Hln| iwi ^J^K«30 ' ■ 4f?J afeiji r w«' waaiat ggs»^-g'^':'?^a*^Pp^Bi NLM 0Q137M5M 1 8 SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE tIBRARY. iMWBM Section, Wo./J Efi 3" } NLM001374541 r CHARACTERISTIC INDICATIONS OF PROMINENT REMEDIES FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. W. J. fiAWKES, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago; and Professor of Clinical Medicine in Hahnemann Hosi'iw.i,. [xlLN ^,'S SECOND EDITION —HE VISED AND ENLARGED. CHICAGO: HALSEY BROS. 1884. W13 K 1884- A/ ^. 7// 7 "-<■?. / Entered according to Act of Congress, in the office of Librarian of Congress, at Washington, in the year of our Lord 1881, by Halsey Bros. My motive for publishing this little book is to help students of Materia Medica, by selecting a few of the most characteristic symptoms of the more prominent remedies. In my own experience and practice, I am free to say, this plan of committing to memory such as may be called "key-note'" symptoms, and associating them in my mind with the medicines to which they belong, has been the chief source of such success as I may have had in curing the sick. The students in the college class are required to thus commit them; and as a result it is rare that a majority of each graduating class does not promptly select the right remedy for a given case in the medical clinic. The possession, in a useful shape in their minds, of thus much positive and valuable knowledge gives them a good start and needed courage. A very large proportion of the symptoms herein given I have myself verified. The remainder are given on good authority. No claim is made of originality, not even of expression. I have given the symptoms very often in the language of the authors from whose works they have been selected. W. J. II \ ABIES NIGRA. Black Spruce. In America, etc. Tincture of the Gum. Total loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and at night. Sensation as of a lump like an egg in the stomach ; not a sense of weight, but of a hard lump which hurts. Continual distressing constriction immediately above the pit of the stomach, as if all knotted up, or, as if a hard lump of undigested food had lodged there. Painful sensation, as if something had lodged in the chest and required to be coughed up, but no amount of coughing is able to dislodge it. Chronic intermittent fever, accompanied by this pecu- liar distressing pain above the stomach. ABROTANUM. Artemisia Abrotanum. Lady's Love. Old Man. Southern Wood. America, etc. Tincture of Plant. Great weakness and prostration, and a kind of hectic fever in children after influenza. Itching chilblains. Marasmus in children. Gout ; painful and inflamed wrists and ankles. Painful inflammatory rheumatism before the swelling commences. ACONITE. Aconitum Napellus. Wolfsbane. Monkshood. Friarscap. Cen- tral Europe. Fresh Plant Tincture- Terrible anguish, with fear of death ; predicts the day she is to die. (5) ACONITE—{Continued). He is afraid to go out, or to go where there are many people, or to cross a street; his life is rendered miserable by this all-pervading fear/fulness. Croupy cough ; awaking after first sleep ; particularly in young people after exposure to dry west winds. Blood-spitting; the blood comes up with an easy hawking, or writh but little coughing; after mental excitement or exposure to dry west winds. Cough better after 3 a. m. Can not keep still ; skin dry, hot and burning. Excitement without cause ; everything startles him. Numbness in left arm ; can scarcely move the hand. Skin dry and burning hot; intense thirst for cold water; redness of face, sometimes changing to pale- ness. After fright wTith vexation, particularly during cata- menia ; to prevent suppression of menses. On rising, the red face turns deadly pale. Heat with thirst; hard, full and frequent pulse ; anx- ious impatience ; unappeasable ; beside himself ; tossing about wdth agony. After a violent chill, dry heat, writh difficult breathing and lancinating pain through.chest. Amenorrhea in plethoric young girls. AOLVEA RACEMOSA. Cimicifuga Racemosa. Macrotis Racemosa. Black cohosh. America. Tincture of Root. Puerperal mania ; thinks she is going crazy. Uterine affections ; shooting, darting pains from side to side. (7) ACTJEA RACEMOSA— (Continued). Menses irregular, with chorea, hysteria, or mental derangement. Hysterical or epileptiform spasms, and aggravation of mental symptoms during menses. When given during pregnancy is said to shorten labor. False labor-pains, nausea and "shivers " during labor. Uterine troubles of rheumatic persons. Reflex nausea from pregnancy or irritation of the uterus. ^ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Horse Chestnut. America and Europe. Nut is used for Tritu- ration and tincture. Hemorrhoids, with feeling of fullness, or dryness and itching, or simply dryness of rectum. Rectum feels as if full of small sticks. Leucorrhcea, with lameness across sacro-ileac articula- tions, and great fatigue from walking, because that part of back gives out from walking even a little way. Constant dull backache ; walking almost impossible ; - scarcely able to stoop, or to rise from sitting. Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine. Soreness and aching in back always made worse from motion, especially by walking, stooping, or rising from sitting. Sensation of heaviness and lameness in back. Hemorrhoidal complaints, with aching and soreness in the sacro-ileac symphyses, made worse by motion. (9) .ETHITSA CYNAPIITM Fools' or Dog Parsley. Garden Hemlock. Europe. Fresh plant tincture. Herpetic eruption on end of the nose. Face drawn from wings of nose to corners of mouth, giving an expression of great pain. Intolerance of milk ; suitable for children who can not bear milk. In summer indigestion and diarrhoea of children, when they forcibly vomit curdled milk, soon after drinking it. Child drowsy after this violent vomiting or after stool. AGARICUS MITSCARIUS. Amanita. Toad stool. Bug agaric of Europe. Tincture from fungus. " CIi111thihis"; pain and inflammation of frostbitten toes. Pain in lumbar region, especially while sitting. Bur nine], Itching of hoth hands as if frozen / parts red, swollen and, hot. Trembling of hands ; gouty stiffness of fingers. Unsteady ami uncertain gait in walking, with tearing in limbs and twitching in gluteal muscles. Chorea ; hysteria / softening of spinal cord. Mania a potu, after debauch. AGNUS CASTUS. Chaste Tret. America, Europe. Tincture of fruit and plant. hnpotcn.ce. Sexual desire lessened ; penis small, relaxed, cold. (ii) AGNUS CASTUS—{Continual). No sexual power or desire. Testes cold, swollen, hard and painful. Impotence, with gleet in those wTho have frequently had gonorrhoea. Male and female sexual parts greatly relaxed. Scanty secretion of milk, with sadness and fear of death. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. Tree of Heaven. Asia, etc. Tincture of Flowers. Scarlatina / child half conscious, with want of com- prehension. Dizzy, cannot sit up ; face hot; drowsy, yet restless and anxious. Startled when aroused ; pupils dilated and sluggish. Copious, thin, ichorous, bloody discharge from nose. Throat dark red, swollen, almost purple. Eruption of miliary rash, in patches of a dark livid color. Eruption in scarlet fever appears slowly. Malignant scarlet fever, with an eruption of a bluish tint. ALOES. Aloe Socolrina. In Africa, Asia, etc. Tincture of Gum. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic. Must hasten to stool immediately after eating or drinking. Severe cutting, grijri/ig p>ain in lower right j>art of (13) ALOES—(Continued). abdomen; excruciating before and during stool; but ceasing after stool; and followed by great weakness and perspiration. Stool hot, watery, windy, with jelly-like lumps. Dysenteric diarrhoea, driving out of bed in a hurry. Unreliable sphincter ani ; uncertain whether wind or water is going to pass. Solid stools pass involuntarily. Hemorrhoids like bunches of grapes ; bleeding, sore, tender and hot, with constant bearing down in rectum. Extreme prostration, with perspiration. ALUMINA. Clay. Oxide of Aluminium. In America and Europe. Trituration. Painters'1 colic. Colic, worse from eating potatoes. Even soft stool requires much straining ; inactivity of rectum. No desire for, nor ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation of faeces. Stools hard and knotty and covered with mucus, followed by blood, with cutting in anus. Has to strain at stool to pass urine ; diarrhoea 'whenever she urinates. Leucorrhoea after menses, with exhaustion of body and mind. Leucorrhoea profuse, corroding often only in daytime. Constipation of nursing children. Dry, hacking cough every morning, followed and relieved by raising a little white mucus, (15) AMBRA G RISE A. Ambergris. A marine substance found on sea coasts in Southern Europe. Trituration. Ranula, with fetid breath ; worse mornings. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. Discharge of blood between menstrual periods caused by any little thing unusual, as straining at stool, or walking farther than usual. Violent spasmodic cough, with frequent eructations, and with hoarseness ; whooping cough. Asthma or coughs and colds in old persons and chil- dren ; also in lean persons. AMBROSIA. Ragweed. America. Tincture of Plant. The symptoms of this drug are very similar to those of hay fever. "Stuffed up1' feeling in nose, head and chest; eyes water and smart. Wheezy cough, with pain in the chest, and uncomfort- able "stuffed " feeling. Nose red and swollen, with profuse watery discharge ; or stuffed and dry ; and again nose-bleed. AMMONIUM CARB. Sesrjui Carbrmate of Ammonia. Sal volatile. Trituration. Nose-bleed when bathing hands and face in the morning. Ozena, with blowing of bloody mucus from nose. Stoppage of nose, mostly at night; must breathe through mouth ; persistent coryza and lachrymation. (17) AMMONIUM CARB-{Conti,nrd). Amenorrhea, with cholic, and pain between the scapuhe ; and violent pain in small of back, with much coldness. Cholera-like symptoms at the beginning of men- struation. One of the best remedies in emphysema. Dyspnea, asthma, difficult breathing, causing short cough. Night cough ; at 3 a. m. dry cough from tickling in throat as from dust. Angina pectoris, with palpitation and asthma after exertion. Malignant scarlatina; when the rash remains out longer than usual, and there is a tendency to gangrenous ulceration of the tonsils. In scarlatina the throat is dark red, or the eruption does not fully develop ; sticky saliva. Body red all over, as from scarlatina. Dysmenorrhea, with the menses premature and abundant, and preceded by griping, colic, and want of appetite; often pain between the scapulae. AMM. MURIATICUM. Sal Ammoniac. Muriate of Ammonia. Trituration. Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip. Menses premature, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back, the flow being more profuse at night. Obstinate and extreme constipation, with much flatus. Hemorrhoids, with continual soreness and smarting. Particularly useful if the hemorrhoids occur after sup- pression of leucorrhea. (19) AMM. MURIATICU M—(Continued). Hard, crumbling stools, requiring much effort to expel. Leucorrhea, like white of egg, with distension of the abdomen ; and pinching pain about the navel; or a brown, slimy leucorrhea after passing urine. ANACARDIUM. Marking nut. East Indies. Tincture and Trituration. Loss of memory; general paralysis; patient very much troubled about this forgetfulness. Hypochondriasis, with hemorrhoids and constipation. Auxious and fearful of some one pursuing him ; sus- pects everyone. Sensation as of a hoop or band around a part. Gastric and nervous headaches ; digging, throbbing pain in right side of head, and along the border of the orbit, entirely relieved by eating and when lying in bed ; worse during motion and work. Anxiety ; despair ; lack of confidence in himself and others ; sullen mood, with weakness of all the senses. Great desire for stool, but with the effort the desire passes away without result; rectum seems powerless, and as if plugged. Strange temper ; she laughs at serious matters and is serious over laughable things ; thinks herself a demon ; swears. Dyspeptics, with this peculiar mental crookedness. ANTHRACINUM. Carbuncles; anthrax, discharging terribly offensive pus. Epidemic spleen disease in cattle and horses ; also in sheep. (21) A N THR ACIN U M—(Coutin ued). Felon ; bad cases, with sloughing, and terrible burn- ing. Induration of cellular tissue ; sloughing of carbuncles or paronychia. Carbuncle, with horrible burning pains, or discharge of ichorous, offensive pus. When Arsenicum fails to relieve the burning pain. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Sulpliuret of Antimony. Trituration. Thick, milky-white coating on tongue. Child can not bear to be touched or looked at. Soles of feet very sensitive. Gastritis, aggravated by sour things; nausea and vomiting. Sore, cracked, crusty nostrils and corners of mouth. Teeth ache worse at night; can not bear to touch them with tongue. Alternate or mixed diarrhea and constipation. Crushed finger nails grow in splits, and like warts, and with horny spots. Nausea with milky-white tongue, and stools covered with mucus. ANTIM. TART. Tartar Emetic. Trituration and Alcoholic Solution. Cough, with great rattling of mucus in throat and lungs. Vomiting mucus ; eruption on the skin, like small- pox. (23) ANTLM. TART—(Continued). Nausea, with vomiting of large collections of mucus. Jfuch rattling of mucus in bronchial tubes and chest, with inability to get it up. If children get angry, the coughing spell comes on, also after eating. Vertigo, with drowsiness. Rattling or hollow cough, worse at night, with suffo- cation, throat full of phlegm, sweat on forehead ; vom- iting of food. Face cold, bluish, covered with cold sweat; pulse very frequent; rattling in the chest; sinking of strength. Tongue very thinly coated white with reddened pa- pilla' ; red edges, particularly with whooping cough. Skin symptoms similar to variola; varioloid, varicella. APIS MELLIFICA. Honey Bee. Tincture of whole bee. Trituration of virm mc only. Intermittent fever ; chill from 3 to 4 p. m., worse in a warm room or by a stove. Sudden shrill cries or screams from children. Scanty and, high colored urine, burning when passing. Stinging pains, like bee stings. Enlargement of right ovary, with pain in left pectoral region, with cough. Sack-like bags under the eyes. GMema, or dropsy without thirst, with scanty urine. Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts, worse at night and when coughing. Scarlatina or diphtheritis, where there is stinging pain in throat, with suppression of urine. (25) APOCYNUM CANN. Dogs'Bane. Indian Hemp. America, etc. Tincture of fresh root. Dropsy with great thirst, but water disagrees, causing pain, or is thrown off. General dropsy ; hydrothorax after scarlatina ; urine high colored and scanty; gastric disturbance; pulse weak and irregular. Uterine hemorrhage, with gastric disturbance ; vital powers depressed ; disposition to faint. Acute hydrocephalus, with sutures open ; sight of one eye lost; constant involuntary motion of one leg and arm ; urine suppressed. Amenorrhea in young girls, with bloating (dropsy) of abdomen and extremities. Acute inflammatory dropsy ; dropsy of serous mem- branes ; excretions diminished, especially perspiration and urine. ARGENTUM MET. Argentum fol. Metallic silver. Trituration. Exhausting fluent coryza, with sneezing. Throat feels raw or sore when swallowing or cough- ing. Viscid, grey, jelly-like mucus in pharynx, easily hawked up, in the morning. Aphonia, with tension in fauces on right side felt when gaping. Prolapsus uteri with pain in left ovary. Pain in left ovary and back, extending forward and, downward. Schirrus uteri, with offensive discharge. Hoarseness and total loss of voice in professional singers. (27) ARGENTUM MET—(Contm ued); Rawness and soreness in upper part of larynx when coughing ; not when swallowing. Pains in left ovary and loins. Raw spot over the bifurcation of the trachea; worse when using the voice. Cough, with easy expectoration of thick, white, starch- like mucus, without taste or smell. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Nitrate of Silver. Lunar Ceiustie. Trituration. The stomach feels as if it would burst with wind ; desire to belch, which is accomplished with great diffi- culty ; the air rushes out with great force. Violent spasms, preceded by a sensation of great distention of head and face. Urine passes unconsciously day or night. Great weakness of lower extremities. Sensation as of a splinter in the throat. She is in constant motion from the time she comes out of one spasm until she goes into another. ARNICA MONTANA. Leopard's Bane. Mountain Arnica. Europe. Tincture of vhole fresh plant. Head hot, and body cold. Results of shocks or injuries. The bed or couch on which he lies feels too hard, he complains constantly of it, and keeps changing from one place to another. *(29) ARNICA MONTANA—(Continued). Whooping cough ; child always cries before coughing. Gout, with great fear of being struck by persons coming across the room. Can not walk erect on account of a bruised, sore feeling in uterine region. Tendency to small boils ; ecchymoses on various parts of the body. Bruised feeling. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Arsenious Acid. Arsenic ~\Yhite. Trituration and Tincture. Rapid and great prostration, with sinking of vital forces. Great anguish ; extreme restlessness ; fear of death. All symptoms worse after midnight. Bran-like, scaly eruptions, with itching and burning, the latter increased by scratching, and followed by bleeding. Great thirst for cold water, drinking often, but little at a time ; cold water lies like a stone in the stomach, or is immediately ejected. Diarrhea renewed after eating or drinking ; stools dark brown, of a cadaverous smell, scenting whole room. Gangrene and all symptoms better from heat. Stomach disordered after eating fruits or ice cream. Skin wrinkled, dry, cold and blue, or having cold, sticky perspiration. Can not lie down for fear of suffocation ; highest degree of dyspnea. Stoppage of nose, with acrid coryza. (31) ARSENICUAL A LBUM—(Couth,ued). Cold perspiration, with great prostration. Burning pain ; parts burn like fre. Poisoning from decayed or morbid animal matter, whether by inoculation, inhalation, or ingesta. Teething children are pale and weak, and want to be carried rapidly. Dysentery ; cholera-morbus ; cholera-infantum ; chol- era. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Indian Turnip. Jack in Pulpit. Tincture of root. Discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from nose, exco- riating nostrils and upper lip. The corners of mouth, buccal cavity and throat raw and sore, emitting blood ; so sore that child is continu- ally digging at it, and refuses to eat or drink. Nose stopped up ; patient can only breathe through the mouth. Chronic hoarseness from speaking or singing ; clergy- man's sore throat. (Compare Argent, yit.) Child digs tcith its nails ],ose her crazy. Can not bear tight clothing around the hypochondria ; the head and upper part of the body sweat profusely. Children self-willed ; inclined to grow fat. Scrofulous ulcers, chorea, epileptiform convulsions, etc., of scrofulous origin. CALCAREA PHOS. Phosphate of Lime. Trituration. Slow formation of bones. Delayed closure, or reopening, of fontanelles ; child can not hold up its head. Children lose flesh ; will not stand ; do not learn to walk; slow dentition. Osteo-malachia. CAMPHORA. Camphor Gum. China, Japan, etc. Tincture of Gum. In first stages of cholera and cholera-morbus. Great coldness of skin ; yet child can not bear to be covered ; weak, shrunken look of skin. Nose cold and pointed; sweating and vomiting; watery discharges ; anxiety and restlessness. Sudden attacks of diarrhea and vomiting; cold breath. Cerebro-spinal meningitis; contraction of cerebel- lum ; coldness of whole body. Antidotes nearly all other honueopathic medicines, and must not be allowed in the crude form in the sick room. (45) CANNABIS INDICA. loreign Indian Hemp. Asia. Tincture of the Leaves and Twigs. Sensation as though the top of the head opened and shut, or was lifted up. Laughing loudly at trifles; always thinking and studying. Delirium tremens ; mental weakness; exaggeration of time ; forgets what she is saying. CANNABIS SAT. Galloiv Grass. Persia, India, etc. Tincture of Fresh Leaves. In scrofulous eye troubles. Gonorrhea, with pain from orifice of urethra back- ward, of a burning, biting character. Inflammatory stage of gonorrhea. Priapism ; chordee ; discharge of thick yellow mucus from urethra. Sensation as of fluid dropping from heart. Painful erections. CANTHARIS. SjHudsh Fly. Europe. Tincture of Dried Beetle. Scalds and burns. Intense sexual desire ; nymphomania. Much burning in throat and stomach. Stools like scrapings of intestines; shreddy, red or white mixed with blood, with burning and biting pain when urinating. Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time, which is mixed with blood. Tenesmus vesicm after urinating. (47) CAPSICUM. Cayenne or Red Pepper. Tincture of Ripe Pods. Chill commences between shoulders, going over whole body every day between 5 and 6 p. m.; chill predomi- nates. Throat smarts and burns as if from cayenne pepper. CARBO YEG. Vegetable Charcoal. Trituration. Collapse ; cold sweat; cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost; extreme pallor or greenish color of face. Colic from flatulence ; abdomen full to bursting. Frequent involuntary, putrid, cadaverous-smelling stools, followed by burning in anus, and trembling weak- ness. C AULO PHYLLUM. Blue Cohosh. S'juaw Root. America. Tincture of Root. "Is said to shorten labor if given several weeks previous to confinement." Extraordinary rigidity of the os ; severe spasmodic pains without progress ; false pains. Hemorrhage after hasty labor ; uterus lacks tone, and contracts feebly. Long-continued, bloody lochia; patient greatly exhausted. Threatened abortion from lack of tonicity of uterus. Profuse menorrhagia, from relaxed uterus ; moth- patches on forehead and face. (49) CAUSTECUM. Causticum of Hahnemann. Acris Solutio. Tincture. Aphonia ; sudden loss of voice ; paralysis of laryngeal muscles. Cough, with inability to get down low enough to raise the mucus ; cold water relieves. Cough causes an involuntary discharge of urine ; child wetting the bed in first sleep. Epilepsy, chorea and paralysis. Intense sleepiness and yawning, in intermittent fever, with tearing pain in face ; dark-faced persons. Warts on nose, face and eyebrows ; rheumatism of the face. Heaviness and paralysis of upper eyelids. CHAMOMILLA. German Chamomile. Wild Chamomile. Europe. Tincture of Flovers. Child is excessively fretful, must be carried up anel down the room continually ; is only then quiet. Peevish and irritable ; can't bear pain ; can hardly answer one civilly. Child is angry because it can't have what it wants, and, after getting it, petulantly throws it away. Over-sensitive to open air ; aversion to wind, particu- larly about the ears. Long-lasting labor pains ; pains shooting upward. Dry, hacking cough ; one cheek red, the other pale. Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed and compel him to walk about. (51) CHAMOMILLA— (Continued). Green, watery, corroding stools, smelling like rotten eggs, and containing white particles. Over-sensitiveness after coffee or opium. The best remedy for cross, teething children. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Celandine. Tetter wort. America. Tincture of whole plant. Constant pain under lower and inner angle of right shoulder blcaie. Hepatic diseases, with jaundice, and pain in right shoulder. Stools like sheep droppings. Gastric or bilious diarrhea ; stools slimy, grayish, yellow, or watery. Whooping cough ; loose, rattling cough, long lasting. Stools soft and very yellow. CHINA. Cinchona, Calisaya. Peruvian Bark. South America. Tincture and Trituration of Bark. Ailments from loss of vital fluids. Sensitiveness of scalp, worse on alternate days. Painless, undigested stools, with much distension of abdomen. Weakly persons who have lost much blood ; ringing in the ears and fainting spells. Eructations do not relieve the distressing flatulence. Intermittent fever ; chill every second day, antici- pating about three hours each succeeding chill. (53) CICUTA YIROSA. Water Hemlock. Longleaved Cowbane. Tincture of the Root- In France, etc. The letters seem to move when she reads. Puerperal convulsions, with queer contortions of the upper part of the body, and frequent interruptions of breathing for a few moments. Tearing and jerking in the coccyx during menses. During dentition grinding of the teeth or gums, with compression of the jaws as in lockjaw. Convulsions, with relaxed limbs ; or limbs stiffened and extended. Eczema capitis, with whitish scurf on chin and upper lip, which are moist. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, with complaining, dys- phagia, irregular respiration, violent convulsions fol- lowed by cessation of breathing for what seems a long time. Convulsions, chorea, etc., when the patient is suddenly thrown into all sorts of strange shapes. CINA. Absinthium Santonica. Wormseed. Europe. Tincture and Trit- uration. Very cross and irritable (children); screaming out in sleep ; turbid urine. Variable appetite ; desire for sweets. Intestine irritation, like worm symptoms. Constantly digging and boring at the nose ; worms; paleness about the mouth ; blue semicircles under the eyes. Sccntonine cures when this remedy seems indicated and fails. (55) COCCULUS INDICUS. Oriental Berries. Indian Cockle. India. Tincture and Trituration. Nausea from riding in a carriage or boat; seasickness, often brought on by looking at a boat in motion. Vertigo, increased by sitting up in bed or by motion of a carriage. Cutting and rubbing in the abdomen as of sharp stones ; dysmenorrhea. Weakness of lower limbs during pregnancy and men- struation. Nausea and vomiting, with depression of spirits. JVousea of pregnancy made worse by riding or swinging. COFFEA CRUDA. Mocha Coffee. Brazil, etc. Tincture and Trituration. Wide awoke condition; mental faculties ami senses unusually active, irakefulness at night, will sec and hear more reoAily. It seems inqxjssible to close the eyes. Nervous affections at climateric period. Headache as if a nail were driven into brain, or as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces. Ecstacy, full of ideas, quick to act; no sleep on this account. Headache from unusual activity of mental faculties. COLCHICUM. Tincture. Meadow SajJ'ron. Upstart. Germany, etc. Th< smell of cooking food, or sometimes ecen the name, of it, causes nausea and disgust. Indigestion, when the abdomen is immensely distended with gas, feeling as if it would burst. Gouty rheumatism. (57) COLOCYNTH. Bitter Apple. Bitter Cucumber. In Turkey, Greece, etc. Tincture and Trituration. In sciatica, drawing, tearing rheumatic pain in legs ; the nerves around hip joint and acetabulum suffer most severely. Violent colic, causing the patient to bend double, with restlessness, moaning and lamenting. Dysentery ; stools watery, bloody aud slimy ; great pain in bowels, causing patient to bend double. Amenorrhea ; intense pain in ovaries, causing^>^/en£ to bend double. Colic so distressing that patient seeks relief by press- ing the corner of table or head of bed post against the abdomen. CONIUM MACULATUM. Poison Parsley. Spotted Hemlock. Europe. Tincture. Vertigo, particularly when lying down or when turning over in bed. Weakness of memory, especially in old men ; atro- phy of glandular system from lack of use. Cough, with sensation of dry spot in larynx ; cough coming in violent paroxysms, especially at night. Pain in breasts during meustrass the nose; also i/clloir spots on the face. Pain in the uterus and bearing down ; crosses the limbs to prevent protrusion. Unpleasant feeling of lump in rectum; constipation of pregnancy. (113) SEPIA —(Con tinned.) Aversion to occupation ; indifference to her family ; irritable and easily offended ; memory weak; uterine troubles. Putriel urine, ichich deposits a 2)inkish seeliment winch adheres tenaciously to vessels. SILICEA. Flint. Silicious Earth. Trituration. Ailments following vaccination, as abscesses, etc., even convulsions. Always great costiveness immediately before and during catamenia. Increased menses, Avith repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over the whole body. Want of vital warmth even when taking exercise. Yielding mind, faint-hearted, anxious mood. The head is wet from sweating,particularly at night; likes wrapping up. Foot-sweat, with rawness between the toes ; also com- plaints after checking it. Inflammation and closure of the lachrymal duct. Difficult expulsion of soft stools, they seem to slip back. Scrofulous subjects, with great coldness of body and sweaty feet. SPIGELIA. Pinkroot. Wormgrass. So. America. Tincture. Tearing pains in temple and forehead, extending to- ward the eyes ; worse on motion, and especially on making a false step. (115) SPIGELIA —(Continued). Pressing headache, mostly in right temple, and involving the eye ; worse from motion and noise. Eyes pain in motion, as if too large for their orbits. Intense pressive pain in eyeballs, especially in turn- ing them. Prosopalgia, mostly left-sided, with tearing, shooting, burning pain, especially in cheek bones, lower jaw, above the eyebrows, and in the eyeball; periodical; from morning until sunset; worse at noon ; worse from motion or noise. Palpitation; violent; visible and audible; when bending forwards ; on sitting down after rising from bed in the morning; with anxious oppression of the chest. Pulse weak, irregular, trembling. SPONGIA. Sponge. Greece, Syria, etc. Tincture and Trituration. Thyroid gland swollen and hard, with suffocative attacks at night. Goitre. Pressive, painful swelling of the testicles. Pinched, bruised, squeezing pain in the testicles. Spermatic cord swollen and painful. Sensation of obstruction in the larynx, as from a plug, with impeded respiration. Incessant cough from low down in chest, where there is a sore pain. Cough dry, barking, hollow, croupy, or wheezing and asthmatic. (117) SPONGIA— (Continued). Dry cough day and night, with burning in the chest. Croup. Cough worse from lying with head low ; better after eating or drinking. Dyspnea and great weakness in chest; unable to talk after slight exercise. Burning sore pain in chest and bronchi, with rawness in the throat when coughing. STANNUM. Metallic Tin. England, etc. Trituration. Neuralgic headache; begins lightly and increases gradually to its highest point, and then gradually declines. Hoarseness and roughness in the larynx, with great weakness in the chest. Great accumulation of mucus in the trachea. Scraping cough, with profuse greenish expectoration of an offensive, sweetish taste ; producing soreness in the trachea and chest. Dry cough in the evening, in bed, till midnight, with scanty expectoration. Short cough from weakness of chest, having a hoarse, weak sound. Sensation of great weakness and emptiness in chest, after talking. STAPH YSAGRIA. Stavesacre. Louse Seeds. Larkspur. In Europe. Tincture. Styes, nodosites, chalaza' on the eyelids, one after the other, sometimes ulcerating. (119) ST APH YS AG RI A—(Cmtin m >d). Sensation as of a round ball in the forehead, firmly fixed there, even when shaking the head. Sleepy all day long, awake all night; body aches all over. Cough only in the daytime, or only after dinner, par- ticularly after eating meat. When the mind has been dwelling too much on sexual subjects. Teeth turn black, or show dark streaks running over them ; gums ache. After every morsel of food or mouthful of drink, bellyache and tenesmus ; during dysentery in summer. Very peevish ; throws or pushes things away indig- nantly. Itching of the margin of the lids. STRAMONIUM. Thorn Apple Devil's Apple. America, etc. Tincture. Delirium ; furious ; tries to escape ; struggles to get out of bed ; incessant and incoherent talk, laughing ; sexual excitement. Hallucinations which terrify the patient. Hydrophobia ; excessive aversion to liquids ; water, a mirror, or anything bright, excites convulsions ; spas- modic constrictions of throat. The child on awaking is frightened at anything that first meets its eye ; wants to run away from them. Eyes wide open, prominent, brilliant ; contorted. Bright light or brilliant objects cause convulsions. Face hot, red and bloated ; eyes wild ; expression of terror. (121) STRAMONIUM—( Cm tinned). Difficult deglutition, from spasmodic constriction of the throat. Great dryness of throat. Suppression of both stool and urine. Twitching of the hands and feet. Trembling of the whole body, as if from fright. SULPHUR. Brimstone. Flowers of Sulphur. Trituration and Tincture. Heat in the soles of the feet, or cold feet, with burning soles; wishes to find a cool place for them, or puts them out of bed. Child dislikes to be washed. Heat on top of head; flushes in face ; feet cold. Hot flushes with S2jc11s of faintness, or passimj off with a little moisture and faintness or debility. Irresistible drowsiness in the daytime, and wakeful- ness the whole night. She feels suffocated; she wants doors and windows open. Burning in the vagina ; patient is scarcely able to keep still. Very red lips, particularly with children. Both the flow of urine and the discharge of fseces are painful to the parts over which they pass. Diarrhea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed, early in the morning. Weakness in the chest during the evening while lying down. Comedones ; black pores of the skin, particularly in the face. (123) SULPHUR—( Contin ued). Sick headache periodically; once a week, or two weeks ; heat on vertex. Voluptuous itching ; scratching relieves; burning afterward. Does not walk erect; stoops or bends forward in walking and sitting. Gom, empty feeling in stomach about 11 a. m. Hemorrhoids, with itching. One of our best remedies for scrofulous persons. SULPHURIC ACID. Oil of Vitriol. Aqueous Solution. Extreme weakness and exhaustion, with sensation of tremor all over the body, without trembling. TEREBINTH. Oil of Turpentine. Alcoholic Tincture. Violent, burning, drawing pain in region of kidneys. Urine scanty and bloody. Urine having the odor of violets. THUJA. Arbor Vitir. America. Tincture. Very ill-humored and depressed ; tired of life. Diarrhea daily in the morning ; after breakfast ; at times painless ; at times with colic. Stool bright yellow, watery ; expelled forcibly, with much noisy flatus ; gurgling, as water from a bung hole. Fig warts. (125) THUJA—{Continued). Wart-shaped excrescences here and there, especially on hands and genitals. Sycotic affections. Syphilitic herpes, and obstinate chancres. Gonorrhea. Warts. TRILLIUM. Beth Root. Wake Robin. America. Tincture. Hemorrhage from uterus. Metrorrhagia and the climacteric. Especially useful in passive hemorrhage of the uterus. URTICA URENS. Dwarf Stinging Nettle. Germany. Tincture. The skin of the face, arms, shoulders and chest was affected with extremely distressing burning heat. Itching swellings all over the hands. Urticaria ; hives ; the skin becomes elevated, with a white central spot and red areola, attended by sting- ing, burning pain, relieved by rubbing the parts. Excellent for burns and scalds, both as a lotion and internal medication. VALERIANA Valerian Heal all. Europe, etc. Tincture. The pressure over the orbits alternates between a pres- sure and sticking; the sticking is like a darting, tear- ing as if it would pierce the eyes from within outward. Sensation as of a string or thread hanging down the throat. (127) Y A LERIA N A—(Con tin ued ). Tetanoid spasms following inflammation of jaw from teething, with sensation of string hanging down the throat. Intense pain in the left lumbar region above the hip, as if he had strained the part much ; worse when stand- ing, and especially when sitting, than when walking. A very painful drawing, mixed with stitches ; from left shoulder down to fingers ; change of position did not relieve, but it disappeared when walking. Painful drawing in upper and lower extremities when sitting quietly, relieved by walking. Drawing in many places, now here, now there, like transient jerks. Tetanoid spasms. YERATRUM ALB. White Hellebore. Europe. Tincture of Root. Neck too weak to hold up the head ; particularly chil- dren with whooping cough. While in bed, face is red ; after getting up it becomes pale. Despairs of her salvation ; with suppressed catamenia. Chilliness on top of head as if ice was lying there. Dysmenorrhea with vomiting and purging, or ex- hausting diarrhea with cold sweat. During wet weather pains in the limbs, getting worse in warmth of bed, better in walking up and down. Odd sweat on forehead. [Have seen apparently hope- less case of croup cured when the cold sweat on the forehead was the guiding symptom.] Cholera-rnejrbus, vomiting and purging at the same time. One of the chief remedies in cholera. (129) VERATRUAI VIRIDE. Americaji Hellebore. Green Helleb<>r<. Tincture of Root. Dangerously high temperature. Reduces temperature from 104° to 102° in a few hours. Child trembles, jerks, and seems as if going into con- vulsions. Convulsions after scarlatina, with dilatation of pupils, and sleeplessness. Continual jerking or nodding of the head. Cerebral congestion, with a tendency to convulsions in children. Great activity of arterial system. Puerperal mania following convulsions. To be thought of in all conditions where there is rapid pulse, very high temperature, or a tendency to erratic, convulsive movements. ZINOUM. Metallic Zinc. England, etc. Trituration. Headache, from drinking even small quantities of wine. Much burning in the eyes and lids, in the morning and evening, with feeling of dryness and pressure in them. Burning pain in the tibial. Nervous, fidgety moving of the feet. (131) i .4,- ..i-:-'.-.-.'-6r-,> NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE M. % "••'•"*£» I.......»^^....... M*MltfNMNft««MMft*MMMMMMMM NLM D0137MSM 1 NLM001374541