the eyehds.— Iridoncosis: lentil-sized, violet-coloured ecchymosis towards the lower part of the iris, with diminished irritability, disturbed vision and lancinating pains around the eyes, remaining after chronic ophthalmia.—Speck on the cornea.—Im- provement of degenerations of the cornea resembling pannus.—Sen. promotes the absorption of the broken cataract.—Diminution of a considerable dimness in consequence of an interstitial distention of the cornea of either eye.—Ameliora- tion of cataract.—Burning in the urethra and its orifice, before and after mic- turition, the urine being mixed with slimy fibres, frequent micturition day and night.—Grippe : continual titillation and burning in the fauces and larynx, pre- venting a recumbent position and inducing a fear of suffocation.—Frequent cough, early in the morning, with difficult expectoration, which was mixed with blood on making violent efforts to expectorate, was generally thick and yellow, with wheezing breathing, pain as from concussion in the whole chest when cough- ing, difficulty of lying on the side, oppression of the chest, sweat in the morning, loss of appetite, languor, drawing in the limbs.—Short, dry cough after spitting blood, racking pain in the chest on drawing deep breath and sneezing, dull pushes in the forehead when coughing, sweetish taste in the throat rising from below upwards, dull stitches under the short ribs, rather hard pulse.—Cough with expectoration of tenacious mucus, yellow and bloody expectoration, with wheezing in the chest.—Catarrhal fever, spasmodic cough attended with expec- toration of a quantity of mucus.—Increased secretion of mucus in the lungs after inflammatory or catarrhal affections.—Extremely copious, transparent, tena- cious and yellow expectoration, after peripneumonia.—Frequent violent cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus, after typhus.—Pneumonia after the re- moval of the inflammatory symptoms, if the patient complains of aching, pressing pains during respiration, and the cough is rather dry than moist.—Violent sting- ing pains in the right subcostal region, increased by breathing and motion, ex- tending to the region of the shoulders, and obliging him to bend double in walking or taking a deep breath, occasioning tightness of breath, and rendering it difficult to lie on the right side.—Peripneumonia : oppression of the chest, he has to sit up all the time, suppression of the expectoration with rattling in the chest; pulse small, wiry, cold sweat all over, (a large d >se afforded relief*).— Pneumonia, venous form, in a patient, with pituitous and phlegmatic constitu- tion, when the mucous membrane or the lungs is principally affected, when the tenacious mucus occasions a burning and drawing in the chest, and the expecto- ration, which is difficult during rest, gets worse (the circulation having previously been quieted by Aeon.).— Hydrothorax after scarlatina.—Ilvdrothorax, in the case of a patient who was affected with a chronic malady of the chest.—In- cipient paralysis of the lungs, in the case of a child; the breathing is very labori- ous and short, at times rattling, at others wheezing, as if the bronchi were filled with mucus, the thorax being almost entirely quiet. Aconite was more specifically indicated.—Hempel. SENEGA 757 SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Attacks of anxiety. Feeling of anxiety, with ac- celerated breathing. Anxiety and vertigo (from large doses). Frightful anxiety. —Melancholy mood. Hypochondriac mood and irritable.—Phlegmatic, inclines to quarrel and offend.—^Cheerful but irritable, and becoming easily vehement when excited. Cheerful and childishly playful; a slight cause provokes his anger. —Ho recollects suddenly, without any cause, insignificant regions which he had seen long ago, and which had never made a deep impression n^in 1 :m. Sensorilim and Head.—Vertigo, in large doses, (Sundelin). Vertigo, with roaring in the ears; shortly after taking the drug. Slight vertigo before the eyes, shortly a!'ter. Vertigo in the head, continuing for moments, as if the blood ceased to flow, and a3 if the ideas were arrested.—Reeling sensation in the head.—Dis- agreeable sensation of emptiness in the head. Confused feeling in the head. Dizziness with flat taste in the mouth.—Dulness of the head. Dulness of the head, with pressure and dulness of the eyes.—Violent beating headache with pressure in the eyes, diminished appetite, bruised feeling and general feehng of malaise—Boring stitches in the head.—Heaviness of the whole head, continuing six hours.—A sort of aching pain in the head, in the sinciput and occiput, not increased by contact; this headache came on every day, and was especially felt when sitting in a warm room; it was accompanied with a pressure in the eyes, which did not bear contact; on the fifth day nausea supervened after din- ner, with inclination to vomit; the pain seemed to be relieved by leaning the head quietly on the arm; exercise in the open air afforded the greatest relief; ac- companied with a slight sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, which, however, was not the case; after the nausea had passed off, after the lapse of 1 \ hours, a peculiar though not unpleasant sensation was felt in the parotid gland, and a simple pain in the pit of the stomach, rather than the outer parts thereof. Ach- ing, stupifying pain in the occiput, toward evening. Pressure in the temples in the forenoon, toward the forehead. Sensation of pressure in the forehead. Dull sensation in the right half of the forehead, like pressure. Violent aching, beat- ing pain in the forehead, in the evening of the first day. Painful drawing in the forehead, several times.—Pressing pain in the forehead and in the orbits, after dinner, especially in the left side of the head; relieved in the open air. Fleet- ing tearing pain in the right half of the forehead. Tearing and drawing pains in the temples, extending down the face.—Violent rush of blood to the head, when stooping, especially to the eyeballs, where a painful pressure is experienced. —Simple pain in the occiput, afterwards extending to the temples, and finally affecting the whole head.—The headache is relieved by cold.—Itching of the hairy scalp. Shuddering over the hairy scalp, shortly alter. Eyes.—(For the affections of the eyes which have been cured with Sen., see Clin. Obs.)—Bloated eyelids. Swelling, burning and pressure of the eyelids, without much redness. Both lids of the right eye are inflamed and swollen, especially toward the inner canthus, with painful pressure. Swelling of the eye- lids. Pimple (hordeolum) on the margin of the right lower eyelid. Vesicle of the size of a pin's head on the margin of the left upper eyelid, occasioning a troublesome pressure in the eye; on being opened, the vesicle discharged a clear fluid, and the pressure disappeared. Considerable creeping in the eyelids, with sensation as if sand had got into them. Burning pain in the margins of the eyelids, early in the morning on the second and third days. Slight burning in the lids when writing. Pressure in the right upper eyelid, towards the inner canthus. Pulsation in the right lower eyelid. The lower eyelids are spasmodi- cally drawn towards the nose, for several days. Jerking in the eyelids. Con- 758 SENEGA. stant twitching in the right outer canthus. Secretion of a quantity of mucus in the Meibomian glands. Secretion of a quantity of hard tenacious mucus in the canthi during the night. *Early in the morning the eyelashes are full of hard mucus. An almost constant twitching and jerking in the lower eyelids causes- lachrymation. Drawing in the eyes, passing into a cooling sensation and leaving tears behind. Slight lachrymation, and sensation as if filaments were hanging before the eyes, especially in the right eye, in the open air. Some lachrymation in the open air. When looking at an object intently or perma- nently the eyes tremble and run.—Painful pressure in and over the orbits. Painful pressure in the eye, as if the eye would be pressed out of the socket; passes off in half a minute, leaving a dull feeling behind. Pressing in the eyes. —Drawing in the eyeballs with diminution of sight. Drawing and pressure in the eyeballs, with diminution of sight. Considerable pressure in the eyeballs, now in the right, then in the left. Pressure in the eyes when stooping, as if a fluid were pressing into the eyeballs and dilating them; the first days. Sharp pres- sure at the bottom of the left eyeball. Pressure in the eyes, in the evening, at candle-light.—Burning and pressure in the eyes; towards evening.—Burn- ing in the eyes when reading or writing. Dryness of the eyes, with sensa- tion as if the eyeballs were too large for the orbits.—Considerable dryness and smarting pain, as from soap, in the eyes.—Tensive sensation in the eyes, with too great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.—He stares at one object; sensation as if it were difficult to move the pupils.—Illusions of sight. — Shadows before the eyes. The objects look shadowy. — Im- peded vision, as if dazzled by a glaring light. While reading, the eyes feel dazzled; this makes the reading difficult.—When walking towards the setting sun, he imagined he saw another smaller sun hover below the other, assuming a somewhat oval shape when looking down, and disappearing when turning the head backward, or when closing the eyes.—At noon she saw several times a shining spot on the wall when looking at it sideways; it disappeared when look- ing at the wall in a straight line.—Dulness of the eyes, with slight burning and lachrymation. Dulness of the eyes when reading; they run when exerting them too much. Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.—Dimness of sight and luminous vibrations before the eyes when reading, obliging one to wipe them often ; this wiping increases the former symptoms.—Contraction and difficult motion of the pupils, the first days. Ears.—Dull pain in the right ear. Sensation of painful pressure in the right ear when chewing.—Feeling of warmth in the right ear.—A cooling sensation frequently pervades the left ear.—Slight humming in the ears, which feel as if stopped.—Painful sensitiveness of the sense of hearing, even when hearing. sounds which ordinarily seemed agreeable. ?\T0Se.—Itching in the nose.—Troublesome dryness of the Schneiderian mem- brane. Great dryness of the nasal fossae, with a discharge of a few drops of blood from the same.—Smell before the nose, as of a malignant ulcer.—Sneez- ing, so violent that the head becomes heavy and dizzy, followed by discharge of a quantity of thin, watery mucus. Face, Jaws and Teeth.—Feeling of warmth in the left half of the face. Paralytic feeling in the left half of the face. Burning vesicles, itching when touched, on the upper lip near the nose and corner of the mouth.—Simple pain in single teeth and in the jaws.—The lower foreteeth are extremely sensitive to cold and damp air, when inspired through the mouth.—Slight digging-up in the upper left molares. Month.—Tensive sensation which had shifted from the palate to the articular fossae of the lower jaw.—Smarting, burning sensation in the region of the SENEGA. 759 palate, as if the skin had become detached. Dryness of the mouth; an hour after, increased secretion of saliva. Dryness of the mouth and throat, with ac- cumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat. Excessive dryness in the mouth and larynx early in the morning and forenoon, for many days.—Slight prickling and stinging in the mouth, with accumulation of saliva.—Viscid saliva^ in the mouth. Increase of saliva in the mouth, also with contractive sensation in the mouth. When smoking he spits more than usually, the saliva is quite watery. Ptyalism. —Putrid smell fr in the mouth.—White-coated tongue. Yellowish-white coat- ing of the tongue, the first days. Slimy tongue early in the morning, and un- pleasant slimy taste in the mouth. Slight burning sensation in the tip of the tongue. Creeping under the tongue. The middle of the tongue is dry, with- out coating. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Sensation of a constrictive irritation in the fauces. Astringent acridity affecting the mouth, and especially the uvula. Disagreeable scraping on the posterior part of the tongue and in the throat, with frequent accumulation of saliva in the mouth.—The whole of the mouth and fauces is burnt, so that only mild or liquid papescent food can be taken.—Ex- pectoration of white mucus, which is easily thrown off by a little hawking. Tenacious mucus in the fauces early in the morning.—Dryness in the fauces with shootings, especially in the uvula. Increased secretion of mucus in the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough; continuing for three weeks. In. creased secretion of mucus in the trachea, which he is constantly obliged to hawk up. Tenacious mucus in the larynx, inducing a frequent hawking, which results in the discharge of small lumps of mucus. Early in the morning, he frequently hawks up lumps of gray mucus, accompanied with an irritation in the larynx, inducing a short and hacking cough. Secretion of a whitish, tenacious mucus in the throat.—Inflammatory swelling of the fauces, especially the uvula.— Burning sensation in the fauces. Burning, scraping sensation in the throat, obliging him to swallow frequently ; shortly after taking the medicine.—Pres- sure in the throat when swallowing the food. Taste and Appetite.—Flat taste in the mouth, early in the morning; the first days. Nauseating sweetish taste in the mouth, several days. Bad taste, and a peculiar grumbling in the stomach. Metallic taste. Taste as of urine, immediately after taking the drug. Diminished taste.—Increased thirst; the first days. Thirst with dryness of the palate. A good deal of thirst, with roughness and dryness in the fauces.—Loss of appetite. Gastric Symptoms.—Inclination to eructations. Eructations several times. Rising of air. Deranged digestion and vomiting. Nausea, caused by small doses. Nausea in the stomach. Nausea after dinner, with inclination to vomit. Great nausea with retching. Retching, after small doses. Retching and vomit- ing, with discharge of a quantity of watery mucus. Vomiting and purging, from strong doses. Vomiting and anxiety. Stomach.—Painful and repulsive sensations in the stomach.—Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Qualmish feeling in the stomach, with accumula- tion of water in the mouth.—Aching, almost spasmodic pain in the stomach; the first night, returning for several nights.—Disagreeable pressure at the stomach, the whole day. Disagreeable, oppressive sensation in the stomach.—Burning in the stomach, lastly retching and vomiting. Warm feehng in the stomach, the first hours. Considerable burning in the stomach and bowels. Violent burning and pressure in the stomach, from small doses. Considerable burning in the stomach, passing into a fatiguing retching and vomiting of a quantity of watery mucus. Abdomen.—Boring pain in the left hypochondrium; in the evening, on the 760 SENEGA first day.—Sensation of gnawing hunger below the pit of the stomach. Feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach. After supper, he experiences a painful, digging-up pressure below the pit of the stomach, with malaise in the whole bodv. Pressure in the pit of the stomach and umbilical region.—Gnawing sen- sation in the epigastrium, before a meal, although he has no appetite. Rum- bling in the left side of the epigastrium. Digging-up pain in the epigastrium, with disposition to flatulence and sudden outbreaks of ill-humour, evening. Warmth and oppression in the epigastrium, during an inspiration. Some cutting in the epigastrium; the first hours. Colicky pain* in the epigastric region, towards noon. Motions and rumbling in the abdomen; at times, the first hours. Shift- ing, boring pain in the umbilical region. The aching pains in the umbilical region make their appearance in the afternoon, increasing in the evening, espe- cially during rest; the first days.—Pressing in the abdomen, soon after emission of flatulence. Colicky pains in the abdomen, with inclination to stool. Violent cutting from the abdomen to the pit of the stomach; the first hours.—Rumbling in the intestines. Loud rumbling and pinching in the left side of the abdomen. Severe pinching in the abdomen, ceasing after some liquid stools. Sudden pressure in the right side of the abdomen and chest, in the evening when sitting. Colic during dinner.—Drawing sensation as from a foreign body, between the abdominal integuments on the right side, when walking. StOOl.—The stool delays eight hours; the first days. Rare, scanty, hard stools ; the first days. Hard, scanty stools, followed by pressing in the rectum. Difficult stool, the faeces being too dry and of too large a size. Costive until the ninth day.—Slight indication of diarrhoea, which, however, did not take place. Increased stool, ninth and tenth days. Papescent stool, with grumbling in the abdomen and emission of flatulence. Increasing papescent and loose stools at irregular periods. Two or three easy papescent stools (seemed to be a secondary effect from a large dose). Increased, even watery stools.—Beating pressure in the region of the anus after stool. Itching between the nates, obliging one to scratch and abating afterwards. Genital and Urinary Organs.—Diminished secretion of urine; first days. —Increased and more frequent secretion of urine. The urine is passed more frequently, but less at a time, and is of a lighter colour. The urine, which is emitted frequently, retains for a long time a foamy appearance (as of soap- bubbles, from large doses, in the case of a patient whose chest was affected). Increased secretion of urine, accompanied with a sensation of pressure in the urethra. Frequent emission of a urine with a greenish tinge, depositing a cloudy sediment, although the patient drank but little. Every time he drinks, he passes an increased quantity of urine, for several weeks. Copious secretion of urine. Senega increases the secretion of urine and sweat. Increased secre- tion of urine and slight burning when urinating—Involuntary emission of urine during sleep. Involuntary emission of urine, while dreaming (he did not pass any urine before retiring). * At first the urine is mixed with mucous filaments ; after it had cooled, it became entirely thick and cloudy. The urine becomes turbid and cloudy immediately after emitting it. As soon as the urine which had been emitted in the morning, cooled, it deposited a thick sediment, the lower layer of which was yellow-red, the upper consisting of yellow flocks. The oranee-coloured clear urine becomes turbid when standing, and deposits on the inner walls of the chamber a white sediment. The urine becomes turbid when standing, and deposits a reddish sediment mixed with mucous flocks ; from the eighth day. °Burning in the urethra before and after micturition. Slight burn- ing in the glans when urinating; the first days. Pressure and burning when urinatino-, in the evening, the fourth and sixth days. Shootings along the SENEGA. 761 urethra after the emission of a dark yellow urine; early in the morning on the second day. Burning early in the morning, in urinating, with sensation as if the urine had first to open a passage through the urethra. Male Genital Organs.—Tickling of the prepuce and glans. Paroxysmal cramp-pain in the region of the glans—Painful erections, with increase of sexual desire, the first two days.—Diminution of the sexual desire, afterwards. Larynx, Trachea.—Scraping and dry sensation in the throat, making it difficult for him to talk and obliging him to cough. Roughness in the throat almost bordering on hoarseness, in the forenoon. Roughness and dryness in the throat, with dry cough. Great dryness in the throat, impeding speech. Scrap- ing in the throat and on the back part of the tongue, with accumulation of saliva (immediately). Titillating, scraping feeling in the throat. Raw feeling in the throat when clearing it.—Sudden hoarseness when reading aloud. Constant in- clination to clear the throat, and to swallow the saliva. Cough with expectora- tion of tenacious mucus. Dry cough when pounding the root. Dry cough with concussion of the whole chest; shortly after taking the medicine. Dry cough, with oppression of the chest and roughness in the throat; on the first day, evening. Disagreeable, long-continuing cough. An irritation in the larynx excites a dry cough, several times ; shortly after taking the medicine. Painless cough without expectoration. A sudden tickling in the larynx excites a cough. Titillation in the larynx exciting a short and hacking cough; the first days. Frequent short and hacking cough, occasioned by an increased secretion of mucus in the larynx, especially in the open air and when walking rather fast (in the forenoon). * Increased short and hacking cough in the open air ; continu- ing for about three weeks. (For the kinds of cough which have been cured with Senega, see CI. Obs.) Chest.—Frequent and deep inspirations.—Oppressions, from large doses. Sensation of stagnation in the upper part of the lungs, especially during a rapid walk. Oppression of the chest at different times, especially during rest, the first days, °also with stitehes under the left short ribs. Short breathing and oppres- sion of the chest when going up stairs. The chest feels too tight. Tightness and oppression of the chest, soon after taking the drug. Oppressive sensation in the left side of the chest, increasing almost to an aching pain. Oppression of the chest, with slight shooting pains through the chest in the direction of the scapula?, returning the first ten days at indefinite periods, especially in the open air and during a walk. Tightness and dull pressure in the chest. Certain movements, especially stooping, cause a pain in the chest, as if it were too tight; there is a disposition to expand the chest by frequent stretching; this leaves considerable soreness in the chest behind.—Sudden, violent pain in the chest at a small spot of the right side, when walking. Pain in the chest for about a quarter of an hour, in the afternoon, after smoking.—°Pain under the right scapula, when coughing or drawing deep breath, as if the chest would fly to pieces.—Tensive sensation in the lower half of the chest, during an inspiration. —Aching pain in the chest, at indefinite periods, especially during rest, for some weeks. Violent aching pain in the chest at, night when leaking ; the first days. Sensation of pressure below the sternum, returning several times a day. Slight pressure below the sternum, when sitting erect. Strong pressure in the middle of the chest, below the sternum, when sitting; this pressure increases, and de- scends towards the praecordial region. Violent aching pain across the whole chest, especially in the left chest, whence the pain seems to proceed.—A some- what aching boring pain in the whole left chest, especially in the region of the heart, where it becomes seated and whence it radiates towards the left axilla. Boring-aching pain in the whole lower half of the chest, especially above the 762 SENEGA. region of the heart.—Beating pressure at a small place below the short ribs ;' generally on the right side, during an inspiration.—When bending the head for- ward, he feels a violent pressure under the upper part of the sternum, gradually passing into a violent colic.—Pressure on the chest increases the pain in the same.—Violent compression of the upper part of the chest, especially during rest. Compression of the chest, from both sides towards the front, towards evening. Pain in the chest as if forcibly compressed.— Violent pressing pain in the chest, from within outward. Violent pressing, aching pain in the middle of the chest, increased during rest. Hard pressing aching in both sides of the lower part of the chest, when sitting. Violent hard pressing aching in the chest. Pinching and hard pressing aching in the chest. Crampy pain in different parts of the chest. Crampy pain in the left chest, increased by lying on the right side. Considerable cramp.pain in the chest, especially in the left, with restless- ness and anxiousness, during rest. Crampy pain and pulsations in the left chest; in the afternoon. Crampy pain in the upper part of the right chest, with dull stitches.—Shifting pains in the chest. Shifting, sometimes burning pain in the chest.—Burning drawing deep in the chest. Drawing, extending from the chest to the axillae.—Tingling in small parts of the chest (rather superficially, as if in the pleura). Crawling in the chest. Tightness and crawling in the upper part of the chest. Twitching and crawling in the upper part of the chest, especially during rest. Shifting twitching in various parts of the chest. Pricking and crawling in the lower part of the chest.—Shooting stitches in the chest, during an inspiration and rest. Slight pricking in the middle of the chest, abating immediately by one deep inspiration. Severe stitches, deep-seated, at a small spot of the left chest, increased by cough and various motions. Some sharp stitches through the left chest. *Dull stitches in the left chest, especially when sitting, or lying. °Stitches through the chest, to the back. Dull stitches in the middle of the chest, at intervals. *DuV stitches under the short ribs of the left side. Dull stitches at first, afterwards violent oppression in the chest, with great debility in the lower extremities, sweat and nausea (almost fainting), when walking in the open air. Pricking at a small spot of the left chest, when walking. Shifting, dull sticking pains in the chest, with tightness of the chest, difficult breathing, frequent shuddering over the back, and occasional pains about the head here and there. *Dull stitches and burning pain in the left chest, when lying on the right side.—Burn- ing in the chest. * Violent burning pain in the left chest, when sitting, evening. Intense burning pain, accompanied with frequent stitches, in the upper part of the left chest, increased during rest. Burning pain at a small spot of the left chest, with disagreeable mood, afternoon. Burning sensation under the sternum, extending as far as the back. Burning pain with dull stitches at a small spot of the left chest, during rest, (frequently, the first days). Violent burning pain in the left chest, when lying on the left side, evening. Burning pain in the left chest, with great anxiety in the chest, evening.—Sore pain in the left chest. Sore pain between the third and fourth ribs, increased by pressing upon it, or increased to a sticking pain. Sore pain and stitches in the left chest, at a small spot, evening. Burning sore pain under the sternum, especially during motion and a very deep inspiration. *When sneezing, he experiences an extremely violent sore pain in the chest as if it would fly to pieces, -although the sneezing does him good and relieves the chest. Strong pulsations and sore pain in the -chest, when bending the chest forwards, with vertigo when bending it back- wards. When stepping hard or when running, the chest is racked violently as if the inside were sore all over. When stepping hard, or when walking fast, or running, he experiences a violent pulling sore pain through the chest, from the SENEGA. 763 fore to the back part (as if in the mediastinum), making those movements diffi- cult, for several.weeks.—Violent pain when concussing the chest, through the middle of the chest, especially along the dorsal vertebrae.—During the pain in the chest, the breathing is not very much affected; the pains are generally more violent during rest, and appear to be superficial, in the pleura.—Congestion of blood to the chest, perceptible by strong pulsations in the chest. Orgasm of the blood in the chest, with dull stitches in the chest.—Orgasm of the blood and creeping in the chest; when at rest, towards evening. Considerable orgasm of the blood in the chest, almost causing fainting, when sitting. Orgasm of the blood and oppression in the chest, with flushes of heat in the face, and frequent pulse, in the afternoon. Slight boring, aching pain in the region of the heart, which seems to be more on the outside. Light pressure in the region of the heart, with oppression and difficult breathing when walking. Violent bor- ing pain in the region of the heart. Aching pain in the region of the heart during a deep inspiration. Violent beating of the heart, shaking the whole chest.—General sensitiveness, or simple pain of the walls of the thorax, espe- cially when touching them ; it is felt less during a deep inspiration. The front part of the thorax is painful to the touch and during an inspiration; early in the morning, after 24 hours. Back.—Violent burning and itching under the skin of the whole back, but especially between the scapulae.—Slight pressure in the region of the os sacrum. —Aching, painful feeling under the left shoulder-blade, at indefinite periods, but more frequently in the evening, and only when sitting, continuing some weeks. Drawing, aching pain along the base of the left scapula. Pressing pain between the scapulae, especially when stepping hard, or when performing other move- ments, concussing the chest. Upper Limbs.—Paralytic pain and drawing from the elbow to the little fin- ger (left side), as if one had. knocked the part violently against something. Paralytic drawing in the left arm, from above downward. Titillation and prickling in the palms of the hands. Stitches in the palm of the left hand. Pain as if sprained in the right wrist-joint. Painful drawing in the metacarpal bones of the left thumb and in the finger-joints. Lower Limbs.—Painful sensation in the hip, knee, and tarsal joints, as after a long journey on foot. Bruised pain in the glutei muscles and thighs. Bruised pain in the muscles of the left thigh, with debility of the whole body, and mental indolence. When turning the thigh, while standing, he experienced a«pain in the hip-joint, as if sprained.—Intense pain in a little pimple, when touched ever so lightly.—Tensive pain in the joints, especially the knee and tarsal joints.— Violent itching of the legs, obliging him to scratch; this causes a burning, espe- cially in the evening, when in bed. Weariness of the lower limbs. Great weariness in the feet, especially in the forenoon. Sleep.—Weariness and frequent yawning; the first six days.—Great drow- siness in the evening; the first days.—Inclination to vomit during the siesta : first day. Anxious starting and jerking in the upper arm, during the siesta.— Sound stupifying sleep, after lying down ; the first days. Sound sleep, full of dreams, with confusion in the head on waking.—Restless sleep with frequent starting. Restless tossing about in sleep. Restless interrupted sleep, owing to oppression of the chest. Bestless sleep at night, and frequent waking, on account of dull stitches in the chest, and tightness of the same ; the first four- teen days. Restless sleep, full of dreams. Restless sleep at night, with dreams of which he has no recollection after waking; the first nights. The sleep is disturbed several nights in succession by an aching, almost cramp-pain in the. stomach. 764 SENNA. Fever.—Chilhness with weakness in the feet.—Febrile motions; shuddering over the back, heat in the face, weak, burning eyes, beating headache, difficult breathing, stitches in the chest, general bruised feeling of the body, and frequent pulse.—Diaphoresis. The skin became warmer and moister.—The pulse is rather hard and accelerated. Hard, frequent pulse; shortly after taking the drug. Unequal, soft pulse. General Symptoms.—General feeling of debility, especially of the lower limbs. Lassitude and slight trembling of the lower extremities. Feeling of debility, even unto nausea. Great debility, with stretching of the limbs, confu- sion, heaviness and beating in the head. Bodily and mental debility. Languor, when walking in the open air; afternoon. 219. SENNA. SENN.—See Hahnemann's Organon and Lexicon for Pharmaceutists. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Headache on stooping, as if the head would be pressed down.—Pain in the nape of the neck on raising the head.—The corners of the mouth are cov- ered with burning vesicles. Stomach, Abdomen and Stool.—Loss of appetite.—Thirst.—Empty, or watery eructations, having a bad taste.—Loathing and nausea, as if one would vomit.—Colicky pains (particularly in little children)—Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, with emptiness and sickness of the stomach.—Rumbling and fer- mentation in the abdomen, with emission of foetid flatulence.—Diarrhozic stools, followed by tenesmus and burning at the anus.—Heat, pinching in the abdomen, spasmodic incarceration of flatulence, painful colic from incarceration of flatu- lence.—Feeling of warmth in the stomach, pinching in the bowels, flatulence, and yellow stools, no constipation after the diarrhoea. General Symptoms.—Rushes of blood, particularly at night, disturbing sleep.—Sleeplessness, with cries and restless turning, (particularly in the case of infants). 220. SEPIA. SEP.—Juice of the cuttle-fish.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, V. Compare with—Aeon., Ars., Bar., Bell., Calc. c. and phosph., Cnrb. v., Chin., Led., Lye., Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux v., Phosph., Puis., Rhod., Rhus t., Sass., Sil., Sulph., Tart, stib., Verat.—Sep. is frequently serviceable after Caust., Led., Merc, Puis., Sil., Sulph., Sulph. ac.—Afterwards are frequently suit- able : Carb. v., Caust, Puis. ANTinoTES —Aeon., Spir. nitr. dulc, Tart, stib., Acet. vini.—Sepia antidotes: Calc. phosph., Chin., Merc, Sassap., Sulph. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, the following affections have been cured with Sepia: bad effects and chronic pains from violent straining of the liga- ments and tendons.—Painful affections of females, particularly affections of the head, irregular and painful menstruation.—Diseases of the venous system.— SEPIA. 765 Beating in the body, with oppressive anxiety and vertiginous stupefaction, as if she were floating on the ground, (in the case of a woman of 51 years, whose menses had become irregular and scanty).—Dropsy of drunkards.—Lepra Americana, with ulceration of the ankles, (together with other remedies).— Humid, itching, burning tetters. Herpes siccus, (Lepra Batemanni). _ Ring- worm. Red herpes of the genital organs. Herpes with violent itching and thick crusts, (in scrofulous children). Dry, scaling, also humid and violently itching herpes. (Sepia is one of our most important remedies in cutaneous eruptions.)—Scabies, (particularly after Sulphur).—Scabies humida: large pustules filled with pus unto bursting, covering the elbows and knee-joints, but most profusely the wri3t-joints, between the fingers and the palm of the hand, where they ran into each other and formed ulcers, the epidermis peeled off in patches ; single pustules were discovered on the abdomen, nape of the neck and back, (Sepia 6, one drop every other day, effected a cure in 21 days).—Scurfy eruption on the forearms and hands in consequence of suppressed itch.—Dry, itch-like eruption over the whole body, particularly in the joints, after the itch had been suppressed with an ointment.—Yellow spots, beneath which the skin, after the peeling off of the epidermis, looks red and moist, around the neck and on the upper part of the chest, (in full-grown girls, after many doses).—Hepa- tic spots.—Warts on the hands and fingers.—Warts on the fingers ; they first became painful and red and then dropped off.—Deep, painful ulcer between the index and middle fingers, with swelling of the hand.—Ulcers of the feet, with varicose enlargement of the veins, peeling off of the skin around the ulcers, noc- turnal stinging and burning of the ulcers which secrete an acrid ichor and bleed readily.—Varicose, flat, unclean, excessively-painful ulcers on the dorsum of the foot and around the ankles.—Flat ulcers around the tarsal joint, in old females —Intermittent fever, with thirst, during the chilly stage.—Chilliness every afternoon, with thirst and loss of strength, in the case of a man of 45 years, who had been affected with diarrhoea for a long time.—Lentescent fever of scrofulous children.—Profuse morning-sweats.—Affections of the mind.— Melancholy mood.—Hysterisraus. — Chronic pain in the forehead, sticking, ex- torting cries.—Headache and vertigo, with suppression of the menses.—Perio- dically returning, tearing and lancinating headache in the right side, (in the case of a pregnant female).—Beating and lancinating pains in the head.—Continual headache, attended with an eruption of lentil-sized blotches over the whole body, particularly in the face, with violent itching.—Frontal headache with dul- ness of the head, in drunkards.—Megrim.—Constant tearing in the head with attacks of nausea.—Blepharoptosis.—Inflammation and swelling of the eyelids, with lachrymation, photophobia, and luminous vibrations.—Scrofulous oph- thalmia.—Keratocele occasioned by scrofulous ophthalmia.—Chalazion.—Hor- deolum.—Frequent bleeding at the nose.— Greenish discharge from the nose.— Prosopalgia aud toothache of pregnant females. Toothache which is aggravated by warm things. Tearing in the jaws and teeth. Tearing in decayed teeth, in pregnant females. Beating toothache, particularly of pregnant females. Tooth- ache at different periods of the day, more or less violent, but continuous, in the case of a pregnant female.—Tubercle on the lip of a man of 30 years, increas- ing to the size of a bean, having sometimes a cartilaginous appearance, some- times bleeding, and resembling a schirrus very much, with a broad base.—Re- moves the disposition to frequently-recurring angina of the throat. Chronic angina : inveterate sore throat with dark redness of the fauces, attended with the more or less distinct sensation of a lump in the throat, particularly during deglutition, with constrictive sensation in the throat.—Derangement of the di- gestive organs in pregnant females, characterized by aversion to bread, vomiting 766 SEPIA. of the ingesta.—Pyrosis.—Pain in the stomach : pressure in the region of the stomach with feeling of anguish, nausea and vomiting of a white substance, dul- ness of the head and delaying stool.—Incipient organic affections of the stom- ach, indurations manifested by periodical aching pains after every meal, dys- pnoea, vomiting of mucus, etc.—Constant aching pain in the pit of the stomach, with anxiety and palpitation of the heart, she wants to eructate but is unable; if she attempts to take deep breath, she yawns ; the pain is attended with a feeling of heat, extends through to the back, and is worse after everv meal; ac- companied with pinching, stitches, sore feeling and shootings in the chest, par- ticularly in the front part of the chest, which impede speech and deep breath- ing; the stool is hard, delaying, sweat breaks out after the least exercise; the urine is brown, with sediment; a good deal of thirst, great languor and ema- ciation, (in the case of a regularly-menstruating girl, with florid complexion, every day one teaspoonful of a solution of one drop of Sepia X in one ounce of distilled water).—Repletion and oppression, anxiety in the pit of the stomach, stitches in the left side of the chest; pains between the scapula?, constipation, weakness and sweat on walking, (in the case of a female who suffered with chronic cough in consequence «of a cold, which returned in spring and fall).— Chronic derangement of the intestinal canal, from overloading it.—Paroxysms every day, as if something alive were writhing or twisting about in the region of the stomach, griping-tearing and movement in the region of the stomach, sensa- tion as if something were ascending in the throat, her tongue became stiff, mo- mentary speechlessness set in, and she sat rigid hke a statue ; appetite slight, abdomen distended, stool irregular and difficult, scanty menses lasting only a few hours and setting in with abdominal spasms.—Constant aching pain in the right side of the abdomen, extending, when violent, to the chest and back, with op- pression of breathing, (in a woman of 43 years, who had borne eight children and had had one miscarriage).—Cramp, commencing in the spleen and extending to the chest, with want of breath, palpitation of the heart and contraction of the fingers, followed by prickling and pain in the tips of the fingers.—Tearing, con- tractive pains in the whole abdomen, extending to the muscles of the chest, nape of the neck and right lower limb, loss of appetite, difficult stool.—Diarrhoea of children, brown and going off without being conscious of it.—Constipation.— Discharge of blood from the anus, after stool, or empty urging, frequently, with discharge of blood, (in the case of a girl of eight years).—Excessive nocturnal emissions.—Chronic gonorrhoea improved a good deal. Secondary gonorrhoea, (in conjunction with nitric acid).—Pain in the abdomen, and urging to stool during the menses.—Menstrualio spastica: the appearance of the menses is preceded by an involuntary spasmodic stretching of the limbs, which is very fatiguing and lasts until morning, attended with a feeling of heat and sleepless- ness ; the menses set in three or four days before the time, are scanty, and flow for three or four days with interruption, are attended with loss of appetite, loathing of food, nausea, obstinate constipation; on the first day she expe- riences spasms in the abdomen which are not very painful, the menses are pre- ceded and succeeded by fluor albus ; irregular paroxysms of palpitation of the beart and oppression of breathing ; bulimia after the menses.—Amenorrhoea.— Irregular menses, scanty and too short, with plethora abdominalis.—Constant discharge of blood from the vagina, for several months, with pain in the right groin; if the latter was violent the former increased likewise, (in a female of 52 years).—Chronic metrorrhagia with plethora abdominalis; the metrorrhagia can be excited again by the least cause.—Disposition to miscarriage.—According to Reis.sig, Sepia is a specific preventive of miscarriage in the fifth and seventh months of pregnancy, when symptoms of plethora abdominalis and stagnation SEPIA. 767 of the circulation are present: pressure in the chest, fulness and congestion of blood to the head and lungs, heaviness of the abdomen, the movements of the foetus become weaker and finally cease altogether, varices make their appearance, with great irritability and great disposition to faint (Sepia 6 and 12).—Disloca- tions of the uterus.—Indurations of the uterus.—Copious leucorrhoea.—Acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea.—Soreness of the nipples. Soreness and bleeding of the nipples in nursing females.—Frequent dry cough, causing stitches in the front part of the chest.—Cough mostly at night, with white expectoration and pain in the throat.—Dry chronic cough, with difficult, blood-streaked expectoration. —Moist cough in persons who are affected with it frequently and long. Cough, particularly in the morning, and when lying on the left side, with difficult white expectoration which seems to proceed from a deep-seated spot on the right side in the front part of the chest, where a pain is experienced like pressure.—Dimi- nishes whooping-cough, and the accompanying fever and thirst.—Pneumonia of young and old people : stitches in the side with heaviness in the front-part of the chest.—Sticking pains in the side of the chest during the grippe.—Acute stitches in the lower part of the sternum, extending to the back, shoulders, and small of the back, and are diminished by motion, (in the case of a non-men- Btruating female of 42 years).—Continual slight pain in the left side of the chest, (in a professional clarionettist).—Accumulation of mucus in the chest.— Haemoptoc.—Tuberculous phthisis.—Vomica.—Periodical attacks of short and quick breathing, only in the day-time and during rest, the breathing is some- times arrested for moments, attended with cold creeping through the body and violent pain in the back, (in the case of a young man whose brother had died with consumption). Nocturnal spasm in the chest, (in a female, Sep. V. one drop).—Palpitation of the heart on walking fast.—Affections of the heart, with violent, unequal, intermittent palpitating and tremulous motion of the heart, violent, rather loud and sometimes intermitting sounds of the heart, with dulness of percussion over a larger surface.—Gives relief in hydrothorax.—Painful stiff- ness of the small of the back, (Sep. 5, one drop).—Pain and stiffness of the arms and lower limbs, (in a rickety child).—Large misshapen swelling of the whole hand; the whole epidermis is raised in large blisters, which itch, sting, and discharge a fluid, (after excessive exertion with the hand).—Swelling of the foot, weariness, pain and weakness in the loins, leucorrhoea, asthma, with heat on making an exertion, (in the case, of a non-menstruating girl of 18 years). CLINICAL NOTE BY DK. NEIDHARD, OP PHILADELPHIA. Sepia is a most efficacious remedy in disturbances of the circulation in the female sex, characterized by the following symptoms: flushes of heat, redness, swelling of the face, general determination of blood to the head and right tem- ple; general swelling of the upper part of the body, more in the morning; swell- ing of the chest, stomach and abdomen ; hands and feet cold; throbbing in the sacral region; palpitation of the heart, with occasional intermittent pulse, scanty urine, costiveness. In diseases of the skin, with the following symptoms: small, red pimples, producing a roughness and cracking of the skin, and from which sometimes oozes a watery humour ; at other times they are dry; they principally affect the inside of the joints of the arms and legs, particularly the knee and elbow joints, but are also, chiefly in children, to be seen on the face.__In youn«* girls, when the menses have not appeared, or only slightly, Sepia generally brings them on more fully. 768 SEPIA. In diseases of the womb: with heat in the womb, bearing down after exer- cise, with slight pain there as well as in the back. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Desponding, sad. Very sad and weak. Melan- choly, in the morning. Anxious about her health, irritated, weak. Imagines she will have consumption, and is sad about her health. All her ailments ap- pear to her very distressing. When merely thinking of his past sufferings, his pulse becomes faster and his breathing is arrested. *Great sadness, weeps fre- quently. Irritable and weeping mood. Feels unhappy, without any cause.— Dread of men. Wishes to be alone and to lie down with her eyes closed. Dreads to be alone a single moment. Solicitous and apprehensive, out of humour. Trembling with fearfulness, cold sweat on the forehead.—Paroxysms of oppressive anxiety. Great anguish in the blood. Anxiety in the evening, her face becomes flushed, and these paroxysms of heat come and go from time to time. Great internal restlessness for many days, accompanied with hurried- ness ; he would like his work to be finished when it is merely begun. Rest- lessness and want of cheerfulness for many days; she is engaged in sad recollec- tions, is anxious, and cannot remain long in one place.—* Complete discourage- ment. Extreme loathing of life; he felt as if he could not bear such a miser- able existence, and a3 if he would sink into nothing if he did not destroy himself. —^Inclines to start and is very fearful.—Discontented. Feels easily offended. Not disposed to any kind of work. Mind brooding on grief, as after secret cha- grin. °Melancholy and peevish. Irritated in the whole body. The nerves are very sensitive to every noise. Playing on the piano-affects her very much. The recollection of past disagreeable occurrences makes him feel extremely dissatis- fied. He involuntarily recollects vexatious occurrences, which makes him feel so angry that he is beside himself, accompanied with anguish, palpitation of the heart, and sweat over the whole body. He criticizes everything and wants something different from all other people, with weeping and heat in the face.— Inclines to be out of humour. She is so much excited by anger that she dreads an apoplectic fit, and her eyes see black. Inclines to be vehement. Gets into a passion about a trifle, with trembling, (especially of the hands). Extremely sensitive through a slight cause; fit of desperately furious gestures, with sob- bing ; she throws herself on her bed and remains the whole day without eating, (immediately before the menses).—Laziness of mind and despondency. *Great indifference, °even to his own family. Apathy.—Alternately cheerful and sad. Involuntary fits of laughter and weeping in alternation, without either resulting from a corresponding mood. Sensorium.—*Weak memory. He frequently makes mistakes in writing. Absence of mind, he made mistakes in speaking and used wrong words. He imagines things which he does not want to imagine, uses wrong expressions which he knows to be wrong, proposes to himself things which are contrary to his intentions, and is in contradiction with himself, and therefore in a very dis- agreeable and uneasy mood.—Without thought or sense, in spite of his desire to work. Heavy flow of ideas. Gloominess, *and inability to think the whole forenoon and many afternoons in succession. Sensation of stupidity in the head, in paroxysms, with shuddering and momentary arrest of breathing; after this she was obliged to take deep breath.—*Dulness of the head. Dulness of the left occiput. Dulness of the fore part of the head. Dulness of the head, as in catarrh, with a reeling sensation. Dulness of the head with pressure in the eyes, increased by walking in the open air.—Weak head, she is almost unable to think, especially in the afternoon. The whole head feels duD and vacillating, SEPIA. 769 with teution of the muscles of the neck and nape of the neck.—Cloudiness of the liead, frequently in the morning on rising from bed. Painful gloominess in the head, especially the forehead. Dimness and dulness of the head, with whiiling sensation, for four days. Dizziness and stupid feeling in the head, he frequently knows not what he is about.—Stupefaction of ihe head, with tight- ness of the chest and weakness of the whole body.—Every morning, when rising, the head feels heavy ; going off in a few hours. Giddiness, she is scarcely able to keep the head straight. Vertigo in the morning when raising one's-self in bed, as if the thi igs in the room were moving about. Vertigo when walking, as if the objects were moving. Vertigo, he staggers when walking and looking up. * Vertigo only when walking in the open air, she had to be led. Vertigo when seeing a large plain before her. Vertigo when moving the arms. Fits of vertigo when walking in the < pen air, lasting two or three minutes; sensation as if something were rolling about in the head, she staggered; in the evening she was attacked with headache and roaring in the ears. Vertigo, with want of desire to do anything. Vertigo unto falling, every morning when rising. Ver- tigo every afternoon from three to five o'clock; everything turns with her when walking, sitting or lying. Giddiness every afternoon, from four to six o'clock, when walking or sitting. Two fits of vertigo when stooping, after supper, as if the senses would vanish. Vertigo with cold hands and feet. Vertigo and vacillating sensation, when taking some simple drink; he imagined he would have an apoplectic fit, for five minutes; afterwards flush of heat for five minutes. Head.—Headache, every minute, as if proceeding from the back, a stitching in the head at every step. Dull headache every morning, after rising. Intense headache, in the morning on waking, (and after rising). * Headache every morning, with nausea. Headache, in the morning, in the forehead, as if catarrh would set in. Headache in the forehead and vertex ; afterwards anxiety in the pit of the stomach, with trembling; afterwards violent bleeding at the nose. "Headache with great desire for an embrace. °Headache with photophobia and inability to open the eyes, on account of the pain. Paralytic feeling in the fore- head. Headache, most violent towards evening, especially when shaking the head. Headache after the siesta, as if from concussion of the head. °Parox- ysms of hemicrania, with nausea, vomiting, and boring sticking extorting cries. — Concussion of the brain when knocking the foot against anything. Motion in the brain when shaking the head.—Rush of blood to the head. *Heat in the head, with a burning sensation through the ears ; this causes difficulty of hear- ing and dimness of sight. Great heat in the head, in the morning, with sensa- tion as if the nose would bleed. Painful heat in the head, frequently accompa- nied with suffusion of heat over the whole body. Violent heat rising to the head, every five minutes. Heat in the head, in the evening.—Violent headache, with intolerance cf external warmth : nevertheless she felt chilly. Headache, as if the head would burst, also when coughing.—*Beating headache, in the even- ing. Beating in the head, in the side on which she is resting. Violent beating headache in the temples. *Painful beating in the occiput. Beating headache at every motion. Beating headache, very painful, in the vertex, in the morning shortly a'ter rising. Beating in the upper part of the head, very painful, at the leist, motion; when turning the eyes and when moving the head, the beating moves upward as if out of the head ; there is an indistinct beating even when remaining ever so quiet.—Pinching jerks in the head, in the morning, when rising. Single paroxysms of undulating headache, in the forehead. Violent painful jerking in the forehead. Pressure, jerking and beating in the head with heat, as if everything would issue from the forehead and eyes, for three days —Aching pain in the hot forehead, in the evening, from seven to eight vol. n. 49 770 SEPIA. o'clock. Headache, only in the fore part of the head, mostly towards the fore- head, a pressure on the brain, occurring at least eight or ten times an hour, and abating again in half an hour; after the lapse of an hour the pressuro ceased for an hour or an hour and a half; returned a little on the second day. Pressure, mostly in the forehead and eyes ; lastly nausea, with much spitting. °Aching over the eye3. Dull aching pain at a small spot of the occiput. Pres- sure on the upper part of the sinciput. Violent pressure in the head, the whole day, with vertigo, weeping racod and profuse coryza. Aching pain in the right occiput. Aching pain in the occiput, in the evening, until midnight. Aching pain in the outer part of the occiput, as if the parts were sore. Deep-seated head- ache, with aching pain in the molares, on one side. Pressure and tension in the forehead and eyes, with burning. Pressure on the top of the head, after mental labour. Oppressive weight of the head in the temples and over the forehead, as if the head were congested with blood, as in violent coryza.—Heaviness in the occiput, especially in the morning. Heaviness of the head, she was scarcely able to raise it. Heaviness of the head, in the evening, and headache of one side, after lying down.—Pressing, digging-up, itching headache, with stiffness of the nape of the neck and sensitiveness of the head when touching it. Boring digging-up pain in the forehead, commencing in the forenoon, the whole day, at the least motion.—Crampy pain in the vertex and in the upper part of the occi- put, with feeling of soreness which finally becomes burning.—Compressive sen- sation in the upper part of the head, the whole day, with great dyspnoea.— Headache, pressing as if from within outward. * Headache, as if the eyes would fallout. * Violent headache, as if the head would burst.—Contractive head- ache, in the forehead. Contractive pain with pressure, in the sinciput, (the first days). Vibratory contractive sensation in the sinciput, in the evening.—Pinch- ing pain in one side of the head, in paroxysms.—Headache in the forenoon, as if the brain were crushed.—Painful cracking in the head, as if something broke in it, with pain in the nape of the neck when turning the head.—Stitching head- ache, continually in the lower part of the forehead, close over the left eye, worse during motion in a room, much relieved by walking in the open air. Stitching in the forehead, now here, then there. Prickings in the forehead every day, when walking fast, with inclination to vomit. Stitches in the forehead with in- clination to vomit, (she was not able to eat anything); relieved by lying down. Dull stitches in the whole head, lastly in the occiput, making it impossible for him to do anything. Severe stitches in the occiput, towards the vertex. Occa- sional single darts through the head. Stitching in the left temple. Stitching in the outer part of the temple. Stitching headache in both temples, in the evening. Frequent stitches in the left side of the head, in the afternoon ; also in the occiput, in the evening. Violent stitching over the left orbit from within outward, with complete contraction of the eye, three days in succession, in the morning after rising, until noon ; somewhat relieved in the open air. Stitching in the head over the ear, for a few minutes. Stitching headache, through the eyes, the whole day.—Drawing in the occiput. Frequent drawing pain in the fore part of the head. Painful drawing, at times in the right, at times in the left occiput, inferiorly. Drawing pain in the occiput; when feeling it, a pain as from subcutaneous ulceration is experienced in it. Single turns of drawing pain in the outer parts of the forehead, extending as far as the occiput. Rheu- matic drawing in the left side of the head. Superficial drawing and boring in the head, more at night, and being so violent before midnight that she was obliged to leave her bed ; extending into the temple, ear and teeth.—Tearing in the head, above the forehead and in the eyes, from two o'clock in the afternoon until bed-time. Tearing in the upper part of the right forehead. Tearing in SEPIA. 771 the left frontal eminence. Tearing over the eyes. Tearing in the loft temple, extending into the upper part of the left side of the head. Intermittent, slight tearing in the lowest part of the left occiput, near the neck. Tearing in the occiput. Tearing, drawing and stitching, from the forehead and occiput to the vertex.—Pain in the occiput, mostly at night, and worst when lying on it, as if hollow, and as if there were ulceration under the scalp and in the brain, relieved by pressing on it with the hand. Scalp.—Pain of the scalp when touching it, as if the roots of the hairs were painful. *Greal falling off of the hair. Moving of the scalp forward and backward ; he is obliged to bite the molar teeth together. °Involuntary shak- ing of the head.—Jerking of the head to and fro, with complete consciousness, early in the morning. *A good deal of itching in the hairy scalp. Itching on the vertex, with great falling off of the hair. Itching of the occiput, in the evening. Corrosive itching of the scalp. Violent itching of the head, when the headache is going off.—°Coldness on the head.—Humid scalp. A number of scabs on the scalp, (for forty days). Small, itching pustules on the occiput, towards the nape of the neck, forming into ulcers of the size .of an inch, with rough crusts, under which the secretion continued for a long time.—Swelling above the temple. Swelling on the forehead. Small, red pimples on the fore- head, rough forehead. Painful pimples on the forehead. Painful, small indu- rations on the forehead. Eyes.—Pain in the eyes, with headache and heat in the eyes.—Congestion of blood to the eyes.—Pressure over the eyes, when walking in bright daylight. Pressure, heat and twinkling in the eyes as of a thousand suns.—*Pain in the eyelids, when waking, as if too heavy, and as if he could not keep them open. Two mornings in succession the eyelids feel drawn together as if pressed down by a heavy weight; without agglutination. °The upper lid feels heavy and falls.—Pressure in the lower part of the right eyeball. Painful pressure in the upper part of both eyeballs, especially frequent in the right. Aching pain when turning the eyes to the right side. Pressure in the right eye as from a grain of sand, aggravated by rubbing, felt most when pressing the eyelids together. Pressure, with tearing, in the orbits, especially that of the left eye.— Creeping in the inner margin of the left orbit.—Itching of the eyelids. Itching of the eyes. Itching of the eyeballs. Violent itching in the left outer canthus, with sore pain after rubbing. Itching of the inner canthus, in the morning after waking ; rubbing occasions a smarting and violent lachrymation, followed by a feeling of soreness in the outer canthus, where the lids are somewhat adhering to each other. Violent itching smarting in the inner canthus of the left eye, with lachrymation and the conjunctiva being somewhat reddened. Smarting in the right eye, in the evening, with inclination of the lids to close.—Stinging in the left eye. °Prickling pain in both eyes, in the evening, at candle-light. Smart- ing pain in both eyes.—Burning of the eyes, in the morning, atid weakness of the same. Burning in the outer canthus, frequently during the day, for one hour. Burning sensation in the margin of the left lower eyelid, towards the outer canthus. Heat in the left eye, in the morning, with swelling in the inner canthus. * Inflammation of ihe eyes, *with redness of the whites and stinging and pressure in the same. Inflammation of the eyes, not bearing cold water. Inflammation of the evelid with a stye on it.—Swelling and some redness of the right upper eyelid, in the morning. Swelling below the eyes, in the morning, after waking. Violent red swelling of the lower eyelid, with aching and burn- ing pain. *Sweii'ing of the eye, with headache of the same side. °Swelling of both eyes, in the evening.—Scabs in the eyebrows for eight weeks. Red her- petic spot on the upper eyelid, scaly and peeling off. "Pustules on the cornea. 772 SEPIA. "Fungus hsematodes.—Glassy appearance of the eyes. The eyes look as if swimming, in the morning when waking, with smarting in the canthi.—Lachry- mation, morning and evening. Lachrymation in the open air. * Agglutination of the lids in the morning. Agglutination of the lids, only in the evening — Jerking and twitching of the eyelids. Daily twitchings below the eyes. Fre- quent twitching of the left lower eyelid, with sensation as if the eye would run, which obliges him to wipe it often. "Inability to open the lids, at night. °Pa- ralysis of the lids.—The eyes are fatigued by reading and writing, with pain in the inner canthus as if sore. —Feeli; g of nausea and anxiety when exerting tho eyes.—*Dimness of sight, when writing, so that he is scarcely able to recognise anything. "Dimness of sight when reading. Vani-hing of sight. He only sees one half of the things he looks at; the other half is obscure. "Incipient amaurosis, with contraction of the pupils.—Sight is impeded by a fiery zigzag before the eyes. *A number of black spots before the eyes. White luminous vibrations before the eyes. Sparks of fire before the eyes, with great iaintness of body. Twinkling before the eyes, when looking in the light; he sees a zig- zag-shaped wreath of colours. "Gauze. "Streaks of light. Green ha7o around the candle-light. The light of day dazzles the eyes and causes headache. The light of tho candle incommodes the eyes by occasioning a contractive sensation when reading or writing. Ears.—Pain in the left ear as if it would be torn out. Tearing in the emi- nence behind the right ear. Drawing pain and heat in the right ear. Drawing- stitching pain in the internal ear, from within outward. Dragging pain in both ears, accompanied with pressure and stitches. Violent pressing, from without in- ward, below and in front of the ears. Pain in the ears, in the evening, resembling otalgia. Continual otalgia in both ears, at night. Pressing in the ear, from within outward, when pressing on the rectum at stool. Sore pain in the ear. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in tbe meatus auditorius internus, when inserting the finger into it.—Stitches in the weak ear, causing her to cry out iu a piteous tone of voice. Severe stitching in the left ear and cheek. Stitching in the parotid gland, it swells and a tensive pain is felt in it when turning the head. Single fine stitches in the interior of the left ear.—Tingling in the right ear. Heat and redness of the left car.—Swelling near the orifice of the meatus auditorius, with stinging pain iu the swelling when pressing on the parts next to the antehelix.—A good deal of itching in the weak ear every day. A good deal of itching in the good ear, violent roaring and accumulation of a purulent, white cerumen. A thin pus is discharged from the ear, with itching.—"Herpes. "Herpes on the lobule. "Herpes behind the ear and on the nape of the neck. Suppurating eruption on the ear.—*Sensitive to noise, "to music.—Noise before the ears as of paper when ruffling it in the hands. Gurgling in the ear, when raising one's-self after stooping. Frequent tingling in the ear. Singing before the ear. Rumbling in the right ear. ° Whizzing and beating in the ear. * Loud sounds and humming in the cars, (immediately). * Whizzing and roar- ing in the ears, with sensation as if stopped up; nevertheless she was able to hear. Whizzing before the ear, in the evening when writing, mingled with whistling. Deep-sounding, pulsative howling in the ear when lying on it, tor two nights. Roaring in the ear; after which she heard nothing. Roaring and pulsative blowing as of a soft wind in the right ear, at night.—c Hardness of hearing. Sudden, short deafness of the ears, as if stopped up with a plug. NOSC—Painful pressure in the root of the nose. Stitching pain in the tip of the nose, when touching it, as if a sharp hair were stuck in. Itching of the tip of the nose. Sore feeling in the nose, becoming very painful at every inspi- ration.—* Swollen, inflamed nose, with sore and ulcerated nostrils. Painful, in- SEPIA. 773 flamed swelling of the nose. Scurfy nostril. Small ulcer in a nostril, lasting a long while. °Ph;:s in the nose.—Painless UWe induration in the root of the nose. Pimple' near the nose, resembling a blister filled with blood. Pimple near the right nostril becoming a large scurf. Painful eruption on the tip of the nose.—In the morning he blows streaks of blood out of the nose. *Bleed- ing of the nose and discharge of blood from the nose when blowing it. Violent bleeding of the nose. Bleeding of the nose for seven hours, but only a few drops from time to time. "Bleeding of the nose after getth-g heatV, 1 the least, "Bleeding of the nose after concussing or knocking it in the leas;..—"Loss of smell. "Foetid smell from the nose. Tenacious mucus in the nose. Indurated mucus, like plugs. Discharge from the nose of a piece of yellow-green skin, bordered with blood.—Feeling of dryness in the nose and fauces. Dryness in the posterior nares, and nevertheless much mucus in the mouth, with involuntary desire to swallow. The left nostril is frequently too dry, as if closed by swell- ing, but without catarrh.—* Obstruction of the nose; discharge of indurated mucus from the nose. Obstruction of the nose, for seven days, with difficult breathing. Sudden obstruction of both nostrils, in the morning.—*Dry coryza, only in the left nostril. Violent dry coryza, with roaring in the head and ears. Dry coryza with prickling pain in the forehead and eyes, constant desire to cough and a good deal of dry cough during sleep, without waking.—Catarrhal fever, with weakness of the lower limbs and drawing in the arms.—Coryza, three days in succession, also for several weeks.—He sniffs all the time. Coryza with diarrhoeic stool.—Yellow water comes out of the nose when blowing it, with cutting pain in the forehead.—Fluent coryza (immediately).—Frequent sneezing, almost without coryza, for several days. Fluent coryza with sneezing, preceded by tingling in the nose. Sneezing, at six o'clock every morning. Fluent coryza with sneezing, she had not had it for two years. Fluent coryza, the nose drop- ping all the time. Violent fluent coryza, with great pain in the occiput, aud painful drawing in the hips and thighs, for a couple of weeks. Face.—Paleness of face, "also with blue margins around the eyes. Sick, pale looks in the morning, with dim, red eyes. * Yellow face and eyes for one day. * Yellow spots in the face, and a yellow streak over the upper part of the cheek and nose. "Sunken face. * Redness and flushes of heat in the face. Ilea' in the face, every morning when waking. Heated face in the evening, with heat in the head. Great heat and redness in the face at noon, with cold feet. Heat in the face, in the morning, paleness efface in the evening. When talking, his face feels hot in a moment.—Puffy face. Considerable swelling of the face, without redness.—Tension and contraction of the skin in the face, especially on the forehead.—Slight tickling in the region of the left temple, followed by a sensation as if the skin would be raised.—Aching pain in the malar and nasal bone.—Taring pain in the left cheek, thence extending across the car towards the occiput.—Cramp-pain in the facial bones.—Drawing pain in the face, with swelling of the cheeks.—Short, violent tearing extending from the forehead down along the right wing of the nose. Slight tearing in the riaht malar bone, below the temple. Tearing in the upper jaws. Teariug in the left articulation < the jaw, close in front of the ear.—Itching of the whole face. Itching of the upper part of the cheeks, and when rubbing the parts, a burning smarting is experienced in them. Pimples on the right cheek. Pimples in the face whieli itch somewhat. Eruption in the face, resembling red n ugliness of the skin. "Herpes and scurf. "Warts in the face. °Crusta lae'ea.?—A number of black pores in the face.—Hot. lips. "Dry and scaly lips. Violent burning in the upper lip, disc below the nose. Culling in the upper lip, a3 from a splinter. Sore pain in the right side of the lower lip, near the corner of 774 SEPIA. the mouth. Yellowness around the mouth. Herpetic eruption on the lips. Humid pimples along the margin of the vermilion border of the upper lip. Large, scurfy eruption in the vermilion border of both lips, (after a journey in the cold). Eruption in the corners of the lips, painful when touched. Painful ulcer on the internal side of the lower lip, the pain being relieved by cold water. The inner side of the lower lip felt sore and was covered with painful vesicles. Painful pustule in the middle of the lower lip. Tension of the lower lip. Consider- able swelling of the lower lip, in the morning. Herpetic blotches around the mouth. II rpes near the mouth.—Pimples on the chin, with ulcerative pain when touched. Itching pimples on the chin. Long lasting scabs on the chin. JaWS and Teeth.—Sensation, when chewing, a3 if the jaws could not be separated, and as if the joint would crack. Cramp-pain in the lower jaw, pre- ceded by pain in the neck. Swelling of the submaxillary gland, when pressing on it one feels a pain in the tooth. Pain in the submaxillary glands as if crushed, also painful when touched. Stinging pain in the left lower jaw and the submaxil- lary glands occasionally, especially when touching them.— Toothache, when biting and pressing the tongue against the teeth. The teeth are very painful when touched, or when talking. "Toothache of pregnant females. (For the kinds of toothache cured with Sep., see Clin. Obs.). He bites his teeth together during his nightly sleep, which gives him a good deal of pain. Disagreeable feeling of coldness in the lower foreteeth. Drawing feeling of coldness in single upper in- cisores. She cannot bear a draught of air coming to her teeth ; no pain in bed, only in the morning after having been up an hour; no pain when touching or cleaning the teeth. Dull pain in old roots; cold things cause a thrill of pain through the teeth. All the teeth are painful, especially a hollow molar tooth, which feels elongated and bloated, with swelling of the gums and cheek which terminates the pain. Painful heaviness in the upper incisores. Grumbling in the foreteeth. Nightly toothache, hindering sleep; in the morning when the pain ceased, she felt so irritated that she was not able to sleep even then, although she fait very weak.—Drawing pain in the right and left posterior lower molar tooth. Drawing in the upper molares. *Drawing toothache, -when hot or cold things get into the mouth. Drawing in the teeth as from a cupping-glass. * Drawing in the hollow tooth extending into the ear, aggravated by cold water. "Drawing pain in the teeth, extending into the arms and fingers. Drawing pain in a sound tooth when the air got into the tooth in a warm room; the drawing was not felt in the open cold air. Drawing-cutting toothache.—Tearing in the lower jaw below the incisores. Tearing toothache through the left ear, during and a'ter a meal.—Rheumatic pressure through the teeth and forehead in single jerks. Tearings and jerks in the teeth, in the afternoon, at ever\ fourth inspiration; worse when lying, accompanied with profuse ptyalism. Tearing and jerking toothache from six in the afternoon until one or two o'clock after'midnight; four days in succession. Single jerks in the teeth, day and nisjht, when a draught of air gets into the mouth or ear, followed by a grumbling in the teeth which makes one uneasy. Jerks in the molar teeth with pressure, especially when stooping.—Dull aching pain in the molar teeth, with pain in the submaxillary glands.—Digging-up sensation in the upper teeth.—Gnawing in the posterior molare3.—* Stitching toothache, she could have cried. Stitching in the foreteeth. Stitch extending into the enspidatus from below the right eyelid, apparently through the bone. Stitching in the tooth and jaw, extending into the ear; at night it prevented her from sleeping, and in the day-time she had to tie a ker- chief over it.—Stitching beating in various roots of the teeth, with burning in the gums, recurring when entering the room after walking in tho cold air, also after eating and biting, especially when coming in coutact with warm things, for SEPIA. 775 eight days, after which lapse of time the tooth begins to turn black and to become hollow. *Beaiing toothache, -changing to a stitching on the third day, the teeth becoming hollow very fast.—Groaning sensation in an upper incisor.—The teeth soon decay. Great dulness of the teeth, for seven days. An incisor starts out of its socket and feels elongated. Looseness of the lower incisores. All the teeth become loose and painful, and the gums bleed readily when spit- ting. Violent bleeding of the teeth, in the morning.—Drawing in the gums, above the two upper foreteeth. Stitching in the gums. Swelling of the inner gums. Bloated, dark-red gums, with painful beating, as in incipient suppura- tion, so violent that he is scarcely able to endure it. *Painful swelling of the gums. Painful swelling of the gums of hollow teeth, with swelling of the cheeks. Swelling of the gums with painful soreness. Sore pain and swelling of the gums; they stand off from the teeth and bleed when touched ever so lightly. Sore, ulcerated gums. Bleeding from the gums, almost without any cause. Mouth.—Foetid smell from the mouth.—Swelling of the inner mouth, making it almost impossible to introduce any nourishment. Swelling of the inner mouth and gums, with burning in the mouth, extending into the throat.—Sore pain of the tongue. *White tongue. Coated tongue. Tongue covered with mucus, one or two hours after a meal. Pain of the tongue, as if burnt, for five days. Pain as if burnt on the tongue, when smoking tobacco, (to which he was used). Tearing and smarting as from pepper, on the posterior part of the right side of the tongue. Sharp smarting on the fore part of the tongue. Vesicles on the tongue, and pain as if burnt. Painful vesicles on the tip of the tongue, above and below. Pain on the right side of the tongue, (being covered with a thick mucus while the pain is felt) hindering chewing and distinct articulation. Pimple on the tip of the tongue and very sweet saliva.—Pain, as if burnt, of the anterior part of the palate directly behind the teeth, when touching the parts with the finger or tongue.—Ptyalism in the evening. Accumulation of saltish saliva in the mouth.—Dryness and roughness of the tongue and palate. Great dryness of the tongue when waking in the morning, as if burnt. Frequent dryness in the mouth, as if her tongue would stick fast. Dryness of mouth, throat and tongue, which is quite rough in tho morning. Dryness of the mouth and throat, in the morning on waking, she was unable to utter a sound, or to speak. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Dryness in the throat the whole day. Dry- ness in the throat, in the evening before going to sleep, not reheved by drinking. Constant dryness and tensive sensation in the throat.—Sore ihroat, smarting and scraping, in the posterior region of the fauces and upper part of the palate, as if a violent catarrh were approaching. Scraping sensation in the threat, iu the evening. Scraping sensation in the throat, when swallowing. Roughness in the fauces and burning, increased by clearing the throat.—A good deal of mucus in the throat, he is obliged to clear it and to hawk up the mucus. A good deal of mucus on the velum pendulum palati. A quantity of sanguineous mucus is hawked up.—Slight creeping in the throat, with a feeling of hoarse- ness inducing a frequent clearing of the throat.—Sensation in the left side of the fauces, which is first smarting, afterwards cutting, sometimes also a mere pressure.—Sore throat with swelling of the submaxillary glands.—Aching pain iu the upper and right side of the throat. Pressure in the throat even when the neck is dressed ever so loosely. Pressure in the throat, in the region of the tonsils, as if the cravat were tied too fast. Pressure in the throat towards the back, when swallowing food or drink. Pressure in the th/oai as if he had swal- low ed something which will not go down. Sensation as if a lump had lodged in tho throat.—Constrictive pain in the throat, with pressure, directly above and on the larynx.—Pinching in the throat, from the larynx upward. Painful con- 776 SEPIA. traction and pressure in the throat. "Starting sensation in the throat.—Sting- ing-scraping sore pain in the region of the pharynx, during empty deglutition. *Slinging sore thro it -during deglutition.—Numb sensation in the right tonsil. —Feeling of heat in the throat. Inflammation of the throat. Inflammation and swelling in the upper part of the throat. Inflammation, great swelling and suppuration of the left tonsil; he was unable to swallow on account of the pain, had a heat in his whole body, thirst and burning in the eyes. Difficult degluti- tion ; the muscles of deglutition feel paralyzed for several evenings. Violent pain in the region of the cardiac orifice of the stomach when swallowing food.__ Painful, jerk from the throat down to the pit of the stomach, in the morning when sitting up in bed.—Smoking does not agree with him, contracts the fauces. Taste and Appetite.—Mucus on the tongue, having a putrid taste. Taste of manure in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth, with costiveness, or in the morning when waking. Sour-bitter taste in the mouth. Repulsive bitter taste / in the mouth, i.i the morning. Ugly taste in the mouth, as from old catarrh. Bitter taste, only when clearing the throat. Ugly taste in the morning, and dryness and mucus in the mouth. Putrid after-taste, after drinking beer. Taste in the mouth sweet as sugar.—*Much thirst.. Much thirst in the evening, "also in the morning. * Absence of thirst. No appetite, but thirst. Feeling of satiety, with nausea, and a feeling of relation. * Aversion to all food, especially to meat.; he was only able to eat bread and butter and soup. The mere idea of eating made him sick at the stomach, the taste in the mouth being otherwise good. No appetite; nothing tasted well to her. Does not relish anything. Repletion of the stomach in the evening. Diminished appetite; *everything tastes too salt. Little appetite ; nevertheless he relishes what he eats. "Aver- sion to milk. Loses his taste for smoking. Desire for vinegar. Violent desire for wine, which he never drank otherwise.—*Ravenous hunger; if it is not satisfied, the water accumulates in his mouth. He gets an appetite at the sight of food. Excessive appetite ; after a meal weakness and regurgitation of food. Great appetite for supper. He wants to eat all the time ; the mere thought of food makes his mouth water. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Emptiness in the stomach, with nausea as soon as she merely thinks of some food she wants to take. *Painful feeling of hunger in the stomach.—"Canine hunger. Gastric Symptoms.—Great bitterness of the mouth during a meal. Hic- cough after supper. Pulsations in the pit of the stomach during a meal, increas- ing in proportion as he eats much. Anguish and heat during a meal, so violent that her face becomes quite bloated and red; eyes, ears and nose are affected by the heat, and drops of sweat make their appearance at the tips of the fingers. Colic during supper, followed by three evacuations with bearing down. Eruc- tation after a slight meal. Bitter eructations after breakfast. Rising of air after a meal. Intermission of the be^ts of the heart after dinner. Febrile ex. citement after dinner. Heat and palpitation of the heart while digesting bis food. Heat in the face after a meal. Vertigo after a meal, obliging one to hold one's-self. The head was affected after a meal; it felt oppressed even by the slightest covering. Profuse sweat in the face after eating warm food. Stitches in the head after a meal. Dull tearing in the forehead, immedi- ately after a meal. General profuse sweat after diuner, with feeling of heat.— The pains increase during and immediately after a meal.—° Acidity in the mouth after a meal. Tearing in the whole thigh, especially the kr.208, after dinner and supper. Directly after a meal, feeling of soreness in the throat, and as of a spasm of the inner side of the cervical vertebrae. L;:zines3 after a meal. Dry cough after a meal. Aft or a meal, pressure as from flatu- lence on the right side and deep in the abdomen, and afterwards iu the side; it SEPIA. 777 ifl felt only when moving the part and when stooping. Flatulent distention after •dinner, relieved by eructations, until evening, when it disappeared without emis- sion of flatulence. Great distention of the abdomen, directly after eating soup. Puffiness of the abdomen after dinner. Diarrhoea after tasting boiled nrilk. Drawing pain in the stomach, and a gnawing sensation extending as far as the bar.ic> where it is most painful, followed by great relaxation and weakness, one hour after dinner. "Great weakness of digestion.—Eructations in the evening, violent and frequent, preceded by great distention of the cbdomen. Very fre- quent eructations. ^Eructations with desire to vomit. Frequent, gurgling empty eructations. * Bitter eructations, in the morning when risiig, with bitter taste in the mouth and throat, nevertheless he relishes his meal, and after having done eating the bitterness disappears. Bitter eructations with nausea. *Sour eructations -after supper. Eructations tasting like spoiled eggs.—During an eructation, in the morning, he feels a pinching in the stomach as if something would tear loose. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, in the left side, and be- tween the scapulae during an eructation. Painful eructations; blood gets into the mouth (after quick riding). During an eructation (in a very warm room) blood got into his mouth.—Burning at the stomach after an eructation.— Eructations alternating with hiccough. "Acidity in the stomach with loathing of life.—Hiccough after a meal, for a quarter of an hour. Hiacough while smoking, (to which he was used) and contraction in the fauces, with sensation as if a plug had lodged in those parts, causing nausea and discharge of water from the mouth. —Burning, proceeding from the stomach. Heartburn, forenoon and afternoon, for several hours, from the pit of the stomach to the throat, where he experi- ences an acid taste and a sensation a3 of scraping.—*Sort of waterbrash -in the afternoon, going off by eating. "Waterbrash after drinking, "or preceded by turning in the stomach.—Nausea the whole day, at intervals, also after eating, with accumulation of watery saliva in the mouth, the taste in the mouth being constantly sour-bitter, without appetite, but the food having a natural taste. Nausea after eating, also with vomiting. "Nausea of pregnant females. Nausea before breakfast, for several mornings. Nausea on waking, evening and night. Morning-nausea, as if all the viscera were turning inside out. Inclination to vomit, in tho morning when washing her mouth. Nausea in the morning, when riding in a carriage, to which he was accustomed. Nausea and weakness. Nausea (almost immediately) followed by drawing through all the limbs. Nausea without eructations, at ten o'clock every morning, for some minutes. Nausea with bitterness in the throat, without vomiting. Nausea every morning, going off after eating a little. Inclining to vomit, anxious, giddy.—* Vomiting -after the morning-nausea and eating a little, afterwards retching. The vomiting (during pregnancy) is frequently so fatiguing that blood is expelled with it. Violent vomiting, several times a night, with violent headache. Bilious vomit- ing, two mornings in succession. Two attacks a day, of one hour each, of con. tractive griping in the hypochondria, with nausea, thence extending to the back, as a stitching, followed by stitching in the chest and yawning, until he vomited bile and food. * Vomiting during pregnancy. Vomiting of a milky water (during pregnancy) altliough she had not drank any milk. Stomach.—* Pains in the stomach, after eating, also after supper. "Pain in the pit of the stomach, when walking. The least pressure on the region of the stomach causes great pain. *Pressure at the stomach after a meal, and when touching it. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressing in the pit of the stomach. Pressure at the stomach at night, three nights in succession. ^Pres- sure on the stomach, as from a stone. Hard pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a stone, even before breakfast, but worse when eating bread. Pressure 778 SEPIA. at the stomach, as if the inside were sore. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, going off by a fermenting movement downward. Pressure at the stomach from morning till noon. Pressure at the stomach in the evening, followed by head- ache. Violent pressure on the left side below the ribs, going off by lying down. Tearing with pressure around the pit of the stomach.—Heaviness in the stom- ach, with dull pain in the whole abdomen.—* Cramp in the stomach and ab- domen. °Cramp in the stomach and chest. Contraction in the region of the stomach.—*Burning in the stomach and pit. "Heat in the stomach and pit, with sensation as if eating would relieve it. *Stitching pain in the stomach, and in the distended abdomen. Sudden stitches in the pit of the stomach, when swallowing the nourishment very fast, "also with pressure. Fine prick- ings in the pit of the stomach. Stitch below the pit of the stomach, during an inspiration.—Rumbling in the stomach.—"Beating in the pit of the stomach. Hypochondria.—Stitching-tensive pain in the hypochondria, during motion while stooping. Tensive stitching pain around the hypochondria, hindering mo- tion, worst when walking. Stitch around the right lower rib, towards the pit of the stomach, continuing for minutes, going off by an empty eructation. Fre- quent dartings below the hypochondria and through the abdomen; she could have cried out. Stitching in the side of the abdomen for one hour, followed by difficulty in breathing. Stitches in both hypochondria when coughing. Draw- ing pain in both sides of the abdomen, repeatedly. Painful feeling in both sides of the abdomen, as if a stiff body or lump had lodged there, making stooping either impossible or painful. Stitches through the abdomen from the right to the left side, quick as lightning. Stitching pain under the short ribs of the right side, during fits of dry, parching cough in the evening. Beating in the region of the liver. Violent stitches in the region of the liver, in the evening, for ten minutes; the region is afterwards painful to the touch, with costiveness. Dull stitch in the region of the liver. Sore pain in the region of the liver. Pain in the right side of the abdomen. Simple pain in the liver, when driving on an uneven road, directly below the last rib, arresting the breathing. Feeling of fulness in the region of the liver. Violent, cramping in the region of the liver, relieved by eructations and emission of flatulence. Drawing pressure in' the region of the liver, in the evening. Aching pain in the region of the liver. Aching pain in the right side of the abdomen. A few jerks in the liver. Abdomen.—Stitches striking occasionally from the epigastrium close below the pit of the stomach into the left side, upward. Violent stitches in the left side of the abdomen. Pain from the umbilicus to the genital organs, especially when touching the parts.—Stitches through the abdomen, directly above the hips. Alternate stitching and pinching in the intestines, in paroxysms of ten minutes. Stitches from the umbilicus to the genital organs, when coughing and throwing off mucus. Stitching pain in the right muscles of the abdomen, with visible twitching. Stitches in the groin. Si itches through the left groin, in the morning.—Smarting-boring pain in the right side of the umbilicus.—Pain in the umbilical region, very intense when coughing or stooping. Aching p;iin in the distended epigastrium, one hour after dinner, and after sonre exercise in the open air. Pressure in the whole abdomen, increased after a meal, three days in succession, with dulness of the head and tenseness of the skin on the head. A good deal of pressure and tightness in the epigastrium, sometimes relieved by internal fermentation; accompanied with pressure and stitches in the umbilical region. Pressure in the abdomen, going off after stool. Pressure in the ab- domen, on the left side below the umbilicus, and sometimes entirely in the left side. Pressure in the forepart of the abdomen, on the right side. Undulating pressure in the right groin from within outward. Painful pressure in the her- SEPIA. 779 nial region, when laughing violently. Drawing-tensive pressure m the abdomen, Weight in the abdomen. Feeling as of a load in the abdomen, during motion. Pain in the middle of the abdomen, from afternoon till supper; sensation as of a lump having lodged there; towards evening the pain rose to the epigastrium, with drowsiness, nevertheless she was not able to sleep at night. Distention of the abdomen. Painful distention of the abdomen when riding in a carriage. Hard, distended abdomen, especially in the evening, even the veins of the abdo- minal integuments are distended; accompanied with stitching pain in the abdo- men. Accumulation of flatulence when walking in the open air. Frequent hard distention of the abdomen, with cutting in the intestines. Great disten- tion of the abdomen, followed by violent rumbling and movement in the same, Distention of the abdomen, with diarrhoea and pinching.—Colic in the morning when in bed. Colic in the pelvic cavity, in the morning, pressing from within outward, writhing and contractive. Violent cutting across the abdomen, as if caused by flatulence, going off by motion; at the same time a cutting in the left testiele. Violent colic extending as far as the chest, with shifting of flatulence. Cutting in the abdomen, at night, with desire to urinate. Violent colic in the morning. "Cutting colic, after exercise. Cutting in the hypogastrium, in the afternoon, continuous and also in single paroxysms. Colic with frequent nausea: frequent attacks of colic, she is obliged to bend double for a couple of minutes. —Pinching cutting in the intestines, with moaning anxiety as if stool would be discharged involuntarily. Pinching in the abdomen for one hour almost every morning, with nausea, qualmishness and accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Daily pinching in the abdomen without diarrhoea, relieved by eructation. Fre- quent pinching in the abdomen without flatulence. Pinching in the hypogas- trium the whole day, in paroxysms of a quarter of an hour, with only one hard evacuation a day, for three days in succession.—Griping in the intestines, with sensation as if turned inside out.—Spasms in the abdomen. Spasmodic con- traction in the right side of the abdomen. Frequent attacks of contractive pain in the right side of the abdomen, worst in the morning, followed by violent con. tractive pain in the stomach, whence the pain extended into the chest; relieved by eructation. Digging-up, and contraction in the abdomen, with emission of a good deal of flatulence. * Digging-up in the abdomen, -with nausea.— * Burning in the abdomen, when walking in the open air. Burning pain in the left side and below the umbilicus. Burning, and feeling of heat in the lumbar region (region of the kidneys) during a deep inspiration. Burning in the right side of the abdomen, when walking far. Burning in the right groin. Burning in the abdomen, when sitting, going off when walking.—Pain in the abdomen, as if the bowels had been dashed to pieces. Pain in the abdomen, in the after- noon, as if the bowels would be torn out.—Beating here and there in the abdo- men. "Feeling of coldness in the abdomen. "Hardness in the abdomen and sensation of adhesion.—"Pot-belliedness of mothers.—° Ascites.—The abdomi- nal muscles arc painful during motion, only at night. "Brownish spots on the abdomen.—Voluptuous itching in the left groin, in the evening when in bed, becoming intolerable by rubbing, speedily removed by light tickling with the tip of the fingers.—'Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen.—Uneasiness in the ab- domen. Pneasiness in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on, going off by emission of flatulence. Rumbling and wheezing in the abdomen, with dis- tention of this organ. Rumbling and loud grumbling in the abdomen. Vio- lent fermentation in the abdomen. Rumbling in the evening, and incarceration of flatulence, movement of iatulence in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdo- men, with eructation. Fine, quick gurgling in the right iliac region. Short and slight bubbling (gurgling) in the left iliac region, above the hip, perceptible 780 SEPIA. to the hand on the outside. Rumbling in the abdomen, when lying. Loud rumbling and feeling of emptiness in the left side of the abdomen, every day. Profuse emission of foetid flatulence. StOOl.—*In the succeeding days the stool becomes hard, sometimes even knotty, and is insufficient. Hard, difficult stool, sometimes mingled w'th mucus. Hard stool, with cutting in the rectum. Diarrhoea, the first days Diarrhoea, after drinking milk. ^Exhausting dvirrhoza, the first days. "Green or sour- smeiling diarrhoea of children. Soft, papescent stool, having a very foetid, sourish smell, being expelled suddenly, and the whole of it at once. Stool having a putrid, sourish, foetid smell. Three thin acrid stools a day, after which varices protrude, emitting considerable humour, and causing an intense pain when sitting. "The stools are too soft. A number of jelly-like stools, with eolic. Stool of a whitish colour. Slimy diarrhoea, with distended abdomen. Stool in a few days, the faeces being first hard, then soft. Constant desire for stool, only a little being passed. Unsuccessful urging to stool towards evening stool coming on in the morning, and being frequently hard and in lumps. Un- successful urging to stool, only wind and mucus being passed, with sensation in the rectum as of a lump having lodged in it. Difficult expulsion of soft, thin- shaped faeces. Two stools a day, always accompanied with some tenesmus. "Scanty stool with straining and tenesmus. The expulsion of stool, which is brownish and not hard, requires considerable straining, and the quantity expelled is very small. Incipient flatulent colic previous to stool, with moaning and groaning. Colic, previous to stool, which looks natural. Nausea previous to every liquid stool. Emission of prostatic juice at every difficult stool. Blood with every stool for eight days. Blood with stool, which is not hard. *Much blood with stool, after cutting in the abdomen.—Discharge of sanguineous mucus after stool. A second stool is followed by stiffness and feeling of hardness in tho back, and tightness in the pit of the stomach, with oppressed breathing. Aching pain in the forehead after stool, which is not hard. Emptiness and relaxation in the abdomen after stool. Headache after a papescent stool. After a thin stool, a sort of smarting in the abdomen. Great weakness in the abdomen and com- plete loss of appetite after two difficult and hard stools.—Expulsion of ascari- des. * Contractive pain in the rectum, and thence in the perinjeum and vagina. Contractive pain in the anus, and afterwards ascending in the front part of tho abdomen, during stool. Frequent and painful contraction in the anus. Crampy sensation in the anus, going off after fermentation in the abdomen.—Tensive pain in the anus, (and rectum). Tension in the region of the anus, after stool. —Tenesmus in the anus, with feeling of soreness, sometimes occurring at inter- vals. Pain in the rectum during stool, and afterwards for a long time while sitting. Excessive cramp-pain in the rectum, before and after hard stool. Vio- lent cutting in the anus and rectum, at night. Cutting in the rectum during stool, with discharge of blood. Cutting in the rectum, in the afternoon, extend- ing towards the abdomen, and followed with unsuccessful pressing and bearing down on the rectum.—Feeling of weakness in the rectum, in the evening when in bed, causing an uneasiness which prevents him from faTing asleep. S'itches in the anus. Violent stitches in the rectum, at night. Severe dull stitches in the anus, in succession. Stitches in the anus after the morning-stool, until af- ternoon. Violent stitching in the anus, especially while contracting and when pressing on it from without. Slow stitch in the left groin, from below upward, during stool. Stitching and tearing in the anus. Stitches in the pcrinaeum towards the rectum, when sitting, in the evening. Stitching and burning at the anus.—Burning a!, tlie anus. Burning at the anus daring stool. *Burning at the anus every day, during bard stool, mingled with unsuccessful desire for stool, SEPIA. 781 (the firBt days). *Burning in the rectum, the whole day. *Burning in the rec- tum, while expelling the latter half of a loose stool. Heat and swelling of the margin of the anus. Soreness of the anus. Sore pain of the rectum, mostly between stool, with sensation, even when lying down, as if it would be pressed out, in paroxysms of one hoar; accompanied with varices of the rectum, pain- ful when touched.—'*Itching and slinging in the rectum. Itching in the rectum and anus. Violent itching of the anus and creeping in the rectum. Scraping sensation in the ar.us during stool. Smarting in the rectum, after stool. "Ooz- ing of moisture from the rectum. "Discharge of mucus from the rectum, with stinging and tearing.—Protrusion of the rectum, (in a few hours). Prolapsus recti. Congestion of the anus, in the afternoon, shortly after a meal. Profuse 6weat directly above the anus, before and after stool. *Prolrusion and itching of the varices of the rectum. Protrusion of the varices during stool, or when walking. Protrusion of a humid, painless varix after good stool. The varices become painful. Pain of the varices when walking. Varices without costive- ness. The varices seem to be indurated. Bleeding of the varices when walk- ing. "Flowing haemorrhoids.—Stitches in the perinaeum towards the rectum, when sitting, in the evening. Soreness between the buttocks. Urinary Organs,—Scanty emission of urine, (the first seven days). Pressure on the bladder, in the morning, and desire to urinate ; micturition takes place in a lew minutes. Continual desire to urinate, with painful bearing down in the pelvis, in the morning. Frequent and great desire to urinate. He urinates twiee or three times in one hour ; he feels a pressure on the bladder, but he is a good while before the urine makes its appearance; if he tries to retain his urine he is attacked with anxiety and pressure on the bladder.—Sensation as if drops come out of the bladder, {which was not the case,) especially when at rest.— After micturition, a little of the fluid remains behind in the urethra and after- wards makes its appearance at the orifice.—After having suffered with heat,. redness and puffiness of the face for two hours, followed by paleness lasting for many hours, he is attacked with an inability to pass his water, lasting 14 hour% succeeded by a violent desire to urinate every quarter of an hour, which results in the emission of but a very slight quantity of urine; afterwards these periods of retention of urine and desire to emit it recur several times; the last reten- tion lasting about 20 hours, although he had been drinking a good deal. Little micturition with much thirst. At night he dreams that he was urinating into the chamber, whereas he was wetting the bed. He is obliged to urinate as often as he was called up at night, suffering much thirst even during the ni^ht.— Pressing on the bladder and frequent micturition, with tension iu the abdomen. Pressure on the bladder, in the evening, with burning after micturition.—He emits much more urine than corresponded to the quantity of drink he had swal- lowed. "Wets the bed, before midnight. Quantity of water-coloured urine. Pale-yellow urine without sediment, not even in 24 hours. *The urine becomes turbid and foetid when standing, with white sediment. The urine is frequently turbid and dark while emitted, as if mixed with mucus. *Turbid urine with brick-dust sediment. Turbid, clay-coloured urine, with red sediment on the sides of the vessel. *Blood-red urine. The urine deposits blood in the vessel. Discharge of a milky fluid from the urethra after micturition at noon. Discharge of prostatic juice after micturition.—Pinching pains in the bladder. Spasm of the bladder. Violent burning in the bladder, without desire to urinate.—Burn- ing in the urethra. Burning in the fore part of the urethra. *Smarling «• the urethra during micturition.—Smarting in the fore part and orifice of the urethra. Smarting in the urethra with drawing from before backward, in the morning on waking.—Tearing in the fore part of the urethra. Violent tearing • 782 SEPIA. in the urethra. Violent, continual cutting, soon also stitching in the urethra. Itching in the urethra. cSecondary gonorrhoea. Male Genital Organs.—Copious sweat of the genital organs. "Itching about the parts. "Weakness of the parts. Stitches in the penis. Burning in the penis, during an embrace. Itching inflammation of the penis, increasing the excitation during an embrace.—The glans is hot and itching, with soreness of the prepuce. Hot glans, with a pale-rod, sometimes itching eruption. Red tips on the glans. Secretion of a purulent fluid in the lower parts of the glans, having a sourish-salt smell, with itching.—Continual suppuration and itching of the prepuce. Red, almost sore little indurations, going and coming, on the inner side of the prepuce and on the glans, itching when touched.—Considerable sweating of the scrotum.—Heat in the testicle. Cutting in the testicle. Pinch- ing tearing in the testicles. Rheumatic drawing in the testicles, sometimes also in the thigh. "Swelling of the scrotum. "Pains in the testicles.—Great in- crease of the sexual desire, (the first five days). Sexual fancies without erec- tion. Desire for an embrace with quick emission of semen; afterwards tension in the hypogastrium, extending into the spermatic cords.—Painful erection after the siesta, after sitting. Powerful erections, becoming short after the 2!.)th day, with quick emission of semen during an embrace. "Decreasing erections (curative effect), (the first days). Long-continuing erections at night. Want of erections, (for several days). Long erections after an embrace and nocturnal emissions. Nightly emission with dream. He is frequently threatened with an emission, but it is suppressed each time by his waking. Imperfect emission while dreaming of an embrace. Weak and watery emission. "Emissions after onanism. "The emissions disappear, (secondary effect). Burning in the fore part of the urethra after an embrace. After an emission he feels lazy, faint, is sensitive to damp air, with turbid urine, vertigo and constipation.—Erection after an embrace, afterwards weakness of thought, vertigo, despondency, relaxa- tion of the body, low-spirited and inclining to start in the evening. Anxious and restless the whole day, after an embrace. Great weakness of the knees after an embrace.—Feeble thrill during an embrace. Embrace with insufficient erection. Female Sexual Organs.—Painful stiffness, apparently in the uterus. * Pressing in the uterus, oppressing ihe breathing, from above downward, as if everything would come out of the vagina, accompanied with colic; she has to cross one limb over the other to prevent a prolapsus of the vagina; however, there was no prolapsus, but a mere increase of jelly-like leucorrhoea. aProlap- sus of the vagina and uterus. "Induration of the neck of the uterus. "Is a good remedy in cancer and seirrhus of the uterus. "Swelling and humid itching eruption on the inner labia. *Soreness and redness of the labia, in the perinseum and posteriorly between the thighs, "also before the menses. Jerking in the vagina from below upward, in the morning on waking from a dream. "Contrac- tive pain in the vagina. * Violent stitches in the pudendum, almost extending as far as the umbilicus. Stitches in the vagina every three or four seconds, and a similar paroxysm of stitches in a quarter of an hour. *Itching of the puden- dum. Discharge of blood from the vagina after an embrace. Pain in the abdomen as if the menses would appear. *Menses too early by six, two, seven, fourteen days. Menses too early by eight days, and too scanty, appearing only in the morning. Discharge of a few drops of blood a fortnight before the period of the menses. Discharge of blood from the vagina, only when walking. "The menses are too scanty, -too late (secondary effect, at the time of full- moon).—Re-appearance of the menses which had been suppressed for four months. Reappearance of the menses in an elderly female, forty-eight days SEPIA. 783 after taking the medicine and after a suppression of two months, accompanied with drawing from the teeth into the cheek, which became somewhat swollen.— "Sepia is frequently indispensable at the critical age.—Before the menses: vio- lent colic with faintishness. Shuddering all over the body, the whole day. Burning in the region of the pudendum. Acrid leucorrhcea with soreness of the pudendum. Sensation as if the pudendum were enlarged. Pressure in the abdomen, and after this had passed off, soreness of the perinaeum and swelling of the pudendum, before the blood makes its appearance.—During the menses: exhaustion in the morning. Tearing in the tibia. Toothache and throbbing in the gums. Obscuration of sight, and great weakness, going off while lying. Violent pressure in the forehead, with discharge of hard foetid matter from the nose. Drawing in the teeth, extending upward into the cheek. Drawing from the teeth into the check, which became bloated. Bleeding of the nose, three evenings in succession. Melancholy, especially in the morning. *Pains in the limbs, also as if bruised. "Abdominal spasms with pressing downwards. She is unable to sleep, owing to tearing in the back, chilliness and heat, thirst and painful contraction in the chest. She was obliged to remain in bed for two days, on account of restlessness in the body, drawing pain in the lower limbs and abdomen, with rumbling; on the second day she had palpitation of the heart for several hours, in the forenoon, accompanied with dyspnoea.—Leucorrhoza, with stitches in the uterus. ^Leucorrhcea with itching in the vagina, "or of the pudendum. Sanguineo-mucous discharge from the vagina. * Yellowish leucor- rhoea. Watery leucorrhoea. Mucous leucorrhoea. The leucorrhoea increases when she is attacked with frequent eructations and retching; in this case her face becomes paler. Discharge of a green-red fluid from the vagina, during her pregnancy. Leucorrhoea, especially profuse after micturition. Leucorrhoea having the appearance of pus. Leucorrhoea like milk, only in the day-time, with burning pain and producing soreness between the thighs. "Corrosive leu- corrhoea. Profuse mucous diarrhoea, having a foetid smell, with drawing pain in the abdomen. Pains while walking, on account of soreness occasioned by the leucorrhoea.—"Disposition to miscarriage. °Affections of pregnant females : °Toothache. * Nausea and vomiting. "Colic. "Costiveness. "Cough.—* Sting- ing in the breasts, -worst when becoming cold in walking or riding in a carriage. Itching of the left nipple which bleeds and shows a tendency to ulcerate. °Sore- ness of the nipples.—"Chafing of infants. Larynx.—Frequent pressure in the larynx, painless, in the morning. Dry- ness of the larynx, in the morning.—*Sudden hoarseness. Hoarseness and fluent coryza. She* is unable to sing high notes, on account of hoarseness. Hoarse- ness, he is unable to utter a loud word. Hoarseness, with weakness and chilli- ness, (in a few hours). * Hoarseness with dry cough, from titillation in tho throat. Cough, occasioned by titillation in the larynx, without expectoration, °soinetimes attended with costiveness. Violent desire to cough, occasioned by a tingling in the chest. Cough and coryza, every morning until nine o'clock; she commences to sneeze even when yet in bed. "Cough of pregnant females. —Short and hacking cough when going to bed. Cough in the evening before going to bed, from eight till nine o'clock, until she throws off, then the cough disappears. The cough is worst after lying down in the evening. Dry, short evening cough, with intermittent stitches in the right hypochondrium, for several hours. Dry cough with vomiting of a bitter liquid, in the evening when in bed. When coughing she feels nauseated, is occasionally obliged to retch, and then becomes hot and perspires slightly. Violent cough with scanty expectoration, but with vomiting, which is generally bitter, only in the evening when lying in bed. Cough, fatiguing the chest and stomach.—The desire to cough is frequently 784 SEPIA. so sudden and violent, that he is not able to breathe fast enough and that his chest becomes spasmc li■•; ly contracted. Spasmodic cough. Dry cough, as if proceeding from the stomach and abdomen, or as if occasioned by constipation, or as if something had remained in the stomach which did not come off. Dry cough during the day, obliging one to he down and ceasing while lying down; the cough ceased during the night while lying, but he had dry coryza.—Violent, dry cough, with stitches in the right side of the chest. Cough with stitches in both sides of the e: >i atrium. Cough with stitches in the back. When cough- ing the upper part of the sternum is painful.— Scraping cough; sensation as if his chest had become suddenly affected. Cough, which is frequently dry, short and hacking, with pain in the pit of the stomach, and scraping, raw, sore pain in the region of the larynx, not felt when swallowing food; the cough does not rouse her from sleep, but after waking the cough is very violent and continuing; sometimes there is a slight rattling in the trachea, resulting in mucous expecto- ration.—Cough at, night, waking one from sleep. Cough, day and night; causing a pain in the pit of the stomach.—Painful tearing at a small spot of the brain, as if something had been torn loose, during a short fit of cough.—Accu- mulation of much mucus in the larynx, which it is difficult to cough up, but easy to swallow, going down even during a deep inspiration. Violent cough with ex- pectoration after rattling of mucus in the chest, with sore and raw pain in tho throat, which continues even half an hour after the cough. Slight expectoration when coughing, with wheezing and slight rattling in the chest. Mucous expecto- ration from the chest, without much cough or dyspnoea. "Cough with difficult expectoration. A good deal of cough with expectoration, only before midnight as soon as he gets into bed, not during the day.—Expectoration of white mucus of the size of a millet-seed. Violent cough with much discharge of white mucua, lasting one hour every night, for several weeks. A good deal of cough with expectoration, day and night; the cough wakes her from sleep, accompanied with a sensation as if the chest were hollow and smarting inside, as if sore.— His chest feels quite raw, owing to his coughing and expectorating so much — * Expectoration from the chest, fasting very salt, "also with cough, particularly in the morning and evening. Gray and yellow expectoration from the chest. Yellowish expectoration, tasting Hke rotten eggs. That which he coughs up has a putrid taste, and the breath which he expels with the expectoration has a foetid smell.—* Cough with blood-streaked expectoration, after dinner. Cough with bloody expectoration, every morning, without pain in the chest. Short, hacking cough, in the evening after lying down, with profuse expectoration of pure, coagulated blood, one turn every minute—*A good, deal of purulent ex- pectoration with violent cough, great oppression of the chest and rattling; the slightest exercise takes away her breath, and she is quite exhausted. She has no breath when coughing, without being able to expectorate. "Suppuration 01 the lungs. Short breath, (immediately). * Short breathing when walking. Short breathing when walking, as if her chest were full. Loud wheezing through the nose during an inspiration. Loss of breath when taking ever so little exercise. Chest.—*Dyspnoea with tenacious mucus in the chest. Oppression of tive chest morning and evening. When standing still, tho breathing is arrested. Asthmatic, especially when palpitation of the heart occurs, after some emotion of the mind. He wakes covered with sweat, and asthmatic, continuing for four hours. Considerable oppression of the chest in the evening, aggravating the breathing and becoming much worse when lying; she had to sit up in bed ; ac- companied with luminous vibrations before her eyes. Oppression about the lower part of the chest. Difficult rather than short breathing. Oppression of SEPIA. 785 the chest with stitches during a deep inspiration. He wakes at night with oppression of the chest; he bad to breathe heavily and deeply for one hour, and felt yet somewhat oppressed in the morning after waking. Fit of asthma at night; he was lying with his head bent over, felt an oppression, had to take deep breath to get air, for one hour; followed by cough accompanied with ex- IKvUration of tenacious mucus. "Dyspnoea with oppression and shortness of ineit.h, when walking, going up stairs, or lying in bed. Considerable oppression ot breathing, towards evening, from a pressure over the pit of the stomach. Oppression of breathing in the evening, from a pain under the short ribs of the right side, preventing her from making the least motion.—*Pain in the chest, -from motion. "Pain in the side when breathing and coughing.—Very violent yrcr.su re in the chest, without touching it. Pressure in the chest, when stoop- ing and during a deep inspiration. Aching pain in the chest, increased by cer- tain movements. Aching pain in the region of the lowermost left ribs, also when touching that part. Severe pressure in the chest, in the evening when in bed. Aching pain in the region of the left lowermost rib only when walking. Pressure in the upper part of the left side of the chest, towards the axilla, most violent during a strong inspiration ; when touching the part it is painful as if bruised. Pressure in the right side of the chest, in paroxysms, relieved by empty eructa- tions. Drawing, with pressure, in the region of the right false ribs, towards tho back, going off by motion and by rubbing. * Pressure on the upper part of the Bternum, as from a weight.—Feding of heaviness in the chest, obliging one to take deep breath.—Fulness in the chest, and contraction of the same, hindering breathing. Constrictive sensation in the chest, in the morning, early.—Tensive pressure in the chest, rather on the left side.—Attacks of tightness in the chest. Tension from before backward, in the region of the left ribs, as after a catarrh. —Aching of the whole chest.—Stitching in the left side of the chest, when coughing. *Stitch in ihe right side of the chest and scapula, during an inspi- ration and cough. Stitches in the right side of the chest, towards evening, *dur- ing an inspiration. Stitches in the right side, when walking in the open air. Stitches in the right side, in the morning, after a sort of half sleep. Stitches deep in the chest. Stitching pain in the right side of the chest, during an ex- piration. Violent stitching in the chest, at every inspiration ; he was only able to take short breath; this affected his head. Continuous stitches in the left chest, independent of breathing. Sharp stitch in the right chest. Stitch, con- tinuing one minute, in the region of the right lowermost rib, towards the pit of the stomach, going off by eructations. "Sticking in the chest during mental labour. Stitcliing in the heart, in the afternoon —* Rawness in the chest, as of raw flesh.—Violent burning in the sternum. Burniug pain in the sternum, while drinking beer.—Burning sore pain in the upper part of the left chest, also when touching it. Pressure, with tearing, in the, highest portion of the left chest, near the shoulder-joint, recurring shortly after an eructation, which afford- ed relief.—Violent tearing in the lower right ribs.—*Orgasm of the blood, and congestion of blood to the chest, -as if haemoptysis were about to set in. Gurg- ling or bubbling sensation in the left chest. Beating in the pit of the stomach, in the morning, followed by orgasm of the blood in the chest, resembling palpi- tation of the heart, afterwards burning heat in the face and body, without any beat or redness being perceptible to the hand, and without thirst, but some sweat.—Beating of the heart, in the evening, for a quarter of an hour. Palpi- tation of the heart, with stitches in the left side of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety, and trembling of the fingers and lower limbs. Palpi- tation of the heart, with feeling of anxiety, obliging one to take deep breath, without depressing the spirits, for several days.—Intermission of the beats of vol. ii. 60 786 SEPIA. the heart, with anxiety. Intermission of the beats of the heart, especially after a meal.—Itching of the surface of the chest. Itching of the upper part of the sternum. "Brown spots on the chest. Back.—*Pain in the small of the back, when walking in the afternoon. Painful weariness in the small of the back. ° Weakness of the small of tho back in walking. Pain as if sprained in the small of the back, above the hips, in the evening in bed, and in the afternoon. Weariness of the lower part of the spine, from walking, as if broken. Drawing, with pressure, on the left lower side near the small of the back. Frequent sharp pressure on the os sacrum, and a little below. Gurgling on the right side of and near the small of tho back. When lifting something he felt a darting in the small of the back from without inwards, so painful that he dared not move, he had to walk ber.t, and experienced violent stitches in that part, when knocking the foot against any- thing. Stitches posteriorly above the right hip, continuing almost uninterrupt- edly for four days ; the pain being so violent that she was almost unable to lie on the right side ; when touching the part, it felt painful as from subcutaneous ulceration. Intermittent pressure directly above the right hip, a little towards the spinal column. Burning pressure in the small of the back. Reddish, her- petic spots above the hips. "Beating in the small of the back. "Pressing pain. —Pain in the back, only when sitting, even when sitting ever so little. Pain in the back, only when walking, arresting the breathing. Pain in the upper part of the back, every morning, when lacing herself a little tightly. Painfulness of the whole back when stooping while writing. Pressure on the spinal column, above the small of the back, with rheumatic drawing in the nape of the neck. °Cutting digging-up and pressure in the back. "Crampy tearing. When stooping, he is suddenly attacked with a violent pain in the back, as if he re- ceived a blow with a hammer, accompanied with a lancinating pain, so violent that he came near falling down and losing his breath ; the pain was relieved by pressing against a hard object. Stiffness in the lower part of the back, making it very difficult for him to keep himself straight. * Stiffness in the back, diminishing when walking. Tensive pain in the right side of the back, below the scapula, especially when lying on the right side. Drawing pressure near the spinal co- lumn, along the scapula, sometimes extending to the nape of the neck. Wea- riness in the back, in the morning, on waking, as if she could not turn herself or raise herself easily, or as if she had been resting in a forced position, almost as if the parts had gone to sleep. "Chilliness on the back. "Brownish spots on the back. "Itching eruption on the back. Drawing pressure below the right scapula, now in the back, now more in one side ; it is especially felt when the arm is kept straight, while sitting.—Severe pressure at a little spot between the Bcapulae. Tensive pain in the left scapula, towards evening. Tensive pain between the scapulae. Drawing in the scapula, at intervals. Tearing in tho left scapula, as if from a cold. Drawing between the scapula? and in the upper part of the chest. Stitching in the left scapula. Stitches between the scapu- lae. Stitching with pressing between the scapulae. Stinging pain from the scapula down through the ribs, on the right side of the back, at every inspira- tion, lasting as long as this does, in every position of the body, but less when walking in the open air. Stinging in the scapula, extending as far as the side and chest, only when sitting and walking fast; the stitching ceases when walk- ing moderately, or when leaning against the affected side; mostly in the even- ing and afternoon. Burning constrictive pain around the shoulders, chest and neck, in the evening.—Drawing and stitching in the nape of the neck, even when at rest, arresting the breathing. Feeling as if the nape of the neck were gwollen. ^Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Painless swelling in the nape of SEPIA. 787 the neck, of the size of a hazel-nut, Violent itching in the nape of the neck. Jerking in the nape of the neck, with shaking of the head. Aching, sore pain in the lowermost cervical vertebra, in the evening, when walking in the open air. "Tetters in the nape of the neck and behind the ears.—Tensive pain of one side of the neck, as if swollen. Stretching of the neck, straining of the cervical muscles, with distortion of the facial muscles. Red, itching herpetic spots on both sides of the neck. Large boil on the neck, below the left jaw, with sting- ing pain. Upper Extremities.—Titillating burning in the right axilla. _ Swelling and suppuration of one of the axillary glands. Itching of the axillae. "Humid herpes in the axilla.—Crampy drawing in the right shoulder, and in the whole side. Aching pain, as if sprained, directly below the left shoulder-joint, pos- teriorly. Dull, drawing-tearing pain, as if sprained, in the shoulder-joint, (after dinner). Tension and drawing in the left shoulder-joint, going off by moving it. Tearing in the interior and exterior of the left shoulder-joint. Violent pain in the shoulder-joint, when raising a small weight, or when resting the elbow in an elevated position; it is a sort of intensely-painful pressure, with trembling of the hand. Pain as if sprained iu the shoulder-joint, when resting the arm on the table while writing. Violent pain in the shoulder-joint, as if it would tear off; the pain is relieved for a quarter of an hour by eructations. Pain in the shoulder, which was higher than the other by malformation, also when touching it. Stiffness of the left shoulder; she is not able to raise her hand up to her head. Drawing pain in the shoulder-joint, early in the morning when in bed, until one hour after rising. Pulling and drawing on the shoulder, when at rest. Great pain in both shoulders. Pressure on the shoulder ; at night, it felt as if gone to sleep and sprained. Aching sore pain on the shoulders, as if excoriated. Pain in the region of the head of the humerus, and the tendon of the pectoralis muscle, when bending the arm back and when touching" the part.—The arms feel very languid and go to sleep when at rest. Feeling of stiffness and coldness in tho arm, as if there were no blood in it, but without any coldness being percepti- ble to the hand. The arm goes to sleep when leaning the head upon it. Para- lytic feeling in the left arm; nevertheless it can be moved easily, as well as the fingers. °Paralytic sensation in the arm, afterwards throbbing in the same. *Drawing in the arms from above downward, extending into the fingers. Jerk- ing in the right arm from below upward, followed by trembling of the hand, hin- dering writing. Tearing in the arm, from the wrist to the shoulder; the pain scarcely allowing him to move the arm; when letting the arm hang down, it becomes blue and rigid; the greatest pains come on at night, less in the day- time when at rest. "Rigidity of the joints of the arms, the elbow and finger- joints, as if too short. "Warts on the arms.—Burning of the skin of the upper arras, on the outside, directly below the shoulder-joint, as if a vesicatory had been applied. Pain in the upper arm, tingling and humming, more violent when moving the arm or when stooping, but going off when at rest and when lying in bed; the pain extends as far as the shoulder.joint, and occasions an uneasiness in the arm for three days. Jactitation of the muscles of the upper arm. Vio- lent pain in the left upper arm, as if bruised. Pain as if bruised in the right upper arm, also during motion. Large blister on both upper arms, with violent itching. "Inflaiumato-y swelling in the middle of an upper arm, briVht-red, hard, dotted with red spots. Tearing in the left upper arm, at a small spot above the elbow. Drawing pain in one, afterwards in the other upper arm.—Itching in the bends of the elbows. Tension in the elbows, as if the joints were too short. Stitches in the elbow-joints. "Stiffness of the elbows. Brown spots on the elbow of the size of lentils, surrounded with a herpetic skin. Itching scurf on 788 SEPIA. the posterior part of each elbow.—Cramp in the left forearm when walking. Tearing, with pressure, in the left forearm, in the interior and exl erior of the bend of the elbow. Groaning sensation in the forearm. Drawing tearing in the lower part of the forearm. Tearing now in the left, then in the right forearm, near the wrist-joint. Tearing drawing from the outer side of the left hand through the forearm, extending as far as the elbow. Red swelling on the forearm, with pain as if pressing on a fluctuating tumour.—Lancinations in the left wrist- joint. "Stitches in the wrist-joint on moving the hand. "Stiffness of the wrist- joints. Drawing pain in the right wrist-joint.—Tearing in the hand. The hand feels numb and goes to sleep, when holding something with it. or carrying something in it. Weakness of the muscles of the hand. Visible twitchings and jerkings in the internal muscles of the hand, with stitcliing pain. *IIenl in the hands in the day-time ; the mind being excited at the same time. "Cold sweat. Icy coldness of both hands in the warm room, so severe that they spread a chilly feeling over the whole body. A wart seems to form on the outer side of the hand. The skin of the palm of the hand peels off. A cicatrix on the top of the index- finger commences to bleed spontaneously. Roundish, bright-red spot on the ball of the right thumb, itching violently, which cannot be removed by scratching in the evening. "Suppurating blisters on the dorsum of the hand and the tips of the fhgers. "Pemphigus with swelling of the hand. "Itch and scurfs on the hands.—Large itching blister on the right thumb. The thumb becomes bent towards the little finger and remains immovable. Tearing in the posterior joint of the right thumb.—Tensive pain in the metacarpal joints of the fingers, espe- cially when bending them. Drawing and stitching in all the fingers of the left hand. Stitches in the metacarpal joints of the fingers. Arthritic drawing in the finger-joints. Tingling in the tips of the little fingers. Numbness of the right fingers in the evening. Violent pricking in the tip of the left thumb. Painful tickling under the nail of the right thumb. Almost painful lidding un- der the nail of the left index-finger. Tearing under the nail of the right index- finger. Clenching of the index-finger since morning; it was impossible for him to stretch it. ^Panaritium on the left index-finger, *with violent beating and stitching in the same. "Painless ulcers on the tips of the fingers. "Malforma- tion of the nails. Lower Extremities.—"Coxagva with lancinating pains. Soreness with burning pain between the nates. Intermittent drawing pressure directly over the right side of the nates. Drawing from the right hip to the soles, the whole day. Cramp-pain in the hip-joint, she had to walk to relieve it. Sudden tear- ing cramp-pain in the region of the hip, extending down to the foot, when walk- ing about, for eight or ten minutes. Pain as if bruised in the right hip-joint,. only when lying on this side. Pain as if bruised, and weakness in the hip-joint, worst when rising from the chair, so that she was unable to get along without holding on to something ; the pain was relieved by continuing to walk. Tear- ing, with pressure, over the right hip, from before backward. Pressure in the right hip-jcint, close to the abdomen, commencing and increasing gradually, and decreasing as gradually. Burning tearing in the inner border of the lift glutei muscles. Pain in the nates, scarcely permitting him to sit still. Visible, but painless jerking in one buttock and the corresponding thigh.—Sweat of the lower limbs, so copious in the day-time, that it penetrates through drawers and panta- loons. Creeping upward and downward in the left lower limb. The left lower limb is jerked upward in the forenoon, when sitting. *The lower limbs go to sleep when sitting. Stiffness of the lower limbs, extending to the hip-joint. After sitting a little, the limbs become quite stiff and go to sleep, with tingling in the same. Painful tightness in the left thigh ai.d leg, as if the parts bad SEPIA. 789 gone to sleep, down to the soles. Numbness and sudden paralytic feeling of one lower limb, when standing. Great uneasiness in one of the lower limbs, in the evening, being a kind of internal imperfect itching. *Icy coldness of the lower limbs, from forenoon till bed-time. "Lameness ofboth lower limbs.—Trembling of the thighs and knees, without feeling chilly, with jactitation of the muscles of the thighs. Itching of the femora when sitting, she has to change her position all the time. The posterior muscles of the thighs are very r-ainful vv.cn sitting. Spasmodic jactitation of the muscles of the thighs when walking. Tearing in the right thigh when walking, the place where the tearing is felt being painful to the touch. Drawing in the thighs. Drawing pain in the femora from below up- ward. Lancinating aching pain in the groin, extending into the thigh while ad- vancing the limb when walking. Undulating pain in the upper part of the fe- mur. Cramp in the thighs when walking. Attacks of creeping in the thigh, down to the toes, frequently lasting a quarter of an hour, several days in suc- cession. Pain of the thighs as if bruised, when touching them, with tension in the same when walking. Paralytic tension in the right thigh and hip-joint when walking. Lancinations in the thigh, when walking, momentarily depriving the lower limbs of all their power and almost paralyzing them with chilliness. Lancinations in the left thigh when at rest, afterwards ulcerative pain in the outer parts. Short pain in the right thigh, in the evening after lying down, but so violent that she had to remain quiet without being able to move; for sixteen evenings in succession. Boils on the thigh.—Drawing pain in the knees. Ar- thritic drawing in the knees. Violent drawing pain in the knees, when walking and rising from a seat. Lancinations between the patella and the knee-joint. Tearing in the right knee, as soon as she becomes cold ; no pain when touching the parts. Tearing around the knees and malleoli, only when sitting and lying. Tension in the tendons over the knee, when going up stairs. Tension around the knee. Tension in the knee when walking in the open air. Stitching in the knee. Stitching and cutting in the bend of the knee. Stitching directly below the patella, when walking fast. Boring pain in the left knee-joint, when at rest. Cracking in the knee-joint. "Stiffness of the knees. Great weakness in the knees. Cold knees, at night. Painful swelling of the knee, with tension in the knee, both when at rest and in motion. Soft, painless swelling on the patella; when kneeling a tension and unyielding tightness is experienced in the knee; the swelling feels numb. — Uneasiness in the legs every evening, with creeping in them. Pressure and drawing in the legs, from the knees to the toes, most violent when sitting or lying, relieved by walking. Slight tearing between the left knee and calf. Heaviness of the legs as far as the knees, as if they would fall off. Pain of the knees and tibiae as if bruised, more when sitting than when walking. Pain in the tibia and fibula, but especially in the malleoli, as if the bones would be distended. Pain as if bruised and weariness of the legs : she could uot pre- vent falling into a slumber full of anxious fancies. Sore pain in the region of the tibia, only during motion. Tearing now above, now below the right calf. Tearing in front directly below the right knee. * Drawing pain in the leg, ex- tending as far as the heel, where he experienced stitches. Drawing in the leg and big toe. Drawing deep pain in the right tibia, extending beyond the malle- oli. Burning in the lower half of the legs, at night when in bed ; she has to un- cover them. Tensive pain in the calf. Pain, as if bruised, of the gastrocnemii mus'ilcs and hamstrings. "Cramping in the legs. S.veiling between the tibia and calf. Swelling of the legs, rising as far as the knee, when sitting and standing, and dispersing when walking. Tension in the calves. Drawing ten- sion, like a cramp, iu the calves, from the malleolus to the knee. Aching pain in tho lower part of the right calf, as if a cramp would come on. * Violent cramp '90 SEPIA. in the calvek, at night when in bed, when extending the legs, and next day con- stant tensijh of the calves, as if too short. Violent itching of the tibia. Many itching piifples on the legs. Acuminated pimples on the calves, as high up as the knees; occasioning an itching here and there, and a stinging where the clothes rrfb against the skin. Violent tickling stitch in the lower part of the right tib/a.—Tensive pain in the tendo-Achillis. After a walk in the open air, the tarjpl joint feels painful, as if compressed. Tensive pain in the dorsum of the lef/ foot, making it impossible for her to walk on the pavement. Pressure in th(f\pci tarsal joint, as if the boot were too tight. Pain in the tendons of the tarsa)joints when walking, as if too short. Pain in the foot, when walking in the open air, as if a tendon in the region of the malleolus had become strained.— ^Swelling of the feet. The feet become bloated when walking long. Heaviness in /he feet, extending up to the knees, since early in the morning. Buzzing in the foot. * Creeping in the feet when standing. The feet go to sleep, fre- quently when sitting, especially in the morning. "The soles go to sleep with fngling. "Prickling and burning in the feet. Tearing in the lower part of the light foot. "Twitching of the feet during sleep. * Profuse sweat of the feet, also especially the toes, for two weeks. Profuse sweat of the feet, having an in- tolerable smell, the toes becoming sore. "Suppression of the sweat of the feet. "Ulcers on the dorsum of the foot. Burning of the feet, at night. Icy cold feet,, afternoon and evening when sitting. Very cold feet, in the evening, especially in bed; and when the coldness of the feet passes off, he has very cold hands. Fcetid smell of the (generally sweaty) feet.—Sticking pain in the sole also when touching it; she is scarcely able to walk. Stitching iu the dorsum of the foot, especially painful when walking on stone pavement. Pimples on the dorsum of the foot, itching violently. Prickling in the soles and pain of the corns. Creep- ing or prickling stinging in the sole and under the toes, more when at rest than when walking. Stitching in the soles, even when sitting. Tearing in the right sole, close to the toes. Frequent cramp in the internal body of the sole of tho foot. Long-continuing cramp in the soles of the feet, in the evening when in bed. Itching of the outer side of the left sole.—Stitching in the heel, only at night. Stitching in the heel and corn, in the day-time. Burning-stinging and smarting sore pain in the heel, when sitting. Spasmodic stitching in the beel„ as if the tendons were too short, in the evening when extending the leg and tak- ing off the boots. Stitching and tearing in the heel, day and night, more pain- ful when stepping than when at rest; she was pale and cold, and the parts felt numb when touched. When walking, blisters easily form on her heel. "Ulcers on the heel, from spreading blisters.—Tearing in the right small toe. Tearing in the big toe. Stitching with pressure in the left big toe, more when at rest than when walking. Burning stinging in the tip of the big toe. Tickling in the tip of the right big toe. Bone-pain in the ball of the big toe. Pain in the an- terior joint of the left big toe, first tickling, then smarting, frequently recurring. Cutting in the toes, as with a knife, at night, mostly when lying on the back, with redness of the tips of the toes; in the morning the pain has gone. A nail on the toe, which had been distorted for a number of years, suppurates, and a new nail forms in its place. *Pain in the upper part of the toes, sore and cor- rosive. Itching of the toes. Cramp in the toes, recurring for several days. "Corns. Burning and aching pain of the corn, even when the shoes are wide. Drawing pain in the corn, in the evening. Stitching in the corns, also when at rest; when knocking against the corn, the stitches are so severe that one would like to cry out. Burning and stitching in the corn. Inflammation of the corn. Sleep.—Excessive yawning and stretching. In the afternoon, after a slight meal, he felt lazy and drowsy. Very drowsy at noon, in the aftemoon wide SEPIA, 791 awake again. Drowsiness in the day-time, and not disposed to do anything. Drowsiness in the day-time ; she goes to sleep as soon as she sits doim. Timely drowsiness in the evening, with oppressive dulness of the head. Slumbering (almost immediately) with sweat in the face. Drowsiness every three days, re- turning four times; the child sleeps almost .the whole day; whenever he sits down he goes to sleep, and complains of pain in the forehead.—* Remains wide awake late in the evening. Does not go to sleep on account of uneasiness. Restless in the cveuing when in bed, and waking early in the morning. *Wide awake at night, on account of ideas crowding upon him. She wakes at one o'clock at night, and is unable to fall asleep again. Sleeplessness^ before mid- night, lying still in her bed. Sleepless night, without pain, but being unable to lie still.—Wide awake and excited the whole night; nevertheless he feels bright and strong ci the day following.—Restless sleep for several weeks, mingled with dreams, and tossing from side to side ; afterwards quiet sleep. Great uneasi- ness in the limbs, at night. *Frejuent waking at night, many nights in succes- sion. Sound sleep, but mingled with a number of vivid dreams. Sleep disturbed by many disagreeable dreams. Loud talking during sleep. Moaning and groaning at night while asleep. Rsstless sleep with vexatious dreams ; he ex- claimed, stamped with his feet, and raised his arm, which he then laid slowly down again.—Raises himself about midnight, as if delirious, begins to laugh; when interrogated he closes his eyes tightly, sits quite immovable, with stretched arms and hands and the teeth clenched; after drinking a little water, he asks what he is to do with that quantity of water in the stomach, nevertheless he drank more, held up his hand curved as if he were yet holding the tumbler, smiled withal, and said, " This is very fine, the water has triumphed;" he then talked about three couriers who had arrived, and pointed to people whom he said were standing here and there. Attacks of anxiety at night; he has to get up and walk about. A sort of fainting fit about midnight, lasting a quarter of an hour, with consciousness, but with inability to talk or to stir a finger ; he had a sort of dream during his fainting paroxysm, as if he were fighting with a ghost; shortly after, having recovered from the first fainting fit, he fell into a second, dreaming that he had lost himself in a forest. While falling asleep she was attacked with inward trembling, and with itching on the thigh, going off after scratching. Oppressive orgasm of the bicod when going to sleep. She was not able to lie still for five minutes, owing to heat and anxious dreams. Orgasm of the blood, at night. Heat and consequent uneasiness at night. Very much heated in the morning on waking. Febrile heat at night, with anxious fancies and dreams, and sweat about the head. Nightly sleeplessness, and fanciful ravings while asleep. When closing his eyes, at night, his imagination is filled with all sorts of visions, passing off again as soon as he opens his eyes. At mid- night he wakes with chilliness, great anxiety, jerking and spasmodic drawing in the thighs, chest and jaws, for half an hour. He wakes at night with violent anxiety and spasms in the abdomen, afterwarda in the mouth, chest and hip- joint, with palpitation of the heart. Little sleep at night, owing to pain in the hip-joint when moving it. Violent tearing from the hip-joint to the foot, at night, hindering sleep. * Jerking of the limbs, at night. Starting during the siesta. Frequent startings and jerkings when falling asleep. Great uneasiness in tho body, at night, which prevented her from lying still; she had to turn constantly from side to side, and dared not close her eyes lest she should feel worse. Great uneasiness of the body after a short sleep.—Drawing and pressure i.i the pit of the stomach, at night. Painful pressure in the abdomen, and pain as if bruised, at night, waking her. Burning pricking in the heels, for several nights, waking her. Violent throbbing headache, at night. Pressure in the 792 SEPIA. eyes, at ni At. Violent itching in the right ear, at night, with dampness of the ear. Pressing in the left car, for a quarter of an hour, on waking, in the morn- ing. Drawing pain in the molar teeth, extending into the forehead, and waking her frequently at night. Beating in the molar teeth, extending from above the cheeks towards the occiput. A sort of grumbling sensation in the molar teeth, at night. Drawing in the corns the whole night. Stitches in the tip of the elbow,fet night, when waking, which takes place frequently. Vertigo at ni^ht, when raising himself in bed. Waking at night with violent colic, sometimes aching above and around the umbilicus, with a trembling motion of the heart whidfean be felt on the outside of the chest, (no palpitation) but full pulse; acempanied with nausea and sense of great weakness ; three nights in succes- sion the mouth being very dry.—Violent palpitation of the heart, in the evening w^n in bed, and beating of all the arteries. Violent beating in the head, in the e#ning when in bed, and sensation as if the head were moving.—Disturbed a^ht's rest, with pain in the small of the back. The arms go to sleep at night, as far as the hands, which is especially painful when they are under the cover; in this case a tearing stiffness is experienced in the parts.—Dry titillating cough, With a sort of spasm in the chest, at night, passing off in the morning. Sleep 'is disturbed by frequent coughing, and aching in the feet. Unceasing cough the whole night.—Frequent micturition at night.—The hands go to sleep fre- quently at night. He wakes at night with inclination to vomit. Great pain as if bruised, at night, while asleep, and sense of exhaustion in the thighs and upper arms ; the pain disappeared immediately on waking. Inexhaustible dreams, the whole night. Vexatious, horrid dreams. Anxious dream, as if he were chased and had to run backward; on waking he imagined that something was approach- ing him from above, which oppressed the chest; after which he felt a creeping and stitches in the chest. Anxious dream ; he dreams that his body has become disfigured. Frightful dream; she dreams that she is falling from a high moun- tain. Frightful dream; she exclaims in her sleep. Dreams full of dispute. Anxious dreams, driving him out of his bed. He wakes with a shriek and start. Exclaims during his nightly sleep. Sleep is disturbed by lascivious dreams and erections. Dreams that she is threatened with rape.—Want of strength in the upper and lower limbs, in the morning when waking. Feeling of weakness in the morning when waking, as if nauseated.—*Long, unrefreshing sleep. Fa- tiguing sleep. Wakes up late, with weariness of the limbs. No desire to get up in the morning. Anxiety in the morning on waking, going off after rising. Fever.—In the morning, after waking, he feels faint and weak, and is some- times attacked with feverish shivering and short breath, and a sensation of in- ternal heat, although there was not any. Great thirst, in the morning after waking. Waking in the morning with nuch chilliness and internal uneasiness. Complete want of thirst, for eleven days.—Feverish, faint; hot urine.—Shiver- ing, several times a day, without chilliness. Constant febrile shuddering, during the siesta. Constant chilliness, day and night, with pinching in the abdomen. Internal chilliness, the whole day, in a warm room. Chilliness in the evening, with thirst, sweat at night. Chilliness in the evening, a!'terwards thirst. Fe- verish shuddering, even about the head, with icy-cold hands, yawning and great faintness. Shuddering when going to bed ; ri'terwards heat in the face, when in bed.—Fever in the afternoon, at five o'clock; thirst, and, after drinking cold water, chilliness and desire to lie down; slight perspiration at night. In the forenoon the feet, and, after these, the rest of the body became cold, with chills; he had to lie down, got warm; in the morning, at four o'clock, he felt hot, after having been in slight perspiration over the whole body. Chilliness in the after- noon, and heat in the fcrehead, for half an hour. Feverish shiverings, with SEPIA. 793 alternation of heat, until night. Alternation of heat in the head, and chilhness in the lower limbs. Febrile heat mingled with feverish shuddering, accompanied with dulness and heaviness in the forehead, preceded by luminous vibrations be- fore the eyes as of a thousand suns, with heat and pressure in the eyes, accom- panied with much nausea, great oppression of the chest, as if constricted all over, but without shortness of breathing; from morning till evening.—Almost uninterrupted heat of the whole body, with redness of the face and sweat about the he id and body, and violent headache, being a sort of heaviness; also accom- panied with palpitation of the heart and trembling over the whole body; after the heat he feels a chilliness and coldness with deadness of the hands; for four ■days. "Intermittent fever, with thirst during the chilliness. Fever and ague, at frequent but indefinite periods of the day; first, general heat with sweat in the face, violent thirst and bitterness of mouth; then again chilliness with gene- ral coldness, also in the face, and with inclination to vomit, and pressure in the forehead extending into the temples ; during the heat she felt a vertigo as if she would fall. Violent chills for one hour, followed by violent heat and inability to collect one's senses; after which, violent sweat in the evening; the urine being brown and having an acrid smell. Some chilliness in the morning, followed by heat in the face and hands, lasting the whole day; although the face looks pale, no thirst or sweat; in the forenoon aching pain in the stomach and head- ache when stooping. Fever, with pressing in the temples, at intervals of some minutes, and with shortness of breath during the night, as if occasioned by an internal heat; next morning weakness in the lower limbs, thirst, want of appetite, drowsiness; during the day febrile shiverings, sore throat and swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Continual dry febrile heat, with redness of the face, great thirst, painful deglutition, stitches in the left scapula, arresting the breath- ing, and tearing in the upper and lower limbs. * Flushes of heal as if hot water were being poured over one, with redness of the face, sweat over the whole body and anxiety, without thirst, but with dryness in the throat. Heat for two hours, in the afternoon, and drawing in the thighs, as in fever. Anxious heat, morning and evening. *A'tack of heat, every afternoon from one till six o'clock, for several days. Flush of heat in the evening, afterwards itching. Great heat until midnight, (during the first eight nights).—Continual exhalation day and night. Slight sweat in the evening before going to sleep. Profuse general night-swea', from evening till morning. Night-sweat, from above downwards, to the middle of the calves. Cold night-sweat on the chest, back and thighs. Sweat every other night. Sweat every morning on waking, mostly on the lower limbs. Miining-sweat over the whole body. Sweat after waking, continuing the whole day in excess, and exhausting him so much that he was scarcely able to stand on his legs in the evening. Sour-smelling sweat. Sourish night-sweat, for five mornings. * Sweat when walking, -particularly in the open air, also with exhaustion. *Sweat from the least motion. "Sweat when sitting. The sweat smells almost like juniper-blossoms. Skin.—Swelling of the whole body, face, abdomen, legs and arms, extending down to the wrist-joint, without thirst, but with great shortness of breathing, for three weeks, with fever every two or three days, being an alternation of chilli- ness and heat at irregular hours, even at night; during the heat he is covered all over with sweat. In the evening swelling in the wrist-joint, in th3 bend of the elbow, and around the tarsal joints; there was tension in the joints during motion; in the morning the swelling had disappeared, but the parts felt sore when touched.—"Glandular and lymphatic swellings. "Scirrhous indurations. The skin of the whole, body is painful as if sore. Intense paiu in ih$ skin of the body when knocking any part of the body against anything.—Prickings in 794 SEPIA. the skin, ijf the evening when getting warm in bed.—Itching of the face, arms, hands, bate, hips, feet, abdomen and genital organs. The itching becomes a sort of Imrning. Itching, and itching pimples in the joints, especially in the bends o/the elbows and knees, and in the region of the tarsal joint, more in the evening and morning than in the day-time, (in a few hours). Itching vesicles and bf^ches in the face, on the hands and feet. "Dry itch and itch-like erup- tions.! "Pemphigus. Red, insensible little blotches of the size of lentils, on the hand^ emitting some humour when pricked. The sting of a bee causes redness and in itching red rash over the whole body, inflamed eyes and drops of sweat in the face; all this in a few minutes. Itching in the ulcer. Burning and stitching in the ulcer, in the night. The sore spot swells, becomes hot, and a burning pain is experienced in it. Peeling off of the cuticle, in more or less laj^e, generally roundish spots, especially on the hands and fingers, without mm, (in a few days). Claret-coloured spots on the neck and under the chin, without sensation. "Brown, red, herpetic spots on the skin.—"Scurfy, humid ^erpes, with itching and burning. *Ringworm.—Soreness of the skin, in the joints "also in children. General Symptoms.—Affections of the female sex, particularly of feeble, delicate individuals, with fine, sensitive, delicate skin. "Affections of the capil- lary system. "Nervous affections. "Bad consequences of chagrin. "Bad effects from onanism. "Scrofulous (and rickety) affections. °Rheumaiic affec- tions, particularly of slender persons, or with great disposition to sweat, and alternation of chilliness and heat—"Pains as jf sprained, particularly when ex- erting the affected parts, likewise at night in the warmth of the bed. Drawing in all the limbs, (almost immediately). Arthritic drawing in the knees and fin- ger-joints. Drawing all over, even in the bones of the arms. Drawing tearing from below upward, in the upper and lower Hmbs, the whole da^ only when at rest, with great weakness. Tearing in the knees and elbow-joints.—Jerking and stitching in various parts of the body.—Paralytic stitches here and there ; every stitch was followed by immobility of the part lasting a few minutes. Jerking sensations in various parts of the body, also in the head, right and left side. When moving a limb, it jerks. The right leg sometimes jerks in the day-time, followed by trembling of the right hand, making it impossible for him to write. "Jactitation of the muscles. All the parts of the body on which she is lying or sitting, ache. Pain in all her limbs, especially the hips.—Sense as of purring in the lower limbs, arms and hands.—*The limbs go to sleip easily, even when stooping, laying the limbs across one another, reaching high up with the arms, etc. She feels as if she might easily injure herself, sprain a joint, etc., °or particularly after performing manual labour.—*She easily strains herselj when working, which occasions stiffness and tightness in the nape of the neck. "Stiffness and immobility of the joints.—Impatience when sitting, a sort of un- easiness in the bones. Uneasiness in the whole body. Fearfulness when riding in a carriage. Anxiety in the limbs; he has rest nowhere. Frequent trem. bling in the whole body. Tremulous motion in the whole body.—* Orgasm of the blood in the body, three days in succession. Orgasm of the blood, with con- gestion of blood to the head and chest. She feels pulsations in the whole body, especially in the whole left side of the chest. She feels pulsations in the head and all the hmbs, day and night, but more at night. She becomes very much heated from a short walk. Violent heat in the head and face after a walk. Headache and faintness become much worse when walking in the open air. Flushes of heat after slight motion. Hot, oppressed and anxious from smoking, (to which he was accustomed). Warm and oppressed in the evening. Heat in the tip of the left toes, darting like an electric spark through the left side int» SEPIA. 795- the head and leaving a troublesome weakness in that organ; lasting only half a minute. Profuse sweat when walking. Profuse sweat during motion, smelling almost like juniper-blossoms. The slightest exercise excites sweat. She feels cither too cold, or else she is attacked with heat, resulting in sweat. Warm feet and icy-cold hands, or vice versa; frequently, however, both extremities are icy-cold.—Sensitiveness to cold air. *Tendency to take cold "particularly in the wind.—Unusual catarrhal symptoms after becoming wet; violent feverish chilliness, in a few hours fainting fits, next day coryza. A cold occasions spasm of the stomach, a sort of burning contraction. Liability to cold; after drinking a glass of water, excessive chilliness and diarrhoea of a watery mucus, until he goes to bed. Tearing in the left scapula after being slightly exposed to a cause of cold.—Slight attacks of vertigo and palpitation of the heart when walking in the open air. Pressure in the region of the heart when walking, generally. Distention of the abdomen with emission of flatulence, during a walk. All sorts of pain in the long bones, during a walk in the cold_air, especially in the extre- mities of those bones. During every movement of the body he feels nauseated as if he would vomit, and so faint that he had to lie down on the ground as soon as he got into the open air; all his limbs felt relaxed and weak. Flatulent dis- tention of the abdomen as soon as he got into the open air.—Paroxysms : 1. Fit of nausea in the morning during a walk, his eyes saw black, he felt hot from soon till evening, with tearing in all the limbs and constant nausea; in the evening he felt a weakness even unto fainting, with melancholy; everything affected his nerves, he inclined to start; at night he emitted a quantity of foetid flatulence. 2. Fit of drawing-aching pain in the umbilical region, followed by discharge of mucus from the anus, with violent pressing on the rectum and Stitching; shortly after, congestion of blood to the chest, with anxiety and un- easiness increasing to a sort of fever after a meal, alternation of internal heat and chilliness, sweat about the head from one to four o'clock; after this a head- ache whieli left a pain in the nape of the neck ; the same symptoms recurring on the day following. 3. Sensation as of an icy-cold hand between the scapulae-, afterwards coldness over the whole body, followed by a suffocative spasm in the chest, lasting several minutes ; after this he was seized with clonic convulsions of the right lower limb, and jerking in some of its parts, also jerking of the right arm, while the lower limb was held fast; lastly trembling in the lower limb3 lasting the whole day.—Fainting fit, while slowly riding in a carriage.—He suffers for a whole week with spasms as if originating in nervous weakness, last- ing sometimes a whole day, the pulse being at times feeble, at others-spasmodic. —Xumb feeling in all the nerves, also those of tie tongue, with dulness of the head and absence of thought, in the evening.—He feels oppressed in sultry weather, but cheerful and light during a thunder-storm.—A walk of half an hour exhausted hiin so much that he felt nauseated and wr.s unable to breathe ; the trachea appeared to be closed, down to the pit of the stomach.—He felt so weak that ho imagined he would faint. Very weak in the morning, with uneasi- ness in the body.—Fit of vertigo with fainting, for two hours, with very short breath.—The lower limbs felt bruised and weak; every nerve felt painful, and they felt likewise painful when touched; the pain disappeared after dancing. Great weakness of the bwer limbs. Indolence of both body and mind, with difficult breathing. Heaviness in all the limbs. Heaviness in the feet, when walking. Weakness of the knees. One of the lower limbs feels paralyzed sud- denly, for a couple of ho.irs. She becomes paralyzed when vexed. Weakness of all the limbs, with chilliness.—She became tired and had to lie down, in the forenoon. Great weariness in the morning when rising. Although he felt strong and cheerful when rising, yet, a few hours after, he felt wca-k and indis- 796 SILICEA. posed, to such an extent that he had rather go to bed than attend to his busi- ness.—When rising from bed he felt fainting, even unto falling, with absence of thought; afterwards chilliness with goose-skin and yawning for one hour; pale tongue, pulse weak and slow. "Paroxysms of hysteric weakness. Obscuration of sight during the menses, with weakness obliging her to lie down ; this gives her relief. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains are not felt during violent exer- cise, as walking in the open air, fencing, etc., (riding on horseback excepted,) but are most frequent and violent when sitting quietly, forenoon and evening. The symptoms are much worse in the evening and night, than in the day-time. Shuddering attends the pains. The pains are reheved by the application of warmth. 221. SILICEA. SIL.—Silica.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, V. Compare with—Alum., Ambr., Am, Bell., Bov., Calc, Carb. a., Caust., Cycl., Cic, Cin., Dros., Graph., Ign, Hep., Kali, Lach., Lye, Magn., Merc, Natr., Petr., Phosph., Pnls , Rhod,, Rhus tox., Ranun. seel., Sab., Sass , Sep., Spig., Sulph., Verat.—Sil. is sometimes particularly suitable alter Calc, Hep., Lye, Sulph.—After Sil. are frequently suitable: Hep., Lach., Lyo, Sep. Antidotes.—Camph., Hep.—Sil. antidotes Merc, Sulph. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, Sil. has proved curative in diseases which exacerbate at the period when the moon changes.—Polypi.—Scrofulous and rachitic affections with caries and herpetic eruptions.—Hysteria bordering on mental derangement, a sort of monomania, with aggravation when the moon is on the increase.—Epilepsy, (one of the most important remedies; Bcenmng- hausen, New Archiv. II., No. 1, p. 89, relates a case of epilepsy by the high potencies.—Decrease of the epileptic attacks.—Chronic weakness of the more important parts of the nervous system, with suppressed sensibility and mobility, suppression of the secretions, particularly on the periphery.—Paralysis.—Ery- sipelatous inflammation.—Erysipelatous inflammation on the neck, as far as the middle of the chest; the thyroid body was swollen, hard, very painful; the cellular tissue under the inflamed portions of the skin, was so likewise ; in this case the silex was particularly suitable to the inflammation of the thyroid body.—Pseudoerysipelas.—(Zcster. three cases of which were cured by one pellet of the 30th attenuation of Sil.)—Tinea capitis—Lepra Americana with paralysis of the hands.—Furuncles, after the itch had been cured.—Carbuncle on the nape of the neck. Anthrax.—Tumours on different parts of the skin, particularly on the back and in the hip, of the size of a pigeon's egg.—Lym- phatic tumours.—Exostoses.—Ganglion on the tcudon of the extensor oigitcrum communis, on a middle-finger. Hygroma cysticum patelhc. particularly in indi- viduals who have to kneel a good deal on the floor (cured in three cases) —In- duration of the cellular tissue of infants. Glandular indurations, not occasion- ing any pain, but a violent itching.—Hard tumours. —Suppurations of every sort, with good or bad pus, particularly in membranous tissues.—Suppuration of internal organs.—Sil. promotes suppuration.—Sil. restores the suppurative pro- cess when it had become arrested in consequence of the suppression of the SILICEA. 797 nervous influence.—Suppuration of the glands in any part of the body, also of the mammae after mastitis.—Suppuration of lymphatic swellings. —Steatomata Buppurate a ter the exnibition of Sil.—Suppurating, scrofulous ulcers.—Ichorous suppuration of the cellular tissue after induration (in full-grown persons)—Ab- scesses at various parts of the skull.—Swelling and suppuration of the parotid gland.—Suppuration of the cervical glands. Abscess on the tongue. ABscess of the mamma.—Suppuration of the right mamma after previous phlegmonous in- flammation.—Panaritia.—.Suppurating ulcer at the root of the right middle finger after erysipelatous inflammation.—Panaritium with throbbing pain, and incipient Buppuration. — Ulcers from abuse of Merc.—Scrofulous ulcers and fistulae on the neck, with caries of the subjacent bone, particularly of the clavicle.—Sil. ren- ders malignant ulcers benign.—Ulcers on the feet.—Malignant ulcers in the legs. Sjiongy, readily-bleeding ulcers on the dorsum of the foot, occasioned by a chilblain.—Putrid ulcer; in old psoi ic, cachectic persons living in poverty and filth; wide-spread, erpsipelatous or deeply-penetrating asthenic inflamma- tions with considerable swelling of the soft parts, as frequently occur in drunk- ards from slight injuries, contusions, or even without those causes; such inflam- mations soon pass into bad suppuration; from fistulous canals of various sizes a fetid, bloody, white-coloured, yellowish ichor is discharged; portions of dead cellular tissue, of a fetid odour, dingy appearance, and partially penetrated by a tenacious, yellow pus, are slowly detached; open ulcers with shaggy callous edges, penetrating through to the bone, remained behind, not disposed to heal, and inducing a state of debility with loss of appetite and strength ; and suppu- rations are most frequent on the hands; the sot parts round the ulcers are swollen, hard and blue-red; the small orifices of the fistulous canals are sur- rounded with callous edges.—Interstitial distention of bone.—Caries. Caries of the bones with hectic fever.—Caries with exfoliation of the bony substance which had been destroyed by suppuration, with profuse secretion of partly ma- lignant, partly laudable pus, with or without hectic fever, impoverished repro- duction, night-sweat (Trinks has cured a number of such cases by giving the second or third trituration of Sil. for several months in succession).—Caries of tho mastoid process.—Caries of the facial bones.—Caries of the zygomatic process. —Caries of the inferior maxilla.—Caries of the lumbar vertebrae and the trochan- ter major, with cough and purulent expectoration.—Caries of the radius, ulna and tibia (in conjunction with other remedies).—Caries pf the left radius. Caries of the last joint oftlie middle finger.—Suppuration of and in the hip-joint—Suppu- ration of the knee.—Caries of the tibia and metatarsal bones.—Caries of the tibia and femur. Caries of the tibia with herpes.— Worm fever in scrofulous indivi- duals.—Attacks of vertigo, every day, as if he would fall without consciousness, headache every day from morning till evening, most violent in the forenoon, with weariness early in the morning; the vertigo was particularly excited by some great emotion and inereased by stooping; the vertigo is preceded by rush of blood, oppression of the chest and pit of the stomach.—Trichiasis with ectropium.— —Ulcers on the cornea.—Bemnant of a fungus haematodes? oculi, with specks on the cornea and swelling of the submaxillary glands—Titillation in the ears. —Frequent buzzing in the ear —Report in the ear, after which the hearing im- proves.—Report on yawning, with improvement of the hearing.—Sensation as if the ear were stopped with cotton.—The hardndss of hearing increases at full moon—Hardness of hearing, sometimes relieved or momentarily arrested by blowing the nose. Hardness of hearing with otorrhoea. Rheumatic-haemor- rhoidal? deafness.—Cartilaginous induration of the upper lip.—Toothache with swelling of the bme or periosteum.—Ulcer which had perforated the right side of the tongue. Stomacace gangrenosa with perforating ulcer of the palate.— 798 SILICEA. Scrofulous swelling and induration of the cervical glands, parotis, coming on slowly, increasing gradually, lasting a long while, sometimes attaining an enor- mous size, almost without pain, redness or heat of the skin.—A glandular swell- ing of the size of a fist on the right side of the neck was considerably diminished. —Abscess of the liver.?—Ischuria.—Chronic gonorrhoea.—Stricture of the urethfa.—Hydrocele depending upon scrophulosis.—Mucous and purulent cough. Phthisis with expectoration of purulent mucus.—Phthisis of stone-cutters.__ Ulceration of the lungs.—Aneurism.—Affections of the spinal marrow arising from spondylarthrocace, (in conjunction with Calc, Rhus t., Sulph., Carb. vcc. tuid Ars.).—Atrophy of the left hand, with debility and a feeling of numbness in the fingers.—Roughnesses on the tendinous sheaths in the wrist-joint, impeding motion—Fungus articularis of the right patella.—Induration below the knee of the size of an egg.—Spavin of horses, when exudation and callous formation have already commenced.—Foetid sweat of the feet. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Desponding and melancholy. "Discouragement. "Want of cheerfulness.—Longing for home.— Weeping mood for two hours. The least remark makes her weep.—Fie is frequently seized with anguish, making it impossible for him to sit still. "Anxiousness and ill-humour, from the slight- est cause, also from great nervous weakness. He is frequently attacked with impatience and restlessness, so that he knows not what to do with himself. He feels a most violent compunction of conscience about trifles, as if he had commit- ted the greatest wrong.—*Great tendency to start. Starting followed by great anxiety. Sensitive to noise," it makes him anxious. He is inconvenienced by loud conversation.—Unsteady and confused in his actions. She was unwilling and unable to do anything, from bad humour. Internal loathing of life.— Obstinate. Whimsical and fault-finding.—Dissatisfied.—Vexed at everything. Quarrelsome, in the evening. The child becomes headstrong, resisting. He is easily put out of humour, even when trying to keep cool. Irritable, although eheerful, "Yielding.—"Not disposed to work. "Indifferent and apathetic. Sensorium.—Forgetfulness, want of memory. Liable to use wrong expres- sions while talking. Great absence of mind in rhe forenoon, with uneasiness in the head and pit of the stomach. He is almost always at two different places at the same time, in his mind.—* Difficulty of thinking. °Fixed ideas, thinks of needles all the time, dreads them in looking for them, and counts them all over. His head feels obtuse and the body relaxed, even after a short conversation, he has to break it off. Intellectual labour is difficult for him. Inability to read or write, from noon till evening, going off after supper.—Dulness of the head, and bruised feehng of the body. *She feels as if intoxicated. Strange feeling in the head, as if she would fall from side to side, with tingling in the ears. Painless dulness of the head, as if it contained too much blood. Dizzy, as if stupid, he was at a loss to find the proper words, and used wrong expres- sions almost constantly (immediately). "Great facility to think and to express one's-3elf in fluent style.—Vertigo when going forward (he imagined he was going backward). Slight vertigo, the whole day, with some nausea. Constant vertigo, as if moving to and fro, even when sitting, less when lying. Excessive vertigo; sometimes, when walking, she knows not where she is, and she inclines to fall from side to side. Vertigo with retching; water comes out of her mouth. Vertigo, as if he were being raised. Vertigo when looking upward. Vertigo .after the usual smoking; when closing his eyes, all things turn with him, this passes off when opening them again. Vertigo in the evening and morning, when rising. Constant violent vertigo. Stupifying vertigo in the morning, or vertigo BLLICEA. 799 with inclination to vomit. The vertigo seems to proceed from the back through the nape of the neck into the head; it is painful, she knows not where she is, and in- clines to fall forward all the lime. Frequent vertigo, only when sitting, not when walking, especially when riding in a carriage; he suddenly loses his senses for one minute, but without obscuration of sight. Vertigo every morning, half an hour after rising. Violent vertigo in the morning with nausea; she inclined to the right side, several days in succession, and so violently in the evening that she had to lie down. Vertigo at breakfast, as if the head would fall to the left side, with heat in the face and sweat on the forehead. Vertiginous stupefaction of the head, in the morning when rising, with nausea unto vomiting; reheved by riding in a carriage in the open air, but returning after re-entering the room; the room seemed to turn with her, and she staggered to and fro. Gloominess and vertigo in the head, for several weeks. Head.—Headache at night. Headache from hunger. "Headache every morning. "Headache from being heated. *Headache from the nape of'the neck to the vertex, also as if proceeding from the back. Violent headache, with loss of sense, she moaned and cried for help. Weariness of the head. 'Heaviness of the head, from noon till evening. Painful heaviness in the head, as if the head were full of lead, increasing from morning till night. Heaviness, tear- ing and stitches in the head, especially in the forehead, the head feels drawn sidewaj'S. She feels as if she could not hold her head.—Heat in the head with anxiety.—Groaning shaking of ihe brain, when stepping firmly or when knocking the foot against something.—Pinching in the head when walking.—Pain- less jerks in the head.—Oppressive jerk in the middle of the forehead, recur- ring by turning rapidly, stooping or talking.—Oppressive pain in the forehead, from a little mental exertion.—Headache, with heaviness and uncomfortable- ness in all the limbs.—Pressure in both sides of the occiput. Pressure in the occiput, soon after sticking in the forehead, with chilliness of the nape of the neck and back. Pressure in the temple, and over the right eye after a slight cold. Pressure in the occiput and nape of the neck, early in the morning. Pressure in the head, with weakness of the body. Pressure over the nose, in ifche morning. Aching pain in the occiput, diminished by wrapping up the head in a warm handkerchief. Pressure on the top of the head, in the evening, ex- tending into the eyes. Pressure in the forehead, from morning till evening. Sensation as of a heavy load pressing in the forehead, above the eyes. Pressure in the right temple, from noon till evening. Aching pain in the forehead and eyes, as if a catarrh were approaching. Aching pain in the forehead, in the morning, a little while after rising, not increased by motion. In the morning violent aching pain extending down to the eyes; accompanied with violent chilh- ness, and nausea and faintness in the afternoon ; the eyes felt painful when turn- ing them to one side and closing them, and the closed eyes were still more pain- ful when touching them. Hard pressure, with a jerk, deep in the brain, in paroxysms of one or two minutes.—Pressure, tension and pushing in the head, as if crowded together or pressed asunder.—Pain as if the anterior lobes of the brain were compressed, from twelve till two o'clock. Compressive sensation in tho brain.—Tension in the eyes and forehead, with faintness of the body.— I [eadache, as it the brain and eyes would be pushed forward.—Headache, as if the contents of the head would issue through the open skull.—Violent headache, as if tho skull were pierced by violent stitches.—Disagreeable feeling, as if the head were teeming with living things, whirling around in it.—Boring pain in the forehead, for many days in succession.—Tearing pain as if the head would burst, and beating in the head commencing in the top, as if simultaneously on the inner and outer side, with chilliness; he had to lie down and turned himself 800 SILICEA. to and fro in his bed, for four hours; the pain was relieved by trying something firmly around his head. Tearing in the fere part of the head, from four till .seven o'clock every afternoon. Tearing pain in the forehead, towards the parie- tal bones, the whole day, increased towards evening, aggravated by motion. Tearing-beating headache, with eructations. Tearing and stitches in the head, in the afternoon.—Stitches in the, temples. Stitches in the brain freni below upward. Severe sticking pain in the forehead. Bewildering stitches in the head, with great disposition to be dissatisfied and ill-humoured. Stitching ai;d beating in the forehead, in the morning. Stitching in the top of the head and over the eyebrow, with a sensation as of drawing pressure.—Beating pain, in the fcrc- heed, in the afternoon, for one hour. Congestion of blood to the head, with stitches in the occiput. Rush of blood to the head, when rising frtm a seat, with feeling of fulness in the brain. Rush of blood to the head, beating in the sinciput and forehead, with heaviness in the head. Rushofblocd to the right temple. Obscuration of the sight after the headache. Scalp.—Painful sensitiveness of the head, as after violent headache. Pain of the scalp when touching it. Bruised sort of a pain in the top of the head. The hat causes an intense pain in the occipital protuberances. Itching pain in the right side of the occiput. Thrill over the hairy scalp, as if the hair stood on end, but without chilliness. "Sweat in the hair in the evening. His forehead feels numb and dead. Itching of the occiput. Violent itching of the left side of the head. A good deal of itching in the hairy scalp. When scratching the itching places on the head, they feel sore. Itching pimples on the hairy scalp. "Itching, humid porrigo. "Tumour-like elevations. Itching blotches on the head and nape of the head. * Great falling off of the hair when combing the* head. EyCS.—Pain in the eyes, in the morning, as if too dry and full of sand.— Pressure and smarting in the orbits. Pressure in the eye-lids. Pressure in the eyes, every afternoon at four o'clock. Pressure and pushing in the left canthus. Pressure in the upper eyelid, with violent stitches in the lid as from a splinter, and vanishing of the visual power.—Tearing and burning in the eyes when closing them and pressing on the lids.—Burning smarting of the right lower lid, in the morning.—Itching of the upper lid. Itching of the right eye in the even- ing. Itching in the eyebrows. Itching of the sore eye, immediately. Burning itching of the eyelids.—Smarting in the canthi, in the morning. *Smarting or heat in the eyes.—Redness of the whites, with aching pain. "Redness of ttye eyes with biting in the canthi. Redness, first around the eyes, afterwards of tho white, "with inflammation of the eyes and lachrymation.—Sensation in the left eye as if full of water. Lachrymation of the outer canthi. Lachrymation and a sort of darkness of the eyes.—A good deal of gum in the inner canthi. Ag- glutination of the eyes in the morning. * Agglutination at night, with smarting of the lids.—Swelling in the region of the right lachrymal gland and lachrymal sac "Fungus hasmatodes? "Ulcers on the cornea. "Spots and cicatrices.— Twitching of the. eyelids. Painful cramp in both eyes, closing them so tightly, that they can only be opened with great trouble. She is unable to open her eyes in the morning, owing to a pain excited by the light of day.—Flying motes. —"Sparks or black spots before the eyes.—*The eyes are dazzled by ihe lisht of day ; he is unable to see for moments, in paroxysms. Attacks of photopho- bia, alternating with inflammation of the whites and lachrymation. Gauze before the eyes.—* Things look blurred, letters, etc. Beating in the ear concusses the eyes, making things appear to go up and down. "Obscuration of sight, as if looking through a gray coat. "Paroxysms of udden blindness. "Far-sightid- ness. "Paleness of sight in reading. "Cataract and amaurosis. SILICEA. 801 Ear,—Drawing pain, a sort of otalgia, in the meatus auditorius. Drawing pain along the right ear and neck. Cramp-like drawing in the right ear. Jerk. ing pain in the left ear. Jerking cutting in the bone behind the ear. *Beating in the ear, -also with concussion of the eyes. "Boring in the ears. "Shooting through the ears.—Tearing in the inner and outer parts of the ear. Tearing behind the right ear.—Painful pressing in the meatus auditorius.—Aching pain iu the left ear, when blowing the nose.—Itching in the ear, especially when swallowing.—Heat of the lobules and about the head. Itching of the outer ears.—Scurf behind the ears. Inflamed humid margins of the ears. Swelling of the outer ear, with humour coming out of the inner ear, accompanied with hissing, which suppresses the hearing. Discharge of humour from the left ear. Quantity of moist wax in the ear.—Feeling as if the ear were obstructed, "sometimes going off with a report. The hearing is very sensitive. Exceeding- ly sensitive to noise, even unto starting.—Diminution of hearing, from whizzing in the head. Difficulty of hearing the human voice, worse at full-moon.— Gurgling sensation in the right car. Sensation in the right ear, as if something were beating on the tympanum, which causes a groaning sensation in the head, and makes him anxious. Cracking in the ear when swallowing. Noise in the ear as of the wind blowing into it, at short and regular intervals. Beating in the right ear. Beating in the ear on which he was resting at night. Dull grum- bling in the ear, with hardness of hearing and sensation as if something were in the ear, especially in the morning when rising, for four days. Thundering roaring and grumbling in the ear. Sense as of ringing of bells in the ears, so loud that he has to get up at night for quarters of an hour and walk about. Whizzing in the ears. Roaring in the left ear, before and after a meal. Chirping in the ear as of crickets. Fluttering noise in the ears. *Swelling of the parotid gland, with stitching pain. Hard swelling of both parotid glands, with painful rigidity in the swelling when moving the head or when touching the swelling. Nose.—Beating pain in the nasal fossae as if ulcerated, striking to the brain like rays, with sensation of tightness and causing an aching pain in the forehead; when touching the tip of the nose, a pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration was experienced in it for two days. Painfulness of the septum narium. Burning slitch on the side of the nose. Fine, drawing tearing in the nose. Tearing in the left nasal wing. Drawing in the root of the nose and the right malar bone. Creeping and digging-up in the tip of the nose. "Gnawing in the upper part of the nose, with heaviness on stooping and great sensitiveness to pressure. Pain- ful soreness of the lower part of the septum narium, with stinging pain when touching it.—*Itching of the nose with red tip. Itching in the nose.—Rash- vesicles under the nostrils, with red areolae and painless. Reddish vesicles on the s nose, with scurf. *Itching and small vesicles around the nasal wings. Sensa- tion as if pieces of food had got into the posterior nares. When swallowing, the food gets into the posterior nares. Feeling of great dryness in the posterior nares. Itching and sore pain in the forehead behind the wing of the nose. Pimple on the nose. Itching pimples on the side of the nose. *Smarting pain- ful scurf deep in the right side of the nose. "Ulcers in the nose.—A quantity of acrid water runs out of the nose, making the inner nose and nostrils sore and bleeding; accompanied with a -niell from the nose as of blood or a recently- slaughtered beast, for five days. Bleeding of the nose when inserting the finger, with dryness of the nose. Blood drops occasionally out of his nose, only when stooping. Discharge of sanguineous mucus from the nose when blowing it. Violent bleeding of the nose. Sensitive smell, (curative effect). "Loss of smell. —*Frequent sneezing. Desire to sneeze, but generally ineffectual. When sneezing the chest is painful as if it would burst. Complete obstruction of the VOL. II. 51 802 SILICEA. nose; she was scarcely able to talk, and had to open her mouth widely to breathe. "Chronic obstruction. "Plugs of mucus in the nose. "Troublesome dryness of the nose. A good deal of mucous discharge from the nose, without coryza. Fluent coryza. Violent catarrh. Dry coryza, in the morning, on waking. Continual coryza, now dry, now fluent. Coryza for weeks. Coryza and cough with swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, pain in the throat during deglutition, great chilliness; she had to lie down; after having been in bed for an hour, she felt a burning heat over the whole body. "Fluent coryza after chronic stoppage of the nose. Face.—Pale face. White spots on the cheeks from time to time. Red spots on the cheeks, and red nose, burning and painful, when making a slight exertion, especially after a meal. Heat and burning of the face, after washing it with cool water, for two hours. Swelling of the face, and the glands of the lips and glands of the neck, with chilliness and icy-cold feet.—Drawing pain in the malar bone and behind the ear, worse when touching the part3. Tearing in either cheek, for four hours, afterwards dulness of the left molar teeth. Bruised pain in front of the left ear, in the articulation of the jaw, when touching it or when chewing.—Itching in the region of the whiskers. Violent itching of the forehead down the nose. Eruption in the face. Pimples on the forehead and above the nose. Pimple near the eyebrow. Large boil on the cheek, not very painful, near the nose. "Chapped skin. "Scirrhous induration in the face and on the upper lip. Eruption on the lips, vesicles on the margin of the upper lip, stinging when touched, causing a smarting pain. Pimple on the margin of the vermilion border of the upper lip, first itching,, afterwards, wheu converted into a scab, merely smarting. Two large pimples on the upper lip. Painful ulcer in the corner of the mouth. Ulcerated corner of the mouth, itching, the scurf lasting for many days. Painful pimple on the margin of the vermilion border of the, lower lip. "Ulcer on the vermilion-border of the lower lip. "Cancer of the lip. Sponge-like ulcer on the inner side of the lower lip. Smarting ve- sicles on the vermilion border of the upper lip. Burning itching around the mouth, without eruption. Swelling of the lower lip, for two days. Swelling of the upper lip and the gums, very painful to the touch.—Pimple on the chin. Red, itching, elevated herpetic spots on the chin. Boil on the chin with sting- ing pain wh m touched. JaWS and Teeth.—Pain of the sub-maxillary glands when touched, with- out swelling. Stitches in the sub-maxillary glands, which are swollen. Swell- ing of the submaxillary glands, painful when touched, with drawing pain in the glands and sore throat when swallowing, as if swollen internally. °Hard swell- ing of the sub-maxillary glands.—Painful contractive cramp in ihe left articu- lation of the jaw, and afterwards in the temple. "Nightly drawing and sticking in the lower jaw. "Caries and swelling of the lower jaw.—^Toothache, espe- cially when eating warm food,; and when cold air gets into the mouth. Tooth- ache after a meal. The boy has a kind of teething-fever, although he has all his teeth; the saliva runs out of his mouth, he grasps at his gums, and has heat in his head, in the evening. Sudden sharp pain in a cuspidatus while eating. Toothache in the morning, until after rising. Simple toothache all the time, ex- ept during a meal, most violent at night. Toothache with swelling of the bone and periosteum of the lower jaw. with heat all over, at night, preventing sleep. Violent toothache, the whole jaw aches, with pressure and jerks, hindering sleep the whole night.—Tensive toothache. Violent pressure in a hollow tooth.— Drawing in a hollow tooth, in paroxysms. Drawing in the lower cuspidati.— Tearing toothache when eating, and a quarter of an hour after. "Tearing pain, also with drawing and jerking, most violent at night, or only during and after SILICEA. 803 a meal. Lancinating pain in a hollow tooth, only during a meal.—-Stitching toothache, making both warm and cold things intolerable. Stitches in a sound tooth, from violent wind, the tooth being painful when touched, as if from sub- cutaneous ulceration, followed by swelling of the lower jaw. Burning stitching in several teeth, becoming painful after a meal: the pain is most violent at night, and is aggravated by cold air getting into the teeth; with heat in the head and burning in the chest. Pain of a molar tooth, when biting, as from sub-cutane- ous ulceration. "Digging and boring in the teeth. The teeth are loose and sensitive to pain when chewing. A lower molar tooth is painful as if elongated. Dull teeth, for four weeks. Dulness of the upper teeth, as if set on edge by acids. Inflammation of one of the lower molares, with swelling and soreness of the gums.—Painful sensitiveness of the gums to cold water. Swelling of the gums; warm drink causes burning, and, when chewing, the gums feels sore. Painful inflammatory swelling of the gums. Sore gums. Sore vesicles on the gums and the inner side of the lips. Small ulcer on the swollen gums. "The gums bleed readily. Mouth.—His mouth and lips are dry. Constant dryness of the mouth. Pro- fuse saliva in the mouth. Accumulation of water in the mouth. "Constant mucus in the mouth.—Sensation on the fore part of the tongue as of a hair lying on it.—Sore tongue with painful spots at the tip. Coated tongue, "also with brown mucus. Numb tongue. Swelling of the right half of the tongue, pain- less. Heat comes out of his mouth.—Itching of the palate and velum pendulum palati. Single stitches in the velum palati. Ulcer on the palate extending as far as the gums.—Elongation of the uvula, with dryness of the throat. Swell- ing of the uvula. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—The throat is very dry, with hoarseness and itching in the meatus auditorii. Frequent hawking up of a thickish mucus. Hawking up of salt mucus. Hawking up of yellow, foetid lumps. Sore throat with much mucus in the throat. Pain in the region of the larynx, when lifting a heavy weight. Aching pain in the left side of the throat, during deglutition. Sore throat during deglutition, as from a lump in the left side of the throat. Scraping sore throat, in the morning; stinging in the throat in the evening. Sore throat, as if the food glided over sore places, with occasional stitches in those parts. Soreness of the throat, as if from singing. *Stinging sore, throat, only when swallowing, the neck being painful "men touched. Difficult deglutition; the food goes down slowly; there is a grumbling in the pharynx, then in the stomach; three seconds after this, the food is down. Bad smell from the mouth, in the morning, almost as in mercurial ptyalism. Taste and Appetite.—Bitterness of the throat, as if proceeding from the stomach. *Bitter taste in the morning. Putrid taste in the morning. Oily taste in the mouth. Bloody taste in the morning. Sour taste, with some bit- terness. °Loss of taste. Repulsive, slimy taste in the mouth.—Feeling of loathing in the throat, in the afternoon. Complete want of appetite. * Aversion to meat-soup. "Aversion to meat, he does not digest it. Desires only cold, raw things.—Appetite without knowing for what, with accumulation of water in the mouth. He is very hungry, eats a good deal, and nevertheless complains of the upper part of the throat being closed. Canine hunger, the water accumulat- ing in her mouth. Canine hunger, appeased by lying down for a short while. She is hungry, but she cannot get down any food. Canine hunger before supper, with complete loss of appetite and trembling of all her limbs ; afterwards chilli- ness and coldness over the whole body, with heat in the chest. Canine hunger towards evening, with feeling of nausea in the pit of the stomach after eating ever so little. Canine hunger in the morning. Gnawing hunger which can be 804 SILICEA. appeased for a short time by a piece of bread. Increased appetite for supper; he ate more than usual, and, nevertheless, could not satisfy his appetite; in a quarter of an hour his stomach felt full.—*Grcat thirst with loss of appetite. Thirst with dryness of the throat. Thirst without desire to drink, also during the chilliness. Violent vertigo at dinner, without inclination to vomit, and good appetite.—After a meal: * Acidity in the mouth. Continual hunger, and reple- tion of the stomach. A weakness resembling canine hunger, passing off by eat- ing again, although without an appetite. Weakness in the stomach. The stom- ach appears to be inactive, although the appetite is good. Colic, a sort of writh- ing in the intestines. Pressure at the stomach, "also followed by water-brash and vomiting. Expectoration of mucus from the trachea. *Eructations and acidity, and an ugly taste from the stomach, which continues to the next meal. Load as of a stone in the stomach, with a feehng of repletion. Violent eructa- tions after supper, Pressure at the stomach. Fits of cramp-pain in the stom- ach. Sensation as if the hair stood on end. Cutting in the epigastrium. *Re- pletion for a couple of hours, alleviated by eructations. Increased hard hearing. Sweat while eating and talking. Chilliness. Palpitation of the heart with anxiety, for half an hour. Profuse heat in the face. The eyes feel dazzled, and as if surrounded with mist. *Drowsy and faint, he is obliged to sleep. Nausea, going off after lying down. Colic, going off after eructations. *He feels full, and as if the clothes were pressing on the abdomen, the abdomen being drawn in. "Heartburn. Violent cohc, even after taking some warm beer, going off after rumbling and eructations. Gastric Symptoms.—The taste of the food remains in the mouth a long time after eating.—The stomach feels inactive although the appetite is good. Frequent, empty, loud, or *sour eructations, also with burning in the throat. Sour and bitter eructations in the morning, as if from a deranged stomach.— Warm rising from the stomach to the throat.—Heartburn from the stomach, after every meal.—Hiccough before and after a meal.—Nausea as after tasting an emetic. "Nausea after every heating exercise. "Constant nausea, also with vomiting, even at night. Nausea without vomiting, even before breakfast, as if in the pit of the stomach, with good appetite and relish. "Nausea every morn- ing, also with headache and pain in the eyes on turning them. Short nausea in the morning, followed by sudden faintness and chilliness until noon. Nauseated, faint and trembling, when smoking. Nausea as if in the hypogastrium; now rising, now descending, for several days in succession. In the morning when getting up, writhing in the pit of the stomach, followed by nausea rising to the throat, accompanied with violent palpitation of the heart and violent pressure in the sternum; she has to force up bitter water from the stomach, reheved by eat- ing ; she does not vomit food. "Waterbrash, also with shuddering.—"Vomiting after every drink. "Vomiting of the ingesta at night.—Flatulent food presses in the stomach like a lump, she has to throw it up again. Stomach.—Violent pain in the pit of the stomach going off by hard pressure on the part. "Painfulness of the pit to pressure.—Load in tlie stomach, like lead. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach, with want of appetite. Aching pain, followed by cramp-pain in the stomach, after one eructation. Pressure at the stomach and cutting in the intestines, every half hour. Pressure at the stomach, increased by walking in the open air, amid frequent empty eructations. "Pres- sure at the stomach from quick drinking.—Screwing together in the region of the stomach, followed by soft steel. Griping, pinching and crampy sensation over the stomach and the hypochondria, in frequent paroxysms, for a week. Griping and sudden grasping in the stomach. Colicky pain and gnawing in the stomach, with nausea and cold thrills over the nape of the neck and back, with SILICEA. 805 audible rumbling in the abdomen; going off when lying on the back with his limbs drawn up.—^Burning in the pit of the stomach. Burning over the pit of the stomach, almost like heartburn.—Drawing, pinching and stitching in and around the pit of the stomach and in both hypochondria, down to the hip- joints. Hypochondria.—Drawing, dull pain in both hypochondria, extending to the spinal column, less at night. Stitches in the hypochondria.—Continuous pres- sure in the right hypochondrium. "Hardness and distention of the region of the liver. "Throbbing ulcerative pain, increased by contact and walking.—Pain under the left ribs, as if something would tear. Pain under the right ribs, pos- teriorly, (In the region of the kidneys,) in the evening. Continuous stitching pain under the last ribs, worse when taking deep breath ; the ribs themselves are painful when touched. Abdomen.—Colic as if from incarcerated flatulence, with pressing toward the rectum as if flatulence would pass out. Violent colic; the child cries day and night about the pain in the abdomen. Violent colic, with sensation as if she became rigid; the hands became yellow and the nails blue, as if dead. Colic with much inclination to extend one's limbs * Colic with constipation. Tear- ing in the abdomen.—Writhing pain in the abdomen.—Pinching colic, two hours after a meal, recurring from time to time. "Pinching in the hypogastrium, without diarrhoea. Violent, but short pinching in the abdomen, almost every afternoon.—Cutting in the umbilical region from time to time. Cutting colic, in paroxysms, also at night. Violent cutting in the hypogastrium with incarce- ration of flatulence ; every step causes her a pain in the abdomen, (after lifting a light load). * Cutting in the hypogastrium, without diarrhoza.—Single stitches in the left side of the abdomen in the evening. Stitching pain in the left side of the abdomen, more externally, when walking. ^Burning in the bowels. Stinging burning in the epigastrium, in the morning after rising, for an hour, not entrely removed by stool, with pressure in the rectum.—Aching pain in the abdomen. Pressure in the abdomen, after dinner. Pressure in the whole abdo- men in the morning, with rumbling and emission of flatulence, without relief. Pressure in the umbilical region, and below it, shortly before and after stool. Oppression in the abdomen, noon and evening, a sort of pressure partly towards the rectum, partly towards the genital organs.—*Distention of the abdomen, as far as the stomach. ^The abdomen feels heavy and is distended. The disten- tion is generally worse after a meal. Distention without emission of flatulence, but with eructation. *Hot, distended abdomen, "also in children. °Pot- belliedness.—Violent rumbling in the abdomen. Foetid flatulence. Frequent emission of flatulence. Colic previous to emission of flatulence. Pinching in the abdomen previous to emission of flatulence. * Violent rumbling in the abdo- men after the cessation of the colic. Pain in the right groin. Tearing in the groins, in the evening. Tearing and drawing through the right inguinal canal. cPain of the inguinal hernia. Pain in the region of the hernia as if something would be torn out. Feeling of swelling in the left groin, or as if hernia would protrude. ^Inflammation of the inguinal glands, -of the size of peas, painful to the touch. Stool.—Constipation the first days, afterwards very hard stool. ^Costiveness. Hard stool the first days. * Constipation for three days, afterwards stool com- posed of hard lumps. The faeces remain long in the rectum, as if it had no power to expel them. After long straining, making the abdominal muscles feel sore, the protruding faeces suddenly recede into the rectum, constantly. Good stool, but with much straining.—The colour of the stool is lighter than usual.— Soft stool for two days without diarrhaa. cSeveral papescent stools a day. 806 * SILICEA. Diarrhoea for several days, day and night, without colic. Frequent discharge of a little fluid having a cadaverous smell.—Stool with mucus, followed by itching of the anus. Papescent stool with fragments of mucous membrane, followed by smarting burning at the anus. Liquid, slimy, frothy stool, followed by burning and smarting at the anus. Frequent desire for stool, passing only mucus, with chilliness of the body and qualmishness in the throat. Stool mixed with bloody mucus ; afterwards smarting at the anus. Discharge of blood and mucus from the anus, with violent burning at the latter.—Ascarides with the stool.—Burn- ing pain in the prepuce after stool. Pressure at the anus after soft stool. Pressure in the right temple, after a soft stool with straining; afterwards empty eructations. Painful stinging and itching of the rectum during stool. Increased oppression of the chest after stool. After stool the colic decreases some; he is exhausted, falls into a light slumber, from which he wakes again with violent colic.—Jerking, almost dull sticking pain in the rectum. Long stitch in the rectum. Violent stitches in the rectum, in the direction of the genital organs, when walking. Cutting in the rectum.—Tension in the anus. Contractive pain in the anus, from behind forward, (in the perinseum). Pain in the anus as if constricted during stool.—Itching of the rectum, in the evening. Itching of the anus and varices. Burning at the anus. Burning in the rectum during stool, for several days. Protrusion of the varices during stool, difficult retroces- sion of the same, and bloody mucus from the rectum. Dampness of the anus. The varices which had protruded during stool, become incarcerated in the anus. Distention of a vein in the rectum to the size of a goose-quill, with itching and pressing. Intense pain of the varices which had protruded but little. Stinging pain in the varices. Boring cramp-pain from the anus to the rectum and testi- cles. Scurfy, elevated spots above the fold near the os coccygis. Frequent burning pain in the perinpeum, especially after an embrace. Urinary Organs.—Frequent desire to urinate. *Desire to urinate with scanty emission, -or also copious emission.—^Micturition almost every night. In the morning, early, he is obliged to urinate every quarter of an hour, for several days. Involuntary discharge of urine, after micturition, while sitting. Frequent but unsuccessful desire to urinate. Copious stool and urine. Desire to urinate, with smarting in the urethra. Smarting in the urethra during mictu- rition. Cutting of the urine.—The urine becomes speedily turbid. Yellow sedi- ment in the urine, looking like gravel, (the first days). Reddish, sandy sediment in the urine. The urine deposits yellow sand. Hot, light-yellow, burning urine. —Pressure on the bladder when urinating, with subsequent burning. Continu- ous fine stitches in the fore part of the urethra. Burning in the urethra while urinating. Troublesome itching in the genital organs when urinating. Male Genital Organs.—Painful pimples on the mons veneris. Itching and red spots on the glans.—Pressing from the prostatic gland forward.—Itching under the prepuce. * Redness of the prepuce near the corona, as if excoriated, with frequent itching. Swelling of the prepuce, with itching, humid pimples on the outside.—Pain of the scrotum worse at night, but only when lying. Pain in the right testicle, as if indurated. Distensive or compressive violent pain in the left testicle, as if swollen.—Creeping in the scrotum. *Itching and humid spot on ihe scrotum. Sweat of the scrotum; it itches all over. °Hydrocele. Pressure in the spermatic cords, with relaxed scrotum, (the first days).—* The sexual desire is very much excited during the first eight days ; night and day he has erections for half an hour, with the testicles drawn up. Sexual fancies in the day-time. Violent erection, with relaxed scrotum. Violent nightly erec- tion without sexual desire. Frequent erections in the day-time, without any apparent cause. Violent erections with drawing pain in the testicles.—Slow SILICEA. 807 erections. No trace of erections, (after several days). *Weak and almost ex- tinguished sexual desire, (the first five weeks). Increasing sexual desire, (after twenty-one days,) with erections.—Frequent and copious emissions. Emission with heavy dreams, in a married man. Discharge of prostatic juice at every stool.—After an embrace, paralytic sensation in the right side of the head, After an embrace the whole body feels bruised. Female Sexual Organs.—She feels nauseated during an embrace. Labour- like feeling in the vagina. Itching of the pudendum.—*Menses too early. °Menses too early and too feeble. "The menses, which had been suppressed for three months, re-appear. Some bloody discharge at new moon, eleven days. before the regular period, which appears on the regular day. Retarded menses, When taken during the menses, the Sil. seemed to suppress it for four days, after which they flowed four or five days, and then discontinued for five or six weeks. Diminished menses. ^Increased menses. Increased menses, with re- peated paroxysms of icy coldness over the whole body at the time of their appearance. Strong smell of the menstrual blood.—The menses are preceded by violent pressure and oppressive sensation over the eyes, as if a load were pressing there. "Diarrhoea before the menses. Great costiveness immediately before and during the menses. During the menses : icy-cold feet. Pale colour of all things. Melancholy anguish in the pit of the stomach, wants to drown herself. Violent burning and soreness of the pudendum, also an. eruption on the inner side of the thighs. Drawing between the scapulae, only at night; she had to bend backward, to obtain relief. "Colic—Immediately after the period, a bloody mucus flows from the nose.—Painful smarting leucorrhoea, especially after taking sour things. Discharge of a quantity of white water from the womb, with violent itching of the pudendum. "Leucorrhoea during micturition. "Milky leucorrhoea, in paroxysms, preceded by cutting around the umbilicus.— Violent motions of the foetus in a pregnant female.—"Miscarriage.—"Inflamma- tion and suppuration of the mammas and nipples (see Clin. Obs.). "Induration of the mammae. "Cancer of the mammae. "The infant refuses the breast and vomits after nursing. Larynx and Trachea.—Rough throat, sometimes with dry and hacking cough. Sore feeling in the larynx. Sensation as of a hair on the tongue, ex- tending down to the trachea, with tingling obliging one to hack. Cough with hoarseness. Cough from titillation in the throat. Cough, especially after a meal, with expectoration of white mucus. Frequent dry and hacking cough. Titil- lating itching in the region of the pit of the throat, threatening suffocation, until a concussive cough sets in, continuing for hours without interruption, and caus- ing a pain in,the abdomen and throat.—Soreness of the chest from the dry and hacking cough. Cough for five weeks. Great pressure on the chest, when attempting to cough deep ; this is prevented by the pain. Dry cough from tak- ing a cold drink. Cough is brought on by talking. Cough only when lying, night and morning. Short and hacking cough from nightly titillation in the throat. Fatiguing cough in the evening when lying in bed, with rattling. Cough for two nights, with fever; the cough goes off by warming the abdomen. ^Suffocative night-cough.—Dry spasmodic cough, every quarter of an hour, with violent rawness of the chest and throat.—"Fatiguing cough, day and night, ag- gravated by motion, with scanty expectoration of mucus.—Cough with vomiting when expectorating. Cough inducing vomiting of mucus. *Excessive continual cough with discharge of a quantity of translucent mucus. Cough with expecto- ration, in the morning and day-time, sometimes salt, sometimes brownish and rather putrid. Cough with expectoration, making the water turbid; that which goes to the bottom has a foetid smell. Hawking up of greenish-yellow, fcetid 808 SILICEA. globules. Thick, purulent mucous discharge from the trachea. * Vomiting of quantities of purulent matter, when coughing. "Ulceration of the lungs. Cough with bloody mucus, also in the morning. Discharge of clear, pure blood towards noon, with deep, hollow cough; shortly after, fainting spell.—Scraping sensa- tion and pain in the chest, when coughing and throwing up, for sixteen days, with indisposition to work, ill-humour and weariness of the whole body. When coughing the chest is painful as if bruised. Pain in the pit of the stomach after a violent cough. Chest.—When breathing the chest feels bruised. Scraping sensation in the chest when breathing. Frequent deep and sobbing breathing.—"Arrest of breathing: "when lying on the back ; "when stooping ; "when running; "when coughing.—"Shortness of breath: "when doing some manual labour; "when walking fast.—"Panting when walking fast.—Oppression of the chest. Alter- nate oppression of the chest and pain in the back, (after a cold?). Frequent oppression of the chest and head with anxiety. Dyspnoea in the morning on waking, "also during rest. Oppression of the chest, as if his throat became constricted, especially after a meal. Violent, but painless oppression of the chest; he is unable to take deep breath.—Weakness in the chest; when talk- ing he is obliged to exert the whole chest for the purpose of bringing out the words.—"Pressure in the chest when coughing and sneezing. Several attacks of pressure on the chest, in the morning, in bed. Pressure in the left side of the chest, in the morning when rising. Pressure and stitches in the left side of the chest. Aching pain in the sternum, towards the pit of the stomach. Ach- ing pain in the left side of the chest, towards the false ribs. Sharp pressure in the left chest. Pressure and drawing in the right side of the chest, towards the axilla. Violent pressure on both sides of the chest, lasting an hour.—Oppres- sive tension, especially in the left side of the chest.—Tearing pain in the left side of the chest.—Violent stitch through the right side of the chest. "Stitch through to the back. Stitches under the right ribs when taking an inspiration. Stitches in the right side. Stitches in the left chest. Stitches in the chest, especially during a deep inspiration. Stitches in the sternum, especially after dinner.—Violent contractive pain when walking, in the fore part of the chest, proceeding from the back, when moving about. The chest became oppressed, the breathing short, and the pain more violent; when quietly leaning against something, the pain disappeared entirely and did not return when again moving about.—Congestion of blood to the chest. Heat in the chest, with chilliness and coldness of the whole body. Burning pain in the chest.—Transitory orgasm in the region of the heart, for eight days. Palpitation of the heart when sitting still, with trembling of the hand in which he holds something. Oppressive heaviness in the region of the heart.—Pain under the right arm, as from the- pressure of the dress. Itching rash on the sternum. Induration in the left fleshy side of the cliest. Pinching jerk in the left intercostal muscles, frequently during the day. independent of breathing and contact. Back.—Pain of the os coccygis as after a long ride. Violent pain in the small of the back. Urging in the small of the back to stretch himself. Lame- ness in the small of the back. Paralytic pain in the small of the back, in the morning when rising. Pressure and tension in the small of the back. Stitch in the small of the back causing one to start. "Pain in the small of the back on touching it. "Spasmodic drawing in the small of the back which does not permit one to rise and obliges one to lie down.—*Sliff back, after sitting. Pain in the curved spine. Pinching pain in the right side of the back, for one hour. Beating in the back. Violent tearing or beating pressure in the back, with chilliness, afterwards dull oppressive headache with heat in the head, (the first SILICEA. 809 days). "Tearing and sticking in the back. "Sticking in the loin when sitting and lying. Burning in the back when walking in the open air and getting warm. Chilliness of the back. Itching of the back. Painful cutting in the back, the whole day. "Inflamed abscess on the psoas-muscle. °Swelling and curvature of the vertebra;.—Pain between the scapula?, as if the parts would be torn asunder. Tearing pain under the scapulae, when walking. Tensive drawing in the right scapula. Drawing pain in the scapulae, in paroxysms; afterwards the pain passes to the nape of the neck and head, she becomes dizzy as if she would fall. Pressure on the scapulae as if from a load, more violent in the morning when at rest than during motion; they seemed to him swollen, and when leaning against something with the back, the pain arrested his breathing. "Bruised pain in the scapulae. Frequent stitches in the right scapula. Stitches between the scapulae. Creeping in the left scapula. Vibratory twitchings in the skin of the scapulae. Burning pain in the left scapula. Tension in the nape of the neck. Violent tearings in the middle of the nape of the neck. Crampy pain in the right side of the nape of the neck, relieved only as long as Bhe presses her hand on the part. Stiffness of the nape of the neck with head- ache. ^Glandular swellings in the nape of ihe neck, "also hard. Pimples on the nape of the neck. Itching pimples on the nape of the neck, like nettle-rash. °Abseoss on the nape of the neck.—Swelling of the right cervical muscles. Stiffness of one side of the neck; he was unable to turn the head, from pain. Pressing in the left side of the neck, as if the veins were swollen. ^Swelling of the cervical glands. Swelling of the thyroid body; the part itches, and, when touching it, a stinging is felt. Stitches in the cervical glands. Upper Extremities.—Drawing aching pain in the axillary glands. *Violent swelling of the axillary glands, "also with suppuration. Pain in the shoulder, a sort of pressure extending into the hand, with sensation as if she were unable to lift anything heavy, although she is able to use her hand well. Violent ach- ing pain in the right shoulder extending to the left elbow, as soon as he uncovers the parts and they become cold. Painful jerk in the right shoulder-joint, in the evening, jerking the arm up. Tearing in the shoulder during motion. Stitches in the shoulder-joint, in the morning.—Heaviness of the arms as if filled with lead. Languor of the arms, in the morning when in bed. "Languor of the arms with trembling, during slight work. Slight jactitation of the muscles of the arms. Rheumatic stiffness of the left arm, more painful during motion than rest. Drawing in the arm, as far as the little finger. Tearing in the arm, ex- tending as far as the thumb. * Tearing in both arms. Uneasiness and trem- bling in the right arm. The arm goes to sleep when laying it upon any thing. Violent pressure in the left arm, apparently in the marrow. The skin of the arms and hands becomes chapped. Congestion of blood to the arms, when work- ing while stooping ; they swelled and trembled for about an hour. Beating in the right arm after a meal. Beating in the right arm ; the jactitation of the muscles can be felt with the other hand; the arm became lame and the beating returned when raising the arm high up.—Many boils on the arm, also large ones. —Tearing pain in the upper arm. Pain in the upper arm when pressing upon it. Darting pain in the right upper arm.—Drawing pain in the elbows, appa- rently in the marrow.—Paralytic tearing in the loft forearm. Paralytic pain in the extensor tendons of the forearms. Jerking pain in the left lower arm. Twitchings in the muscles of the left lower arm. "Incipient lameness of tho lower arm, causing the hand to drop everything. "Induration of the cellular tissue of the forearm. A number of hard blisters on the lower arm, of the size of peas, upon a red base, itching and burning, lasting only one night, (from the 810 SILICEA. wrist-joint to the elbow.) Tearing in the wrist-joint, painful when touched, and, when moving it, sensation as if it would break. Pain in the wrist-joint as if sprained. Paralytic weakness of the wrist-joints, in the morning. cStitches from the wrist-joints through the arm, at night.—Cramp of the hand, when writing. Cramp-pain and paralytic weakness of the hand when exerting it slightly. Drawing pain in the hands. In the night, the hands go to sleep. Prickling and numbness of the hands. Ganglion on the dorsum of the hand, between the third and fourth metacarpal bones; with pain as if sprained when bending the hand, and as if bruised when moving it. Profuse sweat of the hands. Violent itching under the skin of the palm of the hand. Pustule on the dorsum of the hand. "Ulcer on the hand.—Paralytic drawing in the fingers. "Creeping in the fingers. Sensation as if burnt in the back of the finger. Pain in the flexor side of a finger as from a splinter. Tearing in thefingers. Tear- ing in the finger-joints and in the thumbs. Darting pain in the index-finger. "Weakness and stiffness of all the fingers. "The joints are painful when press- ing on them. Numb feeling of a finger, as if enlarged, and as if the bones had become distended. Stitches in the ball of the thumb. Cramp-pain in the joint of the thumb. Weakness of the right thumb, making almost the whole hand useless. Contraction and stiffness of the left middle finger; when extend- ing it again, the whole extensor tendon feels very painful. Great dryness in the tips of the fingers, in the afternoon. Sensation as if the tips of the fingers were ulcerated. Pain in the left index-finger, as if a panaritium would form. A small crack in the index-finger becomes affected with a burning pain; a lym- phatic vessel becomes inflamed, extending from that crack beyond the wrist- joint, and the sore spot finally becomes covered with a blister, with burning, pressing, stitching pain. Violently.itching blister on the posterior joint of the left index-finger. Blisters on the fingers, as from heat, with tingling itching. Prickling pain, now in one, then in another finger, also in the arms, as if gone to sleep. Stitches in the middle finger. Jerking stitches in the middle finger. Prickling in the ring-finger.—Rough, yellow finger-nails. Gray, dingy nails, as if decayed, jumping about like powder when cutting them, and dividing off into layers. Frequent panaritia, "also with proud flesh, or even when caries has already set in. Lower Extremities.—Itching of the nates. Pain in the left hip when stooping, for a quarter of an hour. Drawing-jerking pain in the right hip-joint, making it impossible to move the limb.—Paralytic weakness of the limbs when rising from a seat, going off when walking. Uneasiness and paralytic weakness in the joints of the upper and lower limbs, when sitting or walking. Paralytic sensation of the whole right limb, with painful sensitiveness of the morbidly- affected ball of the toe, when walking. Heaviness of the limbs. Great weariness of the limbs from a short walk. The right limb goes to sleep. Tearing in the left limb. "Drawing and rigidity in the left limb. Jactitation of the muscles of the left limb. Itching of the left limb. Prickling in many parts of the lower limbs, gradually removed by violent scratching.—Pain of the femora as if bruised, when walking, sitting or lying, even in the morning on waking. Drawing in the thighs, extending to the feet. Jerking pain in the muscles of the right thigh. Tearing from the pelvis to the bend of the knee. "Pressure, tearing and stick- ing in the thighs. Prickings in the left thigh, when walking. Stitches in the left thigh. Itching of the inner side of the thighs. Some boils on the posterior surface of the thighs. "Itching ulcers, also about the malleolus. "Softening and caries of the bones.—Pain of the knee as if tied too fast. Painful feeling of stiffness in the knees when walking or standing. Pain in the left patella. SILICEA. 811 Drawing in the left knee. Tearing in the knees when sitting, going off by motion. Tearing around the right knee, extending down to the foot, both when at rest and in motion, more in the forenoon. Weakness of the knees. °Swell- ing of the knee, also inflammatory, with blue redness, nightly pains and excessive sensitiveness to contact.—The legs up to the knees, and the feet are icy-cold in the evening, and he has to lie in bed for half an hour before they get warm; for many days in succession. The legs are cold up to the knees, in a warm room. Drawing pain, in the» evening, along the legs, terminated by a starting or jerk- ing in the limb. Sort of tremor without chilliness, in the legs, from the knees down to the feet, in the evening from six till seven. Itching of the legs. "Swell- ing of the legs. "Ulcers, also with sickly complexion.—Itching rash on the calves. *BoUs on the calves. Sensation, when walking, as if the calves were too short, which passed off when sitting. Painful cramp in the right calf, in the morning, when in bed. "Cramp in the calves, also particularly in the evening after working. Tearing in the left calf, with chilliness, afterwards in the left shoulder. Stitching in the calves, when advancing the leg while walking. Stitching in the upper part of the calf, when walking in the open air. "Numb- noss of the calves.—Aching pain in the left tibia, for two hours. Pinching pain in the front region of the left tibia and knee. Red, painful smarting spot on the right tibia, for two days. "Caries of the tibia.—Pain as if sprained in the tar- sal joints. Liability of the tarsal joints to become strained. Tension in the tarsal joints, even when sitting. Stiffness and weariness of the tarsal joints, with swelling around the malleoli. "Sticking in the malleolus, particularly on pressing the foot to the floor.—The feet become cold when beginning to walk. Cold feet every day, becoming warm at night. Icy-cold feet in the day-time; at night, when in bed, burning heat in feet and hands, with drawing pain in the feet, up to the knees. Icy-cold feet in the evening, even in bed. Burning feet. Burning soles, at night. Swelling of the left foot, extending up to the ankle. * Swelling of the feet, -most violent in the morning, when rising, less in the evening; tensive when walking. Swelling of the feet, with redness; pres- sure on the red part, leaves a white spot; with pain from the toes to the mal- leoli. Lancinations in the left foot and heel, afterwards in the right shoulder. Tearing in the right sole. Pain in the dorsum of the foot, as if bruised. *Fcetid sweat of the feet. * Cadaverous smell of the feet, without sweat, every evening. Sour smell of the feet, intolerable, no sweat. Profuse sweat of the soles and between the toes; he became quite sore in walking. "Suppres- sion of the sweat, also succeeded by coldness of the feet.—Large blister on the heel, without itching. Stitching in the heel and the big toe, when standing or sitting. Tearing in the heel.—Cutting in the sole. Pain in the ball of the foot. Stitching in the soles. Painful cramp in the right sole, and especially in the big toe, during a long walk. "Intolerable voluptuous titillation after a little scratching, making one almost frantic.—Soreness of the soles, especi- ally near tho toes. "Painful hard bunions.—The toes are stiff, and she is not able to bend them. Pain as if sprained in the joint of the big toe. When walking two toes are painful, as if from pressure of the boot. Continuous violent pain in the big toe, he is scarcely allowed to step. Tearing in the big toes, (in the evening. Tearing in the right big toe. Pain under the nail of the big toe and stitches in the toe. Itching-cutting pain under the nail of a toe. Cutting in the right big toe. Cramp-like stitching in the toes. Violent stitches in the big toe. Stitches in the distorted toe. Stitch in the joint of the big toe. Fre- quent boring in the big toe. Stitches in the big toe causing the limb to jerk up. Ulcerative pain of the big toe, which had been sore previously, only when stepping. Itching, suppurating scurf on the frozen toes. "Ulcerative pain of 812 SILICEA. the big toe, also with stinging pain. A corn forms on the big toe, with violent burning. The corn is intensely painful when touched. Stitches in the corn, causing the foot to jerk up. Sleep.—*Much yawning. Aching pain in the angle of the lower jaw, ex- tending into the ear, when yawning. Long siesta, afterwards faintness. Great drowsiness in ihe evening. *Great drowsiness in the day-time. Stiffness of the whole body, at night, as if it had gone to sleep, with anxiety, hindering sleep.— She spends her nights without sleeping, but absorbed in* strange fancies and ravings. Wide awake the whole night. Total sleeplessness, for eight or ten days. Is unable to sleep, for one hour and a half, on two evenings in succe.s sion, owing to ideas crowding upon him. He wakes at two o'clock in the night, and remains awake for a long time, owing to ideas crowding upon his mind.— Uneasy sleep, without pain.—Frequent waking, with chilliness.—Restless sleep, she starts and talks in her sleep. He frequently wakes and starts, without dreaming. He wakes in a perspiration, with desire to urinate. Starting during the siesta. Frequent starting in the afternoon, while feeling drowsy. Starting from sleep, the whole night, with trembling of the whole body.—^Congestion of blood to the head at night. *Orgasm of the blood at night; throbbing in all the arteries. "Heat in the head, also with sleepiness, or with vertigo during sleep, (about midnight). A good deal of thirst at night; her mouth was dry all the time. Jerk in the head, in the evening while falling asleep, afterwards beat- ing in the right ear. Nausea at night, (the first night). He wakes for several nights, after eleven o'clock, after a sleep of one hour and a half, and then goes to sleep again. He wakes after midnight, with burning in the stomach and inclina- tion to vomit; followed by empty eructations tasting of the supper without any disagreeable taste. Roughness and scraping sensation of the right side of the throat at night when lying in bed on the right side, occasioning a cough for half an hour, with mucous expectoration, for several nights. Stitching in the left side of the chest at night, down to the last rib, at every inspiration. Dry night- cough, occasioning even vomiting and a sweat as from anguish; he had to get up. In the evening, when on the point of going to sleep, she jerked several times with the arms and the right lower limb, and grasped with her hands. In the even- ing, after having gone to sleep, her whole body starts and she wakes. *The body is jerked up for an hour and a half, while sleeping without dreaming. In the evening after lying down, (and having begun to doze,) he began to strike with his hands and kick with his feet, without being conscious of it, accompanied with jerking of the body, with his eyes closed, (without exclaiming,) and while snoring loudly ; the foam appeared at the mouth, afterwards he lay motionless as if dead, was quite rigid when raised, opened his eyes, which were immovable, and began to articulate indistinctly, (epileptic fit ?). Incarceration of flatulence at night, causing constriction of the chest. Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, at night. Jerks through the head, in the evening when in bed, ending with a stitch in the occiput. At two o'clock at night, he is waked by a painful rush of blood to the head, with heat and pricking. Oppressive headache at night; she cannot think where she is ; everything turns with her, and her heart throbs. Vertigo with nausea, at night, when dreaming. Vertigo about mid- night, even when sleeping, with heat in the head. At night, his little finger be- comes quite stiff; he is notable to bend it. At night, violent pains in the hypo- gastrium, a sort of drawing together, followed by profuse sweat all over. Ex- hausting nightly diarrhoea. Sudden pinching pain close below the right eye, in the evening when in bed. At night, desire to urinate, with erection. Nightly pains in the ulcer on the leg. Troublesome night-cough, until four o'clock. He feels chilly at night, in a sort of half-sleep, without waking. Great weakness at SILICEA. 813 night, unto fainting. Nightly pain in the small of the back and in the shoulder on which he is resting. He frequently wakes at night with a pain in the stom- ach, first an aching, afterwards a crampy pain. In the evening, when on the Eoint of going to sleep, he experiences pulsations in the head, throbbing of the eart, and a tremor through the whole body, for some minutes. He wakes with anguish and a stupifying vertigo. He wakes with a quicker pulse, palpitation of the heart, feeling of heat, eructations and pressure in the pit of the stomach; afterwards retching, with discharge of bitter mueus. He wakes with anxiety and incarceration of flatulence, the whole of which passed off after walking in the room, without emission of flatulence. He wakes after midnight with rest- lessness, difficulty of breathing and dryness of the skin. Uneasy sleep and fre- quent waking with chilliness. He dreams that they attempt his life, and wakes from his dream with suffocative anguish, without being able to speak. Anxious waking at three o'clock in the morning. Frightful fancies immediately after going to sleep; he starts, aud exclaims. Continual loud laughing while asleep. In her nightly fancies her head appears to her very large. °Frighlful fancies before her eyes, at night. After waking from an anxious dream, she remains full of anxiety, and her heart beats audibly. Restless sleep, with frequent waking and many dreams,' one chasing the other. He wakes after midnight, and remains awake for a long time ; after falling asleep again, he is haunted by fancies. He frequently talks during sleep. *Frequent dreams and exclama- tions during sleep. The boy exclaims at night, and is restless. The boy wakes at night, weeping violently, does not come to his senses, but moans and utters inarticulate sounds. In a dream, which is a sort of somnambulism, he sees very vividly distant regions which he had never seen in reality, and uuknown things which he had desired to possess. While asleep, he acts as if he would get up. She gets up while asleep, climbs over chairs, tables and a piano, and lies down again without waking. He dreams a good deal at night, and is haunted by fan- cies, rises, walks about in the room, without knowing for a long time where he is. He dreams that he is attacked with epilepsy, and that his head is drawn to one Bide. He dreams half-waking that innumerable spirits are about to seize him; on waking he is unable to move a limb, and he lies bathed in sweat with great anguish and palpitation of the heart; afterwards great fearfulness. He dreams that he is pursued by a ghost. He dreams that he is obliged to die. Night- mare in a state of half-waking, with great anguish, as if a smoky beast weighing a hundred weight were lying on him, so that he is not able to stir or to utter a Bound. He wakes in great anguish about midnight, and is unable to stir in spite of every effort, and imagined that thieves are on the point of breaking in; he became easy on rising, but the anguish returns on lying down again. On wak- ing from a dream about war at four o'clock, he feels a rheumatic pressure be- tween the scapulae, especially when moving the left arm.—Bad dreams, with violent weeping. Dream about serpents with anxiety. She dreams that she is in the act of being choked; but she is unable to exclaim, and kicks with her feet. He dreams that he has committed murder, and has been denounced. He dreams that he is being drowned. Dream full of quarrel and humiliation. Anx- ious dream, he is pursued. He dreams that some one takes hold of his finger, this caused him to start. He dreams that he is fighting with robbers, he wakes very much heated, oppressed with anxiety and covered with sweat. He dreams of robbers and murderers, he wakes and says that he will overtake them. Dream full of cruelty, without anger. Frightful dreams, in the first hours of the night. Wild dreams and frequent waking with uneasiness. *Dreams and fancies as soon as she goes to sleep. He dreams of the business of the day and of big dogs that pursue him. He dreams of the events of his childhood. He 814 SILICEA dreams of the events of his youth, they are so vivid in his imagination that he has great trouble to banish them. Many dreams about long journeys. He dreams of the things he had done or heard the day before, but confusedly. lie dreams of marrying a person. Lascivious dreams and powerful sexual desire Lascivious dreams with emission. Lascivious dream which is very disagreeable to her. He dreams that he is disturbed in the act of enjoying an embrace; on waking he has an erection and sexual fancies. Sexual ideas, morning and even- ing, with erections. Emission and sweat on the back. Fever.—Spasmodic chilliness, in the evening when in bed, he shook. "Violent chilliness in the evening, especially in the shoulders. Painful pricking behind the left breast, during the chilliness, at night and in the day-time. He is very chilly, the whole day. Constant chilliness in the evening, which cau be felt by others. Constant internal chilliness, with loss of appetite. Chilliness, even when walking in the warm room, and increasing to a trembling in the open air. Chilli- ness at every motion, the whole day; in the morning great weariness, even unto sleeping. Disagreeable feeling of chilliness, in the afternoon, especially on the arms, in the warm room. An icy-cold creeping over the body, frequently. Chil- liness, during the stinging pain. Shuddering for half an hour, frequently in the day-time, followed by slight heat, mostly about the head and in the face. Vio- lent, continual, internal chilliness, for several days. Fever in the evening, after lying down; violent chilliness, she could not even get warm in bed, which gave her a pain in the stomach. Slight chilliness down the back, with icy-cold hands, afterwards violent heat with distention of the abdomen. Fever in the evening; heat all over, with thirst, without any subsequent sweat. Dry heat and thirst, for several evenings, followed by colic and headache. Fever with violent heat about the head, dark redness of the face and thirst, four days in succession, from noon till evening; a headache set in half an hour before the heat. Heat in the face and lobule of the ear for many evenings. His blood is easily excited. Fe- ver in the afternoon, mere heat, with horrid thirst and very short breath. Fever- ish heat, the whole night, with violent thirst and panting breathing. The whole body of the child is burning-hot during the fever, with red, bloated face, hard glands, of the size of peas, around the neck and down the sides of the shoulders, with distended abdomen and continual diarrhoea. Violent heat and redness of the face, with cold hands and feet.—"Hectic fever, particularly during a long sup- puration. "Worm-fever of scrofulous individuals. "Fever of dentition. The fever and ague produced by Sil., is characterized by little sweat, generally sets in from ten in the morning until eight in the evening, and from midnight until early in the morning. During the apyrexia the children are obstinate, and they cry when touched or spoken to.—Exhalation over the whole body every night, (the first nights). Profuse sweat, towards morning, every night. Profuse sweat, every night, with want of appetite and debility, as if he were threatened with consumption. Nightly sweat on the chest. Sweat having a strong smell. "Sweat during moderate walking. Morning-sweat. Night-sweat, especially on the trunk. *Profuse, general night-sweat. General exhalation, at night, when in bed. Sweat, only about the head, trickling down the face. Profuse, drip- ping sweat at night, especially in the region of the loins. "Exhausting sweat. Skin.—Great irritability and painful sensitiveness of the skin when touching it.—*Itching of the back, scapulae and thighs. * Itching and biting of the whole body after lying down, which cannot be removed by scratching. Quick creeping as of fleas, in several parts of the body; in some parts becoming an intolerable itching, the whole day, but especially in the evening, when undressing. Creeping itching over the whole bndy and also on the head. Pricking in the skin here and there, resembling flea-bites. Stinging itching in several places, especially at SILICEA. 815 night. Eruption over the whole body, resembling varicella, accompanied, pre- ceded and followed by violent itching. Pustules on the forehead, occiput, ster- num, and vertebral column, resembling smallpox; they are extremely painful, and finally form ulcers suppurating a good deal. Rose-coloured blotches in leprous patients. (For the ulcers and abscesses cured with Sil, see Clin. Obs.) Little scratches heal with difficulty and suppurate. Pain in the ulcer as if subcuta- neous. Smarting in the ulcers which were generally painless. * Aching pain in the ulcer on the leg. Stitching aching pain in the spot where an ulcer had for- merly been on the leg. Stitching in the ulcer on the leg. *Stitching and burn- ing in and around the ulcer on the leg. Boring pain in the sore place on the leg. Paralytic pain, particularly in the outer condyle of the humerus and the inner condyle of the thigh, during motion. Liability to strain parts, bringing on stitches in the pit of the stomach and frequent vomiting at night; sometimes cutting in the hypogastrium with incarceration of flatulence.—Paroxysms. 1. A feeling of violent coldness in the whole left side of the body, frequent slum- bering and starting, as if she would go away without knowing whither; after this she began to lose her senses, spoke unintelligibly, did not recognize any body, and became so weak that she was not able to turn to the other side with- out being aided; next came violent convulsions with staring look, distortion of the eyes, twitchings of the lips, heaviness of the tongue with indistinct articula- tion, stretching and distortion of the head and limbs, for a quarter of an hour; this was followed by frightful roaring, falling of tears from the eyes, foam at the mouth; afterwards a warm sweat made its appearance over the body, the breath- ing became freer, slumber came on, and senses and speech gradually returned in a couple of hours. 2. She turns pale, becomes still and loses her appetite, sheds tears and complains of violent stitching in the ear, she vomited and her hands became so weak that she was not able to raise a cup to her mouth. 3. Want of appetite; pale, wretched countenance; every morning sweat, which was sometimes very profuse; heaviness and weariness in the limbs, obliging her to lie down; nausea; chilliness every evening before going to bed ; stitching now here, now there, in the sides of the chest, abdomen, limbs, sometimes so violent that she started; pain under the sternum during an inspiration, and itching of the arms and legs, with small pimples. 4. Disagreeable sensation in the genital organs; afterwards a sort of cutting in both sides of the trunk, from below up- ward, extending to the shoulders, and thence to the arms, which felt as if gone to sleep, with rigidity; this fit came on while at rest, mostly when sitting or standing, every quarter of an hour, but not at night. "Spasms of the arms and lower limbs. Tearing In the joints and soles, with jerks in the feet like St. Vitus' dance, causing a number of sleepless nights. Shocks through the whole body. Jerking of the lower limb, followed by sensation as if the head were shaking, as in a chill, the hair standing on end with natural temperature of the skin. "Jerking of the limbs day and night.—Epileptic fit, at night, about new moon; first, the body becomes stretched, afterwards it is jerked up, but without a cry and without biting the tongue.—Trembling of all the limbs in the morn- ing, especially of the arms, which feel paralyzed.—Great stiffness of the limbs. Stiffness of the back and small of the back after sitting.—Deadness of the hands and feet. When walking in the open air, she was suddenly attacked with so much faintness and drowsiness that she had to walk home. A kind of nausea. Dryness in the mouth. Pinching in the abdomen. Violent stitching pain in the tend'(-Achillis. Heaviness of the lower hmbs. She feels every change in tho weather in the head and limbs. The thunder-Etorm, both when approaching and present, makes a violent impression on him, his strength fails in walking, he has to be led, becomes faint and drowsy, with heaviness and heat in the body.— 816 SOLANUM. *Great liability to cold. A cold causes cough, internal chilliness (at night), loss of appetite, and a stinging or burning headache.—Faint and trembling after a walk in the open air, in the evening.—Heaviness of the upper and lower limbs as if filled with lead.—The whole body feels bruised and broken, and so weak that she has to keep her bed for three days. Great emaciation while confined to the bed for five days.—Careless, heavy gait—Weakness of the back, and para- lytic feeling in the lower limbs ; he was scarcely able to walk. Weakness in the joints, they :.ive way. Laziness in the afternoon, walking fatigues him. Had to lie down before dinner, owing to sudden exhaustion. So weak that he is un- able to walk, but without pain.—Weariness in the lower limbs, in the morning. Very weak, in the morning after walking. Great weariness and dulness when attending to some mental labour; he came near going to sleep while teaching. General Symptoms.—"Chronic ailments from abuse of mercury. "Hyste- ric affections. "Muscular weakness of children, and difficulty of learning to walk. "Chronic rheumatism and arthritis. "Phlegmonous inflammation. °Scro- fula and rhachitis, also with enlarged head and slowly-closing fontanelles. Se- vere bone-pain, now here, then there, particularly early on rising, before moving about. * Drawing in the limbs, "also with tearing and sticking,—or cramp-like drawing, or particularly in the ears, jaws, hands and tibiae. "Nightly sticking in all the joints. All the muscles are painful during motion. Painfulness of the whole body, felt even during sleep, in the morning, also on waking, (particularly in the right upper arm and left shoulder), less after rising. *Bruised pain in the limbs, as from a wrong position at night, or as if beaten, or particularly in the evening, the pain obliges one to change one's position constantly.—Ulcera- tive pain of the whole side of the body on which he is resting, with constant chilliness when uncovering himself ever so little, insufferable thirst and frequent flushes of heat in the head. Characteristic Peculiarities.—Most of the symptoms of Sil. seem to make their appearance about new moon. The pains are increased by motion. 222. SOLANUM. a. LYCOPERSICON SOL. LYC.—Tomato.—See Archiv, XVII. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Stupid feeling in the head. Heaviness and dulness of the head. Heaviness of the head, with weakness of the posterior cervical muscles. Sensa- tion as if the head were compressed or squeezed from both sides. Boring in the left side of the occiput. Boring, the skin of the sinciput being stretched with pain. Pressure under the frontal bone as if the brain would be pressed out, relieved by leaning the head on anything, constantly felt in the evening and continuing for a while in bed.—Pressure in the right malar bone. Stitch in the left malar bone. Stitch in the left cheek.—Dry coryza. Trnnk and Extremities.—Slight sticking under the sternum, on the left side, without difficulty of breathing.—Sticking in the inner side of the left fore- arm. Painful sticking behind the left acetabulum. Sticking during rest and motion above the right outer malleolus. General Symptoms.—Cannot fall asleep in the evening, turns about, every position is disagreeable to him. Frequent waking and tossing about at night; SOLANUM. 817 the limbs on which he is lying feel paralyzed. Lame feeling, on account of which he turns on his back. He is waked by insignificant dreams. Has to get up at night to urinate.—Is vexed about trifles, more so on account of his memory being weak. Vanishing of ideas, aggravated by leaning the head on any- thing. He forgets whatever he wants to think of. b. MAMMOSUM. SOL. MAM.—Night-shade.—See Arch., XHI. SYMPTOMS. He gets enraged about things which he imagines are possible. Inability to think coherently. Although his ideas about a thing are perfectly clear, yet he is unable to write down anything but incoherent sentences.—Sensitiveness to to- bacco.—No stool on the second day; on the third day the stool comes later, with straining.—Hawks up a little lump tinged with blood.—Hawks up blood. streaked mucus from the larynx.—After walking a little he frequently experi. ences a sticking pain while walking, causing lameness, and going off after stand- ing and sitting.—Twitching of a large portion of muscles under the right sea- pula, as if the flesh were seized with the hand and shaken to and fro.—Uneasi- ness, he is unable to continue any kind of work steadily.—Great weariness and disposition to sleep without being able to sleep, afterwards slumber, followed by a deep sleep for several hours, from which he wakes without being able to col- lect his senses; he remains for a long time without volition. Long siesta, in spite of which he feels sleepy early in the evening, and sleeps well all night. Dreams, with news of some one's death, and violent weeping.—(Vesicular ery- sipelas over the whole body.)—He sees everything as if he were in a fever, with hard pulse. c. NIGRUM. SOL. NIGR.—See Journal de Chimie Med.—Hirxz, of Strassburg, 1843. SYMPTOMS. Complete cessation of the mental functions..—Vertigo.—Horrible headache- The face is congested with blood. Red, bloated face. Confused and anxious expression of countenance.—Open, humid, glistening eyes.—Extreme dilatation of both pupils.—Alternate contraction and dilatation of the pupils.—Mistiness before the eyes.—Loathing, vomiting of the ingesta. Frequent vomiting, first of mucus, afterwards of a bluish or gray-blackish fluid. Tenesmus of the anus. —Difficulty of breathing.—Hot skin, though covered with sweat. Frequent sweats over the whole body. Excessive thirst. Small, frequent pulse. Quick, irregular pulse.—Red, scarlet spots on the whole skin.—Convulsions and spasms. Tetanic rigidity of the whole body. They stretch their hands during the spasms as if they would grasp something; after this the hands are carried to the mouth, and the boys (of two and three years) chew and swallow. Tris- mus. Coma, alternating with convulsions and moaning.—Great restlessness.__ General violent convulsive restlessness. Tremor. Violent subsultus tendinum. Moaning as in hydrocephalus. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. With Solanum mammosum Dr. Hering has cured a kind of varicella. Dr. Gron has employed Solanum nigrum with success in a case of raphania, charac- vol. u. 52 818 SPIGELIA. terized by painful creeping in the hmbs, with distortion of the hands, convulsions, tonic spasms, occasional attacks of tetanus, epilepsv, imbecility, rage. (See Arch. XL, 1, p. 92.) 223. SPIGELIA. 8PIG.—Spigelia anthelmia.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pura, V. Compare with—Aeon., Aur., Bar., Bov., Chin., Dig., Euphr., Hyos., Lach., Lauroc,Jjjc., Magn. mur., Merc., Mosc, Nat. mur., Nux v., Pe- trol., Phosph., Puis., Sabad., Sabin., Sil., Spong., Stram., Tarax., Verat. Antidotes.—Aur., Camph.—Spig. antidotes Mere. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, the following diseases have been cured with Spigelia : violent headache, with inflammation and lachrymation of the right eye, and sensation as if the eye would be pressed out of its socket, with photopho- bia. Meningitis scrophulosa infantum, acute hydrocephalus of children, with pre- dominant affection of the occiput, in the second stage, when no effusion has yet taken place.—Paralysis of the right upper eyelid.—Ulceration of the margins of the eyehds, with smarting and painful soreness.—Rheumatic ophthalmia: violent redness of the eye; congested condition of the vessels, arising from the sclerotica a few lines from the cornea, in the shape of a blue-red circle; the low- er segment of the cornea is dim, so that the shape of the pupil cannot be recog- nised, and objects look misty ; the eye is painful when touched, the pain being a violent aching pain, extending even to the bony parts of the orbit and to the temporal region, as if an ulcer would form in the eye.—Rheumatic and arthritic ophthalmia.—Corneitis.—Pain in the eye, lasting every day from morning till noon, and then disappearing suddenly.—Neuralgia of the optic nerve: pain every morning as if the eyeball were too large and would be forced out of its socket, attended with violent boring and digging and frequent violent stitches; these pains are aggravated by opening and moving the eyes; the pain extends to the frontal cavity, where it changes to a frightful digging, and distensive pressing; the pupils are contracted, the eye is not inflamed but looks glassy, faint, almost staring, and is very sensitive to the light; bright flashes shoot across the eyes; the upper lid is stiff and paralyzed; the skin around the eye is extremely sensi- tive and painful, contact causes an exquisite pain.—Pain in both eyes, which are at times violently aching, at times burning, more in the right eye, aggrava- ted by moving the eye and facial muscles, with flashes and fiery wreaths before the eyes, mistiness.—Otalgia.—Humming in the ears.—Periodical hardness of hearing.—Prosopalgia Fothergilhi.—Drawing and jerking in the teeth.—Tooth- ache : constant drawing and tearing in all the teeth, particularly of the upper jaw, in the front teeth ; flashing pain in the crown and roots of single teeth, penetrating to the upper jaw ; the pain is most frequent in the day-time; the teeth, particularly those which are decayed, are very sensitive to the cold air; stitches and tearing in the eyes and ears, heat in the mouth, burning of the up- per lip, painful pressure in the stomach.—Beating toothache, generally attended with darting-tearing, burning pains in the malar bone, puffiness of the face, and yellow margins around the eyes.—Helminthiasis with and without fever.—Hel- minthiasis : nausea, vomiturition early in the morning, abdominal pains, great languor, with pale face.—Paroxysms of violent sticking pain in the whole left SPIGELIA. 819 side of the chest, excited even by mere contact, and obliging one to lie on the left side, without swelling, with visible, strong, equal beats of the heart, with a similar beating in the pit of the stomach, pulse uniform, vertigo, dilatation of the pupils, humming in the ears, whitish tongue, loss of appetite, distended ab- domen, constipation, excessive debility (arising from local injury in case of a boy of 13 years, considerably improved by Spig. I.).—Carditis.—Endocarditis, with and without articular rheumatism, and even with effusion in the pericardi- um.—Endocarditis rheumatica, most suitable after the inflammation has been removed, and when the pulse and the beats of the heart are synchronous.—Tu- multuous beating of the heart, with suffocative sensation and spasms of the chest. —Chronic affections of the heart, with general convulsions : undulating beats of the heart on auscultating, indistinct, diffusive beating on laying the hand on the heart, tumultuous beating of the heart when lying and sitting, not synchronous with the pulse, spasms in the chest, suffocative symptoms, tremulous sensation in the chest and temples, increased by motion, sensation of tearing in the chest on raising the arms above^the head and when touching the pit of the stomach, sensation of spasm and balancing sensation in the abdomen, ascending to the chest, etc.—Chronic affection of the heart after carditis : purring sensation in the region of the heart, tremulous sensation of the carotids, great asthma on tak- ing the least exercise, highly-red lips and cheeks, which turn pale on making any motion, elevation of the last four true ribs, sternum and xiphoid cartilages, distor- tion of the dorsal vertebrae, etc.—Chronic affection of the heart, with articular arthritis : audible palpitation of the heart, causing a pain that extends to the back, cutting pains from the heart to the shoulders, head and arms; dyspnoea increasing to loss of breath, aching-cutting pain in the abdomen where the ribs commence, arthritic pains and stiffness of the joints ; great emaciation, etc.—Chronic affec- tion of the heart, particularly valvular diseases, hypertrophy and dilatation of the heart, when the following physical signs are present: percussion-sound normal or else dulness of percussion-sound over a large surface, increased shock of the heart, raising the wall of the chest, not synchronous with the radial pulse; instead of the usual sounds a noise is perceived in different parts of the heart, either during the systole or diastole, or during both.—Hypertrophy of the heart, with insufficiency of the bicuspid valves. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sadness: attended with great anxiety. Sadness with discouragement and fearfulness. Sadness with ill-humour and redness of face. Is unable to enjoy himself with others, without precisely feeling sad.__ Oppressive anxiety with restlessness, which does not allow him to remain quiet. Anxious solicitude for the future, also with vexed, intractable mood.—Exces- sive lowness in the epigastrium, after a meal, in the morning. Cutting in the abdomen after supper, in the direction of the left chest. Violent colic after breakfast, obliging him to bend the abdomen double; accompanied with great desire for stool, the faeces being natural but scanty.—Fine stitch in the outer region of the navel.__ Tensive pain in the epigastrium when walking, worse on stooping. Tensive pain in the epigastrium, when sitting.—Digging-up sticking in the abdomen, on the left side, only during an expiration, and worse on stooping.—Sensation as of something alive burrowing under the abduninal wall, above the left hip, in the left side, on which he is resting in bed, in the morning.—Strangulating sensa- tion in the left side of the abdomen, becoming more painful by pressing on the part with the hand. Strangulating sensation deep in the abdomen, relieved by the emission of flatulence, but increasing again soon. Dull stitch in the psoas- inus« les of the right side.—Heat in the abdomen when smoking, which rises into the chest, the re>t of the body feeling chilly.—Fulness in the abdomen, aiter a meal. Grumbling and empty rising. Pain in the inguinal ring, as in inguinal hernia. Cramp-pain in the left groin, while sitting. Glandular swelling in the right groin, with tensive pain in walking. Tearing pain, with pressure, in the abdominal ring, only when sitting, on both sides, at different times. Qualmish feeling in the abdomen, accompanied with frequent liquid stools. Stool.—*Hard stool, delaying seven hours. (The first portion of the faeces 836 SPONGIA. is hard, the latter soft.)—White diarrhoea.—Bruising pain in the region of the anus, almost like soreness. Every evacuation is preceded by stitches in the anus and grumbling in the abdomen. Emission of flatulence, and a loose evacu- ation.—Pressure in the lumbar region, occasioned by flatulence, during stool. Sore pain at stool, for some days. Tenesmus in the anus, during stool, as if di- arrhoea would set in.—Tensive pain from the middle of the abdomen to the anus.—Ascarides are passed every day. Urinary Organs.—Sensation in the neck of the bladder, as if he would uri- nate. Frequent micturition.—Inability to retain the urine.—Frequent desire with little discharge.—Thin stream. (The urine looks frothy.) The urine de- posits a thick, grayish-white sediment. The clear, saffr< n-coloured urine depo- sits a yellow sediment when standing. Male Genital Organs.—Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, for several hours, obliging him to rub. Itching burning of the scrotum and the body of the penis, several times. Painful drawing stitches from the body of the penis through the glans. Simple pain of the scrotum, also when touching it.—Squeezing, strangulating pain in the testes.—Long, rather dull stitches from the testes to the spermatic cord.—Aching *swelling of the testes. °Orchitis. Swollen, painful spermatic cord. Female Sexual Organs.—Pain in the back, afterwards palpitation of the heart, previous to the menses, the whole day.—Drawing in the upper and lower limbs during the menses.—The menses appear too early and too profuse (imme- diately). Larynx.—(For the affections of the larynx, and the kinds of cough which have been cured with Spongia, see Clin. Obs.) * Hoarseness, cough and coryza, very violent. Scraping, burning and constriction of the larynx. Dryness in the region of the larynx, increased by hawking. Difficult respiration, as if the throat were closed with a plug, and as if the air could not pass. Hollow *cough, with expectoration, day and night. Painful pressure below the short ribs when coughing. Hawking of mucus. Pain in the chest and trachea when coughing, with roughness in the throat. *Constant cough from a deep spot in the chest, where he feels a pain as if that part of the chest had become sore and bleeding from the cough. Dry cough. *Dry cough, day and night, with a burning in the chest, as if some hot substance were in the chest; the cough diminishes after eating and drinking. (Frequent night-cough for two minutes, with ill-humour- ed expression of countenance.) Chest. —Violent asthma. Slow, deep breathing, as after exhaustion, for se- veral minutes. She became suddenly debilitated after an exertion; the chest was especially fatigued ; she was almost unable to speak, with heat in the face and nausea; in a few hours heaviness in the head. Hurried, panting breathing after a dance. She becomes weak after every exertion, no matter how little; the blood rushes to the chest, the face becomes hot, the body begins to glow, the veins are distended and she loses her breath; it takes her a long time to recover herself. After a moderate exercise in the open air she becomes suddenly weak and sinks down on her chair; great anguish, nausea, paleness of face, rush of blood from the heart to the chest, as if she would vomit blood ; her eyes close involuntarily, almost spasmodically; tears press out of the eyes through the closed lids; she is conscious of herself, but her will has no control over the action of her limbs.—Stinging itching in the left side of the chest, near the shoulder. Boring stitch in the right intercostal muscles, continuing during an inspiration and expiration. Violent prickings in the right side of the chest, from within outward. Drawing stitches in the left chest when sitting bent, especially when taking a slow, deep inspiration. Severe, intermittent stitches in the left SPONGIA. 837 side of the chest. Drawing stitches below the second rib of the left chest, only when walking. Fleet, painful stitches in the right side of the chest; if he rubs the part, he feels as if a load were descending there behind the skin.—Cutting pain with pressure in the left side of the chest, when taking a deep inspiration; not much pain otherwise.—Sticking-pinching crawling in the left side of the chest, in the region of the sixth, seventh rib, becoming more painful by external pressure. Pressure in the left chest, sometimes accompanied with stitches m motion and rest. Pinching jerk in the left side of the chest, from without in- ward. Sudden pain in the muscles of the chest and back, left side, as if a broad, pointed body were pressing upward; a broad pressure with many fine stitches. Fine stinuing in the outer parts of the chest and arms, for several days. Back.—Violent stitch in the small of the back. The small of the back and the nates are very numb. Dull pain in the region of the right sacro-iliac sym- physis, when standing. °Drawing tearing and sticking in the small of the back. —Aching in the small of the back, only when walking, especially when setting down the left foot. Fine tearing in the region of the os sacrum, from the right side to the left, superiorly, only when sitting. Pressing sensation in the spinal marrow, going up and down, when sitting straight.—Feeling of coldness in the back, in the region of the last ribs Burning itching of the back, at night; he merely slumbers, tosses about constantly, with heat of the body, no thirst; espe- cially towards morning.—Painful shooting stitch in the region of the right sca- pula. Pain in the outer regions of the scapulae, as if something pointed had been pushed in; a constant sticking pain, accompanied with soreness. Sensa- tion in the thyroid gland, and in the cervical gland, during an inspiration, as if air were rushing up and down in those parts. Pain as if the cervical glands near the larynx and trachea were swelling. Sensation of pressure in the goitre, several times a day. Continual prickings above the pit of the throat, externally, in the lower part of the goitre. Several large pimples under the chin on the neck, painful when pressing on them. Several glandular swellings below the right lower jaw, impeding the motion of the neck ; a tensive pain is experienced in them when touching them. Sticking pain in the goitre when swallowing, slight aching between the acts of deglutition. Stitches in the goitre; also between the acts of deglutition. Stiff- ness of the neck, when turning it and when stooping. Intermittent, slow pres- sure on the right side of the neck, as if the skin were pressed between the fin- gers ; that same region was painful to the touch along the carotid artery. Pain- ful pressure above the thyroid cartilage, increased by touching it (immediately). Aching pain in the region of the larynx while singing. Tension of the right cervical muscles, when bending the head backward. Sensation in the goitre as if everything iu it were vacillating and moving about in it, as if alive, especially when swallowing. Sensation iu the goitre as if there were a movenumt in it, a bloating and pressing as if everything would come out. Painful tension on the left side of the neck near the pomum Adami, when turning the head to the right side. The region of the thyroid body feels indurated. Twitching of the mus- cles of the right side of the neck when lying. Fine darting stitches in the outer region of the larynx at different periods. Shooting stitch on the left side of the neck. liioig slow stitches in the right cervical muscles, immediately on waking from sleep, disappearing during deglutition, and afterwards reappearing again im- mediately. Fleet creeping in the outer region of the neck. Painful cramp in the cervical muscles after opening the mouth widely, and afterwards biting the teeth together firmly; the lower jaw was drawn down violently, with a heaviness in the articulation oftlie jaw as if it would be dislocated. Drawing prickings through the left >ide of the neck. Painful feeling of stiffness in the left side of the nape of the neck when turning the head to the right side. Frequently- 838 SPONGIA. returning, cracking pain with pressure on the left side of the nape of the neck, close to the scapula, not influenced by motion. Cracking in the nape of the neck when stooping. Upper Limbs.—Jactitation of the muscles around the left shoulder-joint. Burning on the top of the left shoulder. Fine stitches in the axilla, when sit- ting. Constant pricking itching in the left axilla, when sitting.—Sticking drawing through the upper arm. Stitches in the elbow-joint, when moving it. When bending the arm he feels a stitch in the tip of the elbow ; this i3 followed by a tearing in the elbow-joint, as long as he keeps his arms bent. Aching in the tip of the left elbow.—Pain in the left lower arm as if the bone were com- pressed. Large blisters on the right lower arm. Drawing pain in the lower arms. (Burning in the lower arms and hands.) Cramp-pain below the elbow-joint, in the upper part of the forearm, with slow bubbling, especially when leaning the arm on anything. Severe boring stitches, from within outward, in the inter- nal muscles of the right forearm. Heaviness in the forearms. Trembling of the forearms and hands (in a few minutes).—Drawing-aching pain in the ri^ht wrist-joint. Crumbling sensation in and behind the wrist-joints. Several stitches in the right wrist-joint, during rest. Tensive pain in the left wrist- joint, during rest and motion. Violent drawing in the left wrist-joint.—Itching in the ball of the left thumb, which cannot be removed by rubbing. Swelling of the hands; she was unable to bend her fingers. In one point of the palm of the hand he feels a pinching, with sensation as if the skin were drawn towards that point. The tips of the index-fingers become numb, without turning pale. Cramp-pain in the ball of the left thumb, only when moving the hand, the whole day. Painful drawing in the posterior joint of the left thumb, extending into the forearm. Cramp-pain in the ball of the right thumb, continuing the whole day, and spreading into the thumb when the hand is moved. Continuous sore stitch in the region of the, anterior articulation of the thumb. The metacarpal joint of the left middle finger became big and red, and felt rigid when bending it.—Aching pain in the posterior finger-joint of the right hand. Lower Limbs.—Quick jerkings of a part of a muscle, in the region of the right buttock. Pain in the internal part of the thigh, aching posteriorly. Fine, excessively-painful stitch in the skin of the internal portion of the right thigh. Severe boring stitches from within outward, in the outer parts of the right thigh, near the hip. Continuous drawing stitches in the upper part of the outer por- tions of the thigh, directly below the left groin, especially when walking. Titil- lating itching of the outer parts of the left thigh, close to the groin, obliging him to rub the parts. Tension, as if a muscle were too short, in the outer parts of the upper extremity of the thigh, whenever setting down the foot; the ten- sion is always accompanied by a stitch. Pulsative sharp stitches through the right thigh over the knee, early in the morning when in bed. Sticking pain, with pressure, over the right knee, when sitting. Heaviness in the knee-joints, per- ceptible when walking. Weariness in the knees when walking, as if they would give way, even when setting down the foot firmly. Drawing pressure, in pa- roxysms, in the region of the bend of the left knee, felt only when bending the knee, and alternating with a similar sensation in the axilla. Dull sticking in the left knee, in the evening when lying down (continuing during motion), for a quarter of an hour. Continued prickling itching in the bends of the knees, when walking, obliging him to scratch. Aching pain in the tendon of the right outer hamstring, more violent when walking than when sitting. Violent drawing in the left knee ; afterwards profuse sweat, at night. After a short siesta the legs go to sleep, first the right, then the left; when trying to walk, the left leg was spasmodically drawn up to the thigh ; even when sitting he wa3 not able to keep SPONGIA. 839 it stretched, it was then drawn spasmodically backward. Tearing in the tibia, the whole forenoon. Sharp stitches in the right calf, when walking. Great uuneasiness in both legs; he has to change their position frequently. Sensa- tion of heaviness, with tearing, in the left tibia, close to the tarsal joint. When walking fast, he experiences a sensation in the lower part of the left tibia as if a load were hanging from it. Drawing tearing from the right tarsal joint to the knee. Drawing pain from the right foot to the thigh.—Creeping in the left foot, coming on when walking, and not going off when sitting. Tearing in the mal- leoli ; the feet are heavy as lead, the heaviness ascending in the tibiae.—Prick- ings in the heels, when sitting down after a long walk, for one hour.—Prickings in the right heel from below upward, when sitting. Severe pricking in the right heel, from within outward, when standing. Aching pain in the right heel, in- creasing when walking.—Voluptuous itching in the dorsum of the toes of the right foot, early in the morning, when waking, obliging one to scratch. Sleep.—Great weariness and disposition to sleep. Sleepiness wi'h yawning without being inactive, in the afternoon.—Sleep disturbed with dreams. Sleep- less almost the whole night, with frightful dreams about murder, (sixth night). Sleeplessness until after midnight. He was unable to sleep; as soon as he fell asleep, he became delirious ; his forehead felt thick and sore to the touch, an aching pain over the eye, worse when stooping, as if everything would come out of the forehead ; he felt chilly and cold in the back; this lasted twenty-four hours, during which time he felt chilly. She spoke several times loud in her sleep, but not anxiously. He frequently wakes in the night, as in affright. For four nights in succession his sleep is disturbed with many dreams ; he wakes about midnight, but he feels so restless that he is unable to fall asleep again ; when closing the lids he sees the most vivid images : at one time he ima- gines that a battery is fired, at another that everything around him is in flames ; at times scientific subjects crowd upon his mind ; in short, a number of objects pass through his fancy, disappearing as soon as he opens his eyes, and reap- pearing when closing them ; this lasts until morning.—Sad dreams. Fatiguing dreams. Vexatious and anxious dreams, exciting a desire to weep. Fever.—Cold hands. Cold feeling in the lower limbs.—Coldness, paleness, and sweat in the face, with heat of the whole body. Stretching of the upper and lower hmbs. Violent chilliness on the back, not going off by the warmth of the stove. Shuddering and chilliness over the whole body, especially in the back, although he was standing near the warm stove, without thirst, continuing for two hours. Fever : early in the morning he has pain in the head and abdomen, followed by violent chills, with cold bluish hands and some thirst; afterwards, when lying down, he feels a dry, burning heat, with some thirst and a good deal of uneasy slumber, for 3fi hours; during the night, when waking and moving about, he feels a nausea and vertigo, with slight sweat every twelve hours, when the heat abated ; lastly tearing and sticking in the left eye and cheek, and erup- tion on the lips.—In the afternoon he felt an aching in the occiput, a sort of heaviness and a stitch on turning the head, with heat in the face, hands and feet, chilliness if the rest of the body and disposition to coryza, accompanied with weariness of the body, and bitterness in the mouth ; in the evening, after taking off his clothes, he had shaking chills, followed in a quarter of an hour, when in bed, by heat of the whole body except the thighs, which were numb and chilly : sweat at night.—Increased temperature of the whole body, with thirst. Cool sweat in the face, in the evening when sitting, accompanied with an increased feeling of warmth through the whole body. Flushes of heat in the face and blood, with irritation of the nerves. Several attacks of heat a day, with anxiety, pain in the region of the heart, weeping and disconsolateness ; she would like to 840 SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. die immediately. Sensation of burning heat on the forehead, without any heat being perceived by others, with quick, hard pulse, for half an hour. Violent heat on the forehead, alternating with shuddering on the back, without thirst, in the afternoon. He feels a sudden and anxious heat over the whole body, with heat and redness of the face, and sweat.—Pulse full and quick. Skin.—At all hours of the day he feels a creeping somewhere about the skin, were it only at a little spot; after that the spot becomes hot and red; then he feels a corrosive itching in that spot like the crawling of a flea (without prick- ing,) after which miliary vesicles make their appearance ; the itching is not di- minished by scratching ; on the contrary, scratching seems to make the itching more lasting. An itching eruption makes its appearance on the skin, together with red, itching spots. When scratching an itching spot, an itching is felt in many other parts. Especially when feeling cold, she experiences an itching gnawing in the outer parts of the chest, in the pit of the stomach, back, upper arms, at other times only about the feet; rubbing increases the gnawing itching and produces redness; vesicles make their appearance upon those parts, but they soon disappear again. Itching over the whole body as when sweat breaks out, obliging him to rub, and returning all the time, early in the morning when waking. Continuous itching stitch about the whole body, now here, now there, as from a fine needle, obliging him to rub, but not disappearing by the rubbing. Painful stitches in several parts of the body, obliging him to scratch. General Symptoms.—The lower half of the body feels numb.—Weariness in the whole body, especially the arms.—She feels most comfortable in the ho- rizontal position.—Extreme relaxation of body and mind; she prefers not doing anything.—Bruised feeling in the upper and outer parts of the body. On wak- ing, his whole body feels bruised.—The body felt so heavy that he felt obliged to lie down on the ground when walking in the open air, without drowsiness. 225. SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. SQUIL.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pura, IV. Compare w*ith—Bry., Dros., Hyos., Iod., Mur. ac, Natr. mur., Nux. v., Puis., Rhubarb, Rhus tox., Seneg., Spong. Antidote.—Camphor. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks tho following affections have been cured with Scilla: Anasarca (with pellets of the sixth attenuation).—Ascites (the medi- cine was continued for three months).—Pneumonia with expectoration of a quan- tity of mucus.—Violent pneumonia when Aconite is of no avail.—Pleurisy with dry cough.—Pleurisy and cough with mucous expectoration.—Neglected catarrh in a female of 50 years with florid complexion, and who had spit blood in former years : had coughed the whole summer during her residence in the country; in October she was suddenly attacked with hasmorrhage from the lungs, spitting up a couple of spoonfuls of bright-red blood, every raising of blood was preced- ed by a pricking in the right lower lobe of the lungs, from which the blood seem- ed to proceed; constant cough with expectoration of thick lumps of solid pus enveloped in a flocculent substance; great prostration. This whole group of symptoms yielded completely and radically to the tincture of squills, one drop in a tumblerful of water, in one week, (Hempel). SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. 841 SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Vexed about trifles.—Lazy in the morning, is not disposed to mental labour. Business is repugnant to him, he is indifferent, taci- turn.—Not disposed to think, desponding.—Anxious with dread of death. Whin- ing mood. Cheerful mood, (curative effect?). Courage, resoluteness, (curative effect V). Sensorium and Head.—Early in the morning, when rising, he feels giddy as if he would fall to one 3ide. His head feels weak and dreamy. The head feels cloudy and dizzy. Vertigo with nausea, as after having turned in a circle for a long while. Dulness of the forehead and occiput, with pressure in front and behind. Crampy pain in the sides of the head. Contractive pain in both temples.—Swashing sensation in the^lead, when shaking it.—Dull, humming headache, early in the morning after rising.—Heaviness in the whole sinciput, early in the morning after waking.—Extreme heaviness in the whole head, as if he could not keep it still, only when sitting.—Flat pressure on the whole top of the head, as from a burthen. Short-lasting pressure in the occiput. Aching pain at a small spot of the left frontal eminence. Aching-drawing pain in the forehead.—Quickly-passing pain in ihe occiput, extending from the left to the right, side. Single painful stitches in the forehead, from the left to the right side, and accompanied with drawing. Drawing in the right temple, terminating in a stitch. Drawing-sticking, long continued pain in the occiput, when sitting. Slom stitches in the right forehead. Darting stitch in the right temple as far as the forehead. Violent drawing stitches in the right temple; they contracted one-half of the brain.—Painful shock in the left frontal eminence.—Tearing pain in the occiput. Tearing headache.—Digging-up pain in the forehead.— Painful sensitiveness of ihe top of the head and internal stupefaction, early in the morning.—(Gnawing) itching of the forehead and chin, as if an eruption would break out, disappearing while scratching the part, but returning immedi- ately after. Stitches in the right frontal eminence and nose. Eyes.—Titration in the outer canthus of the left eye. Itching in the left eye. Contractive sensation in right eye.—The left eye is evidently smaller than the right; the upper lid of the right eye feels swollen, it hangs down, which can be felt, and on which amount the eye is somewhat smaller. The eyes feel as if they were swimming in cool water, for a few minutes.—Contraction of the pupils (immediately). Dilatation of the pupils.—Fine burning in the outer canthi. A multitude of fine prickings in the outer canthus of the left eye.— Violent tearing in both eyes at the same time, behind the eyeballs as it were. —Turning sensation before the eyes, with obscuration of sight. Ears and Nose. —(Tearing pain in the interior of both ears.) Drawing sticking in the right ear, proceeding from the forehead.—Acrid mucus from the nose. Sore feeling about the margins of the nostrils.—Acrid nasal mucus.— Frequent sneezing. Discharge of mucus from the nose.—Coryza with ulcera- tion of the nostrils. Bitiug coryza, with much weeping. Profuse coryza, with dim, faint, watery eyes (in the forenoon). Fluent coryza, with constant sneez- ing. Face. JaWS a?I(l Teeth.—The face is alternately sunken and bright, without heat or chilliness. Distorted, rigid features, large eyes and staring look, with redness oftlie cheeks, no thirst. °Dark redness during the heat, followed by paleness. Corroive itching of the forehead and chin.—°Cracked lips, with brown crusts.—°Black lips. Humid and spreading eruption over the middle of the upper lip, with stinging itching.—Stitches in both the upper cuspidati, as when a sharp and cold air rushes into the teeth, when eating or drinking any thing either cold or warm. °Black teeth.—Pain in the submaxillary glands. 842 SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. Mouth.—His mouth feels viscid and slimy. °Mouth open and dry.—Vesi- cles on the tongue.—The upper palate feels rough and scraping posteriorly. Burnt taste in the palate, even while chewing food; it remained after eating, and was not felt while swallowing. Burning in the palate and throat. Scraping burning in the palate, resembJing heartburn. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—(Everything tastes sour and bitter.) The taste of food is less and dull. * Complete loss of appetite; he is unable to eat an} thing, and nevertheless has a good taste in his mouth. Loss of ap- petite, partly because he had no appetite, partly because the food tastes as if burnt, and partly because some food had no taste : for example, meat and soup ; whereas other kinds of food had a sweetish taste, such as bread and butter. Canine hunger (in a few hours). He cShld not eat enough, he relished his food so much; his stomach felt full, and he had an appetite nevertheless.—Tobacco does not taste well.—The food, especially meat and soup, has a repulsive sweet- ish taste.—Empty risings.— Short eructations. The eructations have a repul- sive taste. Sour eructations. After dinner he has eructations tasting of the ingesta, and a disposition to vomit. Nausea and eructations. Desire to vomit, in the region of the stomach. °Constant nausea during the morning cough. Nausea in the back part of the throat, and an almost constant accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Constant alternation of a desire to vomit in the pit of the stomach, and indications of diarrhoea in the abdomen ; either one or the other is present, the latter especially.—Excessive efforts to vomit.—Violent nausea.— Vomiting. Stomach and Abdomen.—Weakness of the stomach. Deranges the diges- tive power of the stomach. Painful crampy sensation in the pit of the stomach. Fine stitches near the left side of the pit of the stomach. Cardialgia. Inter- mitting pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressure at the stomach as from a stone. Excessive pain in the stomach.—Inflammation of the bowels.—Drawing pain in the abdomen, increased by walking and not abating by pressing on the abdomen. Tearing through the abdomen, below the umbilicus. Acute pain between the umbilicus and the pubic region, as from flatulence or a purge, or as if diarrhoea would set in. Tension of the abdomen, which however felt soft. Cutting-pinching in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen. Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, as from flatulence. Incarceration of flatulence and cutting in the abdomen, without emission of flatulence. Rumbling above the pubic region (more frequently when standing or walking, than when sitting), going off after a meal speedily and permanently. Empty feeling in the abdomen, as after fasting. Sensitiveness of the distended but soft abdomen. Emission of a loud flatus whenever he touched the abdomen. Unceasing emission of noisy, strong, foetid flatulence, relieving the abdomen momentarily.—°Ascites.—Stick- ing pain, with pressure, in the left side of the abdominal muscles. Bubbling in the right abdominal muscles. Stool.—Hard, scanty faces, in the evening. Hard stools every day.— Papescent stool, without colic. Discharge of a quantity of brown, loose, slimy, foetid faeces, without pain or tenesmus, accompanied with bubbling flatulence, and mixed with ascarides and a quantity of irregular, white filaments. Diarrhoea from two to seven in the morning, watery, almost without flatulence. cBlack diarrhoea.—Bloody stools.—Sticking in the region of the anus when walking. Itching of the anus. Urinary Organs.—Tenesmus of the bladder after micturition, without any urine being present. The emissions of urine are not more frequent, but more scanty (for three days). Frequent micturition, without any increase of iirinn SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. 843 (in the first hours t). Great desire, to urinate, with scanty emission. (Hot urine, the faeces being mixed with undigested particles, and very foetid.) Great desire to urinate, and to evacuate the bowels; the first emission of urine being accompanied with a loose stool without colic. Constant, but ineffectual desire to emit urine. Violent desire to urinate; he emitted an unusual quantity of urine, which looked like water. Little desire, with reddish urine, of an ordinary quantity, with reddish sediment, for three days.—He is unable to retain the urine, ihe quantity being too great, for twelve hours. Great desire to urinate. ♦Reddish urine, with red sediment, °also hot and dark urine.—Sanguinolent urine.—Brown-yellow, transparent urine, scanty, and forming flocks when standing (the first eight hours).J *Urinates at night.—°Diabetes.—Sticking in the region of the orifice of the urethra, and a little further back. Sticking pain in the urethra when straining at stool. Genital Organs.—Anxious, dull stitches in the glans. ' Compressive pain in the testicles.—Hemorrhage from the uterus. Larynx.—Titillation in the region of the xiphoid cartilage, internally, occa- sioning a cough, which increased the titillation. Slight irritation in the pit of the throat, inducing cough, in the upper part of the trachea; he coughs a few turns. Cough with diminished expectoration; at every turn of cough he ex- periences a painful pressure in the thoracic cavity, from within outwards, and a painful contraction of the abdominal muscles. Cough in the morning, with pro- fuse mucous expectoration. ^Violent cough early in the morning, with stitches in the side at every turn of cough, with expectoration; the days previous there was scarcely a trace of cough. °Cough from drinking cold water. He is frequently obliged to take a deep inspiration, and this deep inspiration occasions a cough. °Cou»h at every inspiration, evening and night. Frequent desire to cough, the cough being dry and short, occasioned by a titillation below the xiphoid cartilage. *Cough with expectoration.^ Constant expectoration of mucus. °Cough with bloody expectoration.—Dry, violent cough, occasioning a racking pain in the abdomen, and dryness in the throat. Cough even unto retching. When cough- ing and walking, he feels a pain in the side of the abdomen as if an intestine would break forth. Coughing, talking, or performing the least exercise, excites t Note dv Hahnemann'.—The primary effect of Scilla upon the urinary passages is a great desire to urinate, with copious emission, especially of a urine which is clear as water, or which at least is watery, although not much so. In a few hours after this first and positive effect of Scilla, the secondary effect or reaction of the organism takes place, being the contrary of the primary effect, viz: little desire to urinate, scanty and rare emission of urine, the urine having sometimes a natural colour, sometimes being more dark, or the emission being scanty even when 'there is much desire, or no emission at all. All this being unknown, it was impossible that Scilla should ever have cured dropsical swellings, for which purpose it was already employed by the Egyptians thousands of years before the Greeks. Most of those patients who were treated with Scilla for dropsical swell- ings, were hurried into premature graves. Dropsical swellings can only be cured by Scilla when the symptoms of the urinary organs correspond to those of Scilla. Such "swellings are very rare. Scilla will, on the contrary, be found a specific remedy in cases of diabetes. t Note by Hahnemann.—This appeared to be a curative effect; the prover suffered with copious secretion and emission of urine. § Note by Hahnemann.—According to all my observations, Scilla excites the mucous glands of the trachea and of the bronchial tubes, so that the mucus becomes thinner and looser, and can be thrown off more readily. This is its primary effect. When used as an expectorant, it palliates the symptoms, and, if the tenacious mucous in the chest be a chronic ailment, Scilla finally increases the suffering, inasmuch as by a reaction of the organism, the mucus in the bronchial tubes becomes more and more tenacious, and the cough more and more dry. Scilla is therefore useful for excessive secretion of mucus in the chest, for which it has already been recommended by Weickard. 844 SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. an intolerable feeling of heat, without any heat being perceptible externally. Headache and stoppage of breathing during cough. °Pressure on the bladder during cough and spurting out of the urine. (Rattling before the cough, which disappeared after the cough.) Chest.—Heavy, slow expirations and inspirations. Dyspnoea, with frequent quick breathing and anxiety as long as the asthma lasted. Dyspnoea and stick- ing in the chest, most troublesome during an inspiration. Oppression across the chest, as if it were too tight. Darting stitches on either side of the chest, not far from the sternum. Pressing, broad stitches during an expiration, below the last rib, on either side (for two days). Dull, broad stitches in the lowermost last rib, early in the morning when in bed, which waked him. Drawing stitch from the last true rib, as far as the shoulder. Compressive pain in the right side of the chest, terminating in a stitch. Pointed stitches in the region of the extremity of the clavicles towards the shoulder, during an inspiration and expi- ration. Stitches in the region of the left and right true ribs, at the same time. *A kind of pleurisy. Constrictive stitch in the left side, under the last rib, ex- cited by rapid walking. *Stitches in the left side. Stitches in the middle of the xiphoid cartilage, almost like one continuous stitch. Repeated stitches in the sides. ' Excessive stitching near the sternum from above downwards, making the breathing difficult.—Pressure (tension?) in both sides, from the axilla to the abdomen, particularly when extending the thoracic cavity during an inspira- tion.—Drawing pain in the chest—°The pains in the chest are worse towards morning.—°Congestion of blood to the chest.—°Pneumonia and pleurisy.— (Aching pain in the right side of the chest, below the arm, which becomes a beating pain when stooping; when touching the parts, he felt a pain as if the flesh were loose.) Back.—Painful sensitiveness of the skin from one hip to another, across the back.—Painless drawing in the outer part of the left scapula. Painful darting above the left scapula.—Red pimples on the back, the tips whereof were full of pus, with stitch-like itching, and with a burning-stinging itching after scratch- ing ; on the day following every pimple was covered with a small crust. A spot of the size of a dollar, between the scapulas, composed of densely-crowded, but not confluent pimples, with titillating (creeping) itching, as of a flea, transformed by scratching into a burning-stinging itching, but changing again to a crawling itching some time after.—Stiffness in the left cervical muscles. Stinging itching about the throat and jaws, as from a flea, going off momentarily by scratching and recurring afterwards. Pimples on the neck which increase until the seventh day, and are painful only when rubbed. Drawing and squeezing in the cervical muscles, even when not moving them. The skin of the neck is sensitive to the rubbing with the cravat, and exhibits reddish, almost excoriated places. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. Rheumatic pain in the lateral cervical muscles. Upper Limbs.—Sweat in the axilla. Convulsive jerking of the left arm (when standing). Crawling itching under the right arm, in the outer parts of the chest, removed for a short while only by scratching. Painless jerkings and jactitations in the muscles of the upper arm. Slow pricking along the skin from the shoulder to the middle of the upper arm.—The hands frequently go to sleep in the day-time, when leaning the head on them. Painful pricking in the mid- dle of the left metacarpus. Darting pain in the wrist-joints. (When handling the recent bulbs with the hands, they become covered with vesicles.) Stitch- like drawing pain from the left wrist-joint into the fingers. Painful pricking in the joints of both hands, also without moving them. Lower LimbS.—Convulsive jerking of the upper and lower limbs, when sit- SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. 845 ting. The thighs feel bruised. Weariness of the thighs.—Bubbling, descend- ing from the upper part of the thigh to the toes, in one uninterrupted line. Prickings in both thighs. Drawing-pain in the muscles of both thighs. Inter- mitting drawing pain in the outer parts of the thighs, when sitting or walking. Contractive pain in the bend of the left knee, obliging him to bend the knee, when standing.—Drawing pain in the leg.—Burning pain in the ball of the right foot, as after freezing. Sweat of the toes. Sleep.—Frequent yawning without drowsiness. Stretching of the upper limbs, with yawning, without drowsiness. He feels more debilitated from the sleepless nights, than from the diarrhoea. Drowsiness in the evening, a few hours before his time. Sleep, with merry dreams. Languor and drowsiness after dinner. Restless sleep. Frequent waking, and turning in bed from side to side. He dreams that his body has become puffed up to an enormous size ; the dream was so vivid, that he felt himself on waking, to see whether it was true. He wakes after midnight, with anxiety and desire to vomit. During sleep he fetches a deep and heavy breath occasionally. Debility early in the morning after waking and rising, especially in the region of the hips. Confused feeling and heaviness in the head, after a quiet sleep without dreams. Fever.—Heat in the face, more internally than externally, without thirst, increasing when moving the body ; the rest of the body feeling chilly, when un- covered ever so lightly. Heat and redness in the face, for three hours, especially in the face, when performing the least motion, and when talking. (Dry exter- nal and internal heat, without thirst, for three hours; afterwards internal dry heat, without thirst. Heat in the head, with cold feet. Every afternoon the body feels hot, without thirst, and cold feet. Thirst during the evening-chills, without auy internal or external heat. Small, hard pulse; it feels like a tight cord. During the vomiting, the pulse falls to forty, with shuddering over the whole body, the skin being somewhat cold. When walking, even in the heated room, he feels cool and chilly on the back and arms, not when sitting. Icy-cold hands in a warm room. Icy-cold hands and feet, the rest of the body being warm. Internal chilliness at night, with external heat, without thirst. Feeling of great heat in the whole body, in the afternoon, but without external redness or thirst, for some hours. External heat with internal chilliness in the evening, immediately after lying down. Chilliness, and shortly after, heat over the whole body. Heat over the whole body, as from heating drinks, with icy-cold feet, without shuddering, thirst or sweat. Feeling of heat in the whole body, with- out thirst or sweat. Skin.—Burning and itching of the skin. Small red spots on the hands, feet, chest, and the whole of the body, assuming the appearance of itch-like pimples, a sort of greasy itch which shows itself between the fingers, on the feet and the whole body, with burning itching (a few days). Cold gangrene.—Irritates the scirrhous tumours. Scirrhous tumours, accompanied by fever and inflammation, are apt to become cancerous from using squills. General Symptoms.—Soreness between the limbs.—Bubbling sensation below the scapulae, in the back and the left upper arm.—Continued, dull, rheu- matic pains in the whole body, abating during rest and increasing during motion. —Weariness.—Feeling of heaviness in the whole body, as if weary.__The whole body becomes languid especially when taking a long walk.—Uneasiness in the upper and lower limbs; he has to move them all the time to obtain relief. Violent pains in the limbs.—Spasmodic movements. Convulsions. 846 STANNUM. 226. STANNUM. STANN.—Tin.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pur., V. Compare with—Am. carb. and mur., Arg. met. and nitr., Calc. c, Cann., Caust., Chin., Dulc, Fer., Ign., Puis., Seneg., Sil., Zinc. Antidote.—Puis. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, Stannum has removed the following affec- tions : spasms of children excited by irritation from worms, with subsequent discharge of a large number of worms.—Epilepsy.—Exhausting night and morning sweats.—Obstinate prosopalgia.—Constipation after mental exertions, attended with fulness, bloatedness, uneasiness in the abdomen, heat in the head, lowness of spirits.—Melaena (in conjunction with Nux v. and Bell.).—Leucor- rhoea with hectic fever.— Laryngeal phthisis with complete aphonia, pain in the larynx, violent cough, purulent expectoration, hectic fever, night-sweats, diar- rhoea.— Phthisis trachealis.— Cough with mucous expectoration.—Violent cough, with desire to vomit, copious expectoration of thin white mucous, oppressed breathing, stitches in both sides of the chest increased by inspiration and cough, debility, nervousness.—Atonic chronic mucous cough, with loss of strength and emaciation.—Piluitous phthisis.—Cough with purulent expectoration.— Stan- num has been given with good effect to individuals with sensitiveness of the mucous membrane of the lungs or incipient pulmonary phthisis; the cough being at first dry, afterwards accompanied with expectoration of little lumps of pus, yellow, crumbling, saltish and leaving a putrid after-taste, of a sweetish-putrid smell.—Purulent secretion of the bronchial mucous membrane, with prostration of strength and continuous fever. — Ulcerous phthisis of the lungs.—Pituilous asthma, with excessive secretion of mucous in the chest, atonic chronic cough with expectoration of mucus, prostration of strength and emaciation. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sad, hypochondriac mood.—Indescribable anguish and melancholy, several days.—Aversion to men, dread of men. *Want of disposition to talk. Takes no pleasure in anything, without being ill-humoured. * Discouragement.—Irritated, with heat of the face; she wanted to do all sorts of things, but did not accomplish anything. Restless and absent, no persever- ance in working. Restlessness, cannot long remain at the same place. Very busy, but does not accomplish anything; he is always thinking of something else that he ought to do. He did nothing according to his desire. Unable to think, not disposed to do anything. Dulness of mind, indifference to things around him, paleness and dimness of sight. Out of humour the whole day, not in the open air. Dissatisfaction. Apprehensive of the future, still, taciturn. * Still, ill-humour, he does not like to answer, and his answers are short, is easily put out, becomes angry. Quiet, with uncomfortableness of the body. Ill-humour, and quickly-passing sensitiveness, (the first three days). Violent, but quickly- passing anger.—Quiet, good-humoured. Talkative. Excessively merry. SenSOrinm.—Dizziness of the whole head.—Dulness of the head, as if catarrh would set in, with sneezing. Heaviness and dulness of the head, worse in the evening. Heaviness in the head, both when at rest and in motion, in the evening, for two hours.—Stupifying vertigo, only when walking in the open air; he staggers as if on the point of falling. Sudden fit of vertigo, when sitting. STANNUM. .847 Vertigo, as if all the objects were too far distant. Vertigo, as if the brain were turning ; he loses his thoughts, is unable to continue his reading, and sits on his chair as if deprived of consciousness. Head.—Headache, almost every morning, with want of appetite, nausea and ill-humour.—Pressure in the left side of the occiput, from within outwards. Oppressive heaviness, with feeling of emptiness in the left hemisphere of the brain. Painful pressure through the right side of the head. Painful pressure through the right temple, almost as if on the outer side. Pressure in the left temple, first weak, afterwards increasing and then decreasing again, as if the forehead would bo pressed in. Pressure from the middle of the forehead to the centre of the brain. Pressure in the forehead, temple and vertex, diminishing by external pressure. Pressure in the right temple when lying on it, going off when raising one's-self. Pressure in the forehead, increased by bending the head backward, relieved by pressing upon it. Sudden sharp pressure on the top of the head, with sensation as if the hair were moved. Pressure in the forehead from within, with drowsiness, diminished by pressing on the part. Pressing through the frontal eminences, from within. * Stupifying aching pain in the biain, -over the eyebrows, both when at rest and in motion. Dizzy pressure through the whole head. Painful pressing of the brain against the skull and the occipital bones, in the evening, even after going to bed. Pain, the whole day, as if the temples would be crush• d. Pressure from without inward in the tem- ples and the occiput.—Pain as if the brain were distended and tight. Pressing together in the occiput, below the vertex. Sudden constriction and pressing in the whole sinciput, slightly increasing and decreasing.—Contractive pain in the right occiput. —Frequent sensation in the head as if in screws ; with occasional slow jerks or drawing pressure here and there.—Cramp-pain in the head, as if a bandage were tied round the head very firmly.—Violent jerks through the fore part of the head, alternating with dull pressure. Sudden jerks, with pressure, in the left temple and left side of the forehead, causing him to exclaim. Pain as if the forehead would be crushed.—Boring aching pain in the left temple, the whole day. Boring-aching stupifying pain in the lelt hemisphere of the brain, on the surface. Boring in the occipital bones, with intensely-painful heaviness. —Drawing through the forehead and vertex, with a sensation of pressure. Drawing pressure from the right parietal bone to the orbit. Drawing pressure in the upper border of the left orbit. Drawing, with pressure, iu one temple and side of the forehead, causing a gloomy sensation —Tearing on the left side of the parietal bone and forehead. Pressure, with tearing, in the right half of the head. Pressure, with tearing, in the right half of the forehead, in parox- ysms, more violent when stooping. Pressure, with tearing, in the left occipital bone. Pressure, with tearing, in the forehead.—Drawing tearing, as with a jerk, i:i the outer parts above the left eyebrows.—Long, dull stitch in the left frontal eminence. Stitching pain, in the forehead, also when at rest, for several days ; stooping produces a sensation as if the contents of the head would issue through the forehead. Pulsative stitching in the temple, with heat in the head, chilliness in the body, and weakness of the head, depriving him almost of his mind ; accompanied with slumber and loss of sense.—Beating pain in the tem- ples.—Heat in the forehead, can be felt with the hand. Burning pain in half of the sinciput, like fire, also in the nose and eyes, the parts feeling hot on the outside, both when at rest and in motion; he had to lie down; accompanied with nausea and retching, from morning till night.—Painful sensation, when shaking the head, as if the brain were loose and were shaking against the skulL —Humming in the head ; noise occasioned a groaning vibration in the head.— Sense as of faintness in the head, and sleepiness.—Pain as from subcutaneous 848 STANNUM. ulceration in the outer parts of the head. Stinging in the centre of the fore- head. Sudden dull stitches in the right side of the sinciput. Stitch-like pain, especially in the left side of the forehead, with fluent coryza. Burning stitches in the vertex.—Burning tension in the forepart of the hairy scalp, close above the right side of the forehead. Eyes.—Pain in the eyes, as if they had been rubbed with a woollen cloth, diminished by moving the lids.—Pressure in the left eye, or in the left inner canthus as from a stye, with lachrymation. Painful pressure in the right inner canthus. Pressure in both upper eyelids. Pressure in the eyes. Sensation behind the right eyelid, as if a hard body had lodged there.—Sudden jerks in the upper border of the right orbit, and in other parts, with intensely-painful stupefaction of the head.—Sudden intensely-painful dull shocks on the outer side of the upper border of the left orbit.—Tensive stitch in the left eyeball, most violent when moving it. Burning stinging in the right eye, toward the external canthus. Stinging burning in the left canthus. Violent, little, burn- ing stitches in the'lids of the right eye, more toward'the outer canthus. Burn- ing pain in the left lower lid. Burning in the eyes.—Itching in the inner can- thus. Itching in the left eyeball relieved by rubbing. Smarting in the eves as after rubbing them with a woollen cloth.—Nightly agglutination of the eyelids, and weakness of the eyes in the day-time.—A swelling, containing pus, in the inner canthus of the left eye, like fistula lachrymalis.—Contraction of the eyelids, with redness of the whites, and burning sensation.—Twitchings in the right inner canthus.— Winking of the left eye, for a week.—Jerkings in the eyes.— Protrusion of the eyes, and painfulness of the same as after weeping.—Faint, dim, sunken eyes.—The pupils are first contracted, afterwards dilated.—He sees a rainbow, at candle-light. Ears.—Dragging pain in the outer ear. Frequent drawing in the left ear.— Tearing in the right meatus. Drawing in the whole of the right ear, internal and external, worse on moving the lower jaw.—Cramp-pain in the whole of the right ear, for eight hours.—Pinching tearing in the cartilage of the left lobule, with occasional sensation as of a cool wind blowing upon it.—Drawing stitch in the upper wing of the left ear.—Pressure in the outer part of the mastoid pro- cess.—Boring pain in the right ear, with cold feet.—Itching in the left ear.— Ulceration of the ringhole in the lobule.—Shrieking in the ear when blowing the nose.—Tingling in the left ear.—Sensation in the ear as if blood were rushing through it. Creaking before and in the left ear, in the evening.—Feeling of obstruction in the left ear, with hardness of hearing, diminished by blowing the nose, after getting up, for four days. Nose.—Feeling of heaviness and obstruction in the upper part of the nasal fossae. Bleeding of the nose when rising in the morning. Violent bleeding of the nose, on waking in the morning.—Dry coryza, only the right nostril being open. Left nostril is closed, swollen, red, painful to touch. Face.—*Facepale and sunken, °also with sunken eyes; the features looked elongated and sickly.—Flushes of heat in the face, which can be felt internally and externally.—Cramp-like pressure in the muscles on the left malar bone.— Stupifying pain in the face, especially in the forehead.— Contractive pain in the bones of the face and teeth of the right side, as if the side were shorter. Con- traction and pressure in the internal side of the right check. Drawing pressure in the facial bones of the right side, especially the malar bone and the orbit. G-nawing pressure on the left side of the face, especially the malar bone.—Tear- ing, extending from the malar bone into the lower jaw, near the corner of the mouth.—Burning-itching stinging in the malar bones. Burning pain in the right cheek, below the eye. Burning cramp-paiu in the left cheek, followed by STANNUM. 849 swelling of the cheek, in the evening; when drawing the face to one side, a pain is experienced between the cheek and teeth as if glass-splinters had been stuck in. Pain and swelling of the upper jaw; the cheeks are red and a stinging is felt in them. Painful swelling of the left cheek, with an ulcer on the teeth.— Itching pimples in the face, feeling sore when touching them or washing the face. Pimple in the left eyebrow, with burning pain and aching when touched. —Lancinating pain at a small spot of the lower Hp. Broad, cutting stitches in the front part of the chin.—A red tumour at the angle of the right lower jaw, with drawing pain increased by contact, for eight days. Jaws and Teeth.—Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. *The teeth feel elongated. Jerking pain in all the teeth, shortly after a meal, (cold or warm :) with heat in the face, reheved only in the open air.—*Looseness of the teeth. Month.—Tenacious mucus in the mouth. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. An acid saliva flows out of his mouth, in the morning on waking. Yellowish mucus on the tongue. Foetid odor from the mouth and throat.—°Red tongue.—Talking fatigues him. * Pharynx, (Esophagus.—Sore throat as if swollen, with feeling of dryness and a drawing tensive pain. Pain in the throat as if sore and swollen, inde- pendent of swallowing : after hawking up much mucus the voice has a higher pitch than usual.—Cutting in the pharynx, as with knives, when swallowing.— Stinging in the upper part of the fauces, with sensation as if parched, between the acts of deglutition —Feehng of dryness and stinging in the throat, in the region of the right tonsil, somewhat relieved by coughing and swallowing.— Scraping below the pit of the throat, internally. A good deal of mucus in the throat, in the morning. Scraping in the throat.—Irritation in the throat, in- ducing a good deal of hawking, followed by great soreness. Taste and Appetite.—Flat taste in mouth* Bitter-sour taste. Every- thing, except water, tastes bitter; no bitter taste in mouth between meals.—Sweetish rising in the throat.—Beer taste, like herbs. Flat, and sour-bitter taste of the beer.—Acrid and dry taste of the tobacco when smok- ing.—Want of appetite, food having its natural taste.—Great appetite and hunger. The child refuses to drink, (the mother having taken Stan.)—In- creased thirst. Gastric Symptoms.—Dull grumbling in the abdomen, when the food has nearly reached the orifice of the stomach.—°Great weakness of digestion.—Fre- quent hiccough.—Frequent empty eructations. Eructations tasting flat, with much saliva in the mouth. Frequent bitter eructations, after a meal. Sour eructations, with subsequent roughness of the throat, -when walking in the open air. —Shaking from nausea, several times, with nauseating fulness in the pit of the stomach. Nausea and bitterness in the mouth. Nausea after a meal.—Retch- ing in the evening, followed by sour, and afterwards bitter taste in the mouth. Retching, with sensation as of deranged stomach.—Bitter bilious vomiting after eating soup. Suur vomiting. Vomiting of undigested food, after violent retch- ing. * llumatemesis. Stomach.—Pressure at the stomach, in the forenoon. Pressure and crowded sensation in the pit of the stomach ; when touching it, a pain as from subcutane- ous ulceration is experienced in it. Anxious pressure in the pit of the stomach, when lying, as if hemorrhage would set in, for some hours, going off by pressing on the part. Tensive prrssure in the pit. Dull hard pressure under the last cartilages of the ribs, relieved somewhat by pressing on the part.—Cutting around the stomach.—Spasmodic griping in the stomach and around the um- bilicus, with constant nausea, and with anxious rising to the pit of the sto- vol. n 54 850 STANNUM. mach.—Long fine stitch in the region of the xiphoid cartilage, shortly after a meal. Sensation in the pit of the stomach, as when the stomach is deranged.— Repletion and distention of the stomach, with hunger. Sense of puffiness under the skin in the region of the stomach, with pinching in the abdomen when walk- ing.—°Chronic cardialgia, with bitter eructations, feeling of hunger and diar- rhoea. °Cardialgia with nausea and sickly complexion. Abdomen.—Quickly-passing burning below the diaphragm.—"Hysteric and hypochondriac spasms in the region of the diaphragm and abdomen.—Cutting in the right hypochondrium, more violent when sitting bent. Cramp-pain, with pressure, in the left hypochondrium, more or less violent. °Stinging in the re- gion of the spleen. Simple pain in the hypochondria, followed by dull shocks from the left to the right side, they seem to become more violent when pressing on the right side.—Sudden painful jerking in both sides below the true ribs. °Stinging in the region of the fiver. Pressure in the region of the upper part of the liver. Pressure in the region of the liver.—Pain in the abdomen, extend- ing into the stomach and in both sides below the ribs, when pressing with the hands upon the umbilicus.—Pressure in different parts of the abdomen, with desire for stool. Drawing pressure in various parts of the abdomen. Dull, slow pressure on the right side of and near the umbilicus. Burning pressure in the right side of the abdomen.—Tensive pain in the abdomen, towards the small of the back, most violent when stooping.—Repletion in the abdomen after a meal. Painful distention of the abdomen, with painful sensitiveness of the abdominal integuments to the touch. Bloatedness of the abdomen.—Cramp- pain below and above the umbilicus, going off soon by doubling one's self over the edge of a table, without emitting flatulence.—Pinching between the pit and umbilicus, as if some one were pinching the muscles together. Pinching cut- ting in the umbilical region, almost the whole day. Pinching pain close above the left os ilium, as if a tendon had become strained, when stooping. Pinching in the umbilical region, as from a cold. Pinching movement in the abdomen, as if from incarcerated flatulence.—Drawing cutting in the abdomen, near the right ilium.—Digging-up in the abdomen, before every stool. Painful digging-up in the umbilical region; the place is sore to the touch.—Sore feeling in the whole abdomen, worse when touched. Smarting pain in the abdomen. Pain of the abdomen, when touched, as from subcutaneous ulceration, with arrest of breath- ing.—Stitching in the right side of the abdomen, afterwards drawing in the right shoulder; she had to lie down, face and arms being covered with sweat, after which she became chilly. Several violent stitches in succession in the right side of the abdomen, especially when coughing and breathing. Boring stitch in the left side of the epigastrium, when walking.—Cuttings in the hypogastrium, ex- ternally. When taking an inspiration, a cutting as with a knife suddenly darted through the abdomen from the left to the right side, making her start. Dull stitches in the region of the kidneys, from without inward. Stinging pain in the hypogastrium. Fine stinging in the symphysis pubis, on the left side.—Burning pain in the abdomen.—Feeling of distention in the abdominal muscles of the right side, above the spinous process of the ilium. Gurgling in the abdomen. Loud rumbling in the abdomen after every meal. Rumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness. Frequent accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen. Incar- ceration of flatulence. Creeping sensation in the right side of the abdomen, as if he had taken a cathartic.—Bruised pain under the left ribs.—Feeling of emp- tiness in the abdomen, without hunger, though he relished his food and ate a good deal; eating agreed with him, but the body felt as if it could not support itself. Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, after a meal.—Pressure in the inguinal glands, with swelling in that region. Fine pinching in the left groin. Pricking STANNUM. 851 in the right groin as if he had strained the part in leaping; going off when rais- ing himself. Sensation in the left groin as if hernia would protrude. Stool.—Retention of stool.—Frequent desire for stool— Unsuccessful desire for stool.—Sudden desire for stool, the stool being first natural, then papescent, lastly thin, with ' shuddering through the body from above downward, and a drawing from the small of the back through the thighs ; when about to rise, he feels all the time as if he had not yet got through.—Renewed desire for stool, shortly after stool.—Frequent desire for stool, passing but little, and sometimes only mucus.—Dry '-tool in lumps. Dry stool of large size, with violent cutting pains. Discharge of a single hard lump with straining. Difficult expulsion of tight, but not hard stool, as if the bowels had not strength enough to expel it.— Hard stool, which felt slippery without being so.—Loose stool in the forenoon, thin in the afternoon. Frequent and continuous desire as if diarrhoea would set in, in the evening, with pinching and painful motion in the abdomen, as if caused by a cold, and with shocks in the left side as from a foetus, with distention of the abdomen ; afterwards thin stool with desire remaining after it, and colic continuing until she went to bed. Stool with mucus shaped as a worm. Greenish, scanty Btool.—Burning pain in the region of the liver after stool. Dull pressure in the rectum after stool. Discharge of mucus after stool. Burning at the anus, be- tween and immediately after stool.—Aching pain in the rectum. Itching stitch in the rectum. Continual itching around the anus. Little blotch on the left side of the anus, resembling a varix and sore to the touch. Corrosive pain round the anus, when walking or sitting. Soreness and smarting at the anus, with fine stinging. Urinary Organs.—Retention of urine. Deficient desire to urinate, as from insensibility of the bladder.—Desire to urinate, as if the bladder were full; the urine being scanty, foetid, the emissions rare and painless. Frequent desire to urinate, also at night, for three days; after this he urinated less than before taking the drug. *Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission. After micturition, intensely-painful pr^fcirc in the neck of the bladder and along the urethra; constant, sensation* as iWirine would yet come ; if some drops do come the pressure becomes much worse.—Burning in the fore-part of the urethra, especially when urinating; he had a desire every minute and emitted a good deal of urine.—Vesicle on the margin of the orifice of the urethra. Soreness of the tip of the urethra. Male Genital Organs.—Jerking in the penis, as far as the point of inser- tion in the bladder, as if an emission would take place. Burning in the interior of the genital organs, like a violent desire for an emission.—No desire or power, not even when excited.—Intolerably voluptuous feeling in the genital organs and in the whole body, terminating in emission.—Burning pain in the glans, and shortly after desire to urinate.—Burning stitch in the glans. Pricking sensa- tion in the glans.—Erection, immediately; no erection whatsoever the three days following.—Emissions, without dreams. Female Sexual Organs.—Prolapsus vagina;, which is very inconvenient during hard stool.—Pressing in the hypogastrium, as if the menses would make their appearance; worse when pressing on the parts.—The menses are more profuse than usual.—Great anguish and melancholy the week previous to the menses ; ceasing as soon as the menses made their appearance. Pain in the region of the malar bone previous to the menses, when touching it; during the menses contusive pain in the region of the malar bone, it is felt even when mov- ing the muscles of the face.—*Discharge of transparent mucus from the vagina. Cessation of the leucorrhcral discharge. °Yellowish leucorrhoea. leucor- rhoea with great loss of strength. 852 STANNUM. Larynx and Trachea.—*Rough throat. * Hoarseness; weakness and emptiness in the chest; when beginning to sing, she had to interrupt herself con- tinually and breathe; the hoarseness was sometimes momentarily relieved by a fit of cough. "Chronic catarrh, with roughness, weakness of the chest, dysp- noea and cough, with expectoration. * Mucus in the trachea, in the forenoon, -easily thrown off by coughing, the chest feeling very weak as if deprived of its contents, with languor of the whole body and limbs, in which a weak feeling is moving up and down; many mornings in succession. Accumulation of mucus in the chest, with rattling breathing, which can be heard by others.—Titillating creeping in the throat, (larynx ?) with a feeling of dryness, obhging one to cough.—Irritation in the trachea, during an inspiration, as if from mucus, there being neither mucus nor dry cough ; it is more violently felt when sitting bent than when walking.—Short cough from time to time, as if from weakness of the chest, with hoarse, weak sound. Short and hacking cough, three short turns.— Constant desire to cough as if owing to much mucus in the chest, with an inter- nal feehng of panting and slight rattling. Constant desire to cough, from a con- tinual constriction of the trachea. Titillating cough, as if from a soreness deep in the trachea, with scraping rising into the throat.—Exhausting fits of cough, which occasioned a bruised sort of pain in the pit of the stomach. *Dry, concus- sing cough. °Cough excited by reading, talking or singing. °Cough from lying on the right side. °Cough from titillation in the chest.—Oppression of the chest when coughing. Scraping in the throat, *with greenish expectoration of a disagreeably sweetish taste, more violent in the evening before going to bed; hoarse speech; *after every cough, (with irritation in the lower part of the tra- chea,) sore feeling in the chest and trachea. Violent cough with expectoration and spitting of blood. * Yellow expectoration from the trachea, having a putrid taste. Expectoration having a salt taste. °Expectoration having a putrid taste. °Mucous phthisis. Consumptive cough, (see Clin. Obs.) Chest.—Fit of asthma, short breathing and anguish, in the evening. The breathing becomes shorter in the evening, acc^fcanied with anguish; he is obli- ged to breathe hurriedly for a long time unr^he succeeds in drawing a deep breath, when the shortness disappears. °Asthma at night, when lying on the back, and from exercise in the day-time. Asthma and want of breathing, when going up stairs or performing the least motion. * Asthma as if the clothes were too tight; he has to unbutton them, to breathe easily.—° Wheezing and rattling in the chest.—^Oppressive weight in the upper part of the chest; he is frequently obliged to take deep breath, accompanied with a feeling of great emptiness in the pit of the stomach. Oppression of the chest, as if something were rising into the throat arresting the breathing. Feeling of pleasant lightness when taking deep breath, frequently. Feeling as if £he chest expanded, when at rest and occasionally, accompanied, however, with a feehng of anxiety as in palpita- tion of the heart. Short, troublesome breathing from weakness of the respira- tory organs, with great emptiness of the chest, but without loss of breath.— Oppression of the chest, as if contracted internal^, with sensation as if the in- spired air were very dry. Oppressive cramp-feeling in the chest, when sitting ; increased by taking breath.—Pressure deep in the chest, as from a load. Ten- sion and pressure across the upper part of the chest, in the morning on rising from bed. * Constriction of the chest, in the evening, with anguish. °Tension across the chest. Contractive pain in the chest, under the right arm, changing to a pricking when moving about.—Stitches in the chest and shoulder-joint when taking breath. Violent stitches in the chest and sides, hindering breath- ing, several forenoons; distention of the abdomen in the afternoon. Tensive stitch in the sternum, continuing while taking breath. A sudden long stitch in STANNUM. 853 the left side of the chest, one hand's breadth below the axilla, causing one to start. Sudden sharp cuttings as with a knife, in the left side of the chest. Sharp, piercing prickings on the clavicle. Frequent cuttings through the chest from below upward, and in front in the region of the upper ribs from within out- ward, independent of breathing. Burning stitches in the left chest, more vio- lent during an expiration, when walking in the open air. Stitch, resembling a flea-bite, in the last true rib of the right, and the false rib of the left side. Lan- cination in the left chest, when walking and standing.—Cutting pain in the right chest. Crampy cutting in the right ribs, when walking, only during an inspiration.—Pressure in the chest, below the right nipple, from within out- ward. Aching in the whole chest, especially above the pit of the stomach, worse during an inspiration.—Bruised pain in the chest, when at rest and in motion. *Sore pain in the whole chest, commencing in the throat. *Feeling of weakness in the chest, as if deprived of its contents, particularly after expec- torating or talking.—Digging-up pain in the chest and thence descending into the abdomen, exciting a desire for stool.—Drawing pressure in the region of the united cartilages of the last false ribs.—Drawing, from the clavicles to the left axilla. Sudden drawing under the left breast, when raising one's self in bed, followed by sharp cuttings extending thence to the clavicle, in the direction of the shoulder, where the pain remains fixed; thence it moves along the left shoulder into the abdomen, made worse by drawing the chest in, pressing on the part, and especially during an inspiration and hacking; in all these conditions the pain is felt as a painful jerk. Jactitation of the muscles of the upper part of the chest, near the left axilla. Violent itching of the nipple. Back.—Violent creeping in the small of the back. Burning pressure in the Bmall of the back, a little to the right.—Painful pressure in the left side of the back above the hip, from above downward. Undulating shock in the back above the left ilium, causing him to start. Stitching pinching in the back, in the region of the false ribs. Twitching jerking of the muscles of the last false ribs. Violent tearing in the lumbar vertebra', extending from both sides to the lumbar region, more violent at every movement of the trunk. Dull shocks in the lumbar region, with sensation as if cool air were blowing on him. Sharp, jerking stitch in the left side of the back and at the same time in the left thigh. Burning fine prick- ing at a small spot of the middle of the back. Fine pricking through the back from within outward. Digging up stitches in the muscles of the right side of the back, continuing while taking breath. Lancination in the left side of the back, from below upward, when standing.—Drawing pressure in the spine, be- low and between the scapula, more violent during motion, especially when turn- ing the body. When lifting a load she suddenly felt a sensation between the scapulae as if sprained, more on the left side, accompanied with violent sharp cuttings when making the least motion, taking breath or yawning; bending back- ward causes an intolerable pain. Drawing tearing'in the left scapula, partly to- wards the back, partly towards the shoulder. Slow, intermittent dull stitches between the scapulae, towards the middle of the spine. Sharp broad stitches in the spine, between the scapulae, from within outward. Violent burning prick- ing in the upper part of the scapula, going off only for a short while by rubbing. Neck.—Itching prickings in the nape of the neck, in the morning when in bed. Boring dull stitches from the fauces through the muscles of the nape of the neck. Drawing in the nape of the neck from below upward, with a feeling of stiffness, she was not able to move her head easily. Pain in the nape of the neck when bending the head forward. Sudden intensely-painful stitch in the lower part of the nape of the neck. Weakness of the muscles of the nape of the neck, as if she were not able to support her head, with pain when moving the v 854 STANNUM. head. Cracking of the cervical vertebrae, which can be heard even by others, when shaking the head quickly. Red, somewhat elevated spot on the fore part of the neck, with a white painless pimple in the centre. Upper Extremities.—Burning pricking on the right shoulder. Compres- sive sensation in the shoulder. Tearing in the top of the left shoulder. Pres- sure and drawing, as from a load, in the top of the left shoulder, in the outer parts of the upper arm, and likewise in the deeper muscles of the forearm from Ihe elbow, going off gradually in the room. Paralytic tearing in and below the right shoulder-joint, more violent during motion. Sudden, intensely-painful, hard knocks on the right shoulder. Itching prickings in and below the axilla. Paralytic pain as if sprained, close below the shoulder-joint, only when at rest; going off only for a short while by motion.—Weariness in the arms and legs; he has to let his arms hang down. Great debility in arms and legs, as if they had lost all power, and as if the legs could not support the body.—Iutensely- painful jerking, now in the surface of the arm, now in that of the hand, now in a finger, resembling a hard blow.—Pain in the arm-joints as if sprained; she was not able to bend them without great pain.—Arms and fingers are almost entirely immovable. Paralytic weakness and oppressive heaviness of the arms, espe- cially the right arm, particularly of the upper arms and joints; aggravated by every motion, and sometimes with want of breath. Paralytic weakness of the arms, when holding a small weight for a short time only. The arms become easily fatigued by a slight effort, obliging him to drop the things which he holds in his hands. Paralytic tearing in the left arm, especially the wrist-joint, more violent during motion. Tearing deep in the left arm, especially the upper arms. Drawing in the left deltoid muscle, as from weakness.—Transitory drawing from the elbow towards the upper arm. Tearing in the anterior and superior portion of the right upper arm. Tearing, with pressure, in the middle of the right up- per arm, quickly coming and going. Tearing, with pressure, in the middle of the left upper arm, from before backward and from without inward. Tearing, with pressure in both upper arms, in paroxysms. Jactitation of the muscles of the internal side of the left upper arm, when laying the arm on something; going off by changing the position of the arm, but returning when the arm resumes its former position. Twitchings in the muscles of the upper arm above the elbow- joint, when at rest. Digging-up stitch in the right deltoid muscle. Bruised pain in the lower part of the left upper arm. Piercing pain, in paroxysms, in the left humerus, as if crushed and compressed, when at rest and in motion.— Tension and sore feeling in the tip of the elbow, especially when bending the arm.—Cramp-like stiffness in the right forearm. Paralytic tearing in the right lower arm. Pressure in the right forearm, from behind forward and from with- in outward.—Pain as if sprained over the left wrist, in the region of the styloid process of the ulna. Pain as if sprained in thefleft wrist-joint. Tearing, with pres- sure, in the right wrist-joint, more violent during motion. Transitory jerkings in the dorsum of the left hand, above the joint. Pinching close above the wrist- joint, on the side of the ulna. Quick drawing, in short paroxysms, from the ulnar side of the wrist-joint towards the hand.—Cramp-pain in the dorsum of the left hand, between the index and middle fingers. Cramp-like contraction of the palm of the left hand. Jerking tearing in the hand, proceeding from the fingers. Tearing, with pressure, at intervals, in the metacarpal and carpal bones, and also in the posterior joints of the fingers. Burning pricking, with pressure, in the outer border of the metacarpal bone, proceeding from the left little finger. Fine, dull, intensely-painful shocks in the upper part of the metacarpal bone of the left index-finger and in other parts of the hands, as if a nerve, which had been put upon the stretch, were touched with a little hammer. Weakness and V STANNUM. 855 trembling of the hands, especially when laying them on the table and writing, which gave him trouble. Trembling and feeling of heat in the left hand. ^Swelling of the hands, in the evening. Burning itching in the dorsum of the hand, as if bit by mosquitoes, not to be removed by rubbing, for eight hours. Small, red, painless spots on the dorsa of both hands. Small blotches below the wrist; itching in the day-time, the itching being aggravated by rubbing. Chilblains on the hand, during mild weather.—Tearing, with pressure in the posterior joints of the fingers of the right hand, more violent during motion. Drawing stitches in the posterior joint of the left index-finger, in the direction of the tip. Cramp in the fingers, they remain contracted for a long while. Cutting in the ball of the left little finger, more violent when bending it for- ward. Pricking in the tips of all the fingers. Fine prickings in the tip of the left middle-finger. Drawing in the posterior joint of the left thumb, and below the wrist. Cramp-like drawing pain in the left middle-finger, with jerks causing the finger to tremble. Intense jerking pain between the thumb and index-finger, when holding the pen ; he does not feel anything when holding the pen loose or ceasing to write, but the jerking soon returns and continues a long while. Tear- ing in the posterior joint of the index-finger, gradually going off when moving the hand. Pain of the whole left index-finger as if sprained, when bending it, stretching it, or when at rest, frequently recurring for five days.—Painful hang- nails. Lower Extremities.—Continuous itching pricking in the left buttock, near the anus. Jactitation of the left glutei muscles. Violent pain in the muscles around the hip-joint, when raising the thigh. Transitory dull pressure in the ossa ischii, when sitting.—Pain in the right hip as if sprained, when walking, he was almost obliged to limp for several hours. Drawing in the left hip. Paralytic pain in the hip-joint when walking. Pain as if sprained close below the hip- joint, in the thigh, only when walking. Uneasiness in the limbs, he has to change their position constantly in the evening.—Paralytic heaviness and weak- ness in the limbs, especially in the thighs and knee-joints; he is scarcely able to walk, but has to sit and lie down. Painful weariness of the lower limbs when standing, with debility and staggering. Bruised pain of the lower limbs when going up stairs; when going down stairs, they feel so weak and powerless that he is in danger of falling. Weakness of the right limb, especially the thigh, apparently the femur; it pained him when standing, he had to support himself on the left limb.—Itching pricking in the upper and inner side of the thigh. Stitch-like pain in the muscles of the right thigh, only when standing. Pricking in the inner side of the left thigh. Drawing, with pressure, on the inner side of the left thigh, in the groin, extending from the os ischium to the posterior side of the thigh, afterwards from the hip to above the small of the back on the right side; with occasional grumbling in the os ischium. Cutting in the interior of the left thigh. Pulsative dull pressure in the middle of the inner side of the thigh. Pain as if sprained in the thigh, below the hip-joint, when walking. Drawing tearing in the left thigh, both when at rest and in motion. Drawing pressure on the outer side of the right thigh, which he had laid across the other when sitting. Pricking itching in the outer side of the thigh, going off for a time only by rubbing. Itching pimple on the left thigh.—Pressure on the right knee-joint. Tensive pain ia the bend of the left knee. Stiffness in the bend of the right knee. Sudden stiffness of the knee, she can only bend it with great pain. Drawing tearing in the bone, from the knee to the middle of the thigh, when sitting. Tearing, with pressure, in the right knee-joint, in front, from without inward and below the patella. Tearing in the ligaments of the internal side of the left knee. Burning scraping in the outer side of the left knee. Dull 856 STANNUM. stitching in the outer side of the right knee, only when standing; going off again when moving the hmb and sitting. Fine, painful stitches in the right knee and bend of the knee, when sitting. Languor in the knee-joint, he is scarcely able to walk, with drowsiness. Jerking twitchings below the patella. Bruised pain in the bends of the knees and in the calves as after taking a long walk, in the evening, when at rest and in motion. Cold knees and feet.—Draw- ing tearing in the leg, when sitting. Cramp-like tearing in the right leg, when walking. Painful drawing in the outer side of the calf, when at rest and in mo- tion. Tension in the left leg. Drawing, extending from the bend of the right knee to the calf. Great weariness of the legs, especially the left, extending from the feet upward and in the.knees, with drawing at intervals, especially when standing, with soreness of the soles. When walking, especially when walking in the sun, her knees threaten to give way with languor of the whole body and moisture in the face. Painful rigidity in the inner side of the left calf when standing. Violent cramp in the calf, almost the whole night. Pressure in the whole right calf. Pressure below the right calf, when at rest and in mo- tion. Pinching in the upper part of the inner muscles of the calf. Frequent painful heaviness in the outer muscles of the left calf, when walking. Sensation in the leg as if a cord had been tied around firmly. Painful feeling of a heavy weight in the left leg which he had laid across the other when sitting, and which was hanging down. Pulsative pressure in the right tibia. Yellow, round spots on the left leg, for two days. Small swelling on the tibia, with a red point on it; when touching that point a pain is felt as if the flesh were loose on the bone.—Painfulness of the feet from above the malleoli down to the soles, when sitting, less when standing or walking. Disagreeable heat in the feet, which can scarcely be felt by the hand. Violent burning in the feet and hands. Flush of heat in the feet. Reddish swelling of the feet, especially around the ankles, with sensation as if the feet were tied too fast. *Sudden swelling around the ankles, in the evening. Pain under the ankles, in the evening when lying in bed, as if the heel would be torn out. Tearing, with jerks, in both ankles of the right foot, and thence into'the toes when sitting; when standing the pain seems less, but then the tearing is felt from the toes upward. Creeping in the feet, as after a long walk, or as if they would go to sleep, gradually rising into the legs. Itching pricking under the left inner and outer ankle. Itching in the dorsum of the left foot.—Tearing, with pressure, in the right heel. Drawing tearing between the metatarsal bones of the last two toes. When stepping on the outer side of the right heel, a dull stitching pressure is felt as far as the calf, only when walking; disappearing on raising the foot. Cramp- pain in the sole of the right foot, when sitting. Sharp pressure across the right sole, when sitting. Sleep.—Stretching of the arms and legs. A good deal of yawning, when walking in the open air, but with oppression, as if a band were around the chest. Violent desire to gape; nevertheless he was not able to gape full enough even when opening the mouth ever so widely.—Drowsiness after a walk in the open air, especially when hearing music. Drowsiness in the evening; sleep being prevented by a constant uneasiness in the legs.—Frequent starting at night, when asleep. Uneasiness in the whole body, after waking at one o'clock at night, with digging-up in the tibios. Deep sleep for several nights. (He spoke during sleep and said that an external application could not cure an in- ternal affection.) The child moans during the nightly sleep, prays and suppli- cates in a timid manner.—Vivid dreams. Anxious dreams, of quarrels, neglected business. Confused, vivid dreams, things do not succeed according to her wishes, she talks aloud, tosses about, and, on waking, finds herself sitting up. STANNUM. 857 He hears a loud report in a dream. Pleasant dream of earthly magnificence and greatness. Dream full of cruelty. Lascivious dream with emission, with- out erection. Lascivious dream with erection without emission. On waking, at night, he lies on his back, with the right limb stretched, and the left limb drawn up, and half uncovered. At night, after waking, undulating drawing jerks deep in the hands, apparently in the nerves, he could have cried out.— Drowsy and dizzy in the morning, on waking from a long sleep, as if he had not slept enough. In the morning, on waking, the back and the lower limbs are painful as if bruised; she feels tired as if she had not slept enough, and as if the body had not been rested long enough ; she feels a little better a few hours after rising. While dressing herself, she is suddenly attacked with so much weakness that she is scarcely able to breathe. In the morning on waking, he feels a pain and heat in the head. Fever.—Shuddering, only in the left arm, causing the arm to jerk. Shud- dering, in the evening, only in the left foot, up to the middle of the thigh. Shuddering, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for several days, with coldness of the hands, deadness of the fingers and insensibility of the tip3 of the fingers. Slight feeling of coldness and moderate shuddering, with goose-flesh on the arms and continued chattering of the teeth, resembling a convulsion of the masseter mus- cles.—Chilliness over the whole body, for half an hour. °Chilliness over the back, in the evening, or only about the head with thirst. Quickly-passing chilliness along the back especially.—Feeling of heat, especially internally. Great heat in the head, with hot forehead, sometimes with redness of the face, accom- panied with a general, but slight heat of the whole body, worse in the evening, with much thirst, five evenings in succession. Feeling of heat over the whole body, especially on the thighs and back. Violent heat over the whole body, especially the chest and back, with a feeling as of hot sweat trickling down, without any heat being felt by the hand. He is now and then attacked with anxious heat, as if sweat would break out. Anxiousheat and sweat set in all the time, even when moving about ever so little, burning heat in the limbs and particularly on the hands.—Hot sweat over the whole body, and complete exhaustion, even after slight exercise. Heat and sweat over the whole body, (from four to five in the afternoon,) afterwards chilliness ; thirst during and after the heat, returning at the same hour for several afternoons.—* Profuse sweat, for two nights, exhausting. Profuse sweat every morning after four o'clock.— Morning-sweat, mostly on the neck, nape of the neck and forehead.—*Hectic fever.V—"Worm fever.?—°Pulse quick and small. Skin.— I tilling burning pricking over the whole body, especially in the outer parts of tho trunk, particularly in the morning when iu bed, for some days. Corrosive itching when undressing, over the whole body, he was obliged to scratch. Fine prickings in the whole left side of the body, next day only in the right.—Itching eruption over the whole body. General Symptoms.—Stitching pinching, alternately, in various parts of the body.—Heavy pressure now in one, now in another bone.—Heaviness in all the limbs, languid feeling in the chest, arid more or less violent fits of anxiety. Bruised pain in the limbs, and especially above the small of the back. Paraly- sis of the left arm and foot, from fright, disappearing at night. Internal heat after a walk in the open air, especially in the chest and abdomen, without thirst. Kxtremo relaxation of body and mind; he is unable to attend to his work for a long time, has to lie down and sleep.—Loss of strength, as if his lower limbs had been crushed.—Excessive heaviness ; he wants to sit or lie down: when at- tempting to sit down he almost falls down on his chair, he has not strength enough to sit down gradually.—Great weariness with constant inclination to sit; he feels this weariness most when walking slowly, and he therefore walks fast in- S58 STAPHYSAGRIA. voluntarily. He feels his weariness less when walking fast, but so much the more afterwards. Weariness of the whole body for seven days, especially after going up stairs. Great weariness in the day-time ; he has to lie down, but he is unable to sleep; and, if he does sleep, he is attacked with vertigo, absence of mind, and dul- ness, for half an hour. Trembling and unsteady in the whole body and limbs ; tho hand trembles more when laying it lightly upon something, than when grasping a thing firmly.—Faint and drowsy. Great faintness after going down-stairs, she was scarcely able to breathe, felt nothing on going up-stairs. °Exhausted from talking. "Sweats easily when walking during the languor. °Nervousness.__ intolerable uneasiness in the whole body.—°Hysteric spasms.—°Eclampsia of children during dentition. °Epilepsy, with olenching of thumbs, pale face, loss of consciousness.—°Emaciation.—Consumption. Characteristic Peculiarities.—Many pains, especially the drawing pains with pressure, commence lightly, increase gradually and to a very high degree, and decrease again as slowly. The symptoms seem to disappear when walking, they return immediately when at rest; the lassitude is greatest when walking. 227. STAPHYSAGRIA. STAPH.—Delphinium staphis agria, L.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pura, Vol. IV. Compare with—Ambr., Am., Con., Ign., Lye, Merc, Nux. v., Phosph. ac, Phosph., Puis., Ruta, Thuj., Verat. Antidotes.—Camph.—It is used as an antidote against Merc, and Thuj. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack ancrTrinks the following affections have been cured with Staphysagria : Consequences of chagrin with\indignation.—Sea-scurvy.—Hy- drargyrosis.—Sycosis. Dry, thread-shaped figwarts, (in conjunction with nitric ac, Rummel).—Arthritis. Arthritis nodosa.—Arthritis nodosa of the finger- joints.—Anthritic metastasis.—Miliaria chroniea.—Dry herpes. Herpes fur- furaceus. Suppurating humid tetters, forming crusts, on the thighs of a boy, with swelling of the inguinal and axillary glands, and violent itching in bed. Hu- mid herpes on both arms with tensive and burning pains.—Lupus vorax.—Dis- eases of the bones.—Inflammation of the bones. Swelling of bones.—P»dar- throcace.—Caries.—Intermittent fever.—Intermittent fever with evening-chill, without subsequent heat.—Tertian fever with scorbutic symptoms.—Hypochon- dria from onanism.—Scabs on the hairy scalp with violent itching.—Tinea ca- pitis favosa.—Humid scald-head.—Considerable falling off of the hair.—Sus- ceptibility of the eyelids to inflammation.—Nodosities in the margins of the eyelids and inflammatory conditions of the Meibomian glands, with nightly ag- glutination.—Scrofulous ophthalmia. Arthritic ophthalmia.—Hardness of hear- ing with enlargement of the tonsils from abuse of mercury.—Inflammation of the facial bones.—Toothache : Gnawing pain in a decayed tooth, with drawing in other teeth, early in the morning after chewing, aggravated in the open air and by taking a cold drink, relieved by warmth, accompanied with ready bleed- ing of the gums.—Attacks of pain in sound as well as decayed teeth, with sen- sitiveness and painfulness of the teeth, aggravated by the contact of food and drink.-^-Tearing, proceeding from a decayed tooth, and extending through the whole left side as far as the pes anserinus, where the most violent pains are ex- perienced, which are aggravated by slight contact and diminished by strong STAPHYSAGRIA. 859 pressure.—Tearing toothache.—Painful excrescences of the gums.—Stomacace scorbutica.? Scorbutic ulcers in the mouth.—Inflammation of the tonsils in- creasing until the patient was in danger of suffocation, attended with ptyalism, sticking and boring in the ears.—Cardialgia.—Dysentery.—Ischuria.—Li- flammation of the testicles.—Painless inflammation of the testicles. Inflamma- tion of the ovaries as arising from unfortunate love, or in consequence of think- ing all the time on sensual things.—Struma.—Inflammation of the hip-joints with threatening suppuration.—Ischias with great forgetfulness. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Sadness, with sensation as if the mind were dead. >adness with ill-humour. Sadness, with apprehension that the least accident will have the worst consequences. * Great desire to weep, wraps up her face and weeps aloud, does not wish to hear anything of anybody. * The circum- stances in which he is living make him sad, he is filled with grief, weeps, and nothing gives him any pleasure.—*Great indifference, he is hypochondriac, would like to die. Indifference, with phlegmatic mood and mental relaxation. Indifference, with want of disposition to think or talk, with sadness and want of sympathy. Even the most attractive things do not make an impression upon him.—Want of disposition to every serious labour.—Serious, taciturn, speaking but little.—Great anxiety with fearfulness. Anxiety with dread of the future. Internal violent anguish, not allowing him to remain quiet anywhere. Anxious thoughts about past things as if they were present, with anguish, sweat as from anguish, obscuration of sight, illusions of the fancy, and indifference to life. (Anguish and fear, in walking fast, as if some one were coming after him, has to look round constantly).—Ill-humour, with indisposition to perform any kind of mental labour. Peevish and ill-humoured, weeps frequently. Ill-humoured about nothing. Ill-humour with restlessness, he has no rest anywhere. Silent ill-humour, he is vexed at everything, even at things which do not concern him. Rl-humoured and melancholy, and so irritable that he does not know how to compose his temper. She is irritated whenever a word is spoken to her, it causes her to weep. *Is so ill-humoured and irritated that he wants to throw away everything he is holding in his hands, -particularly early in the morning.— "Great sensitiveness. Quarrelsome, and nevertheless, he is merry.—Fitful mood; alternately cheerful and anxious, lastly quiet and contented.—Cheerful, good-humoured, talkative and in good spirits, (curative action.?) Sensorium.—Dulness of the mind, preventing him from accomplishing any- thing. Vanishing of the ideas; when talking or thinking upon a thing, the former ideas are at once forgotten when a new idea crosses the mind. An idea vanishes when he is endeavouring to retain it. While meditating so many con- fused thoughts cross his mind that he is unable to disentangle it, and forgets all about the ideas he was going to think of.—Great weakness of memory, difficulty of recollecting what he has been reading or thinking about, even a few minutes after. He does not know whether the things he had in his memory have actu- ally happened, or whether they had been a mere dream.—Dulness of the head, alternating with great clearness of the head. Constant dulness of the head, with oppression of the mind. The head feels dull, as if stupid, with heaviness and dizziness in the forehead, or only at a small spot in the centre of the forehead, attended with a sort of insensibility, so that, when walking in the street, he does not know whether he is walking to the right or left side. Giddy sort of dulness when talking while standing. Confused feeling of the head, as if during catarrh, or early in the morning, with contractive pressure in the vertex.—Vertigo, only rithe room, as if stupified. Vertigo on stooping and turning the head rapidly. 860 STAPHYSAGRLA Vertigo, particularly when sitting, diminished by walking about. Vertigo, as if everything were turning in a circle, also particularly in the evening in bed, when lying. Runs against a door when walking, owing to his giddiness. Head.—Heaviness of the head, relieved by leaning the head on the hand. Sensation as of a heavy load in the head, over the cribriform plate, like a lump shaped into a ball. Alternation of stupifying and boring headache. Violent headache, early in the morning after waking, as if the brain were torn, going off afterward amid violent, spasmodic yawning. When shaking the head, he had a sensation, at a small spot in the middle of the forehead, as of something heavy, such as a leaden bullet, were lying in the brain, which could not be detached.— Tearing in the outer parts of the head and in the teeth. Itching of the hairy scalp. Itching, crusty eruption of the hairy scalp, as well as directly over and behind the ear. The hairy scalp itches ; it is humid and covered with cru§ts. Great falling off of the hairy scalp. Large but painless blotch in the hollow behind the lobule of the ear, with a white pimple on the top. Itching pimples in the nape of the neck. Pain in the vertex, a sort of contraction and compres- sion from all sides. Oppressive, stupifying headache, especially in the fore- head, more violent when moving the head and when standing. Pain in the head when stooping, as if the parts would issue through the forehead. Headache as if the brain were compressed (mostly in 'the forehead) with paroxysmal roaring in the ear, which terminates much sooner than the headache. Sensation as if the occiput were compressed internally and externally. Pressing of the brain, especially in the occiput, against the skull, and pressure in the brain, as if too much blood had accumulated in it, in the evening before going to bed, continu- ing after lying down. Pressing headache in the left half of the forehead, from within outward. Oppressive painful heaviness in the occiput, with pressure from within outward, when walking in the open air. Heavy pressure over the orbit of the right eye, in the open air. Hard pressure in the head, in the region of the right temporal bone, and of the vertex. Hard pressure on the right side of the forehead. Pressure over the right eye, and drawing from below upward. Pressure above the right eye, behind the eyebrow, as from something hard. Aching pain in the left temple, externally and internally, as if one were press- ing on the part somewhat hard with the finger. Drawing pressure in the fore- head, from time to time. Violent tearing with pressure through the left hemi- sphere of the brain, especially violent in the forehead, gradually increasing and decreasing. Dull, painful, sometimes sticking pressure from within outward, first in the whole forehead, afterwards only in the left frontal eminence, going off during rest, but returning with so much more violence during motion. Sharp pressure on the top of the head, occasionally. Tearing in the forehead, in the evening when sitting ; when stooping he felt a sticking in the forehead; when walking he felt relieved.—Sticking headache, the whole day. Sticking in the left temple. Single, long, dull stitches from the scalp into the brain, not far from the vertex; the place is painful to the touch. Stitch-like and drawing pain, with pressure, in the left side of the forehead. Dull pinching headache in the forehead, with stitches in the region of the temples, abating by walking, but returning when sitting or standing. Sudden stitches in the upper part of the frontal bone, causing him to start. Boring stitch in the vertex from within out- ward. Boring stitch, with pressure from within outward, in the whole of the left half of the forehead, awaking him early in the morning twice, with violence, for one minute. Sharp burning prickings in the left temple. Fleet burning stitches in the occiput, from right to left during the first day, afterwards from below up- ward. Dull sticking in the right temple, externally and internally, as if the bone would be pressed out; more violent when touching the part. Pulsative STAPHYSAGRIA. 861 drawing-tearing sticking in the left temple, apparently in the bone; next day it was felt from time to time, now in the left, then in the right temple, some- times also in the left frontal protuberance, less violent, continuing a few days. Headache during motion, as if the brain would fall out; also in rest he felt as if the brain were compressed, were standing off from the skull, and were lying in it loose. Scalp.—Drawing-cutting tearing in the side of the forehead. Burning- sticking pains in the region of the left parietal bone.—Burning stitches in the outer parts of the frontal bone. Corrosive itching of the whole of the occiput, rather made worse by scratching. Corrosive itching of the upper part of the occiput, with sore pain, returning at the same time in the evening and at the same place. Itching gnawing of the hairy scalp, increased by rubbing, for seve- ral days. Pricking itching of the hairy scalp, and small pimples on the fore- head. Fine burning pricking of the scalp. A number of hairs can be easily pulled out of the scalp without pain. Burning pain, with pressure, in the region of the left temporal bone, interiorly, close above the ear. Rheumatic drawing with pressure, when bending the head forward, in the outer parts of the occiput, commencing at the articulation. Painful drawing in several outer parts of the head, more violent when touched. Painful drawing in the region of and behind the occipital protuberance, at every motion of the head. Sore feehng in the outer parts of the right parietal bone, only when touching them, preventing him from lying on that side. Rigid pain in the left 6ide of the nape of the neck and occiput, only at night, frequently waking him from sleep, and making it impos- sible for him to lie on either side.—°A number of itching scabs on the hairy scalp.—*Scabs on the hairy scalp, itching violently. *Humid scabs, also with bad smell. Eyes.—Pressure in the eye; she has to wink frequently. Early in the morning, when waking, the eyes are dry, and a pressure is experienced in them; she is unable to open them without having previously moistened them. Con- tractive sensation in the upper eyelid, causing a flow of tears. Tearing pressure in the outer canthus, in the region of the lachrymal s%c. Pressure in the upper eyelid, the whole day, more violent when closing the eye. Pain under the left upper eyelid, as if a hard body were lying under it. Pain, with pressure from within outward, in the upper wall of the right orbit, directly behind the eye, continuing a long while and returning frequently. Aching pain in the upper part of the right eyeball. Hard pressure in the inner canthus of the right eye.— The eyes are dim, and so hot that the eyeglass becomes cloudy from the heat. Dim-sightedness as if the eyes were full of water, with itching and stinging in the inner canthus; he has to rub the place. When writing, the eyes soon ache; especially in the afternoon he experiences a smarting and burning in them, after which a few smarting tears run out; he has to avoid the light, because light brings on the pain the sooner.—Smarting pain in the inner canthi.f Biting water runs from the eyes early in the morning.—Violent itching in the inner canthus, early in the morning, worst in the open air; he is obliged to rub the eyes.—Dry gum in the eyelashes and in the outer canthus, at night; the gum becomes likewise dry in the open air, and this occasions a tension. Dry gum in the inner canthus, constantly.—Sensation in the eyes as if sleepy. Dryness of the eyes in the evening, with pressure in the same. Itching of the margins of the eyelids. Inflammation of the white of the eye, with pain.—Pimples around the inflamed eye. inflammation of the lids.— Burning tearing, with pressure, in the right temple, close to the eye. Burning t la a man who had never Buffered with pain in the eyes. 862 STAPHYSAGRIA. sensation, with pressure, around the left eye.—His eyes close sometimes. although he is not drowsy. °Spasmodic closing of the lids.—Contraction of the pupils, after which they dilate considerably. Dilatation of the pupils for many hours.—Severe pain ; cutting as with a pain below the left upper eyelid. Burning, which is not disagreeable, in the outer canthus of the right eye, ex- tending a good ways back of the eye towards the ear, and returning in parox- ysms. Itching of the margin of the upper eyelid, in the open air; two hours later the itching was likewise felt in the other eye; it went off by rubbing. Dull stitches in the eyes, when exerting them. ' Sticking shocks in the eyeball, as if it would burst. Deep, hollow eyes, with blue elevated margins, like one who has indulged in excesses, for four days. The right eye is open more widely than- usually. Illusion of sight; when rising from a seat, he thinks he is much larger than usual, and everything before him appears to be much lower than it is. When looking at a thing it appeared covered with a white gauze, which made the object invisible. When reading, he saw small black flashes between the letters, and then whole lines had disappeared. When looking into the open air he sometimes saw black flashes before his eyes, a kind of vibration of the light. In the night, while in bed, she sees a fiery column before her eyes. Ears.—Dull, but deep stitches in the interior, first of the left, then of the right ear. (Drawing pain in the region of the ear.) Pinching in the left ear. Cramp-like burning pain, with pressure in the outer parts of the left posterior concha.—Stitch in the left ear. Dull, painful stitch, deep in the right ear, in the evening. Tensive stitch in the left ear.—Feeling of coldness rushing into the right ear hke a cool breath, for a few hours.—Ringing in the left ear. Ringing in one or the other ear, when moving the head, disappearing again during rest. Slight reports in both ears, occasionally, as if the wind were suddenly rushing in, without diminution of hearing. °Hard hearing, from swelling of the tonsils. iVose.—Itching of the left wing, going off by contact. Smarting and sore- ness in the left nostril, vs if ulcerated. Soreness of the inner nose, with scurf in the lower part.—Frequent sneezing, with or without catarrh.—*Stop- page of the nose (-in the evening, with complete want of air and difficulty of speech.) "Obstruction of the posterior nares, with nasal twang.—Coryza with cough, for several weeks. °Coryza with ulcerated nostrils. Coryza, the mucus being at first thick, then fluid.—Fluent coryza, with alternate discharge of watery fluid, and thick mucus, with titillation in the nose. Sudden coryza (in the afternoon) with catarrhal speech. Violent coryza, with obstruction of one nostril, a good deal of sneezing, lachrymation and chapped lips. Face.—Hollow eyes, with weary-looking, pointed countenance, as if one had been revelling the whole night, or as if from a violent emotion. Blue margins around the deeply-sunken eyes, as after excesses. °The face becomes brown and blue, from indignation and chagrin.—°Nervous prosopalgia. ^Pressure and beating, extending from the teeth to the eyes. Ulcerative pain of the left cheek, when yawning. Drawing in the malar bones. Cutting drawing in the left malar bone. Tearing with pressure, in the left malar bone and in the teeth. Tearing and pulling through the cheek, from the head to the teeth. Sticking in the left malar bone, or burning stinging in the right malar bone. inflammatory pains of the malar bones.?—Itching of the cheeks. Itching stinging of the cheeks, also with gnawing. Burning prickings in the face and the rest of the body. Burning sharp sticking in the left cheek, obliging him to scratch.—Pimples on the cheeks, forehead, and in the corners of the mouth, with stinging itching and pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration when touched,. STAPHYSAGRIA. 863 or with drawing itching, which returns after scratching. Tensive pain of the facial eruption.—Scurvy ulcer in the middle of the upper lip. Scurvy pimple on the vermilion border of the upper lip. Sensation in the lip as from fine cuts, as if it had become cracked. Burning of the middle of the upper lip, near the outer edge, for minutes. Vesicle on the edge of the vermilion border of the lower lip, stinging and burning when touched. Sharp stitches with pressure, in the upper lip, from within outwards. Shining red ulcer on the margin of the vermilion border of the lower lip, occasioning a dull sticking drawing pain, which is sometimes accompanied with an agreeable itching, inducing scratching which causes a stinging. Ulcer on the lips, with a gnawing drawing pain in the ulcer. Ulcer on the lips, emitting pus at first, afterwards a greenish water. Tensive sensation below the chin, in front, under the border of the lower jaw, as if a blotch would form. Sensation below the chin, near the symphysis of the lower jaws, as if a gland were swollen ; there is some- thing hard, like cartilage, of the size of a hazlenut; he feels a hard aching pain in that part, during deglutition, when touching the part, or when rubbing the part with the cravat. Jaws and Teeth.—The submaxillary glands are painful, as if swollen and contused. Swelling of the tonsils and submaxillary glands. The toothache is excited by drawing air into the mouth. Gnawing pain in the four lower fore-teeth, especially at night, Painful traction in the teeth from time to time, followed by beating in the gums. Drawing toothache, with pressure in the anterior teeth, as if occasioned by mercury, worst at night, towards morning. Piercing drawing in the hollow tooth, and in the corresponding tooth of the other side, early in the morning. Violent drawing toothache, with swell- ing of the checks; aching pain iu the same side of the head, and heat in the face. Compressive-drawing toothache in the right row, which can be excited by cold water. Drawing pain in the hollow tooth, early in the morning. Violent tearing iu tho roots of the teeth, causing the facial muscles to become distorted, now to one, now to another side. A tooth which had been but slightly affected for a long time, became suddenly hollow within eight days. Exfoliation of the posterior surface of an incisor tooth. Painful drawing in the gums of the pos- terior molar teeth and in their roots. Painful drawing in the gums of the inci- sores and the cuspidatus, and in their roots, right side, extending into the mus- cles of the lower jaw. Painful spasmodic contraction of the gums of the upper and lower teeth of the right side, making it impossible for her to separate the jaws without pain. When eating he feels a tearing in the gums and in the roots of the lower molar teeth. Tearing in the whole row, with a feeling of dul- ness in the teeth, when pressing them together. Toothache when eating; the teeth are loose ; he is not able to chew his food properly; when chewing he feels as if the teeth were pressed more deeply into the gums ; he has the same sensa- tion when the teeth of the upper and lower jaws simply touch each other; the gums are white. The hollow teeth are sensative to the least touch ; and if the least food remains in the hollow tooth, a violent pain is felt extending into the root, and the gums around the teeth are sore. Tearing toothache, immediately after eating and chewing, and after taking a cold drink, going off within half an hour, but returning again after chewing; it was not excited by warm drinks or motion, but made worse when already existing, especially by exercise in the open air. When drinking anything cold, her teeth became painfully affected, like hollow teeth. Toothache in a hollow tooth after eating; a corrosive drawing (except in the incisores, where a pressure was experienced), -which became much worse in the open air, even when the mouth was closed, but was gradually cased in the room for several days. The teeth begin to grumble, even when 864 STAPHYSAGRIA. chewing. Tearing, first in the root of the hollow tooth, afterwards extending as far as the crowns of the teeth, only directly after eating and chewing, aggra- vated in the open air; accompanied with a pressure from the crowns of the affect- ed teeth towards their roots; when touching the tooth with the finger, the other teeth become painful. Titillating sticking in the molar teeth of the right lower jaw.—Burning swelling of the gums, with heat in the cheek. The gums are painful to the touch. The gums bleed for many days when pressing upon the gums or brushing the teeth.—The gums become pale and white. The teeth blacken rapidly; she is obliged to brush them twiee a day; nevertheless they exhibit black tranverse streaks in the middle. The inner side of the gums is painful and swollen, also when swallowing. Blister on the inner side of the gums, passing into an ulcer, and occasioning a stinging pain. Blotch on the gums, painful only when pressed upon with anything hard. The gums be- come corroded. Mouth and Pharynx.—Vesicles in the mouth. Ulcers. °Painful adven- titious growths on' the inner cheek. Ptyalism. Bloody Sahva. Mouth con- stantly filled with water, as when very hungry. Constant accumulation of mu- cus in the mouth.—Tougue coated white. Sticking in the tip of the tongue without being touched by anything. Sticking pain in the border of the tongue when pressing it against the palate, as if a sting were sticking in the tongue, go- ing off when eating. Sore pain of the fore-part of the tongue. Dry tongue and tenacious mucus in the posterior nares, closing them. He talks very faint- ly, on account of a weakness in his organs of speech, although he is otherwise lively. Dry feeling on the tongue, accumulation of sourish water in the mouth, and tenacious m*us, obstructing the posterior nares. Rough throat, as if sore, when talking and swallowing. Stitches in the palate, extending into the brain. Dryness of the throat, especially in the evening, before going to sleep; stinging in the throat during deglutition.—Stinging in the palate, when dry, in the evening. Painful drawing from the os hyoides to the lower jaw; more vio- lent when touching the side of the neck. Swelling of the sublingual gland, which prevents deglutition, for four hours. Burning scraping in the palate, be- tween and during deglutition. The palate is rough and scraping, but very moist. Smarting with pressure, in the posterior part of the palate, only between the acts of deglutition. Scraping sensation in the fauces, behind the nares, as if snuff had got through. °Swelling of the tonsils from abuse of Mercury. Con- stantly swallowing when talking. Taste, Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—Flat, qualmish taste in the mouth; nevertheless, food has a good taste. Nasty, bitter taste, when the mouth is empty. Watery taste in the mouth; food, however, has a good taste.—Food has no taste to him, still he has an appetite. Bread tastes sour to him. Great desire for milk. (Beer excites a scraping, repulsive taste in the throat.) Tobac- co has a biting taste. *Extreme canine hunger, even when the stomach was full of food ; when eating again he relished his food. °Canine hunger with waterbrash. "°Desires only liquid things. °Great desire for wine; °for tobacco.—He drinks 'less than usual.—Heartburn while smoking his usual tobacco. Scraping eruc- tations, affecting the larynx. Pressure and sticking as high up as the chest, when she attempts to eructate. Hiccough after every meal. Hiccough half an Lour after supper. For three days he feels qualmish. Nausea, with desire to vomit, every morning. Desire to vomit. Sensation as if the stomach were hanging down relaxed; still he has no appetite. Sensation as if one would vomit, in the morning. Nausea in the mouth and pharynx, when eating, as if he would vomit. Accumulation of water in the mouth, after a meal; a kind of water-brash. Accumulation of water in the mouth, immediately, with single, STAPHYSAGRIA. 865 short eructations, as after having taken an emetic which has no effect. A sort of eructation ; a quantity of mucus gets into his mouth from the upper part of the throat. Tasteh ss eructations; but neither air nor anything else comes up. Rising of a tasteless humour a!ter a meal. Frequent hiccough when smoking. Frequent hiccough accompanied with nausea and stupefaction of the head. A few hours after a copious and substantial meal, he has a violent sensation of hun- ger, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Stomach.—^Pressure in the stomach early in the morning after waking, as from a load, remaining the same in any position of the body. °Pressure in the stomach with tension, excited and aggravated by eating, particularly by eating bread. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with fulness and sticking.—Pain in the stomach as if banging down relaxed, as from hunger, without appetite. Dig- ging-up pain in the stomach.—Tensive pain in the region of the stomach. Pinch- ing-opprcssive pain in the pit of the stomach, disappearing again when sitting and bending the body forward. Abdomen.—Tension across the epigastrium, in the hypochondria, (as hypo- chondriacs complain of,) causing an anxiety and oppressing the .breathing, early in the morning, in bed. Crampy pressure below the sternum, on theJeft side of the xiphoid cartilage. Fleet painful pressure under the last ribs, as from incar- cerated flatulence. Contraction in the hypochondriac regiog, oppressing the cheat and breathing, continuing for three days. Crampy pressure below the short ribs of the right side. Pressure, with heaviness and tension in the abdo- men. The abdomen feels compressed, which oppresses the breathing. Tensive, painful pressure in the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much and then pressed upon his abdomen, with nausea and accumulation of saliva in the mouth.—Draw- ing pain through the abdomen. Drawing in the sides of the abdomen from above downward, as if the menses would appear. Drawing pain in the abdomen, as from flatulence. Rumbling and cutting in the abdomen, for many days. Con- tinued sticking pain in the abdomen, under the right ribs, only at the commence- ment of a walk in the open air. Three paroxysms of cutting in the umbilical region, as if externally, in the evening when in bed. Cutting in the bowels, es- pecially after a meal, with nausea, causing the water to flow together in the mouth, and great lassitude; after the cutting she experiences a great heat in the face, and the blood rushes to the head; the veins of the hands become distend- ed. Spasmodic cutting in the abdomen, with trembling of the knees, in daytime, when performing the least exercise, especially violent after micturition ; in the evening the cutting is felt without performing any exercise, relieved by bending double. Cutting in the abdomen, before stool. Hard, painful pressure below the umbilicus, on the. right side. Stitches, with a crampy sensation, above the umbilicus, on the left side; they are sharp, and recur regularly as beats in mu- sic. Pinching stitch in the bowels, left side. Continuous, dull stitch in the re- gion around the navel, worse during expiration and when pressing on the part. Tensive stitch in the left abdominal muscles. Bruising pain above the hips, in the loins, extending below the umbilicus, most perceptible when bending forward, but felt likewise when touched. Bruising pain in the abdomen. Itching prick- ings in the umbilical region. Dull stitch in the left groin, more violent when pressing upon the part, but disappearing during an expiration and inspiration. Great rumbling in the abdomen, without pain and without emission of flatulence. Rumbling in the left side of the epigastrium. Rumbling in the abdomen after a me;J, which sounds as if bubbles were bursting. Rumbling in the abdomen, and drawing in the intestinal canal. Copious emission of flatulence. Incarce- ration of flatulence. Hot flatus. Excessively fetid flatus. Pinching in the bowels with emission of flatulence. Violent screwing-pinching pain in the whole vol. n. 55 866 STAPHYSAGRIA. of the abdomen, now here, now there. Pinching in the abdomen, and drawing in the sides, as if diarrhoea would set in. Pinching in the epigastrium, early in the morning, as if diarrhoea would set in ; nevertheless he was unable to go to stool.—Tremulous sensation in the abdomen, and indication for diarrhoea. Feel- ing of weakness in the abdomen, as if it would drop.—°Pot-belliedness of chil- dren.—* Swelling of the inguinal glands, -also painless, and most perceptible when walking and standing.—°Inguinal hernia from mechanical causes. Stool.—Tardy stool early in the morning, owing to an absence of the peri- staltic motion in the large intestines. Cutting colic and nausea, early in the morning, followed by diarrhoea; the last portion is mere mucus.f Colic with diarrhoeic stool, the last portion of which is mere mucus. Loose . stool, which goes off while imagining that wind would pass. Diarrhoea and flatulence.__Dy- senteric stools with tenesmus and cutting.—Several ordinary stools a day, four days in succession. Costiveness for several days (the first days). Hard stool with flatulence between. The stool is twelve hours later than usual, and comes off in small and hard pieces. Hard stool on the first day, no stool on the second hard stool again on the third day, ordinary stool on the fourth day. Hard, scanty stool, with a burning-cutting pain in the anus. Scanty, hard stools of a small size, coming off with a painful pressure in the anus. Difficult stool; at first he passed hard fsecef; these were immediately followed by loose stool, which ex- cited pain and pressing as if the rectum had been constricted, followed by tenes- mus. A loose, yellowish, copious evacuation, immediately after a hard stool early in the morning. Loose, but difficult stool, owing to a constriction of the anus, as in haemorrhoids. Frequent desire for stool, without colic; he passed very little each time, which was very hard, with a pain in the anus, as if it would burst. Ineffectual desire for stool, without anything in the rectum.— Cutting and digging-up in the epigastrium and hypogastrium, after which a small quantity of loose faeces is passed ; after the discharge of the faeces, the cutting is felt again with a renewed desire for stool, but no evacuation in spite of any exertion ; a sort of tenesmus, which does not disappear (nor does the colic) until he leaves the seat. Cutting in the abdomen, with violent desire for stool, after which a small quantity of liquid faeces is passed, with chilliness in the head ; a kind of tenesmus immediately after the passage of the faeces.— Contusive pain in the rectum, after hard stool, for three quarters of an hour. Continuous aching pain in the rectum, when sitting. Smarting sore pain in the rectum, a long time after stool.—Violent itching of the anus, with blotches around the anus. Itching of the anus when sitting, betweenthe stools. Urinary Organs. — Copious and frequent micturition, for several days. Scanty secretion of urine the first day.J Copious, red urine. Cutting during micturition, which becomes still worse after micturition. Pressure on the blad- der, on waking from sleep; she had to emit a large quantity of urine ; renewed desire, with pressure, in an hour. Involuntary spirting out of urine when cough- ing. *Frequent emission of a watery urine at first; -in a few days the urine became dark-yellow. Emission of a small quantity of urine every fifteen min- utes, for the first four days; on the days following the usual quantity of urine is passed, but of a dark color, and every hour. He urinates very often, on the second day less frequently, but more copiously. He urinates a little more fre- t Note by Hahnemann.—The following four symptoms seem to have been occasioned by an excessive dose ; almost every drug becomes a cathartic when taken in an excessive dose ; the true primary effect of Staphysagria seems to be ; colic, with desire for stool, constipation, or scanty, hard, or even loose fasces, but the latter rarely. t Note by Hahnemann.—The symptoms of the urinary organs are similar to those of the alvine evacuations. STAPHYSAGRLi. 867 -quently than usual, and a little less at a time. *Frequent desire to urinate, passing a small quantity of dark-coloured urine, for three days. Frequent de- sire to urinate, with copious secretion of urine. Desire to urinate : he emits scarcely a spoonful of reddish or dark-yellow urine in a thin stream, sometimes drop by drop ; after urination he feels as if the bladder were not yet empty, for the dropping continues. °Painful micturition.—At night the urine is passed with erection of the penis, drop by drop, with burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, accompanied with ineffectual desire for stool; he was relieved by lying bent double. Immediately after micturition he feels a pain as if .sprained, directly above the urethra, behind the os pubis. Cutting during mic- turition, worse after micturition. Smarting and burning tingling at the orifice of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Burning, deep in the urethra, when silling, only between the acts of micturition. Burning in the whole of the urethra, at every micturition, for many days. Genital Organs.—Sticking pain in the right side of the glans, when stand- ing or walking.—Dampness about the corona glandis, under the prepuce.—Itch- ing of the interior of the scrotum, which can only be alleviated by pressing the scrotum between the fingers.—Discharge of prostatic juice during hard stool. Involuntary emission during the siesta, in an old man who had not had such a thing for thirty years. Nocturnal emission five nights in succession, accompa- nied with lascivious dreams. After a nocturnal emission he feels a weakness and heaviness in both arms, as if he had lead in them. The primary effect of Staphysagria is to excite the sexual desire; five or six days after, a constant ab- sence of that desire sets in, both in the genital organs, and in the fancy. Vo- luptuous itching of the outer parts of the scrotum,t increasing by rubbing, be- coming a sore pain externally, while the itching continues internally, and fi- nally occasions an involuntary emission of, semen. Painless bubbling in the scrotum. Violent drawing-burning stitches from the right abdominal ring, ap- parently in the spermatic cord, as far as the right testicle, (which is, however, painless to the touch,) when sitting, standing or walking, but most violent when stooping. Drawing (tearing) with pressure in the right testicle, as if it were violently compressed. Aching pain in the outer parts of the left testicle when walking, also after every friction ; the pain is more violent when touching the part.—White humid excrescences in the hollow behind the corona glandis, and a similar excrescence on the corona itself, both of them itching when touched by the shirt. ^ Female Sexual Organs.—Painful sensitiveness of the pudendum; when sitting she feels a pain in that part. Spasmodic pains in the pudendum and the vagina. Stinging itching of the pudendum. Smarting of the puden- dum, also between the acts of micturition. A vesicle on the internal surface of the great labium of the right side, posteriorly, occasioning a biting with sore pain when touched. Appearance of the menses, which had ceased to flow for a year, with cutting and rumbling in the bowels, at new-moon.t "Ovaritis.? ° Useful in cancer of the womb.? Larynx and Trachea.—°Pressure and contraction in the pit of the throat, after chagrin, aggravated on swallowing. °Roughness of the larynx, after much talking. Tenacious mucus in the chest, the first six and eight hours after taking the medicine, and then several mornings in succession; afterwards, and in the daytime, loose expectoration from the" chest. Weak feehng in the chest; it t Cured by smelling of Ambra. t Note uy Hahnemann.—This being a primary effect, the menses did not return in the months following. 868 STAPHYSAGRIA. feels somewhat oppressed, with hawking. Constant desire to hawk, excited by tenacious mucus in the larynx, which he finds it unable to throw off. Ho throws off a quantity of mucus easily. *Cough, with titillation exciting the cough, only in the day-time. Violent cough after lying down, in the evening and at noon, with expectoration of tenacious mucus. Cough with expectoration mixed with drops of blood, preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest.— *Cough, with yellow expectoration like pus, most violent in the forenoon from 9 to 12 o'clock, not very copious in the morning, °also at night. Ulcerative pain behind the sternum, when coughing. Sharp cough threatening to tear open the larynx, as if occasioned hy a constant narrowing of the trachea, without any previous particular irritation. Dry and hollow cough. Sharp irritation in the larynx, with desire to cough, immediately after a meal, the cough, however, be- ing very little. Sharp cough shortly after a meal, with accumulation of water in the mouth; sensation as if this water were driven through the oesophagus with force, and cut it. Itching, fine, sharp stitches in the region of the upper end of the sternum, directly below ihe pit of the throat, obliging him to scratch the part. Chest.—Pressure and heaviness on the chest, when sitting, abating when walking. * Contractive oppression of the chest, causing slow and difficult inspi- rations ; the expirations relieve the symptom; accompanied with anxiety and restlessness, especially when sitting, relieved by walking for five hours. Pres- sure above the pit of the stomach, like soreness, with nausea in that region.— Pressure in the left chest, uninfluenced by breathing. Oppression of the chest and feeling of uneasiness, driving him from one place to another, in the after- noon. Dyspnoea towards the end of the embrace. Uneasiness in the chest. °Spasm of the diaphragm after chagrin.—Painful stitches in the chest, making the expirations difficult. Dull stitch in the left chest, returning in a few mi- nutes. Violent stitch in the right chest, when sitting and bending the upper part of the body obliquely to one side and forward.—Tensive stitches in the left chest, when lying and during motion, more violent during an expiration than inspiration; most violent when going up stairs, when a continuous stitch is felt finally, which almost arrests the breathing. Continuous, boring, dull stitch in the left chest. Dull stitches in the intercostal muscles of either side, when sit- ting, worse when leaning backward, and continuing during inspirations and ex- pirations. Soreness behind the sternum. Sticking-cutting in the region of the left costal cartilage; sensation as if an incision were being made there, accom- panied with stitches. Sharp stitches commencing in the posterior region of the right ribs, and winding round as far as the cartilages. Stinging-itching between the costal cartilages. Sharp stitches in the region of the fourth costal cartilage of the right and left side, at intervals of several seconds, and lasting longer than usual; they press slowly from within outwards, independent of breathing. Pal- pitation of the heart when walking and when listening to music Tremulous palpitation of the heart during slight exercise. Violent palpitation of the heart when waking from the siesta. Constant pain in the middle of the sternum, as if ulcerated, worst when raising and stretching the body; the pain likewise in- creases when touching the part; it becomes a tension and a sort of pressure, sometimes arresting the breathing. Bruising pain in the muscles of the chest, early in the morning, when moving in bed, and in the day-time when crossing the arms; she does not feel anything when touching the parts, nor when taking breath. Pain of the outer parts of the chest to the touch. Dull sticking- aching pain in the region of the cartilages of the last ribs, when stooping; they feel sure when touched. Rash on the chest; the chest becomes red and itches when he becomes warm. Herpetic eruption in the region of the lower ribs, STAPHYSAGRIA. 869 composed of small, close, red pimples, occasioning a burning-itching stinging, as from nettles; the place becomes painful after rubbing it; accompanied with a thrill of chilliness across that part, and the epigastrium. Back.—Stitches and pain as if sprained, in the" small of the back, during rest, disappearing when walking. Early in the morning he feels a pain in the small of the back, as if every part of it were broken; when rising from her bed she was unable to raise anything from the floor, until 8, 9 o'clock; after this she felt hungry, and then had colic with diarrhoea, the latter portion of which was slimy. Drawing-down pain in the small of the back, more when stooping than when standing erect, least when sitting. Pressing in the small of the back the whole night, as if bruised; the pain was worst at 4 o'clock in the morning; it went off on rising. Pain in the small of the back, not much impeding walk- ing, most violent when rising from a seat, when turning to the other side in bed, and whenever performing a lateral movement, for several days. Vio- lent burning in the lower and outer parts of the os sacrum. Drawing stick- ing, sometimes darting, in the os sacrum, when sitting.—Hard pressure on the left side of the vertebral column, in the dorsal muscles. Drawing pressure in the first dorsal vertebrae, accompanied with a smarting sensation. Burning- aching pain below the right scapula, close to the spinal column, accompanied with a painful feeling of heaviness in the right chest. Stabbing pain between the first dorsal and the prominent vertebras.—Pain in the back, at night, from evening until 5 o'clock in the morning, shocks and knocks, arresting his breath- ing, during a slumber. Severe stitches along the back, from below upward. °Ab- scess in the psoas-muscle. °Curvature of the spine.? Pressure and tension in the muscles of the nape of the neck and shoulder. Early in the morning, rheu- matic pain in the nape of the neck and between the scapulae, like a drawing; when rising from bed the pain was so great that she was unable to move her arms or to turn her neck, the whole forenoon, several mornings in succession, with languor of the whole body until noon.—°Glandular swellings.? When bend- ing the head forward, wTben sitting, it falls forward almost involuntarily. Heavi- ness of the head and weakness of the cervical muscles; he had to lean the head backward, or on either side. Sensation in the nape of the neck, as if it would be pressed down. Paralytic drawing in the region of the spinous process of the first dorsal vertebra. Paroxysmal stitches in the side of the neck, almost be- hind the ear, in the evening. Tensive stitch in the left cervical muscles. Draw- ing with pressure on the right side of the neck, independent of motion or con- tact. Tensive pressure in the side of the neck. Drawing aching, rheumatic pain in the side of the neck, when bending the neck forward. Fine tearing in the muscles of the neck. When bending the neck forward, a rheumatic pain is experienced in the region where the neck rests upon the shoulders and back, a sort of drawing-pressing stiffness. I'pper LisabS.—Stitches in the left axilla. Itching prickings in both axilla. Dull, aching pain in the right axilla. Drawing-sticking in the left shoulder- joint, especially when moving the arm towards the chest. Stitch, with pressure in the right shoulder, from below upwards. Slight pressure on the shoulder, painful to the touch, as if the flesh were loose, when walking. Pressure on the shoulder, as from a load, when sitting. Pain in the right shoulder-joint, as if sprained, only during motion. Dull sticking pains in the region of ihe shoul- der jnnt, more violent when touching or moving the joint. Violent aching pain in the left shoulder-joint, not disappearing by motion. Drawing, with pressure, in the shoulder-joints, early in the morning when in bed, and directly after rising; more violent during motion —Fine tearing about the head of the left humerus, more violent during motion. Paralytic drawing in the shoulder-joint 870 STAPHYSAGRIA. sometimes in the whole of the arm when laying it under the head, while in bed. Tearing pain in the left upper arm, in the deltoid muscle, when sitting, going off by motion. Tearing pain in the muscles of the left upper arm, close to the el- bow. Stitch-like tearing in the muscles of the right upper arm, near the elbow- joint. Paralytic aching pain in the left upper arm, more violent during motion. Hard pressure in the right upper arm from without inwards, more violent during motion. Paralytic aching pain in the outer parts of the upper arm, more vio- lent during motion and contact. Drawing, with pressure, here and there, in the upper limbs, more violent when touched. Paralytic pressure in both upper and lower arms ; more violent during motion and contact. Drawing, with pressure, in the deltoid muscle. Pain in the region of the bones of the arm, only during motion. Intolerable pressure in the periosteum of the humerus, durinsr rest and motion: the place is still more painful when touched. Drawing, with pressure, in the right upper arm, in the evening when in bed.—Itching pimples on the el- bow and towards the hand.—Drawing-tearing pain in the forearm, especially when moving the arm and hand. Red elevation on the forearm, with a pustule in the middle, with burning pain, occasioning an ulcerative pain when touched. Slow, dull stitches, like pressure, in the middle of the forearm. Paralytic weakness around the elbow-joint. Sensation, near the bend of the elbow, more toward the forearm, as if an eruption had broken out, or as if one had ripped the skin with a pin, a kind of burning thrill; however nothing is seen in that spot which is especially painful when touched. Drawing, with pressure, a sort of cramping, below the left elbow, near the outer side of the ulna. Lancination in the left forearm. Drawing, with pressure, in the muscles of the forearm and on the dorsum of the hand. Jerking in left/orearm, during rest. Cramp-paiu around the right wrist-joint, going off when stretching the fingers, but returning when bending them, which is accompanied with a lancination through the whole arm as far as the shoulder. Drawing pressure in the wrist, especially during motion. Lancination in the left wrist-joint.—Drawing pain through the meta- carpal bones in the dorsum of the hand, especially during motion. Titillation in the palm of the left hand, inducing one to scratch. The right hand feels hotter to him than it really was; it was redder than the other hand, with a fine tearing in the metacarpal joints of four fingers. Titillating, sharp stitches in the palm of the hand. Herpes on the hands, itching in the evening, and burning when scratched. Painful drawing in the metacarpal joint of the right index-finger. Paralytic drawing-pain in the phalangeal, joints, more violent during motion. Hard pressure in the region of the metacarpal bone of the left index-finger, more violent when touching or moving the finger. Intermittent aching pain in the region of the metacarpal bones of the left thumb, more violent when touch- ed. Painful drawing in the joints of the fingers of the right hand. Fineferk- ing-tearing in the muscles of the thumb, especially violent in the tip. ° Arthri- tic nodosities of the finger-joints. ? Tearing pain in the muscles of the ball of the left thumb, going off when moving the thumb. Fine, jerking-tearing in the muscles of several, fingers, especially in their tips. When stretching the fingers without supporting them upon anything, they are convulsively moved up and down. Creeping in the fingers, as if they would go to sleep. Aching, cramp-like pain in the ball of the right little finger, when moving the hand. Continuous aching pain, commencing in the metacarpal joint of the right middle finger, and extending towards the tip of the finger, continuing also during mo- tion. Deep, itching-burning, sharp prickings in the left thumb, inducing scratching. Tensive stitches in the tip of the left thumb. Pricking pain in the metacarpal and phalangeal joint of the right index-finger, continuing during motion. Cramp in the fingers and in several parts of the hmbs. Sensation as STAPHYSAGRIA. 871 if the tips of the fingers of the left hand were covered with a hard skin; he has little sensation in them, and does not well distinguish what he touches. _<• ^ Lower Limbs.—Burning, corrosive itching of the nates, as when something made of wool is drawn over the skin, in the evening when in bed; scratching drove it from one place to another. Boring pain in the left glutei muscles when sitting. Stinging itching of the glutei muscles and several parts of the body. ■ His nates feel sore after he has been sitting a while. Feeling of numbness in the left hip when standing, extending t > the abdomen. Aching pain around the hip-joint when walking and sitting. °Coxagra with threatening suppuration.?? Sore pain in the upper and internal surface of the thigh. All the muscles of the thighs feel bruised when walking fast, for two days. Herpes on the thighs and legs. Creeping in the thighs and legs, which had been swollen for years, the swelling being elastic, with sensation as if the interior of the limbs were hot and heavy, and were being distended. When lying he experiences a painful weariness across the thighs, and as if they were bruised; with sensation of excessive rigidity in the joints and a tremulousness in the same, so that he is not able to hold them still. Pain as if sprained in the middle of the left thigh, especially when walking. Tension in the vastus externus when walking. Para- lytic pain, like drawing, in the middle of the thigh, anteriorly, during rest and motion. Burning pricking in the posterior surface of the left thigh. Deeply penetrating, dull stitch in the middle of the left thigh, exteriorly. Fine, pain- ful, piercing stitches in the internal surface of the left thigh, directly over the knee. Itching stinging in the internal sides of the thighs. A kind of goose- flesh, without chilliness, on both thighs and legs ; a number of red and white pimples on them, the tips whereof contain a whitish pus. Weakness of the thighs and legs for several days, especially in the knee-joint; he has to drag the leg; accompanied with lancinations in the calf, and pain in the small of the back. Pain in the thighs when walking (more in the left), she has almost to drag them. Dull sticking, almost scratching sensation in the right thigh, inter- nally, above the knee-joint.—Stitch-like pain in the inner border of the knee. Jerking, above the right patella. Drawing tearing below the left patella, not going off by motion. Drawing sticking in the right knee-joint, more violent du- ring motion. Dull stitches in the region of the knee-joint, near the patella; when touching the part, the stitches were changed to an aching pain. Dull stitches in the right knee-joint, early in the morning, immediately after rising, more violent during motion. When walking, he experiences in the right knee- joints and in the bellies of the gastrocuemii muscles a paralytic drawing resem- bling a weakness, continuing for a long time, even after walking, when sitting. Pain (as from making a wrong step ?) in the knee, for one minute, when walking, and moving the foot. Sensation, on rising from a seat, as if the knees would give way; a tremulous, nervous drawing-up in the bend of the knee. As soon as he lies down, he experiences a drawing-up sensation in the knee-joints, a kind of nervousness and voluptuous uneasiness in those joints, obliging him to get up. Drawing sticking in the left knee-joint when sitting; sometimes he feels a jerk- ing in the joint. Stitching pain, with pressure, in the outer side of the knee, when stepping and feeling the part.—Burningitching pimples on the leg. Itch- ing of the leg, in the evening, in bed ; after rubbing, flat ulcers break out, with violent pain. Heaviness and tension in the calf. Intolerable cramp in the calf and sole of the foot of that limb upon which he is resting; it wakes him from the siesta. Cramp, especially in the upper and lower part of the calf, on waking; it cannot be diminished either by stretching or by rubbing the limb; the pain be- comes more intense by thinking of it, even after it had already been diminished. Burning pricking below the left knee, on the outer side, sometimes in paroxysms. 872 STAPHYSAGRIA. Boring stitch in the right tibia, during rest. Itching of the right tibia above the external malleolus, not going off by rubbing. Laming pressure in the gas- trocnemii muscles of the right leg, externally, more violent when touched.— Tearing pain in the muscles of one or the other leg, when standing or sitting. Lancination in and below the right calf, and above the left. heel. Itching stitch in the right calf, continuing when standing and walking, and going off by scratch- ing. Drawing, with pressure, in the outer part of the tibia, when sitting.— Drawing pressure across the tarsus, especially during motion. Tearing, with pressure, in the left tarsal bones, close to the joint. Contractive sensa- tion of heaviness in the left tarsal bones, close to the tarsal joint. Painless swelling of the dorsa of both feet, of long duration. Stinging itching close above, the outer malleolus of the right fool, obliging him to scratch. Burning itching of the internal malleolus of the right foot. Itching in the region of the tendo Achillis, above the heel.—Stinging itching of the big toe of the right foot Burning, with pressure, in the tip of the big toe of the right foot, during rest.— Burning itching of the little toes, in the evening, as if frozen; they are painful when touched, and the painful places are red, for four days. Itching burning of the little toe of the right foot, as if frozen ; it felt painful when pressing up- on it slightly. Swelling of the metatarsal bone of the right little toe, painful when touched. Burning painful itching in the toes, as if frozen. Tingling in the lower surface of the toes, as if they had been to sleep.—Aching pain in the inner side of the sole of the left foot during rest. Pricking in the sole of the foot which is laid across the other, when sitting. Sleep.—Violent yawning, causing the tears to drop from his eyes. Fre- quent yawning, as if he had not slept enough. Great weariness and drowsiness after a meal; be feels a desire to lie down, falls asleep soon, but feels gloomy and heavy on waking, and dreads to walk; walking was very troublesome for him, especially going up hill; after walking a little longer, he felt very cheerful and strong. Falls asleep as soon as he lies down in the evening. Drowsiness in the day-time ; he slept on sitting down. Great drowsiness in the af'ernoon. He falls asleep late in the evening, and wakes again at 4 o'clock in the morning, several nights. Wakefulness early in the morning, followed by drowsiness and a chilly shuddering over the back. He wakes towards morning, as if he had slept enough, but falls asleep again immediately. Wakeful before midnight; but as soon as he went to sleep he dreamed of dispute. Immediately after going to sleep he is waked by a dream that he is fighting with a wild beast, which makes him start. He dreams about his business as soon as he falls asleep. The child is very restless in the night, and calls her mother all the time. He wakes every hour in the night, from 2 o'clock, without any cause. He did not sleep the whole night, and nevertheless his eyes closed. Violent burning pains in the ulcer, in the evening after lying down, for hours, so that she was unable to fall asleep. The herpes itches only at night. His upper and lower limbs started, several nights, as if some one had tickled him; a kind of spasmodic but painless jerking; he felt moreover hot, although he covered himself but lightly, but without thirst or sweat. Tossing about during sleep. Restless for several nights, was filled with all sorts of thoughts before mid- night. Vivid, disagreeable dreams, towards morning. Vivid dreams, with coherent ideas. Dreams about, murder. Dreams full of wrath. Restless dreams; he is busy with all sorts of things, starts as in affright, wakes, but does not become entirely conscious of himself. Amorous dreams and emission of semen. Voluptuous dreams without emissi in. In the evening her calves paine/1 her so much that she was unable to go to sleep; she had to change the position of her limbs constantly, to get some relief; she had the same sensation STAPHYSAGRIA. 873 in the calves after having got up in the night and having laid down again. He dreams as soon as he falls asleep; now he fights with some one, now he has anxious images, which wake him, and then be dreams again. Fever.—Coldness in the evening. Shuddering the whole night, without thirst and without subsequent heat. Internal shuddering, with violent thirst, several days, at three o'clock in the afternoon, without subsequent heat. Shuddering, with goose-skin, several afternoons at three o'clock, ceasing in the open air, and no thirst. Chilliness early in the morning when in bed, without subsequent heat. Cold feet in the evening, in bed. Violent chill in the evening before falling asleep ; he shook in his bed, and could not get warm. Frequent chilliness at night, which wakes him, but he does not become conscious of him- self. Shuddering, with drowsiness and dryness of mouth. Shuddering and chilly feeling when taking a meal, without thirst, two hours before the hot stage. Chilliness on the back, even when near the hot stove. Back and arms remained cold although he was near the stove ; frequent chills over the back and arms, toward the nape of the neck, over the head and face, early in the morning after rising. Chill, shaking the whole body, with warm forehead, hot cheeks and cold hands, without subsequent heat and thirst. Fleet chilly shud- dering along the back, after a meal. Chilliness early in the morning when in bed, followed by heat; she did not wish to rise in the morning. Slight heat after the shuddering. Early in the morning, when in bed, he feels a heat about his head, with sweat on the forehead. In the open air she was attacked with some heat and headache, (towards evening.) Feeling of great heat, as if she were burning externally,' with thirst, and orgasm of the blood. Feeling of great heat at night in the hands and feet;, he had to keep them bare. Heat at night, especially around the forehead, so that she remained awake after three o'clock ; chill at nine o'clock in the forenoon. °Evening-fever, consisting of the cold stage merely. °Tertian, with scorbutic symptoms. Feeling of heat to him, and real heat in the face, without thirst, an hour after the chilly stage. Feeling of warmth over the back, which is not disagreeable, three hours after a meal. At intervals he experiences a suffusion of heat over the lower part of the back, the rest of the body being cool, without any subsequent sweat. Feeling of warmth on the forehead, a3 from a constant, warm breath touching it; some- times also a cold breath, with redness of the cheeks and warmth of the external body. When waking in the night, he is covered with warm sweat, on the abdomen, feet, genital organs, although covered moderately, no thirst; when uncovering himself, a cold air comes upon him, the sweat ceases, he imagines he will take cold.—Disposition to sweat. °Inability to sweat, even when taking the most violent exercise, with pale face and headache. °Cold sweat on fore- head, hands, and feet.—Profuse night-sweat. *Putrid smelling night-sweats. Night-sweat smelling like rotten eggs.—Excessive sweat in the afternoon, with heat of the whole body, without thirst, although he sat very quietly. Skin.—Itching of the head and whole body, especially early in the morning, a creeping itching and crawling as of a flea wandering from one place to another. Itching sharp stitches in different parts of the body Prickings, resembling flea-bites, in the lower limbs, hand, nape of the neck, head, etc. Stinging burning here and there in the skin. Burning sensation on the limbs, now here, now there, but never on the rest of the body. Deeply-penetrating sharp stitches, returning at long intervals, in different parts of the limbs.—Blotches of the size of peas on the whole body and thighs, itching and emitting a humour when scratched open, when they occasion a burning pain. °Chronic rash, or with nocturnal convulsions. Itch-like eruptions. *Herpetic eruptions. °Dry, crusty herpes. °Cut-wounds.—*Frequent boils.—°Mercurial ulcers.? 0Carioufl 874 STRAMONIUM. and scorbutic ulcers.? Tearing and jerking around the ulcers in the evening and early in the morning, during rest; ceasing when walking. Lancination in the ulcer. Smarting, or smarting itching in the ulcer, as from salt. Darting and pecking pains of the ulcerated leg, the skin of which becomes covered with a thin crust, from which a yellowish water oozes out. "Indurated glandular swellings. "Affection of bones. °Swellings. °Inflammations. °Caries.? General Symptoms.—°Scorbutic affections. °Scrofulous and rickety affec- tions. °Arthritic nodosities of joints.? °Chronic mercurial ailments. "Ail- ments from chagrin with indignation, also from care and grief. °Hysteric and hypochondriac ailments. "Onanism.? "Hemiplegia, after chagrin.—In the mor- ning, after rising from a seat, he turns pale, becomes giddy, falls to one side as in a swoon ; similar paroxysm next day about the same hour. Drawing-tea-in" pain here and there in the muscles of the whole body, when sitting. Pain in the joints of the shoulders, elbows, fingers, back, knees, of a drawing kind, when moving those joints, less during rest, especially in the evening. Tremor in the interior of the limbs, early in the morning, when keeping them for a long time in one position. Paralytic drawing in different parts of the body, espo- cially the joints, when keeping the limbs for a time in an unusual and incon- venient position. All his limbs ache ; the muscles ache when touching them, the joints when moving them, more in the forenoon than in the afternoon. Pain in all the bones. Early in the morning, when rising from bed, all the joints feel stiff, especially the shoulder and hip-joints, and the small of the back. Early in the morning, when in bed, she feels very tired, without drowsiness; all her limbs ache as if bruised, and as if no strength were in them, for one hour. Below the shoulder and hip-joints the limbs feel bruised and painful, as after a long journey on foot. General bruised feeling, worst when walking, relieved when sitting and lying; especially in the calves she experiences an excessive painful weariness, as if beaten with clubs; she was scarcely able to drag her feet. The whole body feels painful as if bruised, with feeling of lassitude, worse during motion ; when walking a little, after having been seated, the pain- ful sensation came on again with renewed violence. Great weariness in the knee-joints early in the morning after rising; he finds it difficult to walk or stand. Debilitated all over, especially in the joints, when walking. Weary and weak, early in the morning. Great weariness and disposition to sleep in the afternoon when sitting. 228. STRAMONIUM. STRAM.—Datura stramonium. Thorn-apple, Stinkweed.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pura, TV. Compare with—Aeon., Bell., Bry., Camph., Canth., Cham., Cocc, Hell., Hyos., Ign., Merc, Nux v., Op., Plumb., Tabac, Verat., Zinc. Antidotes.—Vegetable Acids and Lemon-juice, Vinegar, Nux v., Op., Tabac—Stram. antidotes Merc, and Plumb. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks the following affections have been cured with Stram.—Drawing, laming, somewhat spasmodic pains in the limbs.— Acute and chronic rheumatisms.—Pains in the limbs and joints.—Clonic spasms, accompanied with a sort of mental derangement, in children.—Spasmodic STRAMONIUM. 875 attacks occurring in a case of typhus.—Spasmodic attacks of children, suffering alternately with constipation "and diarrhoea, or flatulence.—Convulsive pheno- mena, alternating with paralytic symptoms, in a case of vesicular erysipelas of the face, accompanied with meningitis.—Convulsions and incipient hemiplegia, consequent on epilepsy.—Hysteric spasms, preceded by great irritability and sensitiveness of temper, disposition to weep alternating with unusual mirthful- ness, and by sexual excitement; these symptoms were speedily followed by an alternation of tonic and clonic, tetanic and cataleptic spasms.—A kind of St. Vitus' dance, occasioned by the vapours of mercury and fright.—St. Vitus' dance.—Paroxysms of convulsions resembling St. Vitus' dance, alternation of emprosthotoncs and pleurosthot nos; the paroxysms were followed by ease, exhaustion, and by a condition resembling somnambulism; vision of strange persons, stopping at strange places, converse with spirits and God, emphatic speeches and prophecies in the case of a feeble and irritable female.—Epilepsy.— Catalepsy.— Hydrophobia.—Fainting fits every day; the patient suddenly falls as if dead, with pale face, almost imperceptible breathing, waking after one to three hours; if disturbed during the paroxysm she rolls about on the floor, becomes enraged, bites those around her, in the case of a girl of 14 years.— Measles with violent erethic fever, bright-red, bloated face, great heat of the body, profuse sweat, frightful visions, such as rats and mice, which frightened the patients, and from which they endeavored to hide themselves, deglutition impeded as if by spasm.—Typhus with delirium, anxiety, illusions of hearing and sight, Typhus after the cholera : Typhus exanthematicus : excessive deli- rium, continuing with unabating violence day and night, not leaving the patient a moment's rest. At times he was singing and whistling, at others he was conversing with those near him in different languages, or he endeavored to jump out of bed, and to go about his business; without any symptoms of inflam. mation of the brain or its membranes. After a dose of 10 drops of the first attenuation the patient slept 36 hours, and woke with complete consciousness, without however recollecting what had past. Typhus putridus.—Mania a potu.—Mania ferox.—Mania saltatoria sauvages.—Mania puerperalis.—Men- tal derangement: violent headache, followed by excessive delirium, loss of sight and hearing, striking about with hands and feet, excessive dilatation of the pupils, slow pulse.—Mental derangement with spasmodic symptoms, staring look, attempts to escape with shrieks, frightful visions, fever-heat, redness of the face, moist skin.—Rage, with furious delirium, etc.—Timid mania.—Alter- nation of convulsions and rage.—Laughing, weeping, and singing in quick alternation.—Loud laughing, alternating with vexed mood and moaning.—Great mirthfulness, with extravagant motions and speeches.—Loquacity after mania.— Imbecility—Stupefaction of the senses, and insensibility to external impres- sions.—Hallucinations.—Hallucinations after vesicular erysipelas, which was treated with applications of cold water; he hears dancing music, sees men, and hears them talk in foreign tongues, etc., (cured with repeated doses of the second attenuation by Trinks).—Mania.—Loquacious delirium, denoting frisht.__ Monomania religiosa: extreme lowness of spirits, she despairs of her sal- vation because she is not able to do the work required of her, attended with craving for air and desire of company; these symptoms were caused by fright in an unmarried woman of 30 years, (cured with one drop of the third attenua- tion, morning and evening, by Mayrhofer).—Delirium tremens, the patient imagined that one half of the parts of his body was cut off. Delirium tremens with furious delirium, desire to escape, etc.—Delirium tremens : the patient confounds his words, his eyes glisten, with piercing, staring looks, dilatation of the pupils, optical illusions, visions of animals, dogs, cats, rats, mice, etc.— 876 STRAMONIUM. Nervous vertigo.—Dangerous cerebral affection, with delirium during and after vesicular erysipelas.—Amblyopia amaurotica.—Hemeralopia.—Prosopalgia nervosa Fothergillii.—Nervous prosapalgia of the most violent kind : extending over all the branches of the facialis in the right half of the face, of a tearing and lancinating kind, with distortion of the affected side of the face, and oscil- lation of the facial muscles, (four cases, cured with large doses of the tincture and extract by Schrcen").—Singultus spasficus.—Amenorrhoea.—Influenza.— Spasms of the chest: spasm of the muscles of the chest, and twitching of other portions of muscles.—Asthma.—Angina pectoris. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—°Melancholy, also with desire for company, lights, and sunshine, because darkness and solitude aggravate the symptoms. °The symptoms are worst after the fall-equinox.—°Endeavours to escape, imagines he is alone all the time, and is afraid.—°Is at times indifferent to his business, at times he imagines that he is unable to accomplish it.—He beats those around him with a terrible cry, and rages. He bites a person's hand. Furious deli- rium. Indomitable rage. She has to be kept in bed by force. A strong man was scarcely able to hold him. He assails men, beats them, and endeavours to seize them. Great desire to bite, and to tear everything with his teeth, even his own limbs. Alternation of convulsions and rage: he had such violent spasms that his mother was not able to hold him; when the spasms abated he became furious, beat and bit those who attempted to hold him. Rage, he wants to murder men. Rage, he wants to kill himself.—°Hydrophobia.1—Serious, thinking of himself, taciturn. Phlegmatic, with weariness of mind and sadness of heart; everything is indifferent to him, but he is neither vexed nor debili- tated. Not disposed to any serious work. Out of humour and vexed the whole day: he was beside himself with ill-humour, and was extremely thought- ful. Silent ill-humour; he is vexed at everything, even at those things which do not concern him. Out of humour and restless the whole day.—He dreads the future. Sad; he apprehends evil consequences from trifling things, and cannot ease himself. Sad without any cause. Very irritable and quarrelsome with his brother and sister. Exceedingly fretful, nothing pleased him. Very passionate, easily provoked into a rage. °When his father got him to recognise him, the boy said, " Why, papa, is that you ?" and commenced stroking, or rather clawing with his fingers of his father's face. Quarrelsome, but merry mood.—At first he is cheerful, then anxious, and lastly, calm and contented. °Loud laughing, alternating with vexed mood and moaning.—Smiling and jest- ing. He was cheerful and communicative, and enjoyed his existence. (Cura- tive effect.) Sensorium.—Vertigo, with redness of face. Vertigo, with pain in the abdomen, and a gauze before his eyes. Vertigo, with diarrhoea. Vertigo, headache, dim-sightedness, violent thirst, tenacious mucus in the mouth, rum- bling in the abdomen, and pain in the epigastrium. Vertigo for eight days. Vertigo ; he staggers to and fro like one drunk. He becomes giddy while sit- ting or standing in a room; he staggers. Vertigo, want of thought four mornings in succession after rising ; he has but a dull and distant recollection of things, (weakness of memory,) and he sees as if through a gauze, for two hours. He staggers about the room and looks as if he were seeking something. He stumbles against the door whenever he goes through it. Intoxication, with thirst, and a profuse flow of a burning urine. Rush of blood to the head. Heat of the head, and sparkling eyes. Apoplexy. Weakness of the head. Heaviness in the head. Stupefaction of the head, with dim-sightedness. Stu- STRAMONIUM. 877 pidity. She sits senseless and immovable like a wooden figure. Dulness of the head. Obscuration of all the senses and anxiety, followed by a red rash on the back, and sweat. Extreme insensibility of all the senses. Intoxication. Stupid feeling in the head. Intoxication, and heaviness in the body. Vertigo : the head feels drawn backward; he is moreover very drowsy. Disagreeable light-headedness, with a feeling of weakness in the head. Diminished memory. The loss of sense seems to be accompanied with an internal uneasiness, and to proceed from it. The black letters seem to him gray, and as if a second letter of the same kind, and of a light-gray colour, were placed sideways or above (a kind of diplopia), for example—FFt Objects appeared to be in an oblique position. He saw things as if through coarse linen, only fragments of them, and as if cut through ; for instance, of a face he only saw the nose, etc., as if the eyes had but a small vision, and he was only able to see a small point at once. He imagines he sees a reddish-gray border around white things, for instance, paper. Uneasiness, delirium. While slumbering he hears two persons talk, but he does not know who they are. *He does not notice the objects around him. Stupefaction of the senses; some laugh all the time, but they neither hear nor see, although they have the thing constantly before their eyes; they even talk and answer the questions put to them, as if they had their senses, although the whole is like a dream to them. °Stupefactiou of the senses and insensibility to external impressions.—After waking he does not recognise anything around him ; he takes his book, and goes to school, but he enters by the wrong door. After waking, all things appear to him as if they were new, even his friends, as if he had never seen them. He imagines he is very tall, but the objects around him seem to him very small. Absence of mind ; bland delirium (for 24 hours.) He apprehends the loss of his senses. Imbecility. Insanity. *Sirange fancies. *Loquacious delirium. Delirious, he had no memory or consciousness. °Delirium, with strange ideas.—During the intervals of his half consciousness, he recollects his waking dreams, but not those things which.he had done or said in his lucid moments. He talks with a person whom he does not know, and answers that person as if he were in his senses; but, upon coming to his senses he does not recollect the conversation. He talks with absent persons as if they were present, accosting dead figures, such as chessmen, with the names of those persons, and not noticing any of the persons around him. He walks about the room taciturn, with staring, sparkling eyes, and blue margins around the same, but he does not notice the objects around him, and is interested only in the objects of his fancy. He dreams with open eyes, talks nonsense; and if his friends tell him so, he excuses himself, saying that they had induced him to talk nonsense; after that he is again absorbed in his dreams, and continues his nonsense. The patient is in a state of insanity, he is full of not unpleasant fancies, expresses his wishes by signs, and runs about for some days busy with his faucies, and cheerful. *He dances in the church-yard at night. *Insane, he dances, gesticulates, breaks into a laughter, sings. *He sings, and utters unclean things. He is like one enchanted and beside himself. He grasps at the air with his hands, laughs, crawls about his bed He shows by his gestures that his mind is confused : he kneels down and extends his arms as if he were looking for something. With his eves staring, and his pupils dilated, he saw nothing, *did not recognise any of "his family, carried his hands about as if he would grasp at something, and stamped with t When he attempted to draw this phenomenon, while seeing it on paper, he drew but one F, and afterwards carried the pen over the same lines, imagining that he had drawn a second V. 878 STRAMONIUM his feet. °Kneels in bed, starts up at the least contact with cries and wild ges- tures. He bends his knees, and kneels down, and stretches his arms as if he were looking for something. °Religious mania, with pious looks, (praying.) Confusion of intellect, he laughs, moans. Paroxysms of constant talking, or of rage, or he breaks into a loud laughter, or he acts as if he were spinning. °Talks with ghosts. Senseless quarrelling. Continued violent quarrel. lie imagines he will be slaughtered, roasted, and eaten. He jumps out of his bed at night, and exclaims that the disease will break forth from his head. She sometimes exclaims about dogs, cats, and rabbits approaching her from above, from the side and in the middle of the room. °Delirium throughout the evening. Delirium, he is frightened as if a dog would bite him. He imagines he sees ghosts. °He jumped from his bed at midnight, ran about the room, caught at every one as he passed them, said a man was chasing him, and repeatedly said, "You shall not have me." He starts up in affright. Sadness. His imagina- tion is confused, and is disturbed with fear. °Timid mania, in childbirth. °Mania, with pride and affectation. Strange objects intrude upon his fancy, frightening him. She imagines she sees a number of persons, and grasps at them, and yet they were not present. *Frightful fancies, his features show fright and terror. In his lucid moments he requested to be held lest he should fall. The things and persons around him appear to be changed : although he knows at first that his friends are around him, yet he forgets it immediately after; he imagines he is quite alone in a wilderness, abandoned ; he is afraid; figures of animals start out of the ground, side by side, causing him to fall to one side, where however similar forms start up, causing him to run forward. °The child said there were big sores on him. He sees more horrifying figures on his sides than before him (between three and four hours). Inclines to start. Alternate consciousness and rage. °Alternation of ludicrous manners and sad looks. Head.—Headache. Dull or violent headache. °Headache, with obscuration of sight and hardness of hearing. Pain in the head and pelvis. Headache with anorexia. Headache and distention of the abdomen at times. Beating pain in the right temple, with diarrhoea. °Beating headache, particularly in the vertex, and with fainting fits. Giddy headache with fainting and thirst. Head- ache and pain in the eyes. Violent headache and toothache, with profuse lachrymation.—* Convulsions of the head -and arms, with hiccough. Spas- modic drawing, only in the head and eyes, with grinding of the teeth. He frequently raises his head from the couch. Spasmodic drawing of the head to either side, with screaming and raising of the arms over the head. Early in the morning he moves his head to and fro, with excessive thirst. He moves his head to and fro ; this movement is only interrupted by hiccough. Face.—*Swollen face, turgid with blood. Swelling of the face and redness of the cheeks. Swelling of the face, eyes, and tongue. *Swelling and redness of the eyes and face. Swelling of the left side of the face generally, but espe- cially of the left cheek. The skin on the forehead is wrinkled, the eyes stare, the whole face looks wild and frightful.—At first his face looks friendly, except the staring eyes ; at last it becomes quite disfigured by deep furrows from the inner canthus to the cheek, by folds running from the nasal wings across the angle of the mouth, and by knitting the eyebrows, and it looks frightful on account of the sparkling eyes; after the lapse of an hour the eyes look dim and the face has a dismal expression. At first his face looks quite friendly, except the dilated pupils, but afterwards it looks dismal, like that of a man who is anxious, with deep furrows and wrinkles. °Turgid face, also with friendly expression. The cheeks are red and bloated, but the upper part of the face STRAMONIUM. 879 looks gloomy and contracted. Frequent redness of sthe face, with staring eyes. "Circumscribed redness of the cheeks.—Shuddering about the chin.—Trembling of lips, hands, and feet. The lips have a yellow streak along the vermilion border, as in malignant fevers, and adhere firmly together. Erysipelas on the right side of the cheek, nose, and face. Pale face. Frequent sweat in the face and on the forehead. Face and breast of a coppery-red colour, (somewhat mottled,) similar to the colour of the North American Indians. Whiteness of the alae nasi, and space around the mouth, and a spot on each temple. *The upper part of the face and cheeks of a dirty copper-colour, while the parts below the nose around the mouth are white. Eyes.—Contracted pupils; they do not dilate in the dark; all things appear to him smaller and at a greater distance, and like one dazzled by the light. *Dilatation of the pupils. Extreme dilatation of the pupils, with obscuration of sight. The pupils are dilated and immovable. Dim, sad look. * Sparkling eyes ; he complains of the rays of the sun dazzling him, and of loss of ap- petite. *Glistening eyes. Staring eyes. *Staring, somnolent eyes. Burn- ing of the eyes, with dim-sightedness and profuse sweat. Pressure and tension in both eyes, for six days. Pressure in the eyelids, as if swollen, which is really the case, or as if oppressed with sleep; hence a great disposition to sleep, which he is however able to overcome. Ulcerated eyelids. Agglutination of the eyelids, at night. Swell ing of the eyes. Swelling of the eyes, with dilated pupils and contortion of the eyeballs in every direction.—His eyes close, his eyes see black. Swelling and inflammation of the eyelids. The upper eyelid hangs down, as if caused by a spasm of the orbicularis muscle.—Redness of the whites of the eyes and the margins of the eyelids; the eyes run profusely. Pink colour of the sclerotic coat, the left eye is most discolored. Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Lachrymation of the left eye, of the right eye, and of both eyes together. He sheds tears without knowing it. Lachrymation of both eyes, with obscuration of sight. He opened his closed eyes only when spoken to.—Dim-sightedness. Obscuration of sight, excessive. Dim sightedness every morning, as if a gauze were before the eyes. Dim-sight- edness with great thirst and sweat. Blear-eyedness after dim-sightedness.— Vertigo and headache after dim-sightedness. Presbyopia for a long time ; he was only able to read distant print. Contraction of the pupils occasioned by drinking vinegar after the pupils had been dilated by Stramonium : during this contraction all objects appeared to him extremely small; as to the distant objects, he did not see them at all; but on looking at the sun, the pupils remained staring, and his sight became entirely obscured. The patient is unable to discern small things, such as the point of a pin. Indistinct, confused si^ht. All things look as if in an oblique direction. Diplopia: he sees small things at the places where they are, but he sees a second representation thereof a little higher and to one side. (See Sensorium.) The objects are midtiplied, and of various colours. Black things seem to him gray. He sees objects in a room which do not exist. Fiery visions before her eyes. Disappearance of sight and hearing. He saw things as through coarse linen, and as if cut through ; of a face he only saw the nose, etc. He imagines he sees a reddish-gray border ■around white things, for instance, around paper. When reading he was unable to distinguish a syllable ; the letters seemed to move and become blurred. Dul- ness of vision, as if he saw things through fog or a glass of turbid water. The objects looked as if they had become diffused, and were too distant. Almost complete blindness for six hours ; on the days following he experienced a pressure as from the middle of the eyeball at every change of light, either on going from a dark place into a lighter, or from a light place into adark. 880 STRAMONIUM. Ears and Nose.—Wind rushes out of both ears. Complete deafness. Il- lusions of hearing.—Stoppage of the nose, with feeling of dryness. Spasmodio sneezing. °Pain in the left ear, passing down to the left side of the chest. Teeth.—Grinding of teeth, with shuddering over the whole body. Grinding of teeth; he raises bis hands above his head, and he moves them as if he were winding a ball of thread. Grinding of teeth, with gloominess in the bead.__ Grinding of teeth, contortion of the hands and shuddering lock-jaw, with closed lips —Beating toothache, as if a portion of the teeth would fall out. Mouth.—The inner mouth feels raw and sore.—Inability to swallow, on ac- count of dryness of the throat. Great dryness in the mouth, so that white bread tastes to him like straw. Dryness of the tongue and palate, so that they feel quite rough, without any thirst at first. Extreme dryness of the mouth and want of saliva; he is unable to spit up anything, although the tongue is pretty moist and clean. The palate feels parched, so that he is not able to eat a mouth- ful of bread. Excessive dryness of the inner mouth. Extreme aridity of the tongue and mouth. Sensation of dryness on the tongue and in the throat. Dryness of mouth, thirst; dim-sightedness, sparkling eyes, sweat and diar- rhoea. Dryness of mouth and palate with violent thirst, and such an absence of taste that he drank a pint of vinegar at one draught, without tasting it.— Constant muttering. The patient screams until he is hoarse or has lost his voice.—Stuttering, and uttering of inarticulate sounds. Talks little, and utters inarticulate sounds with a loud voice. His voice has not the usu- al sound; it is much higher and finer than usual; it is a mere sound- ing, he is unable to utter an intelligible word (he hears and feek it himself); this makes him anxious.—*A kind of paralysis of the organs of speech; he has to exert himself a long while before he is able to utter a word; he merely stammers and utters inarticulate sounds. He is mute and does not answer. Dumb, he expresses his wish by pointing to things. He was mute, im- movable and pulseless for six or seven hours, and his limbs were paralyzed, without consciousness; after that period he tossed about in bed with great rage, made innumerable signs to those around him which were not understood, and then became quiet again. His tongue is paralyzed; it trembles when he at- tempts to put it out, as in typhus fever. Swelling of the tongue. Swelling of the tongue all over. The swollen tongue hangs out at the mouth. Bloody froth at the mouth. Hydrophobia (with other symptoms mentioned in their respec- tive places, we have): restlessness, violent convulsions, the patient being so vio- lent that he had to be tied; he rolled about in his bed sleepless and uttering crowing-screams : he was delirious without memory or consciousness; his pupils were extremely dilated, violent desire to bite, and to tear everything with his teeth; extreme dryness of the inner mouth and fauces; the sight of a light, mirror or water excited horrible convulsions; irresistible aversion to water, with constriction and convulsions of the oesophagus, froth at the mouth, and frequent spitting. Dread of or aversion to water and any other liquid, with spasmodic motion. Aversion to watery liquids; he became enraged when his lips were moistened.—Frequent spitting. Slaver hanging out at the mouth. Frequent ptyalism. Long continuing ptyalism aud diuresis. Profuse ptyalism with con- stantly increasing thirst. Copious ptyalism, day and night; he loses from three to four pounds of saliva. Ptyalism with hoarseness. Tenacious ptyalism. Vis- cid mucus in mouth, with good appetite. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—The food forms a round lump in the oesopha- gus, so that he apprehends suffocation. Bread and butter taste to him like sand; on account of the dryness of the mouth, the things remain in the oeso- phagus and threaten to strangle him. She tries to eat bread and milk, but is STRAMONIUM. 881 unable to swallow either. The velum palati hangs down very low; food and drink went down with a good deal of difficulty, and with a scraping pain in the velum pendulum palati. Diflicult deglutition, with stinging pain in the fauces.— Difficult deglutition, with aching pain in the submaxillary glands.—Constrictive sensation in the fauces after a meal. His throat feels constricted as if he would Huffocate, or as if he were threatened with an apoplectic fit. Constriction and opasm of the oesophagus. Thirst, violent, or with headache. Violent thirst with copious secretion of burning urine. Troublesome thirst with the slaver hanging out in threads. Taste and Gastric Symptoms.—Constant bitterness in mouth, and the food has a bitter taste. Food has a spoiled taste. Every kind of food tastes to him like straw.—Diminished appetite. Undiminished appetite, with cohc, diarrhoea and vomiting. Increased appetite.—°Spasmodic hiccough; sour eructations.— (The limbs are convulsed, while an artificial vomiting is excited.) Inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, with profuse ptyalism, in the evening. Nau- sea, with flow of an extremely saltish saliva. Vomiting at night. Vomiting of green bile at night. In the evening he vomits up bile with mucus. Vomiting of green mucus, with thirst. Vomiting of a sour-smelling mucus. Vomiting of mucus in the evening. Bilious vomiting after the least motion, even after sitting up in bed. Stomach.—Biting pain in the stomach. Aching pain in the stomach. Anx- iety about the pit of the stomach, before noon, or with dry heat of the body, or diflicult respiration.—Inflammation of the stomach. Abdomen.—Bloated abdomen, especially in the pit of the stomach. In the evening the abdomen is bloated, with heat of the body and anxiety in the pit of the stomach. Bloated, but not hard abdomen. The abdomen of children be- comes highly bloated from the seed of Stramonium, with anxiety in the pit of the etomach, cold sweat, chilliness of the limbs, confusion of intellect, stupified half- slumber, and anxious evacuations upward and downward. Bloated abdomen, painless to the touch. Colic, as if the abdomen were puffed up; the abdomen was painful, even when touching the side. Distended, but not hard abdomen. The epigastrium is tense, hard and painful. Rumbling in the abdomen, with di- arrhoea. Rumbling in the abdomen with*colic. Violent fermenting in the ab- domen for 7 days. Rumbling in the abdomen, with obscuration of sight. He complains of rumbling in the abdomen, as if living animals were crying and moving about in all the bowels. Colic, rumbling and diarrhoea. Itching in the abdomen. Colic, watery vomiting and diarrhoea. Tearing pain in the ab- domen, as if the umbilicus would be torn out, after which the pain shifts to the inner chest.—Tumour in the groin. Stool.—Constipation for 6 days, without pain or trouble. He has a desire to go to stool, but he only has an evacuation 24 hours after. A writhing pain in the bowels, previous to every evacuation; a blackish diarrhoeic stool every hour. Diarrhoea, six days in succession. Diarrhoea, ceasing after a profuse per- spiration. Diarrhoea, with increase of appetite. Diarrhoea, with paleness of face.—Stools have a cadaverous smell.—Emission of a large quantity of flatu- lence.—Discharge of coagulated blood from the anus. Haemorrhoids for seve- ral days. Urinary Organs.—*Suppression of urine.—Sensation as if he could not retain his urine and as if the urethra were too narrow and unable to be distend- «d.—He was frequently obliged to urinate, but the urine was retained a minute before it came, and although it came out in drops, yet a large quantity was passed in the forenoon, (after 4 or 5 hours). During micturition, no stream is formed in spite of all straining; the urine is warmer than usual, but it comes vol. n. 56 882 STRAMONIUM. out only in drops; he is not able to hasten the emission or to press out the last drops, but without experiencing any painful sensation in the urethra, except the sensation as if a cylindrical body were pushed through the urethra.f—Diuresis, with shuddering and rumbling in the abdomen. Profuse, involuntary emission of urine. Profuse diuresis without thirst. Genital Organs.—Lasciviousness. Complete inability to perform an embrace. Impotence.—During the menses the body swelled as of semen. Excessive lo- quacity during the menses. Watery menses. Discbarge of black blood from the uterus. Metrorrhagia. Excessive menstrual flow, with drawing pains in the abdomen, thighs and other limbs. Re-appearance of the menses which had been suppressed for four years.—Erysipelas of the left cheek immediately after the menses. Hiccough and moaning after the menses. Larynx and Chest.—* Voice hoarse and rough; *higher and °croaking; without modulation.—Haemoptysis.—Spasmodic dry cough, worse in the even- ing and morniug, with darkness around the eyes.—Frequent sighs.—Violent stricture across the chest.—Oppressed breathing.—Hard pressure on the carti- lages of the third and fourth ribs, with difficult respiration; he is unable to in- spire a sufficient quantity of air; he does not feel any great anxiety.—Oppres- sive and unusual pains.—Aching pain in the chest and sternum, excited by talking.—Difficulty of breathing, with anxiety about the pit of the stomach.— His breathing becomes more and more difficult, and he becomes blue in his face. ■—°Spasms of the chest, particularly in hysteric females, or occasioned by spasms of the pectoral muscles.?—Feeling of dryness in the chest.—Slow inspi- rations and sudden expirations.—Sensation as if something were turning about in the chest, followed by heat in the face.—Drawing (rheumatic) pain, extending from the side of the neck into the limbs. Back and Extremities.—Drawing pains in the small of the back.— Bruising pain in the back and abdomen, excited by motion. Bruising pain in the back and shoulder. A spot in the back which is painful whether touch- ed or not. Small spot in the back, occasioning a drawing pain when touched. Drawing tearing pains in the back and epigastrium. Drawing pain in the middle of the spine, with drawing pain in the opposite poste- rior part of the stomach.—TrembliBg of the arms when eating.—Fine, sharp stitches in the forearm and a rheumatic constrictive pain in the deltoid mus- cle. The sound hand trembles when eating. He grasps at a thing quickly, imagines he has seized the thing before touching it, and, if he does hold the ob- ject, he does not feel that he has hold of it.—Spasmodic rigidity of the whole lower limbs. Drawing pain in the thighs.—Severe pain in the loins.—Pain in the right thigh. A few sharp stitches in the outer part of the right tibia. —Boils on the feel.—Burning and itching of the feet. Rheumatic drawing in the left tarsus, evening. More or less violent burning in the dorsum of the foot. Sleep.—Drowsy and staggering. Sleeps a few hours. Drowsiness in day- time. *He sleeps in the daytime, and he wakes with an important and solemn look. Quiet sleep. Quiet sleep after the convulsions had ceased. Some sleep for twenty-four hours ; they lie like dead persons. After a deep sleep full of dreams, during which he has an emission of semen, he feels quite drowsy, and he sees as through a gauze. *Deep sound sleep; he fetches breath with great trouble and snores during an expiration and inspiration. Beep snoring sleep, drawing up the leg rarely. Slumber, with stertorous breathing, and a bloody t Note by Hahnemann.—After drinking vinegar, the urine camo out again in a thin stream, aud the desire to urinate was not as frequent. STRAMONIUM. 883 Troth at the mouth: dark-brown countenance, death.f He lies on his back with open staring eyes. Restless sleep, violent headache and profuse diuresis. Rest- less sleep full of dreams, with tossing about in bed. Restless sleep followed by violent headache, vertigo, lachrymation and ptyalism. Sleep interrupted by screams. Screaming and howling at night. Wakes from his sleep with a scream. Remained awake all night, tossed about in his bed, and uttered crow- ing screams. Starting up from sleep and vacant looking around, with incoherent talking.—During the restlessness he would drink water when offered, but he did not ask for it. Great restlessness with moaning, or with itching of the skin.— Gets up and goes to bed again, two or three times the same morning. Tired on waking in the morning. Sleepless. Fever.—Tremulous, weak, unequal, sometimes intermittent pulse. Small quick pulse. Frequent, quick, small, irregular pulse. Small, quick, and at last scarcely perceptible pulse. Extinct pulse. Strong, full pulse of 90 beats.— Chill through the whole body, with single jerks, partly of the whole body, partly of single limbs, of the elbows and knee-joints, without thirst. Whenever he takes a dose of Stramonium, he experiences a disagreeable, shuddering chill, as if he dreaded the stramonium. The limbs and the trunk are cold all over. She lies on the floor, cold, senseless, and breathing feebly. Chilliness along the back in the afternoon. Chilliness and shuddering of the limbs at night. In the af- ternoon he experiences a tremulous tossing of the knees and feet, as from violent chilliness, his mind being unimpaired. Violent chill. °Heat of the head, then general coldness, then heat with thirst. *Fever in the afternoon two days in suc- cession.—Violent fever at noon, returning with the same violence about midnight. After the vomiting, in the evening, he experiences a continuous, violent fever, with profuse sweat. Fever every day after noon. Fever in the evening, for two days. Towards noon he experiences great heat, redness in the face, vertigo and lachrymation. Great heat with quick and small pulse and bright-red ver- milion-coloured countenance. In the evening he feels a burning above the knee when walking, and heat through the whole body, with excessive thirst.—Heat of the whole body. Great heat, slight sweat, quick soft pulse. Great heat, and talking during sleep.—°Gastric fevers with jerking of the arms and fingers. °Worm fevers. °Typhus stupidus. °Typhus after scarlet and purple rash. °Typhoid fever of the remittent character, with pain iu the left ear and termi- nating in the left side of the chest, dry cough aggravating the pain. Copious sweat. Sweat with diminished appetite. Profuse sweat at night. Sweat after severe thirst. Sweat in the back. Frequent sweat with good appetite, diar- rhoea, distention of the abdomen and colic. Violent sweat, with great thirst.— Profuse sweat with cohc. Cold sweat over the whole body. Skin.—Eruption:}: over the whole body, with swelling, inflammation and itch- ing. Blisters on the skin, breaking out after the violent symptoms have made their appearance. Inflamed, painful pustules on the right leg, emitting an acrid water. Itching eruption. Chest and back are covered with a red rash, pale iu the morning, redder and more frequent in the afternoon, and perceptible in the warmth, for 11 days; after the lapse of that period the scales fall off. Itching over the whole body, early in the morning, after waking. Tingling in t In the case of a ch'U of eighteeen months, six hours after swallowing the seed. The body was covered with a number of brown stripes, the abdomen was filled with a vellowish water, the bowels wero distended with air, tho liver, spleen and lungs were likewise covered with brown stripes, there was a good deal of water in the pericardium, the heart was flaccid, and it, together with the bidod-vessels, was filled with a quantity of fluid blood. t Note dy Hahnemann.—All the eruptions and the itching occasioned by Stramonium, eeein to be secondary symptoms. 884 STRAMONIUM. all the limb3. Creeping under the skin. Creeping, extending from the left side into the thigh, or into the toes of the same side, thence into the abdomen, whence the creeping descends again into the right thigh and foot. °Measles with deliri- um. "Anasarca after scarlatina, with typhoid fever.? °Copper-colour of the skin of the left knee.—Redness of old cicatrices. General Symptoms.—Suppression of all the secretions.—He wants open air. He hurries off too fast in going to a place. Extreme irritability; he moves about so fast in the first hour, that all his motion is finally arrested and his eyes see black. He performs all his movements with great force and hurriedness, so that he feels au anxiety if he cannot achieve them at once. Although he stag- gers, yet his limbs obeyed the will so readily, that he felt as if he had not any; they seemed to him much longer than they were, so that when walking, he thought he had touched the floor, when the foot was yet half a foot away from it; this made him finally set down the foot very rapidly. When going down stairs he takes two steps for one, and is not aware of it till he stumbles.—Fainting in the forenoon, with great paleness of face, and afterwards loss of appetite. Fainting, with great dryness in the mouth. Stertorous breathing during a swoon. After the swoon there remains a spasm of the head to either side, with redness of face.—Heaviness of the limbs. Heaviness of the feet and weariness of the legs. Slow motion of the limbs, with creeping in the same. Heat over the whole body and sweat., during the least motion. Diflicult motion and creep- ing in the limbs, with lachrymation.—Sensation in the arms and limbs as if they were separated from the body in the joints.—The limbs go to sleep.—Difficulty of moving the hmbs, the pulse being almost extinct. Immobility.—*Loss of voluntary motion (catalepsis) and loss of the senses ; deglutition remains unim- paired. ^Stiffness of the whole body. *Paralyzed limbs °after apoplexy.? Pa- ralysis of several parts of the body. When rising, he threatens to fall (in the first eight hours). He is unable to walk alone, he falls unless he is held. The lower limbs give way when walking. He is unable to stand. He has to lie down.—"Epileptic convulsions, also with weeping. °Spasms after fright.— "Spasms from mercurial vapours.? °Spasms of children. °Chorea St. Viti.— "Tonic spasms of children. The limbs of the child were quite stiff. Continual cramp in hands and feet. The hands are clenched, (not the thumbs); but they can be opened. * Violent motion of the limbs. Constant movement of the hands and arms, as if he were spinning or weaving. Convulsions. Violent convul- sions in bed, during which he was like frantic, and had to be tied. Frightful convulsions at the sight of a candle, mirror, or of water. The convulsions and the delirium were especially excited by contact; they were followed by great weakness. The convulsions and the dilatation of the pupils remained when the pulse had already become slower and the abdomen relaxed. *Spasmodic move- ments. Spasms in the left arm, afterwards in the right leg, followed by sudden spasms of the head in all directions. He moves his limbs to and fro. His hands tremble when seizing anything. Spasmodic drawing up and inwards of the anterior muscles of the thigh, in paroxysms. Convulsions of the left lower hmb; they commence with a shock and the hmb is drawn inwards and upwards. Spasmodic tossing up of the limbs. Alternate contractions of the hands and feet. Slow contracting and stretching of the limbs, in paroxysms. Trem- bling of the hmbs Trembling of the whole body. Constant trembling of the feet. Throwing about of the arms and legs, but most of the arms, with opening and shutting of the hands, and many motions of the fingers. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In men : The vessels of the brain, heart and lungs are distended with black, STRONTIANA CARBONICA. 885 generally fluid blood, the stomach and bowels are injected and inflamed here and there.—The abdomen and pericardium contained a quantity of yellow water; the skin, liver and lungs exhibited brown streaks, the blood was thin and fluid. {Wibmer and Heim.) 229. STRONTIANA CARBONICA. STROX. CARB.—See Hartlaub and Tbink's Mat. Med. Pura, Vol. HI Compare with—Asa f„ Calc. c, Graph., Kali c, Lye, Merc., Natr. mur., Phosph., Plat., Stann., Sil., Sulph. ANTinoTE.—Camph. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Spasms, particularly of the calves and soles of the feet.—Violent chronia cardialgia during the period of digestion.—Consumption : copious, diflicult ex- peetoration of white pus, with chilliness and coldness. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Oppressive anxiety. Ill-humoured. Vehement.— Not disposed to talk.—Forgetful.—Vertigo with nausea, early in the morning. Vertigo with weariness, in the evening, with pressing in the temples from within outwards.—Reeling sensation.—The covering on the head makes the head feel dull.—Heaviness of the head, with malaise all over. Heaviness in the fore- head, with frequent fine stitches ; the whole head feels as if dashed to pieces.— Pain in the forehead, as if the contents of the skull would issue from it. Aching in the forehead, spreading thence over the whole head. Sudden pres- sure over the right eye as from a finger. Sudden pressure over the left eye, with sensation as if something were moving there internally. Pressing feeling in both temples, and towards the forehead.—Pressing pain in the sinciput, par- ticularly in the frontal region and orbits. Pressing pain in the occiput, in the evening. Violent compressive pain in the middle of the occiput.—Tensive pain from the vertex to the jaw, in the evening. Tensive headache, in the evening, followed by erratic aching pain. Tensive pain about the head, as if the scalp in the region of the vertex were put upon the stretch. Headache, as if the whole head were distended from within, when lying in bed, particularly when the head lies low; several evenings in succession. Paroxysm: tension over the whole head, in the evening, for five minutes; afterwards tensive pressure over the whole chest; after this, the same kind of pain was felt in the small of the back, whence it shifted to the left foot, where it remained the whole night; when turning on the back, at night, it felt painful as if excoriated, likewise the small of the back.—Dull drawing pain in the right temple. Frequently recur- ring spasmodic drawing from the head through the eyeballs.—Several painful tearings in the middle of the forehead. Violent tearing in the right occiput.— Sudden painful jerk ia the head, here and there, occasionally.—Violent sticking pain in the left frontal eminence, extending to the side of the head. Violent dull stitch in the right temple, spreading in every direction. Sticking pain in the temples. Stitches in the head. Sticking and tearing, ulcerative pain and heaviness in the whole head, early after rising.—Violent boring pain at a small «pot, on the right occiput, at night.—Feeling of excessive heat in the head and face, in the afternoon when walking, with redness of the face and sensation as if 836 SPONGIA. is hard, the latter soft.)—White diarrhoea.—Bruising pain in the region of the anus, almost like soreness. Every evacuation is preceded by stitches in the anus and grumbling in the abdomen. Emission of flatulence, and a loose evacu- ation.—Pressure in the lumbar region, occasioned by flatulence, during stool. Sore pain at stool, for some days. Tenesmus in the anus, during stool, as if di- arrhoea would set in.—Tensive pain from the middle of the abdomen to the anus.—Ascarides are passed every day. Urinary Organs.—Sensation in the neck of the bladder, as if he would uri- nate. Frequent micturition.—Inability to retain the urine.—Frequent desire with little discharge.—Thin stream. (The urine looks frothy.) The urine de- posits a thick, grayish-white sediment. The clear, saffron-coloured urine depo- sits a yellow sediment when standing. Male Genital Organs.—Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, for several hours, obliging him to rub. Itching burning of the scrotum and the body of the penis, several times. Painful drawing stitches from the body of the penis through the glans. Simple pain of the scrotum, also when touching it.—Squeezing, strangulating pain in the testes.—Long, rather dull stitches from the testes to the spermatic cord.—Aching ^swelling of the testes. "Orchitis. Swollen, painful spermatic cord. Female Sexual Organs.—Pain in the back, afterwards palpitation of the heart, previous to the menses, the whole day.—Drawing in the upper and lower limbs during the menses.—The menses appear too early and too profuse (imme- diately). Larynx.—(For the affections of the larynx, and the kinds of cough which have been cured with Spongia, see Clin. Obs.) *Hoarseness, cough and coryza, very violent. Scraping, burning and constriction of the larynx. Dryness in the region of the larynx, increased by hawking. Difficult respiration, as if the throat were closed with a plug, and as if the air could not pass. Hollow * cough, with expectoration, day and night. Painful pressure below the short ribs when coughing. Hawking of mucus. Pain in the chest and trachea when coughing, with roughness in the throat. * Constant cough from a deep spot in the chest, where he feels a pain as if that part of the chest had become sore and bleeding from the cough. Dry cough. *Dry cough, day and night, with a burning in the chest, as if some hot substance were in the chest; the cough diminishes after eating and drinking. (Frequent night-cough for two minutes, with ill-humour- ed expression of countenance.) Chest. —Violent asthma. Slow, deep breathing, as after exhaustion, for se- veral minutes. She became suddenly debilitated after an exertion; the chest was especially fatigued ; she was almost unable to speak, with heat in the face and nausea; in a few hours heaviness in the head. Hurried, panting breathing after a dance. She becomes weak after every exertion, no mailer how little; the blood rushes to the chest, the face becomes hot, the body begins to glow, the veins are distended and she loses her breath; it takes her a long time to recover herself. After a moderate exercise in the open air she becomes suddenly weak and sinks down on her chair; great anguish, nausea, paleness of face, rush of blood from the heart to the chest, as if she would vomit blood ; her eyes close involuntarily, almost spasmodically; tears press out of the eyes through the closed lids; she is conscious of herself, but her will has no control over the action of her limbs.—Stinging itching in the left side of the chest, near the shoulder. Boring stitch in the right intercostal muscles, continuing during an inspiration and expiration. Violent prickings in the right side of the chest, from within outward. Drawing stitches in the left chest when sitting bent, especially when taking a slow, deep inspiration. Severe, intermittent stitches in the left SPONGIA. 837 side of the chest. Drawing stitches below the second rib of the left chest, only when walking. Fleet, painful stitches in the right side of the chest; if he rubs the part, he feels as if a load were descending there behind the skin.—Cutting pain with pressure in the left side of the chest, when taking a deep inspiration; not much pain otherwise.—Stieking-pinching crawling in the left side of the chest, in the region of the sixth, seventh rib, becoming more painful by external pressure. Pressure in the left chest, sometimes accompanied with stitches in motion and rest. Pinching jerk in the left side of the chest, from without in- ward. Sudden pain in the muscles of the chest and back, left side, as if a broad, pointed body were pressing upward; a broad pressure with many fine stitches. Fine stinging in the outer parts of the chest and arms, for several days. Back.—Violent stitch in the small of the back. The small of the back and the nates are very numb. Dull pain in the region of the right sacro-iliac sym- physis^ when standing. "Drawing tearing and sticking in the small of the back. —Aching in the small of the back, only when walking, especially when setting down the left foot. Fine tearing in the region of the os sacrum, from the right side to the left, superiorly, only when sitting. Pressing sensation in the spinal marrow, going up and down, when sitting straight.—Feeling of coldness in the back, in the region of the last ribs Burning itching of the back, at night; he merely slumbers, tosses about constantly, with heat of the body, no thirst; espe- cially towards morning.—Painful shooting stitch in the region of the right sca- pula. Pain in the outer regions of the scapulas, as if something pointed had been pushed in; a constant sticking pain, accompanied with soreness. Sensa- tion in the thyroid gland, and in the cervical gland, during an inspiration, as if air were rushing up and down in those parts. Pain as if the cervical glands near the larynx and trachea were swelling. Sensation of pressure in the goitre, several times a day. Continual prickings above the pit of the throat, externally, iu the lower part of the goitre. Several large pimples under the chin on the neck, painful when pressing on them. Several glandular swellings below the right lower jaw, impeding the motion of the neck ; a tensive pain is experienced in them when touching them. Sticking pain in the goitre when swallowing, slight aching between the acts of deglutition. Stitches in the goitre; also between the acts of deglutition. Stiff- ness of the neck, when turning it and when stooping. Intermittent, slow pres- sure on the right side of the neck, as if the skin were pressed between the fin- gers ; that same region was painful to the touch along the carotid artery. Pain- ful pressure above the thyroid cartilage, increased by touching it (immediately). Aching pain in the region of the larynx while singing. Tension of the right cervical muscles, when bending the head backward. Sensation in the goitre as if everything in it were vacillating and moving about in it, as if alive, especially when swallowing. Sensation in the goitre as if there were a movement in it, a bloating and pressing as if everything would come out. Painful tension on the left side of the neck near the pomum Adami, when turning the head to the right side. The region of the thyroid body feels indurated. Twitching of the mus- cles of the right side of the neck when lying. Fine darting stitches in the outer region of the larynx at different periods. Shooting stitch on the left side of the neck. lioiiii- slow stitches in the right cervical muscles, immediately on waking from sleep, disappearing during deglutition, and afterwards reappearing again im- mediately. Fleet creeping in the outer region of the neck. Painful cramp in the cervical muscles after opening the mouth widely, and afterwards biting the teeth together firmly ; the lower jaw was drawn down violeutly, with a heaviness in the articulation of the jaw as if it would be dislocated. Drawing prickings through the left side of the neck. Painful feeling of stiffness in the left side of the nape of the neck when turning the head to the right side. Frequently- 888 STRONTIANA CARBONICA. and accompanied with pressing pains in the abdomen.—Leucorrhoea while walking. Larynx.—Hoarseness. Hacking cough, from irritation in the larynx. Short cough, now and then, with aching pain in the chest, after a walk. Chest.—Contraction of the chest. Dyspnoea while walking, with uneasiness and burning in the face, during the headache. Aching pain in the chest, par- ticularly during motion. Aching pain under the sternum, at night, disappear- ing on rising. Dull pressure in the region of the heart, at intervals.—Spas. modic griping and drawing in the chest.—Sticking in the chest, when coughing and drawing breath. Shootings through the chest, from below upwards, along both sides of the sternum.—The sternum is painful to the touch. Pressure on the sternum. Slight burning along the left side of the sternum, from below up- wards. Drawing pain in the right pectoral muscles. Back.—Pain in the small of the back and in the back, as if bruised, in the forenoon ; he found it difficult to stoop and move about, the pain increased like- wise by contact, or on turning the back away from the sun into the shade, after which an unpleasant drawing sensation was experienced; afterwards the pain extended from the small of the back beyond the hip; as this pain disappeared, an aching pain was felt now in the sinciput, then in the occiput, for a fortnight. —Drawing pain in the small of the back, towards noon. Drawing pain in tho left lumbar region, towards evening. Drawing pain in the pelvis, towards even- ing, shifting to the joints of the lower extremities, and changing to a sticking. Drawing pains in the pelvis and lumbar region, extending upwards, towards morning. Slight drawing pain along the vertebral column, in the afternoon, changing to a seated, dull-tearing pain in the joints of the lower extremities, increasing by walking. Tensive drawing in the dorsal and psoas-muscles, when sitting. Fine drawing pain in the back, proceeding from the pelvis, in the evening before going to bed. Intense aching pain in the region of the first lumbar vertebra, at night. Fine drawing pain in the small of the back, at night, gradually changing to a burning pain in the joints of the left lower ex- tremity. Tearing pain in the small of the back, early in the morning. Slight sticking pain in the small of the back, towards evening.—Burning in the right side of the neck during motion and contact. Tearing tension in the nape of the neck, as if the tendons would be drawn up, excessively painful and recurring fre- quently. Upper Extremities.—Languor of the right arm, as if it had lost all its vi- tality, going off during motion. Painful feeling of lameness in the left shoulder and elbow-joint, at night. Laming pain in the right forearm, in the evening. The hand and forearm become quite numb, as if lame, but are warm; sensi- bility is restored by motion. Numbness in the right thumb. Violent trem- bling or rather shaking of the fingers of the right hand, on pouring some liquid on it.—Slight tearing pain in the joints of the right arm, in the evening, with great weariness. Dull tearing pain in all the joints of the extremities of the right side, in the evening. Violent tearing pain in the joints of the upper ex- tremity, in the evening, becoming more violent in bed. Excessively-painful tearing in both shoulders, in the evening. Tearing pain in the right shoulder and elbow-joint. Tearing pain in the left elbow, wrist and finger-joints, towards evening. Tearing from the elbow to the middle of the forearm, excited by touching the spot with the finger. Tensive tearing in the forearm, as if in the marrow. Tearing in all the tendons of the fingers, along the forearm, when letting the arm hang down. Tearing and beating on the side of the left thumb.—Pressure on the left shoulder, within narrow limits.—Sticking pain in the right axilla, towards evening. Sticking pain in the right shoulder. Pul- STRONTIANA CARBONICA. 889 sative stitches in the inner surface of the right forearm.—Dull drawing in the elbow-joints. Painful drawing in single joints of the fingers and in the wrist- joints.—Continued burning pain in the right shoulder-joint. Burning pain in the left wrist-joint, in the evening. Painful sensation like burning and tension between the left thumb and index-finger.—Intolerable pain in the middle of the- right forearm, a tearing, tension and cramp-pain, going off during motion. Cramp-pain in the right middle-finger, extending as far as the hand.—Gnawing in the right ulna, as if in the marrow. Tearing gnawing in the right little finger, at intervals.—Tearing jerking in the finger-joints.—The veins of the arms and hands are distended and feel tight, accompanied with languor and ill- humour.—The skin of a cicatrix on the forearm becomes more and more de- tached.—The ulcer on the arm discharged more than usual, with pain and burning when touched, particularly towards morning; at night the affected arm perspires profusely. Lower Extremities.—Languor in the right, and then in both thighs, in- creasing in bed. Sudden weariness of the lower extremities, worse during rest.— slight twitchings in the right lower limb.—Laming pain of both limbs in the- evening.—Dull pain in the knee, and tarsal joints, worse when walking and standing.—Tearing pain in both hips and knee-joints, early in the morning. Violent tearing from the right hip to the knees, going off during walking. Slight tearing pain in the limb from below upwards, and disappearing in the lumbar region. Slight tearing pain early in the morning, proceeding from the knee-joints through the pelvis, and disappearing in the lumbar region. Ex- tremely painful tearing in the left thigh, as if in the bone. Tearing in the right patella. Dull tearing pain in both knees and tarsal joints, increasing during a walk. Violent tearing pain in all the joints of the left extremity, early in tho morning, terminating in weakness of those parts. Violent tearing pain in the left knee and tarsal joint, after midnight. Tearing in the region of the right outer malleolus. Painful tearing in the left heel, in the evening, when sitting. Painful contractive tearing in the hollow and joints of the right foot. Violent tearing in the metacarpal joint of the second toe; as it passed off, a violent itching was experienced at the root of the nail.—Drawing pain in the hip, early in the morning, proceeding from the right tarsal and knee-joint. Painful draw- ing in the whole limb, during rest, going off by motion. Painful drawing and feeling of lameness in the whole right limb, during a walk in the open air, dis- appearing during rest, and in warmth. Drawing pain in the right knee and tarsal joints, towards evening. Drawing pain in the muscles of the right leg, commencing on getting into bed, and continuing the whole night. Starting in the limbs and of the whole body, on falling asleep.—Continual sticking pain in the knees and tarsal joints, in the evening. Sticking pain in the left heel, in the evening after lying down. Frequent darting in the right thigh, as if in the bone.—Hard, oppressive aching pain in the joints of the lower limbs, in the evening, on going to bed.—Painful gnawing in the left thigh, as if in the mar- row.—Griping and griping tearing in both thighs, in the morning, followed by a burning itching in the toes Pulsative griping, tearing from the knee to the toes, in the evening, on lying down, preventing sleep until midnight; the pain terminated with an itching in the toes.—Itching pain in the left limb.—Burning around the knee and in the distended tibia, on getting into bed, (the bony enlargement having been occasioned by abuse of mercury); afterwards head"- ache supervened, as if the occiput would be pressed out, and lastly a griping tearing in the teeth of the left upper jaw; he fell asleep at 11 o'clock.—Violent pain in the foot, the whole night, with general dry heat; next morning he began tj perspire, which lasted the whole morning, with relief of the pain.—Heat and 890 SULPHUR. burning of the feet, after lying down, in the evening.—Numbness and tingling in the right heel, with tearing in the toes.—The left foot and leg are very much bloated, in the evening.—°The habitual cedematous swelling of the left foot has almost entirely disappeared. Sleep.—Frequent yawning.—Wakeful, late in the evening. He wakes about twenty times, in consequence of a dry cough, with vertigo,, as if he would fall on waking. Restless sleep. Frequent starting during a sort of half slumber in the evening, she trembles all over and feel3 sad and oppressed on the chest On going to sleep in the afternoon and at night, he experiences a single sudden jerk through the trunk, rousing him completely.—Mortifying dreams. Dream full of joy. Fever.—Shuddering over the hairy scalp. Shuddering over the upper part of the back. Chilliness with shuddering in the forenoon. Chilliness from the small of the back over the posterior portion of the thighs, during a walk in the open air.—Increased feeling of warmth in the hands, with internal chilliness and coldness of the lower extremities. Dry heat at night, followed by sweat. Heat from mouth and nose, the lips are chapped, the tongue dry, with thirst. Profuse sweat at night, with pain in the foot on uncovering it.—Violent throb- bing of the arteries and heart. Skin.—Tension of the skin, here and there, in the evening, in bed.—Itching in the evening, on the neck, chest, occiput, abdomen, left thigh, worse after scratching, on the right shoulder and upper arm.—Small pimples on many parts, with burning itching, particularly after scratching. General Symptoms.— Tearing in the limbs, particularly in the joints worst in the evening, and at night in bed, or only on the right side (in tho evening). Twitchings in the right lower limb. Painful tumult in the limbs, early in the morning.—Bruised feeling in the trunk. Languor of the whole body, particularly the lower limbs, early.—Great weariness in the evening.— Great debility early in the morning. Debility in the evening, with much yawn- ing, pressure in the left side of the head, scintillation and paralytic immobility of the right limbs. Sudden debility in the calves, as after a long walk, with languor when sitting. Debility in the whole body, with tremulousness.—Feel- ing of weakness, with lameness and starting of the limbs.—Heaviness in all the limbs.—Tremor of all the limbs.—Emaciation. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The right side is particularly affected by Stron. The pains seem to be principally seated in the long bones and their marrow. Many pains hover from place to place, so that their locality can scarcely be pointed out. The pains are least felt in the open air, in warm sun- shine, and warmth generally. 230. SULPHUR. SULPH.—See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, Vol. V. Compare with—Aeon., Amm. mur., Antimon., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bry., Calc. c, Canth., Caps., Caust., Cham., Chin., Coff, Con., Cupr., Dulc, Graph., Ign., Ipec, Iod., Lach., Lye, Magn., Magn. mur., Merc, Natr. c. et mur., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Puis., Rhus, t., Sarsap., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Sulph. ac, Verat.—Sulph. is frequently suitable after Aeon., Ars., Cupr., Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux v., Puis., Rhus. t.—After sulph. are frequently suitable Aeon., Bell., Calc, Cupr., Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux v., Puis., Rhus, t., Sep., Sil. SULPHUR. 891 Antidotes.—Aeon., Camph., Cham., Chin., Merc, Nux v., Puis., Sep.— Sulph. Andidotes China, Iod., Merc, Nitr. ac, Rhus t., Sep. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks, the following affections have been cured with Sulph.—Hydrargyrosis.—Tremor artuum, with weakness of the limbs, from abuse of mercury.—Diseases from mismanaged itch.—Dropsical cachexia, with- out organic degeneration of the intestines.—Chlorosis with tubercles, in alter- nation with cale.—Acute inflammatory affections, when the critical reaction had to be stimulated.—Telangiectasia. —Fleeting tearing pains at times in one, at times in another part. Fleeting lancinating pains in the joints.—Arthritis vaga.—Neuralgia.—Chorea from eruptive crudities.—Scarlatina with soporous condition, starting, distortion of the eyes.—Scarlatina with sopor and vomiting.— Eruptions breaking out after smallpox. Pocks appearing after vaccination.— Erysipelatous inflammation with swelling and throbbing, stinging pains. Ery- sipelas faciei.—Chronic erysipelas of the face, with swelling of the nose, feeling of heat and burning, fever, blisters and foetid scaly eruption on the occiput. Erysipela.3 of the face and feet. Erysipelas terminating in suppuration.—Pale, tight, hot swelling of various parts.—Chronic cutaneous eruptions of various kinds. Eruptions occasioned by the oil of birch-nuts.—Herpes on different parts of the body. Dry scaly herpes. Herpes on the cheek with psoroph- thalmia. Herpes on the lower limbs, forming crusts, and itching violently. Benign eruptions on the heads of children. Tinea faciei. Tinea capitis. Humid, and still more dry scald-head. Crusta serpiginosa. Crusta laetea. Eruption in the face; the skin becomes chapped, a large number of yellow scurfs forming upon it, with griping, and with burning pain after scratching ; similar eruption on the arms, thighs, and abdomen. Pimples or crusts in the face Humid herpes on the calves and tibiae, with violent burning, itching, and profuse discharge. Herpes miliaris phlyclamodes ; clusters of small vesicles lilled with a serous lymphatic fluid, upon an inflamed base, increasing to the size of a dollar or hand, forming irregular circumscribed spots, separated from each other by sound skin; they appear principally on the extremities, itch and burn, and either discharge or become covered with thin white scales. Herpes cruslaceus (impetigo Willan) : upon a red, circumscribed surface, small, closely. crowded vesicles make their appearance, discharging a purulent lymph, which Boon changes to thick yellow-greenish crusts; these crusts frequently fall off, leaving a moist, somewhat raised, red, bluish surface, upon which new crusts soou form; this herpes itches and burns, and, in children, frequently appears in the face. Herpes cruslaceus on the head, face, calves, with otorrhoea. Herpes erustaceus on the loins. Herpes crustaceus in the bends of the knees, and on the adjoining parts. Herpes circinnatus. Herpes squamosus on the fore- head.—-Mentagra.—Periodically-recurring vesicular eruption on the upper extremities, the vesicles containing at first a clear lymph which changes to pus; with violent griping in bed at night,—Itch. Itch and chlorosis from itch. Greasy itch. Post-scabial diseases—Lupus vorax (in conjunction with arsenic).—Lepra Americana.—Telangiectasia.— Warts on the arms and hands. Horny warts.—Nan-i.—Intertrigo infa-.tum : behind the ears, on the neck, under the arms, in the groins and between the thighs the skin was very red, and over a large surface, it was sore, moist, and Covered here and there with a thick, fetid, purulent lymph.—Anasarca after scarlatina, with swelling of the cervical glands. Anasarca (in conjunction with Sucous sambuci). —Scrofulous ulcers, internal and external. Psoric ulcers of the tibia. Fistu- lous ulcere? Proud flesh shooting up from fistula}. Ulcers with predominant 892 SULPHUR. disposition to produce proud flesh, particularly with bluish circumference, not very sensitive, the base being covered with pale-red, spongy, ir.sensible proud flesh with a smooth and shining surface, accompanied with a copious secretion of thick, yellow pus.—Chronic ulcers on the feet, also with smarting pains and itching.—Serofulosis.—Swelling of the cutaneous glands of the chest.—Lym- phatic swellings.—Softening and curvature of bones.—Rachitis.—Distention of bones.—Caries and carious ulcers.—Intermittent fever—Double-quotidian, —Status nervosus with violent delirium in scarlatina.— Typhus with evening. sweat (in alternation with Ruta, by Bosch, Hygea, XIX., p. 4). Typhus with the following symptoms : paleness, sunken eyes, itching-burning eruption on the lips, dirty-white, dry tongue, bitter, putrid taste, vomiting of food and bile, sen- sitiveness of the pit of the stomach and umbilicus, rumbling, watery, flocculent, yellowish, nocturnal diarrhoea, turbid urine with reddish sediments, oppression, dry cough in the evening and at night, bad sleep, dry heat, pulse moderately ac- celerated.—Profuse sweat.—Hypochondria with venous congestion of the ab- domen. Real hypochondria and hysteria. Hypochondria with weakness of the lower extremities, sensation as if they would go to sleep, with vague pains, pain- ful spasm in the bowels, fulness of the abdomen, loss of appetite, mucous ex- pectoration, irritation inducing cough, hard stool, forgetfulness and sadness.— Chronic vertigo.—Hemicrania, with darting, deeply-penetrating stitches in the forehead, temples and cheeks.—Encephalitis of children, with sopor. Acuto hydrocephalus. Chronic hydrocephalus with spasms. Falling off of the hair in lying-in females.—Convulsive trembling of the head after repelled itch.— Acute ophthalmoblennorrhcea. Blepharoblennorrhoea. Lippitudo. Horde- olum. Inflammation of the eyelids. Blepharophthalmitis. Psorophthalmia glandulosa et mucosa. Chronic inflammation of the eyelids from foreign bodies having got into the eyes, or, in new-born infants from the light striking on tho eye. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Ophthalmia of various kinds from repelled itch. Taraxis with burning-itching pain. Conjunctivitis with interstitial dis- tention of the conjunctiva; redness of the cornea, ©edematous swelling of the eyelids with purulent discharge. Ophthalmia : the left eye seems larger, the lids are very much swollen, the albuginea is red as blood, cornea dim with sup- purating ulcer, aching pains around the orbit, particularly in the light of the sun and when moving the eyeball. Ophthalmia metastatica : uniform redness of the sclerotica occasioned by fine vessels traversing it, with single bundles of varicose vessels in the conjunctiva, blue ring margin around the cornea with dimness, contracted and immovable pupil; discharge of acrid tears, photopho- bia, violent tearing pains in the infra-orbital and temporal regions which become worse in the evening and at night, fever. Scrofulous ojjhthalmia of children, or with phlyctamae, also with interstitial distention of the lids, or with specks on the cornea. Arthritic ophthalmia. Keratoditis rheumatica. Psoric ophthalmia. Obscuration of the cornea (Keratoditis scrofulosa) with effusion of yellow gray lymph between the layers of the cornea giving the latter a distended ap- pearance in the parts where the effusion has taken place.—Ulcers on the cor- nea.—Hypopion with inflammation of the sclerotica and cornea.—Cataract.— Cataract and amaurosis after repelled itch.—Amblyopia amaurotica after re- pelled eruption on the head.—Incipient amaurosis with tearing and burning in the eye.—Otorrhoea scrofulosa with excoriations of the meatus auditorius, and scurfy, humid eruption on and behind the ears. Purulent otorrhoea. Singing and fine whizzing in the ears.—Prosopalgia.—Stitch-like jerks in decayed teeth of either jaw. Beating toothache, particularly from suppressed cutaneous eruptions, with swelhng of the gums, great sensitiveness of the points of the teeth, congestion of blood to the head. Parulis and fistula dentalis.—Aphtha. SULPHUR. 893 —Angina tonsillaris.—Inveterate arthritic affections of the tonsils and uvula. Chronic inflammation of the tonsils.—Heartburn.—Chronic vomiting of the in- gesta, with tensive pain at the elbow, aching pain of the forehead and vertigo. —Chronic dyspepsia : constant bloatedness of the epigastrium, with oppression of breathing, even before breakfast, but particularly after eating; empty and sour eructatione, inclination to vomit, vomiting, constant pressure, with occa- sional burning at the stomach and costiveness.—Pressure in the region of the stomach and constant distention of the abdomen, in consequence of chagrin.— Chronic inflammatory affections of the stomach: burning, contractive pains in the stomach, sensitiveness to pressure, fulness and tightness of the praecordia, acidity, vomiting of water and of the ingesta (in alternation with carbo veg.) —Cardialgia from suppressed itch.—Chronic cardialgia, particularly when the pain in the region of the stomach and back is seated, with loss of appetite and costiveness.—Incipient schirrous degeneration of the stomach, particularly with luemorrhoidal disposition and after repelled itch.—Chronic hepatitis.—Indura- tion of the liver with vomiting of hydatids.—Tabes meseraica with diarrhoea, emaciation, crying, restlessness. Atrophia meseraica infantum.—Infarctions of the portal system.—Haemorrhoidal colic, with strangury and other complaints. —Chronic constipation, also of children and new-born infants.—Diarrhoea with itching and pain in the rectum. Chronic papescent diarrhoea, with leu- corrhoea and amenorrhoea.—Diarrhaa dysenterodes: violent cutting in the bowels, dysenteric pressing and diarrhoea.—Dysentery : discharges of mucus with and without blood, preceded by cutting in the bowels, tenesmus, fever, etc—Slight protrusion of the rectum, in feeble children. Prolapsus ani of children with itch-like eruption.—Hamorrhoids with colic and costiveness. Blind and flowing piles. Hamorrhoidal congestions in the abdomen, congestion of blood to the head, nervous excitement, aching pains in the head, restlessness at night.—Chronic bleeding from the anus.—Haemorrhoidal affection: swollen and painful tumours, preventing one from rising, with constipation, constant urging to stool, stool enveloped with mucus, painful stitches from the anus to the small of the back, painful tightness in the small of the back and anus, loss of sleep and appetite.—Haemorrhoids, particularly blind ones, with costiveness and stinging in the rectum. Sulph. is an excellent remedy for many affections arising from a haemorrhoidal disposition or from suppression of the usual haemorrhoidal discharge, characterized by congestion of blood to the head, con- stant aching pains in the occiput, vertigo, congestion of blood to the heart, pal- pitation of the heart, slight vascular excitement, pulsations in the whole body with anguish and oppression, and easily excited by slight exercise or emotions, derangement of the digestive functions, costiveness. Hamorrhoidal affections with tenesmus, colic, pain in the small of the back.—Catarrh of the bladder urine with mucous sediment and troublesome pressure on the bladder.__ Amenorrhaa, also with sticking headache, vivid redness of the face, violent pains in the uterine region at a period when the menses used to make their ap- pearance, and itching pimples on the chest.—Fistula urinaria, from stricture of the urethra.—Suppression of the menses with fever, congestion of blood to the head, chest, spleen, vertebral column and small of the back, gastric and ab- dominal symptoms, hemorrhoidal congestion, shortness of breath, pressure in the chest, 3titches in the side, heaviness and languor of the lower extremities etc.—Chronic burning in the urethra after gonorrhoea. Common gonorrhoea and orchitis gonorrhoeiea. Gleet. Haemorrhoidal gonorrhea. Dysmenorrhea with epilepsy (in conjunction with Puis.).—Partial prolapsus uteri.—Swelling of the ovarium.—Leucorrhoea with chronic cough, feehng of weakness in the chest when talking and mucous expectoration, profuse night-sweats. Leu- 894 SULPHUR. corrhcea (in alternation with Stannum).—Impotence (in conjunction with Co- nium.)—Facilitates conception.—Disposition to miscarriage.—Soreness and rhagades of the nipples of nursing females.—Suppurating ulcer of the mamma with proud flesh.—Aphony with great restlessness during the suppurative stage of smallpox.—Grippe : moderate fever, stitches in the chest, during a deep in- spiration, violent turns of cough, with great oppression of breathing. Chronio catarrh, with asthmatic symptoms and palpitation of the heart.—Constant, short, racking cough with exhausting night-sweats, after pneumonia. Mucous cough with vomiting.—Croup, in slight cases, giving first Aconite; Sulph. brings on the catarrhal stage.—Chronic affections of the larynx, particularly with hoarseness and aphony.—Cough with expectoration of white mucus and night-sweats.—Cough after measles, in phthisical subjects.—Haemoptoe.— Pneumonia in the stage of hepatigation, particularly in persons disposed to haemoptoe, in scrofulous subjects, when effusion into the pleura has set in, with "violent febrile orgasm, great dyspnoea,—Pleuritis with effusion, giving first Aeon, if the fever be violent, or, if slight, Sulph. from the commencement. Also in pleuritis complicated with pneumonia, when the stage of hepatization has already set in.—Pleuropneumonia (cured by one dose of Sulph. 900). Tuberculous pneumonia. Chronic affection of the chest, with tightness of breathing, and frequently-recurring inflammation arising from pulmonary tu- bercles and other chronic inflammatory irritations of the thoracic organs. In- flammatory affections of the lungs in individuals with pulmonary tubercles.— Pulmonary phthisis from mismanaged itch.—Suppuration of the lungs.—Con- sumption with chronic cough and slow fever, after measles.—Pulmonary phthisis : constant cough, with expectoration of yellow-green pus, night-sweat and fever. Pulmonary phthisis : cough, with copious purulent expectoration and sticking pains in the chest.—Tuberculous pneumonia.—Chronic affection of the lungs. Chronic asthma with profuse sweat. Asthma from repelled itch. Asthma spasticum periodicum.—Rushes of blood to the heart with ach- ing pain.—Periodical palpitation of the heart (in conjunction with Aeon.).— Affection of the spinal marrow: violent pains in the back, with dislocation of the vertebras and paralysis of the lower extremities, after a repelled itch-like eruption in a boy of three and a half years.—Curvature of the vertebrae.—In- flammation and swelling of an axillary gland.—'Burning, tearing and swelling of 'the shoulder-joint, which is painful to contact; the pains are increased by mo- tion and at night.—Fungous excrescences on the left forearm of a child, after itch.—Excessively-painful tumours in the joints of the arms and feet, sensitive to contact.—Periodical spasms in the arms.—Arthritic swelhng of the hand.— Panaritia.—Ischias nervosa antica, with tearing pain, after repelled itch.— Ischias with burning and stinging pains, particularly at night.—Complete lame- ness of the lower extremities, in rickety individuals.—Paralytic condition of the hip-joints, with violent pains in the small of the back and tearing in the left lower limb.—Coxarthrocace,—Coxalgia scabiosa.—Inflammation of the knee- joints.—Chronic tumour on the knee, of the size of a fist, with doughy feel.— Arthritic inflammation of the knee-joints, with stinging and burning pains, vio- lent swelling of the knee and foot, with fever.—Phagedenic ulcers on the foot, with burning pains.—Chilblains.—Painful corns. SYMPTOMS. Wind and Disposition.—^Despondency. During the day she frequently feels quite unhappy, without knowing why, she wishes to die. Moaning and lamentations, day and night, with much thirst and slight appetite, although she swallows her food hastily. Sad on account of her disease. °Melancholy, she SULPHUR 895 fears for her salvation. Hypochondriac sadness, (the first week). Apprehen- sive of future misfortunes. Great anguish, in the evening after lying down, she is unable to go to sleep. Anxiety, as if he would lose his fife. Great dis- position to weep, without any apparent cause. Exceedingly sensitive. Now inclines to weep, now to laugh. During the nightly cough the boy weeps for a long while and is very restless. She imagines that she is giving wrong things to the people, causing their death. She fears for others, with anxiety. Anxiety with heat in the head and cold feet, he knows not what to do; he forgets every moment what he was about to do.—Involuntary haste in seizing something.— Inclines to start. Starts violently, even when hearing his name called. °Fear of ghosts at night. He starts in the afternoon when wide awake, and a cold thrill rushes through his body.—Uneasiness and hurriedness in the day-time; he could not restrain himself. She has no rest anywhere, day or night. Hii mind is constantly agitated. Great absence of mind; he is unable to chain his attention to the object before him, and does his work very awkwardly. Slow, irresolute. Excitement with inclination to fritter away one's time, almost as after taking coffee. He imagines he is becoming thin.—Low-spirited, out of humour, inclining to weep, especially morning and evening. Excessively out of humour; nothing satisfies her. He gets angry about everything, is offended at every little remark, thinks he ought to defend himself, *gets vehement. Out of humour, gloomy in the head, as when a catarrh is setting in. She was angry at herself. ^Irritated 'and taciturn.—Slowness of mind and body during the day, and not disposed to any kind of labour. She becomes impatient at everything she un- dertakes. He takes no pleasure in anything. The slightest occupation is re- pulsive to him. He sits for hours immovable and lazy, although he has many things to attend to. He has no disposition for anything in the evening, busi- ness, enjoyment, conversation, exercise; he feels very uncomfortable, and he knows not what to do with himself.—So obstinate and peevish that he does not answer any question; he does not want any one to come near him, and cannot get fast enough what he wants. Impetuous and peevish. She is overwhelmed with internal discontent, does not do anything to her satisfaction, is obstinate and inflexible, without knowing why.—Irritated mood, as if he had been offend- ed. Quarrelsome mood, and vexed about everything. Sensorium.—When walking in the open air, she becomes suddenly sad; she is filled with anxious, vexed, desponding thoughts, that she cannot get rid of; this makes her apprehensive and vexes her unto tears. She thinks of a great many past events which had wounded her feelings, (also of joyous things and melodies;) they crowd upon her in succession, she cannot get rid of them, in the day-time, when not doing anything, but worst in the evening when in bed; then they hinder sleep. While thinking of indifferent things, she calls up in her mind disagreeable, offensive occurrences, adding more and more disagreeable re- collections until she is unable to get rid of them; accompanied with much cour- age, which induces her to take bold resolutions. *Great inclination to philo- sophical and religious speculations. She imagines she has beautiful dresses, looks upon old rags as beautiful dresses, takes a coat for a vest, a cap for a bon- net. Mania ; she spoils her things, throws them away, imagining that she has everything in abundance, and, besides, dwindling down to a skeleton. She says absurd things day and night.—Extremely forgetful, especially of proper names. She forgets what she was just saying. So forgetful that she had but a confused recollection of tho things which had just happened. Forgetfulness of phrases; cannot speak the words he wishes to. Dulness of sense, he is not collected, is embarrassed, avoids society. If some one talks to him, he wakes as from a dream; he looks like an idiot, and has to make an effort to comprehend and an- 896 SULPHUR. swer correctly. Words and phrases which he had heard, pass involuntarily through his head.—Sensation as of a fog in his head, and dizziness which makes him sad; vague ideas with irresoluteness. She ran about the room for five minutes without knowing where she was. She was unable to connect two ideas, and was like an imbecile. Sensation in the head as if she had not slept enough. •Difficulty of thinking. Dulness of the head, in the morning, and oppression of the forehead until noon. Dulness of the head after a walk in the open air. Dizziness with stitches in the head. Dulness of the head, as if from congestion of blood to the head, especially when going up stairs. Dizziness, a sort of hum- ming and buzzing through the forehead, when walking fast or when moving the head fast. Dizziness and swimming of the head. Swimming of the head, worse from looking upwards and downwards, and from turning round quickly.—Reel- ing sensation in the head. Reeling sensation, stupefaction and great faintness, in the forenoon at eleven o'clock ; she had to lie down, and lay until three o'clock in a quiet slumber, in which she heard everything that was said. Weakness of the head like a sort of stupefaction, when walking in the open air, with gloomy, disagreeable ideas, for several minutes. °Inability to collect one's self and hea- viness of the head from stooping, Stupefaction of the head, she imagined she had lost her senses.—Vertigo when sitting; staggering on rising. Vertigo in the evening, after having been lying in bed for a quarter of an hour, as if he would faint and as if everything in his head were turning; two evenings in suc- cession. Vertigo when lying on her back at night. Vertigo in the morning, with some bleeding at the nose. Violent vertigo in the morning when rising ; whenever he attempted to stand he fell back on the bed, which lasted about half an hour. Short vertigo, as if he would fall to one side. Vertigo when walk- ing, a sort of reeling. Vertigo, inducing a tendency to fall forward, when sud- denly rising from one's seat. Vertigo when walking, a sort of cloudiness before the eyes, a staggering to the left side, for some minutes. Vertigo when stoop- ing. * Vertigo when walking in the open air, (after supper;) she was not allow- ed to stoop, to look down, and had to hold on to something in order not to fall. Vertigo for eight minutes, when ascending an elevation; he was unable to step firmly, the senses being clouded. Vertigo when walking, and anxiety when looking down; her eyes swim immediately. Vertigo, when erossing a river, she came near falling, and all her limbs felt paralyzed. Vertigo in the evening, when standing, with rush of blood to the heart. Vertigo with inclination to vomit. He can walk straight while he looks steadily before him, but staggers if he looks to either side. After sitting awhile, the vertigo leaves his head, but is renewed by rising again. Dizziness and unsteadiness of the head and body, early in the morning, as if standing upon shaking ground. Head.—Headache with nausea, °also with heat and humming in the head. Headache as if from incarceration of flatulence. Headache every morning, over her eyes, as if from dry coryza; he sneezes continually. Headache, worse in the open air than in a room. Headache, her eyelids are drawn together. Head- ache only when going up stairs. Violent headache, in the vertex, for twelve hours, returning every morning hke a fever. Pain in the vertex, when chewing, coughing or blowing the nose. Violent pain in the centre of the head, from coughing and sneezing. "Headache from working in pewter and lead. °Nightly headache, particularly from moving in bed ever so little. A good deal of head- ache, especially when stooping. Every step he makes affects his head painful- ly. Headache in the occiput, from noon; a sort of stupifying groaning was felt in the occiput when stepping; she had to sit quietly for four hours. Pain in the vertex, as if pressure were made on the brain. Soreness of the right side of the head. The pain iu the right side of the head moves into the right leg and back SULPHUR. 897 again. Numbness in the right side of the head.—Pressure in the front part of the head, as after nightly revelling; in a few days the pain is felt as a glowing tearing in the right side of the head and in the teeth, aggravated by touching the parts with cold water. Pressure in the head, in the morning, immediately after rising. Aching in the head; every step affects his forehead painfully, with sweat on the forehead. Headache, generally on the top of the head, as if the eyes would be pressed down. Aching pain over the left eye, in the afternoon. Aching pain in the forehead, more violent during motion or in the forenoon. Pressure in the head, from one temple to the other, in the morning after rising. Sharp painful pressure below the left parietal bone, immediately after supper. Pain in the whole head, as if it had been pressed from without, for instance, by a tight hat. Oppressive headache in the room, when the head is covered with a tightly-fitting hat; the pain goes off when uncovering the head. Pressure in the head, every other morning, at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and con- tinuing until bed-time. * Violent pressure in the forehead. ^Pressure in the temples and tightness in the brain, when reflecting or doing some other mental labour. Painful pressure from time to time from the vertex into the brain, espe- cially late in the evening and at night when in bed; the pain obliges her to wrinkle the forehead and to draw the eyelids together. Pressure in the head, in the direction of the forehead. Nightly headache, and intolerable pressure in the lower part of the occiput and in the vertex, increasing continually, accom- panied with pressure on the eyes, which she was obliged to close, and with a chilliness which no clothing could remove; he was also covered with a foetid sweat, during which he had to walk up and down in his room. Headache in the forehead, pressing from within outward. Headache, especially in the forenoon, as if the head were drawn forward and downward. °Headache every da)', as if the head would burst, °Periodical aching pain, every eight days, with tearing and stupefaction.—Feeling of fulness in the head as if filled with blood. Feehng of fulness and heaviness of the head. Feehng of heaviness on the top of the head. Heaviness of the head, every movement of the head becoming disa- greeable. Heaviness of the head, when sitting, lying, moving about or stoop- ping. Feeling of heaviness and dulness of the head, as if the brain would fall forwards, relieved by walking; afterwards fine pricking in the head. The head feels too heavy for his neck to support. Headache, like a weight pressing through the brain from the vertex, and like a hoop around the head. Headache, as if a board were pressing against the head in front.— Tension in the forehead] Tensive pain in the head. Tensive pain in the eyes, only when raising them, for several mornings, in bed, on waking.—Headache, as if between screws, in and above the forehead. Contractive pain in the temples, for several mornings. Compressive pinching of the brain from side to side, frequently lasting a whole minute—Drawing through forehead and temple, intensely painful, as If a worm were creeping through that part, (the first days). Drawing pain in the occiput so violent during mastication that he has to cease eating.—Tearing in the head' through the ear. Tearing iu the head as with a saw. Tearing and pressure in the left temple and eye. Tearing in the forehead. Tearing in the head, more in the afternoon than forenoon, with faintness and thirstless heat; he had'to lay his head on the table to obtaiu relief. Tearing in the head, generally in the sides and forehead, sometimes with drawing and pricking, and with ulcerative pain reheved by moving the head, by pressing upon it, and by the open air Nightly headache as if the skull would be torn off. After waking from the siesta, when opening the eyes, he feels a sudden headache, generally on one side, as'if the brain were torn or sore. Stiteh-like tearings, after long, unequal intervals, now through different parts of the head, now through the malar bones, the region of tol. n. 57 ' ewu"* 898 SULPHUR. the ear, the jaws and other parts of the face.—°Drawing and tearing through the head. A stitch in the head. Stitching pain in the temples. Pricking pain in the forehead, only when walking. Stitches in and above the forehead. Stitch- es in the forehead, in the evening, becoming more and more violent afterwards. Stitches through the forehead when talking or coughing, obliging her to hold her forehead with her hand, mostlyan the evening, for many days. Stitches through the forehead, at every step, every day; she has to knit her brow when talking aloud or coughing. Stitches in the head and through the eyes. Stitches through the forehead every day from morning till night. Some stitches in the vertex. Pricking headache at> different times, sometimes continuing during the ni b: ck after sitting. Aching pain in the back below the scapulae, in the even- ing. Drawing in the spine from below upward, when stooping. Stitching pain in the back, when walking. Itching stitches in the back. Grumbling within the spine, all along. Hot thrill over the back. Burning and biting in the back. Tearing in the back. Corrosive burning between the shoulders, below the right sh ulder-joint, in the small of the back and the right buttnek, in the evening af- ter lving down. 'Drawing and tension in the back and nape of the neck, with stiffness. "Curvature of the vertebrae.—Tearing in the left scapula, when sit- ti g. Tear ng or pricking between the scapulae, in the evening. Burning pain SULPHUR. 915 between the scapulae. Tensive aching between tie scapulae, when lying or mov- ing. Tension and bruised pain between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck, extending to the shoulder when moving the head. Tension between the sea- pulae and in one side of the neck. Tensive pain in the left side of the back, when moving the arms. Drawing pain in the right scapula, in the evening when going to bed. Pain as if sprained in the right scapula, when moving the arm. Stitching pain in the left scapula, when leaning on the left arm. Several stitches under the scapulae, arresting the breathing and not allowing one to stoop.— Stiffness of the nape of the neck and paralytic pain in the nape of the neck as if sprained. Cracking in the cervical vertebrae when bending the head backward and pressing it into the pillow. Tensive pain in the nape of the neck and ex- tending thence over the eye, where the pain became pricking. Drawing jerking in the posterior cervical muscles. Tension and pinching in the nape of the neck, when sitting bent, going off after stretching the neck. Drawing pain in the nape of the neck and the scapulae. Tearing and tension in the left side of the nape of the neck, before midnight, after waking, with sensation as if the parts were too short when moving the head, the pain being less when keeping the head still. Stitches in the nape of the neck when stooping. Inflammation and swell- ing of a posterior cervical gland, close to the hair, and itching. Herpes on the nape of the neck. Continual sweat on the nape of the neck, almost the whole day, sometimes accompanied with a feeling of coldness and shuddering, for a fort- night.—Stiffness of the neck. Pain in the right side of the neck when bending the" head to that side. Drawing pain in the right side of the neck. Pressing in the outer parts of the neck, when talking much. Pulsations in the left carotid. Painful swelling of the neck in front. Itching of the neck. Little blotches on the neck as if from heat. Pain of a swollen gland near the thyroid body, when touched. Upper Limbs.—Swelling of the axillary glands. Swollen, moist gland under the right arm. Purulent swelling of the axillary glands. Sweat of the axilla, also very fetid. Pinching alternately in the left shoulder and in the feet. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder. Pain in the shoulder during an inspira- tion. Pressure on the shoulder as from a load when walking in the open air. * Drawing pain in the shoulder-joint and in the arm. Tearing, from the shoul- der-joint along the humerus. ^Tearing in the shoulders,or shoulder-joints, es- pecially at night, -with gnawing or violent bruised pain and pricking, at first ag- gravated, afterwards relieved, by the motion of the arm. Stitches in the right axilla. Tearing in the shoulder-joints when at rest, going off during motion. Stitches from the shoulder to the chest, only during motion. Stitches extending from the shoulder-joint into the arm, when lying on it, and during inspirations and expirations. Beating in the left shoulder, apparently in the bone. Pain of the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated, especially at night when lying. "Jerking of the shoulders.— The arms are painful as if bruised. The arm gees to sleep for 24 hours. The arms frequently go to sleep for quarters of an hour, especi- ally after working; he has to let them rest. Cramp in the arms after midnight. Pressure and drawing in the interior of the arm, more violent during motion than rest, especially when stretching or raising the arm. *Drawingand tearing in the arms and hands. Jerking drawing, at night when in bed, from one joint of the arm to the other, but more violent in the joint. Tearing, slow jerks from the shoulder or elbow-joint through the limb, most painful in the joint, obliging him to close the eyes and to knit the brow. Tearing and paralytic weakness in the right arm. Tearing in the arm, independent of motion. Red, burning, spots on the upper and lower arms, (after washing them with soap-water). "Creeping in both arms, -also iu the tips of the fingers. "Weakness of the 916 SULPHUR. arms and hands, particularly early in the morning. °Swelling of the arms. "Swelling of the bone of the arm. "Warts on the arms.—Sensation in the upper arm as if something heavy were hanging from it. Weakness of the upper arm, so that she is not able to raise it. Jerking pressure in the deltoid muscle. Tearing in the anterior surface of the left humerus. Dragging stick- ing in the right upper arm. Bruised pain in the left upper arm, which is like- wise painful when touched. Hard, hot swelling on the left upper arm, with pricking in the swelling.—Burning pain under the bend of the elbow; the part feels pithy or numb to the touch. Bruised pain around the right elbow-joint, when raising the arm, or when clenching the fist. Sharp drawing in the right elbow-joint. Pressure in the elbow-joint when moving it. Tearing, com- mencing in the elbow joint and extending upward and downward in the arm, also when at rest. Tearing in and above the right elbow-joint, when at rest, going off when moving the arm. The tendons in the elbow-joint feel stretched. Pu- rulent vesicles in the bend of the elbow, itching a good deal.—Slow, painful drawing in the fore-arms, as if in the nerves, extending from the elbow to the wrist and back again. Itching of the elbow and wrist-joints and especially of the hands, in the evening in particular; little vesicles full of a yellowish fluid form here and there. Tension at one spot of the right forearm, as if the skin would be raised with a pin, the part itching after rubbing it. Tearing in the bones of the forearm, sometimes relieved by motion and by pressing on the part. The right lower arm feels heavy and as if gone to sleep. The right fore- arm feels paralyzed and without sensation, going off by friction; at night, When lying on the left side. "Swelhng of the forearm (from a blow), with burning and rigid sensation.—Tearing pain in the wrist-joints, also in the styloid processes. Painful stitches through the wrist-joint, from within outward. Pain as if Spraied. in the right wrist-joint, during rest and slight motion, going off at last entirely by violent exercise. Pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained. Stiffness of the wrist-joints, especially in the morning, disappearing in the day-time. Drawing in the dorsum of the hand, with alternate stitches. Sudden burning stitch in the dorsum of the hand. Tearing in the dorsum of the right hand, sometimes as if in the bones, sometimes in the tendons. Burning in the hands. Distended veins of the hands. Frequent swelling of the hands. Formication in the hands. The hands go to sleep, with tingling, as soon as they are dipped in cold or warm water. Weariness of the right hand, with tearing in the thumb. Weakness of the hands in the morning after rising; he has to make a great ef- fort to hold something with it. * Trembling of the hand when writing. "Trem- bling of the hands in doing fine work. Trembling of the right hand in the morn- ing. Tremulous feeling in either hand. A sort of anxiety in the hands; he had to seize something. Involuntary grasping with the hand, especially in tho afternoon. "Cold hands. Sweaty hands. Itching in the palms of the hands; rubbing produces a burning sensation. Itching prickling burning in the palms of the hands. "Red stigmata on the dorsum of the hands. Itching vesicular eruption on the dorsum of the hand. Redness and swelling of the hands and fingers, as if frozen, with itching in the evening and with tension during motion. Hard, dry skin of the hands. Chapped skin of the hands. Almost painless chapping of the hands, especially at the commencement of the fingers.— *Fissures and rhagades in the skin of the hands, especially in the joints, sore and painful. The parts around the posterior knuckles are chapped and rough, like a grater. A slight injury of the finger becomes sore, with pulsations in the sore, afterwards exhibiting a malignant blister, the whole hand swelling, but no pain to the touch. The tendons in the palms of the hands behind the two first fingers feel shortened, hard and tensive, so that he is unable to spread SULPHUR. 917 his hand flat on the table.—Drawing pain in the fingers, single short jerks, in the afternoon. Cramp in the three middle fingers. Involuntary jerking of the fingers. Tearing in the fingers. Tearing in the posterior joint of the thumb, extending as far as the metacarpal joint and dorsum of the hand. Lancination behind the nail of the left ring-finger, as if a pin were stuck in, especially violent in the evening. Feeling of cramp, and as if bruised and swollen in the meta- carpal joint of the third and fourth fingers, (during the menses.) Pinching and pressure in the ball of the left little finger, every five minutes, darting into the arm when leaning the elbow on something, with chilliness; in the day-time the pain is changed to violent stitches, likewise accompanied with chilliness, all his hmbs feeling weary as after a long journey. Continuous burning-tearing stitch in the dorsum of the middle-finger. Burning jerk in the left middle-finger. Burning in the balls of the fingers, (forenoon). Burning in the tips of the fin- gers. Pain as if sprained in the posterior joint of the thumb. Pain in the flexor-side of the right middle-finger, as if a splinter had been stuck in. Stitches in the tips of the fingers. Creeping and prickling in the tips of the fingers, very painful; worse when letting the arms hang down. The two last fingers go to sleep in the evening when in bed. Numbness of the little finger, for a time. Numbness of the two -little fingers, they go to sleep. *Deadness of the fingers, in the morning ; -the blood recedes from them, with numbness and creeping in the fingers, and shrivelled skin of the tips, for two hours, three days in succession. Deadness of the fingers, in the forenoon. Coldness of the fin- gers. Considerable swelling of the three middle-fingers of both hands. Thick, stiff, red finger-joints, as if frozen, with creeping in them. Swelling of the fin- gers, in the morning. * Thick, red chilblains on the fingers, itching a good deal when warm. Certain portions of the epidermis of the fingers peel off. "Warts on the fingers. Profuse sweat between the fingers. Pain of the tips of the fingers in the morning, as if he had cut his nails too short. A number of long nails. * Panaritium, -twice in succession. Lower Limbs.—Pain of the right buttock. When sitting a long while, the nates and ossa ischii become painful. Itching gnawing of the nates. Tensive pain in the hip-joint when walking. Violent pain as if sprained in the right hip-joint, during the least motion, so that he was unable to step or to walk in the morning; the parts are also painful when touched. Frequent jerking, deep in the left hip, when sitting and when moving the body to one side. Pain in the hip, only during motion and when touching it, as if the parts were bruised, or as if he had had a fall on them. *Pain in the ossa ischii, she was unable to sit or lie, as if there were sub-cutaneous ulceration; when rising from the seat the thigh felt as if gone to sleep, with pinching in the region of the os ischium. Cramp-like, sudden, very painful jerks around the hip joint. Drawing pain in the left hi p. Nettlerash below the hip. "Coxarthrocace.? "Spontaneous limp- ing.?— Drau ing pain in the lower limbs, in the morning, and in the evening when in bed. Violent tearing in the lower hmb, from the heel to the the thi^h and hip-joint; when standing the pain is worst in the knee-joint; it was relieved and finally entirely removed by walking. Violent tearing in the ri^ht lower hmb and hip-joint, when walking, in paroxysms; she was not able to sit long on a low seat without stretching the limb, and without feeling a pain. Pain in the lower limbs as if bruised, after walking in the air. * Uneasiness in the lower hmbs, -.he was not able to remain in the room, for two evenings, until bed-time. Dry heat in the lower hmbs. Coldness in the left lower limb. The right lower hmb fees numb, even when lying. Sensation when lying as if he were not able to raise his own hmb; nevertheless he was able to do so. When sitting his hmbs feel as if gone to sleep. The left lower limb goes to sleep for a whole 918 SULPHUR. hour, two evenings in succession. Both lower limbs go to sleep early in the morning when in bed, with great heaviness. * Heaviness of the lower limbs, and tension in the knees and thighs, more in the night than in the day-time. *Painful heaviness of the lower limbs. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs, in the morning when in bed; it goes off immediately after rising. Hea- viness and languor of the lower limbs after short walks. *Excessive heaviness of the lower limbs when walking, almost as if paralyzed. Humming |in the lower limbs, as if from weariness. Feeling of anxiety and weakness in the whole of the right lower limb, when walking. * Weakness in the lower limbs, -she was scarcely able to walk, and pain as if there were no marrow in her . bones. Sudden weakness of the lower limbs, especially of the legs, after a short walk, "or also particularly of the knees. "Red spots on the lower limbs. "Transparent swelling of the lower limbs, (after abuse of China).—A kind of paralysis of the thigh, apparently in the hip, above the nates. Jerking in both thighs, apparently in the bone. Cramp in the right thigh. Tingling itching of the inner side of the thigh. Dry heat of the thighs and of the small of the back, with coldness of the back. Pain of the posterior muscles of the thigh, when sitting. The thigh feels as if constricted with a band. Jerking in the thigh and leg. Drawing pain in the thigh. Violent tearings in the right thigh, from the knee to the crest of the ilium, followed by exhaustion and weariness of the whole body. Tearing in the thighs, (femora,) generally relieved by walk- ing. Pricking and burning of the inner side of the left thigh, relieved by fric- tion. Bruised pain in the outer side of the thigh, also when touching the part. Violent pain in the thigh, at night, after a blow. Pain in the inner side of the thigh, as if wounded, in the evening. Soreness between the thighs, especially when walking in the open air. Itching pimples on the inner side of the thighs. "Red, humid places on the inner side of the thigh, with sore pains.—Pain in the knee as if stiff, when rising from a seat. Stiffness of the bends of the knees. Rigidity of the knees. Sensation in the knees as if they were seized by two hands, in the evening. Tension in the knees when rising from a seat, walking, and especially when going up stairs. Rigidity in the bends of the knees when stepping, as if too short. Tension in the bends of the knees, extending down to the foot. While in bed, the knees are several times spasmodically bent and stretched again. Violent, cramp-like pressure in the bend of the knee, down to the ankles, generally when sitting, twice in an hour, every day in the afternoon, , with great weariness and painful rigidity in the head. Pressure in the region of the patella, when sitting or walking. Pressure in the knee-joint, when mov- ing it. Dull stitching pressure at a small point of the outermost tip of the knee. Tearing in the left knee, only when walking. Tearing, externally, in the left patella, disappearing by continuing to walk. Tearing and pain as if sprain- ed, in the left knee, only when stepping, in the evening; the pain goes off after lying down, but returns in the morning. Sticking in the right knee. Sticking in the knee and tibia. Sticking in the right knee, only when standing, after- wards in the left carpal joint. Sticking pains in the knees. Long stitches in the knee, causing one to start and shudder. Sticking in the knee during a slight motion, and when ascending a flight of stairs, but scarcely ever when walking on level ground. Glowing-burning stitch in the bend of the left knee. Para- lytic weakness of the knee, when going down stairs, as if sprained. Languid feeling in the knees, as if sprained. Languid feeling in the knees, especially in the forenoon ; after ascending a flight of stairs, a burning is experienced in the joint. Bruised pain of the knees, when rising from a seat and bending tho knees. Painful weariness in the knee-joints. Feeling of weariness in the knees, early in the morning, when in bed. Relaxation in the knees, as if they would SULPHUR. 919 give way from weakness. The knees give way when walking. Cracking in the knees. Itching around the knees. "Swelling of the knees, also inflammatory, thick, shining, with curvature and stiffness. "Dropsy of the knee-joints. "Fun- gus of the knee. White swelling. Gonarthrocace.?—When • rising, the leg feels as if gone to sleep, and a burning tingling is experienced in it. Coldness of the legs in the evening; they feel cold to one's-self and others. Distension of the veins of the leg3. Tremor and weariness, stitching and tearing in both legs, extending from the knees to the feet; when sitting, there is more tearing; when walking the stitching and the tension are felt most, the toes being icy cold. Tearing in the legs from the knees down to the feet, when walking or sitting. Tearing in both legs up to the middle of the thighs. Tearing, extending from the knees down to the toes, the feet being so heavy that she is scarcely able to drag them along. Bruised pain in the internal part of the legs near the tibiae, when touching them, as if the flesh were detached from the bones; in the even- ing. The leg inclines to cramp when stretching the foot. "Erysipelas of the leg. Great pain in the calves when going up-stairs. Pricking pain in the right calf. Drawing in the tibia, calf, and sole of the foot, in alternation. Griping drawing in the calves when sitting, less when walking. Glowing burning and boring in the right calf, in the evening. Painful weariness in the calves at night. Bubbling in the right calf, as of falling drops of water. Tearing and twitching to and fro, in the evening, from the calves down to the toes; when standing or sitting, there was a jerking in the inner sides of the feet, with a feehng of trem- bling in the whole body, heaviness and tearing in the whole back, chilliness without thirst, with red cheeks without heat; after this the pit of the stomach became affected, with tension and contraction under the ribs, oppressed breath- ing and a number of stitches in the whole chest and epigastrium. Contractive pain in the calf. Tension, rigid stiffness and contractive pain in the calves, as if composed of parts stitched together. Cramp in the calves even when walk- ing, the calf being painful as if too short. Cramp in the calves, when dancing. Violent cramp in the calves in the morning when in bed. Tremulous feeling iu the calves, when sitting. Swelling of the calves.—The feet are icy cold in the evening, until bed-time. Coldness and heaviness of the right foot. Coldness of the soles of the feet. Coldness of the feet all the time, cannot get them warm in bed. The soles become soft, painful and sensitive when walking. When step- ping the soles are painful as if there were subcutaneous ulceration. Subdued pain in the soles. Violent, momentary pain in the left heel. Contractive sen- sation in the soles as if too short. Tension in the hollow of the sole of the foot. Tension around the ankles when walking. Cramp in the sole of the foot at every step. Stiffness in the tarsal joint, around the ankles. Drawing in the feet, extending to the hip, with cracking of the joints at every movement.— Drawing pain in the soles, in the morning when in bed; a violent pain is experi- enced in the soles when stepping. Painless jerking in the soles of the feet, go- ing off by motion. Tearing in the sole of the right foot, going off by rubbing. Tearing in the right foot. Tearing in the right heel, for half an hour. Tearing and pricking in the sore foot, at night. Pricking in the right foot. Violent stitches in the tendo-Achillis, almost every 5 minutes. Pricking below the right ankle, even during rest, but more when extending the foot, and even when mak- ing the least motion. Stitches in the soles. Stitches in the ball of the right foot. Sticking jn the right heel, as from a splinter. Crampy sticking in the dorsum of the right foot, worse during motion. Prickling tingling in the right heel. Burning stitch in the dorsum of the left foot, suddenly. Cutting in the heel, extending to the cavity of the sole of the foot. Burning over the dorsa of the feet. Burning and itching in the soles, especially violent and intolerable 920 SULPHUR. when walking. Burning in the soles, when stepping, after having been seated a long while. Burning pinching in the tarsal joint, rubbing increases the burning. *Swelling of the feet, -in the warmth of the bed, going off when out of bed. Swelling of the right foot, when walking in the open air. Swelhng in the re- gion of the ankle, with pain as if sprained, during motion. Pain as if sprained, in the left tarsal joint, when standing or walking. Sudden bending over of the tarsal joint, when stepping, as if the joint were sprained. Bending over of the foot when walking, or going down stairs. Cracking of the tarsal joint, when walking. Numbness aud tingling of the sole of the foot, going off by rubbing. The lelt sole goes to sleep, in the evening. Great heaviness in the feet, especi- ally in the tarsal joints. Beating in the hollow of the sole, with violent burning for one hour. Sweat of the soles of the feet. Cold sweat on the left sole. Blue spots and varices in the region of the ankles. Pimples around the ankles. II. cerated vesicles on the soles. Cramp in the toes when extending the feet.— Tearing in the posterior joint of the right big toe. "Coldness and stiffness of the toes. "Tingling of the tips. = Thick, shining swelhng of the toes. "Pain- ful podagra. z Chilblains. "Spreading blisters and ulcerated blisters on the toes. Stitches in the fore part of the left big toe. Sticking in the tips of the toes when sitting or lying. Fine stitches in the middle toes and the two big toes.— Aching pain and soreness of the inner side of the nail of the big toe. The nail of the big toe is painful. Dull pain in the ball of the left toe. Inflammation and swelling of the big toe, with pain. Swelling of the toes. Itching of the toes which had been frozen formerly (the first days). White, painful pimples between the toes. The corns are painful as if pressed by tight shoes. Fre- quent and violent stitches in the corns. Stinging burning in the corn, in wide shoes. Painful inflammation of the corns. Sleep.—Cramp-like, uninterrupted yawning before bed-time. Frequent yawning and stretching, without drowsiness. A good deal of yawning and drowsiness the whole day. Frequent yawning and cold hands.— Unconquera- ble drowsiness in the daij-'.ime. Drowsiness in the afternoon. Very drowsy in the evening. Constant yawning in the evening, for an hour, and an unconquer- able weariness. Long sleep in the morning. He sleeps much, and nevertheless does not feel refreshed in the morning. He has no inclination whatsoever to rise in the morning. In the morning, sensation as if he had not slept enough, with his eyes swollen, and with desire to stretch himself. For many mornings she feels very lazy for half an hour, with pain in the back and lower limbs; she had to seat herself frequently. Deep sleep in the morning, without any visible in- spirations. Heat in the face and nausea, in the morning on waking. Heaviness in the back and lower limbs, in the morning on rising. She feels very sleepy at night, and her eye-lids feel heavy, they close: nevertheless she is not able to fall asleep.—She does not fall asleep under an hour, without pain. * Difficulty of falling asleep, -on account of ideas crowding upon the mind. She frequently wakes from a sound sleep, without any apparent cause. He wakes every half hour. Wakeful the whole night. He is frequently half awake in the night, is however able to think, and feels chilly. Sleeplessness, as if from nervous irrita- tion. She does not sleep at all, although she is tired. Tossing from side to side in bed, at night. He frequently turns to the other side at night, without waking. Great wakefulness in the evening; the blood rose to his head, and the night was sleepless.—"Light and unrefreshing sleep.—Involuntary recollection, in the evening, of a business which had been terminated. In the evening, when performing some light work, she perspired for a short while, and dreamed after- wards that she had on a dress which she ought to be very careful of, and guard against stains. *Talksloudly, while asleep, of the business which he had done SULPHUR. 921 in the day-time. Restless night; he wakes with a start as if he had had a fearful dream; after waking he was yet full of anxious fancies, ghosts, etc., which he was not able to get rid of. Sleep full of dreams ; he wanders as if in delirium. She imagines that she has seen or done the things she had merely dreamed of. He imagined he heard a noise, in the evening when on the point of dropping to sleep; this caused him to start so violently that the whole body felt it. Frequent startings when asleep. Starting during the siesta. Jerking with the foot, when slumbering. * Violent headache at night, disturbing her rest.— Waking in the morning, with giddiness and dulness of the head. He is fre- quently roused at night *by a throbbing in the head, afterwards in the chest.— Violent palpitation of the heart at night, when turning to the other side. Dig- ging-up sensation in the forehead, at night. Burning in the mouth at night, with thirst. Compressive pain in the stomach, at night after waking, going off by bending double. At night, pressure at the stomach, for an hour, relieved by eructations. At night, pressure at the pit of the stomach, causing anxiety and accompanied by palpitation of the heart; several nights for hours. After mid- night, pressure at the stomach and throbbing headache. Vertigo on waking at night. Vertigo and nausea at night, while sweating; everything turned with her until morning. Pain in the fore-teeth, at night. Frequent nausea at night. About midnight, she is waked by stitching and cutting in the abdomen.— * Nightly flatulent colic, with retching, anguish and dulness of the head. At night, sharp stitches in the abdomen, followed by frequent emissions of flatu- lence. At night, cramp-like pressure in the abdomen. At night, contractive colic, all of a sudden. Pressing in the abdomen from above downward, it wakes her. Protrusion of the umbilical region, as if caused by the uterus, in a preg- nant female, at night, when lying on the back, in paroxysms of some minutes.— Sweat over the whole abdomen, at night, extending as far as the groin, the feet being cold as far as the ankles, and accompanied with dull cutting in the soles.— At night, during sleep, a humour and some faeces escaped from her anus. Asth- matic in the evening when in bed. Attacks of arrest of breathing, at night.— Oppression of the chest, at night, as if the chest were oppressed by a heavy load; he had to sit up. He wakes in the morning with rawness of the chest. At night, shocks in the left chest towards the heart, arresting her breathing, with great thirst. Short and hacking cough for a whole hour, in the evening after lying down ; this made her feel hot; again at three o'clock in the morning. San- guineous expectoration at night, with greasy, sweetish taste in the mouth.— Quick beating of the heart, in the evening, after turning from side to side for some time. Violent pain in the back for several nights, with bruised feeling in the small of the back, and with great orgasm of the blood. Violent pain in the hip-joint at night, also when touched. Painless jerks in the small of the back, in the evening when in bed. Aching pain in the thigh the whole night. Tear- ing in the thigh and leg, at night when in bed, she was not able to get warm in bed. At night he is obliged to put his lower limbs out of the bed to diminish the tearing. Tearing in both feet at night, after which they felt rigid and he was unable to sleep. Stitches in the corns at night. Cramp in the calves when extending the feet. Heat of the feet, in the evening when in bed, with a feel- ing of burning, obliging her to uncover them for several hours; afterwards un- easiness, itching and creeping in the feet. Titillation in the left upper and low- er limb, for two hours, in the evening when in bed. A good deal of stretching at night. When sleeping, he lays his arms over his head. Snoring. Palpitation of the heart at night. Sleeps with his eyes half open. Muttering. Sensation as if every part of his body were trembling and beating at night when half awake. Creat anxiety, in the evening when in bed, (about full moon.) At 922 SULPHUR. night, he wakes with great anguish and heat all over, and with sensation of a spasmodic condition in the body. Restless sleep after midnight; she dreams that she is having an attack of fever and wakes covered with sweat, with great heat, especially in the face, thirst aud chilly shuddering, increased by motion to chattering of teeth. She exclaims while sleeping, that she is black, etc. Ex- clamations while asleep. Moaning while sleeping. Great heat at night, alter- nating with chilliness. "Nightmare. Involuntary jerking up of his legs when lying down, which wakes him. He dreams he has been bit by a dog. Anxious dreams, as if fire were falling from heaven. Anxious dream, as it he were op- pressed and crushed by something, (nightmare). Dreams that he is falling from a height. Frightful dreams. Disgusting dreams, with nausea on waking.— Left the bed the first three nights, like a somnambulist, saying: " My head ! I am delirious!" and seizing his forehead; going off after walking about. Anxi- ous dream, during which she leaves her bed unconsciously, followed by violent headache. Anxious dream, before midnight; she rises, imagines that a fire has broken out, inquires at the windows, and starts on perceiving that it is nothing but a dream ; she felt bruised and faint for three days after. * Vivid dreams.— Ludicrous fancies before dropping to sleep, in a sort of half dream, she laughed. For three nights in succession he talked aloud of the things which he saw in his fancy. Visions, as soon as he closes his eyes. Horrid visions, as soon as she closes her eyes in the evening. At night, on waking, a numeral digit was before her fancy, which gradually increased in size, until the lines were half a foot wide. He fears he might take cold in the open air; he knows not whe- ther this is fancy or reality. Fever.—Chilliness, followed by heat, in the evening before falhng asleep.— Chilliness in the afternoon, afterwards heat with thirst, cold feet and sweat in the face and on the hands; with dry night cough, as soon as he gets into bed.— Creeping shuddering over the skin, without chilliness. Passing chilliness, on the chest, arms and back. *Cold nose, hands and feet. Feeling of coldness for se- veral hours, without chilliness; afterwards heat with little thirst, slight sweat with headache and hoarseness, great faintness and loss of appetite. Feeling of coldness through all the limbs, without subsequent heat, in the forenoon. Chil- liness in the back from below upward, in the evening, for an hour, without sub- sequent heat. Frequent internal chilliness, without thirst. Chilliness at night, for four hours, preceded by colic, accompanied with heat without sweat; profuse sweat in the night following. Chilliness every evening, which cannot be removed by the warm stove; great warmth in bed, and sour sweat every morning. Chil- liness, with diarrhoea, for several hours. Shaking chills in the evening, and great paleness of face. Shaking, feverish chilliness, frequently, in the evening. Sha- king chilhness from seven to eight o'clock, without thirst, with cold hands and violent pressure at the stomach, as from a load; afterwards the usual warmth, with thirst. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body, afternoon and evening. Chilliness from morning till evening. Creeping chilliness along the back; i* can be arrested by the warmth of the stove. Chilliness, with thirst, even near the stove, after dinner, until four o'clock. Chilliness, and afterwards shaking over the whole body, commencing at the toes, without heat or subsequent thirst, in the afternoon. Chilliness with headache, in the evening; going off after ly- ing down. Constant chilly creepings along the back, commencing in the small of the back, without heat or subsequent thirst, in the evening from six till eight o'clock. Chilliness in bed, at night, she cannot get warm. Chilliness with fre- quent shuddering, and heat perceptible to the hand, almost every half hour.— Chilliness and shaking in the afternoon ; after lying down, heat in the hands and soles of the feet, passing off soon, without thirst. Shuddering, from the feet SULPHUR. 923 over the back into the arms, for half an hour, at six o'clock in the evening.— Shuddering in the whole body, until bed-time, without subsequent heat or thirst. Shuddering in the evening, followed by heat in the face and hands, with thirst.— Wakes at night with a feverish shuddering, and nevertheless feels warm to others; followed by a little heat. Feels cold in the afternoon; afterwards she became warmer, but the feet remained cold. Chilliness in the forenoon, feeling of heat in the aftemoon, although she felt cold to others. Shuddering in the morning at eight o'clock. Chilliness for one hour in the forenoon, followed by a two hours' heat in the head and hands, at three o'clock in the afternoon ; this attack occurred several days in succession. Cold hands and feet in the after- noon, followed by chilliness and shaking for half an hour, with blue face; after- wards heat and sweat until half-past nine o'clock. Chilliness in the evening, slight sweat at night. Violent chilliness, in the evening when in bed, followed by ravings of the fancy, heat and violent sweat. Violent chilliness, commencing in the evening, and lasting through the night and next day. Chilliness at five o'clock in the afternoon, afterwards heat, then again chilliness and some thirst, until 8 o'clock. Flushes of heat in the face, afterwards coldness of the whole body both-to himself and others, followed by weakness in the femora, especially when sitting, as if there were no marrow in them. Aiolent heat in the face, towards evening, with chilliness over the back and hairy scalp. Flushes of heat in the face, with feverish shuddering in the outer parts of the abdomen. Heat in the afternoon, mingled with chilliness and continued palpitation of the heart. Heat in the face, in the day-time, followed by chilliness of half an hour every evening about five or six o'clock; after this, heat all over, for one hour.—"Thirst even before the chilliness.—Sensation as if warm air were blowing upon the legs, more or less, in the evening.—Fever about noon, a good deal of internal heat with redness of the face and chilliness at the same time; all the limbs felt weary as if bruised, with great thirst, until midnight, when the chilliness and heat abated and she began to perspire all over for three hours. Feverish heat, first in the face, with sensation as if she had just escaped a severe illness; after the heat some chilliness with much thirst. Fever every forenoon, internal chilliness increasing every day, with vertigo, as if the head would sink, without thirst; followed by faintness which was so violent that he was unable to go up stairs, with sweat day and night, only about the head which was bloated. Chilliness for two hours every evening, without heat; next night, on waking, heat without thirst. Great thirst in the morning. A good deal of thirst in the day-time.— Feverish heat with thirst, from noon till evening. Heat with much thirst, only in the day-time, not at night. *Dry heat in the morning when in bed. Anx- ious, disagreeable heat in the'morning when in bed, with sweat, and dryness of the throat. Heat towards morning, as if sweat would break out. ^Frequent flushes of heat. "Heat, with sweat about the head. "Heat, with burning of the hands and feet. *Evening-heat. "Heat in the afternoon, with red spots on the checks.—"Typhoid fever.? "Hectic fever.? "Gastric fevers.?—Copious morning-sweat, only about the itching parts. In the morning while sleeping, sweat, going off on waking. *Profuse sweat during slight exercise—Sweat of the hands and feet in the morning. * Copious morning-sweat, setting in after waking. Sweat, at night, only on the nape of the neck.—Night-sweat, when wiking. Night-sweat, having a sour, pungent smell.—Sweat before bed- time, especially about the hands; after lying down, heat and difficulty of drop- ping to sleep. Anxious sweat with tremor, in the evening; followed by vomit. ing; during the anxiety pressure on the rectum; afterwards heaviness of the head and weakness of the arms. Anxiousness, feverish delirium with great 924 SULPHUR. asthma, burning at the stomach, vomiting, convulsions of the whole body, death. —Pulse 84 beats, and half an hour after, 73. Pulse 52. Skin.—Formication of the skin of the whole body. Prickling in the skin of the whole body, in the evening, after getting warm in bed. Burning in the hands and feet, with weakness aud exhaustion of the whole body. Prickling in the skin of the cheeks, shoulders and thighs. Stinging itching, especially when walking in the open air. Burning in the skin of the whole body. The itching place is painful after scratching. After slight rubbing the skin is very painful for a long time. Biting as from fleas in the evening after lying down, and in the night; when removed by scratching in one place, it immediately re-appears in another. Disagreeable creeping itching, with pain when scratching the part.__ Itching burning in different parts, with soreness after scratching. The itching place bleeds and smarts after scratching it. Itching worst at night, and in the morning after waking. Itching in the axilke and bends of the knees. After scratching the place feels as if hot.—*Eruption on the skin. "Fiery scarlet-erup- tion over the whole body. "Scurfy eruption, consisting of small vesicles, with red areola and itching. "Crusta lactea. "Measles. "Small-pox, particularly during the suppurative stage. "Erysipelatous inflammation with beating and stinging. Itching, stinging rash over the whole body. Violently-itching rash over the whole body, afterwards the skin peels off. *Nettle-rash with fever.— Itching blotches over the whole body, on the hands and feet. * Burning itching eruption. Red (itching) pimples on the nose, upper lip, around the chin and on the forearms; they sometimes burn after scratching. Pimples on the back, without sensation, appearing after violent itching in the evening.—*Hepatic spots on the chest and back, itching in the evening. "Yellow and brown spots. "Moles.—The old herpetic eruptions itch furiously; he has to scratch them un- til they bleed. "Dry, scaly eruption. "Eruption, consisting of thick, yellow- grayish scurfs, with burning itching. "Red spotted herpes, with vesicles. A scaly herpetic eruption which had been repelled by external means, appears again, itching violently and burning after scratching. "Warts, also horny. In an old wart below the eye, an itching stinging is experienced.—The skin becomes chapped here and there, especially in the open air. "Unhealthy skin. "Suppu- rations. "Ecehymosis. "Abscesses. "Sore skin of infants.—*Boils. "Chil- blains, also with redness, swelling and suppuration, or itching in warmth.—Ul- cers in the intestines. "Readily-bleeding ulcers. "Ulcers with raised swollen edges. "Ulcers surrounded with pimples. "Fistula. "Stinging and tearing in the ulcers. "Proud flesh in the ulcers. Violent bleeding of the old ulcers. Ten- sive pain in the ulcer. The ulcer near the nail emits a fetid odour. The pus of the ulcer, (which was covered with a scurf,) has a sour smell. A small cut becomes painful, smarting at first, afterwards burning, and then becomes in- flamed, a beating pain being experienced in it.—"Inflammation, *swelling, *sup- puration, induration of glands. "Glandular indurations over the whole body, particularly the chest. "Inflammation, swelling, curvature of bones. "Caries. —"Jaundice. "Chlorosis. "Dropsy. "Arthritis. "Rheumatism. (See clin. obs.) General Symptoms.—"Sulphur is principally adapted to lymphatic tempera- ments, venous constitutions with disposition to haemorrhoids, also to leucophleg- matic constitutions, with liability to cold, slight sweats, disposition to catarrh and other forms of blennorrhoea, etc. "Scrofulous and rachitic complaints, curva- ture of bones, affection of glands, eruptions and herpes. "Chronic ailments from excessive drinking of wine or coffee. "Ailments from abuse of metals, particu- larly Mercury. . "Ailments from taking cold, (particularly from exposure to wet, SULPHUR. 925 from working in water, etc) "Ailments from straining a part.—"Arthritic and rheumatic complaints, with or without swelling. "Acute articular rheumatism. cKrratic gout.—"Pains in the hmbs, "with weakness and numbness of the parts. Sticking pains in the joints, with stiffness, or particulary at night.—*When ly- ing the limbs immediately go to sleep. The limbs, arms, cervical muscles, scalp, nates and feet go to sleep easily, especially when lying. Pressure in the upper and lower Umbs, as if they would go to sleep. ^Drawing pain in the limbs, 'in ihe evening. Pushing in the limbs, almost like drawing. A pain in the chest which had occurred six weeks ago from a contusion, is felt again as an aching pain, especially in the evening. Momentary drawing in the knee, arm and shoulder. Tearing in the back, knees and legs, in the evening when in bed.— Sudden tearing or jerking here and there in the body. Drawing pain in the ab- domen and in all the limbs, for hours in the arms, and for whole days in the thighs. * Violent drawing and tearing through the knees and tibiae, especially in the evening. The limbs feel bruised, in the morning after rising. Bone-pain of the limbs, when feeling them, as if the flesh were detached. *Cracking in the joints, particularly the knees and elbows.—Pinching in the muscles here and there.—Uncomfortable sensation as if all the parts of the body were pushed out of their natural places. Strange feeling of pressure through the whole body.—Tension in all the limbs as if too short, he had to stretch them. Tensive soreness in all the linibs and in the tendons of the feet, after a short walk.—Pal- pitation with tremor of the hands after a short walk, at noon. *Single jerks of a hand and foot, in the day-time. Jactitation of the muscles, here and there, as if caused by electricity. * Frequent, spasmodic jerking in the whole body -after supper, with pain in the back and afterwards in the right side of the abdomen.— Epileptic fit, after fright or violent running. "Epileptic fit, with pressing the teeth against each other, and rigidity of the Umbs. Epileptic fit; creeping of of a mouse, commencing in the back or arm, the mouth was drawn to the right and left, painful motions in the abdomen, the left arm becomes turned, with clenched thumbs; afterward trembling in the right arm; after this the whole body was tossed up and down ; with very shorth breath, becoming still shorter after the attack; she shrieked during the fit, but was unable to talk. Fit, while walking in the street; sudden obscuration of sight; she walks back at least 15 steps, seats herself suddenly on the stones as if she would faU and had lost her senses, and is conducted home in the same state of unconsciousness; afterwards she feels stiff in all her joints. "Hysteric spasms. "Spasms during dentition. The child, when washed, inclines the head to one side, and when raised, the head inclines to the other side, face and lips become pale, the eyes become staring for two minutes; after this she sneezes, closes her eyes and mouth for one moment tightly and mucus runs out of her mouth; this is followed by sound sleep. At- tack of obscuration of sight, when walking in the open air, with violent pres- sure and beating in the head, nausea and faintness. Attack of stitches in the small of the back, arresting the breathing, accompanied with pain in the head and nape of the neck, succeeded by alternate heat and chilliness, with apprehen- sive anxiety about the pit of the stomach, until evening.—Attack of eructations toward evening, with nausea, relaxation of the body, violent rumbUng in the ab- domen and emission of flatulence.—Chilliness, owing to disagreeable news; is scarcely able to get warm in bed. * Talking fatigues her and excites the pains. —Jerking in all the hmbs, he clenches his teeth and moans with a low voice for about eight minutes; this is foUowed by a slumber of a quarter of an hour, fol- lowed again by jerking and cramp-like drawing in the Umbs, after which he feels very faint The body is jerked up, as when violently convulsed. Shuddering through the whole body, m the evening when in bed, like a thrill of shuddering 926 SULPHUR. through the skin.—*Tremulous sensation in the arms and Lwcr limbs. Dispo- sition in the hands and toes to extend and contract. Great uneasiness, ho can- not sit still; even when lying he has to move his feet constantly.—^Considerable orgasm of the blood, and great burning in the hands. Agitation in the blood, with distention of the veins on the hands. Violent palpitation of the heart af- ter walking in the open air.—Dry heat in the body, he feels too warm in any room. Internal heat with thirst. Frequent and suddenly-passing flushes of great heat. Feeling of heat in the whole interior of the body; burning in the chest rising from the bottom of the chest; no thirst.—*Unsteady gait, and tre- mor of t j hands. "Tremor of drunkards. * Tremor of the limbs, especially the hauls. Violent tremor of the left scapula, arm and hand, in the forenoon. Tremulous sensation through the whole body, in the morning, but warm.__ "Walks stooping. "Difficulty of infants to learn to walk.—Chilliness. *In- clines to catch cold. The child is exceedingly sensitive to the open air, (the first days.) When exerting the body a little more than usual, he feels more irritated and passionate.—Headache and weariness in the afternoon during a walk, chang- ing to toothache and drowsiness in the evening. Nausea and debility after a walk4 with trembling of the limbs. Dry short cough when walking in the open air. The open air makes him feel chilly as if he were naked. Sweats a good deal when walking in the open air. Profuse sweat when sitting, no sweat at night. Sweats when making the least exertion, reading, writing, talking, or walking. Drops of sweat in the face when making the least exertion. Sweat in the face and nape of the neck, in the morning when in bed, and bruised feel- ing of the limbs on rising. Heaviness and languor of the limbs from morning till evening.—Lassitude the whole day.—* Fainting sort of vanishing of strength in the upper and lower limbs, he came near losing his senses. Fainting fit, for a quarter of an hour. Weary and faint all the time. Weary as after an illness. Weariness of the feet. Weariness, going off when walking. Fainting weakness when lying. All the weakness in the limbs disappears after walking. Trembling of the limbs from weakness, during every movement.—Want of vitality, a sort of internal coldness; heat almost constantly alternating with chilliness; pale complexion with blue margins around the eyes, dreading the heat when in a cold temperature, and the cold when in a warm temperature. After smoking a cigar, and taking a walk afterwards, he feels quite weak and trembling. Out of breath and faint when making the least exertion, the abdomen being constantly distended and the feet swollen. Fainting and vertigo in the afternoon, with vom- iting and sweat. Heaviness of the feet, when walking in the open air, becoming lighter by continued walking. Sensation as if she dragged a load along on her feet; with tension across the chest. Faint and low-spirited, in the afternoon. He became so faint af*ter a drive that he slept the whole day. Very faint in the afternoon.—"Weakness in the limbs, with tingling. "Nervous weakness, parti- cularly after the loss of animal fluids, after onanism or after great exertions.— °Paralysis.—"Emaciation. "Scrofulous emaciation. Characteristic Peculiarities.—*The drawing (tearing) pains in the limbs become intolerable when the limbs are covered by feather-beds. The pains are relieved by external warmth, increased by coldness. Most pains come on during Test and go off during motion. She feeb worst when standing. His right side is more helpless than his left. He is worse every eight days. The symptoms are better at rest, and worst from motion. All the symptoms are without pain. -♦The pains appear more aggravated at night. "Pains when the weather ■changes. The pains, especially those felt in the head and stomach, come on in the open air when walking. SULPHURIC ACID. 927 231. SULPHURIC ACID. SULPH. AC.—See Hahnemann's Chr >nic Diseases, V. Compare with—Arm, Con., Dig., Mur. and Nitr. ac, Puis., Ruia, Sidph. Antidote.—Puis. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Troth- , the followi ig affections have been cured with Sulph. acid: Chronic diseases or which Sulph. had been given for a long time.—Pains increasing steadily and then siddenl/ disappearing.—Eretliismus vasculosus, (flashes of heat all over, i 1 e.nales at the china teric age, cured by Trinks in many cases).—Mo-hi* m icu.1 >sis Wsrlhfii (purpura hemor- rhagica): red spots resembling those oo a trout, scattered all over the skin; they keep growing larger and bin r, and fi tally become entirely black-blue, in- creasing likewise in extent and el.viti > i over the skin, accompanied with dis- charges of black blood from the nose, g urn, mouth, 'auces, anus and urethra, with rapid prostration of strength. (T oiks has cored several cases, and con- siders it a specific for that group o" svmpt >ms ;—C ms quence-i of mechanical injuries, contusion, pressure, & •.— C > ifusi ms. with exc nation.—Bims.— Chronic ophthalmia.—Aphth;e neonatorum.—Frequent, troublesome rising of air in typhus abdominalis. — P'/mss vei.',-i-ul:,, w<. h vomiting of s-mr fluid, fre- quent rising of air, sensitiveness of the stuna-h.— Cough with expectoration of blood. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Desponding, peevish m.od. Melancholy and weary of life. Great apprehensiveness from m riing till eve hg. Sad, gloomy, irritable. Weeping mood, without any apparent cause.—Di trust'ul.—Sullen! — Exceedingly nervous and starting vi Jen'ly at the least noise. Uneasy. Hur- riedness ; she can do nothing last enoug'i' t> sa'isJy hersel', this hurriedness wears her out.—Ill-humour the wh le day. S le dreaded talking to anvbody. Vexed, impatient when not succeeding h'his work. Tie aoxietv and oppression] and the low spiritedness alternating with cxal'ation of courage'are replaced by an even and tranquil disposition, (curative effe t).— Sedate'and serious.—Ex- tremely jesting. Exaltation of the mi d and heart. Scnsorium.—Great absence of mi id.—Stupefaction.—Weakness of the head.—Oppressive dulnexs of the head Feeli ig of heaviness and fulness in the head, she has to incline it forward. H avi n-ss of the head, and pain in the head, as if the brain would issue through the forehead. Sudden obscuration in the right side of the head, as from s.n ke, when sitti ,g. Sense of stupidity and fulness in the head almost the whole forenoon —Vrligo, in the room «»{,«, off in the open air. Vertigo i.i t'=e a tern ,,n when sewing, as if she would Tall from the chair Verti,o, he had to lie down all the time, for as soon as he raised himself the vertigo returned. V«- tigo when sitting ; things turn in a circle Head.-In the mornng on waking t'.o head elt as U dashed to pieces. I am as if the head would burst.-Ac'iing aud burning pain in the head, fre- quently, ,„ the forehead and eves.-P,-. ,,, ;, the ri ht ^ qP the f()re| ^ as from a blow, increasing at i.rsr, a towards Hisa-.pparinjr suddenly-Com- press.ve pain in the side <>• the oeeiput relived bv holdiuglhe hands near the .head even without touching ,t. Sensation i„ the le't nideo'"the head over the ear as of being pressed upon with a *Tow._^.Wc//of» of the forehead, increasing 928 SULPHURIC ACID. at first, afterwards disappearing suddenly.—Pressure in both temples from without inward.—Drawing headache, in the evening. Drawing and tension in the head. Drawing at a smaU spot of the left temple, more externally. Draw- ing headache, especially in the right side, toward the forehead.—Painful tearing in the centre of the forehead, towards the left side. Tearing and sticking in the right sinciput, relieved by pressing on the part, in the evening. Tearing in the right temple, towards evening. Painful tearing in the left temple, when sitting,' at breakfast. Tearing in the whole head, day and night.—Grumbling in the temporal bones from time to time. A violent jerk from time to time below the left frontal eminence, going off rapidly. Painful, sudden jerking over the left frontal eminence. Shocks in the right temple, as if a plug had lodged in that part and were pushed in more and more deeply. Single shocks, with jerking, in the right temple. Pain over the left orbit, as if a plug had been pushed in, increasing at first, afterwards disappearing suddenly.—Stitches under the left frontal protuberance, into the brain, sudden, dull and intensely painful, resem- bling shocks. Dull stitch deep into the brain, below the left frontal eminence, increasing suddenly, decreasing afterwards and finaUy disappearing entirely. DuU stitches in the fore part of the head, now on the right, now on the left side, deep into the brain. Sticking pain, now in the forehead, then in the occiput. Stitches in the head, now here, then there, when walking in the open air.—Sen- sation in the region of the forehead, as if the brain were loose, and were falhng to and fro. Intense pain below the right frontal eminence, as if the brain were loose and beat against the skuU with pain, when shaking the head. Scalp.—Burning pain in the temple, as if caused by a bruise or contusion, in paroxysms, going and coming like a wave. Pain as from a blow, near the left frontal eminence, increasing at first, afterwards disappearing suddenly. Painful feeling of soreness over the left frontal eminence, single paroxysms of which be- come more and more painful. Pain of the outer parts of the head as if from subcutaneous ulceration, the parts are painful to the touch.—Violent itching of the hairy scalp.—Eruption on the head, face and nape of the neck.—The hair turns gray and falls off. Eyes.—The eyelids fall, and he is not able to open them. °Tension in the lids, in the morning.—Sensation in the right outer canthus as of a foreign body having lodged there; in the morning when walking; going off in the room.— Pressure in the outer canthus. Stinging itching in the lower eyelid; he is obliged to rub. Frequent smarting in the right eye. Smarting, burning and running of the left eye, when reading in the day-time. Burning and running of the eye when reading at twilight. Burning pressure in the anterior side of the eyeball, in the open air; the pain ceases in the room and is then only felt when looking steadily at a thing.—Bed eyes with photophobia and constant running. Lachrymation.—Agglutination of the eyehds in the morning. Jerking in the right internal canthus.—Dim-sightedness in the morning. Vertiginous sensa- tion before the eyes, with faintness. °Short-sightedness. Ears.—Violent itching in the concha.—Drawing in the right meatus audi- torius, from within outward.—Tearing in front of the left ear, and in the temple from below upward. Tearing, deep in the left ear, afterwards tingling in the ear. A few violent tearings in front of the left ear, causing her to start, and extend- ing into the left cheek, where a tingling was experienced. Tearing and sticking in the right ear, rather externally.—Jerking in the right ear, preceded by an agreeable warmth proceeding from the inner ear.—Diminution of hearing as from a leaf being stretched before the ear.—ShriU ringing in the right ear. Noise as of a distant waterfaU in the left ear when opening the mouth, during dinner. Whizzing in the ears, in the evening. SULPHURIC ACID. 929 Nose.—Fine prickling in the right side of the nose.—Bleeding of the nose, in the evening when sitting or standing. Unsuccessful desire to sneeze. A vapour came"through her nose, followed by twenty sneezings, and finally ob- struction of the nose.—Coryza and loss of smell. Violent coryza with sore eyes. Obstinate dry coryza; one or the other nostril being sometimes completely ob- structed.—Fluent coryza. Face.—Face pale, with movements in the stomach.—Redness and feeling of heat in the right cheek. Cooling burning on the left cheek. Sensation as if the face were distended, and as if albumen were drying on the skin.—Swelling of the left cheek.—Jerks in the face, around the ear.—Tearing in the left facial bones.—Pricking in the skin below the right eye, first increasing, afterwards disappearing. Violent stitch in the right cheek, frequently, from below upward. —Bruised pain in the left malar bone, increasing at first, disappearing after- wards and suddenly.—Small pimples on the forehead and the side of the nose. —The lips become scaly and peel off.—Pressure as with a knife, directly above the left corner of the mouth.—Sore pain in both corners. Jaws and Teeth.—Tearing in the lower jaw, now here, then there.—Pain of the submaxillary glands, the pain affecting even the tongue, which looks burnt. Swelling and inflammation of the submaxillary glands, sometimes with stitches in the glands.—Pain in right upper incisor, pressing from without inward. Toothache made worse by cold, milder by warm things.—Tearing in ' the left lower teeth, from evening tiU midnight. Tearing in the left cuspidatus and lower jaw, the whole night, during the menses.—Gnawing pain in the right lower row of teeth. The teeth are set on edge, the whole afternoon. Gnawing pain in a molar tooth and in a cuspidatus, when biting on something hard.— Digging-up pain in a hoUow molar tooth.—The gums feel dull and numb, and bleed when touched ever so lightly.—Swelling on the right lower gums ; pus is discharged from the swelling when pressing on it. Ulcer on the gums. Hloilth.—Disagreeable feeling of dryness in the mouth, for two days.—Ac- cumulation of sweetish saliva in the mouth. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, as from hunger, for several hours. Ptyalism with accelerated pulse. Profuse flow of tasteless saliva.— Vesicles on the inner side of the cheek. Aphtha).—Dry tongue.—Frequent rising of mucus into the mouth, causing vomiturition and slight choking; he has to swallow it very quickly. Pharynx.—Rough throat, almost after every new dose. Scraping in the throat.—Pricking in the pharynx, worse during deglutition, a pain is felt when touching the part.—Contractive sensation in the throat, especiaUy on the ri«*ht side. Sensation as if the throat were swollen, as if a ball were in it. Taste and Appetite.—Bad taste in the mouth after waking in the morning. Putrid, flat, pappy taste.—Loss of appetite, with uncomfortableness; the food has its natural, but not an agreeable taste.—Aversion to food, disappearing in the evening. She is hungry; but she loathes the food as soon as she approaches it to her lips. The smell of coffee is exceedingly disagreeable to her; it makes her tremble and feel weak. Bread has a bitter, bilious taste, and oppresses the stomach. .Milk causes flatulence. Faint and exhausted after drinking milk.__ Hunger, but no appetite. Gastric Symptoms.—Relishes the food, but feels qualmish after eating, and has to give up eating, bjfore having satisfied his appetite. He is oppressed by the dinner although he relished it. Cold sweat breaks out when eating warm things, especiaUy on the forehead and face, also on the rest of the body. Colic after a meal, and immediately after, digging-up and uneasiness in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. Extreme faintness after a meal. After a meal the region of the stomach feels tight as if it would burst. Every drink makes the stomach tol. u. 59 930 SULPHURIC ACID. feel cold, unless spirituous things are administered.—Frequent, long-lasting, empty eructations. *Sour eructations, particularly during a walk in the open air. * Acidity in the throat. Gulping up of sourish-bitter things. Bitter eructations. Gulping up of sweetish water. Bising of water from the stomach into the mouth. Frequent gulping up of water, going off after dinner. Eruc- tations tasting of onion.—Hiccough when smoking.—Rising of saltish water into the mouth.—Nausea and accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with a contractive sensation in the stomach and abdomen. Nausea in the mouth, towards noon, although food has a good taste. Nausea with chilliness. Nausea with desire to vomit, going off by an eructation. Violent gulping up from the stomach, with nausea; she has to swallow it again.—Vomiting of pure water, after sudden nausea. Vomiting of pure water, afterwards vomiting of the supper of last night, after which the nausea still continues. Stomach.—Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to the touch.—Pres- sure at the stomach, with sensation as if a hard and bitter body were rising into the chest. Pressure at the stomach, as if from a stone; the pressure rises into the chest, and results in the rising of watery saliva into the mouth. Pressure at the Btomach with constant nausea and yawning.—Feeling offulness and distention in the stomach.—Violent contractive pain in the stomach and abdomen. Anxious contractive pain in the pit of the stomach, hindering breathing. Painful con- striction in the pit of the stomach, lasting a long while.—Sudden gripings in the stomach, every evening, as after a cold.—Cutting on the left side and near the stomach, toward the back. Cuttings around the stomach and painful move- ments in the same, both when sitting and walking, in short paroxysms.—Prick- ing in the stomach. Stitch in the stomach which lasts five minutes.—Agree- able feeling of warmth in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, with a stupid feeling in the head.—Coolness and relaxed feeling of the stomach, with loss of appetite.—Pinching directly below the pit of the stomach ; when pressing on the pit of the stomach, he feels an intense pain as after a shock. Hypochondria.—Stitch in the region of the liver, near the stomach. Stick- ing in the region of the right ribs, worse during an inspiration, during the menses. Dull pressure from without inward under the right ribs, worse by turns. Gurgling pain in the right side of the abdomen, almost toward the back. —Stitch in the left hypochondrium, when inclining to the right side. Stitching in the left hypochondrium, going off by pressing on the part. Stitching in the region of the left lower ribs, frequently accompanied with stitching in the chest. Slowly pulsative, gurgling pain under the left ribs.—Burning in both hypochon- dria, when sitting, the whole day. Abdomen.—Superficial, but violent pressure on the umbilicus.—Pinching in the abdomen, towards the lumbar region, causing sweat to break out. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, with violent pressing on the rectum (at night). Vio- lent pinching, cutting and writhing in the abdomen, accompanied with labour- Uke pains, as if all the internal parts would press out, with a fainting sort of nausea. Labour-like pains through the whole abdomen, as far as the hips, fol- lowed by a sensation as if bruised in the small of the back. Cutting and move- ment of flatulence in the umbilical region.—Stitching, resembling splenetic stitches, in the left side of the abdomen, during motion, going off when sittmg stUl. Long, duU stitch from the left side near the umbilicus into the abdomen. —Burning and pressure below the umbilicus, as if in the uterus. Sensation in the umbiUcal region, as of a morbid warmth, or as in heartburn.—Anxious sen- sation in the abdomen, in the morning when in bed. Crampy pain in the right groin.—Jerking in the left groin, and pressure from within outward, as with a finder, commencing and going off when sitting, afterwards returning when stand- SULPHURIC ACID. 931 ing and disappearing when walking, and finally also appearing when walking. Tearing in the left lumbar region, when sitting. Stitching and pinching in the left groin. Burning in the right groin, during a short and hacking cough. Stitch in the left groin during an inspiration, followed by fine stitches in the upper and outer part of the left chest; in the evening after lying down. Push- ing from within outward in the right lumbar region, in the morning when in bed, on waking, as if hernia would appear, going offron rising, but frequently re- turning. Violent pain in the right lumbar region, when walking and standing, as if hernia were protruding, he dares neither cough nor take an inspiration; afterwards hernia protrudes from time to time with great pain, especially when talking, but also without any peculiar cause, returning when sitting or when otherwise keeping quiet and allowing one to breathe and cough without difficulty. Pain in the right groin, suddenly, pressing from within outward, when rising from stool, as if hernia would protrude, independent of coughing and breathing. Irresistible pressure of an existing hernia through the abdominal ring, with smarting pain of the ring, even after the hernia had been reduced. Beating, for several days, in the region of the hernial sac. Stitches in the region of the in- guinal hernia.—Sharp, rather superficial, jerking extending over the abdomen, almost in paroxysms.—Rumbling in the abdomen. Grumbling around the um- bilicus. Rumbling in the abdomen, with canine hunger, going off after a meal. —Bubbling in the abdomen as of water, when lying on the back and breathing. —Short, diflicult flatulence. Distention of the abdomen, with emission of sUent flatus. Stool.—Intermittent stool. Hard, knotty stool, diflicult, painful, or like sheep's dung. Hard stool, consisting of small, black, lumps, mixed with blood, and with such violent prickings in the anus that she had to rise on account of the pain: during the menses.—Stool at first hard, then soft.—Large-sized stool.—Soft, papescent stool, with pressing in the anus before and after the discharge. Loose stool, followed by empty feeling in the abdomen. Diarrhoea, mere frothy mucus, with burning in the rectum, flatulence and rumbling. Wa- tery, green diarrhoea. °Chronic diarrhoea.—YeUow-white stool. Hacked, saf- fron-coloured stool, in a child, of tenacious mucus. Fetid stool, half hard, half liquid, mixed with a good deal of Uquid mucus, and streaked with blood.— Bloody stool, hard, every two, three days.—Pinching in the upper sides of the abdomen during stool. Pain, during stool, as if the rectum would be torn.— The intestines feel weary and exhausted after stool.—Congestion of blood to the rectum. Varices in the rectum, with pricking and burning. Violent itch- ing of the varices. Dampness of the varices, painful to the touch. Urinary Organs.—Retention of urine and stool, (primary effect). Dimi- nution of urine, with burning during the emission.—Constant desire to urinate, the last drops being always preceded by a violent cutting in the urethra, for seven days; afterwards pressing in the groin and loins.—Increased emission of urine.—Urine like water. The urine becomes turbid when standing, and de- posits afterwards a loam-colored sediment. White sediment in the urine. Brown-red urine. The urine deposits a blood-coloured sediment and is covered with a pellicle.—Pinching in the hypogastrium before, during, and after mictu- rition. Pain in the bladder, unless he satisfies the desire to urinate imme- diately. Violent pressure on the neck of the bladder, as if it would be pressed out, the pressure being equally violent when walking, standing or sitting, obliging him to press the thighs against each other, relieved by an embrace. Male Genital Organs.—Warmth in the genital organs and testicles. Relaxation of the scrotum. Itching pain in the upper border of the glans.__ 932 SULPHURIC ACID. Erections in the day-time, without amorous desires.—Emission without thrill. —Burning in the urethra, after an embrace. Female Genital Organs.—The woman has a violent desire for an embrace, the desire being more felt in the outer pudendum; however, she is not much excited by the embrace. The female dreams twice that she enjoys an embrace and twice she discharges mucus from the vagina. The female dreams that she craves an embrace ; on waking, she has a violent, furious desire for an embrace the desire being concentrated especiaUy in the chtoris.—Sensation in the abdo- men, as if the menses would appear.—Delays the menses by eight days, with- out causing any trouble. Menses too late, with pain in the abdomen and smaU of the back. * Menses too early cand too profuse.— Nightmare two days before the menses; sensation as of a load lying on her; she was unable to talk, sensa- tion as if some one were stranghng her, she woke in a perspiration.—During the menses, stitches in the abdomen and vagifla. Thirst and dry tongue during the menses.—After the menses great desire for an embrace. Great aversion to an embrace after the menses.—Frequent discharge of corrosive mucus from the vagina. Acrid, burning leucorrhoea. Transparent, or mUky leucorrhoea, with- out sensation. Discharge of sanguineous mucus from the vagina, as if the menses would make their appearance.—Metrorrhagia. Larynx and Trachea.—*Hoarseness, dryness and roughness in the larynx. Pain in the larynx, talking is diflicult for him, the usual mobUity and flexibdity of the cartilages of the larynx seem wanting. Stitching pain in the larynx.—Cough and coryza with violent hunger. In the morning on waking, desire to cough, without expectoration; a few hours after, he throws off mucus easUy. Cough, from the open air. Short and hacking cough. Single, rare, turns of dry cough, also in the morning after rising. Loose cough with mucous expectoration. Turns of dry, short, panting cough. At every turn of cough he feels a dull shock directly over the margin of the right eyelids from within outward.—After coughing he regurgitates the ingesta.—°Chronic haemoptoe. Chest.—Eructations after the morning cough, at first empty, afterwards bringing up bitter mucus.—Haemoptysis, when walking slowly.—Occasional and momentary dyspnoea. Frequent oppression of breathing and strangulation, at night. Oppression of the chest, in the morning, with nausea.—Weak in the chest, so that she was scarcely able to talk.—Fulness in the chest.—Pressure in the left, chest, and pit of the stomach.—Drawing tension in the left chest.— Dull pain in the centre of the sternum, as from a shock.—Stitching pressure in the chest and throat, arresting the breathing, equaUy violent when walking or standing, improved by the open air, in continued paroxysms. Violent stitches in the right chest, frequent and continued; the pain is felt stiU more deeply when pressing on the part. Violent stitches in the sternum, when entering the room from the open air, the stitches proceeding to the inmost parts of the other side of the chest, in the evening. DuU stitches on the left side near the sternum, in the region of one of the cartilages. Sudden, violent and piercing stitch in the upper part of the left chest, extending to the back. Fine stitches deep in the left side of the chest from without inward, with arrest of breathing. Sticking in the left chest, more violent during an inspiration and when cough- ing, when walking; less when at rest. Stitches in front of the left axilla, when removing a heavy weight, followed by violent pain as if bruised in a large por- tion of the sternum. Many violent stitches through the heart, day and night, with sore pain sopn after —Palpitation of the heart without anxiety, when pressing the upper part of the body forward and leaning both arms on the table, with inclination to take deeo breath, which is done without difficulty.—Frequent SULPHURIC ACID. 933 single burnings on the left chest. Frequent burning as from boiUng water, in the outer part of the left chest, alternately more or less violent. Back.—Pain in the small of the back as if bruised, when standing or sit- ting. Sore pain or spasmodic drawing in the small of the back during motion. Burning pain in the small of the back.—Pain in the back, as if sore and bruised. Drawing pain in the back, during motion and when stepping. Stiff- ness in the back for several mornings, going off during motion. Fine stitch in the dorsal spine, and in the left side of the nape of the neck. Boils on the back.—Cutting between the shoulders, with burning, as if the parts would be cut through.—Drawing in the right side of the neck, below the ear. Pain as from an oppressive load between the side of the neck and the left shoulder. I'pper Limbs.—Painful sensitiveness of the left axillary glands. Ulcerative pain in the right axilla, extending as far as the chest, especially when ascending an elevation, but also when walking, so violent that he has to sit down. Tre- mulous pressure on the left shoulder, at irregular intervals. Stitching in the shoulder-joint, when raising the arm. Lancinating tearing in the left shoulder. Jerk in the right shoulder-joint when writing. Cutting pain in front of the left axilla. Stitching in front of and below the right axilla.—When writing he oc- casionally feels in the right arm a drawing and spasmodically-contractive, para- lytic pain. Heaviness of the arm. Fine jerking tearing in the right arm, fre- quently extending from the thumb into the chest, when sitting. Painful tear- ing in the right upper arm, posteriorly, under the shoulder-joint and reaching up to the joint.—Smarting pain, as if excoriated on the left elbow. Tensive pain in both elbow-joints.—Every three seconds a pain like a shock, in the left ulna, close to the wrist-joint; the pain begins suddenly and violently, and ra- diates into the arm, decreasing as it proeeeds, and finally ceasing altogether. Bluish spots on the forearm, as if ecchymozed.—Drawing and weariness in the wrist-joint.—Tensive pain and heaviness in the right metacarpus, when walking in the open air with the arms hanging down, as if the blood accumulated in them. Jerking in the metacarpal bone of the right index-finger, extending into the arm, intensely painful. Intensely-painful shocks in the metacarpal bone of the right index-finger. Painful jerks, like dull shocks, in the carpo-metaearpal joint of the thumb, sometimes striking into the arm through the wrist-joint. Dark-red, small elevations on the dorsum of the hand, covered with a little scab, under which pus seemed to be secreted, lasting four days, but not paiuful. Eruption on the hands and between the fingers, the eruption is itching, espe- cially after midnight. When sleeping the fingers become spasmodicaUy closed, with a jerk, and he starts. Jerking pain in the tips of the fingers, apparently in the nerves. Burning or smarting fine stitches in the side of the middle- finger. Burning prickling creeping in the tip of the little finger, as if gone to sleep, also at a smaU spot ..f the middle finger. Sharp, darting pain through the right thumb, beginning in the tip. Dull stitches in the middle joints of the fingers. Tearing under the nail of the index-finger, as in a panaritium, in- creased by dipping the finger into cold water. Several smaU very painful chil- blains on the fingers. Lower Limbs.—Cramp in the right hip.—The right lower limb inclines to bo numb. Stretching of the lower linibs. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Tearing in the varices of the right lower limb, in the morning when in bed.— Cutting pain in the thigh. Spasmodically.contractive, paralytic pain in the right thigh and leg. Intermittent pinching at a small spot of the inner side of the eft thigh. Intrmittcnt pressure in the upper and inner side of the ri«»ht thigh. Contraction in the lower and outer parts of the thigh, extending into the leg at intervals. Burning cutting creeping in the thighs, as if some" cor- 934 SULPHURIC ACID. roding substance had made the parts sore, at irregular intervals. Dull-sticking pressure, in the outer and middle parts of the left thigh.—Painful weakness of the knees when standing, with intensely-painful jerks in the knees. Tearing up and down, deep in the left knee, going off by rubbing. Intense pain as from a blow obhquely over the left knee, in undulating paroxysms. Painful jerks in the inner side of the left knee, Uke dull shocks. Dull stitches, like shocks, in the middle of the right knee, when sitting, a simple pain being felt a long whUe after. Burning pricking in the outer parts of the left knee. Intensely- painful prickling stitches in the bend of the left knee. Burning pain in the bend of the right knee.—Creeping in the region of the left tibia. Burning itching red spots on the tibiae, with blotches in the centre, swelling after scratch- ing, and the itching continuing again after the sweUing subsides. Cramp in the calves when walking, with creeping in the same. Pain of the calves, worse when sitting than when walking. Fine, prickling stitches in the region of the left tendo-AchUlis.—Intensely-painful pressure in the instep of the right foot, increasing and decreasing.—Tearing in the left heel, in the morning on waking. Burning pricking in the heel.—Stiffness of the ankles, when walking. Dull, in- tensely-painful pressure under the left ankle, Uke shocks or jerks.—Pain in the left sole as if bruised, increasing at first, afterwards jerking, then disappearing suddenly.—Jerking pinching in the middle toe, in paroxysms. Fine, prickhng, piercing stitches under the big toe.—Stitches in the corn.—Tearing in the corn. Sleep.—Frequent yawning.—Falls asleep late in the evening. Wakeful after two hours' rest, at night. Battling in the chest, in the evening when in bed, and quick pulse. Starts and flow of saliva, while sleeping. Asthma at night, with cough for two hours. She feels a pain in the joints when sleeping, not when waking.—Vexatious dreams. Anxious dreams of fire, dead people, etc. Fever.—Chilliness. ChilUness in the room, less in the open air.—Momen- tary shaking as from chilliness, with goose-flesh.—Passing shuddering through the trunk, from time to time. Constant shuddering down the trunk, without chiUiness.—Superficial warmth of the body, with icy-cold hands.—Dry heat in the evening, after a walk of sixteen miles, with thirst and burning in the eyes. Great warmth in the whole body, after going to bed.—Small, quick pulse, in- creased by 10 beats.—Inclines to sweat profusely, at every exertion of the body. She sweats a good deal when sitting, especiaUy on the upper part of the body. Copious morning-sweat. Sourish morning-sweats and subsequent hoarseness. Skin.—Pitching over the body here and there. °Disappearance of an exist- ing itching over the whole body, (curative effect). Prickling sensation in the skin, as from woolen clothes.—°Red, itching spot, on the skin. °Small, bluish spots as if ecchymozed (purpura haemorrhagica, see Clin. Obs). °Sore, also with suppuration, looking like mortification.—°Consequences of mechanical injuries, contusion, etc.—Corrosive sensation in the ulcer. Stitching in the cicatrices of burns. Jaundice, (in the workmen employed in the estabhsh- ments where sulphuric acid is made). General Symptoms.—Dull pressure in small spots of the body, first in- creasing, afterwards disappearing.—Tearing in all the Umbs, especially in the evening; during the menses. Rheumatic drawing and tearing in the whole body, even in the face.—Subsultus tendinum.—ChUliness the whole day. Sen- sation, when walking, as if he would faU over to either side. Weakness in the lower limbs and small of the back, so violent that he is scarcely able to stand without support. Languor in the whole body, he scarcely dares to raise his arm.—Tremulous sensation in the whole body without trembUng. TABACUM. 935 PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The muscles are pale, the blood is darker, blackish, carbonized, with firm clots, (sulphuric acid has been discovered in the disks of the femoral artery). The organs which are touched by the poison, are covered with whitish, wrinkled, yeUow, brown, even black scurfs; the subjacent membranes are mortified, car- bonized, decomposed, thickened, shrivelled, contracted, frequently perforated; the adjoining vessels are firmly clogged with black blood; the blood is darker, denser, ( Wibmer).—The whole mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces is interstitially distended and white, the fauces were so much swollen that scarcely anything could pass through; the sweUing likewise extended to the pharynx and larynx, the epiglottis was white, and so thick and interstitially distended, that the rima glottidis was almost entirely closed. The ventriculi Morgagni and the mucous membrane of the xiphoid cartilage were similarly degenerated. At the upper extremity of the oesophagus a gangrenous spot of the size of a shilling- piece was discovered; the rest of the mucous membrane of the oesophagus and the mucous membrane of the upper half of the stomach were very red and inter- stitially distended; the walls of the lower half of the stomach were very much thickened, dark-red on the outer surface, and their inner surface was covered with thick, black, gangrenous masses; the pylorus was entirely closed, and the rest of the intestines had remained intact. (In the case of a man who had swal- lowed three ounces of concentrated sulphuric acid. Rust's Magazine, vol. 52, No. 2, p. 268.) 232. TABACUM. TABAC.—Tobacco.—See Noack and Trinks' Manual. Compare with—Aeon., Ars., Bell., Cham., Cic, Cocc, Con., Hell., Hyos., Ipec, Kreas., Nux v., Op., Stram., Verat., Zinc. ANTinoTKs—Camph., Ipec, Nux v., Viuum, (EttmiiUer arrested with strong wine the convulsions and cold sweats occasioned by tobacco). CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. According to Noack and Trinks the following affections have been cured by Tabac. : Epilepsy.—Cholera morbus.—Asiatic cholera with the foUowing symptoms, after the copious evacuations had been relieved by Verat. or Sec. c.: constant paroxysms of nausea, being at times more violent, with cold sweat, occasional vomiting, oppression of the stomach, some anguish and rest- lessness, cramp and tearing iii the limbs, occasional clawing in the calves.— Colica renalis, the stone wa3 incarcerated in the right ureter, aud Cham., Nux v., and Bell., had been given without success; the patient was cured with three drops of Tabac. 3, every half hour.—Hiccough, after every paroxysm of whooping-cough; the cough was likewise diminished.—Asthma humidum with tension in the chest and abdomen, and obstinate constipation. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Cheerful and merry. Loquacious. Loss of clear- ness of consciousness, he cried out to the smokers to leave the room, (although there were no smokers in it,) he spoke in delirium, with open staring eyes for one hour and a half, after which lapse of time consciousness returned. Mania. Sings the whole day. Dances on one leg the whole day, from mirth and good 936 TABACUM. humour, laughing frequently without cause.—Hypochondriac.—Peevish.— Dread of labour.—He became quite stupid, lost his senses, felt better after vomiting, (in consequence of much smoking). He was unable to recognise those around him, and, if spoken to, he heard the questions but his answers were un- intelligible sounds. Muttering delirium. Stupid, is unable to collect his thoughts, with heaviness and dulness of the head, going off after vomiting.— Oppressive anxiety, with sad and melancholy thoughts, during a walk. Low- ness of spirits, despondency, accompanied with a dying sickness of the stomach, going off after vomiting. Oppressive anxiety or insensibility, after loss of con- sciousness. Fearfulness, such as girls are liable to, dread of being alone at night, starting at the least noise. Anguish, with general sick feeling. Great rest- lessness, anguish, oppressive apprehensiveness, melancholy, oppression of the chest, driving him from one place to another, with constant moaning, in the afternoon, relieved by weeping, or going off on waking (after dinner).— Vertigo. Vertigo with sensation as if he could not support himself. Vertigo with qualm- ishness of the stomach. Vertigo increasing to loss of consciousness. Vertigo as if from intoxication. Vertigo with sickness of the stomach, increasing in the warm room and obliging her to go into the open air, where she vomited the food she had taken. Vertigo, she imagines that the room is turning round. Reeling, early after rising. Intoxication, obscuration of sense, vertigo. In- toxication with violent headache. Head.—Weariness of the head, headache, stupefaction, intoxication. Dul- ness of the head, with dull pressure from within outwards in the region of the root of the nose, accompanied with a sensation of stoppage in the ears. Weari- ness of the head, she is scarcely able to keep it erect. Violent heaviness and pains in the nape of the neck, he had to take off his cravat in consequence. Feeling of heaviness in the head, after dinner.—Pain in the right parietal bone, on making pressure upon it. Violent headache, particularly a drawing in the left half of the forehead and through the left eye. Dull headache after dinner, particularly in the forehead, increased by motion. Dull, aching pains deep in the frontal region, with pressure in the eyes. Aching pain in the frontal region, as if the brain were pressed against the bone; the pain increased upon inchning the head to the affected side. Dull aching pain in the forehead and root of the nose. Aching pain, the whole afternoon, particularly above the right eye. Aching pain above the eye, with scintillations, worse in walking. Aching pain above the eyes, with heat in the head. Violent aching pain in the vertex. Pressure on the vertex as from a board. Aching pain on the vertex, some- times accompanied with sticking. Violent internal pressure in the vertex, im- mediately after dinner. Wakes with a headache, and pressure in the vertex and temples, lasting the whole day. Pressure in the temples, for ten days. Aching pain in the parietal bones, on waking, going off after rising. Pressure in the occiput. Alternate pressure and sticking in the temples. Pressure from without inwards, in both temples, towards evening. Compressive pain in the whole head, particularly in the occiput. Compressive-contractive sensation in the temples. Contraction in the frontal muscles.—Stitches from the forehead to the occiput, going off in the open air, but returning on standing stiU, and going off entirely when lying. Stitch from the outer margin of the eyelid towards the inner, and penetrating into the orbit. Several deep stitches in the head, towards the vertex. Stitches in the vertex, for ten days, frequently re- turning. Stitches in the left temple. Stitches in the left side of the head. Painful stitches from the parietal bones towards the occiput, on walking rapidly. Sore stitches in the temples. Drawing-sticking pain from the left temple towards the vertex across the forehead.—Pain in both sides of the head as if TABACUM. 93T dashed to pieces. Sensation as if even pressure were made on the anterior por- tion of the brain, from the forehead. (Violent headache, in the morning, dur- ing motion, as if something in the head were shaking, les3 during rest.)—Feeble, tremulous motion of the head, when reading.—Heat in the head. Congestion of blood to the head, with flushes of heat.—Violent itching of the hairy scalp, from the smoke of tobacco. Burning on the head, with formication, loss of ap- petite, violent sticking in the ears, succeeded by coldness and chills. Formica- tion over the left temple.—A good deal of hah- comes out while combing. Eyes, —Pain of the eyes, and scintUlations, on looking at a thing. The eyes are painful as after long weeping. Sensation in the right eye as if a hair had lodged in it, towards evening. Pain in the right eye, extending to the occiput. Feeling of pressure in the eyes, particularly on moving them. Pressure in the eyeballs. Violent digging, drawing pains in the eyebaUs and temporal regions, increased by motion, with distention of the blood-Vessels and increased beating in the same.—Rigid tension and drawing from the left eye down the upper jaw. Feeling of pressure deep in the orbits, with weakness of the eyes and vertigo. A few fine stitches in the upper part of the orbit.—Violent itching in the inner canthus of the right eye, where a burning is experienced after rubbing.—Burn- ing in the eyes, in the evening while reading. A sort of burning in the left eye, attended with a feeling of coolness. Lachrymation on looking at an object sharply. Heat of the eyeballs. Heat with lachrymation. Heat in the orbits. The cornea is somewhat reddened, with photophobia.—Contraction of the eye- lids, with smarting pain in the eyes.—Twitching of the left upper eyelid. Con- traction of the eyelids, with lachrymation. The eyes are closed, with photopho- bia.—Dimness of the eyes, as from mucus. Indistinct vision, for some minutes. Vanishing of sight on looking at white objects. Obscuration of sight, with dilatation of the pupils. Towards evening she became almost blind for a few minutes; she imagined she had a veil before her eyes; the sensation was in- creased by rubbing the eyes. Scintillations. The black spots before the eyes increase.—Great contraction of the pupils.—Dilatation of the pupils. Staring look. Ears.—Pain in the inner ear, on touching the outer. Painful tearings in the right ear. Sticking in the ears, particularly in the open air, or when listening to music. Painful gnawing in the right ear. TitiUation in the ears. Fine tearing and sticking in the right lobule. Stinging behind the right ear, with a somewhat hard reddish swelling in that region. The ears are burning hot and red.—Whizzing in the left ear. DuU humming before the ears, increased by violent noise or on going into the room out of the open air, for several days. Roaring before the ears, particularly early in the morning. Sensation as if the ears were closed by something in front. \OSC.—Creeping in the nostril. Sudden burning in the left nostril. Burn- ing under the nose, as from profuse coryza. Feeble smell; wine, however, has a very strong smell to her, so that she is almost intoxicated from the vapours emanating from an emptied wine-glass which was standing in the room.—Acute smell, early in the morning.—Sneezes several times." Unceasing sneezing, almost killing him.— Fluent coryza with fine smell. Face.—The face looks bluish and contracted. Transitory sensation in the middle of the face, as if these parts were dead. The permanent contraction of the muscles on the left side of the face, point to apoplexy. Death-like paleness, during the sickne- of the stomach. Papulous exanthem in the face. Red spots in the face. Heat and redness of the left cheek, towards evening, without thirst. The right cheek was glowing, the other pale. Mounting of heat to the face. Drawing pain in both angles of the lower jaw. Violent tearing in the 938 TABACUM. facial bones and teeth, towards evening. Stitch in the articulation of the jaw, when laughing.—The upper lip is rough and dry, with burning sensation. Chapped, painful Ups.—Tensive pain in the submaxiUary glands, as if swoUen, and as if the lower jaw were less movable. Teeth.—Sudden appearance of violent toothache, with heat in the face and reehng in the head. Violent, continued, beating pains in several hoUow teeth. Drawing in the gums. Drawing pain in the upper teeth, abating on pressing upon the cheeks. Violent drawing-tearing pain in the upper teeth, extending towards the forehead. Tearing in the teeth of the lower jaw, darting about. Sticking in the decayed tooth, on biting upon it. Mouth.—Stinging in the tongue. SweUing of a sublingual gland, painful when touched. The patient was not able to talk except in a low tone and with intermissions; she complained of exhaustion,.confusion of the head and musty taste of tobacco. He is unable to emphasize when reading; he drawls out the words, contrary to his habit.—Dryness of the whole mouth, with violent thirst. Dryness of the tongue and lips. Accumulation of saUva in the mouth. The mouth is filled with white, tenacious mucus, which has to be spit up frequently. Flat taste in the mouth, early in the morning. Bad taste as burnt milk. Bit- ter taste in mouth. Sour taste. The water tastes as if mixed with wine. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—The throat is so dry that she is scarcely able to swaUow. Burning in the throat and mouth. Heat in the pharynx after swaUowing. Quickly-passing feeling of stinging heat in the throat. Constric- tive pain and burning in the larynx. Scraping and burning in the pharynx. Slight catarrhal affection of the tonsils. Creeping sensation in the throat, pain- ful during deglutition. Hawking up of mucus.—Pressure in the throat, as if something had lodged in it.—Spasm of the pharynx.—Painful pressure in the lower portion of the oesophagus, on swaUowing food.—Periodical sensation as of a plug in the oesophagus, with constant duU pressure in that region. Decrease of sensation in the oesophagus. Appetite.—Voracious appetite. Constant hunger, she feels sick at the stomach, if she does not eat.—No thirst, (she generally drank a good deal). Aversion to water.—A good deal of thirst in the evening. Gastric Symptoms.—SUght eructations. Frequent empty eructations. Loud eructations, the whole day, particularly after eating. Sour, hot eructa- tions in the morning. Frequent eructations, sickness at the 6tomach, vomitu- rition.—Hiccough. Spasmodic hiccough. Heartburn, from the stomach to the throat. Qualmishness of the stomach. Sensation of relaxation in the stomach, with some sickness.—Nausea. Nausea and accumulation of water. Nausea for one hour, with delirium.—Loathing.—Nausea, almost unto fainting, going off in the open air. Violent eructations, retching, nausea. Excessive nausea, on making the least motion. Nausea and pinching in the abdomen. Nausea with sticking in the left temple.—Disposition to vomit on hawking up mucus early in the morning, with flat taste in the mouth.—Vomiting.—Spasmodic vomiting, singultus. Vomiting, with sweat, or with diarrhoea and pinching in the abdomen. Violent vomiting, from applying the powder to a wound in the thigh. Haematemesis and spasms (from the external appUcation). Violent vomiting, diarrhoea, anguish, debility, stupefaction and sweat. Vomiting of a quantity of liquid in a long stream. Vomiting of mere water, he sees green and yellow. Vomiting as soon as he begins to move. Easy vomiting of a sour liquid. Vomiting of a sour Uquid with mucus, after which he feels easier. Sour and shmy vomiting in the morning, with great exertions. Violent vomit- ing, after which retching remained. Stomach.—After the vomiting the stomach remains weak for a long time.— TABACUM. 939 Feeling of pressure in the stomach. Slight pressure during and after dinner in the pit of the stomach. Spasmodic pressure in the region of the pylorus. Several writhing movements in the pit of the stomach with disposition to vomit, lachrymation and accumulation of water in the mouth. Contractive pain in the mouth, after a meal. Cardialgia. Colic followed by violent cardialgia, great nausea and ptyalism. Violent tearing in the stomach after a meal. Sensation as if the stomach would turn. Sticking in the pit of the stomach, through to the back. Violent stitches over the pit of the stomach, less during rest. Sen- sation of stinging heat, followed by warmth in the stomach, succeeded soon after by loathing, nausea, vertigo, headache. Pain and inflammation of the stomach, and of portions of the intestinal canal. Slight burning in the region of the stomach, and several eructations. Sensation of warmth in the stomach. Burn- ing in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, with nausea and dis- position to vomit. Feehng of coldness in the stomach and along the vertebral column. Abdomen.—Violent contractions of the abdominal muscles. Sinking in of the abdomen. She wakes after midnight with sensitiveness of the abdomen; after which she had a soft stool with cessation of the pain; the same symptoms at four o'clock in the afternoon. Pain in the region of the liver on pressing upon it, extending to the pit of the stomach. Sticking below the short ribs of the right side. Sticking in the region of the liver. Prickings iu the liver, in- creased by inspirations. Stitches in the liver when walking, penetrating to the pit of the stomach. Sticking in the region of the liver, relieved by stooping, and rendering it impossible to stretch himself. Stitches under the left short ribs. Sticking in the right groin. Numbers of fine stitches in the whole ab- domen, suddenly. Burning stinging in the left subcostal region, externaUy. Sticking in the hypochondria.—Feeling of pressure under the short ribs of the right side, as from a heavy, round body ; the place is painful when touched. Pressure in the hypochondria. Aching pains in the umbUical region, with cramp-like retraction of the umbihcus. Violent aching pains in the hypogas- trium, with nausea and disposition to vomit; or with chilliness of the whole body; or relieved by emission of flatulence. Sensation of painful pressure in the renal region. Digging sensation and feeling of pressure in the umbilical region. Horrible pains in the abdomen, sensation of violent burning obliging him to shriek; afterwards the pains increased in the abdomen, particularly in the epigastrium. Heat in the intestinal canal. Violent colic, with vertigo, headache, nausea, contraction of the abdomen, small pulse, cold and damp skin, dilatation of the pupils. Colic towards evening, as if diarrhoea would set in. Pinching in the abdomen, followed by tearing pain in the stomach. Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, for twelve days. Cutting around the umbilicus. Painful retraction of the umbilicus, particularly on stooping. Gurgling and rumbling in the abdomen, for eight days, on drawing deep breath. Violent, un- ceasing rumbling in the abdomen, the whole forenoon, during a walk. Rum- bling in the abdomen, with feeling of coldness of the whole body. Spasm of the bowels, with diarrhoea. StOOl.—Frequent urging, with little stool, soreness in the abdomen before r.nd after stool. ^ Urging to stool with frequent tenesmus of the rectum. Vio- lent tenesmus with straining, as if the faeces were prevented from passing out, during soft stool. Frequent papescent evacuations, with itching of the anus.' Diarrhaa. Shifting of flatulence, followed by sudden, papescent, yellow-green or greenish-slimy stools with tenesmus. Five diarrhoeic stools at night, with burning and tenesmus of the anus. Several diarrhceic stools, with emission of fiatulence, coUo, and soreness of the anus.—The stool intermits, contrary to 940 TABACUM. habit. After several ineffectual urgings he has a hard stool, several hours after the usual time. Stool delays, is harder and darker than usual.—Tenesmus and violent pains in the small of the back during soft stool. Tenesmus and violent burning in the anus, during stool. Burning pain at the anus, after stool. Urinary Organs.—The orifice of the urethra is somewhat inflamed and sticky.—Increased emission of urine. Enuresis. Frequent pressure on the bladder. Urging to urinate, with or without vertigo. The urine is clear, lemon-coloured, and more copious than usual. Increased emission of a reddish urine with ammoniacal odour. The urine has a dark-red tinge and smells of to- bacco. The secretion of urine is entirely suppressed. The urine is not in- creased in quantity, but is emitted frequently and at one time drop by drop, with tickling in the urethra. Nocturnal enuresis, almost like incontinence. Urination is frequently preceded by an aching pain in the renal region and itch- ing in the urethra. Burning-itching pain in the urethra, after micturition. Male Genital Organs.—Discharge of prostatic fluid. Tingling on the glans. A number of erections towards morning, without any voluptuous sen- sation. Nocturnal emissions. Female Sexual Organs.—The menses, which had delayed one day, appear more profusely than usual. Discharge of a serous liquid from the vagina, a fortnight after the menses. Larynx.—Tickling and scraping in the throat from below upwards, with irritation inducing cough. Slight irritation in the upper portion of the wind- pipe, burning in the fauces and expectoration whenever he takes the medicine. Dry cough, with sticking in the pit of the stomach, the whole morning or to- wards evening. Cough and hiccough at the same time, as if he would suffo- cate.—Roughness of voice. Chest.—Sensation, on taking deep breath, as if the chest were too narrow, with oppressive sensation of anguish as if he were threatened by some unavoida- ble accident. Great difficulty of breathing, paroxysms of suffocation. Dys- pnoea, anxiety, hurried, labored breathing. Hurried, anxious, irregular inspira- tions. Slow inspirations, the walls of the thorax being scarcely raised. Op- pression of the chest and anguish, as before a swoon. Oppression of the chest, reheved by a deep inspiration. Violent constriction of the chest. Pressure under the sternum. Pressure and stitches in the chest. A few stitches under the right short ribs, with tightness of the chest. Sticking in the chest, (under the sternum,') with inability to take deep breath, or in the right side of the chest when tanking; stitches in the side and chest when taking a deep inspiration, at- tended with great weakness of the head as if intoxicated, with scintiUations not allowing him to recognise people at a distance. A number of shooting stitches through the chest, from before backwards, aggravated by deep breathing. Fine stitches from the centre of the chest to the sternum. Sore sticking in the right side of the chest, worse during rest. Sore pain in the chest, during rest.—Vio- lent palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side, going off by turning to the right side. Irregular, generally slow beating of the heart. Violent beat- ing of the heart and carotids.—Pressure on the sternum as from something heavy. Pain in the sternum as if a knife were sticking in it. Sensation, on taking a deep breath, as if the intercostal muscles were cut to pieces from before backward, aggravated by contact, with lachrymation from pain. Violent sore pain in the mamma, with sensation as if the nipple would be bit off. Back.—Stiff neck, preventing one from turning the head to the left side. Sticking in the right scapula. Burning under the scapula.—Contractive pain in the small of the back, particularly violent after stool. Dull pain in the centre of the spinal marrow, early in the morning, with bruised pain in the TABACUM. 941 body, particularly the upper limbs. Pain in the smaU of the back and loins, particularly when sitting. Intolerable pain in the small of the back, rendering ft difficult to sit or Ue. Throbbing pain in the region of the sacrum, in the evening. Pain in the right buttock, on pressing upon it. Sticking pain above and in the left buttock. Pains and tension in the glutei muscles and those of the thigh, as after a fatiguing journey on foot. Extremities.—Coldness and trembling of the Umbs. Spasms of the limbs. Tremor of the limbs. 1. Upper Extremities.—Pulsations under the right shoulder. Sticking and drawing in the left shoulder. Drawing pain in the left arm, at a spot of the .shje of a doUar, as if an ulcer would form. Tension in the left arm, particularly in the elbow. Pain in the right arm, on raising it. Lame feehng in the arm, with cramp. Complete exhaustion and painfulness of the left arm. Drawing pain in the elbow-joint, on turning the forearm. Tearing in the tendons of the left forearm, in the direction of the hand, afterwards in the elbow. Sticking pains in the elbow, hindering the sudden stretching of the arm. Sensation as if sprained in the left forearm, particularly in the left elbow-joint, with painful stitches on exerting the arm. Sticking and tearing in the right hand. Drawing laming cramp-pain in the right hand, extending as far as the elbow. The hands feel lame, with coldness in the hands, afterwards burning with bloatedness of the tips of the fingers and difficulty of moving the hands, with coldness and chilliness of the body. Weakness of the hands. Cramps in the hands and arms. Cramp in single fingers, particularly while washing, early in the morning. Spasmodic contractions in the hands and arms. Spasm and formication in the three first fingers of the left hand The fingers are some- what swollen. 2. Lower Extremities.—Dull aching pains in the hip and knee-joints. Sticking in the right hip towards evening. Drawing in the thighs. Sticking in the left thigh, between the shoulders and under the sternum. Stick- ing in the bend of the knee on bending it, with pressure during rest. Frightful burning in the knee, with sensation on touching it, as if full of needles.—Spasm in the knee. Cracking of the knees in walking. Tension from the knee to the foot, when walking. Formication in the left leg from the knee to the toes.— Feeling of lameness below the knee, as if gone to sleep. Tearing along the ti- bia or calf. Lame feeling in the right foot. Burning on the side of the sole of the foot, as from a hot iron, most violent towards evening. Acute pain in the balls of the left toes, hindering stepping. Cramp from the toes to the knee. Sleep.—A good deal of yawning, after a meal. Drowsiness. Stupefying sleep at night. Deep sleep, succeeded by profuse sweat. Sopor. For some moments he appeared to be in a comatose condition, after which he was waked by the pain, without however complaining; instead of this he made automatic motions with great vehemence, arose, made a few steps Uke an intoxicated per- son, and then threw himself again on his couch, tossing about. Sleep, stupe- faction and profuse sweat. Great drowsiness going off in the open air, towards evening, also in the forenoon or after dinner, afterwards short sleep from which he is roused by palpitation of the heart.—Difficulty of falling asleep in the evening, and waking in the morning.—Wakes several times during the night on account of pains in the left carpal and tarsal joints. Restless night-sleep with coldness and tossing about in bed.—Starting during a slumber.—Innumerable dreams. Anxious dreams about fire. Painful dream about the falling out of a tooth. He dreams that his tongue is too large, that it is hanging out of his mouth, and reaches to the nose, (hindering talking and screaming); weeps on that account with great anguish, (a kind of night-mare.) Frightful dreams, from which he wakes with consciousness, but unable to talk or move. 942 TABACUM. FeTer.—Coldness of the left, and heat of the right hand. Icy coldness of the legs from the knees to the toes, the whole night, with burning of the thighs, and a good deal of heat. Goose-flesh the whole day. Coldness of the extrem. ities. Violent chill with disposition to stretch one's-self, in the evening. Vio- lent chill in bed, in the evening. Chattering of the teeth, in the evening, from coldness. Coldness and shuddering in ihe whole body, in the evening, with flushes of heat. Shaking and shuddering of the whole body, every evening, or the whole day, with cold sweat in the palms of the hands. Chill the whole day, with aching pain between the shoulders, with yawning, stretching of the arms. ChiU in the open air, only in the morning. Internal coldness with feeling of heat, the hands being at times cold, at others warm or sweaty, without thirst.__ Warmth of the body, with icy-cold hands. Increase of external warmth, with sensation of shuddering and as if bruised internally, and indisposition to do the least thing. Increase of warmth, particularly perceptible in the palms of the hands. Hot skin with great thirst. Heat and restlessness. Heat and sweat. Sensation as if the blood circulated more rapidly and strongly. Profuse sweat, with coldness of the extremities. Flushes of heat after vomiting. Heat and feeling of dryness, increasing every minute. Icy-coldness of the legs, with heat of the body. Dry, hot skin, with thirst and quick pulse. Profuse sweat about the head and on the chest. Profuse sweat before midnight, smeUing of tobacco. Cold sweat. Cold sweat in the hands. Night-sweat. Viscid, cold sweat, cold- ness of the limbs and great languor, with slow, intermittent pulse. Small, slow pulse. Small languid pulse, with cold skin and viscid sweat. Pulse quick, full, large. The pulse is fuUer and quicker by 10 beats. Hard, quick pulse. The pulse is almost imperceptible, very small, intermittent, exceedingly slow, 45 beats. Skin.—Itching of the body, here and there, reheved by scratching. Fre- quent itching in the face, in the evening, resembhng flea-bites. Itching of the arm and neck, resembling flea-bites. Burning and tension in the skin of the right side of the neck.—Pimples on the forehead, chest, back, small of the back, fingers. Miliary rash on both cheeks, under the eyes, perceptible only to the touch. Red, itching eruption on the whole back. Pustulous eruption on the nape of the neck and upper limbs. Papulous eruption with increased sensitive- ness of the skin, so that slight wounds and excoriations which generally healed without the interference of art, caused a good deal of inflammation. Eruption in the corner of the mouth. Red spots in the face and on the right shoulder, burning when touched. Small itching vesicles surrounded with a red areola and filled with a yellowish fluid, feehng sore when touched. Increased turgescence of the skin, with itching and sUght sweat. Dryness of the skin. Unusual dry- ness and burning of the skin. General Symptoms.—Aversion to business. Great weariness, languor, and debility of the extremities, and trembling of the hands and feet.—In the forenoon he feels more languid than in the afternoon.—General relaxation of the whole body, with rhagades and warmth of the palms of the hands. Sensa- tion of increase of the muscular power, with indisposition to make the least mo- tion. Trembling of the head and hands, with excessive mirthfulness as if in- toxicated, after dinner. Trembling of the whole body, after the nausea. Trem- bUng, or rather shaking of the feet, for a long time. TrembUng of the Umbs, for 6 or 7 minutes, after which he Ues as if paralyzed, with stupor, headache, general paleness, colic, diflicult breathing, lastly coma, pulse 68, death. Di- minished irritabiUty of the voluntary muscles. General debiUty and coldness, great anguish and swoons. Apoplexy. Vacillation, trembling, general weari- ness of the muscles, spasmodic contraction of the muscles, spasms, general in- TANACETUM. 943 sensibUity, relaxation. Fainting fits, trembling, loss of consciousness. Weak- ness towards evening, shuddering and coldness between the shoulders on moving a part of the body, attended with reeling, sticking in the temples, forehead, and vertigo.—Constant disposition to stretch the arms.—Convulsions and rattling, death in three quarters of an hour. Convulsive movements, with paleness and distortion of the face, staring look, stupefied expression of countenance, slow and small pulse ; at intervals the chUd uttered a cry, spoke incoherent words, and was covered with profuse sweat, and tortured by loathing and pain in the epigastrium which became worse on pressure. Convulsions and death in 15 mi- nutes, from an injection.—Violent involuntary contraction of aU the muscles; with expressions of the most horrid pain; he constantly laid his hand on the ab- domen and pulled his penis with great violence.—Spasms and convulsions.— Epilepsy.—Jaundice. Arthritis.—Consumption.—Emaciation, particularly on the back and cheeks.—Complete insensibility, with loss of memory and con- sciousness. Sensation as if his vitality had left him. Death-like paleness. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains on the left side predominate, he is better in the open air. 233. TANACETUM. TANAC—Tansey.—See Archiv., XIIL, p. 170. SYMPTOMS. Great mobility, extraordinary motions and strange gesticulations, stretching, drawing up the feet and then extending them again suddenly, (without the least pain,) for half an hour, several times after taking repeated doses of the medi- cine, (in a boy of twelve years, from half an ounce of the extract). 234. TARAXACUM. TARAX.—Leontodon Taraxacum, DandeUon.—See Hahnemann's Materia Med. Pur., V. Compare with—Con., Kali, Nux v., Puis., Spig., Valer. ANTinoiE.—Camphor. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Rheumatism.—Fever with gastric and gastric-venous conditions.—Quotidian fever and ague: In the evening the hands and nose become cold, after which sleep sets in during which the patient sweats considerably, particularly about the head; the apyrexia is characterized by languor and vertigo.__Febris inter- mittens quotidiana sudorifera.? DebiUty, loss of appetite, profuse sweat every night, thirst day and night, restless sleep ; Ars. was of no avail; Tarax. effected a complete cure.—Violent headache which is felt only when walking and standing. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Gloomy mood, when unoccupied, does not know what to do with himself. Discontented early in the morning, not disposed to y** TARAXACUM. talk. Irresolute and dreading to work.—Cheerful and confident. Loquacious. Disposed to laugh. Sensoriam.—Dulness of the head during a walk in the open air, with reeling and dizziness.—Vertigo during a walk in the open air. Vertigo with unsteady gait. Vertigo as if intoxicated, the head inclines at tiuu s to the right, at others to the left side. Head.—cViolent headache, felt only when walking or standing.—Heaviness of the head, with heat and redness of the face. Heaviness of the occiput, going off on stooping, and coming on again when raising the head and keeping it erect; in this . ase it is worst.—Sensation in the head, half pressure, half itching. Pres- .re in the lowest part of the occiput, and heaviness of the same. Painful pressure in the sinciput in the direction of the forehead. Oppressive stupefying pain in the forehead, as after an intoxication. Aching pain in the right temple. Burning painful pressure in the head from below upward. Painful pressure in the head from within outward. When sitting, he feels an oppressive stupefying pain in the whole forehead, so that he lost his senses when reading, and did not know where he was, accompanied with nausea; he felt better in the open air. Continued painful pressure on the forehead. Drawing aching pain in the tem- ple. Painful drawing pressure on the frontal bone, when standing.—Contrac- tion in the forehead over the nose, alternating with tingling, like vertigo; at times a sensation as if the brain were distended in various places ; this sensation gives no pain. Sensation in the head as if the brain were constricted frcm all sides by a soft pressure.—When walking in the open air, he feels a crawling pain in the forehead, with pressure, spreading from the middle of the forehead, as if it contained something aUve.—Drawing pain in the left temple when sitting, ceasing when walking or standing.—Tearing pain in the occiput, when walk- ing, going off when standing still. Tearing in the outer parts of the occiput, when walking.—Lancination in the occiput, behind the right ear. Lancinations in the left side of the forehead in quick succession. Continuous sticking pain in tb^ left side of the head (for six hours). Prickings in the left temple when sitting, ceasing when standing.—Violent, continuous pain in the left temporal region, when walking, going off when standing. Sharp stitches in the left and outer side of the forehead. DuU sticking pressure in the outer parts of the forehead. Pimple on the right side of the hairy scalp, above the temples, pain- ful when touched, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Tension of the forepart of the scalp, as if stretched tight over the skull. EygS,—Pimple in the middle of the left eyebrow, with painful pressure when touched. Contraction, then dilatation of the pupils.—Agglutination of the eye- lids, early in the morning on waking, for several days.—The eyes do not bear the Ught of day, they water constantly, accompanied with a pressure in tho region of the right upper eyelid, as if from something which he tries in vain to wipe oft.—Burning in the left eyeball. Violent burning in the right eyeball, towards the inner canthus.—Burning, fine pricking in both eyehds of the left eye. Burning pricking in the left eyeball, toward the outer canthus. Sharp sticking pain in the right eye. Sharp pressure as from a grain of sand, in the inner canthus of the right eye, with sensation as if the eyelids were swollen. Ears.—Hardness of hearing; in the evening his hearing is dull.—Pressure in the interior of the left ear from without inward. Tearing in the outer meatus auditorius, and sharp pressure behind the ramus of the lower jaw.—Stitches be- hind the ear, with tearing along the side of the neck. Sticking in the right ear from within outward, ending in a tearing from without inward. Itching-burning stitching in the right ear. Drawing pain in the cuter parts of the right ear. —Chirping in the left ear, as of grasshoppers. TARAXACUM. 945 \(>SC.—Pustule in the corner of the right wing.—Bleeding of the left nostril before dinner.—Frequent sneezing, during a walk in the open air. Face.—Feeling of heat and redness in the face.—Sharp pressure in the right chcelc. Stitch with pressure in the cheek.—Pustule on the upper part of the left cheek, with a red areola, occasioning a gnawing pain when touched.—Crack- ing of the middle of the upper lip. Tustule near the right corner of the mouth. —Sudden itching below the chin. Teeth.—Painful pressure, like two shocks, in two incisores, rather in the crown. Sour-tasting blood flows out of the hollow teeth of the right side. Sensation in the teeth, when chewing, as if they had been made duU by eating some fruit. Drawing pain in the hoUow teeth of the right side, extending along the cheek as far as the eyebrows. Mouth.—Frequent accumulation of sourish water in the mouth. Accumula- tion of saliva in the mouth, and sensation as if the larynx were closed by pres- sure.—Burning pricking in the left side of the tongue. Tongue coated white. White-coated tongue, peeling off here and there gradually. The tongue is coated with a white skin, with sensation of rawness on the tongue ; it then peels off in patches and leaves dark-red, tender, sensitive places. Dry, brown-coated tongue, early in the morning, when waking. Pharynx.—Difficult deglutition; a kind of pressure as from an internal swelling of the throat. Sharp pressure in the anterior waU of the pharynx and larynx, between the acts of deglutition, inducing cough, but going off when swallowing.—The phlegm tastes sour, and sets the teeth on edge.—Dryness and stinging in the throat. Feeling of dryness in the throat, and a bitter phlegm in that region, making the speech sound hoarse. Taste and Gastric Symptoms.—Bitterish taste in the mouth, before a meal; food, however, has a natural taste. Bitter taste rises into the mouth, from the oesophagus. At the tip of the tongue the butter has a repulsive, saltish- sour taste; when reaching the palate, it has the usual taste. Meat, especiaUy gravy, tastes sour to him, when it touches the tongue. Tobacco has no good taste, it occasions a burning in the throat, almost Uke heartburn, and arrests the breathing, goes off again by drinking.—Bitter eructations and hiccough. Empty eructations, continuing for several days, especiaUy after drinking.— Nausea, accompanied with anxiety, when sitting, going off when standing. Nausea, as if the stomach were overloaded with fat things; he felt as if he would vomit, with an oppressive stupifying pain in the forehead, he felt relieved in the open air. Qualmishness and nausea in the pharynx.—Great chilliness after eating, and especially after drinking. Stomach and Abdomen.—Painless motion and grumbling in the abdomen. Rumbliug in the umbiUcal region, toward the leftside. Sudden continuous movement in the abdomen, as if bubbles were bursting in it.—Tension in the pit of the stomach, and pressure on the xiphoid cartilage, when stooping.—Pressure below the ribs of the left side. Aching pain in the left side of the abdomen.— Pinching in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatulence.—Continuous studies, with pressure, in ihe left side of the abdomen. Single, violent and sharp stitches partly ,n the left portion oftlie epigastrium, partly in ihe left or right side of the abdomen, partly in the hypogastrium. Severe stitch in the side of the abdomen, cov.t muing for a minute. Burning stitches in the left side of the hypogastrium, in the direction of the genital organs. Boring pain in the region of the urabdicus, from within outward, toward the right side.—Pressure in the left lumbar region from within outwards.—Itching-stinging pain in the right abdominal muscles. Painless bubbling in the muscles of the left Uiac vol. ir. 60 946 TARAXACUM. region.—FeeUng of pain in the left groin when walking, as if sprained, some- what relieved by standing and touching the part. StOOl.—Two soft stools on the first day, difficult and with much straining. A third evacuation on the first day is hard, with a good deal of straining. The stool comes on sooner than usual, and is papescent; the urging continued, with- out anything being passed.—Titillation in ihe perinaeum, between the anus and the genital organs, obliging him to scratch. Voluptuous itching of the perinamm; after scratching a corrosive pain was felt in the part scratched, lasting for hours. Urinary and Genital Organs.—Desire to urinate, without pain. Frequent desire, with copious emissions.! Frequent desire with scanty emissions.!— Tickling of the prepuce. Continuous boring pain in the glans.—Fine stitch in the left testicle. Burning stinging in the right testicle.—Emission every other night. Long-lasting, involuntary erections. Respiratory Organs.—Titillation in the pit of the stomach, inducing a hacking cough; he felt it coming a few seconds previous, but was not able to prevent it.—Boring and digging pain in the right chest, more violent and con- tinuous when walking.—Pressure in the left side of the chest, below the axilla. Pressure on the internal surface of the ribs, during an expiration, when stand- ing, in the right side of the chest, from the hepatic region into the chest, at a spot of the size of the hand. Burning pressure in the sternum, more violent during an expiration than inspiration.—Stitch, with pressure, in the right chest, going off during an expiration or inspiration; when pressing on the part, the stitch returned and spread as a continuous stitch. Stitch in the right side of the chest, from without inward. Dull sticking in the left chest. Sticking in the left side toward the back. When standing, during an inspiration, he ex- periences stitches in the chest from without inward. Continuous sticking in the right side of the chest when walking. Violent sticking in the sternum. Stitch in the right chest, directly below the axilla. Three violent stitches, one at every inspiration, below the last rib of the left side, posteriorly. Severe stitch in the region of the sixth rib. Violent sticking in the left side of the chest, in the region of the lowest rib.—Boring-sticking drawing in the region of the acromial extremity of the right clavicle.—Jerking in the left intercostal muscles. Jerking in the right intercostal muscles. Tensive pain in the region of the diaphragm, during a deep inspiration. Back.—Pressure in the small of the back. Soft pressure in the small of the- back, when standing. Painless creeping in the smaU of the back.—Tensive sticking in the back towards the right side. Sticking pain, with pressure, in the whole spine towards the right side, when lying, with difficult breathing, espe- cially violent in the small of the back.—Continuous dull stitch in the right scapula, from within outward. Rumbling and bubbling in the right scapula.— Acute pain when moving the jaw and neck, in the region of the lower part of the parotid gland and in the muscles of the neck, and extending from the ster- num up to the mastoid process. Jerking in the lower part of the side of the neck. Sharp, boring stitches in the left side of the neck from within outward, for a few minutes (immediately). Jerking, with pressure, in the posterior cer- vical muscles, behind the left ear. Sticking in the left side of the nape of the neck, as with a somewhat dull pin, when standing, going off when sitting. Sticking, with pressure, in the nape of the neck. t Note by Hahnemann.—These two symptoms, the former of which is the primary, the latter the secondary effect, show how wrongly the common physicians proceed in endea- Tonring to cure dropsical swellings, with diminished secretion of urine, by Taraxacum. It will be found useful insome kinds of diabetes, provided they do not depend upon a chronie miasm, as they often do. TARAXACUM. 947 Upper Limbs.—Throbbing on the left shoulder, for one minute. Jerking on the left shoulder. Painless rumbling on the left shoulder, with chilliness aU over.—Jerking in the external muscles of the left upper arm. Twitching in the upper arm. Paroxysmal throbbing on the inner side of the upper arm. Ach- ing pain in the muscles of the left upper arm. Aching pain on the inner side of the left upper arm. Pain in the outer side of the left upper arm, resembUng electric shocks. Itching pain on the inner side of the left upper arm. Sharp stitching in the outer side of the left arm. Painful, violent prickings in the posterior surface of the upper arm, going off by friction. Intermittent stitches in the outer side between the elbow and the middle of the right upper arm, during rest. — Sticking in the right elbow-joint—Stinging in the left forearm, during rest and motion. Sharp stitches in the right forearm, going off by con- tact. Jerking in the muscles of the left forearm. Burning in the right fore- arm. Aching pain on the inner side of the right forearm. Frequently return- ing drawing pains in the forearm.—Tearing drawing in the left wrist-joint, ex- tending into the three last fingers —Pimples on the hands, especially on the sides of the fingers, also on the dorsum of the hand, with itching. Burning pain in the third and fourth fingers of the left hand. Sticking pain in the fourth finger of the left hand. Aching pain in ihe three last fingers of the right hand. The tips of the fingers are cold as ice. Lower Limbs.—Jerking in the left glutei muscles, inferiorly. Itching of the left glutei muscles.—Twitching in the upper part of the muscles of the thighs. Sticking pain in the whole left thigh. Boring stitches in the inner side of the thigh when sitting. A spot in the upper and front part of the thigh feels painful as if bruised, more so when touched than when walking. Pressure on the inner side of the right thigh, when sitting or standing, not when walking. Gnawing itching of the left thigh, obliging one to scratch. Tearing in the outer hamstring when sitting.—Drawing-sticking pain in the outer side of the right knee, during rest and motion. Sticking pain in the knee-joint. Sharp pressure on the outer side of the knee, when bending the leg. Burning pain in the left patella. Continuous burning pain in the front part of the right knee.—Burn- ing pain on the outer side and in the lower part of the right leg. Burning in the front part of the tibia. Violent stinging in the right leg, extending from below upward, when standing, going off when sitting. Prickings in the outer side of left leg, extending from below upwards, when standing, going off when sitting. Drawing pains in the legs, when sitting and walking. Weakness of the legs, especially when going up stairs. When walking, the right leg is weaker than the left, and nevertheless this leg feels as if the muscles were stretched the most. Corrosive pain in the outer parts of the right leg (when standing). Tearing pain in the outer border of the left leg (when standing). Beating, dull stitches in the surface of the right calf, below the bend of the knee. Stinging in the right calf. Continuous burning stitches in the calf (when sitting). Aching pain in the left calf. Darting pain in the right calf, going off speedily when touching the part. Violent itching of the left calf, in the evening, when lying, obliging one to scratch; the itching continues after the scratching; after the scratching the place becomes red and humid. Stitch in the dorsum of the left foot, toward the big toe.—Stitch in the internal malleolus of the right foot, when sitting. Itching stinging in the region of the internal malleolus. Drawing pain in the dorsum of the right foot when standing, going off when sitting. Drawing-aching pain in the dorsum of the left foot, when standing. Tearing drawing in the left tarsal-joint. Burning pain in the right foot, externaUy. Burning drawing in the dorsum of the left foot. Pressure in the dorsum of the right foot. Itching in the dorsum of the right foot, going off 948 TARAXACUM. by scratching. A few itching vesicles on the dorsum of the foot. Stitches ex- tending from the dorsum into the sole of the foot. Boring pain in the sole of the right foot. Burning boring in the sole of the left foot, toward the little toe. Sticking pain in the sole of the right foot, from within outward, when sitting, at times violent, at times fine. Itching stinging in the sole of the ri»ht foot' Burning-aching pain in the sole of the right foot, in the direction of the toes when sitting.—Continuous drawing along the tibia, coming from the little toe,' when sitting. Paroxysms of burning in the toes, especiaUy in the dorsum of the right big toe. Sticking in the right big toe, in the direction of the second toe. Burning stinging in the right big toe, when walking. Lancinations in the toes. Violent itching in the dorsum of the fourth toe of either foot. A good deal of sweat between the toes, especially those of the right foot. Sleep.—Frequent yawning, when sitting, as if he had not slept enough.— Drowsiness in the day-time (when reading;) his eyes closed, he had to Uo down; the drowsiness passed off during motion. Irresistible drowsiness after a meal; on waking he felt a desire to urinate, with some burning; this was felt only before and after the emission of urine. He falls asleep when Ustening to scientific objects, in spite of his efforts to the contrary, and he has at once vivid dreams. Frequent waking from sleep, and tossing about in bed; he had no rest in any position. Frequent waking from sleep, as if he had slept enough. On waking from sleep, his whole body was covered with a Ught sweat, exciting a biting in the skin aU over, inducing scratching. In the evening when on the point of faUing asleep, his whole body*was covered with sweat, which continued the whole night; in the morning he felt bright. He began to sweat aU over when on the point of falling asleep ; the sweat woke him frequently; every time he woke he felt a heat all over his body, and a more glowing heat on his cheeks; lie was drenched with sweat, but he felt bright in the morning.—Anxious, vivid dreams, which he is unable to recollect. Dreams full of dispute at night. Vo- luptuous dreams. Fever.—Chilliness through the whole body. ChilUness for some hours, with continuous, oppressive headache. Violent chilUness when walking in the open air, as in a paroxysm of fever, without being foUowed by thirst or heat.-*-Sud- den warmth of the face when walking in the open air; also of the rest of the body, without thirst. Heat in the face, to himself and others, with redness. Face, hands and the rest of the body are hot, without thirst.—Slight sweat all over. Fever and ague (see Clin. Obs.). Skin.—The following skin-symptoms are extracted from a case of poisoning by Taraxacum reported in the London Lancet, January, 1846 : A lady took a dessert-spoonful of Hooper's fluid extract of Taraxacum prepared in vacuo, twice a day, for bad liver as she termed it, and continued it without intermission for somewhat more than a week, when the following symptoms made their ap- pearance : Feels uncomfortable and restless in herself, a sort of fidgetiness, as she expressed it, and general uneasiness, for which she could not account as she had often been much more indisposed without experiencing such miserable feel- ings she had, moreover, some nausea, and an uneasy sensation of sinking in the praecordia; her nights were also restless, and her bowels had become con- fined, rather an unusual occurrence with her. To remedy the latter she took some aperient pUls, which operated mildly, with relief to aU the symptoms, so that she felt more comfortable, and continued the taraxacum steadily. In the course of two or three days more, however, the constipation, nausea, and all the other uneasy feelings again returned, when she again took, of her own accord, this time, some magnesia, which also operated on the bowels with the same re- lief as before. At first she did not feel particularly uneasy, or trouble herself TARAXACUM. 949 much concerning these matters, thinking they might be the proper effects of the remedy she was taking; accordingly she made little complaint about them, but persevered regularly to take the taraxacum, fuUy expecting, as she said, that it would, in the end,"have the beneficial effect she had been led to anticipate. This vain hope, however, soon vanished, and with it aU further confidence in the virtues of the medicine, when, on awaking in the morning, to her great discomfort and amazement, she discovered the upper part of her body covered with a rash, to which her attention was first directed in consequence of its incessant ting- Ung and itching; the itching, in short, was so urgent, that at first she could not possibly refrain from scratching, which afforded much satisfaction and relief for the time; but, as the relief proved only temporary whilst the operation seemed greatly t<» increase rather than diminish the irritation, by producing a greater abundance of the eruption and increased redness of the skin, she was, therefore, afraid to indulge in it. Her condition now became completely wretched, and feeling altogether much alarmed lest she had done herself some serious and per- manent injury by taking this medicine without the sanction of professional au- thority, my attendance was requested. When I saw her there was no eruption on the face, but it was slightly swoUen, and exhibited merely patches of efflores- cence or redness, without any thickening or elevation of the cuticle. On the forearms and hands the eruption, when examined by me, appeared to be of a mixed character—lichen and urticaria combined; the lichenous or papular eruption (the papula about the size of a pin's head, and of a purple or dark-red colour) was dispersed over the whole of the arms, back and front, but thicker about the wrists aud bindings of the elbows than any where else, in which places it was also clustered together in patches upon an inflamed base. The heads of numerous papulae appeared to have been broken off, and afterwards covered with a brownish incrustation, as if blood had first exuded and then be- come hardened; but this, no doubt, was occasioned partly by the friction of the dress, and partly by the scratching to which the parts were, in the first instance, subjected, for the purpose of allaying the distressing tingling and itching from which there is scarcely any respite in such cases. The urticaria occupied prin- cipaUy the front of the arms; the wheals or elevations were not very numerous or prominent, unless friction was had recourse to, by which they could be pro- duced almost to any extent; they were stated to come out and go in again two or three times in the course of the da}', and to be always very large and abun- dant in the morning; the chest and around the waist were also said to be thickly covered, and the redness intense, but I am not permitted to inspect these parts. The pulse was considerably accelerated, full, but soft; and there was also much febrile action, with rather severe frontal headache ; the tongue was thickly coated on the back part with a yellowish-brown fur, and there was much complaint of dryness of the throat, in which there was a circumscribed ring of inflamma- tion surrounding the isthmus faucium; the bowels were much confined, and the urine high-coloured, and considerably diminished in quantity. The treatment of course, was simple, and consisted merely in the administration of saline aperients, together with restricting the patient to the use of a vegetable and cooling diet for a few days; to aUay the irritation of the skin the affected parts were to be sponged with vinegar and water twice a-day, or, indeed, at any time when the urgency of the tingling and itching rendered this step necessary. The taraxacum, having been discontinued by the patient herself, previous to my see- ing her, was, of course, not resumed; nor would it, perhaps, have been an easy matter to have persuaded her to have done so under existing circumstances. Under this mode of treatment the eruption and other unpleasant symptoms speedily disappeared, and in the course of five or six days there was scarcely a 950 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. vestige of the disease remaining, excepting, perhaps, a little desquamation of the cuticle from off the parts where the eruption had been. General Symptoms.—He moves all his Umbs wih ease, but he feels as if the moving forces were embarrassed.7-Weak feeling of the whole body; lan- guor, during which he would like to sit or lie down; when doing either he is in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness, like one who is on the point of faUing asleep.—Internal sensation as if he were very sick; aU his limbs ache when touched or when placed in a forced position.—Almost all the symp- toms appear when sitting; they disappear on walking. 235. TARTARUS STIBIATUS. TART. STIB.—Tartarus emeticus.—See Noack and Trinks. Compare with—Aeon., Ant. cr., Asa f., Bar. c, Cham., Cocc, Ign., Ipec, Kali nitr., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Puis., Sep., Verat.—After Tart. stib. are par- ticularly suitable Bar. c, Ipec, Puis., Sep., Sulph.—Tart. stib. is particu- larly efficacious after Puis, and Bar. c Antidotes.—Of large massive doses: China (particularly the yellow bark), Ipec.—Of small doses : Asa f., Chin., Cocc, Ipec, Op., Puis.—The prin- cipal remedy for the pustules which Tart. stib. causes on the genital organs, is Conium.—Tart. stib. antidotes Sepia. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Noack and Trinks propose Tart. stib. for the following affections : Diseases of a metastatic nature.—Hypochondria when the distress evidently proceeds from the abdomen.—Eclampsia lactantium.—Epilepsia cephalica.—Traumatic tetanus.—Fainting fits.—Asphyxia, particularly of new-born infants.—Coma- tose conditions.—Trembling of old people—Acute rheumatism.—Arthritis.— Phlebitis.—Sporadic cholera.—Unhealthy skin.—Delaying appearance of the exanthem; suppression of the exanthem.—Pustula, phlyctaenae, furunculi, par- ticularly smallpox-like eruptions; variola maligna, putrida ; Tart. stib. is suit- able when the mucous membrane of the trachea has been invaded by variola or varioloid.—Impetigines.—Rash, particularly when mixed with phlyctaenae and furunculi, particularly after vaccination.—Pustulous scabies.—Induration of the ceUular tissue.—Abdominal typhus.—Gastric fever.—Rheumatic fever.— Erysipelatous fever, with soft, large, quick pulse.—Exanthematic fever.—Affec- tions of the mind, mania, imbecility.—Delirium tremens.—Chronic arachnitis and meningitis.—Encephalomacia.?—Chronic hydrocephalus; hydrocephalus from suppression of a cutaneous eruption.—Clavus hystericus.—Ophthalmia, particularly rheumatic.—Amblyopia, amaurosis, particularly rheumatic or gas- tric, also in pregnant females, after violent paroxysms of cohc, strong emotions, in hypochondriac and hysteric individuals.—Rheumatic prosopalgia.—Stoma- cace.—Inflammation of the fauces and angina, particularly in acute exanthems. —Difficulty of swallowing, dysphagia, particularly in drunkards, hysteric and hypochondriac persons; metastatic dysphagia; dysphagia preceding the appear- ance of fever eruptions; dysphagia in encephalitis and injuries of the head; dysphagia when apoplexy is threatening.—Oesophagitis.—Vomiturition and vomiting : previous to an attack of megrim; in violent congestions of the head, intoxication, injuries of the head, concussion of the brain; in metastatic cerebral affections; in dropsy of the brain at every motion of the head; in the case of TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 951 hypochondriac, hysteric and frantic individuals; in the precursory stage of erup- tive diseases; in the case of small-pox patients; after scarlatina, when anasarca threatens to set in ; in consequence of overloading the stomach ; after suppres- sion of local sweat, sudden healing of old cutaneous eruptions and ulcers; in consequence of suppressed paroxysms of tft gout; in inflammation of the tho- racic and abdominal viscera; in the case of parturient and lying-in females, after suppression of the lochia; iu inflammation of the veins; in puerperal fever; in affections of the kidneys and stone in the bladder; in violent parox- ysms of cough.—Vomiting of bile.—Vomiting of blood, particularly in de- bauched people, pneumonic patients, feverish cutaneous eruptions, suppression of the menses.—Cardialgia simplex, particularly when venous congestion of the stomach is present.—Gastritis.—Gastromalacia.?—Cholera morbus.—Venous congestion of the abdomen.—Ascites.—Bright's disease.—Peritonitis. Enteri- tis.—Enteromalacia.?—BUious, rheumatic, dysenteric, paralytic diarrhoea. Di- arrhoea preceding a paroxysm of megrim. Diarrhoea accompanying acute exan- themata, particularly miliaria ; diarrhoea during or shortly after the eruption of smallpox, during scarlatina. Diarrhoea attending on inflammatory diseases, particularly pneumonia. Diarrhoea of drunkards.—Cystitis.?—Stone.—Reten- tion of urine, particularly in eruptive fevers, especially smallpox, or after vio- lent emotions, injuries of the head, in chronic hydrocephalus.—Ischuria haemor- rhoidalis.—Inflammatory affections of the trachea. Bronchitis of infants, catarrhal cough with croup-sounds.—Tussis ferina.—Whooping-cough.— Croup.—Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis, particularly when aphonia is present. —Rheumatic pleuritis, particularly when comphcated with bronchitis, with diflicult expectoration, dry, tormenting cough.—Pneumonia vera, bilious pneu- monia in the second or third stage. BUious, rheumatic pleuropneumonia.— Pneumonia notha.—Asthmatic complaints, particularly in eruptive fevers, or when tucmoptoe threatens to set in, in the case of drunkards, in affections of the diaphragm, in plethoric persons when arising from an emotion of the mind, in mismanaged angina pectoris. Paralysis of the lungs.—Asthma Millari, par- ticularly after measles or croup.—Rheumatism of the heart, with dUatation. Note on tue administration of this medicine, by Noack and Trinks. In hydrocephalus metastaticus it is indispensable to use the remedy both in- ternally and externaUy; externaUy it has to be used in large doses, (in the form of a solution or ointment). SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Loss of sense.—Dulness and dizziness.-— Stupe- faction and suppression of all the sensual functions.—Delirium; muttering. Wild mirthfulness with subsequent ill-humour, vexed mood and anxiety for the future.—Apprehensiveness and restlessness ; great anxiety; anguish with cold sweat.—Excessive uneasiness of mind, with indisposition to work, proceeding from the abdomen.—Desponding, chflly, with pain in the chest and great drow- siness, towards evening.—Tendency to start. Head.—Vertigo, with scintillations, particularly on lifting a thing raising one s self or walking.—Heat in the head, increased by motion. Heat about the forehead.—Violent headache, with vertigo and palpitation of the heart.—Dul- ness oftlie head, with pressure in the temporal region.—Dulness and stupefac- tion of the head, with tensive sensation and drowsy and weary feeling.—Intoxi- cation with difficulty of moving the tongue.—Pain in the anterior portion of the head, (clavus hystericus).—Headache with pressure from without inwards.— Tensive, stupifying headache, with pressure from without inwards, in the fore- 952 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. head and over the root of the nose, particularly proceeding from the temples, with drawing and digging to the root of the nose.—Painful drawing from the temporal region to the malar bone and upper jaw.—Dull pressure in the fore- head, sometimes changing to a sticking, aggravated by cough.—Twitching, drawing and tension in the foreheads-Slight sticking or lancinating tearing in the forehead.—Sharp stitches in the whole head, during motion, or only in the temples.—Intermittent tearing in one side of the head. Slight tearing, drawing pain from behind forwards in one side of the head. Painful drawing to and fro in the anterior and superior portion of the head, with tensive pressure.—Heavi- ness of the head, particularly of the occiput.—Acute pain in the right hemi- sphere of the brain, with feeling of heaviness, as if the brain were transformed into a hard lump.— Trembling of the head during every motion of the body. Eyes.—The eyes feel so weary that they close. Disposition to press the eye- hds firmly together.—The eyeball feels bruised, particularly on touching it.— Tearing in the eyes.—Darting in the inner canthi, with pressure in the eyes.— Burning and smarting in the inner canthus, with redness of the conjunctiva.— Burning in the eyes, in the evening.—The coats of the eye become redder and more sensitive, swell up, the ciliary vessels becoming turgid with blood, (from the external application of the remedy).—The eyes are turgid with blood, (ac- companied with strangulation).—Passing and frequently-recurring scintiUations, mistiness and vertigo, particularly on rising from a seat. Ears.—Humming. Nose.—Ulcerated nostrils.—Bleeding.—Sneezing and fluent coryza, with chilliness, deficient smell and taste. The coryza is preceded by bleeding at the nose. Face.—Blue margins around the eyes, blue lips, pointed nose, wretched look and great paleness.—Great heat in the face.—Red face, (from strangulation of the throat).—Intensely-painful drawing and lastly dull pressure in the malar bone.—Convulsive twitching of every muscle in the face.—Spasmodic closing of the jaws.—The lips are parched, scaly, cracked, excoriated, red. Pharynx.—Sudden swelling of the cervical glands and tonsils.—Spasm of the cervical muscles.—Burning heat in the throat. Teeth.—Violent toothache, early in the morning.—The teeth are covered with mucus.—Red. gums. Mouth.—.Dryness of the mouth. Burning in the mouth.—Inflammation of the mouth and mucous membrane of the tongue, with small pustules. Large pustules in the mouth, depressed in the centre.—Swelling and excoriations in the mouth. Aphthae.—Increased secretion of saliva.—Difficulty of moving the tongue.—The tongue is moist and clean, gray or coated white. Red tongue, covered with raised papilla?, (as in scarlatina). The tongue is bright-red and dry in the centre. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Constant disagreeable sensation about the palate.—Ariolent sore throat—Painful dry heat and redness in the throat. In- flammation of the pharynx with small pustules. The soft palate is bright-red, swollen, covered with tenacious mucus and vesicles.—The fauces and oesophagus are covered with large pustules depressed in the centre. Difficulty of swallow- ins:, the oesophagus is tightly closed so that not the least drop can pass, with red face, eyes turgid with blood and vertigo.—Dysphagia with difficult breathing. Appetite.—Disagreeable, bad taste in the mouth. Metallic, astringent taste. Saltish taste. Food tastes flat. Foul, qualmish taste, with accumula- tion of water in the mouth.—No thirst on one day, and thirst again the next. Desire for water and apples.—Canine hunger, while walking in the open air.— He relishes his food, but is frequently attacked with loathing after having eaten. TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 953 —Constant loathing.—Qualmishness, prostrate feeling.—Indescribably-unplea- sant feeling internally. Qualmishness in the stomach after a meal. Gastric Symptoms.—Frequent nausea with anxiety, alternating with gene- ral uneasiness, or else continuing, accompanied with great dulness of the head, disagreeable feeling in the throat, pressure in the pit of the throat. Nausea with disposition to vomit, in repeated paroxysms, proceeding from the region of the umbilicus and stomach.—Constant nausea, vomiting and diarrhaa.—Nau- sea, cutting in the abdomen with sensation as if a stone were laid across it, retching with urging to diarrhoea, vomiting of food having a sour taste, with great exertions, trembhng of the body, bending double, and lastly a scraping sensation in the throat, chilliness and watery diarrhoea.—The nausea is relieved for a short time by eructations and emission of flatulence.—The nausea is fol- lowed by a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.—Empty or putrid eructations, and frequent regurgitation of the beverage, or rising of an acrid, sour or saltish- watery fluid into the mouth, which, if swallowed, leaves a sourish taste and scraping sensation.—Hiccough, rising of air resembling hiccough. Stomach.—Audible shifting of flatulence in the stomach.—Sensation as if the stomach were overloaded, with putrid eructations, disposition to vomit, pinching in the region of the stomach and stinging pain in the anterior and superior portion of the head.—Ineffectual retching. Frequent violent retching with accumulation of water in the mouth, languor and sweat on the forehead.— Violent vomiting, with headache, trembling of the hands and general racking of the body. Spasmodic vomiting of tenacious substances. Excessive vomiting of bile.—Haematemesis.—Cholera morbus with vomiting.—The vomiting is preceded by an exceedingly troublesome feeling of nausea, anguish, yawning, profuse lachrymation, violent pressure at the stomach.—The vomiting is followed by great languor, drowsy and weary feeling, loathing, desire for coohng things, pale, sunken face, and dim swimming eyes.—Violent oppression of the stomach, momentarily relieved by nausea.—Violent beating in the region of the stomach. —Unpleasant sensation of warmth and burning in the region of the stomach.— Congestion of blood to the stomach.—Excessive pains iu the stomach.—Violent cardialgia, bordering on inflammation.—Inflammation of the stomach. Abdomen.—Burning in the left hypochondrium, in the pit of the stomach and abdomen.—Cutting and sticking in the pit of the stomach, particularly when drawing in the abdomen.—Excessively-disagreeable sensation in the prae- cordia.—The abdomen is sensitive to contact.—Swelling of the epigastrium. The epigastrium is distended.—Painful tension all round below the short ribs, as if from incarcerated flatulence, hindering sitting.—Hard pressure and stitches in the epigastrium.— Violent colic as if the bowels would be cut to pieces.—Vio- lent cutting and writhing in the abdomen, and labour-like tearing from above downward across the groin through the thighs down to the knees, with fine, violent stitches in the umbilical region, nausea, accumulation of water in the mouth, shifting of flatulence with rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhoea.__ Great malaise in the epigastrium and hypogastrium, obliging one to lie down.__ Sensation as if one would vomit with urging to diarrhoea, relieved by emission of flatulence by the mouth and rectum. Pain in the epigastrium and hypogas- trium, increased by pressure.—Tearing, violent cutting and pinching in the abdomen, relieved by stool—Aching, tensive pains in the region of the pubic bones.—Violent pressure in the abdomen as if filled with stones, without hard- ness of the abdomen, aggravated by sitting, particularly by sitting bent, occa- sioning a continualmotion of the limbs, much uneasiness and lowness of spirits. —Pulsative sensation in the abdomen.—Sensation of great fulness in the abdo- men.— Mctcorism.—RumbKng and pinching in the abdomen, with emission of 954 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. flatulence.—Pressure on the rectum with silent emission of hot flatus, affording relief. StOOl.—Light-brown yellow diarrhoeic stool.—Uninterrupted watery evacua- tions. CoUiquative diarrhoea with meteorism. Involuntary diarrhoeic stool, (death in thirty-six hours).—Diarrhoea and vomiting.—Violent shifting of flatu- lence in the undistended abdomen previous to the diarrhoeic stool.—Palpitation of the heart during the diarrhoea.—Tenesmus.—Bloody stools.—Burning at the anus after stool.—Sudden violent stitches from the abdomen through the rec- tum. Shooting stitches in the rectum.—Heat and burning pains in the anus. Violent tension in the perinaeum. Urinary Organs.—Sharp stitches in the region of the kidneys, particularly when moving the arm. Violent tension with pressure in the region of the blad- der. Acute sticking pain in the lower portion of the bladder. Troublesome burning-titiUating sensation from the rectum through the urethra as far as the glans, particularly in the latter.—Violent pressure on the bladder, with violent tension in the perinaeum.—Pressure upon the bladder with scanty emission, vio- lent thirst, waking him from sleep at night.—Violent pressure on the bladder, with burning in the urethra, emission of the urine in drops, the last drops being bloody, and accompanied with violent pains in the bladder.—Inflammatory red urine, depositing bloody, red filaments when standing.—Dark-brown red turbid urine, having an acrid smeU. Watery urine with mealy sediment.—Urine leav- ing white spots (antimonial spots).—Increased secretion of urine.—Increased burning in the urethra after micturition. Male Genital Organs.—Pustules. Constant sticking pain in the posterior portion of the urethra.—Tearing in the testicles. Female Genital Organs,—Pustules. Pressure and pain in the groin with cold creepings, previous to the appearance of the menses. Discharge of watery blood from the vagina. Larynx.—Feeble voice. Aphonia from exhaustion or after clonic spasms. Dumbness. Burning under the sternum.—Cough and sneezing.—Violent titil- lation in the larynx inducing cough.—Loose cough at night.—Rattling of mu- cus.—Cough after a meal, with vomiting of the ingesta.—Cough of chfldren, occasioned by anger.—The coughing spell is accompanied with sweat about the head, heat and dampness of the hands. Gasping for air at the commence- ment of every paroxysm of cough. Chest.—Short, difficult breathing, obliging him to sit up in bed. Want of air obliging one to sit erect, relieved by coughing and expectoration.—Nocturnal paroxysm of orthopnoea.—Frequent attacks of unequal, intermittent breathing during sleep.—The inspirations are less frequent.—Unusual oppression of the chest. Difficult breathing accompanying the dysphagia.—Velvety feeling in the chest.—Paroxysms of sore pain in the chest, with desponding mood.—Feeling of warmth about the heart, and sudden attack of great languor, obliging him to let his arms hang down. Warmth and anxiety about the heart, with violent palpitation re-echoing in the head.—Tingling and pushing in the pit of the sto- mach, with violent, sudden beating of the heart, returning every night and con- tinuing until sweat breaks out.—Palpitation of the heart without vexed mood, with lowness of spirits. Palpitation during the diarrhoeic stool.—The heart al- most ceases to beat.—Dilatation of the heart. Back.—Burning in the back.—Bheumatic pain in the back. Painful sensa- tion in the back, as if from weariness, particularly when sitting, or in the small of the back as after carrying a load. Upper Extremities.—Pain in the shoulder as if sprained.—Cracking in the shoulder-joints and tearing extending to the hands.—Violent tearing-jerking and TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 955 intermittent drawing in the arm. Violent drawing and uneasiness in the arms. —Rheumatic pain in the elbows.—Violent tearing in the muscles of the forearm. —Rheumatic drawing in the hand.—Trembling of the hand. Cold hands and icy coldness of the tips of the fingers.—Deadness, dryness, hardness and insen- sibility of the tips of the fingers. Lower Extremities.—Heaviness in the loins.—Violent rheumatic drawing and uneasiness in the lower limbs, particularly in the region of the knee.—Lan- cinating tearing pain in the hip, in the thighs and legs.—Extremely-painful cramps in the thighs and calves.—Sticking in the hip and knee.—Intensely- painful burning, slow jerking in the knee-joint, occurring regularly as beats in music.—Tension in the hamstrings and on the dorsum of the foot when walking. —Sudden, painful grurabUng in the big toe at regular intervals as beats in mu- sic.—The feet go to sleep, particularly after sitting down.—Cold feet. Sleep.—Constant yawning and stretching.—Laziness and great drowsiness with vertigo, particularly when sitting, even in the open air when riding on horse- back.—Irresistible desire to sleep, in the forenoon, particularly when sitting, with vivid dreams during which the thoughts he had when waking, continue, with fre- quent starting.—Drowsiness in the day-time.—Deep sleep.—Lethargy.—Sleep- lessness before midnight or the whole night.—Restless sleep, frequent waking after anxious dreams, with dryness of the mouth and chapped lips.—Light sleep at night full of dreams about events. Dreams about fire. Clear and coherent talk during sleep. Sudden jerks during sleep, proceeding from the abdomen ; at times one, at times the other arm is jerked up, at times a leg and then the whole body. Fever.—Anxiety and restlessness.—Great malaise all over, arising from the abdomen, with involuntary moaning and internal uneasiness, causing him to" leave his seat.—General uneasiness alternating with nausea.—Yawning and stretching.—Cold creeping through the veins.—ChiUiness about the whole body. with tremor, several forenoons in succession, also at night and early on rising, or in the afternoon.—Cold as marble, after the clonic spasms, with collapse of pulse.—Chilliness in the evening, followed by great heat and drawing in the oc- ciput. ChUliness during motion, alternating with heat, the patient wakes at night with thirst and pressure on the bladder. Chilliness with flushes of heat. Loss of appetite and increased cohc, returning every evening at the same hour. —Great heat and thirst.—Restlessness, violent febrile motions, great heat, thirst, headache, with profuse sweat in the night following.—Excessive heat of the body, morning and afternoon, aggravated by the least motion, particularly in the head and face.—Heat, profuse sweat, irresistible desire for sleep, and increased secre- tion of urine.—Frequent sweats, particularly on the affected parts. General, profuse 6weat. Profuse night-sweat. Cold, clammy sweat. Throbbing in every artery of the body, perceptible even externally. Sweat on the forehead, and nape of the neck. Quick, almost audible throbbing aU over.—Quick, fee- ble, tremulous pulse. Irritated pulse. Full, quick pulse. The pulse is softer and quicker than usual (88). The pulse is weaker and slower than usual.— Slow pulse (50). Small, contracted, accelerated pulse. Suppressed, irregular, imperceptible pulse. Collapse of pulse. Gastric fever. Skin.—Pale skin.—Cold clammy skin, particularly about the head and ex- tremities.—Insensibility of the skin.—Disposition to sweUings, erysipelas and ulcers.—Itching of the skin, with general uneasiness and loathing, aversion to the appearance of an exanthem. Itching around the old ulcer. Crawling itch- ing in the wound. Dark-yellow spots of tolerable size, particularly on the fin- gers.—Small, red spots on the hands, resembling flea-bites.—Violent, itching, suppurating rash, particularly on the occiput, chest and arms. Itch-like erup- 956 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. tion, particularly on the wrist-joint and upper arm.—Pustulous eruption on the whole body, particularly on the genital organs, also on the mucous membrane of the inner mouth, fauces, oesophagus and larynx. Single vesicles or blotches, not very much inflamed, and resembling chickenpox, graduaUy increasing in size and number, filling with pus, and then surrounded by red inflamed areolae; they resemble smaUpox, afterwards form crusts which, on falling off, leave red spots which become whiter than the rest of the skin. SmaU red pustules, increasing in size and numbers on the third day; on the fourth day they are surrounded with brown elevated edges, form crusts and suppurate in the centre; on the 6th and 7th days. Some of them attain the size of the naU of a thumb, look like flat ulcers and contain a good deal of pus; on the eighth day most of them flow into each other and discharge pus and blood.—After the pustules, rash over the whole body, with profuse sweats, difficult breathing, constant heat, thirst and headache.—Round, large, full, burning, painful pustules, with red areolae, form- ing in two weeks and leaving deep cicatrices.—Furunculous-pustulous erup- tion, occasioning a violent painful itching, generaUy suppurating, from the size of a pin's head to that of a pea.—Pustulous eruption, the pustules fiUing with pus, drying up in a few days and sometimes leaving deeply-penetrating, maUgnant ul- cers.—Pale, livid, blackish depressed pustules, containing a bloody or blackish fluid, the skin underneath being oedematous or Uvid. Pustules fiUed with blood or bloody serum, collapsing wheu bursting, turning blackish and frequently changing to malignant, broad deep ulcers, which sometimes penetrate into the substance of the muscles, spread and become covered with dead flesh; they fre- quently leave ugly marks.—Gangrenous ulcers with violent wound-fever. General Symptoms.—Weariness in every part of the body.—Drawing-tear- ing, aching, tensive, also beating and stinging pains.—Pains as if sprained and bruised feeling in the limbs.—Cracking of the joints.—Complaints proceeding from the abdomen (malaise, restless mood, shocks and jerks in the limbs).— Great sensitiveness of the whole body, even when touching it.—Disposition to morbid sensitiveness.—Complete insensibUity (of animals and men). Tremor during every motion of the body, particularly of the head and hands. Peculiar internal trembling.—Spasmodic movements and convulsive twitchings about the arms and hands. Violent clonic spasms, with loss of consciousness, lockjaw, striking about with the limbs, and subsequent loss of pulse, speech, and marble coldness of the body.—Deathlike rigidity and convulsive distortion of the body, (with gangrenous feel which are excessively painful).—Death-struggle.—Para- lysis (in animals).—Faintingfits : feehng of coldness in the pit of the stomach, qualmishness so violent that he came near faUing, heat in the head, loss of con- sciousness.—Great laziness and weariness in the Umbs, relaxation of the whole body, great prostration and languor, exhaustion, collapse of pulse, loss of speech, marble.coldness of the body.—Stitches in the varicose veins from below up- wards, with painful, smarting itching in'themselves. Inflammation of the veins (from injecting the poison into the median vein).—Caries of the skull-bones (af- ter frictions).—Gastric dyscrasia and gastric affections, with general sinking of the irritabiUty.—Difficult digestion.—Cholera morbus.—Emaciation. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The symptoms come on or are aggravated by sitting, frequently last only a short time, and recur in paroxysms. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. In Men.—The head is drawn to the left side.—Thickening of the dura ma- ter, which adheres firmly to the inner table of the skuU (in the place where the ointment had been rubbed in); towards the anterior portion of the left hemi- sphere of the brain a circular portion of the dura mater of one inch and a half TARTARI ACIDUM. 957 in diameter was found ossified (in the case of a man of 50 years, who had poi- Boned himself with 40 grains of tartar emetic, and died on the fifth day. Orfi- la).—Thickness and opacity of the arachnoid membrane at the upper surface of the brain; the membrane was found uniformly red and inflamed, particularly on the right side, between the two hemispheres, (in the case of the same indivi- dual).—A large number of elevations filled with a reddish serum, were found at the base of the brain.—The cerebral substance was softer than usual.—The la- teral ventricles contained a serous, transparent, colourless liquid, the larger quan- tity (from four to five spoonfuls) being contained in the left.—On moving the body, a viscid, white fluid flowed out of the mouth.—The mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines was unusuaUy pale (Laennec).—The peritoneum was of a brick-rcd all over (Orfila).—The stomach and bowels were distended with blood. The mucous membrane of the stomach (except in the cul-de-sac) was red, swoUen, exhibiting a viscous covering, and easily seen; the same condition of the mucous membrane prevafled in the duodenum.—Gangrene of the coats of the stomach, putrescence of the spleen, diaphragm, lungs.—The larynx is cov- ered with large pustules depressed in the centre.—The trachea likewise.—The limbs are very stiff and half bent. In Animals (dogs, rabbits).—Inflammation and hepatization (even gray he- {>atization) of the lungs.—The lungs are very much altered, of an orange-co- oured or violet appearance, not crepitating, filled with dark blood, with contracted parenchyma, some portion of which resemble the parenchyma of the liver and others that of the spleen.—The mucous membrane of the intesti- nal canal from the mouth down to the orifice of the rectum, is red, the blood- vessels being turgid with blood.—Obstruction of the mesenteric arteries.—Uni- form, deep, dark-red colour of the blood, particularly in the lungs and the medul- lary substance of the brain. 236. TARTARI ACIDUM. TART. AC—See Pract. Com., 1827. SYMPTOMS. The whole body, particularly the lower Umbs, feel bruised. The symptoms seem to be less in the open air.—Frequent yawning and stretching.—Feeling of coldness, in the evening, in bed.—The lips are dry and burning, also with black or brown margins.—Dulness of the teeth.—The mouth is slimy with flat taste.—Loathing.—FeeUng of coldness in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdo- men, with emission of flatulence.—Violent tearing in the sole of the foot, after a meal, not aUowing him to step. 2:*7. TAXUS BACCATA. TAX. B.—Common yew-tree.—See Bibliot. hom. de Geneve. Compare with—1 Antidotes.— ? SYMPTOMS Head.—Vertigo. Stupefaction. Headache Uke heaviness, over the right eyebrow m the right temple; increased by coughing, with increased lachryina- 958 TAXUS BACCATA. tion; the same pain is felt on the left side after twenty-four hours. Pain in tho forehead, extending to the face, with drawing in the eyes and profuse lachry- mation. Burning headache. Dragging pain from both sides of the head. Pressure in the left temporal region. Stinging pain in the forehead. Pain over the eyebrow, accompanied with luminous circles which are in constant motion, particularly before the right eye, accompanied with sensation of empti- ness in the stomach about the hour of dinner, relieved by eating. Heat on the forehead. Eyes and Month.—Itching pain of the eyes. The eyelids dropped and looked bluish. Drawing in the eyes, with itching, reUeved by rubbing. Lachrymation in the open air and in the room, on exerting the eyes ever so little. Lachrymation of the left eye. Violent itching of the outer canthus of the left eye. Small, dry tetter at the outer canthus of the left eye, on a red base, with violent itching.—DUatation of the pupils.—Bluish lips.—Coldness in the upper cuspidati.—Stinging warmth in that portion of the tongue which was touched by the medicine.—Bitter taste in the mouth as from Peruvian bark, not continuing long. Tenacious, burning, saltish sahva. PtyaUsm. Thick saliva, more salt than usual, sometimes so acrid that it causes a burning in the mouth. Appetite and Stomach.—Unusual desire to eat, returning after being satis- fied, accompanied by general debility, malaise and weakness in the region of the stomach.—Loathing, sometimes followed by vomiting of mucus or saburra, rarely mixed with bile. Nausea with profuse secretion of hot saliva.—Painless vomiting.—Pain in the pit of the stomach, sensitive to the least pressure; the oppression is aggravated by pressing on the stomach, which causes a slight cough with expectoration. Pinching and burning pressure in the region of the stomach. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, without hunger. Abdomen.—Uncomfortable distention as from eating too much. Dragging and tension across the abdomen. Pressure across the umbilicus. Slight dull pain in the region of the umbilicus. Shifting of flatulence with dull pain and stool at an unusual hour. Rumbling and gurgUng before breakfast, rising from the hypogastrium to the umbilicus. Stool.—Hard stool (during the whole time of proving). SmaU evacuation with tenesmus. Soft stool in the morning, quite unusual. Slight diarrhoeic stool with tenesmus. Unusual soft and frequent stools. Diarrhoea with tenes- mus and intolerable pain at the anus during and after every evacuation or urging. Urinary and Genital Organs.—Some tenesmus of the bladder. Tenes- mus of the bladder, with some burning pain in the urethra. Ischuria. Stran- gury and reddish urine. Troublesome micturition, frequently alternating with emission of clear urine. Frequent urging to urinate, the urine is passed with difficulty, in a thin stream.—He is very active during an embrace, without in- crease of sexual desire. Prostration after an embrace and great oppression (reUeved by Staphysagria).—Appearance of the catamenia.—Discharge of mucus from the vagina. Larynx and Chest.—Violent, fatiguing cough. Hacking cough, soon after dinner, excited by a deep inspiration, with shght oppression. Cough without expectoration, only in the day-time, most violent before and after a meal. Op- pression in the day-time, particularly when the stomach is empty or full. Pain in the region of xiphoid process when coughing, aggravated by making the least pressure on that part. Sticking in the left side. Back.—Cutting pain in the sacral region, when walking, obliging him to support his loins. Cutting pain under the loins, preventing him from sitting TAXUS BACCATA. 959 and standing and hindering the free movement in bed; going off graduaUy after the lapse of five days. Not continuing, slight pain in the upper part of the back, increasing after twenty-four hours.—Drawing in the left cervical muscles. Pain in the left shoulder, shifting after the lapse of an hour from the shoulder to the loins. Extremities.—Rigidity of the extremities with a sort of immobility, par- ticularly after sweating, followed by fleeting, but violent pains. Numbness and paralysis of the limbs. Acute pains in the knees, elbows and in various parts of the vertebral column. Acute flying pains in the limbs after sweating. 1. Upper Extremities: Pain in the olecranon, during motion and rest, but worse during motion, shifting about, but always towards the humeral extremity, seems to be seated in the periosteum. Dull pains in the phalangeal articulations of the right hand. Pain in the right index-finger, for several days, not con- stant, particularly excited by the contact with some liquid either warm or cold. Pain in the joint between the first and second phalanx of the left middle-finger. 2. Lower Extremities: Pain in the left hip, with feeling of warmth in the in- terior of the hip, with tearing and intense feeling of coldness on the outer side. Moderate and superficial pain in the right hip and knee, and a more deep-seated but not more acute pain in the right thigh : a sort of tearing with chilliness; only in the day-time. Painful movement in the right knee, around the patella; after some time a similar pain is experienced in the left knee after it had ceased in the right. This pain reappears very violently after taking coffee and wine, preventing walking; violent stitches in the knees, with excessive feeling of de- bUity in those parts, sometimes as if the knees would give way suddenly, with cutting pain. Excessively-violent cutting pains in both knees, more in the left, going off at night and then shifting to the tarsal joint. Flashing stitch in the articulation between the first metatarsal bone and the phalanx of the right foot. Podagra. Violent pinching on the middle of the left calf, with circumscribed itching in that region. Tingling sensation in the right leg, down to the sole of the foot, where the sensation was more perceptible. Tingling sensation in the whole left foot. Fever.—Unpleasant coldness on both thighs, particularly anteriorly, the whole day. Tremor as at the commencement of a fever-paroxysm, after breakfast, dryness of the mouth without thirst, general malaise (for half an hour). General shuddering at two o'clock in the morning, lasting a few minutes, followed by dry heat particularly of the hands and feet, with general malaise, dryness of mouth without thirst, afterwards profuse sweat on the fore- head which ceases three hours after the paroxysm. Unpleasant dryness and great heat in the palms of the hands for several days.—Profuse night-sweat.— Fetid sweat.—Sweat on making the least exertion, with great debiUty. Viscid, fetid sweat, with violent itching and redness of the skin. Skin.—Broad, rather flat pimples on the posterior and upper portions of both arms, with violent itching. Red-brown spot on the nose, without pain or itching, sensitive to pressure only in the centre, where a pimple forms which scales off in a few days. Eruption on the dorsal surface of the right forearm, preceded by a burning itching: hard, round, red pimples, scaling off; Dew pimples keep constantly forming in the middle, for one month; slight miliary eruption on the left forearm. Cutaneous eruptions, frequently appearing several weeks after the last dose, frequently with symptoms of gangrene; phlegmonous erysipelas; pustules on the skin; itching of the skin in the region of the cutaneous glands). Petechia? without fever, death in four days, with some inflammation of the stomach. General Symptoms.—General malaise: Reeling during rest, when sitting, 960 TEREBINTHINA. particularly when standing. Restlessness which scarcely allows of any mental exertion.—Convulsions.—Complete sleeplessness. Yawning, without drowsi- ness. Feeling of drowsiness.—Excessively taciturn.—Jaundice.?—Gangrenous decomposition of the fluids.?—Violent narcotic affection of the nervous system PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The body is covered with dark-red spots; the lips blue; pupUs irregular; the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is softened and red • the lungs exhibit a vivid color (?); the cerebral vessels are turgid with black blood (in a child, Hurt).—Traces of inflammation of the stomach, softening of the mucous membrane, accumulation of dark blood in the heart and brain, (Wib- mer). 238. TEREBINTHINA. TEREB.—Oleum Terebinthinae.—See Hartlaub and Trinks' Annals. Compare with—Aeon., BeU., Camph., Canth., Nux v., Puis. Antidotes.—Camph.?, Canth.? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Anasarca and ascites.—Chronic catarrh of the bladder.—Ischias nervosa. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Mania, continuing for several days.—He thinks with ease.—Difficulty of chaining one's attention. Head and Sensorinm.—Vertigo.—Two paroxysms of sudden vertigo, with obscuration of sight. Intoxication : profuse sweat from morning tiU night, stu- pefaction, and deep sleep from which he wakes in the morning confused and lan- guid, with reeling when standing; copious and rapid micturition afforded great reUef. The intoxicating effects of wine were considerably augmented by oil of turpentine, particularly the vertigo.—Dull headache with coUc. Aching pains in the whole head, with vomiturition, at times abating, at others returning. Heavy oppressive pain over the left eye, in the evening, for half an hour, when sitting and exerting the head. Excessive fulness and pressure in the head, causing her to scream constantly. Slight tearing headache. Tearing headache, towards the right side, for nine days. Tearing from the foreheade to the right ear which feels hot to her, the left ear feeling cold. The tearing headache lasts until evening, going and coming. Cutting in the forehead. Shooting in the right mastoid process. Cutting, titiUating pain in the left temporal region, going and coming, going off by rubbing, in the evening in bed. Eyes.—Black mote3, momentarily, during a walk in the open air, with quick- ly-passing sensation of vertigo. Ears.—Sensation in the ears as of the striking of a clock, increasing for four hours. Face.—Drawing in the bones of the right half of the face and forehead, in the evening.—The face is pale and sunken.—Herpes on the tibia. Nose.—Discharge of a watery fluid at times from one, at times from both nostrils, without symptoms of catarrh. Violent bleeding at the nose. Teeth and Mouth.—Drawing in the teeth. "Burning soreness and inter- stitial distention of the gums every morning, with liabiUty to bleed on brushing TEREBINTHINA. 961 the gums.—Burning in the tip of the tongue, with great elevation of the pa- pilla;. Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Pleasant coolness in the pharynx. Scraping sensation in the throat. Warmth and scraping in the pharynx and stomach. Appetite.—Want of appetite, even for favorite dishes. Aversion to meat. Sudden desire for rue, after a copious supper, while performing some intellectual labor with great industry and pleasure.—Bloated abdomen after a meal. Pres- sure in the pit of the stomach, after a meal as after swallowing food too hastily. —Rancid eructations.—Slight nausea.—Vomiting of yellowish mucus. Stomach.—Pressure in the stomach, changing to slight nausea which passes off after an eructation. Pressure in the stomach, while lying on the left side, disappearing by turning to the right side. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if from without. Slight painful pressure at a smaU spot in the pit of the stomach, disappearing on stooping, or when lying or drawing deep breath. Sen- sation as if he had swallowed a ball which had remained lodged in the pit of the stomach. Pinching below the pit of the stomach, with nausea and eructations. Feeling of warmth and pain in the region of the stomach. Burning in the sto- mach, with nausea and vertigo. Warmth in the pit of the stomach, when sit- ting, in the evening, with much yawning and accumulation of water in the mouth. Abdomen.—Meteorism, frequent colic and movements in the bowels. Dis- tention of the abdomen, as from flatulence. Heaviness in the abdomen, after the siesta. While lying down, after dinner, he feels as if the umbilical region were pressed upon by a round, cold, flat surface. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen, as if uncovered, after dinner. Pressure below the diaphragm, shifting from the left to the right side. Violent burning pressure in the hypochondria. Slight pressure and drawing in the left epigastric region. Aching and cutting pain under the left ribs, when sitting, going off during motion. Burning in the right hypochondrium. Cutting in the hypogastrium. Lancination in the left side of the abdomen, in the evening, whUe in bed, afterwards also in the right Bide. Constant cutting in the whole abdomen, thence extending into the thighs, both during rest and motion. Cutting in the abdomen, with protruded places here and there. Shooting in the left side of-the epigastrium, in the evening, during micturition. Pinching and sticking in the right side, shortly after an evacuation. Sensation as if the bowels towards the spinal marrow were con- stricted, with anguish, hunger and thirst. Rumbling in the abdomen. Aching pain in the left kidney. Pressure in the kidneys, when sitting, going off during motion. Sensation of heaviness and pain in the region of the kidneys. Pain and sensation of increased warmth in the region of the loins, in the parts cor- responding to the kidneys; also in the hypogastrium; the hypogastrium is sensi- tive to pressure which occasions tenesmus of the bladder, strangury, pains in the urethra. Fleeting drawing in the right kidney, and thence proceeding to the right hip. Violent burning, drawing pains in the region of the kidneys. Sen- sation as if the pubic arcade would be suddenly distended. Fleeting tearing pain in the symphysis pubis. Crampy pressing and pushing in the groin, from within outwards, as if hernia would prei-s out, alternately in the left and right groin, going off when walking; fer weeks. Cutting drawing in the right groin, passing off soon. Burning itching of the skin of the right groin. SUght and painful swelling of the inguinal glands, when sitting. StOOl.—Ineffectual urging.—Costive, with distention of the abdomen. The stool is harder and less copious. The faeces are of a chesnut-brown and un- naturally dry.—Papescent stool, with pinching in the abdomen and burning at vol. n. 61 962 TEREBINTHINA. the anus. The stool is thin, greenish-yellow, smelling of terpentine. Diar'rhreic Btool with diminution of the nausea. Eight discharges of mucus and water, with pieces of taenia. Thin, yellow stools with discharge of tamia and asca- rides.—Burning at the anus, after stool. Violent burning in the rectum. Itching burning at the anus, a'ter stool. Burning and tingling in the am s, with sensation as if ascarides would crawl out. Priaary Organ*.—Inflammatory symptoms about the bladder. F.'eetinw movement in the region of the bladder, during s'nol, as if the bladder were sidcbnly distended aid drawn forward Violent dragging and cutting in tho bladder, alternating with a siini ar pain over the umbilicus, L-ss during°a walk in tho open air, worse during rest. Frequently-recurring spasmodic pain in tho bladder, when sitting Burning in the bladder. Burning in the urethra, dur- ing micturition. Diminished urine. Difficult micturition, with smell of violet. Strangury. Dvsury, sometimes real urethritis, with painful erections as in chordee. Cmplee suppression of urine. Increased secreti on of urine, the first days. Enuresis.—Scanty and red, or profuse and clear urine, smelling of vio'rh: Urine scanty and red, even bbody. The urine dep isits a thick, muddy, white-yellow sediment, looks like wine, a ;d has tho smell of violets. The urine deposits a slimy sediment, twelve hours after micturition. Haema- fcuria. Male Genital Organs.—Slight drawing in the hft testicle, when sitting. Cutti ig drawing from the loft inguinal ring to the L'ft testicle, going off on stooping. Vi dent, crampy drawing in the lc!*t testicle, and along the left sper- matic chord Fleeting burning of the posterior bide of the right testicle.— Semi ial emission at night. Female Sexual Organs.—Tearing in the mons veneris. Drawing in tho thighs, with colic, as if the menses would appear, although she had had then a week previous. The menses delay for a few days and then appear suddenly. Increased menses. Chest.—Dryness of the mucous membrane of the air-passages : it becomes hot, injected, sw.lljn. Aching pains behind the sternum, sensation of trouble- some prickling in the trachea as at the commencement of brinchitis, sometimes attended with blood-streaked expectoration. Difficulty of breathing, the lungs seem c ingested. Dyspnoea. The existing dry cough is increased, particularly when lying down a''ter eating.—Burning in the chest, along the sternum, gene- rally spreading over the whole chest and terminating in shooting stitches » through b ith nipples (after taking a warm drink). Itching, fleeting pain ia the le't pectoralis major. Ba"k.—Drawing pains in the small of the back. Drawing in the dorsal and psoas-musclas, with feeling of laziness and heaviness, during a walk in the open air. Drawing pain in the back, when sitting, particularly in the evening. Achiig pai.i in the back, rising to the intra-scaoular rejion, where the pain changes to a beati ig.—Gradual painful drawing from the nape of the neck to the occiput, afterwards spreading to the forehead. Extremity?-'}.—Sti.Tncss of the limbs. Heaviness in the limbs. The nerves of the extremities, particularly the lower, are exceedingly sensitive; intense paiis a-e experienced along the trick of the larger trades.—1. Upper Ex- tremities: Drawing in the humeri, early in the morning. Pain as if sprained ■ in the muscles of the left upper arm. 2. Lower Extremities: Drawing and tearing pain in the hip-joint. Drawing in the outer side of the right thigh, as if in the fascia lata. Drawing laming pain in the left thigh. Drawing along the thighs. Drawing in the groins and thighs. Drawing in both thighs, along the large vessels. Pains in the foet. TEUCRIUM. 963 Sleep.—Cannot sleep for two hours. Frequent waking and tossing about at night, for a week. Night-mare. Sopor.—cCeases to dream as usual. Fever.- Chilliness.—Increased sweat. Hit skin, pulse 65 to 68. Feverish heat through the whole body, pulse hard and frequent, headache, red face, thirst and sensation of dryness of the mucous membranes Fever vrith violent thirst. Pulse rises from ('/.) to fcO, becoming small aud rather hard; with feeble throb- bing of the carotids. Skin.—Inflammation, redness and painfulness oftlie fkin (from ruLb'ng the oil on the skin). His hands and feet, and finally also his thighs, became quite red, the skin itched intolerably, with large vesicles bilow the thigh. A scarlet- like exanthem made its appearance on the affected knee, spread down to the ankle, then made its appearance on the client and right hot, and gradually spread over the larger portion of the b dy; disappeared, hi wever, in a day Sud- denly appearing and disappearing try tl ematoup, papulous and even vesicular eruptions, like those which are apt to break out after eating moluscse and crustaccm. General Symptoms.—General languor. Loss of strength, for three days. His muscles feel stiff, he walks slowly and bent like an old man. Fainting. Dropsy. The sweat and the exhalation from the lungs smell strongly of tur- pentine. SYMPTOMS ON ANIMALS. The beats of the heart are irregular and lastly imperceptible, respiration hur- ried, the Schneiderian membrane red, dry, the breath smells of turpentine; the eve became staring, the animal was languid, seemed to be t >rmcr:tid by vio- lent colic, discharged urine frequently, improved soon however (from one drachm injected into the veins of an animal). From two drachms: trembling, totter- ing, falling, urging to stool and urinate ; fever for eight days, with cough, then putrid fever and death; the post-mortem examination showed symptoms of putrid fever and pneumonia (Her I wig in Dieffenbach's transfusion and infusion of the blood).—The dog ran about, screamed, fell, was attacked with tetanus, the beats of the heart and pulse were accejerated, died in three minutes; the lungs were engorged with blood, the bronchial passages filled with bloody mucus, the mucous membrane in the region of the annular cartilage was red, the heart flabby, the le't ventricle empty, the right full. (In a dog, from two drachms of turp.)—The dog reeled, discharged slaver, vomited twice, discharging blood and mucus, was languid and sad. (In a large dog from two drachms). —Breathing labored, viident, with fetid breath, death; the lungs were dark-red, blood coagulated (fnm one ounce injected into the veins of a dog).,—Uneasiness pulse falling to 45, fuller and harder, quiet in four hours, with discharge of milky urine (in the case of a horse of six years, from one ounce). 239. TEUCRIUM. TEUCR.—Teuerium marum vcrum.—Sec Stapf's Additions. Compare with—Con. m., Ign , Magn. p. arct. Antidotes.—Camph.? Ign. SYMPTOMS. .Kind and Disposition.—IU-humoured. Indolent, physicaUy and men- 964 TEUCRIUM. tally. Peevish at dinner and soon after, and so irritable that even the talking of other people excites his feeling, although he is not the subject of their con- versation, with pressure in the forehead.—Irresistible desire to sing, a few hours after taking the drug. Head.—Confusion of the head. Her head feels stupid, and she feels tired, obliging her to lie down all the time.—Painful pressure in the whole sinciput, ex- tending from within the forehead towards the outer parts, and is then felt most violently and longest in both temples. Burning-pressive and tensive sensation, at times in the right, at times in the left frontal eminence, externally. Dull, crampy headache, frequently. Aching in the right half of the forehead. Fleeting pressive and pushing sensation in the right frontal eminence. On stooping he immediately feels a painful pressure in the left frontal eminence, disappearing again when raising himself.—Tearing in the head, commencing in the temples. Aching at a small spot, close over the right frontal eminence. Sensation of burning pressure in the outer parts of the forehead. Tearing in the interior of the right side of the head. Aching sensation in the whole occi- put. Pressure in the forehead, over the eyes. Painful pressure in the right temple, frequently alternating with a similar sensation in the right frontal emi- nence, and in the left temple. The skin on the forehead feels sensitive to the touch; when pressing on the forehead for a long while, a painful pressure is felt in the forehead, but only in that part of it where the presssure is made with the hand.—Sticking in the occiput, even in the whole head. Face.—Pale, wretched complexion, with hollow eyes, and a sensation as if they were lying deep in their sockets; for two to three hours (in the forenoon of the first day of proving).—Frequent sensation of a flush of heat in the face, without any external redness. The face is red and puffed. A kind of rash on the forehead and the upper part of the face; the parts feel like a grater, with burning itching mostly in the evening, more in the warmth, not in the cold; rubbing makes the parts red, for several days. Bright-red, painless spot in the middle of the right cheek, with a smaU, acuminated elevation in the middle; the spot becomes pale under pressure of the finger, but the redness returns as soon as the pressure ceases. A few cracks on both sides of the lower lip, in- ternally, with raised edges, and a painless small pimple on the left side; when passing the tongue over those parts of the lips, they feel sore and like velvet, but painless; for three days. Tearing^vith pressure in the right malar bone, extending as far as the teeth. Eyes.—The eyes are red and inflamed, with coryza. Profuse running of the left eye, in the open air, for several days. The eyes look as if the person had been weeping; they smart. Increased redness and some puffiness of the upper eyehds of both eyes.—Pressure in the right eye a3 from a grain of sand. Smarting in the inner canthi of both eyes, with increased redness of the con- junctiva. Tearing below the right eye. Ears.—Otalgia in both ears.—Sticking in the left ear. Lancination in the interior of the left ear. On the second day, on passing his hand through the hair and over the right ear, he felt a hissing sound in the ear, which passed down the parietal bone, and through the whole internal ear; this experiment was repeated for a quarter of an hour with the same result; at the end of that period theso und ceased, but soon recurred again louder and longer; a similar sound was heard afterwards when talking, or when merely expressing a fine or strong sound ; also when inhaling the air through the nose with force. Occa- sional fine sounding in the right ear when blowing the nose; a sound as if air were forcing its way through mucus; after that the ear remained closed for a TEUCRIUM. 965 while, and then opened again with a duU report.—Dry eruption, resembhng scaly herpes, on the right lobule ; the skin is cracked, and peels off graduaUy in small white scales; sore and painful to the touch. JVOSC—Creeping in the nose s'oon after taking the medicine, recurring fre- quently. Yiolent creeping 1n the right nostril, with lachrymation of the right eye. Short lancinations in the upper part of the right nasal cavity. Sensation in the right nostril as if it were half stopped; he has to sneeze and blow the nose, without being relieved; after three and four days.—Fluent coryza in the open air, for several days. Large red pimple under the right nostril, near the septum; it is sore and smarting to the touch as when one pours anything acrid upon a wound ; accompanied with coryza, for many days. Stoppage of both nostrils, frequently, in the day-time, and especially in the evening when reading loud. JaWS and Teeth.—Frequent and short attacks of drawing toothache, in the anterior molar teeth, on the left and right side. Violent tearing in the roots and gums of the right lower incisores. Drawing pain in the posterior and superior molar teeth. Buzzing pain in the incisores. The incisores and their gums are painful during deglutition. Mouth, Pharynx and (Esophagus.—Pain on the right side of the tip of the tongue, as if sore or squeezed with the teeth ; corrosive, especially when the parts are touched with the teeth. Smarting as from pepper on the left, and afterwards on the right side of the root of the tongue. Smarting, and scraping sensation in the posterior fauces, especially on the left side. Occasional slight ■drawing and tearing in the fauces. Stinging pain in the throat, impeding deglutition. Aching pain in the left side of the throat, near the pharynx. Un- usual irritation, hawking up more mucus than usual. After hawking up mucus, he retains a mouldy taste in the mouth for several hours. Warm sensation along the pharynx and oesophagus immediately after taking the drug. Taste and Appetite.—Increase of appetite in the morning, which he gene- rally lacks at that time. Uncommon feeling of hunger, as if the stomach were not properly filled by the food, for several days. Feeling of hunger which pre- vents sleep (relieved by Ignatia).—Eructations tasting of the medicine imme- diately after taking it. Bitterish taste in the upper part of the throat, after dinner, also gulping up of slightly bitter-tasting food, several times ; after sev- eral days.—Violent hiccough when eatrhg, with violent shocks in the pit of the stomach, several times.—Qualmish feeling in the pit of the stomach, without eructation or nausea. Stomach and Abdomen.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Anxiety and oppressive sensation in the pit of the stomach, when standing. Painful pressure in the pit of the stomach from without inward, without anxiety. Pres- sure in the right lumbar region from within outward. Sensation of emptiness and grumbling in the region of the stomach, at an unusual period when the prover could not feel hungry ; that sensation extends into the bowels and recurs constantly. Pressure from within outward in the left side of the epigastrium. Pressure in the abdomen, above the right lumbar region.—Tearing drawing in the right, afterwards also in the left side below the short ribs, in the soft parts between the ribs and the hip-bones, recurring in several increased paroxysms. — Aching pain at a small spot on the left side of the epigastrium, at the dis- tance of a haodhreadth from the umbilicus, on the same'line with the latter; increased by pressing on the parts. —Rumbling in the abdomen with crampy pain in the abdomen and emission of loud inodorous flatulence.—Dull pinching on the right side of and in the abdomen, towards the small of the back, passing quickly, after a few minutes.—Slight colicky pains in the lumbar region, after a 966 TEUCRIUM. meal. After taking a little small beer at dinner ho experiences 6ome colicky pains and emits fetid flatulence ; this is followpd by a sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, and by a copious, papescent fetid stool. Frequent fine pinch- ing in the right hypochondrium, almost as if owing to incarcerated flatulence, at different periods, especially morning and evening. Dull painful pressure through the abdomen, in the region of the umbilicus, with rumbling.—In the evening when lying in bed, he experiences a pressing downward in the right spermatic cord, toward the abdominal ring, not painful, but with sensation as if the sper- matic cord were squeezed: next morning, after breakfast, the sensation return- ed in short paroxysms when sitting, without flatulence; he did not feel it at stool, felt it again in the afternoon when eating a little. Crampy sensation in the abdomen extending into the testes, as if they had suffered strong pressure. At different periods, in the morning and evening, before breakfast and after eat- ing a little bread, or when drinking water, he experiences a sudden cutting through the abdomen, or a momentary feeling of nausea, as if be would vomit and could not bear any water.—Frequent emission of silent, very warm flatus, having frequently the smell of liver.—Feeling of swelling, itching and creeping in the region of the anus, as from ascarides, restlessness at night, tossing about; this continued for several days and came on at regular periods of the day after four, six, and eight weeks, together with the nightly restlessness. (In a patient suffering with worms, l-10U00th of a grain of Teucrium caused the dis- charge of a very large quantity of ascarides, removing for about two months aU the accompanying troubles, creeping about the anus and want of appetite.) Some creeping, and sometimes violent stinging in the anus, in the evening when in bed. Creeping in the rectum after stool. Urinary Organs.—Increased discharge of watery urine. Sore feeling with pressure in the forepart of the urethra, not when urinating. Smarting pain in the forepart of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. When first urinating after rising, he feels a burning in the forepart of the urethra, and still a long while after, a burning pain. Genital Organs.—Drawing pain in the root of the penis on the left side, in the morning, and afterwards at other periods of the day; the pain extends into the integuments of the left testicle, so that they are still painful some time after, when touched. Diminution of the sexual desire. Respiratory Organs.—Sensation as if she would have a cold. Coryza with humid obstruction of the left nasaFcavity, and at the same time tearing on the left side of the neck below the jaw. Short, dry cough a few minutes after taking the drug, commencing with a slight titillation in the upper part of the larynx, and returning at short intervals. Titillating sensation in the evening after lying down, as if dust had been inhaled into the trachea, inducing a disa- greeable, dry, irritating cough, which cannot be suppressed and becomes worse as the coughing continues; it lasts about half an hour, prevents sleep; tho cough, together with some other symptoms, recurred after eight weeks. Disa- greeable sensation of huskincss and dryness in the trachea, for many days, in- ducing hawking with some discharge of phlegm after some effort; sometimes the expectoration is loose, without relief.—A few sharp stitches deep in the right chest when breathing.—Undulating tearing not far from the axilla in tho right chest.—When bending the body backwards, while sitting, he feels a crampy painful sensation in the lower part of the chest, accompanied with an aching below the ribs of the left side close to the spinal column ; all these symp- toms disappear on bending the body forward (after three quarters of an hour). —Pressure in the right chest. Oppressive sensation with stricture in the ante- rior par.ts of the chest. Crampy-pressive sensation in the lower [art of tho TEUCRIUM. 967 chest and in the pit of the stomach, extending higher up into the chest and lower down into the abdomen, and producing an anxious uncomfortable feeling; recurring frequently, but disappearing when walking. Dull sticking in the region of the left ribs, one handbreadth below the left nipple. Pressure on the light side near the s;,inal column, in the region of the right kidney. Back.—Burning in the region of the left scapula. Rheumatic drawing and tension in the back, on the left side, not far from the axilla. Tearing with pressure in the region of the short ribs on the right side. Crampy pain in the region of the short ribs, left side. Upper Extremities.—Short, drawing pain in the right side of the neck, in- creased by contact. Aching pain on the top of the right shoulder not far from the neck. Tensive pain in the shoulder-joints. Aching sore pain in the left axilla, as if an abscess would form. Rheumatic drawing in the left shoulder (the bone). Intense paralytic aching in the upper part of the right upper arm; if the arm hangs down quietly or is moved only slightly, no pain is felt; as soon as the arm is raised, it feels very heavy and paralytic; if it is raised high aud forced backwards, the pain is most violent, for instance, in taking off the hat; the pain is then most violent in the region where the deltoid muscle is inserted in the humerus; upon attempting to lower the arm when raised high up and forced backwards, the arm loses all its strength and sinks down. Dull drawing- tearing pain in both humeri. Painful tensive sensation cf heaviness in the muscles of the left firearm. Tearing in the right upper arm, a little above the right side of tho wrist-joint. Tearing in the surface of the right forearm, close to the tip of the elbow. Suddenly appearing, dull culling pain through the muscles of the right forearm, at the distance of a span from the wrist-joint. Feeling of heaviness in the whole left arm, so that he is obliged to let it hang down ; passing quickly. Visible, painless, paroxysmal, anxious jerking in the right-biceps muscle, in the region where the two"heads unite. Tearing in the lower surface of the left forearm, close to the wrist-joint. Rheumatic tensipn in the region of the left elbow. Tearing in the lower surface of the thick part of the right f. rearm. Burning in the bend of the left elbow. Tearing with pressure in the external metacarpal bone of the right hand. Dull tearing in the upper surface of the left metacarpus. Tearwig in the right wrist-joint. Tearing in the dorsum of the left hand. Drawing," intermittent payi in the dorsum of the right metacarpus. Tearing pain with pressure in the right car- pus, increased by squeezing the part with the other hand, going and coming. -Tingling in the anterior joint of the left thumb and index-finger, as if they would go to sleep; sometimes coming on of itself, sometimes after pressure; passing off soon. Tearing with pressure in the second phalanx of the left middle finger. Ready and painful bending, as from weakness, of the posterior joint of the left little finger, for instance, when rubbing the palms of the hards against each other. Drawing-tearing pain in the anterior joint of the left index- finger, coming on in paroxysms, lasting a short while onlv; at nine o'clock in the evening. Aching at a small place of the tip of the r-ght index-finger as if a panaritium would form ; going off after two days. Sudden perceptible and rapid beating of the pulse in the middle, phalanx of the left index-finger in the evening, every pulsation being accompanied with an intense drawing, arthritic pam, as n in the bone, for some minutes; afterwards tie pulse gradually de- creased and tho pain likewise. Short, smart burning in the tirs~of the three middle fingers oi the left hand. Tearing in the 1 all of the left thumb. Tear- ing under the nail oi the left middle-finger. Painful clucking (Lulbling) sen- sation ,,, the interior ol the second phalanx of the left index-finger. Tea, ing in the lower joints of the left ring and middle-fingers. Stinging-burning in the 958 THEA SINENSIS. inner side of the lower joints of the left ring and middle-finger. Tearing in tho knuckle of the little-finger, posteriorly, towards the wrist-joint. Lower Limbs.—Jactitation in the muscles of the arms and lower limba^ especially in the region of the hip. When resting the thighs upon the chair while sitting, a pain is felt in them, extending from the middle down into the bend of the knee, as if the ischiatic nerve were pressed upon. Tearing, from above downward, in the head of the left femur, coming on during motion, con- tinuing during rest in paroxysms. Aching pain below the left knee, anteriorly. Lancination above the left knee. Tearing pain in the left tibia and ulna, near the tarsal joint. Tearing in the right tarsus, when sitting, returning in pa- roxysms, disappearing when walking. Tension, with pressure, in and above the left tendo-Achilles. Aching and tearing sensation, with heaviness, in the whole right leg, more distinct in the calf. Tearing in the lower joints of the left bi» toe. The right big toe is somewhat inflamed and painful on the left side of the nail and a little above, as if the nail had grown into the flesh (which is not the case however); rather increased by walking; returning in the forenoon for several days, when sitting quietly; in the afternoon redness and pain disappear. Tensive tearing in the lower joints of the three smallest toes of the right foot. Sleep.—He finds it diflicult to wake in the morning; he is tired and weak on rising. Disturbed sleep; he has vivid and anxious dreams, with startings, untU after midnight. In the afternoon he cannot take his siesta, owing to confused and vague ideas crowding upon his mind.—Does not fall asleep until after mid- night; he then wakes frequently, turns from side to side, dreams; towards morning the body feels hot; he feels well on getting up.—Drowsy the whole day. Vivid, mostly pleasant dreams. Many restless, anxious dreams. Fever.—He likes to walk in the open air, and does so without feeling tired in the least; accompanied with cheerful mood and peace of mind. He feels chilly after eating, several days in succession, with sensation in the abdomen as if^stool would appear, and as if this were the cause of the chilliness. While quietly talking with some one on a certain subject in the warm room, in the evening, he was attacked with chilliness and trembling of the whole trunk, re- curring frequently at short intervals and disappearing after the conversation was terminated. Chilliness over the whole body with icy-cold hands, accompanied with frequent yawning and a sensation as if he had to stretch himself frequent- ly. Towards evening the body feels warmer than usual, and the mind feels elated and sociable. General SymptOdS.—Going to sleep of the limbs, with creeping, in the morning in bed, and in the afternoon when sitting. * Irritated, tremulous sen- sation in the who\e body. Staggers somewhat; places one foot on top of tho other when walking, soon after taking the drug.—Frequent biting as from fleas in the day-time, now in the upper, now in the lower arms, thighs, hips, chest, neck. Itching-stinging, resembling flea-bites, in various parts of the surface of the body. About noon, especially shortly after dinner, he feels relaxed and as if he were fasting (as^after an intoxication)- 240. THEA SINENSIS. THEA.—See Noack and Trixks. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Temporary exaltation of mind. Excessively UI. THERIDION. 969 humoured; everything became unpleasant to her, whereas she had been very cheerful previously; she was disinclined to think or write. Taciturn and peevish. Has greater confidence in himself. Head.—Momentary attack of vertigo during a walk in the open air. as i r senses would vanish. Gloomy, heavy and dizzy in the forehead.—Momen- tary pain in the occiput, almost in the nape of the neck, tensive, as if stiff. Excessively-disagreeable headache, with throbbing of the carotids. Mouth and Appetite.—Scraping feeling at the upper palate. Copious watery saliva in the mouth during the first hours, with sensation of hunger; six hours after, a troublesome dryness in the mouth is experienced, with expectora- tion of a small quantity of frothy tenacious saliva, with feeling of satiety, although she had taken only her ordinary quantity of nourishment, with some thirst; after drinking, her mouth fills with watery tenacious saliva. Intolerable smell in the mouth, early after waking. Complete aversion to food, until din- ner, of which she partook sparingly. Stomach and Abdomen.—Disagreeable sensation of excessive relaxation of the stomach, with qualmishness and nausea, and discharge of water from the mouth; her stomach felt as if hanging down like an empty bag, and heavy. Slight anxiety in the praecordial region. Slight pressure in the region of the stomach. After dinner she experienced acute stitches from the right to the left side, under the ribs, the whole afternoon, at intervals.—Relaxation of the bowels.—Tea favors the protrusion of hernia. Quickly-passing rumbling in the bowels, particularly in the region of the stomach, as if from flatulence. Fever.—The pulse became quicker, then slower, irregular and intermittent. Pulse 92, then 84 and 80.—Feeling of anxious oppression about the heart. General Symptoms.—Excessive desire to lie down. Oppression, slight nausea, general tremor, palpitation and oppression of the heart, feeling of de- bility as if the knees would not support her body. A certain uneasiness of the heart, general trembling and debility, making him feel somewhat sick even until the next day. °His excitement, occasioned by an animated conversation and intense thinking, became less, and a quiet, refreshing sleep ensued. FeeUng of great ease. Feeling of faintishness, which made her feel vexed. 241. THERIDION. THERID.—Sec Archiv., Vol. XIV.—Is frequently suitable after Calc. and Lye. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Despondency. Tendency to start. Dread of labor, particularly his professional business. Wants to do something, but has no desire for anything in particular. His time passes very fast, although he is not very busy. Cheerful, humming a song, with beat and dulness in the head. Disposed to talk and to perform intellectual labor (secondary action.?) Head and Scnsorium.—Difficulty of comparing, not of originating ideas.— Dulness of the head, with great heaviness. Sensation as if°it were not his head, or as if it were something quite different. Fulness and dulness behind the oars. Strange feeling in the head.— Vertigo, on stooping. Vertigo with nausea, particularly when her eyes close (at night). Vertigo, which is felt even during-lecp and comes on again after waking, with vomiting, on making the least motion.—Headache on moving. °Violent headache, in the forehead, with 970 THERFDION. throbbing extending to the occiput. Headache at the root of the nose and over the ears as from a pressing band. Compression in the temples.—Itching of the head. Eyes and Ears.—Burning over the inner canthus, on waking. Sensatio'n as of a gauze before the eyes, with luminous vibrations even when the eyes are closed. "Frequent paroxysms of luminous vibrations before the eyes, for years. —"Violent itching behind the ears. Excessive sensitiveness of hearing (re- moved by Aconite). Every strong sound strikes through the whole body, par- ticularly into the teeth, aggravating the vertigo, which then causes nausea. "Noise as of a water-fall. Nose and Teeth.—Itching in the nose. Discharge of water from the nose the whole day, or on blowing the nose, with subsequent feeling of heaviness high up in the nose.—°The lower jaw feels as if immovable for many morn. ings, but then opens of itself.—The teeth are sensitive from cold water or sound. Appetite, Abdomen.—Slimy taste. °Saltish taste.—Constant desire to eat and drink without knowing what. Desire for sour fruit, wine. Talkative after spirituous drinks.—Nausea at night, on closing the eyes, with vertigo. Vomits ing of slimy water, with vertigo which is excited again by the least motion. The vomiting is preceded by cold sweat all over the body. Vomiting of bile, early in the morning. After vomiting the throat feels scalded, with pain in tho small of the back, hurried pulse, and headache.—°Sea-sickness.?—Sensitive- ness of the pit of the stomach.—*Pain in the inguinal region, °during motion, or with sensation on drawing up the limb, as if hard blows were received on it Stool, etc.—Intermittent stool. The latter part of stool is more difficult to pass than the former. ScaDty papescent stool every day, with much straining. —Protrusion of the anus.—The scrotum looks shrivelled. Complete absence of sexual desire on the fourth day. Violent erections on the sixth day. Profuse emission of semen during the siesta, on the eighth day. Chest.—Arrest of breathing, from pressure as if something were falling to- wards the pit of the stomach.—Violent stitches high up in the chest, through the left shoulder as far as the neck. Pinching sticking in the left pectoralis ma- jor muscle. Back, Limbs.—Itching of the back. Pain between the shoulders.—Stitch from the elbow to the shoulder. Burning itching of one finger,-with redness of the part.—Itching and blotches of the buttock. Strange cold drawing from the right hip to the knee, internally ; external warmth is pleasant. Itching of the calf. Pain of the little toe as if from pressure, when walking. Sleep.—Drowsiness in the morning. Dreams of travelling during the siesta. Bites his tongue frequently during sleep. Wakes from a short sleep with ver- tigo (which is felt even during sleep), has to rise, falls on rising, (as if fainting,) with breaking out of cold sweat and retching, with vomiting of acrid, slimy water, diarrhoea, renewal of vertigo on making the least motion, and of the nausea and vertigo as soon as she closes her eyes, with nausea and vomiting of bile in the morning; the threat feels scalded, the small of the back is painful and weary, pulse accelerated and head painful. He dream3 that a tooth is breaking off. Fever.— Internal chilliness after lying down on account of a heaviness in aU his limbs (after breakfast). Liability to sweat a'ter walking and drinking. General Symptoms.—°Hysteric complaints. "Complaints at the ago of pubescence or at a change of life.—Feels sick and trembling. "Weak, all his limbs tremble. So weak, that he is um.Lle to stand, he sweats and trembles. THUJA" aCCTDENTALIS. 971 212. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. THUJ.—See Hahnemann's Mat. Med. Pur., IV. Compare with—Asa f., Bry, Cann., Canth., Chin., Cop., Fer., Led., Lye, Merc, Nitr. ac, Phosph. ac, Petrol., Plat., Puis., Sabin., Sep., Sapb.. Sulph.—Thuj. is frequently suitable after Nitr. ac. (in sycosis or nnrmrial syphilis).—After Thuj. are frequently suitable Nitr. ac, Puis., Staph.? Antidotes.—Cham, for the nightly toothache, Cocc. for the fever, and Merc, for the nightly ailments.—Is used as antidote against Merc, Thea.? CLINICAL OBERVATIONS. According to Nov*k and Trinks, Thuj. has been successfully employed in the following affections : Chronic-color of the skin of the breast and the right side of the abdomen, #ith excessive nervous irritation.— Warts. Wart on the wing of the nose. Warts on the hands., Warts and herpes in the face. Warts of horses, cattle and dogs.—Sycosic warts, discharging a moisture, pus and blood and with a broad base, with smarting-burning pain (Trinks, in a number of cases ; horny, hard sycosis warts are cured with the biniodide of mere, or the hydriodate of potash). Horny, conical fig-warts fissured into several parts; after the external administration of Thuj., the warts divided into several thin, thread-shaped portions down to the base. Fig-warts under the arms. Fig- warts on the prepuce. Large moist fig-warts at the anus. Mulberry-shaped condylomata at the anus, with rhagades. Cauliflower-shaped condylomata after gonorrhoea or balannorrhoea, on the inner surface of the prepuce or on the glans, pale-red, with stinging and burning pains, itching and bleeding when touched. (According to Segin and Ohlhaulh, Thuj. does not cure every case of sycosis).—Light-red, spongy, cauliflower excrescence shooting up from a panaritium, sensitive to contact and bleeding readily (after balanitis).—Sy- cosic excrescence: hard, grey-blue, spongy, readily-bleeding swelling on the lower eyelid, painful to the touch, filling up the orbit, pushing the globe of the eye before it, stinging, tearing, burning, itching, etc.—Obstinate scurf in the nose, re-appearing constantly, with inflammatory redness and sensitiveness etc.—Neuralgia facialis.?—Banulre.—Gonorrhoea with sycosis—Gonorrhoea secundaria.—Diseases of the prostate gland, occasioned by a long-lasting gonorrhoea, consisting partly in hypertrophy, partly hyperemia, or infiltration of the middl: lobe and of the excretory ducts. Suppuration of the prostate gland—In a case of marked suppuration of the prostate gland, three drops of Thuj, 2 and f>, morning and evening, occasioned an increase of the pains and the urging to urinate, producing moreover violently-burning, painful hemor- rhoidal tumors ; the disease was cured completely and in a short time by the biniodide of potash (Trinks).—Seirrhus and cancer of the uterus. Female gonorrhoea with or without warts—Constipation, as if from torpor of the bowels or volvulus?—Hemorrhoidal congestion, or blind and flowing hemor- rhoids, with stinging and burning pains at the anus (according to Trinks, one of the principal remedies for that affection).—Chancrous warts, or warts' which grow upwards and do not yield to Mercury.—Tearing-throbbing ulcerative pain from the shoulder to the fing.-rs, with twitching of the muscles, deadness of the forearm, numbness of the fingers, aggravated by warmth.—Quotidian feve ?.— Styac scattered here and there, with affection of the conjunctiva, and derai g2d 972 THUJA OCCIDENTALS digestion.—Darting pains proceeding from the temple?, with loss of appetite (atter operations on the eye). SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—(During a rapid walk he became restless and low- spirited). Mental uneasiness for many days; aU things arc troublesome and disagreeable to him. Low-spirited and desponding.—Tired of life.—Dissatis- fied.—Extremely scrupulous about the least trifle. Everything is unpleasant to him ; he is anxious for the future.—Angry about an innocent jest.—Out of humor unless everything is according to his fancy.—He walks with an excess of lightness, as if carried along on wings; she made several miles in a very short time and in excellent spirits (immediately).—Good humor. Cheerful mood, without excess. Disposition to talk.—Absence of mind, unsteadiness, and disposition to perform now this, now another thing. SensoHum.—He staggers after having stooped. Vertigo, also when sit- ting ; she staggers when walking. Frequent vertigo, also when lying in bed. A good deal of vertigo when sitting; a sort of moving to ani fro, made worse by lying down.—Vertigo, especially when sitting and closing his eyes; it went off when lying down. Reeling sensation, as after frequently turning in a circle. Cloudiness in the forehead (immediately). Stupefaction of the head, early in the morning. Does not heed those things which take place around him. His head feels cloudy, so that he knows not where he is, when standing. Stupid feehng in the head, with nausea. Sense of intoxication, especially early in the morning. His head feels confused when sitting or standing. His head feels duU and unable to think.—Slow thinking and talking; when talking she tries to find the words. Weakness in the head; his brain feels dead and numb. He was unable to get rid of the thought which he had in his mind. Head.—Headache, early in the morning; sometimes he feels as if the head were screwed asunder in the articulation of the malar bone and the upper jaw; sometimes as if a nail were driven into the vertex with a sudden jerk; some- times as if the forehead would fall out, with internal chilUness ; all these symp- toms improved in the open air. Headache, early in the morning, as after too sound a sleep, or as after stooping, a sort of pulsating, or a sort of short jerks, with pressure, accompanied with redness in the face.—Boring pressure in the head.—Drawing headache.—Tearing in the right side of the sinciput and face, across the nose, as far as the malar bone, and above the eyes; most violent morning and evening.—Sticking headache. Fine pricking in the head, early in the morning.—Drawing in the temporal muscles, a sort of external headache, worse during deglutition. Pricking pain in the region of the temples. Three red, painful blotches in the region of either temple—Itching of the occiput. Dull pain in the head, as if stupified. Numb feeling and humming in the left hemisphere of the brain, and in the left ear. Cramp-like sensation in the left side of the head, with subsequent feeling of warmth. Painless drawing in the right parietal bone, with slight, pressure, a sort of agreeable warmth, spreadiog over the whole body. Dull drawing pressure across the forehead, as if a load descended in it. Deep pressure in the right temple. Pressure in the left fron- tal protuberance, resembling a jerk. Pressure in the right frontal eminence, re- sembling a jerk, and descending towards the eye. Pressure in the left parietal bone, with a dull pain. Dull aching pains in the occiput, for six hours. Pain- ful pressure across the forehead. Furious pressing in both temples from with- out inward, as if the brain would be pressed out. Violent, painful pressure in the bead, here and there, only momentarily. Drawing, with pressure, in the left temple.—Jerking tearing in the occiput, more on the right side. Drawing tear- THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 973 ing headache from the vertex to the middle of the brain.—Heaviness in the head, as from a load pressing upon the brain. Sensation of heaviness in the head, es- peciaUy in the occiput, increased during every motion. Heaviness of the head, with ill humor and a want of desire to talk. Headache from the forehead to the occiput consisting of pressure, and of a feeling as if the head were bruised and torn, on walling, and going off during sleep. Sensation in the upper part of the vertex as if knocked in.—Sensation in the right parietal bone, as if a nail were driven in, disappearing on touching the part. Jerk-like stitch through the whole head, leaving a sensation of pressure behind. Prickings, especially along the forehead. Violent lancination through the right hemisphere, from the occiput to the forehead. Violent contractive pressure in the outer parts of the left frontal eminence, which seems to press the upper eyelid down. H vlache, as if the head were compressed from without, with pulsative -throbbi. gs and Btitches in the region of the temples ; those pains disappear by external pressure and by bending backward, but return by bending forward. Headache in the posterior region of the skull as if compressed from both sides. Swelling of the veins in the rcgiop of the temples, during rest, without heat. Strong stitches in the outer parts of the left temporal region. At night he does not like to rest on his left side; when lying on it he feels a pain at a spot near the occipital protuberance; he feels that pain likewise when touching the part; even the hairs in that region are painful when touched.—Dull aching behind the left ear. Violent burning aching behind the right ear. Corrosive gnawing in the skin of the occiput, with sensation as if something were crawling about on the hairy scalp, for half an hour. Biting and corrosive gnawing in the right side of the hairy scalp, in the evening. Prickling pain in the temples. Three red painful blotches on the temples. Itching of the occiput. Eyes.—Short-sightedness. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, and a pressure-in the same, as if the eyes would be pressed out of the head, or as if the eyes were swollen. The eyes are dim in the open air, as if a gauze were be- fore them, when looking at things either near or distant, with gloominess in the head for half an hour. When reading, things appear darker to him, with a sen- sation around the eyes as if he had not slept enough.—The sight of the in- flamed eye is obscured. Weak eyes; pressure in the eyes as from fine sand. Considerable pressure above tho right eye, externally. Pressure in the eyes, for two or three days. Burning pressure in the outer canthus of the left eye, without redness. Red blotch on the margin of the lower eyelid. Running of the left eye in the open air. Gum in the inner canthi, the whole day. Boring pain over the inner canthus of the right eye. Feeling of heat and dryness in the outer canthus of the left eye, as if the parts would become inflamed. Dry feeling in the eyes.—Great dilatation of the pupils. The pupils remained con- tracted for five days. When writing, the objects appeared to tremble (imme- diately after dinner). Black points before the eyes, even when closing them; those; points seem to move amongst one another, accompanied with a dulness of the occiput. The whites of the eye are blood red. The whites of the eyes are inflamed and red, with smarting in the eyes and a pressure as from sand. Red- ness without sensation in the white of the left eye, near the cornea, early in the morning.—Violent stitch in the inner canthus of the left eye, causing a humor to come out of the eye, which obscured the sight. Stinging in the eyes, in pure air. Stitches ia the eye, when the Ught is too bright. • Violent, deeply pene- trating sharp stitch, from time to time, in the inner canthus of the right eye. Sticking with pressure above the left eye, moving towards the right eye and disappearing afterwards.—Tearing pain in the left eyebrow, going off after contact. Swelling of the upper eyehds. Pimples'between the eyebrows, con- taining pus in their tips, with itching. 974 THUJA OCCIDENTALS. Ears.—In the evening, when in bed, he experiences a terrible hammering and tearing in the ear until after midnight, accompauied with micturition every half hour, a .d coldness of the legs up to the knees. Spasm in the inner ear, a sort of compressing and dragging followed by a Cashing stitch, causin" him to tremble ; more frequently in tne evening.—Aching pain iu the meatus auditorius (at noon). Fine, cramp-like rain in the right outer meatus auditorius—Vio- lent, sticking pushes in .he right side of the fauces, speedily extending to the ear, and causing a sensation in the ear, when opening and closing the mouth, as if a hole were in the ear through which the air can penetrate.—Sticking pain with pressure in the right meatus auditorius.—Pinching pain in the right car. —Tingling in the ears.—Rearing in the ears as of the wind In a stove.—Ten- sion in the lower part of the cuter ear, as if drawn down by means of a ribbon. Crampy sensation in the right outer ear.—Digging-up, painful itching in the left malar bone. Boring pain in ihe region of the left malar bone, diminished by contact Pimples in the whole face. Itching in the face, obliging him to scratch. Crec ing and twitching toward the malar bones. Fine darting pain in the malar muscles, or.ly when walking in the open air. Stiffness of tho muscles ot mastication, on the left side, painful when opening the jaw. Cramp- pain in the right cheek, during rest. Glandular swelling on the side of the left cheek. Burning heat in the face and cheeks, continuing the while day. Seuivy, itching eruption on the cheek, not far from the corner of the mouth. Itching on the chin. Stitches in the lip. Jerking in ihe upper lip. Burning of the vermilion border and palate. Fine itching of the inner side of the upper lip. Itching pimples on the margin of the upper lip, owards the middle. Red pustules above the lip, emitting blood when scratched. Dryness of the lips, without thirst. ftOSC.—* Ulceration half an inch up in the nrse; a scurf has formed in that part. Corrosive creeping on the dorsum of the ruse.—Nasal mucus mixed with coagulated blood.—Bleeding at the n< se, two or three times a day. Red pimple in the hollow behiud the right nasal wing, full of a watery fluid, some- what itching. Tensive sensation above the right nasal wing, going eff by fric- tion. Swelling and hardness of the left nasal wing, with a tensive pain. Sen- sation under the right nostril as if the place would become hard. Drawing pain between the mouth and nose, as if the periosteum were tighter than usual; afterwards the pain is felt across the nasal bones. — Tingling in the ncsc, ai;d sneezing —Sudden and fluent coryza.—Dry coryza, with headache.—Fluent ( coryza, toward evening, with cough. Jaws and Teeth.—Stitches in the lower jaw through the ear. Pressing pain in the hollow tooth when blowing the nose. Sharp drawing toothache, in the teeth of the lower jaw from below upward, frequently without any cause, but usually at dinner. Sticking pain in an incisor. Darting pain in a hollow tooth, early in t le morning. Toothache from evening until midnight, dull, as if the nerves were delicately touched; sometimes a jerking was experienced in the tooth. Swollen and sore gums. Considerable swelling of the gums and tongue; the latter is painful when she touches it with anything hard, or when eating. Violent pressing pain below the left molar tooth, as if the tooth were shattered, iunnediateiy a ter every cup of tea which he took ; the pain affected the upper and lower jaw, and disappeared gradually. Violent tearing in the left upper jaw, toward the eye. Drawing tearing in the left lower jaw, evening. Gnaw- ing-boring pain in the left upper-jaw, repeatedly. * Continued gnawing-pain in the teeth, -particularly in a hollow tooth, affecting the whole side of the head, and increased by anything cold (drink or air), ai.d by mastication. Sudden, violent tearing in the first molar tooth of the left lower jaw, txtendirg rapidly through the whole jaw. Darting through the gums of the posterior molar teeth. Vio- THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 975 lent drawing stitch in the angle of the left lower jaw, disappearing arter contact. Prickings in the left lower jaw. Sore pain hA >vr the posterior teeth of the right side. Sore feeling in the gums of the le t 1 >wer jaw, when toucLi.ig them. Toothache, a sort of hacking, or sharp beating in the gums. Mouth, Pharynx and (Ewphajros.— T.ie tip of the tongue is sore to the touch. White vesicle on the side of the tongue, cl si to the root, very snre. Rough, scraping feeling on the surface of the tongue; it is crated white; en the forepart of the tongue a white, oblong, somewhat painful-hii-t-r. The inner. mouth feh as if full of blisters, as if he had burnt it, with much thirst at night. —°Ranuba, transparent, jelly-like, blue-red—gray. When swalbwing the sa- liva he feels a sort of sore pain in the whole palate, towards the le't car, inter- nally, as when air rushes into a wound. Pressure and sensation of heaviness in the velum pendulum palati. Swelling of the salivary glands ; they secrete a good deal of saliva.—Swelling of the tonsils and throat.—Roughness in the throat, as from snuff.—Sensation in the throat as if full of mucus, preventing him from swallowing, and as if the fauces were constricted; the throat became rough from hawking.—Sore throat, a sort of swelling, as if brought on by a c. Id. —Pressure in the back part of the throat during deglutition—Stinging in the throat.—Desire to swallow —The saliva is somewhat sanguinolent. Dryness in the back part of the mouth, with thirst, even early in the morning. Gradually increasing stitch with pressure, on the right side below the t mgue, as if the | art were pricked; sometimes w rse when swallowing. White coated tongue, with- out thirst—Feeling of dryness in the palate, without thirst. Violent desire for cold drink the whole day, without heat. He hawks up a blood-red mucus — °Chancrous ulcers in the throat and mouth,.from excessive doses of mercu- ry for syphilis. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—Flat, sweetish taste in the mouth. Saliva and bread taste bitter. Food has too little saltish taste. (Tobacco has a musty taste when smoking.) A quantity of mudus in the throat when eating she is obliged to hawk it up; otherwise she is unable to swallow the food. (Everything he eats nauseates him.)—He has an appetite, or else loss of appe- tite, he does not. relish hisfoid; after cafing he feels faint about the heart, anx- ious, with palpitation of the heart. A s imy sweetish taste in the mouth a'ter a meal. After eating, the abdomen bloats. Hiccough soon after eating; after- wards pressure in the pit of tho stomach, followed by puffiness and eructation?, as from a spoiled stomach.—(Bitter eructations a ter a meal.) Putrid eructa- tions, late in the evening. Eructations tasting of the ingesta when smoking as usual. Rancid vapor rising in the throat, perceptible to the smell Nausea and qualmishness in the region of the stomach. Nausea and vomiting of a sour- ish liquid and of food, several tinu s. Desire to vomit a ter the usual smok- ing, with sweat breaking out over the whole body, withoi t thirst; nausea and sweat disappeared after the stool. Excessive flatulence, immediately after a meal; the abdomen is distended, with pricki.igs, pnssing and pushing and scantyo ansu>n o'flitilence. *I) s a good deal of relief. Discharge of hard, large, brown faeces, in balls, streaked with blood. *Hard, difficult stool, especially in the afternoon.f (Debility after stool.) Violent pain in the rectum during stool; the pain was so violent that she was unable to pass the stool. Painful contraction of the rectum and anus, followed by tearing, as if in the bowels, in paroxysms. Violent burning in the fold between the nates, when walking. Burning in the anus. Burning-pricking in the rectum, between the stools. The haemorrhoidal tumour is painful when touched ever so slightly. (Bed, painless blotches about the anus, resembling fig-warts.) Single painful prickings in the perinaeum, from within outwards, going off when drawing the anus in. Urinary Organs.—Frequent micturition, almost every hour, but no pain. i Primary effect; the contrary takes place after 12,14 day*, as a secondary effect. THUJA OCCIDENT ALLS. 977 A good deal of micturition, had to urinate at night. Frequent and copious mic- turition. He has to strain when urinatio%, with urging every minute ; 'seme urine comes out now and then only, which is accompanied with a burning pain in the urethra. The stream is interrupted five or six times, before the urine is entirely voided. Sensation in the urethra, as of a fluid running along it, es- peciaUy in the evening. Sensation after micturition as if some drops were run- ning out of the urethra, for a quarter of an hour. After micturition, some urine remains in the urethra, which drops out afterwards. The urine looks like voter while coming out; after long standing, it becomes cloudy.—°Bloody urine. Red urine, depositing a thick brick-dust sediment when stand- ing.—Burning in the urethra during micturition and some time after. *Burning in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Cutting dur- ing micturition. Burning pain in the urethra, when urinating, as if excoriated. Burning itching in the tip of the glans, when urinating. Smarting and itching of the pudendum, especiaUy in the urethra, during and a little whUe after micturition. Pain in the pudendum, as if sore and smarting, especiaUy when urinating. Stitches in the urethra from behind for- ward, between, not during the acts of urinating. Stitch from the rectum into the urethra, below the frenulum. Severe stitch in the urethra, in the evening. Stitches in the urethra, at night, preventing sleep, accompanied with frequent erections. Lancinations in the forepart of the urethra. Lancination in the urethra between the acts of urinating. Cutting pain, which is most violent when walking, immediately before, and during the acts of urinating, also at other times, behind the pubic bone, in the region of the bladder. Burning, piercing stitches in the neighbourhood of the orifice of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Drawing-cutting pain in the urethra, when walking. Violent stitches in the glans, near the urethra, constantly accompanied with a desire to urinate; the urine comes out in drops when the stitches are felt; whUe the urine comes off the stitches are sometimes more violent, sometimes they disappear al- together ; the desire to urinate continues untU the sticking ceases entirely.— "Syeosic gonorrhoea. Male Genital Organs.—Single stitches in the tip of the glans, between the acts of micturition, especiaUy when squeezing the part. Painful stitches in the internal surface of the prepuce. Stinging itching in the tip of the glans. Stinging and itching of tho glans. Erection for several hours, early in the morning, when half asleep. Prickings in the scrotum at night. Itching of the left side of the scrotum (evening). Drawing sensation in the testes. The left » testicle is drawn up to the abdomen, accompanied with sweUing of the inguinal glands. (The epididymis grows into a sort of goitre.) CrawUng and ittebing in the scrotum; the rubbed place feels painful and burning.—Sweat of the scrotum. Sweat of one-half of the scrotum. Profuse sweat of the organs of generation aU over. Humid pimple on the scrotum. Considerable swelling ot the prepuce. Red spot, like a miliary pimple, on the outer surface of the pre- puco; it changes to an ulcer, is covered with scurf, itches, and is sometimes painful and burning. * Round, flat, unclean ulcer on the corona glandis, pain- ful and burning, surrounded with redness; in a few days a stinging is felt in it. SmaU pocks on the iuternal surface of the prepuce, depressed in the midddle and humid and suppurating; painful only when touched. *A few red, smooth excrescences behind the glans, under the prepuce, with a creeping sensation, continuiug ten days. Red excrescence on the inner surface of the prepuce, re- sembUng a fig-wart. ° Fig-warts (see ClObs.).—Balanorrhcea particularly after abuse of Mercury. °Chancrous ulcers in mercurial syphilis. SmaU flat ves- icle on the glan*, occasioning a stinging pain when urinating. TickUng of the vol. II. 6- 978 THUJA OCCIDENTALS. fig-warts. TitUlation of the fig-^i,rts. Itching stinging of the fig-wart«. Burnirg and painful stinging in the fig-warts. Fine stitches in the fig-warts near the anus, when walking. Severe stitches in the fig-warts on the genital or- gans. Burning pain of the fig-warts when touched. (Sore pain of the fig- warts near the anus, also when touching them.) Bleeding of the fig-warts.— •Inflammation of the prostate, (see CI. Obs.)." Discharge of prostatic juice, in threads, early in the morning after waking. Nocturnal emission with fatiguing pain in the orifice of the urethra, as if too narrow. Nocturnal emission, which wakes him. Frequent burning stitches in the penis, continuing as far as the testes and the umbilical region, most violent when sitting, disappearing when walking and returning when sitting. Jerking pain in the penis, as if a nerve were suddenly and painfully put upon the stretch. Aching pain in the testes as if contused when walking or sitting, increased by walking. TitiUating sen- sation between the prepuce and glans. Several burning stitches in the glans. Burning stitches with pressure through the scrotum and spermatic cord, from below upward. Repeated sharp stitches in the left testis. Female Organs of Generation.—Itching of the pudendum, when walking. The pudendum feels sore and smarting. SweUing of both labia, painful and burning only when walking and when touching them. Burning and smarting in the vagina, when walking and sitting. Sticking in the pudendum after a long walk. Pressing and contractive pain in the pudendum when sitting. Cramp- pain in the pudendum and in the perinaeum, when rising from a seat. Cramp- pain in the pudendum, extending as far as the abdomen. Mucous discharge from the female urethra. ° Wart- shaped excrescences at the orifice of the uterus, with stinging and burning when urinating.—°Cancer of the womb.? (Whitish ulcer on the internal surface of the great labium, first sore and pain- ful to the touch, afterwards itching, and of long duration.) Respiratory Organs and Chest.—Hoarseness, as if occasioned by aeon- traction of the pharynx. Violent coryza with nightly cough. Sticking in the larynx, in the region of the pit of the throat, during an inspiration, for two days. Sticking with pressure on the left side of the trachea, close below the larynx, aggravated by deglutition. Hoarseness and fluent coryza (towards evening). Dry coryza, without sneezing, with phlegm in the fauces, obliging one to hawk, but which cannot be hawked up. Cough early in the morning when rising, as is excited by sharp things. Pressure as from a heavy body in the middle of the chest, which does not impede respiration (when sitting). Tension from the first false rib as far as the left axiUa, especially when raising the arm. PrickUng in the right chest. DuU stitches with pressure in the left side of the chest, unchanged during inspirations or expirations. Several beat- ing stitches in the left side of the chest. Strong, dull, intermittent stitches in the chest, from the left axiUa inwards. Pinching pain in the region of the fifth and sixth ribs. Boring pressure above the pit of the stomach. Sensation as if sprained or strained in the left side of the chest, close to the region of the scro- biculus cordis. Bruising pain in the right side of the chest below the arm. Uneasiness in the cervical muscles, in the nape of the neck, and in the chest, or slow squeezing at intervals, accompanied with a sort of nausea. Blueness of the skin in the region of the clavicles. Oppression of the chest as if something had grown fast in it. Asthmatic, obliging one to take a deep inspiration. Tight- ness now in the left chest, now in the left hypochondrium, inducing a hacking oouf*h. Difficult, oppressed breathing with great desire for 'water and much anxiety. Sensation as if some one were excoriating the "chest from within. Pain in the region of the heart. Pressure in the chest, coming on after a meal. Pain in the chest, resembling a pressure, most violent after a meal. Paroxysms THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 979 of pressure in the outer parts of the chest, around the axilla. Considerable orgasm of the blood when going up stairs; her heart beats violently; she has to rest frequently. Visible palpitation of the heart, without anxiety. Back.—(Stitch in the back through the chest from below upward.) Ach- ing pain in the back, here and there, when sitting. Boring at a smaU spot in the back. Sore feeling in the outer parts of the back. Drawing pain in the back, wlien sitting. Tensive pain in the small of the back. Drawing in the small of the back. DuU painful pressure in the small of the back and in the lumbar region, as if bruised, early in the morning after rising, more violent when standing and turning the trunk, less when walking. Itching boil with a large red border, near the small of the back. Aching pain in the small of the back, when stooping. Stitches with pressure from the os sacrum as far as the side of the pelvis. " Paroxysmal burning stinging on the right side, close to the os sacrum, disappearing entirely after strong friction. Violent, stitch-like pains in the back when walking, along the left side of the lumbar vertebrae, not changed by sitting. Stitches with pressure in the back. Burning-stinging pains in the back, between the scapulae, when sitting. Pains in the back, as from continued stooping, in the evening, immediately after lying down. Painful drawing in the os sacrum and os coccygis and in the thighs, when sitting; after having been seated for a while the drawing hinders erect standing. Sudden, cramp-like pain in the small of the back when changing the position of the feet after long standing; he threatens to fall. Sensation as of the beating of a large artery in the dorsal spine, when sitting. Sensation of stiffness in the spine as after standing for a long time bent. Pointed stitches between the scapulae. Tearing in the left scapula. Bruising pain below the scapula for several hours Beating and throbbing in the shoulder-joint.—Small red pimples on the neck, close tp each other, painful when touched. Sensation iu the nape of the neck as if knocked in twain. Tension of the skin in the nape of the neck when moving the head. Feeling of stiffness in the nape of the neck and in the left side of the neck, extending as high up as the ear, even during rest, not impeding the motion of the neck (the painful stiffness did not increase by the motion of the neck). Drawing pain with pressure from below upward, in the right side of the neck, even during rest. Pain in the left side of the neck, as if he had been lying on a hard couch, or in a forced position. When moving the neck he experiences a short stitch in the cervical muscles, which causes him to start. Pain in the swoUen glands of the neck, so that he was not able to lie on them. The veins of the neck arc bloated and blue. Itching of the anterior surface of the neck, inducing scratching. Stinging pains in the an- terior surface of the neck, below the larynx. Pinching stitch in the right side of the neck, disappearing by moving and turning it. Upper Limbs.—Cracking of the shoulder-joint when bending the arm back- ward ; she was then unable to move the arm on account of the dislocation-pain felt in the joiut. Profuse sweat in the axilla. Painful stinging in the anterior and superior part of the right shoulder, near the clavicle, accompanied with dull tearing. Drawing t-t itches in the right shoulder-joint and the bend of the right elbow'. Paralytic feeling in the arms, as if he had lifted too heavy a burthen. Frequent paralytic pain iu the middle of the muscles of the left upper arm, dur- ing rest and motion. Stitches in the outer parts of the right upper arm, in any position of the arm, going off by contact. Bruising pain in the upper arms as if beaten bl.Ti'. and blue. Sticking pain in the right deltoid muscle, as with a dull point, when walking in the open air. Heaviness in the left arm from the middle of tho upper arm as far as the fingers, during rest and motion. In- voluntary jerking of the arm in the day-time. A sort of painful tumult in \ M 980 THUJA OCCIDENTALS. both arms, from three o'clock in the morning, until six. Violent drawing for several hours, apparently in the bones of the arms. Digging-up drawing pain in the whole arm, in the periosteum, as far as the fingers, accompanied with a pressure as from within outwards; when waking, pressure down to the perios- teum ; he feels a pain as if the flesh were separated from the bones. "Tearing beating ulcerative pain from the shoulder to the fingers. Titillation on the up- per arm, followed by a fine stitch at a small spot. The arm trembles after having been writing for half an hour, and a drawing pain is felt in it. Painful difficulty of moving either arm, as if the joints had no synovial fluid. (Prick- ing pain in the elbow-joint.) Throbbing in the elbow-joint, like pulsations, in the day-time; in the evening he feels a drawing in the arm extending as far as the fingers. Prickings at the left elbow, in any position of the arm, speedily disappearing by contact. Boring pain in the outer parts of the elbow-joints. Heaviness in the forearms. Pain in the outer parts of the right forearm as from excoriation. Lancination, from time to time, in the outer side of the right forearm. Lancination in the internal side of the left forearm, from the hand to the elbow-joint. Pain in the elbow and wrist-joints, as if dashed to pieces and crumbling. Burning-sticking pain immediately above the right wrist-joint. Drawing pain in the left lower arm, from above downward. Painless red cir- cumscribed spot on the left forearm. The skin, especially that of the hands, feels dry. Tearing in the left wrist-joint. Pain in the right wrist-joint, as if sprained. Feeling of dryness in the outer parts of the hands. When writing the hands tremble as if from old age. Sticking behind the middle joint of the middle finger, as from a thorn, most painful when bending the fingers. Violent, cramp-Uke pressure in the left hand, between the inner sides of the little and ring-fingers, with a feeling of heat in all the fingers of that hand, whereas the left metacarpus and the whole of the right hand were icy-cold. Tingling in ihe tips of the three middle fingers of the left hand, as if they had gone to sleep. Lancination in the little finger. The balls of the two index-fingers be- come red and big. Prickling pain in the posterior finger-joints. Fine stinging in the backs of the fingers. Stinging in the tips of the three middle left fingers (afternoon). (All her fingers feel numb.) Sharp stitch in the nail of the left thumb. The anterior joints of the three middle fingers of the left hand become red and swollen, with stinging, extending as far as the tips of the fingers (at five o'clock in the afternoon). Lower Limbs.—Cracking in the elbow, knee, and tarsal joints, when stretching the limbs. Pimples on the right buttock, itching and burning when touched or scratched. Tension from the hip-joint to the groin and along the posterior part of the thigh down to the bend of the knee, also when sitting quietly, but more when walking, less when standing. The thighs and legs go to sleep when sitting. Sticking in the upper part of the thigh. Sweat of the upper part of the thighs near the genital organs. Pain as if bruised above the middle of both thighs, when walking in the open air. Weariness of the inter- nal muscles of both thighs, in paroxysms. Fleet, burning stitches in the lower limbs, spreading through the same all over. Painful feeling of relaxation in both hip-joints, as if the articular capsules were too flaccid and weak to support the body, only when standing, not when walking, accompanied with weakness of the whole body. Paiu in the left thigh (in the evening) when walking, as if it would break. Scraping, smarting sensation on the inner side of the right thigh. Pain in the right thigh and leg as if dislocated, when the limb' was standing backward, when walking, and was being moved forward. Abrupt, burning- biting stitches near the inner hamstring. Continued burning-biting stitch in the anterior surface of the left knee. Long-continuing burning in the bend of THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 981 the left knee, as if an eruption would break out. Continuous, corrosive stitches in the skin of the right pate'da, when bending and stretching the right leg. DuU beating pain in the outer side of the knee, when sitting, increased by walking. Painful pressure on the inner side of the knee, from without inwards, when sitting. Cramp-pain above the left knee, when sitting. Sensation above the knee, as if the parts were cut into with a fine knife; a sort of coarse stick- ing pain as if bruised in the legs. Pimples on the knees, resembhng chicken- pox ; they suppurate, do not itch, and disappear in eighteen hours. Itching pimples on both knees, burning when touched and scratched. Single stitches in the knees, only when commencing to walk, and especiaUy when rising from a seat. Involuntary motion of the knee to and fro, when the pain increases. The limb is heavy and stiff when walking. A drawing pain in the right leg, from above downward, in paroxysms. White blotches on the calf, of the size of a hazel-nut, itching violently, and far around, but occasioning a stinging- burning pain when rubbed. Tension through the leg, as from weariness. Pressure from within outwards in the tibia. (Enlargement of the tibia as if swollen.) Intermittent pinching in the calves. Weakness of the left leg when sitting, with a cutting sensation in the gastrocnemii muscles when walking, which recurred at intervals in the sitting posture. Sharp-drawing pain in the outer parts of the internal malleolus of the left foot, thence extending gradually into the calf. ' Frequent, stupifying pain in the region of the internal maUeolus of the right foot. Fine stitches in the outer parts of the external maUeolus of the right foot. Continuous, burning stitch, near the external malleolus of the right foot during rest. Fine, painful stitches, Uke mosquito-bites, in rapid suc- cession, in the bend of the right foot. A sort of cutting with subsequent sen- sation of warmth, in the dorsum of the left foot, near the joint, whUe walking. Voluptuous itching of the inner side of the dorsum of the right foot. The dorsum of the foot and the toes are swoUen, inflamed and red, and they are painful as if pithy, a tensive pain is experienced in them when stepping or when moving the foot. Involuntary jerking upward of the foot when the pain in- creases. Painless, red spot on the dorsum of the right foot.—Pain in the heel as if gone to sleep, early in the morning, when rising from bed. Sharp stitch in the tenio-Achillis, above the heel. Drawing in all the toes, extending into the leg. Drawing in the big toe. Lancinations on both sides of the nails of the big toes. Lancinations in the corn. All the toes are inflamed, shining- red and swollen; they itch, and a burning is felt after rubbing. Sweat of the feet, especially of the toes. Sweat of the hands and feet. Cramp-like draw- ing in the fleshy part of the anterior joint of the big toe of the right foot, with a feehng of warmth, less when walking than when sitting. Intermittent pinch- ing near the metatarsal bone of the little toe. When sitting or walking, he ex- periences a feeling of weariness in the sole of the right foot, as after a long walk, and as if bruised. Creeping jerkings in the soles of the feet, as after a long walk. Voluptuous itching under the toes of the right foot, in any position of the foot. Quickly passing, violent stinging in the sole of the left foot, near the big toe. Burning of the corns. Sleep.—Excessive drowsiness in the afternoon ; his eyes closed whUe sitting. Drowsiness towards evening, without being able to sleep. He becomes sleepy early, but his sleep is restless, disturbed with dreams, and he wakes very early, out of humour, and not disposed to rise. She tossed about for an hour in her sleep before midnight. Restless for two hours in the evening when in bed, be- fore he was able to faU asleep. Restless sleep; he tosses about because he feels too warm. A good deal of dry heat at night, and restless sleep. Rest- lessness at night and anxiety; he cannot sleep; his legs feel cold and are cover- 982 THUJA OCCIDENTAL!?. ed with cold sweat. He cannot sleep before midnight, and then he wakes again at four o'clock in the morning.—Very restless before falling asleep. Sleeple?.- nights ; he is very restless, and the body feels cold ; when he fell into a nap he dreamed at once of dead bodies. He dreamed as soon as he feU asleep. Sleep fuU of dreams and startings. He slept only until twelve o'clock, and remained wide awake the whole night, nor was he sleepy in the morning.—Disposed to vomit the whole night; he brought up nothing but mucus. He talked calmly in his sleep. Anxious dreams with loud exclamations. She weeps in her sleep. When lying on the left side he dreams of danger and death.—He dreams of having had an embrace, but without an emission; painful erection on waking. Early in the morning, on waking, he is scarcely able to collect his senses, for half an hour. Tired early in the morning on rising. Violent headache in the morning on waking, after a deep sleep at night, as if the brain were distended, with nausea and vomiting of bitter water three times, accompanied with chUU- ness, which lasts five hours ; he did not get warm in bed ; had neither appetite nor thirst. Long dreams occasioned by the evening conversation, with deep meditation ; when accused of a crime, he rehes on his clear conscience. Fright- ful dreams; they wake him, with a feeling of heat in the body. Restless night; he woke frequently; fell from one dream into another, with emission of semen. Anxious vision whUe falling sleep; he then feels a few dull shocks in the left side, and gasps for air. Restless sleep with inodorous sweat. As soon as he faUs asleep at night, all the covered parts exhibit an agreeable, warm sweat, which disappears on waking; this sweat breaks out frequently in the night. Feyer.—ChilUness without thirst, every morning.—ChiUs, in the evening when in bed, only on the left side of the body, which felt cold to the touch. ChilUness every evening from six to half past seven o'clock, with external beat of the body, dryness in the mouth, and thirst. Shaking chill over the whole body, without the body feeling cold to the hand. A shuddering creeps over his back from time to time. Coldness in the back which cannot be relieved by the warmth of the stove. Shuddering through and through when uncovering the body ever'so little in the warm air, with or without goose-flesh, hands and face being warm. While dressing he has frequent shudderings through the whole body, without goose-skin. Shaking chill with much yawning ; the warm air feels cold to him, and the heat of the sun does not seem to be strong enough to warm him. Nausea and vomiting, the vomiting being followed by several chills, with heaviness in the upper and lower limbs and a tearing in the occiput.—Vio- lent orgasm of the blood every evening; throbbing in all the arteries, at every motion; less when sitting. Heat in the face and burning and redness of the cheeks, two evenings in succession.—Redness and burning of the left cheek, ac- companied with chiUiness of the back from below upwards, when performing any movement (not when standing or when sitting stiU); her fingers become numb. Violent chiU for a quarter of an hour at three o'clock in the morning : after- wards thirst, then profuse sweat all over, but not about the head, which was only warm. Clammy sweat towards morning. Thirst without heat early in the morning when rising. The pulse becomes weak and goes down to GO. Sudden heat in the face, and redness. Excessive heat of the face w'ttliout thirst, the hands and the rest of the body beiug merely warm. Heat and redness of the face without thirst, when sitting. Continuous feeling of heat in the whole face, without any change of complexion, without thirst, the tips of the fingers being cold, the remainder of the hand being moderately warm, and the remainder of the body feeUng hot. Feeling of burning heat in the face, producing neither red heat nor redness, nor sweat, the hands being icy-cold, the body moderately warm TONGO. 983 BwelUng of the veins of the temples and hands (during rest) without heat. The tips of the fingers are icy cold as if dead, the rest of the hand, the face, and the rest of the body feeling hot to the touch, without Jhirst. Agreeable warmth over the whole body the whole evening, with coldness of tho fingers, especiaUy those of the left hand, without thirst; accompanied with a sensation as of goose- flesh, and a shght shuddering over the body. Warm hands with bloated veins, the face being eold, but the forehead hot. Rush of blood to the head with sweat in the face and desire for cold drink, even when undressed. Slight heat, foUowed by a creeping chill, with icy-cold hands in the evening. Heat with thirst, without chilliness either before or after the heat, the mind feeling well- disposed. During the febrile heat he had more lucid thoughts and was more disposed to conversation or business. Skin.—The skin of the whole body is painful to the touch. Pimples resem- bling varicella on some parts of the thighs, elbows and forearms; they were sur- rounded with a red areola, and their tips were full of pus. Itching of the body, back, and upper and lower limbs, like fleabites, especially in the evening and night. Prickling itching of the whole body, until one o'clock at night, not af- fected by rubbing. Titillating itching of the whole body. The itching spots on tho body become burning and painful after rubbing (nettle-rash). General Symptoms.—°Rheumatic and arthritic pains.—Painful drawing from the legs through the thighs into the head, and thence back again into the pit of the stomach, during which attack her sight was obscured, and she felt qualmish. Pressure in different parts, as if on the bones, accompanied with a scraping, prickling sensation. Paroxysm : when walking in the open air he felt nauseated, intoxicated and giddy; he had heat in the face, with anguish and sweat, and was scarcely able to breathe; his feet felt so heavylthat he staggered (for an hour). Weariness and bruised feeling in the shoulders and thighs. Weak- ness of the body, not of mind.—Stiffness and heaviness in aU the limbs. The body feels very weary and as if bruised, with avereion to exercise, in the after- noon. Great lassitude in all the limbs, in the afternoon when sitting. While sitting he was several times attacked with drowsiness, without feeling tired. Sensation as if the whole body were very thin and delicate and could not resist the least attack, as if the continuity of the body would be dissolved. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The symptoms are most violent after three o'clock in the afternoon and night, preventing one from faUing asleep. -' 13. TONGO. TONG.—Baryosma tongo ; Conmarouma odorata ; Tongo-bean.—See Nek. ninc in Hartlaub and Trinks' Annals. SYMPTOMS. Head and Sensorium.—Weariness, with sensation as if the head were larger, towards the forepart, scarcely allowing him to close his eyes.—Compres- sive sensation m the occiput, with external sensitiveness. Pressure on the vertex, with throbbing—Drawing pain, particularly in the right frontal emi- nence. Drawing from the occiput through the head, as far as a painful lower u° i. }T drawmgdeep in the brain, when lying.—Tearing in the head the whole forenoon, with pressure and sticking, great Ul-humour, painful sensi- tiveness of the scalp, tearing in the left side of the face from below upwards, particularly on entering the room and going off at noon, after taking vinegar 984 TONGO. Sticking in the vertex, also with contractive cutting in the occiput. Sticking in the right side of the head, particularly when laughing, or succeeded by tearing in the ear. Stitch from the right parietal bone through the occiput. Throbbing stitch from the left parietal bone to the forehead, on leaning the head on the hand. Stitch in the right occiput, followed by tension, the itching of the skin going off by scratching.—Beating headache early after rising, with heavi- ness of the head. Beating pain on both sides of the head on entering the room, after dinner, with sensation as if screwed together, and external sensitiveness of the scalp. Beating in the left side of the head, towards the vertex, followed by tearing on the left parietal bone, and stitches in the head. Ulcerative pain in the right occiput, with sensitiveness of the skin to the touch.—Heat in tho head.—The headache is reUeved by taking vinegar.—Sensitiveness of the scalp to contact. Tension at a smaU spot of the scalp. Tearing over the left •rbit of the eye. Eyes and Nose.—Pressure in the right inner canthus as if from sand. Drawing and tension in the left lower lid. Violent twitching in the right lid, pressing out tears. Tearing over the margin of the right eye. Itching of the inner canthus. Burning and dryness of the eyes, particularly in the afternpon, or in the evening on reading. Tearing in the ears, particularly in the left, suc- ceeded by tingling. Deeply-penetrating tearing in the ears. Stitches in the right ear from without inwards. Painful creeping in the right ear, going off by boring with the finger into the ear. Itching in the right ear, worse by scratch- ing.—Tearing in the root of the nose, with desire to sneeze. Coryza with stop- page of the nose, until morning and returning at noon. Face and T^»eth.—Pale complexion, with red cheeks. Sensation as if the skin of the inner left cheek were drawn up. Tension in the right malar bone, with pressure as from a load.—Toothache relieved by vinegar.—Tearing in tho right lower jaw, with tingling itching in the tips and roots of the teeth, going off by pressing the teeth against each other. Tearing in the gums or roots of the teeth. Tearing in the upper molares, particularly in the afternoon on laughing, or in the roots, extending as far as the malar bone, succeeded by tingling in the tips, first aggravated, then relieved by pressure. Tearing in the left lower mo- lares, also as if they would be lifted out of their sockets by the roots, relieved by cold water, or made worse by pressure, Tearing in all the lower teeth from behind forwards, as if they would be lifted out of their sockets by the roots. Tearing from the left upper tooth into the head, early after rising.—Tingling in right molares, on pressing the teeth together, going off on opening the mouth. Stitch from the painful tooth to the nape of the neck. (J rumbling in the left lower tooth, aggravated by the contact of food.—Bleeding from a decayed mo- lar tooth, with sour taste.—Bleeding of the gums. Month, etc.—Constant accumulation of water in the mouth, particularly in the afternoon.—Roughness in the throat, going off after eating soup. Sensa- tion on the right side of the oesophagus, as if a rough, stinging body were rising into the ear where it seems to move about still longer.—Sourish taste, after ris- ing.—Frequent thirst.—Frequent eructations tasting of bitter almonds. Stomach and Abdomen.—Pecking sensation in the stomach, almost Uke splenetic stitches. Cutting around the stomach, along a narrow streak, on both sides of the stomach. Stinging, first on the right side of the stomach, then in the left knee, in the forenoon.—Stinging pecking in the region of the right hy- pochondrium. Burning and cutting in the right hypochondrium as from a sharp ripping up body, or as if a ribbon were cutting into the part, with sensitiveness to pressure.—The bowels are very sensitive (after the diarrhoea).—Burning tension in the right hypogastrium, and along the chest as far as the right sea- TONGO. 985 pula. Sensation in tke hypogastrium as if a string were being drawn around the right side, with biting and gnawing at a small spot, and great sensitiveness.— Pinching in both sides of the abdomen. Pinching in the epigastrium, with turning in the stomach as of a ball. Pinching with rumbUng, succeeded by discharge of mucus from the bowels and tenesmus.—Shifting of pinching flatu- lence in the abdomen, with discharge of hard faeces and clawing in the anus, re- maining long after the evacuation.—Painful pressure from without inwards, as if the abdominal walls would be drawn in. Burning in the abdomen, going and coming during walking. Sticking foUowed by burning, with sensation as a* an oblong depression existed there. StOO^ etc.—Violent ineffectual urging. Hard stool, with much straining. An ordinary evacuation isfoUowedby a very soft evacuation, with pinching and tenesmus. Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, followed by diarrhoeic stool with mucus, and succeeded by tenesmus. Urging to urinate, even in bed. Scanty urine with white sediment. Wine-coloured urine, depositing a sediment of viscous mucus immediately.—The menses are too early by seven days, and scanty. Discharge of thick mucus from the vagina, when straining at stool. (best) etc.—Burning in the larynx, with hoarseness.—Stitches deep in the chest. Stitches under the left chest, extending to the axilla. Burning stitches on raising the trunk after stooping. Burning and stinging in the xiphoid cartilage. Bruised sensation and cutting under the left chest, thence shifting to the pit of the stomach and back again, relieved by pressure.—Stinging in the region of the ribs, succeeded by burning and stinging on a large surface. Several attacks of sudden burning in the region of the left lower ribs, causing one to start, in the evening. Tensive burning in the left costal region, a hand's breadth bellow the axilla, when sitting, or inclining to the right side.—Pain in the small ' of the back, with sensitiveness to pressure. Violent pain as if bruised, when sitting, going off during motion. Pain as if sprained, on the left side of the nape of the neck, with sensitiveness to pressure, relieved by turning the head. Stitch from the right scapula through the shoulder, early in the morning. Extremities.—Stitches in the left shoulder, in front. Lancination in the right upper arm, or also in the head of the left humerus. Burning at the right elbow, going off by rubbing. Tearing over the left olecranon, going off for a short time by pressure. Tearing along the right ulna, as far as the wrist-joint. Pressure from within outwards in the region of the left radius. Tearing in a finger, or also in the articulation of the thumb. Stinging in several tendons of the fingers, at table.—Sticking in the right hip, when standing. Tearing in the left hip-joint, during an afternoon-walk, relieved by rubbing. Darting in the right thigh, when sitting, also relieved by pressing on the part. Tearing from the knee to the middle of the tibia, afterwards from the middle of the thigh to the hip-joint, reUeved by pressure. Violent tearing in the left thigh, as if in the femur, when standing; going off when sitting. Tearing at times in tho thigh, at others in the knee, relieved by pressure and walking, the whole day. When walking, the knees shake as if she would fall, (during the menses). Tearings in the right heel. Violent prickings in the ball of the right big toe, after dinner, when sitting. General Symptoms.—Tearing in the limbs, reUeved by motion and pres- sure. Epileptic paroxysms.—Yawning, with stretching and dread of labour, in the afternoon. Drowsiness and great indolence after dinner.—Chill in the open air, afternoon.—Sad and apprehensive. Bl-humoured, not disposed to anything, business, or conversation. Sensation of ease, soon after taking the drug. Great mirthfulness. ^ Characteristic Peculiarities.—Most of the symptoms come on whUe sit- ting, and during rest generally. 986 TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM. 244.—TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM. TRIOST. PERF.—Dr. Tinker's Weed, Wild Coffee, Gentian, Horse Gentian White Gentian, Horse Ginseng, Fever Root, Fever Wort, Wild Ipecac, Bastard Ipecacuanha, Sweet Bitter, Cinque, etc.—See Transactions or Amer. I>st., Vol. I. (The following symptoms were obtained from taking a few drops of the tinc- ture in water, every day, for three successive days.) Head.—Giddiness when rising at midnight, with extreme drowsiness.— Headache, which is worse in the right side of the fore part of the head, and right temple.—Pain in the back part of the head with sensation of weight.— Headache worse from sitting up.—Boring pain in the temples.—Pain in the right side of the head and in the back.—Pain in the nape and occiput, with coldness and stiffness in the feet. Eyes.—Slight pain in the left eye-ball. Nose •—Sneezing. Pharynx.—Soreness as if from sweUing of the pharynx, and pain in the oesophagus on swallowing. Appetite.—Increased appetite through the day.—Loathing of aU food.— Thirst, but not a very urgent desire for drink. Stomach.—At four o'clock in the morning, feeling of a load and oppression in the epigastrium, with throbbing and an undulating sensation all through the system.—Pain in the epigastrium, increased by drinking water, or by turning in bed.—Oppression in the epigastrium through the night.—Soreness in the epigastric region. Gastric Symptoms.—Slight nausea.—Nausea on rising, which was imme- diately followed by copious vomiting of very sour ingesta, attended with cramp in the stomach, and followed by perspiration and a pain in the forehead, which was worse on the left side.—Vomiting at five o'clock in the morning • on rising to- stool.—Vomiturition, attended with severe pain in the epigastrium, and draw- ing in the calves, almost amounting to a cramp.—Flatulency, confined to the stomach. Abdomen.—Heat and sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen in the evening. StOOl.—Stool in the morning, foUowed by numbness of the lower extrem- ities.—Copious evacuation of thin stools without pain.—The evacuations from the bowels seemed to proceed from the smaU intestines.^Stools watery or frothy, voided without pain, and followed by exhaustion.—Evacuation in the morning, preceded by pain in the abdomen. The evacuations are most frequent in the evening.—*Diarrhoea attended with ccUc pains.—Lrritation in the anu? with exudation of mucus. Genitals.—Discharge of semen during sleep without erection. Chest.—Audible beating of the heart and slight pain under the left breast. Back.—Pain in the right shoulder from lying on it.—Pain in the nape and back.—Pain in the nape with perspiration.—Rheumatic pain in the back from stooping.—Pain and stiffness in the loins.—The pain in the loins is confined to the left side. Extremities.—Stiffness of all the joints of the upper, as well as of the lower extremities.—Remarkable stiffness in the lower extremities with sUgbt coldness, and a tingling sensation.—Stiffness in the knees when attempting to rise.—Pain in the right knee.—Numbness in the calves.—Penetrating pain under and behind the left external malleolus after sleeping.—Stiffness of tht URTICA URENS. 987 joints of the toes, ankles and knees, when lying.—Drawing and shrinking sen- sation in the legs, and the most decided pricking in the soles of the feet.— Coldness and stiffness in the feet. Sleep.—Dulness and drowsiness, with disinclination to engage actively in business.—Greater cheerfulness.—Sleepiness without the abUity to sleep sound after midnight. Fever.—General perspiration.—Drying away of the perspiration, and de- velopment of fever, with hot skin and increased thirst;—Aching in all the bones. Skin.—Vesicular eruption on the forehead over the left eye, on the middle of the chest and on the right arm.—Very great itching at night, with welts all over the surface.—Violent itching eruption of the skin, generally with elevation of the skin. 245. URTICA URENS. CRT.—Recommended for burns, dysenteric diarrhoea, and nettle-rash. 246. I:VA URSI. UVA.—Arbutus uva ursi.—See Hahnemann's Organon. SYMPTOMS. Relieves ascites in affections of the heart and liver.—Painful micturition with burning. Slimy, purulent urine. Haematuria. 217. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. VALER.—See Staff's Additions. Compare wirn—Bell., Camph., Canth., Cocc, Coff., Con., Ign., Merc, Nux v Plat., Puis., Stann., Tarax., Spong. Antidotes.—Camph., Coff. Mind and Disposition.—Tremulousness, he has no rest anywhere as one feels when expecting a joyful event. Palpitation of the heart. Fearfulness m the evening when sitting in the dark (imagining that some one might hurt him). More cheerful than before; he comprehended everything more easUv than before; a sort of joyfulness, as is sometimes felt after drinking coffee Seriousness,.) Anxious, hypochondriac feeling, as if the objects around him had been estranged from him ; the room appears to him desolate, he does not feel at home in the room, he is impelled to leave it (from the vapour) Sensoriiim and Head.-Cloudiness (from the vapour). Feeling in the head, as after intoxication, somewhat elated. Sudden stupefaction in the SunidCfTg V°, Stigg,Cr and dm°St t0 faU t0 one sidePwhen standing! » Z1S 1D J10ad Wv™ St°0pine- FeeIinS of intoxication and vertigo when stooping, sensation as if everything were turning around her. Great flow of ideas, one chasing the other, as in intoxication ; confused, faint recollections .t former thoughts and actions presented themselves to his mind, but they 988 VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. chased each other with so much rapidity, that he at last became quite stupified and lost his thoughts; he felt Uke one who is dreaming (from the vapour). Sticking headache for eight hours. Sticking on the top of the head. Piercing drawing, with pressure, from the nape of the neck to the occiput, when bending the head backwards, at eleven o'clock in the morning, after two hours. Pres- sure and drawing penetrating into the side of the occiput, from the vapour. Passing pain, as from a hard blow on the vertex, a painful, stupifying, contra* t- ive sensation, affecting the whole head, although it emanates from the vertex as the centre, afterwards disappearing from the other parts of the head, and lastly from the vertex. Sensation of icy coldness in the upper half of the head, when pressing the hand firmly on the head. A current of air instantaneously causes a drawing pain in the right side of the head.—DuU pressure in the right tem- ple, from without inward, at intervals. Fleet jerkings in the right temple. Con- strictive drawing across the forehead. Xumb, tensive sensation behind the frontal eminence. A drawing together in the left half of the forehead, with a duU pressure. Violent pressure in the forehead, foUowed in a few minutes by sticking in the forehead, and especiaUy over the orbits; soon after the sticking changes again to pressure, and so on in constant alternation. The sticking is like a darting-tearing, as if it would pierce the eyes from within outward, continuing a few hours. Violent stitches (darting-tearing) in the middle of the forehead, deep interiorly, coming and going at intervals. Headache one hour after dinner, pressure over the eyes, as U' the eyeballs should be pressed out, especially when moving them; from one to four in the afternoon. Head- ache", the aching being especially violent over the orbits ; at eleven o'clock in the evening, second day. Painful drawing around the orbits, more toward the side, especially when stooping. Suddenly-passing feeling of heat in the head when stooping. The hair of the forehead sweats about noon, with stiffness of the loins, the pulse being 90. Sweat on the forehead about noon; after din- ner the eyes feel weak as after revelry. Eyes,—Tearing in the right eyeball (from the vapour). Smarting in ihe eyes, as if occasioned by smoke; at three o'clock in the afternoon, after six hours. Burning smarting in the eyes; at ten o'clock in the morning, second day.f Stitches in the inner canthus. Pain and swelhng of the eyeUds. SweU- ing of the lids, with smarting and stinging. Pressure in the eyes only in the morning after rising; the margins of the eyelids seem swollen and sore, espe- ciaUy in the region of the left inner canthus, they look red. Sensation of pres- sure in the right eye, as from a stye. The pupUs are somewhat dUated.— Dimness of sight early in the morning, and pain in the eyes, as if he had not slept sufficiently. °He sees things at a distance more distinctly than usual. .The eyes shine. ScintUlations before the eyes. *Black motes before the eyes. Light before the eyes in the dark; the closed and dark room seemed to him fiUed with the shine of twUight, so that he imagined he distinguished the ob- jects in the same ; this was accompanied with a sensation as if things were near him, even when not looking at them ; on looking, he perceived that the things were really there; at ten o'clock in the evening. Ears.—Slight jerkings in the right meatus auditorius. Crampy drawing in the left ear. Ringing in the ears in the evening, in bed, and illusion of hearing; t Ttese affections of the eyes, which had been entirely caused by Valer., without any disposition for such pains having existed before, were excited at intervals for the period of four months, the cause being frequently unknown. This shows that the symptoms or Valer are deeply rooted in the organism, and that it is with great difficulty that they aro removed- In this respect it is like the mercurial sufferings which frequently last for years, and during the whole of one's life, and sometimes return after having been dormant for months. VALERLVNA OFFICINALIS. 989 he imagined he heard the beU strike, at ten o'clock in the evening, after four- teen hours. SmeU and taste of fetid taUow. Face.—Crampy, quiokly-passing, repeated jerkings in the region of the left malar bone. Painful, crampy drawing in the right malar bone, passing, ymck painless twitching from time to time behind the skin of the left cheek, which he thought might be seen; this is however not the case ; it goes off for a short time by moving the hand over the cheek. In the open air the cheeks become hot and red, without sweat; a quarter of an hour afterwards sweat breaks out over the whole body, and especially in the face. Jaws and Teeth.—Repeated dartings, as from electricity, in the right ramus of the lower jaw. A pressure (almost resembling a darting) in the right side of the lower lip and in the gums of the right cuspidatus. Pimples in the white of the upper lip and on the cheek; small white vesicles on an elevated red border, painful to the touch. Toothache. Shooting pains in the teeth. Drawing in the teeth of the lower jaw, from before backwards, and in the upper jaw from behind forwards. Mouth and Pharynx.—FeeUng of dryness in the tip of the tongue, for a quarter of an hour, without thirst, early in the morning. Gradually-increasing sticking pain in the region of the velum pendulum palati, accompanied toward the end with a bitter taste in the mouth, and accumulation of saliva, inducing cough Cfrom the vapour). Scraping sensation in the throat, with an ineffectual desire to hawk. Taste and Appetite.—Early in the morning, after waking, he has a flat, slimy taste in the mouth. ► Bitter taste on the tip of the tongue, a quarter of an hour after eating meat and vegetables, when licking the lips. Before dinner ho has a taste and smeU as of fetid taUow. Violent appetite at dinner, affecting the stomach with a sort of nausea (canine hunger) ; although he remains in- different when thinking of eating, yet he eats with much relish, and a large quantity. Gastric Symptoms.—Frequent empty eructations. Frequent empty risings before a meal. Gulping up of a rancid fluid, not rising into the mouth (heart- burn.) Early in the morning, immediately after waking, risings, tasting of He- par sulphuris. Disposition to vtmit. Quickly-passing nausea, as if one would vomit. Nausea with desire to vomit, as if a thread were hanging in the throat, arising from the region of the umbiUeus, and gradually rising to the fauces, and exciting a copious accumulation of saliva. Warm rising from the epigastric region, arresting the breathing. She feels nauseated, faint, her lips are white, and the body is icy cold, followed by vomiting of bile and considerable chUls. Vomiting. Nightly vomiting. Pressure, which suddenly rises to the pit of the stomach and disappears speedily, with gurgling in the abdomen. Stomach and Abdomen.—Weakness of the abdomen. Painful jerks in the right hypochondrium. The epigastrium, and the region of the liver are painful to the touch. Violent stitches and pressing from within outward, in the region of the last true rib?, when standing. DuU sticking intermittent pressure on the left sid■}. and over the pit of the stomach, in the region of a cartilage of the ribs. Shotting cutting from the pit of the stomach to the umbilical region. c Abdominal spasms, particularly after dinner, or in the evening in bed. Two evenings in succession he is attacked with violent colic after ten o'clock, in the left sido of the abdomen, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration. The whole evening "he feels a pain in various parts of the abdomen, which is at one time felt Uke a pressing in the umbilical region. Bloatedness of the abdomen. Hard abdomen. Feeling in the abdomen as if it would become excessively distended, even unto bursting. Great incUnation to draw the abdomen in; he does it even 990 VALERIANA OFFICINALIS involuntarily (alternate effect). Pain in the abdomen when drawing it in, like a pinching and cutting. CoUe, in bed, in the evening; a pinching in the abdo- men. A sort of dragging in the abdomen, with a sort of nausea, as if the men- ses would come on. Digging-up pain in the abdomen. Aching pain in the ab- domen. Severe aching-drawing pain in the hypogastrium, from ten to eleven in the evening. DuU-aching pain iu the abdominal muscles, as if brui.-ed, or as if from a cold; worse during an inspiration. Pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, as if he had sprained the part, when sitting, at seven o'clock in the evening. Pressing crampy pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, when sitting. Drawing pain, as if bruised, in the left Uiac region, spreading to the middle of the abdomen ; shortly after, rumbUng in the bowels. Bruised j ain in the hypogastrium, especiaUy in the parts covering the os pubis, increasing in paroxysms, Uke a painful pressure or drawing. Drawing pressure in the in- guinal glands, only when spreading the thighs ; the place is painful to the touch. Stool.—Diarrhaa. Frequent evacuations. On getting up from stool he feels a severe tenesmus in the anus, as if diarrhoea would set in ; this disappears graduaUy, but returns with great violence in a few hours, obliging him to go to stool again, when he has a natural evacuation. (The baby, who had had fre- quent loose stools, has now many more looser and more watery discharges, in which soUd particles, resembling pieces of curdled milk, are floating.) On the first day the stool looks natural; after twenty-four hours he has a greeni.-h pa- pescent stool with some blood.—Boring in the rectum, at ten o'clock in the evening. Boring pain in the left side of the rectum, when standing, apparently in the sphincter. Stitch in the rectum when standing. Violent tearing in the anus when moving, a Uttle whUe sitting. Urinary Organs.—(When emitting water the baby cries and strains : oc- casionaUy he passes a Uttle blood by the rectum.) When emitting water the baby presses very hard, causing the dark-red rectum to protrude, when a few drops of blood faU out. Frequent emission of urine. Passing cramp-pain in the region of the bladder. Genital Organs.—Creeping and drawing in the penis, as if it had gone to sleep ; frequent erections the day previous. Tensive-gurgling pain in the right testicle when sitting. Chest.—Passing oppression of the chest, in the region of the lower true rib of the right side (from the vapour.) Difficulty of breathing and anxiety in the chest after the usual breakfast. When walking, he feels a pressure across the lower half of the chest, with oppression of breathing. Frequent stitches in the chest during a slow ride. Sudden stitches in the chest and in the region of the Uver from within outward, causing him to start. Darting-tearing pain in the chest. A few sudden jerks, like electric shocks, below the right axiUa. Dull stitch, resembling a pressing from within outward, in ihe left side of the chest (below the axilla), during a deep inspiration ; the stitch lasts as long as the in- spiration ; external pressure excites a sore pain. Sudden stitches in the re- gion of the heart when sitting erect or standing, abating when stooping, only during an inspiration. Back.—Drawing across the small of the back, in the evening, when in bed. BubbUng pressure above the anus in the region of the os coccygis. Intense pain in the left lumbar region above the hip, as if he had strained the parts a good deal, worse when standing, and especiaUy when sitting. Single stitches in the left side, below the short ribs. Stitches in the region of the kidney*, when sitting. Drawing pain in the back (Hahnemann). Rheumatic pains in the scapulae. 'Painfully-disagreeable itching in the axilla, at three o'clock in the afternoon. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. 991 Upper Limbs.—Smarting pressure as from an excoriation, or duU stitches 18 with a hard blunt instrument, in the region of the shoulder and in other places. DuU pressure, as if with the tip of the finger, in the region of the head of the humerus. A stinging pain in the region of the posterior border of the deltoid muscle, at eleven o'clock in the evening. Sudden crampy drawing (a sort of darting-tearing) in the muscles of the upper arm immediately above the bend of the elbow and in the outer muscles of the thigh, at noon. Crampy drawing in the region of the biceps in the right upper arm, from above down- wards (from the vapour). Crampy darting-tearing, like an electric shock, in the humerus, intensely painful. When laying the left arm on the table and bend- ing it, whUe writing, he experiences a drawing pain iu the deltoid muscle from above downward, and in the bend of the elbow; if he lets the arm hang down, the drawing is changed to a feeling of heaviness pervading the whole arm as far as the fingers, as if the limb were turgid with blood. In the muscles of the left arm, from the shoulder down to the fingers, he experiences a very painful drawing mixed with single stitches; a sort of tearing, which is neither increased nor decreased by any position of the limb; after taking a second dose, the tear- ing returned much more violently (although it had disappeared for several ^ hours) ; it disappeared afterwards in walking, after a violent stitch in the knee (so violent that she was scarcely able to walk), and was followed by a pain which moved up and down from the knee to the toes, and back again (being felt less when walking than when sitting); finaUy it affected Ukewise the ri^ht foot, although less. Stitches below the tip of the elbow; at six o'clock in the even- ing. (Tearing in the elbow-joint.) Pain as if bruised, in the bends of the elbows, when writing, afterwards extending as a drawing pain along the biceps muscle of the upper arm. Tearing in the inner side of the forearm, from below upward. Tremor of the hands, heat and redness of the cheeks, with warmth of the rest of the body. Sudden violent jerks in the hand, which disappear again immediately; the hand is afterwards painful to the touch. Crampy jerks through the thumb, as if caused by electricity, several times. Stitches in the middle phalanges of the fingers, in the bones. Lower Limbs.—Twitching and jerking in the muscles of the right hip. A bubbling pressure over the anus, in the parts covering the os coccygis. Crampy- toaring (tearing-darting) pain in the outer side of the thigh, extending into the hip. Crampy pain in the front part of the thigh, extending as far as the groin. Drawing in the outer side of the thighs from above downwards; it is felt only when extending the lower limb sideways; early in the morning, after two hours. Repeated darts, as from an electric spark, in the middle of the left thigh, when standing, followed by a bruised pain in the same parts. Dull pressure, recurring at intervals, abovo the left knee, across the thigh; afterwards descending again from the thigh to the knee. Pain as if bruised, from the middle of the right thigh above the knee, along the outer side, while riding in a carriage, especiaUy when the carriage jolts. When commencing to walk, especiaUy when missing a step, he feels a crampy pain above the bend of the right knee. Pain in the patolla;. Smarting in the outer side of the left knee, as if excoriated Tear- ing in the bends of the knees when sitting or standing. Dull pressure as with tin- tip of the finger, on the left side, below the left knee. Stitch in the front region of the tuberosity of the tibia. Excessive heaviness and lassitude of the eg»,whcn standing, going off when sitting. Bruised pain in the front part of the middle of the tibiae, when walking, as if the bones had been broken in that part and had not been entirely cured (continuing for days). After a violent stitch m the left knee she feels a pain extending from the'knee to the toes and back again, afterwards affeoting also the other limb; preceded by pain from the. 992 VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. shoulder to the fingers. Tensive pain from the bend of the knee through the whole calf, when sitting. Heaviness in the calves; when walking, she feels as if she could not get along easily. Lassitude and tension in the calves, when standing. When laying the right Umb across the left, he experiences a tearing in the left calf. Pulsative tearing in the right calf when when sitting.! Prick- ing pain in the outer side of the calf when sitting. Drawing in the tarsal joints when sitting. Pain as if bruised, in the left tarsal joint, while riding in a carriage, when the carriage jolted. Fleeting pain, as if sprained, in the right tarsal joint; the pain eame on after having gone up stairs fast; it was felt most when standing, scarcely any when walking; on the contrary, the pain seemed to disappear when walking. Darting-tearing in the inner border of the right foot, repeatedly, as if caused by electricity. Sudden pain as if bruised, in the outer ankle of the right foot; he feels the pain more when standing than when walking. Continuous sticking directly over the left maUeolus, in the region of the tendo-AchUlis. Drawing, and a weak feeling along the tendo-AchUlis. towards the heel, as if the part had lost aU strength, when sitting; disappear- ing when rising from a seat (from the vapour). Constant pain in the heels. When sitting, the heels, especially the right heel, feel painful. Stinging and pain in the heels when sitting. Tearing in the baU of the sole of either foot, with subsequent warmth. Tearing in the dorsum of the toes, especiaUy the big toes ; from eleven to twelve o'clock at night. Heaviness in the tips of the middle toes, accompanied with a drawing pain and as if there were sub- cutaneous ulceration, and with a cooUng sensation as if a current of air were moving through the sole of either foot as far as the calves. The tips of the toes feel painful. Sleep.—Yawning and stretching of the limbs. Great debflity and drowsi- ness in the evening. In the first night the sleep is disturbed with many con- fused dreams ; early in the morning he feels very tired. In the second night the sleep is disturbed with anxious and partly voluptuous dreams: for instance, that he is driving in a carriage through deep water. She and her baby sleep more quietly than before without any anxious or confused dreams (curative effect).—Sleeplessness. Tossing about during sleep. Fever.—Increased pulse. The pulse is somewhat accelerated and irregular, two or three beats being occasionally quicker than the others; at the same time the pulse is lighter. Pulse ninety, in the first quarter of an hour the beats are fuU and vigorous, in the second the diastole is shorter, the whole body being agreeably warm, and a tremulous anxious sensation being experienced which seems to proceed from the abdomen. Pulse unequal, in one minute sixty, and in the next ninety; weak and smaU. Pulse seventy-eight, after three quarters of an hour, the beats of the heart being weak and scarcely felt (eighty-six beats).—Chilliness. Paroxysms of shuddering from the nape of the neck downward. ChUly creeping over the whole body from above downward. Tremulous, passing chiUy feeling. Sijnochus. Increased warmth. Agreeable increase of internal and external warmth, the first two hours. Increased warmth the whole day, with quick and frequent pulse. Constant heat in the whole body, and uneasiness, the first four hours. Dry heat in the face and the whole body, in the evening when sitting. Flushes of heat over the cheeks for two hours, several times, in the evening, the pulse being sixty; with feeUng of dryness on the tongue, without thirst and without any previous chilUness. She i These four symptoms were very obstinate: they returned periodically even two or three months after the proving. } These pains returned for two or three months, without any previous disposition for them VERATRUM ALBUM. 993 feels warm all over, except in the region of the hip, where she feels as if she had cold water poured over her. Drawing-aching pain in the right side of the head, during the flushes of heat over the cheeks; the pain afterwards extends as an aching pain into the orbit of the right eye: colic one or two hours after. Increased warmth of the body the whole day, especially during motion, with -wr.it breaking out on the face, the forehead, etc., the pulse being strong, from eighty to ninety beats. During dinner he feels a heat in the whole body and face, with sweat in tin- hairs on the forehead. Heat the whole forenoon, and swe;it during tin." slightest motion. Frequent sweat. Heat and sweat over the whole body, especially in the face, as soon as he begins to walk. Skin.—Eruption, fb>t red and confluent, afterwards small, whife, hard, ele- vated pimples in numbers on the arm and chest. (■moral Symptoms.—°HYpochondriac and hysteric complaints. *Rhev- matic pains in the limbs, -generally between the joints, particularly when ex- cited by mercury. Slow, painful drawing and tearing-darting, as if in the bone (when sitting stiU). Paralytic numbness in the limbs. Paralytic pain in the knees, elbows and shoulder-joints, when ceasing to walk. Excessive debility in the bends of the knees and tarsal joints, with a bruised pain across the thighs and in the small of the back. After having walked a little, he feels a stiffness and painful wearinc.-s in the bends of the arms and knees. Bruised pain in the limbs. Drawing, in many places, here and there, like suddenly passing jerks. Twitching and jerking in various parts of the muscles, superficiaUy. Smarting pressure as if excoriated, or dull sticking as with a hard, blunt tool, at a small spot in various parts. Morbid irritation of the nerves ; although he appears more cheerful and vigorous than before, nevertheless his eyes, arms, knee-joints, feel very weak.t •218. VERATRUM ALBUM. VERAT.—White Hellebore.—Hahnemann's Mat. 3icd. Pur., IV. Compare with—Aeon., Ambr., Am., Ars., Bell., Bow, Bry., Camph., Caps., Canst., Chin., Cic, Coff, Coloc., Cupr., Dros., Ferr., Hell., Hyos., Ign., Ipec, Jod., Lauroc, Lye, Mangan., Magn. mur., Merc, Mez., Op., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph. ac, Puis., Ran. seel., Rhus t., Ruta, Sab., Sec. Sep., Sil., Spig., Staph., Stram.', Sulph., Tartar em., Zinc.—Verat. is frequently suita- ble after : Ars., Chin., Cupr., Phosph. ac—After Verat. are frequently indi- cated: Ars., Arm, Chin., Cupr., Ipec. Antidotks.—Aeon., Cainph., Coff.—Verat. is used as an antidote against Ars , Chin., Ferr. ° CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. KxccsMve pai Ivtic chronic debility, particularly after abuse of China and af- ter an exhausting illness, with disposition to faint.—Fainting from slight exer- tions, such as straining at stool—Fainting turns preceded by ancniish despon- dency.—Dry, iteh-hke eruptions of a child, with niehtly itching and crying in- flammation of the eyehds, constant diarrhoea, distention of the abdomen ema- nation.—Quotnlan fever: violent chiUiness, with much thirst, delirium, vertigo, , T? fi"rt ,lDd T* "li"1 effeCt °f Va,eriau which I'rpcedes ™v after symptom, is an ac- celeration of the pulse and congestions of the head. ' l VOL. II. 63 994 VERATRUM ALBUM. nausea, profuse sweat towards morning, without thirst, with paleness of face,. quotidian fever after abuse of quinine, with abdominal pains, constipation, spasms.—Tertian fever : chUliness without subsequent heat, afterwards warm sweat which soon changed to cold.—Abdominal typhus, with vomiting and diar- rhoea, coldness of the limbs and cold sweat. Typhus : vertigo, headache, rum- bUng in the abdomen, constant chilliness.—Hypochondria and abdominal pains —Nymphomania, with suppression or diminution of the lochial discharge.—Me- lancholy.—Hypochondriac melancholy (reheved).—Religious melancholy. Me- lancholy with disposition to suicide (reUeved).—Mania. Mania with lewdness and lascivious speeches.—Furious mania.—Puerperal mania, (in alternation with Bell.).—Precursory symptoms of apoplexy: Contraction and burning on the tongue, which changes to a cold feeling on drawing breath, vertigo, buzzing in the ears, dull pressure on the vertex, distortion of the mouth, feeling of numbness in the fingers of the right hand.—Nervous headache with nausea and vomiting.— Acute hydrocephalus of infants, with sopor, shrieking, boring with the head, dim eyes, contracted pupils, emaciation, disposition to vomit on raising the head, hot head, cool body, weak pulse, etc.—Strabismus and weakness of the eyes af- ter an operation for cataract.—(Blepharoptosis) paralysis of the eyelids.—He- meralopia.—Beating toothache and toothache of various kinds, with swelling of the face, great debility, nausea and vomiting, bruised feeling, failing of strength, coldness of the body, etc. Paralysis of the organs of deglutition.—Insatiable hunger.—Vomiting of the ingesta, with thin, slimy, brownish, diarrhoeic stools. Vomiting of a watery, tasteless liquid, with spasmodic choking. Vomiting which cannot be arrested, and is excited by drinking a little water, by moving or rais- ing one's-self. Morbus niger Hippocratis.—Pressure at the stomach, hiccough, retching, waterbrash with bitter taste, cutting in the abdomen, tearing in the Hmbs, coldness of the body and feet, in the case of a pregnant female.— Gastric symptoms with fever.—Cholera infantum.—Sproadic cholera.—Violent vo- miting with colic and diarrhoea.—Asiatic cholera: rice-water evacuations with retching and vomiting of a similar substance, with chilliness, choleric counte- nance, difficulty of breathing, diminished temperature of the skin, colicky pains, unquenchable thirst for cold water, coldness and paleness of the buccal cavity, tongue and lips, choleric voice, collapse of pulse, cold limbs, cold, clammy sweat on the face. Cholera with coldness of the body, excessive debility, cramps in the calves, retention of urine and cold sweats.—Cardialgia: violent, painful constriction of the stomach, extending to both praecordia, attended with several diarrhoeic stools.—Flatulent colic.—Umbilical hernia of new-born infants.— Costiveness of infants at the breast.—Violent diarrhoea.—Diarrhoea with vomit- ing, early in the morning and immediately after a meal.—Chronic diarrhoea.— Dysentery with painful cramps in the calves, vomiting or disposition to vomit, cold skin.—Menostasia.—Asthma thymicum.—Nightly cough.—Whooping- cough with irregular paroxysms and vomiting of a watery fluid.—Whooping- cough with choking.—Convulsive stage of the whooping-cough.—Suffocative catarrh. SYMPTOMS. Ulind and Disposition.—He does not talk, except when irritated, and then he scolds. He gets vexed when provoked. Taciturnity: he dreads to talk; talk- ing is very hard for him ; he speaks with a low and feeble voice. Cannot bear being spoken to. Every little thing irritates him. Vexed at the least trifle, accompanied with palpitation of the heart, and hurried, audible breathing. He hunts up other people's weak sides, and reproaches those persons with their weak sides. Activity and mobUity of the Umbs, the pains and emotions dimi- VERATRUM ALBUM. 995 nishing.—Excessive sensitiveness; increase of the mental powers. He is ex- tremely lively, eccentric, wild.—Loquacity.—Fear.—Despair.—Melancholia, and chilliness as if cold water were poured over him, accompanied with frequent desire to vomit. Sadness, despondency, grief, with involuntary weeping and disposition to lay down his head. She is disconsolate about her imaginary mis- fortune ; she runs about the room howling and screaming, her eyes turned to the floor, or she sits in a corner absorbed in reverie, ^moaning, weeping and lamenting ; worst in the evening; sleeps only until two o'clock. He moans and is beside himself, he cannot restrain himself. * Anxiety, as if he had committed an evil deed. * Anxiety, as if he apprehended some misfortune. Anxiety and vertigo. Excessive anguish in the evening and after dinner. Great anguish, the whole night. Great anguish, early in the morning. Sensation in his whole frame as if he were going to his end ; however, he is composed. Soft grief, un- til be sheds tears.—Slight delirium.—He is very noisy, wants to escape, and can scarcely be held back He curses and swears the whole night, and com- plains of a stupid feeling in the head, with headache and ptyalism. Stamps with his feet (with want of appetite).—Rage, with great heat of the body. Rage : he tears his clothes and does not talk. He bites his shoes to pieces, and eats them. He eats his own faeces. *He does not know his relatives. Scnsoriam.—Insanity : he says he is a hunter. He pretends he is a prince, and demeans himself with pride. He pretends he is deaf, and blind, and has a cancer. She pretends she is in labor. She boasts of being pregnant. She says she will soon be confined. She kisses everybody, previous to the appear- and1 of the menses. Bright redness and heat of the face, with constant laugh- ing. Alternation of laughing and moaning. He sings and whistles merrily, in the night. She claps her hands over her head and sings; accompanied with cough and tenacious mucus in the ches1. Frequent paroxysms; she runs about in the room until she falls down. She screams and runs about, with a dark-blue face. Uneasiness of mind, oppression and anxiety. Anxiety, scream- ing and running about. Screaming and running about, with paleness of face and fearfulness. Fearfulness, terminating in frequent eructations. Tendency to start and fearfulness. His head feels bright, when he is busy: but when he has nothing to do, he feels stupid and is taciturn. Eager to work, with restlessness; he attempts a great many things, but he gets tired of a thing as soon as hegun ; he does not accomplish anything. A sort of indif- ference the whole day; he frequently rubbed his forehead, in order to clear up his mind. Want of ideas. He loses his mind. He is only conscious of himself as in a dream. cFurious delirium. Bland delirium ; coldness of the body, with his eyes open, and a cheerful and sometimes a smiling countenance • he talks of religious things, and of vows which he had promised to-fulfil; he prays, and he imagines he is anywhere else than home. His memory leaves him. Reeling and intoxication. Dizzy, as if nothing in his head were firm. Dizzy for three days. Excessive dizziness.—Vanishing of the senses.—Stupid feeling in the head, with nausea, for two days. Painful dulness of the head, with contracted pupils. Head.—Headache, with some stiffness. Headache, with vomiting of green mucus. °Hi adache, with nausea, vomiting and pale face. Headache and pain in the back with colic, and desire to vomit. Painful dulness of the head, with tensive pressure now in the temples, now in the vertex, most violent when sit- ting straight and standing, diminished when stooping and when lying on the hack, with contraction of the pupils. Violent headache with diuresis. Dull headache, extending from the temples to the fcrehead, increased by stooping jjoiug off by bending backward, and by pressing on the head, but returning 996 VERATRUM ALBUM. again when raising the head. Intermittent beating headache. Beatin» head- ache, over the left eye, for a quarter of an hour.—Dull pressure in the vertex, early in the morning after waking. Aching pain in one side of the head, ac- companied with pain in the stomach.—Headache as if the brain were broken.__ Paroxysms of pain in various parts of the brain, partly as if bruised, partly pressure.—Constrictive headache, with constrictive pain in the fauces. When stooping the blood rushes to the head. °Burning in the brain. When walking the headache increases unto reeling, but it^ abates again when sitting. Pressing pain in the vertex, as if the head were pressed flat, changed to a beating pain by motion.—Internal cutting in the vertex.—Single stitches in the forehead, even when sitting. His head feels heavy, and everything seems to turn in the head.—Buzzing and humming in the fore part of the forehead, with dull internal headache.—Drawing pain in the head and small of the back.—Excessive head- ache, disappearing at the appearance of the menses.—Concussion in the head and jerking in the left arm, with paleness of the fingers. Scalp.—Sensation along the temple, as of a drop of water running down, without producing a cool sensation. Feeling of warmth and coldness on the bead at the same time, *his hairs being sensitive. * He feels chilly on the top of the head, and at the same time about the feet. Itching of the forehead. *Cold sweat on the forehead. °Sensation as 6f a piece of ice on the head. Corrosive itching, continuous stitch in the hairy scalp, obliging him to scratch. Sensation on the right side of the head as if a cluster of hairs were electrified, a sort of creeping in the hairs and a tendency to stand on end, with a slight shuddering of the skin under the hairs. Eyes.—Pain in the eyes. Complains of pain in both eyes, and raises the hands above the head. Painful pressure in the eye, with want of appetite. Pressure in the eyehds, as if too dry, after a short siesta, followed by lachry- mation. Painful feeUng of dryness in the upper eyeUd, as if salt were between it and the eyeball, without any considerable redness of the eye, after dinner. Painful sticking, with pressure in the upper eyelid, near the outer canthus. Fine, sharp stitches in the canthi. Stinging itching in the inner sides of the eyelids. Bruising pain of the right eyebaU near the outer canthus, in parox- ysms ; when pressing on it, it ceases to ache. Profuse lachrymation and cutting pains, accompanied with a feeling of dryness and heat. Long-continuing, strong feeling of heat in the eyes. The eyelids are glued together during sleep. Heat in the eyes and face, with redness of the cheeks, as if caused by a hot vapour Wowing on them. Painful ophthalmia with excessive headache, preventing the nightly sleep. Ophthalmia with tearing pain. Weak feeling in the eyes. The eyes look faint, surrounded with blue rings.—The eyes are distorted and pro- trude.—A sort of paralysis of the eyelids; they felt as if too heavy: he was scarcely able to raise them.—Feeling of dryness about the eyelids. The eye- hds are dry, especially after he has been sleeping; they are painful as if exco- riated ; they are rigid and glued together. Excessive dryness of the eyelids. Contraction of the pupUs (immediately and after six hours); also with continued compressive pain in the eyes.—Excessive dilatation of the pupils, with percepti- ble weakness of sight; he does not even recognise persons standing close by, or recognises them only very slowly (at 7 o'clock in the evening). Heat in the eyes with headache. Inflammation oftlie right eye. Inflammation of the right eye with febrUe heat. The eyes look watery, as if covered with albumen.— Blueness of the left eye, with frequent eructations.—The eyes are turned back- ward so that the whites only can be seen, for an hour.—Scintillations before the eyes.—When rising he sees black spots and sparks before his eyes; he was on that account unable to rise for eight hours, and had either to sit still or Ue VERATRUM ALBUM. 997 down.—Vanishing of sight; he is unable to tee.—Diplopia. •Hemeralopia, commencing at twilight. Face.—*Cold, disfigured face, as of a dead person, °also with pointed nose and sunken cheeks. Bluish face. ° Yellowish face. *Paleface. ^Dark-red, hot face. Redness of face with great thirst and diuresis. * Extreme redness and heat of the face. °One cheek is red, the other pale. °Redness of the face when lying, paleness on rising. °Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Burning on the face and about the head. Itching here and there in the face, and behind the ears, as if pimples would break out (without any visible redness,) with a feeUng of soreness behind the ears. TitiUating itching in different parts of the face, rather biting than stinging; afterwards smaU red pimples break out, with n d, hard, elevated borders, and brown, afterwards yellow tips containing pus; these are painless at first, but when matured they are sore to the touch.— Thick rash on the cheek, with pain in the face. Copper-red eruption in the face, around the mouth and the chin.—SweUing of the face for several days. Jerking-pinching sensation in the muscular parts of the face. Drawing and ten- sive pain over the whole right side of the face and over the right ear. *Sweat in the face and in the axillae, when walking. Jerking in the cheek at noon ; scintillations before the left eye; paleness of face and fainting, followed by vo- miting of a cpaantity of white foam; the paroxysm returns, for three days. Stitches in the right cheek and the right chest, with ptyalism.—The skin of the lips become chapped. °Dry, black and parched Ups. Burning of the vermilion border of the upper lip, and a little above. Vesicles near the left corner of the mouth. Red eruption around the mouth and on the chin. Dry Ups and dry mouth, in the evening, not without thirst. Pimple near the corner of the mouth, in tho margin of the vermUion border, painful, particularly when touched. Ears.—Pressing in the right ear, early in the morning. Tingling in the ear. —Roaring in the ears as of wind. Sensation as of a pellicle being stretched across the ear. One or the other ear is stopped up. Aching pain in the mea- tus auditorius. (Tearing in the lobule.) Sharp stitches behind the left ear and jaw. Single stitches deep in the left ear. Sensation as of a cold breath in the right ear, followed by a feeling of great heat in the ear, then again a feeling of coldness; this alternates several times. When rising from a seat be is attacked at once with a humming and roaring in the ears, and he fan- cies he sees nothing but fire before his eyes, for eight hours. He complains of deafness, and pain in the chest. Biting titiUation and itching below the right lobule. Nose.—Red spots on the nose. Vesicles on the nose, close to each other. Hemorrhage from the right nostril. SmeU as of manure. Sensation as if the nose were too dry inside. Bleeding of the nose, while sleeping, at night. Sensa- tion as if the nose was ulcerated inside. Sensation as if the nasal bone were compressed and pressed in. Jaws and Teeth.—Lock-jaw. Dull pressure in the muscles of the left jaw, resembling a strong pressure with a duU-pointed piece of wood. Stick- ing pam in the articulation of the jaw when opening the mouth, preventing ..m from depressing the lower jaw easily. When eating, all the muscles of the lower jaw are painful as if bruised-, so that he is obliged to stop chew- ing I ainful blotch on the lower jaw; when touching it, it causes at first a contrartive pam, but afterwards it changed toapustule with an inflamed border. Smarting pam in the front part of the lower jaw. SweUing of the left sub-max- illary glands, accompanied with sore throat, especially on the left side, causing a sort of strangulation and constriction of the fauces when swallowing, continu- ing a short while after swallowing. Pain in the sub-maxiUary glands as if pinch. 998 VERATRUM ALBUM. ed.—Grinding of the teeth.—Swelling of the gums and jaws.—Violent tooth- ache and headache.—First he had toothache, afterwards the face was red and swollen. *Great weakness, with the toothache and the inflammation of the tonsUs. A pain in the upper and left molar teeth, pressure and weariness, as if filkd with lead. The toothache is at first a painful pressure; after- wards, when chewing, it changes to a drawing extending to the roots of the tooth, even when taking only soft things between the teeth. °Beating tooth- ache. °Toothache with nausea and vomiting, bruised feeling and coldness of the limbs, cold sweat on the forehead, internal heat and unquenchable thirst. —Looseness of the teeth. Month, Pharynx, and (Esophagus.—-Spasmodic constriction and stran- gulation of the oesophagus, as if one had eaten an astringent pear. Contraction of the oesophagus, as if occasioned by a tumour. Burning in the throat. Scraping in the throat. Roughness in the throat. Numb sensation in the pa- late, as if a burnt place had been healed and were covered with a thick epi- dermis, or as if the palate were lined with the skin of a plum. Dryness in the throat, which cannot be removed by drink. Sensation of coldness in tha oesophagus from below upward, (a cold spot being likewise felt in the pos- terior part of the palate;) this is soon followed by the gulping up of a quantity of warm, sweetish-saltish, slimy fluid; after which the coldness in the oesophagus and palate abates for a while, but then returns. Drawing pain in the throat, thirst, and colic. Distention of the oesophagus, also with sensation as if he would suffocate. Iflonth.—Stammering —Speechlessness. Burning on the tongue and in the pharynx. Burning in the mouth, as if rubbed with pepper; however, the mouth is not dry. Inflammation of the buccal cavity.—Warm sensation in the posterior part of the mouth and fauces. Pain in the mouth after the nausea ; afterwards considerable inflammation in the mouth; lastly redness and swelling of the tongue. °The tongue is dry, blackish and cracked. ° YoUow-coated tongue.—Dryness in the region of the palate, and desire for water. Dryness and viscidity, in the mouth, without any particular thirst. Early in the morn- ing, after waking, he has for an hour an extremely troublesome feeling of dry- ness in the mouth, and viscidity, without thirst, diminishing but little after rins- ing the mouth. The mouth feels alternately dry and viscid, and then watery. —Accumulation of tasteless water in the mouth, Ptyalism. Flow of viscid saliva. Sudden accumulation of a quantity of water in the mouth, which ho cannot swallow quickly enough, and which therefore chokes him somewhat. Increased flow of saliva with an acrid, saltish taste in the mouth and on the tongue, and great heat in the palm of the hand and in the pit of the stomach. Flow of mucus from the mouth, toward noon. Taste, Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.—Aversion to warm food, with desire for fruit. *Desire for fruit. Desire for lemon juice.—* Desire for acid things. °Desire for cooling things. Diminished taste ; pappy tasle. Con- stant sourish taste, with accumulation of a quantity of watery saliva. Taste- less saliva ; no taste in the mouth. Taste and coolness in the mouth, as is oc- casioned by peppermint. Putrid, herb-like taste in the mouth. Smarting taste as of peppermint with sensation as of heat rising from the asophagus in- to the mouth, which continues and is attended with nausea and inclination to vomit. Putrid taste, as of manure. °Bitter taste as of bile. Voracity with- out thirst. °Canine hunger.—* Unquenchable thirst, -particularly for cold drinks.—Hunger and great thirst. No desire for warm food at noon, but so much the more for fruit. Desires only cold things, herrings, sardines, fruit.— Continuous greediness for sour cucumbers. Has no appetite or hunger; did < VERATRUM ALBUM 999 not relish his food. Empty eructations (immediately). Eructations even be- fore breakfast; sour eructations in the afternoon. *Bitter eructations. Empty eructations in the evening after lying down in bed-, followed by a scraping sen- sation in the region of the larynx, almost as after heartburn. (Eructations tasting of the ingesta.) Frequent expectoration of mucus, after frequent eructations. Con- stant eructations, with disposition to vomit, and accompanied with excessive cough. Constant flow of saliva from the mouth, like water-brash. Nausea, with hunger and pressure in the region of the stomach, while eating, disappearing after eating. Dis- position to vomit after breakfast, going off after dinner. Great nausea before break- fast. Inclination to vomit with a bilious taste in the mouth. Hiccough. Hiccough in the morning when smoking. Cardialgia. Hiccough, continuing a long whUe. Fulness in the chest, he would like to eructate all the time, without any nau- sea. Frequent disposition to nausea. Drinking is followed by shuddering or goose-skin. Diuresis, accompanying hunger and thirst. He feels qualmish; he would like to eat, still he has no appetite for food.—He eats a good deal, still ho complains of hunger and emptiness of the stomach. Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach. Nausea. Constant nausea and ptyalism, the appetite and thirst being natural. Great nausea and disposition to vomit, with great thirst. Great nausea, with profuse flow of saliva. Nausea, with great thirst and diuresis, for three days. Great nausea, with red, sweaty face. Disposition to vomit, and hoarseness ; a good deal of cough. Disposition to vomit, foam coming out of his mouth.—Disposition to vomit, with lockjaw. Disposition to vomit and ptyalism, with lock-jaw. Excessive desire to vomit, even unto faint- ing. °Bitter vomiting. * Vomit ing of the ingesta.— Vomiting of ihe ingesta with green mucus. Vomiting of all the food he had taken, and long sleep. Vomiting of green mucus, afterwards of copious froth. Vomiting of green mu- cus, followed by chilliness. Vomiting of froth, followed by vomiting of a yel- low-green, sour-smelling mucus. Nightly vomiting of tenacious mucus. Vomit- ing of white mucus at night. Vomiting of white mucus, with good appetite. Vomiting of dark-green mucus, with diarrhoea, in spite of which he has an ap- petite for eating and drinking. Vomiting of a good deal of mucus, with exces- sive weakness. Vomiting of black-green mucus. * Black vomit. *Vomiting of bile and mucus, then of black bile, aud lastly of blood.—Cholera. Violent, excessive vomiting. Two paroxysms of vomiting, three or four turns of vomit- i»g cadi time ; the nausea continued between the paroxysms ; the things vomited smelled sour.f Vomiting of bile, afterwards of tenacious mucus. Every vomit- ing was preceded by shuddering over the whole body. He has to lie down even at the commencement of the vomiting; after the vomiting he feels so de- bilitated that the femora feel as if they would escape frcm the acetabula. Cold hands previous to the vomiting; after the vomiting the hands became hot, with orgasm of the blood. Vomiting with heat of the body. "Painful retraction of the abdomen during the vomiting. °The vomiting is renewed by the least mo- tion, or by swallowing the least quantity of liquid. "Vomitino- with diarrhoea and pressure in the pit of the stomach. "Asiatic cholera. Stomach and Abdomen.—Crampy pain in the pit of the stomach, espe- cially when walking. Pain in the stomach as from canine hunger. Feeling of weakness in the stomach with internal coldness in the region of the stomach, and a slight pressure. "Painful sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach. "An- guish in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the pit of the stomach. "Inflam- mation of the stomach. V * Violent pressure in the pit oftlie stomach, extending e«ct^'/rui!nir^Wdbydrinkin?C°,d mUk'butthe Patient was attacked with 1000 VERATRUM ALBUM. as far as the sternum, the infra-costal region and the ossa ilii.—Pricking in the region of the spleen, after a moderate meal, when walking in the open ^ir. —Tensive pain in the hypophondria, as from flatulence. Painful pressure and drawing around the pit of the stomach. Pain in the hypochondria and chest, owing to a deficient emission of flatulence. *Pain in the abdomen here and there, as if cut with knives (immediately). Drawing tearing pain deep in the abdomen, for minutes, most violent above the pubic bone. °Colic after a cold, or °after abuse of Chin. Cutting colic. Cutting colic with diarrhoea, early in the morning at four o'clock. Flatulent colic affecting the bowels and the whole abdomen, here and there ; the flatulence is emitted with so much more difficulty as it passes off more tardily. The intestines are painful, as if bruised, when the flatulence is not emitted. Painful pressure in the region of the ccecum, as if caused by a spasmodic incarceration of flatulence. Frequent emission of flatu- lence (the first hours). The flatulence passes off with great force upward and downward. Jerking in the abdominal muscles with warmth in the chest which is not disagreeable. Sensation before stool, deep in the abdomen, as if he would faint. Writhing sensation in the abdomen aud back, previous to stool, with great weakness; he felt lighter and stronger after stool.—Anxiety during an evacuation, with apprehension of apoplexy. Distention of the abdomen, with ptyalism. Swelling of the abdomen, with colic and emission of flatulence. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Colic, with loud rumbling. Painless grum- bling in the abdomen. Grumbling and pinching in the abdomen, as from flatu. lence, accompanied with scanty emission of flatulence. Rumbling in the abdo- men, as if he had diarrhoea, accompanied with frequent emission of wind. Com- plains of pain in the stomach, still he eats, drinks, and sleeps a good deal. Pains in the stomach and intestines. Pinching in the abdomen, at times below, at times above the umbilicus, in the afternoon, shortly after a meal; when sitting, it was felt at a different place than when walking, aud vice versa. Colic, thirst, and diuresis. Nightly colic, with sleeplessness. Colic in the umbUical region. Lancinating pain in the abdomen, soon after a meal. Cutting colic in the um- bUical region, with diuresis and thirst. At times he experiences a sticking colic, at times sticking pains here and there in the body, accompanied with a smarting in the throat, as from pepper.—Dull aching pain, as if bruised in the intestines in the pubic region, the whole morning, accompanied with a sensation in the left groin as if inguinal hernia would protrude, mostly when sitting. Colic around the umbilicus, as from flatulence, without any considerable tightness of the ab- domen. Pinching in the abdomen, as in diarrhoea, but without desire for stool. Drawing-aching pain in the evening during a walk. Colic from the back towards the umbilicus.—Drawing-pinching colic, foUowed by flatulence and expulsion of tenacious faeces, which adhere to the rectum. Frequent sensation in the abdo- men as if diarrhoea would set in, but without urging; a sort of laxness and rumbling in the abdomen. Sudden (pinching ?) colio early in the morning, in bed, followed immediately by urging; during the colic he expelled yeUow-green papescent faeces, the last portion of which were half mucus; the urging remain- ed after the evacuation, some mucus being yet passed in consequence of it; a bruising sensation in the bowels above the pubic bones, and a qualmish sensa- tion in the pit of the stomach remained. StOOl.—Constipation on the first day. Costiveness with diuresis. °Chronic constipation of infants. Heat and pain in the head with the costiveness. "Chronic constipation. The first portion of the stool is of large size; the latter consists of thin strings, although they have the proper consistence and colour. Unperceived discharge of loose faeces, with flatulence. Sudden, frequent loose stools (the first hours.) Flatulence after dinner, accompanied with unperceived VERATRUM ALBUM. 1001 discharge of Uquid stool; afterwards discharge of acrid faeces with tenesmus. Costiveness, owing to the hardness and size of the faces Urging m the epi- gastrium ; nevertheless the expulsion of fa3ces is either diflicult or does not take place at all, as if owing to a want of activity of the rectum, which does not seem to participate in the peristaltic movement of the rest of the intestines. JJuli colic, on account of the abdomen being distended by wind, as if the bowels were bound, with uneasiness. Suppression of all the secretions.t—Diarrhoea-with pain, the pain existing during and after stool. Motion as. if hernia would be- come incarcerated. "Diarrhoea with cutting before and after stool. "Greenish, watery, flocculent diarrhoea. °Brownish, "blackish, diarrhoea. "Nocturnal diar- rhoea. Excessive alvine discharges. Frequent and painful diarrhoea. *Fre- quent and violent diarrhoea (immediately). Diarrhoea with profuse sweat. Chilliness and shuddering with the frequent stools.—*Extreme weakness during Btool. During stool he turns pale. During stool he turns pale. Diarrhoea, with appetite for food or drink. Violent, bloody diarrhoea. The evacuations afre accompanied with a cold, profuse sweat on the forehead. Burning at the anus during stool (smarting pain at the anus). Pressing towards the anus with blind piles. Urinary Organs.—Burning urine. The scanty urine is yeUow and turbid, even while emitting it. Acrid urine. "Greenish urine. "Frequent, but scanty emission of dark-red urine. Stitch in the orifice of the urethra, after micturi- tion.—Pinching pain in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Pain in the urethra as if constricted behind the glans, accompanied with ineffectual de- sire to urinate, the bladder being empty. Painful pressure on the bladder, and burning during micturition. Burning in the forepart of the urethra during mic- turition. Involuntary micturition. Diuresis, with loud rumbling in the abdo- men. Diuresis, with profuse coryza. Genital Organs.—Soreness of the prepuce. Drawing pain in the testes. —Erections. Increased sensitiveness of the genital organs.—Re-appearance of the menses about new-moon, after having been suppressed a long time. Head- ache (tearing ?) especially in the uiorning, accompanied with a disposition to vomit, during the menstrual flow, which had delayed six weeks ; the headache abates in the evening. Profuse menses. The appearance of the menses is pre- ceded by bleeding at the nose. The menses appear too soon, on the thirteenth and ninth days. Pimples on the right labium, before the menses. The menses ;ire preceded by vertigo (toward noon) and sweat (at night). The menses are accompanied by buzzing in the ears, pain in aU the Umbs and great thirst. Grind- ing of the teeth, and bluish face, toward the end of the menses.—"Puerperal lever. "Suppression of the lochia, with delirium. ? "Nymphomania of lying-in females. Larynx, Trachea.—Spasmodic constriction of the larynx, with contrac- tion of the pupil. Paroxysms of constriction of the larynx, suffocative fits, vilh protruded eyes. Catarrh on the chest, without any real (involuntary) cough ; the viscid mucus has to be hawked up. Scraping in the throat, as in catarrh. Tickling in the lower parts of the bronchial tubes, inducing cough, with slight expectoration. Dry and hacking cough, excited by a titillation in the lowest region of the sternum (immediately.) Tickling in the lower part of the bronchial tubes, inducing cough, without expectoration. Stitches along the spermatic cord when coughing. Oppression of the chest, when Roughing. Short breath (a sort of oppression of the chest) when performing the least exercise, even at home; the cough does not cease untU he sits quite t Note by Hahnemann.—Forwme days,from too Urge a doee. 1002 VERATRUM ALBUM stUl. "Violent cough with constant eructations as if he would vcmit. "Cough resembling whooping-cough, with vomiting. "Cough with yellow expectoration, on entering the room, with bruised pain in the chest, after coughing. Pain in the chest, with dry cough. Pain in the side, and headache, with almost dry cough. Pain in the left side when coughing, with weakness and difficulty of breathing. Three or four turns of a deep hollow cough in the evening, which seems to proceed from the abdomen.—Long turns of hollow cough, with cutting pain in the abdomen. Titillation in the chest, as if cough would set in, in the middle of the sternum. Severe cough in the evening, for three hours, with pty- alism. Hoarse, dry cough at night. Severe, dry cough at night and in the morning. Frequent expectoration after a dry cough. Cough with profuse expectoration, blue face and involuntary emission of urine. Chest.—Spasmodic contraction of the intercostal muscles of the left side, arresting the breathing. Painful constriction of the chest. Cramp-like con- tractive pain in the left chest, returning periodically (immediately). Many paroxysms of oppression of the chest, and a pain in the side when taking an in- spiration, especially in the morning on rising. Cramp-pain in the region of the Bternum, more after drinking than eating.—Aching pain in the region of the sternum after eating or drinking. Pressure in the region of the sternum Pressure under the last rib, which ends in a stitch, worst during an inspi- ration. Cutting pain in the chest. Pain under the ribs, especially during an expiration. Several paroxysms during the day, of sticking pain in the right chest, arresting the breathing. Stinging-beating pain in the left chest, at a smaU spot. Excessive anguish arresting the breathing. Oppression of the chest, after burning in the throat and a gnawing pain in the stomach. Dys- pnoea and difficult breathing even when sitting, accompanied with headache. Dyspnoea, he cannot take sufficient breath, on account of the windpipe be- ing clogged up with tenacious mucus. Painful and difficult breathing. The breathing has almost ceased. Soft pressure on the chest, when standing, and oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest, when walking, and pressipg in the same, as if too full, arresting the breathing. Suffocative oppres- sion of breathing. Pulsative pressure in the left chest, in the region of the fourth rib, as with a dull point: when touching the part, it felt stre and as if there were subcutaneous ulceration. Stitches in the right side. Pain in the side, with pains in the region of the stomach. Pain in the region of aU the ribs. Pain in the side, in the mammae and thighs. Sharp, slow stitches, near the nipple, terminating in itching. Pain in the left chest, afterwards in the back. Frequent pain in the chest. Painful pressure in the upper part of the sternum, occurring regularly as beats in music. Griping pain in the right chest.—Violent beating of the heart, raising the ribs; the heart causes the hand to start back, without pain. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety and hurried, audible breathing. Paroxysms of anguish about the heart, which beats very strongly, with sensation as if it were very warm. Back.—Paralytic and bruising pain in the sacro-lumbar articulation and the knee-joint. Pain in the small of the back when walking on a level, not when sitting (in the morning). Stitch in the small of the back when stooping, con- tinuing a long while. Aching pain in the small of the back when standing. Pain in the loins. Pain in the loins and arthritic tearing pains in the lower limbs. Bruising pain in the left side of the small of the back, when stooping or when rising again. Intermittent stitches in the region of the os coccygis, when standing, more itching than stinging.—Pain from the scapulas along the whole of the back, with diuresis, thirst and costiveness. Colic in the umbilical region, after pain in the small of the back. When stooping and then rifling VERATRUM ALBUM. 1003 \gain, he feels an aching in the back, and as if the back were broken. A pain- ful drawing pressure and a bruising pain is experienced in the spine when walk- ing ; the pain goes off by pressure. During exercise he feels a rheumatic pain between the. scapula from the nape of the neck to the small of the back; it is especially violent when going to stool. Violent pressure in the region of the s ipulae, as if crushed and bruised. Heaviness of the nape of the neck; the cervical muscles refuse to support the head.—The muscles of the nape of the neck feel paralyzed. Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck, occa- sioning vertigo, especially during motion. Stinging around the neck aur! the chest, as from nettles, abating when gently rubbing the parts with the hand (with redness and rash-like pimples which could only be felt). Pain in the neck, as if the skin were sore. Pain between the scapulae, which becomes dragging when turning. Upper Limbs.—* Painful paralytic weakness in the upper and lower limbs; he is scarcely able to drag them. Cutting pain on the shoulder, one turn. Single stitches in the left shoulder-joint, even during rest. Dull, indescribable pain in the right axUla. Twitchings in either arm. Heavy pain in the middle of the left humerus, from above downward. Arthritic pain in the deltoid muscles and in the knee. *Paralylic and bruising pain in the arms; he can- not raise them and keep them raised without pain or effort. Paralytic and bruising pain of the left upper arm, when stretching it. The arms feel cold when raising them. Feeling in the arm as if it were too full and swoUem Pain in the middle of the left forearm, as if the bone were pressed upon. Trembling in the arm when grasping anything with the hand. Drawing pain in the bend of the elbows, when drawing them up; sensation as if there were a swelling in the bends, and as if this prevented him from drawing them up; accompanied with a paralytic feeling in the arm.—Jerking in the right wrist and further on toward the elbow. (Dry herpes between the thumb and index-finger, on the hand.) Corrosive itching of the inner side of the wrist. "Icy-coldness of the hands. Tingling in ihe hand as if it had gone to sleep. Tingling in the fingers, causing anxiety. The fingers feel dead, and as if gone to sleep. The metacarpal bones are painful to the touch. Red, painless blotches on the backs of the fingers between the second and third joints. Tensive pain in the middle-finger when moving it. "Drawing and cramp in the fingers. Pain in the joint of the thumb as if sprained. Burning-itching pain in the first joint of the littk'-finger, as if it had been frozen. Lower Limbs.—Difficult walking ; first the right, then the left hip-joint feels paralytic. The thighs and hips feel as if they would break : a paralytic pain is experienced in them. Weakness in the thighs and knees.—Staggering gait. Cramp-like drawing in the glutei muscles, when standing. Visible pulsative jerking, of the vastus externus, when sitting or standing; the muscle rose and descended again, regularly as the pulse; painless, and re- turning immediately after walking. Rheumatic drawing pain in the muscles of the thigh, when standing. Cramp-like painful pressure in the thigh or calf when bearing on that foot, less while standing. Pain in the thighs, when sitting, as if broken. Cramp-like drawing pain in the right thigh, whon standing, commencing in the bend of the knee. Cold smarting sensa- tion in the outer parts of the knee-joint. Cracking in the region of the knee. Cutting pain in tho knee, one turn. (Sticking in the knee and ankle.) Occa- sional drawing in the knees, when standing, walking or sitting. Tension of the bends of tho knees when standing or walking, as if too short. Bruising pain in tho knees when going dawn stairs. Painful jerking in the right knee. Visible raising of the knee when sitting, every quarter or half hour, without 1004 VERATRUM ALBUM. pain; she started every time; it ceased in the evening after lying down. Elec- tric starts, followed by a bruising pain in the knee and elbow. Pains in the ■ feet, especiaUy the knees, as if too weary, as if heavy stones were tied to the i parts; he has to move them hither and thither to find reUef.—When stepping he . experiences a pain below the knee, in the bone, as if it had been broken and were not yet firmly united. Painful heaviness of the legs, as if too ' weary. Pain in the calves and tibiae, as if they would break. Creeping in the legs as far as the knees; a painful tingling. Painful heaviness of the legs, at if threatened with paralysis, in the morning. Tearing pain in the tibiae, from :.'.•,ve downward. * Cramp in the calves (and feet) "also very violent. °Icy coldness of the feet. Burning of the tibiae, in the evening, as if they had been exposed to severe cold. Biting.itching and creeping sensation in the calf, when standing. Painful drawing through the tarsal joints, when sitting. Pain of the tarsal joints, when walking, as if sprained, after previously stretching the feet backward while sitting, so as to rest them on the backs of the toes. The feet sweU rapidly and become thin again in a few hours. Jerkings in the weak foot, when standing, in quick succession, not when walking. Coldness in the feet, as if cold water were flowing through them, with trembling. Tensive pain in the extensor muscles of the toes, when walking. Burning in the ankle. Sticking pains in the big toe. Return of gout. Burning itching in the left heel, deep- seated. Short-lasting, slicking pains in the toes of the right foot, when standing, for two hours. Violent stitch in the corn of the left foot, when sitting. Sore pain in the corn, when standing on tip-toe. Sleep.—Yawning and stretching after the siesta. Yawning, which was fre- quently so violent that it occasioned a roaring in the ears.—Repeated yawning and stretching, with weakness and a bruised feeUng in aU the limbe, as if he had not slept enough (in the morning). General debUity, as if he had not slept enough ; his mind was otherwise bright (in the morning). His mind was so lively for two evenings in succession that he was unable to go to sleep before midnight; accompanied with an intolerable feeling of heat, in bed (he tried to uncover himself), with restless tossing about. Long, uninterrupted sleep. Sleeps for three days, even during his epileptic fits.t) Quiet sleep, with thirst and diuresis. He fell asleep on his chair, with half consciousness. His sleep is disturbed with anguish and emotion: he complains that the blood in aU his veins, especially about the head, is burning, that a spasm arises from the chest towards the throat, with great heat of the head and hands; heat and aDguish disappeared in the open air, and were followed by frequent yawning. Ccma vigU. Coma vigil: one eye is open, the other is closed half or entirely, and he frequently starts as if in affright. Anxiety after going to bed, untU midnight; coma vigil, with drawing movements iu the abdomen, causing a humming in the head). Drowsiness, with starting as in affright, preventing sleep; afterwards febrile paroxysms. Sweat all over, in the evening, when he wants to go to sleep. Sweat in the morning, especially in the face; also in the day-time his face inclines to sweat. Heat and sweat, in the evening when in bed, but more heat. While sleeping he stretches his arms above his head (the first hours). Moaning during sleep. Vivid and anxious dreams about robbers; he woke as in affright, and imagined stiU that the dream was true. He dreams that he is chased violently. Indistinct dreams; he wakes unusually early in the morn- ing. Frightful dreams, followed by vomiting of tenacious, green mucus. Frightful anxious dreams at night, for instance, that he was bit by a dog ani was not able to escape. Quarrelsome dreams. t In the case of an epileptic patient. VERATRUM ALBUM. 1005 Fever.—Yawning. (He wakes in the night with a good deal of chilly trembling in the arm).—FebrUc motions. Shuddering, cold chilliness in the Akin, for instance, of the face. Coldness of the whole body. Fever returning for several days, sometimes for a long timet Quotidian fever, before mid- night. Heat and redness in the face, in the evening (and shuddering over the whole body); also in the morning, when in bed, the face feels hot. Heat on the sinciput and forehead, going over first into a warm, afterwards a continuous ™ld sweat on the forehead. Rednes3 and heat of the face, with slight chills.— Heat and redness of the face and heat ,of the hands, with an unsolicitous mood, which makes him heed only the nearest things, with tendency to start. * The whole body feels cold to him and others, (after eleven minutes). Coldness iru the wliole body, soon after taking the medicine, "also with cold, clammy nwoats. Internal cold thrill from the head to the toes of either foot, with thirst (immediately after taking the medicine). ChUliness over the whole body. Chilliness and shuddering early in the morning. ^Constant chills over the back and arms. Chilliness and shuddering the whole day, with drawing pain in the neck and back. ChflUness in the limbs, and a drawing pain in the.- same. Chill early in the morning after rising, whUe dressing. Occasional al- ternation of chilliness and heat, accompanied with vertigo, constant anxiety and disposition to vomit. Sudden alternation of complete paleness, and heat and rodness of the face. Chill in the morning, and coldness with thirst, for half an hour, without subsequent heat, with weakness in the limbs, especiaUy the thighs. Great desire for cold drinks (immediately). Much thirst, in the after- noon and evening, neat and glow, and redness of the cheeks, with contracted pupils and cold feet. Internal heat, without thirst. Heat and sweat all over, without thirst, pale face. Heat on the back, as if sweat would break out, in the evening, during a slow walk in the open air. "Intermittent fevers: "quo- tidian, "tertian, "quartan ; "setting in early in the morning or in the forenoon; "with external coldness only; with internal heat only and dark urine; "first, violent chill, (afterwards heat with thirst,) then sweat which soon changes to coldness; "chilliness with much thirst, followed by alternate chiUiness and heat, afterwards continual heat with thirst; "during the chilliness: vertigo, nausea, pains in the smaU of the back and back; "during the heat: constant slumber or delirium with red face.—"Typhoid fever, also lenteseent.?—Fever returning for several days ; some sweat of the hands. Profuse sweat all over, toward morning. Sweat having a bitter smell toward morning. *As soon as he rises from bis seat, a cold sweat breaks out on his forehead. *Cold sweat all over. *Cold sweat all over the head and trunk. Sour sweat. Sweat with burning skin. Long-lasting night-sweat. Profuse, continuous sweat, during a long sleep. Profuse sweat, with thirst and good appetite. Sweat with exces- sive thirst. *The pulse collapses, almost, imperceptible pulse. There is the usual number of pulsations, but the pulse is weak and almost imperceptible. Skin.—Corrosive itching of the skin. °Blue skin during cholera. * Cu- taneous eruptions, resembling itch; "dry, with nightly itching. Scaling off of the epidermis. Clusters of painful pimples, here and there. Rash; itching also in the day-time when one is warm (only in the joints ?); the places burnt after scratching them, and blotches made their appearance, as if occasioned by nettles. Heat and tingling in the whole body as far as the tips of the fingers and toes. Itching of the arms and feet as if an eruption would break out, but without redness. Burning sensation. Itching in the bones. t Not* by Hahnemann.—I have observed it sometimes in the evening, sometimes ia ths -norning. 1006 VERATRUM ALBUM. General Symptoms.—"Chronic ailments from abuse of China. "Bad effects from fear or fright, anger or chagrin.—"Scrofulous complaints.—"Attacks of pain, occasioning for a short time delirium and rage. *Paralytic pain in the limbs as after excessive fatigue.—"Pains in the limbs which do not bear the warmth of the bed, cease entirely on walking about, and generally appear early in the morning. Pain in the muscular parts of the body, composed of pressure and a bruised feeling. Sensation in the bones as if bruised. Shoot- ings in the body, here and there. Drawing pain in the limbs. Drawing pain in the limbs during a rapid walk, disappearing when continuing to walk. Tear- ing pain in the extensor muscles when sitting. (Pain in the limbs on which one is lying, as if the couch were hard as stone.) Pressure in the region of the ankle, as if it were touched and pressed immediately, momentarily. Stiff- ness of the limbs, especially in the forenoon and afternoon. The limbs go to sleep. When walking, his feet and knees feel heavy and strange. His arms and feet always feel as if gone to sleep, also when lying down. Stretching of the limbs. Cramp-hke drawing above the joints, in the limbs, from above upward, during motion. Convulsions in the limbs and profuse sweat; after- wards headache, vertigo, and a good deal of drinking. Chronic weakness The open air affects him like one who is just recovering frcm a severe illness. Sweats easUy during motion. Feels weak, as if the air had been too hot. Fainting fit. Slow motion of the body. Relaxation of the muscles. * Ex- cessive weakness.^ "Also after abuse of China. He apprehends a swoon. "He faints at the least motion. He falls down from weakness. Paralytic fail- ing of strength. Sudden failing of strength, inducing sleep, in the forenoon. Debility in all the limbs. Inclines to lie down. Sleepy weakness in the morning, preventing him frcm rising.—(Spasms, convulsions.!) "Tonic spasms with contraction of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. °Cataleptic fit, with lockjaw, loss of sensation and motion, convulsive twitching of the eyes; the paroxysms are preceded by anguish, despair, the patient being beside him- self. Epileptic convulsions. Trembling in all the limb6, horrid anguish about the heart, and disposition to faint. Twitching in the left cheek every noon, with scintillation, paleness of face and fainting, followed by vomitingTjf a quan- tity of white foam. Weakness all over, as after a long walk. Debility of ihe wJiole body, especially of the arms and hands; he was not able to lift up even a book. *He is unable to rise for eight hours; has either to sit or lie down ; when rising he is tormented by a horrid anguish, the forehead being covered with a cold sweat, and a nausea unto vomiting befalling him. The de- bUity continued when lying, but all the other symptoms ceased; they came on again on rising; they ceased likewise when sitting, but the headache remained. Characteristic Peculiarities.—"The pains in the limbs are worse in the fall and spring, also in bad, damp and chilly weather. "The pains are aggra- vated by the talking of other people. Many symptoms appear on rising and disappear again after lying down. t Which seemed to yield to iron. X The general spasms of Veratrura seem to set in shortly before death, and seem to be fc secondary symptom, indicating an inability on the part of the organism to react. «.M9. VERATRINUM. (See Noack and Trinks.) (From smaU doses.) Peculiar sensations in the stomach, frequently a sensation of coldness Warmth, and prickling, stinging, or somewhat electric sensations in the skin. (From large doses.) Burning in the stomach, ptyalism, loathing, nausea, colic, diarrhoea, increased urging to urinate, sweat, spasnndie symptoms, increased menstruation, duU pains, shooting sensations in the back, in various portions of muscles and in the joints, resembling electric sensations. (From applying it endermatically.) Warmth, prickling, burning, passing from the spot where the poison is applied to other parts of the skin, frequently disappearing suddenly at one and re-ap- pearing at some other place : electric currents in the nerves radiating in various directions; occasional sensation as if boiling water were running down the baek; slight convulsions. When rubbed on the back, electric currents are frequently experienced to the nervous plexuses of the abdomen, mammae and heart. When rubbed hard on the small of the back, the bladder is spasmodicaUy irritated, and a good deal of watery urine is voided, (Gebhard). (From ^ to ^ of a grain.) Sensation of prickling or sparkling in parts which are remote from the sto- mach, most frequently in the feet and tips of the fingers, elbows, bends of the knees, shoulder, forehead, eyebrows, less frequently and later on the thighs, ab- domen, back ; some experienced a coldness and others a warmth in several parts of the extremities and trunk, generally in the hands and feet, on the soles of the feet, in tho knees and mouth ; sensation of warmth in and around the stomach; transitory twitching and trembling; appetite; pustulous eruption around the mouth, resembling crusta lactea; rash: exanthem resembUng varicella (Forcke). S (From ^ to J of a grain.) Dull, afterwards burning pain in the lower part of the smaU of the back; afterwards increased stool accompanied with painful sensation in the abdomen, and sometimes with painful twitching in the lower extremities; stools of a wa! tery-mucous consistence; dryness of the mouth, burning, unquenchable thirst; nausea, vomiting, slimy, bloody stool; burning in the praecordia; scanty emis- sion ot thick and red urine ; coldness in the extremities, with trembling and in- sensibility; great unsteadiness during motion; inabUity to grasp the desired object directly, he first misses it in endeavoring to take hold of it; vertigo, deli- rium, fancies of a peculiar kind, the patients require to be reminded of what they ooght to do; paralysis of single limbs. Amtidotbs.—Black coffee with lemon-juice. 1008 VERBASCUM. (From i, \, 3 of a grain, employed endermaticaUy.) Constant sickness at the stomach: oppressions of the chest, electric shocks through the chest and epigastrium ; painful twitching in the Umbs. At the place where the drug was rubbed in, a pleasant warmth is experienced which increases to a burning. On continuing the endermatic use, an indescribable feeUng of uneasiness, with anxiety and a burning prickling is experienced, from which electric emanations are sent out in every direction ; violet-reddish erup- tion, intermediate between rash and petechise, with violent itching ; pulse acce- lerated and fuU; the urine is somewhat more copious. PtyahMn for several weeks, with an offensive sour smell coming out of the mouth (from the exter- nal use.) Miscarriage in the third month (from the external use). Strangury and ischuria renaUs of 48 hours' duration (Reiche). Tra'nsitorv photophobia and spasm of the eyebrows (in several dropsical patients, from the endermatic use). Li small doses, given internally: vomiturition, diarrhoea, increased secre- tion of bUe, slow circulation, impeded respiration, diminished animal heat, dis- turbance of the census communis, alteration of the quahty of the blood. Larger doses affect the voluntary muscles, producing weakness, convulsions, and teta- nus (Esche).—Intense feeling of pain, extending over aU the peripheral nerves of the abdomen; drawing along the spinal marrow, couvulsions, great anguish, orthopnoe ; nausea and vomiting, and indescribable sensation of malaise (from applying it to the pit of the stomach). From T'¥ of a grain, internaUy : Nausea, disposition to vomit, anguish, vertigo and complete loss of appetite (Ebers).— FeeUng of coldness, as if cold air were blowing on several parts of the body; other patients experience a sensation as if hot drops were poured upon their limbs ; convulsions and tremor of paralyzed parts. At the place where the poison was applied, the patients experienced prickling itching as from electric sparks, afterwards pain and burning ; the skin is slightly irritated, red, with in- creased turgor and warmth, even erythema which assumes a bluish-red appear. ance. After rubbing the drug in the skin: sensation as if the parts bad gone to sleep, formication, pain and itching in the limbs; redness of the con- junctiva, sneezing, accumulation of saUva; (in dropsical patients: increased sweat and urine, Ebers).—PtyaUsm; intolerable acridity in the mouth and pharynx, (Magendie). Post-mortem Examination In Animals.—From large doses: considerable contraction of the oesopha- gus, stomach and intestinal canal, of the gall-bladder and urinary bladder; considerable effusion of bile and mucus.—(Gebhard.) 250. VERBASCUM. VERB.—Verbascum thapsus, Great muUein, cow's lungwort.—See Hahne- mann's Mat. Med. Pura, VI. Antidote.—Camphor. ? CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS Prosopalgia, pressure in the region of the malar bone, in paroxysms, stupefy- ing and sticking, aggravated by pressing on the parts; or as if the zygomatic VERBASCUM. im>» processes of the temporal bones were pinched with pincers.—Cough from con- tinual titiUation in the throat, with a sharp, hoUow, trumpet-Uke sound, deep out of the chest. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Excessive mirthfulness. Lascivious fancies. Va- rious thoughts and fancies crowd upon the mind.—Indifference. Desponden- cy. Vexed the whole day. Vexed and peevish; nevertheless he likes to work, and to sec people around him.—Indisposition to work. Head.—Sudden vertigo, as from pressure on the whole head. Attacks of vertigo, on pressing the left cheek and supporting the head in this way. Dul- ness and confusion in the forehead, as if every thing would press through it.— Dull and painful heaviness of the head.—Stupefying drawing in the left temple, in a draught of air. Shooting in the left temple, afterwards in the right, exter- nally. Violent aching pain iu the whole right hemisphere of the brain, from within outwards. Violent painful pressure in the forehead, from within outwards, disappearing by stooping. Pressure in the left temple, from behind forwards. Violent pressure, from without inwards, in the left side of the temporal bone, as if stupefied. Shooting pressure in the left hemisphere of the brain. Violent, stupefying, deep pressure in the right frontal protuberance, on passing from a cold into a warm temperature. Pressure with tearing in the right hemisphere of the brain. Intermittent pressure and beating near the left frontal protuber- ance. Stupefying pressure on the whole left side of the head and face. Pain over the left orbit, less tearing than pressure. Aching in the vertex. Aching, stupefying pain in both sides of the forehead, in every position.—Violent inter- mittent sticking, deep-seated, behind the protuberance of the left parietal bones Stupefying, deeply-penetrating sticking in the right temple, during dinnerr aggravated by external pressure : in a few hours the pain shifts to the upper teeth of that side, and changes to a tearing. Stitch in the left occiput. # Vio- lent stitch in the left frontal eminence, slowly coming and going, from within outwards. Slow, long stitch through the left hemisphere of the brain, from be- hind forwards, with pressure. Deep, sharp, intermittent stitches between the left fronud eminence and the protuberance of the left parietal bone. Sharp, Btupefying cuttings, directly over the right temple. Fine prickings in the right side of the forehead, intermittent. Prickling in the left frontal cavity. Sensa- tion as if both temples were pinched with pincers.—Slow hammering in the left frontal eminence.—Pressing pain in the occiput. Constant pressing in the forehead from within outwards, particularly between the eyebrows.__Tension on the left side of the vertex, gradually changing to a sharp pressure, with sensa- tion a3 if the ramus of the left lower jaw were pressed against the upper jaw.__ Burning and prickling in the left temple. Eyes.-Heat in the eyes, and sensation as if the orbits were contracted Gauzy and watery dimsightedness; objects become indistinct and grow larger* the light of day seems to grow darker—Dilatation of the pupils. ' Ears.—Pimple in front of the right ear, with stinging pain when touched.— Violent tearing in the right ear. Painful tearing and drawing in the left ear, from without tnwarils Sensation as if the left ear were drawn inwards. Tearing stitch in the left ear. Sudden pressure behind the right ear with vio. kmt 6t,tch disappearing gradually. Sensation as if the ears were obstructed, first the, left, then the right. * Wosc.-Sensation on reading loud, as if the nose, larynx and ears were ob- •tructed. J Face.—Violent pressure on the right malar bone. Stupefying, intermitting 1010 VERBASCUM. pressure in the upper border of the left malar bone. Sensation as if violent pressure were made on the left malar bone, as far as the ear, aggravated by pressure with the hand, frequently during the day, in the evening before falling asleep, and in the morning on waking. Dull pressure in the region of the ar- ticular process of the temporal bone, aggravated by pressing the teeth together. The whole cheek is affected by the dull pressure in the articulation of the jaw, it increases to a stupefying tension. Intermittent, horrid sticking in the left malar bone. Tension in the left malar bone, in the articular process of the temporal bone, and in the frontal eminence, when exposed to a current of air and when the air blows on the parts. Sensation of dull pressure in ihe region of the zygoma. JaWS and Teeth.—Crampy sensation, with pressure, in the right lower jaw. Pressure in the left articulation of the jaw, affecting the whole cheek and chang- ing to violent tension. Violent tension in the integuments of the chin, the mas- seter muscles and neck.—Tearing pain in the right and left molar teeth. Month, CtC.—The tongue is brown at the root, early on rising, and in tbe forenoon, sometimes attended with flat, nauseous taste. Brown-yellow tongue, coated with tenacious mucus, accompanied with bad taste, immediately after dinner. —Hunger without appetite; wants to eat, but docs not relish any thing. Unquenchable thirst.—Empty eructations. Bitter eructations, with disposition to vomit. Gulping up of an insipid fluid. Accumulation of saltish water in the mouth.—Frequent hiccough. Stomach and Abdomen.—Pressure in the stomach. Sensation of great emptiness in the pit of the stomach, going off by grumbling in the left hypo- chondrium. Sticking on the left side near the xiphoid cartilage—Sticking pinching in the right hypochondrium. Stupefying, violent cutting below the left ribs. Deep stitch under the left ribs, causing one to start.—Pain, as if the bowels adhered to the peritoneum in the umbUical region and were pulled ont, aggravated by pressure. Frequent constriction of the abdemen in the umbili- cal region. The pain in the abdomen, which extends to the lower parts of the abdomen, occasions an urging to stool and a closing of the sphincter.—Pressure on the umbilicus as from a stone, aggravated by bending forward.—Pinching in the abdomen as from incarcerated flatulence. Cutting-pinching in the whole ab- domen, with frequent eructations, also here and there only, mounting towards the ribs, where the pain becomes seated. Sticking in the umbilical region, par- ticularly after dinner, aggravated by bending forwards and by deep inspirations, also in the dorsal vertebrae. Lancinations in the abdomen frcm above down- wards. Cutting in the right hypogastrium, over the pubic bones. Distention of the abdomen, with rumbling and eructations. Constant rumbling under the last ribs. Stool, etc.—Scanty discharge of stool like sheep's dung, with straining.— Frequent urging to urinate, with copious, frequent emission, in the fir6t two hours. Diminished secretion of urine after 7, and 36 hours.—Nocturnal emis- sions, without dreams. Larynx, etc.—Obstruction of the larynx and nose. ^Hoarseness, on read- ing loud.—Tension across the chest, after going to bed, with sticking in the re- gion of the heart. Pressure under the left nipple. Frequent sticking under tbe left nipple, on drawing breath, inducing deep inspirations on disappearing. Sticking in the region of tbe costal cartUages, externaUy, with pressure or op- pression, arresting the breathing. Back, etc.—Sticking in the region of the last dorsal vertebra. Cutting between the right loin and spinal column.—Sticking in tbe left scapula.—Tear- ing, with pressure, on the right shoulder, aggravated by motion. VINCA MINOR. 1011 Upper Extremities.—Cramp-like pressure from the left elbow to tbe fore- arm.—Itching on the forearm. Tearing in the left radius from above down- wards.—Tearing, with pressure, on the dorsum of the, right hand. Tension in the left wrist. Cramp-Uke pressure in the metacarpus, on moving the arms. Slicking, particularly in the palm of the hand. Cutting between two metacar- pal bones fiaraing, contusive pain, with sticking, in the metacarpal bone of the thumb.—L.-iming pain in the fingers of the left hand, particularly in the poste- rior joints. Contusive pain in the metacarpal bone of the Uttle finger, only dur- ing motion. Pecking, sticking in one of the joints. Violent sticking in the tip of the index-finger, shooting to the posterior-joint, during motion. Itching tingling in a finger of the left hand.—Deadness and insensibUity about the thumb. Sticking in the posterior joint of the left thumb. Cramp-Uke pressure in the right thumb, going off by motion. Lower Extremities.—Great heaviness in the lower limbs, on going up and down stairs. Staggering gait in the open air. Laming pain about the right thigh, on drawing up the limb while sitting, with sticking in those parts on step- ping. Drawing pressure, as far as the knee, when sitting. Cramp-pain in the thigh, during a walk in the open air.—Trembling knees, as after great fright. Sudden pain through the right knee. Spasmodic pain, with pressure, over the right knee when sitting or standing. Sticking over the right pateUa, on step- fnng.—Tearing in the leg, from above downwards. Crampy pressure, near the eft tarsal joint. Weariness and weakness in the bones of the right limb, on crossing tho right thigh over the left, when sitting.—Sticking in the left meta- tarsal bones. Crampy pressure in the right sole, aggravated by walking. Sleep.—Frequent stretching and yawning. Drowsiness after getting up in the morning, or after dinner.—Restless sleep, with dreams about wars and dead bodies. Fever.—Slight, passing coldness in the whole body, also of the hands and feet. Shuddering on one side of the body, from the shoulders to the thighs, as if cold water were poured over him.—Unquenchable thirst. 251. VINCA MINOR. VINC. MIN.—Wintergreen.—See Archiv. XVH. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. This plant is said to be a remedy for plica polonica (see Arch XI 3 n 138). Dr. Schuler has cured with it a badly-smeUing eruption on the head! to the face, and behind the ears. ^ SYMPTOMS. Head, etc.—Vertigo, with gauze and flickering before the eves Tearing in the head as if the skull would split, with hammering from withini outwards Cor- rode itching on the hairy scalp. The hairs are entangled as in plica Jonica -Humid eruptions on the head, with much vermin and nightly Sg with burning after scratching. Burning and itching of the eyelids, with redness Dimsightedness on reading.-Tingling in the ears, with sensation as if a r were pa .smg out, particularly m the left.-The tip of the nose becomes red on geS tbe least angry, brequent bleeding of the nose B^ung Face, etC-Pale face. Bloated face, with'pimples. The lips are, dry. 1012 VIOLA ODORATA. Swelling of the upper lip and of the corner of the mouth.—Aphthm in the mouth. Ulcers in the throat. Appetite, etc.—Flat taste. Alternate loss of appetite and insatiable hun- ger.—Rising of air. Vomiting of a yeUow, bitter fluid.—Fetid flatulence.— Tenesmus of the rectum. Exhausting stools, with burning at tbe anus.—Di- minished secretion of urine.—Excessively profuse menses, flowing Uke a stream of water, with great debUity. Larynx, etc.—Hoarseness. Spasmodic cough, with tickling in the larynx, and tenacious mucus iu the trachea. Oppression of the chest, with sticking.__ Painful tension in the nape of the neck, with stiffness and heaviness as from a load.—Spasmodic drawing and tearing in the arms and tips of the fingers. SweUing and stiffness of the anterior joints of the fingers, with burning in the naUs.—Burning and ulcerative pain of the left buttock. Spasmodic drawing in the feet and toes. General Symptoms.—Excessive debiUty. Arthritic tearing in the bones. Hemorrhages.—Sensitiveness of the skin, with redness and soreness from the least friction.—Sleeplessness and uneasiness at night.—Sudden shuddering. Heat of the cheeks, without redness. Pulse full and hard. Sensation of tre- mor in every blood-vessel.—Sadness, with fear of death. Attacks of anger, soon foUowed by repentance. 252. VIOLA ODORATA. VIOL. ODOR.—Violet.—Stapfs Additions. Compare with.—KaU, Mur. ac, Nux. v., Phosph., Plat. Antiiote.—Camph. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. Hypochondria and hysteric affections.—Hysteria, with constant disposition to weep, without any definite cause. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Dulness and painful confusion of the head. Vertigo, also when sit- ting.—Headache, with spasm of the eyes and a fiery semicircle be lore the eyes. Heaviness of the head, with sensation of weakness in the posterior cervical mus- cles. Rush of blood to the head, with prickling in the anterir.r portion of the head. Tension of the integuments of the head, extending to the face, nose, and ears, and frequently obliging him to draw the forehead • into wrinkles. Heat in the forehead. Eyes, Ears and Nose,—Spasm in the eyelids. The eyelids close, as if from drowsiness and heaviness. Sensation of compression in the eyeball. Heat and burning in the eyes. Fiery appearances before the eyes.—Stinging in the ears. He detests music, particularly the sound of the violin. Rushing and Binging in the ears.—The tip of the nose is numb, as from a blow. Face, etc.—Drawing pressure in the malar bones. Tension in the skin of tbe face, particularly under the eyes. Tearing from the lower jaw to the ear.— Tearing in the lower teeth.—Constipation, with ineffectual urging.—Nocturnal emissions, followed by headache. Chest, etc.—The breathing is heavy and scarcely perceptible, with difficult expirations, great anxiety and palpitation of the heart. Violent dyspnoea, with VIOLA TRICOLOR. 1013 Pressure on the chest, as from a stone.—Tension in the cervical muscles.— drawing pain in the elbow-joint and dorsum of the hand. Aching pain in tho wrist. General Symptoms.—General relaxation of aU the muscles. . Drawing pain in the Umbs. Bruising pain in aU the joints, on waking. Trembling of the limbs. Fleeting burning in different parts.—Yawning and lachrymation every morning. He sleeps on his back, with the left hand under his head and the knees bont.—Feverish shuddering, night-sweat. — Gloomy melancholy. * Hysteric mood, with constant weeping, without knowing why. Weakness of memory. Constant wandering of ideas. Great acuteness and activity of the mind. The mind is more active than the emotions. 253. VIOLA TRICOLOR. VIOL. TRIG—Jacea, Heart's-ease, Pansy. Archiv. Vn. Compare wi-rn.—Baryt., Caps., Mere, Natr. mur., Nitr. ac, Sulph., Viol. od. Antiootb.—Camph. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Fulness and dulness of the head. Vertigo and reeling.—Headache from tbe root of the nose into the brain, going off in the open air. Heaviness of the head which is drawn backwards in consequence, worse on raising the head; relieved by stooping. Aching pain in the forehead and temples. Sticking in the occiput, day and night. Shaking sensation in the brain, when walking.__ Pain in the eyes as if something hard were between the upper eyelids and the eye. Itching-cutting, stinging in the eye. The Uds close, with drowsiness. Face. etc.—Heat of the face, also of one cheek, (the one that is uncover- ed.) Thick, hard skin of the face. Tension in the integuments of the face and forehead.—Much saliva in the mouth, with feeling of dryness. • Appetite, etc.—Less of appetite. General heat after eating, particularly in the face, with oppression of the chest, and great anguish. Nausea and retching.—Cutting pains in the bowels, with urging to stool, flatulence and dis- charge of large pieces of mucus. Sticking, with pressure, in the diaphragm. StOOl, etc.—Soft stools. Copious emission of urine. The urine smells like cat s rfrinc. Stitches in the urethra. Sticking or pressure through the glans. Burning in the glans. Itching and swelling of the prepuce.—Leucorrhcea. Chest, etc.—Oppression and stitches in the region of the heart, on bending the chest forward when sitting. Anxiety about the heart, with palpitation, when lying.—(Vamp-pain and pinching contraction between the scapula, with cutting and tingling m the skin-?t\tehes in the shoulder-joints, elbows, forearms and fingers. The thighs feel bruised, early on waking. The knees give way in walking, with drawing in the calves and thighs. Muscular twitchings in the calves. Nicking in the patellae, tibia; and feet. General Symptoms-General relaxation of the body, as if he had not slept enough. Sticking pains in the limbs.-Rash over the whole body, with corro- TJ %"S 8cn"tM»—D~^'"'«« i° the afternoon. Restless sleep, with fre- Sn;ak,f He fdlsMfeep late, owing to ideas crowding upon his mind, J- r X P a .,Df muthe ra0rmng- Vivid and amorous dreams. Twitch- ing of the hands and clenching of tbe thumbs during sleep, with redness of the face, and general dry hent-Chilliness n the open air.-Hurriedness, as from 1014 VIPERA REDI. internal anxiety, with sensation of internal weakness. Weeping, peevish mood. Great quarrelsomeness and sensitiveness of temper. Disobedience. Indisposi- tion to work and talk. 254. VIPERA REDI. VIPER. R.—ItaUan viper.—See Hering's Treatise on the Poison of Ser- pents. Compare with.—Lacheshi. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Indifference to every thing she sees or hears.— Restlessness (and swoons.) Sensorium and Head.—Delirium, during the vomiting or pains.—Fre- quent vertigo, unto fainting, particularly during the nausea and vomiting.—Vio- lent headache, with disposition to sleep, restlessness increasing unto despair, glistening eyes, yeUow complexion with red cheeks, violent thirst, (with moist, white tongue with red borders), feeble, small pulse, constant disposition to faint, pains in the loins, warm, dry skin, constipation and copious secretion of clear urine. Eyes, etc.—Heat in the eyes and profuse lachrymation. Protruded eyes (with swelUng of the face.) Darkryellow eyes, (immediately.) Weakness of one eye. Obscuration of sight.—Swelling of the face, or particularly of the Ups and eyelids. Mouth, etc.—Burning on the tongue, when the poison is applied to it, the tongue sweUing up immediately. Moist tongue, with white borders, and red in the centre, (with cerebral symptoms.) Swelling of the tongue, which turns black-brown, and protrudes. Difficulty of speech, with sweUing of the tongue, or lock-jaw.—Burning in the fauces and chest. Difficulty of swaUowing. Res- piration is impeded by attempts to swaUow. Appetite, etc.—Astringent taste on the tongue.—Burning thirst with vio- lent heat.—Nausea and fainting.—Bilious vomiting. Convulsive vomiting, with eructations. Vomiting and diarrhoea. Vomiting and colic. Stomach, etc.—Violent pain in the umbUical region, during the vomiting. Enteritis. Stool and Urine.—Diarrhoea and vomiting, with profuse emission of urine. Chest.—Cannot bear any pressure on the larynx, the mere pressure of the shirt causes a feeling of suffocation. Fearful screaming, immediately.—Diffi- culty of breathing, with cold sweat.—Oppression of the chest, with anguish, or with chiUs and vertigo.—Burning in the larynx and chest, excessively painful. —Pain about the heart, with fainting. Stinging pain about the heart, with great weakness, difficult breathing, and copious sweats. Pain on the chest, pro- ceeding from the bitten hand or arm. Back, etc.—Pain in the back and abdomen, with bloatedness or profuse, emission of urine. Blisters on the shoulders. Large sweUing on the neck, which breaks, (after which the patient recovers.)—Violent tearing in the arms, wrist, elbow, particularly in the axUla, shoulders and chest, with restlessness, vomiting and sleeplessness. Numbness of the bitten hands and fingers, foUow- ed immediately by sweUing. VIPERA TORVA. 1016 81eep.—Great drowsiness, with languor, (cured by strong wine and running, which causes sweat to break out.) Sopor, with languor, loss of sight, difficult breathing, retching, vomiting, spasms, violent pain in the umbilical region, ten- sion of the abdomen, and small frequent pulse. Wants to sleep, even if he should die from it. The vomiting is followed by critical sleep, and feeling of case on awakening.—Ill feeling at night, with delirium and vomiting, Mowed by profuse sweat. Fever.—Coldness, with clammy sweats.—Shuddering, mingled with flashes of heat. Shuddering, after violent heat. Feverish motions, with quick, small, contracted, unequal, intermittent pulse.—Burning heat ascending along the bit- ten arm. Burning heat from the bitten heel to the tongue, with burning thirst, followed by uneasiness, feverish chills, debility and trembhng of the whole body. Burning heat through the whole body, with swelling of both hands, even the one which had not been bitten.—Pulse small and contracted, or feeble and irregular, or frequent, or quick. Pulse scarcely perceptible, also with fainting, or fre- quent, small and contracted. Pulse intermittent and small. Pulse slow, hard and full, with stiffness, coldness arid sweat.—Cold sweat, during the violent paroxysms. Profuse, or warm sweat. Skin.—Browni-n vesicles at the place where the bite had been inflicted. Lnrge gangrenous blisters around the wound, discharging a thin ichor.—Yel- low spots on the red and swollen limb. Reddish, black, lentil-sized spots aU over, even in the face.—Incipient erysipelas, or boils.—Gangrenous ulcers at the place where the bite had been inflicted, discharging a fetid ichor, with swelling and lameness of the part.—During the bite : Pain as from the sting of a wasp; flash of heat through the body; violent pains in the bitten limb, and stitches in the tips of the fingers ; mounting of burning heat from the bitten spot through the arm and chest. General Symptoms.—Paralysis of single limbs, or of one half of the body, frequently during life. The powers of the mind and body fail immediately in thnse who are bitten. Fainting, immediately after the bite, until aroused by cold water. Fainting with vertigo, nausea and pain about the heart. Fainting with stinging about the heart. Fainting with loss of sight and hearing, imper- ceptible pulse, bloated and cold body.—Rigidity and coldness of the body, with clammy sweat. Convulsions and spasms with shrieks. "Convulsions in hydro- phobia. °The spirits of viper are recommended for epilepsy. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The lungs are covered with bluish spots, emitting air when touched, the blood Being coagulated and black, the serum separated; heart and lungs are very much affected.—The blood in the ventricles is coagulated and black (in rabbits.) The aorta and the pulmonary artery are of a vermilion-red internallv likewise the edges of the valves of the heart. 255. VIPERA TORVA. VISen!entI0RV'~Gerinan viper—See a«W Treatise on the Poison of Compare with.—Lachesis. • 1016 VIPERA TORVA. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Restlessness, with headache wbieh drives him to despair.—Anguish, with vomiting (followed by recovery.) Sensorium and Head.—Loss of consciousness, with swelling.—Stupefac- tion with cutting'in the abdomen.—Cerebral affection. The eyes look as-if ho were raving mad, with staggering and stumbling forward, talks about going home, tumbles against a bureau, rises and falls again, finally remains lyinir, with red face, heavy head, tongue between his teeth, rattling and death, with turges- cence of the vessels of the dura mater and surface of the brain.—Headache immediately after being bitten in the foot. Heaviness of the bead, with reeling and red face. Tearing and sticking at every change of weather (chronic conse- quence.) Headache, with vomiting and convulsions. Raging pains in the head (jaw and abdomen), with general spasms. Eyes, etc.—Redness of the eyes, with,profuse lachrymation. Protruded eyes, with swelling of the face. Frequent loss of sight.—Chronic deafness. Face.—Distortion of features when pressing on the distended abdomen. Tight swelling of the face, which soon turns black, with closing of the throat. CEdema of the bitten spot ten years after the bite. Redness of the face, with disposition to perspire.—The lips are blue, the mouth swollen.—Lameness of the left jaw. Raging pains in the jaws.—Sordes on the teeth. Mouth, etc.—Discharge of white saliva, with deathlike fainting.—Protrud- ed and pale, swollen tongue.—Inability to swallow, after a bite in the neck. Closing of the throat, after a bite in the face which sweUs and becomes black. ,* Appetite, etc.—Unquenchable thirst. Thirst, with suddering and vomiting, in the evening, disappearing towards morning.—Nausea, with vomiting and thirst. Retching after drinking milk, with vomiting of masses of lumbiici.— Vomiting, with mucus, blood, worms. Vomiting with stupefaction, or convul- sions, or diarrhoea. Vomiting before and during fainting. Vomitiug with di- minution of the swelling of the abdomen. Vomiting with erysipelas. Vomiting with headache, or with shuddering and violent thirst. Stomach, etc.—Violent pains in the abdomen and shoulders. Violent pains in the abdomen, afterwards in the jaw and head, with spasms. Pains in the ab- domen, with violent thirst and vomiting. Pains in the aHdomen alternating with pains in the limbs. Colic with headache at the moment when the bite takes place, with complete stupefaction, vomiting, swelling and blueness of the foot (restored in 20 days.) Swelling of the abdomen, with great distention of the veins on the chest and abdomen. Stool, etc.—Diarrhoea, affording relief. Several evacuations, with urging, shuddering and thirst, the urging continuing afterwards and being accompanied with coldness.—Constipation, nine days a'.'ter the bite, then stool with much pain and tenesmus in the rectum.—Stinging pains in the kidneys, soon after the bite.—Excessive swelling of the scrotum and penis, after a bite in the former, the narts turned black, with excessive pains and vomiting. €nest, etc.—Violent pain in the chest, then chilliness.—Suffocative attacks, in a girl of 11 years, soon followed by death, (after a bite in the foot.)—Violent congestion to the heart, he tears his clothes open, with excessive .sensation of sickness in the abdomen. Every year, about the period when she had been bit- ten, she^as attacked with anguish about the heart, soreness of the wounded foot and paralysis of the right arm, even after four years.—Swelling up of tbe chest, with difficulty of breathing. Back and Extremities.—Pains in the back and abdomen. Violent sting- VTPERA TORVA. 1017 ing pain in the bitten thumb, penetrating to tbe tip, afterwards spreading oyer the whole arm, fulhwed shortly after by a sensation as if a flame were burning the arm from below upward. Excessive swelling of the hand and arm, painful when touched, with pale colour, leaving no pit. Erysipelatous eruption along the inner surface of the upper arm and on the side of the body. Stinging in the bitt-n hand, which swells, with great languor of the whole body. Burn- ing and swelling of a finger from rubbing it against a stick with which the head of a viper had been bruised.—Sticking and tearing in the bitten foot, at every change of weather, even after years. The leg is somewhat contracted and is dragged along (chronic effect.) The bitten foot sweUs up to the knee, became hard, blue-red, and remained so even for years. Sleep and Fever.—Icy-coldness of the body. Shuddering, with febrile motions and quick, small, contracted, sometimes unequal, intermittent pulse. Cold shiverings, with nausea, vomiting and great thirst. Chilliness, with pale- ness of face and thirst. Chilliness and pains in the chest.—Violent, acute fever at night, with delirium. Fever with erysipelas.—Feeble and irregular pulse. Tho pulse remains quick for a long time.—Sweat, which affords relief.—Cold sweats, before death. Skin.—Blisters full of ichor, near the wound. Black blisters, with suppu- ration and subsequent recovery. Blisters with red areola?, near the axilla.— The. biticn part turns blue, black-blue, or black.—A number of yellow spoja above the elbow. The swollen hand is covered with spots. The bitten leg turns blue and yellow, with violent swelling. The bitten forearm becomes dis- eol-ircd, and turns yellow, green, and blue. The swelling on the bitten foot be- comes gangrenous, with constant vomiting, bleeding at the nose, oppression of the chest, great anguish, sunken eyes, distorted countenance, gray-yellow blis- ters on the foot. — 02iemalous swelling of the bitten part, even of the whole body.—Large ulcers on the tibia, penetrating to the bone, and leaving consi- derable cicatrices (after being healed with sulphur-ointment.) Deeply-pene- trating suppuration after shining swelling with blue blisters. Black crust on the wound. Small, red, hard tip at the spot where the bite had been inflicted, (on the fourth day,) with discharge of greenish matter, after the scurf was re- moved.—During tho lit0 : Stitch> uhich strikes through the body like light- ning. General Symptoms.—Alternate pains in the limbs and abdomen (chronic effect.)—Paralysis of the right arm, every year, after a bite in the foot. Para- lysis of the foot which had been bitten years before. Dragging gait, remaining after an ulcer on the foot (chronic effect.)—Excessive weakness. Falls down immediately after the bi'e. His head inclines forward when sitting, from weak- ness.-Fainting fits, wit!! discharge of saliva, or preceded by violent pains, or attended with violent congestion to the heart. Frequent fainting fits, at ni*ht alternating with vomiting and diarrhoea—Apparent death until violent vomiting sets in.—Irencral spasms during the violent pains in the abdomen and head Epilepsy every year, arrested by larch-tree fungus. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Th« h^ro?116 °°H? 8idC n thG liver' The liver has ,ost al1 consistence. rib. \T^\llZUT7 b1^- Sangrene extendinS from the bitten lobe.to the ribs, muscles, and pleura; the adjacent parts of the lungs are discoloured. 1018 ZINCUM METALLICUM. 256. ZINCUM METALLICUM. ZINC. MET.—See Hahnemann's Chron. Diseases V. Compare with.—Anac, Am., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc, Canth., Carb. veg.r Hep. s. c, Ignat. Hyos., Kali, c, Lye, Natr. mur., Nux v., Phosph., Plat.,. Plumb., Puis., Rhus t., Sep., Sil., Stann., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Thuj. Antidotes.—Camph. Hep. s. c, Ignat.—Is used as an antidote for Baryt.— Cham, and Nux v., aggravate the effects of Zinc. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Chronic rheumatic complaints.—Spasms during an attack of Asiatic cholera. Convulsions of children from suppression of tinea.—Dropsical affections, parti- cularly if pain or an uneasy feeling in the kidneys are present.—Chorea St. Viti (by Sulphate of Zinc.)—Obstinate chronic eruptions.—Lepra Americana, (by Dr. Hering.) Herpetic, rough, itching places with bleeding of the gums and bad smell from the mouth. Dry herpes over the whole body, (in conjunc- tion with sulphur). Scaly eruption like the scales of fishes.—Melancholia with visions of devils, anguish as if he had committed an evil deed, dread of men, sleeplessness, alternation of heat and coldness in the body, heat of the head and face, dark, dingy redness of the face, sunken countenance, vertigo, unsteady gait, loss of appetite, slow stool, turbid urine with brickdust sediment, great lan- guor after unrefreshing sleep in the daytime, in the case of an unmarried femalo of 46 years (repeated doses of the oxyde of zinc.)—Excessively violent and ob- stinate pain in the brain, with paroxysms and sometimes assuming the form of a masked and intermittent fever, (repeated doses of the flowers of zinc.)—Inci- pient paralysis of the brain in scarlatina, with involuntary discharge of faeces and urine, icy coldness of the skin, quick pulse, trembling and paralytic condi- tion of the extremities, sopor and loss of consciousness, or sopor alternating with violent delirium, (first trit. every hour or two hours.) Incipient paralysis of the brain in the last stage of acute hydrocephalus, during dentition, and with defi- cient nutrition.—Hemicrania—pressure with tearing in the occiput, sticking in the right eye, tearing and sticking in the ears and teeth.—Swelling of the soft and hard parts of the nose, with great sensitiveness, loss of smell, constant dry- ness of the nasal meatus, and profuse lachrymation.—Nervous prosopalgia.— Herpes of the tonsils, soft palate, root of the tongue, swelling of the tonsils, slight redness of the tonsils and velum pendulum palati, afterwards irregular, white- bluish, flat spots having the appearance of lard and resembling venereal ulcers, with raised epidermis; the whitish, smooth, jelly-like surface feels hard and can. not be abraded; with smarting, stinging, sore feeling, which is aggravated by hawking and swallowing. (This venereal herpes comes on in consequence of go- norrhoea ; in another case nitric ac. was the remedy.)— Chronic gastroenteritis (being the principal remedy, with Arsenic).—Obstinate constipation.—Scanty menses.—Aching pains in both sides, followed by shortness of breath, convul- sions at the termination of the paroxysm, and vomiting of a tenacious, white mucug.__Convulsive asthma.—Lameness of both arms after previous violent pains in the hands and feet, and abdominal spasms.—Ischias nervosa, (in two cases, Trinks.)—SweUing of the tendo-AchiUis, over the heel, hindering motion. ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1019 SYMPTOMS. Mind and Disposition.—Desponding and sad. Taciturn and out of hu- mour, especially in the evening. Excessively sullen and peevish. Low-spint- ed. Anxiety caused by thieves or horrid phantoms which he sees when wajung, as if in a state of feverish fancy. *Thinks calmly of dying, in the afternoon, feeling exhausted. Hypochondriac mood, three hours after dinner, with pres- sure under the last ribs, especially on the right side ; aversion to work, and un- comfortableness of the whole body. Relaxation of the moral energies. Indif- ference. * Aversion to labour.—Inclines to internal rancor and chagrin; he is taciturn and dislikes to speak a single word. He moans from chagrin, with- out any apparent cause, with an aching pain in the upper part of the head. Is easily carried away by anger He would like to have some one upon whom he could wreak his anger, (which breaks forth without any apparent cause.) Irri- table, starts easily.—The talking of other people and every little noise are in- tolerable to him. After a little emotion he trembles for a long while, as with chilliness.—His imagination is excited.—Talk ing of others, even of persons who are dear to him, makes him nervous and peevish. Impatient, but without ill- humour.—Changeable moorl, sad and melancholy at noon, cheerful and content- ed in the evening. A trifle excites his laughter or his anger. Lazy and out of humor the first days, cheerful afterward. iScnsorfum.—Illusion of the fancy, when holding the head down, as if she bad a tall head, over which she cannot look. Incoherent ideas.—Absence of thought, the mind being in a sort of stupor. ^Forgetful.—Dizziness, drowsi- ness and heaviness of the head. Feeling of weakness in the head, especially in the eyes. Dulness and painful heaviness of the occiput. Stupefied and dizzy, at noon. Vertiginous stupefaction in short paroxysms, with obscuration of sight and general weakness, especially in the afternoon and evening, for several days. —Vertigo when sitting or standing, going off when walking. Vertigo with weakness in the head and abdomen, she had to lie down. Vertigo in the whole brain, especially the occiput, he had to lie down. Vertigo in the occiput, when widk'mg, as if he would fill to the left side. Violent vertigo when sitting in bed, as if the bed were balancing to and fro. Vertiginous drawing in the right side of the occiput, when sitting. Vertigo on waking, as if the head were moving up and down; the visi >ns before his fancy moved up and down in a simi- lar manner; in a state of half consciousness. Vertigo, as if he were on the point of having an apoplectic fit, with dread of falling over. Faintishness with nausea and a sort of vertigo, when staying up a little too long, in the evening; or when one smokes tobacco which is too strong. Vertigo in the occiput, in the evening, when sitting and smoking the usual tobacco, with urging to stool. Vio- lent vertigo when stooping and raising the head again, as if everything were turning around her, with buzzing in the head. Head.—Headache after dinner, in the region of the left frontal eminence. Violent pain in the head, eyes and abdomen, in the evening after going to bed. Violent pain in the head and eyes arter drinking a glass of wine as usual. DuU pain in the left half of the head. Pain in the occiput as if bruised.—Stupefy- ing headache, he has to lie down. Stupefying headache, the whole morning, as from the vapour of coal —Pressure in the head, with a stupid feeling.—Pres- sure in the forehead, with dulness of the head, making it difficult to think. Aching pain m the right frontal eminence. Aching pain in the forehead, with general dulness of tho head, drowsiness and pain in the eyes, forenoon. Vio- lent pressure at a smaU spot in the middle of the forehead, in short paroxysms 1020 ZINCUM METALLICUM. Frequent aching in the forehead. Sharp aching pain in the forehead, in the morning on waking, becoming afterwards a mere pressure in the temples. Pres- sure in the sinciput with dulness of the head, extending as far as the eyes, af- ter dinner. Aching pain in the sinciput, worst in the temples. Pressure in the left temple. Sudden pressure in the right temple Continual pressure, now in the temples, now in the occiput. Continual pressing and pushing in either tern- pie. Pressure in the right side of the occiput. Sharp pressure at a small spot of ihe forehead, in the evening. Dull sticking pressure at a small spot of tbe occiput. Sharp, crampy pressure in the left temple. Cramp-like, dull pressure in both temples from without inward—Frequent pain in both sides of the head, as if between screws, in the evening.—Hard aching pain in the right side of the head, pulsative.—Pain in the right side of the occiput, as if the jarts would be pressed asunder. Pain in the left side of the occiput, near the cervical verte- brae, as if the parts would be pressed asunder.—Drawing in the left side of tbe occiput. Drawing and beating in the forehead. Drawing in the occiput, with gnawing in the forehead, as frcm worms. Drawing and stickirg in the forehead, with pain as if the skull would be cleft.— Tearing in the rifht temjle. Tearing in the temples after dinner, with stitches behind the ears. Tearing in the right half of the head. Tearing in the right side of the head and in the teeth, in the after- noon. Tearing in the forepart of the left half of the head over the fortl ecd. Tear- ing in the upper part of the head over the forehead. Tearing in the forehead. Tear- ing in the left frontal eminence. Tearing in the frontal eminence as far as tbe or- bit and the upper eyelid. Tearing behind the vertex. Tearing in the left and right occiput. Tearing in the right side of the occiput, with dull stitches in the up- per part of the head. Sharp tearing in the vertex and lelt parietal bone. Crampy tearing in the right and left temple, at different periods. Tearing with pressure, in ihe left frontal eminence, after dinner. Drawing tearing in the left half of the head. Drawing tearing, with pressure, in the top of the head and still more in the fcrehead, in frequent transitory paroxysms. Jet king tearing over the left temple. Lancinations in the forehead, with great but in- effectual desire to sneeze; towards noon. Lancinations in the temple. Lanci- nation in the left side of the integuments of the fcrehead, over the eyebrow. Stitching in the forehead, with a tearing as if the head would burst. Prickirgs in the left temple. Dull stitches in the right temple from time to time. Fine, burning prickings in the middle of the vertex. Boring, dull stitch directly over the right frontal eminence. Boring in the left parietal bone, from without inward. Boring in the right parietal bone, from without inward, with sensation as if the parts would burst, in the evening, when standing. Beating pain in the right side of the head, in the evening. Beating and tearing in the fore tart of the head, after dinner. Violent beating and tearii g in the whole head, especially in the right frontal region, from morning till evei.ing.—Painful tumult, like tbe dashing of waves, and feeling of heat, at a spot on the right side of the occiput^ extending beyond tbe vertex, in the evening.— Groaning aid sounding in the head, when talking aloud. Sensation in the frontal cavities as if the open air were penetrating into them and affected the parts with intense pain. Feeling of heat in the head, with redness of the face. Scalp.— Ulcerative pain in the vertex when touching it. Painful sore feel- ing at a small spot of the hairy scalp on the right side. Painful gnawing in the right occipital protuberance, as frcm a mouse. Feeling of soreness in the scalp even when not touched. Frequent sore itching at a small spot of the centre of the scalp.—Itching pimples on the scalp. Itching ard humid eruption in the region of and over both temples. Sensation as if the scalp were pressed toge- ther in one place.—Sensation as if the hairs stood on end, especially over the ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1021 left ear. Pain of tbe hairs on the vertex, even when touched ever so lightly. —Great falling off of the hair. Eyes.—Pain in the eyes, as if they would be pressed into the head. Sud- den and painful pressure over the right eye, with sensation in the Uds, as if pressed downward. Pressure in the eyes, toward evening. Continual pressure in the left eye. Pressure in the margin of the left lower eyeUd, near the inner canthus. Violent pressure in the right eye and temple. Painful pressure in tbe right inner canthus, with redness of the conjunctiva. Tensive pressure in the right eye, rheumatic.—Tearing, with pressure, in the left eye.—Lancina- tions in the eyes and head. Fine lancinations in and over the left .'yebrow. Lancination over the left eye, and at the same time in the umbilic il region. Fine prickings in the right lower and left upper eye-lid. Sticking, with pressure, in the right eye-ball.—Cutting, with pressure, in the right eye.—Itching of the eyes. Itching of the margin of the left upper eye-lid. Violent itching of the left eye. Smarting in the inner canthus of the left eye, going off by rubbing. Prickling smarting in the lower part of the left eye and below, in the cheek. Sore smarting of the eyes, especially the right, towards evening.—Feeling of sore- n?si in the inner canthi. Feeling of soreness in the right upper eye-Ud. Pain- ful smarting soreness of the outer canthi. Burning and smarting in the eye, with lachrymation, especially in the evening, and agglutination in the morning. Continual burning of the eyes. Burning of the left eye-lid, as if too dry. A good deal of burning in the eyes and lids, morning and evening, with feeling of dryncsi and pressure in the eyes. Burning, with pressure, when reading, espe- cially in the left eyelid.—Inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva of the right eye, with suppuration of the internal canthus; the eye is especiaUy pain- ful in the evening and night, as if sand were in the eye, with frequent lachry- mation ; that part of the upper lid which is near the inner canthus, is likewise red aid swollen. Vijlent inflammation of the eyes, without photophobia, (dur- ing the m3isc3.)—Considerable moisture in the eyes, in the day-time, with ag- glutination in the morning. Agglutination of the inner canthus, in the morn- ing, with feeling of soreness and pressure.—Tw'itchings in the left lower evelid, and leTt eyeball. °The upper lids are lame and droop.—Jerking in the left"eye- brow. Great uneasiness and intolerable pain in the left eye, frequently with great weakness in the bead. Coistant weariness of the eyes. Morbid feelinc of weakness in the eyes.—Vanishing of sight, with lachrymation and burnino-, after dinner a-id frequently when writing, for a fortnight. Vanishing of si^ht, with absence of ideas. Obscuration of sight. Dimness and haziness of the eyes, in the morning. Whirling motions before the eyes. Yellow, blue, and green wheels heforc the eyes, with drowsiness and a wretched look. Fiery balls bover before the eyes in large demi-circles, when looking up to the skies. Dread of the light of the sun, with dim eyes and lachrymation. Ears.—O alg'ia.—Tearing in the cars at different periods, sometimes with itching, or in the morniig with creeping, or in the evening with burning. Crampy drawing behind the le"t ear, extending into the lower jaw. Paiuful cramp in the left lobule. Violent cramp-pain in the left lobule, in the direction of the neck, when boring with the finger in the left ear.—Sticking in the right ear.__ Sticking and itching in the ear. Violent stitches in the ears. Frequent and continued intensely painful lancinations deep in the right ear, near the tympa- num—Itching in the left ear, with sensation, when inserting the finger into it, as if fleas were jumping about in it. Itching in the right ear, removed by bor- ing. Titillation in the left ear, not going off when rubbing the part.—Discharge from the left ear. Fetid humor fmm the left ear. Purulent discharge from tb*» left ear, day and night; the orifice of the meatus is hot and swoUen, with 1022 ZINCUM METALLICUM. headache on the left side.—Hardness of bearing.— Buzzing as from a may-beg before the left ear. Dull buzzing and evening-pulsations in tbe ear, very trou- blesome when writing. Noise in the ear, when falling asleep, as if a glass- pane were breaking. Whizzing in the ears. Reports in the ear, after breakfast. Nose.—Sticking pain in the septum when touching it. Intolerable pressure at the root of the nose, as if if would be pressed in. Crampy feeling at the root of the nose, with dulness of the forehead, or with stitches in the jaw, or extend- ing into the eye.—Drawing and tearing in the right nostril from below upward, after dinner. Jerking tearing in the right side of the nose.—Sharp cutting in the inner margin of the left wing of the nose.—Feeling of soreness in the upper part of the nostrUs with tearing in the right.—Swelling of the right side of the nose.—* Swelling and painfulness of the left nasal wing.—Itching in the right nostrU. ChUliness of the tip of the nose and the lobules, although the weather is not very cold.—Bed, swollen, hard point in the left wing of the nose, painful to the touch, for three days. He blows blood from the nose, the first days. Sneezing preceded by a cutting creeping in the nose. Sneezing, morning and afternoon.—Itching of the right nostril.—Itching of the left nostril, then fre. quent sneezing, followed by violent bleeding of the nose, which was stopped by cold water.—Obstruction of both nostrils. Violent dry coryza the whole day, with pain in the back. Alternate dry and fluent coryza.—Fluent coryza, with creeping in the nose, and frequent sneezing. Fluent coryza towards evening, with pcessure in the right tonsil when swallowing or yawning.—Increased dis- charge of mucus from the nose, without coryza. Face.—Paleface. Livid face.—Bruised pain below and in front of the right ear, apparently in the bone, with dulness of the forehead. Aching pain in -the upper jaw near the left wing of the nose.—Tearing in the bones in lront of the left ear. Tearing in the left cheek. Tearing in the right malar bone, with bruised pain when pressing on it. Bruised pain of the facial and orbital bone9. —Prickings in the face, at intervals and suddenly. Sudden stitch with pres- sure, from the right malar bone to the upper border of the orbit, deep in the bone; afterwards the place is very sensitive to pain, in the evening.—Swellirg and itching of the left cheek. Itching of the face, in the evening.—Pimples in the face.—Pain in the lips; jerking tearing in the right side of the upper lip. —Fine stinging in the upper lip. Shooting in the upper lip.—Violent jactita- tion of the muscles in the left side of the upper lip.—Swelling of the upper lip. Itching of the upper lip, chin, and around the mouth, without eruption.—Burn- ing in the right corner of the mouth.—Pimple on the upper lip. Vesicles clear as water, or suppurating pimples on the upper lip. Flat, red pimple in the middle of the margin of the upper lip, painful when touched. Small, white pimples, containing a little moisture, on the upper lip, chin and forehead, (after drinking a little wine.) Large, yellowish-white itching pimple on the lower lip.—Thick, viscid humor on the lips, having neither taste nor smell.— Dry, chapped lips. Sore, ulcerated corners of the mouth. Soreness of the up- per lip, ulcerated in the middle. Yellow little ulcer on the internal surface of the lower lip. Tensive painful rhagades in the lower lip. Burning rhagade3 in the inner surface of tbe upper lip.—Violent itching of the chin, and redness of its prominent part. Violently itching pimple almost in the centre of the chin. A number of small pustules under the chin, set close to each other, itching vio- lently. Lancinations in the chin and neck, running into each other. Jaws and Teeth.—Cramp-like tearing in the lower jaw, especially in the chin. Stitching pain in the articulation of the jaw, below and in front of the left ear, when moving the lower jaw sideways, when biting hard, and when pressing ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1023 •upon the joint with tbe finger—Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands.—Fre- quent drawing toothache in the roots of the incisores. Drawing in the left up- per incisores. Drawing pain in the roots of the upper front teeth, and at the name time in the fauces, extending as far as the cervical muscles. Drawing in tbe last lower molar tooth, now on the right, now on the left Bide. Intensely painful drawing in the upper front teeth, with sore feeling in the gums; to- wards noon. Drawing, with pressure, in the right lower molares. Beating drawing in the last molares, alternately on the right and left sides. Jerk- ing, sharp drawing in the last two upper molares, at different periods. Sharp drawing in all the incisores, coming on at intervals and with a jerk.— Jerking in the right lower molares, in the evening after lying down. Jerking in the left teeth from time to time. Painful jerk in a tooth. Jerking, violent tearing in tbe last lower molar tooth of the right side.—Tearings in the last lower molar teeth of the left side, in the evening. Tearing in the last upper and lower molar teeth of the left side, followed by tearing in the cheek in the region of the temple, and extending as far as the forehead. Tearing in a hollow mo- lar tooth ; when sucking it, blood comes out. Tearing, extending from one of the upper roots of the right side towards the temple, in the evening after lying down. Tearing in tho roots of the upper teeth of the right side. Tearing and drawing in the loft lower teeth, especially the incisores. Tearing in the left up- per molares.—* Sensitiveness and painful soreness of the upper molares, with drawing sore pain in one of the left lower molares, which becomes raised out of its socket and vacillates ; this is accompanied with swelling of the sub-maxillary gland of the same side.—Continued stitching in the left lower molares, in the evening. Stitching in the roots of the left upper cuspidatus ar.d the adjoining incisor tooth. Stitches in the left row of teeth, in the lower jaw and down the neck. Jerking stitches in the last left molares, also in the evening, and rousing him from sleep suddenly. Prickling and pecking in sound teeth, with drawing pain in the jaws.—Beating pain in the hollow tooth, after eating, or after be- coming heated, or taking cold.—Painful burning in aU the front teeth, with smarting in the lower surface of the tongue.—The teeth feel dull.—Ulcer in the region of a decayed tooth, with sensation as if the tooth were elongated. *Sore pain of the inner surface of the gums,' as if they were detached from the teeth. The gums are so painful that he is no longer able to chew. Gnaw- ing and itching of the inner gums. White gums. Swelling of the gums. The gums bleed at the slightest touch. * Violent bleeding of the gums. Bleeding from the teeth and gums. Month.—Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. Increased secretion of saliva, with metallic, taste in the mouth, and shootings in the tip of the tongue. Increased secretion of saliva with creeping in the inner surface of the cheek. Yellow little ulcer on the internal surface of the left cheek, especially painful in the morning.—The tongue is painful as if sore. Yellowish-white coating of the tongue, especially towards the root. White- coated tonguo, without taste, but with a feeling of icy coldness in the morning. —Dry tongue.— Vesicles on the tongue. Vesicle on the tongue, painful when eating. Swelling of the left side of the tongue, hindering talking.—Weakness of the organs of Bpeech, when reading loud.—Stinging smarting in ihe palate, close, to the roots of the front teeth, and in those roots. Swelling of the promi- nence of the palate directly behind the incisores, with pain to the touch, for three days. Painfulness of the palate and gums, whUe at dinner; when chowing. Simple pain in the posterior part of the palate and the velum pendulum palati, especially when yawning. Pharynx and Trachea.—Dryness of the throat, in the evening. Scrap- 1024 ZINCUM METALLICUM. ing rawness in the pharynx, towards evening. Frequent smarting scraping in the posterior fauces, as in violent catarrh. Sensation in tbe posterior part of the fauces, as if mucus had accumulated there, with desire to clear the throat from time to time. White mucus gets into the mouth through the posterior nares. Hawking up of greenish mucus which adheres firmly to the lower part of the throat; the chest feels sore and painful while hawking. Aching pain in both tonsils, when swaUowing, in the evening and through the night.—Spas- modic and crampy sensation in the pit of the throat, or in the upper part of the oesophagus, resembling a pressure from below upward, or as when swallowing. Cramp-like strangling pain in the throat, rather externally in the muscles, when swallowing, even drinks.—Pain in the throat as from an internal swelling, also during empty deglutition. Painful soreness in the throat, and sensation as if the oesophagus were crammed full. Pain in the throat when swallowing, with swelling of the outer neck and the tonsils.—Tearing, drawing-pain, in both sides of the posterior fauces, more between than during the acts of empty deglutition. Sharp jerking tearing extending from the fauces into the left cer- vical muscles. °Herpes in the throat, after neglected gonorrhoea, bluish. Sort of heart-burn in the throat, also when swallowing. Taste and Appetite.—Taste of blood in the mouth and sweetish risings from the stomach. Taste in the mouth as of spoUed cheese, going off during deglutition. Taste of blood in the throat, with feeling of dryness iu the throat, and sensation of soreness rising from the chest. Sweet taste on the anterior and inferior surface of the tongue. Saltish taste in the mouth, and dryness in the throat. Bitter taste in the mouth. Taste in the mouth as of raw peas chewed.—Burning thirst. Violent thirst for water. Thirst at or after dinner. Thirst, with heat in the palms of the hands.—Little appetite, and almost no taste.—Aversion to meat, and boiled warm food. Aversion to fish, he waa generally very fond of it. No hunger, at supper or at breakfast. Aversion to veal, of which she used to be fond. Aversion to the sweetness of sugar.— Canine hunger. Great greediness when eating, and hurried deglutition. In- satiableness, but does not relish his food. Insatiableness at dinner or supper, nevertheless feels full after a meal. Desire to eat, in the pharynx, even alter a meal; after having satisfied it, the stomach feels full, with pressure in the head. Gastric Symptoms.—Difficult digestion. Appears to create acidity of tbe stomach. Sour eructations after eating. Sour eructations after taking bread and milk for breakfast. After eating sweet things, an acrid fluid rises into the fauces, causing a troublesome scraping in the larynx, like heartburn. After dinner the food seemed to have remained lodged in the throat. After the sup- per a violent bitterness is perceived in the mouth, but only for a short while. Burning at the stomach, and eructations with desire to vomit, an hour and a half after a moderate dinner. Great fulness and distention of the abdomen, immediately or two hours after a meal. Two hours after dinner, db agreeable feeling of emptiness in the abdomen and stomach, with hunger. After dint:er and supper, nausea, bloatedness and inclination to vomit, in the stomach, with inclination to eructate, going off after bringing up wind. Pressure and gurg- ling in the epigastrium, after a meal. Griping in the epigastrium, at dinner. Griping in the epigastrium, after eating soup. Bleeding of the nose when blowing it, lasting but a short while, after dinner, followed by a sensation in the forehead as if stunned by a blow, the head swimming. Dizziness after dinner, as if he were looking through a gauze.—Frequent and empty eructations, even- ing or forenoon. Unsuccessful eructations, with pressure in the middle of the spine. Baising of wind, with pressure in the chest. Frequent loud eructa- tions, the ptlre being weak and alternately quick and slow. Eructations tast- ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1025 in« of milk. Sweetish eructations. Sourish, empty eructations, after drinking, or after dinner. Eructations tasting of the ingesta.-Hiccough for half an hour Hiccough, very violent in the evening, or after breakfast.—Nausea dur- ing breakfast. Nausea in the morning, as from an emetic. Nausea at the stomach, with tremor, exhaustion and debUity in the whole body. Feehng of nausea in the stomach brought on by shaking the body when washing, and alter stooping when sitting. Nausea after a siesta of half an hour; he was obliged to spit a good deal, for a whole hour. Nausea, with retching, and vomiting of a bitter, slimy fluid, and lastly of the ingesta, with turns of cough, feehng of warmth, especially in the abdomen, sweat, chUUness on the arms, shaking of the body, empty eructations, hiccough, rumbling and pinching in the abdomen ; the nausea is relieved by sitting bent; nausea and vomiting return immediately on sitting erect, moving about, or when pressing on the abdomen. Brings up san- guineous mucus with an effort. Stomach.—Pain in the stomach, as if empty, and with nausea. Qualmish- ness in the stomach, in bed, and sometimes after breakfast or dinner. Disa- greeable sennation in the upper orifice of the stomach and a little beyond in the oesophagus.—Sharp pains in the stomach and pit of the stomach. Pain in the pit of the stomach when taking an inspiration; the breathing is impeded, after dinner. Pain in the pit of the stomach, where a burning pain is experienced when pressing upon it, in the evening. Pressure at the stomach, followed hp stitch- ing in the pit of the stomach, in the morning after rising. Pressure at -the sto- mach, with feeling of coldness, at noon. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Contraction from both sides of the stomach, with anxiousness and increased warmth in the head and whole body. Sensation in the pit of the stomach as if screwed together. Pain, before breakfast, as if the stomach were pressed to- gether. Frequent cramp-feeling in the pit of the stomach.—Pinching deep in the region of the heart, increased during a deep inspiration.—Drawing in and below tho pit of the stomach. Tearing and pinching in and below the pit of the stomach, frequently. Stitches in the direction of each other, starting from both sides of the stomach, accompanied with a stitch in the middle of the Bternum.—Beating below the pit of the stomach, apparently in the integuments, resembling a pulsation or the movement of a worm.—Burning in the upper part of the stomach, before breakfast. Hypochondria.—Spasmodic pains in the hypochondria, alternating with oppression of the chest and difficult breathing.—Pressure at a smaU spot in the right hypochondrium.—Crampy pressure in the region of the liver. Crampy- pinching pressure at a small spot in the region of the Uver. Cramp-feeUng in the right hypochondrium and the right side of the abdomen, as if occasioned by incarcerated flatulence, increased during motion.—Tearing.drawing and pres- sure in the right hyp »chondrium, in paroxysms. Intermittent tearing in the region of the liver.—Stitching in the hepatic region and the right hip. Stitch- ing in the right hypochondrium, during a sour eructation and an inspiration. Stitching in the right hypochondrium at various periods, sometimes at the same time in the region of the hip, violent or accompanied with burning or smarting on the outside; sometimes in the evening or after dinner. A few stitches in the right side of the abdomen. Sharp, jerking stitches in the hepatic region, after 6upper.—Pressure in the left hypochondria. Cramp feeling, with pres- sure, in the left hypochondrium, (the region of the spleen,) sometimes in par- oxysms. Stitching, with pressure, deep in the region of the spleen, increased by pressing on the part. Dull stitching in the region of the spleen. Pulsa- tive feeling. Sore feeling in the left hypochondrium.—The region of the feft kidney is sensitive to the touch.—Pressure in the region of the left kidney TOL. n. 65 ' 1026 ZINCUM METALLICUM. sometimes with violent cramp-feeling.—Tearing in the region of the right kid- ney, sometimes stitching. Sharp, intermittent tearing in the region of the left kidney. Sometimes a culling tearing, sometimes a drawing pressure in the region of the right kidney. Stitqhing in the region of the kidneys, sometimes reaching into the chest, in the evening, or after dinner. Stitching in the region of the left kidney, in paroxysms. Dull stitching in the region of the right kid- ney. Stitching pressure in the region of both kidneys. Stitching and pain as if bruised, in the region of the left kidney, when standing or walking.—Pain. ful soreness in the region of the left kidney. Abdomen.—Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on. Attacks of violent colic wifh nausea and flow of water from the mouth, a fetid mucus beinf sometimes discharged with the water and depriving her of her appetite.—Pressure in the whole abdomen. Pressure in the abdomen, close to the right hip. Pressure in the abdomen, and puffiness extending from the pit of the stomach below the umbilicus, with sensitiveness of the right upper eyelid. Pressure in the ab- domen with much distention, after eating but little. Feeling of pressure deep in the hypogastrium, with tingling, extending to the commencement of the urethra. Pressure in the bloated abdomen, with emission of a quantity of in- odorous flatulence. Pressure extending as far as the abdomen, from the fauces downward, as if a hard body resisted from below. Dull pressure at a smaU spot below the umbilicus, as if there were an internal induration, increased by external pressure and by drawing-in the abdomen. Hard pressure in the sides of the abdomen, the hypochondria, and ihe back, as if caused by flatulence, in the morning when in bed; increased by walking, without emission of flatulence; relieved but little after stool, and renewed again by walking, many days in suc- cession. Sharp pressure between the pit of the stomach and the umbilicus, in- creased by drawing-in the abdomen, relieved by eructations. Pressure in the middle of the abdomen, shortly after the moderate supper.—* Tension in both sides of the abdomen. Tensive sensation above the umbilicus, with a feeling of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach. Tensive colic in the left side of the ab- domen, relieved by eructations.—Violent distention of the abdomen in the even- ing, when going to bed, without having eaten any supper. Bepletion in the ab- domen, immediately after a meal, as if filled with flatulence.—Weight in tbe abdomen.—Colicky, dull pain in the abdomen.—Constrictive colic, arresting the breathing. Contractive pain in the left iliac region, when walking and pressing upon it; going off when sitting, after dinner. Violent colic contracting the ab- domen, after midnight, when lying down, still more on rising.—Pinching in tbe abdomen in the epigastrium, with frequent emission of flatulence. Subdued pinching .here and there in the abdomen. Pinching, with pressure, below the umbilicus, as if from flatulence. Tensive pinching in the abdomen, followed by dull stitching toward the pit of the stomach, felt more sensibly when shaking the abdomen, and drawing it in. Stitching pinching in the umbilical region.—Cut- ting through the abdomen, below the umbilicus. Cutting in the epigastrium, also during a meal. Cutting in the whole abdomen, from evening until morn- ing. Violent cutting in the whole abdomen, after tasting milk, with rumbling. and frequent emission of flatulence. Sharp, cutting stitch in the left iliac re- gion, shortly after emission of flatulence. Cutting stitch across tho umbilical region.—Stitching in the abdomen during distention. Prickings in the hypo. gastrium. Dull stitching as from an internal ulcer, at a small spot on the right side and above the umbilicus, increased by movement and contact. Sharp Stitching in the abdomen, as if the intestines were pricked with fine pins, in paroxysms. Violent, piercing stitch through the right os ilium, from above downward, when bending the body forward while the abdomen is pressed against ZINCUM METALLICUM. 102T something bard. Pressure in the abdomen after dinner and supper, as if frcm flatulence; walking changes it to a stitching; it is relieved by emission of flatu- lence. Burning prickings in the abdomen. Lancinations in the umbUical re- gion. Frequent daU tearing, deep in the right iliac region, extending into the groin. Dull tearing deep in the left iliac region, commencing in tbe region of the )o-. Writhing pain in the abdomen preceding every emission of flatulence, in the mon:ing when in bed.—Bruised feeling in the right iliac region, as if the part whtve that pain is felt, were decaying.—Sensation, when walkitg, as if the psoas muscles were too short.—Biting sensation in the whole epigastrium.— Sensation in the left inguinal region as if the parts were screwed together, ex- tcndiiii.' into the che^t.—Violent cramp-pain in the right grcin and inguinal re- gion, as in retention of urine, during rc:*t and motion, and recurring when rising from one's seat. Stitches in the left groin, in the morning after waking. Stitch- ing pressure, a little above the inguinal region. Prickling, with alternate draw- ing, in the left inguinal region, at night, disturbing sleep.—Frequent drawing in tbe left inguinal region, (the first days.) Drawing pain in the left inguinal re. gion when sitting. Drawing and pressing in the pubic and inguinal regions many days in succession. Pressing and pushing in the pubic region, ftr four daya. Jerking pressure in the right inguinal region —Painful strangling sensa- tion in the left groin, as if hernia would set in. Protrusion of inguinal hernia. Sensation in the inguinal gland, as if swollen.—Movement of flatulence in the abdomen. A quantity of flatulence in the abdemen which is not passed • after- wards oppressive flatulent colic shortly after a meal, considerably increased by walking or by'exercise. Accumulation and incarceration of flatulence in the abdomen, more in the hypogastrium, and oppressive flatulent colic, in the even- ing. Accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen, which causes the varices to protrude; these become painful, especially when lying. Incarceration of flatu- lence, in the morning when in bed, occasioning a colicky pain, with loud rum- bling and grumbling in the abdomen. Uneasiness in tbe abdomen, painless but very disagreeable. Mor.ments and rumbling in the abdomen, 'with frequent emission of flatulence, especially in the evening, or with cutting in the bvpoeas trium after dinner. Bumbling in the whole aLd< men followed by painful retrac* tion of the same, as if stool would come on. Violent, fermenting rumbling in the right side of the abdomen, followed by a noise as when walking on hossv ground. Frequent gurgling in the epigastrium and hypogastrium Freauent emission of hot fetid flatulence from noon till evening. Stool.—Constipation, but some slight indications for stool. Frequent ineffec tual urging to stool. Long urging to stool, which was finaUy passed with OTeat difficulty, although soft. Dry, insufficient stool, every two cr three dava Tough, scanty stool, followed by pressing, and heat and burning at the anus Toagb, hght-yellow .tool, with pricking at the anns. Difficult expulsion of soft BtooC with discharge of the prostatic fluid. Stool of a large size expeUedwXfc great difficulty. Difficult, bard stool, the first time of proving Hard s7o} frequently in lumps, and accompanied with pressing in the anus Hard small' dry sto-,1, with much straining and rumbling. Hard stool in the moS ^ffTT a;tern.,nner' Softool accompanied and followed by huS ming in the head and giddiness. A little hard stool at first, followed bv mvpt.1 smal loose stools in the evening Several loose papescent stooben X*£ bnght-n,!. ..amy blood, and preceded by cohc. Diarrhoeic stool, with flatulence! Papescent diarrhoea for many days painless, but some tenesmus after stool 1 andJL CT\ u a"d e™3s!°Vf flatuleDce' Burning at the anus, during and after stool. Pressure in the hypogastrium, after dry stool. StitchingTaif in the abdomen, after a good htool, colic after copious stool.—The rectum feeS' 1028 ZINCUM METALLICUM. as if pressed upon by wind, but none is passed. Sensation in the rectum, in tbe evening, as if the wind were pushed towards the os coccygis and were retain- ed there. Pressing and boring from the rectum into the abdomen, which made it impossible for her to keep her seat. Heaviness in the rectum when standing, going off by emission of flatulence. Drawing pain in the rectum as far as the abdomen. Cutting and smarting sensation in the rectum.—Cutting at the anus, at intervals. Tearing at the anus. Stitches in the anus. Stitch with a strangUng sensation, quick as Ughtning and causing one to start, from the anus to the rectum. Jerking stitches from the rectum to the root of the penis. Burning stitches in the anus, in the evening when walking.—Creeping stinging in the anus, in the morning. Creeping, with pressure, in the anus. Creeping at the anus, as of worms.—Itching at the rectum. Itching at the anus, terminating in a dull stitch." Violent itching of the anus after soft stool. Violent itching of the anus, and exsudation of a corrosive humour.__Soreness and tingling in the anus. Soreness of the rectum. Burning sensation of sore- ness in the anus, evening. Burning at the anus.—Protrusion of the varices smarting and painful. Discharge of blood from the anus. Urinary Organs.—Frequent pressure on the bladder, at night, with scanty emission. °Betention of urine, when commencing to urinate. Diminished se- cretion of urine. Frequent and somewhat increased secretion of urine, clear as water and sometimes lemon-yellow, (the first days.) Excessive desire to uri- nate, he urinates a good deal. She urinates a good deal at night, without having taken much drink. Involuntary discharge of urine when blowing her nose, (af- ter a difficult evacuation of the bowels.) °Also when walking, coughing, and sneezing. Reddish urine. The urine looks turbid and loam-coloured in the morning. Very yeUow urine, depositing whitish flocks when standing a good while. Orange-coloured urine, depositing flocks. Flow of blood from the ure- thra, after painful micturition. Pressure on the bladder, but no desire to uri- nate.—Colic, foUowed by spasm in the bladder.—Intensely painful drawing in the urethra and the fore-part of the penis. Intensely painful drawing and creeping from the abdomen as far as the penis. Drawing and tearing in the fore part of the urethra. Biting sensation in the orifice of the urethra after micturition. Sharp, tearing cutting, from the middle of the urethra to the fore- part. Cutting in the orifice of the urethra, in the evening, when sitting. Stitch- ing in the orifice of the urethra. Stitch in the urethra, with strangling sensa. tion, from the fore to the back-part, quick as lightning.—Itching in the urethra. —Burning in the urethra, after urinating. Tearing burning in the urethra. Sore pain in the fore-part of the urethra, (between the acts of micturition. Male Genital Organs.—Great faUing off of the hair of the genital organs. The penis is very sensitive to pain when walking, as if the shirt were too rough and produced friction. Jerking, from the groin towards the penis. Painful jerking in the root of the penis. Dull stitching near the genital organs in the abdomen, succeeded by tearing drawing in the root of the penis. Tearing in the tip of the glans. Dull stitches in the glans, proceeding from the scrotum. Shuddering about the scrotum and the adjoining parts. Shuddering about the scrotum, which becomes shriveUed. ShriveUing of the scrotum. Violent itch- ing of the scrotum, almost causing a feeling of soreness, which cannot be re- moved by scratching, many evenings in succession. A smaU, red and sore pirn- pie around one of the hairs of the scrotum, for three days. Sore feeling in one i de of the scrotum and likewise on the thigh where the scrotum touches it. The right testicle is painful, especially when touched. Shootings, with pressure, in the left testicle, during rest. Drawing in the left, afterwards in the right tes- ticle. Frequent drawing, commencing in the testicles, and following the course ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1029 of the spermatic cord. Prickling pain in the testes, mostly when sitting and stooping, for many days. *Either the right or the left testicle ts drawn up, with some pain and swelling. *The sexual organs are easUy excited, and the semen is emitted too rapidly during an embrace. Great desire for an embrace in the genital organs; the emission of semen being nevertheless difficult and almost im- possible.—*Violent, and long-lasting erections. Emission without dreams, two nights in succession. Copious discharge of prostatic fluid, without any cause. Female Sexual Organs.—Sexual desire in a female, several times at night, without lascivious dreams. Irresistible desire for onanism, in a female, without any lascivious dreams. Pressing in the pudendum and rectum. Varices of the pudendum.—Suppression of the lochia and decrease of the quantity of milk in the mamma;.—lie-appearance of the menses, which had been suppressed for three months, with alternate paleness and redness of the face. Menses too early and more profuse than usual. Discbarge of lumps of coagulated blood during the menses, mostly when walking. Menses too early by a fortnight. The period of the menses is longer. During the menses, heaviness in the limbs, with violent drawing around the^ knees, as if they would be twisted off; inflam- mation of the eyes; sudden tightness and oppression of the region of the sto- mach, she had to loosen her dress; weakness in the hands and feet; chilhness; -Weeping mood and out of humour, during the menses; anxiety; stitching, bit- ing and itching of the pudendum, with sensation as if the parts were swollen; distention of the abdomen; discharge of bloody mucus after the menses, caus- ing an itching of the pudendum.—Recurrence of leucorrhoea for one day, after which it ceased.—Cutting-coUc succeeded by leucorrhoea. Discharge of thick mucus for three days, before and after the menses. °Sore nipples. °Deficiency of milk. Larynx and Trachea.—Roughness and dryness of the throat and fauces, frequently and at different periods. Roughness and rawness in the chest, with nightly heat and sweat.—Hawking up of a quantity of black, coagulated blood, after mucys.—Hoarseness of the chest, as if full of mucus. Hoarseness, with burning in the trachea.—Hawks up a quantity of mucus from the chest.—Titil- lating cough, very fatiguing, in the day-time, but worse at night. Short cough produced by a tickling under the sternum. Suffocative cough; the titiUation takes away his breath. , Dry cough, with violent stitches in the chest, and sensation as if it would fly to pieces; she has great trouble in breathing or talking. Cough, at night, with pricking in the chest and little thirst. Cough with stitches in the head. Discharge of tenacious mucus when coughing, with sensation after the expectoration as if the chest were hoUow and cold in- side^ Discharge of sanguineous mucus when coughing, preceded by stitches in the side. Discharge of blood during dry cough, with burning, and sore pain in the chest, morning and evening. Thick, purulent expectoration when cough- ing, day and night. Chest.—The breathing is more oppressed than usual. °Chest and breathing are unusually free and easy. Constrictive sensation around the chest, with pain in the chest, as if cut to pieces. Oppression of the chest, when walking in the open air, as if constricted with a bandage tied across. Oppression of the chest, two evenings in succession, with dull stitching and pressure in the middle of the sternum, ihe pulse being quick and small. Anxiety in the chest, going off in the evening, with headache. Pain in the chest, especially in the right side, as if the blood were forcing its way into the capillaries of the lungs. aSpasmodic dyspnoea. °Shortness of breath, from flatulence, after dinner.— Pressure in the region of the right extremity of the left clavicle, in the 1030 ZINCUM METALLICUM. morning. Pressure in the chest, extending into the throat, as if a foreign body were rising. Pressure in the left chest, or in the whole chest, here and there. Aching pain in the chest, frequently, (the first two days.) Pressure in the chest, as if from rheumatism or from incarcerated flatulence. Pressure in the chest, arising from the pit of the stomach, going off by an eructation. Pressure at the upper part of the sternum, or in the lower part of the chest, af- ter dinner, for a long time. Pressure below the left nipple. Pressure, a 'sort of rheumatic drawing, below the clavicle, near the joint of the upper arm! Pres- sure in ,'ie regi >n of the left clavicle. Sharp pressure in the right chest, near the axilla. Tearing pressure in the lower part of the left chest. Intermittent pressure from without inward, and drawing * tension here and there in the left chest. Tensive pains in the chest. Tension and drawing in the region of the left clavicle. -^ Tension, bruised pain and stitching in the whole right side of the chest. Tension and stitching in the region of the heart.—Cramp-pain in the chest, intermittent, with qualmishness, in the morning, early.—Pinchin» and hard aching pain in the chest, from time to time.—Tearing in the right chest. Tearing in the left chest, below the axilla. Tearing in the region of the right upper ribs, alnnst in the back. Dull tearing pain in the chest, above the pit of the stomach.—Lancination in the left chest. Tearing stitches in the chest, be- low the axilla, succeeded by soreness. Violent stitches in the chest, when walking in the open air, extending as far up as the left side of the neck, with difficult breathing, for several hours. Stitching pain in the sternum. Pricking in the chest, here or there, during a deep inspiration. Violent stitches in the sternum, when stooping, followed by painful pressure extending from the inmost chest into the throat. Stitch in the upper part of the sternum, extending into the left lumbar region, with dread of stooping, early in the morning. Stitching in the right chest, sometimes when turning the trunk to one side, or after din- ner, followed by pressure, or alternating with stitching in the right groin and side of the abd >men. Stitch under the right nipple. Dull stitching in the right chest. Dull stitching in the region of the right short ribs. Stitch in the left chest, when moving the arm. Stitching in the region of the left ribs, oppo- site the pit of the stomach, with ulcerative pain whether pressing on the part, or not, ia the evening. Stitching pain in a place of the size of the hand in the left chest, with sensation as if the place were decaying and dashed to pieces. Stitches in the left chest, in the evening when standing, the place feeling bruis- ed and painful. Stitches under the heart, like pleuritic stitches. Stitches over the heart, in the evening. Intensely painful stitch in the left clavicle. Violent stitches in the left side, worse during an inspiration, relieved by stretching one's self. Sharp stitches deep in the right chest. Sharp stitching in the region of the heart, increased by violent expirations. Dull stitching in the upper part of the left chest. Dull stitch under the sternum, when eating. Stitching and ten- sion in the chest below the right axilla. Continuous stitch, with pressure, in the right side of the chest, increased by a violent expiration. Sensation of weak- ness and burning in the sternum.—Burning in the left chest. Burning in ihe right chest. The chest-symptoms become more violent when she moves about, or when she lifts something or seizes something with her hands.—Painful throb- bing in the left chest, near the axilla. Frequent palpitation of the heart, with- out anxiety. Painful palpitation of the heart, and a stitch at every beat. —Pain in the chest as if bruised, when riding. Pain of the left pectoral mus- cle, as if sore or bruised. Sore aching pain round the right nipple. Sharp drawing around the left nipple, with painful soreness when touching the part, the pain soon becoming pulsative. Violent aching pain in the right mamma. Feel- ing of distension in the left mamma. DuU and painful stitches in the left mam- ZINCUM METALLICUM. * 1031 ma. Burning at a small spot on the chest, on the right side near the pit of the Stomach, also over the Iert nipple. Burning in the right chest, apparently in the skin, extending as far as the back. Back.—Fain in the small of the back, when walking or sitting. Violent pain in tbe small of the back when walking, frequently obliging him to stand still: nevertheless, the pain diminished mere and more by continued walking. Pain in the region of the os .cocc\gis, sum times pushing-aching. s< metim* s pinching. Pressure over the small of the back in the lower part of the spine. Paralytic aching pain in the small of the back, when lvi:ig in bed in a wrong position, most violent when rising from a m at ar.d when commencing to walk. Torsion and feeling of weakness in the small of the back, when sitting, with tension in tbe head. Sensation in the small of the back, when rising from a seat, as if the part* were screwed in. Drawing in the small of the backhand spine, a sort of painful weakness, when sitting < r stooping. Violent cutting in the si. all of the back, at the least motion, extending into the calves and feet; he is neither able to walk, Btand, nor lie down. Lancinath n in the (s sacrum Cracking in the small of the back, when walking. Weak feeling in the small of the back, when walking.—Pain in the back, when sitting. Stiffness and pain in the upper dor- sal muscles, especially during motion, for four nidifs, not in the day-time. Starp pressure in the back, el se to the right scapula. Burning pressure in the region of the dorsal spine, a little over tbe small of the back. Pressure in the back, under the left scapula. Pressure r n the right side and near the middle of the Bpine. Tension, with pressure, in the back/at a small spot in the border of the right scapula. * Violent tensive pains, like rheumatic, pains, in the lumbar re- gion and on the shoulders.—Tensive pain between the shoulders during rest and motion. Tensive feeling, as from a pitch-plaster, near the internal border of tbe right scapula. Pinching and burning pain in single parts of the back. Burn- ing-drawing in the back and small of the back. Burning.tearing between the spine and right scapula. Tearing in the right scapula. Violent pain in tbe back, as if bruiseU, when walking in the open air, with weakness, so that she was scarcely able to get home. Stitches under the left scapula extending to the forepart of the left chest. Stitching rain in the back and small of the back, when sitting and walking. Violent stitching in the middle of the back when standing. Stitch in the left scapula. Continuous stitching in the bor' dor of the left scapula, towards the axilla, so violent that it caused her to start With mounting of heat to the head. Sharp stitching dose to the upper part of the right scapula, most painful during an eructation, for many days Dull stitch- es under the right scapula. Dull stitches and pressure in the region of the in- ternal border of the right seapuhv Dull, darting stitching directly under and by the left scapula. Burning in the left side of the left scapula. Burning in the akin of the right scapula. Itching between the scapute. in the evenfng Z toTf T. ,0g;-T °D !hC bfku' and H,tle «**» which ^e painful fo the touch.-The nape of the neck and the back are painful; as if bruised and worn out by too great fatigue. Pain in the nape of the neck when s ttL or writing, as if it would not support the head. Tl!e nape of tie neck LlweU m the evening, when writing. Stiffness and pain of the posterior cervide a7d upper dorsal muscles, several mornir.es, n< t in the dav-tiW ^Vm« rl fi E^Jiltf th\T?**~\ ^^S^CtS l de rf tlT„.£ °r A " "1• dU7f,rfSt aDd, m°tinD- A "odesity in the ri*ht side of the nape o the neck painful hke an ulcer when preying upon it Pain of «n« »U.. 'B^t, i. the ,eft UTA. ^f^STS 1032 + ZINCUM METALLICUM. both sides of the neck, near the trunk. Cramp-like drawing along the cervical muscles, from above downward, when chewing. Cramp-like drawing in the right side of the neck, when holding the head erect, as if the neck were stiff. Pain in the side of the neck as far as the shoulder with stiffness of the parts, se- veral mornings when in bed; going off in the day-time. Pressure in the right side of the neck, as with a finger, when talking. Tearing in the right side of the neck, posteriorly, also below the jaw, and behind and below the ear* Tear- ing in the left side of the neck, extending behind the left ear. Frequent and violent tearing in the left side of the neck, going off by pressure, in the morning. Dull tearing in the right side of the neck, posteriorly. Lancinations in the neck and chin running into each other. Lancinations in the posterior and inferior part of the right side of the neck, at a small spot. Stitches in the cervical muscles. Ticklingtn the neck, region of the larynx, accompanied with stitch- ing. Frequent, intensely painful tickling in the neck, region of the larynx. Upper LimbS.—Feeling of soreness in the axillae, at a small spot, as if bruised. Stitching in the left axUla, and in the fore-part of the chest from above downward, with arrest of breathing, in the evening. Dull stitchin? tear- ing in the right axilla. Tearing under the left arm, extending as far as the ax- iUa. Burning in the left axUla.—Rheumatic tension in the head of the left hu. merus. Tension and tearing in both shoulder-joints. Pressure, with tearing, in the left side of the shoulder, where the neck commences. Tearing on the right shoulder. Violent tearing in the shoulder-joint, on which he had been ly- ing at night. Lancination in the top of the right shoulder. Stitching in the left shoulder. The shoulder-joints feel as if gone to sleep. SmaU pimples on both shoulders, like boils.—Disposition to move the arms. Jerking of the left arm. Tearing in the arms and hands. Pain as if bruised in \he arm, morning and evening. Pain as if bruised in the left arm ; the deltoid muscle is so pain- ful that he is unable to raise the arm.—Dull pain in the right upper arm. Rheu- matic pain in the deltoid muscles of the upper arm, increased by raising the arm. Drawing in the left upper arm, close to the elbow. Tearing in the left upper arm, near the shoulder. Tearing in both upper arms, from the deltoid muscles downwards. Intermittent tearing in the middle of the inner side of the left up- per arm. Stitching in the right upper arm, in the morning, while dressing. Stitching and burning in the anterior surface of the left upper arm, after dinner. Pain as if bruised in the right humerus. Gurgling in the left upper arm. Bit- ing burning in the skin of the upper and posterior portion of the left upper arm. Large boU on the left upper arm.—Rheumatic pressure in the elbows. Tearing in the bend of the elbows. Tearing in the right elbow-joint, going off by fric- tion. Stitching and tension in the right elbow-joint, in the evening when yawn- ing. Rash in the bend of the elbow.—Spasmodic drawing, occasionally, in the lower arms or fingers. Drawing pain in the lower arm, apparently in the bone. Tearing in the left radius, afterwards in the knee. Sharp tearing in the left lower arm, mostly in the upper half. Pain as if bruised in the lower arms, when feeUng and turning the arm, with occasional tearing in the fleshy part of the arm. Gurgling, dull tearing in the muscles of the inner side of the right lower arm, not far from the bend of the elbow. Burning in the forearm, over the right wrist-joint, when moving the arm. Burning on the left, lower arm, at night. Pimples on the lower arm, itching violently in the day-time.—Pressure in the ball of the left thumb.—Stiffness in the dorsum of the hand, and cramp- feeling in the extensor muscles of the thumb, when playing on the piano. Ten- sion in the metacarpal bone of the little finger, towards the wrist-joint. Tension in the righlpvrist, as if the muscles were too short. Rheumatic tension above the left wrist. Rheumatic drawing in the right wrist-joint. Tearing drawing ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1033 in the palm of the left hand, between the thumb and index-finger. Tearing in the right wrist. Tearing in the exterior of the wrist. Tearing in the bend of the left wrist-joint, with tearing stitches in the dorsum of the left hand. Tear- ing in the dorsum of the right hand, in the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, and in the wrist. Tearing in the metacarpal bones of both index-fingers. Tearing in the dorsum of the left hand, sometimes alternating with tearing in the right. Frequent tearing in the palm of the right hand near the fingers. Tearing in the middle of the right wrist, foUowed by tearing extending toward the backs of the fingers. Sharp tearing in the right hand, directly under the wrist-joint. Tensive tearing in the palm of the right hand. Tearing,,with pres- sure, in the wrist-joint, in the region of the os pisiforme. Lancination in the right hand, in the bend of the wrist and palm of the hand, near the Uttle finger. Weakness and tremor of the hands when writing. Rigidity of the hands, es- pecially the right hand. Paralytic condition of the right liand, it looks bluish, is dead, heavy and insensible, and the pulse is smaU, scarcely perceptible and thready. Cool hands. Burning pain in the right wrist and the palm of the hand. Burning at a small spot on the left hand. Burning of the border of the right hand. Biting in the dorsum of the right hand, extending beyond the wrist, as if an eruption would break out. Itching pimple on the dorsum of the hand. Red, smaU, round spots on the hands and fingers. °Rough, itching her- petic spots on the hands. Sweaty hands. *The epidermis of the hands be- comes chapped and painful, even in rather mUd weather. ChUblains on the hands, itching and swelling violently.—Piercing stitching in the fingers. Long pricking through the posterior joint of the left thumb, several times. Sharp cutting stitch in the tips of both thumbs. Lancination in the upper (anterior ?) joint of the right thumb. Lancinations in the fingers. Lancinations in the middle joints of the *three last fingers of both hands. Tearing in the lower (pos- terior ?) joints and phalanges of the fingers. Tearing in the tips of the index, middle, and Uttle fingers.—Tearing under the naU of the right thumb. Tearing and painful beating in the tip of the left thumb, as in an ulcer, with sensation of numbness^and with heat which can be felt by others. Tearing drawing in the • anterior joints of the left ring and middle fingers. Drawing tearing in the right thumb. Jerking tearing, extending from the posterior joints of the fingers of the left hand towards the tips, in the evening. Painless jerking in the posterior joint of the right thumb. Aching pain in the middle joint of the right index- finger, and, at intervals, in the lower joint of that finger. Frequent creeping and beating in the left thumb, with a feeling of heat in the thumb, without any heat being perceived by others. Burning in the flexor surface of the finger 1 ricking itching at a spot on the left fourth finger, foUowed shortly by a red pustule at that same spot, with beating-burning pain. Nodosity under the skin in the bend of the anterior joint of the ring-finger. Burning-painful rhagades between two fingers of the left hand. s ,W°Y1" K"!bJ,~T^ ^ hip $ painfuI P°steriorly. Dull pressure close above the right hip. Drawing, with pressure, directly over the right buttock. Pressure and drawing m the posterior surface of the thigh, preventing him from sitting : ,t disappears graduaUy in walking. Tearing with pressure in the left hip. Drawing pain in the nates, after drinking wine. Drawing, tearing and burning in the posterior surface of the left hip. Tearing in the forepart of the crest of the Jam, when sitting. Tearing in the buttock under the left hip. E?H fl ^ b°,th i-PS and P°8teriorly in the right. Lancination in the buttock under the right hip Pain as if bruised, with cramp-feeling, Seat and burning in the region of the left hip extending to the middle of the* hiS with languor of the limb and continued sensitiveness of the hip when walking 1034 ZINCUM METALLICUM. or standing; the pain went off by sitting. Pain as if bruised in the hip-joint, as if the flesh had become detached from the bones. Pain as if bruised, in tbe glutei muscles and the posterior muscles of the thigh, for two days. Gurgling in the right buttock.—Rheumatic drawing in the right limb. Heaviness in the limbs, with tearing, 3be is scarcely able to raise them. Weakness and pain in the limbs, so that she is scarcely able to step, with sensitiveness to every little wind that gets into the room. Violent it-hing of the whole lower Umb.—Rheu- matic drawing in the thiglis. Drawing pain in the thighs, from time to time, in the evening. Drawing pain m the inner side of the right thigh. Dull jerking pain in the inner side of the thigh. Drawing sore pain in the external muscles of the right thigh. Drawing tearing in the head of the left femur and in the hip. Tearing in the thighs, especially the fleshy parts, sometimes violent and conti- nuous. Tearing in the inner side of the left thigh, going off by motion. Painful tearing in the left thigh, from the knee to the middle of the thigh. Violent tearing in the outer side of the thigh, apparently in the femur, from the hip down to the middle of the thigh. Lancinations in the thigh, when lying and walking. Dull Stitches in the middle of the right thigh. Stitching in the posterior surface of the thigh when yawning. Pain a3 if bruised in the anterior surface of the left . thigh ; the parts are painful when pressed upon. Heaviness and paralytic pain in tbe left femur, over the knee, very violent when walking, standing or sitting. Painful, heavy and paralytic feeling in the right thigh, when walking. Paraly- tic pain in the right thigh, in the upper part at first, afterwards toward the knee, when standing; relieved by sitting, in the evening. ItchiDg burning in the outer side of the right thigh, over the knee. Itching oftlie thighs and bend of tbe knee; very violent, in the evening, with blotches after scratching, resem- bling those produced by nettles. Itching of tbe anterior surface of the thigh, over the knee, five evenings in succession, with pimples on those parts which are easily scratched open. Varices of the thigh, as high up as the labia.—DuU . pain in tbe knee, gradually increasing and decreasing. Dull, digging-up pain in the knees, frequently. In a dream the knee-joints seem to him heavy and al- most immoveable; indeed, on waking, which happens much earlier than usual, they are painful as after a violent fatigue, more so during rest than motion. Violent pain, at first in the right, afterwards in the left patella and heel, evening and night. Tensive pain in the right knee-joint, when walking. Tension, fol- lowed by burning, directly under the right knee. Painful tension in the bend of the knee, when walking in the open air. Rheumatic drawing in the right knee and along the tibia. Tearing in the right knee and in the outer border of tbe bend of the knee, down to the calf. Tearing in the outer side of the right patella. Tearing, and pain as if bruised, in the bends of both knees, worse when walking. Tearing in the knees. Painful tearing and gnawing in the left knee, upwards and downwards. Gnawing and boring in the left knee, with tension in the upper part of the calf, renewed by sitting down. Stitches in the knee. Stitch in the inner side of the right knee, like a flea-bite. Stitch, with pressure, in the inner side of the right knee, during rest. Painful boring in the knees. Tremor of tbe knees, when sitting after a short walk. Violent itching in ihe right knee-joint.—Pressure, afterwards tearing of the inner side of the left leg, between ankle and calf. Alternate drawing and pressure in both bones of the right leg. Rheumatic drawing and tension in the right tibia. Drawing pain in the legs in the evening. Pain in the right tibia. Drawing in both calves, from above downwards. Drawing and contractive sensation in the right tendo-Achil- lis. Tearing in the left leg, in front, below the knee; afterwards a bruised pain is felt at that place. Tearing in the calves. Tearing in the region of the right tibia. Tearing in the left leg, between tibia and ankle-joint. Tearing in the ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1035 lower end of the right tibia. 8titch over the right foot when running. Stitch- ing pain in both tibia;, when walking. Piercing stitching in the tibiae. Jerk- ing in tbe left calf. Rigidity and stiffness of the muscles of the calf when walk- ing. Rigidity and drawing in tbe calf. Cramp-pain in the left calf, at night. Cramp-pain in the left calf and foot. Cramp in the leg when drawing it up. Cramp threatens to come on when turning the body. Frequent sensation in the left lower limb, especially the leg, as if the circulation were arrested. The ngbt leg goes to sleep, at night. Formication in both calves. Burning of the skin below the right calf. Burning pain in the region of the tibia. Erysipelas and painful swelling of the tendo- AchiUis. Pulsative tearing in the tendines-Achil- lis. Red spot on the leg, becoming covered with scurf, and itching. cDisappear- ance of the varices of the leg, (curative effect.)—Rheumatic tension in the left tarsal joint, when at rest. Pain in the outer border of the right foot, as if the bones would break, when walking, raising the foot, holding it on one side and raising it on the toes. Tension in the right foot, along the heel, as if the foot had been sprained, or as if the muscles were too short. Tensi n in the right sole, as if the tendons were too short, when stepping and walking, in the even- ing. Aching pain below the outer ankle. Drawing tearing in the right foot, as far as the ankles, with a feeling of heaviness when at rest. Drawing tearing around both inner ankles and in the tendines-Achillis. Tearing in the bends of tho tarsal joints, also in the border and in the dorsum of the left foot. Tearing in tho soles. Tearing pain in the outer ankle of the right foot. Tearing and creeping in the dorsum of the left foot, with a numb feeling in the soles, going off when walking. Tearing in the outer border of the right foot, towards the toes, going off by friction. Tearing from under the right inner ankle to tbe heel, in the evening, when sitting. Tearing and tension in llie borders of the right foot. Tearing and pain in the heels; the feet feel as if knocked off from the body. Lancination in the sole and in the bends of the joints of the lesser right toes. Stitches in the heel. Piercing stitching in the ball of the toes. Burning stitching in the bones of the dorsum of the foot, here and there. Burn- ing below the right inner ankle. Burning under the right heel, nu st violent when stepping. Burning of the soles. Burning and ulcerative pain of the soles. Ulcerative pain in both heels, most violent when walking. Intolerable boring pain in the heel, after drinking wine. Pain as if sprained in the tarsal joint. Pain in the soles when stepping; they feel as if swoUen. with sensation as if the teeth of an instrument were scratching them for several days. Violent inflammatory swelling of the foot. Swelling around the ankles, (this foot had been affected with disease.) Cold feet, even in bed. Fetid sweat of the feet; his feet become sore by walking. The feet frequently go to sleep, which is painful, in the evening. Weak feet in the morning, going off by walking. Trembling of the foot when lifting it. Itching of the soles. Ulcerated blister on the dorsum of the right foot, as from a hum. Pain of the toes a.s if they had become sore.by walking. Ulcerative pain in the right big toe. Sensation as if his toes had become blistered by walking. Tearing and sore pain in the tip of the big toe and under the nail. Pain of the nail of the big toe as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, when touching it. Pain as if sprained in the bends of the posterior joints of the toes. Drawing tearing in the toes and the anterior half of the foot. Tearing in the two first toes of the right foot, infe- riorly. Tearing in the right Uttle toe. Lancinations in all the toes. Lancina- tion in the jmterior joint of the right big toe. Lancination in the bends of the anterior joints of the two first right toes. Pulsative stitching in the tip of the right big toe. Prickling in the left big toe. Prickling in the inner side of tbe anterior joint of the left big toe. Violent stinging itching in the anterior ball of 1036 ZINCUM METALLICUM. the big toe, in the evening. Burning and pricking in the baU of the big toe, when at rest, as if the part had been frozen. Painful itching of the ricrht toe9, with heat, redness and swelling, as if frozen ; the pain is increased by friction and scratching. Blotch on the little toe and the baU of the right toes with sting- ing pain when walking. Skin.—Itching aU over, sometimes with burning or redness, and pimples after scratching. Itching in the bends of the joints. Itching of the extremities, not in the joints. Violent itching in aU the joints in succession, and lastly in the hip-joint. Frequent and violent itching, at night, like flea bites, especially on the back and abdomen. Single itching points in the skin, especiaUy on the hands, without external redness and elevation. Sudden itching, here and there, especially in the evening when in bed, going off by contact. Pricking here and there. Prickling itching, in the evening, when in bed, on the forehead, thigh, ankle, tarsal joint and in other places. Stinging itching in the skin, with nettle rash after friction.—Itching rash in the bends of the knees and elbows. Red pimples on the chest and face. SmaU pimples on the thighs, calves, and around the knees ; itching violently. °Herpes and herpetic ulcers.—SmaU boils be- tween the scapulae, on the back, and in many other places. °Ganglia.—Aslidit injury causes a good deal of bleeding. The external parts, lobules of the ears, tip of the nose, are chilled easily, even in a moderate temperature. Great sen- sitiveness to the cold, especially in the tips of the fingers and in the feet. Characteristic Peculiarities.—The pains caused by zinc seem to exist sometimes between skin and flesh. Wine increases the sufferings even when they seemed to be removed by camphor. Wine and nux v. increase the symp- toms, (especially the nightly restlessness and the constipation,) and excite them again. Most of the symptoms appear after dinner and towards evening. The symptoms are generally felt during rest and when sitting, less during motion. General Symptoms.—Jactitation in various parts of the body. Twitchings in various muscles. Twitchin on gatheriQg and preparing eTntinn \i , /tch!fg* buming' Orally in themorningf) and vesicuU? ofTeJJ ? r?" Tt WT\1 i aDdab0Ut the W with carting and rednts of the eyes and photophobia 24 hours after gathering, but conimenfmg about 18 1042 APPENDIX. hours previously. Headache through the eyes and temples, with duUness and sleepiness 30 to 36 hours after, in the afternoon. Secretion of urine more co- pious, and rather pale. Next day, itching, burning, and extension of the vesicu- lar eruption around the eyes, upper lids, supercilUa, mouth, and external orifice of the ears, and drowsiness and dullness of spirits in the afternoon. Headache, sUght photophobia, and obscured vision at times, as weU as on the previous day. Itching of the scalp. Tongue more furred, and appetite not as good. After midnight on the beginning of the 3d day, pain coUc, rumbling and griping in tbe bowels during repose, with sulphuretted eructations, and discharge of fla- tus. (Had eaten custard at noon before.) Two or three years ago, when si- mUarly affected from preparing some, had loose serous evacuations in the morn- ing, for several days running, in addition to the colic and cutting pains in the' abdomen. Bather copious secretion of pahsh urine continues. Bheumatic pain in the lumbar region, and through the hips. Nausea, want of appetite, and loathing of food on rising in the morning, and colic and griping, &c. continues, but better after moving about during the day. Tongue stUl more coated. Itch- ing on the hands and face stiU continues, and more extended. Took a dose of Bryonia, and it is proper to remark, that I inhaled Bryonia rather freely the evening of the exposure, otherwise I probably would have suffered still more, as I had done two or three times in as many years before. 4th day, symptoms aU materiaUy relieved, excepting the eruption which is more extended. 5th, 6th and 7th days, first eruption drying up, but coming out on new spots. What makes these symptoms still more striking is, that from a boy up to 1842, I had always been able to handle this and the Bad., and be among it without experiencing any inconvenience." SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. This remedy has been used in fractures of bones to faciUtate their reunion ; it is said to have been employed with success in several cases. CLINICAL NOTE BESPECTING TABTAB EMETIC, BY DB. GRAY. 1. I have given the tartar emetic with success in a case of apoplexy, accom- panied by fruitless efforts to vomit. The patient, a woman of sixty years, after lying quite unconscious for nearly 24 hours, had partially recovered her senses for 48 hours before I saw her, but had taken neither food nor drinks. Her efforts to vomit were repeated about every half hour. Between these turns she appeared to be in an uneasy coma. The remedy was given in a watery solution l-60th of a grain; and this one dose was completely successful; no more efforts at vomiting occurred, the coma disappeared rapidly, and a hemi- plegia which remained after the full restoration of her consciousness, faded away in a very few days. No other remedy was exhibited. 2. I have for many years been in the habit of treating the coma which occurs in the height of febrUe paroxysms, especiaUy the violent ephemeral attacks to which young chUdren are Uable, by the tartar emetic in doses of the l-100th of a grain, repeated every hour tiU the heat and coma abate. The presence of vomiting strengthens the indication for the drug so much, as to make it advisable to give a smaUer quantity, and at intervals of from a half to a full hour longer. The very hot paroxysms of fever, occurring in the course of dentition, and especially such as are excited by errors of diet, and tend to the development of severe APPENDIX. 1043 convulsions, have been much more satisfactorily treated by this drug than by the aconite, belladonna, or chamomilla, which 1 have often applied singly and seriatim, as is the general practice in our school. The first sign of abatement in the fever, or coma, is, with me, the signal for stopping the remedy. 3. In tho first stage of influenza (generaUy of itself a fugitive state), I think it by very much the most strictly indicated, and on that account, as weU as from my own observations in many hundreds of cases, by very far the most efficacious means we can apply. The state against which I give it is: lassitude With great sensitiveness to cold, with chUly feelings, headache, pasty tongue, inflammation of the throat (tonsils, arches of the palate or pharynx), short turns of nausea, achings in the bones, especially of the lower extremities, yel- lowness of the skin, slight hoarseness, more or less fever-heat and sweats. The antimony often acts as a perfect remedy in the stage of incubation, especi- aUy in those cases which would of themselves close this stage by profuse watery diarrhoea with some vomiting and cramps.* The second or bronchial stage of the true influenza having been successfully managed by phosphorus or bryonia, with the aid of aconite or hyoscyamus, I complete the cure by a return to the antimony; that is to say, when the air- passages are loaded with mucus, the cough being frequent and the expectoration copious. 4. I have preferred this preparation to the crude antimony in the treat- ment of acute inflammatory rheumatisms in cases embarrassed by gastric symptoms, which according to our authorities call for that preparation. My reason for this choice is, that the tartar emetic has produced the desired result more promptly in my hands than the crude antimony. 5. In the treatment of gastric and bUious fevers, I have, for the same reason done the same thing; and that for many years past and with equaUy satisfac- tory results. 6. Bespecting the malarious fevers, I suggest, with unfeigned diffidence, the application of the tartarized antimony in doses of the l-60th of a grain, repeated every two to four hours throughout the whole period or stage of incubation, and further still, (unless very strong indications for other drugs are developed,) even tUl the fever sssumes a distinctly intermittent character, admitting of it's then denoted specific, as for example, china, arsenic, or ipecacuanha. If, however, the dose above indicated produce any sensible effects, especiaUy if it provoke nausea, or clearly aggravate it when previously present, I would immediately stop its use for 12 hours, giving in the interval a dose or two of Pulsatilla, and then resume it, in a smaUer quantity, say the first or second trituration. The success of our school in the treatment of severe forms of malarious fevers, has not been such as in my judgment to render this suggestion respecting the antimony whoUy superfluous. It is my conviction that this drug covers more of the symptoms of the bUious fevers of our cUmate in the first 7 to 14 days of their existence, than any other as yet known ; and I am according persuaded that the riper experience of later times wiU give it in our school the rank which George Fordyce in vain sought to give it a hundred years ago in » Thii.■ stage, of which the angina faucium, the chills, and the bone pains, are the orotni £,.. -ufhnog..subsides of itself in 24 to 48 hours, and the physician k'veryap? o^ j£,.ved as to the efficacy of h,s treatment. The allopathist praises his atrocious lancS and hero.c purgat.vea, and the homoeopathic his mercuries, or belladonna or nux a,Hth« paUeutin e.ther case thinks a wonder has been done for him; but tbTd£aXif feI real .nflue.ua, is not removed ; it has only advanced a step beyond the nrocess of InLwJ? aud prostration. 1044 APPENDIX. the ordinary practice.—(See his Essay on Fevers.) Dr. Fordyce says, that given below the nauseating point, throughout the continued fevers (of England), it produced better results, especiaUy when solely reUed on, than any other treat- ment then known. 7. In croup, the tartar emetic, in watery solution, appUed in aU states prior to the deposition of plastic lymph (diphtherite), is in my opinion a safer practice than the aeon, spong. and hepar. hitherto so much, and as I think unjustly, lauded in our books. 8. The tartar emetic is certainly a simUUmum to variola and variolois. In the incubation of these diseases I give it in doses of the ^^ of a grain; later, in the 2d and 3d trituration. Since treating them in this way (now 15 years), I have not had an instance of retrocession of the eruption.* Should I be called to such a case, I should rely on the same remedy, but in a high attenuation. 9. I desire again to caU the attention of the heroic men of our school, who are reafly engaged in testing the physiological powers of the drugs on their own persons, to the facts, that antimony, arsenic, and phosphorus produce very analogous results in the healthy, and that these great drugs have isomorphous relations with each other. It is certainly worthy of sturdy inquiry, whether isomorphous drugs can be used as substitutes for each other in any or aU cases; for, if the curative power be that unknown force which determines their atomic relations and their crystaUine form, then not only will a test be presented whereby the errors and falsities of pathogenetics (a canker worm in homoeopathy) may be corrected promptly and soundly; but by the simple consideration of these known elements, the atomic relations and crystaUine dimensions, we may be enabled to determine the therapeutic value of very many, as yet untried agents of the future art of healing. TTJSSTLAGO PETASITES. This remedy has been recommended by some physicians for gonorrhoea. The particular symptoms are not stated. * I have been informed by Dr. Hunter of this city, that he has produced the tartar emetic pustules on the skin, by its internal administration, in twe*. nstances of phthisis pulmonalis. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS, [For botanical, chemical, and foreign names of remedies, see list given at p. 1062.] Abdomen, the cavity between the thorax and pelvis ; the belly. Aberration, departure from the natural, healthy action. Ablactation , weaning of children. Abnormal, anormal, not natural; unhealthy; morbid; irregular. Abortus, abortion ; miscarriage. Abouchement, anastomosis. Abrade, abrasion, loss of skin or membrane, by scraping, &c.; excoriation. Abscess, cavity containing pus. Abscission, cutting away a soft part. Absorbents, small vessels to convey matters to the blood ; lacteals, lymphatics: absorb- ing earths, alkalies, &c. Abstergent, cleansing. Acarus, insect infecting the skin, as in itch. Accession, the onset of fever, &c. Accouchement, child-bearing. Accretion, growth, increase. Acephalous, having no head. Acerbity, sourness ; acidity. Acetabulnm, cup-like cavity, receiving the head of the femur at the hip-joint. Acetum, vinegar. Acme, height of a disease. Acne, pimples. Acne rosacea, carbuncled face. Acoustic, referring to sound. Acrid, corrosive ; pungent; irritating. Acromial, pertaining to the acromion. Acromion, a process of the scapula. Acuminated, sharp-pointed. Acupuncture, plunging of needles into the soft parts. Acute, of disease, sharp, rapid ; of pain, se- vere. Adhesion, reunion of wounded or fractured parts ; morbid connection of contiguous sur- faces. Adipification, deposition of fat. Adipsia, absence of thirst. Adolescence, approach to maturity. Adynamic, attended with great debility, pros- tration. Agglutination, adhesion ; gluing together. V.gopkonism, sound of the voice like the bleutiug of a gout. ■Etiology, doctrine of morbid causes. Affinity, chemical attraction. Affusion, pouring or dashing water, &c., on the body. Affluxion, accumulation of fluids; flowing together. Agonecia, agonia; impotence; sterility. Agrypnia, sleeplessness. Ague, chill; cold stage of intermittent; apy- rexia. Agustia, loss of taste. Ala nasi, wings of the nose ; lateral cartil- ages of the nose. Albuginea oculi, testis, tunic of the eye, of the testicle. Albugo, white speck ; leucoma. Albumen, an organic element of the blood, &c, found almost pure in the white of an Albuminuria, albuminous urine; a dlopsie&l disease, in which much albumen exists in the urine. Alienatio mentis, mental delusion, insanity. Aliment, food. Alimentary, connected with food. Alkali, substance which neutralizes acids, and changes vegetable blues to green, as potash, soda, &c. Alkaloids, substances possessing somewhat similar properties to alkalies. Allopathy, system of medical practice based upon the principle " contraria contrariis curantur." Alopecia, loss of hair; baldness. Ah-roti, the bony sockets of the teeth. Alveolar, belonging to the alveoli. Alcine, pertaining to the stomach or intes- tines. Amaurosis, paralysis of the optic nerve; gut- ta serena. Amblyopia, dimness of sight. Amblyosmios, dulness of hearing. Amenorrhoea, absence or stoppage of the menstrual discharge ; suppressed menstrua- tion. Amentia, idiocy. Amnesia, loss of memory. Amnion, amnios, envelope of the foetus. Amorphous, anideus, irregularly shaped. Amygdala, tonsils. Amygdalitis, quinsy ; cynanche tonsillaris. 1046 GLOSSARY. Anal, pertaining to the anus. Ancemia, deficiency of blood. Anaphrodi.sia, venereal impotence. Anasarca, dropsy of the cellular tissue. Anastomosis, inosculation of vessels. Ankyloblepharon, adhesion of the eyelids. Anchylosis, ankylosis, stiffness of a joint ; adhesion of articulating surfaces. Ancon, annus, elbow-joint. Andromania, nymphomania. Androgynus, andrin, hermaphrodite. Anesthesia, paralysis of nerves of sensa- tion. Aneurism, morbid enlargement of an artery. Angina, affections of the throat, as sore throat, &,c. Angina gangrenosa, malignant inflamma- tion of the throat. Angina membranacea, croup. Angina maligna, putrid sore throat. Angina parotidea, mumps. Angina tonsillaris, quinsy. Angina pectoris, inflammation of the chest. Angina pharyngea. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Angiology, doctrine of the vascular system. Anhelation, panting; difficult breathing. Animalcules, insects visible only through the microscope. Animalization, conversion of food into or- ganic matter. Annular, circular ; like a ring. Anoia, idiocy; ancea. Anodyne, a soothing remedy. Anomalous, irregular, unnatural. Anorexia, want of appetite. Anosmia, loss of the sense of smelling. Antacid, a substance which neutralizes acids. Antagonistic, acting in an opposite way. Antaphrodisiac, agents intended to diminish sexual desire. Antebrachial, relating to the forearm. Anterior, before, in front. Anthelmintic, vermifuge ; antidote for worms. Anthrax, anthracia, carbuncle. Anthropophobia, dread of human beings. Anticardium, epigastrium, pit of the sto- mach. Antiphlogistic, remedies in the old system j against inflammation ; cooling remedies. Anticipating, returning before the usual! time, said of intermittent fever. Antidote, a counter remedy ; an agent to annul the action of another remedy or poison. Antihelix, a prominence of the outer ear. Antiseptic, designed to prevent putrefaction. Antispasmodic, remedy relieving spasm. Antrum, bony cavity. Antrum-highmorianum, cavity above the teeth in the upper jaw. Anus, external opening of the rectum; fun- dament. Aorta, great artery of the body. Aortitis, inflammation of the aorta. Apathy, insensibility. Apepsia, weakness of digestion. Aperient, gentle laxative. Apex, summit, point. Aphonia, loss of voice. Aphoria, sterility. Aphrodisiac, provocative to venery; remedy for sterility. Aphtha, thrush ; sprue ; sore-mouth. Apnaa, suffocation. Aponeurosis, (pi. aponeuroses,) fascia, tendi- nous expansion of muscles. Apophysis, projecting end of a bone. Apoplexia, apoplexy, loss of sensation and voluntary motion. Apyrexia, intermission of febrile paroxyms. Arachnitis, a form of phrenitis ; inflamma- tion of the arachnoid membrane. Arachnoid, membrane of the brain; tunic of the eye. Arc, arch, segment of a circle, as iu the co- lon, aorta, palate, &c. Ardor urines; ventriculi, scalding urination; heartburn. Areola, circle, as around the nipple. Argillaceous, partaking of the nature of clay. Aridity, dryness. Aroma, fragrant odor. Arterial, pertaining to the arteries. Arterialization, decarbonization of the blood, while passing through the lungs. Arteritis, inflammation of the arterial coats. Arteries, vessels conveying the blood from the heart. Arthralgia, arthrodynia, pain in the joints. Arthritis, arthrosia, gout; inflammation o{ the joints. Arthritis vaga, erratic gout. Arthrocace, spina ventora, decay of the arti- cular portions of bones, spreading from the marrow outwards. Arthromeningitis, inflammation of the mem- branes of a joint. Arthronalgia, chronic rheumatism. Arthrosis, articulation, joint. Ascaris, (pi. ascarides,) small intestinal worms ; pin worms ; thread worms. Ascites, abdominal dropsy. Asphyxia, suspended animation, as by suffoca- tion, &.C Asthenia, extreme debility ; weakness of the heart's action. Asthenic, debilitated; applied to disease, low. Asthma, violent oppression of breathing. Astragalus, upper bone of the tarsus, on which the tibia rests. Astringents, medicines used to contract mus- cular fibre, and constrict vessels, to restrain Ataxic, typhus characterized by excessive prostration and colliquation. Athletic, vigorous, muscular. Athymia, despondency. Atlas, first vertebra of the neck. GLOSSARY. 1047 Atom, ultimate particle of matter. Atony, relaxation, want of energy or tone. Attenuation, emaciation, dilution of a medi- cine in homoeopathic practice. Atrophy, wasting away of the system, from functional disturbance. Atypir, erratic, irregular ; having no charac- teristic symptoms. Auditory, pertaining to the ear. Auricula, external ear. Aurigo, jtundice. \urium tinnitus, ringing in the ears. Aurium sordes, ear-wax ; cerumen. Auscultation, the detection of symptoms by tli« ear ; stethoscopic diagnosis. Autorrnsy, vis medicatrix nature;. Autopsy, ocular evidence. .iii/ij/iiia cadarrris, post-mortem examina- tion by dissection. Automatic, involuntary motions. Axilla, (pi. axilla,) arm-pits. Axillary, pertaining to the axilla. Axis, second vertebra of the neck. Xzygos, muscles, &.C., having no mate ; not double. j I Balanitis, inflammation of the glans penis. fialanorrhaa, balanoblennorrhagia, false, gonorrhoea. Biceps, double-headed muscle. Bicuspides, first molares. Bifurcation, division into branches. Bigaster, biventer, double-bellied muscle. Bile, gall secreted in the liver. Biliary, pertaining to the secretions of the j liver. ! Bilious, abounding in bile. j Blennorrhea, blennorrhagia, gleet, discharge from the urethra, chronic gonorrhoea. Blepharitis, blephaiophthalmia, inflammation of the eyelids. i Blepharon, eyelid. Blepharophthalmitis, inflammation of the eyelid. Blepharoptosis, paralytic falling of the upper eyelid. Blepharospastnus, spasm of the eyelid. Borborygmus, rumbling in the bowels from flatus. Bothrio cephalus, broad tape-worm. Brachial, pertaining to the arms. Bronchial, pertaining to the bronchi. Bronchitis, inflammation of the bronchia. Bronchophony, abnormal resonnauce of the voice in the bronchial tubes corresponding to obliterated air-vesicles. Bronchus, (pi. bronchi, bronchia,) one of the tubes into which the trachea bifurcates; air-passage. Bruit, term applied to certain sounds in aus- cultation. Brygmus, grating of teeth. Bubo, an inflamed gland. Bubonocele, inguinal hernia. Bucca, the cheek. Buccal, belonging to the cheeks ; pertaining to the mouth. Buccinator, muscle of the cheek. Bucnemia, tumid leg. Bulimy, bulimia, excessive appetite ; canin hunger. Bulla, large vesicles. Cachexy, cachexia, vitiated constitution ; bad habit; morbid condition of the body cha- racterized by deficient digestion, nutrition and assimilation. Cachinnation, hysterical laughter. Cadaver, a dead body. f'ni/'iverous, resembling a corpse. I Canal, belonging to the coecum. Cacum, caput coli; blind gut. Calculus, (pi. calculi,) stoue, gravel; concre- tions in the bladder, kidneys, gallducts, etc Calibre, cavity of hollow vessels. Calico, blindness. 1 Colli, nodes. i Callosity, hardness, as of tumors. I Callous, hard. Callus, osseous matter con- | necting fractured bones. | Caloric, principle of heat. Canalis, canal, channel or tube in the body. ; Cancelli, spongy structure in bones. i Cancrum oris, fetid ulcer in the mouth. I Canine, belonging to the dog-species. Canker, ulceration of the mouth or throat. Canthus, angle of the eyelids. Capillaries, hair-like minute vessels. Capitis, of the head. Caput, the head. Caput obstipum, wry neck. Capsule, membranous sac. Carcinoma, adj. carcinomatous, cancer. Cardia, upper orifice of the stomach. Cardiac, appertaining to the heart. Cardialgia, spasm of the stomach. Carditis, inflammation of the heart Caries, ulceration of the bone. Carminatives, medicaments to remove flatu- lence. Corneous, fleshy. Carotids, two large arteries of the neck. Carpologia, picking at the bed-clothes. Carpus, the wrist. Carpal, belonging to the wrist. Carus, coma; profound stupor ; torpor. Caruncle, small fleshy excrescence. Caseous, like cheese. Catalepsy, nervous attack, characterized by temporary interruption of the organic func- tions of the body and mind. Catamenia, menses. Cataplasm, poultice. Cataract, opacity iu the crystalline lens. Catarrh, cold ; inflammation of mucous mem- brane of air passages, etc. Catharsis, purging. Cathartic, purgative; cleansing medicine. Cauda, tail. Cauda equina, lower extremity of the spine. 1048 GLOSSARY. Cellular tissue, net-like formation composed of cells. Cephalalgia, headache. Cephalic, pertaining to the head. Cephalitis, inflammation of the brain. Cephaloma, a tumor resembling brain. Cerebellum, lower, back part of the brain. Cerebral, pertaining to the brain. Cerebritis, inflammation of the brain. Cerebrum, upper and front part of the brain. Cerou*. like wax. Cerumen, ear-wax. Cervical, belonging to the neck. Cervix vesica, uteri, neck of the bladder; uterus. Chancre, syphilitic ulcer. Cheiragra, gout in the hand. Chemosis, inflammatory swelling of the con- junctiva. Chloasma, chlorosis. Chlorosis, green sickness. Cholagogues, medicines producing bilious dis- Cholera, a disease attended with violent vom- iting and purging. Choleric, bilious tem- perament. Cholerine, a milder kind of cholera. Chorda vocales, vocal cords, four ligaments uniting the thyroid and arytenoid carti- Chordee, painful erection of the penis. Chorea Sancti Viti, St. Vitus's dance. Chorion, external membrane of the foetus. Choroid, similar in appearance to the chorion. Chromatopsia, colored vision. Chronic, long-continued ; in contradistinction to acute. Chyle, a white fluid entering the vascular system from the thoracic duct. Ckylification, the process by which the chyme is converted into chyle. Chyme,dhe ingesta after they have been di- gested in the stomach. Chymification, process of digestion, converting the food into chyme. Cicatrization, healing—of a wound, etc. Cicatrix, (pi. cicatrices,) scar left after the healing of a wound, etc. Cilium, eyelash ; the edge of the eyelids. Ciliary, pertaining to the eyelids. Cineritious, ash-colored. Cingulum, the waist. Clavicle, collar bone. Clavi pedis, corns. Clavus hystericus, fixed pain in the forehead, as if a nail were stuck in. Climacteric, period of organic change ; cessa- tion of menstrual functions. Clinical, pertaining to the sick-chamber; practical medicine. Clitoris, part of the pudendum in the female sexual organs. Clitorismus, morbid enlargement of the cii toris. Cloaca, openings from necrosis of the bone. Clonic spasm, not permanently rigid, but with alternations of relaxation. Coagula, clots of blood; curds of milk. Coccyx, extremity of the vertebral column; cauda. Cochlea, cavity of the internal ear. Caelia, intestinal tube. Caeliac, artery and vein of the abdomen. Caliac passion, colic. Coitus, coition, act of venery. Colic, griping in the intestines; pain at the umbilicus. Colitis, inflammation of the colon. Collapse, failure of vital power. Colliquative, profuse discharge of a secretion. Collurm, the neck. Colly rium, eye-water. Colon, the large intestine. Columna carnea, fleshy columns which sepa- rate the meshes or areolae of the walls of the right ventricle. Coma, lethargy, stupor. Coma somnolentum, intense drowsiness. Coma vigil, ineffectual attempt to sleep. Comatose, drowsy, lethargic. Comminution, minute division by bruising. Commissure, opening seam of the eyes, mouth, labia pudendi, etc. Compress, folded lint, etc., used in dressing wounds, or where real pressure is necessary. Conception, first stage of utero-gestation. Condyle, condyloid, processes, etc. of certain bones. Condyloma, wart-like excrescence on the pudenda or anus. Confluent, running together, as of the pustules in some exanthemata. Congenital, hereditary, existing at birth. Congestio ad caput, determination of blood to the head. Congestio ad pectus, determination of blood to the chest. Congestion, over fullness of the blood vessels. Conjunctiva, lining of the eyelids; external coat of the eyeball. Conoid, cone-shaped. Constipation, costiveness. Constitutional, hereditary or acquired charac- teristic disease. Constrictive, styptic, astringent. Contusion, propagation of disease by contact. Continuity, direct connection, integrity of structure. Continence, retention, as of urine, etc. Contusion, bruise. Convalescent, recovering from sickness. Cophosis, loss of hearing ; paracusis. Copulation, coition. Coracoid, a process of the scapula. Cornea, horny, transparent coat of front part of the eyeball. Corona, top of the head ; crown. Coronal, a suture of the cranium. GLOSSARY. 1049 Coronary, arteries and veins of the heart; certain ligaments. Coronoid, process of the ulna. Corpora quadrigemma, four tubercles situated regularly upon the upper surface of the isthmus of the brain. Corpus callosum, firm substance uniting the hemispheres of the cerebrum at the base. Corpus carrrnosum, in the body of the penis. Corpus lutrum, cicatrix of the ovarium after the escape of an ovum. Corpus mucosum, rete mucosum, giving the characteristic color to the skin. Corpuscle, globule. Corrugation, wrinkling. Cortical, external portion of the brain ; kid- neys. Coryza, cold in the head. Costa, rib. Costal, pertaining to the ribs. Cotyloid, cavity and ligament of the aceta- bulum. Coxa, hip; haunch. Coxagra, coxalgia, inflammation of the hip- joint ; pain in the hip-joint. Coxarthrocace, disease of the hip-joint. Cranium, skull. Crassamentum, clot, coagulum of the blood. Crepitation, rattling, grating sensation in the lungs and air-passages. Crepitant, rhonchus or rale, fine crackling noise of air passing through obstructed tubes, as in first stage of pneumonia. Crepitus, crackling, grating. Crest of the Ilium, upper margin of the pel- vis ; haunch. Crest of the tibia, edge of tibia, shin. Cricoid, ring-like ; cartilage of the larynx. Crisis, the acme of a disease ; turning point. Critical, pertaining to the crisis. Crudity, undigested food in the stomach. Cruon, crassamentum. Crural, belonging to the legs. Cruraus, cruralis, muscles and nerves of the leg. Crusta lactea, scaled head ; milk crust. Crypta, concealed mucous follicles. Cuboides, bone in the ankle. Cubital, pertaining to the forearm. Citliitits, the forearm ; elbow. Curative, tending to restore health. Cuspidati, canine teeth ; eye-teeth. Custodia virginitatis, hymen. Cutaneous, pertaining to the skin. Cuticle, outer skiu. Cutis anserine, goose-skin ; goose-flesh. Cutis vera, true skin under the epidermis. Cyanosis, blue disease ; morbus ceruleus. Cij.ianche, disease of the throat. Cynanche trachealis, croup. tonsillaris, quinsy. " parotidea, mumps. " maligna, putrid sore throat. Cynorexia, canine appetite. Cyst, a bladder. Vystolithos, stone in the bladder. Cystic duct, from the gall-bladder. Cystirrhagia, hemorrhage from the bladder Cystirrhcea, catarrh of the bladder. Cystitis, inflammation of the bladder. Cystocde, hernia of the bladder. Cystospastic, spasm of the bladder. Cystotomia, lithotomy. Dartos, structure which corrugates the scro- tum. Decubitus, soreness from long confinement in bed. Defecation, stool, alvine evacuation. Deglutition, act of swallowing. Dejection, alvine discharge. Deliquium animi, fainting, syncope. Delirium, derangement of mental functions. Delitescence, sudden subsidence of inflam- mation. Deltoid, muscle of the shoulder. Dementia, insanity, idiocy. Dental, pertaining to the teeth. Dentatus, second cervical vertebrae. Denies canini—incisores—molares—sapien- tia, eye-teeth, front-teeth, molar-teeth, wisdom-teeth. Dentition, process of cutting teeth. Denudation, laying bare the bone. Deobstruent, removing obstructions. Depilation, falling off of the hair. Depletion, abstraction of fluids as by bleed- ing, &c. Depurating, purifying. Derivatives, revulsive remedies, counter-irri- tants. Dermis, true skin ; cutis vera. Dermoid, resembling the skin. Desiccation, drying up. Desquamation, exfoliation, scaling of the epi- dermis. Detergents, cleansing remedies. Diabetes, morbid secretion of urine, contain- ing sugar, &.c. Diagnosis, discrimination of maladies. Diaphoresis, increased perspiration; sweat- ing. Diaphoretics, remedies intended to induce sweating. Diaphragm, midriff, muscular partition be- tween the thorax and abdomen. Diaphragmitis, inflammation of the , dia- phragm. Diarrhaa, looseness of the bowels. Diarthrosis, moveable joint Diastole, dilatation of the heart and arteries. Diathesis, constitutional tendency. Dietetic, pertaining to diet Digital, belonging to the fingers. Digiti minimi, the little fingers. Diphtheritis, a species of croup. Diplopia, double vision. Dysecoia, deafness. Dysopia, depraved vision. Disorganization, destruction of an organ. Distal, the part farthest from the heart. 1050 GLOSSARY. Diuresis, copious flow of urine. Diuretic, medicines which increase the secre- tion of urine. Diurnal, daily. Dolor, pain. Dolorous, painful. Dorsal, pertaining to the back, or posterior part. Dorsum, the back ; the posterior side of any part. Dothinenteritis, inflammation of the mucous follicles in the bowels. Douche, forcible affusion of water. Drastic, violent, active—purgatives. Ductus, a canal or vessel for conveying fluids. Duodenum, the first part of the intestine next to the stomach. Duplicature, reflection of a membrane on it- self. Dura mater, the outer membrane of the brain. Dynamic force, vital power. Dyscrasia, abnormal composition of the fluids. Dysecoia, deafness. Dysentery, a disease of the intestines attend- ed with frequent bloody and mucous stools. Dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation. Dysorexia, depraved appetite. Dysosmia, diminished sense of smelling. Dyspepsia, weakness of digestion. Dyspermatismus, impotency in the male. Dysphagia, difficulty of swallowing. Dysphonia, impaired power of speech. Dyspnaa, difficult breathing. Dysuria, painful micturition, difficulty in passing urine. Ecchymosis, extravasation of blood under the skin, as in bruises. Eclampsia, puerperal convulsions. Ecthyma, irritable pustule. Ecstasis, state of morbid exaltation of the soul, with loss of consciousness of the reality of things in consequence of the mind being intensely and exclusively absorbed in the contemplation of supernatural subjects. Ectropium, eversion of the eyelids. Eczema, eruption of small vesicles on various parts of the skin, usually close or crowded together, with little or no inflammation round their bases. Efflorescence, redness of the skin. Effluvia, impure exhalations. Effluxion, early abortion, during the first three months. Effusion, escape of fluids; extravasation. Ejaculator, muscle of the urethra. Elephantiasis, tuberculous lepra, character- ized by nodous swellings in the armpits and groins, eyebrows, on the face ; and arms, sometimes becoming cancerous, with des- truction of bones and whole limbs, etc. Elytrocele, hernia of the vagina. Emaciation, wasting away of flesh. Emesis, act of vomiting. Emetic, medicine to produce vomiting. Emission, discharge of semen, &.c. Emmenagogue, designed to aid menstrua- tion. Emollient, soothing, softening. Emphysema, effusion of air into the cellular tissue. Empirical, practice, based on experience alone. Empresma, internal inflammation; phlegma- sia. Emprosthotonos, spasm in which the body is bent forward, as in tetanus. Empyema, collection of purulent matter in the cavity of the chest. Empyreumatic, having a burnt taste or smell. Emulsion, a milk-like mixture, cooling drink Emunctory, the outlet of an excretory duct. Enamel, the outer coat of the teeth. Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain and membrane. Encephalon, the brain. Encephaloid, like brain. Encysted, covered with a membraneous sac. Endemic, peculiar to a circumscribed locality. Endermic, introduced through the skin, by abrading the surface. Endocarditis, inflammation of the internal parts of the heart. Enema, clyster, injection. Enervation, exhaustion, debility, languor. Engorgement, accumulation of fluids in ves- sels and hollow organs. Ennui, listlessness, weariness. Ensiform, sword-like, as the cartilage of the sternum. Entera, the bowels. Enteric, pertaining to the bowels. Enteralgia, pain in the bowels; colic. Enteritis, inflammation of the bowels. Enter omphalos, umbilical hernia. Enteros- cheocele, scrotal hernia. Entozoa, intestinal worms. Entropium, inversion of the eyelids. Enuresis, incontinence of urine. Ephelis, freckles. Ephemeral, of one day's duration. Ephialtes, nightmare. Epicanthus, fold of skin covering the inner canthus. Epicranium, integument of the skull. Epidemic, a generally-pervading disease. Epidermis, cuticle, sear-skin. Epidermoid, pertaining to the cuticle. Epididymis, part of the testes. Epigastric, pertaining to the stomach. Epigastrium, region of the stomach. Epiglottis, covering of the entrance to the trachea. Epilepsy, epilepsia, falling sickness. Epiphora, watery eyes. Epiphysis, spongy extremity of bones. Epiplocele, hernia of the omentum. Epiploon, omentum. Epiploscheocele, scrotal hernia of the omen- tum. GLOSSARY. 1051 Epispadias, urethra opening on the dorsum of the penis. Epispastm, blistering, vesicatory. Epistaxis, bleeding from the nose. Epittltotonos, emprosthotonos, tetanic spasm. Epa rltum, cuticle of the mucous mem- brane. Epulis, tumor on the gums. Errthismut, erethism, constitutional irrita-1 Febris (pi. febres), fever tion ; great commotion (T) , Fecundity, fruitfulness. EroKnn, destruction by ulceration, &c. Femoral, belonging to the thigh Erratic, wandering, irregular. | Femur (pi. femora), thigh-bone. i-VrAitif, sternutatory drugs, to produce sneez- Ferruginous, of the nature of iron form of an inextensible texture and consti- tuting a sheath for muscles. Fasciculus, a bundle of fibres. Fascicular, composed of fasciculi. Fauces, throat. Favosa, like a honeycomb. Febrifuge, remedial agent to subdue fever. Febrile, pertaining to fever. Fibre, a filament. Fibrous, composed of fibres. Fibrin, the filamentous portion of muscle, etc. Fibula, small bone of the leg. Fibular, vessels, etc., of the leg. Fimbria, fringe-like extremity of a structure. Fistula, a tubular ulcer. Flaccid, relaxed, soft. Flexion, bending. Flocci volitantes, specks floating before the J eyes, in impaired vision. | Floccitatio, picking at the bed-clothes. I Flocculi, cloudy sediment I Fluor albus, whites ; leucorrhcea. Fatal, pertaining to the foetus. Fatus, the young animal in the uterus. Follicle, fold, small sac. Fomentation, outward application to assuage pain, etc. Fontanel, aperture in the infant skull at the junction of the sutures. Foramen, aperture, as in bones. , Forearm, between the wrist and elbow. Excrescence, a morbid growth, as a fun- Formication, sensation, as of ants creeping gus, &c. j over the part r e S/S,VZ?' ^fft0 ^Cha,rge matters-1 l°88a &1 fog8a!)> F°°™> 8haUo* cavity. deadbo * m yer8' M °f Franum> frenulum, bridle, as of the tongue ; ing. Erurinhon, belching, rising of wind from the stomach. Erysipelas, St. Anthony's fire ; an inflamma- tory cutaneous disease. Erysipelatous, partaking of the nature of erysipelas. Erythema, rash or efflorescence not accom- panied by any swelling, vesication or fever. Eschar, dry slough ; scab. Escharotic, caustic to destroy fleshy structure. Esculent, good for food. I Etiology, history of the causes of disease. I Eustachian tube, leading from the throat to the inner ear. Evacuation, discharge. Eversion, turning outward. Exacerbation, aggravation of fever, &c. Exanthema, (pi. exanthemata,) cutaneous eruption. Exanthematous, pertaining to exanthema. Excoriation, abrasion of the skin, &c. fun- dead bone Exomphalos, umbilical hernia. Exophthalmia, protrusion of the eyeball. Exuxtums, a bony excrescence. Expectant, as applied to practical medicine- palliative, relying on the power of nature Frontal, pertaining to prepuce. Frigidity, coldness. the forehead. Functional, pertaining to the office or action of an organ. Fundus, body of an organ. p- . /. J.. » .....~,--"— — "amid. * u.nu,us, voay 01 an organ. the chest, as mucus, pus, &c. Expiration, expulsion of air from the lungs. Exsangitinity, bloodlessness; anemia. Extravasation, effusion of fluid into a struc- ture. Exudation, passage of fluid through a mem- brane. Fades hippocratica, cadaverica, death-like countenance. Facial, pertaining to the face. Feces, excrements. P*tor, fetor, disgusting stench. Fator oris, offensive breath. Falciform, scythe-shaped. Fallopian tubes, from the ovaries to the womb. Farinaceous, mealy ; like flour. Fascia, fibrous membrane, arranged in the flesh. Funis, funiculus, umbilical cord. Furfuraceous, like bran. Furor, violent delirium. Furor uterinus, nymphomania ; sexual desire. Furunculus (pi. furunculi), a boil. cuius malignans, carbuncle. excessive Furun- Calactorrhaa, excessive lactation ; inordinate flow of milk. Galactophorous, milk-carrying vessels, etc. Ualaxta, thoracic duct Gallinagmis caput, an eminence in the ure- thra ; verumontanum. Ganglion (pi. ganglia), grayish knot or swelhng situated along the course of the nerves; also a tumor on a tendon or apo- neurosis. ™ 1052 GLOSSARY. Gangranopsis, putrid sore mouth. Gangrene, mortification. Gastralgia, spasm of the stomach. Gastric, belonging to the stomach. Gastritis, inflammation of the stomach. Gastrocnemii, muscles of the lower leg ; the calf of the leg. Gastrodynia, neuralgic pain in the stomach. Gastro enteritis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the prima? vise, Gastromalacia, softening of the stomach. Gastrosis, a disease of the stomach. Genital, pertaining to generation ; sexual. Genuflexion, kneeling. Genugra, gout in the knee. Geophagism, depraved habit of eating earth. Gestation, pregnancy. Ginglymus, ginglymoid, hinge-joint, as the elbow. Glabella, gabella, space between the eye- brows. Glands, small secretory bodies met with in various parts of the system. Glandular, relating to the glands. Glanspenis, extremity of the penis. Glaucoma, opacity of the ophthalmic humors and defective retina. Glenoid, cavity in the scapula to receive the head of the humerus. Globules, small round particles, red corpus- cles of the blood. Globus hystericus, choking sensation in hys- teria. Glossa, the tongue. Glossitis, inflammation of the tongue. Glossoplegia, paralysis of the tongue. Glottis, opening into the windpipe at the larynx. Gluteus, a muscle on the buttocks. Goitre, enlargement of the thyroid gland. Gonagra, gout in the knees. Gonalgia, pain in tbe knee. Gonitis, inflammation of the knee. Gonorrhoea, infectious discharge from the urethra; clap. Graafian vesicles, cysts in the ovary. Granulation, the process of healing by the deposition of fleshy particles. Gravid, pregnant. Grippe, epidemic influenza. Grumous, clotted, dark-colored. Gummata, tumors on the periosteum. Gutta, drop. Guttatim, by drops. Gutta opaca, cataract. Gutta serena, amau- rosis. Habit, habitus, hdbitudo, constitutional pre- disposition ; diathesis. Hoemalopia, effusion of blood into the eye. Hamatemcsis, vomiting of blood. Hamatocele, swelling of the scrotum from effusion of blood. Hamatosis, process of sanguification. Hosmaturia, hemorrhage from the bladder. Hamoptoe, hemoptysis, expectoration of blood. Hamorrhoidal, blood vessels about the una Hamorrhoids, piles. Hmmostasia, stagnation of blood. Hallucination, illusion of the Frnses from a morbidly excited imagination. Hectic, debilitating and emaciating fever. Helix, border of outer ear. Helminthiasis, worm disease. //"matochesia, intestinal hemorrhage. Hemeralopia, day vision. Hemiplegia, paralysis of one side of the body. Hemicraninl, belonging to one side of the head. Hemiopia, imperfect sight; semi-visioii. Hemispheres, the symmetrical halves of the cerebrum. Hemorrhage, morbid flow of blood. Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver. Hepatization, change in the lung by which it assumes the appearance of liver. Hepatic, pertaining to the liver. Hepatorrhagia, bleeding from the liver. Hepatocele, hernial tumor of the liver. Hernia, rupture, protrusion of viscera. Herpes, certain cutaneous eruptions. Herpes esthiomenos, ulcerative eruption oc- troying the skin. Herpes exedens, rapidly-Bpreading herpes. Herpes farinosus, furfuraceus, herpes cha- racterized by mealy exfoliations. Herpes labialis, herpetic eruption of the lips. Herpes praputialis, herpes on the prepuce. Herpes psoricus Poly a, erysipelatous herpetic eruption on the skin. Herpes circinnatus, ringworm. Hickup, hiccough, singultus. Homoeopathy, (from the Greek words, tytotoi, similar, and irados, disease, pain,) literally like the symptoms of the disease; a system of cure founded on the principle— timilia similibus curantur. Hordeolum, (pi. hordeola) stye. Horripilation, rigor, sense of creeping, formi- cation. Humerus, bone of the upper arm. Humeral, belonging to the upper arm. Hydrarlhrus, white swelling; spina ventosa. Hydatid, species of, intestinal worms; seroui vesicles. Hydragogues, medicines inducing watery al- vine discharges. Hydrargyrosis, mercurial disease. Hydroa febrilia, fever attended with the erup- tion of waterv pustules. , Hydrocele, dropsy in the tunica vagina" testis. Hydrocephalus, water on the brain; dropsy of the head. Hydropathy, hydriatria, water cure. Hydrophobia, dread of water, with mw* sions, from the bite of a rabid animal. Hydropthalmia, dropsy of the eye. Hydrosarca, anasarca. Hydrothorax, dropsy in the chest. Hygiene, preservative of health GLOSSARY. 105S Hymen, membrane at the entrance of the vagina. Hyoiden, bone between the base of the tongne and the larynx. Idfperratharsis, excessive purging. ffuperamta, engorgement of the blood vessels. Hyper asthenia, great sensibility. Hyperrtnesis, excessive vomiting. Hyperostosis, exostosis; morbid enlargement of a bone. Hypertrophy, morbid enlargement of an organ. Hypochondrium, region under the false ribs. Hypochondriasis, melancholy ; spleen dis- ease. Hypogastric, pertaining to the hypogas- trium. Hypogastrium, the lower, anterior part of the abdomen. Hypospadias, urethra opening on the under side, of the penis. Hysteralgia, pain in the womb. Hysteria, a nervous affection, supposed to be connected with uterine irregularity. Hysteritis, inflammation of the womb. Hytteroctle, falling of the womb ; prolapsus uteri. Ichor, fetid watery discharge from wounds, &c. Ichthyosis, a species of eruption. Icterodes, complexion resembling jaundice. Icterus, jaundice. Icterus albus, chlorosis. Idiopathic, primary, original disease. Idiosyncrasy, individual peculiarity of consti- tution. Ileum, the longest of the smaller intestines. Ileus, miserere, colic in the smaller intestines. Iliac passion, inverted peristaltic action. Iliac, pertaining to the ileum, also to the ilium. Ilium, haunch-bone; the superior side bone of the pelvis. Immobility, stiffness; incapable of motion. Imperforate, closure of a natural opening. Impetigines, impetigo, pustular eruptions. Imponderabilia, agents having no sensible weight. Impotence, powerlessness ; inability to per- form an embrace. Impregnation, fecundation of the ova. Incandescent, glowing like hot coals. Incarcerated, strangulation, constriction, as in hernia, intus-susceptio, etc. Incineration, reducing to ashes, Incisores, frout teeth ; cutting teeth. Incontinence, involuntary passage of urine* inability to retain semen, Ate. Increment, increase; growth. Incubus, nightmare. Index-finger, index, the forefinger. Indolent, slow of action, or growth. Induration, hardening. Infarction, plugging; wedging up. Infection, propagation of disease by miasm or contact Inferior, lower. Infiltration, infiltration of fluids into the cel- lular tissue. Inflation, filling with air, distention by flatus. Influenza, epidemic catarrh. Infra, under. Infra orbital, beneath the orbit—of the eye. Ingesta, food, aliment. Inguinal, belonging to the groin. InhaL I on, inspiration of gas, air, &c. Inoc.ii!:;: ion, insertion of contagious virus be- neath the cuticle. Inorganic, not supplied with organs, as mine- rals. Inosculation, connecting of the extremities of the blood vessels. Inspiration, drawing air into the lungs; in- halation. Inspissated, thickened. Insulation, cutting off communication with other bodies. Insufflation, inflating with air. Integuments, coverings of any part of the body, as the skin, cellular tissue, fat, Sec. Intercostal, between the ribs. Intertrigo, excoriation about the anus. Intestines, the bowels. Intolerance, inability to endure—light, food, &c, said of the eye, stomach, &c. Intumescence, swelling. Intussusceptio, Introsusception, a portion of the intestine falling into the adjoining part and choaking up the aperture, producing strangulation. Invermination, morbid states caused by worms in the intestinal canal. Iris, circle around the pupil of the eye. Iritis, inflammation of the iris. Irritability, contractility of the solids. Ischias, pain in the hip. Ischium, hip-bone, lower bone of the pelvis. Ischuria, suppression of urine; diflicult mic- turition. Isochronous, occurring at equal periods of time, said of the pulsations of the heart, &c. Isomorphous, similarly shaped; bodies im- pressing upon their compounds with the same bodies, the same crystalline form. Jactitation, tossing about, restlessness, twitch- ing. Jaundice, a bilious disease, inducing yellow- ness of skin, &c. Jejunum, the second of the smaller intestines. Jugulars, large veins in the neck. Jugulum, the throat. Labia, lips, as of the pudendum, etc. Labia leporina, hare-lip. Labial, belonging to the lips. Laceration, tearing. Lachrymal sac, tear-bag; gland secreting tears. Lachrymation, profuse discharge of water from the eyes. Lactation, secretion of milk; suckling. k 1054 GLOSSARY. Lacteal, absorbent vessel of the lymphatic sys- tem ; adj. pertaining to the secretion of milk. Lactiferous, milk-carrying vessels. Lave, flat, smooth eruption. Lamellar, arranged in thin layers. Lambdoidal, occipito parietal suture of the skull. Lancinating, sharp, shooting pain. Languor, relaxation, debility, lassitude. Laryngeal, belonging to the larynx. Laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx. Laryngismus stridulus, thymus asthma of infancy; asthma Millari. Larynx, upper part of the windpipe. Latent, hidden. Lateritious, sediment in the urine like brick- dust. Laxative, gently purgative. Lenticular, bean-shaped, said of eruptions, etc. Leontiasis, a leprosy of the face. Lepra, leprosy. Leproides, scaly, rough crust on the skin. Lesion, hurt or injury, caused by violence or disease. Lethargy, stupor, continued sleepiness. Leucoma, white speck on the eye ; albugo. Leuco-phlegmatic, torpid or sluggish tempera- ment. Leucorrhaa, whites, fluor albus. Lichen, a papular cutaneous eruption. Lienitis, inflammation of the spleen. • Lienteria, diarrhoea consisting of undigested food. Ligament, inelastic tendinous cord. Ligature, bandage. Linea alba, a tendinous band from the epigas- trium to the pubis. Lingual, pertaining to the tongue ; glossal. Lipoma, fatty tumor. Lippitudo, puriform exudation from the eye- lids. Liquor amnii, fluid by which the foetus is sur- rounded in the womb. Liquor sanguinis, fluid part of the blood. Lithiasis, formation of calculi. Lithontriptic, solvent of urinary calculi. Livid, discolored, purplish. Lobe, lobule, a division of an organ. Lochia, flow of blood from the womb after delivery. Lues venerea, syphilis. Lumbago, rheumatism in the loins. Lumbar, pertaining to the loins. Lumbricus (pi. lumbrici), round worms in the intestines. Lupus, corrosive herpetic ulceration. Luxation, dislocation. Lymph, a thin liquid conveyed to the thoracic duct by the lymphatics. Lymphatics, vessels carrying lymph. Lymphatic, adj., pertaining to the absorbent system; temperament similar to the leuco- phlegmatic. Jflacies infantum, tabes mesenterica; intes- tinal tubercular disease. Macula, spots; marks. Malar, pertaining to the cheek. Malaria, infectious effluvia. Malleolus, the ankle. Malleus, small bone of the inner ear. Mamma (pi. mamma), the female breast. Mammilla, the nipple. Mammillary, mammary, pertaining to the mammae. Mania, insanity, madness. Marasmus, wasting away of the body; ema- ciation ; atrophy. Masse ter, muscle of the face. Mastication, chewing. Mastitis, inflammation of the breast Mastodynia, pain in the mamma. Mastoid, process connected with the tempora bone. Masturbation, onanism, artificial excitement of the genital organs. Materia Medica, substances employed medi- cinally. Materia Medica Pura, Hahnemann's celebra- ted work on therapeutic agents. Maturation, ripening ; full development. Maxilla, the jaw. Maxillary, pertaining to the jaws. Meatus, passage, aperture, as of the ear, etc. Meconium, excrement discharged from the bowels of a newly-born infant Median line, an imaginary vertical line through the body. Mediastinum, septum between the lungs. Medicament, a remedial agent. Medulla, marrow in the bones. Medullary, pertaining to the marrow. Megrim, pain affecting one side of the head ; hemicrania. Meibomian glands, small glands within the inner membrane of the eyelids. Melena, black discharges, vomiting. Melancholia, hypochondriasis, insanity. Melancholia religiosa, insanity from morbid exaltation of the religious faculties. Melanosis, black deposits in tumors, tubercles, etc. Meninges, membranes of the brain. Menochesia, feeble menstruation. Menoposia, critical age of women. Menorrhagia, excessive menstruation. Menostasis, cessation of the menses. Menstrual flux, monthly courses. Meningitis, inflammation of the membranei of the brain, etc. Mentagra, eruption on the chin. Menti, of the chin. Mesenteric, belonging to the mesentery. Mesocolon, membrane of the colon. Metacarpus, middle-hand. Metastasis, transfer of a disease from one part to another. Metatarsus, middle-foot Meteorismus, meteorism, extreme inflation of the intestines. GLOSSARY. 1055 Meiralgia, uterine spasmodic pain. Metritis, inflammation of the womb; hys- te ritis. Metrorrhagia, nterine hemorrhage, discharge of blood from the womb. Miasm, morbific effluvia from swamps, etc. Mielurition, urination. Miliaria, eruption of minute transparent vesi- cles ; miliary eruption. Miliaria purpurea, scarlet rash. Misanthropy, morbid love of solitude. Mitral, valves of the heart. Molares, the double teeth ; grinders. Mole, false conception. Molecule, minute atoms. Mollities ossium, softening of the bones. Mollities cerebri, ramolissement of the brain. Monomania, mental aberration on one point only. Mnns veneris, the pubic prominence. Morbid, diseased. Morbilli, measles. Morbus, disease. Morbus caruleus, blue disease. Morbus maculosus Werlhofii, purpura he- morrhagica. Moxa, a burning body applied to the skin to produce an issue. Mucous membrane, the lining of the cavities communicating with the external air, as the mouth, windpipe, stomach, intestines, etc. Mucus, the secretion from the mucous mem- branes. Musce volitantes, pseudoblepsis ; spots before the eyes. Myelitis, inflammation of the spinal marrow. Myopia, short-sightedness, near-sightedness. Myotomy, surgical division of a muscle. Navus maternus, mother's mark, mole. Narcotic, stupefying, producing sleep. Narcotism, stupor produced by drugs. Nares, the nostrils. Nasal, belonging to the nose. Nates, the buttocks. Nausea, qualmishness; sickness of stomach. Naviculare, bones in the wrist and ankle. Nebula, cloudy speck in the eye. Necrosis, decay of a bone. Nephralgia, pain in the kidneys. Nephritis, inflammation of the kidneys. Neuralgia, nervous pain. Neuroses, neurotica, diseases of the nervous system. heurilema, envelope of the nerves. Neuroma, tumors on nerves. Nictation, nictitation, quivering of the eyelids. Noctambulatio, somnambulism; sleep-walking. Nodosities, nodes ; swelling of the bone or periosteum ; exostosis. Noli me tangere, irritable fungous ulcers; lupus. Normal, natural, healthy. Nosology, classification of diseases. Nostalgia, home-sickness. Notalgia, pains in the loins. Notha coste, false ribs. Nucha, nape of the neck. Nyctalopia, night-vision. Nympha, external labia of the vulva. Nymphomania, uterine furor; excessive vene- real desire. Obesity, excess of fat; corpulence. Obstipatio, constipation. Obstructio, obstruction of the prima? via?, etc. Occipital, pertaining to the occiput. Occiput, posterior part of the head. Occlusion, mechanical closure of an orifice or canal. Octana, intermittent fever, returning on the eighth day. Ocular, pertaining to the eye. Odontalgia, toothache. QSdema, tumefaction; dropsical swelling. Olecranon, end of the ulna; elbow bone. Olfaction, smelling. Olivarea corpora, eminences in the spinal marrow. Omagra, gout in the shoulder. Omentitis, inflammation of the omentum. Omentum, caul; peritoneal covering of the bowels; epiploon. Omohyoides, muscles of the neck. Onanism, artificial excitement of the sexual organs; masturbation. Onychia, whitlow ; abscess near the finger nail. Oophoritis, inflammation of the ovaries. Ophthalmia, inflammation of the eye, espe- cially of the conjunctiva. Ophthalmic, pertaining to the eye. Ophthalmitis, inflammation of the ball of the eye. Opisthotonos, spasmodic bending backward, as in tetanus. Optic, belonging to the vision. Orbit, cavity in which the eye is placed. Orbital, pertaining to the orbit. Orchea, scrotum. Orchis, testicle. Orchitis, inflammation of the testicle. Organ, a part having definite functions. Organic, pertaining to the organs of the body; structural. Orgasm, venereal thrill; excitement of the blood. Orthopnaa, difficult respiration. Oesophagitis, inflammation of the oesophagus. Oesophagus, gullet; passage from the pha- rynx to the stomach. Os (pi. ossa), bone. Ossicula, little bones. Ossification, conversion into bone. Ostalgia, pain in a bone. Osteoma, bony tumor. Osteosarcoma, cancer of the bones. Osthexia, an ossific diathesis ; constitutional tendency to deposit bony matter. Os uteri, os tincce, mouth of the womb. Otalgia, ear-ache. 1056 GLOSSARY. Otitis, inflammation of the ear. Otorrhaa, running from the ear. Oval foramen, aperture between the auricles of the foetal heart. Ovaria, ovaries whence the ova pass through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. Ovarian, pertaining to the ovaries. Oxidation, rusting; conversion of metals into oxides. Ozana, ulcerative destruction of the Schnei- derian membrane. Pabulum, aliment, food. Palate, posterior part of the roof of the mouth. Palatine, belonging to the palate. Palliative, medicines affording relief only, not curative. Palmar, belonging to the palm of the hand. Palpebra, eyelids. Palpitatio cordis, palpitation of the heart. Pamplegia, general paralysis. Panacea, a universal remedy. Panaris, panaritium, paronychia, whitlow. Pancreas, gland behind the stomach secreting the pancreatic fluid. Papilla, eminences on the tongue, skin, the inner coat of the bowels, etc. Papular, abounding in pimples. Paralysis, palsy ; loss of motion or sensation Paranoia, dementia. Paracentesis, tapping for the relief of dropsy. Paraphrosyne, mania. Paraplegia, paraplexia, paralysis of the lower half of the body. Parasitical, plants or animals growing upon or within others. Parenchyma, the connecting structure of the viscera. Paresis, imperfect palsy. Parietes, walls, as of the thorax, etc. Parietal, bone each side of the skull. Paropsis, invertus, inverted vision. Parosmia, perversion of smell. Parotid glands, salivary glands beneath the ears. Parotitis, mumps ; inflammation of the paro- tid glands. Paroxysm, periodical fit of a disease. Parturition, child-birth. Parulis, gum-boil. Par vagum, pneumogastric nerve. Patella, knee-pan. Pathogenetic, relating to the action of drugs upon the healthy organism. Pathogeny, that which relates to the origin or cause of disease. Pathognomic, characteristic symptoms. Pathology, doctrine of the nature of dis- eases. Pectoral, pertaining to the chest. Pectus, the chest. Pediculi, lice. Pellicle, a thin skin. Pelvis, basin-shaped cavity formed by the innominata and sacrum. Pemphigus, vesicular eruption with or with. out fever. Percussion, striking the walls of a cavity, as the chest, etc., to ascertain the state of the subjacent parts. Pericardium, sac containing the heart. Pericarditis, inflammation of the pericar- dium. Perichondritis, inflammation of the perichon- drium. Perineum, perineum, the part between the anus and sexual organs. Periodicity, regular recurrence of paroxysms. Periosteum, the membrane enveloping the bones. Periostitis, inflammation of the periosteum. Peripneumonia, inflammation of the lungs and pleura. Peristole, peristaltic action, vermicular mo- tion of the intestines. Peritoneum, serous membrane lining the ab- domen and enveloping its membranes. Peritonitis, inflammation of the peritoneum. Perniones, chilblains. Pertussis, whooping cough. Pes anserinus, goose's foot; plexus of nerves distributed on the side of the face. Petechie, purple spotson the skin; ecchymosis. Petrous, hard, of the nature of stone. Peyer's glands, situated under the villous coat of the intestines. Phagedenic, corroding, ragged sores. Phalanges, bones of the fingers and toes. Phantasy, morbid imagination. Pharynx, throat, upper part of the gullet. Phases, changes of appearance in a disease or structure. Phlebitis, inflammation of the veins. Phlegmasia, inflammation. Phlegmasia alba dolens, milk leg. Phlegmatic, vid. Leuco-phlegmatic. Phlegmon, boil, furunculus; simplest form of inflammation in cellular tissue. Phlegmonous, pertaining to inflammation in the cellular tissue. Phlogistic, inflammatory. Phlyzaceoe, ecthyma. Photomania, insanity induced by light. Photophobia, intolerance of light. Photopsia, luminous vision. Phymosis, phimosis, contraction of the pre- puce, so that it cannot be drawn back over the glans. Phrenitis, inflammation of the brain. Phthiriasis, lice disease ; pediculatio. Phthisis, consumption. Pia mater, thin investing membrane of the brain. Pictonum, from paint, as painter's colic, colica pictonum. Pigmentum, pigment, paint. Pituita, viscid mucus ; phlegm. Pituitary membrane, lining of the nostrils. Pityriasis, dandruff; bran-like scales onth« scalp. GLOSSARY. 1057 Placenta, the afterbirth. Plantar, muscles etc. of the foot. I'tri'fira, over-fulness of tho blood-vessels; repletion. I'!/ura, lining membrane of tho thorax, in- vesting also the lungs. Pleuralgia, acute pain in the side. I'huritis, pleurisy, inflammation of the pl'sira. Pleurodynia, pain in the side. Pit x un, net-work of nerves or vessels. Plica, morbid matting of tho hair. I'lir,i polonina, swelling and bleeding of the hair, so that it knits together. I'urnni'iijastric, eighth pair of nerves; par vagum. Pneumonia, pneumonitis, inflammation of the lungs. Pneumothorax, air in tho pleural sac. Podagra, gout. I'lili/fi'iu'sia, ravenous desiro to eat. I'u/i/i/ipsia, moihid thirst. Polypus, soft tumor in tho nose, uterus, etc., ' attached by a pedicle. Polysarcia, excessive corpulency. I'iiiiiji!iulyx,a cutaneous disease, with a small | vehicular eruption. Popliteal, muscles, etc. of (he ham. I'mi/fro favosa, scald head, with large, soft i straw-colored pustules. ! Porrigo scutulata, ringworm of the scalp. I'orii'ju larva lis, milk crust; milk-scab. Posterior nares, the opening of the nostrils' into the fauces. Pseudo, false. Pseudopia, false sight; imperfect vision. Psoas muscles, in the loins. Psoas ubscess, lumbar abscess. | Psoitis, inflammation of the psoas muscle. Psora, one of the three chronic miasms, ac- cording to Hahnemann. Psoriasis, cutaneous disease, with a rough and scaly state of ihe cuticle. 1 Psor■ophthalmia, inflammation of the eyes, attended with itching. Pterygoid, wing-like muscles and bony pro- cesses in the pterygo-maxillary region. i I'lisuus, bland decoctions, as barley broth, etc. Ptosis, palsy of the upper eyelid, etc. Ptyalism, salivation. Pubis (pi. pubes), pubic bone. Pubic, be- longing to the pubes. Puerperal, pertaining to child-bed. Pulsation, throbbing, beating of the heart, etc. Pulse, arterial throbbing, especially of the radial artery at the wrist. Pulsus dicrot.us, double pulsation. Patiela lachrymalia, orifices of the lachrymal canals. Puritorm, pus-like ; resembling pus. Purpura, small, circumscribed red spots under the epidermis, arising from elFusion of biood. Purulent, composed of pus. Pus, cream-like matter, produced in abscesses, etc., by suppuration. Pustule, a pimple containing pus. Putrefaction, decomposition of animal matter. Post.mortem, after death. 1'os/ooning, when tho paroxysms rcci:r after Pylorus, lower orifice of the stomach tho regular time. ! Pyrexia, hot stage of fevers. Poupart'a ligament, ligament extending from j Pyriform, pear-shaped. the ilium to the pubes. I Pyrosis, heartburn. I'n.cu.Hal, belonging to the forepart of the ! Pyuria, purulent urination. cliest; in front of the heart. Prepuce, foreskin of tho penis. Presbyopia, far-sightedness. Priapism, involuntary erection of the penis. Prime via, first passages ; stomach and in- testines. Procidentia, prolapsus : falling down, as of the uterus. Proctalgia, pain in tho rectum. Proctitis, inflammation of the rectum. Prodromos, period immediately preceding the attack of a disease. Prognosis, ail of foretelling results in disease. Prolapsus ani, protrusion of the anus. Prolapsus uteri, falling of the womb. I'ioiiuIuc. muscle of tho forearm. Prophylactics, means used as preservatives againM disease. Prosopalgia, face-ache. I Prostate gland, situated around the neck of tho bladder in tlio male, secreting the pros- j tatie fluid. Prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate "land. r Quadrigemini, four muscles on the buttocks | Quartan, intermittent fever, recurring on the fourth day. ! Quinsy, inflammatory sore-throat. Quint ana, intermittent, recurring every fifth day. I Quotidian, intermittent fever, recurring every day. Rabies, hydrophobia ; madness from the bite of a rabid animal. Ischialgia, acute pain in the spine. It ichWs, rickets. rurigo, pruritus, itching of the skin. I'srllwnus, stammering. GG Radial, belonging to the radius. R uiiating, diverging from a common centre. Radius, upper bone of the fore-arm. Rale, rattles, peculiar sound iu the chest. Rnmohssement, softening ; mollities. Rimus, plate of the lower jaw. Rnnula, tumor under the tongue. Rcnrid, stale, musty, rank. ft iphe, seam, as on the scrotum. Ruuritax, hoarseness. Rectum, straight gut, terminating at th■• an is. Reflection, duplicature ; turning back. 1058 GLOSSARY. Refroidissement, general chilliness, cold. Regurgitation, return of food or drink from the stomach. Remittent, a class of fevers, marked by remis- sions, and exacerbations, without intermis- sions. Renal, belonging to the kidneys. Repercussed, driven in. Repletion, fulness. Resolution, dispersion of a disease ; discursion of an inflammation, swelling, indura- tion, &c. Respiration, the act of breathing. Resonance, reverberation of the voice. Rete mucosmn, mucous tissue beneath the cuticle. Retention, stoppage of natural discharges, as of urine. Reticulated, net-like. Retina, expansion of the optic nerve. Retrocession, retirement of symptoms ; reces- sion of exanthemata, &c. Rhagades, chaps. Rheuma, catarrh. Rheumalalgia, chronic rheumatism. Rhonchus, wheezing or rattling sound ; iu auscultation, a sound of obstructed respira- tion. Rhythm, stated movement, regular action of the heart. Rigidity, stiffness. Rigor, chilliness, with more or less of shiver- ing ; the cold stage of fevers. Rima, a fissure, as of the glottis. Risus sardonius, hysterical, spasmodic laughter. Roseola, eruption of small red pimples; rash. Rubefacient, producing redness when applied to the skin. Rubeola, measles. Ruga, (pi. ruge,) wrinkles. Rupia, exanthema with flat vesicles. Saburra, dirt; sordes. Saburral, attended with foul discharges. Sac, bag, envelope of a tumor, &c. Sacral, belonging to the sacrum. Sacrum, posterior bone of the pelvis, on which the spine rests. Sagittal, suture between the parietal bones. Salacity, sexual orgasm ; satyriasis. Saliva, spittle ; secretion from tho salivary glands of the mouth. Sanguification, conversion of chyle into blood. Sanguineous, consisting of blood. Sanies, thin acrid discharge from ulcers; ichor. Saphena, vein in the leg. Sapientia dentes, wisdom teeth ; posterior molares. Sarcocele, fleshy tumor of the testicle. Sarcoma, fleshy tumor. Saturnine, preparations containing lead. Satyriasis, excessive sexual inclination. Scabies, psora, itch. Scabies vesicularis humida, watery itch. Scapula, shoulder-blado. Sciatic, pertaining to the hip. Sciatica, rheumatic affection of tho hip-joint. Scintillation, sparks. Scirrhus, indolent, hard, glandular tumor, of- ten terminating in cancer. Scirrhosity, hardness of tumors, Ate. Schneiderian, pituitary membranous lining of the nose, &c Sclerotica, the hard coat of the eyeball, next to the conjunctiva. Sclerotitis, inflammation of tho sclerotic. Scrobiculus cordis, pit of the stomach. Scorbutus, scurvy. Scrofulous, pertaining to scrophulosis. Scrophulosis, scrofula, kings-evil. Scrotum, bag enclosing tho testicles. Scrotocele, hernia in the scrotum. Scybala, hard lumps of excrement. Secretory vessels, &c-, parts of the system in which various fluids are eliminated. Secundines, after-birth. Sedative, anodyne, depressing. Semen, spermatic fluid ; seed of the male. Semilateral, limited to one side. (?) Septum, a partition. Sequela, (pi. sequele,) consequencos result- ing from disease. Serum, fluid portion of the blood. Serous, of the nature of serum. Sesamoid, small bones in the thumb and great toe. Sibilant, hissing. Sibilus, the hissing sound iu bronchitis, &c. Sinapism, mustard plaster. Sinciput, forepart of the head. Singultus, hickup, hiccough. Sinus, a cavity, or hollow. Slough, the part which separates from a foul ulcer, &c. Solidification, the effect of disease of the lungs, causing them to solidify; hepatization. Somnambulism, sleep-walking. Somnolence, disposition to sleep. Sordes, fetid, brownish matter discharged from ulcers ; the dark-coloured deposit on teeth. Souffle, auscultic term for a peculiar sound in the chest. Spasm, morbid contraction of muscles. Spasticus, spastic, spasmodic. Specific, a remedy possessing definite curative properties. Spermatic fluid, semen of the male. Spermatic, pertaining to the male sexual or- gans. Sphacelus, mortification. Sphincter, circular muscles to close the blad- der or rectum. Spinal, pertaining to the spine or vertebral column. Spleen, an organ in the left hypochou- drium. Splenalgia, pain in the splenal region. Splenitis, inflammation of the spleen. GLOSSARY. 1059 Splanchnic, pertaining to the viscera. Splints, pieces of pasteboard, thin wood, &c. used lo secure fractured bones, &.c. Sporadic, arising from an occasional cause ; oot epidemic Sputa, spittle ; matter expectorated. Sputum cruentum, bloody expectoration. Squama, scaly eruption. Squamous, of a scaly nature. St. Anthony's fire, erysipelas. Staphyloma, dropsy of the cornea of the eye. Status, condition ; diathesis. Steatoma, suet-like tumor, Stercoraceous, vomiting of faecal matter. Sternal, belonging to the sternum. Sterno-Heido mastoideus, a muscle connect- ing the sternum and clavicle with the mas- toid process. Sternum, the breast bone. Sternutation, sneezing. Stertor, noisy respiration. Stertorous, snoring. Stethoscope, a hollow cylindrical instrument used iu examining tho cliest, &c, in aus- cultation. Sthenic, vigorous, powerful, strong. Stomacace, putrid sore mouth. Strabismus, squinting. Stransury, painful or suppressed urination. Stricture, contractiou of a passage; as of the urethra, &c. Stridordentium, grinding of the teeth. Strophulus, an infantile disease of the gums. Struma, scrofula ; king's evil. Strumous, of the nature of struma. Stupor, drowsiness. Stye, small inflammatory tumor on the eye- lid ; hordoolum. Styptic, astringent; designed to arrest bleed- ing. Subacute, not severe ; of moderate activity. Subclavian, under tho collar-bones. Subcutaneous, beneath the skin. Sublingual, under tho tongue. Submaxillary, pertaining to tho lower jaw. Submucous, situated beneath the mucous membrane. Subsultus tendinum, spasmodic twitching of the tendons. Siiccussiun, uliakimr. Sudamina, miliary eruptions. Siidorifics, medicines to produce sweating, S»"-illation, extravasated blood caused b\ bruise, Sec., ecchymosis. Sulcus, a furrow. Supercilia, the eyebrows. Symptomatic, constituting a symptom. Symptomatology, description of symptoms. Synchronous, occurring at the same time. Syncope, fainting, swooning. Synocha, inflammatory fever. Synochus, erethic fever. Synovia, the unctuous fluid which lubricates the joints. Synovial, pertaining to the synovia. Syphilis, lues venerea. Syphiloid, resembling syphilis. Systole, contraction of the heart and arteries. by a '/"'' tor, upper. Suppression, artificial arrest of a discharge or removal of an eruption. Suppuration, production of pus, as in inflam- matory tumor. Surditas, deafness. Suture, connection of tho cranial bones. Sycosis, fig-wart, a venereal disease. Symphysis, union of bones, as the pubic, &c. Tabes, wasting, as in hectic fever. Tabes dorsalis, wasting of the spinal marrow. Tabes mesenterica, tuberculous disease of the mesenteric glands. Tenia, tape-worm. Tarantism, disease said to be caused by the bite of tarantulas, characterized by an im- moderate desire for dancing and music. Tarsus, bones connecting the tibia and fibula with the foot; cartilaginous edge of the eyelids. Telangiectasia, net-work of dilated terminal arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels. Temporal, pertaining to the temples. Tendon, the white, tough extremity of the muscles. Tendo-Achillis, the tendon of the gastrocne- mii muscles, attached to the heel. Tenesmus, painful, ineffectual urging to stool. Tertian, intermittents returning the third day. Testes, the testicles. Tetanus, locked-jaw; trismus ; spasmodic rigidity of the parts. Tetter, herpetic eruption. Therapeutic, relating to the cure of disease by remedial agents. Thoracic, belonging to the chest. Thorax, the chest. Throbbing, pulsating. Thrush, aphtha ; sprue ; white vesicles in the mouth. Thymus gland, gland behind the sternum and below the thyroid body. Thyroid cartilage, part of the larynx. Thyroid gland, situated near the thyroid car- tilage. Tibia, large bone of the lower leg. Tic douloureux, neuralgic face-ache; neu- ralgia. Tinea annularis, tinea capitis, ringworm of the scalp ; scald head. Tinea faciei, milk-crust, milk-scab. Tinnitus aurium, ringing in the ears. Tissue, web or membrane. Titillation, tickling. Tonics, medicines intended to increase the tone of the muscles. Tonic spasm, permanent rigidity of the mus- cles. Tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils, glands on each side of the throat • amygdala?. ' 1060 GLOSSARY. Tophi, swellings on bones or the periosteum. Topical, local, to the part. Tormina, griping pains. Torpor, inactivity; dulness. Torticollis, wry neck. Toxicology, description of poisons and their i effects. Trachea, windpipe. Tracheal, belonging to the windpipe. Traclieotomy, opening the windpipe by a sur- ] gical operation. Tracheitis, inflammation oftlie mucous mem- brane of the trachea ; croup ; cyuanche trachealis. Tragus, cartilaginous eminence of the outer ear. Translation, metastasis. Transudation, passage of fluids through membranes. Trapezium, trapezoides, bones of the car- pus ; wrist-bones Trapezius, muscle of the shoulder-blade. Traumatic, morbid condition of a part arising from wounds inflicted on other parts of the body. Tremor, trembling. Trephine, a circular instrument for perforating the bones of the skull, &c Triceps, muscles in the thighs and arms. Trichiasis, inclination of the eyelashes in- wards against the globe of the eye. Trismus, locked-jaw. Trturalion, rubbing down a substance in a mortar, &c, until minutely divided. Trochanter, tuberosity on the thigh bone. Trochlearis, muscle, &c, of the eye. Tubercle, in pathology, small, round, yellow- ish-gray deposits, as in scrofulous tumors. Tumefaction, swelling. Tumid, tumefied, swollen, distended. Tumor, a swelling. Tunic, a membranous coat or covering. Tunica adnata, lining membrane of the eye- lids. Tunica albuginca. testis, envelope of the tes- ticles. Tunica aracknoidea, membrane covering the brain. / Tunica vaginalis, envelop of the testicles, and epididymis. Turbinated bones, spongiosa inferiora in the nostrils. Turbidity, cloudiness; muddiness. Turgescence, swelling up, growing large, dis- tention of blood vessels. Tussis, cough. Tussis humida,—sicca,—convulsiva, catarr- hal—dry—and whooping cough. Tympanitis, flatulent distention of the abdo- men ; abdominal emphysema. Tympanitis, inflammation of the membrane tympani; otitis Tympanum, drum of the ear. Type, periodicity of a paroxysm in fevers. Typhomania, delirium with stupor. Typhoid, resembling typhus. Ulna, bone of tho forearm. Ulnar, pertaining to the ulna. i mbilical cord, the navel-string. Umbilicus, the navel. Union by first intention, healing of a wound by adhesion. Urea, a principle of urine. Uresis, micturition. Ureters, canals between the kidney and blad- der. Urethra, the urinary canal from the bladder. Urethritis, inflammation of the urethra ; gon- orrhoea. Uric acid, an acid found in urine. Urticaria, nettle-rash. Uterine, pertaining to the womb. Utero-gestation, pregnancy. Uterus, womb. Uvula, pendulous body behind the soft palate. Uvulitis, inflammatory elongation of the uvula. Vaccination, the prophylactic application of cow-pox virus. . Vagina, passage from the labia pudendi to the uterus. Vagus nervus, pueumogastric nerve. Valgus, eversion of the toes ; talipes valgus. Varicella, chicken-pox ; eruptive fever, with quickly-forming pustules, bursting and dry- ing into scabs, ordinarily without suppu- rating. Varicocele, enlargement of the vessels of the scrotum. Variola, small-pox. Variola spuria, chicken- pox. Varioloid, milder form of small-pox. Varix, (pi. varices), varicose veins; morbid dilatation of the veins. Varus, inversion of the toes ; talipes varus. Vas (pi. vasa), a vessel. Vascular, pertaining to vessels, particularly the blood vessels. Vas deferens, excretory duct of the testis. Vastus externus, internus, muscles of the thigh. Velum, velum pendulum palati, curtain of the palate. Vena, vein. Vena cave:, veins returning the blood to the heart. Vena porta, large vein of the liver. Venesection, blood-letting; bleeding. Vene.ry, excessive sexual indulgence. Ventricles, cavities in the brain and heart. Vermes, worms. Verminous, pertaining to worms. Vermiform, like a worm. Vermifuge, an anthelmintic ; remedy to destroy worms. Verruca, wart. Vertebra (pi. vertebra), bone of the spine. Vertebral, belonging to the spin*. Vertigo, giddiness, dizziness. Vertex, crown of the head. GLOSSARY. 1061 Vesical, appertaining to the bladder. Vesication, artificial formation of a blister. Vesicatory, producing blisters. Vesicle, watery bladder-like eruption; blis- ter. Vesicule seminales, seminal vesicles. Vicarious, acting as a substitute. Ymum, wine. Virus, venom, contagious matter. Viscus, (pi. viscera,) internal organ of the lystem. Vis medicatrix nature, curative power of the animal economy. Visas nebulosus, cloudy vision. 17* vita, vital power. Vola, palm of the hand. Volvulus, intussusception of the bowels. Vomer, posterior part of the septum of the nostrils. Vomica, abscess in the lungs. Vomiturition, retching, ineffectual attempt to vomit. Vulva, pudendum, in female sexual organs. Wen, an indolent tumor. Whites, fluor albus. Whitlow, abscess of the finger-ends. Zona, shingles ; belt-shaped eruption around the body or a limb. Zygoma, the bony yoke connecting the malar and temporal bones. Zygomatic, belonging to the zygoma. Xiphoid, ensiform, or sword-like cartilage of the sternum. THE HOMEOPATHIC EXAMINER, EDITED BY Drs. GRAY AMD HEMPEL, IX TWO VOLUMES, WITH A COMPLETE INDEX. Can be used as a Manual. Elegantly bound in 2 volumes. 1846 and 1847. $6 00. HOMEOPATHIC BOOKS, Just Published, by William Radde : LAURIE, DR. J. HOMtEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE, with the Treatment and Diseases of Females, Infants, Children, and Adults. Fourth Ameri- can edition, much enlarged, with additions by A. Gerald Hull, M. D. 1848. Bound, $150. C. L. RAU'S ORG ANON of the Specific Healing Art of Homoeopathy. Trans- lated bv C. J. Hempel, M. D. 1848. $1 25. H. STAi'F'S ADDITIONS to the Materia Medica Pura. Translated by C. J. Hempel, M. D. $1 50. 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The character of the author, and his experience, of more than hulf a century, together with the unexampled popularity of the work in its original language, render in my opinion all individual recommendation superfluous. I hope that it may soon be found in the hands of every medical man, whether pupil or practitioner. James R. Manley, M.D. New-York, September 7, 1842. 2666 NLM032760686