■i\' -,., w:> **&&*& v.! im #5*8 '•4, W-:%. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy AMERICAN rouiw.A.iu,. iui< »,~...ucUP/U"HY LIBRARY AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR HOMOEOPATHY y\iaesimund ^banning Panes Library 19 *OmceO^ ^ •p Gift of LIBRARY AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR HOMOEOPATHY ORGANON HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINE BY SAMUEL HAHNEMANN Aude sapere. FIRST AMERICAN, jfvom tlje aScftfsf) translation of tjje j?ourt|) ffievman HWtion, WITH IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS FROM THE FIFTH, BY THE NORTH AMERICAN ACADEMY OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC HEALING ART. ALLENTOWN, PA.: PUBLISHED AT THE ACADEMICAL BOOKSTORE. PHILADELPHIA: FOR SALE BY KAY & BROTHER, 122 t'HESXUT STREET, AND J. G. WESSELHOEFT, BREAD STREET. 1P36. LIBRARY AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR HOMOEOPATHY PREFACE TO THE BRITISH EDITION An accidental interview with a Russian physician, in the year 1828, made me acquainted for the first time with the medical doctrine of homoeopathy ; the principle of which is, that certain medicines when administered internally in a healthy state of the system produce certain effects, and that the same medicines are to be used when symptoms similar to those which they give rise to occur in disease. This doctrine, directly opposite to that which hitherto formed the basis of medical practice in these countries, attracted my attention. I immediately procured Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura, in which the doctrine is partially explained, with the view of investigating the system experimentally, and reporting my observations thereon, free from theory, prejudice, or party. The first enquiry was, whe- ther the proposition similia similibus curentur was true. This investigation was confined to a single substance at a time. To ascertain the effects of sulphate of quinine, healthy individuals were selected, to whom grain doses of the medicine were admi- nistered three times a day. After using it for some days, sto- mach-sickness, loss of appetite, a sense of cold along the course of the spine, rigour, heat of skin, and general perspiration suc- ceeded. Effects similar to these are often observed when this medicine is injudiciously selected in the treatment of disease. It sometimes happens, that the symptoms of ague are aggravated by the prolonged use of sulphate of quinia, and soon after it is withdrawn the disease gradually subsides. The result of ex- periments and observations on this remedy elucidate its homoeo- pathic action. Mercurial preparations, when administered internally, pro- VI duce symptoms local and constitutional so closely resembling the poison of lues venerea that medical practitioners who have spent many years in the investigation of syphilis find it very difficult, nay, in some instances, impossible, (guided by the appearances,) to distinguish one disease from the other. Of all the medicines used in the treatment of lues, mercury is the only one that has stood the test of time and experience. Let us, then, compare the effects of syphilis with those of mercury:— The venereal poison produces on the skin, pustules, scales, and tubercles. Mercury produces directly the same defoedations of the skin. Syphilis excites inflammation of the periosteum and caries of the bones. Mercury does the same. Inflammation of the iris from lues is an every-day occurrence ; the same disease is a very frequent consequence of mercury. Ulceration of the throat is a common symptom in syphilis; the same affection results from mercury. Ulcers on the organs of reproduction are the result of both the poison and the remedy ; and furnish another proof of the doctrine similia similibus. Nitric acid is generally recommended in cutaneous diseases ; the internal use of this remedy, in a very dilute form, produces scaly eruptions over the surface of the body; and the external application of a solution, in the proportion of one part acid to one hundred and twenty-eight parts of water, will produce inflammation and ulceration of the skin. These observations would lead to the conclusion, that nitric acid cures cutaneous diseases by the faculty it possesses of producing a similar disease of the skin. Nitrate of potash administered internally in small doses, produces a frequent desire to pass water, accompanied with pain and heat. When this state of the urinary system exists as a consequence of disease, or the application of a blister, a very dilute solution of the same remedy has been found bene- ficial. The ordinary effects of hyoscyamus niger are vertigo, deli VII rium, stupefaction, and somnolency. Where one or other of these diseased states exists, it yields to small doses of the tinc- ture of this plant. The internal use of hyoscyamus is followed by mental aberration, the leading features of which are jealousy, and irascibility. When these hallucinations exist, this remedy is indicated. Opium in general causes drowsiness, torpor, and deep sleep, and yet this remedy in small doses removes these symptoms when they occur in disease. Sulphur is a specific against itch ; notwithstanding which, when it is administered to healthy individuals it frequently ex- cites a pustular eruption resembling itch in every particular. These observations corroborate the statements of our author as to the value and importance of homoeopathy, and were not the limits of a preface too confined I could bring forward the actual experiments from which these deductions have been drawn. On the subject of small doses of medicines a few observations will suffice. A mixture composed of one drop of hydrocyanic acid and eight ounces of water, administered in a drachm dose, has pro- duced vertigo and anxious breathing. Vomiting has followed the use of the sixteenth of a grain of emetic tartar ; narcotism, the twentieth of a grain of muriate of morphia ; and spirit of ammonia, in doses of one drop, acts on the system as a stimu- lant. On the homoeopathic attenuation of medicines, many are sceptical, and presume that the quantity of the article extant in the dose, cannot produce a medicinal effect. I refer to the pages of the Organon for an elucidation of this proposition, Vlll and will relate an experiment which may serve to explain the degree of dilution substances are capable of. One grain of nitrate of silver dissolved in 1560 grains of distilled water, to which were added two grains of muriatic acid, a gray precipi- tate of chloride of silver was evident in every part of the liquor. One orrain of iodine dissolved in a drachm of alcohol and mixed with the same quantity of water as in the preceding experiment, to which were added two grains of starch dissolved in an ounce of water, caused an evident blue tint in the solution. In these experiments the grain of the nitrate of silver and iodine must have been divided into tt^fo °f a grain. A few particulars connected with the discoverer and founder of the homoeopathic system of medicine, cannot but prove inte- resting: to the readers of this volume. Samuel Hahnemann was born in 1755, at Misnia, in Upper Saxony. He exhibited at an early age traits of a superior genius ; his school education being completed, he applied himself to the study of natural phi- losophy and natural history, and afterwards prosecuted the study of medicine at Leipsic and other universities. A most accurate observer, a skilful experimenter, and an indefatigable searcher after truth, he appeared formed by nature for the investigation and improvement of medical science. On commencing the study of medicine he soon became disgusted with the mass of contradictory assertions and theories which then existed. He found every thing in this department obscure, hypothetical and vague, and resolved to abandon the medical profession. Hav- ing been previously engaged in the study of chemistry, he deter- mined on translating into his native language the best English and French works on the subject. Whilst engaged in translat- ing the Materia Medica of the illustrious Cullen, in 1790, in which the febrifuge virtues of cinchona bark are described, he became fired with the desire of ascertaining its mode of action. Whilst in the enjoyment of the most robust health, he com- menced the use of this substance, and in a short time was IX attacked with all the symptoms of intermittent fever, similar in every respect to those which that medicine is known to cure. being struck with the identity of the two diseases he immedi- ately divined the great truth which has become the foundation of the new medical doctrine of homoeopathy. Not contented with one experiment he tried the virtues of medicines on his own person, and on that of others. In his in- vestigations he arrived at this conclusion : that the substance employed possessed an inherent power of exciting in healthy subjects the same symptoms which it is said to cure in the sick. He compared the assertions of ancient and modern physicians upon the properties of poisonous substances with the result of his own experiments, and found them to coincide in every respect; and upon these deductions he brought forth his doc- trine of homoeopathy. Taking this law for a guide, he recom- menced the practice of medicine, with every-prospect of his labours being ultimately crowned with success. In 1796 he published his first dissertation on homoeopathy in Hufeland's Journal. A treatise on the virtues of medicine appeared in 1805, and the " Organori' in 1810. Hahnemann commenced as a public medical teacher in Leipsic, in 1811, where, with his pupils, he zealously investigated the effects of medicines on the living body, which formed the basis of the Materia Medica Pura which appeared during the same year. Like many other discoverers in medicine, the author of the Organon has been persecuted with the utmost rigour ; and in 1820 he quitted his native country in disgust. In retirement he was joined by several of his pupils, who formed themselves into a society for the purpose of prosecuting the homoeopathic system of physic, and reporting their observations thereon. Several fasciculi detailing their labours have been since pub- lished. b x In 1824 the homoeopathic doctrine was embraced by Rau, physician to the Duke of Hesse Darmstadt; by Bigelius, physi- cian to the Emperor of Russia; by Stegemann, and many other names celebiated in medicine. We find, from a published letter of Dr. Peschier of Geneva, that Hahnemann resides at Coethen, (capital of Anhalt-Coethen,) in the enjoyment of perfect health and spirits. He is consulted by patients from almost every nation, who have been attracted by his fame as a physician. Of the doctrine of homoeopathy generally, I have little more to add in this place; time will develope the truth or fallacy of the principle on which it is founded ; but in the mean time let us not lose sight of the fact, that this new system of physic is spreading throughout the continent of Europe with the rapidity of lightning. Germany, Austria, Russia, and Poland, have already done homage to the doctrine, and physicians have been appointed to make a specific trial of its effects, the results of which are unequivocally acknowledged to be of a favourable nature. The writings of the illustrious Hahnemann have ap- peared in five different languages, independent of the present version of his " Organon ;" and in France alone, a translation of this work, from the pen of A. J. L. Jourdan, member of the Academie Royale de Medecine, has reached a fourth edition. Convinced, from reflection and observation, of the value of homoeopathy, the first step in the propagation and dissemination of this doctrine, in Britain, was to obtain an English version of the " Organon." Samuel Stratten. Dublin, June 14th, 1833. PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. First impressions commonly determine our judgment of books as well as men. If, on a first interview, a person be repulsive to us, and those who for years have had familiar intercourse with him, admit that we are excusable for first impressions, but nevertheless assure us that he is possessed of very valuable qualities, and that a nearer acquaintance with him may be use- ful to us,—when, in addition, our informants give us a key to a more correct judgment, we are no longer justifiable in main- taining our original impressions. Still more would our opinions be influenced, if, before seeing the person, we were furnished in advance with a short and impartial representation of his character by one who knew him intimately. If this rule of judgment be applicable to persons, wherefore should it not apply to books? The Organon contains much that is peculiar and different from the views hitherto entertained by the prevailing school of medicine. Most readers of the medical profession, therefore, conceive prejudices against it, and fall into the vulgar error of rejecting the whole, merely because they do not justly regard it as a whole,—they reject the main propositions, because they are offended at the subordinate. The reader needs no elaborate introduction to the following work, and it is requisite, perhaps, only to apprise him of the different classes into which its several paragraphs may be divided; and this being done, we shall submit each separate class to his own judgment. The entire contents of the Organon may be easily arranged under the four following, divisions, which, indeed, do not occur in the order in which they are here given, but they might easily have been designated in accordance to it, by causing them to Xll be severally printed in a different type. They consist,— 1. Of discoveries—experimental propositions, or the results of actual experiment. 2. Of directions or instructions. 3. Of theoreti- cal and philosophical illustration. 4. Of defences and accu- sations. I.—OF DISCOVERIES. Among men of deliberate and acute reflection, no difference of opinion can exist relative to the truth of a discovery which rests upon the basis of actual experiment. When the author appeals to such experiments, they must be led to a repetition of them, and not oppose their own opinions to the dictates of experience; in fine, they have no other way in forming a judg- ment, than that of accurate and careful experiment. It may be said that every charlatan in extolling his nostrums in like manner appeals to experience, and no one is required for that reason to investigate the merits of his compounds ; but it will not be denied that, although the person of the quack may deserve little forbearance, yet the remedy with which he dupes the public, may in some cases prove beneficial. The old school has received many remedies, mercury among others, from the hands of the quack. But, in the Organon, experience is not referred to for the pur- pose of lauding any individual remedy ; far more, it has rela- tion to an entire method of cure. None but a vulgar dealer in calumny of the grosser sort, would attempt to degrade Hahne- mann to a level with the charlatan; because he promulgates his views and the peculiarities of his method, as a learned physi- cian, and in a manner that is sanctioned by custom, and fully recognised in the history of medicine. But his method, as we have already intimated, appeals to experience. Not to mention the example of Brown, we need only refer to that of Broussais, and the reports received strik- ingly in favour of his doctrines, or even to the contra-stimulus of the Italians, which incessantly appeals to the same expe- rience as the test of its value. It is, indeed, desirable that every learned physician—profes- Xlll sors, hospital physicians, and others in prominent stations should carefully study, and so far as the experiments are inno- cuous, prove his new method; nay, Hahnemann and his adher- ents often and ardently desire that every physician would learn, investigate, and prove homoeopathy for himself. But homoeopathy is not only a new method, but much more. This method does not rest upon new views, like every other hitherto promulgated, but upon new discoveries, which appertain to the departments of natural philosophy, the natural sciences, physiology and biology. The doctrine that every peculiar substance—every mineral, plant, animal, in fact every part of them, or every preparation derived from a preceding one, produces a series of peculiar effects upon the human organism, manifestly belongs to the natural sciences, and only so far to the materia medica as the latter calls these properties into requisition. But it is a science in itself,—a science which treats of the effect of a diversity of substances upon the human frame. Whether such a science, in point of fact, be capable of formation, and whether it have any value, can be determined only by experiment. It were equally foolish to deny this without trial, as it was formerly to deny, without exploring, the way which Columbus opened to the west. It would be inexcusable in the present condition of the materia medica, confessedly imperfect, and deficient in all the attributes of a science, to despise this new way of Hahnemann, before knowing, by careful experiment, that it conducts to no- thing better. The doctrine of the preparation of the remedies into the so called dilutions, belongs to natural philosophy, in common with the doctrines of magnetism, electricity, and galvanism. Nor is it more a subject of wonder than the latter—except that these sooner came under investigation by the natural philosopher. The repetition of the new electro-magnetic experiments requires great accuracy ; those concerning the operation of minute doses require just as much, nay even more. To deny the re- sults of the electro-magnetic experiments, previous to repeating them, were ridiculous, and it is equally so to deny the results of XIV these. But no hasty, superficial, partial, or wholly perverted experiments, must be instituted. The doctrine that such dilutions or potences are capable of curing diseases according to the law " similia similibus," is a proposition which belongs to biology, and there finds its con- firmation ; it likewise can only be investigated by experiment, and cannot be estimated without it. The cautious investigator will not pass judgment upon all these discoveries, until he shall have performed a series of rigorous experiments. Then only will he be prepared either to reject or accept the method founded thereon, or, at least, learn the useful part of it. II.—DIRECTIONS. These appertain to the method of cure, are derived from the long continued application of the law previously referred to, and acquire their principal value from its truth. No one can judge of them but he who has tested the truth of the experi- mental propositions, and in doing so, adhered to these directions. By this means only can he become convinced of their great value, which is entirely lost on those who deny the discoveries. We enumerate under this head, directions for the examina- tion of the sick, for the preparation of the medicines, for trying them on the healthy subject, for the selection of the remedies, dietetics, and directions for the psychical treatment. III.—ILLUSTRATIONS. Hahnemann has appended certain theories to the laws of nature discovered by him, by which these laws are illustrated and brought into unison with other laws already acknowledged, or with other theories received as true. This has never been reckoned a subject of reproach to any discoverer. Man will and must seek to illustrate the phenomena which he observes, and bring individual parts into co-aptation—the new into har- mony with that previously known. In this endeavour, not only is he liable to err, but actually does err in the great majority of cases; accordingly, few hypotheses and attempts at explanation XV have endured long, and it is a fact of daily acknowledgment, that one hypothesis gives place to another in all sciences. Columbus himself entertained numerous conjectures which time has verified or overthrown. Whether the theories of Hahnemann are destined to endure a longer or a shorter space, whether they be the best or not, time only can determine ; be it as it may, however, it is a matter of minor importance. For my- self, I am generally considered as a disciple and adherent of Hahnemann, and I do indeed declare that I am one among the most enthusiastic in doing homage to his greatness; but nevertheless I declare also, that since my first acquaintance with homoeopathy, (in the year 1821,) down to the present day, I have never yet accepted a single theory in the Organon as it is there promulgated. I feel no aversion to acknowledge this even to the venerable sage himself. It is the genuine Hahne- mannean spirit totally to disregard all theories, even those of one's own fabrication, when they are in opposition to the results of pure experience. All theories and hypotheses have no positive weight whatever, only so far as they lead to new experiments, and afford a better survey of the results of those already made. Whoever, therefore, will assail the theories of Hahnemann, or even altogether reject them, is at perfect liberty to do so; but let him not imagine that he has thereby accomplished a me- morable achievement. In every respect it is an affair of little importance. IV.—DEFENCES. Opinions upon this head are also things of secondary conside- ration, inasmuch as the entire polemical matter is of subordinate estimation in forming a judgment concerning new discoveries. Had Hahnemann the right to defend himself as he has done, and thereby promote the progress of his doctrine, or had he not ? We cannot judge concerning it, but justly commit the decision of the question to future history. The entire polemical part may be stricken out, without in the slightest degree changing the principal matters, or without having any influence either to ratify or invalidate the doctrine itself. XV1 Is there a physician who feels that individual expressions will apply to him, let him take heed to the truth ; but if they do not reach him, then is he unaffected by them. He who is offended at the polemical part, let him reflect that it is the first step towards an unjust estimate of the rest. A just judgment is all that we wish from every reader of the Organon, and to contribute something to this end was the de- sign of these preliminary remarks. CONSTANTINE HeRING. Academy at Allentown, Penn., August 10, 1836. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. A view of the prevailing alteopathic and palliative medical treatment to the present time. ...........g Examples of homoeopathic cures performed unintentionally by physicians of the old school of medicine......., ... 45 Persons ignorant of the science of medicine, discovered that the homoeopathic treatment was the most rational and efficacious......73 Some physicians of an early period suspected that this curative method was superior to every other. .........75 ORGANON OF MEDICINE. § 1, 2. The sole duty of a physician is, to restore health in a mild, prompt, and durable manner. Note. It does not pertain to his office to invent systems, or vainly attempt to account for the morbid phenomena in disease......79 § 3, 4. The physician ought to search after that which is to be cured in disease, and be acquainted with the curative virtues of medicines, in order to adapt the medicine to the disease. He must also be acquainted with the means of preserving health..........79, 80 § 5. In the cure of disease it is necessary to regard the fundamental cause and other circumstances...........ib. § 6. For the physician, the totality of the symptoms alone constitutes the disease. ............ ib. Note. The fruitless endeavours of the old school to discover the essence of the disease, the prima causa morbi. § 7. To cure disease, it is merely requisite to remove the entire symptoms, duly regarding, at the same time, the circumstances enumerated in § 5. 81 Note. 1. The cause which evidently occasions and maintains the disease must likewise be removed...........ib. Note 2. A symptomatic palliative method of treatment, or that directed against an individual symptom, ought to be rejected.....82 § 8. When all the symptoms are extinguished, the disease is at the same time internally cured........., . . ib, Note. This is ignoruntly denied by the old school. C xvm Page § 9. During health, the system is animated by a spiritual, self-moved, vital power, which preserves it in harmonious order......83 § 10. Without this vital, dynamic power, the organism is dead. . . ib. § 11. In disease, the vital power only is primarily disturbed, and expresses its sufferings (internal changes) by abnormal alterations in the sensations and actions of the system. .......... to. Note. To know how the symptoms are produced by the vital power, is unne- cessary for the purposes of cure. § 12. By the extinction of the totality of the symptoms in the process of cure, the suffering of the vital power, that is, the entire morbid affection, inwardly and outwardly, is removed..........ib. § 13. To presume that disease (non-chirurgical) is a peculiar and distinct something, residing in man, is a conceit, which has rendered allceopathy so pernicious.............84 § 14. Every curable disease is made known to the physician by its symptoms, ib. § 15. The sufferings of the deranged vital power, and the morbid symptoms produced thereby, as an invisible whole, one and the same. . . . ib. § 16. It is only by means of the spiritual influence of a morbific agent, that our spiritual vital power, can be diseased, and in like manner, only by the spi- ritual (dynamic) operation of medicine, that health can be restored. 85 § 17. The physician has only to remove the totality of the symptoms and he has cured the entire disease......... ib. Note 1, 2. Explanatory examples. § 18. The totality of the symptoms is the sole indication in the choice of the remedy. ............ 86 § 19. Changes in the general state, in disease, (symptoms of disease) can be cured in no other way, by medicines, than in so far as the latter possess the power, likewise, of affecting changes in the system. ib. § 20. This faculty which medicines have of producing changes in the system, can only be known by observing their effects upon healthy individuals. ib. § 21. The morbid symptoms which medicines produce in healthy persons are the sole indications of their curative virtues in disease.....ib. § 22. If experience prove that the medicines which produce symptoms similar to those of the disease, are the therapeutic agents that cure it in the most certain and permanent manner, we ought to select these medicines in the cure of the disease. If, on the contrary, it proves that the most certain and permanent cure is obtained by medicinal substances that produce symptoms directly opposite to those of the disease, then the latter agents ought to be selected for this purpose. ....... 87 Note. The use of medicines, whose symptoms bear no peculiar (affective) relation to the morbid symptoms, but influence the body in a different way, is the exceptionable allosopathic mode of treatment. § 23. Morbid symptoms that are inveterate cannot be cured by medicinal symptoms of an opposite character (antipathic method). ... 88 § 24, 25. The homeopathic method, or that which employs medicines producing symptoms similar to those of the malady, is the only one of which experi- ence proves the certain efficacy....... $ § 26. This is grounded upon the therapeutic law of nature, that a weaker dynamic affection in man is permanently extinguished by one that is simi- lar, of greater intensity, yet of a different origin..... £9 XIX Page Note. This law applies to physical as well moral affections. § 27. The curative virtues of medicines depend solely upon the resemblance that their symptoms bear to those of the disease......90 § 28, 29. Some explanation of this therapeutic law of nature. ... it. Note. Illustration of it. § 30—33. The human body is much more prone to undergo derangement from the action of medicines than from that of natural disease. 91, 92 § 34, 35. The truth of the homoeopathic law is shown by the inefficacy of non- homoeopathic treatment in the cure of diseases that are of long standing and likewise by the fact that either of two natural dissimilar diseases co- existing in the body, cannot annihilate or cure the other. . . 92, 93 § 36, I. A disease, existing in the human body, prevents the accession of a new and dissimilar one, if the former be of equal intensity to, or greater, than the latter..............ib. § 37. Thus, non-homoeopathic treatment, which is not violent, leaves the chronic disease unaltered..........ib. § 38, II. Or, a new and more intense disease suspends a prior and dissimilar one, already existing in the body, only so long as the former continues, but it never cures it...........93—95 § 39. In the same manner, violent treatment with alloeopathic remedies never cures a chronic disease, but merely suspends it during the continuance of the powerful action of a medicine incapable of exciting symptoms similar to those of the disease, but afterwards, the latter reappears even more intense than before............95—97 § 40, III. Or, the new disease, after having acted for a considerable time on the system, joins itself finally to the old one, which is dissimilar, and thence results a complication of two different maladies, either of which is incapable of annihilating or curing the other.......97, 98 § 41. Much more frequently than a superadded natural disease, an artificial one, which is occasioned by the long continued use of violent and unsuitable alloeopathic remedies, is combined with the dissimilar prior and natural disease (the dissimilarity consequently rendering it incurable by means of the artificial malady), and the patient becomes doubly diseased. . . 98 § 42. The diseases thus complicated by reason of their dissimilarity, assume different places in the organism to which they are severally adapted. 99 § 43, 44. But very different is the result, where a new disease that is similar and stronger is superadded to the old one, for in that case the former anni- hilates and cures the latter. .......100—101 § 45. This phenomenon explained.........ib. § 46. Examples of the cure of chronic diseases, by the accidental accession of another disease, similar and more intense......101—103 § 47—49. Of any two diseases, which occur in the ordinary course of nature, it is only that one whose symptoms are similar to the other, which can cure or destroy it. This faculty never belongs to a dissimilar disease. Hence the physician may learn what are the remedies with which he can effect a certain cure, that is to say, with none but such as are homoeopathic. 103,104 § 50. Nature affords but few instances in which one disease can homoeopathi- cally destroy another, and her remedial resources in this way are encum- bered by many inconveniences.........ib. XX § 51. On the other hand, the physician is possessed of innumerable curative agents, greatly preferable to those........105 § 52. From the process employed by nature, to which we have just adverted, the physician may deduce the doctrine of curing diseases by no other reme- dies than such as are homoeopathic, and not with those of another kind, (alloeopathic), which never cure, but only injure the patient. . . ib. & 53, 54. There are only three possible methods of employing medicines in disease, vi?. I. The homoeopathic, which only is salutary and efficacious. . . 106 § 55, II. The allwopathic or heteropathic........ib. § 56, III. The antipathic or enantiopalhic, which is merely palliative. 107 Note. Remarks on Isopathy, so called. § 57..An exposition of the method of cure where a remedy producing a con- trary effect (contraria contrariis) is prescribed against a single symptom of the disease.—Examples..........ib. § 58. This antipathic method is not merely defective because it is directed against an individual symptom only, but also, because in chronic diseases after having apparently diminished the evil for a time, this temporary abate- ment is followed by a real aggravation of the symptoms. . . . 108 Note. Testimonies of different authors. § 59. Injurious consequences of some antipathic cures. . . . 109—111 § 60. Where a palliative is employed, the gradual increase of the dose never cures a chronic disease, but renders the state of the patient worse. ib. § 61. Wherefore, physicians ought to have inferred the utility of an opposite, and the only beneficial method, namely, that of homoeopathy. . . ib. § 62. The reason that the palliative method is so pernicious, and the homoeo- pathic alone salutary...........112 § 63. Is founded upon the difference which exists between the primary action of every medicine, and the reaction, or secondary effects, produced by the ,., living organism (the vital power). .......ib. § 64. Explanation of the primitive and secondary effects.....to. § 65. Examples of both...........U3 § 66. It is only by the use of the minutest homoeopathic doses, that the reac- tion of the vital power shows itself simply by restoring the equilibrium of •i- health.........., ... to. § 67. From these facts, the salutary tendency of the homoeopathic, as well as the adverse effects of the antipathic (palliative) method, become manifest. 114 Note. Cases in which only antipathic remedies are yet only useful. § 68. How far these facts prove the efficacy of the homoeopathic method. ib. § 69. How these facts confirm the injurious tendency of the antipathic method, •••>..... 115__117 Note 1. Contrary sensations cannot neutralise each other in the sensorium of man ; they do not react upon each other like chemical substances that are endowed with opposite properties. Note 2. Explanatory example. § 70. A short analysis of the homoeopathic method......117 § 71. The three necessary points in healing, are:—1. To ascertain the malady; 2. The action of the medicines; and 3. Their appropriate application. 118 § 72. A general view of acute and chronic diseases......j0< XXI Page § 73. Acute diseases which are isolated—sporadic, epidemic, acute miasms. 119 § 74. The worst species of chronic diseases are those produced by the unskil- ful treatment of alloeopathic physicians. ......120 § 75. These are the most difficult of cure.......ib. § 76. It is only as there is sufficient vital power yet remaining in the system, that the injury inflicted by the abuse of alloeopathic medicines can be re- paired ; to restore the patient often requires a long time, and the simulta- neous removal of the original malady........121 § 77. Diseases that are improperly termed chronic......ib. § 78. Diseases that properly claim that appellation, and which all arise from chronic miasms............ib. § 79. Syphilis and sycosis..........122 § 80, 81. Psora is the parent of all chronic diseases, properly so called, with the exception of the syphilitic and sycosic......122—125 Note. The names given to diseases in ordinary pathology. § 82. Every case of chronic disease demands the careful selection of a remedy from among the specifics that have been discovered against chronic miasms, particularly against psora..........125 § 83. Qualifications necessary for comprehending the image of the disease. ib. § 84—99. Directions to the physician for discovering and tracing out an image of the disease...........126—132 § 100—102. Investigation of epidemic diseases in particular. . . . 133 § 103. In like manner must the source of chronic dieascs (not syphilitic) be investigated and the entire image of psora be brought into view. 134 § 104. The utility of noting down in manuscript the image of the disease at the commencement and during the progress of the treatment. . . 135 Note. How physicians of the old school proceed in their examination of the morbid symptoms. § 105—114. Preliminaries to be observed in investigating the pure effects of medicines in the healthy human subject. Primary effect. Secondary effect.............135—139 § ] 15. Alternative effects of medicines........ib. § 116, 117. Idiosyncrasies..........140 § 118, 119. Every medicine produces effects different from others. . . 141 Note. One medicine cannot be substituted for another. § 120. Every medicine must therefore be carefully tried as to the peculiarities of its effects............142 § 121—140. Course to be adopted in trying medicines upon other indivi- duals.............142-149 § 141. The experiments which a physician in health makes in his own person are preferable to others..........*°- § 142. The investigation of the pure effects of medicines by their administra- tion in disease, is difficult..........150 § 143—145. It is by investigating the pure effects of medicines in the healthy subject only, that a true materia medica can be framed. . . 150, 151 § 146. The most appropriate remedial employment of medicines whose pecu- liar effects are known. .........152 § 147. That medicine which is the most homoeopathically adapted, is the most beneficial, and is the specific remedy........**■ XX11 Page § 148. Intimation how a homoeopathic cure is probably effected. . . 153 § 149. The homoeopathic cure of a disease of rapid origin is quickly effected, but the cure of a chronic one requires proportionably a longer time. 153, 154 Note. The distinction between pure homoeopathy and the doctrines of the mongrel set. § 150. Slight indispositions..........154 § 151. Severe diseases exhibit a variety of symptoms.....ib. § 152. A disease with numerous and striking symptoms admits of finding the homoeopathic remedy with more certainty. .....155 § 153. What kind of symptoms ought chiefly to be regarded in selecting the remedy.............l0- § 154. A remedy that is perfectly homoeopathic, cures the disease without any accompanying ill effects. ......... ib. § 155. The reason why homoeopathic cures are thus effected. . 156 § 156. Reason of the few exceptions thereto.......to. § 157—160. The medicinal disease, closely resembling, but rather more in- tense than the primitive one, called also homoeopathic aggravation. 156, 157 § 161. In chronic (psoric) diseases, the aggravation produced by homoeopathic remedies (anti-psorics), occurs from time to time, during several days. 158 '§ 162—171. Measures to be pursued in the treatment, when the number of known medicines is too small to admit of finding a remedy that is perfectly homoeopathic...........158—161 § 172—184. Measures to be taken in the treatment of diseases that have too few symptoms, (einseitige krankheilen)......161—163 § 185—203. The treatment of diseases with local symptoms; their cure by means of external applications is always injurious. . . . 163—169 § 204, 205. All diseases properly chronic, and not arising or being supported merely by bad modes of living, ought to be treated by homoeopathic reme- dies appropriate to their originating miasm, and solely by the internal ad- ministration of those remedies........170,171 § 206. Preliminary search after the simple miasm which forms the basis of the malady, or of its complication with a second (sometimes even with a third.).............,-0. § 207. Enquiries to be made respecting the treatment previously adopted. 172 § 208, 209. Other enquiries necessary to be made, before a perfect image can be formed of a chronic disease........172,173 § 210—230. Treatment of mental diseases......173—180 § 231, 232. Intermittent and alternating diseases......ib. § 233, 234. Typical intermittent diseases.......181 § 235—244. Intermittent fevers........181—186 §245—251. The mode of administering the remedies. . . . 186—192 Note. Repetition of doses. § 252—256. The signs of incipient amendment.....193__195 § 257, 258. Blind predilection for favourite remedies, and unjust aversion to others. ............198 § 259—261. The regimen proper in chronic diseases. . . . 195__196 Note. Things that are prejudicial therein. § 262, 263. Regimen in acute diseases....... 196 § 264—266. On the choice of the purest and most energetic medicines. 197 XXU1 Page Note. Changes produced in some substances in the process of preparing them for food. § 267. The mode of preparing the most energetic and durable medicines from fresh herbs. ...........198 § 268. Dry vegetable substances.........199 §,269—271. The homoeopathic method of preparing crude medicinal sub- stances, in order to obtain their greatest medicinal power. . . 199, 200 Note. Preparation of powder for keeping. § 272—274. Only one simple medicine is to be administered at a time. 201 § 275—287. Strength.of the doses used in homoeopathic treatment. The man- ner of graduating them, or of augmenting or diminishing their power. The developcment of their powers.......202—208 § 288—292. What parts of the body are more or less sensible to the action of medicines.............*"• Note. Receiving the highly developed medicines by inhalation or smelling, is the preferable mode of using them. § 293, 294. Animal magnetism (Mesmerism). On the application of positive and negative mesmerism.........210, 211 INTRODUCTION. A VIEW OP THE PREVAILING MEDICAL TREATMENT, ALLC30- PATHIC AND PALLIATIVE, TO THE PRESENT TIME. From the earliest period of time, mankind have been liable to disease, individually and collectively, arising from causes natural and moral. In the rude and simple forms of primitive life, few maladies appeared, and little skill was requisite to remove them; but as society became more dense, and men formed themselves into states, diseases multiplied, and medical aid became, in the same degree, necessary. Thenceforward, at least after the days of Hippocrates, during a lapse of nearly two thousand five hundred years, men have fondly supposed, that these multiplied and complicated mala- dies were to be removed by methods originating purely in scheming and conjecture. Innumerable opinions on the nature and cure of diseases, have successively been promulged; each distinguishing his own theory with the title of system, though directly at variance with every other and inconsistent with itself. Each of these refined productions dazzled the reader at first with its unintelligible display of wisdom, and attracted to the system-builder crowds of adherents, echoing his unnatural sophistry, but from which none of them could derive any im- provement in the art of healing, until a new system, frequently in direct opposition to the former, appeared, supplanting it, and for a season acquiring celebrity. Yet none were in harmony with nature and experience—mere theories spun out of a refined imagination, from apparent consequences, which, on account of their subtilty and contradictions, were practically inapplica- ble at the bedside of the patient, and only fitted for idle dispu- tation. By the side of these theories, but unconnected with them all, a mode of cure was contrived, with medical substances of un- 10 known quality compounded together, applied to diseases arbi- trarily classified, and arranged in reference to their materiality, called Allozopathia. The pernicious results of such a practice, at variance with nature and experience, may be easily imagined. Without seeking to detract from the reputation which many physicians have justly acquired by their skill in the sciences auxiliary to medicine, such as Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History in all its branches, and that of man in particu- lar, Anthropology, Physiology, Anatomy, &c. &c, I shall occupy myself here with the practical part of Medicine only, in order to show the imperfect manner in which diseases have been treated till the present day. It is also far from my intention to pursue that mechanical routine by which the precious lives of our fellow creatures are treated according to pocket-book recipes, volumes of which are still daily appearing before the public, and show, alas ! how frequently, and to what extent, they are resorted to even at the present time. I turn from these, as undeserving of notice, and as a lasting reproach to the Faculty of Medicine. I shall merely speak of the Medi- cal Art, such as it has existed till the present day, and which, on account of its antiquity, is supposed to be founded upon scientific principles. It was the boast of the former schools of medicine, that their doctrine alone deserved the title of " rational art of healing" because it was pretended that they alone sought after and removed the morbid cause, and followed the traces of nature her- self in diseases. Tolle causam ! cried they continually; but that was all: they seldom went farther than that vain exclamation. They talked of being able to discover the cause of disease, without succeed- ing in their pretended attempts; for, by far the greater number of diseases being of dynamic origin, as well as of a dynamic nature, and their cause, therefore, not admitting of discovery to the senses, they were reduced to the* necessity of inventing one. By comparing, on the one hand, the normal state of the parts of the dead human body (anatomy) with the visible chano-es which those parts had undergone in subjects that had died of disease, (pathological anatomy,) and on the other, the functions of the living body (physiology) with the endless aberrations to which they are subject in the various stages of disease, (semeiotics, 11 pathology,) and drawing from thence conclusions, relative to the invisible manner in which the changes are brought about in the interior of man, when in a diseased state, they succeeded in forming an obscure and imaginary picture, which theoretic medicine regarded as the prima causa morbi* which afterwards became the nearest cause, and, at the same time, the immediate essence of the disease, and even the disease itself; although com- mon sense tells us, that the cause of any thing can never be, at the same time, both the cause and the thing itself. How was it then possible, without deceiving themselves, to pretend to cure this yet undiscovered internal cause, or ven- ture to prescribe for it medicines, whose curative tendency was equally for the most part unknown to them, and more especially, to mix up several of those unknown substances in what we term prescriptions ? However the sublime project, of discovering, a priori, some internal invisible cause of disease, resolved itself (at least among some self-conceited physicians of the old school) into a search, * It would have been far more suitable to the good sense of mankind, and to the nature of the case, had they, in order to cure, attempted to discover as the causa morbi the originating cause of the disease itself, and had applied a method of treatment which they had found available for diseases springing from that originating cause, and for others of a like origin. For example, the same hydrargyrum is properly applied to every ulcer on the glans penis, after an impure coition, as hitherto with every venereal chancre—if they, I say, had discovered the originating cause of every other chronic (non-venereal) disease, either from a recent or a former infection in a psoric miasm; if for all these they had found a method of cure, with a therapeutic reference to each particular case, by which the whole and each separate chronic case could have been healed; then might they with justice have gained renown, that they in the treatment of chronic diseases were familiar with the only useful and successful causa morborum chronicorum (non venereorum,) and adopting it as a basis, were capable of treating such cases with the best results. But they were incapable of curing the numberless chronic diseases in ages past, as their psoric origin was unknown to them, (a discovery which the world owes to homceopathia, as well as for an effec- tual method of treatment which it has provided,) and notwithstanding their vaunting that they alone had the primam causam in view in their proceeding; after all their boasted science they had not the remotest sus- picion of their psoric origin, and consequently every chronic disease has been mangled. 12 guided onward by the symptoms, after that which they might presume to be the generic character of the existing malady.* They endeavoured to find out whether it was spasm, debility, or paralysis, fever or inflammation, induration or obstruc- tion, in some one of the parts ; excess of blood, (plethora,) or increase or deficiency of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, or nitrogen, in the fluids; exaltation or depression of vitality in the arterial, venous, or capillary system; a defect of relative proportion in the factors of sensibility, of irritability, or of nutrition. These conjectures, honoured by the existing school with the name of Causal Indication, and regarded by them as the only rational part of medicine, were too hypothetical and fallacious, to be of any permanent utility in practice, and insufficient (even if they had any just foundation) to point out the best remedy in any particular case of disease. It is true, they were flattering to the self-love of the learned inventor, but acting on them only led him farther astray, and showed that there was more of ostentation in the pursuit than any reasonable hope of being able to profit by it, or arrive at the real curative indication. How often has it occurred, that spasm or paralysis appeared to be in one part of the system, while inflammation seemed to be in another? On the other hand, where should we be able to procure cer- tain remedies against each of these pretended general characters of diseases? There could be none, save those which are termed specifics, that is to say, medicines homogeneous to the morbid irritation, (now called homoeopathic,) and whose application has been prohibited by the old school of medicine, as being highly dangerous,! because experience proved that the use of them in * Every physician adopting a treatment of such a general character, however unblushingly he may affect to be an homoeopathist, is and will always remain a generalising allceopathist, as without the most special individualisation, homceopathia has no meaning. f " In cases where experience had revealed the homoeopathic efficacy of medicines, whose mode of operation, however, was inexplicable, the physicians made use of them, and relieved themselves from all further embarrassment by declaring them to be specific. Thus, by an unmean- ing name that was applied to them, all necessity for further reflection - was superseded. But homogeneous excitements, that is to say, specifics or homoeopathies, had, for a long time previously, been forbidden, as exercising an extremely dangerous influence." Ran, Ueberdashomceop. Heilverfahren Heidelberg, 1824. p. 101, 102. 13 such powerful doses as had been usually administered was pernicious in maladies where the aptitude to undergo homceoge- neous irritation existed to a great extent. Besides this, the old school never once thought of administering those medicines in very small or in extremely minute doses. Thus, no one ven- tured to cure in the direct and most natural way, by using homogeneous and specific medicines, nor was it possible to do so, because the fullest extent of their effects was unknown, and in that state remained, and had it been otherwise, it would have been impossible to have guessed out remedies so very applica- ble by such generalising opinions. However, the old school of medicine, aware that it was more consistent with reason to pursue a straightforward path than attempt a circuitous one, still imagined they could arrest disease by a removal of the supposed morbid material cause. In the theo- retic researches after the image which they were to form to themselves of the disease, as well as in their pursuit of the curative indication, it was almost impossible for them to divest themselves of this idea of materiality, or be induced to consider the nature not only of material but spiritual organism, as being so potent in itself that the changes in its sensations and vital movements (which are called diseases) are principally, and almost solely, the result of dynamic influence, and could not be produced by any other cause. The old school regarded all the solids and fluids which had become changed by disease, (those in-normal substances, tur- gescent or secreted,) as the exciting cause of the disorder; or, at least, on account of their supposed reaction, they were con- sidered to be the cause which kept up disease, and this latter opinion is adhered to, even at the present day. This theory first inspired them with the idea of accomplish- ing causal cure, by using every means in their power to expel from the body that imaginary and supposed material cause of disease. Hence arises the continual practice of evacuating bile in cases of bilious fever* by emetics,—the system of prescribing * The Court Physician, Rau, (loc. cit. p. 176), at a time when he was not yet fully initiated into homoeopathic medicine, but when, however, he entertained a perfect conviction of the dynamic origin of these fevers, was in the habit of curing them without any evacuating medicines what- ever, merely by one or two small doses of homoeopathic medicines. In his work, he relates two remarkable instances of cure. 14 vomits in the so-named foul stomach,*—the diligence in purging away mucus and intestinal worms, where there is paleness of the countenance, ravenous appetite, pains in the stomach, or intu- * In a sudden affection of the stomach, with frequentvnauseous eructa- tions, as of spoiled food, (sulphuretted hydrogen,) accompanied with depression of mind, cold at the feet, hands, &c, physicians, till the pre- sent time, were in the habit of attending only to the degenerated con- tents of the stomach. A powerful emetic must fetch it out entirely. This object was usually effected by the use of tartrate of antimony, with or without a mixture of ipecacuanha. But did the patient recover his health as soon as he had vomited ? No! these gastric affections of dynamic origin are commonly produced by a disturbed state of mind, (grief, fright, anger,) cold, exertion of the mind or body immediately after eating, and sometimes even after a temperate enjoyment of food. Neither the tartrate of antimony, nor the ipecacuanha, are suited to the purpose of removing this dynamic aberration, and the revolutionary vomiting which they excite is equally unserviceable. Besides provoking a manifestation of the symptoms of disease, they strike one blow more at the health of the patient, and the secretion of bile becomes deranged; so that if the patient did not happen to be of a robust constitution before, he must feel greatly indisposed for several days after the pretended causal cure, notwithstanding the violent expulsion of the entire contents of the stomach. But if, instead of those powerful and oft injurious evacuating medicines, the patient should only smell once to a globule of sugar the size of a mustard seed, impregnated with the thirtieth dilution of Pulsatilla, which infallibly restores the order and harmony of the whole system, and that of the stomach in particular, then he is cured in the space of two hours. If any eructations still take place, they are nothing more than air, without taste or smell; the contents of the stomach are no longer vitiated, and at the next meal the patient recovers his accustomed appetite, his health, and his air of repose. This is what ought to be denominated "real cure," because it has destroyed the cause. The other is an imaginary one, and only fatigues and does injury to the patient. Even a stomach overloaded with indigestible food never requires a medicinal emetic. In such a case, nature knows full well how to dis- encumber herself of the excess, by the spontaneous vomitings which she excites, and which may at all times be aided by mechanical provocation, such as tickling the fauces. By this means we avoid the accessary effects which result from the operation of emetics, and a little coffee (without milk) afterwards suffices to hasten the passage of any matters into the intestines, which the stomach may still contain. But if, after having been rilled beyond measure, the stomach does not possess, or has lost the irritability necessary to produce spontaneous vomiting; and the patient, tormented by acute pain of the epigastrium, does not experience the slightest desire to vomit, in such a state an ' 15 mescence of the belly in children,* the letting of blood in cases of hemorrhage,! and especially bleeding of all kinds,{ as their chief indication in inflammatory cases, and, in imitation of a blood- emetic would only cause a dangerous or mortal inflammation of the intestines; whereas, slight and repeated doses of a strong infusion of ' coffee, would reanimate the depressed irritability of the stomach, and place it in a condition to evacuate of itself, either upwards or down- wards, the substances contained in its interior, however considerable the quantity may have been. Here, again, the treatment which ordinaiy physicians pretend to direct against the cause, is out of place. It is the custom, at the present day, when gastric acid becomes super- abundant, (which is frequently the case in chronic diseases,) to adminis- ter an emetic to relieve the stomach of its presence. But the following morning, or a few days after, the stomach contains just the same quantity, if not more. On the other hand the pains cease of themselves, when their dynamic cause is attacked by an extremely small dose of dilute sulphuric acid, or with another antipsoric remedy, homoeopathic with the various symptoms. It is thus that, in the plans of treatment, which the old school say are directed against the morbific cause, the favourite object is to expel with trouble, and to the great detriment of the patient, the material product of the dynamic disorder, without exerting them- selves in the least to find out the dynamic source of the evil, in order to vanquish it homoeopathically, as well as to annihilate every thing that might emanate from it, and thus treat the disease in a rational manner. * Symptoms that depend solely upon a psoric diathesis, and which easily yield to (dynamic) mild antipsoric remedies, without either emetics or purgatives. t Though most morbid hemorrhages depend solely on a dynamic change of the vital powers, still the old school assign a superabundance of blood as their cause, and never fail to prescribe bleeding, in order to. relieve the body of this supposed excess of the juice of life. The dis- astrous consequences which frequently result from this mode of treat- ment, such as prostration of the powers, tendency to, and even typhoid state itself, they ascribe to the malignity of the disease, which they are then often unable to subdue: in short, though the patient may fall a sacrifice, they, nevertheless, consider that they have acted in conformity to the adage, causam tolle, that is, according to their common remark^ " we have done every thing that could possibly be done—let the conse- quence now be what it may !!" X Though the living human body may, perhaps, never have contained one drop of blood too much, still the old school regard a supposed plethora, or superabundance of blood, as the principal material cause of hemorrhages and inflammations, and which ought to be attacked by bleeding, cupping, and leeches. This they call a treatment of the cause, and a rational mode of proceeding. In fevers with an inflamma- tory character, as well as in acute pleurisy, they even go so far as tc 16 thirsty physician of Paris, the application to the parts affected, of a frequently fatal number of leeches. By this mode of proceed- ing, they think they pursue the causal indication, and treat the regard the coagulable lymph that exists in the blood, (and which they call the buffy coat,) as the peccant matter, which the-y do their best to evacuate, as much as possible, by repeated bleedings, although it often occurs that this crust becomes thicker and tougher in appearance, at every fresh emission of blood. In this manner, when inflammatory fever cannot be subdued, they often bleed the patient till he is near death, in order to remove this buffy coat, or the pretended plethora, with- out ever suspecting that the inflamed blood is nothing more than the pro- duct of the acute fever, the inflammatory immaterial (dynamic) irrita- tion ; and that this latter, the sole cause of the disturbance that has taken place in the vascular system, may be arrested by a homoeopathic remedy, such, for example, as a globule of sugar impregnated with the juice of aconite of the decillionth degree of dilution, avoiding the vegetable acids; so that the most violent pleuritic fever, with all its attendant alarming symptoms, is cured in the space of twenty-four hours at far- thest, without loss of blood, or any antiphlogistic whatever, (if a little blood, by way of experiment, be now taken from the vein, it will no longer exhibit any traces of inflammatory crust,) whereas, another patient, similar in every respect, and treated according to the pretended rational mode of the old school, if he escape death after numerous bleedings and unspeakable suffering, often languishes yet entire months, reduced and exhausted, before he can stand upright, if he is not taken off in the interval (as is frequently the case) by a typhus fever, a leucophlegmacy, or a pulmonary consumption, the common result of this mode of treatment. He who feels the steady pulse of a patient an hour before the shivering comes on, which always precedes acute pleurisy, will be much surprised when, two hours after, (the fever having set in,) they try to persuade him that the violent plethora which then exists, makes repeated bleed- ing necessary; and he asks himself, by what miracle could those pounds of blood, which are now to be taken away, and which he had, two hours before, felt beating with a tranquil movement, have effected an entrance into the arteries of the patient? There could not be an ounce of blood more in his veins than he possessed two hours before, when he was in good health. Thus, when the alloeopathic physician prescribes venesec- tion, it is not at all superfluous blood that he draws from the patient attacked with acute fever, because this liquid could not possibly exist in too great quantity; but he deprives him of a portion of the normal blood necessary to his existence, and to the re-establishment of health;—a grievous loss, which it is no longer in his power to repair, and he thinks, notwithstanding, to have acted according to the axiom tolle causam, to which he gives so wrong an interpretation, whilst the sole and true cause of the malady was, not a superabundance of blood, which could 17 patient in a rational manner. They likewise suppose, that by removing a polypus by ligature, extirpating a tumefied gland, or destroying the same by suppuration, produced by local irritation, by dissecting out the insulated cyst of a steatomatous or meliceretous tumour, operating for aneurism, fistula lachry- malis, or fistula in ano, amputating a cancerous breast, or a limb where the bone had become carious, &c. &c. to have cured the maladies in a radical manner, and destroyed their cause. They imagine the same thing when they make use of their repellent remedies, and dry up old ulcers in the legs, by astringents, oxides of lead, copper and zinc, accompanied, it is true, with purgatives, which only weaken, without diminish- ing the fundamental evil; when they cauterise chancres, de- stroy condylomata locally, drive back itch from the skin, by sulphur ointment, lead, mercury, or zinc; and, finally, when they cure ophthalmy, with solutions of lead or zinc, and drive away pain from the members by the use of opodeldoc, volatile liniment, or fumigations of cinnabar and amber. In all such cases, they think they have annihilated the evil, triumphed over the disease, and performed a rational treatment directed against the cause. But mark what follows! New forms of diseases, which infallibly manifest themselves sooner or later, and which, when they appear, are taken for fresh maladies, being always worse than the primitive affection, evidently refute the theories of the old school. These ought to undeceive never exist, but a dynamic inflammatory irritation of the vascular system, as is proved by the permanent and speedy cure which may be effected in similar cases, by administering one or two incredibly minute doses of the juice of aconite, which is homoeopathic with this irritation. The old school err not less, in recommending partial bleedings, and still more so, in the application of leeches in great numbers, when treating local inflammation, after the manner of Broussais. The palliative relief which they afford at first, is not crowned by a rapid or perfect cure ; the weakness and valetudinarian state to which the parts, that have been thus treated, remain a prey, and sometimes even the whole body, suffi- ciently prove how erroneous it is to attribute local inflammation to local plethora; and how deceitful are the consequences of such bleedings, when this inflammatory irritation, apparently local, can be destroyed in a prompt and permanent manner, by a small dose of aconite, or, accord- ing to circumstances, of belladonna, a mode by which the malady is speedily and effectively cured, without having recourse to bleedings, which nothing can justify. 3 18 them, and prove that the evil has an immaterial cause, the deeper concealed, because its origin is dynamic, and it cannot be destroyed but by dynamic power. An hypothesis, which the schools of medicine generally entertained until a recent date, (and, I might even say, until the present time,) is that of morbid or peccant matter in diseases, however subtile that matter may be supposed to be. The blood and lymphatic vessels were to be disencumbered of this matter by the exhalants, the skin, the kidneys, and the salivary glands ; the chest was to be freed from it by the trachial and bronchial glands; the stomach and the intestinal canal by vomiting and alvine dejections—to be able to say that the body was cleansed of the material cause which excited the disease, and that they had accomplished a radical cure accord- ing to the principle—lolle causam! By incisions made in the diseased body, in which, for years together, foreign substances are inserted, producing tedious ulcers (issues and setons), they would draw off the materia peccans, from the (purely dynamically) diseased body, as dregs escape by a faucet from a filthy cask. By perpetual blisters (cantharides and mezereum), they also think to abstract this peccant matter, and thus thoroughly purify the system. By such inconsiderate and unnatural treatment, the exhausted patient is commonly brought into a condition totally incurable. I grant it was more convenient for human incapacity to sup- pose, that in the maladies which presented themselves for cure, there existed some morbid principle, of which the mind could conceive the materiality, especially as the patients willingly lent themselves to an hypothesis of this kind. By admitting this, they had nothing further to do than to administer a sufficient quantity of medicines capable of purifying the blood and the fluids, of exciting urine and perspiration, promoting expectora- tion, and scouring out the stomach and intestines. This is the reason that all the authors on materia medica, who have appeared since Dioscorides up to the present day, say nothing of the peculiar and special action of individual medicines, but content themselves, after enumerating their supposed virtues in 19 any particular case of disease, with saying, whether they pro- mote urine, perspiration, expectoration, or the menstrual flow, and particularly if they have the effect of emptying the ali- mentary canal upwards or downwards, because the principal tendency of the efforts of practitioners has, at all times, been the expulsion of a morbid material principle, and of a quantity of acrid matter, which they imagined to be the cause of disease. These, however, were vague dreams, gratuitous suppositions, hypotheses destitute of foundation, skilfully invented for the convenience of therapeutic medicine, which flattered itself that it would have an easier task to perform in contending against morbid material principles. (Si modo essent /) But the essence of diseases, and their cure, will not bend to our fancies and convenience; diseases will not, out of deference to our stupidity, cease to be dynamic aberrations, which our spiritual existence undergoes in its mode of feeling and acting— that is to say, immaterial changes in the state of health. The causes of disease cannot possibly be material, since the least foreign substance* introduced into the blood vessels, how- ever mild it may appear to us, is suddenly repulsed by the vital power, as a poison ; or, where this does not take place, death itself ensues. Even when the smallest foreign particle chances to insinuate itself into any of the sensitive parts, the principle of life which is spread throughout our interior, does not rest until it has procured the expulsion of this body, by pain, fever, suppuration, or gangrene. And, in a skin disease of twenty years' standing, could this vital principle, whose activity is indefatigable, suffer patiently, during twenty years, an exan- themic material principle (the poison of tetter, scrofula, or gout) to exist in the fluids ? What nosologist has ever seen one of those morbid principles, of which he speaks with so much con- fidence, and upon which he presumes to found a plan of medical treatment ? Who has ever been able to exhibit to the view, the principle of gout, or the virus of scrofula ? * Life was suddenly endangered by injecting a little pure water into a vein. See Mullen, in Birch, History of the Royal Society, Vol. IV. Atmospheric air introduced into the veins has occasioned death. See J. H. Voigt, Magazin fur den neusten Zustand der Naturkunde, Vol. I. iii. p. 25. . . Even the mildest liquids, introduced into the veins, have placed lite in danger. See Autenrieth, Physiologie, II. § 7S4. 20 Even when a material substance, applied to the skin, or introduced into a wound, has propagated disease by infection, who can prove (what has so often been affirmed in our Patho- geny) that the slightest particle of this material substance pene- trates into our liquids or becomes absorbed ?* It is in vain to wash the genitals with care and promptitude, such precaution will not protect the system from the venereal virus. The least breath of air emanating from a patient labouring under small- pox is sufficient to produce that formidable disease in a healthy child. How much of this material principle—what quantity in weight—would be requisite for the liquids to imbibe, in order to produce, in the first instance, syphilis, which will continue during the whole term of life ; and, in the second, the small- pox, which often rapidly destroys life amidst a suppuration! almost general ? * A young girl, of Glasgow, eight years of age, having been bitten by a mad dog, the surgeon immediately cut out the part, which, nevertheless, did not save the child from an attack of hydrophobia thirty-six days after, of which she died at the end of two days. Med. Comment, of Edinb. Dec. 2, vol. ii. 1793. f In order to account for the great quantity of putrid foecal matter, and fetid ichorous discharge, which arises in disease, and to represent these substances as the cause that calls forth, and keeps up, the morbid state, although, at the moment of infection, nothing material had been seen to enter into the body, they had recourse to another hypothesis, which ad- mitted, that certain very minute contagious principles act upon the body as a ferment, bringing the humours into the same degree of corruption with themselves, and converting them in this manner into a similar fer- ment, which keeps up the disease. But, by what purifying decoctions do they expect to free the body from a ferment that is constantly renewed, and expel it so completely from the mass of fluids, that not a single particle may remain, which, according to the admitted hypothesis, if any did remain, would infallibly corrupt the humours afresh, and re- produce, as at first, new morbific principles 1 Thus, according to the manner of the old school, it would be impossible ever to cure these diseases. Here we see to what absurd conclusions the most artful hypo- thesis will lead, if founded in error. The most firmly rooted syphilis when the psoric affection, with which it is often complicated, has been removed, may be cured by one or two small doses of a solution of mer- cury, diluted to the decillionth potence, whereby the general syphilitic corruption of the humours is (dynamically) corrected in a permanent and constitutional manner. 21 Is it possible in these two cases, or in others which are analogous, to admit that a morbific principle, in a material form, could have introduced itself into the blood? It has often happened that a letter, written in the chamber of a patient, has communicated the same contagious disease to the person who read it. Can we entertain the opinion, that any thing material entered into the humours in this instance? But why all these proofs ? How often have we seen that an offensive or vexatious word has brought on a bilious fever which endangered life;—a superstitious prophecy of death, actually occasion death at the very epoch predicted ; afflicting news, or an agreeable surprise, suddenly suspend the vital powers ? Where is there, in any of these cases, the morbific material principle, which entered, in substance, into the body, which produced disease and kept it up, and, without the expul- sion or destruction of which, by medicines, all radical cure would be impossible ? The supporters of an hypothesis so gross, as that of morbific principles, ought to blush, that they have so thoughtlessly overlooked and disregarded the spiritual nature of our life, and the spiritual dynamic power of morbific agents, and have thus reduced themselves to mere scouring physicians, who, instead of curing, destroy life by their attempts to drive out of the body peccant matters which never had an existence there. In diseases, the excretions which are often so disgusting, could they be the actual material which produced the malady, and which kept it up ?* Are they not rather the product of the disease itself; that is to say, of the pure dynamic derangement which the constitution has undergone. With such erroneous ideas of the material origin and essence of disease, it is by no means surprising, that, in all ages, the obscure as well as the distinguished practitioner, together with the inventors of the most sublime theories, should have for their principal aim, the separation and expulsion of a supposed morbid material, and that the indication most frequently established, was that of dividing this material, rendering it movable, and expelling it by the saliva, the bronchial mucus, * If this were true, it would be sufficient to blow the nose, and wipe it clean, to effect a speedy and infallible cure of all species of coryza, even the most inveterate. 22 the urine, and perspiration ; purifying the blood by the action of herbal decoctions, (which are supposed to effect this process at the command of the physician,) thus unloading it of acrid matter and impurities which it never contained; drawing off the imaginary principle of the disease mechanically, by means of setons, cauteries, permanent blisters ; and above all, by the expulsion of the peccant matter, as they termed it, through the intestinal canal, by laxatives and purgatives, and to add to their importance they were dignified with the high sounding titles of aperients and dissolvents. All of these were so many attempts to remove a hostile material principle which never did and never could have existed. Now, if we admit that—which is an established fact; namely, that with the exception of those diseases brought on by the introduction of indigestible or hurtful substances, into the alimentary canal and other organs,—those produced by foreign bodies penetrating the skin, &c,—there does not exist a single disease that can have a material principle for its cause—on the contrary, all of them are solely and always the special result of an actual and dynamic derangement in the state of health; how contradictory, then, must that method of treatment, which depends upon the expulsion* of this imaginary principle, appear * There is, apparently, some necessity for the expulsion of worms in the so called worm-disease. But even this appearance is false. A few lumbrici are found in some children, and ascarides in a greater number. But the greater part of either one or the other is owing to a general affec- tion (psoric) connected with an unhealthy mode of living. If the'regi- men be ameliorated, and the psoric affection homceopathically cured, which is easier to be performed at this age than at any other period of life, there will remain but few or no worms at all, or at least, the children are no longer incommoded by them; whereas, on the other hand, they promptly appear again, in great numbers, after the administration of mere purgatives, even combined with worm seed. " But the tape-worm, this monster, created for the torment of human nature, must certainly be driven out with all manner of force." Yes, at times, he will be driven out, but beneath what sufferings and danger ! I should not like to have upon my conscience the death of all those who have fallen sacrifices to the violence of purgatives directed against this worm, or the long years of debility, which they, who escaped death, must have dragged out. And how often does it not occur, that after having repeated these purga- tives, so destructive to life and health, during several years successively, the animal is either not driven out at all, or is re-produced ! How 23 to every reasonable man, since no good can result from it, in treating the principal diseases of mankind, viz. the chronic, but, on the contrary, much mischief? No one will deny that the degenerate and impure substances which appear in diseases, are any thing else than the mere pro- duct of disease itself, which the system can get rid of, in a forci- ble manner, frequently too forcible, without the aid of evacuating medicines, and that they are re-produced so long as the disease continues. These substances often appear to the true physi- cian, in the shape of morbid symptoms, and aid him in dis- covering the nature and image of the disease, which he after- wards avails himself of, in performing a cure by means of homoeopathic agents. then, if there be no necessity at all for seeking to expel and destroy the taenia, by means so violent and cruel, and which place the life of the patient in such imminent danger ! The different species of taenia are only found in patients labouring under a psoric affection, and when the latter is cured, they instantly disappear. Until the cure is accom- plished, they live, without being a source of great inconvenience to the patient, not exactly in the intestines, but amid the residue of the aliments, where they exist without doing injury, and find what they require for their nourishment. As long as this state of things continues, • they do not touch the coats of the intestines, or do any harm to the body that contains them ; but the first moment that an acute disease attacks the patient, the contents of the intestines become insupportable to the animal, which turns itself about and irritates the sensitive part of the entrails, exciting a species of spasmodic cholic, which adds greatly to the sufferings of the invalid. In the same manner, the child is restless, turns and pushes, while the mother is sick, but floats quietly in the amniotic fluid, without inconvenience to her, when she is well. It may be observed here, that the symptoms which manifest themselves at this epoch, with persons who have the solitary worm within them, are of such a nature, that often the smallest dose of tincture of male-fern-root (filex mas.) speedily effects their eradication in a homoeopathic manner, because it puts an end to that part of the malady occasioned by the dis- turbed state of the animal: the tape-worm, finding itself once more at ease, continues to exist upon the intestinal substances, without incom- moding the patient in any very painful degree, until the anti-psoric cure is so far advanced that the worm no longer finds the contents of the intestinal canal fit for his support, and he voluntarily quits it for ever, without any purgatives being employed. 24 But the most skilful among the present followers of the former school of medicine do not wish it to be known, that the chief aim of their mode of treatment, is the expulsion of material morbid principles. To the numerous evacuants which they employ, they apply the name of derivatives, and in so doing, pretend that they do nothing more than imitate the nature of the disordered system, which, in her efforts to re-establish health, distinguishes fever by sweats and urine; pleurisy by bleedings at the nose, perspiration, and mucous expectoration ; other diseases by vomiting, diarrhoea, and hemorrhoidal flux ; articular pains, by ulcers on the legs ; angina by salivation, &c, or by metastasis and abscesses which she forms in parts distant from the seat of the disease. Accordingly, they think they can do nothing better than imitate nature, and thus they adopt an indirect mode of treat- ment in the majority of diseases. They follow the traces of the diseased vital power left to itself, and proceed in an indirect manner,* by applying stronger heterogeneous irritation to parts distant from the seat of the disease, exciting and keeping up evacuations by the organs dissimilar to the tissues affected, in order to turn the course of the evil, in some degree, towards this new position. This derivative system was, and still continues, one of the chief curative indications of the prevailing school. By this imitation of self-helping nature, vis medicatrix nature, as it is termed by others, they try to excite by forcible means (in the parts least affected, and which can best support the malady which the medicines provoke) fresh symptoms which extinguish the primitive disease,! by assuming the appearance of a crisis, and thus allow the powers of self-helping nature to operate a gradual resolution.! * Instead of extinguishing the evil promptly, and without delay, as in the homoeopathic mode of treatment, by the application of dynamic medicinal powers directed against the diseased parts of the system. ! As if any thing immaterial could be drawn off! Yet they suppose a morbid material, be it as subtile as it may. X Diseases that are moderately acute, are the only ones that terminate quietly, when they have reached the natural term of their career, whether weak alloeopathic remedies be applied to them or otherwise : the vital powers, when reviving, gradually substitute the normal state in the place 2.5 They recommend diaphoretics, diuretics, venesection, setons, and cauteries, and above all, excite irritation of the alimentary canal, so as to produce evacuations from above and more espe- cially from below, all of which were irritatives, and to these they applied the names of aperients and dissolvents.* In aid of this derivative system they likewise employ another which bears great affinity to it, and which consists of counter- irritants : lamb's-wool applied to the bare skin, foot-baths, nauseants, the cure by infliction of the torments of hunger upon the intestinal canal, (abstinence,) applications that excite pains, inflammation, and suppuration in the neighbouring or distant parts, such as armoracia, sinapisms, blisters, mezereum, the seton, Autenrieth's ointment, (ointment of emetic tartar,) the moxa, actual cautery, the acupuncture, «fcc. And in this, they again follow the example of pure nature, which, left to herself, endeavours to get rid of the dynamic disease by pains which she causes to arise in the distant regions of the body, by metas- tasis, and abscesses : by cutaneous eruptions or suppurating ulcers ; but all her efforts, in this respect, are useless, where the disease is of a chronic nature. Thus it is evident that it was no well-digested plan, but merely imitation, that led the old school to these helpless, per- nicious, and indirect methods of cure, both derivative and counter-irritant; and induced them to adopt plans of treatment so inefficacious, debilitating, and injurious, in ameliorating and dissipating disease, which arouse another and worse evil to occupy the place of the former. Can we call that healing which rather deserves to be called destroying ? for the name of cure could never be applied to such a result. They were con- of the in-normal. But in every acute disease, and in those that are chronic, which constitute the great majority of diseases to which man is subject, this resource no longer comes to the aid of simple nature, and the old school of medicine. The efforts of the vital powers, and the imitative attempts of allceopathy, are not potent enough to effect a resolu- tion ; and all that results from them is a truce of short duration, during which the enemy gathers his forces to re-appear, sooner or later, in a more formidable shape than ever. * This very denomination likewise announces a supposition on their part of the presence of some morbific substance which was to be dissolved and expelled. 4 2(5 tented to follow nature in the efforts which she makes, and which are only crowned with partial success* in acute diseases of a mild form. * The ordinary school of medicine regarded the means which the organism employs to relieve itself, in those patients who make no use of medicines, as perfect models of imitation; but they were greatly mis- taken. The miserable and very imperfect attempts which the vital powers make to assist themselves in acute diseases, is a spectacle that ought to excite man to use all the resources of his learning and wisdom, to put an end, by a real cure, to this torment which nature herself in- flicts. If nature cannot cure, homoeopathically, a disease already exist- ing in the system, by the production of a fresh malady similar to it, (sec. 43—46.) a thing not often in her power to effect, (sec. 50.) and if the system, deprived of all external succour, stands alone to triumph over a malady that has just broken out, (her resistance is totally power- less in chronic miasms) we see nothing but painful and often dangerous efforts of the constitution to save itself at all hazards, efforts of which death is most frequently the result. Just as little as we can witness what is passing in the interior of our bodies in a healthy condition, and as certainly as these processes remain concealed from us, as they lie open to the sight of Omniscience— just so little can we perceive the internal operations of the ainmal frame, when life is disturbed by disease. The action that takes place in diseases manifests itself only by external symptoms, through the me- dium of which alone, our system expresses the troubles that take place in the interior; so that, in each given case, we never once discover which are those among the morbid symptoms, that owe their origin to the primitive action of the disease, and those which are occasioned by the re-action of the vital powers endeavouring to rescue themselves from danger. Both are confounded before our eyes, and only present to us, (reflected on the exterior) an image of the entire malady within; since the fruitless efforts by which nature, abandoned to herself, makes, to put an end to the malady, are also sufferings which the whole frame under- goes. This is the reason why those evacuations which nature usually excites at the termination of diseases, that have been rapid in their attacks, and which are called crises, often do more harm than good. What the vital powers do in these pretended crises, and in what manner they are accomplished, are mysteries to us, as well as every other inter- nal action which takes place in the organic economy of life. One thing, however, is certain, which is, that in the course of these efforts, there are particular parts that suffer more or less, and which are sacrificed to the safety of others. These operations of the vital power proceeding to combat an acute disease, solely in conformity to the laws of the organic constitution, and not according to the inspirations of a reflecting mind, are, for the most part, merely a section of alloeopathy. In order to free They did nothing more than imitate the preserving vital powers abandoned to their own resources, which depending solely upon the organic laws of the body, only act in virtue of these laws, without reasoning or reflecting upon their actions. They copied nature, who could not, like an intelligent surgeon, bring together the gaping lips of a wound, and reunite them by the first intention; who, in an oblique fracture, can do nothing, however great may be the quantity of osseous matter which exudes, to adjust and attach the two ends of the bone ; who, not knowing how to tie up a wounded artery, suffers a man full of strength and health to bleed to death; who, igno- rant of the art of reducing a dislocation, renders its reduction in a very short time impossible, by reason of the swelling which she excites in all the neighbouring parts; who, in order to free herself from a foreign body that had penetrated the transparent cornea, destroys the whole eye by suppuration ; who, in a strangulated hernia, cannot break the obstacle but by gangrene and death; who, finally, in dynamic diseases, by changing their form, often renders the state of the patient worse than it was before. Besides, this unintelligent vital power admits into the body, without hesitation, the greatest scourge of our earthly existence, the source of countless diseases which have afflicted the human species for centuries past—that is to say, chronic the organs primitively affected, by means of a crisis, it increases the activity of the organs of secretion in order to lead off the evil from the former to the latter: thence result vomiting, diarrhoea, plentiful flow of urine, sweats, abscesses, &c, and the nervous powers, attacked dynami- cally, seek in some degree to unload themselves by mateiial products. The animal economy, abandoned to its own resources, cannot save itself from acute diseases, but by the destruction and sacrifice of one part of the system itself; and even where death does not ensue, the har- mony of life and health is restored only in a slow and imperfect manner. The great debility of those organs which have been exposed to the attacks of the malady, as well as that of the entire body, after this spon- taneous cure, meagreness, &c, are sufficient testimonies of the truth of what we have asserted. In short, the whole proceedings by which the system delivers itself from the diseases with which it is attacked, only exhibit to the observer a tissue of sufferings, and show him nothing which he can, or ought to, imitate, if he truly exercises the art of healing. 2S miasms, such as psora, syphilis, and sycosis. And, far from being able to relieve the system of any one of these miasms, she does not even possess the power of ameliorating them; but, on the contrary, suffers them quietly to continue their ravages until death comes to close the eyes of the patient, after long years of grief and suffering. In a matter so important as that of healing,—in a profession that requires so much intelligence, judgment, and skill, how could the old school (which was accounted rational) blindly take the vital power for its best instructor and guide; how could it venture, without reflection, to imitate the indirect and revo- lutionary acts which the vital power performs in disease—and. finally, follow it as the best and most perfect of models, whilst reason, that magnificent gift of the Deity, has been granted to us, in order that we may go infinitely beyond it, in the aid which we are to bring to our fellow mortals? When the prevailing school of medicine, in the accustomed application of their repellent and derivative systems of cure, (which have no other basis than an inconsiderate imitation of the natural, automatic powers of life,) attack the healthy or- gans, and inflict on them pains more acute, than those of the disease itself against which they are directed—or, what hap- pens more frequently, force evacuations, which dissipate in pure loss the strength and the juices;—their aim is to direct towards the parts which they irritate, that morbid action which life developed in the organs that were primitively affected, and thus violently uproot the natural disease, by exciting a stronger heterogeneous disease in the more healthy parts—that is to say, by making use of indirect and circuitous means, which exhaust the powers and occasion great suffering.* * Daily experience shows us how unsuccessful these manoeuvres are in chronic diseases. In very few cases is a cure effected. But can they call that a victory, where instead of attacking the enemy in front, hand to hand, and terminating the difference by his death, they content them- selves with setting every part of the country behind him in flames, cut- ting off retreat and destroying all around. By such means they may certainly succeed in breaking the courage of their adversary, but their object is still unattained ; the foe is not destroyed, he is still there • and when his magazines are replenished, he again rears his head, more fero- cious than he was before.—The enemy, I say, is not destroyed, but the 29 It is true, that by these heterogeneous attacks, the disease. when it is an acute one, (and consequently cannot be of long duration,) transports itself to parts distant and dissimilar to those which it at first occupied; but it is by no means cured. There is nothing in this revolutionary mode of treatment that has a direct or immediate connection with the organs primi- tively diseased, or which deserves to be called a cure. By abstaining from such grievous attacks upon the life of the other parts of the system, the acute disease would often dissipate itself even more rapidly, leaving less suffering behind, and without occasioning so great a consumption of the powers. Besides, neither the mode of proceeding which is followed by simple nature, nor its alloeopathic imitation, will bear a compa- rison with the direct, dynamic, homoeopathic treatment, which, without wasting the vital powers, extinguishes the disease in a prompt and rapid manner. But in the great majority of diseases, and in chronic affec- tions, these stormy, debilitating, and indirect treatments of the old school scarcely ever produce any good. All that they can effect is, a suspension, for a few days, of some incommodious symptom or another, which returns immediately, when nature has become accustomed to the distant irritation; the disease then returns more grievous than before, because the repellent pains* and the ill-advised evacuations have lessened the energy of the vital powers. poor innocent country is so ruined that it will scarce recover itself in a long lapse of time. This is precisely what happens to allceopathy, in chronic diseases, when, without curing the malady, it undermines and destroys the system by indirect attacks against innocent organs, which are dis- tant from the seat of the latter. These are the results of such injurious attempts. * What favourable consequences have ever resulted from issues, so frequently established, diffusing their fetid odours around ? Even though they appear during the first fortnight, by their irritating power, slightly to diminish a chronic disease as long as they continue to keep up con- siderable pain, they afterwards, when the body is accustomed to the pain, have no other effect than that of weakening the patient, and thus open- ing a still wider field to the chronic affection. Or, are there yet physi- cians in the nineteenth century who could regard these issues as outlets for the escape of the peccant matters? It appears that some such prac- titioners do exist! 30 While the greater number of alloeopathic physicians, in their general imitation of the salutary effects of nature, abandoned to her own resources, thus introduced into the practice of medi- cine those derivative systems which they termed useful, and which every one varied according to the fancied indications suggested by his own ideas; others, aiming at a still higher object, promoted with all their skill the tendency which the vital powers exhibit in diseases, to relieve themselves by evacua- tions, and opposing metastasis, and endeavoured in some degree to aid them, by promoting these derivations and evacuations, imagining that by this mode of treatment they might justly arrogate to themselves the names ministri nature. Because it often happens, in chronic diseases, that the evacuations which nature excites, bring relief in cases where there are acute pains, paralysis, spasms, &c, the old school imagined that the true method of curing disease was by favouring, keeping up, or i even increasing the evacuations. But they never discovered that all those pretended crises, those evacuations and deriva- tions produced by nature abandoned to her own exertions, only procure palliative relief for a short period, and, that far from contributing towards a real cure, they, on the contrary, aggra- vate the internal primitive evil, by consuming the strength and [ the juices. No one has ever seen those efforts of simple nature effect the durable recovery of a patient, nor have those evacua- tions, excited by the system,* ever cured a chronic disease. On the contrary, in all cases of this nature, after a short relief, (the duration of which gradually diminishes.) the primitive affec- tion is manifestly aggravated, and the attacks return stronger and more frequent than before, although the evacuations do not L cease. In the same manner, nature, abandoned to her own resources in internal chronic diseases which threaten life, can only bring relief by exciting the appearance of external local symptoms, in order to turn away danger from the organs indispensable to existence, and transport it, by metastasis, to those which are not so: such attempts of an unintelligent, inconsiderate but energetic vital force, have a tendency towards any thing but a real cure; they are nothing more than palliatives, short stag- * Not more effectual are those artificially produced. 31 nations imposed on the internal disease, at the sacrifice of a great, portion of the liquids and strength, without the primitive affection losing any thing of its intensity. Without the aid of homoeopathic treatment, all they can do, at farthest, is to delay for a time that death which is inevitable. The Alloeopathy of the old school greatly exaggerated the efforts of pure nature. Falsely judging them to be truly salu- tary, they sought to promote and develop them still farther. hoping, by these means, to destroy the entire evil and effect a radical cure. When, in a chronic disease, the vital power appeared to improve this or that grievous symptom of the in- ternal state, for example, by means of a humid exanthema, then the self-styled minister of nature applied a blister, or some other exutory, upon the suppurating surface, to draw (duce natura) a still greater quantity of humour from the skin, and thus assist nature in the cure, by removing from the body the morbific principle. But sometimes, when the action of the remedy was too violent, the humid tetter already old, and the body too sus- ceptible of irritation, the external affection increased consider- ably, without any advantage accruing to the primitive evil, and the pains, rendered still more acute, deprived the patient of sleep, diminished his strength, and often brought on a bad de- scription of feverish erysipelas. Sometimes, when the remedy acted with more gentleness upon the local disease, (which was perhaps yet recent,) it exercised a kind of external homoeopathy upon the local symptoms which nature had produced upon the skin, in order to relieve the internal malady; thus renewing the latter, to which still greater danger was attached, and exposing the vital powers by the suppression of the local symptoms, to the excitement of others of a graver nature, in other and more noble parts. The patient then was attacked with a dangerous ophthalmy, deafness, spasms in the stomach, epileptic convul- sions, suffocation, fits of apoplexy, mental derangement, &c* The same pretext of assisting the vital powers in their curative efforts, led the minister of nature, when the malady caused an afflux of blood into the veins of the rectum, or the anus, (blind piles.) * These are the natural results of repelling such local symptoms- results, which the allceopathic physician often regards as diseases that are perfectly new and of a different character. 32 to have recourse to the repeated application of leeches in great numbers, in order to open an issue to the blood in that quarter. The emission of blood procured an amendment, sometimes so slight, as to be scarce deserving of notice; but, at the same time, it weakened the body and gave rise to a yet stronger con- gestion towards the extremity of the intestinal canal, without effecting the slightest diminution, of the primitive malady. In almost every case, where the diseased vital powers endeavoured to evacuate a little blood by vomiting, expectora- tion, &c., in order to diminish the severity of a dangerous internal affection, they immediately hastened (duce natura) to give all the assistance in their power to these pretended salu- tary efforts of nature, and blood in abundance was extracted from the vein; which never failed to prove injurious in the end, and to weaken the body to a manifest extent. And still more frequently, with the intent of assisting nature, in chronic nausea, they excited powerful evacuations of the stomach and administered plentiful emetics; but never with any good result, and seldom without frightful and even dan- gerous consequences. To appease the internal malady in a slight degree, the vital powers sometimes excite indolent enlargements of the external glands. The minister of nature thinks he is serving the divinity to whom he is devoted, by bringing these tumours to a suppuration, by the use of frictions and warm applications, in order to plunge the knife into the abscess when it is arrived at maturity, and cause the peccant matter to flow externally.(?) But experience has a thousand times proved the interminable evils that always result from this mode of treatment. Because the alloeopathist has often seen severe sufferings, in chronic diseases, somewhat relieved by spontaneous nocturnal perspiration, or by certain natural dejections of liquid matter, he thinks himself bound to follow these indications of nature; he likewise thinks it his duty to second the labours which he sees carried on in his own presence, by prescribing a complete sudorific treatment, or the continued use, during several years of what he calls gentle laxatives, in order to relieve the patient of the disease that torments him with more speed and certainty. But this mode of treatment never produces any thing but a 33 contrary result, that is to say, it always aggravates the primi- tive disease. Thus the allceopathist, yielding to the force of this opinion, which he has embraced without scrutiny, notwithstanding the absence of all foundation, persists in seconding* the efforts of the diseased vital powers, and augmenting the derivations and evacuations, which never lead to the attainment of his object, but rather to the ruin of the patient. He never discovers that local affections, evacuations, and apparent derivations, (which are effects excited and kept up by the vital powers abandoned to their own resources, in order to afford some slight relief to the primitive disease,) are of themselves a constituent part of the ensemble of the signs of the malady, against the totality of which there could be no real, salutary, and curative remedy, save a medicine whose effects were analogous with the pheno- mena occasioned by its action upon man when in a state of health, or, in other terms, a homoeopathic remedy. As every thing that simple nature performs to relieve herself in acute, and more particularly, in chronic diseases, is highly imperfect, and is actually disease itself, it may readily be conceived that the efforts of art labouring to assist this imper- fection do still greater injury, and in acute maladies, at least, * The old school, however, often permitted themselves to follow an inverse method of treatment, that is, when the efforts of nature, tending to relieve the internal malady by evacuations, or by exciting local external symptoms, manifestly injured the patient, they employ against them all the powers of repellents; and thus combat chronic pains, insomnolency, and diarrhoea of long standing, with strong and hazardous doses of opium; vomitings, by effervescing mixtures; foetid perspiration of the feet, by cold foot-baths and astringent fomentations; eruptions of the skin, with preparations of lead and zinc; uterine hemorrhages, by injections of vine- gar; colliquative perspirations, by alum curd; nocturnal seminal emis- sions, by the use of camphor in large quantities; sudden glow of heat over the face and body, by nitric, sulphuric, and vegetable acids; bleed- ings at the nostrils, with dossils of lint dipped in alcohol or astringent liquids; ulcers on the lower extremities, by oxides of lead, zinc, &c. But thousands of facts attest the melancholy consequences that result from this mode of treatment. The allceopathist, both in speaking and writing, boasts of being a rational physician, of searching out the latent cause of disease, and always of effecting radical cures; but it is evident that a treatment founded on isolated symptoms must always be detrimental to the patient. 5 34 they cannot remedy that which is defective in the attempts of nature, because the physician, incapable of following the con- cealed paths by which the vital power accomplishes its crises, could only operate upon the exterior by means of energetic reme- dies, whose effects not only do less good than those of nature, abandoned to herself, but on the contrary, are more perturbating and destructive to the powers. Even this imperfect relief, which nature effects by means of derivations and crises, he cannot attain by following the same path; do what he will, even the miserable succour which the vital powers can procure, when abandoned to their own resources, is infinitely beyond the skill of the alloeopathist. By a scarification of the pituitary membrane, it has been tried to produce bleeding at the nose, in imitation of natural nasal hemorrhage, to relieve, for example, an attack of chronic cephalalgy. In such a case, a quantity of blood might be drawn from the nostrils sufficient to weaken the patient; but the relief would be far less than that afforded at another time, when the vital instinctive powers, of their own accord, caused only a few drops of blood to flow. One of those so called critical perspirations or diarrhoeas, which the incessant activity of the vital powers excites, after any sudden indisposition arising from vexation, fright, cold, or injury from improper lifting, is far more efficacious in allaying, momentarily at least, the acute suffering of the patient, than all the nauseous sudorifics or purgatives, contained in the shop of an apothecary. This is proved beyond a doubt by daily experience. However, the vital power, which is devoid of intelligence and judgment, and which cannot act of itself, but according to the organic disposition of our bodies, was not given to us, that we should follow it as our best guide in the cure of diseases, much less that we should imitate, in a servile manner, its imperfect attempts to restore health by joining to it a treatment more opposed than its own to the object it has in view, for no other purpose than that of sparing ourselves the study and reflection necessary to the discovery of the true art of healing and finally to place a bad copy of the inefficacious aid which nature affords when abandoned to her own resources, in the room of the most noble of all human arts! What reflecting man 35 would copy the efforts of nature in curing disease ? These very efforts are the disease itself, and the morbidly affected vital en- ergy is evidently the source of the malady. It follows then, that to imitate or to suppress these efforts must in one case augment them, or in the other, render them dangerous by suppression, and the allceopathist does both; these are their pernicious doings, who boast of following the rational plan of healing. No ; that innate power of man which directs life in the most perfect manner whilst in health, whose presence is alike felt in every part of the system, in the sensitive as in the irritable fibre, and which is the indefatigable spring of all the normal functions of the body, was not created for the purpose of aiding itself in disease. It does not exercise a system of cure that is worthy of imitation, that is to say, a work of refection and judg- ment, and which, when the automatic and unintelligent vital powers have been disordered by disease, and in-normal action produced, knows how to modify them by appropriate remedies, so that after the disappearance of the new disease produced by the medicine, (which soon takes place,) they return to their normal stale, and to their appointed function of maintaining health in the system, withoid having undergone, during this conversion, any painful or debilitating attacks. Homeopathic medicine teaches us the mode by which we are to arrive at this result. A great number of patients treated according to the methods of the old school, which have just passed in review before us, escaped from diseases, not in chronic disorders, (non-venereal,) but in those maladies that were acute, and which are less dan- gerous. This, however, was effected by such painfully circuitous means, and frequently in a manner so imperfect, that no one could say the cure was performed by the influence of an art that acted mildly in its mode of treatment. In cases where there was no imminent danger, acute diseases were sometimes repressed by means of venesection, or sometimes by the sup- pression of one of the principal symptoms, by a palliative enantiopathic remedy (contraria contrariis), or sometimes sus- pended by irritants and revulsants applied to parts removed from the diseased organ, until the course of their natural revo- 36 lution was ended—that is to say, they opposed them by indirect means, exhausting the strength and the juices; so that the greater part of what was necessary to be done, in order to remove the disease and repair the losses which the patient had undergone, remained to be performed by the self-preserving vital power. The latter, then, had not only to subdue the acute natural disease, but also to overcome the results of an ill directed mode of treatment. In casual cases, this vital power was to exercise its own energies to bring back the functions to their normal rhythm, which could only be effected imperfectly and slowly, and with great difficulty. In acute diseases it is doubtful whether this treatment, of the existing school, really facilitates or abridges the cure by the aid of nature, since neither of them act but in an indirect manner, and their derivative and counter irritating modes of cure, wound the system more profoundly, and lead to a still greater dissipation of the vital powers. The old school practise yet another method of cure, which they call " exciting and strengthening,"* (by excitanlia, nervina, tonka, confortanlia, roborantia.) It is surprising that they should boast of this mode of treatment. Has it ever succeeded in removing the weakness which a chronic disease so often engenders, augments, and keeps up, by prescribing (as it has so frequently done) etheric Rhine wine, or spirituous Tokay ? As this treatment was not able to cure the chronic disease, (the source of the debility,) the strength of the patient decreased in proportion as they made him take more wine, because the vital powers, in their re-action, oppose relaxation to artificial excitements. Did cinchona, or any of the mistaken, ambiguous and perni- cious substances, which collectively bear the name of Amara, ever restore strength in these cases which are of such frequent occurrence ? These vegetable products, which they pretended were tonic and strengthening in all circumstances, together * This method is, properly speaking, enantiopathic, and I will again touch uponit in the course of the Organon, (sec. 59.) 37 with the preparations of iron, did they not add fresh sufferings to the old ones, by reason of their peculiar morbific action, without being able to remove the debility which depended on an unknown malady of long standing ? The so called unguenta nervina, or the other spirituous and balsamic topical applications, did they ever diminish in a dura- ble manner, or even momentarily, incipient paralysis of an arm or leg, (which arises, as is frequently the case, from a chronic disease,) without curing the cause itself? Or have electric and galvanic shocks ever produced, in such cases, any other results than those of gradually increasing the paralysis of the muscular irritability and the nervous* susceptibility, and finally rendering the paralysis complete ? Have not the highly boasted excilatilia and aphrodisiaca, ambergris, smelts, tincture of cantharides, truffles, cardamoms, cinnamon, and vanilla, constantly ended with changing the gradually declining power of the virile faculties (which is always caused by some unobserved chronic miasm) into total impotence 1 How could they boast of an acquisition of strength, and ex- citement, which lasts only a few hours, when the results that follow bring on an opposite state (which is lasting) according to the laws of all palliatives ? The little good that the excitantia and roborantia did to the patient treated for acute maladies, according to the old method, was a thousand times overbalanced by the ill effects which the use of them produced in chronic diseases. The allosopathists not unfrequently commence the treatment of a chronic disease, by blindly administering their so called * An apothecary (in Jever) had a voltaic column, the gradual strokes of which gave temporary relief to persons afflicted with deafness. Soon these shocks caused no more effect, and it was necessary, in order to produce the same results, to render them yet stronger, until, in their turn, they likewise became inefficacious: after this, the most powerful shocks only had the faculty, at the commencement, of restoring the hearing of the patient for a few hours, but finished by leaving him a prey to total deafness. 38 alterative remedies (alterantia), among which the mercurials (calomel, blue pill, corrosive sublimate, mercurial ointments) occupy a conspicuous place. These sovereign remedies of theirs, even in cases not venereal, are often given in large and long continued doses, until their deleterious tendency becomes manifest in the ruined health of the patient. Great alterations are certainly produced by the destructive operation of mercury upon improper parts, but they are such as finally exhaust the constitution of the patient. Cinchona, in all genuine marsh intermittents, is a homoeo- pathic remedy, and when not prevented by pre-existing psora, a specific. But by prescribing it in large and long continued doses in every epidemic intermittent, the ignorance of the old school is abundantly shown ; for, the disease almost every year assuming a different character, requires for its removal a dif- ferent homoeopathic remedy, which in a single dose, or, at most, a very few minute doses, effects a radical cure in the course of a few days. Now, because such epidemic fevers have their periodical attacks (type of the disease), while it is these which an allceopathist chiefly regards in an intermittent, and while the bark is considered as the only remedy for its removal, if he can but suppress the type of the disease by means of enormous doses of that medicine, or its more costly extract, quinine, he supposes, forsooth, that the patient is cured. But he is really left in a worse condition after such suppression of the periodical returns of his fever, than before. We behold him moving slowly along, his countenance sallow, his breathing asthmatic, the hypochondres distended, the abdominal viscera diseased, frequently the abdomen itself and limbs in a bloated condi- tion,—without healthful appetite or refreshing sleep, weak and dispirited, he is discharged from the hospital in this state of complicated suffering—as cured! not unfrequently years of elaborate homoeopathic treatment are required, we will not say to restore his health, but to rescue this radically vitiated, this artificially cachectic patient from an untimely death. It is cause of gratification to the old school, when by the antipathic virtues of valerian, they can convert the stupor of nervous fever into a degree of exhilaration for a few hours. But this transient excitement being once over, it can be repro- duced only by a repetition of still larger doses of the same 3D medicine, and even the largest soon lose their effect. Their primary operation being that of a stimulating palliative, the entire vital energies, during the secondary effects of the medi- cine, become paralysed, and thus, by means of the rational treatment of the old school, the speedy dissolution of the patient is rendered inevitable. As certainly mortal as is the issue of the case, the followers of the old system do not perceive it, and the patient's death is ascribed by them to the malignity of his disease. Digitalis purpurea is a still more formidable palliative in chronic diseases, and its virtues are highly extolled by the old school for allaying the rapid and irritated pulse (purely symp- tomatic) in these maladies. Though the use of this potent enantiopathic medicine, may, at first, in many instances, abate the frequency of the pulse for some hours, yet it will shortly afterwards become more frequent than ever. To retard its velocity again, the medicine is repeated in a larger dose; it is again availing, yet for a shorter period; until by frequent repe- tition, even in augmented doses, it loses its effects altogether. The pulse not now being restrained by the secondary or con- secutive effects of digitalis, becomes more rampant than before its use, and too rapid to be reckoned. Among the train of con- sequences may also be observed, loss of sleep and appetite and diminution of strength, until, finally, if these disasters do not terminate in incurable mania, death becomes the patient's only refuge! Such, then, was the treatment which the alloeopathic physi- cian practised on his patients. The latter, therefore, were obliged to yield to necessity, since they could derive nothing better from the other physicians who had drawn their informa- tion from the same fallacious source. The fundamental cause of chronic diseases, (non vene- real) and the mode by which they could be cured, remained * Notwithstanding all this, Hufeland, the representative of the old school, with great self-complacency, in his pamphlet on homoeopathia, p. 22, praises the digitalis for the purpose of repressing morbid fre- quency of the pulse: his words are, " None will deny" (but experience does) " that a too vehement circulation can be removed by digitalis'' (?) permanently'? does he mean removed? what! by the use of an heroic enantiopathic remedy 1 Poor Hufeland ! 40 unknown to these practitioners, who prided themselves on their own remedies, which they said were directed against the cause. How was it possible for them to cure the immense number of chronic diseases by their indirect methods, their im- perfect imitations of the efforts of an automatic vital power. which were never destined to become models of a treatment to be followed in medicine ? They regarded that which they believed to be the character of the malady, as the cause of the disease itself, and accordingly, directed their pretended radical cures against spasm, inflamma- tion (plethora), fever, general or partial debility, pituita, putridity, obstructions, &c. which they imagined they could remove with the aid of their antispasmodics, antiphlogistics, tonics, irritants, antiseptics, dissolvents, resolutives, derivatives, evacuants, and other repellent medicines, known to themselves only in a superficial manner. But indications of so vague a nature were insufficient to dis- cover those medicines which are of real utility, particularly so in the materia medica of the old school, which, as I have else- where shown,* depended mostly upon mere conjecture, and on false conclusions ah usu in morbis, mixed up with fraud and falsehood. They continued to act with the same degree of coldness in matters that were still more hypothetical; against the deficiency or superabundance of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen in the fluids; against the exaltation or diminution of irritability, sensibility, nutrition, arterial congestion, venous congestion, capillary congestion, astheny, &c, without being acquainted with a single remedy by which they could reach so visionary an object. It was ostentation that induced them to attempt these cures which could not be advantageous to the patients. Every appearance of treating disease effectively and to the purpose, disappears in their manner of associating various medicinal substances to constitute what they call a prescription, and time has not only rendered this association sacred, but has converted it into a law. They place at the head of this recipe, under the name of basis, a medicine that is not at all known in * In the treatise " On the Sources of the Old Materia Medica," in the third part of my Materia Medica. 41 regard to the extent of its medicinal effects, but which they think ought to subdue the principal character of the disease admitted by the physician ; they add to this, one or two sub- stances equally unknown in respect of their operation on the system, and which they destine either to fulfil some accessory indication, or to increase the action of the basis ; they then add a pretended corrective, of whose special medicinal virtues they have no better knowledge ; they mix the whole together, some- times adding either a syrup, or a distilled water, which likewise possess distinct medicinal properties, and imagine that each ingredient of the mixture will perform, in the diseased body, the part that has been assigned to it by the imagination, with- out allowing itself to be disturbed or led astray by the other articles that accompany it:—a result which no one could reasonably expect. One of these ingredients destroys, either partly or wholly, the operation of the other, or gives to it, as well as to the remainder, a different mode of action altogether which had never been thought of, so that the effects calculated on could not possibly take place. This inexplicable enigma of mixtures often produces that which neither was nor could have been expected, a new modification of the disease, which is not observed amidst the tumult of symptoms, but which becomes permanent by the prolonged use of the prescription. Conse- quently, a factitious malady, joining itself to the original one, aggravates the primitive disease ; or if the patient does not use the same prescription for a long time, if one or several be crowded upon him successively, composed of different ingre- dients, greater debility will at least ensue, because the substances which are prescribed in such a case have generally little or no direct reference to the principal malady, and only make a use- less attack upon those points against which its assaults have been the least directed. Though the action of every medicine on the human body should already have been discovered, still the physician who writes the prescription does not often know the effect of one in an hundred. Mixing several drugs together, some of which are already compounds, and their separate effects imperfectly known, in order that such a confused mixture should be swallowed by the patient in large and frequent doses, and then 6 42 to expect from it a certain curative effect, is an absurdity evident to every unprejudiced* and reflecting individual. The * Even among the ordinary schools of medicine, there have been persons who discovered the absurdity of mixing medicines, although they themselves followed this eternal routine which their own reason condemned. Marcus Herz expresses himself (Hufeland's Journal, II. p. 33,) on this subject in the following terms:—"When we wish to remove inflammation, we do not employ either nitre, sal ammoniac, or vegetable acids, singly, but we usually mix up several antiphlogistics, or use them altogether at the same time. If we have to contend against putridity, we are not content with administering, in large quantities, one of the known antiseptics, cinchona, mineral acids, arnica, serpentaria, &c, to attain the object we have in view; but we prefer mixing up several of them together, having a greater reliance upon their combined action; or, not knowing which of them would act most suitably in the existing case, we accumulate a variety of incompatible substances, and abandon to chance the care of producing, by means of one or the other of them, the relief we designed to afford. Thus, it is rare that, by the aid of a single medicine, we excite perspiration, purify the blood, (?) dissolve obstructions, provoke expectoration, or even effect purgation. To arrive at these results, our prescriptions are always complicated ; they are scarcely ever simple and pure: consequently they cannot be regarded as experiments relative to the effects of the various substances that enter into their composition. In fact, we learnedly establish, among the medicines in our recipes, a hierarchy, and we call that one the basis to which we (properly speaking) confide the effect, giving to othets the names of adjuvants, corrigents, &c. But it is evident that mere arbi- trary will has, for the most part, been the occasion of such a classifica- tion. The adjuvants contribute, as well as the basis, to the entire effect, although, in the absence of a scale of measurement, we cannot determine to what degree they may have participated. The influence of the cor- rigents over the virtues of the other medicines, likewise, cannot be wholly indifferent; they must either increase or diminish them, or give them another direction. The salutary change which we effect by the aid of such a prescription, ought then always to be considered as the result of its whole contents taken collectively, and we can never come to any certain conclusion upon the individual efficacy of any one of the ingredients of which it is composed. In short, we are but too slightly acquainted with that which is essential to be known of all medicines, and our knowledge with regard to the affinities which they enter into, when mixed up together, is too limited for us to be able to say, with any degree of certainty, what will be the mode or degree of action of a sub- stance even the most insignificant in appearance, when introduced into the human body, combined with other sicbstances." 43 result is consequently the reverse of that which they expect to take place in so precise a manner; changes certainly take place, but not one among them is either good or conformable to the object that is to be attained. I should like very much to see that which is called a cure, by a man working thus blindly in the bodies of his fellow- creatures. The restoration of health is to be expected only by cherish- ing the due activity of the vital principle yet remaining with the patient, by means of remedies suitable for that purpose, and not by debilitating the system, secundum artem, almost to the extinction of life. This is a method, however, not unfrequent with the old school on commencing the treatment of chronic diseases : they operate by means of medicines which harass the patient, expend the animal fluids, exhaust the strength, and shorten life ! can they be said to save while they thus destroy ? and can they be said to exercise any other than a hurtful art ? They act, lege artis, as contrary to their professed aim as possi- ble, and practice «;\Wa, that is to say, the very reverse of what they ought to do. Can they deserve commendation ? In modern times, indeed, this school have gone to great excesses in frustrating the end of all true medical treatment, as every impartial observer must acknowledge, and as physicians of their own, (when their consciences are awakened, like that of Krueger Hansen,) will confess before the world. Observation, reflection, and experience, have unfolded to me, that, in opposition to the old alloeopathic method, the best and true method of cure is founded on the principle, similia similibus curenlur. To cure in a mild, prompt, safe, and durable manner, it is necessary to choose in each case a medicine that will excite an affection similar (l^ot w«0o?) to that against which it is employed. Until the present time no person has ever inculcated this 44 homoeopathic mode of treatment, and yet more, no one has ever put it into practice. But if this is the only true method, (of which every one may be convinced with myself,) we ought to discover sensible traces of it in every epoch of the art, although its true character may have been unknown during thousands of years. And such has, in reality, been the case.* In all ages, the diseases which have been cured by medicines, in a prompt, perfect, durable, and manifest manner, and which were not indebted for their cure to any accidental circumstance, or to the accomplishment of the natural revolution of the acute disease, or to the circumstance of the bodily powers having gradually regained a preponderance by means of an alloeopathic or antipathic treatment, (for being cured directly differs greatly from being cured indirectly;) these diseases, I say, have yielded, although without the knowledge of the physician, to a homoeo- pathic remedy, that is to say, to a remedy in itself capable of exciting a morbid state similar to that whose removal it effected. Even in an effectual cure that had been performed by the aid of mixed medicines, (of which there are but few examples,) it has been discovered, that the medicine whose action domi- nated over that of the others was always of a homoeopathic nature. But this fact presents itself to us still more evidently in certain cases, where physicians performed a speedy cure by the aid of a single remedy, in violation of the custom that admitted none other but mixed medicines in the form of a pre- scription. Here we see, to our astonishment, that the cure was always the effect of a single medicinal substance, capable of itself to produce an affection similar to that under which the patient laboured, although the physician did not know what he was doing, and only acted thus in forgetfulness of the precepts * For Truth, like the infinitely wise and gracious God, is eternal. Men may disregard it for a time, until the period arrives when its rays, according to the determination of Heaven, shall irresistibly break through the mists of prejudice, and, like Aurora and the opening day, shed a beneficent light, clear and inextinguishable, over the generations of men. 45 of his own school. He gave a medicine, where, according to the established laws of therapeutics, he should have adminis- tered exactly a contrary one, and by these means alone his patients were promptly cured. I shall here relate some examples of these homoeopathic cures, which find a clear and precise interpretation in the homoeopathic doctrine now discovered and acknowledged, but which we are by no means to regard as arguments in favour of the latter, because it stands firm without the aid of any such support.* The author of the treatise on epidemic diseases (imfa/Aw) (attributed to Hippocrates), at the commencement of lib. 5. mentions a case of cholera morbus that resisted every remedy, and which he cured by means of veratrum album alone, which, however, excites cholera of itself, as witnessed by Forestus, Ledelius; Reimann, and many others.! * If, in the cases which will be cited here, the doses of medicine exceeded those which the safe homoeopathic doctrine prescribes, they were, of course, very naturally attended with the same degree of danger which usually results from all homoeopathic agents when administered in large doses. However, it often happens from various causes which cannot at all times be discovered, that even very large doses of homoeo- pathic medicines effect a cure, without causing any notable injury; either from the vegetable substance having lost a part of its strength, or because abundant evacuations ensued which destroyed the greater part of the effects of the remedy; or, finally, because the stomach had received at the same time other substances, which, acting as an antidote, lessened the strength of the dose. f P. Forestus, xviii. obs. 44.—Ledelius, Misc. not. cur. dec. iii. ann. i. 065. 65.—Reimann, Brest. Samml. 1724, p. 535. In this, and in all the examples that follow, I have purposely abstained from reporting either my own observations or those of my adherents upon the special effects of each individual medicine, but merely those of the physicians of times past. My object for acting in this manner, is to show that the art of curing homoeopathically might have been discovered before my time. 46 The English sweating sickness, which first exhibited itself in the year 1485, and which, more murderous than the plague itself, carried off in the commencement, (as testified by Willis,) ninety-nine patients out of a hundred, could not be subdued until such time as they had learned to administer sudorifics to patients. Since that time, as Sennertus* observes, few persons died of it. A case of dysentery, which lasted several years, threatening the patient with inevitable death, and against which every other medicine had been tried without success, was, to the great surprise of Fischer,! (but not to mine,) cured in a speedy and permanent manner by a purgative administered by an empiric. Murray, (whom I selected from numerous other authorities,) together with daily experience, inform us, that among the symptoms produced by the use of tobacco, those of vertigo, nausea, and anxiety, are the principal. Whereas Diemerbroeck,! when attacked with those very symptoms of vertigo, nausea, and anxiety, in the course of his close attendance on the vic- tims of epidemic diseases in Holland, removed them by the use of the pipe. The hurtful effects which some writers (among others Georgi§) ascribe to the use of the agaricus muscarius, by the inhabitants of Kamtschatka, and which consist of tremors, convulsions, and epilepsy, became a salutary remedy in the hands of C. G. Whistlingll, who used this mushroom with suc- cess in cases of convulsions accompanied with tremor ; likewise in those of J. C. Bernhardt,** who used it with success in a species of epilepsy. * De Febribus, iv. cap. 15. f In Hufeland's Journal fur Practische Arzneikunde, vol. x. iv. p. 127. X Tract, de Peste, Amsterdam, 1665, p. 273. § Beschreibung aller Nationen des Russischen Reichs, (A Descrip- tion of all the Nations of the Russian Empire,) pp. 78, 267, 281, 321, 329, 352. || Diss, de Virt. Agaric. Muse. Jena, 1718, p. 13. ** Chym. Vers, und Erfahrungen, Leipzig, 1754, obs. 5. p. 324. Gru- ner, De Viribus Agar. Muse. Jena, 1778, p. 13. 47 The remark made by Murray,* that oil of aniseed allays pains of the stomach and flatulent colic caused by purga* tives, ought not to surprise us, knowing that J. P. Albrechtf has observed pains in the stomach produced by this liquid, and P. Forestus! violent colic likewise caused by its adminis- tration. If F. Hoffman praises the efficacy of millefoil in various cases of hemorrhage; if G. E. Stahl, Buchwald and Lbseke have found this plant useful in excessive hemorrhoidal flux; if Q,uarin and the editors of the Breslauer Sammlungen speak of the cure it has effected of hemoptysis; and finally, if Thoma- sius (according to Haller) has used it successfully in uterine hemorrhage; these cures are evidently owing to the power possessed by the plant, of exciting of itself hemorrhage and hematuria, as observed by G. Hoffman,? and more especially of producing epistaxis, as confirmed by Boeder. II Scovolo,** among many others, cured a case where the urinary discharge was purulent, by arbutus uva ursi; which never could have been performed if this plant had not the pro- perty of exciting heat in the urinary passage with discharge of a mucous urine, as seen by Sauvages.f! And though the frequent experience of Stoerck, Marges, Planchon, Du Monceau, F. C. Junker, Schinz, Ehrmann, and others had not already established the fact, that colchicum autumnale cures a species of dropsy, still this faculty was to have been expected from it, by reason of the particular power which it possesses of diminishing the urinary secretion, and of exciting at the same time a continual desire to pass water. It like- wise causes the flow of a small quantity of urine of a fiery red colour, as witnessed by StoerckU and de Berge.§§ The cure of * Appar. Medic, 2d edit. 1, p. 429, 430. f Misc. nat. cur. dec. ii. ann. 8, obs. 169. X Observat. et Curationes, lib. 21. § De Medicam. Officin. Leyden, 1738. || Cynosura Mat. Med. Cont. p. 552. ** In Girardi, de uva ursi. Padua, 1764. !! Nosolog., iii. p. 200. jj Libellus de Colchico. Vienna, 1763, p» 12. §§ Journal de Medecine, xxii. 48 an asthma attended with hypochondriasis, effected by Gdritz* by means of colchicum, and that of an asthma complicated with an apparent hydrothorax, performed by Stoerck! with the same substance, were evidently grounded upon the homoeo- pathic property which it possesses, of exciting by itself asthma and dyspnea, as witnessed by de Berge.t Muralto§ has seen what we may witness every day, viz. that jalap, besides creating gripes of the stomach, also causes great uneasiness and agitation. Every physician acquainted with the facts upon which homoeopathy rests, will find it perfectly natural, that the power so justly ascribed to this medicine by G. W. Wedel,ll of allaying the gripes, restlessness, and scream- ing which are so frequent in young children, and of restoring them to tranquil repose, arises from homoeopathic influence. ~ It is also known and has been attested by Murray, Hillary, and Spielmann, that senna occasions a kind of colic, and pro- duces, according to C. Hoffmann** and F. Hoffmann,!! flatulency and agitation of the blood,XX ordinary causes of insomnolency. It was this innate homoeopathic virtue of senna, which enabled Detharding§§ to cure with its aid patients afflicted with violent colic and insomnolency. Stoerck, who had so intimate a knowledge of medicines, was on the point of discovering that the bad effects of the dictamnus, which, as he observed himself, sometimes provokes a mucous discharge from the vagina, IIII arose from the very same properties in this root by virtue of which he cured a leucorrhea of long standing.*** * A. E. Biichner, Miscell. Phys. Med. Mathern. Ann. 1728, Jul. pp. 1212, 1213. Erfurt, 1732. ! Ibid. cas. 11, 13. Cont. cas. 4, 9. X Ibid. loc. cit. § Misc. Nat. Cur. dec. ii. a. 7, obs. 112. || Opiolog. lib. 1, p. 1, cap. ii. p. 38. ** De Medicin. Officin. lib. 1, cap. 36. f! Diss, de Manna, § 16. XX Murray, loc. cit. ii. p. 507. 2d. edit. §§ Ephem. nat. cur. cent. 10, obs. 76. |||| Lib. de Flamm. Jovis. Vienna, 1769, cap. 2. *** Ibid. 49 Stoerck, in like manner, should not have been astonished when curing a general chronic eruption (humid, phagedenic and psoric) with the clematis* having himself ascertained! that this plant has the power of producing a psoric eruption over the whole body. If, according to Murray,! the euphrasia cures lippitudo and a certain form of ophthalmy, how could it otherwise have pro- duced this effect, but by the faculty it possesses of exciting a kind of inflammation in the eyes, as has been remarked by Lobelius?§ According to J. H. Lange,ll the nutmeg has been found effica- cious in hysterical fainting fits. The sole natural cause of this phenomenon is homoeopathic, and can be attributed to no other circumstance, but that the nutmeg, when given in strong doses to a man in health, produces, according to J. Schmid** and Cullen,!! suspension of the senses and general insensibility. The old practice of applying rose-water externally in ophthal- mic diseases, looks like a tacit avowal, that there exists in the leaves of the rose some curative power for diseases of the eye. This is founded upon the homoeopathic virtue which the rose possesses, of exciting by itself a species of ophthalmia in per- sons who are in health, an effect which Echtius,!! Ledelius,§§ and Rau,llll actually saw it produce. If, according to Pet. Rossi,*** Van Mons,»J J. Monti,!!! Sybel,§§§ and others, the Rhus toxicodendron and radicans have the faculty of producing pimples which gradually cover the entire * Lib. de Flamm. Jovis. Vienna, 1769, cap. 13. f Ibid. p. 33. % Appar. Medic. 11, p. 221. 2d edit. § Stirp. Adversar. p. 219. || Domest. 'Brunsvic. p. 136. ** Misc. nat. cur. dec. ii. ann. 2, obs. 20. f! Arzneimittellehre, ii. p. 233. XX In Adami, Vita Medic, p. 72. §§ Misc. nat. curios, dec. ii. ann. 2, obs. 140. |||| Rau, iiber den Werth des Homoeop. Heilverfahrens, p. 73. *** Observ. de Nonnullis Plantis, quae pro venenatis habentur. Pisis, 1767. !!! In Dufresnoy Ueber den wurzelnden Sumach, p. 206. XXX Acta Instit. Bonon. sc. et art. iii. p. 165. §§§ In Med. Annalen, 1811, July. 50 body, it may be easily perceived how it could effect an homoeo- pathic cure of various kinds of herpes, which it really has done, according to information furnished by Dufresnoy and Van Mons. What could have bestowed upon this plant (as in a case cited by Alderson*) the power of curing a paralysis of the lower extremities, attended with weakness of the intellectual organs, if it did not of itself evidently possess the faculty of depressing the muscular powers by acting on the imagination of the patient to such a degree as to make him believe that he is at the point of death, as in a case witnessed by Zadig.f The dulcamara, according to Carrere,! has cured the most violent diseases emanating from colds, which could result from no other cause but that this herb, in cold and damp weather, frequently produces similar affections to those lohich arise from colds, as Carrere himself has observed § and likewise Starcke.ll —Fritze** saw the dulcamara produce convulsions, and De Haenf! witnessed the very same effects, attended with delirium; on the other hand, convulsions attended with delirium, have yielded to small doses of the dulcamara, administered by the latter physician.!!—It were vain to seek amid the vast empire of hypotheses the cause that renders the dulcamara so effica- cious in a species of herpes, as witnessed by Carrere, §§ Fouquet,llll and Poupart.*** Nature, which requires the aid of homoeopathy to perform a safe cure, sufficiently explains the cause, in the faculty possessed by the dulcamara of producing a certain * In Samml. aus. Abh. f. pr. Aerzte, xviii. 1. f In Hufeland's Journal der Prakt. Arzneik. v. p. 3. X Carrere (and Starcke,) Abhandl. ueber die Eigenschaften des Nacht- schattens oder Bittersuesses. Jena, 1786, pp. 20-23. (Treatise on the Properties of the Woody Nightshade or Bitter-sweet.) § Ibid. || In Carrere, Ibid. p. 140, 249. ** Annalen des Klinischen Instituls, iii. p. 45. !! Ratio Medendi. Tom. iv. p. 228. XX Ibid, where he says: " Dulco-amarae stipites majori dosi convul- siones et deliria excitant, moderata vero spasmos, convulsionesque sol- vunt." How near was De Haen to the discovery of the law of healing the most conformable to nature ! §§ Ratio Medendi. Tom. iv. p. 92. |||| In Razouz, Tables Nosologiques, p. 275. *** Traite des Dartres. Paris, 1782, pp. 184, 192. 51 species of herpes. Carrere saw the use of this plant excite herpetic eruptions which covered the entire body during a fort- night;* and on another occasion where it produced the same on the hands,t and a third time where it fixed itself on the labia pudendi.% Rucker§ saw the solanum nigrum produce szvelling of the entire body. This is the reason that Gatackerll and Cirillo** succeeded in curing with its aid (homoeopathically) a species of dropsy. Boerhaave,!! Sydenham,!! and Radcliffe§§ cured another spe- cies of dropsy with the aid of the sambucus niger, because, as Hallerll || informs us, this plant causes an ozdematous swelling when applied externally. De Haen,*** Sarcone,!!! and PringleJ!! have rendered due homage to truth and experience, by declaring freely, that they cured pleurisy with the scilla maritima, a root, which on ac- count of its excessive acrid properties, ought to be forbidden in a disease of this nature, where, according to the received method, only sedative, relaxing, and refrigerant remedies are admissible. The disease in question subsided, nevertheless, under the influence of the squill, on homoeopathic principles; for T. C. Wagner§§§ formerly saw the action of this plant alone produce pleurisy and inflammation of the lungs. A great many practitioners, D. Crueger, Ray, Kellner, Kaaw Boerhaave, and others, IIIIII have observed that the datura stramo- * Traite des Dartres. Paris, 1782, pp. 96. ! Ibid. p. 149. X Ibid. p. 164. § Commerc. Liter. Noric. 1731, p. 372. || Versuche & Bemerk. der Edinb. Gesellschaft, Altenburg, 1762, vii. pp. 95, 98. ** Consult. Medichi. Tom. iii. Naples, 1738, 4to. !! Historia Plantarum, P. I. p. 207. XX Opera, p. 496. §§ In Haller, Arzneimittellehre, p. 349. |||| In Vicat, Plantes veneneuses, p. 125. *** Ratio Medendi, P. I. p. 13. !!! History of Diseases in Naples, vol. i. §. 175. XXX Obs. on the Diseases of the Army, ed. 7, §. 143. §§§ Observationes Clinics. Lubec, 1737. Illlll C. Crueger, in Misc. Nat. Cur., dec. iii. ann. 2, obs. 88.—Boerhaave, Impetum Faciens — Leiden, 1745, p. 282.—Kellner, in the Bresl. Samml. 172. 52 nium excites a singular kind of delirium and convulsions. It is precisely this faculty that enabled physicians to cure with its aid, demonomania* (fantastic madness, attended with spasms of the limbs) and other convulsions, as performed by Sidren! and Wedenberg.! If in the hands of Sidren§ it cured two cases of chorea, one of which had been occasioned by fright, and the other by mercurial vapour, it was because it possessed the faculty of exciting involuntary movements of the limbs, as observed by Kaaw Boerhaave, and Lobstein. Numerous observations, and among others those made by Schenk, have shown us that it can destroy consciousness and recollection in a very short time; therefore, it ought not to surprise us, if, according to the testimony of Sauvages and Schinz, it possesses the faculty of curing a weak memory. By the same rule, Schmalzll succeeded in curing with the aid of this plant a case of melancholy, alternating with madness, because, according to aCosta,** it has the power of exciting such alternate mental aberrations when administered to a person in health. Percival, Stahl, Q,uarin,f! and many other physicians, have observed that cinchona occasions oppression of the stomach. Others, (Morton, Friborg, Bauer, and Quarin,) have seen this substance produce vomiting and diarrhoea, (D. Crueger and Morton) syncope; some an excessive debility, many (Thomson, Richard, Stahl, and C. E. Fisher) a kind of jaundice; (Q,uarin and Fischer) bitterness of the mouth; and yet others, tension of the belly. And it is precisely when these complicated evils occur in intermittent fevers, that Torti and Cleghorn recom- mend the use of cinchona alone. The advantageous effects of this bark in cases of exhaustion, indigestion, and loss of appetite resulting from acute fevers, (particularly when the latter have been treated by venesection, evacuants and debilitants) are founded upon the faculty which it possesses of depressing exces- * Veckoskrift for Laekare, iv. p. 40, et seq. ! Diss, de Stramonii Usu in Malis Convulsivis. Upsal, 1793 X Ibid. § Diss. Morborum Casus, spec. i. Upsal, 1785. || Chir. und Medic. Vorfalle, Leipzig, 1784, p. 178. ** In P. Schenck, lib. 1, obs. 139. !! Quoted in my Mat. Med. iii. 53 sively the vital powers, producing mental and bodily^exhaustion, indigestion, and loss of appetite, as observed by Cleghorn, Fri- borg, Crueger, Romberg, Stahl, Thomson, and others.* How would it have been possible to stop hemorrhages with ipecacuanha, as effected by Baglivi, Barbeyrac, Gianella, Dal- berg, Bergius, and others, if this medicine did not of itself possess the faculty of exciting hemorrhage homoeopathically?—as Mur- ray, Scott, and Geoffroyf have witnessed. How could it be so efficacious in asthma, and particularly in spasmodic asthma, as it is described to have been, by Akenside,! Meyer,§ Ban^.li Stoll,** Fouquet,!! and Ranoe',1! if it did not of itself produce (without exciting any evacuation) asthma, and spasmodic asthma in particular, as Murray,§§ Geoffroy,|||| and Scott*** have seen it call forth ? Can any clearer hints be required, that medicines ought to be applied to the cure of diseases according to the morbid effects which they produce ? It would be impossible to conceive why the Faba Ignatia could be so efficacious in a kind of convulsions, as we are assured it is, by Hermann,!!! Valentin,!!! and an anonymous writer,§§§ if it. did not possess the power of exciting similar convulsions, as witnessed by Bergius,IIIIII Camelli,***Jf and Du- rius.!!!! Persons who have received a blow or a contusion, feel pains in the side, a desire to vomit, spasmodic, lancinating and burn- ing pain in the hypochondres, all of which are accompanied with anxiety, tremors, and involuntary starts, similar to those * Mat. Med. iii. f Ibid. pp. 184, 185. X Medic. Transact. I. No. 7. p. 39. § Diss, de Ipecac, refracta dosi usu, p. 34. || Praxis Medica, p. 346. ** Prselectiones, p. 221. !! Journal de Medecine, torn. 62, p. 137. J! In Act. Reg. Soc. Med. Hafn., ii. p. 163, iii. p. 361. §§ Medic. Pract. Bibl., p. 237. |||| Traite de la Matiere Medicale, ii. p. 157. *** In Med. Comment, of Edinb. iv. p. 74. !!! Cynosura Mat. Med. ii. p. 231. XXX Hist. Simplic. Reform, p. 194, § 4. • §§§ In Act. Berol. dec. ii. vol. x. p. 12. |||||| Materia Medica, p. 150. •••* Philos. Trans, vol. xxi. No. 250. t!!f Miscell. nat. cur. dec. iii. ann. 9, 10. 54 produced by an electric shock, formication in the parts that have received the injury, &c. As the arnica montana produces similar symptoms, according to the observations of Meza, Vicat, Crichton, Collins, Aaskow, Stoll, and J. C. Lange,* it may be easily conceived on what account this plant cures the effects of a blow, fall, or contusion, and consequently the malady itself occasioned by such a contusion, as experienced by a host of physicians and even whole nations for centuries past. Among the effects which belladona excites when adminis- tered to a person in sound health, are symptoms, which, taken collectively, present an image greatly resembling that species of hydrophobia and rabies canina which Mayerne,! Munch,! Buchholz,§ and Neimike,l| cured in a perfect manner with this plant homoeopathically.** The patient in vain endeavours to sleep, the respiration is embarrassed, he is consumed by a burning thirst, attended with anxiety; the moment any liquids are presented to him, he rejects them with violence; his countenance becomes red, his eyes fixed and sparkling, (as observed by F. C. Grimm;) he experiences a feeling of suffocation zohile drinking, with excessive thirst, (according to E. Camerarius and Sauter;) for the most part he is incapable of swallowing any thing, (as affirmed by May, Lottinger, Sicelius, Buchave, D'Hermont, Manetti, * See my Mat. Medica, i. ! Praxeos in Morbis internis Syntagma alterum. AugusUe Vindelico- rum, 1697, p. 136. ! Beobachtungen bey angewendeter Belladonne bei den Menschen. Stendal, 1789. § Heilsame Wirkungen der Belladonne in ausgebrochener Wuth. Erfurt, 1785. || In J. H. Miinch's Beobachtungen, Th. i. p. 74. ** If belladonna has frequently failed in cases of decided rabies, we ought to remember that it cannot cure in such instances, but by its faculty of producing effects similar to those of the malady itself, and that, consequently, it ought not to be administered but in the smallest possible doses, as will be shown in the Organon, (§ 275-283.) In gene- ral, it has been administered in very large doses, so that the patients necessarily died, not of the disease, but of the remedy. However, there may exist more than one degree or species of hydrophobia and rabies and consequently (according to the diversity of the symptoms) the most suitable homoeopathic remedy may be sometimes hyosciamus, and some- times stramonium. 55 Vicat, and Cullen ;) he is alternately actuated by terror and a desire to bite the persons who are near him, (as seen by Sauter Dumoulin, Buchave, and Mardorf;) he spits every where around him, (according to Sauter;) he endeavours to make his escape, (as we are informed by Dumoulin, E. Gmelin, and Buc'hoz;) and a continual agility of the body is predominant, (as wit- nessed by Boucher, E. Gmelin, and Sauter.)* Belladonna has also effected the cure of different kinds of madness and melan- choly, as in the cases reported by Evers, Schmucker, Schmalz, the two Munches, and many others, because it possesses the faculty of producing different kinds of insanity like those mental diseases caused by belladonna, which are noted by Rau, Grimm, Hasencst, Mardorf, Hoyer, Dillenius, and others.! Henning,! after vainly endeavouring, during three months, to cure a case of amaurosis with coloured spots before the eyes, by a variety of medicines, was at length struck with the idea that this malady might perhaps be occasioned by gout, although the patient had never experienced the slightest attack; and upon this supposition he was by chance induced to prescribe bella- donna^ which effected a speedy cure free from any incon- venience. He would undoubtedly have made choice of this remedy at the commencement, had he known that it was not possible to perform a cure but by the aid of a remedy which produces symptoms similar to those of the disease itself; and that, according to the infallible law of nature, belladonna could not fail to cure this case homoeopathically, since, by the testi- mony of Sauterll and Buchholz,** it excites, of itself, a species of amaurosis with coloured spots before the eyes. The hyosciamus has cured spasms which strongly resembled epilepsy; as witnessed by Mayerne.f! Stoerck, Collin, and others. It produces this effect by the very same power that it excites convulsions similar to those of epilepsy, as observed in the writings * The places from these authors are referred to in my Mat. Medica, i. ! Ibid. X In Hufeland's Journal, xxv. iv. pp. 70, 74. § Mere conjecture alone has led physicians to rank belladonna among the remedies for gout. The disease which could, with justice, arrogate to itself the name of gout, never will nor can be cured by belladonna. || In Hufeland's Journal, xi. ** Ibid. vol. i. p. 252. !f Prax. Med. p. 23. 56 of E. Camerarius, C. Seliger, Hunerwolf, A. Hamilton, Plan- chon, Acosta, and others.* Fothergill,! Stoerck, Hellwig, and Ofterdinger, have used hyosciamus with success in certain kinds of mental derange- ment. But the use of it would have been attended with equal success in the hands of many other physicians, had they con- fined it to the cure of that species of mental alienation, which hyosciamus is capable of producing in its primitive effects, viz. a kind of derangement with stupefaction, that Van Helmont, Wedel, J. G. Gmelin, La Serre, Hunerwolf, A. Hamilton, Kier- nander, J. Stedmann, Tozzetti, J. Faber, and Wendt saw produced by the action of this plant.! By taking the effects of hyosciamus collectively, which the latter observers have seen it produce, they present a picture of hysteria arrived at a considerable height. We also find in J. A. P. Gessner, Stoerck, and in the Act. Nat. Cur.§ that a case of hysteria, which bore great resemblance to the above men- tioned, was cured by the use of this plant. Schenkbecherll would never have succeeded in curing a vertigo of twenty years' standing, if this plant did not possess, in a very high degree, the power of creating generally an analogous state, as attested by Hunerwolf, Blom, Navier, Plan- chon, Sloane, Stedmann, Greding, Wepfer, Vicat, and Ber- nigau.** A man, who became deranged through jealousy, was for a long time tormented by Mayer Abramson!! with remedies that produced no effect on him, when, under the name of a sopo- rific, he one day administered hyosciamus, which cured him speedily. Had he known that this plant excites jealousy and madness in persons who are in health,!! and had he been acquainted with the homoeopathic law, (the sole natural basis of therapeutics,) he would have been able to administer hyos- ciamus from the very commencement with perfect confidence, * See my Mat. Medica, vol. iv. f Memoirs of Med. Soc. of London, i. pp. 310, 314. ! See my Mat. Medica, vol. iv. § IV. obs. 8. || Von der Kinkina, Schierling, Bilsenkraut, &c. Riga, 1769, p. 162. ** See my Mat. Medica, vol. iv. !! In Hufeland's Journal, xix. ii. p. 60. !! See my Mat. Medica, vol. iv. 57 and thus have avoided fatiguing the patient with remedies which (not being homoeopathic) could be of no manner of service to him. The mixed prescriptions which were employed for a long time with the greatest success by Hecker*in a case of spasmodic constriction of the eyelids, would have proved ineffectual, if some happy chance had not included hyosciamus, which, ac- cording to Wepfer,! excites a similar affection in persons who are in sound health. Neither did Withering! succeed in curing a spasmodic con- striction of the pharynx, with inability to swallow, until he administered hyosciamus, whose special action consists of causing a spasmodic constriction of the throat, with the impossi- bility of swallowing, an effect which Tozzetti, Hamilton, Ber- nigau, Sauvages, and Hunerwolf§ have seen it produce in a very high degree. How could camphor produce such salutary effects as the veracious Huxhamll says it does, in the so-called slow nervous fevers, where the temperature of the body is decreased, where the sensibility is depressed, and the vital powers greatly dimin- ished, if the result of its immediate action upon the body did not produce a state similar in every respect to the latter, as observed by G. Alexander, Cullen, and F. Hoffman ?** Spirituous wines, administered in small doses, have cured, homoeopathically, fevers that were purely inflammatory. C. Crivellati,!! H. Augenius,!! A. Mundella,§§ and two anonymous writers,IIII have afforded us the proofs. Asclepiades**" on one occasion cured an inflammation of the brain by administering a small quantity of wine. A case of feverish delirium like an * Hufeland's Journal, d. pr. Arzneik. i. p. 354. ! De Cicuta Aquatica. Basil. 1716, p. 320. ! Edinb. Med. Comment. Dec. ii. B. vi. p. 263. § See my Mat. Med., vol. iv. pp. 38, 39. || Opera, t. i. p. 172, t. ii. p. 84. ** See my Materia Medica, vol. iv. !! Trattato dell' uso e modo di dare il vino nelle febri acute. Rome, 1600. !! Epist. t. n. lib. 2. ep. 8. §§ Epist. 14. Basil, 1538. |||| Eph. nat. cur. dec. ii.- ann. 2, obs. 53. Gazette de Santa. 1788 '*• Ccsl. Aurelianus, Acut. lib. i. c. 16. 8 58 insensible drunkenness, attended with stertorous breathing, similar to that state of deep intoxication which wine produces, was cured in a single night by wine which Rademacher* ad- ministered to the patient. Can any one deny the power of a medicinal irritation analogous to the disease itself (similia simili- bus) in either of these cases ? A strong infusion of tea produces anxiety and palpitation of the heart in persons who are not in the habit of drinking it; on the other hand, if taken in small doses, it is an excellent remedy against such symptoms when produced by other causes, as testified by G. L. Rau.f A case resembling the agonies of death, in which the patient was convulsed to such a degree as to deprive him of his senses, alternating with attacks of spasmodic breathing, sometimes also sobbing and stertorous respiration, with icy coldness of the face and body, lividity of the feet and hands, and feebleness of the pulse, (a state perfectly analogous to the whole of the symptoms which Schwei kert and others saw produced by the use of opium,)* was at first treated unsuccessfully by Stutz§ with ammonia, but afterwards cured in a speedy and permanent manner with opium. In this instance, could any one fail to discover the homoeopathic method brought into action without the know- ledge of the person who employed it ? According to Vicat, J. C. Grimm, and others,|| opium also produces a powerful and almost irresistible tendency to sleep, accompanied by profuse per- spiration and delirium. This was the reason why Osthoff ** was afraid to administer it in cases of epidemic fever which ex- hibited similar symptoms, for the principles of the system which he pursued prohibited the use of it under such circumstances. (The poor system!) However, after having exhausted in vain all the known remedies, and seeing his patients at the point of death, he resolved, at all hazards, to administer a small quantity of opium, whose effects proved salutary, as they always must, according to the unerring law of homoeopathy. * In Hufeland's Journal, xvi. i. p. 92. f Ueber den Werth des Homceopathischen Heilverfahrens. Heidel- berg, 1824, p. 75. ! See my Mat. Med., vol. i. § In Hufeland's Journal, x. iv. || See my Mat. Med., i. ** In the Salzburg Med. Chirurg. Journal, 1805, iii. p. 110. 59 J. Lind* likewise avows that "opium removes the complaints in the head, while the perspiration tediously breaks forth during the heat of the body; it relieves the head, destroys the burning febrile heat of the skin, softens it, and bathes its surface in a profuse perspiration. But Lind was not aware that this salutary effect of opium (contrary to the axioms of the school of medicine) is owing to the circum- stance of its producing analogous morbid symptoms, when administered to a person in health. There has, nevertheless, here and there been a physician, across whose mind this truth has passed like a flash of lightning, without ever giving birth to a suspicion of the laws of homoeopathy. For example, Alston! says that opium is a remedy that excites heat, notwithstanding which, it certainly diminishes heat where it already exists. De la Guerene! administered opium in a case of fever attended with violent head-ache, tension and hardness of the pulse, dryness and roughness of the skin, burn- ing heat, and hence difficult and debilitating perspirations, the exhalation of which was constantly interrupted by the extreme agitation of the patient; and was successful with it, because opium possesses the faculty of creating a feverish state in healthy persons, which is perfectly analogous, as asserted by many observers,§ and of which he was ignorant. In a fever attended with coma, where the patient, deprived of speech, lay extended, the eyes open, the limbs stiff, the pulse small and intermittent, the respiration disturbed and stertorous, (all of which are symptoms perfectly similar to those which opium excites, according to the report of Delacroix, Rade- macher, Crumpe, Pyl, Vicat, Sauvages and many others, II) this was the only substance which C. L. Hoffman** saw produce any good effects, which were naturally a homeopathic result. VVirthenson,!! Sydenham,!! and Marcus,§§ have even succeeded * Versuch iiber die Krankheiten denen die Europaer in heissen Kli- maten unterworfen sind. Riga and Leipzig, 1773. (Treatise on the Diseases to which Europeans are subject in Warm Climates.) ! In Edinb. Versuchen, v. p. i. art. 12. i In Romer's Annalen der Arzneimittellehre, I. ii. p. 6. § See my Mat. Med., vol. i. II Ibid. ** Von Scharbock, Lustseuche, &c. Miinster, 1787, p. 295. f! Opii vires fibras cordis debilitare, &c. Miinster, 1775. !! Opera, p. 654. §§ Magazin fur Therapie, I. i. p. 7. 60 in curing lethargic fevers with opium. A case of lethargy of which De Meza* effected a cure, would yield only to this sub- stance, which, in such cases, acts homoeopathically, since it produces lethargy of itself. C. C. Matthai,! in an obstinate case of nervous disease, where the principal symptoms were insensibility, and numbness of the arms, legs, and belly, after having for a long time treated it with inappropriate, that is to say, non-homoeopathic remedies, at length effected a cure by opium, which, according to Stutz, J. Young, and others,! excites similar symptoms of a very intense nature, and which, as every one must perceive, only succeeded on this occasion by homoeopathic means. The cure of a case of lethargy which had already existed several days, and which Hufeland performed by the use of opium, § by what other law could this have been effected, if not by that of homoeopathy, which has remained disregarded till the present time? In that peculiar species of epilepsy which never mani- fests itself but during sleep, De Haen discovered that it was not at all a sleep, but a lethargic stupor, with stertorous respiration, perfectly similar to that which opium produces in persons who are in health ; it was by the means of opium alone that he transformed it into a natural and healthy sleep, while at the same time he delivered the patient of his epilepsy. II How would it be possible that opium, which of all vegetable substances is the one whose administration, in small doses, produces the most powerful and obstinate constipation, as a primary effect, should notwithstanding be a remedy the most to be relied upon in cases of constipation which endanger life, if it was not in virtue of the homoeopathic law, so little known— that is to say, if nature had not decreed that medicines should subdue natural diseases by a special action on their part, which consists in producing an analogous affection ? Opium, whose first effects are so powerful in constipating the bowels, was dis- covered by Tralles** to be the only cure in a case of ileus, * Act. Reg. Soc. Med. Hafn. iii. p. 202. t In Struve's Triumph der Heilk. iii. i See my Mat. Med. vol. i. § In Hufeland's Journal, xii. i. || Ratio Medendi, V. p. 126. ** Opii usus et abusus, sect. ii. p. 260. 61 which he had till then treated ineffectually with evacuants and other unappropriate remedies. Lentilius* and G. W. Wedel,! Wirthenson, Bell, Heister, and Richter,! have likewise con- firmed the efficacy of opium, even when administered alone in this disease. The candid Bohn§ was likewise convinced by experience that nothing but opiates would act as purgatives in the colic called miserere; and the celebrated Fr. Hoffman,II in the most dangerous cases of this nature, placed his sole reliance on opium, combined with the anodyne liquor called after his name. All the theories contained in the two hundred thousand volumes that have been written on medicine, would they be able to furnish us with a rational explanation of this and so many other similar facts, being ignorant of the thera- peutic law of homoeopathia. Have their doctrines conducted us to the discovery of this law of nature so clearly manifested in every perfect, speedy, and permanent cure—that is to say, have they taught us that when we use medicines in the treat- ment of diseases, it is necessary to take for a guide the resem- blance of their effects upon a person in health, to the symptoms of those very diseases? Rave** and Wedekindf! have suppressed uterine hemorrhage with the aid of sabina, which, as every one knows, causes uterine hemorrhage, and consequently abortion with women who are in health. Could any one, in this case, fail to perceive the homoeopathic law which ordains that we should cure similia similibus ? In that species of spasmodic asthma designated by the name of Millar, how could musk act almost specifically, if it did not of itself produce paroxysms of a spasmodic constriction of the chest without cough, as observed by F. Hoffman ?!+ * Eph. nat. cur. dec. iii. ann. i. app. p. 131. f Opiologia, p. 120. X Anfangsgriinde der Wundarzneikunde, V. § 328.—Chronische Krank- heiten. Berlin, 1816, ii. p. 220. (Rudiments of Surgery, V. § 328.— Chronic Diseases. Berlin, 1816, ii. p. 220.) § De Officio Medici. || Medicin. rat. system. T. IV. p. ii. p. 297. ** Beobachtungen und Schliisse {Observations and Conclusions), ii. p. 7. f! In Hufeland's Journal, X. i. p. 77.; and in his " Aufsaetzen," p. 278. XX Med. ration, system, iii. p. 92. 62 Could vaccination protect us from the small-pox otherwise than homoeopathically ? Without mentioning any other traits of close resemblance which often exist between these two maladies, they have this in common—they generally appear but once during the course of a person's life; they leave behind cicatrices equally deep ; they both occasion tumefaction of the axillary glands ; a fever that is analogous ; an inflamed areola around each pock; and finally, ophthalmia and convulsions. The cow-pock would even destroy the small-pox on its first appearance, that is to say, it would cure this already existing malady, if the intensity of the small-pox did not predominate over it. To produce this effect, then, it only wants that excess of power which, according to the law of nature, ought to cor- respond with the homoeopathic resemblance, in order to effect a cure (§. 158). Vaccination, considered as a homoeopathic remedy, cannot, therefore, prove efficacious except when employed previous to the appearance of the small-pox, which is the stronger of the two. In this manner it excites a disease very analogous (and con- sequently, homoeopathic,) to the small-pox, after whose course, the human body, which, according to custom, can only be attacked once with a disease of this nature, is henceforward protected against a similar contagion.* It is well known that retention of urine with ineffectual efforts to urinate is one of the most common and painful evils which the use of cantharides produces. This point has been suffi- ciently established by J. Camerarius, Baccius, Van Hilden, Forest, J. Lanzoni, Van der Wiel, and Werlhoff.f Cantharides, administered internally, and with precaution, ought, conse- quently, to be a very salutary homoeopathic remedy in similar cases of painful dysury. And this is in reality the case. For, without enumerating all the Greek physicians who, instead of * This mode of homoeopathic cure in antecessum (which is called preservation or prophylaxy,) also appears possible in many other cases. For example, by carrying on our persons sulphur, we think we are pre- served from the itch which is so common among wool-workers; and by taking as feeble a dose as possible of belladonna, that we are protected from scarlet fever. f See my Fragmenta de viribus medicamentoium positivis. Leipsic, 1805, i. p. 83. 63 our cantharides, made use of meloe cichorii, Fabricius ab Aqua- pendente, Capo di Vacca, Riedlin, Th. Bartholin,* Young,! Smith,! Raymond,! De Meza,ll Brisbane,** and others, per- formed perfect cures of very painful ischury that was not dependent upon any mechanical obstacle, with cantharides. Huxham has seen this remedy produce the best effects in cases of the same nature ; he praises it highly, and would willingly have made use of it had not the precepts of the old school of medicine (which, deeming itself wiser than nature herself, pre- scribes in such cases soothing and relaxing remedies,) prevented him, contrary to his own conviction, from using a remedy which, in such cases, is specific or homoeopathic!! In cases of recent inflammatory gonorrhea, where Sachs von Lewenheim, Hannaeus, Bartholin, Lister, Mead, and chiefly Werlhoff, administered cantharides in very small doses with perfect success, this substance manifestly removed the most severe symptoms which began to declare themselves.!! It produced this effect by virtue of the faculty it possesses (according to the testimony of almost every observer) of exciting painful ischury, urinary heat, inflammation of the urethra (Wendt), and even, when applied only externally, a species of inflammatory gonorrhea (Wichman§§). The application of sulphur internally very often occasions, in persons of an irritable disposition, tenesmus, sometimes even * Epist. 4, p. 345. f Phil. Trans. No. 280. ! Medic. Communications, ii. p. 505. § In Auserlesene Abhandl. fur pract. Aerzte (Select Treatises for Practical Physicians), iii. p. 460. || Act. Reg. Soc. Med. Hafn. ii. p. 302. ** Auserlesene Falle (Selected cases), Altenburg, 1777. f! Opera, edit. Reichel, t. ii. p. 124. !! I say " the most severe symptoms which began to declare them- selves," because the subsequent treatment demands other considerations ; for, although there may have been cases of gonorrhea so slight as to dis- appear very soon of themselves, and almost without any assistance what- ever, still there are others of a graver nature, especially that which is become so common since the time of the French campaigns, which might be called gonorrhea sycotica, and which is communicated by coition, like the chancrous disease, although of a very different nature. §§ Auswahl aus den Nurnberger gelehrten Unterhaltungen, i. p. 249, note. 64 attended with vomiting and griping, as attested by Walther.* It is by virtue of this property which sulphur exhibits, that physicians have been able! to cure with its aid, dysenteric attacks, and hemorrhoidal diseases attended with tenesmus, as observed by Werlhoff,! and according to Rave,§ hemorrhoidal colics. It is well known that the waters at Toeplitz, like all other warm sulphurous mineral waters, frequently excite the appear- ance of an exanthema, which strongly resembles the itch, so prevalent among persons employed in wool-working. It is pre- cisely this homoeopathic virtue which they possess that removes various kinds of psoric eruptions. Can there be any thing more suffocating than sulphurous fumes ? Yet it is the vapour arising from the combustion of sulphur that Bucquetll disco- vered to be the best means of reanimating persons in a state of asphyxia produced by another cause. From the writings of Beddoes and others, we learn that the English physicians found nitric acid of great utility in salivation and ulceration of the mouth, occasioned by the use of mercury. This acid could never have proved useful in such cases, if it did not of itself excite salivation and ulceration of the mouth. To produce these effects, it is only necessary to bathe the sur- face of the body with it, as Scott** and Blair!! observe, and the same will occur if administered internally, according to the testimony of Aloyn,!! Luke,§§ FerriarJII and G. Kelly.*** Fritze!!! saw a species of tetanus produced by a bath impreg- nated with carbonate of potash, and A. von Humboldt!!! by the * Progr. de Sulphure et Marte, Lips. 1743, p. 5. f Medic. National-Zeitung, (National Med. Gazette), 1798, p. 153. ! Observat. de Febribus, p. 3, § 6. § In Hufeland's Journal, VII. ii. p. 168. || Edinb. Med. Comment. IX. ** In Hufeland's Journal, IV. p. 353. !! Neueste Erfahrungen, (Most recent discoveries), Glogau, 1801. !! In the Memoires de la Soc. Med. d'Emulation, I. p. 195. §§ In Beddoes. |||| In the Sammlung auserles. Abhandl. fur pract. Aertze, (Select Treatises for Practical Physicians), XIX. ii. *** Ibid. XIX. i. !!! In Hufeland's Journal, XII. i. p. 116. !!! Versuch iiber die gereizte Muskel—und Nervenfascr, (Treatise on the Irritability of the Muscles and Nerves,) Posen and Berlin, 1797. 65 application of a solution of salt of tartar increased the irritability of the muscles to such a degree as to excite tetanic spasm. The curative power which caustic potash exercises in all kinds of tetanus, in which Stiitz and others have found it so useful, could it be accounted for in a more simple or rational manner than by the faculty which this alkali possesses of producing homoeopathic effects ? Arsenic, whose effects are so powerful upon the human economy that we cannot decide whether it is more hurtful in the hands of the fool-hardy than it is salutary in those of the wise,—arsenic could never have effected so many remarkable cures of cancer in the face, as witnessed by numerous physi- cians, among whom I will only cite Fallopius,* Bernhardt,! and Roennow,! if this metallic oxide did not possess the homoeopathic power of producing, in healthy persons, very painful tubercles, which are cured with difficulty, as witnessed by Amatus Lusitanus ;§ very deep and malignant ulcerations, according to the testimony of Heinreichll and Knape ;** and cancerous ulcers, as testified by Heinze.f! The ancients would not have been unanimous in the praise which they bestowed on the magnetic arsenical plaster of Angelus Sala!! against pestilential buboes and carbuncles, if arsenic did not, according to the report of Degner§§ and Pfann,llll give rise to inflammatory tumours which quickly turn to gangrene, and to carbuncles or malignant pustules, as observed by Verzascha*** and Pfann.f!! And whence could arise that curative power which it exhibits in certain species of intermittent fevers (a virtue attested by so * De Ulceribus et Tumoribus, lib. 2. Venice, 1563. f In the Journal de Medecine, chirurg. et pharm. LVII. Maich, 1782. J Konigl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. f. a. 1776. § Obs. et. Cur., cent. ii. cur. 34. || Act. Nat. Cur. ii. obs. 10. ** Annalen der Staatsarzneikunde, I. i. tf In Hufeland's Journal for September, 1813, p. 48. !! Anatom. Vitrioli, t. ii. in Opera Med. Chym. Frankfort, 1647, pp. 381, 463. §§ Act. Nat. Cur. VI. |||| Annalen der Staatsarzneykunde, loc. cit. *** Obs. med. cent. Basil, 1677, obs. 66. tff Samml. Merkwiird. Falle. (Collection of remarkable cases.) Nuremberg, 1750, pp. 119, 130. 9 66 many thousands of examples, but in the practical application of which, sufficient precaution has not yet been observed, and which virtue was asserted centuries ago by Nicholas Myrepsus, and subsequently placed beyond a doubt by the testimony of Slevogt, Molitor, Jacobi, J. C. Bernhardt, Jungken, Fauve, Brera, Darwin, May, Jackson, and Fowler,) if it did not proceed from its peculiar faculty of exciting fever, as almost every observer of the evils resulting from this substance has^ remarked, particularly Amatus Lusitanus, Degner, Buchholz, Heun, and Knape.* We may confidently believe E. Alexan- der,! when he tells us that arsenic is a sovereign remedy in some cases of angina pectoris, since Tachenius, Guilbert, Preussius, Thilenius, and Pyl, have seen it give rise to very strong oppression of the chest; Greselius,! to a dyspnoea approach- ing even to suffocation; and Majault,§ in particular, saw it pro- duce sudden attacks of asthma excited by walking, attended with great depression of the vital powers. The convulsions which are caused by the administration of copper, and those observed by Tondi, Ramsay, Fabas, Pyl, and Cosmier, as proceeding from the use of aliments impregnated with copper; the reiterated attacks of epilepsy, which J. Lazermell saw result from the accidental introduction of a copper coin into the stomach, and which Pfundel** saw pro- duced by the ingestion of a compound of sal ammoniac and copper into the digestive canal, sufficiently explain, to those physicians who will take the trouble to reflect upon it, how copper has been able to cure a case of chorea, as reported by R. Willan,!! Walcker,!! Thesussink,§§ and Delarive,|||| and why preparations of copper have so frequently effected the cure of epilepsy, as attested by Batty, Baumes, Bierling, Boerhaave, * See my Mat. Med. vol. ii. f Med. Comm. of Edinb. Dec. t. i. p. 85. ! Misc. Nat. Cur. dec. I. ann. 2, p. 149. § In the Sammlung Auserles. Abhandl. fur Aerzte, VII. 1. || De morbis internis capitis. Amsterdam, 1748, p. 253. ** In Hufeland's Journal, II. p. 264; and according to the testimony of Burdach, in his System of Medicine, i. Leip. 1807, p. 284. f! Sammlung Auserles. Abhandl. XII. p. 62. i! Ibid. XI. iii. p. 672. §§ Waarnemingen, No. 18. Illl In Kiihn's phys. med. Journal, January, 1800, p. 58. 67 Causland, Cullen, Duncan, Feuerstein, Helvetius, Lieb, Ma- gennis, C. F. Michaelis, Reil, Russel, Stisser, Thilenius, Weissmann, Weizenbreyer, Whithers, and others. If Poterius, Wepfer, Wedel, F. Hoffmann, R. a. Vogel, Thierry, and Albrecht, have cured a species of phthisis, hectic fever, chronic catarrh, and mucous asthma, with stannum, it is because this metal possesses the faculty of producing a species of phthisis, as Stahl* has observed. And how could it cure pains of the stomach, as Geischlager says it does, if it was not capable of exciting a similar malady. Geischlager himself,! and Stahl! before him, have proved that it does possess this power. The evil effects of lead, which produces the most obstinate constipation, and even the iliac passion, (as Thunberg, Wilson, Lazuriaga, and others, inform us), do they not also give us to understand that this metal possesses likewise the virtue of curing these two affections? Like every other medicine, it ought to subdue and cure, in a permanent manner, the natural diseases which bear a resemblance to those which it engenders, by reason of the faculty which it possesses of exciting morbid symptoms. Angelus Sala§ cured a species of ileus, and J. Agricolall another kind of constipation which endangered the life of the patient, by administering lead internally. The saturnine pills with which many physicians (Chirac, Van Helmont, Naudeau, Pererius, Rivinus, Sydenham, Zacutus Lusitanus, Block, and others) cured the iliac passion and obstinate constipation, did not operate merely in a mechanical manner by reason of their weight; for, if such had been the sources of their efficacy, gold, whose weight is greater than that of lead, would have been preferable in such a case; but the pills acted particularly as a saturnine internal remedy and cured homoeopathically. If Otto Tachenius and Saxtorph formerly cured cases of obstinate hypochondriasis with the aid of lead, we ought to bear in mind that this metal tends of itself to excite hypochondriasis, as may be seen in the description of its ill effects given by Lazuriaga.** * Mat. Med., cap. 6. p. 83. f In Hufeland's Journal, X. iii. p. 165. | Mat. Med. loc. cit. § Opera, p. 213. || Comment, in J. Poppii chym. med. Lips. 1638, p. 223. "* Recueil period, de Litterature, i. p. 20. 68 We ought not to be surprised that Marcus* speedily cured an inflammatory swelling of the tongue and of the pharynx with a remedy (mercury) which, according to the daily expe- rience of physicians, has a specific tendency to produce inflammation and tumefaction of the internal parts of the mouth, phenomena to which it gives rise when merely applied to the surface of the body in the form of ointment or plaster, as experienced by Degner,! Friese,! Alberti,§ Engel,ll and many others. The weakening of the intellectual faculties (Swediauer**), imbecility (Degner!!), and mental alienation (Larry+I), which have been seen to result from the use of mercury, joined to the almost specific faculty which this metal is known to possess of exciting salivation, explain how W. Perfect§§ was enabled, with the use of mercury, to cure in a permanent manner, a case of melancholy alternating with increased secre- tion of saliva. How does it happen that preparations of mer- cury proved so successful in the hands of Seelig,llll in the treatment of angina, accompanied with purpura; in those of Hamilton,*** Hoffman,!!! Marcus,!!! Rush,§§§ Colden,llllll Bailey, and Michaelis,**** in the treatment of other kinds of malignant quinsy ? It is evidently because this metal brings on of itself a species of angina of the worst description.!!!! It * Magazin, II. ii. ! Act. Nat. Cur. VI. app. ! Geschichte und Versuche einer chirurg. Gesellschaft. (History and Experiments of a Chirurg. Soc.) Copenhagen, 1774. § Jurisprudentia Medica, V. p. 600. || Specimina Medica. Berlin, 1781, p. 99. ** Traite des Malad. Vener. II. p. 368. f! Loc. cit. !! Memoirs and Observations in the Description of Egypt, vol. i. §§ Annalen einer Anstalt fur Wahnsinnige. (Annals of an Institute for Mad Persons.) Hanover, 1804. |||| In Hufeland's Journal, XVI. 1. p. 24. *** Edinb. Med. Comment. IX. 1, p. 8. !f! Medic. Wochenblatt, 1787, No. 1. !!! Magazin fur Specielle Therapie, II. p. 334. §§§ Medic. Inquir. and Observ. No. 6. Illlll Medic. Observ. and Inquir. 1, No. 19, p. 211. **** In Richter's Chirurg. Biblioth. V. pp. 737—739. !!!! Physicians have likewise endeavoured to cure the croup by means of mercury ; but they generally failed in the attempt, because this metal cannot produce (of itself) in the mucous membrane of the trachea, a 69 is certainly by homoeopathic means that Sauter* cured an ulcerous inflammation of the mouth, accompanied with aphthae and fcetor of the breath, similar to that which occurs in saliva- tion, when he prescribed a solution of corrosive sublimate as a gargle, and that Block! removed aphthae by the use of mercurial preparations, since, among other ulcerations of the mouth, this substance particularly produces a species of aphthce, as we are informed by Schlegel! and Th. Acrey.§ Heckerll used various medicinal compounds successfully in a case of caries succeeding small-pox. Fortunately, a portion of mercury was contained in each of these mixtures, to which it may be imagined that this malady will yield (homoeo- pathically) because mercury is one of the few medicinal agents /which excites of itself caries, as proved by the many excessive mercurial courses used against syphilis, or even against other / diseases, among which are those related by G. P. Michaelis.** This metal, which becomes so formidable when its use is pro- longed, on account of the caries of which it then becomes the exciting cause, exercises, notwithstanding, a very salutary homoeopathic influence in the caries which follows mechanical injuries of the bones, some very remarkable instances of which have been transmitted to us by J. Schlegel,!! Joerdens,!! and J. M. Muller.§§ The cure of caries (not venereal) of another kind, which has likewise been effected by means of mercury by J. F. G. Neullll and J. D. Metzger,*** furnishes a fresh proof of the homoeopathic curative virtue with which this substance is endowed. change similar to that particular modification which this disease en- genders. Sidphuretum calcis, which excites cough by impeding respi- ration, and still more so, the tincture of sponga tosta, act more homoeo- pathically in their special effects, and are consequently much more efficacious, particularly when administered in the smallest possible doses. (See my Mat. Med. vi.) * In Hufeland's Journal, XII. ii. ! Medic. Bemerkungen, (Med. Observations), p. 161. ! In Hufeland's Journal, VII. iv. § Lond. Med. Journal, 1788. || In Hufeland's Journal, i. p. 362. ** Ibid. June, 1809, vi. p. 57. f! Hufeland's Journal, v. pp. 605, 610. tt Ibid. X. ii. §§ Obs. Med. Chirur. ii. cas. 10. IHI Diss. Med. Pract. Goettingae, 1776. *** Adversaria, p. ii. sect. 4. 70 In perusing the works which have been published on the subject of medical electricity, it is surprising to see what analogy exists between the morbid symptoms sometimes pro- duced by this agent, and the natural diseases which it has cured in a durable manner by homoeopathic influence. Innu- merable are the authors who have observed that acceleration of the pulse is among the first effects of positive electricity; but Sauvages,* Delas,! and Barillon,! have seen febrile paroxysms excited by electricity. The faculty it has of producing fever, is the cause to which we may attribute the circumstance of Gardini,§ Wilkinson,II Syme,** and Wesley,!! curing with it alone a tertian fever, and likewise the removal of quartan fevers by Zetzel!! and Willermoz.§§ It is also known that electricity occasions a contraction of the muscles which resem- bles a convulsive movement. De Sansllll was enabled to excite even continued convulsions in the arm of a young girl as often as he pleased to make the experiment. It is by virtue of this power which electricity develops, that De Sans*** and Franklin!!! applied it successfully in convulsions, and that Theden!!! cured with its aid a little girl ten years of age who lost her speech and partially the use of her left arm by light- ning, yet kept up a constant involuntary movement of the arms and legs, accompanied by a spasmodic contraction of the fingers of the left hand. Electricity likewise produced a kind of ischias, as observed by Jallobert§§§ and another; IIIIII it has also cured this, affection by similarity of effect, (homoeopa- thically,) as confirmed by Hiortberg, Lovet, Arrigoni, Daboueix, Manduyt, Syme, and Wesley. Several physicians have eured a species of ophthalmia by electricity, that is to say, by means of the power which it has of exciting of itself inflammation of the * In Bertholon de St. Lazare, Medicinische Electrisitat, von Kiihn. (Medical Electricity.) Leip. 1788, t. i. pp. 239, 240. ! Ibid. p. 232. ! Ibid. p. 233. § Ibid. p. 232. || Ibid. p. 251. ** Ibid. p. 250. ft Ibid- P- 249. XX Ibid. p. 52. §§ Ibid. p. 250. |||| Ibid. p. 274. *** Ibid. p. 274. !!! Recueil sur l'Electr. Medic, ii. p. 386. !!! Neue Bemerkungen und Erfahrungen, iii. (Recent Observations and Experiments.) §§§ Experiences et Observations sur l'Electricite. |||||| Philos. Trans, vol. 63. 71 eyes, as observed by P. Dickson* and Bertholon.f Finally, it has in the hands of Fushel cured varices ; and it owes this sanative virtue to the faculty which Jallobert! ascribes to it of producing varicose tumours. Albers relates, that a warm bath at one hundred degrees of the thermometer of Fahrenheit greatly reduced the burning of an acute fever, in which the pulse beat one hundred and thirty to the minute, and that it brought back the pulsation to the number of one hundred and ten. Loffler found hot fomenta- tions very useful in encephalitis occasioned by insulation or the action of the heat of stoves,§ and Callisenll regards affusions of warm water on the head as the most efficacious of all remedies in cases of inflammation of the brain. If we except those cases where ordinary physicians have dis- covered (not by their own research but by vulgar empiricism) the specific remedy for a disease which always retained its identity, and by whose aid they could consequently cure it in a direct manner ; such, for example, as mercury in the chancrous venereal disease, arnica in a malady resulting from contusions, cinchona in intermittent fevers arising from marsh miasmata, sulphur in a recent development of itch, &c.;—I say, if we except all these cases, we shall find that those which they have cured promptly and permanently by the bounty of Providence alone, are to the mass of their other irrational cures in the proportion of one to a thousand. Sometimes they were conducted by mere chance to a homoeo- pathic mode of treatment ;** but yet they did not perceive the * Bertholon, loc. cit. p. 406. f Loc. cit. ii. p. 296. ! Loc. cit. § In Hufeland's Journal, iii. p. 630. || Act. Soc. Med. Hafn. iv. p. 419. ** Thus, for example, they always imagine they can drive out the per- spiration through the skin (which they say stops up the pores after catch- ing cold) by administering, in the cold stage of the fever, an infusion of the flowers of the sambucus niger, which is capable of subduing such levers homoeopathically, and restores the patient to health. The cure is most effectually and speedily performed, without transpiration, when the patient drinks but little of this liquor and abstains from all other medi- 72 law of nature by which cures of this kind are and ever must be performed. It is therefore highly important to the welfare of the human race, that we should examine how these cures, which are as remark- able for their rare occurrence as they are surprising in their effects, are performed. The result is one of the deepest interest. The examples which we have cited, sufficiently prove, that these cures have never taken place but by homoeopathic means, that is to say, by the faculty of exciting a morbid state similar to cines. They often apply repeated warm cataplasms to acute tumours whose excessive inflammation, attended with insupportable pain, pre- vents suppuration taking place. Under the influence of this treatment the inflammation soon diminishes, the pain decreases, and the abscess is quickly formed, as may be discovered by the fluctuation and appearance of the surface. They imagine that they have softened the tumour by the moisture of the cataplasm, while they have done nothing more than destroy the excess of inflammation homoeopathically by the stronger heat of the cataplasm, and promoted suppuration. WThy is the red oxide of mercury (which forms the basis of the ointment of St. Ives) of such utility in cer- tain cases of ophthalmia, when of all substances there is none more capa- ble of producing inflammation of the eyes 1 Is it difficult to perceive that in this case its action is homoeopathic 1 How could the juice of parsley procure instantaneous relief in cases of dysury so frequent among children, or in ordinary cases of gonorrhea, which are principally distinguished by painful and vain attempts to pass water, if this juice did not cure homoeo- pathically by the faculty which it possesses of exciting painful dysury in healthy persons 1 The saxifrage, which excites an abundant mucous secretion in the bronchiae and pharynx, is a salutary remedy for the so- called mucous angina; and certain kinds of uterine hemorrhage are stopped by small doses of the leaves of sabina, which has the property of exciting metrorhagia: in both instances these remedies are applied with- out any knowledge of the therapeutic law of homoeopathy. Opium, which produces costiveness, has been found, in small doses, to be one of the principal and most certain remedies in constipation from incarcerated hernia and ileus, without ever leading to a discovery of the homoeopathic law which is evident in such cases. Ulcers in the throat (not venereal) have been cured homoeopathically by small doses of mercury. Diarrhoea has frequently been stopped by the use of rhubarb which produces alvine evacuations; rabies has been removed by means of belladonna, which excites a species of hydrophobia; and finally, coma, which is so danger- ous in acute fevers, has been cured, as if by enchantment, by a small dose of opium, a substance which occasions heat and stupefaction. And after all these examples, which speak loudly for themselves, there are still physicians who repulse homoeopathy with disdain ! 73 the disease that was to be cured. They have been performed in a prompt and permanent mariner by medicines, upon which, those who prescribed them (contrary to all the existing systems of therapeutics) have fallen as it were by chance, without well knowing what they were doing or why they acted in this man- ner. Contrary to their inclinations, they by this fact confirmed the necessity of the sole law of nature in therapeutics, that of homoeopathy; a law, which medical prejudices, till now, would not permit us to search after, notwithstanding the infinite num- ber of facts and visible signs which ought to have pointed towards its discovery. Even in the practice of domestic medicine by persons igno- rant of our profession, but who were gifted with sound judgment and discerning minds, it was discovered that the homoeopathic method of cure was the safest, the most rational, and the least subject to failure. Frozen sourcrout is frequently applied to a limb that is recently frozen, or sometimes it is rubbed with snow. A cook who has scalded his hand, exposes it to the fire at a certain distance, without heeding the increase of pain which it at first occasions, because experience has taught him that by acting thus, he can in a very short time perfectly cure the burn, and remove every feeling of pain.* Other intelligent individuals, equally strangers to medical science—such, for example, as the lacker-workers, apply a substance to burns which excites of itself a similar feeling of heat, that is to say, hot alcohol or the oil of turpentine,* and by * Fernel (in his Therapeutics, book vi. cap. 20,) considered that the best means to allay pain, was to expose the part that was burnt to the fire. John Hunter (in his work on the blood, p. 218) mentions the great inconvenience that results from the application of cold water to burns, and prefers the method of exposing the parts to the fire. In this he departs from the traditional doctrines of medicine, which prescribe cool- ing remedies in cases of inflammation (contraria contrariis); but expe- rience proved to him that a homoeopathic heat (similia similibus) would be most salutary. ! Sydenham (Opera, p. 271) says that repeated applications of alcohol are preferable to all other remedies in burns. B. Bell (System of Sur- gery, 1789) expresses himself equally favourable with regard to the effi- cacy of homoeopathic remedies. These are his words: " Alcohol is one of the best remedies for burns of every description: on the first 10 74 these means cure themselves in a few hours, well knowing that the so-called cooling ointments would not produce the same application it appears to increase the pain, (see § 160), but the latter is soon allayed and gives place to an agreeable sensation of calm and tran- quillity. This method is never more efficacious than when the whole part is plunged into alcohol; but where the immersion is not practicable, it is requisite to keep the burn continually covered with pledgets imbibed with this liquid." I further add, that warm, and even very hot alcohol, affords still more prompt and certain relief, because it is far more homoeopathic than alcohol that is cold. This is confirmed by every L experience. Edward Kentish treated several*men who were often dreadfully burned in the coal mines by the explosion of fire-damp ; he made them apply hot oil of turpentine or alcohol, as being the best remedies that could be used in severe burns. (Second Essay on Burns, London, 1798.) No treatment is more homoeopathic than this, nor can there be any more efficacious. The worthy and skilful physician Heister also recommends this practice from his own personal experience, (Instit. Chirurg. Tom. I. p. 333); he praises the application of the oil of turpen- tine, of alcohol, and of cataplasms as hot as the patient can bear them. But nothing can more strongly exhibit the surprising superiority of the homoeopathic method (that is to say of the application of substances that excite a sensation of heat and burning, to parts that are burned) over the palliative, (which consists of cold applications), than those simple experiments, where, in order to compare the results of these two oppo- site proceedings, they have been simultaneously tried upon the same patient, and on parts that were burned »in an equal degree. Thus J. Bell (Kiihn's Phys. Med. Journal for June, 1801, p. 428) having to treat a lady who had scalded both arms with boiling liquid, covered one with the oil of turpentine, and plunged the other into cold water. The first was no longer painful at the expiration of half an hour, while the other continued so during six hours: the moment it was withdrawn from the cold water the patient experienced far greater pain, and it required much longer time to cure this arm than it did to heal the other. J. Anderson (Kentish, loc. cit. p. 43) likewise treated a woman who had scalded her face and arm with boiling fat. " The face, which was very red and painful, was covered with oil of turpentine a few minutes after the accident: as for the arm, the patient had already plunged it of her own accord into cold water, and expressed a desire to await the result of this treatment for a few hours. At the expiration of seven hours the face was better, and the patient relieved in this part. With regard to the arm, around which the water had been several times renewed, it became exceedingly painful whenever it was withdrawn from the water, and the inflammation had manifestly increased. The next day I found that the patient had suffered extreme pain in the arm; 75 result in an equal number of months, and that cold water* would only make the evil worse. An experienced reaper, however little he may be accustomed to the use of strong liquors, will not drink cold water (contraria contrariis) when the heat of the sun or the fatigue of hard labour have brought him into a feverish state : he is well aware of the danger that would ensue, and therefore takes a small quantity of some heating liquor—viz. a mouthful of brandy. Experi- ence, the source of all truth, has convinced him of the advan- tage and efficacy of this homoeopathic mode of proceeding. The heat and lassitude which oppressed him, soon diminish.! Occasionally there have been certain physicians who guessed that medicines might cure diseases by the faculty which they possessed of exciting morbid symptoms that resembled the dis- ease itself! inflammation had extended above the elbow, several large blisters had burst, and a thick eschar had formed itself upon the arm and hand, which were then covered with a warm cataplasm. The face was no longer pain- ful, but it was necessary to apply emollients a fortnight longer to cure the arm." Who does not perceive, in this instance, the great superiority of the homoeopathic mode of treatment (that is to say, of the application of agents which produce effects resembling the evil itself) over the antipa- thic prescribed by the ordinary physicians of the old school of medicine ? * J. Hunter is not the only one who has pointed out the evil results that attend the treatment of burns with cold water. Fabricius de Hilden, (De Combugtionibus Libellus. Basil, 1607, cap. V. p. 11) likewise assures us that cold applications are very hurtful in such cases, that they produce the most disastrous effects—that inflammation, suppuration, and sometimes gangrene are the consequences. ! Zimmerman (Ueber die Erfahrung, II. p. 318) tells us that the inhabitants of warm countries act in the same manner, with the most beneficial results, and that they usually drink a small quantity of spiritu- ous liquors when they are much heated. ! In citing the following passages of writers who have had some pre- sentiment of homoeopathy, I do not mean to prove the excellence of the method, (which establishes itself without further proof), but I wish to free myself from a reproach of having passed them over in silence to arrogate to myself the merit of the discovery. 76 Thus the author of the book 7reg» ToVwy tuv hut ocvfyunrov,* which forms a part of the works attributed to Hippocrates, ex- presses himself in the following remarkable words: 3»« t« opoia, vova-oi; yivsrut, x.a,l Ji(iT« o^oix