Central Office, 316 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ray Mitchell, Secty. THE AMERICAN HOMEOPATHIC HOME REMEDIES A HANDY PLACE IN YOUR HOUSE FOR THIS VALUABLE LITTLE BOOK WILL SAVE YOU MONEY, PROMOTE YOUR HEALTH, AND MAY, WHEN LEAST EXPECTED, SAVE A PRECIOUS LIFE, PHILADELPHIA: STEAM-PRESS OF CHAS. C. DOUGLASS, SIXTH AND ARCH STREETS. Entered in conformity with the laws of the United States, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, in the year 1890, A. D. INDEX. A True Tonic, page 38 Acne, 57 Agencies, 71 Albuminuria Transient, 41 Ansemia, 4° Back, Weak 66 Bathing and Exercise, 7 Baby, hints about 8 Biliousness, 19 Blood, Diseases of the 40 Blood Poisoning, 40 Bladder Troubles, 42 Black Grubbs, 57 Bone Pains, 47 Bowels, Torpid 23 Bowels, Catarrh of 24 Bowels, Chronic Catarrh of 50 Bowels, Griping, Straining, 25 Bowels, Violent Pain in 26 Breast, Gathered 66 Bronchitis, 20 Bronchitis, Chronic 55 Bunions, 66 Burns, 66 Breathing, Difficult 14 Carbuncle, 66 Catarrh, Chronic 53 Change of Life, 37 Chest, Catarrh of 20 Chest, Spasm of 27 Chlorosis, 40 Cholera Infantum, 10 Cholera Morbus, 26 Colds, 20 Cold in Head, 17 Cold, Yearly or Rose 17 Colic, 9 Colic, Bilious 19 Congestion, 18 Constipation, 23 Consumption of Lungs, 55 Convulsions, 12 Corns, 66 Cough, 20 Cough, Chronic 55 Cough, Dry, Hoarse, Croupy, 14 Cough, Whooping 27 Cough, Throat PAGE 20 Cramp Colic, 26 Croup, 14 Debility, 38 Debility, Nerve 61 Delirium Tremens, 48 Deafness, Catarrhal 53 Dermalis, 64 Diabetes Insipidus, 41 Diarrhoea, 24 Diarrhoea of Children, 10 Diet, 7 Disinfectants, 7° Disappointed Affection, 46 Discharges, Bloody, Slimy Mucous, 25 Dropsy, 41 Dysentery, 25 Dyspepsia, Chronic 50 Dyspepsia, Nervous 31 Dyspepsia, Stomach 32 Dyspepsia, Wind 32 Ear-ache, 66 Ears, Diseases of the 53 Ears, Wax in 53 Exhaustion, Sexual 61 Eczema, 57 Eyes and Eyelids, Diseases of 52 Eyes, Inflamed, Bloodshot, Sore, 66 Face-ache, 22 Family Medicine Case, 8 Fever, 18 Fever and Ague, 39 Fevers of Children, 18 Fever, Bilious 39 Fever, Intermittent or Remittent, 39 Fistula, 43 Fissure, 43 Flushes, 37 Fretfulness of Infants, 9 Frost-bites, 66 Glands, Enlarged 47 Gouty Joints and Affections, 45 Grief, Ill Effects of 46 Growth, 69 Gums, Inflamed or Bleeding 11 Hair Tonic and Dresser, 65 Headache, Catarrhal 17 IV INDEX. Headache, Bilious PAGE 19 Headache, Fatigue 29 Headache, Nervous 29 Headache, Sick 30 Headache, Worry 29 Heartburn, 23 Hemorrhages, 66 Hoarseness, 20 Homoeopathy, The Law of 5 Home Remedies, 3 Home Treatments, 6 How to Send Money, 72 Hysteria, 21 Indigestion, 23 Inflammation, 18 Influenza, 17 Injection Fluor Alba, (No. 100) 67 Kidney Complaint, Chronic 50 Kidney, Diseases of 41 Leuchorrhcea. 36 Liver Complaint, Chronic 50 Liver, Torpid 23 Malaria, 39 Mercury, Ill Effects of 47 Mercurial Ulcers, 47 Mouth, Ulcers in II Mouth, Bad Taste in 19 Mumps, 28 Muscles, Sore 66 Nervousness, 21 Neuralgia, 22 Nipples, Cracked and Sore 66 Over-worry and Anxiety, 46 Ozoena, 53 Palsy, Drunkard's 48 Palsy, Shaking 49 Paralysis, 49 Piles, 43 Pleurisy, 18 Pneumonia, 18 Periods, Delayed 34 Periods, Irregular 35 Periods, Painful 33 Poisoning, Ivy or Sumach 58 Pregnancy, Vomiting of 16 Public Speakers, Throat Troubles of 20 Pulse Beats, 69 Quinsy, 28 Rectum, Diseases of 43 Respiration, 69 Ringworm, 58 Rheumatism, Inflammatory 44 Rheumatism, Chronic page 45 Rheumatic Pain, 44 Rheumatic Gout, 4 Salivation, 4, Scald Head in Children, 57 Sciatica, 22 Scrofula, 59 Sensitiveness, 21 Sickness, Sea 15 Sickness, Riding or Swinging 15 Sleeplessness, 21 Skin, Diseases of 57 Skin, To Beautify 64 Side, Pain in 22 Snuffles of Children, 17 Spasms, 12 Special Preparations, 7 Sprains, 66 Standard Remedies, 8 Strong Drink, Ill Effects of 48 Stomach, Empty, Flabby, Squamish, 16 Stomach, Nervous, Sick, 15 Stomach, Sick 16 Stomach, Sour 23 Summer Complaint of Children, 10 Sunlight and Ventilation, 8 Suppositories, Rectal 68 Taste, Bad 23 Teeth, 69 Teeth, to Beautify 64 Teething, Slow and Difficult 9 Tongue, Coated 23 Tongue. Indications 70 Tonsils, Ulcerated 28 Toothache, 66 Toilet Powder, Baby's 63 Throat, Diseases of 53 Throat, Sore 28 Throat, Ulcerated 28 Thrush, 11 Twitching of Muscles, 12 Urinary Passages, Diseases of 42 Urination, Painful 42 Varicose Veins, 66 Voice, Loss of 17 Vomiting, 16 Vomiting and Purging, 26 Weakness, Female 36 Weakness, General - 38 Wetting the Bed, 42 Witch Hazel Compound, 66 Worms, 13 THE LAW OF THE SIMILARS. "SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR." SamueL Hahnemann, an illustrious Physician, about the beginning of the present century, while translating a work upon the action of drugs on the human body and experimenting upon the subject, discovered the Law of the Similars in the application of medicine to the cure of disease. Owing to the misrepresentation, prejudice, bigotry, and that "fool's argument"-ridicule,! yold school Physicians, who refuse to examine its merits, much misapprehension exists in the minds of people regarding it. Honest examination carries conviction, however, as is proven by the vast number of old school Physicians who, after study of its principles, accept the Law ; while the wonderful cures made of diseases by its application is an argument that silently rebukes ignorant hostility, and is rapidly winning for our Law of cure the approval of the intelligent world. We offer the following in explanation of the Law, without the use of technical terms, in the hope that intelligent laymen may comprehend, with a little study, its theory, and to assist in correcting the false impressions concerning it. During health the body is animated by a vital force, subject to law, which preserves its harmony, and without this vital force the body is dead. Disease (not surgical) is a deviation of this vital force from a condition of harmony, and is made known to us by symptoms, the symptoms being a true expression of the body concerning its disease, at all times. Pure Medicinal Substances, (not chemical or mechanical,) produce in the healthy human body, certain symptoms, subject to law, which determine positively the power of such medicine to influence the vitalforce, and under the same condi- tions, are equal, positive, and do not vary. VI HOMOEOPATHY. The Law.-Disease of the body, expressed by symptoms, is cured by the proper application of a Remedy, which has the power to produce a group of similar (not the same) symptoms in the healthy human body. The dose and quantity of medicine required is determined by the resistance of the disease, and is not always "infinitesimal," (a popular error,) but experience has proven it unnecessary to create drug disease, or injure a body in order to effect a cure. All Homoeopathic Physicians prescribe medicinal substances under the Lazu of the Similars, however much they may differ in regard to Diagnosis, Diet, Nursing, Dose, Chemical or Mechanical Remedies, etc. All are enlisted under the banner of " Similia Similibus Curantur," and failure results in curable ■diseases only, when for want of accurate knowledge, we fail to properly apply the Law. How different with Old School practitioners, acknowledging, as they do in medicine, no law, yet conceding it in every other art, refusing to consider one, .arrogating to themselves all medical superiority, yet practicing a system of empiri- cism, every man a law unto himself, and unable to give a reason for his acts, save that some one else did it. Reader! is the picture overdrawn? Test it for your- self, simulate a case of sickness. Make a group of symptoms characteristic of any disease, visit ten of the best medical men of the Old School in your county, compare their prescriptions, not two in all probability will be alike, yet each will claim to "know" all about it. Homoeopathy shows a greater percentage of cures in every curable disease, which is constantly increasing as the Law is becoming better understood and applied. Many thinking, dissatisfied Old School Physicians are prescribing our remedies, in our doses, under the names of Triturations, Parvules, Granules, etc., thus curing their cases, and yet, repudiating the Law of cure. The curative action of even so common a thing as a Mustard Plaster is wholly inexplicable, ■except under the Law of the Similars, when it readily becomes apparent to the ordinary mind; for will it not, in curing, create a similar (not the same) set of symptoms to that which it is designed to cure, viz: Pain, Heat, Redness, and Swelling, (conditions always present in inflammations) and it will not satisfy a critical mind to say, as Old School philosophers do, "the pain (symptoms) is ■drawn out," for the day is rapidly passing away when that pernicious conceit of Old School doctrine will satisfy intelligent men and women that disease of the body is a pectiliar and distinct hydra-headed monster, or tangible something residing in man that requires a legion of so-called " Scientific " skirmishers, and all the dis- gusting artillery of the Pharmacist to. dislodge him or draw him out. HOMOEOPATHY. VII DIET. While taking the "American Homoeopathic Remedies"' such stimulants as Pepper, Mustard, I lorseradish, Spiced Pickles, Spices, or highly seasoned food of any description must be used sparingly or avoided. Salt, as a seasoning for food, may be used at pleasure. Coffee and Tea may be drank in mode- ration, but should be avoided in obstinate nervous troubles. Food should be taken at regular intervals, well masticated before being swallowed, and nothing eaten between meals. There are cases of enfeebled digestion in which patients thrive best on five or six very light meals in the twenty-four hours,-at regular intervals. A stronger digestion will easily handle two or three full meals in a like time. Pure water may be drank freely, in abundance and at all times. The subject of diet has been considered, when necessary, in connection with our treat- ment of the various diseases. BATHING AND EXERCISE. Bathing and Exercise are essential to the maintenance of a healthy body, and should be indulged in daily, unless contraindicated by disease. Our method is origi- nal, easy of execution, and based upon good common sense. A basin of Cool OF COkl water, (never warm) is used in a room not too cold to be uncom- fortable. (A tea or tablespoonful of the "American Homoeopathic Dermalis " added to the water makes bathing a luxury.) The feet and lower limbs are washed at night, just before retiring, with a piece of soft Turkish towel- ing, and rubbed dry with warm towels; change all day clothing, cold feet will soon disappear, and sleep will be refreshing. In the morning face, upper limbs, chest and back are bathed in a similar manner, and well dried with warm towels. All night clothing should be changed for that of day, partially dress, cleanse teeth, mouth and rinse out throat. Now take half dozen or more deep and full inspirations of pure air which is not too cold to be uncomfortable, and then spend five, ten, or not more than fifteen minutes with a pair of light wooden Indian clubs in exercise, always stopping short of fatigue, complete your dress, and you are ready fora hearty breakfast, and good day's work. This bath and exercise with a brisk walk in the morning, properly exercises every muscle in the human body, and combines all that is required for the maintenance of perfect health. Persons of sedentary occupation may repeat the Indian club exercise at night. Don't aim to be an athlete, the force expended by the body in gymnastic performances, severe training, and hardening muscles quickly, only weakens it in resisting disease. Many a weak woman has combatted successfully with disease that would kill a dozen so-called athletes, or pugilists. VIII HOMCEOPATHY. SUNEIGHT AND VENTIEATION. Sunshine and Pure Air are just as essential to human life as to vege- table. No home can be healthful without both. Air without sun will soon die. Many a beautiful and costly mansion is the abode of disease and death, because the sunbeam never enters. Ventilation as we define it must include a large admixture of sunshine. Select a home whose windows open to the sunshine, up with both windows and curtains daily, let the pure air and bright sun- shine have free entrance and fair play in their natural fight with all forms of imprisoned disease germs ; an upper window sash slightly low- ered, will permit a current of air to pass through the aperture between the sashes, and out at the top, carrying foul air from a room. Should it be desirable to in- crease the current of air, the lower sash may be raised. HINTS ABOUT BABY. Baby will not raise its head from the pillow before its second month, and will not sit erect before the fifth month, it should not walk before the tenth month, but should walk at the age of one year. Baby should sleep about twenty hours out of the twenty-four, it should be nursed at regular intervals, say every two hours, its digestion is very active, dis- courage nursing at night so that mother may rest, it should be fed exclusively on mother's milk the first year of life, and may be weaned gradually when one year old. Baby will not cry for temper before it is six months old; it may be over-fed, have colic, its clothing too tight, a pin may be hurting it, or it may be over-heated. A few doses of Home Remedy No. I will quiet restlessness, and relieve colic. Baby, if healthy, may be put into a bath tub when one month old; lay a soft towel in bottom of the tub, water enough to cover baby, in which is placed one or two tablespoonfuls of our Homoeopathic Dermalis. The temperature of the bath should be about 90 degrees, and should be determined by a thermome- ter ; place baby gradually in bath, wash quickly with a bit of fine Turkish toweling, rinse off lightly, lift baby to your lap, on which is spread a soft towel, envelope him in its folds, and pat him dry; when quite dry, use freely our Homoeopti- thic Baby's Toilet Powder. Baby will scarcely ever need soap if "Dermalis" be used, and never use soap unless it be needed; Baby is better off without it. THE NEW WAY THE OLD WAY The American Homoeopathic Home Remedies. I'N placing these Remedies before the public in this manner, we are influenced by the following considerations : First-a desire to gratify the expressed wish of many friends in different sections of the country who have been benefitted by their use. Secondly-to extend their usefulness to others, and thirdly -to place within the reach, and means, of those who are unable by reason of residence dr circumstance, to procure the service of a good Homceopathic Physician, the regular " Standard Homoeopathic Remedies " in all their purity, and in addition a series of Special Remedies for home treat- ment, that are pleasant to take, safe to use, and effectual in the cure of disease. THE "STANDARD REMEDIES," such as Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, etc., are placed in small packages, so as to allow of their frequent renewal with the least expense, it being well known that Homoeopathic remedies deteriorate, by careless handling, exposure to impure air in uncorking the bottle, and contact with perfumes, odors, etc. Where a larger quantity is desired it is recommended that a sufficient number of packages be taken and opened as required. With proper care, however, our Remedies will keep pure, and give positive results indefinitely. The patrons of these Remedies may depend with the utmost confidence upon their integrity-every package with our Label and trade mark, which is unbroken when purchased, will be found Pure, Safe and Reliable. THE "HOME REMEDIES" consist ot forty distinct special remedies and eight treatments, all of which are composed of legitimate Homoeopathic Medicines, whose virtues have been thoroughly proven by the experiences of many eminent and successful Physicians who daily use them, and are not in any sense to be considered as quack medicines, no secrecy being claimed for them. The "Home Remedies" are neatly put up in single packages, or handsome cases. THE "HOME TREATMENTS" are each placed in separate packages, all are accompanied with full directions for use, written and printed without the use of technical terms, and are easily understood. Each separate remedy, in case, or otherwise, may be renewed or duplicated, by the number or letter attached, at any time. A case of these "Home Remedies" constantly in the house will prove invaluable. No home should be without them ; what may prove serious sick- ness will often be prevented by a few doses of the proper remedy in time; they will save your money, promote your health, and, it may be, when least expected, preserve a precious life. 2 OUR SPECIAL PREPARATIONS Baby's Toilet Powder, Dermalis, (for the skin) Hair Tonic and Dresser, Compound Witch Hazel, Number 100, (Injection Fluor Alba) Rectal Suppositories, are made with great care, and will be found, upon use, to be as represented- Pure in quality, Safe to use, and entirely reliable. Remedies or treatments will be sent by mail or express, to any address, on receipt of the price, Letters of inquiry should contain a return stamp. Central Office, 316 S. 12th St. Philadelphia, Pa. RAY MITCHELL, Secretary. American Homoeopathic Home Remedies. Price. No. 1. Remedy for COLIC, slow and Difficult Teething, peev- ishness, restlessness and fretfulness of infants . .25 No. 2. SUMMER COMPLAINT of children, cholera infantum, childrens' Diarrhoea .... .25 No. 3. SORE MOUTH, Infants' canker, ulcers on the tongue or in the mouth, inflamed or bleeding gums, thrush .25 No. 4. SPASMS, twitching of the muscles, convul- sions, in children or adults .25 No. 5. WORMS, and the affections which arise from worms .25 No. 6. " CROUP, dry hoarse cough, difficult breathing, ■ croupy coughs .25 No. 7. " SEA-SICKNESS, sickness from riding in cars, carriages, or swinging, nervous, sick stomach .25 No. 8. " VOMITING, Sick Stomach, vomiting of pregnancy, feeling of Qualmishness, emptiness, flabbiness about the stomach .25 No. 9. " COLD IN THE HEAD, catarrhal headache, Influenza, loss of voice, yearly or rose cold, snuf- fles of children, discharge from the nostrils . . .25 No. 10. " FEVER, Inflammation, Congestion, Pleu- risy, Pneumonia, Fevers of children 25 No. 11. " BILIOUSNESS, Bilious or frontal headache, Bilious colic, Bitter or bad taste in the mouth . .25 No. 12. Remedy for COUGH, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, Ca PR'CE tarrh of the chest, throat coughs, Hoarseness, throat troubles of public speakers .25 No. 13. " NERVOUSNESS, Sleeplessness, Hys- teria, sensitiveness, over worry .25 No. 14. " NEURALGIA, Sciatica, Face-ache, Toothache, Pain in the side, Neuralgia in any part of the body .25 No. 15. " CONSTIPATION, Indigestion, Torpid Liver or Bowels, heart-burn, sour stomach, coated tongue and bad taste .25 No. 16. " DIARRHOEA, Loose bowels, Catarrh of the bowels .25 No. 17. " DYSENTERY, Bloody or Slimy discharges, Bloody Flux, griping, straining, urging of the bowels .25 No. 18. " CHOLERA MORBUS, Vomiting and purg- ing, Cramps, Colic, Violent Pain in Bowels . . .25 No. 19. " WHOOPING COUGH, Nervous Cough, Spasmodic Cough, Spasm of the chest .... .50 No. 20. " SORE THROAT, Quinsy, Mumps, Ulcerated Throat or Tonsils .50 No. 21. " NERVOUS HEADACHE, Worry Head- ache, Headache of fatigue .50 No. 22. " SICK HEADACHE, Stomach Headache, headache with sick stomach .50 No. 23. ' NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA 50 No. 24. " STOMACH DYSPEPSIA, Wind Dys- pepsia 50 No. 25. " PAINFUL PERIODS, Dysmenor rhoea, In- flammation of the Uterus, or Ovaries .50 No. 26. •• DELAYED PERIODS, Amenorrhcea, Sup- pression from colds .50 4 5 No. 27. Remedy for FEMALE IRREGULARITY, irregular PRIC'* periods .50 No. 28. " FEMALE WEAKNESS, Leuchorrhcea, unnatural discharges .50 No. 29. " CHANGE OF LIFE, Flushes, Plethora, troubles arising from the change .50 No. 30. " DEBILITY, WEAKNESS, (a true tonic) suitable for weakness or debility from any cause 50 No. 31. " MALARIA, Fever and Ague, Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fevers .... 50 No. 32. " DISEASE OF THE BLOOD, Chlorosis, Anaemia, Blood-poisoning .50 No. 33. " DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, inflamma- tion, Dropsy, transient Albuminuria, Diabetes insipidus .50 No. 34. " DISEASES OF THE URINARY PAS- SAGES, Bladder troubles, painful urination, wetting the bed .50 No. 35. " DISEASES OF THE RECTUM, Piles, Fissures, Fistula .50 No. 36. " INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic pain in any part of the body ... .50 No. 37. " CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic Gout, Gouty joints and affections .50 No. 38. " ILL EFFECTS OF GRIEF, disappointed affection, over-worry, and anxiety .50 No. 39. " ILL EFFECTS OF MERCURY, Saliva tion, Mercurial ulcers, Bone ulcers, enlarged and indurated glands, etc .50 No. 40. ILL EFFECTS OF STRONG DRINK, Delirium tremens, Drunkard's Palsy, etc. . . . .50 6 American Homoeopathic Home Treatments. Price. No. 41. Treatment for PARALYSIS 1.00 No. 42. " CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Catarrh of the Bowels 1.00 No. 43. " DISEASES OF THE EYES AND EYELIDS 1.00 No. 44. " DISEASES OF THE EARS AND THROAT, Nasal and Throat Ca- tarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Har- dened Wax in the ears, Chronic throat affections 1.00 No. 45. " CONSUMPTIONOFTHELUNGS, Chronic Cough, Bronchitis . . . 1.00 No. 46. " DISEASES OF THE SKIN, Acne, Black grubs, Eczema, Scald Head in children . . . • • . 1.00 No. 47. " SCROFULA, or affections incident to the scrofulous constitution . . . . 1.00 No. 48. " NERVE DEBILITY, Sexual Ex- haustion 2.00 7 American Homoeopathic Special Preparations. BABY'S TOILET POWDER. An elegant Toilet Powder, fragrant, soft as silk, absolutely pure in composition, entirely safe to use, and harmless to the most delicate skin. $1. DERMALIS. Preserves, Cleanses and Beautifies the Skin and Teeth, cures chapped hands and lips, chafing, itching, insect bites, and is wonderfully curative in all affections of the skin. 50 C. and 1. HAIR TONIC AND DRESSER. Preserves, Cleanses and Beautifies the human hair,-a Hair Tonic in its highest sense, a complete Hair Dresser, and entirely harmless. $1. COMPOUND WITCH HAZEL. The best Liniment or Lotion on earth; superior to all other forms of Witch Hazel, or Pond's Extract. Adapted to internal and external use. 50c. and $1. NUMBER 100. (INJECTION FLUOR ALBA.) A Sovereign Cleanser, Purifier, and cure for all forms of unnatural discharges, such as Whites, &c. 1. RECTAL SUPPOSITORIES. Relieves immediately Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Pain, Burning, Itching, Bearing down, or Straining, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, or other bowel affections. $1. THE NEW WAY THE OLD WAY American Homoeopathic Standard Remedies. (copyrighted.) Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilia, &c. All warranted to be pure Homceopathic Medicines, and entirely safe to use, placed in small packages so as to permit their renewal at the least possible expense-all made to conform to a uniform dose-(Infant 2, Child 4, Adult 8 pellets.) 15 C. A HANDSOME WALNUT FAMILY CASE WITH LOCK AND KEY, Containing the entire list of our Forty Home Remedies (which may be du- plicated by number at any time) and Book of Treatment. Price 12. OO CAUTION. To prevent imposition, aii the American Homceopathic Remedies bear our Trade Mark (an American Flag, with the words "American Homoeopathic Remedies."} See that each package has not been opened, and bears this trade mark. They are not to be confounded with certain " Homeopathic Specifics," (note the difference in spelling the word " Homceopathic,") or any other Patent Medicines. Our Remedies being legitimate Homoeopathic Medicines, under their proper name, with no secret formulae. 9 Number 1. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Colic, Slow and Difficult Teething, Peevishness, Fretfulness and Restlessness of Infants, <Lc. The most startling fact which meets the student of vital statistics at the very outset of his investigations is, that from one-third to one-hajf of all infants born into the world die before reaching the age of five years. The proportion, of course, varies in different localities and under different circumstances; but in the City of New York alone, for the seven years ending 1873, it constituted exactly fifty per cent, of the entire mortality. It would be impossible to say just how much of this has been caused by Old School drugging1 treat- ment, or the administration of those vile and disgusting nostrums which are paraded under the names of Soothing- syrups, Infant Cordials, Carminatives, Catnip Teas, Paregoric, Laudanum, Gin, Whiskey, etc., but it is certainly the observation of any thoughtful Physician that the victims of such merciless and unhappy treatment are legion, and, if perchance these children do survive such cruel kindness, the founda- tions of health are broken, the weakened, puny constitution early falls a victim to the first stroke of serious disease which such treatment has, it may be, only invited. The crowning glory of Homoeopathy is, that it cures without harm ; its remedies correct conditions without adding to the burden of disease. The patient is given a chance in the battle and helped to win. For such troubles as arise in the period of an infant's life due to Colic, Feverish Rest- lessness, Teething, Irritation from Indigestion, Diarrhoea with Green Passages, this Remedy will be found entirely safe, pleasant and effectual. It promotes healthful sleep, assists the natural process of teething, relieves the irritation and restlessness consequent thereupon, and at the same time is absolutely harmless to the most tender child. For Colic, Flatulence and Restlessness of adults, it will be found equally valuable. Constipation in children should be treated with No. 15. Fever with No. 10. Our " Baby's Toilet Powder " is the best Powder to use, while a little " Dermalis " in baby's bath will keep the skin in perfect condition. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every hour or oftener. 10 Number 2. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Summer Complaint of Children, Cholera Infantum, Children's Diarrhoea, <Cc. By Summer Complaint we mean a disease found every summer prevailing among children under the age of five years, and most frequently during the period of cutting the teeth. It is characterized by vomiting, purging, and thirst, is most prevalent in large cities, in densely crowded neighborhoods, when the air is poisoned by bad smells and the children fed upon unwholesome food and impure water. The discharges are yellow, ash-colored, white or green and watery. The vomiting may be almost incessant, not even a tea- spoonful of water retained, or the disease may manifest itself by only an occasional sickness at the stomach, and Diarrhoea, attended with gradual exhaustion and emaciation. Treatment:-The child should be kept quiet in bed, not dandled about, house disinfected, pure air, good water, cleanliness and proper food are absolute essentials. For an infant the mother's milk is the proper food, but where this or a healthy wet nurse cannot be obtained, fresh cow's milk well boiled, a pinch of salt added and diluted according to the age of the child, or the white of an egg mixed in a glass of cool water and slightly salted may be administered. The mother of the child, if nursing, must see to it that she is well and that her milk is not tainted by improper food. For older children the best additional food is good Arrow-root well cooked in eveak chicken water, and boiled milk; pure, cool, boiled water may be given freely when the stomach will retain it. The extremities should be kept warm, the chamber- vessels, soiled clothing, etc., should be removed, immediately cleaned and dis- infected with Chloride of Lime, which disinfector may also be used liberally throughout the house, cellar and yard. The child's body maybe sponged over daily with warm water, in which is placed a little Dermalis, (a table- spoonful to a quart,) and lastly we advise the removal of a city child to the country or seashore, if circumstances will favor it. High Fever may be kept in control by No. 1 O. If necessary the American Homoeopathic Rectal Suppositories should be used for much Bearing Down, Griping or Straining in the Lower Bowels. Dose-Infant, 2 ; Child, 4 Pellets every hour or two. 11 Number 3. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Sore Mouth, Infants' Canker, Ulcers on the Tongue or in the Mouth, Inflamed or Bleeding Gums, Thrush, de. This Remedy will be found a cure for those conditions which so often attack children and sometimes adults, and which manifest themselves by the presence of Feverishness, Restlessness, Disinclination to take Nourishment and some derangement of the Bowels. On examining the mouth, there will be found small, white-looking Ulcers or a Cankered Sore. The gums may be red, swollen and inflamed, or the tongue may only be red and inflamed, as in the ordinary sore mouths of infants. These conditions result from a derange- ment of the stomach, and may be very promptly cured by washing or gargling the mouth frequently with warm water in which is dissolved a few of the pel- lets, (say 8 or 10 to a cupful of water,) and the administration of a dose of the Remedy at intervals of two hours, which must be continued until all the symptoms have disappeared. The diet should be light and nourishing, much sugar, acids, or sour things are to be prohibited, and the bowels may be assisted by No. 15, if necessary. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every two hours. 12 Number 4. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy Spasms, Twitching of the Muscles, Convulsions in Children or Adults. It may be, that at no time will the thoughtful and prudent parent more appreciate the value of a case of these Household Remedies, than when suddenly a darling child is seized with Convulsions. These terrifying attacks may be caused by Fear, Fright, Difficult Teething, Irritation caused by Worms, or the Eating of Indigestible Food, such as Nuts, Raisins, etc., and are liable to occur at any time, sometimes without any warning. It is not necessary to describe the symptoms, as no one need mistake a Spasm or Convulsion. Treatment:-The first step and one of great importance, is to keep eool, don't get excited, move the patient's bowels immediately by means of a large injection of Warm Water; if constipated, keep the head elevated and bathe it with Cool Water-large cloths wrung out of hot water, may be applied to the extremities if much fever is present, or a hot bath may be used for a child. Crush a dozen of the Pellets in a glass of water, bathe the child's face and wash its mouth out frequently with this solution. As soon as it can swallow, give a dose of the Remedy every ten, fifteen or twenty minutes until the child goes to sleep, then let it alone until it awakes, when the Remedy may be given at longer intervals until the child is fully restored. The same treatment is applicable for adults, for Twitching of the Muscles, Convulsions, etc. A few doses of the Remedy will be sufficient. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets as required. 13 Number 5. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Worms and Affections which liesuit from Worms. The symptoms which usually indicate the presence of Worms in the intestines are Gripings in the abdomen, Irregular Appetite, occasional Diar- rhoea, Restless Sleep, with Grinding of the Teeth, Picking the Nose, Foul Breath, and sometimes Cough, Palpitation of the Heart, and a General Debility of the entire system. Although these symptoms may each, or all, be present, and yet due to some other forms of Intestinal Irritation or disease, consequently the only positive proof of the existence of Worms is their discharge. There are five varieties of Worms, namely: the Seat Worms, Dong- Thread Worms, Round Worms, Common Tape Worms, and Broad Tape WorniS. There is a variety of opinions as to the origin of the Worms, our own opinion is that they are introduced into the stomach through impro- perly cooked food and impure water. Ti •eatmentThe patient should be fed at regular hours upon a plain vegetable diet < f well-cooked food. Ripe fruits may be given freely, salt may be allowed ; pure water should constitute the drink. For the Seat and Thread Worms, which infest the lower bowel, an injection of Warm Salt Water should be given once daily. The Remedy should be given persistently at intervals of about three hours, until all the Worms are destroyed, It will destroy and remove every variety of Worms, and is suitable for the same form of trouble in adults. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every three hours. 14 Number 6. American Homceopathic Home Remedy For Croup, Dry Hoarse Cough, Difficult Breathing, Croupy Coughs. Croup is an inflammation of the organs in the throat, which are used to make the voice, and usually attacks children between two and seven years of age. The child goes to bed a little peevish, fretful and sometimes feverish, and is aroused out of a sound sleep, usually about midnight or early morning, with a hoarse, dry, barking cough ; after a short time it may fall asleep, only to be again aroused, and so on frequently until morning, when it usually seem* to be better, and probably will play around until towards evening when it again exhibits signs of restlessness, feverishness, and the dry, barking cough returns; the breathing is labored and sometimes accompanied with a sawing ■or crowing sound. Treatment:-Let the child recline with its head on a pillow, loosen the clothing about the neck, give it a little cool water to drink frequently, or if not nursing, some lemonade. Allow pure air in the room, but avoid a direct draughtand give adoseof the Croup Remedy every halfhour, or oftener, if neces- sary. This remedy has often astonished us by its rapid action in relieving these distressing cases and is much better than the old plan of vomiting with Alum, Ipecac and Tarter Emetic, which are usually recommended by the old school physicians. Should there be much fever a dose of Number 10 will .soon check it and will not interfere with the action of the croup remedy. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every half hour. 15 Number 7. American Homceopathic Home Remedy For Sea Sickness, Sickness From Riding in Cars, Carriages or Swinging, Nervous Sick Stomach. Much diversity of opinion exists among medical men in regard to the cause of the sickness which results from the motion of vessels at sea, or in cars, carriages, and swinging, and many remedies have been suggested for its relief. We have used this remedy with almost uniform success in the treatment of all these forms of sickness, basing the prescription upon the fact that the brain itself is the central seat of disturbance, the stomach and bowels being only affected as a result. We have seen good result from the application of a tight fitting band- age around the abdomen, and a recumbent posture which we recommend and which may be used if agreeable, but the remedy will be found to beeflectual as a relief if taken as soon as the feeling of sickness comes on or prior to it, and repeated at intervals of two or three hours or as often as necessary. Constipation of the bowels should be avoided by taking Number lo every evening, which may be done without interfering with the action of thi-* remedy. A light easily digested diet should be taken for the first few days at sea, and all grief, worry, or other mental disturbance avoided. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4, Adult, 8 Pellets every two or three hours. 16 Number 8. American Homceopathic Home Remedy For Vomiting, Sick Stomach, Vomiting of Pregnancy, Feeling of Qualmishness, Emptiness, Flabbiness <(bout the Stomach, <(c. This distressing complaint is sometimes a symptom of something else and may be caused by constipation, indigestible food, pregnancy, the irritation of the stomach caused by strong drink, various articles of food, and dyspepsia. Now, of course, common sense would say to cure the disease we must get rid of the cause, but in some cases it is difficult and requires time to get rid of causes, and all the while the patient is suffering, and it is to meet this, that this remedy is introduced. It will be found to relieve all the distress occasioned by vomit- ing, while the various causes may be relieved by the appropriate remedies. For Constipation Number 15 may be taken, for Fever Number 10. The causes, so far as improper food is concerned, must be avoided ; for Dyspepsia Number 23 or 24 may be taken, for Kidney Disturbances Number 33- The stomach must be rested by taking a light, easily digested diet, such as skimmed milk, chicken water, broth, milk and vichy water, etc. All excesses or imprudences must be avoided and the powers of the stomach strengthened by regularity in eating, drinking and sleeping. For the vomiting- of preg- nancy this remedy will be found invaluable. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every hour or two. 17 Number 9. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Cold in the Head, Catarrhal Headache, Influenza, Loss of Voice, Yearly or Rose Cold, Snuffles of Children, Discharge front the Nostrils, <Cc. This remedy will be found very effectual in the cure of all these trouble- some affections which arise from what is commonly called "taking' cold," and which are characterized by such symptoms as sneezing, chilliness, slight fever, headache or dull pain at the root of the nose, tickling cough, watering of the eyes, running of the nose, and in some severe cases, loss of voice or hoarse- ness ; these symptoms if neglected will often increase in severity, constituting catarrh and the inflammation may gradually pass down the throat, affecting those parts, and ultimately, if still neglected, into the lungs, giving rise to Pneumonia. Some constitutions are very liable to "take cold" and it will require much care to avoid it. We believe much of "taking cold" is caused very often by hot rooms, the hot air of smoking, hot drinks, etc., which have a tendency to make the parts very susceptible to the influence of cold and which ought to be avoided. Treatment:-Cleanse out the nostrils and nasal cavities, if neces- sary, by snuffing up slightly warm water in which is dissolved some salt and a little of our "American Homoeopathic Dermalis," before retiring at night,-frequently gargle the throat with cool water in which a few of the pellets are crushed ; and take the Remedy internally every one, two, or three hours. Our Catarrh Treatment Number 44 maybe required when the case assumes the character of severe or chronic catarrh. A course of systematic bathing and exercise as we recommend will often harden the body against such colds. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 18 Number 10. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Fever, Inflammation, Congestion, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Fevers of Children, <fc. This remedy will be found curative in all those conditions characterized by Fever, or Inflammation ; the symptoms of which, are an increased heat of the body or part affected; there isswelling, rednessand usually pain, the pulse is quick, and the patient restless. A Fever may be general, that is, the en- tire body may be affected, as in Bilious, Scarlet or Typhoid Fever or it may manifest itself locally as in abscess, inflammation of an Eye or Ear. When constipation exists, the use of a warm water injection, or Number 15 is always appropriate, and sponging the body with warm or cool water in which is placed a portion of American Homoeopathic Witch Hazel will be found very grateful to the patient. Rest, in bed, is an essential in the proper treatment of fever. This remedy will be found far surperior to sweet spirits of nitre, etc., being pleasant to take and much more prompt in its action. The fever of Pleurisy and Inflammation of the Lungs yields readily to its influence and in the fever of Measles, Scarlet Fever, ■Chicken Pox, it is almost specific. All the fever diseases of children scarcely ever require any other medicine; it may be used freely, is entirely safe and has proven itself to be a great blessing to humanity. The diet in all forms of fever should be light. An abundance of pure water should be allowed, but it should be remembered that much continued fever may indicate the presence of severe disease, hence a physician should be consulted if the fever yields not promptly to the remedy, which may be given every hour or oftener, if neces- sary. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every hour. 19 Number 1 1. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Biliousness, Bilious or Frontal Headaches, Bilious Colic, Bitter or Bad Taste in the Mouth, &c. By the term Biliousness, we mean a condition rather than a disease, and it is so common to call that condition biliousness that the use of any other term would only be confusing. It is usually ascribed to the influence of Malaria, and occurs most frequently in persons of what is termed a bilious temperament. The symptoms are, a headache over the eyes in the front part of the head, dullness, depression cf spirits, yellowness of the skin, constipation, sometimes alternating with diarrhoea, tongue coated, bitter taste in the mouth, no appetite, pain under the shoulder blades (one or both sides,) sick stomach, and sometimes bitter bilious vomiting accompained with cutting Colic in the bowels; these symptoms, if neglected, will generally cause an attack of bilious or Malaria Fever of some form, but if taken in time may be relieved promptly by the use of this remedy. Treatment:-The diet should be light and the stomach not pressed with food; fruits, beef or mutton broth, or milk and seltzer water may be suffi- cient, lemonade or orange water may be allowed as a drink. The headache is best relieved by an application of either hot or cold water as may be most grateful to the patient. The abdomen may be bathed gently with the American Homoeopathic Witch Hazel, if much cutting pain is present, or two or three thicknesses of flannel moistened with it, applied. The remedy should be given every one, two or three hours until the symptoms are relieved. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 20 Number 12. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Cough, Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh of the Chest, Throat Coughs, Hoarseness, Throat Troubles of Public Speakers, <£c. Cough is simply a forcing of part of the air in the lungs through the windpipe by an effort of our will and is usually a symptom of some irritation, or inflammation in the air passages; it may be induced by inflammation in any part of the throat or lungs or the irritation caused by an accumulation of mucus, an elongation of the palate, irritating vapors, or an inherent debility of the throat or lungs and want of vigor to resist the stimulating influence of cold air; it may be long standing and complicated with other diseases; it may be dry or moist, but no matter in what shape it comes it represents some form of irritation, congestion or inflammation in the air passages, and may be con- trolled by proper care of the body and the use of this Remedy. Public Speakers will find it invaluable as a strengthener of the voice, quickly allay- ing hoarseness and quieting all irritation. It stands pre-eminently at the head of all remedies for affections of the throat and lungs which have cough, hoarse- ness, difficult breathing, or irritation of the throat or chest as a symptom. Two to eight Pellets dry on the tongue and (eaten, or if convenient crushed in water and swallowed slowly, will give prompt relief, without disordering the stomach and injuring the digestion, as is usually the case with the old-fashioned cough syrups, expectorants, etc. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 21 Number 13. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Hysteria, Sensitiveness, and Over-ivorry. These conditions, when not due to inheritance or the result of disease, either acute or chronic, are manifestations of a condition of the nervous system in which the nerves are over- excited, or stimulated, and may be produced by depraved blood, over-worry and work, the use of stimulating liquors, tobacco, strong tea or coffee. Many persons inherit a constitution strongly predisposed to nerve excitement, which they only intensify by the use of such articles of food and drink as to still further increase the trouble. Nervous persons should live upon -very, nourishing, light food, and obtain sleep whenever possible; all causes should be removed as far as known. A sponge bath, warm or cold, followed by careful rubbing of the entire body with a Turkish towel, may be had with advantage before retiring at night. The mind should be freed, as far as possible, from worry and care ; frequent trips abroad and much time spent in the open air and bright sun are often beneficial. Stimulating liquors, tobacco, tea and coffee, must be thrown aside, with all other agents that unduly excite the nerves, to complete a cure. The remedy should be taken at inter- vals of one or two hours or oftener, during an attack. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 22 Number 14. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Neuralgia, Sciatica, Face-ache, Tooth-ache, Pain in the Side, Neuralgia in any part of the body, etc. A very able medical writer has said, that "Neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves for pure blood," and in our study of the disease we are forced to agree with him, believing as we do, that whatever maybe the inciting cause, a depraved blood condition underlies all Neuralgia; this condition of blood may be caused by poor food, bad air, Malaria, bodily abuse of every kind, decayed teeth, over-work and worry, in fact anything which will im- poverish the blood may be an inciting cause, all of which must be removed in order to effect a permanent cure. Neuralgia is an inflammation of the nerves and characterized by excruciating pain of a boring, cutting, tearing or lancinating type, which comes quickly and sometimes shifts rapidly about; it is easily distinguished from the dull ache, boring pain, and tender swelling which marks Rheumatism, also by the absence of special tenderness to pressure and fever, and by its tendency to intermit. Sciatica is a Neuralgia of the Sciatic nerve, which is the largest and longest nerve in the body, and should be treated as all other Neuralgias. Now, in view of what we have thus written, it must be evident to the thought- ful mind that in curing this painful disease great attention should be given the blood, and this is really the secret of success. Every eflort must be made to improve the blood by good diet, pure air and water, sponge bath daily; bad habits of every kind must be avoided, decayed teeth extracted. The Eyes should be examined in obstinate cases, as we once cured a case of persistent Neuralgia of thirteen years duration and constant dosing with Old School drugs, simply by putting a pair of spectacles on the patient and building up the blood with Number 30, which is an excellent blood tonic and may be used in connection with this Remedy. Tea, coffee and tobacco should be given up. For Constipation use Number 1 5. As a local appli- cation to soothe the pain, nothing is better than the American Homoeo- pathic Compound Witch Hazel. The Neuralgia Remedy should be taken until entirely relieved, at intervals of one or two hours, or oftener, during an acute attack. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 23 Number 15. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Constipation, Indigestion, Torpid Liver or Bowels, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Coated Tongue, Bad Taste, &c. Probably two-thirds of the civilized human race are afflicted, more or less, with Constipation. In our haste to acquire education, get wealth or reap honors, the poor body is quite neglected in its wants, or the powers of digestion are broken down by over work. Poor food, late suppers, irregular eating, want of exercise, strong coffee or tea and often alcoholic drinks, then ensues a torpid condition of the liver, which gives rise to dyspepsia, poor appe- tite, pain in the stomach or bowels, heart-burn, sour and sick stomach, oppres- sion after meals, headache, coated tongue, depressed spirits, and a whole train of miserable feelings which depend upon the first cause-Constipation, and which will disappear when the cause is removed. Treatment:-Remove all causes if they can be detected, live just as you would advise a friend to do under such circumstances. The diet should be light, easily digested, nutritious and taken at regular hours. The drink should be water (hot or cold), milk or butter-milk, ripe fruit may be taken freely with meals, establish the habit of relieving the bowels every morning immediately, or as soon after breakfast as possible, using an injection of warm water, if necessary; rub the entire length of the spine each night, before retir- ing, with a dry, warm flannel cloth. The remedy should be taken regu- larly three or four times a day, just before or an hour after eating and per- severed with, till cured. To produce a purgative action, a dose of the pellets may be taken every half hour. Piles, or other affections of the bowels, due to constipation, may be quickly relieved by the use of Number 35 and the American Homoeopathic Rectal Suppositories. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets three times a day. 24 Number 16. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Diarrhoea, Loose Bowels, Catarrh of the Bowels, Ac. By Diarrhoea we mean an affection of the bowels, which is attended with frequent and more or less copious liquid evacuations; there may be slight sickness at the stomach and fever present, but the passages are not bloody as in Dysentery, nor is there the cramps and vomiting of Cholera-morbus, although this remedy is often curative in both Dysentery and Cholera-morbus. Diarrhoea depends upon a relaxed or inflamed condition of the lining membrane of the bowels, and is caused mainly by the use of improper food, gluttony, intoxicating drink, chilling the blood by cold and other abuses which must be corrected to insure a perfect cure. Treatment:-Remove the cause, if it can be de'ected, rest the bowels by taking as nourishment, beef tea, mutton broth, chicken soup, boiled rice, arrow-root, or boiled milk, a glass of pure water, in which is stirred the white of an egg, or toast water. One day's rest in bed is worth a week on your feet, in the cure, if it can be had. If there should be much pain or straining in the lower bowels, or soreness of the rectum, immediate relief will follow the use of "American Homoeopathic Rectal Suppositories." From two to eight of the pellets may be taken every hour or two, or oftener, if neces- sary, either dry on the tongue or in a little water. It is very desirable, and often essential to thoroughly cooh every article of food which is to be used in these cases; the only seasoning allowed, being salt, which may be used freely. Dose-Infant, 2 ; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hou rs. 25 Number 17. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Dysentery, Floody or Slimy Discharges, liloody Flux, Griping, Straining, Urging of the Dowels, &c. By Dysentery, we mean an Inflammation of the lining membrane of the large or lower bowel, attended with griping pains in the parts affected, and the discharge of jelly-like, slimy, or bloody evacuations, with great straining, accompanied with more or less fever and thirst. Damp, cold weather, hot days and cold nights, eating of unripe fruits, impure air and unwholesome food are its principal causes; the discharges from the patient are contagious, when the disease prevails as an epidemic, in regions where the ground is low and marshy, or saturated with decomposing animal or vegetable substances. Treatment ;-The patient should be placed in bed, pure air (without draught) should be admitted to the room, the house disinfected and the tem- perature should be maintained at about 70° day and night; all discharges, soiled clothing, chamber vessels, injection pipes, etc., should be removed im- mediately, cleansed and disinfected with chloride of lime, which should be placed in convenient vessels throughout the house. The extremities should be wrapped in dry, hot flannels, to equalize the blood circulation ; the "Ameri- can Homoeopathic Rectal Suppositories" should be used freely to quiet the straining, bearing down and pain in the rectum. The white of an egg in a glass of pure water, slightly salted, pure water, cracked ice, boiled milk, chicken water, arrow-root well cooked, and toast water which has been well boiled, should constitute the diet, and may be given frequently in small quantities. Number 10 may be used, if there is very much fever in alter- nation with the dysentery remedy, which should be given every hour, or oftener, if necessary. Dose-Infant, 2 ; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 26 Number 18. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Cholera Morbus, Vomiting and Purging, Cramps, Colic, Violent Pain in the Rowels, &c. By Cholera Morbus, we mean an affection of the stomach and bowels, characterized by vomiting and purging, attended frequently with cramps in the abdomen and limbs and great prostration ; the attack comes on suddenly, frequently in the night; the thirst is great, the vomiting is almost constant. The discharges are large and bilious at first, but become gradually like rice- water with but little smell. It is usually caused by exposure, checked perspi- ration, drinking large quantities of ice water or imprudence in the eating of unripe fruits, &c. Treatment:-The patient should be placed in bed, head elevated on a pillow and be prevented from rising as much as possible by the use of the bed pan and basin. The extremities (feet and hands) should be wrapped in dry, hot flannels, to assist the circulation of blood. Cracked ice and pure, cool water may be administered if the stomach will retain it. As the patient recovers, he should be kept on the lightest food, white of an egg and water, or milk, beef tea and toast water given in small quantities and frequently repeated. Tile Ttemedy, either dry on the tongue or in water, may be given every fifteen or thirty minutes, until the dis- ease is checked, and then at longer intervals. If much fever follows the attack, give a few doses of Number 10. Much straining and bearing down in the lower bowel will be relieved promptly by the "American Homoeopa- thic Hectal Suppositories. Dose-Infant, 2 ; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every hour or oftener. 27 Number 19. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy Tor Whooping Cough, Nervous Cough, Spasmodic Cough, Spasm of the Chest, &c. JI'hooping Cough is a contagious disease and usually a disease of childhood, although it will occasionally attack an adult. When your Physician tells .you that nothing will cure or relieve the dis- ease, and that it must run its course, just make up your mind that he is behind the age and try this remedy. It is often very difficult to distinguish the disease in the first or second week, as usually the symptoms are only those of a common Catarrhal Cold ; careful observation will, however, detect the cough as of a Spasmodic character and occurring in paroxysms; gradually these paroxysms become more frequent, of longer duration, and accompanied by the characteristic tvhoop ; many years of close observation have con- vinced us that the disease is nervous in character, and the proper course of treatment is through the nervous system. Treatment :-Feed and clothe the child well, to keep a good supply of pure blood. Avoid all draughts, to guard against Inflammation occuring in the lungs. Avoid excitement of all kinds, allowing pure air and water in abund- ance. If much fever occurs, use Number 10, which will quickly check it and not interfere with the Whooping Cough remedy, which should be given until the child is entirely well, at intervals of two or three hours. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every two or three hours. 28 Number 20. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Sore Throat, Quinsy, Mumps, Ulcerated Throat or Tonsils, Ac. « This remedy will be found very effectual in relieving promptly all those troubles of the throat which arise from Inflammation, and equally well those which come from constitutional disease. Quinsy is an inflammation of the tonsils, and persons once affected are liable to repeated attacks. The disease is usually accompanied with coated tongue, constipation and some fever; the tonsils may gather and break, if the case is neglected, but prompt treatment usually stops this. Mumps prevail epidemically, and are an inflammation of the Parotid gland. It usually begins as a swelling in front of, and below the ear, which may extend, until one or both sides of the face are quite dis- torted ; it is usually attended with fever and constipation. Ulcerated and Enlarged Tonsils result from cold. In these affec- tions our remedy will be found very curative, in fact, sometimes the relief is almost magical. In all the affections of the throat in which there is swelling and pain, much relief will be obtained by the use of our "American Homoeopathic Compound Witch Hazel" as a lotion. It is very improper to bundle up the throat with heating application during any case of throat disease; cool water in abundance may be used as a gargle or drink in all throat troubles, with benefit. The constipation is best combatted with Number 15, with which may be used, freely if necessary, the saline mineral waters as a drink. In all cases the bowels should be kept free. Directions :-From two to eight pellets crushed in a glass one-third full of cool water, part of this solution to be used as a gargle, and the other part to be swallowed. This may be repeated at intervals of an hour, or oftener if necessary. In the interval, cool water may be used freely as a wash, gargle or drink. Dose-Infant, 2 ; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every hour or two. 29 Number 21. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Nervous Headache, Worry Headache and Headache of Fatigue. Nervous Headaches usually occur in persons of a highly nervous temperament, and are produced by any unusual excitement, such as joy, hope, fear, fatigue, fasting, anxiety, excessive pleasure or worry of mind. The ache is usually on one side of the head, or it may be both ; it is seldom accompanied by vomiting, although this may occur; the matter vomited will be found to consist of only the contents of the stomach, being destitute of acid, bile, or other acrid property, which distinguishes this from the Sick and Bilious Head- aches. Nervous Headache depends upon a feeble, disturbed or irritable condition of the nervous system, and in its treatment means must be taken to equalize and strengthen this system. This may be assisted by the avoidance of all those things which have a tendency to weaken it, such as excessive brain work, licentiousness, strong tea or coffee, tobacco, etc. This Remedy has proven itsdf a giant in the relief of Nervous Headaches. If Nervous Dyspepsia be present Number 23 may be used in alternation for that condition. A course of treatment with either Number 23 or Number 30, as may best suit the case, will often cure completely the tendency to Nerve Headaches which exists so frequently in some persons. During an attack the Remedy may be taken at intervals of ten, fifteen or thirty minutes until relieved, and then continued at longer intervals. Dose-Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 30 Number 22. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Sick Headache, Stomach Headache, Headache 'with Sick Stomach. Sick Headache may attack any one, and is the result of Indigestion in some form. Persons of sedentary habits,-clerks, needle-women, etc.-are very prone to attacks. It is usually accompanied with some derangement of the stomach or bowels, and undigested food with bile, or some other offending substances, are often vomited during the attacks. The Headache is usually in the front part of the head, or spreads from the back part of the head, and is accompanied by a feeling of faintness and intense sickness at the pit of the stomach, which are relieved by vomiting. This form of Headache is often a symptom of Dyspepsia, and most distressing to its victim. In that case the Dyspepsia Remedy-Number 24-should be used during the intervals of attack, and every means taken to improve the powers of digestion by regular habits and proper living. Constipation must be avoided by the use of Num- ber 15, if necessary. Exercise daily in walking,-sponge or towel baths should also be used daily. Those who will indulge in dissipation or gorman- dizing, must naturally retain their Headaches. During an attack the Remedy should be taken at intervals of fifteen or thirty minutes, till relieved ; then, at longer intervals. Dose-Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets. 31 Number 23. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Nervous Dyspepsia. Nervous Dyspepsia is a condition commonly met with in persons of nervous temperaments, who lead sedentary lives and are subject to much mental excitement or emotion, such as clergymen, students, needle-women, clerks, etc., or those who by leading dissipated, licentious or gluttonous lives have injured or destroyed the Nerve Poiver of the Digestive Organs. It is known by the following symptoms-variable appetite, unnatural craving for strange things, Nausea, cold hands and feet, unfitness for mental or bodily work, irritable, morose, poor sleep, full of dreams; the face shows a tired, weary, sad expression, with sunken, dull eyesand pale lips; there may be with this, symptoms of wind and bloating, but the nervous element is the predomi- nating one. Treatment:-Rest the stomach by a light, easily digested, nourishing diet, taken at regular hours. Avoid stimulants, mustard, horse-radish, and pastry; pure water in abundance, or milk, is the best table drink; strong tea and coffee are deceitful reliefs; the shattered 'nerve force will soon be restored by the use of this Remedy, together with moderate exercise. The sponge bath should be used daily, followed by brisk rubbing over the body with a dry, warm, flannel cloth or Turkish towel. Fatigue of the mind or body must be avoided, and all vicious habits abandoned. The Remedy should be taken crushed in water at intervals of three hours, and until all symptoms are quite gone. Dose-Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every three hours. 32 Number 24. American Homceopathic Home Remedy Tor Stomach Dyspepsia, Wind Dyspepsia, etc. This form of Dyspepsia is very commonly met with, and is caused by a disturbed or diseased condition of the stomach itself or the fluids which are secreted by it, and which take part in the process of digestion. The more prominent symptoms are want of appetite or craving for sour, spicy or strange things, an accumulation of wind in the stomach with belching, oppressed breathing and palpitation of the heart; acids form in the stomach which cause sour or disgusting eructations of gas, with Heart-burn and Water-brash. The pit of the stomach is sore to the touch or pressure from clothing; the stomach feels full, is sometimes swollen, and will not digest food. The most common causes are gormandizing, irregular or hurried eating of indigestible food, not chewing the food, strong drink, Constipation and over-work or worry. Treatment:-All pauses, so far as known, must be removed; the patient should rest the stomach by taking a light, easily digested diet of such foods as experience has taught him will best agree. Sugar, preserves or pastry avoided; milk or pure water, hot or cold, may constitute the table drink. The food should be taken at regular hours, preceded by a cup of hot water and the stomach rested between times. Constipation may be avoided by the use of Number Jo, if necessary; moderate out door exercise should be taken, also a sponge or towel bath daily. This Remedy should be taken at intervals of three hours, and the course of treatment persevered in until all the symptoms have disappeared. Dose-Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every three hours. 33 Number 25. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Painful Periods, Dysmenorrhoea, Inflammation of the Uterus, or Ovaries. This trouble is of quite common occurrence among females, even of an apparently robust and strong constitution. Its causes are seated either in an inflamed or congested condition of the parts which are concerned in the natural process of Menstruation, or an abnormal or mechanical obstruction to the flow. The symptoms are usually more or less feverishness, with irritability, flushed cheeks, Constipation, Headache, cutting, pressing and bearing down pains, which come and go; the discharge is scanty, and sometimes contains mem- braneous shreds. When the flow becomes free, the pains are usually relieved. Treatment:-Where the trouble arises from mechanical obstruction in the parts, we have always relieved it by correcting the condition, but in all other cases the use of this Remedy will be found quickly to relieve, without the taking of Ginger, hot punches, or other stimulants, which often do the patient great damage. The patient may take a dose of the Remedy every second or third day during the intervals between periods, which combined with a nourishing diet, moderate out-door exercise and regular digestion, will often effect a permanent cure. The Remedy may be taken every half-hour or oftener, if necessary, during the continuance of pain. Dose-Adult, 8 Pellets every hour. 34 Number 26. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Delayed Periods, Amenorrhoea, Suppression from Colds. This Remedy is intended as a relief for all those conditions of suppressed or delayed Menstruation which are not dependent upon natural causes, hence married ladies should be cautious in its use on account of a probable liability to produce miscarriage; Suppression may be caused from general debility, resulting from excessive loss of blood, or serious disease. In these cases Number 27 should also be used as a tonic and regulator during the interval between the periods. It may be caused also by excessive mental emotions, great physical exertion, checked perspirations, cold and dampness, cold baths, wet feet, or any other cause which abruptly shocks the system. Treatment:-The causes, as far as known, must be removed; the patient should be warmly clad. A hot hip bath before retiring is often bene- ficial ; moderate out-door exercise and nutritious diet should be allowed; a change of air or a sea voyage is often serviceable if circumstances favor it. Constipation may be avoided by the use of Number 15, if necessary, or injections of warm water daily. This Remedy should be taken regularly every two hours, until the flow is re-established, and when the tendency to Suppres- sion exists, a dose of the Remedy should be given every day or two during the interim. Dose-8 Pellets every two or three hours. 35 Number 27. American Homceopathic Home Remedy For Female Irregularity, Irregular Periods. By the term Female Irregularity," we mean to include all those cases of menstrual difficulty, in which the flow occurs too often, or not often enough, or is retained and does not come on at a proper age, or is scanty and has an unnatural color, the causes of which all lie in a delicate constitution, or some functional defect in the organs which are concerned in the production of the menstrual flow. When we remember the unnatural dressing which the requirements of fashion dictate, the early period of life at which young girls are often placed at unsuitable work-in stores, factories, etc.-the constitutional faults which are often the result of hereditary influences, etc., we shall have no difficulty in finding causes for all these conditions. Treatment:-The causes, so far as can be discovered, must be removed ; we would recommend pure air, out-door exercise, a sponge bath daily, a nourishing diet, plenty of sleep, and avoid Constipation. Young girls should enjoy a freedom from the unnatural restraints so often placed around child- hood, and every effort made to strengthen the general physical system, even if the mind education must be neglected for a time. The Remedy should be taken regularly four times a day, until the natural power of the uterine organs is completely restored. Dose-Adult, 8 Pellets four times a day. 36 Number 28. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Female Weakness, Leuchorrhoea, TTnnatural Discharges, etc. This form of uterine trouble .is not uncommon among ladies and is caused By an irritation, or inflammation of the thin, mucous membrane which lines the parts involved, and which, if neglected, may run into a condition of ulceration; some constitutions are quite prone to it. The immediate causes, however, are usually a relaxed and debilitated state of the uterine organs generally; want of proper cleanliness, menstrual derangement, too early exercise after confinement, tight lacing and luxurious or dissolute habits. The discharge may be white, yellow or greenish in color, thin, like water, or of the consistence of starch ; it is sometimes profuse and excoriating to the parts, and often gives rise to an intolerable itching. There is always present, more or less of weakness, dull pains in the back and loins, with weary, dragging sensations, palpitation of the heart, with loss of physical and mental energy, and general lassitude. Treatment:-All causes, so far as known, should be removed, the general system strengthened by rest, warm clothing, a nutritious diet, a sponge or towel bath daily, and the avoidance of over-work, sexual excess, and Con- stipation. Our "American Homoeopathic No. 1OO," (Injection Fluor Alba,) used as an injection, twice or three times daily, in accordance with its directions, after first cleansing the parts thoroughly with warm water, should be used in conjunction with this Remedy and is the best local Remedy ever discovered for this condition. No. 28 should be taken regularly four times a day, until all symptoms are gone. Dose-Adult, 8 Pellets three or four times a day. 37 Number 29. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Change of Life, Flushes, Plethora, Troubles Arising from the Change, <&c. As a female approaches that period in her life when the menstrual func- tion is about to cease, she has little to fear if all the laws of health and nature have been observed, but in these days it is somewhat rare to find this period pass without more or less of physical and mental disturbance. Very often the same symptoms which announced its approach, will precede its cessation, or there may be a strange debility accompanied with a sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach, attended with sudden flushes of heat extending over the whole body. There is also fullness or giddiness, pains in the back and loins, a poor appetite, with all sorts of dyspeptic symptoms, a change of temper occurs, she shuns society, becomes nervous, irritable, fearful, suspicious, and broods over all sorts of imaginary evils. Treatment :-The patient should be encouraged by her friends to over- come the mental symptoms by a pleasant occupation of the mind. Moderate out-door exercise should be taken; all excitement, mental worry, or physical exhaustion should be avoided, and where the tendency to Plethora or an ac- cumulation of fat occurs, a light meat, vegetable and fruit diet, without sugar, should be observed. In other cases, the diet may be full and composed of quite nutritious food, a tepid bath at night is often followed by refreshing sleep. The remedy should be taken regularly four times a day, dry on the tongue or in water, and Constipation avoided by the use of Number li>, if necessary. This treatment has been successful in every case that has come to our observa- tion, should there be Leuchorrhcea present, the use of " American Homoe- opathic Number 100 {Injection Fluor Alba") will assist very materially in the treatment. Dose-8 Pellets four times a day. 38 Number 30. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Debility, Weakness, (a true tonic without alcohol,') Suitable for Weakness or Debility from any Cause, «(<'. Very many causes may contribute directly or indirectly to create a condition of debility; weakness of the nervous or physical system, among which may be mentioned hereditary influence, physical or mental over-work, results of serious disease, improper air or water, improper food, and bad habits of every description. Persons afflicted usually fly for aid to stimulants, bit- ters, whiskey, tonics, strong tea or coffee, which, while giving an apparent re- lief, only leave the sufferer worse for their use. As we understand it the con- dition is one, in which there exists a lack of vital energy, a sluggish, torpid state of the life principle itself, and in this view of the case, how care- ful we should be in applying the '•whip" of stimulation, which is only useful in but few conditions. This Homoeopathic Remedy will be found a Tonic in the true sense, while being harmless to the most delicate constitution. It restores the sinking- energ-y of the vital powers. All known causes of course should be removed, or abandoned. The patient may exercise without fatigue or mental effort, a cool sponge or towel bath fol- lowed by friction with a warm Turkish towel may be taken daily; a nourish- ing, easily digested diet may be allowed. Pure water or milk is the best drink. Sleep should be indulged in at pleasure, and the Remedy should be taken at intervals of two, three or four hours, either dry on the tongue, or in water, until fully restored. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every three hours. 39 Number 3 1 . American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Malaria, Fever and Ague, Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fevers, <£c. Malaria is a general name given to the specific poison, or miasm, which when taken into a system, susceptible to its influence, creates those diseases which are called malarial or miasmatic; the nature and composition of this peculiar poison is wholly unknown to us, and is the subject of much dispute among physicians, although we have remedies which, experience has taught, can and will destroy it. This invisible, mysterious and yet powerful agent cf disease is found usually in low, damp, foggy or marshy localities, though not confined to them, for floating in the atmosphere, it may be carried long dis- tances. It may have a residence in the flower pot which adorns your room, or silently disseminate its vapors through your home from a damp and mouldy cellar wall; it may saturate the water you drink, or enter into the composition of the food you eat. Malarial diseases are characterized by periods of intermission or re- mission, and usually have chill, fever and perspiration, though these symptoms may be masked to some extent by the debility and other symptoms which attend the case. Ti •eatment:-Persons affected with Malarial diseases, should have a tepid sponge bath daily, avoid the night air, be comfortably clad; the stomach should not be pressed with food, which should be wholesome, fresh, and well cooked ; fruits, lemonade, oranges, etc. The water supply should be examined and only pure, fresh, water drank. The cellar should be cleaned, dried and disinfected with chlorine, and all plants removed from the house. A few doses of Number IO will assist in controlling any high fever. Constipation will be best corrected by the use of Number 11, which may be given every hour till the bowels act freely. The Remedy for Malaria should be given every two or three hours, until the disease is entirely removed. Dose-Infant, 2 Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every two or throe hours. 40 Number 32. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Diseases of the Blood, Chlorosis, Anaemia, Blood Poisoning. The blood, as Scripture tells us, "The Life of the Flesh," is the fluid through which the repairing elements are carried to all the tissues of the body, and from which is derived all the nourishment the body receives from internal sources. Considered from this standpoint, this important fluid, when diseased or otherwise impaired, naturally creates great disturbances within the body, the principal symptoms of which are a pale, waxy or greenish skin, dark rings around the eyes, always cold, easily tired, weakness, dizziness, headache, noises in the ears, frightful dreams, melancholy, want of or morbid appetite, slow, sour digestion; the action of the heart is slow and irregular, often palpitates, after exertion the breathing is impeded ; and in fact the whole body is starving for want of nourishment, which the poor or diseased blood fails to supply. This condition, when not dependent upon deep-seated organic diseases, such as confirmed Consumption, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, etc., is quite curable, only requiring that the patient should submit himself to the means necessary-which comprises a course of gradual upbuilding, assisted by this Remedy, Number 32, which has a special affinity for the blood structures and has often accomplished wonders in the way of enriching and improving both blood and its supply. Treatment:-Four or even five small meals in the twenty-four hours, of light nutritious food, to be taken at regular intervals in such quantities as the stomach will bear without ill effect. Sea water, or salt water baths of moderate temperature, dry friction of the body, pure air and water are essential, with plenty of sleep. A general freedom from care and anxiety, com- bined with as much out-door exercise as can be borne without fatigue is to be had. The medicine should be taken crushed in part of a glass of pure water every three or four hours, and persevered in until thoroughly well. Dose -Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every three or four hours. 41 Number 33. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Diseases of the Kidneys, Inflammation, Dropsy, Transient Albuminuria, Diabetes Insipidus, etc. The function of the Kidneys is to separate from the blood, the various useless materials, as well as the products of waste and decomposition which are constantly arising in the system, and which, if retained in the blood, act as most violent poisons, frequently causing serious disease and even death. The present age is one in which the inventive genius of man is taxed to its utmost in compounding all sorts of drink, as a substitute for that which God, in his wisdom, designed for us-Pure Water, and as a consequence the rapid increase in the victims of Kidney Disease is causing much discussion among thoughtful medical men, who believe with our teaching, that the character of the blood fluid is materially modified and disturbed by the character of the fluids used as drink ; and it becomes, therefore, a serious mat- ter for the Kidneys to handle continually for long years, blood which is diseased or impure by reason of all sorts of vile admixtures. The Symptoms of Kidney trouble are usually shown by an increased or decreased quantity of urine, which often contains sediments of different kinds,-there may be pain in the back and loins, the skin is frequently sallow and dry. Thirst is often increased; Headache, Sick-stomach, is sometimes present; the patient is dull, weak and easily tired; very frequently dropsy of feet, lower limbs or eyelids, together with wandering pains in the hands and feet are present. TreatmentGet back to God's drink-Pure Water,-inside and out, p'enty of it, bathe daily, use friction to the skin with brushes, light, nourishing diet, fruit and vegetables, with milk; meat but once daily; avoid much sugars; wear warm clothes, and if there be much acidity or Sick- stomach present, a glass of Vicliy Water may be drank once or twice daily on an empty stomach. The Remedy should be taken at intervals of about three hours, until all the symptoms have disappeared. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every three hours. 42 Number 34. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Diseases of the Urinary Passages, Bladder Troubles, Painful Urination, Wetting the Bed, <Cc. This Remedy will be found curative in all these conditions of the urinary passages which arise from either disease of the organs or abnormal change in the character of the discharge, and which manifest themselves by a scalding, burning, itching or chaffing of the parts. The urine is usually scanty in quantity, sometimes high colored and often very turbid or thick. There is a disposition to pass it frequently, which, on account of the pain usually present, is very distressing to the patient. The Remedy will be found also very effectual in the cure of children, who habitually wet the bed at nights, which condition is either the result of direct weakness of the organs, or the irritation set up by a change in the urine, which becomes very irritating to the parts. Treatment:-In all these conditions, either pure water or milk should constitute the drink, which may be used very freely; the local irritation will be best allayed by bathing with warm water, in which is added a teaspoonful or two of our American Homoeopathic Dermalis, and which may be used freely. The patient should be clad in warm clothing, and the skin kept in good condition by frequent bathing and friction. The Remedy should be taken every two or three hours, or oftener, if necessary, crushed in a glass part full of water. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every two hours. 43 Number 35. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Diseases of the Rectum, Piles, Fissures, Fistula, <(c. Piles are simply a swollen condition of the veins in or about the opening of the bowels. When outside, they are called External Piles, when inside, Internal Piles. When they burst and bleed, they are called Bleeding' Piles-otherwise they are Blind Piles. Fissures are a dry, chapped or cracked condition of the opening of the bowel; sometimes there is a moisture and ulceration present. Fistula is a small irregular or extra opening, communicating with the bowel, through which intestinal matters are discharged in small quantities. They are called complete or incomplete, as the external and internal communication maybe perfect or not. The principal causes which lead to these conditions are Constipation, Old School purging medicines, such as aloes, senna, quack pills, etc., and stimulating food combined with indolence or sedentary habits. Treatment:-The patient should use a nutritious, light diet, taken regularly. Sponge bath daily, and as much exercise as can be tolerated by the condition. The parts involved should be bathed with our "Compound. Witch Hazel '' three or four times a day, and well anointed with Cosmo- line. One of our Rectal Suppositories should be introduced into the bowel at bed-time, or oftener if necessary. The Remedy should be taken persistently and the treatment adhered to, until the disease is thoroughly cured. The patient will be benefitted almost immediately by the treatment, and is sometimes very careless as to its con- tinuance. These diseases of the rectum often lead to other serious disorders when neglected, and they may always be cured by patience and the use of such means as are here presented. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every two or three hours. 44 Number 36. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For Inflammatory Rheumatism, Rheumatic Fain in any part of the Body, <&c. This painful disease usually attacks the muscles, joints and covering of the bones; it is a disease of the blood, and is usually ushered in by a sense of chilliness, alternating with flushes of heat; after a short time the Rheumatism will locate itself usually in some of the structures mentioned above; it is accompanied by fever, thirst, and severe pain, the parts are swollen and the slightest motion causes great suffering. The skin is hot and dry, bowels constipated, the urine is scanty and reddish in color, there is headache, and sometimes at night delirium ; the disease is often aggravated at night and in damp weather. Treatment:-The patient should be confined to a room with the temperature at about 70° day and night. Lemonade, in which a few of the Pellets are dissolved, may be permitted freely. The parts affected should be bathed gently with our " American Homoeopathic Compound "Witch Hazel," and wrapped in cotton batting, which will be found to allay the pain and swelling very rapidly. A light nutritious diet should be given; Number IO may be given to allay the fever, if necessary, in alter- nation with the Rheumatism Remedy. The Constipation, if present, caused as it is, by the fever, will be best relieved by Number 11, which may be ad- ministered if required, or injections of warm water in large quantities may be given if preferred. Give the Remedy every one, two or three hours until cured; when convalescence is established, the tonic Number 30 may be used to hasten the return of strength, but very often no other medicine will be required to establish a perfect cure but the Rheumatic Remedy. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets every one or two hours. 45 Number 37. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy /•'or Chronic Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Gouty Joints and Affections, &c. Chronic Rheumatism is usually the result of neglected Inflamma- tory Rheumatism, and occurs often in constitutions that are weakned by dis- ease or abuse, living or sleeping in damp rooms, bad air, poor food, have much to do with keeping up the disease. It usually affects the joints or tendons, which sometimes swell and become quite deformed ; they are often painful and get worse with every change of the weather. It will often manifest itself by repeated attacks of Inflammatory Rheumatism, which come and go with every change of the weather. Ti •eatment:-The patient should be warmly dressed, wear flannel un- derclothing, and all causes if detected, removed; a nourishing light diet, free from acids, should be given; the parts affected should be bathed once daily with the "American Homoeopathic Witch Hazel," after being rubbed briskly with a dry, flannel cloth. The alkaline mineral waters are very useful in these complaints, hence one or two glasses of Vichy Water, drank daily on an empty stomach will benefit. Exercise daily in the open air'and sunshine, short of fatigue, is to be enjoyed. The Remedy is to be taken at intervals of about three hours, until all the symptoms are subdued. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets ever three hours. 46 Number 38. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For the III Effects of Grief, Disappointed Affection, Over- Worry and Anxiety. The wonderf ul influence of the mind over the body in the pro- duction of disease, or serious impression, is a matter of daily observation, but frequently not given the consideration deserved. We all know that bad news ■weakens the Heart, disgust oppresses the Lungs, and partially suspends every function. Shame flushes the face, fear blanches it, joy illuminates it; a thrill fairly electrifies the nerves; violent emotion has caused instant death. The face is often an expression of the mind, but we can never read what silently and day by day, is written upon the heart; in grief, misery, vanity, fear, anger, blasted hope, and disappointed love or ambition, and which so crushes the very fountain of life, that death is often welcomed to give the relief so vainly sought. The use of this Remedy has proven so serviceable in the Removal of these ill effects that we deem it worthy a place on our list. The cause of the trouble should be sought out, and removed as far as possible; cheerfulness, with a sincere trust in the over-ruling providence and promises of God in our behalf will grately as?ist. The mind should be employed, but not fatigued, change of air, employment, or ordinary habits will often bene- fit. The diet should be full, and very nutritious, taken regularly. A sponge bath before retiring followed by brisk friction will often produce good and re- freshing sleep and finally, the exercise of a firm will power, upon the part' of the patient in casting off the sources of anxiety and trouble, will be a potent factor in the production of permanent relief. The Remedy should be used faithfully, until the condition is entirely cured, and may be taken at intervals of two or three hours. Dose--Child, 4 ; Adult, 8 Pellets every two or three hours. 47 Number 39. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For the III Effects of Mercury, Salivation, Mercurial Ulcers, Bone Pains, Enlarged and Indurated Glands, &c. Probably no medicine is capable of doing more good in its own sphere of action, than Mercury and certainly no medicine has produced more terrible results to humanity, than this most potent agent, for good or evil. Through the influence of Homoeopathy, the world is getting gradually rid of the large doses and indiscriminate use of mercury, for almost every disease imaginable, which practice has prevailed, and still holds its own in the minds of the more ignorant doctors of the old school. The 'victims of mer- cury are legion, the results are seen daily on our streets, in the way of early decay of teeth, bleeding gums, ulcerated mouth and throats, sallow, greenish complexion, swollen glands, premature baldness, rheumatic stiffness, and in fact all the signs which indicate a broken constitution, and feeble body, all of which may be traced by an intelligent and thoughtful Physican. to the power that Mercury has to decompose the blood, by the almost entire destruction of such constituents as are most essential to health. A description of its acute poison- ing called Salivation, need not be inserted here as the frequency of its oc- currence has made the picture quite commonplace, and very familiar to those who still prefer to take the Poison. Treatment:-All the ordinary hygenic means must be applied, a good nutritious diet of light food, frequent bathing, warm dry clothing, out-door exer- cise in good weather; ulcerated parts should be frequently bathed with our " Compound Witch Hazel," which may be diluted with pure water. Exposure to cold and damp is to be avoided, and a steady, persistence in the use of the Remedy made, until all symptoms have disappeared, when the patient may congratulate himself with having saved, at least, all, or what is left of his or her constitution. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets three or four times a day. 48 Number 40. American Homoeopathic Home Remedy For the III Effects of Strong Drink, Delirium Tremens, Drunkard's Palsy, Ac. Alcohol has the power to cause a degeneration of all the tissues of the body, including brain and nerves, thereby destroying not only physical power but also the mental faculties as well. This is a demonstrable fact which is recognized by every truly scientific mind; the end of every case is a degeneration into a miserable existence, characterized by immorality, a total depravity and brutishness, which career is usually closed by insanity or paralysis. The victim is usually known by his trembling limbs, bloated face and shuffling gait, and it were a great blessing did the results of his vicious habit end with his own existence, but unfortunately its influences are felt in his home circle and in society generally. His diseases take on an increased fatality, the average duration of life in the family is materially lessened, the vitality of newborn children is impaired and the disturbances of the moral and intellectual nature become at length signalized by the highest rates of insanity, suicide, and crime. The Remedy here presented will cure this vicious craving for drink and all its terrible results, including even Delirium Tremens, provided the victims have sufficient mind left to entirely abandon the habit and enough force of will left to hold them to its abandonment. They should be kept employed, both mentally and physically; cool baths daily, light, nourishing food taken regularly, avoid red pepper, mustard, horse- radish, etc. If the stomach is weak, in digestive power, give a light meal, four or five times daily. Drench the body with water by drinking at frequent intervals, large quantities of it. Patients suffering with Delirium Tremens may have a dose of the Remedy every half hour, or in severe cases, oftener, till the delirium is controlled, and hot coffee may be given fre- quently, in place of the liquor; don't taper off, but stop drinking. The Remedy will relieve the symptoms, and take the place of the liquor, and in so doing, stop the damage that is being done. To cure the habit of drinking, the Remedy may be used three or four times a day, until the appetite is destroyed and the patient quite strong and well. Dose-Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets three or four times a day 49 Number 41 . American Homoeopathic Home Treatment FOR PARALYSIS. The motion, sensation, and to a large extent, the nutrition and functions, of the human body, or its parts, depend upon the integrity of the nerve system ; when, therefore, this nerve system, in whole or part, becomes diseased, or its vital current perverted, or destroyed, we have a con- dition characterized by loss of motion or sensation, or both, or of function which is termed Paralysis ; when it affects one side of the body it is called Hemiplegia, when it affects the lower limbs it is called Paraplegia, when it affects one limb, or organ, it is called Local or Partial Paralysis, when it is accompanied with trembling of the body it is called Paralysis Agitans, or Shaking Palsy. Among the many causes which may give rise to Paralysis, we may mention anxiety, brain over work and worry, drunkenness, licentiousness, tobacco, lead poisoning, rheumatism and hysteria. Treatment:-The patient should be at rest, warmly clad, supplied with pure air freely, and fed at regular intervals with a light, but very nourishing diet; fish, oysters, eggs, vegetables, fruit, wheat bread and milk, beef or mutton, may be used sparingly,-not oftener than once daily-much sugar should be avoided; coffee and tea are not to be commended, but may be used when the patient from the force of old habit seems to especially demand them, an abundance of pure water may be allowed at all times, the body should be bathed daily with pure, cool, soft water, (rain water is best) and rubbed dry with warm towels, after which an attendant should, with the hand, well knead and rub the chest, sides, abdomen and extremities of the patient, paying especial attention to the rubbing and kneading of those parts which are para- lyzed ; the spine should not be rubbed or kneaded, but may be painted every four days with a half-strength tincture of Iodine, (Tincture of Iodine diluted with an equal quantity of Alcohol.) This general treatment will also usually keep the bowels regular, and urine free, but when the organs concerned in these evacuations are affected by the Paralysis, it may be neces- 50 sary to use stimulating injections for the bowels, or Number 15 of our Remedies. And when there is retention of urine, it must be drawn off with a catheter by a physician-the patient's mind must be kept calm and hopeful. The treatment, A, should be given regularly three (3) times a day after m<als, and a dose from the vial marked 13, given at bedtime; the treat- ment should be steadily persisted in until all symptoms have disappeared, as cases of Paralysis when not dependent upon deep-seated organic disease of the brain or spine, are quite curable, and even these are often helped wonderfully with this treatment. Dose-Infant, 2 ; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets as directed. Number 4-2. American Homoeopathic Home Treatment For Chronic Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Catarrh of the Bowels. This condition is frequently the continuation of a badly treated or not treated at all, simple Dyspepsia, which has been allowed to persist until the Liver and Kidney becoming implicated, are also affected, and the general digestive organs become seriously impaired. Among its causes may be noticed intemperance, tobacco, tea and coffee, gluttony, bolting of food, sedentary habits, and long continued mental emotion or exertion. The most prominent symptoms are heartburn, waterbrash, constipation often alternating with diar- rhoea, there is pressure, belching, and fullness in the stomach after eating, and at times it is sore and tender to the touch. There is soreness or pain in tlie region of the liver, and often entirely round the waist; at times sick stomach, or vomiting, loss of appetite or ravenous hunger, there is weakness and faintness, with gaping, dullness, inabdity to think, or work, with gaping, and desire for 51 sleep during the day, the skin becomes dry and pale, finally there is loss of flesh, and patients become morose, irritable, desponding and melancholy; this condition is usually of long standing, and its cure will depend upon the con- tinued, persistent, and faithful use of the means here presented. Treatment:-Causes, so far as known, must be removed. All vicious habits abandoned. The stomach must be washed out by drinking a cup of water, (hot as can be borne,) ten or fifteen minutes before eating food, which must be taken only in such quantities as will digest and agree at regular stated intervals-solid food not oftener than four hours. Milk diet not oftener than two hours. Remember, it is not the quantity of food eaten, but only that part of it which is digested and assimilated which is of any benefit to the body, hence it often becomes necessary for persons suffering from these conditions to subsist entirely on milk, with pure water, which may be used freely at all times, or the white of a fresh egg dis- solved in pure water or milk, and the undissolved particles strained off; this may be slightly salted and used as a diet at intervals of two hours. It is often necessary to continue this milk and egg diet for quite awhile, before venturing upon other food; as the stomach recovers it may bear broths, plain soups, dry wafers or biscuit, (not soda,) with gradually added well-cooked fish, beef or mutton; all stimulants, such as mustard, horseradish, pepper and spices, must be avoided; the body should be sponged with water and vigorously rubbed daily, warmly clad, and rested awhile after taking food, open air exercise daily, short of fatigue, and when able our system of exercise is to be commended -a change of air and scene is often serviceable in severe cases. A dose from the vial marked C, should be taken after the hot water before meals, and a dose from the vial marked D, immediately after eating- the food, which treatment should be given three times a day. Dose-Child, 2 to 4; Adult, 8 Pellets as directed. Number 43. 52 American Homoeopathic Home Treatment FOR DISEASES OF THE EYES AND EYELIDS. The Treatment here proposed is intended to relieve and cure those affections of the Eyes and Eyelids which we often meet in every day life, and which are manifested by such symptoms as acrid tears, pain, redness, itching, feeling like sand in the eyes, falling out of the eye lashes, a dry scurf around the margin of the lids, styes on the lids, the lids glue together after sleeping; this will not include abcess of the tear duct, the sore eyes of new born infants, or inflammations which are consequent upon secret disease, as these will require the personal attention of a Physician, neither will it include those faults of vision such as near-sight or far-sight, old-sight, astigmatism, cataract, etc.,which require properly fitted glasses or operations to correct and cure; in all such cases we shall be pleased to recommend competent Physicians when the Family Physi- cian desires us to do so, or declines the work. The particular indications for our Homoeopathic Treatment are as follows: All inflamed eyes require rest from reading, or near-work of any kind, and frequent bathing with Witch Hazel Compound, Hot or Cold, as may be most grateful to the eye, (never put a poultice over the eye.) For inflammation of the Eye or Lid, with redness, heat, pain, acrid tears, etc., take a dose from the vial marked E, every one or two hours until relieved, also dissolve a disc from the vial marked F, in a cup of hot water, or Witch Hazel Compound, and bathe frequently, (the Witch Hazel Compound will be found an excellent bath for sore or blood-shot eyes.) For itching of the Lids, feeling like sand in the Eyes, Styes on the Lids and glueing together after sleeping, take a dose of Pellets from the vial marked E, every three hours, and a dose from the vial marked G, at bed time; dissolve a disc from the vial marked 7?, in a cup of hot water, add a teaspoonful each of Glycerine and Witch Hazel Com- pound, with this bathe the eyes frequently, and at night on retiring anoint the Eyelids with milk or cream. For falling-out of the Eye- lashes, a dry, irritating scurf around the margin of the Eyelids, it will be necessary to take a dose of Pellets from the vial marked G, three times a day, dissolve a disc from the vial marked F, in a cup of hot water, to which is added a little Witch Hazel Compound, and bathe freely three times a day ; anoint the lids on retiring at night-milk or cream. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets as directed. 53 Number 44. American Homoeopathic Home Treatment For Diseases of the Ears and Throat, Nasal and Throat Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Hardened Wax in the Ears, Chronic Throat Affections, &c. On looking at the inside of the Nostrils, Mouth and Throat, we find them lined with a thin, delicate, red or pink skin, called by physicians the Mucous Membrane. In the back part of the mouth, just above the tonsils, (not to be seen except with a reflected light and glass) is a little narrow tube running up to the inside of the ear drum, called the Eustachian tube. It is about two inches long and permits the air to flow freely inside of the ear- drum; this tube is also lined with the same delicate Mucous Membrane which really constitutes for the body an inner skin, very much more delicate and highly organized than the outer skin. Now, when this inner skin or Mucous Membrane becomes inflamed in part, or as a whole, we have the condition called Catarrh; when the Eustachian tube becomes inflamed, swollen or filled with mucous so that the circulation of air to the inside of the ear-drum is interfered with, Catarrhal Deafness is produced; if not stopped here the Catarrh may pass into the delicate inner ear itself and totally destroy it. This same Catarrh may also pass down the throat, if unchecked, giving rise to acute or chronic bronchial affections, called by physicians different names, according to the part involved, such as Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Bron- chitis, &c. The discharge in Catarrh may be abundant, or scanty; dry plugs, crusts, or a purulent watery or thick matter, sometimes only a dropping of water from the nose into the throat. It is often colored by matters inhaled, such as coal dust, etc. When it smells badly and is accompanied by a bloody matter, it is called Ozocna. Among the causes which may be mentioned for Catarrh, are a neglect to keep the skin in good condition, bathing in water too cold, sudden 54 check of perspiration, the inhalation of irritating matters, hot room<, over- heating the body, too many wraps on the chest and throat thereby overheating it, and in this condition breathing cold air, and lastly, but very frequently, smoking in the open air, thus submitting the delicate Mucous Mem- brane to the rapid alternation of heat and cold. It may also be mentioned that persons of scrofulous constitutions are often very subject to Catarrhal diseases, in which case they should be also under treatment for the original constitutional fault. (See JVo. t/7.) Treatment :-All causes must be avoided. The skin must be put in good order by frequent bathing, and brisk friction with a soft flesh brush; flannel or woolen underclothing should be worn and frequently changed ; when circumstances favor, a change from a cold or changeable to a warm climate is beneficial. The nasal passages and throat should be cleansed frequently, and for this purpose nothing is equal to our Dermalis-3. teaspoonful of which may be added to a tumbler of slightly warmed and salted water, and used either through an ordinary douch or by snuffing up the nostrils and gargling the throat. Should the disease be accompanied by a foul odor, sufficient Chloride of Lime as to be barely perceptible to the taste or smell, may be added to the cleansing solution and used until all the odor disappears. Should the Eustachian tube be closed, and Catarrhal Deafness result, it may be opened by a gentle effort at blowing the nose while the nostrils and mouth are held firmly closed. A little movement felt in the ear will indicate the passage of air through the tube; this is best done with the medicated air, drawn through an inhaler. The free use of JDermalis (well warmed) in the outer ear, for a few days, will soften the hardened ivaoc, etc., which may then be easily removed by syringing with warm water. The Hemedy (II) should be taken internally and regularly as directed, until all signs of disease are gone. A dose stirred for an instant in one-third glass of water, gargle with part of »this and swallow the other part with the Pellets. A disc from the phial marked J, dissolved in wrater, should be used by inhalation three times a day, after taking the Remedy, in any ordinary inhaling apparatus. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets three times a day. 55 Number 45. American Homceopathic Home Treatment For Chronic Cough, Bronchitis, and Consumption of the Lungs. The Treatment here proposed, is lheresidt of close observation and study by one of our most eminent Physicians. The success which has attended its use, is such as to warrant us in believing it to be as nearly specific to the disease as is possible in the present age of medicine to select remedies, and there are thousands whose circumstances are such, that by reason of residence and the great expense attending the continued employment of competent Physicians, are unable to do so, to whom this system has become a great blessing by reason of its economy and adaptation to the relief and cure of this most fatal disease. There are three forms of Consumption usually met with in practice. 1st. The Catarrhal Consumption, which is usually the result of neglected or repeated attacks of Catarrhal Pneu- monia, and is the form so often contracted from colds and exposure; 2d. The Fibrous Consumption, is the result of Chronic Bronchitis passing to the lung substance, or a direct sub-acute inflammation going on in the lung tissues itself, which in time, by a process of hardening, thickening and consolidating the lung, ultimately destroys it. A tendency to this form is often contracted from parents; both the above forms of the disease are quite curable in their early stage. 3d. The Tubercular Consumption, which occurs in two forms, the Acute, or Galloping Consumption, and the Chronic Tubercular Consumption. Here we have little Mil iary Tubercles, or Granules, about the size of a poppey seed, de- posited in the lung structure, which undergo various changes, finally softening into a yellowish, cheesy substance, which gradually developing into abcesses, leave cavities in the lungs. This condition maintains until the lung substance is destroyed. This last, or 3d form, is that which is commonly hereditary, and has, for all ages, been to the Medical profession, a stumbling-block. A 56 tendency to acquire Consumption of any form is developed by Syphilis, impure water, improper food and bad air, excesses of all kinds, poor blood, self-abuse, Pneumonia and depressing emotions. We deem it unnecessary to detail symp- toms, as the emaciation, cough, debility, night sweats, evening fever, with other signs are well known; but will proceed at once with that more important thing of Treatment-Hygiene. A person of Consumptive tenden- cies, or one having the disease developed, should live as much as possible in the open air and sunshine. The mind should be free from depressing elements. Wear flannel underwear, avoid sudden changes of temperature, cool sponge baths, followed by moderate friction with dry towels have a good effect; gym- nastic exercise which tends to widen the chest; slow, deep, full, inspirations and expirations are very beneficial. The climate selected to reside in should have a large proportion of clear sunshining days; a dry, cool, mountain air, well drained soil, and equable temperature. The diet should be administered at regular intervals, (three, four, or five hours,) and consist of plain, simple, nutritious food, fresh beef, mutton, chicken, birds, eggs, oysters, game of all kinds, Indian meal, wheat bread ; pure water and pure milk should constitute the entire drink. Milk Punch and other stimulants are admissible in the later or more confirmed stages of the disease. The medicinal treatment consists in taking a dose of the Remedy (K) three times a day, half-hour before meals, a dose of Remedy (_L) to be taken at bedtime; a disc from the phial () dissolved in water to be used by inhalation three times a day, for ten minutes, in any ordinary inhaling apparatus. Any excessive fever, spitting of blood, or Hemorrhage, will be promptly checked by the use of No. 10, which may be given every five or ten minutes till relieved. Consti- pation may be avoided by the use of No. 15 if necessary; the cough, if very troublesome, may be combatted with No. 12, and the dry, parched throat, will be relieved by using a mouthf ul or gargle composed of a teaspoonful of our Dermalis in a glassful of warm water, fre- quently. Our Remedies do not conflict with one another when used for their specific object, and will not harm the patient in any respect. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets. 57 Number 46. American Homoeopathic Home Treatment For Diseases of the Skin-Acne, Black Grubbs, Eczema, Scald Head in Children, &c. The outer covering of the body, called the skin, is composed of two separate layers of tissue, called the outer or Scarf Skin and the inner or True Skin. The scarf skin may be recognized as that which often peels off as a result of disease, or from the effect of a burn or blister, thus leav- ing the tender inner or true skin exposed to view. Situated just beneath the inner skin are two kinds of glands, each one communicating with and piercing the outer skin by a little pore or tube, so small that 400 of them placed side by side would only measure an inch. One kind of these glands are called Sebaceous or Oil Glands, because their function is to secrete from the blood and distribute through their pores that peculiar oily substance which lubricates the skin and hairs, keeps them soft and flexible and prevents their drying up. The other kind of glands are the Sweat Glands, whose func- tion is to carry off certain vitiated materials from the blood, in the form of perspiration. The skin of the human body contains more than 2,300,000 of these little sweat glands, and every day, even in a quiet state, they rid the body of nearly a quart of morbid matter, which evapo- rating rapidly, when in contact with the air is not perceived, but under violent exercise much more is secreted, so that it may be seen in drops upon the surface. Thus we see that the skin, while serving as a covering and protection to the body, is also one of the great outlets, or sewers of the body, through which the blood is continually pouring substances which are no longer fitted for use in the body. The skin also has another function, that of absorption; this function may be made even a method of nourishing the body. Water, if not drank in sufficient quantities, is being continually absorbed in this way. Substances rubbed on the skin, may be detected in the blood. Now when this process of elimination, absorption, or lubrica- tion is interfered with, by disease or otherwise, then we have the true skin 58 diseases to deal with. The presence of parasites on the skin as in itch, etc., also creates an irritation which may be included in the class of Skill Dis- eases. But we ignore and throw out all those symptoms of Blood disease which appear on the skin and which old school skin doctors are continually regarding and classifying as skin disease, for instance, how can the eruption of Measles, the copper spots of Syphilis, or the deadful ulcer of Epithelioma, or Cancer, be classed as skin disease. These are symptoms of other trouble and the poorest place in the world to treat them is on the skin. We must go back to the cause, cure that, and the so-called Skin disease disappears. Treatment: -A well skin must be a clean skin, bathe daily all over with pure water, in which is placed a little of our " Dermalis," 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls to a basin full and rub the body with dry towels. Use no soap, if possible, as they are very uncertain. "Dermalis" is sure all the time. Change the underclothing very frequently. Water, in large quantities, should be the entire drink. Moderate out-door exercise; the diet should be light, nourish- ing, and taken regularly; spirituous or malt liquors are prohibited. For those forms Of Skin Disease in which itching- constitutes a promi- nent symptom, a teaspoonful of Sulphur may be added to the bath, every other day. For Eczema or Scald Head in Children, bathe freely with "Dermalis" and water, pretty strong, anoint with milk or cream and use the Remedies faithfully. For Ringworm, Skin Poisoning from Ivy or Sumach, cloths wet with "Dermalis," to which is added a liberal quantity of Bicarbonate of Soda, may be continually applied. Little Black Grubbs may be removed by steaming or bathing the face at night, for five or ten minutes in hot water, in which is placed a tablespoonful of "Dermalis," afterward rubbing gently with a soft towel, (never press these grubbs out, as the bruising of the skin is very damaging,) and anoint the face with milk or cream. A dose of the Remedy (N) should be taken three times a day, immediately before eating, and a dose of Remedy (O) taken no sooner than three hours after eating food, while the stomach is empty. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets as directed. 59 Number 47. American Homoeopathic Home Treatment For Scrofula or the Affections Incident to the Scrofulous Constitution. Scrofula is a Disease of the Blood, which may be inherited from parents or ancestors; when the tendency exists, it may be acquired by bad habits, living in damp, poorly ventilated apartments, impure or unwhole- some food and water, a lack of proper exercise, in fact, anything which tends to impoverish the blood, or destroy its nutrient power. In early childhood the presence of Scrofula is apt to create a proneness to the worst forms of ill- ness known to that period of life ; hence the condition should be early recognized and promptly treated. The disease manifests itself in an individual by the following traits or symptoms : Large head, coarse features, thick swollen nose and upper lip, large belly, soft flabby muscles ; the skin is often very white, through which the blood vessels shine. There is a blueness of the whites of the eyes, giving them an expression of languor. Eruptions appear on the skin, Catarrh is often present in the forms of Coughs, or obstinate diarrhoeas. The glands of the neck and other parts of the body are frequently swollen, and sometimes they inflame and gather. When healed, there may be left great scars, the matter in these abscesses sometimes dries up into a cheesy mass, which degenerates into that of a hard, chalky substance. The joints are often swollen, and in children the bone substance is not properly developed, they being weak, pale, flabby and subject to all sorts of diseases. It has been thought by some that Scrofula is the result of the marrying of near relatives or parents of an advanced age. Our own opinion, founded on a close observa- tion and experience of many years, is that Scrofula, Cancer and Tuber- cular Consumption are often directly or indirectly the offspring of Syphilis, which may even have existed in parents many generations back. Old School Medicine or Doctors, have in all the past ages develop- ed no treatment for this dreadful condition but Mercury, to which they 60 cling with a tenacity that seems to blind them to the terrible results of such Empiricism. The victims of such treatment are to-day almost numberless, and Homoeopathic Physicians are being constantly called upon to correct and antidote the noxious influence of this mineral poison. The Treatment here offered is based upon a scientific consideration of the primary causes of the trouble. It aims at the root and may be relied upon as generally effective, being perfectly safe and harmless. Treatment:-The Scrofulous individual should live as much as possible in the open air and sunshine; use daily salt water baths, and rub with coarse, dry towels. The diet should be very nutritious, light and digestible, milk and pure water the only drink. Woolen clothing should be worn next to the skin, all the year; abundant sleep should be had, in a well-ventilated apartment. The sea air is best, next to that the open country. A dose of the Remedy (P) should be taken three times a day, one-quarter hour before meals, and a dose of the Remedy (R) taken immediately after meals. Both may be taken dry on the tongue or in water. Dose-Infant, 2; Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets as directed. 61 Number 48. American Homoeopathic Home Treatment FOR NERVE DEBILITY-SEXUAL EXHAUSTION. By Nerve Debility we mean to include all that class of conditions which arise from over excitement or long continued strain upon the nervous system; the deep causes of which are found most frequently in sexual abuse, or excess, drunkenness, over mental work, or the depressing influences of long continued grief and anxiety. When we consider that the nerve/orce ©/ the body is its life power, is the invisible, immaterial agent which supplies all the force and power possessed by the human frame, without it the body being simply dead matter, we are then prepared to understand how the entire body seems to be wrapped_in the general wreck, which is the con- sequence of this condition. The symptoms are innumerable, changeable and most distressing to the patient, who is in a continual confusion as to what is the matter, often imagining himself the victim of all sorts of disease. They become weak, nervous and irritable, the eyes are sunken and avoid a look, the face becomes pale and often is the seat of erup- tions and digestion becoming impaired; stomach disturbance ensues after eating, with palpitation, flushed face, confusion, ringing in the ears and vertigo; illy digested food, assisted by a weak liver, causes irritation of the bowels, finally constipation, which adds to the misery by producing piles or fissure of the bowels; also, in consequence of the weakened vital energy, the nutrition of the body becomes impaired, patients becoming weak and losing flesh; they get out of breath from the least exercise, and palpitation of the heart occurs; the senses all become weakened, the extremities get cold and damp, the skin loses its tone and becomes flabby, the muscles soft, and finally the brain becoming involved in the general disturbance gives rise to confusion of ideas; inability to concentrate thought upon any subject, the memory becomes weak- ened, and either stupor or sleeplessness takes the place of natural rest, a sense of distrust, despondency and melancholy pervades the acts, may even incline to suicide. Thus we have given in plain language the main features of 62 this miserable condition, which has done more to furnish Dyspeptics, Hypochondr iacs, Lunatics and Idiots, than any other condition of which we are aware. Treatment .'-The first indication is to stop all producing ca uses, and the man or woman whose will power is so far gone that they are unable to do this, is warned that our Treatment and all others will fail, but to those whose will and resolution is equal to the task, we confidently promise success. Again we reiterate, stop the producing cause, live as much as possible in the open air and sunshine, sleep on a mattress, keeping the body cool, a sponge or shower bath followed by brisk rubbing with dry towels. The body should be lightly clad, wool or flannels next to the skin, the diet should be nutritious, digestible, and taken regularly, in such quantities as not to disturb the stomach too much; four moderate meals, at intervals of four hours, are better than three heavy ones. The drink should be (exclusively) pure water, cr milk ; stimulants make one feel better for the time, but on their reaction only debilitate, and only in very weak persons are the light wines per- missible, and they must be stopped as soon as the stomach will digest milk or broth. A cheerful, happy frame of mind must be encouraged at all times, even if sacrifices in the way of business, etc., must be made to produce it. A. day in the country or park every week for city folks will pay a handsome return in that more valuable than gold-Health. The medicinal Treatment will consist of a dose of the Remedy ($) three times a day on an empty stomach, (quarter of an hour before eating.) A dose of the Remedy (T) immediately after meals, and a dose of the Remedy ( U) at bedtime, which Treatment must be continued until the system is entirely restored. Our general Remedies will be found effectual in the treatment of sympathetic symptoms which may occur, and may be used as required,-for instance, Constipation, No. 15; Neuralgia, No. 14; Piles, No. 35, etc. We have every confidence in the good results to be obtained by our Treatm ent, and the restoration is permanent, as cases treated and cured by this method years ago still retain perfect health. Pose-Child, 4; Adult, 8 Pellets. SOME American Homoeopathic SPECIAL PREPARATIONS Baby's Toilet Powder. ABSOLUTELY PURE IN COMPOSITION, ENTIRELY SAFE TO USE AND HARMLESS TO THE MOST DELICATE SKIN. Baby seems to require for his comfort a Toilet Powder, and of course Baby being the " best man in the house," should have the best Toilet Powder, and one so constructed as not to injure his delicate skin, or poison his pretty body. Now this preparation is placed among our Remedies, because of its real necessity, for, as is well known among Physicians, most, if not all, the popular Toilet Powders in the shops are made by men not familiar with the functions of the skin, its processes of absorption and elimina- tion, hence Chalk, Magnesia, Lead, Zinc, Lycopodium, etc., are used to a large extent in their manufacture. Now Chalk is gritty, insoluble in water, cannot be washed off, forms chemical combinations with the natural acid perspiration, which chokes up the pores of the skin, thus injuring it. Magnesia is open to the same objection ; Lead and Zinc are, in addition, active poisons to the system; and Lycopodium has powerful Medicinal properties which unfits it for the purpose. A good Toilet Pmvder should have, at least, the following qualities : a sf>ft, silken texture, free from grit, so that the skin be not rubbed or irritated, contain no medicinal or poisonous property, as the skin readily absorbs them, be soluble in water, so that the skin may be cleansed by washing, be o- affected by the normal acid perspiration, for many obvious reasons. Now all these good qualities, with many others, are claimed for our Homoeo- pathic Baby Toilet Powder ; but these alone should commend it to any loving mother, or thoughtful nurse. And these good qualities alike recom- mend it in the adult Toilet, wherever a powder of real merit is demanded. 64 Dermalis. PRESERVES, CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES THE SKIN AND TEETH, CURES CHAPPED HANDS AND LIPS, CHAFING, ITCHING, INSECT BITES, ITS ACTION IS MARVELOUS IN THE TREATMENT OF ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. This most excellent preparation should have a place in every household. No toilet is complete without it; as a preserver, cleanser, and beauti- fier of the skin and teeth it has no equal, being entirely harmless to the most delicate person; it may be used with the utmost freedom for the cure of chapped hands or lips, chafing, itching, mosquito or other insect bites, and all forms of skin irritation ;■ it is without a rival, indeed. We know of no remedy which possesses so much merit for these conditions, and at the same time is so entirely without fault or harm. A celebrated Professor of Medicine remarked, on being made acquainted with its formula, "so simple, yet SO marvelous,-worth its weight in gold." DIRECTION FOR USE :-To preserve, soften and beau- tify the skin, a dessertspoonful of " Homoeopathic Dermalis " added to a basin of water. Bathe freely once daily. To preserve, cleanse and beautify the teeth, a teaspoonful of i( Homoeopathic Dermalis9' added to a glass of pure water; use moder- ately soft brush, and rinse the mouth with pure water,-this may be used for a lifetime with no ill results to teeth. For chapped hands or lips, itching, sunburn, or slight abrasions, mosquito bites, etc., use " Homoeopathic Dermalis " in its purity, freely, allow it to remain and dry on the parts, if convenient. For comedones, black grubs or worms in the face, consult treatment No. Ki, of Home Treatments. For general irritation of skin, urinary organs, piles, etc., two tablespoonfuls of Homoeopathic Dermalis " to a cup of hot water. Apply freely. For general bath in bath-tub, the contents of a bottle or less quantity placed in the water will prove a most agreeable addition, rendering soap quite unnecessary, and benefitting very greatly the skin. For Raby's Rath, two tablespoonfuls in sufficient water in large basin or baby's bath-tub. For Scald Head, Eczema, or Sore Ears of Infants, use "Homoeopathic Dermalis" freely as a lotion, after bathing the parts in hot water; then annoint with milk cr cream. 65 Hair Tonic and Dresser. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC, CLEANSER, BEAUTIFIER, PRESERVER AND DRESSER OF THE HUMAN HAIR. Just beneath the skin of the scalp are situated little hair bldbs from which the hair grows; just above these hair bulbs and still beneath the skin, we find what are termed sebaceous glands, one or more of which are attached to each separate hair. These glands are tonstantly manufacturing and sending up through the hair an oily substance called sebaceous matter, which softens, moistens, partially nourishes, and promotes the growth and health of the hair. When these sebaceous glands become diseased, or from any cause cease to secrete this oily fluid, the hair becomes dry, coarse, and brittle, and when the hair bulbs are affected by disease the hair ceases its growth, splits, and often falls out in quan- tities ; but when the hair bulbs are destroyed through disease or otherwise, the hair dies, and it is impossible to again restore it. liemember this-a healthy, luxurious growth of hair depends upon the integrity of its roots, or hair bulbs, and sebaceous glands, and no so-called hair tonics or other preparations can restore hair whose root bulbs are destroyed. In truth, many of the quack oils and other hair preparations, so flauntingly advertised under all sorts of names, really injure the delicate root bulbs and in this manner destroy, instead of benefit, the hair. Our Homoeopathic Hair Tonic contains all the true qualities of a Tonic in its highest sense, for promoting the growth, cleansing, preserving, beautifying, and dressing the hair, while at the same time it is entirely harmless. Besides it is preventive and curative to the various diseases of the hair bulbs and hair glands. All vegetable oils, pomades, and other like preparations are quite foreign to the natural sebaceous matter secreted in the human hair, and often do much damage,-the best and only hair grease that should be used with coarse, dry hair, is simply fresh Lard, which may be perfumed with some handkerchief extract to suit the taste. This is the nearest artificial substitute to the natural sebaceous matter, and may be used in conjunction with our tonic at pleasure. It should be renewed before rancidity occurs. The Tonic may be used fieely; but for the general purpose of promoting growth, preserving, cleansing and beautifying the hair it will be sufficient that a portion be gently rubbed into the hair and scalp with the hands two or three times a week. 66 tap! Will'll HAZEL-or Bwiis. FOR EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL USE. A wonderf ul remedy; marvelous in its curative power- adapted for use in all inflammations, congestions and hemorrhages. The best liniment or lotion on earth. Ours is a compound preparation, far superior to any so.-called " Pond's Extract," or other prepa- ration of Witch Hazel, in the fact that ingredients are added to increase its efficacy. It should be made one of the medical supplies of every home ; it is invaluable. For burns, scalds, wounds, bruises, sprains, sores, gath- ered breast, sore or cracked nipples, run arounds, frost bites, corns, bunions, apply a linen or cotton rag wet with the Compound Witch Hazel; moisten it from time to time as drying occurs. For sore or bloodshot eyes, two or three tablespoonfuls of Com- pound Witch Hazel in a cup of hot water; bathe freely and often. Consult Treatment No. 43. For piles, fissure of bowels, etc., bathe frequently with Com- pound Witch Hazel, and consult t(Home Remedy " No. 35. For carbuncle-a linen rag wet with Compound Witch Hazel and constantly applied will often completely cure. For earache, toothache, apply freely on cotton. For neuralgia, rheumatism, sore muscles from exercise, weak back, lameness, rub well with the Compound Witch Hazel and keep the parts quite warm. Consult "Home Remedies " Nos. 14 and 36. For hemorrhage from lungs or stomach, keep the patient quiet, and in a partially recumbent position; give a teaspoonful of Compound Witch Hazel in a little ice water every fifteen minutes till relieved. (In the meantime send for physician.) For hemorrhage from the nose,-use freely up the nostrils, and gargle the throat; plug the nostrils, if necessary, with plugs of cotton wet with the Compound Witch Hazel. For varicose veins, take half-teaspoonful of Compound Witch Hazel three times a day, and wear properly fitted bandage or stocking. 67 No. 100. 'Injection Fluor Alba.' A SOVEREIGN CLEANSER, PURIFIER AND CURE FOR ALL FORMS OF FEMALE DISCHARGES, SUCH AS LEUCORRHCEA, WHITES, ETC. This remedy will be found a great cure in the treatment of all those discharges which occur from any cause in women-Leucorrhoea OF Whites, as it is called. While these discharges often occur from constitutional causes, and require treatment addressed to their more remote sources, which is provided for in our Home Remedy No. 28, there is also the local irritation and inflamma- tion of the parts, which will be very rapidly cured by the use of this remedy. Cleanliness is essential to the cure of this condition, and while the remedy here presented has great curative power, it also will prove a valuable Cleanser and purifier. Not having any poisonous properties, such as Zinc and Lead preparations, which are often used for this purpose, it may be used with entire confidence and freedom; and when used in connection with No. 28, of the Home Remedies, it will be found curative in every case, not dependent upon deep-seated or malignant uterine trouble. The chapping, itching and irritation of outer parts sometimes present in the more severe forms of this trouble, will be cured quickly by our " Dermalis." Directions for use:-First thoroughly cleanse the parts with warm water by washing and injection, then dissolve about as much of the remedy as will lay on the end of a table knife, in about a pint of warm water and inject thoroughly with the solution. This should be done, if necessary, two or three times a day. Tn purchasing this remedy ask simply for the American Homoeo- pathic No. 100. Forwarded to any address on receipt of the price, $1.00 68 Rectal Suppositories. A VERY VALUABLE ASSISTANT IN THE TREATMENT OF PILES, FISSURE, FISTULA, DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY AND ALL DISEASES OF THE RECTUM. All the diseases of the Rectum, or lower bowel, are accom panied by more or less severe pain, burning-, itching, bearing down or straining. Sometimes this becomes unbearable, on account of its severity. These suppositories will Stop all such distressing symptoms almost immedi- ately, and at the same time will not interfere with any internal treatment or medicine. They are absolutely Safe and harmless, may be used with freedom among infants, children or adults. In the treatment of Acrid Diarrhoea among children, or Dysentery, they will be found to give quick relief to all those painful symptons of straining at stool, or bearing down. Most bloody discharges from the bowel are promptly checked by their use. The pain, burning and itching of every form of Piles, Fissure or Fistula, are quickly relieved and held in abeyance by their use until cured. The convenience, cleanliness, and the easy application of these Suppositories should merit for them a place in every home. Directions for use:-Keep in a cool place-heat will sometimes melt them-be sure and introduce the large end first into the bowel; after the thick part passes the contracted edge of the bowel, the rest will slip in of its own accord. When introduced the Suppositories will melt quickly into an oily fluid, which is wonderfully soothing1 to all the irritable or inflamed parts. Use one Suppository at a time, and as often as necessary. 69 Facts Worth Knowing. PULSE BEATS. Per Minute. At Birth 130 to 140 First Year 115 to 130 Second Year 100 to 115 Third Year 95 to 105 From Third to Eighth Year . 85 to 95 Per Minute. From Eighth to Fourteenth Year 80 to 9° From Fourteenth to Twenty- first Year 75 to 85 From Twenty-first to Sixtieth Year 65 to 75 After Sixty 75 to 85 When in a recumbent posture, at rest, the Pulse diminishes from Five to Fifteen Beats. RESPIRATION. Per Minute. At Birth 35 to 40 From Three Months to TwoYears 30 to 35 From Two to Eight Years . . . 25 to 30 Per Minute. From Eight to Fifteen Years . . 20 to 25 From Fifteen to Sixty Years . . 18 to 22 The Respiration is increased in acute fevers, during nervous excitement, and by exercise. Diminished slightly during rest. GROWTH. Annually. During First Year . . . . 6 to 7 inches From First to Fifth Year . . 2 to 4 inches From Fifth to Fifteenth Year 2 to 3 inches Annually. From Fifteenth to Twentieth Year 1 to 2 inches FIRST TEETH. Central Teeth 5 to 8 months Side Teeth 7 to 9 months First Molars 12 to 16 months Eye and Stomach Teeth . 16 to 20 months Second Molars . . . . 20 to 30 months SECOND TEETH. First Molars 5 to 7 years Central Teeth 7 to 8 years Side Teeth 8 to 9 years First Bicuspids 9 to 10 years Second Bicuspids . . . . io to u years Eye andStomach Teeth . . n to 12 years Second Molars 12 to 13 years Wisdom Teeth 17 to 21 years Generally the Teeth appear in the lower jaw first, except in the case of the side Teeth. 70 TONGUE INDICATIONS. Slight, Whitish FurCurd, Intestinal Irritation. Red, Dry, HotInflammation of Stomach or Bowels. Pale and FlabbyDebility. White FurLight Fever, Indigestion. Yellow FurLiver and Stomach, Bilious Troubles. Brown, Dry FurTyphoid Fever. Strawberry Colorr Scarlet Fever. Glazed, DryDyspepsia. Cracked, FissuredAcid Stomach. DISINFECTANTS. For Sick Room-Place in Saucer. Permanganate of Potashhalf-ounce. Oxalic Acidhalf-ounce. Waterten teaspoonfuls. Mix this well, and add a teaspoonful of water every two or three hours. This generates ozone, which is healthful and a good Disinfectant. For Entire House-place in an old Earthen Bowl or Cup. Black Oxide of Manganesetwo ounces. Muriatic Acidtwo ounces. Set this in the cellar, stir occasionally with a stick. This generates chlorine, which will destroy all form of disease germs. - For Privy Vaults, Water Closets and Cesspools. Dissolve two pounds of Copperas in a bucket of hot water, use once daily for a week. These Disinfectants are Poisons when taken internally, and must be kept out of the way of children. Chloride of Lime, Quicklime, Charcoal, a coat of Whitewash, are all valuable Disinfectants. How to Send Money by Mail. There are four ways by which money, in payment for the Remedies, can be sent by mail at our risk,-by a Post-Office Money Order; by a Registered Letter; by a Bank Draft; or by an Express Money Order as stated below. Express Money Orders can be obtained at any office of the American Express Company, the United States Express Company, and the Wells, Fargo & Co. Express Company. An office of one of these companies can be found in nearly all the large towns, and we will be responsible for money sent by either of them. The price of an order for any amount less than $5.00 is five cents. Receipts are given by the Express Company, and if an order is lost we will give credit for the amount when the receipt is sent us by the sender who holds it. We recommend this as being a safe and convenient way of forwarding money. Money Orders can be obtained at the Post-offices of most of the large towns. For the small amount of five cents you can buy a Money Order upon the Philadelphia Post-office for the amount you wish to send us, and we will be responsible for its safe arrival. Registered Letters.-If an Express or Money Order Post-office is not within your reach, ask the Postmaster of your town to Register the letter you wish to send us. Then, if the letter is lost or stolen, it can be traced. You can send money in this way at our risk. Bank Drafts.-A Draft upon any city bank we can use, if it is made payable to the order of Ray Mitchell, Secretary. We should prefer Drafts upon Philadelphia, Boston, New York, or Chicago Banks. You can send money in this way at our risk. Postal Notes being payable to bearer, and duplicates not being allowed, we have no security against their loss in the mail, and we cannot be responsible for money sent in this way. Silver should never be sent through the mail. It is almost sure to wear a hole through the envelope and be lost; or else be stolen. Whoever sends silver to us in a letter must do it on their own responsibility. Address all communications to RAY MITCHELL, Secretary, 316 S. 12th St. Philadelphia, Pa. General Information. Agencies. The Law of Homoeopathy or "Similia Sinilibus Curantur " is fixed iu medicine. Its application to the cure of disease is a progressive Study, and as we apply practically its principles, new knowledge in the treatment of disease, with medicines is being gradually ac- quired. Remedies for the treatment of any disease may be changed or improved as we better understand how to apply the Law of Homoeopathy to its cure. Patrons of the American Homoeopathic Home Reme- dies or Treatments may depend with confidence upon their composition being based upon the latest and most accurate knowledge, accepted, and in constant use by the most progressive Physicians of our school of medicine, hence their value as Home Remedies will constantly im- prove, and Families using them may confidently expect results representing the newest and best methods of Homoeopathic Medicine, in so far as they can possibly be applied for family use. The American Homoeopathic Home Remedies and Treatments are pleasant to take, safe to use and effectual in the cure of disease, and desiring to make them acceptable in every American Home, we shall gladly receive and carefully consider any suggestions from friends, designed to improve their adaptability to family use. As every bottle of the American Homoeopathic Remedies is carefully prepared and completed ready for home use before leav ng our laboratory, no medical skill is required in its sale, and in our desire to establish strictly reliable agen- cies in every section of the country, we frequently accept the kindness and service of reputable and enterprising merchants of goods not medicinal, who find the supply of our Remedies profitable to themselves and pleasing to their customers. Liberal minded Druggists can, and will supply them if requested, but among the more narrow and ignorant, the desire to cater to the prejudice and bigoftA of old school doctors, will prevent their doing so. Should any difficulty occur in procuring them, write to our Central office, enclosing price, and they will be forwarded by return mail or express to any part of the country. Insist upon the " American," permit no substitution, see that our trade mark is on every bottle, do not be imposed upon. Letters of inquiry should contain a return stamp. Address all communications to RAY MITCHELL, Secretary, 316 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.