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BOERICK'E ^'TAFEL: NEW YORK: PHILADELPHIA: 14 5 GRAND STREET. 635 ARCH STREET SOLE AGENTS FOR GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY TURNER A CO., of London, 77 Fleet St., E.G. YMBK Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, By BOERICKE & TAFEL, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. D. C. SHERMAN & CO., PRINTERS AND STEREOTTPERS, PHILADELPHIA. LIST OF REMEDIES IN VOLUME I. PAGE Abies Canadensis,...... 1 Abies Nigra,........ 2 Absinthium,........ 2 Acalypha IndicaJ...... 3 Acetic Acid,........ 4 Aconitine,......... 5 Aeonitum Anthora,...... 6 Aconitum Cammarum,..... 7 Aeonitum Ferox,...... 8 Aconitum Lycoctonum, .... 10 Aconitum Napellus,.....12 Aconitum Septentrionale,.... 44 (Actaea Racemosa),......45 Actsea Spicata,.......45 Adelheidsquelle,.......47 iEsculus Glabra,.......48 ^Esculus Hippocastanum, .... 48 ^Ethusa,.........59 Agaricus Campanulatus, .... 68 Agaricus Campestris,.....68 Agaricus Citrinus,......68 Agaricus Emeticus,......68 Agaricus Muscarius,.....69 Agaricus Pantberinus,.....125 Agaricus Phalloides,.....126 Agaricus Procerus,......127 Agaricus Semiglobatus, . .' . . 127 Agnus Castus,.......127 Agrostemma Githago,.....132 Ailanthus,.........133 Alcohol,.........138 Aletris Farinosa,......146 Allium Cepa,........146 Allium Sativum,.......160 Alrfe,...........163 Alstonia Scholaris,......192 PAGE Alumen,.........192 Alumina,.........206 Ambra,..........238 Ammoniacum, .......249 Ammonium Aceticum, .... 256 Ammonium Benzoicum, .... 256 Ammonium Bromidum, .... 256 Ammonium Carbonicum,.... 259 Ammonium Causticum (Ammonia), 283 Ammonium Muriaticum, .... 286 Ammonium Nitricum, .... 305 Amphisboena,........305 Amygdalae Amarae Aqua,. . . . 306 Amyl. Nitrit,........309 Amylamine Chlorohydrate, . . . 311 Anacardium,........312 Anagallis,.........329 Anantherum,........330 Angelica Atropurpurea, .... 344 Angustura,.........344 Anilinum,.........357 Anisum Stellatum,......358 Anthemis Nobilis,......3-18 Anthrakokali,.......361 Antimonium Arsenitum, .... 362 Antimonium Chloridum, .... 362 Antimonium Crudum,.....363 Antimonium Oxidum,.....376 Antimonium Sulf. Auratum, . . 377 Antimon. et Potass. Tart., . . . 379 Apis,...........400 Apium Graveolens,......422 Aphis Chenopodii Glauci,. . . . 422 Apocynum Androsaemifolium, . . 424 Apocynum Cannabinum, .... 425 Apomorphine,.......427 IV LIST OF REMEDIES IX VOL. I. PAGE PAGE Aqua Marina (Sea-water), . . 431 Artemisia Contra and Judaica, . . 557 . 432 . 558 . 433 Artemisia Vulgaris, .... . 558 Aranea Scinencia, .... . 435 Arum Dracunculus, .... . 559 Argentum Cyanidum, . . 436 . 559 Argentum Metallicum, . . . 436 . 560 Argentum Muriaticum, . . . 452 . 561 . 565 Aristolochia (Milhomens), . . 475 Aristolochia Serpentaria, . . . 476 . 582 . 476 Asclepias Cornuti (Syriaca), . . . 590 . . 496 Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum, . 550 Asimina Triloba,..... . 598 Arsenicum Iodatum, . . . . 552 . 554 599 Arsenicum Metallicum, . . Asterias Rubens,..... . 602 Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum . 556 Athamanta,....... . 607 Arsenicum Sulfuratum Rubrum , . 557 Artemisia Absinthium, . . . . 557 • INTRODUCTION. The study of the positive effects of drugs upon the healthy human organism is novc universally acknowledged to be the duty of every student of medicine. To supply a complete and accurate record of these effects (pathological anat- omy excepted), is the aim of this work. These symptoms are recorded as facts, which, while the interpretation of their physiological action is as sure to change as physiology is to advance, will ever remain the same, and be re-read and ro-interpreted with increasing clearness and satisfaction. Preparation.—The sources from which this compilation has been made are three. First. Experiments made upon healthy individuals for the purpose of noting the effects of the drug. Second. Effects observed after poisonous doses (accidentally or maliciously administered). Third. Symptoms (cautiously admitted) observed in the sick after the ad- ministration of the drug. « To these must be added a very few symptoms which have never been observed as effects of drug-action, but which have been so repeatedly verified clinically, that they clearly indicate the remedy ; these are designated by a small cipher after the symptom. A large amount of literature has been searched that the work might be com- plete and reliable. Original sources have been obtained and transcribed or translated. The authorities quoted by Hahnemann (whose original publica- tions he was. in many instances, unable to obtain), have been referred to by Dr. Hughes, of England, the circumstances under which the effects were noticed, furnished us, and, when necessary, corrections made. The follow- in0, sample will serve to illustrate the value and accuracy of Dr. Hughes's work : ( v ) VI INTRODUCTION. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Bonetus. Statement of occasional effects of A. Camerakitjs. Effects of overdosing in adults. Eph. Nat. Cur. Effects of overdosing in an adult. Dioscorides. Only mentions beneficial effects of its external application to ulcers of the eyes. Gardane. Not obtainable. Gmelin. General statement (from authors) of effects of A. Gotze. Effects of A. in a patient with syphilitic ulceration. Hildanus\ Same case as that given in full by Cameranus in Symptom 16. Hoffman. Statement of ill effects of antimonial emetics. James. Not obtainable. Joubert. Not obtainable. Kunckel v. Lowenstein. Effects of continued use. Lindestolpe. General statement of the noxious effects of A. (one only of the eight symptoms referred to him appears). Lotichius. Case of overdosing in an adult. Matthiolus. (No reference given), not in his Comm. in Dioscorid. Mokgenstern. General statement (from authors). Nicolai Not traceable. Plinius. As A. was not used internally in his time, this must be as with Diosco- rides. Reindel. Not obtainable. Saunders. General statement from observation. Scuulz. Not obtainable. Stahl. Not obtainable. Wepfer. Several cases of poisoning in man and animals. NOTES. Symptom 15. Note, "The case related in S 16." " 16. Render last clause, " So obtuse was her sensibility that when, from the acrimony of the evacuations and her position on the back, a large and foul ulcer formed over the sacrum and coccyx, she com- plained of no pain from it." " 17. Note, "Not found." " 28. Note, "Not found." " 56. Note, "Not found." " 68. Bracket, note, "Preceding S. 73." " 73. Bracket, note, "After violent vomiting, left ear soon recovered, but right remained permanently deaf; reporter ascribes it to rupture of membrana tympani." " 112. Note, "Same case as S. 421." " 113. Note, "Not mentioned by James in his treatise on the Fever Powder." " 184. Note, " Hernia ventriculi after violent vomiting," and bracket. " 206. Note, " Not found." " 221. Add, "But rarely." " 224. Note, "In a dog." " 270. Render " Suffocative catarrh." Note, " Coming on fifteen days after amputation of foot (S. 381, 388), and ending in death." Bracket. INTRODUCTION. vii NOTE BY DR. HUGHES. " Dr. *Allen has wished me to state the nature of my contribution to his opus magnum. " It has regard solely to the pathogenesies of Hahnemann. These are derived from two sources: the first, observations made by himself aiid his disciples ; the second, cases of poisoning and overdosing recorded in'medical literature. The two elements are present in the several pathogenesies in varying propor- tions, as may be seen from the lists given in the Monthly Homoeopathic Review, for November, 1873, and the British Journal of Homoeopathy for October, 1873. "There are thus, in Hahnemann's contributions to the Materia Medica, a large number of quotations. Now, in editing any work so characterized, you will add greatly to its value if the quotations are verified by reference to the originals. Errors will creep in, and they are much more likely to occur to the citer, full of his other thoughts, than to a corrector, whose one purpose is to see that no mistake is allowed to stand. Hahnemann's quotations, like those of any other author, need verification, and experience has amply proved the usefulness of the task. " But there is something more. It has often been lamented that Hahne- mann has given us so little information as to the circumstances under which his symptoms were observed. In the case of himself and his fellow-provers, we must wait for tbis, till >if ever they are) their day-books are published. But as regards the observations he has cited from authors, the information we desire is (in the main) accessible to us. It only needs a search in the great libraries which aim at including all literature to find the journals, transac- tions, and treatises, extant in Hahnemann's day, and from which he quoted. The result is illumination. A flood of light is cast upon the separate symp- toms he has furnished : we learn their subjects, the dose and preparation of the drug, the order pursued by the phenomena, and their termination. Many 'misconceptions which we are liable to form of them, standing alone, are re- moved ; and the whole series becomes intelligible and available for practice. '; Yet once again. The investigations of this kind which have been hitherto carried out, have disclosed a strange laxity on Hahnemann's part, as regards the materials he has used. Symptoms of the most questionable kind, con- demned by his own canons, and such as no one now would admit into a patho- genesis or use in practice, find frequent place in the Materia Medica Pura and the Chronic Diseases. This is the unanimous judgment of all, of Both, Langheinz, Frank, Shipman, Beil, Sorge, Wurmb, Watzke, who have exam- ined any part of the subject. It has been suggested in explanation, that Hahnemann left this part of his work to others, and must not be blamed for their errors ; and further, that he gave these symptoms as corroborative only. But, however this may be, there they stand ; undistinguished in most collec- tions (as in Jahr and Hempel), from those which surround them, undistin- guished always among themselves. They need imperatively the fullest inves- tigation, that their real character may be exposed, and they be either dropped or stigmatized as dubious. " The facts thus stated had for some time been before my mind, when I undertook to arrange Belladonna for the Hahnemann Materia Medica. It was Vlll -INTRODUCTION. my duty to consult the originals of the 3 410 symptoms, cited by Hahnemann, in his pathogenesis of this drug ; and the results I arrived at (as detailed in the British Journal of Homoeopathy for 1873) both quickened my sense ofrthe need of such examinations, and showed me their feasibility for the English student. In the Monthly Homoeopathic Review for November, 1873, I stated the matter at length, illustrating it by the instance of Aconite ; and urged the carrying out of"the investigation for all Hahnemann's medicines No response came, and no public body took up the undertaking. My attention was then drawn to Dr. Allen's projected Encyclopedia, and it seemed to me a grievous thin;; that Hahnemann's pathogenesies should once more go forth to the world with their citations unverified, unillumined, unrevised. I wrote to Dr. Allen, otter- ing to do this work for him. He closed with me at once, and liberally pro- vided the necessary means, and I have been engaged in the investigation ever since. "Its results may hereafter appear in some separate and more detailed form. At present, they are incorporated into the Materia Medica as presented in these pages. In the heading, instead of a bare list of names of authors from whom Hahnemann has quoted, there is affixed to each a brief statement of. the nature of his observations, sufficient to show generally the value of the symptoms derived from this source, Next, to each symptom that requires it a note is appended, throwing light upon its causation and connections. Last, all doubtful symptoms are bracketed squarely, to distinguish them from those which Hahnemann himself has bracketed, with like intent.""" The reason for such stigma is either stated in a note, or is obvious from the account given in the heading of the nature of the author's observations. I could myself have wished, in many instances, to expunge rather than to bracket ; but, in rever- ence for the master, Dr. Allen desire s to omit nothing which he has given us, and it is left to the judgment of the reader to estimate all according to the in- formation supplied. My notes occupy a separate division of the page, to keep them distinct from those which Hahnemann has appended to his symptoms. • "In this Encyclopedia of Materia Medica, accordingly, the student may feel confidence that no cited symptom of Hahnemann's (save those of authors whose works I have been unable to consult) stands unverified, and that none is without the fullest light which can be cast upon its nature and probable value.'' The existence of typographical and other errors in the original text of some provings, has been brought to the notice of the editor, by Dr. C. Hering, of Philadelphia. The value of these notes will be recognized by the following samples. Hahnemann, Chronische Krankheiten Vierte Theil, Zweite Aufiage. Natrum manor., page 382, symptom 785, " Bei kalien Becken instead of Backend Patho- genetic Cyclopedia, part 1, by Dudgeon, 1850, page 261-4, "Cold pelvis instead of * These symptoms will be readily distinguished by references to the authorities and to footnotes. In succeeding volumes, two kinds of brackets will be used as here suggested. INTRODUCTION. ix cheeks " Same Cyclopedia has, page 25-26, nine symptoms of anxiety under the head of Nntr. mur.; one is not to be found in Hahnemann (" on awaking," etc.) ; and nine with anxiety, not to be found in Cyclopedia. Chronische Krankheiten Vierte Theile. Xitrum, page 175, symptom 252, instead of u Nervengegend" read Nierengegend! copied by Trinks in his Handbueh ; also by Jahr and some translators. Sabadilla, A'rchiv 4, 3, page 122-156 ; full of errors. Stapf Beitrage, 1836, every one repeated; have gone in all the Eepertories. The worst are, page 126, instead of " Wein-b inken read Warm-trinkcn" etc. Authorities are given at the beginning of each proving, and each symp- tom is followed by a small number referring to this list of authorises, so that an)7 symptom may be readily traced, and reliance placed upon it according to its authority, the dose which produced it, or the time when it occurred, the time (when noted by the provers) being given in brackets after the symptom. Translations have been made with special care to preserve the accurate meaning of the original. When existing translations have been found accu- rate, their phraseology has been retained, in order to make as little change as possible in existing Bepertories or habitual use of symptoms. For several years the editor has kept, added to, and elaborated a small manuscript vocabulary, which includes the most obscure terms used in de- scribing symptoms, the translation of which has been adopted after numerous comparisons and conferences with German scholars. Much aid has been ob- tained from a table of terms published in the Vierteljahrschrift, especially in the matter of provincialisms. A few extracts will illustrate this part of the work. Abgkschlagenheit. Mental dejection; physical prostration or weariness. (Com- pare Mattigkeit.) Angegkiffenhkit. Indisposed ; sick. (Compare Abspannung.) Daemiscii (see Euigenommen). Confused. (Compare Beneblung, Benommenheit, Befangenheit, and Wustheit ) Frost. Chill. (More severe than Kalte, coldness ; a more subjective or internal sensation.) Matt. A sensation of weakness; weariness (tired, like Milde), but not such real loss of strength as Schwach. Schlund. The whole internal throat; Schlund-kopf, pharynx. By such means the editor has endeavored to make the translations as accu- rate and uniform as possible, and hopes that very few errors will exist in this part of the work. The translations from the French have mostly been made by Dr. G. L. Freeman, a good French scholar and conscientious translator. Arrangement.—The drugs have been arranged alphabetically, which ar- rangement has been strictly followed, separating even Atropine and Bella- X INTRODUCTION. donna. The only scientific or satisfactory grouping of drugs possible must be in accordance with their generic effects on the human body. Many of our drugs are too imperfectly known, and, indeed, our bodies themselves are too imperfectly known, to render such a classification possible at this time. Theo- retical grouping of drugs must be left to text-books, or treatises on the Materia Medica; it is out of place in a work of this character. Symptoms are arranged in accordance with the anatomical plan. Sub- grouping has been made in accordance with the following general principles in any part: First. General symptoms not localized definitely. Second. Localized symptoms. Attention has been paid to objective and subjective symptoms, and when pos- sible the appearance of a part (objective) is first given, and afterward sensa- tions (subjective). Symptoms denoting increased action or activity are given first; those denoting depression and loss of action or function follow. The following scheme has been prepared and followed as strictly as possible: I. MIND. A. Emotional. 1. Rage, fury, etc. 2. Desires and aversions. 3. Moods. II. HEAD. B. Intellectual,. 1. Thought. 2. Memory. 3. Cognition. A. Confusion and Vertigo. B. Sensations (in general). 1. Burning. 2. Bursting. 3. Constrictive. Cramping. a. Laughs or weeps. b. Sadness, anxiety, fear. c. Changing mood. d. Indifference. 4. Dull. 5. Sharp. 6. Sore. 7. Throbbing. Squeezing. Pinching, etc. Aching. Beating. Boring, etc. INTRODUCTION. xi C. Sensations (local). • Forehead (burning, bursting, etc.). Temples. Vertex. Parietals. Occiput. External Head. A. Eruptions, etc. (objective). B. Sensations (subjective). III. EYE. A. Eye in general. 1. Objective. General appearance. Motions. Twitchings, etc. 2. Subjective (general sensations1. B. Eye locally. 1. Orbit. 2. Lids. 3. Lachrymal Apparatus. 4. Conjunctiva. 5. Ball (sensations). 0. Pupil. 7. Vision. a. Acute or impaired. b. Photophobia. c. Distorted. d. Illusive. IV. EAR. A. External Ear. 1. Objective. 2. Subjective. B. Hearing. 1. Acute or impaired. 2. Illusions of hearing. V. NOSE. A. Tissue. 1. Objective (including discharges) 2. Subjective. B. Function. 1. Smell acute or impaired. 2. Illusions of smell. Xll INTRODUCTION. VI. FACE. A. Face in general. 1. Objective (appearance, color, etc.). 2. Subjective. B. Face locally. 1. Cheeks and upper jaw. 2. Lips. 3. Chin and lower jaw. VII. MOUTH. A. Teeth (objective and subjective). B. Gums. C. Tongue. D. General Mouth. E. Saliva. F. Taste. G. Speech. VIII. THROAT. 1. Objective and Subjective. 2. Throat locally. A. Uvula. B. Tonsils. C. Fauces and Pharynx. D. Swallowing. 3. Throat externally. IX. STOMACH (function^. A. Appetite. Acute or impaired. Perverted. B. Thirst. Acute or impaired. Perverted. C. Eructations. D. Hiccough. E. Nausea. F. Vomiting. Stomach (locally), objective and subjective. X. ABDOMEN. A. Hypochondria. B. Umbilical and Sides. C. General Abdomen. D. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. INTRODUCTION. Xlll XL RECTUM AND ANUS. XII. STOOL. A. Diarrhoea. 1. Character. 2. Conditions. 3. Concomitants. B. Constipation. XIII. URINARY ORGANS. A. Bladder (and kidneys) B. Urethra (discharges and sensations). C. Micturition. D. Urine. XIV. SEXUAL ORGANS. A. Male. 1 2 3 B. Female. 1. Uterus and ovaries. 2. Vagina (discharges and sensations). 3. Menstruation. a. Early. 6. Late. 4. Sexual desires. XV. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. A. Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi. B. Voice. C Cough and Expectoration. D. Respiration XVI. CHEST. 1. In General (objective and subjective). 2. Locally. 1. Front. 2. Sides. XVII. HEART AND PULSE. A. Pr^cordium. Penis. Scrotum and Testicles. Sexual desires. XIV INTRODUCTION. B. Heart's Action. 1. Rapid. 2. Slow. 3. Irregular. C. Pulse. XVIII. NECK AND BACK. A. Nape of Neck. B. Back (general). C. Back (local). 1. Dorsal. 2. Lumbar. 3 Sacral. XIX. EXTREMITIES IN GENERAL (objective and subjective ; no skin symptoms). XX. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. A. In General. B. Local. 1. Shoulder. 2. Arm. 3. Forearm, etc. XXI. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. XXII. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. A. Objective (motion). 1. Spasms, etc. 2. Paralysis. B. Subjective (sensation). 1. Acute. 2. Impaired, 3. Pain. a. Burning. b. Bursting. c. Constrictive. d. Dull. e. Sharp. /. Throbbing. XXIII. SKIN. A. General (appearance, color, etc.). B. Eruptions. 1. Dry (general and local). 2 Moist (general and local). 3. Pustular (general and local). C. Sensations (for Sensibility, see Generalities ) INTRODUCTION. XV XXIV. SLEEP AND DREAMS.* A. Sleepiness. B. Sleeplessness. C. Dreams. XXV. FEVER. A. Chilliness. 1. General. 2. Partial. B. Heat. C. Sweat. 1. General. 2. Partial. 1. General. 2. Partial. XXVI. CONDITIONS. A. Aggravations. 1. lime. 2. Circumstance. B. Ameliorations. Verifications.—For the purpose of making the work practically useful (the great aim in view), those symptoms which have been repeatedly cured by the drug are distinguished by stars, with italics, or full-faced type ; the latter class is most important. Symptoms in italics, without stars, have been re- peatedly observed by provers, but not yet verified on the sick. Most generous and efficient help in this portion of the work has been rendered by two of our most distinguished therapeutists, Dr. Carroll Dunham and Dr. Ad. Lippe. Dr. Dunham has looked over nearly all the manuscript when ready for the press, and put in his stars and italics ; in Argentum nitricum, for example, he starred symptoms (5, 31, 5*, 61, 67, 73, 7 and Dreams— Gaping, drowsy,1.—Great restlessness at night, with tossing from side to side,2. [40.] jpfcyer.—Cold, shivering all over, as if the blood turned to ice-water, —Chills down the back,1. ABIES NIGRA. Abies nigra, Poir. Nat. order, Coniferse. Common names, Black or Double Spruce. Preparation, Tincture of the gum. Authority. Dr. Leaman (Ohio Med. and Surg. Rep., 1). Provers: 1, Man 40 years old, one drop of tincture daily ; 2, Girl 18 years old, two to seven drops of tincture; 3, Girl 19 years old, three to six drops of tinc- ture twice a day. Mind.—* Very loiv-spirited,2.—* Very melancholy,3.—Nervousness,3.—In- ability to think or study,3. Head.—Dizziness,3.—Bad feeling in the head,2.—Slight headache, .— Dull headache,1.—Headache began an hour after taking five drops, and increased with the doses,2. [10.]—Severe headache,3.—Head hot with flushed cheeks,3. Face.—Cheeks flushed, with hot head,3. Throat.—Choking sensation in throat,2. Stomach.— Hungry and wakeful at night,2.—Exceedingly hungry,2.— * Total loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and at night,3.—Chewing the gum after meals cured the habitual eructa- tions of gas, and increased the appetite,0.—*Pain after a hearty meal,2.— The habitual pain in the stomach after eating was cured,0,1. [20.]—The tincture relieved the usual severe pain in the stomach after eating, the acid eructations, and the frequent vomiting of food,0.—Severe pain in stomach extending to the left side,2.—Distressing pain in the stomach (lasted long after the proving),3.—Chewing the gum frequently produces the sensation of an undigested hard-boiled egg in the stomach. (Dr. St. Clair Smith.) Stool.—* Constipation (during and after the proving),3. Genitals.—Menstruation did not appear till the third month after the proving (very unusual),3. Respiration.—Easily gets out of breath,2. Back.—Pain in the small of the back,2. Generalities.—Pain in the bones,2.—Rheumatic pains and aching in the bones,3. [30.]—Fatigue,3. Sleep.—Dulness during the day, but wakeful at night,2.—Did not sleep as well as usual,2.—Very bad dreams,2.—Sleepy during the day, and rest- less at night,3. Fever.—Alternate heat and cold,2. ABSINTHIUM. Artemisia absinthium, Linn. Common name, Wormwood. Nat. order, Compositse. Preparation, Tincture from the fresh young leaves and flowers. The Swiss " Extrait d'Absinthe" (from the effects of which a few toxi- cological symptoms are obtained) is prepared from various species of Artemisia, viz., rupestris, mutillina, glacialis, valeriaca, spicata, etc. ABSINTHIUM—ACALYPHA INDICA. 3 Authorities. 1, GatcheH's provings ; t, Toxicological. Mind.—Intoxication, t.—Frightful visions, t.—Soothed, as if going into a beautiful dream,1.—Very tranquil, as if brain were rounded and symmetrical,1.—Wants nothing to do with anybody,1.—Idiotic manner; don't care whether she dies or not,1.—After recovering\ he had no recollection of taking the poison, nor of the cause of his doing so,1.—Sudden loss of con- sciousness, t.—Stupor, t.—Idiocy, t.—Kleptomania, t—Insensibility (with convulsions), t. Head.— Vertigo, tt.—Headache, t.—Dizzy when she rises up,1.—Wants to lie with the head low,1. Eyes.—Injected conjunctiva, t.—Pain in the eyes,1.—Eyes itch,1.—Eye- lids heavy,1. Face.—Looks foolish,1. Mouth,—Jaws firmly fixed, t.—Tongue protrudes, feels thick; can't talk distinctly,1—Complains that tongue (and larynx) are paralyzed,1.— Foaming at the mouth, t. Throat.—Scalded feeling in throat,1. Stomach.—No appetite; loathed food (next day),1.—Eructations; stomach and bowels distended,1.—Sick in stomach and liver,1.—Tendency to vomit, if.—Nausea, apparently in region of gall-bladder,1.—Food lies heavy,1.—Stomach feels cold and oppressed ; thinks it would not absorb much,1.—Uncomfortable, irritated feeling of stomach,1. Abdomen.—Thinks liver and spleen thickened,1.—Thinks liver and spleen have become thin and pale,1.—Bloated around the waist and in the abdomen, as after ague,1.—Bowels distended,1.—Very much bloated,1.— Immense accumulation of flatulence ; wind-colic,1. Urinary Organs.—Constant desire to urinate,1—Urine of a deep yellow orange color, and strong, horse-like smell,1. Sexual Organs.—Darting pain in right ovary,1. Heart and Pulse.—Tremor of the heart, felt towards the back,1.— Heart thumps ; can be heard in the scapular region,1. Lower Extremities.—Feet very cold,1. Generalities.—Falling down, as in epilepsy, with distortion of the features, spasms of the limbs, bloody foam at mouth and biting of the tongue, t.—Epileptiform convulsions,1.—Next day very weak,1.—No muscle; great lassitude,1.—Very rapid prostration, t. Pathological Appearances.—The autopsies of animals poisoned by absinthe showed, besides a penetrating odor of wormwood in various organs of the body, great congestion of the cerebro-spinal vessels, of the meninges of the brain, and extreme hyperemia of the medulla oblongata. The brain and spinal cord presented, upon transverse section, a uniform rosy coloring, with injection of the vessels ; occasionally the stomach, more frequently the endocardium and pericardium, showed small ecchymoses. (Journ. of Psycholog. Med., 9, 525.) ACALYPHA INDICA. Acalypha Indica, Linn. Nat. order, Euphorbiacese. Preparation, Tinc- ture from the plant. Authority. Dr. Tonnere, of Calcutta. (See Am. Horn. Rev., vol. 2, and A. H. Z., 61, 104, and 77, 31.) * Severe fit of dry cough, followed by spitting of blood (from 10 drops of the tincture). 4 ACETIC ACID. ACETIC ACID. Pure Glacial Acetic acid, C2H402. (Density 1.064 above 60° F.; below that degree crystalline.) Prepare the lower dilutions with distilled water. Authorities. 1, Melion, Roth's Mat. Med., 3, 15; 2, Orfila (toxico- logic), ibid.; 3, Cattell, B. J., 11, 338 ; 4, Waring's Therapeutics, Peter's Elements; 5, Berridge, M. H. Rev., 15, 297. Mind.— Hydrophobia,3.—Slight and transient delirium,2.—Irritability of temper,2.—Nervous and excitable mood,2.—Very great anxiety,1.—Con- fusion of ideas,2.—Diminished intellectual power,2.—Disinclination to exert the mind,2.—She is hardly able to express herself,1.—She is unconscious of all around her,3. Head.—[10.] Giddiness,3.—Heaviness in head, with sense of intoxica- tion,2.—Indications of vascular excitement in brain,2.—Dull pains in fore- head and vertex,2.—Confused dull aching over frontal regions (nervous cephalalgia),3.—Dull aching in right forehead, at a spot near the ossific centre, externally, and afterwards slightly on the left side,3.—Shooting pains through the temples,2.—Distension of temporal bloodvessels, with in- creased heat of head,2. Ei/es.—Eyes sunken and surrounded by a dark circle,4.—Great flow of tears,3. [20.]—Pupils dilated,3. Face.—Wilduess of countenance,3.—Face pale and waxen,4.—Bright red flush on both cheeks and spots of perspiration on the forehead (from drinking vinegar),5.—Bright flush and heat on both cheeks, especially on the left (from drinking vinegar),5. Mouth.—Tongue pale and flabby,4.—Epithelium of the mouth quite white (chemical action),3. Stomach.—Diminished appetite,4.—Adipsia,4.—Intense thirst,3. [30.]— (Eructations fetid, and hiccough),3.—Nausea,3.—Retching,3.—Vomiting soon after eating,4.—Frequent vomiting,1.— Violent pain and sensation of burning in the region of the chest and stomach,1.—Severe burning pain in stomach and in abdomen,3.—Heat in the stomach, with slight colicky un- easiness in small intestines, as of approaching diarrhoea,3.—Heat in the stomach, with slight hot eructations,3.—Gastrodynia,3. [40.]—She complains of her stomach,1.—Chronic derangements of the gastro-intestinal canal,3.— Sensation as if the contents of the stomach were in a state of ferment, with horrible tormenting agony,3.—Pain, as of ulcerative gnawing at a spot in the stomach, following after depression and agony,3.—He fancies there is an ulcer in his stomach, which seems sore in one spot, with gnawing; he does not suffer pain, but his agony is distressing, preventing his falling asleep, or remaining long in the same position ; towards midnight he feels very sick, aud vomits some thick, gruelly substance, which relieves him, and he then falls asleep; in the morning the ejected substance is seen to be yellow, thick matter, like yeast, without froth or bubbles, and in quan- tity about three tablespoonfuls—unfortunately, it was not more minutely examined ; the depressing, agonizing feeling still continues throughout the second day, and is removed by tobacco,3.—(Scirrhus of the pylorus),3.— Great pain at the scrobiculus cordis,2. Abdomen.—Abdomen distended,3.—Tympanitis, with difficulty of breathing (from large doses); rumbling in abdomen,4.—Severe burning pain in abdomen and stomach,3. [50.]—Griping pain in bowels,4.—Chronic derangements of gastro-intestinal canal,3.—Slight colicky uneasiness in small intestines, as of approaching liquid diarrhoea; with heat in stomach,3. ACETIC ACID—ACONITINE. 5 Stool and Anus.—Diarrhoea,4.—Watery diarrhoea,4.—Liquid diar- rhoea,3.—Diarrhoea, with swelling of the feet and legs,3.—Diarrhoea, with colic pains and tenderness of the abdomen to touch,4.—Diarrhoea of phthisical subjects,0 3.—Diarrhceic stools,1. [60.]—Bloody discharges from bowels,4.— Urinary Organs.—Urine increased,3.—Urine increased in quantity and of a lighter color,4.—The secretions smell of the drug,3.—(Urine cloudy),3. Respiratory Apparatus.—Irritation of windpipe and chest,4.— (Hoarseness from irritable larynx),3.— Croup; hissing respiration, with rattling in the throat; lining membrane of windpipe is found covered with fibrinous membrane, exactly as in true croup,3.—-(Foul breath),3.—He can scarcely speak,3. [70.]—Dry cough, attended with increased respiration, succeeded by a moist cough, with fever, increased difficulty of breathing, emaciation, night-sweats, oedema of feet and legs, diarrhoea and death,4.— Respiration feeble, difficult,3.—Respiration hurried, laborious,3.—(Bronchial hemorrhage),3. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse full, 96,3.—Pulse lower,3.—Pulse very weak and small, contracted or diminished,3. Chest.—Violent pain and burning sensation in regions of chest and stomach,1.—All the lobes of the lungs filled with tubercles somewhat like a bunch of grapes,4.—Chronic inflammation of the lungs,3. Upper Extremities.—[80.] Diminished muscular power of arms and hands,2.—Paralytic sensation in wrists and hands,2.—Coldness and prickling in hands,2.—Skin of hands dry,3. Lower Extremities.—Lassitude of the limbs,3.—Impaired mus- cular power of legs,4.—Swelling of the feet and legs, with diarrhoea,3.— CEdematous swelling of feet and legs,4.—Diminished sensibility of the feet,4.—Coldness of the feet,4. Generalities.—[90.] He jumps out of bed like a madman, and crawls on the ground, howling with pain (immediately),1.—He rolls about in agony,3. —He lies on the ground, writhing in excruciating agony,3.—Strong convul- sions2.—Convulsions and insensibility,3.—'Violent fatal convulsions, with pain in stomach,4.—Spasms with great debility,3.—Trembling from head to foot,3.—Paralysis,3.—Prostration of strength,3. [100.]—Fainting-fits,3.— Sense of oppression and heaviness,3.—Leanness,3.-^i?er body wastes,3.— Atrophy,3.—Hemorrhage,3.—General anasarca,2.—Diminished sensibility of the surface of the body,2.—She appears as if intoxicated,2. Skin.—Skin pale and waxen,2. [HO.]—The cuticle peels off,3.—Red- ness and burning sensation,3. Fever.—Temperature of skin below natural standard,2.—Flushes of heat in the external parts, with increased perspiration,3.—Slow fever, with night-sweats,3.—Hectic fever, with emaciation, cough, night-sweats, diar- rhoea, dyspnoea, and troublesome swelling of the feet and legs,24.—Typhus fever, with violent delirium, diarrhoea, pain in the abdomen, rumbling in the gastric region; also typhus with stupor, tympanitic abdomen, and ob- stinate constipation,2 4.—Cold perspiration,3.—Profuse perspiration,3.—He was bathed in perspiration,1. [120.]—Profuse night-sweats,3. ACONITINE. Aconitine (C^H^NOj,,) is obtained from the roots and stems of Aconitum napellus, L. This must not be confounded with "Morson's (English) Aconitine" 6 ACONITINE—ACONITUM ANTHORA. (same as Nepalin of Fliickiger, or Napellin of Wigger, or Pseudo-aconi- tine of Huebschmann), which is obtained from Aconitum ferox. Authorities. 1, Schroff; t, Toxicologic^!, from Bird and others. Mind.—Intellect most perfect, and even vivid, t—Thought slow ; long thinking impossible; all attention disturbed,1.—Loss of sense,1. Head.—Vertigo,1.—Confusion of head very great,1.—Headache, t.— Pain in head and face more intense after the slightest mental exertion,1. Eyes.—Pupil dilated (both from internal and local use), t.—Dimness of vision, t. Ears.—Sense of pressure in ears,1. [10.]—Roaring in ears,1. Face.—A peculiar drawing, pressive sensation in the cheeks on upper jaw, the forehead (region of nervus trigeminus), increases in intensity, at first intermittent, wandering, becomes a continuous pain of great intensity,1. Mouth.—Burning on tip of tongue and lips,1.—Unpleasant taste, nau- seous, bitter,1. Throat.—Dryness in throat,1.—Every attempt to swallow followed by the spasmodic contractions characteristic of hydrophobia, but they were not renewed by the sight of water, t. Stomach.—Eructations, immediately, t.—Severe vomiting, which re- curred every two or three minutes, and was performed by a sudden, jerking action of the abdominal muscles, accompanied by a loud shout, t. Abdomen.—Rumbling in bowels (immediately), t. Urinary Organs.—Diuresis very marked,1. Respiratory Apparatus.—[20.] Cough, with easy expectora- tion,1.—Respiration difficult,1. Heart and Pulse.—Weakness of the beating and sounds of the heart, t.—Heart's action almost imperceptible, I.—Pulse, at first, on enter- ing a warm room, more frequent, then sinks far below normal, is small, weak, and intermittent,1.—Pulse falls to 60, and in two hours after taking the medicine was so feeble as to be almost imperceptible and difficult to count, t. Chest.—'Oppression, t. Extremities in General.—Trembling of limbs,1.—Relaxation of joints,1.—Formication on the feet and hands, t. Generalities.—[30.] All the convulsive movements were easily ex- cited by simply touching him, t.—Great depression of the circulation, t.— Pains in jaws, nape of neck, and limbs, t—General fatigue, t.—Muscular weakness, even to inability to stand up, t.—Great muscular weakness,1.— Prostration, t.—Patient fearfully collapsed, t. Skin.—General formication, /.—Sense as if the epidermis would scale off',1. [40.]—Skin seems dotted with red points,1. Fever.—Horripilation, t.—Surface cold, sweating, and quite pale, t.— Head and face suddenly very warm ; this warmth extends over the whole body, is most intense in the region of the stomach and bowels, and accom- panied by sweat,1. Sleep and Dreams.—Sleep restless,1. ACONITUM ANTHORA, L. Nat. order, Rauunculacese. Common name, Eisenhut. Habitat, Sub- alpine ranges in Lower Austria, etc. Preparation, Extract from the plant in flower, and also from the root. This species possesses less acrid principles than any other. ACONITUM CAMMARUM. 7 Prover, Heinrich (0.1 gramme). (Reil and Hoppe, Journal f. Pharm., Tox., u. Therap., 1, 388.) Pulse diminished several beats within the first two hours; sensation of warmth in the stomach; frequent eructations; a cool and dry skin; a marked increase of saliva (extract from the plant). The extract from the root produced similar symptoms, with the addition of a slight crawling in the face and extremities ; confusion of the head; a sensation from time to time of a pressive headache along the course of the longitudinal sinus and in the right temporal region ; slightly dilated pupil; decided sleepiness, which caused a deep sleep the whole night through. The next day entirely well. ACONITUM CAMMARUM. A. cammarum, Linn, (includes A. neomontanum, Willd.; A. interme- dium, D. C, and A. Stoerckianum, Reich. See "Aconitum.") Nat. order, Rauunculacese. Preparation, Tincture from the root. Aidhorities. 1, Schroff; t, Toxicological. 3Lind.—Rage, t.—Fear, tt—Apathy, indifference toward the whole world,1.—Thought and concentration of mind completely disturbed,1.— Memory very weak,1. Head.— Vertigo, t.—Vertigo on rising up, with flickering of vision; roaring in ears; pain in head and face; nausea and great weakness,1.— Head confused,1.—Dull pain within the skull,1. [10.]—Physical exertion causes a return of pain in head and face,1.—Headache increased by bend- ing forward,1.—Head and face warm,1.—Tensive, drawing sensation along course of nervus trigeminus, which at first is shooting, wandering, very often intermittent; becomes a continuous pain,1. Eyes.—Pupil dilated, with dim vision; cannot look at bright objects without blinking; both near and far objects are confused,1. Ears.—Ringing in ears, with vertigo,1. Face.—Blackish-blue color of face, t.—Most remarkable sensation of contraction of the face,1.—Crawling in face, followed by desquamation of epidermis,1.—Peculiar crawling sensation in face, as well as on tongue, and over whole body,1.—Blue, swollen lips, t. Mouth.—[20.] Tongue and lining of mouth red,1.—Peculiar crawling sensation on tongue, as from peppermint; extends to lips and back part of palate, spreads to the tips of fingers and toes; is in the face and over the whole body,1.—Paralysis of tongue, t.—-Salivation, t,1.—Sharp, peculiar taste,1.—A fuzzy sensation in places where the crawling was,1.—Taste and sensation diminished,1. Tfir oat.—Violent stinging pain along the whole mucous membrane from lips to stomach,1. Stomach.—Appetite diminished,1—Thirst, t. [30.]—Violent eructa- tions, with rumblings in bowels,1.—Nausea; efforts to vomit; vomiting,1.— Violent vomiting, t.—Vomiting relieves all the symptoms,1.—Pressure in stomach, t—Cramp in stomach, t Abdomen.—Distended abdomen, t.—Constriction of the abdomen,1.— Burning in abdomen, and sensation of ants crawling around in it, t. Stool and Anus.—Violent diarrhoea, t. Urinary Organs.—[40.] Diuresis,1. Sexual Organs.—Erections and pollutions, without amorous dreams,1. 8 ACONITUM FEROX. Respiratory Apparatus.—Voice hoarse and rough,1.—Respira- tion slow, difficult, with sensation as if the chest and throat were con- stricted,1. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse frequent; afterwards depressed,1.—Pulse slow, 51; small and weak, can hardly feel it,1.—Pulse sinks, becomes irregu- lar, small, weak,1.—Pulse very irregular; not half as rapid as normal,1.— Pulse and beat of heart sometimes intermit for several seconds,1. Extremities in General.—Contraction of extremities,1. [50.]— Involuntary stretching of the limbs,1.—Pain in elbow, knee, and hip-joint, after long walking around; relieved by pressure, but not entirely removed,1. Generalities.—Subsultus tendinum,1.—Twitchings, t.—Catalepsy, t. —Unusual restlessness obliges him to keep moving, aggravated by changes of temperature,1.—Paralysis of half of body, t.—Depressed and weak,1.— Very weak and prostrated, must lie down,1.—Oppression and anxiety,1. [60.]—Touch diminished, cannot feel small objects,1.—Sudden death, t. Skin.—Peculiar crawling sensation is over whole body, as well as on tongue and face,1.—Skin cold, dry, rustling,1.—Vesicles, small white and yellowish, surrounded by an intensely red areola,1.—Vesicles on skin of lower extremities filled with serous fluid and very painful,1. Fever.—Skin dry and icy cold,1.—Heat, t. Sleep and Dreams.—Frequent yawning,1.—Sleepy,1. [70.]—Sleep- less at night, till near 4 a.m., when he slept two hours,1.—Nights so rest- less, that he wanders about the room as if crazy,1. ACONITUM FEROX. A. ferox, Wall. (A. virosum, Don.) Nat. order, Ranunculacese. (The most poisonous species known; from the Himalaya Mountains.) Common names (Indian), Bisch, or Bikh, Ativisha. Preparation, Tincture from the root. Authority. Dworzak, in Schroff (Reil and Hoppe Journ.). Took .01 gramme of the extract at one dose. Mind.—Mind very active; sequence of ideas rapid (in six hours).__ He talked constantly, remembered easily the minutest circumstances of his former experiment, compared them with the present one, and readily drew conclusions therefrom (in six hours).—In the intervals of relief from dis- tressing symptoms, he laughed and joked about his very comical condition ; but when the dyspnoea, anxiety, etc., returned, he could not seem to endure them, and abused heartily Aconite and Toxicology in general (in four to six hours).—Was incapable of any mental work, even the simplest addition (second day).—Comprehension and understanding were confused (second day).—Anxiety (in four hours). Head.—Confusion of head (in eighty minutes).—On rising, at 6.30 o'clock, vertigo (second day). Eyes.—Pupils dilated,"sluggish to light (in six hours). Face.—[10.] The cheeks felt fuzzy (in forty minutes).—Troublesome formication, mostly over face (in eighty minutes). Mouth.—Formication on upper surface of tongue, gradually involved whole mouth (in forty minutes).—The tongue almost insensible • it feels like a piece of raw leather in the mouth (in six hours).—Tongue covered with a thick, yellowish-white fur (second day).—Violent burning in mouth (in two minutes).—Burning in mouth and throat increased by food (second day).— Drank often cold water to relieve the burning in mouth and fauces ACONITUM FEROX. 9 (in five minutes).—The mouth felt fuzzy (in forty minutes).—Salivation (in five minutes). [20.]—Taste flat, pasty (second day). Throat.—Violent burning in pharynx (in two minutes).—Burning in throat and mouth (in two to four hours).—Drank often cold water to relieve the burning in fauces and mouth (in five minutes).—Feeling of constriction of throat (in four hours). Stomach.—Very little appetite (second day).—Frequent eructations (in eighty minutes).—Transient nausea (third day).—Nausea, eructations (could not vomit) (in four hours).—At times, nausea and inclination to vomit (in eighty minutes). [30.]—After breakfast, nausea, pressure in stomach, with pain (second day).—Sensation of warmth in stomach (in two minutes).—Violent drawing pain in region of stomach and sacral regions, which soon spread over whole abdomen ; on pressure at the epi- gastric region, the pain is increased (third and fourth days).—Pressure in stomach after eating (four to eight days) (fourth day).—On pressing in stomach, an internal, dull pressing pain (four to eight days). Abdomen.—Rumbling in bowels (in five minutes).—Constant gur- gling in bowels (in four hours). Stool and Anus.—Two half-watery, dark, not copious stools (second day). Urinary Organs.—Copious evacuation of urine every fifteen to thirty minutes; in twelve hours, more than five quarts of urine, and only two quarts drank (in forty minutes).—Frequent and copious urination (in seven hours). [40.]—Urine straw-yellow for eight hours, afterwards became dark (in forty minutes). Respirfitttry Apparatus.—Dyspnoea.—Oppression of breathing (in four hours).—Dyspnoea increased to such a degree that he was obliged to breathe half sitting up, with the head resting on the palms of the hands (in six hours).—Anxiety increased to a high degree; he constantly feared he would suffocate from paralysis of the respiratory muscles (in six hours).— Accelerated respiration (in six hours). Heart and Pulse.—Pulse slowed 11 beats (74), (in five minutes). —Pulse small, weak, 60 (in two to four hours).—Pulse weak and small (in six hours).—Pulse 70, small and weak (second day). Extremities in General.—[50.] Weakness and trembling of ex- tremities (in eighty minutes). Lower Extremities.—Walking difficult and uncertain, fatiguing (in eighty minutes).—Gait tottering; step regular, but powerless (second day).—Remarkable weakness in lower extremities, especially the right (third day). Generalities.—General sick feeling (in eighty minutes).—Formica- tion spread over whole body, but affected very slightly, or not at all, those parts that had been cold; worse, or caused by change of temperature and motion. From 7 to 7.30 p.m., this annoying sensation, having changed from one nerve to another, reached its greatest severity; it caused a painful unrest, so that he could not possibly lie more than a few minutes quietly; constantly changed his position ; would attempt to get up, but a few steps exhibited marked weakness and prostration, with vertigo, blackness before eyes, trembling of whole body, inclination to vomit; relieved at once by lying down (in two to four hours).—Sensation as though benumbed; on touching objects, it seemed as though he had on gloves; on pinching the cheek, no pain (in six hours).—Touch all day blunted, as through gloves; and he seemed to walk on woollen carpets (second, third, and fourth days). 10 ACONITUM FEROX—ACONITUM LYCOCTONUM. —Weakness very great (in four hours).—Very weak, even in bed (in four hours). [60.]—Weakness (fifth day).—Lassitude and weariness sud- denly attacked him (second day).—Prostration from the sleepless night (fifth day).—Weakness, anxiety, dyspnoea, restlessness, and excitement in- creased with intervals of relief (in four hours). Fever.—Sense of coldness (in eighty minutes).—Icy coldness of body, especially of extremities, continued for several hours; he was wrapped in his gown and doubled covers, and three feather bolsters, and the room kept very hot, without effect (in four hours).—Temperature objectively and subjectively lowered ; he lay one and a half hours by the hot stove (second day).—So tired he had to go to bed and be covered up warm, because the skin was cold objectively and subjectively (in eighty minutes).—Desire to get warm ; he rose from the bed and tottered six steps to the stove ; he re- mained by the stove a few minutes (half sitting, half lying, with the head supported); warmth caused a pleasant sensation, but there arose vertigo, flickering, trembling of limbs, oppression, and nausea, so that he had to go back to bed, which relieved these latter symptoms (in four hours).—He could not divest himself of the idea that warmth would do him good; he went to the stove again, with the same result as before; on attempting it the third time, he could not stand up (in four hours). [70.]—Desire for warmth ; not being'able to leave the bed, he had heated bolsters laid on his chest and abdomen, and kept as quiet as possible (in four to six hours).— Skin cold (second day).—Skin cold, dry, rustling (temperature of room very high) (in two to four hours).— Calor mordax on forehead, chest, and hands, with sensation as if numerous glowing hot wires were stuck into him ; relieved by the perspiration (in four to six hours).—In order to pro- mote perspiration, he flexed and extended the arm as rapidly as possible; after a minute, copious sweat, with calor mordax; but instead of relief, he was attacked with such weakness that he sank down exhausted ; palpitation (in six hours). _ Sleep and Dreams.—Sleepy, and slept three-quarters of an hour (in six and a half hours).—Slept again one and a half hours (in eleven hours).—Night sleepless (fourth clay).—On waking, violent burning in mouth and throat, warmth in stomach, dull sensation in head ; weak, weary, relaxed (in seven hours). Conditions.— Afternoons better (third, fourth, and fifth days).—[80.] The burning in mouth and throat renewed for a few hours by warm food (fourth day).—Coffee relieved the symptoms (in six hours). ACONITUM LYCOCTONUM. Aconitum lycoctonum, Linn. (A. telyphonum, Reich.). Nat. order, Ra- nunculacese. Common names, (English) Wolfsbane; (German) Wolfs- eisenhut. Preparation, ? Authority. Petroz (Journ. d. 1. Soc. Gallicane, 1st ser., vol. 3, p. 16). Mind.— Mania.—Ferocity.—Laughter.—Distraction.—Instability of ideas.—Dread of work.—Repugnance to business. Head.—Vertigo with nausea.—Lancinating pain in the head, which extends to across the eyes. [10.]—Digging sensatiou in the brain.__Com- pressive pain in the head.—The head feels heavy, as if a great weight were pressing on the brain.—Sensation as if a nail were driven iuto the head when moving it.—Pulsations in the head.—Shocks in the forehead.—Pres- sure on the top of the head.—Hammering pain in the temples.—Pressure ACONITUM LYCOCTONUM. 11 in the occiput.—Pulling pain in the scalp when contracting it. [20.]— Pain like that of rheumatism in the skin of the head, increased by touching it. Eyes.—Fixed look.—Heat in the eyes.—Lancinating pain in the eyes, going from without inwards.—Boring pain in the eyes.—Painfullness of the lids.—Itching in the eyelids.—Sensation of pressure on the lids.—Difficulty in raising the lids.—Feeling of dryness at the inner canthus. [30.]—Smart- ing in the canthi. Ears.—Feeling of roughness in the ears.—Beatings in the ears when in the open air.—Purulent discharge from the ear.—Redness behind the ears. Nose.—Itching on the nose.—Sensitiveness of the nose.—Pulling sen- sation in the nose.—Lancinations in the nose.—Compression at the root of the nose. [40.]—The skin of the nose is cracked.—Muco-purulent dis- charge from the nose.—Dry coryza.—Coryza from one nostril. Face.—Pale face.—Shining face.—Pain of excoriation around the mouth.—Pain which seems to be in the facial bones.—Tension in the facial muscles.—Bluish circle around the eyes. [50.]—Hard tuberculous pimples on the face.—Pimples on the lips.—Sweat on the face.—The skin of the face becomes of a light-brown color.—Numbness of the jaw, like in- cipient paralysis, relieved by compressing it, and ameliorated by drinking wine. Mouth.—Burning pain in the upper teeth.—Pressive pain in the teeth.—Tearing pain in the lower teeth when opening the mouth.—Bluish gums.—Ulcerated gums. [60.]—Clayey taste.—Astringent taste. Stomach.—Strong relish for dainties, fruits, cabbage.—The relish for tobacco is increased in a smoker.—Dislike for food in general, especially for fatty things and milk; they cause uneasiness.—Keen hunger, but it is very soon satisfied.—Thirst.—Constant thirst, even when drinking.—Burn- ing thirst.—Thirst at night. [70.]—Acid risings, with weight on the stom- ach.—Risings with rancid taste.—Risings like rotten eggs.—Painful eruc- tations.—Hiccough.—Inclination to vomit after eating.—Inclination to vomit, with shivering.—Inclination to vomit, with vertigo.—Vomiting of mucus on getting out of bed.—Yellowish vomiting after drinking. [80.]— Vomiting, with copious urination. Abdomen.—Bruised pain in the right hypochondrium.—Tearing pain in the right hypochondrium.—Starting in the hepatic region.—When respiring, both hypochondria feel bruised.—Sensation of compression, which is referred to the diaphragm,—Anxiety in the abdomen.—Beatings in the abdomen.—Simple pain in the abdomen after drinking milk.—Lancinating pain after drinking milk. [90.]—Abundant flatulence.—Colic, like that caused by haemorrhoids. Stool and Anus.—Constipation.—The anus feels as if strongly con- tracted.—Diarrhoea with violent cutting after eating pork.—Whitish stools. —After stool, pain in the anus as if there was a crack there.—Cramp at the anus.—Tearing pain at the anus.—Itching at the anus. [100.]—Shiv- ering after stool.—Tenesmus during the night. Urinary Organs.—Desire to urinate, with copious emission.—Urg- ing, with ineffectual efforts to urinate.—Desire to urinate, with scanty dis- charge.—Colorless urine.—Increased heat of urine.—Turbid urine, deposit- ing a white sediment. Sexual Organs.—Itching at the vulva.—The menstrual blood is, fetid. [HO.]—Excoriation of the bend of the thigh after the menses.—Leu- corrhcea.—Viscid leucorrhcea. 12 ACONITUM. Respiratory Apparatus.—Difficult respiration.—Slight cough, with watery expectoration.—After a slight chill, cough, leaving a taste of blood in the mouth. Chest.—Swelling of the mammary glands. Neck and Bad:.—Swelling of the cervical glands.—The neck seems to grow larger.—Swelling of the neck on one side only. [120.]—Pressive pain at the nape of the neck.—Shivering in the back.—Jerking in the region of the kidneys. Upper Extremities.—Swelling of the axillary glands.—Pressure in the shoulder-joints.—Lancinating pain in the shoulder-joints.—Tearing pain in the elbow-joint.—Stiffness in the joints of the elbow and wrist.— A few blotches, like scarlatina, appear on the forearm and hands.—Sensa- tion of fulness in the hands. [130.]—Sweat on the hands. Lower Extremities.—On stretching his legs the muscles of the ham feel as if very much shortened.—Jerking in the legs.—Itching at the ankles in the evening.—Lancinating pain at the instep when standing.— Eruption of hot, red, slightly painful spots, on the legs and toes. Fever.—Horripilation.—Chilliness of one side only as soon as he is uncovered.—In the morning external coldness with feeling of heat.—Cold- ness alternating with heat, succeeded by sweat. [140.]—During the heat, pale face, strong appetite, thirst; pain in bowels, restlessness.—The sweat continues after the fever.—Drawing pain in the limbs, such as are felt in intermittent fever, with feeling of lassitude during the night, and on get- ting up in the morning. Sleep and Dreams.—Drowsiness.—He sleeps too long.—Aberra- tion of hearing during sleep.—During sleep numbness of the parts he lies on. Conditions.—The pains are generally felt in the afternoon.—Aggra- vation from mental exertion.—Aggravation during digestion, especially of pork, onions, and after drinking wine. ACONITUM. A. napellus, L. (including also A. Stoerckianum, Reich., in part). Nat. order, Ranunculacese. Common name, Monkshood. Preparation, Tincture from the whole plant and root when beginning to flower. Authorities. 1, Hahnemann, R. A.M. L., vol. 1; 2, Fred. Hahnemann, ibid.; 3, Ahner, ibid.; 4,Hornburg, ibid.; 5, Riickert, ibid.; 6, Stapf and Gross, ibid.; 7, Wahle, ibid.; 8, Abano, ibid, (a general statement of the effects of Aconite poisoning); 9, Bacon, ibid, (poisoning of an adult by Aconite); 10, Durr, ibid, (effects of a mixture of Aconite and antimo- nial wine); 11, Gmelin, ibid, (effects when given to patients a long time) ; 12, Greeding, ibid, (an account of the treatment of nine patients, variously afflicted, with increasing doses of the extract, as follows : I. A woman, set. 35, with indurated cervical glands; II. A woman, set. 36, with the same, and also a maniac; III. A woman, set. 32, with the same ; IV. A woman, set. 68, with left hemiplegia; V. A woman, set. 79, with the same; VI. A woman, set. 49, with dropsy; VII. A woman, set. 49, in general ill-health; VIII. A woman, set. 24, demented and epileptic, subject to spasms of the limbs; IX. A woman, set. 40, with glandular tumors); 13, Van Helmont, ibid, (effects of putting a piece of the root on the tongue); 14, Matthiolus, »ibid, (a narrative of two cases in which Aconite was administered to crimi- nals (male adults) to test the efficacy of the bezoar-stone as an antidote, S. 441, 635, 1374, 1652, occurred in the first one, the rest in the second); 15, ACONITUM. 13 Moraeus, ibid, (two adults poisoned, S. 631 belongs to one, S. 1479 to the other); 16, Richard, ibid, (as Matthiolus, one subject); 17, Roedder, ibid. (effects of the application of Aconite-juice to a wound); 18, Stoerck, ibid. (this writer experimented on himself by placing a small quantity of the root on his tongue; he then gave the medicine to the following patients: I. A man, set. 30, with pleurodynia; II. A man, set. 27, with sciatica; V. [Note. The omitted numbers belong to cases from which Hahne- mann has taken no symptoms.] A woman, set. 40, with a cervical tumor; VII. A woman, set. 22, with a considerable swelling in the left iliac re- gion ; X. A woman, set. 43, with neuralgia of the right foot and arm); 19, Hencke, provings Archiv. 20 ("c." a girl), with the tincture; 20, Arneth, Oest. Zeit., 1, 2, Austrian provings, mostly with the tincture; 21, Boehm, ibid.; 22, Gerstel, ibid.; 23, Gerstel's wife, ibid.; 24, Maschauer, ibid.; 25, N. N., ibid.; 26, Reisinger, ibid.; 27, Rothansel, ibid.; 28, Schwarz, ibid.; 29, Sterz, ibid; 30, Wachtl, ibid.; 31, Watzke, ibid.; 32, Weinke (girl), ibid.; 33, Wurstl, ibid.; 34, AVurmb, ibid.; 35, Zlatorovick, ibid.; 36, Jousset; 37, West (from Roth's M. M., 1); 38, Robinson (short provings in British Journal with 30, 200,1000, 2000); 39, H. N. S. (Hahne- mannian Monthly, 4, 366, proving with a potency); 40, T. C. D., ibid, (prov- ing with the 60th); 41, Fleming (on Aconite); 42, Schneller (Roth's Mat. Med., 1); 43, J. C. Peters (effects of a large dose). Toxicological symptoms are marked with t; verified clinical symptoms are marked with a pellet °. Mind.—*Nightly raging delirium; he will not be kept in bed; in the morning excessive sweat,10.—He did all things hurriedly, and ran about the house13.—Transient frenzy,15 t.—Hope is aroused, immediately after vomiting,16 £.—Crazy folly,161.—He commenced to be delirious, and played upon a leaf,161.—Maniacal delirium, t.—Delirium, t.—Loquacity, £. [10.]— Exalted spirits,42.—Gayety, with inclination to sing and dance (? h.),29.— More gay and excited than usual (1st h.),1.—He cannot remain long at one occupation,42.—Excessive disagreeable restlessness ; without occasion for hurrying, he is in the greatest haste, every obstacle that delays his rapid pace is excessively annoyiug; he knocks against some people who do not get out of his way fast enough, and runs in breathless haste up the steps; this hurried disposition lasted two hours,35.—He raves, though awake; jumps out of bed and imagines he is driving sheep (4 h.),1.—Lucid (clairvoyant) vision/.f—Lively memory,1.—Lively imagination,1.—Great activity of mind,35.—He sits buried in thought,1. [20.]—Rapid change of thought, great exertion is required to fix the train of thought,35.— Unsteadi- ness of ideas; on attempting to think of one thing, another forces it out of the mirtd, and this is supplanted by another, and so on, until fie becomes quite confused,29.—Restlessness, uninterrupted, unpleasant; he must now sit, now stand, now walk, he does not know what is the matter,24.—^Excessive restlessness, all movements and actions are performed with great haste and hurry,35.—Impatience, he throws himself anxiously about, and con- stantly changes his position,19, etc.—Hurried speech, t.—Speaks much and rapidly, t.—^Alternate attacks of opposite moral symptoms,1* t.—^Variable humor, at one time gay, at another dejected,30,35.—* At times he seemed to weep, and at times he sang,1* t. [30.]—Now he doubts his recovery, now he is full of hope,14, t.—Happiness,21, n.—Now he was perfectly conscious, f Hahnemann's note explains that he was conscious that his beloved, fifty miles away, was singing a certain piece. 14 ACONITUM. and then again he raved,141.— Quarrelsome, with constantly varying de- lirium, he chatters childish nonsense, and is extravagantly gay,1.—Morose, peevish,30.—* Quarrelsome (6 h.),1.—Irascibility,1.—Fretful,30 t.—*Vexation about trifles,34,35, t.—Extremely inclined to be vexed (J h.),1. [40.]—Great in- difference, irritable,28.—* The slightest noise is unbearable (Mi.),1.— Over-sen- sitive to light and noise,23,35.—He takes every joke in bad part (3 h.),1.— * Cannot bear pain, nor to be touched, nor uncovered.0—* Great Anxiety, t.— Anxiety only transiently relieved by drinking cold water,24.—Anxiety as though a great misfortune would happen to him,24.—Increased anxiety, fol- lowed by total apathy, t.—Anxiety which does not allow him to remain in one pla'ce, he must constantly walk about, t. [50.]—He is made restless by internal anxiety,19.—Anxiety and peevishness, with fine dartings in the side of the chest, then palpitation at the pit of the stomach, and pressive head- ache,1.—*Inoonsolable anxiety and piteous bowlings, with complaints and re- proaches about trifles (5 h.),1.—Dolorous anxious complaints, with pusillani- mous fears, despair, loud wailing, and weeping, and bitter reproaches,1.— His anxiety and fright rose to a great pitch, t—Flickering before vision makes him anxious on the street, he thinks he constantly jostles the passers by,31.—* Anxiety, he believes he will soon die, t.—*Fear of approaching death (2-12 h.),1,41,16.—Excessive fear of death, t.—Feeling as if his last hour had come, t. [60.]—Thrice he became blind, and affirmed death to be at hand,141.—* Apprehensive, t,30.—Extreme fearfulness (£ h.)1.—Dread of some accident happening,1.—He cannot banish anxious apprehensive thoughts, even in gay company,31.—Fear lest he might stagger and fall,1.— Great timidity after a severe fright, afraid to go out unattended after dark, is unable to control his feelings of apprehensive fear.°—Fear of ghosts,0.—De- jection, t.—^Depression of spirits, t,20. [70.]—*Sadness, solicitude,1.—De- jected, as if she had no life in her (2 h.),2D.—Dejected, disinclination for everything, depression even whilst walking,4.—-Melancholy,26.—Music is unbearable, it goes through every limb, and makes her quite sad (24 h.),1. —She began to cry violently, with convulsive twitching of the facial mus- cles, t.—Every now and then she uttered a peculiar plaintive cry, t—Dis- like to company,30.—Desire to be alone,35.—Disinclined for conversation,35. [80.]—Anthropophobia (3 h.),\30 —Misauthropy,1.— Obstinacy,1.—Staid resolute, not lively humor (secondary, curative action, 8 h.),1.—Disinclina- tion for mental labor,30,31.—Disinclined to exert body or mind,41.—Disinclined to read (several).— Unable to think or perform even the slightest mental labor (several).—Distraction, t.—Unusual distraction of ideas,2*, '2S. [90.]—Distrac- tion of the attention whilst reading or writing, owing to frequent cessation of thoughts,5.—Thinking slow, all attention disturbed, t.—He cannot think nor reflect, knows nothing, and has no idea of anything in his head, as usual, but feels that all the mental operations transpire in the region of the stomach ; after two hours he has two attacks of vertigo, and then the usual thinking power returns again to the head,13.—Prepossession of the mind, the thoughts he has already conceived and half written down, he is unable lo legister completely without an effort to recall them (3 d.),7.— Want of memory, what has just been done appears like a dream, which he can scarcely call to remembrance,20.— Weakness of memory (5-9 h.),1.—Memory verv weak t—Loss of memory,36.—Loss of memory for dates,24.—Diminished 'intellec- tual powers,26,7. [100.]— Great confusedness both of thought and action (4 h.),38. —*Dulness and confusion of mind, t.—Prostration of mind, t,—Stupor,' t. —Insensibility, t.—Loss of consciousness transient, t.—Loss of consciousness during the convulsions, t.—He lies in a stupid condition, at evening, eyes ACONITUM. 15 closed, twitching of the facial muscles, mouth compressed, without power of speech, t.—Coma, t. Head —Confusion in the head as after intoxication, with pressure in the temples,1. [HO.]—Confusion of the head evenings with pressure in the forehead (several).— Confused and muddled feeling in the head early in the morning after waking (several).— Confusion ivith heaviness and fulness of the head, aggra- vated by motion (several).— Confused head and pressive pain in the forehead, mornings on waking (19 h.).—Confusion of the head soon changed to a sense of heaviness, and pressive pain in the vertex and forehead (19 d.).— Muddled sensation in the head,25.—Easy stupefaction from tobacco smoke,30. —Vertigo,1 (and several), t. (many).—V. to falling,24.—Confused V. all day,38. [120.]—Frequent attacks of V., feeling as if about to fall over,*0.— V. as after slight intoxication, with distraction of mind,26.—V., the child totters and cannot stand, t.—V. and stupefaction on entering a warm room, as if intoxicated,35.— V., especially on stooping; *she staggers, especially to the right (36 h.),29.—V., everything seems to go around in a circle, she can scarcely get into bed (37 h.),29.—* V. as if intoxicated, all goes around, she staggers as if about to fall; with nausea, worse on rising from sitting, less while walking, not at all while sitting (\ h.),29.—Staggering as from concussion after a fall on the occiput,25.—V., sense of swaying hither and thither in the brain,1.—* V. while stooping31. [130.]—V. while stand- ing,41.—* V- on rising up, t.—V. with confusion in the head forenoons daily for 16 days after leaving off the drug,29.—V. on motion and on rest,25.—V. great after dinner,24.—V. when walking or driving,21.—* V. much increased by shaking the head, whereby complete blackness comes before eyes,29.—V., and headache in forehead and occiput, both worse on stooping (10 min.),2. —Dizzy heaviness of the head, chiefly in the forehead on stooping, with nausea and sinking in the pit of stomach (2 h.),29.—Dizzy confusion of head, on right side of forehead, on walking in the open air,22. [140.]—V. with commencing staggering, it seems to him as if he could not stand on his feet,31.—V. with headache, especially in the occiput, t.—V. with distending pain in the occiput, t.—V. and headache, not affected by violent motion (k h.),2.—V. with obscuration of vision, t.—Whirling in the head so that she dare not move it, with a sensation as if the eyes would close,29.—(V. with difficult respiration, dry cough, and pain in the hips,12.)—* V. with nose bleed.0—* V. with nausea.0 [150.]—V. with vomiting and exhaustion.0 —*Heat in the head (several).—Heat in the whole head followed by sore- ness, particularly of the forehead, lasting all the evening (11 h.),29.—*Burn- ing headache as if the brain were agitated by boiling water,141.—Head warm, it feels smaller to the hand,35.—Headache as if a hot iron were bound awund the head, t.—Headache as if the skull were laced externally with a band and drawn tightly together,13.—Head seems bound around with a band,1.—Pain over the whole skull as if compressed from all sides equally; sometimes the pain is concentrated with the greatest severity in the orbits (typically recurring),25.—Weight in the head,9.—Pressive pain in whole head,20. [160.]—Heaviness in the head,24,26,31.—Head heavy and dizzy in the morning, as if he had drunk wine the evening previous,31.—Headache, t,39,etc.—Violent headache with trembling, t.—Pressive headache with pres- sure in the eyes (19 h.).—Pressive troublesome headache, first in the vertex, then drawing to the forehead, where it causes a sensation of heaviness and fulness, lasts several hours ; aggravated by motion ; forenoons (17 d.).— Dull headache, as if bruised with a bruised feeling in all the limbs (14 h.),1. —Pressive constrictive headache extending over the whole arch of the 16 ACONITUM. skull, especially over the left eye; ameliorated by laying on the cool hand,38. —Drawing in the whole head, especially in the temporal muscles,35.—*Ful- ness in the head (several). [170.]—Fulness of the head with erratic pains in the right supra-orbital, temporal, and frontal regions,39.—Headache as if the brain were pressing outward (J h.),1.—During all the proving sudden and frequent congestion of the head with anxiety, followed by rigor over the back,30.—The brain seemed much congested, and the jugular vein was opened with great relief; she felt as if whirled suddenly from a close, hot, dark room into a spacious, light one,35.—*Shooting, pulsating headache, as if from an internal ulcer, sometimes prevents speaking,1.—Headache as if a part of the brain were raised up here and there, increased by slight motion, drinking and speaking (h h.),1.—Heaviness of the head, waving, and shaking in the brain,25.—A fine pulsating here and there in the head,1. Humming in the head,25. Numbed feeling in the head, as if there were a board before the forehead (\ h.),29. [180.]—Sensation as if something were drawn out of the head, causing the upper lids to be drawn upwards (2 h.),29. —Head felt as if forcibly turned around, t.—Sensation of crepitation (as produced by bending gold tinsel backward and forward) in the temples, nose, and forehead,1.—* Fulness and heavy feeling in the forehead, as if an outpressing weight lay there, and as if everything would come out at the forehead (} h.),29.—Fulness of the forehead on stooping, as if everything would fall out (25 h.),29.—Outpressing pain in the forehead,7.— Wedge-like pressing asunder headache in the region of the right brow, worse in the room than in the open air,26.—Forepart of the head feels as if nailed up in a warm room,29.—Tension all over the forehead,4.—Contractive pain in fore- head,3.—Feeling of contraction of the brain under the forehead (20 h.),29. [190.]—A squeezing in the forehead, over the root of the nose, with a feeling as if she would lose her reason (was sick in her head), aggravated by walk- ing in the open air (4 h.),1.—A pinching and squeezing in forehead, as if in the bones; she feels sick, as if madness would ensue (12-24 h.),1.—Squeez- ing tensive pain close behind the orbits,1.—Very sensitive acute pressive pain over the forehead,7.—Pressive pain in forehead, especially over the right superciliary ridge, with dread of jarring by riding,20.—Pressive stupe- fying pain in forehead, worse evenings,22.—Slight pressive headache in right frontal protuberance, extending toward the orbital border, with flushes of heat chiefly in the face and ears,19.—Pressive headache, especially over right brow.—Pressive shooting, nauseating headache over orbits, extends down toward upper maxilla, like that produced by vomiting from an emetic (2 h.),1.—Peculiar drawing pressive sensation in forehead (nerv. trigem.) grows more intense, and becomes continuous and violent, t. [200.]—Most furious headache; vision obscured ; the pain was chiefly in the upper part of the forehead, pressing and contractive; head not hot; face swollen and pale ; light or noise increased the pain, lying quiet in a dark room removed it (from 2d dil.),35.— Violent headache limited to a small spot above left supra- orbital ridge,35.—Frontal headache all day, worse at evening, afterwards more particularly confined to the left frontal eminence (2d d.),38.—Frontal headache, sometimes shooting, sometimes pulsating, sometimes pressive while walking, relieved by sitting,1.— Violent headache, especially >n right half of forehead,21.—Heaviness in the forehead and parietal bones,23.—* Head- ache, pulsation in the left side of forehead along with attacks of strong blows inright side of forehead (3 h.),1.—Stitches in forehead extend to right temple and then in left side of the occiput,34.—Jerking, shooting in theliead, espe- cially in the forehead,29.— Violent sticking pain in upper orbital border ex- ACONITUM. 17 tending upward across the forehead, and across the temples and cheeks into the molar teeth ; worse on pressure and toward evening, the supraorbital region becomes swollen in consequence,29. [210.]—Headache in the temples,27. —Pressing out pain in temples, fulness in forehead, with pricking and bit- ing of lids evenings,22.—Stupefying, drawing, pressing inward pain in left temple,29.—Pressive pains in temporal region, followed by jerkings in the occiput, and afterwards confusion of head and contractive pain,5.—Head- ache, as if the head were compressed with screws at both temples,35.—Shoot- ing, throbbing pain in temples,29.—Neuralgic pains in right temporal region. —Tearing pain in left temple,3. [220.]—Jerking, shooting pain in left temple; stitches through temples into the head,29.—Tearing pain in left temple with roaring in the ears,29.—After sleeping, awake at 4 a.m., with unpleasant sensations, which urged him to rise, when he experienced dizzi- ness and very heavy headache, apparently about temporal muscles above each ear, with transient nausea and gush of cold sweat,43.—Pressure on the vertex, as if a cap were pressed tightly on the head,31.—Heaaache in the vertex, as if the head were compressed equally on all sides by a pitch cap, re- moved by motion in the open air,33.—Dull pain in vertex, extending toward the temporal region, increased by stooping,31.—Pressure and sensitive stitches in the vertex,31.—Pain in vertex like a great weight,24.—Feeling as though the head were compressed, starting from the vertex (several).—Pressure and heaviness in the*vertex,31.—Troublesome pressure in vertex forenoon (19 a.). [230.]—Troublesome pressive headache, first in vertex, then extending to the forehead, where it produces a sensation of fulness and heaviness, ag- gravated by motion (19 a.).—Pressive pain in vertex nightly.—Continual pressure on vertex,31.—Pressive pain in vertex evenings,24.—Pain in top of head, relieved by washing in cold water,24.—Sensation as if a ball rose from umbilical region, and spread a cool air over the vertex and occiput,14.—Vio- lent, pressive, gradually increasing headache in both sides in the parietal region, somewhat relieved by cold water,24.—In the evening, headache in- creasing to a violent pressure in both parietal regions that kept him awake all night,24.—Semilateraldrawing in the head,29.—Pains in left side of head,36. [240.]—Pain as if head were compressed in left side of head,3.—Creeping in left side of head, as from a brush,4.—Pain in right side of head,39.—Jerk- ing, shooting, drawing, tearing pain in right side of head superiorly,3.—Pain in occiput16,36, t, etc.—Pain in occiput and throat,16.—Pressure in occiput,35. —Posterior part of brain feels very much injected,*0.—Jerking, tearing pain in occiput,3.—Painful jerks in occiput,35.—Pressive shooting pain, at one time in occiput, at another in forehead,30.—A shooting in occipital bone,4. [250.]—As if one had taken cold after a profuse sweat, headache, roaring in ears, coryza, bellyache, especially in the morning,12.—Headache increased by speaking,1.—Headache on bending forward, t.—Head drawn backward, it. Scalp.—Itching and formication of scalp,36.—Formication relieved by heat35.—Formication, especially in temporal region, t.—Stitches in right temporal muscle,29.—Stitches under the scalp, t.—Several spots sensitive to touch and cold air,31. [260.]—Painful tickling, especially on top of head, on touching the hair,29.—Scalp feels swollen and numb,35.—Sensation in places, as if the hairs stood on end, with increased sensitiveness of them, t.— '^Sensation as if the hairs stood on end,31.—The hair seemed to bristle, and the scalp was painful to touch in several places, and sensitive to cold air,28. —The roots of the hairs are felt,35.—Sensation as if some one drew him upward by the hair,29.—An increase of temperature on the vertex externally; it felt hot to the touch, and the hair bristled up there,31.—Throbbing of tem- vol. i.—2 18 ACONITUM. poral arteries,28.—Cold perspiration over the head, tt. [270.]—The forehead covered with cold sweat, t. u Eyes.—Staring eyes,1 tt—Glassy eyes, t—Bloodshot,39 £.—Protruded, t— Protruding and swollen, t—Protruding and fixed, ^-—I)istortedi^r' (Distorted, with gnashing the teeth about midnight,12.)—Convulsed, t. [280- J —The look becomes wandering, t.—The eyes turn upward, so that only the whites are seen, t—Eyes very movable, t—Sparkling (19 d.).—Dimness of eyes,9.—*Eyes become yellowish, t—*Eyes dull, encircled by blue rings, t— Eyes seem tightly constricted, t—*Inflammation with lachrymotion, which causes so much pain and fright thathe wishes for death,16.—(Cold feeb ing in eyes in open air,1.)—Burning in eyes, twitching, and vision of sparks,26. [290.]—Burning and itching of the eyes and lids, makes him rub them ; the eyes are very sensitive to the air, but not to the light,35.—inflamma- tion extremely painful (chemosis)1.—Burning, and pressure in left eye and over the brow,4.—Burning, first in one then in other,32 L—Sensation as_ if eyes were much swollen (5 h.),29.—Pressure in eyes, most felt on looking down or around, with heat in them,5.—Sensitiveness of eyes,33.—* Sticking and tearing pains around the eyes, especially worse nights,0.—Lachryma- tion, more particularly in the evening and at night; Hhe edges of lids are sore, red, and inflamed (1 d.).—Lachrymation with cough,32.—Prick- ing and biting in lids like beginning coryza, evenings,22. [300.]—Dryness of upper lid, almost causing a pressure in eyes (4 h.),1.—'•Hard, red swell- ing of right upper lid, with feeling of tension, especially in the morning,2. —Slight irritation of the edges of the lids, which were almost raw from the violence of the lachrymation,38.—Marked pain at right internal canthus, dull and deepseated,39.—Several times repeated sensations as if left upper lid was long, heavy, and hung down as if paralyzed (though it looked natu- ral),43.—Heaviness of lids, they seem too heavy on raising them,6.—Rough feeling, as of sand in left internal canthus (13 h., lasted two minutes),38.—*Lids swollen hard, with tensive sensation; they are red and hot,0'.—Lids convul- sively closed as from irresistible sleepiness,29.—Conjunctiva, especially to- ward internal canthus, highly injected, t. [310.]—* The balls feel enlarged, as if coming out of the orbit, and stretching the lids,30.—Pain in the interior of the eye, as if it would be pressed out when the lids are opened; the pain extends to the supraorbital region and interior of the brain (21 h.),29.—Sen- sitiveness of upper part of ball on moving it, as if it were pressed out of the orbit; relieved by stooping; changed to a dull pain on bending the head back,31.—Pressure on upper lid, and sensation as if the whole ball would be pressed into the orbit, which makes the eye pain as if crushed,22.—Severe pres- sure, sometimes stinging or burning in the front part of the ball,20.—Sense of pressure in the balls,20.—Fine sticking pains in the balls during the course of a half hour, momentary (4 h.),38.—Pupils dilated (immediately),1,411.—Pu- pils dilated; right nearly oval, left irregularly polygonal, t.—Pupils con- tracted,36,*1 t [320.]—* Photophobia (6-12 h.),1.—Cannot look at strongly lighted objects without blinking, t—Sight weak (long lasting), t.—Eyes dazzled on coming to consciousness, t—Sharp vision,1.—Photomania, desire for bright light (3 h.),1.—Warmth and undulation in eyes with involuntary half closing the lids, and a feeling as if it were too dark to read in a well- lighted room (12 d.),35.—As though she were removed from a narrow dark room to alight one; after bleeding, t—Dimness of vision (several).— Vision as through a veil,33,35. [330.]—Dim vision with wide-open eyes, t.—Cloudiness came before vision, t—Loss of vision, tt.—Cloudiness of vision with sense of giddiness,29.—On going out in the evening from a half dark room into ACONITUM. 19 the street; flickering before eyes, the lamp-light quivered ; he could with difficulty see the passers; he seemed to see worse at a short than at a long distance ; he became anxious and dizzy on account of it,31.—Flicker- ing before eyes,31 t—Black spots floating before the sight,1.—An intensely white and bright spot, about the size of a small plate, appeared before the eyes both when shut and opened ; it was impossible to determine before which eye it was, though it seemed more nearly in axis of right eye; it had the refulgence of highly burnished silver, this gradually changed to a straw or light golden color, then the whole field of vision became of a deli- cate lilac hue, which disappeared to give place to the same spot, which was now of a beautiful and bright azure; the whole lasted one half hour,43. Ears.—Burning, itching, and darting in both ears while yawning, worse in the evening and in open air, better after eating,31.—Tickling sensation in right ear as if a worm were crawling in it,3. [340.]—Acute stitch in right meatus externus,34.—Tearing in left ear,4.—Pressure in ears, t.—Pains in left ear,36.—*Pains in right ear,36.—An occasional burning pain in left ear and upper jaw while perspiring,1.—Pain behind left ear, as from pressure with the thumb,4.—Pain just below right ear,39.—Sensation of swelling on the bone around the external ear,22.—Feeling as if a drop of water were in left ear,38. [350.]—Sensation as if something stopped up the left ear,3.— Sensation as if something lay before the ear,22.—*Roaring in ears; great sensitiveness to noise, t—Roaring in ears, t—Ringing in ears (10 min., 29),30 t—Humming in ears,29.—Humming, hissing noise in ears, t.—Con- tinual dull buzzing before ears, and then faintness,9.—Intense singing in the ears,43.—^External ear red, hot, swollen, painfully sensitive,0. Nose.—Feels tightly constricted, t [360.]—Stupefying compression at the root,29.—*Marked pain between orbits at the base of nose,39.—Furuncles at the tip,29.—Nose feels quite dry,35.—*Epistaxis,1.—Blows muchbright red blood from nose for several successive mornings,20.—Frequent violent sneez- ing,35.—Frequent sneezings with shootings in chest,24.-^-Sneezings frequent, violent, with pain in abdomen,29.—Sneezing frequent, profuse nasal flux, and sense of extreme stuffing in the head,38. [370.]—Forcible sneezing,35.— Sneezing interrupted by pain in left side of chest,29.— Clear fluid flows from nose,29,33,35.—Threatening coryza ; one or two hot clear drops fall from nose, attended by slight lachrymation,38.—Attack of catarrh and coryza (8-12 h.),1. Fluent coryza in the morning2''.—(Attack of coryza,12.)—Severe coryza29,32,M. —Sensation as if coryza were about to commence,24,33.—Discharge of thick yellow mucus from nose as in old coryza,38. [380.]—*Great sensibility of the olfactory nerve ; bad smells have a powerful effect,1. Face.—* Countenance pale and anxious*1.—General sickly appearance, t —Livid and ghastly, t.—Pale and altered, t—Extreme paleness, t.—Hip- pocratic, t—Uneasy expression, t.—*Pale, with expression of anxiety and restlessness (5 h.), t.—Appearance of fright and imbecility, t. [390.]—Ex- pression of fright, t—*Livid countenance, t—Face blue, like that of a strangled person,14.—Livid purple with white blotches, t—On looking at herself in the glass the face seemed blue and indistinct, t—Bluish face, black lips,14.—Blue lips, t—Face red, t.—*Red and hot (several).—Flushed face,36. [400.]—* Redness and heat of both cheeks, with a sensation of the face growing large,25.—Glowing cheeks,33.— Glowing heat in face (several). __Face hot, especially in the evening (several).—Face hot, hands and feet cold (19 d.).—Increased warmth of cheeks,21.—While the left cheek seemed swollen and hot it is really cool to the touch,22.—Puffy swelling of the face and forehead,1.—Cold sensation in face, though it is hot to the touch (sev- 20 ACONITUM. eral).—Face seemed to be swelling, tt. [410.]—Sensation of swelling in fore- head and face, especially left side,22.—* The face, red when lying, becomes deathly pale on rising up°.—* Cheeks red and pale alternately, or one red the other pale,°.—Warm perspiration on face,36.—*Sweat on the cheeks, whichever side is lain on,1.—Sweat on the upper lip under the nose,1.—Face covered with cold clammy sweat, t—Cold sweat stood on his brow, t.—Pain in zygomatic process, as from an internal ulcer,1.—Shooting pain from right supraorbital ridge, branching out upwards across the forehead to the hairy scalp, sideways to temples, and downwards to the cheeks and into two or three teeth ; increased by pressure, and becoming so excessively violent to- ward evening, when it was accompanied by constant cough, that all other symptoms were thrown into the shade; the next day the supraorbital ridge was swollen (15 d.),27. [420.]—Pain in face, t—* Creeping pain in cheeks,1.— ^Sensation as if cheeks were swollen to double their size,9.—Crawlings in right cheek,22.—Crawling in face, and sensation of burning in skin, t.—Violent faceache,27.—Peculiar drawing sensation in the cheeks, upper jaw7, fore- head ; grows more intense, and becomes continuous and violent, t—Very violent pain in the jaws, as if they would fall off, causing him to put his hands to them,14.—Pain in the maxillary joint, behind the zygoma while chewing,1.—Stinging and drawing in left upper and lower jaw,22. [430.]— Shooting jerks in the under jaw,1.—Pressive aching in the under jaw,1.— Involuntary pressure of the under jaw against the upper, with flow of sa- liva into the mouth.35.—Pressive and digging pain in chin,22.—Itching and formication of the face,36.—Tickling on face, t.—Peculiar tickling on the face,36.—Face almost insensible, t.—No feeling in face, t.—Most remarkable sensation of distortion, t. [440.]—Twitching of the muscles of the face, t, etc.—Distortion of the facial muscles,14.—Continued distortion of face, t.— Convulsive contraction of face, t.—Jaws and face rigid, t.—Heat-rash on the forehead,32.—Itching pimples on the upper lip (24 h.),1. [450.]—*Lips black.1*.—Lips swollen, inflamed, t.—Burning of lips with sensation of swell- ing,29.—Burning of lips and tongue, as after eating pepper or smoking (sev- eral).—Lips and interior of mouth burning, painful, and inflamed,26.—Burn- ing and numbness of lips and mouth, tt—Lips blue, t.—Heat and tingling, followed by numbness of lips and tongue,41.—Feeling of the most strange distortion of countenance at. times, as if a single muscle had bulged out to the size of a pigeon's egg, then as if the whole jaw was thrust to one side, as in partial dislocation; at other times as if the lower jaw were pushed up or raised into the cavity of the mouth, conveying the idea that the face must look like that of an old man who has lost all his teeth, and in conse- quence has his lower jaw thrown forwards and upwards (no visible change),43. —Several times sensation as if all the muscles of the face were firmly but not spasmodically contracted, attended with a numb, heavy, paralytic feeling of whole face; similar sensations simultaneously in both arms, from shoul- ders to the tips of fingers, conveying the idea that the arms were paralyzed though they obeyed the will perfectly,43.—Frequently repeated sensation as if the lower and anterior part of the face were firmly compressed from both sides by a heavy but not painful weight, until the idea became irresistible that that portion of the face was very thin (no change of features noticed) 43 Mouth.—■*Sensibility of the teeth to open air,35.—Cold feeling in the in- cisors,38. [460.]—Pain in teeth,39.—Shooting pain in various teeth (36 h ) 7 — Shooting pain in right molars,22.—Sticking and drawing in right back teeth 22 —Teeth of right side ache.39.—Pressive toothache in left upper jaw 7 — Teeth feel as if they would fall out, tt—Blunted sensation in teeth,26.__*Th'rob- ACONITUM. 21 bing, one-sided toothache, with redness of the cheek, etc.,°.—Teeth spas- modically clenched, tt. [470.]—"'-Trismus, tt—*Tongue and lips swollen,26. —Sensation as if the tongue were swollen (several).—T. feels too large for the mouth, t—T. seems to have grown thicker, t.—T. feels as if getting longer, t —T. white, thick, cold, t—T. furred yellow, t—T. furred moist with dry mouth (19 d.).—^Burning in T.,18,38,etc.—Burning in tip of T, and in lips, t.—Burning long-lasting,18. [480.]—* Burning vesicles on T.,33.—Burning on sides of T., t—Burning increases in intensity for four hours,28.—Burning in T. after eating,36.—Burning violent, t.—Slight burning under the T.,38.—Fine penetrating stitches in the point of the T.1.—Momentary flying stitches in the T., with salivation,18.—Occasional single stitches in right, under surface of T.,38.—Pricking sensation at the back of T., as from pepper, with saliva- tion,1. [490.]—Peculiar tingling on T. extends to lips, t—Biting sensation in T. toward tip,29.—Tingling in T. and jaws, and burning, so that the teeth seem to wabble,9.—Momentary tingling, numbness at tip of T.,38.— Peculiar crawling sensation on T. as from peppermint, extends to lips and lower part of palate, t.—Tickling on T., then on lips, t.—Numbness, ting- ling, and sense of distension of T. and lips,41.—Numbness of T. and mouth and lips, tt.—Transient paralvsis of T.,1.—* Sense of dryness and rawness in middle of T. without thirst (1 h.),1. [500.]—Numbness in T. with difficult swallowing, t.—Cramp-like sensation at root of T., t.—Sensation as of cold air passing over the T. (several).—Cold T., as in a cholera patient, t—T. felt like leather, t—T. moved continually around the interior of the mouth ; at times it was thrust out beyond the lips, and moved from side to side, t. —In the mouth biting, burning feeling, t—Burning in mouth, t—Burning from lips to pharynx,42.—*Dryness of Mouth,1,3l [510.]—Dryness and coolness of mouth without thirst,4.—Feeling of dryness in the front of the mouth,1.—Dry sensation, first in lips, then in interior of mouth, with heat mounting from chest to head (without redness of the cheeks),1.—Con- vulsions in the mouth, t.—Mouth drawn to one side, t—Copious flow of saliva,13,27, etc.—Flow of frothy saliva,31.—The secretion of saliva compels him to swallow often,31.—Increased secretion of clear watery saliva (sev- eral). [520.]—Saliva mixed with red streaks, with sweet taste in the mouth (16 days after leaving off the drug),33.—Soreness of the orifices of the sali- vary ducts, as if they were corroded,1.—* Bitter taste in the mouth,1.—In- tensely bitter taste, t—Bitter taste by day,24.—(Bitter taste with loss of appetite, and pain in chest and under false ribs,12.)—(Peppery taste,14.)— Strong taste of pepper, t.—Peppery taste in pharynx,22.—Astringent taste,26. [530.]—Sourish taste, with loss of appetite,29.—Flat,nauseous,sweet taste; compels hawking up tough mucus, and then swallowing it,26.—Nauseous taste relieved by eating; returns after eating,22.—Insipid fishy taste, as from stagnant water,1.—It seems as though her mouth were filled with air having the taste of rotten eggs,29.—Taste and sensations changed; in spots there is a feeling of fuzziness, t.—Things that formerly tasted strong and good are now tasteless,29.—*Speech stammering,0.—No power of articula- tion ; he uttered only unintelligible sounds, t—She lost all power of speech, t. Throat.—[540.]—Uvula swollen and elongated ; *the fauces and phar- ynx injected dark red; feeling as if an angular many-pointed body were sticking in the throat; prickling burning in the palate, throat, and along the Eustachian tube, increased by swallowing, with oppression of the chest, headache, and increased flow of saliva; the throat symptoms were increased by walking in the open air, and relieved after eating,31.—Soft palate, ton- 22 ACONITUM. sils, and fauces reddened, with feeling of warmth and dryness of lips, .— *Redness of the soft palate and uvula,32.—Pain in throat,16.—Disagreeable scratching in throat, provoking dry cough,24.—Scraping in throat with difficult swallowing,29.—Scraping sensation ceases on clearing throat,". Drawing from the side of the throat to behind the ears,29.—Fine stinging sensation in the back of the throat, as from the small pricking hairs ot the seed of the dog rose (Rosa canina) (1 h.),1.—A sticking choking sensation in a small spot on left side of throat, worse when swallowing and speaking, but felt also when at rest; after one-fourth hour it passed into the right side, while the painful sensation in the left side ceased ; it remained there one-fourth hour, then disappeared,29. [550.]—Creeping in pharynx,1.—Tran- sient pressure and tension in the soft palate and fauces, as if these parts were swollen,35,33.—Slight congestion of fauces,39.—The throat seemed to be growing narrow, t.—Constrictive sensation in the back of throat, as from astringents,1.—Warmth and constriction of fauces (several).—*Burning in throat, tt.—Burning in glottis and gullet, t—Burning and numbness of throat,361—Sensation of burning of throat and stomach with inclination to vomit, t—"'Burning and fine stinging pain in back of throat,1. [560.]—Burn- ing sensation in pharynx,3H.—Heat in pharynx,32.—Burning sensation in back of throat, causing him to hawk up (14 h.),38.—Fine burning in fauces,38.— Burning and dry sensation in the soft palate and pharynx, not disappear- ing even after eating, and frequent empty swallowing,21.—Complains of throat and burning along oesophagus, t—Sensation of heat and constriction in throat, t.— Constriction of throat™ t.—Throat seems to swell, with feeling of a quantity of mucus there that he could not get rid of by hawking,31.— Scraping and constriction of throat,31. [570.]—Constriction in the oesopha- gus, not relieved by drinking cold water, with dryness of the palate,21.— Scratching and constriction in the uvula and soft palate, causing constant hawk- ing and spitting, even amounting to an irritation to vomit,28.—Sensation as if the palate had fallen down and rested on the tongue, forcing one to hawk and spit constantly (for several hours),41,43.—Dry feeling in palate and pos- terior nares,3i.—Dryness in oesophagus with great thirst; the water seemed not to moisten the parts it passed over,21.—^'Feeling of dryness, as if some- thing had stuck in the throat,29.—Dryness of throat increased by tobacco smoke, t.—Raw feeling in throat, with frequent secretion of mucus from the larynx,27.—Raw scraping feeling at back of throat with constant desire to hawk up, lasting 12 hours,38.—Raw sensation in the pharynx,25. [580.] —Rawness in throat, especially in posterior nares, which compels him to clear the throat frequently, as if very tough mucus extended through the choanse over the soft palate and uvula,35.—Pressure in throat, especially during empty deglutition,32.—Inability to swallow, t—^Several sticking pains in posterior fauces,38.—Pricking in right Eustachian tube, compelling him to swallow,35.—Strong peppery feeling in throat, t—Tickling in phar- ynx, t.—Throat almost insensible, t.—He frequently pulled at the throat, t.—Coldness down the oesophagus, as after peppermint,43. Stomach.—[590.]—Anorexia,1.—Appetite completely gone, unalle to take solid food (1 d.),38.—Long-continued anorexia and aversion,1.— ^Loathing of food and qualmishness (\ h.),1.—She will eat nothing,1.—*Nc appetite,211*2, etc.—No app.etite, food creates nausea,28.—Uncommonly good appetite,33.—During the day appetite very much increased, at noon and evening enormous ; he ate to distension and then felt hungry,40.—Hunger,21. [600.]—Lively sensation of hunger, which is renewed even after eating,19.__ 'Great thirst,21,32.—Thirst for beer, which lies heavy on the stomach,1.__ ACONITUM. 23 (Hiccup after eating and drinking,1.)—(Hiccup, mornings, long lasting,12.) —*Hiccup painful,0.—Eructations, t—Eructations empty,29, 24; after eat- ing,^; with taste of the drug,35,26; of air (several).—Ineffectual attempts to eructate, he wishes to but cannot,1.—Eructations of air with nausea going off after breakfast,22.—Ri.-ings of sweetish water, like water-brash, with noises in the ears,29. [610.]—Risings of sweetish water with nausea,29. — Water-brash,36. —Risings from the pit of the stomach amounting to nausea, fasting,21.—Scraping from the pit of stomach to throat with nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach, as if water were about to flow into the mouth,29.—Nausea.35,33, t, etc.—Nausea and vomiting, t—^Nausea, vomit- ing, thirst, general heat, and profuse sweat with flow of urine,y2.)—Nausea, loathing, and general sick feeling, with painful heaviness of the limbs (19 d.).—Nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach; worse while sitting; almost entirely removed by walking (immediately),29.—Flesh broth nauseates him,42. [620.]—Nausea while walking in open air,1.—Nausea, first in pit of stomach, then under the sternum, lastly in the thrOat without flow of saliva,1.—Nausea and sinking, qualmishness (i h.),1.—Nausea, as after eating some disagreeably sweet or fat substance (1 h.),1.—Nausea relieved by eating, with sweet taste, and hawking up phlegm,33.—Felt sick, but could not vomit, t—Faint, sick feeling, without definite nausea,19.—Inclination to vomit with much diarrhoea,12.—Violent vomiting, t.—(* Vomiting of Ium- brici12.) [630.]—Vomiting twice of greenish-gray watery fluid, (3d d.),30.— V., followed by violent thirst,15.—V. very violent, first of food, then of mucus, frothy, lasting an hour, with burning of lips, mouth, and throat, soon extending to stomach, t.—Bilious V., t—* Green V., t.—*V. of green bile (1 h.),u.— V. mucus, ft—V. of all the food, t—* V. after each drink, t — V- °f green masses with diarrhoea of same appearance, t [640.]—V. of fetid, black, bilious mucus (with relief),14.—V. artificially excited, only temporarily restored the patient from his state of syncope,9.—* V. with anx- iety,16.—V.'with great disposition to stupor, t—V. with stools, accompanied by cardialgia and violent colic, t.—After repeated V. and many stools he still complained of a feeling as if a cold stone lay in the stomach,16.—V. of mucus mixed with blood, three or four successive days,12. [650.]—V. of bloody mucus, followed by profuse perspiration,12.—*V. blood,12.—Food dis- tressed after eating,40.—After dinner heartburn and pain in stomach,30.— Pressure in pit of stomach after eating,21.—While eating pressure in stom- ach, as if she had eaten something indigestible, with feeling of warmth and tenderness in pit of stomach,33.—Pains in stomach,16, t,x\ etc.—Spas- modic pains, t.—Pressive stomachache,4,17,19.—Pressive pain in pit of stom- ach changes into constriction of the chest (2} h.),1. [660.]—* Pressure, as from a stone in pit of S. going through to the back, with a squeezing sen- sation as from a strain, like stiffness,29.—Sense of extreme oppression at pit of S. all day, as of excessive repletion, feeling as if nothing could pass further than the stomach,38.—Pressive pain at pit of S. while sitting, walk- ing, and standing,3.—Pressive pain in stomach, as from a weight (1} h.),1. —Pressive tensive pain, as from fulness or an oppressive weight in stomach and hypochondria (1J h.),1.—Pressive and swollen feeling in pit of S.,29.— Pressure in stomach with splashing in bowels (5-10 d.),30.—Pressive sensa- tion in pit of S. and upper abdomen,21.—Sense of weight in stomach,31.— Sense of weight in stomach with constriction in throat, and nausea,31. [670.] __Pressive and burning pain along the oesophagus down into pit of S.,27.— Sense of distension and pressure in pit of S.,29.—Feeling as if the stomach were alternately distended and collapsed; the hand laid on it feels dis- 24 ACONITUM. tinctly the rising and falling,24.—Sticking and tension in epigastrium, as from flatulent colic,26.—Tensive sensation in pit of S., relieved by frequent offensive eructations,26.—Felt like a ball in pit of S., that rising up spread a cool air over vertex and occiput,14.—Contractive feeling in stomach, as from an astringent,1.—Feeling of emptiness in stomach,33.—Heartburn, t—Heart- burn all day,38. [680.]—Burning in S., t—Burning and numbness in S., t — *Burning feeling from stomach up through the oesophagus to the moidh,°°,2.— Warmth in stomach with sweat, t.— Warm feeling in stomach,35,*1.—Feeling of anxiety in pit of S., especially in a warm room,26.—Swelling of stomach region, *which is sensitive to touch,2*.—Pain in pit of'S.,as if it were swollen internally, with loss of appetite and dyspnoea,1.—Anxious pulsation and shooting in pit of S. with burning in umbilical region, etc.,29.—''Stomach sensitive to touch, t Abdomen.—[690.]—* Pressive pain, as from a weight in the hypochon- dria (12 h.),1.—*Feeling of violent constriction in the hypochondria,1.—Sensa- tion of anxiety in the hypochondria.2' 26.—Pains in the upper abdomen with ineffectual straining at stool (several).—Stitches in the liver and bowels as with needles,29.— Continued constriction, especially in the right hypochondrium, not permitting a deep breath31.—*Siitches in hepatic region, hindering a deep breath,31.—* Pressure in the hepatic region, obstructing respiration, followed by pinching bellyache above the navel,1.—Violent jerks in the hepatic re- gion, taking away the breath,31.—Constrictive pain in the region of the gall-bladder, preventing respiration, on sitting,31. [700.]—Shooting in the spleen while walking,32.—A sharp stitch under the ribs on the right side on laughing aloud,29.—The upper abdomen below the ribs is the seat of a tense painful swelling,10.—Dull stitches under the ribs on the left side on inspir- ing,29.—*Burning in the umbilical region,1,38,30.—Burning sensation in umbilical region, which rapidly traversed it and spread toward the pit of the stomach, with anxious pulsation and shooting there; after a short time came a rigor over the whole body, whereupon the hot feeling and the pain- ful sensation in the umbilical region disappeared (1$ h.),29.—Pinching sen- sation in umbilical region,29.—Clawing and scraping in umbilical region,29. —Pinching in umbilical region, as if from nausea, followed by slight diar- rhoea,34.—Drawing bellyache on both sides of navel, also excited by bend- ing forward,1.—Compression of the navel, followed immediately by inter- mitting pressure, like jerks, in the navel,29. [710.]—A painless feeling above and to the left of navel, as if something cold (a cold finger) were pressing from within outward,29.—Retraction of navel, especially in the morning before eating,1.—Flatulent colic in hypogastrium, as from a flatulent purgative,1.—* Sensitiveness of lower abdomen to touch,1.—* Abdomen sensi- tive, t—* Sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, as from slight peritoneal inflammation (6 d.).30.—Exceedingly fine prickings, as from needles, in left hypogastric region,38.—Faint sinking feeling in lower abdomen (19 d.).— Dartings in the bowels, as from needles,29.—Cuttings in intestines, which extend through the chest toward the right shoulder, like sharp knife-thrusts, and almost make him cry out, during stool,22. [720.]—In morning in bed in- tolerable (cutting) pains in abdomen, so that he knows not what to do with himself, he tosses about the bed (16 h.),1.—*Burning in abdomen, t—The child complains of pain in abdomen, t—Painful tension of the abdomen with borborygmus, t—*Great swelling of abdomen, which is painful to touch,35. —Drawing pains in bowels here and there,35.—The flanks more tense, painful, and felt hard,16.—Pressing pain in parietes of abdomen, first right then left,' almost typically recurring for several days,26.—The abdomen swelled as if ACONITUM. 25 he had dropsy,16.—The abdomen seemed as if full of water,14. [730.]—Ab- domen swelled, distended as from ascites,4,16,—The recti abdominis stretched as hard as a board,42.—Colicky, distensive stretching, and pressive pains in abdomen as from flatulence,1.—Violent colic, t—Slight gripings,26.— Gripes with swelling of the abdomen, relieved by expulsion of flatus (several).— Fine sharp pains in different parts of the abdomen, as from flatus,38.—Pains in abdomen, as from flatulence,33,29.—Very hot flatus (9 h.),1.—Painful rumbling in bowels, and discharge of flatus with relief (19 d.). [740.]— Rumbling in bowels, t,38.—Rumbling after eating, t—Rumbling and grum- bling all night,1.—Rumbling and grumbling with sensation of rawness,29.— Grumbling fermentation in abdomen,1.—Rumbling and gurgling, relieved by expulsion of flatus,35.—With shooting and contractive pains here and there,30.—Gurgling, with itching in rectum, provoking scratching, and call to stool,33.—Loud gurgling in lower abdomen, as after a purgative, with sensitiveness in sacral region,30.—Weakness of bowels, as from abuse of purgatives,1. [750.]—The intestines feel paralyzed and unable to expel their contents; this sensation is observed more in the region of the trans- verse colon than in the rectum, notwithstanding the stool when discharged is not unusually hard,38.—Abdomen symptoms are relieved after warm soup,35,33. Mectum and Anus.—Pain in rectum (1 h.),1.—Burning and heat in haemorrhoids (4 d.),30.—Frequent itching in rectum, with discharge of white, hot mucus, for sixteen days after leaving off the drug,33.—Itching and pressure in the hemorrhoidal vessels,35.—Bleeding haemorrhoids,1.— (An itching in anus associated with haemorrhoidal pressure, disappeared; curative,35.)—Violent, very painful contractions in the anus; stitches through anus and urethra,31.—Shootings and pressure in anus,1. [760.]— Sensation as of warm fluid, escaping from anus, ,35.—Transient paralysis of the anus, involuntary evacuation,1.—Involuntary stools,36.—Thinking to pass merely flatus, there occurs an unexpected evacuation of thin faeces (4 h.),1.—Urine and faeces involuntary (in convulsive fit), t.—In his faint he had some evacuation of the bowels,14. Stool.—■* Watery diarrhoea,1.—Three thin watery stools of dissolved offensive faeces (19 a.); with slight bellyache (19 a.) ; with grumbling in abdomen, and faint sinking feeling (19 a.).—Three thin fluid stools with some cuttings in abdomen (2d d.), (19 b.).—Diarrhoea of thin fluid, t— Between 6 and 7 a.m. an Urgent desire for stool and copious discharge of soft faeces with straining (19 d.). [770.]—Diarrhcea,tt—Painless diarrhoea preceded by pinching about the navel,20.—Looseness of bowels,33.—Ten- dency to looseness of bowels,39.—During diarrhoea copious flow of urine and moderate perspiration,12.—Pasty evacuation,22,25.—Soft scanty stool three or four times daily, accompanied by straining,1.—Nausea, with sweat, at times before, at times after, the diarrhoea,12.—Several very white stools dur- ing the day,38.— White color of stool,1.— White faces and red urine,1. [780.] Green stools, t—*Stools like chopped spinach,0.—*Slimy, bloody stools, with violent pain3 and tenesmus (constant tearing pinching pains),0.—Black and very fetid stools (after an injection), t—Constipation, clay-colored stools,38.—Hard evacuation a few hours earlier than usual, requiring a great effort,1.—Hard stool with effort,4.—Very hard fasces,29,26.—Hard stool this morning (2d d.),38.—Constipated bowels,38; for several days,21,25. Urinary Organs.—[790.]—A slight sensation of splashing in the bladder while urinating,6.—Pain in the bladder while walking (4 h.),1.— / Burning in neck of bladder when not urinating,1.—* Tenesmus of the neck oj 26 ACONITUM. the bladder (4 h.),1.—Temporary paralysis of r.eck of bladder, involuntary emission of urine,1.—(Pressure on the bladder with retention of urine, .)— Single momentary stitches in the urethra while walking,35.—^Burning in urethra when urinating,20.—Violent shoots in glans penis while urinating, . —Shooting and pinching pains in the glans penis while urinating,1. [800.] —Stinging crawling in the glans, with subsequent violent stitches in the meatus urinarius, t.—Frequent urination,22,33, etc.—Frequent urination, the urine contains many flocks and strings of mucus (from a rheumatic pa- tient),18.—Painful urging to urinate, she must urinate very often because the bladder speedily fills with a large amount of clear watery urine,6.—Fre- quent desire to urinate,38.—Desire to urinate on touching the abdomen,1.— * Anxious desire to urinate (4 h.),1.—Desire to urinate, the urine is uncom- monly scanty, and discharged not without difficulty, as if it could not escape well, but without pain, with slight pinching in the umbilical region (from the smell of the),0s.—*Urine passed with anxiety,30.—* Urine passed with dif- ficulty (dysuria), (12-18 h.),1. [810.]—Fainting kind of feel on urinating,38.— Diur&sis, t,12.—(Diuresis, with profuse perspiration, and frequent watery di- arrhoea with colic,12.)—Diuresis, with distortion of the eyes, and spasmodic contraction of the feet,12.—Diuresis, and constant sweat,12.—Frequent and copious flow of urine,18.—Increased discharge of urine, which deposits blood on standing,1.—Frequent passage of clear watery urine,26.—Scanty discharge of urine,29.—Suppression of urine (several). [820.]—Suppression of urine, with pinching in the region of the kidneys,16.—Urine scanty and dark, t.— Though he drank much during the night he made no water (contrary to his usual habit); next morning he passed red urine with burning along the urethra,21.—* Urine hot, dark-colored,28.—* Urine red, with white fceces,1.— *Urine dark-colored,22,29, etc.—* Urine reddish and clear (19 a).—Urine brown, passed with burning sensations, with brickdust deposit,1.—Brownish colored urine, depositing a dirty brown sediment,24.—The urine passed in the morning hours is brown, after awhile it becomes turbid and deposits a sediment of smutty brownish color (19 b.). [830.]—Urine thick, sedimen- titious, and reddish,38.—Urine much clouded,30.—*Haematuria,°. Sexual Organs, Male.—Itching in the prepuce, relieved by rub- bing, but soon returning (3 d.),7.—Several sharp momentary prickings in both glans and prepuce,38.—Voluptuous itching in the glans penis,29.—Sev- eral flying painful stitches in the glans, as though the poles of a galvanic battery had been applied to the part; the pains' came on most unexpect- edly,38.—Dull burning in the fossa navicularis,29.—Slight but disagreeable creeping in the genitals,6.—Retraction of the scrotum,35. [840.]—Violent itching of scrotum compels scratching till blood is drawn,26.—Skin of left side of scrotum studded with minute vesicles pouring out a humid dis- charge,38.—*Simplepain in the testicles, like that caused by a bruise (2 h.),\— * Bruised pain in the right testicle,29,30.—Bruised pain in right testicle, and momentary sticking pain in left side of prepuce,38.—Slight drawing pain in right testis,40.—* Testes feel swollen and hard, as if they contained a large amount of seminal fluid,40.—Testicles swollen, hard, hot, and sensitive to touch,0.—Sexual desire increased,31.—Fits of lasciviousness,6. [850.]—In the evening excessive sexual desire (with the warmth and perspiration),28. Greatly increased sexual desire, quickly alternating with relaxation,6.—In- crease of sexual desire,31,40.—Frequent erections, with increased sexual de- sire,3'.—Diminished sexual desire,1.—Frequent emissions (several).—Emis- sions only in the morning (by no means subject to it),38.— Two emissions in a single night,38.—Erections and emissions without dreams, t—Emission ACONITUM. 27 during the night, and that after coition,40.—Female.—[860.]—Metrorrha- gia1.—The menses, which had ceased the day before commencing the drug, reappear (\ h.),6.—Reappearance of menses, which had been arrested by a cold bath,31.—Reappearance of menses, which had been suppressed by a cold but followed by a very offensive white discharge, lasting four days,31.—Sharp pains in the loins when the menses appear,37.—Rage when the menses ap- pear,12.—Profuse, tenacious, yellow leucorrhcea,18.—Increased milk in the breasts,1.—^Suppressed menstruation from fright,0.—* Vagina dry, hot, sen- sitive,0. Respiratory Apparatus.f—{870.J—*Larynx sensitive to in- spired air, as if its mucous membrane were divested of its coating,35.—Sensa- tion as if the larynx were compressed on both sides,29.—* Tickling in the larynx provoking cough,21.—Tickling in the larynx, from smoking tobacco,30.—*Pain in larynx on coughing,21.—On going from warm room into open air irritation of larynx and dry cough,31.—Sensitiveness of larynx to touch,0.—Dry sensation in the trachea,27.—Sensation of numbness in the trachea, under the sternum (8 h.),1.—Rattling vibration of trachea, t—Pressive and burn- ing pains in trachea, extending down to pit of stomach (21st d.),27. [880.] —Raw feeling in throat along course of trachea, provoking frequent short cough,29.—Morbid condition (paralytic attack) of the epiglottis; food and drink easily pass into the windpipe on swallowing, threatening suffocation, and causing cough; he chokes himself easily,1.—Easy choking while swal- lowing saliva,6.—On breathing, a sensation as if the air-passages were too wide, so that the air streamed out with extraordinary facility,35.—*Hoarse- ness,27.—Hoarseness in morning (8 h.),1.—Hoarseness all day,38.—* Voice hoarse and rough, t—Hoarseness and partial loss of voice,38.—Very weak voice, t [890.]—Loss of voice with prostration, t.—*Short cough,1,21, etc.— Constant irritation to cough,27.—*Short dry cough,38.—*Dry cough (several). Dry forcible cough,35,21.—*Dry short cough excited by scratching in throat,2*.— * Cough from irritation in larynx,21.—Short cough from tickling in larynx, after midnight every half hour, the more it is attempted to be repressed the more frequent and severe it becomes,1.—Hacking cough from a tickling at the epiglottis (immediately),1. [900.]—*Hoarse, dry, loud cough,32.—Short, frequent, distressing, and uncontrollable cough, but without expectoration (1 d.),38.—Frequent dry cough, with raw pain in chest, and smarting in larynx,31.—Violent cough, with painful shootings in different parts of chest, compelling him to lie always on the back, and preventing his lying on the side,21.—*Cough, with shooting in chest,24.—Dry cough, with raw pain in chest, caused by change of temperature,31.—Cough very severe, with a pe- culiar dull tone, causing a great strain at the chest; almost dry,27.—Cough and pain in chest, increased toward evening, with oppression of the chest,31. —Violent dry cough, whereby a little fluid is brought into the mouth, of a sweetish salt taste, like blood, tasted only at the root of the tongue,35.— *Frequent dry cough, wtth occasional expectoration of bright red blood 13d d.), (19 b.). [910.]—Morning cough, with blood-streaked expectoration,21. —* Frequent cough, with severe pains from the shock through the chest; expectoration sometimes brownish-red, rust-colored,21. — Violent dry cough, with cramp like constriction of the anus,35.—Cough, bringing tears into eyes,32.—Cough after drinking,1.—Cough during the heat of the body,1.— Dry cough very violent in the warm room,27.—* Cough during sleep,0.—Se- vere cough from tobacco smoke (in one accustomed to smoke),1.—He (though f See also " Nose." 28 ACONITUM. accustomed to smoke) cannot smoke without constantly hemming and coughing, either because the epiglottis permits the entrance of smoke into the larynx, or because the epiglottis is more sensitive than usual (6 h.),. [920.]—*Cough with viscid mucous expectoration,36.—*Expectoration of blood (several).—haemoptysis.1,19, etc.—*Expectoration of thin, frothy, white mucus, mixed with streaks of bright red blood,21.—* Expectoration oj blood and mucus, with raw sensation behind the sternum,21.—Slow, difficult respira- tion (very many).—Difficult respiration, £.—Impeded respiration, t—* Diffi- cult respiration, with necessity to breathe deeply,3.—Difficult respiration, relieved by coughing,24. [930.]—*Deep sighing (several).—Sighing on ac- count of slow circulation, and distinct feeling of congestion of blood in the lungs,35.—Breathing much affected, must often sigh deeply,31.—Frequent deep breathing (several).—On breathing deeply, oppression, anxiet^, and painful stitches between the shoulders,28.—Frequently inclined to breathe deeply without sighing, as if he would give to the blood an impulse through the lungs (follows the hurried mood),35.—* Oppressed respiration, dry hacking, much thirst, and chilliness,2*.—Oppressed respiration, with slight pressure under the sternum, and transient heat,20.— Oppressed respiration (several). —*Fear of suffocation,11. [940.]—Inspiration often affected by a feeling of compression in the middle of the sternum and anterior part of the chest, or by pinching, especially in the right flank, or violent shoots deep in re- gion of liver,31.—* Inspiration through the nose impeded, especially in sleep,1. —^Respiration short, imperfect, laborious, t—*Short breath in sleep, after midnight,1.—Breath short and scarcely perceptible,21.—Respiration quick- ened,28.—Respiration hurried,*2.—Respiration rapid (25 to min.), t—* Res- piration superficial (19 c).—Dyspnoea, and hot feeling in the lungs,33. [950.]—Fear of suffocation with anxiety,17.—Anxiety impeding respira- tion, with warm sweat on the forehead,1.—Difficult respiration, anxiety, gasp- ing for air (severed).—* Breath hot,*2.—Breath fetid,1.—^Respiration loud, noisy, with open mouth,1.—Respiration stertorous, t—Mucous rales, audible at a distance, t—Mucous rales posteriorly, t Chest.—Tightness of chest,16. [960.']—Tightness of chest with strong loud respiration,1.—Sensation as if chest were contracted,6.—Constric- tion of the chest, to the right of the sternum, a kind of tightness,6.— Con- striction of chest,161—Constriction of the chest in central anterior part, hin- dering deep breathing,31.—Contractive pain in chest, as if the ribs of both sides were drawn toward each other,3.—The cavity of the thorax seems nar- rowed,25.—Squeezing pain in chest,1.—Pressive squeezing pain in chest under the sternum,1.—*Pressive tight pain in side of chest,1. [970.]—^Constrictive sticking pain in sides of chest,31.—* Anxiety in the chest, and oppression on the right side, afterward in the whole chest,6.—Oppression of chest, with raw pain under the sternum on inspiration,35.—* Oppression of chest,31, etc.—* Op- pression and anxiety in chest, t—* Great oppression of chest, and feeling as if a hundred-weight upon it,24.— Great oppression of chest, making him breathe deeply, with flying shoots in it,24.—Heaviness and oppression of chest re- lieved by wine,31.—Pressive pain in chest relieved by bending the body backward, but renewed on resuming a straight position (12 h.),7.—^Pressure, especially on right side of chest,42. [980.]—Pressure on chest, first on right side then on left,34.—Pressive pain in left side of chest superiorly, the part is sensitive to touch,34.—Pressive pain in the region of the second left rib near the sternum, limited to a spot the size of the palm, increased on deep inspiration,35.—Pressure and burning under the sternum,29.—Feeling of weight on chest, as if the whole chest were compressed from all sides,7.—* Weight ACONITUM. 29 under the sternum preventing deep inspiration; painful pressure from the sternum to the spine,30.—Weight on the chest, with a quick succession of fine but violent stitches in left side from without inward,30.—^Heaviness on the chest,21.—Heaviness and fulness in the chest, as if he could not expand the thorax, which frequently makes him breathe deeply, with internal un- easiness, anxiety, and palpitation, forenoons on walking (19 a.).—Heavi- ness on chest, difficult respiration, sometimes sighing, violent palpitation, with dry cough, and clear, bloody expectoration (19 h.).—Oppression of chest, superficial, frequent respiration, and frequent deep breathing and sighing (19 c). [990.]—Heaviness and fulness in chest, anxiety and pal- pitation (19 c).—Shooting pressive pain on right side of the sternum,7.— * Stitches in the chest on breathing6.—Violent stitches through the chest,31.— ■Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, about the last rib, going through to the back (10 h.),7.—Superficial stitches in the chest and cardiac region,29.—Stitches in the lower part of the chest toward the false ribs,35.— Violent stitches in the chest with suspension of the respiration,30.—*Stitches in chest, with cough (several).—Single large stitches in the side toward the back (24 h.),1. [1000.]—*Stitches from the lowest rib in the right side to the apex of the shoulder-blade, through the centre of the chest, accompanying every inspiration, with complaining humor,1.—On rising in morning, acute lancinating stitches in cardiac region, as if in the pleura costalis, that pre- vent him assuming an upright posture or breathing deeply, with an incli- nation to cough; after rubbing the skin, and making gradual efforts to breathe deeply, these symptoms went off, but that part of the thorax re- mained sensitive even to external pressure (20 doses 2d dil.),35.—*Stitches in left chest,24.—Periodical stitches through chest with dry cough,24.—On the 11th day violent stitches in the region of the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs, but not affecting deep inspiration; the 12th and 13th days, these stitches still continued, and often extended to the loins,27.—Transient stitches in chest, now here now there (several).—Slight stitches in the left upper half of the chest, as of paralysis,26.—^Sensitive stitches in various parts of the thorax, aggravated by bending sideways,21.—*On deep breathing stitches between the shoulder-blades and in the sides of the chest,28.—Violent burn- ing stitch in left half of chest,27. [1010.]—Transient stitches in pectoralis major and intercostals, left side,28.—Dull, oppressive stitches in the left side, near the axilla,6.—In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, the abdominal parietes, the joints; great swelling of the belly,which is painful to the touch,35.—Toward evening, shoots in the centre of the ster- num, with particularly good humor,21.—Flying shoots along the sternum and betwixt the ribs,21.—Pain in the chest, like a shooting, interrupting res- piration,1.—Shooting in the side, followed by palpitation and pressive head- ache, with anxiety and ill humor,1.—*Fine, burning, shooting pain in tlie chest,1.—Shooting in the lower half of the left side of the chest, going off on lying down,32.—Shooting, boring, burrowing pain in the left side, be- tween the fourth and sixth ribs, lasting ten minutes,3. [1020.]—Shooting in the right side of the chest with complaining, lachrymose humor,1.—Pinch- ing, scraping pain in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, not affected by anything; it goes away of itself,3.—*Painful shocks in left chest superiorly, especially on taking a deep breath,2*.—Pain in right side of chest (19 c).—Pain as from a bruise in the lowest rib, very much increased by the touch, whereby the patient is very uneasy, and com- plains,1.—Pain in the middle of sternum, as from a bruise, increased by touch,1.—Soreness on posterior surface of sternum, as if he had bruised 30 ACONITUM. himself, evenings,21.—Chest painful externally on several places, particu- larly the right side,31.—Heat on and in the chest,22.—* Heat in the lungs,26,30. [1030.]—Burning in the lungs, not affecting respiration ; it seemed as if a hot fluid would come into the mouth,26.—Feeling as if hot water were being poured into the chest,24.—Chest warm, t.—Fatigued, exhausted feeling in the chest; slight speaking is an exertion,21.—Creeping pain in the chest,1.— Crawling in the chest, as from beetles,1.—Gnawing pain in the right clavi- cle,35.—A digging, boring pain from the right scapula to the front of the chest, increased by deep inspiration, but not by expiration, and so in no way relieved ; lasting twelve minutes,3. Heart and False.—* Dreadful oppression of the prcecordial region, t.— Oppression especially in region of heart,25. [1040.]—Feeling around the heart as though a heavy body lay at this place ; it becomes a pressive burn- ing, with flushes of heat along the back,22.—Weight about the heart,14.— Compression of the chest in the region of the heart,6.—* Anxiety about the heart,17,22.—* Anxiety in the cardiac region with quicker and stronger beat of heart,35.—*Inward pressing pain in region of heart (19 a.).—Slow jerks in the cardiac region toward the surface of the chest,6.—Heat and disagreeable sensation in heart,22.—*Slight stitches in cardiac region,42.— Transient stitches in heart region (sometimes noticed in rest), especially on walking, forenoons (19 a.). [1050.]—* Anxiety in cardiac region, and oppres- sion of chest, with contracted pulse and constriction of the chest, when sitting after much motion,35.—Palpitation, with great anxiety, difficulty of breathing, and great weariness in all the limbs; sensation as of something rush- ing into the head, with confusion and flying heat in the face,6.—*Palpitation and anxiety, with increased heat, especially of the face,6.—^Palpitation of heart (several).—Palpitation on walking, with great anxiety, etc. (19 c).— *Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety and restlessness, and pressive pain in the cardiac region,2*.—Sudden violent palpitation while sitting quietly, with a tight feeling in the chest,24.—Palpitation lasting all day, relieved by quiet, increased by walking,24.—Tendency to palpitation, with trembling,1. —*The heart beats quickly while the pulse was slow, apparently intermit- ting with attacks of powerlessness,24. [1060.]—Heart's impulse weak, t— Heart feebly fluttering, t—The heart beats but once to every three pulsa- tions against the chest, t—The left ventricle was consonant with the pulse, but the right auricle seemed to be in a convulsive state, its movements were rapid, irregular, and not related to the beats of the ventricle, t—*Pulse contracted, full, powerful, febrile, exoeeding 100 beats to minute (in adults), (several).—*Pulse strong, full, and quick,28, etc.—Auscultation re- vealed mucous rales posteriorly, but one beat of heart to three beats of pulse, still the pulsations of left vena cava were equal to the arterial pulse; rapid, irregular motion of right auricle, synchronous with the beats of the vena cava.—Pulse rose from 95 to 112 on going in from open air,38.—♦To- ward evening the pulse became full and quick; he felt the beating of the temporal and carotid arteries, while sitting,26.—* Pulse full, rapid2*. [1070.] Pulse full, 80 to 90,24.—Pulse 96 during afternoon,fever,1,21,38.—Pulse 130, feeble, t.—*Beat of heart powerful; pulse full, hard, and strong, moderately frequent (19 c).—Pulse quick, irregular, t—Pulse 67, small, and soft, after this it rose in an hour to 102, was full, and hard, then an agreeable warmth came over the body, followed by perspiration, the legs all the time continu- ing cool,22.—*Pulse full, powerful, intermitting every six beats of the heart and radial artery, with heaviness of chest, especially in the cardiac region,20. —Pulse intermitting and irregular; two or three beats followed rapidly in ACONITUM. 31 succession, and then came a pause of as long a duration,9.—Pulse febrile and intermitting, t—Pulse intermitting, with general dulness, t. [1080.]— Pulse soft, irregular, t—Pulse, at first with beginning warmth, frequent, sinks below normal; becomes weak, and at times intermittent, t—Pulse at first frequent, then retarded, t—Pulse slower, full, and soft (19 c.).—Pulse 54, unequal, soft, and full, t—Pulse sinks, irregular, small, weak, t—Pulse slow, irregular, t—*Pu!se slow, intermittent, t—Pulse seems as if the blood did not fill the artery full, t—*Pulse slow, feeble, t.; weak, t; small, t; small and weak,41; almost imperceptible, t [1090.]—Pulse feeble, soft, and occasionally intermits (every fifteenth beat),43.—No pulse perceptible,91 —*Pulse thready, with anxiety,0. Neck and Back.—Nape of neck stiff,14.—Pain as if the flesh were separated in the nape, with feeling as if the neck would not support the head, and the head would on that account fall forward; on moving the head, shootings in the nape,6.—Rheumatic pain in the nape, felt only on moving the neck (after 5-9 h.),1.—Stifffeeling in the nape of the neck in the evening,29,3*.—Stiff feeling in the nape, with chilly hands and feet,34.— Drawing pain to the left of the nape and in the scapula on moving the neck,3D— Single stitches in both sides of the nape,5. [1100.]—Weariness in the neck on motion, as if involving single muscles, especially evenings and nights,22.—^Drawings in muscles of throat and neck,26.—Fine shootings in the neck, externally,1.—Drawing pain into the neck, into the ear and shoulder,34.—Stiff and bruised feeling in the left side of the neck, to the left shoulder-joint and a portion of the dorsal muscles ; worse on lying, better on moving (5th d.),30.—Pressive pain in the left side of the cervical vertebrae,7.—Pressive pain in the neck, as of a pressure with the point of a finger inwards toward the trachea,3.—Stretching in the cervical muscles on turning the head,35.—Pain extends from neck towards right shoulder,39.— *Bruised pain between the shoulders,21,28. [1110.]—Stitches between the scap- ulae (several).—Drawing, tearing pain in scapulxB,25.—Slight drawings in right scapula,20.—Crawling pain in back, as if from beetles.—Dull rheu- matic pains in muscles of back and shoulders, in the places where the chilly or numb sensations had been most marked,43.—Creeping as of insects over back, arms, and thighs,35.—Stiffness of the back, t.—Shootings in the back,31.—Coldness along the vertebral column,38.—Feeling of heartburn all down the back,38. [1120.]—Violent shooting, digging pain in the whole of the left side of the spine to the small of the back, so much increased by inspiration as to bring tears into the eyes ; this lasted four hours,3.—Vio- lent drawing pain on both sides of the spine, along the mm., sacro-lumbalis and longissimus dorsi, increased by pressure, and rendering every move- ment difficult; this went off after four hours, but passed into the antagon- ist muscles, the recti abdominis, which were stretched as hard as a board.42. —Burning, gnawing pains near the right side of the spine,7.—Pain in the loins, like labor-pains, whilst walking,1.—Pain in the loins,29,12.—Pressive pain in the small of the back,29,30,32.—Momentary sticking and drawing in email of back,26.—Violent tearing pain in small of back, aggravated by pressure, t.—Painful boring on the left side of the small of the back,1.—Pres- sive pain on the left side of the small of the back,4. [1130.]—Painful stiff- ness in the small of the back and hip-joint, as if paralytic, on movement (after 2 h.),1.—Numb sensation in the small of the back into the legs (several). —Paralytic pressure in the small of the back, relieved by movement and bending forward (3d and 5th d.),30.—Shooting and creeping in the small of the back,30.—Sensitiveness of the renal region,30.—Shootings in the kidneys,16. 32 ACONITUM. —Transient, but painful aching in region of left kidney,38.—Slight uneasi- ness in region of right kidney,40.—Tension and drawing in the lumbar ver- tebrae, or as if bruised, with gripes, as if from flatulence,1.-— Tensive, pres- sive pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, noticed on stepping31. [1140.]— Pain as if bruised, in the last lumbar vertebrae, at its junction with the sacrum ; the back feels as if beaten,1,—*Pain as if from a bruise, from the loins through the back into the nape of the neck (after 4 h.),1.—Cutting pain, extending from the spine over the left hip, round to the abdomen, in a circle,1. Extremities in general.—*Trembling and tingling in the limbs, accompanied by shooting pains (\ h.), t—*Convulsive trembling of the limbs, t—"Twitching of fingers and toes, t.—^Convulsive contractions of limbs, t—Involuntary stretching of limbs, t—Distortion of extremities, t —He was unable to keep himself upright, and was attacked by convulsions, the upper and lower extremities were drawn inward, the fists clenched and the thumbs doubled into the palms so that he could not open the hand, t [1150.]—Weariness of arms and legs,31.—Weariness and exhaustion of all the limbs, with stretching and straining,35.—Weariness of the limbs, espe- cially the legs, with constant sleepiness and ill-humor,1.—Heaviness and stiffness of limbs in open air,31.—Painful heaviness of limbs (19 c).—Stiff- ness and difficulty of moving limbs, t—Difficulty of moving limbs,36.— An arm and a leg feel paralyzed,16.—A paralyzed feeling in left arm and thigh; the power of moving was gone in both, only slightly remaining in the hand. When the left side lost this it came into the right side in the same way; when he.could raise the right arm he could not the left, and vice versa; at length could raise them both,14.—Feeling as if the limb had gone to sleep, t—It seemed as though the circulation stopped in all his limbs; no circulation at all was felt by him from the wrists to the finger ends, and from the ankles to the tips of the toes,9. [1160.]—Weakness and unsteadi- ness in the ligaments of all the joints (46 h.),1.—Feeling as though the ligaments of the joints were relaxed,27.—Great weakness of the joints, especi- ally the knee and joints of the foot, with jerking in the tendons so that he can scarcely walk,9.—Numbness in the tips of the fingers and toes,35.— * Coldness of extremities, tt.—Bruised feeling in the limbs,36.—Pain as from a contusion in shoulder and hip-joints, after sleeping, as if the bed had been too hard,1.—Drawing now in the knee and calf, now in elbow,33.—Draw- ings here and there in the joints,34,35.—♦ Drawing, tearing pains in limbs,25. [1170.]—Transient pains, like bone pains, in the metacarpal and long bones of upper and lower extremities,38.—Stretching pains in the limbs, t—Pain in the elbows, knees, and hips; pressure after walking about, t—Almost directly after getting into bed, momentary drawing pains in left middle finger and right heel,38.—Shuddering of the extremities,12.— Crawling in upper and lower limbs, tt.—Pain in the joints,36.—*A11 the joints are painful (7 h.),16.—Painless cracking of all the joints especially the knees,1. TJpper Extremities.—Pain in left shoulder-joint,4. [1180.]—Slight pain in shoulder-joints,36.—Pains in left shoulder,36.—Tearing pain from the shoulder down the arm to the wrist and fingers, on every motion ; duririf the pain the hand is blue (after 1, 14 h.),1—Tumor in the muscle's of the shoulder, extremely painful to the touch, as if bruised (after 4 h.),1.—The shoulder is painful, and feels as if it would sink down,6.—Some transient stitches in the left shoulder,6,30.—Numbness in the shoulders, t.—Drawing, tearing pain in shoulder-joint,25.—Pressure in right shoulder and upper arm,31! —Pressive pain in left shoulder, and posterior-exterior side of left upper ACONITUM. 33 arm,22. [1190.]—Violent drawing and tearing, with paralytic sensation in head of left humerus,20.—Tingling down the arms,41— The arms feel bruised and sink down powerlessly,6.—Weariness of arms,31.—Coldness and insen- sibility of the arms,1.—No feeling in arms, £.—Pinching, as if with blunt forceps, on some spots of the left arm, often returning,31.—Throws the arms about, t—Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, anteriorily, while at rest, not changed by motion or pressure,3.—Sudden drawing and shoot- ing pain in right upper arm posteriorly,3. [1200.]—Drawing and paralytic stiffness in right upper arm,27.—Weariness of left upper arm,21.—Tickling itching on inside of left upper arm,21.—Drawing pain in the elbow-joints,6. Drawing-tearing pain in the elbow-joints?5.—Several rheumatic-like pains in left elbow-joint,38.—Dull, rheumatic pains about right elbow-joint,43.—Vio- lent shootings in the elbow-joints down to the wrists, on the outside of the arm, on flexing the fingers to the wrist-joint,6.—Sensation of weight in the arms, from the elbow to the fingers; they feel as if they would fall, with sensation in fingers as if they were asleep, on grasping anything,6.—Draw- ing-tearing pain in the forearm,25. [1210.]—Pain in the forearm, as if from a violent blow,6.—Drawing, shooting pain in the bones of the forearm, excit- able by movement,1.—Crawling in right forearm,22.—Paralytic feeling in right forearm and hand (on writing), relieved by violent motion, but returning while writing, or at rest, but less severely,3.—Drawing-tearing pain on the outside of right forearm,3.—Cramplike pain in the whole of the left forearm, not relieved by anything,3.—Undulating, tearing pain in the upper end of the left forearm,3.—Acute pain in right forearm, along the flexor tendons of the little finger, increased by movement,35.—*Numb, tingling sensations in arms and hands, as though the poles of a galvanic battery were being held,38.—* Numbness in arms and hands, t [1220.]— Much formication in arms and hands,38.—Immediately (from a portion of the juice getting into a wound in the thumb), horrible'pain throughout the arm, and especially at the wounded spot. The arm became bright-red, much swollen ; the pain so intolerable that he nearly fainted,17.—A numb- ing-like paralysis of the left arm (and thigh), so that he can scarcely move the hand,14.—Prickling and tingling down the arms and fingers, and a painful numbness across the wrists (in five minutes), t—Pain in the arm and the fingers,17.—Jerking, drawing pain in the lower and internal surface of the left forearm, over the wrist to the palm of the hand,3.—Shooting in the wrist-joint, as if from needles (several).—Drawing, paralytic pain in the right wrist-joint,7.—Tearing pain in the wrist,1.—Trembling motion in the wrist on moving the hand,5.—Drawing and tearing pains in wrist and fingers25. [1230.] —Icy coldness of the hands (several).—*Trembling of hands, t—One hand becomes ice-cold, and insensible as if benumbed (after 2 h.),1—Cramp-like pain in the right hand,7.—Cramp-like pain, with fine shootings, in the right hand, relieved by moving it,3.—Swelling of the hands, with frequent cough, and ordinary appetite,12.—Hands cold and pulseless, t—Clenched hands, t.—Same sprained feel in joints of right hand,38.—Stinging, itching little red pimples on the back of both hands, like fleabites,38. [1240.]—Transient stitches in dorsum of left hand,28.— Increased warmth of palms, evenings,21,23.— Cold sweat in the palms1.— Palms of hands quite insensible, t—A few pulsating stitches in the hollow of the right hand, as if from a sharp needle,3.—Morbid, contractive pain in the hollow of left hand, so that the fingers can scarcely be extended,3.— Transient, lame pains in both metacarpi,33.—* Creeping pain in the fingers,1. —* Creeping in the fingers, fettalso while writing*.—Hot prickling in the vol. i.—3 34 ACONITUM. tips of the fingers, nights,25. [1250.]—Nails blue, t—Crawling and sensation of warmth in middle and index fingers of left hand,26.—Cutting, pressive pain on the side of the right forefinger, next the middle finger, during motion and when at rest,3.—Strange, intermittent, lame, growing-like pains in distal joint of left forefinger,38.—Rheumatic-like stiffness of right forefinger, last- ing for about ten minutes, and causing great awkwardness in bending it,38.— Drawing lame pains in right forefinger,"'8.—Paralytic pain in the thumbs,6. —Pain as of dislocation in the right thumb-joint on moving it,1.—Jerking pains in the right thumb,3.—Painful drawing in the left thumb,7. [1260.J Drawing pains, several times, in right thumb,38. Lower Extremities.—Drawing pain in the border of the left hip- bone,35.—* Drawing pain in left hip-joint on moving it,3*.—Painful pressure in hip-joint while walking,35.—Powerlessness in the head of the femur, or inability to walk, owing to an indescribable, intolerable pain, almost like a crushing of the head of the femur, which sometimes declines and some- times increases, and occurs after lying down and after sleep (after 5 h.),1.— Powerlessness and pain in the head of the femur, producing unsteady gait,1. —Drawing pain in the head of the left femur, while standing and sitting, but still more while walking,6.—Tired feeling in the lower limbs during repose,3*,35.—Sensation of heaviness in the limbs, as if they were asleep (several).—Bruised pain in the limbs, especially in the knees",29. [1270.]— Stiffness and heaviness of the limbs, when walking, preventing him from walking quickly,31.—His limbs trembled as he walked, t—Trembling of limbs, t—The lower extremities were in perpetual movement, even when he sat down, t,—He loses the sensation of standing firm,35.—Legs fail her on attempting to go up stairs, £.—The legs bend under her,20,26.—The child staggers to his feet; his face brightens up ; but soon standing becomes im- possible, t—Step uncertain,35.—Drawing pain especially in the joints of the limbs,35. [1280.]—Drawing in the tendinous expansions of the lower limbs,35. —Small vesicles on left lower extremities, very painful, t.—" No use in legs," t—No feeling in legs, t—Drawing pain in left lower extremity, here and there,35.—Weariness of limb,31.—An almost paralytic powerlessness of legs and thighs, after sitting,1.—Tight pressure in the thighs, as if from a tightly-drawn bandage, with great fatigue while walking,5.—Drawing pain, first in one thigh, then in the other, then in both together, only while moving,34.—Numbness in the thighs and feet (several). [1290.]—Strange sensation down forepart of both thighs, as if drops of cold water trickled over them ; it lasted for fully five minutes,38.—Drawing-tearing pain in thigh,25.—Fine shootings, as if from needles, in the muscular substance of the thigh,6.—Cold feeling running down from the middle of the thigh, especially on the knee and leg,22.—Bruised pain of thigh and coldness of soles,22.—Drawing along the thigh, and discomfort in the knees,23.—* Un- steadiness of the knees; they bend while standing or walking,1.—^Unsteadi- ness of the knees, especially of one; it bends under the body, while walking (immediately, and after 1 h.),1.—Slight pain in right knee,37.—Deep slow shooting over the right knee,6. [1300.]—Jerking-tearing in the inside of the knee,6.—^Shootings in the left knee,29,30.—*Icy coldness of the knee alternating with flying shootings,33.—Draiving, tearing pain in knee-joint25. —*Knife-hke pains in the knee-joint,0.—Tension in knee-cap, hindering walking 7.—Pain in patella, as from a blow,31.—Pain in patella on walk ing, .—On walking in open air, an acute pressing pain by fits in the left patella, right tendo Achillis, and dorsum of left foot,31.—Pressing-gnawing pain in patella,31. [1310.]—Pressive pain in patella and in tendo Achillis3^ ACONITUM. 35 —Painful drawing in leg, from the knee to the heel, and back again,6.— Cramps and pains in the legs, t—Marked feeling, as if a heavy weight, about the size of the palm, were laid on the outside of both legs, about eight inches above ankle,43.—The legs got very cold in an hour; worse in a warm room and when walking,22.—Stitching and drawing in tibiae,22.—Vio- lent shooting from the heel to the popliteal space (from olfaction),30.—Para- lytic drawing in right leg and tendo Achillis to heel,6.—Drawing in tendo Achillis,34.—Tendo Achillis feels shortened and bent. [1320.]—Cold creep- ing on inside of leg,22.—Itching on inside of leg,27.—Weakness in lower legs, mornings,22.—The lower part of the legs and feet are as if numb and asleep,6.—Legs and feet feel numb, t—Heaviness and tension in the calves,35.—Pain in calves as from cramp,29.—* Cramp in the calves, t—Pain in the ankles, with despairing thoughts, and contemplation of death,1.— Sensation in the ankles, as if they were tightly tied with a ligature, in the morning,1. [1330.]—Horrible pain in the ankle, relieved by compression (after 7 h.),1.—Tearing pain in left outer ankle, going upward (after 14 h.),3.—Sharp, transient, rheumatic-like pain in anterior part of left ankle- joint (3d d.),38.—*Coldness of the feet to the ankles, with sweat of the toes and soles,1.—* Coldness of the feet, particularly of the toes,5.—Feet covered with cold sweat,9.—Heaviness of the feet (immediately),1.—The feet feel as heavy as lead (several).—Weariness of feet on ascending steps,22.—Para- lytic drawing in the feet (several). [1340.]—Pressure on right instep,22.— Transient stitches on dorsum of left foot,28.—Pain in right heel, principally when treading (several).—Hot pricking in toes, nights,25.—^Sleeping of the toes of the right foot while walking (several).—Repeated sharp, painful shootings in right fourth toe,38.—While sitting at tea, most unexpectedly, three very sharp and painful stitches in third and fourth toes of right foot,38.—Shortly after getting to bed, several momentary lancinating pains in right big toe, on the inside of ball in particular; also in third and fourth right toes,38.—Sensation of numbness and tingling commenced in feet and spread rapidly upward, t Generalities.—Convulsions, ft. [1350.]—Clonic spasms, t—*Spasms of the eyes; clenched jaws; the body became rigid and bends backward ; the limbs are distorted with spasms, and he dies, t—Convulsive attacks; the upper and lower limbs drawn inward ; the legs in constant motion; face covered with cold sweat; the eyes turned up ; the joints crack during the spasms, t—Violent convulsive fit; the eyes drawn up under the lids; the fists clenched across the throat; the teeth grate violently against one another, and a thick ropy saliva was forced through the lips, t—(In the evening sudden crying out, gnashing of teeth ; then, from long-continued hiccup, stiff immobility like a statue (catalepsy),12.)—Twitching of ten- dons, t—The symptoms at last become chiefly confined to the tendinous or muscular structures, such as shortened feeling of the tendons of the ham and of the tendo Achillis,20.—Twitching of various groups of muscles, espe- cially of the forearm, as if he h eld the conductors of an electro-magnetic a ppa- ratus in his hand, only the pains come and go slower,31.—*Excessive restless- ness and tossing about for several hours,381—She gave an occasional sigh, tossed her arms backward above her head, and sought to shift her position by jerks, t. [1360.]—Extreme sense of nervousness,38.—Extreme nervous- ness and agitation,38.—Fearful and uncertain in his actions,38.—* Sensitive- ness to fresh air,21.—* Remarkable degree of sensitiveness to the least draught of cold air,38.—Feeling as if he would take cold,24.—* All the symptoms of having caught cold,20.—Sensation as if all the bloodvessels were congealed,14. 36 ACONITUM. Very shaky and nervous,38.—^Trembling and tendency to palpitation,. [1370.]—Great trembling, t—Increased tremulousness and vertigo,38. General muscular tremors,41.—Paralytic and bruised pains in arms aud legs, with violent trembling all over the body, especially in the extremities, which prevents walking ; with very pale face, dilated pupils, faintness, pal- pitation, cold sweat on the back, and dizzy headache in the temples, soon followed by burning heat of the face, with a sensation of tension and red- ness of the face, and sleepiness after dinner (46 h.),°— He complained 1 lassitude of the whole body, great weakness, and pressure at the heart,14.— General sore, tired feeling in the body,14.—On awaking in the morning such great exhaustion he was unwilling to get up; it went off, however, on ris- ing,1.—Frequent attacks, almost every other hour, of extreme weakness and insensibility, so that he can stir neither hand nor foot, and cannot sit up in bed; he does not feel his former pains, cannot see nor hear, nor even speak aloud ; the legs are stretched out (after a few h.),\—Grew very weak and almost blind in half an hour, though still conscious, t.—Prostrated, weak, and sleepy, t. [1380.]—* Great muscular weakness, weariness, prostra- tion, almost total inability to stand, tt.— Great loss of strength,1*,9.—Progres- sive failure of strength,11.—Great weariness, as if after walking far,31.— ♦Feeling very weary, languid, and unable to rise from the couch ; obliged to discontinue all work; the system feels prostrated, with sense of inward fever,38.—Great laziness (19 d.).—Unusual fatigue,27.— Walking and talking tire him; he feels very much affected,21.—Easily tired when walking, and espe- cially going up stairs,30.—*He loses his ability to stand, must sit down,2*. [1390.] —She hates movement, prefers sitting,6.—She must lie down in bed she feels so sick ; head so confused, dizzy, and painful, and the limbs so heavy (19 a.).—Complains of his head being heavy, his strength and spirit ex- hausted, so that he had to lie down,9.—Urgent desire to lie down,9.—She must lie down (2-5 h.),1.—Faintness,1 tt.—*Faintness on attempting to sit up, t—Attacks of fainting follow constrictive sensation of the chest, and icy coldness,24.—Went quite suddenly and unconsciously into a swoon in the evening while standing up urinating; all the blood seemed to rush to his head, and he fell heavily to the ground (first time in his life),38.—Fainting fit directly after urinating; everything whirled around him ; for the time he completely lost all consciousness; hands bedewed with cold sweat, and for some time after he remained quite prostrated,38. [1400.]—Impaired sensibility of the surface,41.—Touch diminished, so that he cannot distin- guish small objects by the feeling, t—Formication and crawling, now in one place, now in another, with an uncomfortable shuddering sensation, especially on the upper arm and lower leg,35.—The paralytic condition soon quitted the left side and passed over to the right,14.—*Numbness and ting- ling over the body,*1.—Muscles sore and stiff,39.—Sensation as if the whole body, from the shoulders downward, was heavy as lead, while a heavy pres- sure, from all sides and from above downwards, seemed to render the whole body smaller in size and stature, the head and neck seeming to retain their natural proportions,43.—Sensation of swelling of many parts of the body, gen- erally accompanied by shuddering cold or rigor (several).—Sense of swelling of almost the whole body, especially of the left side, which after awhile becomes a numb sensation, with bruised feeling of the muscles, and weari- ness in the bones,22.—Feeling of swelling all over, especially in left side with bruised pain in ribs and arms, and crampy feeling about the heart • the swollen feeling changes to a numb feeling,22. [1410.]—General anxious sensation, as though the blood would overflow the vessels, with constant ACONITUM. 37 chilliness, especially with cold face, even in a warm room; worse in the open air and on motion/6.—Anxious tremblings, like a boiling and seething through the whole body, as if the hands and feet would go to sleep; some- thing as if one is just on the point of becoming intoxicated, always accom- panied by a predominating unpleasant sensation of coldness/6.—Swelling of the part (on which the juice had been laid\ and acute inflammation, going on to profuse suppuration,17.—General feeling of illness,35.—Sensation as if she had just recovered from a severe illness or risen from a sick-bed (6 h.),1.—Feeling all day as of impending fever, with nausea, want of ap- petite, and aching gnawing pains throughout the whole body, extremities particularly,38.—General sick feeling, nausea, and qualmishness, with pain- ful heaviness in the limbs,19.—Drawing pains wander over the whole body in rapid succession, nowhere lasting longer than one minute,35.—Painful drawings, now here, now there, most frequently in various parts of the thorax, and in the upper and forearms,31.—Drawing, tearing pains, wan- dering without order from one place to another, but mostly alternating with heart symptoms/5. [1420.]—After the delirium pains in stomach, head, jaws, and here and there in his joints, which in seven hours become more general,16.—Rheumatic pains, chiefly in the knee/7.—Frequent flying pains all over the body,38.—Transient pains in different parts of the body,40.— * Bruised pains in different parts (several).—Neuralgic pains,36.—*Very fine stinging, or stinging burning pains in many parts, as if seated in the skin, sometimes combined with a sense of heaviness, numbness, or swell- ing/2.—In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, walls of abdomen, and joints,35.—* Stitches in the forehead, back, sides of chest, back of hands, and other parts, as if he stood on the isolated plate of an elec- trical machine, and one took sparks from him,31.—Constriction of body, t [1430.]—Gradually all parts of the body become black, the whole body swells up, the eyes protrude, the tongue hangs out of the mouth,8.—A pe- culiar feeling over the whole body, to be compared with that experienced in a vapor bath, when the steam falls rapidly on the skin, and drops are felt on it,35.—Unusually comfortable feeling in whole body,22.—(Painfull- ness of whole body with increasing weakness/2.)—♦27ie whole body is sensi- tive to touch; the child will not allow itself to be moved; it whines,1.—'^Burn- ing through all the mucous membranes, t—*A[ost of the symptoms are accom- panied by shivering and anxiety (several). Skill.—Jaundice,1.—Skin becomes yellowish, t—The skin appears peculiarly elastic and smooth,35. [1440.]—Goose-flesh/6,28.—*Skin dry and unperspiring38.—Vesicular eruption on both temples,20.—♦Spots like flea- bites on hands, face, etc./.—Red pimples on flexor side of the thumb, in- dex and middle fingers, painful to pressure (cont. 5 d.),6.—Skin seems dotted with red spots, t.—(Isolated vesicles, here and there, fill with yellow lymph and dry up,31.).—Red pimples, filled with acrid fluid, all over body (from patient with sciatica),18.—Broad, red, itching pimples all over body (from patient with rheumatism)/8.—Chiefly on face, forehead, nape, and various parts of the body, isolated vesicles, the size of a pin's head, containing a serous fluid, and attended with itching ; successive eruptions appeared for a fortnight, which dried up and fell off gradually/3. [1450.]—Itching all over the body, especially on the pudenda (from a patient with sciatica)/8.— Itching in several muscular parts, especially the forearms,31.—Constant itching and smarting on various parts of the skin,31.—Great heat all over the body, and burning-itching, especially on the inside of the thighs and about the knees,27.—Creeping, itching, and desquamation of the skin, 38 ACONITUM. especially on the affected parts/.—Sensation in the skin as if the epidermis were separated from the cutis by an intervening layer—a kind of wander- ing, creeping, and running all over the body, with uncomfortable shuddering feeling,35.—* Formication and biting, especially on the hairy parts of the body, with the exception of the head, as if from fleas, making him scratch,35.—* Fine pricking, as if from needles, here and there on the body,6— ♦The tingling sensation spread gradually over the whole body, until it took in all the limbs,9.—Pricking, pressure, pressing-gnawing, now here, now there, in the skin, as from a strong electro-magnet,31. [1460.]—Skin warm (19 c).—Cold clammy skin. Skin becomes cold and dry, t—Single long- continued dartings, here and there, mixed with a raw sensation, and at last ending with pain as of a wound/. Sleep and Dreams.—Interrupted yawning; she cannot yawn enough/—Yawns often, without being sleepy,6.—Yawning and stretching,6. (19 c).—Frequent yawning; (shivering and) frequent yawning on rising in the morning,6.—Yawning, with ringing in ears, .—Yawning, with sleep- iness/9.—Intense yawning, without sleepiness/9. [1470.]—Great sleepiness: spasmodic yawning (19 d.)/4.—Sleepiness and laziness; uncommon sleepi- ness, even while walking,4,24.—Irresistible sleepiness by day,2*.—Sleepiness ; sleep (after 2 h.)/.—Quiet sleep, for four or five hours,9.—Sleepiness toward noon,35.—Great sleepiness in the afternoon ; the eyes close involun- tarily ; he wakes, however, readily, at the least noise, but always falls asleep again,6.—Uncommon sleepiness after a meal,6.—Falling asleep while standing,35.—Inability to keep awake/5, t [1480.]—Tendency to stupor, t. —He cannot be awake, his hands are cold and he is senseless/0, t.—Light sleep (1 to 5 h.)/.—Sleep very light, superficial, so that in the morning he imagines he has not slept at all; without being weak/1.—Frequent waking, with excessive' wakefulness31.—Disinclination to go to bed; he could not sleep when he went to bed, owing to excessive wakefulness,26.—Sleeplessness on account of severe pressive pain in vertex/4.—Could not sleep for some time after the decline of the symptoms, owing to inability to keep the eyes closed, t—Sleepless night?* t—He sleeps sitting, with head bent forward/. [1490.]—In the morning, he lies asleep on his back, the left hand laid under the back of the head/.—He felt as if he were sleeping in the air, and had nothing under him/1.—On lying down at night, shuddering/.— Frightful convulsive jerkings on falling asleep/9.—Frequent starting out of sleep,30.—*He starts up in a fright, moves much and talks in his sleep1.—She starts up in her sleep, and says some one is holding her/.—Violent twitching of the extremities on falling asleep, so that he was waked up by it,20, t— ♦Very restless nights (several).—Restless nights,12. [1500.]—Restless nights, must walk about, t—Went to bed very restless and excited, and slept with difficulty ; not refreshed on rising next morning/1.—Very wakeful and rest- less,38.— Nights always restless; and, in the morning, feels as if he had been drunk over night/1.—♦Restless tossing in bed,28,31—Nights very restless; she leaves the bed frequently, without being in a condition to lie down again without help, t.—*Nights restless; alternating cold and heat, partial sweat, .—Nights,much thirst,restlessness, chill and heat2*.—lie cannot lie on the right side nor on the back ; he turns in bed from one side to another with pain, .—♦Sleep at night often disturbed by cough/9. [1510.]— He wakes often at night on account of dryness in the mouth and throat wherefore he must drink often;22,31.—0a falling asleep, great itching of the limbs so that he is waked up by it/0.—Slow breathing when asleep,1.—(Inspiration with a double jerk, like the bleating of a goat, while asleep x)—After ACONITUM. 39 lying down at night, and while sitting during the day, he is in a state of waking dreaminess, and imagines erroneously that he is far from home/. —In a kind of half-sleep, tormented by the most extravagant dreams, till morning/6.—Nightly phantasies in a half-waking state/7.—Restless nights, with vivid dreams about the events of the day,20.—* Passed a rest- less night, body very hot, tossed about much, and had excessively vivid dreams,31.—Restless and disturbed sleep ; strange dreams,38. [1520.]—Rest- less night, disturbed by fearful dreams/4.—Stupid sleep, from which she arouses herself with difficulty, after awaking several times, with con- fused dreams ; mornings on waking, the head is confused/3.—Sleep full of dreams of a confused and vivid character,6.—Long, confused dreams,32.— Dreams in which he spoke much/.—He has a very vivid dream towards morning, and obtains an accurate explanation of a circumstance that was a riddle to him while awake (after 20 h.)/.— Very vivid dreams all night (several).— Vivid, remembered dreams of the day's occurrences (several).—He dreams half the night of a single subject, which also occupies his attention for many hours after he awoke, so that this subject alone is in his mind (like the fixed idea of a monomaniac), which is very troublesome and dis- agreeable to him/.—Dreams of subjects that, for eight years, had been foreign to his thoughts,24. [1530.]—+At night, anxious dreams, and several times waking with a start,5.—*Anxious dreams at night/4.—*Long dreams, with anxiety in the chest, taking away the breath and causing him to awake (nightmare)/.—*Anxious, heavy dreams, with oppression of the chest29,21.—Frightful dreams,22,2*. Fever.—* Chilliness, t—Cold over the whole body/.—She is cold, and shivers,6.—Cold and rigors,21 t—*Anxious chilliness (after 3 h.)/. [1540.]— ♦ Chilliness on the slightest movement (after 10 h.),\—* Chilliness from being uncovered,0'.—Body and extremities cold, t—General coldness rapidly in- creasing, especially on the extremities, with blueness of the nails of the fingers and toes, t—--Coldness in a warm room/7.—Chilliness evenings, espe- cially in hands and feet,34.—Extreme chilliness nearly all day,38.—Had rigors, and felt icy cold, t.—Felt icy cold, and nearly fainted ; during the day frequent recurrence of the rigor, with violent pain in right temple/4. —Violent shaking chill/7. [1550.]—He lay quiet, but freezing and shiv- ering, and wished to be covered up with many clothes9.—Slight degree of chilliness/8.—Continual diminution of temperature,33.—Constant shivering. —Constant shuddering/4.—Shivering for several hours, as if between the skin and flesh, especially over the back and abdomen ; felt even when per- spiring from rapid walking,35.—Shivering and frequent yawning on rising in the morning,6.—Shuddering from the middle of the spine to the lumbar muscles of both sides, as if from taking cold,30.—Chilliness over the back, as before the outbreak of catarrhal fever26.—Constant coldness through the arms and legs, and shivering even in the face,6. [1560.]—Chilliness and formi- cation between the shoulders and down the back, ivith cold tips of fingers and toes, blue nails, even in a warm room (several).—* Shivers run through her, from below upward to the chest,6.—Shivering in the evening, especially in the bauds and feet/4.—Attack of faintness, with shivering/.—* Shuddering on lying down at night,1.—Shuddering, with paleness and sunken features,35,21. —Coldness in the hands and feet, shuddering over the back, while the head and body are warm,35.—Rigor over back and arms,6.—Arras and hands cold and pulseless, legs and trunk much the same, t—First coldness, rigor, and paleness of the finger-ends, then of the fingers; thereafter cramped sensa- tion in the soles of the feet and calves, and finally coldness in the forehead 40 ACONITUM. (after i h.)/. [1570.]—Coldness under the skin; slight, frequently re- peated rigor, not followed by heat,28.—Rigor commencing in limbs, then going to whole body, with goose-flesh; it seems to be between skin and muscle; disappears on motion; worst when at rest/8.—The rigor continued to in- crease in the afternoon, and he became icy cold, no coverings suffice to warm him/8.—In the afternoon rigor all over the body, in a hot room/2.— Rigor down the back, especially in the evening,3.—Rigor along the spine, with goose-skin creeping along the galea apoueurotica; hands and face blue; he seeks the heat of the stove/5.—Felt better after breakfast, but soon afterward, when in open air, had severe attack of rigor over the back and chest, followed by great heat (with frontal headache), which the least movement brought back,'21.—On the 9th day an attack of rigor after mid- night, which seemed to arise from the prsecordia and exteud to the limbs; attacks of this awoke him frequently during the night, and were followed by burning dry heat with febrile pulse; in morning moderate perspiration/7. —Violent continued rigor; short-lasting heat, and copious sweat, with heaviness of head, with waving and swaying of the head,25.—Violent rigors ; icy coldness, with very gratifying yawning and stretching the limbs; after some hours moderate warmth and sweat; during chill and heat many con- comitant symptoms/8. [1580.1—Chilly sensation after eating ; weakness ; sleepiness ; at night increased heat, tossing about, and sleep interrupted by lively memorable dreams,31.—Fever; chilly feeling, even coldness over whole body, especially on legs and knees, with confused head, glowing heat in face, especially in the red, hot cheeks; pulse gradually rises from 71 to 102, is full and hard, with pleasant warmth and anxiety, and sensation of heat around the head ; lastly, general sweat/2.—Dry heat and exhaustion ; violent rigor in the evening with headache, lasting till midnight/4.—Flush- ing of the face, and coid hands and feet, especially in the evening (19 a.).— At night thirst, restlessness, rigors, and heat till morning/4.—♦Fever ; cold- ness of whole body, with hot forehead, hot ears, and inward dry heat/.— *Fever; coldness and stiffness of the whole body, redness and heat of one, coldness and paleness of the other cheek, with open, fixed eyes, and con- tracted pupils, which only dilate slightly and slowly in the dark/.—Toward evening rigor and coldness of the hands and feet; then nausea felt about the middle of the sternum, which continues even when partaking of food; after eating the nausea goes off, and is followed by heat of the face, accom- panied by sad and despairing thoughts/.—Cold shuddering, from the crown of the head down the back to the sacrum, followed by an agreeable sensa- tion of warmth in the skin,30.—Heat of skin, then coldness, t [1590.]— Alternation of coldness and heat/4.—Alternation of heat and chill all night,38.—"Alternating attacks (after 3, 4, 6 h.).—Either along with redness of the cheeks, childish merriment, with sensation of h-eat all over the body, and headache on moving the eyes upwards and sideways,1.—*Or along with' red- ness of the cheeks and heat of the head; shuddering all over the body, with proper taste in the mouth/.—*Or along with redness of the cheeks, rigor with weeping and pressive headache,1.—*Or along with redness of the cheeks an obstinate disposition, burning in the region of the navel, and pressive head- ache,1.—After the siesta, which usually makes him warm, feeling of rigor throughout the body, and cold of the upper arm ; the cold feeling persisted even while walking, and in the evening gave way to a short, disagreeable feeling of warmth, like a catarrhal fever/6.—*Toward evening burninp heat in the head and face, with redness of the cheeks and outpressing headache; at the same time rigor over the whole body and thirst (after 14 h ) 6 ACONITUM. 41 —*Heat in the head; forehead hot to the touch, with rigor over the body on the slightest movement,1.—The 14th day, at night, a rigor, followed by exces- sively copious perspiration, sleeplessness/7. [1600.]—Internal rigor from back over the legs, with cold sweat; the face feels icy cold in a sunny day and warm room ; this lasted four hours, till evening, when heat and rapid pulse and symptoms of coryza came on, with general laziness and heaviness of the limbs/6.—15th day; another rigor at night, followed by dry, hot skin, and perspiration/7.—*Face hot; hands and feet cold (19 c).—Flushed face,36.—* Extreme redness of the cheeks, with a discontented, complaining, lachrymose disposition (after 3 h.)/.—Head and face suddenly very warm, t—*Toward evening dry heat in the face with anxiety/.—In the even- ing heat of the palms and cheeks/1.—Sensation of heat, first in the hands, then all over the body, even in the chest, without perceptible external heat (after 4 h.)/.—Sometimes heat creeps over the back,6. [1610.]—*(Heat, and throwing off the clothes,1.)—Flying heat/1.—Flushes of heat evenings/2,35. —♦Dry heat all over the body/4,27.—*Skin burning hot, t—♦ General heat and thirst,1.—Great internal heat with thirst/7.—* During the heat moderate desire for beer,1.—♦(She drinks little during the heat, yet has dry lips/.)— (During the heat the cough is troublesome/.) [1620.]—(Great heat, from ten in the evening till after midnight, with dyspnoea; she would like to cough but cannot, and speaking is difficult; at the same time there is the greatest restlessness, and complaints about pain in the bowels, feet, abdo- men, and back; she stamped with her feet, and would not allow herself to be touched/.)—Increased warmth all day, with exhausted feeling and loss of appetite ; the heat increased toward evening, with internal heat and swollen veins/6.—Evenings prostration ; increased warmth of skin ; flying stitches along the sternum and between the ribs/1.—On going to bed the heat of the body increased, especially of the extremities; perspiration appeared on the inside of the thighs and of the scrotum, accompanied by great itching; he scratches till the blood comes/6.—* After getting to bed all the feverish symptoms become much aggravated, and almost intolerable,38.—^Increase of febrile symptoms toward evening,20.—Fever, t—Attack of fever at 3 p.m./1. —Throughout the whole afternoon a sense of feverishness hung about him, attended by great powerlessness and prostration of entire body, the ex- tremities particularly,38.—The feverishness continues without interruption all through the night, but abated a good deal this morning/8. [1630.]— Sense of inward fever attended by chilliness; desire to sit over the fire, and a disposition to nausea ; feverishness abated on going out into the open air, and walking about,38.—Sense of inward fever, with the feeling of prostra- tion,38.—Dry heat and tightness of the skin over the whole body, t— Warmth extends over the whole body, especially stomach and abdomen, accompanied by sweat, t—Whole body warm and sweating, t—Slight warmth and moderate sweat,9.—Pleasant warmth of the whole body, especially in back, with moderate sweat,22.—Perspiration, with febrile rigors (after 3 h.),\ —Febrile perspiration/.—♦ Sour-smelling sweat all over the body,1. [1640.]— Profuse sweat, t,21.—* Cold sweats (several).—Surface cold, and covered with clammy sweat, t—Moderate perspiration all over the body,1.—Skin inclined to transpiration (several).— General warm, stmming sweat (several).—Exha- lation and sweat all over the body,18.—General sweat, especially on the forehead and prcecordia.22.—Sweat toward noon/2.—Sweat after midnight,0. [1650.]—Nocturnal transpiration (several).—Violent sweat without ex- haustion/2.—Though his speech was bold and his look animated cold sweat stood on his brow, and his pulse could scarcely be felt,14.—In the morning 42 ACONITUM. excessive sweat (after nightly delirium),10.—Profuse sweat, with copious flow of urine/2.—Profuse sweat, with the diarrhoea and increased flow of urine/2.—Copious sweat followed the convulsions, t Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Confusion, etc.; muddled and empty sensation in head ; head heavy and dizzy, etc.; blowing of much bright-red blood from nose; fluent coryza; hiccup; hurried call to stool; acute stitches in cardiac region, etc.; weakness in lower legs; sensation in ankles as if tightly tied, etc.; great exhaustion, etc.; shivering and frequent yawning; excessive sweat; frequent yawning; lies asleep on back, etc.; hard, red swelling of right upper lid, etc.—(Forenoon), Sweat; sleepiness; vertigo, etc.—(Afternoon), Great vertigo; violent, sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.; cough; pain in chest, etc.; shoots in centre of sternum, etc.; pulse full and quick, etc.; rigor, etc.; heat, etc.; fever; attack of fever, 3 p. M.; great sleepiness; shooting pain in right supra-orbital ridge, etc.—(Evening), Confusion of head, etc.; headache; pain in forehead; pressive headache in vertex ; pressing-out pain in temples, etc.; burning- itching in both ears ; face hot; *fiying stitches, here and there, etc.; stiff feeling in nape; warmth of palms; transient stitches, etc.; chilliness; shivering, etc.; rigor down back ; prostration, etc.; heat, etc.; lachryma- tion.—(Night), * Delirium; pressive pain on vertex; hot prickings in tips of fingers; hot prickings in toes ; transpiration ; *much thirst, etc.; state of waking dreaminess, etc. ; lachrymation; ♦pains become intolerable.— (Before Midnight), Shuddering; all the feverish symptoms.—(After Mid- night), *Short cough, etc.; short breath; attack of rigor, etc.; very vivid dream, etc.—(Open Air), Dizzy confusion of head; squeezing in forehead over root of nose, etc.; cold feeling of the eyes; burning, itching and darting in both ears; the throat-symptoms; nausea; irritation of larynx and dry cough; general anxious sensation, etc.; severe attack of rigor, etc.—(Bending body forward), Vertigo; vertigo, etc.; vertigo and head- ache; giddy heaviness of head, etc.; ^headache; * fulness of the forehead, etc.; dull pain in vertex, etc.; drawing bellyache, etc.—(Bending body sidewards), Sensitive stitches in thorax.—(On going to bed), Heat of body. —(After getting to bed), *AU the feverish symptoms.—(Drinking), Cough. —(On falling asleep), *Jerkings; itching of limbs.—(Flexing fingers to wrist-joint), Violent shootings in elbow-joint, etc.—(Driving), Vertigo.— (Eating), Uncommon sleepiness.—(Going in evening from half-dark room into street), Flickering before eyes, etc.—(Going indoors from open air), Pulse quickened, etc.—(Grasping anything), Sensation of weight in arms, etc.—(During heat of body), Cough.—(Inspiration), Dull stitches under ribs of left side ; oppression of chest, etc.; stitches from lowest rib on right side to apex of shoulder blade, etc.; pain in left side of spine, etc.—(Deep inspiration), Oppression of chest; oppression and anxiety of chest; pains in chest; pressive pain in region of second left rib, etc. ; stitches between scapulas, etc.; painful shocks in left chest, superiorly; pain from right scapula to front of chest.—(Laughing aloud), Sharp stitch under ribs on right side.—(Light), Headache.—(Lying), Stiff and bruised feeling in left side of neck, etc.—(Lying on side), ♦ Violent cough.—(After lying down), Powerlessness in head of femur, etc.—(Lying on back), * heart symptoms,0. —(Mental exertion), Pain in head and face.—(Motion), Confusion in head, etc.; headache, etc.; headache, first in vertex, etc.; weariness in neck, etc.; painful stiffness in small of back, etc.; tearing pain down arm, etc.; pains in bones of forearm ; acute pain in right forearm, etc. ; drawing pain in thighs, etc.; general anxious sensation, etc.; chilliness; severe attack ACONITUM. 43 of rigor, etc.—(Appearance of Menses), Rage; sharp pain in loins — (Moving affected part), Rheumatic pain in nape; drawing pain to left of nape, etc.; trembling in wrist; pain, etc., in right thumb-joint; drawing pain in hip-joint. —(Moving the head), Vertigo; shooting in nape; stretching in cervical muscles.—(Rising up), "'Vertigo.—(Noise), Head- ache.—(Laying on cool hand), Headache, etc.—(Pressure), Pain on right supraorbital ridge, etc.; violent drawing pain" in both sides of spine, etc.; violent tearing pain in small of back; violent sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.—(Rest), Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, etc.; paralytic feeling in right forearm; tired feeling in lower limbs; rigor, etc.—(Standing), Vertigo; pressive pain in pit of stomach; drawing pain in head of left femur.—^Sitting), Nausea, etc.; pressive pain in pit of stomach ; anxiety in cardiac region, etc.; drawing pain in head of left femur; powerlessness of legs and thighs.—(Speaking), Headache.—-(Stepping), Tensive pressure in lumbar and sacral regions.—(In sleep), Inspiration through nose impeded.—(After sleeping), Pain in shoulder and hip-joint; powerlessness in head of femur, etc.—(On attempting to sit up), Faintness.—(While sitting during day), State of waking dreaminess, etc.—(Treading), Pain in right heel.—(Change of tempera- ture), Dry cough, etc.—(Tobacco-smoke), Easy stupefaction; dryness of throat; tickling in larynx; severe cough.—(Touch), Pain in lowest rib, etc.—(Urinating), Sensation of splashing in bladder; stinging in fossa navicularis; fainting kind of feel; burning in urethra; pains in glans penis ; shootings in glans penis.—(Walking), Vertigo ; dizzy confusion of head, etc.; the throat symptoms ; nausea; pressive pain in pit of stomach ; shooting in spleen ; pain in bladder ; single momentary shock in urethra; palpitation, etc.; pain in loins, etc.; pressure in elbows, knees, hips; pain- ful pressure in hip-joint; drawing pain in head of left femur, etc.; stiff- ness and heaviness of limbs; great fatigue, etc.; pain in patella; acute, pressing pain in left patella, etc.; sleeping of toes of right foot.—(When not urinating;, Burning in neck of bladder.—(Warmth of room), ♦Ver- tigo and stupefaction ; ^forepart of head feels as if nailed up; ♦headache, etc.; ♦dry cough; *anxiety in pit of stomach; legs very cold.—(Writing), Paralytic feeling in right forearm. Ameliorations.— (Morning), Feverishness.—(Open air), ♦Much relieved ; ♦headache, feverishness, etc.—(Bending body backwards), Pres- sive pain in chest.—(Cold Water), Headache, etc.—(Compression), Pain in ankle.—(Drinking cold water), anxiety)—(Eating), Burning, itching, and darting in both ears ; nauseous taste; the throat symptoms; nausea.— (Heat), Creeping in scalp.—(Deep Inspiration), Lancinating stitches in region of heart, etc.; oppression of chest.—(Lying quiet in dark room), Headache.—(Lying on back;, Violent cough.—(Lying down), Shooting in lower half of left side of chest.—(Motion), Stiff and bruised feeling in left side of neck, etc.; paralytic pressure in small of back ; paralytic feeling in right forearm.—(Moving affected part), Pain in right hand.—(Quiet), Palpitation, etc.—(Rubbing), Itching in prepuce; lancinating stitches in region of heart, etc.—(Sitting), Frontal headache.—(Stooping), Sensitive- ness of eyeball; pressure in small of back.— Warm soup), Abdominal symptoms.—(After vomiting), Hope aroused.—(Walking),Vertigo; nausea and sinking in pit of stomach; feverishness, etc.—(Washing in cold water), Pain in top of head.—(Wine), Heaviness and oppression of chest —(Wine and coffee), removed symptoms for a short time only,31. 44 ACONITUM—ACONITUM SEPTENTRIONALE. Notes and Additions.—Symptom 1, bracket; S. 3, note, not found in the original (Hughes); S. 4, note, mental effect of vomiting after an antidote had been given; S. 92, read " it seemed to him that he could not think, understand, or know anything in his head as formerly, but that all these mental processes took place in the precordial region, and about the pit of the stomach; after two hours he was twice attacked with vertigo, and then the ordinary thinking power returned in the head,"13; S. 147, note, ailments from which the patient suffered before taking Aconite; S. 242, for "right "read "left;" S. 316, for "balls" read "right ball;" S. 349, before " water" insert "hot;" S. 479, note, local effect; S. 487, see note to S. 479 ; S. 526, see note to S.479; S. 616, note, " not found ;" S. 795, note, the bladder was previously unhealthy; S. 813, bracket; S. 865, bracket; S. 866, bracket, note, this discharge coincided with the dispersions of the iliac swelling ; S. 1077, read instead of "as long a duration," "no long dura- tion ;" S. 1174, bracket; S. 1177, see S. 1420; S. 1223, note, " with stupor;" S. 1225, note, local action, see note to S. 147 ; S. 1235, bracket, " with frequent cough," see note to S. 147 ; S. 1238, for "same" read " lame;" S. 1347, add " and in left metacarpal bones;" after S. 1365, add (as if one had taken cold after a profuse sweat; headache, roaring in the ears, coryza, bellyache, especially mornings/2), note, the actual effect of a chill not as a chill; S. 1403, note, see S. 1223 and note; S. 1415, for "gnawing" read " growing ;" S. 1433, note, ending in death ; S. 1447, bracket, note, as this eruption appeared the pain ceased; S. 1448, bracket, see note to 1447 ; S. 1450, bracket, see note to 1447 ; S. 1474, bracket, note, symptom of conva- lescence ; S. 1481, for " awake" read " wakened ;" S. 1591, add " with rest- less sleep;" S. 1635, note, reaction from 1550. Additions.—Note omissions, owing to imperfect index; very kindly pointed out by Dr. Berridge, of London. (Fragmentary proving by Robinson.) On getting into a warm bath the feeling of formication and tingling came on again in the fingers,38.—Lame, sprained feeling in the right meta- carpus/8.—Several strange dreams; woke, and found himself laughing heartily,38.—Momentary drawing pain in the right forefinger, and at the same time pain in the left ankle as before,38.—Itching, nettle-rash like eruption on the back of both hands, the spots being very well marked,38.— Flying, growing-like pains all forenoon in metacarpi and finger-joints of both hands,38.—Considerable rumbling of flatulence in bowels,38.—On going into open air felt much relieved, but on getting within doors again all the symptoms of feverishness became greatly aggravated,38.—Violent coryza and lachrymation,38.—Harsh, dry cough/8.—Trifling cough, but without expectoration/8.—Several sharp, flying stitches in the third and fourth right toes shortly after getting to bed/8.—Paralyzed, inactive feeling in the intestines,38. The pain over the right eye and behind the mastoid process quite per- sistent,39.—Food distresses me after eating,40.—Lascivious dreams,40. Aphonia lasted more than two weeks, t ACONITUM SEPTENTRIONALE, Koelle. This plant is a blue-flowered variety of Aeon, lycoctonum, L., or a nearly allied species; it is found on the rocky hills of Sweden (and in the north of Europe). Preparation, The extract (obtained by digesting the root with rectified spirits) has been proved. ACT^A RACEMOSA—ACT^A SPICATA. 45 Authority. Carl v. Schroff, Jr., gave one, two, and three decigrammes to Herr Krueg. Symptoms.—Slight confusion of the head.—Dull pressure in the scalp.—Unpleasant sensation in the stomach.—Sense of fulness in the stom- ach.—Taste at first nauseous, became sweetish at the forepart and on the edges of the tongue.—Passage of clear urine.—General sick feeling. Poise (from one decigramme) reduced from 76 to 64.—Pulse (from two decigrammes) reduced from 66 to 60.—Pulse (from three decigrammes) not altered in frequency, but became small and irregular. ACT^A RACEMOSA. (See Cimicifuga.) ACTiEA SPICATA. Actsea spicata, L. Nat order, Ranunculacese. Common names, Bane- berry, Herb Christopher. Preparation, Tincture from the root obtained in the fall. Authorities. 1, Petroz, Journ. d. 1. Soc. Gal., 3, 12; 2, Linnaeus, from Roth's M. M., 3, 228; 3, Golden, ibid.; 4. Lemercier, ibid. JMind.—Furious delirium,2.—Delirium during fever/.—Loss of con- sciousness/. Head.—Boring pain in the head/.—Headache, which persists after the fever/—Pressure in the forehead, from having been in broad daylight/.— Twitching pain in the temples/.—Pressure in the vertex/.—Hammering pain in occiput/.—Pain which seems seated in the periosteum and even in the bones of the skull/.—The symptoms are, in general, more intense at night; they are aggravated by walking; for the most part, they return periodically/.—Sensation of horripilation on the scalp/.—Eruption of small pimples on the hairy scalp/.—Warm sweat of the head/. Eyes.—Suggillations of the conjunctiva/.—Ophthalmia, like catarrhal inflammation/.—Flow of burning tears/.—Objects seem colored blue/.— Spots before eyes when looking steadily/. Ears.—The ear is sore to the touch/.—Twitching pain in ears when sneezing, or blowing nose/.—Murmuring in the ears after sleeping; it be- comes worse from mental anxiety/. Nose.—Bruised pain in nose/.—Redness of the nostril/.—The nasal mucus is tinged with blood/.—Nasal hemorrhage, during the oppression of ttlG CllGSt . jptoce!—The skin around the mouth becomes slightly yellowish/.—The cheek on which he lies perspires easily/.—*Pain as of rheumatism in the face1. 3louth.—The lips are somewhat chapped/.—The salivary secretion is increased/.—Slightly fetid odor from the mouth/. Throat.—The submaxillary glands are painful when chewing/.—The throat becomes sore when speaking/.—Tearing pains in the throat, especi- ally when breathing cold morning or evening air/. Stomach.—Hunger; with aversion to food/.—Sharp appetite in the morning,1.—Nausea,1.—Vomiting/.—Desire to vomit, with dizziness/.— Vomiting of sour matters/.—Uneasiness after a meal/.—Cramp of the 46 ACT^A SPICATA. stomach/.—Painful sensation of pressure at pit of stomach/.—Drawing in the epigastric region/. Abdomen.—Beatings in right hypochondrium/.—Throbbing in right hypochondrium/.—The right hypochondrium is painful to pressure/.—The left hypochondrium becomes almost insensible/.—Spasmodic contractions of the bowels,1.—Uneasiness in bowels/.—Feeling of compression in abdo- men/.—Pain in the abdomen like that which precedes or accompanies menstruation/.—Pain in the bowels like that which precedes diarrhoea/.— Copious emission of flatulence/. Stool and Anus.—Pappy stool/.—The alvine evacuations are sus- pended/. Urinary Organs.—Frequent urging to urinate/.—Frequent urging and painful micturition/.—The urine deposits a white sediment/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Difficult inspiration, with stitching pain in the epigastrium when drawing a deep breath/.—Difficult breath- ing, with painful shock in the abdomen at each inspiration/.—Difficult breathing, with pain in stomach/.—Difficult breathing, with pain in hip/. —Breathing seems difficult, on account of weakness, especially when expir- ing air/. Hack.—Throbbing sensation in the region of the kidneys/.—Bruised pain in sacral region, when lying on the side/. Extremities in General.—*Swelling of the joints after slight fatigue/. Upper Extremities.—*Pain as from paralytic weakness in the hands,1.—The fingers are numb and cold; they are discolored/. Lower Extremities.—Swelling of the lower limbs/.—Boring pain in the lower limbs, ameliorated by stretching them/.—Weakness of the lower extremities, after changes of temperature/.—Trembling in the thighs when lifting them/.—Sensation of great weariness in the knees/. Generalities.—Lassitude after eating/.—Sudden lassitude, without apparent cause/.—Debility from walking in the open air/.—Easilv tired by much talking/.—Throbbing in the body/.—Fermentation of the blood/.—The pains of Aetata spicata are, in general, tearing, drawing/. Fever.— Horripilation after drinking/.— Horripilation followed by heat, during which vomiting supervenes/.—Viscid sweat/.—Cold perspi- ration and malaise,3. Conditions.—Aggravation,—(Morning), Sharp appetite ; numbness of right finger-tips.—(Towards evening), Viscid sweat.—( When walking in openair), Debility.—( When drawing deep breath), Difficult inspiration, etc.— (At each inspiration), Painful shock in abdomen.—■( When expiring air), Breathing seems difficult, etc.—{Breathing cold morning or evening air), Tearing pains in throat.—(When chewing), Submaxillary glands painful.— (After drinking), Horripilation.—(From having been in broad daylight), Pressure in forehead.—(After eating), Lassitude.—{After a meal), Uneasi- ness.— (After slight fatigue), Swelling of the joints.—( When looking steadily), Spots before eyes.—( When lying in bed), Bruised pains in sacral region.— (Mental anxiety), Murmuring in the ears.—(During oppression of chest), Na- sal hemorrhage.—(Periodically), Symptoms return.—(Oh pressure), Right hypochondrium painful.—(Sneezing, or blowing nose), Twitching pain in ears.—(After sleeping), Murmuring in ears.—( When speaking), Throat be- comes sore.—(Much talking), Easily tired by.—(After changes of tempera- ture), Weakness of lower extremities.—( Walking), Head symptoms. Amelioration.—(Stretching lower limbs), Boring pain in them. ADELHEIDSQUELLE. 47 ADELHEIDSQUELLE. "Mineral" Spring at Heilbrunu; contains among other substances, Io- dine, Bromine, Alumina, Soda, etc. Analysis (Pettenkofer). Carbonate of Soda, .216 Free Carb. gas, 13.18 c. c. " Lime, .584 Carburetted H., 8.02 "■ Magnes., .144 Oxygen, 1.38 " Iron, .072 Nitrogen, 6.54 Alumina, 0.142 Silicea, .147 Organic, .165 Authorities. Bethmann (Archiv. 15). 1, Man, 61 years old, with chronic catarrh, took 20 ounces daily, fasting; 2, Girl, 12 years old, well except an enlarged thyroid, drank three or four wineglasses daily after breakfast. Mind.—Much trilling and tra-la-ing, which formerly she never did/. Head.—Confusion of head, better in open air/. Eyes.—Eyes feel swollen, as after taking cold ; without redness/. Nose.—Toward the end of the cure, she had nose-bleed, and much toss- ing about the bed at night (conip. Iod.)/.—Nose-bleed (the second day after beginning to take the waters the second time)/. Face.—Cheeks became full, and the face red; was formerly thin and pale/. Month.—Salivation, especially nights/. Stomach.—Soon after commencing the water, appetite increased, became conversational and lively/.—Appetite for potatoes and sour fruit/. —[10.] Thirst unusual/.—Aversion to meat and roasted articles/.—Painful flatulent distension in pit of stomach/. Abdomen.—Stomachache in upper abdomen wakes him/.— Lower abdomen became thick and protruding,2.—Copious flatus after gunpowder/. Stool and Anus.—Diarrhoea, watery, clear brown, then yellow and watery, four or five times a day, with much offensive flatus; no pains, but loud rumblings, grumblings, and noises in the lower part of the abdomen, after every eating or drinking, especially after use of pears; good appetite (coffee, or coffee-drinking, relieved the attacks, especially the rumblings: Nat. carb. relieved the diarrhoea)/. Sexual Organs.—Testicles sensitive/. Chest.—[20.] Chest is tired; reading fatigues (comp. Nat. mur.),1.—The whole chest is painfully sensitive, as if inflamed (Spt. nit. dulc, antidote)/. Neck and Back.—The thyroid gland became much swollen, but not the cervical and inferior maxillary glands/. Upper Extremities.—Small, hard indurations (large as a flax- seed) in the palm of the hand, very near the last joint of the fourth finger, adherent to the bone,2. Lower Extremities.—After rising in the morning, cramp in left calf twice disappeared after going around/. Skin.—Hard pimples, with a red, inflamed areola, itching^ somewhat, with a yellow, pustular apex, somewhat moist on scratching it off (like small boils), on neck, chest, fingers, and toes (comp. Sil.),1. (Note. This water has been used for hundreds of years for goitre, scrofu- lous troubles of various kinds, enlarged glands, etc.) Sod. loci.. .22 " Brom., .367 " Chlor., 38.068 " Sulph., .048 Potass Chlor., .020 48 ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. ^SCULUS GLABRA. iEsculus glabra, Willd. Nat. order, Sapindacese. Common names, Fetid Buckeye, Ohio Buckeye. Preparation, Triturations from the whole fruit. Authority. Hale ("New Remedies"). Mind.—Confusion of mind, always attended by vertigo, and may be followed by stupefaction and coma. Head.—Vertigo, with staggering, reeling and unconsciousness.—Ver- tigo with fulness and heaviness of the head, dimness of sight, thickness of speech, nausea, and vomiting. Eyes.—Dimness of sight, and even loss of sight.—Eyes fixed and ex- pressionless. Mouth.—Thickness of speech from paralysis of the tongue. Stomach and Abdomen.—Great distension of the stomach and abdomen.—Nausea, with loathing of food and vomiting, with cramp-like pain in stomach. Stool and Anas.—Hard, knotty stools.—*Obstinate constipation.—■ Week und Back.—Wryneck (spasmodic).—♦Great lameness and weakness of the back. Extremities.—Trembling of the lower limbs, with spasmodic con- tractions. Generalities.—Spasms and convulsions, followed by paralysis.— Great weakness. iESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. iEsculus Hippocastanum, L. Nat. order, Sapindacese. Common names, Horse Chestnut; (Germ.) Rosskastanie; (Fr.) Le marronnier d'lnde. Preparation, Trituration or tincture from the fresh fruit without the shell. Authorities. 1, Cooley, N. Y. St. Trans., 8, 330 (took the tinct.) ; 2, Buchmann, Viertl Jahrschrift, 10, 1 (took the powdered nut and tinct.); 3, Augusta B., ibid, (nut and 0); 4, Miss W. Br., ibid, (nut); 5, Miss W. N.,ibid. (nut); 6, Pastor R. H.,ibid. (nut); 7, Ed. B., ibid, (tinct.); 8. Mrs. J., ibid, (tinct.); 9, C. W. Boyce, Hale's New Remedies, 2d ed. (1st. dec. trit.); 10, T. C. Duncan, ibid. (1st and 2d dec. dil.); 11, W. Warren, ibid., and N. Am. J. of Horn., 10, 80 (1st and 2d dec. trit,); 12, H. M. Paine ibid, (tincture); 13, W. H. Burt, ibid, (crude nut and 1st dec. trit.); 14, C. H. Lee, ibid. (3d dil. and tinct.); 15, Dr. J. C. Raymond, N. Am. J. of Horn., 10, 90 (6th cent, potency). Mind.—Great repugnance to the drug,9.—Inward cheerfulness and placidity of temper/.—* Feeling very depressed and low-spirited,13.—♦ Feeling very sad13.—* Feel dull, gloomy, and despondent,'0.—Gloomy forebodings/0.— ^Extremely irritable; loses temper easy and gains control over it again but slowly,10.—Feels miserably cross/2.—Day before, when he had the darting pains in the trachea, he had a feeling as" if death was impending; but this was followed by an exalted condition of brain and nervous system; thoughts flowed free, easy, and clear,10.—[10.] Thoughts rapid,10.—Mind clear/".— Mind very clear, with a light feeling of anterior lobes; posterior portion of head and cerebellum feel heavy and dull,10.—Mind cloudy,10.—Confusion of ideas; mind gets confused,10.—Very dull and stupid/4.—Disinclination to perform any labor/2.—Have not studied to-day,10.—Feel disinclined to study, and wanting rest,10.— Unable to fix his attention,10.—{20.] Loss of ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 49 memory,10.—On waking (from sleep while sitting) cannot recognize what she sees; knows not where she is, nor whence came the objects about her,3. Head.—Confusion of head,8.—Sensation in head as if intoxicated,5.— Confused feeling in head, with giddiness11.—Vertigo, quite troublesome/2. —Vertigo, very annoying all the afternoon/2.—Slight vertigo/2.—Vertigo, with sense of balancing in the head/1.—Headache general, throughout whole head/2.—[30.] Headache worse on stooping or getting up from a chair/4.—Heat in head/.—Headache aU over, as if it would burst (during fever)/4.—Pain and fulness in head, with stiffness in the neck and spine/. —Fulness in head/1.—Severe headache, as if head would split/4.—Dull headache/3.—Brain feels dull and heavy/.—Head feels heavy, dull, especi- ally in region of right ear,10.—Dull pains in head, here aud there, but prin- cipally in right temple aud occiput, followed by dull stitches in the fore- head and temple/1.—[40.] Heaviness of head,8.—Lancinating headache/.— Slight frontal headache (in one hour)/3.—Very severe frontal headache, all day/3.—Dull frontal headache13.—Dull, heavy frontal headache,10.—*Dull frontal headache, with constrictive feeling of skin of forehead,13.—Dull frontal headache, with fluent coryza/3.—Dull weight in forehead,10.—♦ Dull pressure in forehead, with slight feeling of nausea in stomach, followed immediately by stitches in right hypochondrium11.—[50.] Aching in forehead; feeling in it as during cold in head/.—Throbbing in right frontal eminence/1.—Neuralgic pain in region of causality (right), darts towards the left, with a constricted feeling of the skin of the forehead, followed by flying pains in the epigas- tric region (right lower lobe of liver) (in one hour)/3.—Slight uneasiness in region of left causality,10.—Occasional neuralgic pains in forehead and apex of heart/3.—Dull pain in forehead over right eye,10.—Headache over right eye (after one hour),8.—Pressure of hat on forehead leaves a large, red spot,10.—Frequent flying pains in forehead and temples all day/3.— Frequent flying pains through temples,13.—[60.] Pain and soreness at tem- poral region,10.—Sharp pressing pain in right temple/1.—Dull pain in left temple/1.—Quite severe pains in left temple/.—Severe shooting pains in left temple/4.—Fine stitches in left temple, with slight feeling of nausea in stomach/1.—Head feels dull over temple,10.—Formication in the front of the temple/.—Feeling as if she had a board upon the head,3.—Sensation of fulness in all the upper part of the head/2.—[70.] Headache in upper part of head; the pain is uniform and constant; the sensation that of fulness and pressure rather than acute pain/2.—Quite severe pain in right side of head, above the temples,9.—A sore spot in right parietal bone, which, upon pressure, felt as if a knife were piercing through/4.—Back of head feels heavv,10.—Dull, heavy pressure on cerebellum,10.—Bruised feeling in the occiput, with feeling of lameness in back of neck/1.—Dull pain in occiput, extending to ears/1.—Dull pain in occiput, with flushes of heat in the integu- ments of the occiput, back of neck aud shoulders/1.—Very severe lancinating headache at base of brain, as if too full/4.—Hyperesthesia of scalp,10.— Soreness of right side of scalp (the side which rested on the pillow),10. ^ye.s\—[80.] Eyes dull/.—Eyes clear,10.—Eyes of a pinkish hue/4.— Quivering of lids/.—Twitching of lids,10.—Tries to keep from winking,10.— Frequent twitching of muscles under left eye/3.—Heat in the eyes/.—Se- vere smarting of the eyes/3.—[90.] ♦ Weight in the eyes3.—Eyes heavy,10 — Jerking in right eye (after three and a half hours),8.—Shooting pain m left eye}io,-^Light and giddy pain in right eye, while near light,10.—Burning and stinging deep in left orbit, as if the pain surrounded the ball of the left eye, with feeling of coldness in eye,11.—Painful aching over left eye, .— VOL. I.—4 50 ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Lachrymation,1.—Eyes filled with tears,10.—Burning in inner canthi/.— [100.] Soreness of balls of eyes,10.—Pupils dilated; contract slowly,10.— She can read well at a distance; can read without spectacles, which she could never do before,8.—Flickering before eyes,1.—Optical illusions/0. Ears.—Burning in the ears/1.—Fulness in both ears,10.—Pressure in region of right ear,10. Nose.—Dryness of posWtior nares10.—Posterior nares empty; used to be full of mucus in morning,10.—[HO,] Disposition to sneeze,3.—Sneezing,1 9. —Thin mucus from nose, causing a frequent use of the pocket-handker- chief/.—Increased flow of mucus from nasal passages,10.—Profuse secretion of mucus in nostrils, with coryza/3.—Fluent coryza,6.—Much fluent coryza/. —Frequent coryza/.—Severe fluent coryza3 (three hours after),6.—Fluent coryza, with the dull frontal headache/3.—[120.] Fluent coryza, with twisting sensation in the front part of the nose,5.—Coryza, with cool feeling in the nose on breathing in/.—Coryza, profuse, with feeling of fulness in nose and forehead, as if he had taken cold,10.—Catarrh; fulness of nose, pressure in forehead, especially at root of nose,10.—Left nostril filled with thick mucus ; right one empty,10.—Violent formication on the nose,3.—Ful- ness at root of nose (frontal sinus),10.—Pressure at root of nose,10.—Shooting pain in nose,3.—Nose feels sore and full,10.—[130.] Raw feeling throughout the whole nasal cavity/.—Pain in right nasal bone,10.—Pressure in bone on left side of nose,10.—Burning in the nostril/.—^Stinging and burning in posterior nares and soft palate,11.—Sensation of swelling of the nasal mucous membrane, as if from taking cold/.—Posterior nares and palate feel dry,10. —Feeling in nose as after a pinch of snuff/.—Sensitiveness of the nasal mucous membrane, which causes a feeling as of coldness in the nose,6.— The nasal mucus becomes even more watery, the inspired air more felt,6.— [140.] Drawing in right nostril, as in violent coryza/.—Dry feeling and sensation of heat in the nose, especially its tip, as when a severe coryza is about to come on/. Face.—*Pale, miserable appearance,3.—Looks ill*.—Flush of blood to face soon after rubbing it,10.—Rubbing after washing the face produces red spots under the skin,10.—Flying heat and redness of left side of face,3.— Flying heat in left side of face/.—Burning in left cheek/. _ Mouth.—Pain in sound teeth/0.—[150.] Teeth feel as if covered with oil,10.— Tongue coated white,u.—Tongue slightly coated dirty-white,10.— Tongue coated yellowish-white,0.— Yellow coating on the tongue1 u.—Tongue very much coated yellow/3.—Tongue covered with a light-brown coat,1.— Tongue feeling as if it had been scalded, with great constriction of fauces/3. —Tongue feels as if swollen,10.—Soreness of tip of tongue, like that pro- duced by ulcers,9.—[160.] Sharp biting and stinging pain in tip of tongue and fauces/1.—Mucous surface of mouth and pharynx dry,10.—Dryness&of soft palate/4.—Palate and posterior nares feel dry,10.—*A quantity of thick, yellow phlegm in mouth,u.—Burning in mouth and oesophagus/.—Flow of water into the mouth,3.—Rush of water into the mouth,5.—Collection of water in mouth compelling him to swallow/.—Increase of saliva,911.—[170.] Salivation,9.—" 1 induced several other persons to make a few trials, but with no result, except increased salivation,"9.—Ptyalism, with an oily tas'te,10. —Coppery taste in mouth, with increased flow of saliva (in ten minutes)/1.' —Foul taste in mouth/.—Sweetish taste/.—Sweet taste, as after taking dulcamara,3.—Sweet taste, like. liquorice,5.—Sweetish taste, with dryness of larynx,8.—Sweet, flat, slimy taste in mouth/3.—[180.] The taste, which was at first bitter, becomes sweet,6.—The taste of the drug is, at first in- iESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 51 tensely bitter, and is peculiarly unpleasant and nauseous; the bitter taste is soon displaced by a pleasant, sweetish flavor, very similar to that of ordinary liquorice-root; this sweet taste remains about an hour/2.—Bitter taste,111.—Bitter, burning taste (of the drug), acting as an astringent on the mouth and oesophagus/.—Flat, bitter taste in the mouth/3.—Flat, slimy taste in mouth/3.—Metallic taste in mouth9.—The taste of the drug remained in the mouth several hours/.—Unable to articulate long words distinctly ; cannot control the tongue so as to form the words aright,10. Throat.—The mucus secreted in the throat becomes thinner/.— [190.] The mucus becomes watery,6.—Hawks up ropy mucus,10.—Frequent call to expectorate mucus/.—Hawks up thick mucus/.—Hawking of thick, afterwards of watery mucus,3.—Mucus ropy, with a sweetish taste,10.—The mucus in throat excites cough/.—Increase of secretion from the submaxil- lary glands/ 10.—*Dryness of the throat,913.—Dryness of the throat after eating,9.—[200.] Painful dryness of throat, lasting six hours,9.—* Dryness and contraction of throat1.—Dryness and burning in throat, with sweetish taste,8.—Throat dry, as if it was scraped and swollen/4.—*Drijness of back part of throat,1*.—* Feeling of dryness and roughness of throat as from taking cold,1*.—Dryness in the throat, with scraping sensation during expectoration/. —^Sensation of dryness in throat and pharynx,1.—^Burning in throat13*.— ♦ Violent burning in throat, with raw feeling there,1.—Burning in throat; at one time slight, at another severe (after a quarter of an hour),8.—[210.] Throat felt hot; worse on left side/4.—Pain in throat, as if burnt/.—*All the throat was excoriated, and it ivas constricted,3.—*Raw feeling in throat,3. —Immediately on taking the drug, there is a sensation of scraping, irrita- tion, or burning, extending from the mouth to the stomach ; it usually passes off in an hour or two; it remains longer in the stomach than in the throat/2.—Irritation of the throat and oesophagus, a sort of constricted, scraped sensation, causing a disposition to hawk, occurred about an hour after taking the drug, and continued for several hours/5.—Scraping sensation in throat, exciting cough/.—Constant shooting and raw pain in throat/.— Sore throat, quite troublesome in the forenoon; none in the afternoon/2. —Sore throat, which was inflamed/4.—[220.] Tickling in throat, causing cough,6.—Sensation as if the air breathed in were colder,3.—Contractive pain in throat (five minutes)/.—Contractive pain, with burning in throat/. —Fulness of upper part of throat,10.—Pressure in the pit of the throat, as if something had stuck there which required to be expelled/.—Increased pain in throat after eating a grape/.—Dryness in soft palate/.—Great con- gestion of tonsils and soft palate/3.—Tonsils and soft palate very much congested, but no enlargement/3.—[230.] Severe congestion of tonsils and soft palate, with a constant aching distress in them/3.—Constant aching distress in tonsils/3.—Inflamed tonsils/.—Tonsils of a fiery red color, and much swollen/.—Both tonsils swollen, and of a fiery red color/4.—*Dry, burning sensation of fauces and palate,1*.—Fauces and oesophagus very dry,10. —Mucous surface of pharynx and mouth dry,10.—Pharynx and mouth feel irritated,10.—Dull pressing and * pricking in fauces, with sensation of fulness in epigastrium, with empty eructations, followed immediately by burning in stomach and bowels (in a half hour),11.—[240.] Fauces congested/3.— ♦ Constrictive feeling of the fauces13.—Acrid, constrictive feeling in fauces/3. __* Fauces feeling very dry and constricted,13.—•♦ Great constriction of fauces, ivith tongue feeling as if it had been scalded,13.—Fauces feel constricted, with frequent dull pains on each side of the tonsils ; they look very dark and congested,13.—Sharp, biting pain in the fauces and tip of tongue/1.— 52 ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Violent formication in the fauces/.—Heat down the oesophagus,10.—Burn- ing in oesophagus and mouth/.—[250.] Inclination to swallow,6.—Fre- quent inclination to swallow/3.—Frequent inclination to swallow, with dull pain in tonsils/3.—Frequent inclination to swallow, with frequent neuralgic pains in fauces/3.—^Frequent inclination to swallow, with great dryness of fauces,13.—Frequent inclination to swallow, with constant aching distress in tonsils and fauces/3.—Frequent inclination to swallow, with severe con- strictive feeling in the fauces/3.—Constant desire to swallow, with feeling of dryness aud stiffness of throat when swallowing/.—Feeling as if some- thing had lodged in the fauces that produced a constant inclination to swallow/3.—In the evening, throat sore, swollen, and painful on degluti- tion/4.—[260.] When swallowing, burning like fire,3.—Left tonsil very much swollen and painful on deglutition/4.—Deglutition difficult,1011. Stomach.—Good appetite/.—Increase of appetite, with sick feeling in stomach all day/.—Appetite less than normal,10.—Appetite but little,10. —No appetite/4.—Very thirsty (in fever)/.—No thirst during chill or fever, but rather an increase of saliva/4.—Eructation,610.—[270.] Empty eructation13 lon.— Occasional eructation/.—Eructation of wind,*18.—Fre- quent eructation of wind,1 5 13.— Frequent eructation of air/3.— Frequent eructations of wind, with water-brash/.—Occasional eructation of wind,6. —Belching of wind,10.— Eructation, with relief/.— Great eructation of mucus/.—[280.] Periodical eructation of viscid mucus/.—Eructation of thick mucus,6.—iV«u$ea/ 3 4 w.—Nausea, retching (after a few minutes)/.— Nausea (inclination to vomit)/.—Nausea {immediately after),89.—Constant nausea,9.—Nausea immediately, and continuing all the afternoon,9.—Nau- sea; the thought of the medicine is unbearable/.—Slight nausea,910.—[290.] Slight nausea, with empty eructations/1.— Nausea immediately, with in- effectual attempts to evacuate the bowels/.—Nausea three hours after tea,10. —Nausea in stomach, with slight burning and increased flow of saliva/1.— Nausea ; it is transient, recurring at short intervals, and usually disappears in about half an hour/.—Inclination to vomit (after one and a half hours)/. —"'Retelling3.—* Violent vomiting*.—A great deal of distress in stomach,13, —Considerable pain in the stomach for four or five hours after eating, which continues till after taking food again,9.— [300.] Stomach and bowels distress him very much/3.—♦ Constant distress in stomach, with fre- quent pains through the bowels.—♦ Constant pain in stomach and right lower lobe of liver,13.—Frequent sharp pains in the region of the stomach and apex of heart/3.—For the last two or three hours there has been a con- stant, very severe pain about and just below the pyloric extremity of the stomach/3.—Burning in stomach,3.—Burning in stomach ; feels as if it con- tained warm water,10.—Constant burning distress in stomach/3.— Dull burning distress in stomach/3.—Slept well; but woke three times aud fouud I had a dull burning pain in stomach/3.—[310.] Constant dull burning pain in the pyloric portion of the stomach/3.—Severe burning dis- tress in stomach (superior cardiac portion)/3.— * Constant and severe burn- ing distress in the stomach, with inclination to vomit,13.—Constant and very severe burning in stomach and bowels; very hard to endure the burning distress/3.—Constant burning distress in stomach and bowels, with severe fluttering sensation in pit of stomach, lasting five minutes at a time; came on five different times/3.—Constant and severe burning in the stomach, with a very severe backache in the lumbar region/3.—Heat in stomach and thorax,10.—Heartburn (for half an hour),6.—Tenderness and soreness of stomach,10.—Aching and rumbling in stomach/.—[320.] The aching in iESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 53 stomach extends downwards,7.— Constant dull pain in the cardiac portion of stomach,13.—-Early in morning, a feeling of gnawing and emptiness in stomach,9.—My stomach felt as if it would fall down into the intestines/4. —Fulness of stomach (in half an hour),8.—Distension was the only sign which told me to stop eating/0.—After eating, the stomach feels full, as if the walls were greatly thickened,9.—Cutting stomachache/.—Dyspepsia/. —Comfortable feeling in stomach/.—[330.] Slight pain in epigastrium/3.— Constant burning distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions, with a very severe aching pain in the lumbar region, very painful when trying to walk/3.—♦ Constant, burning, aching distress in the epigastric region, with constant dull, aching pains in the right hypochondriac region,'13.—Great heat in internal organs, or near the epigastrium,10.—Soreness of epigas- trium,10.—Fulness at epigastrium,10.—Periodical tightness in the scrobiculus cordis, with labored breathing/.—A quick, severe griping pain in the epi- gastric region; continues about half an hour (in a few minutes)/2.—Ex- perienced a severe griping pain in the epigastrium a few minutes after taking the drug; it continued till he fell asleep—about half an hour; it extended from stomach to umbilical region, and appeared to be produced by flatus, as there was, at the same time, quite a perceptible sensation of motion in the bowels/2.—Twisting in the scrobiculus cordis/.—[340.] *Pre**ure as from a stone in the pit of the stomach,5.—Constant dull and very severe aching pain just below the pit of the stomach, which produces a very weak, faint feeling; it is very hard to endure the distress/3. Abdomen.—Pain in the hypochondria through to the back, especially on inspiring/.—Dull, pressing pains in left hypochondrium/.—♦ Tender- ness in right hypochondriac region,10.—'Fulness of right hypochondriac re- gion,10.—Frequent dull, aching pains in right hypochondriac region/3.— Fine stitching in left hypochondrium/1.—Constant dull, aching pain in right hypochondrium, and region of gall-bladder/3.—Dull shifting pain in left hypochondriac region,10.—[350.] Constant dull pains in right hypo- chondriac region, aggravated by walking/3.—Pinching pain in right hypo- chondrium, with colic/1.— Constant dull aching distress in right lower lobe of liver,13.—♦ Great deal of distress in liver and epigastrium13.—♦ Constant, quite severe aching pain from the pit of the stomiah to the right lower lobe of the liver,13.—Pain in the region of the spleen/.—-Shooting in right side above the hip, deeply seated/.—Stitches in abdomen on left side, below the ribs/.—Pain at umbilicus,10.—Burning, aching distress at umbilicus/3. —[360.] Soreness at umbilicus,10.—Fine pricking pains around the um- bilicus/1.—Dull pain in the umbilical region/.—Constant dull pain in region of navel/3.—Constant dull, aching distress in the umbilical region, with a very severe headache/3.—Dull pains in umbilicus; sometimes they are very sharp/3.—Colicky pain at the umbilicus (following hard, dry stool)/3.—There have been frequent pains in the umbilical aud hypogastric regions all day, but not very severe/3.—Great distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, and very urgent desire for stool, with rumbling in bowels/3.—Pinching below navel/.— [370.] Distension of abdomen/.— Rumbling of bowels,10.—Frequent rumbling in bowels/3.—Rumbling in bowels for a quarter of an hour, without pain/.—Borborygmus and flatus, which was fetid,u.—Much wind in bowels,10—Fetid flatus111.—Frequent expulsion of flatus,6 10.—Discharge of flatus, with griping in bowels,8.—Con- stant, very severe burning in (stomach and) bowels, with severe fluttering sensation in pit of stomach, lasting five minutes at a time (came fifteen different days)/3.—[380.] Constant and very severe burning in (stomach 54 2ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. and) bowels; very hard to endure the burning distress/3.—Bowels and stomach distress him very much/3.—Abdomen tender to touch,10.—Bowels feel as if he had a severe diarrhoea/0.—Constrictive feeling in the bowels/.— Cramp-like contraction of the bowels, followed by a stool (fourth time)/.— Cramp in the bowels/.—At each inspiration, griping of the bowels/.— Motions preceded by pinching in the bowels/.—Flying pain in bowels/3. —[390.] Rumbling in hypogastrium, with cutting pains around the um- bilicus/1.—Cutting in left inguinal region/1.—Severe neuralgic pain in right inguinal regiou/3. Stool and Anus.—Fulness of colon ; must have stool/0.—'^Fulness of rectum,10.—Great pressure in rectum,10.—Pressure in rectum, with incli- nation to stool, with empty eructations/1.—♦ Feeling of constriction in rec- tum11.—* Sensation of dryness of the rectum,9.—Dryness and itching in the rectum, with feeling of stiffness of the skin and adjacent cellular, tissue, continuing for several days,9.—[400.] Dryness of the passage for several days, followed by secretion of moisture,9.—*Dry, uncomfortable feeling in the rectum, which feels as if it were filled with small sticks,9.—♦Exces- sive dryness of the rectum, with feeling of heat,9.—*For several days fol- lowing, there was a sensation as if the mucous membrane of the rectum was thickened and obstructed the passage offceces,9.—^Feeling in rectum as though folds of the mucous membrane obstructed the passage, and as if, were the effort continued, the rectum would protrude,9.—The dryness of the rectum is fol- lowed by increased secretion of mucus/.—^Dryness and soreness of the rec- tum,9.—Soreness of rectum, with increased secretion of mucus,9.—*Soreness, burning, and itching at anus,10.—* Great burning and itching at anus10. —[410.] ^Burning, pressure, itching, and fulness at anus/".—^Burning, itching, and protrusion of anus,10.—Some heat in anus, with itching/0.— ♦ Great soreness of anus,10.—*Anus sore,10.—*Raw feeling in anus,3.—Severe aching pain in the anus/.—Dull aching pain at anus/0.—* Fulness and itching at the anus, after walking a mile,10.—Severe cutting pain in anus, with colicky pain in umbilicus, following after very hard and dry stool/3. —[420.] Itching in the anus/.—Rubbing will produce extreme flow of blood to anus,10.—♦ Prolapsed feeling of the anus after a hard stool,13.—"■'Feel- ing as if a portion of the anus was prolapsed, with dull backache,13.—♦ Pro- lapsed feeling of the aiim, after a stool of about natural consistence,13.—About half an inch of protrusion, which he is unable to push up/0.—Sphincter ani unable to contract,10.—* Tumors of a hcemorrhoidal character, very sore, and of a dark purple color1.—♦Appearance of haemorrhoids, like ground- nuts, of a purple color, very painful, and with sensation of burning (never had hemorrhoids before)/4.—Constant urging to stool (after two hours)/.—[430.] Very urgent desire for stool, and great distress in um- bilical and hypogastric regions, with rumbling in bowels/3.—Constant in- clination to go to stool, and the rectum seems swollen1.—Great desire for a stool/3.—Desire to go to stool each time wind was eructated/.—Desire to remain at stool a long time, with straining,9.—Desire for a passage from the bowels, without result,9.—Frequent inclination for, and ineffectual efforts at stool/.—Great straining, with shivering,10.—^Ineffectual attempts at stool,10 ". —Constant tendency to diarrhoea for two days; almost constant inclina- tion to go to stool, but without any, or very slight evacuations,9.—[440.] Constant desire for stool, with pains in right hypochondrium and stom- ach/3.—Stool at 2 p.m.,10.—Had two soft stools, without giving relief to the desire for stool/3.—Stool at noon, very black and soft, without relieving the desire for stool/3.—Two moderate fsecal evacuations (two hours after)/.__ ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 55 Three moderate faecal evacuations half an hour after taking the drug/.— Two liquid motions, preceded by griping/.—Four loose evacuations within a quarter of an hour/.—In two hours, several thin evacuations/.—Bowels loose ; stools brown/4.—[450.] Soft, mushy stool, with a good deal of pain in lumbar region/3.—Stool of a light-brown color and very soft; frequent, but not to the extent of a diarrhoea/4.—Stool of a mixed character,3.—Diar- rhoea for twenty-four hours following,9.—Diarrhoea of ingesta,9.—Copious, soft stool, followed by burning and feeling of constriction in rectum/1.— Small stool, at 9.30 a.m., thin, watery, lighter-colored, and some tenes- mus,10.—Rather a difficult stool/2.—Rather a difficult stool, about noon, followed in an hour by a slight soreness, achiug and fulness in rectum, in- dicating piles/2.—Difficult, scanty stool,11.—[460.] ♦ Very large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus, with feeling as if a portion of the anus was protruded, accompanied with dull pains in the umbilical aud hypogastric regions; this feeling lasted all night, and until late in morning, with very severe backache in lower part of lumbar and sacral regions13.—A very dry stool, at 9 p.m., voided with difficulty/3.—At 5 p.m., a very hard and dry, knotty stool, voided with great difficulty/3.— *Stools hard and dark-brown1*.—*Stool of hard, impacted fceces, with great soreness of anus (12 M.)/ °.—Stool; first part black and hard ; the last part about the natural consistence, but almost white as milk, showing that the secretion of bile is almost completely suspended; the stool was followed by severe tearing pains in anus/3.—Expulsion of about eight inches of faeces, like a rope, solid, knotty, first half dark, rest quite light in color,10.— Stool, 8 a.m., very costive; great straining; faeces in balls,10.—Bowels torpid,10.— The usual stool did not take place81013. Urinary Organs.—[470.] Shoots in the orifice of the urethra/.— Call to make water/.—On two occasions, at short intervals, urging to make water,6.—*Frequent urination,10.—* Desire to pass water often, but little at a time,1'.—Urine scanty.— Urine scanty, and of a dark-yellow color, with scald- ing in passing through the urethra.—Urine scanty, and of a mahogany color, and as it passed through the urethra it burned like hot water,1*.—Urine scanty, and dark-brown ; no sediment/4.—♦ Urine dark and muddy, and passed with much pain,1.—[480.] Retention of urine; passed after several trials,10.— ♦ Urine hot,10.— Urine hot and clear,10.—Urine very high-colored/3.—Urine dark-brown/.—Urine very clear, and increased in quantity,10.—Urine dark ; some little sediment.—♦ Urine with dark-brown sediment,1*.—♦ Urine yellow, with thick, white, mucous sediment/4. Sexual Organs.—Transient pains in genitals,10.—[490.] Dull and heavy shooting pain through or near belt of penis,10.—Soreness of testicles,10. —Itching of testicles,10.—Drawing of left testicle,10.—*Leucorrhcea,8. Bespimtory Apparatus.—Increase of the dry feeling in throat, followed by secretion of mucus, quite like the second stage of catarrh/.— Sensation of dryness and stiffness of the glottis, and all the pharyngo- laryngeal mucous membrane/.—Dryness of the larynx with tickling; scraping feeling of the laryngopharyngeal mucous membrane,9.—Tickling in larynx/.—Tickling in larynx causes cough with mucous expectoration/. —[500.] Throbbing, darting pain in trachea produces titillation,10.—♦Hoarse voice/. — Coughing,10. — Repeated cough/. — Cough from irritation/.— ♦Cough dry/.—Slight cough with stitches in left side of chest,1.—* Short cough, increased by swallowing and breathing deeply,1.—Dry, hacking cough (at 1 p.m.), produced by great constriction of the fauces, with great irrita- tion of the epiglottis (for two hours)/3.—Spitting of blood on getting up 56 .ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. in the morning/4.—[510.] Breathing rapid and laborious/.—Labored breathing/.—Dyspnoea with rapid breathing/4. Chest.—Hot feeling in chest, with cold rising up, as after taking pep- permint drops/.—Constant burning distress, with a constrictive feeling of the lower part of the chest/3.—Heat in thorax and stomach,10.—Warm feeling in chest/.—Raw feeling in chest1'''.—Pains in chest, as if a stone lav on the scrobiculus cordis,3.—Pains in the chest alternating with pains in' the abdomen,3.—[520.] Thorax feels constricted,10.— Tightness of the chest,13*.—Sudden stitches throughout chest/.—Burning in the mammae/. —Lungs feel very much engorged/.—Lungs feel heavy, and as if en- gorged/4.—Taking a full breath causes soreness over and in lungs, with great rush of blood,10.— On the right side of chest, when respiring, she feels the lung painfully moving up and down,3.—Stitch in region of lower lobe of left lung; relieved when passing wind,10.—Twitching from the chest to the left shoulder/.—[530.] Stitches in left side/.^-Stitches leave left side and go to right side of chest/.—Shooting pain in sternum/.—Pains in sternum, as if a piece were torn out of chest/. Heart and False. — Twitching over region of heart,10.—Frequent stitches in region of heart/1.—Darting pains in region of heart, with ful- ness and palpitation,10.—Constant dull, aching, burning pain in the region of the heart/3.—Severe neuralgic pain in region of heart, so painful as to arrest the breath (lasted ten minutes)/3.—Neuralgic pain in region of heart lasted over one minute, with frequent pains in epigastric region/3.—[540.] Very frequent neuralgic pains in the region of the apex of the heart and stomach/3.—Frequent sharp neuralgic pains in region of heart, with a great burning in the same region/".—Occasional neuralgic pains in the apex of heart and forehead/3.—Sharp pain in region of apex of heart/3.— Frequent pains in region of apex of heart and between shoulders/3.—Fre- quent pains in apex of heart/3.—Action of heart full and very rapid/.— Heart's action very rapid and heavy; would jar me while lying down, and could feel the pulsation all over body/4.—Palpitation of the heart/.—Fre- quent attacks of palpitation/.—[550.] Periodical palpitation of the heart/. —Severe periodical palpitation, with great anxiety/.—Pulse accelerated,10. —Pulse frequent and full/.—Pulse hard and frequent/4.—Pulse about 130 (during fever)/4.—Pulse 127/.—Pulse about 90/4.—Pulse 70 (12 M.)/3.— Pulse 68, soft and weak (12 m.)/3.—[560.] Pulse 66, soft and weak (12 M.)/3.—Pulse 66, soft and regular (11 a.m.)/8. Neck and Back.—Pain in back of neck,10.—Pain, dull and heavy, in back of neck,10.—Feeling of lameness and weariness in back of neck and small of back/1.—Pain in neck,10.—Soreness of neck, with pricking sensations/0.—Neck very stiff and swollen/4.—Slight enlargement of cer- vical glands, sore to touch,10.—Good deal of dull aching pain between shoul- ders/3.—[570.] Continual pain in back, shoulders, and neck, at times with pricking sensations,10.—Dull pain in back,10.— Constant dull backache13.— Slight backache all day/3.—Very severe and constant backache/3.—Back ached very hard all night, and is still aching/3.—Back aches severely/3.— *IJark aching violently; walking is almost impossible,13.—■* Violent backache all day, almost impossible to get up after sitting down,13.—* The backache is very severe when moving,13.—[580.] Back and legs have ached so severely that I was compelled to lie down all the forenoon/3.—Back is feeling very stiff when moving/3.—Dull, aching distress in the dorsal region/3.—♦Pains in the small of the back/.— The pain extends from the bowels to the small of the back,3.—*Dull aching pain in small of back, aggravated by motion,13.__ ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 57 ♦ Tearing pain in small of back and hips ivhen walking,13.—♦The small of my back aches so severely that it is almost impossible to stoop down, or to get up when sitting/3.—Very severe pain in small of back and hips when getting up; not much after moving a minute or so/3.—Weariness in small of back/3.—[590.] ♦ Great pain around loins, especially in sacro-lumbar re- gion,10.—Very severe aching pain in the lumbar region ; very painful when trying to walk, with constant burning distress in the epigastric and umbili- cal regions/3.—Dull aching pain in the lumbar region/3.—♦Lameness, and sensation as if strained in right lumbar region, extending to the gluteal muscles/1.—♦Severe aching pain in lumbar region/3.—♦ Very severe pain in lumbosacral region when- stooping,13.—Great pain in sacro-lumbar region,10.— ♦Constant backache, affecting the sacrum and hips, very much aggra- vated by walking and stooping forwards/3.—♦ Constant dull pain across hips and sacrum,1*.—[600.] *Du/l aching pain in sacrum13. Upper Extremities.—♦Rheumatic-like pain in right scapula/.— * Pains in right scapula cuid right side of chest, increased by inspiring/.— Dull pain in shoulders and hands/3.—The arm and hand of left side be- come strikingly warmer, and feel as if heavier and swollen/.—Neuralgic pains in arms,10.—Tearing and jerking in right arm/.—Constant jerking in right arm.—Paralyzed state of right arm ; she cannot raise it/.-»-Dull aching pain in elbow-joint of left arm/4.—[610.] Sharp, darting pain in left forearm; a numbness with prickling sensations,10.—Stinging in hands,10.— Pricking in hands after washing them,10.—Not able to control muscles to write well,10.—Nails blue,10. Lower Ext remities.—"'Constant dull pain across hips and sacrum13. —Legs aching severely, feeling so weak that I must lie down all the time/3. —Limbs ache when weight of body rests on them,10.—Knees ache severely,13. —Calves of legs sore,10.—[620.] Tendo-Achillis sore,10.—Swelling of feet after walking usual distance,10.—Feet swell; corns very sore,10. Generalities.—Spasms of muscles of limbs,10.—At times feel* as if going to have spasms or convulsions/0.—Limbs feel heavy,10.—Fulness of skin as if too much blood in body,10.—Heart, lungs, stomach, and brain feel as if an undue amount of blood was there,10.—Fulness of dependent parts,10.—Fulness/0.—[630.] Weak, stupid, and dull; with disposition to sleep most of the time/.—Great weakness; she totters when she walks/.— Weak in joints,10.—Feeling faint and weak,13.— Weariness,3.—Weariness, with faintness of stomach/3.—Fatigued feeling, as from a long walk/.— It fatigues him to walk much,10.—Very tired and languid/3.—Feeling of languor/3.—[640.] Walking is very painful/3.—Feels faint/4.—She feels like to faint/.—Feeling of extreme illness/.—Feeling of prostration of the whole system/.—Malaise,10.—General malaise/2.—General feeling of ma- laise, with dull, stupefying feeling in head,11.—Pain in the joints/.—Tear- ing pain in the back, right side, and shoulders/.—[650.] On awaking in the morning felt very sore all over, especially calves of legs, muscles of thighs, back, shoulders, and neck, also of upper extremities and chest,10.— Sore on motion,10.—Too sore and languid to attend to business,10.—Soreness of muscles of arm, back, and lower extremities, especially of small of back,10. —Pain on walking erect,10.—Stiffness of joints,10.—Great stretching,10. Skin.—Goose-skin/.—Itching of whole body, especially around waist,10. Fever.—Chilliness and goose-skin,3.—[660.] Constant chills creeping up and down the back, with painful burning in the anus/.—Chills running along the spine, followed by fever, light at first, but increasing until he felt he should burn up/.—Riding in the cool air produces great chilli- 58 JESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. ness,10.—When cold air strikes, skin feels chilly aud teeth chatter,10.—She cannot get warm/.—Rigors/.—Attack of rigor, lasting ten minutes/.— Rigor for half an hour, like ague/.—Feeling as if I had the ague/3.— About 4 p.m., severe chill, which lasted three hours; heat of fire relieved me; from seven to twelve at night very high fever; profuse, hot perspira- tion with the fever/4.—[670.] Great heat all over the body,10.—Felt a glow of heat all over the surface,10.—Skin dry and hot,10.—Fever lasted six hours/.—Feeling very feverish; hands hot and dry/3.—Burning in the palms and soles/.—Flashes of heat over body,10.—Flying heat before eruc- tation/.—General perspiration, with decline of the abdominal distension,8. —Perspiration would break out on the head and face/. Sleep and Dreams.—[680.] Disposition to stretch and yawn all the time/3.—Constant yawning,3.— Yawning and stretching,10.—Yawning with stretching, followed by chilly sensations,10.—Yawning and stupefying sleepi- ness/.—Inclination to sleep/.—Disposition to sleep all the time/4.—Dull and sleepy/.—Felt drowsy/4.—Great drowsiness; want to go to sleep again,10.—[690.] Very drowsy all day, and soon went to sleep,10.—She falls asleep when sitting for half an hour; on awaking she cannot recognize what she sees; she knows not where she is, nor whence came the objects about .her/.—Immediately after (the burning in the cheeks), sleep for another quarter of an-hour; after awaking, the same loss of consciousness,3. —Slept well, but very sore on waking,10.—Slept well, but woke three times, and found I had a dull burning pain in stomach/3.—-Awoke disinclined to rise; feel as if I had not slept; had troubled dreams; must have slept on my back,10.—Slept hard; distressing dreams; thought he was in a battle and fighting hard, under great excitement; awoke troubled, and found he was lying on his back; turned on right side; thought he saw a man in his room ; woke at 5.30/°. Conditions. — Aggravation. —(Early in morning), Gnawing and emptiness in stomach.—(Morning, on waking), Sore all over, etc.—(Fore- noon), Sore throat.—(Afternoon), Vertigo.—(Evening), Throat sore, etc.— (Periodical), Eructation of mucus; tightness in scrobiculus cordis; palpita- tion of heart.—(When breathing), Feels lung moving painfully.—(Breath- ing in), Cool feeling in nose.—{Breathing deeply), Short cough; increase of pains.—(Drawing full breath), Soreness over lungs, etc.—(Drawing breath), Pain in scapula, etc.—(Cold air), Skin feels chilly, etc.—(Riding in cool air), Great chilliness.—(After eating), Dryness of throat; pain in stomach; stomach feels full.—(Eating a grape), Pain in throat.—(Near light), Pain in eye.—(Motion), *Backache; stiff back; pain in small of back; sore.—(Rising from seat), Headache; pain in small of back and hips.— (After rubbing), Flush of blood to face.—(Rubbing after washing), Red spots under skin.—(Stooping), Headache; backache; pain in lumbo-sacral region.—(Swallowing), Dry and stiff throat; burning in throat; tonsil pain- ful; short cough.—(After tea), Nausea.—(Walking), Pain in hypochon- dria; *fulness and itching at anus; Hearing in small of back; Hackache — (Walking erect), Pain.—(Trying to walk), Burning in epigastrium, etc.; aching in lumbar region.—(After washing), Pricking in hauds. Amelioration.—(Afternoon), Sore throat.—(After moving), Pain in small of back and hips.—( When passing wind), Stitch in lung. ^THUSA. 59 J2THUSA. iEthusa cynapium, L. Nat. order, Umbelliferse. Common names, Fool's Parsley; (Fr.) Petite Cigue; (Germ.) Gleisse, Hundspetersilie; (Ital.) Cicuta minore. Preparation, Tincture, from the whole flowering plant. Authorities. 1, N----g, Prac. Mitth., 1828; and H. and T. Annalen, 4, 113 ; 2, Hartlaub, ibid.; 3, Petroz, Bulletin d. 1. Soc. Med. Horn., 4, 337 ; 4, Didier, Archiv. d. 1. Med. Horn., 1, 318; 5, Roth (Mat. Mad., includes several poison cases; 6, Bigler, Am. J. of H. M. M., 5, 459 (observed in a patient after the 3d dec.) ; t, Toxicological. 3Tind.—Rage, t.—Liable to transports of rage/5.—Fury, t.—Frenzy, t,2.—Delirium, t,2.—Delirium, mania/.—* Imagined she saw rats run across the room,6.—♦ Delirium; he imagines he sees dogs and cats,0.—♦ Delirium; he jumps out of window,".—[10.] Hilarity, talkativeness, facetiousness/°.— Very lively (second day); (seems to be secondary action)/.—In the forenoon, gay, good-tempered ; in the afternoon, sad and anxious/.—Toward noon, better mood/ 2.—-Sadness, when alone/.—The disposition becomes retiring and tearful, as in nostalgia/.—Anxiety and dejection, t.—♦Anxiety, tt.— ^Restless anxiety, t,2.—♦ Great anxiety and restlessness; soon afterward, violent pains in head and abdomen, t,2.—[20.] Fright, t.—Apprehension, t,2.—Very cross and fretful (afternoons)/.—Fretful and cross in open air; after re- entering the room, better (a quarter of an hour)/.—She looks very fret- ful and serious and does not speak willingly, during heat of head/.— Awkwardness ; discontent, even to vexation/.—Excessive sensitiveness/.— Very great and long-lasting nervous susceptibility/.—A fixed idea, which she cannot throw off, of a garment made the day previous ; she also dreamed of it/.—Slowness or unsettled state of his ideas, even to absence of thought/. —[30.] Loss of comprehension ; a kind of stupefaction, as if there was a barrier between his organs of sense and external objects/.—Stupidity/.— Stupefaction, tt.—Stupor, t.—Perfectly unconscious (boy aged 8), t.—Sense- less, t,2.—*The child lay unconscious, t,2.—*He lies stretched out, without consciousness/. Head.—*Head confused; brain feels bound up (two and a half hours)/ 2.—The head is confused during the coryza/.—[40.] The head is heavy and confused/.—Somewhat stupid in the head, like intoxication, soon after taking/.—Feeling in the head as if shattered (afternoons)/.— Vertigo, tt,25.—Vertigo in the open air/.—Vertigo when sitting down, aggravated on trying to rise from his seat/.—Vertigo after the colic, t.— Vertigo after every new dose; disappears in open air/.—Vertigo even in open air; must lean against something so as not to fall/.—♦ Vertigo with sleepiness; eyes will close (soon after)/.—[50.] Vertigo with sleepiness, on sitting and after rising up (a quarter of an hour)/.—Sudden attack of vertigo on sitting; disappears after rising (second day)/.—The vertigo is more especially felt toward midday/.—Giddiness in the head, t.—Giddi- ness and oppressive headache, t.—Dizziness; he cannot keep upright5.— Dizziness, with headache5.—*Dizziness, and sleepiness*.—Violent headache, t. —Headache/.— [60.] Frequent headache, t,\—Pains in head, t.—Great pain, t.—Headache, with green vomiting, t.—Most horrible pains in head, stomach, and abdomen, t,2.—The pains in the head stop for awhile, when eating, but soon return/.—The pains of the head return periodically, and are often accompanied with pale face, trembling in the jaws and pains in the prsecordial region/.—The pains of the head are felt especially when 60 J5THUSA. he wakes up; they are easily brought on by getting chilled ; sleep causes them to cease, and they are ameliorated by emission of flatulence/.—Heat in head and burning in face, for half an hour (one and a half hours)/.— Heat rushes to the head, with increased warmth in whole body, redness of face, and relief of vertigo (second day)/.—[70.] Flushes of heat in the head, with increased bodily warmth/.—Feeling of tension in the head/.— Beating and sticking in whole head (afternoons)/.—Tearings and shootings in different directions in the head/.—Tearing pain in the head/.—On enter- ing a room, a hustling, now here, now there, in the head, though only for a short time/.—Throbbing in the head/.—Headache ; throbbing in head, on entering a room from open air (seventh day)/.—'''Pains in the forepart of the head5.—Headache in the whole forepart of the head, as if strongly com- pressed behind and above/.—[80.] Violent pains in forehead, as if the head were compressed with all force, behind and above/.—Pain in forehead, t. —Violent pains in forehead,2.—Sudden painless sense of heaviness in fore- head, that seems to press down the lids, with ill-humor during dinner (sec- ond day)/.—Great sense of heaviness in whole forehead, that would press down the head, with great ill-humor while sitting (second day)/.—Pressive but dull pains in forehead, and then on right side of occiput (a quarter of an hour)/.—Feeling in forehead as if something turned itself round therein (third day)/.—Throbbing in the forehead, with sense of heaviness in occiput/.—Sticking in the forehead, on turning head to the right (after- noons)/.—Throbbing in left frontal region, very painful (fourth day)/.— [90.] Pain at the eyebrows/.—Tension above the root of the nose/.—Tear- ing pain across the eyes/.—Jerking-tearing over left eye, in orbit, on sitting (second day)/.—Convulsive tearing above left eye, in frontal sinus, when sitting/.—Pain in left temple, on a small spot, as if a vessel were torn out (for two minutes) (second day)/.—A sudden crack in right temple (after- noons)/.—Sticking in left temporal region; then throbbing of this part (one and a quarter hours)/.—A stitch in left temple; then drawing into the head (one and a quarter hours)/.—Violent stitching and throbbing in left temple, disappearing on pressure, but returning (two and a half hours)/. —[100.] Pain in the vertex/.—Dull pain at the vertex (one and a half hours)/.—Painful sticking and throbbing on vertex; disappears on rub- bing (afternoons)/.—Very painful sticking-tearing in left side of head/.— Stitches and throbbing at the right parietal bone,5.—Sticking and throbbing on upper part of right parietal bone (two hours)/.—Tearing and throb- bing in right side of head, then again sticking in left half (five hours)/.— Painful sere wing-together from both sides of the head; jerkiugs in right side of head ; then sticking under left female breast; very sensitive, espe- cially on inspiration (afternoons)/.—Sticking and beating in upper part of right side of occiput (five hours)/.—^Distressing pains m occiput and nape of neck, etc. (see Neck).—[110.] A crack in right occiput pierces the whole head, extends to right side (afternoons)/.—Tearing-sticking from occiput forwards (afternoon)/.—Sense of contraction at the hairy scalp,3.— The head is inclined to fall backwards/.—After soup, all troubles disappear, but return in half an hour/. Eyes.—Staring, strange look, t,2.—Staring, lifeless eyes, t,2.—Fixed, lifeless look/.—Fixed look, t~°.—The eyes are very wide open/.—[120.] Eyes brilliant and prominent/.—Glittering, somewhat protruding eyes, t*. —Sparkling, bloodshot eyes, t.—Eyes inflamed and bloodshot, t.—Spasm of the eyes,3.—Great pain in the eyes, t.—The eyes burn violently in the room, as if smoke were in them (half an hour)/.—Pain of excoriation ^ETHUSA. 61 around the eyes/.—Stitches around the eyes and in the orbits/.—Pressure in the eyes/.—[130.] Troublesome sensation around the eyelids/.—Pain of excoriation in the lids/.—Chronic inflammation of the edges of the eye- lids/.—Morning, agglutination of the lids by a dry substance, which he is obliged to soften in order not to pull out the lashes/.—Swelling of the Meibomian glands/.—Swelling of the Meibomian glands; gum in the canthi/.—Itching of the canthi/.—Many red vessels show in conjunc- tiva, t,2.—Eyes staring; pupils dilated,;.—♦ Pupils moderately dilated, and rather sensitive to the light (in four children), t.—[140.] *The pupils are dilated, but sensitive to light, t.—Wide open, insensible pupils, t.—Vision confused; sometimes objects appear double,3.—Objects seem enlarged, and sometimes double/.—The eye-symptoms are generally felt on awaking, or in the open air/. Ears.—Violent twitches in both ears, not dissipated by scratching/.— Sensation of heat escaping from the ear,3.—Lancinating pain in the ears, from within outward/.—Shootings and tearings in the ears/.—Transient though painful stitches in right ear/.—[150.J Stitches in right ear from without inward/.—Now sticking, now tearing, in right ear; somewhat re- lieved by rubbing/.—Sticking in right ear, going away on boring with the finger/.—Sticking, extending into the right ear (three quarters of an hour)/.—Sticking in left ear, with sensation as if heat issued from it, alternating with sticking in left ribs (five hours)/.—Sticking in left ear, followed by fine tearing around the ear, extending into top of head/.— Stitching pain behind the ears/.—Ears feel stopped up/.—Sense of stop- page of the ears, with hard hearing, which lasts longer in the left ear (one hour)/.—Dryness of the ears; want of cerumen/.—[160.] Purulent dis- charge from the ears/.—Troublesome whistling in the ears/.—Several of the ear-symptoms are ameliorated by contact and pressure/. Nose.—Coryza in the morning/.—Coryza in the open air/.—Coryza with viscid secretion/.—The coryza has a nauseous smell/.—Sudden stop- page of the nose, mornings after waking (one quarter of an hour)/.—Sud- den stoppage of both nostrils (five minutes)/.—The coryza loosens on the second morning; it discharges copious, thick mucus/.—[170.] Ulcerative pain deep in left side qf nose, as if there were an open place there/.—In- effectual desire to sneeze/,—Irritation to sneeze in left nostril (half an hour)/.—Sneezing once/.—Sensitive sticking in left side of nose externally, then a very fine, painful burning in the right side; then fine burning, as with a glowing needle,' externally in the pit of the stomach/.—Sense of pressure in the nose/. Face.—Countenance wears a cold expression, t.—Remarkably sunken, very much altered face, t.—The face has a tired look/.—[180.] *Face ex- pressive of anguish/.—♦The features have an expression of great anguish and severe pain, t.—♦A drawn condition, beginning at the ala nasi, and ex- tending to the angle of the mouth, gave the face an expression of great anxiety and pain, t.—Pale face, t.—Face periodically puffy and spotted red, t.—Red, sunken countenance, t.—Moderately red face, t.—Puffiness of the face during the menses/.—Cold sweat on the face/.—Sweat on the face/.—[190.] Small vesicles on the skin of the face/.—Different circum- scribed and painful swellings in the face, transient, and flying from place to place, t.—Pulling, tearing pains in the face, t.—O3dematous swelling of the cheeks, t.—A dull stitch, like tapping with the finger, with tearing, in middle of left cheek, in a small spot (second day)/.—Tearings in both malar bones, very painful, though transient/—Sticking and tearing in 62 -E7HU-A risrht malar bone: then :;:klr_- in lett upper teeth, then a:;a::i violent stitth— in left ear three h or- /.—Jactitati n of the muscle- around the mouth.'-.—Yellowish s-tt on the upper lip.'.—Chap «u the uppier lip,1.— '200.] Tearing in lower lip. e5t~nd'::_- :l: the neig . Vjrir.,: teer^ fter- D..JD- /.—Tearing in ri^ht lower jaw ■ one hoar and ;i quarter" *— "-.-na- tion of colder-- at the chin and the labial ctrnnaiss ore-.*. Month.—^hwk-in tite teeth*.—A ~ ::f:-':.;i- in :ne lower teeth/.— Grumbling in a rijht back lower tooth: it seems a- thocgh the headache arse from the teeth Seventh day v.—Painful sen ibilitv of a deered. rii'h; lower ba;k tojth; -till m::■-. sensitive :.- : ata rlr-t day /.—■*.-:- thr here and there in the gtinas ninth day.-.—Fine ~tiekii_ and teariL_- in the jrums. now on the r:_-ht. now on the left -: :e, -:-quently eleventh dav a1.—S:iooung= in the gunis.*.—1210.] J/ '* tongue, t.—Moist and white-coated toni'tie from milk' . with seh=e of tTTe-- :n mouth, *.—*~-n- sation as it the tongue were to dry/.—Aphthae in the n.outh.V—-e:_- an -n tt r/threht heat in mouth and thr a:, with rreat d:rn:-ulty in -t~j.. -Tn_-. t. —Stitt-hini- in the arch tt the paiate.h—Jaw- spa-raodically fixed. *.—loe lower jaw i- rxei t ■ the upper, s that notfihr can be introduced into the mouth,?.—Dryness of the mouth/.—^aivatiTi, as cor t- a- from mer- curial treatment. lasting almost fourteen days, '.— 220 ^ '■"-—-. ish. in-ipid taste/.—fwe-r'-h taste and dryness in month -eleventh day .-.—Fiat ta-t- in mouth, -~eeti-h; morning- alter wahir^-. .—Unple&sant. bitter to..r.*, :.— Taste of chr-rse in mouth/.—Food tastes -^t.s.—Trste of onitns.'.—Imie- s;•: ibable taste, both before and after a meal/.—S t eech aim; -t prevented.3.— Slowness of spee"*h,3. Throat.—[230." Redness of the throat/.—L\f imed aphtha and pv- fa7es in '-oat. making t- p jtienr'i condition almost d&p^ratr?.—Dr~"_e-- of the throat and t'requent hawking two hours /.—P.h.s in t r -hroat, t.— Burning in 'he :\-phans, .—FeeUng in throat as, if -he could not swa.. tt. with spasmodic contraction of the right side of the throat and ear. tor one hour ■ artem^ns on -ittir^ ninth dav /.—"240.1 Great dirrieulty in s^allowiiu-. with sedation of -:. tmjent heat in throat and ra nth, t.—Inability to -~aliow, t. Sto/i'io.r/i.—T-.»tal It- of appetite tor every hint of aliment.1.— Wan' of appetite, h—Want of appetite, alth t.t with clean tor.^ue.h—Want •;: appetite in the evening.:.—Earning, un , aen;hable thir-t. t.—Thirst, t.— Continual thir-t. f.—Urgent thirst/.—^2o0.~ Eructat: m. tfc-tir.t; ;f the inge-ra.3.—Eructation-. ta-ti:.g t the - up eaten one at i a half Ttr« A —Difficult eructatKh .*.—Emory eructations .att^rno* n- /.—EructatT.ns'.—The erai-tat: tns are allayed by lyicr »::.*.—Hieeoajh : evenii.- .—IN at;—a. without vomiting in the e ttl_ -.—Xausea. whh i t s :r-rion.3.—-Troublesome nau—a. vttq vomitii., —"260." Pet;::, itatl n of toad an hour alter a meal.5.—"Intolerance of mili^ the children threw tip their milk almost as soon as swallowed curdled or not curdled, in from ten to fifteen minutes, by a sndden and violent vomiting then weakness makes them drowsy for some minutes.5.—~ V*mttmg <>* -ilt.t__Yonait- :--'- t.—Horrible yomitin.-. n—Yomiting. paintal. t.—"G-ni*h vomiting*. —x Capiou* greenish vomiting, t — Vomiting curdled milk in rive children in tw other- of greenish mucus mixed with the hal:-tl .ested i-r-^en leare- .*. —* Violent von:i:-:\j of a fr i:\y. milk-wh \>: mass, t—f270 " Yomiting' ait>r .ETHUSA. 63 the colic, t.—Discharge of greenish mucus from mouth and anus, with vio- lent pains ; colored bloody i in two children), t.—Yomits bloody mucus, t. —*, with diarrhoea,5.—Frequent vomiting, with frequent painful diarrhoea, t.—Yomiting and fever/.—Yomiting, with chills, sweat, and debilitv/.— Very violent pains at the stomach,5.—Sense of pungent heat in stomach, t.—Feeling in stomach as if something had turned, followed by burning feeling, which rises into the chest/.—[280.] * Painful contraction of the -stomach3.—Pains in stomach, caused by inflamed aphthae aud pus- tules in throat, t.—*Painfulness of the epigastric region,3.—*Pains in epigas- trium, with nausea, t.—Deepseated pain at the pit of the stomach, t.— Tear- ing pains in pit of stomach, extending thence into the oesophagus, t.—*Pain in pit of stomach and abdomen, followed by nausea, with or without vomiting, t. Abdomen.—Dull stitches in the side near the stomach, deep in, on sitting; heat disappears on becoming erect (first day)/.—A stitch in the right rib-region (afternoons i/.—Stitching in the lower part of the right rib-region, and soon again in the right ear (afternoons >/.—[290.] Sticking in lower rib-region (four hours); frequent and long-continued/.—Constant sticking in left lower rib-region, with burning, disappearing only for a short time on rubbing.1.—A stitch in the left lower rib-region, extending back- wards; then sticking deep internally under the left female breast (after- noons1/.—Paiufulness of the hypochondria/.—A painful pressing-in and burning, with sticking, in left hypochondria, twice in succession (one hour;/. —Xow in left loins, then in the right lower rib-region, a sudden burning, as from glowing hot needles (four hours /.—♦ Great cold sensations in whole upper abdomen immediately,1.—♦ Coldness of the abdomen, both objective and subjective, with aching pain in the bowels (relieved by warm wet applica- tions), accompanied by coldness of the loiver extremities, particularly the left one/.—A painful thrust, as with a knife, round about the bowels, above the navel, internally, as it seemed (second day'/.—Rush, like boiling water, in navel region ; then pinching in stomach/.—[390.] Griping in the umbilical region and hypogastrium/.—Hard and tense abdomen, t— Con- tracted and tense abdomen,5.—Swelling of the abdomen,3.—Large, inflated abdomen/. — Bloating of whole abdomen; sometimes with bluish-black color, t.—Abdomen swollen, sensitive, especially in hepatic region, t.— Severe pain in abdomen (in two children, t.—Pains in intestines, t.— *Pains in abdomen, t.—[310.] Digging sensation in the abdomen/.—Throb- bing in the abdomen/.—*Cold feeling in bowels after every dose,1.—Moving in bowels, followed by stool; first part hard, the rest soft,1.—♦Excessive griping pain in abdomen, t.—Gripes, with flatulence, t.—♦Gripes, accom- panied by fearful vomiting, weakness, and indescribable anguish, t:—♦Colic, with diarrhoea, t.—"Colic, succeeded by vomiting, vertigo, etnd weakness, t.— Cuttings in the lower abdomen, with urging to stool, which follows very soft, succeeded by tenesmus and repeated urging (tenth day)/.—[320.] Drawing in right lumbar region on walking, disappearing on sitting (one and a quarter hours)/.—A stitch in right lumbar region ; then sensation of a slight pressure, as though a light body lay there (one and a quarter hours)/. Stool and Anus.—Contraction of the rectum/.—Sensation of dry- ness at the anus.8.—Fueling as if the hemorrhoidal tumors were excori- ated/.— *Diarrhcea, t— Obstinate diarrhoea, t— ♦Stools of partly digested food, shortly after a meal or at night/.—Evacuation of a thin, bright yel- low, or greenish fluid, mixed with much bile, with severe tenesmus, t.— Morning, after rising, first some pinching about the navel; then two soft 64 JETHUSA. stools/.—[330.] Stool, first part hard, the rest soft, preceded by movings in the bowels/.—Painful " goings on " below the navel, with desire for stool after breakfast, followed, after some minutes, by hard stool (one hour)/.—Very hard stool, with clawing in the anus and severe urging (sec- ond day)/,—Constipation/.—*J\Ioxt obstinate constipation, with feeling as if all action of the bowels had been lost,8. Urinary Organs.— Cutting pains at the bladder,3.—Frequent urg- ing to urinate/.—Frequent urging to urinate at night/.—Copious emission of urine/.—She passes, three times, much pale urine, like water (second day)/.—[340.] Red urine, voided with difficulty/.—Urine depositing a white sediment/. Se.Knal Organs.—Stitching pains in sexual parts (female)/.—Itch- ing at the sexual parts (female)/.—Pimply eruption on the genitals (fe- male)/.—The menstrual blood is watery/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Slight cough/.—Cough, with stun- ning pain in the head/.—Cough, with titillating sensation in the throat/. —Cough, with paleness of the face/.—[350.] Cough, with sweetish taste in the throat/.—Cough, with tearing pain in the chest/.—Cough, followed by mucous expectoration/.—Cough, aggravated by lying down/.—Dry cough after dinner/.—Dry cough, in several paroxysms, after dinner (four hours)/. —Frequent short, hacking (one-half hour)/.—Hoarse breathing/.—Sibi- lant respiration/.—Hoarse and sibilant respiration, especially when lying on the back/.—[360.] Respiration short and difficult, t.— The respiration is very difficult and short,5.—Short, anxious respiration (first hourj/.—Very difficult breathing, with extreme oppression of the chest, t.—Short breath- ing, interrupted by hiccough, £,4.—Great oppression; she can hardly breathe/.— Undisturbed respiration, t. Chest.—Swelling of the mammary gland/.—Severe piercing pain, with heat and redness of the breast (from external application); next day, a large number of phlyctense; vesicles filled with lymph appear over the breasts, and discharge a great deal of serum when the plaster is removed/. —Sensation of pressure, as from a band around the chest/.—An exces- sively painful dull stitch in the middle of the chest, on inspiration, on rising from sitting bent; on deep inspiration, the pain is still more severe (evenings, at 6.30 o'clock) (first day)/.—[370.] On knitting, evenings, painless tension in region in front of the right axilla (fifth day)/.—Dig- ging and tension in the right thorax in front of the axilla/.—Burning, as with glowing hot iron, on a small spot under the left breast (second day),1. —Stitches in the left side of the chest, t.—Severe stitches and burning in the middle of the sternum, which cease when stooping, but return/.—A sharp stitch in the middle of the sternum; then, burning on this spot, so that she believes it all up with her; disappears on pressure, but returns (fifth hour)/.—Prcecordial anxiety,5. Heart and False.— Violent palpitation of the heart5.—Palpitations which resound in the head/.—Palpitation, with vertigo, headache, and rest- lessness/.—[380.] Pulse full, rapid, tt.—Rapid, hard, small pulse,5.—Small and frequent pulse,5.—Small, frequent, irregular pulse/.—Small pulse, t.— Irregular pulse, t.—Imperceptible pulse,5. Neck and Back.— Stitching-jerking in nape (two hours)/.—* Dis- tressing pain in occiput and nape of neck, extending down the spine; relieved by friction with hot whisky. A feeling as if the pain in the back would be ameliorated by straightening out and bending' stiffly backwards as in opistho- tonus,6.—Shootings, tearing and beating in the muscles of the neck/.—^390.] ^THUSA. 65 Tearing in the right side of the neck/.—Painful tearing in the cords on the right side of the neck (seventh day)/.—Drawing pain in right side of neck, as if a cord or vessel were torn out; disappears on rubbing (eleventh day)/.—Violent tearing in a spot as broad as two fingers in right side of neck (second day)/.—In left cervical muscles, a sharp stitch extending inward ; then, a similar stitch on upper part of left parietal bone; then, beating in the whole head, more on right side and backwards, with sensa- tion of heaviness/.—Throbbing tearing in a small spot on a tendon on left side of neck (second day)/.—Fine stitch between shoulder-blades/.— Stitches between the shoulder-blades/.—Sense of heat down the back, (afternoons)/.—Pulling in the back/.—[400.] Weak feeling in the back/. —Sense as if screwed up in small of back (frequent)/.—Burning externally in small of back; disappears after rubbing/.—Weak feeling, like paralysis, when raising himself in bed, when turning in bed, and during movement/. Extremities in General.—Extremities cold, t.—Cold limbs,5.— Extremities chilly, benumbed, and affected with tremors, t. Upper Extremities.—Numbness of the arms,6.—Shootings, draw- ings and tension in different places/.—Sensations as if the arms had become much shorter ; so vivid that she had to examine them in the morning to be convinced that it was not actually so/.—Painful tension in the shoul- ders/.—[410.] Painful aching about the left scapula, sometimes extending into the left arm; attempt to relieve it by rigid expansion and closing the fist, as in a tonic spasm/.—Pain in the axillary glands/.—Tension, first on the left, then on the right shoulder, very painful (first day)/.—Paralytic sensation in left shoulder; then, in right forearm (second day)/.—Arthritic stiffness of the elbow-joint/.—Heaviness of the forearm/.—Tension of cords of left forearm when flexed; she does not venture to stretch it out, and still this tension disappears only by extending and bending the fingers (on knitting), (five minutes)/.—Fine tearing on a small spot on inner surface of left forearm/.—Stitching tearing from the middle of left forearm, on the upper surface, as far as the wrist/.—Sticking in cords of right forearm, on exerting the hand (first day)/.—[420.] Paralytic pain in left forearm on sitting (second day)/.—Sudden fatigue of the forearm on knitting; she must lay it aside, when she becomes better (quarter of an hour)/.— Sense of great weakness in right forearm, a hand's breadth above the wrist, down to the little finger (fifth day)/.—-Cramp of the hand/.—Frequent tearing in the back of right hand, in the tendons of the thumb, frequent for several days (seventh day)/.—Formication in the fingers/.—Contrac- tion of the fingers/.—Swelling of the fingers/.—A stitch in the left external metacarpal bones (one and a half hours)/.—Jerkings in left thumb (two hours)/.—[430.] Jerking tearing between the first and second joints of left thumb, as if in the marrow (second day)/.—Extremely painful sticking in ball of left thumb, on flexion ; less on extension (first day)/.—On sew- ing, feeling in left thumb as if it were stiff and immovable, and she could not straighten it, which, however, she can (first day)/.—Tearing in meta- carpal bone of right index finger (second day)/.—Tearing in metacarpal bone of left index finger/.—In the left side of right index finger, at the tip, a fine stitching as of a thistle, which disappears by long pressure on it (quarter of an hour)/.—'Tearing in lower surface of third joint of right little finger/.—Tearing between the little and ring fingers, increased by extension (second day)/. Loiver Extremities.—Boring pain in the lower extremities/.— Lancinating, tearing pain in the lower extremities/.—[440.] Formication, vol. i.—5 66 ^THUSA. referred to the bones of the lower limbs/.—Great weakness of the lower extremities (third day)/.—Coldness of lower extremities, particularly the left, with coldness in abdomen, etc.,6.—Tension in right hip, then again stitching-tearing in right ear (afternoons)/.—A pinching, externally, at right hip (two and a half hours)/.—Sticking and drawing pain from left hip into the thigh/.—Sticking in upper part of left thigh/.—Paralytic pain in middle of right thigh, on sitting; disappears on rubbing/.—Stick- ing in right knee, on standing (evenings)/.—Tearing deep in right instep (afternoons)/.—[450.] Tearing-stitching in right heel, and thence into the sole, and as far as ball of toes (three-quarters of an hour)/.—Sticking in right sole under the heel (five hours)/. Generalities.—Bloating, t.—The whole body becomes swollen aud livid, t.—♦Violent epileptic spasms, with clenched thumbs, red face, eye- balls turned down, pupils dilated, insensible, milky foam from mouth, clenched teeth, small, hard, frequent pulse, with the usual temperature of body (in a four-years-old child), t.—Spasms, delirium, and stupor, t.—Death with convulsions (in two children, fifteen months old), t.—Whole body con- vulsed, t.—Stiffness of the whole body/.—Stiffness of the limbs, t.—[460.] Restlessness, t.—Anguish, and very troublesome restlessness, t.—Restlessness, with excessive anguish,5.— Great agitation,5.— ♦Inability to hold the head erect, or to sit up, t.—*Unable to hold herself erect, t.—*While walking he is seized with such languor and listlessness that with difficulty he sup- ports himself till he gets home, t.—♦He is powerless to raise his head and stand up, t.—♦Great general debility, t.—♦Great weakness and prostration, with sleepiness (second afternoon)/.—[470.] ♦ Weakness after the colic, t.— Great weariness, t.—Complete insensibility, t.—Great and long-lasting ner- vous sensitiveness, t.—Indescribable anguish, with vomiting and gripes, t.— Cries of anguish (in a child)/.— General malaise, t.—State of malaise, last- ing all day, t.—Anxiety, characterized by a feeling of weight on the chest/. Skin.—The whole body is of a bluish-black color/.—[480.] During one day appearance and disappearance of reddish-blue spots on the trunk and left leg, causing the patient to fear an attack of spotted fever/.—A painful boil on small of back/.—Burning heat of the skin/.—Itching from the heat/.—An herpetic eruption itched very much from the heat, espe- cially in the evening/.—Tingling, itching/.—Itching of the least-affected portions of the skin ; they swell up/. Fever.—General coldness/.—Internal coldness/.—Chill through the whole body and external coldness, without thirst, for two days/.—[490.] Violent chill and external coldness, so that she cannot get warm at all (forenoons, soon after taking it), with sleepiness; lasts the whole day/.— General coldness during sleep/.—Coldness, with red face/.—Cold extremi- ties, t.—Coldness of abdomen and lower extremities/.—Shivering on enter- ing a room from the open air (second day)/.—Shivering, which is more frequent in the afternoons/.—Horripilation in the open air/.—Horripila- tion, with heat, which pervades the whole body/.—During the horripilation the limbs feel as if broken, with hot breath and restlessness,'.—[500.] Gen- eral heat, t.—Remarkable increase of bodily heat, t.—Temperature some- what increased, £.—Fever-heat (in two children), t—In spite of the great general heat complete adipsia, t—General perspiration/.—Sweat when going to sleep/.—He perspires very soon from the least bodily exertion/.— He cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat/.—The febrile symptoms occur more particularly in the morning, and are accompanied with very great malaise and tendency to delirium, which cease during the sweat/. ^THUSA. 67 Sleep and Dreams.—{510.] Somnolence, t—Sleepy, without yawn- ing (afternoons)/.—The eyes will close with sleep, disappears in open air/.— Fell suddenly into a deep, stertorous sleep, t.—Restless sleep during the first hours of the night, t.—Restless night; great disposition to slumber; but calm repose is wholly prevented by frequent startings and excessive agitation, t.—Sleep broken by frequent waking/.—Sleep prevented by pains in the limbs/.—Frequent waking, caused by a feeling of cold/.—Waking up, followed by several hours of sleeplessness/.—[520.] Distortion of the eyes during sleep/.—Slight spasmodic movements during sleep/.—Troubled dreams/.—Fatiguing dreams in the morning/. Conditions.— Aggravation.—(Horning), Agglutination of lids; co- ryza ; febrile symptoms ; fatiguing dreams.—(Morning, after rising), Pain in navel, etc.—i Mornings, after waking), Stoppage of nose ; flat taste.—(Fore- noon), Vertigo.—(Afternoon), Sad and anxious; cross and fretful; shattered feeling in head ; beating and sticking in head ; sticking in forehead ; crack in temple; pain on vertex; pain from both sides of head, etc.; crack in occi- put ; pain in occiput; feeling as if could not swallow, etc.; empty eructations; stitch in rib-region, etc.; heat down back; tension in hip, etc.; shivering; sleepy, etc.—(Evening), Want of appetite; hiccough; nausea; sticking in knee; itching of eruption; ♦all symptoms aggravated towards evening and during night till about 3 to 4 a.m.,6.—(Night), Stools, etc.; urging to urinate. —(Before midnight), Restless sleep.—(Open air), Fretful and cross; vertigo; eye-symptoms; coryza; horripilation. — (When alone), Sadness.—(After breakfast), Pain below navel.—(After the colic), Vertigo; weakness.— (Getting chilled), Pains in head.—(During the coryza), Head confused.— (During dinner), Ill-humor.—(After dinner), Dry cough.—(After drink- ing), Eructations.—(Bodily exertion), Perspiration.—(Extending fingers), Tearing in fingers.—(Flexing thumb), Sticking in ball of thumb.—(Heat), Itching of eruption.—(During horripilation), Limbs feel as if broken.— (On inspiring air), Sticking under left breast; stitch in chest.—(On knit- ting), Fatigue of forearm.—-Lying down), Cough.—(Lying on back), Hoarse respiration.—(After a meal), Stools, etc.—(During menses), Puffiness of face.—(Return periodically), Pains in head.—(Rising from sitting bent), Stitch in chest.—(After rising up), Vertigo.—(Trying to rise from seat), Vertigo.—(In room), Symptoms return ; eyes burn ; shivering.—(Enter- ing room from open air), Throbbing in head.—(Sewing), Stiff feeling in thumb.—[Sitting), Vertigo; ill-humor; pain in orbit; tearing in frontal sinus ; feeling as if could not swallow, etc.; stitches in side ; pain in thigh.— (During sleep), Distortion of eyes; spasmodic movements.—( When going to sleep), Sweat.—(Standing), Sticking in knee.—(Turning head to right), Sticking in forehead.—( Waking), Pains in head ; ear-symptoms. Ameliorations.—(Forenoon), Gay, good-tempered.—(Toward noon), Better mood.—(Open air), Most symptoms disappear; vertigo; drowsi- ness.—(Boring with finger), Sticking in ear.—(Contact and pressure), Ear- symptoms.—(Eating), Pains in head.—(On becoming erect), Stitches in side. — (Exerting hand), Sticking in cords of forearm.— (Extension of thumb), Sticking in ball of thumb.—(Extending and bending fingers), Tension of cords of forearm.—(Emission of flatulence), Pains in head.— (Lying down), Eructations.—(Pressure), Stitching and throbbing in temple; stitch in sternum ; sticking in forefinger.—(After rising), Disappears.— (Entering room from open air), Feels fresher and better.—(Rubbing), Pains in ear; sticking in rib-region; pain in side of neck; burning in small of back; pain in thigh.—(Sitting), Drawing in lumbar region ; para- 68 AGARICUS CAMPANULATUS—AGARICUS EMETICUS. lytic pain in left forearm.—(Sleep), Pains in head.—(After soup), All troubles disappear for half an hour.—(Stooping), Stitches, etc., in sternum. AGARICUS CAMPANULATUS. A. campanulatus, Fr. A. ovalis, Fr. (section Galera). A rare species, found in England on dung. Authority. Poisoning cases. Recollection restored, and lost again.—He loses his way.—He reels about.—Sudden dimness of vision.—Countenance expressive of anxiety.— He can hardly articulate.—Pulse slow and feeble.—Languor and weak- ness.—Giddiness, debility, trembling and loss of memory.—Great drow- siness. AGARICUS CAMPESTRIS. Agaricus campestris, L. Common mushroom. This mushroom, common in the United States and in Europe, is esculent; stem only two to three inches high. Authority. Poisoning symptoms. Slight delirium.—Eyes sunken, with livid circle.—Face humid, hippo- cratic.—Tongue red and parched.—Nausea.—Vomiting and purging of liquid matter.—Abdomen retracted.—Great abdominal pain at intervals.— Severe colic.—Purging and vomiting of liquid matter.—Pulse hard, weak, rapid, irregular.—Pulse feeble.—Respiration irregular.—Depraved habit, leading to external suppuration and gangrene.—Severe cramps.—Green- ness of the skin.—Formation of abscesses, which discharge a thin, ill- conditioned pus, and pass rapidly into suppuration and gangrene.—Skin cold, covered with cold sweat.—Kind of tertian fever.—Somnolency. AGARICUS CTTRINUS. A. citrinellus, Pers. (?). Found in England, in fir woods, etc. Authority. Poisoning cases. Coma and lethargy.—Vomiting.— Violent true cholera.—Deep sopor. AGARICUS EMETICUS. (A. emeticus, Schsef. ?), probably Russula emetica, Fr. A small acrid species, found in woods in Europe. Authority. Poisoning cases. Head.—Vertigo so severe that one must be carried to bed ; is not able to sit or stand. Eyes.—Lachrymation (from the smell).—Lasting weakness of eyes. Nose.—Sneezing (from the smell). Mouth.—Nauseous taste of the fungus, several days.—Sharp burning ip mouth. Stomach.—Sudden, violent longing for ice-cold water (during the worst attacks of anxiety), which causes gradual relief.—Dislike for wine and meat, several days.—Violent vomiting, with anxious sensation, as if AGARICUS EMETICUS—AGARICUS. 69 the stomach hung on threads, which would be momentarily torn into, with ice-cold sweat of face, and constantly renewed faintness, even from moving the head on listening to reading ; increased by smelling cordials, especially by vinegar, which is unbearable.—Violent burning pain in stomach becomes a sensation, as if a moving dull body in the stomach pressed it out; now in one place, now in another, with nausea and great qualmishness, violent eructations, and weak eyes.—Painful pressure in stomach, followed by fre- quent eructations, repeated attempts to vomit.—Constantly increasing anxiety in stomach.—Stomach so sensitive for eight days that one could not touch it, nor cough. Abdomen.—Abdomen distended.—Constantly increasing pain in abdomen (for half hour). Stool and Anus.—Diarrhoea. Heart and False.—Pulse rapid, exceedingly weak. Generalities.—Sudden great weakness (quarter of an hour). Conditions.—Cold water relieved speedily and permanently. AGARICUS, Agaricus muscarius, L.; Nat. order, Fungi. Common names, Bug or fly Agaric; Germ., Fliegenschwamm ; Fr., Fausse orange. Preparation, Tincture of the fresh fungus. Authorities.f 1, Stapf; 2, Schreter; 3, Hahnemann; 4, Fr. Hahne- mann ; 5, Gross; 6, Langhammer; 7, Apelt; 8, N----g; 9, Seidel; 10, Sch.; 11, Woost; 12, Adler ; 13, Adler's wife ; 14, Rosalie D.; 15, Baum- gartner; 16, Copainigg; 17, Hoor; 18, Huber; 19, Klitzinsky; 20, Kraus; 21, Landsmann ; 22, Lazar; 23, Link; 24, Max; 25, Rosenberg; 26, Schmitt; 27, Wagner; 28, Zeiner; 29, Zoth; 30, Zlatarovich; 31, Kretschmar; 32, Lembke; 33, Schelling; 34, Ohlhaut; 35, Vadrot; 36, Voigtel; 37, Murray ; 38, Krachemariskov; 39, J. C. George ; 40, Pharmacod. Lex.; 41, Le.rger; 42, Fricker ; 43, Paulet; 44, Roth ; 45, Beck ; 46, Farring- ton (E. A.); 47, Windenhorn ; 48, Scholz. t, Toxicological (numerous scattering cases). No poison cases accepted unless the species of Agaricus was certainly known. Mind.—Fury/6.—He becomes so furious that he can hardly be re- strained from ripping up his bowels, as he fancies the mushroom had ordered him to do/8.—Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy; also, frenzy which causes the patient to assail and injure himself, with great exertion of power/7.—He is intoxicated with fearless frenzy; forming bold and revengeful projects/6.—Screaming and raving like mad about the room, t. —Delirium, t.—Delirium, with increase of strength/5.—Raging delirium; called for his hatchet; had to be confined; alternated with religious excite- ment, t.—Increase of strength, with cheerful delirium; the patient sings and talks, but returns no answer when questioned/5.—Delirium; he im- agines himself a military officer, commanding at a drill and directing the various manoeuvres,*5.—[10.] Half an hour later, he falls into a delirium, like a patient with a high fever, and becomss now immoderately gay, now f Nos. 1 to 11 from Hahnemann ; 12 to 30 and 48, Austrian provings ; 31, A H. Z., 2, 62; 32, A. H. Z., 46; 33, A. H. Z., 82, 180; 34, Hygea, 18, 19; 35, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 47, are taken from Roth's compilation ; 36, 37, 40, and 41, are quoted by Hahnemann; 46, Am. J. of H. Mat. Med., 4, 103. 70 AGARICUS. profoundly melancholy/3.—Great mental excitement, t.—He talks inco- herently; passes very rapidly from one subject to another, and soon enters a state of cheerful delirium, with great loquacity/5.—She ran about the yard, romped with the children, threw them down, even hit them, t.—He imagines himself at the gate of hell and that the mushroom commands him to fall on his knees and confess his sins, which he does.38.—The father had phantasies; seemed to see his dead sister in heaven, t.—The natives of Siberia intoxicate themselves with this decoction. Soon after drinking it they become jolly, and are gradually seized with such a fit of gayety that they take to singing, leaping, and reciting before the beauties of the tribe their exploits in war or the chase. Their physical strength is increased. They fall asleep, and after twelve or sixteen hours of slumber, they awake in a state of utter prostration ; the head, however, does not feel so empty as after intoxication by brandy/9.—Talking volubly and respectfully, as if to his parents; returning no direct answers when questioned; he alternately sings and is vexed, embraces his companions and kisses their hands. He performs all these actions while affected with a general spasm, more like a trembling than convulsion/5.—Great loquacity, and at the same time strong convulsions of the facial and cervical muscles, especially on the right side, drawing the head down toward the right shoulder. At the same time, movements of flexion and extension alternately in the lower limbs, not preventing locomotion ; these cause movements of putting them down and lifting them. He walks for some time in this way, with a great deal of merry, incoherent talk. After this condition has lasted more than half an hour it is followed by quietude, disturbed, in a little while, by nausea and general malaise/5.—During intoxication they lift and carry the heaviest loads, take long steps and jump over small objects, as if trunks of trees lay in their way, t.—[20.] Tumbled about the room in the most grotesque manner, t.—Laughed about their not standing and walking straight, t.—Some run and walk involuntarily in the most dangerous places, t.—Some of them leap, dance, and sing; others weep with anguish; a small hole appears to them a frightful chasm; a spoonful of water an immense lake (only from abuse of the drug)/8.—Dancing, t.—Singing, t.— Telling secrets, t.—Extravagantly exalted fancy, ecstasy, prophecies, making verses/7.—Great prostration, with delirium very much resembling that which occurs in adynamic fevers/5.—Taken in moderation it excites the intellect and inspires cheerfulness and courage/8.—[30.~\ Bright mood, with absence of care/1.—Bright mood, but no inclination to talk/.—Calm^ composed, sociable, active, and glad of having done his duty (healthful re- action of the organism).—Cheerfulness took the place of ill-humor/6.— Cheering up/0.—He forces himself to speak; but he answers only in a few words, though his general disposition is cheerful at the time/.—He does not feel disposed to speak, though he is not ill-humored/.—An impulse to laugh overcame him in bed, owing to an indescribably mixed sensation of happiness and misery/9.—Depression of spirits/.—His mood was de- pressed/5.—[40.] Discouragement/.—Melancholy that cannot be over- come/6.—Sad mood from trifling causes.—The gayety changes into suffer- ing/0.—Anxiety, t.—Anxiety, as though something unpleasant were going to happen to her/.—His mind is uneasy and anxious; he was constantly concerned only about himself, his present and future condition/.—Restless- ness and uneasiness of body and mind (after the lapse of half an hour)/.__ Timid craziness/7.—Fretfulness of mind/1.—[50.] Vexed, irritable, moody/8. —Ill-humor and irritability/5.—Peevish and irritable mood/5.—Extremely AGARICUS. 71 peevish and irritable/.—Quarrelsome mood,15.—Easily irritated and out of humor/521.—Reading did not fix his attention as usual; he soon became ex- cited, grew angry at the servant and felt inclined to fight/5.—She is vexed with herself and pities herself/3.—Ill-humored and indifferent/.—Waking in morning in ill-humor/2.—[60.] *She was very much out of humor all day and disinclined to answer when asked questions,13.—Disinclination to speak, with ill-humor, peevishness, and disinclination to work,6.—*She ivho ordi- narily felt so extremely solicitous about everything, is now quite indifferent,7.— It seemed as though he were at a loss to discover the words he wished to use/.—Thoughtless staring; disinclined to think; he is sluggish and dull/2. Indifference and moody taciturnity; repugnance to work,9.—Disinclination to work,5 7.—He trifles with everything, to save himself the trouble of work- ing/.—Aversion to all labor that occupies the mind; if he, nevertheless, undertakes any, there is a rush of blood to the head, throbbing in the arteries, heat in the face, and the thinking faculty is disturbed/.—Indispo- sition to think/.—[70.] Confusion of mind, with silent delirium, which lasts all day/5. — Heaviness of mind; imbecility (reaction of the organism in old age)/7.—Stupefaction, £.—Forgetful; he finds it difficult to recollect the things which he had heard and imagined before/.—The train of thought is easily disturbed, and the last thoughts cannot be recalled easily/2.—The patient retains no recollection of his serious sickness/5.— Next day the patient did not remember having been indisposed; he thought he had made a journey/5.—Loss of consciousness, t,*1.—Senseless, with closed eyes, t.—Unconscious, with red, puffy face, t. Head.—[80.] Confusion of the head,1151*.—Confusion of the head, with dull pain (after two hours)/.— Confusion and heaviness of the head (after two hours),9.—The head is heavy, confused (especially in forehead), as if pressed in/2.—Head confused throughout the forenoon,0.—Burrowing in the brain, as though everything were moving there in confusion/3.— Confusion of the head towards noon, and slightly cool, creeping feeling in the scalp of the vertex, with sensation as if the scalp were drawn more tightly over the skull/8.—Early in the morning, heaviness and confusion of the head, as if he had been revelling the day before, lasting six hours/6. —♦Vertigo, t,3.—Violent vertigo; she is often compelled to sit down/3.— [90.] Vertigo, at 5 a.m., that rarely ceases during the day/2.—Vertigo, while walking, making his gait unsteady/5.—Vertigo, from afternoon till late in the evening, with an indescribable impulse to fall over backwards,19. —Reeling, t.—Staggering, as if drunk, t.—Reeling and sinking down (on the second day)/1.—♦Reeling when walking in the open air (after an hour)/. —*Reeling, as from spirituous liquors; when walking in the open air he stag- gers to and fro,6.—Giddiness, as from intoxication/6.—Vertigo in the room; better in the open air, but soon returns/2.—[100.] Sudden vertigo, that throws him down/617.—It seems to her as if she were constantly turning round ; she was quickly obliged to sit on the ground to prevent herself from falling; this vertigo lasted very violently for two hours,1425.—The heat of the sun causes violent vertigo,30.—♦Strong light of the sun produces, early in the morning, a momentary attack of giddiness, even to falling/1.— Transient vertigo/2.—Occasional slight vertigo during the day/2.—Vertigo, with stupefaction/2.—Vertigo, with stupefying headache/3.—In the morn- ing, vertigo, with stupefying headache, which lasts all the forenoon/3.— Vertigo, with stupefaction and burning in the vertex/425.—[110.] Stupe- fying vertigo immediately sets in with the pain/3.—In the morning, re- peated, but only momentary, attacks of vertigo; more in the open air, less 72 AGARICUS. in the room,30.—Vertigo and stupidity early in the morning (after three hours)/.—Vertigo, early in the morning, as after intoxication (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Vertigo, coming on principally early in the morning; it commonly lasts from one to eight minutes, and returns several times during the day at short intervals/.—Momentary vertigo, with pressive and draw- ing headache in the forehead/2.—Attacks of vertigo, combined with a tot- tering gait and indistinct sight, even of near objects ; these attacks come and go every five minutes, and can only be entirely removed by thinking of some- thing else/.—Vertigo coming on while meditating, walking in the open air (after eight days)/.—Attack of vertigo in the open air ; it disappears in the room ; lasting for several days/6.—Vertigo in the room, on turning round/. —[120.] Vertigo, passing off for some time by quickly turning the head/. —Dizzy dulness of the head/8.—Dizzy dulness of the head, as in slight in- toxication, perceptible nearly all day/8.—In the afternoon, dizzy dulness of the head, especially while reading or looking into the light/8.—Dizzi- ness, stupefaction/.—Dizzy stupefaction in the head, as if he were losing his consciousness, with roaring in left ear/8.—Head as if intoxicated/8.— Pleasant intoxication/7.— Intoxication/0.— Forenoon, stupefaction of the head/8.—[130.] Head as if stupefied, but only for a short time/8.—Dis- agreeable cloudiness in the head/.—Slight headache, t.—In the head, an indistinct sensation of a disagreeable kind, all day, as if a most violent headache would appear every moment; when observing the pain it van- ished entirely, but returned most disagreeably when least taken notice of/521.—Headache, early in the morning, in bed/.—Heat in the head and face/.—Feeling as though the head were enlarged/5.—Congestion to the head/.— Dulness of the head/5172427.— Dulness of the head; head con- stantly dull/6.—[140.] Dulness of the head, mornings/7.—Dulness of the head in the forenoon/1.—Dulness of the head at noon/0.—Dulness of the head, which diminished on walking in the open air; which, however, re- turned repeatedly,27.—Sensation of dulness and fulness of the head/6.— Head dull and full; he could not go on reading,30.—Head dull, full, sway- ing back and forth/6.—Head dull and heavy/6.—Heaviness of the head,16 u. —Continual heaviness of the head, as after intoxication (after one and a half hours)/.—[150.] Continual heaviness of the head (after five hours)/. —In the morning, dull headache, with stupefying vertigo and palpitation of the heart; after rising, these appearances seemed to lessen somewhat, but soon became more violent, with excessive chilliness/3.—*Dull headache, especially in the forehead; this headache obliged him to move the head con- stantly to and fro, and to close the eyes as for sleep,1.—Dull, stunning head- ache, with thirst and heat, especially in the face (immediately)/.—Dull headache, mornings, on awakening/7.—Dull, pressive headache, which dis- appears after a copious evacuation of the intestines, combined with flushes of heat/1.—Waking at three o'clock in the morning, with pressive head- ache/7.—Moderate pressure, deep in the head/2 25.—Pressive headache, at intervals before going to sleep/7.—Leaden pressure of the brain on the cranial bones, which even extends to the nose/3.—[160.] Violently press- ive headache, especially in the occiput, after dinner (ninth day),9.—Weak drawing headache/4 21.—Drawing in the head, in all directions, with sensa- tion as though the person were to lose the senses/.—Drawing headache, early on awaking, with pressure in the eyeballs,9.—Jerking tearing in the head, most painful behind the right ear, where it stops/7.—Tearing in dif- ferent places in the skull/2.—Grinding pain in the head; it lasts only for a few minutes, but it frequently returns,7.—Feeling of coldness in the head, AGARICUS. 73 especially in the occiput/3 21.—Jumping of the muscles in the left forehead/8. —♦ Twitches in the skin of the forehead above the right eye,7.—[170.] Head- ache in the forehead appeared directly after taking/8.—Mornings, violent headache in the frontal region, with contraction of the muscles of the fore- head and eyelids/7.—On waking, considerable headache in the forehead/2. —Violent headache, that diminished towards evening, and was confined to the forehead/5.—Half an hour after taking, burning in the superciliary ridge near the temples/225.—Sensation in the head as though the frontal regions were enlarged and the brain were being whirled about in it, with pressive pain in both temples/5.—Heaviness and fulness in forehead/2.— The forehead is heavy and confused/2.—Burrowing feeling, as if the brain in the frontal region were an ant-hill, with fulness of the head/5.—Tran- sient burrowing pain in left forehead and left occiput/8.—[180.] Violent boring headache in the frontal region, that is diminished by pressure/7.— Violent grinding pain in the left frontal eminence (after three hours)/.— Drawing pain in the forehead/.—Sensation of drawing, pressive headache in the left frontal eminence, oppressiug the eye/521.—Painful drawing pres- sure from the left side of the forehead towards the right, while sitting (after one and a half hours)/.—During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes; comes and goes/2.—Drawing pain in the middle of the forehead.—Soon after taking, dull, drawing, transient pain in left forehead/8.—Between the eyebrows, a drawing, but not violent pain/6. —On awaking in the morning, a somewhat drawing headache in the right side of the forehead/3.—[190.] *Dull, drawing pain in the middle of the forehead, betwzen the superciliary ridges.—Drawing, tearing pain in fore- head ; intermitting (after thirty-three hours)/.—♦Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose,5.—Drawing, cutting pain in the forehead, when standing; when sitting, this pain assumes a pressive and stunning character (after one and a half hours)/.—Dull headache in the forehead/3.—Dull headache in the frontal region,17.—Dull, rather vio- lent pain along the forehead and sagittal suture/6.—Dull pains, first in the one, then in the other frontal emiuence,1;>.—Dull, indistinctly expressed pain in the middle of the forehead; pressing both temples makes the pain disappear, but it returns more violently after a short time/6.—Pressure in the cavities of the forehead/.—[200.] Pressure and twitching in the fore- head, extending to the eyes/ 25.—Violently pressive pain in the forehead, with vertigo, while sitting/.—Pressure deep in forepart of head, at margin of hair/2.—All day long, a dull, pressive pain in the frontal region; the same pressive pain in the left half of the forehead,30.—On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in the right frontal eminence/8.—Transient, pressive headache in the left side of forehead/8.—Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence/5.—During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the fore- head, extending to the eyes ; comes and goes/2.—Shortly after the medicine, pain in the forehead, as if both sides of the head were pressed together.— When she laid down on account of vertigo, she was suddenly seized by a violent, pressive headache, that extended into the left ear, as if something would stop it up/3.—[210.] Pressive pain in the frontal region/7.—Pressive pain in the forehead, extending inward/225.—Pressive pain in the forehead, all day long/225.—A dull, pressive pain in the frontal region/7.—Pressive headache in the forehead, increases in the open air/2.—Some pressive pain in the left half of the forehead,30.—On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in right frontal eminence/8.—Pressive pains in the right frontal region, with morning dulness of the head/7.—Pressure, with stitches in the 74 AGARICUS. forehead above the eyes/.—During a walk in the open air, pressive' pain in the right supraorbital region, which, however, disappears in a short time/7.—[220.] Pressure coming down from the forehead upon the upper half of the eyeballs (after one and a half hours)/1.—A sensation during the day as if headache were coming on, which really appeared towards even- ing, consisting in a disagreeable pressive, and sometimes very painful, sen- sation, in little spots upon forehead and temples, which lasted for hours/5 21. —Tearing in bones of forehead/2.—Tearing in the forehead immediately above the root of the nose/.—Sore feeling on the left side of the forehead, directly over the eyebrows.—The eminences of the eyebrows are painful to the touch/5.—Shooting pain in the right frontal region/2.—Transient shoot- ing pain in the right and left frontal eminence, alternately,30.—Violent shooting and twisting in the left superciliary ridge/2 25.—Slight shooting in the forehead, which gradually increased, especially on the left side/8.— [230.] At breakfast, a slight noise caused violent stitches in the right frontal eminence/8!—Single stitches in the forehead, especially in the left side/8.—Every time after rising, a stitch in the forehead/6.—Pricking, as of many needles, in a spot about an inch in size on the left frontal emi- nence/3 21.—Pricking, as of needles, in the left frontal region/5 21.—^Sensa- tion of coldness, as of ice, on the scalp, right side of the frontal bone, although, on touching the parts, they seem to feel warm,7.—Itching in the forehead, in- ducing scratching; there are pimples on the forehead/.—One large and several smaller blisters scattered over the forehead/8.—Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left temporal region/8.—Twitching and shooting in the right temple and along the zygoma/2.—Frequent jumping in the left temporal region and zygoma/8.—[240.] Rhythmical twitching of the mus- cles in the left frontal and temporal region/8.—Cramp-like pain in the left temple (after thirty-seven hours)/.—Pain in the left temple, then in the right one, then in the left lower jaw, like a decayed tooth beginning to ache/5 21.—Aching pain in the zygoma of the left temporal bone/.—Wak- ing, about midnight, with a violent, burrowing pain in the left temple, which is diminished by pressing with the hand, and reappears after re- laxed pressure/8.—After dinner, transient premonition of dull, burrowing headache in the left temple/8.—A boring, throbbing pain in the squamous portion of the temporal bones, lasting more than two hours/5.—Very pain- ful drawing through the temples, forehead, and eyeballs,9.—Dull headache in the right temple/.—Dull headache in the left temple/5 2l.—[250.] Head- ache in right temporal region,' more stupefying than throbbing/4 21.—Pres- sure in both temples, at noon,30.—Pressive pain in the temporal region/7.— Pressure upon the upper portion of the left temporal bone, immediately above the concha of the ear, reaching deep into the brain; it increases when the hairs are pressed upon, or when they are merely touched, and is attended with complete depression of spirits/.—After breakfast, a painful pressure in a little spot on the left temporal bone/5 21.—Violent pressure in the right temple on the temporal bone/.—Fine stitches in the left temple (after half an hour)/.—Stitches in the left temple/2 25.— Directly after talking, a stitch in the right temple; soon after, a stitch in the left temple ; upon which, a slight pressure took place in the latter, lasting several min- utes/2.—Now and then, shooting in the left, less frequently in the right, temporal region/.—[260.] Shooting pain in the right temple, over the eye/2.—Tearing in the right temporal region/.—Burniug in the vertex/0.— Beating pain in vertex, with despair bordering on rage.—Boring pain deep in the brain, at the vertex/.—Pressure and tearing in left side of skull and AGARICUS. 75 on vertex/2.—Mornings, pressive pain in the vertex/0.—Feeling of pressure in the vertex/8.—Pressive pain in the vertex, at night/1.—Transient shoot- ing in the vertex,30.—[270.] Stitches in the hairy scalp on the top of the head, which afterwards change to a pressive pain in the vertex/0.—Left- sided, very violent headache/9.—Several times, pains in left side of head (three to five hours)/2.—Pain in left side of head, with much desire to uri- nate/2.—In the forenoon, while walking in the open air, a continued, bur- rowing, one-sided headache, which extended from the left frontal eminence along the parietal bone, through the entire cerebral hemisphere, to the oc- ciput/8.—Boring in left side of skull, and in ascending ramus of lower jaw/2.—A continued dull pain in the entire left half of head, which is in- creased, after an hour, to a violent burrowing one/8.—Pressure in the left half of head/0.—Tearing and pressing in the entire left circumference of the brain, most severe in left orbit and zygoma, with confusion in the head (after eight hours)/.—Violent lancinating tearing from the vertex to the left ear (after six hours)/1.—[280.] Penetrating, fine, tearing pain ; first in the right parietal bone, over the ear, with which the sensation of a sore, festering spot on the bone was contifiued a long time; it pained violently on being touched/5 21.—Slightly tearing pain in the right upper side of the head/5 21.—Nearly all day, constantly recurring, very fine, sensitive tear- ing, of short duration, on the left side of the head, behind and over the ear, as if emanating from a small painful spot, which, however, was not to be found by feeling for it/5 21.—One-sided shooting headache,30.—A shoot- ing pain in the right side of the head/3.—A quarter of an hour after taking, violent shooting in the right side of the head ; somewhat later, in the whole head; but in both sides, right and left, more violent than in the rest of the head/3.—Shooting pain in left half of head, beginning at 10 a.m. and last- ing till 2 p.m. ; after which it was superseded by transient stitches, that returned every ten minutes/9.—Shooting headache, extending from the left parietal bone into the right temple, but lasting only a few minutes/2.— *Pain, as from a nail in the right side of the head,5.—Frequent itching stitches deep in the left cerebrum/8.—Externally, in the left side of the head, a flash-like stroke/5 21.—[290.] Momentary twitching in the right side of the head/2.—Twitching jumps in the hairy scalp over the left ear, close to the ear-cartilage/8.—Different kinds of headache in the left half of the oc- cipital bone, when seated.—Violent boring pain in occiput and left super- ciliary ridge/2 25.—In the forenoon, burrowing, pressive pains in the left oc- cipital region and nape of neck, with weariness in the lower limbs and great inclination to sleep/7 21.—Mornings, in bed, a pressive, burrowing pain in the right half of occiput, with accompanying splintery stitches in middle of right cheek/8.—Drawing pain in the occiput, early when in bed, as if from a wrong position; it increases by stretching and holding in the breath/.—Drawing pain in the occiput, in the afternoon/.—Drawing and tension in the occiput.—[300.] Drawing and pressive pain in occiput and forehead/7.—In forenoon, external pain in head, but more in posterior half; tension across occiput, towards ears, towards neck-joint, sometimes more perceptible in one place than another,30.—After waking, dull fulness in occiput,16.—Dull pain in occiput, which, on lying down, became more vio- lent and burning, and gradually extended between the superciliary ridges, when lying on the back/6.—The dull pain in the head has gone into the occiput/6.—Pressure in the occiput (first day)/.—Excessively pressive pain in the occiput/4.—Tension extending towards the occiput, aud there devel- oping into a dull, pressive pain, with a sensation of heaviness, continuing 76 AGARICUS. all day/7.—Tearing stitches in the occiput, from one side to the other, early in the morning (second day)/1.—Tearing in the left side of the occiput, which returns at short intervals/.—Tearing in right side of occiput/2.— [310.] Tearing in right half of occipital bone/2.—Sometimes, a tearing, tensive sensation in the external scalp of the occiput,30.—During forenoon, flying stitches in the occiput/9.—Repeated stitches across the occiput/9.— Stitches across the occiput, repeated every ten minutes, sometimes more violent, sometimes less/9.—Bruised pain in back of neck and occiput/8.— A lively, throbbing pain in the occiput/7.—Creaking of the occiput towards the left, lasting a quarter of an hour; increased by pressure on the painful part/2 25.—Headache, especially heaviness and tension of the occiput towards the neck-joint,30.—[320.] *The head constantly falling backwards, as if a weight were attached to the occiput,16.—The head unsteady, swaying back and forth, as if intoxicated/6.—Head swaying back and forth/6.—Convulsions of the muscles of the head and neck, t.—Such violent jarring of the whole head, coming from the atlas-joint, that the prover involuntarily bit his tongue/8.—Stitches in the atlas-joint, as of splinters/8.—Head hot to the touch/6.—Pimples on the hairy scalp/.—The pimples which appeared at the roots of the hair bled easily, after scratching, and left little red scabs behind/7.—The head full; pain spread over the cranium, and somewhat relieved by the touch/6.—[330.] Sometimes, external tension of the scalp,30. —♦Icy coldness in the region of the coronal suture, after the parts had been scratched on account of 'heir itching ; the coldness frequently returns; approaches more and more the forepart of the head, until it reaches that part of the forehead which is not covered with hair/.—Tearing and draw- ing pain externally in the integuments of the head (skin and bones); it in- creases on pressure, especially in a small spot in vertex, which pains as if there were internal festering, at night (after eighteen days),9.—Sensitive- ness of the integuments of the head, as if they were ulcerated/7.—The entire length of the scalp on the left side somewhat sensitive to the touch/7. —There are a few spots in the head sensitive to the touch/0.—Frequent sensitive tearing in the tendinous expansion of the skull/5.—Itching of the hairy scalp/.—Itching of the whole of the hairy scalp ; it is like the itching of healing wounds, and provokes scratching/.—Troublesome itching of the hairy scalp, especially after getting up; it disappears upon the parts being scratched with a sharp comb/1. Eyes.—[340.] Yellow color of the eyes (third day),9.—Burning in the eyes/6.—The eyes burn easily,30.—Burning in the eyes, especially when they are opened and shut; every time after yawning/6.—Burning of the eye, with sensation of contraction in the evening (first day)/.—Burning and pressure in the orbits/.—Burning and itching in both eyes/2.—Burn- ing and aching pain above the right eye, with lachrymation (after one and a half hours),10.—Heat in the eyes/9.—Constant heat in the eyes/6.—[350.] Heat and weariness of the eyes/6.—The eyes are hot/6.—The eyes are hot to the touch/6.—Painful stretching of the eye on waking in the morning/2.— Sensation of contraction of the right eye, with increased dimness of sight; this is succeeded by biting pain in the eyeball and lachrymation, and lastly, by twitchings of the left eye, such as had previously existed in the right; wine relieved the symptoms at once/.—Cramp-like pain under the right eyebrow ; it makes the opening of the eyes difficult (after five hours)/.— Pressure in the eyes*.—Pressure in the eyes, towards the inside/9.—Painful pressure in the eyes when moving them, or exerting them by lamplight/5.__ Pressure in the eyes, and inclination to close them, without sleep, after din- AGARICUS. 77 ner/.—[360.] Pressure in the eyes and upon the forehead, as though some- thing were pressing from without inwards (after ten minutes)/.—A pres- sure in the right eye at noon, as if a grain of sand were under the upper eyelid; close examination of the eye showed nothing abnormal/8.—Pressive and drawing pain in the eyes/2.—Pressive pain over the left eye/.—Pres- sure in the corners of the left eye, as if there were a foreign body/.—Vio- lent stitches, as with coarse needles, on the lower edge of the left orbit, at the exit of the infraorbital nerve/8.—Fine, pricking, pressive feeling di- rectly over the eyes/.—Eyes easily sensitive,30.—The eyes itch in the morn- ing/7.—Itching and pricking in the right eye (after one hour)/.—[370.] Itching and pressure in right eye, relieved by rubbing for a short time/. — Itching and tickling in left eye, which induce rubbing (after three hours),6.—Dryness of the eyes/.—"Feeling of weakness in the eye with- out having exerted the eye in any way/8.—Falling off of the hairs of the eyebrows/.—In and between the eyebrows, small, itching pimples appear that are painfully sensitive to the touch, and vanish after a few days,48.— Pressive pain in the superciliary ridges/2.—Pressive pain in the right super- ciliary ridge; relieved after washing the body with cold water, then grow- ing worse again/2.—In the morning pressive pain in the right superciliary ridge/2.—On waking in the morning, a pressive, shooting pain in the left superciliary ridge, towards the outside/2.—[380.] Pressive pain in the left superciliary ridge for five minutes, and directly after in the right supercil- iary ridge/2.—Burrowing, pressive pain over the left eye and the frontal eminence/8.—Piercing pain in right superciliary ridge/2.—Repeated itching, piercing pain over the left eyebrow induces scratching, which stops it/521.— Toward noon, violent, continued, uninterrupted stitch directly over the left eyebrow, that lasts in the same degree as when the point of a needle is con- tinuously pressed into the flesh ; by violent scratching, which the sensation of pain finally induced, the pain was stopped almost entirely/5 21.—Itching in the eyebrows/.—The margin of the lids and conjunctiva palpebrarum are red, with sticking and tension in the eyes/2.—♦Trembling in the upper eyelid/4.—♦Trembling in the right upper eyelid/8.—Trembling of the left upper eyelid in the morning, which is repeated towards noon/4.—[390.] *Frequently slight twitching in the eyelids; it is generally circumscribed within a small spot, and rather extending towards one another/.—Twitch- ing in the left upper eyelid/521.—Winking of the right lower eyelid, ac- companied by throbbing of an artery on the left side, at the back of the nose, and twitches of the skin of the left side of the nose/.—Winking and itching of the left lower lid, which induce rubbing/.—^Contraction of the eyelids (after two hours)/.—^Narrowing of the interval between the eyelids for several days, without swelling, and often with twitching and winking of the lids/.—*The interval between the lids is smaller than usual; it requires an effort to widen it/.—Swelling of the left lid toward the inner canthus; this swelling causes the eye to appear diminished/.—Half-open eyes,*2, t.— Violent twitching and itching in the left canthus/9.—[400.] Contraction and narrowing of the inner canthus of the left eye/.—The caruncula of the left eye increases in size for several days/.—The eyelids adhere to one another as by slimy threads; wiping relieves this symptom only for a short time/7.— Viscid (previously white), yellow humor, which glues the eyelids to one another; the secretion of this humor takes place in the inner canthi, and continues even during the day, but especially early, and in the even- ing/.—Gum in the canthi of the eyes (after six hours)/6.—Both inner an- gles of the eye were found stuck together with a little mucus/8.—Burning 78 AGARICUS. eyelids/6.—The eyelids, every time after being closed, have a burning sen- sation similar to that caused by watching all night by lamplight/6.—Pain- ful pressure in the lids, especially the right one, with great sleepiness/5 21.— Painful pressure under the upper eyelids, especially when the eyes are closed, resembling great fatigue of the eyes after great exertion in too strong a light; continues quite a longtime/521.—[410.] Slight stitches in the left upper eyelid,20.—Sticking in margins of lids; the eyes are half closed, as with great sleepiness, and very sensitive to candlelight/2.—Biting, and sensation of contraction in lids/2.—Biting sticking in the edge of the right upper lid/8.—On waking in morning biting in the edges of the eyelids/2.— Burning in the inner canthus of the eyes, as though inflammation were going to set in ; the pain increases upon the parts being touched/.—Burning sensation of the inner canthus of the eyes upon the lids being firmly closed/. —Scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles of the eyes, with some col- lection of mucus in them/8.—A scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles, and under the upper lid of the right eye/8.—[420.] Soon after the medicine a scraping, shooting pain in the left angle of the eye/8.—Itching shooting at the roots of the cilise, in the left upper lid/8.— Lachrymation of the right eye (first and second days),8.—Lachrymation of the right eye (after three hours)/.—Increased lachrymation,2*.—Sensation in the eyes as though they had to be wiped constantly/.—Redness of the white of the eye,4.— Eyeballs jerked here and there, t. (S. J.)—* Twitches in the eyeballs in fre- quent succession; in the left eye they are often accompanied by lachry- mation/.—♦While reading there is frequent twitching and pressing in the left eyeball/.—[430.] *Spasms, with aching pain in the left eyeball, at any time of the day, and under all circumstances; the eye has to be wiped, but the symptoms remain/.—Distorted eyeballs, t.—The eyes roll in their sockets, and at times the pupil remains fixed against the upper wall of the orbit/5.—The eyes turn upwards/2.—Painful sensation of the left bulbus/5 21. —Burning and pressing of the eyeballs, especially when moving them/.— It is difficult to move the eyes ; the eyeballs seem to expand in the orbits/0. —After vomiting, a feeling in the left eyeball as though it were enlarged/5.— Motion of the eyes in the orbits is not quite free/0.—♦Painful twitching in the right eyeball/2 25.—[440.] Dull pain in the bulbus, similar to the pain caused by pressing the bulbus with the hand/0.—Very painful draw- ing in the eyeballs (third and fourth days)/.—Drawing and pressing in the eyeballs, especially the left, extending into forehead (fourth day)/.— Pressive pain in the right bulbus, toward the top and outward, very sensi- tive, but only momentary, and recurring several times/521.—Very sensitive, pressive, tearing pain in the right bulbus, without influence upon the vision, but so sudden that he involuntarily put his hand to his eye/5 21.—Pressive pain in the left bulbus/2.—Pressure in the left eyeball (after ten hours)/1.— Painful pressure in the left bulbus from above, extending outwards; very sensitive, and continuing for some time/521.—In the morning, pressive pain in the left bulbus for a quarter of an hour/2.—Momentary piercing pain in the right eyeball/2.—[450.] Sensitiveness of the eyeballs when moving them/5.—Slight painfulness of the eyeballs when moving them/8.—The eyeballs are painful to the touch,30.—In the evening exceedingly painful itching on the bulbus under the left eyeball/5».—Pupils dilated, tt—The pupils first dilate (after three-quarters of an hour), then contract (after twenty-five hours)/.—Pupils at first contracted, then dilated/2.—Eyes in- sensible to light/2.—Gradual decrease of sight on walking in the open air (after seven hours)/.—Great weariness (weakness) of the eyes; if she looks AGARICUS. 79 long at an object it appears pale/.—[460.] Shortsightedness and dimsight- edness of both eyes,7.— Very indistinct sight; he is obliged to hold objects close to his eyes in order to perceive them clearly/.—In reading he is obliged to approach the letters more and more closely to his eyes in order to recognize them distinctly; afterwards he has to remove them again to a greater distance, otherwise the sight becomes dim again/.—Loss of vision while reading,28.—Dimness before the eyes, with sleepiness/1.—Dimsighted- ncss; everything appears obscured, as if by turbid water; he has to make an effort to recognize the thing/.—The sight grew dim ; the external angle of the left eye began to burn, and he felt a pressure under the left upper lid, as from a grain of sand/8.—Every object appears surrounded with a mist, and therefore obscured/.—That which comes before the eyes is ob- scured, as if covered with cobwebs/.—While reading the eyes grow weak, watery, and dim,28.—[470.] Dulness of vision/6.—Vision was dimmed, t, S. J.—The light seems to burn dimmer than usual/2.—Weakness of sight/9.— Misty weakness of sight/9.—Blinding before eyes,/.—The father was blind, t.—Photophobia/.—He imagines he sees things double/1.—Dizzy vision in the evening, and weakness, even double-sightedness/9.—[480.] *He reads with difficulty, because the type seem to move,12.—Veiled eyesight/3.—His eyes were dim when he wished to read ; weak, and he seemed to read as through a veil, with flickering before the eyes/8.—Flickering before eyes, t, S. J.— Flickering before the eyes while writing,28.—Sometimes yellow spots before the eyes when looking at light objects/7.—A black spot hovers before the left eye, at the distance of half an ell; upon winking it flits to and fro,4.— In gloomy weather a brown spot hovers before the left eye, towards the inner canthus/.—On closing the right eye there is seen before the left a small, oblong, dark-brown spot, hovering in an oblique direction toward the inner canthus, pretty near the eye/. Ears.—Frequent jumping of the muscles about the ears and temples/8. —[490.] Twitching of the muscles close to the left ear/8.—* Burning and itching in ears,33.—♦Redness, burning itching of the ears, as if they had been frozen/.—Cramp-like pains inside of the left ear/8.— Twitching jumping in the cartilage of the left ear/8.—Frequent twitching near and in the cartilage of the right ear/8.—Frequent twitching and rattling, or fluttering, in the tympanic cavity of the right ear; jumping of the tensor tympaui/8.—Jumping of the tensor tympani, with a souud as given by a leather-covered metal valve, when set in motion/51?.—Frequent rolling twitching inside the cavity of the right tympanum/8.—Pain in the ear; tearing pain in the meatus of the right ear, which is caused and increased by cold air passing into the ear; the pain extends to the upper jaw, and continues for several days/.—[500.] Tearing pains in right ear/5 21.— Tearing pain and violent itching in the left ear, with desire to bore deep into the ear; when lying on the same side, the pain was considerably in- creased/3.—Stitches in the left mastoid process/1.—Frequent violent stitches, as of splinters penetrating the left auditory canal/5 21.—A few sensitive, but transient, stitches from the fauces along the course of the Eustachian tube towards the right ear/7.—Sensitive stitches in the left auditory canal/5 21.—Twitching stitches inside of the right ear/8.—Itching of the lobule of the ear/.—Itching of the concha, which induces rubbing; rub- bing makes the part red and sore, but the itching continues/.—Itching in and behind the ears,7.—[510.] Itching in the external meatus of the right ear/.—Itching, attended with tickling, in the right ear; this induces scratching (after twenty-nine hours)/.—Itching, generally in the left ear; 80 AGARICUS. this induces the person to insert the finger into the ear, and rub it/.— Itching in the left external auditory tube, with a stitch in the inner ear, as of an ice-cold needle/8.—Tickling itching on the lobe of the left ear, and in the external auditory tube; disappears on boring with the finger/8.— Tickling itching from the opening into the fauces of the right Eustachian tube, extending to the inner ear, alternating with excessive ringing in the left ear/8.—Itching of, and pimples on, the posterior surface of the concha/. —Several times during the day, stoppage of the left ear,30.—Sensation in the ears as if wax were flowing out/.—For some time past, excessive secre- tion of wax in both ears,30.—[520.] Hearing very acute, t.—Dulness of hearing/6.—Deafness of the left ear, as though something were before it/2 25.—Deafness, with headache, t.—Roaring in the ears/8.—Ringing in the right ear, when walking in the open air (after four hours),6.—Ringing in the left ear,30.—In ears, a fine rushing and ringing, or a noise like a distant teakettle beginning to boil, with heat in head/2.—Roaring in the left ear/8. —Roaring-of the ears, first right, then left/0.—[530.] Bubbling roar in the left ear/8.—Constant roaring in left ear, with creaking in both ears on empty swallowing/8.—Inexplicable humming in both ears, resembling the noise of a spinning-wheel, which continues for several hours/2 2o.—Peculiar clucking noise in right ear, frequently returning/2.—At every attempt to swallow, a creaking sound in both ears, as of a wooden screw/8.—Rushing in the right ear, like the jerking sound of a locomotive; ceases when rising, returns when lying down/1.—Illusion of hearing, as though a nail were being driven into a board at a distance/1. Nose.—The tip of the nose and the lips are pale and bluish, t.—A peculiar cracking and creaking in the bony parts of the nose, as if the spongy bones of the nose were pressed against each other, or rubbed/6 17.— Sneezing, several times,30.—[540.] Sneezing, without coryza/.—Frequent sneezing/319.—Frequent sneezing, without coryza (after twelve to twenty- two hours)/.— Frequent sneezing and yawning/8.— Frequent sneezing, which sometimes comes on twice in succession (first day)/.—Frequent sneezing, immediately after taking the medicine/.—Also, frequent sneezing during sleep, without waking/6 n.—Several violent sneezings, early, in bed/.—Sneezing several times in the morning,30.—Sneezing, occasioned by a feeling of nausea/8.— [550.] Dryness of the nose/ 30.— Dryness of the nose, with sensation of cold in the head/.—Continual dryness of the nose; only once or twice during the day two or three drops of water flow out/. —The nose was dry, and when blowing it a small discharge of blood/8. — Clear water frequently drops out of the nose, without there being any cold in the head,7.—On stooping, clear water drops out of the nose/.—Taking a little snuff is at once followed by abundant collection of viscid mucus in the nose/.—Upon blowing the nose, there is a copious discharge of clear mucus (after five days)/.—Small quantity of dry white mucus in the nose, frequently attended with a sense as of much mucus being in it/.—Cold in the head; the nose feeling obstructed, especially when stooping (seventh day)/.—[560.] Fluent coryza/.—Fluent coryza, which began on the 15th and lasted to the 26th; after being moderate the first two days, it increased to unusual violence on the third. It first attacked the left half of the nose and left eye, for two days; then the right half and right eye, for two days, which constantly discharged an acrid, burning moisture. On the 24th, when the discharge lessened, the nose swelled considerablv, became bluish- red, and was very painful to the touch. The inflammation terminated by desquamation/8.—Great discharge of mucus from the nose, and burning of AGARICUS. 81 the upper lip,30.—Towards evening, a fluent coryza set in,28.—Violent coryza, with confusion of the head/8.—Excessive blowing of mucus from the nose all day, without further symptoms of coryza,30.—A violent coryza sets in; the acridity of the secretion causing an eruption of the nose and upper lip/6.—Every morning, on rising, a nasal catarrh, which disappears after awhile, with sneezing/6.—Sensation of stoppage and catarrh, with discharge of watery moisture from both nostrils/617.—Frequent slight hawking of small masses of mucus from the fauces and posterior nares,0.—[570.] *In bloiv- ing the nose, blood comes out of it, early in the morning, immediately after rising; this is followed by violent bleeding from the nose (after thirty-three hours)/.—Bleeding from the nose/6.—(Passive epistaxis of old people), (Roth.)—Burning pain in the nose and the eyes (from olfaction)/7.—In- flammation and soreness of the inner wall of the nose/.—Feeling of ful- ness in the upper nasal passage, with a feeling as if a ball were forcing itself down the nasal canal/3.—Sudden pressure at the superior part of the dorsum of the nose/.—Pressure in the nasal bones,30.—Throbbing pressure in the nasal bone, with a sensation as if a swollen body in the upper nasal passage would force itself down/5.—Pressure in the root of the nose, with a seusation as if the nose were stopped up, without any stoppage of the nasal passages/5.—[580.] Sharp stinging in the left side of the root of the nose/. —Cutting, boring pains, from the left nostril upward, extending through the nasal canal into the frontal bone, exactly as if an electric shock darted through them/D.—Biting sensation in mucous membrane of left nostril/2.— Great sensitiveness of the inner walls of the nose/.—Disagreeable sensitive- ness of the mucous membrane of the nose,30.—Itching sensitiveness of the mucous membrane of the nose, with frequent violent sneezing, accompanied by jumping of the muscles of the left loin/617.—Cutting sensation of sore- ness in the upper part of the left nostril, that takes place on inhalation, but is not felt on expiration,*?.—In the afternoon, when breathing through the left nostril, a painful sensitiveness, high up, as though the mucous membrane were sore/617.—Prickling sensation in the right nostril and eye, as one experiences before sneezing/.—Itching on the outer surface of the nose/.—[590.] Violent itching of the wings of the nose, which induces rub- bing/.—Tickling itching in the left nostril, which induces rubbing (after fourteen hours)/.—Transient itching in the nose, and a pungent smell, as if about to sneeze/2 25.—* The smell is sensitive,7.—The odor of a strong cigar was not perceived at all in the left nostril, and very strongly in the right one/9. Face.—Puffy face/3.—Puffy, pale face, with blue circles around the eyes, and blue nose and lips/2.—Very great change in the expression of the face/5.—She looks pale and sunken in the face/3.—Paleness of the face/7.—[600.] Pale face, with bluish appearance around eyes, nose, and mouth, t.—Disturbed countenance, and imperceptible pulse/5.—Slight yel- lowish tinge of the skin of the face, especially about the nostrils and corners of the mouth/7.—Redness of the face, without any perceptible heat/.— Redness of the face, with itching and burning, as is consequent upon freezing of the parts,5.—* Frequent jumping of the muscles in, the face; on the upper lip™.—*Twitching of facial muscles, t.—* Twitching of the muscles of the face; lasts all day long,19.—♦ Twitching in different parts of the face, but only of the upper half/516.—Towards 4 p.m. the face was excessively and uni- formly red, burning hot, almost swollen, with uncomfortable tension of both cheeks/9.—[610.] Great redness and heat of the whole face/5 21.—Redness and burning heat of the face/516.—Heat of the head and face, on waking in the morning, with a certain sensation of bloatedness in the face, especi- vol. i.—6 82 AGARICUS. ally in the cheeks/5 21.—Unpleasant heat in the face, especially in the cheeks/5 21.—Flushes of heat in the face, with perspiration breaking out on the forehead/0.—ItchiDg in the face/.—In the morning, pressure in the facial bones, especially in the socket of the eye,30.—In voluntary twitching of the muscles of the face, on the right malar bone/9.—Twitching on the right malar bone/9.—Twitching near the right malar bone/9.—[620.] Slight twitching in the right cheek, like pulsating (after eight days)/.— Painless twitching of the right muscle of mastication, almost jumping, for a few seconds/2.—Unusual redness of both cheeks, especially the left, with heat in the face/416.—Burning of the cheeks (after one to two hours)/.— Burning of the cheeks/1.— Burning and itching on cheeks/3.— Flushes of heat in the cheeks/3.—Increased warmth of the face, in the evening, especially near the malar bone/5.—Stitches in the face, in the left cheek; they begin in the lower jaw and extend upward (after one hour)/1.— Sudden violent stitches, as of splinters, in left cheek near eye; continue several days/8.—[630.] Dull stitches in the right malar bone/.—Often during the day electric stitches, as it were, in left malar bone, with fre- quent twitches of the muscles, especially in the left cheek/8.—Indications of tearing pain in the left side of the face, in the region of the upper jaw/516. —Tearing, drawing pain in the right upper jaw, and in the right cheek, that lasted several moments/2.—*Lancinating and drawing pain in the right cheek (after two hours),10.—A fine, penetrating, very painful pricking in the middle of the right cheek, as though splinters were pierced through the skin into the muscles/8.—Violent pricking in right cheek, where the infraorbital nerve forms the plexus, as though splinters were being thrust into it/8.—Frequent violent pricking, as of splinters forced into the left cheek, the right upper lip, and the point of the chin/8.—A sudden flash-like pricking in the right cheek, near the exit of the infraorbital nerve, close to the edge of the orbit, as from very fine and narrow splinters/8.—Con- tinued pricking as of splinters, in the right cheek, close to the lower edge of the orbit, that changed into a coarse pain, as if in the bone/8.—[640.] Quick throbbing, as of an artery in left cheek, attended with shooting stitches extending from left eye into the upper jaw/.—Itching in the whiskers/.—Bluish lips (first and second day)/.—Bluish color of the lips and nose, t.—Lips much swelled, owing to the change of the little vesicles into ulcers/7.—The upper lip is chapped, with a burning smarting (fourth day),8.—When smoking cigars, the epithelium of the upper lip peels off easily/0.—The epithelium on the inner surface of the upper lip comes off in flakes/0.—Eruption of little blisters on the upper lip,30.—A small blister on the red part of the lip that burns considerably/0.—[650.] An herpetic eruption on the upper lip/7.—Several painless and not red pimples on the upper lip,30.—Several small, burning blisters on the lower lip/7.—Dryness and little burning pimples on the upper and lower lips, that change to little blisters in the course of the day, filled with yellowish serum/7.— Tetter-like vesicular eruption on the upper lip,27.—An itching pimple by the side of the mouth.—The middle of the under lip cracked and burned violently, with pain/516.—Great sensation of dryness of the lips/8.—For several days continued dryness of the upper lip, with inclination to chap/'. —Dryness and burning of the lips (first day),8.—[660.] On the lips, and in the throat, a tearing pain (from olfaction)/7.—A little froth at the corners of the lips/5.—Restlessness in the muscles of the lower jaw and hps, with fine, trembling vibration/8.—Restlessness, trembling vibra- tion, and finally an actually convulsive condition of the lower jaw/8.— AGARICUS. 83 Convulsive shaking of the lower jaw/8.—Convulsive shocks of the lower jaw by starts/8.—The jaws were clenched; he could take nothing; he tried continually to speak, and uttered only inarticulate sounds/5.—Painful sen- sation in the articulation of the lower jaw, which is sensitive to every touch/2.—On waking there is so violent a pain in the left articulation of the jaw that the prover can scarcely open his mouth; later the pain dimin- ishes, but does not quite cease,30.—In the right lower jaw a transient pain, as though fine splinters were being forced between the skin and the flesh/8. —[670.] Tensive drawing in right jaw, extending toward the ear/7.—Spas- modic drawing in the chin and the lower jaw (after two hours)/.— Violent tearing in the right side of the lower jaw/.—Pricking pain in the articu- lation of the lower jaw, as by a needle/.—Suppurating pimple in the beard,30.—Fine smart stitches at a small place of the chin, close under the lower lip/.—Pricking in the chin, as with needles (immediately)/.—The chin is covered with small, white, crowded blisters, of the size of millet- seeds, that disappear the following day while shaving/6.—The chin is covered with little blisters, that do not disappear until after several days/1. Mouth.—Slight pain in the left back teeth/8.—[680.] Drawing pain in the lower incisors/1.—Drawing and aching in upper front teeth, just after he had looked out of the open window, in cool air/2.—Peculiar drawing and aching in back side of roots of upper left teeth, involving the upper incisors/2.— Drawing, cutting pain in a hollow back tooth,48.—Towards one o'clock at night, she was roused by a violent tearing pain in all her upper teeth, that lasted a quarter of an hour/3.—Toothache; tearing in the teeth of the lower jaw; increased by cold/.—Tearing pain in the left upper and lower teeth/3.—Throbbing and tearing in the upper molar teeth of the left side, in the afternoon/.—Dulness of the incisors of the lower jaw/1.—Half an hour after breakfast, painiiil jerks in a loose tooth of the upper jaw, after drinking cold water; this symptom was repeated several times in a quarter of an hour, as often as the prover drank cold water/2.—[690.] After drinking cold water, there appeared jerks in a loose tooth, which ceased after a quarter of an hour/2.—Gnawing pain in the molar teeth of the upper jaw; then itching in the left ear, after which the toothache comes on again, at once, in the afternoon/.—Grumbling tooth- ache on the left side of the upper jaw/.—Lancinations, attended with a sensation of drawing in the incisors of the lower jaw; the lancinations are continued towards the left augle of the lower jaw (after one hour)/.—The front teeth feel too long; they are very sensitive in the evening (third day)/.—Swelling of the gums, with pain/.—The gums are painful, and the saliva tastes acrid (during the first ten days)/.—Painfulness and bleeding of the gums/.—Sensitive gums/5.—Thickly coated tongue in the morning/7. —[700.] White coated tongue/718.—Tongue is coated white,6 2.—The tongue is coated white; at the tip it is bordered with dirty yellow aphthae, pro- ducing a sensation as though the skin would peel off, immediately after a meal (after four hours) ?—Very pale tongue; it is covered with a thin white mucus/.—Back part of the tongue is coated yellow (seventh to tenth day),9.—Slimy tongue/.—Tongue quite dry/6.—Tongue in the morning covered with a tough, thickish coating/8.—Tongue covered with thick, tough mucus in the morning/7.—During a whole month, daily, especially mornings, tongue furred and covered with much tough mucus; the papillae of the tongue very prominent, more so toward the back/7.—[710.] Small, painful ulcer by the side of the fraenum of the tongue (ninth day)/.—The tongue is sore/.—Stinging of the tongue, as of sharp tobacco/5.—A peculiar 84 AGARICUS. sensation of dryness and contraction in the tongue, as after an astringent liquid/7.—Burning sensation in the tip of the tongue, as if it had been dipped in pepper/8.—The feeling of soreness in the tip of the tongue in- creased by the touch, and lasting all the evening/516.—Sore pain at the tip of the tongue, where there seemed to be a little blister/8.—Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue (after four hours)/.—Stinging stitches in the tip of the tongue, as after pepper/8.—Tongue on the right side is burning and sore in many spots; the sore spots seem furred/2.—[720.] Itching prickling in left half of tongue/8.—Stinging in the back part of the left edge of tongue, as after a strong radish/8.—Sharp stinging in the left half of the tongue/8.— Bad smell from the mouth/.—The breath has a nauseous and rather sour smell/2.—Bad smell from the mouth early in the morning, with foul taste/. —Sickly, foul smell from the mouth (eighth to sixteenth day)/.—Acrid smell from the mouth, as of horseradish ; he himself is not aware of it/.— A black blood-blister in his mouth, without having hurt himself, which discharged the following day/8.—A few little blisters show themselves on the hard palate, with a feeling of soreness in it/2 25.—[730.] Soreness in the whole inner mouth, especially of the roof of the mouth (fifth day),8.—The roof feels sore, as though the skin were off; it is very sensitive (first day)/. —Dry mouth and fauces,33.—Dryness in the mouth, with a scratchy feeling in the fauces/8.—Dry palate/9.—Peculiar disagreeable dryness of the palate, especially uncomfortable when swallowing, with occasional stitches towards the right ear and the salivary gland of the same side/7.—Foam at the mouth/1.—Frothing at the mouth, t.—Water accumulates in the mouth (with pains in the belly) (second day)/.—[740.] Flow of saliva from the mouth/7.—Flow of saliva/5 n.—Increased flow of saliva in the mouth/517.— Salivation,32.—Much confluence of water in the mouth,301815.—Sometimes, especially upon raising tiie head, fluid saliva flows into the mouth ; this induces violent hawking/1.—Unexpectedly, several times during the day, when moving the mouth, such a sudden flow of saliva, that objects were bespattered with it/516.—Considerable flow of saliva, with dryness of the throat/5.—Frequent flow of saliva in the mouth, with slight nausea in the forenoon, H.—Continued flow of saliva, compelling its constant ejection/5. —[750.] Flow of water in the mouth,30.—Constant flow of water in the mouth, compelling frequent spitting/8.—Secretion of much saliva in the mouth, following after splinter-stitches in the left sublingual salivary gland,18.—Saliva tastes very acrid (during the first ten days)/.—Insipid taste in the mouth/.—Taste flat,27.—Flat taste in the mouth, the tongue coated yellow (seventh to tenth day)/.—Every day, when the stomach is empty, flat taste in the mouth/8.—Taste flat, pappy, somewhat metal- lic,27.—Flat, pappy taste/7.—[760.] Flat, somewhat sweetish, metallic taste/7.—Bitterish taste,30.—Bitter taste, Br./619.—Bitter taste in the mouth (twelfth day)/.—Sharp, bitter taste at the root of the tongue.—During one hour before dinner, bitter taste; nevertheless good appetite/8.—Offensive, bitter, resinous taste,30.—After taking, disagreeable sweetish taste, that continues some hours after breakfast,30.—Disagreeable sweetish metallic taste/0.—An hour after breakfast, sweet gummy, extremely offensive taste in the mouth, and distension of the abdomen/0.—[770.] Already, in the forenoon, but more in the afternoon, in spite of good appetite for dinner, very offensive, somewhat sweetish taste,30.—Extremely disagreeable sweet- ish bitter taste when smoking cigars, especially at the root of the tongue,30. —Bad taste at the root of the tongue, with slight nausea,30.—After taking, and particularly after breakfast, very offensive taste in the mouth/8.— AGARICUS. 85 Clayey taste in the mouth/5.—Taste salty, as after herring/2 M.—Astringent taste in the mouth/7.—Directly after the medicine, rancid taste in the mouth/8.—Rancid taste for three hours,30. Throat.—Burning and scratching in the throat that extends deep into the left side of the chest,25.—[780.] Feeling of constriction, or contraction of the throat,43.—Contractive dryness of the throat/7.—Roughness in the throat,30.—Roughness in the throat (mornings),30.—Scratching sensation in the throat, often renewed/516.—Roughness and scratchy feeling of the throat/.—Scratching in the throat,28.—Directly after taking, scraping sen- sation in the throat, as if behind the root of the tongue/5 16.—Dryness inside of the throat, not to be soothed by water or beer/5.—[790.] Dryness in the throat/5 27 30.—Dryness of the throat and palate/7.—Dryness in the throat, and transient stitches in it, when touched externally/5.—Upon slightly clearing the throat, small balls of phlegm became detached/.—Throws up small flocculi or solid balls of phlegm almost without any cough,7.—Scratching burning in the fauces/516.—Pressive pain in the right side of the fauces/8.— Uncomfortable pressure in the fauces, as though a foreign body stuck there that could not be removed by swallowing/5.—Sensation in the fauces as though a particle of swallowed food had lodged there/3.—The sensation of a foreign body in the fauces compels frequent swallowing, which is uncom- fortable and affords no relief/5.—While vomiting, the sensation of a foreign body in the fauces is very much increased/5.—[800.] Painful sensation, as if something were torn in the fauces, when swallowing saliva/5.—Occasional uncomfortable sensation of dryness of the mouth and fauces, whereby these parts at the same time become sensitive to the air,30.—Mornings, when awaking, disagreeable feeling of dryness in the fauces and palate, ex- tending downward to the pharynx, causing ^contraction there, as when drink- ing astringent liquid,27.—Great dryness in the fauces and pharynx/8.—Sense of constriction in pharynx, t, S. J.—Scratching sensation in the pharynx/8.— Dryness of the pharynx,15 30.—Soon after taking the medicine, peculiar dry- ness of the pharynx, with stitches toward the parotid and submaxillary glands/7.—Burning in the oesophagus,38.—Sensation of coldness from the pharynx through the oesophagus to the stomach, as when eating pungent cress or radishes/8.—[810.] A burning, cooling feeling along the oesophagus to the stomach, as after eating cress/8.—Uncomfortable feeling of tensiou externally in the region of the thyroid gland, which increases towards evening,10.—Distension of the neck; sensation as if his cravat were too tight,30. Stomach.—Great desire to eat, which often borders on a ravenous appe- tite (fourth to eighth day),9.—Hunger violent, soon after eating (2 p.m.), and also later/2.—Increased appetite in the morning; could hardly wait for breakfast/5.—For several days in succession he had sudden fits of hunger, during which he swallows his food in a great hurry, and with greediness/. —Towards evening his appetite increases; he imagines he is not able to satisfy it, and he swallows his food in a hurry and with greediness, as if with rabid hunger (after eight hours)/.—Towards evening he is suddenly attacked with rabid hunger; his whole body is covered with sweat; these symptoms are attended with great weariness and tremor of the extremities/. —Appetite good; but inclination to vomit after eating/7.—[820.] Much hunger, but no appetite; also, early in the morning/.—Excessive hunger, without relishing any kind of food/5.—Loss of appetite/7.—Entire want of appetite,23.—Want of appetite/19.—No appetite, though fasting/2.—Appetite diminishes unusually/7.—Appetite small,20.—Appetite very bad, almost to 86 AGARICUS. distaste of food/0.—Appetite diminished/5.—[830.] Appetite little changed; somewhat diminished/8.—Less desire to eat than usual/3.— Want of ap- petite, with disgust for roast meat/9.—No appetite for breakfast for two days/3.— Total want of appetite at the usual dinner-hour/9.— Little appe- tite for dinner/619.—Aversion to the taste of food and drinks/5.—Aver- sion when eating/3.—Appetite slight, mostly for bread and butter/2.— Quick repletion at dinner; even before hunger is satisfied/521.—[840.] No desire for eating; desire to drink/.—He does not eat bread with pleasure/. —Much thirst (second day)/2.—Considerable thirst/6.—Unquenchable thirst/4.—A good deal of thirst in the forenoon,30.—Unusually violent thirst in the afternoon/6.—Excessive thirst in the forenoon, with desire for beer/0. —Want of thirst; absence of thirst/15.—Little thirst,30.—[850.] Frequent rising of mere air, such as takes place when the stomach is deranged (after half an hour)/.—Empty risings/.—Frequently empty risings, alternating with hiccough; these symptoms appear while he smokes tobacco, which he is in the habit of doing (after one hour)/.—Eructations, with qualmishness (after three hours),2.—Eructations, tasting of the ingesta/.—Early in the morning eructations tasting of the ingesta/.—Eructation of wind/8 30.— Eructation of wind, tasteless when swallowing/5 21.—Continual eructation of wind during the day, once as after rotten eggs/3.—Eructations/5.—[860.] Soon after taking the medicine eructations and passage of flatus,30.—Trifling eructation, that does not fully rise, but dies away in the lower part of the oesophagus/521.—Frequent empty eructations,122528.—Gulping, sometimes ris- ing to the region of the larynx/5 21.—Empty eructations, alternating three times with violent hiccough/3.—Occasional imperfect eructations/5 21.— Frequent eructations in the afternoon/7.—Eructations of wind directly after the medicine, lasting for some time/8.—Rather violent eructations/7.— Frequent eructations that taste of the food eaten/7.—[870.] Frequent eruc- tations, tasting like apples, without having eaten any/7.—♦ Eructations with the taste of apples, frequently during the forenoon/7.—* Frequent eructations tasting of rotten eggs, as when the stomach is out of order23.—Frequent sour eructations/7.—Frequent sour eructations all the forenoon/7.—Gulping up of salty fluid/2 25.—Eructations, with a slight attack of nausea, and inclina- tion to vomit/7.—Empty eructations and nausea/3.—Hiccough immediately after taking the medicine/.—[880.] Hiccough in the afternoon/.—Fre- quent hiccough (after twenty-six hours)/.—Nausea,181T.—Nausea without vomiting/0.—Nausea shortly after taking the medicine/.—Nausea in the stomach/5 21.—Nausea, with a feeling of anxiety ; it is evident that this feel- ing arises from the abdomen/8.—A sense of nausea rises as far as his mouth/7.—A great deal of nausea/5.—Frequent nausea, with extremely sharp pains in the stomach/5.—[890.] Nausea, with cutting pain in the abdomen/.—Nausea shortly after a meal; eructations relieve it/1.—Nausea and pressure in the stomach soon after taking the medicine,30.—Sensation of nausea/521.—Attack of nausea/8.—Nausea, with crawling in the pit of the stomach.—Toward noon a feeling as of nausea/516.—Nausea after driuking cold water/2.—Nausea and sensation of emptiness in the stomach, worse in the morning/8.—Nausea and frequent eructations after dinner/7.— [900.] Momentary nausea, with vertigo, as if about to lose his conscious- ness/8.—Forenoons, nausea increased to the point of vomiting, which does not take place.—Nausea, with desire to vomit/225.—Directly after the medi- cine nausea, with inclination to vomit/'2.—Nausea and inclination to vomit (after two hours)/.—Slight attack of nausea, with inclination to vomit, right after breakfast,30.—Inclination to vomit151611232***.—Inclination to AGARICUS. 87 vomit/3.—Very great inclination to vomit/7.—Half an hour after the medi- cine violent desire to vomit; excessive, exhausting aversion, without vomit- ing/6.—[910.] Inclination to vomit, which increased to such a degree that vomiting would have followed the least motion/6.—Constant inclination to vomit,48.—Inclination to vomit also continues after vomiting/5.—Inclina- tion to vomit directly after the medicine, without being able to/5.—Inclina- tion to vomit, with watery eructations/4.—Inclination to vomit, with faint- ness aud anxiety/3.—Inclination to vomit while in the room, that disappears in the open air/5.—Inclination to vomit after dinner, without disgust at the food eaten/5.—Inclination to vomit after dinner,25.—Violent gagging, without being able to vomit/7.—[920.] Nausea and vomiting, t.—Nausea and violent vomiting, t.—Nausea, then vomiting of mucus/6.—Nausea and vomiting; he throws up his breakfast/5.—Inclination to vomit, and vomit- ing once/5.—Vomiting of bitter fluid/225.—Painless vomiting, with a slight odor of alcohol,30.—Violent, bitter vomiting/225.—Bitter vomiting, with shudders creeping over the whole body/2 25.—Watery vomiting, with a shock to the whole body/7.—[930.] Spontaneous vomiting of a great quantity of spongy matter, with alvine dejections which give great relief/5.—Eight or nine vomitings and five diarrhoeic stools/5.—Gurgling in the stomach im- mediately after the medicine/7.—The pains in the stomach cause the pa- tients to roll on the ground, uttering sharp cries/5.—Disagreeable, not dis- tinctly expressed, sensation in the stomach, with nausea setting in,30.— Discomfort in the stomach after taking the medicine,30.—Slightly uncom- fortable feeling in the stomach,30.—Soon after taking the medicine sensa- tion of discomfort in the stomach, eructations of wind, heaviness and oppres- sion in the pit of the stomach,30.—Sensation of discomfort in the stomach after breakfast,30.—Directly after taking, disagreeable sensation in the stomach, rattling in the intestines, passage of flatus,30.—[940.] Pain in the stomach,30.—Digestion bad/7.—Digestion very much disturbed/7.—Diges- tion bad; for the taste of the food ejected by vomiting could still be dis- tinguished at ten o'clock at night.—Burning in the stomach/225.—Burning in the stomach after the medicine,30.—Slight burning in the stomach after the medicine,30.—Slight burning in the stomach,30.—An hour after break- fast a sensation of burning and being twisted in the stomach/8 30.—Soon after the medicine slight burning in the stomach, with aversion.15.—[950.] After the medicine, burning in the stomach; then heaviness in the abdo- men,30.—Burning and pressure in the stomach soon after the medicine/0.— Burning and pressing pain in the stomach/7.—Slightly cooling, burning sensation in the stomach and pharynx/8.—Heartburn/7.—Heartburn al- most always after eating any kind of meat/5.—Sensation of warmth in the stomach after the medicine.—Feeling of emptiness in the region of the stomach/8.— Repletion, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach/8.— Sensation of flabbiness in the stomach during the forenoon/8 30.—[960.] Sensation of flabbiness, almost causing vomiting/8.—A feeling as if eruc- tation would take place, resembling a distending pressure in the orifice of the stomach/521. — Sensation of fulness after dinner and pressure in the region of the stomach, with excessive accumulation of flatus/7.—Feeling of fulness and of flatus after dinner/7.—Fulness of the stomach, with a flat feeling; the stomach feels as if immediately fastened to the pharynx/6. —Pains in the stomach during the night, as though flatus were pressing it out; after the frequent passage of offensive flatus this trouble entirely ceased/2.—The stomach seemed full, and placed directly in the pharynx, so that it required only a slight impulse to vomit with ease; to prevent 88 AGARICUS. this, smoking was discontinued/6.—Cramps in the stomach at noon.—After a meal, oppression at the stomach and choking at the oesophagus/.— Oppressive weight in the stomach/.—[970.] Oppression at the stomach, with inclination to go to stool/.—Pressure in the stomach after breakfast, . —Pressive pain in the stomach/5 21.—Pressure in the region of the stom- ach/8.—Some pressure in the stomach, after breakfast/8.—Pressure and heaviness in the stomach after taking the medicine/618 30.—Pressure in the stomach, as of accumulated flatus/1—Sensation of pressure and coolness in the stomach, directly after taking,30.—Pressure in the stomach after eat- ing a little, which was not increased by continued eating/021.—Pressive pain and drawing; downward in the stomach ; soon relieved by the passage of much flatus/2.—[980.] Pressure and boring in the stomach that came on soon after the medicine, but soon ceased/2.—Mornings, on awaking, pres- sure in the region of the stomach/7.—Pressure in the stomach, with inclina- tion to frequent sighing/2.—Pressive pain in the stomach, with aversion to food, and some nausea/7.—Pressing and drawing in the stomach, increased by pressure of the hand/2.—Pinching in the stomach/2.—Some heaviness in the stomach aud abdomen after taking the medicine,30.—Heaviness and coolness in the stomach after taking the medicine,30.—Sensation as if a stone lay in the stomach,4*.—Heaviness aud discomfort in the stomach after taking,30.—[J)S30.] Sensation of heaviness in the stomach after taking the medicine,30.—Sensation of heaviness in the stomach and lower abdomen after breakfast,30.—A constant sensation in the stomach, as if it were sink- ing, like a heavy weight towards the abdomen/8.—Sharp pain, with great oppression in the region of the stomach/5.—Faintness of the stomach, with an empty feeling that sometimes alternates with a sensation of jerking, as of a heavy object/7.—Trembling of stomach; then of whole body, t.—Pains in pit of stomach and along sternum, t.—Burning feeling in the pit of the stomach/8.—Tensive pain at the pit of the stomach, which extends to the left clavicle; it is felt towards evening, during deep breathing (ninth day),9. —Very painful tension at the epigastrium,35.—[1000.] Pinching in the pit of the stomach, as if with tongs/2 25.—Sensation of cramp-like compression and shooting pain in the pit of the stomach/2.—Cramp-like, constrictive pains, coming from the pit of the stomach and extending far into the ab- domen/3.—Spasmodic drawing in the region of the pit of the stomach, ex- tending as far as the chest, towards evening (ninth day)/.—Heaviness in the pit of the stomach/3.—Oppression at the pit of the stomach (first and ninth day)/.—Oppression at the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the sternum/7.—After breakfast, oppression at the pit of the stomach; in the afternoon the pain passes to the epigastrium, where it becomes a bur- rowing pain; in the evening the person passes wind, after which the pain disappears (sixteenth day)/.—After dinner, oppression at the pit of the stomach, attended with sensitive drawing and pressure in the balls of the eyes, reluctance to work, and indolent disposition (tenth day),9.—Oppression in the region of the upper and left border of the stomaeh ; the pain is felt when standing or walking (after two hours)/.—[1010.] Oppression at the pyloric orifice of the stomach/1.—Tearing pain in pit of stomach/2.—Crawl- ing in the pit of the stomach, with nausea/8.—Soon after taking the medi- cine sensation of emptiness in the region of the pit of the stomach,48. Abdomen.—A sort of rumbling in the epigastrium/.—Undulatory jumping of the upper abdominal muscles/8.—When sitting, cutting, colic- like spasms, resembling spasms of the stomach, immediately below the dia- phragm, and extending towards the vertebral column (after one and a half AGARICUS. 89 hours)/1.—Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium in the evening (ninth day),9.—Painful tearing in a small spot right above the navel, as if on a fine line about two inches long/521.—Uncomfortable feeling in the upper abdomen, with a sensation of nausea there/5 21.—[1020.] In the hypochon- dria, upon the left side of the last true rib, there is a pressive pain, return- ing every second; at the corresponding place of the right side the person experiences a pain, as from an old gunshot wound (after two hours)/1.— Feeling of soreness in the hypochondria and region of pit of stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed; the pain is more violent after a meal/.—Occasional shooting pressive pain in the right hypochondrium, increased by pressure/7.—In the right hypochondrium, more backwards, pressive feeling, with occasional stitches, especially when bending the body to the left; continuing all day/7.—Dull, pressive pain in the right hypo- chondrium, more towards the back/7.—Uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the right hypochondrium, extending upwards/7.—Occasional pressive pain in the liver/7.—Mornings, pressure in the liver/7.—In the region of the liver, sharp stitches, as from needles/.—Dull stitches in the liver during breathing,5.—[1030.] Several stitches in the region of the liver/5.—Morn- ings, transient, rather violent stitches, deep in the right hypochondrium/8. —Stitches in the liver frequently during the day/215.—Occasional little sharp stitches, as if radiating from the surface of the right lobe of the liver towards the centre/7.—A sudden violent stitch in the liver towards noon/1. —Stitches in the liver and in the pit of the stomach, with nausea/2 2o.—Sev- eral stitches in the region of the liver/5.—Dull stitches extend from the right hypochondrium and from the navel to behind the sternum/2.—Sensa- tion of pain and drawing in the right hypochondrium, as if the liver had increased in weight, and dragged at its ligaments/7.—Painful sensation in the region of the spleen/5.—j 1040.] Pinching pain for several seconds in the region of the spleen/8.—Deep, contractive pain in the region of the spleen/5.—Dull pressure in the spleen in the evening, when he is lying in bed upon the left side; the pain is diminished by turning to the right side. —Stitches wider the short ribs of the left side in inspiration, and especially when sitting with a stooping chest/.—Rather violent stitch in the region of the spleen several times during the afternoon/7.—After the medicine a slight sensation of pain in the abdomen, scarcely worth noticing during the day; it increased to a sensitive pain in the region of the spleen, and continued, though diminished, during a short walk/5 21.—Acute pulsative pain below the left hypochondrium ; it rises as high up as the third and fourth ribs (afternoon of eighth day")/.—Continued pain deep in the navel/2. — Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, especially around the navel,30.— Sensation of fulness at the region of the navel/2.—[i050.] Slight pinching about the navel,30.—Pinching below the umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of the abdomen/.—Sensation of heaviness under the navel after breakfast,30.—Soon after taking, a sensation as of a burden under the navel appears, and some pressure of flatus; afterwards rattling in the intestines, upon which the sensation of heaviness returns,30.—Urging under the navel/2. —Soon after taking, heaviness in abdomen, especially in the region of the navel,30.—Soon after the medicine a sensation of heaviness appears in the navel/0.—More or less severe pressive pain in umbilical region, sometimes rising into the right side of the chest/2.—Griping in the region of the navel,30.—Violent griping in the region of the navel for several seconds after breakfast/2.—[1060.] Slight griping between the navel and the right hypochondrium/8.—Griping about the navel, lasting till dinner-time/8.— 90 AGARICUS. Slight griping in the region of the navel, which ceases after awhile/7.— Colic-like pains, especially in the region of the navel, of some duration/7. —Thumping of flatus against the navel, lasting several minutes/2.—Cut- ting pain in the umbilical region (after two hours),11.—Itchiug stitches in the navel/8.—Evenings, in bed, a twitching, writhing jumping in the recti muscles/8.—Jumping of the muscles of the left flank/8.—Pinching, painful sensation in the left side of the abdomen, above the hip; relieved by pas- sage of flatus/8.—[1070.] Transient stitches in the right flank, rapidly suc- ceeding each other from two to four times, and returning after the lapse of ten or fifteen minutes/6.—Frequent twitching of the abdominal muscles, even in the pyramidal muscles by the pubis/8.—Twitching in the left ab- dominal muscles/8.—Frequent twitching of the muscles of the upper ab- domen/8.—Frequent jumping of the muscles of the walls of the abdomen/8. —Bloated abdomen/1.—Slight meteorism of the abdomen,35.-—Distension of the abdomen for some time after breakfast/8 30.—Distension of the abdomen; gurgling in the intestines/8.—Distension of the abdomen,18 301.—[1080.] Dis- tension of the abdomen after the medicine/8 30.—Directly after the taking, inflation and heaviness of the abdomen/8.—Flatus moves to and fro in the abdomen in an audible manner/.—Grunting and rumbling in the abdomen/. —Audible grunting in the abdomen early in the morning (second day)/.— Gurgling in the intestines,30.—Loud rumbling in the abdomen (after half an hour)/.—Loud, painless din in the abdomen, like distant thunder, at- tended with a feeling as if the person had to go to stool (in the evening)/.— Rumbling and wandering of flatus in the abdomen/7.—Rumbling in abdo- men, with constant pain deep in umbilical region; aggravated by pres- sure/2.—[1090.] Excessive rumbling in the abdomen/2.—Rumbling in the intestines/7 25.—After stool, rumbling in the abdomen/.—Some rattling in the intestines,30.—After breakfast, gurgling and rattling in the intestines/8. —Directly after taking, rattling in the abdomen for several seconds/3.— Frequent recurrence of rumbling and rattling in the abdomen during the day,27.—Pressure, rumbling, and rattling in the intestines directly after the medicine/8.—Gurgling and rattling in the intestines after breakfast,30.— Rattling in the abdomen, as if peas were being rolled about/5.—[1100.] Noise in the intestines; no gurgling, but short, abrupt tones,30.—Loud gur- gling in the bowels, deep down/.—Gurgling and rattling in the intestines,30. —After stool, rumbling in the abdomen/.—Sensation of fermenting in the abdomen/8.—Peisses a large quantity of wind*6.—Passage of much flatus/2. —Passage of flatus,192*30.—Much passage of flatus/8.—Frequent passage of flatus/8.—[1110.] Passes wind, attended with a sensation similar to that ex- perienced in diarrhoea/.—Passage of flatus soon after the medicine, fol- lowed by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen,30.—Soon after tak- ing, passage of flatus, with warmth in the abdomen/0.—*The prover has passage of flatus for thirty-seven days/0.—Much passage of flatus, fre- quently painful, or preceded by colic-like pains/5 21.—Some relief after pas- sage of flatus,30.— "Passage of much inodorous flatus,30.—During the entire time of proving, frequent passage of inodorous flatus after a distending pain in the rectum/5 21.—Frequently passes fetid wind/.—Passes wind which smells of garlic—[1120.] Moving of flatus in the abdomen/8.—Flatus troubled him during the night,25.—Continued rolling of wind in bowels, eructations of tasteless air, and passing flatus/2.—Slight uncomfortable sen- sation in the intestines,30.—Violent pain in abdomen (after four hours)/1.— Uncomfortable sensation in abdomen, with grumbling, growling, and occa- sional cutting gripes in a slight degree, but lasting nearly all day/7.—Sen- AGARICUS. 91 sation of discomfort in the abdomen, with frequent rumbling, and occa- sional griping, occurring often in the forenoon, as well as in the afternoon/7. —A constant uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, with some flatus/0. —Slight burning in the intestines after the medicine,30.—Burning in the intestines, gradually following after burning in the stomach,30.—[1130.] After breakfast, burning in the abdomen for a short time/0.—Immediately after taking, slight burning sensation in the abdomen that soon ceases,30.— Sansation of distension in the abdomen, following after a very insufficient stool/0.—Sensatiou of distension and heaviness in the abdomen,30.—Directly after the medicine, a peculiar sensation of distension and heaviness appears in the abdomen,30.—Soon after the medicine, the same sensation, already often felt, of distension and pressure in the abdomen,30.—After eating mod- erately, feeling of distension in the abdomen/0.—Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen ; it is not distended, and yet there is a feeling of distension there,30.—Pressure and sense of fulness in the abdomen after moderately partaking of light food/.—Troublesome fulness of the whole abdomen ; it makes sitting and breathing difficult/1.—[1140.] Tension in the abdomen/8. —Tension in the whole abdomen/6.—First remarked when accidentally stooping, and always repeated when intentionally doing so; a sensation of tension across the region of the lungs into the sides of the abdomen, where it resembled a sprained pain in the abdominal muscles/5 21.—Directly after the medicine, tension and heaviness in the abdomen.—Pinching in the ab- domen/.—Slight pinching after the medicine; passage of flatus,30.—Vio- lent pinching and cutting in the abdomen before and during the stools/.— Griping in the abdomen/2 2513.—Griping in the abdomen, lasting for several minutes/2.—-Slight griping after breakfast/830.—[1150.] Slight griping in the abdomen for several hours,28.—Directly after the medicine, slight grip- ing here and there in the abdomen, more against the abdominal walls than in the intestines,30.—Transient griping at short intervals, which always began with a stitch, and gradually disappeared/6.—Slight griping in the abdomen at noon, with passage of flatus/0.—Griping in the abdomen that urged to stool; relieved by a tolerably dry evacuation, accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen,30.—Several times, while walking in the open air, griping for a little while, and a burning pressive pain in the lower ab- dominal region/7.—At 9 a.m., a burrowing, pressive pain sets in, aud slight griping in the abdomen, with ineffectual urging of flatus towards the anus/8. —After dinner, slight heaviness and slight griping in the abdomen, with in- effectual urging of flatus towards the anus,30.—Slight griping and rumbling in the intestines,30.—Griping, with passage of flatus, an hour after the medi- cine,28.—[1160.] Griping appears, with rumbling in the abdomen, over which he fell asleep,27.—The griping becomes more violent and frequent/6. —Griping in the abdomen, stitches, and then a cutting pain/225.—Accu- mulation of much flatus, causing oppression/8.—Pressure and qualmishness in the abdomen, with qualmish feeling in the stomach during the fore- noon/8'10.—A pressive, very disagreeable, painful sensation in the left side of the abdomen, causing a nauseated ill-feeling in the abdomen, in the affected spot/5 21.—Heaviness in the abdomen/7.—Heaviness in the abdomen, soon after taking/8.—Heaviness in the abdomen, directly after taking/830. —Urging of flatus towards the anus/8.—[1170.] Soon after the medicine, heaviness and urging in the abdomen, with rattling in the intestines,30.— Directly after the medicine, heaviness and tension in the abdomen/.—Sense of writhing in the abdomen,19'.—Writhing pain in the abdomen/.—Violent colic, t.—Colic, after stool, as if the person had swallowed poison, early in 92 AGARICUS. the morning (seventh and ninth days).—In the forenoon, while walking, puncture-like stitches in the abdominal walls from within outward/8.— While sneezing, which was caused by the sun, violent stitches in the region of the caecum/2 25.—Light stitches, from within outwards, through the ab- dominal walls ; so also in the diaphragm,30.—Slight searching in the abdo- men, with sensation of flatus after breakfast,30.—[1180.] Repeated light searchings in the intestines,30.—Cutting in the abdomen, late in the even- ing/221.—Rather painful cutting in the abdomen, as if it were the begin- ning of colic/221.—Cutting in the abdomen, followed by a soft, crumbling stool; occasional cutting, pressive pains in the hypogastric region/7.—Cut- ting paius in the abdomen, with rumbling and gurgling in the intestines/'7. —Cutting, searching sensation in the abdomen/5.—Occasional cutting pains in the abdomen, with passage of inodorous flatus/5.—Sensation of cold in the abdomen/8.—Flabby sensation in the abdomen,30.—Sensation as if the abdominal cavity was entirely empty,30.—[1190.] Bloated condition of the hypogastrium, with cutting pain, attended with wind moving to and fro in the bowels; eructations and emissions of flatulence give but short re- lief (after one hour)/1.—Much noise of air and fluid in lower abdomen/0.— Rumbling in the lower abdomen,30.—Frequent rumbling in the region of the lower abdomen/7.—Growling in the lower abdominal cavity; disten- sion of the abdomen/8.—Uneasiness in the abdomen, almost as if the per- son had to go to stool; at the same time the person passes a quantity of wind, which has almost no smell/7.—Sensation in the abdomen as if diar- rhoea were just coming on/7.—During the whole day there is a sensation in the bowels as if the person had to go to stool; however, the stools are not passed till late in the evening, after there had been copious stools in the morning/.—Very painful tension of the lower abdomen/5.—Tension in the pelvis, and in the hypogastric region/6.—[1200.] Violent pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhceic stool/.—After pappy stool, griping in the lower abdomen, which returned several times, in a lesser degree, during the forenoon, while walking in the open air/7.—Griping, like colic, in the lower abdomen, extending from the left ileum, between the navel aud symphysis pubis, through the cavity of the abdomen, to the right ileum; it was lessened by pressure, and only lasted several minutes/8.— In the forenoon and afternoon, repeated attacks of griping, cutting pains in the lower abdominal region, with accumulation of flatus/7.—Repeated griping in left lower abdomen, with rattling in the intestines/517.—Aroused at midnight by a spasmodic pain in the left abdominal region that urged him to stool/5.—Drawing pain towards the navel and the right flank; this pain began in the pelvis, and took its course from below upwards/6. —Dull, drawing pain in lower abdomen, extending towards the lumbar muscles/2.—Soon after the medicine, a feeling of heaviness appears in the lower abdomen,30.—Slight urging in the lower abdominal region,30.—[1210.] The stitches began in the pelvis, and extended to the right side of the ab- domen, along the groin, to the right flank, growing weaker and weaker during their course, and finally disappearing entirely/6.—Sudden, violent stitches, as of splinters, in the left side of the lower abdomen/8.—Cut- ting in the hypogastrium, without stool/.—Cutting pain in the hypogas- trium, as if diarrhoea were to ensue (in the evening)/1.—Cutting pain in the abdomen, such as is consequent upon a purgative; this pain is fol- lowed byliquid stools, by which the pains are relieved (second day),8.—A feeling of restlessness sinks into the abdomen/5 ".—Troublesome itching of the hypogastrium, with goose-skin; it lasts almost the whole night, and AGARICUS. 93 only disappears in the morning, after perspiration has set in/1.—Mild pain in the groin/1.—Painful pressure in the groin (after two hours)/1.—Spas- modic drawiug in the left groin when urinating (after three days)/1.— [1220.] Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; felt only when walking (after four and one-quarter hours)/.—Dull stitches, which hurt very much, at the superior anterior process of the iliac bones,5.—Peculiar tensive pain in the right loin,30.—Tensive sensation in the region of the right loin, some- what increased by stretching and turning the thigh outward ; sensation of pain, more felt when standing, prevents walking, and is increased by the touch/6.—Urging in the left loin/2. Stool anil Anas.—In passing wind, there is an acrid pain in the rectum (sixth day),9.—During and after stool, acrid pain in the rectum (third and fourth day),9.—Prickling in the rectum (after three hours)/.— Prickling in the rectum, as from worms,9.—Stitches in the rectum/2 25.— [1230.] Violent cutting itching began in the rectum in the evening, close above the opening, that induced a drawing-in of the anus, without afford- ing relief, which was rather effected by involuntarily pressing it out; it entirely resembled the sensation caused by diarrhoeas of acrid matter, and disappeared again in about half an hour/5 21.—Slight burning iu the anus,30. —Sensation of warmth in the anus,30.—Mornings, burning and itching in the anus, as with tenesmus during stool/7.—At noon, heat and itching in the anus/0.—Towards noon, a disagreeable sensation in the anus, resem- bling heaviness and fulness, that disappeared again after a time, while sit- ting down,30.—Much passage of flatus ; a sensation in the anus of painful rumbling round in the abdomen, with inclination to stool, accompanied by a sensation of complete closure of the anus/5 21.—Pressure iu the anus for a short time at noon/0.—While taking, a feeling was already noted as if diarrhoea would set in, which, however, soon vanished, without any re- sult/5 21.—Stitches in the anus,28.—[1240.] Occasional violent stitches in the anus/8.—Itching and tickling of the anus, which obliges the person to scratch (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Some itching in the anus,30.— Itching and prickling in the anus/1.—A sensation of painful dryness of the anus, with an inclination to draw the anus in/5 21.—Sensation of moisture in the anus/5 21.—Paralytic weakness of the sphincter ani, so that the faeces can only be retained for moments, with great effort/0.—Violent burning in the haemorrhoids.—Haemorrhoids painful and burning, very much in- flamed/2.—Inflamed haemorrhoids, with burning in the rectum/2.—[1250.] Swelling of the haemorrhoids, with stitches in the anus/°.—After a copious stool, discharge of several ounces of light-red blood from the rectum, with great straining, as if to stool/2.—Urgent desire to stool, which was scarcely to be retained, as immediately preceding it, painless straining in the rec- tum, toward the front, was felt/2.—Urging towards the anus, three hours after taking,30.—Violent urging towards the anus, mornings/2.—Urging to stool, with a kind of tenesmus, lasted till toward morning.—Ineffectual desire for stool, with much passage of wind/2.—The evacuations become pappy (sixth day)/.—Passes a quantity of pappy stools (after twelve to thirty-eight hours)/.—Soft, pappy stools every day/.—[1260.] A pappy stool without symptoms, after which a sensation of heaviness, lasting for an hour/7.—Copious pappy stool, with subsequent sensation of heaviness in the hypogastric region,30.—Copious pappy stool after breakfast; after- wards, slight sensitiveness, with feeling of distension in the lower abdomen,30. —Copious pappy stool; after it slight burning of the anus,30.—Pappy stool, followed by burning in the anus/0.—Copious pappy stool, afterwards itch- 94 AGARICUS. ing, and finally burning in the anus,30.—A scanty, pappy, painless stool, after breakfast, followed by a feeling of distension in the abdomen,30.— Copious pappy stool, followed by a sensation of distension in the abdomen,30. —Scanty pappy stool, followed by a sensation of heaviness around the navel,30.—A pappy evacuation, afterwards gurgling and rattling in the intestines,30.—[1270.] Three evacuations of a pappy nature/8.—Soft stools, after the stools had been passed as usual early in the morning/.—Stool soft, but not like diarrhoea/8.—Frequent very soft stools, the desire to which, owing to paralytic weakness of the sphincter, must be instantly gratified to insure cleanliness/5.—A soft, very copious stool/5 21.—Several soft stools, that cause burning in the anus/5.—Several soft evacuations/5.— A semi-liquid painless stool,30.—An insufficient semi-liquid stool,30.—Two scanty semi-liquid evacuations,30.—[1280.] A dark-green, soft, liquid stool, afternoons/3.—Colic is succeeded by knotty, then liquid stools, early in the morning (second day)/.—Four liquid evacuations, with burning in the anus/5.—Two liquid stools/7.—Three stools daily, at short intervals, con- taining liquid faeces,28.—Frequent liquid stools, with burning in the anus/5. —Awoke with griping in the morning, followed by two liquid stools/0.— Dined without desire or satisfaction, followed four hours after by three liquid stools,30.—Five times in succession the person passes liquid yellowish stools, attended with pinching in the abdomen, and emission of flatulence which has no smell/.—Watery stools, attended with violent colic and tenes- mus, early in the morning on the third day/.—[1290.] During the night, three watery stools, with pain in the region of the spleen,25.—Stools are at first knotty, and a quarter of an hour afterwards watery; attended with violent colic, fermentation in the abdomen, and great nausea/.—Passes mucus by the rectum, attended with wind/.—Slimy stools, at the same time passing much wind/.—Yellowish slimy evacuations, with tenesmus and pains/0.—Very offensive fecal passage,/!.—Very offensive leek-green evacu- ations/0.—Easy and copious stool, shortly afterwards a feeling of heaviness in the anus, with an inclination to draw the anus upwards/5 21.—A tolera- bly consistent easy stool, followed by a sensation of distension in the abdo- men,30.—After taking, sudden desire for stool, so that the chair could scarcely be reached ; copious evacuation of a tough, sticky mass, passed without difficulty,30.—[1300.] Crumbling stool, preceded by a feeling of moisture in the anus, which led to the certain expectation of a diarrhoea/5 21. —Knotty stools at night after violent colic; this is succeeded by violent tenesmus, without any more stools being passed (third day)/.—First hard, then pappy stools ; shortly after there is diarrhoea/.—Evacuations at noon and evening, which is not usual/7.—Three diarrhoeic stools during the day, with swelling of the haemorrhoids, and excessive bearing down of the intes- tines into the inguinal canal and pelvic cavity/5.—Diarrhoeic stools, more than ten times, with griping and passage of much flatus/3.—Very frequent diarrhoeic stools/3.—Diarrhoea/8.—Diarrhoea, with violent pinching in the body, early in the morning (second day)/.—Diarrhoea, at the same time the person passes a large quantity of wind (after six hours).—[1310.] Diarrhoea, attended with painful retraction of the stomach and abdomen/.—Dysen- teric flux (secondary effect)/5.—Stool delaved, hard and scanty/2.—Hard, dark-colored evacuations (third day)/.—'Very hard stools,7.—Hard stool; subsequently burning in the anus for some time,30.—After an almost painful and natural straining, a difficult hard stool/5 21.—After dinner, a hard scraping stool/8.—Two easier stools, with less burning in the anus, and passage of offensive flatus/5.—After passage of flatus, a hard stool/5 21 — AGARICUS. 95 [1320.] Solid stools after several days' constipation/.—Absence of stool for two days/.—Contrary to habit, stool was omitted for two days, until finally an effort, with some difficulty, effected a hard evacuation/5 21.—Stool every other day; it is always solid.—There is no stool for three days, although stools generally were passed every day; at the end of three days, the per- son passed stools which were hard.—Stoppage of excretions, t. Urinary Organs.—While driving in the forenoon, tensive pain in the regiou of the bladder, without desire to urinate,30.—Twitching pain iu bladder/2.—Effusion of viscid glutinous mucus from the urethra,2.—In the evening, disagreeable sensation in the urethra, quite at the end, along the glans, involuntarily inducing pressure of this part/0.—[1330.] At night, momentary burning in the orifice of the urethra/2.—Burning in the urethra while urinating/9 21.—Burning while urinating/9.—Burning sensation while urinating continued several days/9.—A stitch in the urethra, as if an in- candescent steel were pushed through it (after three hours"!,11.—Fine stitches through the urethra/0.—Prickling and itching in the orifice of the urethra (after two hours)/.—A sensitive, momentary crawling-itching in the glans, which seems to be in the urethra,30.—Tickling in the fossa navicularisof the urethra, as if a small foreign body were in it/5.—Sensation in the urethra as if he had not entirely done urinating/1.—[1340.] Sensation in the ure- thra, as if a drop of cold water passed through it/1.—Frequent and violent urging to urinate, and copious urine, with stitches in meatus urinarius/2.— Desire to urinate, though but very little urine is passed (after three-quarters of an hour),6.—Waking up in the night with a violent desire to urinate, much urine being then emitted (after nineteen hours)/.—Frequent desire to urinate; he passes much urine, the penis being quite relaxed (after four hours),6.—Frequent desire to urinate; quantity of urine considerably greater than usual,30.—Profuse urine with the stool, and soon afterwards renewed desire to urinate/2. — Frequent micturition/.—She frequently passes her urine, though she had drank but little (fourth day),8.—After long-continued desire to urinate, profuse urine and soft stool/2.—[1350.] Copious passage of urine,25.—Passage of urine frequent and considerably increased/8.—Passed an unusual quantity of urine during the night,30.— Paralytic weakness of the sphincter vesicae, so that the urine could only be retained for a moment with difficulty/1.—After urinating, the urine con- tinued to flow involuntarily for some time, so that the thighs aud knees were frequently quite wet; it seemed as if the sphincter vesicae had sus- pended its function/5.—With desire to urinate, the sphincter vesicae had not the power to retain the urine, even momentarily. It passed at intervals, dripping long afterwards, frequently wetting the thighs; the penis at the same time cold and shrunken/5.—Retention of urine/.—Rare emission of urine, without any increase of quantity/.—Rare emission of urine, with decrease of quantity/.—Urine comes out slowly, feebly, sometimes only in drops; he is obliged to bear down in order to facilitate the emission of urine/.—[1360.] The urine sometimes stops flowing for a few moments, and then flows again/.—Noticeably small secretion of urine,15 21.—Since beginning the proving, the secretion of urine seems to have considerably diminished/5 21.—Scanty, reddish urine (first and second day)/.—Urine scanty and dark (second afternoon)/2.— Clear lemon-colored urine,7.—Urine clear canary-yellow/2.—After several attempts, the urine is passed clear citron-yellow (two hours)/2. — In the morning, urine light-colored, like water; flame-colored in the afternoon, without sediment/7.—Flame-colored urine in the afternoon/7.—[1370.] Urine passed was burning hot and dark 96 AGARICUS. yellow/9.—Urine red and dim, without sediment/7.—During the time of proving, urine mostly unusually lemon-colored/1.—Urine appeared very red and clear/7.—Urine of normal color/8.—Urine notably watery/7.— Urine very dim and whey-like/7.—Urine watery in the forenoon, after- wards milky/7.—Urine milky and dim/7.—Urine grows dim and whey-like after standing a short time,30.—[1380.] Urine that passes very dim, like clay-water/7.—Urine milky in the afternoon/7.—Urine with a dense shim- mering film, without sediment/7.—A little shimmering pellicle on the sur- face of the urine, seeming to consist of little longish crystals/7.—After an hour, the urine showed a little shimmering pellicle, and a copious white sedi- ment/7.—Urine with copious white, flaky sediment, and shimmering film/7. —Red, dim urine, depositing a copious white, flaky sediment, that seemed to be mixed with a red powder/7.—After an hour, the urine turned quite dim, and deposited a red, flaky sediment/7.—After an hour, a red powdery sediment/7.—After an hour, the urine deposited a copious white sediment, which proved, on chemical analysis, to be phosphate of magnesia/7. Sexual Organs.—[1390.] Irritation of the genitals,33.—Itching, with titillation of the margin of the prepuce; these symptoms oblige him to rub the parts (after five hours),6.—Quickly passing, voluptuous itching in the penis/1.—Tickling itching in the scrotum, necessitating rubbing, while sitting (after twelve hours)/.—The skin swells and turns red in the left side of the scrotum, itches and twinges; the swelling disappears again after two days/8.—Excessive retraction of the testicles toward the inguinal ring, so that it became painful, and it was necessary to push them out from the inguinal opening, within which they were partly imbedded ; this, how- ever, only afforded partial relief, still the difficulty was not of long dura- tion/5 21.—Drawing in the testicles, attended with a sense of uneasiness, awkwardness, and sleepiness, in the evening/8.—Spasmodic drawing in the left testicle and spermatic cord/1.—Continual erections (first night)/.— Erections early in the morning,2.—[1400.] Frequent erections, also at night/.—Mornings, excessive sexual desire,30.—Very lively sexual desire/0. —The sexual desire becomes excited/.—A nap after dinner is succeeded by an unbounded desire, in the sexual organ, for an emission of semen ; after the emission there is a pressive tension below the ribs, without any symptoms of flatulence/8.— Great desire for an embrace, the penis being re- laxed,7.—In the evening, when desirous of enjoying an embrace, he tried in vain to have an erection ; he was, therefore, obliged to desist; in the ensu- ing night, he had several copious, involuntary effusions of semen/.—In spite of strong excitement, there is no pleasurable sensation in an embrace/. —During an embrace, a copious effusion of semen, followed by a very long sleep/.—Tardy effusion of semen during an embrace/.—[1410.] Insufficieu t effusion of semen during an embrace, which is succeeded by weariness of the body/.—After every embrace there is great weariness, lasting several days/.—Every embrace is followed by copious night-sweats, attended with a general lassitude of the body, which lasts for several days/.—After an em- brace he feels very much exhausted; there is a burning itching upon the skin, and copious night-sweats for two nights; the sweat appearing first upon the upper part of the chest and shoulders, and then upon the abdo- men and the anus/.—Sexual desire very much diminished/5.—Noticeable sexual apathy/5 21.—Great aversion to sexual intercourse/.—Pollutions (first night),9.—Nightly pollutions, without any lascivious dreams/.— Emissions, several successive nights/1.—[1420.] Several slight emissions/1. —Itching of the hairy parts of the pudendum/.—Itching and titillation of AGARICUS. 97 the female organs of generation/.—Menses appear two days earlier than usual, and increased ; flow of the menses greater than usual, with violent pains in the back and abdomen, of a tearing, pressive kind. Intolerable itching in the external genitals, which did not cease till the following day/3. —Menses flow more abundantly/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Sense of constriction of the larynx, t. — The oppression and constriction of the larynx make him dread suffocation35. —Pressive pain in the right of the larynx, with irritation to cough/2.— Huskiness of the voice, with piercing pains in the chest/2.—Irritation which excites coughing/.—[1430.] Frequently returning sensation of tickling in the larynx, which induces short and frequently repeated coughing/.—A scratching irritation in the windpipe, causing a dry cough/8.—♦ Constant irritation to cough, which can mostly be suppressed, but, if not, several violent shocks of cough succeed one another, which are very painful and mostly dry,30. —Great inclination to violent cough during the day, especially when smoking tobacco,30.—During the day, several * sudden violent attacks of cough- ing,30.—During the day, several attacks of violent seemingly convulsive cough,30.—Violent coughing several times during the day, with pain under the sternum,30.—After dinner, coughing and sneezing together, so violent that it causes him to cry out,30.—Violent cough, with sneezing,30.—The cough is mostly accompanied by sneezing,30.—[1440.] Violent sneezing follows every attack of cough,30.—*The cough has the peculiarity of appear- ing in isolated attacks, is very violent, and ends with repeated sneezing/0.—A few attacks of cough with gagging,30.—A violent attack of cough, with in- clination to vomit, and lachrymation,30.—Forenoon, frequent coughing; afternoon, an attack of coughing, with vomiting,30.—Convulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive perspiration/5.—Suddenly occurring violent attacks of cough/0.—Recurring several times, violent cough, by shocks,30.—Cough comes suddenly, and is so violent that it is not easily suppressed; several shocks of cough succeed each other, and cause him to double up and force tears from his eyes; the cough then ceases for a longer time; for half days,30. —The cough came on suddenly, and was so violent that it obliged him to double up, contract his legs, and even move his arms,30.—[1450.] Two attacks of convulsive cough, followed by pain in the chest,30.—Awoke, coughing violently,30.—Violent cough, several times on waking up in the morning,30.—When he awoke, violent convulsive cough set in/5.—Violent coughing, several times in the morning,30.—Cough several times, mornings,30. —Cough in the morning followed by sneezing,30.—Several attacks of cough in the forenoon, accompanied by sneezing,30.—Violent coughing several times in the forenoon,30.—Several convulsive attacks of cough during the forenoon,30.—[1460.] During the forenoon, at intervals of two or three hours, convulsive attacks of coughing,30.—Very violent coughing at noon, with repeated sneezing,30.—Several violent attacks of cough during the day, but not of Jong duration/0.—In the afternoon, frequent violent cough- ing/0.—Often roused at night by violent attacks of cough,30.—So violent an attack of cough at night that it obliged him to sit up in bed, as he could not recover breath for some time,30.—Coughed racked him so much at night that he was obliged to sit up in bed, because the spasmodic contractions of the air-passages threatened to suffocate him,30.—Violent coughing several times during the night,30.—Much cough during the night/8.—Coughed vio- lently, and sweated somewhat at night,30.—[1470.] Shortly after falling asleep, she is roused by a spasmodic cough, lasting about ten minutes, attended with a painful tickling in the upper part of the larynx and extend- vol. i.—7 98 AGARICUS. ing down the throat/1.—Dry cough several times,30.—When sitting, there is a dry cough after dinner, which disturbs the nap.—Dry cough, with wheezing under the sternum, causing burning/5.—Frequent cough after a meal, without expectoration/.—Violent, mostly dry cough, on waking,30.— Violent, attacks of cough in the morning, mostly dry,30.—Short dry cough several times during the forenoon/1.—After dinner, short, dry, interrupted hacking cough,30.—During the day, frequent and labored, mostly dry cough,30.—[1480.] At night, two attacks of violent labored cough, that convulsively shake the whole body; the cough, which is mostly dry, is caused by a tickling in the air-passages; slimy expectoration seldom oc- curred,30.—Several times, loose labored cough, the irritation to cough being in the windpipe,30.—Several attacks of violent coughing, with only occa- sional expectoration of mucus,30.—Several times, night and morning, vio- lent cough, with expectoration of mucus,30.—Cough frequently mornings; on waking, labored and mostly dry, with expectoration of thick white mucus,30.—Coughed several times, and expectorated mucus on awaking,30.— Mornings, on waking, cough, with loose expectoration/1.—Violent cough- ing several times in the morning, with expectoration of mucus/0.—Morn- ings, rattling of mucus in the chest, followed by several violent attacks of coughing ; but rarely expectoration of mucus,30.—Slight coughing of mucus in the morning,30.—[1490.] Frequent violent cough in the morning, with only occasional expectoration/8.—Cough which, especially in the morning, brings up large brown flakes of mucus/5.—Coughing up of thick mucus in the morning,30.—Mornings, violent cough, several times, with expectoration of mucus; the cough bears the widest characteristics of a spasmodic cough, that is, upon a deep, almost wheezing inspiration, follow several short, clear- sounding shocks of cough, often with doubling up of the body, inclina- tion to vomit, and lachrymation.—Frequent cough in the forenoon, some- times dry, but mostly with expectoration of mucus,30.—During the fore- noon appeared several attacks of violent cough, with expectoration of mucus,30.—Frequent coughing up of lumpy mucus during the day,30.— Cough increased towards evening/5.—Much expectoration of small, gelat- inous, transparent, moulded lumps of mucus, with great relief to the lungs, without coughing, and by forcible expiration/5 2l.—Expectoration very marked, gelatinous, or rather resembling starch-paste, transparent and white; it does not dissolve, but retains its accidental form of little lumps, like coagulated starch-paste, and is observed for many days/5 21.—[1500.] Expectoration of thin thready mucus, and small lumps of a saltish taste/3. —Breath is very short/.—Anxiety ; attacks of suffocation, t.—Very short breath and asthma, even when walking slowly/.—When walking, she is obliged to stand still several times, in order to be able to take breath/.— Difficult breathing (after eight days)/.—Difficult and noisy respiration,35. — Respiration difficult/2.— Towards eleven o'clock in the morning, diffi- culty in breathing/3.—Respiration labored and superficial,32.—[1510.] Op- pressed breathing at times/2.—Aggravated breathing, as if the cavity of the thorax were filled with blood (after four hours)/.—Accelerated breath- ing/5 21— Deep breathing/2.—Frequent deep inspiration,32.—Hot, acceler- ated breath, and oppressed chest; deep breathing and involuntary bursts of coughing are often instinctively but vainly employed to remove these difficulties/5 21—Respiration light,33. Chest.—-Frequent twitching in both pectoral muscles/8.—Frequent jumping of the pectoral muscles/8.—Rattling of mucus in the chest,30.— [1520.] Rattling of mucus in the chest, when lying on the back,30.—Snor- AGARICUS. 99 ing and wheezing in the chest, during the night,30.—Constant sensation of not feeling well in the chest/8.—Pain in the chest, after rising/0.—Burning inside the chest, and a kind of oppression/8.—Burning in the chest, after dinner,30.—Fine burning and prickling at different places of the chest, espe- cially upon the sternum (after one hour)/.—Occasionally, some tensive pain across the chest,30.—Tension across the chest; slight shortness of breath,30. —Soon after taking, tension across the anterior walls of the chest, with some shortness of breath,30.—[1530.] Soon after taking, tension across the anterior wall of the chest,30.—After breakfast, tension across the chest, as if the thorax could not sufficiently expand,30.—Towards noon, slight shoot- ing pains and tension in the chest,30.—Tension and pressure over the whole breast, for a short time after breakfast,30.— Tension in the lower part of the chest, during motion and when sitting; this tension takes away his breath,7.— Difficulty in breathing, as if his chest were too full; he is constrained to breathe deeper1*21.— Total constriction of the chest consequent upon oppression; she is obliged to take frequent and deep inspirations; this makes walking diffieult for her,7.—More or less severe constriction of the chest, with deep inspiration at times, and visible beating of the heart, and a kind of oppression, especially behind the two borders of the sternum, along its whole length32.—Feeling of pain in the lower part of the chest, especially in the region of the pit of the stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed; the pain is most violent after dinner/.—Continued pressure on upper part of chest, like an oppression, with repeated deep inspirations on walking and sitting, with painful pressure behind the sternum and at both sides of it; comes and goes, with sensation of a load on the chest/2.—[1540.] Pres- sure on the chest,30.—Pressure on the chest, after breakfast/8.—Slight pres- sure on the chest,30.—Pressure and pain in the chest/5.—Pressure in the chest, and difficulty in breathing/2.—Pressure and drawing pain in the chest,30.—Pressure and burning in the centre of the chest/3.—Pressure and stitching, with sense of fulness on centre of chest/3.—Afternoons, frequent pressure in the chest; sometimes in one place, sometimes in another,30.— Oppression at the chest/.—[1550.] Violent oppression at the chest7.—Sense of oppression in chest compels deep breathing/2.—She feels so oppressed at the chest, that she is unable to take a slow and deep inspiration, and has to give it up again as soon as she tries/.— Oppression of the chest in the re- gion of the diaphragm, attended with drawing pain (after one-half hour)/1.— Oppression at the chest, attended with great throbbing of the arteries (one or two days)/.—* Sense of oppression at the cardiac region, as if the cavity of the thorax were narrowed,5.—Oppression of the chest and frequent sighing/2. —Oppression of the chest for a short time,30.—Shortly after taking, op- pression of the chest, and light coughing up of mucus,30.—An hour after taking, oppression, heaviness, and pressure of the chest/8 30.—[1560.] Fore- noons, when sitting, slight oppression and stitches in the chest,30.—Oppres- sion of the chest, at 5 a.m., that was seldom relieved during the day/2.— Chest oppressed and catarrhally affected, which induces cough and expec- toration, hawking, and deep breathing; deep respiration is painful in some parts of the chest and body, accompanied by a sensation as if something dislocated itself/5 21.—He is attacked by oppression frequently during the day; then shortness of breath, which repeatedly compels him to take a deep breath/2.—Oppressive anxiety in the chest/.—Anxious sensation in the chest, with accelerated and audible breathing/5 21.—Anxious, restless feeling in the chest, from time to time, as when expecting something un- usual/5 21.—When rising from a sitting posture, anxiety in the chest increases 100 AGARICUS. and breathing is accelerated/5 21.—Anxious haste and anxiety in the chest, as if expecting something unusual; breathing accelerated, and inclination to sighing respirations/5 21.—Heaviness on the chest,30.—[1570.] Sometimes momentary stitches through the chest, from behind, without disturbing res- piration/5.—Fine stitching and pressure in the upper part of the chest, like a burning pain, without cough/3.—On sitting, evenings, sudden stitches deep in chest, in region of the borders of the dorsal vertebrae/2.—Stitches in one or other lung, especially on bending forward or backward (for two or three days)/2.—Stitches in the region of the lungs, passing off soon/.— Painful stitches in the middle of the chest/1.—Stitches in the chest, below the nipples (after fourteen and thirty hours)/.—When walking, in the fore- noon, punctiform stitches from within outwards, in the lower half of the chest,30.—Sometimes very sensitive, piercing, tearing pains, in small, limited spots in the thorax, in front and behind ; for instance, in the left side, iu the region of the upper false ribs, below the right shoulder-blade, etc.; res- piratory motions have no influence upon them/5 21.—Pain, repeatedly, in the chest and back, especially under both shoulder-blades, and the corres- ponding parts of the chest in front; it is of a shooting, pressive kind, very painful, inducing deep breathing, as if for relief/5 21.—[1580.] Sensation of soreness in the chest,30.—Bruised pain in the entire front wall of the chest, with difficulty of breathing,30.—Pulsative soreness, at various inconsider- able places of the chest, especially at the right half of the chest; at night, and also during the day (after a fortnight)/.—Sensation of rawness iu the chest, with indications of cough in the morning,30.—On deep breathing, sense of motion, almost sticking, in muscles of chest and neck/2.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the chest; it increases, especially upon taking a deep inspiration; in the evening (ninth day)/.—Itching upon the chest, which terminates in burning/. — Burning itching upon the chest and in the back/.—Violent itching of the nipples/.—Copious sweat upon the chest, at night/.—[1590.] Mattery pustules in the breast, with a red areola of the size of a millet-seed ; they cause itching and burning/7.—Twitching in the right pectoral muscle/8.—Pain in the chest, right side/521.—Burning, drawing pains in the right side of the chest, from without inward, and peculiar kind of oppression, lasting for five minutes/8.— In consequence of a leap, during a journey on foot, burning, piercing, sprained sensation under the right nipple, which makes respiration impossible for a few sec- onds/5.—After rising, severe pressive pain in the right side of the chest,30. —When walking, painful, excessive pressure on the right breast near the nipple, with a sensation as if deep breath could remove the cause; later, the anxious feeling of oppression of the chest again, which, in reality, did not exist/5 21.—Late in the evening, there appeared a pressive pain in the right side of the chest, near the nipple, that could not be removed by deep breathing, which it occasioned/5 21.—Frequent pricking, as of striking splin- ters, first in the right pectoral muscles, then in the right true and false ribs/8. —Splinters (stitches) in the right rib-muscles, below the nipple/8.—[1600.] Tearing, intermittent pain in the right front wall of the chest/521.—Stitches in right lung/2.—Stitches in the "right lung, on walking/2.—Momentary stitches in various places in right lung/2.—Jerking stitches through right lung/2.—Violent stitches in right lung, whereby the breath must be held ; relieved by pressing the hand on the chest, while sitting (three to five hours, also eleven hours)/2.—Stitches in the middle of the right lung, worse on every respiration/2.—Stitches in the right pectoral muscles/2.—Frequent pricking of splinters near the lower right rib/8.—Sore pain on the anterior AGARICUS. 101 surface of the chest, especially in the right, near the sternum, seemingly under the ribs/0.—[1610.] Twitching in the left intercostals/8.—Burning pain in the left half of the chest (third day)/.—Pinching pain in the left mamma, descending obliquely as far as the navel/.—Sticking in the left axilla, and in the left ribs/2 25.—Sticking extends from left nipple outwards, seems to be more in the muscles/2.—Stitches in left side of chest, between nipple and sternum, increased by every respiration/2.—Stitches in left lung/2. —Fine stitches in left lung/2.—Stitches in left lung, between fifth and sixth ribs; worse on breathing/2.—Fine stitch in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; the stitch is felt when sitting aud stooping with the chest/.—[1620.] Stitches in the left side of the chest, where the ribs ter- minate; during an inspiration/.—Pain in upper part of left breast, in in- tercostal muscles/2.—Frequent violent stitches, as of penetrating splinters, in the dorsal vertebrae and in the left pectoral muscle, near the nipple/8.— Stitches in left pectoral muscles, with drawing in right foot; boring in forehead/2.—Pressure and drawing in left intercostal muscles and muscles of left thigh, with bruised sensation of left elbow/2.—A pain, resembling tearing, in the region of the left lower wall of the chest/521.—In a small, circumscribed spot, about the size of a gold dollar, on the left side, before the shoulder-blade, a transient sensation of icy coldness/8.—Isolated attacks of pain under the sternum,30.—Pains along the sternum and in pit of stomach, t.—Burning under the sternum,30.—[1630.] Excessive burning under the sternum,30.—Peculiar sensation of contraction of the sternum,30. —Sensitive pressure in a little spot to the left lower third of the sternum/5 21. —Sticking behind sternum, not increased by inspiration, but worse at end of expiration/2.—Fine stitches behind sternum/2.—Stitches behind sternum impede respiration/2.—Pressure under the upper half of the sternum,30.— Pressive pain behind sternum/2.—Oppression behind sternum, in rest, with some violent palpitation/2.—Pressive, burning pain below the sternum, after breakfast,30.—[1640.] Painful pressure at the middle portion of the sternum, aggravated by inspiring (after two and a half hours)/.—Draw- ing pressure behind the right margin of the sternum/2.—Sore pain under the sternum, after breakfast,30.—-Sensitiveness below the sternum/0. Heart and Fulse.—Beat of the heart visible and strongly felt/2. —On sitting down, some irregular, strong beats of the heart, with sense of oppression/2.—When he awoke, he had trembling of the heart/5.—Vio- lent pulsation of the heart, internally perceptible/2.—Violent pulsation of the heart, perceptible even in the coccyx/5.—Increased pulsation of the heart, with redness of the face/5.—[1650.] Weak palpitation of the heart/3.—Frequent palpitation of the heart,25.—Palpitation of the heart for several minutes/3.—Very violent palpitation of the heart/3.—Palpi- tation of the heart on waking in the morning/3.—From 3 to 5 p.m. unin- terrupted palpitation of the heart/3.—Violent palpitation of the heart in the evening/3.—Palpitation of the heart in the evening, without conscious- ness/9.—Violent palpitation of the heart before going to bed/3.—Violent palpitation of the heart for five minutes/3.—[1660.] Palpitation of the heart came on so violently that he was obliged to lie down on the lounge/5. —In the evening, violent palpitation of the heart, with anxiousness, that terminated in a restless drowsiness/9.—When standing, painful palpitation of the heart/1.—When vexed, he had palpitation of the heart/5.—Burning pain in the region of the heart, with palpitation/3.—At noon, burning and pressive pain in the region of the heart, that appeared several times and soon passed away/1.—Burning, shooting pains from the region of the heart, 102 AGARICUS. extending to the left shoulder-blade, caused by deep inspiration, and much aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and hiccough/5.—Disagreeable feeling in the heart, as if it were compressed/2.—When he laid down at night, he felt several blows in the heart, with trembling in the pit of the stomach, and anxiety, caused by every slight noise. The same on waking in the morning, when stitches in the region of the navel, and frequent sneezing and yawning set in, besides/2.—Pressure near the heart/3.—[1670.] From 4 p.m. till evening, constant pressure near the heart/3.—Anxious sense of oppres- sion in heart, with irregular, violent action of heart/2.—Anxious sense in heart, and some violent, irregular beating, which makes it worse in sitting (repeated)?32.—Anxiety in the heart/521.—Oppression at the heart, on bend- ing the body down, with violent beating of the heart/2.—Violent stitches in the region of the heart, without intermittent pulse/5.—Painful stitches in the region of the heart, with accelerated pulse/5.—Breathing obstructed by momentary stitches in the region of the heart/with irregular, often in- termitting, pulse/5.—Several twitching shocks of the heart/8.—At night, transient, painful shocks in the heart, with anxiety/2.—[1680.] Accelerated pulse/0.—Pulse full, very rapid, t.—Rapid pulse, intermitting every thir- tieth or fortieth stroke/5.—Small, quick pulse, eighty beats, early in the morning/1.—Pulse weak,17.—Pulse weak and slow/7.—Pulse so feeble as to be hardly perceptible*3.— The pulse becomes slower (after two hours)/.—Small, irregular pulse,*2.—The pulse, which is generally strong and full, becomes small, weak, and scarcely perceptible/.^-[1690.] Small, depressed pulse,35. —Pulse contracted, 84 to 88, t.—Undulatory, slow, weak pulse/.—Inter- mittent pulse/5.— Weak, unequal, intermittent pulse,7.—Early in the morning the pulse is less intermittent/.—After drinking coffee, the pulse became less intermittent, and rose from 50 to 60 beats/.—Pulse sometimes double, with a short interval/2.—Pulse 57, soft, small (a quarter of an hour) ; 57 to 60 (one hour) ; 58 (two hours) ; 70 (two and a half hours) ; 90, full and hard (six hours)/2.—Pulse fell to 60; then to 54 (in fifteen minutes) ; pulse 60 (in three-quarters of an hour); 70 (in one hour) ; 65 (in one and a quarter hours); 60 (in two hours); 57 (in one and three-quarter hours); 60 (in one and a quarter hours); 58 (in two and a quarter hours); 65 (in one and three-quarter hours); 60 (in three hours)/2.—[1700.] Pulse 60 (a quarter of an hour); 65, irregular (twenty minutes); 60 (forty-five minutes); 60 (one hour); 60 (one and a half hours); 65 (two and a quarter hours)/2. Neck and Back.—* Stiffness in the nape of the neck (after two hours)/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the muscles of the neck; or pain, as from having bent the body backward in lying down (after thirty-two hours)/.—Tension in the neck/7.—Marked sprained sensation of the neck on turning backward toward the left; it was so violent that the head re- mained fixed for a few moments, unable to return to its proper position. This pain was already noticed on previous days, but to-day it reached such a degree that it became very troublesome, although not always produced by the above-mentioned motion/5 21— Back of the neck somewhat hot, stiff, and painful, especially when moving the head to one side or the other, par- ticularly the right side,27.—Mornings, in bed, constant chirping in the oc- cipital region of the neck, as if a cricket were in the cervical canal; at the same time, for several days/8.—A pressive, tensive pain in the occipital region of the neck, and on both sides of the atlas/8.—The muscles of the posterior cervical region feel bruised, and, upon bending the body forwards, they feel, as it were, too short; this symptom occurs early, when in bed! and also afterwards, when the person is sitting/1.—Pricking in the cervical AGARICUS. 103 vertebrae, when stooping/8.—[1710.] Suddenly, a violent pressure between the neck and the shoulders.—Tensive feeling of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, on both sides, causing a feeling of stiffness in the back of the neck/7. —Stitches in the skin on the right side of the neck/8.—Twitching of the muscles from the left side of the neck to the left side of the throat/8.— Burning sensation in the left neck and shoulder region/8.—* Peculiar sen- sation of weakness and stiffness between the shoulders; extends into the neck32. —Drawing sensation between the shoulders,30.—Frequent tearing between the shoulders (fourth day)/.—Painful stitches between the shoulders (sec- ond day),8.—The pain in the back, under the shoulder-blades, resembling a single stitch, began to be very disagreeable again/5 21.—[1720.] A tran- sient but violent pain on the right surface of the back, below the shoulder- blade, as of coarse splinters penetrating/8.—Sudden, violent pricking, as of splinters, in the left side of the back, below the shoulder-blade/8.—Constant disagreeable sensation over the whole back, especially in the spinal column,30. —*Pain in the back, as after continual stooping,11.—Pain, as from bruises and sprains, in the whole of the back, attended with a disposition to stretch the back (third and fourth days)/.—After dinner, slight backache and tension across both sides of the chest, from behind forwards,30.—Backache in the evening,30.—Very violent pains, at night, along the back, as well as across the chest, the loins, and the right thigh/0.—Backacjie, very violent at the least motion of the body/5.—Pain in the back and small of the back, after gar- den-work/3.—[1730.] The muscles of the back feel bruised,11.—*The muscles of the back feel bruised, and upon bending forward seem too short; this symp- tom occurs early in the morning, after a good night's rest, in the bed, as well as afterwards, when the person is sitting; two days in succession/1.— The muscles of the back feel weak; he finds it difficult to sit straight with- out leaning against something/.—Upon rising from his seat and righting his body, his back feels stiff; there is a violent pain in the left loin, which prevents the body being righted; when sitting he feels nothing, and is able to turn his body to all sides/.—* Spasmodic pressive and drawing pain, which starts from the back, and extends to the middle of the chest and into the oesoph- agus, in the afternoon ; lasts several hours (from fifth to seventh day)/.— Slight shivering down the back,30.—On the right surface of the back, a tran- sient pain, as if coarse splinters were being forced between the skin and the flesh/8.—Painful spasmodic jerks in the left side of the back/1.—Burning itching of the back/.—Itching, with titillation of the back/.—[1740.] Ex- cessive itching on the back, where several small, scarcely raised reddish points appear,30.—Two inflamed pimples on the back, which, by light pres- sure, discharge considerable bloody matter/0.—Pain along the spinal col- umn was so violent that he often did not know what position to take in bed to lie comfortably/0.—♦Peculiar painfulness along the spinal cord when stooping,30.—♦Violent shooting, burning pains deep in the spine/6.— ♦Aching along the spine and limbs (from second day)/6.—*Pain in the sa- crum, a sort of crick in the back (flexensch us), extends along the whole spinal col- umn to the nape of the neck25.—Dragging, crackling, and creaking along the spinal column, during increased motion of the body, especially at or near the atlas-joint, on more rapid motion of the head/8.—♦ When stooping, the spinal column experiences pain, as though it were too weak to support the weight of the body,5. —Constant prickling along the spinal column and occi- put/6.—[1750.] ^Sensation as if ants were creeping along the spine,16.—Slight shiverings along the spinal column and the upper extremities/6.—On feel- ing, pain was felt in several places along the spine/5.—♦Spinal column sen- 104 AGARICUS. sitive to the touch,30.—* Every increased motion causes violent pain in several places of the spinal column,25.—♦ Increased painfullness of the spinal column at every turning motion of the body,15.—♦ Violent pain in the spinal column at turning motions of the body, especially in the region of the last dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrce, which become throbbing after increased motion,10. —Painful throbbing in the spinal canal/5.—♦ Mornings, the spinal column is so sensitive that even leaning back against the chair causes pain30.—* Peculiar sensitiveness of the spinal column when washing with a sponge (which suggests the idea of spinal irritation),30.—[1760.] Signs of spinal irritation become more distinctly conspicuous ; *a drawing, tensive pain along the whole spinal column, and occasional flying pains along the course of the spinal cord,30.— Biting, burning sensation in a spot as large as a five-cent piece in the spinal column/8.—* After dinner, pain in the spine, especially a spot'the size of the palm, in the middle of the spinal column; is very sensitive to the touch, as well as at every motion of the body,30.—Sensation in the back as if cold air were spreading over the whole body from the spine (aura epileptica ?)/5.—Shoot- ing pains in the vertebrae/8.—Warmth and sensation of roughness in the dorsal region/7.—Pains in dorsal muscles on sitting/2.—Pressive, boring pain in the middle of the back (second day)/.—-Waked at night by a vio- lent stitch in a dorsal vertebra/8.—Pain between the eighth and ninth dor- sal vertebrae; it was drawing, and extended periodically up to the hyoid bone.—[1770.] The region between the eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae is painful during a turning movement of the trunk/5.—Since yesterday a pain appeared between the eighth and ninth dorsal vertebra? on touching; to-day, in the same place, a painless, pushing downward pulsation, synchro- nous with the pulse, as if the aorta coursed in the spinal canal; this sensa- tion, lasting over an hour, was lessened by external pressure/5.—A pain, very sensitive to touch, in the twelfth dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrae, with a feeling of coldness in the gluteal muscles and formication in the feet/0.—Violent pain in the small of the back upon rising from his seat; the pain prevents the body from being righted and the thighs from being moved/.—Violent pain in the small of the back when sitting or lying down ; the pain is relieved by motion (first to third day),9.—Violently shooting pains in the small of the back, upon raising the thigh when sit- ting/.—Between the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae a sticking pain, as of splinters, followed in the same place by the well-known feeling of cold, as if the spinal marrow here'were being touched by an icy-cold object; a few minutes later, the same sticking feeling in the cervical vertebrae/8.—Bruised pain in small of back/2.—As if the small of the back were bruised, especi- ally when standing/1.—Pain, as if from a sprain, in the small of the back on the left side (from sixth to eighth day)/.—A stitch in the right side and near the vertebral column, in the region of the right kidney (after half an hour)/1.—[1780.] Violently pressive pain in the left kidney region at night; the pain disturbs the sleep (twelfth day)/.—Frequent jumping of the muscles in the lumbar region/8.—Small jerks in lumbar muscles/2. —Frequent twitchings of the muscles and tendons extending from an upper lumbar vertebra, with a violent convulsive shuddering in the lower part of the body/8.—Crackling of the lumbar vertebrae on stooping/2 25.— Tension along the lumbar vertebrae, making stooping forward difficult,30.— Painful pressive tension in the tendons and ligaments of the right lumbar region, extending to the great trochanter; this pain has the peculiarity that it only appears on the right side, and always disappears when lying on the left/8.—Mornings, after awaking, while still in bed, and lying on AGARICUS. 105 the left side, a pressive, tensive pain appears in the lumbar vertebrae; from there, it moved into the region of the left hip, and instantly vanished when lying on the right side/8.—Frequent stitching, as of splinters, in the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae.—Tearing pain, now extending to the right, now to the left side of the lumbar vertebrae, when walking/.—[1790.] Pain, as from bruises, in the lumbar region, especially when lying down and sitting/.— Violent electric-like shock of the lower part of the body, emanating from a lumbar vertebra/8.—Shivering, terrible shock of the whole body, ema- nating from one of the lower vertebrae/8.—A sensation in the spinal canal of the lumbar region as if the spinal marrow or its membranes were being touched by a piece of ice,18.—Tearing in lumbar muscles on walking or sit- ting/2.—Short twitches in the muscles of the right lumbar region, in the evening (ninth day)/.—Stitches in the right loin/8.—Frequently duriug the day, stitches in the right lumbar region/225.—Paralytic pain, as from weakness, iu the back part of the loins; the pain is aggravated by walking and standing (after twelve hours)/.—Feeling of paralysis near the lumbar vertebrae, close above the border of the os ilium; this makes it difficult for him, after he has risen from his seat, to step forward/.—[1800.] Continued twitching motions in the sacrum and lower extremities/0.—Pain in the sa- crum/5.—Pain in the sacrum every time after taking/0.—Continued pain in the sacrum/8.—Pains in the sacrum and spine are so violent that the prover cannot leave his bed.—He had hardly exerted himself somewhat during stool, when a violent pain appeared in the sacrum, that soon ex- tended to the lower limbs,25.—Evenings, the pain on both sides of the sa- crum increases considerably, and becomes so irksome that walking is very unpleasant/5 21.—Pains in the back and sacrum continue so violent all day that he is obliged to remain in bed, and take the easiest position/5.—A fortnight after the close of the proving, he constantly suffered from pain in the back and sacrum,28.—Indications of pain in the hips and sacrum, on the left side ; the latter resembling what is known as crick in the back,12 21.— [1810.] Pains in the sacrum, as of haemorrhoids/8.—Fulness and pressive heaviness iu the sacrum/5.—Pressure in the sacrum/5 28.—Directly after the medichie, pressure in the sacrum for a few seconds/3.—Pressure in the sa- crum, as if a weight lay upon it/5.—Pressure in the sacrum, with particular exhaustion when walking/8.—Pressive pain in the sacrum, as though it would burst/1.—Pressive pain in the sacrum, when leaning back in his chair/5.—Pressive pain in the sacrum, with weakness in the feet when walking out of doors,28.—Pain in the sacrum when sitting, pressure as if bruised/2 21.—[1820.] Weakness in the sacrum, with pressive, tensive pain there/5.—Excessive drawing in the sacrum and loins,30.—Towards evening, drawing in the back and sacrum/5.—Stitches in the sacrum/2 23.—♦ While walking in the open air, at noon, so sudden and violent a stitch in the sacrum that he w-is incapable of taking another step25.—A violent stitch, darting from the spinal marrow of the sacral region towards the right gluteal mus- cles/8.—Bruised pain in the sacrum/8.—Pains in the sacrum and hips, in- creasing and decreasing, are felt, as with a tearing sensation resembling growing-pain/221.—A sensation of icy coldness, close to the coccyx, appears repeatedly/8.—Corrosive itching of the left side of the os coccygis/. Extremities in General.—[1830.] Trembling of all the limbs (primary effect)/8.— Trembling of the limbs,1119.—^Frequent jumping of the muscles of the extremities, with jerking up of first one thumb and then the other, and of separate fingers/8.—Restlessness and a quivering trembling of the left upper arm and thigh-muscles, with light, jerking shocks of those 106 AGARICUS. limbs, and frequent jumping of the muscles in different positions of the body/8.—When lying on the lounge, frequent twitching of the muscles, sometimes on the inner side of the left knee, sometimes in the left upper arm, sometimes on the back, on the right shoulder-blade/8.—Shocks in various limbs, and frequent jumping of the muscles/8.—Sensation of weak- ness in the left arm and left foot; restlessness in them that compels motion,28. —Paralysis of the lower limbs, with slight spasms of the arms/2.—Weak- ness in limbs, t.—Very weak in all the limbs/2.—[1840.] Prostration of all the limbs, especially of the lower extremities/2.—Weakness and sensi- tiveness to pain in all the limbs, attended with pain in the heels when standing/.—Prostration in every limb, especially of the left arm/4.—Lassi- tude and heaviness of all the limbs.—Painful lassitude in the arms and legs/.—Easy going to sleep of the extremities; when writing only a few words his hand went to sleep, during a somewhat forced position of the arm, as he wrote stooping or while standing/521.—*She felt as if her limbs did not belong to her, t.—Painful pressure here and there in limbs/2.—In the forenoon, when sitting, a not exactly painful but very disagreeable drawing and tearing in the long bones of the upper arm and lower extremi- ties,80.—Drawing and pressing in various muscles in extremities (mostly in extensors)/2.—[1850.] Drawing pain, now in the right upper arm, now in the left knee-joint; now in the right, now in the left thigh/.—Pains resembling tearing in the limbs/521.—Tearing several times in the left upper arm; the same in the right thigh, above the knee, towards the outside/5 21.—Momen- tary tearing pains occasionally appear in the tendinous expansions of the extremities/5.—Single transient, tearing pains in the right ulna; also, in the right tibia/8.—Tearing of different long bones, especially at their ex- tremities/.—Fine, piercing tearing pain, always appearing suddenly, in the region of the right leg, in front, close above the ankle, and, at the same time, at a point in the middle of the back of the left hand/5 2l.—Now and then a shooting, tearing pain when beginning to move, which disappears when motion is continued/5.—An entirely unusual piercing pain, never be- fore experienced, in almost every limb of the body, particularly severe in both knee-joints and in the condyles; so that particularly the right knee- joint was very painful when ascending the stairs,20.—Sensation as of electric shocks in different limbs and different fingers/8.—[I860.] Shock-wise, jerk-like appearing shocks, sometimes in the left hip, sometimes in the right hand, originating in the legs/8.—The long bones of the upper and lower extremities and all the joints feel bruised after motion, and the mus- cles feel painful on being touched/.—Bruised pain in left elbow and ankle/2. —Pricking and crawling in the anterior border of the right forefinger, the toes and the heel/8.—Formication in the upper and lower extremities/5.— Pains in the bones begin in the morning, continue all the forenoon, with slight interruptions, are worse at noon, and abate again in the afternoons and evenings; these pains are particularly located in the left tibia, sometimes appearing in the condyle of the left elbow, resembling the descriptions of syphilitic pains in the bones; they resemble them with this distinction, that they are not aggravated by the warmth of the bed, but rather lessened, sometimes disappearing entirely,30.—Cold and blue limbs, t.—Hands and feet cold, t.—Mornings, in the warmth of the bed, the familiar sensation of coldness in the right axilla, and in the inner condyle of the foot/8.—Twitch- ings, especially of arms, so violent that it seemed to her as from electric shocks; she could hold nothing in her hands, t. Upper Extremities. — [1870.] Irregular and hurried movements AGARICUS. 107 of the upper extremities,35.—Slight contraction of the upper extremities, t.— Began to move the arms here and there, and shrug the shoulders, t.—Pim- ples upon the arms, with a burning-itching, of the size of grains of flaxseed,7. —The arms feel bruised/.—Painful weariness of the arms/.—On account of the pain he is obliged to change frequently the position of his arms/.— Want of strength in the arms/.—Itching of the arms/.—Small jerks in muscles of left shoulder-joint and between scapulae/2.—[1880.] Drawing, rheumatic pains in the shoulder-joint, attended with weakness of the whole arm (fifteenth day)/.—Slight drawing and pressive pain in the right shoulder,30.—Violent paralytic tearing in the right shoulder/8.—Sticking in muscles of anterior wall of right axilla/2.—Rhythmical jumping of the muscles in the left shoulder-blade and left deltoid muscle/8.—Violent con- vulsive shock in the left shoulder/8.—Tearing pain in left shoulder,30.—Pain in left shoulder-joint/2.—Sprained pain in the left shoulder-joint/8.—A sore pain in the lower angle of the left shoulder-blade, as if chafed/5 21.—[1890.] Fine stinging in the forepart of the head of the humerus in the right arm/. —Convulsive shock of the left arm, as from an electric shock, that seemed to have its origin in the neighboring joints/8.—Violent shock in the left arm/8.—From 2 to 6 p.m. pain as of lameness in the left arm/3.—Drawing pains in left arm, extending to the middle finger/3.—Tension in the biceps/5. —On rising in the morning, stiff pain in right biceps on bending the fore- arm back to the body; lasts a long time; makes this movement difficult/2. —The upper arms are painful to the touch/.—Bruised feeling in upper arm/2.—Sensation as if from the jumping of the tendons in the upper arm/9. —[1900.] The upper arm feels paralyzed, in consequence of much writing/. —A suppurating, painful abscess, of the size of a bean, has formed in the middle of the right deltoid muscle/5.—Some tension in the right upper arm, felt when moving,30.—Only during certain motions a somewhat painful tension in the right upper arm,30.—Fine tearing in the posterior surface of the right upper arm; often together with it the same sensation in the left lower arm; but the tearing is most sensitive in the region of the left clavicle/521.—Painful lameness of the right upper and forearm, and easy fatigue of the latter from only a little writing/2.—Twitching of the muscles in the left upper arm, near the point of the elbow/8.—Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the left upper arm below the deltoid muscle/8.—Mornings, after waking, a continuous, pressive, tensive pain in the tendons of the left upper arm, close to the bend of the elbow, lasting several minutes/8.—Lame pain in left upper arm.—[1910.] Tearing pain in left upper arm/.—In the evening a tearing pain appeared in the muscles of the left upper arm, last- ing for some time, then ceased and was followed by a sensitive, sore pain at the point of insertion of the left deltoid muscle, and which, after a short time, alternated with fine tearings in the shoulder-joint, repeating itself and becoming more sensitive/5 21.—When accidentally raising the left arm, a violent sprained pain appeared in the substance of the left deltoid muscle; it seemed as if there were thousands of splinters in the arm, at every at- tempt to raise it/8.—Pressure and bruised sensation in elbows, especially in left/2.—Painful jerks, resembling electric shocks, in the right elbow and wrist/5".—Sensation of cold in the tip of the right elbow, as if it were covered by a piece of ice/8.—Painless, violent pulsation in an artery the size of a quill, close above the olecranon of the right arm, in the flesh of the muscle, very distinct and repeated/5».—Constrictive, pressive pain in left elbow and right shoulder/2.—Drawing pain in left elbow (ten hours)/2. —Painful tearing in the left elbow-joint/5 21.—[1920.] Transient stitches, 108 AGARICUS. as of fine splinters, in the tip of the left elbow/8.—Itching, with titillation, of the point of the left elbow; this induces scratching (after three hours),6. —Pain in the forearms, which is dull, but hurts a good deal/.—Sometimes drawing in the forearms,30.—Twitches upon the upper surface of the right forearm, extending to the bend of the thumb/.—On the edge of the muscles in the middle of the right forearm a sudden, terrible pain, as of thousands of splinters/8.—Tearing in the right forearm/.—Inner trembling in right forearm, extending to the bend of the thumb/.—Burning-itching upon the right forearm, which makes it necessary to scratch the parts; the scratch- ing is succeeded by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed; at the same time the skin scales off, the scales having the shape of bran/.—Burn- ing pain upon the anterior surface of the left lower arm, just above the wrist-joint, as if he had burnt himself/.—[1930.] Sudden pressing-like pain courses through the left forearm to the root of the fingers (immedi- ately)/2.—♦ Drawing pain from left upper to forearm,32.—* Painful drawing in muscles of left forearm and down over the elbow,32.—Sensitive drawing, tearing pain in the radial side of the left lower arm, and, at the same time, above the elbow-joint in the olecranon/5 21.—Forenoons, frequent tearing in the left forearm bones,30.—Afternoons, an hour after dinner, very painful, fine tearing in the left lower arm, ceasing and returning, as if between the two forearm bones, extending toward the hand, with a fixed pain at the back of the wrist, accompanied by a sensation of numbness in the skin of the lower arm, especially of the back of the hand, but which only seemed so, for the sensation was normal to the touch. The fine tearing pain re- turns all the afternoon, at intervals that are entirely free from pain, especi- ally in the radial surface of the left lower arm/521.—Sensitive tearing pain in the left lower arm, of the radial side, and outwardly, and in the region of the left hip/5 21.—Tearing in the left forearm, and in the olecranon during rest/.—Acute, rheumatic pains in the whole of the left forearm, ex- tending as far as the thumb; this symptom occurs in the afternoon, during rest/.—Fine tearing in the radial side of the left forearm, extending over its upper half/5 21— [1940.] Fine tearing in the ulnar side of the left fore- arm/021.—Itching, with titillation, of the right carpus; the person is obliged to scratch the parts (after quarter of an hour),6.—Tearing in the carpus of the left hand/.—Lame, transient, violent, sprained pain in the tendons of the dorsum of the left wrist, as after a mechanical injury/521.—The hands are rubbed together, as if rolling something soft into a ball between them/5.—*Tremor of the hands/.—Tremor of the hands, as in old people; this symptom occurs when he moves the hands or holds something with them (after one hour and a half)/.—*Burning and itching on both hands, as though they had been frozen, and were affected by winter's cold (on a cool summer's day); *the j)arts were hot and swollen, and looked very red; this condition lasted uninterruptedly for four months, during which the hands would become so swollen, after rubbing, on account of incessant itching and burning on a cool spring day, that the knuckles could not be seen for many hours/3.—^Itching, redness, and burning of the hands, as occurs when the parts are frozen,5.—Extremely violent itching in both hands,23.—[1950.] Cold hands/3.—Unsteadiness of the right hand when writing/021.—On waking in the morning sensation of pain in the right hand and bones of forearm,30. — Sore pain in the external half of the back of the right hand; sensation of a slight burn there, increased by touching it/1.—Stitches, as of splinters, in the back of the right hand, near the wrist, with frequent twitching of various muscles/8.—On the back of AGARICUS. 109 the right hand, towards the wrist, burning, sore sensation for several hours, though nothing is to be seen on the spot. Afterwards the same sensation in the left hand,30.—Sensation of burning and soreness in the skin of the right hand, from the wrist to the thumb and forefinger. There is nothing to be seen on the skin, but the spot is so sensitive that passing the fingers over it causes pain,30.—Inflamed pimples, of the size of a grain of flaxseed, upon the dorsum of the left hand/.—Drawing pains in the metacarpal bone of the left hand/.—Dull pain in the metacarpal bone of the left middle finger/.—[I960.] Violent painful sensation of lameness in the left hand,23. —Sensation of lameness in the left hand, with tension in the right fore- arm/5.—Always, five minutes after commencement of palpitation of the heart, violent lame pain in left hand and arm/3.—Going to sleep of the left hand when leading a little boy during a walk/521.—The left hand goes to sleep; this symptom extending as far as the middle of the forearm ; at night (fifth day),8.—Warm sweat at times in the palms/2.—A peculiar burning-itching sensation in the right palm, as of a stiff hair,30.—Itching and titillation in the palm of the right hand, which has to be scratched (after seven hours),6.—Swelling of single fingers/8.—* Redness, burning itch- ing of the fingers, as when parts are frozen,5.—[1970.] Sometimes drawing pain in the fingers; seemingly in the periosteum,30.—Pain in base of right fingers/2.—Tearing pain between the thumb and index-finger of the right hand/.—Drawing pains that spread fork-like from the space between the thumb and index-finger of the left hand towards those fingers/5 21.—Painful tearing in the space between the left index-finger and thumb, and in the upper arm/5 21.—The metacarpal joints of the right index and middle fingei's somewhat red and sensitive to the touch,30.—Tearing in the fingers of the left hand, where the phalanges join the metarcarpal bones; motion has no modifying influence over this symptom (after one hour)/.—Sensa- tion of icy coldness over the joint as formed by the right middle finger and its metacarpal bone.—Twitching of the tendons in the right index-finger, and jumping of the muscles in the posterior margin of the right hand/8.— Burning and prickling in the index-finger of the right hand, as if a par- onychia would form; in a few days this symptom is followed by frequent fits of numbness of the finger and great, long-continued sensitiveness of the finger to cold/1.—[1980.] Drawing in the index-finger of the right hand/.—Itching, with titillation, of the inner border of the right index- finger, as if the parts had been, frozen (after five hours),6.—Frequent prick- ing, as of penetrating splinters, in the left forefinger/8.—Single stitches, in rapid succession in the first joint of the left forefinger/8.—Late in the evening, a pain resembling tearing, in the second joint of the left fore- finger/0 2l.—Violent tearing in the right middle finger (after twenty-three hours)/.—Sensation of going to sleep and violent crawling in the right fourth and fifth fingers, in the back of the hand, and in the ulnar side of the hand after writing very little/521.—Tearing twitches in the last two fingers of the right hand/.—Tearing in the little finger of the left hand, from its metacarpal joint/521.—For an hour in the afternoon tearing-burn- ing in the right thumb,30.—[1990.] Cramp-like pain in the right thumb, that occurs frequently duriug the day, and lasts several seconds,23.—Cramp in the ball of the right thumb when standing and walking; it passes off when the person is sitting (after six hours)/.—Itching and titillation of the ball of the right thumb, which obliges the person to scratch the parts (after eight hours)/.—Transient sticking pain, as of fine splinters, in the point of the right thumb/8.—Repeated violent tearing in the left thumb/1.— 110 AGARICUS. Pricking, as of needles, in the left thumb, increased and also caused by a slight touch/2. Loiver Extrem ities.—Trembling of the lower extremities, t.— *Pain in the legs, especially disagreeable in the region of the right hip-joint, in the outer side of the right leg, resembling violent pains from fatigue, accom- panied by tearing pain. These pains continued all the afternoon and even- ing, and became excessive at different times; added to which, was a sensa- tion of unsteadiness and fatigue/5 21.—* Markedly violent pains in the limbs, especially in the hip; pain in the hip, especially in the left one, under the gluteal muscles; touch and pressure have no influence ; walking and rest do not affect it; deep stooping increases it, as well as a change of position of the respective parts.—Pain in the legs, as from exhaustion consequent upon typhus fever/.—[2000.] Mornings, burning in both legs, which ceases after rising,30.—The legs ache dreadfully, as if they had been crushed by a heavy load/5.—Tensive and drawing pain in both legs and feet in the night/3.—^Drawing pressive pains in the legs, and especially in the ankles30. —Sometimes a drawing pain in the periosteum in the bones of the legs,30.— Tearing in the legs; it continues when the person is sittiug, and is relieved by motion/.—Bruised pain in extremities, especially left; increases after a walk through the room/2.—The legs were as if bruised, and half lame/5.— Pain in the legs, as if they were bruised/.—Heaviness of the lower limbs/5. —[2010.] Heaviness and coldness of the lower extremities/4.— Great weight in the legs,7.—♦ Weight in the legs; they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under the person2.—At noon, crawling and burning in the skin of both legs, from the hip to the heel,30.—Burning itching of the legs on getting undressed in the evening ; this itching is attended with a desire to scratch; the scratching produces a burning sensation and makes the skin dry, which easily breaks; after five weeks the skin peels off/1.—In the legs, the pains (of almost any kind) occur when the person is standing or sit- ting ; more rarely when walking; the pains diminish and disappear by mo- tion,7.—His legs pained most when he attempted to rise, after sitting for awhile/0.—♦ When standing, the pain increases in the legs; he is soon obliged to walk or to sit down; the pain comes on already after he has been standing a minute/.— Weakness of the legs (feet); being too powerless to stand upon them, the body is constantly balancing to and fro/.—No muscular power in lower extremities, t—[2020.] Great prostration of the lower limbs, as if lead were attached to them,25.—Extreme prostration of the lower limbs while walking, which often compelled him to sit down/5.—An hour after dinner, great prostration and weakness of the lower extremities/2.—Great heaviness and prostration of the lower limbs/5.—*His legs feel so tired and heavy that he can scarcely lift them,7.—* Weak and heavy in the legs all day; more than usual clear, yellow urine/2.—Weariness of the legs/8.—Great lassitude of the legs; he knows not where to lay them/.—Painful fatigue of the legs at the least ascending of stairs, that disappeared when walking on a level floor/5 21.—Unsteadiness of the legs, so great that the knees gave way at every step, to which no particular attention was paid; without per- ceiving fatigue/5 21._[2030.] Coldness of the lower extremities/7.—The legs go to sleep as soon as he crosses them/.—At night, perspiration on the legs,30.—Perspired very much on both legs at night/8 30.—Evenings, in bed, perspiration on the inner surface of the legs/5 21— Pain in the left hip already appears in the morning/5 21.—Transient stitches in the left hip- joint, and pain as if wrenched, or as if the bones of the left articulation were being separated from the sacrum; the latter pain extended to the AGARICUS. Ill cavity of the lower abdomen, and only gradually disappeared/5.—The hip- joints are painful, as if dislocated ; most after them, the legs; the pain is a sprained, tired, bruised pain, mixed with a tearing sensation/6 21.—Dislo- cated pain in the left hip was very marked, but disappeared after an hour and a half/5 21.—Mornings after rising, a bruised pain in the right hip, that soon disappeared after continued walking/8.—[2040.] Pain in the hip for twenty-four hours; it is not felt when sitting, but is very acute when walk- ing/1.—Pressure in the hip-joints, especially mornings, in bed ; sometimes a sensation as if the painful head of the femurs would be separated, or dragged from their articulations, or the pelvic bones from the sacrum/5.— In the right ilium, externally, under the gluteals, rheumatic drawing pain, like pain in the hips/5 21.—The dull sensation resembling pain in the hips, in the region of the left ilium, became very violent, continued nearly the whole afternoon, was especially troublesome when sitting, and immediately disappeared entirely when walking/5 21.—Frequent twitching of the muscles of the seat/8.—Twitching of the muscles of both buttocks/8.—Frequent twitching and jumping of the gluteals/8.—Frequent twitching of the mus- cles of the left buttock/8.—Momentary tearings and spasmodic contractions of the left gluteus maximus/5.—Burning in the gluteals/5.—On sitting down, those parts upon which he sits feel bruised, or as if he had sat upon them for a long while/.—[2050.] A sensation of coldness often appeared in the gluteal muscles/5.—Sensation of cold in the gluteal muscles, which are spasmodically contracted, making walking difficult/5.—Loss of sensa- tion and coldness in the gluteal muscles/5.—The familiar sensation of cold- ness in spots on both buttocks, and an icy coldness extending to the ankles, especially to the big toe/8.—Quicksilver sensation in both buttocks at the same time/8.—Formication in the gluteal muscles, aud a cool creeping sen- sation from the legs to the toes/5.—Boil on the right half of the nates,2.— Sensation of coldness in the right buttock, appearing at regular intervals, at every stroke of the pulse/8.—The familiar sensation of coldness in the right buttock/8.—On a small, lengthwise spot of the right gluteal, a chill- ing sensation, as when liquid quicksilver is poured into the palm/8.—[2060.] Quicksilver sensation in the right gluteal.—Sensation of coldness on a point on the right buttock, and on the surface of the back, beiow the shoulder- blade/8.—Drawing and tearing in the left half of the nates ; the pain wakes him from sleep at night/.—Violent tearing in the left half of the nates, attended with a feeling of coldness; the tearing is very violent when sitting; less violent when rising and walking (lasting for eight days)/.—The familiar sensation of coldness in the left buttock and the region of the tro- chanter/8.—After dinner, in a spot the size of a cent, on the left gluteal muscles, the familiar cold sensation, as of contact with quicksilver/8.— On crossing the thighs he feels a violent pain in them.—Painful weariness of the thighs/.—The thighs are painful, as after long journeys on foot.—Internal drawing, from pelvic muscles into the legs; it becomes an external trem- bling ; warm skin ; slow pulse/2.—[2070.] Cramp-like pains from the ilium down toward the muscles of the anterior surface of the right thigh/8.— During the day, when walking, biting on the thighs, that induces scratch- ing/8.—Drawing rheumatic pain in the external surface of both thighs, when walking, and after sitting/1.—Pressive pain as from a plug, on the external surface of the thigh, above the knee/.—Drawing and stretching sensation on the anterior surface of the thigh/8.—Transient, cramp-like pains in the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh/8.—Sensation of coldness, in a strip several inches long and some lines broad, on the poste- 112 AGARICUS. rior surface of the thigh/8.—Pain above the knee, in the anterior surface of the femur, as if bruised/8.—Tearing close below the lesser condyle of the femur/.—Tearing which causes a feeling of numbness in the whole thigh, from the left hip-joint down to the knee/.—[2080.] The right thigh is very painful,30.—Tearing in the right thigh, when walking or sitting/.— Drawing and tearing in the right thigh, on laying it across the left; the pain disappears again on extending the limb (after one hour)/.—Paralytic pain in the. right thigh, especially when walking; the thigh feels as if it were too heavy, and supported a load (after eight hours)/.—The tendinous expansion of the right thigh is painfully tensive,30.—Electric stitches in the skin on the anterior surface of the right thigh/8.—Pain in the left lower thigh/3.—Tearing at the head of the left femur, which disturbs his rest/.— While walking in the forenoon, he observed rather a violent contraction of the flexors of the left thigh, lasting over an hour/7.—Painful pressure in the left thigh/1.—[2090.] Painful pressure in lower outer part of left thigh ; extends down into the knee, then into the left sole/2.—Continual paralytic drawing in the left thigh down to the knee, both in rest and motion (in the afternoon)/1.—Tearing, attended with a sense of coldness on the posterior side of the left thigh/.—Drawing, tearing pain from the region of the left loin, in the foreside of the thigh, extending to the middle/5 21.—Drawing, tearing pain at intervals, in the outer side of the left thigh, above the knee, extending into the popliteal space/5 21.—Fine stitches over the left knee and on the anterior surface of the thigh/8.—Painful sense of paralysis in the left thigh/1.—Corrosive itching on the anterior side of the left thigh/.— Biting pimple on the thigh above the left knee; scratching excites a violent sensation of burning in it/1.—Knocking together of the knees/0 21.—[2100.] Twitching of the muscles of the right knee/8.—The knee-joints are painful early in the morning, on getting out of bed; when sitting/.—Simultaneous drawing in both knee-joints/.—Drawing pain in the knees,20.—Awaking with drawing pain in the knees/9.—Stitches, first in the right then in the left knee.—Frequent violent stitches in the knees, with weakness in the feet,28. —When walking, violent stitches in both knees, for several minutes/8.— In attacks, especially when walking, a rather violent, piercing, burning pain about both ankles, and sometimes fine stitches were felt in the knee- joints,30.—Feeling of internal trembling, especially in the knees, with power- lessness of the legs/2.—[2110.] The pain in the knees increases when sitting, it decreases and disappears by walking/.—Weak in knees,32.—For a short time, while walking, such weakness in the knees that they gave way/0 21.— The limbs knocked together, t.—Drawing pain in the knee, that disappeared when moving, and grew more violent while lying/9.—Stitches in the knee, with electric shocks/8.—Fine tearing in the right knee,23.—Tearing in the right knee-joint, when standing or sitting/.—Painful tearings in the right knee-joint/3.—Tearing in right knee and right ankle, with dull drawing in upper front teeth (after looking out of an open window into cool air)/2.— [2120.] Continual boring and tearing in the right knee, when sitting/.— Slight and transient tearing, drawing sensations in the right knee-joint/5 21. —Sensation of weakness, and drawing, sprained pain in the right knee, tran- sient/7.—When rising from his seat, he felt violent stitches in the right knee/8.—Twitches in the internal side of the right knee/.—An undulating sensation in the right popliteal space/5.—On a spot as large as a cent, in the right popliteal space, the familiar quicksilver sensation/8.—Drawing in the left knee/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the left knee, when walking/.— Stitches in the left knee for several seconds, with a subsequent sensation of AGARICUS. 113 weakness in the limb/5.—[2130.] Pricking, as with pins, above the bend of the left knee (after thirty-six hours)/.—Painful sense of paralysis in the bend of the left knee/1.—-Sudden bending of the left knee, when walking in the afternoon/1.—Drawing pain in the leg, extending from the right knee as far as the toes, when sitting/.—Tearing in the leg down to the lower extremity of the tibia/.—Tearing in leg on sitting/2.—Jumping, drawing pressure, here and there, in muscles of leg/2.—Jumping of the muscles of the right leg and foot, with jerk-like shocks in them ; rumbling electric shocks, afterwards pricking itching in the sole of the left foot, near the toes, and in the left forefinger/8.—Frequent jumping of the tendons in the right leg/8.—Pain in the right leg,30. — [2140.] Burning in the right leg/0.—Mornings, some burning in the right leg,30—Much burning in the right leg after dinner,30.—Evenings, excessive burning in the right leg,30.—Burning pain in the right leg, as if an ulcer were forming,30.— Heaviness and burning sensation in the right leg,30.—Some burning in the skin of the right leg,30.—Tension in the right leg,30.—After rising, some tension in the right leg,30.—Sensation as if he were being pulled by the right leg/5 21.—[2150.] Very violent drawing and tensive pains in the whole right leg/0.—Fine tearing pain in the outside of the right leg above the ankle/0 21.—Tearing in muscles of anterior lower part of right leg (fifteen hours)/2.—Jerk-wise appearing, convulsive shocks in the right leg/8.—Crawling in the right leg,30.—Fine pricking on the internal side of the right leg and towards the tibia/.—Cramp-like pains, sometimes in the muscles of the left leg, sometimes in the upper surface of the thigh/8.—Painful drawing in the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it disappears iu walking (in the afternoon)/1.—Inter- nal drawing and trembling in left lower leg, more about the knee/2.—Some drawings in lower part of left lower leg/2.—[2160.] The left limb aches in the morning,30.—Pressing pain in lower part of left lower leg, on walking through the room/2.—Tearing pain in the left leg and in the calf/5 21.—A tearing pain, with a sensation of paralytic numbness in the left leg/5 21.— Heaviness in left leg like lead/2.—Burning itching of the left leg, which excites a desire to scratch; the scratching is followed by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed, which peel off in the shape of bran,7.— In the night, he is roused from sleep by a sense of coldness in the whole of the left leg/1.—Mornings after rising, light pains in the tibiae,30.—Even- ings, light pains in both tibiae,30.—Towards noon, drawing pains in both tibiae1*30.—[2170.] Some sensitiveness in both tibiae, but no pain,30.—The pain in the tibiae increases and continues when sitting, it disappears in walking/.—Burning, attended with pressure, at the upper part of the tibia, below the knee/.—Sensation at the top of the tibia and the head of the fibula, as if a warm hand were lying upon the parts/.—Pressive pains in the tibia,30.—Soon after rising, pains become less in the tibia, but did not last long,30.—Mornings, some pain in the right tibia,30.—Some burning iu the right tibia/.—Drawing and tearing in the right tibia/.—Single, tran- sient tearing pains in the right tibia/0.—[2180.] Occasionally during the night, a sensitive tearing pain in the right tibia,30.—Mornings, very violent pains in the left tibia,30.—Cramp in .left tibia, and in the calf/3.—Drawing in the left tibia on walking/2.—Mornings, very violent pressive, drawing pains in the left tibia; when walking in the forenoon these pains ceased entirely, but appeared again in the afternoon when sitting/0.—Tearing in the left tibia/.—For a short time after dinner, tearing pains in the left tibia,30.—The pain in the left tibia ceases entirely while walking in the vol. i.—8 114 AGARICUS. forenoon, but returns at noon for a short time,30.—Pressure, as from a con- tusiou, on the internal side of the gastrocnemii, while sitting; the pain is somewhat lessened by standing and by touching the parts, but it becomes violent again when the person sits down (after two hours)/.—Weight in the calves/8.—[2190.] Burning in the right calf,30.—Cramp-like pains in the inner side of the right calf/8.—Transient, cramp-like pain in the right calf, somewhat later, also in the left deltoid muscle/8.—Suddenly, while walking, a painful, contractive, cramp-like pain in the right calf, as,if something were knotted together there; most violent when lifting up or putting down the foot, causing the knees to give way, and making them lame/5 21.—Tearing in the exterior surface of the right calf when sitting (first day)/.—Stitches in the right calf/2.—Stitches in the skin of the right calf/8.—Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left calf/8.—Painful drawing in the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it disappears in walking in the afternoon/1.—Fine sticking in left calf/2.— [2200.] Crawling and pressing in left calf/2.—Sensation of stiffness in tendo Achillis, on rising from sitting/2.—In attacks, especially when walk- ing, a rather violent, piercing, burning pain about both ankles, and some- times fine stitches were felt in the knee-joints,30.—Slight drawing about both ankles,30.—Slight drawing sensation about the ankle-joints of both feet,30.— Drawing on internal ankle-bones/2.—Piercing pain in the second and third rows of the ankle-bones, and in the heel when walking/5.—Night, at two, was waked by jerks and pressive pain in the right ankle.—Pinching and drawing cramp in right ankle, extending over the whole front, then in- creasingly over the heel, and up the calf, so violent that rubbing and press- ing the parts against the bedstead gave no relief, and on arising, he could scarcely stand on his feet/3.—Violent tearing in the anterior surface of the left ankle/2.—[2210.] Sprained pain in the left ankle/8.—Tearing pressure upon the internal malleolus of the left foot, when sitting (after thirty-five hours)/.—Painful stitches in the external malleolus of the left foot, when sitting (after five hours)/.—Crawling under the skin under the inner left ankle-bone/2.—Corrosive itching of the internal malleolus of the left foot,5. —In the warm bed, excessive burning in both feet to the ankles, as if the blood were glowing in the veins/8.—Heaviness and want of tonicity in the feet/1.—Heaviness in the feet/4.—Formication in the feet/5.—Weak feeling in the feet, especially drawing and crawling under the skin on anterior surface of lower leg, extending toward inner side of the sole/2.—[2220.] Sensation of weakness in the feet on going down stairs; this weakness con- tinued when walking in the open air, and he distinctly felt that it proceeded from the sacral region,28.—Cold feet, as if plunged in snow/3.—Feet cold and unsteady/6.—Coldness of the feet, extending to the condyles/8.—During his walk, at 7 p.m., he felt a painful drawing sensation in the right foot, and in the anterior surface of the thigh, extending over the knee, with an accompanying feeling of weakness in the same foot/8.—On the right foot, about the inner ankle, a painful burning of the skin, as in incipient ery- sipelas, without any appearance of it on the skin/0.—Fine stitches in the dorsum of the right foot/.—Corrosive itching on the dorsum of the right foot/.—Undefined pain, throbbing or sprained, in the right instep, and towards the top of the foot/5 21.—While walking in the evening, excessive pains in the dorsum of the left foot,30.—[2230.] Violent burning pain on the dorsum of the left foot, late in the evening,30.—Crawling on the back of left foot/2.—Violent stitches in the middle .portion of the left foot, be- ginning at the malleoli, when at rest/.—Stitches in the lower surface of the AGARICUS. 115 first and second bones of the metatarsus/.—♦ Cramp in the sole of the foot at night,7.—Tearing in the soles of the feet when walking/.—At noon, a piercing pain in the sole of the right foot, as of splinters/8.—Tearing in the hollow of the right foot, when sitting/.—Stitches in left sole/2.—Itching and creeping in skin of left sole/2.—[2240.] Pain in the heels, as from a bruise, when standing/.—Stitches in the heel when stepping, which extend up into the leg/5.—Stitches in the lower surface of the heel, when sitting/.— Piercing pain, as of splinters, in the right heel/8.—Piercing pain, as of penetrating splinters, in the right heel and the toes/8.—Digging, piercing pains in the right heel and the big toe, as of splinters/8.—A burning stitch in the left heel/8.—Stitches in the toes when at rest/.—Crawling in toes, especially left/2.—Itching and titillation of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen; this excites a desire to scratch (after eleven hours),6.—[2250.] Itching, burning, and redness of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen,5.— Grinding pain in the toes of the right foot/.—Sudden, violent piercing, as of splinters, in the right toes/8.—Painful dull stitches in the last three toes of the right foot (after twenty hours)/.—Drawing and tearing.upon the lower surface of the big toe of the right foot, when sitting/.—Soreness of the little toe of the right foot, as from the pinching of tight shoes (after six hours)/.—Drawing in left toes,7 32.—Sharp stitches in the toes of the left foot, when standing (after quarter of an hour)/.—Crawling, like formication, in tips of left toes/2.—The left great toe is swollen at the imbedding of the nail, and very painful/5.—[2260.] Twitches in the ball of the big toe of the left foot (first day),8.—Painful twitches in the big toe of the left foot/.— Frequent tearing in the ball of the big toe of the left foot (second day)/.— Stitches in the spot where formerly a corn had been,18.—Soreness in the corn of the second toe of the left foot, as from tight shoes (after three hours),6. Generalities.— Convulsions,3637.—Several convulsions following each other in quick succession, first in the posterior part of the chest, then in the epigastrium, afterwards in the hypogastrium, especially on the right side, attended with a sensation as if the whole body were shaken through; in the evening, when standing/.—Epilepsy/7.—In a patient affected with epilepsy, the fits came on at shorter intervals/.—In two patients affected with epilepsy the fits became more violent, reappear at shorter intervals, but afterwards occur more rarely, and are very slight/.—[2270.] Very violent spasms/5.—Most violent tonic and clonic spasms lasted all day, t.— Spasms, with very great anxiety and pain at the epigastric region; re- lieved by spontaneous vomiting/5.—Convulsions alternating with stupor/0. —Soporous aud spasmodic condition, lasting nearly two days/0.—^Frequent jumping of the muscles in different parts of the body,w.—When the prover was reclining on a lounge, with his right arm under his head, his body was suddenly shudderingly shaken, the arm involuntarily pulled down to the trunk, upon which followed several fine stitches, in both condyles of the elbows/718.—At three o'clock in the night, restlessness in every muscle of voluntary motion, upon which, quivering of the whole body, especially of the lower jaw; finally, action of the muscles as in St. Vitus's dance, which remained uncontrolled by the greatest effort of the will/8.—Constant inclination to bend the body backward and forward and to stretch, t.— *Spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face and limbs,33.—[2280.] Com- motion of the nervous system/0.—Sensation as if the whole body were shaken through ; in the evening, when standing/.—Here and there slight twitchings over the whole body, t.—Sense of tremor in the whole body (after one hour)/.—♦ Tremor,36 *°.—♦ General trembling, t.—Excessive bodily 116 AGARICUS. agitation; the lower limbs were forcibly retracted, and the arm shook, so that the pulse could not be felt,35.—♦Jactitation of the muscles all over the body/2.—Spasmodic movements, which were of short duration, but violent, and succeeded by a yellowish tinge over the whole surface, a kind of icterus, especially conspicuous on the neck, face, and chest; it disappeared, by slow degrees, in a few hours/5.—Violent convulsive shock of the entire right side of the body, proceeding from the spine/8.—[2290.] Unsteady gait; stumbling over every object,15.—Undefined impulse to fall over backwards/9. —Inner restlessness, that impelled the prover from one place to another/0. —Whole body seemed paralyzed, t.—She felt so light, that it seemed as though she could run as never before, t.—Supernatural strength; it re- quired four men to bind him, t. — Loss of strength in all parts of the body/.—Excessive loss of strength/.—Prostration, and very much affected from being in the air,30.—Considerable prostration of strength,43.—[2300.] General prostration, with cold and viscid sweat all over/5.—Feeling of pros- tration, that soon diminished while walking in the open air, but which re- curred repeatedly/7.—In the morning, on awaking, prostrate and confused, as after great fatigue/7.—Prostration and weakness, on the least motion, together with frequent palpitation of the heart/3.—Great weakness of the whole body/6.—Great weakness; the pulse was hardly perceptible,35.—Great weakness, especially in the lower limbs, with trembling in them/0.—Weak- ness, with vertigo (uncommon)/3.—On walking, even through the room, great weakness, and inclination to close the eyes; deep breathing (one-half hour)/2.—Lassitude (after twelve to sixteen hours)/7.—[2310.] Great las- situde, and staggering gait (shortly),9.—On awaking in the morning, heavi- ness in the whole body/3.—Unusual weariness of the whole body ; inability to think/5.—Weariness/3.—Weariness, early in the morning/.—Great fatigue after moderate exercise,30. — Great fatigue after short but quick walking/.—Easily fatigued ori slight exertion/2.—A small walk through the room is fatiguing/2.—When in bed, he feels so tired that he does not know what position to take/.—[2320.] On walking, very much disinclined to walk/2.—On ascending a little hill copious sweat breaks out; he feels like fainting/.—Fainting, t.—Frequent fainting (in an hour)/3.—She re- mained some time unconscious, and in a state of stupor and prostration, which caused fear for her life/3.—Half an hour after the delirium, he falls into a swoon, which is short-lasting, but leaves him in a state of profound dulness/5.—Stupor/5.—State of stupor, with spasmodic agitation/5.—The patient did not arouse from this state of stupor, except when teased into drinking a mixture of vinegar and water ; this condition lasted about seven or eight hours, then they came gradually to their senses, and next day were completely restored/9.—Stupefaction and sleepiness, improved in the open air/2.—[2330,] Great sensitiveness of the whole body to cold, especially of the hands and feet, with pale, wan face/8.—Great sensitiveness to cool air/2.—Sensibility diminished, t.—All the senses are blunted/6.—Anxiety, attended with tremors and lassitude/.—Anxiety, with breaking out of per- spiration/5.—Discomfort in the whole body/81930.—A peculiar sensation of discomfort all the forenoon, that is not easily described,30.—General ma- laise/3.—An indescribable derangement of the nervous activity/830.— [2340.] Uncomfortable feeling of sickness in the whole body/.—Feeling unwell in a high degree/7 30.—Much affected from walking, with the atmos- phere at a moderate temperature,30.—Most severe pains, t.—The pains are felt simultaneously in several parts of the body, especially on both sides above the small of the back/.—Pains of various kinds, when sitting, simul- AGARICUS. 117 taneously, in all the parts of the body/.—Cracking in all the joints, on moving them/2.—Muscle symptoms worse on sitting, seldom on walking/2. —It seems as if the whole body were gradually diminishing/3.—Cramp-like pain in all the muscles, erratic, now in the upper, now in the lower ex- tremities, when sitting/.—[2350.] When sitting, there is a boring pain iu the whole head, in the thighs, tibiae, aud the bones of the tarsus, attended with somnolence, and relaxation of the whole body/.—Frequent sensitive tearing, now aud then, in the tendinous expansions of the body/0.—Prick- ing, as from pins, in different parts of the body (after one hour)/.—Fine pricking and burning in different parts of the body (after one hour)/.—All the parts of the body are sensitive to pain; on applying even feeble pres- sure to a spot, it pains still a long while after/.—Bruised pain in single joints/2.—On sitting, the bruised pain and fatigue are most felt/2.—Crawl- ing on hairy portions of the body/2.—A feeling of crawling and coursing through all the nerves, coming from the abdomen,30.—Heat of the face, with insupportable anxiety, which yielded four or five times to perspiration, caused by covering the head, and intentionally accelerated breathing, upon which a transient sensation of highly agreeable coolness streamed through him/9. Skin.—[2360.] Spreading herpes/.—The itching eruption spreads fur- ther, to the region of the abdomen and thighs/7.—Eruptions of little pim- ples show themselves here and there,30.—On the lower abdomen, in the region of the navel, the privates, and inner thighs, an eruption appears, consisting of small, whitish pimples, that itch violently, and create an irre- sistible desire to scratch, which only increases the burning and itching/7.— A few mattery pimples, of the size of a poppy-seed, appear between the forefinger and thumb of the left hand, and on the right of the neck/3.—On the front side of the left thigh, and on the seat, carbuncles appeared that are very painful; the carbuncle on the seat reached the size of a hen's egg, was exceedingly painful, and discharged blood, without matter, in considerable quantities,28.—Itching, that causes scratching, in the region of the navel; eruption of small pimples with a red areola/7.—Violent itch- ing in the region of the abdomen and legs, with irresistible disposition to scratch, which caused a scattered eruption of easily-bleeding pimples/7. —Excessive itching in the region of the navel and perineum, especially violent on the lower extremities, with an eruption of little pimples/'.—The itching began with a crawling sensation under the skin, moving in little circles, accompanied by occasional pricking, as of needles, and by burning. —[2370.] Itching all over the skin/.—Transient itching in different parts of the body/3.—Itching, like electrical stitches, in the skin, now and then/8. —During the day, transient itching under the skin, in both groins and on the left arm,27.—Frequent itching during the day, alternately about the neck, the extremities, and the region of the abdomen, without visible erup- tion/1.—Violent itching at night, of some duration, in the region of the navel, privates, and inner thighs, which induces scratching/7.—Excessive itching during the day, while walking, in the left popliteal space, on the right front side of the knee, and also in the region of the sacrum ; it lasted all day, appearing alternately in different parts of the body, and often quickly changing its location/7.—Restless sleep, on account of very violent itching, that irresistibly induces scratching, not only on the abdomen and thighs, but also alternating on the arms and hairy scalp, which only abated somewhat toward morning, but did not cease, except at short intervals/7.— Nightly itching and burning, especially about the navel and the region of 118 AGARICUS the inner thighs, mostly beginning in the evening, and increasing in inten- sity towards midnight/7.—♦Violent itching between the thumb and fore- finger of the left hand, likewise on the back; a very restless night, with frequent waking, owing to the burning, itching pain, which continued, almost without interruption, indifferent parts of the body/7.—[2380.] Duriug the day, the prover felt a disagreeable burning pain on the inner surface of the thigh,on the spots which had itched during the night; it was increased by walking/3.—Frequently during the day, a corrosive biting and burning, now and then, on various parts of the skin/8.—-*Corrosive biting, now aud then, on the skin/8.—♦Pricking, as of needles, here and there/8.—Frequent violent pricking near the navel, and in different parts of the skin, as if splinters had penetrated it/8.—Shooting pains, now and then, in the skin/5. —^Several times during the day, fine stitches, as of needles, in various parts of the skin, without any outward sign,30.—♦Itching stitches in the left eye- brow, the left ear, on the head, and in various parts of the body/3. Fever.—Chills all over the body (after ten minutes),5.—A chill per- vading the body, from top to toe/.—[2390.] Continual chilliness ; he can- not get warm in the room, especially early in the morning/1.—Much chilli- ness, and constantly cold hands and feet, yawning, frequent desire to urinate, weakness aud disinclination to motion/2.—Great inclination to chilliness/.—Very sensitive to cool air/.—The slightest contact with-cool air causes goose-skin/.—Chills, with yawning/.—Much chilliness and yawning (two hours) ; pulse 60/2.—Easy chilliness on slight movement, and in a cooler air, or if the cold finger touches a warm part of the body/2.— He is chilled as soon as he goes out into the open air or raises the cover of the bed in the night/.—Coldness of the whole body, with hot head, con-. fusion, and loss of ideas/5.—[2400.] Great internal chilliness/.—Internal chilliness and cool skin/2.—A slight thrill of cold down the left leg as far as the foot/1.—Chill in the back, as if cold water were running down ; this chill occurs when he leans with his back against a chair/.—Now and then chilliness through back and limbs/2.—Chills, with shaking, upon lifting the cover of the bed/.—Chills; face and hands, however, being warm/.—Vio- lent chills, with shaking of the whole body, and tremor of the hands in writing; the hands are cold, the face naturally warm, without any thirst or subsequent heat/.—Chilliness in the open air/5.—Very chilly in the evening/.—[2410.] Long-continued chill in the evening, which increases to shaking/.—Shaking chill for ten minutes on lying down in the even- ing/1.—Feverish chills every evening, without thirst and without subse- quent heat/.—Radiating warmth from the whole body/2 25.—Veins swollen, with cool skin/2.—Much creeping heat through the back, on slow walk- ing in open air, with twitching in left side of face/2.—Violent attack of heat in the evening; his cheeks glow, although his hands are cold; these symptoms are attended with long-continued thirst, without any subsequent sweat (after twelve hours),6.—Heat in the night; she feels chilly on turn- ing herself or raising the cover of the bed/.—Increase of animal beat at night/.—Skin very warm; veins much distended/2.—[2420.] Continual heat during the night; afterwards sweat/.—Repeated attacks of heat, com- bined with sweat, during a whole afternoon, attended with dull headache, without thirst; in the evening, on putting on his hat, heat and sweat in- crease; respiration is hurried, with great depression of strength/.—Violent breaking out of perspiration over the whole body, even the hairy scalp/5.— After a quiet night excessive perspiration over the whole body/3.—Break- ing out of perspiration with anxiety/5.—Sweat consequent upon moderate AGARICUS. 119 bodily efforts/.—Sweat in walking/.—Profuse sweating on every walk/2.— A great deal of perspiration during the forenoon,30.—Evenings, in bed- perspiration, especially of the legs, without heat; on the contrary, with a sensation as if they were fanned by a cool breeze/5 21.—[2430.] Copious sweat during the night/7.—Night-sweats during an uneasy sleep/.—Copious sweat during the night about the legs,30.—Copious sweat during the night, especially about the legs,28.—The face, neck, and chest are wet with cold perspiration/0. Sleep and Dreams.—Inclination to yawn/7.—Much yawning/2.— Frequent yawning71723.—Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough (after seven and a half hours),6.—Frequently repeated yawning; it is so violent that it makes him giddy; early in the morning when walking in the open air (immediately)/.—[2440.] He yawned frequently, and each yawn was followed by involuntary laughter/5. — Very frequent convul- sive yawning, with excessive opening of the mouth; repeated two or three times in a minute/6. — Yawning, extension, and stretching of the limbs (after one hour)/.—Frequent yawning, with somnolence; he can hardly help falling asleep in the forenoon/.—Sleepy, yawning, and stretching; pulse 65 (one hour)/2. — Sleepy and tired the whole day/. — Unusual sleepiness1214 16 48.—Irresistible sleepiness, which makes it necessary that the person should lie down/1.—Sleepiness, with heaviness of the head (immediately)/. — Early and unusual sleepiness/521.— [2450.] Somno- lence; he answered slowly, t.—Sleepiness, early in the morning, one hour after rising/.—Iu the forenoon, when reading, he was overwhelmed with sleep/.—Unusually great sleepiness after dinner/2. — Irresistible somno- lence after dinner/. — Great sleepiness the whole afternoon/2.—Unusu- ally long and profound sleep after dinner/8.—Slept well, but roused himself with difficulty in the morning,30.—Sleep during the night was good, quiet, and strengthening/3.—Sleep unusually long aud profound/8.— [2460.] Sleep always good, but profound; as if stupefied on waking/521. —Slept well during the night, but she awakes unrefreshed, with a sen- sation of heat and heaviness in the whole body.—In spite of great som- nolence, he cannot fall asleep (in the forenoon)/.—Although he felt ex- tremely drowsy in daytime, yet he was prevented from falling asleep by an abundance of ideas that thronged his mind/.—After dinner sleep op- pressed his eyes; nevertheless, he was unable to fall asleep on account of pain and uneasiness in his legs7.—Already, at eight o'clock in the evening, he felt so sleepy that he was obliged to go to bed; from fear lest some one should disturb him he only fell asleep an hour afterwards, after which he slept until near morning/.—Being very sleepy in the evening he went to bed, but he felt so uncomfortable all over the body, and his legs felt so tired, that he was unable to fall asleep; this symptom continued after he had waked up from a dream/.—Uneasy sleep (one to three nights)/.— Slept well, but often gnashed his teeth while asleep/0.—Sleep restless/171925. —[2470.] Sleep very restless, t.—Uneasy sleep, several times interrupted by waking up/1. — Frequent waking up in the night, as though he had slept enough/.—Frequent waking up at night (fifth day),8.— Frequent waking up in the night, attended with anxiety/.—He frequently wakes up iu the night, is wide awake, but falls asleep again a little while after/.— On falling asleep electric shocks, with twitchings through legs, more in left, and sudden, complete waking/2.—Slept well, but awoke at 1.30, and could not go to sleep again before 2.30/°.—Wakes very early in the morn- ing (4.30); lies half awake, with continued, violent, pressive pain in um- 120 AGARICUS. bilical region; does not become fully awake/2.—During and after the proving somewhat heavy sleep, often interrupted by waking up/521.— [2480.] Sleep stupefying, although several times interrupted by tossing about and waking up,15 21.—Later at night, short, restless sleep/9.—Night- sleep interrupted/7.—Slept very little during the night, and awoke almost every half-hour, but without any other symptom/2.—Restless sleep at night, with much tossing about; early awaking, without being able to sleep again/5 21.—Awaking three successive nights, exactly at midnight/2.—Rest- less, interrupted night-sleep, with anxiety/3.—Restless night-sleep, with constant tossing about, owing to an irksome heaviness in the whole body, in the head, as well as the chest, abdomen, and feet/3.—Slept badly, with headache and depression, bordering on melancholy/6.—At night, fear of suffocation; sensation as if the nose were entirely stopped/1.—[2490.] Light sleep, with many dreams and constantly changing images/1.—Sleep inter- rupted by anxious dreams/.—Internal uneasiness during a bad dream, the nature of which he is not able to recollect, and during which the body re- mained quiet; upon waking up all uneasiness had gone/8.—Frequent wak- ing up on account of bad dreams/.—Disagreeable dreams often wake him up in the night/.—Vivid dreams, partly agreeable, partly disagreeable,6. CV.m/Z*'£<>ms.—Aggravation.— (Morning), Vertigo, etc. ; dulness of head ; dull headache, etc.; frontal headache, etc.; pressive pain on vertex; itching of eyes; pain in superciliary ridge; trembling of eyelid; sneezing; pressure in facial bones; coeded tongue; roughness in throat; increased ap- petite; nausea, etc.; pressure in liver; stitches in right hypochondrium ; burning and itching in anus; urging towards anus; urine light-colored, like water; excessive sexual desire ; cough; violent attacks of cough; vio- lent cough, with expectoration of mucus; rattling of mucus iu chest; slight coughing of mucus ; frequent violent cough, etc.; cough, bringing up flakes of mucus; cough of thick mucus; violent cough, with expectoration of mucus, etc.; indications of cough ; burning in both legs; pain in left hip ; burning in right leg; the left limb aches ; pain in right tibia; pains in left tibia.—(Morning, in bed), Headache ; violent sneezing; chirping in occip- ital region of neck, etc.; muscles of posterior cervical region feel too short; coldness in right axilla.—(Morning, on awaking), Dull headache; head- ache, etc.; headache in forehead ; drawing headache in forehead ; pain in frontal eminence; painful stretching of the eye; pain in superciliary ridge, etc.; biting in edges of lids ; heat of head and face, etc.; pain in ar- ticulation of jaw, etc.; dry feeling in fauces, etc.; pressure in region of stomach; violent cough; violent convulsive cough; labored, mostly dry cough, etc.; mucous expectoration ; cough, with loose expectoration ; palpi- tation of heart; blows in the heart, etc.; tensive pain in tendons of left upper arm ; sensation of pain in right hand ; prostrate and confused ; heav- iness in whole body.—(Morning, on rising), Nasal catarrh ; blowing blood from nose; stiff pain in right biceps.—(Mornings, after rising), Bruised pain in right hip; pains in the tibiae.—(Early morning), Heaviness and confu- sion of head, etc.; giddiness ; vertigo, etc.; headache ; pain in right half of occiput, etc.; drawing pain in occiput, etc.; stitches in occiput; agglutina- tion of lids; bad smell from mouth, etc.; much hunger, but no appetite; eructations, etc.; grunting in abdomen ; colic, etc.; liquid stools, etc.; erec- tions ; small, quick pulse, etc.; muscles of back feel too short; knee-joints painful; weariness; frequent yawning; sleepiness.—(Forenoon), Head con- fused ; stupefaction of head; dulness of head; one-sided headache, etc.; pains in occiput and nape, etc.; external pain in head, etc.; tension across AGARICUS. 121 occiput, etc.; stitches in occiput; slight nausea; good deal of thirst; exces- sive thirst, etc.; eructations, etc.; sour eructations; nausea, etc.; sensation of flabbiness iu stomach ; discomfort in abdomen, etc.; pressure, etc., in ab- domen, etc.; stitches in abdominal walls, etc.; griping in lower abdomen ; pains in lower abdomen ; urine watery ; frequent cough ; violent cough ; convulsive cough; short, dry cough ; frequent cough, etc.; attacks of cough, etc.; oppression, etc., in chest; punctiform stitches in chest; drawing, etc., in long bones; tearing in left forearm bones; contraction in flexors of left thigh ; great deal of perspiration; frequent yawning, etc.; sleepiness.— (Towards noon), Stitch over left eyebrow, etc.; trembling of upper eyelid ; feeling as of nausea; stitch in liver; disagreeable sensation iu anus; slight shooting pains and tension in the chest; drawing pains in both tibiae.— {Noon i, Dulness of head; pressure in both temples; pressure in right eye, etc.; cramps in stomach; griping in abdomen; heat and itching in anus; pressure in anus; evacuations; coughing; pain in region of heart, etc.; stitch in the sacrum; pains in loins, etc.; crawling, etc., in skin of legs, etc.; pain in hip-joint, etc.; pain in left tibia; pain in sole of right foot.— (Afternoon), Drawing pains in occiput; pain in left upper molar teeth; toothache; offensive taste; violent thirst; eructations; hiccough; pain in stomach passes to epigastrium ; stitches in region of spleen; pain in lower abdomen ; dark-green, etc., stool; urine flame-colored ; urine milky ; attack of coughing, etc.; violent coughing; pain stretching from back, etc.; tear- ing in left forearm; rheumatic pains in left forearm; tearing burning in right thumb; pain in legs; dull sensation, like pain, in the hips; drawing in left thigh ; bending of left kuee ; heat, with sweat, etc.; great sleepiness. —(Toivards evening), Increased appetite; rabid hunger; tensive pain at pit of stomach, etc.; drawing iu region of pit of stomach, etc.; drawing in back aud sacrum, etc.; cough.—'^Evening), Vertigo, etc.; headache; sensation of contraction in eyes; agglutination of lids; itching on bulbus; dizzy vis- ion ; fluent coryza ; warmth of face ; sensitiveness of front teeth ; feeling of tension in region of thyroid gland; pinching, etc., in epigastrium ; pressure in spleen, etc.; din in the abdomen, etc.; cutting in hypogastrium ; cutting itching in rectum ; evacuations ; disagreeable sensation in urethra; stitches in chest, etc.; pain in right chest, etc.; violent palpitation of the heart; pal- pitation of heart; backache; twitches in right lumbar muscles; pain in both sides of sacrum ; tearing pain in muscles of left upper arm, etc.; burn- ing in right leg; light pains in tibiae; pains in dorsum of left foot; convul- sions, etc.; sensation as if the whole body were shaken through ; long-con- tinued chill, etc.; feverish chills; violent attack of heat, etc.; heat and sweat.—(Late in evening), Cutting in abdomen; tearing pain in second joint of left forefinger; burning pain in dorsum of left foot.—(Evening, in bed), Jumping in recti muscles; perspiration on inner surface of legs; per- spiration, etc.—(Night), Pressive pain in vertex; pains in stomach, etc.; trouble from flatus; itching of hypogastrium; three watery stools, etc.; knotty stools ; burning in orifice of urethra ; violent desire to urinate ; pas- sage of much uriue ; erections ; violent spasmodic cough; violent cough, etc ; attacks of cough; snoring and wheezing in chest; sweat upon chest; pain- ful shock- in the heart; pains along the back, etc.; stitch in dorsal ver- tebra ; pain in left kidney region; left hand goes to sleep; pain in legs and feet; perspiration on the legs; sense of coldness in left leg; pain in right tibia ; cramp in sole of foot; heat; increase of animal heat; continual heat; copious sweat; copious sweats about the legs ; fear of suffocation, etc.—(Be- fore midnight), Itching and burning, etc.—(Midnight), Pain in left temple; 122 AGARICUS. pain in left abdominal region.—(Towards 11 a.m.), Difficulty in breathing. —(10 a.m. till 2 p.m.), Pain in left half of head, etc.—(2 to 6 p.m.), Lame pain in left arm.—(3 to 5 p.m.), Uninterrupted palpitation of heart.—(4 P.M. till evening), Constant pressure near the heart.—(Towards 1 o'clock at night), Pain in upper teeth.—(Night, at 2 o'clock), Jerks and pressive pain in right ankle.—(3 at night), Restlessness in every muscle, etc.—(Open air), Vertigo; headache in forehead; chilliness.—(Walking in open air), Reeling; staggering; vertigo; pain in supra-orbital region ; decrease of sight; ringing in right ear; griping in abdomen, etc.; griping in lower ab- domen ; pressive pain in sacrum, etc.; stitch in the sacrum ; creeping heat through the back, etc.; frequent yawning.—(Bending body backwards or forwards), Stitches in lung.—(Bending body down), Clear water drops out of nose; nose feels obstructed; sensation of tension across region of lungs, etc.; posterior cervical muscles feel too short; pricking in cervical verte- brae ; muscles of back feel too short; painfulness along spinal cord; oppres- sion of heart, etc.; crackling of lumbar vertebrae.—(Deep stooping), Pains in limbs, etc.—(Bending body to left), Pressive feeling in hypochondrium, etc.—(Before going to bed), Violent palpitation of heart.—(After breakfast), Pressure in temporal bone; jerks in loose tooth; offensive taste in mouth, etc.; attack of nausea; sensation of discomfort in stomach ; burning, etc., in stomach; pressure in stomach ; sensation of heaviness, etc., in stomach ; oppression at pit of stomach ; sensation of heaviness under navel; griping in region of navel; distension of abdomen; gurgling and rattling in intestines; burning in abdomen; slight griping; sensation of flatus; copious pappy stool; scanty, pappy, painless stool; tension across the chest, etc.; tension and pres- sure over whole chest; pain below sternum ; sore pain under sternum.— (Breathing), Dull stitches in the liver; stitches in middle of right lung; stitches in leftside of chest; stitches in left lung.—(Drawing breath), Stitches in left short ribs; stitches in left side of chest; pressure at middle of sternum. * —(Inhalation), Soreness in nostril.—(Deep breathing), Sense of motion, etc., in muscles of chest, etc.; sprained pain in chest; pains from region of heart, etc.—(At end of expiration), Sticking behind sternum, etc.—(Closing eyes), Pressure under the lids; burning of canthus of eyes.—(Cola1), Toothache. —(In cooler air), Easy chilliness.—( Touch of cold finger to warm part of body), Easy chilliness.—(Raising cover of bed), Chilliness; chills with shak- ing.—(Cold air passing into ear), Pain in ear, etc.—(Looking out of open window in cool air), Pain in teeth ; pain in right knee, etc.—(Crossing the thighs), Violent pain in thigh ; drawing and tearing in right thigh.—(After dinner), Headache; premonitions of headache; pressure in eyes, etc.; nausea, etc.; inclination to vomit; sense of fulness, etc., in stomach ; feeling of ful- ness and flatus; oppression at pit of stomach, etc.; heaviness, etc., in abdo- men, etc.; hard, scraping stool; coughing and sneezing, etc.; short, dry cough ; burning in chest; slight backache, etc.; pain in spine ; prostration of lower limbs; cold feeling on gluteal muscles; tearing pains in left tibia; unusual sleepiness ; irresistible somnolence ; long and deep sleep.—(After drinking cold water), Jerks in loose tooth; nausea.—(After an embrace), Great weariness ; much exhausted, etc.—(After eating moderately), Feeling of distension in abdomen ; pressure, etc., in abdomen.—(After eating a little), Pressure in stomach.—(After eating meat), Heartburn.—(After moderate ex- ercise) , Great fatigue; sweat.—(After passage of flatus), Hard stool.—(In gloomy weather), Brown spot before eye.—(In passing wind), Great pain in • rectum.—(Putting on hat), Heat and sweat.—(Heat ojf sun), Vertigo.—(Hic- coughing), Pains from region of heart.—(Leaning back against chair), Pain AGARICUS. 123 in spinal column ; pressive pain in sacrum ; chill in back.—(Lifting up or putting down the foot), Pain in right calf.—(Light of sun), Giddiness.— (Lying on left side), Pain, etc., in left ear.—(Looking at light objects), Yel- low spots before eyes.—(Looking into the light), Dizzy dulness of head.— ( Using eyes by lamplight), Pressure in eyes.—(Lying on back), Rattling of mucus in chest.—(Lying down), Headache, etc.; pain in occiput, etc.; rush- ing in ear ; pain in small of back ; bruised pain in lumbar region ; twitching of the muscles; pain in knee.—(Lying down at night), Blows in heart, etc. —(After a meal), Tongue coated white, etc.; nausea ; oppression at stom- ach ; soreness in hypochondria; frequent cough.—(Moving head to either side), Back of neck hurt, etc.—(More rapid motion of head), —(Motion of body), Backache.—(During increased motion of body), Dragging, etc., along spinal cord; pain in several places of spinal cord.— (Slight movement), Easy chilliness.—(After motion), Bruised feeling of bones of extremities.—(Moving the part), Tension in right upper arm.—(Moving the joints), Cracking in them.—(Moving eyes), Pressure in eyes; burning and pressure in eyeballs; sensitiveness of eyeballs.—(Moving mouth), Flow of saliva.—(Moving hands, or holding something with them), Tremor of hands.—(Slight noise), Stitches in frontal eminences; blows in heart, etc.— (When least taken notice of), Disagreeable sensation in head, etc.—(Open- ing and shutting eyes), Burning in eyes.—(Five minutes after commencement of palpitation of heart), Lame pain in left hand and arm.—(Pressure), Creaking of occiput; pressure, etc., in stomach ; pain in umbilical region. —(Reading), Dizzy dulness of head ; twitching and pressing in left eyeball; loss of vision; eyes grow weak ; overwhelming sleepiness.—(Rest), Oppres- sion behind sternum, etc.; tearing in left forearm, etc.; rheumatic pains in left forearm; stitches in left foot, etc.; stitches in the toes; symptoms gen- erally.—(Getting out of bed), Knee-joints painful.—(After getting up), Itch- ing of scalp.—(After rising), Stitch in the forehead, etc.; pain inside of chest; tension in right leg.—(Rising from seat), Anxiety in chest, etc.; pain in small of back; stitches in right knee; sense of stiffness in tendo Achillis. —(Rising, after sitting awhile), Pain in legs.—(Rising from seat and righting body), Back feels stiff.—(Raising head), Flow of saliva into mouth.—(Rais- ing left arm), Pain in deltoid muscles.—(Raising thigh when sitting), Pain in small of back.—{In room), Vertigo; inclination to vomit.—(Sitting), Pressure in forehead; pain in forehead becomes pressing and stuuning; pain in forehead, etc.; occipital headache ; spasms below diaphragm ; dry cough, etc.; oppression, etc., in chest; sudden stitches in chest, etc.; irregu- lar, strong beats of heart, etc.; anxious sense in heart; muscles of back of neck feel short; muscles of back feel short; pains in dorsal muscles ; pain in small of back ; bruised pain in lumbar region ; tearing in lumbar mus- cles ; pain in sacrum ; tearing in legs; the pains in legs ; dull sensation re- sembling pain in hips; sitting parts feel bruised; tearing in left half of nates ; tearing in right thigh ; knee-joints painful; pain in knees ; tearing in knee-joint; boring, etc., in right knee; pain in leg, etc.; tearing in leg; the pains in the tibia; bruised pain of inner.'side of gastrocnemii; tearing in outer surface of calf; pressure upon left malleolus; tearing iu hollow of right foot; stitches in lower surface of heel; drawing, etc., upon lower sur- face of right big toe; various pains; symptoms of muscles; cramp-like pain in all the muscles, etc.; boring pain in head, thighs, etc.; bruised pain and fatigue.—(After.sitting), Pain in external surface of both thighs.—(Sitting with a stooping chest), Stitches under left short ribs; fine stitch in left chest. ^ —(Standing), Pain in forehead; oppression in stomach; painful palpita- 124 AGARICUS. tion of heart; bruised feeling in small of back; paralytic pain in loins; pain in right loin ; cramp in ball of thumb; the pains in legs ; tearing in knee-joint; bruised pain in heels ; sharp stitches in left toes ; convulsions, etc.; sensation as if the whole body were shaken through.—(Stepping), Stitches in heel.—(Scratching), Burning and itching.—(Before and during stools), Pinching and cutting in abdomen.—(After stool), Rumbling in ab- domen ; creeping in lower abdomen, etc.—(Stretching and holding in the breast), Drawing pain in occiput.—(Stretching and turning thigh outward), Tensive sensation in region of right loin.—(Swallowing), Dryness of palate, etc.—(Empty swallowing), Creaking in ears.—(Swallowing saliva), Painful sensation in fauces.—(Sneezing), Stitches in region of sacrum ; pains from region of heart.—(Smoking tobacco), Empty risings, etc.; inclination to cough.—(Touch), Pain in parietal bone; burning in canthus; stitches in throat; pain in right loin ; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae; pain in muscles of extremities; pain in back of right hand, etc.; pricking in left thumb.—(Touching the hairs), Pressure upon temporal bones, etc.— (Every turning motion of body), Increased painfulness of spinal column; violent pain in spinal column, etc.; pain in region of eighth and ninth dor- sal vertebrae.—(Turning head backwards and toivards left), Sprained sensa- tion of neck, etc.—( When undressing in evening), Burning itching of legs, etc.—( When urinating), Drawing in left groin ; burning sensation.—( When vexed), Palpitation of heart.—( While vomiting), Sensation of foreign body in fauces.—(After vomiting), Feeling in left eyeball as though enlarged.— ( Walking), Vertigo; oppression in stomach; stitches in abdominal walls, etc.; pain in left groin; difficulty of breathing; punctiform stitches in chest; pressure on breast, etc.; stitches in right lung; pain from sides of lumbar vertebrae; tearing in lumbar muscles ; paralytic pains in loins ; pain in sacrum, with exhaustion ; prostration of lower limbs ; pain in the hip; biting on the thighs; pain on outside of thighs; tearing in right thigh ; paralytic pain in right thigh ; contraction in flexors of left thigh ; weakness in knees; pain in left knee; sudden bending of left knee; drawing in left tibia; pain in right calf; pain about both ankles ; pain in heel; drawing sensation in right foot, etc.; pains in dorsum of left foot; tearing in soles of feet.—(After walking through room), Bruised pain in extremities, etc.; pressing pain in lower part of left leg.—( Walking upstairs), Pain in right knee-joint; painful fatigue of legs.—( Walking up little hill), Copious sweat, etc.—(In warm bed), Burning in both feet.—( Washing with a sponge), Sen- sitiveness of spinal column.—(After garden ivork), Pain in back, etc.— ( While writing), Flickering before eyes ; unsteadiness of right hand ; tremor of the hands.—(After writing), Sensation of going to sleep, etc., in right fourth or fifth fingers, etc.—( Writing stooping, or while standing), Going to sleep of hand. Amelioration.—(Early in morning), Pulse less intermittent.—(Morn- ings, after waking), Pain in lumbar region, etc.—(Forenoon), Pains in left tibia.—(Towards morning), Violent itching.—(Towards 4 p.m.), Redness of face, etc.—(Open air), Vertigo; inclination to vomit.—(Walking in open air), Dulness of head ; feeling of prostration.—(Boring with finger), Tickling itching in lobe of ear.—(Expiration), Sore feeling in left nostril. —(After drinking coffee), Fulse less intermittent, etc.—(Eructations), Occur- rence of nausea.—(Extending the limb), Drawing and tearing in right thigh. —(Passage of flatus), P'ressive pain, etc., in stomach; pinching sensation inside of abdomen; abdominal pains.—(After passage of offensive flatus), Pains in stomach, etc.—(Lying on left side), Tension in tendons, etc., of AGARICUS PANTHERINUS. 125 right lumbar region.—(Meditating), Vertigo.—(Motion?), Pain in small of back ; tearing in legs ; the pains in the legs; pain in knee ; prostration and weakness, etc.—(Continued motion), Pain in limbs.—(When observing the pain), Indistinct disagreeable sensation, etc.—(After perspiration in morn- ing), Itching of hypogastrium.—(Pressure), Frontal headache; pain in forehead ; pain in left temple ; griping in lower abdomen, etc.; stitches in right lung; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.—( When ris- ing), Rushing in ears.—(After rising), Burning in both legs, etc.; pains in tibia.—(In room), Vertigo.—(Rubbing), Itching and pressure in eye.— (Scratching), Pain over left eyebrow; stitch over left eyebrow.—(Scratching with sharp comb), Itching of scalp.—(Sitting), Disagreeable feeling in anus, etc.; stiffness and pain in back ; cramp in ball of thumb ; pain in hip.— (Standing), Pain in internal side of gastrocnemii.—(After copious stool), Headache.—(Thinking of something else), Vertigo, etc.—(Touch), Pain over cranium ; pressure on internal side of gastrocnemii.—(Turning head quickly), Vertigo.—(Spontaneous vomiting), Spasms, etc.—( Walking), Dull sensation like pain in hips; tearing in left half of nates; stitches in both knees; pain about both ankles, etc.; pain in knees; drawing in posterior side of left leg, etc.; pain in the tibia; pains in left tibia; great weakness, etc.; itching in popliteal space ; burning in inner surface of thigh ; sweat; profuse sweat.—(After short but quick walking), Fatigue.—(After continued walking), Bruised pain in right hip.—(Walking on level floor), Painful fatigue of legs.—( Warmth of bed). Pains in bones, etc.—( Washing body in cold water), Pain in superciliary ridge, etc.—( Wine), Contraction of eye, etc.—( Wiping), Adhesion of eyelids. NOTES BY DR. HUGHES. Authorities. 36, Voigtel, general statement of the effects of Agaricus; 37, Murray, ditto; 40, Pharin. Lex.; and 41, Lerger, not accessible; S. 48, not found; S. 70, old people remain stupid after the intoxication has passed off; S. 2267, after drinking their own urine passed during the intoxication ; S. 2309, reaction after the intoxication. A few symptoms without references are from the Austrian resume.—T. F. A. AGARICUS PANTHERINUS. A. pantherinus, D. C. (Spotted Amanita.) A brownish species (not reddish, as A. muscarius), found in woods or pastures in England and in the United States, not considered poisonous. Mind.—Delirium.—Maniacal disposition to rave.—Loss of memory.— State of consciousness resembling coma. Head.—Great heaviness of the head. Mouth.—Lips tremble. Throat.—Difficult deglutition. Stomach.—Some loss of appetite. Stool and Anus.—Slight diarrhoea. Upper Extremities.—Trembling of the hands. Generalities.—General overpowering sense of fatigue.—Extreme lassitude and torpor.—Loss of power of co-ordinating muscular movements. —Convulsive movements. Sleep and Dreams.—Invincible drowsiness.—Stupor.—During sleep, respiration embarrassed; face congested and of a livid hue ; pulse rather slow. 126 AGARICUS PHALLOIDES. AGARICUS PHALLOIDES. A. phalloides, Fr. (A. bulbosus, Bull., in part.) Amanita bulbosa, Lam. A small stinking species, common in Europe, and in Tinted States (Pennsylvania). Poisonous. Common name, L'Oronge-cigue. Authority. Poison cases. (Tox. Lafargue J. de Chim. Med., 1863.) Mind.—Mental excitement for three days after taking them, t.—Delir- ium, with faint, indistinct dreams, t.—He seems very averse to lying down, and his restlessness and impatience lead him to make frequent attempts to walk about, but without any fixed object or design, t.—Consciousness good (speech good, etc.), t.—Complete consciousness till death, t.—Stupor. Head.—Frightful pains in head, t. Eyes.—Pupil much dilated, with impaired vision, t. Face.—Deathlike pallor, /.—Face red, t.—Face cyanotic, t.—The coun- tenance became hippocratic, t.—Very anxious expression of face, t. Mouth.—Teeth and gums black, t.— Cold tongue, t.—Tongue red, dry, t. —Breath cold, t.—Ulcerated mouth, t.—Trismus, t.—Unable to answer questions, or express his feelings by words, t.—Speech indistinct, t.—Speech slow and difficult, t. Throat.—Throat dry, t. Stomach.—Thirst violent, t.—Nausea, t.—Nausea; then vomiting and diarrhoea (fetid), t.— Vomitings, t.—Every food was vomited, t.—Vomiting of all liquids, t.—Vomiting, mucous and bilious, t.— Very frequent bilious and mucous vomitings, t.—Vomiting of an offensive greenish-colored fluid, t. —Bloody vomiting, half an hour before death, t.—Pains in the stomach and hypogastrium, followed by anxiety and vomitings, t.—Incessant cramps of the stomach, t.—Violent cramp in stomach, t.—Painful sensations in pit of stomach and upper abdomen, t.—Violent pains in epigastrium, which rapidly spread over the whole abdomen, t.—Pains in epigastrium, greatly increased by pressure, t. Abdomen.—Tense abdomen, t.—Abdomen feels hard and tumid, t.— Abdomen painful, t.—Unendurable pains in hypogastrium and lumbar region, t. Stool and Anus.—Inflamed anus, t.—Frequent bilious stools, t.— Whitish stools, as in Asiatic cholera, t.—Frequent watery stools, t.—Bloody stools on third and fourth days, t. Urinary Organs.—Suppression of urine, t.—Anuria, t. Respiratory Apparatus.—Voice hoarse, t.—Respiration short, t. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse full, rapid (later action)," t.—Pulse hard and frequent, t.—Pulse slow and somewhat irregular, t.—Pulse small and intermittent, t.—Pulse hardly perceptible, t. Extremities in General.—Cold extremities, t.—Skin of extremi- ties lost their elasticity, t. Upper Extremities.—Upper extremities swell and assume a livid color, £.—Finger-tips livid, t. Lower Extremities.—Drawing back of limbs, t.—Cramps of the legs, t.—Cramps in calves, t.—Cramps, especially painful in feet, t.—Cramps in feet, with drawing back of the limbs, t. Generalities.—Convulsions and death (in two children), t.—Convul- sions violent, t.—Slight convulsive motions in the legs and arms, which gradually extend to the muscles of the trunk, and cause irregular distor- tions of the whole body, t.—Constant restlessness, t.—Very painful cramps, t. AGARICUS PROCERUS—AGNUS CASTUS. 127 —Debility, t.—Extreme prostration, t.—Great exhaustion, t.—General ma- laise, t.—He staggers as if intoxicated, and, with odd gesticulations, labors to express his sufferings, but cannot articulate a syllable, t.—Development of a " true cholera," t.—Sometimes a kind of cholera sets in, which saves the patient; but, in general, when cured, their convalescence is protracted, t. One of the most remarkable characteristics about this drug is, that its poisonous effects do not develop until ten to twelve hours after eating it. (Colchicum resembles it in this respect.) The fungus is exceedingly fatal; twenty-three out of thirty-eight cases died (Boudier). Other collected cases show thirteen out of twenty-nine (Husemann). The effects of this drug resemble most clearly a most violent attack of cholera. Sltin.—Livid skin, t.—Body covered with livid spots, t. Fever.—Marked chilliness, t.—Skin cool, afterwards hot, t.—Skin hot, t. —Skin covered with sweat, t.—Sweat cold, t. Sleep and Dreams.—Somnolence. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Pressure), Pain in epigastrium. AGARICUS PROCERUS. A. procerus, Scop. (Parasol mushroom.) Found in England, common in pasture (also in Pennsylvania). Stem, 8-12 inches high. Esculent. Authority. Poisoning cases. Furious delirium, with frantic cries and vehement resistance to remedies, followed by a state like delirium tremens.—Insensibility.—Giddiness and staggering, as if intoxicated.—Pupils contracted; dilating as sensibility returns.—Occasional convulsive spasms.—Debility.—Drowsiness. AGARICUS SEMIGLOBATUS. A. semiglobatus, Batsch. Common on dung, England and United States. Stem, 2-3 inches high. Authority. Poisoning cases. Spirits exhilarated.—Stupor.—Tongue parched ; slightly streaked with white.—Severe pains in bowels, increased by pressure, with violent purging and vomiting.—Urine scanty.—Miscarriage in second month.—Pulse 100- 120.—Fatal convulsions. AGNUS CASTUS. Vitex agnus castus, L. Nat. order, Verbenaceae. Common name (Engl.), Chaste tree; (Germ.) Keuschlamm; (Fr.) Gattilier, Pommes d'apis. Preparation, Tincture from the ripe berries. Authorities. 1, Hahnemann, Archive, 10, 1,178; 2, Franz, ibid.; 3, Gross, ibid.; 4, Herrmann, ibid.; 5, Seidel, Archive, 13, 2, 186; 6, Stapf, Archive, 10, 1, 178; 7, Helbig, Heraclides, 1, 43; 8, Sn., in Stapf s Bei- trage. Mind.—Melancholy, hypochondriac mood the whole day ; he feels as if nothing existed around him ; he is dissatisfied with himself all the time; he is incapable of attending to any business; the things around him are 128 AGNUS CASTUS. entirely indifferent to him ; while attending to his business, he is apt to fall into a thoughtless mood/.—He sometimes feels as if he were nobody, and would rather be dead than have that feeling; when possessed by that feel- ing, he has no courage to undertake anything; and when free from it he feels exalted, would like to read like an orator, etc./.—*She is very sad, and keeps repeating that she will soon die (" A.," in Stapf's Beitrage).—Gloomy sensation in the head over the eyes (this symptom was observed in a man of twenty-five years, whose genital organs were habitually weak)/.— * Extreme absence of mind; he is unable to recollect things; for instance, in playing cards, which he was fond of and knew well, he did not know what card he was to play, or what he was to do at all/.—*He finds reading diffi- cult; he has to read several things twice; he is unable to fix his attention,4'. Head.—Vertigo ; sensation as if everything were turning in a circle ; in a few days,4.—Confusion of head, like a drawing in the whole head/.— The head feels confused/.—[10.] Heaviness of the head, with pressure in the nape of the neck ; sensation as if the head would fall forward/.—Con- tractive headache, when reading/.—Tensive tearing in the forehead (about one-half hour)/.—Tearing, with pressure, in the left frontal eminence/.— Tearing, with pressure, in the temples and forehead, in the brain; more vio- lent during motion (about two hours),4.—Contractive headache above the temples (about twelve hours)/.—Tearing and sticking in the temples, espe- cially above the right eye, and in the other parts of the brain; more vio- lent during motion (about one hour)/.—Tearing, with pressure in the right temple, on the outside of and in the interior of the brain; more violent during motion/.—Tearing in the left temple/.—Pain in the upper part of the right side of the head, which is more of a smarting and sticking na- ture ; more externally, in the bone, as it were, and extending from behind forward, terminating in a corner of the forehead; the pain occurs especially in the evening hours, and befalls him even in sleep; for several days/.— [20.] Pressure in the region of the left parietal bones/.—Corrosive itch- ing in several portions of the hairy scalp ; going off momentarily by scratch- ing/.—Chilliness in the scalp, with tension; it feels warm, however/.— Corrosive itching in the lower part of the forehead, and in the region of the eyebrows/. Eyes.—Burning of the eyes in the evening, when reading/.—Pain in the eye towards the temple, as if she had received a blow upon the eye; increased by contact/.—Running of the eyes, in the room,2.—Corrosive itching in the upper eyelids/.—Smarting stitches in the right eyeball, going off by rubbing the eye,6.—Corrosive itching under the eyes/.—[30.] Dilated pupils, the whole day/. Ears.—Considerable heat in left external ear, soon after taking the drug/.—Hardness of hearing/.—Ringing in the ears, or rather roaring,6.— Nose.—Hard aching on the dorsum of the nose, the right nasal bone, and between the right eyebrow and the root of the nose, as if a stone were pressing there; going off when pressing upon the parts (about thirty hours)/. —Corrosive itching of the tip of the nose/.—Much sneezing, with dryness of the nose/.—Illusion of smell; he sometimes smells herring, and some- times musk, without either being present (one day)/. Face.—Stinging itching in various parts of the face, commencing with a long stitch on either side/.—Paralytic tearing in the right malar bone/. —[40.] Formication in the right cheek, obliging him to scratch/.— Corro- sive itching in either cheek, obliging him to scratch?.—Corrosive itching on the right side, near the chin/.—Tearing, with pressure, in the right ramus AGNUS CASTUS. 129 of the lower jaw/.—Deep tearing in the right ramus of the lower jaw, below the sockets.5. Mouth.—The teeth are painful when touched by warm food or drink/. —Coppery taste in the mouth, as if the mouth had been galvanized (after six hours),2.—The mouth is very dry ; saliva so tough that it can be drawn out in threads; the velum pendulum palati and the uvula are red ; he ex- periences a scratching in the throat, which obliges him to cough ; while coughing, the phlegm which he wants to cough up feels to him very viscid, as if a piece of cloth were hanging in his throat/. Throat.—Corrosive itching in the pit of the throat/. Stomach.—Hunger and appetite are very strong/.—[50.] His appe- tite is good, and his hunger is rather increased/.—His stomach is disor- dered ; he relishes his food, but it does not agree with him/.—Aversion to drink/.— ; Want of thirst (six hours)/.—Increased thirst (after thirty hours)/.—The food does not agree with him ; it makes him feel uneasy and replete/.—Frequent hiccough, with disposition to be out of humor/.—Eruc- tations/.—The wind which he brings up, and that which he passes by the rectum, smells like old urine in clothes/.—Feeling of nausea in the pit of the stomach/.—Nausea in the pit of the stomach when standing, after which he feels a qualmishness in the abdomen, as if all the bowels sank down (at one hour)/.—[60.] Pinching in the pit of the stomach; when sit- ting bent (after five days)/. Abdomen.—*Loud rumbling in the abdomen during sleep/.—Shift- ing pressure and cutting in the upper abdomen/.—Transient cutting in the lower abdomen, directly above the left os ilium/.—Itching stinging in the inguinal region, obliging him to scratch/.— Sharp prickings in the superior and anterior spinous process of the left os ilium (after half hour)/. Stool and Anus.—Loose stool, some days in succession/.—The stools are more loose than usual, with dull pain in the abdomen/.—Several diar- rhoeic stools/.—Difficulty in passing the stools, which were not hard ; they had to be pressed out, and seemed inclined to re-enter the rectum/.—*Dis- charge of prostatic juice when straining at stool,1.—^Constipation (after seventy-two hours)/.—[70.] Twitching in the sphincters/.—Corrosive itch- ing of the perineum,5.—A spot near the anus, in the flesh, which is painful when walking, as of subcutaneous suppuration; not when sitting/. Urinary Organs.—Disagreeable sensation in the back part of the urethra, after micturition/.—He has to urinate frequently, and a good deal, the whole time of proving; the urine has a somewhat darker color/.—The urine, increased in amount^ seems to pass with a stronger stream/.—A kind of yellow discharge from urethra/.—When fondling females he discharges a little mucus from the urethra/. Sexual Organs.—Itching of the genital organs, obliging him to scratch/.—Drawing along the spermatic cords/.—*The testes feel cold in the night to others, not subjectively (in a healthy man),6.—[80.] Crawling sensation in the testes/.—Corrosive itching in the membranes of the penis/. —*Feeble erections without the sexual desire being irritated (after five to six hours)/.—*The penis is so relaxed that not even voluptuous fancies excite it,6.—* Diminution and slowness of the sexual powers, which are usually very easUy and powerfully excited; the penis is small and flaccid (in a very healthy man)/.—*He has not the usual morning erection, with desire for an em- brace; the parts were without irritation, flaccid, and not disposed for an embrace (after sixteen hours), (in a healthy man)/.—To prevent getting children, a man took for three months, morning and evening, twelve grains vol. i.—9 130 AGNUS CASTUS. of the Agnus castus, by which the parts were weakened to such an extent that not only did the erections become deficient, but he lost his semen as he intended, and never begat children. (Lindron, Venus-Spiegel, p. 119.) —Diminished sexual instinct; after an embrace the body feels easy and light (second nightj/.—Want of sexual desire for two days; the erections and the sexual desire returned on the third day (in a healthy man)/.— Painful erections, early in the morning (after fourteen hours)/.—[90.] Frequent erections,4.—Frequent erections, during which the penis becomes. more enlarged than usual (fourth, fifth, and sixth evenings), (secondary effect)/.—After an embrace he has an involuntary emission the same night, and a long-continued erection (seventh night), (secondary effect)/.—In- creased sexual desire, constant erections, and voluptuous feeling in the genital organs (after third day), (curative effect)/.—Unusually violent erec- tions without cause and without any amorous thoughts; the erection was accompanied with a kind of amorous rage, without any desire for emission; he gnashed his teeth from an excess of voluptuous sensation for half an hour iu the morning, when rising (after twenty hours), (curative effect ?)/. —Excites the sexual desire in some. (S. Paulli, Quad. Bot., p. 189.)—The semen runs out in a stream, without ejaculation; it has but little smell, and is scanty (fourth day)/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Sensation as if tenacious mucus were lodged in his throat; he is unable to bring it up/.—His voice sounds as if it passed through wool; it has no characteristic tone/.—Cough before fall- ing asleep, in the evening, in bed/. Chest.—[100.] Pressure in the region of the sternum, externally, especially during a deep inspiration/.—Dull pain in the chest/.—Hard pressure above the right nipple, more violent during an expiration and when touching the parts/.—Hard pressure in the region of the last true and the first rib of the right side; more violent when touching it/.—Pres- sure in the xiphoid cartilage, directly above the pit of the stomach/. Heart and False.—The pulse is slower and less perceptible; 60 beats/. Neclt and Hack.—Corrosive itching of the nape of the neck and of various other parts/.—Excessive, deep, sharp stitches in the coccyx/.— Deep stitches, going and coming, on the left side, near the os sacrum and the coccyx (after three hours)/. Upper Extremities.—Dull tearing stitches on the top of the left shoulder/.—[HO.] Tearing, with pressure, in the right shoulder-joint, a sort of dislocation pain, more violent during motion and inspiration (after three hours)/.—Hard pressure in the right axilla, more violent by touch (after half an hour)/.—Corrosive itching behind the axillae/.—Hard pressure in the upper arm, superiorly, externally, more violent by touch (after three- quarters of an hour)/.—Sharp prickings directly above the elbow-joint, in the external surface of the left upper arm,3.—Pressure in the right elbow- joint, more violent during motion (after thirteen hours)/.—Jerking in the region of the right elbow, disappearing by moving the arm/.—Dull stitch in the outer side of the right olecranon process, a few inches above the wrist-joint (after one hour and a half)/.—Paralytic pain in the left wrist- joint, perceptible only when turning the hand/.—Paralytic jerking-draw- ing in the metacarpal bones of the left index-finger, more violent during contact/.—[120.] Long, sharp stitch in the eminence of the lower joint of the index-finger/.—Swelling of a finger-joint, with arthritic tearing pain/. —Buzzing and humming in the right index-finger,2.—Sticking in the AGNUS CASTUS. 131 fingers of the right hand ; in the evening of the fifth day/.—Pressure in the muscles of the left thumb/.—Dull sticking in the upper joint of the right thumb/. Lower Extremities.—Lancinating pain in the right hip-joint, sometimes extending above and below the hip-joint, more violent during motion, abating in rest, when it resembles more a tearing with pressure, accompanied with debility and weariness, which oblige him to sit down; a sort of luxation pain (after thirty-six hours)/.—Sharp pricking in the right side of the right thigh, high up/.—Cramp pain in the left thigh, externally and superiorly, near the hip, only when walking/.—Shooting in the bend of the right knee when standing/.—[130.] Sticking, draw- ing pains in the bends of both knees, extending into the thigh and leg, with debility, more violent during motion; in rest it is changed to a sort of drawing with pressure, as if the parts were dislocated/.—Tearing in the inner side of the left leg, from the knee down to the foot (imme- diately)/.—Sensation in the upper part of the left calf as if the skin were pulled at with a string/.—Sharp stitch in the external side of the left fibula, a little above the foot, disappearing on pressure/.—Paralytic jerk- ing-drawiug in the muscles of the left leg, extending from the knee to the foot, the same when walking or when touching the parts (after six hours)/.— Corrosive itching causes scratching on the anterior surface of the left calf; one handbreadth below the knee/.—Corrosive itching in the anterior sur- face of the tibia/.—Pressive pain in the right tibia, when standing/.—In- termittent sharp stitches in the region where the fibula and tibia join the tarsus anteriorly (after seven hours)/.—Sticking in one part of the outer side of the foot,, when standing still/.—[140.] Heaviness in the right foot; sensation as if a heavy load were attached to the tarsal bones, drawing the foot down, in every position of the foot*.—Pricking in the left big toe/.—Violent stitches in the left big toe, causing the whole limb to jerk/.— Tearing in the anterior joints of the left toes; more violent when walking,*.—Dull, inter- mittent sticking in the bottom of the foot near the heel, independent of contact or walking (after half an hour)/.—Tearing in the lower limbs for half an hour/.—When walking on the pavement the feet easily become turned (fifth day); early in the morning/.—Fine lancinations at the bottom of either foot/. Generalities.—Great weakness, as results from violent anguish, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, when standing/.—Feels bruised all over/. Skin.—[150.] Itching-stinging in different parts of the body, obliging him to scratch (after twenty-eight hours)/.—Itching around the ulcer in the evening/.— The corrosive itching yields to scratching, but returns as speedily,3.—Creeping under the skin of the hands and itching of the body, especially up the back, as from fleas/. Fever.—Chilliness, without thirst or subsequent heat/.— Constant trembling of the whole body from internal chilliness, the body feeling warm to the hands,3.— Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst; the hands, however, are the only portions of the body which feel cold to the touch,3.—Chilliness and shuddering, and then heat (after a quarter of an hour); these alternate fre- quently, without thirst (after fifty hours)/.—Frequent alternations of chilli- ness and heat without thirst; the hands, however, being the only parts of the body which feel cold to the touch/.—Heat in the face and dryness of the mouth, for an hour ; the thirst appears only when the heat is over/.— Heat of the whole body, with cold knees, in the evening, in bed; he feels 132 AGNUS CASTUS—AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO. as if fire was creeping over him/.—[160.] Sweat of the left hand, especially the interior sides of the fingers, in the open air, previous to the heat,2. Sleep and Dreams.—Makes drowsy and intoxicates (Zwinger, Herbar., 227).—Makes the head confused, and causes drowsiness (Diosc).— Restless sleep; he pushes off the cover of the bed, and dreams constantly, without recollecting what/.—She sometimes starts in her sleep, as if in affright, and wakes/.—Anxious dreams, which he does not recollect/.— Voluptuous dreams/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Early, painful erections; early, feet turn easily when walking.—(Evening), Pain in right side of head, when reading ; burning in eyes ; in bed, before falling asleep, cough ; stick- ing in right fingers ; itching around the ulcer ; in bed, heat of whole body.— (Sitting bent), Pain in pit of stomach.—(Contact), Pain in eye ; jerking drawing in bone of left index-finger.—(During expiration), Pressure above right nipple.—(During inspiration), Tearing, etc., in right shoulder- joint.—(Deep inspiration), Pressure in region of sternum.—(After micturi- tion), Disagreeable sensation in urethra.—(Motion), Tearing in temples, etc.; tearing, etc., in temples, etc.; tearing, etc., in right temple, etc.; tear- ing, etc., in right shoulder-joint; pressure in right elbow-joint; pain in right hip-joint; pains in bends of knees.—(When reading), Contractive headache; in the evening, burning of the eyes.—(In room), Running of the eyes.—( When standing), Nausea ; shooting in bend of knee; pain in right tibia ; great weakness.—(Touching hand), Pain in left wrist-joint.— (Touch), Pressure above nipple; pressure in right rib region; pressure in right axilla; pressure in upper arm.—(When touched by warm food or drink), Teeth painful.—( Walking), Cramp pain in left thigh; tearing in left toe-joint. Amelioration.—(Motioii), Jerking in region of right elbow.—(Pres- sure), Aching on dorsum of nose, etc.—(Rubbing), Itching in right eyeball. —(Scratching), Itching on hairy scalp. AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO. Lychnis githago, Lam. (Agrostemma githago, L.) Nat. order, Caryo- phyllaceae. Common names, (Engl.), Corn cockle; (Germ.), Kornrade; (Fr.), L'lvraie. Preparation, The seeds are the poisonous part (they con- tain the powerful alkaloid Saponine). Authority. Toxicological; observed from eating bread made from grain containing the seeds of Agrostemma. Mind.—Coma, in some cases. Head.— Vertigo.—Headache.—Sensation of heat and burning rises into the vertex from the left lower jaw; almost makes her crazy. Mouth.—Mouth dry and hot.—The palate has a red margin. Stomach. —Nausea.—Vomiting.—Thirst moderate.—Vomiting sour and bitter.—Burning from the stomach along the oesophagus to the throat and in the chest.—Knife-like pains in the stomach at times. Abdomen.—Stool.—Constipation with tenesmus.—Diarrhoea with tenesmus.—Burning in the bowels and rectum. Back.—Tearing along the spine. Fever.—Pulse small and rapid at first, becoming tense and hard, and slower.—Skin hot. Generalities.—Difficult to remain erect.—Locomotion impaired. AILANTHUS. 133 AILANTHUS. Ailanthus glandulosus, Desf. Ned. order, Simarubeae. Common names, Tree of Heaven; (Germ.), Gotterbaum ; (Fr.), Ailante. Preparation, Tinc- ture from the flowers beginning to open. Authorities.f 1, Hering; 2, Lippe; 3, J. T. Alley; 4, Mrs. F.; 5, Mr. M.; 6, H. Minton ; 7, Male prover, aged 28 ; 8, Male prover, aged 21 ; 9, P. P. Wells ; 10, Wells's girl, aged 15 ; 11, Wells's boy (young); 12, W. William- son ; 13, Hale, New Remedies, 3d ed.; 14, Poisoning from drinking water impregnated from Ailanthus roots; Meshter. (See N. Y. J. of Horn., 2, 99.) Mind.— Low-spirited/.—Continual sighing/.—Depression of spirits/. —Recklessness in regard to present or future events,3.—Stoical indifference to whatever happens/.—Restlessness/.—Great anxiety/0.—Inability to con- centrate mental effort; compelled to read a subject several times to get even a misty understanding of it/.—Confusion of intellect; found it almost impossible to add a column of figures correctly ; had to go over it several times to get it right/.—[10.] Loss of memory/.—Mental alienation/.— (*Stupor, delirium, and insensibility, after suppressed scarlatina eruption,0.) Head.—Vertigo, especially when stooping/.—Dizziness,10.—Dizziness and confusion of the head/.—Staggering dizziness when rising or moving/. —A sensation of giddiness with nausea and sickness at the stomach/.— Tottering gait, with an inclination to stagger; requires extra effort to walk straight/.—Giddiness ; nausea, with retching and some vomiting/2.—[20.] Slight headache, accompanied with nausea and giddiness/.—The figures on the ledger began to dance up and down the columns; my head grew dizzy,8.— Pain in the occiput, with dizziness and ringing pain in the forehead/.—A fulness aud somewhat of an intoxicated sensation in the brain/.—A ful- ness and burning on the brain/.—Apoplectic fulness of the head/.—Thick heavy feeling in the head, figures and letters look blurred/.—Electrical thrill starting from the brain and extending to the extremities/.—Feeling as if an electrical current were passing through the left side of the head/.— Dull headache/.—[30.] Severe headache,10.—Headache with confusion of intellect/.—Dull headache, with burning in eyes (immediately)/.—Dull headache, with great oppression of bronchia/.—Dull heavy headache, with heavy feeling in the sternal region/.—Heaviness of the head, with pain over the eyes, ameliorated by pressure/.—Dull compressed feeling, with confusion and pain in the forehead/.—Severe pains in the head with chills, followed by flushings of heat/.—Tingling sensation of left arm and hand, with dull headache; no appetite; tongue coated ; pasty taste (on waking in a.m.)/.—Pain in back, head, neck, and numbness extending from under the left scapula, in a band down to the left hip/.—[40.] Pain in centre of forehead, more to left (in five minutes)/.—A peculiar, heavy dull pressing pain in the forehead, of no great severity, but which indisposes to or even incapacitates for intellectual labor. This is always relieved by Aloes 200th/.—Between one and two p.m., a heavy frontal headache, with drowsi- ness ; slept two hours/.—Severe darting pain through the temples and back part of head, with confusion of ideas/.—Severe pain through the temples on waking/.—Tender, bruised feeling over parieto-frontal sutures/. f The following symptomatology is mainly copied from Dr. Jones's arrangement in Am. Hom. Observer, vol. 11. 134 AILANTHUS. —Darting pain in the back part of the head/.—Pain in the occiput, with dizziness and ringing pain in the forehead, and swelling in the left side of the face, below the eye, and upon the cheek/.—Beating in the occipital arteries/. Eyes.—Eyes feel rough and irritated, as from wind and dust/.—[50.] Smarting and aching, as from powerful astringents,3.—Burning in the eyes/.—Sneezed, and experienced a sensation of cold about the eyes, and a gnawing in the chest/.—Light affects the eyes/.—Lachrymation in the open air, or by brilliant light/.—Purulent discharge, with agglutinated lids in the morning/.—Conjunctivitis, with redness and inflammation, ex- tending around the external canthus/.—Falling out of the eyebrows/.— (Eyes suffused and congested ; startled look when roused; pupils dilated and'sluggish; in scarlet fever,0. Dr. Chalmers.)—(*Pupils widely dilated,0.) —[60.] * Photophobia,3.—Intolerance of light,10.—Figures and letters look blurred/. Nose.—Itching and uneasy feeling around the nose/.—Soreness and pain on the left side of the nose/.—Dryness and suppressed secretion/.— Catarrhal obstruction, as from cold in the head/.—Difficult breathing through the nose/.—Loss of smell/.—Chronic catarrh/.—[70.] (Copious thin ichorous discharge without fetor; discharge of blood and pus. In scarlet fever,0. Dr. Chalmers.) Face.—Face pale/4.—Dusky bilious complexion/.—Complexion sallow and inactive/.—-Jaundiced/4.—Dark-blue circle around the eyes/.—Ir- regular spots of capillary congestion, as in the face of a drunkard after a debauch/.—Hot, red face,10.—-Miliary rash, more profuse on the face and forehead, especially the forehead, than upon the rest of the body,10.—Pain in the occiput, with dizziness and ringing pain in the forehead, and swell- ing in the left side of the face; soreness and pain on the left side of the nose; puffed erysipelatous face ; feels heavy and sleepy; nausea coming on at intervals/.—[SO.] On the second evening, tearing in the upper and lower teeth of the left side, also in the face and head, aggravated by lying down and forcing him to walk about; external pressure relieves. Im- provement only toward morning/.—(*Face and forehead dark mahogany; suppressed scarlatina,0.) Tongue.—Tongue coated/'.—Tongue coated; pasty taste in morning/. —Tongue thickly covered with a whitish coat, brown in centre,3.—(* Tongue dry, parched, and cracked; moist, and covered with white fur; tip and edges livid. Under the favorable action of Ailanthus, the clearing-off of the coating revealed prominent papillae,0. In scarlet fever. Dr. Chalmers.) Throat.—Sensation as after applying an astringent to the pharynx/.— * Thick, cedematous, and dry choky feeling in the throat, continuing in the acute form only a short time, and then becoming chronic/.—A fulness in the throat just above the sternum, and a desire to hawk up something/.— * Throat dry, rough, and' scrapy, more so in the morning/.—[90.] * Irrita- bility of the throat and hawking up of mucus,6.—Hawking of mucus from the throat/.—Constant hawking, and efforts to raise lumps of whitish matter,3. —Raising of mucus and yellow matter from throat/.—Great accumulation of matter, part of which is easily expectorated, while a portion is with much exertion detached iu small flakes,3.—Croupy choking/.—*Throat tender and sore on swallowing, or on admission of air/.—When deglutition is painful, the paiu always extends to the ears/.—Redness of the throat with or without pain during deglutition/*—* The fauces and tonsils are inflamed, with spots of incipient idceration,3.—Spreading ulcers, feeling as after the AILANTHUS. 135 application of nitrate of silver/.—[100.] Tenderness and enlargement of the parotid and thyroid glands/.—Thickened and swollen feeling of the muscles of the neck/.—(*The throat is livid and swollen, the tonsils stud- ded with numerous deep, angry-looking ulcerations, from which a scanty fetid discharge exudes; the neck is very tender and swollen; the tonsils are prominent aud studded with ulcerated points. In scarlet fever,0. Dr. Chalmers.) Appetite.—No feeling of hunger, but eats his usual quantity/.—No appetite for breakfast; tongue coated ; pasty taste/.—No appetite for din- ner, everything tasting flat and insipid/.—She could take no food, the sight of it made her feel worse,10.—Appetite capricious/.—Loss of appe- tite; slight nausea ; disgust at food/.—Loathing of food/.—[HO.] During the chill there was great hunger, with a distressing sense of general empti- ness/1. Stomach.—Every morning nausea, and during the day a febrile heat with this nausea (but frequently without it); a diarrhoea set in ; four or five stools daily, with pains in the abdomen ; sometimes vomiting with the diarrhoea/.—With the nausea are oppression aud pain below the hypochon- dria, in some like a stricture below the short ribs. Some find this symp- tom very debilitating/.—Excessive nausea, but no vomiting, during the headache/.—In women, nausea similar to that of pregnancy/.—Nausea and sickness at the stomach, with sour eructations/.—Nausea and vomit- ing/2.—Any food taken was speedily vomited/1.—Vomited repeatedly/4. —Peculiar feeling of emptiness in the stomach/.—Inactive condition of the stomach, as though its contractive power was impaired/.—[120.] Con- stant, violent increasing pain in the stomach/4.—Water tastes brackish and flat; no desire for drinks except when eating/.—Took a teaspoon- ful of the tincture. In half an hour began to feel queer and some- what frightened; a sensation of giddiness with nausea and sickness at the stomach came over me; cold perspiration stood out upon the skin; my fingers, in fact my whole body, began to tingle and prick; my limbs felt as if they were asleep; the figures on the ledger began to dance up and down ; my head grew dizzy; I staggered back and fell into my chair almost un- conscious. Drank half a tumbler of Bourbon; soon began to vomit and purge, and was very ill for two hours. Two days after was as well as com- mon, excepting some headache, and a sort of numbness of the left arm/. Abdomen and Stool.—Tenderness over the hepatic region/4.— Tympanitis/.—Burning in the stomach and bowels/2.—Weak, burning, uneasy feeling in the bowels, as of approaching diarrhoea/.—Slight rum- bling in the bowels/.—A feeling of " insecurity," as if he would be attacked with diarrhoea any minute/.—Bowels moved easier than natural, two or three times a day/.—[130.] Looseness of the bowels, appearing more in the large intestines/.—Colicky and griping pains in the bowels/2.—Frequent watery dejections, which are expelled with great force/.—Pains in hypogas- trium and hips/4.—Morning, nausea with diarrhoea, which is sometimes attended with vomiting/.—Dys entery; frequent painful stool, little fecal matter, much bloody mucus, with very little fever/.—Constipation/4. . Urinary Organs.—Urine suppressed/4. Genitals.—A sore appeared on the prepuce of the prover, which had the exact appearance of an incipient chancre; it dried up and disappeared in a few days after ceasing Ailanthus. (This sore and the rash are similar to those which characterize primary syphilis/.) Cough.—Cough somewhat oppressed ; expectoration muco-purulent, 136 AILANTHUS. free in the morning, sticky and scanty during the day/.—[140.] Deep ex- hausting cough, with asthmatic expansion of the lungs/.—*Cough deep and painful/.—* Violent fits of coughing before retiring, and on rising; she coughs continually, until expectoration becomes free; afterwards is comfortable during the day,4. Chest.— Oppression of breathing/.—Equable oppression, as _ though chest was strapped/.—Asthmatic oppression iu the larger bronchi/.—On the second day after suspending the drug, wheezing asthmatic respiration/. —Feeling as though the air-cells were stuck together; inability to com- pletely expand the lungs; can hear the air-cells open (?) as the lungs ex- pand/.—Tired feeling in the lungs, rendering it almost an exertion to breathe/.—Pain with constriction or tightness of the chest/.—[150.] Exces- sive tenderness all over the lungs/.—Excessive soreness and tenderness of the lungs, compelling a suspension of the drug/.—Soreness of the internal chest with pain and aching of the lungs/.—Soreness and pain of the lungs increased; severe pains in the head, with chills, followed by flushes of heat/.—Paiu and contracted feeling, especially through the centre of the left lung, sternal edge/.—Aching in the anterior portion of the left lung, extending to the posterior/.—Pain as from a small blade two inches at the left of the lower portion of the sternum/.—Heated, burning feeling, as from breathing hot steam or air/.—Burning in the right lung/.—Burning paiu under the left shoulder/.—[160.] Stitching and aching in the chest/.— Aching pain directly under the clavicle, sometimes extending to the stern um/.—Respiration quickened /.—Crepitant ronchus/. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse accelerated/4. Hack.—Soreness in the glands of the neck with pain under the left shoulder-blade/.—Intolerable pain in the back of the neck, upper part of the back, aud in the right hip-joint/1.—Pain in the head, neck, back, and numbness under left scapula, extending as a band down to left hip/.— Constant aching between the shoulders,3.—Achiug, pressed feeling of the dorsal vertebra/.—[170.] Shooting, aching pains in the shoulders and hips,3.—Constant sharp pain through the small of the back and hips,6. Superior Extremities.—Pain in the right scapula, deep inside (in six minutes)/.—The pain in right scapula prevents motion of the arm; a similar pain in the right foot prevents walking (in one hour)/.—Numb- ness of the left arm, and a sensation as though the fingers were asleep/.— Tingling sensation of left arm and hand on waking, in a.m./.—The numb- ness of left arm and hand, with pain in the shoulder, back, and hips, last- ing four or five days after ceasing to take the drug/.—A sort of numbness of the left arm/.—Fingers tingle and prick/.—Electrical thrill, extending to the ends of the fingers/. Inferior Extremities.—[180.] Limbs felt as though they were asleep/.—Numbness of the left leg, with tingling, pricking pain in the foot and toes/.—Feeling of uneasiness and aching restlessness in the limbs/.— Heaviness of the extremities/.—Pain in the right foot prevents walking/.— Severe pain in left foot, a kind of tension in walking/.—Sleep disturbed anduurefreshing/.—Heavy sleep during the night/.—Great sleepiness in the morning or forenoon ; sleepiness the whole day, but this is not refresh- ing/.—After drinking a glass of wine great sleepiness, with fulness of the head/. Fever.—[190.] Dry, hot skin, especially in the morning, lasting until the middle of the day.—Skin dry/4.—Cold perspiration stood out upon the skin/.—Felt slightly ill on rising in the a.m. ; could take no food; sight AILANTHUS. 137 of it made her feel worse; was suddenly seized with vomiting; severe headache, dizziness; hot, red face; inability to sit up; rapid small pulse; drowsy, at the same time very restless; great anxiety. In two hours drow siness had become insensibility, with constant muttering delirium ; did not recognize the members of the family. She was now covered in patches with an eruption of miliary rash, all of a dark, almost of a livid color. The patches between the points of the eruption were of a dingy, dull opaque appearance. The eruption was more profuse on the forehead and face than elsewhere, and especially on the forehead. The pulse was now small, and so rapid as hardly to be counted; the surface had become cold and dry; the livid color of the skin when pressed out returned very slowly; the whole was a most complete picture of torpor,10.—The chill was always pre- ceded by a miliary eruption, most copiously developed on the forehead and face. During the chill there was great hunger, with a distressing sense of general emptiness. Any food taken was speedily vomited. Intolerable pain was felt in the back of the neck, the upper part of the back, and the right hip-joint. During the hot stage there was urgent thirst, with delir- ium, and a strong desire for brandy,10.—(This group represents the quasi "secondary action." It supervened upon the poisoning depicted in S. 193, and the girl was subject to this role for a fortnight.)—The eruption is slow to make its appearance, and never takes on the genuine scarlet color; it remains livid/3.—Ailanthus produces an eruption which has an exact re- semblance to ordinary measles, but it is attended by no catarrhal symp- toms, or other concomitants of that exanthem/. Generalities.—Immediately after taking one drop, a dulness over the whole body.—Languor and lassitude on making exertions/.—Incapa- bility of standing long at a time/.—[200.] Tottering gait, with an incli- nation to stagger; requires extra effort to walk straight/.—All asthmatics who are exposed to the odor feel worse during the blossoming period/.— The odor affects women and children more than men, and old people least of all/.—If odor gives any indication, Ailanthus should prove a good remedy in malignant puerperal fever/.—Affects the organism in the follow- ing order: throat, lungs, eyes, head/.—(In prover M., this order of evolu- tion is exactly reversed. J.)—After discontinuing the drug the head, throat, and chest symptoms lasted for about twenty-four hours, and gradually died away/.—The numbness of (left) arm and leg, with paiu in shoulder, back, aucl hips, continued four or five days/.—Two days after taking a teaspoon ful of the mother tincture, as well as ever, with the exception of some headache, and a sort of numbness of the left arm/.—The neuralgic pains (facial) force him to walk about/. Conditions.—Aggravation.— (Morning), Purulent discharge from eyes, etc.; coated tongue, etc.; throat dry, etc.; nausea ; nausea with diar- rhoea ; dry, hot skin.—(Morning on waking), Tingling in arm, etc.—(Morn- ing or forenoon), Great sleepiness.—(On. admission of air), Throat tender.— (Li open air), Lachrymation.—(During chill), Great hunger.—( On exerting body), Languor and lassitude.—(During heat), Urgent thirst, etc.—(Lying down), Tearing in teeth, etc.—(Brilliant light), Lachrymation.—(Rising or moving), Staggering dizziness.—(Stooping), Vertigo.—(Swallowing), Throat tender.—(After taking wine), Great sleepiness, etc. Amelioration.—(Toward morning), Improvement. — (Pressure), Heaviness of head, etc.—(Externalpressure), Tearing in teeth. 138 ALCOHOL. ALCOHOL. Ethyl-alcohol, C2H60. (Spirits of Wine.) Preparation, From commer- cial spirits of wine, by redistillation. Authorities. The following symptoms have been collected from various sources, and though incorporated with some hesitation, are believed to be reliable. Mind.—He weeps and sobs with distorted face, or he froths with rage, and fills the house with curses and execrations.—Frenzy, accompanied by the most violent convulsions (convulsive intoxication).—Drunkenness, with various manias.—Mania, with excessive irritability, excited by slightest causes.—Mania, with disposition to commit murder or incendiarism.— Mania for alcoholic drinks, pepper, and other heating things.—Mania.— Various hallucinations of sight, hearing, smell, and sensation.—Delirium. —Transition from delirium tremens into permanent mania, with hectic, or dropsy, physconia, especially hard stomach.—[10.] Much inconsiderate, confused talking.—Incoherent speeches.—Talkativeness, by which untimely confessions are drawn from him.—All weaknesses are exposed, and all se- crets divulged, without reserve (misers excepted, according to Trotter) (" in vino Veritas ") ; all hypocrisy ceases.—He chats, scolds, brags, and curses.— He is ashamed of his intoxication, and the more he tries to conceal it, the more he betrays it.—Talkativeness, and abeyance of usual caution.—Rapid and incoherent talk.—Rum, and some other spirits, made us very talkative and hilarious in about ten minutes; so much so that my friend was alto- gether a king; but as minutes flew away, so did our joyousness, and little by little we lessened our garrulity and became silent, almost morose, and extremely miserable. Never were the extremes of happiness and misery brought so vividly before us, or seemed to be in such close proximity, as on these occasions. Every mental perception was darkened, and the dreami- ness, which is not an unpleasant feature of it, is a condition in which nei- ther thought nor imagination acquires power.—Transported into a garden of pleasure, he only sees cheerful and agreeable objects, but the predomi- nating feeling is love and desire.—Infatuated, he discovers beauties in his mistress that he had before overlooked, and he uses all the images of poesy to warm his feelings and heighten his passion. The delirium of love breaks out first.—He (an octogenarian) became so amorous that he addressed the most passionate and flattering speeches to a lamp-post, which he took for a lady.—[20.] A sanguine and choleric temperament grows sentimental and passionate; they show the greatest inclination to love and voluptuousness. —All, even the coarsest, desires and inclinations become uncontrollable.— General excitement of all the senses.—Moral and physical exaltation.— Indescribable serenity of mind, with cheerfulness, which the face expresses. —Inner gratification, accompanied by kindly intentions towards others.— Cheerfulness and happy humor.—The imagination grows lively, the mind mostly free, and overflows with wit and humor.—Old age descends to the exuberance of youth.—A sulky man becomes social and sympathetic ; even the serious philosopher grows merry, lays aside his severity, and enjoys jest and song.—[30.] Boisterous mirth.—Immoderate bursts of laughter.— Screaming, singing, and immoderate merriment.—Boisterous singing.— Bawdy songs.—The dance is accompanied by convulsive gestures.—Sweet outpourings of friendship and tender confessions.—All care is set aside; all grief is relieved or set aside (Hoffmann).—The weak one grows strong, and ALCOHOL. 139 the despondent bold.—The despairing lover leaves his solitude, and forgets the indifference of his mistress. Amid the pleasures of the cup the soldier no longer complains of the campaign ; the sailor forgets the dangers of the storm.—[40.] The French are merry; the English, gloomy and thought- ful ; the Germans, brutal.—He grows loving, kind, and obliging; or hard, violent, and repellent.—He is courteous to an enemy, and forgets insults; or he sneers at his friend, and broods revenge.—He sings, chats, and is cheerful; or he is dull, gloomy, and reserved.—Cheerfulness and wit degen- erate into shamelessness and licentious jests.—The modest blush of shame vanishes, and improper, undignified acts' are committed.—Animation dis- played in the features and gestures.—Exhilaration of spirits.—Increased self-esteem and importance.—Feeling unusually strong and rich.—[50.] He weeps and sobs, with distorted face.—Efforts to escape from the bed or room, or from some frightful object.—Grievous sadness and melancholy, that end in tears, complaints, and sighs.—Sadness, often constant through the whole disease (delirium tremens).—Melancholy, with inclination to commit suicide.—Depression of spirits.—Restlessness and anxiousness that he vainly seeks to disguise by words, making it more conspicuous by that means.—Solitude and repose in bed increase the anxiety; he refuses to re- main in bed, often even in the house, on this account, and escapes.—He grows unmanageable; demands to go peremptorily to attend to his busi- ness.—Sighing, anxiety, and apprehension of evil.—[60.] Mental inqui- etude, making it impossible for him to settle to any ordinary occupation, or to complete the tasks which he begins (chronic).—Feeling of vague and unaccountable dread (chronic).—Dread arising from actual delusions, such as the belief that an enemy is constantly lying in wait to inflict an injury, etc>—They think they are on shipboard at sea, and fear being drowned in the storm ; they therefore throw everything in the room overboard, i.e., out of the window, into the street, or into the sea, as they think.—Thinks himself pursued by robbers, murderers, police, etc.—Vivid apprehension that he is in danger of falling down a precipice, even when walking on firm ground in broad daylight (chronic).—Moral degradation, marked by cowardice and un- truthfulness (chronic).—Flightiness and violence in his conduct, and restless manner.—Stubbornness in all he does or leaves undone.—Quarrelsomeness. —Unreasonable inclination to quarrel.—[70.] He begins a quarrel, or imagines an insult which was not given, and challenges to combat or de- mands reparation.—Grudges long since adjusted or forgotten are renewed; he demands revenge or satisfaction, which frequently ends in bloodshed or even murder.—Impatience of contradiction.—Feeling insulted and abused by one's friends.—Rapid changes of humor, exhibiting gayety, mirthful- ness, petulance, anger, moroseness, and melancholy by turns.—Greatease in the use of the intellectual faculties.—Mind free, more animated, ideas flow more easily.—Rapid flow of thought, but he cannot keep his attention fixed continuously on one subject. To relate a not very complicated oc- currence causes an effort.—Rapidity and variety of thought.—The imagi- nation of fanatics is occupied with religious ravings; they address confi- dential and irreverent discourses to the Deity.—[80.] Absurd fancies- Greater confusion of ideas.—Mind disturbed ; consciousness, the power of fixing the attention, were lessened.—The last power to be completely re- gained was consciousness.—Inattention to outward objects.—General intel- lectual enfeeblement.—Weak understanding.—Loss of judgment.—Absence of the senses and of reason.—Reasoning powers altogether disabled.—[90.] Stupidity.—Imbecility.—Dementia.—Insanity.—Insanity breaks out more 140 ALCOHOL. easily in those who have received injuries to the skull.—Memory impaired. —Forgetfulness.—He perfectly recognizes familiar persons in the height of the disease (delirium tremens); he mistakes one person for another.— He strikes a post, which he mistakes for a man who will not get out of his way.—[100.] If only for moments, he confounds one person with another, and thinks he recognizes an absent friend in a stranger who is present.— Blunted sensibilities.—A weak-nerved person shows blunted senses and childish freaks. The phlegmatic temperament remains passive and silent, and rather falls from his chair before giving loud evidences of his intoxi- cation.—Coma.—Very vivid mental shocks shorten intoxication very much. —Increased perspiration moderates intoxication very much. Head.—Feeling of lightness and clearness in the head, and afterwards confusion and weight.—Head dull, clouded, and hazy.—Attacks of vertigo, with sudden faintness and reeling; or falling down, with momentary loss of consciousness, but no twitchings.— [HO.] Vertigo.—Violent vertigo, nearly changing to apoplexy.—Vertigo enough to cause falling; or actual falling down.—Staggering, uncertain gait.—He staggers while walking and standing.—He strives, with a certain effort, to keep himself upright while staggering.—Momentary attacks of vertigo.—Sometimes head trem- bles.—The head nods.—Effusion of water into the membranes and ven- tricles of the brain.—[120.] Softening of the brain.—Induration of the brain.—Congestion to head.—Congestion of the brain and its membranes. —Violent congestion to the head and organs of the chest.—Apoplexy.— He became quite insensible and unable to sustain himself on his feet. Four hours after, his consciousness and sensibility had entirely ceased; breathing, snoring irregular; pulse 80. Enlarged pupil, without contrac- tility when exposed to the light. Power of swallowing entirely gone. Death after fifteen hours.—Real apoplexy sets in during his highest stages of intoxication, with a complete insensibility of the iris, the skin, etc.—The highest degree of intoxication is apoplexy, during which sensation and motion cease, while the activity of the heart and arteries continues.—A high de- gree of intoxication is a truly apoplectic condition.—[130.] The sad end of a deeply intoxicated person is most frequently apoplexy.—Coma, that changes to paralysis of the brain, in persons of an apoplectic habit.—By frequently repeated intoxication, a predisposition to apoplexy is developed. —Headache, sometimes with nausea and vomiting.—Pressing headache, causing stupidity.—Drawing in the head.—Dull, diffused headache, with a buzzing or rushing sound in the ears.—The temporal veins look full, and the temporal arteries beat rapidly and forcibly ; afterwards, they seem ex- hausted and collapsed.—Sensation of fulness at the crown and back of the head, or at the temples, according to the kind of spirit taken (in two to eight minutes). Eyes.—Eyes injected.—[140.] Eyes red.—Red, watery eyes (chronic). —Eyes fiery, brilliant.—Eves fixed and wild.—Shy, more oblique than fixed look.—Rigid, gleaming look.—Eyes bright and animated, or suffused and soft.—Eyes red and excited.—Chronic inflammation of the eye, in consequence of which, spots in the eye and dimness of vision.—Catarrhal inflammation of the eyes (in hard drinkers).—[150.] Linings and margins of the lids congested.—Roughness of the margins of the lids (granulations) in hard drinkers.—Contraction of the pupils, drooping lids, and coma.— Effusion and swelling below the eyes.—Conjunctivae more or less jaundiced (chronic).—Injected eyeballs.—Yellow tinge of the sclerotica.—Veins of the sclerotic membrane turgid and prominent.—Pupils dilated, sluggish, ALCOHOL. 141 rarely contracted.—Dilated and almost insensible pupils.—[160.] Enlarged pupil.—Pupil enlarged, not entirely insensible to the light.—Entire insen- sibility of the iris.—Pupils dilated, and afterward contracted.—Contraction of the pupils, with drooping lids, and coma.—Perception of light lessened. —Vision weak; cannot use eyes; objects flicker and become dim, indis- tinct; cannot read or write.—Aversion to light.—Flickering, and becoming black before the eyes.—Flickering before vision, as if a veil suddenly drawn before the eyes, which at last becomes thick and black, especially on exerting vision.—[170.] Black before eyes, especially on suddenly moving head after changing position on rising up, with vertigo ; patient fears falling, and grasps at surrounding objects.—Sparks before the eyes.— Flashes of light before eyes.—Muscae volitantes, in clouds, before the eyes (chronic).—Double vision.—Visual hallucinations (chronic). Ears.—Dryness in external meatus.—Acute sense of hearing.—Hear- ing blunted.—Perception of souud lessened.—[180.] Confusion of sounds.— Roaring in ears.—Roaring in ears, especially after spasms, or with vertigo. —Ringing in ears.—Buzziug or rushing sound in the ears, frequently though not always accompanied with dull, diffused headache (chronic).— Illusions of hearing.—Imaginary voices and sounds.—Symptoms worse when lying down, and in the quietude of the night. Nose.—Redness of the nose aud cheeks (chronic).—Redness of the nose, especially at the tip.—[190.] Vessels of the skin congested.—Swell- ing and inflammation.—Red pimples, or tubercles.—Lining membrane of the nares inflamed and ulcerated.—Bleeding of the nose.—Illusions of the sense of smell. Face.—There was a relaxation of the muscles and stiffness of the skin of the face, forehead, and upper lip, so that the features fell.—Great flabbi- ness of the muscles of expression (chronic).—The physiognomy expresses amiable cheerfulness.—Face bloated, without expression; stupid, silly.— [200.] Violent cramp in the muscles of the lower part of the face, which sometimes dislocates the lower jaw.—Redness of the cheeks and nose (chronic).—Redness overspreads the face, and all the features melt into a smile.—Face bloated and heated.—Face red and swollen.—Face blue- black, or pale.—Color of the face sometimes unchanged, sometimes red, sometimes icteric, like the rest of the body.—Face muddy, red iu spots, mottled.—Face earthy.—On the nose and other parts of the face, warts and eruptions appear, of different colors aud sizes.—[210.] Tetter in the face.— Eruption in the face; a dark-red, ugly, shining redness of the skin on the nose, forehead, cheeks, sometimes on the chin, finally in other places, often covered with tetter, bluish-red or white vesicles and pimples. Skin mostly dry and rough, with broad, red, raised clusters in the skin; itching pain ; desquamation slight, or wanting.—Forehead serene. Mouth.—Grinding the teeth.—Tongue fissured from middle to the edges, furred, or sometimes denuded of epithelium.—Papillae at tip of tongue enlarged and red.—Sore and dry condition of the tip of the tongue (after rum).—Perfect cleanness and moistness of tongue (chronic).—Dry, red, glazed tongue (chronic).—Thick yellow fur on tongue, especially at the back part (chronic).—[220.] Tongue coated.—Tongue covered with yellow slime in the middle, the margins clean.—White, and sometimes brownish coating on the tongue.—Tongue smooth and red, with tendency to stick to the teeth or roof of the mouth.—Tongue feels thick, is tremulous, partially paralyzed, causing one to stammer.—Tongue moved with diffi- culty.—Sudden trembling iu tongue and lips.—Convulsive motions of the 142 ALCOHOL. tongue, causing stammering and inarticulate speech.—Trembling and twitching in the coated tongue.—Dry state of the mouth.—Breath offen- sive, especially during digestion.—[230.] Peculiar, foul breath; smell quite impossible to describe, or to mistake when once it has been smelt; quite unlike the odor of the alcoholic liquor itself, and may be separately dis- tinguished even when the latter is also present (chronic).—Offensive smell from the mouth.—Offensive breath in the morning.—Mouth filled with black saliva.—Rising of tasteless or foul liquid in the mouth.—Sometimes frothing at the mouth.—Froth in mouth.—Foul taste (chronic).—Sour, saltish, or bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning.—Bitter taste in the mouth.—[240.] Illusions of the sense of taste.—-Stammering speech.— Muttering ; he utters inarticulate sounds. Throat.—Throat red, and feels stiff.—Granulations on the posterior wall of the throat, also on the base of the tongue.—Engorged appearance of the veins of the fauces.—Redness, dryness, and heat.—Aphthous ulcers in the throat.—Gangrenous ulcers.—Throat full of tough mucus, difficult to hawk up.—[250.] Collection of mucus, sometimes bloody.—Spasms in pharynx and oesophagus.—Paralysis of pharyngeal muscles.—Paralysis of the muscles of deglutition.—Burning sensation back of the sternum.—Sore- ness felt from the throat down to the stomach after swallowing solid food, or very hot or cold drinks.—Sensation as if something lodged in the oesoph- agus.—Feeling of contraction or stricture, preventing the discharge of flatulence by belching.—Strong efforts to clear the throat, or belch or vomit, bring up blood or bloody mucus.—Hawking causes vomiting.—[260.] Swallowing with burning and painful seusation.—Swallowing painful.— Spasmodic dysphagia. Stomach.—Desire for pepper, mustard, and other heating articles.— Longing for spirituous liquors, and, if not speedily gratified, becomes raving, or has convulsions.—At first no desire to eat; afterwards, ravenous hunger. —Loss of appetite.—Desire to eat entirely lost.—Aversion to food and alco- holic drinks.—Thirst before breakfast and through the day.—[270.] Thirst often excessive ; often none.—Eructations, sour or foul.—■Eructations of water.—Sour eructations.—Frequent eructations.—Eructation like rotten eggs.—Singultus.—Nausea, and vomiting mucus and water.—Morning, nausea, or vomiting.—Vomiting, mornings.—[280.] Vomiting after eating or drinking.—Vomiting of sour and offensive-smelling matters.—Excessive vomiting (vomitus crapulosus).—Vomiting in the morning hours of a tough mucus, resembling white of egg; stringy, with flow of saliva.—Vomiting of sour matter.—Haematemesis (rare) (chronic).—Fulness and distension after eating.—Inflammations of the stomach and intestines.—Burning heat in stomach.—Peculiar burning sensation in stomach, best allayed by water. —[290.] Pressure in the stomach.—On waking, a more tickling, contrac- tive sensation in the region of the stomach, which spreads from there to the chest, causing shortness of breath, and irritation to cough.—Sense of oppres- sion and weight,—Weakness of the stomach.—Heat and burning in the epigastric region.—Constriction, uncomfortable tension and pressure in epigastrium—Tension in epigastrium.—Oppression in the pit of the stom- ach, that is often aggravated to intense anxiety. Abdomen.—Sense of pressure in both hypochondria.—Heat, weight, and soreness in the region of the liver.—[300.] Inflammation of the liver. —Swelling of spleen.—Recti muscles of abdomen become rigid and promi- nent.—Ascites.—Rumbling and growling in intestines.—Inflammation of ALCOHOL. 143 the intestines and stomach.—Flatulence.—Colic (colica crapulosa).—Colic pains.—Intestinal hemorrhage (rare) (chronic). Stool and Anus.—[310.] Haemorrhoids and varices.—Bleeding haemorrhoids (chronic).—Paralysis of anus.—Faeces compact, knotty, black- ish, or light-gray.—Stools blackish, bilious, slimy, and bloody, or thin and clay-colored.—Diarrhoea bilious or mucous, or mealy.—Diarrhoea (diar- rhoea crapulosa; cholera crapulosa), but also constipation.—Diarrhoea often alternating with constipation.—Involuntary excretion of stool and urine. Urinary Organs.—Frequent need to urinate; finally incontinence. __[320.] Involuntary excretion of urine and stool.—Increased quantity of urine.—Lessened secretion of urine.—Retention of urine.—Urine scanty at first, yellowish or deep red, then more copious, with sediment.—High- colored urine.—Albuminous urine.—Urine acid, contains serum and bile.— Bloodv urine.—Discharge of blood. Sexual Organs.—[330.] Want of sexual desire.—Sexual powers at first increased, then diminished.—Impotence; want of sexual power.— Intoxicated persons beget drunkards.—The children of drunkards grow up dull, indolent, and stupid, and become intemperate.—Irregular menstrua- tion.—Abortion in the first months. Respirator}/ Apparatus.—Sensation of heat in the larynx.— Catarrhal bronchitis.—Accumulation of mucus in the air-passages.—[340.] Frequent disposition to clear the throat.—Hoarseness.—Sobbing.—Cough. —Hacking, dry cough.—Coughing blood.—The respiratory muscles acted in a gasping manner, so that there was a jumping, quick, inspiratory effort, aud a lazy, feeble expiratory effort in the later stage.—Accelerated breath- }Dg_—Respiration quickened, and then retarded.—At all periods, there was a sense of impediment to respiration.—[350.] Heavy, labored breathing.— Snoring respiration.—Asthma.—Asphyxia. Heart and False.—Organic difficulties of the heart and the large vessels.—Hypertrophy of the left side of the heart.—Valvular insufficiency. —Increased action of heart set in so soon as three minutes, and continued from thirty to fifty minutes.—Increased activity of the heart and arteries.— Pulsation of the heart and arteries violently increased, hard and full.— [360.] Increased heat and rapidity of action in the heart.—Very excited action, violent throbbing of the heart.—Palpitation of the heart.—He grinds his teeth with anxiety, and presses his hand on the region of the heart.—Pulse nearly always accelerated, sometimes small and empty, some- times full and even rather hard.—Small, usually frequent pulse. C/tc«*.—Hydrothorax.—Emphysema.—Congestion of lungs.—Sensa- tion of warmth in chest.—[370.] Tension of chest. Neck and Back.—Veins of neck swollen.—Temporal and throat arteries throb ; jugular veins turgescent or protruding.—Weakness, finally, in muscles of back ; cannot even sit erect.—Sensitiveness, aching, and pain in the region of the kidneys. Extremities in General.— Sudden startings of the limbs, as from electrical shocks.—Trembling of extremities.—The muscles of the limbs were inactive.—Increased warmth; then coldness.—Creeping sensation (formication) under the skin of the hands and feet.—[380.] Uneasy, rest- less feeling in the extremities.—At first, a feeling of increased strength, and then of debility and weight.—Weakness and relaxation of the muscles of locomotion, first in fingers aud hands, especially in thumb and index-finger, extending all over both extremities, which become heavy and difficult to 144 ALCOHOL. move.—Limbs numb, as if paralyzed, and again extremely sensitive to touch and motion; more sensitive to a light touch than to a firm grasp. Upper Extremities.—Trembling in arms and hands.—Sometimes, when lying, a peculiar persistent trembling in muscles under the skin in loins or upper arms, most marked if one suddenly presses on any place.— Tietnbling of the hands, with constant working of the tendons of the wrist, with the hands turned in.—Trembling of hands.—Mornings, on waking, trembling in fingers and hands, aggravated by stimulants; or sometimes, after rising ; later, continues all day, painless, worse after keeping still.— Tearings in fingers, often with a benumbed sensation and convulsive at- tacks. Lower Extremities.—[390.] Relaxation and exhaustion in gen- eral locomotion.—Weakness in lower extremities, beginning in knees; gait becomes stumbling, unsteady.—Spasmodic drawings, especially on bending joints, feet, and knees ; very painful.—Pains in the legs, going to the nates. —Indescribable aching and pains in the legs, below the knees, and in the feet.—The flesh feels as if torn from the legs, or cut with knives.—Twitch- ings in muscles of calves and flexors of the feet; become painful and prevent falling asleep.—Numb pain in the marrow of the bones of the legs.—Vari- cose condition of the veins of the legs.—Tearings in soles of feet.—[400.] Formication in the soles.—Inflammation and acute pain in the toes.—Scaly patches, very itchy.—Ulcers.—Bunions. Generalities.— Convulsions, sometimes like chorea.— Convulsions, with a peculiar sensation in head, as of wind, or a painful drawing, as if something twisted and turned in the head.—Convulsions often begin in one extremity; are often confined to one side; sometimes the head is drawn backward, the back bent, the teeth clenched, and eyes distorted.—Convul- sions and hysterical paroxysms break out in intemperate women.—Epileptic attacks, generally coming on while standing; sometimes while sitting or lying.—[410.] Epilepsy returns after every excess in drinking.—Convul- sive-like epileptic attacks.—The whole body trembles, commonly after ex- ertion.—Tottering and shaking.—Trembling of the whole body, especially of the upper extremities, so that he cannot take hold of any object, cannot walk without stumbling, and only with difficulty control the lower jaw when speaking, etc.—Subsultus tendinum, especially evenings, before going to sleep.—Twitchings or jerkings in muscles on sitting or lying, not in stand- ing, especially on changing position ; almost always in lower extremities.— Persistent muscular tremor; first developed in the extremities.—Muscular inquietude; inability to keep the limbs or the body still without a special effort of attention.—The twitches and spasms often appear periodically, and associated with hallucinations.—[420.] Drawings in muscles, like electric shocks.—When at rest, carpologia.—Trembling and paralysis as usual con- sequences of apoplexy.—General paralysis after delirium tremens.—Marked sensory paralysis (chronic).—(Muscular power increased.)—Muscles flabby, pale.—Power of directing and co-ordinating the muscles lessened.—The muscular system was influenced in a marked and definite manner. The thin layers of voluntary muscles found about the body showed great relax- ation.—Muscular tone and power greatly lessened; this effect not being identical upon voluntary and involuntary muscles, and not often identical upon the inspiratory and expiratory sets of muscles.—[430.] The body loses its mobility, and becomes more and more destitute of muscular power. —Emaciation, want of strength, with continued want of appetite.—Pros- tration of the whole body.—Premature old age; face becomes pale and ALCOHOL. 145 wrinkled, features relaxed, eyes dim, lips pale; the hands and the rest of the limbs tremble; gait unsteady.—Indolence of body and mind.—Frequent swoons.—Hypercesthesia.—Sensation benumbed : anaesthesia ; first in tips of fingers or toes; often spreads to the back of feet or shin, or back of hands. This numbness is usually superficial; sensitive to deep pressure; sometimes sensitiveness of whole body blunted.—Pain and neuralgic tearings.—Pain- ful tearing cuttings.—[440.] Tearing, cutting sensations extend from the sensitive parts, up and down; cause one to cry out; are very exhausting.— Very marked, peculiar, continuous buzzing or thrilling and not unpleasant sensation, passing from above downwards, and through the whole system (most prominent in from fifteen to forty minutes, aud continued without much variation during twenty to thirty minutes).—Atheromatous deposits in arteries.—Dropsy.—(Edema of the legs; later, general anasarca.—Incli- nation to obesity.—Spontaneous combustion. All drunkards (exclusively, according to Trotter), especially old women, exhale so much spirituous vapor from their bodies that it takes fire when brought in contact with a lighted candle, and causes the burning of the body. Ski it.—Skin smutty or yellowish-gray.—Jaundice.—Icteric conditions. —[450.] Skin soft and flabby.—Skin becomes dry and hard.—Skin soft and pliant, inclined to sweat.—Sense of dryness, heat, and evident fulness of swelling of the exposed parts of the skin, as the hands and face, with general sensation of heat. This increased for a time, and so much so that, with rum especially, the skin was as harsh and dry as if exposed to an easterly wind.—Tormenting eruption, exceedingly itching (psora ebriosum), spreading over the body the more it is scratched, and presenting rough, scaly patches.—Skin became raw and dry, and lastly covered with an in- definite chronic exanthema.—Eczema and prurigo.—Acne rosacea.—Large, indolent, blue-looking boils or carbuncles.—Skin does not heal readily.— [460.] The least injury to the skin, the prick of a lancet, an inflamed spot, especially eruptions and burnt places, suppurate with inconceivable rapid- ity, and degenerate into ulcers, which not only affect the soft parts, but the bones as well, and smell offensively.—Varicose ulcers.—Some sensitiveness of the skin, especially in shin-bones, extending up to the loins.—A disagree- able burning, biting prickling of the skin, after sleeping off iutoxication.— Formication, beginning especially in feet and legs, extending to loins or hands and arms, seldom to the nates, worse mornings and evenings, espe- cially when one gets into bed, so that sometimes one cannot go to sleep and must get up. Must constantly move the affected parts, and, when most severe, causes mental disturbance.—The exhalations of the skin, as well as the breath, smell strong of alcoholic liquors. Fever.—Sensation of cold, with paleness of the body.—Sensitiveness to the fresh air; shudder and frost.—An agreeable warmth spreads over the body.—General sensation of heat, with increased action of the heart and dryness of the skin. After about twenty to forty minutes this sensa- tion of heat gave place to one of cold, which was felt first on the most sen- sitive part of the body in reference to temperature, viz., between the shoul- ders; and at length, notwithstanding the existence of a suitable degree of atmospheric temperature, it became distressing, and led often to shivering. This was sometimes so marked, and occurred so suddenly, that it gave rise to a shock. It did not correspond to the temperature of the skin, but was usually coexistent with the cessation of the increase of the heart's action.— [470.] Fever (often through the entire course of the disease—delirium tre- mens—none).—Evening exacerbations.—Great inclination to sweat.— vol. i.—10 146 ALETRIS FARINOSA—ALLIUM CEPA. Sweat easy at first.—Sweat profuse, cool, sticky, sour-smelling, sometimes warm. Sleep arid Dreams.—Deep sleep.—Irresistible sleep.—Deep sleep, frequently accompanied by rattling breath.—A really death-like sleep overcame him.—Comatose sleep, which becomes fatal, in consequence of excessive doses.—[480.] Sleep seemed at first with snoring, as if apoplectic; later, not to be roused.—Lethargic, phenomena; snoring respiration, inter- mittent pulsation of the heart, followed by death (from very large doses). —Restless sleep.—Starts from his sleep with every indication of the great- est anxiety and restlessness.—An invincible disposition to turn restlessly from side to side in bed entirely prevents sleep (chronic).—What sleep he has had has been of an unrefreshing kind, and a complete condition of nervous prostration naturally results, from which he can only be rallied by food or drink (chronic).—Fully developed insomnia; the patient tosses from side to side during nearly the whole night, getting only broken snatches of sleep, and these almost always attended with disturbing, and often with frightful dreams (chronic).—Sleep restless, interrupted by dreams, which the patient in the beginning still recognizes as such, but later takes them for real when he awakes; finally, entire sleeplessness, during which he often insists on having slept.—Terrible dreams.—His dreams are so vivid that he cannot be persuaded on awaking that they are not realities.—[490.] He awakes from his sleep prostrate, depressed, and weakened, without con- sciousness of what has happened.—After sleeping off his intoxication, he is sad, disinclined, indisposed to any occupation, wastes his time in joyless in- activity, yawns continually, and impatiently awaits the hour for the next orgy. ALETRIS FARINOSA. Aletris farinosa, L. Nat. order, Haemadoraceae. Common names, Colic root, Star grass. Preparation, Tincture from the root. Authority. Hale (New Remedies, from the Eclectics). Excessive nausea, with giddiness, followed by vomiting and purging.— Colic in the hypogastrium.—Pressure in the uterine region.—*Premature and profuse menses, with labor-like pains. ALLIUM CEPA. Allium cepa, Willd. Nat. order, Liliaceae. Common names, Onion; (Germ.) Zwiebel; (Fr.) Oignon. Preparation, Tincture from the red onion. Authorities. 1, C. Hering, 0; 2, C. Hering, from others, " ab," " gg," etc.; 3, J. Jeanes ; 4; W. Wesselhoeft, 0; 5, Geist, 3d ; 6, J. N. Eckel, 0; 7, Zum- brock, 0; 8, Alleborn, 0; (9, Topological;) (10, Old Authors;) 11, Lingen ; 12, Williamson; 13, Pereira; 14, Neidhard; 15, Raue; 16, Z. B.; 17, Dubbs. (Authorities from Hering's Arznei Priifungen.) Mind.—To mandragora we may join the excessive use of garlic, onions, and leeks, because all physicians consider them very injurious, as occasion- ing deeply corrupted, malignant humidity, which inflame the blood, injure the eyes, the head, the brain, and stomach, predisposing to lethargy, sopor, somnolency, vertigo, epilepsy, and indeed insanity,10.—Onions go to the head with their acridity, and injure the brain, and if one eats too much of them they can indeed cause insanity and madness,10.—If many are eaten ALLIUM CEPA. 147 raw, they make a person foolish by reason of their aromas, which mount into the head,10.—If too many are eaten, the onion-juice takes away the senses, by reason of its great heat aud acridity, and greatly injures the stomach,10.—I find something injurious in the onion, and consider the opin- ion of Spigelius well founded, that a too free and continued use of it as food causes disturbances of the brain,10.—Inexpressible anxiety, turning himself hither and thither full of despair, with severe colic/.—Pains, with sore fingers, make him frantic,0.—* Very melancholy, with catarrh,0.—In the afternoon, after wine and coffee, he was completely confused and absent- minded by much business, forgot and twisted everything in the utmost confusion (the fourth day)/.—[10.] He makes mistakes in spelling a for- eign language/.—Apathetic, mornings/.—Working people take in the morning onions with bread and salt for the bad air, as they do treacle, but idlers are made foolish, melancholy, and sleepy by its use,10.—Cardanus affirms that even the offspring of those who eat onions freely are disposed to insanity,10. Head.—* Confusion of the head,4", with coryza,0.—Vertigo, etc.,10; (on rising up,°).—Head confused, especially in the forehead, after renewed eructations/.—Confusion of the head, after it had risen up from the stom- ach into the throat/.—Pain in both sides of the occiput, and a dull confu- sion from the crown backward and downward in the regions " conscien- tiousness" and "love of approbation ;" continued the whole forenoon ; went away in the evening after drinking beer/.—Confusion in the occiput, first on both sides and towards the upper part, pressing down sideways, then behind the ears around the whole occiput (after one hour)/.—[20.] Pres- sure and confusion in the upper part of the occiput in the regions " con- scientiousness," "love of approbation," and " caution," the whole evening; better in the open air, worse on returning to the warm room (first day)/.— Headache,10.—But those in whom they produce headache shouldavoid them,10. —Make a decoction of leeks in water and bathe the head in it, for head- ache,10.—Raw, they are very injurious to the head and to the eyes,10.—They frequently excite headache in inflammatory constitutions,10.—They afflict the head and eyes, hence they should be avoided by those who study, and have a humid, weak head, sight, aud hearing,10.—If eaten too much, they cause headache,10.—^Headache, better in the open air,6.—*Headache, worse on return to the warm room,1, etc.—[30.] ^Headache in the room, evenings, with coryza,6.—^Headache, with coryza,6.—*Headache and coryza, worse evenings (fourth day),6.—*Severe headache, with slight coryza,0.—Headache and gastric troubles,10.—Headache and yawning/.—The whole head be- came hot (after cutting onions)/.—Heat of the head/.—Heat and heaviness of the head, lasting from the forenoon till near evening; after cutting onions/.—The head is full and heavy/.—[40.] Fulness and heaviness in the head, as if it were bound up, with flickering of the eyes/.—Like elec- tric shocks through the head/.—Aching of the head/.—Dulness in the head, with some coryza and lachrymations, in the evening on cutting onions/. —Dulness in the forehead and whole head, as after inhaling chloroform/. —Dull, oppressive pain in the head/.—Heaviness in the head/.—Oppres- sive headache over the eyes, frequently going through the head like an electric shock (the first day)/.—*Pain in the forehead, with catarrh,0.— Stitches, as of needles, in the forehead/.—[50.] Stitches over the whole left forehead, externally; they draw into the ear, the upper jaw, and the teeth of the same side (immediately after taking it) ; evenings/1.—Pains deep in the head over the left brow (after one hour)/.—Headache the next 148 ALLIUM CEPA. morning, especially in both temples/.—*Pains in both temples, most severe in the right, aggravated by winking, afterward the pain extends over the fore- head, worse on the left side,12.—As if swollen and heavy on the crown/.— Pain left of the crown (after seventy minutes)/.—Headache, from both sides of the head, downward and inward toward the middle (after ten min- utes)/.—Tingling pain behind the left mastoid process/2.—Headache in the region of the organ of "concentration,"3.—Pains deep in the head, stick- ing to the ear/.—[60.] Headache, first in the occiput, then in the forepart on the right side over the eye/.—Headache on both sides of the occiput, afterwards in only two large round places in the upper posterior part of the head, in the region " love of approbation ;" still later, a general and humming sensation of the part being asleep/.—The pressure in the upper part of the occiput in the evening, became about eleven o'clock a sensation of being asleep; on touching it, he first noticed it was not in the scalp, but as if in the bone/.—With pressive headache is the sensation, as if the whole head externally were wrapped up in warm water/.—For alopecia, Hippocrates directed the spots to be rubbed with onions,10.—(The hair is made to grow by anointing the bald spots with onions,0 1.)—(It promotes the growth of hair in baldness better than Alcyonium,0 10.)—It may be used externally for making the hair grow, anointing the shaven head with it; the juice also makes the hair grow,0 10.)—(For promoting the growth of the hair, the head is washed at evening with French brandy which has stood over freshly cut onions,0 10.)—(Bald spots are to be rubbed with a cut onion till they are red, to make the hair grow,0 10.) Eyes.—[70.] (Blue-eyed,° 10.)—(The eyes are no longer watery and dim; the sixth day;—they have their natural lustre; the seventh day,° 6.)— *It causes biting in the eyes, irritates to tears (an undoubted action of onion)/. —At evening, on cutting up onions, there was a continual dropping from the eyes, then they become painful/.—Pungent smell, biting, and weep- ing of the eyes, and sneezing, after taking it/.—* Causes lachrymation™. —(The juice represses the excessive lachrymation,0 10.)—The eyes water after a few hours (first day)/.—The left eye pains the next morning; fine stitches in it; after cutting the onions in the evening/.—*The lachrymation of the left eye, with coryza, was much greater, the eye was much redder, and more sensitive to the light than the right (first day V-—[80.] *Excessive lachrymation of the left eye, with redness of the eyeball, after frequent sneezing (third day)/.—'-The lachrymation is for the most part in the even- ing, in the warm room; the left eye weeps more, and also is more sensitive to the light6.—* Watering of the eyes and nose,3.—* Lachrymation, with co- ryza/.—"Lachrymation (not excoriating), with coryza,0.—Burning in the outside of the right upper lid (after three minutes)/.—Burning in the lids/.—As if there were smoke in the eyes under the upper lids, mostlv in the night (the first day)/.—Redness of the lids, with catarrh,0.—After drinking coffee, an irritation on the left upper lid, which necessitates fre- quent rubbiug; worse in the warm room, disappearing in the open air (the first day, and morning of the second),6.—[90.] Irritation of the left upper lid reappears very strikingly after the thirtieth,6.—Itching in the supra- orbital region, more on the left side (after one hour)/.—Burning itching in the brows, the supraorbital region, and the upper lids; evening of the first day/.—Heat in the left eyebrow/2.—Needle-stitches in the brows/.—Pres- sive pain over the right eye (after twenty minutes)/.—Feeling of heaviness over both eyes and in the forehead ; after a few minutes, lasting two hours/4. —Pains in the eyes as if they would be torn out, as if the eye hung loose ALLIUM CEPA. 149 posteriorly, on a string, and could be bored into with the fingers and torn out/.—Drawing pains in the left cheek, going into the interior of the left eye; better in the cold air (the second day)/.—Pain over the right eye to the root of the nose/.—[100.] (Pain from the cheeks into the left eye/.)— (Commencing ecchymoses in the eyes,0 10.)—(Ulcers, spots in the eyes,0 10.) —(Irritant affections of the eyes, used with ashes,0 10.)—(A stye is to be rubbed with a piece of raw onion,0 I0.)—(*Swelling of the lids and around the eye, with coryza,0.)—On becoming sleepy while reading, the letters ap- pear to him very small (soon after the second dose)/.—Flickering and blind- ing before the eyes; everything dances hither and thither; therewith fulness and heaviness in the head, as if bound up; the whole head becomes hot, and feels swollen and heavy on the vertex, together with so much general weakness that she must lie down ; after cutting onions/.—A bright dazzling in the distance, and dimness near by/.—The eyes are sensitive to the light, particularly the left/.—[HO.] Cloudy sight by candlelight,3. Ears.—Pecking behind the right ear (after one minute)/.—Pains mov- ing from deep within the head to the ears, like thick threads, about a finger in length, remaining in particular spots, from a pea to a hazel-nut in size (after fifty minutes)/.—Pain behind the ears deep within the head, from backward and inward to the ears; a sensation entirely new and peculiar to him (after one hour)/.—Stitches drawing from the left forehead into the ear/1.—Under the left ear a hard swelling the size of a hazel-nut, extending from over the angle of the lower jaw to the ear, from which paius go into the ear, especially on pressure/.—A painful sensation from the throat to the ears (after five minutes)/.—Chilling, or burning twitching on the right side of the throat in the region of the Eustachian tube, then above it a kind of gnawing; neither painful (after one hour)/.—Pains in the throat drawing into the right ear/.—The ears, the throat, especially about the root of the tongue, were decidedly affected (fifteen minutes after the second dose)/.— [120.] Stitches through the right ear the next morning/ 2.—(Dropped into the ears, it removes the pains, as well as the roaring and ringing,0 10.)— (The heart of the-onion is to be put into the ears for tearing in the ears,0 10.) —Ringing in the ears now and then ; also soft, in both ears, as from sounds far distant (mostly in the right ear, from which he hears (fourth to seventh day)/.—Humming in the ears on lying down/ 2.—Roaring in the left ear, as heretofore only after a severe cold ; afternoon of the first day/. Nose.—Pain from over the right eye into the root of the nose/.—(Mixed with vinegar and put into the nose, it stops the bleeding, which the simple smell of the onion also does,0 10.)—(For nose-bleed, put onions on the neck,° 10.)—*At evening, walking in the street, increased dropping from the nose, quite unusual, from both nostrils, without the sensation of coryza (first day)!—[130.] *Copious watery discharge from the nose, and watering of eyes,0 3.—(^Discharge of ichorous fluid from the nose in convalescing scarlet fever,0 3.)—Crawling in the right nostril, as before sneezing; must frequently blow thin mucus out of the nose; one hour after one drop of the third (fore- noon)/.—^Frequent sneezing in the evening when he comes into a warm room (second day)/.—^Sneezing,3.—Since collecting onions in the harvest, four years before, a brother and sister, each in the thirtieth year, experienced for the first time a coryza, recurring at the same time each year, and con- tinuing two to three weeks; they would sneeze severely twenty to thirty times every morning, and were obliged to avoid peaches on account of their rough skin, as well as all flowering trees and plants (Nux vom. relieved very greatly, but still other medicines had to be administered)/5.—The most 150 ALLIUM CEPA. violent sneezing, as if she would be torn to pieces, as soon as she steps out of bed/6.—In the evening, after drinking beer and eating herring, excessive thirst; heat and severe coryza, with much lachrymation, headache; acrid burn- ing discharge from the nose, so that the upper lip became red and sensitive (first day)/.—* Nasal discharge and headache, better in the open air, the first day; not so severe the next morning; at evening, worse in the room, distinctly relieved as soon as he goes into the open air, the second day ; on awaking, very slight the third day; after repeating the dose, more severe,6.—Much irritation in the right nostril, soreness of the nose, sneezing, lachrymation, morning of the fourth and fifth days, with headache/.—[140.] Some soreness of the nose yet (the eighth day)/.—Coryza, at times with stoppage, that she speaks " through the nose;" at times with profuse mucous discharge/6.— *With coryza, trembling of the hands at evening,6.—* Acrid discharge from the left nostril,0.—(After rapid alternations of cold and warm days, in November, 1852, a young lady complained that she had suffered for a few days from coryza; worse every evening. Water ran profusely from the nose, she sneezed frequently, her head Avas confused, the lids and about the eyes were swollen, much lachrymation (not acrid, as in euphrasia), fre- quent cough, tension in the upper part of the chest, loss of appetite. She took Cepa30 in the evening, slept the whole night, was quite well the follow- ing day, and remained so (Lippe) °.)—(The nose is humid, with slight co- ryza, but with severe pain in the forehead, which this time was not relieved by lying down, as is usually the case with her coryzas. In a woman, 50 years old; better in the evening,0.)—(Fluent coryza, dropping clear water (on the right side, as usual with him); had not only lasted twelve hours, as customary, but many days, in spite of cold bathing ; it disappeared .within a few hours after Cepa,°. Face.—Expression of anxiety and despair with pain in the abdomen,10. —Pain in the right upper jaw like a thread in a nerve, which goes from above downwards, from the median line to the side, deep with the bone, at evening, the first day/.—The pain in the right upper jaw on lying down in the evening, extends on the morning of the second day, from the nose outward and downward/.—[150.] Drawing stitches from the left forehead into the upper jaw/1.—Severe pains (like neuralgia), from the u,pper half of the right eye to the root of the nose/.—Drawing pains in the left cheek, extending into the left eye (third day)/.—(Paralysis of the left half of the face, which is also somewhat noticed in the limbs of the same side, together with altogether too copious secretion of urine,03.)—Spots warmer than usual on the right cheek (after fifty minutes)/.—Heat, especially in the face, every time after eating onions; several sisters/.—Heat of the face in the evening/7.—(Facial erysipelas,03.)—(Parree produced a nettle-rash erup- tion on the face and on the body, also on many in the family/.)—Swelling of the cheeks with toothache/.—[160.] The upper lip is red and sensitive from the acrid nasal discharge,6. Moutll.—Peeking in the two hindermost back teeth (after three min- utes)/.—In the first upper teeth, right side, sensitive drawing from the root to the crown (after thirty minutes); later, the same feeling in the corre- sponding teeth on the left side (the first day)/.—Pressive toothache in the right upper and lower back teeth, with the inclination to bore the tongue into and suck them, which relieves, lasting an hour; after travelling against the northwest wind, the fifth day; again the sixth day, after going against the northwest wind/.—Slight pressure in the right back teeth on going into a warm room. At breakfast (with warm cocoa), painful; relieved by cold ALLIUM CEPA. 151 water (the seventh day)/.—At breakfast, the back teeth pain from eating bread, so that only soft food can be eaten. A pressive pain remains for some time afterward. Toward noon, the pain disappears on the right side, and settles in the root of the left eye-tooth ; the gum around the root is inflamed; the pain frequently ceases suddenly and commences in an instant in a right back tooth; in the eye-tooth it is pressive, growling; cold water, cold in general relieves (the eighth day)/.—The pressive toothache comes on after walking against the north wind, is relieved by poking and sucking with the tongue; is much aggravated on eating warm soup, and disappears after a swallow of cold water; always the same after repeated experiments/. —Pressive pain in the root of the left eye-tooth disturbs the sleep, with ex- cessive heat in the cheeks; towards morning, remission and sweat; the cheeks feel swollen (ninth day)/.—During sleep, feeling as if the back teeth were too long, with some pain; disappears on rising; two nights,5.— Drawing stitches from the left forehead into the teeth/1.—[170.] Immedi- ately after eating onions, raging pain attacks a broken tooth. Arnica, high in water, relieved just as speedily/5.—The teeth are a smutty yellow iu the morning, they remain so the whole day, in one who has very white and sound teeth ; continues three to five days/.—The tongue has a foul coat, especially in the morning, on the back part, the third day ; slimy, the fifth day/.—The tongue is furred the next morning/7.—Dryness at the root of the tongue, on the right side/2.—Mouth and tongue as if scalded/7.—Pains under the tongue; at the lower insertion of the fraenum it is surrounded with a half circle of small sore elevations, the next morning and the whole day/.—The mouth is not as coated in the morning (the second day)/.— Dryness in the mouth, without thirst/7.—It causes an offensive breath (general experience).—[180.] (Onions remove the bad taste in the mouth,0 10.) —(Onions remove the offensive breath,0 10.)—(The juice is of service in putrid sore mouths,0 10.)—(Antiscorbutic,010.)—It has a sweet and aromatic acrid taste/.—Sweet and nauseous taste after taking it, and so also on the third day/.—On awaking, nauseous taste, the third day and morning of the fifth/.—A sickly-sweet taste, also again, after the thirtieth, though in a less degree,6.—Burning taste, more on the gums and upper part/.—(Loss of taste,010.) Throat.—The throat was decidedly affected, after fifteen minutes/.— ,[190.] A constrictive pain in the forepart of the throat, low down in the region of the os hyoides, after five or six minutes; low down posteriorly on the right side, after seven minutes,1.—Drawing pain in the left side of the throat, re- lieved by cold air (second day)/.—Some redness on the back part of the palate on the right side/ 2.—Pain in the throat extending to the ear,1.—In the throat and orifice of the Eustachian tube, chilling or burning twitching and gnawing, not painful/.—Heat low in the pharynx, extending into the stomach/2.—*Pain in the throat below the larynx, as after swallowing too large a mouthful, or as if swollen; the pains extend every little while into the right ear; the whole afternoon, coming on after midday, ten drops/ 7. —In the pharynx, the feeling as if the food remained stuck behind the breast-bone/2.—Throat-ache, as if there was a lump in the throat, which is sore, but only on swallowing and elevating the tongue, the next morning (twenty-four hours)/ 2.—(In chronic difficulty of deglutition, like a " ball in the throat," she brought up a lump of mucus and was then relieved,0 1.) —[200.] Throat-ache as after taking cold/4.—(Soreness of the throat with catarrh,0 6.)—A sense of nausea extending into the throat/.—A benumbed feeling in the back part of the throat, persistent (first day)/.—Great dry- 152 ALLIUM CEPA. ness of the soft palate after breakfast, continuing two hours and a half (first day)/.—With great dryness of both nostrils, considerable thirst; white, frothy, tasteless mucus collects in the fauces, which is easily expec- torated without cough/1.—Dryness in the throat/.—He hawks up mucus which has a sweetish, nauseous taste, the third day/.—Toward evening, collection of mucus behind the choanae/.—-In the posterior fauces, in the choanae, and on the posterior surface of the soft palate, a soft bland mucus constantly collects, which compels one either to swallow or hawk it up ; evening of the first day/.—[210.] In the morning, a raw feeling in the fauces, with tickling in the region of the epiglottis, first on the right, then on the left side ; together with a sensation of weakness in the stomach, very annoying hiccough, and uprising of frothy salivary mucus fluid ; eructa- tious of wind, and passage of offensive flatus. Therewith, constant incli- nation to hacking to relieve the tickling in the larynx. After breakfast, severe pain in the right ankle, and rumblings in the abdomen (second day)/.—(Diminished secretion of mucus in the throat, with chronic catarrh of the fauces,0 *.)■—Mucus in the fauces/. Stomach.—(Loss of appetite with coryza,0 Lippe.)—Onions promote an appetite, but if one eats too many they cause a revulsion of the stom- ach,10.—The appetite is increased,10.—*The appetite is excited even to canine hunger,16.—They produce an appetite which, however, disappears immedi- ately as soon as he begins to eat; food is disgusting to him/.—The priests were forbidden its use because it produced thirst/0.—Onions excite thirst,10. —[220.] Thirst excessive, with stomach-ache,10; with tympanitis,10.— Thirst, with heat, evenings, with coryza/5; after chilliness/; after flushes of heat at evening/.—(Nausea,0 10.)—A horrible deathly nausea in the stomach, with very slight eructations which, however, relieve somewhat; every day after eating; in one who did not know what she took/.—Feel- iug of nausea after fifteen minutes/.—Nausea iu the posterior part of the throat, is forced up as with a thrust, after thirty minutes/.—Nausea seems more properly to be seated in the stomach ; very soon/.—Nausea/.—Slight warmth in the abdomen and squeamishness, soon after taking it/.—Squeam- ishness and slight attacks of nausea from the bowels up into the throat, then slight confusion of the head ; soon/.—[230.] There are some who, smelling onions in a distant kitchen, taste them in their mouth, so that afterwards everything tastes of them and produces nausea/.—(Nausea on becoming erect,0.)—Frequent eructations; he tastes onions in the after- noon, after taking four drops of the tincture in the morning/.—Immedi- ately after eating onions, long-continued eructations, but not after the tincture/.—At evening, eructations of wind ; flashes of heat over the whole body, and thirst (the fourth day)/.—Eructations still incessant on the morning of the fifth day, without repetition of the dose/.—Eructations of wind/ 8; with distension of the abdomen,6; with rumblings/.—Slight eruc- tations relieve the horrible nausea in the stomach/.—(It stops sour eructa- tions,0 10.)—Even the smell of onions makes her vomit; she cannot swallow the tincture in water; it came up again, she is so averse to it/.—[240.] Vomiting frothy, slimy fluid/.—Vomiting, and disease which resulted in death, after eating onions/.—Annoying hiccough/.—Stimulates digestion,10. —Irritates the stomach and promotes digestion; excessives use, however, gives rise to dyspeptic troubles,10.—Raw onions give rise to injurious secre- tions in the stomach, thirst, inflammation, flatulence, and headache,10.— Feeling of emptiness, and drawings back and forth in the stomach, with some pain,8.—Sense of weakness in the stomach/.—Pain on the left side of ALLIUM CEPA. 153 the stomach/.—Oft-repeated pressure deep within the epigastrium, as if it were at the orifice of the stomach, and on the posterior side; evening at ten (the first day)/.—[250.] Dull pain below the breast-bone, more to the right side, on moving in bed ; evening at ten (after five minutes)/.—Pain below the sternum on stooping, morning/.—Pain in the region of the pylorus/.—Pressure in the stomach and fulness in the head/.—Pressure in the stomach/.—Pressure in the stomach and yawning/.—Heat extending into the stomach/2.—After dinner all the symptoms vanish (after one and a half hours)/.—After supper the symptoms again disappear as after dinner, the first day/.—Distension of the abdomen before dinner/.—[260.] Pain in the bowels, worse after eating/. Abdomen.—Pressive pain in the hepatic region, which extends through the whole abdomen,8.—The pains seat themselves for some time in the right hypochondrium, with which are cold shudders down the back, so that he can scarcely get warm ; evening at nine (third day)/.—Stitches in the left side, toward evening the first day, morning of the second day, worse on lying the fourth day/.—Contractive pain in the left hypochondrium, with the sensation of wind moving about/2.—Pain about the navel, an hour after dinner (3 p.m.)/2.—Pain in the umbilical region/.—The pains in the bowels are most severe while sitting; on moving about there is pas- sage of flatus and relief to the pains (the first day)/.—Half an hour after drinking coffee, in the afternoon, the pains in the bowels returned more se- vere, mostly in the left inguinal region, more pressing than burning, but with heat in the abdomen (second day)/.—With rumbling in the abdomen, the pains return more severe than before, with passage of much flatus; morning of the third day after the second dose/.—Flatulent colic,10.—Pain in the abdomen and shoulder (right half?),10.—[270.] Pains in the abdo- men, worse every time after eating/.—Pain in the left side of the abdomen, as though he had punched himself in this place/.—On walking, a sudden burning or chilling cutting—a pain thin as a thread—in the hypogastrium, from both sides inward toward the middle and upward (after one hour)/.— Burning glow or chilling sensation, as if scattered, with confused feeling in the right side of the abdomen ; thereupon slight passage of half-loud very offensive onion flatus (after an hour and a half)/.—A warm or chilling sen- sation, as if a glow within beat against the abdomen, on the right side, and over the external and upper part of both thighs; evening of the first day from nine to ten. Repeated later. The sensation was as if a glowing heat beat against one, but without the same heat, only warmth/.—Heat in the abdomen, with pain/.—In pelvic region, internally on right side, above and inside of the groin, very severe pressure on a small spot; it seems to be on the inside of the pelvic cavity. After twenty minutes, like a violent pain on a small spot, deep in the right side of the pelvis; evenings (first day)/.—Violent pains, like cuttings with very small knives, with a twist- in "• motion deep in above the left groin, midway on a line between the sym- physis pubis and anterior superior spinous process of the ilium. This pain moves, turning here and there in a small space; never had the like before (fourth and fifth days)/.—Pains in the left flank (second day)/.—Burning pressure in region of bladder; soon afterward in the small of the back (10 p.m., first day)/.—[280.] Pressive pains deep in pelvis (in prostate?)/. —Periodic pains in the pubic region, worse on sitting (the first day)/.— Sticking and pressive pain in posterior inguinal ring and spermatic cord (im- mediately)/.—(Hernia in left groin protruded and strangulated,0. Lippe.) —Ate some small onions; in four hours, indefinable anxiety; walks about, 154 ALLIUM CEPA. and finally, full of apprehension, throws himself on the bed, and soon gets up again; constant violent pains in left side of abdomen, more in middle and lower part of abdomen and in region of bladder, with troubles in uri- nating, and no stool; violent thirst; in face, expression of anxiety and doubt; skin hot,especially in the painful and sensitive places; pulse somewhat ac- celerated, full, hardish/.—Woman, 40 years old, after eating cooked onions ; the hernia in the left groin much protruded and strangulated; very severe pains from high up in the left side of the hypochondrium drew towards the incarcer- ated hernia; very restless; much fever, etc.; the hernia returned after a single dose of Aconite36, and no farther remedies were necessary (Lippe).— Pain, drawing from the region of the liver through the whole abdomen/.— (Colic, gastric, wind and haemorrhoidal colic; in more than twenty cases, by a physician who was severely attacked on a journey, and without other remedies, seeing a string of onions hanging up, took (with a Rademache- rian intuitive remedial instinct) one of the largest of the string, and de- voured it with true canine hunger, and suddenly is enchanted by being free from colic,0. Loeffler.)—(Colic after immoderate eating,0. Loefller.)— (Frequent pains in bowels in the summer, especially if he has eaten cucum- bers, salad, or the like; this relieves nearly every time, and a second dose is rarely needed,0 6.)—[290.] (In colic of children often useful,0 6.)—(Ascites (11 years old); roasted and rubbed in as a salve, with goosegrease; even after twenty-four hours' use, the water flowed from her by the quart; she became weak, that she was despaired of, but she rallied, and there was no relapse after six years,0. Frank's Mag.)—Flatulent distension of the abdo- men,10.—If too many are eaten, they distend the abdomen and cause flatu- lency,10.—(Removes flatulency,0 10.)—Make bad blood, afford little nour- ishment, puff up the abdomen, cause thirst, injure the bile,10.—Cooked, they become milder and sweeter, but still cause flatulency (Hahnemann).—Flatu- lence from raw onions. In one woman, raw onions always caused much wind in the stomach, and eructations ; cooked onions, never/5.—Immedi- ately eructations of wind, then confusion of the head, especially in the forehead, and distension of the abdomen; afterwards urgency to stool, but only passage of wind, with weak feeling in the limbs, and at evening free expectoration of mucus; the distension of the abdomen continued till the next day, and ended with a diarrhoea, when all the other symptoms also disappeared (from fifty drops of tincture several times repeated)/.—Con- tinued eructations, nausea, and pressure in the stomach, with rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, especially on the left side, where there is stitch- ing and rumbling, and urgency to stool, which is ineffectual/.—[300.] Rum- bling in the abdomen, with passage of much wind through the anus, pre- ceded by a sensation of heat and frequent eructations (soon after taking, the first day)/.—Frequent eructations, abdomen distended and painful; relieved every time after passing wind downwards, with internal heat (first day),6.—Sensation as if the abdomen were much swollen, with sharp pain and oppression of breathing before and after diarrhoea/.—Rumbling in the transverse colon, evenings, and sudden urgency to stool/2.—Rumbling in the bowels, with stomach-ache/; epigastrium after breakfast/; in left side of lower bowels/.—The abdomen is distended before dinner, so that the clothes seem too tight (after one hour)/.—Lower abdomen very heavy, as if it were pressed upon, before and after standing ; disappeared after bath- ing (the ninth day)/.—He onionated! (Zwiebelt) (Popular expression); the young people in Upper Lusatia say, if they wish to express themselves politely, " he has made a mistake" (Zweifelt), without knowing how analo- ALLIUM CEPA. 155 gous the abdominal mistake is to the scientific. Both are criticizable (Grimm).— Very offensive flat us,31, and moist/; mornings/.—Offensive flatus, with loud passage (after fifty minutes)/.—[310.] Frequent flatus, difficult to pass; evenings (the first day),1.—Flatus difficult to press out, odorless (the first day)/.—Frequent passage of flatus at night/.—Offensive, moist flatus (first day)/.—Frequent passage of flatus without pain,8.—Less pas- sage of wind in the morning and all day; the few passages are (contrary to all habit) very offensive/.—Exceptionally little flatus, almost none, in one who is accustomed to pass a great deal every morning, though he had eaten apples the previous evening according to his custom (the second and subsequent days); this diminished emission of flatus, mornings, and its offensive odor, lasted for over a year, after which the flatus was as odorless and abundaut as before/.—Pain in bowels relieved after passing wind,6. Stool and An us.—Promotes defecation,10.—Soft evacuations without pain/2.—[320.] If he eats onions in the evening, he becomes sleepy, and his eyes heavy ; the next morning, he has a regular and satisfactory stool/. —After eating food seasoned with onions always diarrhoea, either the next night or towards morning/.—Feeling of diarrhoea in the bowels, and soft stool without diarrhoea/2.—Purging (the third day and later)/.—Purging (third to seventh day), also nights,3.—Diarrhoea following distension of the abdomen, whereupon all troubles disappear/.—(Diarrhoea after midnight and toward morning,0 3.)—Absence of evacuations, with most severe belly- ache, t.—Difficult evacuation of faeces (at the usual time after breakfast); though without hard faces, still he had to strain very hard (the third day)/. —The stool fails (the third day)/.—[330.] Stool on the morning of the fourth day, long and thick/.—(No stool for many days, with catarrh,0 6.) —Satisfactory stools in the morning, in constipated habits/.—Since an in- termittent fever and large doses of China, two years previous, the prover had infrequent evacuations (four to eight days, without feeling the slight- est desire); they occurred mostly at evening; since the proving, for a year and a half, he has had a stool nearly every morning, only very seldom omitting for twp or three days/.—Strong urging and pressure for a soft stool at the usual time (five or six days)/.—Sudden urging to stool, with rum- bling/2.—Urging to stool, with rumbling in bowels, but nothing passes/. —Urging to stool, but only passage of wind/.—A very painful stitch ex- tends along the rectum down into its lower part (afternoons)/.—With an evacuation, it seems as if there were cracks on the inside of the anus (morn- ing of seventh day)/.—[340.] In the anus, and some protruding haemor- rhoids, a cold creeping, like a cool worm, more on left side (after one hour and later)/.—Biting in anus/.—Blood passes with the stool (tenth to twelfth day); (had not happened since he proved Lithium),1. Urinary Organs.—Dull pains in right kidney region, and a very uncomfortable feeling of fulness in the bladder, with frequent urging to urinate (second day)/.—Most violent pains in region of bladder and uterus/.—Pressure in the bladder/.—Irritability of the bladder, and pain over the kidney region/.—Very uncomfortable feeling of fulness in the bladder and urgency to urinate/.—Pain in region of the bladder and in left side of abdomen, t.—(Weak feeling in bladder and urethra,03.)— [350.] Very pleasant sensation of warmth in the urethra, without erections or sexual desire/1.—* Copious urinating (afternoons),12.—Urgency to uri- nate and feeling of fulness in the bladder/.—(*Frequent urinating, with ca- tarrh,01.)—^Frequent urinating, with burning in the urethra; the urine very red (second day) ; all day, still oftener evenings (third day); especially with 156 ALLIUM CEPA. shuddering and chilliness/.—Frequent excessive urging to urinate, with dribbling burning discharge, t.—Is obliged to pass even small amounts of urine; this ceased after a few days, but again returned and remained a long time/.—Urinating is more difficult/.—Iridescent film on the urine in two cases/.—Urine very frothy, but clear; the froth remains longer than usual/1.—[360.] Very red urine/6; with reddish-yellow, sandy sediment/. —(In albuminuria it relieved the frequent urinating, and even diminished the amount of albumen,0 3.)—(Pressure with the hand on the bladder in- creases the child's cries,0 *.)—(Sensitiveness of the bladder and pain in the region of the kidneys, weak feeling of the bladder and urethra of long duration (cured by six doses),0 3.)—(^Polyuria,0 3.)—(Difficult micturition from spasmodic closure of the bladder,0.)—(Spasmodic strangury after getting the feet and bowels cold,0.)—(Roasted and bound on to the navel; popular remedy.)—(*Dribbling or spurting urine in old people,0 \) Sexual Organs.—Increases coition and arouses sexual desire,10.— Increases virility/.—[370.] Increases desire,10.—-Mornings on waking, erec- tions with painful tension, without sexual desire (eighth, ninth, and tenth days)/.—Drawings in right spermatic cord (first'day)/.—Pain from in- guinal ring along spermatic cord/.—Burning in urethra/.—Burning pain in forepart of the glans/.—On account of weakness in the hips, he cannot finish coition, even after two or three repeated attempts (first day)/.— Pressive pains in bladder and prostate, deep in the pelvis, the next morn- ing and forenoon, after coitus (fourth, fifth, and sixth days)/.—Violent pains in uterine region/.—Brings on menses,10.—[380.] Brings on menses, but not very strong,10.—Juice mixed with wine brings on menses,10.—Shoved into the womb brings on menstruation,10.—Eaten raw, it expedites men- struation,10.—Expels urine and menses,10.—Macerated in vinegar it brings on menses,10. Respiratory Apparatus.—Tickling in the epiglottis/.—Tickling in the larynx, with copious and troublesome collection of mucus in the fauces,3.— Tickling in the throcd, with aching in the larynx,0 3.—* Hoarseness,3. —[390.] (Hoarseness in spring,0 3.)—Throbbing in larynx, and sensation as if it contracted1'1.—Cannot breathe freely evenings; an obstruction in the middle of the chest, in the upper part/.—Asthmatic breathing, as often before, at 11 p.m., after smoking tobacco/.—Oppression of breathing, with ascites/.—Relieved asthma and caused copious sweat,0 3.—(Pressure in the upper part in the middle of the chest, makes respiration difficult,0 3.)—On deep inspiration, sticking in the left side/.—*0n inspiring cold air hacking cough/.—Dryness and tickling in the throat, and hacking cough morn- ings (fourth day)/.—[400.] * Constant inclination to hack in order to relieve tickling in the larynx,6.—(Tickling iu the throat and cough,0 3.)—(Short cough, which plagued him very much for a week,0 3.)—(*Violent catarrh in a boy, after northeast wind aud rainy weather, eyes suffused, lids very red, as from crying and rubbing them ; nose dropping, throat sore, and some cough,0 1.)—(*A severe cold, frequent sneezing, lachrymation, pain in forehead, acrid discharge from left nostril, hacking cough on inspiring cold ear, cold alternates with heat; no stool for several days,0 6.)—(*Violent catar- rhal laryngitis ; the hoarse cough seemed to split and tear the larynx0; cause watering of the eye, etc.,°.) Chest.—Pain in chest,10.—Pain in the chest, as though the food had remained lodged behind the sternum/2.—Stitches in the left chest with burning pain/.—(The sticking pains in the left side are aggravated by every deep inspiration,0 6.)—[410.] Sticking pain in various parts of the chest; ALLIUM CEPA. 157 most in region of cartilages of the fifth and sixth ribs/.—(Flitting pains in chest,0 3.)—-(Tension in upper part of chest, with coryza and cough,0 1.) Heart and Fulse.—Pulse accelerated, full, hardish, with stomach- ache ; excited nights/1.—Pulse harder evenings, only 82-84 beats (first dayV- Neck and Rack.—Shiverings in the back/.—Pains a hand's breadth below the right shoulder, more towards the spine, after long sitting/.— (Pain of the right shoulder-blade, on lying in bed,°.)—Stitches in lumbar region/.—Pains in the loins, as he used to have if he had no stool for several days (third day),6.—[420.] Burning pressure in small of back/.— Paiu in region of left kidney, afterwards less severe in the right (first day), the following days in the left/.—Aching in region of left kidney/2.—Dull pains in right kidney region, aud a very uncomfortable feeling of fulness in the bladder, with frequent urging to urinate (second day)/.—(Pain in region of kidneys,0 3.)—^Pains over the region of kidneys,0 3.) Extremities in General.—■■'In all the limbs, especially on both arms, sore as if it were all scratched off, with tired feeling therein,1.—Rheu- matic paius in the joints/.—Troubles as after taking cold; the next day, pains in all the bones, aching in the throat, prostration, etc./4.—Restless- ness in all the limbs ; cannot hold them still/7.—[430.] Weak sensation in the limbs, with flatulent troubles/.—(^Neuralgia of the stump (after am- putation), violent burning stinging pains,0.) (Tincture.) Upper Extremities.—Pain in shoulder and abdomen,10.—Sweat in axilla/.—Weak sensation, especially in the arms/.—A stitch run through the right arm, from the shoulder-blade to the elbow, with burning pain/.— Needle stitches in the arms/.—Numb sensation in the left elbow-joint, worse on slight motion (forenoons)/.—Numb sensation in left elbow-joint, with headache/.—In right elbow-joint, pain as from a blow, seventh day at noon/.—[440.] Painful affection of the left forearm, especially in the radius on resting on the arm in writing; evenings (first day)/.—Pain in the middle of the left radius, disappears on taking hold of it and rubbing, but returns (second day)/.—Pains in the right wrist, on the back, and extensor side, evenings (first day)/.—Lameness in the joints of left hand/. —Trembling of right hand, so that he can hardly write, evenings, with coryza (first day)/.—Trembling of right hand (also after X again)/.— Dry, red hands, as if he had been in the cold (third day)/.—Pain in left middle finger/.—Pain in right fourth and fifth finger (soon)/.—Voluptu- ous, corrosive itching, especially on the palmar side of the left thumb, from the first to second phalanx, not on the ball, lasts all evening, till after 10 p.m. (first day)/.—[450.] Sweat of palm of hand/. Lower Extremities.—Excessive tired feeling in the region of the hips, late in the evening, on rising from sitting, on walking, especially on going up steps (first day)/.—Weakness in the hips, nights/.—Bruised pain in left thigh, in lower part on the side, very near the knee (first hour)/.—Pain, almost burning pressure in upper part of left thigh, toward the outer side (after seventy minutes)/.—Pain in left thigh, on the outer side, very near the knee, like the pain in the ankle (one and a half hours)/. —Pain on outer side of right thigh, above the knee (one and a half hours)/. —On the outer side and upper part of both thighs, a glowing sensation/.— Nettlerash on both thighs down to the knees, with heat; on rubbing, they itch, and at upper part, there are hard round pimples; in lower part, marbled spots; after a cold aud other troubles,0 14.—Shooting pains in left leg and right foot/.—[460.] Paralytic pains in the knee-joint/.—Stitches 158 ALLIUM CEPA. in the right knee, as if coming from the bones, from within, extending out- ward, in front/.—Burning pressure in the middle of the left lower leg, on a small spot externally, then on the right, just the same, but low down, evenings (first day)/.—Severe pains in right ankle, mornings/.—Pains in left ankle (after one hour)/.—Burning pains around the left outer ankle, afterward lower down, and a burning pressure externally, then also inter- nally (after one and a quarter hours)/.—Pains in the right foot, evenings (first day)/.—Painful twitching on inner side of left heel/.—Pain in the most external soft parts of the right great toe, and also in the left middle finger3.— Violent ticking pain in the metatarsal bones of the left great toe, re- peated and becomes continued; evenings (first day)/.—[470.] (Places on the outside of the left ankle, rubbed sore and inflamed, and very painful, speedily cured, after other things tried in vain,° \) Generalities.—Attacks at once the whole body, and causes a shock, with eructations of wind/.—The whole body is set into a revolution which the prover is not in a condition to describe/.—Such weakness over and over, that she must lie down/.—Deathly faintness after profuse micturi- tion/. Skin.—External redness and itching of the skin. A slight corrosive itching here and there, with which are little points, which cannot be very well described or seen ; an indefinite desire to be rubbed or washed, but still a severe, distinct sensation, evenings, worse sitting still after going out (first day)/.—Stitches, as with needles, in the skin, especially on the head, on the forehead, in the brows, in the throat, and on right arm/.—(Nettlerash on the thigh,0 14.)—A wart between the left shoulder and side of neck begins to pain the next morning, is red and scratched off/. Fever.—Unusual chilliness/4.—[480.] Frequent cold shivers creep along the back (first day)/.—Cold creepings along the back (fifth day)/. —Shivers down the back, especially nights in bed; he wants always more covering; therewith, he feels feverish in all his veius, and has sweat, espe- cially in the axilla and in palms. (Young man who did not know what he took)/.—Cold shivers down the back, with liver-pains (evenings)/. —Shivering and chilliness, with increased urinating/.—Internal coldness, with subsequent heat and great thirst, which continues into the night (third day)/.—(Coldness alternates with heat, in catarrh,0 6.)—It is injurious, by overheating,10.—Increased warmth of the skin/.—Feverish through all the veins, with shiverings in the back/.—[490.] The juice arouses the cir- culation (Hahnemann).—* Flitting heat now and then,1.—Internal heat, with rumbling in abdomen,6.—Heat in the head, on the head, in brows, in face, in cheeks, in throat, down to stomach, in bowels.—Heat, with coryza, even- ings, alternating with cold, and * flitting heat over the whole body, and thirst, evenings/.—Heat and thirst after coldness/.—After eating onions, he feels as after taking cold ; feverish, especially evenings, with heat in the face ; tongue and mouth feel burnt and dry, without thirst; drinks only a small quantity, with restlessness in all the limbs, so that he cannot hold them still; the next day the tongue is coated/7.—Heat, without thirst, at 2 a.m., disappears mornings, worse again after breakfast11.—Unusual sweating while working/.—Sweat breaks put after larger doses, iu three cases/.—[500.] Sweat in axilla and palms/.—Copious sweat/.—(Internal fever always produced and renewed from too much walking. Wakes nights at 2 a.m., with excited pulse; cannot sleep again till morning; without any chill, only heat without thirst; disappears mornings, but is worse again for a few hours ALLIUM CEPA. 159 after breakfast; afterwards very much prostrated ; Phosph., without result; Cepa cured,0 n.) Sleep and Dreams.—With the sleepiness, near objects seem dis- tant/.—Much yawning, with headache and pressure in stomach/.—Fre- quent internal, but not very deep, yawning (evenings) (first day)/.—Mid- night, very sleepy, soon falling asleep; not easily disturbed sleep (first day)/.—If one eats much, it causes lethargy, a deep overpowering sleep,10. —Sopor,10.—Excessive use causes sopor,10.—[510.] Heavy sleep, sopor, leth- argy, follow its use,10.—Causes heavy dreams, especially in those who have been lately ill,10.—Who will have pleasant dreams must eat a raw onion before going to sleep, without supper,10.—Constant dreams of battles, fights, precipices, storms at sea, and difficulty in reaching the coast, of deep wells, and efforts to get out of them/.—Dreams of being near water two nights in succession/.—Restless sleep, with swarming dreams,10.—Sleep disturbed by toothache/.—During sleep, teeth feel too long/.—Wakes at 2 a.m., with excited pulse; can no more sleep/1.—Mornings, after rising, sleepy and disinclined to work ; every day/.—[520.] Sleepy, mornings/.—On waking, nauseous taste/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Mominej), Apathetic; sleepy; flatu- lence; erections, etc.; dry throat and cough; pain in ankle.—(Afternoon, after nine and coffee), Confused and absent-minded, etc.—(Evening), *All catarrhal symptoms and pains; heat of face; eructation of wind; flashes of heat and thirst; pulse harder; pains in foot; heat and thirst; mucus behind choanae.—(Nightt, Passage of flatus.—(Nights, in bed), Shivers, etc.—(After midnight), Diarrhoea.—(In open air), Dropping from nose.—(In bed), Pain under breast-bone.—(Bending forward), Pain under breast-bone renewed.— (After breakfast), Dryness of soft palate.—(Breathing deeply), Sticking in side.—(Breathing cold air), Cough.—(In cold air), Coryza; pains in cheek and eye.—(After coffee), Eye symptoms; stomach-ache.—(After renewed eructations), Confusion of head.—(After eating), Pain in bowels.—(Lying), Pain in left side.—(Lying down), Roaring in ears.—(Motion), Passage of flatus, relieving stomach-ache.—(Motion of eyelids), Pain in temples.— (Slight motion), Elbow-joint feels numb.—(On resting the arm in writing), Pain in left forearm, etc.—(In room), ^Lachrymation and running from nose.—(Sitting), Pains in bowels; pain in pubic region.—(Sitting still), ca- tarrhal troubles ; itching of the skin, etc.—(After long sitting), Pain in back below right shoulder.—(Eating warm soup), Toothache.—(After too much walk big), Renewed paroxysm of intermittent fever.—(On ascending steps), Hips tired.—(Warmth), Toothache.—( Warm room, on returning to), Pres- sure in head, sneezing, etc.; toothache; twitchings in upper lid; lachryma- tion; headache; catarrhal troubles.—(Northeast wind and rainy weather), Vio- lent catarrh.—(Northwest wind, riding in), Toothache. Amelioration.—(Afternoons and evenings), Often quite well.—(In open air), Pains in limbs; pressure in head; pain in head; twitching in upper lids; catarrhal troubles.—(Bathing), Heaviness in bowels.—(Cold), Toothache; pain in throat.—(In cold air), Pains in cheek.—(In cool room), Catarrhal troubles.—( Cold water), Toothache.—(Passage of flatus, on motion), Stomach-ache; pain in bowels. 160 ALLIUM SATIVUM. ALLIUM SATIVUM. Allium sativum, L. Nat. order, Liliaceae. Common names, Garlic; (German), Knoblauch; (French), L'Ail. Preparation, Tincture from the fresh bulb. Authorities. 1, Petroz, Journ. d. 1. Soc. Gal., 3, 279; 2, Teste, Systemati- zation; 3, All. Hom. Zeit., 83, 184; 4, Cattell, B. J. of Horn., 11, 340. Mind.—Weeping during sleep/.—Sadness; restlessness when alone/. —Mental anxiety/.—Dread of being poisoned/.—Fears he will never get well/.—Fears of being unable to bear any medicine,2.—Impulse to run away/.—Impatience/.—Moral sensitiveness/.—[10.] Wandering thoughts/. Head.—Vertigo on looking long and steadily at anything/.—Vertigo of short duration, and on rising from one's seat/.—Heaviness in the head/. —Heaviness of the head, ceasing during menstruation, and returning after- wards/.—Heaviness in the forehead, almost preventing him from opening his eyes/.—Pulsation in the temples/.—Dull pain in the occiput, in the morning, while lying on the back/. Eyes.—*Catarrhal ophthalmia at night; smarting burning lachryma- tion; agglutination; continued difficult opening of the agglutinated lids; (this set in regularly every night, when he desired to read an hour in bed (usual habit), so that he had to give it up)/. Ears.—(*The customary aural catarrh disappeared; he heard better from the diseased ear,° s.)—[20.] Humming in the ears/. Nose.—Coryza, rather dry, then fluent, with pressive pain from above the root of the nose/.—Increased secretion of nasal mucus, together with slight stoppage of both nostrils/.—Blowing blood from the nose in the night/. Face.—Lancinations in one side of the face/.—Dryness of the lips/. Mouth.—Tickling sensation in the lower teeth/.—Transient pressive pullings (in the forenoon) in both jaws, and in the right upper molars/.— Swelling of the lower gums/.—Troublesome feeling during the night and in the morning, as of a hair on her tongue; renewed on waking/.—[30.] Dryness of the palate/.— Very copious flow of sweetish saliva into the mouth in the forenoon, after meals; more especially after supper and during the night12.—Hot taste in the mouth, proceeding from the throat, and strongly reminding him of the taste of garlic, immediately after taking the medicine, and returning after breakfast to such a degree as to excite a flow of saliva/. —The symptoms of the mouth are aggravated by reading/. Throat.—Inflammation of the throat/.—Sensation as of something cold rising in the throat/.—Sensation as of a hot and smarting vapor ris- ing in the throat/.—Mucous accumulations in the throat, in the morning, with heaviness of the head/. Stomach.— Voracious appetite,2.—Feeling of great hunger, from weak- ness of the stomach, without increase of appetite/.—[40.] Thirst2 \— Thirst, which prevents sleep/.—Burning eructations/.—Burning eructa- tions after a meal/.—Eructations (immediately)/.—Eructations, which ex- cite copious salivation/.—Nausea and loathing of food (immediate and very short-lasting symptom)/.—Vomiting duriug the fever/.—Burning in the stomach, which is not painful when not touched, but is very sensitive to the least pressure/.—Lancinations in the stomach/.—[50.] Sensation of a weight in the stomach, which prevents sleep/.—Dull pains in the epigas- ALLIUM SATIVUM. 161 trie region, felt only on deep inspiration, but which finally embarrass res- piration/.—A pressure inward, as if a stone were in the epigastric region/. —Pressure in upper abdomen (stomach and along the transverse colon) ; relief only by sitting bent and pressing with both hands; the pain became unendurable on walking out/. Abdomen.—Pressure in upper abdomen (stomach and along trans- verse colon); relief only by sitting bent and pressing with both hands ; the pain became intolerable on walking out/.—Twistings and pinchings around the umbilicus/.— Borborygrai in the forenoon/.— Flatulence/.— Incom- plete, and as if interrupted, emission of fetid flatulence/. (The usual colic disappeared for some days,0 3.)—[60.] Every step on the pavement caused excruciating pain, as if the intestines would be torn apart (ameliorated by lying down)/.—Everything (in abdomen) seemed to drag downward/. —Weight in the hypogastrium, immediately after a meal, without urgency to stool or urinate/. Stool and Anus.—Piles/.—Diarrhoea/.— Involuntary stools/.— Diarrhoeic stool (at the end of thirty hours), towards 3 o'clock a.m., pre- ceded, accompanied, and followed by cuttings in the abdomen and loins/. —Several soft," but not diarrhoeic, stools every twenty-four hours, during three days/.—Stool, first faeces, then watery ; hot passage/.—Normal stool immediately after a meal (contrary to habit)/.—Stool delayed from morn- ing (usual time) till after dinner, with great urging; with the stool, heat in the rectum/.—[70.] Constipation, Avhich becomes obstinate/.— Constipa- tion, with almost constant dull pain in the bowels, during eight days (chiefly in the forenoon)/. Urinary Organs.—Sensation in the bladder and urethra as of urging to urinate, which, however, does not exist/.—Urine increased/.— Whitish, very abundant urine, becoming cloudy from 'nitric acid,2.—A kind of diabetes/.—Scanty, high-colored urine/.—Urine scarcely half the nor- mal (first day) ; one-third normal (second day)/.—Did not urinate in the night (contrary to habit)/. Sexual Organs.—Suppurating pimples on the vulva during the menses/.—[80.] Bright red spots, with itching and smarting, on the inside of the labia majora, and at the entrance of the vagina,1.—Menses five days too early/.—During the menses, the skin of the internal portion of the thighs presents large excoriations/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Painful irritation of the windpipe when coughing/.—Scraping in the larynx, exciting dry cough, with no other symptom,2.—Almost continual mucous rales in the bronchi2.—Deep- seated cough/.—Cough, which seems to come from the stomach/.—Cough, which gives rise to a perceptible fetid smell/.—Dry cough after eating,2.— [90.] Morning cough after leaving his bedroom, with extremely copious mu- cous expectoration,2.—Sudden paroxysms of hard, dry cough while smoking, obliging him to quit/.— Great difficulty in expectorating a glutinous mucus,1. —Expectoration increased/.—Expectoration of a thin, yellowish, purulent- looking, blood-streaked mucus, of a putrid odor/.—Difficult respiration, as if the sternum was compressed/.—Uneasiness in respiration/.—The cough symptoms are aggravated by bending the head, aud after eating, and by going into the open air/. Chest.—Oppression of the chest during sleep/.—Darting paiu in the chest, which prevents sleep/.—[100.] Lancinations in one side of the chest/. —Twitching pain in the side of the chest; it seems to him as if there was an empty spot in his chest/.—Lancinations under the shoulder-blades and vol. i.—11 162 ALLIUM SATIVUM. pectoral muscles, increasing during the cough and deep inspirations, and becoming spasmodic if the latter are renewed several times in succession ; with irresistible impulse, to cough/.—Swelling of both mammae, which be- come sensitive to touch (at the end of twenty-four hours)/.—Dull stitches in the right mamma/.—Eruption of red blotches between the breasts and around the nipples/. Heart and Pulse.—Leaping beats of the heart/.—Tension of the pulse/. Neck and Rack.—Drawing pains in the neck/.—Insensibility to touch of the anterior portion of the neck/.—[110.] Itching between the shoulders/.—Darting pain in the back/.—Itching in the back/.—Red spots, like ringworm, come out on the back/.—Tearing pain in the sacrum/.— Cutting pain in the sacrum, in the morning/.—Simple pain in the coccyx/. Upper Extremities.—Painful feeling of contraction in the arm/. —Tension and heat in the right elbow, which is painful during movement of the arm/.—Pain in the forearm, it seems as if paralyzed/.—[120.] Burn- ing, then moisture, in the palms of the hands/.—Some red spots appear on the hands/.—Tearing pain in the fingers extending below the nails/. Lower Extremities.—Weakness of the lower limbs/.—Tearing pain in the hip/.—Almost intolerable pain, confined to the common tendon of the iliac and psoas muscles; this pain, only slightly felt in the daytime, during rest, is renewed by the least movement; it is so acute as almost to extort cries when he tries to cross his legs, while sitting, i. e., to place the right thigh over the left; but this movement is performed with scarcely any pain, if, instead of using the muscles of the pelvis and thigh, he lifts the latter gently with his hand. Finally, this pain, which is endurable while walking, although compelling him to limp, is aggravated towards 8 p.m., in bed, where it becomes impossible to change his position, or to sleep/.—Painful weariness in the thighs/.—Boil on the thigh/.—Pain as of a sprain in the ankle-joint/.—All these symptoms are much aggravated by walking/.—Tearing pain in the feet/.—[130.] Burning in the soles of the feet/.—Sensation of stiffness in the feet/.—Tingling in the feet/.—Pain as of a sprain in the toe-joints/.—These symptoms are much more troublesome during rest, especially if the foot is not supported/.—The pains in the limbs were always aggravated by changes in temperature, and under the influence of moist heat/. Generalities.—General lassitude, especially in the lower limbs, to such a degree that he dreads having to go two or three steps upstairs/.— Morning lassitude, which appears to depend on nervous insensibility/.— Relaxation of the muscles/.—Sense of oppression; weakness/.—[140.] Drawing in the muscles during the night/.—Sensation of contraction in the muscles/.—Tingling in the affected parts/.—Pain in the glands/.—Lan- cinations in the limbs/.—Often the pains are gradually increased to a high degree, and subside in like manner/. Skin.—Looseness of the skin/.—Hard swelling of the integuments/.— Swelling with tingling/.—Dryness of the skin/.—[150.] It blisters the skin (locally)/.—Spots at first white, and which become yellow, and are accom- panied with a tingling-itching/.— Darting-itching/.— Formication in the skin/.— Tension in the skin of the joints,1.—Extreme sensitiveness of the skin/. Fever.—Chilliness from one day to another/.—Chilliness on one side only/.—During the coldness, redness of the face/.—Horripilations before midday and in the evening,2.—[160.] Catarrhal fever with predominant coldness/.—General heat during which there is distress/.—Heat during ALOE. 163 which she feels twitching in the limbs/.—During the fever, vomiting/.— Sweat in the afternoon/.—Sweat causing itching/.—Sweat of a sour smell/. —Fetid sweat/. Sleep and Dreams.—Drowsiness after meals/.—Restless sleep at night/.—[170.] Frequent waking up, through coldness/.—Startings in the muscles and shocks in the feet, at night, when going to sleep/.—Sleep pre- vented by darting paiu in the chest/.—Sleep prevented by sensation of weight in the stomach/.—Sleep prevented by thirst/.—Slight cold fit when going to sleep/.—Coldness of the body duriug sleep/.—Dreams in which he thinks/.—Dreams which are continued when he is awake/.—At midnight, frightful, auxious dreams, with headache, pressure in the vertex/. Conditions.—Aggravations.—(Morning), Pain in occiput; mucus in throat, etc.; cutting in sacrum ; feeling of hair on tongue; cough after leaving bedroom.—(Forenoon), General symptoms; pulliugs in jaws and teeth; flow of saliva; borborygmi; horripilations.—(Afternoon), Sweat.— (Evening), Horripilations; general symptoms.—(Evening, in bed), Pain in muscles of thigh.—(Night), Starts and shocks when going to sleep ; catarrhal ophthalmia ; blowing blood from nose ; flow of saliva ; feeling of hair on tongue; drawing in muscles; restless sleep.—(At midnight), Frightful dreams.—( Open air), Cough-symptoms.—( When alone), Restlessness.— (Bending head), Cough-symptoms.—(After breakfast), Return of hot taste. —(Deep breathing), Epigastric pains.—(Coughing), Irritation of windpipe. —(After eating), Cough-symptoms.—(During Fever), Vomiting.—(Moist Heat), Pain in limbs.—(Looking steadily), Vertigo.—(During Menses), Pimples on vulva.—(Movement), Pain in muscles of thigh.—(Moving arm), Pain in right elbow.—(Reading), Symptoms of mouth.—(Rest), Feet- symptoms.—(On rising from seat), Vertigo.—(Speaking and stooping), Gen- eral svmptoms.—(Stepping on pavement), Paiu in intestines.—(During sleep), Oppression of chest.—(When smoking), Paroxysms of cough.—(Straining to vomit), Bowel-symptoms.—(Walking out), Pressure in upper abdomen, etc.; pains in lower limbs. Amelioration.—(Lying doivn), Pain in intestines.—(During men- struation), Heaviness of head ceases.—(Motion of a carriage), General symptoms.—(Sitting bent), Pressure in upper abdomen, etc. ALOE. Aloe socotrina, Lam. Nat. order, Liliaceaea. Preparation. The fiery red gum is to be triturated. Authorities.^ l,Helbig, 0 (proved the tincture) ; 2, Hencke, 0; 3,L.S., 0; 4, Pren, 0; 5, A. B., I, 30th by olfaction and by the mouth; 6, A. B., II, 0; 7, A. B., Ill, 0; 8, C. Hering, y^th and higher; 9, J. Jeanes; 10, Koch ; 11, Neidhard, -^th ; 12, Raue, Tx0th ; 13, Williamson; 14, Buchner, 0; 15, S. T., 0; 16, J. M., a girl, 0; 17, Giaccomini, 0; (18, N. T.); 19, Voigtel; 20, E. R. L.; 21, Wedekind ; 22, Gosewich ; 23, Zumbrock ; 24, Whitey, yfoth ; 25, Watzke, 0; 26, J. O. Muller, 3d dec.; 27, Fischer, 0. Mind.—Amorous thoughts present themselves, which are very annoy- ing (first day)/.—Before taking it, the disposition is apprehensive, specula- f Nos. 1 to 24, taken from Hering's Arzneiprufungen ; 25, A. H. Z., 74, 29; 26, Z. f. v. H. (Est., 1, 38; 27, Symptoms from five provers, Jour, du dispens. Hahn , 3, 235. 164 ALOE. tive, amorous; after taking it, quiet, immovable, contented, joyful, reflec- tive ; mind is more self-sufficient, more inclined to labor; no sleepiness after a meal (first to third day)/.—Contented, happy humor in the even- ing, as well as all the following day (fifth day)/.—Towards evening, un- commonly aroused by inspiriting, joyful news (fifth day)/.—Merry, self- contented ; fraternized with the whole world (fifth day)/.—At evening, in a happy mood, he feels completely happy and contented/.—Great serenity and good humor (in a patient)/.—The child is very much enlivened and vivacious, it plays and prattles uncommonly, with much mischievousness and laughter (from sucking Aloes)/.—Contented with his station in life ; it involuntarily occurs to him, that he is really much better off than many other people (seventh day)/.—[10.] Quiet and serene humor (curative effect)/2.—In the forenoon, he is disposed to become reconciled, where he would not otherwise have been so (second day)/.—Despondent, with flatu- lent distension/.—Anxiety, anguish, and ebullition of the blood/9.—A cer- tain anxiety (after one scruple)/7.—Anxiety produced by vertigo/.—Anx- ious startings up/4.—Great anxiety, timorousness, restlessness, dread of death, and great anguish, so that she cannot stay anywhere,20.—Oppression and apprehensiveness/2.—After a nocturnal emission of semen, fright at the rattling of the windows by the wind (fourth day)/.—[20.] Little in- clination to labor; discouraged, apprehensive about his success (fourth day)/.—Irritable, he cannot endure the visit of many people, they are re- pugnant to him (twenty-fourth day)/.—Anthropophobia/.—(Immediately, strong exhibition of will; he quarrels with every one who contradicts him ; it seems as if he would permit himself to be torn in pieces, sooner than give up his will)/1.—The weather is cloudy, cold, rainy (in December), and his humor morose, thoughtful, discontented (fifth day)/.—Ill-humor; peevish about himself, so that he insults and blasphemes; worse afternoons (third day)/.—Very discontented and unhappy mood, since the forenoon, with confused head and lack of inclination to labor; better in the evening (twenty-fourth day)/.—Moroseness (first day)/.—Peevish towards himself, without reason (second day),4.—Peevish and morose (second day)/.—[30.] Ill-humor, with pain in the sacral region, aggravated at evening, lasting one week/.—Very ill-humored, seldom moderated by sadness (second day)/. —Ill-humor and incapacity for labor, with peevish restlessness (third day)/. —The child is hard to please, aud cries on the least provocation, t.—A condition of mind that is intolerable, and without stool (ninth day)/.— Ill-humor, peevishness, and anthropophobia, with cuttings in abdomen/.— During pain, everything disgusts him/.—Indifference and sleepiness even- ings/.—After meal, no sleepiness, but a forbidding and unconcerned humor; about half-past three, he is better and much inclined to joke, continually mocking the remarks of others; in the evening is inclined to work (twelfth day)/.—Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity; eighth day/.—[40.] Immediately after a meal, he sat down by himself, without speaking, without any desire for mental or physical exertion; meditating, wrapt up in himself, as after a sickness or a fit of anger, which still gnaws internally, which one cannot express. Nothing can engage his attention, he is averse to and disgusted with everything. From one till after four in the evening, already an opposite condition sets in ; he is not at all angered about an accident which otherwise probably would have angered him/.—Great restlessness and excitement (second day)/.—Inner restlessness and excitement (third day)/.—Excitement of mind and body, afternoons (third day)/.—At an early hour, quick, complete awakening! ALOE. 165 with inclination for mental labor, good appetite (second day)/.—He believes on awaking that it must be later/.—In the afternoon, he works with a will, without a midday nap (fourth day)/.—In the morning, good appetite and inclination to work (fifth day)/.—Much inclination for continued labor (first day)/.—Especially inclined to mechanical labor (first day)/.—[50.] In the forenoon, he is much excited, works hastily and yet well (fifth day),". —Inclined to work, with pain in the forehead,6.—Excited, nights, with warmth and redness of the face/.—Head confused, and indisposition for every employment/.—Labor already begins to be tedious to him (third day)/.—Great laziness in the middle of the day (second day)/.— Much exhaustion and laziness (seventh day)/.—* Disinclined to move (second day)/.—An anxious restlessness deters him from mental labor (first dav)/. —*Great disinclination to mental labor (second day)/.—[60.] Speedy fatigue from mental labor (second day)/.—*D is inclination for much mechani- cal or intellectual labor; instead of this, great disposition for desultory think- ing (fourth day)/. — ^Exhaustion, alternating with activity*. — Smelling camphor relieves the troubles quickly and considerably. There even fol- lows for awhile inclination and ability for mental labor, which requires clear thinking. After an hour, however, all the troubles return (eighth day)/. Head.—Painful confusion of the head every morning/.—Confusion of the head; the first day/; the second day/.—Confusion of the head and discontent/.—Confusion and heaviness.—* Murky pain in the head and fore- head6.—Vertigo/4.—[70.] Paroxysms of vertigo/4.—Vertigo, as if every- thing whirled about with her, worse on going up stairs and turning quickly/2. —Very peculiar vertigo each day, after taking the third trituration; during motion, he feels as if he ought to lie down; whilst standing and walking, an inner sensation which makes everything seem insecure, and which makes him very anxious; then nasal catarrh, first on the left side, then on the right, with copious secretion of mucus, which soon becomes thick; after- wards, no more vertigo/.—Whilst sitting, after meal, he feels as if he sat upon a high chair; a kind of vertigo (the fifteenth and subsequent days)/.—Headache/7.—Headache, after griping of the bowels, and after stool,12. —Headache in the inorniug, following an incomplete evacuation of the bowels, lasting until a second stool follows, a few hours after/2.—The whole head feels affected/7.—Periodic headache, alternating with pains in the loins/2; with sacral pain/4.—Headache relieved by cold applications/4.— Headache, worse in warm, better in cool (air)/2.—[80.] (Headache from the heat of the sun)/7.—After eating, the headache is better for awhile/2. —Headache worse in the dark, ameliorated in the light/6.—Headache aggravated by motion, especially by stooping (the first day)/.—Pains on contact,27.—Attack in the head, with nausea, as from indigestion/7.—On rising before five in the morning, the head feels completely aroused; an excited condition of the whole brain (sixth day)/.—The brain is again somewhat excited on the eleventh day/.— On rising, the brain is aroused and excited (twenty-first day)/.—Tension in the head/7.—[90.] Continued and severe congestion of the occiput and sinciput, whereby the eyes are pressed out,20.— Congestion of the head,261221.—Disposition to congestion of the head, in lunatics,0 (Trousseau).—It often produces congestion of the head, if administered with existing haemorrhoids (aa.).—Tearing iu the head, here and there,26.—After 11 o'clock a.m., sense of dull pressure throughout the whole head when walking, a shaking as if the brain lay loose therein, considerably aggravated in fresh, cold air, also on laying the 166 ALOE. head down, then and awhile after rising up, a beating, thumping pain, like pulsating, especially in the occiput; better awhile after eating (the first day, after having taken the medicine five times, less the second day; dis- appearing the third day)/2.—Sensation as if the head were widened, being pressed out on all sides (after four hours)/.—Sluggish, drawing, sensitive pain in the head, more externally (the first day)/.—Throbbing headache, yi^./4.—Throbbing in the middle of the brain,20.—[100.] She received a shock from the arm up into the head; thereupon the sensation of a wind from the head into abdomen (Kerner).—*Pressive pain in the forehead, from the third to the fifth day, thereafter relief/.—Confusion of the sinci- put, especially with chilliness/.—* Downward and inward pressing pain (down towards the nose), in the middle of the forehead (in a mesmerized per- son)/.—*Dull headache across above the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea/2.-^* A dull, pressive pain in the forehead, in the after- noon*.—Headache in the forehead and on the vertex, as from a weight (fourth day)/2.—Headache in the forehead, with abdominal symptoms/.—Pressure in the forehead, immediately after licking Aloes (in a girl nine years of age)/.—Painfulness of half the face, arising from the forehead/.—[HO.] Pressive pain in the forehead, involving the orbits (the third day)/.—Dull drawing and sticking over the right side of the forehead ; the head feels murky ; it compels one to make the eyes small; at the same time, the desire for labor continues longer (fourth day)/.—Pain on right side of forehead/7. —Pain in the forehead, pressing outward towards the temples; appears soon after taking Aloes, and continues/.—*Dull, pressive pain in the supra- orbital region (first day)/.—Pullings every evening, from above the right eyebrow to the bottom of the right side of the forehead/7.—Dull stitches in the supraorbital region (the first aud fifth day)/.—Stitches over the brows and in the frontal prominences/.—A single darting drawing over the left eye and outward through the same (after four hours)/.—Pressive tension, sometimes pulsating, in the sinciput,20.—[120.] *Dull pressive pain in the sincip>ut (second day)/.—Pressing outward to the temples, with periodic heat of the face, and flickering before the eyes (the first day)/.—(Slight pressive pain in the right temple ; sour food produces an inclination to vomit and lassitude)/.—Pressive pain in the left temple especially, appear- ing now and then/.—Pressive boring in the left temple, soon thereafter a sticking, drawing outwards to the left eye, from above, out of the brow downwards, afternoon and evening (second day)/.—Drawing stitches over the right temple, not deep (the third day)/.—First transient, then severe stitches in the left temporal region, aggravated by every footstep/5.—Dull stitches through'the left temple into the brain,2.—Pressive sensation at the crown/.—* Sense of weight on the vertex,12.—[130.] At midday, a pain, as of subcutaneous suppuration, on a spot as large as a half-dollar, on the right side of the top of the head (between organs 16 and 12, according to Combe), so that even touching the hair is very painful (afternoons); also in the evening, in another spot of the same size (the second day),6.—On the left side in the scalp, near the vertex, a feeling as if it had been beaten, so that pressure thereon is painful, but yet feels good (the fifth day)/.—Painfulness behind the top of the head, as of subcutaneous ulceration ; the hair stands up more on this spot, continuing from midday, the seventh day ; tenth and eleventh days, again a sensitive spot behind on the vertex/.—-Headache on the left side/7.—Pressure on the left side at the top of the parietal bone (after one hour)/.—Beating in the left wall of the head, at first painless/7.— Stitches in the right side between the forehead and vertex, from the top ALOE. 167 inward (the first day)/.—Leaping pain in the right parietal bone toward the vertex/7.—On the right side of the head, sudden blunt shootings from below upwards, in the evening and on the following morning, after tritura- tion/3.—Pressure in the middle of the right half of the brain, after tritura- tion/38.—[140.] Severe pressure in the occiput, after a pressing asunder/0. — Pressive ache in the angle of the right occiput (.evening)/.—Dull drawing in the left side of the occiput/.—In the occiput (and abdomen), beating at night, when lying down ; stitches after stooping ; external soreness/.— An ache, like a pressure in the scalp of the occiput/.—On combing the hair in the morning, a sensitive spot on the left side on upper part of the occiput; towards evening, on the right side of the head, on the top (twelfth day)/.—Frequent feeling of heat in the scalp,20.—A sensation of' numbness moving over the scalp, with warmth/. — Dry hair (ninth and tenth days)/. Eyes.—The eyes are glittering, somewhat reddened, prominent,20.— [150.] An unsteady, anxious look,20.—*0ne is compelled to make the eyes small, with pain in the forehead,6.—Determination of blood to the eyes, pressing them outward,20.—Pain in the forehead, involving the orbits/.— *Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles, worse on the right side,B.—A sensitive pressure in the orbits (first and second days)/.—Burning pain in the right eye, as if a fine current of hot air passed through, along the axis of vision (first and second days)/.—Over the left eye and through it out- ward drawing pain/.—An outward drawing pain in the brow, extending to the left eye/.—Heaviness of the eyes, with headache/2.—[160.] Tearing pain for some minutes, at the bottom of the right eye/7.—An increased congestive condition of the ordinarily somewhat reddened conjunctiva of the lids (the first day)/.—Pustules in the right external angle of the eye, surrouuded externally and internally by many red vessels/.—Pressure iu the right eyeball, severe, but passiug away, evenings, from light (fifth day)/. —Dim, cloudy vision, as if from want of sleep, for several nights/6.—It becomes dim before the eyes on writing (second day)/.—Flickering before the eyes, with heat of the face (after a few hours)/.—Scotoma; it flickered and turned before the eyes/6.—* Yellow rings, moving before the eyes,26.— Shining bodies shoot across the eyes/6. Ea rs.— [170.] Heat in the inner and outer ear/.—Throbbing and sense of heat in the back part of the ear,20.—Drawing, sticking paiu in the left inner ear, which is after awhile also felt in the right/4.—A slight twinging kind of pain in the right ear (evening of third day)/.—A twinging earache and cramping pain in the right ear (fourth day)/.—Transient stitches from the left temporal region toward the ear/5.—On pressing the teeth together, a sensation of numbness behind the ear; it draws in the lower jaw, down through a back tooth (fourth day)/.—Towards midday, a drawing pain, from before backward, below the right external meatus auditorius, behind the lobules, in the mastoid process, and in the ear-passage itself (fourth day)/.—At times, a transient pain in the left external ear-passage, especially on pressing the teeth together (fifth day)/.—Frequent ringing and buzzing in the ears/0.—[180.] At nine o'clock in the evening, when reading aloud, frequent fine crackings in the right maxillary joint (first day)/.—Rustlings in the right ear, which almost amount to cracklings, on moving the maxil- lary joint (after two hours)/.—Just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in the left ear, as from the breaking of glass; the clink of the bits of glass was heard at the bottom of the head, and extended thence to- ward the right ear/7. 168 ALOE. Nose.—The nose is very red without redness of the face, in the cold open air (the first day)/.—In the evening, coldness of the tip of the nose, sensi- ble only to the finger touching it/.—Early in the morning, iu bed, great dryness in the nose (third day)/.—Nose-bleed early in the morning, a few drops i second day)/.—Some blood is blown out in the afternoon (fifth day)/. —After waking, while yet in bed, the right nostril bleeds a dessertspoonful (eighteenth day)/.—Nose-bleed, now and then,20.—[190.] It stops bleeding of the nose (Schrceder),0.—Ineffectual inclination to sneeze (after ten min- utes)/.—Fruitless attempts to sneeze (morning of second day)/.—On sneez- ing, stitches in the umbilical region/4.—Sneezing, aud watery mucus, like fluent coryza, lasting till toward evening (third day)/.—Coryza, the whole of the fourth day; worse in the afternoon/.—Sensation of coryza and husky voice/.—Coryza, with pains in the nose/7.—Coryza, with burning in the nose,27.—Coryza and soreness in the right nostril (fifth and sixth days)/. —[200.] Inclination to coryza at times (thirteenth day); thin nasal mucus (fourteenth day)/.—Fluent coryza, with sneezing (fifteenth day)/.—Coryza; whereupon the distressing vertigo disappears/.—Dry coryza (second day)/. —Pain in the forehead pressing down into the nose/.—Pain in the nose, especially early in the morning, and never except on motion (thirteenth and fourteenth days)/.—Sensation of burning, like fire, in the left nostril/7. —A sensation in the nose, as if it would commence bleeding (the first day),2.—-The right wing of the nose is scurfy and sensitive on its inner sur- face, fourth and eighth days; and again somewhat on the twenty-first and twenty-second days/. Face.—Pale over night (as if up all night), sickly look (sixth day)/.— [210.] He is very sensitive to the coldness of the weather, has a very pale look, sunken, and sickly (thirteenth day)/.—Pale, wretched color of the face (first to third day)/.—The countenance is sickly, suffering, aud pale (tenth day)/.—Increased warmth and redness of the face; wide-awake, ex- cited (after half an hour)/.—Turgescence of the skin, especially of the face ; it is very red, and its temperature is increased,20.—Periodic heat of the face, with pressure in the temples,2.—Burning heat, especially in the face,20.— Confnscdness and painfulness of the whole left half of the face, proceeding from an inflamed spot in the mouth, and from the forehead (fourth day)/. —Redder lips thau usual/.—Dry and cracked lips, t.—[220.] Dry lips ; the dried epidermis has a white appearance if it is not frequently moistened by tin; tongue (second and third days)/.—Dry lips ; the epidermis is white, scaly; he continually licks them with the tongue (from the sixth to the eighth day, and on the sixteenth day)/.—Dry lips, an hour after dinner, to- gether with dryness in the mouth; the lips are parched and white, without thirst; better in the evening (fifteenth day)/.—Dry lips, scurfy, swollen, and painful (ninth day)/.—Dryness of the lips; they are very red and hot, sometimes trembling/0.—The under lip is swollen, with a thick-skinned long vesicle, in the red part of the lip where it turns inward, of the size of a flaxseed, smooth, yellowish, covered with hard skin; it makes the whole part of the lip thick (sixth and seventh days)/.—Spongy scurf upon the lips, which exudes moisture, looks ugly (tenth day); on the eleventh day the lips are very dry, the spongy scurfiness is moist/.—Superficial cracking on the inner side of the upper lip, when laughing/4.—A painful little crack on the under lip, near the angle of the mouth (second day)/.—A blackish point (maggot), on the edge of the upper lip, on the left side, becomes in- flamed ; it is the next day a yellow pustule; goes away the eighth to the eleventh day/.—[230.] Breaking out around the mouth/.—Red, round ALOE. 169 spot on the left border of the lower jaw, between the lower border, the angle of the jaw, and the chin/7.—Pimples under the lower jaw/. Mouth.—-The teeth have looked bad for many days, have a yellowish cast (seventeenth day)/.— The concave edges of the teeth seem sharp, they hurt the tongue (seventeenth day)/.—The teeth are affected as after eating sugar (first and second days) (N. N.).—A drawing from the ear into the lower jaw through a back tooth/.—Drawing in the lower front teeth/.— Stitches in the third, hollow back tooth/4.—Gnawing paiu in a hollow tooth on the left side of the lower jaw, in the evening, recurring periodi- cally throughout the whole night, worse by eating/1.—[240.] A lower, hollow back tooth becomes sensitive, especially when eating (second day); on the afternoon of the third day it is still sensitive; on the fifth day he cannot bite them; on the sixth day, it is still more sensitive, it even pains without touching it; it is no more sensitive on the ninth day; on the tenth day, a pustule appears on the front part of the gum, under this same tooth/. —Pale gums (sixth day)/.—Tongue coated yellowish-white (second day)/2. —Red aud dry tongue,2015.—Dry, stiff tongue/7.—Evenings, dryness on the tongue and in the mouth, with increased thirst, and redder lips than usual (after the T^th)/4.—Large yellow ulcers arise on the tongue after the use of Aloes in weaned children/.—Cold feeling of the left side of the tongue, after a few minutes/.—After dinner, a sensitive painfulness on the right side of the tongue at the back part, especially if it bite against the teeth, as if they were sharp and impinged upon a sore spot (the twenty- fourth and twenty-fifth days)/.—In the morning after waking, suddenly, an extremely fine but severe stitch on the uuder part of the tongue, from be- hind forwards, which is twice repeated on moving the tongue (neuralgia sublingualis),10.—Inflamed spots in the mouth/.—[250.] Sickening smell from the mouth, noticeable to himself, as if he had been without food a long time, on a warm day (the third day)/.—-Sore feeling of the inner side of the left cheek (afternoons)/1.—Inflammation and sore pain of the left cavity of the mouth (fourth day)/.—Dryness in the mouth ; the mucus in the mouth seems dry (third day)/.—Dryness in the mouth/ (evenings)/4; with thirst.—Dryness in the mouth, with much thirst, dry heat in the mouth ; the tongue is very red and somewhat dry/5.—Water accumulates in the mouth, with a sensation of hunger after breakfast/.—Saliva accu- mulates in the mouth when taking it (Aloes)/.—Increased secretion of sa- liva/6.—The taste of the aloes exceedingly nauseous, which rather increased after fifteen minutes; after one hour it still continued, and remains for a longtime as a nauseous bitterness in the mouth/.—[260.] Nauseous,bitter taste in the mouth (early on the second day)/.—Bitter taste, with loss of appetite/.—A few complained of bitter taste ; many had sour eructations/1. —Bitter, sour taste/0.—Taste, between the root of the tongue and the soft palate, like that soon after a decoction of Senna leaves, from early in the morning till one o'clock (second day)/2.—Taste in the mouth like ink or iron, with irritation to cough/.—-^Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking,1. —Clayey taste/2.—Pappy taste/4. Throat.—Scraping sensation in the throat, provoking cough/7.— [270.] Sense of swelling or pressure in the throat, at eight or nine o'clock in the morning of the fifth day/.—Throat affections after skating; again in the evening, in the middle of the soft palate posteriorly (the eleventh and thirteenth days)/.—Dryness in the throat/527.—Dryness and inflammation in the throat with cough and expectoration/1.—On rising in the morning, some rawness of the fauces, chiefly in the upper part, in the soft palate and 170 ALOE. uvula, with a somewhat raw voice, which disappears at breakfast, return- ing on going into the open and cold air (afternoons), (second day)/.—Sen- sation as if the palate were swollen (three o'clock in the morning) ; when rising and during the forenoon in the fauces, increasing in the afternoon, continuing in the evening. On empty swallowing and yawning .the arches of the palate are painful (the fourth and following days). The sensa- tion in the fauces only on forced empty swallowing; but it increases a few hours after rising, and is noticeable even without swallowing, but not on swallowing food. On chewing, the sides of the soft palate pain, as if sore, or as if burnt with hot food, aggravated in the evening (fifth and sixth days)/.—The arches of the velum palati pain on chewing hard food ; the hard palate and the region around the hindermost back teeth feel as if burnt and inflamed; not on swallowing food. Especially painful is the stretch- ing of the soft palate on yawning (sixth to eighth day)/.—Soreness of the left arch of the palate, on opening wide the mouth (ninth and tenth days)/. —Pain in the throat as if the soft palate and uvula were swollen ; even- ings, worse on awaking in the morning; first disappears at midday (twenty-first and twenty-second days)/.—Hoarseness in the back part of the fauces/.—[280.] Thick mucus in the mouth and fauces on waking at three o'clock/.—Hawking thick mucus out of the fauces for a few days (the fourth day), (morning of fifteenth day)/.—The pain in the fauces is accompanied by expectoration of thick, lumpy mucus from the fauces and choanae (twenty-second and twenty-third days)/.—Pressure from the stom- ach up into the pharynx/.—Sense of fulness in the pharynx, with empty eructations; at times, also, without eructations (second day)/.—Pressive pain in the pharynx, sensation of rawness and swelling, especially on swal- lowing ; hawking up of thick mucus on awaking (morning at three o'clock), going away on rising (fourth day)/.—Hawking up thick, tough, lumpy mucus, like jelly, easily loosened, early after rising (fifth day)/.—No ex- pectoration of mucus,20.—Pain in the back of the throat on swallowing/.— The throat feels as if it were constricted/. Stomach.—[290.] Increased appetite/1.—Great appetite the second day/.—Appetite not diminished, in many cases, rather increased/3.—Feel- ing of hunger in the stomach, after a few minutes, from olfaction (second day)/.—Frequent appetite; ate apples out of regular meal times (third day)/.—Great appetite for bread (ninth day)/.—Appetite more for fruit and bread (fourth day)/.—Longing for juicy food, fruit, but not for water (tenth day),5.—Meat diet was (to jaundiced persons) welcome after the use of Aloes (W).—At noon he ate well and much (first, second, eleventh, and twelfth days)/.—[300.] At noon, good appetite, then it seemed to him as if he was not yet satisfied, as the first day; still he did not eat again, and on working it went away; it seemed again as if something ailed him, he knew not what; this took place many times before long-enduring hunger (fourth day)/.—Appetite good; in the afternoon again hunger, continued eating, as after long abstinence (tenth day)/.—Appetite good in the morn- ing/.—Frequent appetite, but not great (thirteenth day)/.—Great appetite for stimulating food, with fulness in the stomach/.—The child preserves a good appetite during the diarrhoea/.—After that he had had for many days only a very small appetite; on one afternoon he had a very great longing; he ate a double supper; that night he had pain in the back/.— Warmth and sensation of hunger in the stomach (after one hour)/—Canine hunger, forenoon (second day),6.—He awoke at 7 a.m. with feeling of hunger, and urgent inclinations to urinate (third day),6.—[310.] Soon ALOE. 171 after breakfast feeling of hunger in the stomach, so that water accumulates in his mouth (fifth day)/.—Canine hunger, soon after morning stool (eleventh day)/.—Hunger with yawning (evenings)/.—Some hunger in the evening and long wakefulness (ninth day)/.—Feeling of hunger, with weak and changeable pulse/.—A very urgent need to eat/7.—Generally a few eructa- tions tasting of Aloes, and immediately increased feeling of hunger; after taking one to three grains, lasting/7.—Increased desire to feed, otherwise no change (after three ounces of the resinous extract, in oxen), (Viborg).— Diminished appetite/ etc.—No appetite, and febrile sensation/2.— [320.] At noon, very little appetite, and a feeling as if one does not oneself know what is the matter, whether one has appetite or not, so that two hours later he again ate more apples; a kind of torpidity of the stomach ; he did not know when he was satisfied ; the stomach showed no decided will; after one to three hours/.—Little appetite in the morning (twelfth day)/.—Loss of appetite and dyspepsia, with coexisting constipation (N. N.).—No appetite for meat (sixth day/; fourth and fifth days)/.—Thirst, with dryness of the mouth/ lj (evenings)/4.—He drinks while eating, as he is not accustomed to do (nineteenth day)/.—In the afternoon uncommon thirst for water (twelfth day ; not the thirteenth day)/.—Thirst awakens at night; sweat after drink- ing/.—Much thirst immediately after dinner aud supper (fourteenth day)/. —-Severe thirst, with fever/0.—[330.] Thirst, especially for beer, which seems to alleviate the pains in the anus/.—Aversion to drinks, especially to cold drinks (second day)/.—Eructations, tasting of aloes, lasting two hours, frequently recurring (after four grains)/.—Bitter eructations (first day)/.—Bitter eructations, many days/.—Bitter eructations after drinking water/4.—Empty, tasteless eructation, with sense of fulness in the pharynx (second day) ; again (seventh day)/.—Eructations from time to time, part of the time without any taste (morning of eleventh day)/.—Easy eructa- tion of wind without taste (after ten minutes), (after thirty minutes)/.— Much eructation of wind, with oppression of the stomach (second'day)/2.— [340.] Eructation of flatulent gases,26.-—Empty eructation, empty or tast- ing of food/4.—Eructation relieves the oppression of the stomach/.—Acrid eructation, after dinner/.—Sour eructation (W.).—Risiug of flatulence to- wards the throat, with sensations as if vomiting were coming on/7.—Nau- sea/4.—Inclination to vomit, after sour things/.—Nausea, with empty feel- ing in the stomach,27.—Nausea rising into the stomach, with inability to vomit/7.—[350.] Neither nausea nor a change in condition is observed therefrom/3.—Nausea, immediately after taking it; must sit completely still in order not to vomit; also, other days/2.—With the nausea, pains ex- tend from the stomach towards both sides of the chest/2.—Nausea with headache/2.—Some nausea, with pain in the umbilical region increased by pressure, and diarrhoea/.—Once, after half a drachm for headache from heat of the sun, vomiting a quantity of thick mucus on going to stool, which returns a half hour after a glass of water. The pulse and strength were thereby sunken till the next day/7.—In a city where one had begun to adulterate beer with Aloes, haematemesis was almost endemic. The use of alum-whey gave almost sure relief (Neumann).—Soon after taking it, troublesome sense of fulness in the region of the stomach, followed by dis- tension of the epigastrium and both hypochondria; with a pain in the first hypochondrium, which goes away after a passage of flatus, but returns with renewed distension/4.—Fuluess in the epigastrium, with great appetite for stimulants (second day)/.—Fulness of the stomach after drinking water, and bilious eructations/4.—[360.] Crawlings in the stomach and abdo- 172 ALOE. men/1.—Immediately, pain in the stomach on the right side/1.—Slight pressure in the stomach,26.—Pressure in the stomach with a feeling of warmth therein (first day)/.—The pit of the stomach pains very much on making a false step/.—Pressure in the epigastrium and up into the pharynx (fourth day)/.—Painful pressure under the sternum (fourth day)/.—Some pressure in the pit of the stomach after breakfast, relieved by eructations/. —Pressure in the pit of the stomach through to the back, like a weight, with sore pain ; sometimes this pain rises higher up into the chest and then sinks down again; accompanied by copious eructations/2.—Feeling of weakness in the pit of the stomach, like a weight and burning there/2.—[370.] With the nausea, pains which draw from the stomach up into both sides of the chest, worse on motion (third day) ; still the same pains drawing from the pit of the stomach to both sides of the chest/2.—Snatching under the pit of the stomach (in a mesmerized person)/.—Jerks in the epigastrium/, Abdomen.—Painfulness across below the ribs, with painful weakness in the legs; therewith, an evacuation somewhat diarrhoeic, with chilliness, so that he feels very cold as often as he goes away from the stove/.—Stitches under the left ribs, in the hepatic region/7.—Dull pain under the ribs with distension/.—Aching in the hypochondria, cutting/.—Distension of both hypochondria/.—Distension as if it were too narrow around under the ribs/.—Occasional stitches in both hypochondria, exteuding around the navel, and then passing into the rectum.—[380.] An inner pressure at the short ribs, after three hours/.—Pinching at both sides of the hypochondria, first day/.—Pain in the left hypochondrium, better after passage of flatus,3. —Stitches in the left hypochondrium, as if in the left ligaments of the womb, and in the ovaries/7.—Dull pain in the left hypochondrium (third day); pressive pain (fourth day)/.—A jerking pain in the region of the left lower rib, internally, going from above downwards, and from the out- side inwards, on walking, morning (sixth day)/.—Crampy pain in the region of" the spleen/.—Dull stitches in the splenic region through the left breast (in the supraorbital region, in the frontal prominences, in the finger- joints), (sixth day)/.—Awaked by dull stitches in the splenic region, draw- ing into the loins (first night)/.—Transient stitches in the spleen (seventh day)/-—[390.] Stitches now left, now right/.—* Uneasiness, heat, pressure, and tension in the region of the liver,12.—Uneasiness in the hepatic region (W.).—Only seldom is a heating and uneasiness in the hepatic region no- ticed when the purgative action is near at hand/3.—Pressure and tension in the right hypochondrium/3; in the right epigastrium/4.—Side ache, right (Hong).—Pressure under the right ribs/.—Dull, pressive pain in the region of the liver (fourth and fifth days)/.—Hard, pressive pains in the region of the right lower ribs, alternating with just such pains in the upper part of the chest, as if it were seated under the sternum ; i. e., they are found now here, now there. The former are more transitory, but more frequent; the latter more enduring, but less frequent/.—*Dull pain on the right side under the ribs, the same in all positions, worse on standing, so that he bends himself forwards,8.—{400.] Pain in the region of the liver; at times it pains by the last ribs internally, as if strained, as after great exertion (first day)/.—Transient stitches in the hepatic region (second day)/.— Blunt stitches, now in the left, now in the right hypochondrium (second day)'2-—Periodic blunt stitches in the hepatic region, sometimes moving into the chest and obstructing respiration (first day, less the second day)/. —Single blunt stitches in the hepatic region (first day)/.—On deep in- spiration, it sticks in the praecordium/.—Stitches moving from the hepatic ALOE. 173 region into the chest/.—Pain in the liver (Aloe perfoliata, herb.), (Hong.)— Aloes increases the secretion of bile, and irritates the liver/3.—The purga- tive action of Aloes is secoudary ; the primary action is increased irritation of the liver, and consequent augmented secretion of bile, whose quantity and irritation induce purgation/3.—[410.] After passage of flatus, the dis- tension in the hypochondria, and the pains in the left hypochondrium dis- appear/.—* Abdomen painful, especially in the umbilical region,''.—Severe pressing in the left side of the chest, across over to the umbilicus,20.—Throb- bing, boring, sticking, in the umbilical region/2.—*A twisting and griping pain in the upper abdomen, and around the umbilicus, compelling to sit bent up, which relieves; therewith, repeated urging to stool, but only flatus passes off, which is very offensive, and produces burning in the anus, with short relief from the pain (second day)/.—Pinching and twisting pains around the umbilicus/7.—Digging around the navel/7.—Pinching in the umbilical region/6.—It gripes sometimes in the umbilical region, with shivering through the whole body (first day)/.—Frequent cutting and twisting about the umbilicus, so that she lies upon the abdomen, but she cannot remain lying quietly, because the pains do not decrease in severity,20. —[420.] Cutting about the umbilicus after going to stool (second day)/.— Iu the morning, on rising, severe raking in a small circle about the navel, just as if he had received a blow from a fist upon the abdomen. But he felt the pain plainly in the intestinal canal, and a pressure upon the um- bilical region increased it very much. Therewith, yellowish pappy diar- rhoea, and occasionally some nausea (third day)/.—Boring pain in the umbilical region/5.—Dull stitches in the umbilical region ; sneezing/4.—■ At 6 a.m., moving about in the umbilical region, with urgency to stool and hunger; second stool, with flatulence, and a kind of tenesmus (fourth day),6. —Itching at the umbilicus/.—Drawing in of the navel/6.—* Distension of the abdomen, especially of the whole epigastric region, with flatus moving about in the abdomen (third day)/.—Distension of the abdomen, moving about along the intestinal canal (fourth day)/.—Distension of the bowels/4; of the upper part of the bowels (second day)/.—[430.] After a meal, flatu- lence distends the abdomen (fifth day)/.—Mornings, flatulent distension of the bowels, especially in the hypochondrium (third day)/.—Flatulence moving about in the abdomen, which is distended (first day)/.—Flatulent distension during menstruation/3.—Some flatulent distension, with predomi- nating ill-humor (second and third days)/.—Flatulent distension along the colon, with a pain which presses outward, is increased by motion, and suddenly disappears on passage of hot flatus (morning of second day)/.— Periodic movements and distension in the abdomen, chiefly after eating (third day)/.—There is moving about in the bowels frequently audible to him ; swashing and gurgling (twelfth day)/.—Severe pains in the abdo- men,20.—Increased heat in the abdomen/4.—[440.] Unpleasant warmth in the abdomen, as well as also a throbbing/3.—*Sense of fulness, distension, and heat in the whole abdomen,12.—Burning throughout the whole abdomen/.—• Enteritis from its long-continued use (Greenhow).—Inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal mucous membrane/8.—Chilliness of abdomen/6. —Cuttings in the abdomen, after a powerful dose (Schreger).—-Excessively painful cuttings in the intestines during a meal, preventing further eating/0. —Copious cutting in the abdomen, with watery, long-continued diarrhoea; not seldom, also, with passage of flatus; tenesmus and inflammation chiefly of the lower part of the intestinal canal (Vogt).—Cuttings in the abdomen, as from taking cold (by a mesmeric woman)/.—[450.] Drawing, cutting 174 ALOE. pains, across through the abdomen, the whole day; with ill-humor, fretful- ness, anthropophobia, not disposed to go into the open air, although it is even made better thereby*.—Cutting in the abdomen is very severe, after eating food containing some vinegar/1.—In the afternoon, slight cutting in the upper abdomen which, by means of motion, especially by stretching the body outwardly, is increased ; it is relieved by sitting bent (first day)/.— Fine cutting in the upper abdomen/.—Cutting pains in the small intestines (second day, a) ; (first day, c) ; (second day, c); (first and second days, d),*. —Cutting and gurgling in the small intestines (second day), cutting pains (third day)/.—Sense of fulness in the bowels/4; in the abdomen (second and fourth days)/.—Congestion of the abdomen/5.—It causes ebullition of the blood in the organs of the abdomen (Gesenius).—Anxious feeling in the abdomen (Richter).—[460.] Griping, and three soft stools through the day, before the menses/4.—Griping of the bowels, with diarrhoea, after midnight/2.—Griping of the bowels, as after taking cold/2.—Griping in the abdomen, as after taking cold, from 10 to 12 o'clock a.m., after a thin stool (first and second days)/2.—Griping pains (Gren.).—* Griping before going to stool,1*.—■* Griping in the abdomen before, with, and after the stool; with the stool loud flatus (sixteenth day)/.—Iu large doses, Aloes produces small stools, but very troublesome abdominal gripings (Hahnemann).—A twist- ing and griping pain in the upper abdomen, soon after dinner and supper (first day)/.—In the morning, after waking, aching in a large spot in the middle of the abdomen ; thereby is compelled to lie bent, and to press upon the abdomen, which relieves it. After rising, the pain passed into mild cuttings, and he had two naturally colored pappy evacuations. (On the morning succeeding, an afternoon'dose of five grains)/.—-[470.] Aching in the bowels, partly across the upper part, partly in the middle, going down- ward. If she lies upon the abdomen there seems to be a stone therein, and it hurts. On lying on the side, the stone seems to be in the side. She sweated very much through the night, and on the next day was taken with dry coryza and diarrhoea. (From rubbing the tincture on the abdomen)/.— * Painful sensation in the abdomen; yellowish diarrhcea towards morning; dull pain across under the ribs, with distension, as if it were too narrow; there- with, some headache in the forehead (from two grains, immediately)/.— * Painfulness in the whole abdomen, especially in the sides and in front, down along both sides of the navel, which parts also cannot endure being touched; on making a false step on stone pavement, it hurts very much in the pit of the stomach (many days)/.—The abdomen is painful to pressure (first day),4.— Abdomen very sensitive to touch,20.—On lying on the abdomen, feeling of a stone in the abdomen; on lying on the side, in the side/.—(Slight throb- bing, like palpitation, in the abdomen, during rest, especially nights, lying down ; sometimes, also, in the occiput) (after four weeks)/.—Crawlings in the abdomen/1.—Pleasant crawlings in the bowels, and diarrhoeic stools/.— Pricking in the intestines before stool/7.—[480.] Sensation as if he had taken cold in the bowels, after the morning stool (third day),6.—*Dull abdominal pain, as after taking cold, morning and evening repeatedly, still without inclination to stool (twenty-third day)/.—*A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if diarrhcea would result; not till after eight hours, a copious evacuation, amid the passage of much flatus/.—The pain in the abdomen compels one to bend the body, which nevertheless aggravates the sticking pain through the left breast (third day)/.—*The abdominal mus- cles pain, when rising from a recumbent posture, with pressing to stool,'1.— Blotches on the abdomen/.—Transient moving about and writhing in the ALOE. 175 intestines (second and third days)/.—Moving about in the bowels, with continued urging to stool/1.—Moving about in the bowels towards the lower part, especially the lowermost parts/1.—*Soon after supper, growling moving about in the abdomen, as if griping of the bowels would take place (sixth day)/.—[490.] * There is moving about in the bowels, frequently audible to him; swashing and gurgling (twelfth day)/.—Sometimes growling, moving about in the bowels (tenth day)/.—*Moving about of flatulence in the abdo- men (second day)/.—Rattling in the abdomen, mostly in the hypogastrium, as from movements of the uterus/7.—Flatulence moving about in the abdo- men, which is distended (first day)/.—In the evening, copious passage of flatus, every time after distension, moving along the colon (seventh day)/. —Gurgling in the bowels, and rumbling or blustering/4.—Growling in the bowels, with constipation/.—Growling in the abdomen before a thin stool/. —Gurgling in the abdomen/; in the small intestines, with cuttings/.—[500.] Growling of flatuleuce (first and second days)/.—Growling here and there in the abdomen (fourth day)/.—It drives away flatulence/3.—Passage of much flatus/4.—Frequent loud flatus without smell (during the tenth day), (morning of eleventh day)/.—Discharge of a good deal of flatulence26.—Pas- sage of flatus after every meal (third day)/.—In the midday repose, flatus with little smell (first day)/.—In the evening, copious passage of flatus (third day)/.—Frequent and loud flatus (evening and morning of third day)/.—[510.] Offensive flatus with the stool,8.—*Very offensive burning flatus/.— Throughout the whole day passage of much offensive flatus,10.—In the evening, much offensive flatus, loud and still/.—In the evening much of- fensive flatus, with relief (first day),2.—After the midday nap, much offen- sive flatus, just the same toward evening (ninth day)/.—In the evening, loathsome-smelling flatus (third day)/.—After dinner, much offensive flatus (sixth day)/.—Copious offensive, or inodorous flatus (third day)/.— Offensive-smelling flatus after eating (fifteenth and eighteenth days)/.— [520.] After the stool, much loud, long, lazy flatus, with an uncommonly strong, loathsome, offensive smell, which diffuses itself very rapidly (nine- teenth day)/.—The whole day very much offensive flatus, mostly in the morn- ing. The harder and more delayed the stool, the more copious; the more co- pious and easy the stool, the more seldom (twenty-third day)/.—^Passage of hot flatus (first day)/; burning in the anus,2.—Relieved by the passage of hot flatus upward and downwards (third day)/.—* Copious passage of hot flatus (eighth day)/.— Only ivind from an attempt to go to stool,1.—Much flatus and little fceces,6.—Much wind with evening stool11; between the stools/.—*Easy passage of flatus, with inclination as for a soft stool (5 P.M.)/1.—Vigorous passage of flatus, evenings/.—[530.] Very copious passage of flatus, during the whole night/1.—Inflammation of the lower portion of the intestinal canal (Vogt.)—*Pedns in the hypogastrium as if the menses were coming on (in a nursing woman, delivered two months before)/7.—Cramps in the hypogastrium and right groin, passing beyond the right thigh, and beyond the knee/7.—Rumbling and pinching in lower abdomen/6.—Great tension and peculiar sensitiveness of the lower abdomeu/5.—Unendurable tearing and tension deep in the bowels, sometimes single, transient stitches through the abdomen/0.—^'Heaviness in the hypogastrium, t; in the rectum/3.— ^Dragging down in the abdomen,11.—It produces local plethora in the hypo- gastric region (Hahnemann).—[540.] Sharp pain drawing down through the flank into the middle of the thigh (after three to four hours)/2.— * Determination of blood to the large intestines and uterus (Arnemann).— Stitches from the rectum up into the abdomen,20.—Affection of the lower 176 ALOE. end of the intestinal canal and of the pelvic organs (in very many cases, after its continued use for a longer or shorter time),10.—Periodic drawing in the right inguinal region/.—Shocks from the hips towards the inguinal region, preceded by chilliness/.—Pain in the loins, involving the pelvis/2. —Pain, as if tired, in the inguinal region,10.—Pains in the groins and abdo- men (Hong).—Pain in the groin, and heaviness in the uterine region,10.— [550.] Sticking pain over the arch of the pubis (fourth day)/2. Stool and Anus.—* Severe burning in the rectum,18.—^Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum,26.—*Heat, soreness, sense of heaviness in the rectum,™.—Heat in the rectum and anus when the fceces pass,0 13.—During slight distension of the abdomen and pleasant crawling of the bowels, three diarrhoeic stools; the last with burning in the rectum, hemorrhoidal pains, and much flatus (after seventeen hours)/.—In most cases, troublesome heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen, and active irritation at the end of the intestine; sometimes copious evacuations of blood, as if they were really haemorrhoids, when they had not previously existed (Trous- seau and Pidoux).—Cutting pains in the rectum, with the passage of a solid stool (ten o'clock, evening of twentieth day)/.—Swinging in the rec- tum,27.—Dragging in the rectum, near the anus/3.—[580.] In the rectum, sensation as if loose,8.—Pains in the loins, producing an annoying sensation in the rectum/.—It furthers the circulation of blood towards the pelvic region, it excites the vessels of the rectum and sexual organs (Richter).— Burning in the anus20 26.—* Burning at the anus after stool,21.—* Itching and burning in the anus, painful in the highest degree, prevents his sleeping for a long time*.—^Burning in the anus; a kind of sore feeling, with increased itching around the anus, and an increased evacuation the third day (in two brothers, from fifty to sixty years old, after repeated doses)/ 8.—The evacu- ations which Aloes produced are of a bilious character; the diarrhoea which it causes is (with the exception of the debility) similar to a bilious diar- rhoea, combined with burning in the anus/3.—Burning pain in the anus after a hard evacuation,13.—* Burning in the anus continuing a long lime, after the passage of hot flatus (first and third days)/.—[570.] * Tenesmus and burning heat in the anus,20.—Sticking, cutting pains in emus, following stool,1.—Stitches from the anus up into the loins/ 3.—Drawing, sticking, or tensive tearing from the anus into the loins, aud into the abdomen,20.—On walking, after the morning stool, many drawing stitches in the anus, more on the left side and forward to the region of the prostate gland and vesiculae seminales (eleventh day)/.—* Fulness and pressing out in the anus,8.—*The not too hard faeces prick quite severely in the anus, as if it would tear it forwards ; afterwards, a continued pain in the anus, which compelled him to draw it together frequently, whereby it becomes tense and aches (third day)/.— *The tenesmus is peculiar; an unpleasant sensation in the anus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of the soreness; yet, on account of this pain, he does not dare to draw the anus together as usual,6.— Pain in the anus; relieved by beer/.—Strong pulsating in the anus, while sitting, after dinner/2.—[580.] Ulcers on the edge of the anus (a.a.).— *-Wcakness, or loss of power of sphincter ani, which is incompletely closed after a stool, so that keeping the anus clean was difficult23.—Evacuation of blood from the anus, L—Copious discharge of blood from the anus, though with- out haeraorrhoidal tumors (Trousseau).—Blood passes after the stool/5.— Some loss of blood at stool, as if haemorrhoids were coming on/7.—Passage of very much blood with the stool, with severe pain in the loins,20.—Pas- sage of blood from the anus (Fallopius).—*Sense of fulness, like conges- ALOE. 177 tion, of the protruded strangulated haemorrhoids; later, an indefinite ur- gency to stool, and a second small stool, which was entirely unusual, whereby the haemorrhoids protrude very much, and pain, as if sore and chapped in the anus (after three hours, forenoon)/.—Swelling of the haemorrhoids; they pain as if raw,20.—[590.] Soft piles at the anus itch evening and morning (eighteenth day)/.—After rising, a hard, small, tough stool, with sore pains in the haemorrhoids, some of which are still protruded (nineteenth day)/.—Continual smarting of the haemorrhoids, even during rest, on sit- ting and lying, as if rubbed raw (twenty-second day)/.—* Haemorrhoids very sensitive, on wiping after the stool (twenty-third day)/.—In the morn- ing, the piles in the anus are small and little sensitive; through the day more swollen and sensitive ; sometimes stitches therein and itching (twenty- fourth day)/.—In the afternoon, much itching in the piles and anus gen- erally (^twenty-second day)/.—Towards evening, on rising from sitting, many fine, sensitive stitches in the haemorrhoids, so also later in the evening, when sitting (twentieth day)/.—Twenty-four hours' relief with the haemor- rhoids ; on that day, for the first time, much blood with the stool/.—[600.] If cold water applicatious afford relief from the haemorrhoids, an indica- tion for Aloes?8.—Soft, painless, varicose tumors on the perineum (four- teenth day)/.—On a walk of two miles, the perineum became very sore, which otherwise seldom happened in five or six miles (fourteenth day)/.— * Urgency to stool on passing water ed night (tenth and eleventh days)/.— Urgency to stool at times in the evening, which he can overcome (sixth day)/.—* Unusual urgency and haste to an evacuation23.—*He feels continu- ally as if he ought to go to stool,8.—A feeling like urgency to stool in the rectum, near the anus, more toward the perineum (after triturating it)/3.—■ Frequent urgings (the first hours)/.—Urgiugs, without evacuation (Sunde- lin).—Frequent urgings/.—Frequent urgings, without stool (third day)/. —[610.] Frequent inclination for a stool/3.—Copious urgings (soon after taking two grains, with sugar of milk)/.— Urging; wakes at night many times,3; driving oid of bed ed six o'clock,15.—A frequent transient urging (second day)/.—Sometimes there is sudden urging, which passes off just as suddenly/.—At eight o'clock in the evening, sudden urging, passing away just as rapidly; at nine o'clock, diarrhoea/.—-*Suelden urgency in the morn- ing, on rising,8.—* Urging and straining, yet only flatus passes off11.—* Com- pelled to stool, and only passage of flatus,2*.—Urging to stool, and hunger, in the morning/.—[620.] Urgency, with a feeling of softness, without stool (first day)/.—Urgency, with movings about in the abdomen/.—At night, frequent, sudden urging, with gurgling iu the lower abdomen, passing off again just as suddenly (first day)/.—* Urgency to stool, with passage of urine,813.—* Urgency to stool immediately after eating (fifteenth day)/.— *Many times a day, urgency, as with diarrhoea, only hot flatus passes with great relief; but it soon returns, with a sensation as of a plug wedged in be- tween the symphysis pubis and the os coccygis (second day)/.—* Frequent urgency to stool, with a sensation of heaviness in the pelvis (first day)/.—Inef- fectual efforts for stool, with feeling of debility/.—Fruitless straining, and severe tenesmus in the rectum, and passage of vigorous, easily escaping flatus/1.— Tenesmus (Honigsberger).— [630.] Ineffectual tenesmus/7.— Very frequent tenesmus,2'1.—Straining, with cessation of stool,8.—* Straining ' and burning in the rectum,20.—* Urgency and straining; then, after a few minutes, a liquid evacuation, with some blooel and bloody mucus,20.—Urging the whole day; stool at evening/.—*Every time, on passing urine, the feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it (third day)/.—*With VOL. I.—12 178 ALOE. the stool there is always a feeling as if still more were at hand (sixth day),8.—*A troublesome feeling as if still more would come, after a thin, pappy stool (sixteenth day)/.—* Usually wakes in the morning with severe urging to stool, which still persists after a copious evacuation/5.—[640.] * On rising, hasty urging to stool, with continued rumbling in the abdomen; sputtering with the stool (second day)/.—Urging, as for a solid stool, which was soft/. —* Sudden urgency, with a liquid stool,8.—Urgency to stool in the afternoon and evening; at nine in the evening, a second indolent passage (fifth day)/. —Pressing, with a soft stool/.—After much straining, with flatus, a small stool, with much pressing, small and soft (evening of third day)/.—Grip- ing before the diarrhcea; tenesmus therewith/8.—Frequent griping before the stool; therewith, for the most part, flatulence,sometimes also straining at stool.—*Fear lest a stool should escape with flatus,8.—*While pass- ing urine, a feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it,8.—[650.] *Every time, on passing wind, the feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it (third day),8.—*Must take care that he does not have an in- voluntary stool when passing flatus (twelfth day)/.—*The stool passes with- out his needing to make any exertion, it falls, as it were, out of the in- testines (third day)/.—*An inert stool, "the stool falls out,"8.—* Some faeces pass contrary to will, with passage of flatus,8.—Thin, almost involuntary stool/.—* The faeces escape almost without being noticed,™.—^Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus,8.—*Fseces and urine will pass together/; they escape together,8.—[660.] It always colors the stool yellow (Boer- haave).—The stool on the following morning is golden-yellow (after the fourth)/2.—Green stools (in an infant)/7.—Undigested stools, with traces of blood/7.—Bilious evacuations/4.—Evacuation of very large, conglom- erate pieces of intestinal mucus/.—After loud grumblings and moving about in the abdomen, a thin evacuation, passing almost involuntarily, consisting in part of thin, yellow faeces, partly of bilious-streaked pieces of mucus mixed with the faeces; thereafter crawling in the anus, which com- pels one to rub it/.—Passage of a membranous-looking mucus through the anus/8.—Inclinations to soft stool/1.—After three hours, a second soft stool; after eight hours, a third (one-half grain taken in the forenoon)/ 8.—[670.] Two pappy passages (second and third days)/.—The stool, after twelve hours, was thin and pappy; repeated in three hours (first day); three pappy stools (third day)/.—Thin, pappy stool, in the morning/.—Five stools, tenth and twelfth days; he could have gone still oftener,8.—*Soft, pasty stool,21.—*Soft, very abundant stool,21.—Thin, pappy, dark-colored, scanty stools/6.—Looseness of the bowels, with soft stools, for several days/6.— Small stool of yellow mucus/6.—* Small, brownish, slimy, half-fluid stool,23. —[680.] Two liquid stools (after fifteeu grains); (second day)/7.—Copious evacuations of the rectum, with severe purging (Schceppe).—Watery stool (after large doses),10.—Watery, long-continued diarrhoea (Vogt).—(Evacu- ations are not watery)/31812.—Copious watery evacuations from the bowels mixed with blood/8.—* Yellow, pappy diarrhcea, and pain in the umbilical region, increased by pressure/.—Fluid stool, with griping (Cullen).—She is wakened after midnight, with gripings in the bowels; diarrhcea yellow- ish-green, with pains before aud after/2.—Pappy stools, after abdominal cuttings/.—[690.] Diarrhoea the next day, and dry coryza/.—Diarrhoeic evacuations, with pain in the hypochondria, and chilliness/.—* Diarrhoeic stools, with burning in the rectum,1.—Passage of blood, with diarrhoea (Vogt). —Blood, with watery stools/8.—Thin or soft stools mixed with blood en- tirely ceased the first two days; they then return less often, and after four ALOE. 179 to six days are of a natural consistency/.—Stool at an unusual time, ten hours later, aud pappy (first day)/.—Stool twice (entirely unusual), more pappy (second day)/.—* Urging to stool at nine o'clock in the morning; after half an hour, a small, thin stool, then griping in the bowels for a few hours, as after takiug cold, and subsequent headache ; the next day, without repe- tition of the dose, stool repeated at the same hour, pappy, and less than the urging seemed to indicate, with subsequent pain in the bowels; the third day, slight urging to stool the whole day, until the ordinary urging to stool follows at evening (after the T'nth taken five times)/2.—* Yellow diarrhoea, towards morning,1.—[700.] Copious, pappy evacuations, morn- ings (second day)/.—Diarrhoeic stools (on the morning of the seventh day, after daily doses of a small quantity)/.—Easy and copious stools in the morning/3.—At nine and ten in the evening, a diarrhoeic stool, then again the next day, more frequent in the forenoon, very thin, very yellow ; every- thing that the child had eaten could be seen therein (from sucking Aloes)/. —Two pappy, yellowish stools, with much passage of flatus (the same even- ing after taking the y0th, at ten o'clock in the forenoon)/1.—-In the even- ing, a diarrhoeic stool (second day)/.—Eight hours after taking it (at five in the evening), again, indeed, a small, thin stool, something entirely un- usual, followed by more fulness and pressure in the anus,8.—After the morn- ing stool, the feeling many times as if he ought to go again; at four in the afternoon, a thick, pappy, natural stool, with sensation as if it were solid (second day)/.—In the morning, before eight, after breakfast, a discon- nected, soft stool, with pressing, passing flatus and eructations; at ten o'clock in the evening, another stool, soft, disconnected, and copious (sixth day)/.—A stool at 3 p.m., and nine in the evening (eighth day)/.—[710.] A stool at six and eleven o'clock in the evening (ninth day)/.—A stool at six o'clock in the morning, after getting up, small, thin, pappy, easy; the same again at noon, and at three in the afternoon, with sputtering, that is, with gushing flatus and thin faeces ; just the same in the evening at six and before ten o'clock ; could have gone still oftener (tenth day)/.—*At nine o'clock in the forenoon, a second stool, small, yelloivish, shining, with much sputtering flatus, with some tenesmus; he dreaded lest he should let fceces and urine both go together; whilst he would force out, yet at the same time he held back; at eleven in the forenoon again (eleventh day)/.—A stool at three and six o'clock in the afternoon, and nine and eleven in the evening; with the last much loud flatus, with very little faeces (eleventh day)/.—At seven in the morning, immediately after rising, another stool as yesterday; five times through the day; sometimes only flatus with little faeces, also many passages of flatus besides; could have gone oftener (twelfth day)/.—Stool five times up to three o'clock in the afternoon, then again five times; con- tinual passage of much flatus, wherewith he must fear that a stool will escape with it; in the evening, he could pass flatus, loud and strong, with- out being obliged to fear this (thirteenth day)/.—A stool at eight in the morning, the same at noon; then, indeed, twice just as liquid, though less flatulence (fourteenth day),8.—On passing water in the morning, a second at eleven in the forenoon, a third stool, with flatulence (third day)/.—*On rising, he must immediately go to stool, thin, and so, indeed, three times; much flatus besides, wherewith some stool easily escapes involuntarily (fifteenth day)/. —Four copious stools, sometimes appear undigested (sixteenth and seven- teenth days); in the forenoon, copious, fluid stools within three hours, after hasty urging, grayish-yellow, undigested, with much growling about in the abdomen (eighteenth day)/.—[720.] At seven o'clock, a third stool, with 180 ALOE. straining, when he thought he had finished still more came ; at eleven, in the forenoon, a fourth stool (fourth day)/.—Two movements of the bowels (eighth day)/.—After dinner, small stool, followed by an aching in the lower abdomen for several hours, as if another stool would follow,25.—Cold feeling, with a soft stool (eleventh day)/.—Straining as for a solid stool, which was then soft or liquid (fourteenth day)/.—Thin stools, mornings, till the twentieth day/.—At three in the morning, he awakes with hasty urgency to stool, dull gripings; movings about in the abdomen; thin, pappy evacuations; afterwards a feeling as if more ought to come (second day)/.—* After waking, at three o'clock, a copious, thin, pappy stool, without straining,8.—*At five in the morning, a regular stool, with passage of urine (fifth day)/.—Only one stool in the morning; urine normal (fourth day)/. —[730.] After a remission, from two o'clock at night until the next day, after dinner (thirty-six hours), a stool, and better humor (evening of elev- enth day)/.—At three o'clock in the afternoon, a thin, pappy stool, with dull pains in the abdomen (twenty-third day)/.—*Stool after breakfast8.— *He must go to stool soon after a meal/.—Two hours after a meal, an unusual stool,8.—On standing, sensation as if a stool would pass/3.—Im- mediately on rising, a thin stool/.—The afternoon stool small, little, soft pieces, with flatulence (third day)/.—*Stool in the morning after rising (six- teenth day)/.—A stool at two o'clock in the night, solid, toward the end pappy, diarrhoeic (tenth day)/.—[740.] *At first hard, then fluid stool, which seems to be very hot,20.—The first part of the stool is hard, the latter part thin, pappy; very often for many weeks,67.—At first hard, then, to- wards the end, diarrhoeic/.—Late in the evening, a copious evacuation of the bowels, though more solid, occurring in addition to the usual forenoon one (first, and the same on the third day)/.—Copious evacuations difficult, and after long and repeated exertion/5.—Scanty, crumbling evacuation, with a feeling as if more ought to come (after one hour)/.—Feeling with the stool as if the bowels were indolent/.— With a pappy stool, feeling as if it were solid,8.—At two o'clock in the afternoon (an unusual time), a stool too small, in disconnected small pieces, with much offensive flatus, two hours after dinner, during a disturbed state of mind, which was still in- creased after the stool (after three hours)/.—[750.] A stool at ten o'clock in the evening, thirty hours after the previous one, less than usual, with the feeling again as if it came indolently; it does not present itself in a right way (fourth day)/.—There is a daily stool, indeed, but yet it is diffi- cult to pass ; it distends the rectum at first/.—The stool ceases after a small quantity (^th)/.—Hard stool (fifth and subsequent days)/.—No stool (fourth day)/.—No stool (thirteenth day); solid and indolent stool (four- teenth day)/.—Two days' constipation follows a pappy, diarrhoeic stool/. —Hard, lumpy stool, then obstinate constipation/1.—Constipation, with in- dolence, and loss of irritability of the abdominal organs (Fechner).—The stool is wanting; and an unendurable condition of mind/.—[760.] Cessa- tion of stool (eleventh day)/.—Constipation, and straining at stool (Konigs- berger).—Constipation/7. Urinary Organs.—-Passage of blood from the urethra/8.—Dis- charge of blood from the urethra (Borichius).—At times, painful burning in the neck of the bladder on urinating,20.—Burning on urinating (Rich- ter), (Wickard), 19, (Schreger, Fechner).—Burning and urging on urinat- ing, and general agitation (Wickard).—Rising to urinate (seventh day)/. —Wakened to urinate at 2 o'clock (fifteenth, sixteenth, and following days)/7.—[770.] Wakened many times by urgency to urinate/.—Urgency ALOE. 181 to urinate on waking/.—Frequent urging to urinate/4.—More urgency, less urine (first day)/.—Increased urgency through the day, with no increase of quantity (fifth day)/.—One is driven to urinate so quickly that he can scarcely retain it (forenoon at 11 o'clock, third day)/.—More frequent, quicker urgency in the afternoon, with smaller quantity than in the morn- ing (third day)/.—Increased quicker urgency, and more copious discharge (seventh day)/.—Must run quickly to urinate, on rising at 5 o'clock, then at 8 and 9.30, with no increase of quantity (third day)/.—On rising, quicker urgency to urinate (fourth, sixth, and eighth days, evening of twenty-third day)/.— [780.] Bloody urine (Bartolinus >.— Deep-colored yellow urine/4.—It passes only sparingly; is deeply reddened/0.—Trans- parent, dark, not increased (first day)/-—Highly colored urine, of strong odor, remaining clear (third day)/.—Urine scanty, dark, with a slimy sed- iment (sixteenth day)/.—In the afternoon, frequent copious discharge of light-yellow urine (third day)/.—Urine, for the first time again, clear as water (eighteenth day)/.—Secretion of a greater quantity of urine (Green- how).—Copious urination (after 15 grains)/7.—[790.] Urine increased and more deeply colored (fourth day)/; much at one time (sixth day)/.— Urine copious and cloudy (from 8 to 10 grains)/7.—Copious urination and burning therewith,10.—Increased pale urine after the stool/1.—Passage of urine increased after the stool/1.—Urinating in children increased in quan- tity and frequency,8.—The urine passes more easily; formerly he had al- ways to wait awhile before it came/1.—Urine passed with some difficulty (Richter).—Urine passes with difficulty (Richter).—With the last stool, at 10 in the evening, the passage of urine is somewhat impeded ; it passes out from the bladder a few seconds before it appeared ; then with interruptions, and every time with some urgency, which the urine does not immediately follow (tenth day),5.—[800.] Urine in small quantity and hot/315.—Scanty urination/7.—Urination at 3 o'clock (fourth day)/.—Urination with the stool (second day)/.—Urgency to stool on urinating/.—The afternoon urine becomes cloudy on standing, with a whitish coat at the bottom of the vessel, a fine granular cloudiness in the urine; smell putrid, ammoniacal (first day)/.—The urine deposits a yellow sediment, like bran/7. Se.Mual Organs.—Male.—Ill-looking blisters on the genitals (Galen). —The member is fallen away small; scrotum drawn up (seventh day),°. —Itching of the prepuce after a stool (second day)/.—[810.] Tickling, crawling, and spotty redness of the prepuce/7.—Erections without occasion (first day)/.—Erections waken at 2 a.m./.—Drawing forward in the urethra on sitting, midday (fourth day)/.—The right testicle feels cold in the night (third day)/.—The left epididymis is very painful on walking and handling, the whole forenoon (j^oo)/0-—With a lax scrotum, he wakes with urgency to urinate ; an erection at 2 o'clock in the morning (third day)/.—Increased desire/3.—Sexual excitement, with erection after urinating (2 o'clock at night)/.—He awakes at 4 o'clock with great sexual desire (thirteenth day)/. —[820.] Desire more active after eating/.—Rather an inner sensuality than irritation of the parts compels him to satisfy himself (at evening, on going to bed, fifth day),5.—Active desire at evening, and uncommon thirst for water (eleventh day)/.—He awoke at 1 o'clock at night with active de- sire ; without being wide awake, he seized hold of the parts until the emis- sion of semen; he had to make water, and on fully awaking it seemed as if the time must be much later (fourth day)/.—The increased desire re- lieved ; the amorous mood removed (fifth day)/.—Probably one of the best remedies to repress a too lively desire, especially in children, which only a 182 ALOE. few remedies do/.—Small quantities cause frequent erections, and increase the sexual desire (Rust's Mag.).—Pollution during the midday nap (second day)/.—Pollution at 3 o'clock at night; then strong sexual desire/.— Towards morning, pollutions with amorous dreams, which had not been the case for a long time (twelfth and seventeenth days)/.—[830.] After the seminal emission, he had to go to stool immediately, the first time at night (thirteenth day)/.—After the seminal emission, urinating/.—After the seminal emission, restless sleep/.—Heaviness in the uterine region, with pains in the loins and groin,10.—Heaviness in the uterus and pains in the back (Trousseau).—Determination of blood to the uterus (Arnemann).— Cramps in the uterus, with loss of a little white mucus,27.—Irritative action on the uterus and pelvic organs, from the determination of blood to these organs; repletion of the bloodvessels, especially the veins; hence it is in a condition to augment existing irritated conditions or bleedings, and to act as an emmenagogue in amenorrhcea and chlorosis (Pereira).—Pressing and drawing in the uterus,20.—Painful sensation in the female genitals, as if they were torn/7.—[840.] Increase of the fluor-albus,10.—Menstruation comes on too early, too copious/3.—Menstruation appears, very copious, though it had occurred not long before,20.—The menses appear six days too early, with sensation of coldness/7.—The blood shows as in menstruation, in the case of a woman nursing a child two months old/7.—A young girl, suffering from amenorrhcea, took daily three graius of the watery extract; thereupon, pappy taste, loss of the previous good appetite, congestion to the head, headache, relieved by cold applications, alternating with pains in the loins, gripings; three soft stools a day; the periods, which had stayed away three months, came on at night, with severe pain in the loins/4.—It often produces a large evacuation of the monthly purification (Hahnemann). —Given for too copious menstruation, it increased it/3.—Increase, with colic,10. —Profuse menses,27.—[850.] Flow deep-red and clotted/7.—Long-lasting menses/7.—With the menses, earache/.—With the courses, flatulent dis- tension of the intestines/3.—*During the monthlies, dragging down in the rectum, with sense of fulness in the pelvis,1'''.—With the monthlies, pain in the loins/4.—Abortion ; thereupon, copious discharge of bloody slime, often with pressing and drawing in the uterus,20. Respiratory Apparatus.—Scraping in the larynx/7.—Trembling and shocks in the larynx and tongue for some minutes/7.—[860.] Scraping in the larynx, with tickling in the fold of the neck/7.—Raw pain in the larynx when spitting/7.—Stitching in the right side of the larynx with each par- oxysm of cough/7.—In a dream at night he was in danger; he would have screamed out, but could not, from hoarseness; in the morning he awoke with hoarseness low down in the fauces, which disappeared after breakfast (third day)/.—Voice husky; hawking; coryza-feelinginthe nose,with chilli- ness (twenty-fourth day)/.—Raw voice, morning/.—Scraping in the throat, producing cough/.—A scraping feeling in the throat shows itself sometimes in the morning hours, and forces a not entirely dry hacking many times/. —A tickling irritation to cough in the fauces, without expectoration, but with the taste in the mouth of ink or iron (evening of fourteenth and morning of fifteenth and sixteenth days)/.—Dry cough, especially trouble- some towards evening/7.—[870.] Hoarse, crepitant, deep-sounding cough, as if the whole trachea was raw, dry, and full of mucus/7.—Dry cough, sometimes provoked by determination of blood to the chest (second day)/. —Cough, followed by expectoration of a substance the size of a bean ; it is composed of mucus, yellow, tenacious, and difficult to break up/7.—Con- ALOE. 183 stant expectoration, caused by tickling and scraping in larynx/7.—Haem- optysis/4 20.—Whistling in the throat, as if something had fallen into the trachea and embarrassed respiration/7.—Whistling and labored respira tion/7.—Five drops of the tincture were given for pressure in the abdomen, with pain in the loins and weakness in the legs; then followed apprehen- sion, the breath will stay away on going up stairs; could not work, became anxious, with paralysis in all the limbs; the cutaneous veins disappeared; must sit and sleep; at first, he felt better walking than sitting; after a few hours these symptoms and those of the disease were much relieved/.—Dif- ficult respiration,27.—Restricted respiration and haemoptysis/420.—[839.] Wheezing, panting inspiration; evenings, after smoking tobacco/8.—Asth- ma and wheezing (Dioscorides).—Free respiration/1. Heart and F*ulse.—Pain in the praecordial region, which extends through to the left scapula/2.—In bed, the heart beats quicker, and frequently it gives a very strong beat, which/. Neck.—Pain on the side of it/.—Burning on the right side of the neck/ b. Rack.—Between the shoulder-blades, stinging/8.—Stitching pain from upper left chest through to the back between the shoulder-blades, worse at night in bed; awakens him, increases when lying on leftside, not by taking a long breath,0.—Pain on the right side of the spine, near the spine, ex- actly there where the shoulder-blade ends/ b.—From 2 o'clock P.M. until evening, tearing pain in the back, at the lower angles of the scapulae, when sitting still, not when moving/.—[310.] Under the shoulder-blade/.—Pain on both sides of the spine on a line with the inferior angles of the scapulae, with every deep inhalation, all evening. On each side of the spine above the middle of it, a spot where the breath appears to come from, drawing a long breath/.—Feels as if her back would break; can scarcely get up/.— In back the weakness is most felt,8.—Sensation as of cold water running down the back/.—In back, warmth spreading/.—In small of back, burn- ing/.—In the morning, fifteen minutes after the fifth dose, a kind of cramp in the back just below the hips on both sides; very warm ebullitions; the sensation goes from the hips up the left side; it frightens him and he quickly takes a cup of coffee/. Upper Limbs.—Great weakness in the region of the shoulder-blades, with inclination to bend forward, which relieves/ b.—Severe pain in the left shoulder/.—[320.] Pains in the left shoulder, which disappear from motion and exercise/ b.—Itching on the right shoulder/ b.—Drawing-tear- ing pains particularly in left shoulder/.—Feeling of weakness, a kind of 202 ALUMEN. numbness in the left arm, and particularly in the left shoulder/ b.—In arm, lack of power and dull pain,8.—In arms, fulness/; of bloodvessels/.—Be- tween three and four o'clock I felt a pain in' my right arm as though a cord were drawn tightly around it, just below the shoulder, occasioning great fulness of the bloodvessels and deprivation of strength. The pain was dull and heavy, not general throughout the arm, but rather in lines, extending in different directions from the ligature which apparently bound it; the weakness was such that I could scarcely hold the needle which I was using when the pains commenced; it began suddenly, continued for a few moments, and then abated, although it did not leave me entirely, and returned at irregular intervals during the remainder of the day aud even- ing. Renewed doses increased the pain in the arm, which is this evening quite severe,8.—Pain iu the right arm as if a string were tied tightly around it/.—Half an hour after the second dose pains in the arms and pains over the left eye.—Rheumatic pains in the bones of the arms, par- ticularly in the right; the right side of the chest and under the left shoulder- blade/.—[330.] In the morning, for an hour, unpleasant sensation in both arms, afterwards heat, more in the left hand/ b.—In arm, pain from elbow/; in elbows/.—In the morning, when awaking, rheumatic pain in the bend of the left elbow-joint, when extending the arm; disappears after rising and going about/ 6.—Bruised pain in the joints of the arm, hand, and feet/.—Pain as if sprained in the right wrist, at 12 M., from thence the pain goes into the first phalangeal joint of the right forefinger, where it is a tearing, which disappears soon, but returns quickly (third day) ; felt weak in the hands, during catamenia; she drops things easily that she holds in her hands/.—Rheumatic pain in the left hand and all the finger joints,6.—Hands pain,6; cold/; heat/57; trembled very much,291.—Finger- joints pain, first phalangeal joints/. Lower Limbs.—Great lassitude in the lower limbs when going up- stairs; the whole of the third day/.—In lower extremities, lassitude/.— [340.] Down into thighs, pain from rectum,10.—When standing, bruised pain in the lower extremities, as after a severe cold/ b.—Uneasiness in the knees, with pain right above them/.—Pain in both knees, particularly in the right, when walking,6.—Sensation as if a cord were tied around the leg, under the right knee; the pain extends downward and upward, but is confined to the lower leg. To-night a similar feeling, though much slighter, in the lower limb on the same side, as though a cord were bouud round it below the knee, the pain extending both below and above, on the under part of the limb only/.—In the evening a kind of numb sensation in the right leg, from the knee down into the foot, when lying on it (one hour), (first day)/.—Legs, from knees down, cold/.—Pain in the left ankle-joint when walking, and particularly when going upstairs; in the morning (third day)/ b.—Pain in feet/1.—Coldness of the feet, with numbness, in bed, even if the feet are covered up warm/.—[350.] In the feet, coldness from the knee/.—Feet are very sensitive to pressure, and when walking, par- ticularly the soles/ b.—Pain in the sole of the foot between the ball of the little toe and the heel; also, drawing, tearing pain, particularly in the left shoulder/ b.—In the evening, when walking in the street, stitch pain in the under part of the right big toe; felt each time when pressing on it, all evening (second day)/.—Stitches in the right big toe/ b. All the Limbs.—Rheumatic pain in the whole body/.—Pain in the right side of the neck and forehead, then in the left foot and ball of the foot, then on the vertex/ b.—Bruised pain in the whole body/.—Slept well; ALUMEN. 203 in the morning, an hour after rising, tiredness, and for three hours a twitch- ing in the limbs, particularly in the arm, and with it much excited,4.— Coldness of the legs from the knees down to the feet, and coldness of the bauds, in the afternoon and evening/ b.—[360.] Coldness of the hands, aud rheumatic pain in the left shoulder; worse after motion/ 6.—Cold hands and feet, as if all the blood had left them, with pain in stomach/. Generalities.—Has to throw himself about in bed/; restlessness, agitation, with fever/8.—Nervous tremor and excitability of feeling, as when one is agitated by unpleasant news/.—Trembling of muscles,4.— Twitching in limbs three hours in the forenoon/; of lower lip/.—Jerking contraction of abdominal muscles/; follow the warm creeps/.—Slight con- vulsive movements/8.—Sensation as if a string were tied around the arm and lower limbs/.—Weak feeling in pit of stomach/; sinking sensation,8; uneasiness/; faintness and weakness, as if dying/.—[370.] Lassitude in the whole body, particularly in the left lower extremity (Trbg.).—Feels very tired (soon after taking it)/.—Keeps the bed; so faint that she ex- pected every moment to fall from her seat/; (reached her chamber with difficulty; staggers to a chair)/; deathlike fainting/.—Weak with the nausea; could not sit up; loss of strength, with sickness; faintness and nausea (in the morning)/.—Very weak, as if she had been ill for some time/; great weakness, as after long illness,10; debility in typhus/.—I was immediately sensible of a metallic taste, and slight nausea, but soon fell asleep, being greatly fatigued, and slept heavily until near five; I arose without more effort than usual, and about six, while standing at a table making some arrangements for breakfast, was suddenly seized with the most overpowering nausea, as though my whole stomach were rising to my throat; I tottered to a chair, when a cold sweat broke over me; the effort to vomit ceased, though the nausea continued, attended by a flushing to my head, extreme faintness, and a disposition to shiver; I reached my chamber with much difficulty, and on lying down felt some relief, chiefly in the faintness, and after taking some Ipecacuanha was able to rise and attend to my family, though feeling very weak; strong palpitation of the heart, intermitting pulse; the pain shoots from the heart to the region of the lower right lung/. —Great weakness after attack, particularly in spine/.—He feels exactly as he felt when he had the small-pox (second day),9. Sleep.—When going to bed heat in ears and face disappears/.— Cannot get to sleep on account of ebullition of blood (first day)/.— [380.] Is more anxious at night than at other times/.—Sleeplessness, with fever, t.—Very light sleep in the night; hears nearly everything that hap- pens (Trbg.).—Very restless sleep, tossing to and fro; when he does sleep it is so light that he hears it if his birds move in their cage (Trbg.).— Wakes at night, with nausea and violent headache; lay awake about a quarter of an hour, when he went to sleep again; next morning, when he was called, he was unable to attend to his business on account of nausea, with violent headache; now sharp stinging, from temple to temple; now heavy pressure on the vertex, as of a heavy weight lying on it; continued all day long/.—In the night, half waking, half dreaming, she hears what happens around her, but dreams on, of dead bodies, that her father had died ; with it great fear; would like to turn on her side, but cannot do it, feels so heavy in her bones; in her dream it seems to her as if the dream would soon pass over if she could turn on her side, but she is not able to do it (at 4 a.m., fourth day)/.—When awaking in the night, thick 204 ALUMEN. phlegm in the throat, and the roof of the mouth thickly coated, which she never had before (third day)/. Fever.—Very sensitive to cold, which was not the case before (third day)/.—Like after a severe cold, pain in limbs/.—While washing and dressing, pain in chest/.—[390.] Inclination to chilliness after attack of retching/.—Chilliness with the sickness at the stomach/.—She complained of being very cold, but did not shiver; it passed off, perhaps in an hour, but was succeeded by pain in the head, which lasted all the afternoon/7.— In the last attack the coldness was general; she could not distinguish a particular coldness of the feet; but all perceptive faculties were gone dur- ing the deathlike fainting spell/.—Chilliness, and feeling as if cold water were poured down the back/9.—Coldness in hands/; of legs and hands/. —Cold feet, even when covered up/.—Creeping and coldness of the skin, soon after doses, followed by heat and tingling of the same parts/6.—Fever, accompanied by intense thirst; continued nausea and vomiting; sleepless- ness; agitation; animated expression of the face; pain and distension of the epigastric region ; frequent pulse, and burning pains in the mouth, pharynx, and stomach/8.—Sensation of warmth, soon after taking it/.— [400.] Great heat throughout the body/.—Sensation all forenoon, as of inward heat/.—Heat and tingling following creeping and coldness/8.— Warm ebullitions in both sides/.—He cannot get to sleep for a long time, on account of extraordinary ebullition of blood in the whole body (second day)/.—In the morning, after the fourth dose, very soon tired ; warm ebul- litions like spasms spread over the whole trunk, particularly in the back ; no pains, but a trembling of the muscles; towards two o'clock the pains in the chest return ; feels better when walking/.—Flushes of heat to the head after attack/.—Warm creeps run over the abdomen/.—Cold sweat; breaks out over the whole body/; covers her, with cramps in stomach/.— Chilliness; at another time, great heat throughout the body/.—[410.] Coldness, with pain in the stomach, gave place to heat, and the blood rushed to her head with such force that she scarcely could hold it up/.— Chill; metallic taste, slight nausea, palpitation ; pain striking from the heart across to the lower extremity of the right lung; a sensation as of cold water poured down the back, and numbing coldness of the feet, though covered warmly in bed (returned repeatedly after taking the 12th) ; in the last attack the chill was general; I was not sensible of any particular coldness of the extremities, though, indeed, nearly all sensation was lost for a time in the deathlike faintness/. Conditions.— Aggravation—(Morning), Headache over eyes, etc.; itching-burning on border of eyelid, etc.; tongue rough, etc.; dry feeling on tongue; sickness at stomach; nausea, etc.; nausea, with weakness, etc.; cough; bluish film on urine; sore pain iu right chest; cramp in back; pain in left ankle-joint; very soon tired.—(Morning, when getting awake), Pains in head.—(Morning, on waking), Headache over eyes; rheumatic pain in bend of left elbow.—(Morning, after rising), Spits up coagulated blood, etc.; tickling in throat; severe pain, etc.; irritation to cough; cough; cough from tickling; twitching in limbs.—(Forenoon), Sinking sensation at stomach ; most violent pains in rectum; twitching in limbs, etc.; twitching of lower lip; sensation as of inward heat.—(Noon), Most acute pain in stomach, etc.; sprained pain in right wrist.—(Afternoon), Headache ; diffi- cult passage of hard stool, etc.; hard stool, etc.; sense of painful fulness of chest, etc.—(Afternoon and Evening), Coldness of the limbs, etc.—(Even- ing), Contraction of abdominal muscles, etc.; itching of anus; itching on ALUMEN. 205 the scrotum, etc.; hoarseness with cough; tickling cough; pain on both sides of the spine; pain under big toe.—(Evening, after lying down), Dry cough.—(Night), More anxious; heat in side of face; itching of lump at anus ; emission of very thick semen; pain in lower limbs; nausea and vio- lent headache.—(Night, when awaking), Great pain in head, etc.; thick phlegm in throat, etc.—(Night, in bed), Stitching pain through upper chest; stinging pain through upper chest.—(Midnight), Heat in ears, etc.—(9 a.m. till noon), Very depressed, etc.—(Towards two o'clock), Pains in chest re- turn.—(2 p.m. till evening), Tearing pain in back.—(3 p.m.), Sudden pain from stomach into the swallow, etc.—(Between 3 and 4 p.m.), Pain in right arm.—(About 3.30 and 4 p.m.), Pain in stomach.—(8 p.m.), Pain in left of the scrobiculus.—(Evening at 9.30), Headache over eyes, etc.—( Wedking in open air), Pain to left of the scrobiculus.—(In bed), Coldness of feet, etc.— (Bending up double), Sore pain iu right side of chest.—[Sitting bent forward), Pain in left chest.—(Before breakfast), Attack of nausea.—(During break- fast), Nausea; cough.—(After breakfast), Feels very full in stomach, etc.— (Coughing), Scratching in throat.—(Drawing breath), Pain under right clavicle, etc.—(Drawing deep breath), Pain on both sides of spine.—(At dinner), Erections.—(After dinner), Heaviness in stomach.—(After eating), Violent throbbing in stomach; distension of stomach, etc.—(Mental excite- ment), Heart begins to beat violently.—( When extending arm), Rheumatic pain in bend of elbow.—(Looking down), Vertigo.—(Lying on one side), Pains in anus and rectum.—(Lying on right side), Palpitation of heart.— (Lying on right leg), Numb sensation in it.—(Lying in one position for any length of time), Palpitation of heart.—(Lying on left side), Stitching pain through upper chest.—(Lying on back in the evening), Pain in pit of stom- ach, etc.; weakness in pit of stomach, etc.; throbbing sensation in pit of stomach.—(During menses), Hands weak, etc.—(After motion), Coldness in hands, etc.—(Moving eyelids), Bruised feeling on edge of lower orbit.— (Pressure), Tenderness before left clavicle.—Bruised feeling on edge of left orbit.—(After retching), Inclination to chilliness.—(When sitting), Pain in left chest.—(Sitting still), Tearing pain in back.—(Standing), Bruised pain in lower extremities, as after a severe cold.—(Standing for some time on one spot), Strong palpitation.—( With every step, while walking), Pain to left of scrobiculus.—(During stool), Pains in rectum; strong dyspnoea ; tearing in rectum.—(After stool), Smarting and burning at rectum ; pain in anus and rectum; beating in anus ; stinging and tearing up the rectum ; burning and throbbing in anus.—(After hard stool), Haemorrhoidal tumors.—(After solid stool), Smarting and burning at rectum.—(After supper), Sense of painful fulness in chest, etc.—(Swallowing),Soreness and dryness in throat.—(Talk- ing), Soreness and dryness in throat, etc.; hoarseness; cough.—(Touch), Tenderness over left second rib.—(Beginning to think about her disease), Feels heart beating, etc.—(Walking), Pain in belly; pain in both knees, etc.; pain in left ankle-joint; pain under big toe.—(Going upstairs), Lassi- tude in lower limbs; pain in left ankle-joint.—-(Washing and dressing after rising), Pains in chest. Amelioration.—( When going to bed), Heat in both ears, etc.; heat in ears and face disappears.—(Bending double), Pain to left of scrobiculus cordis.—(Bending forwards and sitting bent over), Pains in anus and rec- tum ; stinging and tearing up the rectum.—(Bending forwards), Weakness in region of shoulder-blades.—(After breakfast), Attack of nausea ; cough. —(Drinking cold water), Headache; thirst, etc.—(Eating something), Feels better; feels stronger in stomach.—(Exercise), Pains in left shoulder.— 206 ALUMINA. (Expectoration), Cough ; scraping in throat.—(After lying down), Pain in breast.—(Lying on back), Tearing up the rectum.—(After lying down to sleep), Headache over eyes, etc.—(Motion), Tearing pain in back ; pains in left shoulder.—(Opening eyes), Vertigo.—(Rising and walking about), Pain from stomach to swallow, etc.; pain in left elbow-joint.—(Standing still and pressing on it), Pain to left of scrobiculus.—(Walking), Feels better. ALUMINA. Chemically prepared'pure Aluminium oxide [Al2OJ. Preparation, Triturate with sacch. lactis. Authorities. 1,.Hahnemann, Chr. Krank., 1, 33 ; 2, Hartlaub, ibid.; 3, N-g,f ibid.; 4, Schreter, ibid.; 5, Trinks, ibid.; 6, Bute, ibid. Mind.—He feels light-spirited ; the intellectual and physical powers appear to be excited (first day)/.—(He feels excessively contented)/.—He takes everything in the worse sense, and weeps and howls for hours (second day)/.— The boy weeps constantly against his will, for half an hour/.—De- pressed as with grief, early in the morning on waking; consciousness is not clear/.—Depressed and friendless; he wishes only to be left alone, in the forenoon (the eighth day)/.—The person imagines only disagreeable, sad images (first day)/.—Involuntary sighings and groanings,as in great pain; he is not conscious of it/.—He believes he will not be able to recover his health/.—[10.] He feels low-spirited on account of his disease/.—*She is constantly possessed by bad thoughts, which oblige her to weep; at the same time she feels apprehensive and uneasy, as if something evil were to happen to her ; everything that she only looks at, fills her with sadness (eleventh day)/.—Upon seeing blood, or knives, horrible thoughts throng her mind; she feels, for instance, as though she would commit suicide, although she has the greatest aversion to it/.—intolerable ennui, an hour seems to him half a day,6.—Serious, anxious mood1.—Anxious, reflective, peevish mood/.—Oppressive anxiety, attended with emptiness and confu- sion of the head, and pressure in the forehead (after twelve hours)/.— Anxiety, with external heat and uneasiness as if she had done something bad,1.—* Anxiety, early in the morning, as though he were threatened with an epileptic fit/.—Anxiety and fearfulness, as if he had committed a crime (fifth day)/.—[20.] Anguish, with much uneasiness, the whole day (second day)/.—Anxiety, with palpitation of the heart, aud pulsations in some parts of the breast and abdomen (fourth day)/.— Uneasiness, in the evening, as though some evil were impending,1.—Extremely frightened, and starts upon hearing the least thing fall/.—*He is apprehensive of losing his thoughts, and his understanding/.—Dissatisfied with everything, feels despairing/.— Ill-humored and peevish; she is grumbling continually/.—Not disposed f Note by Hahnemann.—" With merely these two letters, Doctors Hartlaub and Trinks designate a man (a true ' anonymity '), who has furnished the greatest number of symptoms for their ' Annals,' whose symptoms are often expressed in a careless, diffuse, and indefinite manner. I could only extract what was useful, believing that, in these observations, he has been a truthful and careful person ; still it is scarcely to be expected that, in this work—the most indispensable pillar of our therapeutic art—requiring such great and careful discretion, acuteness of sense, fine powers of observation, and strict criticism of one's own sensations and observations, as well as a correct choice of expression, the homoeopathic public should place implicit belief in an unknown person, designated with only two letters, ' N-g.' " ALUMINA. 207 for anything; nothing gives him pleasure/.—Peevish, ill-humored ; she is conscious of it, at one o'clock in the afternoon (first day)/.—*Peevish and whining; the lobules of the ears are hot (after two days)/.—[30.] Ex- tremely peevish and obstinate1.—Is opposed to the wishes of other people/.— She is excessively peevish, and everything is offensive to her ; she desires nothing but to quarrel and make a fuss, in the afternoon (fifth day)/.—The person is greatly excited, overfatigue*!, and nevertheless discontented as if not enough had been done/.—He sneers at everybody contemptuously/.— Indifference, absence of mind, and peevishness/.—*His mood changes greatly,1.—* Frequently changing mood during the day, sometimes assurance, sometimes timidity,1.—Increased animation alternating with absence of mind, during which one's thoughts, sight, and hearing, are indistinct, and have almost disappeared/.—*He constantly speaks wrong, choosing differ- ent expressions from those which he intended/.—[40.] Want of attention in reading; the mind does not remain fixed on one object (first day),5.— Incapacity for connected thought/.—Dulness of mind/.—Inability and want of disposition for mental labor,6.—Great absence of mind and irreso- lution (second day)/.—Reluctance to any kind of employment (first day)/. — Want of disposition for any kind of labor, with ennui, in the forenoon,1.— The mind is occupied with a variety of objects, but not one of them leaves a distinct recollection in the mind (fourth day)/,—* Absence of all power of recollection, aud great weakness of memory/.—Continual great weak- ness of memory/.—[50.] Want of memory for many weeks/.—Great for- getfulness/.—Striking forgetfulness/.— Great stupor, *with dread of falling forward1. Head.—Confusion of the head, with heat in the face/.—Confusion of the head, with dread of losiug his consciousness/.—Early in the morning, the head feels confused and dull; this passed off after rising (third day)/. —The head feels extremely confused, as if his consciousness were outside of his body; when he says anything, it seems to him as though somebody else had said it; or when he sees anything, it seems as though somebody else had seen it, or as if he saw it through somebody else's eyes/.—Early in the morning his head feels cloudy and hot/.—Her head feels befogged and intoxicated; it seems to her as though she would turn about, for nine days, this alternated with pain in the kidneys, and the cloudiness of the head decreased in proportion as the pain increased, and vice versa (after thirty days)/.—[60.] Great heaviness of the head, with paleness of face, and las- situde/.—Heaviness of the head, attended with confusion of the forehead, and sensitiveness of the vertex to the touch, at four o'clock in the afternoon (second day)/.—Heaviness of the head when sitting erect, he feels as if he would fall forward, this increases on stooping, at 1 p.m. (fifth day)/.— Early in the morning the head feels heavy and hot/.—Occasional weakness of the head/.—Vertigo in the morning/.— Quickly passing vertigo in the morning*.—Vertigo increased on stooping/.—* Vertigo, everything turns with him in a circle, attended with nausea/.—Everything before his eyes turns with him/.—[70.] Vertigo even to falling; the whole room seems to turn with her; she is obliged to sit down at once, at four o'clock in the afternoon (third day)/.—Severe vertigo in walking or sitting, as though he would fall over; often for several days, and with stiffness in the nape of the neck, extending towards the head/.—Vertigo, even to falling, during a walk; she had to lean against a wall (twenty-fourth day)/.—* Vertigo, early in the morning, as though she would turn around, with a fainting nausea; after having breakfasted on wheat bread, her nausea ceased, but a sour taste 208 ALUMINA. remained in the mouth (eleventh day)/.—Giddiness for some days almost without interruption; it is like slightintoxication produced by beer (thirty- first day)/.—Giddiness the whole day, even to falling; in order to moderate this vertigo, she is obliged to wipe her eyes (eleventh day)/.—*The head always feels giddy as soon as she opens her eyes (sixteenth day)/.—On stoop- ing, surging in the head, synchronous with the pulse; on becoming erect, it is somewhat diminished (after dinner)/.—Over the head, externally, a sensation as though the skin would go to sleep (three days)/.—Violent headache, peculiar, as though the brain were dashed to pieces/.—[80.] Headache, increasing by walking in the open air/.—Headache, when in bed at night/.—*Pain in the head and nape of the neck; it increases on going to bed, and only leaves off in the morning, on rising/.—Headache, which obliges one to lie down; with dry heat and cough during sleep, the whole afternoon/.—Heat rises into his head, from the stomach, in the fore- noon/.—External pinching and griping on the head, with a sensation as of freezing towards the occiput, worse on stooping, in the eveniug/.—After dinner, heat in the head; on stooping, a sensation in the brain as if it would fall forwards; this passes off on raising the head (first day)/.—Pain as if the head were being screwed together, with stitches in the forehead, and such a violent heaviness in the vertex, that the head threatens to fall down on stooping; when standing, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon (two days)/.—Dull, pressive headache, increased on walking (first day)/.— Screwing pressure in the head/.—[90.] Tearing in the whole head, in the forenoon (first day)/.—Headache, tearing, with a sense as of pressing from both sides, in the evening (after two and a half hours), with chills, many evenings in succession/.—Thrusts, as with a knife, now and then shooting through the head/.—Stitches in some parts of the head/5.—Headache, violent stitches in the brain, with inclination to vomit/.—Stitches in the head from within outwards, in the afternoon (eighth day)/.—Stitches shooting through the head at every step/.—A stitch in the head, going round the brain/.—Sharp stitches in the right side of the head, when stoop- ing during labor (twenty-eighth day)/.—Stitches in the fore and back part of the head after eating, worse towards evening (after thirty-seven days)/4. —[100.] Pulsative headache on ascending the stairs, after dinner (second day)/.—Rhythmical beating in the whole head, in the afternoon, when walking, and next morning in bed (after three days)/.—Headache, as if bruised, with redness of cheeks/.—Headache, as if a worm were crawling under the skull; the pain is also cutting, and corrosive/.—Intolerable itch- ing of the head; he is obliged to scratch until the parts bleed ; after scratching, the skin pains/.—Itching, formication here and there over the head/.—Sense of warmth in the forehead, which is not perceptible exter- nally ; with dulness of the mind, for half an hour/.—Burning ayid pressive pain, with warmth in the forehead, after dinner, when standing or sitting; the pain is relieved in the open air, and does not return in the room/.— Sense of constriction around the forehead, attended with aching (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Compressive (pinching) headache in the forehead, above the eyes; it seems to come from the temples (after three to twelve hours)/.—[HO.] Compressive headache above the eyes, coming from both temples, in the evening; and at night, heat when in bed, followed by sweat (after two hours)/.—Pressing-in pain in the forehead/.—Intensely pressive headache above the eyes/.—Pressing out at the forehead, after dinner/.—Tearing in the forehead, in the forenoon ; in the afternoon, it is changed to stitching (second day)/.—Tearing headache in the forehead, ALUMINA. 209 which is relieved in the open air, in the evening (third day)/.—10.30 p.m. with the frontal headache; tearing, pressing from the forehead back over the vertex (first day).—Stitches in the forehead, with dulness and heavi- ness of the head, in the afternoon (third day)/.—Stitches in the forehead on going to sleep (tenth day)/.—Beating and stitches iu the forehead and right side of the head, in the afternoon (second day)/.—[120.] Sensation as if something were crawling (between the skin and flesh), coming from both temples, and going to the forehead ; here it presses outward as though it would penetrate through/.—At the upper part of the forehead, a little spot is painful to the touch, early in the morning (tenth and eleventh days)/.—Confusing tension in a small spot in the right temple; it passes off by pressure; when the pressure ceases, it returns immediately, in the forenoon (two days)/.—Continual boring and tearing in both temples, in the forenoon (fourth day)/.—Painful boring into the right temple, in the evening (fifth day)/.—Boring and drawing pain in the region of the left temple, in the evening (third day)/.—Pressing-in pain in the right temple, after dinner/.—External tearing in the right temple, followed by continual internal boring and beating (second day)/.—Tearing in the right temple ; rubbing excites a burning in the place (after half an hour to two hours)/. —Tearing upwards in the left temple, and subsequent stitches in the right (after two hours)/.—[130.] A stitch in the right temple, as with a large, blunt instrument, leaving transient soreness behind (after thirteen days)/. —Stitches in the temples on singing; they abated as soon as she stopped singing (after thirty-three days)/.—Pain in the left region of the vertex, as if somebody were raising her up by a lock of hair (first day),1.—Beating and raging in the vertex, in the forenoon (two days)/.—Stitches in the head towards the vertex (second and third days)/.—Pulsative headache in the vertex, over the right temple, early on waking/.—Beating and pressing in the right temple, like strong pulsation, with pressure upon the vertex, as from a heavy weight, in the afternoon (second day)/.—Stitches on the out- side, as with an awl, iu a small spot of the left side of the head, close to the vertex/.—Beating and tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, 1 p.m./.—Headache, painful drawing in the right side of the head/. —[140.] Sensation as if the right side of the head were pressed or screwed towards the other, and as if the vertex were oppressed with a heavy load, in the forenoon, at 8z o'clock (second day)/.—Tearing and stitches in the right side of the head, in the forenoon; and in the left frontal eminence, in the evening (first day)/.—Headache on the left side (after eighteen hours)/.—Short, lasting, dull pain in the occiput (after half an hour)/.— Headache in the occiput, it feels bruised; passes off on lying down/.— Pressure on the occiput aud forehead externally, as from a tight hat,1.— Drawing and pulsative tension in the right side of the occiput, in the fore- noon (one day)/.—Dryness of the hairs/.—Falling of the hair (after eight days)/.—The hairy scalp itches, and is covered with white scales/.—[150.] *On touching the hair on the head, pain as if the place were sore/. Eyes.—Redness of the eyes, with a sense of excoriation in the corners, and weakness of sight; in the evenings, when reading, he sees a halo around the light; he is obliged to wipe his eyes often; in the night, they become agglutinated; this lasts a long time/.—Redness of the right eye, with sore- ness and lachrymation (third and fourth days)/—Squinting of both eyes,5. —Trembling of the left eye, as though it would leap out; worse towards evening, and on looking down; better on closing the eye, or on looking up, or on holding the eye with the hand; at the same time the eye is so sensi- vol. i.—14 210 ALUMINA. tive to the light that she was often obliged to close it for three days after (forty-seven days)/.—Burning sensation of the eyes, morning, on waking/. —Burning in the eyes, especially on looking up/.—* Burning and pressure in the eyes,1.—Burning and pressure of the eyes and nose, as if she would be attacked with a cold/.—Tearing in the upper border of the orbit/.— [160.] Tension around the left eye (two days),3.—Pressure in the eyes; she was unable to open them/.—*Pressure in the eyes, and sensitiveness to the light/.—Pressure in the right eye, in the evening, when writing or read- ing/.—Pressure in the left eye, as if something had fallen into it, just below the upper eyelid; the whole day (fifth day)/.—Biting in the left eye, a.i from soap, in the evening/.—Tearing biting pain in the eye/.—Biting and burning pain iu the eyes, early in the morning (second day)/.—Sensation of excoriation in the interior of the eyes, in the evening; after this the eyes were irresistibly closed/.—Frequent and violent itching of the eyes/.— [170.] Sensation of trembling of the eyebrows/.—The eyelashes fall out easily/.—On the left lower eyelid, a pimple, with a stinging pain/.—In- cipient stye, frequently forming on the upper eyelid/.—On closing the eyes but lightly, they are often spasmodically closed with pain; if he tries to open his eyes in the night, they pain him as if they were oppressed with a sudden flood of bright sunlight, even in darkness; they become again drawn together; these symptoms are accompanied by little sleep, and by frequent twitching during the day in the right upper eyelid,2.—Weakness of the eyelids; they are all the time on the point of closing, although he is not sleepy (in the afternoon)/.—He cannot well open the left eye, because it seems to him as if the upper eyelid were hanging deep down; on this ac- count he often wipes the eye, in order to see better (fifth day)/.—*The upper eyelid feels paralyzed, hangs down, aud covers only half of the eye (twenty-ninth day)/.—Biting pain, with burning and stinging, as from au acrid humor in one of the corners of the eye/.—Every evening, burning and dryness of the eyelids, with pain in the left internal canthus, and a secretion of dry gum, every morning, lasting upwards of a week/.—[180.] Stitches in the lower eyelids/.—Tearing in the right upper eyelid on look- ing down; on looking up, feeling as if the upper lid were longer and were hanging clown; afterwards, stitches in the right side of the head, early in the morning (two days)/.—Sensation of excoriation and dryness in the inter- nal canthus/.—Alternating pressure in the eyelids (one day)/.—Itching in the corners of the eyes, aud of the lids/.—Stitches in the corners of the eye/. —Burning in the corners of the eyes (two to three days)/.—The right eye constantly secretes a mucous humor (eye-gum)/.—The eyes secrete much mucus in the night, for several days iu succession/.—Much dry gum early in the morning on waking/.—[190.] *The eyes are agglutinated on waking in the morning; they burn on being opened, with dread of light,2 3.—*Nightly agglutination for several weeks, with inflammation of the conjunctiva and secretion of mucus during the day; in the evening, when the room is lighted, it seems as if gauze were before the eyes, which is not removed by wiping; he sees a halo around the light (after ten days)/.—The eyes are aggluti- nated in the morning; dim, with biting (second day)/.—Lachrymation in the open air/.—Frequent lachrymation, without pain/4.—Lachrymation early in the morning, after waking/3.—Lachrymation aud burning of the eyes, with a sensation of swelling of the face (first day)/.—Burning and increased secretion of mucus of the eyes, at night, and sometimes early in the morning, with itching/.—Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the right eye, without much pain, in the evening (first day)/.—Pressure upon the ALUMINA. 211 left eyeball (after half an hour)/.—[200.] The eyes become weak after long looking (fourth day)/.—Twitching and mist before the eyes/.—Dim- sightedness, as through a fog,1.—Dim-sightedness, sometimes in the open air, aud passing off iu the room/5.—Dim-sightedness, as through mist, iu the evening (one to thirty days)/5.—^Dim-sightedness, which obliges her to wipe her eyes constantly, ivhich relieves, with a sensation as if the lids would adhere in the corners (eleventh day)/5.—The right eye is dim, as if a feather or a hair were before it, which she thinks she must take away (sixth and sev- enth days)/.—*In the evening, her eyes are so dull and dry that she can neither read nor sew; also during the day her sight is dull (usually her sight is very good)/.—Short flickering and a kind of spots before the eyes, with a sort of vertigo/.—On closing his eyes, it is bright before them/.— [210.] The objects she looks at appear yeilow (thirty-fourth to thirty-fifth day)/.—After blowing the nose, white little stars sparkle before the eyes (fourth day)/. Ears.—On» the right ear, a transparent vesicle, without pain/.—It seems to her as if something were lying before her ear externally/.—Itching burning in the anterior border of the right ear (first day)/.—Heat and red- ness of the ear for many evenings,1.—Tension in the ears (second and third days)/.—Boring pain in the ear in the morning, and in the hollow of the ear in the afternoon; also felt on pressure (fourth day)/.—(Headache), tearing and stitches in the ears, somewhat lessened by pressure with the haud, lasting four days, towards evening (after sixth day)/.—Tearing in, behind, and below the ears/.—[220.] Frequent stabs, as with a knife, into the hollow of the ear/.—Stickings into the ears/.—Stitches in the ears, es- pecially in the eveuing (after thirty days)/.—In the night, stitches deep in the right ear (after four hours)/.—Stitches through the ears from within outwards (after four hours)/.—Stitches in the left ear (seventh day)/.— Pulsations in the ear/.—Severe itching in both ears; rubbing with the fin- gers increases it (after fifty hours)/.—Itching before and behind the ears and of the lobules/.—Discharge of pus from the right ear often (eleven days)/.—[230.] On blowing her nose something obstructed her ear; on swallowing, the ear opens again/.—Itching and tingling in the external meatus/ °.—Crackling of the tympanum, especially when chewing/.—On swallowing, there is a crackling in the ear/.—For an hour it seems, in the right ear, as though he had an entirely different voice (fourth day)/.—Loud whistling iu the ear/.—Whizzing in the ears/.—Roaring of the ears early in the morning; at the same time the stools are more solid than usual/.— Roaring before the ears, as of large bells, early in the morning, after ris- ing/.—Roaring in the ears, in the evening/. Nose.—[240.] *The septum of the nose is swollen, red, and painful to the touch; in the evening the pains are increased, with stitches in the forehead (one day)/.—*Swelling and hardness of the left ala of the nose, with pain to the touch (eight days),4.—* Ulcerated nostrils,1.—A boil on the nose/.—Rat- tling and piping in the nose, with rough voice, in the afternoon (three days)/. — The nose is stopped (one day)/.—Obstruction of the left nostril (ten days)/. —Unwell, as from a cold which cannot develop/.—Sensation in the nose as if a cold would come on, in the evening, for several day^ (four days)/.— Catarrh, with sneezing and obstruction of the nose, the whole day (three days)/.—[250.] Dry catarrh (nine days)/.—Violent dry catarrh, especi- ally at night, with great dryness of the mouth/.—Violent fluent coryza in the left nostril, appearing suddenly; the right nostril is obstructed en- tirely/.—First fluent coryza, then dry, so that both nostrils are entirely .obstructed/.—On the right side of the nose there are two pimples, with a 212 ALUMINA. burning and stinging pain/.—Frequent sneezing (and hiccough), without coryza (one, two, seven days)/.—Water runs from the right nostril, with- out catarrh/.—Secretion of much thick and viscid mucus from the nose/. —Fluent coryza (with rough voice) in the afternoon and morning (four, six days,3.—Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing and lachrymation/.—[260.] Bleeding from the nose/.—Blood only is blown out/.—Intermittent burn- ing pain in the right wing of the nose in the evening (one day)/.—Tearing in and near the right nasal fossa; upon pressing the part, it passes off ouly for a short while (second day)/.—*Soreness with scabs in the right nostril, with a discharge'of much thick yellowish mucus (the first four weeks)/.—Vio- lent itching of one ala of the nose (one hour)/.—Itching of the dorsum, the side, and around the orifice of the nose/.—Excessively acute smell/.— Weakness of smell/.—Sour smell in the nose, early in the morning (three days)/. Face.—[270.] Sullen, low-spirited look/.—Paleness of the face/.— Paleness and redness of the face alternating in quick succession/.—Skin of the face rough, especially on the forehead/.—Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose, and the left angle of the mouth ; upon being pressed they run together (six to nine days),3.—Every day flushes of heat in the face/.—Heat and tension in the left side of the face, in the evening (first day)/.—His face seems to him larger or swollen, and the eyes smaller, so that his sight is impeded ; after dinner (first day)/.—* The skin of the face is tense, even around the eyes, as if the white of an egg had dried upon it; after dinner, when walking in the open air (fifth day)/.— Formication in the right side of the face, with stinging pain in the hollow of the ear, and tearing in the right knee/.—[280.] Violent itching in the face/.—Itching, with a violent desire to scratch, in the face and under the chin ; succeeded by small pimples like rash (fourth day)/.—Itching of the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes, and of the chin/.—The cheeks look as red as copper, as in brandy drinkers/.—A painful red spot upon the right cheek/.—Small, red, painless pimples upon the right cheek, which feel rough (twelfth day),4.—Upon the right cheek a pimple, which is painful to the touch like a sore/.—Pimples on the left cheek and forehead (tenth day)/.—One boil after the other on the left cheek/.—Drawing and tearing in the left cheek and gums; in the afternoon (after thirtieth day)/.—[290.] Crawling on the internal surface of the cheeks (after three hours)/.—Itch- ing of the cheeks, with burning after scratching/.—Itching of the left angle of the mouth, and the zygoma; it disappears on being scratched/.— Tearing in the sides of the face, especially in the right side, in the zygoma; upon rubbing the part it passes off: it is sometimes attended with tearing pain in the teeth of this side/.—The vermilion border of the lips is bluish (during and after the fever)/.—Swelling of the lower lip/.—On the inter- nal surface of the lip a bright vesicle as large as a pea (second day)/.— Swelling of the lips with vesicles upon them/.— Chapped (dry) lips,3*'3.— Both his lips appear to him larger and swollen/.—[300.] The lips peel off (fourth day),3.—Crusty eruptions on the lower lip/.—Small pimples on the chin, which pass off again next morning (after eighth and thirteenth day)/.—Sensation around the chin, as if it were covered with cobweb/.— The jaws are firmly set against each other (one hour)/.—Remarkable shortening of the lower jaw; the upper teeth project over the lower for three days,6.—The jaw is so swollen that he cannot open the mouth without pain ; there are stitches going up to the malar bone and the temple/.—Ten- sion and drawing in the jaws and cheeks, with increased secretion of saliva (second day)/.—Painful tension in the articulation of the jaws, when chew- ALUMINA. 213 ing or opening the mouth/.—Itching formication on the right side of the lower jaw/. .Mouth.— [310.] Thick, badly smelling mucus on the teeth (fifth day),3. —Two rotten molar teeth (one above, the other below) catch into each other on opening the mouth/.—Ulceration of the roots of all the teeth/.— In chewing the least she suffers the most violent toothache; the roots of the teeth are then painful, as if they were ulcerated/.—The toothache ex- tends down to the larynx, with irritation of the nerves, as after having caught cold, or having used too much chamomile/.—The teeth are very painful when she chews ; she is afraid of pressing them against one another (after second day)/.—Upon setting the teeth together, a toothache, as if the teeth were loose/.—The hollow teeth are very painful when food gets into them/.—Sense of coldness of the teeth, with great sensitiveness/.— Sensation as if the teeth were too long (first day)/.—[320.] In the evening, boring (tearing, grinding) in the teeth (after one hour)/.—Boring in vari- ous hollow teeth/.—Drawing pain in the teeth of the right side, in the evening; it disappeared after having laid down/.—Gnawing pain in one of the front molar teeth of the lower jaw, with tearing behind the ear, as if the ear would be torn out; worse at nine o'clock in the evening, and then slowly decreasing; sitting up in the bed gives a little relief; after midnight there is only gnawing in the tooth ; the pain remains the same under all circumstances; in daytime it is dull/.—Drawing and tearing pain in the front lower teeth, extending to the zygoma and the temples/.—Draw- ing pain, extending from one tooth as far as the ear, in the side of the head/. —Pressive pain in one of the incisors, both when chewing and not/.—Tear- ing in the molar teeth at different times of the day, sometimes as high up as the temples/.—On biting on a stump it pains, as if violently pushed into the socket/.—Cutting toothache, in the open air and on lying down in the evening in bed (after two and three hours)/.—[330.] Bruised pain in one of the right upper molar teeth ; pressing upon the tooth, which makes it feel loose, relieves the pain (eleventh day)/.—One of the upper molar teeth is painful to the touch/.—At night, when in bed, throbbing of the roots of the teeth, like pulsations/.—Jerking and tearing toothache wakes her up after midnight; it disappears after rising (fifth day)/.—Jerking pain in one of the first molar teeth of the left upper row (first day)/.—Tickling in the teeth and of their roots, immediately after dinner (the fourth and fifth days)/.—Swelling of the gums,1.—On the gums of the left side of the lower row of teeth an ulcer forms, which opens immediately, and discharges blood which tastes saltish/.—Bleeding of the gums (fourth day)/.—Draw- ing pain in the gums, as if they were sore/.—[340.] Tongue coated white, with a good taste/.—Tongue coated yellowish-white, with bitter taste/.— Sense of roughness on the tongue (after three-quarters of an hour)/.— Crawling in the tongue (stinging, and transient) (one hour)/.—Itching in the tip of the tongue; he would like to scratch it to pieces (after fifth and seventh days)/.—*Number of little ulcers in the mouth/.—Thick mucus runs from the posterior nares into the mouth/.—*Musty, bad smell from the mouth/.—The mouth continually feels as if it were burnt (after dinner) (after forty-eight hours)/.—Painfulness of the inner mouth, palate, tongue, gums; they feel so sore that he can scarcely eat/.—[350.] On waking, the mouth is dry and the tongue sticks to the palate/.—Dryness in the mouth, although saliva is not wanting; this causes frequent painful swallowing/.— ♦Increased secretion of saliva and mucus (first and second days)/5.—The secretion of saliva becomes real ptyalism/.—In the morning, spitting of 214 ALUMINA. much saliva and mucus/.—Increased secretion of saliva, with a sense of contraction in the mouth, or with continual crawling upon the surface of the cheeks (after half an hour)/.—A large quantity of saliva accumu- lates in the mouth, when in bed in the evening (third day),'.—Constant collection of sweetish or sourish water in the mouth (fifth and eighth days),3. —Collection of much mucus in the mouth ; on spitting it out it is continu- ally formed, whilst the throat remains dry (first day)/.—Water in the mouth/.—[360.] Sour liquid rises into his mouth/.—Frequent collection of watery saliva in the mouth ; he is obliged to spit it out the whole day, most in the afternoon ; never at night (after ten minutes, and second day),3. —Early in the morning, flat, metallic taste in the mouth (fourth aud fifth days)/.—Sourish, saltish taste (first day)/.—Bitter, insipid taste in the mouth/.—Bitter taste in the mouth (shortly after taking it)/.—Bitter and slimy taste in the mouth, in the morning on rising (five days)/.—Bitter taste in the evening, after having eaten apples/.—Astringent acrid taste upon the tongue, as from eating sloes (one to eight days)/5.—Taste in the mouth of blood, for half an hour (seven days)/.—[370.] Everything tastes flat,6.—Everything she eats seems tasteless, and not salted, especially in the evenings; bread tastes like sponge (first and second days),3.—Meat, espe- cially, does not seem to have any taste/.—Beer tastes bitter and nauseous ; this causes retchings (twelve days)/. Throat.—^Redness, inflammatory, in the back part of the throat (nine days)/.—Inflammation of the throat, terminated by a marked livid border round the buccal cavity, several days (after two days)/.—*Thick viscid mucus flows into the throat from the posterior nares/.—He cannot hawk up the phlegm in his throat, because it is too far down/.—A piece of phlegm gets into his throat, which chokes him until he swallows it (after ten min- utes)/.—* Collection of thick viscid mucus in the throat, especially in the even- ing, and morning on waking, which increases the soreness of the throat; it induces frequent clearing of the throat, and can only be expectorated in little lumps, with great effort (first day)/.—[380.] Clearing the throat of saltish phlegm, after dinner (two days)/.—*In the evening, dryness of the throat, which induces frequent clearing of the throat (three days)/. —Dryness of the throat and mouth (shortly after taking it)/.—* Dryness and scraping of the throat (one day)/.—Great dryness of the throat, mouth, and lips, as if the parts were parched, attended with torturing thirst/.—Sour- ish taste in the throat, then bitter eructatious, shortly after having eaten his milk soup in the evening (four days)/.—Sourish taste appearing sud- denly in his throat, without eructatious, in the forenoon (four days)/.— Sweet taste in the throat, with vertigo, followed by expectoration of mucus mixed with blood, early in the morning (twenty-eighth day)/.—On waking in the morning, his throat is rough and his chest oppressed; he cannot raise anything from his throat, and is obliged to sneeze a good deal (after twelve hours)/.—*In the evening (and at night), roughness of the throat, which causes hawking, with secretion of mucus, several days in succession,35.— [390.] Rancid and rough in the throat; this obliges him to clear the throat (four days)/.—Hoarseness and rancidity of the throat, the whole afternoon (after five days)/.—Sense of burning in the throat, in the evening (three days)/.—Burning in the throat, like heartburn, with a sense of roughness (five days),3.—In both sides of the neck, sensation as of an external swell- ing, with stinging pains/.—Sensation in the throat as if it were narrowed, and the air cut off, as in a violent sore throat after a cold, or in an inflam- mation of the throat; this always lasts only a few minutes (first seven days)/. ALUMINA. 215 —Constrictive (pressive) pain in the throat and pharynx, with much mucus in the mouth, in the evening (one, two days)/.—*Scraping high up in the throat,1.—Drawing and tensive pain in the right side of the throat, especially on moving the tongue (nine days)/.—At nights, spasmodically drawing pain in one side of the throat and in the ear, disturbing the sleep, and increased by deglutition (nine days)/.—[4:00.']*Pressure in the throat as from a lump, with soreness, rough voice, and dryness of the throat,1.—Pressive and tensive pain in the inner right side of the throat, as far as the ear (one day)/.—Sense of scraping in the throat, as if he had swallowed pepper (after three hours)/. —Constant griping scraping in the throat (five days),3.—After eructation, scraping in the throat, which obliges clearing the throat (two days),3.— *Raumess and roughness of the throat, which induce coughing, in the even- ing (four days)/5.—Sore throat in swallowing*.—Burning soreness in the throat during and after deglutition, in the morning, for several days in succession (four days)/.—*After clearing the throat, which she finds very dif- ficult, it feels very sore?.—Aching sore throat during empty deglutition, in the evening, for several, days in succession (caused by a swelling in the throat) (four days)/.—[410.] Sore throat, pressure in the throat, even when not swallowing, with internal heat in both hands (after two hours)/.— * Transient stitches in the throat, shooting here and there, on swallowing, and something pointed sometimes seems to stick in the throat in the evening (two, four days)/.—Stinging in the throat, on empty deglutition,23.— "Violent tickling in the throat, exciting frequent cough (four days)/.—Pressive pain in the left tonsil, during and after swallowing (one day)/.—In the morning, dtsJl stitches in the right tonsil (four days)/.—Swollen tonsils (six days)/. —*'Sense as of constriction from the cesophagus down to the stomach, every time he sivallows a morsel of food,1.—Contraction of the oesophagus, and want of action, in the morning, on waking/.—* Violent pressive pain, as if a portion of the ozsophagus were contracted or compressed, in the middle of the chest, especially during deglutition, but also when not swallowing, with oppres- sion of the chest alternating with palpitation of the heart, especially after a meal (eight, nine days)/.—[420.] Impeded deglutition at night, as from a spasmodic constriction of the throat (one day)/.—Spasmodically pressive pain in the middle of the chest, on swallowing food and drink/. Stomach.—He is always hungry ; could always be eating/.—Very hungry/.—Rabid hunger; he is panting for his dinner, and can scarcely await it/.—She is hungry, but she eats nothing with relish/.—She has no aversion to food, but no desire to eat; on looking at the food she is already satisfied; she could go a whole day without eating (for many days)/.— Strong appetite for vegetables, fruit, and soft food/.—*No desire to eat, no appetite, no hunger; food does not taste badly, but it does not taste at all; everything tastes like straw or shavings/.—He has no appetite, and eats with reluctance/.—[430.] Little hunger and no appetite for many days, even when he eats nothing at dinner (one to fifteen days)/.—Diminished appetite, with fulness of the abdomen/.—* Aversion to meat,1.—Aversion to meat, even unto vomiting, for three days (after six days)/.—Very thirsty the whole day, also at dinner/.—Aversion to the usual smoking/.—Smok- ing does not relish, and intoxicates him, for four days/.—Smoking does not agree with him/.—Frequent empty eructations (after two hours)/.—Empty eructations after supper (two days)/.—[440.] Frequent eructations tasting of milk-soup which he had taken, from supper until he lay down/.—Eruc- tations, with pressive pain in the chest, while eating (after three-quarters of an hour)/.-—Bitter eructations after eating potatoes; he feels a loathing 216 ALUMINA. which makes him shiver; in the evening (five days)/.—Rancid eructations, leaving a burning in the throat for a long while (one day)/.—Rancid eruc- tations, especially after dinner (ten to thirteen days)/.—Rancid eructations after breakfast soup/.—Acrid eructations/.—Sour eructations, in the even- ing, when in bed/.—*Sour eructations, with burning in the throat, like heartburn (one day)/.—In the forenodn, acidity rises into his mouth; it continues for a long time, and is attended with a sensation of heat in the mouth/.—[450.] Waterbrash/.—Gulping up of sour mucus ; afterwards, burning in the throat, like heartburn, coming on frequently, especially after the soup for breakfast/.—Sweetish risings from the stomach ; the phlegm which he throws up tastes sweetish, continues a long time, early in the morning (three days)/.—Hiccough after eating, at noon and in the evening/.—Hiccough after dinner, also after eructations from the break- fast soup (one to two days)/.—When standing, she becomes nauseated/.— Nausea, even to fainting; her breathing is arrested on account of it at night/.—Nausea as soon as 4 o'clock in the morning/.—Frequent nausea, as if he would vomit; his appetite is, nevertheless, tolerably good/.—Incli- nation to vomit in the morning/.—[460.] In the morning, retching in the throat, as if one would vomit/.—Inclination to vomit after eructation of air, with chilliness of the body, which rises from the feet into the abdomen/. —.Nausea, with an inclination to vomit, and retching; this caused her to put her finger into the throat, after which she vomited phlegm and water, but the breakfast, which she had eaten two hours before, remained (four- teen days)/.—After supper, nausea, loathing, and weariness, for several even- ings/.—Loathing and qualmishness in the cesophagus (one hour)/.—Qualm- ishness at the stomach, with faint-like nausea and vertigo; the room turns round with her; after this, her head remains confused (ten days)/.—Fre- quent nausea, especially during the chills/.—Nausea, with rising of air/.— Nausea and chilliness the whole day/.—Attack of nausea, with headache, paleness of the face, want of appetite, several evacuations of the bowels, loathing, subsequent inclination to vomit, creeping chilliness; after a walk he is obliged to lie down (eleven days)/.—[470.] Early in the morning, faint-like nausea; after breakfast, relieved (nine days)/.—On waking in the morning, nausea, qualmishness, and lassitude, with stickings over the eyes, and pain in the kidneys during motion (nine days)/.—She wakes in the morning with nausea and qualmishness at the stomach, and physical depression, as if sleep had not recruited her, accompanied by a quick fever- ish pulse, with internal heat (three days)/.—Violent nausea and tremor after supper/.—Disagreeable sensation of hunger and emptiness in the stom- ach, without, however, much appetite/.—Violent pain in the stomach, with sensitiveness to external pressure in the region of the stomach in the evening (six days)/.—Pain at the stomach; it feels full or bloated ; painful to external touch ; empty eructations and fermentations, or loud rumbling and rollings in the abdomen, as of something working therein, after dinner (one to five days)/.—After having eaten potatoes, the stomach aches ; sick feeling, nau- sea, and then colic/.—Sensation of coldness in the stomach, as if she had been drinking cold water, in the evening; also in the forenoon, after an eructation, and while some eructations are continually taking place ; in the afternoon, it passes off (two to five days;/.—Heartburn after drinking wa- ter/.—[480.] Heartburn after supper/.—Heartburn, with profuse discharge of water from the mouth/.—Sensation of pinching at the stomach, in the afternoon (one day)/.—Drawing pain at the stomach/.—After dinner, drawing in the stomach; this caused a sensation of tension in the whole ALUMINA. 217 body, which made her so tired that she was obliged to lie down/.—Gnawing in the region of the stomach, awhile after dinner (two to three days)/.— Pressure aud constriction in the region of the stomach (thirty-one days)/. —Pressure and soreness transversely across the stomach and upper abdo- men, in the afternoon/.—Disagreeable pressure in the region of the stomach before the evacuation had taken place (nine days)/.—Oppression at the stomach upon eating, although she eats with relish/.—[490.] Oppression at the stomach, extending up to the throat, after having eaten potatoes; eruc- tation relieves, in the morning (eight days)/.—Oppression in the stomach, towards noon or evening/ 3.—Griping in the pit of the stomach, in the even- ing, when in bed/.—Drawing pain from the pit of the stomach, up into the pharynx, with difficult breathing/.—Violent pressure at the pit of the stom- ach, and from thence great oppression of the chest; she was obliged to stand still every moment, and was unable to walk further/.—Sensation of pressure and constriction at the pit of the stomach, extending into the chest and be- tween the sea pulse (thirteen days),2.—Pressure and crawling at the pit, as from a worm (after two hours)/.—Twisting and constriction in the region of the stomach, extending into the chest and throat, attended with difficult breathing/3.—Sensation of cutting in the region of the stomach; it is pain- ful to the touch, in the afternoon (two days)/.—Stitches in the pit of the stomach aud of the chest/.—[500.] After dinner, stitches in the stomach and chest, coming out at the shoulder, with short breathing and great anguish; for several hours in the evening (after twelve days)/.—After an evacua- tion, aud during the period of digestion, he experiences a sense of scraping in the stomach and the mouth/.—Ulcerative soreness at the pit of the stomach, earlv in the morning, on turning in the bed/.—Tearing sore paiu from the pit of stomach down into the abdomen, as if everything would be torn out/. Abdomen.—When stooping, the liver is always sensitive and pain- ful/.—Tearings in the liver/.—Tearing, extending from the right hypo- chondriac region into the hip, in the forenoon (first day)/.—Upon rising from a stooping position, violent stitches in the right side of the abdomen, as if in the liver, with arrest of breathing (eleventh day)/.—Stitches in the right hypochondriac region when standing; they disappear when sit- ting/.—In the evening, continually painful stitches uuder the left lower ribs, extending as far as the pit of the stomach (fifth day)/.—[510.] Dull stitches occurring alternately under the left lower ribs, and in the right side of the abdomen (fourth day)/.—Stitches in both hypochondriac re- gions/.—Sensation as if both hypochondriac regions were forcibly pressed or screwed towards each other, in the forenoon (first day)/.—Long-con- tinued burning, and stitches in the right hypochondriac region, as if it were deeply cut into by a band, in the afternoon (first day)/.—Frequently an instantaneous drawing pain under the right ribs, when sitting or walk- ing/.—In the evening, pinching around the navel (first day)/.—During the usual breakfast, there is pinching below the navel, with fulness and distension of the abdomen (first day)/.—Worrying around the navel, as after a cold, in the afternoon (second day)/.—Pressure in the umbilical region with stitches, in the afternoon, when standing/.—Both sides of the upper abdomen seems to press towards each other; the place is externally painful to the touch (after two hours)/.—[520.] Painful distension of the abdomen at night, which prevents her sleeping ; with retention of stool (eleventh day)/.—Great distension of the abdomen, with empty eructation and two soft evacuations, without relief (eighteenth day)/.—After dinner, much distension, with tenesmus; this was afterwards succeeded by the 218 ALUMINA. passage of two hard balls of faeces; afterwards she went to walk, during which the distension of the abdomen continued in spite of the copious emis- sions of flatulence ; no relief was obtained till a copious evacuation occurred after her walk (ninth day)/.—The abdomen is distended and very hard, without any sensation of pain/.—Fuluess of the abdomen, with orgasm extending towards the chest, after dinner, for several days (after third day)/.—Distension and rumbling without passage of flatus/.—During the menses, bloated abdomen, and too large flow of blood/.—Grumbling in the abdomen, with anxious restlessness, without any flatulency passing off; the small stool does not relieve (first day)/.—Much rumbling flatus in the abdomen; however, it passes off freely, with a feeling of weakness of the sphincter ani/.—Much audible rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen/. —[530.] Loud grumbling in the abdomen, also after eating/.—Rumbling in the abdomen, succeeded by eructations/.—Frequent desire to emit flatu- lence/.—Emission of flatulence, which relieves the sense of fulness of the stomach, in the evening (fifth day)/.—Loud emission of flatulence/.—Much badly smelling flatus, which passes off quietly in the night, and after din- ner (one to seven days)/.—Moving to and fro, and painless clutching in the abdomen (after half an hour)/.—Early, before breakfast, spasmodic pain from the bladder to the chest, disappears after breakfast/.—Sensation of distension, as if the abdomen became more and more full, after supper (fifth day)/.—Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, in the afternoon/.— [540.] Sudden sensation of burning in the abdomen, in the afternoon/.— Sudden pinching in the abdomen here and there; it then passes to the small of the back, where it produces a gnawing pain for a long time, in the afternoon (sixteenth day)/.—Pinching in the abdomen, with heat in the stomach (after one hour)/.—Pinching in the abdomen, in the evening, when in bed; it terminates in a flow of saliva in the mouth (second and third day)/.—On waking, pinching in the abdomen, and tenesmus; she was scarcely able to reach the privy, where she had to lean against the wall in a fainting fit; she had no stool, but the pain in the abdomen ceased after much tenesmus (twelfth day),4.—In the afternoon and night, pinch- ing pain and tearing stitches in the left side of the abdomen, extending to the hypochondriac region and the sternum (seventh day)/.—Towards evening, colic-like pinching and tearing in the abdomen, with chilliness in the body; relieved by application of warm cloths/.—During the menses, pinching in the abdomen, and greater lassitude than usual/.—Flatulent colic,1.—After dinner, violent attacks of colic, the whole afternoon ; short sleep relieves; as soon as he moves, it seems as if they would return, with violent tenesmus and occasional expulsion of faeces; this lasts until evening; the anus feels sore, with stinging, so that he cannot sit down without pain ; on the following day, liquid mucus frequently passes off by the rectum, in- voluntarily (after fourteen days)/.—[550.] Pinching in the abdomen, after every meal, at noon, and in the evening (after twenty-nine days)/.—Violent pinching in the abdomen after every cold she takes, or as soou as she goes into the cold air/.—Pinching and writhing in the abdomen (after one hour)/.—At midnight, is roused from sleep by violent pinching and rum- bling in the abdomen; this ceases towards morniug (after twelve days.),3.— Drawing pain in the abdomen/.—Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen/.— His abdomen seems to hang down heavily, for two hours, in the afternoon, . in walking/.—Continual pressure and burning iu the abdomen/.—Pressive and sticking pain in the abdomen, after eating (fifth day),2.—Stitches moving about in the abdomen and the hypochondria, as if something would ALUMINA. 219 press out (seventh day)/.—[560.] Tearing in the os innominatum/.—Sense as of tearing in the abdomen, mornings after rising/.—A few days before the appearance of the menses, she has cutting pains in the abdomen during an evacuation, as if she were to have diarrhoea; with pinching, writhing, and pressing, like labor-pains/.—Pain in both sides of the abdomen, as if something would tear on physical exertion ; it extends to the thighs/.— Tension of the abdominal muscles, from reaching high/.—Sharp cutting and burning in the hypogastric region, the whole forenoon, till evening/.— Pulsative pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the neighborhood of the abdominal ring, when sitting (fourth day)/.—Violent pain in the left side of the abdomen, as if an ulcer were forming, with nausea (thirty-fourth day)/.—Shootings, causing fright, in the left side of the abdomen (second day)/.—Shortly after eating, acute pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen/.—[570.] Pain in the abdomen, as after a copious evacuation, which leaves a desire for stool behind (after ten days)/.—Pain in the upper abdomen, as if threatened with diarrhoea, succeeded by soft stools, without any diminution of the pain (eleventh day)/.—Colic, followed by diarrhcea, this was succeeded by a violent pain in the abdomen, at the place where, when a girl, she had an internal ulcer, which opened; the pain was like that felt after a violent blow; she had to rub the place and lay the hand upon it, whilst the body was bent; this relieved the pain somewhat, but it lasted uniformly the whole day, either sitting or standing (seventeenth day)/.—Frequently cutting in the abdomen, without distension or stool (second day)/.—Upon sitting bent, acute cutting pains transversely across the abdomen (after five hours)/.—Violent cutting and rumbling in the whole abdomen; the pain rises up to the stomach, like a violent twisting ; succeeded by an intensely pressive pain in the chest, which arrests the breathing, from four in the afternoon till eleven at night/.—Inguinal hernia protrudes with violence (after half an hour)/.—Hernia did not protrude in the first days; then it protruded every day until the twelfth day; on the thirtieth day, hernia threatened to become strangulated ; then it protruded every day until the fiftieth day, although the protrusion diminished from day to day, and finally ceased for several months/.—Hernia protruded a good deal towards evening; became constricted in the lumbar region with the most violent pain, which obliged her to beud her body, and did not allow her to walk; the hernia could not be reduced ; half an hour after- wards, when sitting quietly, reduction took place of its own accord (thirty days)/.—[580.] Pinching and stitches in the groins and the lumbar regions (on ascending the stairs)/.—In the abdominal muscles, over the left groin, a drawing pain for a quarter of an hour, when she is dancing or walking fast/.—^Pressing in both groins towards the sexual organs, in the evening (third day)/.—Sensation in the right ilium as of both sides being pressed together with a vise (first day)/—*Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there, with tension as far as the side of the abdomen, at the same time a tumor may be felt at the painful spot, which feels like a strangulated hernia/.—Stitches in the right iliac region/. Stool and Anas.—Protrusion of a varix of the rectum ; it enlarges by walking, and decreases during a night's rest/.—Varices of the rectum always enlarge in the evening; they become moist, and burn/.—The rectum is inactive, as if it were deficient in peristaltic motion, and had not strength enough to press the contents out; the stools are soft and thin, and can only be pressed out by straining the abdominal muscles (after sixteen hours)/.— *The rectum seems paralyzed (second day)/.—[590.] The varices become 220 ALUMINA. moist, and sting/.—When walking, dark-colored blood passes out of her rectum/.—Tenesmus of the rectum and the bladder, passing off after an evacuation/.—Tenesmus (third day)/.—Tenesmus (first day)/.—Tenesmus, lasting a long while, succeeding a troublesome pressure in the lower abdomen ; the evacuation comes on slowly, and can only be passed by straining the ab- dominal muscles ; the whole of the intestines appear to be inactive for want of peristaltic motion; stools are not hard (after second day)/.—Tenesmus preceding an evacuation/.—Bearing down during an evacuation ; the stools are very firm, knotty, and scanty, preceded by tenesmus (second day)/.— *Itehing, burning of the anus,1.—During an evacuation it seemed as if the rectum were dried up and constricted; however, the stool was regular/.— [600.] Pricking, as with pins, in the anus, after a difficult evacuation/.— Crawling in rectum, as from worms/.—Itching, burning, and stinging of the rectum/.—* Sensation of excoriation in the anus, after an evacuation at- tended with contraction of the rectum and constriction of the anus,1.—Pressure in the anus (third day)/.—Itching in the anus for a long while (after thir- tieth day)/.—Itching of the anus, as if it would pulsate/.—Severe itching in the fold between the nates and the anus; scratching aggravates it (first and second days)/.—Sweat of the perineum, with an intolerable itching, which increases, and becomes painful after rubbing/.—-Sensation as if the perineum, between the scrotum and anus, were inflamed/.—[610.] Momen- tary pressure in the perineum on blowing the nose/.—Painful pressure in the perineum, which passes off quickly/;—Violent pressure in the perineum, at the commencement of coition and during erections/.—Pressure in the perineum during coition/.—Soreness of the perineum during clap (after four weeks)/.—Colic preceding an evacuation, which is sometimes solid, sometimes soft, but always scanty/.—After an evacuation, much ineffectual desire for stool in the upper abdomen, and in the sides of the abdomen, without tenesmus/.—Attacks of slight diarrhoeic stools, with colic, lasting for two and three days/.—Diarrhcea succeeding colic/.—Diarrhoea succeed- ing a retention of stool, which had lasted six days; six evacuations a day, preceded by colic, which sometimes continued even after the evacuation/. —[620.] Twice a diarrhcea in the evening ; the stools at last become lumpy (second day)/.—Diarrhoea, with tenesmus in rectum,*.—For some time she had three or four ordinary evacuations a day without any trouble/.—The evacuation which generally took place in the evening, took place in the morning/.—Liquid stools, preceded by pain in the abdomen, or attended with colic (third and fifth day)/.—Stools soft, almost liquid, with burning in the anus, also an evacuation in the evening, preceded by tenesmus; an- other in the night (second aud fifth days)/.—The first portion of her stools is liquid, and is expelled with a jerk ; the last portion appears burned (fifth day)/.—Stools covered all over with a whitish mucus, firm, preceded by oppression in the region of the stomach, which ceased immediately after the evacuation (after thirtieth day)/.—Bright-colored stools/.—Bloody mucus passes during aud between the evacuations and without it/.—[630.] * Dropping of blood during an evacuation,1.—*This is succeeded by a stream of blood, followed by soreness in the anus, and along the rectum (after seven- teenth day)/.—* Blood passes during a firm evacuation (ninth and thirtieth days)/.—Retention of stool (eighth and eleventh days)/.—Stool only once every two days, solid, sometimes mixed with blood/.—No stool during the first days/.—'■'Stools too scanty2.—*Evacuation of a small quantity of hard faeces, with pressure and a sensation of excoriation in the rectum/.— Hard and difficult stools, with pain in the anus/.—*Difficult evacuations, ALUMINA. 221 the stools being hard and of the shape of laurel berries, with cutting pain in the anus, as if it were too narrow/.—[640.] *Firm, hard, scanty stools, with pressure and pain in the anus, and difficult evacuation (the first day)/. Urinary Organs.—* Feeling of weakness in the bladder and genital organs; he fears that he will wet the bed (in the evening)/.—Violent tenes- mus of the bladder/6.—Pressure aud drawing in the region of the bladder, especially at the neck of the bladder (fourth and fifth days)/.—(Clap for more than six weeks (after fourteenth day), with a violent and painful swelling of the inguinal glands of the right side, cutting pain during mic- turition, and pain in the perineum, especially violent at the end of the second week; the pain in the perineum is especially violent when standing, rising, or sitting down)/.—Sensation of heat in the urethra, which passes off by lying still/.—(Feeling of dryness in the anterior portion of the urethra, as if the skin there were without sensibility, especially in the morning)/.—Tearings and shootings in the urethra when walking in the open air, ascending towards the hypogastrium/.—Agreeable and voluptu- ous itching in the urethra and between the testicles/.—Itching, burning in the urethra/.—[650.] Early in the morning, on waking, while in bed, a drawing and biting sensation in the urethra/.—Cutting in the anterior part of the urethra during micturition, and even awhile afterwards, as if the urine passed over an inflamed place (after eighteenth day)/.—After urinat- ing the urethra became hot, then burning, and he had tenesmus of both rectum and bladder/.—Urging and pressure to urinate, without increased quantity of urine/.—Urging to urinate early iu the morning, on waking, with difficult and tardy emission of the urine in a thin stream, from the female urethra (seventh day)/.—(When he wishes to urinate he has a sort of fright)/.—When urinating, burning like fire; much worse in the even- ing (first day)/4.—He is frequently obliged to rise during the night to urinate (first and fourth days)/.—(After sitting a long time he feels no in- convenience in urinating, but as soon as he moves about he feels a burn- ing),4.—(Urinating is followed by burning, which makes him low-spirited and desponding)/.—[660.] During her menses she was obliged to urinate frequently day and night, which corroded the genital organs (sixth day)/. —Frequent emission of urine in small quantity in the evening (first day)/. —Increased secretion of urine for several days/5.—Involuntary emissions of urine, occasioned by bearing down in order to evacuate the bowels, which can only be effected with great difficulty (second day)/.—(Involuntary emission of urine, at least twenty times a day; very little urine passes off at a time); (with a clap) (after four weeks)/.—Seldom, but copious emis- sion of urine (sixth day)/.—Increased secretion of pale, hot urine, with burning/5.—Emission of much straw-yellow, clear urine (fourth and fifth days),35.—Large quantity of water-colored urine/.—Frequent and copious emission of pale urine (preceded by burning in the urethra)/.—[670.] (Twisted stream of urine)/.—Decrease of urine (in the morning), with cut- ting in the anterior part of the urethra (fourth, fifth, and sixth days)/.— For a whole day there is no evacuation, either of urine or faeces/.—No emission of urine in the forenoon, but, in the afternoon, frequent emissions of an increased quantity of a reddish urine, which becomes turbid during the night, and deposits a sediment (first day)/.—She passes but little urine, which deposits a sediment of red sand/.—The deep yellow urine soon de- posits a large and loose cloud (first and fifth days)/.—When standing, the urine deposits a thick white sediment/.—Pale uriue, with a turbid sedi- ment/.—White, turbid urine, as if chalk had been stirred with it/. 222 ALUMINA. Sexnal Organs.—Numerous erections in the evening, and during the night when lying in bed, and in the afternoon when sitting (first to third day)/.—[680.] (When waking, during the night, almost constantly painful erections; they are not perfect, but cause a sensation as if the organ were ulcerated internally, with short, fine, piercing stitches in the whole organ, resembling shootings) (after four weeks)/.—(Priapisms during the night)/.—On moving his hand along the penis, has a drawing pain, which extends as far as the glans; with weak appetite/.—Soreness on the inner surface of the prepuce/—Secretion of much smegma behind the glans/.—Sensation as if the glans were compressed (for two minutes)/.— Drawing from the glans through the urethra (after five days)/.—Formation upon the glans/.—Itching of the glans (fourth day)/.—Itching of the scrotum ; removed by scratching (second day)/.—[690.] Contractive pain in the right spermatic cord; the testicle of the right side is drawn up at the same time, and is also very sore and painful (second day)/.—The left testicle is hard, and indescribably painful to the touch/.—At first, the sexual instinct appears to be lessened, and the erections appear to be in- creased ; whereas, in the reaction of the organism, the desire for an embrace increases, although erection is wanting/.—Indifference to sexual inter- course/.—Want of sexual instinct (immediately, for several days)/.— During the first weeks, the sexual instinct is more intense, in the following weeks decreasing, and more moderate/.—Frequent and violent erections and emissions (after three and thirty-three days)/5.—Emissions, two nights in succession (after fifteen days)/.—Emission during the afternoon nap/.— Almost every other night an emission, with voluptuous dreams/.—[700.] Emissions, the first four nights, with voluptuous dreams/.—During coition the semen passes thick and lumpy like jelly/.—Pressure in the sexual organs/.—Tickling of the sexual organs and the thighs/.—Jerking stitches on the left side of the pudendum, extending into the chest/.—Itching in the pudenda, during the leucorrhcea/.—Pain, like the tick of a watch, on the left side-of the vagina, with throbbing as in formation of pus in an ulcer, which continues for two days, unchanged under all conditions; however, nothing could be either seen or felt (thirty-sixth day)/.—Leucorrhcea/.— (The leucorrhcea with which she was affected, ceased)/.—Leucorrhcea suc- ceeding the menses, painless, lasting three days (after twenty-seventh day)/. [710.] Frequently acrid leucorrlwea,1.—* Acrid leucorrhcea, with burning in the genital organs, and still more in the rectum; these parts seemed inflamed and corroded, so that she found walking difficult; washing with cold water re- lieved; the leucorrhcea was abundant, and flowed almost over her feet; at the same time blood, resembling meat washings, passed for two days; three days after the menses (twenty-second day),4.—Leucorrhcea, looking like meat washings, in the afternoon, when walking in the open air (and when sitting), also at night/.—*Profuse leucorrhcea of transparent mucus, only in daytime, without sensation or pain in the abdomen/.—*Leucorrhcea, quite clear, like water or transparent mucus; it made the linen stiff (after eight days)/.—*Leucorrhcea of yellow mucus (after some days)/.—Six days before the appearance of the menses, she has a copious flow of mucus from the vagina, accompanied by tremor, lassitude, and a sensation as if everything would fall out of her abdomen/.—The menses appear four days too soon, preceded by violent headache, which ceased on the appearance of the menses; after they had flowed for one day, the headache came on again, and continued during the whole period, for five days; the menses were less copious than usual (after twenty-two days)/.—The period came ALUMINA. 223 on five days too early; a copious flow on the second day; lasted eight davs, as usual; preceded by pains in the abdomen ; diarrhoea on the sixth day/.—Menses appear too soon (by three to eleven days), short and scanty/.—[720.] The menses, which had gradually stopped, appear again (after seventeen days)/.—The period had already delayed ten days (after fifty-two days); during a walk and a desire for urinating, a little dark- colored lymph passed ; the menses did not appear till the third month (in a woman of forty-eight years)/.—Appearance of scanty menses (after ninth day) ; four weeks later (after thirty-seven days), they flow copiously/.— The menses are scanty, and last only three days/.—Menses scanty and pale (after three days)/.—The menses appear on the sixth day, without any disagreeable symptoms; two days later, a cold comes on with pain in the nose, the head, and the forehead, increased on blowing the nose; in the later days, diarrhoea and colic intervene besides/. Hesnirutory Apparatas.— Phlegm in the air-passages, always adherent; it necessitates clearing the throat, whereby only a small portion becomes detached/.—Whistling in the air-passages, and smothering in the chest, on breathing/.—*Irritation in the larynx induces cough/.—Irrita- tion to cough, with frequent spitting of saliva/.—[730.] She takes cold easily, in the room ; she gets hoarse, this decreases by walking in the open air/.—Hoarseness in the morning (sixteenth day)/.—She is frequently attacked with sudden hoarseness, which caused a loss of voice, and could not be relieved by clearing the throat; mostly in the afternoon and even- ing/.—Cough, Avith painful pressure in the occiput/.—Cough, with scraping in the throat/.—Short fits of cough, with tearing, shooting pain in the right temple and the vertex/.—Cough, which makes the chest feel sore, in the forenoon, (third day)/.—Frequent short, dry cough, in the forenoon and evening/5.—* Dry cough cd night, with dryness of the throat (after twenty- four hours)/.—Violent, short, dry persistent cough, with sneezing; and tearing, shooting, aud pinching pain, extending from the nape of the neck as far as the right shoulder/.—[740.] Dry cough, coming suddenly in the morning, and passing off quickly, or when walking in the open air, and then also continuing in the room (first and sixth day)/.—*Continual dry, hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing, and sticking pain extending from the left side of the abdomen to the hypochondrium and the pit of the stomach/.—Violent dry cough, during the day, every attack lasts a long time; only after two days, the cough becomes less frequent and looser/.—Violent and dry cough in the morning after rising; later, some expectoration follows (fourth and sixth days)/.—*Cough, with much ex- pectoration, especially in the morning/.—(Cough, with expectoration; the throat becomes rough and hoarse, with fluent coryza )/.—Cough, with secre- tion of loose mucus (curative effect)/.—Sudden violent, but short cough ; by making an effort, he expectorates a piece of phlegm, mixed with blood, in the afternoon (fifth day)/.—The morning cough and expectoration ceased (curative effects), (fifth day)/.—Difficult breathing, in the forenoon/. Chest.—[750.] Blister on the right half of the chest and on the throat, with burning pain; with glowing heat in the face, and chills in the rest of the body; sleeps soundly and without dreams/.—Rattling in the chest, caused by mucus (fifth day)/.—Feeling of dryness in both sides of the chest (fifteenth day)/.—Continual warmth in the middle of the chest (after five minutes)/.—Heat in the forepart of the chest; she feels the heat when breathing/.—Pinching pain in the upper part of the chest, iu the evening when sitting (first day)/.—At night he is roused from sleep by a cramp, 224 ALUMINA. and oppression of the chest (having walked a good deal the day before)/. —Pressure on the chest, with shortness of breath, at night, when lying upon the back; passing off when lying upon the side (second day)/.—His chest feels oppressed/.—Oppression at the chest (first day)/.—[760.] Oppression of the chest/.—Oppression, orgasm, and pulsation in the chest (after two hours)/.— Oppressive pain in the chest, the chest feels tight/.—Oppression on the chest/.—Oppression at the chest, when stooping while writing/.— At night, violent oppressive pain in the chest, which disturbs the otherwise quiet sleep, and is not increased by breathing, but by bending the head forward, several days (after five days)/.—Oppressive pain in the middle of the chest, alternating with a constriction and violent palpitation of the heart, especially after a meal (eighth and ninth days)/.—Weight on the chest, with shortness of breath, without cough, only in the afternoon (eighteenth day)/.—When walking fast, sensation as of cutting and pres- sure in the chest, relieved by sitting (a fortnight) (after twenty days)/.— Painful sensation, as if the chest became wide (first and ninth days)/.— [770.] The chest feels contracted, with apprehension (eleventh day)/.—Sen- sation of constriction around the chest when stoopiug, while the person is sitting; it passes off on becoming erect, in the afternoon (first day)/.— When stooping during some work, her chest felt constricted, so that she was scarcely able to breathe, as if she had been laced too tightly; this passed, off when walking in the open air (ninth day)/.—Boring pain, some- times in the middle, sometimes in the sides of the chest, aggravated by breathing, sometimes in the evening; relieved by becoming erect and walk- ing/.—External pressure at the lower part of the chest (diminished some- what by friction)/.—Pressure here and there in the chest/.—Pressure in the chest, followed by empty eructations, without relief; the pressure some- times reaches as far as the back, and is increased by walking, in the fore- noon (first and twentieth days)/.—Pressure on the chest, with shortness of breath and irritation to cough, which often goes and comes,3.—Pressure on the chest during an already existing cough, and after it; during which a paralytic pain extends through the arm, so that the arm becomes weary and powerless (after half an hour)/.—Pain in the chest, as if it were cut or sore, after dinner, until ten o'clock in the evening; relieved after lying down; next morning the pain returns, during the morning cough, with a feeling of weakness in the chest, and accompanied by empty eructations and short breath (seventh day)/.—[780.] Sharp stitches in the upper part of the chest (third day)/.—Stitches in the chest, here and there, sometimes worse by breathing, sometimes burning/.—*When stooping, a stitch from the left side of the abdomen, to the middle of the chest; it comes with every in- spiration ; afterwards, also when standing erect/.—Tearing stitches, like lightning, from the right loin to the left side of the chest, through the pit of the stomach, when inspiring/.—Soreness in the chest and in the pit of the stomach, accompanied by fatiguing cough, lachrymation, and tenacious expectoration/.—Feeling of soreness in the interior of the chest, when moving or turning the body/.—Formication on the left clavicle (and over the right half of the chest, with biting itching) ; the spot burns on being scratched, and burning vesicles appear (sixteenth day)/.—Burning iu the whole right side of the chest, with twinges and sticking in a false rib of the right side, in the afternoon (first day)/.—Disagreeable feeling of constric- tion below the right side of the chest, on a small spot (after two hours)/.— Sensation of hard pressure during active exercise, high up on both sides of the chest; less when sitting, completely disappearing on lying down; touch- ALUMINA. 225 ing the parts does not affect it/.—[790.] Stitches high up in both sides of the chest, during active exercise ; when sitting or walking there are none, but only pressure with arrest of breathing/.—Fine stitches in the left mamma, at nine o'clock in the morning (second day),3-.—During a violent effort, lifting, carrying, etc., pain in the chest on the left side of the sternum, with soreness of the place on being touched (after ten days)/.—Sensation * of oppressive dryness under the sternum/.—Chilliness in the interior of the sternum/.—Pressure on the sternum, worse in the evening, when walking/. —Stitches under the sternum, increased by talking; at the same time feel- ing of compression of the chest, as if she were tightly laced (thirty-fifth day)/.—At the lower part of the sternum, pain as from excoriation, which extends to the stomach, afterwards hoarseness/.—Itching upon the sternum, which goes off by scratching (fifteenth day)/. Heart and Pulse.—Palpitation of the heart, daily on waking/.— [800.] * Frequent palpitation of the heart; a few irregular beats, large and small ones being intermixed/.—Towards 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, waked by anxiety about the heart, as if sweat would break out, which, how- ever, is not the case; after rising, the anxiety immediately disappears/. Neck and Back.—The nape of the neck is painful on moving the head/.—Stitches in the nape of the neck/.—Stitches in the nape of the neck and on the right side of the neck, where they disappear only after long friction/.—Itching in the nape of the neck and of the throat (after eigh- teen days)/4.—Vesicles on the right side of the neck (eight days)/.— Swelling of the glands of the left side of the neck/.—Early in the morn- ing, stiffness of the neck and upper part of the back, with drawing pains, passing off by motion (four days)/.—Stiffness of the muscles of the neck, so that she cannot turn her head to the left side/.—[810.] Violent tension in the back of the neck, one hour in the afternoon (one day)/.— Painful drawing in the muscles of the neck, not altered by friction or mo- tion of the head, in the forenoon (one day)/.—Drawing and pressure in the glands of the left side of the neck/.—Stitches in the neck, on the left side, externally, relieved by pressure, with tearing in the head and stitches in the ears (after twelve days)/.—Stitches in the glands of the right side of the neck, and drawing pressure in those of the left side (after half an hour to an hour)/.—Violent itching of the neck and on the chest, as if she were bitten by fleas (after ten days)/.—Violent itching of the neck, nape of the neck, and of the chest, without any visible eruption ; on touching the skin, a hard pimple is felt here and there under the skin (fourteen days)/.—Painful stiffness between the scapula?, afterwards extending towards the ribs and kid- neys/.—Burning in the superior angle of the left scapula, relieved somewhat by friction/.—Painful tension between the scapulae, in the forenoou (two days),3.—[820,] Gnawing stitches in the scapulae (second day)/.—Stitches between the scapulae/.—Stitches between (and on) the scapulae, with arrest of breathing (first, second, third days)/.—Tearing pain in the left scapula (after thirty-four days)/.—Stitches and cutting in the scapulae, with chilli- ness, two days in succession/.—Itching on and between the scapulae/.— *Pain in the back, a# if a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebras,1.— Violent pressure in the back, preceding the protrusion of a varix from the rectum/.—Violent pain all along the back; stitches and twitches so that she cannot stoop, and cannot take up anything with her baud ; increased by breathing (third day)/.—Fine stitches, extending from the back to the ribs (after two hours)/.—[830.] *From time to time, a violent stitch in the middle of the back/.—Itching, crawling (and stinging) in the whole of the vol. i.—15 226 ALUMINA. back and in the sacrum, succeeded by grumbling pain/.—Pain in the region of the kidneys/.—Pain in the region of both kidneys, across the small of the back, as from a bruise, or after driving upon a rough road ; it is worse on stooping or turning; as if a hook were plunged into her, which makes her scream, and lasts for a few days (fourth day)/.—In the morn- ing, pain in the kidneys; better in the afternoon/.—Pain in the loins, espe- cially on walking or stooping (tenth day)/.—Burning itching, like a flea- bite, in the left lumbar region; it makes him start; lasts a long time, and did not go off till after long scratching/.—Pain in the small of the back when walking/.—Violent pain in the small of the back, like gnawing; ii rises up to between the shoulders, where it becomes so violent that she would like to weep (relieved by Chamomile) (thirty-second day)/.—Tear- ing sticking pain in the small of the back, in the evening before falling asleep, in bed/.—[840.] Tearing jerkings in the small of the back, especi- ally during motion/.—Pain, as if bruised, in the small of the back and in the back1.—Violent pain, as from a bruise, in the small of the back, and (early in the morning) in the coccyx on touching the part (fourth and seventh day)/. —After the evacuation, throbbing in the small of the back/.—Painful twitches at the point of the coccyx, in the forenoon (second day)/.—Gnaw- ing pain in the coccyx, not altered by walking; relieved by stretching (first day, in the evening)/.—Itching in the os coccygis/. Extremities in General.—Twitchings in all the limbs/.—Invol- untary twitchings here and there; movements of one foot, of the fingers, etc./.—In the evening, twitchings in both of the lower extremities together, especially in the legs and feet, followed by a disposition to turn the arras and stretch them upwards/.—[850.] In the morning, paralytic weakness of all the limbs, with stupefaction of the head, in paroxysms of some min- utes (tenth day)/.—The fourth and fifth fingers, the right knee, and at last the heel, go to sleep after sitting/.—Rigidity of the hands and feet, as if they had gone to sleep, early, on waking; the symptom disappeared after rising and walking a little/.—When engaged in some bodily labor, a cramplike sensation, like numbness, ascending the whole of the left leg, also in the left arm, with dizzy stupefaction of the head, in paroxysms (fourteenth day)/.—Sensation as of burning tension in the dorsa of the feet and hands, as from a swelling/.—Sense of contraction in the right index and foot, as if the tendons were too short; when he touches something with his finger, he feels as if he were being electrified/.—*Pain in the limbs as if the bones were squeezed narrower, with pressure in the joints/.—Sensa- tion in the limbs as if he had caught cold, accompanied by frequent chilli- ness during the day and heat in the face in the evening/.—Tearing in the left scapula, in the arms, hands, and legs, especially in the evening (third day)/. Upper Extremities.—Tearing, at different periods, in the arms and all the parts thereof, in the shoulders, axillae, upper arms, elbows, fore- arms, etc./.—[860.] Stitches in the shoulders, axillae, and arms, also at night/.—Frequent tearing, occurring at intervals, in both axillae, in the afternoon (fourth day)/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the shoulder-joint, es- pecially on raising the arm/.—Sudden jerk or concussion in the right shoulder (after two hours)/.—(Soft red) swelling of the arm, and violent stitches in it/.—Lassitude of the arms/.—Great lassitude in the arms, which the person is scarcely able to lift (third day)/.—Great weariness of one arm/.—Burning (and tension) of the arms (upper arms) and fingers, and of the left elbow, as from glowing iron/.—Continual burning and stinging ALUMINA. 227 in the arms, with stiffness in the back, so that she cannot well move/.— [870.] Heat in the right arm, from time to time, which may be even felt externally/.—Sense of tightness in the arm, as from cold/.—Tearing in the arms, from the upper arm to the fingers, and from the fingers and wrist- joints to the shoulders/.—Paralytic pain, as from a bruise, in the arms, sometimes across the small of the back, coming to the right upper arm, and going to the left lower arm, and vice versa,3.—Itching of every part of the arms, which disappears by scratching/.—Pain in the left upper arm, as if it were dislocated/.—Drawing pain in the left humerus (second day)/.— Tearing pain in the back part of the upper arm, extending as far as the scapula, when sneezing and coughing/.—(Sticking) tearing in the upper arm and elbow; it seems to be in the bone, in the forenoon/.—Stitches in the muscles of the left upper arm (after some hours)/.—[880.] Almost con- stant boring pain in the point of the elbow/.—Pain above the point of the elbow, especially on leaning upon it, as from a sharp pressure on the upper arm/.—Sticking pain, as from a sprain, iu the elbow and wrist-joint/.— Continual (visible) twitching in the right forearm and the lower joint of the left thumb/.—Excessive heaviness in the forearms and hands; her arms seem shorter/.—Her left lower arm goes to sleep every day; there is a pricking sensation in it from the hand to the elbow/.—Painful drawing in the lower arm, when at rest/.—Drawing and tearing pain in the lower arm, extending as far as the hand, in the morning on waking/.—Painful tearing in the lower arm, apparently upon the bone, lasting one minute and occurring three times/.—Tearing in the forearms, as far as the wrist and the fingers/.—[890.] The left wrist is so sensitive that he cannot lift anything with this hand without the greatest pain/.—Distended veins of the hands in the afternoon and evening/.—Rough, chapped, readily bleeding hands/. —After violent itching of the hands, the skin peels off, on the third day, like bran; at the same time a small round spot forms behind the left thumb and index, which burns violently, but lasts only one day/.—Con- tinual troublesome coldness of the hands/.—-On waking, his right hand has gone to sleep/.—Itching upon the hands, the back of the hands, and be- tween the fingers; relieved by scratching/.—Swelling of the fingers/.—In the tips of the fingers, a disposition to ulcerate; there is formed in them a white ulcerated spot, with stinging pain; it goes off without opening/.— The middle fingers are painful on motion/.—[900.] Sensation in the right index as if it were dislocated/.—His left thumb went to sleep in the after- noon twice in succession; then crawling, which lasted for some time/.— Drawing pain in the thumb and index/.—Tearing in and between the fin- gers/.—Formication in the fingers of the right hand, in the evening, with burning stinging (sixth day)/.—An eschar upon the finger, which was formed nine years ago in dissecting, begins to itch (ninth, twelfth day)/.— Itching on and between the fingers, which goes off by scratching/.—Itch- ing on the right fingers, which increases by scratching and rubbing,1.—Itch- ing around the lowest joints of the fingers, which increases by friction; this is succeeded by an insufferable pain in the bones of the fingers/.—Burning itching, with crawling, between the index and middle fingers of the left hand/.—[91Q.] Extreme brittleness of the finger-nails; they break on being cut/.— Gnawing beneath the finger-nail^, with crawling along the arm, as far as the clavicle/. Lower Extremities.—* Great heaviness in the lower limbs; he can scarcely drag them; when walking he staggers and has to sit down; in the evening (fifth day)/.—Pain in the legs and loins during motion/.— 228 ALUMINA. After a walk, pain in the legs and loins; it prevents her from sleeping/.— Great weariness of the legs when sitting,3.—Staggering walk as in in- toxication,6.—^Drawing in the extremities,1.—The right hip-joint gives him pain,1.—Tearing pain over both hips aud on the upper brim of the pelvis/. —[920.] Tearing and sticking in the hip-joint, and just above the knee, in paroxysms/.—Stitches in the left hip, extending to the small of the back and to the loins; when breathing repeated/.—Pain in the left hip as from a bruise; it becomes worse on pressure, early in the morning (fourth day)/. * Wlien sitting the nates go to sleep,1.—Cutting, as with a knife, transversely across the right half of the nates, in the forenoon (second day),3.—Burning and biting itching of the thighs, passing off by scratching/.—*Iu the thighs and legs, long-continued tension, almost like a cramp, extending downwards; only a few minutes, but frequently returning/.— Tearing in the legs, the thighs and legs, when sitting and lying, especially at night/.—* Trembling of the knees,1.—Cracking of the right knee in walking/.—[930.] At night, violent pain in the bend of the knee, extending down to the heel/.—Pain in the bend of the left knee; the boy cannot tread upon the foot/.—Her knees appear to her to be longer during the pain/.—Painful boring in the right knee (after two hours)/.—Drawing pain in the bend of the knees, on ascending, not descending the stairs/.—Drawing pain in both knees on ascending the stairs; the pain is not felt on simply bending the knees, nor is it felt on touching them/.—Sensation of pressure into the bend of the left knee, when walking, after having risen from the seat/.—Sharp, twitch- ing pressure from without inwards at the patella/.— Teeiring in the knees and patella,3.— Violent tearing, beginning at the knees and coming out at the toes, with a sensation of swelling of the knees; in the afternoon, until even- ing (relieved by walking), (twenty-first day)/.—[940.] Dull tearing on the inside of the left knee, in the evening (nineteenth day)/.—Sticking tearing pain in the knee, in the evening, before falling asleep/.—Stitches iu the left knee, only when sitting; they disappear when walking in the open air/.—Sticking and tearing in the right knee, in the evening (first day)/.—Pain in the patella on pressing the hand upon it or upon bending the knee/.—Feeling of uneasiness in the legs for several evenings, at seven o'clock, lasting half an hour, before she went to sleep/.—Drawing in the legs/.—* Heaviness of the legs; she can scarcely lift them,1.— Weariness of the legs, especially in the middle of the tibiae; they feel bruised when standing or walking; she feels as if she would sink down, for then the pain is worse, especially in the evening; less when sitting and lying/.—Tearing drawings in the leg, extending up from the malleolus externus/.—[950.] Tearing in the legs at different periods/.—Gnawing pain in the legs/.—Cramplike sticking pain, in the right leg, with a sensation of numbness; during the afternoon nap, when sitting, and also after waking/.—Stitches in the right tibia, when in bed in the evening/.—Pain, as from a bruise, in the left tibia, especially during motion/.—Upon laying one foot across the other, or stepping upon the toes, she is attacked with painful cramps of the calves/. —When walking the gastrocnemii muscles appear too short; they seem tense (after twenty hours)/.—Before taking the drug he had tension of the calves (soles of the feet and toes, with spasm and paralysis of the legs) ; this symptom is increased by the drug, and extends over the knee, so that he cannot keep himself straight; afterwards a burning, shooting, sometimes cutting pain in the calves and soles (the first day)/.—Tension and burn- ing, on the external surface of the right calf, iu the evening (second day)/. —Tensive pain at the inside of the calves when walking/.—[960.] *Fre- ALUMINA. 229 quent cramps in the calves,1.—Cramp in the calves, as if the tendons were too short, after rising from his seat, passing off on walking about; pre- viously his feet became sudden'ly so languid that he was afraid of rising, in the afternoon (second day)/.—Painless drawing down along both calves (after two hours)/.—Tearing iu the calves/.—Painless beating or throbbing in the left calf like pulsations, early in the morning (fourth day)/.—Vio- lent formication in both calves, after supper (fifth day)/.—Itching of the calves/.—On trying to step upon the foot severe stitches in the malleolus of the right foot, and violent cutting from the left big toe to the heel, so that he is not able to step upon the foot (second day)/.—Sensitive drawing pain in the tendo Achillis, when at rest, not when walking,1.—Tearing in each tendo Achillis, in the evening (fifth day)/.—[970.] *Numbness of the heel on stepping upon the foot,1.—Sensation in the left heel as if it were com- pressed from both sides (second day)/.—Heaviness in the feet, with tear- ing/.—^Heaviness i)i the feet, with great lassitude of the legs (third day)/.— The right foot goes to sleep, with crawling in it/.—Painful drawing below the malleoli (tenth day)/.—Tearing in the feet and malleoli at different periods/.—Pain in the bones on the dorsum of the foot on touching them, accompanied by itching (first day)/.—An ulcer in the sole of the foot, •which is almost entirely cured, causes a stinging pain on stepping upon it; in the room, after having walked in the open air/.—*Pain in the sole of the foot, on stepping upon it, as though it were too soft and swollen,1.—[980.] Tension in the sole of the foot, in the forenoon (second day)/.—Burning stitches in the sole of the right foot, in the eveniugand in the morning, dis- appearing by rubbing/.—Painful sensitiveness of the sole of the right foot/. —The old hard skin of the feet becomes very sensitive/.—The hard skin of the sole of the foot is very sensitive to the touch; but even without being touched it is affected with a violent aching pain/.—Stinging, titillation, and pricking in the soles of the feet/3.—Tickling itching in the sole of the foot/.—Itching and titillation in the sole of the foot/.—Herpes between the toes/.—Cutting in the big toe of the right foot, as if he walked upon knives, early in the morning, when walking (fourth day)/.—[990.] Burn- ing stitches in the left big toe, close to the nail, at night/.—Stinging pain in the ball of the big toe/.—Crawling in the big toe, as if it had been frozen (second day)/.—Itching of the toes, after staying in the open air/. —Itching and shining redness of the great toes; they are painful upon external pressure (after fourth day)/.—Itching of the toes and feet, when the feet have become warm by walking; after walking the symptoms dis- appear immediately (after thirty days),2.—Itching of the toes, with redness, as if they had been frozen, worse after scratching, in the evening (third, fourth, sixteenth days)/.—Corns are very painful/.—Smarting stitches iu the corns,1. Generalities.—Shaking pulsations through the whole body/.— [1000.] Involuntary motions of the head and other parts/.—His arm and head are jerked backwards several times, with apprehension/.—Tremulous excitement of the whole nervous system/.—Even the weakest spirituous drink intoxicates him/.—Inclines to convulsive laughter, in the evening when in bed (fifth day)/.—First he sat still without answering; this was followed by anxious groaning for five minutes; after this a convulsive laugh for ten minutes, then again weeping; then weeping and laughing in alter- nation/.—When he attempts to take his after-dinner nap in a sitting pos- ture, a jerk through the head and limbs, like an electric shock, with stupe- faction/.—Uneasiness; she constantly had to move her feet and to go about/. 230 ALUMINA. —Uneasiness when sitting or lying; she had to shift the position of her hands and feet/.—All the muscles feel paralyzed/.—[1010.] * Tremulous las- situde,1.—Lassitude in the forenoon, aud great chilliness; in the afternoon shaking chilliness in the back/.— Great lassitude of the whole body, with chilliness and headache (thirty-third day)/.—Lassitude; dizziness; fre- quently a feverish pulse and want of disposition to work for several days; little appetite; drowsiness after dinner; heaviness in the body; frequent disposition to eructations, which, however, either do not take place at all, or but imperfectly (after four weeks)/.—Lassitude in the whole body, ac- companied by obtuseuess of the thinking faculty, flushes of heat, and anxiety (fourth day)/.—Physical depression, lassitude, so that she can scarcely lift her feet, accompanied by drowsiness and laziness (twenty-sec- ond day)/.—His strength fails, even after a short conversation or walk/.— After the menses had ceased body and mind felt exhausted; a little work aud moderate walking prostrated her and made her spiritless/.— Great ex- haustion, of strength, especially after walking in the open air, accompanied by yawning,stretching, drowsiness, and inclination to lie down; lying down, however, increases the lassitude (thirteenth day)/.— Great fatigue, especially upon talking1.—[1020.] *Sloiv, tottering gait, as after a severe sickness,5.— ^Excessively faint and tired; he is obliged to sit down/.—* Unconquemble- disposition to lie down (after three hours)/.—Walking in the open air is succeeded by excessive cheerfulness and staring look; afterwards, at every motion, cold shiverings and sweat, with chilliness of the head ; when going to sleep, head, hands, and feet are hot/.—At night, when waking, there is anxiety, dyspnoea, and profuse sweat/.—Upon entering the room, after a walk in the open air, dread and nausea when talking/.—Rush of blood to the head; black before the eyes; giddiness; ringing in the ears, and drowsiness/.—Towards evening she feels sick at the stomach, and her head turns, with constant palpitation of the heart and great anxiety; this lasted the whole night until the next forenoon/.—Orgasm of blood, with increased pulse, and trembling of the hands when writing; also after a meal, with heat of the whole body, and sweat of the face (first day)/.—In the even- ing violent pain in the small of the back, and vertigo, followed by a desire for stool, during which pure blood was passed; feeling of paralysis in the small of the back; when sitting straight she had no support/.—[1030.] Pain, as from bruises, in the loins, over the hip and in the muscles of the calf, when walking/.—Lightning-like shooting to and fro in the right shoulder, the small of the back, and the abdomen ; afterwards feels bruised (second day)/.—(Dull, pressive pains in the bones, especially of the legs, the chest, and the back)/.—Pain, as from bruises, in the back and all the extremities, as in fever and ague/. Skin.—Small injuries of the skin become sore and inflamed/.—The tetters (small white itching pimples in clusters) increase/.—Pimples on the forehead and neck/.—Itching of an already dry crust of a small uncured boil on the forehead; the itching disappears on being scratched/.—The hairy scalp itches, and is covered with white scales,2.—A cluster of pimples on the scalp behind the right ear, with painful tension/.—[1040.] On the left lower eyelid a pimple, with a stinging pain/.—On the right ear a trans- parent vesicle, without paiu/.—Boil on the nose/.—Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose, and the left angle of the mouth ; upon being pressed they run together (sixth to ninth days)/.—Painful red spot upon the right cheek/.—Small, red, painless pimples upon the right cheek, which feel rough (twelfth day)/.—Upon the right cheek a pimple, which ALUMINA. 231 is painful to the touch, like a sore/.—Pimples on the left cheek and fore- head (tenth day)/.—One boil after another on the left cheek/.—On the internal surface of the lip a bright vesicle as large as a pea (second day)/. —[1050.] Crusty eruptions on the lower lip/.—Small pimples on the chin, which pass off again next morning (after eight aud thirteen days)/.— Number of little ulcers in the mouth/.—Blister on the right half of the chest and on the throat, with burning pain; with glowing heat in the face, and chills in the rest of the body ; sleeps soundly, and without dreams/.— Vesicles on the right side of the neck (eighth day)/.—Violent itching of the neck, nape of the neck, and chest, without visible eruption ; on touch- ing the skin, a hard pimple is felt here and there under the skin (four- teenth day)/.—Pimples upon the back/.—Itching eruption of rash on the arms and legs, without any redness; upon scratching, watery blood/.— Eruption, across the shoulders, of small, red elevations, with a pointed vesicle in the middle; they cause some burning, only in the evening (after six and fourteen days)/.—Rough, chapped, readily bleeding hands/.— [1060.] After violent itching of the hands the skin peels off, on the third day, like bran ; at the same time a small round spot forms behind the left thumb and index, which burns violently, but lasts only one day/.—On the tips of the fingers, a disposition to ulcerate ; there is formed on them a white ulcerated spot, with stinging pain ; it goes off without opening/.—Boil on the right hip, which suppurates/.—An ulcer in the sole of the foot, which is almost entirely cured, causes a stinging pain on stepping upon it; in the room, after walking in the open air/.—The old, hard skin of the feet be- comes very sensitive/.—Herpes between the toes/.—Biting in the tetters,2. —Stinging here and there of the whole body, especially in the evenings/. —^Intolerable itching of the whole body, especially when he becomes heated, and in bed; he has to scratch himself until the skin bleeds, which is painful after scratching,2.—Itching of the whole body, especially the face (seventh day)/.—[1070.] Itching of single small places of the body here and there, mostly in the evening, and not going off by scratching/.—Violent itching of the whole body, as if an eruption would break out (after five days)/.— Violent itching and gnawing upon the skin of the whole body; but little relieved by scratching/.—Itching of the tetters, especially towards evening,2. —Stinging-itching of the back and the side of the abdomen (second day)/. —Itching of (and fine eruption on) the inside of the right thigh/. Sleep aiul Dreams.—Much yawning, accompanied by drowsiness (which goes off only in the open air),3.—Constant yawning, also before dinner, without drowsiness/5.—Snoring during the afternoon nap (sixth day)/.— ' Drowsiness by day,1.—[1080.] Great drowsiness in the evening, even when standing/.—Great drowsiness in the evening, already at six o'clock/.—She falls asleep very early in the evening/.—* Tired and drowsy,1.—Great lassi- tude, accompanied, in the forenoon, by an irresistible inclination to sleep; she lies down and sleeps soundly for an hour; this sleep caused the lassitude to disappear, and made her feel very comfortable/.—She sleeps too soundly, and has to be waked/.—Deep sleep towards morning, with dreams which fatigue the head (after ten hours)/.—Early on rising she feels as if she had not slept enough ; she still feels tired, and yawns/.—Early in the morning, after an uneasy sleep, he still feels tired, and does not wish to rise/.—In the morning he would like to sleep longer/.—[1090.] In the morning he is ob- liged to sleep longer than usual, and he cannot wake up entirely; at the same time, however, he falls asleep later on going to bed/.—In the evening he falls asleep late, on account of images crowding upou his fancy (second 232 ALUMINA. day)/.—In the evening he cannot fall asleep under an hour, but afterwards he sleeps well/.—He cannot fall asleep before midnight, hindered appar- ently by a heaviness in the arms/.—He cannot fall asleep before midnight, and tosses about from one side to another (second day)/.—When asleep, she spoke loud, laughed and wept/.—Great uneasiness during sleep, with violent weeping and disconsolate grief, without being fully conscious, for a few minutes, before midnight/.—She sobs and groans at night, as if she were weeping, although she is not aware.of it, shortly after falling asleep (seventh day)/.—Violent startings when asleep, before midnight, which rouse him completely (seventh day)/.—At night uneasiness in all the limbs; this pre- vents him from falling asleep/.—[1100.] She cannot find rest anywhere at night; she tosses about and feels paiu all over, for several nights (after fifteenth day)/.—Uneasy sleep ; he tosses about in bed ; feels hot and anx- ious ; accompanied by twitchings in the limbs aud startings, before falling asleep/.—Uneasy sleep during the first nights/.—Uneasy sleep; she often turned from one side to another; she felt hot, lay most of the time uncovered ; her sleep was a mere slumber, which did not afford her any rest, accompanied by many dreams, and frequently interrupted by waking (seventh day)/.— Uneasy sleep, with toothache/.—Waking frequently at night, for eight days (twelve days)/.—Wakes up before midnight, on account of a dry cough, first accompanied by chilliness, then by dry heat,3.—After midnight his sleep is uneasy; he often wakes, and tosses about in the bed,2.—At night he rises from his bed without being aware of it, and with firmly closed eyes ; he goes anxiously from one room to another while he is rubbing his eyes; when brought to bed agaiu, the boy fell asleep immediately/.— Uneasy sleep before the appearance of the menses; many dreams; on waking she has orgasm, heat in the face, headache, aud palpitation of the heart,1.—[1110.] Towards morning waked with a deathly anguish caused by pains which one imagined when sleeping/.—Sound sleep (full of dreams), with erections/.—Sound sleep, with many pleasant dreams/.—Pleasant dreams, about money which he had received, etc./.— Confused dreams*.— A number of dreams, all of them of a disagreeable nature/.—Dreams caus- ing anxiety, with uneasy sleep/.—Anxious dreams towards morning, the sleep being otherwise souud (after twelve days)/.—Fearfully anxious dreams and nightmare/.—Anxious dreams, such as that the tiler forcibly thrusts a piece of meat into one's mouth/.—[1120.] He talks much when asleep, as if he had an anxious dream/.—After midnight he starts up from an anxious dream (that a horse is pursuing him, and intends to bite him), (tenth day;/.—Dreams about quarrelling and vexations/.—Dream, full of shame/.—Tormenting dreams, begetting a fear of death, which lasts even' after waking/.—In a dream he imagines he is obliged to descend from a height; he thinks that he will fall/.—She dreams that she is upon a ferry- boat which is foundering in the river; she wakes up with anxiety/.—He dreams that he is walking about in a river, in which he sees serpents and other animals, of which he is afraid/.—He dreams about ghosts, and makes so much noise that it wakes him/.—Dreams about falling stars, fires, mar- riage-/.— [1130.] Dreams about thieves; she wakes with anxiety/.—She dreams that she has committed a theft, or that she has got among robbers/. —Dreams about death aud burial/. Fever.—Internal cold and chills, with a desire for the warm stove, and stretching of the limbs ; worse after warm drinks,1.—Chilly in the open air/. —Chilliness of the whole body ; the feet are as cold as ice the whole day, with heat in the head, also in the room (first day)/.—Internal chilliness ALUMINA. 233 and external heat, especially on the cheeks, with dark redness of them, as in brandy drinkers,6.—Internal chilliness, with hot cheeks and cold hands/. —Cold creeps, without any thirst or subsequent heat or sweat, from four to six o'clock in the afternoon, with throbbing pains in the forehead and occiput, which decrease by pressing with the hands (ninth day)/.—Chilli- ness, constant eructatious, bitter taste in the mouth, frequent collection of saliva, great failing of strength and headache, as if the head would burst, especially on the top of the head, with vertigo (relieved by a dose of ipecacuanha), (thirty-fourth day)/.—[1140.] Frequent repetition of chills in the evening (second day)/.—Chills over the whole body, every other day, towards evening, without any thirst, with want of appetite ; sleeplessness and restless tossing about in the bed/.—Chills over the whole body, during an evacuation, in the evening (fifth day)/.—At four o'clock in the morn- ing roused from sleep by chilliness of the whole body, accompanied by vio- lent contraction of the stomach ; continual empty eructations, which afford relief; then four liquid stools, with constant chilliness, followed by burning in the anus; the chilliness lasted until evening (thirty-second dav .»/.—Chil- liness and uneasy sleep the whole night (thirty-third day)/.—Chills near the warm stove (fifteenth day)/.—In the evening, chilliness from seven to eight o'clock ; she feels so chilly that she is obliged to go to bed, but-even there it takes her a long while to get warm (fifth day)/.—Very sensitive to cold air, especially in her feet/.—In the evening, feverish symptoms, chills, which increase by the slightest motion; sometimes also flushes of heat in the face (first day)/.—In the evening, at five o'clock, such violent chilliness, especially of the back and feet, that she could not even warm herself near the warm stove ; in half an hour sweat broke out, without any thirst (sixth and seventh days)/.—[1150.] In the evening, chilliness and warmth often alternate; the face is hot, with chills in the rest of the body/. —Internal chilliness, with hot hands and hot lobules of the ears (after two hours)/.—Chilliness half an hour, followed by heat of the body, and sweat in the face/.—Pleasant warmth, of short duration, in the right side of the face, in the afternoon (fifth day)/.—Sudden heat in the face, with redness, lasting only for a short while (fifth day).3.—Sensation in the body, as after being violently heated, when sitting (first day)/.—In the evening, heat in the whole body for two hours; it appears to begin at the head (fifth day)/. —Feverish faintishness, with internal heat/.—Towards evening, heat in the whole body, especially in the feet; followed by shivering, which obliged her to go to bed, where she soon fell asleep; thirst neither during the hot nor the cold stage, without other symptoms (eleventh day)/.—Heat before midnight; it does not allow him to fall asleep/.—[1160.] Heat, with anxiety, at night, and sweat/.—Sudden heat, with sweat and anxious palpitation of the heart/.—In the morning, upon remaining in bed after six o'clock, she begins to sweat, for some mornings (after ninth day)/.—During bodily effort, heat runs over the whole body; succeeded by chilis, with burning in the abdomen/.—Sweat upon every motion, followed by cold shivers, as if one had caught cold/. Conditions.— Aggravation.—(Morning),'Esir\y on waking, depressed; most symptoms appear; early, anxiety ; early, head confused ; early, head feels cloudy, etc.; early, head feels heavy; vertigo; quickly passing ver- tigo ; in bed, rhythmical beating in whole head; early, painful spot in forehead; early, on waking, headache in vertex, etc.; on waking, burning of eyes; early," biting, etc.; pain in eyes; sensation of dry gum in eyes; early, stitches in right side of head; on waking, dry gum in eyes; on 234 ALUMINA. waking, eyes agglutinated; early, after waking, lachrymation ; early, some- times, burning, etc., of eyes; boring pain in ear; early, roaring in ears; early, after rising, roaring before the ears ; early, sour smell in the nose; heat, etc., in left side of face ; spitting of saliva, etc.; early, flat, etc., taste in mouth; on rising, bitter, etc., taste in mouth ; on waking, thick mucus in throat; early, sweet taste in throat, etc.; on waking, throat rough, etc.; dull stitches in right tonsil; contraction of the oesophagus, etc.; early, sweetish risings from the stomach ; inclination to vomit; retching in the throat; faintlike nausea; nausea, etc.; oppression at stomach; early, on turning in bed, soreness at pit of stomach ; early, before breakfast, pain from the bladder to the chest; on waking, pinching in abdomen, etc.; dry feeling in urethra; on waking, and while in bed, drawing, etc., in urethra; early, urging to urinate, etc.; decrease of urine ; dry cough; violent, dry cough; cough with expectoration; early, stiffness of neck, etc.; pain in kidneys ; early, pain in coccyx; weakness of all the limbs, etc.; early, on waking, rigidity of the hands, etc.; on waking, pain in the lower arm; early, pain in left hip; early, beating in left calf; burning stitches in right sole; early, cutting in right big toe; would like to sleep long; upon re- maining in bed, after 6 o'clock, begins to sweat.—(Forenoon), Depressed, etc.; indisposed to labor, etc.; heat rises into head ; tearing in whole head; tearing in forehead; tension in spot in right temple; boring, etc., in tem- ples; beating, etc., in vertex; tearing, etc., in right side of head; drawing in right side of the occiput; sourish taste in throat; acid risings into mouth ; cold sensation in stomach; tearing from hypochondriac region into hip; sensation as if the hypochondriac regions were pressed together; cutting, etc., in the hypogastric region; cough; dry cough; difficult breathing; pressure in chest; drawing in the muscles of the neck; tension between scapula?; twitches at the point of the coccyx; tearing in upper arm, etc.; cutting across the nates.—(Towards noon), Oppression in the stomach.— (Noon), Hiccough.—(Afternoon), Peevish, etc.; headache, etc.; stitches in the head, etc.; beating in whole head; stitch in the forehead; stitches in the forehead, etc.; beating, etc., in forehead, etc.; beating, etc., in right temple; weakness of the eyelids; boring in hollow of ear; rattling, etc., in nose; drawing, etc., in left cheek, etc.; watery saliva in mouth; hoarseness, etc., of throat; pinching at the stomach; pressure, etc., across stomach, etc.; cutting iu region of stomach, etc.; burning, etc., in right hypochon- driac region; worrying around the navel; pressure in umbilical region, etc.; cold feeling in abdomen; burning in abdomen ; pinching iu abdomen; pinching, etc., in left side of abdomen; abdomen seems to hang down heavily; frequent and increased urine; when sitting, numerous erections; leucorrhcea; sudden hoarseness; sudden cough, etc.; weight in chest, etc. ; sense of contraction around chest; burning in right side of chest; tension in back of neck; tearing in the axillae; distended veins of hands; right thumb went to sleep; tearing from knees to toes, etc.; cramp in calves ; shak- ing chilliness in the back; warmth in right side of face.—(Towards even- ing), Stitches in front, etc., of head ; trembling of left eye; tearing, etc., in ears; oppression in stomach; colic-like pinching, etc., in abdomen; pro- trusion of hernia; sick at stomach, etc.; itching of the tetters ; chills over whole body; heat in the whole body, etc.—(Evening), Most of the symp- toms appear; throat symptoms; uneasiness; external pinching, etc., in head; headache, tearing, etc.; pressive headache; tearing in forehead ; boring into the right temple; boring, etc., in left temple; tearing, etc., in left frontal eminence; redness of the eyes, etc.; pressure in right eye ; ALUMINA. 235 biting in left eye; sense of excoriation in the interior of eyes; burning and dryness of the eyelids, etc.; inflammation of conjunctiva of the right eye ; dim-sigh tedness; eyes dull aud dry; heat and redness of ear; stitches in ears; roaring of ears; pains in the nose, etc.; sensation in nose as if a cold were coming on; boring in the teeth; boring in the teeth of right side; drawing in the teeth of right side; on lying down in bed, cutting tooth- ache ; in bed, saliva accumulates in mouth; bitter taste, after eating apples; everything tasteless, etc.; thick mucus in throat; dryness of the throat; sourish taste iu the throat, etc.; sense of burning in the throat; constrictive pain in throat, etc.; rawness, etc., of throat; soreness in throat; aching sore throat; stitches, etc., in throat; bitter eructations, etc.; in bed, sour eructations; hiccough ; pain in the stomach, etc.; cold sensation in stomach ; in bed, griping in pit of stomach ; stitches in the stomach, etc.; stitches in left lower ribs; pinching around the navel; emission of flatu- lence; pinching in the abdomen; pressing in both groins; varix of rectum enlarges; weak feeling in the bladder, etc.; burning in urethra, while urinating; numerous erections; sudden hoarseness; dry cough ; pinching in the upper chest; boring pain in chest; pressure on sternum ; before fall- ing asleep in bed, tearing, sticking in small of back; twitchings in lower extremities, etc.; heat in the face; tearing in the left scapulae, etc.; dis- tended veins of hands; formication in right fingers; tearing on inside of left knee; tearing in the knee; sticking, etc., in right knee; legs feel bruised; in bed, stitches in right tibia; tension, etc., on surface of right calf; tearing in each tendo Achillis; tension in sole of foot; burning stitches in right sole; itching of the toes, etc.; in bed, inclines to convul- sive laughter; lassitude, etc.; pain in small of back, etc.; burning of erup- tion across shoulders ; stinging, here and there, of the whole body ; itching, here and there; cannot fall asleep under an hour; frequent repetition of chills; chills over whole body; feverish symptoms, etc.; alternate chilli- ness and warmth; heat in whole body.—(Night), Throat symptoms; in bed, headache; pressive headache ; agglutination of eyes ; burning, etc., of eyes ; stitches deep in right ear; violent dry catarrh ; in bed, throbbing of roots of teeth ; drawing in one side of throat, etc.; impeded deglutition ; distension of the abdomen; emission of badly smelling flatus; when lying in bed, numerous erections; when waking, painful erections; priapism; leucorrhcea; dry cough, etc.; cramp, etc., of chest; pressure on chest, etc.; violent pain in chest; stitches in shoulders, etc.; pain in bend of knee; burning stitches in left big toe; when waking, anxiety, etc.; sobs and groans in sleep; uneasiness in all the limbs; tosses about, etc.; chilliness, etc.; heat, with anxiety, etc.—'Before midnight), Cannot fall asleep; uneasi- ness during sleep.—(Midnight), Pinching, etc., in abdomen.—(After mid- night), Uueasy sleep; jerking, etc.; toothache.—(Towards morning), Deep sleep; waked with a deadly anguish ; anxious dreams.—(Every other day), Chills over whole body.—(4 a.m.), Nausea; chilliness of whole body, etc. —(4 or 5 a.m.), Anxiety about heart.—(8.30 a.m.), Sensation as if right side of head were pressed toward the other.—(9 a.m.), Fine stitches in left mamma.—(1 p.m.), Peevish, etc.; beating, etc., inside of head.—(2 p.m.), Pain as if head were screwed together.—(4 p.m.), Heaviness of head, etc.; vertigo, etc.—(4 to 6 p.m.), Cold creeps, etc.—(4 to 11 p.m.), Cutting, etc., in whole abdomen, etc.—(5 p.m.), Violent chilliness.—(7 p.m.), Feeling of uneasiness in legs.—(7 to 8 p.m.), Chilliness.—(9 p.m.), Gnawing in molar tooth, etc.—(10.30 p.m.), Tearing, pressing from forehead, etc.—(Open air), Burning, etc., pain in forehead; lachrymation; dim-sightedness; cutting 236 ALUMINA. toothache ; chilly.—(After staying in open air), Itching of the toes.—( Walk- ing in open air), Headache; tearings, etc., in urethra ; leucorrhcea; dry cough ; great exhaustion of strength, etc.—(Eating apples), Bitter taste.—(In bed), Heat, etc.—(Going to bed), Pain in head, etc.—(Bending head for- ward), Violent pain in chest.—'Bending knee), Pain in patella.—[Sitting bent), Cutting pains across abdomen ; oppression at the chest; sense of constriction around chest.—(Blowing nose), Stars sparkle before eyes ; some- thing obstructs the ear ; momentary pressure on the perineum.—(During breakfast), Pinching below navel, etc.—(Breathing), Whistling in the air- passages, etc.; heat in the forepart of chest; boring pain in chest; stitches in chest; pain all along the back, etc.; stitches in left hip.—(During chills), Frequent nausea.—(After clearing throat), Head feels very sore.—(At com- mencement of coition), Violent pressure in perineum.—(Duringcoition), Pres- sure in the perineum.—(After every cold), Pinching in the abdomen.—( Going into cold air), Pinching in the abdomen.—(Chewing), Crackling of the tympanum; painful tension in articulation of jaws ; violent toothache; teeth painful.—(Closing eyes), Bright before eyes.—(Coughing), Tearing in upper arm.—(Daring and after cough), Pressure on chest; paralytic pain through arm.—(Dancing), Drawing in muscles over left groin.—(After dinner), Immediately, all the symptoms become aggravated ; shortly after most of the symptoms come on ; surging in the hand ; heat in the head ; pulsative headache; burning, etc., pain in forehead; pressive pain in fore- head ; pressing-in pain in right temple; face seems larger, etc.; when walk- ing in open air, skin of face tense ; immediately, tickling in the teeth, etc.; mouth feels burnt; clearing throat of phlegm; rancid eructations; hic- cough ; pain at stomach, etc.; drawing iu stomach ; gnawing in region of Stomach ; stitches in stomach, etc.; much distension, with tenesmus ; fulness of abdomen, etc.; passage of badly smelling flatus; violent attacks of colic ; pain in chest; drowsiness.—(After drinking water), Heartburn.—(Eating), Stitches in front and back of head ; hiccough ; eructations, etc.; oppression at stomach; loud grumbling in abdomen; pressure, etc., in abdomen; pressive paiu in left side of abdomen.—(After an emission), Reappearance and aggravation of all the previous symptoms.—[Sitting erect), Heaviness of head.—(During violent effort), Pain on leftside of sternum, etc.—(After eructations), Scraping in throat; inclination to vomit.—(Before evacuation), Tenesmus ; colic.—(During evacuation), Bearing down, etc.; rectum seems dried up, etc.; dropping of blood ; chills over whole body.—(After evacua- tion), Ineffectual desire for stool; throbbing in small of back.—(After diffi- cult evacuation), Pricking in anus; sense of excoriation in anus.—[Active exercise), Hard pressure on both sides of chest; stitches in both sides of chest.—(Physical exertion), Tearing pain in sides of abdomen ; heat runs over whole body, etc.—(Laying one foot across the other), Cramps of the calves.—(Friction), Itching in both ears; itching around finger-joints; itching on right fingers; sweat of the perineum.—(Becoming heated), Itch- ing of whole body.—{Inspiration), Stitch from abdomen to chest; stitches from loin to chest.—(During bodily labor), Cramplike sensation in leg and arm, etc.—(Leaning on part), Pain above point of elbow.—(In lighted room), In evening, gauze seems before eyes.—(After long looking), Eyes become weak.—(Looking down), Trembling of left eye; tearing in right upper eyelid ; upper lid feels longer, etc.—(Looking up), Burning in eyes.— (Lying), Tearing in legs, etc.; uneasiness; lassitude.—(Lying on back), Pressure on chest, etc.—(Before menses), Flow of mucus from vagina, etc.; violent headache ; pain in abdomen ; uneasy sleep, etc.—(During menses), ALUMINA. 237 Bloated abdomen, etc.; pinching in abdomen, etc.; frequent urination.— (After menses), Painless leucorrhcea; acrid leucorrhcea.—(After a meal), Oppression of chest, etc.; pinching in abdomen ; pain in middle of chest, etc.; orgasm of blood, etc.—(After eating milk soup), Sourish taste in throat.—(Motion), Tearing, jerking in small of back ; middle fingers pain- ful; cold shiverings, etc.; sweat.—(Moving head), Nape of neck painful.— (Moving or turning body), Soreness in the interior of chest.—(Moving about), Burning while urinating.—(Moving hand along penis), Drawing pain, etc. —(Moving tongue). Drawing, etc., pain in right side of throat.—(During afternoon nap), Sticking pain in right leg, etc.; jerk through head and limbs, etc.—(Opening eyes), Head feels giddy; eyes burn.—(Opening mouth), Painful tension in articulation of jaws.—(Potatoes), Appear to ag- gravate or renew the symptoms; bitter eructations, etc.—(Pressure), Pain in the patella ; itching, etc., of great toes.—(Reaching high), Tension of the abdominal muscles.—(Raising arm), Pain in shoulder-joint.—(Reading), Pressure in right eye.—(Rest), Drawing in lower arm; drawing in tendo Achillis; (Rising), Pain in perineum; stitches in right side of abdomen; cramp in the calves.—(In room), After walking in open air, stinging pain in ulcer of sole of foot,—(Scratching), The skin pains ; itching in fold be- tween nates aud thighs; itching on the right fingers; burning, etc., of the thighs; itching of the toes.—(Setting teeth together), Toothache.—(Sitting), Most symptoms appear to come on; vertigo ; pain under ribs; pain in side of abdomen; pain in perineum; leucorrhcea; pinching in upper part of chest; fingers, etc., go to sleep; nates go to sleep; tearing in legs, etc.; stitches in left knee; uneasiness; sensation as after being violently heated. —(Going to sleep), Stitches in the forehead.—(Sneezing), Tearing in upper arm.—(Standing), Pain as if the head were being screwed together; burn- ing, etc., pain in forehead ; nausea ; stitches in right hypochondriac region ; pressure in umbilical region, etc.; pain in perineum; legs feel bruised.— (At every step), Stitches through the head.—(Trying to step upon foot), Stitches in right malleolus, etc.—(Stepping upon foot), Numbness of foot; stinging pain of ulcer in sole; pain in the sole.—(Stepping upon toes), Cramps of the calves.—(Stooping), Heaviness of the head ; vertigo ; surg- ing in head; external pinching, etc., on the head; sensation as if head would fall forward; stitches in the side of the head ; liver sensitive, etc.; chest felt constricted; stitch from abdomen to chest; pain in region of both kidneys ; pain in the loins.—(After breakfast soup), Rancid eructations.— (After supper), Empty eructations; frequent eructations, etc.; nausea, etc.; violent nausea, etc.; heartburn; sense of distension in abdomen; formica- tion in both calves.—(Swallowing), Cracking in ears; drawing pain in one side of throat, etc.; sore throat; stitches in throat, etc.; pressive pain in left tonsil; squeezing from the cesophagus, etc.; pressive pain iu cesophagus; pressive pain in middle of chest.—(Empty swallowing), Aching sore throat; stinging in the throat.—(Talking), Stitches in sternum, etc.; great fatigue. —(Turning), Pain in kidney region.—(Touch), Pain as if scalp were sore; pain in small of back, etc.; pain in bones of dorsum of foot.—( Urination), Cutting in forepart of urethra; burning-like pain in urethra.—(After uri- nating), JJrethra becomes hot.—(After waking), Mouth dry, etc.; palpita- tion of heart; pain in right leg.—( Walking), Severe vertigo ; pressive head- ache; beating in head ; pain under ribs; abdomen seems to hang down; varix of -rectum enlarges; dark-colored blood from rectum ; pressure in chest; pressure on sternum ; pain in loins; pain in small of back ; cracking of right knee; pressure in bend of left knee; legs feel bruised; gastrocnemii 238 AMBRA. appear too short; pain at inside of calves; cutting in right big toe; pain in legs and loins; bruised pain in loins, etc.—(Walking fast), Drawing in muscles over left groin ; cutting, etc., in chest.—( Walking upstairs), Pul- sative headache; pinching, etc., in the groins, etc.; pain in bend of knee.— (After warm drinks), Internal cold, etc.—(Feet becoming warm by walking), Itching of the toes and feet.—( Writing), Pressure in right eye ; orgasm of blood, etc. Amelioration.—(Morning), On rising, pain in head, etc.—(Fore- noon), Great number of symptoms disappear; throat symptoms.—(After- noon), Pain in kidneys.—(Evening), In open air, the symptoms appear to be relieved ; tearing in forehead.—(Night), Great number of symptoms dis- appear; collection of saliva in mouth.—(Every other day), Feels some bet- ter.—(Walking in open air), Hoarseness; contraction of chest; stitches in left knee.—(After breakfast), Faintlike nausea; pain from bladder to chest. —(After breakfasting on wheat bread), Nausea ceased.—(Closing eyes), Trembling of left eye.—(Chamomile), Pain in small of back.—(After din- ner), Feels most easy.—(Becoming erect), Surging in the head; sense of contraction around chest; boring pain in chest.—(Eructation), Oppression of stomach.—(After an evacuation), Tenesmus of the rectum, etc.; oppres- sion in region of stomach.—(Emission of flatulence), Sense of fulness of stomach.—(Friction), Tearing in the sides of the face; external pressure at lower part of chest; stitches in nape of neck, etc.; burning in superior angle of left scapula ; burning stitches in right sole.—(Holding eye with hand), Trembling of left eye.—(Looking up), Trembling of the left eye.—(Lying down), Headache in occiput; boring in teeth of right side; pain in chest; sense of pressure on sides of chest disappears; pain in legs.—(Lying still), Sense of heat in urethra.—(Lying on side), Pressure on chest.—(Laying down the head quietly in the bed), Headache.—(Appearance of menses), Head- ache . ceased.—(Motion), Stiffness of neck, etc.; pain in left tibia.—(Pres- sure), Tension in spot on right temple; tearing, etc., in the ears; pain in molar teeth ; stitches in left side of neck, etc.; pain in left hip ; throbbing in forehead, etc.—(During night's rest), Varix of rectum decreases.—(After rising), Jerking, etc., toothache; anxiety about the heart disappears.— (After rising and walking a little), Rigidity of the hands, etc.—(In room), Dim-sightedness passes off.—(Scratching), Itching of angle of mouth, etc.; itching of scrotum ; itching upon the sternum; itching upon hands, etc.; itching on and between fingers; itching disappears; skin painful.—(Sitting), Stitches in right hypochondriac region disappear; cutting, etc., in chest; sense of pressure on sides of chest; stitches on both sides of chest; weari- ness of legs ; pain in leg; pain in right leg.—(Sitting up in bed), Gnawing in front molar tooth.—(Stretching), Gnawing in coccyx.—( Walking), Most symptoms decrease; boring pain in chest; stitches on sides of chest; stag- gers, etc.; tearing from knees to toes; cramp in calves; itching of toes, etc. —( Warmth), Pain in abdomen.—(Warm eating and, drinking), Throat symptoms.—(Applying warm cloths), Pinching, etc., in abdomen.—( Wiping eyes), Giddiness; dim-sightedness. AMBRA. Ambra grisea. Found in some marine animals, and frequently obtained floating on the Southern seas. Preparation, Triturations. AMBRA. 239 Authorities. (Hahnemann's M. M. Pura) ; 1, Hahnemann ; 2, Gersdorff. Mind.—Distorted images, grimaces, diabolical faces crowd upon his fancy; he cannot get rid of them/.—Lewd fancies, even when dreaming; the mind and the sexual organs, however, do not feel excited by them (first twenty-four hours)/.—She is excited, loquacious; talking fatigues her; she was unable to sleep at night; got a headache, as if she carried a large load upon her head ; she felt oppressed at the chest; had to sit up in bed, and was attacked with anguish and sweat all over/.—Uncommonly long ex- citement/.—Great equanimity (reaction of the organism)/.—Great sadness (after seventy-two hours)/.—Despair (after forty-eight hours)/.—Great de- pression of spirits (after six days)/.—He is overwhelmed with sad thoughts, and feels a sort of qualmishness about the heart; he feels sad for a long time/.—[10.] Indifferent to joy or grief; more depressed, however, than composed/.—Anxiety after dinner/.—Anxious thoughts arise in his mind/. —The mind feels uneasy and agitated/.—Uneasiness the whole day, the chest feeling oppressed/.—Anguish and tremor (after eight days)/.—In the evening one feels a sort of anguish1.—Irritated mood, as if one had weak nerves and were impatient/.—Talking irritates her; she is attacked with trembling through the whole body, especially in the lower extremities, and has to be alone for some time iu order to rest herself/.—Immediately, whining mood, followed by peevishness and quarrelsomeness, for two hours; he feels easily roused to indignation/.—[20.] Constant alternation of de- pression of spirits and vehemence of temper; this prevents him from hav- ing a calm mood/.—He is always as if he were in a dream/.—He was not able to reflect upon anything properly; he feels stupid (first twenty-four hours)/.—Bad memory; his thoughts are weak; he has to read everything three or four times, and, after all, he does not seize the meaning of what he reads/. Head.—Oppressive confusion of the head, immediately after eating, especially during motion/.—Compressing confusion of the head/.—Head- ache every morning; the head feels muddled, as if she had been revelling the whole night/.—Violent vertigo/.—Uncommon, even dangerous, ver- tigo/.—Vertigo, when walking in the open air in the fore and afternoon/. —*She had to lie down on account of vertigo and feeling of weakness in stom- ach (in afternoon, after seventy-two hours)/.—[30.] 'Great weakness in his head, with vertigo (after forty-eight hours)/.—AVeakness in the head, with a sort of chilliness of the head/.—Congestion of blood to the head for two days/.—Music causes the blood to rush to the head/.—Tension in the head, which makes one feel stupid/.—Compressing headache, starting from both temples/.—Pressive drawing ascending from the nape of the neck, and ex- tending through the head towards the forehead, considerable pressure re- maining behind iu the lower part of the occiput/.—Drawings and tearings in the head, to and fro/.—Pressure and stitches in the head/.—Oppressive and tearing headache, especially over and on the top of the head/.—[40.] Shootings through the head/.—When making an exertion, he experiences a lancinating and cutting headache; he feels it at every step; easier when lying down/.—(Twitchings in the head)/.—Headache as if a cold would come on, at times increasing, at times decreasing, and continual/.—Head- ache when blowing the nose/.—External headache; also in the nape of the neck and in the neck; pain as from straining the parts in lifting, pain- ful to the touch, the whole day (after twelve days)/.—Painful pimple on the forehead/.—Red pimple on the middle of the forehead, close to the hair; it feels sore when touched, but does not suppurate/.—Sensation in the 240 AMBRA. forehead and eyes as when a cold is about breaking out/.—Oppressive headache in the forehead/.—[50.] Pressure in the forehead, with appre- hension of becoming crazy (after forty-eight hours)/.—Downward pressing pain in the forehead and the top of the head, every other day, accompanied by heat in the head and burning in the eyes, paleness of the face, beginning early in the morning, increasing only in the afternoon/.—Short violent pressure, just over the nose, in the forehead, in frequent paroxysms; it be- comes tearing, and leaves behind a confusion of the occiput,2.—Tearing headache in the forehead, as far as the upper part of the face/.—Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence/.—Tearing in left temple, as high up as the vertex; also in the right frontal eminence, and behind the left ear2.— Humming around the temples/.—Stitch in the head, over the left temple (after three hours)/.—Painless feeling of pressure on top of head, and heav- iness of the head, iu the evening (after thirty-six hours)/.—Extremely pain- ful tearing on the top of the heetd, and apparently in the whole upper half of the brain, with paleness of the face and coldness of the left hand/.—[60.] On the right side of the head there is a place where the hairs pain when touched, as if sore/.— Confusion of the occiput,2.—Pressing pain in the occi- put and nape of neck/.—Pressive pain in a small place of the occiput/.— Tearing pressure in the whole occiput, extending as far as the top and the forehead/.—Tearing on the left side of the occiput towards the nape of the neck and behind the ear/.—In the evening, several very severe stitches as- cending towards the occiput/.—* Falling off of the hair (after twenty-four hours)/. Eyes.—Distended veins of the white of the eye/.—Pressure and biting of the eye, as from dust which had got in/.—[70.] Pressure upon the eyes, which can only be opened with difficulty ; pain iu the eyes, as if they had been closed too firmly, especially early in the morning/.—Pressure upon the eyes, as if they were deep in the orbits, with tearing headache, extending down- ward from the forehead, or from the ear through the occiput (after three hours)/.—Burning pain in the right eye (after ten hours)/.—Tearing, in short jerks, in and around the right eye/.—Burning in the eyelids/.—Itch- ing of the eyelid, as if a stye would form there/.—Pressure on left eyebrow/. —Biting and lachrymation of the eyes/.—Intolerably itching titillation around the eyes/.—Turbid sight, as through a mist (after some hours)/.— [80.] Very dim vision (after three days)/.—After a meal, shootings, first around the left, then around the right eye/. Ears.—Violent tearing pain in the lobule and behind it/.—Tearing in right ear early in morning, and frequently at other times/.—Crawling in ears (after forty-eight hours)/.—Itching and tickling in the ears/.—Hear- ing decreases every day, five days in succession (after six days'*/.—*Deaf- ness of one ear/.—*Roaring and whistling in the ear, in the afternoon (after four days)/.—(Snapping, as of a spark from the electric machine, and noise, as when winding up a watch)/. Nose.—[90.] *Dried blood gathers in the nose (after sixteen hours,)1.— *Bleeding at the nose, early in the morning,1.—(Great dryness of the inside of the nose, although air passes through easily)/.—Cramp of the right wing of the nose, toward the malar bone/.—Obstruction of the nose, which feels sore internally/.—Great dryness of the nose, which continues a long time, accompanied by a good deal of irritation in the nose, as if one would sneeze/.—Occasional sneezing, the nose being dry,2.—Tingling iu the nose, as if one would sneeze/.—Frequent attempts to sneeze/.—She sneezes al- most every day; this never happened before/.—[100.] Dry coryza/. AMBRA. 241 Face.—Flushes of heat in the face,1.—Jaundice-colored face,1.—Spas- modic tremblings of the muscles of the face/.—Spasmodic twitchings of the face in the evening, when in bed/.—Gnawing and tingling-itching in the face/.—Tearing in the upper part of the face, especially near the right wing of the nose,2.—Red spot on the cheek, without any sensation/. —Pimples and itching in the whiskers/.—Tension of the cheek, as from swelling/.—[HO.] Painless swelling of the cheek on the upper jaw, with throbbing in the gums (after a few hours)/.—Stitching, pressive pain in the jaws/.—Pain in the jaws, as if they were being screwed together or asunder/.—Hot lips/.—Spasm of the lower lip, and sensation as if it were being pressed against the gums and torn away/. Jloath.—Bleeding of the teeth/.—Unusually copious bleeding from the lower teeth of the right side/.—Drawing pain, at times in one, at times in another tooth ; the pain, increased by warmth, was suppressed by cold, for a few moments; did not become worse by chewing, and went off after a meal; the gums on the inner side were swollen/.—Pain in the hollow tooth, in the evening/.—Pain in the hollow tooth, especially in the open air, as if the nerve were being touched/.—[120.] After dinner, pain in a hollow tooth, more lancinating than tearing; for half an hour (after five hours)/.—Prickling, drawing in the upper right molar teeth/.—Pressive, burrowing pain, apparently under the left lower molar teeth ; in the even- ing when in bed/.—Drawing pain, sometimes in the teeth of the right, some- times in those of the left side, by day, and for several nights/.—Drawing in the incisor tooth, as if a current of air rushed into the tooth, causing a stitch there,2.—Considerably swollen and painful gums/.—The tongue is coated gray-yellow/.—Tuberculous growths under the tongue, which feel sore/.—Tongue, mouth, and lips feel quite numb and dry; early, on wak- ing/.—Fetid odor from the mouth,1.—[130.] Badly smelling breath, early after waking/.—Blisters in the mouth, which pain as if the place were burnt/.—Great dryness of the mouth, early on waking, accompanied by a total want of thirst, for several days,2.—Smarting, and sensation of exco- riation in the interior of the mouth ; pain prevented her from eating any- thing acrid/.—Feeling of contraction in the salivary glands during a meal, especially when swallowing the first mouthfuls/.—(Bitter taste in the mouth, early when waking)/.—Sourish taste in the mouth, after drinking milk/. Throat.—Secretion of mucus in the throed,with roughness and rawness,2. —* Accumulation of grayish phlegm in the throat, which is difficult to hawk up, accompanied by rawness of the throat,2.—Hawking up of mucus early in the morning/.—[140.] Choking and vomiting can hardly be avoided when hawking up phlegm from the fauces/.—Rawness of the throat/.—Rawness of the throat, as in a cold/.—Rawness of the throat, as in a cold, for some days/.—Sensation in the throat as if she had something lodged in it/.—After dinner, pressure in the pit of the throat, as if food were lodged there which will not go down/.—Tearing in the interior of the throat, and in the upper back part of the fauces,2.—Tearing in the back part of the throat, and on the left side of the palate, during dinner/.—Sore throat, as if something impeded deglutition (after eight days),2.—(Sore throat, not when swallow- ing food, but during an empty deglutition, and on pressure from without, ac-; companied by tension of the cervical glands, as if they were swollen) (after four days)/.—[150.] (*Sore throat, after a draught of air; there are stitches shooting from the neck into the right ear; the parts are especially painful when moving the tongue)/.—Tickling in the throat, which induces cough- ing/.—Tickling in the throat and the thyroid body, during the act of cough- vol. i.—16 242 AMBRA. ing/.—Sensation during the act of coughing, as of a sore place in the throat/.—Pain of a submaxillary gland, which looked swollen (after three days)/.—Tearing pain of the palate as far as into the left ear/.—*Sensa- tion of rawness in the region of the velum pendulum palati1.—Sense as of biting in the back part of the fauces, between the acts of swallowing/.— Pressive, biting pain in the back part of the fauces, from time to time/. Stomach.—Somewhat insipid eructations, frequently in the after- noon/.— [160.] *Frequent empty eructations (after three and one-half hours)/.—Violent eructations after dinner/.—^Frequently sour eructations (after forty-eight and seventy-two hours)/.—Audible eructations, tasting bitter/.—Heartburn, with suppressed eructations, when walking in the open air/.—Every evening, sense as of a spoiled stomach, and regurgitation of acrid substances as high up as the larynx, like heartburn,1.—(Nausea, after break- fast) (after seventy-two hours)/.—(Nausea, turning the stomach) (after twenty-four hours)/.—Qualmishness about the stomach/.—Burning in the stomach (after three hours)/.—[170.] Burning in the region of the stomach and higher up/.—Cramp of the stomach/.—She had to lie down in the afternoon, on account of a feeling of weakness in the stomach, and vertigo (after seventy-two hours)/.—Tension and pressure in the region of the stomach/.—Stitches and pressure in the region of the stomach/.—Pressure and burning below the pit of the stomach ; this symptom goes off by an eructation/.—(After every evacuation a weakness about the pit of the stomach)/. Abdomen.—Aching in the region of the liver,2.—Aching in a small place in the right side of the abdomen, in the region of the liver; the pain is not felt when touching the parts,2.—Pressure in the umbilical region, with heartburn; this goes off by an eructatiou/.—[180.] Stitching pain around the navel, when moving the abdomen, especially when drawing the abdo- men in/.—Pressure on the side of the abdomen, over the right hip/.—Pres- sure in the epigastrium, hands and feet being cold/.—Continual pressure in the epigastrium, diminishing by walking in the open air, returning when sitting down/.—Stitches over the hips for two days (after five days)/.—■ Sharp pressure, or dull stitch, over the right hip/.—Tension and infla- tion of the abdomen, after every meal, even every time he drinks/.—Dis- tended abdomen (after a few hours)/.—Distended abdomen (after five hours)/.—Soon after midnight he wakes with a considerably distended ab- domen, especially a distended hypogastrium, owing to incarcerated flatulence exciting a colic, or, at any rate, a violent pressure downwards; this accu- mulation of flatulence disappears during the subsequent sleep, without any emission of flatus, the abdomen becoming easy/.—[190.] Twitchings in the abdominal muscles, in the evening/.—Fermentation and audible rumbling in the abdomen, which, however, is not felt/.—(Burning in the abdomen)/. —*Sense of coldness in the abdomen,1.—* Coldness of one side of the abdo- men for two days (after forty-eight hours)/.—Violent cramps in the belly/. —First pinching pain in the belly, then a little cutting in the epigastrium, which goes off by an eructation/.—The abdomen feels compressed/.—Com- pressive weight in the abdomen, early in the morning/.—Weight in the abdomen, and sensation as if the parts had been sprained, and were suffer- ing a pressure, coming from the spinal marrow/.—[200.] Pressure in the abdomen is followed by the emission of inodorous flatulence/.—Trouble caused by incarcerated flatulence, occasioning a pain, especially in the left side of the abdomen/.—Violent cutting colic, in the evening/.—Cutting colic, when in bed, after midnight, even during a general sweat/.—Cutting AMBRA. 243 colic, with a soft stool, early in the morning, on two mornings in succession (after five days)/.—Violent cutting colic, with diarrhoea occurring three times, three days in succession (after five days)/.—Sense as of pinching in the hypogastrium, with violent fermentation and gurgling, especially in the epigastrium, when lying in bed early in the morning; diminished by rising, renewed by lying down again, especially when lying upon the back/. :—When drawing the abdomen in, violent prickings in the hypogastrium, which may also be excited by pressing the parts from without/.—Pressure below the pit of the stomach and in the hypogastrium, from time to time, also at night/.—After ineffectual urging, a pinching pain in the hypogas- trium, especially of the right side (after some days)/.—[210.] Pressure deep in the hypogastrium, after the evacuation1. Stool and Anus.—Tenesmus in the abdomen, remaining after the stool (he feels as if he had not yet done), upwards of a minute/.—Tenes- mus of the rectum/.—(Drawing in the rectum)/.—Stitches of the rectum/. —Tickling of the rectum/.—Itching and biting of the rectum, which go off by rubbing/.—Itching of the anus/.—Itching of the anus (after some hours)/.—*Frequent urging, no stool; this gives her a good deal of anxiety; during this time the neighborhood of other people was intolerable to her,1. —[220.] Four ordinary evacuations within the space of a few hours (after a few hours)/.—Copious, soft, light-brown stools (after eight days)/.— (Arabra grisea appears to improve stools, which had been delaying hereto- fore) (after ten and fifteen days)/.—Scanty stools (after twenty-four hours)/. —* Constipation (after four days)/.—A quantity of blood is passed with the soft stool (after seven days)/. Urinary Oryans.—Pain in the bladder, and simultaneously in the rectum (after five days)/.—Sensation as if a few drops passed out of the urethra/.—Burning in the orifice of the urethra (after six days)/.—Burn- ing in the orifice of the urethra and the rectum/.—[230.] (Twitchings in the urethra) (after twelve days)/.—Urgent desire to urinate, early after rising, for two hours; he often cannot retain his urine/.—Frequent micturi- tion at night1.—The urine he emits is three times the quantity of what he drinks, especially early in the morning; afterwards, a dull pain in the re- gion of the kidneys/.—Copious, bright-colored, cloudless urine (after four days)/.—Diminished secretion of urine (the first three days)/.—Little urine, which, in a few hours, deposits a reddish sediment/.—A little urine, with a reddish cloud, without any thirst/.—Brown urine/.—Whitish, floc- culent urine/.—[240.] The urine is of a lemon-yellow color, almost inodor- ous, a little flocculent/.— The urine is dark-brown and a little turbid, even while being emitted (after twenty hours)/.—*The urine is turbid, even while being emitted; yellow-brown; it formed a brown sediment, while the clear urine above it was yellow/.—Urine with a reddish cloud/.—The urine has a penetrating odor after standing awhile/.—Bloody urine (after seven days)/. Sexual Organs.—An itching pimple on the male parts of genera- tion/.—Burning in the genital organs, with a few drops of blood being emitted, especially after a walk and hard stool/.—Vehement, voluptuously delightful feeling in the interior of the genital organs, without any consid- erable erection or irritation of the external organs; that feeling continues for hours (after four days)/.—Violent erections, early on waking, without any voluptuous desire, the parts being externally numb ; when the erection subsides there is a tingling-tearing in the forepart of the urethra/.—[250.] The erections subside (reaction)/.—Pain in the glans, as from ulceration/. 244 AMBRA. —Tearing in the glans/.—Itching of the glans, which continues when sit- ting, lying, standing or walking/.—^Violent itching of the pudendum (less frequently of the anus) ; she has to rub the parts/.—*Soreness and itching of the pudendum, even when she does not urinate,1.—^-Swelling, soreness, and itch- ing of the labia pudendi,1.—Hemorrhage from the uterus (after two hours)/. —(Discharge of bluish-white clots of mucus from the vagina)/.—(Profuse leucorrhcea at night)/.—[260.] Leucorrhoza, consisting of thick mucus, in- creasing from day to day, each discharge being preceded by a stitch in the vagina/.—* The menses occur three days before the time (after fourth day)/. —* The menses appear four days before the time (after twenty days)/.—Sen- sation in the abdomen as if the menses would come on, although they had appeared twenty-one days ago (after two hours)/.—During the menses the left leg becomes blue from distended veins, with a pressive pain/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Burning and itching titillation ex- tending from the larynx down to the abdomen/.—*Cough only at night, produced by an excessive irritation in the throat; there is no cough by day/.—Cough excited by rawness of the throat/.—* Cough, every evening, with pain under the left ribs, as if something were torn loose there,1.—*Nightly cough, owing to an excessive irritation in the throat/.—[270.] Occasionally considerable paroxysms of cough1.—*Violent, convulsive cough, accompanied by frequent eructations and hoarseness,1.—*A kind of hooping-cough (after forty-eight hours)/.—*Deep, dry cough, with accumulation of water in the mouth, and subsequent rawness in the throat/.—When coughing there is a pressure in the umbilical regfon/.—* Very saltish expectoration when cough- ing,1.—Roughness and hoarseness of the voice; tenacious mucus collects in the throat/.—Hoarseness; rough, deep voice, alternating with thick phlegm in the larynx; he easily throws it up when clearing the throat, or by a slight cough (after ten and twenty-four hours)/. Chest.—Burning in the chest/.—Burning in the external parts of the chest/.—[280.] Burning ache near one of the ribs of the right side; it is aggravated by external pressure; afterwards a similar pain in the left mamma,2.—* Sense of rawness in the chest1.—Stitch in the chest, extending to the back (after a few hours)/.—Violent, dull stitch in the right mamma, interrupting respiration/.—* Wheezing in the chest1.—Oppression at the chest/.—Oppression in the back, through the chest/.—Oppression of the chest and back, between the scapulae; it subsides for a short time after eat- ing/.—Oppression of the chest, with much uneasiness the whole day (after third day)/.—Tightness of the chest; she cannot breathe deeply, nor yawn fully/.—[290.] Feeling of pressure deep in the right half of the chest, during a strong expiration ; the pressure is most painful at a small place/.— Pressure in the superior part of the chest, in paroxysms, for five minutes/. —Pressure on the upper part of the chest/.—Pressure below (in ?) the left half of the chest/.—Pressure in the praecordial region/.—Aching in the chest, over the pit of the stomach, as if the parts had been beaten ; relieved by eructations/.—Pain of the right lowermost true ribs, as if the parts had been bruised ; more towards the back/.—Rheumatic pain in the right side of the chest, below the arm/.—* Tearing pressure in the left side of the chest,2. Heart and Jaw?se.-t-Palpitation of the heart, when walking in the open air, with paleness of the face/.—[300.] Violent palpitation of the heart, with pressure in the chest, as if a lump were lodged there, or as if the chest were obstructed/.—He perceives the pulse in the body; it feels like the tick of a watch/. AMBRA. 245 Neck and Back.—Drawing ache in the nape of the neck/.—Rheu- matic pain in the right scapula/.—Burning in the left scapula/.—Stitches in left scapula (first day)/.—Pain in the back, as if the intestines were being compressed, with a heaviness iu the back, as if he were not able to right himself/.—Rheumatic pains in the back, on the right side/.—Stitches in the small of the back, when sitting (after eight or nine days)/.—Single, violent, sharp stitches in the small of the back, increased by the slightest motion/.—Violent pressure in the lower part of the small of the back,2.— [310.] Painful tension in the muscles of the loins,1. Extremities in General.—Twitchings in the limbs/.—Uncom- mon twitching in all the limbs, and coldness of the body at night (after fifth day)/.—Uneasiness in all the limbs, like a tingling, accompanied by a sort of anguish, only by day/. Upper Extremities.—The arms easily go to sleep, when lying on them/.—At night the right arm frequently feels numb, and goes to sleep/. —The left arm often goes to sleep during the day, when at rest/.—Tearing in both shoulders/.— Tearing in the left shoulder-joint2.—In the evening there is drawing in the shoulder; it feels sprained and paralyzed,1.—[320.J Violent, dull stitch in the right shoulder (after two hours),2.—Sense as of clucking in the arm/.—Twitchings in the arm/.—Tearing in the right arm, early, for five minutes/.—(Paralysis of the right upper arm)/.—Tearing in the right elbow and forearm/.—Drawing ache in the right forearm as far as the elbow/.—Cramp in the hands (after some hours)/.—Paralysis of the hand, for a few minutes (after sixth day)/.—Icy cold hands for a long time (after one hour)/.—[330.] Painful coldness of the hands for a long time/.—Icy coldness of the hands, in the evening; the hands feel chilly/. —Tearing in the interior of the middle portion of the right hand/.—Sting- ings in the hands and fingers, as of flies/.—Itching in the palms of the hands/.—Stitches, at times, in the right index; at times in the right thumb/.—Rheumatic pain extending from the lowest joint of the thumb, through the metacarpal bone, as far as the wrist-joint/.—Tearing in the muscles of the thumb/.—Trembling in the thumb, in the evening, in re- peated short paroxysms/.—Tearing in the lowest joint of the left index^ finger/.—[340.] (The lowest joints of the fingers become stiff in the even- ing, and the lowest joint of the thumb becomes swollen, and is then pain- ful on being bent; this symptom is worse when she did not exercise her fingers during the day)/.—Tearing in the right index-finger/.—Tearing in the last two fingers, in the evening, before falling asleep/.—Drawing in the fingers and the thumb/.—Tearing in tip of the little finger/.—Tearing under the nail of the right middle finger/.—The skin of the tips of the fingers becomes wrinkled early in the morning/.—The wart on the finger feels sore/.—Itching of the tips of the fingers/.—There arises an itching little tetter between the thumb and the index-finger/.—[350.] Lancinating pain in the tip of the left thumb; when touched only slightly, the part feels as if a splinter had been thrust under the nail; this feeling decreases when the part is pressed upon/.—Tingling in the tip of the thumb, as if it had gone to sleep; this symptom passes off, for some time, by pressing upon the parts/. Lower Extremities.—Stretching and relaxation in the lower ex- tremities/.—Feeling in the lower extremities as if they had gone to sleep; he has no firm step (after eighth day)/.—Tearing in the left, and after- wards in the right, hip/.—Tearing ache in front, just below the left hip/. —Sense as of a clucking tearing behind, under the left half of the nates/. 246 AMBRA. —Tearing in the right half of the nates/.—Heaviness of the legs,1.—Great lassitude in the legs, early in the morning/.—[360.] Rheumatic tearing in the right leg/.— Tearing in the left leg, early in the morning/.—Tension in the thigh, as if the tendons were too short, especially when walking/.— Tearing in the right knee/.—Drawing iu the knees and the malleoli/.— Paralysis of the knee for a few minutes (after six days)/.—Pain as from a sprain, above the knee, especially after having been seated (after five days)/.—Itching of the knees/.—Stiffness of the bend of the knee, early in the morning (the first day;/.—Soreness of the bends of the knees, which is most painful in the evening/.—[370.] Tearing under the left knee, in the upper part of the tibia/.—The legs, from the knee down, especially the feet, are very much swollen (after third day)/.—There is more sensation of coldness in the legs than perceptible coldness/.—Itching of the legs, over the malleoli, in the evening, when lying down; after rubbing the parts they feel sore and as if bruised/.-—During the menses the left leg becomes blue from distended veins, with a pressive pain/.—The right leg, especially the knee, is very cold/.—Tearing in the lower part of the left leg/.— Cramp in the legs, and, almost every night, cramp in the calves1.—Intermit- tent tearing in the left calf/.—Sense as of grumbling in the calves and feet/.—[380.] Painful spots on both shins (after twenty-eighth day)/.— Itching of the legs over the malleoli, in the evening, when lying down; after rubbing the parts they feel sore, and as if bruised/.—Tearing of the malleoli/.—Itching of the malleoli/.—Cold feet/.—Very cold feet/.— Weakness of the feet; they feel insensible (after forty-eight hours)/.— Stiffness of the feet; they feel weary and exhausted (after sixth dayj/.— Tingling in the feet; they feel numb; after rising he felt like fainting; it became dark before his eyes; he could not remain up; had to vomit and lie down again/.—Arthritic pain in the articulations of the foot/.—[390.] When walking, pain in the articulation of the left foot/.—Tension in left foot (at noon)/.—Tearing and stitches in the left foot (after twenty-six days)/.—Occasional stitches in the left foot/.—Tearing in the external border of the left foot/.—Violent burning of the soles of the feet/.—Itch- ing of the inside of the soles of the feet, which cannot be removed by scratch- ing/.—Pain in the heel when walking/—Stitches in the heel,1.—Itching of the toes/.—[400.] Tearing in the middle toes of the left foot/.—Stitch in the ball of the big toe/.—Arthritic pain in the ball of the big toe/.— Intolerable tickling of the tip of the big toe/.—Pain of the corns; they feel sore/. Generalities.—When walking in the open air an uneasiness in the blood and more rapid circulation, accompanied by greater weakness of the body/.—Early in the morning (in a room which was extremely heated) he suddenly felt so weak that he was not able to walk alone, hands and forehead being covered with a cold sweat/.—Weakness, early in the morn- ing, when in bed/.—Weariness, with painful soreness of all the limbs/.— Lassitude, which disappears by walking (after fifth day)/.—[410.] Heavi- ness in the body; he feels weary and exhausted (after fifth day)/.—Fail- ing of strength ; the knees give way (after three hours)/.—Very uneasy by day/.—The symptoms decrease by walking in the open air, but they return when sitting/. Skin.—The eruption is reproduced upon the skin, with a good deal of itching/.—His tetters are reproduced/.—Burning in several places of the skin/.—Early, on waking, the skin feels numb, and is insensible as far as the knees, without being cold ; the hands have but an indistinct sensation; AMBRA. 247 the skin seems to have gone to sleep, but there is no tingling/.—Itching almost all over, even on the abdomen/.—Painful pimple on the forehead/. —[420.] Red pimple on middle of forehead, close to the hair; it feels sore when touched, but does not suppurate,2.—Pimples and itching in the whiskers/.—Pimples on the face, without sensation/.—An itching pimple on the male parts of generation/.— Violent itching of the pudendum (less frequently of the anus) ; she has to rub the parts/.—The skin of the tips of the fingers becomes wrinkled, early in the morning/.—The wart on the finger feels sore/.—There arises an itching little tetter between the thumb and the index finger/.—Itching of the inside of the soles of the feet, which cannot be removed by scratching/.—Pain of the corns; they feel sore/. Ferer.—[430.] Internal chilliness at night, which prevents him from falling asleep, or which rouses him from sleep at night; he did not get warm/.—Chilliness aud weariness, which gives him an inclination to go to sleep, four forenoons in succession ; this symptom went off by taking some dinner (after seventy-two hours)/.—Chilliness, sleepiness, weariness, and dull headache, ever since the morning; the headache disappeared when walking in the open air/.—■Chilliness, weariness, and headache, after two diarrhcea-like evacuations/.—Slight chills before dinner (first day)/.— (Cold skin over the whole body, except face, neck, and genital organs)/.— Heat, two evenings in succession, from 7 to 8 o'clock (after twelve days)/— Heat in the face, and over the whole body, every quarter of an hour (after five or six days)/.—Night sweat, two nights in succession (after six or seven days)/.—Profuse night-sweat; two nights in succession (after five days)/.— [440.] General perspiration, after midnight, for many nights/.—Profuse moisture, every night, almost like sweat/.—Moderate night-sweat, over and over, the whole body being very warm/.—Sweat every morning, worse on the affected side/. Sleep and Dreams.—Disposition to stretch/.—(Sleepiness by day)/.—Sleeplessness before midnight/.—He cannot sleep at night, he knows not why/.—Sleeplessness for several nights ; slumber early iu the morning, which is full of fantasies/.—Frequent waking during the night/. —[450.] Frequent waking; about 2 o'clock in the night, a long-lasting uneasiness in the whole body, especially in the occiput/.—Falling asleep late; afterwards uneasy sleep, owing to a pressure in the epigastrium especially on the right side/.—Pain over the eyes, with nausea, for several nights in succession, always after midnight, and lasting until 7 or 8 o'clock/. —Pressive tearing from the occiput to the forehead, in the evening when in bed, late after having fallen asleep/.—Heat in the head, the first half hour/.—Uneasiness in the occiput, after midnight/.—He wakes up at night with a headache; this goes off by rising from the bed/.—When waking up, he feels weak, his mouth is dry, there is a good deal of pressure in the epigastrium, which increases when lying upon the abdomen ; when the pressure has disappeared, he feels a tearing in the small of the back, which disappears in its turn by lying upon the back/.—On waking, about mid- night, there are the following symptoms: weakness, nausea, violent pres- sure in the pit of the stomach and in the abdomen, violent erections with- out any voluptuous sensation, dryness in the mouth, and insensibility of the surface of' the body/.—Waking early; this is followed by a frequently interrupted, but very deep sleep, the eyes being tightly closed,2.—[460.] Early in the morning, after waking, when in bed, he feels very weary, especially in the upper part of the body; there is confusion in the head, and a sensation as if the eyes had been tightly closed, accompanied by a 248 AMBRA. little nausea in the pit of the stomach; he can scarcely prevail upon himself to rise/.—Weariness, early in the morning when in bed, with a sensation in the eyes as if they had been closed too tightly/.—At night, when asleep, he lies upon his back, with bent knees, the occiput being sup- ported by both his hands; with very vivid dreams/.—Startings, as with fright, in the evening when falling asleep; he imagines that there is too much light in the room; he jumps out of his bed with a sort of anguish (after some hours)/.—Uneasy sleep at night, owing to coldness of the body, and twitchings in all the limbs (after five days)/.—Uneasiness for three nights in successiou, with many dreams (after five days)/.—Vivid, uneasy dreams come on the moment he falls asleep ; they almost prevent him from sleeping (after eight days)/.—The child's sleep is uneasy; it talks while asleep, and desires to drink/.— Uneasy sleep with anxious dreams (after five days)/.—Uneasy dreams at night; they fill him with anguish/.—[470.] He falls asleep late; afterwards, he has anxious dreams, as if he were abused and too weak to defend himself; on waking, he feels a great weakness in the upper part of the body, accompanied by a pinching pressure under the pit of the stomach, nausea; these symptoms appear when lying down and falling asleep again, and are then accompanied by pressure in the left side of the abdomen; the symptoms, however, disappear when one is wide awake, sits up, and moves about; they terminate with the emission of flatulence, fermentation in the abdomen, and eructation/.— Vexing anxious dreams, and talking while asleep, for eight days (immediately;/.—Dreams full of work/. Conditions.—Aggravation.-—(Morning), Headache; sweat.—(Early in morning), Pain in eyes, etc.; tearing in right ear, etc.; bleeding at the nose; hawking of mucus; weight in abdomen; increased urine; tearing iu right arm ; skiu of finger-tips wrinkled ; great lassitude in legs; tearing in left leg; stiffness of bend of knee ; great weakness, etc.—(Early on waking), Tongue, etc., numb and dry; dryness of mouth; bitter taste in mouth ; violent erections.—(Early after waking), Badly smelling breath ; skin feels numb, etc.; very weary, etc.—(Early, in bed), Sense of pinching in hypo- gastrium, etc.; weakness; weariness.—(Early after rising), Urgent desire to urinate.—(Forenoon), Vertigo ; chilliness, etc.—(Noon), Tension in left foot.—(Afternoon), Vertigo ; vertigo, etc.; roaring in the ear ; insipid eructations ; had to lie down, etc.—(Evening), Sort of anguish; pressure on top of head, etc.; stitches towards occiput; twitchings of face, etc.; pain in hollow tooth; sense as of spoiled stomach, etc.; twitchings in abdominal muscles; cutting colic ; cough, etc.; drawing in shoulder, etc.; coldness of hands; trembling in the thumb ; stiffness of finger-joints ; soreness of bends of knees; heat.—(Evening before falling asleep), Tearing in fingers.— (Evening, in bed), Pain in molar teeth; itching of legs; pressive tearing from occiput to forehead.—(Night), Pressure below pit of stomach ; frequent micturition; profuse leucorrhcea; cough ; twitching in all the limbs, etc.; right arm numb, etc.; cramp in the calves; internal chilliness; sweat; pro- fuse moisture; cannot sleep; headache; uneasiness; anxious dreams.— (Before midnight), Sleepiness.—(After midnight), General perspiration ; pain over eyes; uneasiness in the occiput.—(On waking about midnight), Weakness; nausea, etc.—(Soon after midnight), Wakes with distended abdomen, etc.—(After midnight, in bed), Cutting colic.—(2 a.m.), Long- lasting uneasiness, etc.—(Every other day), Downward pressing pain in fore- head.—(In open air), Pain in hollow tooth.—( Walking in open air), Vertigo; heartburn, etc.; palpitation of heart, etc.; uneasiness in the blood, etc.— AMMONIACUM. 249 (After draught of air), Sore throat.—(After breakfast), Nausea.—(Blowing nose), Headache.—(Coughing), Tickliug in throat, etc.—(Before dinner), Slight chills.—(During dinner), Tearing in back part of throat, etc.— (After dinner), Anxiety ; pain in hollow tooth ; pressure in pit of throat; violent eructations.—(Empty deglutition), Sore throat.—(Drawing abdo- men in), Stitching pain around navel; prickings in hypogastrium.— (Drinking), Tension and inflation of abdomen.—(After eating), Confusion of head.—(After eructation), Weakness about pit of stomach.—(After evacua- tion), Pressure deep in hypogastrium.—(After two diarrhoea-like evacuations^, Chilliness.—(Exertion), Lanciuating and cutting headache.—(When not exercising the parts), Stiffness of finger-joints, etc.—(During strong expira- tion), Pressure in right chest.—(Lying on abdomen), Pressure in epigas- trium.—(Lying on back), Sense as of pinching in hypogastrium, etc.— (During a meal), Feeling of contraction in salivary glands, etc.—(After a meal), Shootings, etc.; tension and inflation of abdomen.—(During menses), Left leg becomes blue, etc.—(Motion), Confusion of the head; stitches in small of back.—(Moving tongue), Pain in throat.—(Music), Rush of blood to head.—(Pressurefrom without), Sore throat; prickings in hypogastrium. —(After rising), Feels like fainting.—(After rubbing the parts), Soreness of legs, etc.—i Sitting), Stitches in small of back ; the symptoms.—(Sitting down), Pressure in epigastrium.—(After having been seated), Pain above knees.—(After hard stool), Burning in genital organs.—(Slight touch), Pain in tip of left thumb.—(After ineffectual urging), Pinching pain in hypo- gastrium.—(Whenwalking), Tension iu thigh; pain in articulation of left foot; pain in heel.—(After a ivalk), Burning in genital organs. Ameliorat ion.—( Walking in open air), Pressure on epigastrium ; the symptoms; headache.—(Taking dinner), Chilliness, etc.—(After eating), Oppression of chest, etc.—(Eructation), Pressure and burning below pit of stomach ; cutting in epigastrium; aching in chest.—(After lying down), Headache.—(Lying upon back), Tearing in small of back.—(After a meal), Drawing pain in teeth.—(Pressure), Pain in tip of left thumb; tingling in tip of thumb.—(Rising from bed), Sense of pinching in hypogastrium, etc.— (Rubbing), Itching and biting of the rectum.—(During sleep), Accumula- tion of flatus, etc.—(Touch), Pain in region of liver.—( Walking), Lassitude. AMMONIACUM. Dorema ammoniacum, Don. Nat. order, Umbelliferae. Common names, Gum ammoniac; (Persian), Oschak or Kandal. Preparation, Trituration of the gum, or solution in water. Authorities.^ la, 32 grains in 3 ounces of water; lb, same repeated; lc, effects of fumes of the fluid distilled from the gum; 2, woman, 42 years old, 30-40 drops aqueous solution; 3, man, 26 years old, 12-18 grains ; 4, "A," 1-30 grains, triturated; 5, "B," 2-15 grains iu substance; 6, Jahnel, 1-40 grains; 7, Wichmann; 8, Stieglitz. Mind.—A melancholy mood, continued for several days/ a.—The whole day through, he was uncomfortable and in a melancholy mood/ b.— During the day, he was in a gloomy state of mind/.—He is uneasy and f Nos. 1 to 5, Buchner's provings, Hygea, 13, 212 and 22, 264 (translated in Shipman's Journal); No. 6, Inaugural Dissertation, Leipzig, 1837 (A. H. Z., 12, 230); JSTo. 7, in Hufeland's Journal, 1800 (A. H. Z., 9, 287); 8, in Burgrave de Aere, etc. 250 AMMONIACUM. uncomfortable, and, whether walking or sitting, is out of humor/ b.—Ill- humored/.—Morose temper/.—Incapacity for mental exertion,6.—Disincli- nation for anything/. Head.—In afternoon, a slight sensation of confusion of the head/.— [10.] In the evening, there was confusion of the head, which incapacitated him for labor/ a.—Somewhat increased confusion of the head, after some hours, and sleepiness, with a sensation as if bruised in the limbs, and pains, continuing half an hour, in the course of the crural nerve/.—While read- ing, he was attacked with vertigo, which passed into a headache, and continued into the night/.—Heaviness of the head/ b.—Violent headache (day and night)/.—The stitching pains pressing through the head were very distressing; these pains continued, with but little intermission, through the whole day/.—Later, the forehead was confused, with weakness of sight and heaviness in the loins/ a.—Pressive pains in the whole forehead and over the eyes (shortly after taking; lasts all day)/.—Pressive pain in the whole head, especially in the supraorbital region and occiput (at midday)/. —Pains were observed in a few hours through the whole forehead; in- creased all day till evening, and prevented any intellectual labor (after 26 grains)/.—Aching in the forehead/ a.—[20.] Aching in the forehead, with confusion of the whole head, and such drowsiness that any effort or labor was utterly impossible/.—Aching in right half of forehead (10 o'clock)/ a. —Transient, stitching pains in left temporal region (in one hour)/—Tear- ings in left side of head/ b.—Late in evening, drawing in left zygoma, extending to temples/ a.—A furry sensation (Pilzigkeitsgefriihl) at the occiput/ a.—Stitching upon the occiput, where the hairs ceased; under the hair, pustules were formed/ b.—Where the hair ceases, isolated pus- tules/ b.—Frequently returning stitches, as from a knife, in the middle of the hairy scalp/.—Prickling in hairy scalp, returning next day; also in upper half of eyeball/.—[30.] Itching of the hairy scalp (more in the ver- tex and below), requiring him to scratch/ b.—Itching of hairy scalp more severe than before/.—Itching in hairy scalp of occiput on left side/ b. Eyes.—The eyes seem dry to him, with sensation as if there were a foreign body between the left upper eyelid and the eyeball/ b.—Pressure on the eyes, and a dull stitching, especially when stooping/.—Aching over eyes and in forehead, rather stronger in temporal region, continuing nearly the whole day, but moderately, being somewhat relieved after dinner/.— The pain in eye was less; drawing, stitching/.—Aching in upper part of eye/ b.—Morning, on waking, purulent matter in the inner canthi of both eyes, but especially the right/.—Sensation of a swelling under the tarsus, as if a little gland were swollen, though the finger could not detect any/. —[40.] Pricking throbbing in left upper eyelid, which returned the next day, followed by aching/ a.—Continual dull stitching pain in right lower eyelid, much increased by moving the eyelids, touching them, or stooping; externally, no change apparent/.—The pains in the lower eyelids had en- tirely disappeared; only, in the right one, a small hardened pellicle might be felt/.—He cannot read without straining the eyes/ b.—Such a cloudi- ness before eyes that things which previously could be recognized from the room without difficulty, seemed now as if enveloped in a cloud/.—Blind- ness in evening/.—Dimness and obscuration of sight in evening, amount- ing almost to blindness; stars and fiery points moved with the eyes/.—Dim- ness of sight in the eveuing, aud especially in the morning after rising, with increased warmth in the eyes/ a.—The daylight hurt his eyes, although the sky was overcast/ a.—Before the eyes, a cloud of dust was constantly wav- AMMONIACUM. 251 ing/.—[50.] It seemed as if dust floated before the eyes (which were heavy from sleeping), and moved hither and thither; at the same time there was pressure upon the orbital region/.—Beams of light and sparks proceeding from the eyes, and a burning bright light, surrounded by brilliant colored rings, while others saw things as through a thick mist or cloud of dust, at evening/. Ears.—Deepseated tearings in right external auditory passage/ b.— Single transient stitches in right ear/.—Separate stitches in right ear/.— Fleeting stitches in right ear, at noon/.—There was a humming perceived in ears, which continued but a short time/.—Humming in ear, so violent as to injure the hearing/.—Clinking in left ear, while scratching the occi- put (at 10 p.m.)/ b. Nose.—Increased secretion of mucus from nose (immediately after)/ b. —[60.] Frequent sneezing/ b, 6.—Profuse mucous discharge from the nose/. Face.—Her countenance changed, and she became quite pale/.—The lips were dry, and he experienced a burning sensation/. JTouth.—Dull, stitching, jerking pains in the two left lower incisors (which were sound), at 7 o'clock/.—Profuse saliva/.—Short rheumatic stitches in left eyetooth/.—Dry roughness in the posterior part of the gums, with slight aching in pit of stomach/.—Thin yellowish coating on tongue/. —Yellow-coated tongue and bitter taste/.—[70.] Dry roughness of the point of the tongue and the gums/:—Nose, mouth, and throat distressingly dry (on awaking)/.—Clayey taste/ b.—Bitter taste in mouth (immediate- ly)/.—Bitter, rank taste/.—Flat taste in mouth, somewhat sweetish/.—No taste in forepart of tongue, but nauseating, bitter in pharynx; disappears after eating (soon after taking)/. Throat.—Sensation of fulness extending up into the throat (10 a.m.)/a. —A sensation of fulness in the throat and gullet, almost inducing nausea/ a. —Sensation in throat and oesophagus of scraping and burning (16 to 24 grainsV.—[80.] Soon after taking, scraping sensation in the oesophagus/. —Sensation as if something were sticking deep in the throat, making it necessary to swallow/ b.—Stitching from the region of the right submax- illary glands, extending into the mouth/ b.—Slight roughness of the throat/6.—In the throat, a roughness and dryness was present/.—After swallowing, sensation in throat, as from dry cough/. Stomach.—Eructations/.—Violent eructations (soon after)/.—Occa- sional eructations of a resinous odor/.—Eructations of a strong, resinous, bitter taste (immediately after 12 grains)/.—[90.] Increasing nausea/.— Nausea, almost vomiting (soon after taking)/.—Aching in stomach (imme- diately)/.—After supper, aching in stomach/.—Sensation of heat and slight burning in the scrobiculus cordis, occupying a space as large as a child's head/.—-Sensation of warmth and aching in pit of stomach/.—Aching in pit of stomach*. Abdomen.—Transient stitches under the ribs and above the navel, chiefly at the left side/.—Transient stitching pains under right short ribs, at 9 o'clock/.—At 8 a.m., several transient fine stitches under the right short ribs, returning at noon and in the evening/.—[100.] Fine transient stitches under the right short ribs, in the ca^cal region, and, after rising, in the right ear also/.—For nearly an hour after taking, transient short stitches under short ribs, on left side, and similar pains between the su- perior and anterior spinous processes of the ilium and left side of navel/. —On waking in the morning, dull, stitching, fleeting pains under the short 252 AMMONIACUM. ribs; similar pains in caecal region,*.—Half an hour after dinner, slight transient cutting pain about the navel/.—Aching and tension, as if pressed together, about the navel, continuing only a few minutes (in half an hour)/. —Aching and tension below the navel, on the left side, from which was developed a peculiar, dull, stitching (apparently superficial) pain/.—Dull, stitching, transient pains between the crest of the left ilium and the navel, immediately; and subsequently similar pains in the caecal region/.—Dull, stitching, jerking pain in the region of the caecum, disappearing again after some minutes; returning on change of posture,and especially when inclin- ing towards the left side, when lying/.—Transient return of the pain in the caecum/.—Fleeting, dull, stitching pain in the region of the caecum, but less than the day before/.—Single, fleeting stitches in the caecal region at 7.30 o'clock/.—[HO.] Pains similar to the previous caecal pains, and at a corresponding point on the left side, some minutes later/.—After 1 p.m., there was great rumbling in the abdomen, for half hour/.—Rumblings in abdomen, with confusion in forehead/ b.—Soon after taking, passage of strong-smelling flatus/.—In morning, copious discharge of sour-smelling flatus/.—At night, unusually free discharge of wind/.—After some hours, slight pains in abdomen/.—Slight pains in belly, with borborygmus/.— Chilliness, and wandering pains in abdomen, followed by an abundant mucous stool; at the same time there was also a mucous discharge from nose, with frequent sneezing, and mucous expectoration (prover was at that time suffering from a coryza)/.—Slight griping in belly/ b.—[120.] Violent cut- ting colic (two hours)/.—Colic-like pains ensued in afternoon, but were transient/.—The pressure in pit of stomach, and the sensation of aching and heaviness in pubic region, seemed to alternate/.—The peculiar, dull, stitching, caecal pains, alternating with a similar pain in the corresponding part of the left side/.—Rheumatic pain in left side of pelvis/ b.—Distress- ing pain in region of pubis/ b.—Heaviness and aching in the pubic region*. —Repeated stitching in right groin, almost in the spermatic cords, return- ing in the evening (after 12 o'clock)/ a.—The pain in the course of the crural nerve, extending itself towards the inguinal ring and the spermatic cord/.—Itching in right groin/ b.—[130.] Jerking, drawing in left groin,*. —Drawing pains about the lower abdomen/. Stool and Anas.—Pressure on rectum while sitting/ a.—Soft stool/. —Soft stool, accompanied by much flatus, after rumbling in the bowels/ b. —After 9 a.m., very unsatisfactory soft stool/ b.—A soft evacuation after partaking of fruit, yet without any sufficient inclination/.—Stool soft, but without straining/.—Soft stool of dark-brown faeces,*.—In morning, a pappy stool/ b.—[140.J After dinner, at 1.30, he had a pappy, fecal stool, having had an insufficient one in the morning/ b.—After 1 p.m., several pappy stools/.—In afternoon, a pappy stool ensued, with rumbling in bowels/.— Next day (after 26 grains), the stools were sometimes fluid/.—Profuse di- arrhoea mucosa (two hours)/.—Two copious stools/.—Profuse mucous stool (follows the chilliness and pains in lower abdomen)/.—Hard, sluggish stool/.—Difficult stool; even when there was a slight sensation of urging to stool, the rectum was so inactive that the stool was only effected by much effort, and with interruptions/.—The alvine evacuations were diminished, while the urinary discharge was increased; at the same time the pain in the pubic region, at first but slight, became quite severe/.—[150.] Stool delayed till evening/ b.—Not till evening did his bowels move (contrary to his usual custom)/ b.—The stools were delayed two or three days, and were of firm consistence (after twelve days)/.— Constipation*. AMMONIACUM. 253 Urinary Organs.—Burning at orifice of urethra, diminishing in- teriorly/6.—Several fleeting stitches through the fossa navicularis/.—In- crease of urine and sweat, but diminished alvine evacuations/.—For a couple of days, after urinating, some drops of urine were still discharged/ b. —The urine passed contained much lactate of urea/ b.—Absence of lactic acid and lactate of urea from the urine/.—[160.] The marked acid reaction of the urine, which continued for several days, arose from the surplus of uric acid, which was deposited for some time,*.—The urine also contained much mucus/.—After a few days, many torulce were formed/.—Albumen was not present/.—Even when cold, the urine had a peculiar smell, and was more pungent than natural; while evaporating, also, it gave forth a peculiar odor/. Sexual Organs.—Stitches at the root of the penis/ b.—Painful drawing in spermatic cord/.—Severe stitches in the spermatic cord, and in the left pubic region/.—In evening, drawing pain along the spermatic cord/.—Constant drawing in right spermatic cord/ b.—[170.] Disagreeable drawing in right spermatic cord/.—Stitching in right spermatic cord while walking,2.—Late in evening, stitching in right spermatic cord/ a.—Slight pains in left spermatic cord, at eleven o'clock/.—Drawing in region of left spermatic cord frequently returning/ b.—Dull, aching drawing in testicles, for some minutes/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Occasional tickling in air-passages, which, however, does not induce cough/.—Hoarse voice/.—Peculiar sensa- tion in the throat that induces a cough, soon after taking; relieved after eating,6.—For three days past, in morning, coughing up of a slight, soluble, thickish mucus from the larynx/.—[180.] Expectoration mucous, and more copious than usual (day after twenty-six grains)/.—Respiration ac- celerated/ 6.—For many days the respiration is shorter and more in the upper part of the lungs, but accompanied with no other unpleasant sensa- tion than auxiety and discomfort/ b. Chest.—Pain in chest/.—Some constriction of chest, with pain (in one hour)/.—Constriction of lower half of left breast, and soon after a deep- seated pain there/.—Some oppression of chest, with stitches in left half of chest, when inspiring/.—Slight jerking stitches about the short ribs on left side, more towards the anterior surface of the breast/.—Anxiety and op- pression of chest (in a phthisical person who had formerly spit blood)/. Heart and False.—In the evening, after lying down, violent pal- pitation in the chest and carotids (the stroke of the heart was stronger and more vigorous, but not more rapid than usual), which made it difficult to get to sleep/.—[190.] In the evening, palpitations and restless sleep,*.— Strong, distressing throbbing of the heart, which extended itself below the pit of the stomach, at night when going to bed; it was more violent when lying on the back, or on the left side; less when lying on right side; pre- venting sleep for a long time/.—At night, when lying down, throbbing of the heart and arteries; unusual weariness of the eyes after reading/.— Pulse more frequent/.—The pulse was evidently accelerated/.—The pulse somewhat quick, frequent, and hard/.—The pulse was small and tense, without being accelerated/ a.—Pulse tense,3. Neck and Sack.—Heaviness and aching at the end of the lumbar vertebrae/ b.—Fleeting stitches in left lumbar region, increased when ex- piring/. Extremities in General.—[200.] Weariness of extremities/ a.— Heaviness of the limbs (in evening)/ a.—Repeated tearing pains in wrists 254 AMMONIACUM. and ankles/.—Before he went to bed he experienced tearing, but, for the most part, very fleeting pains in the right shoulder, knee, and ankle; also in the left tarsal bones, but less severe/.—Pains, like rheumatic pains, were felt in the left shoulder, the knee, and right ankle/. Upper Extremities.—Rheumatic pain in the whole right arm, about twelve o'clock/ b.—Single, rheumatic, fleeting pains in the right arm, now at one point, now at another/.—Sensation in right arm, as if bruised (principally above the elbow)/ a.—Tensive, aching, transient, dull, itching pain on fleshy part of extensors of right arm and elbow-joint/.— Sensation of paralysis in left arm/.—[210.] Stitching in shoulder and ax- illa, extending down to the elbow, during ten or fifteen minutes/.—Rheu- matic pain in right shoulder/.—Acute stitches in the right shoulder/ b.— Stitching and tearing in left shoulder/ b.—Stitching in left shoulder-joint/. —Pricking in left shoulder-joint, extending over the deltoid muscle, almost disappearing when pressing upon it/ b.—In the evening, stitches in the glands of the right axilla/ c.—Dull, drawing pains in right deltoid muscle, at 9 a.m./.—Drawing and tearing in right wrist/ b.—Sensation as if bruised in left,wrist; afterwards, in the right also/ a.—[220.] Short, rheumatic pains in the metacarpal bones of the right hand, in elbow, and shoulder/. —Rheumatic pain in the index-finger of the left hand/ b.—Drawing in right middle fingers/ a. Lower Extremities.—At evening, weariness in both hip-joints for several hours/.—Stitching in right hip-joint, while sitting (10 a.m.)/ a.— Next day, before nine o'clock, he experienced, while walking, acute stitch- ing pain, somewhat above the right hip-joint, almost compelling him to limp; the pain, which chiefly occurred when sitting bent up, diminished during the day, and by morning disappeared almost entirely/ c.—Sensation of uneasiness in right trochanter major/.—Dull, drawing pain in right tro- chanter, at 4 p.m., continuing an hour/.—From 3.50 to 5.30 p.m., dull stitching pain in right trochanter major, with weariness of leg/.—In even- ing, drawing pain in right trochanter and left knee/.—[230.] Sensation of weariness in right thigh/.—Jerking pain in left thigh, in the course of the crural nerve (in evening)/.—Undefinable pains in the left knee/ b.—At 9 p.m., Avhile sitting, a sensation as if the left knee were swollen, with in- creased heat of the knee, and pricking in the bend of the knee/ b.—Ten- sion in the right knee-joint, when walking/ b.—Towards morning, there was stitching in the left side of right knee/ a.—Constant stitching and ach- ing on the left leg, at the left knee, at the protuberance of the tibia/ b.— Pain in right leg, above the knee, which made it difficult for him to walk/ b. —The pain below the knee returned again when walking/ b.—Tearing pain in right shin/ b.—[240.] Tearing pain in both ankles/.—Pressure above the right ankle/ b.—Late in the evening, cracking in the left ankle, when moving/ a.—Painful drawing in left foot/.—Pain in middle of sole of left foot/ b.—Heaviness in right sole,so that he trips up when going upstairs/ b.— Tearing and drawing in the sole of the left foot/ a.—Burning in left meta- tarsus/ b.—Pricking aud burning in left metatarsus/ b.—Repeated pricking in right metatarsus/ b.—[250.] Pricking below the right metatarsus/ b.— Burning, then, five minutes after, stitching in right great toe/ b.—Gouty pains in left great toe, so that he cannot walk; this is repeated several times/ b.—About 10 a.m., drawing in the middle toe of left foot/ a.— Stitches in the little toe of the left foot, at the left of the joint, where the skin was somewhat thickened/ b. Generalities.—Pulsation and restlessness in whole body, not per- AMMONIACUM. 255 mitting him to go to sleep at night, though he had drank less than usual/. —Weariness, even upon the least motion/ b.—Weary, aud as if beaten/. —Immediately upon rising he felt a sluggishness and drowsiness, with de- pression of spirits, which manifested itself in the body as heaviness and weariness/«.—Great lassitude, without having really become previously fatigued ; the limbs feeling as if bruised/.—[260.] Discomfort/ b.—Stitch- ing in various parts of the body, on the left great toe, on the left knee, in the chest, but not continuing long in the same place (in evening)/ a.—Here and there fermentation/ a.—Dryness of mouth aud oppression of chest, worse early in morning/. Skin.—On left side of occiput, where hair ceased, vesicles presented themselves, compelling him to scratch, and disappearing again till evening; the same thing occurred in the beard, on the right side of the face, where he noticed only one vesicle/ c.—Itching returning in the evening/ b. Fever.—Chills, running from feet up over the back, at half past ten o'clock/.—Chilliness, half an hour after dinner, at one o'clock, extending from feet up over back/.—Disposition to sweat,1 a °. Sleep and Dreams.—Frequent yawning, which brought tears into his eyes/ a.—[270.] Soon after soft stool, yawning, because the stomach felt empty/ a.—Great drowsiness/.—Drowsiness,1 a 5.—After a dose of nine grains, the confusion, heaviness, and pain in head were so combined with drowsiness that all inclination to labor disappeared/.—He got to sleep late/ b.—Although great drowsiness had continued through the whole day he did not get to sleep till late at night; the sleep was disturbed, as every time he dropped to sleep he was awakened by frightful dreams, and it was a long time before he could get to sleep again/.—The severest headache continued through the night, and prevented sleep (after thirty grains)/.— Great weariness, and sensation as if bruised, which prevented sleep for a long time/.—Restlessness and pulsations after going to bed, not allowing him to sleep for a long time,*.—Restless sleep/.—[280.] Sleep, during whole night, restless, interrupted, and unrefreshing/ a.—He was restless at night, woke often, and dreamed much/ a.—The sleep was often interrupted/.— Sleep as quiet as usual, but woke up occasionally/.—'Although he did not go to bed till about twelve, his sleep was much interrupted till three o'clock, but after that he did not sleep at all/ 6.—Sleep full of dreams (inter- rupted)/ b.—Many dreams at night, though the sleep was not much dis- turbed by them,*.—Fell asleep again (after taking, at 4 a.m.), and had many dreams/.—Many confused dreams/.—Continued dreams/.—[290.] At night, many confused dreams and restless sleep/.—His restless sleep was full of dreams, which he remembered, but which were not disagreeable/ b. —Sleep uneasy ; dreams distressing/ b. Conditions.—Aggravations.—(Morning), Discharge of flatus; pappy stool; coughing up mucus.—(Morning on waking),Purulent matter in inner canthi, etc.; dull pains under short ribs, etc.—(Immediately on rising), Sluggishness, etc.—(Morning after rising), Dimness of sight.—(Noon), Stitches in right ear.—(Afternoon), Slight confusion of head; pappy stool, etc.; colic-like pain; weariness in both hip-joints, etc.—(Evening), Con- fusion of head, etc.; blindness; dimness of sight; stitch in right groin; drawing pain along spermatic cord ; palpitation, etc.; heaviness of limbs; stitches iu glands of right axilla; drawing pain in right trochanter, etc.; jerking paiu in left thigh; stitching in various parts,etc; itching returning. —(Late in Evening), Drawing in left zygoma, etc.; stitching in right sper- matic cord ; cracking in left ankle.—(Evening, after lying down), Palpita- 256 AMMONIUM ACETICUM—AMMONIUM BROMIDUM. tion in chest, etc.; (Night), Discharge of wind ; restlessness; many dreams. —(Night, when going to bed), Throbbing of the heart, etc.—(Towards morn- ing), Stitching in right knee.—(8 a.m.), Fine stitches in right short ribs.— (9 a.m.), Pains in right deltoid muscle.—(About 10 a.m.), Drawing in left toe.—(After 1 p.m.), Rumbling in abdomen, etc.—(3.50 to 5.30 p.m.), Dull pain in right trochanter.— (4 p.m.), Pain in right trochanter.—(9 p.m., while sitting), Sensation as if left knee swollen, etc.—(Sitting bent up), Acute pain above hip-joint.—(Bending to left side, when lying), Dull pain in region of caecum.—(After dinner), Pain about navel; pappy fecal stool.—'Expira- tion), Stitches in left lumbar region.—(After eating fruit), Soft evacuation, etc.—(When inspiring), Oppression of chest, etc.—(Lying on left side), Throbbing of heart, etc.—(Lying on back), Throbbing of heart, etc.— (Moving), Crack in left ankle.—(Moving eyelid), Pain in right lower eye- lid.—(Change of Posture), Dull pain in region of caecum.—( While read- ing), Vertigo, etc.—(After reading), Weariness of eyes.—(After rising), Stitches in right ear.—(While sitting), Pressure upon rectum; stitching in right hip-joint.—(Stooping), Pressure on eyes, etc.; stitching pain in right lower eyelid.—(After supper), Aching in stomach.—(Touching eyelids), Stitching pain in right lower lid.—( While walking), Stitch in right sper- matic cord; tension in right knee-joint; pain below knee. Amelioration.—(Early in morning), Dryness of mouth, etc.—(After dinner), Aching over eyes, etc.—(Half an hour after dinner, at one o'clock), Chilliness.—(Lying on right side), Throbbing of the heart, etc.—(Pressure), Pricking in left shoulder, etc.—(Soon after soft stool), Yawning. AMMONIUM ACETICUM. Chemical formula, C2H;j02NH4. Preparation, The aqueous, solution known as " Spiritus Mindereri " has been employed. Authorities. Wibmer's experiments with repeated doses of the "spiritus " diluted with water. Scraping in the throat.—Increased warmth in the abdomen.—Increased warmth of the skin, especially in the face.—Heaviness in the head.—Causes profuse urine which contains sugar ; Larrey (in Med. Chir. Treatise), (old). AMMONIUM BENZOICUM. Chemical formula, C7H50(NH4)0. Preparation for use, Solution in water. Authority. Wibmer's provings, two to twenty grains in solution. Increased frequency of the pulse.—Increased mucous secretion in the larynx, causes frequent hawking and spitting.—Increased warmth in the stomach, slight.—Slight discomfort in the stomach.—Pain across the sac- rum, with urgency to stool. AMMONIUM BROMIDUM. Chemical formula, NH4Br. Preparation, Triturations. Authorities. A. M. Cushing, provings in Trans. Am. Inst, of Horn., 1870. 1, first dec. trit., repeated doses up to 20 grains, then stopped 2, second dec. trit., first day, 25 grains; second day, 25 grains, three times; AMMONIUM BROMIDUM. 257 fourth day, 75 grains; seventh day, 100 grains; eleventh day, 50 grains. 3, third dec. trit., first day, 50 grains; second day, 50 grains and 100 grains; third day, 25 grains. Head.—Peculiar pain in head, cannot describe it (fourth day)/.—At times during day felt as if a band was tied around head above ears, pressing hardest just above the ears1 (third and fourth days)/.—Pain in right side of head, near the eye, as if a nail were driven into it (second day)/.— Sharp pain in left side of head, near the eye (daily)/. Eyes.—Much redness between orbit and inner canthi; looks as if a membrane were growing over it (fifth day)/.—Pain around both eyes, into head (fourth day)/.—Pain around orbits (fifth day)/.—Eyes feel badly to-day, though awake but an hour and a half last night (sixth day),2.—In evening eyes feel very large, with constant blue before them (sixth day)/. —[10.] Right eye feels large and smarts; he has to wear a shade in the evening, to read or write (sixth day)/.—Eyes smart (fifth day)/.—Eyes smart iu evening, but have not during the day (fifth day)/.—Eyes sore (ninth day)/.—Eyes feel sore, and as if sand in them (third day),2.—Both eyes sore and very red (ninth day)/.—In morning, eyes red and sore, with white mucus in corners; left eye worse (second day)/.—Right eye sore (sixth day)/.—Right eye feels as if bathed in hot water (3 p.m.), (fifth day),2.—Right eye full of white stringy mucus (fifth and sixth days)/.—[20.] Lids swollen (sixth day)/.—Every evening eyelids droop, and it is difficult and painful to raise them (third day)/.—Lids stuck together in moving (seventh day)/.—Eyes stuck together (sixth dayV-—Mucus on eyelashes (third day)/.—In evening eyeballs feel large and sore (fourth day)/. Ears.—Sharp pain in lower portion of left ear, extending to cheek and neck (8 p.m.'), (third day)/. Nose.—Nose stopped up; then discharge of clear fluid (second day)/. —Occasional discharge of watery fluid from left nostril (fourth day)/. Blouth.—Tongue very sore, as if burnt; cannot talk or read without pain/.—[30.] Tongue sore on top, both sides and tip (eighth day)/.—Tongue stiff and sore/.—In morning, tongue dry, sore, and stiff/.—Biting sensation on left side of tip of tongue/.—In morning, tongue smarts severely, as if just burned (second day)/, etc.—Tongue feels as if burnt worse near the tip (fifth day)/.—Mouth feels as if burnt (ninth day)/.—In morning, mouth feels as if badly burnt (eighth day)/.—In morning, mouth very dry (fourth day)/.—Mouth filled with saliva/.—[40.] Stringy, tasteless mucus in mouth/.—Mouth filled with white, frothy, stringy mucus (fourth day)/.— In morning, mouth full of white, sticky mucus (third day)/.—Tasting of food eaten several hours before (third day)/. Throat.—AVhite, thick mucus in throat (second day)/.—Throat filled with white, sticky mucus; he has to hawk it up, causing smarting of fauces (first day)/.—During day, throat filled with white, sticky mucus, streaked with blood (fourth day;/.—Throat sore (seventh day)/, etc.—Throat sore; looks mottled, as if diphtheritic deposit were commencing (eighth day)/.— Throat sore; worse on left side (eighth day)/.—[50.] Throat sore; pre- paring to swallow is painful, but the act of swallowing is not (8 p.m.), (third day)/.—Throat sore, with expectoration of white, sticky mucus, with similar discharge from nose (second day)/.—Throat much irritated (third day)/.—Irritation of throat, with inclination to cough,1.—Throat smarts (third day)/.—Sensation of hot air passing up throat, on right side, though stomach feels cold (fourth day)/.—Tickling in throat/.—During the even- ing, tickling in throat (second day)/.—Tickling in throat, with cough vol. i.—17 258 AMMONIUM BROMIDUM. (seventh day)/.—Tickling on both sides of throat, causing deep cough (third day)/.—[60.] Tickling in throat in morning, with inclination to cough/.—Pain in both tonsils (fourth day)/.—Fauces look red (third day),2.—Fauces dark-red and congested (seventh day)/.—Accumulation of mucus in fauces/.—Accumulation of mucus in posterior fauces/.—In morning, fauces and mouth full of white, sticky mucus (third day)/.— Fauces and top of tongue, for half its length, feel as if scalded/.—Fauces sore (ninth day)/.—Fauces slightly sore (sixth day)/.—[70.] Stinging in fauces, with inclination to cough, but relieved by sneezing/. Stomach.—Food does not digest/.—Occasional belching of small quantities of wind, slightly sour (fourth day)/.—Something seems to rise from pit of stomach, almost stopping the breath and causing a faint and very disagreeable sensation, partially relieved by raising wind (third day)/. —Frequent sensations (which are daily), as if something were rising from the stomach, but not like wind, causing a faint sensation, but disappearing in a moment (eighth day)/.—Stomach feels bad/.—Distress in stomach (third day)/.—Stomach feels badly in afternoon, but much easier than evening previous (fifth day)/.—Swallowing anything cold causes a dis- tress the entire length of oesophagus and into the stomach (second day)/. —[80.] During afternoon and evening, sensation of fainting or suffocation, beginning at the epigastrium, and rising on both sides of sternum to throat, causing him to sigh and walk around the room; feared he might die (fourth day)/.—Sharp, cutting pain in stomach (eighth day)/.—Sore, lame feeling in stomach (second day)/.—Terrible distress in upper part of epigastrium ; could not sit still, had to walk the room; during this time, much belching of wind; the pain went through to the back, and extended to both hypo- chondria; could scarcely get his breath ; pain so severe that it produced a perspiration over whole body (second day)/. Abdomen.—Sharp, twisting pain just above crest of ilium, right side/. Stool and Anus.—An old hemorrhoidal tumor, which had not ap- peared for some time, returned, and was quite hard, sore, and very small, but soon disappeared/.—Sudden, urgent desire for stool, with loose stool (in twenty minutes)/. Respiratory Apparatus.—When walking, had to hold mouth open on account of heat in throat and lungs/.—Tickling in throat, with inclination to cough (11 a.m.) (third day)/.—During the evening, tickling in the throat, mostly on the sides, causing him to cough suddenly (third day)/, etc.—[90.] Sudden inclination to cough, from tickling in both sides of throat, just below tonsils (fourth day)/.—A very sudden desire to cough, coming so suddenly, by a tickliug in the throat, it strangles one, and almost arrests breathing (tenth day)/.—Almost constant desire to cough (ninth day)/.—Inclination to cough from low down in throat (second day)/. —Frequent cough (tenth day)/.—Sudden cough/.—Sudden deep cough (second day)/.—Sudden short cough when rising from bed in morning, from sensation of mucus in throat/.—During the evening, sudden, hackiug cough, with watery discharge from nose/.—Sudden cough, from tickling in throat just below tonsils (fifth day)/.—[100.] Occasional, sudden cough, with expectoration of white mucus (seventh day)/.—Sudden cough, then a deep cough (fourth day)/.—During afternoon and evening the cough is deeper (from tickling just below the tonsils), causing pain in the tonsils (sixth day)/.—Expectoration of white, sticky mucus (ninth day)/.—Expec- toration of white, sticky mucus, and occasionally blood (fifth day)/.—Ex- pectoration of gelatinous mucus (tenth day)/.—Inclination to draw a long AMMONIUM BROMIDUM—AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 259 breath/.—A sense of suffocatioyi from the lungs, which causes him to move round from fear of suffocating (ninth day)/. Chest.—Frequent constrictive pains across chest (tenth day)/.—Tight- ness across chest (tenth day)/.—[110.] Tightness across chest, with pain in lungs/.—Sharp pain in both lungs, and, during the forenoon, pain seems to be mostly in the pleura (eighth day),2.—Sharp pain in lungs, worse in upper portion of right lung (seventh day)/.—Lung feels cold inside (fourth day)/.—Pain in right lung (fourth day)/.—Pain under middle of left clavicle (fourth day)/. Back.—Feeling over right kidney as if something were pressed hard against it; relieved by pressure, but leaving a pulling sensation (fifth and sixth days)/. Upper Extremities.—Sensation in right shoulder as if pressed by a weight (9 p.m.) (eleventh day)/. Lower Extremities.—Legs ache/.—All forenoon, feels as if a cord were tied around the right leg, midway between the hip and knee, making him limp, causing pain (eighth day)/.—[120.] In the afternoon, the pain in right leg disappeared, and was felt below knee in left leg; in the evening, it was in the ankle, then in left foot, soon passing away, with the inclination to cough returning (eighth day)/.—Repeated sharp pains in back side of left leg, midway from hip to knee/.—Pain in left leg gone, but is in same locality in right leg/.—Left ankle and foot lame (ninth day;/.—Feet cold (fifth day)/, etc.—In evening, feet cold (second day)/.— Feet cold in warm room (sixth and seventh days)/.—Feet very cold in a warm room, causing legs to ache (second day)/. Fever.—Troubled more with cold than at anytime during the winter; have to warm feet, even in a warm room/.—Back and feet cold in a warm room (fourth day)/.—[130.] Inclined to be chilly, with flashes of heat (fourth day)/.—Flashes of heat over the body, as if perspiration would come on (second day)/. Sleep and Dreams.—Slept but two hours last night (eighth day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Eyes red, etc.; tongue dry, etc.; tongue smarts; mouth feels as if burnt; mouth dry; mouth full of mucus; tickling in throat, etc.; fauces full of mucus.—(Morning, on rising), Sudden, short cough.—(Forenoon), Pain in pleura ; feeling as of a cord tied arouud leg.—(Afternoon and evening), Sensation of fainting, etc.; cough deeper, etc.—(Evening), Eyes feel large, etc.; eye smarts ; eyelids droop ; eyeballs feel large; tickling in throat; tickling in throat, etc.; sudden hacking cough; feet cold.—(Swalloiving anything cold), Distress along oesophagus, etc. Amelioration.— (Afternoon), Stomach feels easier. — (Sneezing), Stinging in fauces.—(Raising wind), Faint sensation from stomach, etc. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. The sesquicarbonate of Ammonium (smelling salts), formula 2[(NH4)2 CO,]C02. Preparation, Solution in distilled water, one to ten. Authorities..f 1, Hahnemann; 2, Hartlaub; 3, Nenning; 4, Gross; 5, Stapf; 6, Trinks; 7, Schreter; 8, Blaufuss; 9, Fries; 10, Gunther; 11, f One to seven from Hahnemann's collection, Ch. K., vol. 2; Nos. 8 to 19 are Martin's provings. Hom. V. J. Sch., 10, 67. 260 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Hiffert; 12, Hern; 13, Krumbholz; 14, Ivreutzmann; 15, Martin; 16, Mayer; 17, Reichmann ; 18, Runge; 19, Vulpius; 20, Wibmer. 31 hid.—All day long, lively,excited/3.—Extremely exalted/.—Occa- sionally excessive mirth/.—He often laughs, without moderation, at a trifle (after thirty-eight days)/.—The mood changes for the better,after supper; headache and pain at the stomach ceasing at the same time/.—Earnest mood/.—Very weeping mood, with thoughts of death/.—Sad, almost weep- ing mood, towards evening (second day)/.—Great depression of spirits (with the abdominal complaints)/5.—[10.] Cloudy weather makes her very sad/.—Sad, low-spirited, apprehensive of evil, accompanied by chilliness, in the forenoon/.—The whole morning, striking gloomy humor/5.—Kind of sadness not usual with me ; no inclination to go out/.—Very hypochon- driacal/2.—Morose, and full of grief/.—The recollection of past disagree- able occurrences torments him/.—Sighing/.—Gloomy and uneasy mood (second day)/.—She is anxious on account of her illness/.—[20.] For many afternoons she is seized with a weakness and anxiety; she knows not how to comfort herself, what to do with herself; this state leaves her towards evening/.—About 7 P.M., a sort of anxiety possessed me, which lasted about an hour, aud then went off again/6.—At night, attack of great anx- iety, as if she had to die, accompanied by cold sweat, audible palpitation of the heart, and involuntary lachrymation ; she was unable to move her eyes or to speak, accompanied by audible heavy breathing, and trembling of the hands (after nineteenth day)/.—Every afternoon, between five and six o'clock, she is seized with anguish, as if she had committed the greatest crime; towards evening the anguish passes off/.—Great oppression of the heart; he knows not how to quiet himself/.—Very easily frightened/.— After the fever, very ill-humored and irritable; felt better after a glass of " bishop,"12.—Very unamiable, irritated, peevish ; she answers reluctantly (second day of her courses)/.—Peevishness early in the morning/.—Ill- humor, peevishness, sometimes accompanied by headache, in the forenoon/. —[30.] Peevish and angry/.—Peevish, angry, scolding, in the evening (sixth day)/.—Considerable ill-humor and dissatisfied feeling/5.—She found fault with everything/.—She could not bear any noise/.—The child is ex- tremely obstinate/.—Bears no contradiction/.—She has rest nowhere, and succeeds in nothing (fourth day)/.—At night, low spirits, and sometimes considerable excitement/7.—He does not seem to be in his senses/.—[40.] Head very thoughtless/.—She finds it hard to arrange her ideas/.—He speaks incorrectly; speaks wrong without wishing it; uses one word for another in speaking/.—He easily uses wrong letters and figures in writing or ciphering (ninth day)/.—Very forgetful, and headache when reflecting/. —Very forgetful; absent; cannot recollect (ninth day)/.—Very absent; when telling a story he easily loses his train of thoughts, and hits upou thoughts and expressions which he did not wish to employ (eighth day)/.— Absence of mind, accompanied by anxiety; when speaking, he is at a loss to finish his speech/. Head.—Confusion of head (in one-quarter hour)/5.—[50.] Soon after taking, confusion and weight of the head/9.—Emptiness and confusion of the head (after one-quarter hour)/.—Stupefaction of the head/.—Head- ache as before, especially a sensation as after having been drunk ("Kat- zenjammer")/.—Vertigo, as from intoxication, after sitting still for some time (towards evening)/.—Vertigo/ 20.—Vertigo at night and early in the morning (after two days)/.—Vertigo at night; everything turned with her; she had to sit up in bed/.—Frequent vertigo, early in the morning after AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 261 rising; it continues the whole day, and is worse toward evening; he feels as if things turned with him in a circle, also at night on moving his head,3. —Vertigo, with nausea, early in the morning; in walking it soon passes off (fourth day)/.—[60.] Early in the morning, vertigo, with flickering before the eyes; she has to sit down/.—Vertigo and cold sweat, such as usually accompany a fainting fit/2.—Vertigo, and trembling of the feet, so that he has to hold himself in order not to fall, for several days 'after three days)/.—Vertigo, with headache (one hour after taking)/.—Upon turning with the body the head immediately feels dizzy/.—Giddiness, nau- sea, and want of appetite ever since the dawn of day/.—Headache (in half hour)/5.—Severe headache,10.—Slight headache, which did not last long/6.—In afternoon, violent headache/1.—[70.] In evening, slight head- ache/1.—Headache after dinner (fifth day)/.—Headache, early in bed, with nausea, which rises as high up as the throat; she feels an inclination to vomit; the symptom passes off after two or three hours/.—Headache and pain at the stomach, accompanied by ill-humor, the whole day (after three days)/.—In the morning, noticed a slight headache, combined with nausea, which, however, as usual, went off as soon as I took my pipe in my mouth/6. —Headache, with heaviness of the forehead, early in the morning ; worse in the afternoon (eighth day)/.—Tensive feeling in brain, especially on right side,20.—Head heavy and full,20.—'Afternoon, after drinking coffee, congestion to head/2.—Towards evening, the rush of blood was greater/2. —[80.] Rush of blood to the head at night, and heat in the face on wak- ing/.—Feeling of lightness in head11.—His head seems very heavy/.—Pres- sure over the whole head after having got heated (after ten days)/.—Head- ache, now here, now there, in the brain ; a pressure, with sticking over one eyebrow/.—Boring and lancinating pain in the head at night/.—Drawing and tearing in the whole head, early after rising, and during the whole day (twenty-third day),'.—Clawing pain in the head/.—Sticking headache the whole day/.—Headache, resembling a knocking or hacking with a sharp instrument; pain prevented her from moving, she had to lie still/.—[90.] Pain, as from ulceration, in moving the head and in pressing upon it, espe- cially in the occiput, at one of the glands of that region, for some time/.— Headache, as if water or something else were in his head/.—Sense of loose- ness of the brain/.—The head easily gets cold/.—Eruptions upon the fore- head resembling little boils/.—Pimples and vesicles on the forehead/.— Pimples on the forehead, and the tip of the nose/.—Headache in fore- head/5.—Confusion and heaviness in forehead,20.—Burning pains in sinci- put/2.—[100.] Heat and pressure in sinciput/5.—Pressive sense of fulness in the forehead, as from the vapor of coal/.—* Pressive fulness i n the forehead and vertex, as if the head would burst there,1.—On stooping, there is tension in the nape of the neck; in front, the head threatens to burst with pain/. —^Headache, beating in the forehead as if it would burst,1.—* Heaviness and beating in the forehead, after dinner,3.—For several mornings she is roused from her slumber by a drawing pain of the periosteum of the forehead ; the pain passes off "after rising/.—Uproar behind the right frontal emi- nence, as if everything would come out there (second day)/.—Boring stitches behind the right frontal eminence, deep in the brain, during dinner (second day)/.—Throbbing headache in left frontal region,20.—[110.] Prick- ings over the right eye/.—Stitches over the left eye, so violeut that they often cause the eyes to contract, after dinner (fourth day)/.—Tearing in the temples, early, and in the evenings/.—Painful throbbing and beating in the temple, in the left side of the head, and the left side of the occiput, 262 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. sometimes with yawning/.—Tearing in the right temple, during dinner/.— Stitches in the left temple, as with a blunt instrument/.—-Stitches in the left temple, increased by chewing/.—Headache in vertex,8.—Pressure at the top of the head, half an hour (after six days)/.—Feeling of coldness in the course of the longitudinal sinus (in half hour)/*.—[120.] The right side of her head seems to be heavier than the left; the head feels as if it would fall over on that side (first day)/.—On moving his head, there is a sensation as of the brain falling to and fro, towards the side where he stoops, sometimes with stinging pains, a symptom which gives him no rest, even at night, for several weeks in succession/.—Stitches here and there in the head, deep in the brain, especially in the right side; they pass off in the open air (fourth to forty-second day)/.—Heaviness in the left side of the head, growing worse in bed (forty-sixth day)/.—Tearing behind the left ear, as far as the vertex, with a sensation as if the head were cleft/.— Itching of the head, accompanied by great sensitiveness of the integuments of the head when scratching (tenth day)/.—Violent itching of the hairy scalp, especially of the occiput/.—Sense as if the hairs would stand upon end, with crawling over the whole head, and a feeling of coldness there, after coming out of the open air and entering the room/.—The hair is painful when touched/.—The scalp and the hairs are intensely painful when the hand is moved along them; this movement made him shudder (first even- ing)/- Eyes.—[130.] The eyes are weak; the child winks continually/.— Burning of the eyes the whole day, especially early on waking, with intoler- ance of light, and in the evening on lying down/.—The eyes are inflamed and dim/.—The right eye is a little inflamed and dim/.—Pressure in the eyes/.—-Pressure and cutting in the eyes (fourth day)/.—Pressure and fine the eyes (second day)/.—Prickings and pressure in the eyes/.— Biting in the eyes, and itching of the borders of the lids/.—Itching and biting iu the eyes, which pass off by rubbing (early in the morning), (first, fourth, and twelfth days)/.—[140.] A stye on the right upper lid becomes inflamed, with a sensation of tension (second day)/.—Very great twitching in external canthus of right eye, like live blood, aud visible in mirror; the eye was for two hours as if covered by a veil,10.—Inflammation of the inner canthus of the right eye, without pain (twenty-sixth day)/.—Pressure upon the eyelids on waking up, and when he is about falling asleep; he cannot open them, although he is internally awake/.—The eyes are agglutinated, early in the morning/.—The eyes are agglutinated, early in the morning, after sound sleep; it takes her a long time to open them/.—The eyes are agglutinated in the morning; they run in daytime/.—When reading, his eyes run/.—Watery eye ; the white of the eye is full of red veins, as in an incipient inflammation of the eye/.—The right eye waters, and the vessels of the cornea are distinctly visible/.—[150.] Copious lachrymation, espe- cially of the right eye, as well in the open air as in the room/.—Pupils alternately dilated and contracted,20.—Indistinct vision,8.—Flickering before eyes,10.—When sneezing, white stars sparkle before his eyes/.—Sparks before her eyes upon waking at night/.—A large black spot hovers before the eye after she has been sewing/.—On looking at a distance, and also on accommodating for near vision, objects seem doubled/. Ears.—Hard swelling of the parotid glands/.—Twitches and tension around the left ear, in the cheek-bone and in the temples, with swelling of the cervical glands/.—[160.] Tearing below and behind the ears (made worse by moving the head), sometimes extending as far as the vertex, the AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 263 occiput, and the nape of the neck, also the shoulder (after dinner)/.—Ten- sion behind the right ear/.—Twitches and pinching in the internal ear/.— Frequent and painful stitches in the right ear/.—In evening, transient pinching in right ear, as has happened several times before these last days/5. —Stitches in the left ear (second day)/.—Throbbing iu the left ear, at night, when lying upon it; on turning to the other side, the symptom disappears (sixth day)/.—Early in the morning, itching over the ears, which spreads over the whole body (third day)/.—Crawling and burrowing in the left ear, which afterwards extends to the lower jaw (tenth day)/.—Painful sen- sitiveness of the deaf ear in consequence of a loud sound ; this caused her to tremble over the whole body/.—[170.] Diminished hearing/.—A report in the ears as of a distant shot, five or six times in the course of an hour/.— Roaring before the left ear/.—=-At night, roaring in the left ear (second day)/.—-Illusion of hearing; he imagines he hears the ringing of bells/.— Every day, after midnight, rushing in the (right) ear, when resting upon it in bed/.—Buzzing before the ears, as if the hearing were dull, and as if something were lying before the ears (after seventeen days)/. Nose.—Pimple upon the tip of the nose/.—Furunculus ou the tip of the nose/.—Pustule on the side of the nose/.—[180.] On the septum of the nose a vesicle, in forepart/.—*An acrid fluid runs from the nose,1.—Water drops out of the nose, without a cold/.—* When stooping, water runs from the nose,1.—During the catamenia, acrid water, which excites a burning sen- sation upon upper lip, is constantly running out of her nose (forty-third day)/.—On blowing the nose, early in the morning, pus drops out at one of the nostrils (fifth day)/.—Blowing bloody mucus out of the nose, fre- quently/.—On blowing the nose, blood comes out at the left nostril (second day),3.-—*Bleeding at the nose (eighth day)/.—Bleeding at the nose, after dinner (second day)/.—[190.] Frequent sneezing, early in the morning, ivhen in bed,1.—Frequent violent sneezing (fifth day)/.—* Obstruction of the nose,1.— The nose is very much obstructed, without any cold,1.—*At night the nose was so obstructed, that she was not able to breathe, except through her mouth (after four days)/.—After having had a sound nap in the forenoon, she wakes up at 1 o'clock with a sense of anxiety, as if she were choking; this was on account of the nose being quite obstructed, aud her not being able to take breath, except with an open mouth, so that the chest was pain- ful in consequence of the difficult breathing (after twelve days)/.—Cold, with rattling in the nose, accompanied by obstruction of the nose, and roughness of voice/.—Stuffed cold in the head for a week, causing confu- sion of the head,10.—Cold, with obstruction of the left nostril/.—*Dry coryza, especially at night, without the slightest air passing through the nose,1.—[200.] Dry coryza and obstruction of the nose, when lying in bed, in the evening and at night/.—■■'Fluent coryza (fourth day)/.—Violent fluent coryza, with tearing in the left cheek/.—Violent fluent coryza, with cough/.—Coryza/5. Great coryza/5.—Unusually severe coryza/3.—Uncommonly violent coryza, which lasts with an unusual obstinacy/5.—Tearing in the left nostril, and simultaneously in the bone of the left elbow, extending towards the hand/.— Slight twitching in the left side of the nose, which seems to draw up the wing of the nose/.—[210.] * When stooping, sensation in the tip of the nose as if the blood were accumulating there,3.—Upon strongly breathing through the nose, this organ feels painful/.—Swelling, sensation of soreness and itching in the right nostril, with a crawling in the nose, as if from con- stant catarrh; the nose runs (after three days)/.—Left ala nasi internally 264 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. swollen and tender/5.—Dryness of nose and lips/5.—Smell like a profuse sour perspiration/5. Face.—Wretched look/.—Pale, wretched appearance/5.—Paleness of the face, with nausea, and moral and physical weariness/.—Pale, bloated face, for a long time (after thirty days)/.—[220.] Pale face, accompanied by headache, pain at the stomach and ill-humor (fourth day)/.—Increased number of pimples on face/5.—Heat in the face, during mental exertions,1. —Heat in the face, during and after dinner1.—Heat in the head and face, with red cheeks/.—Sense as of stretching iu the face; she has to rub her eyes and her face, as if she were sleepy/.—Tension of the skin of the face (the nose and both lips), as if the face were swollen, early in the morning on waking/.—Contraction of the skin of the forehead and face/.—Violent pain in the face on the right side/.—Painful tension and tearing in the right side of the face (second day)/.—[230.] Hard swelling of the cheek, as well as the glands of the ear and neck/.—White, herpes-like spots of the size of a small pea, which continually exfoliate (upon the cheek)/.—Boils upon the cheek and around the ear/.—Small boils and indurations, dis- charging water and blood, upon the cheek, at the corners of the mouth, and on the chin/.—Pustules upon the forehead, temple, cheek, and chin/. —Pustules upon the cheeks, during the menses/.—Drawing pain in the cheek bones/.—Pimple on left cheek, near ear, not painful unless pressed,10. —Redness of left cheek/.—Pressive pain in the zygoma/.—[240.] Burn- ing vesicles on the vermilion border of both lips/.—The lips are constantly dry, and stick together (fifteenth day)/.—Itching of the mouth; both lips were itching/.—Vesicles at the right corner of the mouth and on the upper lip/.—Pimple on the lower lip, with burning pain/.—Eruption at the mouth/.—Herpes-like scaly eruption around the mouth/.—Miliary erup- tion around the chin, without sensation/. Mouth.—The decay of the teeth progresses rapidly/.—His teeth fall out, even sound ones/.—[250.] On sucking, blood comes out of a molar tooth/.—Violent toothache, with heat of the same side of the head (after twelve days)/.—Pain in two molar teeth, as when sweets set into a hollow tooth/.—Toothache at night, aud swollen cheek on the day following; afterwards enlarged nose and red spots in the face and upon the neck/.— Toothache during the catamenia, day and night, especially during and after eating, relieved by warm cloths and pressing upou the teeth/.—Violent tootluiche, as soon as she gets into bed in the evening, during the whole night; it cannot be relieved in any position/.—In chewing, almost all the teeth are painful; the person was unable to speak on account of pain; upon air rushing into the mouth the pain became intolerable/.— Theteeth are painful on biting together,1.—An anterior inferior incisor tooth becomes very pain- ful when biting upon it, on third day of the catamenia/.—Drawing in teeth/5.—[260.] Drawing toothache during the catamenia/.—Drawing toothache during the catamenia ; it passes off by eating (after six hours)/.— Drawing toothache, which seems to be in the jaws, and extends as far as the ear and the cheek; only during eating and when biting upon the tooth/.—Drawing in the teeth, at night, and on waking/.—Darting in a decayed molar tooth, after dinner; the pain ceases upon picking the tooth/. —Tearing pain in the upper row of teeth/.—Drawing and tearing in a molar tooth, after a journey in damp weather (after twenty-three days)/.— Tearing-jerking in the teeth, extending into the ears; also at night, in a hollow back tooth ; relieved by smelling of Hepar sulphur/.—Tearing in the teeth aud jaws, as far as the ears, before midnight; she is obliged to AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 265 shift constantly from one side to another; the teeth are very painful when biting upon them (third day of catamenia)/.—Tearing in the upper molar teeth of the left side, with frequent collections of water in the mouth, and gnawing in the left shoulder (tenth day)/.—[270.] Tearing toothache in the left upper row, which seems to affect the roots as if an ulcer would form there (thirty-sixth day)/.—Sensation as if an abscess was at the roots of the teeth, which threatens to burst on the access of air, or when the tooth is pressed upon during mastication/.—Shootings in a healthy molar tooth, in the open air/.—Shooting toothache, uninterruptedly for eight days/.— Shooting pain in the molar teeth, upon pressing their edges against one another; he was only able to chew with the incisor teeth (immediately, and on the second day)/.—When a warm liquid gets into the mouth, the person ex- periences painful shootings in the teeth aud the lower jaw of one side (for five or ten minutes)/.—On touching the tooth with the tongue, a violent stitch occurred in a hollow tooth of the upper row/.—Sensation of soreness in a hollow molar tooth (after half an hour)/.—Throbbing and pressive toothache (after third day)/.—Toothache in the evening, as if the teeth were squeezed/.—[280.] Sensation in the teeth, as if there were no power to bite/.—The teeth became very dull/.—Dulness of the molar teeth, and on biting on them, they appear to be loose/.—The teeth feel as if they were dull and too long/.— The teeth frequently feel as if they were too long, as after acids/.—A tooth which formerly had often been painful, appears to be longer, and becomes again sensitive to pain/.—The gums are so sensitive that she does not dare to touch them with the tongue (forty-first day)/.— Stitches of the inner and upper gums of the right side/.—Itching of the gums ; they bleed upon being scratched/.—Gums incline to bleed/.—[290.] Sensation as of swelling, or also swelling and inflammation of the gums/.— Swelling of the gums accompanied by swelling of the cheek/.—Abscess of the gums, attended with discharge of pus/.—Gums somewhat swollen and more sensitive/5.—Very sensitive, reddened gums/5.—The gums, especially of lower teeth, swollen and very sensitive ; a yellow painful vesicle on the mucous membrane, betwixt left and lower canine tooth/5.— Vesicles on the tongue, especially on its border/.—Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which hinder speaking and eating, with a burning pain/.—Pustules upon the tongue, with a burning and stinging pain, especially on the border and under the tongue/.—Small ulcer at the tip of the tongue, feeling sore when- ever the tongue is moved/.—[300.] Painful erosion on middle of tongue, observed after two hours/5.—Tongue and whole inside of the mouth red- dened, especially the excoriated spot on the palate/8.—Burning at the tip of the tongue, made worse by touching it/.—On taking, coldness, followed by warm feeling on tongue/4.—The medicine caused a feeling of coolness on the tongue, on taking/1.—The anterior half of the tongue feels as if it were pithy, early in the morning (fourth day)/.—Bad smell from mouth, which he himself perceives for a long time,3.—Redness of the mouth and tenderness, especially towards evening/8.—Redness and inflammation in the mouth and throat; these parts are painful, as if they were sore and excor- iated/.—Sensation as of swelling in the mouth/.—[310.] The buccal cavity feels so narrow that she scarcely dares to open her mouth or to move her tongue, lest she should hurt some part by touching it with the tongue (fortieth day)/.—Scraping sore sensation in mouth, especially severe in the inside of upper gums; one spot was softened/3.—The part of the mouth beneath the tongue was particularly red/8.—A small spot on the palate was excoriated by a hard crust of bread/8.—Pain at the palate, as from an ulcer, 266 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. on touching it with the tongue; the part exfoliates on the day following/. —Burning vesicles on the inner side of the lower lip/.—On the inner side of the lower lip, a painful, white vesicle/.—The inside of the cheeks is full of vesicles without sensation/.—Dryness of the mouth in the evening, which cannot be relieved by drinking; the mouth feels parched early in the morning/.—Great dryness and heat of the mouth, at night (after twelve days)/.—[320.] Collection of saliva in mouth/5.—Loose mucus in mouth/5.—Increased secretion of mucus in mouth and scraping feeliug/0.— Frequent and copious collection of watery saliva in her mouth ; she is con- stantly obliged to spit/.—Great secretion of mucus in mouth and nose, in afternoon and evening/5.—Collection of saltish water in the mouth/.—She has to spit a good deal for several days,1.—Medicine, taken dry, left a dis- agreeable taste on tongue/2.—Pungent, cooling, then burning taste/5.—Taste of medicine, at first cooling, then becoming alkaline/9.—[330.] Salt taste/4. —Bitter taste at root of tongue/2.—Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning; attacks of nausea the whole day (tenth day)/.—Bitter taste in the mouth, early on waking (second day)/.—Nasty and sourish taste in the mouth/.—Acid taste after drinking milk/.—Sweet taste in the mouth, with bloody saliva (fifth day)/.—Taste of blood in the mouth, during the whole time of proving/.—Bad smell and taste in the mouth, early in the morn- ing/.—Sourish and metallic taste of food,1.—[340.] Talking is often difficult for her, as from weakness of the organs of speech, or on account of pains resembling pains at the stomach (third day)/. Throat.—^Burning in the throat, down the oesophagus, as from alcohol/. — Soreness in the throat/.—Sore throat towards evening/.— Bad sore throat, like stinging and drawing, or tearing, more painful when speaking (third day)/.—Sore throat, like a scraping/.—*Roughness and scraping in the throat?.—Pressure in the throat, with external swelling on both sides/. —Dryness in the throat/1.—Dryness of the throat and mouth/.—[350.] On waking early in the morning, dryness of the throat and mouth, with thirst/.—Afternoons and evenings, dryness in the throat and mouth, with thirst/.—Burning in the fauces and oesophagus/5.—Pain in the throat dur- ing deglutition, as if the right tonsil were swollen1.—Swelling of the tonsils, with difficult deglutition, especially early in the morning and in the even- ing/.—Sensation as if something were sticking in her throat, by which swallowing is made difficult, accompanied by a sensation of choking pres- sure (early, and in the evening)/3.—She feels as if something were stick- ing in her throat, on the right side, making deglutition difficult (after six minutes)/.—In afternoon and towards evening, aching and shooting in the thyroid gland, which had been swollen and painless for years/5. Stomach.—Increase of hunger and appetite (first and second days)/. — Very violent hunger and appetite (after eighteen days)/.—[360.] Rabid hunger (after two hours)/.—Increased appetite at dinner ; nevertheless, she is immediately satiated after eating little (fourth and sixth days)/.—Was very hungry, but had little appetite/2.—No desire for meat or boiled things; she only desires bread and cold food, for several days, during the cata- menia/.—Little hunger and appetite, although he relishes his meal (second and eighth days)/.—No appetite/2.—Want of appetite early in the morn- ing/.—Milk becomes distasteful to her/.—She cannot eat her dinner with- out drinking (after ten days)/.—No appetite, but continual thirst/.— [370.] Considerable thirst/6.—Much thirst for beer (lasting a week)/*.— Continual thirst/.—Thirst continued the whole afternoon/.—Constant ab- sence of thirst during the time of proving/.—Disposition to eructate/5.— AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 267 Eructation/5.—Great eructation/5.—Eructation in an hour/5.—Constant eructations/.—[380.] Frequent but suppressed eruetcdions,1.—A good deed of empty eructations, especially the first day/.-—Frequent risings of air, in the evening aud after dinner (fifth day)/.—Sour eructations/.—After tak- ing milk, sour eructations (in four hours)/5.—Eructations tasting of the food/.—Eructations tasting of the food, during and after supper (tenth day),'.—Feverish chilliness early in the morning, succeeded by hiccough (second day)/.—Nausea (in half hour)/5.—On taking, nausea/4.—[390.] Nausea, with flatulent disturbance,6.—Nausea and coated tongue, early in the morning (after eight days)/.—Attacks of nausea the whole night so that she was unable to sleep (after eight hours)/.—Inclination to vomit, but with- out actually vomiting,2.—Sense of nausea and lassitude during and after din- ner (during the catamenia), (ninth day)/.—Qualmishness, early after rising, until the afternoon, accompanied by chilliness in the whole body ; when this symptom appears, she vomits sour water during the catamenia (after fifty- five days')/.—Qualmishness of the stomach unto vomiting, when walking (fourth day)/.— Qualmishness after eating,1.—Qualmishness and inclination to vomit, every day, immediately after dinner, for a whole hour/.—After eat- ing, she finds talking difficult/.—[400.] Rumbling in stomach/.—Pain at the stomach, with loathing of the supper while the person is taking it (eighth day \3.—Pain in the stomach, with disposition to watery risings (sixth day;/.—Burning in the region of the stomach/.—Burning heat, first at the stomach, then also in the bowels (shortly after taking)/ 7.— Heat at the stomach, which extends into the intestines, as from drinking strong wine (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Feeling of coldness in the re- gion of the stomach/.—^Sensation as if the stomach were overloaded, until three hours after a meed,1.—The stomach seems full, trembling (during the catamenia)/.-—*The clothes press upon the stomach,1.—[410.] Sense of emp- tiness at the stomach/.—Pinching, rumbling, and gurgling in the stomach/. —Aching in stomach (in half hour)/1.—Aching in gastric region, ex- tending, in a sort of vibratory motion, towards the left nipple/.—Boring and tearing pain in the region of the stomach, extending up to the first lumbar vertebrae/.—Pressure at the stomach/.—Pressure at the stomach, with nausea and sensitiveness at the pit of the stomach/.—Pressure at the stomach, after dinner/.—Pressure at the stomach, at night,1.—Oppres- sion at the stomach, with a sensation of contraction (also in the chestj, ac- companied by loathing and nausea (fourth day)/.—[420.] Oppression at the stomach, already early in the morning, passing into nausea and incli- nation to vomit/.— Oppression of the stomach after eating1.—Oppression at the stomach after supper (after twelve hours)/.—Gnawing at the right side of the stomach/.—* Painfulness of the stomach when pressed upon (fourth day)/.—Feeling of warmth in the scrobiculus cordis/1.—After eatiug, great pressure at the pit of the stomach, succeeded by nausea und vomiting of the ingesta; afterwards, sour taste in the mouth; for five days (after sixteen davs;/.—Heaviness at the pit of the stomach/. Abdomen.—Pressive pain under the right ribs, in the region of the liver/.—S0re pain in the liver/.—[430.] Stitches below the left ribs in the evening/.—Pressure over the umbilicus, as from a button/.—Painful com- pression on both sides of the abdomen, only when sitting, relieved by mo- tion and by stretching out (fifth day)/.—Abdomen painfully distended/2. —Excessively distended abdomen/.—Distension of the abdomen, with re- tention of stool/.—Rumbling in the abdomen, as from spasms, or when fasting, every time after she swallows something, for several days (after six- 268 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. teenth day)/.—Rumbling and pain in the bowels/.—Rumbling and moving, as from flatulence, in the abdomen/.—In afternoon, much rumbling of bowels and discharge of flatus/5.—[440.] Much flatus/*.—Much emission of flatu- lence/.—In evening, much flatus,13.—Accumulation of flatulence, with grip- ing/.—Emission of a quantity of flatulence in the afternoon, evening, and at night, the evacuations being normal (fourth day)/.—The flatus very fetid/8.—Contractive and pinching pain in the abdomen, first in the upper, then in the lower part, early in the morning, so violent that it produced qualmishness and gathering of water in the mouth, even unto faintness, ac- companied by chilliness, twelve hours before the appearance of the menses (after nine days)/.—Violent pinching, contraction, and rumbling in the belly, in the forenoon; it comes on when walking in the open air, and can only be relieved by lying upon the belly and applying warm cloths to it; in the evening it appears again, also in the cold on the following morning; afterwards, it becomes less when in the room (seventeenth day)/.—Pinch- ing and obstruction in the abdomen/.—Sudden painful contraction of the bowels, as far as the region of the stomach, relieved by compressing the belly with the hands, passing off after lying down (thirty-third day)/.— [450.] Heaviness in the abdomen/.—Bellyache after breakfast (in one hour)/5.—Disposition to painful flatulent colic/.—At 3 o'clock in the morning, she is roused from her sleep by a violent colic, two days before the appearance of the menses (forty-first day)/.—Violent colic at 7 o'clock in the morning (after forty-eight hours)/.—Colic in the left side of the ab- domen during dinner; the pain terminates with the emission of flatulence/. —Violent colic, two nights in succession, which did not diminish till after the passage of some strong flatuleuce/.—Cutting and biting in the bowels, as from worms, with contractive pain at the stomach, and chilliness and sweat; the person cannot fall asleep till morning; on waking up, the pain reappears/.—Stitches in the abdomen, which make walking difficult/.— Burning deep in the left side of the abdomen (second day)/.—[460.] Pres- sive pain in the left side of the abdomen, early in the morning (after twelve hours)/.—Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, in the evening, when stooping/.—AVet and cold, for several afternoons past, have caused pain in the bowels/5.—The abdominal complaints recur regularly every evening/5. —Pain in the abdomen, as if diarrhcea was coming on (in a quarter of an hour)/5.—Contractive cramp deep in the hypogastrium on stooping, also in the small of the back (thirty-eighth day)/.—Pressure in the hypogastrium for three hours, also during dinner (after two hours)/.—Transverse stitches deep in the hypogastrium, when standing/.—Cutting pain in the lower ab- domen, during which the belly is very small (sixteenth day)/.—Painful pressure in the groin and the bend of the thigh/.—[470.] (Pinching and) sharp stitches in the right groin, when stretching out (twentieth day)/.— Elastic swelling in the left groin, as large as a fist, in the evening, after lying down, with a pain, as from a bruise, at that place; on account of this pain she cannot rest upon that side; the pain is also experienced upon the parts being touched; on waking, swelling and pain had disappeared (ninth day)/.—A hernia protrudes in the left groin (second day)/.—Aching swell- ing of left inguinal glands, which went off towards noon, and was replaced by headache and ill-feeling, which lasted till evening, and recurred slightly next day/.—Sense of fulness and distension in the region of the left groin/. Stool and Anus.—The varices of the rectum protrude a good deal during the evacuation, and are painful a long time afterwards, so that she finds it impossible to walk (seventh day)/.—The varices of the rectum pro- AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 269 trude even when there is no evacuation, but they recede when lying down/. —Formation of varices of the rectum, moist, and with a pain as from ex- coriation/.—At night he cannot sleep, on account of a burning pain at the rectum; this, together with a strong desire for stool, compelled him to rise/. —After the evacuation, sense of scratching, then burning, at the anus/.— [480.] Itching of the anus,1.—The child becomes sore between the legs/.— Diarrhoea, of faeces aud mucus, with cutting in the abdomen, before and during the stools (eighth day),3.—Diarrhoea, with colic, early in the morn- ing/.—Loose stools, twice a day (third and fourth days)/ 3.—Loose motion/5. —Loose stool, preceded and followed by cutting in abdomen,1.—Uncommonly early call to stool, and loose evacuation, then headache and much rigor (in one-quarter hour)/5.—Liquid stool (8 a.m.)/.—Stools mixed with mucus/. —[490.] At 7 a.m., evacuation surrounded by watery mucus.—Iu morn- ing early, a fecal evacuation, which, contrary to custom, occurred during the day/5.—Evacuations, with constant tenesmus/.—Violent cutting in the rectum, with good evacuations/.—The evacuations are accompanied by a pinching pain in the abdomen, which moves transversely across the abdo- men towards the sacrum and rectum; it is diminished by" bending the body, and ceases entirely after an evacuation (twenty-eighth day),6.—^Discharge of blood during and after the evacuation1.—Hard evacuation, followed by discharge of a milk-like prostatic fluid/.—Hard, painful stools, with prick- ings in the anus/.—Hard stools, surrounded with streaks of blood (after twenty-two hours)/.—Retarded and hard stools, forming masses, which she finds it difficult to press out/.—[500.] Retention of stools during the first days; this is succeeded by loose stools (in all the provers)/.—Constipation the first four days/. Urinary Organs.— Violent tenesmus of the bladder, with cutting/. —Constant tenesmus, even at night, with diminished passage of urine, ac- companied by burning/.—Blood comes out of the urethra/.—After urinat- ing, there is a strong traction in the forepart of the urethra; in the even- ing, when going to bed/.—Involuntary emission of urine, of a boy, while asleep, towards morning (first and second night, and after sixteen days)/.— Great desire to make water/.—Copious urination/.—Great flow of urine,10. —[510.] Frequent micturition, especially the first day/.—Somewhat in- creased urinary secretion/3.—Frequent call to pass water, as was also the case for several days previously/5.—Repeated call to pass water; urine very muddy, of a peculiar smell, and with copious sediment,10.—Increased and turbid urine/.—Increased flow of uriue, and loose evacuation in after- noon,10.—Great increase of urine and frequent calls to pass it, especially in the afternoon/0.—Frequent and copious emissions of urine, especially in the evening/.—At night, she is obliged to rise for the purpose of urinating/. —At night, he is roused from sleep by a desire to urinate/.—[520.] At night, several successive emissions of urine, some of them pretty copious/.— At noon, the urine looks pale-yellow; this is the first emission since last even- ing/.—Urine pretty clear,10.—White, sandy urine, for several days (after nine days)/.—The urine looks reddish after dinner, like water mixed with blood/. Sexual Organs.—(Male.) Stiffness of the penis, without any desire for coition sixth day)/.—Involuntary continual erections, early in the morning (thirteenth day)/.—Itching on glans penis, which lasted several days/6.—Frequent relaxation of the scrotum/.—Increased weight of the scrotum ; he was obliged to carry it in a supporter/.—[530.] Drawing pain in the scrotum/.—Occasional drawings in the scrotum, which are relieved 270 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. by raising it/.— Choking pain in the scrotum and spermatic cords; the scrotum is painful to the touch ; it is excited by involuntary erections/.— Vehement desire for coition, without any remarkably voluptuous thoughts, and almost without any erection (after five days)/.—Vehemently voluptu- ous desires, with trembling of the body, almost without any erection/.— Lascivious fancies, and great liveliness and excitement (evening and night); (I cannot say if I should attribute them to the medicine)/.—Diminished sexual desire/5.—The sexual instinct is dormant for some time (after seven days)/.—(Total want of the sexual instinct)/.—A version* to the other sex/. —[540.] Pollutions, almost every night/.—Pollution, two days after an embrace/.—Nocturnal emissions (cannot say if I should attribute them to the medicine)/.—(After coition, excited circulation and palpitation of the heart)/.—(Females.) ^Swelling, itching, and burning of the pudendum (after twelve days)/.—Soreness of the pudendum and the anus, especially painful on urinating/.—* Violent itching of the pudendum,1.—Continual itching of the mons veneris ; it constantly reappears after scratching the parts/. — Vio- lent leucorrhcea (after two, seven, eight, and nine days)/.—Watery, burning leucorrhcea (thirteenth and fourteenth days)/.—[550.] The courses, which had always been regular, appear one day too soon/.—After a long drive in the cold air, the courses come on four days too soon ; they are very copi- ous, especially at night, and when sitting and driving; previously she experi- ences griping colic, with want of appetite/.—* The courses come on six days too soon,1.—The courses come on on the eighteenth day (after seven days)/.— The menses appear too late by three to five days; there occurs one com- plete interruption/.—The menses are more copious (immediately)/.—*The menstrual blood is blackish, often in clots, passing off with spasmodic pain in the belly, and hard stools, with tenesmus; the flow is abundant,3.—The men- strual blood is not much colored/.—*The menstrual blood is acrid, it makes the thighs sore; this soreness causes a burning pain3.—Pain in the belly and the small of the back, before the catamenia/.—[560.] Paleness of the face, before and during the catamenia/.—Invincible sadness during the cata- menia/.—Toothache* during the catamenia/.— Colic during the catamenia, with griping, pressure, and tension between the scapulae/.— Violent tearing in the body during the catamenia, which appear one day too soon/.— Violent pain in the small of the back, during the catamenia1.— Violent cold during the catamenia (ninth day)/.—* Great fatigue of the whole body during the catamenia, especially of the thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in the small of the back, and chilliness,3. Respiratory Apparatus.—Rattling in the larynx, as from mucus (for several days)/.—Constriction of the larynx from both sides of the neck/. —[570.] Drawing, and stinging-itching in the larynx/.—Soon after, a ca- tarrhal irritation in the nose, and scraping and scratching in the throat, with pain, as from excoriation, and difficult hawking up of a little phlegm (after half an hour)/.—Hoarseness and roughness in the throat/.—Rough throat; he can only speak with difficulty, as speaking increases the rough- ness (second day)/.—Violent and frequent hoarseness,1.—She is so hoarse that she cannot speak a loud word (after sixteen days)/.—His chest feels so oppressed that he can scarcely speak, with coryza, and expectoration of much mucus, especially early in the morning/.—The chest feels rough ; when calling aloud he is hoarse/.—Immediately after taking, an irritation, causing cough, which did not, however, last long/9.—* Cough from a scratch- ing iu throat,20.—[580.] *The child coughs violently every morning, at three to four o'clock,1.—He is obliged to cough a quarter of an hour, when in bed AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 271 in the evening/.—Nightly cough,1.—At night, cough, with stuffed cold in the head, which kept him awake in bed from twelve to one o'clock, and yet, in the morning, felt quite well, except a little stomachache, which soon went off, but returned betwixt nine and ten o'clock/6.—Cough, with asthma (sixth day)/.— Cough, with asthma, for half an hour, in the evening when in bed/.—Cough, from deep in the chest, extremely violent/.—Cough, which contracts the chest/.—Cough, which makes the chest under the sternum feel sore, as from excoriation/.—Cough, exciting a pain in the jaws, which is not felt upon touching them/.—[590.] Cough, with pain at the lower part of the sternum/.—Cough, with stitches in the sternum (first day)/.—Cough, every attack causes a stitch in the pit of the stomach/.—Cough, with heat in the head/.—Short and suppressed hacking, from an irritation in the larynx, with painful sensation of spasmodic asthma/.—*Dry cough, espe- cially at night, as from particles of dust in the throat,3.—* Violent dry cough in the middle of the night,1.—Cough, with expectoration of phlegm, and soreness in the air-passages/.—Cough, during the whole day, and early in the morning, with expectoration of a quantity of phlegm/.—Continual cough, early in bed, with expectoration of phlegm, affecting chest and head/.—[600.] Cough, with expectoration. of phlegm, intermixed with little points of blood (after eight days)/.—* Cough, with expectoration of bloody phlegm, heaviness upon the chest, and short breath, especially in as- cending a hill (sixth and eighteenth days)/.—Increased expectoration,20.— Bloody expectoration when clearing the throat/.—Roughness, and bloody taste in the mouth, succeeded by cough and expectoration of light-red blood, with burning and heaviness in the chest, heat and redness in the face, and trembling of the whole body (fourth day)/.—Much hawking of saltish mucus at night/.—* Oppression of breathing,11.—Difficult breathing; it made him hack (short cough)/.—Difficult breathing at night; he cannot bear the cover of the bed to touch his mouth, for then he is afraid of chok- ing (seventh day)/.—Asthma and palpitation of the heart after every effort/.—[610.] Attack of asthma for eight days ; he had immense trouble in ascending a few steps, and in breathing; this was only possible for him in the open air; he dared not venture into a warm room; he there turned as pale as a corpse, and was unable to do anything except sit still (after twenty-one days)/.—Short breathing, with stitches in the chest/.—Short breathing, especially on going upstairs/.—When breathing, frequent stitches in the hands and fingers/. Chest.—Red rash on the chest/.—Pain in the chest/.—Pains in the chest/7.—During an expiration it seems as if something drew downwards in the chest, and did not permit expiration (seventh day)/.—The chest feels weak/.—Chronic weakness of the chest and coryza (after fourth week)/.— [620.] Heaviness on the chest, as from an accumulation of blood (fourth, fifth, seventh days)/.—Heaviness and tightness of the chest, when walk- ing in the open air/.—Painful oppression at the chest, as from a huudred- weight; she only desires to cough, in order to be relieved (seventh day)/. —Painful oppression on the chest, especially when lying on the bed/.— Rush of blood to the chest (after writing)/.—Heat in the chest/.—Com- pressive oppression on the chest/.—Contraction of the middle of the chest, either when breathing or not; the place aches on pressing upon it, as after a blow/.—Bruised pain in the middle of the chest, early in the morning (fourth day)/.—When standing, sensation in the chest as if the lungs were drawn down (sixth day)/.—[630.] Great distress in the chest/.—Stitches in the chest, at the last true rib, when breathing and singing/.—Stitches 272 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. in the chest, when stooping, relieved by straightening up (sixteenth day)/. —Stitches upon the sternum, in the right side of the chest and under the left breast; upon touching the parts they feel bruised/.—Stitches in the right side of the chest, when walking/.—Stitches in the right breast, when stooping,1.—Twenty, thirty successive stitches, even when she does not breathe, under the right breast, close by the lowest ribs, early in the morn- ing, when rising up in bed ; likewise, at other periods of the day/.—The right breast is painful to the touch (third day)/.—A small, red furunculus above the right breast, which is only painful when touched/.—Paiu, especi- ally in left side of chest, as after sitting long in a bent position/.—[640.] Felt an uninterrupted aching in chest, more on left than right side/6.— Shooting at the side of the left nipple in breathing; especially troublesome when seated/.—Violent stitches in the left side of the chest, commencing in the prsecordial region and then moving downwards towards the side, and afterwards towards the back (after eleven days)/.—Stitches in the left breast, during a great portion of the night, which do not permit her lying on the left side/.—The parts of the sternum crack upon the chest beiug bent backward, with a pressure in the middle of the chest/.—Heaviness and oppression at the sternum, at night/. Heart and Pulse.—Great palpitation/.—Frequent palpitation of the heart, with retraction of the epigastrium and sense of weakness in the prsecordial region/.—Audible palpitation of the heart and accelerated beating; upon the hand being pressed upon the heart the blood seems to rise to the neck, with breathing rendered difficult (at rest)/.—Pulse some- what quickened/*.—[650.] Pulse seems to get quicker whenever the oppres- sion came on/.—Pulse about half as strong again as usual/.—Pulse 112,12.— Pulse 76/2. Neck and Rack.—Violent burning in the nape of the neck, early in the morning (tenth day)/.—Drawing pain at the nape of the neck (with stitches at the head, over the temples, and bloated face)/.—Drawing from the neck down (sixth day)/.—Stiff neck, when turning the head/.—Pain in the back, during motion/.—Burning at the back, especially in the small of the back, several times during the day/.—[660.] Pressure in the back/. —A jerk in the back, at night, when asleep (seventh day)/.—A blister forms upon the left scapula, with a sensation of stinging, as from fleas/.— Pain iu the small of the back, increased by motion and walking/.—Pain in the small of the back when stooping; she feels as if the muscles were not strong enough to support the body, which constantly threatens to fall forwards; relieved by straightening up (second day)/.—Pain in the small of the back, as from a bruise (second day of the menses)/.—Upon walking out into the open air he had a sudden dart into the small of the back ; this was most painful when rising, after being seated for a long time/.—Shoot- ing pain in the small of the back/.—Drawing pain from the small of the back to the legs/.—Drawing and pressive pain in the small of the back and in the loin, only when at rest (sitting, standing, or lying), in daytime; it disappears when walking/.—[670.] Violently throbbing pain in the small of the back and in the loin, when at rest; upon touching the parts the pain remains the same/.—Gnawing pain in the small of the back and in the hips; from these parts it extends to the abdomen, and moves again backwards, both when at rest and in motion (sixteenth day)/.—Stinging at the coccyx preceded by itching/. Extremities in General.—All her limbs ache in the forenoon and at night, with gnawing pain in the small of the back, more when at AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 273 rest than when moving about (forty-first day)/.—Sensation as if the limbs were bruised; also in the evening/.—Bruised feeling in limbs/.—All her limbs pain her at night, with a gnawing pain in the small of the back (forty- first day)/.—Great lassitude in limbs as after a fever/.—Great lassitude in her limbs and complete disinclination to work/.—Morning after taking, great lassitude in all the limbs, as if he had not slept enough/5.—[680.] Great fatigue and weakness of the limbs, especially in the evening hours, in the knees and legs, so that he is obliged to lie down (first and second days)/. —Itching in all the limbs,10.—Cracking in the joints, when walking/.— Sticking-drawiug, sometimes in the right arm, sometimes in the legs/.—The hands and feet go to sleep when sitting; passes off on moving about/.— Cold hands and feet, even in a warm room, and when they are well covered/. Upper Extremities. — Drawing pain in the arms and hands/.— Tearing in the joints of the upper extremities/.—Tearing in the shoulders/. —Drawing pain in the right shoulder-joint (after fourteenth day)/.—[690.] Shooting and tearing in the right shoulder-joint, both when at rest and in motion (thirty-seventh day)/.—Small furunculus upon the left shoulder/.— Pressure upon the left shoulder/.—A few tearings in the left shoulder to- wards the chest/.—Bruised pain in the left shoulder, when at rest and in motion/.—Bruised pain in the left shoulder and elbow-joint (in the even- ing)/.—The glands in the axilla become painful and enlarged/.—Draw- ing pain in the arms and hands/.—Noticed on upper arm, where he had received a prick, a kind of insensibility, which only went off gradually/6.— Burning at a small spot of the upper and lower arm (eleventh day)/.— [700.] In the night, about three or four o'clock, she puts her arm out of bed without knowing it; the pain which she experiences in her arm rouses her from sleep; the arm is cold, stiff, and in the elbow-joint it is as heavy as lead; the arm being very stiff, she has to use the other hand, in order to put the arm back again into the bed ; upon moving it, or when the arm is in the bed, a tearing pain in the shoulder, elbow, aud wrist-joint/.—Spasm in the right arm, which drew the arm backwards, three times in, succession; this was succeeded by heat of the body and turbid, white urine/.—Twitches and jerkings in the right upper arm (fourth day)/.—Sensation of paralysis of the right arm (fourteenth day)/.—Heaviness and sensation of paralysis of the right arm ; she has no strength in it, and is obliged to let it hang down; at the same time the hand is swollen and cold for half an hour (after two hours)/.— The right arm appeared to weigh a hundredweight, and to be without strength1.—-For some days the right arm is quite weak and cold, so that it appears to be benumbed and lifeless; this was again succeeded by a tingling sensation in it/.—Paralytic drawing in the left arm, extending from the axilla as far as the wrist/.—Cracking in the elbow-joint, during motion/.—Creaking pain in elbow-joint, on stretching the arm out straight before him/.—[710.] Stiffness of the elbow-joint/.—Boring pain in the elbow-joint, in the fossa which receives the olecranon process/.—Sharp stitches in the elbow/.—Tearing in the elbow (in the bone) as far as the little finger (fourth and fifth days)/.—Violent pain in the middle of the left forearm, in the evening, when in bed, with a sensation as if the bone there would curve inward and break (second day)/.—Itching of the inside of the right forearm, with a sensation as of burning consequent upon scratch- ing ; at the same time there are formed small red pimples, spots, and nodes, which do not cease to itch after being scratched ; on the day following they become crimson (fourth and fifth days)/.—Tension in the wrist-joint, when at rest, worse during motion; he feels as if he could not move his hand vol. i.—18 274 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. (second day)/.—Tearing in the wrist-joints as far as the fingers; it ceases when she is warm in bed/.—Painful tearing in the left wrist, as if in the marrow towards the little finger (sixth day)/.—The right hand frequently goes to sleep when lying upon it during the night (fourth day)/.—[720.] Trembling of the hands (after seventh day)/.—Distended veins and blue- ness of the hands, after washing them with cold water/.—The skin of a child's hand becomes quite hard and chapped, the fissures being very deep/. —Great pain on the dorsum of the hand, which roused her from sleep at night/.—The skin of the palm of the hand peels off (after fourth day)/.— Upon stretching the fingers apart a pinching pain/.—Cramp in the pos- terior phalanx of a finger, so that he cannot stretch it, with painful stitches; from morning to night, when staying in the cold (second day)/.—Drawing pain from the tips of the fingers as far as the hand, as from continual mes- merizing (first day)/.—Tearing in the fingers, and in the articulation of the thumb/.—Pain, as from a bruise, in the left thumb, which seems to be in the bone, accompanied by a yawning (eleventh day)/.—[730.] Visible twitching and jerking in the left thumb/.—Swelling of the middle joint of the right middle finger, with painfulness when touched or bent/. Lower Extremities.—Sudden and great weakness in the lower extremities; she finds it difficult to move them along, after dinner (second day)/.—Acute pain in the hip-joint when walking/.—Acute pain in the hip-joint every morning, in bed; the joint feels as if beaten asunder, so that he cannot turn himself when lying dowu ; the pain decreases after rising ; and still more when walking; in the afternoon, the pain disappears entirely (for four weeks)/.—In evening, sudden, violent pulsation about right hip, which, however, soon goes off/5.—Drawing pain descending from the left hip/.—His legs seem contracted/.—The tendons of the muscles of the legs feel too short/.—Twitches in the legs, towards evening/.—[740.] Uneasiness in the legs1.—Heaviness in the legs, so that he can scarcely lift them, in the evening (eighth day),3.—Pain in the left leg, as from a sprain, when walking/.—Sweat of the legs at night/.—Great lassitude in the thighs and legs/.—Jerk-like scraping upon the bones of the thighs and legs, so that she is obliged to twitch up her leg every moment, and cannot remain lying down, but has to walk about (evening)/.—Burning itching upon the nates/.—In evening, on left nates, a painful boil/5.—Great lassitude, with pain in the thighs, as if they would fall off, or as if the tendons would tear off, alternating with pain in the small of the back; she has so much pain that she knows not what to do with herself (on the third day of menses)/. —Bruised pain in the thighs/.—[750.] Stiffness in the thighs when walk- ing/.—Itching on outer surface of "thighs, on the same spot, and equally severe, in both thighs/3.—Bruised pain in the middle of both thighs, both when at rest and in motion (during the catamenia)/.—Pain in the thigh, as if she had been beaten blue, which prevents her from walking (only when walking and taking much exercise),1—Boil on right thigh, the size of a child's fist, very painful, aud not relieved by poultices; the boil, cut open, discharged much pus and blood,10.—Acute pain in the right femur, as if the inmost marrow were shaken, increased by lying and sitting, a quarter of an hour (after some hours)/.—Pain, as of contusion, in the right thigh, immediately over the knee, which passes off by rubbing (eleventh day)/-—Pain, as from a sprain, in the left thigh, with a feeling of weakness and sudden bending of the legs in walking/.—Pain, as if the tendons were too short, at a place of the left thigh over the bend of the knee ; only when the parts are pressed upon, or when the person sits upon them, otherwise AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 275 there is no pain (third day),3.—Blue spot, as large as a child's hand, over the knee, with a sensation of excessive burning there/.—[760.] A deep seated, burning lurunculus consequent upon itching/.—An induration over the right knee, deep under the skin, painful only when pressed upon/.— Twitches in both knees and legs/.—Twitches in both patellae, in the even ing, several times in succession (fifth day)/.—Tearing in the knees and knee-joints/.—Boring and drawing in the knee, which causes such an un- easiness in the legs that she is obliged to move them constantly ; this mo- tion, however, does not relieve the uneasiness/.—Cracking when moving the knee/.—Pain in the knee, as from a sprain; upon sitting down and turning the leg/.—Burning, redness, like scarlatina, in the bend of the right kuee and along the leg ; the pain increases upon laying the cold hand upon the part (twentieth and twenty-first days)/.—Boring pain in and upon the patella/.—[770.] Pain as from paralysis in the legs, as if they were going to sleep, relieved by walking (seventh day)/.—The legs frequently go to sleep, when sitting and standing, and at night, when he lies upon the limb/.—Frequent cramps in the legs, especially in the muscles of the tibise and the feet/.—Cramp in the leg, when lying down, which became intol- erable on rising, and obliged the person to lie down again/.—Tearing below the knee and at the left tibia (eleventh day)/.—Violent cramp in the calf, when walking in the open air, so that he had to stand suddenly still/.— Straining in the calf (from a cold?)/.—Violent stitches deep in the calves (fourteenth day)/.—(Stitches over the right heel)/.—Tearing in the malleoli and in the joints of the feet; it extends as far as the toes, and ceases when she gets warm in bed/.—[780.] Drawing pain at the external malleolus (fourth day)/.—Acute pain in the heel, early on waking, as if the bone were perforated by ulceration/.—Tingling in the left heel; when touching it with the hand, it feels as if it were ulcerated (after five days)/.—Tear- ing twitches in the right heel (thirty-seventh day)/.—Cold feet/.— Chilli- ness of the feet, in the evening, especially when going to bed1.—Rapid swell- ing of the feet, extending as far as the calves/.—Great lassitude in the feet, as if tired (second day)/.—Trembling of both feet (after nine hours)/.— Uncommon sensitiveness of both feet to wet and cold/5.—[790.] Crawling on the dorsum of the left foot, as from having gone to sleep (eleventh day)/.—Tingling and itching in the sole of the foot, which is almost un- bearable, and so vehement that she would like to scratch off the skin ; after scratching, there is a burning sensation, in the evening (after lying down)/. —Tearing in both soles (eleventh day)/.—On rising in morning, though there had been no frost in the night, ball of right foot swollen and tender as from frost/5.—Sharp stitches in the ball of the right foot/.—Ball of left foot very painful, in evening/5.—In evening, the swelled ball of left foot burned, and was painful/5.—In evening, tender, red swelling of right toes, like chilblains/5.—Tearing stitches and twitches of the big toe,3.—Frequent and painful twitches of the ball of the big toe (when a child, it had been frozen)/.—[800.] Occasionally, acute stitches, and drawing of the balls of both the big toes, as if they were frozen, for several days, especially in the evening, on going to sleep/.—Itching and crawling in the ball of the big toe of the right foot, as from a chilblain/.—Piercing pain in the ball of the big toe, in the evening when in bed/.—*The left big toe feels hot, and is painful, as if he had burnt it, especially in damp weather, and when the boots press upon it; the pain decreases on pulling off the boot, or on rest- ing the foot firmly against the floor, or when walking (fourteenth to thirty- sixth day)/. —*Thc big toe becomes red, enlarged, and painful, especially in 276 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. the evening, when in bed, and the whole foot swells,1.—During walking, the ball of the big toe is painful, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration/. Generalities.—Towards noon, it became black before the eyes ; the letters appeared to move ; his breath was arrested; with previous lassitude; upon quickly rising from sitting, his whole body felt rigid, the arms and legs being stretched out, whilst the fingers were clenched; he had to use force to stretch them; this made them again movable (fourth day)/.— Spasms,20.—Most severe muscular contractions,20.—Tetanus,20.—[810.] Great restlessness, which becomes a convulsive trembling,20.—When walking, she trembles over the whole body/.—She staggers upon rising/.—Excessively tired/.—Very tired in the morning/.—Great fatigue in the forenoon, which invites to sleep (one hour)/.—In morning, exhaustion/5.—* Tired and weary all day, without being either sad or cheerful (after twenty-four hours)/.— On leaving her bed, she is often unable to stand, on account of weariness (after forty-eight hours)/.—She is powerless; lies down for several hours, as if senseless and weary/.—[820.] Weary and discouraged when walking in the open air; he trembled with weakness/.—Inability to stand upright well/2.—The whole day, a slight perspiration, as from exhaustion/.—*Las- situde,1*13.—Uncommon lassitude/5.—Great iassitude (in evening)/5.—In- describably great lassitude; often she cannot sit, and has to lie down for hours (after twenty-four hours)/.—Evening and morning of 19th, great lassitude; also, on following days, heaviness of limbs,9.—Great lassitude and fatigue of the body, early in the morning, and in the forenoon, as if he had worked too much; relieved by walking in the open air/.—Sensation of being bruised in the whole body ; lassitude and weeping mood, early after rising/.—[830.] At three o'clock in the night, he felt a jerk in the upper part of his body and in the arms, with a tearing pain; in the full posses- sion of his senses for at least ten minutes ; afterwards he felt very faint/.— Toward evening, she became suddenly indisposed ; she thought she would faint; walking up and down in the open air gave her relief, although she still experienced a few stitches in the right side (after ten days)/.—She is much affected by talking much, and hearing people talk; her hands and feet become cold in consequence of it/.—^Excessive sensitiveness to open air1. —Sensitiveness to open air (in evening)/5.—She cannot bear the evening air; her feet become heavy; the external air is unpleasant to her, and every part of her body feels sore/.—Unusual sensitiveness of the skin to cold/.—Feeling of numbness on the right side, upon which she is lying when in bed ; upon turning to the other side, this feeling passes off (second day)/.—Visible emaciation of the whole body/.—Pain in the occiput, in the chest, and from both scapulae, down along the ribs/.—[840.] Violent rheumatic drawing pain through all the limbs, hands, feet, nape of the neck, head, etc./.—Tearing in the whole body, especially in the thighs/.— Fine prickings in the head, in the tips of the fingers aud toes/.—A cold affects her head, and makes her hoarse/.—Very sick the whole day/2.—In morning, felt ill/.—Several symptoms appear to develop, or to become worse in the open air/.—He has to turn himself slowly in bed, because motion gives him pain/.—Much affected from walking in the open air/.— Walking in the open air tires him out/.—[850.] Walking in the open air makes him feel hot/.—He finds it more easy to lie upon the left side than upon the right/.—*llie right side of the body appears more affected than the lejt,. Skin.—*The whole upper part of the body is red, as if it were covered with, scarlatina,1.—Violent itching here and there over the whole body; the AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 277 scratching is followed by burning vesicles, or pimples, or hard nodes/.— Burning pimples, of the size of a millet grain, on the nape of the neck, and on the forearms/.—Strange uneasiness, every evening at seven o'clock, which rouses the child from its slumber; it tosses about in bed and screams, until it falls into a sound sleep, towards ten o'clock; this sleep lasts the whole night; during the uneasiness, the head feels bloated and burning; next morning, the face is covered with spots, as if scarlatina would break out,*.—Rash on the right side of the neck and the left lower arm/.—Around the elbow, small red tubercles, painfully cutting, only a few of them ulcer- ating ; the same upon the neck, but large/.—A herpetic eruption, dormant, becomes red, itching and burning, and disappears in a few days/.—A pus- tule appears on the right commissure of the mouth, with much boring pain ; before this, several had appeared on the left cheek and on the thighs/5.— [860.] The warts become inflamed/.—The fluid in the ulcer becomes offen- sive/.—Eruptions upon the forehead resembling little boils/.—Pimples and vesicles on the forehead/.—Pimples on the forehead and the tip of the nose/.—Pustules upon the.forehead, temple, cheek, and chin/.—Furunculus on the tip of the nose/.—Pustule upon the tip of the nose/.—Pustule on the side of the nose/.—On the septum of the nose, a vesicle, in forepart,3.— Increased number of pimples on the face/5.—White, herpes-like spots, of the size of a small pea, which continually exfoliate (upon the cheek)/.— Boils upon the cheek and around the ear/.—[870.] Small boils and indu- rations, discharging water and blood, upon the cheek, at the corners of the mouth, and on the chin/.—Pimple on left cheek, near ear, not painful unless pressed/6.—Pustules upon the cheeks, during the menses/.—Erup- tion at the mouth/.—Herpes-like, scaly eruption about the mouth/,—Burn- ing vesicles on the vermilion border of both lips/.—Vesicles at the right corner of the mouth and on the upper lip/.—Pimple on the lower lip, with burning pain/.—:On lower lip, two small, hard swellings/8.—Miliary erup- tion around the chin, without sensation/.—[880.] Burning vesicles on the inner side of the lower lip/.—On the inner side of the lower lip a painful white vesicle/.—The inside of the cheeks is full of vesicles without sensa- tion/.— Vesicles on the tongue, especially on its border/.—Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which hinder speaking and eating, with a burning pain/. —Pustules upon the tongue, with a burning aud stinging pain, especially on the border and under the tongue/.—Small ulcer at the tip of the tongue, feeling sore whenever the tongue is moved/.—More itching pimples on podex/5.—Pimples on podex, painful on lying down at night/5.—Red rash on the chest/.—[890.] A small, red furunculus above the right breast, which is ouly painful when touched/.—A blister forms upon the left scapula, with sensation of stinging, as from fleas/.—Small furunculus upon the left shoulder,3.—Itching of the iuside of the right forearm, with a sensation as of burning consequent upon scratching ; at the same time, there are formed small red pimples, spots and nodes, which do not cease to itch after being scratched; on the following day, they become crimson (fourth to fifth day)/.—Itching in back, arms, and shins,10.—The skin of a child's hands becomes quite hard and chapped, the fissures being very deep/.—The skin of the palm of the hand peels off (after four days)/.—Many itchiug pimples on thighs and hands/5.—Blue spot, as large as a child's hand, over the knee, with sensation of excessive burning there/.—A deepseated burning furunculus consequent upon itching/.—Small furunculus in the left instep, painful only when touched/.—[900.] Burning redness, like scarlatina, in the bend of the right knee and along the leg; the pain increases upon laying 278 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. the cold hand upon the parts (twenty and twenty-first days)/.—Eruption of pimples on the legs, and inflammation/7.—Much itching upon the skin of the whole body/.—Itching over the whole body, early in the morning (for three hours)/.—Itching, here and there, of many places of the body, usually pass- ing off after scratching, or painfully burning/.—Much itching on the hands and the rest of the body/5.—Itching of the head, accompanied by great sen- sitiveness of the integuments of the head when scratching (tenth day)/.— Violent itching of the hairy scalp, especially of the occiput/.—Sense as if the hairs would stand on end, with crawling over the whole head, and a feeling of coldness there, after coming out of the open air and entering the room/. —The hair is painful when touched/.—[910.] The scalp and the hairs are intensely painful when the hand is moved along them; this movement made him shudder (first evening)/.—Early in the morning, itching over the ears, which spreads over the whole body (third day)/.—Itching of the anus,1.—The child becomes sore between the legs/.—Violent itching of the genital organs/.—Itching of the scrotum/.—Violent itching of the puden- dum/.—Continual itching of the mons veneris; it constantly reappears after scratching the parts/.—Burning itching upon the nates/.—He can- not fall asleep on account of itching and stinging of the skiu/.—[920.] Towards evening, itching on the arms and still more on the feet/8.—Itch- ing, or rather a burning, in left sole and calf, particularly in the former, where it was most persistent/6. Fever.—Chilliness/3.—During day a good deal of chilliness/9.—Gen- eral shivering/5.—At night be often feels chilliness in his sleep; on waking, he is immediately warm again/.—At night chilliness, so that he cannot get warm, least of all his feet, nor can he fall asleep/.—Frequent chilliness, towards evening, and continuing until going to bed/.—Frequently feverish chilliness, in the evening/.—Shivering before falling asleep/.—[930.] Chil- liness in the open air, or upon coming out of the open air, and entering the room/.—Attacks of chilliness, in the evening, frequently accompanied by the hairs standing upon end, blue hands, blue nails, chattering of teeth, and shaking; sometimes these symptoms are followed by nightly heat, and by sweat early in the morning/.—Chills when in bed, from nine to twelve o'clock in the evening, alternating with heat, and much uneasiness (after tenth day)/.—Chills and heat for several days, mostly shaking chills, fol- lowed by geueral dry heat; a little sweat only early in the morning/.— Alternate chilliness and heat, with sensitiveness to cold; nausea, thirst, pressure at the chest, with stitches in the left side of the chest, tearing in the forehead, and confusion of the head, alternate redness and paleness of the cheeks, pressure at the stomach, with disposition to eructations, ac- companied by a violent coryza and sleeplessness; for several days (during the catamenia)/.—Rigor,10.—Rigor in walking across the street/.—Rigor alternating with heat, especially flying heat in face/.—Rigor with weak feeling, then heat in the face/0.—Feeling of coldness in chest and gastric region/5.—[940.] Excessive orgasm of blood at night; he imagines that the blood will burst his veins and his heart/.—At 9 a.m., feeling of warmth all over the body/1.—Warmth, especially iu head and face; burning in lobe of left ear and around nostrils/5.—Feverish heat for several evenings in succession, one hour and a half, accompanied by headache/.—Heat at night (nineteenth day)/.—Heat in the whole body, especially in the abdo- men, in the forenoon (eleventh day)/.—Always warm, and oppressed with anxiety, in the forenoon, previous to the menses (forty-secoud day)/.— Feverish heat in the head, with cold feet/.—About noon uncommon burn- AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 279 ing in hands and feet/5.—Profuse perspiration/2.—[950.] Very profuse perspiration, of a fetid smell,10.—Slight perspiration, not so fetid,10.—Great perspiration, especially the following night,10.—Continual night-sweats/.— He sweats every night, early in the morning, and is then quite hot/.— Sweat early in the morning,1.—Sweat towards morning (first day)/.—Sweat in the joints, early in the morning (after sixteenth day)/. Sleep and Dreams.—Frequent stretching of the body, early, as if he had not slept enough (second day)/.—Disposition to stretch the arms and feet/.—[960.] Much yawning, with accumulation of water in the mouth, weariness, discomfort, or chilliness/.—Violent, spasmodic yawning in the evening/.—In afternoon great drowsiness,6.—-Sleepiness during the day; in the afternoon he has to sit down to sleep, otherwise his eyei feel sore/.—Sleepiness through the day; he has to lie down in the forenoon and afternoou/.—She becomes very sleepy when she is not busy, for instance, at table; the sleepiness passes off when she is busy at something/.—-Sleepi- ness in the day, with yawning (first to fourth day)/.—Unconquerable sleepiness after supper; nevertheless, he does not sleep well in the night/. —He is soon sleepy in the evening, but his sleep at night is uneasy, for several weeks/.—Falliug asleep late at night (first night)/.—[970.] Can- not fall asleep in the eveuing, he knows not why ; afterwards the person sleeps well (second day)/.—(Nightmare on falling asleep)/.—The sooner she goes to bed the better she sleeps; the later she goes to bed, the less able is she to sleep/.—At night, when in bed, he cannot fall asleep before two, three, four hours, ou account of uneasiness, dry heat, and sometimes burn- ing at the stomach/.—He cannot fall asleep on account of itching and stinging of the skin/.—Great wakefulness until 12.30, with constant strain- ing and pressure on the belly, and discharge of flatus/5.—He remains awake until four o'clock in the morning, when he falls into an oppressive sleep, during which he sweats until seven o'clock/.—Lay in bed from eleven to one o'clock, without being able to sleep, a thing which had never happened to him before/6.—Light sleep at night; every little noise wakes her/. — Sleep very unquiet,10. — [980.] Uneasy, unrefresiling sleep, every night; he tosses about,1.—Sleep somewhat disturbed/3.—His sleep is uneasy and interrupted; he sleeps little and frequently wakes/.—Uneasy sleep, with frequent waking, for several nights, especially during her menses/.— Frequent waking at night, with chilliness (first day)/.—At night she wakes every half hour, and is very weary in the morning/.—He wakes between one and two o'clock at night, and cannot fall asleep again under two hours (second day)/.—After midnight she wakes with pain at the stomach, and cannot fall asleep again till four o'clock/.—Frequent waking, with groan- ing and sobbing, for several weeks,3.—*He starts up from his sleep as if by fright, several times in succession after midnight; afterwards he cannot fall asleep again for a longtime; for many nights/.—[990.] * Frequent start- ing up from sleep as if by fright, at night, with subsequent great fearfulness/. —Sleep full of dreams (second day)/.—He dreams while awake, at night/. Dreams at night/5.—Vivid dreams, by a person who never dreamed/.— Sleep full of vivid dreams/.—She dreams whole stories/.—Romantic dreams/.—Lewd dreams, three nights in succession, about having had an embrace, and, on waking up, sensation as if there had been an emission of semen, which, however, was not true/.—Confused dreams/.—[1000.] Many confused dreams, all about things that had happened many years ago/2.— Anxious dreams,1.—Dreams every night, which, when ending, were accom- panied by a sensation of anxiety; this woke him at three o'clock in the 280 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. morning/.—Anxious dreams about danger and want/.—At night, terrify- ing dreams/7.—Anxious dreams about ghosts; he screamed when asleep/. —Dreams about death aud dying/.—Dreams about dying and corpses/.— Disgusting dreams about lice (after eighteenth day)/.—Dreams about quarrels (third and seventh days)/.—[1010.] She expresses in her sleep what she thought of when awake/. Condiiions.—Aggravation. — (Morning), Gloomy humor; slight headache, etc.; pain in periosteum of forehead; violent pinching, etc., in belly ; great lassitude in all the limbs ; very tired ; exhaustion ; great las- situde ; felt ill.—(Early in the morning), Peevishness; vertigo; vertigo, with nausea; vertigo, with flickering before the eyes; tearing in the tem- ples ; itching and biting in eyes ; agglutination of eyes ; itching over ears, etc.; anterior half of tongue feels pithy ; mouth feels parched ; bitter taste in mouth ; bad smell, etc., in mouth ; swelling of tonsils, etc.; sensation as of something sticking in throat, etc.; want of appetite; feverish chilliness, etc.; nausea, etc.; oppression at stomach, etc.; contraction, etc., in abdo- men, etc.; pressive pain in left side of abdomen ; diarrhcea, with colic; fecal evacuation, etc.; erections; chest oppressed, etc.; bruised pain in middle of chest; burning in nape of neck ; lassitude and fatigue; itching over whole body; sweat; sweat in the joints.—(Early, in bed), Headache, etc.; frequent sneezing; continual cough, etc.; frequent stretching of the body.—(Early, on waking), Dryness of throat, etc.; pain in the heel.— (Morning, on waking), Burning of eyes; bitter taste in mouth.—(Morn- ing, in bed), Pain in hip-joint.—(Early, after rising), Frequent vertigo; drawing, etc., in head ; qualmishness, etc.; lassitude, etc.—(Forenoon), Sad, etc.; ill-humor, etc.; violent pinching,etc., in belly ; all limbs ache ; great fatigue; lassitude; heat; always warm, etc.—(Towards noon), Black before eyes, etc.—(About noon), Burning in hands and feet, etc.—(Afternoon), Weakness and anxiety, etc.; anguish; violent headache; congestion to head; great secretion of mucus in mouth, etc.; dryness in throat, etc.; aching and shooting in thyroid gland,etc.; rumbling of bowels, etc.; emis- sion of flatulence, etc.; increased flow of urine, etc.; great drowsiness.— (Towards evening), Sad mood; vertigo, etc.; frequent vertigo; rush of blood; redness of mouth, etc.; sore throat; aching and shooting in thyroid gland; indisposed; itching on the arms, etc.; frequent chilliness.—(Even- ing), Peevishness, etc.; slight headache; tearing in the temples; transient pinching in right ear; toothache, etc.; dryness of mouth ; great secretion of mucus in mouth, etc.; dryness in throat, etc.; swelling of tonsils, etc.; sensation of something sticking in throat; risings of air, etc.; stitches below left ribs; much flatus; emission of flatuleuce, etc.; violent pinching, etc., in belly; stitches in left side of abdomen; abdominal complaints; swelling in left groin, etc.; traction in urethra; frequent and copious emission of urine; lascivious fancies, etc.; sensation as if limbs were bruised; fatigue and weakness of limbs ; bruised pain in left shoulder, etc.; pulsation about right hip ; heaviness in legs ; boil on nates ; twitches in both patellar; chil- liness of the feet; ball of foot painful; ball of left foot burns ; swelling of toes; great lassitude ; sensitiveness to open air; feverish chilliness ; attacks of chilliness; feverish heat; violent yawning ; soon sleepy.—(Evening, in bed), Coughs ; cough, with asthma; pain in middle of left forearm ; pain in ball of big toe; big toe becomes red.—(Evening, on lying down), Burning of eyes; tingling, etc., in sole of foot; pain in pimples on podex.—(Even- ing, ongoing to sleep), Stitches, etc., in big toes.—(Getting into bed, in even- ing). Violent toothache.—(Night),Low spirits,etc.; fatigue; roaring in left AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 281 ear; nose obstructed; dry coryza; toothache; tearing-jerking in hollow tooth; great dryness and heat of mouth; attacks of nausea; pressure at stomach; emission of flatulence, etc.; violent colic ; burning pain at rectum, etc.; rises to urinate; desire to urinate; several successive emissions of urine ; lascivious fancies, etc.; pollutions ; menses very copious ; cough ; cough, etc.; dry cough; hawking of mucus; difficult breathing; stitches; in left breast; heaviness, etc., at sternum ; jerk in the back ; all the limbs ache ; all the limbs pain her; sweat of legs ; chilliness in sleep ; chilliness ; heat; continual sweats.—'Before midnight), Tearing in teeth, etc.—(Mid- night), Violent dry cough.—{After midnight), Rushing in ear; starts from sleep, etc.—(Towards morning), Involuntary emission of urine; sweat.— (3 a.m.), Violent colic; jerking in upper part of body, etc.—(3 to 4 a.m.), Violent cough; pain in arm, etc.— 7 a.m.), Violent colic; evacuation sur- rounded by watery mucus.—(9 a.m.), Feeling of warmth all over body.— (7 p.m.), Sort of anxiety; strange uneasiness.—(Open air), Shootings in molar tooth ; several symptoms ; much affected ; tires him out; makes him feel hot; chilliness.—( Walking in open air), Violent pinching, etc., in belly; heaviness and tightness at chest; sudden dart in small of back; cramp in calf; weary and discouraged.—(Air rushing into mouth), Pain in teeth.— (In bed), Heaviness in left side of head.—(In bed, 9 to 12 p.m.), Chilliness, etc.—(Biting teeth together), Teeth painful; teeth very painful; shooting pain in molar teeth.—(Biting on tooth), Becomes very painful; drawing toothache.—(After breakfast), Bellyache.—(Breathing), Stitches in hands, etc.; stitches in chest.—(Strong breathing through nose), Organ feels painful. —( When not busy), Becomes very sleepy.—(Drinking coffee), Congestion to head.—(Cloudy weather), Makes her very sad.—(After coition), Excited circulation, etc.—(Chewing), Stitches in left temple; almost all teeth pain- ful.—(Cold), Violent pinching, etc., in belly; cramp in phalanx of finger, etc.—(Washing with cold water), Distended veins, etc.—(After drive in cold air), Courses five days too soon.—(Laying on cold hand), Burning, etc., in bend of knee, etc.—(Damp weather), Big toe feels hot, etc.—(During din- ner), Stitches behind frontal eminence, etc.; tearing in right temple; heat in face; sense of nausea, etc.; colic, etc.; pressure in hypogastrium.— (After dinner), Headache; tearing below and behind the ears; heaviness, etc., in forehead; stitches over left eye; bleeding at nose; heat in face; darting in tooth ; frequent risings of air, etc.; sense of nausea, etc.; qualm- ishness, etc.; pressure at stomach; urine reddish; weakness in lower ex- tremities.—(During eating), Toothache; drawing toothache.—(After eat- ing), Toothache; qualmishness; finds talking difficult; oppression of stom- ach; great pressure at pit of stomach, etc.—(During mental exertion), Heat in face.—(During expiration), Drawing downwards in chest, etc.; shooting outside of left nipple.—(After every effort), Asthma, etc.—(After getting heated), Pressure over whole head.—(Looking at a distance, etc.), Objects seem double.—(Lying down), Vain in right femur.—(Lying on back),Pain- ful oppression of chest.—(Lying on the part, at night), Throbbing in left ear; legs goto sleep.—(Before menses), Pain in belly, etc.; pale face; always warm, etc.—(During me^es), Acrid water runs from nose; pustules upon cheeks; toothache; drawing toothache; no desire for meat, etc.; sense of nausea, etc.; qualmishness, etc.; stomach seems full, etc.; pale face; sadness; colic, etc.; violent tearing in body; pain in small of back; violent cold; great fatigue of whole body, etc.; bruised pain in thighs; pustules upon cheeks; alternate chilliness and heat,etc.; uneasy sleep,etc. —(Drinking milk), Acid taste; sour eructations.—(Motion), Paiu in back; 282 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. pain in small of back; cracking in elbow-joint; tension in wrist-joint.— (Moving head), Pain as from ulceration ; sensation as of brain falling, etc.; tearing below and behind ears.—(Moving head at night), Frequent vertigo, etc.—(Moving hand along hairs), They are intensely painful, etc.—(Pres- sure), Painfulness of stomach; pain over bend of knee; pain in head, as from ulceration; pain in induration over right knee; big toe feels hot, etc.; pain in pimple on cheek.—(Reading), Eyes run.—(Reflecting), Headache. —(Rest), Pain in small of back, etc.; throbbing pain in small of back.— (Rising), Cramp in leg.—(Rising, after long sitting), Sudden dart into small of back.—(Rising quickly from sitting), Whole body felt rigid.—(Warm room), Attacks of asthma.—(Entering room from open air), Hairs feel as if standing on end, etc.; chilliness.—(After sewing), Large black spot before eye.—(Scratching), Itching of mons veneris.—(Singing), Stitches in chest. — (Sitting), Compression on sides of abdomen; shooting outside of left nipple; hands and feet go to sleep; pain in right femur; legs go to sleep. —(On sitting down), Pain in knee.—(Sitting on painful parts), Pain in left thigh.—(Sitting and driving), Griping colic.—( When about falling asleep), Pressure on eyelids.—(Sneezing), White stars before eyes.—(Standing), Stitches in hypogastrium ; lungs feel drawn down; legs go to sleep.— (Speaking), Roughness of voice.—(Stooping), Tension in nape of neck; water runs from nose; sensation of blood accumulating in end of nose; stitches in left side of abdomen; cramp in hypogastrium, etc.; stitches in chest; stitches in right breast; pain in small of back.—(Before stool), Cut- ting in abdomen.—(During stool), Cutting in abdomen.—(Stretching out), Pinching, etc., in right groin.—(Stretching out arm), Creaking pain in elbow- joint.—(Stretching fingers apart), Pinching pain.—(During supper), Eruc- tations tasting of the food.—(After supper), Eructations tasting of the food; oppression at stomach ; unconquerable sleepiness.—(After swallowing any- thing), Rumbling in abdomen.—(Touching), Bruised pain in left groin; painfulness of finger-joints; pain in boil above right breast; pain in boil on left instep ; hair painful.—(Touching teeth with tongue), Violent stitches in hollow teeth, etc.—(Touching tip of tongue), Burning at tip of tongue.— (Turning head), Stiff neck.—(Turning with body), Immediate dizziness.— (Turning leg), Pain in knee.—(Urinating), Soreness of pudendum, etc.— (After urinating), Traction in urethra.—( Waking), Pressure upon eyelids; tension of skin of face.—( Walking), Qualmishness of stomach, etc.; stitches in right chest; pain in small of back; cracking in joints; pain in hip- joints; pain in left leg; stiffness in thighs; pain in thigh ; ball of big toe painful; trembles over whole body.—(Ascending hill), Cough, etc.—(Going upstairs), Short breath.—( Warm liquid getting into mouth), Painful shoot- ings in teeth, etc.—(After writing), Rush of blood to chest. Amelioration.—(Towards noon), Swelling of left inguinal glands.— (Afternoon), Pain in hip-joint.—(Towards evening), Weakness and anxiety, etc.; anguish.—(In open air), Stitches in head, etc.; attacks of asthma.— ( Walking in open air), Lassitude and fatigue; faint feeling.—(Bending body), Pinching pain in abdomen.—(After glass of " bishop"), Ill-humor, etc.—(Pulling off boot), Big toe feels hot.—( When busy at something), Sleepi- ness.—(Compressing belly with hands), Sudden, painful contraction of bowels. —(After journey in damp weather), Pain in molar teeth.—(Emission of flatulence), Colic in left side of abdomen ; colic at night.—(Smelling Hepar sulphur), Pain in back tooth.—(After lying down), Sudden, painful con- traction of bowels.—(Lying on belly), Pinching, etc., in belly.—(Motion), Compression on sides of abdomen ; hands and feet go to sleep.— (Picking AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. 283 teeth), Darting in decayed tooth.—(Pressure), Hot feeling in big toe.—(On taking pipe in mouth), Headache, etc.—(Pressing upon teeth), Toothache during menses.—(After rising), Pain in periosteum of forehead; pain in hip-joint.—(In room), Pinching, etc., in belly.—(Raising scrotum), Drawing in the part,—(Rubbing), Itching and biting in eyes; pain in right thigh.— {After scratching), Itching here and there.—(After sitting still for some time), Vertigo, etc.—(Straigiitening up), Stitches in chest; pain in small of back. —(Stretching out), Compression on sides of abdomen.—(After a stool), Pinch- ing pain in abdomen.—(After supper), Better mood ; headache, etc.—( Turn- ing to other side), Throbbing in left ear.—(Turning to other side iu bed), Numb feeling in right side.—( On waking), Chilliness.—( Walking), Vertigo, etc.; sudden dart in small of back; pain in hip-joint; pain in legs; big toe feels hot, etc.—( Warm, cloths), Toothache during menses; pinching, etc., in belly.—( When warm in bed), Tearing in wrist-joint; tearing in mal- leoli, etc. AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM (AMMONIA). Chemical formula, NH3. Common name, Hartshorn spirits. Prepara- tion, Solution of the gas in water. Authorities. Toxicological (1, Wibmer, proving, Buchner's Repertorium; 2, Vetter, Hufeland's Journal, 78; 3, Chrestien, Gaz. d. Sante; 4, Schlegel, Material, etc., 1801; 5, Mankiewicz, Virch. Archiv., 45; 6, Winter, Med.- Chir. Cent. Bl., took 3 drachms; 7, Hiff, Lancet, 49; 8, Br. J. of Horn., 21; 9, Souchard, in N. A. J. of H., 17; 10, Imbert-Gourbeyre, J. d. Chim. Med., 1854; 11, Gaz. d. Hop., in N. Z. f. H. K, 17; 12, Watson, Times, 1845, "Guano Fumes;" 13, Wibmer, Effects of Inhalation; 14, Cattell, in B. J. of Horn., 11). Alind.—The patient, perfectly comprehending his condition, resigns himself to despair/.—Remarkable timidity/.—His intellect was clear/.— Unconscious,10. JTcv/cZ.—Slight confusion in the head, with rumbling in the abdomen (in six minutes)/.—Slight confusion in the head, with pressure in tfye tem- ples, ceasing almost entirely in ten minutes (in a quarter of an hour)/.— Sensation as if the brain protruded at the centre, forward, and on both sides, and the skull was quartered, but without pain and without confusion of the head/.—The forehead, where the bloodvessels are full of blood, feels hot to the touch/.—Pressure in the frontal region, with feeling as if the head would split, but without pain, which lasts a few minutes (in seven minutes;/.—[10.] Slight pressure at the occiput, lasting ten minutes (in half an hour)/. Eyes.—Eyes red, shining,9.—The eyes sunken; the pupil widely di- lated/.—Lachrymation/2. Ears.—Deafness/2. Nose.—Peculiar redness of skin over nose and frontal sinuses/2—Co- ryza/2.—A watery fluid runs at intervals from the nasal cavities, and the air is completely excluded from them/. Face.— The face is altered/.—The expression was anxious/.—[20.] The whole expression of his face showed the greatest anguish/.—Extremely pale face, expressive of the greatest suffering/.—Face always very red during the febrile exacerbations/.—His distorted features had red spots/.—His lips were rather swollen/.—Lower lip swollen to three times its normal 284 AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. size/.—Small black coating on the middle of the lower lip/.—The mucous membrane of the lips and nose was destroyed/. Mouth.—Teeth clenched/10.—The surface of the tongue is white/.— [30.] The tongue appeared deprived of its epithelium; only on solitary places could some white membrane still be seen, and nearly the whole fauces showed the same state/.—Curled pieces of white skin are detached from the tongue and throat, and those parts appear red/.—The tongue, the palate, and the entire cesophagus, as far as visible, are whitish and partly covered with blisters/.—Burniug and scraping at the root of the tongue and posterior portion of the cesophagus (while swallowing the medicine)/. —Small black coating on the tip of the tongue/.—The entire buccal cav- ity, the mouth, the tongue, and probably a great part of the cesophagus and stomach, are raw, denuded of epithelium/.—The mucous membrane of the mouth, and all the visible parts of the throat, were dark-red, swollen, and tender; the epithelium was detached in different places,6.—The penetrating smell of Ammonia was still clearly perceptible in his breath, although he had taken so much vinegar/.—From mouth and nose flowed a large quan- tity of bloody fluid/.—Profuse bloody salivation/1.—[40.] Foaming from mouth,10. Throat.—Throat externally red, and the soft parts swollen,5.—Burn- ing pain in throat/.—Burning pain from the mouth to the region of the stomach/13.—Burning heat at the throat/.—Burning pain at throat and stomach/.—Lancinating aud scraping sensation at the throat (immediately after taking the medicine)/.—Scraping at the throat (when swallowing the medicine)/.—Deep redness of the velum, its pillars, the tonsils, and the posterior wall of the pharynx/.—The uvula is contracted and covered with white mucus/.—[50.] The tonsils appear scarcely at all enlarged/.—The posterior wall of the pharynx, and the epiglottis, were deeply reddened, and like the mouth, with most intense pain in the throat/.—Dryness in cesophagus/1.—Great difficulty in swallowing/.—Could scarcely swallow/3. —He swallowed with difficulty some vinegar and water, but it seemed to relieve him/.—After two hours of great anxiety, the patient complained mostly of his throat, as swallowing was still nearly impossible/. Stomach.—Very urgent thirst/.—Thirst/3.—Very urgent thirst, with difficult deglutition/.—[60.] He is consumed with thirst, and yet is unable to get down a drop of liquid/.—Thirst very strong, without the power to swallow/.—Eructations which do not smell of Ammonia (soon after taking the medicine)/.—Constant mucous vomiting/.—He passes an immense quantity of mucus from the mouth/.—He throws up by the mouth and nostrils quantities of a whitish fluid which burns wherever it touches, and smells like sal volatile liniment/.—He immediately screamed and was very sick, bringing up at first stringy mucus of a light color, and then some more dark/.—Vomiting blood/1.—The right hand automatically pointed in the stomach region/—He was allowed to get up on the fifteenth, but the next day a hearty meal gave him very great pain,6,—[70.] Heartburn/*.— There was burning pain in the track of the cesophagus, none in the stom- ach itself, but its region was tender on pressure/.—Epigastrium swollen and tender/.—Great sensitiveness of the epigastric region; very small pulse, with shiverings (at 4 p.m.)/. Abdomen.—Great pain and tenderness in left hypochondrium and at epigastrium/4.—There was no abdominal distension,6.—The abdomen was soft/.—Rumbling in abdomen/.—Inexpressible pains in the upper part of the intestinal tube/.—Pains in lower abdomen, back, and sacral region/. AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. 285 Stool and Anas.—[80.] Spasmodic contraction of the rectum ; an injection spouted forcibly from the rectum as soon as thrown up/.—The vomiting is followed by several stools, which cause a violent burning at the anus/.—Solid stool (he has already had the usual morning evacuation), with cessation of the confusion of the head (in six minutes)/.—Copious hemorrhagic stools/.—Bloody stools, very frequent/1.—Evacuation of some pints of clear blood, with excessive tenesmus/1.—The poison was taken March 7th, but his bowels did not act till the 12th, and then only after a purgative/.—Suppression of a chronic looseness of the bowels,0 3. Urinary Organs.—Scanty, red urine/.—The urine was alkaline and dark-yellow/.—[90.] Urine smelling of ammonia/.—Next day, the urine contained a good deal of sediment, consisting of urates,6. Sexual Organs.—The menses, hitherto always regular, are fifteen days too early, and very profuse/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Slight, rather coarse mucous rales were heard in the larynx and trachea/.—He had a constant tickling in larynx, with pain in epigastrium/.—For several days, he suffered from a bronchitis, with prof use expectoration, but it took nearly a week till his voice returned, aud he regaiued his strength only by slow degrees/.—Speech fatiguing, in- terrupted/3.—The voice was low and weak, speech fatiguing and interrupted, on account of the condition of the respiratory function/.—She could hardly speak, because the effort to do so fatigued her exceedingly, and caused pain in the chest/.—The voice was rough, weak, and hoarse/.—[100.] Dull, hoarse voice/.—Weak and indistinct voice/.—Voice deep, weak/3.—Speech wanting/.—Obstinate cough/2.—Cough, with copious mucous expectora- tion/.—Cough and much expectoration, especially after drinking/3.— Cough, with profuse mucous expectoration, and excited by drinking/.— When he tries to drink, severe cough, with expectoration of slimy masses/. —The cough and expectoration are especially excited by the contact of liquids with the back of the mouth; only a very little passes into the oesoph- agus/.—[HO.] Spasmodic cough, lasting an hour, during which he expec- torates a great quantity of membrane/.—He hawked and expectorated continually, although doing so gave him great pain/.—Bloody expectora- tion/2.—Respiration heavy and rattling/3.—Every respiration produces a kind of rattling noise/.—The breathing harsh, hurried, and somewhat ob- structed/.—Respiration difficult/.—* Very great difficulty in breathing,3.— Great difficulty in breathing/3.—Difficult, quick, stertorous breathing/.— [120.] Was aroused from sleep by a suffocative feeling/.—Spasm of the glottis; death from asphyxia/. Chest.—Continuous mucous rattling in chest/.—The chest-sounds were normal,6.—Pain in the whole chest, with suffocative anguish/.—Inclination to draw a long breath, which is prevented by a violent pain in the chest towards the back, evidently in the oesophageal region/.—Great oppression and want of air/.—Extreme oppression of the chest, with increased rattling and threatened suffocation/.—Lung-catarrh/2.—The prsecordial region is distended and painful/.—[130.] Extremely violent anguish at the prae- cordia, with great oppression of the chest/. Heart and False.—Pulse small, weak, rapid/3.—Small, frequent, and weak pulse/.—Very small and moderately frequent pulse, but it in- creases in frequency from hour to hour/.—The pulse was quickened five beats per minute (usual rate 70); it was also somewhat hard/.—Pulse so slow and intermittent that it was difficult to count it, as were also the 286 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. beats of the heart/.—Pulse 60, small and hard/.—Pulse weak, irregular/. —Small, depressed, scarcely perceptible pulse/. Upper Extremities.—Convulsive twitches of right arm/4. Generalities.—[140.] State of irritation and of extraordinary suf- fering/.—In the evening, the patient was greatly excited; pulse quite small and very quick, with increased oppression/.—After a venesection, the pa- tieut got more quiet, and the bloody expectoration ceased/.— Motorial power intact/.—He had perfect sensibility, and not much distress of coun- tenance/.—Great weakness/3.—Great debility/.—Great prostration/1.— Remarkable exhaustion; his muscular strength is diminished to a degree not proportioned to the duration of the disease/.—On trying for the first time to get out of bed, he was unable to stand on his legs, and at the least effort, he trembled violently/.—[150.] Bleedings from the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, which cause faintness/3. Skin.—The skin was pale, cold, and had lost its elasticity/.—The ap- plication of a blister plaster takes off the skin, but does not excite the se- cretion of serum/.—Erysipelas/.—Skin hot, not dry/.—Hot, dry skin/ 13. —Dry skin/.—Cutaneous sensibility intact/. Fever.—Heat in chest and at stomach/. Sleep and Dreams.—Sleepless night/.—Very restless night/. Conditions.—Aggravation.— (Evening), Great excitement, etc.— (After drinking), Cough, etc.—(After hearty meal), Great pain in stomach. Amelioration.—(Solidstool), Confusion of the head.—(After venesec- tion), More quiet, etc.—(Vinegar and water), Seemed to relieve him. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Ammonium chloride, NH4C1. Common names, Sal Ammoniac ; Sal'm'iac. Preparation, Trituration on aqueous solution (100 parts of water at 60° dissolves 36 parts of the salt). Authorities. 1, N-g and Hartlaub, H. and T. Annalen, 4; 2, Hahne- mann, Chr. Krank., 1; 3, Rl. (ibid.); 4, Gumpert, Roth's resume; 5, Wib- mer; 6, Fischer, Roth's resume; 7, Rechnitz, ibid.; 8, Knorre, A. H. Z., 6, 33; 9. Frank's Mag., poison cases ; 10, Boecker; 11, J. d. Chim. Med., 1840, poison by fumes, A. H. Z., 20, 9. Mind.—When talking about some important subject he becomes ex- tremely excited/.—She is overwhelmed with anxiety, would like to weep, and does weep, sometimes (first day)/.—Full of melancholy and anxiety, as if some internal grief and sorrow were gnawing at her heart/.—She is sitting there, full of ill-humor, absorbed in her thoughts, and can scarcely be induced to speak, in the evening (fifteenth day)/.—Peevish, as if she had some internal vexation, and looking as if not yet entirely conscious of herself; as if she had not slept enough (third day)/.—Irritable and peevish, in the forenoon ; the mood improves after dinner (eighth day)/.—Very irritable, peevish, and easily frightened/.—Involuntary antipathy to cer- tain persons/. Head.—The head feels confused, as after intoxication (fourteenth day)/.—[10.] The head feels dizzy and confused in the room ; this symp- tom passes off in the open air; early in the morning (fourth day)/.—^Ver- tigo, as if she would fall to one side; worse during motion, passing off in the open air, frequently (third day)/.—Giddiness and fulness of the head; it feels as if it were very heavy (one hour)/.—Feeling of heaviness in the AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 287 head, almost daily, after rising/.—The head feels so full that it seems too heavy (after twenty-fifth day)/.—Violent headache, for several days/.— Feeling of heat and fulness in the head, early after rising/.—Heat in the head, without preceding chill, before midnight, in bed, so that she cannot go to sleep for a long time/.—Stitches and pressure in the head, especially in the left side, in the room (second day)/.—Frequent creeping over the head, of short duration (twenty-fifth day)/.—[20.] Pimples on the fore- head, following after itching and scratching (sixth day)/.—Frontal head- ache, without mental disturbance/.—Violent throbbing headache in the forehead, towards evening, lasting one hour; upon touching the forehead worse; with weakness, so that he was scarcely able to walk, and chills on going to bed/.—Heaviness in the forehead, frequently during the day, ac- companied by a feeling of internal heat and a little sweat/.—Pressure in the forehead, with sensation of heat there, early in the morning, after an uneasy night/.—Downward pressure in the forehead, towards the root of the nose, with sensation as if the brain were torn, early after rising (twenty- fifth day)/.—Painful boring in the forehead, early after rising, and almost during the whole day (fifth day)/.—Sudden fine stitching in the left side of the forehead, of long duration, afternoons (fourth day)/.—Painful twitches, from below upwards, in the left temple (third day)/.—Burning pain, and sometimes stitches, in the left temple, both when at rest and when masticating and sneezing ; no increase of pain when the parts are touched/. —[30.] A sudden tearing pain from below upward in the right temple, forenoons (sixth day)/.—Painful tearing in the right temple and down into the side of the face (seventh day)/.—Fine tearing, extending upward, in the right temporal bone, during the menstruation (seventeenth day)/.— A violent stitch in the left temple ; forenoons (twentieth day)/.—Headache on the top of the head, as if the head were broken in two (fourth day)/.— Stitches in the vertex, with a sensation as though the head were bursting; mornings (third day)/.—Stitches in the vertex on stooping; afternoon at three, lasting till six (second day)/.—Glowing heat on the right side of the head, every evening/.—Fine stitches in the left side of the head, forenoons (fifth day)/.—A painful tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, while sitting (fifteenth day)/.—[40.] The occiput feels as if it were compressed with a vice; this symptom afterwards manifests itself in both sides of the head, accompanied by excessive ill-humor (seventeenth day)/. —Pinching pain in the left side of the occiput, at a small spot; forenoons (eleventh day)/.—Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput, in the evening; at night they pass off (after nineteenth day)/.—Itching of the hairy scalp, forcing him to scratch constantly (third day)/. Eyes.—Eyes become weak, glassy, watery/.—Redness of the white of the eyes and itching of the eyes/.—Pain in the eyes/.—The eyes burn in the morning, after rising, if she looks at the light (fourth day)/.—Burning of the eyes in the evening, and closing thereof as from sleep; this symptom passed off as soon as light entered the room (fifteenth day)/.—The eyes are burning for several evenings, only at twilight; the pain ceases as soon as light enters the room (fifteenth day)/.—[50.] The eyes burn at night, with profuse lachrymation/.—Violent burning in the right eye, which continues long in the open air/.—Tearing in the upper border of the right eye, first made worse, then improved, by pressing upon it; afternoons while sitting (fifteenth day)/.—Very painful sensation, as of hammering, over the mar- gin of the right orbit, or as if a large body were pushing there (fifteenth day)/.—Twitching of the left eye; she must rub a long time before it dis- 288 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. appears (fourth day)/.—Slight twitching in the lower eyelids, especially the left, during the whole time of proving/.—Eyes burn like fire, in the canthi, the whole day (third day)/.—Burning in the canthi, so that she cannot look at the light; disappears after washing ; mornings (third day)/. —Tearing in the external-canthus of the eye/.—Lachrymation, early after rising (third day)/.—[60.] Agglutination of the eyes, early on waking, with burning in the corners, after washing (second day)/.—A vesicle in the white of the eye/.—Tearing in the eyeballs/.—Twitching in the left ball, without any in the lid; disappears after rubbing (fourth day)/.— Mist before the eyes; in the open air she distinguishes nothing, either far or near, even in the light of the sun; in the room, on the contrary, she sees better (for five minutes)/.—For several mornings dimness of the eyes; there is a mist before them, which passes off after washing/.—Sensation in the left eye as if a body were rising in it which prevents her from seeing; in the forenoon (fourteenth and fifteenth days)/.—Yellow spots, as large as a penny, everywhere before the eyes, when sewing, and when looking into her garden out of the window (two minutes)/. Ears.—Painful pimple on the anti-helix of the right ear/.—Itching pimple ou the external concha of the right ear, which induces him to scratch continually/.—[70.] Several fine stitches in the left ear, which fre- quently recur; afternoons in the open air (fourth day)/.—Several pointed stitches in the right ear, shooting inwards; then a burning extending from the left ear outwards; on walking in the open air (first day)/.—Frequent sensitive stitches outward from the right ear; it frequently lasts a long time/.—Stitches outward from the right ear, as with an awl, several times/.—Boring and sticking outward from the right ear (third day)/.— Clawing and tearing in the right ear (nineteenth day)/.—Boring-twitching in the right ear (sixteenth day)/.—Burrowing and turmoil in the right ear, on which he lay at night, as if something would come out there (third day)/.—Tickling in the right ear/.—Frequently fine stitches outward from the left ear/.—[80.] Twisting in the left ear, also behind it, where there is a moist herpes/.—Itching in both ears, which does not pass off by scratching, with discharge of liquid wax for several days (after fifth day)/.—Grum- bling and thundering noise in the right ear when sitting, also at night, with pulsative beats (sixth day)/. Nose.—External swelling of the left side of the nose, and, the next day, bloody crusts discharge (third day)/.—Bleeding at the nose from the left fossa, whereupon the itching ceases (third day)/.—On blowing nose, some brown blood with the mucus,10.—In morning left nostril stopped by mucus; removed by blowing,10.—Bloody froth from nose and mouth/1.— Frequent sneezing during the day (thirteenth and fourteenth days)/.— Frequent sneezing, without a cold, roused her from her sleep, with crawling in the throat, which caused her to cough, and produced a secretion of saliva (after sixth day)/.—[90.] Clear, acrid water runs out of the nose, corrod- ing the lips/.—Coryza, with eruptions in the nostrils (sore nose)/.—Coryza at one nostril, out of which runs a quantity of thick, yellow matter; this is accompanied by tearing in the cheek-bone and the teeth of the left side,2. —*Coryza, with obstruction of the nose and loss of smell (thirteenth and fourteenth days)/.—Coryza, with a feeling of obstruction in the nose, during which a large quantity of mucus passes off, with great difficultv, however (after twenty-four hours)/.—Dry coryza; clear water, however, runs out of the nose/.—Obstruction of the nose, with pain at the right nasal fossa, at night, the symptom passing off again the next morning/.— AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 289 Sensation in the upper part of the hose, as when a cold is approaching/.— *Sore nose, on the inside and around the margin of the nostrils,2.—Pain, as from ulceration, in the left nasal fossa; cannot endure the touch; this symptom occurs frequently (after third day)/.—[100.] Constant itching iu the nose, with desire to blow it, and sensation as if a large aud rough body were sticking high up iu the nose, with obstruction (second day)/. Face.—Distorted features expressive of the greatest anxiety/1.—Color of the face very pale/.—Eruptions in the face/.—Vesicles without any sen- sation upon the left side of the face (eleventh day)/.—Herpes in the face, dry and tettery/.—Heat in the face, with burning for half an hour in the room, which goes off in the open air (third day)/.—Twitching pain iu right upper part of the face, at a small spot; in feeling of it it disappears, and on drawing the fingers away the pain is renewed, and so repeated for three times; forenoons (fifteenth day)/.—Tearing in right malar bone and up into the temples; forenoons (twenty-first day)/.—Violent painful tear- ing in left malar bone (eleventh day)/.—[110.] Repeated tearings in right side of bones of face; evenings, while sitting (sixteenth day)/.—Swelling of the cheek, with enlargement of a gland below the right angle of the lower jaw, attended with a throbbing and lancinating pain/.—Drawing in the lower jaw/.—Tearing in the left lower jaw, afterwards in the upper incisors (twenty-fourth day)/.—The lips became contracted and felt as if they were greasy/.—Both lips burn like fire (twenty-second day)/.—At times burning-stinging in the upper lip (second day)/.—Excoriated spots on the right side of the upper lip, with burning soreness (second day)/.— Chapped lips/.—Dry and wrinkled lips; they became chapped and she had to moisten them constantly with the tongue/.—[120.] Itching pimples around the upper lip (second day)/.—Blisters on the upper lip, which be- came inflamed and ulcerated (after twenty-two days)/. Mouth.—Tearing toothache,3.—Painful tearing in all the teeth, at 8 p.m., disappearing in bed (sixth day)/.—Tearing toothache, now in the right, now in the left upper row, lasted a quarter of an hour, evenings in bed/.—Tearing in the decayed root of a tooth of the upper row; it imme- diately passes off by pressing upon it with the finger, afternoons, when sit- ting (fifteenth day)/.—Stinging pain in the upper front teeth (fifth day)/. —Swelling of the gums of the left lower row, by the last back teeth, accom- panied by stitches extending as high as the left temple (after eleven days)/. —Tongue white/.—White-coated tongue/.—[130.] Coated tongue iu fore- noon,10.—Tongue and mouth spots with a white mucous coat, like false membrane/1.—* Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire, and disappear in an hour (third day)/.—* Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, with a burning pain,2.—Disagreeable taste and collection of water in the mouth (first day)/.—Pappy taste in mouth, early, after rising (third day)/.— Bitterness of the mouth, the whole day (after seven and eight days)/.— Bitter taste in mouth, early in the morning, with bitter eructations, which pass off after having eaten (first day)/.—Bitter taste during the anxiety, and nauseating, bitter eructations/.—Sourish taste in the mouth/.—[140.] Sourish taste in the mouth, early on waking (fourteenth day)/.—Could scarcely speak, and complained of burning pains in throat and chest/1. Throat.—External and internal swelling of the neck, with pressive paiu when swallowing, and drawing and stinging pains in the highly swollen submaxillary glands/.—Swelling of the cervical glands (after twelve days)/.—Phlegm sticks in the throat, which he can neither hawk up nor swallow (eleventh day)/.—For the first eight days, phlegm con- vol. i.—19 290 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. stantly remains in the throat, which he"cau hawk up only with great diffi- culty/.—Hawking up a quantity of phlegm, early in the morning/.—Feel- ing of dryness in the throat (fifteenth day)/.—Roughness in the throat, which passes off after dinner/.—Sore throat, stinging in the throat, both during and between the acts of deglutition (twentieth day)/.—[150.] Sore throat, with rawness/.—Stinging in the throat when yawning ; this symp- tom occurs frequently (first day)/.—Severe throbbing in the glands of the neck, without the glands being either inflamed or swollen ; accompanied by flushes of heat, and weint of air in the throat (after twenty-four days)/.— Sensation as of throbbing in the tonsils, which are not swollen ; the throb- bing is like that of an artery; with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety (after twelve days)/.—Swallowing almost impossible/1. Stomach.—Neither hunger nor appetite; nevertheless, he take his usual meal at noon, and the food tastes naturally (eleventh day)/.—No hunger, for several days, though he takes his usual meals (four days)/.— Want of appetite in the evening; she does not wish to eat anything and frequently yawns (sixteenth day)/.—Almost total loss of appetite (after twenty-four days)/.—Thirst (first, second, and third days)/.—[160.] Vio- lent thirst/1.—Thirst during several days aud nights, which caused her to drink a good deal of water (after twenty-four days)/.—Very urgent thirst, which is only satisfied with lemonade/.— Unquenchable thirst, afternoons (third and sixth clay)/.—Thirst at evening (first, second, fifteenth, and nineteenth days)/.—Thirst before the chill (evenings before 5 and 6), (nineteenth day)/.—Absence of thirst (contrary to habit), (first day)/.— Rising of air (shortly after taking the medicine)/.—Oppressive eructations, tasting of the ingesta (after twenty-second day)/.—Bitter eructations, with taste of the food, forenoons (fifth day)/.—[170.] Frequent eructations of a bitter taste, the whole day (eleventh day)/.—Gulping up of the ingesta/.— In the afternoon, gulping up of bitter, sour water, the taste of which re- mained in the mouth until she ate again (seventeenth day)/.—Frequent hiccough, or bitter eructations ; with the hiccough, violent stitches in the left breast/.—Hiccough an hour after dinner (fourth clay)/.—Continual hic- cough, only seldom ceasing (ninth day)/.—Attacks of nausea (first day)/.— Nausea and inclination to vomit on walking in the open air, forenoons (eleventh day)/.—Nausea and inclination to vomit, immediately after din- ner, which is relieved by eructations, and in the open air (fourteenth day)/. —After every dinner and supper, he is attacked with nausea, waterbrash, and horripilation (after twenty-six days)/.—[180.] Nausea, with oppression at the stomach; nevertheless, there is an inclination to eat/.—Burning from the stomach up towards the pharynx, like heartburn/.—Burning and pressure at the stomach, becomes a stinging, afternoons (twelfth day)/.— Heat at the stomach (morning of the first day)/.—Sensation of fulness in the stomach, with oppression, without shortness of breath; this symptom lasts the whole afternoon, and is relieved neither by rest, motion, nor eruc- tations/.—Sensation in stomach as of emptiness, or hunger (shortly)/.— Emptiness in stomach, not relieved by eating/.—Empty feeling in the stomach, and yet he can hardly persuade himself to take food/.—Sensation as of fasting in the stomach, which, nevertheless, feels full; worse after breakfast (sixteenth day)/.—Frequent drawing in the stomach/.—[190.] Sensation in the stomach, as if everything would turn round, with disposi- tion to waterbrash and great qualmishness, even unto vomiting, on walk- ing in the open air; relieved by eructations, forenoons; also, afterwards, while sitting; he must go into the open air, where it soon disappears/.— AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 291 Grinding and writhing in the stomach, early in the morning, passing off after breakfast (second day)/.— Gnawing, or grinding, at the stomach, as if it contained worms/.—Gnawing sensation at the stomach, soon after taking a new dose/.—Pressure at the stomach, with nausea/.—At 8 a.m., sensitive stinging and burning in the pit of the stomach, which extends to the right axilla, and into the muscles of the right upper arm, for one min- ute (seventeenth day)/. Abdomen.—Long-continued, occasional pinching, as with two fingers, in both hypochondria, both when at rest and in motion (second day)/.— Stitches and burning in the region of the right ribs, in the afternoon, when walking (ninth day)/.—Occasional stitches in the right hypochondriac re- gion, when spinning/.—Splenetic stitches, even when sitting/.—[200.] Rumbling arouud the navel, continuing a long time (one hour after taking)/. —Violent pinching around the navel, for half an hour; then two eyacuar tions (nineteenth day)/.—Pinching in a small spot to the left of the navel, while standing; worse on stooping (third day)/.—Momentary cutting and shooting around the navel (fifteenth day)/.—Griping iu abdomen, below navel (6 p.m.),10.—Discomfort in abdomen, below and to left of navel,10.— Sensation as of grinding, at a small spot near the navel (one hour after dinner), (fourth day)/.—Burning in right flank, on sitting, for five min- utes, afternoons (twenty-second day)/.—A large furunculus on the right side of the abdomen/.—Drawing in the side of the belly/.—[210.] Pain in upper abdomen, at a small spot, like a burning/.—Rumbling in bowels, without perceptible flatulence, afternoons (third day)/.—Growling and noises in bowels, with much passage of flatulence (sixteenth day)/.—Rum- bling from fermentation in the sides of the abdomen, extending as far as the chest, early in the morning, on waking up, in bed/.—Frequent emission of flatus (eighteenth day)/.—Emission of loud flatus (nineteenth day)/.— Frequent emission of offensive flatus, without the sensation of flatus/.— Colic,3.—Oppression in the abdomen/.—Weight in the abdomen, as of a load, with anxiety, as if the abdomen would burst; the symptom passes off during sleep/.—[220.] Fulness in the abdomen,10.—Severe pinching in the abdomen, which is soon followed by a loose evacuation (immediately)/.— Pinching in the abdomen at every inspiration, which passes off again by expiration (thirteenth day)/.—Pinching all around in the abdomen and in the groins, as before the appearance of the menses, early after rising (eighteenth day)/.—Gripings, here and there, in the bowels, without sen- sation of flatulence, afternoons (eighteenth day)/.—Gripings and movings in all the bowels, the whole day (fourth day)/.—Violent cutting in the whole abdomen, at two o'clock at night; this rouses her from sleep (after twenty-four hours)/.—Pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as with the hand (nineteenth day)/.—Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, over the hip, when sitting, and when stooping while standing/.—Frequent disap- pearing and recurring gripings in the lower abdomen, forenoons (thirteenth day)/.—[230.] Pinching and griping pain in the lower abdomen, with dyspnoea/.—Pressive tension in the left side of the abdomen, near the ring, as if something were pressing out/.—Pain in both groins, like severe grip- ings, which afterward extended to the navel, and disappeared after a few evacuations, evenings (first day)/.—Cutting and stitches in both groins, as far as the small of the back, with urging to urinate every half hour in the evening/.—Tearing and tensive pain in the groin, when walking/.—Dis- tension, with a tensive sensation and grinding, in the right groin/.—In- describably vehement pain in the right groin; it often extends to the hip 292 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. and the small of the back (fifteenth day)/.—Stitches in the right groin, and coming out behind the hip, when sitting (fourth day)/.—Sense of dis- tension in left groin, which becomes somewhat painful on sitting (fifteenth day)/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; it obliges him to walk crooked (third day)/.—[240.] Pain, as from ulceration, in the left groin, perceptible only when walking/. Stool and Anas.—*3Iueh burning in rectum during and after the expulsion of soft stools,1.—*Itching soreness of the rectum, several pustules being formed by the side of it,2.—Increases or produces hemorrhoidal flux/. —*Much burning in anus during soft stool (eleventh day)/.— Tearing in the perineum when walking,2.—Stinging tearing pain in the perineum, in the evening/.—*Stool hard, crumbling, scanty; but, after dinner, the usual stool, followed by burning in anus (fourteenth day)/.—Evacuation consists of only two small pieces, passed with pressure, followed by a soft stool/.— Stool, whose first part was solid, the last soft, with straining, followed by burning in the anus; afternoon, the usual stool; during menstruation (fourteenth day)/.—[250.] Hard stool, soon after taking a new dose (ninth day); on the next day stool, whose first part was hard, the last part soft/. —Solid stool, the third or fourth days (only once a day); the fifth day, the usual soft stool/.—Stool as usual (in two hours); a similar one follows in the afternoon/.—Soft stool, with pain in lower abdomen (eighteenth day)/.—Soft stool, with excessive urgency, follows some rum- blings in the umbilical region (in one hour after a new dose)/.—Soft stool, soon after taking; none on second day; usual stool on third day/.—Two soft stools (first and nineteenth day)/.—Stool rather soft than hard (second and third days)/.—Soft stool; the first day, at an unusual time/.—Soft stool, the first day, two and three times, and large amounts of urine/.— [260.] Several soft stools, after each fresh dose/.—Five half liquid stools, with pains around the navel (second afternoon), (prover always inclined to soft stools)/.—Diarrhoea, twice, followed by pains in the abdomen (fifth day)/.—In the morning slight diarrhoea, whereupon the abdomen becomes internally sore, and pains as if beaten (eighth day)/.—Three soft, almost fluid, stools, with mucus (first day)/.—Pain below the navel, followed by the usual stool, with stinging in the anus; afternoon at four (even now, after twelfth day)/.—Soft, yellow stools, with great haste to go to stool; fol- lowed by tenesmus and burning in the rectum (fifth day)/.—* Green slimy stools, in the morning (third, fourth days)1/.—* Glexssy, tough mucus in stool,9. —Hard stool, covered with mucus,10.—[270.] Stool covered with mucus,10.— Occasional intermission of stool for several days (second, third, fourth, thirteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, twenty-second, twenty-third days), in the different provers/.—No stool for two days, with constant colic, and sensa- tion as if diarrhcea would come on (twenty-second, twenty-third days)/. Urinary Organs.—Pinching and stitching pain in the bladder, as far as the urethra, when lying down/.—Constant tenesmus of the bladder, after 4 o'clock a.m./.—Desire to urinate, only a few drops of urine being passed ; afterwards the urine was emitted regularly with the stool/.—He can only pass urine very slowly/.—Diminished urinating (first day)/.— Scanty urinating (fourth and fifth days)/.—Urine less in amount and fre- quency (second day)/.—[280.] Urine increased (second day)/.—Urine in- creased (ninth day)/.—Urine increased, the first day, though she drinks less/.—Frequent desire to urinate, and frequent micturition, early in morn- ing/.—Must rise at night to urinate, and passes an unusual amount (first day before menses), (sixteenth day)/.—Rises three times at night to urinate, AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 293 and passes much urine (first day)/.—He constantly passes more uriue than usual (seventeenth day)/.—Constantly increased urine, which compels him to rise at night/.—Increased urging to urinate, at 10 A.M. (first day)/.— Copious urine/.—[290.] Copious emission of urine, which has a stale smell, yet remains clear/.—The urine, when passing, feels hot; its quantity is in- creased (the first day)/.—Reddish, bright urine, with a loose, cloudy sedi- ment (sixth day)/.—Clayey sediment in the urine, after one hour (fifth day)/. Sexual Organs.—(Male.)—Frequent erections (after seventh day)/. —Stitches and beating in the left spermatic cord (fifth day)/.—(Female.) Sensation in the female genital organs as after a nightly embrace, early after waking/.— The menses appear two days too soon, with pain in the abdo- men and small of the back; *they continue at night; when the blood flows more abundantly (after seventeenth day)/.—Discharge of a quantity of. blood with the stool during the catamenia/.—Leucorrhcea, with distension of the abdomen, without accumulation of flatus/.—[300.] Leucorrhcea, like the white of an egg, after previous pinching around the navel/.—Brown, slimy, painless leucorrhcea, after every discharge of urine (sixth and seventh days)/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Irritation causing hawking, whereby only a piece of phlegm is expectorated; with it a raw sensation; then a long-lasting sore feeling up behind the uvula; mornings (fourth day)/.— *Hoarseness, with burning in. the region of the larynx, the whole afternoon (after third day)/.—Could scarcely speak, and complained of burning pains in throat and chest/1.—Aphonia/1.—Violent cough, in the evening, when in bed, during which water comes up into her mouth (third and fourth days)/.—Cough when breathing deeply, especially when lying on the right side/.—Dry cough (thirteenth or fourteenth day)/.—Dry cough, mornings (seventeenth day)/.—Frequent, dry /hacking cough (second day)/.—[310.] Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling in the throat, which also continues when not coughing; forenoons (fifth day)/.—Dry cough, evenings, from six to nine, from tickling in the throat; it passes off after lying down in bed (third day)/.—Dry cough troubles her nearly the whole night, so that she cannot sleep on account of it (sixth day)/.—(A previous dry cough and dry catarrh become more severe, and lasts through the whole proving/.)—(A constant, troublesome cough, which was seated before taking the drug, and during fifteen days of the proving, disappeared suddenly without expectora- tion, which follows first after several days (fifteenth day)/.)—The cough is usually dry, mornings, and loosens in the afternoon; most frequently, with sticking in the left hypochondriac region/.—Dry cough in the morning, with sticking in the forepart of the chest/.— Cough nights when lying on the back, with sticking in the left middle false ribs, extending down to the last false ribs; he could not "cough out," on account of pain, though the cough was loose; more severe on turning on to side (on fourth day). On the fol- lowing evening the cough returned, but without the sticking; each attack lasted only a few minutes/.—Constant hawking, without expectoration/.— Desire to breathe deep, and often to cough, with slight expectoration,10.— [320.] Cough from hawking some mucous expectoration,10.—Cough, with ex- pectoration,10.—Cough, with some expectoration, early in the morning (first day)/.—Expectoration of tough mucus in afternoon,10.—Expectoration of blood for six days, after previous itching in the throat/.—Short breath (after eighteenth day)/.—Threatening suffocation/1.—Sense of severe con- striction of throat and difficult respiration/1. 294 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Chest.—Rattling in chest/1.—Burning at small spots of the chest (when walking in the open air), (shortly, and after thirteenth day)/.—[330.] Rawness in chest (evening at 8)/°.—Tension, or compression as with a vice, in front, at the lower part of the chest, when standing; not affected by breathing (first day)/.—Beating in the chest after dinner; the beating ex- tends to the pharynx, with heat of the face and uneasy mood/.—Pressure in middle of the chest, with stitches, as if a morsel which had been swallowed had stuck there; afternoons (sixth day)/.— Oppression at the chest, with in- clination to eructations, which came on in the open air, and relieved the pressure; early, after rising (after nineteen days)/.—Oppression of chest, when moving the arms with force and when stooping,2.—It becomes so heavy in the chest when walking in the open air that she cannot take breath in sufficient quantity, and is therefore obliged frequently to stand still (second day)/.—Heaviness on the chest, nights, in bed, which wakes him, with restlessness, which does not allow him to go to sleep again. At 3 a.m. this heaviness wakes him again; he was kept in a kind of half sleep, in which he was partly conscious, and thought, or rather dreamed, that he had been hanged, and the chest had been hard pressed (fifth day)/.— Pressure in the forepart of the chest, without dyspnoea, for half an hour, evenings (first day)/.—Stitches in the forepart of the chest, and pressure for two minutes; afternoons, and the following morning (third day)/.— [340.] Stitches in the forepart of the chest, in every position, though, ap- parently, relieved by sitting; afternoons (first day)/.—Red spots, as large as a penny, on the left side of the chest, with a sensation as of burning itch- ing, and turning pale when pressed upon with the finger (tenth day)/.— Painful tension under the right mamma, in any position, frequently inter- mittent (after dinner), (fifteenth and sixteenth days)/.—Pain, as from a bruise, in a spot of a hand's breadth under the right mamma, both when touched and left alone, frequently in'termittent, and often with shortness of breath (twelfth to sixteenth day)/.—Fine stitches below the right female breast, without affecting respiration; on sitting bent, afternoons (fifteenth day)/.—Frequently, a transient but sharp stitch behind the right ribs, on motion (seventh day)/.—Small pointed stitches below the right breast dur- ing menstruation (seventeenth day)/.—Sharp stitches below the left female breast, while standing (first day)/.—Stitches in the middle of the left side (rib region)/.—Sudden fine" stitches come out of the left chest; they fre- quently recur, and are unchanged by breathing; forenoons (thirteenth day)/.—[350.] With every inspiration, a stitch, as with an awl, shoots up- ward in the left chest; afternoons (first and thirteenth days)/.—Rhyth- mical stitches in the left chest; evenings, while sitting (fifteenth day)/.— Tearing at a small spot in the left clavicle, with pain, as from a bruise, when pressing upon it (second day)/.—Tearing sticking in the left clavicle, at a small spot, with pain, as from a bruise, when touching that spot with the finger (second day)/.—Pressure upon the left mamma when taking ex- ercise in the open air; also in the left side of the chest, upon leaving the warm room and going into the open air (third and nineteenth days)/.— Sensation of sticking crawling in the left side of the chest, when sitting/. —Beating, like a pulse, at a small place in the left cavity of the chest, only when standing, not when sitting; early in the morning (fourth day)/.— Sensation of fleabites at several places of the left mamma, which passes off by scratching; in the evening (eleventh day)/.—Tearing in the prse- cordial region, which suddenly extended thence into the left forearm (fif- teenth day)/. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 295 Heart and Pulse.—Pulse weak, irregular, rapid/1.—[360.] Small, soft, quick pulse/.—Intermittent pulse/. Week and Back.—Tension and stiffness in the nape of the neck, so that she was unable to move; in the evening; it passes off after lying down (eighteenth day)/.—Drawing in the nape of the neck; this drawing seems to be in the tendons (third day)/.—Itching of the nape of the neck, in the evening, when undressing; after lying down, the itching passes off (eigh- teenth day)/.—Stiff neck, with pain when turning it, reaching from the nape of the neck as far as between the shoulders; for six days (after six days)/.—Frequent intermitting tearing in the cords of the right side of the neck, during menses (seventeenth day)/.—Tearing in cords of left side of neck (one hour after taking)/.—Tearing, now in both sides of the neck, now in the cheeks; lasts five minutes; frequently at evening (fourth day)/.— Tearing stitches in the neck and left clavicle, on moving the head/.—[370.] Icy coldness in the back and between the shoulders, at the spot of a previ- ously existing paiu, only internal; neither feathers nor wool can warm that spot; after half a day, the coldness terminates in itching (after twelve days)/.—When sitting, tension in the back, and as if the back were com- pressed with a vice; disappears by motion (fifteenth day)/.—Tension in back, preceded by painless itching of the left scapula (fifteenth day)/.— Paiu, as if bruised, in the back, so that she was unable to rest upon it; at night (after three days)/.—When she had fallen asleep, an hour after lying down in the evening, she was awakened- by a fearful backache; she fre- quently fell asleep again, but the pain always woke her again (sixteenth day)/.—Terrific backache wakes her at night at 1, and lasts till 4, with paralytic pain in both hips, and in external surface of thigh, above the knee; these parts are still painful to touch the next forenoon (eighteenth day)/.—Backache, forenoons at 10; afterwards, weakness of the thighs during menstruation (seventeenth,day)/.—Bruised backache, nights (sec- ond day)/.—Backache, as if bruised, afternoons, while spinning; disap- pears after motion (second day)/.—Bruised pain in the back, at night, so that she can hardly lie (thirteenth day)/.—[380.] Pain, as if bruised, in the back, so that she was unable to lie upou it at night (after three days)/. —At night, between 11 and 12, extremely violent backache, as if it were wholly beaten and shattered; it wakes her from sleep, and she can neither lie on the back nor on the side, but must constantly turn about; the pain lasts till 1 o'clock the next afternoon/.—Frightful backache, as if shattered, on rest and motion, for an hour and a half (eighteenth day)/.—Pain be- tween the scapuhe, as from a wrench and a bruise, or as if the muscles of the back were stretched asunder/.—Pinching in the flesh of the right scapula (fifteenth day)/.—Stitches in the left scapula, especially on lower- ing the shoulder and turning the trunk to the left side/.—Stitches in the left scapula when at rest (fourth and ninth days)/.—Drawing and press- ing, from without inwards, in the middle lumbar vertebras, which forces him to stretch the abdomen forward/.—Pain in the small of the back, with incarceration of flatulence/.—Pain in small of back, when walking, so that she was unable to walk straight/.—[390.] Pain in small of back, when raising the body after stooping/.—After yawning, a sensation in small of back as if something elastic, like air, were pressing out there (sixth day)/. —Painful stiffness in small of back, even when sitting; mostly, however, when raising the body erect,2.—Pun of the coccyx, as from a bruise, when sitting quietly, especially when, slumbering,2. Extremities in General.—Fatigue and weakness of the limbs/. 296 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. —Painful tearing here and there, (as, for example,) on the inner surface of the left wrist, right and left upper arm, both hands, of the knee, only not on trunk and head; evenings, on sitting; disappears after lying (third day)/.—Stinging, jerking, and crawling in tips of fingers and toes; after- noons, 1 to 2 i,seventeenth day)/.—A burning crawling, now in tips of fin- gers, now iu tips of toes, as if they would go to sleep; on standing (third and fourth days and fifth night)/.—Stinging in tips of fingers and toes, when walking in open air; afternoons (twenty-second day)/.—In the even- ing, a shooting and tearing in the tips of the fingers and toes; then in the right upper arm, where the tearing is of an erratic nature; it is attended with anxiety, and passes oft" after lying down; evenings, 6 to 10 (sixteenth day)/.—[400.] Tearing, apparently in the bone of the left upper arm, and afterwards of the right thigh, from the hip downwards, when sitting (tenth day)/.—Tearing in left arm and foot (first day)/.—Wakened, at 11 at night, by tearing pains in the middle of the right upper arm, and on the back of both lower legs, from the heels upwards, in the bones (twenty- fourth day)/.—The limbs of the right side appear to be more affected than those of the left/.—Tearing in fingers and toes, evenings, at 8, on spinning, so that she must lie clown; after awhile, in bed, it disappears (fourth day)/.—Frequent crawling in tips of fingers and toes; afternoons (nineteenth day)/. Upper Extremities.—Blisters, of the size of peas, upon the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a kind of scurf, after three days (after two days)/.—Tearing in both shoulders, on awaking, before midnight (twenty-first day)/.—Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joints, when moving them, first to the right, then to the left/.—Burning and pressure in the right shoulder (second day)/.—[410.] Throbbing in the right shoulder, as with a finger, mornings, in bed, and also frequently by day (nineteenth day)/.—Drawing in the right shoulder-joints, as after a cold ; when at rest/.—A sivollen gland in the axilla, resembling a hard, red ulcer, which separated, however, constantly into parts, like a large pimple (after eighteen days)/.—Sudden throbbing in left axilla, which frequently disappears aud returns, while sitting (twelfth day)/.—Violent itching at night, between the shoulders and on the left lower arm, so that he would like to scratch the skin off (after two days)/.—Her right arm is very heavy and feels rigid; the upper arm seems paralyzed, in the evening, when spinning, and early in morning (sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth days)/.—Tearing in the left arm, as if in the tendons, reaches into the fingers, passing off during active motion (ninth day)/.—Compressive pain in the left upper arm, when leaning it against the table, passing off during motion of the arm (twenty-second day)/.—Tearing in the upper arm, a hand's breadth below the shoulder, as if in the marrow, as far as the wrist-joint (thirteenth day)/. Tearing in the upper arm, the arm being very sensitive to pressure (nine- teenth day)/.—[420.] Drawing in the lower arm, from the right elbow to the left finger; it becomes a tearing pain, and passes off by motion (second day)/.—Pressure in the left lower arm, when lying in bed, which passes off by motion, but is renewed by leaning the arm upon the table when writing (eleventh and twelfth days)/.—Itching and burning in left lower arm, under the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day)/.—Itching of the inside of the lower arm, early in the morning, and pimples in the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day)/.—After scratching the internal itching side of the left lower arm, small pimples are formed there, which soon disappear again (fourteenth and fifteenth days)/.—Pimples on the right lower arm, which AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 297 force him to scratch continually, on account of violent itching/.—Heavi- ness and sense of haviug gone to sleep in the right forearm (third day)/.— Tearing and twitching in the tendons of the internal surface of the left wrist (twenty-fifth day)/.—Tearing in the tendons of the internal surface of the left wrist, so violent as if they would be torn out, afternoons (first day)/.—Twitching, tearing on back of left hand, behind the thumb, with swelling of it, which, however, disappears in a few hours (twenty-fifth day)/.—[430.] Small vesicles on the wrist-joint, which first vehemently itch, and then burn, when scratched (after twenty days)/.—Large vesicles, with a hard base, first itch, then burn; new vesicles appear daily, while the first ones, after a few days, partly disappear aud partly become scurfy from scratching; they remain long inflamed ; on and about the right wrist, though mostly on its upper surface (nineteenth day)/.—Tolerably large nodes, deeply seated in the skin ; appear around, and also below the right wrist; they itch violently at first; after scratching, burn and become in- flamed, aud seem about to suppurate, but disappear without doing it; only those that are much scratched form a reddish-brown scurf after a couple of days, which remains several days; while inflamed, the place is also swollen (twelfth day)/.—Violent lancination through the hands, while walking in the open air (twenty-second day)/.—Stitches and beating in left hand, worse when moving it/.—Beating in palm of right hand, as with a little hammer, passing off by moving the hand (twelfth day)/.—Feeling of paralysis in the right hand, and the first phalanx of the right middle finger; when sitting and knitting (fifteenth day)/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the dorsa of both hands, at the lower ends of the metacarpal bones, especially on the last thumb-joint, when seizing something ; the pain is not felt when making any other motion ; upon extending the hand, the pain decreases ; and, upon pressing upon the joint of the thumb, the pain passes off with a cracking sound (afternoons, at rest)/.—Itching pimples on the dorsa of both hands, in the evening and at night, attended with desquamation of the skin at those itching places on the following morning (after twenty days;/.—Peeling off of the skin between the thumb and index of both hands (after fourteen days)/.—[440.] Twitching in last joint of right little finger, evening (second day)/.—Twitching, tearing on external surface of right thumb, evenings (fifteenth day)/.—Tearing pain in last phalanx of left thumb (fifteenth day)/.—Violent tearing pain in ball of right thumb, and on pressing on it, a painful stitch, which, however, disappears on long pressure (fourteenth day)/.—Painful tearing in last joint of right index finger, worse on pressure or rubbing, and extending over the whole back of the hand; for ten minutes, evenings (fifteenth day)/.—Tearing in left index-finger, below the nail, afternoons (twenty-sixth day)/.—Tearing in last joint of right middle finger (sixteenth day)/.—Painful tearing in left little finger, from behind forward (first day)/.—Tearing in middle joint of thumb/.—Cramplike pain in right middle finger, as if in the tendons, upon bending the fingers inwards (eleventh day)/.—[450.] Sticking in last joint of left thumb, for five minutes, evenings, while sitting (fifteenth day)/.— Some sharp, transient stitches in last left thumb-joint; afternoons, while at rest/.—Stitches in tip of right thumb ; when it left that place, it stuck in the left index-finger, in the last joint; then spread over the whole left hand, where the pain became throbbing and violent; soon it intermitted, but returned and soon disappeared entirely ; on moving the hand, it disappeared entirely ; while sitting, evenings, at six (eleventh day)/.—Sensitive stitches in the tip of the thumb, frequently renewed (thirteenth day)/.—Coarse 298 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. stitches at the tip of left little finger, for one minute (fourth day)/.—Pain- ful throbbing in left thumb, under the nail, from 1 to 5 P.M., when k sud- denly leaves (eighth day)/.—Painful aching in first joint of left index- finger on stretching it out, while knitting, which goes off on bending it (fifteenth day)/.—Crawling in tip of right thumb and index-finger, as from going asleep, evenings, on sitting (fifteenth day)/.—Vehement, long-lasting itching in the tip of the index-finger, which cannot be stopped by scratch- ing, early in the morning (twelfth day)/. Lower Extremities.—Very severe boring pain in the lower limbs/. —[460.f] *Pain in the left hip, as if the tendons were too short, so that she is obliged to limp when walking; when sitting there is a gnawing pain in the bone,1.—Sticking on external surface of left hip, in all positions, at night, from 12.30 till 2, relieved by pressure, with copious passage of flatus, and it seems as though the violent pain was caused by the flatulence/.—Violent itching around the hip, at night, and early in the morning; also of the thighs, legs, and around the bend of the knee, with rash pimples,2.— Weariness and weakness of the legs, the whole day, only ceases at night (first day)/.— The hamstrings of both legs are painful when walking; they feel too short; not so when at rest,1.—Trembling of the left leg, with sensi- tiveness to the touch (tenth day)/.—* When sitting, tearing down the thighs from the left hip; first, it is relieved by rising, and comes on again when sitting down; afterwards, motion no longer relieves the pain (sixteenth day)/.— * Tearing pain in front of the thigh, when sitting,2.—Painful tearings in the *exterior surface of the right thigh, in the evening, *when sitting down (fifteenth day)/.—Excessively painful stitches in the knee-joints, in the evenings at nine, *when sitting; can hardly be endured (third day)/.-— [470.] Stinging and tearing in the left knee, when walking (eleventh day)/.—(In a child that had been affected with swelling of the knee, and whose knee, after the swelling had been cured, remained stiff, and curved from before backwards, the mobility was very soon restored)/.—Twitching in left popliteal region; on walking, the cords seem too short; disappears after long walking (second day)/.—Early, when rising, the thighs were contracted about the popliteal region, as if dried up, or too short, so that she was unable to go downstairs; this symptom passed off after long and violent exercise (fifteenth day)/.—^Drawing tension in the legs when sitting or lying; this obliges him to walk crooked, after which the symptoms pass off2. —Tension and traction in the tendons of the legs, so that he finds walking difficult, with lassitude in the legs/.—Spasmodic contraction around the lower part of the left leg (fifth day)/.—Insensibility of the left leg, when sitting (it feels dead), (twelfth day)/.—Slow, fine stitches in the lower leg, just below the knee, on the inner surface, while sitting (thirteenth day)/.— Sore stitches in left calf, while sitting (fourteenth day)/.—[480.] Stinging pain in left calf, after four hours' walk, when at rest (third day)/.—The ankle-bones are very painful when walking and stepping on them; they feel bruised and contracted/.—Spasmodic contraction or tearing below and _ f Extract from a letter from Dr. Dunham.—" In passing, let me call your atten- tion to my verifications under Ammonium muriaticum, of aggravations of sciatif pains while sitting, pain on the left side. These symptoms have led me to use Amm. mur. in several cases of severe and long-continued sciatica with complete success. (Comparative ease when walking; complete freedom from pain while lyinq down, until in the course of time the ' painful spots ' were developed.)" Dr. Dun- ham has underlined in Amm. mur., S., 285, 297, 392, 393, 400, 460, 46G, 467, 468, 469, 474, 552. >>>.,.,. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 299 around the right inner malleolus, on sitting (fifteenth day)/.—Throbbing and beating, as from an ulcer, in left external malleolus (ninth day); on walking (and on eleventh day), also in right foot/.—Frightful ulcered ire pain in right heel, relieved by vigorous rubbing (nineteenth day)/.—Frequent tearing and ulcerative pain in right heel, so that she must cry out; nights, at 3 o'clock in bed; relieved in no position (sixteenth and seventeenth days)/. —Spasmodic, painful contraction in right heel, evenings in bed (fourteenth day)/.—Tearing in the external border of the foot, when standing ; it passes off by motion (seventh day)/.—Sensation in the right foot as if it had gone to sleep, at night; and also in the left, the next forenoon (nine- teenth and twentieth days)/.—Cold feet, in the evening, when in bed ; it takes her a long time to get them warm (fourteenth day)/.—[490.] Pain is excited in a paralytic foot, which had already been much improved/.— Itching of the sole of the right foot, in the evening (second day)/.—Tear- ing in left great toe, while standing (fifth day)/.—Tearing in external sur- face of right great toe, while sitting (fifteenth day)/.—Tearing in right great toe (afternoons on sitting) (twenty-sixth day)/.—Fine sticking in right little toe, on standing and walking (fourteenth day)/.—A slowly in- creasing and decreasing sticking in left great toe, afternoons/.—Pinching itching of the forepart of the right big toe (seventh day)/. Generalities.—Much affected/.—Weakness, inactivity, general de- pression (in fever)/.—[500.] Very weak, mornings/.—General weakness, sluggishness, and dejection of whole body/.—Sudden faintness and weakness after dinner, when taking exercise in the open air (nineteenth day)/.—Weak- ness, with sense of severe constriction of throat and difficult respiration/1. —He appears to be constantly affected with orgasm of blood/.—Orgasm in the whole body, with anxiety; in the beginning of the proving period she feels more warm than cold/.—Early in the morning, after waking, she feels contracted in the whole body, so that she was scarcely able to walk; the pain went off by long walking (nineteenth day)/.—Painful twitching, or jerking-tearing, here and there, in the calves, on a spot size of the hand ; also, on right temple, on arms, between right index and middle fingers, where the pain most severely throbs and beats, as if it would sup- purate ; evenings, six to ten, on sitting; pain first disappears on lying in bed (fifteenth day)/.—Pressive burning and stinging at several places, here and there, forenoons (third day)/.—Stitches in the left side of the abdo- men, then in the right side of the chest, then in the right scapula, and, lastly, in the small of the back, accompanied by chilliness and sleepiness during the day/.—[510.] She appears to be better in the open air/.—All the bones of the body are painful and feel bruised, when slumbering or sitting still/.—Pain, as from bruises, in the whole body, especially in the back, with tearing in both shoulders and in the back, early in the morn- ing, after rising, and worse during motion (after twenty-fifth day)/.—Coffee seems to restrict the action of the drug/. Skin.—Fine rash over the whole body for two weeks (after sixteenth day),2.—Constant subcutaneous formication all over the body/.—Very fine miliary eruption (sudamina), following profuse perspiration/.—Psoric erup- tion over the greater part of the back and lower extremities/.—Itching, here and there, over the whole body, evenings before lying down/.—Itch- ing and biting over the whole body; cannot scratch enough, evenings/.— [520.] Itching, evenings, on front of chest, on left forearm, whereon little pimples appear, which disappear over night (second day)/.—Itching over whole body, evenings, before lying down; it lasts some time after lying 300 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. down, with small pimples, here and there (tenth day)/.—After itching and scratching on forepart of the forehead some pimples, which soon dis- appear (sixth day)/.—Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput, in the evening; at night they pass off (after nineteenth day)/.—Painful pim- ple on the antihelix of the right ear/.—Eruptions on the face,2.—A vesicle, without sensation, on left side efface (eleventh day)/.—Herpes in the face, dry and fettering/.—Excoriated spots in the right side of the upper lip, with burning soreness (second day)/.—Chapped lips/.—[530.] Dry and wrinkled lips; they become chapped, and she had to moisten them con- stantly with the tongue/.—Itching pimples around the upper lip (second day)/.—Blisters on the upper lip, which become inflamed and ulcerated (after second day)/.—Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, with a burning pain/.—Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire, and disap- pear in an hour (third day)/.—Blisters of the size of peas, upon the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a kind of scurf, after two days (after second day)/.—Itching and burning in left lower arm under the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day)/.—Itching of the inside of the lower arm, early in the morning, and pimples in the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day)/.—After scratching the internally itching side of the left lower arm small pimples are formed there, which soon disappear again (fourteenth and fifteenth days)/.—Pimples on the right lower arm, which force him to scratch continually, on account of violent itching/.—[540.] Small vesicles on the wrist-joint, which first vehemently itch, and then burn, when scratched (after twentieth day)/.—Large vesicles, with a hard base, first itch, then burn; new vesicles appear daily, while the first ones, after a few days, partly disappear, partly become scurfy from scratching; they remain long inflamed; on and about the right wrist, though mostly on its upper surface (nineteenth day)/.—Tolerably large nodes, deeply seated in the skin, appear around, and also below, the right wrist; they itch violently at first; after scratching they burn and become inflamed, and seem about to suppurate, but disappear without doing it; only those that are much scratched form a reddish-brown scurf after a couple of days; while inflamed the place is also swollen (twelfth day)/.—Itching pimples on the dorsa of both hands, in the eveuiug, and at night, attended with desquamation of the skin on those itching places, on the following morning (after twentieth day)/.— Peeling off of the skin between the thumb and index of both hands (after fourteenth day)/.—Vehement, long-lasting itching in the tip of the index- finger, which cannot be stopped by scratching; early in the morning (twelfth day)/.—Violent itching around the hips, at night, early in the morning; also of the thighs, legs, and around the bend of the knee, with rash-pimples/. Ferer.—Coldness, evenings, at seven, with some thirst; lasts two hours (sixth day)/.—Evenings, at five, a violent shivering creeps over her, for three and a half hours, without subsequent heat (first days)/.—Chilly and shivering the whole day, especially evenings, also nights; she dares not uncover herself, on account of chilliness (seventh day)/.—[550.] Chilli- ness, evenings ; coldness runs down the back, for a quarter of an hour (nine- teenth day)/.—Chilliness, evenings, at six ; goes off after lying down, with thirst during it (twenty-fourth day)/.—* Chilliness, evenings, after lying down, and as often as she wakes, without thirst (twenty-first day)/.—Chil- liness, evenings, after lying down and the whole night (twenty-seventh day)/.—Chilliness and shivering, evenings at six, and the next morning at seven ; sweat, morning, in bed ; all without thirst (twentieth day)/.—Chil- AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 301 liness somewhat, evenings at 5.30, in a warm room ; then sweat before mid- night (third day)/.—Chilliness, then alternating heat; then sweat, evenings, without thirst (first day)/.—Frequent attacks of fever, followed by chills and heat, with bloated red face, and thirst during the chills and the heat; the intervals when there is no fever last about half an hour/.—More heat (warmth) than coldness during the last period of the proving (after seven- teenth day)/.—Heat over the whole body in a warm room, and after quick motion ; this heat is accompanied by redness of the face and a sensation of stinging heat, which is especially external over the whole chest/.—[560.] Heat iu forenoon; thirst early in the evening, after rising/.—Frequently dry heat in the head, upon entering the room, followed by a little thirst in the evening (nineteenth day)/.—Heat in the whole body, as if sweat would break out (after fourteenth day)/.—Frequent flashes of heat, with subsequent sweat (thirteenth day)/.—Great heat when in bed at night, then sweat, early in the morning (eighteenth day)/.—Heat in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and in the face, in the evening, immediately after lying down (with thirst); afterwards sweat (twenty-third day); fourth evening, heat without thirst/.—Early after rising, sensation of heat, and a little sweat in the hands and odorous sweat of the feet/.—Heat over the whole body, with redness of the face and sweat, when exercising in the open air (after twenty-fourth day)/.—Heat and sweat in the afternoon, then a little thirst/.—Very profuse perspiration/.—[570.] Sweat after midnight (after fourth day)/.—Sweat over whole body for several nights/.—Sweat early in the morning, in bed, so that the shirt is drenched, without previous heat or chill/.—Increased perspiration; every movement (so to speak) makes him sweat/.—Increased transpiration ; sweats on every exertion/.— Fever-paroxysms begin with chill and heat, and end with sweat/. Sleep and Dreams.—In the morning constant yawning, without being sleepy (seventh day)/.—Early in evening, great sleepiness, with closing of the eyes; passes off when light is brought into the room/.—She cannot fall asleep before 3 o'clock in the morning; she then sleeps until morning, and wakes with sweats/.—She cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of heat in the head/.—[580.] Starting up, while one is falling asleep, evenings (fifth day)/.—Uneasy sleep, after midnight, with frequent waking up and turning from one side to another, amidst dreams/.—Restless sleep,10.—She cannot get to sleep before 3 o'clock, without cause (first day)/.—She wakes up about 12 and cannot sleep more (seventeenth day)/.—At evening soon asleep (contrary to habit); sleeps well the first night/.—Sleepless night, and, at 3 a.m. till 4, chilliness, then heat, and then sweat; all without thirst (thirteenth day)/.—Uneasy nights/.—Sleep full of dreams (after third day)/.—Dreams the whole night, almost frightful and fearful (first day)/. —[590.] Anxious dreams, that her father and brother had come, and she could not get the cooking ready (fifteenth day)/.—Dreams that some one held her tightly by the hand and, in spite of her efforts, she could not get away; she would cry out, but could not; then she awoke anxious (seven- teenth day)/.—He dreams that a horse bit his arm, which frightened him very much (fourteenth day)/.—Dreams that she saw a soldier shot, at which she cried and woke in anxiety (thirteenth day)/.—Dreams that she fell into the water; that she found a living child, and other anxious dreams (third day)/.—Dreams that he was in danger of falling into a flood; then he climbed into a tree, from which he soon fell (twelfth day)/.—Dreams of vexation and fright; that she was lost in a forest (third day)/.—Dreams that she would take a long journey, but did not know the way nor kind 302 A.MMONIUM MURIATICUM. of journey, and, on inquiring the way, no one could give information, which made her feel very sick (third day)/.—Dream that the whole body is covered with rash; with good sleep (second day)/.—Lewd dreams about having had an embrace/.—[600.] Voluptuous dreams (after fourth, fifth, twelfth days)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Stitches in vertex; burn- ing in canthi; dimness of eyes; left nostril stopped; slight diarrhcea; green, slimy stools; irritation, causing hawking, etc.; dry cough; cough dry ; stitches in chest; very weak ; constant yawning.—(Early, in morn- ing), Head feels dizzy, etc.; pressure in forehead, etc.; bitter taste iu mouth ; hawking of phlegm ; grinding, etc., in stomach; frequent desire to urinate ; cough, with expectoration ; beating in left cavity of chest; right arm very heavy, etc.; itching in inside of lower arm; itching in tip of index-finger; itching around hip ; sweat.—(Early, on waking), Agglutination of the eyes ; sourish taste in mouth ; sensation in female genitals, as after an embrace ; tearing in bone of upper arm, etc.; rumbling in the sides of the abdomen. —(Early, after waking), Whole body feels contracted.—(Early, in bed), Sweat.—(Early, when rising), Thighs contracted, etc.—-(Mornings, in bed), Throbbing in right shoulder; sweat.—(Morning, after rising), Eyes burn. —(Early, after rising), Heat and fulness in head; downward pressure in forehead, etc.; boring in forehead; lachrymation; pappy taste in mouth ; pinching in abdomen ; pain in whole body ; sensation of heat, etc.—(Fore- noon), Irritable and peevish; tearing in right temple; stitch in left temple; stitches in leftside of head; sensation of body rising in left eye, which prevents sight; pain in upper part of face; tearing in right malar bone; coated tongue; bitter eructations, etc.; nausea, etc.; turning sensation in stomach; gripings in lower abdomen; dry, hacking cough, etc.; stitches come out of left chest; tearings in right index-finger; left foot goes to sleep; burning,etc.,at several places; heat.—(Afternoon), Stitching in left side of forehead ; stitches in vertex; tearing in upper border of right eye; fine stitches in left ear; tearing in root of tooth; unqueuchable thirst; gulpiug up bitter, sour water; burning, etc., at stomach; stitches, etc., in region of right ribs; burning in right flank ; rumbling in bowels ; griping in bowels; hoarseness, etc.; cough loosens; expectoration of tough mucus; pressure in middle of chest, etc.; stitches in forepart of chest, etc.; stitches below right female breast; stitch in left chest; stinging, etc., in finger-tips, etc.; crawling in tips of fingers, etc.; tearing in tendons of left wrist; tear- ing in left index-finger; stitches in thumb-joint; tearing in right great toe ; sticking in left great toe; sweat.—(Toward, evening), Throbbing in fore- head.—(Early, in evening, after rising), Thirst.—(Early, in evening), Great sleepiness.—(Evening, when undressing), Itching in nape of neck.—(Even- ing, after lying down), Chilliness ; heat in palms of hands.—(Evening), Ill- humor,, etc.; heat on right side of head; pinching in occiput; pimples on occiput; burning of eyes, etc.; tearing in right side of face; want of ap- petite; thirst; pain in both groins, etc.; paiu in perineum; dry cough; pressure in chest; stitches in left chest; sensation of fleabites in left mamma; tension and stiffness in nape of neck; tearing in both sides of neck, etc.; shooting, etc., in tips of fingers, etc.; right arm very heavy, etc.; pimples on backs of hands; twitching in right little finger; twitching- tearing on external surface of right thumb ; sticking in joint of thumb ; stitches in hand; crawling in tip of thumb; tearing in surface of right thigh; itching of right sole; itching, etc., over the whole body ; itching on front of chest; chilliness; sweat, etc.; a little thirst; heat, without AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 303 thirst.—(Evening, in bed'), Violent cough; contraction in heel; cold feet. —(Evenings, before lying down), Itching here and there over whole body, etc. —(Night\ Noise in right ear, etc.; obstruction of nose, etc.; dry cough; cough, etc.; sprained pain in back; bruised backache; itching between shoulders, etc.; pimples ou backs of hands; itching around the hip; right foot feels gone to sleep.—(Nights, in bed), Heaviness on the chest; great heat.—(Before midnight), Heat in head ; tearing in both shoulders ; sweat. —(After midnight), Sweat; uneasy sleep.—(After 4 a.m.), Constant tenes- mus of bladder.—(8 a.m.), Stinging, etc., in pit of stomach.—(10 a.m.), In- creased urging to urinate; backache.—(1 to 5 p.m.), Throbbing in left thumb.—(4 p.m.), Pain below navel, etc.—(8p.m.), Tearing in all the teeth ; rawness in chest; tearings in fingers.—(5, evenings), Violent shivering, etc. —(5.30, evenings), Some chilliness.—(6, evenings), Chilliness and shiverings. —(6 to 10, evenings), Twitching, etc., here and there, in calves.—-(7, even- ings), Coldness.—(9, evenings), Stitches in knee-joint.—(11, night), Pains in right upper arm.—(12.30 till 2, night), Stitch on surface of left hip.— (1, night), Terrific backache.—(2, night), Cutting in abdomen.—(3, at night in bed), Tearings, etc., in right heel.—( Open air), Burning in right eye; distinguishes nothing; eructations.—(Exercise in open air), Pressure upon left mamma; sudden faintness, etc.; heat over whole body, etc.—(Going from warm room into open air), Pressure in left side of chest.—( Walking in open air), Stitches in right ear, etc.; nausea, etc.; turning sensation in stomach, etc.; burning in chest; heaviness on chest, etc.; lancinations through the hands.—(On going to bed), Chilliness.—(Bending part inward), Pain in right middle finger.—(Sitting bent), Stitches below right female breast.—(A/i!er breakfast), Sensation of fasting in stomach.—{Before chill), Thirst.—(After dinner), Beating in chest; tension under right mamma; sudden faintness, etc.—(Immediately after dinner), Nausea, etc.—(An hour after dinner), Hiccough.—(After every dinner and supper), Nausea, etc.— (Inspiration), Pinching in abdomen; stitch in left chest.— (Leaning part against table), Pain in left upper arm ; pressure in left lower arm.—(Look- ing into garden out of window), Yellow spots before eyes.—(Lowering shoulder), Stitches in left scapula.—(Lying down), Pain in bladder; draw- ing tension in legs.—(Lying in bed), Pressure in left lower arm.—(Lying on right side), Cough, when breathing.—(Lying on back), Cough, etc.— (During menses), Tearing in right temporal bone ; discharge of blood with stool; stitches below right breast; tearing in cords of right side of neck; weakness of the thighs.—(Motion), Vertigo; stitches, etc., in head; stitch behind right ribs; pain in whole body; sweat.—(Mo ving the part), Stitches and beating in left hand, etc.—(Moving parts to right and left), Rheumatic pain in shoulder-joiut.—(Moving head), Stitches in neck, etc.—(Moving arms forcibly), Oppression of chest.—(Pressure), Tearing in left clavicle; painful stitch in ball of right thumb; tearing in right index-finger.—(Rais- ing body after stooping), Pain in small of back; stiffness in small of back. —(Pest), Stitches in left scapula; drawing in right shoulder-joint; stitches in thumb-joint; pain iu left calf.—(After rising), Feeling of heaviness in head.—(In room), Head feels dizzy, etc.; heat in face, etc.—(Entering room), Dry heat in head.—{Rubbing), Tearing in last joint of right index- finger.—(Scratching), Itching and burning on wrist-joint; nodes on wrist burn, etc.—(Seizing anything), Pain in backs of hands.—(Sitting), Tearing in upper right head; tearing in upper border of right eye; noise in right ear, etc.; tearing in right side of face; tearing in decayed root of tooth ; sensation in stomach as if everything were turnijg around; burning in right 304 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. flank; stitches in left side of abdomen; stitches in right groin ; sense of distension in left groin ; stitches in left chest; sticking-crawling in left side of chest; tension in back; tearing here and there, etc.; throbbing in left axilla; sticking in joint of thumb; stitches in hand ; crawling in tip of thumb, etc.; *pain in left hip-bone; ^tearing down the thighs; * tearing in front of thighs; stitches in knee-joints; drawing tension in legs; insensi- bility of left leg; stitches in lower leg, etc.; stitches in left calf; contrac- tion, etc., below the right inner malleolus ; tearing in outer surface of right great toe ; teariug in right great toe ; painful twitching, etc., in calves.— (Sitting down), Tearing iu external surface of right thigh.—(Sitting quiet), Pain of the coccyx; all the bones painful.—(Sitting and knitting), Para- lyzed feeling in right hand, etc.—(Sewing), Yellow spot before eyes.— (Slumbering), Pain of the coccyx; all the bones painful.—(Spinning), Stitches in right hypochondriac region; backache, etc.; tearing in fingers, etc.; right arm very heavy.—(Standing), Pinching to the left of the navel; tension at lower front chest; stitches below left female breast; beating in left cavity of chest; tearing in outer border of foot; tearing in left great toe; sticking in right little toe.—(Stooping), Pinching to left of navel; oppression of chest.—(Stooping, while standing), Stitches in left side of ab- domen.—(Duringsoft stool), Burning in anus.—(During and after expulsion of soft stool), Burning in rectum.—(Stretching out the part), Aching in finger- joint.—(Swallowing), Pressive pain in throat, etc.—(Touch), Throbbing in forehead; tearing-sticking in left clavicle, etc.—(Turning the part), Stiff neck.—(Turning on to the side), Cough, etc.—(Turning trunk to left side), Stitches in left scapula.—(Twilight), Eyes buru.—(After every discharge of urine), Leucorrhcea.—( Walking), Stitches and burning in region of right ribs ; tearing, etc., in groin ; ulcerative paiu in left groin ; tearing in the perineum; pain in small of back; hamstrings painful; stinging, etc., in left knee; twitching in left popliteal region; throbbing, etc., in external malleolus ; sticking in right little toe.—( Walking and stepping on the parts), Ankle-bones painful.—(After washing), Burning in canthi.—(Yawning), Stinging in throat; elastic sensation in small of back. Amelioration.—(Morning), Obstruction of nose, etc.—(Night), Itching pimples pass off; burning of eyes, etc.—(3 to 4 a.m.), Chilliness, etc.—(7 a.m.), Chilliness, etc.—(Open air), Dizziness, etc.; vertigo; burn- ing in right eye; stitches in left eye; heat in face, etc.; nausea, etc.; turn- ing sensation in stomach, etc.; appears to be better.—(in bed), Tearing in all the teeth; tearings in fingers, etc.—(After breakfast), Grinding and writhing in stomach.—(Bending the part), Aching in finger-joint,—( Walk- ing crooked), ~Dra,mng tension in legs.—(After dinner), Mood improves; roughness in throat.—(After eating), Bitter eructations.— (Eructation), Nausea, etc.; tearing sensation in stomach, etc.; pressure on chest.—[Ex- piration), Pinching in abdomen.—(Extending hands), Pain in the dorsa.— (Long and violent exercise), Thighs contracted, etc.—(Feeling the part), Pain in upper part of face.—(Lemonade), Very urgent thirst.—(Light), Burning of eyes, etc.; sleepiness.—(Lying down), Tension and stiffness in nape of neck; itching of nape of neck ; tearing here and there, etc.; shooting, etc., in tips of fingers, etc.; evening chilliness.—(Lying in bed), Dry cough ; twitch- ing, etc., in calves.—(Motion), Tension in back, etc.; backache, etc.; tear- ing in outer border of foot.—(Motion of the part), Pain in left upper arm ; drawing in lower arm, etc.; pressure in left lower arm ; beating in right palm; stitches in hand.—(Active motion), Tearing in left arm, etc.—(Pres- sure), Tearing in decayed root of tooth; sticking on surface of left hip.— AMMONIUM NITRICUM—AMPHISBCENA. 305 (Long pressure), Stitches in ball of right thumb.—(Pressing upon thumb- joint), Pain in backs of hands.—(Rest), Pain in hamstrings.—(Rising), Tearing down thighs.—(In room), Sees better.—(Rubbing), Twitches in left eyeball; ulcerative pain in right heel.—(Scratching), Sensation of flea- bites on left mamma.—{Sitting), Stitches in forepart of chest; beating in left cavity of chest,—(Sleep), Weight in abdomen.—(Long walking), Twitch- ing in left popliteal space; contracted feeling in whole body.—(After wash- ing), Burning in canthi; mist before eyes. AMMONIUM NITRICUM. Chemical formula, NH4N03. According to Wibmer, it causes diminished temperature, slower pulse, and increased urine. AMPHISBCENA. A. vermicularis, Wagl.; Animal kingdom. Nat. order, Ophidians. Prep- aration, The jaw containing the poison is removed and triturated. Authority. Mure (Brazilian provings). Jfi)td.—Ennui.—Depression.—Tender sadness, which disposes one to be gentle and meek.—Sadness and lassitude in the morning.—Impatience. Head.—Vertigo, as if one would fall towards one side, and is then im- pelled towards the opposite side by a contrary oscillation.—Dizziness when turning round.—Horrible headache, with sensation as if the feet were in the brain.—Weight at the forehead.—[10.] Weight in the forehead and parietal regions.—Repeated beating at the right side of the forehead, as if hailstones fell upon it.—Lancinatiou and pain all through the right side of the head.—Sweat about the head. Eyes.—Weariness of the eyes, in the evening, with pain and pricking when looking at the light.—Constriction of the right eye, as if strung to- gether with a cord.—Sensation as of a grain of sand in the right eye.— Constant twitching at the upper eyelids, especially the left.—Pain at the inner canthus of the right eye, as if a stye would form.—Shooting pain in the outer angle of the left eye.—Lachrymation and constriction of the left eye. Ears.—[20.] Pain in the meatus auditorius, as if air were rushing in. Face.—Pricklings and heat at the right, malar eminence.—Painful and large pimple on left side of upper lip, suppurating.—Swelling of the right lower jaw, worse in the open air.—Pains in the right lower jaw, and con- siderable swelling, aggravated by air and dampness.—Dull pain in the right lower jawbone. (Mouth.—The teeth feel elongated and set on edge, especially the right lower molars.—The toothache is worse in the afternoon and evening.— Chewing is painful, but the contact of liquids is not painful. Throat.—Swelling of the tonsils.—[30.] Deglutition is difficult; one is not able to swallow saliva. Stomach.—Chilliness and pains at the epigastrium. Abdomen.—Protrusion of umbilical hernia.—Tearing pain at the navel, all day.—Lancination in the navel, as from a stiletto.—Suppuration of inguinal hernia.—The hernia is painful, and air is felt in it. Stool and Anus.—Constipation. vol. i.—20 306 AMYGDALAE AMAR.E AQUA. Week and Hack.—Violent pain in the whole of the vertebral col- umn, worse when walking, moving the arms, or stooping. Upper Extremities.—Breaking out of little pimples, especially on the forearm.—[40.] Painful swelling of the arm, on the fifteenth day. Loire r Extremities.—Painless drawing up of the legs.—Cramp in the left leg.—Cramp in the left leg; it remains behind in walking, as if paralyzed. Generalities.—Debility. Skin.—Painful and large pimples on the left side of the upper lip, sup- purating.—The miliary acne rosacea spreads over the chest, neck, and back, with itching, which is worse in the morning, and decreases in the evening. —Breaking out of little pimples, especially on the forearm.—Acute acne rosacea (a dry itch cured), covering extensive elliptical spots; after the eruption healed, a furfuraceous desquamation took place wherever a pim- ple had been situated.—Gradually, a white vesicle forms on every pimple, discharging a clear serum, after which the eruption dries up on the fifth day. Sleep and Dreams.—[50.] Wakes at midnight for ten consecu- tive nights.—Disturbed sleep. Conditions. — Aggravation. — (Morning), Sadness and lassitude; itching of the eruption.—(Afternoon), Toothache.—(Evening), Weariness of the eyes, etc. ; toothache.—(Air), Pains in lower jaw, etc.—(Open air), Swelling in right lower jaw.—(Dampness), Pains in right lower jaw, etc.— (Moving arms), Pain in vertebral column.—(Stooping), Pain in vertebral column.—(Turning round), Dizziness.—(Walking), Pain in vertebral col- umn. Amelioration.—(Evening), Itching of the eruption. AMYGDALAE AMARJE AQUA Amygdalus communis, L. (includes A. amara and A. dulcis). Nat. order, Rosacea?. Common names, Bitter almond, Mandelbaum, Amandier. Preparation, An ounce of alcohol is added to a pound of bitter almonds, then add six pounds of water, aud distil down to three pounds (Jcerg). Authorities.^ 1, Engler; 2, Meurer; 3, Siebenhaar; 4, Jcerg; 5, Schwartze ; 6, Pierer; 7, Wolf; 8, Chivoud ; 9, Pouzaire; 10, Brodie (took the oil); 11, Bullet, de Therap.; 12, Haller; 13, Giacomini; 14, Mestz- dorf; 15, Chavasse (oil); 16, "B.;" 17, "X." (Annal. d. Montpellier); 18, Rassi (Fr. Mag., 1, 13); 19, Cattell (B. J., 11); 20, Smith (Lancet, 1844), (t. from oil); 21, Letheby (Lancet, 1845); 22, Purcell (Lancet, 1855), (t. from oil); 23, Ellis (Lancet, 1863), (t. from oil.) M^ind.—Mild delirium ; the patient stammers incoherently/5.—Ap- pearance of intoxication/1.—Complete intoxication/2.—She is so much affected that she can hardly utter a word (after four hours)/.—The feelings were deeply affected ; she began to weep/.—Extreme anxiety/7.—She falls •down unconscious (in ten minutes)/.—Loss of consciousness/.—(In a hypo- chondriac, forty-eight years old; from an emulsion of bitter almonds.)— Loss of consciousness, of voice, and of motive power (in a child of three years, after five or six bitter almonds),6.—Senseless/8 20.—[10.] Coma, with f Nos. 1 to 4, from Joerg's Materielen; 5 to 10, from Hartlaub and Trinks ; 11 to 17, from " Pathogenesie," Journ. d. 1. Med. Horn., 1845-50. AMYGDALAE AMARiE AQUA. 307 stertorous respiration and involuntary stools ; but she revives suddenly and looks wildly about her/9. Head.—Heaviness and confusion of head and of thought/.—Heavi- ness and confusion of head as in beginning coryza, with a diminished (five beats) pulse (fifty drops),2.—Confusion of head,418.—General confu- sion of the head (forty drops),2.—Complete confusion of whole head, which in the afternoon was confined to the left side. Also inclined to sleep during the afternoon, and was weary (forty drops)/.—The whole forenoon, the left half of the head was confused ; it gradually passed off by noon/.—Ver- tigo, in strong air/3—Vertigo, as if intoxicated, followed by sudden death (from taking many bitter almonds)/.—Head drawn between shoulders/8.— [20.] Violent headache/1.—The whole night (after twenty drops), violent headache spread over the whole head, which disturbed the sleep; pulse depressed/.—During the forenoon a sense of heaviness in the forehead/.— Slight pressure in forehead/.—Sense of weight and oppression on top of head/9. Eyes.—Sunken eyes/8.—The eyes are turned upwards ; they become fixed and seem about to start from their sockets/ ".—Eyes glassy/3.—The eye had a brilliant and glassy appearance throughout; mere physical bril- liancy, without mental expression,20.—Excessive brilliancy of the eyes,19.—[30.] Eyes wide open and motionless,™.—Eyes closed, cold/8.—Eyelids closed/0. -—Spasmodic movements, especially of the eyelids/5.—Upper eyelids con- vulsed, for some hours/9.—Eyeballs remarkably prominent, accompanied with rolling motion, and nearly protruding from their sockets/2.—Eyes open and rolling from side to side/1.—Eyes both drawn to left side/0.— Contracted pupils/19.—Pupils dilated/1.—[40.] Fully dilated pupils/9.— Pupils widely dilated, and insensible to light/2.—Motionless pupils/ w.— Dimness of sight/319. Ears.—Ears white and cold/8.—Humming in the ears/6. Nose.—Nose white and cold/8. Face.—Pale face/518.—Face becomes deadly pale/5 21.—Face yellowish- gray and moist/8.—[50.] Countenance very much flushed/2.—Spasmodic distortion of, the features (after some minutes)/*.—Frequent convulsive action of muscles of face and neck/2.—Sardonic laughter; joyful counte- nance ; sparkling eyes/5.—Lips pale and bluish/3.—Lips white and cold/8. Mouth.—Tongue dry and coated/8.—Mouth tightly closed/8 20.—Froth at the mouth/.—[60.] The breath has a strong smell of bitter almonds/4. —Considerable swelling of, and undulatory motion in the jugular veins; the carotids beat quickly and fully/0. Throat.—Deglutition is impossible/.—Burning sensation in throat/9. —Excessive burning heat in laryngo-pharyngeal region/9. Stomach.—Nausea and vomiting of food/.—Vomiting/8.—Vomiting of a bitter, viscid substance/3.—Vomiting of large quantities of food and bile smelling strongly of prussic acid/5.—A disagreeable feeling which seems to ascend from the epigastric region (immediately),10. Abdomen.—[70.] Abdomen relaxed, soft, hardly of natural warmth/8. —Pains in abdomen/8.—Colicky pains, which increase, until, in less than two hours, the abdomen is distended like a balloon ; convulsive movements of the jaws ; loss of consciousness and frothing at the mouth ; then sudden death (in a child, from taking milk of bitter almonds)/.—Copious, fecu- lent, but especially watery evacuations/.—Stool seldom/8. Urinary Orr/ans.—Scanty and painful urination/8. Sexual Orr/ans.—Penis shrivelled/8. 308 AMYGDALAE AMARiE AQUA. Respiratory Apparatus.—Increased discharge of mucus from the larynx,4.—Scraping in larynx (eight drops)/.—Scraping in the larynx (after twenty-four drops)/.—[80.] Hoarseness caused by the scraping in the larynx/.—Panting for breath/1.—Short, panting respiration ; suffoca- tive attacks/5.—Breathing stertorous/2.—Slow, stertorous breathing, which keeps getting slower/.—Breathing stertorous, and at long intervals/3.— Breathing slow and gentle,20.—Respiration scarcely perceptible/8.—Respi- ration heavy/8.—Difficult respiration/. Chest.—[90.] The chest heaved spasmodically, and its movements were hurried/4.—Oppression of chest/8.—Several transient stitches and pains coming and going just under the left nipple, deep in the chest; it made respiration difficult (twelve drops)/. Heart and Pulse.—Heart beats very feebly/8.—Beat of heart feeble, sometimes intermittent/5.—Pulse strong, frequent, and wiry/9.—Pulse at first small, frequent, and intermittent, then slow and regular/5.—Pulse full and strong, but slow/2.—Pulse slow, full, and moderately hard/.—Pulse slow and vibrating/9.—[100.] Pulse from 70 down to 64 (quarter of an hour), (ten drops)/.—Pulse 100, 130, 140; very small, thready,10.—Pulse, from 70 down to 61 (one hour), (five and thirty-five drops)/.—Pulse sank to 50, in quarter of an hour, for an hour (after thirty and forty drops)/.— Pulse, 30; very feeble in carotid and radial arteries,19.—Pulse small/8.— Pulse slow and flickering/3.—Diminished pulse/.—Pulse scarcely percep- tible/8.—The pulse becomes imperceptible/5 20. Extremities in General.—[110.] Limbs were completely lax, and fell lifeless when lifted,20.—Unsteadiness of the limbs/6.—Upper and lower extremities cold/8.—Heaviness of extremities and whole right thigh/8. Lower Extremities.—Could not stand on legs/8.—Formication in the legs, with staggering gait/6.—Knees flexed on the abdomen/8. Generalities.—Convulsions/'.—Most violent convulsions, which last almost three-quarters of an hour/.—The convulsions returned after a quarter of an hour; but less violently (tinct. op. simp, palliated them)/.— [120.] General tetanus/.—Complete opisthotonos/2.—Excessive languor/3. —General debility (from seven bitter almonds)/7.—Feeling of weakness, as if the muscular vigor was deficient, and he would fall down,10.—Fainting/7. Syncope/5.—Death in thirty minutes/.—General malaise/6.—Weight on the eyes, and in the limbs/3. Skin.—[130.] Skin blue and bluish-red, especially on scrotum, where it was blue and almost greenish-yellow/8.—Wheals over the whole skin/9. —Urticaria febrilis/9. Sleep and Dreams.—Yawning, with irresistible tendency to sleep/9. —Drowsiness/9.—Inclined to sleep the afternoon/.—In the afternoon and evening depression, inclination to sleep through the night a sound and deep sleep, from which it was difficult to rouse; he felt as though he had not slept enough (fourteen drops)/.—She is plunged in a deep stertorous sleep/. Fever.—General coldness/5.—Surface cold and clammy/3. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Forenoon), Left half of head confused ; heaviness in forehead.—(Afternoon), Confusion of left side of head; in- clined to sleep; depression, etc.—(Evening), Depression, etc.—(Night), Headache, etc.; deep sleep.—(Strong air), Vertigo. AMYL NITRIT. 309 AMYL NITRIT. Formula, C5HuN02. Preparation for use, Dilution with alcohol. Authorities.^ (Provings all made by olfaction.) 1, Batteman; 2, Mad- den ; 3, Jones ; 4, Goodhart; 5, Blake ; 6, Fick ; 7, W. P. Wesselhoeft; 8, T. F. Allen ; 9, St. Clair Smith ; 10, Hugh M. Smith; 11, G. L. Freeman. Mind.—Anxiety, as if something might happen; must have fresh air,''.— The throbbing in the head, and bursting-out feeling in the ears, and con- striction of throat and heart, made me think I had taken too much, and from actual fright I ran to the window to breathe the fresh air/.—Complete obliviousness of recent conversation (in a few minutes)/. Head.—Confusion of head/1.—After the throbbing and fulness of the head had passed away, it was followed by a confused, weak feeling and a weight in top of head, as though it would be crushed in/.—Vertigo (rarelv'.'/. —Vertigo (in three minutes)/.—Slight vertigo (in a few seconds)/.—Giddi- ness (now and then)/.—[10.] Slight dizziness in the head (in two minutes)/. —Head seemed to swim around (in a second or two)/.—Feeling of intoxica- tion/.—Girls who have inhaled it have often complained that it gave them a headache/.—* Heat and throbbing in head,1.—* Feeling of intense fulness in the head (immediately)/.—Full, confused feeling in head, mostly frontal; then a beating, throbbing, and bursting sensation/.—Heavy aching all through the head (in two minutes)/.—After all experiments, a dull aching remained in the head for more than thirty or forty minutes/.—Frontal humming/.—[20.] Slight perspiration over the forehead (immediately)/. —Perspiration broke out ou forehead/1.—Bursting in the forehead (in three minutes)/.—Throbbing in temples; visible pulsating,10.—Could feel the tem- poral arteries throb distinctly/.—Sense of tension in temples,2.—Vertical humming (in twenty-five seconds)/.—Sensation of something rushing upwards and throbbing in vertex,''.—Constriction, as if each parietal region was pressed in,10.—Dull throbbing in sides and back of head/1.—[30.] Throb- bing in the occiput/.—After the weak feeliug passed off, the arteries seemed to be numb along their course,10. Ef/es.— Under ophthalmoscope, the arteries of the optic disk were found small, while the veins were dilated and varicose/.—Under ophthal- moscope, the veins of the disk were seen to become enlarged, varicose, and tor- tuous; the arteries small, but not abnormally so (from 5 minims)/.—Dull heaviness over eyebrows/.— Conjunctivae bloodshot (in two minutes)/.—Di- lated pupils/.—Sight very hazy (in fifty seconds)/.—In full doses of 8 or 10 drops, the sight becomes impaired slightly, and the outline of objects hazy and indistinct/.—Primrose halo, even with the eyes closed aud shaded/. —[40.] Objects begin to look yellow/.—* Protruding, staring eyes,0. Ears.—Burning of the ears,2.—Much throbbing in ears (in two min- utes)/.—Ears begin to throb (in a second or two)/.—Beating behind ears/. —Sensation of a piston working up and down in the ears (in thirty sec- onds)/.—Bursting sensation in ears, as though the membrana tympani of each ear would be forced out with each beat of the heart/. Nose.—Pressure over root of nose/. f 1, Jahresberiehtd Dresden Gesellschaft, etc., 1871 ; 2, "Practitioner," 9, 331; 3, " Practitioner," 7, 213 ; 4, " Practitioner," vol. 6, 12, seven experiments ; 5, Month. Hom. Kev., 1871, five experiments; 6, Monograph, Berlin, 1874; 7 to 11, provings in MS , made by olfaction, as were all the other experiments. 310 AMYL NITRiT. Face.—Face scarlet (immediately)/.—Deep facial flush (in twenty-five seconds)/.—[50.] *Flushing of the face (in thirty, to forty seconds)/.— Face much flushed*.—A bright florid flush spread over his face (in a few seconds)/.—Flushing of the face, followed by turgidity of the facial veins,5.— The flushing of the face did not commonly appear till from fifteen to thirty seconds after the commencement of the inhalation/.—* Intense surging of blood to face and head*.—Face, at first intensely red, after the effects began to pass off became very pale/.—Face at first very red; a few minutes after, pale/.—Face became intensely red and hot; this came up and subsided like a wave; on passing off, the face became paler than usual,8.—Heat and redness of face,11.—[60.] Great heat and redness of face, with sensation as though the blood would start through the skin, with lachrymation/.—Warmth of face/. Throat.—* Choking feeling in throat, on each side of the trachea, along the carotids; feeling of constriction,9.—*The collar seemed too tight, with desire to loosen it,9.—Tickling in throat/. Stomach.—Nausea/.—Slight nausea/1.—Slight uncomfortable feeling in stomach/.—Constriction and pressure over prsecordial region, as though he wants to rub it/. Respiratory Apparatus.—*The feeling of constriction in throat extended to chest, and produced dyspnoza and asthmatic feeling in larynx and trachea, with desire to eructate/.—[70.] Peculiar sensation of choking/.— The respirations were not altered in frequency, but in all cases great incli- nation to cough was experienced, with an indescribable feeling of fulness about the chest/.—Cough and bronchial irritation/.—Much cough (in fifty seconds)/.—Involuntary coughing (in two minutes)/.—Breathing 24, from 20 (in two minutes)/.—Normal respiration, 18; after ninety seconds, 20; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 20/.—Normal respiration, 16; after ninety seconds, 20; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 20/.—Respiration much easier and deeper, apparently dependent on dilatation of the bron- chi (inhalation of 1 drop)/.—Accelerated respiration/.—[80.] Desire to sigh convulsively (in thirty seconds)/.—Slight dyspnoea, with inclination to cough (immediately)/.-—It sometimes causes a little breathlessness and coughing/. Chest.—Vital capacity (spirometric) of the lungs not increased nor diminished (average of large number of experiments)/.—Sensation as if the anterior wall of the thorax were swelled out to a convex shape, and the lower end of the sternum made a deep depression, bent in towards the spine (without objective signs of contraction of diaphragm or abdominal muscles)/.—* Prsecordial anxiety (in thirty seconds)/. Heart and Pulse.—*The beating of the heart and of the carotids is, in some persons, very marked,3.—Accelemted heart-action (in thirty seconds)/.—Increased frequency of cardiac pulsation?.—* Cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart-action (in a few minutes)/.—[90.] * Tumultuous heart- action,2.—*Pain anel constriction around heart; an aching pain/.— The ach- ing pain and constriction of the heart continued more or less for at least three weeks, when it was relieved after taking Cactus grand.,9.—Dull pain in heart/.—(Pulse not markedly affected/.)—In all cases, the pulse was invariably the first function to show any indication of the actiou of the drug. Generally, in from three to ten seconds, the beats were much in- creased in frequency. The pulse-beats often rose from 70 to the rate of 160 per minute in a few seconds, quickly subsiding again as the drug was left off, but nearly always remaining somewhat irregular/.—When sphyg- AMYL NITRIT—AMYLAMINE CHLOROHYDRATE. 311 mographic tracings were made, it was found that in the very first stage of its action, the up stroke produced by the contracting ventricle was almost imperceptible, giving unpleasant visions of approaching syncope. This feature was apparently due to the excessive rapidity of the heart's action, and was succeeded, in a very few beats, by a sudden and jerking impulse, which gave no positive indication of anything more than an exaggeration of normal conditions/.— The sphygmographic pulse-curve ends abruptly in a very sudden downfall*.—Frequency of pulse rapidly increases (in eight to twelve seconds)/.—Accelerated pulse; 96 to 136; in one minute, small; in two minutes, full; three minutes, very full/.—A pulse of 20, in a quarter of a minute, will often rise, in ten or fifteen seconds, to 40/.—[100.] Pulse rose from 66 (normal) to 114 (inhalation of 3 drops),6.—Pulse rose from 72 (nor- mal) to 128; returned, in two minutes, to normal. (The face became very red)/.—Pulse 136, regular (normal, 54), (in two minutes)/.—Pulse 80, very irregular (in four minutes)/.—Pulse 72, more regular (in seven minutes)/. —Pulse 80, regular (in thirty-one minutes)/.—Pulse 65 (in half a minute)/. —Pulse 72, irregular (in four minutes)/.—Pulse 64 (in twenty-three min- utes)/.—Pulse decreased 64 beats (from 168 to 104), (in two minutes)/.— [110.] Pulse 80 (in seven minutes)/.—Pulse 160, from 120 (in thirty sec- onds)/.—Pulse 104, from 84 (in ten seconds)/.—Pulse 96, from 84 (in two minutes)/.—-Pulse 84, very irregular (in eight minutes)/.—Pulse at rate of 108 per minute, from 84 (in five seconds),4.—Pulse at rate of 120, from 84 (in ten seconds),4.—Pulse 144 (in fifteen seconds), from 84/.—Pulse 84, very irregular (iu two minutes)/.—Pulse 84, regular (in three minutes and fifty seconds)/.—[120.] Normal pulse, 60; after ninety seconds, 130; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 80/.—Normal pulse, 64; after ninety sec- onds, 106; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 68/.—Pulse at first slow and very strong; afterwards, quicker and jerking/. Neck and Back.—Warmth of neck/. Extremities in General.—* Tired feeling of limbs?.—Muscular tremor of arms (in two minutes)/.—* Tremulousness of hands and stiffness and slight numbness of fingers/.—While writing, hand so tired that he can hardly hold the pen, with crampy feeling in wrist and thumb, which is sometimes difficult to overcome ; the thumb seems to grasp the pen so tight that it is difficult to guide it (it is now over fifteen minutes, and the effect is still very strong")/. Generalities.—The muscles generally seemed relaxed and heavy; this caused a sensation of unsteadiness while walking (inhalation of 1 drop)/.—The blood-pressure is diminished/.—[130.] Slight feeling of las- situde (in seven minutes)/.—After all experiments, a feeling of lassitude remained behind for thirty or forty minutes/.—* General relaxed, weak feeling over the whole body?.— Weak feeling all over the body,10.—Uncertain, trembling sensation over whole body/. Fever.—Warmth, often general/.—Temperature 97.9°, from 97.7° (immediately)/.—Temperature 98.1° (in four minutes)/.—*Perspiration, often general?. AMYLAMINE CHLOROHYDRATE. C5H13NHC1. Authority. Dujardin-Beaumetz. Lowers the temperature in a remarkable degree, and retards the pulse. 312 ANACARDIUM. ANACARDIUM Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. Nat. order, Anacardiacese. Common name, Marking nut. Preparation, Trituration of the layer of the nut between the shell and the kernel. Authorities.^ 1, Hahnemann ; 2, Herrmann ; 3, Hartmann ; 4, Gross ; 5, Franz; 6, Laughammer; 7, Becher; 8, Stapf; 9, Reil (Z. f. H. K., 2, 44); 10, Trinks (Z. f. H. K., 2, 131); 11, Fox (Z. f. H. K., 1, 117). Mind.—Illusions of the fancy; he imagines he hears his name called by the voice of his far-distant mother and sister, accompanied by an appre- hension of misfortune and anxiety/.—Excessive cheerfulness/.—In the afternoon he is more cheerful than in the forenoon ; as soon as the sleepi- ness after dinner is past he is more cheerful and more disposed to work (after thirty-eight hours)/.—He laughs when he should be serious/.— When occupied with serious-things he is obliged to laugh on account of a tickling at the pit of the stomach; when occupied with ludicrous things he is able to refrain from laughter/.—Sadness/.—In the forenoon he is ex- tremely hypochondriac, low-spirited, and desponding, with awkward and childish manners; all his motions are extremely awkward and indolent (after third day)/.—Melancholy illusion; he imagines a bier is in the side- room, upon which either his friend or himself is lying/.—*He is separated from the whole world, and has so little confidence in himself that he despairs of being able to do that which is required of him,1.—[10.] He is very indifferent and unfeeling; neither agreeable nor disagreeable objects excite his interest; for eight days/.—*When walking he felt anxious, as if some one were pursuing him; he suspected everything around him,1.—Anxious apprehension and thoughtfulness, wheu meditating over his present and future destiny,6. —Anxious apprehension and peevishness/.—Anxiety, apprehension of threatening misfortune/.—The future appears dangerous to him, as if nothing but misfortune and danger were reserved for him; want of confi- dence in his strength and despondency/.—Anxiety in all his actions; every- thing appears to him more terrible; he imagines himself surrounded with enemies; then he feels warm and the blood seems to boil within him (seventh, eighth days)/.—* Internal anxiety, which did not leave him any peace; he felt solicitous on account of every trifle, as if it would lead to some great trouble; with apprehension of the future,1.—In the evening, anxiety and apprehension, after cheerfulness through the day,6.—Irritable and con- tradicting?.—[20.] *A slight offence makes him excessively angry, breaking out in personal violence,1.—Peevish mood all day; everything about him made a disagreeable impression upon him/.—Gloomy, peevish mood, with desire to go into the open air/.—Excessively peevish and ill-humored/.— Very peevish and ill-tempered; extremely susceptible to all annoyances/. —*He takes everything in bad part and becomes violent,1.—Increased fancy; he constantly thinks of some new object to which the mind forcibly clings/. —His mind is much more animated than before; he likes to enter upon acute analysis, but every effort of this kind causes a tearing, pressive head- ache in the forehead, the temples, and the occiput/.—Extreme excitement of the fancy, with a number of projects, iu the evening, from 9 to 10 o'clock; he is not able to control his attention ; little by little the mind be- f Nos. 1 to 8 from (Archiv. and) Hahnemann Chr. Kr. (provings made with powdered nut and tincture). ANACARDIUM. 313 comes dull, so that he is without any ideas (after sixteen hours)/.—Indis- posed to do anything/.—[30.] Every kind of intellectual labor is difficult for him, like a kind of absent-mindedness/.—Dread of labor; he is afraid of undertaking the least labor; he likes nothing/.—The mind is much con- fused, as if a cold were coming on/.—He confounds the present with the future/.—Early iu the morning, after a sound sleep, he is unable to com- prehend the slightest thing; his head feels confused and empty/.—Dulness of the senses, with confusion of the head, and prostration/.—Increase and greater vividness of the memory; he spontaneously recollects the smallest circumstances of times long past; he would be able to learn easily by heart if his attention were not diverted by other thoughts, which, however, he finds it easy to control (after one and a half hours)/.—Dulness of the senses, with anxiety ; he scarcely perceives what is taking place around him/.— Anacardium weakens the understanding (Matthiolus).—*Great weakness of memory; cannot remember anything; forgets everything immediately?.— [40.] He remembers with difficulty; he retains nothing in his memory; he is deficient in ideas and he soon loses his subject without being aware of it/. —Diminution of the imagination and the memory in the afternodh; he cannot recollect anything (after five, six hours)/.—He can only reflect upon a subject which has beeu furnished to him ; he does not remember anything himself/.—The memory is quite deficient, early in the morning, especially as regards single names/.—//; the afternoon his memory is better than in the forenoon, although his recollections only come to him after the time when he was in need of them; however, he easily understands what he reads, although he does not entirely remember it (after third, fourth claysj/.— Thoughts vanish/. Head.—His head feels very heavy all day/.—Early in the morning, after rising, his head feels so confused and heavy that he is scarcely able to support it; he was obliged to lie down again/.—Painful, dull confusion of the head when he lies in bed in an uncomfortable position/.—Vertigo, as if all objects or himself were wavering; he is obliged to steady himself (first day)/.—[50.] Vertigo, he almost fell down/.—Vertigo when walk- ing, as if all objects were too far distant/.—*Vertigo on stooping, with a sensation of turning round in a circle (after thirteen hours)/.—Vertigo, black before the eyes/.—The head reels,1.—Dizziness of the head, as after spirituous drinks/.—Great giddiness after a walk, in the afternoon/.—The whole head swelled,10.—Heat in the head/.—Occasional pressure in the head/.—[60.] Pressure in the right side of the head, interrupted by vio- lent stitches (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Dull pressure from with- out inward, here and there, in small places of the head/.—Repeated tear- ings in the whole head, with chills all over the body, low spirits, and restlessness; this does not permit her to remain in any one place; always returns every third day/.— Tearing headache during hard labor (after fourth day)/.—Repeated tearing in the right side of the head, face, and neck, and immediately after, humming before the left ear/.—Violent, grinding headache, in the evening/.—Sharp stitches through the left side of the head, reaching deep into the brain/.—Dull, tremulous stitches on the left side of the upper part of the head; they are merely incipient, and do not become distinct/.—Any effort of the mind causes a bruised sensa- tion in the brain/.—Throbbing headache/.—[70.] Several violent jerks, so that he would like to scream out loud; they come from behind, and reach across the left side of the upper part of the head and the forehead (after half an hour)/.—The headache is worse during motion/.—Hard, red, pus- 314 ANACARDIUM. tules on the forehead and in the angle of the left wing of the nose, with a feeling of soreness, for several weeks/.—Dull, painful confusion of the fore- head, extending down to the root of the nose/.— Constrictive headache in the forehead, with extremely peevish mood, increasing from hour to hour, accompanied by a violent grinding pain, which is diminished for a few moments by strongly pressing upon the forehead; at last the pain takes hold of the whole head, with a painful sensation as if a tense band were reaching from the nape of the neck to the ears; he is obliged to lie down; the pain lasts from 5 p.m. to next morning/.—Violent constrictive pain iu the right side of the forehead, especially at the external border of the orbit/.—Pressive, pinching headache in the forepart of the head, with single tearings towards the forehead (after twenty-four hours)/.—Pain in the head, especially in the forehead, stupefying, pressive, exciting vertigo; he threatened to fall to the left side when sitting (after two, two and a half hours)/.—Pressure at the forehead from without, over the left eyebrow (after two hours)/.—Hard pressure in the angle between the frontal and nasal bones (after three days),2.—[80.] Pressure in the forehead, every morning on waking ; worse in walking, as if the brain were shaken/.—Dull pressure in the centre of the forehead, increasing at slow intervals, becom- ing more and more deep, and gradually extending over the whole front of the head in the evening/.—Violent pressure in the right side of the fore- head, from within outward/.—Dull pressure coming out at the right frontal eminence/.—Compression and dull pressure below the left frontal eminence/. —Tearing-sticking in the forehead over the right eye/.—Grinding in the right half of the forepart of the head, especially along the border of the orbit; relieved by strong external pressure (and during a meal), accom- panied by intolerable pain, as if a heavy body were forced in there; the pain diminishes in the evening when in bed, on lying with the painful spot upon the arm ; on falling asleep it subsides entirely/.—Itching of the fore- head/.—Painless pimples, with red areola? at the top of the left temple (after nine hours)/.—Compression simultaneously in both temples/.—[90.] Pressure inward, and squeezing in both temples, with continual constriction of the upper part of the head ; passes off towards evening/.—Several times, when breathing, a long stitch drawing from the temple into the forehead (after five and a half hours)/.— Violent pressure in the region of the right temple?™*3.—Tearing pain in the brain, just above the right temple/.— Pressure from without inward in the left temple/.—Sudden, acute, piercing and biting tearings in the temple, extending into the brain (after three hours)/.— Tearing pressure in the left temple?.—Sharp, pressive tearings in the left temple/.—Shootings and tearings in the left temple/.—Headache, with stitches in the left temple/.—[100.] * Pressive pain on the top of the head, when coughing, or taking a deep inspiration?.—*Dull pressure, as from a plug, on the left side of the vertex?.—Confusion, first of the left, then of the right side of the head/.—Jerkings in the left side of the head, fre- quently repeated, close down in front of the ear/.—Drawing pain in the left side of the head/.—Pressure in the occiput, on the right side (after three hours)/.—Tearing, which commences in the lower part of the occiput on the right side and reaches as far as the forehead (after thirty-five hours)/.—Tearing headache in the occiput, in distinct, successive attacks, which reach as far as the temple (after half an hour)/.—Drawing pain in the forehead, in the left vertex, and in the occiput/.—Jerking shoots and tearing iu the occiput and temples, mostly when bending the head back- ward (after two hours)/.—[110.] Many little boils upon the hairy scalp, ANACARDIUM. 315 of the size of a flaxseed ; they feel sore when touched or scratched,6.—Vio- lent itching of the hairy scalp/. Eyes.—Left eye swollen shut,10.—Painful eyes, without redness/.— Violent pressure upon the eyes, especially upon the left, and in the exter- nal canthus of this eye when looking long at one object (half an hour)/.— *Dull pressure, as with a plug, on the upper border of the right orbit, ex- tending into the brain, with stupefaction of the whole side of the head/.— Rheumatic tearing pain in the left eye (more in the lids), which extends as far as the temples/.—Lids so swollen that he could scarcely see,10.—The eyelids felt swollen, but without pain,10.—Sensation in the eyes as if there was something between the ball and the upper lid, which causes rubbing/. —[120.] Something seems to rub between the ball and the lower lid/.— Twitches in the eyelids ; he imagines that one must see them,4.—Pressure, as from a stye, in the right inner canthus, and the neighboring tarsal car- tilages/.—Pressure below the left external canthus (after two. hours)/.— *Pain, as if a plug were pressed in under the upper border of the orbits, and touched the balls/.—Pressure upon the eyeball, from before backward, or from above downward/.—Tearing in the balls and orbits, mornings when walking (after twenty-four hours)/.—Great dilatation of the pupils (after thirteen, fourteen, and nineteen hours ; reaction)/.— Contraction of the pupils (after fourteen hours),6.—The pupil of the right eye becomes smaller for a short time (after forty-eight hours)/.— [130.] Dimness of the eyes, as if they were full of water, which forces one to wink often; in the evening (after sixteen hours)/.—Shortsightedness; he cannot distinguish anything at a distance, while he distinctly sees everything which is held near his eyes/.—Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light/.—Frequent flickering before the eyes/.—The flame of a light appears to flicker, and to alter- nately darken and brighten ; on looking steadily at the light he saw that it burnt calmly/.—*The light appears to be surrounded with a halo in the evening?. Ears.—Twitches in the external ear/.—Pain, as from ulceration in the ear, mostly when swallowing/.—Pain in the ear, as from ulceration, when biting the teeth together?.—Painful pressure upon the external ear/.— [140.] Sensation behind the ears, as if the part would become sore; he is obliged to rub it/.—Violent tearing along the upper border of the carti- lage of the right ear/.—Violent sticking-tearing in the left external ear (after twenty-four hours),4.—Tearing in the left ear, down the cheek/.— Sensation of a cramplike contraction in the left concha (after half an hour)/.—Feeling of obstruction in the left ear, as from cotton; he did not hear as well with this ear as with the other (after half an hour)/.—Violent stitches in the left ear/.—Tearing, sticking, dull pains in the tip of the an- titragus of the left ear/.—Drawing pain behind the left ear/.—Cramplike contraction in the left meatus auditorius, with a pressure against the tym- panum/.—[150.] Spasmodic, cramplike pain in the meatus auditorius exter- nus/.—Painful twingeing in the right meatus auditorius/.—Painful drawing in the left meatus auditorius internus (after three-quarters of an hour)/.— Twitchings in the left meatus auditorius at short intervals, and very pain- ful, as if a nerve were put upon the stretch, or like electric shocks/.—Itch- ing in the ear, and discharge of a brownish matter/.—He sometimes heard so feebly that he did not notice when some one opened the door with a noise; often his hearing was so acute that he heard people through double doors walk in the antechambers (after fifty-four hours)/.—Hamming in the ears?.—Roaring before the ear/.—Tingling in the right ear/. 316 ANACARDIUM. Nose.—Pimples, with red areolse, at the angle of the right wing of the nose/.—[160.] *Red pustules on the septum, in the right nostril, with sore- ness when touched/.—Obstruction of the posterior nares, as by much phlegm/.—Sneezing/.—Violent coryza, lasting four weeks/.—Violent fluent coryza after frequent sneezing, with lachrymation/.—Severe coryza, in the evening (after forty-eight hours)/.—Bleeding at the nose after violent blowing/.—Dry coryza/.—Short pain in the nose, such as arises from too great cold, which causes his eyes to run/.—Contractive paiu in the forepart of the nose, as from great cold, with lachrymation/.—[170.] Bruised sen- sation in the left side of the nose; the pain seems to be in the bone/.— Smell seems to have disappeared almost completely, although the nose is not obstructed (after five hours)/.—*H/usory smell, as of burning tinder, early, when rising?.—* Constant smell before the nose, like pigeon or chicken dung, especially when smelling his clothes, or his body (after two hours)/. Face.—Face began to swell, beginning from the eyes,10.—Great pale- ness of the face shortly after taking the medicine/.—Pale, sick, wan color of the face, without, however, any other symptoms/.—Paleness of the face, without coldness (immediately)/.—The person looks sick, hollow-eyed, with blue rings around the eyes for several days (shortly after taking the medi- cine)/.—Violent burning on the face/0.—[180.] Dry heat in the face, and over the whole head, with confusion of the head and pale look; at the same time he feels hot upon the skin, which he himself, however, does not perceive/.—After a meal, heat in the face, and exhaustion,8.—After dinner, heat in the face, with accumulation of sweetish saliva in the mouth, and violent thirst/.—Left side of face exceedingly swollen, and covered with a number of small, pock-like blisters,10.—White, scaly herpes on the right cheek, close by the upper lip (after four hours)/.—Drawing pain in the right cheek-bone/.—Dull pressure upon the left cheek-bone/.—Dull pres- sure in the face, in the middle of the cheek, as if the place were squeezed with pincers/.—Dryness of the lips and their corners/.—Burning dryness of the external borders of the lips, almost as from pepper/.—[190.] Fre- quently a drawing pain in the lower jaw, especially in the evening/.—Fre- quently repeated tearings in the right ramus of the lower jaw/.—Occa- sional tearings in the articulations of the jaw (after forty-two hours)/.— Suppuration and painfulness of a place under the chin, where there was a boil two years before/.—Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken,10.—Violent burning on the chin,10.—Externally, burning upon the chin, and dull pressure, extending upward upon the left side of the chin, as after being scraped with a dull razor/. Mouth.—Tearing in all the teeth, returning at intervals/.—Toothache upon taking something warm in his mouth, a few jerkings, more pressive than drawing/.—The teeth feel longer, at night, when in bed, accompanied by a pressive pain/.—[200.] Drawing pain in the gums and the roots of the lower molar teeth of the left side/.—Cramplike drawing in the lower row of teeth of the right side, reaching as high as the ear (shortly after taking the medicine)/.—Tensive and drawing pain in a hollow molar tooth, extending to the ear, for several days, at 10 o'clock in the evening/.— Violent tearing in the teeth of the left side,10.—Pain in one of the lower incisors, as if a toothpick had been stirred about in it, made worse by con- tact with the tongue and the open air (second day)/.—Swelling of the gums/.—* Bleeding of the gums upon slight rubbing?.—The tongue is white and rough, like a scraping-iron (after three hours)/.—Heaviness of the tongue, and sensation as of swelling, so that he is unable to continue speak- ANACARDIUM. 317 ing/.—* Painful vesicles in the mouth?.—[210.] A quantity of liquid comes into his mouth and throat, which causes a sensation of nausea in the chest/. —Insipid, foul taste of the food, also without eating/.—Insipid taste of the beer/.—Bitter dryness in the mouth and throat/.—Bitter taste in the mouth after smoking tobacco/.—Everything tastes to him like herring- brine/.—Tobacco does not taste, only causes biting/.—In the afternoon his speech is firmer and surer than iu the forenoon/.—When speaking, he fiuds it difficult to utter certain words, as if his tongue were too heavy/. Throat.—*Phlegm, firm and tough, comes into the throat, obstructing at the same time, the posterior nares (after one hour)/.—[220.] Prickings as with needles, now here, now there, in the throat, externally/.—Dryness of the throat, passing off by eating, in the forenoon/.—Roughness of the throat/.—Roughness of the throat, with deep tone of voice, after a meal/. —Hard pressure in the throat, on both sides of the larynx, which some- times interferes with deglutition/.—Pressure in the pit of the throat/.— Sudden, dull pressure, as from a weight, on the left side of the throat/.— Slow, dull thrusts coming from both sides of the ears, and in their cavities, as if two blunt plugs were penetrating, to meet in the centre/.—His throat feels as if it were raw and sore/.—Sensation as if scraping in the throat?6.— [230.] Frequent itching of the throat/.—Great appetite, pressure at the stomach and nausea unto vomiting, after a meal, even when without exer- cise/.— He has no appetite for dinner; nevertheless, he takes it and rel- ishes it, because it is dinner-hour ; bread, however, tastes a little bitter/.— At times, violent hunger; at times, none at all/.—Constant thirst; how- ever, when drinking, his breath is interrupted, and he is obliged to swallow his drink little by little/.—Eructations of fluid, frequently repeated, which choke him/.—Eructations with spasmodic pain at the stomach/.—Eructa- tions, after drinks and liquid food/.—Eructations, after a meal, which burn in the throat/.—Empty eructations, early in the morning,4.—[240.] Hic- cough/.—Qualmishness at the pit of the stomach, between meals, with anxiety as from a sprain ; without, however, real nausea, and with good taste in the mouth aud good appetite/.—Several kinds of food, of which he is generally very fond, disgust him so much, that he would like to vomit/.—Much nausea, early in the morning/.—Nausea, early in the morn- ing, with a sensation of fasting in the stomach/.—Violent nausea toward evening, constant accumulation of water in the mouth, and, at last, vomit- ing, followed by great acidity in the mouth/.—Nausea, with retching re- turning shortly after drinking cold water, and then vomiting of this water, with a sensation as if the oesophagus were pressed asunder by a large ball/. —Shaking in the pit of the stomach, at every step, after every meal/.— Rumbling and fermenting in the pit of the stomach/.—Sensitive, dull pres- sure at the pit of the stomach, slowly coming and going/.—[250.] Dull pressure, at intervals, over and near the pit, during a meal/.—Pressure and tension in the pit of the stomach, after every meal/.—Soft pressure, with drawing, in the pit of the stomach, which disappears after a meal; when walking in the open air (after twelve hours)/.—Pressive and drawing pain below the pit of the stomach, when walking (after ten and a half hours)/.—Compressive, painful prickings at the pit of the stomach, when inspiring and expiring, which cannot be relieved by any position, or by contact (after four hours)/.-—First, sensation as of fasting at the pit of the stomach, then pressure in the stomach the whole day, and as if ob- structed emission of flatus both above and below, and want of appetite/.— Burning, rising out of the stomach into the throat/.—Heartburn, after 318 ANACARDIUM. soup, like sour air in the oesophagus, with a constricted sensation/.—Violent contractive pain in the stomach, relieved by stooping, made worse by lift- ing the arm, and when turning the body/.—[260.] Pressure at the stom- ach, from reflection and intellectual exertions/.—Pressure at the stomach, after a meal/.—After a slight breakfast, pressure in the region of the stomach, towards the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much/.—Pressure at the stomach after a meal, with a feeling of extreme exhaustion and lassi- tude, with great thirst (after three and a half days),5.;—* During dinner, almost all the symptoms disappear; they come on again two hours afterwards?. Abdomen.—Pressure in the region of the liver, an hour after a meal/. —Stitches in the hypochondria, when inspiring, sometimes on the right side, sometimes on the left,4.—Stitches in the left hypochondrium/.—Dull stitches in the region of the spleen ; they seem partly in the chest, partly in the abdominal cavity/.—Pressure in the region of the navel, as if something hard had formed there, with a sensation when breathing, speaking, and especially when coughing, as if the abdomen would burst; when touching the part it pains like a pressure and tension/.—[270.] *Pain around the navel, as if a blunt plug were squeezed into the intestines/.—Dull, inter- mittent stitches at the navel/.—Sensitive, sharp stitches over the navel on the right side, which cause him to start/.—Hard pressure at a small spot above and below the navel, and in the left side of' the abdomen,2.—Dull pressure just below the navel, worse by pressing upon it, and by breathing; shortly after a meal,4.—Pinching contraction at a small spot on the left side near the navel, when breathing (after half an hour)/.—Dull stitches in the abdominal cavity, not far from the navel/.—One quick cutting in the abdomen, on the right side/.—Burning prickings, as regular as beats, externally, on the right side of the abdomen, below the short ribs/. —Transient, short stitches in the muscles of the left side of the abdomen, just below the short ribs/.—[280.] * Thrusts as from a blunt tool, on the right side near the navel (after six hours)/.—Stitches which are very sensitive and dull, on the left side near the navel/.—Inflation of the abdomen, shortly after dinner, as if he had eaten too much/.—After a meal, flatus moves about in the abdomen, as from a purgative/.—Continual rumbling and pinching in the abdomen/ 2.— Continual rumbling in the abdomen, espe- cially in the region of the navel/.—Cutting and pinching in the abdomen, as from flatulence, or cold, with tenesmus (after four and twenty-two hours),6.—Pinching in the abdomen during stool/.—Pinching and griping in the abdomen (after twelve hours)/.—Griping pain in the abdomen, apparently in the intestines (after seven hours)/.—[290.] Attacks of colic more cutting than pinching, coming on when flatus becomes incarcerated in the abdomen/.—Hypochondriac dejection after a meal ; there is a pres- sure in the abdomen, from below upward, and he feels extremely weak both in body and mind (after six hours)/8.—A sudden, wavelike shooting into his abdomen, like lightning/.—Pain, as if something in the abdomen would become twisted together, with subsequent pressure (after thirty-two hours)/. —Upon bending the body backwards, the intestines are painful, as if spasmodically shortened, in the forenoon/.—Single, sharp stitches in the lower abdomen/.—Intermittent dull pressure, from within outwards, over the abdominal ring/.—Dull, deeply penetrating stitches, at the spinous processes of the left iliac bones/. Stool and Anus.—The varices of the rectum become smaller, and cease to be painful, except soreness when the person begins to walk (cura- tive effect)/.—* Tenesmus; he cannot expel anything; the rectum seems to be ANACARDIUM. 319 plugged up?.—[300.] * Frequent tenesmus during the day, for many days, without ever being able to expel anything?.—Constant tenesmus ; the expul- sion not taking place immediately; there is a painful twisting and turning in the intestines, transversely across the abdomen/.—Frequent itching in the anus/.—Itching of the anus, after an embrace/.—Desire for stool three times a day ; he had a desire, but upon going to stool and sitting down, the desire had gone; the rectum would not perform its functions; he had to strain considerably, even when the stools were very soft/.—He was fre- quently obliged to go to stool; however, he expelled but little every time; the stools were first soft, then hard/.—Every day, two or three ordinary stools, passing with great difficulty/.—* Urging to stool, after a meal, more in the upper part of the intestines?.—Diarrhoea at night, with subsequent constipation/.—Frequent watery diarrhoea; the expulsion being, neverthe- less, with much exertion/.—[310.] During the act of expulsion of fseces, and especially after, dull pressure in the abdominal muscles, increased by inspiration, just below the navel/.—Yawning and eructations after stool/. —Stools of a very pale color (after forty-eight hours)/. Urinary Orr/ans.—Itching of the urethra/.—Constant desire to urinate/.—Frequent desire to urinate, but little urine passing (first four hours)/.—Frequent emission of clear watery urine in small quantities/.— Early iu the morning, before breakfast, frequent clear watery urine/.—He is obliged to rise at night to urinate; nevertheless, he urinates again at the usual period/.—The urine, while being emitted, is turbid, deposits a dirty sediment, and, when shaken, looks like clay/. Sexual Organs.—[320.] Cutting pain along the penis/.—Discharge of the prostatic juice, with natural stool/.—Discharge of the prostatic juice, with difficult stool/.—Discharge of the prostatic juice, after emission of urine/.—Continual voluptuous itching of the scrotum, which excites the sexual desire (after two hours)/.—Extreme sexual desire/.—Sexual desire early in the morning, after waking, with erection of the penis/.—Want of excitability of the sexual desire (first ten days)/.—Emission of semen at night, without amorous dreams (after twenty-seven hours)/.—Tearing in the mons veneris/. Respiratory Apparatus.—[330.] Cough, commencing with titil- lation in the larynx, and suffocation/.—Shaking attacks of cough, resem- bling fits of hooping-cough, excited whenever he talks/.—Shaking cough, which does not permit him to sleep at night/.—Short cough, mostly in the afternoon, with expectoration of a tenacious gray-yellow substance/.—Short cough, with purulent expectoration/.—Short hacking cough, after a meal, affecting the throat as if it were raw (after three days)/.—Hacking cough, after a meal, affecting the throat as if it were raw (after three and a half days)/.—Periodical attacks of cough, only in the daytime; he gets out of breath; every three or four hours/.—Cough early in the morning/.—Se- vere attacks of cough, with shivering, lasting for hours, beginning at 4 a.m., and occurring several times during the day (after fourteen days)/.—[340.] Violent cough after dinner, with vomiting of the food/.—Severe cough in the evening, when in bed, causing the blood to rush to the head/.—Nightly cough, with rawness of the throat/.—Cough, almost only during the night, and more severe than during the day/.—Cough, more severe at night than by day; several days/.—Cough, with stitches in the forehead or in the side of the head/.—Cough, with pain in the occiput/.—Cough, with usually vain desire to sneeze/.—Cough, with yawning after the attack/.—He spits 320 ANACARDIUM. blood when coughing (fourth day)/.—[350.] Short breath, especially after a meal and when sitting/. Chest.—Uneasiness in the chest, apparently about the heart, especially in the forenoon (fourth day)/.—Pressure on chest, especially when sitting, with fulness; he would like to get rid of this symptom by vomiting (after ten hours)/.—Pressure of the chest, like oppression, extending toward the ax- illae, with difficulty of breathing (after twenty-four hours)/.—Oppression of chest, with weeping, which relieves it/.—Asthma; oppression of chest (after ten hours)/.—Oppression of chest, during an expiration, with pres- sure upon the sternum (after one and a half hours)/.—Oppression of chest, with internal anxiety and heat/.—Drawing pain in the muscles of the chest/.—Twitching sensation in the pectoral muscle when raising the arm/. —[360.] Feeling of soreness and rawness in the chest, increased by inspi- ration (immediately)/.—Single sharp stitches ill the chest/.—Sharp pul- sating stitches in the chest, above the heart (after eighty hours)/.—Itching upon the chest/.—Corrosively itching prickings, as from pins, at the last false rib/.—Sudden, quick pressure in the right side of the chest, close by the axilla; he feels it at the same time on the opposite side of the back, without any influence upon breathing/.—*Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the right side of the chest/.—Pressure from without over the right nip- ple/.—Wavelike drawing in the left side of the chest,4.—Dull stitches in the left side of the chest, a hand's breadth below the axilla/.—[370.] Sharp stitches in the upper part of the left mamma, which prevented her for a long time from rising from her seat; afterwards, a sensation of a pres- sive weight at that place/.—Tearing, with some pressure, on the left side of the chest, reaching as high as the heart, as though the whole side were being crushed, especially when stooping (after ten hours)/.—Intermittent throbbing pricking, as with needles, on the left side of the chest, close to the throat (after three and a half hours)/.—Constrictive prick, as from a pin, at the left false ribs, externally (after four hours;,6.—Oppressive anx- iety in the region of the sternum, without paiu, as if he could not remain in the room, but must go into the open air, and be very busy/.—Quick pressure upon the sternum, as from a blow, when falling asleep during the day/.—Sensation behind the sternum, as if there were a sore place in the chest/.—Dull pressure upon part of the right border of the sternum/.— Short breath; he feels oppressed in the region of the sternum/.—Cutting in the prsecordial region/.—[380.] *Sharp stitches in the precordial region, ex- tending thence to the small of the back?.—Stitches on the left side of the pre- cordial region, increased when breathing and walking, and coming on anew when the walking was recommenced/.—Severe stitches in the praicor- dial region when breathing?.—Stitch in the precordial region at night, when breathing/. Heart and Pulse.—Short stitches piercing through and through the heart, succeeding each other two by two/. Neck and Rack.—After the head, the neck began to swell,10.— Stiffness of the muscles of the neck, with tensive pain, especially when moving the head quickly after keeping it still; less during constant mo- tion (after fifty-two hours)/.—Stiffness of the nape of the neck?.—Stiffness and pressive tension in the nape of the neck, in the occiput, and between the scapulae, ou waking, both when at rest and in motion/.—Painful stiff- ness of the right side of the neck, two days in succession, early in the morn- ing on waking; he had been lying on that side; the pain was brought on by the slightest motion, and especially upon turning the head towards the ANACARDIUM. 321 painful side (after four to five days)/.—[390.] Painful contractive stiffness on the left side of the neck, close to the occiput; the pain is felt when at rest; it neither interferes with nor is increased by the motion of the head (after two hours)/.—Dull intermittent pressure, as from a heavy burden, on the right side of the neck and on the tpp of the left shoulder, apparently in the bone/.—Slowly intermittent pressure in the angle formed by the neck and the top of the left shoulder/.—Cramplike pressure under and near the shoulder-blades, from without inward (after half an hour)/.— Formication in the shoulder-blades, or sensation as if they had gone to sleep/.—Cracking in the scapula upon lifting the arm/.—Pain in the right side, near the vertebral column, in the shoulder-blade, as from continually sitting bent/.—Tearing stitches near the right shoulder-blade,extending out- ward,1.'—Violent lancinating pressure close under the left shoulder-blade, without influencing breathing (one and a half hours)/.—Sharp stitches in the external side of the left shoulder-blade/.—[400.] Dull stitches in the left shoulder-blade, returning slowly, and causing a tearing pain to extend to all sides/.—Fine and dull thrusts in the right half of the external surface of the left scapula externally, at short intervals/.—Painful tearing between the scapulae/.—Cracking in the cervical vertebrae, when stooping/.—Pain- ful stiffness in the back when raising one's self while sitting; the pain dis- appears when sitting bent/.—Rheumatic drawing along the back/.—Blunt stitches in the small of the back/. Extremities in General.—Repeated tearings, in paroxysms, simultaneously through, the upper and lower extremities/.—Heaviness in the left arm and leg, when walking/. Upper Extremities.—Itching-pricking, as with needles below the shoulders, passing off by rubbing/.—[410.] Itching and tickling in both axilla?, forcing him to rub (after quarter of an hour)/.—Painful lancinating tension in the arms, upon stretching and extending them; from the joints down the flexor muscles; on bending the arms back there is a cracking in the joints, especially in the shoulders, with pain, as if the arm were dislo- cated/.—At night he cannot lie long on one side because his arms then feel a pain as if bruised/.—Pressure in the right arm, apparently in the muscles and bones simultaneously, with lassitude in them/.—The left arm goes to sleep/.—Tearing and drawing in the left arm/.—Pimples with red areolae and pus at the tip, on the lower portion of the upper arm, with pain- ful itching during motion of the arm, irritating to scratching (after twelve hours)/.—(Spasmodically) pressive pain in the muscles of the upper arms, when walking in the open air, and when sitting, in the evening/.—Pain as from a bruise, frequently, in the right scapula and upper arm, so that she can scarcely lift up her arm/.—Rheumatic drawing pain in the right upper arm, from the shoulder to the bend of the elbow, with a feeling of stiffness in the arm/.—[420.] Painful jerking in the left upper arm, above the bend of the elbow/.—Dull pressure, like a grumbling, in the left upper arm, apparently in the marrow of the bone, very painful and intermittent/. —Beatings, as with a heavy body, very painful, in the middle of the left upper arm (immediately)/.—Pressure from without inwards, in the forearms here and there, short, painful (immediately)/.—Cramplike twitches all over the forearm, a hand's breadth above the left wrist (immediately)/.—Pressive scratchings upon the bone of the forearm, when at rest/.—Cramplike draw- ing in the right forearm, from the wrist to the elbow/.—Pressive pain in the muscles of the right forearm, when writing (after thirteen hours)/.— Cramplike pressure at the left forearm, more violent on pressure, and be- vol. i.—21 322 ANACARDIUM. coming a tearing pressure on motion/.—Cramplike violent pain in the left forearm and the back of the hand, unaffected by motion, at night in bed/.— [430.] Pressure in the bend of the left elbow, which draws the arm down as if heavy, and makes its motion difficult; when walking in the open air (after thirteen hours)/.—Twitches, in the flexor tendons at the wrist/.— The hands, even the palms of the hands, are covered with warts/.— Great feeling of dryness of the hands?.—Dry, hot hands/.—Long, violent, pain- fully tearing stitch in the ball of the right hand/.—Stinging, with itching, of the external knuckle of the right hand, which does not pass off till the parts have been scratched a long time, until they become red/.—Cramplike contraction of the left hand, so that she cannot make her finger straight/.— Intermittent, dull, lancinating, cramplike pain on the external border of the left hand, where the little finger unites with its metacarpal bone/.— The palms feel hot, while the backs of the hands are cold/.—[440.] Sim- ple pain in the palm of the hand, on moving it/.—Small blisters on the backs of tbe hands,10.—Pressive tearing on the back of the hand (after nine hours)/.—Pressive, spasmodic pain in the muscles transversely across the back of the left hand (after half an hour)/.—Prickings, as from pins, upon the back of the left hand,4.—Cramplike, twitching, dull pain in the anterior extremities of the metacarpal bones, unaffected by motion/.— Cramplike pain in the right hand, where the metacarpal bones join the phalanges (after half an hour)/.—Repeated tearings in the right thumb, as far as the elbow, in the evening after lying down; relieved only by strong pressure and friction, since it does not appear to be in the muscle, but deeper/.—Contractive, lancinating pain in the muscles of the left thumb, passing off by motion and touch (after two hours)/.— Cramplike twitches in the fingers of the left hand, synchronous with the pulse, iu the lowest phalanges/.—[450.] Intermittent, cramplike pain in the lowest joints of the right thumb and index/.—Grumbling pain between the meta- carpal bones of the left index and middle fingers, just behind the knuckles/. —Pustules upon the index-finger, with red areolae, and a stinging sort of voluptuous itching, which spreads into the whole of the palm ; the itching forces one to press and squeeze; red and white lymph, and afterwards a scurf appear, beneath which is formed a plug of pus; in the evening a drawing sore pain in the ulcer; it lasts eight days/.—On the side of the left index-finger a pimple, which opens on the day following, and then passes off; is formed after nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the fingers; violent friction relieves, without removing it/.—Vio- lent cutting at the metacarpal bone of the right index-finger/.—Cramplike pain in the joints of the left hand, where the index-finger joins the meta- carpal bone,4.—Sharp, burning stitches at the external border of the left hand, where the little finger joins the metacarpal bone (after thirty-six hours)/.—Frequently repeated tearings in the little finger/.—Cramplike pain in the hand, in the region of the metacarpal bone of the little finger/. —Pain, as from a sprain, in the metacarpal bone of the right little finger/. Loiver Extremities.—{460.] Weariness of the limbs, as from walking too much, aud sleepiness, as from great weakness (after nine hours)/.—Loud cracking in the right hip-joint, on moving it while sitting/. —Pain as from a sprain and a bruise over the right hip, when rising from the seat; the pain is lasting; it also comes on when moving the truuk while sitting, rising is then intolerable, and he has to walk stooping/.—Slight twitchings and drawings in the thighs, especially about and in the knees, as after a long journey on foot, with painful uneasiness when sitting, re- ANACARDIUM. 323 sembling a tremulous agitation (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Burn- ing prickings, as with pins, which oblige one to scratch; here and there, in the muscles of the thighs/.—Painful, dull pressure in the thighs, sometimes intermittent, rhythmical?.—Burning itching upon the thighs, in the evening/. —Drawing pain down the outer side of the right thigh/.—Pressure, with sensation as of twitching, at the. inner side of the right thigh/.—Boring stitch in the muscles of the lower part of the right thigh, in front (after ten hours)/.—[470.] Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the left glutei muscles/.—■ Cramplike pressure in the left thigh, anteriorly and posteriorly/.—Tear- ing contraction on the external side of the left thigh, at a small spot; sub- sequently a pain as from subcutaneous suppuration (after eleven hours,)/. —Itching prickings of the left thigh, which pass off by rubbing/.—Painless feeling of weakness above the knees, when walking, with painful aching when sitting, as after great fatigue of the legs (after half an hour)/.— Drawing pain above the knees, when sitting; in walking felt as mere weak- ness (after half an hour)/.—Violent pressure in the middle of the external side of the right thigh, synchronous with the pulse, and always accompanied with a lancination (after ten and a half hours)/.—Dull pain in the left thigh, just above the knee/.—Dull pain, with soreness, above the knee, on lifting the feet high, with a painful feeling of weakness about the knees, and cramplike pinching between the bend of the knee and calf/.—Itching eruption around the knees, as far as the calves/.—[480.] *Painful uneasi- ness around the knees, with sensation of stiffness, as if bandaged or made tense. when sitting?.—Long stooping is followed by severe pains in the knees, and in the muscles above and below them/.—*The knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness and great lassitude, so that he is scarcely able to walk?.—After a meal, when standing, very weak in the knees, at the same time sleepy and not disposed to any kind of work/.—Pressure at the internal side of the knee, when walking/.—Pressure and drawing at the inside of the knee, when walking/.—Dull, pressive drawing at the internal surface of the right knee when sitting/.—Drawing pain in the right knee, apparently behind the patella, unaffected by position (after one hour and a half)/.—Blunt stitches in the right knee/.—Dull stitches, or thrusts, just below the right knee, when treading with the feet/.—[490.] Burning sore pain, as if scraped, at the external side of the left knee/.—Painful drawing in left knee, when bending it (while sitting) ; passing off when stretching the leg/.— Wavelike twitches, here and there, in the legs (when sitting)/.—Frequent pulsations and twitches in the muscles of the legs/.—His legs totter when standing; painful weakness in the feet, when sitting/.—Uneasiness in the legs, when sitting, as if everything were alive in them, and descended in a turning motion downward into the feet, which felt heavy and almost as though they would go to sleep/.—Restlessness in the legs on sitting, ex- tending up and down, causing a painful pressing inward at several places; disappears on walking, aaid returns on sitting (immediately)/.—Burning pain at a small spot in the middle of the legs, as of red-hot sparks/.— Heaviness in the legs/.—Dull, indistinct drawing in the legs/.—[500.] Here and there, drawing, pressure, and sense of heaviness in the legs, after a walk; the sense of heaviness is diminished by extending the foot,2.—Fre- quent drawing downward in the legs, when sitting/.—Twitches in the left tibia, just over the malleolus, intensely painful, and occurring at short intervals, resembling electric shocks/.—Painful drawing in the tibia (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Pressive pain upon the left tibia when sitting, with uneasiness of the whole limb, which decreases upon the leg being 324 ANACARDIUM. drawn in/.—Rheumatic, tensive pressure at the leg, transversely across the tibia, only when extending the leg in walking/.—Pressive, lancinating pain, sometimes with boring in the tibia and muscles of the legs/.—Tearing pressure at the anterior surface of the tibia, just above the ankle/.— Cramp- like pressure in both calves, more towards the external side, towards the tibia (after third day)/.—Dull stitches, very sensitive, on the surface of the tibia, over the right ankle/.—[510.] Cramp of the calf, when walking/. —Cramp in the calves, at night/.—* Cramplike, intermittent drawing in the legs, from the heels into the calves?.—* Painful tightness in the calf, when walk- ing, as if the muscles were too short, also when in bed at night, with sleep- lessness/.—Painful tightness in the left calf/.—Drawing pain in the tarsal articulation when he seats himself (after thirty-two hours)/.—In the tarsal articulation of the left leg, pain as from a sprain, on setting the foot upon the ground?.—Drawing downwards over the external malleoli, when standing, with pain in the soles, so that standing becomes very difficult for him/.— Burning sore pain above the heel/.—Cramplike pressure at the left heel (after thirty hours)/.—[520.] Tearing and grinding pain in the heel, early when in bed/.—Cold feet, early in the morning/.—The feet, which had been warm, became intensely cold when walking; the cold feet become still colder/.—Painful jerkings internally upon the back of the foot/.—Prick- ings, as with pins, on the back of the left foot/.—Itching, with scratching, as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, upon the back of the foot (after six hours)/.—Burning in the soles of the feet, when sitting/.—Cramplike draw- ing of the sole of the right foot into a curve,4.—Dull, intermittent pressure at the internal border of the sole of the foot/.—Tearing, while standing, transversely across the roots of the toes, passing off by moving them (after five hours)/.—[530.] Repeated tearings in the big toe/.—Sensitive, inter- mittent twitching in the right great toe/.—Spasmodically drawing and tearing pains from the toes into the back of the feet/. Generalities.—He makes all motions with greater energy and per- severance; his muscles contract more vigorously; but, on motion, the fibres seem put upon the stretch too much, or as if there were not sufficient fluid in the joints (after one hour)/.—Continual indolence after the siesta; he can scarcely move his limbs, and he loathes speaking/.—Paralysis of some parts (Matthiolus-Dacosta); panting, languishing condition, like paralysis, as if obliged to sink down, after a short walk in the afternoon ; in the evening he can walk fast and a good deal, without feeling tired ; he then sweats considerably (sixth day)/.—After a short journey on foot, which he found very difficult, he felt so worn out, tired, and exhausted that he was obliged to sit down at once, and would prefer lyiug down ; resting the head upon something, and closing the eyes, afford him a feeling of comfort/.—Exces- sive weakness; he can scarcely move his hands; he trembles at every mo- tion/.—* Weakness in the body; he wants to lie down or sit all the time?. —[540.] During a short journey on foot he becomes so worn out that he can scarcely go on, and even long afterwards, when sitting, he is not able to recruit/.—* Very faint on going upstairs?.—Faint and exhausted ; at first walking is inconvenient, and his feet feel heavy; by continuing to walk this feeling of faintness becomes less, and he feels better/.—She grows thin, without, however, feeling indisposed/.—Such a swelling of the affected parts that the patient looked like a hogshead (from wearing the nut)/1.— The swelling passes gradually down from the eyes to the thighs,10.—When sitting quietly, he perceives the beating of the pulse in the arms, which had been loosely crossed, and even in the whole body (after some bodily ANACARDIUM. 325 effort)/.—(Any part which he does not move immediately goes to sleep)/. —The skin of the body is insensible to itching irritants/.—Most violent burning pain of the affected parts; violent fever (from wearing the nut)/1. —[550.] He feels a heaviness and fulness of the body from playing on the piano/.—General aching in the interior of the whole body/.—All the ten- dons of the body ache so much that he cannot walk, and is forced to sink down/.—Violent drawing in the abdomen and extremities, with subsequent burning, then pain in the bones on being touched, so that she cannot fall asleep/.—Drawing and pressive pains in almost all parts of the body/.— Sensation as if all the bones were bruised, early in the morning, when lying quietly in bed, with stiffness of the nape of the neck and small of the back, and headache in the forehead and temples; all relieved on rising/.—Pain, like a boil, in the affected parts ; he dares not touch them ; stitches externally, at several places of the body, for example, at the pectoral muscles, forehead, wrist, etc./.—Severe coryza, with fever; she was unable to get warm, with heat in the head, and icy coldness of the hands and feet, in the warm room ; afterwards dry heat; the tendons of the legs seem too short; cramp of the calves, and uneasiness about the heart (eighth day)/.—The attacks cease for one or two days, and then continue again for a couple of days, so that a certain periodicity may be observed iu the appearance of the symptoms/. —The open air is unpleasant to him, and feels too rough/.—[560.] When sitting, he feels well; but standing causes an uneasiness in the lower ex- tremities, as if they ought to be drawn up, with anxiety/. Skill.—In an hour the skin was destroyed (by applying the juice),10.— Destruction of the epidermis, leaving an inflamed surface covered with small, miliary pustules, with unbearable itching, and discharging a yellow liquid, forming crusts (from applying the juice)/.—During the healing of the skin, excessive desquamation/1.—Appearance of hypertrophy of the skin, with swollen and indurated papillae and wheals, and formation of thick folds, which impede the motion of the joints (from applying the juice)/.— Bright scarlet eruptions of the whole body, especially of the thigh in con- tact with the nut, and of the abdomen/1.—Several blisters opened, and discharged a yellowish, transparent liquid, which hardened to a crust in the open air,10.—Chest, neck, axillae, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum, thighs, were not only covered with raised crusts, discharging a thick, yellowish liquid, but these had partly changed into wartlike excrescences, with thick- ened epidermis, the whole intermediate skin being of an erythematous red- ness, and the itching fearful (from wearing the nut)/.—The hands looked like those of a mulatto, white, with black spots (from applying the juice),10. —Many little boils upon the hairy scalp of the size of a flaxseed ; they feel sore when touched or scratched/.—[570.] Painless pimples, with red areolae, at the top of the left temple (after nine hours)/.—Rough, exfoliat- ing, herpes-like skin around the mouth, with crawling-itching/.—In the evening, in bed, heat of the skin of the whole body, with burning-itching and irritation, such as arises from much scratching; after scratching, the burning increases/.—Sensation as of burning on the skin here and there, which induces one to scratch, and which passes off by scratching/.—Burn- ing and stinging of the tetters, which had itched before/.—The burning changes to an extremely painful itching, combined with stitching, like the stings of insects (fourth day),10.—Such a fearful itching in the swollen parts, that he could not refrain from scratching the skin sore in several places,10. —Extremely disagreeable itching, forcing him to scratch, even when in company (from wearing the nut)/.—Burning-itching at the one place, in- 326 ANACARDIUM. creased by scratching/.—Corrosively stinging itching upon the body here and there, especially upon the back and thighs, with desire to scratch ; scratching relieves for a short time/.—[580.] General voluptuous itching over the whole body, which spreads still more by scratching/.—Desire to scratch, without itching, in many places; after scratching it immediately disappears/.—The itching showed itself especially in the evening, and when he went to bed,10.—The cutaneous irritation was accompanied with feverishness, loss of appetite, and constipation/.—Itching of the forehead/. —Violent itching of the hairy scalp/.—Pimples, with red areolae, at the angle of the right wing of the nose/.—Red pustules on the septum, in the right nostril, with soreness when touched/.—White, scaly herpes on the right cheek, close by the upper lip (after four hours)/.—Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken,10.—[590.] Suppuration and painful- ness of a place under the chin, where there was a boil two years before/.— Painful vesicles in the mouth/.—Itching and tickling in both axillae, forc- ing him to rub (after one-quarter of an hour)/.—The hands, even the palms of the hands, are covered with warts/.—Small blisters on the backs of the hands,10.—Pustules upon the index-finger, with red areolae, and a stinging sort of voluptuous itching, which spreads into the whole of the palm; the itching forces one to press and squeeze; red and white lymph, and afterwards a scurf appear, beneath which is formed a plug of pus; in the evening, a drawing, sore pain in the ulcer; it lasts eight days/.—On the side of the left index-finger a pimple, which opens on the day following, and then passes off, is formed, after nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the fingers ; violent friction relieves without removing it,4.—Itch- ing eruption around the knees, as far as the calves/.—Itching, with scratch- ing, as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, upon the back of the foot (after six hours)/. Sleep and Dreams,—After a meal, sleepy, and indisposed to work/. —[600.] After dinner, irresistible desire to sleep/.—Sleepiness and weari- ness in the afternoon, when sitting or reading, as if he had exerted himself too much by mental or bodily efforts (after three hours),6.—Tired and sleepy in the evening sooner than usual; early in the morning he would like to stay in bed and sleep on; also, after dinner, he would like to take a nap/.—Deep and sound sleep at night; he can scarcely arouse himself early in the morning/.—Sound sleep until 9 o'clock in the forenoon (first night)/.—Slumber, day and night, with great heat and thirst, with a skin which feels hot, and with grumbling and anxious sighing when asleep/.— Constant stupor, without dreams ; after waking he is quite stupid ; the skin feels frequently hot, 'with red cheeks and cold forehead, although he com- plains of heat in the head; at the same time violent thirst, and sore, pain- ful dryness in the throat/.—Light sleep, with frequent waking/.—Could not sleep well at night on account of the itching,10.—He feels so uneasy, that he can scarcely sleep a little, every other night/.—[610.] Uneasy sleep at night, with frequent tossing about; his head lay either too high or too low, which caused a sensation of confusion/.— At night, he is often awake for half hours; in the intermediate periods he enjoys a sound and refreshing sleep/.—He is without sleep at night until 2 o'clock in the morn- ing; he was constantly obliged to shift his position (second night)/.— Nights totally sleepless (from wearing the nut)/.—He screams anxiously when asleep/.—Twitches of the mouth and fingers when asleep/.—After waking, early iu the morning, anxiety drives him out of bed/.—Startings, as if from fright, when lying in bed awake, in the evening (after fifteen ANACARDIUM. 327 aud sixteen hours)/.—He lies in a dreamy state night and day, without sleeping, full of anxious thoughts about his daily business/.—Vivid dreams, accompanied by great mental exertion ; this causes a bruised headache on waking/.—[620.] Vivid dreams at night, which seemed to him, during the day, as if the things dreamed of had really happened ; first day, it seemed a long time ago ; the following days, as if they had just happened/.— Vivid dreams about old events/.—His nightly dreams are mixed with the plans he had made/.—He dreams that he has to preach without having com- mitted his sermon ; this induces a state of anxious meditation, without being able to accomplish it/.—Anxious dreams, full of danger/.—Dreams about fire, the sleep being otherwise sound/.—Anxious dreams about fire/. —He dreams that he smells tinder and sulphur ; on waking up the illusion continues/.—He dreams that his face is covered with white, ugly pustules (after twenty-one hours)/.—She is dreaming about the loathsome diseases of others/.—[630.] Dreams about dead bodies, about a near tomb, or a steep precipice/. Fever.—Sensation as if he would feel cold, momentary, frequent/.— Continual chilliness, even in a warm room?.—Chilliness for several minutes, after dinner (first day)/.—Chilliness and want of appetite/.—-Chills over the whole body; he feels warm only in the sun/.—Shivering over the whole body, as if he had caught cold in the wet,6.—Shivering over the whole body, with heat in the face, without any thirst, in any position of the body 'after one and a half hours)/.—Repeated icy cold creepings/.— Shivering in the whole back, as from cold water being thrown upon the person,6.—7640.] Chilliness of the limbs, early in the morning, for a couple of hours, which causes him to tremble/.—Feeling of chilliness of the hands and feet/.—External heat, with great thirst, and dry, burnt lips/.—-Internal heat in the evening for two hours, with cold sweat over and over, especially in the head, accompanied by short breath, thirst, and weakness in the abdomen and knees, even unto falling/.—He complains of feeling great heat, without the skin, however, feeling hot (after ten days)/.—Great heat, especially in the night, with violent thirst, without sweat, so that he cannot endure this condition/.—Feeling of heat, and heat in the face aud palms, without thirst/.—Heat over the whole body; he, nevertheless, complains of chilliness/.—Great, feverish uneasiness in the afternoon, such as is felt during a cold, accompanied by faintness, and tremor of the limbs/.—Great heat on the upper part of the body, with thirst, sweat, and hot breath; however, he complains of chilliness, which causes him to shake; the feet, which were formerly sweaty, feel cold/.— [650.] Quickly passing heat in the face and brain, in the afternoon, with redness of the cheeks (after eight hours)/.—After supper, heat, which spreads quickly over the face, without thirst or chilliness (after twelve hours); thirst comes on in half an hour/.—Heat in the face, with nausea and heaviness in the whole body, every afternoon at 4 o'clock; she is obliged to lie down; eating relieves/.—The skin-over the whole body is moist, the windows being open, and the temperature of the rest of the body being moderate/.—Night-sweats/.—Frequent waking up from sleep, with general sweat (after nineteen hours)/.—At night, he sweats on the chest and abdomen/.—Clammy sweat in the palms, most in the left hand/. Conditions.—Aggravations.—(Morning), Early, after sleep, ina- bility to comprehend, etc.; early, after rising, head confused, etc.; on waking, pressure iu forehead; when walking, tearing in eyeballs, etc.; early, when rising, smell before nose, etc.; early, empty eructations; early, 328 ANACARDIUM. much nausea; early, before breakfast, frequent, clear, watery urine ; early, after waking, sexual desire, etc.; early, cough; early, on waking, stiffness of right side of neck; early, in bed, pain in heel; early, cold feet; early, when lying quietly in bed, bruised feeling in all the bones, etc.; early, after waking, anxiety ; early, chilliness of limbs.—(Forenoon), Hypochondriac, etc.; dryness of throat; intestines painful; uneasiness in chest.—(After- noon), Short cough; pain in muscles of upper arm ; while sitting or read- ing, sleepiness, etc.; feverish uneasiness, etc.; heat in face, etc.; 4 o'clock, heat in face, etc.—(Tmvard evening), Violent nausea, etc.—(Evening), Anxiety, etc.; 9 to 10 o'clock, excitement of the fancy, etc.; grinding head- ache ; dimness of the eyes; severe coryza; pain in lower .jaw ; 10 o'clock, pain in hollow tooth ; in bed, severe cough ; pain in muscles of upper arm ; after lying down, tearing in right thumb ; drawing pain in ulcer ; burning- itching in thighs; sweats considerably; in bed, heat of skin, etc.; itching; pain in the ulcer; internal heat.—(Night), In bed, teeth feel longer, etc.; diarrhcea; cough, etc.; in bed-, pain in forearm, etc.; cramp in the legs; in bed, tightness in calf; great heat; sweats; sweats on chest and abdo- men.—(Walking in open air), Pressure, etc., in pit of stomach; pain in muscles of upper arm ; pressure in bend of left elbow ; cramp of the calf.— (When asleep), Twitches of the mouth and fingers.—(Going to bed), Itch- ing.—,' Bending body backward), Intestines painful.—(Bending knee), While sitting, drawing in knee.—(Bending head backwards), Shoots, etc., in occi- put, etc.—(Bending arms back), Cracking in the joints, etc.—(Biting teeth together), Pain in the ears.—(Breathing),Stitch from temples into forehead; pressure below navel; pinching contraction near navel; stitches on the left side of the prsecordial region ; stitches in the prcecordial region.—(Breathing deeply), Pain on top of head.—(After slight breakfast), Pressure in region of stomach, etc.—(Contact of part with open air), Pain in a lower incisor.— (Contact of part with, tongue), Pain in a lower incisor.—(Coughing), Pain in top of head.—(After dinner), Heat in face, etc.; eructations; inflation of abdomen; violent cough; desire to sleep; chilliness.—(After some bodily effort^, Perceives pulse beating in arms, etc.—(After an embrace), Itching of the anus.—(During expiration), Oppression of chest.—(During and after expulsion of fceces), Pressure in abdominal muscles.—(Extending arms), Lancinating tension in arms.—(Extending leg in walking), Pressure at the leg.-—; Setting foot on ground), Pain as from a sprain in tarsal joint.—(In- spiring), Stitches in hypochondria; pressure in abdominal muscles; sore- ness, etc., in chest.—(Inspiring and expiring), Pricking at pit of stomach.— (Lifting the arm), Pain in stomach.—(Lifting foot high), Dull pain above knee.—{After liquids), Eructations.—(Looking long at one object), Pressure upon the eyes, etc.—(Lying on one side), At night, arms feel bruised.— (Lying in bed, in an uncomfortable position), Confusion of the head.— (During hard labor), Tearing headache.—(During a meal), Pressure near the pit of the stomach.—(After a. meal), Heat in the face, etc.; roughness of the throat, etc.; great appetite, etc.; shaking in pit of stomach at every step; pressure, etc., in pit of stomach ; pressure at stomach; pressure in region of liver; pressure below navel; flatus moves about in abdomen ; hypochondriac dejection, etc.; urging to stool; short, hacking cough, etc.; short breath; when standing, weak in the knees; sleepy, etc.—(Motion), Stiffness of right side of neck ; fibres seem put upon the stretch too much, etc.; headache.—(Moving the hand), Simple pain in palm.—(Moving head quickly, after keeping still), Stiffness of the muscles of the neck.—(Moving part while sitting), Cracking in hip-joint.—(Moving trunk, while sitting), ANACARDIUM—ANAGALLIS. 329 Pain over right hip.—(Playing piano), Heaviness, etc., of body.—(Pressure'), Pressure on left forearm.—{Raising one's self while sitting), Stiffness in the back.—'Raising arm), Twitching sensation in the pectoral muscle.—(Re- flection and intellectual labor), Pressure at stomach.—(Rest), Pressive scratching upon bone of forearm.—(Rising from seat), Pain over bight hip. —(Slight rubbing), Bleeding of the gums.—(Scratching), Burning of skin; burning, itching of sore places.—(After the siesta), Continual indolence.— (Sitting), Short breathing ; pressure on chest; uneasiness in thighs ; draw- ing pain above knees; painful uneasiness around knees; drawing at inner surface of knees ; legs totter ; uneasiness in legs; restlessness in legs ; draw- ing downward in legs; paiu upon left tibia; burning in soles.—(Sitting down), Pain in tarsal articulation.—(Standing), Drawing over malleolus; tearing across the roots of the toes; uneasiness in lower extremities.— (During stool), Pinching in the abdomen.—(After stool), Yawning and eructations.—(Stoojting ), Vertigo, etc.; tearing on left side of chest; crack- ing iu cervical vertebrae.—(Long stooping), Severe pain in knees, etc.— (After supper), Heat over face, etc.—(Swallowing), Pain in ear.—(Talking), Attacks of cough.—(After smoking tobacco), Bitter taste in mouth.—( Tread- ing), Stitches below right knee.—(Turning the body), Pain in stomach.— (Turning head to painful side), Stiffness of right side of neck.—(On being touched), Pain in bones.—( Walking), Anxiety ; vertigo ; in afternoon, gid- diness ; pressure in forehead; pressure, etc.; pain below pit of stomach; stitches on left side of prsecordial region; heaviness in left arm and leg; weakness above knees, etc.; pressure, etc., at inside of knee ; drawing, etc., in legs ; painful tightness in the calf; feet become cold ; panting, languish- ing condition, etc.; worn out, etc.—(Going upstairs), Vertigo.—(Taking something warm in mouth), Toothache.—( Writing), Pain in muscles of right forearm. Amelioration.—(Afternoon), More cheerful; memory better; speech firmer, etc.—.Toward evening), Pressure inward, etc., in both temples, etc. —(Evening), In bed, pain in head; cau walk fast, and a good deal.— (Falling asleep), Pain iu head.—(Sitting bent), Stiffness in back.—(During dinner), Temporary disappearance of almost all symptoms.—(Eating), Dryness of throat; heat in face, etc.—(Drawing leg in), Heaviness of the limb.—(Extending foot), Sense of heaviness in leg.—(Violent friction), Itch- ing in hollow of hand.—(During a meal), Grinding in forepart of head, etc. —(After a meal), Pressure, etc., in pit of stomach.—(Motion), Pain in mus- cles of left thumb.—■'. Constant motion of head), Stiffness of muscles of neck. —(Strong pressure and friction), Tearing in right thumb.—(Pressure on forehead), Pain iu forehead.—(Retting head upon something and closing eyes), Affords feeling of comfort.—(Rising), Bruised feeling in all the bones.— (Rubbing), Itching, pricking below shoulders.—(Scratching), Burning of the skin ; itching of the body; desire to scratch disappears.—(Sitting), Feels well.—(Stooping), Pain in stomach.—(Stretching leg), Drawing in left knee.—(Touch), Pain in muscles of left thumb.—( Walking), Restlessness in legs.—(Continuing to walk), Faint feeling.—(Weeping), Oppression of chest. ANAGALLIS. A. arvensis, L. Nat. order, Primulaceae. Common names, Scarlet pim- pernel ; weather-glass. Preparation (from the red-flowered variety), Tinc- ture. 330 ANAGALLIS—ANANTHERUM. Authority. Schrefer, N. A., 3, 3, 174. (Mind.—Lively ; more gay than usual, with great joy ; he attends to his business, and is contented with himself (first hours).—Great flow of spirits for several days; he takes pleasure iu everything; on account of very joyful feelings, without thinking of anything in particular, he cannot collect his thoughts during a sermon.—He thinks of everything; his mind is vigorous (first hour). Head.—Heat rising to the head, and sensation of slight sweat on the forehead, followed by a pressive sticking in the eyeballs, and a tickling prickling in the urethra, inclining him to coition (a quarter of an hour).— Spasmodic stitches in both temples, extending thence to the eyes, in the middle of which it presses (four hours i.—Pressive headache in the fore- head, after the blowing of cold air on him (five hours). Ears.—Twinges in the right ear follow pressure in the eyes (four hours). Throat.—Sensation of dryness, with some scraping in the throat (first evening). Stool.—Desire for stool (a quarter of an hour).—[10.] Stool well di- gested.—Itching in the rectum, and some pressure in the loins, as with haem- orrhoidal troubles (first day). Urinary Orr/ans.—On urinating, especially in the morning, a burning pain in the urethra; the orifice seems agglutinated, and a violent pressure is required before the urine passes, which it does in two, three, or several streams (first day).—A tickling prickling along the urethra, espe- cially at the orifice, neither pleasant (since it is half painful) nor unpleas- ant, since it inclines to coition (a quarter of an hour).—Desire for coition (first and second days).—With the erection before coition, a burning tensive pain in the urethra; disappears on coition (third day). Chest.—A kind of anxiety in the chest (first evening).—Suddenly, a feeling as if, internally in the chest, he were struck with a cushion full of pins (second day). Upper Extremities.—A tensive drawing from the left shoulder to the neck, which, after it had entirely disappeared, returned if he completely raised the left arm and forcibly extended it downward (first day).—On cutting with the shears, a feeling of a cramp in the ball of the thumb, which becomes a dull drawing; when it leaves this place, it appears in the left thumb (first evening).—[20.] In the metacarpal bone of the thumb, a dull drawing pain, sometimes like a tearing, mostly in the right hand, at times also in the left hand, returning at uncertain times (first day). Sleep.—Sleep bad, restless; falls asleep late, wakes early, and has not slept enough in the morning (first night). Generalities.—Trembling, like shivering (first evening).—Violent trembling of the heart, with trembling and shivering of the whole body, both before and with a dull pain in a hollow tooth, with anxiety in the chest (first evening, in bed). ANANTHERUM. Andropogon muricatus, Retz. (Anantherum muricatum.) Common names, Vetiver or Viti-vayr. Nat. order, Gramineae. Authority.—Houat (Nouvelles Dounee, 2d series, p. 119). Blind.—Gay humor, with disposition to laugh and sing.—Sadness and ANANTHERUM. 331 restlessness, with fear of death and of the future.—Sheds tears easily.—■ Hypochondria, with dread of society ; he seeks solitude and obscurity ; does not want to see or hear anything.—Restless, suspicious, and very irritable character, or apathetic and as if besotted.—Disposition to anger, with de- sire to strike and destroy.—Quarrelsome and contrary humor, but after being angry he often regrets what he has done.—Ungovernable jealousy; everything causes jealousy.—Foolish joy and absurd complacency.—[10.] Frequent changes in his mood and turn of thought, even to idiotism.—A be- sotted condition, like drunkenness, in which he forgets even to eat and drink.—A great deal of self-esteem; great satisfaction with himself and his labor; internal complacency, with smiles.—Is constantly inclined to weep, even about lively things, with reveries and hallucinations.—Ardent desire to travel.—Blunted intellect and loss of memory.—Feverish haste in all his actions.—Persistent fear of death during all his sufferings.—Mono- mania, as for rowing about in a boat, dressing or walking out in a gro- tesque manner, always frequenting the same places and doing the same things.—Frequent delirium, idiocy, mental alienation. Head.—[20.] Heat of the head, with vertigo.—Vertigo, with debility and stupidity of the head.—Head excessively heavy, with burning and pulsative pains.—Vertigo and dulness, with cerebral congestion, red face, and tendency to fall backwards.—Vertigo and dulness, with burning stitch- ing pains in the head, and sensation as if it was crushed.—Vertigo, with feeling of drunkenness and staggering gait.—Vertigo, with confusion of sight and great heaviness of the head.—Vertigo, with debility in the back and lower extremities, and inability to remain upright.—Vertigo, with heat and heaviness of the head, perturbation of ideas and senses.—Vertigo, in all positions, aggravated especially by motion and strong air.—[30.] Heaviness and weakness of the head, with pressure iu the sinciput.—Sensation as if some- thing turned round in the head, with pains in the stomach, great appetite, colic, venereal desire; chills and shaking, notwithstanding the great heat; depression or very great cheerfulness (very persistent symptom).—Great heat of the head, with desire to bathe it with cold water.—Sensation as if he had water in the head, especially in walking, with confusion of the cerebral faculties and great headache.—Burning, lancinating, pulsating headache, principally on the right side, in the forehead and temple, with nausea, vom- iting, and great heaviness of the eyes.—Head excessively weak and heavy, so that he cannot keep it up, and lets it drop on one side or the other.— Sensation as if the brain were laid bare, and currents of cold air passed over it.—Sensation as if heavy objects and balls moved about in the head, especially at night and when he lies on the right side.—Cramps and cold chill in the head, with confusion of ideas.—Pressive and lancinating head- ache, accompanied by pains, as from hammering in the head.—[40.] Ver- tigo, with contraction and digging in the inner canthi of the eyes, extend- ing into the brain.—Sensation as if the head had struck against a stone and been crushed.—Neuralgic pains in the temples, with sensation as if there were iron points there.—Lancinating, cramplike, and dilating pains in the temples, with desire to compress them forcibly.—Pulsative and lancinating pains in the brain, as if it were pricked every moment.—Pains which pierce the brain like steel arrows, from the forehead to the nape of the neck.—De- sire to lean the head against something hard and cold.—Pressure on the top of the head, with sensation as if the skull were crushed.—Pains as if the brain were bruised and wounded.—Pains in the head, as if there were ab- scesses and tubercles in the brain, with lancinating, burning, and cramp- 332 ANANTHERUM. like pains in many places in the head, and a slupefied condition.—[50.] Dull pains in the head, torpor of the brain, desire for rest, and nausea.— Inflammation of the brain, with heat, as if he had live coals in the head.— Neuralgic and spasmodic pains in the head, producing fits of craziness.— Pressive and constrictive pains in the head, as if it were compressed by an iron band.—Congestion of blood to the head, with great heat, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and epistaxis.—Headache worse in the afternoon aud even- ing; also from noise, motion, and light.—All pains in other parts seem to produce in the head congestion, cramps, and stitches.—The headaches are almost always accompanied by burning and pulsative pains.—Spasmodic twitchings in the head, pulling it from one side to the other.—Nervous trembling of the head.—[60.] Itching and excessive heat in the head, ex- tending to the face.—Herpes and ulcers on the hairy scalp, with large thick humid scabs and much prurigo.—Large tumors, like lupia, suppurate, and form ulcers on the head.—Growths like warts and lupia on the eyebrows. —Protuberances, like exostoses, on the sinciput and temples.—Redness, itching, excoriations, obstinate, scabby herpes on the forehead. Eyes.—Heat and burning in the eyes.—Pressure and painful stitches in the eyes.—The eyes enlarged, red, inflamed, with frequent dimness of vision and appearance of sparks, as if they were smartly struck or com- pressed.—Very great photophobia; light produces a kind of itching in the eyes.—[70.] Swelling and pains as if an abscess would form in the right eye. —Spasmodic contraction of the eyes, which remain turned upwards.—Sen- sation of roughness and excoriation of the eyes, especially when moving the eyelids.—Yellowness of the sclerotica.—Pupils strongly dilated ; he has to wink with his eyes in order to distinguish objects.—Congestion of blood to the eyes, with tickling, pricking, and pains as from rheumatism in the eyeballs.—The slightest local application aggravates the pains in the eyes. —Inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.—Ulceration of the margin of the eyelids, with inability to separate them.—The eyelids are inverted, and as if scarified.-—[80.] Abundant secretion of mucus, and considerable lachrymation, especially in the open air.—Trembling of the lids.—Swelling and ulceration of the lachrymal glands.—Amaurotic weakness of the eyes. —Neuralgic and rheumatic pains in the orbits, with sensation as if the frontal bone were fractured.—Intense and burning pains in the eyes, with spasms, and alteration of their axis.—Dull, dim, wild, wandering eyes, with- out expression. — Very prominent or deeply sunken eyes. — Contracted pupils.—Objects appear dark and vacillating, red or covered by a grayish cloud.—[90.] The images of objects are retained before the vision in an in- convenient and unpleasant manner.—Black points, muscae volitantes, and fiery circles before the eyes.—Everything seems excessively bright aud shin- ing.—Candlelight appears diffused, and the letters run together in reading.— Dimness of vision, as if from watery vapors before the eyes.—Inclination to wink, and to pass the hand frequently over the eyes, as if to remove a veil from before them.—Sensation of a great weight on the eyelids, which keeps them closed.—Pressure on the eyes as if one were going to sleep, or even into a swoon.—Spasmodic motions of the pupil, which obscure the sight at intervals. Nose.— Heaviness and stoppage of the nose.—[100.] Stitches in the nose, with a crushing sensation at its root.—The air which passes through the nostrils seems icy cold.—Great dryness and heat in the nose, with fre- quent and very painful sneezing.—Ulcers in the nostrils, with epistaxis.— Very frequent epistaxis.—Fluent coryza, with pressive pains in the head ANANTHERUM. 333 and root of the nose; burning iu the nostrils; lachrymation and sneezing, as if he had snuffed up pepper or tobacco.—Abundant discharge from the nose of purulent, greenish, and very badly smelling matter.—Stitches and pulsations in the root of the nose, with nasal hemorrhage.—Dry or fluent coryza, with cerebral torpor, intoxication, headache, and sensation as if the head were full of water.—Nasal catarrh, with bronchitis.—[110.] The nose is enlarged and red.—Insupportable tickling in the nose, with violent sneez- ing as soon as he inhales a little cold air.—Inflammation and swelling of the nasal bones, with hammering pains.—Boils and small tumors, like lupia, on the tip of the nose.—Nose cold, pale, and .pointed, or large and inflamed, with many small bloodvessels visible on its surface. Ears.—Heat in the interior of the ears, with pulsation and sensation as if there were abscesses in them.—Severe digging stitches in the ears, with discharge of yellowish, purulent matter.—Very copious secretion of cerumen.—Heat, and smarting in'the lobes of the ears.—Fissures in the lobes of the ears.—[120.] Burning, crusty eruption, with inability to lie on them.—Attacks of deafness, especially in the evening and in damp weather. —Paralytic hardness of hearing.—After listening for a few moments, the hearing becomes fatigued, and the words are confused and indistinct.— Noises, murmurs, and hissing in the ears.—He hears frequently a noise as of waves beating against the shore, with a deafening sound, which prevents him from hearing a word.—Sensation as if he had dirt in his ears, or a spongy substance which swells up. Face.—Face yellowish, or red, enlarged, inflamed, and congested.— Face pale, transparent, and white as wax.—Face gray, cold, and frozen- looking, and paralyzed.—[130.] Face emaciated, bluish, cyanotic, con- tracted, shrunken, with hollow eyes.—Face discolored like that of a drowned person.—Deep, red face, with cerebral congestion, vertigo, and stupefac- tion.—Itching and burning in the cheeks, with sensation as if they were excoriated.—Ulcers and scabs on the face.—Red spots on the face, as if it had been painted with vermilion.—Small pimples on the face, which fre- quently sting as from needle-pricks.—Intense scaly herpes, with falling off of the eyebrows and beard.—Erysipelatous swelling of the face, with closed- up eyes; fever, delirium, desire to expose himself to the air, and even to throw himself out of window, as from the effects of a sunstroke.—Yellowish pimples and pustulous herpes on the face.—Puffy face, with tense and easily ulcerated skin.—[140.] Subcutaneous red spots, as in small-pox.— Red lumps in the face, as from congestion of blood.—Boils and abscesses on the face.—Sensation as if the face had been stung by insects.—Strongly marked red or yellow spots on the face.—The skin of the face is painful and as if excoriated, after shaving.—Swelling of the cheek, with abscesses on the gums.—Burning, pulsative, lancinating pains in the face.—Facial neuralgia from the eyebrows to the chin, with distorted features and grim- aces.—Convulsive movements as from tic douloureux, or trismus, with pains in the lips aud chin.—[150.] Spasmodic movements of the facial muscles, with involuntary grimaces, especially on the left side.—Itching and burn- ing miliary and urticarious eruptions on the face.—Painful swelling, like an abscess, on the right maxillary sinus.—Painful shocks in different parts of the face.—Pain in the facial bones, with sensation as if they were crushed and dislocated.—Ulcers and scabs under the nose and on the chin.—The jaws are spasmodically clenched.—Convulsive agitation of the facial mus- cles, with difficult biting and* mastication.—Great weakness of the facial bones and teeth, as if the least effort would fracture them.—Sensation as if 334 * ANANTHERUM. the lips were constantly full of oil.—[160.] Lips enlarged and inflamed.— Lips covered with phlyctenae, which are constantly renewed.—Lips enor- mously swollen, ulcerated, everted, of a bluish-yellow.—Ulcers, especially at the labial commissures, and resembling a syphilitic affection.—Lips dry, pinched, and contracted. M?OUth.—Lancinating, digging, and drawing pains in the teeth, with sensation as if they were forcibly separated from each other, or pulled at with pincers and torn out.—Constant inclination to clench the teeth.-—Sen- sation of cold in the teeth, with heat in the gums aud the whole mouth.— Burning in the teeth, gums, and lips, as if they were calcined.—Sensation of uneasiness and pain in the region of the last molars, as if new ones were coming through.—[170.] Pain in the hollow teeth, especially at night, in cool air, and when eating, with very bad smell from the mouth.—The gums swollen, inflamed, burning, and as if scorbutic.—Severe pains in the teeth, with cramps in the whole jaw, especially after exposure to a current of air. —Gnashing and grinding of the teeth, they crumble and break.—The teeth feel as if longer and sharper.—Decay of the teeth, with acute, lan- cinating strokes in their roots.—Toothache, with sensation as if the jaws were broken.—Toothache, aggravated especially in the afternoon, evening, and night, also by taking anything cold, by the least contact, and by changes of weather.—Wine, and especially coffee, aggravate the toothache for awhile.—The teeth are loose and readily fall out.—[180.] Pulsative, lancinating, and distensive pains in the gums.—Gum-boils, with swelling of the cheeks and submaxillary glands.—Mouth burning and inflamed, as if erysipelatous and excoriated.—Ulcers like aphthae or thrush, in different parts of the mouth.—Exfoliation of the mucous membrane of the buccal cavity.—Inflamed palate, with very painful nodosities.—Itching of the palate, and small burning pimples there.—Fetid breath.—Flow of thick and viscid saliva, with bitter mouth.—Frothy slaveriug at the mouth, with constant desire to spit.—[190.] Very painful pimples on the tongue, with itching and burning.—Tongue inflamed, and enormously swollen, with great difficulty in speaking.—Severe pains at the root of the tongue, as if it were cut off.—Swelling of the salivary and submaxillary glands.—The tongue fissured, lacerated, and as if cut on its edges, with copious salivation and debility, as if from the effects of mercury.—Grayish, yellowish, bloody or brickdust coating on the tongue.—Difficult speech, stammering. Throat.—Inflammation of the throat, with sensation of fulness and obstruction, as if it were plugged.—Burning in the throat, as if it were full of mustard, with violent and convulsive cough.—Inflammation and swell- ing of the tonsils.—[200.] Frequent and stubborn abscesses on the tonsils. —Angina with almost impossible deglutition.—Raw pains, tumors, and a great deal of tenacious mucus in the throat, with great difficulty in swal- lowing even the saliva.—Debility and attacks of constriction of the throat, with danger of suffocation,—Burning and stitches in the throat, with con- stant feeling of strangulation.—Sensation as if he had a burning stick in the throat, reaching down into the stomach.—Liquids pass frequently into the larynx and through the nasal fossse, with violent, jerking cough.—Con- siderable accumulation of mucus in the throat, with granulations, and grayish ulcers like false membranes.—Inability to drink, in spite of great thirst, on account of spasms in the throat, which contracts and feels tight as soon as he hears anything said about water, or sees shining objects.— Sensation, sometimes of burning heat, sometimes of icy coldness in the oesophagus.—[210.] Tickling sensation, as if some live thing were moving ANANTHERUM. 335 about in his oesophagus, with fits of suffocating cough.—Ulcerated spots on the throat, aggravated by cold. Taste and Appetite.—Bitter or bloody taste in the mouth.—Taste bitter, acid, and sometimes sweetish, extending into the stomach, with epigastric burning and huuger at the same time.—Bitter, bilious taste.— Flat taste of the food ; it also seems frequently too salt, or overseasoned. —Morbid hunger in the afternoon, evening, and even at night, when he wakes up to eat.—Hunger even after eating ; he thinks of nothing else.— He likes everything, except what is insipid, watery or sweet; prefers salted or highly seasoned food.—Hunger, as if he had fasted a long time, with empty feeling, burning, aud sensation, as if he had a tape-worm.—[220.] Hunger, with excessive weakness which seems to come from the stomach.— Burning, stitches, and roughness in the cesophagus.—Intense hunger, still he cannot eat.—Hunger, with sensation of fulness in the stomach ; even the little he eats causes clenching of the teeth aud contraction of the throat. —Contraction of the stomach aud chest, so that he can take nothing and almost suffocates.—Burning, unquenchable thirst.—Desire for cold water, strong liquors, cider, aud sour drinks.—Love of strong odors; desire for garlic, laurel, sweet basil, and all sorts of spices; he even longs for aro- matic drinks.—Anorexia ; excessive repugnance to all food. Stomach.—The stomach feels full and as if ulcerated.—[230.] Very frequent empty eructations, especially after eating or drinking.—Obstinate and painful eructation, especially after eating vegetables.—-Regurgitations, with taste of the food or of saffron, and sometimes acid or ammoniacal.— Obstinate, convulsive hiccough.—Burning in the stomach, as if it were on fire.—Excessive aud almost continual secretion of phlegm.—Much secretion of phlegm, especially when waking in the morning, before eating, when walking, and sometimes at night.—Much phlegm is formed, with nausea, insipidity, or acidity, and heat in the stomach.—Incessant nausea and in- clination to vomit.—Vomiting of the food and of bile, with hunger even after eating.—[240.] Vomiting of food, and often of blood, after meals.— Vomiting of acrid, burning matter, followed by bile and blood.—Vomiting, with horrible pains in the stomach.—Watery, acid, or insipid, and sweet- ish vomiting, with burning and stitches in the stomach.—Vomiting of pure blood, as if from the rupture of a bloodvessel in the stomach.—Vomiting, bilious and black.—Vomiting mixed with bile, blood, or water.—Watery vomiting, with whitish particles in it, and most foul eructations; stitches and cramps in the stomach and extremities ; urging to stool, and very liquid diarrhcea; painful icy coldness over the whole body; excessive thirst; pressure and constriction in the epigastrium ; spasms ; agitation ; cold per- spiration, especially on the head; a state like intoxication, prostration and emaciation.—Vomiting, with constant dread of death.—It seems as if the whole force of the organism was concentrated in the stomach to produce an infinity of suffering.—[250.] Sensation of fulness and constriction of the stomach, with total want of appetite, bitter and salty taste.—Con- tracted and burning stomach, with desire to vomit.—Sensation as of worms moving about in the cesophagus and stomach.—Continual contractions and cramps in the stomach.—Food passes through his bowels undigested, almost as soon as eaten.—Bad digestion, with painful movements of the ingesta in the stomach, without power to expel them ; great headache; desire to vomit; twisting in the stomach, and feeling of intoxication.—Sensation as of tumors, holes, or sharp pebbles in his stomach.—Extreme debility com- ing from the stomach, and which can in no way be relieved.—Stomach 336 ANANTHERUM. painful as if full of ulcers.—Painful, impossible digestion ; he vomits food just as it was when taken several days before.—[260.] Contractive, gnaw- ing, and tearing pains in the stomach, as if caused by some living thing.— Spasms and cramps in the stomach, hindering respiration, and forcing him to twist and cry out.—Pains in the stomach, as if it were torn, cut, and perforated in several places; pains which leave him no rest day or night, and engross him entirely.—Pains in the stomach, with continual-mental irritability.—Sensation as if he had in the stomach a hard tumor, starting from the pylorus, extending on the right side to the liver.—Burning, tearing, and crampy pains in the stomach, spreading into the chest and right hypochondrium.—Stitches in the stomach extending into the chest and back.—Very painful pressure, like a bar, on the epigastrium, with shorty anxious respiration.—Crampy pressure in the epigastrium, extend- ing to the back.—Spasms of the stomach, with sensation as if all the tho- racic and abdominal viscera were contracted and reduced in volume; op- pression, and fear of choking.—[270.] Very painful contractions in the epigastric region.—Nearly all the stomach symptoms are accompanied by headache.—Heaviness and distension of the stomach, as if full of water.— Sensation as if the stomach were closed by a bar.-—Cramps and pains in the stomach, as if cut with a knife, or struck by lightning.—Spasmodic contractions of the cesophagus and pylorus, with inability to swallow.— Spasms and burning in the stomach, with violent colic, so that he has to bend himself.—Digging, tearing, clawing, and gnawing pains in the stomach. —Sensation as if the stomach were bitten in different places, and the intes- tines pricked and cut.—Pains in the stomach, extending to the liver and into the entire chest.—[280.] The pains in the stomach are worse in the evening, at night, after eating, by movement, excitement of feeling, and every occupation.—Inclination to change his position every moment to ease the pains in the stomach.—Inflammation of the stomach, with fever, con- stipation, and intense hunger and thirst.—Pains in the stomach, with cold sweats on the face and back. Abdomen.—Sensation of heat and of congestion of the liver.— Cramps in the hepatic region, with sensation as if it were full of painful tuberosities.—Pulsative, burning, and digging pains in the region of the liver.—Sensation as if the liver were pinched and scraped in different places, with copious secretion of bile.—Inflammation and swelling of the liver, as if caused by abscesses, with cedematous swelling of the belly, and even of the whole body; prostration ; inability to move without groaning; stool hard, difficult, blackish, brownish, or grayish ; skin deep-yellow.— Vomiting of bile as if it came directly from the liver.—[290.] Sensation of hard lumps, as if there were concretions in the liver.—Burning, pulsat- ing, and lancinating pains in the region of the spleen.—Sensation as if there were foreign bodies in the spleen, and as if the passage of the blood would tear it,—Cramps, laucination, and digging in the region of the spleen, with loss of respiration.—Spleen as if ulcerated andhypertrophied.—Burn- ing in the whole abdomen, as if he had erysipelas.—Inflammation and swelling of the abdomen, which is very painful.—Abdomen inflated, tense, and hard, with tympanitic sound on percussion.—Colics, cramps, and tear- ing pains in the abdomen, with sensation as if there were a red-hot iron in it.—Colic, with much flatulence as soon as he walks.—[300.] Colic, with cramps in the limbs, icy coldness, and choleraic diarrhoea.—Sensation as if the bowels were excoriated or pulled out.—Lancinating and crampy pains in the abdomen, spreading into the hypochondria and kidneys.—Colic and ANANTHERUM. 337 pains in the bowels, as if they were gnawed by animals ; he twists about, and knows not what position to take for relief.—Sensation as if he had a tumor in the transverse colon, and thousauds of pimples all over the intestinal tube, with inflammation of all the glands and serous membranes of the abdo- men.—Burning aud cramps in the abdomen, with alternating coldness and heat.—Twisting and tearing pains in the bowels, as in iliac passion, with nausea and vomiting.—Tumors, like hernia, or like buboes in the groin. Stool and Anas.—-Very long-lasting constipation, followed by dry, brown, bulky stools, then diarrhoea.—Obstinate constipation, with fever, heat, thirst, sweat, and debility.—[310.] Stools difficult, large, and hard.— Hard, knotty stools, like sheep-dung, passed with difficulty, eveu after the use of injections.—Violent colic, with sinking in of the abdomen, and pains, which oblige him to twist and bend double.—Abdomen tense and hard, without being swollen.—Repeated mucous and bloody stools, with colic, burning in the bowels and anus, tenesmus, and great weakness.—Di- arrlueic stools, with cramps and pains in the back, chest, stomach, and ab- domen, duluess of the head, with sensation of drunkenness and prostration. —Brownish-yellow diarrhoeic stools, of a very bad smell.—Whitish, chol- eraic stools, with cramps, general coldness, painful pressure, and constric- tion at the epigastrium, colic and burning in the abdomen, unquenchable thirst, with frequent inability to drink on account of spasms of the throat and stomach; vertigo, burning in the head, weakness in thinking, great prostration, emaciation, and suppression of urine.—Taeniae, lumbnci, and especially ascarides are discharged with the stool.—Stools containing only blood, with frightful colic, aud extreme weakness.—[320.] Pains as if he had any quantity of iron points in the bowels.—Involuntary stools.—Burn- ing in rectum and anus during stool.—Flowing haemorrhoids, with dark blood, and steady, burning pains in the rectum.—Large, inflamed hseinor- rhoidal tumors.—Haemorrhoidal tumors, as if from abscesses; they ulcerate and suppurate.—-Tumors, like mushrooms, at the anus.—Anus prolapsed and very painful, even when not at stool.—Intolerable itching at the anus. —Constipation as from inertia of the bowels, retraction, and paralysis of the rectum.—[330.] Ears and nose cold during the vomiting and diarrhcea. Urinary Orr/ans.—Constant urging to urinate, with stitches and crushing pains in the kidneys.—Frequent emission of urine, which is turbid, or soon becomes so.—Sensation of numbness and obstruction in the kid- neys.—Sensation as if the kidneys and bladder were always full and swollen. —Pressive and burning pains in the bladder, with urging to urinate every minute ; the bladder cannot hold the smallest quantity of urine.—Difficult, painful, intermittent urination; it stops, and begins again the next moment. —Urine, for the most part, frequent, copious, and turbid.—Fulness and dis- tension of the bladder, with inability to urinate.—Urine turbid, thick, and full of mucus, as in catarrh of the bladder.—[340.] Retention of urine, with retraction of the urethral canal.—Urine brownish, or yellowish and bloody. —Very frequent urging to urinate, with burning urine, which is discharged guitatim.—Urine with yellowish, grayish, or dark sediment,—Frequent, in- effectual urging to urinate, with lancinating and spasmodic pains in the kidneys and bladder, aud great fulness of the latter.—Discharge of coarse gravel with the urine.—Clear urine, with chalky sediment, and looking like milk when shaken up.—Cramps in the kidneys, with frequent urina- tion, or complete suppression.—Clear, abundant urine, day and night, with debility, great thirst, dryness of the mouth ; stools hard, gray, or dark- colored, with many other symptoms, chiefly of the liver and stomach.— vol. i.—22 338 ANANTHERUM. Hemorrhage from the urethra.—[350.] Ardor urince.—Urine with irides- cent pellicles.—Urine thick, red, and very sedimentous.—Incontinence of urine, with involuntary urination when walking, and even at night in bed, during sleep, as if caused by paralysis of the neck of the bladder.—Tenes- mus vesica;, with ischuria, spasms of the kidneys and extremities, and burn- ing in the urethra, which seems retracted.— Ulceration, or sores like chan- cres, in the urethra.—Sensation as if the urethral canal was obstructed by tumors and excrescences.—An ulcer, like a syphilitic ulcer, in the meatus urinarius.— Thick yellow or green mucus flows from the urethra, with priapism, burning aud tearing pains in the urethra, inflammation aud swelling of the penis and inguinal glands. Genital Organs.—(Male.) Excoriations on the prepuce and meatus urinarius.—[360.]- Secretion of a thick substance, of very strong odor, between the glans and prepuce, which are swollen.—Burning, stitching, and pinching in the penis.—Syphilitic-looking pimples on the penis, with in- tense pains, traversing it from one part to another.—Ulcers and pustulous herpes-like acne rosacea on the penis.—The penis excoriates easily during coitus, and even an erection.—An indurated ulcer, like a chancre, on the penis.—Scabby herpes on the pubis.—Inflammation and swelling of the testicles.—Swelling of the scrotum, as if caused by an accumulation of serum.—Sensation of hard tumors in the testicles and spermatic cords, with severe pains in these parts.—[370.] Tumors like buboes or hernia in the groins.—Burning lancination and deepseated pains in the scrotum and anus.—Furfuraceous herpes, with great itching in the scrotum.—Reduess and painful excoriation between the thighs.—Great increase of the venereal appetite.—The venereal appetite is increased by every attempt to satisfy it, until it drives him to onanism and madness.—During coitus, all his sufferings cease, only to reappear afterwards with increased severity.— Venereal desire, with attacks of impotence.—Total absence of venereal desire.—Difficult ejaculation, very long-lasting, or incomplete.—[380.] Fre- quent seminal and prostatic losses.—Nocturnal pollutions, without dreams or consciousness.—(Female.) Burning pains as if there were a chafing-dish in the region of the ovaries.—Sensation of swelling in the ovaries as if they were stretched, and every instant pinched.—Burning, crampy, pinching, and gnawing pains in the womb, with great debility and general prostra- tion.—Lancinating and distensive pains in the womb.—Engorgement of the uterus.—Hard tumors, like scirrhus, on the neck of the womb.—Burn- ing pains in the uterus extending into the kidneys, with general weakness. —Pains in the uterus, as if it were twisted and compressed.—[390.] Stitches passing like strokes of lightning into the womb.—Pressure on the uterus, with feeling as if it escapes from the pelvic cavity.—Prolapsus and dis- placement of the uterus.—Sterility, as from atrophy of the ovaries.—Swell- ing of the uterus, as if from a collection of water.—The os uteri swollen, hard, ulcerated, closed.—Menstruation anticipating; very painful and copious; the blood generally bright or light-colored.—Menstruation re- tarded ; the blood dark, thick, followed by fetid, light-colored leucorrhcea. —Total suppression of menses.—Menstruation frequent and painful, as at the critical age.—[400.] Menstruation very marked, with bruised pains iu the kidneys and thighs, and great prostration.—Vulva inflamed and ulcer- ated.—Great itching and burning in the vulva, especially in the afternoon and at night in bed.—Whitish and reddish eruptions, like sycosic excres- cences, on the vulva.—Leucorrhcea watery, clear, or milky, and of very bad odor.—Thick, purulent, yellow or green leucorrhcea.—Contractions and ANANTHERUM. 339 spasms of the womb.—Stitches and distensive pains in the breasts, with sensation of enlargement.—Erysipelatous swelling of the mammae, with pains in the muscles of the chest, with weight and dulness in the back and hypochondria, and inability to support the upper part of the body.—Heat and pain in the mammae, as if they had been gashed with a penknife.— [410.] Inflammation and swelling of the mammary glands.—Congestions of the mammae as from accumulation of milk.—Lancinating, pulsating, and pressive pains in the mammse.—Distensive and crampy pains, with sensa- tion of biting on the breasts.—Indurated and ulcerated tumor in the breast, with swelling of the ganglia of the chest and axillae; burning, lancinating, and gnawing pains, as if there were a live animal there.—The chest feels as if bound in a corslet, which prevents its action.—Phlegmonous erysipelas in the breasts, with tendency to attack the head.—Excoriation of the nipples.—Excessive secretion of milk.—The breasts are atrophied, and be- come soft. Respiratory Apparatus.—[420.] Scratching in the larynx, with great accumulation of mucus, rough voice and rattling breathing.—Heat in the larynx, with sensation as if it were ulcerated and cut.—Sensation as if there were corrosive acid in the larynx.—Desire to cough every minute, in order to breathe.—Voice altered, bass, nasal.—Voice stopped, as if from want of respiration.—Hoarseness and frequent aphony, with symptoms of tuberculous or granular laryngitis.—Very prominent swelling of the laryn- geal cartilages.—Raw pain in the larynx, with severe, tearing, scraping cough, with purulent and bloody expectoration.—Short, dry, and frequent cough.—[430.] Violent cough, sensibly felt in the back, chest, and abdo- men, with deepseated pains in the head.—Obstinate, paroxysmal, shaking cough, with scratching, burning, a great deal of phlegm in the larynx, and aphony.—Cough, especially in the evening and during the night.—Hard, noisy cough, as if the lungs would be torn.—Paroxysms of cough, often last- ing half an hour, not allowing him time to breathe, and ending with copious mucous expectoration.—Hoarse cough, as if the chest would be shattered, with expectoration of blood, palpitations, and fainting fits.—Short cough and tussiculation, with heaviness and stitches in various parts of the chest, and oppression.—Burning and raw feeling in the whole chest and larynx, with severe dry cough and bloody expectoration.—Paroxysmal cough, with vomiting of food and bile; humming and ringing in the ears.—-Cough, especially at night when lying down, and even during sleep, with scratch- ing, and accumulation of much mucus in the larynx.—[440.] Rough, sibilant cough, with obstruction in the larynx, as from false membranes.— Spasmodic cough, like hooping-cough, with vomiting and involuntary urination.—Sensation during the cough, as if a very rough cord were drawn through the bronchi.—Cough generally dry and painful, and aggravated by heat.—Cough, with congestion of blood, stitches and tearing pains in the chest, and spasmodic movements of the limbs.—Cough, with fever, shiverings, and coldness; copious sweat of a putrid smell, especially in the evening and at night.—Great debility before and especially after the cough.—Expectoration of blood, with stitching pains in the chest, especially in the left side and in the region of the heart, accompanied by severe, suffocating cough.—Expectoration of mucus, mixed with blackish and rusty-looking blood.—Haemoptysis of coagulated blood.—[450.] Expecto- ration of whitish, glairy matter, or of thick yellow or green mucus.—Ex- pectoration of pus mixed with blood, or of matters like that from tubercles. —Lancinating, tearing, or compressive and distensive pains in the chest, 340 ANANTHERUM. with crepitation and crackling.—Stitches and heaviness in the pleura, with cough and oppression.—Rales of different kinds.—Respiration quick, anx- ious, and often interrupted by spasmodic contractions of the chest.—Asth- matic sufferings, with cough, and difficult, whitish, flaky expectoration.— Contraction aud obstruction of the chest, so that he can neither eat nor breathe.—Cough, with vomiting of black or light-colored decomposed blood. —Sensation as if the whole chest were tightly laced.—[460.] Great oppres- sion of the chest, with continual fear of suffocation.—Sensation as if he had a heavy weight on the chest, and it were all engorged and on fire.—The symptoms of the chest are increased by the fever, with coldness and shiver- ings, very disturbed pulse, great irritability, desire for dainties, head heavy, weak, and dull.—The pains are more severe on the right side of the chest, but more persistent on the left side.—Scraping and ulcerative pains in the chest, as if there were boils or herpes in the lungs.—Sensation as if there were tubercles in the whole upper portion of the chest.—Excoriative pains in the bronchi, as if they had been rasped. Heart.—Burning and sensation of weight in the heart, with sadness, anguish, and fear of death.—Stitches and formication in the heart, with great anxiety.—Lancinations, cramps, and weakness of the heart, which seems too full of blood and unable to beat, with oppression ; pulse slow and full, then accelerated, hard, and dicrotic.—[470.] Sensation as if the blood- vessels of the heart and larynx were contracted.—Violent palpitations, with suffocative attacks from the least emotion.—Stitches and cramps in the heart, with sensation as if its apex were pinched very hard.—Trembling of the heart, with sensation as if it shook.—Sensation as if the great vessels of the heart were distended in various parts.—Heavy and painful heart.— Heart seems paralyzed, as if it could not beat any more, with deathlike weakness. Skin.—Heat and moisture of the skin, with redness and itching.—Ex- cessive itching all over, especially in the evening, and at night in bed.— Pruritus, with stinging and heat of the skin.—[480.] The skin is very ten- der, it breaks, ulcerates, and suppurates readily.—Burning heat of the skin, with stitches, pricking, and miliary eruption.—Sensation as if he wore a hair shirt, which pricked him everywhere.—Blotches and swellings on various parts of the body, as if he had been beaten.—A great many pim- ples form on the pores of the skin, with little stitches like pin-pricks, and leave scabs, chiefly on the face and thighs, with burning, chills and fever. —Many boils and abscesses on different parts of the body.—The skin is scarlet, and always burning.—Sensation on the skin as if he had been scratched.—Red pimples, like miliaria or urticaria, with itching and ob- stinate burning.—Miliary eruption, appearing one day and vanishing the next,—[490.] Itching and eruption like compact and small scabies, or like lichen agrius.—Pustular eruption, resembling confluent small-pox.—Erup- tions simulating scarlatina and measles.—Skin icy cold, pale or blue.—Skin flaccid and without elasticity.—Calor mordax, with disagreeable dryness of the skin.—Herpes, with excoriation and scales, which are constantly renewed—Frequent shuddering of the skin, with great general debility.— The skin is often1-old, red, blue, livid, or very pale, with general coldness aud cold sweat.—Erysipelatous swelling on different parts of the body.— [500.] Large boils on face and neck, and all fleshy parts.—Elevations and painful swellings on several parts of the body, as if from the bites of ven- omous insects.—Formication on the skin, with sensation of torpor and loss of sensibility.—Pains as if the skin were torn by the nails.—Deep-yellow ANANTHERUM. 341 complexion, and black circles around the eyes.—Large, painful boils, which spread and become erysipelatous.—The least prick becomes a sore, and forms a suppurating swelling.—Bluish, scorbutic-looking blotches over the body. Generalities.—Nervous irritation, with great restlessness, although every movement is difficult and painful.—General tremor.—[510.] Pains generally acute, lancinating, crampy, with extreme weariness in different parts of the body.—Burning, lancinating, tearing, rheumatic, and gouty pains, principally aggravated in the evening and at night, by change of position, wind, cold air and moisture, and strong heat.—Coffee aggravates the pains, but afterwards relieves them.—Strong liquors aggravate, aromatic liquors ameliorate, the pains.—Congestion and ebullition of blood in the head.—Malaise and debility, with constant restlessness.—Attacks of de- bility, as if he would lose consciousness.—Frequent faintings, especially after eating or drinking.—Cramps and spasms of various kinds.—Tetanus, drawing the head backwards, often with nausea and vomiting.—[520.] Eclamptic convulsions, and involuntary movements of the limbs as in chorea.—Epileptic convulsions, commencing with sadness, restlessness, hic- cough, contraction of the diaphragm, burning in the stomach, congestion of blood to the head; then loss of consciousness, falling down, violent move- ments of the limbs, bloody frothing at the mouth, seminal losses, involun- tary stools and urination.—Great bodily and mental debility, with melan- choly, accompanied with suicidal ideas, and copious sweat at the least movement.—Disposition to chilliness, with great sensitiveness to cold.— Cold sensation in one part, though it shows the same temperature as the rest of the body.—Extreme prostration, with desire to sit and to lie down; he cannot find relief in any posture.—Frequent sensation of contraction and tightness throughout the organism.—Nervous perturbation, with dis- turbance of the circulation ; the bile seems in constant revolution, and the blood hot and congested.—Spasmodic attacks, with contractions of the limbs, of the eyes and features.—Fits of extreme weariness and debility, as if every visceral organ were atrophied and paralyzed.—[530.] Difficulty in defining aud expressing his sufferings, so great and numerous are they, and so much is he enervated.—Attacks of stupor and faintness, followed by a paralytic sensation of the right side of the body, tongue, and upper and lower extremities.—Semi-lateral pains in the head, eyes, and ears.—In- flammation and suppuration of the glands.—Induration of the submaxillary and cervical glands, with difficult speech.—While walking, general heat, with cold ears, which become hot when the body becomes cold.—All symp- toms are aggravated by motion and heat.—Swelling of the periosteum and bones.—Easy dislocation of the joints. Rack.—Stiffness of the nape of the neck.—[540.] Contraction of the trunk, with sensation as if the back became crooked.—Bruised pains in the vertebrae and kidneys.—Painful stiffness, with weakness of the whole spinal column.—Rheumatic pains iu the back and between the shoulders.—Stiff- ness in the back and kidneys, with crampy and tearing pains, excited by the least movement.—Sensation as if stabbed between the ribs.—Paralytic weakness of the vertebral column and extremities.—Pain as if the scapulae were broken.—Drawing, lancinating, and crampy pains in the articulations of the shoulders, and between the scapulae, especially when moving the arms.—Sensation of weakness in the kidneys, with inclination to remain constantly lying down.—[550.] Weakness of the kidneys, extending into the back.—Pains of extreme weariness in the kidneys and entire sacrum, 342 ANANTHERUM. with great weakness and inability to keep up.—Twisting, stabbing pains in the kidneys.—Sensation of formication and numbness in the kidneys.— Lumbago, with very great debility.—Sensation as if a nail had been driven into the kidneys. Upper Extremities.—Sensation as if his arms were kept stretched out stiff by bars of iron inside them.—Burning and lancinating pains iu the arms.—Red swelling of the articulations of the arms, with burning and tearing pains as in rheumatism.—Contusive pains in the arms.—[560.] Convulsive motions of the upper extremities, especially in the forearms.— Red and violet spots on the arms, as if he had been beaten.—Erysipelatous swelling of the arms.—Excoriated places on the arms, as if caused by burns. —Abscesses and ulcers on the arms and hands, penetrating to the bones.— Infiltration of the arms, especially morning aud afternoon.—Paralytic weakness of the arms.—Eruptions like itch or lichen on the arms and hands.—The hands are icy cold and go to sleep.—Ulcers and fissures on the hands.—[570.] Cutting sensation along the fingers, and as if they were dislocated or broken.—Swelling of the finger-joiuts, with rheumatic and gouty pains.—Tophi in the finger-joints, which move with great difficulty. —The fingers deformed and contracted.—Burning, pulsative pains, and pains as from whitlow, on the fingers.—Diseased and distorted nails. Loivcr Extremities.—Painful feeling of extreme weariness in the hips, with inability to move after sitting still some time.—Stiffness, with lancinating and crampy pains in the sacrum and iliac bone.—Obstinate stiffness, extending from the hip to the knee.—Paralytic weakness and palsy of the legs, with complete insensibility.—[580.] Sciatic and rheu- matic pains in the legs, making him cry out, and aggravated chiefly by cold.—Burning pains iu the thighs and knees.—Erysipelatous swelling of the legs.—Crampy pains and acute drawings in the legs and at the instep. —Boils and inflamed red pimples on different parts of the legs.—Rheu- matic and gouty pains in the legs and feet, especially in the heels.—Feet swollen, red, burning, he cannot bear anything on them.—Ulcer on the outside of the right thigh, as coming from an abscess, penetrating deeply and suppurating copiously.—Very painful boils on the legs.—Varicose swelling of the legs.—[590.] When walking, acute contractions in the ex- tremities of the toes and under the nails, with bleeding fissures in the feet. —Lancinating pains in the corns, which inflame.—Blisters and ulcers on the soles of the feet.—The nails grow awry, and hurt the toes.—Cold feet. —Very bad-smelling perspiration of the feet. Sleep.—Constant drowsiness, with inclination to go to bed.—The eyes close involuntarily, when night comes, and he goes to sleep wherever he may be.—Goes to sleep early and awakes towards midnight, with inability to go to sleep again.—Restless sleep, with cries, starting up, movements of the limbs, and anxious dreams.—[600.] Comatose sleep, with continual disturbing dreams and snoring.—Prolonged sleep in the morning, with in- clination to lie abed late.—Sleep with frequent dreams, alternate coldness aud heat, and burning of the whole body, intense thirst and fright.—Un- refreshing sleep; on awaking he feels tired, as if he had not slept at all.— Sleeplessness from excessive nervous excitement.—Sleeplessness for many nights, with fatigue, painful weariness, and debility.—Sad dreams, or dreams of the day's business.—Disagreeable and frightful dreams.—Dreams of epidemic, contagious diseases, and especially of hydrophobia.—Dreams of journeys, of sumptuous living, of pleasures and enjoyments.—[610.] Dreams of falling from a frightful height, with agitated waking, rush of ANANTHERUM. 343 blood to the head, and palpitation of the heart.—Dreams of being in com- pany and taking part in a joyous festival.—Dreams of disputes and quarrels. —Anxious dreams which he cannot define.—Chilliness and shiverings, ou the head and in the back.—Coldness and shiverings followed by burning heat with headache.—Excessive general coldness, with trembling, spasms, and cramps, hunger, and great thirst.—Calor mordax, and excessive dry- ness of the skin, with hunger, and thirst, congestion of blood to the head, the pulse quick and hard, headache and delirium.—Almost constant alter- nations of coldness and heat.—Coldness and shiverings, with cold sweats, chattering of the teeth, colic and cramps in the stomach and extremities.— [620.] During the fever, repugnance to all sweetened bitter drinks; desire for strong drinks ; water always tastes bad; vertigo, delirium, fear of fall- ing, of slipping, and he keeps slipping down to the foot of the bed; anger, even with nervous seizures; perverted intellect, and loss of consciousness.— Fever, with coldness and shiverings aud aggravation of all the pains.— External coldness and shivering with internal heat, especially in the chest. —Fever with typhoid character and great constipation.—Aggravation of the fever in the evening and at night.—Intense chilliness.—Pulse generally accelerated and rebounding; or slow, small, and imperceptible; or irregular and intermitting.—Abundant and weakening perspiration. Conditions.—Aggravation.— {Morning), On waking, secretion of phlegm.—(Afternoon), Headache; toothache; morbid hunger; itching, etc., in vulva.—(Evening), Headache; attacks of deafness; toothache; morbid hunger; pains in stomach; cough; cough, with fever, etc.; itching ; burning, etc., pains; fever.—(Night), Semsation as of objects moving in head, etc.; pains in hollow teeth; toothache; morbid hunger; secretion of phlegm; pains in stomach; in bed, itching in vulva; cough; cough when lying down; cough, with fever, etc.; itching all over; burning, etc., pain; fever. —(Open air), Secretion of mucus, etc.—(Strong air), Vertigo.—(Draught of air), Pains in teeth, etc.—(Local application), Pains in eyes.—(Coffee), Toothache for awhile; aggravates at first.—(After coitus), All sufferings.— (Cold\ Ulcerated spots on throat; pains in legs.—(Cold air), Pains in hol- low teeth; burning, etc., pains.—(Taking anything cold), Toothache.—(Least contact), Toothache.—(Before cough), Great debility.—(During cough), Sen- sation as of cord drawn through larynx.—(After cough), Great debility.— (Damp weather). Attacks of deafness.—(Drinking), Empty eructations; fainting.—(Before eating^, Secretion of phlegm.—( Eating), Pains in hollow teeth; empty eructations; pains in stomach; fainting.—(Emotion), Suffoca- tive attacks.—(During fever), Repugnance to sweet drinks, etc.—(Heat), Cough; burning, etc., pains; all symptoms.—(Lying on right side), Sensa- tion as of objects moving in head.—(Light), Headache; itching in eyes.— (Strong liquors), The pains.—(Moisture), Burning, etc., pains.—(Moving eyelids), Feeling of roughness, etc., of eyes.—(Moving arms), Pains in shoul- der-joints.—'Motion), Vertigo; headache; pains in stomach; all symptoms; stiffness in back, etc.—[Noise), Headache.—(Every occupation), Pains in stomach.—(Change of position), Burning, etc., pains.—(After shaving), Skin of face painful.—(After sitting still), Inability to move.—(During stool), Burning in rectum, etc.—(Eating vegetables), Eructations.—( Walking), Sen- sation like water in head, etc.; secretion of phlegm; general heat, etc.; con- tractions in tips of toes, etc.—(Changes of weather), Toothache.—(Wind), Burning, etc., pains.—(Wine), Toothache. Ameliorations.—(Coffee), Relieves after aggravation.—(During coitus), All sufferings cease.—(Aromatic liquors), Ameliorate the pains. 344 ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA—ANGUSTURA. ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA. Archangelica atropurpurea, Hoffm. Nat. order, Umbelliferae. Common name, Great angelica. Preparation, 1 Authority. Dr. Shell, M.D., Family Guide to Health, 1856 (A. J. of H. M. M., 1, 272). Large doses (15 to 20 grains) cause disgust for all spirituous liquors. ANGUSTURA. Galipea cusparia, St. Hil. (Bonflandia trifoliata, Willd.; Angostura vera). Nat. order, Rutaceae. Preparation, Trituration and tincture of the bark. Authorities.^ 1, Hahnemann; 2, Franz; 3, Miehler; 4, Mossdorf; 5, Gross; 6, Harnisch; 7, Wislicenus; 8, Langhammer; 9, Meyer; 10, Sehre- ter; 11, Lembke. Mind.—Greatly excited and extravagant spirits, with drawing in the limbs, as if the tendons were tense, in the afternoon (after two days)/.— Anxiety,10.—Lachrymose and irritable,10.—Marked ill-humor; everything vexes her,10.—He is easily frightened, and starts/.—Pusillanimity/.—He has not confidence enough in himself to undertake and perform voluntary motions/.—Prone to anger; every trifle irritates,10.—Ill-humor and peevish- ness (after twenty-four hours)/.—[10.] Discouragement; dissatisfaction with his situation ; he does not bear a joke; slight offences fill him with bitterness (after twelve hours)/.—Liveliness and activity of mind/.—He feels cheerful and lively when performing no intellectual labor, but be- comes dizzy Avhen reading; he then falls asleep immediately/.—Lively mood when walking in the open air (immediately)/.—In the afternoon, great animation and facility of intellect; he comprehends everything much more easily than on the first day, and more easily than formerly, but he feels unable to dwell upon his subject, owing to some internal uneasiness, such as is experienced by those who anticipate some great pleasure, or also owing to all sorts of plans crowding upon his mind (after thirty-five hours)/. —For the first three afternoons the body feels warm ; on the third after- noon, extreme liveliness and quick memory; however, he is not able to think of anything attentively, being prevented by the intrusion upon his mind of a rather agreeable project which he almost believes to be real and feasible, and which exclusively absorbs all his attention; it is a sort of vivid, waking dream (after four days)/.—Lively mood ; he is confident he can achieve everything with vigor (after forty-eight hours)/.—Great ab- sence of mind ; when occupied with something serious, his attention is con- stantly arrested by other things (after forty-five hours)/.—Sometimes he is lost in reverie, and even complete absence of thought; he easily falls asleep when reading/.—Uncomfortable early in the morning; frequent yawning and want of disposition for any kind of work (after four days)/. Head.—[20.] Suddenly, great confusion of the head, as from a skin drawn over the brain, half an hour (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Confu- sion and dulness of the head, as after intoxication/.—Confusion and sense f No?. 1 to 9 from H. Mat. Med. Pura; No. 10, New Archives, 3; No. 11 N Z ANGUSTURA. 345 of contraction of the head, when walking rapidly/.—Confusion of the head; pullings in the forehead/.—Vertigo/0.—Periodical vertigo,10.—Vertigo in the open air (after twenty hours)/.—Vertigo from the occiput when sit- ting; throbbing in right temple,10.—He is attacked with a feeling of ver- tigo when crossing a running water or walking by the side of a ditchful of water; he fears he will sink down/.—Dizziness,10.—[30.] Swaying of the head,10.—Head drawn first to the right side, then to the left,10.—In the open air, she was attacked with a little headache aud heat (towards even- ing),1.—Headache occurred only when there was heat in the face/.—Ful- ness in the forehead,10.—Headache always occurred towards evening, when it became dark, and continued until the moment he fell asleep/.—Heavi- ness in the head when sitting/0.—Heat around the head, with sweat upon the forehead, early, when in bed/.—Heat rising to the head,10.—Cramp- like headache/.—[40.] Frequent pressure in the head (immediately)/1.— Pressure in the head (and toes), (immediately)/1.—Headache, as if every- thing in the brain were moving about, with oppressive and boring pain, especially in the temples; when laying the forehead upon the table he feels, in the first moments, nothing except some tension; soon, however, the pains return less violent, and assume their original violence as soon as the head is raised (after twelve hours)/.—Early, after risiug, great heaviness in the forehead, without any confusion (after three days),2.—Sometimes, very severe boring in the forehead and sides of the head (third day)/1.— Drawing in the forehead (after nine and a half hours)/1.—Pressure in the forehead/.—Pressure in forehead (immediately)/1.—Pressure in the fore- head (after one and a half hours)/1.—Headache; pressure in the forehead, over both eyes, as if the contents would come out, both at rest and in mo- tion/.—[50.J Very severe, frequent pressing i pains in forehead, with the sensation of heaviness (after four hours)/1.—Pressive headache in the fore- head, towards evening, with great heat in the face/.—The brain in the forehead feels bruised; increased by stooping, and diminished in the open air (immediately)/.—Severe repeated pains iu forehead and temples (after four hours)/1.—Drawing in the forehead and pressure in the temples (im- mediately)/1.—Continual itching stitches in the forehead and temple, ex- ternally, which do not go off by rubbing/.—The temporal muscles feel dead, numb, as if something were pressing out there/.— Tensive pain in the temporal muscles, when opening the jaws?.—Boring headache in the temples/. —Drawing and oppressive pain in the temporal region/.—[60.] Pressure in the temples (immediately)/1.—Pressure in the temples (after one hour)/.— Pressure on the temples, as from a plug, several times (after one hour)/1.— Tearing headache, rather externally, extending from the vertex over the temples (after twenty-four hours)/.—A stitch, as from electricity, starting from the temples upwards and downwards/.—Intermittent prickings in the right temporal region, more externally (after four hours)/.—Roaring in the temples and sides of the head (immediately)/1.—Boring and pressure in vertex (soon after taking)/1.—In the evening, drawing and oppressive headache on the right side of the head, with pressure on the lower jaw (after sixteen hours),2.—Drawing on the sides of the head, then several times drawing in the legs and feet (early iu morning)/1.—[70.] Pressure on both sides of the head (soon after taking)/1.—Pressure on the sides of the head (immediately)/1.—Twitchings at a small place under the skin of the right parietal bone; when pressing upon the part, it pains as if it were bruised (after one hour)/.—Headache; pressure iu the occiput in the after- noon/.—Pressure in the left hemisphere when stooping; relieved on raising 346 ANGUSTURA. the head again (immediately)/.—Drawing at the sides of the occiput (im- mediately)/1. Eyes.—The eyes are red, and burn; in the morning they are aggluti- nated/.—Violent burning in the inner half of the eyes themselves, and in the internal corners; afternoons and evenings/.—Tension first in one, then in the other eye; it seems from behind forwards, early in the morning (after forty-eight hours)/.—Pressure in both eyes, as if a bright light were irritating them, and as if they became weary/.—[80.] A few stitches over the eyes/.— Eyes feel as if there was sand in them,10.—Pressure on the right eye and the orbit, in the evening (after fourteen hours)/.—Severe pressure above the right eye and deep in the right orbit (after one and a half hours)/1.—Slight twitch- ings between the eyebrows while reading/.—Feeling of dryness under the upper eyelids/.—Sore pain in the eyelids/.—Stitches in the right eyelids (after eight hours)/1.—Itching stitches in the upper eyelid, which cannot be removed by rubbing (after one hour)/.—Dilatation of the pupils (after thirteen hours)/.— [90.] Contraction of the pupils (after three and a half hours)/.—He sees much farther and more sharply than usual/.—Far-sight- edness; he saw distinctly objects at a distance; whereas he generally was short-sighted (after two and a half hours),8.—Early, on rising, dimness be- fore the eyes, as if the cornea were obscured (after twenty-four hours)/.— There seems to be a light vapor before the eyes, which soon passes off/. Ears.—Tearing in a boil over the right mastoid process (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Heat of the ears and both cheeks/.—Pinching in the ex- ternal ear/.—Heat in the lobules/.-^Sensation as if something were before the ear, and as if something were inserted in it/.—[100.] Throbbing pain behind the ears, on the side of the neck, as if the carotid were beating/.— Burning in the internal ear, in the region of the tympanum/.—Several transient drawings, now in the right, now in the left ear/.—Stitches in the ears (after one hour)/1.—Stitches deep in the right ear (after one and a half hours)/1.—Very painful tearing twitchings iu the right internal ear; they gradually become drawings (after one hour),4.—Tearing twitchings before the left ear (after one hour)/.—Stitches in the meatus auditorius externus/.—Hearing is much more acute than usual (after five and a half hours), (curative reaction)/.—Ringing in the right ear (after thirty-three hours)/. Nose.—[HO.] Sensation of a corrosive soreness deep in the nose (im- mediately)/. Face.—Internal and external heat of the face, immediately after sup- per/.—Drawing in the facial muscles (after one and a half hours)/1.—Draw- ing in the muscles of the face (after one hour)/1.—Drawing in the muscles of the face, right side (immediately)/1.—Stitches in the right facial muscles (after one and a half hours)/1.—Prickling in the facial muscles (after one and a half hours)/1.—Feeling of heat in both cheeks, without any ex- ternal perceptible warmth/.—In the evening, hot feeling in the cheeks, which, however, do not feel warm when touched (after twelve hours)/.— Pressure, sometimes very severe, in the facial bones, especially in the zy- goma (after ten hours)/1.—[120.] Cramplike pain at the zygoma (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Stitches in the left zygoma (after one and a half hours)/1.—Pain in the masseter muscles, as if one had fatigued them by chew- ing too much?.— Cramplike pain near the articulation of the jaw, in the mas- ticator muscles, especially when at rest; the pain is diminished by opening or closing the jaws/.—Pressure several times in the right maxilla (after one hour)/1.—Drawing in the maxilla (after one and a half hours)/1. ANGUSTURA. 347 Month.—Drawing pain in the two right upper incisors/.—Throbbing toothache in a hollow tooth, in the evening after lying down (after fourteen hours)/.—Slight drawing in some of the upper molar teeth, which, however, cannot be defined/.—Drawing pain which, to judge by the feeling, is be- tween the crowns of the middle upper right molar teeth, and may be pal- liated by touching the teeth with the cold finger (after one hour)/.—[130.] Stick ing-d raw ing in the right upper gums (after three hours)/.—White tongue, with a feeling of roughness (after twelve hours)/.—Burning, as of pepper, on the left side of the tongue, almost on its border (after three hours)/.—Stitches several times at the tip of the tongue (after eight hours)/1. —Pinching stitches in the tip of the tongue, which are extremely painful, even when the tongue is not moved (after six hours)/.—In the evening, during slumber, his mouth had become filled with a viscid, insipid, and foul phlegm ; he could not drink enough/.—Great dryness of mouth and lips, without any thirst (after three hours)/.—Much saliva flows from the mouth,10.—Bitter taste in the mouth after the usual smoking/.—Bitter taste in the mouth, and several slight eructations after dinner, which he ate with a good appetite (after thirty hours)/.—[140.] Foul, flat taste in the mouth for a short time (after two hours)/.—(Bread tastes sour to her)/. —Taste in the mouth as of peach-pits/. Throat.—Frequent roughness in the throat; he must hack, without being able to expectorate anything (after six hours)/.—Roughness and dryness in the back part of the palate and fauces, without any thirst, worse when swallowing (after twenty-five hours)/. Stomach.—Although his appetite is very great, yet he does not relish his food ; it seems offensive to him ; at the same time a fulness in the chest, owing to suppressed eructations; he feels unable to satisfy his appetite by eating a plentiful dinner (after six hours)/.—Loss of appetite while at dinner,10.—Desires this thing and that, but is disgusted with everything brought to her,10.—Particular aversion to meat,10.—Thirst,10.—[150.] Great desire for cold drink (after fifteen hours)/.—Ragiug desire to drink, but it forsook her when she put the glass to her lips,10.—He has no desire for drink, nevertheless he craves warm drinks more than cold; he did not feel any chilliness after the cold drinks/.—Eructation of water,10.—Many empty eructations after a meal/.—Bilious eructations/.—Frequent hic- cough (after three hours)/.—Sense of nausea in the stomach (after one hour)/.—Nausea, with waterbrash/0.—Nausea, especially during a meal/. —[160.] Empty feeling in stomach,10.—In the beginning of the meal cut- ting pain in the stomach, like soreness; it went off during the meal (after three days)/.—Nausea during a walk, as if he would faint, accompanied by great lassitude all over, which did not abate by sitting down; after- wards it seemed as if the nausea rose into his head, and he felt hungry/.— Cutting-tearing in the pit, increased by moving the trunk, after dinner/.— Cramplike, pinching pain below the pit of the stomach, in the evening, when sitting (after thirteen hours)/. Abdomen.—Cutting under the short ribs, in the right side of the ab- domen, when moving the trunk (after forty-eight hours)/.—Loud rumbling in the abdomen/.—Audible rumbling in the abdomen, with eructations/.— Fermenting and rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on, accompanied by incarceration of flatulence (after three hours)/.—Painless motions, grumbling, and gurgling in the intestines, continuing almost un- ceasingly for three hours/.—[170.] Emission of stinking flatulence/.— Slight warmth over the abdomen,10.—Cramplike colic when walking/.— 348 ANGUSTURA. Stitches in the abdomen, followed by drawings/.—Drawing pain, as from a bruise, in the right side of the abdomen, when walking in the open air (after one hour)/.—Dull stitches in the abdomen, on the left side near the navel (after twenty-four hours)/.—Dull, shaking, transient shootings here and there, in the left side of the abdomen/.—Cutting in the hypogastrium transversely over the pubis, with pressure towards the rectum (after a quar- ter of an hour)/.—Cuttiug and gurgling in the hypogastrium, transversely over the pubis, when taking warm milk (after three-quarters of an hour)/. —Pressure in the hypogastrium, from within outward, accompanied by an- guish (after sixteen hours)/.—[180.] Sense as of drawing and cramping in the pelvis, when walking/.—Dull stitches in the left os innominatum, just behind the hip-joint; they occur in short paroxysms, and are increased by every motion/.—Pains in the sacrum and abdomen, as if things wound together lay in the abdomen, and were sore and paralytically pressed upon the sacrum, preventing her from walking about, as if she were too old and too tired ; stooping was also difficult,10.—Cramplike pressure over the pubis when sitting, as if something were boring out there (after twelve hours)/. —Periodic throbbing and contraction in the abdomen, in a spot above the mons veneris,10.—Several times a sensation in the intestines as if diarrhcea would come on/.—Pinching in the right lumbar region when at rest/.— Cutting pain in the left lumbar region, from within outwards (after three hours)/.—Cramplike pain at the upper border of the ilium, extending to the spine (after twelve hours)/. Stool and Anas.—During a soft stool there was a painful tenesmus of the rectum, as if it had been contracted, with distension of the haemor- rhoidal veins, and a burning pain, as if the rectum were being corroded (after two days)/.—[190.] Sensation in the rectum, as if it would protrude; this symptom is followed by a yellow, soft, very profuse evacuation (after one and a half hours)/.—Frequent urging in the rectum, as if diarrhcea would come on immediately, with shiverings over the face/.—Stitching in the rectum,10.—(Tingling-itching of the rectum, as from ascarides)/.—Pro- trusion of haemorrhoids during a hard, knotty stool, with contractive pain and sticking after feeling a contraction of the rectum the day before,10.— Haemorrhoids remain protruded, even during the night,10.—Indications of diarrhcea, with drawings through all the intestines (after three hours)/.— Frequently slight desire for stool; he felt as if the passage would not take place ; upon much straining a few hard pieces came out (after twelve hours)/. —Thin, copious stool, without any pain (after two hours)/.—The stool was not as thin as might have been expected from the indications of diarrhoea/. —[200.] Three profuse, very thin stools within four hours/.—Early in the morning, diarrhoea comes on after previous colic and nausea; the last evacuation was only mucus/.—Colic and diarrhoea ; the last evacuation is only mucus (after twelve and eighty-four hours)/.—Every evacuation is followed by shiverings over the face and goose-skin/.—Sensation as if stool had not been passed sufficiently, as if more would come/.—Daily stool, as usual, only more hard; usually has soft stools,11.—Moderate costiveness,2. Urinary Organs.— Tenesmus of the bladder, followed by the pro- fuse emission of white urine; tenesmus after micturition (after thirty-six hours)/.—Inclination to pass urine during the day; the urine is of a light color, aud is passed in large quantities (after one and a half hours)/1.— Frequent desire to urinate, with but little urine (after two hours)/.—[210.] Frequent micturition (after one hour)/1.—Burning after micturition; one is obliged frequently to urinate, although but a few dark-yellow drops are ANGUSTURA. 349 emitted each time; they cause a burning each time/.—Urine copious, and nearly as light-colored as water (after one hour)/1.—Orange-colored urine, soon becoming turbid (after twenty-four hours)/. Sexual Orr/ans.—Stitches, sometimes itching, of the prepuce/.— Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, which forces one to rub; wheu walk- ing in the open air (after six and a half hours)/.—Itching of the scrotum/. —Drawing in the left spermatic cord, alternating with twitches, accompa- nied by a sensation of shivering in the neighboring parts of the scrotum and thigh/.—Prolapsus uteri,10.—Rapid successive stitches in the uterus, relieved by bathing with cold water,10.—[220.] Short-lasting pressure in the right ovary,10.—Itching pimples on the left labium major (these usually appear when the menses have been retarded some time); they burn when urinating; larger pimples on the labia minora, that itch when touched,10.—Discharge of milky mucus from the vagina,10.—A slight yellowish discharge from the vagina the day before the menses appear,10.—Irritation and raging in the genitals,10.—Transient irritation in the genitals, and a contraction of the ligaments of the uterus,10.—Itching and swelling of the genitals, without voluptuous sensation,10.—Itching in the genitals, obliging her to scratch so as to draw blood; after which it abated,10.—Disagreeable tickling in the genitals/0.—During her morning sleep she had a pollution, and was out of humor after it,10.—[230.] Menses appear two weeks later than usual,10. Respiratory Apparatus.—Trembling sensation, internally, re- sembling hiccough, duriug an inspiration; the inspiration is made in two jerks, from within outwards (after eight hours)/.—Frequent irritation to cough, caused by a tickling arising from under the sternum and extending into the back,10.—Irritation to dry, hacking cough,10.—Scratching (Kratzen) in larynx, with short cough (after nine and a half hours)/1.—Tickling in the larynx, inducing a dry, short, and hacking cough, continuing a long time (after two and three-quarters hours)/.—Stitch in the epiglottis (immedi- ately)/.—Tenacious phlegm in the trachea, difficult to hawk up (after ten and*eleven hours)/.—The voice is louder and firmer (curative), (after five and a half hours),2.—Hoarseness, occasioned by much phlegm in the throat (after ten hours)/.—[240.] Cough, as if something weighed on his lungs,10. —Frequent dry cough (after rising in morning)/1.—Frequent short cough, followed by one hiccough/.—Some hacking cough,10.—Violent cough, deep from the trachea, early in the morning, accompanied by expectoration of yellow mucus (after twenty-four hours)/.—A short and hacking cough the whole day, owing to a tickling in the larynx, only when walking in the open air, with a rattling in the chest and expectoration of much yellow mucus/.—Expectoration of sourish, salty water,10. Chest.—During a walk, peculiar sensation of lightness and well-feeling in the chest (after two hours)/1.—Pain in the muscles of the chest when moving in bed, early in the morning, and, during the day, when the arms are brought together, they pain as if bruised; on touching the parts, they feel no pain, not even when breathing/.—Quickly passing tightness of the chest (immediately)/.—[250.] Tightness of the chest and pressure in the left side, when walking fast (after twelve hours)/.— Cramp in the chest, as if one had suddenly taken a violent cold/.—Pressure on the chest, toward the axilla and on the tendon of the pectoralis major (after three days)/.— Cutting pressure through the thorax, from within outwards, with a sense of anguish (after half an hour)/.—Sharply pressing, almost pinching, pain at a small place in the upper portion of the chest (after fifteen hours)/.— Oppression of the chest,10.—Great oppression of, and pressure upon, the 350 ANGUSTURA. chest, with pressure on the sides of the frontal bone, and violent palpita- tion of the heart, towards evening, when going upstairs (after two hours)/. —Drawing pains in the muscles of the thorax (soon after taking)/1.— Painful sensitiveness of the chest, even when pressed only feebly (after twenty-four hours)/.— Cutting pressure in both sides of the chest, first only during expectoration; afterwards changed to cutting thrusts, ivhich continue even on holding the breath (after one hour)/.—[260.] Lying on the side is painful,10.—Cutting stitches in the last rib during an inspiration, and, moreover, before going to sleep and after lying down/.—Feeling as if the lung were turned over,10.—Contractive pressure in the ribs, above the hypo- chondria, but more in the right side,10.—Painful contractive sensation on right side of chest, when touching it, as if it were bruised; worse when raising her arm,10.—Pressure across the whole right side of the chest and abdomen, as if these parts were being compressed in front and behind, accompanied by sharp cutting, downward, in the sternum and in the spine, increased by inspi- ration and every movement of the trunk (after five hours)/.—Dull stitches between the top of the left shoulder and the neck/.—Stitches in the right side of the thorax, with feeling of lassitude in the knees (after one hour)/1. —Very sharp itching stitches in front, in the last true rib of the right side, which, in the beginning, do not pass off by scratching, but afterwards disappear of themselves (after twenty-four hours)/.—Stitches in the left side of the thorax; in the shin-bones when walking (after two hours)/1.— [270.] Sticking in right lung, extending under right shoulder,10.—Oppres- sion in the sternum,10.—Several times, severe pressure on the right side of the sternum, as from a blunt body (immediately)/1.—When taking as deep an inspiration as possible, it seems to be arrested under the upper portion of the sternum; he there feels a pain like a dull, still stitch or pressure (after seventy-two hours)/.—Pressure several times on the left side of the sternum (after one hour)/1.—Cutting thrusts in the sternum and spine, from without inwards (after thirty-six hours)/.—Single stitches in the sternum, when sitting (after twenty-eight hours)/.—Sensation under the sternum as if a sore place were being scratched, the size of a finger; worse every sec- ond day,10. Heart and (Pulse.— Violent palpitation of the heart, in the evening, when lying on the left side, in bed; better when sitting up/.— Violent pal- pitation of the heart when sitting or stooping, with a painful sensation as if the heart were constricted?.—[280.] Painful thrust in the region of the heart/. Neck and Rack.— Violent trembling in the muscles of the neck on the left side (after two hours)/.—Burning in the nape of the neck,10.—Ex- cessive wrenching in the nape of the neck that bent the head to the right/0. —Tension in forepart of right side of neck, with sharp stitches, even when at rest (after two hours)/.—Drawing stitch in the nape of the neck/.— Neck as if swollen, after the headache,10.—Drawing in the neck (immedi- ately),11.—Slight pain in the cervical vertebrae; worse on raising the arms,10. —Stiff pain, like drawing, between the scapuloz and in the nape of the neck, early in the morning, when in bed; when rising, she was unable to move her arms on account of the pain, nor was she able to turn her neck the whole forenoon; several mornings in succession, lasting until noon, with weakness of the whole body/.—[290.] Pressing pain in the muscles of the neck and back (in three-quarters of an hour)/1.—Bruised pain in the muscles of the neck, on the left side, towards the shoulder; the parts feel as if strained too much; only during motion, and abating in the open air/.—Swelling of the ANGUSTURA. 351 right side of the neck, so that she could not turn her head,10.—Tension in the muscles of the back, near the axilla; he finds it difficult to lift his arm (immediately)/.—Pain in the spinal vertebrae, as after a blow,10.—Contrac- tion under the shoulder-blades/0.—Cutting stitches in the scapula/.—At night, in bed, he frequently feels a stitch on the right side near the spine, between the scapulae; the stitch is felt during motion, and appears to pene- trate deep into, the chest/.—Chilliness in the back; cold hands for half an hour (after one and a half hours)/1.—Chilliness in the back (after one and a half hours)/1.—[300.] Chilliness in the back (after one hour)/1.—Wan- dering pains in the back (soon after taking)/1.—Early in the morning, when in bed, pain in the small of the back, as if everything were broken; after rising, she was unable to pick up anything from the floor for several hours; this was followed by hunger; afterwards, cutting pains in the abdo- men and loose stools, which, finally, became slimy/.—Stitches below and by the side of the small of the back, when sitting/.—Pain in the small of the back, rather on one side, as if bruised; drawing and pressive, when sit- ting (after thirty-five hours),2.—Pressure in the small of the back, as if bruised; the pain often roused her from sleep; it was worse at 4 o'clock in the morning, but had disappeared when she rose/.—Dull gurgling in the sacrum (after one hour)/. Extremities in General.—Drawings in the legs, shoulders, mus- cles of the arms (immediately)/1.—Drawing in the joints of the feet, in the head, in the fingers (immediately)/1.—Drawing in the toes, pressure in the feet, joints of the feet and legs, in shoulders (soon after taking)/1.—[310.] Pressure in shoulders and knees (immediately)/1.—Pressure in the shoul- ders ; in the toes and feet (after one hour)/1.—Pressure on the back of the feet, in the toes, in the joints of the hands (third day)/1.—Severe pressure in the muscles of the arms, in the knees, legs and joints of the feet (after eight hours)/1.—Severe pressing pains in the muscles of the arms, in the elbows, knees, fingers (after ten hours)/1.—When sitting, a bruised sensa- tion in the knees; after awhile, the same in the arms (immediately)/1.— Bruised sensation in arms and legs (after two hours)/1. Upper Extremities.—Painful twitchings in the top of the shoul- der/.—Pain in the right shoulder, sometimes more, sometimes less,10.—Con- tractive pressure in the right shoulder,10.—[320.] Drawing behind the right shoulder, extending to the head,10.—Pressive pain in the humerus, as from a bruise (after one and three-quarters hours)/.—Stitches in the right shoulder,10.—Pricking on the right shoulder,10.—Stitching and drawing in left shoulder (soon after taking)/1.—Pressive cutting in the axilla (after half an hour)/.—Transient warmth spreading through right arm,10.—Upon extending the arm for a long time, it feels as if a heavy weight were held in the hand a long time; a sort of paralysis/.—Heaviness in the arm re- lieved in the evening,10.—Fine tearing in the arms, apparently more in the bones, and worse when at rest than in motion (after two hours)/.—[330.] Pressing in the muscles of the arms, with drawing (soon after taking)/1.— Raging and stitches in the arm, with contraction between the shoulders,10.— Fine itching of the arms, which passes off by rubbing (after one hour)/.— Severe pains in the elbows; they feel bruised (after one and a half hours)/1. —Stiffness in the elbow-joints, with weakness of the forearms/.—Pain in the elbow-joint, apparently in the tendons, as if he had knocked them against something, increased by moving the arm, or leaning upon it (after walking in the open air), (after twenty-four hours)/.—Pressure in the elbows (immediately)/1.—The left arm feels heavy, when one is walking, with 352 ANGUSTURA. pressure on the outside, in the region of the elbow-joint, as if the arm were being pulled down when left hanging free (after four hours)/.—Drawing in the forearm and hand, like a cramp/.—Frequent stitches from the hand to the elbow,10.—[340.] Pressure in the wrists (immediately)/1.—Right wrist feels as if dislocated, with sticking,10.—Single, deeply penetrating stitches over the right wrist-joint (after seven hours)/.—Paralytic weakness in the hands and elbow-joints; he could scarcely move them ; but without stiffness, and without otherwise, any difficulty; with chilliness and want of animal heat (after one hour)/.—Cold hands (after one hour)/1.—Cold hands and fingers (after one and a half hours)/1.—Heaviness of the hands,10.— The hands feel swollen,10.—Drawing and pressing pains in the hand and fingers (after four hours)/1.—Feeling of heat on dorsum of left hand (after six hours)/.—[350.] Rheumatic, drawing pressure upon the dorsum of the right hand, in the evening/.—Dull stitches in the dorsum of the right hand, in front of the wrist-joint (after half an hour)/.—Drawing around the joint of the thumb, as if sprained, especially when bending the thumb/.—Pres- sive pain, internally in the flesh of the ball of the left thumb (after quarter of an hour)/.—Severe pressure in the fingers, hands, muscles of the arms (immediately)/1.—The fingers of the right hand only are cold to the touch, and they feel cold (inwardly), (after three hours)/.—Drawing in the fingers (immediately)/1.—Drawing in the fingers (after one hour,\u.—Drawing in one of the fingers of the left hand/.—Pain in the lowest joints of the fingers, as when moving an ulcerated part/.—[360.] Pain in the right middle finger, as if torn out/.—The ring finger feels insensible, numb, pithy, and as if dead/. Lower Extremities.—Weakness of the lower extremities, especially felt above the knee-joiut, as after a long walk/.—Sudden heaviness and lassitude in the lower extremities (after quarter of an hour)/.—He cannot walk fast, his legs feel too stiff/.—The upper part of the hip-joint feels painful, as if luxated; it is almost unfit for walking/.—During motion, frequent pain in the hip, as if stiff or dislocated, almost like cramp.1.— Pressive, drawing pain deep in the tendons of the hip-joints, upou rising from a seat (after seven hours)/.—Fine shootings in the skin of the glutei muscles, accompanied by tingling, externally/.—Boring, paralytic pain in the region of the ischiatic nerve, on the back part of the thigh/.— [370.] Tensive, pressive pain in the upper and anterior portion of the rectus mus- cle of the thigh, when stretching the part (after two and a half hours)/.— Cramplike pain in the middle of the posterior surface of the thigh, only when walking (after twenty-one hours)/.—The anterior muscles of the right thigh feel paralyzed; painful tension when moving the muscles/.— When bending the knee, one feels a tensive pain in the anterior muscles of the right thigh/.—Drawing aching on the external side of the thighs when walking/.—Pressing pains in the muscles of the thighs (immedi- ately)/1.—Fine tearing in the thighs, apparently more in the bones; worse at rest than in motion (after two hours)/.—Sharp stitches in the anterior muscles of the right thigh/.—Jerking stitches in the left thigh, and in the upper border of the ilium, extremely painful, and felt only when sitting (after quarter of an hour)/.—Throbbing above the flexor of the left thigh,10.— [380.] Fine itching of the thigh, going off by rubbing (after one hour)/.— Sense of drawing and cramping in the right knee-joint when walking, or when standing upon the foot stretched forward/.—Pressure in the knees aud thighs (after one and a half hours)/1.—Pressure in the knees (immediately)/1.—Stitches running up in the external tendons of the knee, ANGUSTURA. 353 when walking in the open air (after thirteen hours)/.—Bruised sensation in the knees (third day)/1.—Bruised pain in the knees (immediately)/1.— Intermittent prickings in the left patella, when walking in the open air (after six hours)/.—Paralytic sensation, like a contraction of the ligaments, from the middle of the bend of the knee, as far as the calf, both when at rest and in motion (after quarter of an hour)/.—The feet and legs feel numb and pithy, as far as the knees, but without tingling/.—[390.] Draw- ing in the legs (after one and a half hours)/1.—Cramplike straining drawing from below upward, in the calf, and also in the thighs, extending upwards from the bend of the knee/.—Stitches in the calves (immediately)/1.— Stitches in the calves, and pressing pains (after one and a half hours)/1.— Drawing at the sides of the tendo Achillis, in the calves (immediately)/1.— Drawing at the sides of the tendo Achillis (after one and a half hours)/1. —Burning in the tibiae, when walking/.—When walking, a drawing, superficial (softly pressive) pain in the tibia, and around the ankle, with a sensation as if the tibia would break, which prevents him from walking/. —Drawing in the tibia and the neighboring muscles/.—Pressure and draw- ing in the tibia, in the evening, when sitting (after twelve hours)/.—[400.] Dull stitches in the left tibia (after one hour)/.—Stitching in the skin of the shin-bones (immediately)/1.—Paralysis of the ankles/.—Feeling as of burning, around the right external malleolus, when walking or sitting (after twenty-six hours)/.—Dull, drawing stitches in the right ankle, when sitting (after eleven hours)/.—Early in the morning, when walking about, a drawing and aching in the ankles, with heat in the joints, and sensation as if they were dislocated, near the malleolus externus (after three days)/ —Left ankle as if sprained; sometimes, also, the knee-pan,10.—Severe boring in the ankles, aud iu the feet (immediately)/1.—When crossing the legs, a cramplike, tearing, drawing in the left heel, which is standing still, and a pressive drawing in the other knee, which is laid across (after ten hours)/. —Pressure in the right heel,10.—[410.] Stitches in the heel, when sitting, in the evening/.—Sweat of the feet/.—The external border of the foot, and the part below the external malleolus, go to sleep when walking/.—Pain of the foot, when stepping upon it/.—Her right foot felt warm,10.—Momen- tary cramps in the feet/.—Cramplike pain in the foot, followed next day, by a pressive pain, and a feeling, when standing upon the foot, as if it had been bruised/.—Severe, compressive sensation in the right foot (after one and a half hours)/1.—Pressure under the right metatarsal bones, as from great fatigue after walking (in the morning, in bed),10.—Sense of stiffness in the feet (lower extremities), almost as if the contact with an invalid had deprived him of all strength/.—[420.] Cramplike pain in the forepart of the foot, without any real contraction of muscles, more when sitting, or at rest (after half an hour)/.—Cramplike, pressive drawing on the border of the left foot, on the prominence of the fifth metatarsal bone, as if he had sprained the joint by a misstep (after five hours)/.—Frequent drawing in the feet, especially at the external edge (immediately)/1.—Pressing, draw- ing pains in the feet (after two hours)/1.—Pressing pain, as from a sprain, in the right foot, when walking in the open air (after two and a quarter hours)/. —Pressure in the joints of the feet, shoulders (immediately)/1.—Shudders from below upward in the right foot,10.—Formication in the foot, and strong throbbing,10.—Severe stitches in the soles of the feet (soon after taking)/1.— Sudden tearing in the sole of the foot, when sitting/.—[430.] Almost lan- cinating tearing on the dorsum of the left foot, mostly when, moving the parts/.—Drawing in the toes (immediately)/1.—Stitches in the toes (after vol. i.—23 " 354 ANGUSTURA. one and a half hours)/1.—Pricking in the right toes, and the same severe stitching pain on the inside of the right foot, moving upward to the lower leg (after one hour)/1. Generalities.—In the evening, after sitting an hour, he feels quite stiff and contracted; after rising from his seat he is unable to straighten himself (after thirteenth hour),2.—Inclination to constant stretching/.— Prostration as after a fever,10.—Excessively tired, especially in the thighs, after walking in the open air/.—Lassitude and weariness of all the limbs, without any sleepiness/.—Sensation in the whole body as if he had lost his strength, and especially as if the marrow of the bones had become stiffer and coagulated (immediately)/.—[440.] Cracking in all the joints (after twenty-sixth hour)/.—Cracking in almost all the joints, but not audible/.— When walking, a painful tension in the muscles, here and there/.—-Periodic hammering and tearing, as if a weight oppressed her inwardly,10.—Frequent drawing in the occiput, on the sides of the head, in the fingers, shoulders, and joints of the hands (after one hour and a half)/1.—Drawing in head, hands, and fingers (soon after taking)/1.—Pressure in the knees (soon after taking)/1.—Drawing, pressing pains in the joints duriug a walk (after one hour and a half)/1.—Drawing and pressure in head, chest, shoulders, feet (immediately)/1.—Drawing, pressing pains in the feet, in the muscles of the thighs, in the muscles of the upper arms, in the knees, on the edges of the feet, in the bones of the head (after rising in the morning)/1.—Pres- sure in the temples, in the feet, in the maxillae, arms, several times, as from a blunt body, especially severe on the sides of the forehead and on the back of the feet (immediately)/1.—[450.] Pressing and boring in different parts of the head, in the forehead, muscles of chest, and of the back (after eight hours)/1.—The whole right side of the abdomen, aud of the thigh and leg, seems bruised, and when walking, threatens to fall together, on account of a rheumatic drawing pain (after one and a half hours),2.—Stitches in the right thorax and feet (after one and a half hours)/1. Skin.—Itching, in the evening, in bed ; after rubbing the parts, flat, very painful ulcers appear/.—Irritability of the skin, with burning; she is often obliged to bare her arms,10.—For four days, frequent itching on dif- ferent parts of the skin; scratching only slightly relieves (after one and a half hours)/1.— Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, which forces one to rub, when walking in the open air (after six and a half hours)/.—Itching of the scrotum/.—Itching pimples on the left labium major (these usually appear when the menses have been retarded some time); they burn when urinating; larger pimples on the labia minora, that itch when touched,10.— Itching and swelling of the genitals, without voluptuous sensation,10.—[460.] Itching in the genitals, obliging her to scratch, so as to draw blood ; after which it abated,10.—Fine itching of the arms, which passes off by rubbing (after one hour)/.—Fine itching of the thigh, going off by rubbing (after one hour)/. Sleep and Dreams.—Excessive yawning, as if she would cramp her jaws,10.—Frequent attacks of yawning, without any sleepiness, with a cramplike pain in the jaws/.—Frequent yawning, with extension and stretching of the limbs (after twenty-four hours)/.—Sleep, towards morn- ing, with dreams/.—Sleepiness duriug dinner/0.—Great sleepiness in the evening, until 9 o'clock; afterwards is wide awake until after midnight/.— In the evening, great physical depression, and irresistible inclination to sleep, while sitting; he sleeps one hour, with snoring, but afterwards on lying down cannot fall asleep under one hour/.—[470.] When sitting and ANGUSTURA. 355 reading, he falls asleep, but is aroused by the slightest noise, and starts up, with a great chill which thrills through and through him/.—Very light slumber about noon,10.—Restlessness at night,10.—Uneasy sleep/.—Uneasy sleep; she often wakes, without cause/.—Uneasy sleep at night, which came only towards morning; full of dreams/.—Uneasy sleep, full of dreams; he did not wake, however; with emissions two nights iu succession,2.—Wakes up in the night and cannot get to sleep again,10.—His sleep is interrupted by dreams until 6 o'clock in the morning; then he became wide awake, afterwards fell asleep again, and then remained sleepy until noon/.—During her morning sleep she dreamt that she was in a magnetic slumber,10.—[480.] Vivid dreams, partly disagreeable, partly anxious; he frequently woke; on falling asleep again, he always dreamed of something else/.—Confused dreams, partly of a terrifying nature/.—Anxious, distressing dreams, causing her to weep much,10. Fever.—Chills all over, with nausea,10.—At 3 p.m., shivering, with goose-flesh, abating in the open air, without thirst, for several days in suc- cession/.—Internal shivering, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, with violent thirst, without subsequent heat, several days in succession/.—Early in the, morning, chilliness in the bed, without subsequent heat/.—Shivering in the evening, on going to bed,10.—Inward chill, while externally warm to the touch,10.—When she removed her shawl from her neck she felt cool; if she keep it on, it was too warm,10.—[490.] Violent chills over the back, when walking in the room, in the forenoon (after twenty-five hours)/.—Much thirst, in the forenoon; an hour after, chills over the back/.—Chilliness in back and extremities (in three-quarters of an hour)/1.—Chilliness in the back, cold hands (after one and a half hours)/1.—Chilliness over the back ; cold hands and fingers (after one hour)/1.—Chilliness in the back and cold hands several times during the day (after one and a half hours)/1.—Chilli- ness in back, cold fingers and hands, pressure in the arms ; the coldness lasts over half an hour (after one and a half hours)/1.—Chilliness over the back, cold hands and feet, pressure in the shoulders, shin-bones, for half an hour (after one and a half hours)/1.—Chilliness over back, cold hands and feet, drawing in the forehead (after nine and a half hours)/1.—Severe cold sen- sation over the back, icy-cold hands and fingers, pressure and drawing in the sides, pressure in the forehead, lassitude in the knees, drawing in the back, the whole state lasts over half an hour (after one and a half hours)/1.— [500.] Severe cold sensation in the back, with icy-cold hands and feet, with frequent pressure in the temples, drawing in the elbows and toes, severe stitches on the inside of the left foot, spreading upward over the malleolus internus (after one hour)/1.—The chilliness with the paroxysmal pain lasts over half an hour (after one hour)/1.—Pains continue after the chill/1.— Increasing warmth over the whole body, towards evening/.—Heat in the night, especially around the forehead, so that she is unable to sleep again after 3 a.m. ; at 9 a.m. she has a chill/.—Warmth of the whole body, to- wards evening, with pressive drawing in the side of the forehead with thirst (after fourth day)/.—Upon entering the room in the evening he feels a great heat; he knows not what to do with himself, but without thirst (after second day)/.—-Slight heat after the chill/.—In the afternoon feeling of warmth in the whole body, especially the cheeks, not without thirst (after second day)/.—Warmth of the body, except the head; the cheeks were cold (the latter part of this symptom was owing to the reaction of the vital principle; since the prover, before taking Augustura, had been affected with heat of the cheeks for several days)/.—[510.] Increased warmth 356 ANGUSTURA. of the cheeks and body, with pressive, confused headache, in the temples and sides of the forehead, towards evening, for three days in succession/.— Woke up in the night, feeling increased warmth, which obliged her to throw off a portion of the bedclothes,10.—Mounting heat,10.—Alternations of warmth and chilliness during the night,10.—Flying warmth, alternating with shuddering,10.—Perspiration,10.—Violent perspiration atnightin bed/0. Conditions.—Aggravation. — (Morning), Early, uncomfortable ; early, in bed, heat around head, etc.; early, after rising, heaviness in fore- head; early, drawing in sides of head, etc.; agglutination of eyes; early, on rising, dimness before eyes; early, diarrhoea; after rising, frequent dry cough ; early, violent cough, etc.; early, in bed, stiff pain between scapulae; early, in bed, pain in small of back; after rising, pains in the feet, etc.; early, in bed, chilliness.—(Forenoon), Violent chills over the back; much thirst.—(About noon), Very light slumber.—(Afternoon), Greatly excited, etc.; great animation, etc.; pressure in occiput; burning in inner half of eyes, etc.—( Towards evening), Headache ; headache in forehead ; warmth over whole body; warmth of cheeks, etc.—(Evening), Headache on right side, etc.; burning in inner half of eyes, etc.; pressure iu right eye, etc.; hot feeling in cheeks ; after lying down, toothache ; during slumber, mouth full of viscid phlegm ; when sitting, pain below pit of stomach ; pressure upon dorsum of right hand; when sitting, pressure, etc., in tibia; till 9 o'clock, great sleepiness; great physical depression, etc.; on going to bed, shivering.—(Night), In bed, stitch in right side; heat.—(4 a.m.), Pressure in small of back.—(3 p.m.), Shiverings, etc.; internal chilliness, etc.— (9 p.m.), Chilly.—(Every second day), Sensation under the sternum, as if a sore place were being scratched.—(Open air), Vertigo ; evening, headache. —( Walking in open, air), Lively mood ; pain in abdomen ; itching of tip of glans; short cough; pain in elbow-joint; stitches around tendons of the knee; prickings in left patella; burning in the tibia; drawing, etc., pain in tibia, etc.; sprained pain in right foot; excessively tired.—(Bend- ing the thumb), Drawing around thumb-joint,—(Bending the knee), Pain in muscles of thigh.—(Crossing running water), Vertigo.—(Crossing legs), Drawing in left heel.—(At dinner), Loss of appetite; sleepiness.—(After dinner), Bitter taste in mouth, etc.—(During expiration), Pressure in both sides of chest, etc.—(Extending arms), Feeling as if a heavy weight were held in the hands.—-{During inspiration), Trembling sensation internally ; stitches in the last rib ; pressure across right side of chest, etc.—(Deep in- spiration), Dull stitch in chest.—(During intellectual labor), Feels cheerful and lively.—(After lying down, before going to sleep), Stitches in last rib.— (Lying on left side), Evening, in bed, palpitation of the heart.—(During a meal), Nausea.—(After a meal), Empty eructations.—(Motion), Stitches in left os innominatum ; bruised pain in muscles of neck ; stitch in right side; paiu in the hip.—(Moving the parts), Tension in muscles of thigh; tearing on dorsum of left foot.—(Moving in bed), Early in morning, pain in mus- cles of chest.—(Moving the trunk), Cutting-tearing in pit of stomach; cut- ting under short ribs; pressure across right side of chest, etc.—(Opening jaws), Pain in temporal region.—(Raising arms), Pain in cervical vertebrae. —(Raising the arm), Contractive sensation on right side of chest.—( When reading), Becomes dizzy; easily falls asleep; twitches between eyebrows. —(At rest), Pain near the articulation of the jaw; pinching in right lum- bar region; tearing in the arms; tearing in thighs; cramplike pain in forepart of foot.—(Rising from a seat), Pressive pain in tendons of hip- joint,—( When walking in the room), Violent chills over the back.—(Sitting), ANILINUM. 357 All symptoms; vertigo over occiput; heaviness in head ; pressure over pubis; stitches in sternum; palpitation of the heart; pains in small of back ; bruised sensation in knees, etc.; stitches in left thigh; burning around right external malleolus; in evening, stitches in the heel; cramplike pain in forepart of foot; tearing in the sole; feels stiff and contracted.—(After the usual smoke), Bitter taste in mouth.—(Standing upon the foot stretched oid), Drawing, etc., in right knee-joint.—(Stepping upon the part), Pain of the foot.—(During hard stool), Protrusion of haemorrhoids.—(Stooping), Bruised feeling in forehead; palpitation of heart.—(Stretching the part), Pain in rectus muscle of thigh.—(After supper), Immediately, heat of the face.—(Swallowing), Roughness, etc., in back part of palate, etc.—(Bring- ing the arms together), They pain as if bruised.—( When urinating), Pimples on genitals burn.—(After urination), Tenesmus of the bladder; burning.— ( Walking), Stitches in shin-bones ; left arm feels heavy ; pain in posterior surface of thigh ; drawing-aching on exterior surface of thighs; drawing, etc., in right knee-joint; burning around right exterior malleolus; outer border of foot, etc., goes to sleep ; tension of the muscles ; right side of ab- domen, etc., threatens to fall together.—(During a walk), Peculiar sensation of lightness, etc., in chest; pains in the chest.—(When walking fast), Con- fusion, etc.; tightness of chest, etc.—(Going upstairs), Towards evening, oppression upon chest, etc.—(After walking), In morning, in bed, pressure under right metatarsal bones.—( Walking by the side of a ditch full of water), Vertigo.—(Taking warm milk), Cutting, etc., in hypogastrium. Amelioration.—(Evening), Heaviness in the arm.—(Night), All symptoms.—(Open air), Bruised feeling in forehead ; bruised pain in mus- cles of neck ; shiverings.—(Bathing with cold water), Stitches in uterus.— (Touching tooth with cold tongue), Pains between the crowns of molar teeth. —(Laying forehead upon table), Pains in head.—(Opening or closing jaws), Pain near the articulation of the jaws.—(After scratching), Itching in geni- tals.—(Sitting up), Palpitation of the heart.—(Rubbing), Itching of arms ; itching of thighs.—( Walking), All pains; nausea, etc.; drawing, etc., in pelvis. ANILINUM. (Amidobenzene.) C6H5NH2. Lailler (Gaz. Heb., 1873) (M. H. Rev., JL, 1873). Local application of 10 per cent, solution of the hydrochlorate to pso- riasis caused, in an hour and a half, vomiting; repeated fifteen or twenty times during the night; incontinence of urine, with a little tenesmus ; night restless; the next morning the face and nearly the whole of body cyan- otic; pulse 116, small, regular; slight rales in chest; severe pains in heels and calves. A second application (afterward) of a 5 per cent, solution caused, in two hours, headache, irresistible drowsiness, coldness, and dysp- noea ; cyanosis very marked ; voice very feeble. In another case, a solution of 2 per cent, caused, in four hours, loss of consciousuess (lasted fifteen minutes), deep cyanosis (lasted five hours); respiration regular; cyanosis, followed by great paleness and cold sweats ; following night sleepless; urine high-colored. A boy, cleaning an aniline vat, inhaled the fumes, and was suddenly seized with giddiness, and became insensible; the face and body became cold, pulse slow and almost imperceptible, action of the heart feeble, respi- 358 AN THEMIS NOBILIS. ration heavy and labored; after rallying a little he complained of pain in the head and giddiness; his face had a purple hue, as also his lips, mouth, and nails; this blue color (like a patient in last stage of cholera) continued the next day. Case related by Mr. Knagg, of Huddersfield, Hom. Obs. (Eng.), 1, 64.— James K., aged 39, of average health, was directed, about noon, to empty four carboys of the nitrate of beuzole into a still. By mistake, the last one contained aniline. On lifting it, he struck it against the edge of the still, and it was broken, the whole contents pouring over him; none en- tered his mouth, but the fumes were freely inhaled. About an hour after- ward " he broke out into a sweat, and felt quite giddy, and weak in the head and stomach." At 11 p.m., he presented the following appearance: Face and whole body of livid, leaden hue; lips, gums, tongue, and eyes of a corpse-like yellow ; gasping for breath, as though it was his last. There was no convulsions, and he was perfectly sensible and able to give a correct account of his feelings; pulse extremely small and irregular. The only pain of which he complained was in the head and chest. He recovered under the free use of brandy, ammonia, chloric ether, and cold affusions to the head, and mustard sinapisms on legs and thighs. ANISUM STELLATUM. (See Iklicium Anisatum.) ANTHEMIS NOBILIS. Nat. order, Compositae. Common names, Roman Chamomile; Hunds- Kamile. Preparation, Tincture from the whole plant beginning to flower. Authority. Dr. Berridge (M. H. Rev., 13, 475). Provings with the tincture. Mind. —Very low spirits ; feeling as if something were about to happen; as if he would like to get alone, and unburdeu himself by crying for an hour or two ; worse from 3 to 5 p.m. (eighteenth day).—Exceedingly cheer- ful spirits for fifty-four hours (after twelve hours).—Rather low spirits (thirty-eighth day).—Feeling as if something was about to happen to him (fifteenth day).—Dislike to go out of doors (thirty-eighth day).—On going out of doors, in evening, felt nervous, and exceedingly afraid of being run over (eighteenth day).—Much desire for reading and deep thinking, which he could do without tiring his brain ; lasting forty-eight hours (after twelve hours).—Thoughts wandered ; had little command over mind ; distaste for hard study; lasting, more or less, for about thirty hours (fifth day). Head.—Dull, frontal headache (after four hours).—[10.] Very slight headache, 8.30 A.M., as if from congestion in forehead, increased by bend- ing head down ; worse, also, for three or four hours, about two hours after food; very severe about two hours after dinner (third day).—6 p.m., a boring, oppressive headache, affecting the entire forehead, with feeling of general languor, lasting till he went to bed, but disappearing before morn- ing (fourth day). Eyes.—After rising from bed, eyes water, chiefly indoors; at same time, running of clear water (not acrid) from left nostril; worse indoors, ANTHEMIS NOBILIS. 359 and increased immediately on going into a colder room (forty-fifth day).— Eyes watered much, especially on exposure to cold (first day).—Eyes slightly painful, as though something pressed against posterior part of ball; worse on bending head downward (third day).—Tenderness of eyeballs on pressure (after four hours). Nose.—Sneezing when indoors (had not been exposed to cold) (forty- fifth day). Face.—Looks pale (nineteenth day).—Lips very dry (fourth day). Mouth.—Tongue with a slight, moist, white coating, especially in centre (after four hours;.—[20.] Sense of taste greatly intensified, so that he enjoyed food very niuch (immediately).—Bitterness in mouth, as from indigestion (first day). Throat.—Slight rawness of throat, with disposition to swallow saliva every two or three minutes, with a view to relieve it, which it does not do (forty-eighth day).—Back of pharynx feels raw, increasing from morning to evening; worse on swallowing saliva, and in the open, cold air (forty- fourth day).—When drinking, a feeling of constriction of pharynx, appar- ently about the junction of pharynx and cesophagus, causing a slight cut- ting in swallowing liquids, but not solids. Stomach.—Appetite greatly increased ; food relished, especially meat (third day).—Loss of appetite (fifth day).—No appetite (after four hours). —Loss of appetite for food and drink at all his meals (seventeenth day).— Considerable thirst, relieved by drinking cold water (fourth day).-—[30.] On drinking tea, had no relish for it; it seemed as though it would be vomited, because the pharynx felt as if contracted, especially at posterior part, as if the liquid would not go down. Solid food, on the other hand, he enjoyed, and swallowed without difficulty (first day).—A qualmish feeling in stomach, nearly amounting to sickness; worse indoors, passing off out of doors in about au hour (after fifteen minutes).—Considerable nausea in stomach, ceasing on going into the open air.—Much pleasant warmth in stomach, followed in fifteen minutes, by desire for food, which dinner removed (immediately). Abdomen.—Pain in right hypochondrium, as from distension with faeces, followed by a great desire to evacuate, which resulted only in a slight passage of hard mucus. The pain continued constantly afterwards all day (fifth day).—Dull aching pain over the whole region of the liver, abiding in all situations or postures, lasting twelve hours; no aggravation on pres- sure, but a little ou walking (third clay).—9.30 a.m., Wearying pain in loins, especially left, as from muscular exertion, worse in walking; it in- creased gradually, then gradually decreased ; by 3 p.m. it was gone (eighth day). Stool and Anus.—Continued itching of anus, as from ascarides; worse when sitting in evening (fifth day).—Bowels freer; faeces softer, easier, and continuous (second day).—Bowels easily moved, early in morn- ing; faeces softer than usual; pale yellow; not very offensive. (Bowels would act in evening), (second day).—[40.] Bowels slightly open; faeces hard, dark (more so than usual), (sixth day).—Yellowness of the faeces (one ounce of tincture in water).—For a fortnight, bowels have acted only twice a week; stools otherwise natural (fortieth day).—Constipation for three davs.—Constipation for five days. Urinary Oryrtns.—Intense pain in and over bladder, as from dis- tension, extending along both spermatic cords (as far as contained in in- guinal canal), which felt as if varicose.—The pain continued, with varying 360 ANTHEMIS NOBILIS. severity, for three or four hours, then intermitted, varying in severity, for thirty minutes (after eight hours).—Desire to uriuate, with intense pain, varying in severity, at neck of bladder, as from distension ; pain not re- lieved by urinating, though the desire was (after six hours).—Awoke at 2 a.m., with great desire to urinate ; passed a normal quantity of urine, but the desire was felt whenever he awoke, for four or five hours afterwards (after eight hours).—Urinated much more frequently than usual, an ordi- nary amount each time, all apparently normal; this lasted about twelve hours during the day, not during the night (first day).—Had to urinate four or five times during the night; a small quantity each time, so that the total amount was not more than usual (third d«y). Sexual Organs.'—[50.] Seminal emission, about 4 a.m. (after ten hour-.) Respiratory Apparatus.—In afternoon, dry cough in paroxysms, caused by tickling at back of larynx, which was momentarily relieved by the cough ; cough worse directly he went into a warm room, but not when in bed at night (sixteenth day). Heart and Pulse.— Pulse 96 (usually 75-78), full and soft (third day).—Pulse (at 2.30 p.m.), 108; (usually 80), small and weak; it grad- ually decreased towards night, resuming its normal rate next morning (after five and a half hours). Neck and Rack.—Carotid vessels in neck feel a little turgid; this feeling was especially marked below, decreasing upward (third day). Extremities in General.—Veins in extremities reduced in size (after four hours).—Extremities, from wrists and ankles downwards, ex- tremely cold (third day).—Dull, aching pains in limbs, especially large joints and loins (after four hours). Lower Extremities.—Soles of feet itched, as from chilblains (third day). Generalities.—In forenoon, and lasting till evening, dislike to touch or drink anything cold ; e.g., cold water, the fire-irons, etc. (This is not so when he naturally takes cold), (forty-fifth day).—[60.] Extremely lazy ; no desire to leave bed, or read; with a little fever (second day).—Great lassitude, especially in gluteal region (after four hours).—General malaise and weakness (fifteenth day).—General malaise (thirty-eighth day). Skin.—Cutis anserina (after four hours).—Skin dry (after four hours). Sleep and Dreams.—At night, slept badly; kept waking; could not sleep for long together; kept getting up and walking about room (eighteenth day). Fever.—Cold creeping all over the body, especially on scalp, where it began ; increased on leaving the fire (after four hours).—Extreme feeling of cold when dressing, beginning in legs, where it was most felt; then in neck ; then in whole body; when it became general, it was most felt in back; in- creased by going into open air (after one and three-quarter hours).—Did not feel cold in open air, though the thermometer stood at 20° (first day). —[70.] After very little exertion in walking, got hot with much warm perspiration all over the body, chiefly on head and face, though the weather was very cold (fourth day). Conditions.—Aggravation. — (Morning till evening), Back of pharynx feels raw,—(Forenoon), Dislike to anything cold.—(Afternoon), Dry cough.—(8.30 A.M.), Slight headache.—(3 to 5 p.m.), Low spirits, etc. —(6 p.m.), Boring, etc., headache.—(Open air), Feeling of cold.—(Bend- ing head down), Headache; eyes painful.—(Exposure to cold), Eyes water. ANTHRAKOKALI. 361 —( Opm, cold air), Back of pharynx feels raw.—( Going into colder room), Immediately, eyes water ; running of water from nose.—( When drinking), Feeling of constriction of pharynx, etc.—(After eating), Headache.— (Leavingfire), Cold creeping over body.—(Indoors), Eyes water; running of water from left nostril; sneezing; qualmish feeling in stomach.—(After rising from bed), Eyes water.—(Sitting), In evening, itching iu anus.— (Swallowing saliva), Back of pharynx feels raw.—(Walking), Pain over region of liver; pain in loins.—(Going into warm room), Cough worse. Amelioration.—( Open air), Qualmish feeling in stomach passes off; nausea in stomach.—(Drinking cold water), Thirst. ANTHRAKOKALI. Prepared by the action of Caustic Potassa upon Fiinfkirchen coal. (See Hom. Dispensatery.) Authorities. A. H. Z., 18, 235; (extracted from Polya, Klinger, Isensee, etc.). Several persons proved it (Nos. 12 and 13 females). Moutll.—Tongue soon furred, with nauseous taste,10.—Furred tongue, appetite lost, nausea/2.—Tongue furred, with vomiting and colic/3.—Dry- ness of mouth and throat/8.—Taste unpleasant/.—Taste nauseous/. Throat.—Pain in throat, with coated tongue/.—Burning in throat, with slight dysphagia/.—Burning in throat, soon followed by anorexia, nauseous taste, and violent colic, without diarrhoea (after ten days repeated doses)/.—[10.J Dysphagia and dryness of the throat,10. StomacJi.—Anorexia', nausea, vomiting, colic, and flatulence/.—Burn- ing thirst/.—Almost unquenchable thirst,10.—Nausea after eating/.—Nau- sea, with intercurrent vomiting/.—Vomiting bilious, mixed with blackish mucus/3.—Sensation of warmth in stomach/.—Cramps in the stomach, and colic pains/. Abdomen.—Violent burning, deep in the abdomen/2.—[20.] Violent colic, increased at night, so that he had to apply a cataplasm, which re- lieved (seventh day)/.—Colic, borborygmi, tympanitic distension of the abdomen/.—Colic, borborygmi,10. Stool and Anus.—Diarrhoea three times a day,9.—Diarrhoea instead of usual constipation,8.—Copious diarrhoea, with colic and borborygmi/1.— Diarrhcea for several days, with increased urine,4.—Two fluid stools/3.— Stool pasty, preceded by colic and borborygmi/. Urinary Organs.—Burning in urethra on urinating/.—[30.] Ischu- ria; urine pale/2.—Urine increased/89.—Urine profuse/.—Profuse watery urine,10.— Copious evacuation of pale, clear urine? 2.—Urine less profuse/3.— Urine pale, acid, profuse,2.—Peculiar odor to the urine/. Sexual Organs.—Frequent erections?2'0. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse and temperature feverish/2. Generalities.—[40.] Feels generally sick/1.—Weakness of whole body and restlessness, with heaviness of the head/1. Fever.—Creeping chills alternating with heat followed by slight sweat, with accelerated pulse/.—Increased warmth of body at evening, with accel- erated full pulse,3.—Warmth and heat sensation, beginning in the throat, and extending down to the stomach; from hence it migrated to the skin where it did not remain long; was not followed by sweat/.—Moist skin/. —Copious sweat in the evening, lasting till morning, with restlessness, headache, prostration, and accelerated pulse,4.—Copious sweat, with slight 362 ANTIMONIUM CHLORIDUM. vascular excitement (sixteenth day)/.—Moderate night-sweat, beginning at evening, with sleeplessness and excited pulse/1.—The burning of the skin was (on eighth day) followed by nightly sweat (continued several days)/.— [50.] Nightly sweat returning every twenty-four hours, as long as the proving lasts, without itching of the skin,10.—Profuse night-sweat, with headache, and accelerated pulse (thirteenth day after increasing doses)/.— Profuse night-sweats, and renewed diarrhoea, which again ceased without stopping the dosing (seventh day)/.—Copious night-sweat, with loss of sleep, and excessive restlessness, but relief of the pain in the abdomen/2.— Profuse warm night-sweat, with confusion of the head/3.—No sweat/. Conditions.—Aggravations.—(Evening), Warmth of body, etc.; copious sweat.—(Night), Colic; profuse sweats, etc.—(After eating), Nausea. —(Urinating), Burning in urethra. Amelioration.—(Cataplasm), Colic. ANTIMONIUM ARSENITUM. Arsenite of antimony. Formula, (Sb203)As05 + 3 p. c. (For chemical preparation, see All. Hom. Zeit., 79, 76.) Preparation, Triturations. Authority. Isnard (A. H. Z., 79, 76, Review of Therap. Andw. des Ar- sen.) took daily increasing doses of .01 to 0.10 of centigramme; symptoms began on the sixth day. Congestion of the head.—Pain in the forehead.—Pressure in the temples. —Pain in the orbits.—Conjunctivitis.—CEdema of the face.—General sick feeling.—Sense of weakness.—Wandering pains along the sciatic nerves.— Loss of appetite.—Nausea.—Diarrhcea slight, without pain in abdomen.— Pulse 90.—(^'Excessive dyspnoea in cases of emphysema), Dr. Payr, A. H. Z., 79. ANTIMONIUM CHLORIDUM. Antimonious chloride, SbCl3. (Butter of antimony.) (The white pow- der exposed to the air becomes yellowish ("powder of Algaroth"), owing to formation of the trioxide.) Preparation, Trituration. Authorities. Poisoning cases, see Cattell's symptoms, B. J., 11, 525; Lancet, 1841. Mind.—Stupor.—Insensibility. Eyes.—Eyes somewhat reddened.—Eyes sunken.—Pupils dilated and inactive.—Pupils dilated, insensible. Face.—Countenance pale; features collapsed.—Features set. Mouth.—Mouth filled with tenacious transparent mucus.—[10.] Nu- merous abrasions on mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with slight fever.—Tongue clean.—Tongue dry in centre.—Unable to speak for some minutes. Throat.—Great pain in throat.—Severe pain in throat and fauces.— Sense of burning in throat.—Severe burning pain in throat, with difficulty in swallowing.—Heat and uneasiness in mouth and throat, with pain on swallowing.—In the throat, severe burning pain (increased by deglutition), extending in a less degree along the cesophagus to the stomach.—[20.] Fauces inflamed. Stomach.—Incessant efforts to vomit, and frequent abortive desire to defecate, with cold skin.—Nausea, vomiting.—Incessant vomiting.—Vom- ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 363 iting for two hours, followed by prostration.—Severe burning pain in stomach. Abdomen.—Burning pain in epigastrium, and tumefaction of abdo- men.—Excruciating griping pains in abdomen.—Tenderness of abdomen to touch, with sensation of burning. Respiratory Apparatus.—Respiration very slightly apparent.— [30.] Seems choked.—Respiration heavy. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse rises to 120, with sleepiness.—Pulse small, accelerated, very feeble, or hard.—Pulse 80, small.—Pulse 80, small, rather firm. Generalities.—Restlessness.— General weakness.—Great or com- plete prostration of strength.—Faintness. Ski)i.—[40.] Skin pale and cold.—Skin cold.—Skin cold and clammy. Sleep and Dreams.—Drowsy; must be raised before he answers, which he does rationally. Fever.—Slight feverishness. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. ("Stibium.") Sesquichloride of antimony, Sb,S3. (Native gray anti- mony ore.) Authorities.^ 1, Hahnemann, Chr. Krankheiten, 2, 190; 2, Caspari, ibid.; 3, Hartlaub, ibid.; 4, Langhammer, ibid.; 5, Gmelin, Allgem. Gesch. d. Mineral Gifte (general statement from authors of effects of Ant.), ibid. ; 6, Hildanus, Obs. Cent., V. O., 12 (same case as that given in full by Cam- erarius, S. 17), ibid.; 7, Liudestolpe, de Venenis (general statement of the noxious effects of Ant.; one only of the eight symptoms referred to him ap- pears), ibid.; 8, Gardane, Gazette de Sante, 1773, ibid.; 9, Camerarius, Syl- loge Memorabil. (effects of overdosing in adults), ibid.; 10, Wepfer, de Cicuta et Ant. (several cases of poisoning in men and animals), ibid.; 11, Ephemer. Nat. Cur. (should be Misc. Nat. Cur.), dec. 1 (effects of overdosing in an adult), ibid.; 12, James, in Simon's Beob., 1790, ibid.; 13, Stahl, Mat. Med., 1744, ibid.; 14, Morgenstern, de Usu Ant. Cr., 1756 (general statement from authors), ibid.; 15, Hoffmann, Med. Rat. et System., pts. 1 and 2, fol. ed., Geneva, 17G1 (statement of ill effects of antimonial emetics), ibid.; 16, Bonetus, Polyalthea (statement of occasional effects), ibid.; 17, Matthiolus (Gootze, in Act. Vratislav.), fno reference given to Matthiolus; not in his Comm.; Goetze, effects of Ant. in a patient with syphilitic ulceration), ibid.; 18, Saunders, Observ. de Ant., etc., London, 1773 (general statement from observation), ibid.; 19, Joubert, Lib. de Peste, ibid.; 20, Schulz, in Tract, de Nat. Tinct. Bezoard., ibid.; 21, Lotichius, Observationes, lib. iv, cap. 3 (case of overdosing in an adult), ibid.; 22, Kunckel v. Lowenstein, Labarator. Chem. (effects of continued use), ibid.; 23, Nicolai, Progr. ad Dissert, also Reindel, de Oleo, etc., ibid.; 24, Pitet, Bib. Horn., Paris, 1872, p. 91 (effects of the 30th, given for blepharitis). Mind.—(Delirium aud death, in consequence of an emetic of Croc. metall.)?.\—Decided disposition to shoot himself in the night, not to any f Dioscorides (in Hahnemann) only mentions the beneficial effect of its external application to ulcers of the eye; Plinius, ibid.; as Ant. was not used internally in his time, this must be as with Dioscorides. % Not found, Hughes. 364 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. other kind of suicide; this forced him to leave his bed, otherwise he was unable to get rid of it/.—*Continual condition of ideal love and ecstatic longing for some ideal female being, which wholly filled his fancy; more when walking in the open pure air than in the room; this symptom disappeared after a few days, the sexual desire apparently diminished at the same time/. —Dejection of spirit during the day/.—He felt discouraged; this made his head feel warm in front/.—Attacks of anxiety/.—Anxious reflections about himself, his present and future fate, during the day/.—Anxiety in bed, at night, from 3 to 5 o'clock/.—Uneasy (second day),2.—[10.] Irritated state of mind, feeling of grief, the whole forenoon; the sound of the bells, as well as the sight of that which surrounds him, moves him to tears; his breathing is short and heavy/.—*Peevish; vexed without any cause (second day)/.— Out of humor; sad in the evening/.—Ill-humor the whole day/.— *He is sulky; does not wish to speak with any one?.—He does not speak (second day)/.—Dementia/ (same case as S. 17).—Dementia, idiocy; she did not leave her bed, spoke nothing without being asked, desired neither to eat nor to drink, nevertheless ate with pleasure if anything was offered to her and she felt hungry; she declined eating when she did not feel hungry; at the same time she was all the time pulling her neckcloth, or she folded a handkerchief and then unfolded it again, or she pulled little feathers out of the bed and then gathered them together; so obtuse was her sensibility that when, from the acrimony of the evacuations and her position on the back, a large and foul ulcer formed over the sacrum and coccyx, she complained of no pain from it/. Head.—Vertigo/.—Weakness of the head/.—[20.] Violent headache/. —Violent headache after bathing in the river, with weakness in the limbs and repugnance to food/.—Headache, and subsequently a little bleeding at the nose (after seven and a half hours),4.—Feeling of emptiness in the head, as after continual working in a cold room (fourth day)/.—The rush of the blood to the head becomes less (curative effect)/.—Violent tearing in the whole head, with heat in it, towards noon (sixth day)/.—Teariug pain in the whole head, here and there, from morning till night/.—The tearing in the head becomes less when walking in the open air/.—Dull, stupefying pain in the whole head, with nausea in the pharynx, when smoking, to which he is accustomed/.—* Heaviness in the forehead,21.—[30.] Headache, as if her forehead would burst; at the same time, she felt intox- icated, sat alone, and would not speak/.f—Continual pain in the forehead and the temples, boring from within outwards, unchanged by touching the parts (after five hours),4.—* Slight dull headache in the forehead, and vertigo, increased by ascending stairs,2.—Stupefying, dull headache, rather exter- nally, in the forehead, so violent that sweat broke out from anxiety, when walking in the open air (after six hours)/.—Pressure inwards, at times drawing, in the left side of the forehead/.—Momentary drawing pain over the left temporal bone; went off by pressure, and then returned much more violent, immediately after/.—Slow pulsation externally, at the left temple, with fine prickings, several times in succession, extending towards the eye- brows ; this symptom is most severe when it is not especially noticed/.— Upon the left parietal bone there is a small spot which, when touched, causes pain in the bone, as if the periosteum were swollen,2.—Small, flat tubercles here and there upon the scalp, of the size of small peas, painful f Not found. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 365 to pressure, and with a feeling of crawling all around/.—Single sharp stitches on the scalp (for one minute)/. Eyes.—[40.] Red, inflamed eyes, with itching, and nightly agglutina- tion/.—Redness of the left eye, with dread of light on rising early in the morning, and a secretion of mucus in the inner canthus/.—Inflammation of the eyes/.—Pain at the right eyebrow, within the skull, as if the parts were pressed asunder/.—Sharp pressive stitches below the left eyebrow/.— Reddened eyelids, with fine stitches in the eyeball/.—Twitching in the left eyelids,2.— Gum in the canthi of the eyes, in the forenoon (after three hours and a half)/.—Much mucus in the right canthus, early in the morn- ing, with dry gum in both lids/.—Small moist place at the outer canthus, very painful upon sweat coming in contact with it/.—[50.] Itching in the external canthus of the eye, which obliges one to rub (after two hours)/.— Fine stitches in frequent succession, without pain, in the forepart of the eye- ball, iu the forenoon (ninth day),2.—Incurable blindness/.f Ears.—Redness, burning, and swelling of the left ear, as from the bite of a mosquito/.—Swelling and redness of the whole of the internal concha with periodical itching/.—Itching stitches at the border of the right concha, above the helix, going off on being touched (after one hour and a half)/.— In the evening something seemed to block up the right ear/.—Drawing pain through the right ear into the Eustachian tube, almost reaching the mouth, after dinner (sixteenth day)/.—-Stitches in the ears/.—Crawling in the right meatus auditorius (second day)/.—[60.] Sensation of burrowing or swarming (of animals) in the ears, especially when lying still (fifth day)/.—Violent din in the ears, as if some one were beating against the door of the house/.—Smashing in the ear, as of a few drops of water, when moving the jaws/.—Ringing before the ears (second day)/.—Continual roaring in the ears, especially during stillness (second day)/.—Roaring in the ears, most in the afternoon/.—An old roaring in the ears disappeared (curative effect)/.—Painful roaring in the ears/ (preceding S. 68).—Loss of hearing,9.—(After violent vomiting, left ear soon recovered, but right re- mained permanently deaf; reporter ascribes it to rupture of membrana tympani).—A kind of deafness of the right ear, as if a leaflet were placed before the tympanum; this symptom cannot be removed by boring with the finger in the ear (after fourteen hours)/. Nose.—[70.] *Both nostrils become chapped and covered with crusts?.— The left nostril becomes chapped aud painful/.—Obstruction of the nose in the evening, as in coryza, for several days/.—Coryza/.—Coryza, with sore, crusty nostrils,2.—Fluent coryza early in the morning, for some hours, with sneezing/.—Dry coryza?.—Fluent coryza/.—Blowing out blood/.—Bleeding at the nose, several days in succession/.—[80.] *Bleeding at the nose every evening/.—Dryness of the nose when walking in the open air, so that he can hardly speak/.—* The nose is painful when breathing, as if from inspir- ing cold air, or from inhaling acrid vapors?.—Sore nostrils, with drawing pain/.—Feeling of soreness in the nostrils when inspiring air, especially in the right nostril, which is a little obstructed/.—Soreness of the right nos- tril in the anterior angle, with pain as in a cold/. Face.—Slight twitches in the muscles of the left side of the face (after nine hours)/.—* Cracks in the corners of the mouth, painful like sores, return- ing after five, eight, and twelve weeks/.—Twitches of the muscles at the corners of the mouth/.—The lips are dry?.—[90.] Formication upon the ■(-Not found. 366 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. upper lip (nineteenth and twenty-fourth days)/.—Burning, stinging, as from a red-hot little spark on the chin and the upper lip (seventh and ninth day)/.—Sensation at, and below the chin, when touching it, as if the hand were moved over many small sore places, and small, honey-colored granules upon the skin here and there/. Mouth.—Waking from the siesta with and by dull grinding of the teeth (second day)/.—* Severe bleeding of the teeth?.—Twingeing toothache, in the evening when in bed, and after dinner/.—^Stitches in the tooth when inspiring air?.—* Toothache in a hollow tooth, worse at night than in daytime; a fine stinging, pulling, and grinding, as if in the nerve, which moves downwards and then upwards into the head ; if he touches the tooth with the tongue, he feels pain, as if the nerve were torn?.—The nightly toothache is accompanied by great warmth, which seems to come from the chest/.—The toothache is renewed immediately after eating even soft things, is worse by applying cold water, and is relieved in the open air/.—[100.] The gums stand off from the teeth, and bleed easily/.—* Dryness of the mouth, at night (sixth clay)/.—* Rawness of the palate, with expectoration of much mucus, when clearing the throat (after fifth week)/.—Blisters upon the tongue/.— *Tongue coated white in the forenoon (after two hours)/.—Accumulation of water upon the tongue/.—After dinner some fine, sharp stitches in the tongue, in front on the left border, following in succession (after thirty- three hours)/.—Feeling of soreness, and redness at a small place on the right border of the tongue for several days, frequently going off and sud- denly returning (sixth day)/.—Accumulation of water in the mouth/.— *Much saltish saliva in the mouth,10.—[110.] Profuse ptyalism from nose and mouth/1 (same as S. 383).—Ptyalism, without any fetid odor, and with- out looseness of the teeth/2.f—The mouth smells as in ptyalism from mer- cury/.—Fine pinching on the palate the whole night, especially painful during deglutition; early in the morning the symptom disappeared only after hawking up the phlegm, which had collected on the sides of the palate during the night, except a feeling of roughness which remaiued/. Throat.—Much viscid phlegm collects in the throat the whole day/. —He is obliged the whole day to draw a quantity of thick yellowish mucus from the posterior nares into the throat, and expectorate it (ninth dav)/.— Clearing the throat and hawking when walking in the open air/.—A foreign body seems to hang in the throat; he tries in vain to swallow or expel it,10.—Early in the morning, roughness and dryness in the throat (sixth day)/.—Sore throat on the left side, as from a swelling or a plug/.— [120.] Sensation as of scraping on the velum palati, as if much phlegm were upon it, which could only be expelled after clearing the throat for a long time; often it was not expelled at all, for several days (seventh day)/. Impeded deglutition/. Stomach.—Strong sense of hunger in the region of the stomach, early on waking, without appetite; eating does not remove the symptom ; at the same time disagreeable sense of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, and want of animal heat, for two days (after fourth week)/.—Want of appe- tite/3.—Complete loss of appetite/4.—Appetite extremely little/.—Immense thirst,10.— Thirst in the evening, and desire to drink/.—Much thirst at night (after sixth day)/.—Drinks much only at night/.—[130.] ""Violent thirst, with dryness of the lips?.—Goat's milk refreshes him agreeably,10.—Loud eructations (after one-quarter of an hour and one hour and a half)/.__ •j- Not mentioned by James in his treatise on the fever powders. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 867 Eructations having a raw taste/.—Bitter eructations like bile (after three hours)/.—*Gulping up of fluid, tasting of the ingesta, in the afternoon (second aud third days)/.—Hiccough (after one hour)/.—Frequent hic- cough when smoking tobacco (after ten hours and a half)/.—Violent nausea/4.—Nausea after drinking a glass of wine?.—[140.] Nausea, with vertigo/.—Nausea and vomiting/.—Terrible vomiting, which nothing can stop/.—* Vomiting of mucus and bile?1.—Violent vomiting, with attacks of anxiety/5.—Fearful vomiting, with convulsions,10.— Violent vomiting and di- arrhoea?*.—Violent vomiting and diarrhcea, with excessive anguish/6.— Fulness and inflation after dinner; often alternates with lightness, cheer- fulness, and activity of both mind and body,2.—Pain at the stomach, as from excessive fulness, without, however, any fulness, and accompanied by appe- tite/.—[150.] *Pain at the stomach, as after too much eating, with distended but not hard abdomen (after three days)/.—Cramp of the stomach/3.— * Cramplike pains at the stomach?5.—Cramp of the stomach, in several per- sons, during the whole of their lives,10.—Transient pinching in the region of the stomach/.—Feeling of tightness below the stomach, with empty eructatious/.—Pressure at the stomach, which is more like a dull cutting, especially when drawing in the abdomen/.—Pressure at the stomach early in the morning, with thirst (twentieth day)/.—Several attacks of cutting pain in the region of the stomach/.—Painful feeling in the stomach, when pressing upon it/.—[160.] * Burning at the pit of the stomach, like heartburn, with good appetite?.—Burning, spasmodic pain, at the pit of the stomach, in attacks of half an hour, which drove him to despair and to the resolu- tion of drowning himself/.—Pinching pains on the right side, over and by the side of the pit of the stomach/. Abdomen.—Slight tension in the hypochondria,10.—Pinching pain on the left side of the navel/.—Distended, big abdomen/.—Abdomen very much distended; this causes a pain as from internal pressure/.—Great inflation of the abdomen, especially after a meal/.—(Hernia)/.f—Loud rumblings in the abdomen (after one hour and a half)/.—[170.] Slight rumbling in the abdomen, as when bubbles of air arise in the water/.—Loud rumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness, in the forenoon (after three hours)/.— Much rumbling flatus, bursting forth immediately after a meal; some smells badly; some before it passes moves downwards and meets other flatus, espe- cially in the right side (ninth day)/.—Inconsiderable flatus passed off, with a sensation as of pressing asunder, as if a copious expulsion of faeces would take place (after five hours and a half)/.—Much flatus immediately after dinner; it moves about audibly, especially in the right side of the abdo- men, some being expelled (after six hours)/.—Sensation of emptiness in the intestines, going off after a meal/.—Sensation in the intestines as after a violent diarrhoea; the symptom is transitory but exhausting/.—The most intolerable pain in every part of the abdomen/.—Pinching at a small place on the left side of the abdomen, low down, iike the beat of the pulse, in the afternoon (third day)/.—Pinching in the abdomen, especially on the right side, towards the back, beginning suddenly in the evening, and in- creased by motion (after three weeks)/.—[180.] Violent cutting in the ab- domen (twenty-second day)/.—Cutting in the abdomen, with a feeling of nausea there,and accumulation on the tongue/.—Cutting in the abdomen the whole clay, with a feeling of oppression coming from the stomach, indispo- sition to work, dry humor, and pain at the stomach on eructations/.—Sud- f " Hernia ventriculi, after violent vomiting." 368 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. den, compressive colic, with gulping up of water/.—The symptoms in the abdomen recommence again, all of them (after two weeks and a half), .— Hard gland in the left groin painful to pressure; the gland appears to lie over Poupart's ligament, and to run parallel to it/.—Pain as from swelling in the cartilage, or the periosteum, of the upper portion of the crest of the ilium/.—Pain in the groins, as from swelling, felt on pressure ; the place felt hard, as from swollen glands/. Anas and Stool.—The varices of the rectum protruded more than usual (eleventh day)/.—Protrusion of the rectum during stool, for some time/.—[190.] Discharge of mucus from the rectum, with emission of flatu- lence/.—Expulsion of black blood by the rectum,".—Continual discharge of blood and solid portions of the intestines by the rectum?.']'—* Pain in the rectum during stool: feeling of soreness; as if an ulcer had been torn open?. —Frequent tenesmus, although little urine is passed (after five days)/.— Sharp itching in the rectum (seventh day)/.—Burning, itching, aud smart- ing in the anus at night (after three days)/.—Drawing pain in the anus/. —Crawling and burniug of the haemorrhoids, in the evening when in bed till falling asleep (after eleven days and after five weeks)/.—''Itching of the anus?.—[200.] Severe, urgent desire for stool after dinner, and quick ex- pulsion of ordiuary faeces, with straining (four days)/.—Disposition to di- arrhcea, which, however, does not take place/.—Diarrhcea at night and early in the morning; every time, however, only one evacuation/.—Pappy, frequent stool (after one hour and a half)/.—* Very difficult, hard stool?.— Difficult expulsion of hard stool, without previous straining (after eleven hours)/.—Difficult evacuation of hard stools, with previous pressing in the rectum, two minutes (after twelve hours)/.—The stools, which had previ- ously been very consistent, now become very thin/.—Very thin stools after taking vinegar, with pain in the rectum during stool/.— Very liquid stools?. —[210.] Hard stool early in the morning/.—Hard stool in the evening, with violent pressing in the rectum, and cutting in the abdomen,2.—'■'Stool, first natural, then several small, loose evacuations, then as small but hard evacu- ations, with violent straining in the rectum and anus until, all are passed?.— Constipation for three days/. Urinary Organs.—Tenesmus of the bladder rouses him from sleep at night/.—Sensation of painful contraction at- the bottom of the canal (neck of the bladder),24.—Burning in the urethra/4.—Constant urging to urinate, with extreme dysuria/4.—Desire to urinate, frequent and violent; expelling much urine every time (after one, two, and two hours and a half)/. —Expels the urine but rarely/8.—[220.] Frequent micturition/.—Long- continuing, frequent micturition, little urine being expelled in great haste (eighteenth day)/.—Frequent urination, with intense burning in urethra dur- ing emission?4'.—Frequent micturition, with discharge of a small quantity of watery urine (fourth day)/.—Copious micturition at night, three times,2. — Copious and frequent micturition (in a dog),10.—At night he passes a small quantity of urine, in an intermitting stream, with painful erections/.—Gold- yellow, thin urine, with a scarcely perceptible cloud,10.—Brown-red urine/. —Dark-colored, frequent urine (after seven hours)/.—[230.] Small, red corpuscles iu the urine after having stood twenty-four hours,10. Sexual Organs.—Erections (after six hours)/.—Burning at the glans penis,24.—Fine itchings of the penis (after fourteen hours)/.—Violent itching of the extremity of the glans/2.—Biting-itching, as from salt, of the t Not found. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 369 left side of the scrotum, frequent, lasting fourteen days (after fourteen days)/.—Continual drawing in the spermatic cord, while there was a boil at the perineum; the pain was most violent when standing, and became less when stooping/.—Excited sexual desire, with uneasiness in the whole body, which prevents him from sitting long (after six hours)/.—Afterwards the sexual desire appears to be less for several days,2.—Even upon leaning the back against something, there is an irritation, as if pollution would come on/.—[240.] Nightly pollutions, without any voluptuous dreams/.— Pollution at night, with many dreams (eleventh day)/.—Pressure iu the womb* as if something would come out/.—Discharge of an acrid water from the vagina, which caused a sensation as of biting down along the thighs/. Respiratory Apparatus.—* Violent spasms in the larynx and the pharynx, as if the throat were filled with a plug, which becomes alternately thicker and thinner, accompanied by a feeling of soreness?.—Rough voice/.— Speech and singing are not firm, but weak,10.—* Extreme feebleness of voice; he can only speak in a low tone,10.—*Loss of voice as often as he became hot; the voice came back by resting himself,10.—Cough, early in the morn- ing after rising, in paroxysms; it seems to come out of the abdomen; the first attack is always the most violent; the following become weaker and weaker, so that the last attack resembles a mere hacking cough?.—[250.] Frequent, dry cough,10.—Severe, dry cough, with a sense as of scratching in the larynx, in a sudden short attack/.—Cough, with discharge of viscid, thin phlegm, deep out of the chest, early in the morning,10.—Deep sighing, breathing, as from fulness of the chest, for several days, in the afternoon and after eat- ing/.—Dyspnoea?.—Difficulty of breathing during supper/.—Difficulty of breathing after supper/.—Asthma/3.—Very troublesome asthma,10.—Suffo- cating asthma in four young men/9.—[260.] (Suffocating catarrh),10."}-— Death produced by suffocating catarrh in fifteen days, occasioned by a few grains of antimony,10. Chest.—Burning in the chest at every cough, as of fire, with a glow- ing, hot breath from the mouth,10.—Burning in the chest, with dry cough, and dyspnoea almost to suffocation/°4—Oppression on the chest/.—Oppres- sion at the chest, early on waking/.—Half pressive, half sticking pain under the left clavicle, apparently in the air-passages, when breathing/.— Pain as from contusion, or as from too great an effort, in the pectoralis major muscle, early in the morning when rising, and a few hours after, when extending and lifting the arm, or when pressing upon it/.—Dull stitches in the chest, when breathing deeply, first on the right side under the two first ribs, then under the upper part of the sternum/.—Stitches, with constrictive pinching in the middle of the chest (third day)/.—[270.] Severe, continual itching upon the chest the whole day?.—Itching upon the chest, as if a blister were healing/.—He was frequently roused from sleep by an intolerable itching upon the chest, where he felt pimples/.—Stitches in the left side of the chest when breathing, with a little cough and head- ache/.— Sharp stitches in the left chest, when expiring in a standing posi- tion (after five hours)/.—Pressive pain in the interior of the right chest, in the evening when lying down/. Heart and Pulse.— Violent palpitation of the heart,20.—Pulse, sometimes a few quick, then three or four slow beats (immediately)/. f Coming on fifteen days after amputation of foot (S. 351, 352), and ending in death ; see next symptom. J Not found. vol i.—24 370 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Neck and Rack.—Swelling of the cervical glands/4.—Spasmodic drawing from above downwards in one of the posterior cervical muscles on the right side, in the evening when sitting (eighth day)/.—[280.] Spas- modic drawing pain in the muscles of the nape of the neck, reaching as far as the scapulae, in the evening after lying down, and early in the morn- ing ; worse on stooping, exerting the arm, and turning the head to the left side (twelfth day)/.—Inward pressing drawing in the neck, on the lower part of the left side (nineteenth day)/.—Straining in the nape of the neck, and between the scapulae, when stooping/.—Single stitches in the skin of the neck, here aud there (second and third day)/.—Sensitiveness of the skin of the neck ; if he rub hard, on account of the itching, the place feels sore/.— Itching of the neck/.—Spasmodic stitches in the right scapula when sit- ting/.—Tearing in the back the whole day, from morning to night/.— Vio- lent itching upon the back, a fortnight/.—Pain in the small of the back, im- mediately on rising, and the whole day, not at night/.—[290.] Violent pain in the small of the back, when rising from sitting ; it disappeared in walking/. Extremities in General.—Convulsions aud trembling of the limbs/5.—Lassitude, tremulous fatigue, and heaviness iu all the limbs after dinner, as if coming out of the abdomen, with trembling of the hands when writing, and subsequent expulsion of much stinking flatulence, the abdomen being distended/.—Feeling as if the limbs were enlarged/4. Upper Extremities.—A stitch under both arms when walking in the open air/.—Sharp itching of the inside of the left arm,2.—Light twitches in the right deltoid muscles (fifth day)/.—Quivering, drawing in the mus- cles of the upper arms, which did not pass off by motion, but by warmth, and returned in a draught of air/.—Paralytic pain in the muscles of the upper arms, when bending the arms, as if they were contracted too much, or weakened by the contraction/.—Sudden drawing jerk, transversely through the right upper arm (after ten, twenty, aud one huudred and twenty minutes)/.—[300.] Cracking in the elbow-joint, on turning it to and fro/.—Drawing in the forearm, when at rest and in motion/.—Draw- ing down the right forearm (after one hour aud a half)/.—Paralytic draw- ing in the right forearm (after two hours)/.—Drawing on the inside of the lower part of the forearm, with a sensation of pressure from without (nineteenth day)/.—Gouty pain in the joints of the right fourth finger/.— Drawing pains in the fingers and their joints,2.—Cracking in the metacarpal joint of the thumb, when moving it (ninth dav)/.—Fine itching in the tip of the left thumb (after fourteen days)/.—Discolored nails/.t—[310.] * The finger-nails did not grow as fast as formerly, and the skin beneath the nails was painfully sensitive,2. Lower Extremities.—Pain in the right hip-joint/.—Drawing pain in the left hip/.—Drawing pain in the left hip-joint, when walking, especially when bending the thigh backwards; also in the evening/.—Painful draw- ing from the hip-joints towards the os sacrum/.—Drawing in one of the nates, around the hip-joint, into the thigh (seventh dav)/.—Slight twitches in the muscles of the left half of the nates, in the evening, when sitting (fifth day)/.—Bluish spots upon the thighs/.t—Repeated tension of the right thigh, high up, like a small spasm (seventh day)/.—Drawing pain in the posterior muscles of the left thigh/.—[320.] Drawing pain at the an- terior and internal sides of the thigh/.—Slight clucking for a few minutes, f Not found. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 371 in the lower part of the right half of the nates, when standing (after four weeks)/.—Sharply stinging itching on the inside and anterior surfaces of the left thigh (after four and a half hours)/.—Sharply stinging itching of the right thigh, which does not go off by scratching; after the itching, a small, flat, yellowish pimple is formed at that place/.—The stinging itch- ing upon the thighs comes on every evening,2.—Sensation as of a spasm at the external border of the left thigh, as if the muscles become slowly con- tracted and again extended, in the afternoon (after ten hours)/.—Stiffness of the knee, for eight days/.—Painful stiffness of the knee; the knee pained her so much, that she could not stretch it out, aud was obliged to limp/.— Pain in the knee, which prevented him from stretching the foot, and made him limp/.—Pain just below the knee, as if it had been tied too tightly, the whole evening (after thirteen days)/.—[330.] Drawing pain in the right knee/.—Sudden violent stitch on the outside of the knee/.—A stitch in the left knee, which started him, and caused a jerk with the leg (tenth day)/.—Itching of the right knee, on the inside, and, after rubbing it, a large blister, which is painful only for a short while/.—Drawing pain in the leg, as high up as the knee/.—In the evening, when sitting, painful drawing in the right leg, beginning at the knee, or at the os ischium, going down the thigh and tibia, as far as the foot, so that he has to lift it and shift its position several times in succession (tenth day)/.—Clucking in the posterior part of the right leg, immediately after stitches in the ankle (third day)/.—Bluish spots upon the tibiae/, f—Drawing pain at the lower part of the left tibia/.—Deep stitches descending all along the tibia,4. —[340.] Sharp stitch in the shaft of the tibia, from within outwards, when sitting (after five hours)/.—Fine itching on the left tibia (after four and a half hours)/.—Painless pinching, coming and going, in the lower joint of the right calf/.—Drawing pain on the inside of the left calf/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the external malleolus of the right foot, when turning the foot outwards, with frequent cracking of the joint, when bending or stretch- ing it (fifth day)/.—On the outside of the left calf, a place which feels bruised when touched, for a few days (after twenty-four hours)/.—Crawling along the left calf, without itching (after fourteen hours)/.—Violent itch- ing under the external malleolus of the right foot, which does not at once pass off by scratching, and leaves a small red spot behind/.—Cramplike drawing at the external side of the left heel (after one and a half hours)/. —Drawing paiu iu the left heel (after three hours)/—[350.] Chilblains on the feet, with pain and redness, in the summer season/.—Mortification of the foot; it is quite black,10 (same case as next).—Intolerable burning, lancinating, and tearing pains in a mortifying foot, it being insensible to touch, or to the prick of a pin,10. (Set in soon after violent vomiting had subsided, see S. 260.)—Her foot feels so heavy that she cannot lift it/.— When walking, the right foot feels benumbed, and goes to sleep/.—Con- stantly icy-cold feet/.—His feet do not get warm before 1 o'clock at night/. —*Large horny places on the skin of the soles of the feet, close to where the toes commence, which pained like corns, and always returned after having been cut out/.—* Great sensitiveness of the soles of the feet, when walking, especially upon stone pavement, for a long time (after seven days)/.—Sensitive sting- ing in the skin of the sole of the right foot, going off by rubbing; in the evening, when in bed, after a walk of three hours (eighth day)/.—[360.] Sharp, fine prickings in the soles of the foot (tenth day)/.—Cracking of f Not found. 372 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. the big toe, at every motion requiring an effort/.—Burning pain on the ball of the right big toe (sixth day)/.—Tearing and drawing through the right big toe/.—Cutting under the'left big toe, rhythmical (after six days)/. —Fine itching upou the left big toe (after four and a half hours)/.—A corn upon the left little toe became painful without any cause, as if it were pressed upon (seventh day)/. Generalities.—Immense swelling of the whole body/.f—Dropsical swelling of the body/1.!—Incurable dropsy,10.—[370.] Getting fat?2.— Emaciation and exhaustion,10. — Excessive beinorrhages/5.§— Disposition to start, even at slight noises,2,—Twitches of the muscles of many parts of the body/.—(Convulsive movements, especially at the head),10. (In a puppy).—Indolence and disposition to lie down after dinner/.—Extreme lassitude,24.—Great lassitude, early in the morning, and disinclination to rise,2.—Weariness, especially of the feet, with great peevishness, at 7 o'clock in the evening/.—[380.] General prostration/4.—Death after a few hours, consequent upon giving Antimony, for cramps of the stomach/5.—Intoxica- tion,2.—Apoplexy, accompanied by such a profuse flow of saliva, that he expelled a large quantity of watery foam from the nose *and mouth/1.— Sensation while taking a moderate dinner, as if the body were considerably filled with a quantity of flatus moving about/.—Heavy, pressive pains, sometimes in the chest, sometimes in the back, sometimes in both parts at the same time,10.—Sensation of general vascular ebullition/4.—All the symptoms come on again after the third week; however, after this period, they appeared more on the left side of the body/. Skin.—Eruptions like rash/.—Red points with white dots in the centre, at several places/.—[390.] Brown spots and dots, like small liver spots, here and there, especially upon the arms/.—Red, hardened, slightly ele- vated place on each side of the forehead, itching like a nettle; going and coming/.—Nettlerash; white pimples with red areolae, with violent burn- ing and fine stinging, in the face, on the limbs, as far as the fingers that were swollen ; accompanied by violent thirst and nausea/.—Pimples coming on at night/.—Red, hard pimple, painful to the touch, on the left temple, close to where the cartilage of the ear begins/.—Pimples and vesicles, as from stings of insects, at many places of the body, especially on the face and on the joints of the extremities; they come on with itching, and often dis- appear after a few hours/.—Pimples, that itch when getting warm in bed, and prevent sleep/.—Pustules with yellow or brown scurf, here and there/. —Just above the eyebrows, a white tubercle, which does not itch ; but is only painful to the touch/.—Rash behind the ears, as far as the nape of the neck, and over the scapulae/.—[400.] Red pimple, with pus at the tip, on both sides of the nose, painful to pressure (twelfth day)/.—Vesicles in the face and upon the nose, like varioloid, with stinging pain on pres- sure/.—Several pimples in the face, that pain like mosquito-bites/.—Red, burning, suppurating eruption upon the face,10.—Red vesicular pimples like varioloid, with stinging pain when pressed, at several places on the skin/.— Nettlerash in the face, especially upon the cheeks/.—Pimple upon the right cheek, as from a mosquito-bite/.—Flat pimples upon both cheeks, which are not red; itching when touched, with a yellowish scurf/.—The f Not found. + Jaundice had preceded the emetic of Ant., which was followed by this ascites, It terminated in death. \ Not found. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 373 chest is dotted with fine red points, with violent itching, which does not pass off by rubbing/.—Eruption on the left side, upon the cheek, towards the chin, with a yellow crust, painful to the touch, and which may be easily knocked off,2.—[410.] Red pustules upon the upper lip, and at the right corner, with a dull pain, either with or without any pressure (twentieth day)/.—Many red poiuts, with white little tips in the centre, below the left corner of the mouth/.—Many red points, with white dots in the cen- tre; with a stinging pain upon moving the hand over the hairs of the beard, on the front of the neck/.—Hard long-continuing pustules below the neck, like small blisters, which become filled with pus, not only at the tip, but all around/.—Boil on the perineum, with a sense as of burning, and pain far around/.—Small pimple on the neck and under the chin, painful to the touch (thirteenth day)/.—Hard, pea-shaped body on the nape of the neck, on the left side, under the skin ; only felt by stretching the skin, when bending the head,2.—Small red pimples on the top of the right shoulder, without any sensation, passing off for a short time on pressure (seventh day)/.—Brown liver-colored spots on both shoulders/.—Red heat vesicles with yellow dots over the whole of the right shoulder; afterwards they look like goose-skin, and scale off/.—[420.] Pimples, resembling rash, on the middle of the upper arms, without itching (fourteenth day)/.—Cor- rosively itching pimples at the bend of the elbow/.—A blister on the sty- loid process of the ulna of the right arm/.—Several light-brown dots upon the arms, like little liver spots/.—At night, a large pimple is formed on the styloid process of the radius of the left arm/.—A blister on the external border of the left hand/.—Itching vesicle on the left hand/.—Red, itch- like pimple, painfully stinging when touched; with a brown scurf, on the carpal joint of the right thumb (twenty-fourth day)/.—Corrosively itching pimples, in the ball of the hand, on the muscle of the thumb/.—Small pimple on the left half of the nates of a child/.—[430.] Large, hard pus- tules on the left half of the nates, with itching and tensive pains/.—Pimple on the right knee, as from mosquito-bite/.—Red pimples on the knee, like vesicles, resembling varioloid, with stinging pain when touched/.—White, hard tubercles on the leg, of the size of a pea ; they come on in consequence of itching, and are surrounded by a small red circle/.—If he rub the skin upon the chest on account of the itching, the place feels sore; the skin is as sensitive as after blisters/.—Single, long-continued, tickling and itching stitches, here and there, especially in the upper arm ; not causing scratch- ing, from within outwards, also under the right half of the nates/.—Itch- ing over the whole body, especially on the chest and back/.—Itching, here and there, with perceptible blisters, frequently rouses him from sleep,2.—At night he is wakened by violent itching, and he discovers pimples at several places/.—Itching of many parts of the body, especially of the neck and limbs/.—[440.] Itching upon the chest and the back/.—Itching of the arm, with reddish blisters, like mosquito-bites, after rubbing/. Sleep and Dreams.—Frequent yawning, three or four times in succession,10.—* Great sleepiness during the day, and early in the morning, after waking; he cannot decide to leave his bed/.—* Sleepiness in the fore- noon/,—Transient sleepiness in the afternoon, when sitting/.—At 7 o'clock in the evening, she feels overwhelmed with sleep; she continues to sleep during the night; early in the morning she feels well; for six days in succession/. —Sleepy and peevish at 6 o'clock in the evening; at 8 o'clock he cannot refrain from sleeping; sleeps soundly at night; early in the morning he feels so tired that he can scarcely open his eyes/.—Slumber, with fanciful 374 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. delusions/.—Slumber, with delusions of fancy; she hears some one knock- ing outside, or is called by somebody/.—[450.] He falls asleep late; he was unable to fall asleep before midnight/.—He is wide awake in bed, in the evening, so that he cannot fall asleep under an hour; this symptom is accompanied by frequent shiverings, especially over the whole of the left side, upon which he does not lie; or by sexual desire, with erections, Avhen getting warm; these make him yet more awake; for eight days in succes- sion, and again after five weeks/.—Uneasy sleep at night, on account of itching stitches here and there, going off by rubbing/.—*At night, frequent waking, as from fright/.—Frequent waking at night; on falling asleep, he immediately dreamed about solemnities/.—Little sleep (the first night)/.— At night, he lies upon his back/.—He dreamed of seeing an old school- mate; this gave him much pleasure (after twenty-three hours)/.—His night sleep is interrupted by dreams about members of his family at his native place, with whom he quarrelled/.—His night sleep is interrupted by dis- agreeable dreams about quarrels with his relatives/.—[460.] Voluptuous dreams at night, with pollutions/.—Lewd dreams, several nights in succes- sion, also with pollutions (after eleven days)/.—Anxious dreams, as if he were to be hurt; he starts up from sleep, and trembles with his hands and feet/.—Horrible dreams about mutilation of men/. Fever.—Much chilliness; no heat/.—Chilliness, even in a warm room/. —Shiverings over the whole body, without thirst (after two hours)/.— Shiverings over the whole body early in the morning, with heat in the fore- head, without thirst (after half an hour)/.—Disagreeable feeling of internal chilliness, so that he cannot get warm; returning after the lapse of five weeks/.—Towards noon, violent chills for an hour, with great thirst for beer; then sleep, succeeded by heat and constant thirst/.—[470.] He feels quite hot in consequence of the slightest exercise, especially in the heat of the sun ; he then complains of excessive heat in the throat,10.—Waking at 2 o'clock at night, with slight warmth all over, and burning itching and sensation of excoriation of the anus (third day)/.—At night, when in bed, he feels quite hot, and is drenched with sweat,10.—Sweat returning at the same hour for three days in succession/3.—General warm sweat in bed, every other morning/.—Sweat during sleep/.—Early in the morning, when waking, mild sweat over the whole body (after twenty-one hours)/.—General sweat, without smell, which made the tips of the fingers soft and wrinkled/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Mucus in right canthus; early, fluent coryza; early, roughness, etc., in throat; early, on waking, sense of hunger; early, pressure at stomach; early, diarrhoea; early, hard stool; early, after rising, cough; early, cough, etc.; early, on waking, op- pression of chest; early, when rising, pain in pectoralis major; early, pain in muscles of nape of neck; immediately on rising, pain in small of back; early, great lassitude; early, feels tired; shiverings over the whole body, etc.; early, when waking, mild sweat over whole body.—(Every other morn- ing), General warm sweat, in bed.—(From morning till night), Tearing pain in head; tearing in back.—(Forenoon), Irritated state of mind, etc.; gum in the canthi; stitches in eyeball; tongue coated white; rumbling in abdomen; somnolence.—(Towards noon), Tearing in head; violent chills, etc.—(After- noon), Roaring in ears; gulping up of fluid; pinching in left side of abdo- men; deep, etc., breathing; sensation of a spasm at border of left thigh; when sitting, transient sleepiness.—(Evening), Out of humor, etc.; some- thing seemed to block up ear; obstruction of nose; bleeding at nose; in bed, toothache; thirst; pinching in abdomen begins; in bed, crawling, etc. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 375 of the haemorrhoids; hard stool, etc.; when lying down, pain in right chest; when sitting, spasmodic drawing in one of the cervical muscles; after lying down, drawing pain iu muscles of nape of neck; pain in left hip-joint; when sitting, twitching of muscles of left half of nates; itching on thighs; pain below knee; when sitting, drawing in right leg; in bed, after a walk of three hours, stinging in skin of right sole.—(Night), Disposition to shoot him- self; in bed, anxious reflections; in bed, 3 to 5 o'clock, anxiety; tooth- ache, etc.; dryness of the mouth; pinching on the palate; much thirst; drinks much; itching, etc., in knees; diarrhcea; tenesmus of bladder; passes small quantity of urine, etc.; pimples come on; pimples on left radius; violent itching, etc.; in bed, quite hot, etc.—(2 a.m.), Wakes with slight warmth all over, etc.—(6 p.m.'), Sleep, etc.—(7 p.m.), Weari- ness, etc.; overwhelmed with sleep.—( Walking in open air), Condition of ideal love, etc.; dull headache; dryness of nose; clearing the throat, etc.; stitch under both arms.—(In draught of air), Drawing in muscles of upper arms returns.—(After bathing in the river), Violent headache.—(Bending arms), Paralytic pain in muscles of upper arm.—( When breathing), Nose painful; stitches in left chest.—(Breathing deeply), Stitches in chest.—(Ap- plying cold water), Toothache.—( Coughing), Burning in chest, etc.—( When drawing in abdomen), Pressure at stomach.—(During deglutition), Pinching ou the palate. — (After dinner), Pain through right ear, etc.; twingeing toothache; stitches in tongue; fulness, etc., of the body; immediately, much flatus ; desire for stool; lassitude, etc., in limbs ; indolence, etc.—(Eating), Toothache renewed ; deep, sighing breathing; pain under left clavicle.— (Exerting arm), Drawing pain in muscles of nape of neck.—( When expiring in a standing position), Stitches in left chest.—(Extending arm), Pain in pectoralis major.—(After slight exercise), Feels quite hot.—(In heat of sun), Even when he walks and works but little, feels indisposed.—(When inspir- ing air), Sore feeling in nostrils ; stitches in the tooth.—(Lifting arm), Pain in pectoralis major.—( When lying still), Sensation of animals moving iu ear.—(After a meal), Inflation of abdomen ; bursting forth of flatus.—(Mo- tion), Pinching in abdomen.—( When not especially noticed), Pulsations at left temple.—(Pressure), Painful feeling at stomach; pain in groin; pain in pectoralis major.—(Rising from sitting), Pain in small of back.—(After rubbing), Itching of arm, etc.—(When sitting), Stitches in right scapula; stitch in shaft of tibia.—(Daring sleep), Sweat.—(When smoking), Pain in whole head.—(Standing), Drawing in spermatic cord; clucking in right half of nates.—(During stillness), Roaring in ears.—(Stooping), Pain in muscles of nape of neck ; straining in nape of neck, etc.—(During stool), Pain in rectum.—(After supper), Difficulty of breathing.—(During supper), Difficulty of breathing.—( Taming head to left), Drawing pain in muscles of nape of neck.—(Touch), Pimples on cheek itch ; stinging of pimple on thumb; pain iu pimple on knee.—(Turningfoot outwards), Pain in right external malleolus.—(After taking vinegar), Very thin stools, etc.—(Walk- ing), Especially when bending the thigh backwards, drawing pain in left hip-joint; right foot feels numb, etc.—(Walking upstairs), Dull headache in forehead, etc.—(In warm air), Feels indisposed.—(Getting warm in bed), Pimples itch.—(Drinking wine),*-Makes him feel worse; nausea.—(When writing), Trembling of the hands. Amelioration.—(In open air), Toothache.— (In cool air), * Feels better.—(After a meal), Empty sensation in abdomen goes off.—(Pressure), Pain over left temporal bone, went off temporarily.—(Rest), Feels better; voice returns.—(Rubbing), Stinging in right sole.—(Stooping), Drawing in 376 ANTIMONIUM OXIDUM. spermatic cord.—(Touch), Stitches at border of right concha go off— (Walking), Pain in small of back disappeared.—(Warmth), Drawing in muscles of upper arm passed off. ANTIMONIUM OXIDUM. Sesquioxide of antimonv, Sb203. (Fumes from antimony works.) Authorities. A. H. Z., 20, 122; Rev. d. 1. Med. Horn., 2, 194. Head.—Pain in head.—Violent headache.—Slight headache increases to an intolerable degree.—Violent headache, with tearing in the limbs.— Stitches through the head from time to time.—Lightning-like stitches through the head backward, which suddenly disappear, while the headache in the forehead remains.—Violent stitches and burning at the occiput and nape of the neck.—Pain in the occiput, especially evenings, violent, stupe- fying, and so exhausting that he soon falls into an unrefreshing sleep.— Continuous fatiguing pain in the forepart of the head, immediately behind the glabella. Mouth.—[10.] Tongue coated white. Stomach.—Loss of appetite.—Diminished appetite.—Anorexia. Abdomen.—Abdomen distended by incarcerated gases.—Abdominal pains.—Gripings.—Colic, without diarrhcea. Stool and Anus.— Diarrhoea.—Diarrhcea, with griping pains in ab- domen, troublesome, frequent, consisting of food evacuated soon after eating. Urinary Organs.—[20.] Indescribable lameness in the urinary apparatus.—Pains and urging at neck of bladder, and burning in the urethra during urination.—Discharge of a few drops of mucus from the urethra.—Gonorrhcea-like discharge from the urethra.—Painful discharge of urine guttatim.—Dysuria, with a mucous discharge, causing sensation of burning in the urethra.—Strangury.—Urine of a deep orange-yellow color, almost red.—Deep-red and bloody urine, causing burning in the urethra, from which exuded a whitish mucus, after cessation of the bloody urine. Sexual Organs.—Dwindling of the penis and testicles.—[30.] Penis flaccid.—Burning at the glaus penis.—Want of vigor in the genitals, which approached impotence.—Absence of erections.—Complete impotence.— Complete impotence; no ejaculation of semen, and even no erections.— Atrophy of the testicles.—Testicles grew smaller.—Atrophy of testicles and penis.—Pain in testicle.—[40.] Pains in the testicles.—Decrease of sexual feeling.—Absence of sexual feeling.—Loss of sexual appetite. Respirjtory Apparatus.—Cough violent, shattering, dry, with stitches in chest.—Cough dry, painful, finally ends in a difficult expectora- tion.—Difficult expectoration of tenacious mucus.—Respiration audible, from rattling and whistling.—Sense of suffocation.—Respiration difficult, with mucous and sibilant rales over the chest. Chest.—[50.] Pain in the chest.—Very great constriction of the chest, with switches.—Continued oppression of chest, constriction and irritation to cough.—Oppression of chest.—Lancinating pain along edge of ribs, and in back.—Sharp stitches through the chest, towards the shoulders and back.— Violent stitches in chest, with dry cough. Neck and Rack.—Swelling of the cervical glands.—Sensitive pains in the loins.—Sharp pains in the sacro-lumbar region. ANTIMONIUM SULPH. AURATUM. 377 Extremities in General.—[60.] Spasms of the limbs.—Pain in all the limbs. Generalities.—Great relaxation of the whole organism,—General relaxation and depression.—Great weakness.—Excessive general irrita- bility.—Great sensitiveness. Skin.—Pustular eruption, thick on the lower abdomen.—Pustular eruption on neck.—Pustular eruption on neck and body.—[70.] Pustular eruption thickest on the genitals.—Pustular eruption on arms, nates, geni- tals ; prevents walking.—Pustular eruption in the bends of the limbs.— Pustular eruption on nates.—Pustular eruption, especially on thighs and scrotum.—Pustular elevations, like pocks, on the scrotum. Sleep and Dreams.—Troublesome restlessness at night.—Distress- ing restlessness prevents sleep.—Sleeplessness.—Fatiguing dreams.—[80.] Anxious dreams, and frequent startings. Fever.—Fever.—Complaints assume the form of intermittent fever.— Profuse perspiration and general weakness.—Very profuse and debilitating sweats during sleep.—Very tormenting, pouring sweat, every time after sleeping, followed by great exhaustion.—Night-sweats.—Excessive night- sweats. ANTIMONIUM SULPH. AURATUM. Antimonic persulphide, Sb2S5. Golden sulphuret of antimony. Prepa- ration, Trituration. Authorities. 1, Mayerhofer, Hirschels, Z, f. Hom. Kl., 19, 27 ; proving with repeated doses, varying from one-sixteenth to ten grains. 2, Bcecker (Beitrage). Mind.—Apprehensiveness/. Head.—Head confused/.—Confused head on account of the severe urging in the abdomen/.—Pressive headache?.—Forepart of the head affected/.—Forehead feels confused/.—Headache one sided, especially in the left temporal region/. Ears.—A reddish swelling behind the right ear (on the third day), which leaves behind a redness and scurfiness/. Nose.—Increased mucous secretion from nose/.—[10.] Increased mucus from nose and throat?.—Violent coryza with loss of smell/.—Nasal catarrh, with impeded respiration, in the morning/.—Catarrh and fluent coryza, with a confused head, impeded respiration, and impaired appetite/.—Bleed- ing from nose on washing/. Mouth.—Pressive, boring, tearing toothache/.—Tongue very thickly coated yellow/.—Pasty mouth and taste in the morning?.—Much saliva and water collected in the mouth/.—Taste pasty/.—[20.] Taste very flat, pasty/.—Taste pasty, with a slimy coated tongue/.—Taste was sweetish, bitter, and flat/. Throat.—Mucus from the throat becomes offensive to smell/.—In- creased mucous secretion in back of throat/.—Pressure and tensive feeling in the throat, especially at the larynx/.—Pressure in the throat as if a plug stuck in it/.—In the morning, scratching, rough feeling in the throat/.— Severe scraping pain in the throat, especially in the larynx/.—Burning and heat in the fauces/. Stomach.—[30.] Appetite increased to decided hunger (four grains)/. —Appetite lost/.—Weak stomach, disordered digestion, with nausea/.— Almost loathing of food, with no appetite/.—Fulness in the stomach/.— 378 ANTIMONIUM SULPH. AURATUM. Pressure in the stomach/.—Pressure in the epigastric region/.—Pressure in pit of stomach/. Abdomen.—Pressure and fulness in the umbilical region/.—Abdo- men tense, sensitive, especially about the navel/.—[40.] Burning, stick- ing sensation on the whole left side, especially of the left lumbar muscles/. —Abdomen tense, full/.—Twisting in the intestines very sensitive/.— Great sensitiveness iu the colon, aud especially at the anus/.—Tensive drawing pain in the groins/. Stool and Anas.—Constant urging to stool/.—Passage of much flatus, with sudden urging to stool, followed by a stool at first solid, then bright yellow, pasty, then violent colic and rumbling around the navel/.— Stool half solid, half soft/.—Stool of hard faeces passed with unusual diffi- culty/.—Constipation, with tenesmus and burning pains in the anus/. Urinary Organs.—[50.] In the urethra a tickling and twitching sensation, with increased urine/.—Increased evacuation of urine, with much tensive and tickling sensation in the penis/.—Urine increased, reddish- brown/.—Urine increased, reddish-brown (one-half grain)/.— Urine in- creased, dark-red (contained traces of Antimony after six grains)/. Sexual Organs.—The scrotum itches more severely toward morning, followed by some redness; the next day a dry pustulous eruption develops, with constipation (four grains)/.—The itching and eruption on the scrotum extended more toward the perineum (second day)/.—Sexual desire un- usually excited/.—Extraordinary sensitiveness of the genitals/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Tickling as from mucus in the larynx and air-passages/.—[60.] Tickling as from mucus in the larynx, without ability to expectorate mucus/.—Increased secretion of tough mucus, during the restless night/.—Increased mucous secretion, with fulness in the bronchi, and full, hard breathing/.—Accumulation of tough mucus in the bronchi and larynx/.—Fulness in the bronchi/.—Bronchi feel full, with difficult respiration/.—Pressure and constriction in the bronchial tubes/.—Increased mucous expectoration, mixed with blood, of a sweetish taste/.—Respiration embarrassed/.—^Respiration difficult?.—[70.] Respiration difficult, full/. Chest.—Heaviness in the praecordium and apprehensiveness/. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse in the morning 60, evening 70 (two grains the evening previous)/.—Pulse soft/.—Pulse small, suppressed/. Neck and Rack.—Tensive, pressing feeling in the cervical vertebrae, neck, and ribs/. Extremities in General.—Tensive feeling in the muscles of the shoulder and thigh/.—Stiff, tensive pains in the joints, mornings/.—Con- stant drawing, tearing pains in the joints/.—Rheumatic pains in the joints/. Upper Extremities.—{80.] Arms heavy in the morning/.—Pain- ful immobility of the left arm/.—Rheumatic pains in the joints of the arms/.—Boring tearing in the joints of the arm and hand/.—Pressive, tensive pain in the left shoulder-joint/.—Twitchings, like electric shocks, through both ulnar nerves, especially in the elbow-joint/.—Pressure and heaviness in the bones of the forearm/.—Swelling of the fingers/.—Tensive swollen feeling of the fingers/. Sleep and Dreams.—Beep sleep with sweat (four grains)/.—[90.] Sleep soporous, not refreshing/.—Extremely broken soporous sleep/.—Sleep quiet till midnight, then sudden waking, with confused head and pressure above the forehead toward the vertex/.—Sudden waking after midnight, with great excitement and restlessness; unusually excited sexual desire; after this the sleep was light/.—Slept only three hours, suddenly awoke with ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 379 a heavy, confused head, pressure in the stomach, difficult breathing, fulness of the bronchi, restless tossing about, skin very active with slight warmth, and even sweat over the whole body/.—Sleep dreamy/.—Sleep dreamy, wake's after midnight with dull headache (six grains)/.—Sleep dreamy, with sud- den wakings after midnight, with very much increased gouty and rheumatic troubles of upper and lower extremities/.—Sleep very dreamy, frequent waking with a much-coufused head, peculiar sensitive tension and dulness in the cerebrum (ten grains)/.—Heaviness and weariness of the lower ex- tremities/.—[100.] Tensive rheumatic troubles in the hip-joint and ingui- nal region/.—Slight swelling of the ankles, and especially of the knee/. Generalities.—In the morning, sense of great weakness and prostra- tion/. Skin.—Pustules, elevated, dry, on the inner surface of the thighs, which itch, feel tense, pain on walking, and involve the whole leg in sym- pathy; they remain three weeks, when they dry and desquamate/.—Itch- ing of the skin, especially of the scrotum and inner surfaces of the thighs/. Sleep.—Vivid dreams and sudden waking after midnight, with great restlessness, drawing, tensive, rheumatic pains over the whole thorax and spine; difficult and noisy respiration, with profuse secretion of mucus/.— Sleep with anxious dreams/. Fever.—General chilliness, with shivering down over the whole spine/. —Heat and cold alternate/.—[110.] Chills alternate with heat, toward evening/.—Moderate sweat at night/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—{Morning), Nasal catarrh, etc.; pasty mouth, etc.; scratching, rough feeling in throat; pains in joints; arms heavy; great weakness, etc.—(Toward evening), Chills, alternating with heat.—(Night), Moderate sweat.—(Midnight), Sudden waking, etc.—(After midnight), Sudden waking, etc.—(Toward morning), Scrotum itches.— (Wasliing), Bleeding from nose. ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. Tartar emetic, 2[K(SbO)CJL06]H20. Preparation, Triturations. Authorities.^ 1, Hartlaub and Trinks, Reine Arznei-Mittldehre, 2, 209 ; 2, S. Hahnemann, Archive, 3, 2, 146; 3, Riickert, do.; 4, Gross, do.; 5, Stapf, do.; 6, Fr. H-n, do.; 7, Hering, Archive, 13 z., 183; 8, "M.," in Buch- ner's review, Hygea, 18, 274, took first dil. repeated doses; 9, do. took one grain at once; 10, Molin, Comptes rendus du Congres Med. Hom. d. Paris, 1851-56, proving with sixth and eighteenth dilutions, repeated doses; 11, Ncebling, N. Z. f. H. K., 14, 80, proving with several small doses and sub- cutaneous injection ; 12, Bcecker Beitrage, crude proving; 13, Mayerhofer, irr Bcecker Beit., effects of one one-hundredth of grain; 14, De Moore, Rev. de 1. Mat. Med., 5, 436, proving with one-quarter grain; 15, Macfarlan, Am. J. Hom. M. M., 4, 60, prov. 3m Fincke; 16, Woodbury, N. E. Med. Gaz., 4, 238, four grains a day for fifteen days; 17, Giaccomini, N. Archive, 1, 2, 107, one scruple; 18, Hutchinson (in Stapfs collection, Archive, 3, 2, f Symptoms in Stapf (Archive, 3, 2, 146), from Shaefer, Hufel. J., 1810, are omitted, being observed after tartar emetic given in canelle water; also Schcenfelder, do ; observed from a solution of antimony glance (crudum) in acetic acid; also Goodwin, do., from tartar emetic mixed with camphor; also Barbier, see Hencke's compilation, A. H. Z., 88, 5, tartar emetic mixed with chicory; also Jankovich, do., from tartar emetic mixed with opium. 380 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 146, effects of inunction), (see also Wibmer); 19, Blackburne, do.; 20, Horst, do., inunction (Hufeland's Journ., 1813); 21, Bonetus, do.; 22, Elias, do. (Hufel. J., 20), eight grains in a clyster; 23, White, do.; 24, Baeumlinus, do.; 25, Stutz, do. (inunction) ; 26, Autenrieth, do. (inunction) ; 27, Hecker, do. (inunction) ; 28, Walther, do. (four pounds in milk, the curds eaten by two students); 29, Serres, from Hencke's collection, A. H, Z., 88, 5 (and also from Wibmer) ; 30, Troschel, do.; 31, Driver, do.; 32. Male, do.; 33, Duffin, do.; 34, La Clinique, do.; 35, Med. Gaz., do.; 36, Wetzler, do.; 37, Krebs, Hygea, 20, 289; 38, Hildebrandt, do.; 39, Im- bert-Gourbeye, Brit. Journ., 19, 367, et seq., eruption from inunction ; 40, Boeckh Frank's Mag.; 41, Lembert, do.; 42, Crichton, do.; 43, Wesener, do.; 44, Schneider, do.; 45, Carron, from Wibmer; 46, Orfila, Toxicologie (from Roth Mat. Med.); 47, Recamier, do.; 48, Constant, from Roth; 49, Savory, do.; 50, Sachi, do.; 51, Bauinbach, do.; 52, Freer, Lancet, 1847 (effect of two drachms); 53, Harley, Lancet, 1846 (effect of ten grains on a child); 54, D. Kiger, O. M. and S. Rep., 5, 171 (child swallowed one- half ounce crude). (Mind.—Furious delirium (third day)/7.—(Suicidal mood ; he raves and does not know what he is doing)/.—Excitement of disposition/1.— He was talking to himself?7.—Despondent and apprehensive about his re- covery/6.—Hopeless, despondent mood, toward evening, with chilliness,.pain in the chest, and great sleepiness/.—4.30 p.m., very morose, dejected, and sad/.—*The anxiety increases with the nausea, together with a slight pres- sure and some warmth in the abdomen, which moves about with the free flatulence,5.—She is frightened at every trifle/.—[10.] Apprehensive, with fulness about the heart and increased warmth (eighth day)/.—Appre- hensive and restless/.—Dreaded to be left alone even for a few moments, lest he " should be dreadfully nervous and not know what to do with him- self,"16.—Bad humor, everything goes wrong,10.—Bad humor, noise is intoler- able,10.—Everything displeases her of which she thinks (after two hours/). —Peevish and quarrelsome/4.—He rubs his eyes with his hands as if in a stupid sleep, and wakes in a very ill-humor, e. g, if one looked at him he began to howl/.— The child will not allow itself touched, without whining and crying, whereby the toes and fingers are drawn inwards/.—The whole time an unusual, noticeable (more to others than to herself) wild gayety, toward evening; this gave place to fretfulness, peevishness, and anxious thoughts about the future; she thinks she will remain in her present con- dition/.—[20.] Excited mentally (ninth day)/.—-Restless, excited mind/3. —Became senseless/7.—Loss of consciousness; he falls into a state of stupor, interrupted from time to time by spasms/0. Head.—Head confused (second day)/.—Head confused/.—Head much confused (fifth day)/.—Head confused in the morning, which disappeared after rising (first day)/.—Head confused, with a warm forehead, depression of vigor, and indifference to everything/6.—Confusion of the head, like a stupefaction, with a feeling as if he ought to sleep?.—Head confused, with heaviness and pressure in the forehead (eighth day)/.—[30.] Confusion of the head, like a pressure in the temples (immediately)/.—Marked con- fusion of the head, with increasing nausea/.—Head heavy, confused/3.— Head heavy, much confused (ninth day)/.—Head heavy, pressive, and con- fused/7.—Head heavy, confused, with great discomfort on waking, morn- ings (ninth day)/.—The head is heavy, confused, and painful, with inter- nal heat in the head (3 p.m.) ; it becomes better iu the open air, and does not return again in the room/.—Vertigo/11213 ".—Vertigo (eighth day)/.— ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 381 Attacks of vertigo (third and fourth day)/.—[40.] Vertigo often on closing eyes/2.—Vertigo on walking; he totters/.—Vertigo, with flickering before the eyes (third day)/.—Whirling in the head (ninth day)/.— On trying to lift his head he felt a dizziness which obliged him to replace it on the pillow?5. —Dulness, dizziness/8.—No pustules, but an inflammation of the meninges of the brain; the patient ran about delirious (inunction of four grains)/7.— Congestion to head/3.—Headache/.—Headache (second day)/9.—[50.] Very painful headache, that she cannot well describe/.—Stupefying head- ache (ninth day)/.—Violent headache, with pressure and throbbing in the forehead and temples (eleventh day)/.—Severe headache, palpitations, vertigo/.—Stupefaction of the head, as if confined/.—Headache, like a tension, with drawings and burrowing, even as far as the root of the nose (afternoons)/.—Headache, with sensitiveness of epigastric region/4.—Heat in the head increased by motion (third day)/.—Sensation of heat in the head, 4 p.m./.—Frequent risings of heat in the head, with thirst (sixth day)/.—Compression of the head/.—[60.] External weakness of the head; she cannot hold the head erect/.—Internal weakness of the head/.— Heaviness of the head?9.—The head seems very heavy/.—The head is heavy, and feels enlarged (4 p.m.)/.—The head is so heavy that she can scarcely hold it upright, with very fretful disposition, in the forenoon/.—The head is heavy and requires supporting behind/.—Pressure in the brain/1.—Pres- sive headache all day, especially in forehead (eleventh day)/.—Stitches in the head, from 11 a.m. till evening (second day)/.—[70.] Sharp stitches in the head on motion/.—Raging and beating in the whole head, as if the brain would suppurate, which disappears in the open air, but returns in the room, 2£ p.m./.—Forehead covered with cold sweat/117.—Forehead covered with sweat, head is cold/9.—Slight attacks of frontal headache/.— Violent pain in forehead and vertigo (five minutes)/3.—Heat on the fore- head, without sweat, in the morning/.—On coughing, heat and sweat of the forehead, so that she became very dizzy/.—Fine burning on the frontal bone above the right temple (after one and a half hours)/.—*Headache,as from a band compressing the forehead,10.—[80.] Inward boring into the frontal bone, between the left root of the nose and the eyebrows/.—Dull boring, as from a blunt instrument, below the right frontal eminence/.— Headache draws about, painfully, in the forehead and vertex, with tension and pressure/.—Dull pain in the forehead, as if some one had beaten him on the head (fourth day)/.—In the forehead a dull pain, sometimes be- coming a sticking, which extends to the temple, increased by coughing (fourth day)/.—Pressure in the forehead, especially on motion (four hours)/.—Pressure in forehead and occiput (fifth day)/.—A dull, wave- like pressure on the right frontal eminence/.—Headache from morning till 5 p.m. ; a painful pressing forward from the occiput across the vertex into the frontal region, where it seems to her as if everything would come out; worse at 1 p.m. (seventh day)/.—Pressive headache in the centre of the forehead, above the nose/.—[90.] For several months, a pressive, tensive pain, especially in the forehead, immediately after waking, relieved by cold water (especially the third day)/.—*Pressive pain in the forehead, more like a sticking, extends downwards into the left eye, with unusual inclination to close the eyes (four hours)/.—A fine tearing from the left frontal eminence toward the temple, ou speaking (after one hour)/.—Slight sticking in the forehead (second day)/.—Sticking (or rather tearing) in the forehead (twenty hours) from 2 p.m. till 3 a.m./.—Jerking aud drawing, with a ten- sion in the forehead, especially over the left eye (one hour)/.—A sensitive 382 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. pain in the right side of the forehead, the whole evening, with a sensation as if the brain pressed too hard there, balled into heavy lumps/.—* Throb- bing in the right side of the forehead (fourth day),2.—On waking in the night he always has the same bad headache, as if the brain were balled into a heavy lump, only in the left half of the forehead/.—Pressive head- ache on the left side of the forehead, with pressure on the eyes/.—[100.] Violent pulsating of the bloodvessels in the temples (fifth day)/.—Pressing inward in the left temple/.—Feeling as if both temples were pressed to- gether/.—Feeling as if the head were compressed, at both temples, with dull instrumeuts/.—Fine tearing in the left temple, on motion in the open air (after two hours')/.—Sticking in the temples (third day)/.—A long- continuing, sensitive, drawing pressure iu the right temple/.—In the tem- ples a tension, as if squeezed, with a kind of supefaction (one-quarter of an hour)/.—*Painful drawing in the right temple extends down to the zygoma and upper jaw?.—Tension on the vertex (second day)/.—[HO.] Very sensitive pressure on the vertex (fifteenth day),8.—In the afternoon, on motion, a surg- ing from the neck upward across the vertex, toward the forehead, with stupefaction and confusion of the senses, on standing for one minute/.— Burning and itching, in a place as large as a half dollar, in the anterior part of the right parietal bone, on stooping; on rising, it is somewhat re- lieved, but constantly returns on stooping, and disappears on scratching (after one hour)/.—Intermittent tearings in the right side of the head/.— Tearing in the right side of the head, and especially deep in the right ear, on raising the head, after stooping (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—A kind of stupefaction with a tensive sensation attacks the left half of the head (one-quarter of an hour)/.—Slight tearing, drawing headache in the left half of the head from behind forward/.—A tensive pressing-in head- ache in the left half of the skull/.—On stooping, several violent stitches in the left parietal bone, extending forward (after half an hour)/.—Such a violent stitching-tearing from the posterior-inferior portion of the left parietal bone to a place in front of the vertex, that it seems as though a piece were being torn from her head; deep within, on standing, 8 A.M.; the same pain returns on the following day, at the same hour/.—[120.] The occiput becomes heavy, and an anxious oppressive sensation sets in/.—Sen- sation in the occiput, on stooping, as if something fell forwards (three hours)/.—Raging or throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput, like ulceration, on rest and motion, 1^ p.m./.—Heaviness in the head, and the scalp is so sensitive that she can scarcely bear the comb (morning and evening)/. Eyes.—Squinting eyes/3.—Enlarged, swollen eyes,10.—Bloodshot eyes?5. —Weak and dim eyes/3.—Weakness of eyes (eleventh day)/.—Eyes feel so tired that they would close?.—[130.] Burning in the eyes, evenings, as if he had studied long by the light/.—Pressure on both eyes/.—Sense of weight on eyes,10.—Inclination to press the eyes tightly together?.—Dull pres- sure over the nose and one eye/.—Violent tearing between the root of the nose and the right eyebrow, as if some one took hold of her there by the skin ; very painful and long-lasting (after half an hour)/.—Difficulty of moving the lids (second day)/9.—Sticking, like electric stitches, in both inner canthi, and pressure in the eyes/.—Burning and biting in the right internal canthus and redness of the conjunctiva/.—Acute conjunctivitis, with much lachrymation/5.—[140.] Yellowness of the sclerotica,10.—The eyeball pains as if bruised, especially on touch/.—Sudden, rather severe, tensive pain in the upper part of the right eyeball/.—Vanishing of sight ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 383 (ninth day)/.—Vanishing of sight and hearing/.—The sight vanishes when she looks at an object for a long time, 4> p.m./.—Sparks before the eyes/1.—* Flickering before the eyes? u 13.—Flickering before the eyes, especi- ally on rising from sitting, several times in an hour, of short duration; she sees only as through a thick veil, with vertigo (several days)/.—Blackness before the eyes/117. Ears.—[150.] Twitching-tearing in the right concha, in the evening on lying down, which disappears in bed/.—Ulcerative pain in the right concha, in the evening (after two days)/.—Twitching, painful tearing in the right ear, in the morning (second day)/.—Roaring in the ear (fourth day)/.—Fluttering before the left ear, as from a large bird ; at the same time a warmth passes to this ear, as if she stood near a hot stove; gradu- ally disappearing (after one and a half hours)/. Nose.—The comers of the nostril are ulcerated and painful (fourth hour)/.—Nose pointed/7.—Violent sneezing, five times/3.—(Twice hearty sneezing)/.—*Sneezing, fluent coryza, and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell?.—[160.] Fluent coryza/.—Fluent coryza and tickling cough, with violent eructations, retching, and vomiting of a tough, watery mucus (elev- enth day)/.—Catarrhal symptoms toward evening (eighth day)/.—Ca- tarrhal stoppage of the nose, with thick, mucous discharge/.—Catarrh in the left nostril, with stoppage of the nose and loss of smell (1.30 p.m.)/.— Now stoppage of the nose, now a fluent catarrh/.—Nose-bleed at 3 p.m., followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing/.—^Stupefying tension across over the root of the nose, as if laced with a band?.—A tearing and crawling in the left nostril, as of sudden irritation to sneeze, which, however, does not occur (after half an hour)/. Face.—Red face/5.—[170.] Face bright-red,34.—Face smutty color/2. —Livid face?0.—Paleface?1.— Great paleness,10.—Remarkably pale face, for an hour/.—*Pale, sunken face/112.—Face unusually pale, and wore an ex- pression of extreme anxiety/6.—Countenance livid, bathed in clammy sweat, and expressive of great suffering (one hour)/2.—[180.] Cold sweat on face,10. —Spasmodic agitation of the facial muscles/8.—* Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of the face?9.—Countenance distorted, with peculiar tetanic spasms of the jaws, as though she was endeavoring to bite everything within reach/3.—Burning heat of face/1.—Tensive feeling in face and neck (second day)/9.—Dull pressure on the left malar bone/.—Sensitive draw- ing, at last dull pressure, on left malar bone/.—Lips livid/7.—Cracked lips, at night on waking (fourth day)/.—*Dry, scurfy lips (third hour)/.— [190.] The right and left sides of the upper lip are full of clear, itching vesicles, which, on drying up, are replaced by new ones; the itching is espe- cially violent in the evening/.—On the right side of the lower lip several clear vesicles; at the same time the right side of the upper lip is swollen and covered with small pimples, with tensive pain on pressure/.—Burning externally on the right side of the chin, which lasts but a short time (after one hour and a half)/.—Burning on the right side of the chin, as if one held a hot coal to it (after one hour and three-quarters)/.—Drawing from the chin along the right side of the lower jaw/. Mouth.—Violent toothache in the morning (fourth day)/.—Tearing in three to four teeth of the lower left row, which soon disappears (after an hour and a half)/.—Pain in a root of a tooth of the right lower row, as if it were being taken out, which frequently returns/.—Gums bleed, as if scorbutic/3.—Several burning blisters on the left side of the tongue, which soon disappear, but return a day later (sixth day)/.—Tongue dry and 384 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. red (one hour)/2.—[200.] Tongue very red and dry in the centre,30 3\— Tongue coated/2.—Tongue in morning thick yellow, thicker in p.m./2.— Tongue coated gray/.—Tongue thickly white coated/3.—* Tongue covered with a thick, white, pasty coat?6.—Tongue coated slimy (fourth day)/.— Tongue coated pappy, slimy/3.—Moist, clean tongue/9.—Tongue difficult to move/2.—[210.] It is painful to move the tongue about?1.—Tearing pain on the left side, behind the root of the tongue, noticed On swallowing/.— In the morning after rising, the mouth is so sore that she can scarcely swallow, with white tongue and sour taste (second day)/.—An unpleasant sensation on the palate the whole time/.—On the posterior part of the pal- ate, sensation of soreness, and as if a hard body lay against it; without swallowing; it disappears on eating bread (8 a.m.)/.—Itching below the right corner of the mouth, where, after scratching, three vesicles arise ; also under the left corner (second day)/.—Mouth dry (ninth day),8.—Increase of saliva/1.—Saliva increased; must frequently expectorate/2.—Salivation/2. —[220.] Copious saliva runs from the mouth (fourth day)/.—Great accu- mulation of water in the mouth/.—Accumulation of water in the mouth, without nausea, though with a qualmish, filthy taste/.—Collection of water in the mouth/.—Flow of tasteless, clear water in the mouth, which runs out in great quantity, with retching and straining, without fetching up any- thing beyond a little clear mucus/4.—Profuse spitting/7.—Must often spit, even while eating/2.—Bad taste in the mouth (eighth day),8.—Very un- pleasant taste in the mouth/3.—Clammy mouth,10.—[230.] Salty taste/.— Bitter mouth,10.—Bitter mouth in morning/0.—Taste bitter and pasty (fourth day)/.—Taste dry and pasty (first day)/.—Sour taste in the mouth, in the morning after waking (sixth and seventh days)/.—In the morning on waking, very sour taste on the posterior part of the tongue, as of salt, which disappears after eating (second day)/.—Taste pappy or flat/2.—No taste to the food (fourth hour)/.—Tobacco has no taste/.—[240.] Difficult speech,50.—Speechless/3. Throat.—Increased mucous secretion in the throat/113.—Much mucus in throat and short breathing (eighth day).8.—Sharp pain at the throat?6. —Choking sensation,10.—Roughness in the throat, with sensation as if a small leaf obstructed the windpipe, on hawking; for one hour (after one hour)/.—Great roughness in the throat, which soon disappears (7 p.m.)/. —Throat raw; swallowing difficult and painful/2.—Itching and dryness in the throat, which provokes a hacking in the morning (seventeenth day)/.— [250.] The soft palate and pharynx very red,covered with vesicles; many are opened, swollen, and covered with mucus/3.—Rapid swelling of the cervical glands and tonsils/.—Sensitiveness of cesophagus, so that unchewed morsels cause much pain/3.—Swallowing sensitive/2.—Difficulty in swal- lowing/130.— Great dysphagia?6.—Deglutition is impossible?5. Stomach.—Appetite increased (second day)/.—Canine hunger on walking in open air/.—Though food tastes good and he has some appetite, yet he can only gradually get some food into his stomach, from which he feels better, and the pressure in the abdomen is somewhat relieved (first day)/.—[260.] On eating, soon satiated, almost nauseated, must stop eat- ing/2.—*He eats at noon with appetite, but after he is satisfied a kind of nausea attacks him at times?.—Some appetite, but food was quickly rejected/6.— Usually good appetite, only sometimes poor/.—* Extraordinary appetite for apples, and thirst for cool water; evenings he is soon sleepy, against his usual habit?.—No more desire for tobacco/.—Cannot eat, on account of nausea and aversion/2.—Appetite diminished (third day, et seq.)? ,2.—Loss of ap- ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 385 petite/136.—Appetite completely lost (fifth day)/.—[270.] Loss of appetite in the morning,10.—The child eats little but drinks much/.—Thirst (second day)/.—Great thirst/3.—Thirst increased (fourth day)/.—Urgent thirst,10. —Thirst constant and insatiable/6.—Much thirst one clay, the next none at all?.—Thirst, with internal heat/.—Thirst for beer or sour milk, with dry- ness in the throat (6 p.m.)/.—[280.] Desire for strong liquors and acids,10. —*Desire for acids?.—* Absence of thirst,5.—Absence of thirst the whole day,2.— Eructations/. — Eructations frequently through the day, slight gagging (fourth day)/.—Eructations, sometimes tasteless, sometimes nau- seous/4.— Bitter eructations (eighth day)/.—Eructations acid, bitter (fifth day)/.—Eructatious of a salty, nauseous fluid (second hour)/.—[290.*] Sour eructations/.—Eructations of watery fluid, often of sharp, salty taste/. —Eructations, with taste of the breakfast/.—* Empty eructations?3.—Empty eructations relieve the nausea for a very short time/.—In the morning fre- quent eructations, with yawning, and great ill-humor (fifth day)/.—First eructations, then frequent risings of fluid (as of food), which she again swallows, after which a sour taste and scrapy sensation down the throat remain/.—General hiccough, like eructations of air/.—Hiccough/4.—Vio- lent hiccough, but no vomiting/9.—[300.] Uprisings of milk and an acid fluid (one hour)/.—Waterbrash,10.—Qualmishness, a reminder of nausea, rises from the stomach/.—Qualmish, uncomfortable, and depressed/.— *After dinner, qualmishness in the stomach of some duration?.—Several times gagging severely, sweat starts out on the forehead, the limbs become very weak, aud much water flows from the mouth; followed by weakness/.— Violent retching (a half hour)/.—Retching/3.—Retching gradually comes on, which becomes more severe, till vomiting (with great effort) ensues of tenacious mucus and bile (ninth day)/.—Indescribable nauseous internal sensation/8.—[310.] An especially disgusting sensation in the stomach ; she believes it would do her good to eructate; with frequent attacks of nausea in the stomach, which extends into the chest (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—*Nausea,u 1218 41.—Nausea (one hour)/9.—Continued nausea/8.— Nausea from swallowing the saliva/2.—Nausea after eating,1012.—Nausea after eatiug or drinking,10.—Nausea rises suddenly from the umbilicus and epigastric regions, in repeated attacks/.—*Nausea, causing anxiety (fifth day),8.—Nausea, and great aversion to food (eighth day)/.—[320.] Great nausea, with aversion to the accustomed food, and with pinchings iu the abdomen/.—Nausea, accompanied by increased frequency of pulse, rising till he vomits, and followed by slow, weak pulse/7.—Nausea, which causes a particularly disagreeable feeling in the throat/.—*Nausea, with slight pres- sure in the pit of the stomach, followed by headache in the forehead?.—Nausea increased, frequent hiccough, aversion, eructations, pressure in the throat (ninth day)/.—Nausea, inclination to vomit, after each dose/.—Constant nausea, inclination to vomit,20.—Ineffectual efforts to vomit/1.—Nausea, vomiting (two hours)/.—Nausea and vomiting after eating,10.—[330.] Vio- lent nausea and incessant vomiting through the whole night, and four stools in twelve hours?9.—Nausea and vomiting of curdled milk (in an infant whose nurse had taken Ant. tart.). (Hencke.)—* Nausea (in a quarter of an hour), then yawning with profuse lachrymation, followed by vomiting?.—Nausea aud vomiting of mucus, with acceleration of the pulse from 62 to 75, where it continued till night/6.—Unheard of vomiting/1.—Enormous vomiting (a strong dose)/5.— Violent vomiting (three grammes)/4.—Intolerance of food and drink/6.—* Vomits till he becomes faint?1.—Vomiting in any position, except lying on the right side/6.—[340.] After a violent pressure on the vol. i.—25 386 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. stomach it increases to vomiting/.—Retching, and once difficult vomiting of bitter, bad-smelling, pasty, and fluid matter (it had an acid reaction, and showed traces of antimony), (fifth day)/.—Green vomiting/1.—Painful vomiting of much mucus and bile mixed with some blood (half an hour),34. —Vomiting of some tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, and at last fluid mixed with bile, with most violent exertion of the chest and abdomen, and anxious sweat/.—Vomiting of food/2.—Vomiting of food, from the cough/. —Vomiting speedy and easy, followed by great retching (thirteenth day i/. —-'Vomiting, with headache, and trembling in the hands (half an hour)/. —First violent vomiting and purging (4 grains to an old woman)/9.—[350. j Vomiting, with frequent stools (40 grains)/7.—* Violent vomiting and purging, with great prostration (ten minutes)/3.— Vomiting, followed by constant invol- untary watery stools (one hour)/2.— Vomiting, with anguish?*.—* Vomiting dif- ficult after long retching, and followed by great prostration?2.—No vomiting (5 centigrammes)/6.—No vomiting (from 15 centigrammes),50.—* Heaviness in stomach (second day)/.—Weakness in the stomach (eleventh day)/.—Irri- tation in stomach and nausea (fourth day)/.—Indescribable malaise in the region of the stomach and abdomen ; on "touching the parts gently with the hand the pain increases in the region of the stomach and diminishes in the abdomen/4.—[360.] Pains in the stomach/4.—Acute pains in the stomach/5. —Craving sensation at stomach,10.—Creeping sensation in the stomach,10.— Unpleasant sensation of warmth in the stomach (in five minutes), which continually increased to a painful burning, and caused great restlessness/3. —Slight burning in the stomach/.—Burning heat in the stomach/946.— Burning and pressure in (an apparently full) stomach (eighth day)/.— After the nausea, sensation of emptiness in the stomach/.—Fulness in stomach/2.—[370.] Sensation after dinner as if one had overloaded, with nausea, griping in the region of the navel, and sticking headache in the forehead and occiput/.—*In the night, sensation as if she had loaded her stomach with something; eructations frequent, like foul eggs; sleep restless?.— Feeling of a weight in the region of the stomach, involving the whole ab- domen, aud causing great malaise; this condition is ameliorated in the open air, and aggravated in the room ; it is also diminished by eructations/4. — Cramps in the stomach?4'.—Flatulent, audible motions in the epigastric region (three hours)/.—Pain at the epigastrium?0.—Slight pain at the epi- gastrium (second day),50.— Violent pains at the epigastrium, which was tense?1. —Violent throbbing in epigastric region (a quarter of an hour)/.—(Con- tinual whirling in the pit of the stomach, evenings on going to sleep, with very violent rapid beating of the heart, which threatens to rupture the heart)/.—[380.] Feeling as of cold water at the pit of the stomach ; with it he feels faint; he will fall down; then follows heat in the head/.—In the region of the pit of the stomach, a sensitive aching as from incarcerated flatulence, late in the evening ; sometimes forcible expulsion of flatus with relief/.—Pressure in pit of stomach (second day),8.—Pressure in pit of stomach (ten minutes)/.—Troublesome feeling of pressure in pit of stom- ach (fifth day)/.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with very great nausea/.—A cutting sensation extends upward, from time to time, from the pit of the stomach/.—Sticking pain below the pit of the stomach, especially felt on drawing in the abdomen/. Abdomen.—Around, below the short ribs, sensitive painful tension, so that he can hardly sit, but would rather lie, from incarcerated flatulence, which passes off from time to time/.—Dulness over the liver, increased one finger's breadth at the base/1.—[390.] Epigastric and liver region some- ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 387 what tense (fifth day),8.—Liver sensitive to contact/1.—Warmth about the navel, gradually extending over the whole abdomen (after quarter of an hour)/.—Colic around the umbilicus, early in morning,10.—Inflammation of the abdomen?1.—Inflated abdomen,10.—The abdomen is somewhat dis- tended, and. there is gurgling in it, perceptible externally/.—Abdominal meteorism?7.—Distension and tension in the abdomen, relieved somewhat by discharge of flatulence, but often returning/.—Upper abdomen distended and painful/6.—[400.] Bowels relaxed (second day)/9.—Rumbling in ab- domen, as if water were in it, relieved by passage of wind, up and down/2. —Much rumbling in the not-distended abdomen, before the diarrhoea/.— Rumbling and gurgliug in the abdomen/2.—Rumbling in abdomen, after eating/2.—Much commotion in the abdomen, soon after taking/ 5.—Slight moving about in the whole abdomen, with fine pinching, as if stool would occur (after one and a half hours)/.—As the nausea paroxysmally in- creases, and slight retching motions arise in the throat, a spasmodic motion is perceptible in the upper abdomen/.—Astonishing amount of flatulence, with rumbling in the abdomen, and only slight griping; the easy passage of it relieved (second day)/.—Frequent offensive flatulence, preceded by rumbling and uneasiness in abdomen/2.—[410.] Pains in- abdomen, after eating,10.—Violent pains in abdomen, after vomiting/1.—The pain in the abdomen, though not so very severe, is yet so distressing, that he is in an extremely restless mood, and disinclined to do any work/.—Must lie and stretch out long, on account of discomfort in the upper and lower abdomen ; at last he goes to sleep (11 a.m.)/.—Violent pain in epigastrium, and over the whole abdomen (one hour)/2.—The pain in the abdomen causes great restlessness in the body; one must constantly move a limb or change posi- tion/.—* The abdomen seems stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, and it does not feel hard; a sensation that he feels after long-continued sitting at work?.—Violent pressive tension in the abdomen, especially over the bladder, which decidedly increases toward 6 p.m., and iasts toward six days (second day)/.—A kind of cramp in the upper and lower abdomen, between nausea and tendency to diarrhoea, in which now one now the other seems to predominate; at times relief from empty eructations, and inclination to pass wind, or actual passage of wind/.—(Spasmodic pains in the abdomen; when they begin his eyes close forcibly, and he is obliged to sleep whether he wishes or not)/.—[420.] Gripings in the bowels, with development of flatulence/.—Griping and cutting, and repeated nausea, with empty eruc- tations, and passage of flatus with relief/.—After a meal, violent griping and cutting in the abdomen, which is not relieved by a stool at 3 o'clock; it lasts till 4 o'clock (third day)/.—Pinching pain in abdomen below navel/2.—Waking at 4.30 A.M., with some pinching and commotion in the abdomen, followed by soft stool (second day)/.—In sitting, a crawling in abdomen, which becomes griping and- flatulence, (afternoons)/.—A tran- sient nausea repeatedly in the abdomen, like an approaching griping, as if diarrhcea would set in/.—Painful drawing, now in the right side of the abdomen, now in the left, so that she can only sit stooping, returning fre- quently/.—*Violent pressure in the abdomen, as from stones, as if full; much worse on sitting, especially on stooping; at times it changes into griping about the umbilical region (one hour)/.—Pressive and griping pains in abdomen/2.—[430.] Hard pressure in upper abdomen/.—The pressure in the abdomen becomes sometimes more severe, and presses toward the rectum, when soft, boiling, hot flatus passes, which relieves the pressure/.—Pressive pain in abdomen, in evening, after eating, relieved by bending backwards 388 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. and stooping/'.—Pinching pressure and tension in the abdomen (eighth day)/.—Dull pain in abdomen,10.—Dull bellyache in the mesogastric re- gion, with slight horripilation, and goose-skin/4.—Cutting in the abdomen, evening, toward 9 o'clock (fourth day)/.—Stomach-ache, as if the intes- tines were cut,22.—* Cuttings in the abdomen; and across the lower abdomen it lies like a stone, with great nausea; after six times ineffectual retchings, fol- lowed by ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea, vomiting with great exertion, trem- bling in the abdomen, and bending together; first food with persistent sour taste, followed by a continued scraping feeling iu the throat; afterward chilliness, then two diarrhoeic stools in succession, the last time it passes like water?.—Cutting and griping in the abdomen, as from wind/.—[440.] Vio- lent cutting and twisting in the abdomen, and tearing from the hypogas- trium down through the thighs to the kuees, like labor pains, with fine but severe stitches at the navel, with nausea and waterbrash ; soon afterward diarrhcea, preceded by rumblings, and moving of wind in the abdomen/.— Violent colic?1.— Colic in the abdomen,u.—Colic precedes the purging (forty- eight hours)/.—Short, tearing pain in the leftside of the upper abdomen, fre- quently repeated/.—Stitching in intestines/1.—Stitches in the upper abdo- men/.—Abdomen sensitive (eleventh day)/.—Abdomen sensitive to con- tact,10 n.—Increased sensitiveness of the abdominal walls (eighth day)/.— [450.] Abdomen sensitive to touch (fifth day)/.—On drawing in the abdo- men, a small spot in the left side of upper abdomen hurts/.—Frequent sensation of pulsatiug in the abdomen/.—Violent, rheumatic, long-lasting pain in the whole left side; this pain is repeated/.—A stitch extends downwards from the stomach, in the left side of the abdomen, and again upward; on expiration and on touch it aches/.—Warmth in the lower abdomen, as if she had drunk something very warm; it wanders about, and finally up toward the stomach (after half an hour)/.—The tension in the abdomen seems to draw more toward the bladder on the third day/.— At 1 a.m., she wakes, on account of violent cramping and griping pain above the pubis, with icy coldness on the whole trunk, head, and arms; cold sweat breaks out in such profusion, that the shirt becomes drenched, with great internal heat; sensation of dryness of the tongue, which is never- theless moist; with warm lower extremities; frightful apprehension ; rest- lessness ; she constantly throws herself from side to side; but, with sensa- tion of great heat, cannot bear to be uncovered. After a quarter of an hour, she is inclined to eructation, without being able to; then empty eruc- tation and small discharge of flatulence, without relief; thirst; rising of water into the throat, with great nausea in the stomach; paleness of the face ; on the lower extremities warm sweat; and such great lassitude of the feet that she is unable to raise them ; inclination to stool; hardness and sensitiveness of the lower abdomen on rubbing; even long before this, she felt the pain while asleep. (After a small dose of Ipecac, the sweat disap- pears, after quarter of an hour; then the coldness, and lastly the pains, which occur at longer and longer intervals, till they disapper altogether), (after half an hour.) After cessation of this frightful attack, she slept soundly; 6 a.m., on waking, heaviness of the head, and appearance of the menses; blood thick and black; they are too soon, but without any other difficulty, and last as usual, three days (fourth day)/.—(Spasmodic draw- ing from the thigh to the abdomen),2.—Pressure in the hypogastrium aud aching, with cold shivers, as if menses would appear,4.—[460.] Stitches over the pubis/.—Very violent burning soreness in the right groin/.— ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 389 Slight sticking, tearing pains in a small spot on the left side of the lower abdomen/.—Slight rheumatic sensation in the left pelvic bones/. Stool and Anas.—Several painful tearings in the rectum, after din- ner/.—Sticking pain in the rectum (second day)/.—Transient stitch in the rectum (ninth hour)/.—Sudden, violent, alarming stitch from the lower abdomen, down through the rectum (fourth hour)/.—(Hemorrhoids)/.— Burning in the anus after stool/.—[470.] Violent tension in the perineum, especially on walking, with strong desire to urinate (uninterrupted for several days)/.—In the morning, after rising, the usual stool, with cutting in the rectum, preceded by pinching in the abdomen (fourth day)/.—Stool after eating,1-.—Stool solid at first, then pasty, with tenesmus (fifth day)/. —After repeated desire, stool, which seems to be almost thin fluid, but really is only pasty/.—Pasty stool (three in twelve hours)/6.— Copious alvine evacuation?*.—Soft copious evacuation,10.—Liquid, greenish stool, with heat at anus,10.—Stool, thin mucus, with rumbling and pressure in the bowels (ninth day)/.—[480.] Stool soft, half fluid (sixth and seventh days)/.—Soft stool every day, for four days,10.—In the evening, two soft stools/.—Two thin fluid stools, with sensitive drawing pains in the abdo- men (eleventh day),8.—Though he had his usual stool a few hours before, yet he is obliged to go agaiu to stool/.—Repeated tendency to stool/.— Diarrhoea/1.—Abundant diarrhoea?*.—Diarrhoea yellowish-brown/.—Thin, bilious, mucous diarrhoea/2.—[490.] Diarrhcea slimy, appears like yeast, with a marked cadaverous smell/4.—Diarrhcea is very watery/.—Bloody stools,24.— Very offensive diarrhoeic stools?1.—* Diarrhoea and vomiting?1.— Involuntary diarrhcea (death thirty hours after)/9.—Involuntary evacua- tions of much mucus, and dead roundworms/1.—Involuntary, watery, blood-streaked stools/4.—Faeces mixed with mucus and bile/2.—Stools vary, sometimes soft, sometimes hard/2.—[500.] Uncommonly hard stool, difficult to pass (first day)/.—Hard stool, it omits one day/.—Desire for stool ineffectual, though the bowels seem full and pressing (eighth day)/.—No stool for several days/.—Constipation (third day),8. Urinary Organs.—A very sensitive sticking pain in the lower part of the bladder; he believes that the pain must be caused by troubles from a stone (third day)/.—* Burning in the urethra while urinating (eighth day)/.'—* Violent burning in the urethra after urinating (third day)/.— Slight tearing pain in the forepart of the urethra/.—Continued sticking pain in the posterior portion of the urethra, the whole forenoon (second day)/. —*The urging to urinate and the burning in the urethra increase, only a little urine passes; the last drops are bloody and accompanied by violent pain in the bladder (fourth day)/.—[510.] Increased desire to urinate (ninth day)/.— Frequent desire to urinate (eighth day)/.—Violent urging to urinate, during which it burns in the urethra (second day)/.—(He can hold his water no longer)/.—Diuresis/8.—Frequent urinating, and pressure to uri- nary passages/2.—Urinates more frequently (fourth day)/.—Frequeut pas- sage of dark urine (fifth day)/.—Frequent urinating, forenoons and even- ing (sixth day),8.—Frequent urinating, followed by relief of symptoms (eleventh day)/.—[520.] Increased urination/1.—Copious urination,10.— Profuse urination/7.—Urine profuse (second day)/9.—Urine increased ; clear, watery/2.—Urine increased, dark, turbid (ninth day)/.—Urine more copious and frequent; diminishes at last/.—Retention of urine followed by fatal eclampsia (inunction), Krebs/7.—The urinary troubles last from two to six days continually, at first increasing, then gradually decreasing/.— * Urine dark brownish-red, turbid, and with a strong odor?.—[530.] Urine 390 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. turbid and dark, at first, afterward clear/.—The urine at first clear like water, deposits a milky sediment, which mixes readily on shaking the glass, and gives a milky look to the whole (fourth day)/.—The urine be- comes cloudy, and deposits an earthy sediment (first day)/.—The urine deposits a violet-colored, earthy sediment (after one and a half hours)/. —Albuminous urine/1.—On the fifth day, the urine has a red inflammatory look, and on standing deposits bloody red fibres/. Sexual Organs.—Sexual organs first excited, then relaxed/2.—A burning irritation, very singular, more like a tickling, though not at all voluptuous; rather very troublesome; not relieved by anything; extends from the region of the rectum, through the urethra, to the glans, where the tickling is most severe (lasts six to seven days without interruption, and is his most distressing symptom)/.—Sexual desire aroused (eleventh day)/.— Leucorrhcea for two days only/.—[540.] The menses six days too early, weak, and only for two days/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Tough secretion of mucus from air- passages (fifth day)/.—Large increase in amount of carbonic acid expired?2. —Violent tickling in the air-passages provokes a short cough/.—Pain in laryux, and short cough on talking/2.—Fulness and oppression in bronchi (third day)/.—Irritation to cough, with tough mucus in the throat, op- pressed breathing, aud sensitive stitches in the left breast (ninth day),8.— Voice small, changed; evening (ninth day)/.—Morning hoarseness/2.— Hoarseness, worse on talking/2.—[550.] Increased hoarseness, with cough, hawking, and expectoration/2.—Cough for half an hour before midnight/.— Cough after eating; the child vomits his food and mucus/.—The catarrh provokes a cough, though she had no power to cough,2.—Much cough and sneezing/.—Dry, frequent cough,10.—Slight, dry cough,10.—Two attacks of dry cough (after one hour)/.—Difficult cough, with some expectoration/2. —At the beginning of every paroxysm of coughing she often snuffed for air, as if she could not get it, before she got the strength to cough/.—[560.] Cough and hawking of mucus in morning; comes up easily/2.—Cough about 2 or 3 a.m., with expectoration/.—Sputa white, frothy; expectoration abundant/4.—Easy expectoration of a great deal of sweetish, transparent mucus/4.—'''Rapid breathing?43.—* Respiration short,29.—''''Respiration heavy, anxious?.—Respiration hard and anxious (third day)/.—Repiration hard, full (fifth day)/.—Respiration deeper (in general)/2.—[570.] * Difficult res- piration?2.—In sleep, expiration was snoring, inspiration in two jerks, in- termitting; breathing often irregular and interrupted/.—Dyspnoea?011.— * Dyspnoea; she must be supported in a sitting position in bed?9.—Loss of breath/1.—Asthmatic ever since the proving/4.—Respiration hindered on account of swelling of the pharynx and accumulation of tough mucus there, with fever and delirium,30.—*It seems as if he would suffocate, evenings, in bed; he cannot get air, and is obliged to sit up the whole night?.—* About 3 A.M. she was suffocated and oppressed, and had to sit up to get air; only after cough aud expectoration she became belter?. Chest.—*The mucus rattles in the chest; oppression of the chest?.— [580.] Large pustules on the chest and neck, like cow-pox, with a red areola; after three weeks it is covered with a crust, and leaves a deep scar/5. —Anxious feeling in chest and around heart/3.—* Anxious, with oppression of the chest and rising of warmth from the heart?.—Pain deep in chest and pharynx, after violent sneezing/.—Burning in the chest (before each of his usual epileptic attacks), which rises into the throat/.—Fulness in the chest (sixth and seventh days)/10.—* Chest feels all the time very full,10.—Fulness ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 391 in lungs?2.—* Constriction of chest (fifth day)/.—Constriction in chest, fre- quently associated with cough/2.—[590.] * Oppression of chest,10.—Uncom- mon oppression of the chest (fourth day)/.—Pain, as if bruised, in the upper part of the chest, on bending the head forward; on rising, it is re- lieved, but returns on stooping again (after two hours)/.—An almost sore, paroxysmal feeling in the chest, especially in the left side, toward evening, the second day, with a hopeless, despairing mood/.—Rawness and constric- tion in chest, and expectoration of mucus/2.—On stooping, a fine stitch on the right lowest rib (after one and a half hours)/.—Paiu in right side, be- hind and at base of chest, aggravated by deep breathing,10.—An itching stitch on the right nipple (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Burning io the left breast, near the shoulder, more externally; on pressure or rubbing, it is worse; then it diminishes and intermits somewhat of itself (after half an hour)/.—Long-lasting painful stitching in the upper left side of the chest, near the clavicle, and at the same time in the left axilla (after two hours)/. —[600.] A fine stitch in the left side of the chest below the axilla, on mo- tion of the trunk (after half an hour)/.—Crawling, as of insects, above the left mamma/.—Burning under the upper part of the sternum; afterwards, in the stomach (after half an hour)/.—Very unpleasant heavy feeling in the praecordium (ninth day)/.—Pressure or heaviness in the prsecordial region/. Heart and Pulse.—Pulsation of the heart small and irregular (fifth day)/.—Heart's action accelerated, irregular (eighth day)/.—Palpi- tation (almost), (fourth day)/.—* Palpitation of the heart,10.—Frequent pal- pitation?*2.—[610.] Violent palpitation, with the purging/.—Repeatedly ap- prehensive and warm about the heart, with violent beating of the heart, so that it seems as though he felt it in his head/.—This whirling and beating of the heart comes on every night regularly, and lasts until he breaks out into a sweat/.—* Oppression at the heart (fifth day)/.—Pulse rapid and al- most audible; a general pulsating which she believes must be audible to the bystanders (fourth day)/.—Pulse somewhat excited (third day)/.—Pulse full aud rapid/.—Full, rapid pulse/8.—Pulse full, accelerated (thirteenth day)/.—Pulse full, irregular, accelerated (fifth day)/.—[620.] Frequent, irregular, full pulse/2.—*Pulse rapid, weak, trembling/9.—Pulse 88/:i — Pulse full and hard; the skin warmer than usual/4.—Slow, full pulse?0.— Decreased action of the heart; retarded pulse (after repeated small doses)/1. —In general, pulse slower and weaker/2.—Pulse 10 beats slower/8.—Pulse sank from 78 to 60/6.—Pulse weak (sixth to seventh day)/.—[630.] Pulse depressed,10.—Pulse small, contracted,29.—Pulse small, contracted (ninth day)/.— Small, contracted pu.lse,u.— Pulse small, intermittent (eleventh day)/.—Smalt, tight, hardly perceptible pulse,50.—Pulse suppressed, imper- ceptible/9.—Pulse imperceptible (one hour)/2. Neck and Back.—Cramp in muscles of neck/12.—Pressive sense of fatigue in the cervical muscles, close to the occiput, especially on the right side^5.—[640.] Does not like anything to touch him; inclination to unbut- ton the collar of his shirt,10.—On turning the neck, over the left scapula, and also on taking hold of anything, painful aching, which comes suddenly, and then becomes continuous; twenty-four hours later, over the right scap- ula/.— A fine stitch between the shoulder-blades (after two hours)/.—Pain in the back, as from fatigue, several days, especially after eating and^ while sitting? —Short sticking tearing pain, especially in the lower right side of the back, uear the right hip/.—A pain in the small of the back, before and on rising from the bed, as if one had carried a weight there; after rising, it 392 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. disappears/.—Rheumatic pain in the lower part of the back, just above the sacrum, mornings,5.—Sharp stitches in the region of the kidneys on moving the arm/.—Pain in the loins,10. Extremities ill General.—Insensibility and coldness of limbs; weak, almost imperceptible pulse, without vomiting (child)/2.—[650.] Right arm and hand and both great toes were cold to the touch/6.—Heaviness in all the limbs (eighth day)/.—Great heaviness in the feet and arms, so that she must let them sink down/.—Constant inclination to stretch the limbs,10. —Weakness of the limbs,50.—* Weakness in all limbs (sixth and seventh days)/.—Weakness of limbs, especially legs/3.—Extremities tired and weak (second day)/.—Fatigue in the limbs/.—Burning and tearing in the joints (sixth to seventh day)/.—[660.] Drawing and tearing in the joints (elev- enth day)/.—Slight'rheumatic drawings through the whole right hand, im- mediately afterward, drawing through both legs from above downward, es- pecially in the region of the knee, and noticed on walking (two hours)/.— (Tearing in the limbs)/.—Tearing and drawing in joints/113.—Tearing and drawing in the extremities (eighth day)/.—Rheumatic and bruised sensa- tion in the limbs, on rising and shortly before it/. Upper Extremities.—Frequent twitching of the tendons in the arms and hands/9.—A kind of dislocated pain in the right shoulder/.—A cracking in the shoulder-joint, with tearing pains to the hands/.—Soreness in shoulder-blades/5.—[670.] Short, rheumatic pain, around and in the shoulder-joint, and the left breast/.—A violent tearing, externally in the right shoulder, followed by itching (after one hour)/.—Violent itching in the left shoulder; after scratching, a number of small vesicles arise, and she must scratch till they bleed, without relief to the itching, whereupon the spot burns; the vesicles dry after three days/.—Fine stitching and twinge- ing below the left axilla; then a stitch, with twingeing, on the condyles of the left elbow (after two hours)/.—A twingeing sensation in front of the left axilla, as if one raised the skin (after two hours)/.—Tearing twitching in the arm and left side/.—Severe jerking in the right arm, is not relieved by motion (immediately)/. — Burning on the inner surface of the right upper arm, toward the shoulder, with yawning (after two hours)/.—A drawing down along the outer surface of the left upper arm, almost as if in the bone, in several short paroxysms/.—A fine boring in the right humerus, as if in the marrow, which frequently increases, then extending into the shoulder, frequently somewhat diminished; it disappears on pressure, and is relieved on motion of the arm, but frequently returns (after one hour)/. —[680.] Short, rheumatic pain in the left elbow/.—Itching on the ex- ternal surface of the right elbow, which disappears on scratching (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—On the forearm near the wrist, an eruption of pimples like the itch, also on the upper arm; the itching is relieved by scratching/.—Transient, rather severe tearing in the muscles of the left forearm/.—A twingeing or sensation as if something would raise the skin, on the inner surface of the left forearm ; on pressure it disappears, but re- turns again (after half an hour)/.—Violent itching on the external surface of the left forearm ; on scratching, small pimples appear, which burn, aud the skin becomes rose-red, but white on pressure; the redness continues two hours (6 p.m.)/.—Itching on the inner surface of the left forearm ; after scratching, a number of small pimples arise (in the forenoons)/.— * Trembling of hands (eleventh day)/.—*Cold hands and icy cold tips of the fingers (third day),3.—The left hand is remarkably cold, the right not/.— [690.] *Hands cold and moist?1.—On coughing, heat and moisture of the ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 393 hands, and sweat of the head/.—On the back of left hand, on touching the hairs, fine severe stitches.—Tearing and stitching in the border of the left thumb, so violent that it seems as if the tendons would be torn out (9 a.m.)/. —When she wants to clench her fist, or extend the fingers, they are tense, as if swollen (4 p.m.)/.—Fingers firmly contracted down upon the shoul- ders, with every muscle in an extraordinary state of rigidity/2.—On the lowest joint of the right middle and ring fingers, frequent violent pinching pain, with sensation as if the tendons would contract; still, motion remains free (fifth day)/.—Stitching in the lowest joints of the left middle aud ring fingers, as from a thistle, worse on pressure (sixth day)/.—Twitching, tear- ing below the right third finger, as if in the marrow, extends towards the arm; disappears only gradually, in the afternoon/.—Tearing on the back of the left middle finger, as if it would tear out the tendon (for one min- ute)/.—[700.] The tips of the fingers become dead, dry and hard, without sensation, several days/. Lower Extremities.—Numbness and coldness in the legs/6.— Lower extremities heavy and stiff, as if lamed/2.—Drawing, tensive pain in lower extremities (fourth day)/.—Tension and tearings in lower extremi- ties/2.—Rheumatic pain in and over the left hip/.—Just below the left hip, transient rheumatic pains/.—-Spasmodic twitchings of the muscles of the thigh (eleventh day)/.—:;: Tension in the hamstrings on walking, evening?.— Rheumatic drawing in the upper part of the right thigh/.—[710.] Twinge- ing on the anterior surface of the left thigh, as if one pinched him, or raised his skin with a needle; the spot continued to pain still longer in the open air (after two hours)/.—Fatigue in the knees/.—Burning pricking in the knees/.—In the morning in bed, and on rising, aching in the bones of the knee-joint, as if the limb had no power, and as if the tendons were over- stretched and strained/.—Tearing, a hand's breadth above and below the knee, on the external surface (after two hours)/.—Evenings in bed, stick- ing in the knee and hip (first day)/.—On the left side below the left knee, a slow, throbbing, sensitive picking, in rest and motion/.—Painful cramps in the calves/1.—Cramp in the calves frequently wake him/6.—Cramp in the calves, afternoons, disappears ou walking about (fifth day)/.—[720.] Spasmodic drawing sensation in the calves (ninth day)/.—-Soreness in calves/5.—Tearing internally in the right calf, and at the same time burn- ing externally (after half an hour)/.—Slight twitches in the left calf (second day)/.—Rheumatic pain on the left side of the left calf/.—Tear- ing and itching on the external surface of the left calf (after two hours)/.— Violent pinching and clutching in the left calf, and from the popliteal space to the external malleolus; extremely painful/.—Itching below the left calf, which causes scratching, after which a considerable lump arises, which continues to itch/.—An outward sticking in the varices/.—A painful, biting itching in the leg, where there are varices, as if a suppurating in- flammatory swelliug would ensue/.—[730.] Very violent, rheumatic paius between the calf and the malleolus of the left leg ; together with rheumatic paius in the right lower back teeth/.—Slight swelling and stiffness of the malleoli of the right foot (eleventh day)/.—*The feet go to sleep immedi- ately after sitting down each time?.—The right foot goes to sleep while stand- ing, with crawling (2 p.m.)/.—Weariness iu the feet (third day)/.—Cold feet/.—She can scarcely raise the feet on account of heaviness (6 p.m.)/.— Suddenly across the left instep, a transient, pressive, pricking pain, as from a blow/.—On the left instep, near the inner malleolus, suddenly a pricking transient pressure, as from a blow ; it goes as quickly as it came/.—During 394 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. the day, on walking, a tension on the dorsum of the foot/.—[740.] Itching soreness between the little and next toe of the right foot, for ten days/.— A sudden, painful, rhythmical picking in the left great toe/. Generalities.—Face and whole body very pale (twelfth hour)/9.— Loss of seven pounds, in weight, in three weeks/1.—Spasmodic movements/4. — Convulsions (death in a few hours)/9.—Convulsions and loss of conscious- ness/9.— Convulsions and tetanic spasms?3.—She lay on the ground distorted by cramps, rigid, as if dead; one foot was gangrenous aud afflicted with most violent pain/1.—Constant contraction of all the muscles, especially of the abdomen and upper extremities (two hours)/2.—[750.] Vomitingand epileptic spasms (inunction on a child)/8.—As soon as he got warm in bed, at night, he sprang into the air,2.—*Trembling/9.— Whole body trembled and felt very sick?2.—A very peculiar internal trembling (third day)/.—* Long-continued trembling of the head, and a paralytic trembling in the hands on every motion (15 grains)/9.— Throbbing and pulsating in all the vessels of the body, per- ceptible externally, yet without anxiety, only with ill-humor/.—Relaxed condition of the whole body/.—His condition was such, that he might have been taken for a man intoxicated on wine?1.—Blood loses fibrin, and becomes thinner/2.—[760.] *Restlessness excessive (ninth day)/.—* Either general restlessness or nausea?*.—Restlessness, vertigo, syncope,50.—Anxious restless- ness and tossing about (fifth day)/.—Great general discomfort, which starts from the abdomen; he groans and moans involuntarilv; restlessness drives him from sitting to standing, and walking about/.—For two days, indo- lence and great sleepiness/8.— Weakness, general and great depression of spirits (eleventh day)/.—* Great weakness?1.—* Great weakness and lassi- tude?2.— Weakness and exhaustion?6.—[770.] Weakness so great that he must lie in bed,9.—After vomiting, great weakness, fatigue, and sleepiness; disgust for all the customary food; pale, earthy face; swimming dim eyes, yet appetite for cooling things, like apples/.—*Such great general weakness, and so warm about the heart, that she must let the arms sink down?.— The child wishes to be carried constantly?.—Great fatigue,10.—General fatigue on wak- ing/.—Very weary/2.—Whole body very weary and prostrated (4 p.m.)/.— Prostration and weariness in all the limbs (ninth day)/.—* Great prostration and sluggishness of the body; he feels best when he sits still and does nothing?. —[780.J So prostrated, that she can only raise her feet with difficulty, in the forenoons/.—*Faintness?9.—Faintness; he lost consciousness/.—Attacks of faintness/2.—Syncope?1.—Alternations of unsteadiness and syncope?3.—Loss of sensation/9.—Loss of sensation in the anointed parts/8.—General ma- laise/1.—Malaise after supper/1.—[790.] Malaise, nausea (in a few hours)/0. —Head, hands, and feet feel swollen aud enlarged, after walking in the open air (4 p.m.)/.—Drawings here and there/.—Tearing in all the limbs, the chest, abdomen, testicles, and eyes/.—Tearing and drawing in the bowels, and in all the limbs/. Skin.—Rash, where the salve had been rubbed in/5.—Reddish rash/.— Rash on the arms, breast, and occiput/.—Itching eruption on the skin/9.— Eruption of bright red, small, couical, distinct, hard pimples, with an in- flamed base like lichen simplex, thickly covered the breast, anterior sur- faces of the upper arms, wrists, hypogastrium, and inner surfaces of the thighs/6.—[800.] Vesicular eruption over the body (internal use)/'.—A very itching rash, which suppurates/0.—Rash over the face and whole body, with profuse sweat; respiration very difficult with continued heat, thirst, and headache,20.—Painful pustular eruption?9.—Pustules, when it is rubbed in, also on other parts of body, as nasal fossae, margin of anus, glans penis. ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 395 genitals, arms, etc./9.—J. thick eruption like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea, filled ivith pus?1.—Eruption of itching pustules, which soon dry up?2.— From applying antimonial ointment to the dorsal region considerable local eruption was produced; in six days itching on scrotum; on ninth day five pustules on scrotum and three on penis/9.—Eruption of pimples and vesicles, which in two days are filled with pus, are like the pustules of small- pox and are very painful; these pustules dry up and form crusts; this erup- tion appears first on the internal surface of the forearm, then on the back (from internal use),40.—At first small, red pustules; the third day increased in number and size ; the fourth day most of them had a brown everted margin, were covered by crusts similar to cow-pox, and contained much matter in the centre; the sixth and seventh days some were as large as the thumb- nail, shaped like a flat ulcer, aud contained much thin matter,20.—[810.] Most of the suppurating places became confluent the eighth day, and dis- charged blood aud matter,20.—The corners of the nostrils are ulcerated and painful (four hours)/.—Cracked lips, at night, on waking (fourth day)/.— Dry}> scurfy lips (three hours)/.—The right and left sides of the upper lip are full of clear, itching vesicles, which, on drying up, are replaced by new ones; the itching is especially violent in the evening/.—On the right side of the lower lip several clear vesicles; at the same time the right side of the upper lip is swollen, and covered with small pimples, with tensive pain on pressure/.—Eruption of pimples like pocks on the side of the chin; tickling sensation ; must rub it/.—Two boils behind on the right side of the tongue, painful on touch, 3 p.m./.—A boil behind on the left side of the tongue, which pains as if sore when she presses it with the tongue, or on swallowing (from the morning after rising till evening), (second day)/.—Several burn- ing blisters on the left side of the tongue, which soon disappear, but return a day later (sixth day)/.—[820.] Itching below the right corner of the mouth, where, after scratching, three vesicles arise; also under the left corner (sec- ond day)/.—Skin from waist to knees covered with an infinite number of small pimples, which itch intolerably; she is compelled to scratch till the blood comes; external genitals much swollen/9.—Pimply eruption on the genitals/6.—Small red pustules on the genitals,20.—Frequently observed that when the pustular eruption was very copious where the ointment was ap- plied, similar eruptions developed on the genitals?9.—Pustules developed on the scrotum, five weeks after the removal of an antimonial plaster, from between the shoulders/9.—Large pustules on the chest, like cow-pox, with a red areola; after three weeks it is covered with a crust and leaves a deep scar/5. —Several small pimples on the upper part of left side of the chest, and a similar one on the right side (eighth day)/.—A red, somewhat swollen, streak, two inches long, ou the left side of the neck, without sensation, which does not disappear on pressure, but lasts twenty days/.—Violent itching in the left shoulder; after scratching, a number of small vesicles arise, and she must scratch till they bleed, without relief to the itching, whereupon the spot burns; the vesicles dry after three days/.—[830.] Itching on the anterior surface of theright upper arm; afterscratching,small,deepseated pimplesappear,which continue to itch (third day)/.—On the forearm, near the wrist, an eruption of pimples, like the itch; also on the upper arm; the itching is relieved by scratching/.—A tetter, as large as a penny, on the inner surface of the left forearm, which disappears after three days, but returns after eight days, and itches violently, especially when scratched; the place remains rough for some time after/.—Small, red, elevated spots, like flea-bites, appear on the hands, without pain, and disappear after two hours (fourth day)/.— 396 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. Dark-yellow spots of large size appear on several fingers, remain two days (fourth day)/.—On each buttock three or four tensively paining pimples, which pain like a boil on pressure, and last four days/.—Voluptuous itch- ing below the right calf; after scratching, a number of deepseated pimples arise, which do not cease to itch till scratched bloody, and then the place itches and burus for a long time (second day)/.—Itching below the left calf, which causes scratching, after which a considerable lump arises, which continues to itch/.—Itching/112.—Itching in the skin/8.—[840.] Itching, now here, now there, which disappears on scratching/.—Biting itching over whole body (eleventh day)/.—Itching around an old ulcer/.—A crawling itching in the sore itself (evenings on lying in bed)/.—Itching below the left lower jaw, which disappears on scratching/.—Voluptuous itching in the nape of the neck, which causes scratching, till the blood comes, on which it does not disappear (7 p.m.)/.—Itching on the middle of the right shoulder-blade/.—Itching on the external surface of the right upper arm, just above the elbow, which disappears on scratching (10 a.m.)/.—Itching on the external surface of the right elbow, which disappears on scratching (after three and a quarter hours)/.—Itching on the inner surface of the left forearm ; after scratching, a number of small pimples arise (in the fore- noon)/.—[850.] Violent itching on the external surface of the left fore- arm; on scratching, small pimples appear, which burn, aud the skin becomes rose-red, but white on pressure: the redness continues two hours (6 p.m.)/.— Violent itching in the palm of the left hand, which disappears on scratch- ing (after one and a half hours)/.—Burning itching on the inner side of the left thigh; after scratching, pain as if sore, and on touch as if bruised (6 p.m.)/.—Itching on the front part of the left knee, which disappears on scratching/.—A painful biting-itching in the leg where there are varices, as if a suppurating inflammatory swelling would ensue/.—An itching and biting in the right sole, so that he must scratch, evenings in bed/. Sleep and Dreams. — Yawning?0. — Frequent yawning/4.—Fre- quent, great yawning/.—Frequent yawning, although she has slept suffi- ciently/.—[860.] Yawning and stretching the limbs/.-—Constant stretch- ing and yawniugs, forenoons/.—Inclination to sleep/1.—Inclined to rest and sleep/2.—Inclined to sleep, with anxious dreams/2.— Great desire to sleep?3.—*Great sleepiness (ninth day)/.—Exceptional sleepiness and over- weening inclination to sleep/8.—Forenoons, great desire to sleep; if he sits still he sleeps immediately, with 'vivid dreams of a continuation of his pre- vious thoughts (second day)/.—The eyes close involuntarily, forenoons ; he falls asleep, and often starts up violently, but at once goes off again (first day)/.—[8J0.] In the morning, at 10 o'clock, could not get out of bed from sleepiness, and was so heavy and inclined to sleep, and his limbs were so tired and gone-to-sleep that he could hardly stand/8.—At 10 a.m., he still feels a disposition to sleep, which he is unable to shake off; he is so fatigued and prostrated that he can scarcely keep himself up/2.—Sleepiness by day/.—Such an irresistible inclination to sleep by day that when he went about and stood, fell asleep as soon as he sat down/.—Even when getting on horseback, in the strong air, he feels sleepy, and can hardly over- come his drowsiness/2.—Could hardly keep awake, and was dizzy when riding in the open air/8.—Evenings (quite contrary to custom), he is sleepy very early that he can hardly keep awake, and half an hour later he be- comes wide awake and remains so till late at night/.—Unusual sleepiness at night/8.-— Great drowsiness and inactivity, for two days?2.—Involuntary slumber, with heavy sleep; on waking knows nothing about it (thirteenth ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 397 day)/.—[880.] Sleep sound, with great sweat/.—Stupid sleep (eleventh day)/.—He lies on his back in sleep, the left haud under the head (nine hours)/.—Somnolence; the eyes close involuntarily; he sleeps with the head held erect; so fast asleep that he did not wake'when the eyelids were sepa- rated (pupils were found contracted); with moderate warmth of the hands and face and quiet breathing; only for a few minutes roused by the occa- sional efforts to vomit (one quarter of au hour), (child)/.—He talks much in his sleep, plainly and coherently/.—Sleep after dinner/.—Deep sleep at night, with very heavy dreams (ninth day)/.—Difficulty in going to sleep,10. —He has to lie in bed till 1 o'clock at night before he can get asleep, and then lies merely in a dreamy state; he seems to be obliged to wade in deep water and cauuot get out,2.—He gets asleep late and with difficulty, and often wakes and tosses about/.—[890.] Restless sleep/012.—Restless sleep/.—At night the child screamed out of sleep, with staring eyes; ^trembled, it drew up its arms and feet?.—He had scarcely fallen asleep when he was seized with electric shocks and jerks, all of which came from the abdomen ; it threw now one arm now another away from his body; now a foot; now it threw the whole body into the air/.—Sleep; remained restless and dreamy a long time/.—Sleep restless, with many confused heavy dreams (eighth day)/.—- Extremely restless sleep the whole night; she wakes often from anxious dreams, with dryness in the mouth and cracked lips (fourth day)/.—Ex- ceedingly restless at night/2.—Little sleep (fifth day)/.—Sleeplessness before midnight/.—[900.J Only slumber before midnight/.—He awoke at midnight with violent thirst aud urging to urinate (second day)/.—He awoke at night with violent thirst and urging to urinate, but only a little passed (second night)/.—Loss of sleep at night till morning/.—No sleep for several nights/.—Sleep more dreamy than usual (first day;/.—Light sleep at night, full of liveliest, though unimpassioned, only historic dreams (eight hours)/.—Dream of a Hvely nature/.—Very heavy dreams at night (third day)/.—Troublesome dreams, with nightmare all night/0.—[910.] The first night he dreams continually of bright glowing fire, from which he must frequently fly; the fire breaks out all around wherever he goes, still it does not burn up the house; the second night he preaches without having memorized and " gets stuck;" this occurrence worries and makes him anxious, as on the previous night, the larger part of the night/. Fecer.— Cold skin?1.—Gold sensation on skin/1.—Chills/1 ".—Chilli- ness/.—He is chilly and very cold/.—Violent shivers through whole body/7. —Slight chilliness (third day)/.—Feeling as if cold run through all the vessels (soon after taking it)/.—[920.] Feverish chills/3.—Constant chilli- ness with very warm clothing (sixth and seventh days)/.—Chilliness from within outward, spreads from the spine over the abdomen and extremities (fourth day)/.—Chill at night and on rising in the morning/.—Severe chill several forenoons/.—From morning till evening constantly chilly, as soon as she goes from the room into the open air/.—During normal stool cold shivers through the skin/2.—Chill over whole body, with trembling and shaking at 3 p.m. (for several hours)/.—*He looks pale and suffering, and is so chilly on going into the open air that he trembles/.—Chilliness, as if cold water had been dashed over him, with gooseflesh on the arms, and repeated yawning (soon after taking it)/.—[930.] In the morning after rising, for half an hour, chill, with gooseflesh, and likewise at 7 p.m., for two hours, after which thirst follows, at 9 o'clock (third day)/.—Chilliness, with gooseflesh and cold skin over the whole body, which remained a long time on the hands (ninth day)/.—* Trembling and chilliness over whole body, 398 ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. always from within outward, without ability to get warm, with a general sick feeling (eighth day)/.—Slight chill, drowsiness, and weakness/4.— Warmth of skin/1.—Temperature elevated/2.— Unusual heat of the body?8. —Violent heat,20.—General warmth over whole body (fourth day),8.—Gen- eral increased warmth over whole body (fifth day),8.—[940.] Heat/8.— Flushes of heat rising to the head,10.—Dry heat, driving him out of bed,10. —Fever/1.—Fever of the same kind, at the same time, for the two follow- ing days/.—Constant heat in the afternoon, increased by the slightest mo- tion ; it affects the head especially ; daily/.—Evenings, great heat all over, especially in the face, without marked thirst/.—Restlessness, violent febrile excitement, great heat, thirst, and headache, and the night after it very profuse sweat,20.—Heat, with weak pulse/2.—Heat and thirst, for several days/.—[950.] Toward 6 o'clock, fever as yesterday, with want of appe- tite, followed by increased pain in the abdomen (fourth day)/.—Creeping coldness and heat, with nausea and faintness/.—Chilliness, with heat of certain parts, especially face/2.—Fever first appears toward 8 p.m., chill, with flushes of heat (third day)/.—Chill, on motion, alternating with heat/. —Violent febrile chill, evenings at 6 ; after eating, violent heat, with draw- ing in the occiput (first day)/.—Feverishness, with coldness, starting from spine and extending to extremities, and especially to abdomen/2.—Alternate heat and coldness/2.—Chill alternates with heat till toward 8 p.m. ; at night he wakes with thirst and urging to urinate (second day)/.—Sweat/8.— [960.] *Sweat all over?6.—Sweat general (ninth day)/.—Sweat on forehead and neck/3.—Perspiration profuse (second day)/9", etc.—Profuse perspira- tion during sleep,10.—Profuse sweat over whole head and on the chest (fifth day)/.—Profuse sweat, especially of the affected parts,20.—Profuse general sweat, mornings on waking (eleventh day)/.—Profuse sweat at night/.— Cold sweat?12.—[970.] Cold sweat all over the body (in ten minutes)/9.— Cold sweat very soon (2 grains to a child)/9.—*The whole body breaks out into a cold, clammy sweat (15 grains)/9. Conditioiis.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Head confused; on waking, head heavy, etc.; heat on forehead; heaviness in head, etc.; twitching-tearing in right ear; violent toothache; tongue thick yellow; after rising,mouth sore, etc.; after waking, sour taste in mouth ; on waking, sour taste at back of tongue ; dryness in throat, etc.; loss of appetite ; frequent eructations, etc.; early, colic around umbilicus; after rising, cutting in rectum, with stool; cough, etc.; pain in lower part of back ; in bed and on rising, aching in knee- joint; on rising, chill; after rising, chill, etc.; ou waking, profuse, general sweat.—(Forenoon), Head heavy, etc.; sticking in urethra ; frequent urina- tion ; stretching and yawning ; eyes close involuntarily, etc.; severe chill.— (Afternoon), Headache, etc.; coating on tongue thicker; on motion, surging toward neck upwards, etc.; on sitting, crawling in abdomen; cramp in calves; constant heat.—(Toward evening), Hopeless, etc., etc.; fretfulness, etc.; ca- tarrhal symptoms; sore feeling in chest, etc.—(Evening), Pain in side of fore- head, etc.; heaviness in head, etc.; burning in eyes ; on lying down, twitch- ing-tearing in right concha; ulcerative pain in right concha; itching heat in upper lip; on going to sleep, whirling in pit of stomach, etc.; late, aching in pit of stomach ; toward 9 o'clock, cutting in abdomen; two soft stools; fre- quent urinating; voice changed; in bed, suffocative feeling; on waking, tension in hamstrings; in bed, sticking in knee, etc.; on lying in bed, itch- ing in the sore ; in bed, itching-biting in left sole ; heat all over.—(Night), On waking, bad headache, etc.; on waking, cracked lips; violent nausea and vomiting; stomach feels loaded, etc.; whirling, etc., of the heart; ANTIMON. ET POTASS. TART. 399 child screams, etc.; chill.—(Before midnight), Cough ; sleeplessness.—(Mid- night), Wakes with thirst, etc.—(Morning till evening), Constantly chilly. —(Morning till 5 p.m.), Headache, etc.—(11 a.m. till evening), Stitches in head.—(2 p.m. till 3 a.m.), Sticking in forehead.—(2 to 3 a.m.), Cough, with expectoration.—(About 3 a.m.), Suffocated.—(1 p.m.), Headache, etc.; cramp, etc., in bowels ; pain above pubis, etc.—(3 p.M.),Head heavy, etc.; nose-bleed ; chills all over, etc.—(4 p.m.), Feeling of heat in head.—( Toward 6 p.m.), Tension in abdomen.—(6 p.m.), Febrile chill.—(7 p.m.), Chill, etc. —(Towards 8 p.m.), Fever.—(Open air), Twitching on left thigh; from warm room, constantly chilly; chilly.—(Motion in open air), Tearing in left temple.—( Walking in open car), Canine hunger; head, etc., feel swollen. —(Anger), Cough.—(Bending head forward), Pain in upper chest.—(Sitting bent), Pressure in abdomen; pressure in abdomen, etc.—(Deep breathing), Pain in right side.—(Closing eyes), Vertigo—(Coughing), Heat, etc., of forehead; dull pain in forehead ; vomiting of food; heat, etc., of hands, etc.—(After dinner), Qualmishness in stomach ; sensation as if overloaded in stomach, etc.; tearings in rectum ; sleep.—(Drawing in the abdomen), Sticking from below pit of stomach ; small spot in abdomen hurts.—(After drinking), nausea.—(After eating), Nausea ; nausea and vomiting; rum- bling in abdomen ; pains in abdomen; cough; pain in the back; violent heat, etc.—(Expiration), Stitch in abdomen aches.—(Before each epileptic attack), Burning in chest.—(Taking hold of anything), Aching in neck.— (Trying to lift head from pillow), Dizziness.—(Looking at object a long time), Sight vanishes.—(After a meal), Creeping, etc., in abdomen.—(Motion), Heat in head; stitches in head ; pressure in forehead; trembling of hands; chill, etc.—(Rapid and violent motion), Pain.—(Moving arm), Stitches in region of kidneys.—(Pressure), Pain in pimples on upper arm; burning in left breast; stitching in fingers; pimples on buttock pain.—(Before rising from bed), Pain in small of back; rheumatic, etc., sensation in limbs.—(On ris- ing from bed), Pain in small of back; rheumatic, etc., sensation in limbs. —(Rising from sitting), Flickering before eyes, etc.—(In room ', Raging, etc., in whole head; feeling of weight iu region of stomach, etc.—(Rubbing), Burning in left breast.—(Scratching), Vesicles arise at the mouth ; vesicles arise on shoulder; pimples on left forearm; itching on left forearm; itch- ing below left lower jaw.—(Sitting), Immediately, pressure in abdomen ; the attacks ; pressure in abdomen, etc.; pain in back.—(After sitting down), Immediately, feet go to sleep.—(Sitting down after moving), The pain.— {Da ring sleep), Profuse perspiration.—(After violent sneezing), Pain in chest, etc.—(Speaking), Tearing from left frontal eminence, etc.—(Standing), 8 a.m., stupefaction, etc.; stitching-tearing from parietal bone to vertex; right foot goes to sleep, etc.—(Stooping), Burning, etc., in right parietal bone; stitches in left parietal bone; sensation in occiput as if something fell forward; stitch in right lowest rib.—(Daring stool), Cold shivers through the skin.—(After stool), Burning in anus.—(After supper), Malaise. —(Swallowing), Pain behind root of tongue ; saliva; nausea.—(Talking), Pain in larynx, etc.; hoarseness.—(Touch), Eyeball pains; stitch in abdo- men aches.—(Touchingparts gently with hand), Pain in region of stomach. —(Touching the hairs of the part), Fine stitches.—(Turning neck over left scapula), Aching in neck.—(After urinating), Burning in urethra.—(After vomiting), Pains in abdomen ; great weakness, etc.—(On waking), General fatigue.—(After waking), Pain in forehead.—( Walking), Totters ; tension in perineum, etc.; drawings through right hand, etc.; tension on dorsum of foot. 400 APIS. Amelioration.—(Open at'r),Head heavy, etc.; raging,etc.,in head; feeling of weight in region of stomach.—-(In bed), Twitching-tearing in right concha.—(Eatingbread), Soreness, etc., in palate.—(Cold water), Pain in forehead.—(After cough and expectoration), Feeling of suffocation.— (Eating), Sour taste on back of tongue; feels better; pressure in abdomen. —(Eructation), Nausea ; pressure in stomach ; cramp in abdomen.—(Lying on right side), Vomiting.—(Moving about), Pressure in abdomen.—( Pres- sure), Boring in right humerus; twingeing in left forearm.—(Passage of flatus), Nausea; aching in pit of stomach ; distension, etc., in abdomen ; rumbling in abdomen ; rumbling, etc., in bowels; pressure in abdomen; griping in abdomen, etc.—(Rising after stooping), Burning, etc., in right parietal bone ; tearing in right side of head ; pain in upper chest.—(Scrcdch- ing), Burning, etc., in right parietal bone; itching in right elbow; itching on upper arm.—(Standing), Pressure in abdomen.—(Touching peirt gently with hand), Pain in abdomen.—(Frequent urinating), Relief of symptoms. —(Vomiting), Cough.—(Walking about), Cramp in calves. APIS. Apium virus. Poison of the honey-bee. Preparation, Tincture of the working bees (made by putting them alive into alcohol), or of the poison sac, carefully extracted. Author'dies.\ 1, Effects of the sting; 2, F. Humphreys; 3, L. B. Wells; 4, Bishop; 5, Hays; 6, Bigelow ; 7, Greene; 8, Kellogg ; 9, Hering, crude virus; 10, Hering, 0; 11, Hering, from a woman, " Th." 30th; 12, Hering, from a girl, " O." 30th; 13, Helmuth, crude; 14, Kindermann, crude; 15, Langstroth, from the poison; (16 to 23, new symptoms ob- tained from patients), 16, Marcy; 17, Bishop; 18, Blcede ; 19, Hering; 20, Berens; 21, Washburne ; 22, Marcy ; 23, Humphreys ; 24, Symptoms from sting of the humble-bee. Alind.—Excitement, with heat at night/.—Laughs at every misfor- tune/.—In the daytime, he danced with excessive joyousness ; performed all his antics singing and dancing; was affability itself; and utterly unable to walk slowly. He laughed at the greatest misfortune, as he would at a comedy/.—She feels like crying about everything/8.—Sad thoughts, with longing for death (third day), forenoon/1.—Dejection, with great prostra- tion/3.—Anxiousness, with tension on the vertex/9.—Great anxiety and excitement; must lie down; wants to get up and go again, just before death/.—General anxiety and distress/.—[10.] Great anxiety in the head and swelling of the face/.—Anxiety, excitement, and fear increase until death/.—Dread of death, or sensation as if he should not be able to breathe again,6.—* Premonition of death arose after a few minutes ; " he believes he is going"/.—Feels that he must succumb, after a few minutes, and dies ten minutes after being stung/.—She thought she must die, she felt so strangely/.—He says, after a few minutes, " I am a dead man," \—Is him- f No. 1, obtained from Central N. Y. proving; Hering, Amer. Arzneipruf.; A. ft. Morgan, N Y. St. Trans., 3, 104; Bell, H. M.,6, 360; Samuel Dean, N. E. M. Gaz., 2, 234; Marcy, N. A. J., If,, 501; E. U. Jones, N. A. J , 2, 409; J. P. Dake, N. A. J., 6, 385; Cropper, N. Y. St. Trans., N. S. 1 (MSS.), and some other scattering observations. Nos. 2 to 8, from proving of Central N. Y. Hom. Soc, 185-'; 9 to 24, from Henna's Amer. Arzneipruf.; (Bee-bread symptoms by Whit- more, Chicago Med. Examiner, 18G5). APIS. 401 self conscious of an extremely disagreeable, violent, and sensitive mood ; would have liked to kill a dog that barked at him, etc.; everything went wrong; nothing could be done to please him/5.—Became more angry than ever before; (in a female scold)/9.—Irritable mood (fifth and sixth days); nothing appeared to satisfy him ; everything out of place (eighth day), (2d dil/)/.—[20.] Mental restlessness, during uterine hemorrhage/.—Con- fusion of mind/ (A. R. M.).—Confusion when attempting to read a study/ (A. R. M.).—It seems to her as if she did not know what to do, as if she had no volition of her own, her head feels so stupid/1.—Stupid, sleepv, and headache/.—Unfit for mental exertion/3.—Inability to think clearly, or express himself/ (A. R.M.).—Inability to concentrate the mind/ (A. R. M.). —Mind bewildered/ (A. R. M.).—Head stupid/.—[30.] Torturing sensa- tion in the head, during which he becomes wholly incapable of mental labor/".—Inclination to change his occupation; will not keep steadily at anything, with dulness of the head (second day)/.—She was partially con- scious, and continually moaning/ (J. P. D.).—Was unconscious of what passed about him/.—Complete loss of consciousness/. (A. R. M.).—Perfect insensibility, with vomiting, desire for rest and sleep, slow beat of the heart, and scarcely perceptible radial pulse (Wasp).—Sank into a state of insen- sibility in fifteen minutes (five minutes before death)/. Head.—Dulness of the head, with restless condition/.—Gloominess of the head and some confusion/.—Head confused and gloomy (first day), (2d dil.)/.—[40.] Confusion of the head with the pains/.—Head dull aud confused/5.—Head is dull aud slightly confused/.—Head feels big, con- fused/ (A. R. M.).—Confusion of the head, with pain in the forehead/. (2d dil.).—Pain in sinciput, and confusion of the head,2.—*Head confused and dizzy, with constant pressive pain above and around the eyes, that is some- what relieved by pressure of the hands?5.—Vertigo. Confused vertigo, very violent at times; worse when sitting than when walking; extreme when lying down and closing the eyes. (During several clays, and after several strong doses)/.—Attacks of vertigo and nausea (fifth day, aud lasting into the second week)/2.—Vertigo, with headache (evenings, after sleeping)/2.— [50.] Vertigo, with blindness/ (A. R. M.).—Headache, with vertigo/.— Vertigo, and pressure in the forehead, after sneezing/.—Vertigo, when pressing the head/.—Vertigo/.—After sleeping on the sofa, evenings (second day)/2.—Dizziness in the head, during the whole second day/2.—Whirling in the head, with weakness/2.—She grows dizzy and faint, while standing/2. —Headache and chilliness, from 8 to 10 in the evening, with some tooth- ache ; pain in the forehead, first left side, then right, thus alternating; afterwards, in the vertex, right side, where it is also sensitive to the touch; then in the temples, and, at last, again in the forehead, right side (second day) ; morning of the third day, pain again in forehead, left side/1.—Her whole brain feels as if tired, gone to sleep aud crawling; she feels it at the same time in both arms, especially the left, and from the left knee down to the foot,10.—[60.] During toothache, she feels it in her head, when biting her teeth together/1.—Headache, worse when reading, increased in a warm room/5.—Pain spreading from the gums into the head,20.—With cough, in single shocks, all the evening (first day)/.—With suppressed menstrua- tion/.—Burning, piercing in the head/.—Burning and throbbing in the head, increased by motion and stooping, relieved for awhile by pressing the head firmly with the hands; with occasional perspiration (fV some hours)/.—Very violent headache, and sensation of a great pressure, as of congestion to the head, with throbbing and painful burning in the temples, vol. i.—26 402 APIS. redness and smarting of the eyes/7.—Bursting, expansive pain in the head, attended by vertigo and confusion of the mind/ (A. R. M.).—Inflammatory swelling, and twitching so violent that au apoplectic attack was feared/.— [70.] The head seems as if too large, swelled to the size of a bushel-basket, causing him to look into the glass, involuntarily/.—Swelling of the head/. —Head feels too large/.—She feels as if her head were too large; with sore throat/9.—Fulness and pressure in the head and stomach,24.—Head as if too full; it seems as if there were too much blood in it; heaviness, pres- sure, and sometimes a sudden rush of blood to the head, during which warm, close rooms are perfectly intolerable/5.—Great rush of blood to the head/7.—Dulness, and the head feels compressed/*.—Head pains, as if pressed together/4.—Throbbing in the head, worse when moving and stoop- ing, relieved for awhile by pressing the head between the hands?5.—[80.] *Dull pain over the whole head, relieved by pressure?3.—Dull, heavy headache, on rising, lasting till 3 in the afternoon (second day)/.—Dull pressure in the head, when rising from a reclining position, or from sitting/5.—Heaviness and pressure in the head, one hour after taking one drop, lasted three aud four days/.—Oppressive headache, when in a warm room, and reading/.— Oppression of the head/.—Frontal headache/.—(Piercing)/.—Violent headache, mostly confined to the forehead, with fever (second day)/.— Headache in the forehead, left side, with single stitches under the left ear, lachrymation of the left eye, chilliness, yawning, and some pain in the um- bilical region (evening of eighth day)/1.—Particularly disagreeable pain in the forehead with dulness and confusion (first day), (2d dil.)/.—[90.] Sen- sation of dulness across the forehead, just over the eyes (third day)/.— Pressing pain in forehead, with vertigo, after sneezing (at once)/.—Pressive pain in the sinciput, with vertigo, immediately,2.—Heat in the forehead, during headache/.—Prickling in the forehead (6th dil.)/.—In glabella, tensive drawing of the skin up toward the forehead/8.—Dull confusion in both sides of the forehead, exactly from the supraorbital ridge to the fron- tal protuberances, fifteen minutes after taking, lasting about two hours, and ceasing after breakfast/4.—Headache in the left side of the forehead, with lachrymation/1.—Pain in the organs of causality, comparison, and ide- ality/.—Dull, heavy pain in the forehead and sides of the head (temples ?) that is relieved by pressure with the hands (St.)/.—[100.] Dull pressive headache in the upper part of the forehead, as if it would burst, extends to the temples/ 15.—Violent, pressive pain for several days, in forehead and temples,2.—Headache, in single jerks, from the temples to the middle of the forehead; therewith, exterior head sensitive to the touch ; increases at 10 in the forenoon ; the eyes burn ; the nose itches; (second day), the same ; likewise, the sixth to the tenth day/2.—Stitches in the forehead and tem- ples/3.—Pain in both temples; the whole head heavy, sleepy, and stupid (after one hour)/2.—Bursting in the temples/.—Pressing/.—Violent ach- ing pains through the temples and organs of causality, comparison, mirth- fulness, and ideality/.—Throbbing and painful burning in the temples/7.— [110.] Throbbing, painful sensation in the temples/.—Boring pains in the temples, every morning, on waking (for three mornings)/.—Boring pains in the temples, continued for several days, at intervals, lasting only a few minutes at a time ; beginning the third day (after taking three drops of the 3d dil., every morning)/.—Dull, pressive pain in the right temple, on waking in the morning, soon changing to the left/.—Slight aching in the left temple/.—Violent, sharp pain in the left temple/.—Stitch in the left temple (evening of sixteenth day)/1.—Pain in the vertex, evenings/1.— APIS. 403 Violent pressure in the top of the head, left side, deep inward, when draw- ing on boots (after an hour); afteruoon, a pain in a little spot, inwardly, in the left front corner of the head, above the extreme end of the left eye- brow ; lasts all day ; worse when coughing (after several days)/.—Weight and fulness in the upper part of the head,6.—Heaviness and fulness in the vertex/5.—Tension in the scalp, on the vertex, as if everything were vio- lently drawn apart there; not painful, but with great anxiety/9.—Sensi- tiveness to touch/2; on the vertex and forehead/1.—Tensive, drawing paiu over the left side of the head/5.—Headache, with fulness and heaviness in the occiput,2.—[120.] Violent, dull, heavy pain in the right parietal pro- tuberance, as if the surface of the bone were being pressed in ; not relieved by pressure (soon)/3.—Dull ache in the occiput/.—Aching in the occiput, increased by shaking the head,25.—Pressure in the occiput, very soon/. —Tension from the back of the neck/.—Violent drawing from the back of the neck, extending behind the left ear; spreading over the left half of the head/5.—Falling out of the hair, all through the proving/.—Itching on the head/4.—[130.] Itching of the scalp (afternoon of third day)/1. Eyes.—*Swelled about the eyes?8.—^Swelling that entirely closes the eyes?. —* Redness of the eyes/7.—*Eyes red and itching/.—Redness of the eyes, with headache/7.—Tremulous twitching in the left eye, for several days, more at night,2.—Pain round about the eyes/5.—Pains in the eyes/2.—Eyes burn/2.—[140.] Burning in the left eye/1.—* Burning stinging in the right eye, beginning with a dull heaviness, and causing flow of water (repeated twice),2.—''Burning stinging and sensation of swelling around the left eye and in the superciliary ridge?1.—*Smarting and sensation of burning in the eyes, with bright redness of the conjunctiva; very sensitive to light?1.—Boring and piercing in the eyes, forenoons; lachrymation, all day (third day)/2.— Piercing itching around the eyes, in the brows, lids, and in the eyes them- selves, more in the left, especially in the inner canthi, with a desire to rub the eyes while pressing them hard; with this, soreness and smarting on the margin of the lids, in the canthi, and in the eye itself; quivering of the eye- ball, and a feeling in the eyes all day as if there were mucus in them, es- pecially in the left/5.—Piercing itching in the eyes, lids, and around the eyes; more in the internal canthi/5.—* Stinging itching in the eye, eyelids, and around the eyes, on the left side, and more at the internal canthus/.— Piercing itchiug in the left eye, in the lids, and around the eye, mostly in one corner, and in the throat at the same time (first day)/.—^Piercing in the eyes; was obliged to remove her spectacles while reading and writing (near- sighted woman), (evenings, seventh day)/1.—[150.] Prickling under the eyes/.—Sore pain in the orbits of the eyes, as well as in the bones, after every sting of a bee/.—Eyes painful, when sewing, evenings/1.—'^Sensation of swelling around the eye?.—Sensation of fulness in the eyes/3.—Dull, heavy feeling; inclination to close the eyes; desire to rub them forcibly, and making pressure with the fingers, when closed for some time/.—Inclination to close the eyes/.—* Violent shooting pains over the right eye that extend down to the eyeball (6th dil.)/.—Desire to rub the eyes hard/5.—Desire to rub and press the eyes/.—[160.] Itching around the eye/.—Eyelids much swollen, red, and (Edematous/.—*Thc upper lids so swelled that they hang like little sacs over the face?.—Twitching of the right eyelid/.—^Burning in the margin of the lids; causes lachrymation?.—Sensation of heaviness in the eyelids/3.—^Smarting on the margin of the lids and in the canthi/5.—Vio- lent stinging in the right lower lid, in the morning/.—Itching and prick- ling of the lids of the right eye (first day)/.—Itching of the right eyelid, 404 APIS. at intervals, all day (repeated in several provings)/.—[170.] Itching of the right eyelid in paroxysms, during the second day/.—Itching and irritation of the left eyelids for several days/.—Itching in the inner angle of the left eye?.—Aching pressure in the orbit of the left eye, mostly the lower part, continuing for several hours/.—Worse itching in the inner canthus of the left eye/.—Agglutination of the eyes/ 5.—Itching of the eyelids and some agglutination (first day)/.—Slight agglutination of the eyes at night; had to pick them open in the morning/3.—Agglutination of the eyelids, with soreness of the margins and canthi/.—Sore elevations of the skin, like the stings of insects, at the external corner of the eyebrow, very tender to the touch/.—[180.] If stung over the eyebrow, he had worse results/.— Pain over the eyes/4.—Pain in the superciliary ridges/3.—Burning piercing in the region of the left eyebrow/5.—Dull, heavy, tensive pain over the eyes, with pain through the orbits, lasting but a short time (this pain oc- curred in three provings)/.—Transient biting itching in the right, and some- times in the left eyebrow,2.—* Lachrymation,512.—* With burning?.—Lachry- mation, morning of third day/.—*Lachrymation and pexin in the eyes (in the second week)/2.—Lachrymation, with piercing in the eyes/.—[190.] *Lach- rymation of the left eye, and some burning in it, and a sensation of a small for- eign body there, during which the eyes are weaker; painful, evenings, when sew- ing, and sensitive to light (lasting into the fourth week)/1.—Lachrymation of the left eye, with pain in the forehead, left side (evening of eighth day)/1.— Lachrymation of the left eye/1.—After frequent lachrymation of the left eye, it seems to her, very often, as if there were a small foreign body in the external canthus of the left eye (tenth and following days)/1.—Tears stand in the eyes on account of nervous restlessness/.—Tears flow involuntarily from his eyes, very soon; al so, stinging in the tip of the nose/.—*Eyes water and are painful when she looks at anything light (fifth day)/2.—The right eye filled with tears that are shed from time to time (after three hours)/.— Biting piercing sensation in the right eye, causing copious lachrymation/. —Flow of mucus and lachrymation of the right eye, at night, in bed/.— Violent pain in the left lachrymal duct and around the opening/.—[200.] Sensation as if there were a mass of mucus in the left eye, continuing all day (fourth day)/.—Sensation all day as if there were mucus in the eyes; worse in left/5.—Pain through the eyeballs, dull, heavy, and dragging,2.— Piercing in the eyeballs (second day)/.—Pressing pain in the lower part of the eyeball/.—Quivering twitching of the left eyeball/5.—Pains around the left eyeball (first day); later, around both/.—Aching pressure in the left eyeball, mostly in the lower part, for several hours ; repeated twice/.—* The eyes are weak, with disinclination to exert them; they are painful and easily fatigued when used; only regain their strength and vigor the tenth or twelfth day (this was experienced by one who had never had weakness of sight before or since)/.—Weakness of sight, with sensation of fulness in the eyes/5.—[210.] * Weak eyes; for several days the light is painful?.—Sensitive- ness to light?112.—Must take off her spectacles (a short-sighted woman)/1.— Blindness, with vertigo/(A. R. M.).—Growing dark before the eyes/112.— It grows dark before his eyes when stooping (afternoons, fourth day)/1.— Sensation of whirling around iu the sight, with difficult vision at the same time, lasting for only a moment/. Ears.—Ears purple/ (A. R. M.).—A small, rough, reddish tetter in the centre of the lobe of the left ear, extending somewhat back; remained in the antrum after an eruption caused by preparing Rhus; was entirely removed after Graphites; after five months, appeared again, a week after APIS. 405 taking the Apis, and remained a week; was only removed after Graphites/2. —In the inner cartilage of the left ear, a little pimple, painful when pressed (tenth day, and longer)/1.—[220.] Tension behind and under the ears/; behind the left ear, extending up from the back of the neck/; be- hind the right ear/; behind the left ear/.—Pains in the inner right ear (second day)/.—Similar pain behind the left ear as over the eyes; violent drawing from the back of the neck, extending behind the left ear/5.—Burn- ing in the upper part of the left ear/5.—Stitches under the left ear/1.— Frightened starting from sleep at noise/2. Nose.—Nose swollen/.—*Nose much swollen, red and (edematous? (Bell). —Nose swollen; red stripes under the eyes, extending across the cheeks/8.— Entire stoppage of the nose, from swelling of its mucous lining/ (Bell).— [230.] Nose affected, as if it would swell/.—Violent sneezing, immedi- ately,2.—Frequent sneezing, for many days (eleventh day), (in two prov- ings)/.—Sudden coryza, afternoons, 4 o'clock, with dryness of the nose; then burning of the lips, and sensation as if they would chap (fifth day)/1. —A kind of coryza (after four hours); worse evening, second day. with dull sensation in the nose; now and then some dropping; dry on the morn- ing of third day ; moisture only when blowing the nose; more affected out- wardly, and feels as if it would swell/.—When blowing it some blood comes from the nose (mornings, second and third days), and afterwards, sometimes even in the fourth week/1.—(Blood flowed from the nose, after death)/.—Dryness of the nose in catarrh/1.—Tip of the nose cold, with chilliness in the evening/3.—Itching of the nose/2.—[240.] Itching on the left nostril, is painful, with redness (fourth day)/2. Face.—Paleness of the face/.—Paleness of the face ; trembling of the hands and feet,24.—Very pale and seemed ill, but without any swelling (badly stung child)/.—Paleness of the face, with faintness/2.—Pallor of the child/.—Countenance assumed a pallid, deathlike look, frightening those around with the thought that he was about to die/ (E. U. J.).—His face grew pale/ (E. E. M.).—Red face; wants it bathed/.—Her face be- came red, then purple? (J. P. D.).—[250.] *The face is red and hot; pain, burning and piercing, and swollen so as to be unrecognizable (not gone after eighteen hours)/.—The face becomes purple/ (Bell).—Face livid/.—Livid, blue-reddish color of face (two weeks)/7.—(Color of face very dark, almost blue-black, after death)/.—The face is swollen to blindness, and, for a week, he goes about blinking like an owl/.—The face swelled so that he could hardly see (after a sting in the face)/.—Inflammatory swelling of the face; the right eye completely closed, the left eye almost; the cheeks hang down to the breast (after being stung in the right corner of the mouth)/.—Nose and face swell immediately after being stung in the tip of the nose; continues several days/.—Face inflamed/.—[260.] * Erysipelas of the face; over the whole face light redness, swelling, heat, with burning fever, coated tongue and thirst (in a girl of nine ; sixth dilution every two hours)/.— Nettle-rash iu the face/.—Burning in the face, with sensation of fulness, as if the bloodvessels were overfilled ; very much aggravated when stooping/3. —*Peculiar burning and a heat in the face which he cannot describe; it lasted twenty-four hours, and for more than two weeks left behind a livid, bluish-red color of the face?1.—Heat of the face, with chilliness/1.—Sensation as if face would swell, left side, especially about the eye (after one hour)/.—Tension in the face waked him at 1 o'clock at night; the nose was swollen and the right eye and cheek; stinging pain when touched ; under the right eye, be- ginning at the top of the nose, red stripes crossed the cheeks, lasted till 4 406 APIS. o'clock; the following day, again, after midnight, rapid swelling of the upper lip, with heat and burning redness, lasting till toward morning; third night, a sudden running across the right cheek, like a little insect, and stung him beside the nose, upon which the cheek and upper lip swelled/8.—Prickling in the face/.—Burning cheeks, with cold feet/0.— Red stripes down from the nose across the cheeks/.—[270.] Ulcer on the cheek, lasting three months/.—Heat of the cheeks and hands/0.—Stinging pain in the left malar bone (fourth week)/1.—Running as of an insect over the cheek/8.—Dark streak along the vermilion border of the lips; they are rough, cracked, and peel off (second day), (sixth dilution)/ (etc.).—Swell- ing of the lips, and sensation as of swelling for several days; then a fine eruption about the lips, aud dryness and desquamation of the lower lip (sixth dilution)/ (and others).—Lips swollen and everted/.—Swelling of the lips and tongue, after being stung in the temples/.—The upper lip as much swollen as if it were turned inside out (after being stung on the neck)/.—The lips are dry, with a black stripe in the red portion,10.—[280.] Lips cold (after eight to ten minutes)/.—Raging, violent pains in the lips, then extending into the gums and head, and finally over the whole body (directly after taking, in a woman),20.—Burning in the lips, with catarrh/1. —Roughness and sensation of tension in the lips, especially the upper one (sixth dilution)/ (and others).—Roughness and tension in the lips, especi- ally the upper one/.—Prickling in the lips, and sensation as if they had received a severe contusion, with swollen feeling (after a few hours)/.— Sensation as if the lips would chap, in catarrh/.—Upper lip swollen ; grew red and hot, almost brown/8.—Chapping of the lower lip/1.—Burning on the chin/.—[290.] Burning stinging, as of fire, on the chin and malar bones/.—Drawing in the lower jaw, extending from the chest/1. Mouth.—When biting the teeth together, in swallowing, after yawn- ing, and otherwise, a kind of grinding the teeth, only a single, involuntary jerk; is repeated very often (seventh and following days)/1.—Toothache/. —Toothache with headache/1.—Twitching toothache in the left upper back teeth/4.—Jumping pain in the left upper molar teeth/.—Toothache in the upper jaw, right side, during which she feels the biting together of her teeth in her head; with chilliness, evenings (second day)/1.—Violent pain in the first left upper molar; seems connected with the headache (after five hours)/.—Heat, with toothache/".—[300.] Easy bleeding of the gums (sixth day)/1.—Very troublesome pains in the gums/5.—Violent pains spreading through the gums,21.—Swelling of the tongue, then of the whole body, after a sting in the vertex ; he could neither speak, nor move his tongue, nor swallow the least morsel/.—Swelling of the tongue and lips (after a sting in the temples)/.—Burning from the tongue down the whole throat into the stomach, and eructation every four to five minutes, with gathering of tasteless water in the mouth; the eructations increased very much after drinking water, it almost suffocated her,10.—Burning stinging ou the tongue,2.—Prickling heat on the tongue/.—Tongue very painful, after seven hours ; the burning rawness increases ; vesicles rise along the edge ; stings with the pain, (6),2.—Rawness, burning, and blisters, along the edge of the tongue, which are very painful, with stinging (after eight hours), (6),2. —[310.] Extreme sensation of rawness and scalding, all around the margin of the tongue ; little pimples on the edge (6 after four hours)/.—*The whole margin of the tongue jfeels as if scalded, as if quite raw; little papular eleva- tions appear along the edge of the tongue (after two hours)/.—Tongue as if burnt/.—Mouth very dry/.—Dryness in the mouth and throat; the APIS. 407 tongue feels as if burnt (second day)-/.—Dryness under the tongue, disap- pears after moving the tongue a great deal (6 o'clock, evenings, after ten hours),9.—*Dryness of the tongue; red, fiery appearance of the buccal cavity, with painful tenderness?.—Tongue and palate sore/.—Sore pain of the palate and tongue/.—*On the tip of the tongue, somewhat to the left, a row of small vesicles, painfully sore and raiv,10.—[320.] A number of vesicles and redder spots on the tip of the tongue, and on the left edge of the tongue/5. —In the mouth, on the inner checks, fiery redness?.—Dryness in the mouth and fauces?3.—Sensation of dryness in the mouth aud throat (second day)/. —Burning in the mouth, as if the whole mouth were hot inside on the lips and palate; she has more thirst during this than usual, and drinks fre- quently (forenoons in the fourth week)/1.—"Scalding in the mouth and throat (for two days)/.—* Painful sensitiveness of buccal cavity?.—Inflammation and swelling of the palate, that obstructed breathing, so that he died (wasp)/.—Dryness of the palate, which, when touched by the tongue, feels rough and scratchy (early the second day)/2.—Flow of saliva (Swammer- dam).—[330.] Copious accumulation of soapy saliva, in the mouth and throat, mornings (second day)/.—-Tough, frothy saliva/3.—Stringy saliva adhering to the tongue/3.—Thick, tough, adhesive mucus in the mouth and fauces/3.—Bitter taste in fauces/.—Took the poison of the queen bee; first, I had a bitterish taste, which afterwards became more sharp and pungent, spreading over the whole fauces to the jaws, forcing the saliva from its channels. The tongue was affected as after chewing the Spanish Bertram root, but in a less degree. There was at the same time great activity iu every part of the mouth, as if I had taken ten to twelve drops of the strongest alcohol. Emboldened by this, I tasted the poison of the common working bees, and that of wasps. It was the same, only that of the work- ing bees was milder and less than that of the wasps (Swammerdam).—Bit- terish taste at the back of the tongue and in the fauces (after two minutes)/. —Lost his taste/. Throat.—The glands of the throat swollen on the injured side/.— Great accumulation of viscid mucus deep in the throat, compelling frequent hawking (mornings, eleventh day)/.—[340.] * Dryness in the throat with- out thirst?9.—Dryness in the throat/; in the fauces/3; of the palate/2.— Dryness and heat in the throat (first day)/.—Burning in the throat, extend- ing to the stomach,10.-—Sensation of rawness in the throat, with viscid saliva, that adheres to the hard palate, velum, and tongue/3.—Sensation of rawness in the throat, with inclination to frequent hawking/0.—Frequent inclina- tion to clear the throat/".—Sore throat, accompanied by a hoarse, hard, spasmodic, and somewhat hollow cough, caused by a sensation of filling up in the throat, as though he needed to raise something. Does not recollect, however, raising anything/ (E. U. J.).—Sensation of soreness in the fauces and throat, extending downward through the chest to the pit of the stom- ach. He described this feeling of soreness as one of erosion, excoriation, or rawness, and supposed it to be such as a consumptive might feel, who had a violent and hard cough for a long time (in a few minutes,)/ (E. U. J). —* Sensation of fulness, contraction, and suffocation in the throat?2.—[350.] * Throat felt constricted, and as if a foreign body was lodged in it; deglutition was painful?.—-*Sensation of constriction and erosion in the throat, in the mornings, after fifteen minutes; increases to such a degree, in eight hours, that swallowing becomes difficult/.—Disagreeable oppression in the throat (in one hour)/ (Deane).—An aching pressure, as if from a hard body, back in the upper part of the throat and fauces; continuing for some hours (at 408 APIS. half an hour), (occurred in two provings)/.—^Stinging itching deep in the throat, at the lower part of the neck, accompanied with a sensation of constric- tion?.—Pressure in the fauces as of a foreign body/.—Roughness and sensi- tiveness of the pharynx (every time after smelling the poison)/5.—^Difficult swallowing?.—* Inability to swallow a single drop, with swelling of the tongue?. —Not until some hours after the sting, the throat swelled inwardly, then out- wardly ; voice grew hoarse; breathing and swallowing very difficult; difficulty of swallowing not caused by the swelling in the throat, but by the irrita- tion of the epiglottis, for every drop of liquid put upon the tongue nearly suffocates him. Small white spot, about half an inch to the left of the glottis. (Death after twenty-seven hours, after a sting in the throat)/. Stomach.—[360.] Entire loss of appetite/3.—No appetite, nor desire for food, though it was not repulsive to him/ (E. U. J.).—Lessening appe- tite, for several days, although the coated tongue grows cleaner/.—The first mouthful of food he took "seemed to drive the soreness downward, and each succeeding mouthful to drive it further down," and he continued eat- ing, until the soreness and cough quite left him, aud did not return/ (E. U. J.).—Thirst, with burning in the mouth/1.—Burning thirst, seems to rise from the stomach, with dryness in the throat; without thirst; burn- ing cheeks, and cold feet, without increased pulse,10.—Great thirst, when working at night, after diarrhoea/3.—Asks for a drink of water/.—Asked for water, and drank some/.—* No thirst, with dryness of the throat?0.—[370.] No thirst with the dryness in the throat, but she drinks very often, although it relieves her but little,10.—*No thirst, with heat/.—Violent eructation/.— Eructation tasting like yolk of eggs/.—Eructation tasting of the ingesta/3. —Eructation, with copious accumulation of tasteless water/.—Increased eructation after drinking water/.—Violent eructation of wind during head- ache/3.—Eructation relieves the pain over the left hip/.—Aversion, with chilliness and cold limbs/.—[380.] Gagging, after a sting in the temples/. —iSausea, apparently from the throat/.—Nausea seems to come from the throat/.—Sickness at the stomach, and pain over the whole body so severe as to cause crying/ (C. G C.).—Was obliged to go home and lie down, on account of nausea/.—Nausea and inclination to vomit in the night, with a disagreeable rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would set in, morn- ings ; loose, urgent stool/.—Nausea to vomiting, with fainting/2.—Nausea, followed by yellow and bitter vomiting (after forty-five minutes)/ (A. R. M.). —Some nausea and vertigo/2.—Nausea and vomiting/3.—[390.] Nausea and vomiting/.—Nausea and vomiting, with swelling of the head/.—Nau- sea and vomiting of food, with diarrhoea, after repeated vomiting ; first, bile, afterwards a thin, very bitter-tasting liquid, with violent pains across the lower abdomen/3. — Vomiting (wasp)/. — Vomiting of ingesta/3.— Vomiting of bile?3.— Vomiting and diarrhoea?.—Severe vomiting and profuse diarrhoea? (E. E. M.).—For several days, he was troubled with a morbid excitement of the digestive apparatus/ (E. E. M.).—Most terrible pains in the stomach appeared immediately after taking the second atten.; the following day, coldness in the middle of the sternum, which, after it grad- ually subsided, was followed by a burning heat in the stomach,20.—[400.] ^Burning heat in the stomach?0.—Heartburn/ (C. C. G).—Heat and burn- ing in the stomach (first day)/.—Burning in the stomach, and eructations,10. —* Sensation of soreness in the stomach and abdomen?3.—Crawling, drawing, and gnawing in the stomach ; later, a violent compression in the abdo- men/4.—Prickling pain in the stomach, as from needles/.—Pressure in the APIS. 409 stomach/4.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach/.—Pressure in the region of the orifice of the stomach/3. Abdomen—[410.] Violent burning pain under the short ribs, on both sides, worse aud lasting longest on the left, where it prevented sleep for weeks/7.—Under the right ribs, sensation as if gone to sleep/9.—Pain, left side, under the last ribs/.—Pain in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, and chilliness/1.—Fulness and evident enlargement of the abdomen. (In a woman, after several large doses)/.—Rumbling in the abdomen/3.— Rumbling iu the abdomen, with a sensation of fulness/3.—Rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue/.—Rumbling in the abdomen, with violent urging to stool/3.—Restlessness in the intestines, and death/.— [420.] Faintness and nausea, from the short ribs across the whole abdomen (soon after a sting in the scrotum), lasting three hours/.—Nausea in the abdomen, is obliged to lie down/.—Sickly feeling in the abdomen, which inclines him to continue in a quiet, sitting posture,5.—Pain in the abdomen from the hips towards the umbilical region (forenoons), (second day)/2.— Violent pain in the abdomen, relieved when sitting up/3.—Slight pain in the abdomen, with urging to pass flatus (after fifteen minutes)/.—Pain in the abdomen, mornings, and urging to stool/2.—Pain in the abdomen, with urging to stool, and pain when straining (mornings, after rising, after dreaming it at night, second day)/2.—Sometimes pain in the abdomen again, with a feverish, trembling feeling (second day)/2.—Disagreeable sensation and growling in the abdomen, as if diarrhcea were setting in/.— [430.] Frequently, paiu in the abdomen, mornings, and very hard scanty stool; as formerly often (in third week)/2.—Sore feeling in the abdomen, in the morning/.—As if sore in the abdomen/3.—*Soreness of the bowels felt when sneezing, or pressing upon them?.—Deep within, below, and beside the right hip, sensation of soreness, burning, and numbness,10.—* Sensitiveness of the walls of the abdomen, worse from pressure, even when touched?2.—* Ful- ness and sensation of bloatedness in the abdomen, as if she were inflated?.— *Sensation of fulness in the abdomen/3.—Contractive, painful sensation in the abdomen, when walking/1.—No redness or paiu iu the part stung, but severe griping pains all over the abdomen/ (E. E. M.).—[440.] Violeut griping in the abdomen/4.—Dull pains in the bowels/.—Heaviness in the abdomen/.—As if the intestines had been crushed, with stools and tenes- mus/3.—Violent cutting pains in the abdomen/.—Violent pains across the lower abdomen, with bitter vomiting and diarrhoea/3.—Sensation as if diar- rhoea were coining on/.—Aching and pressive pain in the hypogastrium, with bearing down in the uterus, as if the menses were coming on (in two persons)/.—Aching and pressure in the lower abdomen/.—Pressure in the region of the lower abdomen/3.—[450.] Bearing down/1.—Slow, throbbing, boring pain over the left crest of ilium, relieved by eructations (second day),2. Stool and Anus.—Sensation in the rectum like an electric shock, slightly painful, aud followed by urging to stool/1.—^Sensation of rawness in the anus, with diarrhoea/3.—Throbbing in the rectum, with a sensation in the anus as if stuffed full, and with heat/.—Excessive tenesmus/3.— Urging to stool/.—Urging to stool, with rumbling in the abdomen/3.—Fre- quent urging to stool; pains in the anus after much straining, the following morning/1.—^Passage of flatus before stool?.—[460.] Copious, watery diar- rhoea? (A. R. M.).—Copious diarrhcea and vomiting/.—* Copious evacua- tions of blackish-brown, green and whitish excrements?.—Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea, first lumpy, and not fetid ; afterwards, watery and very fetid; then pappy, mixed with mucus and blood. Then followed stools 410 APIS. like a dysentery, with much tenesmus, and a sensation as if the intestines had been crushed/3.—Several loose stools daily/.—Two loose stools daily, for five days/.—Loose stools, eight days in succession/.—*Loose stools in the morning (fifth day); loose urgent stool in the morning (sixth day)/5.—■ Loose, lumpy stool/.—* Yellow, watery diarrhoea, with griping (twelve dis- charges within twelve hours)/.—[470.] "Greenish, yellowish, mucous diar- rhoea, without any pain (about twenty-four hours after the first dose (2d); and twelve times, the same day ; then ceasing, while she took 2d, and later, after 1st),17.—Yellowish, slimy, green-colored diarrhoea, with swelling of the labia/.—^Increasing prostration during diarrhoea?3.—*Stools soft and pappy, mixed with serum, as if soft faeces had been beaten in water, but not dissolved; orange-colored?.—Stool every morning; scanty, pappy, light- yellow ; did not begin to grow darker for a week/.—* Several thin, yellow stools, with extreme weakness and prostration; the stools occur with every motion of the body, as if the anus were constantly open. (In a woman of forty, with ascites, after 6th dil.)/.—Colorless water passes from the anus/.—Stool natural, preceded by emission of flatulence, and a small quantity of almost colorless water, containing lumps, or fragments of jelly- like mucus, streaked with blood/.—Blood and mucus with the stools/3.— Very hard, scanty stool (mornings)/2.—[480.] Bowels confined for several days (eleventh day), (2d dil.)/.—Bowels confined (from the eighth to the twelfth day)/.—No stool for a week (from the third to the tenth day)/2. Urinary Organs.—For several days he was troubled with a morbid excitement of the urinary organs/ (E. E. M.).—A very disagree- able sensation in the bladder, with a bearing-down in the region of the sphincter, and so frequent a desire to urinate that he not only did so by day, but was compelled to rise ten or twelve times during the night; sore- ness and burning when passing urine/5.—Burning in the urethra/.—Burn- ing in the urethra before and after urination (third day)/.—Burning before and after passing/8.—* Burning and soreness when urinating?10.—As if scalded when urinating/7.—[490.] *Soreness when urinating, as if scalded/. —Stitchlike pain in the urethra/.—When beginning to urinate, the swell- ing of the labia minora obstructs/1.—Frequent desire to urinate/2.—Fre- quent desire to urinate, attended with burning in the urethra, with uneasi- ness in the spermatic cord (sixth day, from large doses),8.—* Frequent desire to urinate, with some burning before and after emission (second day)/.— Frequent desire to urinate, with a disagreeable sensation in the bladder; a bearing down in the region of the sphincter/5.—Almost incessant desire to pass urine; in passing, the urine seems to him to be unusually warm, even to burning, with sensation as if the flow were obstructed by a con- traction in the bulbus; the quantity of urine is quite as usual/3.—After taking the 6th dilution in the evening, he was obliged to pass urine every five minutes the following day/ (and others).—^Repeated urination every few minutes all day (in a person never subject to such attacks; day after taking one drop of the 2d dilution, at night)/.—[500.] Day and night, very frequent passage of colorless urine/8.—^Frequent and excessively pro- fuse discharge of natural urine?.—Frequent and extraordinarily copious discharge of urine, otherwise as usual, day and night, in a dropsical, preg- nant woman (after three doses of the 30th dilution)/3.—Enormous secretion of urine (four to six pounds daily), greatest when at some outdoor exercise, with flatulence and some looseness of the bowels (bee-bread), (Whitemore).— Decidedly increased passage of urine (first and second days)/.—Copious passage of pale, straw-colored urine, with brickdust sediment,22.—* The pre- APIS. 411 viously very scanty urine diminished to one-half, with a violent burning sensa- tion when urinating, as if scalded?7.—* Urine highly colored/3.—* Urine high-colored, and more frequent emission of small quantities (third day)/.— Pale-yellow, with brickdust sediment/2. Sexual Organs.—[510.] A pustule, sore as a boil, surrounded by a red areola, and maturated in the centre, arises in the hair of the pubes, re- maining sore and painful some days (eleventh day)/.—Sensation of weak- ness in the genitals/4.—Uneasy sensation in the spermatic cord/.—Frequent and long-lasting erections/.—The testicle swelled to such a size " that it scarcely had room in the scrotum," with tension, and the most violent itch- ing (after a sting in the scrotum)/.—Desire to cohabit during the day, while sitting at home and when driving (after five, six, and eight hours)/. —Very much increased sexual desire, in a hysterical woman/9.—Hemor- rhage from the uterus, occurring iu a lady who was always regular aud healthy; coming on one week after the cessation of the usual menstrual period, and three days after taking the medicine/.—She feels as she does iu the beginning of pregnancy/.—*Bearing-down pains in the uterus, as if menstruation were coming on, with aching and pressure in the hypogastrium/. —[520.] Bearing-down pains, as in the early stages of parturition (in sev- eral cases)/.—^Metrorrhagia at the second mouth, with profuse flow of blood, heaviness of the abdomen, great uneasiness, restlessness, and yawn- ing/.—Miscarriage at the second month (from drop doses of the 2d dilution)/. —Miscarriage ed the third month?.—Abortion in the fourth month, with very copious hemorrhage, in a young, perfectly healthy, recently married woman, during a mild attack of fever, for which Apis6 was given/.—Should be given to pregnant females with the utmost caution/.—The numbness' and duluess, beginning in the right abdominal region (from the ovaries) to the hip, now extends to the ribs, and down over the whole thigh ; better when lying upon it/9.—When stretching in bed, a fine cutting pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the ovarian region, across to the right; first very faint, then stronger and stronger, increased at every repeated stretching; four or five times the same, then ceasing (evenings, seventh day)/1.—Great increase of pain and tenderness in the ovarian region, in two cases; one, of large induration, the other, in a supposed incipient stage of develop- ment/7.—In the region of the diseased right ovary, soreness, hardness, and burning heat?9.—[530.] *Pain in right ovarian region during menstruation,20. —*The right ovarian region very sensitive during the period,20.—Drawings in right ovarian region (twentieth day)11,.—Drawing in the right ovarian region (twentieth day)/1.—In the region of the left ovary, pain as if strained, more when walking, evenings at 6 o'clock; after several hours, also, a bearing down on right side, and a lame feeling in the shoulder-blades; to- wards 11 o'clock, when walking, she is compelled to bend forward, on ac- count of a contractive, painful sensation in the abdomen ; still felt the fol- lowing morning, somewhat to the left (first day)/1.—A deep, penetrating pain begins in the clitoris, and extends down into the vagina; the labia minora are swollen, aud feel dry, hard, and covered with a crust; hindered passing urine at first all day until it ceases, late in the evening, after the application of cold-water compresses/*.—Much flow of mucus from the uterus and the vagina, with cessation of internal burning in the abdomen/9. —Pressure in the abdomen, in the back, and sacrum, as if the periods were coming on ; she distinctly feels it running downward/9.—She feels, for sev- eral days, as if her periods were coming near the right time; but they re- main away, and pregnancy has taken place (twentieth and following days)/1. 412 APIS. —Bearing-down pains, and sensation as if the menses would come on (in several cases)/.—[540.] As if the periods were coming on/1.—The period flows two to three days, then stops one day, and returns, and so on for ten days (in two cases),20. Respiratory Apparatus.—Sensation as of a rapid swelling of the lining membrane of the air-passages/ (B.).—Feeling of rawness, with inclination to hawk/5.—Speaking is painful; she feels as if it wearied the pharynx, in which there is drawing and pain/9.—He grows hoarse/.— Hoarseness and difficulty of breathing/.—Hoarseness and rough voice through the day and night (second day)/ 5 (and others).—Hoarseness, mornings, with dryness in the throat and no thirst, and drinking is of no use; at the same time, soreness in the suprasternal fossa, and sensitiveness to pressure, likewise, in the region above both clavicles; later, violent stitches through the lungs, here and there, through the hips and sides of the chest, with aching all over, but especially in the left breast; constantly, a peculiar sensation as if cords were being pulled from the suprasternal fossa, down- wards and sideways, in different directions/9.—*Irritation to cough in the suprasternal fossa?.—[550.] Severe cough, especially after lying and sleeping; the tickling that causes it, in a little spot, very distinctly deep down on the posterior wall of the windpipe (second day, before midnight); would like something to reach it with and brush over it; his head aches while coughing; he must bend it back, and hold it so that the shock cannot act with such violence; as soon as the least bit of mucus loosens, he is better/.—Hoarse cough, with evening heat/.—Cough prevents sleep, after lying down, and wakens him towards midnight, with the same distinct clicking down back, • which irresistibly irritates to violent shocks that are felt in the head ; ceases directly after the loosening of a small lump of mucus, which is swallowed (third to fourth days); cough the fourth and fifth days, only evenings, not at night/.—Cough, preventing sleep/.—When coughing, pain through the chest, from the clavicle/9.—Cough, more in warmth, and in repose, and rousing from first sleep, for several evenings,9.—Cough, when starting in sleep/2.—Violent shocks of cough, from a crawling irritation down in the windpipe, near the suprasternal fossa; and, at every shock of cough, in- creased headache in the left side and upper part. After half an hour, something loosens and is swallowed, when the cough ceases directly (first day, when roused from sleep before midnight)/.—Expectoration of a great quantity of transparent, somewhat frothy, bloody mucus (after an emetic)/ (B.). —Dyspnoea; it seemed impossible to breathe; had to fan him to keep him alive/ (A. R. M.).—[560.] Sensation as though he should not be able to breathe again/.—Sensation as if he would not be able to breathe/.—* Great feeling of suffocation; it seems as if she could not long survive, for want of air? (B.). —*Intense sensation of suffocation; threw the collar wide open; could bear nothing about the throat; with dusky hue to the face, and bluish lips/ (C. W. B.).—Can scarcely breathe from swelling of the tongue, so that the laborious inspiration can be heard all over the house/.—Difficulty of breathing, inclination to sleep, and increasing shortness of breath when walking/.—Breathing very difficult, and every drop of liquid nearly chokes him/.—*Hurried and difficult respiration, with fever and headache (second day),0.—Difficult, anxious breathing, with constriction in the throat; worse when lying/2.—Sensation of fulness, constriction, or suffocation in the throat, with difficult, anxious breathing; worse in a horizontal position,22. —[570.] Labored inspiration, as in croup/.—Breathing oppressed in pres- sure of the chest/2.—Breathing oppressed by pressure in the back/1.— APIS. 413 Short breath/ 3.—Short, quick breathing, nights/.—Breathing very slow/. —Closed rooms, especially if overheated, are insupportable to him/5.—Pain in the heart that interrupts breathing/. Chest.—At every pressure, when holding the breath, pain through the chest/9.—Heat in the chest/.—[580.] Sensation of burning heat in the chest and stomach, early in the morning (second day)/.—Sensation of warmth or burning in the chest (first day)/.—Fulness, tension, and pres- sure in the chest (first day)/.—Sensatiou of fulness in the chest/.—When coughing, and at every pressure, pain above the clavicle, and from there down through the chest/9.—Sharp pains in the chest, at nights (fifth day)/. —Sometimes, sharp pains and stitches through the chest/5.—Stitches through the chest and back, at night (sixth day)/.—Stitches through the chest and back, at night/.—Pressure in the chest/.—[590.] Pressure in the chest (soon),2.—Pressure in the chest, after pains in the shoulders and upper arms/.—Slight oppression of the chest, with frequent desire to draw a deep inspiration/.—Like a pressive pain in the upper part of the chest/5. —As if the chest, near the last ribs, were crushed, pressed, or beaten/7.— Sensation of heaviness/.—Pain, as of a bruise, and sensation of weight in the chest (for several days)/.—Trembling and pressure in the chest, with oppressed breathing (forenoon, second day)/2.—Sensation of soreness, lame, bruised feeling, as if from recent injury, from being jammed, bruised, or beaten (confirmed in many provers)/.—Pain in the chest, stinging, first left, then right, where the cartilages of the ribs bend toward the hypochondria; at the same time, everything grew dark before her eyes, in which she felt pain (forenoon, third day)/2.—[600.] Trembling in the chest/2.—Stitches in the side/.—Sticking through the sides of the chest and through the lungs/9.— Pain in the chest, only on the left side, near the last ribs, in or below the region of the heart (second week)/2.—Slight pain in the left side of the chest, under the short ribs/.—Sense of constriction or lacing from the pit of the throat downwards and sideways/9.—*Dull, aching pains in the left side of the chest, near the middle of the sternum, several times during the day, with sensation of fulness in the chest and short breath (first day)/.—Suprasternal fossa sensitive to touch, as if sore/.—Sticking under the left arm, near the fourth or fifth rib, when breathing and when not (fourth week)/1.—Tear- ing drawing from below on the left side, arising next to the sternum; drawing back and forth in the chest upward, and finally in the lower jaw; at the same time, pain in the back, and sensation as if the menses were coming on (at the monthly period, twenty-first day)/1.—[610.] Sensation as if cords were drawn along through the chest,10.—Stitches in. the left side of the chest?.—Coldness iu the middle of the sternum,20.—-Suddenly, a pain in a little spot to the left, on the lower part of the sternum (fourteenth day)/1. Heart and Pulse.—Slow beating of the heart; scarcely perceptible radial pulse (wasp)/.—Violent palpitation, sensible to himself and audible to those in the room/ (A. R. M.).—Rapid, feeble beats of the heart/ (A. R. M.).—Action of the heart interrupted/.—Pulse accelerated (first day),3. —Pulse increased 20 strokes, full and strong (second proving)/.—[620.] Pulse 95, full and strong/.—Pulse 88, with sensation of heat, evenings/'. —Pulse increased from 65 to 77 (first day)/.—Pulse decreased very soon/. —Pulse hardly perceptible (wasp)/.—Pulse feeble, scarcely discernible at the wrist/ (E.E. M.j.—No pulse at the wrist/ (A. R. M.).—Pulseless at wrist for twenty minutes/ (A. R. M.).—Pain in the heart/.—Pain near the heart that almost arrested the breathing, continuing, at intervals, for some days/.—[630.] Sudden attack of acute pain just below the heart, soon 414 APIS. extending diagonally towards the right chest? (B.).—Several stitchlike pains just below the heart/. Neck and Rack.— Nettlerash in the back of the neck/.—Slight sensation of stiffness in the nape of neck and small of back/.—Swelling in the back of the neck in gouty patients/.—Swelling on the back of the neck, so that his head is pressed upon the chest/.—Back of neck stiff/5.—Ten- sion in the right side of the neck, beneath and back of the ear (soon; 6th dil.)/ (and others).—Rheumatic stitches in the muscles of the right side of the neck; worse when moving the head iu that direction; came on when rising in the morning; is very painful; less noticed when moving the head in any other direction (second day)/.—Rheumatic stitches in the right side of the back of the neck/5.—[640.] Violent piercing burning pain in a small spot down on the left of the back of the neck, also on the occiput and left arm (after two hours),9.—Pains extending from the shoulder up to the back of the neck/.—Sharp, tensive pain from the neck up back of the left ear, extending forward over the left side of the head (first day)/ 2. —Tensive pain in the left shoulder, extending up into the back of the neck (second day)/.—Pain in the back, over the shoulder-blades; worse on the right side (first and second days),9.—Lame feeling in the scapulse/1.—Dull pressure under the scapula, with sore feeling on moving the parts/.—Pressure under the shoulder-blades, painful when moving/5.—Peculiar weakness in the back,10.—Peculiar excessive weakness along the whole back, on both sides of the spine, as if she could not lie upon it for weakness/10.—[650.] Burn- ing and heat, like "prickly heat," on the back/ (B.).—Sudden flush of heat over the back, as though sweat would break out, with a pain at the left ilio-sacral junction,4.—Chills running over the back,10.—Backache/1.— Stitches in the back and chest/.—Stitches through the back,2.—Back as if bruised/.—Back feels bruised near the last ribs, on a place a hand's breadth in extent, as if the muscles internally were sore, especially on the left side (the whole third day)/.—Pressure behind on the last ribs, on both sides of the spine, which somewhat hinders breathing, about as in anxiety (twenty-first day)/1.—Prickling on the back/.—[660.] Sensation of stiff- ness in the sacrum/55.—Pain in the ilio-sacral junction/.—Urging in the sacrum, as if to the period/9. Extremities in General.—Trembling of the hands and feet/4.— He first swelled about the joints, where bunches were forming that looked somewhat inflamed and itched very much/.—Blood settled under the toe and finger-nails/ (A. R. M.).—Cold limbs, with chilliness/.—His extrem- ities grew cold/ (E. E. M.).—-A cutting instrument seemed to penetrate all his limbs at the same time, like an electric discharge (wasp)/. Upper Extremities.—Red and white spots on the arms/.—[670.] —Burning and heat, like "prickly heat," on the arms and hands/ (B.).— Swelling of the whole arm, so that he could not take off his coat without an effort, in the evening, and was only able to put it on next morning with the greatest difficulty. The arm remained very seusitive for some days (after a sting in the hand)/.—Unpleasant sensation in the inner side of both arms, reaching from near the elbow to the axilla; also, a similar sen- sation in the anterior and inner part of each thigh, reaching from near the knee to the inguinal region, which ceased in the course of half an hour/ (S. D.).—Drawing pains in the arm, that begin in the shoulders and extend to the end of the fingers/3.—Itching, and appearance of blotches, in arms and hands, like nettlerash, on scratching/ (B.).—Drawing pain through the arm, beginning in the shoulders/3.—Hand and arm swollen and painful for APIS. 415 several days/.—Crawling, as if going to sleep, in both arms, especially in the left,10.—Itching stitching in the back of the arm/1.—Left arm affected (after fifteen minutes)/.—[680.] Burning stinging on the left arm/.—The upper part of the arm is painful,2.—-Aching in the right shoulder aud upper portiou of the arm (soon)/.—Dull pains, apparently in the bones of the arms aud fingers/.—Aching in right shoulder and upper arm, and pressure on the chest (first day)/.—Great increase and intensity of the odor from the axillary glands (fourth day)/.—Stinging pains in the left elbow, sudden, but not lasting (third day)/.—* (Edema of the hands?.—The hand becomes purple/ (B.).—Nettlerash on the back of the hand/.—[690.] Hands trem- ble/4.—Hands as if dead, during chill,10.—Hot hands,10.—Burning, as of fire, iu small circumscribed spots on the hands (lasting some minutes, sec- ond day; first dilution),2.—Hot hands, during chilliness/1.—Burning and stinging in the hands, especially the palms, that became very red; half an hour after a sting in the neck. Cold water relieves/.—Prickling in the hands, palms, and back of the hands,2.—The back of the hand swollen to the finger-tips (after a sting upon it)/.—Sore and red spots in the palms/. —Itching in the palms, mostly left, in little burning spots/.—[700.] Itch- ing and burning on the back of the hands, and on the knuckles, also on the first joints of the fingers, especially of the right hand; the skin begins to chap finally, here and there, as if from cold, to which she had not been exposed (evenings, 9 o'clock, fifth day)/1.—The right hand swells as if puffed up, and is slightly bluish-red; pressure of the fingers makes white spots, that disappear slowly and leave no indentation, without heat and without pain, except some tension; with nettlerash (sixth dilution)/9.— Itching and chapping of the right hand (still felt on the seventh day)/1.— Itching and chapping of the right hand; the lower lip also begins to chap (evenings, eighth day)/1.—The fingers swell and remain very sensitive for several days (after a sting)/.—The stung finger was swollen little, or not at all/.—The bones of the fingers are painful/.—* Very distinct sensation of numbness in the fingers, especially in their tips, about the roots of the nails, with a sensation as if the nails were very loose, and he could shake them off/3. —Cold fingers/1.—Cold hands/.—Drawing pains extending to the ends of the fingers/3.—[710.J Itching in the fingers/1.—Tingling of the fingers of the left hand (soon)/.—Burning twitching, like a pricking contraction, in the right thumb, from without inwardly; also the same in other places (second day)/.—After many stings, the index-finger felt numb, but was neither sensitive nor swollen ; in several days black spots appear in the skin/.— Inward burning about a hang-nail, on the outside of the right fourth finger; no redness where it pains, inside, and not aggravated by pressure; continued burning in the tip (fourth and fifth days)/.—Burning, like fire, in the finger-tips/.—Fine burning pricking in the finger-tips/.—Sensation as if the finger-nails were quite loose, and as if he could shake them off/3. Lower Extremities.—Lower limbs feel paralyzed/4.—Dull pains, as if in the boues of the lower extremities/.—[720.] Sore feeling of the flesh of the lower extremities, disappearing on walking, and returning again while sitting/.—Itching and pricking in the lower limbs/.—Sore pain in left hip-joint (immediately after every dose of the second dilution); later a weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in this joint,20.—Drawing through the thighs to the tips of the toes, with numb sensation in the latter/3.—An itching stitch posteriorly on the thigh/1.—Burning itching, especially pos- teriorly, on the left thigh (after four hours),9.—Violent pain in the left knee, outside, over, and under the knee, mostly half in front (after two and 416 APIS. a half hours) ; violent, short pains in front, below (after six hours) ; now and then violent on outside (second day)/.—Fine burning stinging on the knee (first day)/.—Crawling, as if from an insect, ou the inner side of the right knee (mornings, fourth day),9.—From the left knee to the foot, crawling as if going to sleep,10.—[730.] Darting, transient pains in the ex- ternal malleolus of the left ankle (for four days)/.—After the sting of bees, the former gouty concretions appeared again, and then disappeared/.— Red and white spots on the feet/.—*When taking off the foot-gear, even- ings, frequent swelling of the feet/5.—* At night, on removing the boots and socks, he found that his feet were swollen full, with a sensation of heaviness and stiffness; the upper parts of the feet felt bungling and itched, and were of a bright red color; on the soles of the feet and balls of the toes painful ful- ness, and as if he stepped on cushions when be walked (sixth day, from many large doses)/.—Feet trembled/4.—Burning of the feet (first day)/.— Burning and pricking in the feet (after a sting on the neck)/.—Cold feet, with burning cheeks,10.—^Sensation in the toes, and the whole foot, as if too large, swollen, and stiff/.—[740.] Heaviness and stiffness of the feet,8.— Crawling and itching of the feet, as if she had frozen them (sixth day)/2.— Sensation of numbness in the toes/3.—Burning of the toes, with erysipela- tous redness and heat of a circumscribed patch on the foot, while the rest of the foot is cold (lasting half an hour)/.—Burning of the toes, with red- ness and heat in them, while the feet are cold (for half an hour)/.—Draw- ing pains, extending into the toes/3.—Pricking in both little toes (first day, second dilution)/. Generalities.—Actual swelling, or "puffing up," of the whole body, without any noticeable change of color, except in the face/ (E. U. J.).— (No blood, when venesection is attempted)/.—The blood let from a young, healthy woman, five minutes after she was stung, was colorless, and only red in the centre of the vessel/.—[750.] Twitching of the muscles/ (A. R. M.j. —Jactitation of tiie muscles/ (A. R. M.).—Trembling/.—Stretching/2.— She was found to be in a spasm, generally tonic, but in a measure clonic; her knees were drawn up to her breast, and her hands and arms moved convulsively/ (J. P. D.).—Convulsions/.—The whole nervous system seemed most violently affected/.—Terrified starting during evening sleep/2.—Ex- cessive irritability of the nerves/8.—The sting instantly strikes through his whole frame, like an electric shock, thrilling both ends of his fingers and toes/ (A. R. M.).—Restlessness; would constantly like to go from one place to another/8.—[760.] An extraordinary restlessness overcomes him in the afternoon, with as much exhaustion as if he had done very hard manual labor. (After smelling the bee poison, when gathering a swarm)/3. —-Nervous restlessness/.—Nervous restlessness, during the latter half of the night/.—Nervous restlessness; she did not know what to do with herself, so that tears came to her eyes/.—Bodily unrest, as if after hard work/3.— General lameness, especially in the lower limbs (humble-bee)/4.—* Tired, as if bruised in every limb, especially in the back, as one feels in the morning, after exertion; especially perceptible on rising after sitting, must stretch him- self even in the street (after six hours)/.—^General feeling of lassitude (second day)/.—*General feeling of lassitude, with trembling?.—For sev- eral days, totally unfitted for labor of any kind/ (E. U. J.).—[770.] Fre- quent loss of all strength with a trembling semation?5.— Great weakness at in- tervals,9.—Attack of weakness, during which she grows dizzy (evenings, third day)/2.—So weak directly, that he was obliged to lie down, and lost his consciousness (after a sting in the middle finger)/.—During continual APIS. 417 diarrhcea, weakness increases, and headache diminishes/3.—Scarcely able to walk; staggering/ (A. R. M.).—Truly distressing prostration and lassi- tude/.—* With all the rest of the symptoms, a constant feeling of lassitude and great prostration/3.—Much prostration? (A. R. M.).—Sudden prostra- tion, with coldness? (A. R. M.).—[780.] Great prostration for several days?. —Sudden prostration of the vital forces (shortly after)/ (E. E. M.).—Sud- den prostration of the vital forces; severe vomiting; profuse diarrhoea; cold extremities ; pale face; severe griping pains in the abdomen; pulse weak, scarcely perceptible at the wrist. (From a sting on the eyebrow)/. —Prostration and depression (soon)/3.—Heavy and prostrate in fever,10.—Was obliged to be led into the house; threw himself on the bed; unable to hold himself up/.—Without feeling either weakness or faintness, she is yet sud- denly compelled to lie down on the ground/.—Sinks quite exhausted at stool/.—Felt as if dying, nor could he describe the feeling in any other language/ (E. U. J.).—Must lie down, he feels so unwell/.—Must lie down/.—[790.] Lies down, but rises again to go to the neighboring brook; after a few steps, dies/.—Goes home and lies down; wants his red face bathed ; wants to be raised up ; asks for water ; lips are cold ; he dies, ten minutes after the sting of an humble-bee, in the temple/.—Faintness/ 2.— Fainting; trembling/.—Faintness (wasp)/.—Faintness, with nausea/.— He felt very strangely in an instant; it seemed to him as if he were going to faint. He asked for water just before death (after a sting in sep- tum of nose)/.—A faint and deathly feeling came over him/ (E. TJ. J)-— Faintness, deathlike prostration, which continued half an hour, accom- panied with intense anxiety and distress at the stomach, oppression of the chest, dyspnoea, short, rapid breathing, pulse accelerated/ (A. R. M).— Fainting and twitchings, when the pains are violent/.—[800.] She falls down/ (B.j.—She staggered and fell/ (J. P. D.).—Fell to the ground and died in a few minutes/.—My flesh was as sensitive as if cut with many lancets (next day, after many stings)/.—Sensitive to steel points that are directed towards her; it seems to her as if the skin in the glabella were being drawn up towards the forehead/8.—* The whole surface of the body becomes exceedingly sensitive to the touch; every hair is painful when touched (6th dil.)/.—*Skin extremely sensitive to contact; painful to the slightest touch ; could not bear the sheet upon him/ (A. R. M.)-—Numbness over the whole body, at once/.—A very strange feeling, which she could not define (in ten minutes)/(J. P. D.).—Violent pain/; for days/.—[810.] Screamed aloud at great pain, that increased with intense rapidity (directly after the sting of a wasp)/.—Sensation in whole body, as if everything were too large/.—Sensation as if crushed over the whole body, on the sides, hips, back, in short, everywhere; with restlessness all night, and loose, urgent stool, mornings. (From several pellets of the 6th, taken evenings, on account of great warmth; the same symptoms are repeated in the same order, three times, after similar doses)/.—Felt very sore from head to foot (after first day)/ (J. P. D.).—Bruised sensation all over; sides, hips, back, in fact, he ached everywhere (after reaction)/ (E. E. M.).—Trembling sen- sation, with heat/1. Skin.—Desquamation of the whole surface of the skin (wasp)/.—In- flammatory swelling of the whole body; the right eye entirely, the left almost closed; cheek and nose level; the lower cheek hung down upon the breast; the breast was like a great loaf/.—* Rapid, considerable swell- ing/.—*3welling of the whole body/.—[820.] Spreading, inflammatory swelling (humble-bee)/4.—Inflammatory swelling till death/.—Painful, red vol. i.—27 418 APIS. swelling/.—^Diffuse inflammation of the cellular tissues, ending in their destruction/.—^Swelling and an erysipelatous redness?.—*Sharp pain and erysipelatous swelling, very hard and white in the middle?.—From 1 to 4, mornings, tension and swelling in the face and lips/8.—Hand, arm, face, and head, swell considerably (after a sting in the middle finger), (wasp)/. —Face, neck, breast, and limbs considerably swollen/.—Swelling of the whole left side of the body (side of the sting, in the testicle), first in the joints/.—[830.] Blotches on the body, and on the back of the hand, with stinging as of nettles/.—*Body covered with large wales, size of a silver half dollar, slightly elevated and white (C. C C)/.—The whole body covered with red spots, as if scalded, with burning and sticking (after a sting in the neck)/.—*Red, and white blotches over the body and extremities like nettle- rash? (A. R. M.).—Red place near the sting, with swelling on the stung spot, and red stripes along the fingers and the arms/.—Erysipelatous red- ness of the toes/; and the feet/5.—Redness of the stung spot; not till later, when the attacks were improving/.—Red lines along the lymphatic vessels, from a sting in the middle finger and the arm (wasp)/.—Over the whole body, the most violent inflammation and excessive pressure when rubbing; covered with small white spots, resembling mosquito-bites/.—Large, florid blotches appeared upon the skin, resembling erysipelas. This lasted for something over an hour, but was essentially relieved by a solution of borax/ (S. D.).—[840.] Rash ; red blotches, with great sensitiveness of the skin to contact. This sensitiveness extended all over the body/ (A. R. M.). —Spots of the size of a dollar swell up, without changing the color of the skin, and become uncommonly sensitive to the touch, as if sore (0 and 1st),2.—Sudden, indescribable sensation over the whole body, with a sting- ing feeling; red and white spots on the palms, on the arms and feet/.—Her whole body was covered with thickly swelled wales, without itching or burning; whereupon other symptoms disappeared/.—Light-red, raised, hard swelling of the sting, and a chilly sensation around it (wasp)/.— *Elevations on the skin, as after the bite of insects, painfully sore, sensitive to touch?.—Small elevations on the skin, as after the bites of ants, appear at the extreme end, over the left eyebrow, pain as if sore, and are very sensi- tive to pressure (third day)/.—In a few minutes after the cessation of the spasms, there appeared all over her body and limbs, and even on her ears, a red eruption; some of the. elevations in circumference the size of a pea, but generally like millet-seed. This eruption continued visible for an hour, and was very itchy while passing away/ (J. P. D.).—With swelling of the face, and the whole body, he is covered with a kind of urticaria, that is somewhat paler than the usual color of the skin/.—*Itching and appearance of blotches, like nettlerash, after scratching? (B.).—[850.] * Eruption, like nettlerash, over the whole body, with burning and itching (second day, after 30th dil.)/.—^Nettlerash over the whole body, and lessening of the previous symptoms?.—^Nettlerash after fever?.—Very soon, a dense nettlerash over the whole body, that itched very much, and disappeared after a good sleep/. —Nettlerash (appeared a week after the sting; the symptoms had disap- peared)/ (C. C. C).—Sensitive pimples (B.).—Red pimply eruption, cover- ing the entire body, but more evident and thicker upon his chest and back than upon his face and limbs/ (E. U. J.).—Tetter on the lobe of the ear/2. —Eruption around the lips,2.—Inflammation, violent pains, and gangrene/. —[860.] Pain of the sting seemed to penetrate deeply, and as if a hook were being drawn out there (wasp)/.—Violent sensation of burning like fire, in the seat of the sting (wasp)/.—^Sensation of burning heat and sting- APIS. 419 ing, in various portions of the surface of the body, at the same time?.—Vivid, stinging pain, swelling and inflammation/.—Over the whole body, from head to foot, as if he were being stung by insects, so that it prevented him from sleeping all night,20.—Stinging, prickling, burning, smarting, itching sensation, all over the skin.1 (E. E. M.).—Stitch, as from an insect, and then swelling/8.—Throbbing in the swelling/.—Prickling over the whole body, externally and internally/.—Prickling all over the body, most on the back and palms of the hauds, the face, forehead, and under the eyes; chiefly in circumscribed points (directly after taking the 6th dil.)/5.— [870.] Prickling over the whole body, as after the sting (lasting one to two weeks, returning after every exertion)/.—Intense burning itching all over his body, so severe that he retired to his room, and rubbed himself vigorously with his flesh brush (almost immediately)/ (E. U. J.).—*Burn- ing itching in several places?.—Burning itching places, here and there, especially on the back (second day)/.—*Itching pricking in the skin in different parts of the body, more on the lower extremities, and continued through the day (first day)/.—In evening, an intolerable itching, attended with a burning, fiery sensation, commencing in the arms, and finally spreading over the whole surface of the body, reaching to the feet? (S. D.).—Itching over the whole body (humble-bee)/4.—The most violent itching, like pricking with needles, so that his whole body had to be rubbed with cloths/.—Itch- ing over various parts, especially on head and fingers (humble-bee)/4.— Itching on the head/1; on the forehead and face/; about the eye/; and about the eyebrows/5; the lids/3615.—[880.] In the canthi/15; in the eye/; on the nose/2; on the back/; on the hands? 2 u ; the palms/1; fingers/4; on the thighs/1; the knees/; the lower limbs/.—Violent itching of the tensively swelled scrotum/.—Itching of eruptions/; the bunches on the joints/.—Stinging itching on the posterior surface of the right thigh, like flea-bites ; directly after, the same on the right arm; better after scratch- ing, afternoon/1.—Itching of the feet/2.—The itching is relieved by fric- tion/ (E. U. J.). Sleep and Dreams.—Inclination to yawn,6; mornings (fourth or fifth day)/1.—Must yawn much, and is often sleepy; she feels the least in- terruption of her morning sleep all day (third and fourth week)/1.—Yawn- ing, chilliness, headache/1.—Yawning in uterine hemorrhage/.—[890.] Much yawning after rising in the morning, although she had slept long enough (second day)/1.— Great inclination to sleep; still he walks a tenth of a mile/.—*Great desire to sleep, amounting to most extreme sleepi- ness,13.—Desire for rest and sleep, but they compelled him to move about (wasp)/.—When the other symptoms diminished again, the prostration, with great desire to sleep, remained/3.—* Very sleepy, early in the evening (second day),9.—Sleepiness, prostration, and vomiting of bile/3.—Very drowsy mornings ; will not rise; back as if beaten; must exteud and stretch himself; is confused in the head (second day)/2.—She fell asleep while sit- ting, evenings, and started'several times at a noise (after one hour)/2.— *They sleep very long, mornings, for several weeks (with many), (C. Hg.)— [900.] Too much sleep (from second to third day)/1.—Frequent waking during the night/ 3; to pass urine/ 2l—Awaking four times from sleep at night, withgreat thirst forcold water/3.—* Anxious starting in sleep, with some cough/2.—Sleeplessness/.—Was kept awake and restless during the whole night, by loose, urgent stools/. (E. E. M.)—Nervous restlessness all night, that prevents sleep/.—Nervous restlessness, especially during the latter half of the night/5.—Fidgety restlessness in the latter part of the night 420 APIS. (third day, 2d dilution)/.—Very restless sleep; inclination to frequent awaking during the night, aud incessant dreaming?.—[910.] Has not the least enjoyment from sleep; it seems to him as if his brain had no rest at all, either day or night/5.—A burning pain under the left ribs at night, preventing sleep/7.—Stitches in the skin, preventing sleep, as if from in- sects,20.—Awakes from tension in the face at night/8.—Boring in the tem- ples when awaking/; pressive pain/.—The symptoms of the sting improve after sleep/.—Night-sleep full of dreams (third day); still the same, mostly of travelling (eleventh day), 2d dilution/5; repeated at every proving/.— Sensation as of movement from place to place, mostly travelling by rail- road/.—Dreams mostly of journeys/; long distances/1.—Often dreams of flying far through the air/5.—[920.] Dream that he made journeys in great leaps through the air, like a bird/.—Feels like a bird in the air; takes great leaps in his dreams/.—Plagues himself in dreams all night, with a flying apparatus; tries to arrange the wings, which, however, will not work/5.—Dreams of a great, hot stove; was obliged to walk over a hot floor; also, on dirty, wet roads for a very long distance; then he came to a dinner-table where many people were assembled (first day)/1.—Frequent waking first night, and dreams, with vexatious care about various kinds of business/.—Dreams of a tormenting, active kind, full of care and toil/5. —Dreams of many people who are quarrelling; one among them, who be- comes nearly beside himself, he leads from the room by the arm, whereby he is calmed (humble-bee)/4.—Disagreeable dreams about fiends/.—Dreams she has pain in the abdomen aud diarrhcea (first night)/2.—A young man dreams that he is a girl (R. Brauns). Fever.—[930.] Strange, inward trembling feeling, as after a sickness, with a kind of shudder, without coldness or shivering; down the back, morning; more iu the upper half, afternoons, 3 to 5 o'clock (after seven to nine hours)/.—When she was put to bed at noon she was seized by a violent chill, although it was a warm summer day, during which the face remained red, and the body covered with large, red spots/.—Chill, with shivering, accompanied by a terrible, racking pain all through the head, with increased prostration/ (A. R. M.).—Chilliness all over; unwell feeling, so that he is obliged to lie down/.—Chilliness while sitting still, caused pre- viously by a slight movement, with heat in the face, and headache, even- ings (second day)/1.—Occasional feeling of chilliness/.—Slight chilliness, soon passing off, followed by fever at night,6.—Frequent chilliness, and hot hands in the fourth week/1.—Chilliness evenings, with yawning and head- ache, and tip of nose cold (fourth week)/1.—Chilliness, cold limbs, and nausea/.—[940.] Chilliness, with toothache/1.—General creeping chills, repeated at short intervals; something moved over him, rolling like waves (wasp)/.—Sudden chills, then heat and perspiration/.—Shaking chills after thirty-six hours of heat/7.—Chill, with cold fingers, especially those of the left hand (evenings, third day ),".—* Chilly every afternoon at 3 o'clock; she shudders, worse in warmth; the chills run down the back; hands feel as if dead; feverishly hot after about an hour, with a hoarse cough; heat of the cheeks and hands, without thirst; ceases gradually, but she feels heavy and prostrate,10.—Sensation of cold, without coldness of the skin, with ague/7. —Shudders, and diarrhoea/.—Coldness of the limbs/.—Shuddering, and then nettlerash/.—[950.] Cold feet and burning cheeks,10.—Cold feet, with burning toes/.—Fever/.—Violent fever/.—Hot and burning sensation, and oppressive feeling all over; for several days/ (E. E. M.).—Sensation of heat and stinging over whole body (C. C. C.)/.—Sensation of heat through APIS. 421 the whole body, without external sensation of heat; the trembling feeling, as formerly; pulse 88 ; after several minutes she grows dizzy while standing, and as if about to faint; is compelled to sit; turns very pale, and feels nausea to vomiting; after lying down on the sofa she fell asleep; anxious starting in sleep, with some cough ; turns on the other side, and sleeps quietly (even- ings, soon after repeated doses, second day)/2.—Feverish, trembling, with pain in the abdomen/2.—Fever and nettlerash after a sting in the hand/. —General sensation of heat, worse in the chest aud stomach (first day)/. —[960.] Heat, with headache/.—Heat when breathing rapidly/.—Heat at night, with agitation (first night)/.—Hot flushes/ (A. R. M.).—Heat/. —Heat in the face and chilliness, evenings/1.—Heat and difficult breath- ing/.—Burning of the skin of the hands/.—Heat on circumscribed spots on the foot/.—The heat of the room is intolerable/5.—[970.] Burning of the feet/.—Heat after chilliness, evenings,10.—Heat at night, after chilli- ness/.—Flushes of heat mixed with chills/ (A. R. M.).—Fever-heat in- creasing for thirty-six hours, then a violent shivering chill, at 5 o'clock in the morning, during which she felt very cold herself, but not so to others/7. —As if perspiration would break out/.—Perspiration breaks out occasion- ally/.—Perspiration broke out, so that it penetrated the clothing/.—Per- spiration now and then, with headache and heat/.—^Perspiration after trembling and fainting, then a nettlerash?.—[980.] Dry skin alternating with perspiration,6. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), 5 o'clock, ague; boring in temples, when awaking; pressive paiu; headache, when rising; pain in fore- head ; lachrymation ; adhering lids; sticking in the right lower lid ; swell- ing of the eyes; blowing blood from the nose; dry palate; mucus in the mouth; hawking mucus; accumulation of mucus and hawking; pain in the throat; burning in chest and stomach; sensation of soreness in the abdo- men ; pain in the abdomen; after rising, pain in the abdomen and urging to stool; urging to stool and pain; stool; soft stool; diarrhoea; hoarse; when rising, pain in nape of neck; crawling on the knee; drowsy; yawning; heat. —(Forenoon), Sad; increased headache; dark before eyes; pains in the eyes; burning in mouth and thirst; pain from the hip toward the navel; piercing in the chest; pressure on the chest.—(From mornings till 3 p.m.), Headache. —(Afternoon), When stooping, dark before eyes; increased headache; 4 o'clock, sudden coryza; kind of chill in the back; *3 to 4 o'clock, chilly; itching; itching of the head.—(Evening), Vertigo, when standing; dizzy and weak; vertigo and headache; headache; piercing in the temples ; pierc- ing in the eyes and weakness; pain in the eyes, when sewing; lachrymation; cold nose; coryza worse; chapping of the lower lip ; toothache; dry under the tongue; pain in the abdomen ; pain in the ovaries ; hoarseness, begin- ning; cough; chapping of the hands; feet swollen; faint; sleepy; sleepy and startled ; increased aversion to cold ; chilliness; chilliness and cold fingers ; sensation of heat.—(Night), Quivering and twitching of the eyes, worse left; adhesion of the eyes ; secretion of mucus from the eyes in bed ; aversion and nausea; disgust, inclination to vomit and feeling of diarrhcea; short breath ; sharp pains in chest; stitches through chest and back ; stitches in the chest and back; heat,—(Before midnight), Cough, that awakes.—(Latter part of night), Restless.—(During day), Frequent urinating.—(Day and night), Frequent urinating.—(Bending head on painful side), Increased pain in nape of neck.—(Cold weather), Weakness and chest troubles.—(Cough- ing), Headache.—(Closing eyes), Vertigo.—(After every exertion and much exercise), The prickling returns all over the body, the same as after the 422 APIUM GRAVEOLENS—APHIS CHENOPODII GLAUCI. sting.—(Leaning back, when sitting), Feeling of suffocation.—(Lying), Weakness in back; increased difficulty in breathing; wishes to be raised up ; cannot lie horizontally ; increased vertigo.—(Motion), Chilliness ; in- creased headache ; pain in shoulder and upper arm.—(Moving head toward right), Stitches in right side of nape of neck.—(Pressure), Sensitive to out- ward pressure; pain in abdomen; abdomen painful on exterior pressure; little bunches sensitive.—(Reading), Headache.—(Rising, after sitting), Back as if beaten.—(Shaking head), Pain in occiput.—(Sitting), Increased vertigo ; pain as if beaten in lower limbs.—(Sneezing), Sore feeling in ab- domen.—(Speaking), Paiu, caused by fatigue in the larynx.—(Going up- stairs), Difficulty in breathing.—(After long standing), Faint and dizzy; renewed swelling of sprained knee.—(Stooping), Headache ; darkness before eyes; sensation of fulness in the face.—(Stretching in bed), Pain in ovaries. —(Touch), Pain in swollen cheeks ; scalp sensitive.—( Walking), Soles of feet feel like cushions; pain in ovaries.—( Warmth), Closed rooms, especi- ally if overheated, are perfectly intolerable to him, with fulness and heaviness in the head, and rush of blood ; *headache in warm room; cough worse ; chilliness grows worse; *makes him worse, especially in evening, with some coryza and cough. Amelioration.—(Cold water), Burning in palms; wanted his red face bathed ; pain and burning in clitoris and labia; best means of relief after a sting.—(Continued diarrhoea), Headache.—(Exercise), Seemed to bring him to himself. — (Eating), Soreness and cough.—(Eructations), Paiu over left hip.—(Lying on the parts), Going to sleep of the thighs, etc. —(Pressure), *Headache.—(Rubbing), Itching of skin.—(Sitting up), Pain in abdomen.—(Sleep), Symptoms of the sting.—( Walking), Bruised feeling of the lower limbs; vertigo. APIUM GRAVEOLENS. A. graveolens, L. (Celery.) Nat. order, Umbelliferse. Authority. Beckwith (O. M. and S. Rep., 3,116), took twenty and sixty drops of tincture from the seeds. Stomach.—Unpleasant feelings in stomach, with belching; the regurgi- tation tasting of the celery (within one hour, after 20 drops).—Heartburn (soon after 60 drops).—Spitting up food (soon after 60 drops).—Gone feel- ing in pit of stomach, lasting for hours, and partially relieved by eating (after 60 drops). APHIS CHENOPODII GLAUCI. Insect belonging to the Aphidse. The plant lice from Chenopodium glaucum. Authority. Dr. Meyer, Archive, 15, 2, 179, proved the third dilution. Head.—Headache violent, pressing, especially in the forehead, worse on each movement; it feels as if the brain swashed hither and thither ; now and then a deepseated pain in the occiput (ninth day). Eyes.—Burning of the lids, for several successive evenings. Ears.—Painful tearing transient alternately in each ear (first day). Nose.—Eruption on the right nostril aud left upper lip, with burning pain, as in coryza (second day).—Sneezing (second day).—Fluent coryza APHIS CHENOPODII GLAUCI. 423 (second and third days).—Fluent coryza in the evening, with a pulse of 85 (third day).—Fluent coryza, with burning at the nostrils (fifth day).— Coryza, with burning biting on the nostrils, especially on the septum (seventh day). Face.—[10.] Face pale, inclining to yellow (fourth day).—Flushes of heat in the face, with confusion of the head, as in threatening coryza (seventh day).—Great inclination to sweat in the face (first day).—Dry- ness of the lips (eighth day).—Dry lips in the morning (fourth day). Mouth.—Tearing drawing pain in a hollow back tooth, toward noon ; it gradually increased and spread to the other teeth on the right side, to the ear, temple, aud the cheek-bones; worse in bed, and only relieved by a general warm sweat, after some hours (twelfth day).—Painful vesicle on the tip of the tongue (twelfth day).—Breath warm (eighth day).—Dry- ness of mouth and throat ivith frequent accumulation of mucus, several days. —Increased warmth in the mouth ; the breath is warmer (fourth day).— [20.] Inflammation of the palate (second day).—Scraping sensation in the palate (first day).—Constantly increasing collection of mucus in the mouth and throat (fourth day).—Profuse accumulation of insipid mucus in the mouth and fauces (third day).—Increased secretion of frothy mucus in the mouth aud throat, and frequent inclination to raise it by hawking (first day).—Accumulation of mucus in the mouth (of an unpleasant flat taste) ; frequent hawking from the throat and repeated spitting (second day). Throat.—Dryness in the throat causes much thirst (first day).—Burn- ing in the throat (second day).—Cutting burning sensation in the whole throat, particularly in the palate, especially caused by inspiration (first day).—Burning biting pain in the soft palate (eleventh day). Stomach.—[30.] Appetite for meat and bread lost (ninth day).— Thirst (ninth day).—Much thirst at evening (twelfth day).—Frequent eructations of air tasting of the food (daily). Abdomen.—Rumbling of flatus in the bowels, with passage of con- siderable (third day).—Gurgling of flatus about with some passage of it (fourth day).—Fla'tus in the bowels causes griping (fifth day).—Dull griping in the intestines from time to time, as if a stool would soon follow, with passage of more flatus than usual (first day).—Painful cutting griping in the small intestines (fourth day).—Frequent colic, griping in the bowels at night (first day). Stool and Anus.—[40.] Several ineffectual urgings to stool (in the rectum and bladder), (eleventh day).—Urging to stool, soon after rising in the morning, with a thin, pasty evacuation ; repeated several times through the day, with constantly increasing gripings, burning in the anus and urg- ing to stool (second day).—Two thin stools towards morning with griping and pressure in the rectum (tenth day).—Stool several times, thin fluid mucus mixed with flakes of dark blood, with griping and dragging in the rectum, during the forenoon (ninth day).—Stools almost every hour, with griping in the bowels, painful pressing in the rectum, bladder, and urethra (ninth day).—Stool thin, pasty, frothy, with burning in the anus (sixth day). —Stool thin, pasty, acrid, with burning pain in the anus (fifth day).—Stool thin, pasty, preceded by griping in the bowels, accompanied by burning of the anus, and urging to repeated evacuations (third day). Urinary Organs.—Irritation in the urethra, as from something acrid, compels frequent urinating (sixth day).—Burning in the orifice of the urethra, on urinating (second and third days).—[50.] Burning in ure- thra (sixth day).—Urine burns when passing through the urethra (ninth 424 APOCYNUM ANDROSiEMIFOLIUM. day).—Frequent and profuse urination; urine deep yellow, and slightly foaming (fifth day).—Urine frothy, brownish-red, deposits a thick yellow- ish sediment (twelfth day). Respiratory Apparatus.—Painful sensitiveness of the right side of the larynx, externally (first day).—Irritation in the larynx, as from a burning acid, which sometimes causes a cough and frequently hawking (seventh day).—Irritation to cough, in the region of the larynx (second day).—Constant irritation in the larynx to hawk frequently, provokes a cough, which expectorates mucus; the irritation is a tickling burning, sometimes a stinging sensation (fourth day).—Burning, scrapy feeling in the larynx (fifth day).—Tickling, burning sensation in the larynx (fifth day).—[60.] Violent sneezing, which pains the larynx (fifth day).—Voice sometimes hoarse aud rough, cleared by much hawking (fifth day).—Dry cough, caused by irritation in the throat (fourth day).—Cough from irrita- tion in the larynx, worse from 4 to 6 p.m. (seventh day). Heart and Pulse.—Pulse accelerated (ninth day).—Pulse more accelerated and tense (fourth day).—Pulse accelerated, forenoon, with sen- sation of burning in the palms of the hands, and inclination to sweat in them (third day). Extremities in General.—Limbs pain as if bruised, with frequent drawing tearing pains, from above the knee down to the foot, especially on the tibia and in the soles (ninth to thirteenth days). Lower Extremities.—Tired feeling in the legs, especially in the knees (thirteenth day).—Feet cold up to the knees (ninth day).—[70.] Stinging burning pain in the corns, alternating between the little toes (first day). Generalities.—Feeling of fatigue (fourth day).—Very weak and prostrated at evening (tenth day).—Drawing tearing pains, here and there, especially above the knee (eleventh day).—Pains, drawing tearing, in vari- ous parts of the body, shoulders, arms, ears, temples, hollow teeth (ninth day).—Feeling of irritation or congestion in all the pelvic viscera; desire to urinate, to a stool, voluptuous irritation in the prepuce, pressure and urging in the bladder (eighth day). Sleep and Dreams.—Sleepless night (ninth and tenth days).— Voluptuous dreams, and two emissions (seventh day). Fever.—Frequent chilliness over the whole body, especially the back (daily).—Chills run up and down the back (ninth day). APOCYNUM ANDROS^EMIFOLIUM. Nat. order, Apocynacea?. Common name, Spreading dogbane. Prepa- ration, Tincture from the root. Authorities. Dr. J. Henry, Phil. J. of Horn., 3, 368. Provings with 50 to 1800 drops of the tincture. One symptom (No. 28) from Attomyr N. Archive, 1, 1. Head.—Much pain all over the head (400 drops).—Heat of head and neck (500 drops).—Great fulness and pain in the head, of an indescribable character (100 drops).—Pains and stiffness in the back of the head and neck (200 drops).—Pulsating pain in back of the head, and between the right hand and elbow (350 drops). Nfose.—Great sneezing (450 drops).—Great itching and irritation in left nostril (450 drops).—Everything smelled like honey (150 drops). APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. 425 Face.—Twitching of the face (450 drops).—[10.] Itching and burning of the face (400 drops).—Violent pain in left zygomatic process (500 drops). Mouth.—Pain of all the teeth of the lower jaw, left side (150 drops).— Most delightful taste in the mouth (150 drops). Stomach.—Some effort to vomit (650 drops).—Vomiting, purging; (1800 drops). P ^ * * 8 B Abdomen.—Pain in the left groin, of a shooting character (500 drops). Stool and Anns.—Diarrhoea, with much pain and rumbling; only two evacuations, but copious and affording much relief (350 drops).—Four bilious evacuations in one day (650 drops).—Ten bilious evacuations in one day (650 drops).—[20.] Painful bilious diarrhcea (250 drops).— Con- stipation of the bowels (100 drops). Urinary Organs.—Frequent passing of clear urine (400 drops).— Profuse flow of clear urine (350 drops). Sexual Organs.—Profuse menstruation, lasting eight days, with violent pressing pain (550 drops). Respiratory Ajtparatns.—Dull, heavy pain when breathing, seeming to go from above downward (200 drops). Neck and Rack.—Stiffness of the neck (400 drops).—Pain increased in back of neck and extending to front (650 drops). Extremities in General.—Swelling of hands and feet (from fumes of the juice of the plant), (Attomyr, N. Archiv., 1,1,181).—Much pain in knee and right shoulder (150 drops).—[30.] Most violent pains in all the joints (450 drops). Upper Extremities.—Pains severe above each wrist (650 drops). Lower Extremities.— Cramps in the bottoms of the feet (50 drops). — Cramps and burning in the bottoms of the feet, most severely in the right foot, with severe pain in the joint of the left big toe, and heat in the right leg and knee (100 drops).— Violent heat in the bottoms of the feet (50 drops).— Tingling pain in his toes; sharp pains in middle toe (150 drops). Generalities.—Trembling of the body (150 drops).—Great prostra- tion and trembling of the body (1800 drops).—Lassitude (500 drops).— Much lassitude (400 drops).—[40.] Swollen sensations of the face and body (300 drops).—Heaviness of the body, with great desire to sleep (300 drops).—Pains in different parts of the body (150 drops).—Flying pains in different parts of the system (300 drops).—Pain on turning to the left side (400 drops). Sleep and Dreams.—Sleep not refreshing (500 drops).—Inability to sleep at night (500 drops).—Violent dreams (500 drops). Skin.—Violent itching of body and face (300 drops). Fever.—Chilliness (500 drops).—[50.] Profuse sweating of the whole body (50 drops). Conditions.—Aggravation.—(When breathing), Pains from above downward.—(On turning to left side), Pain. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. A. cannabinum, L. Nat. order, Apocynacese. Common name, Indian hemp. 426 APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Authorities.^ 1, Black ; 2, Peters; 3, Marcy ; 4, Knapp (took infusion of the powdered root in warm water (15 grains to cupful), two tablespoon- fuls every fifteen minutes). Mind.—* Bewildered?. Head.—Unusual heaviness of the head, with aching pains in the small of the back and limbs (evening, eighth day)/.—Headache/. Eyes.—Woke early in the morning, with severe irritation of the left eye, as if several sharp grains of sand were in it, attended with much heat, irritation, and redness; after lasting several hours, this disappeared as sud- denly as it came on/. Nose.—Without any other sign of having taken cold, he would wake up in the morning with the nostrils and throat filled with thick, well- concocted yellow mucus, as if he had had a severe catarrh for at least seven or ten days, and which had skipped its first stage and commenced in the second/. Mouth.—Dryness of mouth on waking (fifth morning)/.—Increased secretion of mucus and saliva from the mouth and fauces, which kept me constantly spitting/. Throat.—The bitter subacrid taste was persistent in the fauces/. Stomach.—* Thirst on waking/.—[10.] Slight nausea (fifteen min- utes)/.—Nausea/.—Efforts to vomit (thirty minutes)/.—Nausea, and even vomiting/.—After sleeping an hour, woke with extreme sickness, followed by two spells of full vomiting (two and a half hours)/.—Vomited slightly (one and a quarter hours),4.—On waking, felt a sinking at the stomach/. —Occasionally, a sense of sinking at the pit of the stomach/. Abdomen.—Decided distension of the abdomen, especially after a mod- erate dinner; all the sense of fulness seemed about the stomach, liver, and spleen, while the lower bowels did not appear more flatulent than com- mon/.—Occasionally, some flatulence and slightly uneasy sensations in the bowels/. Stool and Anus.—[20.] Occasionally, it seemed as if diarrhcea would occur, but it did not/.—It proved a gentle cathartic; " I felt the stimulus of it passing onward into the intestines;" a gentle movement the next morning without any griping, and the bowels were kept soluble for a day or two/.—Loose, but not very copious, bilious stools/.—Increased in- clination towards constipation/.—~*Evacuations exceedingly scanty?.—Bowels sluggish, but faeces not hard or costive/. Urinary Organs.—There seemed to be but little expulsive power about the bladder/.—The little water that was passed flowed as easily as if it were oil/.—Copious secretion of urine/.— Urine augmented?.— [30.] Urinary secretion increased in quantity, and much lighter in color than in health (eighth day)/.—^Diminished urine (sixth day)/.—^Decided scanti- ness of the urine?.—* Urine diminished to one-third the usual amount, without pain or uneasiness about the kidneys or bladder; on the contrary, these organs seemed remarkably comfortable; they seemed simply torpid/.— Urine generally of a light, golden, sherry-yellow color, not depositing any sediment from exposure to cold/. Respiratory Apparatus.—*Short dry cough?.—Once during the evening, and twice upon different nights, sudden and violent attacks of f No. 1, from Lond. Med. Gaz., 1833 (A. H. Z., 4, 370); 2, N. A. J., 4, 529 ; 3, " Peters's Elements;" 4, An Inaugural Dissertation on Indian Hemp, etc., to the Jefferson Med. Coll., by M. L. Knapp, 1825. APOMORPHINE. 427 hard and frequent coughing, annoying him for at least one or two hours, then disappearing without leaving a trace of cold behind/.—Scanty expec- toration of white mucus/.—Irresistible disposition to sigh/.—*Short and unsatisfactory respiration?.—[40.] *Sense of oppression about the epigas- trium and chest, several times so great that there was the greatest, difficulty in getting breath enough to smoke a cigar or to speak with any comfort, and this happened after lighter meals than ordinary?. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse, between attacks of vomiting, 45 (two aud a half hours)/.—Pulse 50 (one and a half hours)/. Neck and Rack.—Slight soreness in the region of the kidneys, when bringing the muscles into action/. Lower Extremities.—Hard aching several times in both knees, sufficiently severe to make him fear that an attack of inflammatory rheu- matism was coming on/. Generalities.—General restlessness on going to bed/.—Weak and sleepy, and went to bed (one and a quarter hours)/.—Sense of general but transient debility/.—Though it diminished the pulse, it produced no death- like prostration/. Sleep and Dreams.—On going to bed, desire to sleep, without the ability to do so/.—[50.] Great restlessness and little sleep (fifth night)/.— Drowsiness,4. Fever.—On going to bed, unusual heat of the skin/.—Sweat/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Early, on waking, irrita- tion of left eye, etc.; on waking, nostrils and throat filled with mucus; on waking, dryness of mouth; thirst; nausea; sinking at stomach.—(Evening), Heaviness of head, etc.; attack of cough.—(Night), Attack of cough.— (Going to bed), General restlessness; desire to sleep, etc.; heat of skin.— (After dinner), Distension of abdomen.—(Exerting muscles of the part), Soreness in region of kidneys. APOMORPHINE. A substance obtained from morphine (differing only from morphine in having one less equivalent of water). Formula, CnH17N02. (Morphine is C„HI9NO,) Authority. J. B. Victor Bourgeois, de L'Apomorphine, un nouvel emet- ique, monograph, Paris, 1874. Case I. Injection of three milligrammes of Apomorphine; no result.—Octo- ber 26, 9.20 A.M. M. Lachize injected into the outer portion of my left arm three milligrammes of Apomorphine. I placed a thermometer in the axilla. —9.20. Pulse 60, respiration 16, thermometer 36.8°.—9.23. No especial sen- sation ; pulse 72, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 16.—9.25. *Violent incli- nation to vomit; feeling of heat all over, but especially in the head; face congested ; pulse 92, thermometer 36.9°, respiration 20.—9.28. No change ; pulse 96, thermometer 36.9°, respiration 22.—9.30. Pulse slightly irregu- lar; less nausea; pulse 80, thermometer 36.9°, respiration 20.—9.33. Pulse 84, thermometer 36.9°, respiration 20.—9.35. Pulse still irregular; nausea entirely ceased ; no particular symptom ; drowsiness; respiration calm and regular; pulse80,thermometer 36.8°,respiration 16.—9.40. Sleep.—10.15. Awoke; no more nausea; no headache; no fatigue; pulse 64, thermometer 428 APOMORPHINE. 36.8°, respiration 14; breakfasted at 11 o'clock without feeling anything abnormal. Case II. Injection of six milligrammes Apomorphine; vomiting.—Novem- ber 6. M. Lachize made another injection of six milligrammes Apomor- phine into the lower and outer portion of the left arm, and conducted subsequent observations as carefully as before.—9.40 a.m. Pulse 76, ther- mometer 36.9°, respiration 15.—9.43. Pulse 80, thermometer 36.9°, respi- ration 15.—9.45. Violent inclination to vomit; full, regular pulse ; pandicu- lations; pulse 100, thermometer 36.9°, respiration 18.—9.48. Retching; pulse and breathing irregular; pulse 104, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 24.—9.50. Easy vomiting; same irregular pulse; pulse 94, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 20.—9.53. Pulse 96, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 21; more vomiting; condition the same.—9.55. Vomiting ceased; still some nausea; continued irregularity of pulse and respiration ; pulse 94, ther- mometer 36.7°, respiration 18.—10 o'clock. Quite quiet; drowsiness ; pulse 76, thermometer 36.7°, respiration 12; quiet sleep for one hour; on awak- ing, pulse 68, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 8; ate my next meal without any uneasiness.—Next day, and several times afterward, I took a subcuta- neous injection of one centigramme Apomorphine; it caused no pain, and no local symptoms ; the resulting phenomena were the same as before, only after injecting ten or twelve milligrammes the vomiting came on in four or five minutes; it was more violent. Case III. Encouraged by the experiments upon animals, I took an in- jection Dec. 10, 1873, of three centigrammes Apomorphine, in presence of Drs. Zuber and Grandjax, on the outer portion of the right arm, the left arm being bandaged.—2.20 p.m. Pulse 66, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 14.— 2.22. Pulse 104, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 19; vomiting, without pre- vious nausea, took place two minutes after the injection ; sudden sensation of heat running all over the body, and lasting about a minute, followed by vomiting; this vomiting lasted three minutes; during this time, pulse 100 to 102, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 20 to 24.—2.26. Extreme fatigue; tried to get up, but could not; pulse 84, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 16. —2.27. No change; pulse 78, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 15.—2.28. Nausea; pulse 96, thermometer 36.8°, respiration 18.—2.29. Some attacks of vomiting; violent headache.—2.32. Quiet; drowsiness; pulse 98, ther- mometer 37°, respiration 17.—2.33. Pulse 98, thermometer 37°, respiration 17; so much fatigued that the eyes closed involuntarily.—2.36. Nausea; pulse 104, thermometer 37°, respiration 16.—2.38. Less copious vomiting than before ; invincible need of repose.—2.40. Slept in a chair.—4 o'clock. Ached with fatigue; no other bad feeling; no headache; pulse 80, ther- mometer 37°, respiration 15; at dinner, less appetite than usual. The symptoms observed in these cases resemble those which follow the use of all emetics in nauseating doses; there was an unpleasant feeling at the prsecordia; congestion of the face and headache; then the conjunctiva be- came injected ; there was copious salivation, and after a certain interval a sense of considerable fatigue. After emetics the symptoms were the same, but more intense. The stage of nausea, in my own case, was always very brief, yet recognizable. The others, to whom the drug was administered, had, in general, the same symptoms. Dr. Zuber, aide-major at Val-de- Grace, after two subcutaneous injections, felt each time an intense head- ache ; he was dizzy, and his limbs much fatigued. The feeling of weakness was very well marked in one of our friends, an exceedingly robust indi- vidual, aged 30; a copious sweat covered his face, which was pale instead APOMORPHINE. 429 of florid as usual; after each of several trials he had a violent attack of dyspnoea, perhaps due to a long-established organic affection of the heart. Complete recovery generally took place in an hour or two after the injec- tion ; usually, also, the vomiting was succeeded by invincible drowsiness. Case IV. Injection of one centigramme Apomorphine. Vomiting in ten minutes.—Man, 72 years old, entered the Rothschild Hospital December 24; he had long labored under chronic bronchial catarrh, with pulmonary emphysema; at present there is considerable dyspnoea and difficult expec- toration ; the patient is obliged to sleep sitting up. The Apomorphine was prescribed with the view of affording relief by removing the violent con- tractions of the diaphragm and thoracic walls, and promoting discharge from the lungs; at 11 o'clock he received an injection of one centigramme Chlorohydrate of Apomorphine into the arm at its dorsal aspect. Solution fresh, limpid, colorless; pulse 80, respiration 28 (the temperature was not taken, our previous observations having convinced us of the uselessness of doing so).—11.5. Pulse 92, regular; respiration 28 ; patient made no com- plaint; yawning.—11.10. Pulse 108, rather irregular; respiration 32 ; the patient, without previous nausea, was attacked by vomiting, which lasted about two minutes; it consisted of mucus, and was quite scanty; no facial congestion; no sweat.—11.13. Pulse 70, respiration 24.—11.15. Pulse 88, respiration 24; renewed but ineffectual efforts to vomit.—11.20. Pulse 76, respiration 20; the patieut complained of great fatigue; he breathed more easily, and said he felt quite sleepy; in a few minutes he sank back on his pillow and went to sleep; while asleep, 11.45, pulse 76, regular; respira- tion 18 to 20.—1 o'clock. The patient is awake; pulse and respiration the same. Having so far confirmed the beneficial effects of the medicine, we intended to administer it again next day, increasing the dose to fifteen mil- ligrammes, but the patient seemed so much depressed that we thought it best not to risk the experiment; the injection caused no pain, and no sub- sequent irritation. Case V. Injection of one centigramme Apomorphine; vomiting in six min- utes.—Young man, aged 24, under treatment for a febrile, gastric difficulty, which had lasted three days; robust constitution ; general health excellent; tongue thickly coated ; headache ; no diarrhcea ; no gurgling, or abdomi- nal tenderness.—10.20 a.m. One centigramme Apomorphine injected into left arm ; same solution as in preceding case; pulse 92, respiration 14, morn- ing temperature 38.2°.—10.22. Pulse 108, respiration 15.—10.25. Pulse 120, small, regular; respiration 15; nausea; face congested aud moist; hiccough.—10.26. Pulse 120, respiration 20; copious, slimy vomiting now set in and lasted one and a half minutes.—10.28. Pulse 88, respiration 15 ; the patient was quiet for three or four minutes; he complained of weak- ness ; then nausea returned; the hiccough ceased.—10.32. Pulse 104, respi- ration 22; renewed vomiting, almost as copious as at first, but more painful; it lasted two or three minutes.—10.38. A third vomiting; scanty ; patient's face covered with sweat; much prostrated, and complains of great fatigue ; after this he lies quiet, and soon falls asleep.—10.40. Pulse 84, strong and regular; respiration 10.—1 o'clock. Patient awake; no further effects from the medicine; says he feels much relieved; his headache, he asserts, has quite ceased; pulse 96, thermometer 38.6°, respiration 14. No local symptom. Next morning, patient much the same ; fever less ; scarcely any headache; tongue still coated; some diarrhoeic stools in the evening are rather attributable to his complaint than to the Apomorphine. Case VI. Woman with gastric trouble. 1st. Dose of fifteen milligrammes 430 APOMORPHINE. given by the mouth; no effect. 2d. Administration of two centigrammes; vomiting in eight minutes.—Woman, aged 23 years; has a child three years old ; sound constitution ; usual health good; a patient since the day before. We saw her at 9 a.m. ; the tongue is thickly coated, and shows /he marks of the teeth; intense headache; blue circles around eyes; skin hot and moist; constipation for three days ; pulse 100, thermometer 38.6°, respira- tion 16.—At 9.30 we gave her fifteen milligrammes of Chlorohydrate of Apomorphine in thirty grammes of water (an extemporaneous preparation). —9.35. Pulse 108, respiration 16.—9.40. Pulse 116, respiration 16; some nausea.—9.45. No change.—9.50. Pulse 108, respiration 14 to 16; nausea ceased.—10 o'clock. Pulse 100, respiration 14. From this time patient felt as before; no inclination to vomit. The medicine seemed without effect. —Next day, no change; fever quite considerable; evening temperature 39.2°, morning temperature 38.4° ; no stool; tongue coated; inclination to vomit.—9 a.m. Pulse 96, respiration 14; twenty milligrammes Apomor- phine taken by the mouth; same preparation as yesterday.—9.5. Pulse 112, respiration 16; nausea.—9.8. Pulse 120, respiration 22; copious bil- ious vomiting.—9.10. Pulse 92, quiet; respiration 20.—9.15. Renewed vomiting, less copious than at first.—9.20. Pulse 92, quiet; respiration 16. —9.30. Quite quiet, but no sleep ; patient feels relieved ; headache, which before the first vomiting was most intense, has now almost entirely ceased. —11 o'clock. Pulse 92, thermometer 38.6°, respiration 14; no movement of the bowels during the day; at night one very difficult stool.—Next morning, although the tongue was less coated and the headache better, a saline purgative was prescribed. Perhaps we should have obtained better results from a dose of three centigrammes Apomorphiue. Case VII. (Communicated by Dr. Zuber.) Hozmoptysis from tubercle. Injection of three centigrammes Apomorphine; copious vomiting in four min- utes.—Leon S., second-class trooper in the second regiment of artillery, 23 years old, of mean appearance, was attacked, on the 22d December last, with a troublesome haemoptysis. When I saw him it had lasted four hours; the blood raised was bright red, frothy, almost pure, and quite abundant (four hundred or five hundred grammes) ; cold fomentations had been applied to his chest, and he had taken two tablespoonfuls of salt; pulse frequent, 104. It was necessary to arrest the bleeding as soon as possible. I thought of resorting to the use of emetics, so highly recom- mended in such cases, and I selected Apomorphine, whose properties as a speedy emetic made it particularly applicable.—At 5 p.m. I injected under the skin quite a large dose of Apomorphine, three centigrammes of slightly altered solution (colored light-green) ; the patient went on coughing, and at each paroxysm he brought up blood having the same appearance as before.—5.4. Abundant vomiting of food, without previous nausea; this lasted about two minutes; then came a period of quiet, when the cough no longer racked the patient; in half an hour the vomiting ceased ; the pa- tient was extremely feeble, but the means employed appeared to have done good service; he coughed only at long intervals, and the expectorated blood became less and less.—Next day, there was hardly a trace of blood in the sputa; haemoptysis was probably owing to a tuberculous induration at the apex of the right lung; no local effect. Case VIII. (Communicated by Dr. Zuber.) Angina tonsillaris. Injec- tion of two centigrammes Apomorphine; vomiting in three or four minutes.— M. T., sculptor ; sick for three or four days with acute tonsillitis; he was very subject to angina. At Rome, where he was an art student, he had AQUA MARINA. 431 several attacks, one of which, of a phlegmonous nature, caused him much suffering. Moreover, during a residence in the Campagna, he contracted an obstinate intermittent, which still lingered, and imparted to the fever accompanying his angina a decidedly remittent type; the tonsils are en- tirely swollen, they greatly impede respiration, aud deglutition is almost impossible. I made two free incisions into each tonsil, with a view of de- pleting them ; and, at last, to aid this effect, I thought of administering Apomorphine, since it was exceedingly difficult for the patient to get down a dose of emetic. I injected, accordingly, two centigrammes of a recent solution ; nausea came on in three minutes, followed by vomiting, which the condition of the pharynx rendered very difficult and painful. The vomitings, which were quite frequent, ceased in half an hour. As I an- ticipated, the muscular contractions strongly favored the escape of blood from the engorged tonsils, through the previous scarifications, and the pa- tient soon felt comparatively easy. I prescribed emollient gargles, and a draught containing seventy-five centigrammes of quinine.—Next day, there was considerable improvement; fever less intense ; the tonsils, though still much enlarged, now allowed air and warm drinks to pass easily. M. T. considered himself cured, and could not sufficiently praise the new emetic. " At Rome," he said, " they vomited me a great deal, for they used to pre- cede quinine by an emetic, but the effect was never so speedy. Here the business is over before ordinary emetics would begin to operate." AQUA MARINA (SEA-WATER). Authority. C. Wesselhceft, Trans. Am. Inst, of Horn., 1871, sec. 2, p. 178, four pro vers. Head.—Acute, paroxysmal, neuralgic pain in right anterior portion of head all the afternoon and evening (from inhalation by atomizer)/.— Acute, tensive, neuralgic pain above right frontal portion of head (from inhalation by an atomizer)/.—Severe neuralgic pains down right temple, and above right frontal protuberance, very acute, and vanishing without a trace ; appearing after ten or thirty minutes in left side of neck (near edge of trapezius muscle), (immediately from inhalation by an atomizer)/. Ears.—Stinging pain (transient stitches), in right ear in the evening/. Face.—Faceache on left side of upper and lower jaw, extending under lower jaw to right side. The pain was acute, like toothache.—Cold water was intolerable (4th dil.)/. Throat.—Sore throat, with sensation of foreign substance in throat (5th dil.)/.—Sensation as if a small substance were in the throat, not unlike a hair or fishbone, tickling and urging to swallow, and causing a desire to cough, but not benefited by coughing (5th dil.)/.—Pain on swallowing, extending into ear and temples (4th dil.)/. Stomach.—Nausea, and nauseous sensation in stomach and abdomen, with eructation of wind for two hours. (From a glassful of sea-water)/. Conditions.—Aggravations.—(Afternoon and evening), Neuralgic pain in anterior portion of head.—(Evening), Pain in right ear.—(Cold water), Faceache. 432 "AQUA PETRA. "AQUA PETRA." " The mineral springs of Chase and Brittingham." Authority. Dr. D. S. Kimball, Phil. J. of Horn., 2, 615; provings with the evaporated residue of the water. Head.—Headache, with fever in the afternoon (fouith day).—Itching and scaliness of the scalp.—Itching and scaliness of the scalp, afternoons and evenings. Eyes.—Mucous discharge from the eyes.—Burning, smarting of the eyes, especially the margins of the lids.—Aching pain through the eyes and orbits, increased by motion and the open air, or sunlight; relieved by quietude.—Photophobia. Ears.—Itching in the ears.—Snapping in the right ear, when chewing. Nose.—[10.] Blood in the nose, frequently.—Dryness of the nostrils. Face.—Itching and scaliness of the face. Throat.—Sensation of something remaining in the throat, like parti- cles of food.—Roughness and adhesive mucus in the throat, which it is difficult to remove.—Scraping and roughness in the throat.—Irritation of the fauces, larynx, trachea, and upper half of the lungs very great; sensa- tion of roughness and scraping in them (sixth day). Stomach.—Increased secretion of the alimentary canal.—Much flatus passed toward morning.—Aching in the abdomen, and through the whole length of the alimentary canal, even to the throat (by its continuance some time).—[20.] Aching in the viscera and lower abdomen.—Aching and faint sensation in the abdomen, extending even through the cesophagus to the throat, and in the throat, with diminished appetite. Abdomen.—Pressing or bearing-down sensation in the abdomen. Stool and Anas.—Two stools a day. Urinary Organs.—Burning in the urethra, remaining after an evacuation.—Urine increased and scalding.—Considerable scalding on mic- turition, scalding continuing several days.—Frequent micturition.—In- creased secretion of urine and cutaneous transpiration.—Urine pale, watery, and with but little smell. Respiratory Apparatus.—[30.] Somewhat tenacious mucus in the larynx and trachea.—Continued disposition to cough, with rough, scraping sensation in the throat.—Cough, frequent paroxysms.—Paroxysms of continued cough.—Coughing nearly all night (fourth day).—Cough rather dry, with occasional expectoration of mucus, affording but little relief.—Cough fatiguing, exhausting, suffocative, and the sputa difficult to raise, or if raised, immediately replaced by other.—Paroxysms of coughing, about 10 a.m., and 1 or 2 o'clock p.m., lasting from an hour to an hour and a half, each time, with watery, frothy, transparent mucus at first, but later becoming tinged yellow, as from saffron, seeming to come from the upper portion of lungs (sixth day).—Coughing apparently worse on lying down or exercising the lungs (sixth day).—Sputa consist of tenacious and watery mucus, without color, the first days; now, watery and frothy, quite yellow (sixth day).—[40.] Sputa contains, now and then, some few particles, thick, opaque and muco-purulent, of a dark color (seventh day).—Sub- stances brought up by coughing from the throat, like that which collects round the teeth where the brush is not often used, smelling much the same, rather soft, like cheese (sixth day). Chest.—Pain, congestion, and stricture of the chest (several times).— ARANEA DIADEMA. 433 Congestion, pain, and stricture in chest, more especially the upper half.— Afternoon, faint, oppressed, asthmatic sensation in the chest, lasting over an hour iu its worst form, and a trace of it remaining all the afternoon.— Afternoon aud evening, aching in the upper portion of the lungs, extending to the throat (seventh day). Heart and Pulse.—Pulse full and more accelerated (seventh day). —Weakness and rheumatic pain in lumbar region, more apparent in the afternoon and evening.—Aching and weakness in the lumbar region. Generalities.—General weakness.—[50.] Lassitude in the afternoon. Sleep and Dreams.—Sound and uninterrupted sleep, with dispo- sition to sleep in the morning.—Tired on first waking. Fever.—In the afternoon and evening, chills and violent fever, with headache, aching of the bones and limbs, and restlessness (fifth day). Conditions.— Aggravation. — (Morning), Disposition to sleep.— (Afternoon), All symptoms; faint, etc., sensation in chest; aching in upper portion of lungs, etc.; weakness, etc., in lumbar region; lassitude; chills, etc.—(Evening), Aching in upper portion of lungs, etc.; weakness, etc., in lumbar region; chills, etc.—(Towards morning), Much flatus passed.— (10 a.m.), Paroxysm of cough.—(1 or 2 p.m.), Paroxysm of cough.—(Open air), Aching pain through eyes and orbits.—(When chewing), Snapping in right ear.—(Exercising lungs), Cough.—(Lying down), Cough.—(Micturi- tion), Scalding in urethra.—(Motion), Aching pain through eyes, etc.— (Sunlight), Aching pain through eyes and orbits. Amelioration.—(Evening), All symptoms, except the cough, and those of the back.—(Quietude), Aching pain through the eyes and orbits. ARANEA DIADEMA. Epeira diadema. Nat. order, Arachnida. Common names, Cross spider; Araignee a croix papale. Preparation, Tincture prepared by putting the living animals into alcohol. Authorities. Nos. 1 " F.," and 2 " H," from A. H. Z., 1, 122; (" F." a young doctor; " H." a Saxon army surgeon; symptoms observed after taking repeated doses of the tincture, for several days; increasing gradually from 12 to 33 drops; taken fasting in the morning.) No. 3, from Grau- vogle, "Text-book of Homoeopathy." Head.—Confusion of the head after eating, (first day)/.—Confusion of the head, with lassitude/.—Evenings on studying, confusion of the head and pressive pain, as if on the bones of the right temple, and the upper part of the forehead, which is relieved by resting the head on the hand, but reappears on taking the hand away/.—* Headache and confusion of the head, both relieved by smoking, but they return and continue nearly.all day/. —Continued headache (immediately)/.—Headache continues till evening, becomes, however, milder after a few hours, and *ceases entirely in the open air?.—Headache, with burning in the eyes and heat in the face. Headache less severe on walking than while sitting. Smoking relieves, but does not entirely remove it (immediately)/.—Headache relieved by smoking, and disappears entirely on smoking in the open air (in fine spring weather)/.— Drawing in the head down the lower jaw (soon after taking)/.—[10.] Headache, especially in forehead, goes off after smoking (two hours)/.— Heat in the forehead and eyes; an unpleasant flickering sensation in them vol. i.—28 434 ARANEA DIADEMA. on reading or writing, from which also the headache is more severe (two hours)/. Ears.—Twingeing, pinching pains in the right ear and parotid gland; as it disappeared from this side, it passed into the left ear (second after- noon)/. Nose.—Coryza for three days/.—Coryza with thirst/. Face.—Burning in the face/.—Heat in the face, especially in the eyes (disappears after four hours)/. Mouth.—Sensitive, cold sensation, in the right lower incisors, especi- ally on drawing in air; came on again the next day, at the same hour, in- termittent fever like (sixteen hours)/.—*Sudden violent pains in the teeth of the whole upper and lower jaw, at night, immediately after lying down?.— Sticking in the palate and larynx (for twenty-four hours)/.—[20.] After drinking milk, an unpleasant taste of it remains/.—Nauseous, bitter taste in the mouth, with coated tongue (one hour)/.—Bitter taste relieved by smoking (after half an hour)/. Stomach.—Thirst/. Abdomen.—Sensation of heaviness and fulness in the lower bowels; it seems as if a stone lay there, while in the pit of the stomach is an un- pleasant feeling of faintness, together with griping in abdomen; sensation of heaviness in the thighs, so that they can hardly be carried forward, with confusion of the head; returns the next day, intermittent fever like, at the same time; lasts half an hour (5 p.m., second day),2. Stool and Anus.—* Thin fluid stool accompanied by pain in abdomen, which is relieved by rubbing the abdomen with the hand. The stool passed only part at a time, and with straining, a half hour later fermenting in the abdomen (third day)/. Sexual Organs.—^Periods eight days too early, too strong, and too copious?. Chest.—^Hemorrhage from the lungs?. Extremities iu General.—At times dull, burrowing bone-pains in the limbs/.—Morning, in bed, dull, burrowing bone-pains in the right upper and forearm bones, and in the right tibia; it also appears at intervals through the day (third day)/. Upper Extremities.—[30.] Quivering, twitching in the muscles of the left upper arm, lasts half an hour, afternoon (second day)/.—*In both ring and little fingers, of both hands, a feeling as if they had gone to sleep, and of formication/. Loiver Extremities.—Violent, dull, burrowing bone-pains in the right os calcis. for several days, constantly if the foot is moved from a quiet position ; on continued motion, however, it gradually disappeared (first day after second dose)/. Generalities.—Lassitude, thirst/.—Lassitude without heaviness in the feet, weariness/. Sleep and Dreams.—Restless sleep, with frequent waking, always with the sensation as if the hands and forearms were greatly swollen, as if they were as strong and large again as natural. They seem so heavy that he imagines he cannot lift them/. Fever.—(Bone-pains for four weeks; feverish attacks mostly consist- ing of coldness. Troubles in the abdomen, which are usually accompanied by a chill, and mostly come on toward evening; eruption on the skin; pimples here and there)/. Conditions.— Aggravation.— (Toward evening), Troubles in abdo- ARANEA SCINENCIA. 435 men, etc.—(Evening), On studying, confusion of the head, etc.—(Night), * Immediately after lying down, pain in all the teeth.—(Drawing in air), Cold sensation in right lower incisors.—(After eating), Confusion of head.— (After drinking milk), Unpleasant taste of it remains.—(Moving foot from quiet position), Pains in right os calcis.—(Reading), Flickering sensation in forehead ; headache.—( Writing), Flickering sensation in forehead ; head- ache.—(^Periodical at same hour,0.) Amelioration.—(In open air), Headache ceases entirely.—(Con- tinual motion of foot), Pain in right os calcis.—(Resting head on hands), Confusion of head, etc.—(Rubbing with the hand), Pain in abdomen.— (Smoking), Headache, etc.; bitter taste.—( Walking), Headache. ARANEA SCINENCIA. A gray spider found in Kentucky on old walls. " Does not spin a web." Authority. Dr. Win. Rowley, N. Am. Journ. of Horn., 7, 64; two prov- ings (1, "N. S.;" 2, "E. P.") with the 1st and 2d dilutions. Mind.— Could not collect his thoughts (with slight pain in head), (second day)/. Head.—Vertigo worse when stooping (third day)/.—Vertigo, with nausea (after two hours)/.—Severe pain in head, affecting the eyes (im- mediately)/.—Slight paius in head (after fifteen minutes)/.—Dull, heavy pain in head all day (second day)/.—Dull, sluggish pain, but quite in- tense, all over the head (after one and a half hours)/.—After dinner, dull pain in head, rather increased till after supper, when it was relieved (first day)/.—Head dull, with heavy, painful fulness (fourth day)/.— [10.] Dull, stupid feeling in head, with feeling of fulness and dull, aching pain (after two hours)/.—Dull, heavy pain in postero-superior part of .head (after twenty minutes)/.—Could not rest on account of pain in head/. Eyes.—Eyes feel weak and inflamed (second day)/.—Eyes felt heavy, with a blur over them (after one and a half hours)/.— Constant twitching of the under lids (second day)/.—Eyelids swollen (third day)/.—Eyes run a good deal (second day)/.—There seems to be a blur constantly collecting over the eyes (second day)/.—Glimmering before the eyes (immediately),2. Mouth.—[20.] Rather profuse flow of saliva (immediately)/.—Sweet taste in mouth (immediately)/.—Dryness and prickling in throat (immedi- ately),2. Stomach.—Foul stomach (second day)/.—Slight pain in stomach (after two hours)/.—Sour eructations (after two hours)/.—Slight nausea (after one and a half hours)/.—Strange feeling in stomach, as if he bad not eaten for a long time, continuing for about an hour (after half an hour)/. Abdomen.—Very unpleasant dull rumbling pains in bowels (second day)/.—Colic increased by bending forward (immediately)/. Stool and Anus.—[30.] Sensation as if the bowels were loosened (after two hours)/.—Bowels costive (second day)/. Urinary Organs.—Increased secretion of urine, so that he had to get up twice during the night/.—Urine cloudy/. Heart and Pulse.—Slight palpitation of the heart on waking, which soon passed off (second day)/. Generalities.—Felt fatigued, physically and mentally, as though he had labored hard (had felt uncommonly well in the morning), (after two hours)/.—Felt uncommonly well in the morning, with good appetite 436 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. for breakfast (second day)/.—The whole system appears deranged (second day)/.—Felt as if he had been drinking (immediately)/. Sleep and Dreams.—Sleepy on sitting down (fourth day)/.— [40.] Slept well all night (usually restless and sleeps but little), (first day)/.—Uncommonly sound sleep at night (immediately)/.—Felt as if he had been broken of his rest, yet did not seem sleepy (after one and a half hours)/.—Very restless during night; could sleep but a few moments at a time, and then not soundly/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Bending forward), Vertigo; colic.— (After dinner), Dull pain in head.—•>' On waking), Slight palpitation of the heart.—( Warm room), All symptoms. Amelioration.—(Morning), Felt uncommonly well.—(Open air), Symptoms rather relieved.—(After supper), Pain in head. ARGENTUM CYANIDUM. Silver cyanide. AgCy. Authority. Poison case, Hirschel's Zeit., 19, 128. Effect of inhaling fumes while silvering with "Argentine." Vertigo.—Violent headache in the vertex.—Itching in the nose, with profuse secretion of mucus..—Face very red.—Tongue very red.—Taste pungent, gaseous.—Scraping in the throat.—Throatache.—Sense of con- striction and burning in the throat.—Violent .pain in the suprasternal fossa, and under the manubrium sterni, every time she turned to one side. —Nausea, with such general discomfort that she had to lie down.—Vomit- ing, with retching.—Suffocating attack.—Respiration difficult and short.— Cough constant, dry, spasmodic, allowing her to articulate but one word at a time.—Pulse 90.—Painful cramps in the feet.—Great weakness.—Pro- fuse sweating through the night.—Slept scarcely any. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Metallic silver. Preparation, The pure precipitated metal for trituration (Hahnemann used the leaf silver). Authorities. 1, Hahnemann (R. A. M. L., 4, 337); 2, Gross, ibid.; 3, Franz, ibid.; 4, Meyer, ibid.; 5, Haynel, ibid.; 6, Herrmann, ibid.; 7, Wis- licenus, ibid.; 8, Langhammer, ibid.; 9, Hering, Archive, 15, and N. Ar- chiv., 3; 10, Huber, Oest. Zeit., 2, six provings with repeated doses, with 1st, 2d, and 3d trits., and 4th, 5th, and 6th dils. Mind.—He is all the time in a kind of intoxication; he knows not how to define it/.—Increased cheerfulness and disposition to talk the whole day (after three hours), (reaction)/.—When pleased, excessively merry, but cries a long time about a trifle/.—Discouraged/. Head.—Confusion of the head at 10 a.m. (3d trit.),10.—Head cloudy, as if benumbed (1st trit.),10.—Sense of obscuration in the head, as if there were smoke in the brain/.—Dulness in the head/.—The head feels dull and hollow; his whole brain aches, accompanied by chilliness/.—[10.] Dizzy stupefaction of the head (1st trit.),10.—He began to feel a tingling and turning in his head, as if he were tipsy/.—* He felt suddenly giddy, and as if a mist were before his eyes?.—* Attacks of vertigo; he cannot well control ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 437 his senses; also, when sitting or reflecting (after half an hour)/.—Very dizzy on coming in from a walk, with slight shivering through the skin (1st trit.),10.—Stinging burning pain in the head/.—Slight pressure on the head causes a feeling of soreness/.—Violent shooting and tearing pain in the head/.—(Early in the morning, stitching headache, with redness of one eye)/.—Pressive headache in the forehead, over the eyebrows (after two hours)/.—[20.] * Pressing pain in the forehead, with stupor, and drawing pressure in the occiput?.—Intermittent boring pain in the left side of the forehead the whole day; the pain increases in the evening, after lying down (after seven hours)/.—A transient pain deep in the right frontal eminence, extending obliquely to the right temporal region (5th dil.),10.—Drawing pains in right frontal eminence (1st trit.),10.—A transient tearing pain deep in the right frontal eminence, extending toward the right temple (5th dil.),10.—Drawing pain in the left frontal eminence (3d trit.),10.—A short painful drawing in the left frontal eminence (6th dil.),10.—Pressive tearing in the left frontal eminence (after six hours)/.—Pressive tearing under the left frontal eminence; the globe of the eye feeling, at the same time, com- pressed/.—Pressive pain in the temporal bones, externally/.—[30.] Pres- sive tearing pain in the region of the right and left temporal bone, increased by contact?.—Spasmodic twitching and subsultus of the right temporal mus- cle, the occipito-frontalis muscle of the right side, the muscles on the side of the neck near the cricoid cartilage, and towards the nape of the neck; this subsultus repelled the hand, and was accompanied by a quivering pain/.—Pinching pressure in the right temple, with sharp rhythmical stitches from without inwards (after five days)/.—Painful drawing in the left temple (4th dil.),10.—A short drawing pain in the left temple (3d trit.),10.— Painful drawing in the left temple when sitting (3d trit.),10.—Excessive pain in the left temple, both pressive and drawing (after five hours)/.— Tearing in the left temple/.—Tearing, apparently in the left temporal bone and over the left mastoid process/.—Pressive pain in the parietal bones, externally,6.—[40.] Drawing throbbing headache deep in the right half of the brain, during rest (2d trit.)/0.—Drawings deep in the right half of the brain, which gradually increased to violent tearings, and extended toward the forehead and occiput; evenings, in bed (4th dil.),10.—Sensation in the head both of pressure and trembling, over the right ear, extends backward (after four hours)/.—Drawing pain from the occipital bone as far as the middle of the frontal bone, obliquely across the right temporal bone, externally/.—*A left-sided headache, as if in the brain-substance, at first only slight drawing, but gradually becoming more violent and tear- ing, and at its culmination was raging as though a nerve were being torn into; this lasted twenty-five to thirty seconds, and ended suddenly at its greatest severity, at 8 p.m., when going across the room (5th dil.),10.— Pressive pain in the left parietal bone, externally/.—Cutting stitches, ap- parently in the skull or on the surface of the brain, close in front of the left ear, forwards/.—Painful drawing in the left occipital region, between the protuberance and the mastoid process (2d trit.),10.—Slight thrill of shivering over the right side of the scalp/. Eyes.—*(The upper and lower eyelids are very red and thick; the eyes, however, do not suppurate)/.—[50.] A single violent vertical stitch through the skin and cartilage of the left upper lid (afternoon), (5th dil.),10. —Frequent fine stitches, with itching, which provokes scratching, in the left canthi, and the itching also often in the skin of the left ear (6th dil.),10. —Frequent sticking in the canthi (3d trit.),10.—A short but severe sticking 438 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. in the left internal canthus, as if with a coarse needle, at 3 p.m. (5th dil.)/9. —Violent itching in the corners of the eyes/. Ears.—Increased warmth in the concha of the left ear, and itching, which provokes scratching (6th dil.),10.—In the folds of the external ear, a sensation as if a many-footed insect were crawling, without itching (4th dil.),10.—Violent itching of the external ear; he scratches until the parts bleed/.—A pressive tearing over the left ear, in a small place (after twelve hours)/.—Repeated violent stitches in the fossa behind the right lobule, penetrating into the head (3d trit.),10.—[60.] A drawing pain from the fossa behind the right lobule as far as the skin of the cheek, extending down to the lower jaw, as if the pain were in the periosteum/.—Two successive unusually severe stitches in the fossa behind the lobule of the left ear, from without inward (4th dil.),10.—Frequent itching in the folds of the concha; it causes scratching, which was always followed by a burning sore pain, afternoons till evenings (6th dil.),10.—A corroding itching in the fossa of the right auricle, causes scratching (3d trit.)/0.—A painful drawing in the fossa behind the right lobule, close to the cartilage, extending downward in a crescent form, during rest (2d trit.),10.—A sensitive drawing in the fossa, just behind the lobule of the left ear, recurring at short intervals (6th dil.),10 (repeated the next day).— Corrosive itching of the lobules of both ears, early in the morning, after rising (after twelve hours)/.—Itching on the inner surface of the lobule of the left ear, causes scratching (1st trit.),10.—Sensa- tion in the right ear as if it were stopped up/.—Painful drawing within the left ear (3d trit.),10.—[70.] Cutting stitches from the left internal ear as far as the brain/. N~OSC.—The nose is obstructed, in the forepart of both nostrils; sensa- tion as of biting in the left nostril/.—Fluent coryza ; the nose is constantly full of mucus/.— Violent fluent coryza, without sneezing (after ten hours)/.— * Excessive fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, for two days?.—When blow- ing the nose, violent bleeding (immediately after dinner, and again in three hours)/.—Irritation in the nose, as if a cold would come on (after one hour)/.—A throbbing iu the left nostril (fore part), tension in the external skin of the nose as though the nasal bones were compressed, with tickling pricking in the left nostril, that occasioned several violent sneez- ings (4th dil.)/0.—*Tinglingand itching in the nose, followed by bleeding/. Face.—Sensation of heat, without redness in the face (1st trit.),10.—[80.] Fine drawing pain in the muscles of the face, especially in the region of the cheek-bones/.—Perceptible throbbing over the whole of the left cheek, as though the muscles would be raised from the mucous membrane, with a feeling as though the left cheek were larger, with a slight chilly burning in the skin, and redness of both cheeks; lasts-six to eight minutes (4th dil.),10. —Painful, gnawing pressure on the bones of the right side of the face; most severe on the zygoma (after one hour)/.—Fine, painful stitches in the right malar bone/.—* Drawing tearing in the right zygoma,10.—Tearing in the left zygoma,6.—*Swelling of the upper lip, close under the nose/.— Cutting ^ stitches under the right half of the lower jaw, apparently in the gland, from without inwards/. Mouth.—The lower row of teeth sticks to the upper, as though the enamel were covered with a sticky cement (3d trit.)/0.—A sensitive aching in the last hollow lower left molars (3d trit.),10.—[90.] A feeling as though the enamel of the teeth was covered with a sticky cement (2d trit.),10.— An incisor tooth being pressed forward was painful (after five hours)/.— The gums are painful, especially when touched/.—A little blister on the ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 439 tongue, sore and burning/.—Feeling of dryness of the tongue, which, how- ever, is moist/.—Dryness of the tongue, aud hard palate (6th dil.),10.— Dryness of the middle of the tongue and hard palate (5th dil.),10.—A burn- ing on the tip of the tongue, as though he had chewed some aromatic sub- stance, afternoons (3d trit.),10.—Dryness of the mouth and tongue (quarter of an hour), (4th dil.),10.—Great dryness of the mouth (quarter of an hour), (4th dil.),10.—[100.] Dryness in the mouth (1st trit. and 4th dil.),10.—Dry sensation in the mouth (quarter of an hour), (5th dil.),10.—Sticky, tough saliva on the palate (causes scratching),9.—The saliva accumulates in his mouth, with a shaking chill/.—Much flow of saliva during the afternoon nap, causing spitting; with so much dryness of the mouth that the tongue stuck to the palate (for ten minutes), (4th dil.),10.—His speech is impeded on account of much viscid saliva accumulating in his mouth/. Throat.—*The region of the submaxillary gland is swollen; this makes the neck stiff, and produces a tension in the parts when moved; deglutition at the same time is difficult, as if there were internal swelling of the throat; he is obliged to force every mouthful of food down his throat (after forty-eight hours)/.—Violent pulsation of the carotids, especially on the left side (4th dil.),10.—* Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in the throat, which can be easily hawked up ; early in the morning/.—Slight drawing, hardly sensi- tive, pains in the left parotid gland (4th dil.),10.—[110.] Drawing pain in the right submaxillary and parotid glands (1st trit.)/0.—When masticating, sense of cutting towards the parotid gland, as after taking something very acid; it seems to be felt in the Eustachian tube/.—Boring and grinding pain in the throat/.—Roughness and rawness of the throat, continuing the whole day/.—*His throat feels raw and sore/.—Soreness and rawness in the throat, during expiration and deglutition/.—*When coughing, raw and sore in the throat, not in the windpipe; nor when swallowing/.— *Sense as of scraping in the velum pendulum palati, as if a rough body were glued to it; it was not a painful, but a disagreeable sensation, aud was more felt during empty deglutition than when swallowing a morsel, but it was felt constantly, and forced him to swallow the saliva ; in a few hours this feeling descends deeper into the throat/.—* When yawning, pain- ful tension in the fauces, as from swelling?.—Itching crawling in the pha- ryngeal orifice of the right Eustachian tube, which extends to the tym- panum, followed by the same in the left ear (2d trit.),10.—[120.] Feeling of nausea in the throat, followed immediately by heat all over, mostly about the head, with redness of the face, without thirst (after half an hour)/. Stomach.— Very great appetite (after forty hours)/.—*Exce*sive appe- tite, continues even when the stomach feels full?.—Sensation of huuger (4th dil.)/0.—Excessive, almost painful sensation of hunger in the stomach, re- curring in paroxysms (5th dil.),10.—* Excessive, gnawing hunger the whole day, which cannot be satisfied by eating; afterwards, for several days, this hunger could only be allayed for a short time by eating/.—Sensation of hunger, as from great emptiness in the stomach, mornings (4th dil.),10.— Hunger, mornings after waking (1st trit.),10.—During the afternoon nap, a sensation of hunger, with attacks of nausea (3d trit.),10.—Sensation of hunger in the stomach (an hour after taking it), with slight nausea (6th dil.)/0.—[130.] Sense of hunger, with drawing-in of the pit of the stomach, through the day (3d trit.),10.—Sensation of hunger with nausea, (painless) contraction of the pharynx, and inclination to swallow the saliva (lasts several minutes), (3d trit.),10.—Sensation of hunger, forenoons, with nausea as from emptiness in the stomach, and scraping irritation in the bronchial 440 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. tubes, causing a dry cough (2d trit.),10.—Appetite entirely gone ; he loathes food when merely thinking of it/.—Woke at 7.30 a.m., with hunger and great weakness ii/the shoulders (6th dil.),10.—Indifference to food; he is satia- ted immediately/.—No appetite, early in the morning/.—(Great desire for wine)/.—Sensation like heartburn (after one and a half hours)/.—Hiccough, when smoking tobacco as usual (after one and a quarter hours)/.—[140.] Almost continual qualmishness and nausea/.—Retching, by which a bitter, acrid, badly smelling liquid is brought up from the stomach into the mouth, leaving behind a continual sense of rawness, roughness, and burning in the throat (heartburn), (after eight hours)/.—Two vomitings in the afternoon, duriug stool/.—Pinching, transversely, across the stomach, and in the left hypochondrium/.—When standing or reading, he suddenly felt a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, a sense as of a dull compression of the brain from all sides, and an approaching vertigo, with nausea, and inclina- tion to vomit, in the region of the sternum, as alter turning quickly round in a circle; at the same time, a sudden heat in the whole body, but more in the face, and momentary sweat on the chest and in the face/.—Pressure at the pit of the stomach/. A bdomen.—A transient stitch within the abdomen, between the right hypochondrium and the epigastrium, followed by hunger and loud rum- bling iu the bowels (3d trit.),10.—Sharp stitches, from within outwards, in the abdominal muscles, near the last true rib; they terminate in a fine pinching, and abate a little by rubbing (after sixty hours)/.—*Bruised pain in the flank, over the left hip, and on the whole left side of the pelvis (2d trit.),10.—(With uterine weakness),0.—Distension and fulness in the upper abdomen, with a hungry feeling (5th dil.),10.—[150.] At night, a pressive, painful distension of the abdomen ; it passed off without emission of flatulence/.—Tympanic distension of the whole right side of the bowels, with bruised pain on hard pressure; slowly disappears after passage of wind (4th dil.),10.—Rumbling and fermentiug in the bowels, as though fluid were poured from one intestine into another (4th dil.),10.—Rumbling in the abdomen during the night, and emission of flatulence/.—Loud rumbling in the left side of the abdomen, like the croaking of frogs (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—In the morning, sense of burning, like heartburn, in the abdo- men, stomach, and as far as the chest/.—Contractive pain in the belly, after the morning stool; it seems owing to a cold, when sitting/.—Contrac- tion and tension of the abdominal muscles, when walking, so that he has to walk stooping/.—Bellyache, as in diarrhoea/.—Cutting, internally, trans- versely across the abdomen/.—[160.] A painful drawing, frequently through the day, on the posterior portion of the pelvis, left side, externally during rest (4th dil.),10.—Pain, as if sprained, on the posterior surface of the outer rim, left side of the pelvis (at the insertion of the gluteus maxi- mus), renewed at every step, afternoons, after a long walk (second day), (4th dil.),10.—Drawing stinging pain in the right side of the pelvis, toward the back part, during rest (2d trit.),10.—Boring pain on the right side of the hypogastrium, just over the groin (after thirty-four hours)/.—After begin- ning to eat, an excessive pressure extending from the hypogastrium down- wards, towards the pubic region ; worse during an inspiration, and allevi- ated by rising from one's seat,2.—Painful urging in the hypogastrium, during a soft evacuation/.—A momentary, violent stitch from before back- ward, in the hypogastrium (4th dil.),10.—Cutting stitches on both sides, in the region of the abdominal ring (after three and a half hours)/.—A pain- ful, though transient tension in the left iliac region, along the course of the ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 441 psoas muscle, noticed when walking, and at rest (6th dil.),10.—A drawing tensive paiu, in the right inguinal region, along the psoas muscle, disap: peared in rest (5th dil.),10.—[170.] Sensation in the bend of the left groin as if the tendon of the psoas muscle were strained; on pressure, it feels painful, as if bruised/.—Tension aud drawing in the groin, below the abdominal ring, extending to the left thigh/. Stool and Anus.—A sensation in the rectum as though a living worm were boring through the anus, and by its windings rubbed arouud the rectum ; lasted ten minutes; returned while sitting and standing after a meal (4th dil.),10.—^Frequent and always successful desire for stool in the lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of a small quantity of soft stool, continuing for several days (after two and a half hours)/.—Sensation as though a small worm forced its way through the sphincter ani (3d trit.),10. —A feeling as if many small, living threadworms hung out of the anus, which on stooping caused an itching, but no need to scratch (4th dil.),10.—Feeling in the anus as though small, longish bubbles of air were escaping,10.—A severe itching in the anus and along the fossa between the nates, causing scratching, at 8 p.m., while walking; lasts five minutes (4th dil.)/0.—*Stool after dinner very dry, and like sand, but passed without trouble (after eight hours)/.—A brownish-yellow, pasty, almost di- arrhoeic evacuation, with ineffectual pressure at the end of the stool (2d trit.),10.—[180.] Pasty stool (one-quarter of an hour), (4th dil.),10.—Three pasty stools duriug the day, the last one almost diarrhoeic, preceded by pinching and urgiug (4th dil.)/0.—Straining in the hypogastrium during a rather soft evacuation, and even afterwards (after seventy-two hours)/.— More force than usual required to evacuate the bowels (6th dil.),10.—It occasioned effort to finish a stool or passage of urine, so that the back part of the pelvis, especially the left side, sometimes pained as if sprained (5th dil.),10.—-Stool hard, insufficient, with straining (3d trit.),10. Urinary Organs.—Slight burning when urinating, as though the urine were acrid (though it was normal), (3d trit.),10.—A transient stitch in the urethra from behiud forwards (4th dil.),10.—* Frequent desire to urinate, and copious emission of urine, for several hours (after two hours),8. —Frequent micturition (after six hours),2. Sexual Organs.—[190.] A painful, transient drawing through the right inguinal ring down to the testicles, at 4 p.m. during rest, with a pasty stool (4th dil.),10.—Repeated tearing pains along the course of the sper- matic cord, extending into the testicles, during rest at 4 p.m. after a short walk (2d trit.),10.—* Crushed peun in the testicles, evenings in bed (2d trit.),10. —*Crushed pain in the right testicle, even the pressure of the clothes increases the pain, on walking (2d trit.),10.—A repeated, grabbing pain deep iu the substance of the right testicle, when at rest, with a certain fear and anx- iety (3d trit.),10.—Pain in the left testicle, as after a contusion (after forty- nine hours")/.—Sexual desire somewhat diminished (6th dil.),10.—Emission of semen almost every night/.—Emission at night (3d trit.),10.—Pollutions at night, without lewd dreams/.—[200.] An incomplete emission during sleep (4th dil.),10. (See S. 148.) Respiratory Appa rat us.—* Laughing produces mucus in larynx, and excites cough?.— When going upstairs, or stooping, mucus gets into the air-passages, which is expelled by a single fit of coughing?.—On quietly inspiring, two tones (as from a bassoon, a low and a high) sounded at the same time from low down in the throat (just before going to sleep evening), (4th dil.),10.—When eating fruit, it seemed to him repeatedly as if a little 442 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. piece stuck in the larynx; it feels as if in the upper part and in front some- thing lay in a little spot almost as if chilling, and somewhat pressing, which sensation constantly irritates him to cough, without being removed by doing so (1st trit.),9.—In the throat (larynx), a remarkable shattering kind of a crack or crash, with almost a metallic reverberation (like that heard from the ice breaking up in the spring), (3d trit.),10.—*Rawness and soreness in the upper part of the larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing/. —* A dull cutting, which becomes a stitch, in the air-passages, from below up- wards, occasioning two or three fits of cough; it continues even after the cough; the cough produces a kind of watery expectoration, which, how- ever, does not relieve the irritation to cough (after twenty-four hours)/.— It seems like a raw spot in the windpipe, in the region of the suprasternal fossa; worse when speaking, talking, or singing/.—Pain in the cricoid car- tilage, caused by a draught of air, with a feeling of a stopper in the throat, and on pressing on it a bruised pain,10.—[210.] * Cough from laughing?.— (Cough in the morning)/.—Irritating, hacking cough, without expectora- tion ; early in the morning after rising (after forty-eight hours)/.—*Several attacks of a short, rattling cough by day, not in the night, nor in the open air, with white, thickish, easy expectoration, looking like boiled starch, but not transparent, without taste or smell/. Chest.—Mucus in the chest, and cough, with expectoration (after twenty-six hours)/.—Spasmodic aching and tension in some of the ribs/.— Drawing, stinging pain, as in an ulcer, in the lowest rib near the spine (2d trit.),10.—Violent cutting in both sides, in the region of the lowest ribs, from within outwards; the pain is severe only during a deep inspiration ; when moving the truuk without takiug an inspiration, he feels no aggrava- tion of the pain, but feels it as soon as he inspires (after ten hours)/.—A pinching, pressive pain in a place, as large as a half dollar, in the right side of the chest below the axilla; at noon, while at rest, on pressing on it a bruised pain remains (4th dil.),10.—On the right side of the chest, a place affected with a pain, as if something hard were pressing upon the ribs/.— [220.] A painful drawing in the right side of the thorax, about one and one-half inches below the axilla, paining, on strong pressure, as if bruised ; while at rest after a meal (6th dil.),10.—During a deep inspiration, under the second or third rib of the right side, in a place of the size of half a dollar, a pain pressing from within outwards/.—Sharp stitches on the right side, near the handle of the sternum (after eight hours)/.—Sharp stitches on the right side, near the nipple/.—*In the right side of the chest, for a minute, such a violent stitch from within outwards that he can neither ex- pire nor inspire (when sitting), (after twenty-eight hours)/.—Cramplike pain in the left side of the chest; after the pain has subsided the place is still painful to the touch (after nine hours)/.—Gnawing irritation on the left side of the chest, when at rest/.—Sensation of oppression in the left side of the chest, over the heart (after seventy-eight hours)/.—Cutting, as with a fine knife, across the cartilages of the false ribs on the left side; morn- ings in bed afte. waking, the spot paius on pressure as if bruised (4th dil.),10.— A horizontal cutting, as with a knife, on the left side near the pit of the stomach, in the cartilage of the false ribs, after breakfast when quiet (5th dil.),10.—[230.] Pain, as if sprained, in the cartilage of the left false ribs, horizontally across the rib near the pit of the stomach,10.—Mornings, in bed after waking, transient cutting, as with a fine knife, on the left side near the pit of the stomach, in the cartilages of the false ribs; returns several times, and after awhile alternates with a pain in the same place on the ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 443 right side, which last is more like a circumscribed pressure (5th dil.),10.— Dull stitches on the left side under the last false ribs/.—Dull stitches under the third true rib of the left side, remaining the same during both expira- tion and inspiration,6.—Slowly intermittent, dull stitches under the carti- lages of the last true ribs on the left side, over the pit of the stomach (in the evening in bed), (after thirty-one hours)/.—Sharp stitches between the sixth and seventh true ribs of the right side, increased during an inspira- tion/.—Pressing stitches on the right side of the chest aud iu the sternum, increased only by deep inspirations (after a few minutes)/.—Cutting stitch transversely across below the last rib of the left side, when stooping side- ways and leaning on the arm/.—Pressive pain in the sternum externally/. —Prickings under the xiphoid cartilage of the sternum/.—[240.] Violent pressure on the sternum internally, increased by every motion, especially by stooping and then rising again/.—A sticking pinching pain in the left side of the sternum; most violent when sitting bent, and is uninfluenced either by expiration or inspiration (after eight hours)/.—Fine stitches in- side of the upper part of the sternum, from within outwards (after forty- eight hours)/.—A momentary but frightful stitch in the left side of the chest (prsecordial region), as if in the diaphragm (2d trit.),10. Heart and Pulse.—* Frequent spasmodic, though painless twitchings of the whole cardiac muscle, especially on lying on the back, with a constantly recurring, though not anxious thought, that he would have apoplexy and never complete the proving (2d trit.),10.—(Oppressive burning in the region of the heart)/.—In the evening, in bed, quick pulse, with thirst (after eleven hours),4. Neck and Rack.—The nape of the neck feels stiff; there seems to be something foreign in the occiput, a kind of drawing and pressing on it/. —Painful tension on both sides of the foramen magnum, especially on mo- tion, after waking in the morning (third day), (6th dil.),10.—Violent draw- ing paiu in the right neck, close to the foramen magnum (3d trit.),10.— [250.] A drawing pain from the mastoid process, extending for an inch downward, disappears on pressure (3d trit.),10—Pressure on the outer left side of the neck, when walking in the open air/.—A tensive, bruised pain on each side of the neck, along the course of the sterno-cleido-mastoid mus- cles, only noticed when the head is turned to the opposite side, and the muscle put upon the stretch, on sitting in the open air (3d trit.),10.—Tick- ling itching stitches between the scapulae, resembling violent flea or mosquito bites; he could not scratch enough/.—Sharp pressure under the scapulae/. —Excessive tearing in the upper portion of the left scapula; the pain is felt when sitting, and abates when rising from the seat/.—Tearing in the glenoid cavity of the scapula, extends as far as the clavicle/.—Tingling of the left scapula, as if the parts had gone to sleep/.—A transient itching between the scapulae, causes scratching (5th dil.),10.—Cutting stitches at the termination of the ribs, on the right side, near the vertebral columu, espe- cially when curving the back/.—[260.] Pressure in the side of the back, opposite the bowels; afterwards, fearfully violent, as though he would die, oppressive stitches occurring on the least motion, or when breathing, so that he had to walk bent; when lying still, a griping there, as in a malig- nant ulcer; oppression of the chest, as if a heavy load had been lying on it, which prevented breathing/.—Bruised pain in the back and loins, after waking, in the morning (third day), (6th dil.),10.—Drawing tensive pain in the left lumbar region, and in the groin, below the inguinal ring, extending to the thigh; at 7 p.m., while at rest, after a moderate walk (4th dil.),10.— 444 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Dull stitches in the second lumbar vertebra/.—Sensation as if the small of the back had been knocked away (after twenty-four hours)/.—The small of the back pains very much, as if beaten/.—Bruised pain in the small of the back, in the loins and neck, especially painful on motion, mornings after waking (3d trit.),10.—Burning stitches on the right side of the small of the back, when sitting; when rising, or when pressing upon the part, the pain is simply burning, without stitches; drawing on the right side of the posterior brim of the pelvis, and in the small of the back (after quarter of an hour),2.—A sensation of coldness, as though the skin and underlying muscles were touched with a point of ice on the right side of the pelvis near the sacrum, when sitting; lasts thirty seconds, and returns after eating (3d trit.),10.—A very violent pain as if sprained, deep in the left lumbo- sacral region, unendurable on adductions of the left thigh, compelling one to limp; lasts several minutes, followed by bruised pain on the outer side of the left kuee (3d trit.),10. Extremities in General.—[270.] Loss of power in the limbs (1st trit.),10.—Great loss of power of the limbs, especially of the upper arm, about the shoulder, mornings, after waking (4th dil.),10.—Mornings, in bed, after waking, unusual fatigue of the limbs, especially of the upper arras, as far as the shoulder, as after a long walk; with slight chilliness under the whole skin, and feeling of hunger, which disappeared after a short attack of nausea (6th dil.),10.—Discomfort, heaviness, in all the limbs/.—A sort of pressive tearing in the extremities of the long bones, just above or below their joints, in different parts of the body (after forty-eight hours)/.— Cramplike drawing in the back of the right hand and foot/.—Pressive, drawing aud tensive pain in the bends of both elbows and knees (in every position) ; when pressing upon the parts, the pain disappears for a moment, but returns immediately/.—Tearing and pressive pain in the metacarpal bone of the thumb, and in the two posterior joints of the big toes; worse by contact/.—Pain, as if sprained, in the right shoulder and left inner malleo- lus of the ankle, on walking (1st trit.),10. Upper Extremities.—Twitching of muscles from the right ante- rior clavicular region toward the shoulder-joint (in a fasciculus of the pec- toralis major), during rest (4th dil.),10.—[280.] Tearing on the top of the shoulder, and in the region of the head of the humerus/.—A momentary tearing on the articular eminence of the right shoulder, at 5 p.m., while at rest (6th dil.),10.—Tearing pain from the articular emiuence of the right shoulder to the neck, during rest (4th dil.),10.—Pain, as if sprained, in the uppermost muscles of the right shoulder-blade, on exerting the outstretched arm (4th dil.),10.—Frequent painless, muscular twitchings around the right shoulder-joint, at one time in the posterior margin of the axilla, at another in front of the clavicle extending to the top of the shoulder (4th dil.),10.— Boring scratching pain in right shoulder-joint, mornings, when walking (3d trit.),10.—A short, painful tearing in the right shoulder-joint, and then in the right frontal region (6th dil.),10.—Tearing drawing (afterward, beat- ing, throbbing) pains in the right shoulder-joint in rest, with marked para- lytic weakness of the joint (5th dil.),10.—Pressive, bruised pain on the top of the left shoulder-joint, on walking (one hour), (2d trit.),10.—Pain, as if sprained, in the left shoulder-joint, at rest (4th dil.),10.—[290.] Pressive tearing below the shoulder-joint/.—A sharp, painful drawing in the right deltoid muscle (4th dil.),10.—Drawing, digging pain under the right deltoid muscle,10.—Drawing pains iu left deltoid muscle, which pains on pressure, as if beaten, at rest; lasts ten to fifteen seconds (4th dil.),10.—Boring stitches ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 445 in the right axilla, which did not cease when touched (after thirty hours)/. —Pain, as if sprained, in the posterior wall of the right axilla, on muscular exertion, disappears in rest (3d trit.),10.—The arm is inclined to go to sleep, when lying ou it, mornings, with increased flow of saliva (2d trit.),10.— Paralytic feeling in the arms during motion, especially in the elbow-joint (after thirty-two hours)/.—Tensive drawing in different places on the arms, like stitches/.—A transient drawing tearing in the lower end of the left arm, near the condyles of the elbow, at 3 p.m., while at rest (6th dil.),10.— [300.] Violent electric shocks in the left arm, starting from the shoulder; when lying with the hands under the head, during a nap (3d trit.),10.— Fatigue and loss of power, especially of the upper arm, after waking (3d trit.)/0.—Great fatigue and loss of power, especially of the upper arms, with inclination to lie down and sleep, 11 a.m. (3d trit.),10.—Powerlessness in the upper arm, as after very severe labor (3d trit.),10.—Great weakness of the upper arm, and stiffness of the neck, mornings, after waking, disappears after rising (5th dil.),10.—Fatigue of the upper arm, and a drawing pain in the radius, beginning above the wrist, followed by a similar pain in the right shoulder (3d trit.),10.—Cramp in the middle of the upper arm, when lifting it; otherwise the cramp is scarcely felt (after ten hours)/.—Pressive pain in the flesh of the upper arm, which increases by contact/.—Burning, quickly passing stitch in front, in the middle of the left upper arm/.—Con- tinued pinching in the right upper arm (after one hour)/.—[310.] Draw- ing pains in the muscles of the right upper arm near the elbow, with para- lytic weakness of them, during rest (5th dil.),10.—A drawing pain with paralytic weakness in the anterior surface of the right upper arm, in rest, with inclination to stretch the arm; lasts several minutes (5th dil.)/0.—A short paralytic drawing on the outside of the left upper arm; on pressure it pains as if beaten (3d trit.),10.—Tearing in the left upper arm/.—Muscular twitchings in the bend of the right elbow, and bruised pain on the top of the right shoulder, during rest (2d trit.),10.—Painless twitching in the left elbow-joint, in rest, at 3 p.m. (2d trit.),10.—A burning pain in a circum- scribed spot on the elbow, at 6 p.m. (3d trit.),10.—When bending the arm, a tension, externally, at the point of the elbow (after six hours)/.—A pain- ful drawing through the radial joint of the right elbow, at noon, lasting ten or fifteen seconds, followed by a similar pain in the left hip, during rest (5th dil.),10.—A biting itching on the right elbow (5th dil.),10.—[320.] Violent stitch in the tip of each elbow (2d trit.),10.—A very violent stitch in the tip of the left elbow, when at rest (3d trit.),10.—Spasmodic, pressive drawing pain in the bend of the right elbow, as if the arm had been sprained by violent motion; only felt during motion ; more when extending than when bending the arm/.—Short, lasting, jerking tearings, apparently in the shaft of the radius, first of the right, then of the left forearm, finally in the lowest joint of the right middle finger; returning from time to time/.— A very sensitive, paralytic drawing in the right radius, beginning above the anterior condyle; lasts eight to ten seconds, evenings (4th dil.),10.—A sort of paralysis of the right arm and hand ; it drops, and with great effort he can scarcely write (after three hours)/.—Violent, pressive tearing iu the posterior muscles between the bones of the elbow and the radius, as far as the wrist (after thirty-one hours)/.—Spasmodic pressure and drawing pain in the internal side of the left forearm/.—A frightful stitch, as from an angry wasp, in the skin, at the middle of the extensor side of the left fore- arm, followed in a short time by a similar, but less severe stitch in the skin of the right side of the chest, at 11 a.m. (3d trit.),10.—Intermittent pointed 446 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. stitches in the radius of the right side, more in the muscles/.—[330.] Fre- quent paralytic painful drawings from the middle of the flexor side of the radius of the left forearm up to the elbow, at rest (4th dil.),10.—Drawing tearing pains above the wrist, at 2 p.m. (4th dil.),10.—Painful paralytic drawings above the wrist, from the condyles at the elbow down along the ulnar side of the right forearm, afterward the same paiu in the left fore- arm, evenings, in bed (4th dil.),10.—Drawing pain in the radial part of the left wrist-joint, while at rest, disappears on moving the hand, and on pres- sure pains as if beaten (3d trit.),10.—Sharp continued stitch behind the wrist-joint, at the beginning of the radius (after six hours)/.—Pressive tearing in the bones of either wrist/.—Titillation in the palm of the right hand, forcing him to scratch (after thirty-three hours)/.—Paralytic pains in almost every joint of the right fingers, lasting ten to fifteen seconds (4th dil.),10.—Painless twitchings of the whole right thumb, afternoons, on writ- ing (ten to twelve times), so that it is abducted from the fingers (1st trit.)10. —A short painful drawing in the ball of the left thumb, alternating with a similar sensation in the left occiput, at rest (5th dil.),10.—[340.] A draw- ing pain in the middle joint of the right index finger, with sudden paralytic loss of power of it, at 1 p.m., when at rest; lasts thirty seconds (4th dil.),10. —Drawing in the joints of the three left midmost fingers, both when in motion and at rest/.—A drawing tearing pain in the middle joint of the left index finger, attacks him while in bed ; it becomes, after a short dura- tion, throbbing (3d trit.),10.—A sensitive, drawing, penetrating pain in the bone of the metacarpal joint of the ring finger, when at rest at noon (second day), (4th dil.),10.—Tearing in the lowest joint and the metacarpal bone of the left fourth finger, with spasmodic clenching of the fingers, especially when seizing something/.—Violent tearing in the middle joint of the right little finger (3d trit.),10. Lower Extremities.—Powerlessness of the lower extremities after waking; the knees knock together when walking (3d trit.),10.—After rising from bed, great weariness of the lower extremities, most marked in the region of the trochanters; it seemed as though the ligaments aud muscles had given way, with painful tension in the muscles about the trochanter and but- tocks, as if sprained; especially sensitive on walking; on hard pressure, they pain as if bruised (6th dil.),10.—Stiffness of the lower extremities, evening (6th dil.),10.—Shivering-like creepings through the whole outer side of the left lower extremity on standing in a room (1st trit.),10.—[350.] Paralytic weakness in the hip and thigh/.—Paralytic weakness in the right hip-joint when walking, especially when moving the leg forward, and stitches when setting down the foot; this caused him to limp, but soon went off/.—Pain- ful stiffness in the muscles about the hip-joint on dressing (6th dil.),10.— Paralytic drawing in the bones of the right hip (3d trit.),10.—On running, when he steps on the left foot, which is stretched forward, a painful prick- ing pressure in the right hip-joint/.—Violent pain at a place behind the left hip, as if he had had a violent fall upon it; only felt during motion; not excited by standing (after thirty-two hours)/.—Pain, as if sprained, in the right hip-joint (1st trit.),10.—A pain, as if sprained, in the left hip, caused by sneezing (4th dil.),10.—A pain, as if sprained, in the hip-joint on every step, so severe that it caused him to limp (2d trit.),10.—A violent electric shock, starting first from the left, then from the right hip-joint, and disturbing his after-dinner nap (3d trit.),10.—[360.] Burniug sore feeling between the nates after a short walk (1st trit.),10.—The glutei muscles pain as if bruised on walking, stooping, adduction of the thigh, or by lying on ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 447 the parts (6th dil.),10.—Throbbing stitches, synchronous with the pulse, from the left trochanter, along the neck of the femur, to the socket; lasts ten minutes; the end of each throb was always accompanied with a fine stitch ; mornings, after waking, in bed (4th dil.),10.—Loss of power in the thighs on walking in the street (3d trit.),10.—Sense of a tingling humming (vibration) in the left thigh, and drawing in the anterior muscles/.— Bruised pain in the anterior surface of the left thigh and knee (1st trit.),10. —The knees often knock together when walking/.—A transient drawing from the right popliteal space through the knee to the outer margin of the patella, at 10 p.m., in bed (6th dil.),10.—The knees knock together when ascending stairs (1st trit.),10.—Pressive pain in the knee-joint, and from within outwards, in the muscles of the left extremity, when sitting/.— [370.] Muscle twitchings above the left patella (1st trit.),10.—Tearing dull stitches over the left patella, in any position/.—Bruised pain on the left side of the right patella; this increased so much when walking that he limped, and could step with difficulty; disappeared in twenty-five seconds, while sitting, with weakness and loss of power in the extremities (3d trit.),10.—Bruised pain in the left patella and around the back of the left side of the pelvis; on motion, it pains as if sprained (3d trit.),10.—The knee is painful, as if bruised; worse when sitting than when walking (after one and a quarter hours)/.—A bruised and dislocated pain in the right knee, on motion (5th dil.),10.—Bruised pain on the inside of the right knee, fol- lowed by biting itching on the inside of the left knee (5th dil.),10.-—Pain, as if sprained, on the inner side of the right knee; disappears during rest (3d trit.),10.—Pain, as if sprained, in the right knee, and cramp in the calf on walking; mornings; after rising (2d trit.),10.—A throbbing bruised pain on the anterior and inner surface of the right knee, on standing (4th dil.),10.— [380.] Electric shocks through the right knee-joint, followed by two sim- ilar shocks through the upper part of the body, which seemed to explode close to the foramen magnum; prevented falling asleep in the forenoon (3d trit.),10.—Slight twitchings in the external side of the left knee, with a sen- sation of clucking, when sitting (immediately)/.—A cramplike incisive pain over the left knee, on both sides, when he does not move (after eight hours)/.-—A short drawing pain in the condyles of the left kuee (a quarter of an hour), (3d trit.),10.—Tearing in the left knee-joint when sitting (after seventy-two hours)/.—In the evening, when in bed, burning corrosive stitches in the left tibia, not far from the kuee, which caused an involun- tary twitching of the foot (after seventeen hours)/.—A short but repeated drawing paralytic pain through the marrow of the right tibia ou walking across the room, at 6 p.m. (3d trit.),10.—Repeated drawing throbbing pain in the middle of the left tibia, when at rest (a quarter of an hour), (3d trit.),10.—Pain, as if sprained, in the inner condyle of the right tibia, on walking in the open air (3d trit.),10.—Throbbing tearing in the middle of the right tibia (1st trit.),10.—[390.] An extremely violent, almost unendur- able, pain through the whole fibula, with loss of power, at 3 p.m., when walking (3d trit.),10.—Paralytic drawing in the middle of the left tibia, as if in the periosteum, at rest (3d trit.),10.—Frequent tearing pains, now in the left, now in the right head of the fibula, and below in the bone (3d trit.),10.—A paralytic aching in the periosteum (or bone) of the left fibula while at rest (3d trit.),10.—Cutting pain iu the left fibula, as with a fine knife, on standing (1st trit.),10.—When going downstairs, the calf muscles are painful, as if too short/.— Cramp in the left calf; worse when at rest (after four hours)/.—A frequent cramplike drawing in the lowest portion 448 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. of the right calf at 11J a.m., both in rest and on motion ; lasts but a few seconds (6th dil.),10.—Sensation in the left ankle as if the foot had become detached, and the cartilage of the joints did not touch when walking/.— A paralytic drawing pain in the left ankle, near the external malleolus; lasts some minutes, when at rest (3d trit.),10.—[400.] A transient tearing pain in the inner malleolus of the left ankle, extending upward, iu rest (5th dil.),10.—Cutting stitches in the external malleoli, from within out- wards, when sitting, almost not at all when walking; worse when the foot rests upon a small support (after some hours)/.—A pain, as if sprained, in the external malleolus of the left foot, when walking (4th dil.),10.—Bruised pain on the left inner malleolus (4th dil.),10.—Pain, as if bruised, and throb- bing, in the joints of the feet; worse when sitting (after three hours)/.— In the joints of the feet, and in the lower parts of the legs, a great turmoil and dull beating, as from great fatigue, with tingling and stinging of the skin of the tibiae; worse when at rest, but less during motion (after four- teen hours)/.—A drawing pressive, then throbbing, pain on the dorsum of the right foot, in the metatarsal bones, while sitting (3d trit.),10.—Drawing pain in the left metatarsal bones aud ankle, with burning in the corn of the left toe (2d trit.),10.—*Tearing in the feet, at times in the soles, at times in the dorsa, or in the heels, toes (especially in their lowest joints), in the tarsal or metatarsal bones; the pain does not extend beyond the malleoli; very seldom a shooting pain extended beyond the malleoli/.—Pain in the heel, when stepping upon the foot, feeling as if it were pithy (continued)/. —A somewhat burniug sensation in the right heel and tendo Achillis, as if they had gone to sleep/.—[410.] Tearing on the back of the middle toes of the left foot at 6 p.m. (3d trit.),10.—Pain in a corn makes it difficult to go to sleep (1st trit.),10—Violent burning in the corn, in paroxysms, even without external pressure, for twenty-four hours/. Generalities.—Twitchings and palpitation of several muscles, es- pecially of the right thigh/.—Woke in the morning weak and depressed (4th dil.),10.—Paralytic weakness on motion (1st trit.),10.—Great weakness of the body, especially of the thighs, when sitting or walking, with sleepi- ness (after four hours)/.—Lassitude and heat all over when walking in the open air; he has no sweat, and feels a sort of anguish, as if his clothes were too tight/.—Great weakness in the limbs, and tensive bruised paiu in the neck, mornings, after waking; better after rising (5th dil.),10.—Fre- quent drawing pains, now in one, now in another joint, now in the upper arm, in the calf, forehead, always short and alternating, in rest (2d trit.),10. —[420.] Drawing pains, now in the left forehead, now in the occiput, now in the left elbow-joint, in rest (1st trit.),10.—Painful pressive tension, alter- nating between the tendon of the right psoas and the triceps humeris; on pressing on it, pain as if bruised (1st trit.),10.—Pain, as if sprained, on the external posterior rim of the pelvis and on the right inner malleolus, on motion, after rising (3d trit.),10.—Slight soreness between the nates, around the anus, and in the1 groin, on moderate walking (2d trit.),10.—Seems to be beset with pressive, burrowing, tensive, stiff, bruised, and broken feelings (of the bones), (3d trit.),10. Skin.—Burning itching, here and there, on the skin; for instance, upon the skin of the face, the hands, etc., not, however, making scratching necessary/.—Frequent sticking in the skin, as from fleas (6th dil.),10.—In- tolerable itching, as from a flea creeping over the head and the whole body/.—Stitches here and there in the skin, as from electric sparks, through the day (3d trit.),10.—Itching biting, causing scratching on the skin of the ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 449 forehead (5th dil.)/9.—[430.] Pimple on the left temple, painful when touched/.—A little blister on the tongue, sore and burning/.—A furuncle formed on the lowest left rib, not painful, but sensitive to touch; it dis- charged after six days, but the hardness under the skin remained fourteen days (6th dil.),10.—Stinging and itching burning under the skin, in the inner side of the wrist-joint (after thirty-two hours)/.—(Several pimples on the tibia, with a burniug pain)/. Sleep and Dreams.— Dizzy drowsiness; his eyes closed/.—Inclined to sleep, forepart of night, but could not, on account of heat and stinging, as of gnats, in the skin; when half asleep, was attacked with vertigo, so that he thought the head would fall out of Wie bed, followed by violent convulsive shaking of the body, as in epilepsy, with vertigo and sleepless- ness,10.—On beginning the customary afternoon nap, a repeated sudden electric shock of the whole left lower limb, starting from the left knee-joint, interrupting the nap (5th dil.),10.—Wakes at 3.30, and cannot sleep again (3d trit.),10.—Night extremely restless (6th dil.),10.—[440.] Very restless night on accouut of many anxious dreams (5th dil.),10.—Sleep restless, with many dreams of care and fright (4th dil.),10.—Extremely restless at night; dreamy; dreams of unpleasant things; not remembered (5th dil.),10.— Sleep full of dreams (1st trit.),10.—Sleep full of very active anxious dreams, which were not recalled in the morning (very unusual), (6th dil.),10.— Dreams about the events of the day/.—Night full of dreams of the day's business (4th dil.),10.—Many anxious dreams, causing nausea (3d trit.),10. —Frightful anxious dreams at night (2d trit.),10.—Anxious dreams; on waking up, he still felt so anxious that he imagined he bad suffered the accident he had dreamed about/.—[450.] A dream that he -was followed by a raging, powerful fiend; in the morning, he woke very early, and was very weak: the weakness seems to concentrate itself in the hip (5th dil.),10. Fever.—Shivering through the whole body (after one and a half hours)/.—Slight chilliness under the whole skin, mornings, iu bed, after waking, etc. (6th dil.),10.—In the afternoon, chilliness until he went to sleep; even in bed, he could not get warm; sweat after midnight/.—Chilliness on the back and ou the feet, extending beyond the malleoli; it continued for two hours, and was very painful; walking did him no good (after six and a half hours)/.—Chills over the upper portion of the body, at night, when lifting the cover ever so little; when properly covered, he felt naturally warm (after four hours)/.—Slight creeping chills in the skin, on uncover- ing the upper part of the body (4th dil.),10.—In the forenoon, heat aud feeling of beat over the whole body, less, however, about the head, without any thirst, with a little sweat on the abdomen and some on the chest/.— Hectic fever every day from 11 to 12 or 1 o'clock/.—Sweats very easily, especially during and after eating (1st trit.),10. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Early.stitching headache; early, after rising, itching of lobules of ears; early, *mucus in throat; sen- sation of hunger; after waking, hunger; early, no appetite; burning in abdomen, etc.; cough ; early, after rising, hacking cough ; in bed, after waking, cutting across cartilages of false ribs ; in bed, after waking, cutting in the cartilages of the false ribs; after waking, pain in back and loins; after waking, loss of power of limbs; when waking, muscular twitchings around right shoulder-joint; when walking, boring scratching in right shoulder-joint; after waking, in bed, stitches from left trochanter to socket; after waking, great weakness in the limbs, etc.—(Forenoon), Sensation of hunger, etc.; heat, etc., over whole body —(Noon), *The symptoms reap- vol. i.—29 450 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. pear; at rest, pain in right side of chest.—(Afternoon), Stitch through skin, etc., of left upper lid; itching in the folds of the concha, etc.; burn- ing on tip of tongue ; two vomitings; after long walk, pain, as if sprained, on left side of pelvis; on writing, twitches in right thumb; chilliness.— (Evening), After lying down, boring pain in left side of forehead; in bed, drawing in right half of brain, etc.; *in bed, crushed pain in testicles; in bed, stitches under ribs; in bed, quick pulse, etc.; paralytic drawing in right radius ; in bed, drawing above the wrist, etc.; in bed, burning stitches in left tibia.—(Night), Distension of the abdomen; rumbling in abdomen, etc.; when lifting the cover, ever so little, chills over upper part of body. —(After midnight), Sweat?.—(10 a.m.), Confusion of head.—(11 a.m.), Stitching in the side of left forearm, etc.; great fatigue, etc.—(2 p.m.), Drawing pains above the wrist.—(3 p.m.), At rest, tearings in lower end of left arm.—(6 p.m.), Burning pain on elbow; tearing in back of left middle toes.—(7 p.m.), At rest, after moderate walk, pain in left lumbar region.—(Adduction of thigh), Pain in lumbo-sacral region.—(Draught of air), Pain in cricoid cartilage.—( Walking in open air), Pressure on side of neck ; pain in condyle of tibia; lassitude, etc., all over.—(Bending arm), Tension at point of elbow.—(Sitting bent), Pain in left side of sternum.— (Breathing), Pressive stitches in side of back.—(On coming in from a walk), Very dizzy, etc.—(Contact), Pain in region of temporal bones; pain in metacarpal bone of thumb, etc.; pain in flesh of upper arm.—(Coughing), ♦Raw, etc., in throat; rawness, etc., in upper part of larynx.—(Curving the back), Stitches at the termination of the ribs.—(During deglutition), Soreness, etc., in throat; (*empty), scraping in velum pendulum.—(After dinner), Immediately, when blowing nose, violent bleeding.—(After begin- ning to eat), Pressure from hypogastrium downwards.—(After eating), Cold- ness in right side of pelvis.—(During and after eating), Sweats very easily. —(During expiration), Soreness, etc., in throat.—(Extending arm), Pain in bend of right elbow.—(Muscular exertion), Pain in right axilla.—(Inspira- tion), Pressure from hypogastrium downwards ; cutting in region of lowest ribs; pain under second and third ribs; stitches between ribs; stitches in chest, etc.—(Laughing), * Produces mucus in larynx; *excites cough.— (Lifting the part), Cramp in upper arm.—(Lying on back), *Twitchings of the cardiac muscle.—(Masticating), Sense of cutting toward the parotid gland.—(Motion), Pressure on the sternum ; after waking, in the morning, tension on both sides of the foramen magnum ; stitches in the side of back ; morning, after waking, paralytic feeling in arms; paiu in bend of right elbow; pain behind left hip; bruised, etc., pain in right knee; paralytic weakness.—(Motion after rising), Pain, as if sprained in rim of pelvis.— (After a meal), While sitting and standing, sensation as of a living worm boring through the anus.—(During afternoon nap), Sensation of hunger, etc.—(Pressure), Tendon of psoas muscle painful as if bruised ; drawing on outside of left upper arm; pains in left wrist.—(Reading), Burning sensa- tion at pit of stomach.—(Reflecting), Attacks of vertigo.—(Rest), Headache in right half of brain ; drawing in fossa behind right lobule; drawing in pelvis; pain on right side of pelvis ; at 4 p.m., drawing through right in- guinal ring; 4 p.m., after short walk, pain along course of spermatic cord ; pain deep in right testicle; irritation on left side of chest; twitching of muscles from clavicular region towards shoulder-joint; pain from shoulder to neck ; pains in right shoulder-joint; pains in left shoulder-joint; pains in left deltoid muscle ; pains in muscles of right upper arm ; pains, etc., in surface of right upper arm; muscular twitchings in bend of right elbow, ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 451 etc.; 3 p.m., twitchings in left elbow-joint; at noon, drawing through the radial joint of right elbow ; stitch in tip of elbow ; drawing from radius up to elbow ; pain in radial part of left wrist; drawing in ball of left thumb, etc.; 1 p.m., pain in right index finger, etc.; at noon, pain in bone of ring finger; cramp-like pain over left knee; repeated pain in left tibia; draw- ing in left tibia; paralytic aching in periosteum of left fibula ;. cramp in left calf; drawing pain in left ankle; tearing pain in inner malleolus of left ankle; great turmoil, etc., in joints of the feet, etc.; drawing pain in the joints, etc.; drawing pains in left forehead, etc.—(Rising from seat), Burning in the side of small of back.—(Rising after stooping), Pressure on the sternum.—(Resting foot on small support), Stitches in the external mal- leolus.—(Seizing something), Tearing in left fourth finger, etc.—(Setting down the foot), Stitches in hip-joint.—(Singing), Raw spot in windpipe.— (Sitting), Attacks of vertigo; drawing in right temple; pain in belly; *stitch in the side of chest; tearing in left scapula; stitch in side of small of back; coldness on right side of pelvis; pain in knee-joint; knee pain- ful; twitchings in outer side of left knee; tearings in left knee-joint; stitches in the external malleolus.—(Sneezing), Pain, as if sprained in left hip.—(Speaking), Raw spot in windpipe.—(Standing), Burning at pit of stomach, etc. ; pain on surface of right knee; cutting pain in left fibula.— (Standing in a room), Shivering through outer side of left lower limb.— (Stepping j, Pain in heel; pain, as if sprained iu hip-joint.—(Stepping on left foot, when running), Pressure in right hip-joint.—(During stool), Two vomitings.—(After morning stool), Pain in belly.—(Stooping), *Mucus gets into air-passages.—(Stooping sideways and leaning on arm), Stitch below rib. —(Touch), Gums painful.—(Turning head to opposite side, and putting ster- no-cleido-mastoid muscle on stretch), On sitting in open air, pain on each side of neck.—(Uncovering upper part of body), Slight creeping chills in the skin.—(Urinating), Slight burning.—(After waking), Fatigue, etc.; weak- ness of upper arm, etc.; powerlessness of lower extremities.—(Walking), Contraction, etc., of the abdominal muscles ; *crushing pain in right tes- ticle ; pain in right shoulder, etc.; pain in top of left shoulder-joint; loss of power in thighs; knees knock together; pain in patella; weakness in right hip-joint; morning, after rising, pain in right knee, etc.; 3 p.m., pain through whole fibula, etc.; pain in left malleolus; great weakness of body.— ( Walking across room), *Leftsided headache ; 6 p.m., paralytic pain through marrow of right tibia.—(Walking upstairs), *Mucus gets into the air-pas- sages ; knees knock together.—; After short walk), Sore feeling between nates.—( Yawning), *Tension in fauces. Amelioration.—(Night), Attacks of short cough.—(Open air), At- tacks of short cough.-—(Exerting outstretched arm), Pain in muscles of right shoulder-blade.—(Moving hand), Pain in radial part of left wrist.—(Pas- sage of wind), Distension of right side of abdomen.—(Pressure), Drawing pain downward from mastoid process disappears; pain in bends of elbows and knees.—(Rest), Pain in right inguinal region ; pain in right axilla; pain in inner side of right knee.—(After rising), Weakness of upper arm, etc.; weakness in the limbs, etc.—(Rising from seat), Pressure from hypogastrium downwards, etc.; pain in left scapula.—(While sitting), Bruised pain in left side of right patella.—(Walking), Stitches in external malleoli. 452 ARGENTUM MURIATICUM—ARGENTUM NITRICUM. ARGENTUM MURIATICUM. Silver chloride, AgCl. Preparation, Trituration. Authority. Lembke, provings with the 3d and 1st trits., N. Z. f. Hom. Kl., 11,129. Head.—After 4 p.m., frontal headache again, especially on stooping (second day).—Awoke with pressing in the forehead, which lasted till 4 p.m. ; increased on stooping, relieved by coughing; once, in the open air (12° R.), even nausea appeared, with a more violent attack of the head- ache, which, in general, was not always equally severe in a given time, but sometimes decreased remarkably, then again, without cause, became sud- denly very violent (second day).—Heaviness aud pressure in the frontal bone, with heat in the forehead; increased on stooping; more violent at times, and lasting till he went to sleep.—9.30 a.m., tearing in the frontal bone; again at 4 p.m. (first day).—Drawing in the skin of the left temple, as if it were contracted (after one hour).—Tearing in the left temple.— Tearing in the vertex and in the occiput (after one and a half hours).— Tearing on both sides of the occiput (after one hour). Eyes.—Pain on the right lower orbital border (after two and a half hours).—[10.] Tearing below the right eye (after one and a half hours).— Violent stitching in the right lids (after nine hours).—Violent stitches in the skin of the right lid (after one hour). Face.—Tearing in the upper jaw (after one and a half hours).—Tear- ing in the right upper jaw (after six hours). Mouth.—Taste slightly metallic, inclining to bitter (first day). Throat.—Convulsive contraction in the pharynx (after eleven and three-quarter hours). Urinary Organs.—Very frequent and violent urging to urinate; much urine (first day).—Violent urging to urinate, with dark yellow, and very acrid urine (after one and a half hours).—Remarkably violent urging to urinate, which had to be obeyed speedily; much clear urine passed; again in an hour, and several times afterwards, until 4 p.m. (in two hours). —[20.] In the night, very frequent urination ; urine as usual in quality and quantity.—Frequent and copious urination, but with less urging (first day). Extremities in General.—On walking, drawing in the skin on the external side of the left thigh ; drawing in the skin above the inner condyle of the left elbow-joint (after four hours). Upper Extremities.—Tearing in the left shoulder (after one hour).—Drawing in the skin above the inner condyle of the right elbow (after six hours). Lower Extremities.—In the evening, boring on the sides of the right foot.—Boring outside of the right ankle (first day).—Pressing deep in the right leg, on sitting, lasting several minutes, and often returning. Generalities.—Tearing on the left side of the head and in the left thumb. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Silver nitrate, Ag. N03. Preparation, Solution of the crystals in distilled water, for lower dilutions. Authorities. 1, Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 4, 340; 2, " J.," 22 years old ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 453 man, C3st. Zeitschrift, 2, 1; 3, "H.," man, 23 years old, ibid.; 4, " M.," man, 36 years old, ibid.; 5, "P.," woman, 30 years old, ibid.; 6, "N.," girl, 18 years old, ibid.; 7, "E.," man, 20 years old, ibid.; 8, " K. M./' boy, 7 years old, ibid.; 9, Graves, ibid, (quoted from Hygea, 9, 135); 10, Th. Hall, ibid. (Med. aud Phys. Journ., 1800), given to a woman for con- vulsions; 11, Moll, ibid. (Handbuch d. Pharmak,); 12, Stuppe, ibid. (Inaug. Dissert.); 13, Oesterleu, ibid. (Handbuch d. Hidmittellehre); 14, (Bull, de Therap.), ibid.; 15, (Gazette d. Sante), ibid.; 16, Etienne St. Marie, ibid.; 17, (Med. Chir. Zeit.), ibid.; 18, Moodie, ibid. (Med. and Phys. Journ.), general statement; 19, Gesnerius (De Secretis reined.), ibid.; 20, Westphal., ibid. (Miscell. Nat. Curios.); 21, Blancard, ibid. (Die neue Scheidek.); 22, Boyle, ibid.; 23, Nasse, ibid.; 24, BoerhaUve, ibid.; 25, Hildegardis, ibid.; 26, Kinglake, ibid. (Loud. Med. and Phys. Journ.), given to a man for epilepsy; 27, Schneider, ibid. (Hufelands, J.); 28, Balardini, ibid.; 29, Hoffmann, ibid.; 30, Barn, ibid.; 31, Michaelis, ibid.; 32, Ebers, ibid.; 33, Cappe, ibid.; 34, Burdach, ibid.; 35, Richter, ibid.; 36, Wedemever, ibid.; 37, Badlev, ibid.; 38, De Lens, ibid.; 39, Fodere, ibid.; 40, Currie, ibid.; 41, Tanchon, ibid.; 42, Glauber, ibid.; 43, Venat, ibid.; 44, Gutceit, ibid.; 45, Brown (Lond. Med. Gaz., 1834), ibid.; 46, Hudson, ibid.; 47, Smith (Lond. Med. Gaz., 1837), ibid.; 48, Meyer, ibid.; 49, Roget, ibid.; 50, Kopp, ibid.; 51, Frank, ibid.; 52, Hering," Hom. v. Jahrschrift, 10, 343; 53, Lembke, N. Z. f. H. K., 11, 130 (20 drops to a teaspoonful of a solution of 1 grain to 1 ounce of water) ; 54, J. O. Muller, Z. f. Hom. Aezte. 03st., 1, 45 (10 drops of 6 dil.); 55, Krahmer (Mono- graphl, Review in A. H. Z., 29, 62, took small doses, and once \ grain ; 56, Schachert, Dissertation d. Arg. nit. (Review, A. H. Z., 29, 74), took i grain ; 57, Gaz. Med., 1832 (Rust's Mag., 40, and A. H. Z., 5, 133); 58, Gamberini, Med. Neuigkeiten (A. H. Z., Mon. Bl., 3, 29) ; 59, Poumarede, Journ. d. Chim. Med., 1839 ; 60, Barbier, Trait, d. Mat. Med.; 61, Lom- bard, Gaz. Med. d. Paris, 1832; 62, Kochlin, Wirkung. d. Metall.; 63, Debeney, Recueil d. Mem. d. Med., 1843, injection of 12 grains in a healthy urethra; 64, Dawosky, Journ. d. Med., etc., 1856 ; 65, Balardini, Omodei Annali d. Med., 1826 ; 66, Scattergood, Brit, Med. J., 1871, fatal poisoning of a boy. Mind.—Imbecile appearance; he looks at people with a foolish ex- pression of countenance, even while conversing with them on some serious subject; he behaves shyly and sillily, and talks in a childish manner. On lying down for the purpose of relieving his head, visions and distorted faces hover before his imagination, although his eyes are closed, even in day- light (30th potency, second day)/.—Apathy, with great debility, and tremulous weakness (1st potency)/.—Hypochondriac and gloomy mood; drawing pain in the forehead ; yellowish complexion; sweetish-bitter taste in the mouth; dry, viscid lips; feebleness and febrile sensation; debility and weariness of the lower limbs (in the forenoon, at 11 o'clock, for one hour), (30th potency, third day)/-—Hypochondriac taciturnity, accom- panied with dulness of the head, and beating in the whole body (30th potency)/.—Anxiety, which makes him walk rapidly/.—*He feels very much affected bodily and mentally; he does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed (6th potency)/.—Irritated and anxious mood, in the morning after rising, accompanied with great nervousness, feeling of weak- ness and tremulousness (6th potency)/.—Alternation of clear consciousness, lightness of sense, and indifference (6th potency)/.—Dulness of sense, ab- sence of thought, inability to think; he is unable to find suitable words 454 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. for his ideas; hence he falters in his speech (2d potency, second day)/.— [10.] Difficulty to collect his senses ; he found it extremely difficult to con- ceive an idea, with heat and fulness iu the head (2d potency, third day)/. —He feels dull, as if he would do nothing/2.—Stupid feeling in the head when writing (30th potency, first day)/-—Weakness of memory; he is unable to think connectedly, and falters in his speech (30th potency, second day)/.—Stupefaction, with suffering look (30th potency, second day),5.— Total loss of consciousness/9.—Coma/4.—Coma, difficult to describe/9. Head.—Confusion of the head (2d potency, first day)/.—The whole day his head feels confused, especially the occiput, the left region of the vertex, and the forehead (2d potency, second day)/.—[20.] On waking in the morning from a sleep full of dreams, his head aches and feels confused (2d potency, first day)/.—The head feels confused, accompanied with whizzing in the ears, and hard hearing (30th potency, sixth day),6.—Con- fusion of the head, with feeling of stupidity, over night; in the morning, when waking, it is changed to fulness in the forehead, with stinging, dig- ging in the same, increasing after rising (1st potency, fifth day)/.—Dull and confused state of the head, with beating in the whole body, and hypo- chondriac taciturnity, after dinner (30th potency, second day)/.—The head feels confused after drinking coffee.—Vertigo,60.—Vertigo in the morning (30th potency, fourth day)/-—Vertigo with headache/.—In the morning she was attacked with vertigo, as if she were turning in a circle, inducing her to squat down, lest she should fall; accompanied with headache (30th potency, second day)/.—Vertigo, more before the eyes (1st potency, first day)/.— [30.] Vertigo, with complete though transient blindness,10.—* Vertigo, and buzzing in the ears, and general debility of the limbs and trembling/1.— Vertigo and staggering gait/2.—Attack of fleeting vertigo, as if intoxicated (1st potency, first day)/.—* Giddiness, as if intoxicated, accompanied with lassitude and debility of the lower limbs (30th potency, first day)/.—Vertigo, with nausea and confusion of the senses (30th potency, second day)/.— Giddiness in the head, as if he would faint, the body feeling tired, but not disagreeably so (30th potency, first day).4.—Giddy, dulness of sense, aud as if he had lost all sensations; accompanied with drowsiness (30th potency, first day)/.—Dizziness before falling asleep (1st potency, first day)/.— There is no region in the head which was not painfully affected by the drug.—[40.] Headache all the time (2d potency, second day),4.—Sensation in the head, as if the epileptic fit were approaching/.—When waking in the morning, he has a terrible headache, obliging him to gnash his teeth (1st potency, third day)/.—Strong and agreeable odors appear to increase the headache remarkably (second day),53.—* The headache is worse in the open air.—Head- ache and toothache (30th potency, third day)/.—*The headache is re- lieved by binding something tightly around the head. (Aust. provings.)— Headache, with eructations and chilliness.— Generally the headache is ac- companied by chilliness, and sometimes by a general increase of the temperature of the body. (Aust. provings.)—The whole night his head feels heavy and dull, with heat in the head, inducing him to lay his head on cool places, in order to obtain relief (30th potency, second day)/.—[50.] Painful fulness in the brain (30th potency, first day)/.—*Painful fillness and heaviness in the head, with inability to recollect, and glowing heat of the head and cheeks, in the afternoon (2d potency, third day)/.—He wakes with a headache in the morning ; the head feels full, heavy, and stupid ; the headache becomes intolerable when making the least movement, and continues the whole day (2d potency, second day)/.—Fulness and heaviness of the head (2d potency, ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 455 second day)/.—Fulness and heat in the head, at night, with great excite- ment (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Fulness, pushing, and heat in the head, relieved by pressing upon the head (30th potency, third day)/.—* Ex- cessive congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotid arteries, obliging him to loosen his cravat, accompanied with heaviness, stupefying dul- ness of the head, great melancholy, weakness of mind, inability to express him- self suitably and coherently (30th potency, secoud day)/.—*Pain in the head; the head seems enlarged (30th potency, third day)/.—* If the pain is felt all over the head, it appears to him enlarged; if the pain is felt only on one side of the head, the eye of the affected side appears enlarged (30th potency, second day)/.—Pain in the head, as if it would burst, occasioned by mental labor (2d potency, second day)/.—[60.] Slight digging-up moving about in the parenchyma of the brain (6th potency, fourth day)/.—-^Drawing, in streaks or bands, over the surface of the brain, apparently in the membranes or the sinuses (6th potency, fourth day)/.—Headache dull, tormenting, espe- cially in the forehead, with dejection and restlessness (1 grain)/6.—Since waking, his forehead feels painful and dull, which abates after dinner (1st trit., second day)/.—She wakes with a headache, pressure deep in the brain, accompanied with chilliness, the whole forenoon (30th potency, first day)/. —Pressing, digging headache, with chilliness, and great bruised feeling in the limbs/4.—Nocturnal pressing, stupefying pain about in the head, espe- cially extending to the temples and forehead, with heaviness iu the whole body, restless dreams and nausea (in a woman of thirty)/4.—*Pressing pains in the whole head, occasioned by mental exertion (30th potency, second day)/.—Sensation as if a cool current were blowing from the right frontal eminence into the right eye (30th potency, first day)/.—Pain in the forehead and vertex, as if grasped together (30th potency, first day)/.— [70.] Aching pain in the forehead, in the daytime, increasing considerably in the evening (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Aching paiu, extending to the eyes, with sneezing (30th potency, third day)/.— Violent boring in the left forehead, when walking (after six and a half hours)/3.—*Boring in the left frontal eminence (immediately)/3.—Drawing in the forehead/3.— Drawing over the whole forehead, lasting only a short time (after two and a half hours)/3.—* Constant drawing and digging in the left frontal eminence, afterwards accompanied with a drawing tearing, extending along the whole left arm (6th potency)/.—Almost all day, pressure and heaviness in the forehead,53.—Heaviness and pressure in forehead, lasting the whole day (after one hour)/3.—Heaviness and pressure in the forehead, the whole day, worse on walking in the open air, ceasing toward evening; not in- creased by eating (after one hour) M.—[80.] All day, pressure and heavi- ness in forehead, increased by stooping/3.—Pressure in the forehead (30th potency, first day)/.—*Pressing in the frontal bone, to the left, especially on the frontal eminence, at times more violent; it is constant, and appears at times like a band over the forehead ; worse on walking/3.—Pressure in the upper right forehead; and outward from the right nipple (immedi- ately)/3.—Pressing and drawing over the forehead and below the left eye/3. —Pressure in the right half of the forehead, especially in the eyebrows, in the morning, when waking (30th potency, third day)/.—Pushing in the right side of the forehead, as of a load (30th potency, second day)/.—-Tear- ing in the leftside of the forehead (immediately)/3.—Wandering tearing in the skin of the left upper forehead (after one and a half hours)/3.—*Sticking and afterwards digging pain in the left frontal and vertex region, extending as far as the malar bone (2d potency)/.—[90.] "Stitches and digging in the 456 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. left frontal eminence, every day, at different periods, but more frequently in the afternoon (6th potency)/.—Undulating throbbing in the whole fore- head (6th potency, third day)/.—* Pulsations in the left side of the forehead (30th potency, first day)/.—At 12 o'clock, "violent boring in the left temple (first day)/3.—Pressure in right temple (second day)/3.—Tearing, extend- ing down the right temple as far as the face (30th potency, second day)/. —Cutting, as with knives, in the left temple (30th potency)/.—At 8 a.m., tearing on the top of the head, more violent diagonally over the vertex (third day)/3.—Tearing on the right of the vertex (immediately)/3.—Pain in the right side of the head, consisting in heaviness, fulness, and press.ure, for several evenings (2d potency)/.—[100.] 8 a.m., boring on the upper right side of the head (third day)/3.—1 p.m., violent boring, increasing by jerks and shocks, on the upper right side of the head, when walking; 10 p.m., the same in the left temple, on sitting; 10.30 p.m., in the right temple (second day)/3.—Digging headache, in the right side (2d potency)/. —"Digging and tumultuous raging in the right hemisphere of the brain, until he lost his senses; if the pain abates in the forehead, it increases in the side of the head and toward the occiput, where it extends down to the nape of the neck; the pain increases during motion, when vertigo accompanies it, to such an extent that be walks to the left, instead of walking straight (30th potency, second day)/.—"Digging, cutting motion through the left hemisphere of the brain, extending from the occiput to the frontal protuberance, recurring fre- quently, and increasing and decreasing rapidly (30th potency)/.—10.30 p.m., on sitting, suddenly, ou the right parietal bone, a violent drawing, as if upward ; immediately after, pressing on the left side of the forehead ; then deep in the right wrist/3.—Drawing, with pressure and heaviness in the right side of the head, abating in rest, but increasing by the least motion (2d potency)/.—On waking in the night, tearing on one side of the head (first day)/3.—Dragging, beating pain in the right side of the head, accom- panied with a general uncomfortable feeling (30th potency, second day)/. —Troublesome stinging and digging pain, alternately anteriorly and pos- teriorly in the left half of the brain (30th potency, third day)/.—[110.] Violent boring in the right side of the occiput (first day)/3.—Narrow trac- tion extending from the occiput into the middle of the brain (6th potency, fourth day)/.—Tumorlike, itching elevations on the scalp and in the nape of the neck (2d potency, third day)/.—On the border of the nape of the neck and the scalp, irregularly shaped blotches make their appearance, itching violently, and feeling sore when scratched; after scratching them for some time, they become inflamed and moist (1st potency, sixth day)/. —Creeping in the scalp, as of vermin, towards morning (30th potency, third day)/.—Much itching of the scalp (2d potency, second day)/8.—Much itching and biting near the nape of the neck (2d potency, fifth day),4.—In- tolerable nightly itching of the boundary of the neck and scalp (1st potency, fifth day)/.—Extremely troublesome itching, creeping and crawling of the scalp, as of vermin, with sensation as if the roots of the hairs were pulled up- ward; she had to scratch all the time (30th potency, fourth day)/. Eyes.—Holloweyedness (30th potency, fifth day)/.—[120.] Bleareyed- ness (2d potency, third day)/.—Wild rolling of the eyes, the pupils being dilated and insensible to light/4.—After violent itching the evening before, dryness and blearedness of the eyes, circumscribed congestion, bundles of red vessels spread here and there, ecchymoses into the conjunctiva bulbi/4. —" Ophthalmia, abating in the cool and open air, intolerable in the warm room,0.—* Ophthalmia, with intense pains?5.—Burning and dryness of the ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 457 eyes, early in the morning when waking; he had great trouble in opening them (2d potency)/.—Aching pain deep in the eye, early iu the morning (30th potency, second day)/.—Pressure in the eyes, as if too full; heat and pain in the ball of the eye when moving or touching it; mucous flocks impeding the sight, and obliging him to wipe the eyes, in the daytime; a scarlet redness, which had appeared in the morning in the inner canthus of the right eye, extended considerably in the evening, looked very much heightened, and spread as far as the cornea; the conjunctiva, bulbi, and palpebrarum looked inflamed and infiltrated ; the eye was affected with a stinging itching pain, as if occasioned by a grain of sand which had be- come lodged in the eye; "gray spots and bodies in the shape of serpents moved before vision ; he saw as through mist; even the light of the candle, which was not tinged white, was enveloped in mist; the aperture between the edges of the lids became narrower, and he had to wink frequently (with general debility and increased temperature of the skin, 2d potency)/.— Heaviness over the eyes, which open with difficulty; increased by stoop- ing ; decreased toward evening/3.—Tearing, extending from the forehead into the left eye and side of the face; lachrymation of the eye, which look' red and glistening (30th potency, third day)/.—[130.] Violent stitches in the inner angle of the right eve (after two hours)/3.—Itching and bitmg of the left eye (2d potency, second day)/.—* Neuralgic pain in left infra- orbital region (lasted, with more or less severity, all winter)/6.—"Infraor- bital neuralgia (left side), at first only now aud then, but it became constant during the following winter/5.—Boring deep in the right lower orbital ridge (after one hour)/3.—Drawing in the centre of the lower right orbital ridge/3.—Tearing and pressing in the centre of the right lower orbital ridge, in several attacks, while sitting; unaffected by touch or pressure; with much thin saliva iu mouth, and bitter taste like soapsuds (second day)/3. —"Boring above the left eye (after two hours and a half)/3.—Pressure in left eyebrow (after two hours and a half)/3.—*The canthi are red as blood ; the caruncula lachrymalis is swollen ; it stands out of the corner of the eye like a lump of red flesh; clusters of intensely red vessels extend from the inner canthus to the cornea ; the conjunctiva is puckered and intersti- tially distended; increased secretion of tears and gum (2d potency, second day)/.—[l^O-] Biting of the right outer canthus (2d potency, second day)/. —"Itching of the canthi (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Nightly agglutina- tion of the right eye; in the morning the eye was closed with crusts of dry gum, which had to be soaked before they could be removed, and the eye could be opened ; when opened it looked redder than the day before; pres- sure and heat in the eye were more intense; the aperture between the lids was swollen, accompanied with photophobia, dimness of sight (2d po- tency)/.—Moisture of the eves and slight agglutination, in the morning (30th potency, fifth day)/.—"The eyes are filled with mucus; reading is difficult (2d potency)/.—"Mucus in the eyes, drying up in the lashes and forming scurfs (30th potency, third day)/.—In the morning when waking, the eyes are filled with mucus; at the same time the head feels slightly confused, especially in the forehead and root of the nose (30th potency, second day;/.—* The conjunctiva of the eyes and lids is red as blood (2d po- tency, second day)/.—"Around the cornea, towards the inner canthus, the conjunctiva exhibits a red congested swelling (2d potency, second day)/.—At 10 p.m., violent sticking in the right eyeball (third day)/3.—[150.] 6 a.m., on rising, much stitching in the left eyeball, more in its lower part (third day)/3.—Frequent stitches in the inner angles of both eyeballs (first day)/3. 458 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. —Opacity of the cornea; a large portion of the cornea is covered with a white, opaque, apparently dense, but not very deeply penetrating spot/6.— Contraction of the pupil/7.—She is only able to read by holding the page which she is reading at a distance from her eyes (30th potency, third day)/. ■—"Vanishing of sight; he is constantly obliged to wipe off the mucus which obstructs the axis of vision (2d potency, third day),4.—Weakness of sight, with moist eyes, impeding writing (30th potency, fourth day)/.—In the evening at twilight, she felt as if she would become blind; her sight be- came so suddenly weak that she broke forth into loud complaints; she had to open her eyes widely to recognize the things around her, with dilatation of the pupils ; she had not yet recovered her full power of vision at candle- light, although there was an improvement (30th potency, first day)/.—The letters become blurred before the eyes; her sight vanishes when reading or writing (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Obscuration of sight, with anxiety, heat in the face, and lachrymation/.—[160.] Transient blindness,60.—Fiery bodies and flashes before her eyes, in the morning in the dark (30th potency, third day)/. Ears.—She thought a board had been placed before the left ear (30th potency, sixth day)/.—Tearing behind right ear (after one hour and a half)/3.—Frequent stitches deep in the left ear (first day)/3.—Twingeing pain in the ears (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Tearing and twingeing in the right ear (2d potency)/.—Painful stoppage of the ears, with headache (30th potency, fourth day)/.— Whizzing, feeling of obstruction, and hard hearing in the left ear (30th potency, fifth day)/.—Whizzing before the ears, with dulness of the head (30th potency, sixth day)/.—[170.] Ringing in the ears and deafness (1st potency, fourth day)/.—Clear ringing in the ears, in the morning in bed (30th potency, third day)/.—Clear ringing in the ears, confusing the senses; she imagines it is at a distance (30th potency, first day)/.—Clear ringing before the ears, passing into momentary deaf- ness, with dull roaring (1st potency, first day)/. Nose.—Readily bleeding pimple near the septum of the nose (2d po- tency)/.—Scurfs in the nose excessively painful when becoming detached, and occasioning bleeding (30th potency, sixth day)/.—Ulcers in the nose becoming covered with yellow crusts/.— Coryza; sneezing after tingling in the nose and the posterior nares (30th potency, first day)/.—Much sneezing (several days)/.—* Coryza, with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing, and such a violent stupefying headache that she had to lie down (30th potency, third day)/.—[180.] Disagreeable stoppage of the upper part of the nose, for three days,10.—"Discharge from the nose resembling white pus, with clots of blood,10.—When sneezing he discharges a purulent mucus from the nose, mixed with little spots of blood (2d potency, fifth day)/.—Dis- charge from the nose like white pus mixed with lumps,10, f—8 a.m., several drops of blood from the right nostril, without previous blowing of the nose, touch, or motion (fourth day)/3.—Blows blood from the right nostril (30th potency, fifth day)/.—He blows blood and puriform mucus from the nose/. —The nose is obstructed/.—Unpleasant stoppage in the upper part of the nose for three days,10.—At night, the nose is stopped, with much itching (2d potency, fifth day)/.—[190.] In the room the nose is obstructed; in the open air a thin mucus flows from it (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Pain and swelling of the right nasal wing (3d potency, sixth day,/8.—Sore pain in the nose when compressing the wings/.—The left nasal bones are f After the three days of S. T. the pus is said to have been like brain-substance. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 459 painful, as if bruised (1st potency, first day)/.—Rigidity and clawing in the nasal cavity (1st potency, first day)/.—Twitching and creeping under the skin, close to the left side of the nose (1st potency, first day)/.—Smart- ing and itching in the nose (1st potency, fifth day)/.—^Itching in the nose (2d potency, third day)/.—* Violent itching in the nose, obliging him to rub it constantly until it is raw (2d potency, for several days)/.—"Dulness of the sense of smell (30th potency, several" days)/.—[200.] At night she has a smell as of pus before the nose (30th potency, fourth day)/. Frtce.—"Sickly appearance (1st potency),2.—"Sunken, pale, bluish coun- tenance (2d potency)/.—Leaden-colored countenance, with nausea (30th potency, second day)/.—Appearance of old age; the skin in the face is more tightly drawn over the bones, hence the muscles are more distinctly deliueated (2d potency, second day)/.—Convulsions of the facial muscles, the mouth being almost locked/4.—Pressure on the left side of the forehead, and drawing iu the left cheek (first day)/3.—Dull, drawing, tearing pains from the right temple to the upper jaw and to part of the teeth (30th po- tency"!,4.—In the left cheek, a wandering pain like a crawling (after six hours)/3.—Drawing in the skin of both cheeks (immediately),53.—[210.] 4 p.m., burning stitching ou the left zygoma, then on the right (first day)/3. —The lips and soft parts of the mouth have a bluish appearance (1st po- tency)/.—On the margins of the lips and about the chin are purple-red spots, and the interior of the mouth is covered with a whitish-gray crust (Beont.)/2.—The lips are dry and viscid, without thirst (6th potency)/.— Boring deep in both sides of the chin (third day)/3.—Drawing above the chin, under the skin (first day)/3.—Drawing in the lower jaw/3.—Pain, as if beaten to pieces, in the body of the left lower jaw (30th potency, fourth day)/. Mouth.—Exfoliation of a molar tooth, in the right lower jaw, imped- ing mastication, and causing an ulcerative pain aud a vacillating sensation (30th potency, third day)/,— The teeth become affected and spoiled; whereas he formerly never suffered with toothache, and had perfectly sound teeth, he now suffered constantly with some pain in the teeth ever since he commenced the proving, which was felt especially when chewing, when eating sour things, and when introducbig cold things into his movth; besides this there is a grumbling and digging perceived in the teeth, especially those of the lower jaw, on the left side, as if they would become carious?.—[220.] Raging in the carious molar tooth of the left side (30th potency)/.—Drawing through all the teeth of the lower jaw (second day)/3.—9 p.m., Drawing through the lower incisors (first day)/3.—Drawing in the molars/3.—In the morning, when washing his mouth, the cold water causes a sudden tearing paiu in his teeth (30th potency, second day)/.— The teeth are very sensitive to cold water (30th potency, second day)/.—* After a time tenderness of the gums with a dispo- sition to bleed; they were, however, neither painful nor swollen?*.—The gums are inflamed and stand off from the teeth in the shape of white indenta- tions, especially painful when touched/.—*Loose, readily bleeding gums, which, however, were neither painful nor swollen/8.—"White tongue (1st potency, second day)/.—[230.] White, slimy tongue (1st potency)/.—Yel- lowish-gray tongue (30th potency, second day)/.—*Red, painful tip of the tongue; the papillae are erect and prominent (2d potency, second day)/.— Tongue dark-bluish in spots (\ grain)/6.—Tongue smutty-brown (1 grain)/6. —The tongue is swollen and painful, as if ulcerated (1st potency, fifth day)/.—The papillae are prominent and erect, and feel sore (1st potency)/. —The papillse of the left side are erect and prominent (1st potency, fifth day)/.—Towards the left margin of the tongue the papillse become erect 460 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. and form reddish painful pimples; the tongue is painful as if burnt (1st potency, first day)/.—Rough tongue (2d potency, second day)/.—[240.] Dry tongue in the morning (2d potency, fifth day)/.—Dry tongue in the evening (2d potency, second day)/.—In the morning, when waking, the tongue feels dry as a crust; even after washing the mouth with water, the dryness abates only a little and for a little while (1st potency, fourth day)/. —The tongue and mouth are dry and parched (2d potency, third day)/.— The tongue is remarkably dry, ivith violent thirst?1.—Dry tongue, with slimy mouth (2d potency, fifth day)/.—Burning in the tongue; of a small spot on one or the other hand ; on the inner condyle of the kuee (first day)/3.— 10 P.M., burning in the tip of the tongue, with a peculiar bitter taste (not the bitterness characteristic of Arg. nit.), (second day)/3.—Feeling of warmth at the tip of the tongue and then in the cesophagus (j grain)/5.— Troublesome tension and prickling of the palate; a few days after this a swelling with a wart-shaped excrescence showed itself, impeding deglutition (30th potency, seventh, ninth day)/.—[250.] Ulcerated crusts on the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially that of the left cheek (1st potency, fifth day)/.—Fetor from the mouth, in the morning (2d potency, third day)/.— Parched condition of the lips, mouth, tongue, and fauces, night and morn- ing (2d potency)/.—Slight astringent sensation in the region of the lips, in the buccal cavity and in the tongue (6th potency)/.—Watery mucus in the mouth and in the posterior nares, day and night (1st potency)/.—Accumu- lation of watery saliva in the mouth (1st potency)/.—Watery mucus in the mouth and posterior nares, day and night (1st potency)/.—Ptyalism (30th potency, fifth day)/.—Astringent taste in the mouth, with accumula- tion of watery saliva (6th potency)/.—Metallic taste (from caustic)/2.— [260.] She has a taste as of ink in the mouth,6.—Inklike metallic taste, with styptic astringency of the mouth (1st potency, first day)/.—Metallico- styptic taste in the mouth, like ink, immediately (1st potency)/.—In the morning, after rising, he has a clayish taste in his mouth, the tip of the tongue being white, the root yellow, with viscid lips and no thirst (6th po- tency, second day)/.—Pappy, chalklike taste in the mouth, viscid lips, thin mucous coating on the reddish-white tongue (30th potency)/.—Pappy, bit- ter taste, with viscid mouth (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Bitter taste (\ grain)/0.—Very bitter taste, and sensation of warmth on tip of tongue, and afterward in pharynx/6.—Bitter, astringent, stinging, coppery taste in the mouth, with nausea and inclination to vomit, immediately after taking the drug (1st potency)/.—Bitter, astringent, metallic taste, as of verdigris, ex- citing nausea and inclination to vomit (1st potency)/.—[270.] Sweetish taste (\ grain)/5.—Sweetish bitter taste, with hypochondriac mood (30th potency, third day)/.—The palate and fauces were so dry that he was merely able to mutter instead of talking (1st potency, fourth day)/. Throat.—*Accumulation of mucus in the posterior nares, obliging him to hawk, in the forenoon (2d potency)/.—^Frequent accumulation of a tena- cious, thick mucus iu the throat, obliging one to hawk, and causing slight hoarseness (1st potency, first day)/.—*Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat obliges him to hawk all the time, the whole day (1st potency, first day"1/.—"Accumulation of mucus in the mouth and fauces; he has to hawk and spit all the time, in the morning (1st potency)/.—"Burning in throat very severe (1 grain)/6.—*Rawness and soreness in the throat,'".—*Scrap- ing sensation in the throat caused hawking and cough (£ grain)/5.—[280.] *Scraping in the throat (2d potency)/.—Roughness in the throat, occasion- ing a short hawking (6th potency),4.—Roughness and scraping of the ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 461 throat, as if raw and sore (6th potency, first day)/.—Roughness and dry- ness of the throat, with ulcerative pain, at night (2d potency)/.—Dryness and strangulation in the throat, with shortness of breath, at night (30th potency, fifth day)/.—"Pain in the right side of the throat, as of an ulcer, drawing and tension upward and downward; sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat when swallowing, eructating, breathing, stretching, and moving the neck; sometimes an undulating jerking and pulsating was felt in the throat, continuing for several days (2d potency)/.—Titillation in the throat, as if caused by a little feather, obliging one to hawk (6th potency)/. —"Redness of the velum palati, posterior nares, and isthmus (6th potency)/. —*Dark redness of the uvula and fauces (2d potency)/.—Burning pain in the region of the velum palati and the posterior nares, as if sore or as if corroded by pepper (fourth day)/.—[290.] Sensation as if the velum pen- dulum palati were swollen, not per se, but when moving the tongue and during deglutition/.—Ulcerative pain of a small spot in the velum pendu- lum palati (6th potency)/.—"Burning and dryness in the fauces and phar- ynx (1st potency)/.—Very unpleasant metallic taste and slight burning in pharynx (\ grain)/6.—Burning in pharynx lasted longer (\ grain)/6.— Burning in pharynx became severe (£ grain, three times in third day)/6.— Spasm and strangulation in the pharynx (30th potency, fourth day)/.— Troublesome strangulation in the pharynx/1.—Sore feeling in the pharynx when drinking cold water or during empty deglutition (2d potency)/.— Seated ulcerative pain in the pharynx, apparently in the posterior wall; changed to an aching pain when yawning and taking a deep inspiration (2d potency, third day)/-—[300.] Intense titillation of the palate and pharynx, causing the eyes to water, and occasioning a fatiguing, short, hacking cough, at noon (2d potency)/.—"Paroxysm of cramp in the oesoph- agus (in the forenoon, at IO2 o'clock).—Sore throat when swallowing, as if swollen, or as if a splinter were sticking in the throat (1st potency, fifth day)/. Stomach.—Strong appetite/6.—Unusual appetite (6th potency)/.—In morning, violent, insatiable hunger (second day)/3.—In the evening, un- commonly violent, insatiable hunger (first day)/3.—Urging desire for acrid cheese/.—"Irresistible desire for sugar, in the evening/.—Appetite rather poor (fifth, sixth, and seventh days)/3.—[310.] Diminished appetite (2d po- tency)/.—No appetite; many eructations (1st potency)/.—No appetite; food tastes to him like straw (1st potency)/.—Speedy repletion (2d potency)/.— No appetite at breakfast (1st potency)/—Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomit- ing/7.—Eructations insipid (£ grain)/5.—* Violent belchings (1st potency)/. —Belching immediately (30th potency)/.—Much belching in the morning (30th potency, third day)/.—[320.] (Most of the gastric derangements are accompanied by belching.)—Continuous repulsive sensation in the stomach and pharynx/1.—Nausea/3 27.—Nausea transient (1 grain)?5.—Slight nau- sea, which disappears after eating (J grain)/6.—Nausea and gagging with- out real vomiting (1 grain)/6.—Nausea arising from the stomach and the praecordia, with desire to vomit (30th potency, third day)/.—Slight nausea in the stomach, with chilliness and shuddering, and accompanied with a peculiar sensation of rigor in the lower limbs (1st potency, first day)/.— Nausea, resembling hunger (6th potency)/.—Nausea, with gurgling in the abdomen (1st potency, first day)/.—[330.] Faintish nausea, with violent palpitation of the heart, of which she had three paroxysms on the same day (1st potency, third day)/.—Nausea, heaviness, and pressure in the stomach,10.—Nausea, heaviness, and pressure in the stomach (three hours after),10.—"Nausea after each meal, for a long time, especially after and during 462 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. dinner; in the evening, very severe for an hour (thirty)/2.—Gagging/3.— * Constant nausea, and frequent and extremely troublesome efforts to vomit,20.— Vomiting/1.—Frequent' vomiting/6.—Violent vomiting/2.—* Vomiting, the substances which were thrown up tinging the bedclothes black?*.—[340.] Great irritation of the stomach, anxiety in the precordial region, and vomiting/2. —"Vomiting and diarrhcea, with violent colicky pains?3.—Retching and vom- iting of mucus accompanying the diarrhoeic stools (30th potency, fourth day)/.—"She wakes about midnight from the oppressive sensation of having a heavy lump in the region of the stomach, inducing vomiting; not till morn- ing does she throw up glairy mucus, which can be drawn into threads; she had two paroxysms of that kind of vomiting, after which she felt the whole afternoon a desire to vomit, a tremulous weakness, and a sensation in the head as if it were in a vice (30th potency, sixth day)/.—* Vomiting which stains the bedclothes black?9.—Attacks the stomach/4.—Excites the nerves of the stomach/3.—Oppresses, cools, and injures the stomach/5.— Contraction of the stomach; it is less spacious/7.—"Inflammation of the stomach?5.—[350.] Gastro-enteritis/1.—Slight spasm of the stomach before breakfast (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Slight spasm of the stomach at 5 o'clock in the morning (30th potency, fourth day),4.—Shifting of wind, and twisting in the stomach, with frequent empty eructations (30th potency, first day)/.—Pains in the stomach/4.—Pain in the stomach, transient/7.— Some pains in the stomach/1.—Stomach; the patient experiences very severe epigastric pains/9.—* Violent eardialgia?5.—Cardialgia and nausea before breakfast, early (30th potency, third day)/.—[360.] Cardialgia and internal chilliness, early in the morning, before breakfast, accompanied with a very bad appearance (30th potency, second day)/.—Warmth in stomach (1 grain)/6.—Increased warmth in stomach (2 grain)/6.—Burning in stomach/6.—Burning heat in the stomach?6.—Burning ascending from the stomach (30th potency, third day)/.—Momentary feeling of warmth in the stomach, accompanied with slight nausea/4.—Warmth in the stomach, with rumbling in the intestines and emission of flatulence/1.—Burning sensation, nausea, and pain in the stomach/7.—Burning heat in the stom- ach/6.—[370.] Burning in the stomach and chest/8.—Heartburn?0.—Sen- sation of heaviness, and pains in the stomach, with nausea/4.—Sensation as if the stomach and cesophagus were filled with food (30th potency, second day)/.—Tension and pressure in the stomach, causing anxiety, and a sen- sation as if the stomach were filled unto bursting (30th potency, second day)/.—After yawning, a sensation is experienced in the stomach as if it would burst; wind presses upwards, but the cesophagus feels spasmodically closed; hence an ineffectual effort to eructate, with excessive strangulation, pressing pain in the stomach, faintish na.usea, confluence of water in the mouth, and inability to stir; the paroxysm ceases after a quarter of an hour, amidst frequent and violent belching of wind (6th potency, fourth day)/.—* Peri- odic, constrictive sensation in stomach (1 grain)/6.— Gnawing pain in the stomach, on the left side (6th potency)/.—Wild gnawing at the stomach, a sort of hunger with nausea (30th potency, second day)/.—* Violent cardial- gia; griping and burning, momentarily (30th potency, first day)/.—[380.] Several attacks of pressure in stomach (fourth day)/3.—Oppression of the stomach/1.—Increased pressure at the stomach (30th potency)/.—Violent pressure at the stomach, in the afternoon (30th potency, fourth day)/-— Hard pressure near the pit of the stomach, on the right side, which is more intense during a deep inspiration (30th potency, first day)/.—Pressure, heaviness, and dragged-down sensation in the stomach (30th potency, ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 463 second day)/.—Pressure in stomach, better towards evening (next day), (1 grain),56.—Weak stomach ; food oppresses the stomach like a weight, and drags it downward ; sensation as if the stomach and cesophagus were filled with food; eructations tasting of the ingesta even eight hours after a meal (30th potency, second day)/.—* Violent cardialgia, waking her in the night; twisting of the stomach, which extends down into the abdomen (1st potency, first day)/.—"Ulcerative pain in the stomach, after dinner (30th potency, second day)/.—[390.] "Stinging ulcerative pain on the left side of the stom- ach, directly below the short ribs, more intense during a deep inspiration, and when touching the parts (6th potency)/.—"Trembling and throbbing in the stomach {1st potency)/.—On cessation of the attack (which lasts from two to three hours), *painful swelling of the pit of the stomach, with great anxiety (iu a sensible girl of twenty odd years),54.—"Constant sense of ful- ness in pit of stomach?6.—8.30 a.m., violent pressure in the pit of the stom- ach, for several minutes (fourth day),53. Abdomen.—*Abdomen swollen and distended (thirtieth)/2.—He wakes in the morning, from shifting of flatulence, rumbling, aud a sensation in the intestines as if he had to go to stool (1st potency, first day)/.—Emis- sion of flatulence immediately (2d potency)/.—Emission of much flatulence, after dinner (30th potency, first day)/.—"Flatulence (30th potency, second day)/.—[400.] Coldness in the abdomen, which is painfully irritated (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Uneasiness in the abdomen, several times a day (1st potency)/.—Peculiar uncomfortableness and emptiness in the abdo- men, with nausea (6th potency)/.—"Fulness, heaviness, and distension of the abdomen, with anxiety, impeding respiration, after supper (30th potency)/. —Painful tension and pressure in the abdomen, as if sore and ulcerated (30th potency)/.—Troublesome colic, like cramp, after a slight catarrh (30th potency)/.—Colic previous to the diarrhoea/.—Oppressive drawing pain in the whole abdomen, down to the groin, with tension, as in ascites (6th potency)/.—Sensation as of a ball ascending from the abdomen into the throat (30th potency, third day)/.—Extremely disagreeable drawing down the whole left side of the abdomen, when standing (1st potency, first day)/.—[410.] Stitches dart through the abdomen like electric sparks, especi- ally during a sudden transition from rest to motion, on the left side (6th po- tency)/.—Pain in the abdomen, as if sore, accompanied with great hunger, abating after eating, but a trembling setting in in the place (1st potency, second day)/.—Pain in the hypochondria (1st potency)/.—Hard pressure in the left hypochondrium (30th potency, first day)/.—Stinging in the liver (2d potency, second day)/.—Stitches in the liver, coming on with a jerk (1st potency, first day)/.—Cutting and stinging in the liver (1st po- tency)/.—Peculiar fulness in the liver, painful, with occasional drawing and stinging, especially when walking, often reaching into the chest (1st potency, first day)/.—Periodical dull stitches in the anterior surface of the liver (30th potency, first day)/.—(Affection of the liver, ending in fatal dropsy/6.)—[420.] Stitches in the spleen, recurring several evenings (1st potency, fifth day)/.—Fine stitches in the spleen, coming on at intervals (1st potency, first day)/.—Colic around the umbilicus, for several days (1st potency)/.—Intermittent dull pressure in the transversalis muscle of the abdomen, near the crest of the ilium, as if made with a foreign body (6th potency)/-—Pressing pain in the groins, more violent when touching them (6th potency)/. Stool and Anus.—Stitches in the rectum (third day),53.—Creeping and burning in the anus (1st potency)/.—A good deal of frequently repeated 464 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. itching of the anus, inducing him to rub until he became sore (30th potency)/. —Discharge of a quantity of ascarides,30.—Discharge of tsenia/1.—[430.] Discharge of several yards of taenia/0.—A good deal of urging during the diarrhoea/.—"Stool copious, fluid, followed by vomiting?6.—Two or three stools daily, softer than usual/3.—Liquid stools, dark-colored, and quite frequent/1. —*Frequent stools, with slight pains in the hypogastrium/5.—Daily, two or three liquid stools, with much mucus/3.—Three diarrhoeic stools at short intervals, the first being papescent and copious, the next scanty and of a watery mucus of dark color (1st potency, first night)/.—*Six liquid, brown evacuations of a fetid smell (first and second nights)/.—*A slight colic wakes him from his uneasy slumber, and he had sixteen evacuations of a greenish, very fetid mucus, accompanied with emission of a quantity of noisy flatulence, in one night (1st potency)/.—[440.] 6 a.m., awakened by sudden urging to stool; the discharge copious, half-liquid, and bright yellow, without pain or straining; soon after, the same urging again; besides this, two stools daily (fifth, sixth, and seventh days)/3.—Diarrhoea/1.—Diarrhcea (1 grain)/6.—Diarrhoea, transient/7.—Shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, in the morning, followed by two diarrhoeic stools (1st potency)/.—Two di- arrhoeic stools in the evening (1st potency)/.—*Four evacuations of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in the stomach, and draw- ing pain in the abdomen; during all this time she could not bear being laced around the hypochondria (30th potency, fourth day)/.—"After having eaten sugar greedily in the evening, he was attacked with scanty, watery diar- rhcea about midnight, accompanied with flatulent colic, and much of noisy flatulence during the evacuation (6th potency)/.—Diarrhoeic stool after breakfast (2d potency, second day)/.—Acts powerfully upon the in- testinal canal, occasioning from four to five stools a day/7.—[450.] Fre- quent evacuations, with slight pains in the abdomen/8.—Diarrhoea, with colic/8.—Violent diarrhoea/9; (*like spinach in flakes,0. Lippe.)—*Bloody evacuations/4.—Bloody stools, with great debility/9.—"Several evacuations of bloody mucus, without any particular pain, towards morning (1st potency, first day)/.—Small stool, with copious discharge of mucus from the rec- tum/3.— Constipation/7. — Sometimes constipation/2. —Violent constipa- tion/1.—[460.] Constipation: the substances evacuated were dry and of a firm consistence, whereas his bowels were generally loose (after taking small doses, and on the last days of the proving)/.—Slowness and diminution of the fecal and urinary discharges/.—Dry, firm, alvine evacuation (30th potency, on the last days)/.—Diarrhcea or constipation/4. Urinary Organs.- Stricture of the urethra (from cauterizing)/5. —Oozing of mucus from the urethra (1st potency)/.—In the night, quite an abundant secretion of thick, white mucus ; in about ten hours discharge of thinner mucus; micturition is free and no longer painful; at noon the mucous membrane is dry/7.—The urinary apparatus was at first greatly irritated/8.f—Inflammation and violent pains of the urethra, with increased gonorrhoea, priapism, dysuria, bloody urine, fever/3.—Heat, itching, and tit- illation, in the morning, when urinating for the first time (2d potency, fifth day)/.—[470.] * Burning during micturition, and sensation as if the ante- rior portion of the urethra were constricted (2d potency)/.—"Burning mic- turition and feeling in the urethra as if swollen; the last portion of the urine passes off with difficulty (2d potency, second day)/.—"Burning after mic- turition (2d potency)/.—Slight burning in the whole course of the urethra, \ Not mentioned by this author. Hughes. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 465 increased gonorrhoea, burning during micturition, painful tension during erections, chordee, bleeding from the urethra, shootings in the same from be- hind forward/4.—The urethra feels swollen, hard, aud knotty (2d potency, third day)/.—The urethra is painful, as if closed up by swelling, and ul- cerated (2d potency)/.—Drawing through the end of the urethra (after one hour)/3.—Sore feeling in the urethra, even after micturition (2d potency, third day)/.—After urinating, a burning drop ran along the urethra (2d potency, second day)/.—Sensation as if something fluid were running along the urethra from behind forward (2d potency)/.—[480.] When emitting the last drop of urine, a cutting from the posterior portion of the urethra as far as the anus (2d potency)/.—Dragging paius during micturition (2d potency, third day)/.—Painful pushing in the urethra (3d potency)/.—The urethra is painful between the acts of micturition, as if ulcerated (6th po- tency)?.—"Ulcerative pain in the middle of the urethra, as if a splinter had been pushed in (6th potency)/.—As a diuretic and diaphoretic/2.—The urine is passed with an ease as never before, and which was almost pleas- ant ; the stream seemed to be more voluminous (1st potency, third day)/. —Pressure to urinate early (after an hour and a quarter)/3.—4 and 6 a.m., hurried urging to urinate, with very little urine, which was dark-yellow (second day)/3.—In the night, woke, with urging to urinate (second day),53. —[490.] "Quick urging to urinate; urine copious and clear-yellow (after one hour)/3.—Frequent urging to urinate, with much yellow urine, followed by cutting in the end of the urethra (first day)/3.—Frequent micturition (1st potency)/.—Frequent urination (second day)/3.—All day, frequent and in- creased urination (first day)/3.—In forenoou, more frequent and copious uri- nation in proportion to the amount of liquid taken (first day)/3.—Frequent and copious urination in the daytime, the stream being sometimes divided ' (1st potency)/.—A good deal of uriuation at night (1st potency)/.—Copious urination at night (2d potency, first day)/.—*Urine does not pass so easily or freely/2.—[500.] * In emitting the urine it was longer before it made its appear- ance (2d potency, second day)/.—In the night, urinated three times, with much urgency to do so, but little urine passed (second day)/3.—After urinat- ing, during which an ulcerative pain was felt in the urethra, a second but in- effectual urging to urinate was experienced (2d potency)/.—Emission of a few drops of urine after he had done, with a sensation as if the interior of the urethra were swollen (1st potency)/.—"Inability to pass the urine in a projecting stream (2d potency, fifth day)/.—At 7 a.m., difficult urination, with severe burning, and discharge of white pellicles, shreds of epithelium from the mucous membrane,63.—In evening, decidedly less urine than usual (first day)/3.—The urine passed at 5 p.m. is clear and yellow (second day)/3.—Frequent and copious emission of pale urine (2d potency)/.— Frequent emission of a pale, strong-smelling urine (1st potency)/.—[510.] Accelerated and increased emission of pale yellow urine (1st potency, first day)/.—"Scanty and rare emission of a dark-yellow urine (after taking the higher potencies, and on the last days of the proving)/ 7.—Urine dark- yellow (first day)/3.—Urine dark-yellow and acid/3.—*The urine passed at noon becomes clouded from mucus, and the vessel, as far as the urine reaches, is lined with a thin, light-red sediment (second day)/3.—*Urine diminished, but concentrated, and no diminution of the salts, except uric acid, which after a time entirely disappeared from urine/6.—The inorganic salts increase in urine/6. Sexual Organs.—Male.— Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce; at first their tips were covered with pus, but afterwards the ulcers became dif- vol i.—30 466 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. fused through a pretty spacious depression, exhibiting the tallow-like coat- ing of chancres (1st potency, on the ninth day)/.—"Sensitiveness near the orifice of the urethra?2.—Painful coition ; the urethra felt as if put upon the stretch; absence of pleasure (6th potency)/.—[520.] In from twenty-five to thirty seconds, terrible pains, continuing at the same intensity for five minutes, then gradually diminishing and becoming very endurable at the end of an hour, extending even into and along the course of the spermatic cords/3.—The right testicle is enlarged and hard (2d potency, third day)/. —* Want of sexual desire, the genital organs having shrivelled (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Frequent nightly emissions, sometimes accompanied with lascivious dreams/.—Three copious emissions in one night (1st potency)/. —Female.—Hemorrhages from the uterus/1.— Hemorrhages from the uterus (a fortnight before the menses), only a few hours (1st potency, fourth day)/.—Excites the capillaries of the uterus/6.—Congestions to the uterus/1.—Pain during coition and violent bleeding afterward (from injec- tion of a weak solution for a profuse leucorrhcea)/2.—[530.] She had two seminal emissions at night, which she had never had before (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Suppression of the mucous leucorrhcea; it reappears in a few weeks, but less and milder/.—Suppression of the menses, miscarriage, and metrorrhagia/7.—The menses appear at the usual period, but they are much more copious than usual, and are accompanied with cutting pains in the small of the back and groin, and contractive sensation in the latter (30th potency, sixth day)/. Respiratory Apparatus.—When lying down, after dinner, he perceives a whizzing and whistling in the larynx (in the throat and the bronchial tubes), occurring regularly as the pulse; the noise did not seem to be occasioned by accumulation of mucus, but by the movement of the blood ; it was heard only when lying on the left ear (30th potency, second day)/.—Balls of soaplike mucus accumulate in the larynx, occasioning slight turns of cough, by means of which they are expelled (6th potency)/. —"Internal soreness of the larynx and pit of the throat; worse in the morn- ing?2.—2 p.m., much tickling in the larynx, without cough (second day)/3. —Scratchy sensation in larynx provokes hawking and cough/6.—Irritation and titillation in the larynx, followed by accumulation of mucus iu the larynx, occasioning a slight rattling and whizzing breathing, until the mucus is thrown off in small lumps (30th potency, fourth day)/.—[540.] Dry tickling in the larynx, occasioning a cough, in the daytime (1st po- tency)/.—3 p.m., continued tickling in larynx, rather lessened on inspira- tion, followed by short, dry, shakiug cough, almost wholly ceasing on sitting (first day)/3.—Hoarseness, with roughness in the throat (2d poten- cy)/.—Nightly hoarseness, with turns of dry cough, after which she throws off blood-tinged mucus mixed with saliva (30th potency, seventh day)/.— Suddenly, while lying quietly in bed, at night, sense of pressure in throat, and violent, short, dry cough, without tickling in larynx (second day)/3.— Night-cough, occasioned by a titillation in the larynx (2d potency)/.— Cough, occasioned by a titillation in the throat (2d potency)/.—Violent titillation in the throat, obliging him to cough, before dinner, recurring at the same hour for several days (2d potency)/.—Dry, fatiguing cough, oc- casioned by a violent, almost burning, titillation in the throat, before retir- ing in the evening (2d potency)/.—Dry and hacking cough, several times a day (1st potency)/.—[550.] Occasional cough in bed, at night (30th po- tency, third day)/.—Paroxysms of dry cough at night, sometimes so vio- lent as to induce vomiting (1st potency)/.—Nightly cough and sweat (1st ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 467 potency)/.—"Evening, cough, which makes the accustomed tobacco-smoke in- tolerable to him (2d potency, fifth day)/.—Cough after dinner, impeding speech/.—Suffocative cough, for several days, at noon/,—Catarrh, which is at first slight and dry, and afterwards loose, changing in a few days to a rattling cough, with yellow expectoration, profuse sweat breaking out readily, bad look, hollow eyes, and disturbed nightly sleep; as the cough improved, the boy blew from his nose purulent mucus mixed with blood (30th potency, second to fourth day).—Dyspnoea/8.—Difficulty of breath- ing/3.—Excessive suffocative oppression of breathing/2. Chest.—[560.] Accumulation of mucus in the chest (1st potency)/.— Nightly pain in the chest (2d potency, first day)/.—Burning in the chest/8. —Sensation of warmth between the scapulae aud the sternum, which, after awhile, changed to a pressure in the epigastric region (i grain)/5.— Warmth between shoulder-blades and sternum, afterward changing to a slight pressure in epigastric region, with frequent tasteless eructations/6.— A violent pain in the middle of the upper part of the chest, as if it would burst, after going upstairs; she must hold the chest with both hands/2.— Aching tensive pain in the chest, in various places of the chest, of the size of half a dollar (2d potency)/.—Sense of pressure on the chest, without palpi- tation of the heart, with need of deep inspiration, lasting half an hour; dis- appears on walking; returns in an hour, also when walking, but lasts only a short time (after six and a half hours)/3.—Sighing, owing to oppression of the chest (30th potency, first day)/.—Fulness and anxiousness in the chest, with disposition to sigh (1st potency, first day)/.—[570.] Heaviness in the cavity of the chest, with desire to sigh/1.—Oppression of the chest, accompanied with a clawing sensation moving through the chest (6th po- tency)/.—Stitches in the chest (2d potency)/.—Stitches in the breasts (1st potency, fifth day)/.—The outer chest is painful to the touch (1st poten- cy)/.—Itching of the chest and axillae (30th potency, third day)/.—A vio- lent pain in the left external breast (in the evening, when drawing on the boots), followed by a persistent severe sore pain in both pectoral muscles, which are very sensitive if the arms are stretched to draw on to the chest; worse near the left nipple/2.—Sticking in the left side of the chest (1st potency, fifth day)/.—The mammary glands of the right side are painful, as if ulcerated, towards the axilla, especially when touching the part; when stretching the arm and turning the trunk speedily to one side, an oblong rounded protrusion is distinctly felt (30th potency, fifth day)/.— Pressure and weight, as of a stone, in the middle of the sternum, in a spot of the size of a hand (30th potency, fifth day)/.—[580.] Anxiety in the praeeordia, after dinner (30th potency, second day)/.—Pain in the prae- cordia (30th potency, second day)/.—Constant sensation of fulness in the precordial region/5. Heart and Pulse.—When walking, sensation of pressure in the region of the heart, without palpitation or cough; was not forced to stop walking, but only to breathe deeper; the feeling lasted some time after keeping quiet in the room (after seven hours)/3.—"Heart's action irregular, sometimes intermitting, with an unpleasant sensation in the chest?0.—"Action of heart irregidar, sometimes intermits, with a plainly unpleasant sensation in chest; on attention to it, the irregularity is more severe; almost disappears on motion in open air,56.—On walking, a sensation, several times, as if the heart were beating once or twice stronger, but without impediment from walking, and without oppression of breath/3.—* Palpitation?8.—Palpitation of the heart, and sensation of restlessness in it, several times (first day)/3. 468 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. —Sensitive palpitation, like a sudden falling from above toward the mid- dle; goes away just as quickly, with pain iu the middle of the upper part of chest, as if it would burst (30)/2.—[590.] Palpitation of the heart, at night (1st potency)/.— Violent palpitation of the heart, accompanied with a faintish nausea, of which she had three paroxysms in one afternoon (1st po- tency, third day)/.—Throbbing of the heart/1.—Frequent palpitation of the heart on slight excitement, and also from rapid movement (first day)/3. —"Palpitation, caused by any sudden muscular exertion or emotional ex- citement?5.—Toward evening, twice, palpitation of the heart on motion of the body (first day)/3.—Palpitation caused by sftdden violent exertion or mental excitement; and in horizontal position, especially evenings, in bed, the unpleasant sensations in chest are worse/6.—The irregular action of the heart was worse when noticing it; better when moving freely about/5.— Pulse 70 ; full and natural/9. Neck and Each.—Bounding pulsations of the left carotid at regular intervals, distinctly seen by the naked eye (30th potency, third day)/.— [600.] Clawing in the right anterior cervical muscle, resembling a cramp (6th potency)/.—Drawing, with pressure, in the top of the left shoulder, as of a load (6th potency)/.—Violent pressure between the shoulders, penetrating deeply, especially at the angle of the right shoulder, early in the morning, on waking (6th potency)/.—Tensive clawing pains in the back?.—Nightly pains in the back?.—Weight in the small of the back, which prevents him from sitting (1st potency, fourth day),5.—Violent pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, early in the morning, when sitting; the pain was so violent that he had to rise (1st potency, second day)/.—Pain in the small of the back, relieved when standing or walking (1st potency, fourth day)/.—Paralytic heaviuess in the lumbar region, on the left side, extending into the hip-joint of the same side (6th potency)/.—The lumbar regiou feels rigid and as if put upon the stretch (6th potency)/.—[610.] The lumbar region feels bruised (1st potency)/.—The small of the back feels weary (1st potency, fourth day)/.—Violent pain in small of back (girl of 8)/4.—Digging-up in the small of the back, not permitting her to bend (1st potency, fourth day)/.—Cutting in the small of the back and in the abdomen (1st potency)/.—Cutting in the small of the back and abdo- men, even when touching the parts (1st potency)/.—Violent pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, in the morning, scarcely permitting him to rise, and not permitting him to walk about, except crooked; recurring in the same manner for four days in succession (1st potency, third day)/. —Pains in the kidneys/1.—Frequent complaints about pain in the small of the back and in the loins (1st potency, fourth day)/.—Heaviness and drawing in the loins, accompanied with great debility and weariness, trem- bling in the lower limbs, as after a fatiguing journey (1st potency, first day)/.—[620.] Stiffness, heaviness, and paralytic pain, commencing at the sacrum, and going down along the pelvis and the hips (6th potency)/.— Heaviness and paralytic sensation in the region of the sacrum, not permit- ting him to sit for a long while, and obliging him, when walking, to stretch the dorsal spine as much as possible (6th potency)/.—He experiences such an inteuse pain in the sacral region that blowing and sneezing cause him to start (6th potency)/.—Extremely painful drawing and heaviness in the os sacrum, along the pelvis, as if the menses were going to make their ap- pearance (1st potency, third day')/. Extremities in General.—* Chorea-like convulsive motion of the upper and lower extremities?1.—* Lassitude and heaviness of all the limbs ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 469 (third day),53.—* Paralysis of the extremities/3.—Sensation in all the limbs as if they would go to sleep or become rigid/.—5.30 a.m., in bed, violent boring in the left outer malleolus and in the left shoulder (fourth day)/3. —After rising, internal drawing in centre of right upper arm, then in the flesh of the right thigh, below and internally (fourth day)/3.—[630.] 10 p.m.. while sitting, violent pressure in the soft part above the bend of the right knee, in the left little finger, and on the back of the left foot (first dav)/3.—Stitching in the bone of the right third finger, and on the dorsum of'the foot (first day)/3. Upper Extremities.—Paralytic drawing pain in the whole of the upper right extremities (2d potency)/.—Drawing, pressing pain through the whole right arm, at times more violent on the back of the hand, or in the upper arm (after one and a half hours)/3.—6 p.m., while walking, violent pain in the muscles of the left side of the arm, toward the lower part of the thorax, into the muscles of the loins, increased by each inspiration, also by walking; lasts five minutes (firstday)/3.—4 p.m., violent boring in the right shoulder J(fii'*t day),53.—Pressing in the left shoulder-joint (after seven hours),53.—Violent pressure on the top of the left shoulder, while resting the arm/3.—Tension in the right axillary glands (1st potency)/.—Pain in the right axilla, as if strained or torn ; upon raising the shoulder, the pain extended along the arm as far as the hand, where a prickling sensation was experienced (2d potency)/.—[640.] Tearing internally on the right elbow (second day)/3.—Stitching about the right olecranon, rather violent and long-lasting ; unaffected by motiou of the elbow-joint, but somewhat aggra- vated while resting the joint/3.—Paralytic drawing in the bones of the fore- arm (6th potency)/.—Nightly bone pain of the ulna (30th potency, second day)/.—He wakes in the night owing to an acute pain in the left wrist- joint, as if sprained, accompanied with heat of the whole hand, and un- easiness in the hand, obliging him to change the position of the hand all the time; in the morning, a pimple is seen not far from the joint, the tip of which is filled with pus, and in which a stinging pain is experienced, as of a splinter which had been stuck in; the tip is raised upon a red, hard base of considerable extent (1st potency, first day)/.—Tension and stiffness in the left wrist on bending it, with a deepseated pain; disappeared toward evening (first day)/3.—Violent pressure in the left wrist (after one hour)/3. —Pressing in the left wrist (always at 10.30 p.m.)/3.—Drawing in left hand (after one hour)/3.—Spasmodic contraction of the adductors of the fingers; she can scarcely separate the closely compressed finger/4.—[650.] Spasmodic contraction of the fingers, so that she cannot open the hand, which is kept half clenched (in a matron of sixty)/4.—Drawing in the fitigers of the right hand (first day)/3.—Rheumatic tearing in the region where the phalanx of the thumb joins the metacarpus (6th potency)/.— Cramp of the ring finger, when seizing anything (30th potency, third day),4. —9 P.M., pain through the joints of the left index finger, increased on bend- ing the finger, when a stiffness as from swelling is experienced in the joints, and lasts till the following morning (first day)/3.—Sticking in the tip of the left little finger (after two hours)/3. Lower Extremities.—Legs drawn up to abdomen by muscular contraction/8.—"In the night his lower limbs, especially his knees, start up; the starting awoke him (1st potency)/.—He vacillates when walking, feel- ing moreover extremely uncomfortable in the whole body, and unsteady in nis limbs (30th potency, second day),4.—Staggering gait in the open air (30th potency, second day)/.—[660.] Weariness of the legs (30th potency, 470 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. second day)/.—"Paralytic heaviness and debility of the lower limbs, so that she did not know where to put them (1st potency, third day)/.—* Lassitude and weariness of the lower limbs, accompauied with dizziness, as from in- toxication (30th potency, first day)/.—* Great debility and weariness in the lower limbs, the whole afternoon, as after a long journey on foot, accompanied with sick feeling, dread of labor, drowsiness, chilliness, and sickly appearance (1st potency, second day)/.—When walking, compressive sensation iu the whole left leg (after six hours)/3.—Drawing through the whole right leg, ou sitting (second day)/3.—Sticking drawing pain in the hip down to the tarsal joint (1st potency)/.—Paralytic weakness of the lower limbs, and emaciation of the same (2d potency, second day)/.—When walking, pres- sive pain below and in front of the left trochanter, which, on stepping, causes him to bend over ; very frequent, but not at every step (first day)/3. —Periodical nervous (" cramplike") drawing, from the hip down to the knees, in paroxysms, sometimes so violent that it caused her to exclaim; the drawing descended along the anterior surface of the thigh (ischias antica), (30th potency, third day)/.—[670.] Drawing in the left knee (first day)/3.—Pressure in the right knee (after one hour)/3.—Pressing in the right knee, when sitting and walking, and on the dorsum of the left foot (immediately)/3.—Violent pressing in the right knee, also when walk- ing, lasting a quarter of an hour; then, stitching pain deep in the tongue, lasting nearly an hour (second day)/3.—When walking, pressure in the knee, worse on stepping (first day)/3.—Internal tearing in left knee; after- ward, in the right/3.—Paralytic, painful drawing, as if bruised, one hand- breadth above the left patella, in the rectus cruris muscle (6th potency)/.— Tumult in the knees, with weariness (1st potency, first day)/.—Violent tearing, raging, diggiug-up paiu under the patellae, first the left, then the right (1st potency, second day)/.—Drawing tearing from the knees into the legs (1st potency, second day)/.—[680.] Drawing tearing on the left side of and near the patella (6th potency)/.—Drawing, anteriorly, on the left leg/3.—Drawing and scraping in the lower half of the tibia, anteriorly (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Tearing on right tibia (after half an hour)/3. —Rigidity in the calves, with great debility and exhaustion, as from fatigue, scarcely permitting her to walk across the room (1st potency, third day)/.— "Excessive weariness of the calves, as from fatigue (1st potency, first day)/.— "Great debility and weariness in the calves, as after a long journey (6th potency)/.—-When walking, on a small spot, to the outside, on the left calf, a violent pain, causing him to beud over, also on standing, the same pain lasts several minutes, and then disappears completely (first day)/3.—For several nights, cramps in the calves/3.—When walking, pain in the left calf, such as is usual in cramp of the calves (first day)/3.—[690.] Violent drawing in the calves when going upstairs, so that he was scarcely able to drag himself along (2d potency)/.—When walking, peculiar sensation in left calf, like a stitching, or like hot fluid running over the skin (second day)/3.—The tarsal joint bends easily of itself (30th potency, fourth day)/. —Pressure in the left ankle (second day)/3.—Dull pressure in the right ankle, and above the right patella, when sitting (after half an hour)/3. —Stinging in the outer ankle of the right foot (2d potency, second day)/.—1 p.m., when sitting, violent stitching and tearing below the left interna] malleolus, forcing him to rise, and walk about rapidly, when the pain gradually disappeared (second day)/3.—Arthritic drawing in the right foot (30th potency, fourth day)/.—7 a.m., when sitting, drawing in the left! instep (third day)/3.—11 p.m., drawing on the right toes/3.—[700.] 11 p.m., ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 471 drawing in the left toes, shifting about to other parts,53.—Violent stitching and drawing in the right toes (fourth day)/3.—Prickling in the right sole, when sitting (after one and a half hours)/3. Generalities.—Cachexia, emaciation, affection of the liver, dropsy,50. —Great emaciation/8.—Weight of body decreased/6.—GEdema of legs and ascites/8.—*Convulsions and twitchings/6.—Powerful excitation of the muscles and nerves, and consensual excitation of the nerves of the stomach/3. —Her nerves are so much affected, that she apprehends she will lose her senses, accompanied with constant chilliness (30th potency, third day)/.— [710.] Nightly nervousness (1st potency)/.—*Nightly nervousness, with heat and fulness in the head (30th potency, fourth day)/.—Convulsions/3. —Convulsive contraction of this or that portion of muscles/3.—Presentiment of the approaching epileptic fit/.—Weakness/8.—Peculiar debility,27.— *She feels so debilitated that she is scarcely able to walk across the room, com- plaining a good deal about rigidity in the calves (1st potency, third day)/.— In the afternoon, he felt so weak, that he had to lie down, accompanied with an increase of warmth in the whole body, and heat in the palms of the bauds (2d potency)/.—In the morning, after rising, he feels very much debilitated, tremulous, irritated, and apprehensive (6th potency)/.—[720.] ♦Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility, as after great physical exertions, and apathy (1st potency)/.—Great debility and de- spondency/3.—After breakfast, he feels extremely debilitated, nervous, tremulous, afraid to undertake anything, lest he should not succeed (6th potency)/.—* Nervous, faintish, tremulous sensation, as if a severe disease were going to attack him (30th potency, first day)/.—Excessive debility, wretched appearance, and emaciation/9.—Debility in the afternoon/.— ^Trembling and tremulous sensation/.—Feeble, weary, and without appe- tite (1st potency)/.—Lazy and debilitated (2d potency)/.—He is almost exhausted, having had sixteen diarrhoeic stools in the night previous (1st potency)/.—[730.] * Tremor of the limbs, general debility, as from a physi- cal exertion/1.—Very weary and sleepy (after two and a half hours)/3.— He is unconscious, insensible, and convulsed ; pulse 70 ; (a druggist, after 8 grains of this salt)/4.—Complete insensibility of the body/4.—Disagree- able sensation moving about in the body, now in the limbs, now in the head (6th potency)/.—Orgasms in the whole body, with increased temperature (30th potency, first day)/.—Anxiety in the praecordial region, sighing, in- tense feeling of disease, after dinner (30th potency, second day)/.—Eruc- tations and a sensation as in catarrh of the fauces and larynx (after drink- ing), (k grain)/3.—Burning in the stomach, and on the chest/8.—"Sensa- tion as if the body, and especially the face and head, expanded; he feels as if the bones of the skull separated, with increase of temperature (30th potency, first dav)/.—[740.] 8 a.m., violent boring in the right side of the head, and left wrist (fourth day)/3.—Drawing in the right lower jaw, and in the right knee/3.—Pressure on the left lower orbital border, and also several times in the right wrist (immediately)/3.—6 a.m., in bed, tearing in the head, in the temples, and in the first phalanx of the left index finger (third day),53. Skin.—Peculiar discoloration of the skin (argyria) from the blue-gray, violet, or bronze-colored tinges to the real black (after large and repeated doses), (numerous authors).—Skin brown, tense, and hard?8.—Slight brown spots on upper part of chest, and on hands/8.—Brownish color of skin of lower extremities/8.—Repeated drawing in the skin of the left forehead, ' and of the left cheek, as if a spider's web lay there (immediately)/3.— Tumor-like, itching elevations on the scalp, etc. (2d potency, third day)/. 472 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. —[750.] Scurfs in the nose (30th potency, sixth day)/.—Pimple near sep- tum of nose (2d potency),4.—Ulcers in the nose, etc./.—In the left corner of the mouth, a painful, inflamed pimple, forming, on the day following, a pock-shaped pustule, which, after a few days of efflorescence, passed into a hard pimple of a few days' duration (2d potency)/.—Pustule on the derma of the upper lip, arising from a painful, red, shining pimple (2d potency, second day)/.—Hard pimples in the vermilion border of the upper lip, paler than the lip, and sore to the touch (30th potency, third day)/.— Pimples on the chin and cheek, which rapidly fill with pus (6th potency)/. —On border of nape of neck, etc., irregularly shaped blotches, etc. (1st potency, sixth day)/.—Itching pimples on the back, the itching being especially felt in the evening, and obliging him to scratch (1st potency, fifth day)/.—Itch-like eruption, especially on the back (1st potency, sixth day)/.—[760.] The dorsum of the right hand and that of the index finger is covered with red blotches, which become transformed to yellow blisters upon a red base (2d potency, second day)/.—Itching blotch-shaped pimples make their appearance upon the lower limbs in the night (30th potency, second day)/.—Fatal dropsy/1.—Itching of various parts of the body, making him uneasy in the night (1st potency, sixth day)/.—A good deal of prickling itching in various parts of the skin, at night (2d potency, fifth day)/.—When getting warm in the night, she felt an itching smarting over the whole skin, especially the thighs and axillae (30th potency, third day)/. —Small itching pimples, here and there, resembling itch stigmata, espe- cially on the chest and back, towards the shoulders (1st potency, fifth day)/. —Itch-like eruption (especially on the back), (1st potency, fifth day)/.— Small itch pimples, bleeding when scratched, and becoming in that case covered with bleeding scurfs (30th potency, third day)/.—Pustulous ecthyma, coming on subsequently to itching, and pain in the affected por- tion of skin (from applying the nitrate externally)/4.—[770.] At night, in bed, he experiences a torturing itching of the hard blotches on the lower limbs, and in the bend of the knee ; he had to scratch all the time, and was then as if in flames until morning (30th potency, third day)/.—Stinging itching of various parts of the body, most violent around the left nipple (6th potency, second day)/. Sleep and Dreams.— Yawning and chilliness (6th potency)/.— Much yawning and drowsiness (at 5 o'clock in the evening), (30th potency, second day)/.—Long and deep yawning (at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and in the afternoon), (6th potency)/.—Frequent inclination to fall asleep while sitting (third day)/3.—Sleepiness when sitting; he had to exert him- self to prevent himself from falling asleep (30th potency, first day)/.—She inclines to fall asleep in the evening, while sitting down (1st potency, third day)/.—Soporous condition/3.—Attack of sopor in the evening (30th po- tency, third day)/.—[780.] Sopor with tossing about, in the night; no sleep (1st potency)/.—Sleeplessness, with tossing about in the bed (1st potency)/. —Sleep very restless, she tossed about in the bed, and spoke aloud (2d potency)/.—Nights restless; in the morning all the limbs feel bruised, and the sides pain/2.—Had a restless night; was awake most of the time, or slumbered merely, and had dreams (30th potency, third day)/.—Restless night; tossing about, heavy dreams (30th potency, first day)/.—* Restless night; he woke almost every hour, and had an unrefreshing slumber, dis- turbed with dreams (30th potency, second day)/.—Restless night, with fantastic dreams (30th potency, first day)/.—Restless night, with headache and stupefaction (30th potency, third day)/.—"Restless, stupefied sleep, with ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 473 horrid dreams (2d potency)/.—[790.] The night's rest is disturbed with a dull headache (2d potency)/.—In the morning he wakes from a slumber full of dreams, with dulness of the head (2d potency)/.—He wakes in the night with sore throat (2d potency)/.—He woke early in the morning, owing to shifting of flatulence, rumbling in the intestines, and sensation as if he would go to stool (1st potency),2.—Fancies and images crowd upon him when falling asleep (2d potency)/.—*Is prevented from falling asleep by fancies and images hovering before his imagination; in the first part of the night, he is in a sort of fantastic half slumber, full of dreams (1st potency)/.—Restless nights, full of dreams (1st potency, second day)/.— Iu the night, many dreams, of places where he had been, and persons he had seen, all confusedly mingled as regards time and circumstances (first day)/3.—In the early part of the night, restless dreams of long, dimly lighted passages, with a succession of figures strangely dressed, who retreat when approached, but follow when he goes on (first day)/3.—*In the morn- ing, he dreams that he is hungry; this sensation wakes him; upon leak- ing he finds himself attacked with a violent spasm of the stomach, which is accompanied with hunger, nausea, arid considerable flatulence (30th potency, third day)/.—[800.] He frequently wakes in the night from dreams about putrid water, fishes, and * serpents, filling him with horror (6th potency)/.— He dreamed towards morning that an insect had burrowed so deeply in his heel that it had to be cut out (6th potency)/.—Lascivious dreams, in the morning, during which he would have had an emission of semen, if he had not waked up before (30th potency, second day)/. Fever.—For four days, every evening, at 6 o'clock, attack of fever/4. —Feverish sick feeling, the whole afternoon; constant weakness and ex- haustion (2d potency)/.—Febrile condition ; during the whole of the fore- noon she suffered with headache and chilliness, ate little at noon, and without any appetite; complained a good deal of nausea; in the afternoon, about 4 o'clock, she was seized with violent tumult and beating in the head, with heat of the head, creeping chills, the skin being dry and hot, accompanied with nausea, and inclination to vomit, and with great desire for something salt; she felt likewise so debilitated, that she was no longer able to remain out of bed; the desire for something acrid and sour having increased, she took, at 7 o'clock in the evening, some pot-cheese, which she devoured greedily ; after this the symptoms improved, but the febrile sen- sation continued the whole night (30th potency, sixth day)/.—Shuddering over the whole body, which passed into a febrile chill, with goose-flesh and coldness, the head being hot aud the hands cold, with nausea, the whole forenoon, recurring at the same period on other days (30th potency, second day)/.—General chill, followed after a short interval, by general heat; the former lasting longer, and returning quickly on uncovering, even during the heat, the latter with perceptible pulsation of the left temporal artery; both stages without thirst?1.—Fever, after a meal; he feels chilly, goes to bed, feels extremely nervous and weak ; the head feeling obtuse (2d po- tency)/.—Coldness all over, in the warm room, in the evening (1st po- tency)/.—[810.] Chilliness and headache, in the forenoon (30th potency)/. —Chilliness and nausea after rising (30th potency, seventh day)/.—Con- stant chilliness, extends up the back and across both shoulders, worse after eating, and when he comes in from the open air/2.—The chilliness was accompanied with a pale, almost yellowish countenance, nausea, and empty risings (30th potency, third day)/.—Night-sweats?.—Profuse night-sweat/. —A good deal of night-sweat (30th potency, fifth day)/.—Sweat on the 474 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. chest, at night (30th potency, first day)/.—Morning sweat (1st potency)/; (30th potency, seventh day)/.—Slight sweat in the morning (1st potency, sixth day)/.—[820.] Morning sweat (from 4 until 6), after a restless sleep, which had been disturbed by many fits of cough (2d potency)/.—Sweat accompanied with chilliness, as soon as he got warm in bed (1st potency)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning),Vertigo; aching pain deep in the eye; mucus fills the eyes; ringing in the ears; tongue dry; taste clayey ; hunger excessive ; belching ; heat and itching on urinating ; urg- ing to urinate ; internal soreness in the larynx ; sweat.—(At 6 a.m. ), Stick- ing in left ball; sudden stool; tearing in head aud fingers.—(At 8 a.m.), Violent boring in side of head and wrist.—(Morning, after rishig), Very debilitated.—(Morning, on waking), Dulness of head; headache, and con- fused pressure between shoulders.—(Morning, when walking), Burning and dryness of the eyes.—(Forenoon), Urination more frequent.—(Noon), Vio- lent boring in left temple; suffocative cough.—(Afternoon), Violent boring in right side of head ; stitches and digging in the frontal eminence ; palpita- tion ; great debility and weariness in the lower limbs; weakness.—(At 6 p.m.), Fever daily.—(Evening), Pain in right side of head ; frontal head- ache ; tongue dry; excessive hunger; desire for sugar; stitches in the spleen; diarrhoeic stools; less urine; cough dry, fatiguing; itching pim- ples.—(At 10 p.m.), Sticking in the right ball.—(Night), Smell of pus; sore throat wakes him; *colic and diarrhcea; *much urinating; cough; *cough and pressure in throat; hoarseness; pain in chest; palpitation; pain in back; acute pain in left wrist; cramps in calves; ^nervousness; itching of skin, of border of neck, and scalp; sweat.—(Midnight), *Scanty watery diarrhcea.—(Night, on waking), Tearing in one side of head.—( Open air), Headache.—(Bending wrist), Tension and stiffness.—(After breakfast), Very debilitated.—(Chewing), Toothache.—(After coffee), Head confused. —(Cold things), Toothache.—(Cold water), Sudden pain in teeth.—(Before dinner), Tickling in throat, causes cough.—(After dinner), Emission of flatus.—(Drawing on boots), Violent pain in breast.—(After eating), Nausea. —(Excitement), "Palpitation.—(Inspiration), Pain in stomach ; pressure near pit of stomach.—(Lying), Visions, etc., generally aggravated ; whiz- zing in air-passages (after dinner).—(Mental exertion), Pressing pain in head.—(Moving eye), Heat and pain in ball.—(Motion), Drawing and heaviness in right side of head; palpitation.—(Sudden motion), Stitches dart through the abdomen.—(Odors), Headache.—(Sitting), "Pain in small of back; "weight in small of back; "heavy paralytic sensation in sacrum; drawing through right leg ; dull pressure in right ankle; violent sticking in left malleolus ; pricking iu right sole ; sleepy.—(Sour things), Toothache. —(Going upstairs), Drawing in calves.—(Stooping), Heaviness in forehead and over eyes.—(Stretching arm), Mammary glands painful.—(Swallowing), Soreness in pharynx.—(Thinking of it), "Irregular heart's action.—(Tobacco smoke), "Intolerable on account of cough.—(Touching the part), Pressing pain in groins; *pain in stomach.—(Twilight), Sight suddenly weak.—(Warm in bed), Sweat and chilliness (in the night); itching (room) ; "Ophthalmia. —( Walking), Violent boring in left side of forehead ; painful fulness in the liver; pressure in praecordial region; pressive pain in left trochanter; pres- sive pain in knees; violent pain on outside of left calf; sticking in left calf; cramp in calves ; compressive sensation in left leg.—( Walking in open air), Heaviness in forehead.—( Walking erect), Pain in small of back.— (After yawning), Bursting sensation in stomach. Ameliorations.—(Evening), Heaviness over eyes; pressure in stom- ARISTOLOCHIA. 475 ach.—(Cool air), * Ophthalmia.—(Motion in open air), Irregular beating of heart.—(Binding head tight), Headache.—(Eating), Pain in abdomen, as if sore.—(Emitting flatulence), General relief.—(Pressing on head), Head- ache.—(Rest), Drawing and heaviness in right side of head.—(Standing), Pain iu small of back.—(Walking), Pain in small of back. ARISTOLOCHIA (MILHOMENS). A. cymbifera, Mart. Nat. order, Aristolochiaceao. Common name, Bra- zilian snake-root. Preparation, Tincture from the flower. Authority. Mure (Brazilian provings). Head.—The head is burning hot.—Head heavy.—Acute lancination in the head.—Throbbing in the right frontal eminence for a minute.—His temples are very sensitive to touch during the whole day.—Sensation of torpor at the vertex.—Acute lancination in the left side of the head.— Severe lancination behind the head.—Shooting in the cerebellum.—Sensa- tion of torpor in the cerebellum. Mouth.—Excoriations of the lips and gums.—Excoriations of the lips and gums, as on the second day.—Mouth pasty through the whole morning. Stomach.—Anorexia. — Complete anorexia.—Want of appetite.— Thirst.—Great thirst, with bitterness of the mouth.—Continual thirst and bitter mouth.—Borborygmus in the stomach and intestines.—Fulness of the stomach.—Paiu at the scrobiculus. Abdomen.—Pain in the right groin. Stool aud Anus.—Burning pains at the anus.—Colic, followed by a stool, at first soft, then diarrhoeic, twice in succession.—Easy stool. Urinary Organs.—He makes water more frequently than usual. Sexual Organs.—Itching on the skin of the prepuce.—Pricking in the right testicle. Chest.—Bruised pain over the left pectoral muscle, which is sensitive to the touch at night.—Pain in the right side. Heart and False.—Lancinating pain at the apex of the heart, which takes away his breath at night. Neck and Back.—Painful spot under the scapula, as if from hav- ing received a blow.—Sharp pain between the shoulders.—Uneasiness in the lumbar region.—Dull pain at the lower part of the lumbar region, and in the hypogastrium.—Acute pain in the sacro-lumbar region. Upper Extt^emities.—The upper and lower parts of the left arm are painful to the touch.—Itching above the bend of the right arm.—Pain in the hypothenar eminence of the right hand.—Stinging in the hypothenar eminence of the left hand.—Pain in the dorsal portion of the left index.— Pricking in the joint of the first phalanx of the little finger. Lower Extremities.—The leg is swollen and violet-colored in the morning; it becomes inflamed by fatigue, and turns blackish-red towards evening.—The whole leg is covered by large, irregular patches, formed by extravasated blood.—The pains in the legs continue.—Stiffness of the leg, with impossibility of standing up for a few minutes.—Swelling of the left leg.—The left leg is red and inflamed.—Lancinations through the whole ex- tent of the left inferior extremity.—Pricking on the internal surface of the right leg.—Itching on the anterior part of the right leg.—Uneasiness, then pricking, in the thighs.—Malaise, as if something were collected in the internal part of the right leg above the knee.—Acute pain in the right 476 ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA—ARNICA. thigh.—Smarting on the internal superior part of the right thigh.—Prick- ing in the right thigh.—Itching on the right thigh.—Itching on the inter- nal surface of the left thigh.—Bruised pain in the left knee.—Bruised pain under the left patella.—Painful lancinations in the internal part of the left knee.—The upper part of the left leg is painful to the touch.—Prick as from a pin in the lower part of the left leg.—Swelling of the lower part of the calf.—Cramplike pains in the left tendo-Achillis.—Uneasiness in the lower part of the tendo-Achillis.—Prick under the heel.—The malleoli appear swollen.—Partial swellings around the malleoli.—Malaise after waking in the morning; he cannot go to sleep again; he feels as if something incommoded him about the malleoli for several hours; this pain increases, becoming a bruised pain.—Feeling as if the lower part of the right leg had a tendency to fall down upon the malleoli, as a stocking might do; he often carries his hand there as if to raise it up.—Pain above the right internal malleolus.—Cramplike pain in the right internal malleolus.—Lancinations in the lower part of the right leg and internal malleolus.—Persistent pain above the left internal malleolus.—Disagreeable sensation behind the left internal malleolus.—Lancinations in the anterior part of the left external malleolus.—The left leg is painful as if excoriated; the pain passes to the right internal malleolus and becomes more acute.—Itching on the left ex- ternal malleolus.—Itching on the left internal malleolus. Generalities.—Prickings in different parts of the body. Sleep and Dreams.—Disturbed rest.—Unquiet sleep.—Dreams.— Disgusting dreams.—He dreams that he can neither eat nor drink nor walk.—He dreams of a sheep and a dog covered with red scarves ; the former, elevated above the ground, shook his head, and was seized by the. dog in the middle of his back; the dog himself was suspended by the back by a man accompanied by many other individuals; afterwards, a very amorous dream, with pollution. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Mouth pasty ; leg swollen, etc.; after waking, malaise.—(Towards Evening), Leg becomes inflamed, etc.—(Night), Left pectoral muscle sensitive; pain at apex of the heart. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. (See SERPENTARIA.) ARNICA. Arnica montana, L. Nat. order, Compositae. Common name (German), Wohlverleih. Preparation, Tincture from the whole plant when in flower (Hahnemann). Authorities. 1, Hahnemann, R. A. M. L. 1, 473 ; 2, Franz, ibid.; 3, Gross, ibid.; 4, Stapf, ibid, (from Archiv. 5, 3); 5, Fr. Hah-n ; 6, Hornburg; 7, Kummer; 8, Langhammer; 9, Wislicenus; 10, Baehr; 11, Aaskow, ibid. (" not found," Hughes); 12, Collin, ibid. (Obs. Circa Morbos, IV and V, Effects of Arnica when given for Paralysis, Amaurosis, Spasms, Fever, and Dysentery); 13, Crichton, ibid. (Samml. br. Abh. f. pr. Aezte, XIII, 3, A Brief Statement of the Observed Effects and Virtues of Arnica); 14, De la Marche, ibid. (Effects in cases treated by Arnica); 15, De Meza, ibid, (a case of paraplegia, induced by suppressed menstruation from fatigue and ARNICA. 477 fright, in a young girl, cured [after lasting three years] by Arnica, which brought on menses immediately, motion returning in two days); 16, Murray, ibid. (A Summary of the Observed Effects of Arnica); 17, Pelargus, ibid. (a child to which Arnica was given for a fall from a height); 18, Stoll, ibid. (General statement of the effects of Arnica); 19, Febr, ibid. (Effects of Arnica in cases of Injury); 20, Thomas A. Thuessink, ibid.; 21, Vicat, ibid, (general statement); 22, Veckaskrift, ibid.; 23, Avon Szontagh, N. Z. f. H. Kl., 7,10, proving with 15th and 3d dils.; 24, Ibid., proving with the tincture, 1 to 100 drops; 25, Proving of extract of Arnica by Vienna Soc. of (Allop.) Physicians, B. J. of Horn., 6, 267 ; 26, Jorg, provings of self and class with infusion of the flowers (Jorg, Materialen, 1); 27, Jorg and class, provings of the root (ibid.); 28, Robinson's proving with -jVooth (B. J. of Horn., 25, 320); 29, Shumann's case of poisoning, from Schmidt's Jahrbucher (Am. H. Obs., 8), (two cupfuls of the tea taken for delayed menstruation); 30, Lancet, 1864 (effects of one ounce of the tincture); 31, (Omitted); 32, Hom. Times, 1853 (external application); 33, Hoppe Prag Monatsschrift, 12, 24 (external application); 34, Schleissteher Prag Monats- schrift, 12, 65 (external application); 35, Chapman's case, B. J. of Horn., 7, 391 (external application); 36, Black, B. J. of H., 2, 275 (external ap- plication); 37, (Est. Med. Woch. (B. J. of H, 3, 254), (external applica- tion) ; 38, Dr. Hedenberg (N. E. Med. Gaz., 3, 235), (external application) ; 39, Dr. Clarke (N. E. Med. Gaz., 3, 260), (external application). Mind.—Excessive sensitiveness of the mind; extreme disposition to agreeable as well as disagreeable emotions, without weakness or excessive sensitiveness of the body; (on one occasion this excessive sensitiveness of the mind was observed before that of the body; I have also seen these two kinds of sensitiveness occurring in alternation or simultaneously)/.—Un- common liveliness/4.—Bright, talkative (this was a curative reaction in a person of an opposite mood)/.—Calm, bright mood (curative reaction)/.— "Indifference to everything?.—Weeping/.—After supper she weeps, is peevish, listens to nobody, and does not wish to be told anything/.—Depression of spirits and absence of mind (after three hours and a half)/.—Hopelessness?. —[10.] Anxiety/121415.—"Hypochondriac anxiety? 35.—Violent attacks of anxiety/.—Anxiety about the present and the future (third day)/.—Fright- fulness?.—Unexpected trifles frighten and cause him to start (after an hour and a half)/.—Apprehension of future evils/.—Horror of instant death/5. —Uncommonly peevish ; everything is disagreeable to her/.—Hypochon- driac peevishness; he is not disposed to do anything/.—[20.] She is ex- tremely peevish; all her former cheerfulness and amiable manners have gone (after one hour)/.—Peevishness; he would like to quarrel with every- body/.—Quarrelsomeness and peevishness/.—He is contradictory ; nothing can be done to suit him (after three and twelve hours)/.—She is extremely morose and irritable ; "she does not speak a word?.—Moroseness; one first desires all sorts of things, and afterwards repels them/.—Sullen mood, as after a quarrel/.—Sullen insolence and imperiousness (after some hours)/. —Obstinate and headstrong resistance to other people's opinions (after four hours)/.—Irritable, sensitive mood,10.—[30.] Excessive irritation of the temples ; she easily laughed when there was no occasion for it; when some- thing disagreeable was told her she got angry, and broke forth in loud howling/.—(Excessive inclination to perform many and long literary labors, without posse.-sing the strength which is required to terminate them without injuring health)/.—He is easily absorbed by reveries while awake/.—He sits absorbed in a revery, although he thinks, properly speaking, of noth- 478 ARNICA. ing/.—Absence of mind; he cannot direct his thoughts long to one object/. —Absence of mind ; his thoughts imperceptibly wander from their object, and dwell upon images and fanciful visions/.—After walking in the open air, he is ill-disposed to think or talk, notwithstanding he was very cheer- ful before (after nine hours)/.—Aversion to every earnest labor/7.—He loathes every sort of work/.—Uneasiness of body and mind (without there being any anxiety); one feels as if one were prevented from doing something which is extremely necessary, accompanied by a total want of disposition for any kind of work/.—[40.] Inability to perform continued active work?6. —* Want of memory; he forgets the word he is about speaking?. Head.—Confusion of the head/ 27.—Confusion in the head/4.—Head confused/634.—"Confusion of the head, with decided pressure in the right half of the head, especially over the right brow,26.—Confusion of head, chang- ing to pressive right-sided headache/4.—Confusion of head, with frequent inclination to sleep/7.—Confusion and fulness in the head/5.—Confusion of the head, vertigo, and anguish are aggravated by artificial vomiting/. —[50.] Stupefying headache early in the morning/.—Dulness and pain in the head/5.—Obscuration of the head and confusion of one-half of the skull, with contraction of the pupils/.—Heaviness of the head/6.—Her head feels so heavy that she lets it constantly hang on one side,10.—The head feels heavy, and is so movable on account of weakness of the muscles of the neck, that it easily inclines to all sides (after four hours)/.—Heavi- ness and confusion of the head,26.—Vertigo/ 27.—Short-lasting vertigo.— Sudden vertigo at dinner, as if he would fall forward/.—[60.] He feels vertigo and nausea when reading too long/.—Vertigo when walking/.— * Vertigo; it is almost imperceptible when sitting and bending the head over, but when righting or moving the head she feels as if everything turned with her?.—Vertigo in the forehead, especially when walking; everything turns with her, and threatens to fall over with her/.—Headache/5.—Intense headache, with feeling of great weight and heaviness in the eyes, and op- pression and drooping of the lids, as if they could not be raised/5.— Violent headache, on waking in the morning, which reached such a point at 8 a.m. that, while walking in the open air, he almost fell from dizziness; disappeared at 10 a.m./6.—Headache, twitching, tearing ; increased by stooping and cough- ing/.—(Headache, which is tolerable only when lying, but intolerable when raising one's self and sitting in the bed)/.—Partial headache/5.—[70.] Burning in the head, with pressive pain, as if the head were being distended from within outwards/.—"Burning in the brain, the remainder of the body being cool, or at least not hot?.—Great internal and external heat of the head,10.—Internal heat, especially in the head, with heaviness of the head, without any thirst/.—Flushes of heat over the head, with sweat gathering in the face/.—Rush of blood to the brain, and headache in the forehead/6. —Emptiness in the head, without any particular headache (after two hours)/. —Slight pressure/5.—Pressure and confusion of the head?6.—Pressive head- ache from 3 to 8 p.m., now more in the forehead, now more in the occiput/6. —[80.] Headache, pressive, which is also followed by a throbbing, pressive headache in the temples/.—* Pressive headache, as if the head were being dis- tended from within outwards; the pain seems to arise from something soft in the vertex, with drawing in the occiput, and tearing towards the tem- ples/.—"Pain as if a knife were drawn through the head transversely from the left side; this is immediately followed by internal coldness of the head, which causes the hair to stand on end/.—Violent stitches in the head when cough- ing (after ten hours)/.—Headache; stitches extending upwards; they come ARNICA. 479 on again when coughing or moving the head, aud can only be relieved by resting the head upon the painful side/.—Frontal headache/6.—Heaviness in the forehead (after one hour)/.—Dull pain in the head in the region of the forehead/6.—Pressive pain in the forehead/.—Pressive frontal headache/7. —[90.] Pressive headache, frontal, with confusion of the head so severe that she feared she would fall over while sitting, and had to lie down/6.— Pressive headache in right forehead, and temple, and right eye/4.—Pressure in the right half of the frontal bone; afterwards sneezing; the pressure then moved into the left, afterwards into the right ear (after two days)/.— Pressive pain in left half of forehead, in the evening/4.—First pressive pain in the forehead, afterwards stitching and twitching stitching pain in the forehead, accompanied by chilliness (after eight hours)/.—Pressive pain in the forehead, especially when walking, or ascending the stairs, reflecting, or reading/.—*Pressive pain in the forehead, which increases near the warm stove, as if the brain were rolled up in a lump?.—Headache, pressive, over the eyes, extending towards the temples, ivith a sensation as if the integuments of the forehead were spasmodically contracted (after one hour)/.—Stupefying, dull, pressive pain in the forehead, more externally (after five hours and a half)/.—Violent sticking pains in the forehead and occiput, on waking in the morning; lasts all day/6.—[100.] Fine pricking pain in the forehead, which becomes worse by raising the eyes, with heat in the face and thirst/. —Stitches in the forehead/.—Stitching pain in the forehead/.—Violent stitches in the forehead when coughing (after seven hours)/.—Rapid stitches in the left frontal eminence, accompanied by the sensation as if an extravasa- tion of blood had taken place?.—Jerking stitches in the forehead/.—Twitch- ing headache in the forepart of the head (after one hour)/.—Jerking, lan- cinating headache when stooping, as if everything would come out of the forehead, accompanied by nausea, qualmishness about the heart/.—Crawl- ing in the forehead/.—"Feeling of cold at a small place on the forehead, as if some one touched him with a cold thumb?.—[HO.] Headache, pressive, in the temples (after half an hour)/.—Repeated tearings in the left temple/. —Tearing in the left temple; when walking in the open air the pressive headache distending the head from within outwards returns (after ten hours)/.—"Sticking pains in temples and forehead?6.—"Headache as if a nail had been thrust into the temple, accompanied by general sweat about mid- night; this is followed by faintness (after some hours)/.—Stitches in the temporal region following each other in quick succession, extending towards the forehead (after four hours)/.—Dull stitches from without inward in the temples (after one hour)/.—Jerking stitches in the left temple/.—Headache in the left temple, returning from time to time; fine pricking and tearing (after four hours)/.—Transitory burning on the top of the head and neck exter- nally/.—[120.] Headache, pressive, externally on the top of the head/.— Brain felt sore and tender in the upper part of the head/5.—Crawling on the top of the head externally/.—Slight headache on the right side,24.— Headache on the left side.—Rheumatic headache, with vertigo (commonly one-sided)/6.—Pressive headache in the parietal region and in the orbits/7. —Pressive, painful drawing in the left half of the skull, beginning at the ear and coming out at the top of the head (after three hours)/.—Headache, dull, pressive, under the parietal bone and in the region of the lachrymal fossa/6.—Pain in the occiput at some places, as if the hair were pulled out, or as severe electric shocks/.—[130.] The scalp, as far as the eyebrows, is firmly attached to the skull, and almost immovable (after an hour and a half),. —Stinging itching of the scalp, which cannot be relieved by scratching/. 480 ARNICA. Eyes.—Staring eyes, denoting anguish/.—Slight protrusion of the right eye; it looks more elevated and larger than the left,10.—Eyes sunken, glassy, with dilated insensible pupils,30.—Considerable swelling under the left eye/8.—Left eye seems more elastic and is sensitive to pressure/4.— (Burning in the eyes)/2.—Burning in the eyes, without any dryness,10.— Pressive pain in left eye/4.—[140.] (Stitches in the eyes)/2.—Itching of the eyes/5.—Crawling over the orbits/.—Cramplike tearing of the left eye- brow/.—Painful, dull, intermittent pressure on the margin of the left orbit/.—Occasional flow of tears, which burn like fire,10.—* The margin of the upper eyelids, along its line of contact with the eyeball, internally, is pain- ful when the lids are moved, as if they were too dry and a little sore?.—Sharp, fine stitches in the internal canthus/.—Itching of the canthi (after twenty- seven hours)/.—Spasmodic, pressive twitchings under the left eye, on the nasal bone; they extend even over the ball of the eye/.—[150.] Pressive pinching pain, confined to inner half of right eyeball/4.—Pressive pinching pain in the inner half of the right eyeball, gradually ceasing on motion in the open air/4.—Pressive pain in inner half of right eyeball, and corresponding- part of forehead/4.—Drawing pain in the right eyeball (after twenty-seven hours)/.—*Dilatation of the pupils (after twenty-six hours)/.—*Contrac- tion of the pupils (after twenty-four hours),8.—Contraction of the pupils, with obscuration of the head/.—Vision of sparks/5. Ears.—Heat and burning in the lobule/.—Feeling of heat externally, of the left ear, and in the cheek/.—[160.] Feeling as of one ear being hot, which, however, is not the case (after one hour)/.—Pressure in the ear/.— Intermittent pressure in both ears, in the region of the tympanum (after ten hours)/.—First, stitches, afterwards a tearing pain in the ears (after one hour)/.—Dull stitches, extending inwardly, through the internal ear (after one hour)/.—Dull, long stitches behind the ear/.—Stitch darting through the right ear, then through the left, lastly through the eyes, with a feeling in the eyes as if they were forcibly turned upwards/.—Pain, in- ternally, in the cartilage of the left ear, as if the parts had been bruised or con- tused?.—The hearing is much more acute (after ten hours)/.—Sensibly diminished hearing (after thirty hours)/.—[170.] Very frequent roaring in ears, even in repose/4.—Ringing in the left ear (after three hours)/.— Slight singing in right ear/4.—Humming of the ears/.—Humming in the ears (after seven hours)/. Nose.—Swelling of the nose/.—Nose swollen/6.—Nose swollen, erysipel- atous, and vesicated/8.—Frequeut sneezing (after forty-eight hours)/.— Sneezing (after two and a half hours)/.—[180.] Sneezing/.—Sneezing twice in succession, followed by a pain in the left side of the forehead, as after a violent blow/.—Coryza in the evening, when going to sleep ; catarrh on the chest, on waking in the morning/.—Some coryza/5.—Violent coryza/.—*Frequent blowing of nose, with traces of blood/5.—^Discharge of several drops of clear blood from the nose on first blowing it in the morning/3.—Frequent nose-bleed,25.—Frequent bleeding at the nose,10.— Slight epistaxis,25.—[190.] Severe epistaxis at night prevented sleep/6.— (Constant burning about the borders of the nostrils, with desire to sneeze)/. —Feeling of heat in the nose; however, it is cold to the touch/.—Cramp- like pain at the root of the nose (after two hours)/.—Dull pressure on the nasal bone, with stupefaction/.—Sticking tearing pain in the nose/.—The nose pains him from above downwards as if he had had a violent fall upon it?. —Sense as if the nostrils were ulcerated ; the nose is sore within/.—Itching crawling on the side of the nose, going off by rubbing (after one hour)/.— ARNICA. 481 Feeling as if an insect were crawling near the nose; this cannot be removed by rubbing/. Face.—[200.] The countenance is much sunken?0.—Dry heat in the face, toivards evening, extending as far as behind the ears, without any thirst, the nosebeing quite cold (after twenty-four hours)/.—Flushes of heat in the face, in the evening (after thirty-six hours)/.—Heat and itching in the face/6.— "Red sivelling of the right cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain, swollen lips and *great heat in the head, with a cold body; the feet felt sometimes hot/.—Hot, red, shining, stiff swelling of the left cheek,10.—"Redness and burning in one cheek, otherwise cool, or at any rate, not hot/.—(At noon, during dinner, in one cheek, perceptible warmth)/.—When yawning, cramp- like pain in the cheek (after one hour)/.—Creeping over" the left cheek, like a shivering without coldness, extending as far as the side of the occi- put (after six hours)/.—[210.] Throbbing and pinching in the swollen cheek, as if two hammers beat against each other, crushing the flesh,10.— Twitching throbbings in the left cheek (after half an hour)/.—Violent trembling of the lower lip,20.—Swollen, thick lips,10.—Ulcerated corners of the mouth, with a burning pain, especially when moving those parts/.— Hydroa on the lips (in one individual)/5.— Chapped lips?.—The external margin around the lips, especially the upper lip, becomes chapped, as by cold (after eight and a half hours)/.—Parched lips/.—Burning heat in both lips, with moderate warmth of the body?.—[220.] Tingling in the lips as if they had gone to sleep (after two and a half hours)/.—Itching of the upper lip; when rubbing it, it burns/.—Pressive twitchings (intermitting tear- ings), in the muscles of the ramus of the lower jaw/.—Incipient paralysis of the lower jaw,1.—(Pain, as from bruises, in the articulation of the right jaw, when moving the jaw to and fro, early in the morning), (after twenty hours)/. Moilth.—Teeth covered with mucus (after one hour)/.—Wabbling and elongation of the teeth, without pain/.—Pressive pain in one of the left lower incisors, which is not hollow/4.—(Toothache, as if the teeth had been bitten out, sprained, were wabbling, throbbing; the teeth feel as if they were pressed out by the blood rushing towards them; they are, then, more painful when touched)/.—Pain in the teeth, as if the roots of the teeth were being scraped with a knife,10.—[230.] Pressure on the inferior and internal gums, as of a leaden bullet/.—Tearing toothache of the left molar teeth, upper row, during eating; the pain goes off after eating/.—Tingling in the gums, as if they had gone to sleep/.—During mastication, the gums pain as if ulcerated, especially the place under the tongue/.—* Tongue coated white, with a good appetite, and good taste (after two days)/.—Sen- sation of dryness on the tip of the tongue, in the palate, on the lips, with shivering over the arms and thighs (after two hours)/.—Burning in the tongue (anterior third), and soft palate, as from pepper, or swallowing hot liquid/5.—Burning of tongue and palate/5.—Stinging biting at the root of the tongue/6.—Biting sensation on the tongue (after four hours)/.—[240.] Sensation as of the tongue being sore (after four hours)/.—*Fetid breath from the mouth/.—* Vapor fetid, coming out of the mouth during an expira- tion, for two days?.—"Dryness in the mouth?0.—Dryness of mouth and throat/5.—"Dryness in the mouth with great thirst,10.—Dryness in the mouth without thirst/.—Dryness in the mouth, early in the morning, without any thirst, the taste in the mouth is foul (after fourteen hours)/.—Burning scraping in the mouth and ozsophagus?6.—Puckered feeling in the palate as of something astringent (after five hours)/.—[250.] Increased saliva (three vol. i.—31 482 ARNICA. hours)/6.—Profuse saliva/6.—"Bitter taste in the mouth/.—"Bitter, rather disgusting taste?5.—Bitter taste on swallowing the medicine/5.—Bitter taste in the mouth, early after waking/.—(Everything which he takes, tastes sour)/.—"Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth?.—* Taste of rotten eggs in the mouth between the meals?. Throat.—Swelling of the submaxillary glands; they are chiefly pain- ful when he raises or turns his head, but especially on touch (after four days)/.—[260.] Swelling of the submaxillary glands/.—Sound of subdued whistle in the throat/5.—Phlegm in the throat, tastes bitter when hawked up (after twelve hours)/.—Burning in the back part of the throat, with a feeling of internal heat, or rather that sort of anguish which originates in heat (without any heat being perceptible externally)/.—Violent burning in the throat when swallowing/4.—Constriction in the throat/5.—Stinging in the back part of the throat, between the acts of swallowing/.—Pressive pain of the velum pendulum palati/.—Pain in the fauces, as if something hard or rough (ex. a crust of bread) were lodged in it, in the afternoon, when lying down ; the pain passes off when rising (after six hours)/.—Feel- ing as if the pharynx were swollen, and would hinder swallowing (half an hour)/6.—[270.] Violent burning from the fauces through the cesophagus to the stomach?6.—A peculiar scraping burning from the throat to the stomach, which became a troublesome pressure in the stomach,26.—Noise during degluti- tion/.—Difficult deglutition,10.—Deglutition is prevented by a sort of nausea, as if the food would not go down?. Stomach.—Increased appetite/5.—Enormous appetite in the evening; after the meal, immediately affected with a feeling of repletion, and a colic- like pressure in several places of the abdomen, especially the sides/.—Al- though she has eaten considerable, she nevertheless felt empty, as if she had not eaten anything, but she felt as if she had drunk a good deal; sense as of swashing in the body/.—Gnawing hunger, without appetite; lasted till he fell asleep,26.—Appetite lost?6.—[280.] ^Repugnance to food?5.— Total want of appetite for ten days, during which time he loathed the sight of food/0.—Want of appetite; the tongue coated white and yellow/.—Com- plete want of appetite, with nausea,10.—Want of appetite in the evening/. —"Repugnance to meat and broth?.—His (usual) tobacco is repugnant to him/.—Desire for vinegar/.—She wants to drink constantly, but she knows not what, because everything is offensive to her,10.—Desire for water/.— [290.] A good deal of thirst and drinking during the yawning stage, pre- vious to fever; afterwards thirst, but little drinking, during the hot stage/. —Nightly thirst (after forty-eight hours)/.— Thirst, without any external heat, the pupils being little capable of dilatation (after one hour)/.—(Repug- nance to milk)/.—Inclination to eructations/4.—Eructations?5 26 27 35.—Fre- quent eructations?6.—Empty eructations?.—Empty eructation (after a quarter of an hour)/ 7.—Frequent empty eructations/4.—[300.] Frequent eructa- tions, smelling of Arnica/4.—Half-suppressed eructations/.—Eructations of much wind/7.—"Eructations bitter and like bad eggs (two hours)/.— Early in the morning, ^eructations, tasting like rotten eggs/.—A kind of suppressed^ imperfect hiccough, after dinner,2.—Gulping up of saltish water/.—During the eructations, a bitter phlegm is gulped up/.—Dis- gust,25.—Nausea/6.—[310.] Extreme nausea/8.—Nausea, without vomiting, or without any stool/4.—Nausea, with burning scratching in the throat?6.— Nausea and eructations/4.—Nausea and general relaxation during the fore- noon/6.—Nausea and disposition to vomit early in the morning (fourteen hours)/.—He felt well during the siesta, as long as the eyes were closed; ARNICA. 483 on opening them, qualmishness of the stomach/.—Qualmishness and nau- sea, with anxious pressure iu the stomach,26.—Qualmishness of the stom- ach, with empty eructations/.—Inclination to vomit/8.—[320.] Inclination to vomit, without nausea (half an hour)/6.—* Empty retching, ineffectual efforts to vomit (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Retching at night; vomitimr, however, does not come on; in the pit of his stomach there is a weight, as of a lump/.—Retching, unto vomiting/1.—Vomiting/612.—Vomiting of bitter yellow bile/8.—Vomiting small quantities of yellow odorless fluid, with excruciating pains,29.—* Vomiting of coagulated blood,u.—Grumbling, unpleasant motions in the stomach/6.—Grumbling in the stomach, with colic/.—[330.] Great pains in the stomach, increased by pressure/9.—Car- dialgia/318.—Heartburn/3.—Fulness in the stomach and abdomen/7.—The stomach feels overdistended (though he had eaten nothing), with a feeling as though he would throw off every moment,26.—Feeling of repletion of the stomach, accompanied by loathing?.—Emptiness in stomach/7.—Contractive paius in the stomach,26.—Spasmodic contraction, of the stomach causes a gen- eral pain, but mostly in the posterior wall of the stomach, with a sensation as if the wall of the stomach would be forcibly pressed toward the spine, and as if the spine woidd be made painful from that place downward (one hour),26. —Pain as if the posterior wall of the stomach were forcibly pressed against the spinal column?1.—[340.] Stomach seems contracted spasmodically, with pain/7.—Pain in the stomach, as if its walls were spasmodically drawn to- gether; relieved by eating (ten minutes)/6.—Pinching in the stomach/.— * Pinching, spasmodic griping in the stomach?.—Pinching and pressure in the stomach extended through the bowels as a constriction, with much move- ments?6.—Griping and pricking pains in the stomach, with frequent gag- ging/6.—Heaviness and pressure in the stomach?6.—Pressure as if a stone were lying in the stomach (immediately)/.—Pressure in the stomach lasts all day, and wakes from sleep at night/6.—Pressure in the stomach, with heaviness on the chest/6.—[350.] Pressure in the upper and anterior por- tion of the stomach/7.—Pressure in the stomach, as if the xiphoid process were pressed inward/7.—Oppression of stomach/5.—(Biting pain in the stomach), (immediately)/.—Violent jerks under the stomach/.— Great pain in epigastrium, increased by pressure,30.—After a meal, fulness in the pit of the stomach and painful pressure at a little spot deep in the hypo- gastrium, immediately behind the pubis (in the bladder?); it is most felt when standing, and constantly excites micturition (after four hours)/.— Sense as of digging in the pit of the stomach (after half an hour) ; and as if something were being rolled up like a ball (after twenty-four hours),.— Severe pressure at the epigastrium/8.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as of a hand; this pressure gradually ascended up to the neck; she therl felt nauseated, and the water collected in her mouth; this went off after lying down, and there was only a pressure in the abdomen (after one hour)/.—[360.] Painful pressure transversely across over the pit of the stomach, with dyspnoea/. Abdomen.—Spasms in the hypochondriac region/2.—Flying pains in epigastrium and right hypochondrium,25.—Pressive pain below the right hypochondriac region, seeming to be in the liver or duodenum/7.—Painful pressure in the region of the liver (after two days)/.—Pain in the region of the liver, which presses like a stone, both during expiration and inspira- tion ; felt when he lay on his left side/.—Pressure shooting upwards in the region of the spleen, resembling a continued stitch, when walking (after six hours)/.—Pressure below the last ribs/.—Fine and severe sticking pain 484 ARNICA. below the last rib/.—Dull stitches in the right side, below the ribs/.— [370.] Stitches under the false ribs of the left side, intercepting the breath, when standing/.—Grunting and fermenting flatus below the umbilical region (after one and a half hours)/.—(Retraction of the umbilicus)/2.— Pinching over the umbilicus/.—Pressive pain and sensitiveness to touch on a small spot on the right side of the navel, as if flatulence had accumu- lated there/3.—Tearing in the abdomen, over the navel/.—Cutting over the umbilicus, especially when breathing deeply, and at every step, but neither immediately before nor during stool/.—Stitches in the umbilical region, which seem to be in the small intestines/7.—"Distension of the abdo- men (in a few minutes, lasted one hour)/6.—"Abdomen tympanitic?6.—[380.] * Tympanitic distension of abdomen (a quarter of an hour)/7.—"Distension of the bowels, with frequent urging to stool (three hours)/6.—Distended ab- domen, with frequent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated?''.— Distension of the abdomen, with frequent passage of wind and urging to evac- uate the rectum/6.—Tension and inflation of the abdomen, especially the lower part, a couple of hours after a moderate supper, accompanied by a dull, general pressure in those parts, especially in the side of the abdomen, without any flatus being distinctly felt; this continues during the night, with heat of the limbs and dreams which fatigue the mind; he wakes every hour; the inodorous flatus which he passes affords him no relief/.— Tense distension of the right side of the abdomen when at rest; the part is painful as from an internal wound; when coughing, blowing the nose, or setting down the foot, it feels painful, as if it had been shaken, torn, or cut to pieces; it is painful when touched, and feels as if one cut into a wound ; relieved by the emission of flatulence; every day, from morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon/.—Grunting rumbling in the abdomen, from flatulence/.—Loud grunting in the abdomen, as from emptiness (after ten hours)/.—Increased production of gas in bowels/5.—Flatulence/5.— [390.] Flatus, rumblings in the abdomen/8.—Fermenting flatus in the ab- domen/.—*0ffensive flatus,27.—"Flatus, smelling like rotten eggs (after three hours)/.—Flatus accompanied by pressure at the stomach/.—Flying pains in abdomen/4.—(Burning stinging pains in the epigastric region)/2.—In the morning, in bed, tension in lower part of epigastric region/4.—Pinching throbbing on the left side, between the pit of the stomach and the umbili- cus/.—Colicky pains, owing to flatulence/.—[400.] Violent colic (one hour)/7.—Colic, apparently from incarcerated flatus/.—Colic; an hour afterwards, tenesmus; at last, an evacuation of faeces, composed of small lumps, mixed with flatulence/.—Fine tearings in the abdominal muscles (after one hour)/.—Pain in the right side of the abdomen, as from a sudden contusion, when walking (after twenty-six hours)/.—Slight cuttings in the intestines (two hours)26.—Cutting in the abdomen, as after a cold/.—Vio- lent cutting in the left side of the abdomen, which darted upwards like a stitch as far as the vertex, so that he jumped up as from an electric spark (after twenty-four hours)/.—Sharp thrusts through the abdomen from one side to the other (after three hours)/.—Fine stitch in the abdominal mus- cles, which leaves an itching behind; it passes off by scratching (after three hours)/.—[410.] Clawing throbbing on the left side, between the pit of the stomach and the umbilicus/.—Violent jerks below the stomach/.— Colic resembling dysentery; a kind of grinding deep in the hypogastrium, within the hips on both sides, accompanied by nausea and slumber (between two and five hours)/.—Intermittent tearing in the left half of the pubic eminence?*. Stool and Anus.—Tenesmus of the rectum/.—Straining in the ARNICA. 485 rectum/.—Straining and pressing in the rectum when standing (after seven hours)/.—Tenesmus every half hour; but nothing except mucus was passed/.—Tenesmus, with emission of flatulence; previously grunting in the intestines (after one hour)/.—"Tenesmus; this is followed by a copious, thin or paplike sourish-smelling stool, giving great relief (every day four or five times)/.—[420.] Pressive pain in the rectum (after six hours)/.—Sensation of rumbling in the rectum for three days, not altered by the usual stools/3. —Blind haemorrhoids/2.—Swelling of the haemorrhoidal vessels/5.—Burn- ing and shooting in the anus,'25.—Continual inclination for stool/7.— *Iueffectual urging to stool/.—Sudden violent urging to stool as though diarrhcea would follow, but only a few faeces/6!—Frequent stool; after every stool he is obliged to lie down?.—Frequent, small stools, consisting only of mucus (after sixth and seventh hour)/.—[430.] Increased soft motions, with considerable loss of blood (from haemorrhoids),25.—Diarrhoeic stool with some cuttings in the intestines?6. — Frequent diarrhoea/8.—Watery diarrhoea (hardly left the closet during the night),29.—(*Diarrhoea resembling brown yeast)/.—Nightly diarrhoea with pressive colic, as if from flatulence/.—Pap- like diarrhcea, with distension of the abdomen previous to stool/.—In- voluntary stool at night, when asleep/.—White diarrhcealike stool/.— Paplike, brown stool, with grumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea came on (after one and a half hours)/.—[440.] Stool sometimes diarrhoeic, some- times scanty and tough, with much wind/6.—Stool thinner and darker than usual/4. — *Undigested stools, although not liquid/.—"Bloody puslike stool?7.—Stools firmer and less frequent,25.—Stools harder and more seldom,26. —Stool sluggish/6.—Hard, difficult, with pressure in the abdomen (after thirty-six hours)/—* Constipation?. Urinary Organs.—Tenesmus of the bladder, the urine dropping out involuntarily (after one hour)/.—[450.] Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, with ineffectual efforts to urinate/.—Cutting pain in the orifice of the urethra, at the termination of micturition/.—Stitches in the urethra/. —Stitches in the urethra after micturition (after one hour)/.—Itching in the anterior part of the urethra, in the region of the glans, when he is not urinating/.—More frequent desire to urinate than usual/.—Desire to urinate, accompanied by some biting burning, increased after micturition, but not while urinating/.—Frequent desire to urinate, with emission of a smaller quantity of yellow-red urine (after forty-six hours)/.—Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission of uriue (after one hour)/.—Urging to urinate, with copious discharge of watery urine/4.—[460.] He passes red urine, the quantity of which is larger than the liquid he had drunk/2.— Early in the morning he passes a quantity of urine, which, however, flows slowly, as if the urethra Were constricted (after twenty-four hours)/.— —Frequent emission of a watery urine (after twelve hours)/.—Frequent emission of white watery urine, the quantity of which is smaller than the liquid which he had drunk; the last drops of the uriue do not press out easily (the first four days)/.—Emission of a quantity of urine ; he is able, especially at night, to retain it a long time (after thirty hours)/.—Retention of urine, with tenesmus of the bladder/.—One has to stand a great while before some urine is emitted/.—Urine increased, deep colored/6.—Urine remarkably scanty/4.—Scanty red urine/.—[470.] Watery urine/.—Dark- yellow urine, strongly acid, of high specific gravity, becomes opalescent on boiling, but again clear on adding nitric acid/4.—Urine sulphur-colored turbid, extremely frothy, with neutral reaction, and soon depositing an abundant sediment. Boiling renders it more turbid; the addition of nitric 486 ARNICA. acid clears it, but ammonia again makes it cloudy. It becomes offensive on the third day, and precipitates only crystals of phosphoric acid, ammonia, and magnesia,24.—"Dark-brown urine?*.—"Brown, clear urine, which im- mediately becomes whitish and turbid (after forty-eight hours)/.—"Brown urine with brick-red sediment?.—Urine has a saturated appearance, acid re- action, and increased specific gravity/4.—Urine strongly acid. When de- composing, it dissolves totally, on the addition of nitric acid, with formation of gas,2i.—The urine, on standing, deposits a slight sediment, which con- tinually increases; and when the urine decomposes, it precipitates an unusual number of crystals of phosphoric acid, ammonia, magnesia, and urates. The later crystals adhere firmly to the sides of the glass/4.—In- crease of earthy phosphates in the urine/4. Sexaal Organs.—[480.] (Male.) Itching pimple on the prepuce/. —Itchiug red spot upon the glans/.—Fine stitch through the glans/.—In the afternoon, several violent stitches in the glans penis/4.—Itching, or itching stitches in the glans/.—Violent/continued erections after waking, without any desire for an embrace, or without any amorous thoughts (after twelve hours)/.—(Painless tubercle on the scrotum)/.—Single stitches in the scrotum/.—Testes felt hard, and were swollen and tender/5.—Early, in bed, feeling of weakness, with relaxed testicles, as if he had had an emission of semen the night before, while asleep, which, however, was not the case/.—[490.] Violent sexual desire, and continued erections (in a weak old man)/.—Several pollutions in one night, with voluptuous dreams,1. —Emission of semen (by day) during an affectionate caress/.—(Female.) A girl of twenty years, who had not had her courses for one year, but was otherwise healthy, had an attack of nausea in the pit of the stomath, imme- diately after taking the medicine; this was followed by a lump of blood passing through the vagina/.—Brings on menstruation (curative effect)/5. Respiratory Apparatus.—Sensation as if the larynx were im- peded by swelling, causing cough and hawking, which brings up only a little thick mucus, without giving relief,24.—During an eructation, he felt as if his breath caused an agreeable cooling in the trachea, as if the walls were too thin/.—(Sense as of crackling in the trachea, when walking, and in the evening, when lying dotfn)/.—Hoarseness, early in the morning/.— Voice low, muttering/0.—[599.] Cough at night, during sleep?.—Even yawning excites cough/.—*Caugh, in children, produced by weeping and lamenting/.—* Cough is excited by cries, in children, when accompanied by anger and tossing about (between the seventh and eighth hours)/.—When adeep, snoring expiration and inspiration (after twenty-four hours)/.— *Cough produced by itching irritation in the upper part of the larynx, during the siesta (after four hours)/.—Cough exciting vomiting/.—Cough, with stitches, which increased the pain/5.—Cough with stitches in the side of the chest (after ten hours)/.—* Cough producing a feeling in the ribs, as if all of them were bruised?.—[510.] "Constant dry cough which shook the whole frame?0.—Dry, sharp, hacking cough/5.—"Quite dry cough produced by a titillation in the lowest part of the trachea (after four hours)/.—Dry, short, and hacking cough, as from a titillation, low down in the trachea, every morn- ing after rising?.—(Cough, with expectoration, which appears to come out of the posterior nares;/.—The mucus in the air-passages which collected over night, was more easily expectorated than usual/6.—Expectoration of clear glairy mucus, mixed with blackish points/6.—"Sputa mixed with blood (after second day)/.—"Bloody expectoration from the chest,20.—"Hemoptysis?. —[520.] He desires open air/.—Longing to be in free open country air,35. ARNICA. 487 —In the night, contrary to custom, breathing with open mouth, which was quite dry on awaking/4.—*£/iru7, panting breath,20.—(Quick, difficult in- spirations, slow expirations)/.—Frequent and slow deep breathing, with pressure below the chest/.—"Dyspnxi, quick expirations and inspirations,10. —(Excessive difficulty of breathing)/9. Chest.—Red sweat on the chest,21.—Pains over the thorax/5.—[530.] (Anguish aud paius in the chest)/*.—Anguish across the chest, with iucli- natiou to vomit (after two hours)/.—Feeling of internal coldness in the chest/0.—(Feeling of tension across the chest, as far as the neck ; this ten- sion is lessened by lying on the back, increased by walking, and becoming painful when standing), (after two hours)/.— Tightness of the chest and difficult respiration?5.—(Drawing pain in the chest, accompanied by anx- iety)/.—Aching pains iu the chest/5.—Oppression of the chest, with an- guish ; pains in the abdomen, and headache/5.—Oppressive weight on the upper part of the chest/5.—Suffocative oppression of the chest,"8.—[540.] Early, when waking, a load of blood appears to have accumulated in the chest; after a little exercise he feels better/.—* Violent stitches in the middle of the left breast?.—V'ressive stitches in the chest/.—Stinging on the chest and inner surface of the arms/6.—""Pain as from a sprain in the joints of the chest and back?.—(Pain in the chest, as if it were raw, with roughuess of the throat during cough)/.—His chest feels affected, raw; his sputa is some- times tinged with blood, especially when walking (after thirty-six hours)/. —*All the joints of the bones and cartilages of the chest feel painful, as if they were bruised, during motion and breathing?.—Cutting pressure through both sides of the thorax, increased by inspiration (after one hour)/.—Stitches in both sides, under the ribs, as from flatulence (after one hour)/.—[550.] Stinging itching in the sides of the chest and in the back, which cannot be removed by scratching (after some minutes)/.—Pressive pain in the right breast, at a small place, which remains unaltered, either by motion, or contact, or breathing?.—Fine sticking pains in the sides of the chest/.—"Sticking pain hi one of the two sides of the chest, accompanied by a short cough, which increases the pain, and by continued asthma?.—Dull stitches in the right side, near the ribs/.—Pain, like prickings, in the right side of the chest/.—In the middle of the left breast, a painless feeling of constriction, which tight- f ens breathing, accompanied by a pain in the pit of the stomach, which arrests breathing/.—Stitches in the left breast, during a deep inspiration, near the sternum/.—Twitching pain in left side of chest/4.—Pain in the left side of the chest, like pricks of pins (after twenty-nine hours)/.—[560.] Crawling itching in the left side of the chest (after one hour)/.—Violent pressure on the sternum, over the pit/.—Dull pressure over the pit of the stomach, in the lower part of the sternum/.—-Stitches under the sternum/7. —Dull stitches entering the thorax through the sternum (after two hours)/. —Pressive pain in the lower extremity of the sternum, which is especially felt during a deep inspiration (after twelve hours)/.—Pressive stitching pain in front, in the sternum, especially when walking/. Heart and False—Palpitation of the heart/7.—The motion of the heart is first very rapid, then suddenly slow,10.—Stronger beat of the heart/5. —[570.] The beating of the heart is more like jerking,10.—-Cardiac dis- tress/5.—Pain in the region of the heart, as if the heart were squeezed to- gether, or as if it got a violent shock/.—-"Pain in the region of the heart, as if it were squeezed together, or as if it got a shock (after thirty-six hours)/.— "Stitches in the cardiac region?5.—"Stitches in the heart from the left side to the right,10.—Twingeings at the heart,10.—Pulse slow and small,29.—Pulse 488 ARNICA. rapid/7.—Pulse accelerated/7.—[580.] Pulse somewhat accelerated/6.— Pulse accelerated (80)/4.—Pulse accelerated and irregular (one hour)/6.— Rhythm of heart irregular/5.—" Pulse feeble, hurried, and irregular?5.—Pulse 100; feeble, fluttering?0. Neck and Back.—Prominent swelling of the cervical glands ; they are exceeding painful, especially when moving the neck or speaking,10.— Pain in right side of neck, where the external carotid emerges from the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, as if a lymphatic gland were swollen; it is aggravated by suddenly turning the head to the left, by forcible pressure, and by severe throbbing in the arteries of the neck/3.—Cramplike pain in the cervical vertebrae, accompanied by dull stitches from without inwards (after two hours)/.—Cramplike tensive pain in the muscles of the neck, when sneeziug or yawning/.—[590.] Rough drawing in the muscles of the left side of the neck, with bruised pain/.—Pressure in the muscles of the neck, as if the cravat were tied too tight/.—Pressure and tension on the spinal processes of the last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae/4.—When bending the head over, he feels a pressure and tension in the lowest cervical vertebra/.—Tearing pain in the neck/2.—* Violent pain in the spine, as after sudden rising up after long stooping?1.—A peculiar painful sensation extend- ing down the back, as comes sometimes from continued stooping in hard work, on rising from bed in the morning?6.—The spine is painful, as if it were not able to carry the body,10.—(Sensation as if the spinal marrow were being injected, with a feeling of concussion)/2.—Arthritic pain in the back and limbs/.—[600.] Burning pain in the back, when walking in the open air/. —Pain as from bruises in the back/.—Stitch, at every inspiration, in the right side of the back, extending from the last ribs to the axilla (after forty- eight hours)/.—Crawling iu the vertebral column/.—Pain between the scap- ulae, with violent stomachache/7.—Pressive pain between the scapulae (after two days)/.—Pressive rather superficial pain between the shoulders; after a subsequent dose, this pain returned more below the right scapula/6.— Pressive pain between the scapulce, which seemed to extend from the posterior wall of the stomach?6.—Cutting thrusts between the scapulae, extending into the thoracic cavity, when walking (after six hours)/.—Pinching pain be- tween the lower angle of the right shoulder-blade and the spinal column, in the muscles of the back, increased on stretching these parts ; (had been previously noticed several times iu former years).23.—[610.] Pain in the right scapula, towards the back, as after a violent blow or fall,6.—Slight pinch- ing ou the lower angle of the left scapula/4.—Pricking itching on the scapula (after two hours)/.—Sensation in the back, almost under the shoul- ders, as if something like a lump were lodged there, which causes dull stitches duriug motion, not when at rest,4.—Painful pressure in the middle of the spine (when sitting),6.—(Crawling in the dorsal spine, afterwards in the false ribs as far as the stomach)/2.—Fulness and pressure in the lumbar region/0.—Pain in the loins, cutting from without inwards, especially when stooping (after sixty hours),9.—Great weight across the lower part of the loins, and a feeling of being drawn in, as if a cord was drawn tightly across/5.—Sharp stitches in both loins (after three hours)/.—[620.] Pain in the small of the back, as if something had been torn inside/.—The small of the back is painful as if it had been beaten?.—Pain in the small of the back ; stitches in it when coughing, breathing deeply, or walking/.— Pain in the sacrum, as after a violent blow or fall/. Extremities in General.—-Twitchings in all the limbs, especially iu the feet aud shoulders, with heat of the feet/.—Tremor of the limbs/4.— ARNICA. 489 Relaxation in the limbs, as if they had been strained too much/.—Heavi- ness of the limbs/.—Excessive heaviness of the limbs,10.—Heaviness in all the limbs, as after great fatigue/.—[630.] "Heaviness in all the limbs; paralytic pain in all the joints, during motion, as if the joints were bruised (after eight hours)/.—When walking in the open air, sensation of heaviness and pressure in the muscles under the articulations of the upper and lower extremities (after eight hours)/.—(Tearing pain in the limbs)/2. —Deeply penetrating dull stitches in the limbs, here and there/.—"Pain in the limbs as from a bruise?5.—"Pain in all the limbs, as if they had been bruised, both when at rest and in motion (after ten hours)/.—Painful concus- sion in all the limbs; felt when the carriage shakes, as when one treads too firmly upon the foot in walking?.—Weakness in the feet and arms, when walking iu the open air (after two and a half hours)/.—The limbs of the side on which he is resting have gone to sleep/.—Drawing pains, short lasting, in circumscribed spots on the hands and right foot/4.—[640.] (Sense as of crawling in the hands and feet, and sticking pains in divers joints)/2. Upper Extremities,—"Pain as from bruises on the anterior surface of the arms?.—* The arms feel weary, as if he had been bruised by blows, so that he was unable to bend his fingers inwards/.— Violent twitching pain, extend- ing from the left shoulder-joint to the middle finger?*.—(Crawling in the arms)/2.—Drawing pressive pain in the left shoulder when standing erect/. —Smarting, sore sensation below the shoulder,2.—Broad, sharp stitches be- low the axilla, from without inwards/—(Painful concussion or shock in the arm, almost electric-like),12.—Twitchings in the muscles of the upper arm (immediately)/.—[650.] Intermittent, painfully pressive tearing, extending from the lower part of the left upper arm, as far as the elbow, apparently in the bone/.—Dull stitches in the middle of the upper arm, which cause him to start/.—Painful stitches, like shocks, in the upper part of the upper arm/.—Twitches in the left upper arm, as if a nerve were twinged/.— When bending the arm, the flexor muscles of the forearm are tense; ex- tending these muscles again is painful (after two hours)/—Tearing pain in the arms and hands/.—Burning stitches in the forearm/. — Slow, dull stitches in the left forearm, with acute pains, as if the arm were broken (early, when in bed)/.—Sharp, broad stitches below the elbow-joints (after two hours)/.—Crawling in the forearms/.—[660.] Left wrist powerless for one half hour, with a feeling, generally, that he could not use the arms/5. —Tearing pain in the left wrist-joint, especially when writing; the pain is felt in the dorsum of the hand ; it decreases when letting the hands hang down/.—Slight cracking and sensation of dislocation in right wrist, when moving the hand/4.—Sticking tearing in the wrists, especially in the left (after three hours)/.—"Pain as from a sprain in the wrist (chest, back, hips)/.—*Pain as from a sprain in the wrist-joint?.—Pain as from a sprain in the left wrist-joint (after two days)/.—Sharp stitches in the wrist-joint, increased by motion (after two hours)/.—Distended veins of the hands, with a full, strong pulse/.—Weakness of the hands, especially when seizing something (after two hours)/.—[670.] Violent drawing pain on the ulnar side of the dorsum of the right hand?4.—Sharp drawing in the outer half of the back of the right hand?4.—Painful pressure on the dorsum of the hand,6.— Tearing, twitching pain, during rest, on the ulnar side of the dorsum of the left hand/4.—(Creeping and crawling in the hands)/2.— Cramp in the fingers of the left hand?.—Drawing cramplike pain in the long bones of the fingers and the forearm ; it extends backwards and upwards/. —Drawing in the right thumb?4.—Drawing pain in the skin of the dorsum 490 ARNICA. of the left little finger?4.—In the evening, drawing and tearing in the right third finger, especially at the ungual phalanx; also, at times, in the little finger, and along the ulnar edge of the forearm/4.—[680.] Pressive pain in the joints of the right ring and little fingers?4.—Pressive pain in the first phalanges of the last three left fingers/4.—Spontaneous pressive pain in the ungual phalanx of right ring finger?4.— Violent pressing tearing pain in the ulnar side of the ungual phalanx of right ring finger?1.— Tearing in the tips of the last two left fingers?4.—Sticking twitching pain in the fingers/.— Stitches in both middle fingers (and in the knee)/.—Fine stitches in the anterior joint of the middle finger (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Sharp stitches in the bend of the middle joint of the index finger (after two hours)/.—Burning stitches on the end of the left third finger/4.—[690.] Itching stitches in the tip of the middle finger (after two hours)/.—"Pain iu the balls of both thumbs, as if they had been knocked against something hard?.—Sharp pain on pressure, as from crushing, in the ungual phalanx of right ring-finger/4.—Fine pricking itching of the lower joints of the fingers ; it goes off by scratching (after thirty-six hours)/. Lower Extremities.—Trembling in the lower extremities/.—At night, the lower extremities are painful when laid across one another,10.— Tearing pain in the lower extremities/.—(Tearing pain in the lower extremi- ties)/2.—"Drawing pressive pain in the left hip-joint, the thigh being extended, when sitting (after five hours)/.—Single thrusts in the hips/.—[700.] *Pain as from a sprain in the hips (back, chest, wrists)/.—Continual pinching on the outer side of the thighs (after half an hour)/.—Thighs of a livid color, with blue and yellowish marks, as if black and blue/5.—Trembling of the recti muscles of left thigh (common)/3.—Pinching twitchings in the upper portion of the left thigh, near the scrotum/.—(Abscess of the psoas muscle)/. —Pain in the thigh when rising and stepping upon the foot/.—Transient tension in left buttock and knee/4.—Drawing, cramplike pressure in the muscles of the thigh when sitting (after forty-eight hours)/.—Slight tear- ing in the left upper thigh (very common)/3.—[710.] Fine stitches in the thigh above the knee (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Itching stitches on the inner side of the thigh above the knee; they become more violent by rubbing (after two hours)/.—*Pain in the thighs when walking, as from a blow or contusion?.—Sense of twitching in the muscles of the thigh/.— Finely stinging itching of the inner side of the thigh, like soreness, dimin- ished by contact/.—The knees suddenly bend when standing (after oner hour)/.—The knee-joints have no firmness ; they totter when standing (after three hours)/.—Sometimes sudden absence of power in the knees; they bend, whilst the feet are numb and insensible/.—(Cramplike pain in the knee and leg)/—Tearing in the knees (not uncommon)/4.—[720.] Violent tearing in the region of the left knee, ameliorated by violent friction/4.— Pressive tearing below the left knee/.—Stitches in the knee (and in both middle fingers)/.—Pain in the right knee when ascending the stairs, as if one had knocked it against something (after three hours)/.—Sense as of gurgling in the lower part of the leg, from below upwards, when at rest (after quarter of an hour)/.—Prick in the knee when touched (after one hour)/.— Intense burning at a small spot on the outside of the left tibia/3.—Twitch- ing lancinating pain in the tibia, extending from below upwards (after six hours)/.—Pressure in the tibia, as after knocking it against something, only when walking (after thirty hours),2.—Tension in the muscles of the calf from below upwards, accompanied by drawing when standing (after seven hours)/.—[730.] Tearing pain, like boring and digging, from above down- ARNICA. 491 wards in the left calf; the pain then extends into the thigh, thence cross- ing behind the os coccygis, and finally terminating at the right iliac bone (after six hours)/.— "Pain as after a violent blow over the calf of the right leg, accompanied by lassitude of the legs?.—Want of power in both ankles, and a heavyweight on each instep/0.—Tearing in the malleoli/.—Tearing pain on right external malleolus, and on dorsum of foot?4.—Pain in the tarsal joint, undulating, tearing (almost dull stitching)/.—"Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal joint?.—Tearing in the heel/.—Stitches in the right foot over the heel, in the tendo Achillis, only when extending the tarsal joint, but not when walking (after two hours)/.—Sudden swelling of the (sick) foot/. —[740.] The feet felt tired after having taken a walk in the open air; the knees bent; as soon as the feet felt weary she became sleepy at once, fell asleep, and dreamed immediately/.—Inexpressible pain in the (sick) foot, as from internal uneasiness, and as if it were lying too hard; this obliges one to move the part hither and thither, in the evening (after eight hours)/. —* Arthritic pain in the foot, with a little fever towards evening/.—Violent burning in the feet,10.—Violent biting and burning on the external ridge of left foot, through a centre/4.—(Pressive pain in the paralyzed foot)/.— Stitches in the foot, extending through the big toe/.—Tiugling in the feet,6. —Feeling as of crawling aud creeping in the feet/.—Drawing in the outer half of the back of the left foot?1.—[750.] Sweat of the soles of the feet and toes/.—Standing becomes painful/.—Cramp in the toes of the left foot (after thirty-six hours)/.—Painful cramp in the muscles of the soles of the feet/.—Stitches in the soles of the feet, in one and the same spot, when walking, as if there were a corn (after thirty-six hours)/.— When walking, on raising left foot, and bending left ankle, crawling in the outer half of left sole, as if the nerve were pulled/4.—Crawling prickings in the soles of the feet, one and the same place/.— Tearing in the left little toe?4.—Sticking tearing in the under surface of the big toe, especially when setting down the foot (after four hours)/.—Sticking tearing pain in the tip of the big toe; it comes on gradually, and is felt when lying down for the siesta/.—[760.] Violent stitches in the toes when walking/.—Single, severe stitches in the big toe (after one hour)/.—Dull, long stitch in the right big toe/.—"Ar- thritic, dull pain towards evening, as from a sprain in the joint of the big toe, accompanied by some redness?.—Dull throbbing pain in one of the toes/.— Dull, trembling pain in one of the toes/.—Single shocks in the big toe/. Generalities.—(Jerks and shocks in the body, as by electricity)/2.— Sudden twitches of single muscles in almost every part of the body, espe- cially in the limbs; those twitches produce a shock either in single parts of the bp-dy, or in the whole body,10.—Uneasiness in the whole body, with- out any mental anguish; a kind of excessive mobility, which finally be- comes a kind of trembling of the whole body/.—[770.] Orgasm of the blood in the evening, accompanied by dizziness of the head; he feels pul- sations in the whole body ; (he coughs for hours until he vomits ; this wakes him at night)/.—When walking in the open air, he feels as if the whole right side, especially the shoulder, were too heavy and paralyzed; he does not feel this in the least when in the room (after eight hours)/.—"Lassitude and sluggishness of the whole body; the legs are scarcely able to stand?.— General fatigue, lassitude, and sleepiness?1.— General weakness?6.—Loss of strength?5.—* General sinking of strength; he can scarcely move a limb/.— Feeble in walking, as if suddenly blighted with old age/5.—Tremulous un- easiness and weakness/.—* Weakness, weariness, sensation as of being bruised; these symptoms oblige him to lie down/.—[780.] Felt sick and feeble on 492 ARNICA. rising,30.—Comfortable feeling of exhaustion/5.—He feels faint when walk- ing; he recovers himself when standing/.—Faintness/5.—"Painful and ex- cessive sensitiveness of the whole body?.—"Painful sensitiveness of all the joints and of the skin, on making the slightest motion (after four hours)/.—Extreme malaise,29.—Indescribable discomfort and disinclination to activity/6.—Ex- cessively violent pain, which caused many to scratch the wall or the floor with their nails, like madmen; the pains do not continue more than an hour (immediately after taking the medicine)/4.—[790.] (Burning and cut- ting pains here and there)/2.—Everything on his body feels as if it were tied too tight/.—Extremely disagreeable painfulness of the periosteum of all the bones, resembling almost a drawing in all the limbs, as in fever and ague/.—From time to time tearing in almost every part of the body, espe- cially, however, in the lower and upper extremities ; in the lower extremi- ties they are mostly felt when sitting; the pain for the most part appears to rise from below upwards/.—Stitching pains,21.—Burning stitches in dif- ferent parts of the body/4.—*Felt as if bruised over the whole body,35.— Twitching pain in the affected part (after two hours)/.—Disagreeable sense, as of tingling or dull pain in a contused part?.—Fine prickings in almost every part of the body, especially the nose, eyebrows, eyelids, even hands and fingers/.—[800.] Intense pricking and itching of the entire body/8. Skin.—Skin red,36.—"Skin red, hot, and cedematous?6.—Skin cold, dry,30.—Eruption, with great burning or smarting/8.—Vesicular eruption, with great heat and great irritation/6.—Fine vesicular eruption, with itch- ing/6.—Red patches, with swelling and burning/9.—Caused erysipelatous redness and turgescence of the skin, with increased temperature, and in many places papular elevations, which on slight touch itch rather than pain, and are tipped with a small vesicle/4.—Erythematous inflammation of the skin with oedema over the face aud whole body ; it becomes vesicular and finally scales off/2.—[810.] Nettle-rash eruption (child from smelling Arnica)/2.—Itching rash (produced by moistening the skin with the tinc- ture)/.—Eruption like pin-heads with red skin/6.—Vesicles, closely set, acuminated, on an inflamed base/8.—Red points and vesicles with red areola, smarting and itching/9.—Pustules in fourteen days/7.—Pimples on the side of the forehead, partly filled with pus (after three days)/.—Rash on the face, especially the forehead, which goes and comes/5.—Erythema of the face: less about the margins of the hair ; worse on the lids. The cheeks, upper lip, and nose dark-red and moderately swollen. The concha, especially its margin, swollen and bright red ; the adjacent parts were much swollen and red. The lids .were cedematous, and cedematous sacs hung from the lower lids; with heat in the face and violent biting (itching), disturb- ing sleep. Pulse normal/3. (A repeated result of using tincture of Arnica on himself and others.)—Eruption over the malar bone/6.—[820.] Erup- tion on the cheeks, like small-pox; mostly under the eyes/.—Pimple on both sides of the upper lip (after two days)/.—Pimple in the groove of the upper lip, in the middle, with redness all around, and tensive pain/.—Small, rapidly suppurating acne-pustule under the right labial commissure/4.— Several vesicles in middle of lower lip, containing a clear fluid and soon drying into scabs/5.—Pimples in the nose and under the nose, which are filled with pus at the tips, with a biting pain/.—Pimple on the side of the neck, which when touched stings and pains as if ulcerated (after forty- eight hours)/.f—Erysipelatous inflammation, the left hand dark-blue, and f This kind of pimple is painful to touch, surrounded with an inflamed red border : is extremely similar to a boil. Boils are, therefore, cured by Arnica. Homoeopathically ARNICA. 493 covered with large and small vesicles which gave the skin the appearance of a rhinoceros hide/7.—Eruption on the palms, causes complete exfoliation of the skin ; the hands have a scaly look, and the skin is somewhat cracked in the folds/9.—Itching pimple between the thumb and the index finger; when touched a fine stinging pain, as if a splinter were in it (after forty hours)/.—[830.] Burning pain at times in this, at times in another part of the skin/.—Sense of cold, at times in one, at times in another place in the skin/.—Transient but violent tearings at different times and on different parts of the skin/4.—A sharp pricking sensation over the whole surface of the body/3.—(Stinging, burning, and itching pain in the skin, here and there, which is felt when lying down for the siesta ; it soon goes off of itself and by scratching)/.—Itching of the skin/5. Sleep mid Dreams.—Yawning (after half an hour)/.—Frequent yawning/.—Frequent yawning, in the evening, without sleepiness?.—Yawning and stretching, accompanied by dilatation of the pupils, without sleepiness (after one hour)/.—[840.] Yawning (with the nausea)/5.—Sleepiness?7.— "Sleepiness (after half an hour)/.—Somnolence,20.—Unusual drowsiness in the forenoon/3.—In the evening, one feels sleepy too soon?.—He become sleepy too early in the evening/.—Sleepiness during the day (after two hours)/. —He becomes very sleepy after having walked long in the open air; he is not disposed, then, either to speak or think, although he was very cheerful previously/-—A good deal of sleep/.—[850.] He cannot fall asleep in the evening; but he sleeps so much longer in the morning/.—Sleeplessness with anguish, as if owing to heat, until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning/.— Sleeplessness and wakefulness until 2 or 3 o'clock after midnight; this is accompanied by a stinging, biting itching, here and there/.—In the even- ing she sleeps a couple of hours; afterwards she remains wide awake until 5 o'clock iu the morning; then she falls into a sound sleep until 9 o'clock in the forenoon/.—Unusually early waking in morning, with inability to fall asleep again/4.—Suddeu startings as with fright, when falling asleep/.— While falling asleep, at night, he is roused from sleep by a peculiar sensa- tion of heat in the head; this is followed by auguish when awake; he dreads similar attacks, and is afraid that he may have an apoplectic fit, (after ten hours),6.—Restless sleep/5.—Sleep restless and diminished/5.— Lamenting, while asleep (after two hours)/.—[860.] Loud unintelligible talking when asleep, without being accompanied by dreams which one can recollect/.—Starting and jerking backwards of the head, while asleep/.— Starting up while asleep/.—Went to bed languid and exhausted, sleep much disturbed, awake six or seven times, each tyne dreaming he was dying and that the bed was surrounded by friends/5.—"Involuntary expulsion of faeces while asleep?.—Frequent waking, with emissions of semen (second night)/.—Sleep restless and disturbed by dreams/6.—Sleep restless, frequently waked by dreams?6.—Sleep full of dreams/.—His sleep is full of dreams and does not refresh him; he feels as if he had not slept at all/.—[870.] When half asleep he dreams for several hours; the dreamer shows much irresolu- tion/.—Vivid dreams which cannot be recollected/.—Vivid dreams to- wards morning; while dreaming he talks loud and is waked by it (sixth day)/.—The visions which he had seen in the dreams of the previous night return,10.—Anxious dreams about visions which he had seen in previous dreams/. — Very vivid dreams/5. — Vivid, agreeable dreams/5.—Vivid A.rnica may be used as a preventive against boils in persons who are subject to them. I know this from experience.—H. 494 ARNICA. dreams, the first agreeable, the latter causing anxiety/.—Anxious, heavy dreams the whole night; they depress his strength a good deal/.—She dreams the whole night that she is overwhelmed with reproaches; on waking she was scarcely able to realize that all this had been a mere dream/.—[880.] He has terrible dreams, screams loud while asleep; this wakes him up/.—Fearful dreams of large black dogs and cats, immediately after falling asleep in the evening/.—He dreamed of men being flayed; this appeared frightful to him/.—Dreams about frightful objects, of the lightning having struck, graves, etc.?. Ferer.—Feeling of cold all over the body, although he is naturally warm (after one hour)/.—Shaking chills without any thirst/.—Chilliness mostly in the evening/.—External and internal chilliness an hour after the headache, and constant anguish/.—A violent shivering creeps through him when gaping/.—A violent shivering thrills through him when walking/.— [890.] When waking from sleep, by day or at night, he feels an internal, continued chilliness, without, however, any shivering/.—"In the morning she feels chilly when in bed; the chilliness begins before she rises, and con- tinues the whole forenoon,10.—*Shivering over the whole body and the head, at the same time heat in the head and redness and heat in the face, accompanied by coolness of the hands -and a feeling as of the hips, the back, and the anterior surface of the arms being bruised/.—Morning, when iu bed, he has a feeling of cold in the right side upon which he was lying (after quarter of an hour)/.—Chilliness in the back and the anterior part of the thighs, early in the morning/.—Heat of the whole body/5.—"Dry heat over the whole body, after waking early in the morning/.—"Dry heat in the bed, with violent thirst; heat becomes intolerable to him; he tries to un- cover himself; but he feels chilly upon uncovering himself, or even when making the slightest motion in bed?.—Flush of heat over the face and sensation of an agreeable warmth of the body (after half an hour)/.—Short repeated attacks of anguish, with flying heat over the whole body/.—[900.] When lying some time without stirring, he feels hot, especially about the head; he is obliged to shift his position constantly/.—Flushes of heat in the back, by paroxysms/.—Fever in the morning ; first, chilliness, afterwards, attack of heat/.—* Great internal heat, hands and feet being cold, accompanied by chills over the whole body,10.—Sweat/2.—Frequent sweats/2.—Slight sweat when waking from sleep/.—Skin more moist than usual, on the chest and inner surface of the arms/6.—Increased perspiration during the night/6.— "The exhalations smell sour?.—[910.] Nightly, sour sweed?.—Several transi- tory sweats over the whole body, at night, accompanied by anguish/. Conditions.— Aggravation. — (Morning), Early stupefying head- ache ; on waking, violent headache; sticking pain in forehead, etc.; early, bruised pain in right articulation of jaw ; early, dryness in mouth ; early, after waking, bitter taste in mouth ; early, eructations, etc.; early, nausea, etc.; in bed, tension in lower part of epigastric region ; early, passes quantity of urine; early, in bed, feeling of weakness, etc.; after rising, dry, etc., cough; early, hoarseness; early, when waking, feeling as of a load of blood in chest; on rising from bed, painful sensation down back; early, in bed, stitchijig in left forearm ; in bed, chilly; in bed, cold feeling in right side; early, chilliness in back, etc.; early, after waking, dry heat all over; fever. —(Forenoon), nausea, etc.—(Noon), During dinner, warmth of one cheek.— (Afternoon), When lying down, pain in fauces, etc.; stitches in glans penis.—(Towards evening), Dry heat in the face; arthritic pain in foot, etc.—(Evening), When going to sleep, coryza; flushes of heat in the face; ARNICA. 495 enormous appetite; want of appetite ; when lying down, sense as of crackling in the trachea; drawing, etc., in right third finger, etc.; pain in sick foot.; chilliness.—(Night), Severe epistaxis; retching ; diarrhoea, etc.; when asleep, involuntary stool; during sleep, cough; lower extremities painful; increased perspiration; sour sweat; transient sweats all over.—(About midnight), General sweat.—(3 to 8 p.m.), Pressive headache.—(When walking in open air), Pressive headache returns; sense of heaviness, etc., in muscles under articulations of the extremities; weakness in feet aud arms ; right side feels too heavy.—(After walking in open air), Indisposed to think; burning pain in back ; feet feel tired ; very sleepy.—(In bed.), Dry heat, etc., on the slightest motion, feels chilly.—(Bending head over), Pressure, etc., in lowest cervical vertebrae.—(Blowing nose), Pains increase; right side of abdomen painful.—(Breathing deeply), Cutting over umbilicus ; stitches in left breast; stitches in small of back.—(Drawing breath), Cutting pressure through both sides of thorax; stitch in right side of back.—(Coughing), Headache; stitches in head; stitches in forehead ; right side of abdomen painful; stitches in small of back.—(Cries), In children, cough.—(At dinner), Sudden vertigo.—(After dinner), Kind of suppressed hiccough.— (During eating), Tearing toothache, etc.—(When standing erect), Pain in left shoulder.—[Extending tarsal joint), Stitches in right foot.—(When gaping), Violent shivering thrills.—(Lying down), Pain in tip of big toe; stinging, etc., in skin.—( When lying motionless), Feels hot, etc.—(Lying on left side), Pain in region of liver.—(Between meals), Taste of rotten eggs in mouth.—(After a meal), Fulness in pit of stomach, etc.—(During mastication), Gums pain, etc.—(At end of micturition), Cutting pain in orifice of urethra.—(After micturition), Stitches in urethra; biting burning in urethra.—(Motion), Pains increased ; painful sensitiveness of joints, etc.; all the joints of the bones, etc., of the chest feel painful; sensation as of a lump in the back; heaviness in all the limbs, etc.; stitches in wrist-joint.— (Moving the parts), Burning pain in corners of mouth ; pain in articula- tion of right jaw.—(Moving head), Feels as if everything turned with her; stitches in head.—(Moving neck), Swelling of the cervical glands painful. —(Moving hand), Cracking, etc., in right wrist.—(Opening eyes), Qualmish- ness of stomach.—(Pressure), Pains in stomach ; pain in epigastrium ; pain in right side of neck ; sharp pain in phalanx of right ring finger.—(Raising oneself and sitting in bed), Headache.—(Raising head), Swelling of sub- maxillary glands painful.—(Raising eyes), Pricking pain in forehead.— (Reading), Pressive pain in forehead.—(Reflecting), Pressive pain in fore- head.—(On rising), Felt sick, etc.—(Rising and stepping upon foot), Pain in the thigh.—(Rubbing), Burning of upper lip; stitches on inner side of thigh.—(During rest), Distension of the right side of abdomen; tearing twitching pain on dorsum of left hand; sense of crackling in the lower part of leg.—( Wlien seizing something), Weakness of the hands.— (Setting down foot), Right side of abdomen feels painful; tearing in under surface of big toe.—(Sneezing), Pain in muscles of neck.—(Sitting), Tear- ing in lower extremities ; pressure in middle of spine ; thigh extended ; pain in left hip-joint; pressure in muscles of thigh.—(Speaking), Swelling of cervical glands painful.—(Every sound), Pains increase. — (Stooping), Headache; jerking, etc., headache, etc. ; pain in loins.—(Stretching the parts), Pain between scapula and spine.—(After supper), Weeps, etc.— ( When standing), Fulness in pit of stomach, etc.; stitches under left false ribs; straining, etc., in rectum; tension across chest; tension in muscles of calf—(At every step), Cutting over the umbilicus.—(Swallowing), Burning 496 ARSENICUM ALBUM. in throat.—(Swallowing hot liquid), Burning in the tongue.—(Talking), Pains increase.—(Touch), Teeth painful ; swelling of submaxillary glands painful; right side of abdomen painful; pain in knee; pimple stings, etc.— (Turning head to left), Pain in right side of neck.—(Artificial vomiting), Confusion of head, etc.—( When walking), Slight sweat; continued chilli- ness.—( Walking), Feels faint; vertigo ; pressive pain in forehead ; pressure in region of spleen; pain in right side of abdomen ; sense of crackling in trachea; tension across chest; sputa tinged with blood; stitching pain in sternum ; cutting thrusts between scapulae ; stitches in small of back ; pain in thighs; pressure iu tibia; on raising left foot, etc.; crawling in left sole; stitches in toes.—(Walking upstairs), Pressive pain in forehead; pain in right knee.—(Near warm stove), Pressive pain in forehead.—( Weeping and lamenting), Cough.—(Yawning), Tensive pain in muscles of neck. Amelioration.—(Evening), Pain in left half of forehead.—(Motion in open air), Pain in right eyeball.—( Walking in cool, open air), Better.— (Contact), Itching of thigh.—(After eating), Toothache goes off; pain in stomach.—(Exercise), Feeling as if load of blood in chest.—(Emission of flatulence), Pain in right side of abdomen.—(Letting hands hang down), Tearing paiu in left wrist-joint.—(Lying), Headache; pressure in pit of stomach, etc.—(Lying on back), Tense feeling across chest.—(Resting head on painful side), Stitches in head.—(Rising), Pain in fauces passes off.— (Rubbing), Crawling on nose; tearing in left knee.—(Scratching), Stitch in abdominal muscles; itching of finger-joints.—(Standing), Faint feeling.— (After thin stool), Tenesmus. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Arsenious oxide, As203. (Arsenious acid ; white oxide of arsenic ; white arsenic.) Preparation for use, Triturations with sugar of milk. Authorities.^ (1 to 89, from Hahnemann, Chr. Krank., 5.) 1, Hahne- mann; 2, Baehr; 3, Fr. Hahn'n; 4, Hartlb. and Trinks; 5, Hering; 6, Hornburg; 7, Langhammer; 8, Meyer; 9, Stapf; 10, Whl. ; 11, Ebers (effects of Ars. of Pot. in ague patients) ; 12, Friedrich (poisoniug of a woman) ; 13, Morgagni (1, poisoning of a woman of 60; 2, of a male adult; 3, of female adult; 4, same case as Wolff's; 5, poisoning of a man); 14, Guldenklee (effects of vapor) ; 15, Richard (poisoning an adult) ; 16, Marcus (after Ars. of Pot. in a fever patient) ; 17, Myrrhen (from drawing sol. of A. into nostrils for a coryza) ; 18, Quelrnalz (poisoning of a girl by black oxide); 19, Kaiser (poisoning of whole family by A.) ; 20, Forestus (from orpiment in a woman) ; 21, Henning (application of A. to a diseased breast) ; 22, Verzasch ; 23, Alberti (cases of poisoning in healthy adults); 24, Btittner (poisonings); 25 (woman took A. for suicide) ; 26, Guilbert (poisoning of an adult); 27. Pyl (do.); 28, Misc. Nat. Cur. (same as Myr- rhen, No. 17); 29, Lusitanus (poisoning of a youth) ; 30, Pearson (effects of Ars. of Pot. in an epileptic); 31, Buchholz (poisoning of several adults by black oxide) ; 32, Thomson (poisoning of a woman); 33, Tennert; 34, Grimm (from the black oxide, in an adult); 35, Wedel; 36, Jacobi (from suppression of ague by A., iu a youug man); 37, Knape ('.effects of powder- ing hair with A.) ; 38, Baylis (general statement from authors) ; 39, Heim- f Svmptoms from authorities 11, 16, 18, 20, 21, 30, 31, 34, 36, 40, 44, 49, 53, 55, 56, 57", 59, 65, 73, 74, 75, 83, and 84, are bracketed. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 497 reich (1, effects of A. sprinkled on the hair; 2, effects of large doses of Ars. of Pot.); 40, Siebold (effect of dressing pustular scalp with mixture of A. and cinnabar) ; 41, Vicat (from powdering hair with A.) ; 42, Schle- gel; 43, Neue Med. Chir. Wahrn.; 44, Heun (from applications of A. to cancerous ulcer of cheek) ; 45, Muller (general statement) ; 46, Eph. Nat. Cur. (poisoning of a man by twelve grains of A.) ; 47, Majault (1, poison- ing of a man with realgar; 2, of a woman with orpiment; 3 and 4, of a youth with A.); 48, Tennert; 49, Fowler (effects of Ars. of Pot. in ague patients) ; 50, Isenflamm-Stemmig (general statement) ; 51, Van Eggern ; 52, Kopp (poisoning of a man of 56) ; 53, Feldmann (from a plaster of A. applied for a quartan) ; 54, Preussius (poisoning of a boy) ; 55, Thilenius (effects in a patient with scirrhus of breast); 56, Grimm (from black oxide, in an adult >; 57, Salzb. M. Chir. Zeit. (effects of A. applied to fungus on the head) ; 58, Kellner (poisoning of a girl of 20) ; 59, Gerbitz (from or- piment) ; 60, Wolff (poisoning of two women) ; 61, Goritz ; 62, Low ; 63, Cruger (poisoning of an adult) ; 64, Tachenius (from inhaling sublimed A.) ; 65, Degner (effects of applying sol. of A. for itch, in two men); 66, Stahl (poisoning of two adults); 67, Greiselius S. (from vapor "in self, rest in miners); 68, Kliuge (observation of miners in A.) ; 69, Borellus (from carrying A. in pocket); 70, Montanus (poisoning of a woman) ; 71, Car- danus (general statement from authors) ; 72, Gabezius; 73, Fernelius (from sprinkling A. on cancerous ulcer of breast) ; 74, Justamond (from A. given to a young woman with cancer of the tongue); 75, Pet. d. Appons (effects of realgar) ; 76, Hammer (poisoning of a girl of 20); 77, Bern- hardi; 78, Huber (states that he knows a woman so affected by A.) ; 79, Hartmann ; 80, Degrange (from rubbing A. into head); 81, Pfann ; 82, Heiuze; 83, Hargens (from application of A. to a cancerous ulcer); 84, Storck (effects of Ars. of Pot. in ague patieuts) ; 85, Borges (poisoning of an adult); 86, Hall, All. lit. Zeit. (inhalation by a man of Arsenetted Hyd.); 87, Bonetus (from carrying A. in pocket); 88, M. N. Zeit, 1798; 89, Rau (from application of A. to scalp); numbers 90 to 94 inclusive are taken from Imbert-Gourbeyrel* provings with 4th trit., V Art Medicate, 17, 433 et seq.; 90, Damour; 91,"M'lle E.; 92, Imbert-Gourbeyre; 93, Bonjean; 94, Soulrviv; 95, Robinson's provings on females with the 12th, B. J. of Horn.; 9ii ibid.), with the 30th; 97 (ibid.), with 200th; 98 (ibid.), with 1000th ; 99, Mad. Buchmaun's proving (a grain of A. in some water, taken by mistake), Horn. V. J. S., 10, 119; 100, Borri, from Hartl. and Trinks (effects of fumes of wax candles containing A.) ; 101, Trevasso, from H. and T. (internal administration of A.) ; Nos. 102 to 165 inclusive are taken from Roth's collection of poison cases, Horn. V. J. S., 12, 25 ; 102, James; 103, 104, aud 105, Rumrael; 106, Jaquernin; 107, Orfila; 108,Heifelder;109,Puchelt; 110, Hohnbaum; 111, Schreyer ; 112, Kortum ; 113,Stachow; 114, Roth- hamel; 115, Klose; 116, Spengler; 117, Sonderland; 118, Canetta; 119, Schapper; 120, Van den Dale; 121, Tonnellier; 122, Kraft; 123, Opler; 124, Seheulen; 125, Koch; 126, Hausbutuer; 127 (ibid.); 128, Keller- mann; 129, Hornung ; 130, Brenner; 131, Neumann ; 132, Bodenmuller ; 133, Watson; 134, Frauque; 135, Reuter; 136, Zollner; 137, Beauchesne ; 138, Leroy; 139, Dehenne; 140, Odier; 141, Barrier; 142, Orfila; 143, J. de Chim. Med., 1846; 144, Wepfer; 145, De Haen; 146, Falconer; 147, Pinel; 148, Missa; 149, Gerard; 150,Devergie; 151,Leuret; 152,Fiehtz; 153, Hafter; 154, Alquie; 155, Flechner; 156, Huss Bush; 157, Nissen; 158, Pfaff; 159, Bruckner; 160, Coqueret; 161, Edwards; 162, Skillman; 163, Angouard ; 164, Schafer; 165, Husemann; 166, Johann Schellham- vol. i.—32 498 ARSENICUM ALBUM. mer (effects of large doses, N. A. J. of Horn., 2, 317) ; 167, Dailand, tox., N. A. J., 7, 389; 168, Tox., N. A. J. of Horn., 2, 473 (from Med. Repos., 5, 43); 169, Dr. Rhees, Am. H. Rev., 2, 510 (effects of Arsenic applied to kill the nerve of a tooth) ; 170, Tox., Dr. Hill (N. Y. St. Trans. (Horn.), 9, 232); 171, Taylor, on Poisons; 172, Wetmore, N. A. J. of Horn., 6, 369 (tox., 127 grains" of Arsenic) ; 173, Isidore, Rec. de Mem. de Med., etc.; 174, Smoler, Oest. Zeit. f. Heilk., 1863 (three cases of Ars. paralysis); 175, Keber, V. J. S. f. Ger. Med.; 176, Dr. P. in U. (Henke's Zeit., 1862); 177, Barnes (Lancet, 1847) ; 178, Wagner (Med. Annals) ; 179, Platner (Omo- dei Am. Univ., Hah. M. M.) ; 180, Lachese (Ann. de Hygiene, H. Mat. Med.); 181, M. Diville (Lancet, 1838); 182, Rayner (Lancet, 1838); 183, Murray (Lancet, 1838); 184, St. Thos. Hosp. Rep. (Lancet, 12, 509); 185, Greening (Lancet, 1834); 186, Lancet, 1829; 187, Lancet, 1839; 188, Burns (Lancet, 1839); 189, Thompson (Lancet, 1840); 190, Foster (Lancet, 1840); 191, Hedley (Lancet, 1842); 192, Gaz. de Hop. (Lancet, 1842); 193, Bird (Lancet, 1843, poisoning by the vapor of Arsenic) ; 194, Shipman (Am. J. of Med. Sc, 1838); 195, Argent (Lancet, 1844); 196, Kelso (Lancet, 1844); 197, Farget (Lancet, 1851); 198, Waite (Lancet, 1858), Arsenic applied to pulp of tooth; 199. Dermott (Lancet, 1851); 200, Ryan (Lancet, 1851); 201, A. McLeod (Ed. M. and S. J., 15, 553) ; 202, Ward (Ed. M. and S. J., 33, 61); 203, Dymock (Ed. M. and S. J., 59, 350); 204, Gairdner (Ed. M. and S. J., 32, 305); 205, Jeesche (Hom. V. J. Schrift, 8, 467); 206, N. Z. f. H. KL, 12, 56; 207, Briimer (A. H. Z., 19, 223), Horst (A. H. Z., 19, 241), and Buchner (A. H. Z., 46, 64); 208, Hoppe (A. H. Z., 32, 379); 209, Kurtz (A. H. Z., 32, 379); 210, Bartlett (Chicago Pharmacist, 1872); 211, Scales (N. E. Med. Gaz., 2, 226, effects, taken for the complexion) ; 212, Benham (Am. Observer, 1864); 213, Malmstein, Hygeia, 1873 (Schmidt's Jahrb., chron. Ars. poison); 214, Levin (effects of Arsenic applied externally; Hirch's Zeit., 19, 112); 215, Bouvier (L'Art Med., 6, 31); 216, Colton (Med. Investi- gator, 9, 241) ; 217, Wibmer (effects of the fumes); 218, Zeit. f. Hom. KL, 3, 137 (effects of Arsen. paper); 219, Goullon (on Arsen. paper, A. H. Z., 64, 81) ; 220, Brit. Med. J., 1873 (poisoning by paper and pigments) ; 221, Oppenheim (Verhandlung, 1859, Arsen. paper); 222, Lorinzer (Wieu Med. Wach., 1857, Arsen. paper); 223, Dudgeon (B. J. of Horn., 20, 200, Arsen. paper); 224, Bayer (M. Horn. Rev., 1870, p. 597, Arsenical paper- hangings); 225, M. Hom. Rev., 1870, p. 413 (Arsen. paper, symptoms ob- served in four children); 226, Dr.H. Reynolds, Halm. Month., 10,53 (tox.). Mind.—Cerebral excitability/67.—Rage; he had to be bound; he en- deavored to escape,29.—Attacks of madness and sorrow/40.—"3Iauia; head- ache; excessive anguish; noise before the ears, as of many large bells, and when opening his eyes he constantly saw a man who had hung himself in the garret, and who requested the other by signs to cut him down; the former ran up to the latter with a knife, but not being able to cut him down, "he became desperate, and attempted to hang himself; this attempt being foiled, he became so restless that he could scarcely be kept quiet; he lost his speech, though he had his full understanding; and when attempting to express himself in writing, could only write down unintelligible signs, trembling and weeping all the while, the forehead covered with the sweat of anguish, kneeling down and raising his hands as if praying?.—Disposition to suicide/9. —"After midnight, a frequent desire to kill himself, by stabbing his heart through and through/66.—When alone, he thinks about disease and similar things, from which he finds it difficult to force his mind/.—*Delirium,106121, ARSENICUM ALBUM. 499 etc. etc.—High delirium unmanageable/01.—[10.] Delirium ; he arose to visit his daughter (absent, as he knew), and could with difficulty be quieted, but spoke rationally/13.—Loss of reason, returning from time to time,26.— *Very violent delirium, especially at night, with great restlessness/60.— Violent delirium during the last three or four days/13.—Delirium a few hours before death/'5.—Violent delirium, with tetanic convulsions/90.—He often raved during the course of the disease/13.—He raves, making motions with his hands, as if measuring with a rule, so that his ravings mostly re- lated to his business/13.—Raving and carphology/13.—Delirious thoughts with the eyes open, without being in delirium either before or after/.—[20.] Delusionsalternating with half-confused sleep/16.—Alteruating lively phan- tasies/04.—In the night he talked sensibly at times/35.—He likes to converse with others/.—Foolish answers/01.—"Her desire exceeds her need; she eats and drinks more than is good for her; she walks further than she needs to do?. —Indisposition to reply to questions/96.—Rather cheerful and disposed to busy himself/.—Mind energetic and fresh, inclined to gayety 218.—*Loud wailing/9.—Moaned grievously/24.—She lies crouched iu bed, groaning and moaning/34.—[30.] "She spends the night in moaning and groaning?11.— "Frequent screaming from pain?02 m.—He cried and howled, and spoke little and abruptly/.—(Piercing lamentations, interrupted by attacks of weak- ness)/1.—Piteous complainings, that an extremely unpleasant sensation in the abdomen and excessive mental anguish took away his breath, and forced him to bend double in this or that direction, or to rise and walk about/3.—Prrecordial anxiety for a long time/4.—"Anxiety and restlessness in the whole body (after nine hours)/5.—Continued sobbing, with childish spells of crying/66.—* Very low-spirited, and crying at the slightest provoca- tion?25.—"Exceedingly sensitive, despondent, sad, and weeping; the least trifle fills'her with care and solicitude?.—-[40.] Sad mood/17.—Great seriousness/. —Spirits depressed/24.—Much depressed/83.—She is despondent about her condition/21.—Grief,99.—Sad and depressed/.—Melancholic, sad, after eat- ing, with'headache (after eighty hours)/.—(Religious melancholy and re- serve)/1.!— Excessive melancholy/17.—[50.] He despairsof his life/5.J— *He despairs and weeps, and imagines no one can help him, that he must die; he is cold and chilly, and afterwards generally weak/.—* An- guish/7 18.—*Excessive anguish, with oppression of the chest, and difficult breathing?9.—'Internal anguish?9.—(Deathly anguish with vomiting)/1.— *Anguish and despair driving from one place to another for relief/26.— Ano-uish from the heart, interrupted by attacks of weakness/2.—Anguish, so that he several times fainted/2.—* With great anguish he turns and tosses to and fro in his bed/4 24.—[60.] Talks but little, only complains of anguish/3.—* Great anguish, trembling, and tremor, with violent tearing in the abdomen 23.—* With inexpressible mental anguish and increasing pain, he seemed to be at his last gasp?3.—Mental anxiety/17.—Indescribable anx- iet us ™ etc.—Extreme anxiety/9167.—(Most intolerable anxiety), .§— "Real deathly anxiety?01.—-Excited and anxious/24.—Impatient and anxious?. __[70.] The anxiety find restlessness are indescribable; " Kill me," he cried, "or relieve my pains !"102.—Great anxiety and oppression/00.—Anxiety and breaking out of cold sweat/'4.—Anxiety, with sweat/9.—Continued anxiety, a mental anguish, as if he had not done his duty, without, however, know- ing wherein/.—Anxiety and heat do not permit her to fall asleep before mid- night, for many days/.—"Anxiety in the evening after lying down; at 3 f « Not found," in reference. J « Not found." \ " Not found." 500 ARSENICUM ALBUM. o'clock after midnight, after waking/.—*Violent anxiety at 3 o'clock in the night; he now felt hot, now as if he would vomit/.—Anxiety and fear; he sees an absent acquaintance lying dead upon the sofa, and has great dread of him/0.—Fear?66.—[80.] Sense of deadly fear,99.—Appre- hension,99.—Constant dread of death,99.—*Dread of death coming on sud- denly when left alone, or on going to bed?24.—*The greatest fear and anguish; sees ghosts day and night?.—(He is anxious and trembling, and is afraid he shall not be able to prevent himself from killing a person with a knife)/6.—He runs through the whole house at night in search of thieves,10.—He imagines that the whole house, and the space under the bed, are full of thieves, which causes, from fright, anxious cold sweat to break out over his body,10.—He has so much fear that he jumps out of his bed, and hides himself in the wardrobe, which he can hardly be induced to leave,10. — He sees thieves in his room, and therefore hides himself under the bed/0.—[90.] He sees vermin and bugs crawl about his bed, from which he wants to escape, and constantly throws away whole haudfuls of them,10.—Her disposition has changed very much since the poisoning (four months ago) ; "her natural cheerfulness was quite banished, she was afraid of solitude and death; the slightest cause was sufficient to put her into anger and rage, which especially occurred when one spoke of her complete re- covery, which she considered wholly impossible. At times also an indescribable melancholy attacked her. Not until after a year did her wonted cheerful- ness return (Roth).—Fretfulness, even amounting to anger/19.—* Very fretful and sensitive; the least thing made him angry?.— Very fretful, indignant, capri- cious; every word offends her, and makes her very angry, when she should answer?.—* Very fretful and contented with nothing; she finds fault with everything; every conversation, noise, even the light, is disagreeable to her?.—Ill-humor, when waking in the morning; she knew not what to do with herself from ill-humor; pushed the pillows and bed-cover away, and would not look at or talk to anybody/.—Inclines to jest in a malicious manner/.—Indignation in the morning when in bed; pushes the pillows about indignantly, uncovers himself, sees no one, and does not want to be spoken to/.—She becomes furiously mad when offered something to eat, without having the least appetite/.—[100.] Crying at the slightest provoca- tion. Excessive irritability, and quarrelsome inclination. (This latter feature was very remarkable, for during the two years we were free from arsenical paper, the boys were always happy together, and remarked for their gentleness to each other)/25.—Great sensitiveness/65.—Cannot bear the slightest noise/9.—Very easily made to cry or laugh/67.—The mind was much affected by trifling things/67.—Vexed about trifles/.—He is vexed about every trifle, and constantly talks about other people's faults?.—Dis- contented ; has no desire for anything/.—Dissatisfied the whole day, and very fretful at himself for not having done enough/.—Indignation, alter- nating with mildness ; in her indignation she looks at nobody, and does not want to hear anything; she also cries/.—[HO.] Irresolution, by repeated moods; desires something, and when everything is done to fulfil his wish, the least trifle is sufficient to change his mind, and he will not have it/.— Quiet, with haggard expression, without complainings/79.—In the first minutes, great tranquillity of soul and cheerfulness; half an hour after, exce.-sive anxiety and restlessness; he imagined that the effects of the poison would be terrible, and desired that he might continue to live (in the case of a man who had poisoned himself with Arsenic and despaired on that account)/.—* Great indifference?.—"Indifference to ' life? 19.—* Calm ARSENICUM ALBUM. 501 indifference; without caring about their approaching death, they neither expected nor desired to recover (secondary effect, in two suicides who had taken Arsenic)/.—Calmness of mind (in the case of a despairing melancholy person),25/)"—Intellectual : Calm and equable mood; no event disturbed his equanimity/.—She retained her mental faculties, clear consciousness, aud an unshaken quiet disposition/34.—Involuntary mental excitement, towards morning, hindering sleep, although he feels very drowsy/.— [120.] "Ideas crowd upon him; he is too weak to repel tlvem in order to dwell upon one idea alone?.—Confusion,99.—Confusion of mind/10.—Stupid and confused in his head, as in violent coryza, and when out of humor; the head feels like a lantern/.—Feels as if she would lose her senses when thinking long about anything,99.—Absence of mind/'25.—Answers slowly/97.—He re- turns very short answers when questioned/06.—(Weakness of the under- standing)/1.!—At last perfectly unable to perform any mental work, afraid of his fellow-men, irritable and passionate; he got so downhearted from continued sleeplessness (from October 6th, 1855, to November, 1856), that he committed suicide/66.—[130.] Absence of the understanding and of the external and internal senses; he saw nothing, said nothing for many days, heard nothing, and understood nothing ; when one shouted into his ears, he looked at those present like one waking from deep sleep/7.—Want of memory/25.—Diminished memory?.—Forgetfulness ; thoughts leave him/. —Very imperfect memory for a long time/7.—From having had a remark- ably good memory, she lost her memory completely/'25.—Does not recognize objects/5.—Did not seem fully conscious of his condition/13.—(Chronic weakness of sense),u.§—Self-consciousness disappears or becomes very in- distinct/5.—[140.] Unconsciousness/9.—Loss of consciousness?28129, etc.— They lay unconscious and insensible/41.—*Loss of sensation and of con- sciousness/7.—Lies unconscious, and is aroused with difficulty/9.—"Sense- less?13128.—(She lay on her bed senseless, muttered unintelligible sounds, with staring eyes, and cold sweat on the forehead; tremor of the whole body; small pulse, hard and very quick)/1.—Loss of consciousness aud speech/8. — Loss of consciousness and convulsions/51.—Stupor and per- vading sleepiness/60.—[150.] Comatose stupefaction/41.—After vomiting and diarrhcea, condition of stupor from which it was difficult to wake her/50.—Stupor with staring eyes/60. Head.—Vertigo : * Vertigo?13116, etc., etc.—Vertigo; felt whole room go around/6.—Excessive vertigo, so that she had to hold herself/00.—Ex- cessive vertigo; "the bed is tipping over, I shall fall on the floor,"212.— Vertigo and dulness in the head/52.—Vertigo on arising/16.— Vertigo every evening; she has to hold on to something when closing her eyes/.—[160.] Vertigo, only when walking, as if he would fall to the right side/.—Vertigo, when sitting/.—Vertigo, with vanishing of thought when rising up/.— (Vertigo, with headache)/9.—Vertigo, with obscuration of sight/7.—Ver- tigo, with transient loss of sight/59.—Vertigo, with quiet features/35.—Vio- lent vertigo, with inclination to vomit when lying down; he has to sit up to be relieved/. — Much vertigo, especially with rush of blood to the heart/19.—Vertigo and trembling/16.—[170.] So dizzy, that he could not keep his head erect/24.—Dizzy in the head when going into the open air; the dizziness increased on re-entering the room (after half an hour)/.— f "The calmness was rather mental, from his determination, than physical." % " Result of suppression of Ague by A." § " Doubtful how much in ague and how much A." 502 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Dizziness, attended with mental confusion/10.—Giddiness?28112225.—Reeling sensation in the head during vomiting/3.—Reeling and stupid sensation in the head, especially the forehead, when walking in the open air, as if in- toxicated, so that he staggers from side to side, and threatens to fall every moment (after nine and a half hours)/. — Confusion, etc.: Confused feeling in the head/.—Confusion of the head,30.—" Great confusion of the head?16132.—Great confusion of the head, evenings (third day)/.f—[180.] Confusion and somnolence/13.—Dull head, without pain/.—"Stupid and dizzy in the head; he was unable to think/.—Stupid feeling in the head, as if he had not slept enough, from eleven in the forenoon till six in the after- noon/.—Stupid and weak in the head towards noon/.—"Stupefied feeling in the head, as if he had done an excessive amount of work with precipitate haste, accompanied with internal uneasiness (after second day)/.—(Stupefac- tion of the head, with loss of sense, and vertigo)/1.!—Gloominess in the head/1.—Weakness of the head, with weakness and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, so violent that she was quite sick/.—(Heaviness of the head, with aching pain, in the morning), (after seventy-two hours)/1.—[199.] "Heaviness in the head?4115°, etc.—Heaviness of the head, without pain/60.— Heaviness of the head all day (as after sexual excess)/3.—Heavy and con- fused feeling in the head, so that he cannot stand still; he must lie down/. —(Great heaviness in the head, especially when standing or sitting),31.§— Heaviness of head, with confusion/9. — Heaviness and pressure in the head/28.—* Great heaviness in the head, with humming in the ears; it goes off in the open air, but returns again as soon as he enters the room (after sixteen hours)/.—Head in General: (Swelling of the head)/9.—(Swell- ing of the veins of the whole head, after violent .vomiting)/8.—[200.] (Swelling of the head and face),40.—(Excessive swelling of the head and face)?1.—"(Edema of the head, face, eyes, neck, and chest, having a natural color/7.—Palsied shaking of the head/88.—Incessant to-and-fro movement of the head/24.—Grasping the head and throat (in a child)/13.—Ringing noise in the head/8.—Noise and confusion in head/8.—Strange sensations in her head/24.—Sensation in the head, over the ear, when walking, as of two marbles striking each other/.—[210.] Headache?20'225, etc.—"Violent headache?03113, etc.—Excessive headache?6 37.—Severe headache, getting worse all day, with very decided feeling of constriction at the temples, as if from intoxication (immediately)/2.—Stupefying headache, especially in the right side of the forehead, directly over the right eyebrow, with sore pain when knitting the brow/.—Headache, which Jasted eight days/60.—Headache at uncertain times, mostly in the night/28.—On rising in the morning, violent headache, worse on the left side; he was obliged to return to bed ; it lasted several days, though with less intensity/2.—Increase of headache at 11 p.m., with cold hands and face,99.—Headache nearly constant, aggravated by vomiting/10.—[220.] Headache for several days, relieved by applying cold water, but becoming much worse if taken away/.—(Periodical head- ache)/6.—"Intense headache, increased by light and noise?99.—Headache and vertigo (a long time)/17.—Headache and, vertigo?16 m.—Headache, with ver- tigo, for several days/5.—Headache and dulness/10.— Headache aud stom- achache/22.—Violent headache, with fever and sensitiveness of the region of the stomach/60.—Burning pain in the head,99.—"Heat in the head, when coughing?.—[230.] Tensive headache/.—Contractive pain in the head/.— Stupefying, aching pain, especially in the forehead, with fine stitches in the f " Not found." % " Not found." \ After an antidote. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 503 left temporal region near the outer canthus, when walking and standing, going off when sitting (after two and a half hours)/.—Dull headache, in the morning, when waking, going off when rising/.—Drawing and throb- bing in head/07.—Violent pressive headache/12.—Violent pressing in the head from six to eight o'clock in the evening, entire want of appetite, tran- sient sweat, and great anguish/.—Excessive heaviness in the head, as if the brain were oppressed by a load, with humming in the ears in the morning after rising (after twenty-four hours)/. — Stupefying pressive headache, especially in the forehead, in every position/.—Pain as if the brain were being torn out,99. — [240.] Tearing throbbing headache, especially at night/18.—Frequent attacks of tearing throbbing headache, sometimes on one side, and extending over whole head/19.—Tearing in the head, and at the same time in the right eye/.—Headache, consisting of tearing and heaviness, with drowsy faintness in the daytime (after four days)/.—Pain as if bruised, in the external head, worse when touched/.—Wavering sen- sation iu brain, especially when moving the head/9.—"When moving the head, while walking, the brain, seems to flap, with pressure upon it,10.—"Sen- sation, during motion, as if the brain moved and beat against the skull?.— Violent throbbing pain in the whole head, especially the forehead, with desire to vomit, when raising himself in bed/.—Sharp, hard throbbing, like a hacking, in the whole head, as if the skull were being pressed asun- der; at night, sweat breaking out/.—Forehead: [250.] Inflammation of frontal sinuses, with aggravation at the same time, each day/19.— Cold sweat of the forehead?10157'.—Hard swelling, on both frontal eminences, like a nut; the swelling increases in the evening (Sr.).—Frontal heaviness all day, becoming quite troublesome in the evening, with pulsations rather more painful in the forehead and temples/2.—*Frontal headache/10.—The most agonizing pains were about the forehead and temples/81.—*Intense pains in the frontal region, accompanied by vertigo?81.—During sleep, he complains of headache, now in the forehead/now in the occiput,10*.— "Drawing pressive pain in the right side of the forehead (after two and three- quarter hours)/.—(Headache over the left eye, very violent in the evening and night)/.—[260.] Constrictive (drawing together) pain above eyes and in temples/9.—"Pain as if bruised or sore, over the nose and in the forehead, going off for a short time by rubbing?.—Sensation as if he had been knocked on the forehead/.—Throbbing headache directly over the root of the nose?.— Violent throbbing pain in the forehead, during motion/.—Temples : Swell- ing of the superficial veins of temples/9.—Unpleasant feeling in the region of the temples/28.—Pain in temples/9.—All day pressive headache in both temples/2.—Pressive pain, in the right temporal region, in every position of the body (after three hours)/.—[270.] Stitchlike pressive pain in the left temple, not going off by contact (after two and a half hours)/.—Stitching pain in the left temple, going off by touch/.—Tearing stitches in the left temple/.—Painful hammering in the temples, at noon and midnight, for half an hour, after which her body feels paralyzed for two hours/.—Ver- tex : Pain in the region of the vertex/28.—Burning at a spot on the scalp (he size of a dollar, on the vertex/9.—The burning pain in the region of the vertex has not yet quite disappeared (after ten days), aud she com- plains of a sore pain in the scalp, when touched/05.—Drawing headache, under the coronal suture, a few hours every afternoon/.—In the head, now a pressing confusing, now a violent throbbing, or a burning pain in the region of the vertex, which grew less on gentle rubbing/05.—Headache, as from a heavy weight pressing on vertex/9.—Parietals : [280.] ("Hemi- 504 ARSENICUM ALBUM. crania)?1'.—Bruised pain in one side of the head, in the morning when rising (after twelve hours)/.—"Dull beating pain in one half of the head, as far as above the eye?.—"The pains in the head and face are especially se- vere on the left side, so as to prevent leaning or resting on that side; she was obliged to sit up all night, keeping the head erect/9.—* Violent neural- gia on left side of head, followed by lame feeling/9.—Dull pain on left side of head/9.—Tearing pains on left side of head/9.—Occiput ; *Headache in the occiput/.—Head painful, especially in the occiput/04. — Tearing pains in the occiput/.—External Head : [290.] (Corroding ulcers on the scalp)/7.—(Ulcerated crust on the scalp, of the thickness of a finger, falling off in a few weeks)/9.—(Ulcer-crusts on the scalp extend as far as the middle of the forehead)/7.—Scalp covered with hard, isolated pus- tules/07.—Moist discharge from scalp/8.—Behind the right ear a circular elevation of the size of a penny-piece, with reddened base, burning, twitch- ing, and stitching/9.—(Burning pain in the scalp)/7.—Scalp painful when touched/9.—Pain of the scalp when touehed, as of ulceration?.—The scalp was painful, on applying the hand to it/2.—[300.] (Gnawing itching on the head)/7.—Disagreeable formication in the head, every other night/22.— Creeping in the integuments of the occiput, as if the roots of the hair were moving/.—Itching all day on the hairy scalp, compelling him to scratch/2. —-Corrosive itching over the whole head, obliging him to scratch/.—Pain- ful itching, as of an ulcer, in the whole scalp, which is painful all over as if ecchymosed, but mostly in the region of the occiput (after seven hours)/.— (*Burning-itching in the scalp)/7—The hair is painful when touched/.— '"Falling out of the hair?03105, etc.—The hair falls off from the left side of the head/9.—[310.] The hair which had come out grew again, but was stiff and brittle, and of a gray color; but it soon fell off again, and gave place to healthy brown hair, which grew as thick and long as formerly/05. Eyes. — Eyes in General : Lively, penetrating look/63. — Eyes brightand glistening, and vessels of cornea much injected/99.—(Inflammation of the eyes,,/4.'—Inflammation of the eyes, violent, frequently recurring/6. —Weak look of the eyes/9.—Dim eyes/9.—Suffused, languid eyes/02.—Eyes look veiled, and minutely injected/2.—Blue circles around the eye, and pale appearance of the eyeball,224.—[320.] Yellow eyes, as in jaundice/.— Eyes injected?30142, etc.—Eyes injected, as in the beginning of an eruptive fever/00.—Weak and inflamed eyes, the conjunctiva was fiery red/'4.—The eyes red/39.—The eyes very red/60.—Bloodshot eyes/9.—Red, inflamed eyes/3.—Eyes red, as after weeping/2.— Wild look?026.—*Staring eyes/26.— [330.] Staring look, without dilatation of the pupils/9.—Protruding eyes?926. — Eyes protruding and quite red/25.—Protruding and watery eyes/17. — *Sunken eyes and pale face/7. — Swelling of the eyes, (18) 113.f— Eyes greatly swollen/81.—(Swelling of the 'eye and lips)/7.—"Painless swelling under the left eye, partly closing the eye, and very soft (after five days)/. — Distortion of the eyes/5.!—[340.] Distortion of the eyes and cervical muscles/6.—Distortion of the eyes in a horrid manner/7.—Rigid eye, turned upward/9.—From time to time the eyes turned upward and squinting, but only transiently/02.—Eyes retracted/93.—Eyes often feel moist and as if full of tears, but without lachrymation/2.—Stiffness of the eyes/3.—Eyes stiff, heavy, rather sensitive/2.—"In evening, feeling of sand in eyes,93.—"In the evening, feeling as of sand in the eyes, obliging him to rub them?2.—[350.] Feels as if there were a blood boil below each eye/9.— f Compare S. 199, authority 18. I " Not found." ARSENICUM ALBUM. 505 Deep internal pain of the right eye, with violent stitches when turning it, so that she was scarcely able to turn it/.—Violent pain in the left eye/9.— Violent pain in left eye during the night/9.—*Burning in the eyes/.— "Severe and constant burning in the eyes?08.—During the day, slight sensa- tion of heat in both eyes/2.—"Burning in the eyes, nose, and mouth?3.—"Eyes hot and burning sore in the balls,96.—"Sensation of burning and smarting (.in eves)/3.—[360.] Several times in the evening, and especially when lying down, a distinct feeling of burning and slight pricking in the eyes,92. —Drawing paiu in the eyes and twitching in the lids/.—Heavy pressure in the eves/9.—Pressure in the left eye as from sand (after two hours)/.— Pressive pain under the right eye, lasting for hours, at night, causing so much anguish that she was unable to remain in bed/.—Tearing in the eye, occasionally/2.—Tearing pains in left eye/9.—Somewhat painful sensitive- ness of both eyes/2.—Stitches and burning in eyes/9.—"Pulsative throbbing in the eyes, and at every pulsation a stitch; after midnight?.—[370.] Jerking in the left eye/.—Severe nightly itching in both eyes/3.—Biting, gnawing itching in both eyes, obliging him to rub (after three hours)/.—Eyes feel worse when moving them, or looking steadily,99.—All the eye-symptoms I have felt the more acutely, as I have never before had the slightest trouble with those organs/2.—Brow and Orbit : *A11 the parts around the orbits are swollen,218.—"Suborbital pain on the left side, with prickings as with needles, sometimes quite severe?'.—Pinching aching pain over the eyes, going off soon.—Itching around the eyes and temples, as if pricked with innumerable red-hot needles/.—Lids : Blepharitis excessively aggra- vated/08.—[380.] *Blepharadenitis, cil., and ulcerosa/21.—Lower lid exter- nally excoriated where the burning was most severe/08.—Lids and lips blue/16. —Eyelids injected and half shut/92.—Redness of margin of lids/08.—Edges of lids very red,"160.—"Extreme redness of the inner surface of the eyelids, with uneasy sensation, rather than pain, often obliging him to rub the eyes/2.— In the morning, much gum on the eyelids/2.—"Swelling of the lids?3.— "The lids swollen and red?39.—[390.] *Eyelids (Edematous, often completely closing the eyes/23.—GEdematous, painless swelling of the eyelids, .— Swelling of the upper, and, after that, of the lower left eyelid, afterwards of the forehead, head, and neck, without pain and without secretion^ of mucus; the swelling of the head and neck reached a frightful size,10.— OZdema of the left eyelids/16.—Great oedema of upper lid, with a bright red flusn *» —* Continual trembling of the upper eyelids, with lachrymation, .— Spasms of the eyelids/9.—Spasmodic closure of the lids/9.—* The cedematous eyelids are firmly and spasmodically closed, and look as if distended with air . —The left eye cannot be opened/9.—[400.] His eyelids closed; he feels tired 6.—Agglutination of the eyelids, in the morning,10.—The eyelids are not closed during sleep/18.—Kind of difficulty in moving the eyelids, .— Slight stiffness in the eyelids/2.—From time to time, stiffness in the eye- lids 92 —Stiffness of the eyelids, as if he had been smoking all night; lasted fifteen days 92.—Marked and constant stiffness of the eyelids, for four days,2. —"Dryness of the eyelids, as if the eye were rubbed by them, when reading by candlelight?.—"Pain of the margin of the eyelids, during motion, as if dry and rubbing against the eyeballs, both in the open air and in the room, .— 1410 1 1pm Sudden severe pain in the eyelids, with very painful prick- ing and lachrymation, which lasted ten minutes/4.—"Burning in the margin of the upper eyelids?.-Pressive pain over the left eyelid increasing when raising the eye, and also in the upper half of the eyeball/.-Smart,ng in the eyelids like that felt on entering a room filled with smoke; lasted all 506 ARSENICUM ALBUM. day/4.—Lachrymation : Swimming of the eyes/83.—The eyes watery, half opened, red/21.—Watering from the eyes, and a dazzled sensation/24.— * Watering and itching of the eyes, with a little pus in the eyes in the morn- ing/.—"Lachrymation?6181, etc.—Slight lachrymation in the morning, with some fluent coryza/3.—[420.] *Corrosive tears, making the cheeks and eyelids sore/6.—Constant watering of the right eye, for eight days (after second day)/. — Conjunctiva: Inflammation of the conjunctiva/9.— Chronic conjunctivitis, not severe, but obstinate, with itching and depre- ciation of vision/19.—Conjunctivitis palpebralis/43. — "Inflammation of the conjunctiva, with suffusion of the eyes and intolerance of light?11.— Yellowness of conjunctiva,209.—The white of the eye yellow/54.—Yellow white of the eye as in jaundice,10.—Conjunctiva somewhat red/16.—[430.] The white of the eye becomes red/18.—Redness or soreness of the conjunctiva/20.—"Conjunc- tiva injected?59 nl.—The conjunctivae intensely injected/90.—* Conjunctiva minutely^ injected, with diffused, pale redness?2.—Conjunctiva minutely in- jected and ciliary vessels greatly enlarged,203.—Ball and Pupil : Eye- balls very protruding, as if out of their sockets/18.—The eyeballs fixed up- ward/90.—Yellowness of sclerotica/9.—Iu the albuginea and at the edge of the reddened cheeks a slight icteric flush/35.—[440.] Pupils dilated?50165, etc. —Pupils strongly dilated,203.—The pupils from being minutely contracted become exceedingly dilated/9.—Pupils contracted?0216b.—Contracted pupils (after one and a half hours)/ 7.—Alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils, more in the night, in rather rapid and extreme degree, increased by presenting a lighted candle, or moving the tip of the finger to and fro/96.— Pupils insensible to light/02.—Vision: Eyes weak/41.—The eye weak, without lustre, and generally closed/34.—Weakness of the eyes/28.— [450.] Weak sight, for a long time/7.f—Disturbance of vision/54.—The sight is indistinct/13.—Obscuration of sight/8.—Obscuration of sight; it be- comes black before the eyes immediately/5.—Slight loss of vision/72.— Vision impaired; could not read by gaslight more than a few minutes; could not see except by good daylight, and then had to get work very near her eyes; any use of eyes attended with pain/11.—(Almost total blind- ness in the case of a female affected with weak sight; she loses hearing and is for a long time affected with dulness of sense),u4—He opens his eyes, and complains that they see no more/25.—She lost the sight totally/34.— [460.] (Sparks before the eyes with headache and vertigo)?1. — Flicker- ing before the eyes/17. — White spots or points before the eyes/.—*Sees as through a white gauze/.—It seems yellow before the eyes, during the nausea/3.—Darkness before the eyes/13.—Darkness and flickering before the eyes/9.—"Photophobia (n)/9.§—"She appeared to be sensitive to light, and often kept her eyes closed?63.—Snow dazzles the eyes, and makes them water/. Ears.—[470.] Ears extremely swollen, with dark, erysipelatous red- ness, and large blisters, which soon discharge and become gangrenous-look- ing/07.—Burning in the outer ear in the evening (after five hours)/.—Draw- ing tearing in the left lobule/.—Drawing tearing behind the ear, along the neck, extending down to the shoulder/.—Some itching under the right ear, and a papular eruption there/1.—Sensation as if the left meatus auditorius were stopped from without/.—When swallowing, the ear becomes closed from within, like deafness/.—*Otalgia/.—Cramp pain in the outer ears/. —*Tearing in the internal ear/.—[480.] *Sticking tearing through the left f See S. 128, and note. % See S. 138. \ To authority 11, see S. 457. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 507 meatus auditorius from within outwards, towards evening (first day)/.— Stitching iu the ear in the morning/.—"Stitching pain in the left meatus au- ditorius at night, from within outwards?.—Agreeable creeping, deep in both ears, for ten days/.—Voluptuous tickling in the right meatus auditorius causes rubbing/.—Hearing: Unusual sensitiveness to sound/24.—Very sensitive to noise/.—He does not understand what people say/5.—Hard hearing, as if the ears were stopped (after sixteen hours)/.—[Deafness. H.]/.—[490.] Sounds in the ear and the whole head/.—*Roaring in the ears?8, etc.—Roaring in the ears at every new paroxysm of pain?.—Roaring in the left ear/28.—Strong rushing noise in the ear, as of a near waterfall/. —"Ringing in the ears?9.—Ringing in the right ear, when sitting (after an hour and a half)/. JWbsc.—Objective and Discharges : Nose pointed/34.—"Nose swollen and pouring forth a profuse watery discharge?24.—*Sores of mucous mem- brane of nose/20.—[500.] [*Ulceration of the upper part of the inner nose, secreting a fetid ichor, tasting bitter. H.]/.—Sneezing/7.—Frequent sneez- ing, without coryza (after eleven hours)/.—"Violent continued sneezing?.— Violent and intractable sneezing/20.—Frequent violent attacks of sneezing, which awake her at night, and attended by copious, watery discharge from nose/23.—Running from the nose/6.—Profuse running from the nose/24.— Considerable running at the nose for two days, with itching/3.—*Excoriat- ing discharge from the nostrils,225.—[510.] (*Discharge of a corrosive fluid from the nose)/7.—Profuse, thick, yellow discharge from the nose/24.— "Every morning at 5 o'clock sets in an excessive discharge from the nose, dur- ing five years and a half, with very occasional intermissions of a few weeks dur- ing very hot weather; it was always worse in the morning, and went off in the open air,224.—Cold in the head/24.—Slight coryza/2.—Sudden coryza/4. —Violent fluent coryza/.—"Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing (after eleven hours)/.—Coryza, with sneezing, every morning when waking, and going off speedily/.—Very annoying coryza ; stoppage of the primse viae/2. —[520.] "Excessive coryza, with hoarseness and sleeplessness?.—She is con- stantly blowing her nose, as if she had a cold in the head (never was thus troubled before)/1.—Dryness of the nasal cavity?.—"Fluent and dry coryza together?.—Stoppage of the nose, as from catarrh,99.—Violent hemorrhage from the nose during ill-humor (after three days)/.—After the use of wine excessive bleeding from the nose/19.—Bleeding of the nose when vomit- ing/05.—(Violent hemorrhage from the nose after violent vomiting)/9.— Sensations and Smell : "Pain in the nasal bone, in the root of the nose?. —Distressing feeling of stoppage under the bridge of the nose, which oc- casionally altered his speech/2*.—[530.] "Distressing stoppage in the bridge of the nose?25.—Nose and ears cold/97.—Burning pain in the nose, eyes, and mouth/39.—In the evening, unpleasant heat in the left nasal fossa, with a peculiar drvness of the back part of the mouth,92.—*The watery nasal mucus causes a smarting and burning at the nostrils, as if they were made sore by it/.—Itching in the nose/3.—Stitches in the nasal bones/.— (The smell of cooked meat is intolerable to him) ,15.t—Offensive smells be- fore the nose,99.—Smells of pitch and sulphur before the nose alternately/. 2face.—Appearance : [540.] Face covered with sweat/21125.—*Face covered with cold sweat/22134, etc.—Skin of face icy cold,99.—Face cold, nose and lips blue/21.—*Face and hands cold, covered with cold sweat/22.— Features greatly changed/34,36.—*His appearance is best compared with that f "After antidote." 508 ARSENICUM ALBUM. of a cholera patient in the algid stage?02.—* Face stupid/36.—^Suffering ap- pearance/03.—*Distressed expression of countenance/24.—[550.] Anxious countenance,202.—The look anxious, but not wild or confused/24.—Expres- sion of agony on the countenance/84.—*Face expressive of genuine mental agony/23.—Frightful expression of apprehension,203.—On the face signs of vague anxiety and desperation, as well as an expression of deep trouble/14. —Face expressive of the deepest anxiety, now red, now pale/16.— Wild look?1154, etc.—"Hippocratic face?34152, etc.—Deathlike expression (during vomiting)/3.—[560.] *Deathly color to the face (during vomiting)/3.— "Pale countenance?110i, etc.—Extremely delicate pale appearance/24.— (Deadly paleness, with violent vomiting)/1.—Deadly white look; extreme pallor/24.—Face pale, except a flush on each cheek/93.—The face pale ; con- fused expression/09.—Pallid and anxious countenance/99.—Face pale and haggard/97.;—*Pale and squalid countenance/01.—[570.] *Pale, corpselike, convulsively distorted countenance/09.—*Face pale, with an expression of extreme pain/06.—She looked very pale, and felt very powerless/34.—Pale- gray, swollen face/13. — *Pale, yellow, cachectic look/.—Face leaden gray/13.—*The face bluish -gray/34.—The face somewhat livid/24.—Face livid and lurid?5 46.—(Clayey, lead-colored face, with green and blue streaks and spots)/7.—[580.] * Color of the face yellowish?13135.—Color of face gray- ish-yellow/03.—Yellow face/17.—Yellow or jaundiced state of the counte- nance/'1.—Yellow face and sunken eyes/.—A greenish-yellow color of the face/66.—"Face flushed?92 201, etc.—Face and eyes injected/42.—Reddish, dis- torted face/34.—Face red/13123, etc.—[590.] Face red, inflamed/41.—Face red, with a yellowish tinge about the nostrils/51.—Face red in spots, and covered with sweat/21.—Face and tongue red/51.—Face red and puffy,217.— "Fare red and swollen?81.—The face at times puffed/63.—*Swelling of the face/8 no, etc.—*CEdema of the face/03.—Swelling of the whole face (from the external application of Arsenic)/.—[600.] (Elastic swelling of the face, especially of the eyelids, and more particularly in the morning, in three per- sons)/9.—Swelling of the face and legs/13.—Face swollen and livid/90.— Bloated, red face/9.—Bloated, red face, with swollen lips/.—Swollen, dark, hot face/9.—Whole face extremely swollen, with dark, erysipelatous red- ness, and large blisters, which soon discharge, and become gangrenous-look- ing/9.—Face swollen, flushed, and covered with cold sweat/85.—Swelling of the face, with fainting-fits, and vertigo/3.—*Sunken face/10°, etc.—[610.] *Sunken, anxious features,99.—*Face sunken, pale, covered with cold sweat?40. —Disfigured, pale countenance/9.—"Distorted, drawn lines of the face?9.— Distortion of the features, as if dissatisfied/.—Face horribly distorted by con- vulsions and pain/09.—The mouth drawn in all directions/90.— Twitching of the facial muscles?6 21\—Convulsions of facial muscles,99.—Frequent smil- ing/01.—[620.] Sensations : Sensation as if an eruption was about to appear all over face/9.—Pains in the face, teeth, and gums/25.—Increase of pain in face ou touching the painless side/9.—The left side of the face feels colder than the right,99.—Heat and redness of face/9.—Violent burning and itching in the face for half an hour, during which the pain in face diminishes,99.— Flushes of heat in face, with anxiety/9.—Tearings in face of a quotidian type/19.—Tearing pain in left half of the face/9.—Throbbing in face and head as if the boiling blood would burst the veins/9.—[630.] Itching in the face; he scratches it until it is red/.—Red spot on right cheek,99.—Extensive tu- mefaction of the right cheek, with violent pain in the whole of that side of the face; smooth, shining, scarlet redness of the skin over the swelling/69.— "Corrosive ulcer on the lip, painful in the evening after lying down—a sort of ARSENICUM ALBUM. 509 tearing and smarting pain; the pain is worst when touching the part and ex- posing it to the air; prevents sleep, and wakes him at night (after fourteen days)/.—White-powdered lips/31.—"Lips livid?84.—"Bluish lips?9 38.—*Lips and tongue bluish/34.—A brown strip of shrivelled, almost burnt, epidermis extends through the middle of the vermilion border of the lower lip/.—*Lips spotted, black?6.—[640.] Lips covered with small black spots/17.—Painful blotches in the upper lip/.—"Swelling of the lips?. — *Swollen, cracked lips/9.—Lips swollen, with two large blisters, as if from a cold, one on the right edge of the upper lip, the other at the left edge of the lower lip ; the former afterwards discharges lymph, the latter pus/9.—Lips convulsively distorted, as with risus sardonicus/41.—Bleeding of the under lip, after a meal (after one and a half hours)/.—Lips somewhat dry, and pale red/09. —*Lips dry, and covered with herpes/99.—*Sore lips, and ulcers in the mouth,220.—[650.] Pricking twitching or jerking in one side of the upper lip, especially when going to sleep?.—Itching in the upper lip, as if pricked with innumerable hot needles, extending as far as under the nose; next day, swelling of the upper lip, above the vermilion border/. — Jaws clenched/9.—Jaws closed tightly/41.—Jaws firmly locked/01.—Spasms in jaws; can scarcely separate the teeth/9.—When drinking, can only open mouth a little, aud with difficulty/9.—When trying to drink, she bites the edge of the tumbler/9.—She swallows the offered drink with a convulsive motion of the jaws, so as to almost break the glass/65.—Abscesses of the jaw/98.—[660.] Pressure in the left upper jaw/.—Twice in the space of five minutes he felt severe pains along the course of the right inferior maxillary nerve, each time five or six very painful and distinct lancinations; while lying down, some time after, very severe headache, and the same painful lancina- tions along the maxillary nerve/2. Mouth.—Teeth and Gums: Gnashing of teeth/9.—Convulsive grind- ing of the teeth/1.—"Grinding of the teeth, while asleep?.—Considerable de- posit of tartar at the base of the teeth (in a dentist, who took the greatest care of his teeth),90.—Falling out of all the teeth/1.—The upper teeth of the right side began to loosen and were removed with the fingers/69.— Painful looseness of the teeth; they feel sore per se, and still more when chewing; the gums are likewise painful to the touch, and the cheek swollen/.—"A tooth becomes loose and prominent, in the morning; the gum of that tooth is painful to the touch; that part of the cheek behind which the tooth is located is still more painful on the outside ; the tooth is not painful when biting the teeth together?.—[670.] Progressive caries of the teeth, with unbearable toothache/66.—Dulness of teeth, as if she could not chew with them,99.—* The tooth seemed longer than natural; was sensitive to pressure and cold water; was somewhat loosened?69.—Pain in teeth/01.—Toothache in all the teeth of left side/9.—Toothache all day in the left upper jaw/2.—"Pain of some of the teeth as if they were loose and would fall out; the pain is not increased by chewing (after one hour)/.—Slight toothache on rising; it soon becomes extremely severe, with profuse salivation/2.—Toothache, at night, shortly after going to sleep; it wakes her/.—In the evening, for four or five minutes, slight but well-marked pains in the upper, and especially in the lower, molars of the right side/2.—[680.] Upper teeth painful when biting on them,99.—Toothache, more aching than drawing/.—Severe dull achiug pain in the tooth, extending to all the teeth of that side/69.—Tearing in teeth, regularly recurring at night/18.^-Tearing in the teeth and head, driving her almost to frenzy; she strikes her head with her fist; shortly before the menses/.—"Jerking, continuous toothache, extending as far as the temple, 510 ARSENICUM ALBUM. relieved or arrested by sitting up/.—The toothache always consists of very distinct painful stitches/2.—Abscess over the canine (upper), on the right side; on being opened, discharged freely a sanious pus, for several weeks/69. —Characteristic deposit of false membrane on the gums/2.—Swollen gums, completely covered with a network of white false membrane,90.— [690.] Swollen, bleeding gums, very painful to touch, and spotted white,90.— The gingivo-labial groove is much injected,90.—A purple-red line on the gums/59.—A large portion of the alveolar process of the superior maxilla becomes detached and was removed/69.—Nightly tearing pain in the gums of the incisors, intolerable as long as he lies on the affected side, but arrested by the warmth of the stove; on the following morning the nose is swollen and painful to the touch (after three days)/.—Stitching in the gums in the morning/.—Tongue : Swollen tongue/13.—"Inflammation and swelling, externally and internally, about the root of the tongue?01.—*On the edges of the tongue, five superficial ulcers as large as a pea/16.—Tongue clean/28. — [700.] Tongue thickly coated?04135, etc.—Mucous coating on tongue/50.—Tongue much furred,202.—" Tongue furred, with a red streak down the middle and redness of the tip/93.—* Very coated tongue, sometimes with rededges?20.—* White tongue/3.—Thin white coating on tongue/9.—■* Tongue coated whitish?09132.—The tongue, roof of the mouth, gums, fauces, and throat became covered with a thick white velvety coating, growing drier and darker until the fourteenth day, when it began to loosen and detach itself, in small pieces at first, but soon came off rapidly, and was discharged by the bowels in large quantities, haviug the fetor of putrid animal matter, leaving the mouth, throat, stomach, and bowels acutely tender for some time/67.—The upper surface of the tongue was white, not coated, but thickened/17.—[710.] "Tongue white and dry?04.—The tongue grayish, swollen/02.—* Tongue coated yellowish-white,10'1'.—Tongue at its base covered with a yellow coating, and red at the tip and edges/51.—*Bluish tongue/8. —Tongue and lips bright red/24.—"Tongue fiery red, smooth and dry?61.— Thick, brownish coating on tongue/09.—Tongue with very protruding pa- pillse, at the end scarlet/04.—Patchy tongue/24.—[720.] Scalded tongue/25. —Moist tongue/24.—Tongue moist, whitish in the centre/51.—Tongue moist and icy/97.—^Dryness of the tongue/6 47, etc.—*Dry and brown-coated tongue/13.—Dry tongue, coated toward the back/11.—"Tongue dry, and morbidly red, with papillae considerably raised at the tip?99.—Insensible tongue, as if burnt and dead, and no taste/.—(Feeling of dryness on the tongue)/1.—[730.] Weakness and pains in the tongue/62.—* Violent burn- ing on the tongue, in the palate and throat/13.—* Violent burning on the tongue, in the pharynx and stomach?52.—"Pain in the tongue, as if covered with burning painful vesicles?.—The tongue feels painful, as if corroded, on the side of the tip (after fourteenth day)/.—Tongue seemed thick/.— Boring pain in the right border of the tongue, in a sort of half sleep/.— Stitching pain in the root of the tongue, as if a fishbone were lodged there, when swallowing or turning the head/.—Mouth, etc. :—Mucous membrane of the mouth slightly abraded/99.—"Painful blisters in the mouth and on the tongue?03.—"Numerous aphthae in the whole mouth?50.—[740.] Aphthae in the mouth, at first white, then becoming black/44.—Disgusting smell from the mouth/9.—Fetor of the breath, with superficial ulceration of the gums and throat/71.—Hemorrhage from the mouth and rectum/4.—Slimy mouth and throat (two hours)/.—"Dryness of the mouth?18132, etc.—(Greatdryness in the mouth)/5.—Dry mouth and thick tongue/2.—Dry mouth, with violent thirst/18.—* Violent dryness in the mouth and great thirst?.—[750.] *Feeling ARSENICUM ALBUM. 511 of great dryness in the mouth, with violent thirst; he drinks little at a time/.—He imagines he has sand in his mouth/35.—Long-continued feel- ing of roughness in the hard palate/.—Pain in the mouth, beginning on the left side, and afterwards affecting all the gums (after some days),90.—Heat in the mouth and throat/93.—"Burning in the mouth and pharynx?10.— "Burning in the mouth along the pharynx, and in the pit of the stomach/84.— * Mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus commenced to burn violently/'29.—*Much saliva; he must spit often/.—Frequent spitting/41.— [760.] Frequent spitting,90.—Considerable salivation,90.—Copious saliva- tion/85.—Salivation has been observed to follow, especially when small doses have been given for a length of time/7'.—Acrid fluid rises into the mouth/. — Diminished secretion of saliva/2.—Saliva bloody?3 139.—Bitter saliva/.—Dry taste in the mouth, as of wood/.—The food tastes as if not salted enough/.—[770.] Beer has a flat taste/.—Unpleasant taste/19.—Dis- gusting sour taste in the mouth/16.—He complained of a detestable taste in the mouth and fauces/02.—*The food tastes salt/.—Disagreeable metallic taste in the mouth/92.—*Sour taste/9.—Disgusting sour taste in the mouth/16.— Sour taste in the mouth ; the food likewise tastes sour/.—*Bitter mouth, without having eaten anything/.—(Bitter taste, mornings)/.—[780.] "Bitter taste in the mouth after a meal?.—Bitter, repulsive taste in the mouth, after eating and drinking/.—Bitter mouth, with yellow diarrhoea/3.—Malt beer tastes bitter/.—Putrid and fetid taste in the mouth/.—Putrid taste, morn- ings, like spoiled meat/.—Loss of power of speech/01.—He cannot speak, for he cannot approximate the lips ; the lower one is burned, hanging down, everted, and very painful/02. Throat.— Throat in General : *Ulcerated throat/25.—[790.] Ulcer- ated sore throat (while the paper was being removed from the walls)/25.— Erosions of the throat fester deeply/16.—Excessive swelling of the left carotid, when stooping/.—Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with ach- ing and contusive pain/.—(Swelling of submaxillary glauds, with painful- ness to external pressure)/.—Hard swelling of the left submaxillary gland, increasing in the evening (Sr.).—Parotid and submaxillary glands much swollen/98.—(Inflammation of the throat)/6.—Contraction of the throat/91. —The throat is constricted/39.—[800.] Bitter throat after a meal, the food having a natural taste every other day (like a tertian fever)?.—*Sweetish taste also in throat/09.—Hawks up gray mucus/.—Constant spitting of sa- liva and mucus from fauces/02.—Extreme dryness of the throat/93.—Feel- ing of dryness in the throat; she had to drink all the time, as if parched/. —"Dryness and burning in throat?19.—Dryness and contraction of the throat/19.—*Dryness, soreness, scraping, and burning in throat,99.—Dry throat, with violent thirst/18.—[810.] Roughness and hoarseness in the throat, mornings/.—Sensation as if a hair were in the throat/.—Pain in throat in the evening/2.—Pain in throat and mouth/61.—Pain in throat and stomach/7 162. — Excruciating pains and burning sensation in throat and stomach/85.—"Burning in the throat?531, etc.—Heat and burning in the throat/50.—Heat and uneasiness in throat/04.—Heat and excruciating pain in throat/01.—[820.] Heat and lancinating pain in throat/01.—Excru- ciating heat and oppression in the throat, as if burning and suffocating/81. —Burning and dryness in the throat/77.—Sensation of heat in throat and stomach/82.—"Burning in the throat and region of the stomach?141M.—Vio- lent burning, as if fire in the throat and chest/35.—*A burning sensation from the pit of the stomach up the pharynx into the throat, where it is most violent, causes a marked scraping, and hinders swallowing/16.—Sen- 512 ARSENICUM ALBUM. sation in the throat as of a lump of mucus, which tastes of blood/.—Glo- bus hystericus/21.—The throat feels closed internally, as by swelling/9.— [830.] Sense of constriction of the throat?4173, etc.—Suffocative constriction in throat/9.—Choking sensation,99.—Sense of constriction, with feeling of dryness or burning heat in the throat/71.—Sore throat,99 224.—Quite painful sore throat/2.—Capricious sore throat/20.—Scraping in throat as of ran- cid grease, when swallowing the first mouthful in the morning/.—Uvula, etc.: Uvula somewhat swollen and red/16.—Scraping sensation behind the velum pendulum palati, between the acts of deglutition/.—[840.] Tonsils swollen, with false membrane/21.—Superficial excoriation of the fauces/16. —The fauces red and swollen/62.—Fauces exceedingly red/16.—Burning in the fauces?152.—"Heat and dryness of the fauces?81.—Much constriction of the fauces/93.—Pain in the pharynx when talking/9.—Pain in the pharynx and abdomen/16.—Cramp in the pharynx/14.—[850.] Burning sensation in pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach/10.—Tearing pain in the pharynx and along the whole throat, even when not swallowing/.—Twisting sensation in the fauces and stomach, as if a thread were rolled up into a ball/Vj"— At the base of each pillar of the pharynx a large aphtha surrounded with a red areola, with redness of the pharynx, for four or five days/2.—Para- lytic condition of the pharynx and cesophagus ; the bread went down with great difficulty, as if the cesophagus had not strength enough to swallow it; he heard it fall down with a rumbling noise?.—*Burning in the pharynx?13116, etc.— ^Violent burning in the pharynx and oesophagus as far as the stomach/28. —Violent burning in the pharynx and stomach/36.—*Constriction of the pharynx (oesophagus)/3.—Soreness in pharynx/9.—[860.] Sensation of a slight burning in the oesophagus/55.—Sensation of burning pain down the oesophagus/00.—Burning sensation along the oesophagus/28151.—Pain, burn- ing, etc., in the oesophagus and stomach/70.—There was evidently a spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus/85.—In the cesophagus, sensation of sore- ness/60.—Constant sensation of desire to swallow saliva,187.—Dysphagia/50. —Painful deglutition/3.—"Swallowing very difficult and painful?39.—^870.] Difficult swallowing (36j,99, etc.—"Swallowing very difficult?11.—Difficult swal- lowing on account of small ulcers in the throat/16.—The throat feels closed up; nothing can pass through the pharynx/3.—Inability to swallow/9201. Stomach.—Appetite and Thirst: * Appetite morbidly increased/59. —Constant craving for food/24.—Desire for sour things/.—Great desire for acids and acid fruit/.—Inclination for lard/9.—[880.] Capricious appe- tite/9.—Inclination to eat, but everything is repugnant/9.—*No appetite; still, he relishes the food he eats/.—Diminished appetite/18.—No appetite for dinner/2.—* Want of appetite?19113, etc.—Want of appetite for eight days/28.—Want of hunger and appetite for ten days/.—(* Want of appetite, and violent thirst)?4.—Want of appetite, and a pressing sensation in the region of the stomach/14.—[890.] "Loss of appetite (31), 19, etc.—"Complete loss of appetite (30),222.—Complete loss of appetite, all through the proving/2.— Loss of appetite, or else unusual craving for food/24.—* Aversion to food/3.— * Aversion to all food/1'.—*Great aversion to food/2.—Aversion to butter?99. —"Can eat nothing, everything is repugnant?.—(He cannot think of food without feeling nauseated)/1."!—[900.] *Loathing of food/ (34).—Inability to get nourishment swallowed/5.!—Thirst (36),54, etc.—"Thirst and dryness of the mouth, with a peculiar thick white saliva?24.—Thirst and anxiety/13.— Increased thirst?03104, etc.—A good deal of thirst, at night, owing to dryness f "Observed after an antidote." J As. S. 138. \ " After antidote." ARSENICUM ALBUM. 513 in the throat, ceasing in the morning/.— Great thirst?81225, etc.—Urgent thirst,204.—"Excessive thirst?3.—[910.] *Excessive thirst; drinking did not refresh him/9.—^Excessive thirst; he drinks much, but little at a time/10(15, "not found ").—"Intense thirst?11200, etc.—"Thirst violent?13209. —"Thirst so violent that he drank eleven jugs of water in half a dety?35.__ Violent tormenting thirst/16.—Violent thirst, not without appetite/7.— Thirst, violent, continued,24.—* Unquenchable thirst (31),26, etc.—♦Unquench- able thirst, with dryness of the tongue, pharynx, and oesophagus/4.—[920.] The thirst became unquenchable in the evening/34.—Unquenchable thirst, from morning till evening; he has to drink water every ten minutes/.— The vomiting ceases; he only constantly cries, " I am thirsty," 102.— Constant thirst,'1*'.—(Suffocative thirst),20.—Burning thirst?15 (41, "not found").— "Burning thirst, without especial desire to drink/63.—Burning, unquench- able thirst/41.—*He calls for refreshing fruits, and sucks slices of lemon with great eagerness/02.—*Desire for vinegar water/.—[930.] Great desire for milk, which was usually repulsive to her/.—Great desire for coffee/.— [Desire for brandy, H.]/.—Thirst not very marked/35.—She does not wish to drink/21.—Absence of thirst/.—"No thirst during the chilliness?.— Eructation and Hiccough: *Frequent eructation/32.—Many eructations, especially after drinking/.—Continual eructations/1.—[940.] Unsuccessful eructations?.—Violent empty eructations, with confusion of the head (after thirty-six hours)/.—Frequent empty eructations (half an hour)/.—Eructa- tion of air/9.—Eructations tasting of the ingesta/.—Bitter eructations after a meal, with gulping up of a bitter, greenish mucus/.—Eructations occa- sioned by flatulence moving upward/.—Sour eructations after dinner/.— Eructations of foul-smelling gases/66.—Eructation and hiccough/36.—[950.] Eructation and nausea/24.— Waterbrash (after 4 in the afternoon)/.—"Hic- cough?11 1U, etc.—During the night hiccough/16.—Hiccough, at night, when rising, with a scraping repulsive taste in the mouth/.—"Long-lasting hic- cough, in the hour when the fever ought to have come/.—Frequent hic- cough after a meal, followed by eructations/.—Frequent hiccough and eructatious/1.—Violent hiccough/25.—Convulsive hiccough/3.—Nausea : [960.] Qualmishness, at 11 in the forenoon, and 3 in the afternoon?.—In the morning, when waking, she feels qualmish and nauseated, as high up as the chest; afterwards, she vomits white mucus and has a bitterish taste in her mouth/.—♦Nausea/19128, etc.; t, etc.—Increased nausea/18.—Intense • nausea/10.—Daily nausea/19.—Nausea in the pharynx aud stomach/.—Fre- quent nausea, with a sweetish taste in the mouth, not always after a meal/. —Nausea, which seems to be seated in the throat, with accumulation of water in the mouth/.—Nausea when sitting; water got into the mouth, as in waterbrash; the nausea disappeared on walking into the open air, and was succeeded by profuse discharge of papescent stools (after seven hours)/. —[970.] Nausea before a meal ; after eating or drinking, distension, or pressure and cutting in the abdomen/.—"Nausea, with anguish?3.—Nausea, with imperfect waterbrash, shortly before and after dinner/.—Nausea, with frequent inclination to vomit/96.—Nausea and desire to vomit, obliging him to lie down, in the forenoon ; accompanied with tearing around the knuckles, and in the dorsum of the foot/.—Disgust, nausea and vomiting, mostly two hours after eating, no matter how light the food was/66.—Nausea, then vomiting/24.—Constricting nausea, followed by vomiting/57.—Nausea and vomiting?"'1217.—Nausea, and occasional vomiting/93.—[980.] Nausea and violent vomiting?28 U1.—Constant nausea aud vomiting for several hours/70.— Nausea at times increases, so that one vomits food, mucus, and a fluid vol. i.—33 514 ARSENICUM ALBUM. partly acid and partly bitter/55.—"Long-lasting nausea, with faintness, tremor, heat all over, and shuddering, after a few hours?.—Great sickness of the stomach, accompanied by a copious flow of tenacious saliva/10.—Sick- ness and vomiting/20.—Inclination to vomit/9.—Inclination to vomit, with- out vomiting/16159, etc.—Desire to vomit, and violent vomiting/.—Inclina- tion to vomit, after the heat/.—[990.] Desire to vomit, also in the open air/.—* Constant inclination to vomit, with rare vomiting, but frequent retell- ing, which as it seemed increased periodically with oppression?13.—Desire to vomit; qualmishness when sitting up in bed, and frequently sudden vomit- ing/.—"Drinking brandy lessens the inclination to vomit?28.—Unusual ten- dency to retching, brought on by crying or coughing/25.—Retching,203.— "Frequent ineffectual retching?54.—"Ineffectual retching, continues almost with- out interruption?10.—(Empty retching)/6.—* Violent retching,™123.—[1000.] Constant retching, without real vomiting/19.—Retching, and sometimes vomiting/68.—Violent retching and vomiting/01.—Very violent retching and vomiting/04.—The retching and vomiting nearly approached convul- sions/85.—Retching, with frequent vomiting of white mucus/25.—Retching and vomiting as soon as he has taken a few spoonfuls of soup/32.—Retch- ing and repeated violent vomiting of mucus and bile/24.—Attempts at vomiting/81.—Very great effort to vomit/21.—Vomiting: [1010.] Vomit- ing?1 (56), (and numerous others).—Vomited a little/86.—Vomiting freely/94. —He vomits very easily, even after slight meals/28.—Severe vomiting?06 201.— Violent vomiting/05.—Violent vomiting, as if the bowels would be torn asunder,99.—"Continued violent vomiting, with the sensation as if it would tear out his stomach and intestines, as with a pair of forceps?23.—* Violent vomiting, not only of the food last taken, but also of the fluid contents of the stomach?28.—Violent vomiting, lasting, with little interruption, half a day, at times mixed with blood, with cuttiug in the stomach/06.—[1020.] "The vomiting is generally violent and incessant, and excited by any substance taken into the stomach/71.— Very violent vomiting?10 m, etc.—Violent vomit- ing, with internal burning, thirst, and heat/3.—He vomited several times very violently, at first fragments of food, then water, with great relief/28.— Most violent vomiting, with fearful pains in the abdomen and legs/14. —* Vomiting not copious, with remarkable effort?16.—"Excessive and most diffi- cult vomiting of the beverage, and of yellow-green mucus and water, with bitter taste in the mouth, which remained a long time after?.—Frequent vomiting/24. —Repeated vomiting, for forty-eight hours/07.—Vomiting at short intervals till the next day/28.—[1030.] More frequent vomiting, not only bilious, but bloody and slimy, every half hour, day and night/18.—During painful, continued retching, vomiting repeated at least every ten minutes/36.—Fre- quent labored vomiting/40.—Vomiting, almost incessant, and very severe, continuing six hours, then recurring by spells, for twenty-four hours/67.— "Almost incessant vomiting for forty-eight hours, with fearful burning in the abdomen, and thirst that cannot be satisfied?05.—Incessant vomiting/82.— *Vomiting cannot be stopped, with violent retching, griping in the abdo- men, and pains/09.— Vomiting bitter?699.—* Vomiting of a bitter green- yellow liquid/24.—* Vomiting of ingesta?02 209.—[1040.] (Vomiting of the ingesta, for several weeks)/7.—*Vomited all the food he took/24.—-"Ina- bility to retain nourishment, which is thrown up as soon as it touches the stomach?18.—Vomiting of food and white mucus/18.—Vomiting of food, mixed with a tenacious mass/21.—"Even water is immediately thrown off the stomach/18.—*At first he ejected food by vomiting, then mucus and green bile/03.—Vomiting of food mixed with a reddish-brown liquid/10.— ARSENICUM ALBUM. 515 Frequent vomiting of food ; soon after, repeated diarrhoea, with relief/28.— Vomiting of large quantity of fluid/85.—[1050.] Watery vomiting/9.—Vom- iting white fluid/73.—Vomiting of a scanty yellowish fluid, streaked with green/10.—Copious vomiting of pale yellow liquid/34.—Vomiting, without effort, of yellow mucus,204.—Greenish bitter vomiting/09.—"Bilious vomit- ing?18.—*Severe bilious vomiting/90.—*Copious vomiting of bilious matter/24. —Vomiting of bile on getting up/3.—[1060.] *When vomiting, much green bile was ejected/03.—Vomiting of much green bile in the first hours/04.— Vomiting of bile and mucus,209.—Vomiting of green matter at night, of whitish stuff next morning/3.—Violent vomiting of mucus, bilious and frothy masses/16.—With tormenting retching, violent vomiting of a large quantity of greenish liquid, and two stools, consisting of the food eaten the day previous, almost undigested/36.—Vomiting of thick, glairy mucus/5.f— Vomiting, two or three times, of a tenacious mucus and brownish mass/3*. —Vomiting of brown and green substances/58.—Vomiting of an alternately thin or thick brownish-dark substance, with violent exertion and increase of the pain in the stomach, without subsequent relief/9.—[1070.] * Violent vomiting of a brown turbid matter, mixed with mucus, and sometimes streaked with blood?11.—*Vomiting of a brownish substance, frequently mixed with blood, with violent exertion/9.—The vomited matter was colorless, pale- yellow, mixed with a little frothy saliva, or several streaks of blood/21.— Vomitingof blood-streaked mucus/30.—Vomiting mucus mixTed with blood/26. —* Vomiting of blood?8137.—Profuse melsena; vomited blood, and his sputa was tinged with it/93.—Violent vomiting of blood, and evacuation of dark blood (with which a violent burning pain was felt in the anus) ; there was such a mass of blood that not a drop seemed left in the body/05.—Vomiting of bloody mucus/3.—"Vomiting of mucus and blood?39209.—[1080.] The matters discharged from the stomach and bowels may have a yellowish color, or may be colored by blood, or by a mixture of blood and bile, and then present various shades of brown or olive-green. They may be milky white, consisting of flakes of mucus mixed with white arsenic/71.—The ejecta tasted bitter, like acrid bile, and looked green/35.—* Vomiting on raising the head?26.—Vomiting, an hour after getting up (for the first time in his life)/3.— Vomiting, immediately after a meal, without nausea/.— Vomiting after each meal/17.—*Vomiting every time after drinking/18.— *After each drink the vomiting is renewed, with violent pains in the abdo- men and pharynx?16.—Vomiting periodic, more a retching/13.—[1090.] Vomiting every half hour, without pain or other appearance of suffering/16. —Vomiting, especially in the night, which lessened toward morning, when diarrhoea appeared/13.—The vomiting is relieved by water/'28.—*The vomit- ing brings no relief/71.—Violent vomiting, and very violent bleeding of the nose/05.—Vomiting of a substance which causes constriction of the throat/50.—Amid fearful retchings and convulsive contractions of the stomach, he had to vomit six times/09.—Vomiting, and afterwards violent diarrhoea/13.—Occasional vomiting and purging/70.—* Vomiting and diar- rhoea?08110, etc.—[1100.] *Excessive vomiting and diarrhoea,'4.—*Violent vomiting aud purging/83.—*Violent vomiting and purging, frequently re- peated/34.—*Violent vomiting and diarrhoea for four days/15.—Violent, continued vomiting, with diarrhoea/3.—Vomiting, alternating with diar- rhoea ; after which, lasting constipation/13.—Vomiting and painful diar- rhoea/50.—Vomiting, and diarrhoea of greenish bloody water/05.—Vomiting f "After antidote." 516 ARSENICUM ALBUM. and purging of dark-colored matters/89.—He vomited, the first two days aud nights, about twenty times (which ceased only after eight days), and purged often, especially at first/64.—[1110.] Vomiting and diarrhoea bloody/59.—Vomiting and diarrhoea, during the whole night/62.—Vomiting and purging, with unbearable odor/20.—Horrid cries accompany the vomit- ing, which continues day and night/9.f—The vomiting returned accompanied by violent palpitation of the heart (second day)/16.—Vomiting was followed by pain in the small of the back,210.—Vomiting, eighteen to twenty times in succession, after which she became very weary, so that she could not speak, could only complain of her abdomen/13.—Vomiting of a thin, bluish, dirty yellow substance, followed by great debility/9.—Vomiting with diar- rhcea, directly after the swoon,20.—Vomited several times, then fell asleep, aud slept until near midnight/70.—[1120.] Violent vomiting, followed by copious sweating/10.—Incessant vomiting of the milk that had been taken, with roaring like a wild animal, on account of pain/02.—"Frequent vomiting, with apprehensions of death/3.—Vomiting with returning consciousness/41. —Violent vomiting and frequent unconsciousness, lasting but a few mo- ments ; immediately after, trembling, abdominal pain, and repeated stools followed/50.—The vomiting occurs mostly by paroxysms, without great exertion/03.—Stomach : Inflammation of the stomach is a constant post- mortem appearance, whether the poison have entered the system by a wound or ulcerated surface, or by swallowing/71.—Severe inflammation of the whole.alimentary mucous membrane/67.—The stomach, duodenum, and rectum were much inflamed (post mortem)/71.—Weak digestion, and dis- like to meat/24.—[1130.] ^Disturbed digestion from the slightest food/05.— Digestion difficult (eight months)/80.—Indigestion/28.—Stomach distended and hard/17.—The stomach begins to distend, and is warmer than the rest of the body/9.—(Distension of the region of the stomach and hypochondria, previous to stool)/5.!—Distension of the epigastric region/9.—Gastric acidity/28.—Violent spasms of the stomach and bowels/68.—Spasm of the stomach, with violent colic, diarrhoea, and fainting fits,62.—[1140.] (Exces- sively violent spasm of the stomach, with thirst)/1.—Feeling of great weak- ness in the epigastrium", so that she trembled, after micturition/.—Uncom- fortable sensation in the stomach/28.—Unpleasant sensation in the stom- ach/17.—*Anxiety in the region of the stomach/13.—"Anxiety in the pit of the stomach?.—* Great anxiety about the pit of the stomach?9 60, etc.—* Anx- iety in the pit of the stomach, rising high up, at night?.—Pains in the region of the stomach/15116.—Pain in the stomach?5 (18), etc.—[1150.] Car- dialgia/41.—The stomach and pharynx painful/39.—Pains in the stomach, causing nausea/5.§—Pains in the region of the stomach and in the abdo- men/30.—Pain in the scrobiculus cordis/93.—"Pain in the pit of the stomach arresting the breathing?.—Considerable paiu and great heat in the epigas- tric region/87.—Great painfulness of the stomach,43.—Great pain in the epigastric region/81.—Great pain in epigastric region, in paroxysms/99.— [1160.] Severe pain across the epigastric region, .— Violent pain in the epigastrium?*1162.—He appeared to have violent pains, lamented, groaned, screamed, pressed with his hand on the epigastric region, but did not locate the pain verbally, as in general nothing was to be found out from him/10. —The child showed signs of great pains in the stomach and abdomen/16.— He experiences pain only in the stomach/02.—The stomach was the seat of the most vivid suffering/81.—Cries and complainings of inexpressible an- f " Cited from Cardanus." J " After antidote." \ " After antidote." ARSENICUM ALBUM. 517 guish in the pit of the stomach, without distension or colic/3.—Excruciating pain in region of stomach/01.—Terrible distress in the stomach/70.—In the evening, pain in the stomach/2.—[1170.] Constant paius in stomach (eight months)/80.—Pains and cramps in stomach, with vomitings and waterbrash, becoming very severe/19.—*Pain in the stomach seemed to be associated with violent retching,210.—Pain in the stomach seemed to be the result of violent efforts to vomit/10.—Symptoms of inflammation of the stomach/88.— Pains in the stomach and intestines/55.—Violent pains in the epigastric and umbilical regions/51.—Violent pains in the stomach and abdomen/22.— Con- stant internal chilliness in the epigastric region; he is never clad warm enough; the parts feel warm when touched/.—Sensation in the stomach, as if it would burn/02.—[1180.] Heat rises from stomach/9.—Burning around the pit of the stomach/.—*Burning in the stomach/16159, etc.— ^Burning in the pit of the stomach/9 31, etc.—^Violent burning pains in the stomach/63.—* Violent burning pains in the stomach and intestines?28.—Burn- ing in the stomach like fire?5.—Burning in the stomach like red-hot coals?66.— *In the stomach fearful burning pains/21.—*lDtense burning in the region of the stomach/26.—[1190.] Intense heat and burning of the epigastrium?61.— "Intense burning pain in the region of the stomach, increased by pressure?11.— Heat and uneasiness in stomach/04.—Heat, pain, and pressure in the pit of the stomach?9.—Constant and considerable burning in the stomach aud chest,85.—"Red-hot burning, with great anxiety in the region of the stomach, with tormenting retching?14.—Burning in the pit of the stomach, with aching pain/1.—Burning in the stomach, with pressure as of a load/3.—Burniug in the stomach, and pain increased by touch in the stomach and liver/73.— Momentary relief of burning and nausea followed the vomiting,210.—[1200.] Feeling of repletion in the stomach, with aversion to food, and pain in the stomach after eating, in the evening/.—-Severe paiu in the stomach, as if it were distended in its whole extent, and would be torn/2—Pain in the stomach, as if full of flatulence ; eased at first, after vomiting and diarrhoea, but subsequently returning with greater violence/3.—Sensation of tension in epigastric region,208.—Repletion in the epigastric region, with pinching in the abdomen/.—Contractive sensation in the region of the stomach/23.— Violent contractive sensation in the region of the stomach/22.—*Painful contraction in the epigastrium/48.—Violent contraction of the stomach and pharynx, and painful burning/29.—Pinching in the pit of stomach toward the right side, causing her to stoop/9.—[1210.] "Cramps in the stomach, and feeling as if he had an attack of cholera?12.—Especially in the region of the stomach fearfully violent cramps aud pains/09.—Violent cramp in the stomach and abdomen/5916°.—Spasmodic pain in the stomach, two hours after midnight/.—Periodic spasmodic pains in the stomach and bowels/9.— Stomachache/10133.—Unbearable stomachache, with constantly increasing anxiety and cries for help/14.—"Drawing pain in the evening when sitting, commencing in the pit of the stomach, and extending around the lower border of the left ribs, as if something were torn loose/.—Painful drawing in the stomach, with slight shivering/54.—Oppressive feeling of heaviness in the stomach/3.—[1220.] Weight in the stomach, and anorexia, all day/2.— * Weight in the stomach, as of a stone, after a meal?.—Pressure on the stomach painful?0210a, etc.—Pressure at the exterior wall of the stomach, when talk- ing (after half an hour)/.—Pressure at the orifice of the stomach and in the fauces, after a meal, as if the food remained high up, followed by empty eructations/.—Pressure in the region of the stomach and pit of the stomach?8 61. —Pressure in pit of stomach/8.—Hard pressure over the pit of the stom- 518 ARSENICUM ALBUM. ach (immediately)/.—Pressure in epigastrium, which is tense, though scarcely sensitive to even deep pressure/09.—Pressure at the stomach for three hours, shortly after breakfast and dinner, accompanied with empty eructations, and a nauseating relaxation of the body/.—[1230.] Pressure about the stomach, so that he cannot stand up, as soon as he has eaten something, not immediately, but after a little while/.—Strong pressure in stomach after swallowing a little soup/9.—Strangulating feeling in the stomach, with increased sensitiveness to touch/66.—(Cutting pain in the stomach)/5.—Cutting, spasmodic pains in the stomach, hypochondria, aud chest/05.—Gnawing, corrosive pain in the stomach?5.—Stitching pain in the pit of the stomach, during cough/.—Intolerable pricking paiu in the stom- ach, as though a thousand red-hot needles were sticking through the stom- ach/12.—Tearing in the stomach and abdomen/15.—Dull tearing, trans- versely across the region of the stomach, when walking in the afternoon/. —[1240.] * Violent' tearing boring pain and spasm in the stomach and intes- tines?9.—Tearing, spasmodic, aching pain in the stomach/9.—*Pain in the stomach, tenderness on pressure/91.—Pains ou touching the regions of the stomach and bladder/10.—"Stomach tender to pressure?02.—* Tenderness of pit of stomach to pressure?03.—Soreness in pit of stomach, when talking, draw- ing breath, or moving about/9.—He complained little of pain, but the re- gion of the stomach was sensitive to external pressure/03.—"Regions of stomach and navel sensitive?55.—Stomach remarkably sensitive?32131.—[1250.] On touching the region of the stomach slight pain?11163.—Acute pain on pres- sure over the epigastrium/83.—At first the region of the stomach, aftenvards more especially the regions of the liver and the abdomen, are painful to touch/04.—The region of the stomach very sensitive, with very violent pains in the intestinal canal/21.—Pains in and around stomach, which becomes sensitive to pressure/18.—Throbbing pains in epigastrium; prevent sleep/22. —Frequent spasmodic jerks from the pit of the stomach to the rectum, causing him to start/.—Gnawing and pricking (hard and fine beating) pain in the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of tension/.—Itching at the pit of the stomach, obliging him to scratch/2.—He constantly scratched the skin of the epigastrium with his nails/02.—[1260.] Could not bear any wine, even the smallest portion?66.— The pains in the stomach are relieved by sweet milk?28. Abdomen.—Hypochondriac and Umbilical Regions : Irritation of liver, with yellowish, or sickly pale look/19.—*Pain in the region of the liver/04.—Violent pain in the right hypochondriac region/3.—Pain in the right hypochondriac and adjoining lumbar regions, the pain extending from these parts sometimes through the abdomen, sometimes into the right groin and side of the abdomen, like renal colic ; uriue unchanged/3.—* Acute pain over region of the liver, much increased on pressure/00.—Hypochondria tense and shaken by convulsions/41.—Increased tension in the hypochondria during the paroxysm of fever; he is almost unable to lie on one side/.— Pressing sensation in the liver when walking in the open air/.—[1270.] Drawing stitching pain uuder the left hypochondrium, extending into the chest, when clearing the throat/.— ^Hypertrophy of spleen/21.—[Swelling of the spleen, which had been indurated formerly. H.]/.—* Violent pains about the navel, causing him to bend forward, increased by touch and on attempting to raise himself, or to lie on the back/40.—Pains in the abdo- men below the navel/10.—Drawing colic in the umbilical region (after two hours)/.—Dysenteric colic in the umbilical region/6.f—Abdomen in Gen- \ " Tormina circa umbilicum." ARSENICUM ALBUM. 519 ERAl: *Swollen abdomen/18.—"Abdomen swollen and painful?6.—-Bowels rather tympanitic/86.—[1280.] Abdomen fuller than usual/89.—Excessive swelling of the abdomen/6.—Swelling of the abdomen and of the orbital region/13.—Violent, painless distension of the abdomen after a meal; he had to lean his back against something to be relieved/.—Abdomen swollen and tense/90.—"Distended abdomen?20129, etc.—Distension of the abdomen after stool/.—*Distension and pain in the abdomen/5 217.—Bloatedness every morning, with emission of flatulence a few hours after/.—The abdo- men was soft and not distended/02.—[1290.] Abdomen soft and sunken/17. —Spasms and pinching in the abdomen, in the evening after lying down, with breaking out of sweat; afterwards emission of flatulence and thin stool/.—Great flatulence,225.—Flatulence having a putrid smell (after eleven hours)/.—The flatulence rises, and causes eructations/.—Emission of a quantity of flatulence preceded by loud grumbling in the abdomen/.— "Rumbling in the bowels?596.—Rumbling in the abdomen, as of much flatu- lence/.—Rumbling in the abdomen, without stool/.—Violent rumbling in the abdomen/04.—[1300.] Rumbling in the bowels, morning on waking/. —Gurgling^ in the abdomen ; flatulence/66.—Weakness of the abdominal muscles/.—Tendency to inflammation of duodenum, with violent pains/9. —Uneasiness in the abdomen, but only when at rest/.—Uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen, afterwards colic, and very frequent, vomiting/50.— Excessively unpleasant feeling in the whole abdomen/3.—Anxiety in the abdomen, with fever and thirst/3.—*Pain in bowels/86.—"Pains in abdo- men?06 217', etc.—[1310.] Pain over the abdomen/00.—Much pain in abdo- men/97.—Unbearable pains in the abdomen/27.—The pain in the abdomen becomes seated in the left side/.—*Pains in the abdomen, with unbearable anxiety/16.—:;:Anxiety, with pains in abdomen so violent that he grasped those about him, and again pushed them from him; frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber, or ran about/13.—Pains in abdomen and legs,2'4.—Pain in the abdomen, with heat in the face/.—Abdominal pains, with excessive urging to stool, when a diarrhoeic evacuation fol- lowed/34.—Pains in abdomen, with constipation/01.—[1320.] Dull pain, with sensation of tension aud heaviness in the right epigastric and hypo- gastric regions/04.—* Violent pains in abdomen?04113, etc.—Violent pains in the abdomen, even caused screaming/32.—^Intolerable anguish, and very troublesome sensation in the abdomen arrests the breathing, ivith lamentings about it?3.f—* Violent pains in the abdomen, with such great anguish that he had no rest anywhere; rolled about on the floor, and despaired of his life?1.— Such violent pains in the abdomen that on going home he had to hold on to the houses in order to prevent falliug/04.—Violent pains pervading the whole abdomen, with continued vomiting and diarrhoea/34.—Violent ab- dominal pains, with incessant diarrhoea/52.—Pains in the abdomen, moving about, accompanied with diarrhcea and pains in the anus/3.—Violent rheu- matic pains iu the leftside of abdomen,218.—[1330.] Frequent but not con- tinued pains in the abdomen/34.—Constant pain in right side of the abdo- men/3.—The pains, which in the beginning only had their seat in the stomach, pass down into the intestines; he presses with his right hand the navel, and cries that his intestines are burning?02.—* Violent burning in the abdomen (lasting half an hour)/35.—"Burning pain in intestines?11.—Burn- ing pain in the abdomen, noon and afternoon, going off with an evacuation/. —*Burning pains in the abdomen/12.—Burning heat in the intestines?41.— f Same as S. 34. 520 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Violent burning in the abdomen, throat, aud chest/13.—"Violent burning pain in the bowels/23.—[1340.] Sensation of warmth iu the abdomen/23.— Violent burning in the whole intestinal tract/36.—(Burning in the abdomen, with pricking and cutting)/1/!"—"Burning in the abdomen, with heat and thirst?3.— Tension in the abdomen?36141.—Feeling as if intestines were being drawn together/9.—The abdominal wall appeared to be drawn in toward the spinal column/48.—Abdomen drawn in, more tense; feels as in lead colic; little sensitive to pressure/09.—The abdominal walls are contracted and almost touch the spinal column; the recti muscles are stretched like a rope/02.— [1350.] Frequent griping/28.— Cramp in the abdomen/18.— Cramps, which appear to commence in the abdomen/40.—Colicky feeling in bowels/93.—Colic-like attacks/16.—Excessive colic/3.—Twisting colic/5.| —Colic and diarrhoea during the afternoon ; chilliness, the colic continuing after the diarrhoea/.—From time to time violent colic/38.—Violent colic pains duriug the night/40.—[1360.] Excessive colic and pain in the stom- ach/0.—Colic, with copious stools/50.—Colic recurring periodically/7.§— *The colic ceases after stool/5.—Drawing and pressure in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence, nevertheless no flatulence was passed,10.— Twisting and griping pain in the abdomen/9.—Twisting of the intestines and cutting in the abdomen, preceded by rumbling, and followed by three diar- rhoeic stools/.—Twisting of the intestines, with pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, before and during the liquid stool/.—* Cutting pain in the abdomen (31)/8, etc.— Frequent cutting pains in abdomen/02.—[1370.] Vio- lent cutting in the region of the abdomen/36.—Abdominal pains, cutting, burning/16.—Abdominal cutting, with vomiting/11.—Abdominal pains, as if the intestines were being cut with swords, causing him to cry out/13.—. Cutting pain in the side of the abdomen below the last ribs, increased by feeling of it/.—Clawing cutting pains in the intestines, in the evening after lying down and in the morning after rising; the pains sometimes dart through the abdominal ring (as if hernia would protrude) into the sper- matic cord and the perineum; when this colic subsides, a loud rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen set in/.—Cutting and tearing in the abdo- men, with icy coldness of the hands and feet, and cold sweat of the face/3. —(Lancinating tearing and gnawing pains in the intestines and stomach)/8. —During the menses, pinching stitching cutting from the pit of the stom- ach down to the hypogastrium, also in the back and the sides of the abdo- men ; the pain was so great that she had to bend double when standing or sitting, with loud eructations, moaning, lamenting, and weeping/.—Cutting, and sensation in the intestines as of being twisted together, previous to the diarrhoeic stool/.—[1380.] Violent abdominal cutting, with vomiting/11.— Lancinations in the left side of the abdomen under the short ribs, in the evening shortly after lying down/.—Digging sensation, with pressure, in the right side of the abdomen/.—"Stitches from the abdomen down into the vagina?.—Stitching in the side of the abdomen under the short ribs; he cannot rest on that side/.—A sensation was felt in the abdomen, and thence moved to the head, where was a beating, and, still more, a tearing; after- wards it extended to the left side, where one or two sudden jerking stitches were felt/.— Tearing in the abdomen?3 81.—Violent tearing in the abdomen, with nausea and vomiting/35.—The abdomen was so tender that the slight- est pressure could not be borne/84.—Abdomen sensitive to touch/09.—[1390.] Abdomen painful to touch/54.—On touch, increasing pains in the abdo- t "After antidote." J " Not found." \ " Not found.' ARSENICUM ALBUM. 521 men/13.—On touching the abdomen, and especially the pit of the stomach, violent pains/34.—Painfulness and tension of the abdomen, so that he could not bear the bed covering/56.—Pain in the abdomen, especially in the pit of the stomach, increased by pressure/24.—Pain as if bruised in the abdo- men, or as if crushed, during cough/.—Pulsation in abdomen, extending deep into the bowels/18.—Pain deep in the abdomen/13.—Sense of burning and constriction in lower abdomen, especially on stretching the feet/9.— "Pinching, increasing unto cutting, deep in the hypogastrium, only in the morning before and during diarrhoeic stool, and continuing even after?.— [1400.] Pain as if the epigastrium were cut off from the hypogastrium, with great anguish and lamentations about his pain/3.—Lower abdomen painful ou pressure/9.—Sore pain in hypogastrium/9.—Burning in the groin/.—Contractive pain in the left groin duriug micturition/.—Pain as if sprained, when stooping, in the groin and right lumbar region/.—Digging, burning pain in the boil in the groin, excited by the slightest contact/.— Single, violent, slow stitches in both groins/. Stool and Anas.—Rectum and Anus: "Spasmodic protrusion of the rectum, very painful?.—The rectum remains protruded, after hemorrhage from the rectum/.—[1410.] (Discharge of blood from the rectum almost every moment, with vomiting and excessive colic)/6.—''"Tenesmus/16.—Con- stant tenesmus/16.—Tenesmus with burning/3.—Tenesmus; discharges fre- quently tinged with blood/71.—Constant tenesmus, with dejection of mucous stools/90.—"Tenesmus as in dysentery, constant burning, with pain and pres- sure in the rectum and anus?.—Burning in rectum/9.—"Burning at the rec- tum after stool, with great weakness and trembling in all the limbs?.—During the menses, sharp stitching from the rectum as far as the anus and the pudendum/.—[1420.] Rough prickling in rectum, as if passing sand/5.— Twitchings in anus/9.—Painful swelling of the hemorrhoidal veins, with tenesmus/3.—Piles, bleeding, and protruding/5.—*Blind hemorrhoids, pain- ful, the paiu resembling prickings with a hot needle/.— Varices of the anus, with pricking pain when walking and sitting, not at stool/.—"Hcemor- rhoidal tenesmus of the anus, causing a burning pain like fire, especially in the night, and not permitting him to sleep; in the day the pain becomes worse, and increases to violent stitches; worse when walking than when sitting or lying down/.—*Burning at the anus/13.—Burning at the anus for one hour, disappearing after hard and knotty stool/.—Burning and itching of the anus,225.—[1430.] During stool, painful contraction directly over the anus, towards the small of the back/.—*The evacuations exco- riated the skin about the anus/10.—Itching scraping or smarting pain in the anus/.—*Painful soreness of the anus, when touched/.—Itching of the anus/.—Corrosive itching of the perineum causes scratching (after half a day)/.—Stool: Desire to evacuate the bowels/82.— Urging to stool?9209.— Violent urging to stool, driving her out of bed/9.—Constant urging to stool/9.—[1440.] Ineffectual urging to stool?9159. — Ineffectual desire for stool/.—Desire for stool, but no stool/3.:—Stool and urinary tenesmus/16.— Inclination to diarrhoea/28.—Diarrhcea, 4158, etc., etc.—"Frequent diarrhcea, with violent tearing cutting pains in the intestines?19.—Diarrhcea, frequently severe/9.—Purging/33.—Purging, more or less violent/71.—[1450.] As soon as the damp weather set in, and fires were necessary, he invariably com- plained every Sunday (the only day on which he was much in the room so papered) of diarrhoea/24.—Diarrhcea, every morning and forenoon, loose and slimy, preceded by gripiug, and followed by straining/23.—After he had been to stool over a hundred times, and was helpless from exhaustion, 522 ARSENICUM ALBUM. the diarrhoea still continued, with great anxiety and cutting in the intes- tines/52.—Constant diarrhoea,96.—Involuntary passage of faeces/9.—Diar- rhoea, copious, involuntary, and painless/10.—Unnoticed stools/4.f—Unno- ticed discharge of stool, supposing it to be flatulence/.—"Involuntary stools and urine?10.—"Whilefully conscious, she discharges foeces and urine una- wares?05.—[1460.] At every act of vomiting there was a copious involun- tary discharge from the bowels/10.—While standing, half-liquid matter escaped involuntarily from the anus, just as if one had suddenly opened the pipe of a vessel containing liquid; the evacuations are very profuse, at first white, then yellowish, and appear to come from a liquid that had been taken/02. — Shortly before death, while lying down, involuntary stools/02.—Profuse stool/9.—Fluid stool/06.—Frequent, thin, liquid evacua- tions/22.—Thin stool four times in the afternoon/9.—Three thin stools in half an hour/9.—* Violent watery diarrhoza?13.—Frequent watery diarrhoea set in after the vomiting had ceased/.—[1470.] Stools serous, not fre- quent/55.—Pappy stool/9.—Pappy faeces, sometimes more, sometimes less (six to thirteen hours)/.—Pappy stool twice in the afternoon/9.—Slimy, thin stools, having a hacked appearance/.—Evacuations consisting of a white, tenacious mucus, very similar to the rinsings of intestiues, which masses formed lumps the size of a fist/16.—Diarrhcea or scybalous passages of clayey color/66.—Several yellowish-brown evacuations,209.—Green stool/58. —"Slimy and green mucous stools?5.—[1480.] At first thick, at last diarrhoeic green stools/03.—[Greenish, dark-brown, diarrhoeic stool, smelling like a putrid ulcer, H.]/.—"Diarrhoza of a dark, bloody color?68.—"Frequent black evacuations?13.—*Black, acrid, putrid stools,38.—* Violent diarrhcea, three or four times in an hour, with offensive black discharges?13.—Odorless stools, similar to the diarrhcea after indigestion/50.—Odorless, bilious evacuations, recurring every five or ten minutes/34.—Diarrhcea with tenesmus/19.— "Small stools with tenesmus, first dark-green faeces, afterwards dark-green mucus, after colic?.—[1490.] Yellow, watery, scanty diarrhoeic stools, with subsequent tenesmus, as if more stool would come, and intense colic around the umbilicus/.—Yellow diarrhoeic stools, with tenesmus and burning pain in the rectum and anus?.—"Acrid water in stool?11.—Frequeut evacuations, mixed with slimy, fatty masses/23.—Ash-colored stool, like dirty water, with some yellow mucus, without pain or tenesmus/04.—Purging of a watery fluid, intermixed with lumps of green mucus/95.—(Tenacious bilious matter passes frequently with the stool)/5.t—At first, black, hard stools, after- wards, stools covered with bilious mucus/04.—Normal-looking stools were covered with a mass which appeared combined of jelly and bile/02.—With his stool he passed a ball-shaped lump, which seemed to consist of undi- gested fat mixed with tendinous parts/3.—[1500.] Discharge of reddish- black matter through mouth and anus/09.—Brownish stools, mixed with mucus/02.—Black matter and worms were discharged with the stool/15.— "Discharge of a black fluid, burning at the anus like fire, after much un- easiness and pain in the abdomen?5.—* Watery blood passes with the stool, and surrounds it?.—The stools contain bloody mucus/06.—*Stools mucus and blood,226.—Very unhealthy, pale evacuations, with constant passing of mu- cus, and sometimes (very rarely) blood/25.—"Expulsion of pieces of mucus, ac- companied by tenesmus, with cutting pain in the anus, as of blind, hozmorrhoids?. —(Diarrhoea, with violent burning at the anus)/5.—[1510.] Diarrhoea and vomiting/98.—During the day he had several stools, and frequent vomiting f " Not found." % " Not found. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 523 of yellowish liquids/06.—"Black, mucous diarrhoza, with persistent vomiting, perhaps seven times daily/35.—"Frequent, dark-colored, offensive stools, and at the same time vomiting of a clear, mucous, odorless liquid/34.—Diarrhoea with abdominal pains/13134.—Continual diarrhcea, with violent abdominal pains/15.—*Blackish-brown bilious stools, with griping/09.—After slight pinching in the lower abdomen, three to four times yellowish watery diar- rhoea and thirst/34.—Diarrhcea and abdominal pain ; she grasped with both hands toward the head, complained of the abdomen, and drew the legs up high/13.—Frequent alvine (fluid) evacuations, attended by colic/97.—[1520.] " Considerable purging, and extreme coldness of the extremities/67.—* Hem- orrhage from the bowels/23.—Evacuation, upward and downward, of a large quantity of blood, mixed with bilious matter, with apparent relief/54.— Violent purgiug, with discharge of blood per auum/01.—^Diarrhoea, only of blood and water/18.—"Dysentery-like diarrhoea?29.—Dysentery/3.—*Fruit and fresh vegetables cause diarrhoea/18.—(Knotty, unsatisfactory stool)/.— Stool tardy/56.—[1530.] Stool retarded/36.—Constipation (36) 61, (89, for four days), etc.—Obstinate constipation/13154.—Obstinate constipation for two years/59.—No stool/32.—^Constipation, with pains in the bowels/.—*Diar- rhcea alternating with constipation/.—At first diarrhcea, at last constipa- tion, without vomiting/13. JJrinary Organs.— Tenesmus and strangury/62.—Strangury/71.— [1540.] Burning in the urethra/9.—"Burning on urinating?10139.—burn- ing in the urethra during micturition/343.—Burning in the anterior part of the urethra at the commencement of micturition, early in the morning (after twenty-four hours)/.—Biting pain in the urethra/.—Frequent pain, like tearings, deep in the urethra/.—Strong urging to urinate/9.—Frequent desire to urinate, passing much urine (after two to seventeen hours)/.— Frequent desire to urinate, which at times is accomplished only with diffi- culty/16.—* Great desire to urinate, but does not pass any urine?3.—[1550.] Desire to urinate, which he cannot satisfy, but the bladder is empty, and with the catheter only a few spoonfuls of clear urine are discharged/02.— Frequent urination/39.—Urine more frequent than usual/56.—Must rise to urinate three or four times in the night, passing a large quantity every time, several nights in succession/.—Involuntary urinating/9.—*Involun- tary micturition; the urine flowed from her before she was able to reach the chamber, though but little urine?.—[Involuntary emission of urine in the night, when sleeping,0 H.]/.— Painful urinating/19.—Ischuria/14.— Spas- modic difficulties in urinating/16.— [1560.] (Diminished flow of urine, sometimes)/9.—"Scanty urine, passing with difficulty?50.—*Scanty emission, and burning during emission/.—Urine was not passed at all/34.—Reten- tion of urine?6 43.—"Retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed?.— Urine suppressed/79.—(Urine increased, often)/9.—Urine in considerable quantity/u.— Profuse urination/9.— [1570.] Urine profuse and dark- brown/17.—(Urine copious and burning hot),5.—Urine scanty/16132.—Scanty dark-yellow urine/9.—Urine almost colorless/.—Dark, wine-yellow urine, with violent pressure/9.—[Greenish, dark-brown urine, turbid when emit- ting it, looking like cow-dung stirred up with water, and forming no sedi- ment, H.]/.—"Heematuria,64.—Urine very turbid (after five days)/.— Much sediment in the urine/04.—[1580.] Red sand in the urine, and pain in passing it/23. Sexaal Organs. —(Male.) ("Inflammation and-swelling of the genital organs, increasing almost to gangrene; excessively painful)?5.—"Excessively painful swelling of the genital organs?3.—Sphacelus of the male parts of 524 ARSENICUM ALBUM. generation,66.—*The glans is blue-red, swollen, and cracked?1.—Erections seldom and incomplete/17.—Sexual powers lost/17.—Erections in the morn- ing, without emission/.—Erection, with burning in the anterior part of the prepuce/.—The penis, bladder, and kidneys cause him fearful pains/39.— [1590.] Swelling and unbearable burning of the penis/39.—Corrosive itch- ing of the posterior portion of the penis, obliging him to scratch/.—Violent itching of the glans, without erection/.—Stitching itching on the tip of the prepuce/.—On awaking, all the reddened portion of the scrotum was found covered with an eruption of very small vesicles. This continued for some days, discharging slightly, and ending in desiccation. (This case shows the elective action of Arsenic on the genital organs)/2.—Swelling of the scrotum/3.— Emission, with sexual dreams/.— Emission, without dreams, followed by a continued erection/.—Discharge of prostatic juice, with diarrhoeic stool/.—(Female.) Itching of the genital organs/.—[1600.] Sexual furor of a woman ; she requires an embrace twice a day, and if not satisfied, the orgasm takes place spontaneously/.—She experienced active foetal movements during the attack (she was seven months advanced in pregnancy)/10.—*Leucorrhoza (a cupful in twenty-four hours) yellowish and thick, corroding the parts it touches; for ten days/.—Leucorrhceal dis- charge while standing aud emitting flatulence (after twenty-four hours)/. —After the menses, there always appeared for several days a discharge of a yellow, offensive, watery fluid; frequently, also, a discharge from the rectum of blood and purulent mucus, associated with burning pains/05.— "Sudden profuse discharge of dark blood from the vagina?9.—Discharge of bloody mucus after the menses/—"Menses too early?.—Menses twice re- turn, too early, even in twenty days/.—"Profuse menses?.—[1610.] Men- struation several days longer, and somewhat more profuse/16.—"Constant exhausting menorrhagia?23.—The menses did not make their usual appear- ance ; in their stead she had stitches in the gluteal region and the shoul- ders, (Sr.).—Appearance of menses, which have been five days retarded/9. —Menses continue only two, instead of six days as usual/9.—The menstrua- tion, which should appear, ceased/05.—* Amenorrhcea/15.—Suppressed men- struation,218.—Scanty, pale menses/9.—Pale-red blood/9. Respiratory Apparatus.—Larynx, etc., and Voice: [1620.] Obstinate bronchitis/19.—(Gangrenous croup)/3.—Suffocative catarrh/8.! —"(Sudden catarrh, threatening suffocation, at night)?1.—Spasms of glot- tis/21.—"Dryness of the larynx?.—Irritation in larynx, provoking a cough,99. —"Smoky sensation in larynx causes cough before going to sleep, evenings, as of the vapor of sulphur?.—"Constant titillation in the larynx, inducing cough, even when not inspiring?.—"The voice is trembling?6211.—[1630.] Low voice/23.—*Weak voice/24.—Voice clear, but weak/79.—* Voice very uneven, now strong, now weak?910°.—"Hoarseness?* 128.—Chronic hoarseness,2-4.— Voice rough and hoarse/9.—Rough voice, with hoarseness/.—Voice, from time to time, screaming/21.—The voice is hollow, the speech unintelli- gible/02.— [1640.] The voice almost ceased/21.—Aphonia/9.—Cough and Expectoration: Troublesome cough/20.—Frequent, coughing/03.—Fre- quent severe cough/25.—*Severe spasmodic cough/24.—Severe spasmodic cough, with tendency to vomiting; lasted until the heat of summer/24.— Severe spasmodic cough (while the paper was being removed from the walls)/25.—Violent morning cough/.—Cough short, in the morning, after the (usual) tea-drinking/.—[1650.] * Cough in the evening, directly after lying down; she has to sit up; afterwards, contractive pain in the epigastric f "Same symptom as next." ARSENICUM ALBUM. 525 region and pit of the stomach; this pain continued the cough, which made her weak?.—"Night-cough; he has to sit up as soon as the cough commences?.— * Violent fits of cough wake him in the night, as if he would be suffocated; the throat became swollen?.—"Cough when going into the open, cold air?.— * Cough, evenings, directly after lying down?.—Cough when moving the body; the cough frequently puts him out of breath suddenly/.—::Cough caused by a constrictive sensation in the upper part of the larynx, as from the vapor of sulphur?.—Cough on drawing a deep breath or moving about/9.— * Cough, especially after drinking?:—Cough excited when he drinks with- out thirst/.—[1660.] Tenacious, short, and hacking cough, causing a smarting pain iu the chest/.—Cough, tightness of the chest, and painful stitching iu the chest/17.—Dry cough,99.—(Dry, hacking cough)/*.—(Dry, violent cough (after two hours) )/\—(Dry, fatiguing cough),84.—Frequent short, dry cough,99.—"Deep, dry, short, unceasing cough, after midnight?.— Cough, without expectoration, from irritation in the air-passages/.—Fre- quent short, dry, hacking cough from a suffocative sensation in the larynx, as from the vapor of sulphur/.—[1670.] Dry, choking cough, with short, labored breathing and sore pain in the pit of the stomach, as if ulcerated; the pain extends to the middle of the chest/.—"Cough, without expectora- tion, but with dyspnoea, in the evening?.—Cough, without expectoration, pre- ceded by a jerking in the hip, which seems to excite the cough/.—Violent attacks of cough and copious expectoration/23.—(Short and hacking cough, with pain in the chest and salt expectoration, preceded by oppression of the chesty1-!—Thick yellow expectoration/9.—Green, bitter expectoration in the morning/.—Salty expectoration (by hawking)/5.|—Bitter expecto- ration/5.!—When coughing violently, much water comes out of the mouth, resembling waterbrash/.—[1680.] "Expectorates a frothy saliva?24.—The mucus coughed up is streaked with blood/.—Discharge of mucus streaked with blood ; afterwards desire to vomit/.—*Spitting of blood/25.—Spitting of blood, with such a degree of nervous irritability, that a current of air caused an attack of spasms and convulsions/71.—Painful expectoration/92. —Respiration : Inspiration normal; at times sighing/34.—Frequent in- voluntary sighing/02.—"Shortness of breath?23.—Short respiration/16.— [1690.] Very short breathing/.—Respiration short, irregular/34.—Short and frequent respiration/05.—"Respiration short, accelerated, moaning?02121. —"Respiration short, anxious?13.—Short respiration, especially when walk- ing,99.—"Directly after coughing, the breathing becomes short, as if the chest were contracted?.— Frequent oppressive shortness of breath in every position of the body, causing anxiety/.—Respiration accelerated?42163.— Respiration rapid and short/18. — [1700.] Respiration slow/21. — Respira- tion free, slow/79. — Respiration very slow and imperfect/96.— Respiration heavy/17. — He breathes heavily?26132, etc.—Respiration heavy, and dis- turbed by frequent sighing/62.—He breathes heavily, while suffering the pain in the abdomen, as if the chest were oppressed/.—Respiration op- pressed?01 218.—Respiration very much oppressed?34139.—"Oppressed respira- tion, freguently returning?3.—[1710.] "Breathing greatly oppressed; obliged to get up and go to the window for air?2.—* Oppression; want of breath; a nocturnal asthma makes him spring up at midnight/19.—Breathing diffi- cult, and often interrupted by sighs/6.—*Unusual anxiety; gasping for air/07.—Breathing difficult,9919°, etc.—Breathing very difficult/85.—Labored breathing/01. —*Diflicult breathing, with great anguish/9. — Sleep, with f See S. 138. J " Observed after antidote." \ " Observed after antidote." 526 ARSENICUM ALBUM. difficult respiration,99.—(Difficult breathing),43.f—[1720.] Respiration is painful, from the tender state of the abdomen/71.-—Suffocative feeling when going upstairs/2.—"Air-passages seem constricted; he could not fully breathe, and thought he should suffocate/07.—" When walking in the open air he ex- periences a suffocative sensation, which obliges him to cough?.—He is threat- ened with suffocation ; puts out his tongue/5.—She imagines she will suffo- cate every moment, being so weak that she is not able to take a deep breath,10.—"He immediately loses his breath in the evening upon getting into bed and laying himself down ever so carefully; the trachea becomes constricted, and a fine wheezing is heard in it resembling the sound of a fine string?.— Dyspnoea great,96.—Great dyspnoea, with pain in the right chest and shoul- der/54.—Violent dyspnoea/7.—[1730.] Extreme dyspnoea/12.—The distress of breathing continually increases/02.—Continually increased distress of breathing, ending in asphyxia/02.—Spasmodic asthma?24225.—"Asthma; the breathing becomes more and more weak and short, until, finally, she is only able to breathe, and talk very low, by inclining the chest forward,10.—Asth- matic attack every half an hour, lasting five to ten minutes/9.—Long-lasting dyspnoea/4.—Dyspnoea when vexed/.—Asthma when fatigued, as from an- guish/.—Asthmatic attacks during sleep.99. Chest.—Chest in General : [1740.] Yellow spots on the chest?5 217.— Upper part of chest yellow/09.—Anterior part of chest and neck livid/89.— Wheezing in chest/7.—Inflammation of the lungs/13.—On auscultation, the posterior lobes of both lungs were found to be affected with pneumonia, and the lower lobes on both sides were partially consolidated/93.—Violent catarrh and oppression of the chest with phlegm/16.—* Very tenacious mucus in the chest, difficult to loosen?.—Pains in the chest,30.—Pains inter- nally, in the upper part of the chest (after five hours)/.—[1750.] Much pain in the chest/3.—Pain in lower chest on full inspiration/6.—* Chilliness in the interior of the chest, in the evening, also after supper/.—(Burning in the chest)?499.—*Great heat in the chest, extending below the diaphragm/. —Heat and excruciating pain in chest/01.—Tightness in the chest/16.— Tightness of chest, as if bound by a hoop/9.—Great tightness on the chest; he felt as if he must burst/24.—(Tightness of the chest, threatening suffoca- tion, for one hour),674—[1760.] Tensive pain in the chest, especially when sitting/.—As soon as he walked a little, he immediately experienced tight- ness of the chest/38.—Continued contraction of the chest, and short and hacking cough/.—Constriction of the chest/4.—"Constriction of the chest with great anxiety and restlessness, evenings?.—Constriction of the chest, so that he was scarcely able to speak one word, and came near fainting (third day)/.—Some constriction and heaviness in chest,208.—Cramp in the chest/18.—Compressive sensation in the chest when eating/.—Oppression of the chest/6.§—Sense of oppression/21.—[1770.] Oppression of the chest?28. —In the evening, violent oppression of the chest/34.— Oppression of the chest and sensation of anxiety/13116.— (Oppression of the chest, difficult breathing)/5.—Oppression of the chest when walking fast; coughing on going upstairs?.—Wakes out of sleep at night, with oppression of chest, or spasm in chest, and great anxiety/18.—"Much lassitude and oppression of breathing when walking?1.—(Pressure on the chest)/1.—Increased stitches under the ribs, and increased headache, as if heat were in it, during cough/. —In the chest a stitching tearing, tensive pressing and burning pain/05.— [1780.] Dull stitches in the chest when stooping/.—Feeling of soreness and t "Local effect." J " Local effect." \ " Anxietates pectoris." ARSENICUM ALBUM. 527 rawness in the chest/.—Creeping in the chest/.—Sides, Sternum, etc. : Stitching in the side under the short ribs; he cannot lie on that side/.— Stitching when coughing, first in the side of the chest, and afterwards (in two days) in the side of the abdomen/.—Burniug in the right chest, ex- tending to the groin, where it is a pressure/.—Sticking-tearing pain in the region of the upper right rib/.—Stitches in the upper part of the right chest, especially when breathing; the stitches are a sort of pressure terminating in a stitch (after one and a half hours)/.—Stitching in the left chest, only during an inspiration, which was impeded by the stitching/. —Stitches in the left chest, during a deep inspiration, obliging him to cough?. —[1790.] Severe pain at the junction of the upper and lower sternal regions,210.—(Long-continued burning in the region of the sternum)/4.— * Oppression in the region of the sternum, makes respiration difficult (for eight days;/.—*Stitching paiu in the sternum, from below upwards, when cough- ing/.—Very great prsecordial anxiety/19.—Great oppression in the prse- cordial region/23. Heart and Pulse.—Keakt : Inflammation of heart, and its results, dilatation and oedema of feet/19.—The sounds of the heart, but especially the "choc," rather violent; not agreeing with the small pulse/09.—Heart slow, pulse weak.179.—Great irregularity of the heart and breathing/21.— [1800.] Irritable heart/19.—*The heart-beats are irritable/9.—Feeble and hurried action of heart/03.—Heart and pulse accelerated/32.—^Palpita- tion of the heart/7113, etc.—Violent palpitation/9.—Complaint of violent palpitation of the heart/09.—Violent, tumultuous palpitation of the heart/9. —Very violent and even painful palpitation of the heart/07.—"Excessive, troublesome palpitation of the heart,9.—[1810.] * Violent palpitation at night?. —"Strong, visible, and audible palpitations, chiefly at night?66.—When lying on the back, the heart beats much faster and stronger/.—The heart acts violently; one hears a violent blowing sound, with very full pulse, 110 per minute/60.—* Violent palpitation of the heart with small irregular pulse?14.— Palpitation of the heart and anxiety/13.—* Irregular palpitation of the heart, but so violent at night, that he imagines he hears it; accompanied with anguish/.—Violent palpitation, visible in the carotids; causes beads of sweat on the face/18.—^Palpitation of the heart and tremulous weak- ness after stool; he has to lie down/.—The beat of the heart entirely dis- appeared/02.—[1820.] Cramp in the heart?2 218.—Sensation as if the heart were pressed down/9. — Pulse: Irritated pulse/09.—Extremely feverish pulse/7.—Increased pulse/23.—Accelerated pulse?06128, etc.—Pulse extremely rapid,207. — Quick, rather hard pulse/9. — Pulse hard and frequent/54.— "Quick, small pulse?341. — [1830.] Pulse frequent and small?03 113, etc.— "Pulse rapid and weak?38.— Quick, weak pulse?"''.f—Weak, quick pulse/68.— *Pulse small and rapid/90.—Pulse small aud quick/97.—Pulse regular, not small but frequent/24.—Pulse hard, irregularly accelerated/29.—Moderately frequent pulse, somewhat tense and small,209.—Pulse frequent, full, and quite regular/92. — [1840.] *Qjiick, weak, and irregular pulse,26.—Pulse rapid, weak, spasmodic/17.—Small, rapid, weak pulse?3.—Pulse contracted, frequent, irregular/40.—Convulsive, small, rapid pulse/34.—"Pulse is small, very frequent and irregular; sometimes wholly imperceptible?11.—"Pulse irritated and frequent, not full?9.—Weak, small, frequent pulse/9.—Small, scarcely perceptible, frequent pulse/09 no.—Pulse full, hard, accelerated/9.— [1850.] Pulse restless and small; increased after repeated vomiting/3*.— f "Not found." 528 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Depressed, hard and rapid pulse/57. — The pulse was small, unequal, irregular, very frequent/21.—Pulse feverish; at the most, 90 beats/35/— Pulse 100/83.—Pulse 104, and strong/01.—Pulse 118, sharp, but easily com- pressed,202.—Pulse 120, feeble and irregular/85.—"Pulse 120, weak and rather unequal, with occasional indication of fluttering?96.—Puhe, when resting in bed, 90; standing up, or walking, 120.—[I860.] Pulse rapid, 90 to 100, then 130 to 140/18.—Pulse iu the morning quiet; 9 to 10 o'clock, some- what irritated; at 12 o'clock, small, hard, frequent; from 5 o'clock till death, after midnight, no longer perceptible/34.—Pulse miserable/36.—Pulse full, not rapid/16.—Pulse hardish, aud slow/30.—Pulse 140, irregular/62.— (Slow pulse, sometimes only 38 beats),30.!—Pulse large/16142.—Tense pulse/7. —Pulse throbbing and hard/93.—[1870.] Pulse full and strong/41.—Pulse strong, full, and bounding/81.—Feeble pulse?91.—"Pulse very weak?11.— Small weak pulse?9.—Small, oppressed pulse/23.—Pulse small, contracted, intermitting/48.—Irregular pulse/50.—Small and irregular pulse/51.—Pulse intermitting/36.—[1880.] Intermittent small pulse/9.—Intermittent, un- equal, small pulse, finally, complete disappearance of pulse/9.—Pulse trembling, scarcely perceptible?52165.—Pulse small, scarcely perceptible/73.— Pulse almost imperceptible, small, contracted, irregular/02.—Pulse scarcely perceptible?3418i, etc.—It is possible to feel only the slightest trembling of the radial pulse/02.—Pulse and respiration scarcely noticeable/41.—Imper- ceptible pulse,202.—No pulse,200.—[1890.] Pulseless?89 210.—Absence of pulse, with frequent, irritated beating of the heart/9. Neck and Back.—Yellow color of neck/09.—Swelling of the external neck, no pain/.—Swelling of the thyroid gland, especially on the right side of neck/18.—Distortion of the cervical muscles/5.!—The neck is drawn by spasms to the left side and backward/9.—* Stiff nape of the neck, as if bruised or sprained, a similar pain being felt over the hips ; night and morning/.— Stiffness of the nape of the neck/9.—Stiff neck ; she cannot move her head/9. —[1900.] In the evening, stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles/2.— Tensive stiffness in the neck/.—Pain on the left side of the neck, as far down as the pectoralis muscle/9.—Violent neuralgia on left side of neck, followed by lame feeling,99.—Spasmodic pain on left side of neck/9.—Pain on pressure in the cervical vertebrae/9.—Pain in the back, with uneasiness and anxiety/4.—Weakness in back/18.—Pains in the back/9.—Violent or dull but continual pains in the back, with accompanying great weakness; iuclined to lie down without relief/19.—[1910.] "Stiffness in the spinal column, beginning in the region of the os coccygis?.—Severe pain in the back/25.—Dull pain in the back, with painful transient drawing on the external surface of the extremities/56.—Drawing in the back, up and down/.—Drawing pain in the back, from the small of the back to the shoulders, with stitches in the sides; flatulence moving about in the abdomen and pressing upward ; after this he belches and is relieved/.—"Drawing from the sacrum to the nape of the neck, causing the trunk to bend backward,99.—Drawing pain in the back in the forenoon (after six days)/.—Drawing pain between the scapulae, obliging him to lie down?.—Pain as if bruised, in the back and across the scapulae (after four days)/.—Bruised pain between the shoulders/7.—[1920.] Beat- ing, drawing, and stitching pain in the back, small of the back, and thighs, at night/.—Strongly gurgling movements in the muscles of the leftside of the back, only when lying on the right side (after three hours)/.—Itching and exhalation of the back, the whole night/.—Pain in the region of the f " He had not previously counted it." J " Not found." ARSENICUM ALBUM. 529 two last dorsal vertebrae/36.—Acute pains in the lower part of the spine (eight months)/80.—Stitches in the region of the kidneys, when taking an inspiration and sneezing/.—*Loss of strength in the small of the back/.— Painful stiffness in the small of the back, the whole day/.—"Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised?.—Violeut periodical pains in small of back, with stiffness/9.—[1930.] Weakness in loins/18.—Complains of a tensive and tearing sensation of pressure in both loins, especially violent below the curve of the left rib, where it is also very sensitive to touch/16. Extremities in General.—Objective: Hands and feet as if mummified, so that the skin hung in many folds about the boues, which protruded unnaturally, but were not at all enlarged/19.—Contraction of the limbs?6141.—The flexor muscles of the upper and lower extremities con- tract/51.—Drawing together of the upper and lower limbs/63.—Strong con- traction in the knees and elbows/74.—The toes and fingers were continually flexed; after being straightened by any one they again returned to the flexed condition/05.—The contraction of the fingers and toes disappeared after a profuse loss of blood by vomiting, aud from the anus; after being bent straight they remained in this position, but appeared as if dead ; after a warm bath life returned to the hands and feet, but fingers and toes again remained bent/05.—Distortion of the limbs/21.—[1940.] Twitching of the limbs?01225.—Upper and lower extremities convulsed/12.—Convulsions of the limbs aud knees/3.—"Tremor of the limbs?181, and others.—Tremor of the extremities?66.—Trembling in all the limbs?4.— Trembling in the extremi- ties?09116, etc.—Trembling of the upper and lower extremities/.—Violent trembling of the limbs/22.—Trembling of the limbs, even after a moderate walk/.—[1950.] Trembling and very violent motion of the limbs/50.—Trem- bling and jerking of the limbs/24.—Trembling of the limbs after the vomit- ing was over/1.—"Violent startings of the limbs while falling asleep?.—From time to time he stretched the extremities and remained several moments in this condition on account of relaxation, when vomiting appeared with re- newed violence/02.—Loss of the nails of the hands and feet/20.—Subjec- tive : Sensation in all the extremities diminished (eight weeks)/74.—Numb- ness of the limbs and pains across the shoulders, extending down the arms/24. —Insensibility and falling asleep of the upper and lower extremities, lasted during the whole illness, and prevents her holding objects tightly/13.—As the gastro-enteritis got better, numbness and loss of power in his limbs came on, at first only in his fingers aud toes, but slowly extended to his knees and wrists, almost depriving him of the use of them/67.—[I960.] The mo- bility and strength of the extremities decreased, so that the patient could only with difficulty hold anything, and his gait became insecure and stum- bling/56.—Almost absolute immobility of the limbs, especially the left; sensation was only diminished, not lost/60.—Heaviness in limbs/17.—Lassi- tude of the limbs?35155.— Great lassitude in the limbs?24.—Lassitude in the limbs and weakness/13.— Weariness of the limbs?51155.—Limbs felt tired/17. —* Weariness of the limbs? 151, etc.—Prostration and lassitude of the limbs/16. —[1970.] 'Excessive weakness and exhaustion of the limbs, obliging him to lie down/1.—Weakness and diminished sensibility in all the limbs/74. —Complete ataxia of the muscles of the extremities; the gait was as in an excessive chorea, and the hands could hardly be held up/14.—Stiffness of extremities/9.—Motion of limbs difficult/06.—He can no longer move his limbs freely/53.—(Stiffness and immobility of all the joints)?5.—Ex- tremities as if paralyzed,116.—Partial paralysis of the limbs/94.—Paralytic weakness of the limbs, returning at a certain hour every day, like fever vol. i.—34 530 ARSENICUM ALBUM. and ague/.—[1980.] As if paralyzed in all his limbs ; he is unable to tread firmly/.—(Paralysis, contraction of the limbs)/5.—Paralysis is sometimes general, and affects both the upper aud lower limbs/71.—Paralysis of ex- tremities, with anaesthesia and most violent pains/74.—The paralysis of the extremities related as well to the motor as to the sensitive nerves, neverthe- less the parts were extremely sensitive to cold/59.—Weariness and pain of the joints in the forenoon, more when sitting than when walking/.—Weak- ness and crawling sensation in limbs, especially from knees to toes/9.---Un- easiness in all the limbs before retiring, going off when lying down/.—In- expressibly painful and disagreeable feeling of sickness in all the limbs/. —Pain in limbs; dreads to move them/18.—[1990.] Excessive pains iu the limbs/1.—Wandering pains iu the limbs/47.— Pain and stiffness in his limbs/24.—Arthritic pains in the limbs, without inflammation/.—* Coldness of the extremities?6819°, etc.—Extremities cold and pulseless/03.—[Stiffness of all the joints; he was not able to stretch himself because of a tension in the whole body; the knees were so stiff and cold that he tied handker- chiefs around them, otherwise they are painful and disturb his sleep. H.]/. —Cramp in the limbs/7.—Complained of cramps in the upper and lower extremities/89.—Cramps in the muscles of the extremities/10.—[2000.] All the limbs ache/.—All the limbs ache, whether he walks, sits, or lies/.— Painful drawings in limbs/07.—Tearing in limbs/9.—Tearing pains in the long bones/.—Muscles of the extremities sensitive/28.—Creeping in the limbs, as if gone to sleep/.—Sensation of numbness in the feet and hands, with fearful pains by day and night, which for three months drove all sleep from her/05.—Arms and legs quite strong and mobile; hands and feet, on the contrary, extremely wasted, so that, without organic changes, all the articular processes protruded unnaturally, and, in regard to sensation and mobility, so paralyzed that nothing could be held securely; the feet would not permit his rising; on stepping he always planted down the flat sole, and on walking his feet were dragged along like weights/19.—Frequent fall- ing asleep and insensibility of the right arm and foot/58.—Numbness in the tips of the fingers, and also in the feet, where cutting pains were some- times felt/13.—[2010.] Diminished sensation, at first in the tips of the fin- gers, whence it spread over the hands and arms; then in the toes, whence it spread over the feet and legs/56.—Loss of sensation in hands and feet/64. —Complete insensibility of the hands and feet/50.—Sensation in soles en- tirely lost, and greatly diminished in the hands/13.—Complete anaesthesia and paralysis of the hands and feet, equally in the extensors and flexors/19. —Loss of sensation in hands and feet, so that the tips of the fingers and toes could be pricked without the slightest feeling (chronic poisoning)/75.— His hands and feet seem to have lost their power, and they feel trembling early in the morning/.—Weakness of the wrists and ankles, they are stiff and sometimes painful/41.—Immobility of the fingers and toes/60.—He lost the use of his hands and feet, with which violent neuralgic pains appeared iu the extremities, which lasted for over two and a half years, and did not leave even after the strongest doses of morphia; the paralysis lasted nearly three years/*9.—[2020.] Occasional pains in the joints, as the shoulder and knee/10.—Severe pain in legs and arms, very excruciating and like the gnaw- ing of rats, or the boring of a gimlet into the bones/94.—Neuralgic pains in arms and legs,205.—Neuralgic pains in the forearm and legs from the hips downward; they did not seem to follow the main nerve-trunks; increased gradually, reached their height, then gradually decreased, and were never lancinating; cold air or cold water excited them immediately; they were ARSENICUM ALBUM. 531 most violent between 9£ p.m. and 8 a.m./59.—Cramps in the legs and arms very severe/67.—Drawing pain in the joints of the knees, feet, and hands/. —Drawing pain, in the evening in bed, in the middle finger and foot/.— * Violent tearing in the arms and lower limbs ; he cannot rest upon the affected side; the pain is least felt when moving the affected part to and fro?.—Stitch- ing pains, as of needles, in the hands and feet/60.—Sudden tearing jerking or stitching, changing to a burning, in the thumb or big toe, in the morn- ing, in bed/.—[2030.] Trembling and prickling sensation in the hands and feet/13.—Toward evening, but not during the day, crawling in the fingers and toes/56.—Occasional creeping sensations in the hands and feet/13. Upper Extremities.—Upper extremities weak ; the flexors of the fingers retracted (eight weeks)/74.—Heaviness and formication, which soon attacked the upper extremities/06.—Unbearable pain in the left shoulder/51. —Convulsive sensation in the left shoulder/9.—Drawiug pains in shoul- ders/22.—[Glandular swelling of the axilla, H.]/.—Tearing sticking in the right axilla.—[2040.] Soreness in the axilla, under the arms/8.—Painful swelling of the right arm and hand/39.—The right arm became intensely tumefied from the elbow to the wrist and was very painful/69.—Weakness of arms,218.—The arms were somewhat weak/15.—Entire inability to move the left arm/9.—The right arm goes to sleep when he lies upon the right side/.—Pain in the arm of that side upon which one rests, at night?.—The left arm feels colder than the right/9.—Violent neuralgia in left arm, fol- lowed by lame feeling/9.—[2050.] Peculiar neuralgic pains in the left arm, suddenly, after meals/23.—"Drawing, jerking and tearing from the tips of the fingers into the shoulder?.—Tearing in the arm, especially of the elbow and wrist, at night, in bed/.—Pains in the elbow and fingers/13.—Violent rheu- matic pains in right elbow/18.—In the wrists there was very little muscular power; the fingers could neither grasp nor hold anything smaller than the crutches, which they could hold a little, though there was no sensation in the tips of the fingers, even when injured/19.—Drawing pain in both styloid processes of the wrist, every evening/.—"Hands and lower half of forearm dark and livid, as in malignant cholera/03.—(Painful swelling of the hands)/3. —The hands never recovered their former fulness aud strength, and the so-called " naevus " (mother's mark) almost totally disappeared (after ten years)/05.—[2060.] Trembling of hands?'28115, etc.—The hands are stiff and insensible for a long time/7.—The hand can be extended, but not the fin- gers/60.—Hands could hold nothing securely/75.—Hands and arms are power- less/45.—Lameness of the hand ; it commenced with heaviness, but was not combined with wasting/46.—Cold hands/.—The hands icy cold/34.—Cramp in the hand, when moving it/.—Drawing tearing in the metacarpal bones, in the morning/.—[2070.] Tearing sticking in the bones of the hand, and the little finger/.—Palms very sensitive, yet he does not know whether he has taken hold of an object/05.—Violent crawling in the hands at night/.— Fine tickling in the palm of the left hand, obliging one to rub/.—[Hard swelling of the fingers, with pain of the bones of the fingers, H.]/.—Ungual phalanges wasted and the nails very hard, brittle, clawlike/21.—Trembling of the fingers and occasional creeping sensations in the hands and feet/13.— He moves his fingers and hands during sleep/.—Tonic spasm of fingers/9.— Fingers half flexed/17.—[2080.] Flexors overpower extensors, and constant flexion of fingers/06.—The extensors of the fingers much more powerless than the flexors, so that the fingers were always bent somewhat/19.—The flexors of the four fingers of each hand are so contracted that the two last pha- langes are bent on the first, and the tips of the fingers touch the palms 532 ARSENICUM ALBUM. (eight months)/80.—One can bend the fingers, but not extend them/80.— Rigidity of the fingers, as if they were stiff/.—He could not move the fingers/19.—Sensation extremely slight in the fingers, blunted as far as the wrists, above them normal/56.—Loss of sensation in the fingers, as if every- thing stagnated/13.—After the lapse of years, numbness of the fingers/13.— The finger-joints are painful when moved/.—[2090.] Painful cramp in the lowest joints of all the fingers/.—Painful cramp in the tips of the fingers, from morning till noon (after five days)/.—Cramp in the fingers, especially at night, in bed/.—Cramp in the fingers of the right hand, when attempt- ing to stretch them/.—Drawing pain in the middle fingers/.—Tickling itching of the right middle finger/.—Badly-colored nails/8.—The nails changed color nearly every month; at first they became fiery red, then black, as if suffused with blood, after which they made room for new nails, which were thin and transparent/05. Lower Extremities.—In General: The lower extremities are somewhat cedematous,162.—Excessively painful swelling of the lower limbs/. —[2100.] The lower limbs become much wasted/38.—Lower extremities retracted to the abdomen/90.—Cramps of all the muscles of the lower ex- tremities, especially of the plantaris of the right foot/59.— Painful cramps iu the lower extremities/36.—Violent twitchings of the lower extremities/05.— Trembling in lower extremities/17.—Gait unsteady/13.—Tottering gait/19.— Gait tottering, stumbling, as if stiff, with slipping outward of the feet/18.— Gait heavy, "slumpy;" difficult to raise himself after eating (chronic poisoning)/75.—[2110.] Unsteadiness and vertigo in walking, across an open place?19.—Weakness iu lower extremities/17.—"Sensation as if the lower limbs would break down in going upstairs?.—Cannot ascend a single step, must be carried/18.—Can ouly walk a few minutes very slowly/18.—The lower limbs could scarcely be rotated/15.—Stiffness of the lower extremi- ties/9.— Stiffness and immobility of the limbs, with violent tearing pains/. —Lower extremities paralyzed/41.—Paralysis of the lower limbs (u, " not found "),77, etc.—[2120.] Almost complete paralysis of lower extremities/17. —Paralysis of the lower limbs, with loss of sensation/8.—Going to sleep in lower extremities/17.—Wooden feeling in lower extremities,217.—Uneasi- ness in the lower limbs, he cannot lie still in the night, and had to change the position of his feet all the time or to walk about, to get relief/.— intolerable pains in the lower limbs/.—Violent pains in the lower limbs, especially the joints/7.—* Coldness of the lower limbs, especially the knees and feet, covered with cold sweat;, they could not get warm/.—Lower extremi- ties continued cold (twelve hours)/16,—Drawing pains in lower extremi- ties/17.—[2130.] "Tearingsticking, apparently in the periosteum, along the whole lower limb, down to the tip of the big toe?.—Tearing in the lower limbs/7.—* Tearing in the lower limb, from top to bottom; he was unable to tread, sit, or lie down, edher in bed, or on the sofa; had to shake the limb to and fro day and night, or else to limp about, and had no rest; worse at night?. —Tearing in the lower limbs, especially in the knee and tarsal joints, only during motion/.—Drawing tearing in the lower limbs, from the anterior surface of the thigh, as far as the knee and tarsal joint, when walking/.— Painful shocks in the lower limbs/15.—Formication in lower extremities/17. —Hip, Thigh, and Knee : "Sciatica,69.—* Violent drawing tearing pain in the hips and left foot, in the morning, after a sleepless night (third day)/.— With the headache, decided stiffness in the thighs, as after a long walk/2.— [2140.] On rising in the morning, attack of pain in the anterior and inner portion of the thighs (after four days)/2.—Painful, cramplike con- ARSENICUM ALBUM. 533 traction of bundles of muscles of the thighs and calves, in the evening, when in bed, the toes being drawn backwards, after which he became very weak/.—Paroxysmal cramp-pain of single parts of muscles of the thighs and legs; when feeling the parts, there was a jerking, as of something alive/.—Soreness between the thighs, with itching/8.—Itching at the inner surface of the thighs, which next day increases and becomes seated on the left side of the scrotum, with unusual redness of that side only, and of the posterior portion of the penis, and great heat/2.—Corrosive itching of the thighs causes scratching (after thirteen hours)/.—Sudden starting of the knee, directly after lying down; it conies on after dreaming that he is going to knock his foot against a stone/.—The knees crack when walking/9.— Stiffness, especially of the knees and feet, alternating with tearing pains?.— Weakness of the knees; he had great trouble in sitting down/.—[2150.] Excessive weakness in the knees, even when taking a short walk/.—The right knee is unable to support the body, it breaks down/.—Paralysis of both knees,70.—Tension of the bend of the knee, as if the tendons were too short, when sitting or standing, not when walking/.—Sensation around the knees as if they were bandaged very tightly/.—Stitching pain in the knee/5.f—Pain as if bruised on the side of the knee, only when touched, and when sitting, not when walking; sensation as if the flesh were de- tached/.—Pain iu the left knee, as if bruised and sprained, especially when rising from a seat/.—Leg and Ankle : Sweat on the legs, morning (first night)/.—Dwindling of the legs/7.—[2160.] Swelling of the legs to above the calves, preceded by tearing in the calves, which went off by the appli- cation of warm cloths/.—Swelling of legs and feet, but no preternatural heat/94.—Twitchings in legs/9.—Twitchings iu the legs with painful draw- ing from the back/56.—Jerking in the legs, in the afternoon, when sitting/.— Convulsive drawing together of the legs; they bend up under the thigh/49.— Cramp of legs/04.—*Crarnps in the legs (secondary effect, after some months)/15.—Cramps in the legs and feet/24.—The legs are so heavy that he is scarcely able to lift them/.—[2170.] Heaviness, weariness, and draw- ing in the legs, with spontaneous bending, unsteadiness, and weakness of the knees, especially in the morning, early/.—From the knees to the ankle especial heaviness and weariness/28.—Lassitude and heaviness in the legs/13. —Stiffness in legs/9.—When he turns on the left side, he can easily move the whole right leg, inward or outward ; the foot then remains turned in, that is, the toes still point toward the left leg; but in the left leg these motions are impossible; the voluntary extension of the foot is impossible on both sides/60.—(Paralytic condition of the legs; he is scarcely able to walk)/0.—Benumbed sensation from the toes as far as the knee-joints/56.— Very violent pains in the legs, especially in the joints/38.—At times, pains extend along the crural nerve, as far as the heel or toes/19.—The legs are painful when stretched/9.—[2180.] Chilliness of the legs, in the evening, from the calves down to the feet/.—Cramp-pain in the leg, early in the morning, terminating in a humming or buzzing/.—"Drawing pain in the legs when resting upon the floor, perpendicularly, while sitting?.—Drawing, tearing, and jerking in the legs, from the ankles to the knees/.—Feeling as if a heavy weight were hanging from the legs/9.—Tearing sticking in the lower and inner part of the leg, at a small place/.—"Tearing in the legs during the shuddering?.—Drawing tearing in the right leg, from the bend of the knee to the heel, as if sprained/.—Boring pain in the right tibia/.— | "After antidote. 534 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Sharp, tearing drawing in the tibia/.—[2190.] Legs painful to touch,99.— [Jerking pains from the upper to the lower part of the leg]/.—Single, vio- lent tearing in the tibia, causing one to cry out/.—Spasmodic contraction in the calves/24.—The calf is hard and as if pressed flat, with intolerable pain, resembling a cramp-pain, causing her to cry out for about an hour and a half; the whole leg became cold, insensible, and stiff, so that she was unable to move it; there remained a tension in the calf, and a sort of paralysis in the leg behind (after fifty hours)/.—"Crampsin the calves?9123, etc.—Severe cramps in the calves of the legs/71.—Cramp in the calf, when walking (after two hours)/.—Cramp in the calves, especially in the night, in bed/.—Aching pain in the calves/.—Tearing pain in the right calf, when sitting (after eleven hours)/.—[2200.] Swelling of the ankle without redness, with tearing pains, which can be relieved by the application of warmth/.—Stiffness in the ankle and knee-joints, with difficulty in walk- ing,213.—Painfulness of the ankles when touched/.—Tearing in the ankles/. —Tearing around the ankles and in the dorsum of the feet, when lying down, with nausea/.—Feet and Toes: "Swelling of the feet (36),206.—Feet swelled easily (one week)/74.—Shining, hot swelling of the feet, extending above the ankles, with round red spots, causing a burning pain (after third day)/.—Itching swelling of the feet/.—Edematous feet (after six weeks)/14. —[2210.] * GSdema of the feet and exhaustion (15).—Swelling of the feet, which long afterwards remain weak and heavy/13.—Very great oedema of the feet, which lasted many weeks/17.—Hard, red-blue, green-yellow and very painful swelling of both feet (after twenty-eight days)/.—Trembling in feet/9.—Cramp of the feet/45.— Weakness of the feet?28.—Weakness of the feet, lasting three weeks/28.—Weakness of the feet, on great exertion/28.— When walking, he dragged the feet loosely; when lying, they lie relaxed and fallen down/19.—[2220.] Feet would not support him, but gave way beneath him/13.—In eight weeks she could only move the feet when lying, but could not walk/74.—Paralysis of the feet/9.f—Total paralysis of the feet/45.—Paralysis of the feet, preceded by vomiting/1.—Complete paralysis of feet, hands, and arms/17.—Numbness, stiffness, and insensibility of the feet, with occasional swelling aud great pains/7.—Numb pains in the right foot; when sitting, she is unable to raise it except with the hand/.—Feet feel as if furred/06.—Fuzzy feeling, going to sleep and coldness of the feet, extending a hand's breadth above the ankle/16.—[2230.] Sensation dimin- ished in the feet and legs/13.—Loss of sensation in the feet; on attempting to walk, she could not feel the ground/15.—Cold feet, with contracted pulse/3.—Continual cold feet when sitting still; he is scarcely able to warm them in bed/.—Pains in the feet/4.—Pains in the feet, which decreased from year to year, but (after ten years) have not yet quite disappeared, and especially show themselves on the appearance of the menses/05.—Pain in the foot, as if spraiued, when she makes a misstep, or does not place the foot in a natural position/.—Cramps in feet/17.—Constant cramps in the feet,224.—Drawing in the foot, so that he cannot hold it still; he cannot step rapidly, but only cautiously/.—[2240.] Tearing and stitching in the metatarsal articulations of both feet, with stitches in the joints when tread- ing or walking, as if the feet were sprained ; the ankles feel sore aud pain- ful when touched/.—Stitching pains in the outer border of the foot/.—In- tolerable itching of the feet and, thighs?45211.—The pains in the feet become worse by motion/.—Pains in the joints of the foot, on the top of the instep, f "Cited from Cardanus;" same as S. 2224. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 535 as if sprained, when stepping/.—When walking, steps flat with whole sole/18.—Numb feeling in the sole/18.—Soles feel as if made of wood and do not feel the ground,205.—Soles of feet painful on stepping/9.—Feeling of coldness in the soles/.—[2250.] Violent burning in soles of feet/9.—Stitches in the soles (after half an hour)/.—Tearing in the heels/.—In the morn- ing, when waking, the heels are painful, as if they had been lying on a hard place/.—Stitches in the bottom of the left heel, when treading, ex- tending to the posterior surface of the thigh/.—Toes drawn downward/9.— The flexors of the toes so contracted that the tips of the toes touch the soles of the feet; walking very difficult; standing upright causes pain (eight months)/80.—The toes are constantly flexed ; they can be extended a little by great exertion of the will, but with the aid of the hand very easily; her gait, on account of this loss of power, is heavy and stamping/05.—[All her toes became stiff, so that she could not tread, H.]/.—Loss of power of the toes; walking was accomplished with the whole sole of the foot, by which her gait became stamping/05.—[2260.] The extensors as well as the flexors of the toes are paralyzed/56.—Titillating creeping itching of the right big toe, as is felt in a healing wound, causes rubbing (after one and a half hours)/.—In the night, when lying in bed, violent prickling tearing in the corn/. Generalities.—Objective: General health poor/15.—At first glance, one would have thought a case of typhoid fever was before him. Constant sleepiness, numbness, stupid appearance, ringing in the ears, no pains, red- ness of the cheeks, slight ophthalmia, dorsal decubitus, paralysis of the limbs and trunk, great emaciation, moist skin, violent beating of the heart, valves of the heart normal, no morbid sound, lungs free. Pulse 95 to 100 ; tongue clean, not dry; abdomen not sensitive to pressure, but drawn in; hollow gurgling in the abdomen ; no diarrhcea, and involuntary urination/60. —*Cholera/°.f—The incessant vomiting, the diarrhcea, the cramps in the calves, the livid appearance, and especially the liquids evacuated, showing no signs of blood, all defined the attack as a sort of sporadic cholera/24.— Consumption/7.—Gradual consumption (died within a year),29.—The effects produced by small doses of arsenic might have been mistaken for those of mercury/71.—[2270.] He gathers himself together in bed, can scarcely move his limbs, and is with difficulty awakened from his delirious sopor/36. —The body crouched/06.—He lies in bed crouched together/26.—She lies bent over a trunk, supported on both arms, pale as a corpse, with the most violent retching/26.—Greatly swollen all over/24.—(Great swelling of the face and the whole body)/3.—(Anasarca)/1.4;—(Complete general anasarca)/1.! —(Elastic swellings in various parts of the body)/9.—(Swelling of the whole right side of the body, down to the hip, with swelling of the left leg)/5.— (Swelling of the face and feet, dry mouth and lips, distended abdomen, diarrhcea, colic, voiniting),u.||—Wasting/28.—[2280.] (Emaciation)?684, etc. —* Great emaciation?14.—Progressive emaciation, without loss of appetite,215. —She became remarkably thin/37.—He becomes emaciated and sinks ex- hausted/71.—(Emaciation, till death)/7.—Dwindling of the whole body, with excessive sweats/.—"She becomes emaciated, with clay colored face,, blue margins around the eyes, great weakness in all the limbs, want of disposition to do anything, and constant inclination to rest (after eight days)/.—The f " That is, constant vomiting and diarrhcea, with sharp nose, cold limbs, cramps, and death." % As S. 138. I As S. 128. || As S. 138. 536 ARSENICUM ALBUM. female's healthy, well-fed body had changed, in eight weeks, so that it was scarcely more than a feeble skeleton covered with skin ; and the healthy red and white of the complexion had become a pale bluish-gray. The abdominal walls were olive green ; the back ecchymosed ; mouth and nose covered with scabs, and the hair had almost all fallen out/05.—Fatal marasmus (in eighteen months)/15. — [2290.] General collapse/73. — Motor Symptoms: Laxity of all the muscles/66.—Muscles lax?03101, etc.—After a year, the muscle was low compared with what it was formerly/05.—Tremblings/9.—She trembled violently/20.—General trembling/27.— Trembling over the whole body?699, etc. —He trembles in every part of the body/.—General tremor of the entire body/99.—[2300.] In the morning, trembling of the whole body/16.—Tremor, with sweat on the face/3.—Trembling and formication of the whole body/56. —Auguish, trembling, and tremor, with cold sweat on the face/3.—Twitch- ing,207217.—Violent twitching of the whole body/9.—Subsultus tendinum/!2. —Inclines to start/.—Convulsive startings all over the body/01.—Several sudden and involuntary muscle-contractions/50.—[2310.J Spasmodic start- ing of the whole body in bed (after twelve hours)/2.—"Startings, resembling concussive shocks, in the affected part, in the evening, when falling asleep; they are excited by a slight trouble felt in a remote part, such as a tearing, itching, etc./.— While rolling about in bed, he screams, " I am suffocating!" throws off the covering, opens his mouth wide, as if to draw breath, and remains fixed in this condition for several seconds/02.—From time to time he lies on his back, touching the region of the coccyx with his heel, while the knees are raised and widely parted. Suddenly he turns round spontaneously, and takes a different position/02. — Cramps/06.—Spasms,'?1)58.—Hysterical spasms, followed by great exhaustion/25.— Convulsions, 35 63, and others. —Slight convulsions/12. — Convulsions, most violent/1. — [2320.] Fearful convulsions; stiff, with body bent backward/21.—Convulsions, with foam at the mouth/24.— Violent convulsive motions before death/13. — "Epi- leptic convulsions?4.—Slight convulsions, which lasted several minutes; afterwards renewed violent vomiting/21. — Tetanic spasms/9. — (Attacks of tetanic spasms)/7.—Tetanic convulsions, the body bent backward and the chest distended high up; he uttered at the same time, a miserable wail/12.—Convulsions, and horrible distortions of the limbs/3.—Convulsions, occasionally brought on by violent pains in the soles of the feet/1.—[2330.] Convulsions, and complete loss of consciousness, with vomiting and horrible colic/80.—Convulsive fit; first she jerked her arms outward, after this she lost her consciousness, lay like one dead, pale but warm, clenched her thumbs, twisted her fists, drew her arms up slowly, lowered them again slowly; after ten minutes she drew her mouth to and fro, as if working her jaws; breathing imperceptible; in a quarter of an hour the fit ceased, terminating in a jerk through the whole body, a sort of starting forward of the arms and lower limbs; consciousness returned at once, but there was great weakness/.—Convulsive attacks, which appeared from time to time, but seemingly only from an external cause, especially from vexation or other violent mental agitation. They were announced about an hour be- fore their appearance, by drawings in the limbs, and longings to lie down, without finding sleep. When they came on, she experienced either a sudden jerk through the whole body, or an icy coldness running from the head down the back with lightning-like velocity. At the same moment, she loses consciousness, stretches and writhes, and then draws the limbs to- gether, especially the arms. At times, also, convulsive distortion of the facial muscles and tetanus appear with it, when it has happened that the ARSENICUM ALBUM. 537 under lip or tongue has been injured by the tightly set teeth and has bled. More frequently, however, the spasm rages in the abdomen, which rises and falls very rapidly, with rumbling in the bowels. The attack is generally repeated, after a respite, before her return to consciousness. The whole lasts teu minutes, at most. On returning to consciousness, she calls for water, which, however, renews the convulsions/05.—Violent convulsions, afterward violent sweats, then sleep/51.—Death, with or without spasms/9. — Convulsions previous to death,2381.—Restless/89.—"Great restlessness?10121, etc.—Marked restlessness/96.—Great inquietude/9.—Restless and tossed about/00.—[2340.] *Very great restlessness, so that she could not lie quiet a minute/34.—He continually threw himself about/15.—"He threw himself restlessly hither and. thither in bed?24. — *Restlessness; throwing himself from side to side/13.—Rolling about in bed/35.—"He lies now on the right, now on the left side, and changes position with incredible rapidity?02. —By paroxysms he started up, became very restless/13.—"Restless, he changes from one bed to another?1.—"He has no rest anywhere, and changes from place to place, from bed to bed?.—Continual restlessuess and contraction of the body/06.—[2350.] The child is restless, moans and cries/.—Marked restlessness aud excitement, with wakefulness at night,220.—Restlessness and tossing about in the bed, with sadness and unqueuchable thirst (after twenty-four hours),24. — ^Restlessness and anxiety/9. — Restlessness and anxiety, so that he alternately left the couch, and threw himself on the floor/13.—Restlessness and hypochondriac anxiety, as from continued sitting in a room, as if coming from the upper part of the chest, without palpita- tion of the heart (immediately)/.—Great restlessness; she threw herself about in bed, and tightly clasped a person standing near, in her anxiety and oppression/13.—(Restlessness, with pains in the abdomen, head, and knees)/5.j"—Paralysis and Weakness: Electro-muscular contractility remarkably diminished/13.—She becomes quite stiff, is not able to move or stir, is only able to staud/.—[2360.] She cannot move/9.—In the morn- ing, the muscular stiffness is increased, and extends to the arm and forearm, which are painful when moved/2.—He could no longer sit upright, stand or walk, but, when lying, could make every motion/19.—Paralyzed, was no longer able to walk/3.—Paralysis of both motion and sensation/67.—■ Paralysis of the lower half of the body lasts nearly six months/41.—Local paralysis, preceded by numbness or tingling in the fingers or toes/71.—In- complete paralysis/05.— Great laziness and dread of the least ^exertion?.— Feels as heavy as lead/36.—[2370.] Tired all over/7.—Easily fatigued, so that she dreads exertion/18.—Becomes pale and easily tired on slight exer- tion/18.—In general, more fatigued mornings than evenings/2.—In the evening, general feeling of fatigue, which increased to a very distressing degree/2.—Lassitude/28.—* Great lassitude?03 m, etc.— General lassitude?2 218. —Great lassitude; he had to go home and lie down/36.—*The slightest paroxysm of pain is accompanied with an excessive sinking of strength, obliging him to lie down/.—[2380.] He lies down all day/3.—He is obliged to keep to his bed/.—Lassitude, so that he could not leave the bed/13.—"Failing of strength?9 8i.—Muscular^ power weakened, so that be could not hold an object after he had taken it/56.—Cannot support, or lift any rather heavy object without letting it fall/13.—Entire loss of strength; cannot speak without great effort,99.—Loss of strength/18.—Weakness/1.— Debility/22.—[2390.] Great general weakness/18.—Excessive weakness?1206. f Symptoms noted after the bezoar stone as an antidote. 538 ARSENICUM ALBUM. — Very great weakness?19128, etc.—Very marked weakness,209.—General debility/01.—Extreme debility/98.—Great debility, and exhaustion/88.—Fits of weakness/2.—Weakness as if he suffered from want of food/.—[2400.] General weakness, especially in the lower limbs ; he is scarcely able to move them/9.—Great weakness, especially in the legs/7128.—Great weakness ; her gait was like one much intoxicated/05.—Weakness of the whole body for several days, with weak pulse; he had to lie down/5.—His strength fails him more and more/9.—Weakness in the muscular system, especially of the lower extremities, so that the gait was uncertain and stumbling/56.— Gait shaky and stumbling. On attempting to stand, he falls, if not aided. Also, when sitting, he holds himself with difficulty; still, the extremities can be moved in all directions, though not without effort/56.—She was so weak that she had to be led into the room/27.—He can scarcely walk/06.— *He is so weak that he is scarcely able to walk; he feels as if he would fall over/.—[2410.] *So weak that he is scarcely able to walk across the room without sinking down/9.—"So weak that he was not able to walk alone, before the vomiting set in/3.—He falls down, when attempting to walk (having full consciousness)/7.—For several days he felt so weak in the morning that he was scarcely able to rise from bed/.—"He endeavors to rise, but is unable to sustain himself on his feet?.—After rising, he fell down on the floor/13.—He gets out of bed, falls down, aud wounds the occiput/06.—When rising from bed, she fell down at once; from weakness and vertigo, and increased headache/.—(He was unable to leave his bed, he felt so trembling and weak),u.f—General weakness and paresis, which rapidly become paralysis (after one week)/74.—[2420.] He remained very weak for a long time/13.—^Continued weakness and prostration/28.—Con- stant feeling of extreme weariness/2.—;* Very weary and exhausted?21.— *Great weariness after a meal/.—Great weariness after dinner, and ex- cessive yawn ing/.—General exhaustion/00.—Great exhaustion/22.—Frequent feeling of exhaustion/24.— Totally exhausted?13126.—[2430.] Prostration/20.— Great prostration/77.—Nervous prostration/23.—Excessive prostration/84.— Remarkable prostration; kneeling on the floor of her room, the head sup- ported on the arms of her brother ; she was not able to hold herself up/21.— Excessive aud most unusual prostration of strength/25.—Remarkable pros- tration and discomfort/50.—Great prostration and bodily weakness, especially after vomiting, which still occurs at intervals/03.—A sense of sinking, so that he thought he was dying/10.—Condition resembling a mild form of collapse in cholera/10.—[2440.] Nearly collapsed condition, with sluggish power of motion and afterward almost immobility/14.—In a state of collapse; ex- tremities were cold, lips purple, face dusky/10.—Great general weakness and irritability/18.—Weak in body and soul; he says nothing without being peevish/.—Deathly weariness, with face as pale as death/09.—He dies with weakness, without vomiting, convulsions, or pain/3.—Excessive weakness, violent vertigo, continued vomiting and hematuria, followed by death (without agony, fever, or pain)/.—Faintness and Sensibility : Faint- ness?82 m.—Fainting?1914\—Fainted/6.—[2450.] Attacks of fainting/13.— Fainting fits, (20), (31), and others.—Deep swoon/3.—Excessive swoons?6.— Faintness and depression/71. — *Faint, anxious and weak, early in the morning/.—"Faintness when discouraged; her strength returns with her cheerfulness?.—* Great faintness and anxiety; she has lost the control of her senses, is scarcely able to attend to things, accompanied with reeling f As S. 138. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 539 vertigo/.—Frequent fainting fits, with vomiting aud weak pulse (after three hours)/3.—Sensation of faintness, burning and nausea/70.—[2460.] Fault, when she became cold over the whole body/14.—Before death, coma sometimes supervenes, with paralysis, tetanic convulsions, or spasms in the muscles of the extremities/71.—The organs of sense are morbidly active/9.— "Senses morbidly acute, but mental faculties unimpaired?59.—Nervousness/69. —Increased sensibility, so that the gentle opening and shutting of a door, or accidentally touching the bed-clothes, caused the patient to start, and a careless closing of the door drew tears from her, and gave her pain/05. —Such a high degree of sensitiveness that a mere draught of air caused cramps aud convulsions/37.—Sensibility diminished/17.—Apparent insensi- bility to external objects/01.—Sensations : Unusual lightness/8.—[2470.] He felt thick/35.—General uneasiness/93.—General discomfort/69.—Great anxiety in the whole body with cold sweat/40.—Obliged to go to bed early in the evening, with general malaise; could not get warm, although the weather was quite mild ; had to be covered with bed-clothes as if it was winter,92.—General malaise/66.—General malaise, followed by vomiting.92— On rising in the morning, general malaise/2.—General depression and sick feeling/19.—"The pains seem intolerable, and drive the patient mad/.— [2480.] Pains all over/34.—Pains in the whole body, mostly in the even- ing (Sr.).—A numb pain is perceived in the whole side of the body/.— * The paroxysm of pain is frequently accompanied with other symptoms?.— "Frequent return, at regular hours, of the pains and uneasiness, as in fever and ague?.—Return of the same Arsenic symptoms at the same hour, after a period of four days/3.f—There are, at times, remissions or even inter- missions in the symptoms, which may lead to a deceptive hope of recovery, or (by the recurrence of symptoms) to the erroneous supposition that a fresh quantity of poison had been administered/71.—Mustard plasters cause pain, but neither redness nor swelling of the parts where they are applied/02. —"Burning pains?8 (and others).—*Burning pains, especially in the inner organs, skin and ulcers/.—[2490.] Burning, corrosive pains/4 72.— Burning pain where applied/14.—The burning, stitching, tearing paius, especially iu the extremities, affected the patient more, as the energy of the body decreased and sensibility increased/05.—Day and night, fearful pains, which were generally burning, as when one has been burned, and the injured part is exposed anew to the fire; at times also stitching, and then again gouty tearing, with which, at times, an endless rapid twitching and pulling appeared at one spot. In general, the affected limb was constantly twitch- ing/05.—Violent pains,207.—Violent pains over the whole body, as if he lay on fire or needles; external application of Arsenic/78.—Occasional violent pains in different parts of the body, in the knee-joint, in the soles of the feet, and in the region of the heart/10.—Burning in all the veins, when waking in the night, which happens frequently/.—Paiu in the affected part, as if the bone in that part were swollen and excoriated; felt when sitting/.—Sensation as if the whole left half of the body were drawn to- gether/9.—[2500.] * Violent anguish, as if everxything became constricted, with anxiety in the pit of the stomach?.—Feeling as if pressed on by a heavy body/9.—On awaking, every morning, sharp pains all over the body, and aching pains across the shoulders and back of the neck/25.—Sharp pains all over the body, especially in the genitals/24.—Fine stitches over the whole body/.—Tearing pains in the bones/.—Ulcerative pain in the affected part, * " This recurrence only took place once." 540 ARSENICUM ALBUM. as if it had passed into the stage of suppuration and were about to open ; felt when sitting/.—Pain in the whole trunk, mostly in the small of the back aud back, especially after riding on horseback (in a practiced rider)/. —Beating in all the limbs and also in the head/.—Pains in the joints/28. Skin.—Appearance, etc. : [2510.] "Skin became very white; complexion white and pasty-looking?24.—* Excessivewhiteness of the skin, as ininfants, which, as the arsenical influence increased, became yellow and scaly, producing in J. E. and baby the most irritating eruption all over the body, with a strong and peculiar smell/25.—The skin became gradually yellow, and afterwards of a dusky brown color/24.—Jaundice/7.—*The whole skin became blue/02.— The veins, especially the jugular veins, very much dilated, hence the skin became bluish/02.—Cyanosis/73.—He became red and moist over the whole bociy/« — Smutty, mottled skin, especially in extremities/18.—Skin became a smutty brown, especially on uncovered portions/17.—[2520.] Dry, cracked state of the skin/24.—Skin dry and scaly, cracked all over, and very sore, with a strong and peculiar smell from it/24.—*Deep mortification of the skin/14.—On the toes, especially both little toes, an extremely hard, horny skin gradually appeared, which pained like a burning, and made walking very painful/05.—The skin from the head to the feet comes off/20.—[The skin of the whole body peels off in large scales]/.—The thickened epider- mis comes off/17.—The skin of the whole body, except the head, came off/45. —Desquamation of a large part of the body, especially on the forearms, and return of a just cured herpes on the chin, which remains five to six days/51.—Exfoliation of the cuticle and skin of the tongue/71.—[2530.] The thick skin of the soles of the feet came off/45.—Spots on the skin, here and there/8.—Little blotches on the forehead/3.—Thick-set, white blotches, about the size of a lentil, a little larger or smaller; skin colored, smarting and painful, the pain being generally worse at night/.—*Blue spots on the abdomen, genital organs, and white of the eye/9.—Large red spots over the whole skin/31.—Inflamed, measle-like spots over the body, especially about the head, in the face, and on the neck/2.f—On the left side of the face, an- swering to the parotids, an inflamed spot, red, firm, solid, painful on pres- sure with the finger, appearing yellow/16.—(The parts around the ulcer be- come inflamed; the ulcer bleeds when bandaging it, and becomes covered with a dry, superficial crust)/3.—Dry Eruptions : Eruption on the skin/7.| —[2540.] Eruption over whole body/17.—* Very painful black eruption?2.— "Small ecchymoses, or rather petechias?02.—Rash over the whole body falling off in scales/6.—Red, scorbutic rash/9.—(Slight eruptions resembling nettle- rash)/9.—Rashlike eruption on the skin, especially on the abdomen/10.— Rash, profuse, diagnosed as scarlatina, with such severe pains all over that he could not turn in bed/24.—Elevations similar to those caused by nettles; also small pimples, as in rash eruptions/43.—"Pimples burning violently, causing almost unendurable anguish?.—[2550.] Small, pointed pimples make their appearance, with itching, going off after scratching/.—Miliary erup- tion, with white tips, over the whole body, even the hands and feet,80.— [Fine, sand-shaped, itching eruption all over the body. H.]/.—(Eruption on the forehead)/7.—(Innumerable, very red pimples on the scalp)/1.— Pimples, difficult to cure/9.§—Small pimples on several parts of the body, even on the forehead and under the jaw, causing a burning pain and not much itching/.—A pimple, covered with scurf, in the left side of the scalp, f "After Opium had been given as antidote." % "Not found." g" Not found.' ARSENICUM ALBUM. 541 obliging him to scratch, and painful when rubbed, as if ulcerated (after two hours)/.—Pimples over the whole scalp, painful when rubbed or touched, as if ecchymosed or ulcerated; the same pain is felt in the whole scalp (after eleven hours)/.—There appeared upon the face and neck a number of large red blotches, at first the size of a silver dollar, of an intensely red or scarlet color, and partially raised in wheals; this rash gradually ex- tended, and in a day and a half covered the entire body (fifth day),216.— [2560.] On the lips, an eruption similar to herpes labialis/03.—Eruption on the lower lip, with a thick crust aud a lardaceous base (Sr.).—Painless eruption on the margin of the vermilion border of lip (after fourteen days)/. —"Red, herpetic skin around the mouth?.—* Eruption around the mouth, burning and painful/.—Colorless, biting eruption around the whole neck, upon the shoulders, and on the sides/.—Pimples on the hands, the thumb, and the forehead/39.—Purple petechia? on chest and neck/01.—Skin of neck, bosom, and shoulders covered with a rough, cracked, dirty, brownish-red eruption, with burning and itching/23.—"Herpes-like spot on left side of neck extended rapidly over whole side of neck, and upon face, with itching and burning, then a similar spot on the right side/11.—[2570.] Blotches and pimples on the hands/3.—Dense eruption of small, red, conical pimples all over the hands and fingers, with itching, which is increased by scratching/2. —Moist Eruptions : Eczema/20.—^Eruption resembling red petechias, from the size of a flea-bite up to that of a lentil, sharply circumscribed, in the evening, painful, dry, moist, and burning after scratching (Sr., from Hahne- mann).—"Black vesicles, causing a burning pain?1.—Rash over the whole body, except the limbs; numberless small, white blisters covered the skin, which appeared to be inflamed between them/05.—Pimples in the region of the left temple; when scratched they exude bloody water, and become pain- ful and sore when rubbed/.—Scabby eruption on the occiput/04.—On the red, inflamed portion of the skin of the face, numerous vesicles filled with yellow fluid; the redness and inflammation spread about the nose and mouth/16.—Eruption on the face, covered with blisters/16.—[2580.] The eruption on the face dried into scabs; nose and lids scale/16.—The erup- tion on the face dries, here and there scabs fall off, and on the left concha new blisters form/16.—Whitish, pointed pimples, the tips filled with a wa- tery fluid, with burning itching, as of mosquito-bites, on the hands, between the fingers, and on the abdomen ; the fluid flows out when scratching the pimples, and the itching goes off/.—[Fleshy excrescences spring up from the ulcers on the fingers; they speedily become decayed, blue, and green, with viscid ichor, spreading an intolerably bad odor. H.]/.—[Blisters form in the night all over the soles, as if caused by fly-blisters ; they open and pour out a light-yellow, fetid water. H.]/.—Ulcers and Pustules : The ulcer has very high edges/.—*3Iuch black, coagulated blood comes out of the ulcer?.—Ulcer which is especially painful in the morning, with dark-brown, thin, bloody pus under a thin scurf, and with single stitches while sitting, the stitches being diminished when standing, and still more when walking/. —Severe suppuration and swelling of the skin around the spreading ulcers, especially on the abdomen, genitals, and inside of the thighs/14.—Cancer- ous ulcer, making the amputation of the limb necessary/2.f—[2590.] Sores broke out over the head and neck/98.—*Two large pimples on the forehead between the eyebrows, obliging him to scratch, exuding bloody water, and becoming filled with pus on the day following/.—Pustule on forehead and f "Ina refiner of A." 542 ARSENICUM ALBUM. left cheek/9.—Pustules on forehead and chest/9.—On the forehead, about the eyes, on the cheek bones, the shoulders, the upper part of the arm, and the chest, an eruption of white pustules, in large number, which, in form and progress, were similar to small-pox; these pustules were partly isolated, partly confluent, were very easily torn, changed to thick crusts, and left very perceptible scars behind/60.—(Pustulous eruption on the scalp and face, with burning pain)/9.—Ulcers in the whole face/3.—The face became covered with pustules/39.—Ulcerated eruption around the lips,50.—[Large, broad, pale-red, and excessively painful boil on the hand, between the thumb and index finger, especially in the evening. H.]/.—[2600.] Abscess on the posterior side of the arm above the wrist; on opening it a very co- pious discharge of thick yellow pus followed, with denudation of the sur- face of the ulna, as shown by the probe/69.—Gatherings (abscesses) on her hands, which she never had had before, followed by severe pains in her wrists and arms, so as almost to disable her/25.—[Ulcer on the left leg below the knee. H.]/.—* Ulcer on the leg, covered with a gray crust, and surrounded with an inflamed border; it is burning and painful/.—[Itchlike eruption, especially in the bends of the knees. H.]/.—Ulcers on both heels, which discharge ichorous matter/40.—The trunk and upper extremities are covered with a discrete papulo-vesicular eruption, very troublesome, causing him to scratch till he bled ; itching much aggravated at night/2.—Great sensi- bility or irritation of the skin, accompanied by a vesicular eruption ; some- times this has assumed the form of nettlerash, or of the eruption of scarlet fever, for which disease arsenical poisoning has been mistaken/71.—[The§ skin of the soles becomes insensible, thick as cork, and breaks. H.]/.— Sensation, when moving about, as if the whole skin were rough and about to burst/9.—[2610.] The skin of the whole body is painful/.—The hard, horny skin on the toes is very troublesome, and burns much,10".—Horrid burning in the skin of the finger, as if the part had been burnt with boil- ing grease (after dipping the hands into a cold solution of Arsenic)/.—"In- tolerable burning in the skin?9.—Much disturbed at night by smarting and itching, which forced him to keep applying cold water compresses; he got a little sleep about 4 o'clock in the morning/2.—^Burning pain in the ulcers/ (83).—*Burning in the ulcers as from glowing coals/.—^Burning like fire around the ulcer, which is fetid and suppurates, accompanied with faintness and drowsiness in daytime?.—"Burning in the border of the ulcer and itching in the ulcer itself?.—(Burning in the ulcer follows the itch- ing),44.—[2620.] Tearing pain in the ulcers/.—Stitching over the whole skin/39.—"Slow stitches, as with a red-hot needle, in the skin here and there?. —Prickings in the skin/3.—"Painful sensitiveness of old ulcers previously painless?.—Creeping sensation, as of fleas, in the thighs, as far as the abdo- men, also in the loins and nates, obliging him to scratch/.—Burning itching of the body/.—Burning itching, the parts being painful after scratching?. —Unpleasant itching and eruption of small, itchlike pustules, which soon desquamate/41.—At night, itching on the head aud several parts of the body, lasting all night, and preventing sleep/2.—[2630.] Itching of the neck below the maxilla/.—Itching and soreness of the anus and privates, with sometimes sharp pains there/25.—Frequent itching on the backs of the fingers, sometimes so severe that she scratches the skin off, with an eruption of pointed papulae between the fingers (after three days)/1.—A good deal of itching of the right thigh and arms/. Sleep and Dreams.—Yawning and Sleepiness: Yawning,99.— Frequent yawning/.—Yawning almost uninterrupted/.—Yawning and ARSENICUM ALBUM. 543 stretching as though he had uot slept enough/.—Yawning and weakness after eating, so that he must lie down and sleep/.—Inclined to sleep/17.— [2640.] No sleep, but inclination to slumber/36.—She became sleepy, with- out being able to sleep or rest/34.—Sleepiness?03116, etc.—Frequent attacks of somnolence in the daytime, when sitting/.—"Drowsiness?02204.—Exces- sive drowsiness; he falls asleep again immediately after taking; for four days/6.—^Drowsiness interrupted by uneasy dreams and great anxiety/.— Irresistible desire to sleep, alternating with great restlessness,19.—Soporous condition, from which she often awoke, but only for a short time/34.— Sleep: Slept a little at times; when awake, was inclined to converse in a quiet aud agreeable way, more particularly in reference to her own history ; this continued for the next forty-eight hours, she being all the while in a state of extreme prostration (first day)/16.—[2650.] The little patient slept, except when awakened by vomiting/03.—Slumber and slight delirium/36.— At night, sleep, alternating with raving and different visions/13.—He lies on his back during sleep, with his left hand under the occiput/.— Quiet sleep?2212'3.—*Startings of various kinds, when falling asleep, in the evening/.—"3Iuch violent starting while asleep?2.—"Frequent starting from sleep,90.—General sick feeling, in sleep, two successive nights/.—Uneasy nights; felt as if a chill was coming on/2.—[2660.] Disturbed sleep/18.— "Sleep uneasy, and disturbed by dreams?24.—"Restless sleep?13132.—"Sleep restless; disturbed by attacks of cough, anxiety, and general heat, until 1.30 p.m.—* After midnight (from 3 o'clock on) she tosses about, and sleeps only at times/.—Loud moaning in the evening, while asleep/.—Moaning, while asleep, with tossing about in bed, especially about 3 o'clock in the morning/.—He talks and quarrels while asleep/.—During sleep, loud talking and indistinct murmuring, with half-closed eyes/9.—During sleep, he complains of headache, now in the forehead, now in the occiput/03.— [2670.] "Thepains are felt in the night, during sleep?.—Sleep very rest- less, she wakes very early,2.—"The pain of the affected part wakes him in the night from time to time, especially before midnight?.—She is awakened from sleep by vomiting/21.—He wakes while dreaming, and while an emis- sion is taking place, without being able to remember what he dreamed of,10. —"In the morning, she feels as if she had not slept enough?.—"Feels as though she had not slept enough, mornings; eyes are weary; she cannot get out of bed?.—Cannot go to sleep, although fatigued/9.—Sleeplessness till 3 A.M./9. —No sleep/6.—[2680.] Sleeplessness (31),37,and others.—Sleepless for forty- eight hours, then had a good night's sleep, which quite refreshed her; felt comfortable for twelve hours/16.—"Sleepless, with restlessness and moaning?. —Sleepless, tossing about, nights, with creeping in the abdomen/.—Sleepless- ness, with fainting fits from time to time/4.—(Nightly fancies),40.—During his morning slumber he hears every sound and noise, yet continues dream- ing withal/.—Heavy dreams/.—Heavy dreams and nightmare; the dreams hovered before his mind even during the day, and disquieted him/09.— Dreams full of fatiguing thoughts/.—[2690.] Sleep disturbed by anxious dreams/9.—Dreams full of care; he wakes, and when asleep again con- tinues his dream/.—Anxious dreams while falling asleep; he wants to cry out, but cannot utter his cry, and is suddenly waked by that cry, which he hears yet/.—Vivid, vexatious dreams/.—Frightful, anxious dreams/.— Nightly dreams full of threats, apprehensions, or repentance/.—Dreams full of care and danger; he wakes with a cry, and, when asleep again, dreams of something else/.—"Dreams full of care, sorrow, and fear, disturb 544 ARSENICUM ALBUM. his sleep?.—* Uninterrupted dreams about thunderstorms, fire, black water, and darkness?.—Dreams about death/9. Fever.—Coldness: [2700.] Temperature lowered/17.—Skin cold/84.— "Cold as a corpse?20.—Coldness of the skin for several months/05.—Skin cold to touch, and covered with profuse cold perspiration/02.—The skin icy cold, covered with cold sweat, especially on the forehead and temples/02.— Skin cool aud spasmodically closed/36.—"The skin icycpld and the face fear- fully pale?02.—Sensation of external coldness (which is also objective), with internal heat, like fulness or fire iu the vessels/18.—Shuddering (u), m.— [2710.] Frequent shuddering,99.—Feverish shuddering/8.—* Cold shudder- ing?51.—Violent chilly shuddering/54.—The shuddering disappears after dinner (rare alternate effect)/.—Shuddering after dinner?.—The shudder- ing returns every afternoon at 5 o'clock/.—Shuddering, after drinking, as if from disgust/3.—Shuddering and chilliness, after drinking (immediately)/. —Feverish shuddering every evening/.—Shuddering, every evening, before retiring/.—[2720.] ^Shuddering when walking in the open air/.—"Shud- dering, without thirst (immediately)/.—Shuddering over the whole body, with hot forehead, warm face and cold hands, or with warm forehead, hot cheeks, and cold hands/.—"The shuddering is apt to be accompanied with other peins or ailments?.—Many symptoms are accompanied with shudder- ing/.—Shivering/24.—Fever-shivering, chills/.—Shivering, out of the bed/. —Chattering of the teeth, fearful distortion of the facial muscles, and crying out that he can bear it no longer on account of the coldness; he trembled with it as if he had an ague ; the room was well heated and the weather not cold/02.—General chilliness,204.—[2730.] Chilliness in the external skin, over the face and feet/.—Chilliness increasing to the highest degree/9.—Violent chilliness with shaking/3.—Chilliness, with cold feet; nevertheless, he began to perspire/.—Chilliness, with alternating burning pains in stomach, and marked anxiety/17.—Chilliness with shaking, during the pains; they are followed by thirst/.—Chilliness, with coldness towards evening/.—Vio- lent chilliness in the evening, after going to bed/.—Attack of chilliness in the evening, lasting five minutes, and again in the morning, on waking/9. —Chilliness, without being able to get warm, accompanied with ill-humor, flushes of heat, when talking or moving about; she then became red in the face, but nevertheless felt chilly/.—[2740.] Toward evening, attack of chilliness, lasting two hours, afterwards, sweat without heat/9.—Chilliness at 3 o'clock, every afternoon, with hunger; the chilliness increased after a meal/.—Quotidian ague, sometimes tertian/23.—The slightest chill from exposure to damp, or from sitting in church on a very cold day, was always followed by shivering fits, abdominal pain, diarrhcea, rapid loss of strength, and distressed countenance,224.—"Internal chilliness in the afternoon, with external heat and red cheeks?.—Fever when coming out of the open air and entering the room: first, chilliness, afterwards hiccough for a long while, after which, general sweat, lastly, again hiccough/.—Violent shaking chill/11.—Shuddering chills, with shaking of the head/9.—Cold/8".—Great coldness/79.—[2750.] "Great coldness of the surface of the body?12.— Coldness over the whole body?10113, etc.—General coldness/12.—Coustant coldness of the whole body/9.—" Coldness of the body and dryness of the skin, alternate with cold sweat?9.—Icy coldness before vomiting, then burning heat of the whole skin, which is cold to touch/9.—Coldness of the limbs/3.—A sudden coldness crept over him, he could not stand/76.—She cannot get warm in bed, at night/.—He cannot get warm in bed ; he thinks he has caught cold in his head/.—[2760.] The coldness of the body could not be relieved by ARSENICUM ALBUM. 545 the application of external warmth ; complete want of reaction/02.—Sensa- tion of coldness over the whole body, also internally, especially in the stomach/9.—Coldness and numbness of the whole right side, especially in arm and hand/24.—Coldness of the face, hands, and forearms/21.—Extremi- ties and face in the afternoon cool, toward 5 o'clock cold/34.—Hands and feet icy cold/9.—In the evening, coldness of the hands and feet, and even about the abdomen/.—General coldness, with profuse sweat of the skin/9. —The whole body, especially the hands and feet, cold and dry/34.—[Cold- ness morning and evening, without thirst; emitting a quantity of urine, little stool, and stretching in all the limbs, H.]/.—Heat : [2770.] Per- ceptible heat of whole body/9.—Burning flush over whole body,99.—Tempera- ture of skin increased?24128, etc.—Skin very hot?41193.—Violent heat of the skin/42.—Dry heat of the skin/9.—Skin hot and dry?11.—Fever/4.f— Violent fever?1 (65), etc.—Regular tertian intermittent fever?.—[2780.] At first, slight fever, afterwards becoming severe/55.—The fever begins in the daytime, and lasts tili evening/2.—Fever,attended by delirium/98.—High fever, with delirium,224.—Fever with violent thirst?3.— Violent fever and thirst?114.—Violent fever with rapid hard pulse/07.—Fever, with stiffness and very violent pain in the swollen legs and feet, which also continued after the fever had dis- appeared on the eighth day/19.—Fever and restlessness/13.—*Fever at 2 o'clock in the night, increased warmth over the whole body, sweat in the face and on the feet, and tension in the hypochondria and epigastrium, producing colicky pain, and a feeling of anxiety?.—[2790.] *Typhus like fever with extreme restlessness, alternating with stupor?14.—Attacks of fever/19.—Repeated attacks of fever, with pain in shoulders and nape/22.—Every evening, an attack of fever/50.—Fever, towards evening ; chilliness with drowsiness, and a disagreeable sick feeling through the whole body, as after a paroxysm of fever, either completely or only half terminated; after midnight, profuse sweat on the thighs; returned at the same hour, two days after/.—[Burn- ing fever, not to be relieved by cold water; the heat is followed by sweat, especially in the nape of the neck ; this fever sometimes appears every fort- night, for a few days]/.—Fever at 10 o'clock in the evening; heat, with redness of the whole body, afterwards sweat/.—Paroxysm of fever return- ing at the same hour for several days/.—Hectic fever/9.4;—Fevers termi- nating in death,29^—Heat?19128.—[2800.] Great heat/44.—Burning heat over body,202.—Violent heat/9.—"Internal heat?.—^Burning heat inter- nally/9.—*Feels as if burning up internally,"156.—Feeling of heat with anxiety, after midnight, with inclination to uncover herself?.—Feverish heat,99.—"Burning heat and thirst?48.—Feverish heat, with thirst/9.—[2810.] "Complains of violent internal heat and thirst while vomiting?3.—Internal heat, with thirst, after diarrhoea/3.—Heat, internally and externally, through the whole body, as if he had drank too much wine, with thirst for beer/.— (Anxious heat)/5.||—General, anxious heat/.—General heat in the morn- ing, in bed, at sunrise, with sweat in the face, and dryness of the forepart of the mouth, without thirst/.—Transient heat, in the afternoon, with thirst/9.—At 4 o'clock, heat and sweat, without dininution of the pains, until 6 o'clock/9.—"Night, heat, without thirst or sweat?.—"Heat and restless- ness the whole night, and pulsations in the head hindering sleep?.—[2820.] Heat in the face and body, at the commencement of the pains/.—Heat iu the face, at 7 o'clock in the evening (for one hour)/.—(Excessive orgasm of f "Not found." J As S. 138. ain in the right testicle, sometimes distending in the abdomen, but quickly disappearing (third day)/.—Cutting pain in the region of the left ovary, lasting about an hour (first day)/.—The same cutting pain iu the region of the left ovary, but lasting not so long (second day)/.—[150.] Appearance of the menses at the usual time (always too soon) but darker (first day)/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Internal swelling of the trachea, first on the right side, afterwards on the left; when pressing against it, painful soreness of the left parotid gland (fifth day)/.—*Voice hoarse (tenth day)/.—Much cough (fifth day)/.—Frequent coughing (seventh day)/.— Frequent coughing, after getting awake, 6 a.m. (eighth day)/.—Spasmodic cough (sixth day)/.—Much coughing, and mucus in the throat (ninth day)/.—Much coughing; burning in the throat and lungs, 10 p.m. (eighth day)/.—"Expectoration of much mucus (sixth day)/. Chest.—[160.] Burning in the lungs, extending to the pit of the stomach (ninth day)/.—Burning pain in the lungs, when coughing (seventh day)/.—Sensation of fulness in the thorax; soreness in the left lung and left upper arm, and pressing pain in the forehead (second day)/.—Stitches in the right lung, and under the right shoulder-blade (ninth day)/.— The lungs feel sore (tenth day)/. JNeck and Back.—Neck stiff (ninth day)/.—Stiffness of the neck (fifth day)/.—Stiffness of the neck, and intolerable pressing headache (first day)/.—Pain in the region of the atlas and dentoid vertebra, and extend- ing to the right side/. Extremities in General.—Heaviness in all the limbs, especially in the lower extremities (eighth day)/. Upper Extremities.—-[170.] The same pain in the right shoulder and between the shoulder-blades (two and a half hours)/.—Both hands swollen and stiff, better about 6 A.M. (first day)/. Lower Extremities.—Pain over the hips (eighth day)/.—Pain in the right hip under the trochanter/.—In the morning, when getting awake, cramps in the right leg (second day)/.—Cramps in the right leg, after getting awake (third day)/.—Pain in the middle of the left tibia, where there has been a discolored spot on the skin some years/.—Stinging prick- ing in the soles of the feet/.—Tickling itching in the centre of the sole of the right foot/. Sleep and Dreams.— Much yawning, in the afternoon (third day)/.—[180.] Much yawning, stretching, and sleepiness, particularly in ARUNDO MAURITANICA. 565 the afternoon (eighth day)/.—Much yawning, and cold running over the body, at the same hour as the day before (fourth day)/.—Very sleepy, yawning, sneezing, headache worse, eyes heavy, 11 a.m. (first day),4.—Very sleepy, so that he fell asleep sitting in a chair, soon after supper (eighth day)/.—Evening drowsiness/. Fever.—Cold running over the body, at night (first day)/.—Flushes of heat, at night (sixth day),4.—Flushes of heat, with burning face, from 4 to 9 p.m. (fifth day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Head heavy, etc.; heavi- ness, etc., in front part of head ; when getting awake, boring headache on right side; when turning eyes upwards, pain iu occiput; obstruction of nose; watery discharge from nose, etc.; discharge from nose, etc.; lips as if scalded; mouth, etc., sore, etc.; while in bed, burning in throat; when swallowing, sensation of swelling in soft palate; difficult deglutition; roll- ing in abdomen, etc.; stool soft, etc.; when getting awake, cramps in right leg; after getting awake, cramps in right leg.—(Afternoon), Water in the eyes; much sneezing, etc.; nose moist, but obstructed; tearing pain in testicle; much yawning; much yawning, etc.—(Towards evening), Tooth- ache ; soft stool.—(Evening), Shooting headache, etc.; tension in lower eyelid; drowsiness.—-(Night), Head worse; much sneezing, etc.; pain in throat; cold running over body ; flushes of heat.—(Before midnight), Burn- ing, etc., in throat.—(After midnight and toward morning), Much mucus in throat.—(3 to 8 a.m.), Four diarrhoeic discharges.—(5 a.m.), Sore throat.— (6 a.m.), After getting awake, frequent coughing.—(11 a.m.), Very sleepy, etc.—(4 p.m.), Much sneezing; watery discharge from nose; throat sore.— (4 to 9 p.m.), Flushes of heat, etc—(10 p.m.), Much coughing; stitches in left temple.—(Hot coffee), Pressing headache.—(Coughing), Pain in throat; burning in the lungs.—(Drinking), Soreness of the palate.—(Eating), Sore- ness of the palate.—(Pressure), Soreness of parotid gland.—(Swallowing), *Pain in joint of left inferior maxilla. Amelioration.—(Morning), Until after dinner, throat better.— (About 6 A.M.J, Hands swollen, etc.—(After breakfast), Headache; throat better.—(Hot coffee), Scratching in throat.—(After dinner), Dull, etc., headache; head better.—(After rising), Burning in throat. ARUNDO MAURITANICA. A. Mauritanica, Desf. Nat. order, Graminese. Common names, Reed ; (French) Petit chaume; (Ital.) Cannizzola Preparation, Tincture of the fresh root-sprouts. Authorities. Dr. Chagon (Due de Sorentino) Journ. de la Soc. Gallicane, 7, 345: 2, Brentano, reviewed in A. H. Z., 72, 63 (symptom 251). Mind.—Lascivious ideas.—Laughs easily-—Stupid hilarity.—Indiffer- ence to painful sensations.—Anxiety diminished in open air.—Absence of ideas.—Dulness of mind. Head.—Vertigo.—Vertigo on getting out of bed.—Pustules on the head, surrounded with a red areola, and accompanied with suppuration and formation of crusts, in children.—[10.] Burning pain of the whole head. —General burning pain in the interior of the head.—Pain and heat of the forehead.—Deepseated pain towards the frontal lobes and the parietes.— Prickings on the forehead.—Painful undulation in the frontal region.— Formication on the forehead.—Itching on different parts of the forehead.— 566 ARUNDO MAURITANICA. Pain in right temple, extending to the top of the head and causing sleepi- ness.—Pricking in the left temple.—[20.] Slidden formicating pain through the temples.—Prickings on the top of the head.—Formicating and stupefy- ing pain on the top of the head.—Formicating pain on the top of the head, going down to the neck.—Deepseated pains in the parietes of the head.— Pain toward the occiput.—Pain in the occiput.—Occipital pains.—Falling off of the hair.—The hair falls off entirely, in children.—[30.] Scurf on the head.—The roots of the hairs are painful. Eyes.—Violent ophthalmia.—Ophthalmia in children.—Prickings in the eyes.—Itching and burniug in the eyes, especially the left.—Intolerable itching of the left eye and brow.—Pain in the vault of the orbit, causing heaviness and sleepiness.—Pricking in the orbit, when looking steadily.— Pricking in the vault of the orbit.—[40.] A sudden burning pain on the eyebrow and in the orbit.—Burning pricking in the left eyebrow.—Formi- cation in the eyebrow.—Swollen eyelids.—Jactitation of the eyelids.—Red- ness of the lids, with burning.—Heaviness of the eyelids.—Burning itching on the eyelids.—Lachrymation.—Itching on the conjunctiva.—[50.] Ex- crescences on the sclerotica.—Sclerotitis.—Burning pain in the sclerotica.— Dilatation of the pupil.—Dimness of vision.—Inability to look upwards.— Light is intolerable.—Photophobia, especially at noonday and in the evening.—Objects seem veiled.—Luminous objects flutter before the eyes.— [60.] Undulating luminous openings appear wherever he looks. Ears.—Pain at the base of the external ear.—Acute pain at the base of the left external ear.—Formication in the left external ear.—Inflamma- tion of the external meatus.—While the children complain, they always keep their fingers in their ears.—Pain and excessive itching in the auditory canals.—Constant burning and intolerable itching in the auditory canals.— Prickings in the internal auditory meatus.—Burning itching in the audi- tory canals which coincides with an acute pain in the sublingual glands.— [70.] Purulent discharge from the ears.—Hemorrhage of bright red blood from the left ear.—Noise in the ears.—Sound as of little bells in the ears. Nose.—Ulcer beneath the reddened nose.—Snuffling during the coryza. —Constant sneezing.—Sneezing forces out of the nasal fossae pieces of in- durated, greenish mucus.—Coryza.—Running of water from the nose.— [80.] Frothy, watery mucus runs from the nose.—Nasal mucus bluish, purulent.—Putrid nasal mucus.—Pain at the root of the nose.—Dryness of the Schneiderian membrane.—Burning in the inner walls of the nose.— Itching burning of the Schneiderian membrane.—Itching in the nose.— Loss of smell. Face.—Paleness.—[90.] Itching prickings all over the face.—Formi- cation on the face.—Weight on the left side of the face.—Pain and formi- cation on the left half of the face.—Pain and burning in right cheek.— Erysipelas on the cheek.—Pains in the masseter muscles.—Prickings at the tip of the chin. Mouth.—Swelling of the gums.—Red, sensitive gums.—[100.] Bleed- ing of the gums.—Excoriation of the mouth, in children.—Eruption of red points on the palate in children.—Burning itching and irritation of the palate.—Salivation.—Food is insipid.—Sweetish taste in the mouth.— Water has a bad taste.—Bitter mouth on waking in the morning. Throat.—Bruised feeling in the pit of the throat, after expectorating.— [110.] Stoppage of air in the cesophagus.—Burning and redness in the oesophagus.—"Globus hystericus."—Obstruction which prevents swallow- ing.—Burning and pain on deglutition. ARUNDO MAURITANICA. 567 Stomach.—Longing for acid food.—Want of appetite.—Constant thirst.—Constant thirst, in children.—Thirst after waking in the morn- jug,—[120.] Longing for acids.—Desire to belch, with inability to do so.— Empty eructatious.—Hiccough.—Attacks of very painful nausea.—Nausea on getting up in the morning.—Coldness in the stomach.—Acute pain in the pit of the stomach.—Pain on pressure in the pit of the stomach.—Pain all around the epigastrium.—[130.] Prickings through the epigastrium. Abdomen.—Pain in the liver.—Prickings in the spleen.—Acute pain at the umbilicus.—Noise in the bowels.—Borborygmi.—Abundant flatu- lence.—Movement iu the bowels as if caused by a living thing.—Feeling as of a worm crawling on the right side of abdomen.—Pain in the colon, right and left.—[140.] The bowels are painful when pressed by the hand.— Wandering pains through the bowels.—Pinchings in the colon.—Pain at the pubis.—Paiu throughout the hypogastrium.—Burning and prickings in the hypogastrium after coughing.—Stitches in the groins.—Prickings and burning heat in the groins. Stool and Anus.—Burning piles.—Descent of haemorrhoids before the stool.—[150.] Stools followed by burn'rag at the anus.—Prickings in the anus.—* Constant diarrhoea of nursing children,0—-Diarrhcea with bear- ing down.—Liquid diarrhcea, in children, with red blood.—Greenish diar- rhoea.—Blood-streaked diarrhoea.—Hard, greenish stools.—Constipation. Urinary Orr/ans.— Prickings in the bladder.—[160.] Weight after urinating.—After 'urinating, burning itching in the urethra.—Red urine with sandy sediment.—Urine which deposits a great deal of red sand. Sexual Organs.—Frequent erections.—Pain in the spermatic cords, after an embrace.—Desire for an embrace.—Pricking pain in the uterus. __Pain in uterus, with meteorism, before menstruation.—Pricking pains at the vulva.—[170.] Violent desire for an embrace (in females).—Aversion to an embrace (in females).—Leucorrhcea.—Menses too early, and very pro- fuse —Long-lasting menses.—Hemorrhage of black, clotted blood. Respiratory Ai)paratus.—\Vhist\ing, etc., in the bronchi, when breathing.—Rattling during the cough.—Feeling of obstruction in the larynx after coughing, which prevents eructations and expectoration and afterwards causes vomiting of frothy, viscid matter.—Anxiety caused by mucous accumulations in the bronchi.—[180.] Morning hoarseness.—Loss of voice in an instant.—Catarrhal cough.—Cough at noon.—Cough at midday, and in the evening.—Cough in the evening.—Cough in women with pains in the loins.—Dry cough in the evening, with pains in the pit of the stomach.—Dry cough, with viscid vomiting.—Expectoration followed by burning at the pit of the throat.-[190.] Difficult expectoration.-Easy expectoration in the morning.-Whitish expectoration-Expectoration of round ash-colored clots.—Bluish expectoration.-Desire for open air.— Short respiration.—Difficult respiration.-Suffocative paroxysm.—Difficult breathing during an embrace.-[200.] Dyspnoea when walking and going upstairs.—Attack of dyspnoea, with profuse sweat. . CV^.-Excessive"secretion of milk.-Paiu in the cheat-Burning and pain in the nipples.-Anxiety caused by ?0Ugh--PT ^VTinin chest -Prickings under the clavicles.-Formication in the chest -Pain in left breast, caused by excessive lactation.-[210 ] Prickings under the left breast—Pain in right side of chest, towards midnight. Heart and Pulse.-Ahnovmal movements of the heart-Oppression °nWeckand Itacfc.-Startings in the neck.-Formicating pain on the 568 ARUNDO MAURITANICA. left side of the neck.—Feeling as of a worm crawling on the neck.—Pain in the scapulae. — Acute pain under left scapula. — Lumbago. — [220.] Nephritic pains.—Pain, burning and formication in the loins.—Pain in loins before the first menstruation.—Stitches in the loins.—Stitches iu the loins, when sneezing.—Pricking pains in the loins, corresponding to like pains in the pit of the stomach. Extremities in General.—Pain in the limbs as if tightly bandaged. Upper Extremities.—Weakness of the arms.—Acute paiu in the arms.—Coldness in the arms.—[230.] Burning pain passing from the arm to the wrist, from the wrist to the forefinger, and from the forefinger to the thumb.—Heat and heaviness in left arm.—Formication in the arms.— Coldness of the shoulders.—Prickings in the axillae.—Burning pain in the elbows.—Paiu beginning in the elbow, and ending iu the ring finger.— Pain in right wrist.—Pain and burning heat in one or the other wrist.— Burning, jerking pain in the right wrist.—[240.] Formicative pain, with heaviness, in left wrist.—Stiffness of the hands.—Gidema of the hands.— OSdema of the hands, in children.—Burning pain in both hands.—Hands as if plunged in boiling water.—Formication in the hands.—Pain in the fingers.—Pain in the metacarpal joints and first phalanges.—Burniug pain in right thumb.—[250.] Pricking in the finger-tips. Lower Extremities.—03dema of the lower extremities (four to six drops of tincture)/.—General redness of the legs, owing to an eruption of microscopic points, with violent itching.—Burning pain from hip to heel, like sciatica.—Weakness of thighs and legs.—Burning stitches in the thigh. —Swelling of the knees.—Weakness of the knees.—Pain in kuees, after- noons.—Burning pain in the knees.—[260.] Cramps in the knees, often with a sensation of heat.—Stitches in the knees.—Pain in left calf, especially when standing up, and when walking.—Cramps in the legs.—Burning pain in the heels.—Prickings in the heels.—OSdema of the feet, in children.— 02dema of feet and ankles, worse on movement.—Copious and offensive sweat of the feet.—Numbness in the feet.—[270.] Burning heat in the feet. —Feet as if plunged into boiling water.—Cannot bear anything on his feet.—Formication in the feet.—Burning and swelling of the soles of the feet, as after a long journey.—Beatiug and burning heat in the soles of the feet.—Burning stitches in the toes. Generalities.—Twitchings and inclination to yawn.—Tendency to hysterics.—Prickings in the arteries.—[280.] Pain and prickings in the glands.—In women, painful constriction of the pubis and loins, which pre- vents walking.—Pain beginning in the kidneys, passing into the lumbar region, aud extending to the pubis, in women.—Burning pain, which passes from the kidneys, through the left ilium, to the pubis, in women.—Heat, with formication, beginning at the loins, rising to the shoulders, and ex- tending to the hands, in women.—In women, pain starting from the left side of the jaw, running along the left eyebrow, thence extending to the shoulders and loins, and finally settling on the pubis, where it burns like fire.—Formicating pain rising from the loins to the shoulders, and settling on the left clavicle.—Towards midday attack of pain, which extends to the loins, the knee, and the foot.—The pains, which settle in any part, almost always begin somewhere else, and pursue a winding course in changing their location.—The pains alternate with local sensations of coldness or heat. Skin.—[290.] Redness of the skin, like a birth-mark.—At the height of the fever, the skin, in children, turns blue.—Eruptions resembling itch, ARUNDO MAURITANICA—ASAFCETIDA. 569 on the breast, in children, mostly behind the ears.—Itching papular erup- tion in children; erysipelas on various portions of the body.—Itching mil- iary eruption on loins.—Pustules, like those of scabies, with intolerable itching; when opened by friction they discharge a watery fluid.—Eruption of suppurating pimples on the chest and arms.—Feeling as of an insect crawling over the loins, the shoulders, and sometimes the entire surface of the body. Sleep and Dreams.—Sleepiness in doytime.—Sleepiness by day, and sleeplessness at night.—[300.] Sleepiness, with burning in the eyes.— Sleeplessness and weeping of children at night. Fever. —Quotidian fever before midnight.—Fever preceded by cold- ness, with thirst.—Feverish paroxysm, with burning pain and formication all over the body.—Febrile paroxysm, with nausea, coldness, thirst, pain in bowels, and salivation.—Excessive heat at night.—Nightly fever.—A sensation of burning heat, together with numerous prickings, rises from the loins, passes over the shoulders, and then invades the middle of the head and face, in women.—In women, heat, with formication, beginning in the loins and rising to the face, where it is succeeded by perspiration.—[310.] Constant sensation of heat; he is burnt in the sun, and frozen in the shade. —Alternate heat and coldness on different parts of the body.—The fever is always accompanied with thirst.—Tendency to perspire.—Motion causes profuse sweat.—The fever ends with sweat, principally on the shoulders aud chest, sometimes accompanied with vertigo. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), On waking, bitter mouth ; after waking, thirst; on waking, nausea; hoarseness.—(Towards noon), Attack of pain, etc.—(Noon), Photophobia ; cough.—(Afternoon), Pain in knees.—(Evening), Photophobia ; cough ; dry cough, etc.—(Night), Sleep- lessness and weeping; excessive heat; fever.—(Before midnight), Quotidian fever.—(Towards midnight), Pain in right side of chest.—(After coughing), Burning, etc., in hypogastrium; feeling of obstruction in larynx, etc.— (During an embrace), Difficult breathing.—(After an embrace), Pain in the spermatic cords.—(After expectorating), Bruised feeling in pit of throat.— (Getting out of bed), Vertigo.—(When looking steadily), Pricking in the orbit.—'-(Before menstruation), Pain in uterus, etc.—(Motion), The pains; oedema of feet, etc.; profuse sweat.—( Wlien standing), Pain in left calf.— (Sneezing), Stitches in loins.—(After urinating), Weight; burning itching in urethra.—( Walking), Dyspnoea ; pain in left calf.—( Walking upstairs), Dyspnoea. Amelioration.—(Morning), Easy expectoration.—(Open air), Anx- iety. ASAFCETIDA. Ferula Asafcetida, Linn. Nat order, Umbelliferae. Common name (German), Stinkasand. Preparation, Tincture of the gum. Authorities. 1, Franz, Collection Archiv., 1, 3, 195 (provings by Stapf, Gross, and Hahnemann); 2, Voigtel, ibid, (from Syst. d. Arzm.); 3, Prov- ings by Joerg and his class (Joerg Materialien), symptoms obtained from the crude drug; 4, Lembke, N. Z. f. h. KL, 13, 129, proving with crude drug; 5 Dr. Boas, Casp. Wach., 1841 (external application in a plaster); 6, Trinks, A. H. Z., 15, 63. Mind.—Very irritable in disposition, and yet indifferent to everything,. —Fretful and apprehensive mood, which seems to arise from the abdomen ; 570 ASAFCETIDA. it is, however, not difficult to fix his attention (second day)/.—Ill-humored, and dislike for work (thirtieth hour)/. Head.—Vertigo/23.—Slight vertigo/.—Turning in the head (third hour)/.—Confusion of the head, with pressure in the temples (first day)/. —Dulness of the head/.—Head dull and confused/.—[10.] Heaviness, ful- ness, and confusion of the head, followed by aching headache over the whole brain/.—Heaviness of the head/.—Headache/.—Aching in the brain/.— With steady heat and pressure in the head there was a sensation of mo- mentary unconsciousness when sitting and reading/.—Continued headache, becoming alternately more severe and slighter/.—During the night when awaking, and in the morning, some pains in the joints and bones of the head/.—Weakness in the head (three-quarters of an hour)/.—Headache, like an emptiness in the head, which attracts the attention (first day)/.— Fulness in the head/.—[20.] After sleeping well, awoke with fulness of the head, which gradually changed to periodically recurring pains, lasting more or less into the next night/.—Fulness of the head, changing gradually into an aching and pressing pain, as if the whole brain were compressed, at- tended with dizziness, increased heat of skin, and some quickness of pulse/. —Fulness of the head, with frequent stitches of pain in the forehead and temples/.—The brain seems to be tense/.—Rush of blood to the head, and warmth of the face (first day)/.—Congestion of the head, with heat of the face and headache/.—Severe pressure on small places of the skull/.—Pain in the forehead/.—Frontal headache/.—Headache, more particularly on the left side of the forehead/.—[30.] Heat in the forehead and face, with chills in the back, and cold hands off and on (three and a half hours)/.— Sense of tensive confusion and burdensome heaviness of the forehead (after frequent smelling it)/.—Frequent drawing in the forehead/.—^Drawing, wavelike pressure, through the left half of the forehead, which ends in a dull pressure on the frontal eminence?.—"Pressive pain in the forehead (sixth hour)/. — *Pressive pain in the forehead from within outward (fifth hour)/.—Pressure externally in the forehead (first hour)/.—Especially hard to bear is a pressure in the forehead and maxilla/.—Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead from within outward (one hour and three-quar- ters)/.—A slow, intermitting ache (like a pushing out) beneath the right frontal eminence/.—[40.] Pressure on the forehead in different places, sometimes combined with stitching pains/.—Pressure in the forehead, With weakness in the whole body (two hours and a half)/.—Tearing pains in the forehead/.—Fine needle stitches in the left frontal eminence/.—"Single, sudden, and deep-penetrating stitches under tlie left frontal eminence, like shocks, followed by some sensitiveness?.—Swashing and gurgling sensation in the brain, beneath the upper part of the frontal bone (second day)/.—Near the frontal eminence externally, continued burning stinging, which disap- pears on touch, and pains as if ulcerated, but immediately disappears (sec- ond day)/.—Tearing in the right temple/.—Pressing asunder in both tem- ples, sometimes very severely/.—Pressure in the right temple (one hour and a quarter)/.—[50.] A transient dull pressure over the right temple, sud- denly/.—'^Pressure in the left temple, from within outward (sixty-eighth hour)/.—"A sudden pain in the left temple, like an inward-pressing pointed plug?.—Intermitting pressing-inwards in the left temple, almost like a push- ing inward/.—Slow, successive, dull stitches in the left temple/.—Single, deep stitches in the left temple/.—Sensation of pressure on the vertex/.— A pressure exactly on the vertex, and on the forehead over the right eye/. —"Pains in the left side of the head, extending to the eyes, and changing into ASAFQETIDA. 571 intermitting, severe, and slight fulness of the brain/.—Stupefying tension in the head, especially in the left side/.—[60.] In the right side of the head above the ear, a drawing, which changes into a simple sticking?.—Pres- sive pain on the right side of the head (thirtieth hour)/.—"Pressure in the left side of the head from within outwards (forty-fifth hour)/.—A suddenly beginning, rapidly increasing pressure on the left side of the head, as from a dull tool being pressed in ; it suddenly goes away/.—"Pain in the right parietal bone, as from a deeply penetrating plug?.—Aching pain in the occi- put, gradually extending over the head, as if the brain were compressed by a cloth thrown over it/.—Drawing pain in the occiput/.—Drawing and pressure in the occiput/.—Pressure on the left side of the occiput (nine hours and a half)/.—A couple of fine, superficial stitches on the right side of the occiput/. Eyes.—[70.] Causes trouble in the eyes/.—* Troublesome dryness of the eyes?.—Periodic burning in the eyes, and pressing together of the lids, as if overcome with sleep (twenty-sixth hour)/.—Pressure in both eyes (second day)/.—Aching over the eyes, as if from great sleepiness/.—Burning sting- ing in the left eye (two and one-quarter hours),1.—Rough feeling of the eyes, as if sand were under the lids/.—Itching in right eye (forty-ninth hour)/.—Burning in the left brow (sixty-second hour)/.—"Severe boring pain above the eyebrows?.—[80.] Pinching drawing across the supraorbital region (first hour)/.—Dull pressure on the external margin of the left orbit/.—Twitchings in the left upper eyelid/.—Often a twitching move- ment in the upper lid/.—Frequent burning in the right eyelid/.—Burning in the edges of the right eyelid/.—Burning in the inner corner of the right eye/.—A transient, dull pressure in the middle of the upper lid/.—Stitch- ing and itching of the eyelids/.—Stitching and itching in the edges of the eyelids/.—[90.] Itching, stitching and burning in the lids, especially the right/.—"Burning in the right ball (twelfth hour)/.—Tensive burning in the right ball (twenty-sixth hour)/.—"Burning in the left ball, as from witliin outward (five and a half hours)/.—Burning stinging in the right ball (sixty- second hour)/.—Some dilatation of the pupils/.—Dimness of sight/.—A kind of dimness of the eyes ; on writing, the letters become darker, as from a slight veil over them ; disappears after some blinking/.—Muscae volitantes/. Ears.—Strong heat of the ears, which bum, and are very red/.— [100.] Drawing behind the left ear/.—Slight transient drawing on the outer rim of the concha of right ear/.—Drawing and stitches around the left ear/.—Repeated short drawing in the meatus auditorius/.—Pressive pain in the right ear (forty-nine hours)/.—Pressure in the left ear (two and a half hours)/.—Dull sensibility, especially dull heariug, forenoon; he hears nothing distinctly, must always ask a second time (first day)/.— Clear ringing before the ear/. JSfose.—Violent sneezing several times a day/.—Coryza (thirty-sixth hour)/.—[110.] Pressure in the nose, as if it would burst, especially in the right wing (thirty-one hours)/. Jface.—Heat of the face and ear continues, and with hot hands, chills run down the back/.—Heat in the face, even the ears feel hot/.—Pressure in the right side of the face from within outward (half an hour)/.—Heat in the cheeks/.—Severe heat in the cheeks, perceptible to the touch,4.— Frequent flushes of heat over the cheeks, afternoon (first day)/.—Heat of the cheeks and forehead, with heaviness/.—Stinging burning in left cheek (four and a half hours)/.—Itching in the right cheek (seventy-two hours),. —[120.] Stitches in the skin of the left cheek, then on the right,.—Pres- 572 ASAFCETIDA. sure on the zygomatic bone/.—Drawing pain in the left cheek/.—Pressure in the left cheek (twenty-four hours)/.—"In various places in the face, on the malar bone, the nasal bones, painless tension, with a kind of numb sensa- tion?.—On the left angle of the chin, in a small area, a numb pressure, which extends into the tooth right above it/.—Pain in the maxillary joints/.—A transient pain, like a continuous pinch, on the ramus of the lower jaw/.—Drawing in the left lower maxilla/.—Drawing in the right lower maxilla, then in the right forehead/.—[130.] Pressure in the maxil- lary joint/.—Severe pressure in the left corner of the maxilla/. Mouth.—Bluatness of the teeth/.—Severe drawing in the lower in- cisors/.—Soreness of the gums/.—Great dry sensation in the mouth, though he has moisture enough (first day)/.—Burning in the mouth, throat, and stomach/.—A biting burning pain on the point of the tongue, frequently repeated/.—Stitches in the point of the tongue/.—Accumulation of spit- tle/.—[140.] Accumulation of saliva in the mouth/.—Salivation/.—Con- tinual running of saliva in the mouth/.—Insipid taste/.—The taste (of the drug) is not only nauseous, but also harsh and hard, and hard to be got out of the mouth/.—Fatty, rancid taste in the mouth/.—Rancid taste in the mouth, as if the stomach had been disordered by rich and fatty food/. Throat.—Dryness in the throat; while swallowing, tension in it (twelve hours)/.—"In the evening, a hysterical rising in the throat, as if a ball or large body ascended from the stomach to the oesophagus, or even pharynx, obliging him repeatedly to attempt to swallow it?.—With con- striction of the throat, pressure in the chest (sixty-three hours)/.—[150.] Drawing along down the left side of the throat, on motion (first day)/.— Spasms in the oesophagus/.—"Spasm of the oesophagus, like that of hysteria?. —Hysteric rising in the oesophagus/.—"Sensations as if the peristaltic mo- tion were reversed, and, in the cesophagus, were being driven from the stomach up towards the throat?.—Aching and burning in the cesophagus and throat, resembling heartburn, like that after eating too much fatty food,3. Stomach.—Appetite increased/.—Hunger with nausea/.—Hunger, with desire for strong cooling food/.—Loss of appetite/.—[160.] Appetite poor/.—Aversion to beer, it tastes slimy (first day)/.—Constant eructations of air having the taste of garlic/.—Frequent eructations tasting of the drug/.—Eructations/.—Frequent offensive eructations/.—Eructations fol- lowed by nausea and disgust for food/.—Frequent garlic-like eructations/. —Frequent eructations with the garlicky smell of the remedy/.—Eructa- tions/.—[170.] Frequent eructations/.—Eructations with profuse accumu- lations of saliva/.—Disgust and nausea/.—Nausea/ 3.—"Distension of the stomach and bowels, with a feeling as if the peristaltic motions were reversed, with much spasmodic working in the oesophagus?.—Pain in left side of the stomach/.—Increased warmth and aching in the stomach, toward the left side, not at all to the right, but more up into the cesophagus, like the globus hystericus?.—Continuous and acute pain in the stomach/.—Stomachache in alternating exacerbations and remissions/.—[180.] Stomachache in in- termittent paroxysms/.—Aching and distending pain as if from flatulence in the stomach and oesophagus, extending more toward the spleen than the liver/.—Feeling as if the stomach had been disordered by indigestible fatty food/.—Intermittent pains in the stomach and abdomen/.—Burning in the stomach and diaphragm/.—Burning in the stomach/.—Aching in the stomach/.—Sickly sensation in the pit of the stomach, like pressure, not exactly painful/.—Aching and drawing pain in the stomach, extending first toward the spleen, and afterward in the direction of the liver, increased ASAFCETIDA. 573 on full inspiration/.—"Perceptible pulsation in the pit of the stomach (first day)/.—[190.] Pulsation in the pit of the stomach, even perceptible to the finger (second day)/.—Violent pressive pain in the pit of the stomach, ex- tending towards the liver region, when sitting (first day)/.—Pressure in the epigastric region shortly after eating (first day)/.—Pressure in the epigas- tric region, with great dejection after eating (second day)/. Abdomen.—Griping (into a ball) pain below the navel when stand- ing (first day)/.—Pressive pain at the navel, extending outward (twenty- one hours)/.—Burning sticking in the umbilicus (twenty-nine hours)/.— Crawling sticking in the umbilical region (four hours)/.—Fine pointed stitches in the navel (two and a half hours)/.—"In the flanks a pressive pain on drawing in the abdominal muscles (first day)/.—[200.] Abdomen dis- tended/.—"Great distension of the abdomen?.—All the symptoms disap- peared in the evening except the distension of the abdomen/.—Great dis- tension of the abdomen, notwithstanding frequent discharges of flatus/.— Remarkable distension of the abdomen, somewhat after a hard, dark, very pungent and offensive stool, causing pain in rectum/.—Rumbling in the bowels/.—Violent rumbling in the bowels/.—Rumbling in the intestines (eleven hours)/.—Painless rumbling in the intestines (one and a half hours)/.—Bellyache, with violent movements and rumbling in the bowels/. —[210.] Discharge of flatulence/.—Increased passage of flatus/.—Easy, sometimes almost or quite involuntary passage of flatus, which is scarcely noticed/.—Many expulsions of offensive flatulence/.—Much very offensive flatulence, with retained stool/.—Much retained flatulence, which only passed off the following morning, with a half-diarrhceic evacuation/.—Re- lief from time to time, by discharge of offensive flatus/.—Sensation of the greatest illness in the whole abdomen, with great heaviness and pressure in the sides (second day)/.—"Pain in the upper abdomen, as from taking cold, and as if diarrhoza would ensue, with a kind of ravenous hunger (second day)/.— Drinking disagrees, causes immediate heaviness, and chilling sensation in the intestines (first day)/.—[220.] Burning in abdomen/.—Flatulent pain in abdomen when waiking after dinner (first day)/.—Tension in the abdomen, after eating, as if he had overfed (second day)/.—Pinching in the intestines (six hours)/.— Gripings with flatulence (one hour)/.—Inter- mitting griping in the upper abdomen?.—Violent cutting pains in the bowels/.—Cutting pinching in the intestines (twenty-three hours)/.—Cut- ting in the abdomen when walking or sitting/.—Sticking gripings in the left side of abdomen (twelve hours)/.—[230.] Violent colic pains, with rum- bling in the bowels/.—Pinching drawing across the abdomen, when sitting, with dull stitches in the left side of the abdomen, extending outwards (second day)/.—"In the morning, sensation in the epigastric region, and in the whole abdomen, as if it were all beaten, with sense of fulness in the former, and eructations (second day)/.—Itching in the skin of the abdomen, below the navel (five hours)/.—Stitches extending from within outward, in both sides of the abdomen, while sitting, after eating; disappears on pressure (second day).—Sticking from within outward in left side of abdomen (seventy hours)/.—Sudden, jerklike, violent stitch from the right side of the abdomen, from within outward, toward the parietes (first day)/.—Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, when walking (first day)/.—Pointed stitches in the left side of the abdomen, externally, which go away completely on rubbing (three and a half hours)/.—Clucking stitch in the left side of the abdomen, extending outwards, with flatulence (sixty-two hours)/.—[240.] Attacks of slight griping in the lower abdomen (half an hour)/.—Labor- 574 ASAFCETIDA. like cutting and forcing pains in the lower part of the bowels, in the region of the uterus/.—On the left side of the lower abdomen, violent sticking and drawing, which extends along the inner side of the ilium, when sitting (second day)/.—Violent stitch in the lower abdomen (two and a half hours)/.—Itching sticking in the skin of the right side of the lower abdo- men (five hours)/. Stool and Anus.—Tenesmus/.—"Pain in the perineum, as though something dull pressed out there (first day)/.—Constant dysenteric feeling, as if a stool would take place/.—Persistent but fruitless urging to stool/.— Fruitless urging to stool/.—[250.] Frequent urging to stool/.—More frequent stools than usual in twenty-four hours/.—Causes diarrhoea/.— Watery stools/.—Mushy stools, with much flatulence, without pain, but with feeling of fulness aud heaviness in the abdomen/.—Small, partly hard, partly mushy stools/.—"Profuse, thick, papescent, brown, and very offensive stool?.—Very solid, dark-brown, nauseously offensive stool/.—Hard, dark, offensive stool/.—Fluid stools, with violent pressing down on the rectum/.— [260.] Thick, papescent stools, light yellow/.—"Symptoms relieved after a blackish-brown, very thick, papescent, and exceedingly offensive stool?.— Watery stools, without bellyache, but with profuse discharge of flatulence, which did not remove the great distension of the abdomen/.—Diarrhcea, with pains in the bowels (two and a half hours)/.—Diarrhoea, two to three times daily, with bellyache, for three days. Diarrhoea, three to four times daily, for four days in succession, with bellyache/.—Flatulence with diar- rhoea (five hours)/.—Two stools without pain, but some rumbling, and leaving heaviness and distension of the abdomen behind/.—Constipation/. —Constipation with almost constant tenesmus/.—Constipation for two days, then a difficult hard stool/.—[270.] Constipation and much tenes- mus, with distension of the abdomen/. Urinary Organs.—Repeated stitches in the urethra/.—Severe slight stitches in the urethra/.—Stitching and burning in the urethra, but not when urinating/.—The urine is smaller in quantity and darker/.—The urine smells strongly of the drug/.—Urine acrid and pungent, though lighter colored/.—Urine brownish-yellow/.—Urine brownish-yellow, ammoniacal, but without sediment/.—Urine dark, and ammoniacal/.—[280.] Easy dis- charge of dark-brown urine, which deposited no sediment, but which smelled very strong and pungent/. Sexual Organs.—Peculiar pressing toward the genital organs, with pains in, and tenderness of, the testicles/.—Drawing in the glans penis while urinating/.—The drawing pain in the glans penis alternately disap- peared and returned/.—Pointed stitches close to the penis in the mons veneris (second hour)/.—Needle-like stitches, externally, on the penis (six- tieth hour)/.—Swelling of the scrotum/.—Increase of sexual inclination for several hours/.—"Swelling of the female genitals (so great, that antiphlo- gistic remedies had to be used)/.—Nymphomania in a plethoric woman (from large doses)/.—[290.] Violent laborlike pains in the region of the uterus, intermitting/.—Menses ten days too soon, scanty for three days, then became natural/. Respiratory Apparatus.—So smothered in the air-passages that he must hack repeatedly; the tone of the hacking cough is not clear, but hoarse (from smelling the strong tincture)/.—Dry irritative cough, excited by tickling in the larynx/.—Frequent cough, with slimy expectoration/.— Slightly quickened respiration/.—Quickness of breathing, interrupted by coughing and yawning/. ASAFCETIDA. 575 Chest.—The breasts swelled as large as if she were in the last month of pregnancy, and a milky discharge escaped from them/.—In the region of the short ribs, right around across the back, a jerklike constriction/.— ^Spasmodic tightness of the chest, as if the lungs could not be fully ex- panded,3.—[300.] Spasmodic contraction of the chest, so' severe that the pulse became small, contracted, irregular, and slow—60 or 65/.—"Oppres- sive aching feeling in the chest, relieved by mucous expectoration?.—Severe pressure in some dorsal vertebrae/.—Drawing pressive pain, with contrac- tion of the chest (half an hour)/.—Pressure here and there in the thorax and in the muscles of the back/.—Pressure on the chest, with constriction of the throat (sixty-third hour)/.—Pressive pain in the left intercostal muscles, from within outward (thirty-seventh hour)/.—"Pressure in the left intercostal muscles, from within outward, which is worse during inspiration and expiration (fifth hour)/.—Decided oppression of the chest/.—Slight oppression of the chest/.—[310.] Spasmodic oppression of the chest/.— "The oppression of'the chest increased to an agonizing degree,preventing res- piration, and driving the patient about in a restless manner?.—Great oppres- sion of the chest, with pressure and throbbing in it, when lying, soon after a meal (second day)/.—Burrowing sticking, from the diaphragm out to the left ribs, continues on inspiration and expiration (sixty-seventh hour)/. —Penetrating stitches in the chest after hawking, when standing and sitting (sixty-fourth hour)/.—Needle stitches in all the intercostal muscles, when sitting/.—Stitches and pressure in the chest, when lying, with very difficult sighing, sobbing inspiration; on pressing with the hand on the chest, or on sitting up, it disappears (second day)/.—Weak movements in the left inter- costal muscles (four and a half hours)/.—When stooping, severe pain back in the region of the left short ribs/.—Burning drawing in the right inter- costal muscles (sixty-first hour)/.—[320.] Pressive sticking in the right cavity of the thorax, then fine stitches, with pressive pain, in the ribs near the spine (fifth hour)/.—Pressure under the left front edges of the ribs/.— Pressure in the thorax, to the right side, extending outward (sixty-ninth hour)/.—Lasting pressure behind, in the region of the left short ribs/.— "Pressive pain in the right side of the chest, from within outward (twenty- sixth hour)/.—Pressure in front, below the edge of the left ribs/.—Oppres- sion of chest, especially on left side/.—Drawing sticking pain in the left side of the chest (four and a half hours)/.—A pressive sticking pain ou the lower ribs of the right side, which extends into the abdomen to the flank of the same side (half an hour)/.—Stitch in the right ribs (sixth hour)/.—[330.] Tensive stitches in the left intercostal muscles (fifty-eighth hour)/.—Dull stitches in the left ribs (sixty-third hour)/.—Pinching sharp stitches in the right inner side of the ribs (twenty-seventh hour)/.—Boring stitches in the left cavity of the thorax, from within outward, continuing the same during inspiration and expiration/.—Boring dull stitches in the left side, extending outward to the ribs, continuing during inspiration and expiration (forty-seventh hour)/.—Stitches in the region of the diaphragm, on the right side (twenty-fourth hour)/.—After a meal, stitches in the region of the last true ribs, right side, and oppression of the chest/.— Pressure in the sternum/.—Pressure in the sternum and on the right side of it/.—On bending the thorax forward, a pressure on the lower part of the sternum (first day)/.—[340.] Even on compressing the abdomen, pres- sure on the lower part of the sternum, and nausea, with fulness at the pit of stomach (second day)/.—Pressive pain in the middle of the sternum, with a kind of nausea rising up from the chest (thirty-fourth hour)/.— 576 ASAFCETIDA. Dull pressure in the sternum; passes off on inspiring and expiring, but returns on writing (three-quarters of an hour)/.—Pressive stitches in the sternum, from within outward (thirty-secoud hour)/.—Fleeting but very painful stitches under the breast-bone, with aching and burning in the chest, and frequent inclination to cough/.—Pressive throbbing in the tho- rax, extending to the fauces, on standing and sitting (sixty-fourth hour)/. Heart and False.—Congestion and distension of the heart, attended with smallness of the pulse, and followed by loose stool/.—"Slight palpita- tion of the heart, more like a tremor, several times, when sitting?.—Aching pain in the region of the heart, as if from overfilling/.—Quickness of the pulse/.—[350.] Fulness and quickness of the pulse/.—Pulse small and fre- quent/.—"The beating of the heart and pulse became somewhat small, quick, and irregular?.—Pulse small and rather slow/. Neck and Back.—Twitching in the muscles of the right side of the neck (twenty-third hour)/.—Clucking in the muscles of the left scapula (forty-second hour)/.—Drawing pain in the muscles of the neck, right side/.—Drawing down along the left side of the neck, on motion (second day)/.—Pressure in the right side of the neck (second hour)/.—Attacks of pain in the back, especially below the scapula (sixth hour)/.—[360.] Pain in the back, especially in the right scapula (twenty-ninth hour)/.— Repeated transient drawings in the left scapula/.—Pressive pain in the right scapula (two and a half hours)/.—Cutting pain below the right scapula (fifty-fourth hour)/.—Dull stitches externally in the left scapula (twenty-fourth hour)/.—"Fine burning stitches in and behind the right scapula, extending toward the ribs (second and third hour)/.—Under the left shoulder-blade, when stooping, severe stitches/.—Itching on the right scapula (forty-second hour)/.—Twitching in the muscles of the lower half of the back, when sitting/.—* Cannot work on account of the backache (thirtieth hour)/.—[370.] Pain in the right side of the back (sixth hour)/.—Per- ceptible sensation of heat along the back/.—Burning in the vertebrae, more on the left side/.—Severe pressure in some of the costal vertebrae/.—Press- ing pains, sometimes very severe, on .both sides of the spinal column, in the region of the short ribs, repeating several times, and sometimes aggravated by the motion of the trunk/.—Stitch in the latissimus dorsi, near the upper arm (first day)/.—Tensive stitch in the dorsal muscles of the left side, from below upward (twenty-fourth hour)/.—Transient stitches in the right side of the back (forty-ninth hour)/.—Crawling in the skin of the back/.— Drawing pressive pain along the four to five last dorsal and the first lumbar vertebrae, as if it were internal along the bodies of the vertebrae themselves (first day)/.—[380.] Continual dull pressure in the lumbar re- gion/.—Pressive pain in the small of the back, especially on bending the upper part of the body forward and backward (first day)/.—Tearing pain in the small of the back, when sitting/.—Tensive sticking in the left loin, continuing during inspiration and expiration, disappearing on walking (twenty-sixth hour)/.—Boring sticking in the left loin, from within out- ward, disappears on inspiration and expiration (forty-first hour)/.—Bur- rowing pressive sticking in the left loin, from within outward, toward the ribs, with anxiety (forty-fifth hour)/.—Fine stitches, as with needles, around the left loin (twenty-sixth hour)/.—Fine stitches, from the right loin to- ward the ribs (fifth hour)/.—Stitch extending along down the sacrum to the anus (first day)/. Extremities in General.—In many places on the limbs, rapidly passing cramplike drawings, like a twitching/.—[390.] Bruised feeling in ASAFCETIDA. 577 the extremities, especially in the knees, when sitting/.—Rheumatic paius in the arms and legs, especially in the joints and shoulder-blades, but shifting locally from time to time/.—Drawing and stitching in the calves, in the muscles of the arms, here and there, more in the flexors/.—Pressure on the joint of the right great toe, above the right carpus, and on the back of the right hand/.—Shortly after waking up, tearing in the right shoulder, and several times in the left tibia; after rising 'n the joint of the left foot, in the toes, and in the finger-joints/.—Severe bruised feeling in the muscles of the upper arm, in the joints of the hands and feet, and severely in par- oxysms in some places/. Upper Extremities.—Twitching in the left shoulder-joint, toward the outer side (ninth hour)/.—Twitching in the left shoulder (first hour)/. —Twitching in the deltoid mftscle (second hour)/.—Twitching in the del- toid muscle (fourth hour)/.—[400.] Drawing in the muscles of the left shoulder-blade/.—Paralytic drawing pain along the left shoulder and down the upper arm, in rest (second day)/.—Pressing pains in the shoulder- joints/.—Frequent pressure in the shoulders, more in the right/.—Below the right axilla toward the front an intermitting severe inward pressure, without oppression of respiration/.—Beneath the left axilla a transient in- ward pre-sure/.—A pressive pain at the scapular end of the clavicle when sitting (first day)/.—Dull stitches in the left shoulder (first hour)/.— Stitches in the left shoulder-joint from within outward (twenty-sixth hour)/. —Below the left axilla some fine superficial but sensitive needle stitches/.— [410.] Fine tensive stitches in the shoulder-joint extending inward (second hour)/.—Bruised sensation in the shoulder and elbow-joints/.— Twitch- ing in the left upper arm-joint, extending inward (forty-eighth hour)/.— Twitching in the muscles on the outer side of the left upper arm (fourth hour)/.—A drawing pain around the head of the humerus, on holding the arm still, with a kind of trembling over-irritability (as after great fatigue) in the muscles themselves, so that he must constantly move them (first day)/.—Tensive drawing in the left upper arm on the inner side (third hour)/.—Pressing in the muscles of the right upper arm/.—Pressure on the muscles of the right arm/.—lutermittent cramplike pressure in the left upper arm not far from the shoulder/.—Burning stitch on the outer side of the right upper arm (forty-eighth hour)/.— [420.] Tensive stitches in the right upper arm from the upper part outward toward the inner side, im- mediately/.—Boring stitches in the inner surface of the right upper arm, which do not disappear on motion (forty-third hour)/.—Pressive sticking in the right upper arm, on its inner surface from within outward (sixty- eighth hour)/.—Sticking pain on the inner side of the left upper arm (twenty-sixth hour)/.—Twitching sensation in the inner muscles of the left upper arm (thirty-fourth hour)/.—Burniug on the outer side of the right el bow-joint (seventh hour)/.—Fine stitchinthe elbows (twenty-sixth and sixty- fourth hour)/.—A fine, long stitch extending into the bend of the elbow (sixty-fourth hour)/.—A cramplike twitching extends down the right forearm, with the feeling as if the hand would stiffen/.—In slow intermis- sions, cramplike drawing streaming up along the inner surface of the left forearm/.—[430.] Pressure on the outside of the left forearm (second hour)/.—Boring pressure on the inner side of the left forearm from within outward (first hour)/.—On moving the finger, tearing pains along ijp the forearm /.—Tearing pains up along the forearm, on bending the fingers (first day)/.—Dull sticking on the inside of the right forearm/.—Tearing stitches followed by burning extend up the right forearm, during rest vol. i.—37 578 ASAFCETIDA. (second day)/.—Stitches on the skin of the right forearm/.—Pain as if beaten in the bones of the wrist, in rest (second day)/.—A scraping sensation on the inner (ulnar) condyle at the wrist/.—The hands soon get icy cold, the coldness of the back increases and keeps on, with slow pulse/.—[440.] Pressure on the joints of the hands/.—In bed, repeatedly, severe pressing in the joints of the right hand and iu the right temple, and these appeared at 6 a.m., exactly on awaking, and with pressiug in the neck/.—A dull pain in the palm of the right hand as from a pressive body, with the sensation as if the hand would stiffen/.—Pressive sticking on the back of the right hand (eighth hour)/. — Cramplike sensitive twitching in the metacarpal bones of the left thumb?.—Frequent pains in the joint of the left thumb/.— A numblike pain on the metacarpal bone of the left middle finger, as if an oppressive body lay on it/.—A transient* cramplike pain in the right thumb, with unhindered motion of it; immediately afterward, also in the left thumb/.—Severe aching, from time to time, in the external condyle of the wrist-side of the thumb/.—Cramplike aching in the flesh between the meta- carpal bones of the left thumb and index finger/.—[450.] Pointed stick- ing burning at the tip of the left index finger (sixty-third hour)/.—Draw- ing pain in the joints of all the fingers/.—Drawing in the joints of the fingers, on the dorsum of the hands and feet/.—Pressure at the root of the middle and index finger of the right hand, continuing on various motions (eighth hour)/.—Pressive pain from the right wrist, extending into the right index finger (twenty-ninth hour)/.—Pressing pain in the joints of the left thumb/.—Pressure on the inner side of the thumb (ninth hour)/.— Severe pressing in the joints of the left thumb, and later in the joints of the other fingers/.—On lying and in rest, drawing pressure on the back of the finger, and jerks from the forearm to the elbow (second day)/.— Stitches in the finger-joints/.—[460.] Dull stitch from the thumb outward toward the back of the hand (forty-fifth hour)/.—Frequent stitches in paroxysms in the joints of the small finger, worse on motion of the joint/. Lower Extremities.—When walking, drawing and pressure in the lower extremities/.—Violent tearing pressive pain in the whole right leg, less on walking (third hour)/.—Tearing around the hip-joint on walking (first day)/.—Drawing fine stitches in the right hip-joint, extending into the intestines (twenty-ninth hour)/.—Twitches in the right gluteal muscles (sixty-eighth hour)/.—On the anterior surface of the left thigh, not far from the knee, a frequent wavelike twitching/.—Twitchings in the anterior muscles of the thigh, in the upper half (forty-ninth hour)/.—Twitchings on the anterior side of the right thigh (twenty-fifth hour)/.—[470.] Twitch- ings in the muscles of the right thigh (fifth hour)/.—Twitchings of the muscles of the left thigh (second hour)/.—Superficial twitchings on the inner sideofthe left thigh (one-quarter of an hour)/.—On the inner surface of the thigh, at the upper part, sensitive twitchings in slow intermissions/.— Burning on the anterior surface of the thigh when sitting/.—Drawing in the muscles of the right thigh/.—Tensive drawing on the inside of the right thigh/.—Constant drawing in the muscles of the right thigh, running down the knee and foot, where a pressure is several times felt, jumping up also to the knee when sitting/.—Paralytic drawing pain on the outer side of the thigh when sitting/.—Drawing pressive pain in the hamstrings on making them tense (first day)/.—Pressing pain in the muscles of the inside of the right thigh, in the joints of the right foot, recurring several times, also in the joints of the left foot, in sitting as well as when walk- ing/.—[480.] Twitching tearing in the left thigh (forty-eighth hour)/.— ASAFCETIDA. 579 Tearing iu the left femur when sitting (first day)/.—Pains in the flesh of the right thigh as if a pointed body stuck therein/.—Stitches in the skin of the external side of the left thigh/.—Dull stitches, in the right gluteal muscles (twenty-ninth hour)/.—Dull, sensitive, regularly-beating stitches in the outer surface of the left thigh in a small spot, just below the hip-joint/. —A restlessness (trembling) in the thigh and leg when sitting, like a violent pulsation of the arteries, after a walk/.— Twitching on the inner side of the right knee-joint (twenty-ninth hour)/.—Twitching in the outer side of the left knee-joint/.—The pains in the knees are severe and of long duration/.—[490.] Burning aching, which sometimes changes to a burn- ing throbbing, in a small spot on the upper part of the knee/.—Drawing in the muscles above the knee/.—Stitching drawing pains in the right knee and above it, worse when walking/.—Pressure in the knees/.—Fre- quent pressure in knees, more in the right, when sitting/.—Pressive pain behind the left patella/.—Burning sticking in the right patella (fourth hour)/.—Stitches on the knee near the patella, on sitting; the patella pains on touch as if sore and ulcerated/.—Stitching pains in the knees and joints of the feet, wandering about, when sitting/.—Fine stitch in the left knee- joint when sitting (sixty-first hour)/.—[500.] Clucking in the left knee-joint on-the inner side (thirty-sixth hour)/.—Itching on the inner side of the right knee-joint, which continues on motion (thirtieth hour)/.—Itching of the skin on the left patella, which does not disappear on scratching (twenty- seventh hour)/.—The lower leg goes to sleep easily, if its nerves are the slightest compressed; for example, if one leg is crossed over the other in sitting, the latter goes to sleep immediately/.—A drawing in the skin of the entire external surface of the left leg several times/.—Itching sticking in the left tibia in the forepart below the knee; disappears on walking (sixth hour)/.—A general twitching in the muscles of the upper half of the right tibia/.—Severe drawing in the right tibia/.—Pressure in the left tibia, which disappears on motion (thirty-sixth hour)/.—Sharp stitches from within outward in the right tibia (second hour)/.—[510.] (Sharp stitches running down in the left tibia toward the inside) (fourth hour)/.—Tensive burning in the left calf (seventy-second hour)/.—Drawing in the calves/. —Drawing pain in the left calf/.—Pressive pain below the right calf; on walking it disappears (first hour)/.—Severe stitches in the right calf when sitting, later when walking/.—Stitches in the right calf, and like pinching when sitting, for a long while, then the same pain in the muscles above the right knee/.—Twitching in the right ankle extending downward (thirty- sixth hour)/.—(The decided, cold swelling around the malleoli disappeared in the first twenty hours; curative action)/.—In walking about, pres- sure in the joint of the right foot and towards the calf/.—[520.] Itching sticking below the inner malleolus of the right foot, which at once disappears on rubbing (forty-second hour)/.—Dull stitches in the left ankle toward the inner side (twenty-ninth hour)/.—Sensitive intermitting throbbing on the inner side of the left foot/.—Sensation in the lower part of the left foot (which rides over the other and hangs down) as if it would become stiffened. —Burrowing on the inner side of the left foot (forty-second hour)/.—In walking, pressure in the joint of the left foot, for a great while/.—Severe pressing pain in the joints of the right foot when walking, after awhile the same pain in the left foot when sitting, but worse when walking/.— Pressure in the joints of the feet and knees, in walking/.—Pressive pain on the back of the left foot when sitting (forty-eighth hour)/.—An irregular intermittent severe tension as from a tight boot on the right instep/.— 580 ASAFCETIDA. [530.] Pointed stitches in the dorsum of the right foot, which go away completely on walking (fourth hour)/.—Itching on the dorsum of the foot continues when sitting and walking (sixty-sixth hour)/.—Twitching in the left sole toward the toes (second hour)/.—Pressive pain in the right sole, on sitting (forty-sixth hour)/.—Sensation in the ball of the left sole*as if he had stood long upon it/.—Slight twitching in the right great toe (half hour)/.—Drawing pains in the right toes/.—Burning pressure at the root of the left great toe (forty-ninth hour)/.—Fine stitches in the third toe of the right foot, on walking (twenty-fourth hour)/.—Burning stitches in the left little toe (sixty-eighth hour)/.—[540.] A sensitive throbbing in the left great toe from time to time?.—In the left great toe a simple, sometimes throbbing pain, ou rest and motion.—"Painful throbbing in the tip of the great toe?.—Itching crawling on the lower surface of the right great toe (forty-ninth hour)/. Generalities.—Yawning, discomfort, restlessness, and debility/.— Sense of heaviness in the whole body/.—(Unusual fatigue at evening, fol- lowed by very sound sleep)/.—-Troublesome lassitude/.—Great lassitude and sleepiness in the evening/.—Great weakness on moving; so long as he lies still or stands he feels bright and strong, except a languishing feeling, whereby the mouth is very dry (first day)/.—[550.] Sense of general pros- tration; the limbs sink down heavily and relaxed, and the head feels dizzy/.— Causes, in large doses, hemorrhages/.—(Asafcetida penetrates the whole or- ganism (in large doses); all secretions, the breath, sweat, urine, flatulence, the pus in the carious ulcers, smell of it)/.—A good night's sleep was followed, early in the morning, by oppression of the chest, quick breathing, and beat- ing of the pulse and heart, distension of the abdomen, and in three hours by troublesome aching of the stomach ; all relieved in three hours more by partly solid, partly papescent, dark-brownish and blackish stools, smelling strongly of the drug; also the rheumatic pains in the back of the head, extending to the arms, aud drawing, rending pains in the back of the neck subsided after the stools/.—Drawing in the muscles of the shoulder-blades, thighs, fingers, and in the right cheek/.—Pressing pains in the thorax, in the elbow-joint below the left shoulder-blade, in the hands, shoulders/.— Drawing pressing pain below the edge of the ribs on the left side, when walking, and in the muscles of the shoulder-blades/.—After rising, pressure in the forehead, drawing in the muscles of the right forearm, in the mus- cles of the left cheek; pressure in the right tibia, in the left calf; drawing and pressing in different places of the forehead/.—Stitches as with needles/. —Stitches in the points of the toes, in the skin of the right axilla, on the right cheek/.—[560.] Fine, superficial, sensitive, needle-stitches here and there, so that he must rub/.—Trembling over the whole body, with cold- ness of the skin, and small, weak pulse/.—Frequent repetition of the pains/. —The pains return frequently, and jump from one place to another/. [Note.—The following are clinical: (Chorea, Geisschlager in Hufeland's Journ., 10.)—(A very "cold" swelling, pitting on pressure, around the malleoli, diminished in eight hours, and disappeared in thirty hours)/.— (The pus from a carious tibia, previously ichorous, very offensive, and thin, became thicker and odorless; twelfth hour)/.—(The charpie did not ad- here to the sore any longer, causing, on removal, unendurable pain in the bone underlying it, but came off easily and without pain, even without previous wetting; twenty-eighth hour)/.—(No longer tormented by the nightly syphilitic bone-pains, but can again sleep under his feather-bed; twelfth hour),1. ASAFCETIDA. 581 —(The apparently healthy portion of the tibia lying beneath the peculiar carious ulcer, became, again sensitive and painful to the slightest touch, or even the approach of the finger, so also to the removal of the charpie, and at night also almost unendurable; second day)/.—(The superficial sore in the skin, around the peculiar carious ulcer in the calf and inner side of the knee, becomes again bright-red, bleeds easily, and covered with a tough, mem- branous, coagulated lymph-crust, to which the charpie sticks fast, and when it is removed the whole epidermis around the sore is painfully abraded, clear, trausparent, lymphlike pus is seen in the sore; second day)/.—(Most extreme sensitiveness, in the vicinity of the carious ulcer of the tibia, of the superficial skin-sores, and also of the ulcer itself; the patient cries out if the finger touches a place distant from the ulcer; removal of charpie causes most severe pain ; second day)/.] Skin.—Burning in the skin externally on left leg/. Sleep and Dreams.—Unusual desire to sleep (thirtieth hour)/.— Toward 9 p.m. the pains cease entirely, and a good night follows/.—Sleep disturbed very much/.—Restless night/.—Vivid dreams of business and feasting/.—[570.] Sleep full of dreams of things of which he had previously spoken or thought; the dream becomes a true continuation, which after- ward is completely, realized/. Fever.—"Chills ran over the body from time to time?.—Chilliness lasts till after 9 a.m./.—Chilliness in the back, cold hands/.—Slight chilly feel- ing in the back and loins/.—The chilliness in the back increased, ran through the upper and lower extremities, the hands got cold, a creeping chill ran through the whole body, the nails were bluish, much salivation, and sometimes Asafcetida eructatious/.—In walking up and down the room several times, severe chilliness in the back, cold feet, cold hands, with blue nails/.—The chilliness seemed to be somewhat less, perhaps from being obliged to walk incessantly the whole morning/.—Chilliness at 6 p.m., with increased warmth of the hands (second hour)/.—In two hours the hands begin to get cold, and some chilliness in the back; the same wandering pains femain, with heat in head and face/.—[580.] Repeated alternations of chilliness in the back and cold hands, with heat and heaviness and pres- sure in the head; even a slight motion in the warm room aggravates the chilliness/.—Coldness of the hands, with blue nails, with continued heat of the face and head, visible twitches of the right lower eyelid, stitches in the point of the tongue, pressure in the sternum, chilliness in the back, wan- dering pains/.— With the heat of the face, cold hands aud feet, and chills of the back from 8^ to 9 a.m./.—The fever disappears about 5^ p.m., and a sensation of heat only remains/.—After eating, feverish, with heat in the face (without perceptible heat externally), without thirst, but with anxiety and sleepiness/.—Cold sweat on the forehead and limbs/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Pain in joints, etc., of head ; sensation as if beaten, etc., in epigastric region, etc.; after rising, tearing in joint of left foot, etc.; early, oppression of chest, etc.—(Evening), Hysteric rising in throat; great lassitude, etc.—(Night), When awaking, pain in joints, etc., of head.—(Bending thorax forward), Pressure on lower part of sternum.—(Bending upper part of body back and forth), Pressive pain in small of back.—(After dinner), When walking, flatulent pain in abdomen. —(Drinking), Causes heaviness, etc., in intestines.—(After eating), Pressure in epigastric region ; pressure in epigastric region, etc.; tension in abdomen. __(During inspiration and expiration), Pressure in left intercostal muscles; 582 ASARUM. sticking in left loin.—(When lying), Soon after a meal, great oppression of chest, etc.; stitches, etc., in chest.—(Motion), Drawing down left side of throat; drawing down left side of neck; stitches in joints of small finger; great weakness ; chilliness.—(On moving finger), Pain up forearm.—(Motion of painful joints), Increases sufferings.—(Rest), Pain along left shoulder, etc.; stitches up right forearm ; pain as if beaten in wrist-bones.—(Sitting), Pain in pit of stomach ; cutting in abdomen; drawing across abdomen, etc.; after eating, stitches in both sides of abdomen ; sticking, etc., in left side of lower abdomen; stitches in chest after hawking; stitches in intercostal muscles; throbbing in thorax; palpitation of heart; twitching in muscles of lower half of back; pain in small of back; bruised feeling in extremi- ties ; pressive pain at scapular end of clavicle ; burning on anterior surface of thigh ; pain on outer side o'f thigh; tearing in left femur; restlessness in thigh,etc.; stitch in left knee-joint; stitch in right calf; stitches in right calf, etc.; pain on back of left foot; pain in right sole.—(Standing), Pain below navel; stitches in chest after hawking ; throbbing in thorax.—(Stoop- ing), Pain in region of left short rib; stitches under left shoulder-blade.— (Swallowing), Tension in throat.—(Making parts tense), Pain in hamstrings. —( While urinating), Drawing in glans penis.—( Walking), Cutting in ab- domen ; stitches in left side of abdomen; drawing, etc., in lower extremities ; tearing around hip-joint; pains in knee, etc.; stitches in right calf; pressure on joint of foot,etc.; pressure on joint of left foot; pressing pain in joint of right foot; pressing pain in joint of left foot; pressure in joints of feet, etc.; stitches in right toe; pain below edge of ribs; chilliness in back, etc. —(On writing), Dull pressure in sternum returns. Amelioration.—(Evening), All symptoms disappear except disten- sion of abdomen.—(Toward 9 p.m.). Pains cease entirely.—(After blinking), Dimness of eyes disappears.—(Mucous expectoration), Aching in chest.— (Discharge of offensive flatus), Relief from time to time.—(On inspiration and expiration), Pressure on sternum passes off; sticking in loin disappears. -—(Motion), Pressure on tibia disappears.—(Pressure), *Stitches in both sides of abdomen disappear; stitches, etc., in chest disappear.—(Rubbing), Stitches in side of abdomen go away; sticking below right malleolus dis* appears.—(Sitting up), Stitches, etc., on chest disappear.—(After blackish- brown, etc., stool), Symptoms relieved.—( Walking), Sticking in left loin dis- appears; tearing, etc., in right leg; sticking in tibia disappears; pain below left calf disappears; stitches in dorsum of right foot go away. ASARUM. A. Europaeum, Linn. Nat. order, Aristolochiacese. Common name, Ha- selwurz. Preparation, Tincture of the root and whole plant. Authorities.f 1, Hahnemann, M. M. Pura, 3, 22-3; 2, Stapf, ibid.; 3, Franz, ibid.; 4, Ruckert, ibid.; 5, Hornburg, ibid.; 6, Murray (Appar. Med., 3, 519), ibid.; 7,Helmont (Pharmac. Mod.), ibid.; 8, Wedel (Amce- nit. Mat. Med., p. 240), ibid.; 9, Coste and Villemet (Essais sur plant. indig., 1778), ibid.; 10, Ray (Hist, univers. plant.), ibid.; 11, Linnaeus . (Flora Suecica). Mind.—He imagines he is hovering in the air, when walking, like a spirit/.—Great cheerfulness (after six and twelve hours), sometimes inter- f No. 6, no mention of A. is found in this place; 7, is a general statement; 8, case of poisoning (given by Kay); 9, general statement; 10, general statement that A. is abortifacient. ASARUM. 583 rupted for a few moments by a melancholy and gloomy mood/.—Weeping, sadness, and anxious feeling/.—Melancholy, fretful/.—Angry and cross, before cough/.—Feels quite stupid in the head ; is not disposed to do any- thing/.—As often as he attempts to reflect a little the pains in the head and the nausea increase ; he has to abandon his ideas, which cannot be of much use, since he is quite stupid/.— Condition of mind as if just falling asleep; gradual vanishing of ideas?.—His thoughts are so overstrained that they vanish entirely/.—[10.] When attempting to perform some intellectual labor, and reflect, his thoughts immediately vanish ; there is a drawing pres- sure in the forehead, and he must at once cease thinking/.—Inability to do any kind of work whatever; does not succeed in anything; the mental facul- ties fail (previous to every vomiting, after which feels somewhat relieved); in general, the mental faculties are deficient during the whole proving/. Head.—Confusion ; stupid condition of the whole head, with tension in the region of the ears/.—Painful tensive confusion of the head/.— Con- fusion of the head, less perceptible when walking than when sitting, with pressure in the eyes, as with a dull poiut from within outwards, especially below the right eyelid (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Sensation of vertigo, as though not standing securely (evening, after four days)/.—Vertigo, as from being slightly intoxicated, when rising from a seat, and walking about (in ten minutes)/.—Early in the morning, when rising, dizziness in the head, with headache in the left forehead (after twenty-two hours)/.—Weight and confusion of the head, with pressure on the sagittal suture, as if he were intoxicated (after three hours)/.—Weight in the head, as if some wab- bling body were in ft, which presses in the direction the head is turned, for- wards or backwards/.—[20.] Drawing headache, as if it would extend into the temples (at noon); the pain seems to decrease in the open air, and when lying down/.—(Stupefying) drawing, here and there, in the brain, in the ear, and nape of the neck/.—Pressure in the brain, mostly forwards (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Pressure over the greater portion of the brain, from without inwards (after two and three-quarter hours)/.—Pressure in different places in the brain, mingled with various sensations/.—Dull head- ache (after half an hour)/.—Sensation of a more or less violent pressure in the forehead, from above downwards/.—Pressure in the brain, at a place in the forepart of the head, from above downwards, as if from a stone (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Violent pressure in the forehead, pressing down- ward upon the eyes, which then water (after two and a half hours)/.—Vio- lent drawing pressure in the brain below the forehead (increased when retching)/.—[30.] Pressive, dull pain in the forehead, causing a dreary feeling, as after being awaked too early/.—Sharp, pressive headache above the root of the nose/.—Tearing headache in the forehead for some seconds, after stooping and raising the head again/.—Tearing, pulsative pain in the forehead/.—Throbbing pain in the forehead, early in the morning when rising (after twenty-four hours)/.—Stooping excites a throbbing pain in the forehead/.—Headache and confusion in the left temple, afterwards below the parietal bones, and lastly in the occiput/.—Pressive pain in the temples, especially the left/.—* Very sensitive compressive headache in the left temple and behind the ears, more violent when walking or shaking the head, less when sitting (after twelve hours)/.—*Tearing, pressive pain in the left temple/.—[40.] Itching below the left temple, commencing with fine sting- ing/.—*Cold feeling on a small place at the left side of the head, a couple of inches above the ear/.—When bending the head to the left, pain as if a bundle of muscular fibres had been displaced in consequence of some vio- 584 ASARUM. lent exertion ; the pain extends over the left temple, and behind the ear towards the left shoulder, increasing and decreasing synchronously with the pulse/.—Pressure in both sides of the head, from within outwards/.—Pres- sure in the left side of the occiput, which moves to the side of the head (after three minutes)/.—He feels the pulsations of the arteries in the occi- put, afterwards in the whole of the body/.—*Tension of the whole scalp, making the hair feel painful?. Eyes.—Warm feeling and slight pressure in the eyes; they have lost a good deal of their lustre, and look weaker/.—Painful feeling of dryness in the interior of the eye?.—Feeling of dryness and a drawing in the eyes/. —[50.] Pressure in the left eye/.—As soon as he reads, sensation in each eye as if pressed asunder/.—Pulselike, tearing pain in the interior of the left eye (after one and a half hours)/.—Slight swelling of the upper left eyelid, cannot endure much reading/.—Dry burning in the eyelids and the inner canthi, especially in the left eye/.—Twitching of the lower right eyelid,3.— Cold feeling in the outer canthus of the right eye, as if caused by a cold breath/.—Sensation of twitching in the left upper eyelid, from within out- wards, in paroxysms; it occurs only when holding the eyelid still; as soon as he raises the lid to look at something, the twitching disappears (after nine hours)/.—Crawling under the upper lid, especially of the left eye/.— Obscuration of vision (after quarter of an hour)/.—[60.] He does not per- ceive the objects which surround him/. Ears.—The whole external right ear is hot to the touch ; this symp- tom frequently returns during the Avhole proving/.—Warm feeling in the region of the right external meatus auditorius, with sensation as if a thin membrane were stretched across it (after half an hour)/.—Sensation in the left ear, both on the outer and inner side, as if the cartilages of the ear drew towards each other/.—Both ears feel stopped in front/.—Sensation in the outer meatus auditorius as if narrower/.—The sensation of tension and' pressure on the right meatus auditorius almost always remains the same, and afterwards extends to the left lower jaw, accompanied, when violent, with an increased secretion of apparently cold saliva from the right side (after half an hour)/.— Continued pain owing to pressive tension in the region of the meatus auditorius?.—Sensation as if a membrane were stretched across the right meatus auditorius externus; tensive pressure in it, uninterrupt- edly, for seven days; worse during cold weather/.—He imagines a mem- brane is stretched across the meatus auditorius, with a sensation as if it were compressed (after quarter of an hour)/.—[70.] He imagines a mem- brane is stretched across the right meatus auditorius (immediately)/.— Pressure behind and below the left ear/.—Twingeing sensation in both the external and internal ear/5.—He hears worse with the right ear than with the left (after one hour)/.—Dull roaring in the left ear, resembling the dis- tant roaring of the wind ; shrill singing in the right ear/.—Diminished hear- ing of the left ear, as if closed with the hand ; it feels as if the walls of the meatus were nearer one another, or as if the ears were stopped with cotton/. Nose.—Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose/.—Dry coryza ; the left nostril stopped up/.—Tingling in the nose, as if caused by the copper pole of the galvanic battery, causing a sneezing after many unsuccessful attempts, and a discharge of a clear fluid/. Face.—Warm feeling in the cheeks (after ten hours)/.—[80.] Warm feeling in the left cheek (after four hours)/.—Contractive pain of the left cheek, accompanied by gentle thrusts, as with a pointed instrument, and drawing pains in the third molar tooth/.—Fine stinging of the right cheek/. ASARUM. 585 —Burning stinging pain in the left cheek/.—Dryness of the inner side of the lower lip/.—Cutting cramp pain in the articulation of the lower jaw?. Mouth.—Cold feeling in the upper incisors, as from a cool breath/.— Sensation in left row of teeth, as if hollow/.—Tongue coated white (after twenty-six hours)/.—Burning sensation across the middle of the tongue ; afterwards, burning and dryness in the whole mouth (after twenty min- utes)/.—[90.] Smarting sensation on the tongue and gums/.—Frequent contractive sensation in the mouth, producing an accumulation of watery saliva/.—Accumulation of much cool saliva in the mouth/.—The saliva in the mouth appears to be quite tenacious (after twenty-four hours)/.—The saliva iu the mouth was burning hot when discharging it (after half an hour)/.—Sensation as if the breath and saliva were hot, without, however, the mouth feeling dry/.—Mucus in the mouth, with a sweetish, insipid taste/.—Taste in the mouth as of a foul stomach/.—Bread tastes bitter/. —Bread, eaten without butter, tastes bitter (in the evening)/.—[100.] When smoking, tobacco tastes bitter/.—Smoking tobacco gives him no pleasure/. Throat.—Tough mucus in the throat, which he is unable to hawk up, for eight days/.—Dryness of the throat, with stinging/.—Inspiration irri- tates the throat and excites a cough/.—Scraping in the throat/.—Stitches in the throat, and constriction, on account of which the breathing is short and jerking ; the constriction was relieved for a short time by the hacking cough/.—Difficult deglutition, as if the cervical glands were swollen/. Stomach.—Hunger, early in the morning/.—Frequent, empty eruc- tations/.—[HO.] Imperfect eructations, reaching only the upper part of the chest/.—Rising of air from the stomach, when walking in the open air ; as it issues, he has to yawn twice, after which he was troubled for a whole hour by eructations and abundant emission of flatulence/.—Hic- cough (after one and a half hours)/5.—Nausea (one hour)/.—Nausea and loathing, with shuddering (immediately)/.—"Nausea and inclination to vomit, with pressure in the forehead, and a quantity of water accumulating iu the mouth/.—Nausea in the stomach, with disinclination to attend to business; laziness, and sensation as if without a head/.—Nausea, inducing shivering/.—Continued nausea and inclination to vomit, in the fauces/.— Empty retching, water collecting in his mouth (after half an hour, and one and a half hours)/.—[120.] The retching increases in violence, in propor- tion as it becomes more frequent; the eyes become full of water/.—During the retching, all the symptoms increase, only the stupid feeling in the head decreases?.—Vomiting, with great anguish/.—Vomiting (one hour after the first attack of retching), with great exertion of the stomach, in five or six paroxysms, every paroxysm being accompanied with a sensation as if the head, in the region of the ears, would burst; only a small quantity of greenish, sourish juice is thrown up from the stomach (after one and a half hours)/.—Vomiting, with great exertion, and violent pressure on the stom- ach; the effort to vomit takes away his breath, and almost suffocates him, nevertheless, nothing but a quantity of sourish water is thrown up (after two and a half hours),4.—Vomiting, with exertion of the stomach, and vio- lent compression in the epigastrium, and a similar sensation in the head (after two and a half hours)/.—(Vomiting is followed by a diminution of the pains in the head)/.—Vomiting, diarrhcea, death (in a strong man),. —Fulness in the stomach, with hunger/.—Pinching in the stomach (after one and a half hours)/.—[130.] Slight pinching in the stomach, or just above it3— Pressure in the stomach, as with a dull point/.—Pressure in 586 ASARUM. the region of the stomach, during an inspiration/.—Hard pressure on the region and pit of the stomach, two days in succession/.—Troublesome pres- sure on the pit of the stomach, which makes him unable to decide whether he is hungry or not, the whole day,4.—Cutting in the epigastric region (after two hours)/.—Occasional sharp cutting on different parts of the epi- gastric region, abating after the emission of flatulence/. Abdomen.—Constrictive sensation in the region of the diaphragm/.— Breaking, in the abdomen, of the flatus not emitted/.—Painless and silent movement of flatulence in the abdomen/.—[140.] Qualmishness in the abdomen, with repeated attacks of oppressive headache along the coronal suture (after two hours)/.—Fulness in abdomen, with appetite and hunger/. —Pressure in the abdomen/.—Excessive colic and vomiting/.—Cutting in the abdomen, and sharp stitches in the rectum from above downwards, previous to stool (early in the morning),4.—Sensation of pressure and pain- ful bearing down on the left side of the abdomen, felt during motion/.— Single, painful sensations in the left side of the abdomen, in an oblique direction below the umbilicus/.—Raging, intense pain in the left groin, darting through the urethra into the glans, and causing a violent, sore, smarting, contractive pain in the same, for a long time/. Stool and Anus.—Diarrhoea/ u.—Diarrhoea, the stools resembling resin, and consisting of tough mucus ; for six days, he passes shaggy masses of mucus, with ascarides/.—[150.] *One hour and a half after stool, he has another pressing desire for stool, with cutting in the abdomen and rectum, before and during stool, which is softer than the former/.—The usual morn- ing stool delayed for a couple of hours; it was scanty, yellow (mucous), and came out in a thin string/.—Stool, consisting of small, hard pieces/.— Stool whitish-gray and ash-colored, the first part like bloody mucus/. Urinary Organs.—Pressure upon the bladder, during and after the emission of urine/.—(Drawing in the urethra)/.—Constant desire to urinate/. Sexual Organs.—Miscarriage (abortion),10. Respiratory Apparatus.—Several attacks of cough, brought on by mucus in the chest, which rises into the throat, and causes difficult breathing, and, lastly, cough with expectoration/.—Much expectoration by hawking and coughing/.—[160.] (Whistling respiration when beginning to cough)/.—Very short breath (at night)/.—Short breathing ; the throat feels constricted, and he is attacked with a hacking cough/. Chest.—Visible twitchings and jactitations of the muscles in the region of the clavicle/.—Pain around both lungs, as if constricted with a sharp wire/.—Feeling of pressure in the whole chest/.—Sharp pressure in the region of the last ribs, as with the back of a knife/.—Stitches in the chest when taking an inspiration (after twenty-four hours)/.—Dull stitches in both lungs when taking a rather deep inspiration/.—Frequent, dull stitches in both lungs, during an inspiration, for eight days/.—[170.] Burning sen- sation in the right half of the chest, more external than internal/.—Pain- ful stretchings in the left side (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Con- strictive sensation in the left lobe of the lungs, as if a wire or string were twisted round, cutting it through/.—Strong pressing in the right side of the chest, at regular intervals (after one and a half hours)/.—Stitches in the right lobe of the lungs during an inspiration (after twelve hours)/.—Dull stitch on the left side near the pit of the stomach (after nine hours),4.—Dull stitch, arresting the breathing, deep, apparently in the left lung, at every inspiration (after fifteen hours),4. ASARUM. 587 ?Neck and Back.—Sensation in the muscles of the nape of the neck as if a cravat were tied too tight, as if the parts were pressed upon by a blunt edge/.—Spasmodic contractions of the left cervical muscles, accom- panied by a perceptible bending of the head towards the left side/.—Feel- ing of weight about the neck, and sensation as if the muscles were com- pressed by a cravat/.—[180.] Pain in the left side of the nape of the neck, as if a bundle of muscular fibres had been displaced by violent exertion; the pain afterwards extends over the head and shoulders (after six hours)/. —■-Paralytic pain in one of the muscles of the nape of the neck, as if the parts were bruised when moving them/.—Dull stitches below the scapulae/. —Paiu, as from a contusion or a bruise, along the inner border of the right scapula, especially when touching the scapula, or moving it inwards (after twenty-five hours)/.—Bruised pain in the back/.—Paralytic pain in the back, as if bruised ; felt while standing or sitting ; disappearing when lying down/.—Burning pain, with stitches, in the small of the back, while sit- ting/.—Pain across the spinal column, from one brim of the pelvis to the other, as if the flesh were torn and pulled toward the oute§ side, in tearing jerks, when walking/. Extremities in General.—"Lightness of all the ^imbs; he is not aware of having a body/.—Occasional darting and tearing pains in the upper and lower limbs/.—[190.] Bruised feeling, and sometimes a tran sient, painful tearing in the upper and lower limbs/. Upper Extremities.—Paralytic weakness in the arm/.—He is unable to let his arm lie upon the table without feeling exhausted ; he feels no pain when the arm hangs down/.—Tearing ache in the left arm, in every position/.—Contractive, tensive pain of the deltoid muscle, when laying the hand upon the table, or when it lies there/.—Pain, as from a sprain in the shoulder, when moving the arm/.—Violently tearing stitches in both shoulders, both when in motion and at rest/.—Pressure in the left axilla, as with a rough piece of wood/.—Sudden, dull pain in the axilla, appar- ently in the axillary glands/.—Itching, as if caused by a flea-bite, at a place below the right axilla, in front/.—[200.] Drawing, paralytic pain in the left wrist-joint/.—Sudden drawing and burning pain, extending from the wrist-joint through the thumb and index finger (after three hours)/.— Drawiug in the fingers, evenings, when lying in bed/. Lower Extremities.—Feeling of lassitude in the lower limbs, as if not rested sufficiently by sleep/.—Lassitude of the lower limbs, when going upstairs, for many days/.—Weariness and bruised feeling of the lower limbs and knees, as in the beginning of an intermittent fever/.— —Painful feeling in the hip/.—When stepping, violent pain in the hip- joint, and in the middle of the thigh ; the foot feels paralyzed from it; he cannot step on the foot well/.—Drawing ache in the hips (when walking)/. —Dull pressure in the right hip?.—[210.] Dull pain in the hip-joint and in the middle of the thigh, when touching the parts, or when walking, or when moving about after being seated/.—Sensation from the right hip-joint to the knee, as if the limb would go to sleep/.—Drawing and tensive pam in the head of the left femur, aud further on in the bone, especially when walking2—Drawing in the hamstrings, evenings, when lying in bed,.— Sudden grinding pain in the upper muscles of the left thigh/.—Lancinat- incr tearino- pain in the left thigh/.—Spasmodic contractions of the mus- cle* of the ri 589 tinuing while in bed; he is obliged to uncover his hands, with great dry- ness of the palate/.—Fever the whole day; chilliness in the afternoon, abating neither during exercise in the open air nor by external warmth ; hot feeling externally, with internal chills and thirst, after dinner/.—Chil- liness after the hot feeling, the heat of the head and face remaining; chilly at the slightest motion/.—Hands icy cold, arms and rest of body warm; still they are covered with goose-skin, and he has violent chills/.—Heat of the forehead and hairy scalp, the rest of the body being naturally warm, with slight chills and chilliness ; no thirst; pulse strong and quick/.—Hot feeling and actual heat after the chills, especially in the face and palm of the hand, the symptoms in the ear appearing again/.—Unusual warmth of the body, the whole day (after twenty-four hours)/.—[260.] Warm feel- ing, as if sweat would break out (after four hours)/.—He sweats easily, even from a slight cause/.—Warm sweat, even when sitting still/.—Slight sweat only, on the upper part of the body and on the upper limbs/.— Sweat, evenings, in bed, immediately after lying down/.—Profuse night- sweat/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Early, when rising, dizzi- ness in head, etc.; early, when rising, throbbing pain in the forehead; early, hunger; previous to stool, cutting in abdomen, etc.—(Noon), Draw- ing headache.—(Afternoon), Great faintness, etc.; warmth increased ; chil- liness.—(Towards evening), Becomes faint, etc.—(Evening), Vertigo; bread tastes bitter; when lying in bed, drawing in fingers; when lying in bed, drawing in hamstrings; in bed, drawings in toes; ebullition of blood ; shaking chills ; an hour before going to bed, increase of warmth; in bed, immediately after lying down, sweat.—(Night), Very short breath ; profuse sweat.—(Every other night), Caunot sleep well.—( When exposed to open air, without taking exercise), Excessive chilliness.—( Walking in open air), Rising of air from stomach, etc.—(During cold weather), Sensation of a membrane across auditory passage.—(Before cough), Angry, etc.—(When not well covered), Chilliness.—(After dinner), Lassitude; hot feeling externally, etc.—(When drinking), Chilliness.—(After getting dry again), Vertigo, headache, burning on tongue and in the mouth, contraction of left cervical muscles, aud weakness in knees, return again.—(During an inspiration), Pressure on region of stomach; stitches in chest; stitches in both lungs; dull stitches in lungs; stitching in right lobe of lungs; stitch, apparently in left lung.—(When attempting to perform intellectual labor), Thoughts van- ish, etc—(Laying hand on table), Pain in deltoid muscle.—(Letting arm lie on table), Feels exhausted.—( When hand lies on table), Pain in deltoid muscle.—(Motion), Pressure, etc., on side of abdomen; chilliness.—(Moving the part inward), Pain along border of scapula.—( When moving arm), Pain in shoulder.—( When moving about after being seated), Dull pain in hip- joint, etc.—(Attempting to reflect), Pains in head, etc.—(Retching), Pressure in brain ; all symptoms, except stupid feeling in head.—(Rising from seat and walking about), Vertigo.—( Taking exercise in room), Excessive chilliness. —(Shaking head), Headache in temple.—(Sitting), Pain in back; pain, etc., in small of back.—(Standing), Pain in back,—(Holding eyelid still), Sense of twitching in upper eyelid.—(Stepping), Pain in hip-joint, etc.— (During sleep), Stitches in dorsum of foot.—(Before stool), Cutting in rec- tum.—(During stool), Cutting in rectum.—(Stooping), Throbbing pain in forehead.—(After stooping and raising head again), Tearing in forehead.— (louching the parts), Paiu along border of scapula; dull pain in hip-joint, etc.__(During and after emission of urine), Pressure upon the bladder.— 590 ASCLEPIAS CORNUTI. ( Walking), Pain in left temple, etc.; pain across spinal column ; ache in hips; pain in hip-joint; pain in head of left femur, etc.—( Walking up- stairs), Lassitude of lower limbs. Amelioration.—(Open air), Drawing headache.—(Walking in open air), Headache disappeared, together with hot feeling in cheek, the drowsi- ness, and ill-humor.—(Bending head to left), Pain, as if muscular fibres displaced.—(Washingface with cold water), Vertigo, headache, burning on tongue and in mouth, contraction of left cervical muscles, and weakness in the knees, disappeared.—(Hacking cough), Constriction in throat.—(Ex- tending the limb), Contraction of thigh-inuscles.—(Emission of flatulence), Ache in epigastric region.—( When lying down), Headache ; paralytic pain in small of back disappears.—(Retching), Stupid feeling in head.—(Sitting), Pain in left temple.—(After vomiting), Inability to do work, etc.—( When walking), Confusion of head, etc. ASCLEPIAS CORNUTI (SYRIACA). A. cornuti, Decaisne (A. Syriaca, Linn.). Nat. order, Asclepiadaceae. Common names, Silkweed, milkweed. Preparation, Tincture of the root. Authorities. 1, Clerborne (Am. J. of Med. Sciences, vol. 42, Hale's New Remedies), took the fluid extract of the dried root, also an infusion of the dried root and the inspissated juice of the fresh herb; 2, Pattee (Tilden's Journ. of Mat. Med., Hale's N. R.), took an infusion of the fresh root. Mind.—Calm, quiet feeling/. Head.—Dizziness in the head (lasting only a couple of hours)/.—A little dizziness (after four hours)/.—Agreeable sensation in the brain, fol- lowed by great sleepiness/.—Headache/.—Some headache (after four hours)/.—On waking in morning, severe headache, with disagreeable feel- ing in stomach/.—Violent headache, principally between the eyes/.—Head- ache, sense of constriction across forehead, pain between eyes/. — [10.] Feeling, after vomiting, as if some sharp instrument was thrust through from one temple to the other?. Face.—Appeared dull and stupid/. Alouth.—Tongue covered with white fur/. Throat.—Burning and tickling sensations in the fauces and throat/. — Tickling sensation in the fauces?. Stomach.—Increased appetite; even after a hearty meal, a feeling of hunger would, in the course of a few hours, be again felt/.—Little relish for food/.—Slight sensation of nausea/.—Excessive nausea?.— Vom- iting/.—[20.] Violent vomiting, with retching/. — Severe and long-con- tinued vomiting, leaving behind it a sensation of rawness in the stomach, and a slight pain, coldness of the surface of the skin, feeble pulse, and a feeling as if some sharp instrument was thrust through from one temple to the other?.—Vomiting, leaving the system much relaxed, and the pulse fre- quent and feeble/.—Uneasiness of the stomach/.—Slight pain in stomach/. —Stomach feeling painful and raw/. Abdomen.—Increased secretion of bile/. Stool and Anus.—Excoriation of the anus/.—Slight inclination to evacuate the bowels?.—Bowels moved oftener than usual/.—[30.] Copious discharges frorn the bowels, of a soft, fluid consistence, yellowish in color, and attended with some griping pain/.—Evacuation soft in consistency ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. 591 and yellowish in color (after three hours)/.—Copious evacuation of soft consistence, and brown in color, accompanied by a slight pain in bowels (after five hours)/. Urinary Organs.—Ardor urinae/.—Diuresis/.—Increased flow of urine?.—Increased flow of pale-colored urine, of lighter specific gravity than usual/.—Passed four ounces more urine than usual, in morning/.— Urine increased from 35 ounces to 128 ounces; specific gravity changed from 1019.7 to 1020; quantity of solid matter increased from 568 grains to 600 grains (first day)/.—Quantity of urine, 130 ounces ; specific gravity, 1019.1)7; solid matter, 608 grains (third day)/.—[40.] Quantity of urine passed averaged 135 ounces per day ; amount of solid matter, 700 grains each day (fourth, fifth, and sixth days)/.—Small increase of water iu urine (second day)/. Sexua'l Organs.—Tickling sensation at the end of the penis/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Increase of the bronchial secretions?. Heart and Pulse.—Action of the heart seemed to be increased/. —Pulse 98/.—Pulse lowered from 98 to 67 (first day)/.—Pulse 64/.— Pulse 63 (third day)/.—Pulse 60 (fourth, fifth, aud sixth days)/.—[50.] Feeble pulse, after vomiting/. Sleep and Dreams.—Drowsiness and sleep/.—"Slept rather hard" during night/. Fever.—Coldness of the surface of the skin, after vomiting/.—Dia- phoresis,2.—Skin quite moist/.—Profuse sweat (after one hour)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), On waking, headache, etc. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. A. tuberosa, Linn. Nat. order, Asclepiadaceae. Common names, But- terfly weed, Pleurisy root. Preparation, Tincture of the root. Authorities. 1, M. S. (Savery), man, 32 years old, nervous temperament; at beginning of proving had a slight gastric and bronchial irritation ; took two drops of the tincture in some water at one dose, J. d. 1. Soc. Gal., 2d series, 3, 721; 2, Thos. Nichol (Hale's N. R., 2d ed.) took 20 to 50 drops of tincture and 1st dec. dil. Mind.—Toward evening, unusual elevation of spirits/.—The cheerful mood changed, and, without exterior cause, he became fretful and peevish (after eleven and a half hours)/.—Mental prostration (fifteenth day)/.— Difficulty in thinking (fifteenth day)/.—Weakness of memory for two days (third day)/. Head.__Confusion in the head (nineteenth day)/.—Swimming of the head, with dulness behind the forehead (immediately)/.—Head feels dull and gloomy (after twenty-three and a half hours)/.—Head very heavy (fif- teenth day)/.—[10.] Heaviness of the head; the headache begins again (second day')/.—Heaviness of the head; pain worse on the left side (one and a half hours)/.—Heaviness and confusion of the head when getting up (twenty-third day)/.—Heaviness and uneasiness of the head (eighteenth day) * —Heaviness of the head, with drowsiness, for one hour (noon, eighth day)'1 —Heaviness of the head and eyes (tenth day)/.—Headache (thir- ' teenth day)/.—Headache all day (fourteenth day)/.—Great headache all day • he goes to bed late (twenty-second day)/.—Intolerable headache, which lasts all day and a part of the night (thirty-third day)/.—[20.] Very bad headache, ceasing after taking a foot-bath (twenty-fourth day),. 592 ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. —Headache in the morning, when getting up (twenty-fifth day)/.—Very severe headache when getting up, obliging him to lie down again in con- sequence of too great debility (8 a.m., fourteenth day)/.—Frontal head- ache, which went on increasing (one minute)/.—*Dull aching headache in forehead and vertex, aggravated by motion and relieved by lying down (afte,r one hour)/.—Slight headache, right side (at noon, second day)/.— The headache presses deeply on the base of the skull, and is very similar to the Ipec. headache/.—Alopecia (thirty-ninth day)/.—Pain of the hairy scalp (left occiput); pain on touching the place, as if there was a pimple there (twenty-sixth day)/. Eyes.—Dull eyes; he looks as if he had just got up after several weeks' sickness (fifteenth day)/.—[30.] Fatigued eyes (forty-first day)/.— Eyes fatigued and heavy (twenty-fifth day)/.—Ophthalmia (fortieth day)/. —Feeling of sand in the eyes (thirty-ninth day)/.—Transient pain in the left orbit (ten minutes)/.—Blepharitis (the prover has for years had very weak eyes), (twenty-fifth day)/.—Blepharophthalmy, heaviness of the eyes, itching in the right eyeball (eighth day)/.—Pain in the left upper canthus and itching in the globe of the eye; shutting the eyelid makes a noise like the sucker of a pump-box (twenty-fourth day)/.—Ulcerative sensation in the lower eyelids (forty-first day)/-—Itching in the right inner canthus, in the lower eyelid, and all over the face; pricking in the forehead, as with pins, and in several parts of the body (6 p.m., second day)/.—[40.] Dis- turbed vision (pulse 55), (one and a half hours)/.—Gaslight is painful to the eyes (ninth day)/.—Large dark spots (black) before the eyes/. Nose.—Desire to sneeze felt in the left nostril, which soon passes off (seventeen minutes)/.—He sneezes three times, and a few seconds after, sneezes again five times; the sneezing continued for some moments, even after he has blown his nose several times (three and a half hours)/.—In the morning, coryza iu the open air (thirty-eighth day)/.—Dry coryza (seventeen minutes)/.—The coryza, which was previously dry, becomes fluent (three and a half hours)/.—He blows blood from the left nostril (thirteenth day)/.—He blows a very small quantity of blood from the left nostril (fourteenth day)/.—[50.] Sudden pricking in the nose like a flea- bite (twelfth day)/.—Itching of the nose (forty-two minutes^/.—Itching in the root of the nose on both sides (twenty-fourth day)/.—Itching in the left nostril (twenty-five minutes)/. Face.—Hippocratic face (fifteenth day)/.—Yellow complexion (fif- teenth day)/. Mouth.—Yellow teeth, the enamel being covered with yellow tartar (eighth day)/.—Pain in the lower right molar teeth (twenty-fourth day)/. —The gums and buccal membrane are very pale, inclining to yellow (eighth day)/.—Bleeding of the gums (fourteenth day)/.—[60.] Bleeding of the gums of the right upper canine teeth (ten and a quarter hours)/.— Tongue coated with yellow mucus (eighth day)/.—Fetid breath, having even a smell of pepper (ten and a quarter hours)/.—Putrid taste in the mouth (fifteenth day)/.—Taste of blood in the mouth (fourth day)/. Throut.—Slight constriction of the throat and pricking in the larynx (first day)/.—Angina (twenty-sixth day)/. Stomach.—Insatiable hunger (at noon, second day)/.—Deficient ap- petite (first day)/.—Anorexia, in the morning (fifteenth day)/.—[70.] De- praved appetite (tenth day)/.—Eructation (fifty-two minutes)/.—Prolonged eructation, smelling of the medicine (one and a quarter hours)/.—Repeated eructations during the day (second day)/.—Repeated eructations until ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. 593 evening (first day)/.—Desire to vomit in the morning on getting up (seven- teenth day)/.—Pain in the stomach (nine and three-quarter hours)/.— Gastralgia (fourteenth day)/.—In the evening, after supper, violent gas- tralgia; it seems as if coughing would bruise the stomach (twenty-ninth day)/-—Nervous pains in the stomach (forty-second day)/.—[80.] Burn- ing in the stomach and intestines; burning borborygmi, though with slight pain (forty-two minutes)/.—Cramps in the stomach (eighteenth day)/.— Pressive pain in stomach, with rumbling in the bowels (after seven hours)/. —Disagreeable feeling of weight at stomach (first day)/.—Pain in the pit of the stomach and burning in the stomach (twenty-five minutes)/. Abdomen.—While lying down, twelve successive and regular grum- blings in the right hypochondrium, without pain, after being magnetized (in the evening, thirty-first day)/.—Feeble intestinal pains in the right hypochondrium (five minutes)/.—Throbbing in the left hypochondrium (three and a half hours)/.—On awaking, at 6 a.m., rumbling in bowels, with soreness of the peritoneum (after fourteen hours)/.—Rumbling and uneasiness in the bowels, with feeling of heat in the umbilical region (after eighty-five minutes)/.—[90.] Awaked, at 3 a.m., by rumbling in the bowels, with sharp cutting pains; felt tranquil and calm, though the pain was very severe (after fifteen hours),2.—Burning borborygmi (nine and three-quarter hours)/.—Repeated emissions of flatulence until evening (first day)/.—Flatulence which smells intolerably of the medicine (fifty- two minutes)/.—Burning flatulence for some days (seventeenth day)/.— Emission of some flatulence, with rumbling in the region of the transverse colon (one and a half hours)/.—Intestinal pains (fourteenth day)/.—Wind- colic after breakfast (twenty-fourth day)/.—Colic in the forenoon (twenty- third day)/.-—Slight colic after dinner (second day)/.—[100.] Violent colic at night (eighth day)/.—Colic when going upstairs (one and a half hours)/.—Very severe wind-colic (while walking) ; pain as if everything would fall out of the bottom (seven and three-quarter hours)/.—Flatulent colic and stool of an intolerable smell, with a sharp pain in the hypogas- trium, as if that part was rotten, with soreness on pressure, and as if it would all come out (eight and three-quarter hours)/.—Violent colic at 1 A.M.; very painful and pretty large stool; pain as if all the intestines would fall out; 1.30 a.m., another very small and very painful stool; 2 a.m., another like it, and the pains are continually increasing; so aggra- vated were the symptoms and so impossible was it to endure such violent colic, that he took a single dose of Veratrum album, three drops of the eighth dilution in two spoonfuls of water. The colic ceased, as if by magic until 10 A.M. (The dose taken on this occasion was very large, considering his constitution, and especially considering his habits, but he acted in accordance with what seemed to him a serious emergency), (four- teenth day)/.—The colic continues long after evacuation ; smarting in the rectum for more than an hour aud a half (eighth day)/.—Dull pain in bowels on pressure (after fourteen hours)/.—Pressing pain in the bowels and emission of fetid flatulence (after six hours)/. Stool and Anus.—Blind haemorrhoids (fourteenth day)/.—Urging to stool (after seven hours)/.—[110.] Stool, at 9 a.m., of a very strong in- tolerable smell (third day)/.—"Soft and fetid stool, at 11 a.m., preceded by rumbling in bowels (second day)/.—Another (soft and fetid) stool, like that in the morning (unusual), (after one hour)/.—11 A.M., another stool, pretty painful, accompanied by colic. The stools are of a bistre color, and slimy, the last one being distinguished from the others chiefly by contain- vol. I.—38 594 ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. ing a large quantity of false membranes, looking as if the intestines had been scraped with a knife. It also showed yellow spots, as from particles of grease. The stools, when passing, feel like a stream of fire. Made an injection of tepid water, and retained it more than two hours. Took another at 5 p.m., which was retained only a quarter of an hour (fourteenth day)/.—Liquid stool (after eating salad ; yesterday and to-day the symp- toms are less striking) (fourth day)/.—Liquid stool, causing smarting ; the pain continues about an hour and a half, whereas the evening before (7 o'clock), after stool, there was a very sensible feeling of comfort during the same length of time (2 p.m., second day)/.—Dysentery; pulse 67, and threadlike (fourteenth day)/.—Stool without fecal matter; entirely albu- minous, and containing the amount of at least four or five whites of eggs (fourteenth day)/.—Yellow stool, like tincture of turmeric, with yellow and green flocks (5.15 p.m., fourteenth day)/.—[120.] Stool like moss, and suspended in water (4.30 a.m., fifteenth day)/.—Sticky green stool, of an intolerable smell, like rotten eggs (eighth day)/.—Insufficient evacuation (thirty-second day)/.—The evacuations are always accompanied with colic (fifteenth day)/. Urinary Organs.—Pain in the urethra (eighth day)/.—Lancina- tions in the urethra since yesterday, and excoriation of the glans penis in several places, with commencement of a sanious and purulent secretion; the excoriation disappeared at the end of a few days, after bathing the glans with urine (twelfth day)/.—Very red urine (sixteenth day)/.—Red urine, mingled, as it were, with blood; after standing a short time, there rises to the surface small spots of a deep-red color on a black ground, and of the size of a small pin's head; the sediment is very deep-colored and very thick; it is in the form of clouds and of masses of moss, while the surface of the urine (beneath the small spots) is clear and as if decomposed (seventeenth day)/. Sexual Organs.—Flabbiness and insipid smell of the genitals (twelfth day)/.—Perspiration and insipid smell of the genital parts (thir- teenth day)/.—[130.] (Chancre on the right side of the fraenum; it was merely washed with the urine, passed to the left side, and disappeared in two days), (third day)/.—Weakness of the genital organs (tenth day)/.— Prolonged erection in the morning (tenth day)/.—Erection without desire (eighth day)/. Respiratory Apparatus. —Slight pain in the bronchi (thirtieth day)/.—"Dry cough (third day)/.—Dry, spasmodic cough/.—"Dry cough, with constriction of the throat (after fifteen minutes)/.—"Cough dry and hard, causing pain in the forehead and abdomen?.— Cough dry and hacking, though a little mucus is raised with great effort (after seventeen and a half hours)/.—[140.] More forcible inspirations for half an hour (4 p.m., second day)/.—Burning and forcible inspiration, the lungs seem to be more fully dilated (three and a half hours)/.—Asthmatic paroxysm (nineteenth day)/. —"Respiration painful, especially at the base of the left lung?. Chest.—The chest feels weak and sore, without cough, though no pain is felt on drawing a long breath (second day)/.—Feeling of warmth in chest, with dull pain at the base of both lungs, with feeling of tightness (after fifteen minutes)/.—Oppression of the chest; great difficulty in breathing (twelfth day)/.—Slight oppression after the forcible inspirations (three and a half hours)/.—Oppressed feeling after smoking the quarter of a cigar (eighteenth day)/. — Singing or loud speaking aggravates the thoracic pain (after six hours)/.— "The pain in the lungs is relieved by bending ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. 595 forward?.—[150.] Left lung dull on percussion/.—Paralysis of the right lung, with violent pains for half an hour, in the forenoon (thirty-sixth day)/. —Pain iu the left lung abated and left a feeling of weariness. The pain returned on coughiug or drawing a deep breath (after seventeen and a half hours)/.—Return of the pain beneath left nipple, with palpitation of the heart (after half an hour)/.—Pain very acute on right side of chest, and seems seated in the pleura (after seventeen and a half hours)/.—"Sharp pains shooting from the left nipple downward, with stiffness of left side of neck (after forty-five minutes)/.—"Pain moves up to behind the sternum, and becomes more sharp and cutting; aggravated by drawing a long breath and by motion of the hands, as in triturating (after five and a half hours),2.—* The spaces between the ribs close to the sternum are tender on pressure, and the pain, which is quick, darting, and more acute than at first, shoots over to the right side?. 9 Heart and Pulse.—Carditis (nineteenth day)/.—Constrictive pain of the heart. Pericarditis (thirtieth day)/.—[160.] Lancinating pain near the heart (twenty-ninth day)/.—Repeated lancinations in the heart and intercostal muscles (right side, 6 p.m., second day)/.—Pain in the heart, as from the prick of a pin (twenty-fifth day)/.—Pulse a little disturbed after dinner (thirty-eighth day)/.—Pulse rose from 64 to 88; small (after forty-five minutes),2. Neck and Back.—Torticollis on waking (twelfth day)/.—Pain be- tween the shoulders (thirty-eighth day)/.—Sharp lancinating pain between the shoulders (thirty-seventh day)/.—Pain in the back and between the shoulders (twelfth day)/.—Sharp pain in the loins near the sacrum. Lum- bago (thirtieth day)/. Extremities in General.—Pain in the right shoulder and left leg (seventeenth day)/.—[170.] Some slight pains in the right shoulder and left knee (fourth day)/.—Sharp bone-pain in the right arm and right leg (twenty-ninth day)/.—Pain in the right arm near the wrist, and in the left leg near the malleoli (twenty-eighth day)/.—Pain in the ieft wrist, right arm, and left knee (twenty-sixth day)/.—Pain in the right thigh, and a quarter of an hour after in the left arm (twenty-fifth day)/.—Pain in the left thigh and right shoulder (fortieth day)/.—Oft-repeated pains in the left knee and right forearm (sixth day)/.—Arthritic pain in the left knee and right thigh (twentieth day)/.—Pain in the left knee and right elbow (twenty-third day)/.—Pain below the left knee and in the arm of the same side (seventh day)/.—[180.] Rheumatic pain in the left arm. The pains are always felt crosswise; when the right leg is affected, the left arm is equally so, and when it is the right arm, it is also the left thigh (sixteenth dav"\ \ Upper Extremities.—Pain in the right shoulder (after dinner) (two and three-quarter hours)/.—Pains in the left shoulder some seconds after getting up (seventh day)/.—Sharp, shooting pains in the right shoulder (after twenty-three and a half hours)/.—Pain shooting up to the left shoulder, which was painful on motion (after two and a half hours)/. —Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder-blade and left wrist (fourteenth day) i _pain in the left shoulder and pain in the right nipple, felt also in the shoulder on the same side (forty-first day)/-—Pain in the left shoulder and right forearm near the wrist (eighteenth day)/.—Arthritic pains in the riaht elbow (three and a half hours)/.—Sharp pain in the bone of the left a?m (eleventh day)/.—[190.] Pain in the right forearm near the, wrist (3 p.m.), (fifth day)/.—Pain in the left arm near the wrist (thirtieth day),. 596 ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. —Numbness of the left hand (one and a half hours)/.—Pain in the left hand (9.30 p.m.), (third day)/.—Rheumatic pain in the right hand (eighth day)/.—Neuralgic pain in the palm of the right hand (nine and three- quarter hours)/. Lower Extremities.—Coxalgia in the right hip (eighth day)/.— Coxalgic pain in the left thigh (ninth day)/.—Rheumatic pain in the right thigh (sixteenth day)/.—Pain in the thigh near the left kuee (6.30 p.m.), (fifth day)/.—[200.] Slight pain in the left knee (seven and a half hours)/. —Pain in the right knee when walking, and in the left knee when sitting, half an hour after (fortieth day)/.—Rheumatic pain in the left knee (twelfth day)/.—Sharp rheumatic pain in the right knee, felt also even in the thigh (1.30 p.m.), (fifth day)/.— Rheumatic pain in the left knee when getting up in the morning (eighth day)/.—Pain in the left knee when walking (nineteenth day;/*—Aching pains in knees, and driving pains in the thighs (second day),'.—Sharp and lancinating pain in the left kuee, felt as far as the thigh (nine and a half hours)/.—Lancinating pain in the left knee, and when walking pain in the hip-joint (of the same side, 2 p.m., third day)/.—Rheumatic pains in the legs (thirty-third day)/.—[210.] Sharp pain in the right tibia near the knee; for a quarter of an hour the slightest pressure is unbearable, the pain is as bad as if there were a sore there (6.30 p.m.), (second day)/.—Feeling as if the left ankle were sprained (twenty-fourth day)/.—Sharp bone-pain near the malleoli of the left foot (sixth day)/.—Rheumatic pain in the tarsus of the right foot (thirteenth day)/.—Pain in the tarsus of the left foot (twelfth day)/.—Transient pain in the left foot (eighth day)/.—Lancinating pain in the metatarsus of the left foot (fourteenth day)/.—Rheumatic pains in the fourth and little toes of the left foot (nineteenth day)/.—His corns are very painful, he cannot bear them to touch the bedclothes (when lying in bed), (forty-first day)/. —Painful sensation as of a corn on the foot, and appearance of a callosity on each foot, on the fourth toe (thirty-eighth day)/. Generalities.—[220.] Great emaciation since the beginning of the proving (forty-second day)/.—It seems when walking as if he leaned for- ward and to the left side (twenty-fifth day)/.—Pandiculation (thirtieth day)/.—Felt precisely as if recovering from a long and severe sickness (first day)/.—Languor and disinclination for work/.—Languid and dull all day, both in body and mind (first day)/.—Painful weariness (fifteenth day)/.—General debility (fifteenth day)/.—General debility in the morn- ing (nineteenth day)/.—Great weakness (ceasing temporarily in the even- ing), (fourteenth day)/.—[230.] The great debility, which was relieved for a time, returns; the legs can scarcely support the body. Great difficulty in walking, from weakness (fifteenth day)/.—Numbness of the whole body (second day)/.—Sensation of intoxication, after a few puffs at a cigar; obliged to stop smoking, as it caused vertigo, dimness of sight, and general debility (thirty-eighth day)/.—Distress and general weakness after walk- ing a short distance and smoking a cigar; aversion to all movement (ninth day)/.—Very great oppression from after dinner till evening (third day)/. —Sharp bone-pains from time to time in different parts of the body (twenty- eighth day)/.—Continued pains in the joints (thirty-eighth day)/.—Palpi- tation in the muscles, in the arms and in the back, and in the course of the proving, frequent palpitations of the flesh and muscles in various parts of the body (forty-second day)/. Skin.—Pimple on the left temporal region and on the back (thirty- second day)/.—Pimple on the nasal septum in the right nostril, and another ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. 597 at the root of the nose, on the same side, with constant itching (tenth dayV.—[240.] The pimple ou the lip disappears, but is succeeded by another below the angle of the mouth, and one on the evebrow, which is very painful (right side), (twenty-fifth day)/.—Since yesterday, appearance of a pimple below the upper lip, on the right side "(twenty-first day)/.— Sensation of herpes beneath the left labial commissure, with stinging and gnawing itching, and composed of small red pimples verv thicklv clustered (fortieth day)/.—Pimple on the nape of the neck (thirty-first day)/.—A pimple on the left wrist, which disappeared by morning (seventeenth day)/. —Pimpje on the left middle finger (twenty-eighth day)/.—Pimples on'the thighs for some days (sixteenth day)/.—Red pimples on the right thigh (fortieth day)/.—Appearance of a very red erythematous tetter (an hour after dinner) on the right thigh below the ilium ; it is three centimetres in length, and one centimetre in breadth; is painful and itches. In the evening it is less inflamed ; but at a distance of three centimetres behind it, in the same direction, there appears another, of lighter color, but sore to touch. (The first lost its dark color several months ago), (twenty-third day)/.—The pimple on the eyebrow is larger, and feels uncomfortable when the eyelid moves; that below the corner of the mouth is small and pustular (twenty-sixth day)/.—[250.] Pimple on the left side of the nose filled with serum i seventeenth day)/.—The pimples below the under lip exude a white limpid humor (forty-first day)/.—Appearance of two itch- pustules on the left haud, accompanied with itching. (The prover had itch ten years ago\ (eighteenth day)/.—Some red pimples on the stomach and one on the bend of the left arm, which is pustular and like a variolous pustule (twenty-sixth day)/.—Blister as from a bug-bite between the sacrum and ilium (right side), (tenth da^y)/.—Warmth of the skin (after forty-five minutes)/.—Itching all around the body (like a girdle), in the evening when lying down (sixteenth day)/.—Itching of the waist and at the top of the left thigh (thirtieth day)/.—Itching of the lobe of the right ear, of the face, the nose, and especially of the lips (one hour and a quar- ter)/.—Very smart itching of the pimples on the nose, of the thighs, and of the back (twenty-ninth day)/.—[260.] At night and towards morning, intolerable itching with an eruption of pimples on the back (sixteenth day)/.—Itching in the sides, and on the left thigh (sixth day)/.—At night, itching in the forearm (twenty-third day)/.—At night, violent itching of the wrists (seventeenth day)/.—At night, itching in the arms (twenty- fourth dav)/.—Itching in the left hand and right side (twenty-third day)/. —Intolerable itching in the last two fingers of the left hand, then the same in the right fingers (fifteenth day)/.—Itching in the left ham (seventeen minutes )/.—Itching of the skin of the thighs, though no eruption is visible/. —Continued itching of the thighs and nates/. Sleep and Dreams.—[270.] Drowsiness (sixteenth day)/.—Irre- sistible drowsiness (eighteenth day)/.—Great drowsiness; somnolence until evening1 (ninth dav)/.—Drowsiness (ceasing entirely in the open air), (thirty- eighth dav)/.—Tardy slumbers (twenty-third day V.—Tardy slumbers, with great drowsiness in the morning (ninth day)/.—Very restless night (thirty- fourth day)/.—Uneasy sleep during first part of the night, with frightful dream* (first dav)/.—Sleeplessness (thirtv-fourth day)/.—Dreams of the countrv, and other dreams (second day)/.—[280.] Explanation of a dream, as if it had come to him when awake; this dream was very complicated, and it wa* clearly explained in the same dream (forty-first day)/.—Extra- ordinary dreams of political affairs (fortieth day)/.—Fatiguing dreams of 598 ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA—ASIMINA TRILOBA. reckless boasting, of trying to sing political songs in a very loud voice, in spite of spies being present (forty-first day)/.—Dreams of churches, of horses, and of troublesome things (third day)/.—Tiresome dreams of duels, flight, etc. (thirty-eighth day)/.—Dreams about supernatural things (fourth day)/.—Slept all night, but had gloomy and frightful dreams (first day)/. __Slept all night till 5 a.m., when he was awakened by frightful dreams, which had haunted him all night (second day)/. Fever.—Chilly, with cold feet, though the room was warm (after five and a half hours)/.—Fever; pulse 70 (eight and three-quarter hours)/.— [290.] Fever; decided adipsia ; pulse 92 (eighth day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), When getting up,heaviness, etc., of head; when getting up, headache; in open air, coryza; anorexia; on getting up, desire to vomit; prolonged erection ; on waking, torticollis ; after getting up, pain in left shoulder; when getting up, pain in left knee; general debility.—(Forenoon), Colic.—(Noon), Headache ; hunger.—(After- noon), Great oppression.—(Evening), After supper, gastralgia ; while lying down, after being magnetized, grumblings in right hypochondrium ; when lying down, itching all around body.—(Night), Colic ; itching, etc.; itching in forearm ; itching of wrists.—(Towards morning), Itching, etc.—(3 a.m.), Rumbling in bowels, etc.—(6 a.m.), On waking, rumbling in bowels, etc. —(After breakfast), Wind-colic.—(Drawing deep breath), Pain in left lung; pain behind sternum.—(Coughing), Pain in left lung.—(After dinner), Colic ; pulse disturbed; pain in right shoulder.—(After forcible inspiration), Op- pression of chest.—(Motion), Headache in forehead, etc.; left shoulder painful.—(Motion of hands), Pain behind sternum.—(Singing), Thoracic pain.—(Sitting), Pain in left knee.—(Loud speaking), Thoracic pain.— (Walking), Wind colic ; pain in right knee ; pain in left knee ; pain in hip- joint.—( Walking upstairs), Colic.—(After walking a short distance and smok- ing a cigar), Distress, etc. Amelioration.—(Morning), Weakness.—(Toward evening), Eleva- tion of spirits.—■( Open air), Drowsiness.—(After foot-bath), Headache ceases. —(Bending forwards), "Pain in lungs.—(Lying down), Headache in fore- head. ASIMINA TRILOBA. Anona triloba, L. Nat. order, Anonaceae. Common name, Pawpaw. Preparation, (?) Authority. Edward H. Eisenboeg (Thesis, Hahnemann Medical College, 1870, MSS.) ; 1, 2d potency, repeated doses for six days; 2, 4th potency, repeated doses, three days. Mind.—Did not care to hold conversation with any one, even his best friends/. Head.—Headache unceasing for several days/.—Headache on awak- ing in the morning/.—After exercising by walking in open air, the head- ache became general throughout the frontal region, and somewhat relieved/. —Slight headache through temples/.—On rising in the morning, unusual headache in the temporal region, involving the eye, with an occasional sharp pain over it, which was increased by a single cough/. Throat.—Throat only slightly sore; not so much so as the hoarseness would indicate/. Stomach.—Soreness in region of stomach on pressure/.—Stomach felt increased in size/. ASIMINA TRILOBA—ASPARAGUS. 599 Abdomen.—[10.] Pain in left hypochondrium/.—Slight pain, resem- bling colic pain/.—Soreness iu abdomen, worse on pressure/.—In evening, rumbling pain in abdomen, with desire for stool, which resulted in the pas- sage of a soft, pappy, insufficient stool/. Stool and Anus.—Inactivity of bowels and rectum/.—Soft, pappy, insufficient stool, preceded by rumbling pain in abdomen/.—Insufficiency of stool/. Respiratory Apparatus—Quite hoarse/.—Hoarseness; throat did not feel very sore/.—Hoarseness, attended with unusual difficulty in talking/.—[20.] Hoarseness increased, requiring much effort to talk, and seeming as if the mucous membrane was thickened, and the organs slow to respond to the efforts of speech/.—Slight, dry cough/. Chest. —Dull, aching pain in upper portion of left lung/.—Dull, ach- ing pains in upper part of chest, more on left side than on the right/.— Soreness on pressure at the lower end of the sternum/. Upper Extremities.—Pain in left shoulder, apparently involving the pectoral muscles/. Lower Extremities.—At 10.30 a.m., sharp pain in left hip-joint, lasting about half an hour; felt the same pain again at 1.30 p.m., and in the evening/.—In the evening, felt other pains more mild than the former, lasting but a short time/. Generalities.—Felt uncomfortable all day/. Sleep and Dreams.—Did not rest well the night previous/.—[30.] Did not rest well at night; kept turning and moving all night; could not dismiss from my mind what had occurred during the day ; got up feeling unrefreshed/.—Awoke about daylight, unrefreshed, with headache/. Conditions.— Aggravation.—(Morning, on waking), Headache.— (Morning, on rising), Temporal headache, etc.—(Evening), Pain in abdo- men, etc.; pains in hip-joint.—(10.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m., and in evening),Pain in left hip-joint, etc.—(Coughing), Pain over eye.—(Pressure), Soreness in abdomen ; soreness in lower end of sternum. Amelioration.—(After walking in open air), Headache ASPARAGUS. A. officinalis, L. Nat. order, Liliaceae. Common names, Asparagus; (Germ.) Spargel; (Fr.) Asperge. Preparation, Tincture of the young sprouts. Authorities. 1, Buchner's provings, Hygea, 12, 426 (translated by Ship- man in Journ. of M. M.), proving by N. (30 to 250 drops of the tincture); 2, Proving by St., with tincture, ibid.; 3, Buchner, effects on a girl, ibid.; 4, Additional proving by M. with the tincture, A. H. Z., 20, 205. Alind.— Serenity of mind the whole day (first day)/.—A peculiar anx- iety, with palpitation of the heart, and ill-humor/. Jfead.—Confusion of the head, and a vertiginous staggering/.—Slight vertigo/.—Confusion of forehead/.—Vertigo in the forehead/.—Dizziness in the forehead, afterwards aching in the temples, especially the left (soon after taking the drug)/.—Heaviness of the forehead/.—Aching in the fore- head with^coufusion/.—[10.] Aching of the brain near the eyes/.—Slight pressure in the forehead/.—Pressing pains in both temples, increased by pressure upon them/. 600 ASPARAGUS. Eyes.—Stitches and tickling in the eyes/.—Increased acuteness of vision/. Nose.—Frequent irritation to sneeze, and even frequent sneezing/.— Violent sneezing/.—Frequent sneezing (from smelling tincture)/ 2.—Severe coryza and catarrh, with pressive pain from the root of the nose, extending over the forehead to the forepart of the head/.—Severe coryza and nasal catarrh, with profuse secretion of thin, whitish fluid from the left nostril, afterwards from the right nostril/.—[20.] Coryza, with commencing dry- ness and slight swelling of the internal nostrils, followed by impeded en- trance of air/.—Loss of smell/. Face.—Face pale/.—Increased heat of the face/.—Burning of the cheeks/. Mouth.—Painless cavity and exfoliation of a carious molar tooth/.— Increased secretion of saliva/.—The saliva was so sweetish that he thought it was mixed with blood/.—Diminished saliva/.—Sweetish, insipid taste in the mouth/.—[30.] Coppery taste in the mouth/. Throat.—Inclination to hawk and cough, rising from deep in the throat/.—Hawking up of mucus,1.—Almost constant hawking, with rough feeling in the throat/.—Hawking, and inclination to cough ; the mucus is not readily loosened, but is brought up by paroxysms of cough/.—Copious discharge of tenacious mucus from the throat/. Stomach.—Wind in the stomach/.—Increased thirst/.—Eructations/. —Retching, when attempting to cough, that brought water into the eyes/. —[40.] Retching while coughing/.—He awoke with nausea before 5 a.m., and vomited four times of the food taken in the evening, with bile aud much mucus; then fecal, bilious diarrhcea; one-half hour later, frequent repeated vomiting, with increased effort/. Abdomen.—Griping in the region of the navel, which is painful when touched/.—Pinching in the belly below the navel, in the evening/.—Ab- domen distended/.—Discharge of much wind/.—Sense of fulness in the abdomen/.—Colic, with bilious diarrhoea/.—Drawing pains in both groins/. Stool and Anus.—Burning and soreness at the anus/.—[50.] (Itch- ing in anus)/.—Peculiar desire for stool, and somewhat difficult passage of hardish faeces/.—In the afternoon an insufficient stool; the usual stool in the morning, however, occurred/. Urinary Organs.—Burning in the urethra/.—Cutting and burning in the urethra, which also occurrred after eating boiled Asparagus/.—After urinating, burning in the urethra, with sensation as if there was some urine yet to pass/.—Urging to urinate/ 2.—Increased secretion of urine/.—In- creased flow of urine, beer-brown, without sediment/.—Frequent urinating, with fine stitches in the orifice of the urethra?.—[60.] Frequent scanty dis- charge of urine, preceded by a sensation as if something were stitching in the urethra, with slight burning/.—Urine of a tolerable strong odor/.— Urine scanty and cloudy/.—A little straw-colored urine is passed, which becomes turbid immediately after being passed, and is full of motes/.— Urine clear, but of unpleasant odor/.—Urine of peculiar odor/.—At 4 p.m. the urine contained motes, as was usual at this time/.—An hour and a half after dinner, the urine is turbid again, without being dark, with fine motes, which first became very manifest on reducing the urine with distilled water/. —White, flocky sediment is deposited, and the urine becomes clear, but on being shaken the sediment disappears, and the motes present themselves to view again (after four hours)/.—The urine passed was turbid, but subse- quently became clear, and formed a white, flocky sediment (after an hour ASPARAGUS. 601 and a half)/.—[70.] After the urine was shaken out, and the glass well washed with water, a fatty coating was manifest on the sides of the glass/. —The urine, which was kept over night, formed on the sides of the vessel a reddish deposit/. Sexual Organs.—Swelling of penis, with erections and urging to urinate/.—Stitching on the right side of glans/.—Excitement of the sexual passions/.—Menses continued one day longer than usual/. Respiratory Apparatus.—Tickling and inclination to cough/.— Cough again, towards evening/.—Straining cough, with inclination to vomit/.—Distressing cough, with fulness of the chest, and copious mucous expectoration/.—[80.] The cough remitted, after taking his breakfast (after one hour)/.—Difficult expectoration/.—The mucus is more readily looseued upon each turn of coughing, without producing any retching/.— Difficulty of breathing when moving or going upstairs/.—He was obliged to sit up in bed to relieve his breathing, at night/. Chest.—Pain in the chest after breakfast/.—Pain in the breast, with tension, when inspiring.—Sensation as if the chest were hollow, with ex- ternal heaviness of the same/.—Tension of the chest increased when taking a deep breath/.—Constriction of the chest/.—[90.] Constriction of the chest, chiefly while writing/.—When inspiring, stitches in various parts of the chest, especially about the left shoulder-blade/.—Pains relieved by throwing the chest forward and the bead backward/.—Sudden darting pains through the right side of the chest that made him start up, at 10 a.m./.—Stitching in the left side of the breast on inspiration, but of short duration/. Heart and Pulse.—Irregular, quickened, twofold stroke of the heart/.—Pulsation of the heart perceptible to the feel and hearing; also upon moderate motion/.—Palpitation of the heart, while sitting, so that the leaves of the book which he held in his hand trembled/.—Palpitation of the heart, especially after motion/.—Palpitation of the heart, with anxious restlessness, increased by motion and going upstairs/.—[100.] '"Palpitation of the heart frequently occurred, with oppression of the chest?.—The beat of the heart hardly perceptible/.—Slight sensation of stitching in the region of the heart, after eating/.—Pulse slightly accelerated/.—Pulse acceler- ated, when sitting/.—Pulse small, compressible/. Neck and Back.—Rheumatic pain between the shoulder-blades/.— Shooting pains, while sitting, through the loins, in the region of the lumbar vertebrae/.—Pain in the loins, at the beginning of the sacrum (after two hours)/. Upper Extremities.—Pain in the region of the shoulder, on touching it/.—[HO.] Rheumatic pains in the region of the right axilla/. Lower Extremities.—The right leg is weaker than the left/.— Pain, as from dislocation, in the neck of the right thigh-bone, while walk- ing/.—Pains, as from dislocation, while walking (four times in the fore- noon, second day), in the neck of the right thigh-bone, which prevents rapid motion, and now and then compels him to limp/.—Pain in the mus- cles, in the middle of the thigh, as if bruised, making it very difficult to walk, especially when going up an ascent; on touching these parts, a sore pain/.—Sore pain in the upper surface of the thigh, and, when bending the leg, at the hip and knee joints, continuing for three days, which made it very difficult to walk/.—Stitching pains, first above the right, then below the left side of the left knee, when sitting, late in the evening/.—Slight indications of cramps in the calves/.—On awaking, as he stretched him- 602 ASPARAGUS—ASTERIAS RUBENS. self, there was a cramplike pain in the calf of the left leg, which compelled him to cry out, but was relieved by rubbing (after one day)/.—The right foot was weaker all day than the left (second day)/.—[120.] The right foot much more painful than the left/.—Drawing in the left toe, which he had cut with an axe when a boy, at 10 p.m., before falling asleep/. Sleep and Dreams.—Yawning, drowsiness, in the morning/.— Drowsiness and yawning/. Fever.—Slight chilliness, with some sleepiness/.—Increased warmth/. —Slight febrile excitement and some sleepiness, at 3 p.m./. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Afternoon), Insufficient stool.—(To- wards evening), Cough again.—(Evening), Pinching in belly.—(Before 5 a.m.), Awoke with nausea, etc.—(10 a.m.), Pain through right side of chest.—(3 p.m.), Slight febrile excitement, etc.—(10 p.m.), Before falling asleep, drawing in left toe.—(Bending leg at hip and knee), Sore pain in upper surface of thigh.—(After breakfast), Pain in chest.—(Deep breath- ing), Tension of chest. — ( While coughing), Retching. — (After eating), Stitching sensation in region of heart.—( When inspiring), Pain in breast, etc.; stitches in various parts of chest; stitches in left side of chest.— (Motion), Most of the pains; difficulty of breathing; perceptible pulsation of heart; palpitation of heart. — (After motion), Palpitation of heart.— (Pressure), Pressive pains in temples.—(Sitting), Palpitation of heart; ac- celerated pulse ; pains through loins ; late in evening, stitching pain above right knee, etc.—(Touch), Pain in region of shoulder; sore pain in muscles of thigh.—(After urinating), Burning in urethra, etc.—( While walking), Pain in neck of right thigh-bone.—( Walking upstairs), Difficulty of breath- ing ; palpitation of heart, etc.—( While writing), Constriction of chest. Amelioration.—(After breakfast), Cough remitted.—(Throwing chest backward and head forward), Pains relieved.—(Rubbing), Cramplike pain in left calf. ASTERIAS RUBENS. Asterias (Uraster) rubens belongs to the Invertebratae, class Radiata. Common name, Star-fish. Preparation, Tincture of the living animal cut in pieces. Authority. Petroz, Provings, Journ. de la Soc. Gal., 1, 225. 1, P.; 2, P. J.; 3, T.; 4, M.; 5, M'me B.; 6, M'me T.; 7, M'lle M. Mind.—Inclination to bite (fifth day)/.—Uncommon cheerfulness in the evening (first day),6.—Moral sensitiveness prompting him to weep from the least emotion (eleventh day)/.—Weeping, with despair, followed by calmness almost immediately (third day)/.—Melancholy, alternating with almost intolerable cerebral excitement; she is inclined to give herself up to mental or bodily work, to walk, or engage in violent exercise; this con- dition is not at all like inebriety from strong liquors; it is rather a species of moral intoxication (second and third day)/.—Feeling of excessive anguish from noon till 3 p.m., it seems as if some misfortune was impend- ing, as if he was going to hear bad news; he then feels as if he should give way to tears (sixth day)/.—Depression, feeling of weariness ; it seems as if some misfortune was about to happen to him, and that, should it actually come upon him, he would weep, rather than brace himself to meet it, or be- come angry (sixth day)/.—Irritation, anger, inclination to pick a quarrel with somebody (from noon to 2 p.m.), (sixth day)/.—Slight disturbance of ASTERIAS RUBENS. 603 the understanding, with general debility (sixth day)/.—[10.] Is scarcely able to work in the evening (sixth day)/. Head.—Disturbed feeling in the brain (first day)/.—* Vertigo (tenth day)/.—Short-lasting vertigo/.—Vertigo when walking (first day)/.— Duriug the severe pains, the whole skull is painful/.—"Heat of the head, as if surrounded by hot air (first day)/.—Heaviness of the head, in one hour (first day)/.—Heaviness of the head, heat, throbbing in the head, flushed face (first day)/.—Fulness of the head, seeming to disturb it later- ally (first aud second day)/. — [20.] Sensation of fulness in the head like congestion; and even sometimes like a rush of blood to the head (second day)/.—The blood goes to the head ; feeling of fulness, heat; the head seems about to burst (second day)/.—Violent rush of blood to the head (fourth day)/.—Pain as if the skull was being crushed (third day)/.— Slight twitches in the brain/.—Twitchings in the brain when blowing his nose, during the first half of the night (fourth day)/.—Towards noon, the headache stopped, with a detonating sensation which made her thoughts clearer/.—Throbbing in the head (second day)/.—Throbbing in the head when climbing a height, when walking (second day)/.—-In the night he wakes up in great distress; it seemed as if the brain was receiving shocks from an electric battery; the head felt as if bursting, consciousness was almost extinct; he apprehended a fit of apoplexy ; this condition lasted several minutes; when he came to himself his pulse was hard and very quick, the right carotid was throbbing violently (night of the sixth). This fever lasted until the close of the following day/.—[30.] Boring pain above the left eye, coming on and ceasing suddenly ; it causes contraction of the eyebrows. While this pain lasts the sight is dimmed as by a mist (second day)/.—Severe pressive pain at the sinciput in the morning, which hardly ceases in the daytime by walking in the open air/.—Pressive pain at the forehead, feeling of fulness, contraction of the muscles and compression above the eyes/.—Very severe pressive pain in the forehead, above the eyes (fourth day)/.—Severe pressive pain at the forehead, seeming to crush the eyes by a very heavy weight (fourth day)/.—Sharp and momentary twitchings in the forehead, at the temples, especially the occiput (first day)/.—Pressure at the temples (first day)/.—Lancinating pain in the right temple (second day)/.—Agitation, spasms, feeling of uneasiness in the upper part of the brain, especially when exercising the memory or the understanding; this sensation is similar to the weariness felt in a limb which has been subjected to great muscular exertion (tenth day)/.—Pain at the top of the head, as if the skull was bruised (third day)/.—Flying pain in the right half of the head (third day)/.—[40.] Pain in the right side of the head, felt suddenly (third day)/.—Pressive pain at the right side of the occiput, making walk- ing difficult (fifth day)/.—At the close of the day, the pain of the head in- creased, obliging him to lie down; pains are more severe at the back of the head than at the forehead; the head continues painful all night (ninth day)/. Eyes.—Fatigued look of the eyes/.—Bloodshot eyes (fourth day), .— Paiu in the eyes from within outward (seventh day)/.—Heat in the eyes (first day)/.—Winking of the lids, their free border is red (seventh day)/. __The eyeballs are drawn backward (third day)/.—Light fatigues the eyes (first day)/.—[50.] The eyes can hardly bear the light (fourth day)/. __He can hardly use his eyes in the evening (sixth day)/. j$ars.—Lancinating pain, which is felt during some seconds in the au- ditory meatus, is concentrated at the occiput, and there ceases; these pains 604 ASTERIAS RUBENS. return in the course of the day, but more feebly (third day)/.—Sudden, very loud noise, but lasting only a second, in both ears (third day)/.—Hard hearing, especially in the right ear (second day)/.—Hard hearing, with sounds as of a river, of waves (seventh day)/. [Nose.—Sneezing and coryza on waking in the morning (ninth day)/.— Epistaxis (ninth day)/.—Epistaxis, which returns three times in five days/. Face.—Expression of dulness; a sort of stupidity in the posture and look (seventh day)/.—[60.] "Redness of the face (fourth day)/.—Flushed, swollen face (third day)/. Mouth.—Swelling of the tongue (third day)/.—Drawing pain in the tongue (third day)/.—Her tongue troubles her; repugnance to talking (fifth day)/.—Increase of saliva (fifth day)/. Throat.—Dryness of the throat (sixth day)/.—In the morning on awaking, sore throat with constriction (eighth day)/.—Irritation of the throat; short-lasting sensation of heat, which is renewed several times dur- ing the day (first day)/.—Irritation of the throat, slightly felt at first, after- wards becoming worse (fifth day)/.—[70.] Dull pain, which seems to ex- tend ail along the cesophagus (first day)/. Stomach.—Want of appetite; loss of taste (fourth day)/.—Aversion to meat (seventh day)/.—Capricious appetite; she desires highly seasoned dishes, strong cheese, liqueurs, coffee, tea (eighth, ninth, and tenth days)/. —In the morning, loud and frequent eructations (first day)/.—Nausea (second day)/.—In the morning, after many loud eructations, lassitude of the stomach, with great heat of this organ (seventh day)/. Abdomen.—In the course of the twenty-four hours the abdomen is alternately swollen and lessened in size (third day)/.—Flatulence, which is very troublesome after each meal, because it does not pass off either above or below (third day)/.—Severe colic, with shivering, alternating with flushes of heat in the face (fifth day)/.—[80.] Colic, followed by diarrhoea (third day)/.—Dull pain, in shocks, in the right side of the abdomen, and near the navel (seventh day)/.—Drawing in the abdominal walls (third day)/. Stool and Anus.—Heat in the rectum/.—Slight hemorrhoidal swell- ing (third day)/.—Hemorrhoidal flux, lasting two days (fifth and sixth days)/.—Liquid stool, of a brown color, gushing out violently (fourth day)/. —Several soft stools in one day/.—Difficult, thick stool (third day)/.— Constipation ; ineffectual urging, a symptom she had never had before (first day)/. Urinary Organs.—[90.] Frequent urging to urinate ; urine more abundant (seventh day)/.—Frequent emission of watery urine (second day)/. —Thick, viscid urine (eighth day)/. Sexual Organs.—Frequent erections during sleep/.—Erections in the morning (third day)/.—Unusual moisture of the vagina, which affords relief (third day)/.—She is harassed by sexual desires, so that she fears she may not be able to endure these painful sensations and nervous disturb- ances (third day)/.—Every morning in bed, excitement of the sexual ap- petite (third day)/.—Sensation of pressure in the lower organs of the abdo- men (womb?); walking is troublesome (third day)/.—Severe general pain over the womb, as if something protruded behind it (second day)/.—[100.] Jerking in the uterus (second day)/.—The menses are delayed eight days, during which the colic and other sufferings, which usually accompany them, are present, but are no longer felt after the appearance of the flow, which is more abundant than usual/. ASTERIAS RUBENS. 605 Chest.—Very slight eruption between the breasts/.— Slight redness, with branlike efflorescence, on the chest (fourth day)/.—Blotch on the chest as large as a child's palm, causing a great deal of itching; this redness disappeared in five or six days/.—Swelling, distension of the breasts, as before the menses (third day)/.—Sensation of fulness of the chest, which makes him fearful of syncope (seventh day)/.—Drawing pain in the breasts (second day)/.—"Drawing pain towards the inner portion of the chest from before backward; under the left breast, this pain extends over the whole inner portion of the arm to the end of the little finger (fifth day)/.—Lancinating pain in the anterior inferior portion of the chest, to the right and left of the sternum ; this pain, which lasts only a little while, diminishes by throw- ing back the upper chest and shoulders (fourth day)/.—[110.] During the night anxiety, caused by undulatiug pulsations in the chest (sixth day)/.— The whole left side of the chest is painful, with aggravation from move- ment (first day)/.—Sensation as if the left breast was pulled inward/.— Pain under the sternum/.—Dull pain in the muscles of the prsecordial re- gion (second day)/.—Compression in the precordial region/. Heart and Pulse.—Strong and frequent palpitation of the heart/. —The beats of the heart are dull, scarcely perceptible, and prolonged ; it seems as if the heart had ceased to beat/.—Leaping palpitation (third day)/. —During the night and in the morning, anxiety in the heart (seventh day)/. Neck and Back.—[120.] Drawing pain in the back/.—Drawing pain in the sacrum (first and second days)/. Extremities in General.—Diminished sensibility of the limbs, especially the legs and thighs (fourth day)/. Upper Extremities.—Uneasiness in the limbs, especially in the bends of the arms; he can hardly bear the arms covered (fourth day)/.— Pain extending from the thumb-joint to the shoulder (seventh and eighth days),2.—Coldness of the left arm, as if a cold wind blew upon it (third day)/.—On the left shoulder, over the olecranon process, a red, round spot as large as a quarter dollar; it neither itched nor smarted, and was covered by a dry, branny, friable coating, which entirely fell off in two days; a similar eruption, but not so extensive, on the anterior portion of the same arm (eleventh day)/.—Pain in the right shoulder (second day)/.—Pain in the left elbow-joint (seventh day)/.—Pain in the flexor tendons of the left wrist (second day)/.—[130.] Numbness of the hands and fingers (sixth, seventh, and eighth days)/.—Numbness of the left hand, extending to the arm (second day)/.—Numbness of the hypothenar eminence of the little finger (fifth day)/.—Much itching around the left thumb-nail/. Lower Extremities.—Lassitude of the lower limbs (fourth day)/. —Great restlessness in the lower limbs in a close room ; need of fresh air (third day)/.—Bruised pain of the lower limbs/.—Formication iu the lower limbs (eleventh day)/.—Pain in the right hip, and in the whole left side as far as the scapula; it lasted till the sixth day, and gave rise to fever/.— Burning lancination in the left great trochanter and hip-joint, darting like a flash to the outer side of the ham (third day)/; (same symptom on the ninth day.)—[140.] Sensation of drawing in the right hip, as if the leg was too long and was pulled downward (fifth day)/.—Dull pain in the left hip-joint in the morning (second day)/.—Deepseated lancinations in the anterior portion of the thigh (first day)/.—Pulling pain at the outer side of the left thigh (seventh and eighth days).—Very great and unpleasant itching of the thighs and legs, returning towards 6 p.m., in the open air (seventh day)/.—Pain in the left knee (second day)/.—A small sore, made * 606 ASTERIAS RUBENS. on the leg when scratching, is the seat of a pretty sharp lancinating pain (eighth day)/.—When standing up, weakness of the legs, so that he has to be helped in walking (third day)/.—Pain in the right ankle-joint/.—Severe pain in the left ankle-joint, aggravated by walking (seventh day)/.—[150.] Intolerable pain in the left foot and the muscles of the leg (eighth day)/. —Pain in the joints of the left foot (second day)/.—Burning pain in the feet (eleventh day)/.—Painful drawing in the soles of the feet and in the toes (eighth day)/.—Pain in the left foot; it centres at the articulation of the great toe with the first metatarsal bone, and continues there all day (sixth day); this pain, which is aggravated by movement, and makes walking im- possible, has the character of a gouty pain/.—Lancinating pain in the toes, especially the left great toe, with very great heat and extreme soreness, which prevents the wearing of a shoe; it is worse after sunset and in a close room ; the skin is red, and the redness is increased by heat; cold air, or the application of cold water, gives immediate relief, but the warmth of the bed renews the pain, although it ceases during the early part of the night (third day); this pain continues troublesome for a few evenings, but finally sub- sides like the other symptoms/.—Severe cutting pain at the left great toe ; soreness of the left sole; toes very painful (third day)/.—Three days after leaving off the medicine the pains in the joints are renewed, especially those of the left great toe/. Generalities.—Difficulty in keeping still/.—General malaise, lassi- tude, amelioration after eating/.—[160.] Desire for the open air ; anxiety and impatience when in the house (fifth day)/. Sleep and Dreams.—After reading for a minute, he feels sleepy, and has to lie down (tenth day)/.—Sleep from 2 A.M. to the middle of the day (third day)/.—Sleep with restlessness (eleventh day)/.—Much dream- ing about persons and events. At night the illusions are quite exception- ally vivid ; he believes that he sees, touches, and hears the individuals he dreams of, exactly as in the waking state, but without receiving any painful impression (second and third day)/. Fever.—Shivering with drowsiness, heat of the skin, restlessness at night (third day)/.—Increased general heat during the whole continuance of the proving/.—Antipathy to everything which increases bodily heat; ex- treme desire to bathe in cold water (third day)/.—Great heat in the head, afterwards in the whole body; desire to drink cold water, and to cool her- self internally and externally (third day)/.—Great lassitude under the in- fluence of heat, especially the warmth of the bed/.—[170.] Heat of the skin, fever at the close of the day; shivering, heat followed by cold (tenth day)/.—After the evening meal, general malaise, heat of the skin, frequency and fulness of the pulse (first day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Pressive pain at sinciput; on waking, sneezing, etc.; eructations; lassitude, etc.; of stomach ; erec- tions ; in bed, sexual excitement; dull pain in hip-joint.—(Evening), Aggravation of symptoms ; pains of the head ; can hardly use the eyes ; fever.—(Night), Wakes in great distress, etc.; anxiety; restlessness.—(12 to 2 p.m.), Irritation, etc.—(12 to 3 p.m.), Anguish.—(Blowing nose), During first half of night, twitches in the brain.—(Mental exertion), Agitation, etc., in brain.—(After meals), Flatulence.—(Movement), Pain in left chest; pain in left foot.—(In close room), Restlessness of lower limbs, etc.; pain in toes.—(Walking), Vertigo; throbbing in head ; pain in left ankle-joint.— (Walking up a height), Throbbing in head.—(Warmth of bed), Pain in toea renewed. ATHAMANTA. 607 Amelioration.—(Evening), Cheerfulness.—(Towards noon), Head- ache ceased.—(Cold air), Pain in toes.—(Cold water applications), Pain in toes.—(After eating), General malaise, etc.—(During menses), Colic, etc*, no longer felt.—(Throwing back chest), Pain in upper chest. ATHAMANTA. Peucedanum oreoselinum, Munch. (Athamanta oreoselinum, L.) Nat. order, Umbelliferae. Common names, (German) Grundheil, Hirschwurz. Preparation, Tincture of the fresh herb. Authority. Franz, Archiv, 17, 3, 177. Head.—Pressive confusion of the head and upper row of teeth (sixth hour).—Vertigo relieved by lying.—Vertigo and drawing in the brain, now here, now there.—Constrictive headache in the sides of the head, causing dizziness.—Dull, befogged headache (tenth hour).—Severe pressure from within outward, in the region of the temples.—A stupefaction and confusion rises like a vapor from the lower part of the occiput; on motion and walking (ninth hour). Eyes.—Pressure on one eyeball from below upward. Ears.—Sensation as if the ears were stopped with wool (one-quarter of an hour). Mouth.—[10.] Accumulation of water in the mouth and dry sensation at the root of the tongue.—The child has a bitter taste in the mouth.— Bitter taste in the mouth which is renewed every time on eating. Stomach.—Evenings before supper very great hunger with flow of bitter saliva.—Incomplete eructations, which come as far as the throat and then subside.—Tasteless eructations, after rumbliug in the abdomen.—In- complete, frothy eructations with nausea, as if caused by excessive hunger. Abdomen.—Rheumatic drawing externally in the right groin especi- ally on walking, it extends into the hip and leg.—Drawing and griping in the left groin (one and a half hours). Stool and Anus. —The stool is sudden, almost involuntary, preceded by bellyache. " Respiratory Apparatus.—[20.] Bitter mucus in the air-passages, which does not loosen by hacking.—Evenings after supper, profuse watery fluid in the larynx; crawling irritation in the air-passages provokes hack- ing (thirteenth hour). Chest.—Sensation as if the contents of the thorax were constricted.— Burning stitch in the left side of the chest externally wheu sitting (half an hour).—Pinching pain in the right side of the thorax, worse on inspira- tion. Heart and Pulse.—At evening, rapid pulse with increased warmth of the head and excitement of mind and the powers generally, without thirst (fourteenth hour). Upper Extremities.—Drawing pain in the middle of the left meta- carpal bone of the thumb and the external surface of the metacarpus lying above it. Lower Extremities.—Warm sensation on a part of the left thigh. —Rheumatic drawing across the thigh when walking, as if it were beaten. __Gnawing bruised pain across the thigh, even in sitting.—[30.] Pressure inward in the front of the knee-joint, during a walk; it even continues while at rest; it returns again on walking.—On the dorsum of the left foot 608 ATHAMANTA—ATROPINUM. a cold scraping sensation when sitting (seventh hour).—Tearing burning in the muscles of the left little toe. Generalities.—He feels weak and depressed.—He feels depressed and weak, although if he exerts his strength he finds the contrary; especially his eyes seem weak (fifth to sixth hour).—Burning on several different places, that disappears on laying on the hand ; then great coldness with a deadened finger. Sleep and Dreams.—Sleep good and sound; he sleeps longer, mornings, than usual. Fever.—Hands and feet are icy cold and he shivers through the whole body, with a kind of weakness that he must often rest (two and a half hours). Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Sleeps longer than usual. —(Evening), Before supper, very great hunger, etc.; after supper, watery fluid in the larynx, etc.; rapid pulse, etc.—(Eating), Bitter taste in mouth. —(Inspiration), Pain in side of thorax.—(Motion), Stupefaction, etc., over lower part of occiput.—(Sitting), Stitching in side of chest, externally; cold, etc., sensation in dorsum of foot.—( Walking), Stupefaction, etc., from lower part of occiput; drawing in right groin, etc.; drawing across the thigh ; pressure in front of knee-joint. Amelioration.—(Laying on the hand), Burning in different places, etc.—(Lying), Vertigo. ATROPINUM. An alkaloid, obtained from Atropa belladonna. Formula, C17H23N03. Preparation, Triturations. (Most of the poison-symptoms were obtained from the sulphate of Atropine.) Authorities. 1, Eidherz, A. H. Z., 60, 11 et seq. (proved 3d and 4th trits.); 2, W. S. Moffatt, Hale's provings, Trans, of Hom. Med. Soc. of N. Y., 6, 83 (proved the 2d dec. trit.) ; 3, C. S. Fahnenstock, ibid. (1st dec. trit.); 4, C. H. Chamberlin, ibid. (1st dec. trit); 5, J. M. Smith, ibid. (1st dec. trit.); 6, Shroff, Lehr.d. Pharm. (took.005 gramme); 7, Kafka, A. H.Z., 52,178 (took g1^ grain); 8, Harley, Old Veg. Neurotics (effects from subcu- taneous injection of Tg0 to .}0 gr.); 9, Lusanna, A. H. Z., 55, 157 (general statement of effects); 10, Homan (took part of a solution 2 grs. to 1 oz.), (prepared for the eye), N. A. J. of Horn., 1, 115 (N. Y. J. of Med.); 11, Sharpey, Mon. Hom. Rev., 18, 39, from Lancet (took a sol. of Atrop. by mistake); 12, Blackley, M. Hom. Rev., 17, 481 (Rose E. took a teaspoon- ful of a lotion, 2 grs. to 1 oz.); 13, Andrew, Ed. Med. J., 1852 (girl 21 years took | gr.) ; 14, Piffingskold, A. H. Z., 54,180 (took 6 drops of a sol., 5 grs. to 1 oz.); 15, Holthouse, A. H. Z., M. Bl., 1, 38 (child took ^ gr.) ; 16, A. H. Z., M. BL, 11, 59 (child took a sol., i gr. to 1 oz.); 17, Weil, A. H. Z., 1873 (Effects of Atrop. on conjunctiva); 18, Virch. Arch., 49, 450 (^ gr. in sol.); 19, Virch. Arch., 48 (Effects of instillation into eye); 20, Chittenden, Med. Invest., 11, 478 (Effects from applying a sol. of 1 gr. to ^ dr. of water to a hollow tooth); 21, Hughes, poisoning of a boy 3^ years old, by a solution of I gr. of Atropia, B. J. of Horn., v. 20; 22, Grandi, in Pereira, Experiments with Atropine, -Jg to 1 gr. (see Hughes's Monograph on Belladonna) ; 23, Leach, Med. Times, 1865 (from Hughes) ; 24, Am. Journ. Hom. Mat. Med., Nov., 1872, from Atropia, gr. -^U), bis- quater die, in a case of ulcer of stomach in a man of 40 (from Hughes); 25, Rose, Brit. Journ. of Horn., 27, 225 (from Hughes) ; 26, Pereira, Elem. of Mat. Med., 4th ed., London, 1855 (from Hughes); 27, Trousseau and ATROPINUM. 609 Pidoux (from Hughes); 28, Practitioner, 4, 372 (from Hughes); 29, Ringer, in Practitioner, vol. 9 (from Hughes). Mind. Emotions: Frenzied with excitement,20.—A long chill, fol- lowed by delirium, which had some resemblance to the subdelirium of certain typhoid fevers/9.—Immediately upon closing the eyes, after retiring, the mind would become filled with strange and fanciful ideas, rambling, incoherent speech, spectral illusions, with frequent fits of wild, uncon- trollable laughter. The delirium and spectral illusions continued through the night, during which time I fancied myself afflicted with epilepsy, and was constantly fearful lest others should discover my unfortunate condi- tion ; was nearly oblivious to all that transpired during the latter part of the night, but know from the bruises received and the sensations of pain occasionally experienced upon coming in contact with a stove, chair, table or some solid body, that it was passed in the wildest delirium (first day)/. —Busily influenced by pleasing illusions and delusions, meddling with everything in his way, picking at and handling imaginary objects in the air, and accompanying his acts by muttering and smiling, or with loud chattering, interrupted by subdued laughter/.—Frightful phantasies/3.— Spectral illusions (first night)/.—On lying in bed, began to pick at specks and at the air/5.—Picking at the bedclothes as if searching for something lost, with confused mutterings (first night)/.—At times, while it seemed to him that he was fully conscious, saw persons at the bedside and slowly reached out to grasp them, but his hand would pass through the object and no sense of touch tell him that there was any material in the appari- tion ; saw books and newspapers and tried to grasp them, but they would either recede or the hand would come in contact with them and feel nothing/.—[10.] Mind has been wandering considerable of the time through the afternoon ; often thinks he is spoken to and answers imaginary ques- tions (after ten hours)/.—The symptoms during this period, six to nine hours after, exactly resembled those of delirium tremens. There was in- cessant rambling, great restlessness, a grasping at imaginary objects, and occasional screaming from fright. The character of the delirium varied ; sometimes the child saw objects which frightened him, and the utmost terror was depicted on his countenance, and he clung to his nurse's neck, or threw himself violently in different directions as if to escape them. Later, the delusions were of a more pleasurable kind, imaginary playing with toys, drawing, eating, etc./1.—Frequently, through the forenoon, thought that persons in the room spoke to me, and would carry on conversation with these imaginary beings (second day)/.—Now and then, he seems to have almost a consciousness of what transpires about him, so that, at times, he returns an answer, when addressed, whose commencement shows that he understood, but which passes into irrelevant, senseless talk/8.—As to my sensations, they were not blunted, but I misinterpreted them. Thus, I felt a wet cloth on my head, but supposed I had been out in the rain without my hat; and a dose of bromide of potassium given to me I recognized as a saline solution, but imagined it was mineral water from the Airthry Springs which I had tasted on the spot some ten days before/1—The patient is busied with subjects which at other times occupy his mind, politics and struggles consequent on his relations in life/8.—Very restless and delirious, talking constantly about his affairs apparently/1.—Meddlesome delirium, and he will require attention to prevent him from getting out of bed, . When put to bed, he struggles to rise almost incessantly/1.—[20.] He jumped out of bed several times, and insisted on dressing himself/1.—Keeps vol. i.—39 610 ATROPINUM. his eyes closed, but on being spoken to loudly looks at speaker; caught perhaps one word or a part of a sentence, repeated it, and said, " Oh, I shall lose my train,"11.—Expostulates with those who try to lead him to bed; says he will lose the train, that all things are packed up, and that he must start immediately/1.—Resists when being undressed, saying continually that he will lose the train. Tries to put on his trowsers and fasten his necktie/1.—I imagined I had to go off by a railway train, which started at ten in the morning, and that the hour was approaching, whilst I had nothing ready for the journey; and I believed that I wished to dress and to pack my things, but was thwarted and prevented by the people about me. At length I was persuaded that it was too late to catch the train, and agreed to wait till evening/1.—Insisted repeatedly that her blood did not circulate, and that her feet must be put into warm water or she should die,20.—Talked confusedly and almost unintelligible nonsense, on waking in morning/8.—Agitation and delirium, worseat night/9.—Violent delirium and restlessness (after four and a half hours)/.—Delirious and a little drowsy/1.—[30.] Delirium followed by stupor/.—Loud cries without any pains/3.—Sadness/40.—Mentally either very sad, depressed in constant anxiety and restlessness, fearful of misfortune, or angry and inclined to be alone, seldom lively/.—Apprehensiveness followed his internal restlessness, and soon amounted to great anxiety/.—Not quarrelsome or ill-tempered, but attempts to reason/1.—Very sensitive/5.—Constantly fretful/.—I then became sensible that I was lifted into bed, and ordered on no account to rise, which I thought a most unreasonable restraint; especially as I was tormented with irritation in the bladder, and almost incessant desire to pass urine, which was in very small quantity/1.—Was generally restless and unmanageable, refusing to answer, to swallow, or to be examined; appeared profoundly intoxicated (after one hour)/. — [40.] Evidently unconscious and very irritable, striking his mother when she took him from the nurse (after one hour)/1.—Incoherent quarrelling (after eight hours)/.—Morose, quarrelsome the whole day, everything went wrong; trifles which usually passed unheeded irritated him to anger/.—Desire to scold and quarrel/.—Intellect : Upon making vigorous efforts to arouse hi in, he also exhibited some signs of consciousness,10.—When he closes his eyes the mind becomes confused and he sees all sorts of spectres (after thirteen hours)/.—Mind confused ; would commence a sentence, and forget what she wished to say,20.—Feel as though awakened from a dream (second day)/.—Appears dull and stupid (after ten hours)/.—Has only vague ideas of anything she said, or of what transpired that evening,20.—When left to himself he did not appear to drop off into coma as do those who have taken opium, but would occasionally open his eyes with a vacant, amaurotic expression, and turn his head from side to side,10.—[50.] At first, a slowness of intelligence; ideas and replies are imperfect and indifferent/2. —Dull and stupid all the afternoon (after six hours)/.—Cannot be made to understand where he is, that he is ill, or that he must keep quiet/1.— First, indolence of mind, then vertigo, and a condition of commencing in- toxication/.—Feels dull and not inclined to move about or to converse (after one hour)/.—Indisposition for mental labor/.—No desire for his ordinary mental labor/.—Prover was dull and disinclined to study for several days/.—For several days a difficulty of fixing the attention upon anything for more than a few minutes at a time/.—[60.] The prover was absent-minded at intervals for several days, and found difficulty in fixing his mind upon any subject for more than a few minutes at a time/.—Loss ATROPINUM. 611 of memory (after eight hours)/.—His memory is wrong, inasmuch as he thinks that what really happened from the eleventh to the twelfth, took place in the night from the tenth to the eleventh (after sixth day)/8.—Am absent-minded and forgetful; when conversing often partly finishing a sentence ; was often obliged to stop and inquire what I had been saying (second day)/-—He recognizes, momentarily, members of the family; apparently notices when the door opens or one is busy about him, but, when spoken to, often turns his head to the wrong side?8.— Unconscious?516.—Unconscious, with incoherent speaking at internals/1.—Comatose,10. Head.—Confusion and Vertigo: Head feels dull and unpleasant (after eleven hours)/.—Dull sensation in the head, with feeling as if his hair had become matted into a thick felt (first day)/8.—[70.] Head very much confused; could be held up with difficulty/.—Head confused, as after a disturbed night; relieved on going into the open air (morning, sec- ond day)/.—Dizzy confusion of the head, evenings, alternating with vivid phantasies; great fatigue of the whole body, and at times ringing in the ears/.—Some vertigo (after one hour)/.—Some vertigo (after three hours)/. —Considerable vertigo (after seven hours),5.—Vertigo, iu consequence of which I was obliged to lie down/.—Vertigo at intervals, lasting but a mo- ment at a time (after one hour)/.—Vertigo caused by turning the head quickly (after one hour)/.—Considerable vertigo, particularly upon turn- ing the head suddenly (after half an hour)/.—[80.] Vertigo and confusion of the head, on waking, which increased on rising; vertigo so that he came near falling/.—Vertigo on rising in the morning, so that it became dark before his eyes/.—Has had slight vertigo at intervals during the forenoon (second day)/.—Slight vertigo and pressure in the temples with little or no pain (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Awoke very dizzy; cannot walk across the floor, but staggers towards objects for support (after three hours)/.—Giddiness/.—Giddiness, heaviness, drowsiness, or actual sleep, with great tendency to dreamy delirium, and, in women, slight occasional startings (from TV grain)/.—Awoke still feeling quite dizzy (second day)/. —Continued giddy, but walked steadily, though slowly and cautiously/.— Dizziness upon moving the head suddenly (after eleven hours),2.—[90.] Dizziness upon moving the head quickly (second day)/.—Dizziness when attempting to walk (after two hours)/.—Pains: Head hot (after four hours)/.—Head very hot/.—Head hot (after ten minutes)/.—Head feels hot (after one hour)/.—Head and face much flushed and hot; pulse full, bounding, and irregular/1.—Head subjectively warm, but not painful; cold applications are grateful (second day)/8.—Head feels full and uncomfort- able (after two hours)/.—"Feeling as if the head was screwed up; walking caused the most severe sticking pains ; relieved toward 11 a.m., and disappeared by evening?.—[100.] Dull pain in the head continues, with dizziness upon moving suddenly (third day)/.—"Sticking pains in the base of the skull, and especially over the eyes, on every motion, and especially on stepping?.—Sensa- tion of fulness in the anterior part of the brain (after one hour)/.—Slight pain in the antero-superior cerebral region, coming on shortly after taking the drug continuing through the night and next day/.—Headache com- mencing in the middle of the forehead (fifteen minutes)/.—Fulness in the forehead and head hot, but at no time any throbbing of the carotids or arteries of the head/.—Slight fulness in the front part of the head, and dilatation of the pupils/.—Dull pain in the forehead, with dizziness on moving suddenly/.—Pressive pain in forehead/.—"Fine, drawing, very sensitive stitches across the forehead and temples; recurred every four to ten 612 ATROPINUM. minutes, and lasted several seconds or a minute?.—[HO.] Slight pain in the temples (after half an hour)/.—Very slight pain in the temples and eyes (after twelve hours)/.—Fulness of temples and also of forehead, with very slight pain ; can scarcely walk, am so dizzy/.—A feeling of fulness and pressure at the temples/.—Slight pressure in the temples (after one hour)/. —Feeling in the head as though the temples were being pressed from with- out; pressure worse on the right side (after one hour)/.—"Dull pain in the temples, coming on at intervals of perhaps a quarter of an hour, and lasting a few minutes. This pain is not severe, but seems like a deep heavy pres- sure ; at other times it is a steady tension in the anterior cerebral region, as if the brain was being pressed outward in all directions (first day),2.— Has a dull bruised feeling in the temples (after nine hours)/.—* Very sen- sitive sticking in the left temporal region on waking in the morning; it ex- tended to behind the ear, and scarcely permitted him to ope>i his left eye ; dis- appeared after moving about in the open air?.—Throbbing in the temporal regions (after ten minutes)/.—[120.] Feeling of pressure under the parietal bones/. Eyes.—In general: Strange appearance of the eyes, as though pro- jected from their sockets f after one and a half hours),20.—Eyes appear fixed and glassy (first day)/.—Eyes look glassy and congested (after one hour)/. —Glittering, excited eyes/5.—Eyes restless (after one hour)/.—Eyes move restlessly hither and thither (ordinarily, his look is not steady)/8.—Simple inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane, with muco-purulent secre- tion, often accompanied by swelling of the lachrymal sac, occasionally with less swelling, but more marked hyperemia and flow of tears/7.—Eyes con- siderably congested, but the pupils have scarcely commenced to dilate (after one hour)/.—Eyes feel wearied (second day)/.—[130.] Consider- able pain and lachrymation/7.—Slight pain in the eyes continued for about two hours, accompanied part of the time by an unpleasant sensation of ful- ness and pressure in the anterior part of the head, making me restless and uneasy/.—Eyes feel swollen, and pain in the eyes and temples slightly in- creased with each pulsation of the heart (after twelve hours)/.—Dull pain in the eyes and head/.—Dull pain in the eyes, and slight pain in the tem- ples (after one hour)/.—Deepseated dull pain in the back part of the eye (after ten minutes)/.—Eyes and lids feel sore to the touch (after nine hours)/.—Brow, Lids, etc.: "Sharp pain under the right eye, with slight pain in the temples (after four hours)/.—"Neuralgic pains, commencing under the left orbit, and running back to the ear, lasting perhaps ten minutes at a time, and then disappearing for fifteen or twenty; tliese have been noticed for several hours (second day)/.—Redness and excoriation of the skin of the eyelids/7.—[140.] Eyelids swollen (after one hour)/.—"About 9 p.m. eyelids felt heavy and difficult to keep open; yet she had no inclination to sleep,20.—Dull, heavy, aching pain in the eyelids, not severe (second day)/. —Eyelids feel sore, are red and congested (second day)/.—I have myself once or twice experienced slight congestion of the entire conjunctiva, with dryness of the membrane and dull aching pain in the eyeball, after the use of a very weak solution of Atropia. On one occasion this condition fol- lowed the instillation of 12 drops of a solution of 1 part of Sulphate of Atropia in 400,000 parts of water/.—Slight injection of the conjunctival membrane/.—Conjunctive vividly injected (after one hour)/.—Acute ery- sipelatous inflammation and swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids/7.— Atropine conjunctivitis/7. — Severe pain in the left eyeball (after nine hours)/.—[150.] Slight pain in the eyes continued; it is as if the eyeballs ATROPINUM. 613 were pressed from without in every direction (after twelve hours)/.—Pupils not unusually dilated, but perfectly immovable,10.—Pupils dilated/.— Pupils somewhat dilated/.—Pupils very much dilated; spectral illusions continue (second day)/.—Both pupils dilated, but not ad maximum?8.— Excessive dilatation of pupils (first day)/.—Complete mydriasis/4.—Pupils are still dilated; can see to read quite distinctly for a few minutes, after which the letters, words, and lines run together and become indistinct (sec- ond day)/.—Dilatation and immobility of the pupil/.—[160.] Pupils slightly dilated; conjunctiva not injected/1.—Pupils still dilated, with diplopia (second day)/.—Pupils considerably dilated; vertigo increasing (after one hour)/.—Vision: Dimness of sight (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Dimness of vision (after eleven hours)/.—Dimness of vision, and bright circles of a golden color dancing before the eyes/2.—His difficulty in seeing small objects which were near him (the pupils were still dilated) was now the most prominent feature remaining of his illness (after twenty- four hours)/1.—Only a circular line of iris visible; was nearly blind; a thick cloud obstructed vision, and images were confused, with a reddish tinge (after one hour)/.—Can see but little; pupils considerably dilated, but contract readily under the influence of light (after three hours)/.—Ob- jects appear at first enveloped in a white vapor; the contours are no longer distinct; if the dose is increased, almost complete blindness may ensue/2.— [170.] Disturbance of vision; objects seem enveloped in a cloud (the ob- scuration increases with the dose); even complete blindness ensues, but disappears in a day or two after ceasing the medicine/.—Vision obscured; pupils dilated ; eyeballs injected ; she seems to see nothing about her/3.— Could see nothing (first day)/8.—After looking at objects a few minutes, they become indistinct aud fade from view (after two hours)/.—While reading a book, the letters gradually grew indistinct, and seemed waver- ing before the eyes/.—Can see to read a little, but after a few words the letters grow indistinct, and am obliged to close the eyes to rest them (sec- ond day)/.—While talking with persons, they suddenly vanish (second day)/.—Eyes intolerant to light (second day)/.—The eye is sensitive to the light held in front of it, which, however, does not affect the dilatation of the pupil/8.—It is impossible to cause color-confusion by the use of Atropine, but partial color-blindness may be induced by either the internal or external use of it. The impressions made by color are altered by Atro- pine as regards strength exactly as they are by the different degrees of solar light on different days/5.—[180.] On several occasions through the night she had vision of great numbers of white flies on the door, which was white, and requested that they be brushed off. They were not in motion, and were rather smaller than the common housefly. This perversion of sight continued until noon of the following day, on closing the eyes,20.—The medicine produced temporary bright spots and stars before the eyes, and a brilliant glow around the letters, which frightened him greatly,24.—Bright flashes before the eyes, immediately on closing them (first night)/.—On one occasion my patient was much annoyed by the appearance of a large black bug, with veritable legs, a few inches below a black doorknob,20.— On the following morning, imagining she saw a worm, " a thousand-legged worm " on her carpet, she sprang out of bed, and was found trying to find it • failing in this, she would look in another place and see it again. This illusion kept her busy some time, before fully satisfied of the fallacy. The color of the worm was brown, the predominating color of the carpet, .— Illusions of sight; during the increasing dimness of vision, manifold pic- 614 ATROPINUM. tures of gigantic figures, whirls, double images; enlarged appearance of all objects; laughable or frightful appearances of all kinds,9.—Objects round or oval seem elongated; for example, the human figure was distorted so that the vertical diameter of the face seemed equal to the rest of the body; especially prominent were the nose and chin, which seemed of considerable length, and their margins enveloped in a mist; these appearances lasted some hours, for as I woke at half-past three, these images still floated clearly before the eyes; the pupils (on the next day) were very large and sluggish/.—First noticed diplopia (after five hours)/.—The next day these appearances were verified, though in a less degree ; all objects seemed really elongated, especially the ears looked like Midas ears, and seemed to over- top the head ; a round rubber ball looked eggshaped ; the table looked oval rather than round (lasted till 10 A.M.)/.—Vision much impaired; the fig- ures on the carpet, which were large, appeared to be constantly and succes- sively rising up to. her face (perpendicular diplopia, the apparent object below the real one),20.—[190.] As late as a week she still experienced a sense of giddiness,, and the figures on the carpet would at times appear to her double,20.—Quick rotation and duplication of objects/.—During the evening the eyes of the lady attendant seemed to her very large, and she could not avoid looking at them,20.—Upon looking at a newspaper the let- ters seem to expand aud contract with each pulsation of the heart; can read but little (second day)/.—In attempting to walk, would reel and stagger, catch at objects which appeared to me in close proximity, but which in reality were far from my reach ; would often stumble over objects which to me seemed to be many feet away (first day)/.—Cannot estimate distances correctly;, when asked to put his hand upon an object within his reach, he either reaches too far or not far enough (after seven hours)/.— Entire loss of power to compare objects with the eye and determine their respective distances (first day)/. Ears.—Throughout the succeeding night the hearing and sight were morbidly sensitive/.:—At night, when the eyesv were closed, though not sound asleep, he heard every noise and every voice in the room and yard/. —Exquisite sensibility of hearing, and frequent illusions of this sense also/.—[200.] His attention cannot be attracted without speaking loudly to him/1.—Perceptions of noise, tinkling sounds as of bells, etc./2.—Some roaring in ears/.—Illusions of hearing, ringing, roaring, etc./. Nose.—Mucous membrane of the nose dry (after one hour)/.—Dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose and eye/.—The dryness (of the throat) very often extends to the mucous membrane of the lower passage of the nares/.—He sneezed and rubbed his nose frequently/1. Face.—Expression of mania?5 21.—Looks and acts as if he had been on a " spree " (after seven hours)/.—[210.] Pale, slightly sweating face/.— Flushing of the face/.—Face flushed (after one hour)/.—Flushed face; burning in the face (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Face slightly red/3.— *Face hot and very red,20.—Face red, with white spots/5.—*Twitching of the facial muscles, especially around the mouth and lids/3.—Only the red- dened face is warmer than the rest of the body/8.—Parched state of the lips/.—Mucous membrane of the lips dry and parched ; water affords no relief (after two hours)/. Mouth.—Teeth and Tongue : [220.] Teeth and lips dry, and cov- ered with sordes/1.—Teeth feel " on edge " (first day)/.—Tongue slightly coated white (second day)/.—Tongue thickly coated with whitish mucus (after one hour)/.—Tongue thickly loaded with a dirty gray fur (second ATROPINUM. 615 day) "•—Tongue coated whitish on margins, and yellow in middle/8.—Tip and edges of the tongue light red; tongue trembles when protruded from the mouth (after one hour)/.—Anterior part of the tongue or whole of the dorsum, excepting a wide margin, will be found dry, brown, and rough/.— The mucous layer of the tongue becomes completely dry, brown, and hard Un grain)/.—Tongue trembles when protruded (after three hours)/.— [230.] When asked to protrude the tongue he does it with difficulty, aud only after considerable effort; cannot move the tongue about in the mouth at will/.—The tongue (shown once when desired), was protruded with diffi- culty and incompletely/8.—Tongue thick, cannot articulate distinctly (first night)/.—The tongue and other muscles assisting in speech were difficult to move/8.—Tongue seemed partially paralyzed,20.—Tongue moist, coated whitish-yellow (second day)/8.—Tongue dry/8.—Tongue and mouth dry (after half an hour)/.—Tongue dry and furred (after forty-eight hours)/. —Dorsum of tongue dry and parched, and the entire roof of the mouth aud velum palati dry and glazed/.—[240.] Complete dryness of the tongue, roof of the mouth, and soft palate, extending more or less down the pharynx and larynx, rendering the voice husky, and often inducing dry cough and difficult deglutition/.—Dryness of tongue and fauces (immediately)/.— Mouth: The mouth opens but little; masticator muscles rigid/8.—Thick, viscid, or slimy mucus in the mouth/.—Thin coating of viscid, slimy, white mucus over the entire buccal cavity (second day)/.—Mucous membrane of mouth dark-red (second day)/.—Loss of sensation in the buccal cavity, with complete loss of taste. When swallowing water from a tumbler, I could not be persuaded that I had drank any until convinced by looking into the glass (first day)/.—Can drink water without difficulty, but pro- duces no sensation in the mouth or throat, except a slight feeling of cold- ness ; ,is scarcely aware when he -swallowed it (second day)/.—The hard and soft palate perfectly dry and glazed/.—Buccal cavity feels hot (after one hour)/.—Saliva, Taste, and Speech : [250.] Great dryness of the mouth,20.—Mucous membranes of mouth dry/8.—Dryness of the fauces, seems extending over the whole mouth,2.—Dryness of the throat has ex- tended over the entire buccal cavity (after two hours)/.—Mouth very dry, so dry that upon inserting the finger, it will not be moistened (after two hours)/.—Food will remain in the mouth for miuutes without becoming moistened in the least/.—The hard palate and the anterior part of the tongue and the soft palate dry, but not parched or glazed/.—Dryness of the mouth continued through the night/.—Dryness of the mouth has increased and now extends to the lips, which feel dry and parched (after half an hour)/.—Those parts of the mouth which are adjacent to the median plane are so completely parched that they fail to impart the least moisture to a bit of bibulous paper or sugar, kept in contact with them for several min- utes. It is observable that this dryness is greatest along the median line and on either side of it, and that after moderate doses it extends only a short way outwards. Dryness of the lips, the buccal mucous membrane, and the pillars of the fauces, only occurs after large doses ; but a very moderate dose is required to render the central part of the tongue dry and parched from back to front, and the hard and soft palates aud back of the oesophagus as dry and glazed as a piece of paper/.—[260.] Mouth very dry; no thirst; cannot feel the passage of water through the mouth or throat when drinking (after ten minutes)/.—Mouth and tongue very dry, with great difficulty in swallowing (after one and a quarter hours)/.—Dry- ness in the mouth, and especially in the throat, reached such a degree that 616 ATROPINUM. on attempting to eat a piece of bread and butter he could not swallow it, unless he took water (two to three hours)/4.—Dry mouth and fauces/.— Dryness of the mouth and fauces increased, so that swallowing became almost impossible/.—Gradually increasing dryness in mouth and fauces (in two hours), which became so severe in one hour that he could not speak a word, and the tongue almost stuck to the roof of the mouth/.—Could swallow no breakfast on account of deficiency of buccal secretions to moisten the food (second day)/.—Had great difficulty in swallowing food, on ac- count of non-secretion of saliva; food will remain in the mouth for minutes without becoming moistened in the least (after one hour)/.—While the mouth continues in the dry condition above described, the salivary glands appear quiescent, and the morbid state of the tongue and palate renders it difficult, if not impossible, to excite a flow of saliva by gustatory impres- sions; but they readily pour out abundance of secretion when an appropri- ate stimulus reaches them. In a patient who was suffering from severe neuralgia of the face, associated with profuse salivation, the secretion was in no degree diminished when, as occasionally happens, a severe paroxysm of pain came on during the action of a full dose of Atropia/.—Stoppage of secretion of saliva ; smoking does not bring any saliva into the mouth/.— [270.] After continuing about two hours, the dryness of the mouth is sud- denly relieved by the appearance of a viscid acid secretion of an offensive odor, like the sweat of the feet. The mouth becomes foul and clammy, and a bitter coppery taste is complained of/.—Excessive secretion of saliva (second day)/.—Everything tastes salt (after one hour)/.—Same slimy taste in the mouth (after three hours)/.—Slight sweetish taste in the mouth/.—Food all tastes alike, like sawdust; tastes dry and cannot be swallowed except by washing it down with some liquid, owing to the defi- ciency of secretion of saliva (after two hours)/.—Food is tasteless (after half an hour)/.—Difficult speech/.—Speech thick, probably from dryness of the mouth and throat/1.—[280.] After many days' action of Atropia, there manifested itself a slowness and embarrassment of articulation of words/2.—Frequent stuttering, especially at words difficult to pronounce (never used to do so), (sixth day)/8.—Articulation indistinct, rapid, and chattering,20. Throat.—Slight throbbing or heaving sensation in the carotids/.— Mucous membrane of the throat slightly darker than in health, and pre- sents a mottled appearance (second day)/.—Constant choking in the throat, which was soon followed by an almost complete inability to swallow, with a feeling as if seized by the throat/.—In a few minutes a feeling of dryness in the throat, causing constant inclination to cough/.—On the third day he complained of sore throat, and inability to pass his water,10.—Inteuse feel- ing of dryness in the throat, which abated toward morning/1.—Shortly after taking the drug, a sensation of dryness in the throat/.—[290.] Dry- ness of the throat and feeling of pressure in the anterior and superior cere- bral regions/.—Great dryness of throat and mouth (twenty to forty min- utes)/.—Violent burning in throat/3.—Burning in throat and stomach/3.— Slight feeling of fulness in the throat (after half an hour)/.—Soreness of throat increasing till quite hoarse (after eleven hours)/.—Throat has been quite sore for the past six hours; pain upon swallowing (second day)/.— Throat feels raw and irritated (second day)/.—Throat feels raw and sore (after seven hours)/.—Drops of white mucus sticking to the uvula (after ten minutes)/.—[300.] Fauces and uvula red (after teu minutes)/.—Slight dryness of the fauces,2.—Dryness of the fauces (in two hours)/.—Feeling ATROPINUM. 617 of dryness in the throat, causing constant inclination to cough ; swallowing water affords relief/.—Swallowing difficult, but not impossible/8.—Feeling in mouth and throat made her think she "could not swallow," but when impressed with the necessity of so doing, she drank with avidity the warm water offered, though at first it seemed quite difficult,20.—"Swallowing ap- peared to give pain, manifested by grimaces and increased spasms of the facial muscles? .—* There was great difficulty in getting the child to swallow, each attempt to _ do so producing paroxysms of suffocation, which appeared to threaten his existence/1.—Difficult deglutition, every attempt to swallow caused suffocation?5.—Dysphagia, parallel with the dryness of the fauces/.—[310.] "Difficulty in swallowing on account of dryness of the throat?. Stomach.—With constant hunger, was soon satisfied, the food seemed tasteless/.—Increased desire for salt food (anchovies, herrings, smoked meats, etc.)/.—Ate a light supper, having to wash the food down with water (after seven hours)/.—Aversion to meat and beer; beer increased the empty feeling in the stomach .and caused a painful pressure; this aver- sion to beer and the unpleasant symptoms caused by it continued through the whole proving/.—Appetite wanting (second day)/8.—Loss of appetite (becomes after the drug-influence violent hunger)/.—No thirst, in spite of the dryness of the throat/.—Thirst moderate (second day)/8.—Frequently asks for water to drink/1.—[320.] Thirst greatly increased, threefold/. -—Frequent empty eructations without relief/.—He had eructations tasting like the yolk of eggs, at intervals through the day (after ten hours)/.— Nausea (after quarter of an hour)/.—Slight nausea (after one hour)/.— Slight nausea (after ten minutes)/.—Slight nausea, lasting but a few min- utes; these coming on again after an interval of half an hour (first day),2. —Nausea, and transient inclination to vomit/.—Fruitless vomiting of colorless mucus, and afterward of green bitter fluid after the morning ver- tigo/.—Vomiting, readily induced by drinking warm fluids (after two and a half hours)/.—[330.] Vomiting after drinking milk/3.—Hurried from bed and vomited profusely; easy vomiting of a watery fluid, tasting bitter at first, nearly tasteless afterwards; during the vomiting, very severe stick- ing pains in the umbilical region; vomited about five minutes, and then staggered back to bed (after eleven hours)/.—Great distress iu the epigas- trium, which seemed indescribable,20.—Uncomfortable sensation in stomach (in fifteen minutes)/.—Uneasy sensation in the stomach, accompanied by frequent empty eructations, affording no relief. The uneasiness, which gradually became associated with nausea and retching, increased to a press- ing, sticking, and contractive pain, accompanied with frequent empty eruc- tations. This spasm of the stomach, which was attended with paleness of the face, slight perspiration, singing in the ears, and an aching pain in the forehead, lasted two hours/.—Beer caused a constrictive pain in the stom- ach like a stomach-cramp, which obliged him to sit down, was increased by Walking; with copious eructations of air; though this pain steadily increased it completely disappeared after three hours/.—Some sensitiveness to very strong pressure in gastric region (after fourteen hours)/8.—Much relief after vomiting, produced by copious draughts of warm water/0. Abdomen.—Abdomen a little tense (after fourteen hours)/8.—Abdo- men swollen and tense, but not tympanitic; upon pretty firm pressure upon it, patient gave signs of suffering,10. Stool and Anus.—[340.] Paralysis of the sphincters of the rectum and bladder/.—Paralysis of sphincter ani with involuntary fecal dis- charges (in three patients, from 1£ grain and upwards),9.—Hurried from 618 ATROPINUM. bed by urgent desire to stool, followed by very copious watery stool coming with a gush. This stool relieved the pain in the umbilical region (after thirteen hours)/.—Another copious stool (after fourteen hours)/.—Arose and immediately had another copious, watery stool (second day)/.—During stool, felt badly generally, Aveak and terribly nervous, with general perspi- ration,20.—In the stool, thin fluid seemed to be mixed with urine (after three hours)/8.—Stool, only two to four days (in health, daily)/.—No evacuation for five days, and then only induced artificially/8. Urinary Organs.—Tenesmus and frequent desire to pass urine (after four and a half hours)/.—[350.] Frequent desire to micturate, pass- ing only a moderate quantity of urine/1.—Constant and frequent desire to pass water, but inability to do so/1.—Incontinence of urine, and involun- tary fecal discharges/.—Urine profuse; first at 6 p.m. (after twelve hours)/8. —Has had profuse urination for the past twenty-four hours (second day)/. —Urine passed slowly and increased in quantity (after three hours)/.— Frequent micturition at night/8.—On the night of the first day, between 10 and 1 o'clock, was compelled to urinate as often as ten or fifteen minutes, without pain. The quantity voided was profuse and almost colorless,20.— Urine and thirst increased/.—Urine not increased, notwithstanding the dryness of the skin/.—[360.] Passed very little urine/.—On the fourth day he passed his water in drops and with great difficulty,10.—Catheterism was required during the next four days/.—Dysuria, or more or less com- plete retention of urine for two or three hours, or longer, invariably follows the action of a full medicinal dose of the drug/.—No urine for nine hours (first day)/8.—No urine passed for thirteen hours/1.—He had passed no water since the preceding eveuing; bladder not distended,10.—Urine clear and corresponded in amount to the water drank (increased)/.—Urine acid, dark, brownish, without sediment, and containing Atropine?8. Respiratory Apparatus.—Dry tickling cough, periodic, with a sore feeling in the throat and pressure on the chest; excited by speaking or smoking/.—Has had several paroxysms of coughing, caused by the col- lection of mucus iu the throat, occurring once in fifteen or thirty minutes, attended with the difficult expectoration of a thick, tough mucus; after coughing, burning in the throat (second day)/.—[370.] Small quantity of thick, frothy, white sputa is ejected at intervals (after ten minutes)/.— Huskiness of voice (twenty to forty minutes)/.—She tried to call out but her voice refused her/3.—The voice is sometimes weakened, or there may be complete aphonia/6.—Sensation of choking in an hour after the first application,20.—Respiration 28,18. Chest.—Feeling of warmth as of a glow through the thoracic region (after half an hour)/. Heart and Pulse.—Heart's action irregular and apparently ob- structed/1.—Weak doses accelerate the heart and increase blood pressure; poisonous doses have the reverse effect/.—Distressing fluttering sensation in the cardiac region/.—Pulse of fair fulness and strength/0.—[380.] Pulse very weak (after two hours)/.—After ten or fifteen minutes, an accelera- tion of the pulse from 20 to 70 beats; no apparent change in volume, but a decided increase in the force of the cardiac contractions and of the arte- rial tone/.—Pulse accelerated, increased in volume and power (after ten and twenty minutes); if previously slow and feeble or intermitting, the change will be very decided; the acceleration amounts to 20 to 25 beats per minute; it will take place suddenly and attain its maximum within one or two minutes; after being maintained for half an hour a gradual decline ATROPINUM. 619 takes place, and the heart soon returns to its usual state, and continues to beat as quickly and powerfully as before; just as the pulse rises a slight giddiness is often perceptible/.—Pulse sank at first ten beats, but soon began to rise, and in an hour and a half had increased forty beats/.—As moisture returns to the mouth, the pulse is observed to fall, and it now rapidly resumes its ordinary rate and character/.—She was able to rise in the morning, when the pulse was frequent, small, and irregular, and she complained of lassitude/.—Pulse 150, small and weak (after one hour)/.— Pulse accelerated to 140, with increased tone, but diminished volume,20.— Pulse 138 (after one hour)/.—Pulse 136; heart's action greatly increased (after one hour)/.—[390.] Pulse 132 (after one hour)/.—Pulse 130, but not so full (after teu minutes)/.—Pulse 130, and small/3.—Pulse 124/.— Pulse 116 (after half an hour)/.—Pulse 112 (after one hour)/.—Pulse 112 (after one and a quarter hours)/.—Pulse 112; is hot and feverish (after three hours)/.—Pulse 112, lyiug down. Pulse had been taken until now when the prover was standing (after two hours)/.—Pulse 110, irregular, generally full, but varying much at intervals/1.—[400.] After twenty min- utes, pulse 110, unchanged in volume and power/.—After one hour, pulse 108, unchanged/.—Pulse 108 (after forty-eight hours)/.—Pulse 106-110 ; regular, somewhat fuller; pulsations more defined (after fourteen hours)/8. —Pulse 104 (after one hour)/.—Pulse 104; regular, not full, easily com- pressed ; the single pulsations not sharply defined (after three and a half hours)/8.—Pulse 96, full and soft; has been full and soft for several hours (after seven hours)/.—Pulse 86, full and soft (second day)/.—Pulse 76 (after twelve hours)/.—Pulse, 72; full, distinct (after twenty-four hours)/8. —[410.] Pulse 60 (after thirteen hours)/. Neck and Back.—Cold sensation along the spine/. Extremities in General.—Weakness of the limbs/.—Partial paralysis of the arms and legs (after eight hours)/.—In proportion as the doses of Atropia augment, the limbs, and especially the lower, though still under control of the will, become heavy and inactive/2.—The feeling of numbness and heaviness in the limbs was so great that she feared the result of going to sleep lest she should never awaken/0.—Extremities cold,10. Upper Extremities.—Constant, restless throwing about of the arms, hands, and fingers of both sides, similar to the movements in typhus delirium/8.—Continual opening and closing the hands, and grasping at imaginary objects in the air (first day)/.—Hands feel smooth and glassy (after ten minutes)/.—[420.] Hands feel dry and glossy (after two hours)/. —Slight numbness and prickling in the hands, extending to the tips of the fingers. The prickling soon ceased, but the numbness continued and in- creased, till in a short time there was complete loss of sensation (first day)/. —Hands cold (after two hours)/.—Numbness of fingers, with partial loss of sensation; cannot tell when I am holding small objects in the hand (after two hours)/.—Numbness and partial loss of sensation in the fingers ; feels as though he were holding a book in his hands, which he is afraid he will drop ; upon taking a small object, as a pin, into his hand, it appears to him as though there were five or six of them (after one hour)/. Lower Extremities.—Dragged the legs when compelled to walk (after two hours)/.—Stiffness in left knee and lower leg and in right great toe, though no pain (second day)/8.—Has had slight jactitation of muscles of leg (after thirteen hours)/.—Has awakened several times in the nio-ht by spasmodic jerkings of the muscles of the legs (first night)/. __[43(f.] Frequently wakened from sleep by sudden kicking out of the 620 ATROPINUM. feet/.—Her " limbs felt like sticks;" thought she could not use them to walk across the room to the sofa, but with aid did so with considerable difficulty,20. Generalities.—After moderate doses the whole circulation is increased in force and rapidity. The force of the larger arteries is good, and if the circulation was previously slow, we find that they are usually increased in volume as well as in tone/.—Different parts of the body were affected with spasms,10.—In women slight occasional startings/.—Occasional jactitation/1. —Convulsive trembling in one or another muscle but never cramp; as consciousness disappeared these movements became automatic, as carphology, convulsions/.—For the past two hours has had occasional spasms of the voluntary muscles, particularly those of the extremities (after eight hours)/. —During the last half hour has had several slight spasms of the muscles of the limbs and one of the entire body (after four hours)/.—At times during the night when nearly lost in sleep, she would suddenly start as if frightened,20.—Jerkings of muscles, particularly those of the legs, arms, and face. When attempting to drink from a glass, arm suddenly contracted and the water was spilled. While walking, the flexor muscles of one or both legs would suddenly contract, throwing me to the ground ; do not dare to walk across the room for fear of falling (second day)/.—[440.] Clonic cramp in face and extremities (moves arms forward in front of chest)/6.— Clonic spasms of the biceps flexor cubiti and of the muscles of the jaw,10. —Spasms not diminished ; could not hold a vessel of fluid in his hands uor carry it to his mouth,10.—The spasms of the muscles above spoken of were increased by disturbing the patient; when left to himself, they come on at intervals of two or three minutes,10.—Busy with his hands pulling the bed- clothes about/1.—Able to walk home, a distance of a mile; but when he reached the house he could not put the key into the door, " because he felt so stupid and shaky in the hand," and had to seek assistance/.—Displays considerable strength, but his movements are unsteady, as if he had lost some control over his limbs ; for, when he tried to wipe mucus from his lips he raised his right hand with apparent difficulty a short way from his mouth, and then, with an effort and rather unsteady movement, raised his left hand aud touched his lips/1.—It was impossible to keep him in bed, and very difficult to prevent his walking about (after two hours)/1.— Restless, constantly tosses about in bed and moves the head to and fro/3.— Restlessness, and frequently great nervous agitation of mind and body/.— [450.] Restless and slept none/8.—Continued tossing about and changing position in bed; did not sleep any till next morning/.—Restlessness, a desire and inclination to perform all movements hastily and rapidly, be- coming at last a desire to fight, so that the two provers who at the same time and place had taken the same dose, actually began to scuffle and wrestle, which they never before did/.—Has been nervous, wakeful for the last three hours (after eleven hours)/.—Although I could move my body and limbs, it was only by a great effort, and when I raised my arms they fell as if made of lead. This I ascribed to partial paralysis of the motor nerves, and I watched with some interest the return of power as the night advanced/1.—Gait unsteady/4.—Gait weak, tottering, the person must at last lie down/.—Staggering, or complete inability to walk,8.—Very weak and unsteady in his gait (sixth day)/8.—Very weak in the open air?.— [460.] Great weakness of muscular action, some transient but general trembling of the limbs, so that the gait was tottering, like a drunken person/.—Morning, felt very weak, could not decide to rise; lay in a half ATROPINUM. 621 dreamy sleep; after he was dressed great desire to lie down again/.— Inability to rise, although he makes efforts to do so/1.—Patient keeps the recumbent posture on his back, and only at times makes attempts (which are easily repressed) to rise up and get out of bed/8.—Lies on left side/6.— Sight aud hearing morbidly sensitive (1 gr.)/.—During the succeeding night he was morbidly sensitive to sounds and objects, with symptoms akin to the early stage of meningitis. Pulse in the morning 108, furred tongue and hot, dry skiu/3.—Felt faint, and greatly in need of fresh air,20.—On asking loudly if he had any pain in the head, he replied, " No pains what- ever," u.—Torpor and paralytic trembling/.— [470.] Anaesthesia, absence of all pain, slight sensibility to painful pressure, only touch seems very little influenced/.—Thrusting pins into the skin causes no sensation of pain; water, either warm or cold, glides over the surface of the body without moistening it or producing any appreciable sensation. This anaesthesia continued several hours (first day)/.—Lost the power to estimate distances, either by the eye or touch ; touching an object does not produce the slightest sensation. Upon attempting to place the hand upon a table, cannot tell when the hand touches it (first day)/.—Was unable to feel the arms and legs, and being alarmed called for help (after one-quarter of an hour)/.— General discomfort/*. Skin.—Redness of the skin (after thirty to sixty minutes)/.—Skin burn- ing hot and dry, red ; child scratched it/5.—Skin feels hot and dry ; lips covered with dry mucus/1.—Skin very dry and hot with a general feeling of biting and tickling as from vermin (forty minutes)/.—Skiu hot and pungent/1.—[480.] Skin pungently hot and dry, and covered with a rash closely resembling that of scarlatina, which the child was frequently scratch- ing/1.—The skin of the whole body began to feel tinged (?) and swollen (after fifteen minutes). In about an hour and a half it was covered with a rash precisely similar to that of scarlatina/8. Sleep and Dreams.—Gaped very often, and said he should soon be asleep if he were in bed/.—Tendency to sleep (after one hour)/.— Somnolency/.—Somnolency and perversion of ideas/.—Somnolency, with sometimes a little flushing of the face (from gr. g1^)/.—Feels drowsy and not inclined to speak or move about (second day)/. — Felt sleepy and a little giddy/.—Heaviness, drowsiness, or actual sleep, with a great tendency to dreamy delirium/.—[490.] Had slept, and continued very drowsy/.—Was restless and uneasy through the night, but slept consider- able of the time (second day)/.—Was very restless through the night; dreamed of running horses ; of playing baseball; of amputating a man's leg; saw dim, shadowy forms sitting or standing by the bedside or moving in the air (first night)/.—Arose feeling uneasy and unrefreshed (second day)/.—Arose, feeling weary and unrefreshed (second day)/.—Insomnia/. —Insomnia (after eight hours)/.—Wakeful and delirious (after eight hours)/.—Sleeplessness till oue at night and then frightful dreams/.— He will have little or no inclination to sleep, but instead of this a little moderate delirium (from gr. &),*— [500.] Troubled by dreams, and at intervals disturbed by a start. A fancied noise is a common cause of awakening, aud at these times the patient generally manifests a little de- lirium/.—Dreams pleasant, of flying in the air, etc., so that he woke in the mornino- happy and continued so the whole day/.—Frightful dreams; wake from sleep three times in the night/.—Dreams of being frightened, pursued, greatexertion, etc., etc., all of which fatigued him, some of which made him powerless, and he rejoiced, when wakened by a loud cry, to be rid of 622 ATROPINUM. his unnatural state. His wife said that he was restless and sighed during sleep/. Fever.—Skin rather cool than warm on forehead and head/8.—Chilli ness and cramp, and tingling of the extremities (after one hour)/.— Internal coldness with external burning heat of the whole body; toward 6 p.m., it became so great that he was apprehensive, and so restless that he could not remain anywhere; he hurried home expecting misfortune; scarcely had he eutered the house when he had to seek the open air, only to return again to the house; at 7^ p.m., he lay down hoping that the restlessness would go away by sleep; could not sleep till toward eleven; he tossed about in bed, with audible and perceptible palpitation and anxiety as great as if he had committed a great crime/.—General diffusion of warmth/.—Skin hot (after forty-eight hours)/.—The skin is hot and pungent, face flushed, veins of forehead tinged, and head burning/1.—[510.] Slight elevation of the temperature of the surface, rarely exceeding 1°, and a still slighter and less appreciable rise of the internal temperature of the body,8.— Temperature 100° (after twenty-four hours)/8.—Temperature 102° (after fourteen hours)/8.—Temperature frequently varied, now glowing heat, now cold over the back (cold predominated)/.—Alternate heat and chill, a violent tension of the chest, with dyspnoea, and feebleness of the pulse (from tasting Atropia)/7.—Atropia checks sweating, whether physiological or morbid,29. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Talked confusedly, etc.; on rising, vertigo ; on waking, very dizzy ; on waking, sticking in left temporal region; felt very weak.—(Night), Immediately upon closing eyes, after retiring, delirium ; agitation, etc.; frequent micturition.—(Toward 6 p.m.), Internal coldness, etc., of the whole body.—(In open air), Very weak.— (Beer), Caused pain in stomach.—( Upon closing eyes), Mind becomes con- fused, etc.—(After coughing), Burning in throat.—(After drinking milk), Vomiting.—(Every motion), Pains in base of skull, etc.—(Periodic), Dry ccmgh, etc.—(Each pulsation of heart), Pain in eyes, etc.—(Rising), Vertigo, etc. — (Stepping), Pains in base of skull, etc. — (Turning head quick), Vertigo.—(During the vomiting), Pain in umbilical region.—(On waking), Vertigo, etc.—( Walking), Severe sticking pains ; pain in stomach.—(Drink- ing warm fluids), Vomiting. Amelioration. — (Evening), Pains in head disappear. — (Towards morning), Dryness in throat.—(Toward 11 a.m.), Pains in head.—(Going into open air), Confusion in head.—(After moving about in open air),.Stick- ing in left temporal region.—(Sitting), Feels better.—(Standing), Feels better. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. ALABAMA. Dr. W. Rutherford, Dr. J. Cragin, Mobile. ARKANSAS. Dr. J. Bull, Little Rock. CALIFORNIA. Dr. Charles E. Greene, Dr. C. Munson, Dr. Rawdon Arnold, Dr. S. Cowles, Dr. S. F. Stitnpson, Dr. E. Nicholson, Dr. J. S. Shepard, Dr. W. A. Hughson, Dr. G. W. Barnes, Dr. G. E. Davis, Dr. E. J. Fraser, Dr. F. Hiller, Dr. G. M. Pease, Dr. M. T. Wilson, Dr. S. Worth. Dr. John N. Hummer, Dr. A. D. Risdon, Chico. Gilroy. Marys ville. Michigan Bar. Oakland. Petaluma. Sacramento. San Diego. San Francisco. San Jose. Santa Barbara. DELAWARE. COLORADO. Dr. M. Mayer Marix, Denver. CONNECTICUT. Dr. A. W. Phillips, Dr. C. E. Sanford, Dr. S. E. Swift, Dr. J. D. Johnson, Dr. E. W. Kellogg, Dr. J. S. Miller, Dr. P. D. Peltier, Dr. E. P. Gregory, Dr. J. S. Stone, Dr. W. D. Anderson, Dr. H. B. Cheney, Dr. P. C. Skiff, Mrs. Dr. D. F. Conner, Dr. C. Vishno, Dr. H. M. Bishop, Dr. S. G. Tucker, Dr. G. F. Foote, Dr. J. F. Griffin, Dr. B. St. John, Dr. G. H. Wilson, Birmingham. Bridgeport. Colchester. Hartford. Milford. New Britain. New Haven. Norwich. Stamford. Wolcottsville. West Meriden. Dr. L. Kittinger, FLORIDA. Dr. A. C. McCants, GEORGIA. Dr. W. L. Cleveland, Dr. F. F. Taber, Dr. J. B. Scudder, Dr. Louis Knorr, Mrs. M. Schwaab, ILLINOIS. Dr. J. H. Miller, Dr. John Keck, Dr. G. W. Todd, Dr. T. T. Oliver, Dr. D. A. Cheever, Dr. G. R. Parsons, Dr. E. A. Ballard, H. N. Small (2 copies), Dr. H. B. Fellows. Dr. E. M. Hale, Drs. Hall and Eldridge, Dr. S. P. Hedges, Dr. T. S. Hoyne, Dr. M. N. Johnson, Dr. H. R. Stout, Dr. H. J. Underwood, Dr. A. W. Woodward, Dr. W. H. Woodyatt, Dr. Edw. Porter, Dr. R. L. Robb, Dr. 0. B. Blackman, Dr. S. R. Breed, Dr. 0. H. Mann, Dr. John H. Beaumont, Dr. M. J. Chase, Dr. George W. Foote, Dr. S. Maguire, Dr. Christian Linck, Dr. L. F. Morse, Dr. W. J. Nicolay, Dr. J. A. Bell, Dr. C. Bernreuter, Dr. Harry Hall, Dr. W. P. Armstrong, Dr. H. L. Obetz, Dr. J. E. Morrisson, Dr. I. W. Johnson, Dr. J. Moore, Wilmington. Jacksonville. Atlanta. Farmington. Savannah. Abingdon. Barrington. Canton. Carbondale. Champaign. Chebanse. Chicago. Clinton. Delavan. Dixon. Duquoin. Evanston. Freeport. Galesburg. Greensburg. Litchfield. Mnttoon. Minier. Naperville. Nashville. Pan a. Paris. Paxton. Peoria. Quinoy. 2 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Dr. C. F. Kuchler, Dr. N. H. Keener, Dr. J. K. Eberle, Dr. L. M. Currier, Dr. Frank Hall, Dr. T. Bacmeister, Dr. G. W. Bruington, Dr. N. H. Loury, INDIANA. Dr. C. Graman, Dr. H. W. Taylor, Dr. A. A. Fahnestook, Dr. A. Le Roy Fisher, Dr. G. W. Bowen, Dr. J. M. Byler, Dr. W. C. Kirkland, Dr. W. A. Whippy, Dr. W. Eggert, Dr. J. R. Haynes, Dr. P. B. Hoyt, Dr. J. B. Hunt, Dr. J. S. Runnels, Dr. A. McNeil, Dr. J. C. M. Chaffee, Dr. E. W. Sawyer, Dr. J. B. Iuttner, Dr. J. W. Vance, Dr. 0. P. Baer, Dr. Angus Brown, Dr. G. W. Powell, Dr. S. C. Whitney, IOWA. Dr. James Barr, Dr. H. S. Knowles, Dr. H. Wilson, Dr. G. H. Patchen, Dr. E. H. King, Dr. F. W. Flower, Dr. W. H. Dickinson, Dr. J. E. King, Dr. F. W. Whitlock, Dr. S. B. Olney, Dr. E. Caldwell, Dr. N. J. De Puy, Dr. G. N. Seidlitz, Dr. B. A. Wilder, Dr. J. W. Davis, Dr. A. 0. Blanding, Dr. L. E. Kelly, Dr. S. W. Greene, KANSAS. Dr. J. H. T. Johnson, Dr. S. M. Pratt, Springfield. Sterling. Sycamore. Taylorville. Toulon. Wataga. Woodhull. Brunswick. Crawfordsville. Elkhart. Fort Wayne. Goshen. Indianapolis. Jeffersonville. Kentland. Kokoma. Lafayette. Lawrenceburg. Richmond. Rochester. Union City. Vincennes. Algona. Avoca. Bevington. Burlington. Clinton. Corydon. Des Moines. Eldosa. Farmington. Fort Dodge. Iowa Falls. Keokuk. Knoxville. Lansing. Lyons. Magnolia. Manchester. Atchison. Hiawatha. Dr. R. L. Howard, Dr. R. B. Armstrong, Dr. J. R. Pirtle, KENTUCKY. Augusta. Covington. Louisville. LOUISIANA. Dr. Jules A. Mathieu, Dr. J. R. Perez, Dr. M. Andrews, New Orleans. Waterproof. MAINE. Dr. N. D. Skinner, Dr. J. B. Bell, Dr. Milton S. Briry, Dr. 0. M. Drake, Dr. 0. W. True, Dr. R. R. Williams, Dr. H. C. Bradford, Dr. A. B. Warren, Dr. D. C. Perkin, Dr. C. H. Burr, Dr. E. Clark, Dr. M. Dodge, Dr. H. B. Eaton, Dr. W. Watters, Dr. T. L. Bradford, Dr. W. S. Wright, Dr. N. G. H. Pulsifer, Auburn. Augusta. Bath. Ellsworth. Farmington. Gardiner. Lewiston. New Sharon. North Vassalboro. Portland. Rockport. Searsport. Skowhegan. Waterville. Dr. J. C. Benzinger, Dr. H. R. Fetterhoff, Dr. Elias C. Price, Dr. Thomas Shearer, Dr. Charles H. Thomas, Dr. J. G. Townsend, Dr. W. R. Way, Dr. A. A. Roth, Dr. A. Hammond, MARYLAND. Baltimore. Frederick. Hagerstown. MASSACHUSETTS. Otis Clapp & Son (4 copies), Dr. M. I. Safford Blake, Dr. Lewis Whiting, Dr. C. R. Upson, Dr. T. D. Stow, Dr. H. K. Bennett, Dr. D. B. Whittier, Dr. G. H. Smith, Dr. J. H. Woods, Dr. H. B. Cross, Dr. E. H. Packer, Dr. A. M. Cushing, Dr. M. V. B. Morse, Dr. J. H. Smith, Dr. G. F. Matthes, Dr. J. C. Van Rensselaer, Dr. G. R. Spooner, Dr. B. L. Couch, Dr. S. M. Cate, Dr. N. R. Morse, Dr. L. Corcoran, Dr. J. B. Cushing, Dr. J. W. Hayward, Dr. E. U. Jones, Dr. James Utley, Dr. E. P. Colby, Dr. H. A. Wilcox, Dr. M. G. Baker, Dr. J. Carmichael, Dr. W. B. Chamberlain, Boston. Danvers. East Hampton. Fall River. Fitchburg. Holyoke. Jamaica Plains. Lowell. Lynn. Marblehead. Melrose. New Bedford. North Adams. North Brookfield. Northampton. Salem. Springfield. Taunton. Wakefield. Winchendon. Worcester. MICHIGAN. Dr. Norman Johnson, Dr. P. F. Taylor, Dr. F. A. Benhara, Dr. V. Hayes, Bay City. Bellevue. Bronson. Cedar Springs. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 3 Dr. H. M. Broderick, Decatur. Detroit Homoeopathic College, Detroit. Dr. E. H. Drake, Detroit. Dr. E. D. Weed. Dowagiac. Dr. L. E. Haskin, Eagle. Dr. J. H. Vestey, East Saginaw. Dr. B. F. Pennock, Fenton. Drs. Prindle and Bowman, Grand Rapids. Dr. I. J. Whitfield, " Dr. H. Harris, Hillsdale. Dr. A. B. Cornell, Kalamazoo. Dr. M. Rorabacher, Litchfield. Dr. J. H. Smith, Lowell. Dr. T. Cleland, Jr., Midland City. Dr. F. B. Smith, Owasso. Dr. G. H. Clark, Paw Paw. Dr. C. M. Odell, " Dr. J. B. Silsby, Pinckney. Dr. W. W. Wilson, Rockford. Dr. C. H. Lutes, St. Louis. Dr. R. B. House, Tecumseh. Dr. George H. Carr, Whitehall. MINNESOTA. Dr. L. P. Foster, Hutchinson. Dr. W. H. Leonard, Minneapolis. Dr. P. Nelson, 1' Thomas Gardiner, (2 copies), Dr. D. H. Roberts, Owatonna. Dr. F. H. Roberts, Plainview. A. E. Higbee, Red Wing. Dr. J. M. Perrine, Ricefont. Dr. J. T. Alley, St. Paul. Drs. Sime and Putsch, MISSOURI. Dr. Francis E. Coffee, Avalon. Dr. D. D. Miles, Boonville. Dr. C. H. Baker, Kansas City. Dr. W. H. Jenney, l< Dr. G. K. Donnelly, Kidder. Dr. J. M. Larrabee, Rockport. Dr. N. Cash, St. Louis. Dr. Charles H. Goodman H. C. G. Luyties (6 copies), John W. Munson (6 copies), Dr. H. W. Westover, St. Josepn. Dr. W. C. P. Butman, Unionville. Dr. W. L. Hedges, Warrensburg NEBRASKA. Dr. J. M. Borghum, Dr. E. Lewis, Dr. 0. S. Wood, Omaha. Dr. J. H. Dr. B. G Dr. T. E NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord. Littleton. Gallinger, Carleton, Sanger, Dr. E. Custer, Dr. C. A. Norton, Dr. J. T. G. Emery, Dr. A. Kirkpatrick, Burlington. Dr. John H. Austin, Camden. Dr. H. Hull Cator, Dr. M. F. Middleton, Dr. L. R. Brown, Dr. D. A. Baldwin, Dr. B. H. Shivers, Dr. J. P. Johnson, Dr. Jac. Molz, Dr. H. Bowen, Dr. Thomas Howard, Jr Dr. C. W. Butler, Dr. L. Dennis, Dr. B. Franklin, N. J. Hom. Pharmacy (3 copies) Dr. William W. Tufts, Dr. J. L Seward, Dr. E. H. Phillips, Dr. T. Y. Kinne, Dr. C. E. Mervin, Dr. W. R. Gordon, Dr. John F. Musgrave, Dr. S. E. Allen, Dr. Isaac Cooper, Dr. J. M. Maul, Dr. E. R. Tuller, Elizabeth. Englewood. Haddonfield. Hightstown. Hoboken. Jersey City. Mt. Clair. Newark. Orange. Passaic. Paterson. Plninfield. Schraalenburg. Swedsboro. Trenton. Vineland. NEW YORK. Manchester. Portsmouth. Tuftenborough Corner. NEW JERSEY. Dr. Dr 0. H. Crosby. M. H. C. Woodruff, Atlantic City. Boonton. Dr. C. E. Goewey, Dr. N. Hunting, Dr. H. M. Paine, Dr. H. C. Coon, Dr. B. L Baylies, Dr. T. M. Strong, Dr. B. F. Grant, Dr. T. L. Brown, Dr. H. S. Sloan, Dr. N. K. Bennett, Dr. C. H. Bronson, Dr. John Butler, Dr. T. R. Coddington, Dr. J. V. Duffer, Dr. W. L. M. Fiske, Dr. S. S. Guy, Dr. W. H. Hanford, Dr. E. Hasbrouek, Dr. E. Hoffmann, Dr. S. H. Keep, Dr. H. S. Lassen, Dr. H. M. Lewis, Dr. E. Miner, I Dr. H. Minton, Dr. R. C. Moffat, Dr. E. T. Richardson, Dr. H. Saltzwedel, Dr. W. S. Searle, Dr. A. J. Watts, Dr. P. P. Wells, Dr. E. A. Whitney, Dr. R. H. Gregg, Dr. L. M. Kenyon, Dr. W. C. Cooke, Dr. L. A. Clark, Dr. A. E. Zeitler, Dr. Sanford Hoag, Dr. G. A. Gifford, Dr. H. E. Brown, Dr. W. J. Bryan, Dr. W. S. Purdy, Dr. Sheldon Hinman, Albany. Alfred Centre. Astoria. Aurora. Bath. Binghamton. Brooklyn. Buffalo. Butternuts. Cambridge. Camden. Canton. Clayville. Corning. Cortland. 4 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Dr. E. B. Nash, Dr. J. M. Dow, Dr. Isaac Miller, Dr. G. B. Palmer, Dr. J. L. Hammer, Dr. W. E. Richards, Dr. W. E. Deuel, Dr. W. L. Woodbury, Dr. James A. West, Dr. A. W. Holden, Dr. J. H. Eisenbrey, Dr. A. M. Woodruff, Dr. G. S. Farmer, Dr. A. B. Conger, Lee & Bro., Dr. L. D. Eaton, Dr. J. B. Westcott, Jr., Dr. J. W. Scott, Dr. C. J. Miller, Dr. Carroll Dunham (2 copies), Dr. H. A. Houghton, Dr. W. H. Tobey, Dr. A. P. Chalker, Dr. F. W. Ingalls, Dr. W. D. La Montanye, Dr. L. Shafer, Dr. J. R. Young, Dr. C. N. Guy, Dr. 0. D. Kingsley, Dr. J. H. Cossaart, Dr. J. D. Kaple, Dr. E. B. Warren, New York State Insane Asyl., Dr. F. M. Seward, Dr. Ira S. Bradner, Dr. J. M. Miller, Dr. H. M. Dayfoot, Dr. J. J. Mitchell, Dr. P. E. Arcularius, C. W. Baker, M. S., Dr. G. E. Baldwin, Dr. J. G. Baldwin, Dr. W. J. Baner, Dr. E. Bayard, Dr. G. E. Belcher, Dr. S. J. Birdsall, Dr. R. Blakelock, Dr. Mary E. Bond, Dr. C. Bossert, Dr. B. F. Bowers (2 copies), Dr. F. S. Bradford, Dr. Florence B. Bragg, Dr. S. P. Burdieck, Dr. Frances Burrett, Dr. E. Carleton, Jr., Dr. E. B. Cole, Dr. E. Cranch, Dr. L. L. Danforth, Dr. J. H. Demarest, Dr. J. W. Dowling, Mrs. Dr. W. Ensign, Dr. Mary H. Everett, Dr. H. N. Fairbank, Dr. A. C. Fletcher, Dr. E. P. Fowler, Dr. W. Freeman, Dr. Otto Fullgraff, A. M. Gamman, M. S., Dr. J. F. Gray, Dr. Frank K. Hill, Cortland. Dr. Alfred K. Hills, New York City. De Kalb. Dr. Arthur T. Hills, " Delhi. Dr. Thomas Houghton, " East Hamilton. C. F. Hurlburt (6 copies) " Ellenville. Dr. C. W. Jacoby, " Elmira. Dr. E. V. Jones, " Frankfort. Dr. B. F. Joslin, " Fulton. Dr. C. T. Liebold, " Genesee. Dr. J. Linsley, " Glen's Falls. Dr. Mary F. Mann, " Gloversville. Dr. Julius von Meyer, " Goshen. Dr. H. B. Millard, " Gouveneur. Ralph Morden, M. S., " Haverstraw. Dr. G. Newby, " Hempstead. N. Y. Ophthalmic Hospital, Homer. Dr. G. S. Norton, " Horse Head. Dr. Mary W. Noxon, •< Jamestown. Dr. J. T. O'Connor, " Johnstown. Rev. F. Oertel, " Irvington. Dr. H. D. Paine, " Keeseville. Dr. A. M. Pierson, Dr. M. Deschere, Kingston. Dr. W. M. Pratt. C. W. Riidway, M. S., Dr. A. Reisig, " George A. Routledge, M. S., Liverpool. Dr. C. P. Saxton, " Maine. L. W. Schmidt, " Marion. Dr. A. von Selmnitz-Stichweh, " Middlefield. Dr. D. Simmons, Dr. Henry M. Smith, Dr. E. R. Still, '•' Middletown. Dr. S. Swan, Dr. George H. Taylor, Dr. J. A. Terry, Morrisania. Dr. J. H. Thompson, " Mount Morris. Dr. V. Thompson, " Newburgh. Dr. Juan de la Torre, " New York City. Dr. E. West, \ " Dr. John McE. Wetmore, " Dr. J. R. Wood, " " Dr. A. M. Woodward, ■■ " Dr. W. White, " " Dr. P. H. Van Duzen, Newark. " Dr. J. T. Wallace, New Berlin. " Dr. M. J. Lincoln, Olean. " Dr. A. E. Wallace, Oneida. " Dr. A. B. Cossaart, Otego. " Dr. J. T. Greenleaf, Owego. " Rev. W. H. King, " " Dr. A. D. Truman, " " Dr. F. Tompkins, Penn Yan. " Dr. G. Smith, Phoenix. " Dr. C. H. Thompson, Pittsford. " Dr. B. B. Schenck, Plainville. " Dr. J. A. Biegler, Rochester. " Dr. D. J. Chaffee, " " Dr. R. Boocock, Rockville Centre " Dr. A. B. Southwick, Rome. " Dr. A. P. Chandler, Rondout. " Dr. E. A. Jaques, " " Dr. M. Montanye, " " Dr. J. M. Dart, Roxbury. " Dr. John J. Keator, " " Dr. E. W. Earle, Sandusky. " Dr. P. 0. C. Benson, Skaneateles. " Dr. M. M. Sperry, Springville. " Dr. G. H. Day, Stephenstown, " Dr. W. A. Hawley, Syracuse. " Dr. H. V. Miller, " LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 5 Dr. S. Seward, Dr. T. C. Fanning, Dr. G. Oehme, Dr. J. P. Bloss, Dr. C. H. Carpenter, Dr. E. S. Coburn, Dr. P. J. McCourt, Dr. Henry P. Holmes, Dr. F. L. Vincent. Dr. 0. W. Smith, Dr. C. E. Chase, Dr. M. M. Gardner, Dr. L. B. Wells, Dr. W. Baxter, Dr. S. C. Knickerbocker, Dr. W T. Laird, Dr. S. H. Talcott, Dr. G. H. Parsell, Syracuse. Tarrytown. Tompkinsville. Troy. Union Springs. Utica. Wappinger Falls. Watertown. Water ville. Weedsport. NORTH CAROLINA. Dr. S. B. Higgins, Dr. J. Tomline Walsh, OHIO. Dr. 0. S. Childs, Dr. E. T. Goucher, Dr. J. E. Atwood, Dr. J. S. Fisher, Dr. T. R. Sherburne, Dr. H. Wilson, Dr. E. P. Penfield, Dr. G. B. Rodgers, Dr. R. W. Walters, Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dr. W. H. Holcombe, Dr. E. Y. Howard, S. M. Betts & Co., Dr. A. C. McChesney, Dr. W. H. Slosson, Charlotte. Newbern. Akron. Alliance. Bellefontaine. Bucyrus. Chagrin Falls. Cincinnati. Dr. II. C. Frost. Cleveland. Dr. C. C. Olmsted, " Dr. C. H. Van Tagen, " Dr. W. M. Detweiler, Findley. Dr. S. M. Schell, Hamilton. Dr. S. A. Henderson, Kelley's Island. Dr. W. L. Day, Manchester. Dr. A. A. Harding, Nevada. Dr. J. J. Frey, New Bremen. Dr. D. W. Sturkey, North Amherst Dr. G. Steadman, " Dr. W. A. Oliver, Pioneer. Dr. J. Goucher, Ravenna. Dr. E. Gillard, Sandusky. Dr. G. A. Gordon, " Dr. H. Ring, Urbana. Dr. G. W. Storm, Willoughby. OREGON. Dr. W. G. Jones, Albany. Dr. F. C. Paine, Salem. PENNSYLVANIA. Dr. J. F. Cooper (2 copies), Alleghany. Dr. W. H. Willard, Dr. Z. T. Miller, " Dr. J. L. Corbin, Athens. Dr. M. J. Buck, Carrolltown. Dr. Chas. Bond, Dr. B. Bowman, Dr. J. Y. Reed, Dr. C Preston, Dr. E. M. Scheurer, Dr. P. S. Duff, Dr. E. E. Harpell, Dr. F. E. Harpell, Dr. J. Stewart Leech, Dr. Thos. C. Bunting, Dr. C. N. Moore, Dr. Jas. J. Oatman, Dr. W. J. Blakely, Dr. R. Faulkner, Dr. R. Lewis, Dr. M. M. Walker, Dr. R. Bruce Johnstone, Dr. E. A. Wareheim, Dr. R. F. Krebs, Dr. J. Nelson Clark, Dr. M. Friese, Dr. E. Lippincott, Dr. N. May, Dr. J. K. Lee. Dr. W. H. Kern, Dr. W. B. Trites. Dr. W. F. Hocking, Dr. J. Whiteley, Dr. A. C. Davis, Dr. James 0. H. Banks, Dr. H. S. Campbell, Dr. S. M. Cleveland, Dr. P. Dudley, Dr. J. R. Earhart, Dr. E. A. Farrington, Dr. A. Fellger, Dr. Harriet S. French, Dr. R. Gardiner, Dr. 0. B. Gause, Dr. Jos. M. Gerhart, Dr. F. B. Gilbert, Dr. W. C. Goodno, Dr. G. E. Gramm. Dr. H. N. Guernsey, Dr. C. Hering, Dr. L. Hoopes, Dr. Geo. Hosfeld, Dr. John E. James, Dr. Aug. Korndoerfer, Dr. John D. Leckner, Dr. Ad. Lippe, Dr. H. Noah Martin, Dr. J. W. Metcalf, Dr. C. S. Middleton, Dr. C. Mohr, Jr.. Dr. Chas. A. R. Moore, Dr. John C. Morgan, Dr. C. Neidhard, Dr. C. R. Norton, Dr. S. Pancoast, Dr. Pierson, Dr. Daniel R. Posey, Dr. E. J. Pusey, Dr. C. G. Raue, Dr. A. C. Rembaugh, Dr. Sarah T. Rogers, Dr. R. Sargent. Dr. Harriet J. Sartain, Dr. Edw. P. Small, Dr. C. Carleton Smith, Chambersburg. Chester. Clearfield. Coyleville. Crabtree. Danville. Downington. E. Mauch Chunk. East Springfield. Ebensburg. Brie. Frankford. Germantown. Glen Rock. Hamburg. Harrisburg. Hazleton. Holmesburg. Johnstown. McKeesport. Manayunk. New Castle. Oil City. Petrolia. Philadelphia. 6 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Edw. M. Smith, R. C. Smith, T. Hart Smith, W. Stiles, T. M. Thatcher, A. R. Thomas, Emil Tietze, L. G. Vinal, W. K. Williams, M. S. Williamson, Geo. W. Wilson, J. S. Wright, W. M. Zerns, J. C. Burgher, D. Cowley, J. T. Cooper, H. Hofman, J. H. McClelland, W. F. H. O'Keefe, C C. Rinehart, B. Becker, S. R. Rittenhouse, B H. Spooner, C. A. Stevens, J. Deetrick, E. N. Harpell, A. Parsons, C. B. Dreher, G. M. Goetz. C. H. Lee, J. G. Gilchrist, C. F. Canfield, I. J. Mechem, A. B. Bowie, G. C. McDermott, J. B. Wood, Jeremiah W. Brickley, B. F. Reich, Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Pottsville. Reading. Scranton. Sharpsburg. Shenandoah. Springboro. Tamaqua. Tarentum. Tidioute. Titusville. Uniontown. Warren. West Chester. York. RHODE ISLAND. Dr. A. F. Squier, Newport. Dr. J. A. Chase, Pawtucket. Dr. G. F. Butman, Providence. Dr. W. A. Gottschalck, Dr. D. Hicks, Dr. C. P. Loring, Miss M. H. Mowry, M.D., " Dr. G. S. Stevens, TENNESSEE, Dr. J. H. Morgan, Knoxville. Dr. W. D. Gentry, Memphis. Dr. J. W. Buddeke, Nashville. Dr. J. P. Dake, Dr. W. G. Mackenzie, Sweetwater. TEXAS. Dr. F. Beaumont, ' Dallas. Drs. E. P. and J. Angell, UTAH. Dr. H. C. Hullinger, VERMONT. Dr. D. Dr. H. Dr. L. Dr. 0. Dr. C. Dr. J. Dr. C. Dr. M. Dr. C. Dr. A. Dr. J. Dr. M. Dr. M. P. Dearborn, Tucker, Worcester, A. Bennis, H. Glidden, Lance, B. Currier, J. Bixby, H. Colburn, A. Arthur, M. Van Deusen, W. Hill, L. Scott, Galveston. Salt Lake City. Brattleboro. Burlington. Craftsbury. Marshfield. Middlebury. Orange. Springfield. Vergennes. Waitsfield. Waterbury. West Randolph. VIRGINIA. Dr. J. H. Patten, Richmond. WEST VIRGINIA. Dr. S. C. Bosley, Lost Creek. Dr. M. L. Casselberry, Morgantown. Dr. Emil Y. Hennig, Wheeling. WISCONSIN. Dr. W. H. Wilson, Dr. E. B. Thomas, Dr. D. Silliman, Dr. W. J. Clary, Dr. H. P. Gatchell, Dr. N. A. Pennoyer, Drs. Ober and Shepard, Dr. C. L. Hart, Dr. Jos. Lewis, Dr. A. Liliencrantz, Dr. C. D. Stanhope, Dr. F. B. Righter, Dr. J. J. Herrick, Dr. R. R. Bourn, Dr. I. T. C. Meade, Dr. Thos. Gillespie, Byron. Dodge Corners. Hudson. Kenosha. La Crosse. Madison. Milwaukie. Monroe. Necedah. River Falls. Tunnel City. Woodworth. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Dr. W. W. Bennitt, Washington. Dr. J S. Delavan, " E. J. McPherson &Co. (2copies), " Dr. C. W. Sonnenschmidt, LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 7 FOREIGN. DOMINION OF CANADA. Dr. Allan Noxon, Bloomfield Dr. C. H. Allen, Brantford. Dr. J. J. Lancaster, London. Dr. H. Dupre Le Capellain, Montreal. Dr. Fr. Mueller, " Dr. Thos. Nichols, " Dr. John Wanless, " Dr. G. Logan, Ottawa. Dr. C. T. Mitchell, Paris. Dr. P. Bender, Quebec. Dr. G. G. Gale, " Dr. G. F. Cameron, Toronto. Dr John Hall, " Dr. John F. Wage, " NOVA SCOTIA. Dr. H. H. Read, Dr. A. H. Woodill, Halifax. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Dr. 0. S. Cummings, Honolulu. ENGLAND. Dr. E. W. Berridge, London. Dr. E. R. B. Reynolds, " Dr. R. W. Theobald, Dr. J. W. Von Tunzelmann, H. Turner & Co. (18 copies), Dr. Adrian Stokes, Southport. Dr. J. M. Galloway, South Shields Dr. Wm. Rowbothom, Woolwich. FRANCE. Dr. Fernand Chauvet, Tours. Dr. H. Portier, Rue le Prince. Paris. Dr. Charles Heermann, ^ 1 * jSk i ivnoiivn sNiDiasw do Aavaan ivnoiivn 3NiDiaaw do Aavaan ivnoiivn 3nioici3w do Aavaan ivnoiivn sni = MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NA y\ IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W dO Aavaan IVNOIIVN 31- i ivnoiivn SNiDiasw do Aavaan ivnoiivn _ 3Ni3ia3w do Aavaan ivnoiivn 3Ni3ia3w do Aavaan IVNOIIVN 3NI IBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LI 3F MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NA' an ivnoiivn SNiDiasw do Aavaan ivnoiivn 3nidiq3w do Aavaan ivnoiivn 3nidio3w do Aavaan ivnoiivn sn 3F MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NA 3b& t £rl/\ % ^nS^ | 0y^ | 2 ^'^±\;>/ in ivnoiivn 3NiDia3W do Aavaan ivnoiivn snidiosw do Aavaan ivnoiivn snioiosw do Aavaan ivnoiivn 3n v 'F MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE & &rv | f^ JV> E y bNAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATION Q asw do Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw do Aavaan ivnoiivn snioiosw do Aavaan ivnouvn snidio = \ AQk\ * ask / _ _= f -T2k ? Jaqk / = / 1" v )NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATION cnw do Aavaan tvnouvn snioicisw do Aavaan ivnouvn snioicisw do Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio INAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATION Q3w do Aavaan tvnouvn dNiDiasw do Aavaan tvnouvn 3noiq3w do Aavaan tvnouvn snioiq; •r*Y § 'n^tii^W. )NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATION, I /^. ,4 Q3w do Aavaan tvnouvn / ? x JSP s. ^mk'-s I V-WS 3NiDiaaw do Aavaan ivnouvn snidktsw do Aavaan tvnouvn snidio; NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATION/ ZpM, i Ijim --f®. 3NIDIQ3W do Aavaan tvnouvn 3nioio3w do Aavaan ivnouvn snidici