Manual of Treatment Active Princip* & ANO '"pf f Remedies* W A U O H , MANUAL OF TREATMENT -BY- Active Principles, Concentrations, and New Remedies. -BY- WILLIAM F. WAUGH, A.M., M.D., zz z Honorary Professor of Clinical Medicine. Medico-Chirurgical College ; Secretary of Section of Medicine, 9th Inter- national Medical Congress, etc., etc. PHILADELPHIA: ' Published by The Medical Press Company, IrmitedT* 1893- COPYRIGHTED BY WIIJJAM F. WAUGH, i893- PREFACE. r» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 qpj LU HE rapidity with which the Outline of Dosimetric Practice was taken up has compelled me, in less than a year, to prepare a more extended work upon the same lines. The material of the Outline is included in the Manual, but the additions so far outweigh the original matter as to constitute a new book. In this little volume I have endeavored to bring together as many therapeutic suggestions as I could collect. The works of Ringer, War- ing, *Brunton, Trousseau, /Jubler, Shoemaker, Potter, and have been gleaned ; and this general acknowledgment must be taken in lieu of specific references, which, in a work of this kind, would take up too much space. The book may b'e'tcmsidered a collection of specific indications for the use of remedial agents, which, at some future day, may be elaborated into a system. The dosimetric sys- 3 tem, by familiarizing the profession with the use of active principles, has done much in fur- thering this cause. Specific medication pre- supposes specific diagnosis, and thus two objects are accomplished by the use of these instru- ments of precision. It is, in fact, the substitu- tion of the rifle, with its accuracy of aim and certainty of results, for the shotgun of general principles. Many drugs, too valuable to be discarded, have not yet been presented to us in the form of active principles. I have included these, and many salts, in my list. The limits of the work compel me to restrict it to such remedies as can be administered in the form of granules. It is not intended for a complete treatise on practice. Indications which appear of doubtful value are placed in parenthesis; the reader getting the suggestion, to be tested if he desires. All items not in parenthesis are from good authori- ties, or based on evidently reasonable grounds. To avoid confusion between the preparations, the alkaloids, glucosides, resins, neutral prin- ciples and concentrations, are designated by appropriate abbreviations. Remedies intended to be given in unison are bracketed. Where a number of drugs is mentioned, the note as to their use applies to all in the group. When a drug has been recommended without 4 any specification, it is simply named at the end of the list. In conclusion, I desire to urge upon my readers the importance of putting these indica- tions to the test and recording the results. If the active practitioners of this country were to do this, confirming, rejecting, adding to, par- ticularizing, these practical suggestions, we would see the system of practical therapeusis coming into existence that every one desires; where certainty would take the place of the present vague and experimental methods. 5 DRUGS: ACTION AND USES. ABSINTHIN. (Neu.) Spinal stimulant ; restores appetite and re- lieves constipation, especially in convalescence ; checks the diarrhea of relaxation ; anthel- mintic. Dose: Grammes, 0.06 to 0.12 ; grains, 1 to 2, before meals. Maximum daily dose, 0.35, or 6 grains. ACETANILID. Employed to reduce sthenic fever; to relieve any pain of nervous origin ; chorea ; diabetes insipidus ; rheumatism ; epilepsy. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.3 ; grains, 2 to 5, every hour or two. For hyperpyrexia or sunstroke, 1.0, or 15 grains. For hypodermic use, dissolve in chloroform water Maximum daily dose, 2.0, or 30 grains. ACONITINE. (Aik.) For vomiting of pregnancy; to reduce the fever of local inflammations; for nervous or hypertrophic palpitation ; headache ; facial neuralgia ; toothache ; noises in the ear; zoster; to restore menstruation checked by cold; men- orrhagia ; for fever of asthenic type with capil- lary stasis ; for tonsillitis ; catarrhal laryngitis ; catarrh of any portion of the intestine from catching cold ; congestion of brain; (coma ; excessive excretion, as in summer complaint). Dose : CrystalFzed, grammes, 0.000065 J grains, 1-1,000, not more than five times in twenty-four hours. 7 Amorphous, grammes, 0.000065 ! grains, 1-1,000, every half to 2 hours; or, if administered by the doctor, every 10 minutes till the fever is broken. ADONIDIN. (Glu.) Raises arterial tension, regulates and slows the heart, increases urine secretion, and re- moves dropsy ; often irritates the stomach ; re- lieves pains of heart disease ; may be used when digitalis fails. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.01 ; grains, 1-12 to 1-6, every half hour for pain ; every two hours otherwise. 2ESCULIN. (Glu.) (From aesculus hippocastanum.) For malarial remittent; bitter tonic ; (for hemorrhoids, feeble heart, capillary stasis, ten- dency to congestion). Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.3 ; grains, 1% to 5, twice daily AGARICIN. (Glu.) For night sweats ; obstinate malarial affec- tions ; chronic jaundice; hectic; mental dis- orders with feeble cerebral circulation ; cerebral anemia or passive congestion. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.01; grains, 1-12 to 1-6, to be taken six hours before the time for the sweating to begin. Increase the dose if not effectual ALETRIN. (Con.) For dropsy, chronic rheumatism ; tonic, es- pecially to reproductive organs; bitter stom- achic ; (for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, dyspep- sia, menorrhagia, sterility ; to prevent abortion ; to render labor easy). Dose: Grammes, 0.03 to o.c6; grains, 1-2 to 1, before meals, as tonic; more frequently for rheuma- tism or dropsy. 8 ALNUIN. (Con.) To clear the complexion of women who are sallow, except when menstruating. Increases waste and stimulates digestion ; for eczema and superficial skin diseases generally. It probably washes out the products of w'aste, and increases the solid constituents of the urine. (Alterative, styptic, emmenagogue, resolvent, tonic astringent. For scrofula, skin diseases, rheumatism, hemorrhages, syphilis, imperfect digestion). Dose : Grammes, o.i to 0.5 ; grains, 1-6 to I, twice a day. ALOIN. Increases intestinal secretion and peristalsis, of large intestine, especially rectum ; increases bile; only acts with bile present; acts in 12 to 24 hours; useful for amenorrhea ; chronic con- stipation ; relaxed hemorrhoids ; feeble innerva- tion in the obese or plethoric. Dose: Grammes, 0.005 to 0.015 ; grains, 1-12 to 1-4, before each meal, gradually reduced. AMMONIUM BENZOATE. For bronchorrhea, and cases where bronchi are loaded with secretion not thrown off". Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.2 ; grains, 1-6 to 3, every hour or two. AMMONIUM IODIDE. For syphilis ; scrofula ; glandular swellings ; persistent headache with dull eyes, expression- less face, feeble circulation, of full habit; stimu- lant expectorant. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.15; grains, 1-6 to 2, every one to three hours. 9 AMPELOPSIN. (Con.) (Feeble alterative, diuretic, expectorant, anti- syphilitic, astringent, tonic; acting specifically on the lymphatics, giving them tone ; increas- ing urine and bile ; for scrofula, skin diseases, bronchitis, asthma, dropsy, syphilis, rheuma- tism, leucocythemia, leucorrhea and innutri- tion). Dose : Grammes, o.i to 0.3 ; grains, 11-2 to 5, two or more times, daily. AMYGDALA AMARA OIL. Sedative to heart, lungs and stomach; for cough, irritable stomach, hectic, and other symp- toms of advanced phthisis. The oil has the therapeutic effect of hydrocyanic acid, and is preferable, as less likely to become inert. It is not uniform, and the dose must be found by careful testing. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.05 ; grains, 1-12 to 1, frequently repeated. ANEMONINE. (Aik.) For catarrhal fever; coryza ; pertussis; the pain of orchitis ; spasmodic or irritative cough ; amaurosis, amblyopia, and corneal albugo, with rheumatic or gouty diathesis; a powerful em- menagogue, when the menses cease from cold ; asthma ; nervous irritability, enuresis, spasms, and diarrhea. Dose : Grammes, 0.001 to 0.0025 ; grains, 167 to 1-27, every ten minutes for pain; less frequently for chronic affections. APOCYNIN. (Con.) Emeto-cathartic in large doses ; diuretic and diaphoretic ; anthelmintic to ascarides; for dys- 10 pepsia, scrofula or rheumatism; (expectorant; for dropsy from atony of vessels, with no obstruc- tion or fever; passive menorrhagia, flow too long, too free, and too often ; rheumatism with oedema ; chronic metritis with leucorrhea ; in- creases tissue-waste, and solid constituents of urine ; for phthisis, atony of stomach, kidneys or lacteals, convalescence of typhoid and other fevers, dysentery and other local inflammations). Dose : Grammes, 0.005 ; grains, 1-12, every half hour for acute, every two hours for chronic cases. APOMORPHINE. (Aik.) Emetic; acting speedily, even hypodermically, leaving no nausea; increases bronchial secre- tion ; relaxes asthmatic seizures; one of the best expectorants in acute respiratory catarrhs, especially with tightness and dyspnea. Dose : Grammes; as emetic, 0.01; grains, 1-6 ; as orant, 0.001, or 167 grain, repeated frequently . ARBUTIN. (Glu.) Astringent; restrains albuminuria and in- creases urine; used in catarrhs of the genito- urinary tract; (for feeble circulation and inner- vation of urinary tract; weight and dragging in perineum, not due to enlarged prostate, is the best indication). Dose : Grammes, 0.1; grains, 1 1 2, every one to three hours. ARISTOEOCHIN. (Con.) Stimulant tonic, diaphoretic and diuretic; useful in atonic dyspepsia; chronic rheumatism ; nervous depression ; relaxed skin ; cold extremi- ties; cold sweat; embarrassed respiration and 11 deglutition ; (stimulant to skin, increasing secre- tion ; for weight and dragging on loins, scanty urine -with triple phosphates ; fullness of chest). Dose : Grammes, 0.03 ; grains, 1-2, before each meal. ARNICIN. (Glu.) Stimulant to mucosa, to peristalsis and secre- tion ; cerebral stimulant; for deficient innerva- tion, in advanced stages of disease, with feeble breathing and consequent insomnia, want of control over bowels and bladder; backache, weakness and soreness in lumbar region; asthenic pneumonia with w'eak circulation. Dose : Grammes, 0.01; grains, 1-6, every half to two hours. ARSENIC. Improves nutrition; stops glycogen forma" tion ; increases tissue waste ; increases appetite and pulse; lessens blood-pressure; anti-spas- modic, allays gastric pain and vomiting, in irrita- tive dyspepsia, gastralgia, heartburn, drunkards' vomiting, gastric ulcer or cancer, rumination, lienteric diarrhea; used for nervous debility, scaly skin diseases, especially chronic forms; chronic pulmonary consolidation; irregular forms of malaria ; chronic or gouty rheumatism ; neuralgia, especially cardiac, tic and hemi- crania ; angina pectoris, in intervals; chorea : epilepsy ; pertussis ; asthma ; hay fever ; sneez- ing ; chronic bronchitis with profuse sputa; non-febrile catarrhs ; beginning phthisis. For gastralgia or lienteric diarrhea, give very small doses when the stomach is empty; for general effect, give just after meals, full doses. For masked or latent malaria, give all that can be borne. Symptoms denoting full effect are 12 itching eyelids; or tongue, thin white silvery coat, or red with enlarged papillae; failing appetite ; colicky pains, with diarrhea. Any of these are warnings to lessen the dose or stop altogether. Nervous erethism contraindicates arsenic. Doses : Arsenic Chloride, grammes, 0.0005 to 0.002; grains, 1-134 to 1-33, for interstitial Bright's disease, diabetes mellitus. Arsenic Sulphide, grammes, 0.001 to 0.002 ; grains, 1-67 to 1-33, for acne, boils, carbuncles, abscesses, to abort suppuration, for gonorrhea, pulmonary abscess. Arsenite Copper, grammes, 0.00005 to 0.001; grains, 1-1333 to 1-67, for stomach and bowel disorders. Arsenious Acid, grammes, 0.0005 to 0.005 after meals ; grains, 1.134 to 1-12, for malaria and for general use. Arseniate Antimony, grammes, 0.001 to 0.002 ; grains 1-67 to 1-33, for subacute bronchitis. Arseniate Caffeine, grammes, 0.001 ; grains, 1-67, every hour or two, for heart pains in advanced heart or kid- ney disease. « Arseniate Iron, grammes, 0.001 to o 003 ; grains, 167 to 1-22, for anemia or chlorosis, amenorrhea, malarial toxemia. Arseniate Potassium, grammes, 0.001 to 0.005i grains> 1-67 to 1-12, for skin diseases, or ague after chills have been broken. Arseniate Quinine, grammes, 0.001 to 0.005 ! grains, 1 67 to 1-12, for malaria, fever, debility from suppuration, hectic, periodic neuralgia. Arseniate Sodium, grammes, 0.001 to 0.002; grains, 1-67 to 1-33, for neuralgias, and when other arsenics disagree. Arseniate Strychnine, grammes, 0.0005; grains, 1-134, every 1 to 3 hours, to jugulate acute fevers, local or general, and as nerve and heart tonic. Arsenic Bromide, grammes, 0.001 to 0.005; grains, 1-67 to 1-12, for epilepsy. Arsenic Iodide, grammes 0.0005 to 0.002; grains, 1-134 to 1-33, for scrofula, syphilis, glandular or pneumonic infiltration, cheesy phthisis. 13 ASCLEPIDIN. (Con.) Diaphoretic expectorant; emeto-cathartic in large doses; for local congestion, bronchitis, catarrhs (pneumonia, pleurisy, diarrhea, acute or chronic rheumatism, asthma, a feeble child's remedy for slight febrile attacks, hepatic de- rangements, constipation, pertussis, hysteria, menstrual disorders, especially for serous in- flammations, flatulent colic, fever of dysentery). Dose : Grammes, o.oi to 0.03; grains 1-6 to 1-2, every half hour as expectorant, or in acute cases; every two hours in rheumatism or in chronic cases. ASPARAGIN. (Cryst.) Stimulant diuretic. Dose : Grammes, 0.001 to 0.005 J grains, 1-67 to 1-12, every half hour. ASPIDOSPERMINE. (Aik.) For dyspnea of emphysema, asthma and phthisis; increases respiratory force ; for bron- chorrhea, bronchiectasis, old ulcers, chronic skin diseases with feeble circulation. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 J grains, 1-12, every 15 minutes till relief occurs in dyspnea ; less frequently in other cases. ATROPINE. (Aik.) Local and general anodyne ; checks bronchial secretion, gland secretion, and sweating; is given for ptyalism, chronic constipation, colic, lead colic, asthma, renal and biliary colic, pal- pitation from cardiac strain, angina pectoris, enuresis, coryza, acute catarrhs in general, ir- ritable bladder, frontal headache, urticaria, an- tidote to opium, physostigma and chloroform (for capillary congestion, especially in children, 14 with dull, stupid face, drowsy, sleeping with eyes partly open, pupils dilated or immobile, with blood poorly aerated ; diabetes insipidus). For cases of sunstroke, with contracted pupil, little fever, so that neither antipyretics nor stimulants are clearly indicated. Dose : Grammes, 0.000125 to 0.0007 > grains, 1-500 to 1 100, repeated until throat becomes dry or pupils dilate. It is best given in a single, full dose, once daily. BAPTISIN. (Glu.) Cholagogue ; emeto-cathartic in large doses, laxative and tonic in small ; used in scarlatina, typhoid, gangrene, diphtheria, dysentery, ery- sipelas, hepatic affections; it may cause abor- tion. (A dusky, purplish hue of face, tongue, fauces, throat or chest; with enfeebled capillary circulation, tendency to ulceration, are said to indicate baptisin. Sluggish or unhealthy ul- ceration about the mouth or throat, and typhoid ulcers, or any cases showing a tendency to pu- trescence, call for its local and general use. It is not suited to active inflammations. So also in dysentery ; it is not for acute forms.) Dose : Grammes, 0.02 ; grains, 1-3, as tonic ; grammes, 0.1 ; grains, 1 1-2, as laxative; grammes, 0.2; ■ grains, 3, as emetic. Baptisin (Con.), grammes, 0.05 to 0.2; grains, 1 to 3. BARIUM CHLORIDE. Slows and steadies the heart, increases blood- pressure, heart-strokes propel more blood. For all forms of cardiac weakness; varicose veins > for scrofula, cheesy phthisis, cancer ; (inelastic dirty skin, enlarged lymphatics, feeble respira- tion). Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grain, 1, thrice daily. 15 BAROSMIN. (Con.) Tonic, diuretic, diaphoretic, stimulant to bladder mucosa, expectorant in chronic bron- chitis ; given for diarrhea and dysentery, and chronic cystitis ; to increase water discharge by kidneys ; for gravel, hematuria, prostatitis, gleet, leucorrhea, gout. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to o 2 grains, 1 to 3, four times daily. BENZOATE SODIUM. For tubercular phthisis, as inhalant; diph- theria, scarlatina, quinsy, epidemic dysentery ; for nephritis and albuminuria with pale tongue. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.5 ; grains, 1 to 7 1 2, two or more times daily. BENZOIC ACID. Antiseptic, local stimulant; stimulating ex- pectorant, lessening secretion ; diuretic, acidu- lating urine ; for bronchorrhea, cystitis with a'kaline urine ; for irritable bladder with de- posits of uric acid or phosphates ; irritation of sympathetic or spinal nerves, with uric deposits ; cerebral exhaustion with phosphuria, from over mental work or worry. Dose : Grammes, 0.1; grains, 1 1-2, every hour or two. BERBERINE. (Aik.) • For enlarged spleen, dilatation of stomach or bowels; tonic, increases appetite, laxative, chola- gogue; for scrofula, gland diseases, hemorrhoids, morbid and critical discharges; menorrhagia with profuse flow, recurring too frequently ; dry catarrhs, dry skin diseases, deficient secre- tion of gastric, intestinal, pancreatic or hepatic glands ; one of the best bitter tonics. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.2 ; grains, 1-6 to 3, before meals. 16 betol. Antiseptic, antipyre'tic; for cystitis, articular rheumatism. Dose : Grammes, 0.3 to 0.5 ; grains, 5 to 7 12, repeated every four hours. BISMUTH SALICYLATE. Intestinal antiseptic; for typhoid fever, epi- demic cholera, dilatation of the stomach, gastric catarrh, cholera infantum, cholera morbus, fer- mentation or mycotic action in the intestinal canal. Dose : Grammes,0.25 ; grains,4, everyone to threehours. BISMUTH SUBNITRATE. For gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, waterbrash, diarrhea, dysentery, gastro-intes- tinal disorders due to cold or to teething, gastric ulcer, alcoholic gastritis. Dose: Grammes, o.i ; grains, 1 1-2, every ten minutes till relieved. BREINE. (Aik.) Hemostatic, for hemoptisis, hematoma, post- partum hemorrhage; for rheumatism, serous collections in the joints or serous cavities; per- tussis ; febrile affections of the heart. Dose: Grammes, o.oi to 0.02; grains, 1-6 to 1-3, daily in divided doses. BRUCINE. (Aik.) Spinal stimulant; heart and lung tonic ; acts like strychnine, but less powerfully, and is eliminated sooner. One of our best nerve tonics in neurasthenia, nervous debility or re- 17 laxation from any cause; for depression follow- ing disuse of alcohol. Dose : Grammes, o.ooi to 0.005; grains, 1-67 to 1-12, as required. BRYONIN. (Con.) Active purgative and diuretic; for dropsies, rhematism ; (pain in right side of face and head, burning in eyes and nose, acrid nasal discharge ; pulse full and hard, urine scanty, bowels con- stipated ; short cough, with no disease to cause it; pain, rheumatic or otherwise, in serous membranes;) for alcoholic gastro-intestinal atony; deficient intestinal secretion, costive- ness, late stages of pleurisy. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 ; grains, 1 12, every half hour till purging occurs. CACTINE. (Aik.) Increases strength of heart-beat and arterial tension, and reflex excitability ; given for palpi- tation, nervous cardiac atony without valvular lesions, tobacco heart; can be given for long periods ; (regulates the heart without depressing and improves nutrition of heart and brain, re- moves at once the feeling of weight and depres- sion at heart, with difficult breathing and sense of impending danger; increasing waste, its con- tinued use removes morbid deposits). Dose : Grammes, o.ooi ; grains, 1-67, every four hours. CADMIUM SULPHATE. Astringent. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 ; grains, 1 12, as needed. CAFFEINE. (Aik.) Stimulant to brain ; preventing sleep ; increas- ing muscular force ; large doses cause delirium and cerebral congestive symptoms ; depress res. 18 piration and lower blood-pressure; pulse becom- ing weak and irregular ; causes hemorrhoids ; used in migraine, when pain appears to be within the head, with no external tenderness; for cardiac dropsy ; diuretic even when kidneys or heart are in advanced disease ; a good alter- nant with digitalis; lowers fever in typhoid; useful stimulant in epidemic and infants' cholera. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grains, 1, thrice daily or ofterer. CAFFEINE VALERIANATE. To restore nervous equilibrium, after sudden excitement, shock, distress, or emotion of any sort; for lighter dysmenorrheic pains, nervous headaches, insomnia of mental worry, or of later stages of heart, kidney or liver diseases. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 1-6, repeated every quarter hour if needed. CAJUPUT OIL. Powerful stimulant, antispasmodic ; for flatu- lence ; neuralgia; hysteria; chronic rheumatism ; cramps ; cholera morbus ; sudden attacks due to catching cold ; colic ; diarrhea ; dysentery ; chills ; collapse ; syncope. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 6 to 3, repeated frequently. CALABARINE. (Aik.) Tetanizaut, causing convulsions. CALCIUM CHLORIDE. For Struma, especially of bone. Dose : Grammes, 0.06 to 0.3 ; grains, 1 to 5 19 CALCIUM IODIDE. For scrofula ; syphilis ; fibroid phthisis ; all wasting affections with cachexia, malarial, mercurial, or saturnine. Dose: Grammes, o.oi to 0.05 ; grains, 1-6 to 1, three or more times daily. CALCIUM LACTOPHOSPHATE. To repair tissue-waste, and give stability to cells ; for all hemorrhages due to feeble cell- structure, this supplies the needed strength ; for scrofula ; chronic glandular disease ; tendency to phthisis or other causes of decline ; convales- cence from protracted fevers ; nervous debility. There are few cases of lowered vitality of the chronic type in which this salt should not be given, in addition to the other remedies indi- cated. As it is intended to influence the tissues by supplying material for cell-building, the ef- fects are only produced after long administra- tion, but are quite permanent. True calcium lactophosphate is freely soluble in water, and for this reason is preferred to the hypophosphite. D. se : Gramme«, 0.1 ; grains, 1 12, three to six times daily CALCIUM SULPHIDE. To abort gonorrhea, boils, abscesses, quinsy, and other suppurations. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 ; grains, 1 12, three to twelve times a day. CALENDULIN. (Con.) (For hepatic or visceral congestion, with sen- sations of fullness, weight and dragging; anti- spasmodic ; emmenagogue ; for struma ) Dose : Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 1-6 and upwards. 20 CALOMEL. For biliousness ; offensive diarrhea; vomit- ing, especially from eating spoiled food ; syphi" lis ; cardiac dropsy; stimulates duodenum and jejunum, both secretion and peristalsis; corrects offensive stools; causes absorption of exuda- tions ; increases action of diuretics; in small doses, below salivation, it quickens all the vital functions, mental and physical, washes out effete matter, stimulates all secretions, as well as the appetite and digestion, and increases waste as well. Dose : Grammes, o.ooi, to 0.5 ; grains, 1-67 to 7 1-2, ac- cording to use sought. For cathartic action, the full dose, followed bj a salit e. For vomiting, grammes, 0.005 ; grains, 1 12, every half hour. For fetid stools, grammes, 0.005 I grains, 1 12, every four hours. For syphilis, or to remove exudations or other morbid products, give grammes, 0.005; grains, 1-12, often enough to get the utmost effect without touching the salivation point. For biliousness, grammes, 0.001 ; grains, 1 67, every hour for six doses, followed by a saline laxative. CALUMBIN. (Neutral.) For loss of appetite, nausea from atony, atonic dyspepsia, diarrhea from relaxation, constipation from deficient intestinal tone, or for flatulence. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.1 ; grains, 16 to 1 1-2, before meals ; the smaller dose every two hours fo: nausea. CAMPHOR MONOBROMID. Favors sleep, reduces temperature, respiration and pulse; recommended for insomnia, chorea, hysteria, delirium tremens, pertussis, lumbago, 21 spermatorrhea ; contra-indicated in gastric irri- tation. Dose : Grammes, o.i to 9.5 ; grains, 1 1-2 to 7 1-2, three times a day. CANELLIN. (Con.) Aromatic bitter tonic ; for atonic dyspepsia; anorexia of pregnancy ; has been given for gout and rheumatism. Dose: Grammes, 0.01 to 0.1; grains, 1-6 to 1 1-2, before meals. CANNABIN. (Res.) To replace morphine with habitues; for men- tal derangement, especially mania ; neuralgia ; spasmodic cough ; asthma; menorrhagia ; mi- graine and constant headache; for cough due to sense of tickling in the throat; to relieve last stage of phthisis ; for pain due to nerve disturb- ance; to relieve migraine with hemianopsia, given with gelsemium, followed by small doses of cannabis alone, to prevent recurrence; to quiet tremors of paralysis agitans; spasm of bladder; sexual impotence due to coldness or torpor; insomnia due to pain and nervousness combined; headache at menopause, or to eye- strain ; asthma; whooping-cough ; dysmenor- rhea ; chronic metritis; prevents chordee, in later stages; tetanus; delirium tremens ; in- fant's convulsions; to hasten uterine contrac- tions, ip atony ; doubtful aphrodisiac. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.05 ; grains, 1-6 to 1, every two hours. CANTHARIDATE POTASSIUM. Eiebreich's remedy for tuberculosis, especially for the cough of the first period; be careful 22 to avoid irritating the kidneys; small doses check hematuria; it is useful when acute des- quamative nephritis has subsided, but a little blood and albumen remains; for incontinence of urine; chordee. Dose : Grammes, o.ooi; grains, 1-67, hypodermically, in- creased to 0.002, grain, 1-33,every alternate day. Internally, for urinary affections 0.000125 to 0.00025, grain 1-500 to 1-250, every three hours. CAPSICUM OLEORESIN. Promotes appetite and digestion ; removes the sinking at the stomach due to stoppage of alcohol. In large doses (20 to 30 grains of the powdered capsicum) it is the best known rem- edy for delirium tremens ; also for choleraic affections, colics, cramps, diarrheas or dysen- teries, coming on suddenly, or from catching cold ; breaks up ague chills ; passive hemor- rhages ; comatose states. Dose: Grammes, 0.001 to 0.01; grains, 1-67 to 1-6, repeated hourly if needed. CARPAINE. (Aik.) Cardiac tonic, specially for mitral insufficiency and aortic stenosis ; diuretic and lung-stimulant. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.01; grains, 1-12 to 1-6, hypo- dermically, daily or every other day. Tnternally, 0 001; grains, 1-67, two or three times a day. CASCARIN. (Con.) Laxative ; for habitual constipation. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 1-6, and upwards. CAULOPHYLLIN. (Con.) (Diuretic, antispasmodic,, emmenagogue; fa- vors pains of parturition, relieving false pains 23 and strengthening true, coordinating the con- tractions ; chronic uterine disease with uneasi- ness and irritation ; asthenic plethora ; rheu- matism, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menor- rhagia, leucorrhea, vaginitis, urethritis, vaginal prolapse, dropsy, hiccough, pertussis, hysteria, aphthae, round worms.) Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 to '3, every half hour to relieve»pain ; less frequently for other purposes. CERASEIN. (Con.) Tonic, antiperiodic, diaphoretic, antispas- modic, weak astringent; for ague, fevers, de- bility, indigestion, chorea, hysteria, spermator- rhea, passive hemorrhages, chronic cough, convalescence from diarrhea or dysentery, periodical leucorrhea, splenic enlargement. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.7 ; grains, 11-2 to 10, twice a day. CERIUM OXALATE. The remedy for vomiting, especially of preg- nancy ; for cough of phthisis, early stages ; chronic bronchitis; dyspnea; nervous cough and palpitation ; gastralgia. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 1 6, every five to twenty minutes, till relieved. May be given up to grammes, 0.7, grains, 10, at one dose. CETRARIN. (Acid.) Increases blood-cells, red and white ; favors gastric and intestinal peristalsis; slight stimu- lant to brain ; for chlorotics with languor, ano- rexia and constipation. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 ; grains, 1-4, thrice daily. 24 CHELERYTHRINE. (Aik.) Considered identical with sanguinarine, but has no tetanizing action ; paralyzes reflex action. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.0075 ; giains, 1-12 to 1-8. CHELIDONIN. (Con.) For jaundice; alterative in scrofula; bitter tonic to digestive organs; purgative in large doses ; stimulates all excretions, especially all digestives; (specific indications are: Tongue pale, enlarged, mucosa tumid, skin sallow or greenish, hypochondriac fullness, abdomen tumid, light feces, no abdominal pain, pale cloudy urine of high specific gravity). Dose; Grammes, 0.05; grains, 1, three or more times daily. CHELONIN. (Con.) Laxative, tonic, anthelmintic. (Acts specifi- cally on mucous membrane of stomach and bowels; in dyspepsia, jaundice, constipation, ascarides, malassimilation, diabetes, cholera. Especially for hepatic affections and in con- valescence.) Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 6.15 ; grains, 1 to 3, twice daily. CH1MAPHILIN. (Con.) Stimulant, diuretic and astringent; for pye- litis, cystitis, rheumatic pains; lymphatic and hepatic stimulant, carrying off waste matter ; checks advance of cancer and tubercle. For scrofula, strangury, gravel, chronic ulcer; irri- tation anywhere in urinary tract. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.2 ; grains, 1-4 to 3, three or more times daily. CHIONANTHIN. (Con.) Indicated by yel'ow skin and eyes, uneasiness 25 in right hypochondrium, general abdominal pains, like colic. For cachectic states. Dose : Grammes, 0.06 to 0.18 ; grains, i to 3. CHRYSOPHANIC ACID. Internally for eczema, impetigo, acne, psori- asis, urticaria. Causes purging in large doses, and nephritis. Dose : Grammes, 0.002 to 0.005 J grains, 1-33 to 1-12, three to six times daily. CICUTINE HYDROBROMATE. (Aik.) Checks salivation ; useful for acute mania, neu- ralgia, spasmodic affections generally, chronic bronchitis, chorea, epilepsy, aortic pains ; les- sens muscular irritability, asthma, emphysema, angina pectoris, tetanus, acute mania, with in- tense motor activity and wakefulness. Dose : Grammes, 0.001 ; grains, 1-67, two to ten times a day. CITRIC ACID. Refrigerant, anti-scorbutic, allaying thirst, checking colliquative perspiration. Dose : Grammes, o 1 to 0.5 ; grains, 1 1-2 to 7 1-2. COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE (Aik.) Small doses stimulate nerve centers, lessen fatigue, quicken pulse and respiration, raise blood-pressure, increase peristalsis, lessen saliva and sweat, and raise temperature; large doses paralyze nerve centers, and in general reverse the action of small doses ; used internally as a tonic, in debility with nervousness, mental de- pression, to remove the sense of fatigue, and sustain for further exertion or if food is want- ing ; to relieve craving for alcohol, tobacco or narcotics; stomach or bowel pain ; pertussis. 26 Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.05 ; grains, 1 12 to 1, every two to four hours, or as needed. The bromides are chemically incompatible with cocaine, as are alkalies generally. CODEINE. (Aik.) Slight hypnotic action ; lessens gastro-intes- tinal irritability remarkably; for nervous in- somnia, and that due to rheumatism, cancer or cough ; for cough generally, especially when morphine is inadvisable; for vomiting, diarrhea or dysentery, especially of children ; reduces sugar in diabetes; to replace morphine in habitues. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 1-6, every three or four hours for cough ; grammes, 0.015, grains, 1-4, gradually increased to grammes, 0.3, grains, 5, or more, thrice daily, for diabetes ; grammes, 0.002 to 0.005, grain, 1-33 to 1-12, in children's gastro- intestinal disorders; grammes, 0.03 to 0.05, grain 1-2 to 1, at bedtime, for insomnia. COLCHICINE. (Aik.) Small doses excite and large depress respira- tion ; it stimulates liver; alterative; diuretic ; used in gout, rheumatism, the plethoric state, and all the ills that arise from it; sciatica; uricemic headache ; it is specific in gout, acting best after saline cathartics; in rheumatic gout it is less useful; in subacute rheumatism still less; in acute rheumatism it is not now used ; (for flatulence, colic, with sharp, shooting, tear- ing or dull aching, from back to hip and down the leg, without fever) overdoses cause profuse vomiting and purgation, with collapse; while moderate doses cause anorexia, flatulence, gas- 27 trie uneasiness, coated tongue, sore throat, pain in bowels and diarrhea. Dose : Grammes, 0.00025 ; grains, 1-250, every two to four hours; cautiously increased. The antidotes are tannic and gallic acids, and stimulants, white of egg, and keep patient warm. COLLINSONIN. (Con.) Tonic astringent, diuretic and antispasmodic ; used for cystitis, prostatitis, gonorrhea, dropsy, urinary calculus, dysmenorrhea; as tonic in convalescence from fevers; hemorrhoids and other rectal cases, especially in early stages; ministers' sore throat, chronic respiratory catarrh. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.25 ; grains, 1-2 to 4, every two hours or oftener. COTOCYNTHIN. (Glu.) Cathartic, increasing peristalsis and secretion ; cholagogue; diuretic; for obstinate constipa- tion ; cerebral congestion ; plethora ; amenor- rhea of plethora (in very small doses for colic and dysentery, tormina and tenesmus). Dose : Grammes, 0.001 to 0.01; grains, 1-67 to 1-6, re- peated as needed. CONVALLAMARIN. (Glu.) Cardiac stimulant, for mitral stenosis with failing heart's action ; for dyspnea, palpitation, and other cardiac symptoms ; for pericarditis, hypertrophy, anemia; diuretic. Dose : Grammes, 0.001 to 0.005 ; grains, 1-67 to 1-12, every two to four hours. CON VOLVULIN. (Res.) Very active purgative; for constipation, renal 28 dropsy, cerebral congestion ; requires bile for its activity. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to o 1 ; grains, 1-2 to 1 1-2. COPPER PHOSPHATE. Recommended as a specific for tuberculosis, by Luton ; neutral acetate of copper, 0.01, with crystallized sodium phosphate, 0.05, in each pill; the nascent copper salt as a specific, the phosphate as a dynamizing agent. The pill should be freshly prepared. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 ; grains, 1 1-2, as the daily dose at first, divided. COPPER SULPHATE. For diarrhea or dysentery, after active stage passes ; better for chronic forms; emetic in large doses; for colliquative diarrhea; for chorea, epilepsy, hysteria ; as emetic for croup. (Skin pale, tawny, waxy or greenish ; tongue broad, pale and clean ; bowrels torpid ; pulse full, but without sharp stroke.) Lose: Grammes, 0.5 ; grains, 7 1-2, as emetic. Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 1-6, as astringent, repeated fre- quently. CORNINE. (Neutral.) Tonic-astringent febrifuge; used for uterine diseases ; to replace quinine in malaria : (tonic, especially to erectile tissues; heartburn ; diar- rhea, dysentery, leucorrhea.) Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.2; grains, 1 to 3, one to four times a day. CORNUTINE. (Aik.) P'or hemorrhages, and all ordinary uses of ergot. Dose: Grammes, 0.0025; grains, 124 four to six times daily. 29 CORYDALIN. (Con.) Alterative in cachectic ailments ; especially in syphilis; tonic to eliniinant organs, and to stomach. Dose : o.oi to o.i; grains, 1-6 to i 1-2, three or more times daily. COTOINE. (Aik.) Antiseptic ; dilates arteries of intestines and kidneys, increasing intestinal absorption and vitality of tissues; for colliquative bronchorrhea, sweating and diarrhea of phthisis ; gastro-in- testinal catarrh ; infantile diarrhea ; salivation ; rheumatism ; gout. It is said to be so exclu- sively remedial to tubercular diarrheas that its curative effect may be considered proof of the tubercular nature of the case ; from its phys- iological action, cotoin should be useful in typhoid fever, to prevent ulceration or spha- celation of the intestines. Dose : Grammes, 0.01; grains, i-6, three or more times daily ; grammes, 0.03 ; grain, 1 2, at bed time for night-sweats. CREASOTE. Antiseptic ; increases coagulability of blood ; quickens pulse ; for vomiting, due to fermen- tation ; also to ulcer, cancer, pregnancy, sea- sickness, Bright's disease ; for diarrhea of children, and from rheumatism ; as a germicide in tuberculosis, and to prevent infection of the alimentary tract ; for fetid b-onchitis. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.05 ; grains, 1-12 to 1, three or more times daily. As a germicide in phthisis, it is necessary to push the drug to toleration, to saturate the tissues to the degree that is fatal to the bacillus. 30 CROTON OIL. Purgative. It is claimed that in small doses the action is identical with that of castor oil ; (for diarrhea or dysentery, with colic or tenes- mus ; pustular skin diseases, when skin burns and itches after exercise, or on getting warm in bed.) Dose : Grammes, 0.005 1 grains, 1-12, repeated as required. CUBEB OLEORESIN. Stimulant to mucous membranes; carminative; diuretic; for pyelitis ; cystitis ; urethritis ; gleet ; chronic bronchorrhea; pharyngitis ; laryngitis or rhinitis ; for irritability of bladder or vulva ; debility of genital organs ; prostatorrhea ; itch- ing or formication of anus or scrotum ; impo- tence ; for chronic catarrhs only, never for acute. (Cubebine is inert; the active principles are the resin and oil.) Dose: Grammes, 0.1; grains, 1 1-2 every two to four hours. CURARINE. (Aik.) Paralyzes motor nerve ends, vagus, sensory nerve ends, spinal cord, and finally the heart, as dose is increased ; death is caused by paraly- sis of respiration ; elimination is so rapid that life may be saved by artificial respiration ; while ifgiveu internally, no effect may be experienced, unless in a very large dose on an empty stom- ach ; for traumatic tetanus; hydrophobia ; less useful than chloral in strychnine poisoning; epilepsy. Dose : Grammes, 0.00025 to 0.0005 ; grains, 1-250 to 1-134, hypodermically, once daily. 31 For internal use, grammes, 0,000125 ! grains, 1 500, two or more times daily. Much larger doses have been reported in tetanus, but the drug may have been im- pure. It is safe to begin with the doses given, and increase if necessary. CUSPARINE. Aromatic bitter tonic ; for atonic dyspepsia ; weak digestion in convalescence. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.06 ; grains, 1-6 to 1. CYANIDE OF GOLD AND POTASSIUM. For scrofula; amenorrhea, and especially tuberculosis. Dose : Grammes, 0.00004 to 0.0004 ; grains, 1 1500 to 1-150, hypodermically, once daily. CYPRIPEDIN. (Con.) Tonic ; stimulant; antispasmodic ; diaphor- etic ; narcotic ; a weak nerve tonic for chil- dren ; for nervous maladies and epilepsy; head- ache ; insomnia ; nervousness ; irritability; neuralgia ; delirium, when due to nerve atony ; where opium does not agree or aggravates. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.2 > grains, 1 4 to 3, repeated every two hours, as needed. CYTISINE NITRATE. (Aik.) For paretic migraine and cardiac dropsy; (mucous irritability, nervous dyspepsia, rest- lessness from over mental work, frequent vomit- ing from slight excitation.) Dose : Grammes, 0.0025 ; grains, 1-24, hypodermically. DATURINE SULPHATE. (Aik.) Hypnotic for mania ; antispasmodic for asthma. The action is identical with that of atropine. (Furious delirium of acute fevers, 32 delirium tremens, mania, epilepsy ; tendency to violent outbursts of passion ; antidote to opium liabit; chronic skin diseases, with pruritus and hypertrophy.) Dose : Grammes, 0.000125 > grains, 1-500, repeated hourly until the dry throat or dilated pupil indicates the full effect of the drug. DELPHININE. (Aik.) Retards pulse and respiration, paralyzes spinal cord, and causes death by asphyxia; arrests spasms caused by strychnine; resembles aco- nite in its uses; tetanus, motor excitement, asthma, the spasmodic condition in general; lessens sexual irritability, and conserves en- ergy ; relieves morose and passionate hypo- chondria, prostatorrhea, gonorrhea. Dose : Grammes, 0.0001 ; grains, 1-67, every hour or two, as needed. DIASTASE. Digests starches. To be given whenever eruc- tations of odorless gas, acid indigestion, flatu- lence, heartburn, etc., show that starches are not being digested. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.1; grains, 1 to 2, to be taken with starchy food. DIGITALINE. (Homolle's.) Tonic to the heart, contracting the arteries. For irregular and feeble heart, cardiac dropsy, functional palpitation, mitral disease ; for in- somnia, with day-drowsiness; for hectic and septic fevers ; for hemorrhages, especially pul- monary ; added to cough mixtures to lessen congestion ; menorrhagia, spermatorrhea. It is our surest and safest hemostatic, except when 33 the flow is due to plethora. It must not be given in hypertrophy of the heart or in aortic disease, as it slows the pulse-rate and allows more blood to regurgitate. If mitral incompe- tence co-exist, and the danger from this be greatest, digitalis may be given with advantage ; but the patient must keep perfectly quiet, to avoid syncope. Faintness or nausea are indi- cations to stop or lessen the dose. Do not give large doses, unless the patient is seen frequently and strictly confined to the bed, lying down constantly, not even allowing him to rise to urinate. Tannic acid and alcohol are antidotes. Insomnia and noisiness of chronic mania some- times cease when digitalis is given ; spermator- rhea or nymphomania from excess ; enuresis ; hyperesthesia, are other uses. Dose : Grammes, o.ooi ; grains, 1-67, every four to eight hours. Homolle's Digitaline consists princi- pally of digitaline, and fairly corresponds to tincture of digitalis. To obtain the effects ot powdered digitalis, it would be better to employ the extract, in the dose of grammes, 0x15 to 0.02 ; grains, 1-4 to 1-3. DIOSCOREIN. (Con.) For utero-ovarian pain ; bilious colic ; gastro- intestinal irritation and nervousness ; all cases that need an antispasmodic; especially for cholera morbus. Dose : Grammes, 0.03 to 0.1; grains, 1-2 to 1 1-2, every two to four hours. DUBOISINE. (Aik.) Hypnotic sedative in nervous disorders; for night-sweats; vesical tenesmus of cystitis. It may replace hyoscine in cardiac cases or those 34 with vascular disease; useful hypnotic and calmant in mental affections; puerperal mania with incessant motor activity. Dose : Grammes, 0.000125 to 0.0005 ; grains, 1 500 to 1 134 ; hypodermically, once daily, the latter dose for the violent excitement of the insane. EEATERINE. (Aik.) Powerful hydragogue cathartic; requires bile for its action ; for hepatic dropsy ; revulsant in threatened apoplexy, cerebral inflammations and congestions; dangerous to the old or feeble. Dose : Grammes, 0.001 to 0.003 > grains, 1-67 to 1-20, combined with ox-gall, hyoscyamus and vola- tile oils. EMETINE. (Aik.) Represents the properties of ipecacuanha. Emetic ; expectorant; laxative ; increases se- cretions ; diaphoretic; for catarrhal jaundice; sudden suppression of menses ; acute catarrhs; acute or muscular rheumatism ; for vomiting, in very small doses ; for dysentery, especially acute tropical; to stimulate healthy secretions of gastro-intestinal system, including glands. Pregnant women and old people with atheroma- tous arteries must not take large doses. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 too.15 ; grains, 1-6to 1-4, as emetic ; grammes, 0.0005 '> grains, 1-134, as expectorant or laxative ; grammes, 0.001 ; grains, 1-67, for suppressed menses, jaundice, rheumatism, dys- entery; grammes, 0000125; grains, 1-500, for vomiting. ERGOTINE. (Bonjean's.) Hemostatic; contracting vessels so power- fully as to cause dry gangrene ; increases peri- stalsis. For causing uterine contractions, it is 35 now generally abandoned, except to check post-partum hemorrhage. For chronic metritis, subinvolution, uterine atony ; leucorrhea, atony of bladder, enlarged prostate ; hemorrhage from uterine fibroids, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria; chronic constipation from atony of bowel; temporary improvement follows its use in acne, urticaria and prurigo. At present this is the best preparation of ergot to be found in the markets. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.15 ; grains, 1-2 to 2 1-2, hypo- dermically. ERIGERON OIL. For hematuria, enuresis, dribbling of urine from feebleness of sphincter vesicae, passive hemorrhages, gleet with atony, chronic tonsil- litis, hemorrhoids, spinal irritation. Dose : Grammes, 0.02 to 0.15 ; grains, 1-3 to 2, as required. ERYTHROPHLOEINE. (Aik.) Tonic and calmant to heart; diuretic, like digitalis. Dose : Grammes, 0.C00125; grains, 1-500, once or twice daily. ESERINE, OR PHYSOSTIGMINE SALICY- LATE. (Aik.) Stimulates muscular fiber, voluntary and in- voluntary ; paralyzes nerve-centers. For tetanus, general paresis, mania, para- plegia, locomotor ataxy; constipation from atony ; bronchial affections with relaxed muscu- lar fiber ; chorea especially ; antidotes atropine and strychnine. (Disease of brain or cord, with contracted pupils, cool skin and extremi- 36 ties, feeble pulse, dull intellect; puerperal con- vulsions with feeble, tremulous pulse, eyes rolled up.) Dose : Grammes, 0.00025 to 0.001; grains 1 250 to 167, two or more times daily. EUCALYPTOL. For chronic catarrhs ; antiseptic ; for tubercu- losis, fetid bronchitis, pulmonary gangrene; malaria ; urinary affections ; influenza ; septi- cemia especially ; bronchiectasis ; asthma; ir. ritative or fermentative conditions of the stomach and bowels. Overdoses cause nausea and gastric irritation ; toxic doses produce paralysis and death. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.25 ; grains, 1 to 5, every two to four hours. EUONYMIN. (Con.) Gastric and hepatic stimulant, cathartic, diuretic. For biliousness with constipation; needs a bitter like berberine to get full action ; dropsy. Dose: Grammes, 0.025 to0.2 ; grains, 1-4 to 3, repeated as needed. EUPATORIN. (Con.) Tonic, diaphoretic ; large doses, emeto cathar- tic ; taenicide. To cut short affections due to catching cold; stimulates liver and erectile tissues. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 ; grains, 1-4, every hour, in hot water, till free sweating occurs. EUPHORBIN. (Con) Emeto-cathartic, diaphoretic, arterial sedative. For acute, sthenic fevers, portal congestion, 37 obstinate constipation ; small doses arrest intes- tinal inflammation, improve digestion and reg- ulate bowels. Dose : Grammes, o.oi to 0.25; grains, 1-6 to 4, as required. EUPURPURIN. (Con.) For cystitis or rheumatism ; hemorrhages, uterine debility, leucorrhea, impotence. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.1; grains, 1-4 to 1 1-2, every two to four hours. EUROPHEN. For secondary or tertiary syphilis, scrofula, tuberculosis, cachexia from lead, mercury, ma- laria, etc.; as gastro-intestinal analgesic, in gas- tralgia, ulcer, cancer ; as internal antiseptic. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grains, 1-2, thrice daily or more. EXALGINE. For chorea; analgesic in neuralgias (superior to autipyrine) ; antiseptic. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.3; grains, 1 to 5, repeated every two to four hours. FUCHSINE. For albuminuria. Lose: Grammes, 0.03 to 0.25; grains, 1-2 to 4, thrice daily. FRASERIN. (Con.) Tonic ; bitter stomachic ; for constipation due to muscular torpor ; diarrhea due to relaxation, without irritation or fever ; night-sweats ; suited to very delicate stomachs, where ordinary tonics 38 are not tyell borne, in pregnancy, convalescence, consumption, and similar states. Dose : Grammes,0.05 to 0.15 ; grains, 1 to 2, before meals. GELSEMININE. (Aik.) For neuralgia of fifth nerve, toothache, sick headache, rheumatism ; convulsive cough ; to break up colds; dysmenorrhea ; to allay sexual excitement; bilious and remittent fevers; de- lirium ; epilepsy ; acute gonorrhea; pleurisy. To be administered with caution. (Relieves ir- ritation, hyperemia and consequent disorder of innervation, in brain, and to a less degree in spinal cord, and sympathetic; indicated by active cerebral hyperemia, flushed face, bright eye, contracted pupil, restlessness, irritability, especially in children ; sedative to heart; less- ens mucus; hyperemias; specific for dysuria with stricture ; relieves tormina, tenesmus, ar- rests exudation, styptic, for cholera, spermator- rhea, after-pains, convulsions, hiccough, pertus- sis, insomnia from cerebral fluxion, erysipelas.) Dose : Grammes, 0.00025; grains, 1-250, repeated as needed. Of the concentration, gelsemin, the dose is : grammes, 0.005 to 0.05 ; grains, 1-12 to 1. GERANINE. (Aik.) Astringent, for chronic and infantile diarrheas in later stages, hemorrhages, sore throats, ulcer- ative stomatitis; hemoptysis and other hemor- rhages ; (to contract caliber of capillaries of mucous membranes, and check catarrhal exuda- tions ; passive hemorrhages, gleet, mucous hemorrhages, leucorrhea). Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.25 ; grains, 1 to 4, as required. Dose of the concentration Geranin, grammes, 0.05 to 0.25 ; grains, 1 to 4. 39 GOLD BROMIDE. For epilepsy, myelitis, chronic metritis, ovar- ian neuralgia or inflammation ; migraine. Dose : Grammes, 0.008 to 0.012 ; grains, 1-8 to 1-5, two to four times daily. GOLD CHLORIDE. For syphilis, scrofula, cancer, myelitis ; small doses increase appetite and secretions; large doses irritate and salivate, stimulate the sexual function, and cause fever. Dose : Grammes, 0.0025; grains, 1-24, two to four times a day. GOSSYPIN. (Con.) Causes uterine contractions, even abortion if fresh plant be employed ; it is a stimulant diu- retic ; for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, paresis of bladder, impotence from atony. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to *$.25 ; grains, 1-4 to 4, every two to four hours. GUAIACIN. (Res.) Stimulant, diuretic, alterative; for tonsillitis, a specific, if given before suppuration ; for chronic rheumatism, gout and syphilitic per- iostitis. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.2 ; grains 1 1-2 to 3, every three hours. Maximum daily dose, grammes, 2.0 or 30 grains. GUAIACOL. For tuberculosis, substitute for creasote. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.01 ; grains 1-12 to 1-6, given as often as the stomach will permit; the object being to render the body unsuitable for the tubercle bacillus to inhabit. 40 GUARANINE. (Aik.) Considered identical with caffeine, q. v. HAMAMELIN. (Con.) Hemostatic for internal bleeding, menor- rhagia; dysmenorrhea; causes seminal emis- sions , tonic ; decongestive sedative for hemor- rhoids and varices; passive hemorrhages gener- ally ; dysentery ; purpura; phlebitis ; (tonic to venous system, for all cases with sluggish circu- lation, chronic catarrhs of the nose, mouth, throat and larynx, with thickened membrane and increased secretion, mucous or muco-puru- lent; for same condition in genito-urinary mucosa). Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.06 ; grain, 1-4 to 1, every two to four hours. HELENINE. (Glu.) Antiseptic against <te cholera bacillus; for ozena, malaria, tuberculosis, infantile diarrhea, pulmonary catarrh, bronchorrhea, locally for diphtheria as asolvent; chorea; pertussis; phthis- ical diarrhea; leucorrhea of catarrhal endome- tritis. (Tonic-stimulant to skin and mucosa of digestive and respiratory tracts. Specially for bronchorrhea; slow in action.) Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.02 ; grains 1-6 to 1-3, in a day. HELLEBORIN. (Glu.) Local anesthetic, and heart-tonic. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0 0I5 '< grains, 1-12 to 1-4, per day. HELONIN. (Con.) Eor leucorrhea and genital atony, both sexes ; tonic to urinary organs, (specially for attendant 41 melancholy, for prolapsus uteri, to prevent mis- carriage ; albuminuria; atrophy; for gastric catarrh where other tonics are rejected.) Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.25 ; grains 12 to 4, every four hours. HEMOGLOBIN. Eor anemia and chlorosis. An efficient chaly- beate, very readily assimilated. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 1-2 to 3, per day HYDRACETINE. (See Pyrodine.) HYDRANGINE. (Glu.) For gravel and other urinary affections; tonic to kidneys, arresting calculous deposits, relieves irritation of bladder or urethra, and bronchi. Dose : Grammes, 0.02 to 0.05; grains, 1-3 to 1, three or more times daily. Of the concentration, hydrangin, grammes, 0.25 to 0.5. HYDRASTINE. (Aik.) Bitter tonic ; hepatic stimulant; antiperiodic; emmenagogue ; for catarrhal jaundice; leucor- rhea, metrorrhagia, gonorrhea, gleet, chronic coryza and all forms of dry catarrh ; dry skin dis- eases ; ear diseases; quiets over-action of the heart; functional utero-ovarian distress ; hem- orrhoids ; night sweats ; cough, sputa, anorexia and indigestion of phthisis and of drunkards; (affections of spleen, mesentery and abdominal viscera generally.) Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.03; grains, 1-6 to 1-2, once to three times daily. HYDRASTININE HYDROCHLORATE. (Aik.) For dysmenorrhea and all forms of uterine hemorrhage ; heart tonic whose action persists 42 a long time ; metritis ; pyosalpinx ; myomata ; endometritis. Dose: Grammes, 0.005 to 001; grains, 1-12 to 1-6, hypo- dermically, once daily. HYOSCINE HYDROBROMATE. (Aik.) Sedative hypnotic; for mental disorders, sexual excitement; spermatorrhea ; antispas- modic narcotic, for insomnia, delirium, acute mania and delirium tremens; motor excitement; paralysis agitans; also in torpor, depression melancholy, inactivity. Dose : Grammes, 0.00025 to 0.0005 J grains, 1-250 to 1-134, one to six times a day; for hypodermic use, grammes, 0.00025 to 0.001; grains, 1 250 to 1-67. HYOSCYAMINE SULPHATE. (Aik.) For paralysis agitans, senile or mercurial tremors, neuralgia, acute mania, chorea, deli- rium tremens, epilepsy ; in very small dose, nar- cotic and calmative ; to allay vesical tenesmus ; delusions of persecution, spasmodic cough, laryngismus, hiccough, pertussis. Dose: Grammes, 0.00025, increased to 0.012 ; grains, 1-250, increased to 1-5, if full effect be not sooner pro- duced. This wide range of dosage is due to the uncertainty of the preparation ; much being impure. Of the concentration, hyoscyamin, or hyonigrin, the dose is grammes, 0.0075 to 0.06 ; grains, 1-8 to 1. (This allays irritation; favors all secretions, slows pulse when dependent on irritation and debility of cardiac nerves, favors action of purgatives and prevents griping.) IODIDE OF IRON. For scrofula, enlarged glands, lymphatic ob- 43 struction, caseation, threatened tubercular or caseous phthisis, tuberculosis of joints. Dose : Grammes, 0.03 to 0.06 ; grains, 1-2 to 1, thrice daily. IODIDE OF TERPENE. Gregg extols it as aborting pneumonia. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 ; grains, 1 1-2, twice daily, followed by a cupful of milk or broth. If more be taken, a too profuse diuresis will ensue. IODINE. For scrofula, glanders, sluggish or syphilitic skin diseases ; cachexia from mercury, malaria, lead, arsenic. Dose : Grammes, 0.001 to 0.005 1 grains, 1 67 to 1-12, three or more times daily. IODOFORM. Overdoses cause headache, irritability, in- somnia, loss of memory, mania, hallucinations or melancholy ; prevents morbid tissue-growth. For tuberculosis, scrofula, cachexias, head- ache, pain of gastric ulcer, cancer or neuralgia. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.025 J grains, 1-6 to 1-2, every two to four hours. IODOL. Antiseptic, alterative ; for syphilis, scrofula, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus. Dose: Grammes, 0.05; grain, 1, three or more times daily ; maybe given up to grammes, 2.5 ; giains, 40, daily. IRISIN. (Con ) Emeto-cathartic; stimulates liver and intes- tinal glands. For constipation and biliousness. (Increases waste and excretion by lymphatics ; for syphilis, goiter, cachexias.) Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.25 ; grains, 1 to 4. 44 IRON PHOSPHATE. For anemia, debility, chlorosis; in convales- cence. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.25 ; grains, 1 to 4, before each meal. IRON TANNATE. For diarrhea in later, subacute and chronic stages ; to restrain loss of albumen in Bright's disease. Dose : Grammes, 0.06 to 0.12 ; grains, 1 to 2, three to six times a day. IRON VALERIANATE. For anemia with nervous debility. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grain, 1, before each meal. JALAPIN. (Con.) Hydragogue ; for constipation ; renal disease ; revulsive in cerebral congestions; dropsy; re- quires bile for its action. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 ; grain 1-2, or more, as required. JUGLANDIN. (Con.) For habitual constipation; dysentery especi- ally ; visceral congestions; and the cases in which rhubarb is ordinarily used; (allays mu- cous irritation and promotes secretion, intes- tinal dyspepsia, habitual constipation; intes- tinal irritation of fevers). Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.25; grains, 1 to 4, as laxative ; every two hours in dysentery. LACTUCIN. (Glu.) Mild hypnotic; for cough, intestinal pain, and diarrhea in children. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grain, 1, and upwards. 45 LEAD ACETATE. Contracts arteries, raises tension, slows heart; checks outflow of uric acid; for pyrosis, diar- rhea, dysentery; internal hemorrhages; aneur- ism, albuminuria. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grains 1, every two to four hours. LEONTODIN. (Con.) Stimulant diuretic, laxative; cholagogue (for malarial dysentery, hepatic affections, of chronic, non-inflammatory type). Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.3 ; grains 1 to 5. LEPTANDRIN. (Con.) Emeto-cathartic in large doses; tonic, chola- gogue, laxative ; for hepatic affections, dyspep- sia, diarrhea, cholera infantum, typhoid fever, when bile is deficient; biliousness ; clay-stools ; (gentle stimulant to entire intestinal tract and appendages; a gastro-intestinal tonic ; malarial typhoid; ague ; after chills are broken by qui- nine; best in chronic forms). Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 to 4, twice daily. Of the glucoside, leptandrine, same dose. LIATRIN. (Con.) For gleet; gently tonic, stimulates all excre- tions; acts on the urinary and reproductive organs, both sexes. Dose : Grammes, 0.05; grain, 1, every two to four hours. LITHIUM salicylate. For gout, rheumatism, the uric acid diathesis ; gravel. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.25 ; grains, 1 to 4, three times or more daily. 46 LOBEETNE. (Aik.) Stimulates stomach and bowels; causing head* ache, vomiting, giddiness and collapse, some- times coma or convulsions; small doses raise blood-pressure; the alkaloid is less likely to cause nausea than the ordinary prepara- tions ; expectorant diaphoretic, laxative ; given for pertussis; for asthma and dyspnea in gen- eral ; (for emesis, give small doses frequently to obtain effect from absorption instead of local irritation ; increases activity of all vegetative functions, innervation and circulation, in minute doses [0.00025] ; for angina pectoris, give in full doses; also for difficult labor from rigid os or perineum; it also energizes uterine contrac- tions ; sedative in fevers, local and general). Dose : Grammes, 0.0005 J grains, 1-134, ten times daily, gradually increased if desirable. Of the concentration, lobelin as emetic, grammes, 0.05; grain, 1, in warm water every ten minutes; diaphoretic or expectorant, grammes, 0.005; grain, 1-12, repeated hourly. LUPULIN. (Con.) Stomachic tonic ; slight hypnotic; for alco- holism, delirium tremens; anaphrodisiac; one of the best sedatives and hypnotics for mania, but must be given in huge doses to get the effect. (For nervous irritability, due to sexual causes ; melancholy dyspepsia, gastric fermentation, after-pains, chordee, typho-mania.) Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.15 ; grains, 1 to 2 1-2. Of the lupulin of the shops, I have given up to an ounce at bedtime, in noisy mania. EYCOPIN. (Con.) For bites or stings of venomous insects or reptiles ; for hemoptysis, first stages of phthisis ; 47 astringent, sedative, narcotic (for chronic dis- eases with fast pulse; acute in advanced stages, with debility; reduces pulse rate and increases force ; in phthisis it relieves cough, sweats and diarrhea, slows pulse, improves appetite and digestion; tonic, stimulant, astringent, specially to bronchi). Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grain, 1, every two hours or more. MACROTIN. (Con.) Large doses cause nausea, vomiting, depres- sion, headache, giddiness ; acts on the heart like digitalis, but less powerfully. For stomachic and cardiac tonic ; for chorea, myalgia, lumbago, rheumatism, headache from atony of vessels, neuralgia; expectorant in bronchitis and in phthisis; hypochondria; (shortens first and sec- ond stages of parturition ; calms reflex irrita- bility, nausea, pruritus and insomnia of the later period of pregnancy ; prevents puerperal convulsions; relieves neuralgic cramps and ir- regular pains of first stage ; relaxes uterus and soft parts ; facilitates labor and prevents lacera- tion ; augments the energy and rhythm of second period pains, and, like ergot, prevents post- partum hemorrhage.) It is one of rem- edies for chorea (for all rheumatic pains; strengthens reproductive organs, removing irri- tation ; with anemonine, is specific for dysmen- orrhea, amenorrhea ; for heavy, tense, aching pains, from any cause, it is specific). Do"E : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.15 ; grains, 1 to 2 1-2 ; in labor, grammes, 0.2 ; grains, 3. MANGANESE PHOSPHATE. For adynamia, anemia, chlorosis, debility; 48 whenever iron, as a hematic, is indicated, the effect is enhanced by the addition of manganese. Dose : Grammes, 0.06 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 to 3, before meals. MANGANESE BINOXID. For pyrosis, irritable stomach, with pain after eating, and as adjuvant to iron in anemias, scrofula, skin diseases. As the permanganate cannot, by any possibility, reach the blood as such, any effect it may have in relieving amen- orrhea is probably to be obtained from the bin- oxid or any other salt. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 ; grains, 11-2, repeated as needed quite frequently for pyrosis. For amenorrhea, grammes, 0.2, four times a day for four days previous to period. MANDR AGORINE. (Aik.) Supposed to be the active principle in the " Keeley cure" for alcoholism. Dose : Grammes, 0.00025! grains, 1-250, cautiously in- creased, hypodermically. MECONARCEINE. (Aik.) For bronchial affections, neuralgia, insomnia; substitute for morphine in habitues ; for coryza and rhinitis. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.035 ; grains, 1-12 to 1-2, hypo- dermically. MENISPERMUM. (Con.) Bitter tonic, "blood purifier" (stimulates ab- sorbents and kidneys ; for cachexias, intestinal atony, glandular disease, skin diseases, uricemia, chronic abdominal disease). Dose : Grammes, 0.05: grain, i, every four hours. 49 MENTHOL. Stimulant, sedative, anesthetic ; antiseptic ; for colicky pains, vomiting of pregnancy, influ- enza, tuberculosis of lungs; powerful anti- neuralgic, for migraine, sciatica, toothache, etc.; for humid asthma, respiratory catarrhs. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grains, 1, and upwards. MERCURY BINIODIDE. For syphilis, struma, enlarged spleen ; to re- move fibrinous deposits, the debris of inflamma- tion or of apoplexy; powerful antiseptic ; for scarlatina, measles, small-pox, roetheln. Dose : Grammes, o 001 ; grains, 1-67, six or more times daily. MERCURY PROTIODIDE. For syphilis, especially of children. Dose: Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 16, six or more times daily (for adults). MERCURY THYMOLACETATE. For hypodermic use, in syphilis and tubercu- losis. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to o.oi > grains, 1-12 to 1-6, hypo- dermically or intramuscularly. MERCURY CYANIDE. For syphilis or tuberculosis of the lungs. Dose : Grammes, 0.0025 to 0.00751 grains, 1-24 to 1-8, three times daily. MERCURY BICHLORIDE. For irritative diarrhea, lienteric, with colicky pains, and unhealthy passages, sometimes bloody. Dose : Grammes, 0.0005 ! grains, 1-134, every two to fcur hours. 50 MERCURY AND CHALK. For acholic, unhealthy, fetid stools, nausea, tumid abdomen and ill temper, in children. Dose : Grammes, o.oi; grains, 1-6, every four hours. MERCURY : YELLOW OXIDE. For biliousness, indigestion, duodenal catarrh, irritative dyspepsia, fermentation in the stom- ach or bowels. Dose : Grammes, 0.0005 to 0.002; grains, 1-134 to 1-30, every four hours. MERCURY, PILL. For syphilis and all cases in which a very rapid constitutional effect is desired. Dose: Grammes, 0.05; grains, 1, every one to four hours. MERCURY, SUBSULPHATE. Used only as a prompt and safe emetic in croup, not followed by purging or depression. Dose : Grammes, 0.15 to 0.3 ; grain®, 2 to 4, as emetic. methacetine. Antipyretic of great power, well-borne by children ; for typhoid fever, pneumonia, influ- enza, phthisis, acute rheumatism ; antiseptic, analgesic. Dose : Grammes, 0.15 to 0.2 ; grains, 2 to 3, but not more than grammes, 0.3, or grains, 4. METHYLENE blue. Anodyne for neuralgia and rheumatism ; and for tuberculosis and scrofula ; antiperiodic, es- pecially when quinine fails. Dose: Grammes, 0.1 to .5; grains, 1 1-2 to 71-2, inter- nally; grammes, 0.02 to 0.06; grains, 1-3 to 1, hypodermically. 51 MORPHINE SULPHATE. For inflammatory pain ; diarrhea, etc., hepatic and renal colic. Dose : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.025 ! grains, 1-12 to 1-4, hypo- dermically, or by the stomach. MORPHINE HYDROCHLORATE. Dose : Same as the sulphate. MORPHINE ACETATE. Somewhat stronger and more acceptable than other salts. Dose : Same as the sulphate. MYRICIN. (Con.) Stimulant to mucosa, with increased secretion of mucus ; for phthisical diarrhea, whenever a stimulating astringent is required. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 4 to 3. MUSCARINE NITRATE. (Aik.) Sialagogue; antihidrotic; emetic ; heart paral- ysant; antidotes atropine ; for night sweats ; diabetes insipidus ; twitching of facial muscles ; pressing pain in occiput. Dose : Grammes, 0.0005 to 0.002 ; grains, 1-134 to 1 33, hypodermically. MYRTOL. Antiseptic; local stimulant; for bronchorrhea > fetid bronchitis; phthisis with free or fetid sputa ; chronic cystitis ; gleet; vaginitis ; better tolerated than the balsams. Dose : Grammes, 0.25 ; grains, 4, repeated as needed. MYRRHIC ACID. Astringent expectorant; for bronchorrhea ; amenorrhea; leucorrhea; free mucous secre- tions generally. 52 NAPELLINE. (Aik.) Antineuralgic ; substitute for morphine for habitues. Dose : Grammes, o.oi to 0.025 > grains, 16 to 1-4. NAPHTHOL BETA. Antiseptic ; in chronic diarrhea, typhus and typhoid ; dilatation of stomach ; tubercular diarrhea ; cystitis; perhaps cholera. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.3 ; grains, 1 1-2 to 5, repeated till stools are odorless. NARCEINE BIMECONATE. (Aik.) Hypnotic (?). Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.1 ; grains, 1-2 to 1 1 2. NICKEL BROMIDE. For epilepsy ; convulsive affections of chil- dren ; nervous sedative, giving the effect of the bromides in moderate doses. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.1; grains, 1-2 to 1 1-2, three or more times daily. NICOTINE. (Aik.) P'or tetanus; antidote to strychnine ; for cerebral symptoms in fevers ; acute rheuma- tism ; cholera epidemic and nostras ; asthma, colic, angina pectoris, strangulated hernia, con- vulsive tic, local muscular or "histrionic" spasm. Dose : Grammes, 0.00025 ; grains, 1-250, every half hour. OSMIC ACID. For scrofula, cancer; neuralgia, especially sciatica; goiter; epilepsy. Dose: Grammes, 0.001 to 0.005 ; grains, 1-67 to 1-12, best hypodermically, at the seat of the disease. 53 OUABAINE. (Glu.) Powerful antispasmodic, especially for per- tussis. Dose: Grammes, 0.00004; grains, i-iooo, every three hours, for a child five years old. PANDURATIN. For gravel. Dose: Grammes, 0.015 J grain, 1-4, frequently repeated. PAPAYOTIN. (Papine.) Powerful digestive agent, especially when gastric juice is deficient. Its digestive power is quite extensive ; even the tenacious mass pro- duced by milk and lobster being quickly broken up by it. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.25 ; grains, 1 to 4, after meals. PEELETIERINE TANNATE. (Aik.) Taenicide. Dose: Grammes, 0.03 to 0.05; grain, 1-2 to 1, taken in the morning fasting, followed by cathartics. PEPSIN. To digest albuminoids only. Dose : Grammes, 0.075; grain, 1, after each meal. PHYTOEACCIN. (Con.) Emeto-cathartic, narcotic, in large doses pro- ducing giddiness, amblyopia and convulsions; for rheumatism, dropsy, syphilis, scrofula, scurvy; orchitis ; its most approved function is in dissipating glandular enlargements, acute or chronic; mammary inflammation; also to re- duce obesity; (diphtheria, given with aconite; quinsy; stomatitis ; mumps, especially metasta- tic ; specific for rectal ulcer, fissure, prolapse, hemorrhoids, etc.). T'ose : 0.015 to 0.06; grain, 1-4 to 1, three to six times a day. 54 PHOSPHIDE ZINC. For nervous debility, neuralgia, insomnia from cerebral exhaustion, paralysis, locomotor ataxy, leucocythemia, impotence, osteomalacia, herpes zoster; for severe and intractable neu- ralgia. Dose: Grammes, 0.0025 to 0.005; grain, 1-24 to 1-12, three times daily. It should never be given for more than a week at a time. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Allays thirst, in fevers or in diabetes ; alkaline urine ; scrofula ; checks growth of bony tumors ; rickets; wherever mineral acids are indicated this is preferable, as least likely to derange digestion. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 to 3, in water. PHOSPHORUS. Powerful stimulant; causes fatty degenera- tion of the liver if too long continued. To break up severe and inveterate neuralgias ; for brain exhaustion and its consequent irritability, insomnia, mental debility or aberration, cere- bral anemia; for impotence from exhaustion, self-abuse, or like excesses, or from too close application to work; for deficient secretion of semen ; for zoster ; dementia, paresis. Dose : Grammes, 0.0005! grains, 1-134, thrice daily, an hour before meals, for one week only. PICRIC ACID. For malaria ; headache; albuminuria. Given with quinine, it prevents gastro intestinal irrita- tion. For a pyretic malarial attack, not ca- chectic. Give on the well day. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 i grains, 1-4, every hour till re- lieved ; or grammes, 0.05; grains, 1, at one dose, repeated three or four times. 55 PICROTOXIN. (Neut.) Causes profuse sweating, and gastro-intestinal secretions, saliva, bile and pancreatic. For night- sweats, laryngeal phthisis, morphine or chloro- form poisoning. Raises temperature. Anti- dotes chloral hydrate. Given for chronic alco- holism, alcoholic epilepsy, with anemia ; laryn- geal paralysis ; chorea ; spinal paralysis ; hys- teria, local chorea, exophthalmos, bulbar palsy, ataxia, tetanus, hydrophobia, senile tremor, shaking palsy, chronic myelitis, catarrhal jaundice, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, Dose : Grammes, 0.0005 to 0.001 ; grains, 1-134 to 1-67, two or three times daily. PILOCARPINE HYDROCHLORATE. (Aik.) Causes profuse sweating, salivation, diuresis, lachrymation, coryza; increases secretion cf milk, ear-wax, bronchial mucus, gastric and in- testinal juices. It also causes uterine contrac- tions. For uremia, diabetes insipidus, puerperal convulsions, acute nephritis, dropsies, hepatic colic, urticaria, hydrophobia, antidotes mor- phine and atropine, specific for jaundice, and to relieve the itching of jaundice, prurigo, alo- pecia ; locomotor ataxy, tetanus ; diphtheria ; syphilis ; enlarged spleen is contracted by it ; labyrinthine deafness, especially if syphilitic ; all itching skin diseases; small doses relieve thirst in renal disease or in fever ; pertussis, asthma and dry bronchitis; as diaphoretic to prevent or break up colds ; in uremia it removes urea and other waste-products as w'ell as water ; eliminates lead, mercury, arsenic and cachectic poisons ; restores secretion of milk when lost; is specific for erysipelas of the ordinary sthenic 56 type, but not when the eruption is pale and the heart weak, with little or no fever. Contraindications: i'atty heart, impeded circulation in lungs from heart disease, emphy- ema or pleurisy. Dose : Grammes, 0.003 to 0.01 ; grains, 1-20 to 1-6, hypo- dermically, or in hot water; repeated hourly till desired effect Is produced. Atropine is the antidote. PIPER OLEORES. Stimulant stomachic; for gastro-intestinal atony, hemorrhoids, gleet, (congestive chills, cholera morbus, atonic amenorrhea or dysmen- orrhea, with macrotin ; ague). Dose: Grammes, 0.05 to 0.5; grains, 1 to 7 1-2 after meals. Piperine is inert, or nearly so. PLATINUM BICHLORIDE. For syphilis, scrofula, impotence in either sex. Dose : Grammes, 0.0025; grains, 1-24, three to six times daily. PODOPHYLLIN. (Res.) Drastic purgative ; cholagogue; increases waste. For biliousness with dark stools; he- patic congestion ; bilious malaria ; bilious sick headache ; small doses stimulate digestive func- tions ; (old syphilitic lesions; diarrhea with mucous stools, solvent of recent adhesions ; bil- iary concretions). Contraindicated in inflammatory states of the stomach or bowels ; though it has been recommended in cholera infantum, etc., in very small doses. 57 I ose : Grammes, 0.005 ; grains, 1-12, two to four times a day ; grammes, 0.001 ; grains, 1-67, in acute diarrheas ; grammes, 0.03; grains, 1-2, as ca- thartic, for which it is rarely fitted. POPULIN. (Con.) For malarial debility, dyspepsia or dysentery. Tonic astringent; especially for duodenum; chronic catarrhal affections generally; for fre- quent and painful micturition. Dose: Grammes, 0.025 to 0.25; grains, 1-2 to 4, before meals, or oftener. POTASSIUM BICHROMATE. For locomotor ataxia, and in dyspepsia, si- mulating gastric cancer. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.1; grains, 1-2 to 1 1-2, before meals. POTASSIUM CYANIDE. Sedative : to be used with much caution. For cough of phthisis. Dose: Grammes, 0.0025 to 0.005; grains, 1-24 to 1-12, re- peated frequently. POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. For amenorrhea. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 ; grains, 1-6, every two to four hours, beginning four days before the men- strual flux is due. POTASSIUM TELLURATE. For sweating of phthisis. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.05 ; grains, 1-3 to 1, at bedtime. PYRODINE. Energetic antipyretic, for pneumonia, scar- latina, typhoid ; lowers temperature markedly, and for a long time, with sweating, but no nausea or collapse. 58 Dose (maximum) : Grammes, 0.05; grains, 1, one hour before the access of the fever is expected, re- peated in fifteen minutes ; but two doses to be taken in a day. In repeated doses, at short in- tervals, it causes toxic symptoms, hemoglobi- nuria. It should not be continued over two or three days; but it is so effectual that this is rarely necessary. PYROGALLIC ACID. For hemoptysis. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.05 ; grains, i-6 to 5-6, every hour till effect is manifest. PRUNIN. (Con.) Tonic, allays irritation of stomach, intestines, respiratory and urinary tracts ; sedative in large doses; for cough, hectic, anorexia and irrita- bility of phthisis ; coughs, colds, dyspepsia, etc. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 to 4, best in small doses, repeated frequently. PTELEIN. (Con.) (Excellent tonic, for stomach and duodenum ; asthma; tonic for kidneys and bladder and glands.) Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.2 ; grains, 1-4 to 4. QUEBRACHINE. Antipyretic ; diuretic ; stimulates intestinal and salivary glands; large doses paralyze mo- tion and cause convulsions. QUININE SULPHATE- Tonic, antiperiodic, antineuralgic, antipyretic, antizymotic; for general and nerve debility, from suppuration, hectic, in convalescence; one of the most generally useful tonics known ; for malaria, septicemia, asthma. 59 Dose: Grammes, 0.06 to 0.12 ; grains, 1 to 2, as a tonic ; grammes, 0.7 to 1 ; grains, 10 to 15, as antiperi- odic, to prevent paroxysm of ague, asthma or neuralgia ; grammes, 0.12 to 0.25 ; grains, 2 to 4, every two to four hours, for hectic, septi- cemia, etc. QUASSIN. (Neut) Simple bitter, arousing appetite, restoring di gestion in atony, relieving thirst. Dose : Grammes, 0.002 to 0.01; grains, 1-33 to 1-6, in water, before meals. QUININE HYDROFERROCYANIDE. Tonic, hematic. Dose : Grammes, 0.0025 to 0.005 J grain, 1-24 to 1-12, before meals. RESORCIN. Antiseptic and antipyretic ; as an intestinal antiseptic, and in dysentery, choleraic affec- tions, tubercular diarrhea, typhoid fever; ma- laria ; measles, especially septicemia; asthma; whooping-cough (used locally). Dose : Grammes, 0.03 to 0 1 ; grains, 1-2 to 1 1-2, every two to four hours, or oftener, till stools are odorless. RHEIN. (Con.) Tonic-astringent in small doses; for intestinal mucous flux; large doses purge by increasing peristalsis, with astringency later; for diarrhea with worms or other irritating substances in the bowels. Small doses stimulate secretion of in- testinal juice. Useful whenever stools are un- healthy or offensive; nervous irritability of children ; crossness, convulsive twitches ; (for constipation with a sense of constriction in abdo- men, and contracted abdominal muscles ;) early 60 stages of summer diarrhea ; flatulence ; heart burn ; pyrosis. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.25 J grains, 1-4 to 4, every four hours. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. For chronic rheumation, rheumatic gout; neu- ralgia following continued fevers; scaly skin diseases, acute eczema, elephantiasis ; enuresis paralyses, (sharp pain in forehead, left orbit, sharp pulse-stroke, tip of tongue showing small red spots on upper surface, sharp burning local pain, skin bright red and burning ; for erysipe- las, low grades of inflammation of cellular tissue or mucous membrane; frequent small pulse, red mucosa, brown sordes, bright superficially red skin, tympanites, acrid feces or urine indi- cate its use; also old ulcers with red edges, glistening ) Dose : Grammes, 0.025; grain, 1-4, (of tincture), gradu- ally increased until notable effects are shown, The only active preparation of rhus is probably a tincture of the fresh herb. RUMIN. (Con.) Bitter astringent; alterative, in scurvy ; said to be useful in obesity; stimulates lymphatic absorption. (Rumicine is identical with chrysophanic acid, q. v.) Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.2 ; grains, 1-2 to 4, three times a day. RUE. (Oil) Stimulant, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, carminative; for amenorrhea, hysteria, convul- sions, flatulence. Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to 0.3 ; grains, 1-6 to 5, thrice daily. Maximum daily dose, grammes, 1.0, or 1,5 grains. 61 SALICIN. (Glu ) Antipyretic. (For malaria with distinct peri- odicity and rheumatic pains ; also for free mu- cous fluxes, with septic tendency, foul tongue, fetid discharges.) Dose : Grammes, o.i to 0.75 ; grains, 1 1-2 to 12. SALICYLIC ACID, PURE. The first remedy for rheumatic fever; anti- pyretic ; antiseptic ; arrests gastric fermentation, he irtburn, water brash, acidity ; phlebitis ; head- ache, especially uricemic; to dissolve gall- stones ; specific for tonsillitis. (Full purplish or lead-colored tongue, local redness with slight purple, especially where pressed, indicate its use.) Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.3 ; grains, 1 12 to 5, in ordinary cases; up to gramme 0.5; grains, 7 1-2, every two to four hours in very high fever. SALOL. For irritable bladder, cystitis, gonorrhea, gleet; for gastro-intestinal fermentation or my- cosis ; cholera infantum, cholera morbus, ty- phoid fever. Tose: Grammes. 0.1; grains, 1 1-2, every one to three hours. Maximum daily dose for adults, grammes, 2, or 30 grains. SANGUINARINE NITRATE. (Aik.) Tonic; stimulant to sexual organs, in both sexes; for amenorrhea, impotence, frigidity; stimulant expectorant of great value, when the bronchi are too dull in sensibility to throw off secretions that accumulate. (Gastro-intestinal atony, with mucus ; cough with dry throat and air passages, constriction of chest, obstructed respiration.) D se : Grammes, 0.005 to 0.0075 ; grains, 1-8 to 1-12, every two to four hours. 62 SANTONIN-OXIM. Has the anthelmintic properties of santonin, without its dangerous toxic effects. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.3 ; grains, 1 to 5, according to age. One or two doses should be given, fasting, and no more until the next day. SAPONIN. (Glu.) Local irritant, followed by paralysis of sense and motion of voluntary and involuntary mus- cle, and of reflex action. Antagonizes digitalis, and vice versa; paralyzes nerve centers also, heart, lungs and vaso motors. It might be used for aortic disease with hypertrophy. SCILLITOXIN. (Glu.) Emeto-cathartic in large doses ; slows pulse and raises arterial pressure ; diuretic in cardiac dropsy; stimulant expectorant when secretion is free, but not expelled (dropsy with dry, harsh skin, parched tongue, fevered lips, contracted features). Dose : Grammes, 0.001; grains, 1 67, several times daily. SCUTELLARIN. (Resin.) Nerve tonic; not very strong. For nervous- ness, hysteria, chorea, monomania. Dose : Grammes, 0.1; grains, 1 1-2, and upwards. SENECIN. (Con.) For calculous affections (tonic to reproductive organs of both sexes ; fullness and weight in perineum, dragging in testicle, difficult or lag- ging urination in male ; strangury). Do>e: Grammes, 0.025; grain, 1-4, or upwards, thrice daily. SENEGIN. (Glu.) Considered identical with saponin ; stimulat- ing expectorant; diuretic and diaphoretic; for cases when lungs are loaded with secretions; 63 muco purulent, and the power to expectorate is too small; as in acute bronchitis, second stage, or in slowly resolving pneumonia; chronic bron- chitis or pneumonia ; renal dropsy ; aortic dis- ease with palpitation ; amenorrhea. SILVER OXID. For gastralgia, irritable dyspepsia, pyrosis, gastric catarrh or ulcer ; hematemesis; hemop- tysis ; menorrhagia ; chronic diarrhea or dys- entery ; chorea ; epilepsy ; locomotor ataxy. Dose: Grammes. 0.005 to 005; grains, 1-12 to 1, before each meal. SMILACIN. (Con.) Alterative, diaphoretic, resolvent. For syph- ilis, the cachexias and rheumatism. Dose : Grammes, 0.1 to 0.3 ; grains, 11-2 to 5, twice daily. SODIUM FORMATE. Used with some success for tuberculosis. Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.075 ; grains, 3 8 to 1 1-8, two to four times daily. SOLANINE HYDROCHLORATE. (Glu.) Lessens sensibility of nerve-ends, pulmonary plexus; analgesic; used in neuralgia in place of morphine ; for asthma ; bronchitis ; vomiting of pregnancy ; sciatica ; gout; rheumatism ; cystitis ; pertussis ; gastric pains and prurigo, (Capillary stimulant; for congestions of nerve centers; abdominal viscera ; kidneys.) Dose : Grammes, 0.01 to o 05 ; grains, 1-6 to 1, hypoder- mical y. SPARTEINE SULPHATE. (Aik.) Cardiac tonic ; diuretic ; it is the best of the heart tonics for steady use ; as reliable as digi- talis, and it may be given for a long time with- out ill results ; especially to old people ; the di' gestion is unaffected. 64 Dose : Grammes, o.oi to 0.05 ; grains, 1 6 to 1, or more, three or four times a day. STAPHISAGRINE. (Aik.) Paralyzes motor nerves and respiration. STILLINGINE. (Aik.) Used as an alterative in syphilis and in skin diseases ; cachexias ; scrofula ; enuresis ; rheu- matism of the chronic and irregular forms; bronchitis; (increases waste and excretion; stimulates lymphatic system to healthy secre- tion ; best in cachectic states, when mucosa and skin are involved.) Dose : Grammes, 0.025 to 0.1 ; grains, 1 4 to 1 1 2, three or more times daily. Dose of the concentration, grammes, 0.05 to 0.2 ; grains, 1 to 3. STROPHANTHINE. (Glu.) Heart tonic ; lengthening systole and slowing rhythm ; more powerful than digitalis ; raises blood pressure, but does not contract arteries ; diuretic ; antipyretic; no gastric irritation ; for mitral disease, with great anasarca. Dose: Grammes, 0.0001; grains, 1667; maximum, 0.0005; grains, 1 134, repeated according to effect. STRYCHNINE NITRATE. This salt has been extensively used in the treatment of alcoholism ; also for infantile paral- ysis, writer's cramp, local palsies, lead palsy, muscular atrophy, ataxy, cardiac neuralgia, amaurosis. (Atony of stomach and bowels with pain ; pain at hypochondria umbilicus or fore- head, with nausea, yellowish or brown maculae; yellowish, sallow ring about mouth.) Dose : Grammes, o 002 ; grains, 1-33, gradually increased to grammes, 0004; grains, 1-16, every four hours. 65 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE. (Aik.) Increases reflex excitability of spinal cord and blood pressure ; improves appetite ; peristalsis ; sensory sensibility and special senses ; sexual desire ; one of the best tonics for dyspepsia with catarrh and congestion ; for convalescence; anemia ; dyspepsia from improper food or alco- hol ; sick-headache ; prevents frontal headache in those liable; habitual constipation ; tonic to dilated heart, and in bronchitis with weak breathing ; night-sweats of phthisis ; depression due to mental overwork, but it must not be continued long, or made an excuse for con- tinued overwork; paralysis, after irritative symptoms have passed ; atony or paresis of bladder ; sexual debility unless due to excess ; chorea; hysteria. Dose : Grammes, o.ooi to 0.0025 ; grains, 1-67 to 1-24, every four hours. STRYCHNINE VALERIANATE. For nervous or hysteric debility. Dose: Grammes, 0.001 to 0.0025; grains, to 1-24, three or four times daily. TANNIC ACID. Astringent. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grain, 1, every two to four hours. TARTAR EMETIC. Emetic; expectorant; sedative to heart. For bronchitis, with fever, early stages; for in- somnia with indigestion. Dose : Grammes, 0.001 ; grain, 1-67, before meals, for in- digestion ; grammes, 0.002 ; grain, 1-33, every two hours, as expectorant. 66 THYMOL. For gastric fermentation, typhus, rheumatism; antipyretic ; anticatarrhal. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.1 ; grains, 1 to 2, or more, as needed. THEINE. (Aik.) Stimulates mental faculties, prevents sleep ; anesthetic; in large doses, causes giddiness, trembling and nervousness; tetanizant. For nervous, fatigue, emotional, hunger, cold, men- strual or mild neuralgic headache ; for neuralgia it excels caffeine. Dose : Grammes, 0.015 to 0.15; grains, 1-4 to 2. Daily maximum, grammes, 0.5 ; or 7 1 2 grains. TRILLIIN. (Con.) Mucous disease with free secretion ; astringent tonic. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.15 ; grains, 1 to 2 1-2. TRINITRIN. (Glonoin, Nitro-glycerine.) Lessens blood-pressure; relaxes heart muscle. For angina pectoris, headache, neuralgia, epi- leptic vertigo and epileptic fits; spasmodic asthma, puerperal convulsions ; uremia; sea- sickness, gastralgia, hepatic colic; may cut short cold stage of ague or other chills ; relieves heart if weak or fatty in the aged, and lessens tension in cirrhotic nephritis; has proved useful in myxedema, with elaterium; cerebral ische- mia ; intense chlorosis; anemic neuralgias; hypochondria. Dose: Grammes, 0.00025 to oooi; grains, 1-200 to 1-67, gradually increased as necessary. ULEXINE HYDROBROMATE. (Aik.) Diuretic. Dose : Grammes, 0.0001 to 0.00025 ! grain, 1-667 to 1-250. 67 URANIUM NITRATE. For diabetes. Dose : Grammes, o.oi to 0.025 ; grains, 1-6 to 1-2, every two to four hours. VERATRIN. (Con.) (This represents veratrum viride.) Weakens pulse without slowing, at first causes muscular weakness, nausea, vomiting, collapse; forsthenic fevers and inflammations; pneumonia; the best remedy for puerperal convulsions, as preventive or curative; (arterial sedative; stimulant to vegetative functions; acting through sympa- thetic nerves, it removes capillary obstruction, gives tone to vascular system, and strength to the heart; as circulation is freed, the heart quiets down ; the remedy for sthenia, active capillary circulation, full bounding, full hard, or corded, or wiry pulse, with serous inflamma- tion ; these remarks apply to its use in very small doses, up to 3 drops of Norwood's tincture ; for dysentery, followed by geranin). Dose : Grammes, 0.0025 to 0.01 ; grains, 1-24 to 1-6, fre- quently repeated, but carefully watched. VERATRINE. (Aik.) Fcr rheumatic arthritis; sthenic fevers, as pneumonia. Dose : Grammes, 0.0025 to 0.005 ; grains, 1 24 to 1 12, two to four hours. VIBURNIN. (Con.) For dysmenorrhea, to prevent abortion, anti- spasmodic ; uterine sedative; diuretic ; astrin- gent in diarrhea and dysentery. Dose: Grammes, 0.05 too. 15 ; grains, 1 to 2 1-2, as needed. VIOLINE. (Aik.) Emeto-cathartic, resembling emetine in its 68 action ; for bronchitis and other acute catarrhs of the respiratory tract. Dose : Grammes, 0.0002 to 0.0005 J grains, 1-300 to 1-134. XANTHOXYLIN. (Con.) Antirheumatic ; sudorific ; diuretic ; tonic in debility and anemia ; for tetanus; (best stimu- lant known for mucosa generally ; for chronic catarrhs, with relaxation and hyper-secretion; old ulcers; intestinal ulcers; low fevers). Dose : Grammes, 0.05 to 0.1; grains, 1 to 2, as often as necessary. ZINC OXID. For chorea, hysteria, nervous affections; for gastric catarrh, pyrosis, heartburn, ulcer. Doss : Grammes, 0.02 to 0.05; grain 1-4 to 1, before each meal. ZINC SULPHOCARBOLATE. For all cases wherein an antiseptic is required, in the stomach or bowels; for gastric catarrh, with pyrosis, heartburn, bad breath, fermen- tation, vomiting, nausea, ulcer, cancer; for cholera infantum, cholera morbus, cholera asiatica, duodenal catarrh, diarrhea, dysentery ; fetid stools; also to keep intestinal canal in aseptic state and thus prevent absorption of ptomaines therefrom, in all continued fevers, especially typhoid, pneumonia, and tubercu- losis ; the most efficient and least irritant agent known for this purpose. Dose : Grammes, 0.03 to 0.3; grains, 1-2 to 5, every two . hours until stools are odorless ; th en reduce to amount just sufficient to keep them so. ZINC VALERIANATE. For nervous disorders of hysteric type. Dose : Grammes, 0.05 ; grain 1, thrice daily. 69 Podophyllin, Elaterin, Croton oil, ABDOMINAL PLETHORA. Jalapin, Colocynthin, Convolvulin. A dose twice a week for portal congestion. Colchicine every alternate day. Fruit diet. Exercise while fasting. Cold baths with massage or rough tow'eling. ABORTION. Ergotin, Viburnin, Macrotin, Morphine, Gelseminine, Aletrin, Helonin. To prevent threatened abortion. Gold, Mercury. To stop habit of aborting, especially if due to syphilis. Rue, Tannic acid. If hemorrhage has begun. Ergotin, Macrotin, Digitalin, Hydrastinine. For hemorrhage after abortion. Iron phosphate. During pregnancy when fatty placenta causes abortion. If abortion be inevitable, tampon firmly with rubber bag filled with water, and give ergo- tin in full dose. 70 ABSCESS. Calcium sulphide, Arsenic sulphide, Atropine. To abort threatened. Guaiacin, to abort tonsillar. Calcium lactophos., Iron phosphate, In full doses. Iron arseniate, to repair waste. Digitalin, Arseniate quinine. For hectic suppuration. Smilacin, Iron iodide. Iodoform, For chronic, scrofulous abscess. Aconitine, for fever. ACIDITY. Silver oxide, Papayotin, Phosphoric acid. Before meals as preventive. Bismuth subnitrate, to allay heartburn. Salicylic acid, Lithia salicylate, Naphthol beta, Carbolic acid, Creasote, Mercury with chalk, Zinc sulphocarbolate, Manganese. After meals, to stop fermentation. Anemonine, Emetine, Rhein, Berberine, Lobeline. To promote healthy secretion. Brucine, Quassein, To tone stomach and restore appetite. ACNE. Lithia salicylate, for uric acid. Strychnine arseniate, in full doses, 71 Ergotin, Chrysophanic acid, Brucine. To contract capillaries. Veratrine, Euonymin, Leptandrin. For bilious phlegmatics.. Iodoform, Iodol, Iron arseniate, Calcium lactophos. For scrofulous or catarrhal cases. Calcium sulphide, For rosacea. Arsenic sulphide. Gold bromide, Arsenic bromide, Phosphorus, Sanguinarine. For obstinate cases. Mercury with chalk, For muddy skin, doughy, conjunctiva cloudy. Atropine, for greasy face, free sweating. Berberine, for girls at puberty. Mercury biniodide. Euonymin, Irisin, Juglandin, Mercury pill. Alone or combined, for constipation. ADDISON'S DISEASE. Iron arseniate, Mangan ese, Europhen, Phytolaccin, Calcium lactophos. In full doses, long continued. ADENITIS. Iodoform, Iodol, Phytolaccin, Iodine, Arsenic sulphide, Calcium sulphide, Barium chloride, Ammonium iodide. To promote resolution and prevent suppura- tion. 72 Calcium lactophos., Iron arseniate. To rebuild strength and tissue. Quinine arseniate. For hectic of long suppuration. Platinum chloride. For sluggish suppuration, indisposed to heal. ADYNAMIA. Quinine salts, Iron salts, Calcium lactophos., Brucine, Berberine, Phosphoric acid, Cornin. Cerasein, Strychnine, Arsenic, Hydrastine, Ampelopsin, Aristolochin. Variously combined, according to cause. Arnicin, nervous tonic. AFTER PAINS. Atropine, Gelseminine, Camphor monobrom, Macrotin, Morphine, Ergotin (small dose). In full doses, separately or combined. Pilocarpine. Given until slight sweating begins, then con- tinued less frequently till secretion is re- stored. Gossypiin, Theine. To keep up action of pilocarpine. Stop all liquors, beer, etc., and give plenty of nutritious food, especially lentil soup. AGALACTIA. 73 ALBUMINURIA. Trinitrin. To relax tension and relieve the heart and kidneys. Elaterin, Croton oil, Pilocarpine, Picrotoxin. To eliminate, and relieve the kidneys. Gold chloride, Mercury bichloride. Platinum chloride, As specifics. Benzoates, for pale tongue or sepsis. Aconitine, for febrile symptoms. Lead acetate, Tannic acid, Iron tannate, Chimaphilin, Arbutin. To lessen excretion of albumen. Cannabine, for hematuria. Cantharidin. For hematuria after acute symptoms have subsided. Fuchsine. To arrest albuminuria when dropsy is present. Helonin, astringent tonic. Picric acid. ALCOHOLISM. Arsenite copper, Zinc sulphocarbolate. For morning vomiting. Capsicum. To promote digestion, induce sleep, quiet de- lirium, remove appetite for alcohol. Quinine arseniate. To quiet and strengthen stomach and nerves- Brucine, Strychnine nitrate. To remove depression due to stopping alcohol, and brace up nerves. 74 Atropine, Daturine, Mandragorine, Hy oscine, Hyoscyamine, Duboisine, Trinitrin, Caffeine. To cause sense of fullness in the head that renders alcohol disagreeable. Gold bromide, Arsenic bromide, Nickel bromide. For "horrors," nervous erethism. Phosphorus. Given at first for a week, to quickly restore some mental power and break up habit; also for neuralgia following stoppage of al- cohol, and for insomnia. Cocaine. To relieve thirst due to pharyngo-buccal ca- tarrh, and sinking sensations in epigas- trium ; also soothes irritable stomach. Macrotin. For dyspepsia with irregular or feeble heart- action. Picrotoxin, For tremors, alcoholic epilepsy with anemia. Lupulin. For delirium tremens and as substitute for alcohol. Zinc phosphide. Zinc oxid, For gastric catarrh, tremor and to relieve Silver oxid. craving. Apomorphine, Pilocarpine. To rid the body quickly of alcohol and dispel ebriety. A Turkish bath does this promptly and effectually. Lobeline, Nicotine, Tartar emetic. Effectual but dangerous drugs for " fighting 75 delirium." Huge doses of capsicum do bet- ter if they can be introduced. Food must be given persistently ; raw beef, oysters, white of egg, hot clam-juice, Bo- vinine, Wyeth's or Valentine's beef-juice, with papayotin, and the pickled meats, are most appropriate. ALOPECIA. Pilocarpine. Enough daily to produce slight sweating. Mercury, Gold, Platinum, Iodine. For syphilitic cases. • For loss of hair due to debility and lack of for- mative elements. These must be taken for a long time, and are very effectual. Calcium lactophos., Iron phosphate. Arseniate potassium may be added. AMAUROSIS AND AMBLYOPIA. Strychnine nitrate. For functional forms or those due to'j.ead, tobacco or alcohol, atrophic and traumatic forms. Iodine, Iodide of iron Iodol, For scrofulous cases or those duetto lead. Iodide of mercury, for syphilitic cases. Arnicin, Rue, Santonin-oxim. Have been recommended. Guaiacin, for rheumatics. Anemonine. 76 AMENORRHEA. Aconitine, Anemonine, Cicutine. For cases due to catching cold. Iron arseniate, For anemics. Myrrhic acid, Potass permang., Mercury biniodide, Arsenic chloride, Gobi chloride,' Macrotin, Rue, Aristolochin. Sanguinarine, Senegin, Senecin, Aletrin, Alnuin, Hydrastine, Gold potass, cyanide. For functional inactivity. Quinine valerianate, Brucine, For hysteria. Aloin, Iron arseniate, For chlorotic cases. Ergotin, Colchicine, Iron valerianate. Colocynthin, Zinc phosphide. Caulophyllin. For plethoric cases. ANEMIA. Iron chloride, Iron phosphate, Manganese phosphate, Hemoglobin. For ordinary cases. Iron iodide, for scrofulous. Iron arseniate, for malarial, cachectic. Iron bromide, Arsenic bromide, Nickel bromide. When others cause headache. Iron valerianate, for nervous or hysterical. 77 Calcium lactophos. As a tissue-food in all cases, especially nurs- ing mothers. Strychnine arseniate, Quinine arseniate. For town dwellers. Brucine, Calumbiu, Quassein, Pepsin, Papayotin, Cetrarin (increases red and white cells). As adjuvants. ANEURISM. Veratrine, Aconite, Ergotin. To depress circulation and favor coagulation. Codeine, Cannabine. To relieve pain. Absolute rest and dry diet. Iron tannate, Gallic acid, Lead acetate. To favor coagulation. Arsenious odidie, for specific effect. ANGINA PECTORIS. Trinitrin, Acetanilide, Cocaine, Morphine. To relieve paroxysms. Nicotine is recommended but is not advised. Arsenic iodide, Gold iodide, Mercury iodides, Iodine. To be given in the intervals, to act upon the diseased tissues, and remove what can be absorbed. Caffeine arseniate, Quinine arseniate. To prevent recurrence; to be given in inter- vals. 78 Aconite, when indicated by state of circulation. Phosphorus. Sometimes useful when nervous debility un- derlies disease. Strychnine, Brucine, Berberine, Quassein, Calumbin, Bebeerin, Absinthiu, yEsculin, Aletrin, ANOREXIA. Arseniate quinine, Arseniate iron, Cerasein, Chelidonin, Chelonin, Collinsonin, Cusparine, Fraserin, Gold chloride. Arseniate strychnine, Any of the above will restore the appetite provided the bowels are first regulated, and gastric catarrh cured. Until this is done it is useless to try to force an appetite, when the stomach is not in condition to receive food. AORTIC DISEASE. Cicutine, for pains. Saponin, for hypertrophy. Senegin, for palpitation. APHONIA. Brucine, Eserine, Strychnine. For relaxation. Atropine, For hysteria. Emetine, Strychnine arseniate. For congestion. Lobeline. 79 Rue, Acid benzoic, Iodine, For chronic forms. APOPLEXY. Veratrine, Tartar emetic, Robeline, Gelseminine, Aconitine, Nicotine. To reduce the pulse when apoplexy is threat- ened. Vomiting is to be avoided; the remedies given only to soften the pulse. Colocynthin, Elaterin, Croton oil. To relieve by speedy and actively purging. Colchicine. For persons who have reason to dread apo- plexy. Avoid excitement, alcohol, too free use of stimulating food, over-exertion and too little exertion equally, hot soup and drinks. ASCITES. More good will be done by keeping up the blood with tonics and food, and only de- pleting the dropsical accumulation where absolutely necessary to relieve respiration, than by purging or sweating. If the causal disease (hepatic cirrhosis) be at a stand-still, draining the peritoneum may prove cura- tive ; or if chronic or tubercular peritonitis be the cause. Otherwise, the pressure of a full abdomen checks further effusion, and relief should only be sought when unavoid- able. 80 Elaterin, Colocynthin, Jalapin, Convolvulin, Croton oil. Hydragogue cathartics. Pilocarpine, Sudorifics. Picrotoxin. Iron phosphate, Phosphoric acid, Calcium lactophos. To keep up the blood. Digitalin, Scillitoxin, Mercury pill. Given together to act on the kidneys. Apocynin, Copaiba, Stillingin. Have been recommended. Aconitine, ASTHMA. Anemonine. To prevent attack, if given at the start. Trinitrin. Is very effectual in breaking the paroxysm. Atropine. When the skin is cool and moist and sputa loose. Pilocarpine. For bronchitic asthma, with rhinitis. Strychnine. For nervous cases, in full doses. Tartar emetic. In nauseant dose, for hearty subjects. Colchicine, for gouty cases. Sanguinarine. For humid form and sometimes for spasmodic. Emetine, Lobeline, Cocaine, Nicotine, Bromides, Eucalyptol, 81 Caffeine, Daturine, Cannabine, Morphine, Apomorphine, Atropine, Aspidospermine, Asclepidin, Delphinine, Solanine. Arseniates, Strychnine, Have been recommended for the paroxysms. Quinine, Brucine. Have been recommended to be taken in the in- tervals, to prevent recurrence of paroxysms. Quinine. A full dose the evening before an expected attack will prevent it. Menthol, Thymol, Myrrhic acid, Eucalyptol. For humid asthma. ATHEROMA. Zinc phosphide, Phosphorus. For a week occasionally. Not to be used in plethoric cases. Quinine arseniate, Arsenic iodide, Iodine, Iodoform, Calcium lactophos. For continued use in ordinary cases. With proper diet these will delay the progress in- definitely and promote absorption of the deposit. Iron iodide, for anemic or scrofulous cases. Mercury biniodide, for syphilitic cases. Arsenic. When kidneys are impaired, with puffy eyes, mental hebetude, drowsiness. Digitaliu, for capillary atheroma. 82 Arsenic, Helonin, ATROPHY. Strychnine. For muscular atrophy. BACKACHE. Arnicin, for atonic state. BILIOUSNESS. Podophyllin, For clayey stools, fetid, with flatulence and either costiveness or diarrhea. Aconitine, an occasional dose aids the former. Mercury yellow oxid, Stillingin, Calomel, Rhein. Mercury pill, When the bile is in excess or deficient. Bryonine. For sluggish liver, or bilious vomiting with headache. Berberine, for dyspepsia and chronic gastritis. Pepsin, with hydrochloric acid, before meals. Ammonium iodide. For duodenal and biliary catarrh. Euonymin, for bilious attacks. Salicylic acid, Lithia salicylate. Manganese binox., For gouty cases. Aloin, for constipation. Calumbin. Gentle tonic after attack has subsided. Leptandrin. The best when there is any sign of irritation or inflammation. 83 Hydrastine, for duodenal catarrh. Diet: Fast for one day, or keep to hot skimmed milk alone. BLADDER, IRRITABLE. Atropine, Duboisine, Hyoscine, Daturine, Hyoscyamine. For nocturnal incontinence ; one full dose at bedtime. Cantharidin, Erigeron oil. For women who dribble on coughing, but have no cystitis. Ammonium benzoate, Benzoic acid, Eucalyptol, Benzoates. For ammoniacal urine, offensive, phosphatic ; or for enlarged prostate, or for slight catarrh. Gelseminine. For hysterical women with constant irritation, or acute catarrh. Salol, Cubeb oleores. For catarrh of bladder. Delphinine, Chimaphilin, Cannabine, Populin. For spasm of the bladder, strangury and gen- eral use. BLADDER, PARALYSIS. Cannabine, for retention in spinal disease. Ergotin. For paretic dysuria, when bladder feels as if but partly emptied; for sphincter palsy and incontinence and distention-palsy. Arnicin, Physostigmine, Strychnine, Brucine. Have been employed for palsy of detrusor. 84 Cantharidin, Gossypiin, For atonic paresis. Calcium sulphide, To abort boils. BOILS. Arsenic sulphide. To repair damages, re- store the blood, and give firmness to the cells, so as to stop the recurrence of boils. Iron arseniate, Calcium lactophos. Quinine arseniate. For hectic and debility during discharging period. Aconitine. For fever and headache previous to opening. The best local remedy is an ointment of mer- cury biniodide, i to 24 of lard ; a little rubbed into the center of the coming boil. This will almost always abort it. BONE DISEASE. Phosphoric acid, ' Calcium lactophos. To rebuilt diseased, carious or softened bone. Iodine, Iron iodide, Iodol, Iodoform, Calcium chloride, Barium chloride. For scrofulous bone disease. Strychnine arseniate, Guaiacol, Iron arseniate. Iron phosphate, Quinine arseniate. Touics during progress of bone suppuration. Mercury biniodide, Iodoform, Smilacin, Gold iodide, Calcium iodide. For syphilitics. 85 Zinc sulphocarbolate, Potass, permanganate, Carbolic acid, BREATH: FETID. Thymol, Menthol, Eucalyptol. A few granules of either to be allowed to dis- solve in the mouth and then swallowed. BRIGHT'S DISEASE: ACUTE. Aconitine, for beginning of scarlatinal. Cantharidin. When hematuria remains after acute symp- toms subside. Digitalin, for the dropsy only. Cannabine. For hematuria while acute symptoms are present; also diuretic. Eucalyptol, uncertain ; sometimes of service. Atropine, Hyoscyamine. For irritation and pain in kidneys. Pilocarpine. To relieve kidneys and avert uremia ; full dose to produce sweating. Give digitalin also, if at all weak. Colocynthin, Elaterin, Jalapin. To avert uremia and relieve kidneys by free purgation. Use with free hand if convul- sions are threatened, but watch that pa- tient's strength does not fail. Iron phosphate. As tonic when disease has subsided. Lead acetate, Tannic acid, BRIGHT'S DISEASE: CHRONIC. Hydrastinine. Chimaphilin. Lessen loss of albumen. 86 Jalapin, Occasionally, as derivative. Trinitrin. In contracted kidney, to lessen arterial ten- sion, relieve heart and kidneys, and to save albumen in desquamative form. b'uchsin has been recommended. Erigeron oil. Saves albumen, lowers vascular tension, re- lieves headache, nausea, and other uremic symptoms. Pilocarpine, for uremic symptoms. Iron phosphate, Iron tannate. To prevent anemia and save albumen. Eucalyptol. In small doses sometimes relieves the desqua- mative form. Gold iodide, for syphilitic cases. Blaterin. Gold chloride, Arsenic chloride, Mercury bichloride. For interstitial form to arrest cirrhotic process. Benzoates, Benzoic acid. Used steadily for months, have some curative power over the desquamative form. BRONCHIECTASIS. Quinine arseniate, about the best tonic. Calcium lactophos. To repair waste and strengthen tissues. Eucalyptol, Myrtol, Thymol, Menthol. Prevent or cure fetor from decomposing secretion. Aspidospermine, for dyspnea. Sanguinarine, Senegin. 87 Scillitoxin, Stimulate bronchi to throw off secretions. Strychnine arseniate, Brucine, Ergotin, Eserine. The first as tonic, and all to cause contraction of the cavity walls. Aconitine, Veratrine, BRONCHITIS: ACUTE. Digitalin, Quinine sulphate. For fever at beginning. Asclepidin, to subdue congestion. Apomorphine, Emetine, Violine. To loosen sputa, first stage. Morphine, Codeine, Solauine. To soothe cough, first stage. Lobeline, Tartar emetic. For dyspnea, or violent cough. M aerotin, Antimony arseniate. For subacute forms, or after acute stage sub- sides. Ammonium benzoate, for later stages. Sanguinarine, Scillitoxin, Senegin. For copious secretion, in later stages, with sluggish bronchial sensibility, so that the sputa are not easily raised. Colchicine, for gouty or plethoric cases. Eucalyptol, Cubeb oleores, Copaiba oleores, Benzoic acid, Myrtol, Menthol, Myrrhic acid, Thymol. For copious secretion in later stages, when it tends to become chronic. 88 Potass, cyanide, For cough of later stages, tending to become chronic. Iodoform. Emetine, Apomorphine, BRONCHITIS : CAPILLARY. Copper sulphate. Sanguinarine, Scillitoxin, As emetics ; the former as expectorant. Senegin. To stimulate expectoration, when deficient, in the aged. Aristolochin. Stimulant expectorant, for children or young adults. Lobeline, Tartar emetic. To be used with caution, if at all, for dyspnea. Camphor monobrom., stimulant expectorant. Digitalin, Strychnine nitrate, Brucine, Physostigmine. Stimulants for failing heart. Quinine, as a tonic to be given throughout. Ammonium iodide, Mercury protiodide. To favor liquescence and absorption of reso- lution. Eucalyptol. Stimulant for low states, with feeble capillary circulation. BRONCHITIS : CHRONIC. Quinine arseniate, Strychnine arseniate. For emphysematous, spasmodic cases, and as general tonics. Arsenic sulphide, for profuse purulent sputa. Calcium lactophos. To be given throughout as a tissue builder. Lobeline, for dyspnea. 89 Ammonium benzoate, Aristolochin, Sanguinarine, Senegin, Antimony arseniate, Ampelopsin, Chelerythrine. When secretion is profuse and not ejected freely. Cicutine, for spasmodic cough and dyspnea. Hydrastine, Berberine. For dry catarrhs, atrophic. Ammonium iodide. To loosen sputa and stimulate cough. Colchicine, for gouty or plethoric cases. Acid benzoic, Cubeb oleores, Copaiba oleores, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Thymol, Creasote, Carbolic acid, Tannic acid, Ammonium benzoate, Barosmin, Myrtol. To check profuse, thin secretion and to pre- vent or cure fetor. Myricin, stimulant expectorant. Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform, Iodide of iron. For scrofulous cases, or those resisting treat- ment. Morphine, Codeine, Cicutine, Camphor monobrom., Potass, cyanide. To allay cough aud give sleep, when there is not obstructed oxidation. Scillitoxin. For tenacious, sticky mucus, hard to raise except by straining at coughing. Eserine, for relaxation, local and general. Digitalin, for anasarca in late cases. Cerium oxalate, for dyspnea, nervous cough. 90 Collinsonin, Helenine, Hydrangine. BRONCHORRHEA. Ammonium iodide, Iron iodide, Arsenic iodide. A good combination to improve strength and favorably modify local condition. Calcium lactophos., Manganese phosphate, Iron phosphate. Tonic, to be given for six weeks at a tim e. Benzoates, Benzoic acid, Cubeb oleores, Copaiba oleores, Myrtol, Thymol, Zinc oxid., Ampelopsin, Myrrhic acid, Menthol. To check secretion and stimulate expecto- ration. Carbolic acid, Eucalyptol, Creosote, Helenine, For fetid sputa. Cotoine, for colliquative cases, in phthisis. Eserine, Brucine, Strychnine. To give tone to muscular fiber of bronchi. BURNS. Phytolaccin, to relieve pain. Strychnine arseniate, Brucine. To combat depression. Morphine, Codeine. Cannabine, To relieve pain. Digitalin, Aconitine. Veratrine, To subdue fever. 91 CACHEXIAS. Calcium lactophos. As a cell-builder in all cachexias ; to be given long. Iron arseniate, Quinine arseniate, Manganese phos. For anemia in cancerous, malarial, splenic, phthisical. Hydrastine, for malarial and splenic. Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform, Calcium iodide., Europhen, Iodide iron. For mercurial, saturnine, arsenical, scrofulous, syphilitic. Mercury biniodide, Arsenic iodide, Iron iodide. For syphilitic, scrofulous, eczematous. Eucalyptol, Arnicin. Said to be at times useful adjuvants. Gold iodide. For cancerous, syphilitic, scrofulous and mer- curial ; the latter is doubtful. Citric acid, for scorbutic, scrofulous. Chionanthin, for cases with congested liver. Corydalin. Tonic eliminant, especially in syphilis. Irisin. As hepatic stimulant, often required in these affections. Menispermin, stimulant to absorbents. Morphine, Atropine. CALCULI: BILIARY. To be injected hypodermically, to relieve pain of paroxysm. Lithia salicylate, Euonjmin, Podophyllin. To dissolve calculi; take for a long time. 92 CALCULI: URINARY. Hydrangin, Lithia Salicylate, Piperazine. To cause solution. Morphine,' Atropine. , Hypodermically, to relieve par- oxysm. Salol, Gossypiin. To relieve irritation of bladder. Quassein, Calumbin. To check vomiting. Ammonium benzoate. To dissolve phosphatic calculi, must be given a long time. Senecin, Barosmin, Chimaphilin, Collinsoniu, Panduratin. For gravel. CANCER. Arsenite copper, Iodoform, Arseniate sodium. Mercury biniodide, Methyl violet, The arsenics, To check vomiting. Barium chloride, Chimaphilin. To retard growth. Cicutine, Cauuabine, Codeine, Iodoform, Cocaine. To relieve pain and secure sleep. Morphine Is the last resort, excepting anesthetics. Phytolaccin, To delay growth. Hydrastine has been suggested. Europhen, for gastric. Rumin. 93 Gold chloride, alterative, for cachexia. Methyl violet, Pepsin, Ostnic acid. To destroy growth, locally used. CANCRUM ORIS. Quinine arseniate, Brucine, Iron arseniate, Berberine. Strychnine arseniate, Tonics, to be pushed energetically. CARBUNCLE. Arsenic sulphide, To abort suppuration. Calcium sulphide. Strychnine arseniate, Quinine arseniate, Iron arseniate, Hydrastine. Tonics, needed from first to last. Digitalin, For fever. CARIES. (See bone disease.) CATALEPSY. Apomorphine hypodermically, To cut short paroxysms. Strychnine arseniate, Iron valerianate. As tonics in the intervals. Quinine. CATARACT. Phosphide of zinc, Gold iodide, Iodoform, Iodine, Phosphorus, Mercury biniodide, Iodol. To promote absorption, or stay progress. Atropine, full dose, Quinine, Camphor monobrom. CATARRH : ACUTE NASAL. Will abort an attack quite certainly. 94 Aconitine, For fever, to moderate severe cases, or in measles; most useful in first stage. Anemonine. Morphine, Codeine, Meconarceine. Strychnine, Physostigmine, Relieve the distress greatly. Brucine, Ergo tin. In full dose may contract the swollen mem- brane, and thus relieve, but the symptoms return. Colchicine, For frequently recurring cases, severe; in gouty or plethoric cases, sedentary. Arseniates. For frontal headache, itching nose, sneezing. Veratrine. For the same cases, with fever and strong pulse. Bryonine. Burning in eyes and nose, acrid discharge. Macrotin. For rheumatoid, or muscular pains or aching, headache, boneache. Pilocarpine. A full dose will abort, provided the patient does not at once replace the lost water by drinking. Bupatorin, to break up attack. Anemonine. In warm water, applied locally, gives some relief. Ammonium iodide. May be useful by substitution. Emetine, aids in hastening suppuration. Cubeb oleores, for dry, congestive stage. Tartar emetic. 95 CATARRH : CHRONIC NASAL. Sanguinarine, Senegin. Useful stimulants. Hydrastine, Berberine. For dry, atrophic forms, and for ulceration. Gold iodide. For syphilitic, strumous, or mercurial variety, with sore nasal bones and low spirits. Mercurials, Iodoform, Iron iodide, Iodine, Iodol. In syphilitics ; the iodines when the tissues need stimulation. Calcium lactophos. For strumous or cachectic cases; for youths who have overgrown their strength, or who inherit a tendency to phthisis. Arsenic sulphide, For suppurative cases. Calcium sulphide. Eucalyptol, Menthol, Thymol, Helenine. For fetid discharges. Colchicine, for gouty or plethoric. Arsenic iodide. In small doses, long continued, as alterative. CEREBRAL ANEMIA. Trinitrin, for sudden attacks, fainting. Aristolochin, Iron arseniate, Arnicin, Cetrarin. Strychnine arseniate, As tonics for continued use, especially in hypochondria. Camphor monobrom., for headache. 96 Phosphide zinc, Phosphorus, Gold chloride. May be given to make a decided impression on beginning treatment. Gold. Is specially suited for vertigo, or melancholy. Agaricin, for feeble circulation. Convallamarin, for failing heart. CEREBRAL CONCUSSION. Arnicin, internally, has been used. Do not use stimulants or draw blood. (Agnew.) CEREBRAL CONGESTION. Veratrine. For active congestion, with headache or ex- citement, hard pulse. Aconitine, for congestion, with weaker pulse. Atropine, for less active forms of hyperemia. Gelseminine. When the heart is too weak for veratrine, and yet there is excitement or pain. Croton oil, Convolvulin, Elaterin. When it is necessary to reduce the blood- pressure rapidly. Colchicine. For chronic congestion in gout or plethora. Convallamarin, Arsenic, Sparteine, Digitalin, Adonidine, Barium chloride. For passive congestion with weak heart. Strychnine. For feeble heart, passive congestion, with relaxation of the vessels. Nickel bromide, for headache. 97 Amygdala amara oil. For transient hyperemia, due to transient causes. CEREBRAL SOFTENING. Arsenic chloride, Platinum chloride. Phosphorus, Phosphide zinc, Gold chloride, For incipient stages, or when due to exhaus- tion, or to causes no longer at work ; a short course of one of the above, for a w eek only, may arouse the flagging powers; after which more permanent tonics are in place. Strychnine arseniate, Sanguinarine, Quinine arseniate, Eserine, Iron arseniate, Chelerythrine. To follow the powerful agents in previous list. Veratrine. To subdue inflammatory symptoms that may arise. Aconitine, for febrile symptoms of lower grade. Gelseminine. For excitement without much strength to pulse. Mercury bichloride, Gold chloride, Platinum chloride. For syphilitic cases. Hydrastine, for relaxed vessels. CHANCRE. Mercury pill, Calomel. To be given speedily till ptyalism begins to show, in all cases of hard chancre. Iron arseniate, Strychnine arseniate, Quinine arseniate. For soft chancre ; give in as full doses as can be borne. 98 Quinine, Iron phosphate, Brucine, Hydrastine, Berberine. Tonics, if the arsenics be badly borne, for soft chancre. CHEST-PAINS. Strychnine arseniate. For wandering pains, with nervous irritability. Arniciu, for "stitch" in the side. Asclepidin, Bryonine. For painful catch in the breath. Macrotin. Intercostal rheumatism, pains under the breast in women, pleurodynia. CHLOROSIS. Iron phosphate, Calcium lactophos., Manganese phosphate, Hemoglobin. Should be given in full doses for long periods. Iron arseuiate, Good alternates. Sanguiuarine, Potas. permanganate, Picrotoxin, Brucine. Rue, Ergotin. For amenorrhea. Aloin, for constipation. Pepsin, Papayotin, Diastase. For indigestion. Cetrarin. For languid cases, with anorexia and consti- pation. CHOKING. Cajeput oil. Is said to have removed sensation of choking that had persisted for weeks. 99 Bromides. Are said to relieve children, who, from birth, choke at liquids. CHOLERA ASIATICA. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Salol, Naphthol beta, Arsenite copper, Eucalyptol, Creosote, Carbolic acid, Helenine. As germicides ; the value being according to the order as given. They should be given at once, in full doses, and repeated hourly, to destroy the comma bacilli. They may be used as preventives, and for vomiting. Picrotoxin, Sudden attacks with high fever may be bene- fited by these drugs, if the strength be suffi- cient to warrant their use. Pilocarpine. Camphor, Capsicum oleores, Piper oleores, Cajeput oil. Powerful local stimulants, in full doses, are reputed to break up many sudden attacks ; and for collapse. A full dose of both, hypodermi- cally, is highly praised, at the be- - ginning; later, they should be re- peated as needed for cramps, pain and diarrhea. Morphine, Atropine. Phosphoric acid, Zinz sulphocarbolate. Citric acid, May be taken with impunity as preventives. Nicotine has been proposed. Strychnine nitrate, Brucine, Hydrastine, Berberine. As tonics, when lelaxation occurs, or for collapse. 100 Sparteine, Strychnine, Digitalin, Adonidin, Cactine, Convallamarin. Arseniate sodium, Tonics for failing heart. Bismuth. For irritable stomach and bowels, especially in convalescence. Copper sulphate, Bismuth subnit. Lead acetate, For free diarrhea in declining stages. Bismuth. For diarrhea in the earlier stages. Bismuth salicylate, antiseptic and sedative. I would put my faith in the free use of zinc sulphocarbolate as a prophylactic, and as a germicide throughout, in doses of to 5 grains every one-half to two hours ; with a hypodermic of atropine (gr. and mor- phine (gr. at the outset, or a mixture of tinct. capsicum, oil of cajeput, tinct. cam- phor, chloroform and ether, to break up attacks, or for collapse, and the rational treatment of such symptomsand conditions as present themselves. As a rule, drugs must be given hypodermically, except where the local effect is desired. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Arsenite copper, Salol, Resorcin, Naphthol beta, Creosote, Carbolic acid, Eucalyptol, Thymol, Menthol. As germicides and antiseptics, to be given throughout, the value being about in the order named. 101 Calomel, Mercury with chalk, Rhein, Zinc sulphocarbolate, Bismuth salicylate. For offensive diarrhea that may precede chol- eraic attacks. Bismuth subnit., Zinc sulphocarb., Calomel, Pepsin, Arsenite sodium. For vomiting. Zinc oxid, Silver oxid, Copper sulphate, Tannic acid, Resorcin, Geranine. As astringents, for diarrhea after vomiting has ceased and relaxation occurred. Lead acetate, Bismuth subnit., Morphine, Cotoine, Cocaine. In very small doses, for diarrhea or vomiting. Codeine. For diarrhea with pain, tenesmus and tor- mina, after reaction has occurred. Emetine with codeine. For green stools, mucous and bloody, with tenesmus. Caffeine. Is to be preferred as a heart-tonic, for young children. Camphor, Cajeput oil, For collapse. Capsicum oleores. Atropine. A full dose (for a child) is said to relieve choleraic symptoms wonderfully. Con- tracted pupils indicate its use. 102 Brucine, Hydrastine, Berberine. For weak, relaxed conditions. Arsenite sodium. When fever with wasting and unhealthy stools continue into convalescence. Morphine. Is the remedy for pain, tormina and tenes- mus, increased peristalsis. The doses should be very small, as narcotism is easily pro- duced and very fatal. It is not to be given for the diarrhea, as this may be stopped and the patient die. Veratrine. For fever, with acute inflammatory symptoms and headache. CHOLERA MORBUS. The treatment of Asiatic cholera is mainly applicable here. Morphine, Atropine. • Hypodermically. Generally puts a stop to the attack. The stimulant mixture given for Asiatic cholera answers also in this case. Calomel, Arsenite sodium, Emetine, Creosote, Quasseine, Bismuth salicylate, Bismuth subnitrate. Apomorphine, For vomiting. Copper sulphate. To relieve stomach of decomposing food. Zinc sulphocarbolate. Relieves vomiting and all other symptoms. Dioscorein, for nervousness and irritation. 103 Veratrine, For fever, headache, and symptoms of in- flammation, following reaction. CHORDEE. Veratrine, Aconitine. For active inflammation with general fever. Atropine, for all but febrile cases. Nicotine. Cannabine, Camphor monobrom., Cautharidine, Gelseminine. Lupulin. Have each been recommended. CHOREA. Iron arseniate, for anemic cases. Strychnine arseniate. For hereditary, hysterical or neuralgic cases. Arsenic bromide. For ordinary cases, and those having un- usually active movements. Quinine arseniate, for long standing cases. Macrotin. For menstrual, rheumatic and obstinate cases. Hyoscine, Hyoscyamine. For severe cases. Veratrine. For severe cases, with great and strong jerking Picrotoxin. Cicutine. To quiet muscular irritability, and for local chorea. Morphine. For very severe cases with such incessant mo- tion as to prevent sleep. 104 Zinc valerianate, Copper phosphate, Physostigmine, Acetanilid, Copper sulphate, Camphor monobromid, Cerasein, Exalgine, Helenine. Have been recommended. Antipyrin, is an efficient remedy. CLIMACTERIC AILMENTS. Aconitine, Aloin, Anemoniue. For "fidgets," restlessness, nervous palpita- tions. Macrotin. For headache and mental derangement, flushes, heats and insomnia. Ergotin, Digitalin, Hydrastinine, Cannabine. For hemorrhages. Trinitrin. For flushes, followed by chilly skin and cold sweat; for vertigo. Cannabine, Camphor monobrom. For headache or insomnia. Cicutine, Hyoscine. For motor restlessness. Aloin, Fuonymin. For constipation or melancholy, especially of religious type. Iron arseniate. For irregular heart, fullness in head, weight at vertex, flushes, alternate hot and cold sweats. Physostigmine, Rue. Cajeput oil, For flatulence, fluttering in epigastrium. 105 Colocynthin, Elaterin, Croton oil. For drowsiness, with full head, and other con- gestive symptoms at time when menses are due. Aloin, Colchicine, Nickel bromide. For the last-named cases during inter-men- strual period. Brucine, Berberine, Bebeerine. Useful tonics for this period. Zinc valerianate, for hysteric symptoms. COLIC: INTESTINAL. Morphine, Atropine. ► Hypodermically. The latter should be given alone to children. Arseniate caffeine. For neuralgic cases, not due to food. Macrotin, Brucine. For irregular cramps. Veratrine, when due to catching cold. Picrotoxin, for colic during pregnancy. Asclepidin, for flatulence or congestion. Nickel bromide, Cajeput oil, Lobeline. Given together, for infant's colic. Lithia salicylate, Zinc sulphocarbolate, Mercury with chalk. For fermentation or decomposed food. Colchicine. For sharp or dull pain from back to hip, down leg, without fever. Dioscorein, for bilious colic. 106 Menthol, Eucalyptol, Thymol, Cajeput oil. To relieve pain and cough. Nicotine, to relax spasm. Atropine, j Morphine. J COLIC: LEAD. Calomel, Full dose, hypodermically. Bismuth. To allay vomiting. Lobeline, Given cautiously to relieve spasm. Nicotine. Croton oil, Colocynthin, Jalapin, Elater in, Convolvulin. To open bowels. They must be given in full doses, but carefully watched, if at all. Cold enemas and alum do better. Iodol, Iodoform, Iodine. To remove lead from the tissues. COLIC: RENAL OR HEPATIC. Morphine, Atropine. In full doses. Picrotoxin, Lobeline, Pilocarpine, Apomorphine, Nicotine. May be given to produce relaxation, if the preceding remedy be not at hand ; but this requires close watching and prompt stimu- lation if collapse ensue. Dioscorein. In hepatic cases, for the duodenal catarrh. Cajeput oil, Capsicum oleores. May be given if nothing better be at hand. 107 COMA. Elaterin, Jalapin, Colocynthin, Croton oil, Convolvulin. To purge strongly and quickly, when haste is required, and apoplexy, uremia or death threatened. Apomorphine, hypodermically, in poisoning. Pilocarpine, In uremic coma. Picrotoxin. Aconitine, for congestion. Capsicum, to arouse by local stimulation. CONSTIPATION. Aloin, Strychnine, Euonymin, Capsicum oleores, Cascarin, Juglandin, Atropine. Singly or combined, for habitual constipation, or for hemorrhoids when not active. Podophyllin, Irisin, Colocynthin, Euphorbin, Jalapin. Elaterin, Convolvulin, For plethoric cases, requiring active agents. Croton oil. For cases requiring prompt and powerful catharsis. Hydrastine, Cetrarin, Physostigmine, Arsenic. For atony of intestinal muscle and alternate diarrhea and constipation. Berberine, Lobeline, Stillingin, Bryonin, 108 Emetine, For abnormal dryness of mucous membrane. Picrotoxin, for hard, lumpy stools, with flatus. Cajeput oil. For flatulence and atony, with distended belly. Absinthiu, in convalescence. Asclepidin. Chelidonin, for bilious cases. Chelonin. Juglandin. CONVALESCENCE. Calcium lactoplios, Iron phosphate, Manganese phosphate, Phosphoric acid. To replace losses and rebuild wasted tissues. Berberine, Quassein, Columbin, Canellin, Aristolochin, Cusparm, Fraserin, Chirettin, Bebeerine. Bitter tonics to restore the appetite. Pepsin, Diastase, Papayotin. To digest the food eaten. The arsenics. In small doses, to restore digestive functions, and assist iron in recouping the blood for its losses. Cocaine, Guaranine, Brucine, Caffeine, Hydrastine. As " bracers," for weak or sinking spells. Gold bromide, Caffeine, Nickel bromide. A dose at bedtime, for insomnia from cere- bral anemia. 109 Apocynin, for oedema or atony. Cerasein, for loose bowels. CONVULSIONS. Atropine. ( For congestive, teething, or whooping-cough fits. Brucine, Rhein. For those due to intestinal irritation alone. Emetine, Apomorphine. Copper sulphate, In emetic doses ; may reveal the cause and effect a cure. Zinc valerianate, Quinine valerianate, Calomel, Iron valerianate, Santonin oxim. For fits caused by worms. Pilocarpine, Veratrin, Picrotoxin. For uremic fits, and those that usher in fevers. Veratrin, Anemonine, Aconitine. If there be high fever and full pulse. Trinitrin, For first stage of epilepsy ; for cases where face is pale and cool, and where other rem- edies fail. Croton oil, Blaterin, Jalapin. Cautiously, for constipation, if present. Nickel bromide, Cicutine, Macrotin, Arsenic bromide. As preventives in those subject to fits. Dioscorein, anti-spasmodic. Eserine. For puerperal, with feeble, tremulous, atonic pulse. 110 Cadmium, Mercury biniodide, Iodine, CORNEAL OPACITY. Iodol, Iodoform, Gold iodide. To promote absorption ; must be given a long time, in small doses. Anemonine. Codeine, Amygdala amara oil, Cannabine, Morphine, Lactucin, COUGH. Anemonine, Mecouarceine, Potass, cyanide, Solanine. To soothe irritative cough. Apomorphiue, Emetine, Tartar emetic, Lobeline. For dry coughs with little secretion, and much hacking. Veratrine, Aconitine, Anemonine, Aspidospermine. For spasmodic, dyspneic, or asthmatic cough. Cicutine, Atropine. For spasmodic nervous cough, with acute congestion. Hyoscyamine, for dry night cough. Lobeline, for dry, tickling cough in sleep. Chelerythrine, Sanguinarine, Scillitoxin, Senegin, Ammonium iodide. For cough of late phthisis, or whenever the lungs fail to throw off abundant secretions, and evidences of defective aeration of the blood appear. Gelseminine. For incessant, convulsive, reflex or nervous cough. 111 Creasote, Carbolic acid, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Strychnine, for nervous, periodic night cough. Thymol, Cubeb oleores, Myrtol, Copaiba. For fetid sputa or bronchorrhea from mycosis, or winter cough. Amygdala amara oil. For nervous, irritable cough, that of phthisis ; sympathetic cough of mothers. Ammonium bromide, Cicutine. For reflex coughs. Cerasein, for chronic cough. Cerium oxalate, for nervous or early phthisical. CROUP: CATARRHAL. Veratrine, for active fever of high grade. Aconitine, for fever of lower grade. Apomorphine, Emetine, Copper sulphate. An emetic will often cut short the attack. Codeine, Morphine. To allay irritation. Atropine, Daturine, Duboisine, Hyoscine. To relieve dyspnea and free respiration. Lobeline, Gelseminine. To relieve restlessness. CROUP : MEMBRANOUS. Veratrine, Aconitine. For fever in first stage. Morphine, Codeine. To quiet restlessness and save the strength. These are the proper remedies, until the sign of defective inspiration, the retraction of 112 the abdomen during inspiration, shows that the time has come for intubation or trache- otomy, which should be done at once. It is my conviction, that all other treatment is useless, and worse, it is trifling with human life. Tartar emetic, Mercury, I.obeline. Have been given to cause loosening of the membrane. Sanguinarine, Stimulant, expectorant, in late stages. Senegin. Strychnine, Brucine, Digitalin. To sustain failing heart. Copper sulphate, Emetine, Apomorphiue, Mercury subsulph. As emetics, to bring up loose membrane, later stages. Quinine. Full dose at first to prevent exudation (when the diagnosis is not yet possible!). CYANOSIS. Trinitrin, for congenital cases. Aspidospermine, for phthisis. Sanguinarine. For cyanosis due to secretions that are not coughed out. Digitalin, Cactine, Sparteine, Adonidin, Brucine. For weakness of the heart. 113 CYSTITIS: ACUTE. Atropine. To relieve irritability in all forms ; especially when due to catching cold. Salol, Betol. For catheter cases, when bacteria are in the urine, or for gonorrheal cases. Calcium sulphide, for gonorrheal cases. Morphine, Codeine, Cannabin, Solanine. To relieve pain and quiet the inflamed organ. Aconitine. For severe, inflammatory cases, with fever. Cantharidine. In very small doses sometimes relieves irrita- bility. Rest, alkalies and diluents, opiate suppositories and patience are good remedies. CYSTITIS: CHRONIC. Benzoic acid, Ljthia benzoate. Ammonium benzoate, When the urine is alkaline, or for old men with large prostate. Salol, Eucalyptol, Thymol, Carbolic acid, Myrtol, Myrrhic acid, Sulphocarbolates, Menthol, Naphthol beta. For fetid, purulent, ammoniacal urine, swarm- ing with bacteria. Cubeb oleores, Copaiba. To relieve the urine of mucus. Triticin has some reputation. 114 Ergotine, Strychnine. For detrusor paralysis. Hyoscyamine, Gelseminine. Relieve irritability. Collinsonin, Barosmin, Chimaphilin, Eupurpurin. Have some reputation. Arbutin. Specially useful when ureters and kidneys may be implicated, or for atony. DEAFNESS. Quinine, for relaxation of tympanum. Pilocarpine, for labyrinthine deafness. Colchicine, for gouty or plethoric cases. DELIRIUM. Atropine, Hyoscine. For delirium of fevers, severe forms. Daturine. For wild forms of puerperal or suicidal mania. Veratrine, Tartar emetic, Apomorphine. For "fighting" delirium of typhoid or other fevers. Morphine. For traumatic delirium, with pain and in- somnia. Cypripedin. Very mild indeed ; for nervous atony. Cannabin. For paresis, cerebral softening, with nocturnal delirium. Camphor monobrom, Zinc valerianate. For low, muttering "typhoid," delirium. 115 Caffeine, Theine, Guaranine, Cocaine. For coma-vigil and low delirium, and that due to starvation. Zinc sulphocarbolate. In fevers treated by this agent delirium is so rare that I am inclined to attribute it in all fevers to the absorption of toxines from the intestinal canal. Gelseminine. For febrile or erotic delirium. Atropine, Hyoscyamine, DELIRIUM TREMENS. Daturine. For insomnia with cyanosis, cold skin and coma-vigil. Hyoscine. Often controls delirium in a remarkable man- ner. Aconitine, Veratrine, Tartar emetic. For furious cases, with unimpaired strength. Capsicum. In very large doses, has proved the best hyp- notic and tranquillizing agent, especially when given with cocaine. Cannabin. Sometimes acts very nicely. Caffeine. Useful adjuvant to capsicum. Strychnine. As a heart tonic, and for the nervous depres- sion manifested as soon as the excitement subsides. It should be given in full doses, 116 increased to grammes, 0.004 ; or grains, 1-16, if necessary. The dose should be regulated by the pulse ; the object being to keep up a slight tension. Brucine. Is generally preferable to strychnine, but must be given at shorter intervals, as it is rapidly eliminated. Hydrastine, Berberine. Very valuable as adjuvants to strychnine and brucine. Digitalin. For elderly cases, with feeble heart and dropsy or those with cerebral anemia, effusion or oedema. Macrotin. For excitable conditions, after the worst stage is over. Iron arseniate, Quinine arseniate. Tonics for anemic cases. Zinc phosphide, Zinc valerianate, Zinc sulphocarbolate or oxid. A good combination for convalescence, where a brain food, a nerve stead- ier and a remedy for gas- tric catarrh are required. Zinc valerianate, Lupulin. Nickel bromide, For the "horrors" preceding delirium (with capsicum). Arnicin. For depressed states. Cicutine, Hyoscine. For incessant motor excitement. Camphor monobrom. 117 DEMENTIA. Cicutine, Hyoscine. Hyoscyamine, For noisy cases. Colchicine. For gouty or plethoric cases. Physostigmine. For dementia paralytica ; it has seemed to re- tard its progress. Mercury protiodide, Gold iodide, Platinum chloride, Strychnine arseniate. Phosphorus, May be given a trial. DENGUE. Pilocarpine, Picrotoxin, Emetine, Apomorphine. A dose of either may be given at the outset, to produce emesis or diaphoresis. Veratrine, Aconitine. For fever. Morphine, Gelseminine. For pain and delirium. Macrotin, for joint pain. Atropine, Agaricine. For sweating stage. Strychnine arseniate, Quinine hydro fer., Berberine, Quassein. Tonics for convalescence. Aconitine, for fever or insomnia. Atropine, for convulsions. Hyoscyamine, for pain and irritation. DENTITION. 118 Bismuth, Calumbin. Quassein, For thirst, nausea, vomiting. Calcium lactophos. Tissue food, for bone building, to be given until teething is complete. Macrotin, Camphor monobrom. For restlessness. Emetine, Rhein, Mercury and chalk. For gastro-intestinal disorders, aphthae, con- stipation. Calomel, Santonin-oxim, Iron valerianate. For worms. Eithia salicylate, for acidity. Pilocarpine, Apomorphine, Elaterin. Given judiciously, to prevent threatened con- vulsions. DIABETES INSIPIDUS. Ergotin, gives the best results. Pilocarpine. Reduces to minimum ; after its use, other drugs act better. Codeine, Morphine, Tannic acid. Reduce the flow. Muscarine, has some cures to boast. Valerianates, good adjuvants. Strychnine nitrate, Iron tannate. Useful as tonics. Iodides, for syphilitic cases. Acetanilid, Atropine. 119 DIABETES MELLITUS. Arsenic bromide. Has won a reputation it is also useful for malassimilatiou, liver complaint and in thin persons. Morphine, Codeine. Reduce sugar, only when taken by the stomach. Phosphoric acid relieves thirst. Chelonin, for dyspepsia and biliousness. Eithia salicylate, one of the best remedies. Pilocarpine, Picrotoxin. Ergotin, Reduce output of sugar. Gold chloride, Platinum chloride, Mercury bichloride, Iodine, Iodoform, Iodol, Uranium nitrate, Bromides. Have been used with benefit; sometimes cur- ing. Calcium lactopbos., for thin nervous types. Aloin, for constipation. Strychnine, a useful tonic. The strontium lactate cured one case speedily. DIARRHEA. Veratrine. Very small doses when fever, headache, nau- sea, pain and tenderness in bowels and diar- rhea, are due to taking cold; in robust, plethoric cases; vomiting and purging of summer diarrhea. Aconitine. Very small doses; for similar cases in less hearty persons, with weaker pulse. 120 Calomel, Rhein. Mercury and chalk, For fetid stools, pain and straining, or toxic matter in the intestines. Mercury bichloride, very small doses. For slimy, bloody stools, with tormina and tenesmus. Cornin, tonic astringent, best for malarial. Emetine. For green stools, frequent and painful, with vomiting ; and for nervous cases. Quinine arseniate, very small doses. For malarial, periodic, dysenteric, or recur- rent cases, or jaundice. Podophyllin. For morning diarrhea ; chronic, with cutting pains. Viburnin, astringent. Arsenite sodium. For lienteric, with evacuation of undigested food, calls to stool as soon as food has been taken; chronic form, where fever and bloody stools persist; for membranous enteritis. Camphor monobrom. For cholera diarrhea, or summer complaint, from bad drainage or exposure to cold. Anemonine. Dyspeptic diarrhea, mucous stools, active piles. Brucine, Quassein. Calumbin, For diarrhea of relaxation, and epidemic forms. 121 Zinc sulphocarbolate. In all cases where fetid stools, flatulence, or other signs of decomposition or fermenta- tion are present. Silver oxid, Zinc oxid. For chronic forms; white stools; typhoid and tubercular stools. Rumin, for morning diarrhea. Armicin, checks exhausting diarrhea. Bismuth subnit., Lead acetate. For acute cases, with pain and fever. Helenine, for infantile or phthisical. Morphine. For increased peristalsis with pain. Codeine. Is as effectual as morphine in this respect, and less objectionable. Copper sulphate, Ergotin. Barosmin, For chronic, persistent cases. Geranine, Cadmium sulphate. Tannic acid, For chronic, relaxation cases. Cotoine, for phthisical and all relaxed states. Thymol. For teething, chronic, tubercular and other forms. Croton oil, for colic; Carbolic acid, Creasote, Menthol, Eucalyptol, very small doses. Naphthol beta, Salol, Salicylic acid, Resorcin. Where an antiseptic and astringent are re- quired. 122 Picrotoxin, for chronic. Calcium lactophos. For rachitic, phthisic and colliquatire diar- rheas. Trilliin, for free mucus discharge. Absinthin, for relaxation. Asci epidin, to subdue congestion. Cajeput oil. Stimulant, to break up acute attacks, from cold. Cerasein, for convalescence. DIPHTHERIA. Atropine. Given early to abort exudation ; later, to sus- tain heart; specially indicated when the throat and tonsils are acutely inflamed and swollen. Mercury bichloride, Calomel, Calcium sulphide, Quinine, Iron phosphate, Digitalin, Sanguinarine, Sodium benzoate. Mercury cyanide, Have been given as systemic remedies by those who believe in the internal method ; and as adjuvants by those who put their trust in local medication as I do. In cases where the blood has been invaded, these must be our remedies, uncertain as they are. Calomel is given in very large doses, until green stools appear. Calcium sulphide has been warmly praised. Digitalin is urged for the septic condition of the blood. Mer- cury cyanide, gr., i-ioo to 1-50, every hour or two, was recommended by Erichsen. Quinine and iron, in full, liberal doses, are the mainstays of most doctors. 123 Baptisin. To combat tendency to sloughing. Pilocarpine. For vigorous patients, the sweating has often resulted in loosening the exudation and cure. It is not safe for weakly cases, and in doubtful ones should be given with digi- talin and followed by strychnine, quinine, and iron. Arsenic sulphide, Arsenious acid, Iron arseniate, Strychnine arseniate, Quinine arseniate. For malignant cases or sloughing. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Salol, Resorcin, Salicylic acid. Potass, permanganate, These agents may be given throughout, to prevent infection of the alimentary tract, and perhaps for systemic infection. Strychnine nitrate, Physostigmine. Brucine, For diphtheritic paralysis. Hydrastinine, Digital in, Ergotin, Hamamelin. For epistaxis. Helenine as local solvent. Cubeb oleores, Eucalyptol, Thymol, Menthol, Cajeput oil. For catarrhal forms, early stages, and to hasten convalescence. Strychnine arseniate, Brucine, Digitalin, Caffeine, Atropine. To sustain the heart if it weakens; and this must be looked for most carefully. 124 The local treatment of diphtheria is all inr portant; so that all internal medication must be considered of secondary import- ance. Chlorine and peroxide of hydrogen lotions, used 15 to 30 minutes ; chromic acid for epistaxis ; nitrate of silver, 1 per cent., for coryza, to abort nasal diph- theria, are hints out of place here, but which I must mention. DROPSY In all cases where dropsy is due to hydremia, the best practice is to keep up the blood by such remedies as the above; with good rich food and good hy- giene ; whereas the use of evacuants will sap the strength and shorten life. Calcium lactophos.. Quinine sulph., Iron phosphate. Strychnine arseniate, Brucine, Hydrastine, Sparteine, Adonidin, Convallamarin, Caffeine, Cactine, Cytisine. For dropsy of heart disease, of old age, hydre- mia, anemia, convalescence, debility. Digitalin, Sparteine. For dropsy of acute Bright's, and in tricuspid regurgitation; scanty urine and nervous engorgement. Mercury pill, Scillitoxin, Digitalin. A valued combination in ad- vanced cardiac dropsy. 125 Apocynin. For dropsy from atoily of vessels, without obstruction or fever. Senegin, Chimaphilin, Pilocarpine, Jalapin, Bryonin, Elaterin, Colocynthin, Colchicine, Convolvulin. These diuretics or hydragogues may be given in hepatic dropsy when the strength is suf- ficient and the symptoms demand relief; or in renal dropsy when uremia is threatened. Their use should be occasional, not contin- uous, as they are not curative of the condi- tions on which the dropsy depends. Berberine, Hydrastine, Brucine, Iron arseniate, Iron tannate, Quinine hydrofer., Ampelopsin. Good tonics for renal or hepatic dropsy, after using evacuants. Copaiba, Leontodin. Recommended for ascites. Veratrine, for scarlatinal dropsy. Asparagin, stimulant diuretic. Aletrin, for anasarca. Caulophyllin, Collinsonin, Gossypiin, Diuretics. Phytolaccin, Ulexine. DUODENAL CATARRH. Arsenite copper, for catarrhal jaundice. Podophyllin, for malarial and chronic cases. 126 Potass, bichromate. For duodenal dyspepsia, with bitter taste, coated tongue, pale stools, vomiting of glairy mucus, and pain in right hypochon- drium. Leptandrin, Euonymin, Irisin. Hepatic stimulants of varying power ; usefully combined. Hydrastine, Berberine, Rhein, Juglandin. For chronic cases. Populin. Special tonic astringent for duodenum. Ptelein, tonic. DYSENTERY. Veratrine. For high fever, headache, strong pulse, evi- dences of acute inflammation of sthenic type. Aconitine, for fever with acute cutting pain. Asclepidin, feeble remedy for the fever. Emetine. For acute forms, tropical, epidemic or ma- larial; for children with nausea and fetid unhealthy stools, greenish, bloody mucus. Leontodin, for malarial. Mercury with chalk, Mercury pill. Calomel, For children with ileocolitis. Mercury bichloride. For slimy, bloody stools, morning or irrita- tive dysentery ; cases that tend to become chronic. 127 Strychnine. For epidemic form ; vital depression, Hatu lence, prune-juice stools; where acute symptoms have subsided, but patient has not strength to recover. Quinine arseniate, for malarial and irritation. Picrotoxin, for chronic. Arnicin, for vital depression. Juglandin, deemed specific; acts like rhubarb* Silver oxid, Zinc oxid. After acute symptoms subside, but loose stools continue. Codeine, to check peristalsis and allay irritation. Morphine. Dangerous in acute form, it is the best pallia- tive in chronic. Its indication is to moder- ate peristalsis. Lead acetate. Astringent sedative applicable in any form. Calcicum sulphate, Copper sulphate. Astringents; best in chronic. Ergotin. To restrain excessive discharges, in relaxa- tion only. Viburnin, astringent. Columbin. Useful in chronic form, with ulcer of colon. Iron arseniate, Berberine, Apocynin, Populin. Tonics for convalescence. Baptisin, to combat tendency to sloughing. Barosmin, for chronic catarrh. Benzoates, for epidemic and septic forms. Cajeputoil, to break up acute attacks from cold. Cerasein, for convalescence. 128 Colocynthin (in very small doses, for colic, tormina, tenesmus). Corniu, tonic astringent, for malarial. Croton oil, very small doses, for tenesmus. DYSMENORRHEA. Anemonine, when flow is black and clotted. Atropine. For spasmodic or neuralgic cases, dark, fetid discharge, crampy pain, and chills. Aconitine. For congestive form in plethoric persons; when due to catching cold, with fever and headache. Macrotin, for congestive form. Morphine, Atropine. Hypodermically, will give relief, but it is most dangerous, as the pain is sure to recur next time, and the habit is easily formed. Codeine may do as well as morphine. Gelseminine is best suited for neuralgics. Guaiacin, for rheumatic cases. Caulophyllin, in intervals, for spasmodic. Viburnin, Cannabin. [• For spasmodic cases. Iron arseniate, in intervals, for anemics. Rue, Sanguinarine, Gold iodide. Platinum. For frigid women, with little or no flow. Arsenic bromide, Arseniate potassium. Useful, if taken in intervals, in all but con- gestive forms. Eobeline, For gouty, plethoric women, with scanty flow. Colchicine. 129 Iodine, Iodoform, Iodol, Ergotin. To be taken during intervals, for congestive cases, or those with subinvolution. Cannabin, for hemorrhagics. Strychnine. In intervals, for hysteric, neuralgic, worn-out, broken-down women. Tartar emetic. For congestive cases, with headache, but no fever, near the climacteric. Gossypiin, Caffeine valerianate, Aletrin. For lighter cases. Piper oleores, for atonic forms. DYSPEPSIA. Papayotin. For indigestion of albumen, lobster, or that following over-eating. Pepsin, for indigestion of albumen. Diastase, for indigestion of starches and sugar. Pancreatin, for indigestion of fats. Strychnine, Brucine. For atonic cases, the aged especially, drinkers of spirits, malarial, dilated stomachs, heart- burn, flatulence, weight on head. Strychnine arseniate, Berberine. Capsicum, For those whose stomachs are worn out by the use of alcohol or condiments. Xanthoxylin, Quassein, Calutnbin, Coptin, Leontodin, Apocynin, Aristolochin, Canellin, 130 Chirettin, Cascarillin, Bebeerine, Piper oleores, Cerasein, Cetrarin, Chelonin, Populin. For atony and anorexia, especially of conva- lescence. Bismuth, Arseniate sodium. Arseniate potassium, For irritation or gastralgia. Gold chloride, stimulates secretion. Bryonine, For bilious cases and those following alcoholic excesses; vomiting. Mercury and chalk, Calomel. For syphilitic dyspepsia and in chronic disease. Emetine. For nausea, vomiting of food undigested, late dyspepsia of drunkards, of travelers by sea or land; following over-eating; when there is a sense of weight after eating; for de- ficient secretion of gastric juice; consti- pation. Prunin, to allay irritability. Hydrastine. For atony, dry catarrh, anorexia, hemorrhoids while quiescent, chronic forms, worn-out stomachs. It should be given in quantity just enough to cause slight irritation, and for a long time. Potassium bichromate. For cases simulating gastric cancer. Anemonine. . For pasty tongue, uneasiness, gastralgia, ca- tarrh, flatulency, fear of death, nausea, greasy taste. 131 Quinine. For fermentation ; for , aged, atonic, melan- choly, sedentary cases, town-dwellers. Manganese binox, Silver oxid, Zinc oxid, Bismuth, Cerium oxalate. For pyrosis. Atropine, Aloin. Leontodin, For constipation. Sanguinarine. For spermatorrheics, with hypochondria; pro- motes secretion. Bismuth, Cocaine. Cerium oxalate, For nausea or vomiting. Chelidonin, For bilious cases ; stimulates all digestive se- cretions. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Rhein. For bad breath, fermentation, flatulence, acidity, pyrosis, gastralgia, nausea, eructa- tions, mucous flow. Mercury, yellow oxide. For septic states of alimentary canal. Aletrin, Alnuin, Cusparine. Tonics, increasing secretion. DYSPHAGIA. Cai eput oil, for nervous cases. Cocaiue, Bismuth, Iodoform, Cerium oxalate. To subdue pain of ulcer and quiet irritability. 132 DYSPNEA. Aspidospermine, specific for this symptom. Morphine, for any but uremic cases. Valerianates Have some power over nervous cases. Amygdala amara oil, Trinitrin. Macrotin, For cardiac dyspnea. All heart tonics relieve cardiac dyspnea. DYSURIA. Cantharidin. For pain and frequent calls. Atropine, Hyoscyamine, Cannabin. For strangury, bloody urine. Chimaphilin, Camphor monobrom. For strangury. Gossypiin, Salol, Scillitoxin, Gelsemiuiue. All lessen vesical irritability. Ergotin. For paretic dysuria, bladder feeling as if but partly emptied. EAR. Aconitine, for noises. Hydrastine, for aural catarrh. Pilocarpine, for labyrinthine disease. ECTHYMA. Quinine, Chrysarobin. Are recommended. ECZEMA. Arsenic sulphide, Calcium sulphide. For pustular forms; small doses in acute, large in chronic. 133 Arseniates. In very small doses for acute, full doses for all chronic forms, for vulva, anus, scrotum. Calomel. An occasional dose aids other remedies. Phosphide zinc, Creosote, Phosphorus, Phytolaccin. For obstinate cases. Rhus tox. Sometimes cures rapidly; its effects are only seen when it produces rhus irritation; best when the case shows much burning and itching. Violine. For eczema of head and face ; best for chronic. Atropine, Quinine. In eczema of the hand. Irisin. In chronic gouty cases, as a hepatic stimulant. Calcium lactophos., Iodol, Iodoform, Iron iodide. For children of the strumous type. Colchicine. For gouty, plethoric meat eaters, sedentary habits. Chrysophanic acid. EMACIATION. Calcium lactophos. For chronic wasting disease ; cachectics ; stru- mous, weakly children in very large fami- lies ; for nursing mothers ; in tedious con- valescence. Arsenious acid. Sometimes fattens people up remarkably. 134 Mercury, Iodine. For scrofulous or syphilitic cases. Quinine arseniate, for malarials. Iron arseniate, for anemics. Pepsin, to improve digestion. Quassein, to increase appetite. EMISSIONS AND ERECTIONS. Atropine, Ergo tine, Strychnine, Quinine. For atony, relaxed genitals, too frequent emissions; weak erections. Macro tin. For irritation and melancholy, insomnia, nervous depression. Lupulin. To check frequent, feeble erections, that ex- haust the little remaining strength; nerv- ous erethism. Iron tannate, for nocturnal emissions. EMPHYSEMA. Atropine, Morphine. Hypodermically, for dyspnea. Aspidospermine, for dyspnea. Strychnine arseniate. For constant dyspnea, with prolonged ex- piration. Daturine, Quinine. A dose at bedtime may forestall an attack. Ammonium iodide, Arsenic iodide, Copaiba, Eucalyptol. Separately or together for the catarrhal ele- ment. 135 Digitalin, Sparteine, Eucalyptol, Jalapin, Croton oil. For dropsy; the heart tonics steadily; the hydragogues occasionally. Lobeline. For capillary bronchitis and its dyspnea. Sanguinarine, Scillitoxin. Senegin, For loose catarrh, with no dyspnea, except that caused by deficient aeration. Calcium lactophos., Iron phosphate, Manganese phosphate. As constructive tonics, to keep up the strength. Quinine arseniate, Berberine, Strychnine arseniate, Hydrastine. Strong tonics, especially if free secretion is produced, but not voided. In such cases, besides the specific expectorants, stimulant tonics are needed. ENDOCARDITIS. Veratrine, for violent fever with bounding pulse. Aconitine. For fever,with not so very strong pulse ; espe- cially for rheumatic cases. Morphine, Codeine, Digitalin, Hydrastine, Brucine. To steady a weak and irregular heart; the opiates to quiet pain ; the tonics according to the degree of weakness. Breiue, to subdue inflammation. Iodine, Iodoform, Iodol, Iodide iron. To promote absorption of exudations. 136 Salicylic acid, in rheumatism. Quinine hydrofer., tonic, for convalescence. ENTERITIS. Morphine, Codeine, Caunabin. To control peristalsis, and subdue inflam- mation. Aconitine. For acute inflammation, high fever, strong pulse. Podophyllin. For bilious stools, diarrhea and vomiting. Berberine, for dilatation with chronic catarrh. Bismuth salicylate, for fermentation. Chelonin, for catarrh, with relaxation. Euphorbin, in small doses, arrests it. ENURESIS. Atropine. For nocturnal, of children, a single, full dose at bedtime. Santonin-oxim. When atropine fails or when worms are pres- ent. Cantharidin. For elderly women, or aged paralytics. Iron iodide, for delicate, strumous children. Strychnine. When other remedies fail and for aged para- lytics. Ergotin, for sphincter paralysis. Barosmin, Lupulin, Rhus, Scuteliarin, Anemonine, Stillingine. Recommended. 137 EPILEPSY. Gold bromide, Arsenic bromide, Nickel bromide, Iron bromide. Taking the potassium bromide as the basis of treatment, the dose of this may be increased to thirty grains, four times a day. If acne appears, add the bromide of arsenic. If fits occur, add, successively, the other bro- mides, one whenever a fresh fit occurs, showing the remedy is not yet as strong as the tendency to fits. When the successful point has been reached, the doses may be gradually reduced as they were raised. As adjuvants, the following remedies have been suggested ; their value being some- what in the order named. Cicutine, in muscular cases. Atropine, Hyoscine, Daturine, Hyoscyamine, Duboisine. Nocturnal epilepsy, for those who sleep too soundly; petit mal. Arsenic, epileptiform vertigo, from stomach. Cannabin. Petit mal, nocturnal spasms, anemic, de- pressed cases. Colchicine, plethoric or gouty cases. Aloin. For constipation, generally present and always injurious. Picrotoxin. Anemic cases, nocturnal fits, of masturbators. Strychnine. When bromides fail, and in anemic or noc- turnal cases, unattended with cerebral con- 138 gestion. It is injurious in symptomatic cases. Silver oxid, Zinc oxid. Menstrual cases and when bromides fail. Trinitrin, to relax spasm in the first stage. Copper arsenite, Copper phosphate. For cases originating in the stomach. Digitalin, for cases with cardiac dilatation. Valerianates, Bryonin. Have been used. Rue, for seminal emissions. Acetanilid, Curarine, Gelseminine, Osmic acid. Pilocarpine. The sthenic form is aborted by doses large enough to cause slight sweating ; continued till the eruption has disappeared. Iron. The asthenic form, with pale skin, little fever and weak pulse, demands the tincture of iron in full doses. These two remedies render all others unnecessary in the writer's opinion ; but the following are given, with the rec- ommendations of their sponsors. Aconitine. For high fever and delirium, at beginning of attack. Atropine. For superficial, non-vesicular forms; adyna- mic, phlegmonous or cerebral erysipelas. Quinine. For depression ; thoracic complications ; soft, tremulous pulse ; low muttering delirium, ERYSIPELAS. 139 large doses are needed, gr. v to xx, every 4 hours. Rhus tox, for vesicular form. Tartar emetic. In febrile form, with wild delirium. Baptisin. To combat tendency to sloughing, or gan- grene. ERYTHEMA. Atropine, for protracted cases. Quinine, /or e. nodosum. Rhus tox, for any variety. EXHAUSTION. Arnicin. For aching muscles; nerve prostration, with aching from fatigue. Phosphorus, Zinc phosphide. For physical or mental exhaustion; depres- sion from overwork. To rebuild tissues after prolonged over- exertion, mental or physical. Calcium lactophos., Iron phosphate, Manganese phosphate. Morphine, Codeine, Cocaine, Caffeine, Theine, Guaraniue, Cannabin. A dose of either will relieve of the sense of exhaustion, headache, flushing, etc. ; but the danger of forming a habit must not be overlooked. Macrotin. For headache from overwork, mental or physical. 140 EXOPHTHALMOS. Digitalin. To be given for a week, best in young people. Strophanthine, Sparteine. To follow digitalis. Duboisine, Atropine. Have proved serviceable. Iron. Should be given with either of the above, as a blood tonic. Picrotoxin. EYE AFFECTIONS. Atropine, for iritis and other inflammations. Euphrasin, for conjunctivitis. Santonin-oxim. For inflammation or atrophy of retina or nerve, and for effusion stage. Rue, for functional amaurosis. Eseriue, for dilated pupils. Strychnine. Hypodermically, for muscular asthenopia, amblyopia, amaurosis, nerve-atrophy; in. creases strength and field of vision. Ergotin. For disturbed accommodation, inflammations, blepharitis and pustular conjunctivitis. Pilocarpine. Amblyopia from alcohol or tobacco, detached retina, acute or chronic iritis, keratitis, hemorrhage into vitreous or retina, glau- coma, muscae, choroid atrophy, and to promote absorption of exudations. Anemonine, for styes and other inflammations. FEET. Arsenic. Swelled feet of the aged or weak. 141 Atropine. For fetid sweating. FEVER. Acetanilid. For sthenic fever, hyperpyrexia, sunstroke. Aconitine. For eruptive fever, acute congestions, simple inflammations, general or local. Veratrine. For sthenic fever with full, bounding or tense suppressed pulse ; pneumonia, rheumatism, delirium ferox. Atropine. For eruptive fevers; typhus with insomnia, delirium, photophobia; hyperemia of brain or cord. Gelseminine. Remittent, bilious remittent and typho-ma- larial. Arsenic. For malarial, typho-malarial; strengthens pulse. Quinine. In malarial or eruptive fevers, hyperpyrexia septicemia, hectic, surgical fever. Salicylic acid. For rheumatism, septicemia, pyemia, erysipe- las, surgical fever. Digitalin. For scarlatina, rheumatism, typhoid, hectic pneumonia. Macrotin. For hectic, rheumatism. Euphorbin. For acute, sthenic fevers. 142 Hydrastine. For ague, free sweats of typhoid. Amicin. For rheumatism and typhoid ; large doses for sthenic, small for asthenic. Camphor monobrom. For reflex excitability; stimulant in adynamia and delirium. Calomel. Antiseptic in typhoid. Rhus tox. In rheumatism and in scarlatina with typhoid symptoms. Morphine. For delirium and low states, subsultiis, pick- ing at bedding. Tartar emetic. In fighting delirium, pneumonia, ague, in large doses to abort specific fevers (not now used). Baptisin. For continued fever, or first stage of typhoid. Eucalyptol. Of doubtful value in malaria. Valerianates. For low stages, especially low delirium. Nicotine. For cerebral symptoms. Picrotoxin. For tympanites. Phosphoric acid, Citric acid. For thirst. Caffeine. For weak heart. 143 Antipyrin, Phenacetine, Phenocoll, Methacetine, Pyrodine, Exalgine. For fever in general. Asclepidin. For slight fever of children. Pilocarpine. Large doses reduce fever, small doses relieve thirst. FEVER: SIMPLE. Aconitine. For children and all but the worst cases. Veratrine. For the worst cases, with high fever and strong pulse. Hyoscyamine, Atropine. For constipation and head symptoms. Gelseminine, for remittent or bilious. Arsenic, for typho-malaria. Valerianates, for nervous excitement. Acetanil id, for any but weakly cases. FLATULENCE. Strychnine arseniate, Berberine, Brucine, Calumba, Hydrastine, Quassein. To give tone to relaxed bowel. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Resorcin, Zinc oxid, Creosote. Carbolic acid, to stop fermentation, Capsicum, Cajeput oil, Rue, Eucalyptol, Thymol, Menthol, Phosphoric acid, Aloin. Have been found beneficial. 144 Valerianates, for hypochondriac. Mercury and chalk, for clayey stools. Potas. permanganate, for obesity. Eserine, for climacteric. Papayotin, Diastase. To insure digestion. GANGRENE. Baptisin. Is said to combat the tendency to gangrene. Iron. In huge doses, has proved the best remedy. GASTRALGIA. Atropine, for neuralgic pain. Brucine, for gastric atony. Strychnine, for gastrodynia or gastralgia. Arseniate sodium. For irritative states and heartburn. Europhen, Bismuth. To allay irritability. Manganese binox., for gastrodynia and pyrosis. Zinc oxid, for pain after eating. . Silver oxid, for many kinds of gastric pain. Amygdala amara oil. For nervous gastralgia ; nausea. Solanine, to relieve pain. Anemonine. For painful dyspepsia, with coated tongue, headache and nervous depression. Pepsin, for indigestion. Creasote. For pain after eating ; for fermentation. Ergotin, for visceral neuralgia. Cornin, Quinine. For periodical cases and neuralgics. 145 Salicylic acid, for fermentation. Trinitrin, allays severe pain speedily. Codeine, Morphine. These are used for severe pain, but I have never had such a case in which I was war- ranted in using them. The danger of a habit is very great. Iodoform, often relieves surprisingly. GASTRIC DILATATION. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Salol, Carbolic acid, Creosote, Europhen. For fermentation. Strychnine, Brucine, Hydrastine, Berberine. To restore tone of stomach and muscular tissue. Bismuth salicylate, Bismuth subnitrate, Lithia salicylate, Zinc oxid. For acidity. Emetine, Rhein, Hydrastine. To restore normal secretion of gastric juice. Silver oxid, tonic to stomach. Calomel, Bismuth, GASTRITIS: ACUTE. Zinc oxid. To allay vomiting. Morphine, Atropine. > Hypodermically, for pain. GASTRITIS: CATARRHAL. Arseniate sodium. Before meals, in small doses, for vomiting. 146 Anemonine. For subacute gastritis of plegmatics, with white tongue, heartburn, nausea, flatulence, no taste. Hydrastine, Berberine. Before meals, for catarrh following alcoholism. Strychnine, Brucine. Small doses, repeated every ten minutes, for ten doses, for acute catarrh, with headache or nausea; every two hours for chronic catarrh. Quinine, for drunkards' catarrh. Pepsin, to insure digestion. Podophyllin, at night, to clear duodenum. Emetine. For nausea and vomiting; to stimulate healthy secretion. Tannic acid, Calumbin, Quassein. Amygdala amara oil. For subacute gastritis. Silver oxid, for pain and vomiting. Morphine, for pain of gastritis from alcohol. Eucalyptol, tonic for non-inflammatory cases. Mercury, yellow oxid, for chronic forms. Caffeine, for migraine. Bismuth. For children, drunkards, and all irritative cases. Lead acetate, for pyrosis and gastralgia. Zinc sulphocarbolate, for fermentation. Euonymin, for constipation. Cocaine, Bismuth, GASTRIC ULCER. Arseniate sodium. Relieve pain and vomiting, and often cure. 147 Zinc sulphocarbolate, Zinc oxid, Silver oxid, Cerium oxalate, Mercury bichloride, Creosote. Salol, Iodol, Carbolic acid, Eucalyptol, Iodoform. One of these generally proves curative ; but it is not possible to give precise indications for their use. They may be tried succes- sively. Atropine, often stops pain and vomiting. Ergotin, for hemorrhage. Iron tannate, for anemia. Lead acetate, as sedative and hemostatic. Pepsin. Sometimes relieves and at others aggravates. Morphine. Is in this one gastric affection clearly indi- cated ; and not only relieves, but often cures. GLANDERS. Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform. Full doses. GLAUCOMA. Atropine. Is dangerous, and all its congeners, as in- creasing tension. Eserine, reduces tension. GLOSSITIS. Pilocarpine, Picrotoxin, Elaterin, Croton oil. A full dose of either may induce the swelling to subside. 148 Apomorphine, Emetine, As emetics. GLOTTIS, EDEMA. Copper sulphate, Mercury subsulph. Ergotin, Strychnine. May relieve by causing capillary contraction. Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform, GOITER. Iodide of iron, Mercury biniodide. Any one of these, if long continued, may effect a cure. Strychnine, Ergotin, Eserine. In full doses, have been known to cause con- traction. Osmic acid, hypodermically. Veratrine, Aconitine, GONORRHEA. Gelseminine. For the febrile symptoms of the first stage. Cannabin, Salol, Acid benzoic, Cubeb oleores, Lithia salicylate. Relieve pain and lessen discharge. Colchicine. Tartar emetic. For chordee ; full doses. Iron tannate. When acute stage has passed, and relaxation exists. Cantharidin, Barostnin, Copaiba, Eucalyptol, Cubeb, Thymol, 149 Myrtol, Collinsonin, Liatrin, Myrrhic acid, Menthol, Piper oleores. For gleet. Anemonine, for gonorrheal ophthalmia. Calcium sulphide. To abort, by preventing suppuration. Euonymin, Irisin. Cholagogue purgatives. Caulophyllin, for urethritis. Delphinine, for chordee. GOUT. Colchicine. Preventive and cure for all cases; must be given carefully to the old and feeble, chronic cases with heart disease. Acetanilid, Solanine, Aconitine, Lithia bromide. Antipyrin, Salicylic acid, Lithia salicylate. To relieve pain and fever. Irisin, purgative, often required. Macrotin, for those who cannot take colchicum. Atropine. For stomach gout; very effectual in relieving pain. Arsenic iodide. For chronic cases with diseased heart; for in- tervals between paroxysms. Iodoform, Iodol. For pains worse at night. Arsenic, for chronic arthritis allied to neuralgia. Canellin, for weak stomach. Guaiacin, Rhein. For chronic cases in intervals. 150 Iron iodide, Barosmin, Gold iodide, Anemonine, Manganese iodide, Mercury biniodide. Variously combined for cachexias. HAY FEVER. Arsenic, for catarrhal type. Atropine. And its congeners, will dry up the coryza and give temporary comfort. Euphrasine. Is said to relieve the catarrhal symptoms. Quinine. After acute symptoms subside. Emetine, Iodides, Daturine, Strychnine, Lobeline, Aconitine, Caffeine, Duboisine, Brucine, Nicotine. Have been recommended. An efficient combination is atropine, quinine and camphor. Zinc sulphocarbolate. Is useful when the headache is really depend- ent on disordered stomach. Strychnine. For headache and nausea of acute gastric catarrh, and for constipation. Laxative granules. For the constipation that causes headaches. Atropine. To break up headache of meat eaters ; best in laxative granules. HEADACHE : BILIOUS, OR SICK. 151 Irisin. For blinding headache in right (or left) supra- orbital, nausea, vomiting, hepatic derange- ment. Bryonine, bilious headache with vomiting. Picrotoxin, in periodical form. Podophyllin. For sick headache, with dark, bilious motions. Sanguinarine, for gastric disorder. Hydrastine, for costiveness. Mercury, pill, to prevent threatened attack. Mercury bichloride, for light colored diarrhea. Colchicine, Lithia salicylate. To prevent or relieve attacks in gouty or pie' thoric meat eaters of sedentary habits. Zinc sulphocarb., Phenacetin, Sparteine. For headache, with gastric disorder and depressed cir- culation ; a very common type. HEADACHE: CONGESTIVE. Veratrine. For menstruation headaches, severe congestive symptoms. Aconitine. For the same cases, in lighter form, or with weaker pulse. Atropine. For pain over brows and eyeballs, intolerance of light, sound and motion ; may be due to uterine or gastric derangements, in young women. Calomel. For headache, nocturnal, of syphilis ; grain, 1-67, hourly for ten doses. 152 Cannabin, specific for climacteric headache. Nicotine, to relax spasmodic tic. Iodoform. For throbbing, photophobia, pain from back of neck to brow, nocturnal, tender scalp, almost unbearable. Hydrastine, for costiveness. Trinitrin. For flushes at menstruation or climacteric. Irisin, Colocynthin, Aloin, Jalapin. For suppression of hemorrhoidal or other flow, cerebral hyperemia, in phlegmatic ple- thorics. Phenacetine, Zinc sulphocarb., Sparteine. See sick headache. Phenacetine, Phenocoll, Exalgine, Antipyrin, Acetanilid, Hydracetine, Salicylic acid, Lithia salicylate, Antikamnia, Picric acid, Methacetine. Any one of these relieves congestive headache. Ammonium iodide. For persistent dull headache in persons of full habit with feeble circulation and dull ex- pression. Gelseminine, for congestive forms generally. HEADACHE : NERVOUS. Acetanilid, Phenocoll, Antipyrin, Phenacetine. Exalgine, Antikamnia. Any one of these relieves nervous or congest- ive headache. 153 Cannabin, for neuralgic. Atropine. For pale faces, with vaso-motor spasm, reflex, from fatigue or mental over work, menstrual, pain over brows and in eyeballs. Brucine. For gastric symptoms, and clavus hystericus. Brucine, Iron phosphate, Quinine hydrofer. For chlorosis, in intervals. Nickel bromide. For headache of chlorotics when taking iron. Silver oxid. For hysterical women, and gastric headaches of delicate, literary men. Nicotine, for convulsive tic. Trinitrin, for cases with extreme facial pallor. Arsenic bromide, for throbbing, supra-orbital. Macro tin. Nervous hystericals at menstrual time ; rheu- matic. Caffeine, Theine, Caffeine valerianate. For headache from hunger, cold, menstrual, nervousness or exhaustion, with nausea not due to gastric disorder, but to depression of vital powrer. Guaranine, for non-malarial periodical. Lithia salicylate. For neuralgic or rheumatic ; really for uricemic. Phosphorus, . Zinc phosphide, Phosphoric acid, Phosphates. For headaches due to cerebral exhaustion ; the first two for temporary relief; the last two to rebuild nervous strength. 154 Amygdala amara oil. For reflex, gastric, cardiac, pulmonary or menstrual. Valerianates, for headaches of excitable people. Podophyllin. For headaches near menstruation, with dark stools or constipation. Bismuth, Zinc oxid. For nervous debility and gastric disturbance. Irisin. To prevent a menstrual or severe bilious peri- odic headache. Ergotin, for atheromatous people. Phosphorus, Strychnine arseniate. Iron arseniate, Quinine sulphate, Atropine. A powerful combina- tion tobreak the force of neuralgic headache of the severer form. To be taken not more than a week. Cypripedin, or milder cases. Cytisine, for paretic neuralgia. Gold salts, Menthol. For migraine. Muscarine, for pressing pain in occiput. HEART: DILATATION. Digitalin. Is the most certain and powerful of heart tonics. It contracts the arteries, and hence, by shutting off the blood supply through the coronary vessels, tends to weaken the heart's nutrition and cause fatty degenera- tion. Hence this drug should be given for a few days only, occasionally, and in the intervals the other tonics should be admin- istered. 155 Strophanthine. Does not contract the arteries, and is there- fore good for continued use. It can not be given largely ; and when moderate doses prove ineffective, other remedies should be added, instead of increasing the dose. Sparteine. Specially useful to the aged; for steady use in any case. HEART TONICS. Convallamarin. For mitral stenosis with failing heart power. Adonidine increases arterial tension. Helleborin, local anesthetic. Hydrastine, Brucine, Erythrophloeine, Barium chloride. (Dycopin, increases tension.) Strychnine. Carpaine, for aortic stenosis. Cactine, increases arterial tension. Arsenic. May be termed a heart food. It should be given in all cases to keep up the heart's nu- trition, the various salts being selected according to the case. Arsenic iodide. For syphilitic, mercurial, strumous cases. Quinine arseniate, for malarial. Iron arseniate, for anemic. Trinitrin, for dyspnea. Jalapin. Apocynin. To reduce volume of blood. Macrotin, a useful substitute for digitalis. HEART : FATTY DEGENERATION. Iron arseniate. Iron phosphate, 156 Quininejarseniate, Calcium lactophos., Manganese phosphate, Quinine hydrofer. Useful nutrient tonics, to be given together or separately ; an alternation being advis- able. Adonidin, to relieve pain. Macrotin, steadies an irregular heart. Berberine, Cactine, Strophanthine, Sparteine. Suitable stimulant tonics. The astringent tonics, strychnine, brucine, hy- drastine and digitalin, are not so well suited, except for occasional use, if the others lose their effect. A richly nutritious diet, with minimum of fluids, gives the heart the least work to do, and saves its strength. HEART: HYPERTROPHY. Veratrine. For simple hypertrophy, epileptic, tobacco heart, but not when valves are diseased, unless the compensation be excessive; also for cerebral congestion and threatened apoplexy. Aconitine. For similar cases, less active symptoms; where there is cardiac pain ; for over-action, but not if valves are diseased. Digitalin. For false hypertrophy only, with palpitation ; dangerous in simple hypertrophy or over- compensation. As weakness supervenes, digitalin becomes more and more applicable. Convallamarin, for mitral stenosis. 157 Lead acetate. Relieves palpitation, but there are better remedies. Trinitrin, for dyspnea or syncope. Ergotin. Is recommended by Bartholow for simple hypertrophy, combined with digitalis; but it is difficult to see where either can do aught but harm. Contracting the arteries, both increase the heart's labor, and thus aggravate the hypertrophy ; while the con- tractile effect on the heart's vessels only tends to produce fatty change-a very ob- jectionable method of obviating hyper- trophy. Iodine, Iodoform. Iodol, Small doses, long continued, check or dimin- ish the growth. Camphor monobrom., Lithia bromide. For tumultous palpitations and dyspnea of hypertrophy with dilatation. Iron arseniate, Caffeine arseniate. As hypertropic compensation gives way to debility. Elaterin, Croton oil. To deplete in threatening cases. HEART: PALPITATION. Bromides, Aconitine. For nervous palpitation and fluttering ; for hypertrophic. Amygdala amara oil, for dyspepsia. Convallamarin, for dyspnea and palpitation. 158 Iron arseniate. For anemia, and weakness of the heart from any cause. Digitalin. For cases due to valvular disease, and many others, when given for temporary relief only. Cactine. Resembles digitalis; for nervous atony, with- out valve lesions ; tobacco heart. Camphor monobrom., Brucine. For nervous cases, not plethoric. Hyoscyamine, Hyoscine. For nervous, and those due to cerebral ex- citement ; also for emotional. Atropine. For irregular rhythm ; cardiac strain. Eucalyptol, for weak heart. Capsicum, Cocaine. 1 For nervous and emotional I persons, alcoholics, and cases due J to coffee, tea, tobacco, venery, or j excess in exercise. Zinc valerianate, for nervous, hysteric women. Quinine arseniate, for malaria. Veratrine. For plethoric, threatening apoplexy. Colchicine. To follow preceding cases, when danger has been averted by veratrine. As palpitation is symptomatic of disease of the heart, or interference with its functions, the causal disease must be found, and treated. 159 HEART: VALVE DISEASE. Digitalin. In mitral disease, rapidity with low tension, failing compensation ; to be given not longer than a week. Sparteine, Cactine, Caffeine. To follow digitalis. Zarpaine, for mitral leaking or aortic stenosis. Morphine. For dyspnea of mitral disease, and for aortic insufficiency. Aconitine. Useful for palpitation, but dangerous in left hypertrophy with diseased valves ; best for over-compensation hypertrophy. Veratrine. For over-hypertrophy, with cerebral conges- tion. Strophanthine. To follow digitalis; better for aortic disease. Trinitrin. For cardiac pain ; relaxes blood pressure and lessens heart's work ; give it for a tense pulse. Caffeine. Tonic, diuretic; for weak heart, with headache, dyspnea, heart pains and scanty urine. Adonidin, heart regulator, increases tension. Hydrastine, Brucine. Barium chloride, General and heart tonics; lessen heart pain, increase vessel tone ; diuretic ; for relaxed pulse, dilatation and swollen veins, dropsy, muscular relaxation. 160 For congestion of venous system. Asparagin, stimulant diuretic. Combat the excessive hypertrophy ; postpone dilatation, fatty degeneration and heart fail- ure, by keeping up nutrition and lessening the heart's work to the minimum, since ex- haustion comes from work beyond an organ's capacity. Beware of digitalis for aortic sten- osis, and of giving it too long. Convallamarin. For mitral stenosis, with failing heart. Jalapin, Colocyuthiu. HECTIC FEVER. Digitalin, Emetine, Quinine, Codeine, A good combination for hectic. Amygdala amara oil. Reduces hectic without impoverishing blood or lessening appetite. Aconitine. For irritative fever and recrudescences. Phenacetine, Zinc sulphocarbolate, Sparteine, An excellent combi- nation for fever with de- bility and intestinal sep- sis. The coal-tar products should only be given in some such combination as this, in hectic fevers. Morphine, for mental irritation fever. Salicine, for fever and perspiration. 161 Agaricin, Brucine, Strychnine, Hydrastine. For fever with relaxation ; sometimes restore normal temperature remarkably, especially after labor. HEMATEMESIS. Emetine, for vicarious menstruation. Hydrastine, Digitalin, Ergotin, Strychnine. For any case except the hemorrhagic dia- thesis. Tannic acid, Silver oxid, Chromic acid, Lead acetate. For gastric ulcer. Hamamelin, Cocaine. For hemorrhagic diathesis. HEMATOCELE: PELVIC. Morphine, full dose, hypodermically. Breine, Ergotin, Lead acetate, Hydrastinine. Digitalin, To arrest hemorrhage. Iron phosphate, Manganese phosphate, Calcium lactophos., To recuperate blood, - while resolution goes on. Iron iodide, Iodoform, Iodol. To hasten absorption. Mercury bichloride, Iron tannate, Ergotin. Given at the same time, but not together. Digitaliu, Quinine sulphate, Full doses, if suppuration threateps. 162 Breine, Emetine, Ergotin, HEMATURIA. Digitalin, Hydrastinine. For active hemorrhage. Barosmin, Erigeron, Hamamelin, Chimaphilin, Tannic acid, Iron tannate. For passive hemorrhage. Quinine, for malarial form. Camphor, monobrom, Cannabin. For bloody urine with strangury ; from over- dose of stimulant oils. HEMERALOPIA AND NYCTALOPIA. Strychnine, for night-blindness. Quinine. In full doses, for both day and night blind- ness. Citric acid, for scorbutic cases; Treat the general condition present. HEMOPTYSIS. Digitalin. The best remedy for active hemorrhages ; give full doses, in hot water or hypodermically, every 4 hours. Breine, Ergo tin, Hydrastinine, Lead acetate. Rank next to digitalin ; or may be used with it. Morphine. To allay excitement; if used for hemorrhage it should be in full doses ; in small ones it favors hemorrhage. Erigeron, Tannic acid, Hamamelin, Geranine. For passive hemorrhage. 163 Emetine, Trinitrin. To relax pulse, if tense. Lycopin, for early phthisical. Arnicin, for bleeding following injury. Aconitine. To relax tense pulse; for fever following an attack. Calcium lactophos. As hemoptysis is generally due to fragility of the vessel-walls, this salt should be given a long time, to restore them to normal strength. Iron will induce a hemorrhage, and should only be given after the lime salt has been continued for months. Pyrogallic acid. HEMORRHAGE: AND DIATHESIS. Iron tannate. For hemorrhage that has long continued, through relaxation ; but not at first; espe- cially in uterine cases. Harmful in the diathesis and active hemorrhages. Cornutine, Ergotin, Digitalin, Cactine. Hydrastinine, Strychnine, Eserine, The great remedies for active hemorrhage when it is necessary to contract the vessels ; especially uterine. Emetine, Aconitine, Veratrine, Nicotine. Tartar emetic, Morphine, Lobeline, When it is desired to weaken the circulation and to secure relaxation, approaching that of syncope, to arrest hemorrhage as faiuting 164 does, these are the agents, especially in hemoptysis. Hamamelin, Geranine, Gallic acid, Aluuin, Cocaine. Strychnine. For passive forms, and the diathesis. Atropine, for rectal hemorrhage. Chimaphilin, Erigerou. For passive hematuria. Arnicin, for bleeding due to injury. Iron arseniate, Quinine arseniate, Quinine hydrofer. For malarial. Cerasein, For passive hemorrhages. Creasote, increases coagulability of blood. Eupurpurin, for passive forms. Geranine. To contract capillaries and stop oozing. Capsicum. HEMORRHAGE: INTESTINAL. Atropine, for rectal ulcer. Hamamelin. For bleeding from small bowel and passive. Iodine, in passive forms. Ergotin, Lead acetate, Digitalin. For active forms, and bleeding from large vessel. Digitalin, Tannic acid, Silver oxid, Bismuth subnit. For typhoid fever. Emetine, for bleeding from large bowel. 165 HEMORRHAGE: PUERPERAL. Hamamelin, for persistent oozing. Emetine, for flooding. Trinitrin, for thready pulse. Ergotin. Hypodermically, for post-partum flooding. Macrotin. Less powerful than ergot, acts similarly. Digitalin. Slower than ergot, but more lasting. Strychnine, Eserine, Brucine, Hydrastinine. For relaxed states; to close up vessels. Morphine. In desperate cases, a dose heroic in size, pro- ducing full relaxation, has saved life ; say i grain. This must not be given with any of the astringents, like ergot or strychnine, as they check hemorrhage by diametrically opposite actions. HEMORRHOIDS. Hamamelin, for bleeding piles. Hydrastine, Strychnine, Ergotin, Berberine, Ajsculin. For relaxed forms, large soft itching piles. Sulphide calcium, exerts curative influence. Colchicine, for relaxed piles in plethoric people. Podophyllin. For recent cases from liver disease, portal obstruction. Atropine, for painfully contracted sphincter. 166 Aloin. Small doses, toning up rectal vessels, cure post-partal hemorrhoids and relaxed ones ; but aggravate them if inflamed. Stillingin. For constipation, piles, and relieves those of hepatic origin. Laxative granules. For constipation and rectal tonic ; for relaxed sphincter and rectal protrusion. Euonymin. To open bowels; for active inflammation of piles, with pain and contracted sphincter. Collinsonin, for early stages; astringent. Cubeb oleores, for itching. Piper oleores, for relaxed states. HEPATALGIA. Bryonine. P'or hepatic pain, not connected with dysen- tery. Strychnine. In neuralgic cases, occurring paroxysmally or periodically. Trinitrin, to relieve paroxysms. The cause may often be found in the rectum, colon or signoid flexure. Nicotine, Pilocarpine, HERNIA. Lobeline, Emetine. To relax strangulation. HERPES. Iron arseniate, for adults, any form. 167 Zinc phosphide. Possesses a singular power over this affection, relieving the pain and drying up the vesicles. Rhus tox., for burning or itching cases. HERPES ZOSTER. Morphine, Atropine. ■ Hypodermically, for severe pain. Strychnine arseniate, Quinine arseniate. Iron arseniate, After the disease has been decidedly checked by phosphorus. Aconitine. HICCOUGH. Strychnine, Brucine, Atropine, Valerianates (for women), Camphor monobrom (best for men). Any of these, in full doses, to prevent the re- currence of attacks ; to be taken so that the full action of the drug is felt at the time the attack is expected. Pilocarpine, Emetine, Robeline, Apomorphine, Copper sulphate, Picrotoxin, Hyoscyamine. A full dose of either to break the attack ; the emetics if the stomach is too full or at fault; the sudorifics if not. Strychnine arseniate, Quinine arseniate. Iron arseniate, To prevent recurrence. All nerve tonics are useful. Morphine, Capsicum oleores, Trinitrin, Piper oleores. Amygdala amara oil, To arrest paroxysm. 168 Santonin oxim, Jalapin, Colocynthin. May reveal and remove the cause. Caulophyllin. Iodine, Iodoform, Iodol, HYDROCEPHALUS. Iodide iron, Mercury iodides. For use according to acuteness and general condition ; to check exudation and promote absorption. To remove excess of water by derivation. Calomel. In purgative doses, followed by saline laxa- tives. Veratrine, Gelseminine. For acute symptoms, strong pulse, delirium. Pilocarpine. Full dose at outset, to abort the attack; later, it may start absorption. HYDROPHOBIA. Pilocarpine. In full doses, is probably the most likely to be of benefit. Elaterin, Croton oil. Picrotoxin, Trinitrin, Physostigmine, Cicutine, Daturine, Nicotine, Cnrarine, Duboisine, Hyoscyamine. All these have been recommended; sometimes one of them may succeed with some one of the affections termed hydrophobia. 169 Hyoscine, for delirium. Atropine, for hyperemia of brain and cord. Morphine, Atropine, Hypodermically, to give relief. Digitalin. HYDROTHORAX. For dropsy, or pleuritic effusion ; as heart tonic. Sanguinarine. As stimulant, often of great value. Elaterin, as derivative hydragogue. Tonics to the heart are indicated, and blood- makers. Pilocarpine, derivative sudorific. Aspidospermine, for dyspnea. Sparteine, an efficient diuretic and heart tonic. HYPOCHONDRIA. Arsenic, for the aged. Aloin, specific laxative, especially for the aged. Brucine, for weak, relaxed pulse. Macrotin. Of great value in puerperal or spermatorrlieal cases. Gold chloride. For cerebral anemics, with depression and vertigo ; impotent, alcoholic and venereal excess cases. Zinc valerianate, Zinc sulphocarbolate, For flatulence and gas- " trie dyspepsia. Nickel bromide, for female town-dwellers. Hydrastine, about the best tonic for this state. Sanguinarine. For fat and flabby anemic amenorrheics. 170 Hyoscyamine, for syphilophobia. Colchicine, Lithia salicylate. For plethoric sedentaries. Morphine. Gives temporary relief at a fearful risk. Delphinine, for morose, passionate form. Caffeine, for a cerebral stimulant. Cocaine. For stage-fright, and post-alcoholic depression ; debility and nervousness, and mental affec- tions with depression. Laxative granules. Are suited to the majority of cases. HYSTERIA. Brucine. For sensations of suffocation, auras, convul- sive crying, flatulence, weight on head, flushes, sweats; in middle aged. Camphor monobrom. For excitement, insomnia and headache. Macrotin. For headache and in hysteric chorea, subin- volution and climacteric. Zinc valerianate. For hysteric dyspepsia, grief, disappointment, unpleasant emotion generally, and climac- teric. For subinvolution or amen- orrhea, with anemia and in- digestion. Ergotin, Iron valerianate. Atropine, for aphonia and puerperal. Nickel bromide, to avert paroxysms. Iron arseniate, for amenorrhea and anemia. Phosphorus, Phosphide zinc. For hysteric paralysis. 171 Arsenic bromide. To lessen nervous impressibility, and improve nutritive condition of nerves. Sanguinarine, for sexual debility. Picrotoxin, Emetine, Nicotine, Pilocarpine, Lobeline, Apomorphine. In full dose, to break up a paroxysm, or to subdue sexual excitement. Laxative granules are required in most cases, as constipation is generally present, and aggra- vates the disease, if it be not the real cause. Podophyllin. For so-called "religious " excitement. Cocain, Strychnine. To sustain those who have to appear in public under trying cir cumstances. Asclepidin, Cajeput oil, Cerasein, Caulophyllin. IMPETIGO. Arsenic. The salts to be taken successively a week each, especially the iodide and sulphide. Chrysophanic acid. Phosphorus, Gold chloride, Phosphide zinc. IMPOTENCE. Mercury bichloride. Platinum chloride. To arouse torpid or worn-out sexual orgaus, and stimulate testicles to secretion. These drugs bring back sexual power for a short time ; if the patient avails himself of this power to plunge into new excesses the reju- 172 venescence will be only temporary and the impotence returns. Renewed efforts to re- store sexual power will sap the vitality, aud death or dementia will be brought about sooner or later. Phosphoric acid, Cantharidine, For impotence of old age ; less active than the preceding, and by that much, less in- jurious. Arsenious acid, Iron arseniate, Quinine arseniate, ' Strychnine arseniate. When taken for long periods the arsenic prep- arations act as tonics to the sexual organs. If the function be not abused this is not objectionable, when given for congenital weakness, or that resulting from gonorrhea, anemia, or enfeebling disease of any sort. Cantharidine, Erigerou oil, Ergotin, Strychnine, Brucine, Hydrastine, Eserine, Aristolochin, Sanguinarine. Aletrin, Corn in, Eupurpurin, Gossypiin, Helonin, Eiatrin, Senecin, Eupatorin, All tend to strengthen erections aud check premature ejaculation. Cubeb oleores, Berberine, Rue, Cantharidin e, Erigeron oil. For cases associated with hyperesthesia, catarrh, or congestion of the prostatic urethra, or spermatorrhea, w ith feeble erec- tions and erethism. 173 Sanguinarine. For frigid women, fat, anemic and amenor- rheic ; for functional weakness, and for old men. Cannabine. For women of the thin, energetic, frigid type. INFLUENZA. Brucine, Hydrastine, Berberine, Strychnine, Eserine. For vaso motor paresis, soft, compressible pulse, debility, general atony. Iron phosphate, i Manganese phosphate, , Phosphoric acid. J Hematic tonic, for non-febrile stages and forms. Methacetine, for fever. Sanguinarine, for atonic catarrh. Maciotin. For headache or aching in any part of the body. Emetine. For early, dry or irritative cough ; and for those who insist on going to business when obviously unfit. Camphor monobrom, Nickel bromide. For early headache, insomnia, excitement, delirium. Aconitine, for fever. Atropine. For headache and acute attacks, with free sweating. Agaricine, for profuse sweats. Cocaine. To quiet nervous excitement and apprehension. 174 Quinine hydrofer., Quinine sulphate, Quinine arseniate. Singly or together, for neuralgic pains. Cubeb oleores, for cough of declining stages. Morphine, Emetine, Lobeline, For late cough, with dyspnea. Eucalyptol, Menthol, Myrtol, Cajeput oil, Myrrhic acid, Thymol. Internally and locally as stimulants. INSOMNIA. Camphor monobrom, Nickel bromide. For excitement, sexual, nervous; or from over brain work, cerebral fullness. Hyoscyamine, for children. Atropine. Hypnotic in prostration, low arterial tension, contracted pupils, frontal headache, over- use of eyes. Brucine. For sexual excitement, with weakness; ner- vous erethism. Gelseminine. Acute fevers, with headache; simple insomnia of alcoholics, maniacs, and that due to over- excitement ; the aged with atheroma; sex- ual excitement. Caffeine valerianate. For chronic alcoholics and nervous debility ; also insomnia following great physical ex- ertion or mental overwork. Codeine, insomnia due to pain. 175 Cannabin. When nothing else is specially indicated. Tartar emetic. Insomnia of cerebral congestion and of dys- pepsia. Phosphorus, Zinc phosphide. For cerebral exhaustion or innutrition ; for old age. Hyoscine. For fevers' insomnia, with nocturnal delirium. Sulfonal, the most reliable general hypnotic. Cocaine. From worry, sexual excess or overwork. Digitalin, for day-drowsiness. Phenacetine. For insomnia from slight fever, or after the disuse of morphine or chloral. In cerebral anemia, or any weak condition, when the cerebral blood pressure is below normal, give the remedy indicated in a glass of hot water, after the patient is in bed. Amicin. For cerebral debility ; feebleness generally. Cypripedin, Meconarceine. INTERMITTENT FEVER. Quinine sulphate. To break up succession of chills. Give the full dose six hours before the expected chill; give in one dose. Picric acid. Give with quinine to prevent gastric irritation, or by itself to break chill. 176 If a full dose of calo- mel be given the pre- ceding day, and a full dose of camphor mono- brom with the qui- nine, the effect will be much more perma- nent. Camphor monobrom, Calomel. Morphine, hypodermic, Pilocarpine, hypodermic. To break up the chill. Morphine is also urged for pernicious forms, to be given with quinine. Arsenious acid, Arseniates. Valued next to quinine to break up chills ; es- pecially in old quartans, and to follow qui- nine. Piper oleores. Capsicum oleores. Enhance the action of other remedies; es- pecially in algid or pernicious forms. Strychnine. Useful adjuvant, especially in convalescence and in enlarged spleen. Hydrastine. Said to equal quinine ; useful adjuvant and in convalescence. Iron arseniate, for anemia in convalescence. Salicin. Eeebler than quinine; may be used if the other is not at hand. Narcotine. Said to be equal or superior to quinine. Eucalyptol has had some success. Berberine, Cornin, Bebeerine, Carbolic acid, 177 Cascarillin, Tartar emetic, Quassein. Have been used with success. Podophyllin, Emetine, Euonymin, Leontodin, Iridin, Leptandrin. Of use as adjuvants in appropriate cases. Ergotine, for enlarged spleen. Gelseminine. For cerebral congestive symptoms. Methylene blue, when quinine fails. Morphine, Atropine. INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION. Hypodermically; the best treat- ment in all forms. Caffeine, relaxes involuntary muscular fiber. Strychnine. Sometimes useful in impaction or torsion. Purgatives are always injurious. Inflation and irrigation are the only reliable remedies short of surgical measures. Atropine, Duboisine, IRITIS. Daturine, Hyoscine. To dilate the pupil, used locally or internally. Calomel, Mercury pill. For syphilitic : push rapidly to salivation. Morphine hypo., to relieve pain. Copaiba has given good results. Quinine hydrofer., Iron phosphate. For feeble or anemic cases. Iodol, Iodoform, To follow mercury. Iodine, Iodide iron. 178 Mercury pill, Mercury with chalk. As purgative at first, and several times daily ; afterward in smaller doses. Pilocarpine. Relieves the itching, except in cancer. Emetine, with mercurial, for young cases. JAUNDICE. Arseniate sodium, Hydrastine, Berberine, Picrotoxin, Ammonium iodide. Stillingin. In catarrhal jaundice. Quinine sulphate, for periodic or malarial. Chelidonin, Euonymin, Chelonin, Chionanthin. Irisin, as hepatic stimulant, for sluggish liver. Podophyllin. For alcoholic stools, or for dark, offensive stools ; catarrhal, or malarial. Manganese binox., for catarrhal or malarial. Caffeine arseniate. For malarial, alcoholic, or catarrhal cases; to break up habit in old people. Aloin, for simple atonic fever ; hypochondriac. Rhein, for little children ; pasty stools. Cold water enemas, twice daily, assist materially any drug given. Agaricin, for chronic forms. JOINT DISEASES. Aconitine, for pain of inflammation. Rhus tox. For subacute stiffness and acting joints after rheumatism. Iodide iron, Iodol, Iodoform. For scrofulous disease. 179 Arsenic iodide. For rheumatoid arthritis and nodosity. Atropine, Duboisine, KERATITIS. Daturine. To contract vessels and limit inflammation, if intraocular tension be low. Mercury biniodide, Iron iodide. For interstitial, syphilitic cases. Arsenic sulphide, Calcium sulphide. To prevent suppuration. Arsenic iodide, Arsenic bromide, Iron iodide, Quinine arseniate. For vascular keratitis. Eserine, to lower intraocular tension. Morphine. In first stage, when os is rigid and opens slowly, and pains prevent sleep and exhaust strength. A full dose relieves, while os opens during sleep. "The woman sleeps; the womb does not.'' Macrotin. For rigid os and perineum, it is thought to facilitate labor by relaxing them, while it synergizes the efforts of the womb; pre- vents or relieves hemorrhage ; also for sub- sequent mental disorders, melancholy, and suppressed lochia; allays nervousness after labor; relieves after-pains. Gelseminine. Quiets nagging pains of first stage and re- laxes rigid os. LABOR. 180 Emetine. To relax rigid os; after delivery to promote natural functions. Quinine. Uterine tonic, strengthens and synergizes contractions. Cannabin. Stimulates uterus quicker than, but not so long as, ergot. Trinitrin. For hour-glass contraction, fainting, collapse. Ergotin. Only after perineum is dilated and there is no obstacle; for post-partum hemorrhage. Gossypiin, resembles ergot. Aletrin, to render labor easy. Caulophyllin. Relieves false pains and strengthens true ones, * coordinating contractions. Pilocarpine. Causes uterine contractions, and relieves uremia. LACTATION. Pilocarpine. To restore or increase flow of milk. Camphor monobrom, Phytolaccin. Atropine, To check flow of milk. Calcium lactophos. Should be given throughout pregnancy and lactation, to prevent debility and furnish material for bones. Aconitine, for milk fever. 181 Quinine, for milk fever, checks the secretion. The following drugs will affect the child if given to the mother: Anise, Cumin, Dill, Garlic, Absinthin, Turpentine, Copaiba, Rhubarb, Senna, Scammony, Castor oil, Opium, Iodine, Indigo, Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Zinc, Acids, Saline laxatives, Saline diuretics, Potassium iodide, Salicylates, Potassium sulphide, Atropine, Hyoscyamine. LARYNGISMUS STRIDULUS. Aconitine, Atropine, Apomorphine, Emetine, Copper sulphate, Lobeline, Cicutine, Trinitrin, Hyoscyamine. To cut short the paroxysm ; the last named remedy being the best. Nickel bromide, Arsenic bromide, Nervine granules, Quinine sulph. Gold bromide, In the intervals, to prevent recurrence of at- tacks. LARYNGITIS : CATARRHAL. Pilocarpine, Picrotoxin, Copper sulphate, Lobeliue, 182 Apomorphine, Emetine, Tartar emetic. In full dose, to break up attack. Morphine. To allay cough and nervous irritability. Emetine. Expectorant doses to relieve congestion. Aconitine, for the fever. Rumin. Is said to relieve the symptoms promptly, as a specific for larynx. Jalapin, Colocynthin. As adjuvants to diaphoretic at outset. Lobeline. For chronic form with free secretion. Guaiacin, for mucous laryngitis. Hydrastine, for chronic, dry catarrh. Cubeb oleores, for relaxation. Brucine, for relaxation. Iodine, for chronic cases. Arsenic, Smilacin, LEPROSY. Iron arseniate, Silver oxid. Have been recommended. Digitaliu, Ergotin. For the young; to contract spleen. Calcium lactophos., Iron. Arseniates, Should be used in full doses, the preparations depending on the case. Phosphorus, Phosphide zinc. Have been successful. LEUCOCYTHEMIA. 183 Phytolaccin, Should have a trial. Ampelopsin. Anemonine, for uterine congestion. Macrotin. For girls at puberty ; with choreic tendencies. Lobeline, to dry up profuse flow. Picrotoxin. For sero-purulent discharge, with lumbar pain. LEUCORRHEA. Barosmin, Myrrhic acid, Benzoic acid, Ergotin, Berberine, Arbutin, Eupurpurin, Helonin, Myrtol, Thymol, Menthol, Eucalyptol, Cajeput oil. To check flow from atony. Iron iodide, for anemic debilitated cases. Helenine, for catarrhal endometritis. Calcium lactophos., Iron phosphate, Manganese phosphate, Phosphoric acid, Berberine, A useful astringent nutritive tonic ; to be given for a month or two, to weakly cases. Cornin, astringent tonic. Hydrastine, for fat and.flabby women. Cerasein, for periodical forms. Sanguinarine. For relaxed, anemic, amenorrheic, sterile women. Ampelopsin. Caulophyllin. 184 LIVER : CIRRHOSIS. Arsenic iodide. Given steadily for long periods improves the liver's nutrition, and checks hyperplasia. Bryonine, is asserted to be of value. Stillingin. Mercury biniodide. To check hyperplasia. Platinum iodide, Iron iodide, Euonymin, Gold iodide, Iridin, Leptandrin. Jalapin, Elaterin, Singly or combined for hemorrhoids. Colocynthin. For ascites. Podophyllin. For bilious attacks, with headache, labored • circulation, giddiness, or confusion of ideas. Zinc oxid, Silver oxid, Bismuth. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Manganese binoxid. For gastric or intestinal catarrh, irritability and congestion. Hydrastine, Berberine. Special tonics for this disease. LIVER: CONGESTION. Asclepidin, for transient attacks. Bryonine, for hyperemia. Rhein. For discomfort following unwholesome food. Iridin. For jaundice and offensive stools, clay colored. Calendulin, Chelidonin, Chionanthin. For passive congestion or torpor. 185 Elaterin, For acute attacks, following over feeding. Iodine, Ammonium iodide. Formalarial engorgement, passive congestion. Euonynim. For subacute cases, when active symptom8 have been partly relieved. Quinine, Morphine. In full doses, for malarial en- gorgement or chills. Leptandrin, for chronic forms. Calomel, when bile is in excess or deficient. Emetine. For sluggish digestion, pain after eating ; for tropical livers. Podophyllin. For portal congestion of severe grade. Laxative granules, for chronic constipation. Sanguinarine. For engorgement without organic disease. Colchicine. For congestion and dropsy; specially in gouty, plethoric, over-fed meat eaters of sedentary habits. LICHEN. Aconitine. For feverish attacks, with itching or burning skin. Gelseminine, for the same cases. LIVER DISEASE. Podophyllin. For hardy men with sluggish liver and obsti- nate constipation ; for bilious attacks with dark stools. Cheloniu, for catarrh ; atonic states. Euphorbin, for portal congestion. 186 Mercury biniodide. For syphilitic, malarial ; all cachectic states with enlarged liver or hyperplasia. Calomel, Mercury pill. For excess or deficiency of bile; otherwise only useful as purgative. Emetine. For deficient secretion, or functional derange- ment, promotes flow of healthy bile. Rhein, Euonymin, Leptandrin, Irisin. Stimulants ; the former for cases with acute symptoms; the latter for chronic cases. Lep- tandrin is best for continuous use ; euonymiu for torpor and headache ; irisin for bilious- ness. Bryonine. For fever and headache, with liver affections. Chelidonin. Powerful stimulant in acute and chronic he- > patitis. Leontodin. For chronic affections, incipient scirrhus, and indolent enlargement. Flateriu, Phosphorus. Early stage of yellow atrophy. Berberine, Quassein, Brucine, Calumbin. As tonics, for functional disorders. Hydrastine. For passive enlargement, as in late heart dis- ease. Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform, Iodide iron. For waxy enlargement, chronic congestion, simple hypertrophy. 187 Sauguinarine. For hysteria from chronic hepatitis and for simple engorgement; for fat, amenorrheic women. Stillingin. For torpid liver and jaundice following ague ; for cirrhosis and subsequent ascites. Ammonium iodide, Tartar emetic. For acute hepatitis and threatened abscess. Colchicine. For attacks of acute hyperemia and inflam- mation, to which gouty people are liable. Eupatorin, stimulates secretion. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. Atropine, Ergotin. Are recommended by Brown-S£quard. Silver oxid has cured some cases. Mercury. Recommended by French surgeons, who con- sider all cases syphilitic. Gold chloride, Iodides, Eserine, Phosphorus, Hyoscyamine, Picrotoxin, Potass, bichromate. Have been said to retard progress. Pilocarpine. Causes general improvement in the earlier stages. Antipyrin, for the pains. Strychnine. Cured one recent case for me; cure has en- dured eight years. 188 Macrotin, one of the most reliable remedies. Rhus tox. For subacute, tendinous or muscular rheuma- tism ; worse at night. Veratrine, Aconitine. For acute- febrile cases, occurring suddenly, with severe inflammatory symptoms. LUMBAGO. Iodine, Iodoform, Iodol. For syphilitic, mercurial, copper, tin or lead poisoning. Antipyrin, hypodermically. Morphine, -j Atropine. J Hypodermically; very efficient to relieve and to cure. Guaranine, in severe chronic cases. Camphor monobrom. Creosote, Eucalyptol. Menthol, LUNGS: GANGRENE. Carbolic acid, Thymol, Myrrhic acid. To remove the fetor. Baptisin, to check gangrene. Iron, Phosphoric acid, Quinine, Strychnine. Such strong tonics must be given in full doses to check the progress of the disease. LUPUS. Arsenic iodide, for chronic cases. lodiue, Iodoform, Iodol. For syphilitic or scrofulous. 189 Calomel. Grammes, o.i to 0.25; grains, 1 to 4, for cases suspected of being syphilitic; for erythe- matous lupus, and for children. Phosphorus, Phosphide zinc. Possibly useful. LYMPHANGITIS. Quinine, Digitalin, Brucine, Salicin, Iron. Stimulant tonics in septic cases. Calcium sulphide, Calcium lactophos. To prevent suppuration. malarial TOXEMIA. Iron arseniate, Quinine arseniate, Strychnine arseniate. Singly or combined, prophylactic, anti-ma- larial, blood-tonics, lessen splenic engorge- ment. Hydrastine, Strychnine, Brucine, Ergotin, Agaricin, Berberine. Astringent tonics, to contract spleen. Iodine, Carbolic acid. An effective combination, to destroy malarial germs and re- duce spleen. Mercury biniodide, Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform. To cause absorption of toxic products and of debris. These should not be given with the astringents. Picric acid, Quinine salicylate, Cinchonidine salicylate. For periodic symptoms. 190 Helenine, as anti-malarial germicide. Manganese phosphate, Iron phosphate, Phosphoric acid. For malarial jaun- dice, and as a tonic. Bebeerine, Cerasein, Calumbin, Eucalyptol. For convalescence. Pilocarpine reduces enlarged spleen. Populin, for debility. Cornin. Has considerable power as an antimalarial. Resorcin. Antiseptic, antimalarial, astringent. Faturine, Duboisine, Ab opine, MANIA. Hyoscyamine, Hyoscine. Allay irritation, induce tranquil sleep, quiet delirium or nymphomania, monomania with fixed hallucinations, all cerebral hy- peremias ; hyoscine is valued most for all these indications; hyoscyamine for inter- mittent forms, non-congestive, milder and less inflammatory; hypochondriac melan- choly, delusions of persecution. Veratrine. For wild, furious, "fighting" delirium, with bounding pulse. Camphor monobrom, Cannabiue. For sexual excitement. Nickel bromide. Puerperal mania, that of pregnancy, nympho- mania. Cannabiue, Nickel bromide. Mania, acute, periodic, senile, etc. 191 Cicutine, to quiet excessive muscular action. Digitalin. For paretic and epileptic cases, specially for chronic, noisy mania, with desire for exces- sive heat. Ergotin. Shortens attacks, widens intervals, reduces excitement and prevents exhaustion, hence for recurrent and epileptic cases. Iron, as restorative in anemics. Gelseminine. In motor excitement; superior to cicutine. Croton oil, Elaterin, Jalapin, Convolvulin. Revulsives in cerebral congestion. Macrotin, for puerperal or pregnant mania. MASTITIS. Phytolaccin. The most certain remedy to reduce a con- gested breast. Atropine, Camphor monobrom. Relieve congestion, but are apt to dry up the milk. Calcium sulphide, to abort suppuration. Aconitine, to subdue fever. Cicutine, relieves pain and aborts suppuration. Tartar emetic. Given early, for very strong patients given to high fevers. MASTODYNIA. Cicutine has specific virtues for breast or ovarian pains. Macrotin, for breast pains of old maids. 192 MEASLES. Aconitine, to subdue fever and check catarrhal pneumonia. Pilocarpine, with hot bath, to bring out a de- layed eruption. Asclepidin. For the same purpose as pilocarpine ; less powerful; suited to delicate children. Benzoates, specific for septic states. Anemouine, for catarrh of eyes, nose, pharynx, larynx, or intestines. Emetine, for cough, catarrh, and any of the complications of measles. Quinine, for debility ; give early. Mercury biniodide, specific antiseptic. Carbolic acid, as antiseptic; best in early stages. Resorcin, intestinal antiseptic and antipyretic. Iron iodide. In convalescence of scrofulous children. Brucine, heart tonic and for free sweating. Good combination for febrile stage. Phen- acetine has specific power. Phenacetine, Zinc sulphocarbolate. Sparteine. MELANCHOLIA. Platinum chloride, For cerebral anemia. Gold chloride. Cocaine, Caffeine, Theine, Guaranine. For nervous despondency, apprehensiveness, loss of self-confidence. One of these should be associated with one of the following : 193 Brucine, Berberine, Hy drastine, Strychnine. Powerful tonics for relaxed conditions follow- ing excesses. Macrotin, for uterine or puerperal cases. Strychnine arseniate, for the aged. Cannabine, for insomnia. Morphine, for suicidal. Phosphorus, Zinc phosphide. For overworked brain. Valerianates, for hysteric or suicidal. Aloin, generally required in all cases as adjuvant. Laxative granules form an efficient combination for a great variety of these cases. Jalapin, for religious melancholy. Nickel bromide, Gold bromide, Arsenic bromide, Nervine granules. For town dwellers, women with unendurable despondency. Brucine, for great mental depression. MENINGITIS: CEREBRAL. Aconitine, for fever and hard pulse. Veratrine, for the most acute forms; must be given to produce full effect. Nickel bromide. For convulsions following attack. Iodol, Iodides, Iodoform. Best for tubercular form. Atropine. For cerebral hyperemia with excitement. Hyoscyamine. For subacute form, and in convalescence. Hyoscine, for delirium. Gelseminine, for any but the most acute cases. 194 Calomel, for acute c ses ; give to salivation. Ergotin, to lessen blood in brain and subdue excitement. Morphine. The best sedative, for first stage, before effu- sion, for collapse, excitement. Bryonine, for effusion stage. Anemonine. For acute form, at menstrual periods. Jalapin, Elaterin, Pilocarpine. Useful at onset, to abort attack ; give in full dose. MENINGITIS : CEREBRO SPINAL. Morphine, useful until effusion occurs, with stupor and coma. Aconitine, for fever and hard pulse ; specially affects the parts involved. Gelseminine. Especially useful to control delirium. Nickel bromide, useful adjuvant. Amygdala amara oil, for sick stomach. Atropine, to reduce hyperemia and excitement. Digitaline, Ergotin. In early stages, to abort by contracting arteries. Mercury biniodide. To promote absorption and for sequels. Pilocarpine, Iron. To be given as in erysipelas. MENINGITIS: SPINAL. Aconitine, for fever, headache, etc. Ergotin, to force out blood from vessels of cord. Atropine, useful in all cases. 195 Bryonine, Iodoform, Iodol, Mercury biniodide. To promote absorption of effusion. Morphine, to relieve insomnia, and for pain ; adjuvant also. Jalapin, adjuvant in early stages. MENORRHAGIA. For active hemorrhages, the sedatives. Morphine. For threatened abortion; reduces uterine hyperemia, producing amenorrhea and ster- ility. Emetine, reduces hyperemia ; for acute hemor- rhage with tenesmus. Nickel bromide. Cannabin. For acute form, with expulsive pains. Aconitine, for active hemorrhage of plethora, or with firm pulse. Aletrin, for atonic bleeding. For passive hemorrhages, the tonics. Ergotin, to contract a subinvoluted uterus and close bleeding vessels. Digitaliue. Acts more slowly, but is generally preferable. Hamamelin, for venous oozing. Hydrastinine, powerfully astringent. Gossypiin, uncertain in value. Strychnine, for passive, atonic bleeding. Aloin, Laxative granules. Berberine. For constipation with passive, atonic hemor- rhage. Macrotin, for headache, with discharge of dark, coagulated blood. Rue, for uterine atony. 196 Iron arseniate. For anemia, in intervals, for habitual bleed- ing, but never while the flow is active. Calcium lactophos., for habitual bleeding. Apocynin. For flow too long ; too free ; too often. Caulophyllin. MENTAGRA. Arsenic iodide, Mercury biniodide. Iron iodide, singly, or in combination. METRITIS: ACUTE. Morphine, to relieve pain. Aconitine. For fever and headache, with hard, wiry pulse. METRORRHAGIA. Emetine, for acute flooding with straining pains. Hamamelin, for persistent oozing. Ergotin, for free flooding, requiring prompt and powerful aid. Cannabin, for climacteric cases. Digitalin, for plethoric cases, and most others. Hydrastinine, for cases of medium severity, and to follow ergot or digitalis. Morphine, for bleeding from hyperemia, cance r or fibroid. Senegin, for chronic, atonic cases. MUSCLE voeitantes. Iodides, for cases dependent on the liver. Valerianates sometimes give relief. MYALGIA. Arnicin, for results of injury. 197 Macrotin. So often effectual that should always be tried, especially in chronic cases in nervous per- sons ; or for a general bruised sensation. Gelseminine, best for acute febrile cases, with severe pain ; give full doses. Cocaine, for muscular weakness and soreness, following over-exertion. Morphine, Atropine. Pilocarpine. To abort acute attack, especially from cold. Xantboxylin, said to be useful. Emetine, useful adjuvant. MYELITIS. Silver phosphate. Eor rectal or bladder symptoms and sclerosis. Atropine, for cases caused by injury. Ergotin. For acute cases according to some ; subacute more probable ; acts by contracting arteries. Silver oxid, for chronic and anemic cases. Strychnine. For any but hyper-inflammatory cases. Phosphorus, Zinc phosphide. For paretics, and to open treatment of chronics. Gold salts, Picrotoxin. For chronic cases. NAUSEA. Amygdala amara oil, for phthisis, and irrita- bility of the stomach from many causes. Picrotoxin. For brain disease nausea, dry retching. 198 Emetine. In small doses, relieves many cases ; sea- or train-sickness, gastric indigestion and fer- mentation, overeating, alcoholism, preg- nancy. Anemonine, for flatulence and sick headache, coated tongue. Bismuth, for acidity, catarrh. Calumbin, Quasseine. For atonic dyspepsia, flatulence. Zinc sulphocarbolate. Relieves all cases due to fermentation, gastric catarrh, mycosis, etc. Menthol, Thymol. Eucalyptol, For atonic or mycotic. " NERVOUSNESS." Anemonine, Aconitine. For fidgets, of either sex. Macrotin, a better remedy, especially for women Brucine. For old people; mental excitement; erethism. Cocaine. For apprehensions, alcoholic cases (when alco- hol has been stopped), and " male hysteria," also for mental overwork. Cypripedin, for children. Capsicum, for alcoholics when still imbibing. Caffeine, for physical overwork, and conse- quent insomnia; nervous debility. Cicutine. For motor restlessness, with delirium, in- somnia, and abnormal irritability, from mental overwork or strain, or sexual ex- citement. 199 Valerianates. To quiet nerves and restore self-control. Strychnine arseniate. For nervous debility with vague pains; for alcoholics; tobacco abusers. Morphine. For nervousness, flushes, hot head and cold extremities in convalescence. Camphor monobrom. For reflex or sexual excitation. Nickel bromide, for overwork, grief, worry. NEURALGIA. Phenocoll, Acetanilide, Bxalgine, Phenacetine, Antipyrine, Antikamnia. The great agents to relieve from pain. Ace- tanilide is the strongest and quickest; for worst pains, in strong persons. Phenace- tine is best for weak or depressed cases. Antipyrine for ataxy, and when acetanilide cannot be borne. Neither should be given continuously, but they are better alternated. Cajeput oil, stimulant. Quinine in full doses, to forestall periodic at- tack ; small doses for supraorbital. Atropine, Hypo., for lumbago, tic douleu- Morphine. ) reux, acute sciatica. Aconitine. For hard, wiry pulse, throbbing headache, congestive symptoms, cases due to colds or checking discharges ; with quinine for peri- odicals. Atropine. For sciatica, lumbar neuralgia, uterine, spinal irritation, dysmenorrheal, ovarian, inter- costal, tic douleureux. 200 Veratrine. For cases with hypertrophy or over-action of heart; or hard, wiry pulse, or convulsions. Strychnine. For visceral neuralgias, and the best remedy in intervals to break up neuralgic habit ; sexual excess cases. The arseniates. Useful to break up neuralgic sequences ; es- pecially malarial, angina pectoris, and neuralgias of amenorrheic and frigid women. Phosphorus, Zinc phosphide. Powerful means of breaking a persistent neu- ralgia. Give for a week, in full doses ; fol- low by strychnine arseniate and quinine, and success will usually follow. Not for cases due to cold or inflammation, or plethora. Macrotin. Neuralgia of fifth, from cold, and ovarian. Gelseminine. Dental neuralgias, ovarian, from sexual ex- citement ; small doses suffice. Zinc valerianate. For utero ovarian, and in nervous, hysterical women ; reflex forms ; facial. Ergotin. For gastralgias of obstinate type, not very acute, with abdominal pulsation. Eserine, neuralgia of eyeball. Cannabin, neuralgic headache. Iron arseniate. For intervals, in anemic and chlorotic cases. Theine, for sciatica and deep-seated neuralgias. Caffeine, for cervico-brachials, hypodermically. 201 Cocaine. For neuralgias from overwork, mental strain, anxiety, apprehension, grief, stopping alco- hol or narcotics. Cypripedin, for children. Trinitrin To relieve paroxysms, especially of angina pectoris, dysmenorrhea, and in Bright's dis- ease. Salicylic acid, for uricemic, tic douleureux. Delphinine, for obstinate facials and cervicals. Brucine. For hysteric and intercostals, with nervous erethism. Copper phosphate, neuralgia of the fifth nerve. Iodides, for syphilitic neuralgia, nocturnal. Bromides, for ovarian and sexual excitement. Croton chloral. For superficial pain in scalp, and sciatica. Bebeerin, for periodicals. Digitalin, for sciatica and earache. Capsicum, for cases stopping alcohol or narcotics. Emetine, for cases due to indigestion. Colchicine. For plethoric and uricemic cases; following over-eating; from catching cold; with throbbing head. Osmic acid. For persistent cases ; injected along course of nerve. Menthol, a powerful anti-neuralgic. Methylene blue, as anodyne. Napelline, to relieve paroxysm. 202 Remedies for this condition usually require to be given in very large doses. Calcium lactophosphate. For a steady tonic reconstructive. Phosphorus, for cases due to brain overwork. Zinc phosphide. Give for a week, to open treatment, especially for sexual excess cases. Zinc valerianate, for nervous debility. Benzoic acid. For phosphuria from mental exhaustion. Aristolochin, for atony. Lupulin. For nervous erethism, insomnia, hysteria. Brucine. The best remedy to "tune up " the nerves, Strychnine arseniate, to follow the phosphorus. Iron arseniate, for anemics. Zinc oxid, Silver oxid. For irritable nerves from mental overwork, alcoholics and dyspeptics. Cocaine, Caffeine. For over-anxiety, or over-fatigue cases. Theine, Cypripedin. For children. NIGHTMARE. Nickel bromide, Caffeine, Nervine granules, Camphor monobrom. For adults who sleep too soundly. NEURASTHENIA. Emetine, Euonymin, Rhein, Irisin. For children. 203 NYMPHOMANIA. Bromides, Lobeline, Nicotine. For full-blooded, hearty women. Macrotin. For nervous, irritable, sickly women, or those with uterine congestion. Colchicine. For plethoric, phlegmatic, meat-eating, lazy girls. Delphinine, Iridin. Useful in many cases. The laxative pills are of use in all but the ple- thoric cases. Hyoscine is very valuable. Lupulin. Has some influence, and is not depressing. OBESITY. Hydrastine, Brucine, Strychnine. As heart tonics, when needed ; as they usually are for older patients. Iodine, Iodoform. Iodol, For plethoric cases ; reduce blood. Colchicine. For plethoric cases, especially the young. Potass, permanganate. For dyspepsia and flatulence. Iron arseniate, for anemic cases. Aloin, nerve tonic. Cocaine, give before meals to lessen appetite. Phytolaccin, has become a favorite remedy. Rumin. 204 ODONTALGIA. Morphine hypo., Menthol, Pilocarpine. For cases due to catching cold. CESOPHAGEAL AFFECTIONS. Cicutine. For spasmodic contractions, with crampy pains, flatulence, and globus hystericus. Hyoscyamine, for stricture, with irritability. ONYCHIA. Tartar emetic, to shorten the course. OPHTHALMIA. Iodine, Tartar emetic. For strumous cases. Jalapin, Colocynthin. At the commencement, to purge sharply. The arseniates. For chronic, strumous or cachectic cases, with skin disease. Colchicine, for gouty or plethoric cases. Delphinine, for tarsal. OPIUM HABIT. Capsicum. Valuable to sustain patient when deprived of opium ; stimulant to digestion, nerves and brain ; sinking feelings at epigastrium. Brucine, Hydrastine. Berberine, For nervous debility and relaxed tone; full doses ; best given together. Cerium oxalate, for nausea. Cocaine. To sustain hope and relieve insomnia, stop qualms, restore appetite, soothe brain. 205 Gelsemiuine. For restlessness, with hot head and bright eye, sometimes fever; motor excitement. Cicutine. For wandering pains and motor restlessness. Sparteine. To keep up heart, when pulse is relaxed. Trinitrin, for sudden syncope. Cannabin, if foregoing do not secure sleep. Lupulin, tonic, hypnotic. Hyoscyamine, for insomnia, if cannabin fails. Iron arseniate, good tonic. Zinc oxid. Silver oxid. Tonics for nerves and weak stomach, nausea or diarrhea. Meconarceine, Napelline. As substitutes. ORCHITIS. Anemonine relieves pain. Aconitine, for pain with fever. Atropine, to follow the foregoing. Tartar emetic, in very acute cases. Salicylic acid, in rheumatic or gonorrheal cases. Phytolaccin. To prevent suppuration and cause resolution. OTALGIA. Atropine, for earache in children, with coryza. Anemonine, for the same cases, with fever. OTITIS AND OTORRHEA. Atropine, to relieve pain. Anemonine, to relieve pain and fever. Aconitine, stronger remedy for the same uses. Calcium sulphide, to prevent suppuration. Arsenic sulphide. To stop long continued suppuration. 206 OVARIAN NEURALGIA. Atropine is Waring's best remedy. Cannabin, Camphor mouobrom. For spasmodic pain. Codeine, for non-inflammatory pain. Alnuin, for ovarian tenderness. Gelseminine, for pain with tenderness. Aconitine. For pain, tenderness and fever, perhaps head- ache. Ergotine, for chronic ovaritis. OZENA. Platinum chloride, Mercury iodide, Gold iodide. For syphilitic cases. Colchicine, for plethoric people. Copaiba, Cubeb. To check free secretion. Calcium lactophos., for strumous cases. PARALYSIS. According to time, these are the indications : Jalapin, Croton oil, Colchinine, Elaterine. To prevent impending stroke in plethoric persons. Morphine, Aconitine. To subdue excitement and limit injury to nervous tissue at time of stroke. Mercury biniodide, Iodoform, Iodol, Iodine. To promote absorption of effused material, and relieve nerves of pressure. Iodide iron, Calcium lactophos., Iron phosphate.- To keep up nutrition of injured tissues. 207 Strychnine, Brucine. For infantile, diphtheritic, local, lead, hemi- plegic, paraplegic and facial paralyses ; after acute symptoms pass. To awaken sensibility of nerves after inflam- mation has subsided and absorption taken place. To be used about a mouth or six weeks after a stroke, in all forms. Inject into paralyzed muscle ; dose should be very large. Calomel. To prevent impending stroke in syphilitics. Hyoscyamine, paralysis agitans, ataxia. Arnicin, in bladder palsy. Rhus tox., in rheumatics. Phosphorus, Zinc phosphide. In white softening, hysterical and venereal excess paralyses, agitans. Atropine, for chronic myelitic paresis. Ergotin. Vesical, paraplegia, menstrual and spinal con- gestion, rectal. Picrotoxin, forhemi- andparaplegiaandstiffness. Eserine. For ocular, general paresis and old palsies, muscular atrophy, ataxia. Cajeput oil, stimulant. Cannabin. For agitans, vesical palsy from spinal disease. Cicutine, for agitans. Capsicum, good stimulant in chronic cases. Aloin, needed in many cases. Senegin, in rheumatic palsy. Colocynthin, revulsive in cerebral cases. Picrotoxin. For laryngeal, spinal, bulbar, shaking. 208 Aconitine, for fever, headache, rapid pulse. Calomel relieves pain and swelling. Pilocarpine, Phytolaccin. For retrocession to testes or ovaries. PAROTITIS. PEMPHIGUS. Arsenic, For chronic cases. Iodides. PERICARDITIS. Aconitine. First stage, to reduce fever, pain and throbbing. Digitalin. Second stage, for weak heart, cyanosis, dropsy. Bryonine, to absorb exudation. Veratrine, to quiet pulse, if very active and full. Iron arseniate, the best tonic, when one is needed. Sparteine, heart tonic, to follow digitalin. Quinine, full dose may abort attack. Convallamarin, for mitral stenosis also. Breine, to subdue inflammation. PERITONITIS. Picrotoxin, for tympanites. Aconitine, for pain and fever. Bryonine, to promote absorption. Morphine. For pain and fever, and to stop peristalsis. Mercury. To prevent fibrinous exudation, or to absorb it. Quinine, to abort attack. Atropine. For sweating of phthisis, or weakness, and for children. PERSPIRATION. 209 Quinine, for hectic sweats. Pilocarpine, said to check profuse. Agaricine, very efficient for night-sweats. Muscarine. For night-sweats and other cases of sweating. Morphine, Emetine. Relieve night sweats. Salicin, for hectic. Zinc oxid, useful in phthisis. Ergotin may arrest sweating. Tannic acid, Cotoine. Citric acid. For colliquative, night-sweats, all atonic forms. Fraserin. Mild remedy for night-sweats, for delicate stomachs. Hydrastine, Strychnine, Potass, tellurate. For night-sweats. Aconitine. For congestion, and to abort or prevent attack. PERTUSSIS. Arsenic, Asclepidin. To reduce congestion. Quinine, in full doses, one of the best remedies. Caulophyllin, Helenine, Cocaine, Hyoscyamine, Pdocarpine. Trinitrin. To relieve dyspnea. Emetine, useful in all cases. Anemonine. For first stage, when aconite can not be used. Atropine. Specially useful in teething children ; for spas- modic stage, and for profuse secretion. Cicutiue, is a good remedy. 210 Morphine. To quiet undue excitement, dyspnea, or spasms. Bromides, for spasmodic element. Lobeline. For hearty children, and profuse secretion. Amygdala amara oil, for cough of habit. Gelseminine. Useful in spasmodic stage, with headache. Valerianates control paroxysms. Camphor monobrom. A good remedy to give throughout, in full doses. Hyoscyamine, Resorcin, Ouabaine, Solanine. PHARYNGITIS. Aconitine, Atropine. For pain and fever, to abort attack. Emetine, for hoarseness. Hydrastine, for dry form. Macrotin. When membrane is dry and spotted with mucus. Xanthoxylin, for chronic form. Iron, Strychnine, Quinine, Geranine. As tonics in chronic relaxed. Collinsonin, for ministers' sore throat. Cubeb oleores, for chronic form. PHLEBITIS. Hamamelin, to be given throughout. Calomel, given to salivation. Morphine, to relieve pain. Iodides, to promote absorption. 211 Quinine, Strychnine, As tonics. Salicylic acid, Iron. Salicylates. Atropine, to dilate pupil. Cicutine, for scrofulous form. Arsenic, for strumous form. Croton-chloral. For young people and for syphilitic irido- keratitis. PHOTOPHOBIA. PHTHISIS. Creasote, Gold iodide, Calomel, Helenine, Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform, Copper phosphate, Cantharidate potass., Gold and potass, cyanide, Guaiacol, Mercury thymolacetate, Mercury cyanide, Methylene blue, Sodium formate. Given as germicides, hypodermically when possible, the object being to saturate the tissues to such an extent as to render it im- possible for the tubercle bacillus to live therein. That this can be done has yet to be demonstrated ; but the above list com- prises the agents employed for this purpose. It is well before commencing germicidal treatment to ascertain positively that there are bacilli present, by microscopic examina- tion of the sputa. The following are remedies for phthisis, with- out reference to the bacillus; hence, ap- plicable to all forms. 212 Aconitine, for fever, of sthenic type. Myrtol, Thymol, Eucalyptol, Menthol. Antiseptics; for free or fetid sputa, and diar- rhea. Morphine. For irritative cough, when other drugs fail ; for hot head and flushes, with fever, due to over-exertion or nervousness; only to be used occasionally, as the habitual use les- sens the resistance of the body to the dis- ease. Creasote. Checks free secretion, corrects fetor, sweats, anorexia, dyspepsia, cough, fever, etc. Apocynin. To clear away waste matter in caseous cases. Trinitrin, Aspidospermine. For dyspnea. Codeine, better than morphine for cough. Calcium lactophos. For colliquative sweats, diarrhea or bronchor- rhea. Its use increases the resistance of the tissues to the disease. Macrotin. Palliates cough, improves appetite, lessens bronchitis, in non-tubercular form. Arseuious acid, Arsenic iodide, Quinine arseniate, Strychnine arseniate. For chronic forms, not caseous, with little fever ; in early stages, relieve gastro-intes- tinal irritation. Barium chloride, for cheesy forms. 213 Sanguinarine. Specific when the secretions accumulate in lungs, and dulled sensibility of mucous membrane prevents free expectoration, in later stages ; also increases appetite. Corrosive sublimate, for diarrhea. Digitalin, Emetine. Useful with quinine for fever, and for hemorrhages. Phenacetine, for fever above 102°. Cubeb, to lessen profuse expectoration. Aristolochin. Strengthens appetite and digestion. Cactine, heart tonic ; for hemoptysis. Soda hypophos., for caseous stage. Cannabin, for cough or insomnia. Euonymin, for constipation or biliousness. Quinine, for hectic sweats, debility. Myricin, for diarrhea. Iodide iron, for scrofulous type. Naphthol beta, for diarrhea. Silver oxid, Zinc oxid, Copper sulphate, Cotoine, Zinc sulphocarbolate, Potass, tellurate. Bismuth subnit., For colliquative diarrhea, sweating, or bron- chorrhea. Lycopin. For early hemoptysis, cough, sweats, diar- rhea aud anorexia. Amygdala amara oil, Potass, cyanide. For cough. Benzoic acid, Benzoates. As inhalants, for tubercular form, or for free or fetid sputa. Calcium iodide, for strumous forms. 214 Prunin. For cough, anorexia, hectic and irritability. Chimaphiliu, to check advance. Methacetine, for fever. Fraserin, elegant tonic for anorexia. Hydrastine. For cough, sweats, anorexia and indigestion Picrotoxin, for laryngeal phthisis. Resorcin, for diarrhea. Arsenic iodide, Mercury biniodide. PITYRIASIS. For obstinate cases. PLETHORA. Veratrine. Aconitine. For over-acting heart. Arsenic iodide, for cerebral congestion. Iridin, to deplete liver. Colchicine. For nearly all the symptoms, in younger sub- jects. Aloin, for feeble innervation. Caulophyllin, for asthenic form. Iodine, to reduce the blood. Blaterin, for threatened apoplexy. Jalapin, for climacteric. PLEURISY. Gelseminine, for fever and cerebral symptoms. Aconitine, for first stage pain and fever. Veratrine, for very acute cases. Bryonine, after effusion, to promote absorption. Morphine, with quinine, to abort. 215 Pilocarpine. With dry diet, to abort; best in fairly hearty persons; not in feeble or diseased heart; later to cause absorption. Elaterin. With dry diet, to promote absorption in robust cases. Tartar emetic. In the young, when fever runs high, with wild delirium and throbbing pulse. Mercury iodides, Iodine. To promote absorption. Quinine. Full dose at first, to abort attack ; small doses later as tonic in weaker cases. Asclepidin, to subdue congestion. PLEURODYNIA. Macrotin, for rheumatic or uterine cases. Atropine, in all other forms. Croton oil, in obstinate cases. Salicylic acid, for rheumatic form. PNEUMONIA. Aconitine. For fever, both catarrhal and lobar, in young and strong. Veratrine. For very acute cases in young or middle aged. Bryonine, only when there is pleural effusion. Zinc phosphide, for typhoid condition. Atropine. For first stage, in infants, to check secretion. Sanguinarine, after crisis, as stimulant for aged. Emetine, for infantile and catarrhal cases. 216 Digitalin. Doubtful utility ; may be needed in late stages with lax pulse. Ergotine. Urged on very doubtful grounds, in acute cases ; said to abort attack by contraction. Senegin. In late stages, with dry, irritating cough, and oppression. Morphine. For pain and delirium, and irritating cough. Arnicin, ' Aristolochin. Stimulants in aged, low stages, and after crisis. Iodide of terpene, to abort. Hydrastine, Brucine. Strychnine, For low stages, failing heart, aged, alcohol and exhaustion cases, infantile catarrhals. Pilocarpine may abort the attack at onset. Tartar emetic. For acute hyperemia and over-loaded lungs at first, and for acute fighting delirium. Capsicum, for alcoholic cases. Cocaine, for delirium of alcoholics. Hyoscine, for delirium of ordinary cases. Ergotine, Digitalin. For hemorrhagic cases. Arseniates. For delayed recovery after fever drops to normal. Zinc sulphocarbolate. To cure gastric and intestinal irritation, and prevent ptomaine production. 217 Arsenic iodide, Ammonium iodide, Iodine, Iodoform, Iodol. After crisis, to prevent caseation ; give sepa- rately or combined. Copper phosphide, said to be specific. Quinine, Salicylic acid, Antipyrin, Acetauilid, To reduce fever. Phenacetin, Phenocoll, Exalgine, Methacetin. An admirable com- bination, lowering -fever, keeping intes- tinal canal aseptic, and sustaining heart. Phenacetin, Zinc sulphocarbolate, Sparteine. Asclepidin, to subdue congestion. PREGNANCY: AILMENTS. Mercury pill, Euonymin. For clay-colored stools. Aloin, minute doses, for hemorrhoids. Picrotoxin, for flatulence and frequent urination. Emetin, Bismuth, Calumba, Cerium oxalate, Zinc oxid, Zinc sulphocarbolate, Silver oxid, Manganese binox., Rhein. For pyrosis and gastrodynia, nausea or vom- iting. Bromides, for dyspnea. Aspidosper min e, For albuminuria. Calcium lactophos., Digitalin. To prevent loss of teeth, or rickety babes. 218 Berberine, for periodic neuralgia. Macrotin, for false pains. PROLAPSUS ANI. Ergotin, for relaxation. Strychnine, for children. Hydrastine, Piper oleores. For relaxed tissues. Podophyllin, very small doses, as a laxative. PROLAPSUS UTERI. Macrotin, to prevent abortion. Hydrastine, Berberine, As tonics. Strychnine. PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY. Ergotine, of some value. Colchicine, in gouty or plethoric. Cautharidine, for acute cases. Cubeb oleores. Barosmin. For subacute. PROSTATORRHEA. Barosmin, Collinsonin, Iron tannate, Cubeb. For debility. Atropine, very valuable to subdue irritation. Gelseminine, Bromides. For nervous erethism. Hydrastine, Berberine, Frgotine, Strychnine, Brucine. PRURITUS. Quinine arseniate. For nasal pruritus with asthma. As tonic astringents. 219 Arseniate potass., for any form. Brgotine gives great relief. Atropine. For obstinate cases, and those due to sweating. Carbolic acid, for senile form. Gelseminine. For many cases, intense, with no lesion to be seen. Colchicine. For gouty, plethoric, sedentary, neurasthenic, middle life cases. Leptandrin, Iridin. Buonymin, Laxatives of varyingdegrees of strength, often requisite. Phosphorus, Zinc phosphide, Strychnine, Brucine, Berberine, Quinine, Iron. Nerve tonics are often required to cure. Salicylic acid, for diabetic pruritus. Pilocarpine. For pruritus of jaundice, and for prurigo. Solanine, for prurigo. PSORIASIS. Arsenic. At first irritates, then cures; must be given a long time. Calcium sulphide, for chronic form. Chrysophanic acid, Arsenic iodide, Berberine, Hydracetine. Phosphorus, May be found useful. 220 Cicutine, Cotoine, PTYALISM. Atropine. For mercurial or pregnancy. PUERPERAL CONVULSIONS. Aconitine, for fever and headache. Veratrine. For full, hard, or wiry pulse ; probably the most generally useful remedy. Gelseminine. For cases not strong enough for the pre- ceding. Pilocarpine. Full dose, to prevent threatened spasm. Morphine hypo. After purgation or bleeding ; not in albumi- nuria. Elaterin, Trinitrin. To prevent threatened spasm. PUERPERAL FEVER. ' Gelseminine, Veratrine, Aconitine, Tartar emetic. For fever, according to severity of case and pulse tension. Morphine, for insomnia, delirium and fever. Daturine, Hyoscine. For delirium. Strychnine, Brucine. For feeble pulse and collapse. Calcium sulphide, to prevent suppuration. Potass, permanganate, to remedy sepsis. Calumbin, Resorcin. Quinine, For fever and sepsis. 221 PUERPERAL INSANITY. Daturine. For cerebral excitement, wild delirium, suicidal or infanticidal. Hyoscyamine, for milder symptoms. Aconitine, for fever and headache. Iron phosphate, for anemia. Cicutine, for motor restlessness. Macrotin. Hypochondria, melancholy, blood stasis and headache. Tartar emetic, for fighting frenzy. Gelseminine, for irritation with weakness. Morphine, for insomnia. PURPURA. Ergotine. Sometimes good, at others bad, not known why. Strychnine arseniate. Of great value as a tonic and alterative. Iron arseniate. Only in intervals; increases hemorrhage if active. Cocaine. Unequaled as local hemostatic ; especially in purpura due to quinine. Hamamelin, very useful as a systemic remedy. Hydrastine, often rapidly curative. PUSTULE: MALIGNANT. Iron, Quinine, Strychnine. lu full doses, to sustain strength. 222 PYELITIS. Chimaphilin, Cubeb oleores, Copaiba. PYEMIA AND SEPTICEMIA. Digitalin, highly valued by many. Quinine, for sepsis and fever. Salicin, Salicylic acid. For fever and head symptoms. Resorcin, Eucalyptol, Potas. permanganate, For sepsis. Thymol, Myrtol, Menthol. Capsicum, in atonic cases. ■ Strychnine, same, with hiccough, regurgitation. Anemonine, for phlegmatic plethorics. Podophyllin, for bilious plethorics. Bismuth, Zinc oxid, Silver oxid, Manganese binox. For weakly cases or catarrhals. PYROSIS. RECTAL AFFECTIONS. Podophyllin, for children's prolapsus. Atropine, for ulcer ; burning pain after stools. Phosphorus, for chronic proctitis. Piper oleores. Stimulant for fistula, ulcers, hemorrhoids. Cicutine, for pain of cancer. Jalapin, Colocynthin. For neuralgia of rectum. Copper sulphate, Quinine, Morphine. For ulcer ; use persist ently. 223 Collinsonin, astringent, for early stages. Phytolaccin. (Specific for fissure, ulcer, prolapse, hemor- rhoids.) REMITTENT FEVER. Aconitine, for headache and fever. Gelseminine, for bilious cases ; fever. Quinine. Grammes, 1.5 to 2.0, or 4.0 (grains, 20 to 60) in a single dose, once or twice a day. Morphine hypodermic, to abort pernicious chill. JEsculin, Quasseine. For convalescence. Iridin, Jalapin. Purgative during course, with calomel. RHEUMATIC GOUT. Aconitine, Veratrine. For fever. Macro tin. For enlarged and stiffened joints; for uterine derangement, and when pain is worse at night. Colchicine should always be tried. Quinine arseniate is often beneficial. Lithium salicylate. Is often of value, in both acute and chronic forms; for swollen deformed joints. Iodine, Iodoform, Iodol, Iodides. Often useful, especially when syphilitic or due to mercury or other mineral poison. Guaiacin, useful adjuvant. Bromides, may allay the severe pain. Arnicin, may be useful. 224 Salicylic acid stands at the head, with no rival. Give enough to control the fever and pain. If the heart be weak, give digitalis or sparteine also. Give only the purest salt, as the impure disagrees with the stomach and is toxic. The pure salt should be blue-white. RHEUMATISM. Betol, Salicin, Salol, Salipyrin, Hydracetine, Methacetin, Salophen. Scarcely less active, and, perhaps, less depress- ing. Acetanilid, for hyperpyrexia. Ampelopsin, Apocynin. For oedema. Canellin, Caulophyllin, Eupurpurine, Aristolochin, Phytolaccin, Cotoine. For chronic cases with atony. Asclepidin, to subdue congestion. Chimaphilin, for pains. Creasote, for rheumatic diarrhea. Solanine, for pain and fever in sthenic cases. Stillingiue, chronic or irregular. Aconitine, for fever, dry skin, joint pains. Veratrine. In acute painful cases; in plethoric cases a few doses are of use ; only in hearty subjects. Bryonine. For stiffened joints; diuretic; purgative. Macrotin. For subacute cases ; relieves pain quickly. Arnicin, for plethoric cases ; lessens urea. 225 Colchicine. Valuable for plethoric people in mid life. Lithium brom., for insomnia, delirium. Digitalin. For weak heart, cyanosis and oedema. Iridin. To open bowels, which always relieves the pain. Gelseminine, for headache. Atropine, for excessive sweating. Rhus tox. Invaluable after first strength of attack is broken ; subacute, muscular, tendinous ; worse at night. Morphine. For carditis; it acidulates urine, and should only be given with alkalies. Iron, for pale, delicate anemics. Iodides, for lingering, subacute cases. Nicotine, for cerebral symptoms ; sthenic. Emetine, as adjuvant. Methylene blue, as anodyne. RHEUMATISM : CHRONIC. Anemonine, for febrile attacks. Quinine arseniate is useful in most cases. Bryonine, for stiff and sore joints. Macrotin. For neuralgias, headache and uterine com- plications. It is often useful, but precise indications have not been made out. Guaiacin, better than in acute form. Rhus tox., as in acute form. Iodides, for night cases ; syphilitics. Iodine, for pain around joints. Cajeput oil, for muscular, debilitated. 226 Chimaphilin, for lithiasis. Colchicine. Is useful, according to the degree of plethora present; in neuralgias. Phytolaccin. Seems most appropriate to strumous cases. Arnicin, Lu pulin, Manganese, Aconitine. For intercurrent fever; better than in acute. Alnuin, Aletrin. Lithium. For swollen small joints ; lingering cases. Xanthoxylin, of uncertain utility. Quinine, for debilitated rheumatics. RHEUMATISM: GONORRHEAL. Morphine, Emetine. - For acute stage. Iodides, for subacute stage. RICKETS. Calcium lactophosphate. To be used for months, steadi'y. Papayotin, Diastase, Phosphoric acid, Pepsin. Often valuable in rachitic diarrhea. Iron phosphate, a valuable tonic. ROSEOLA. Aconitine, for fever, headache. Atropine, for sore throat, sweating. Emetine, for cough. Pilocarpine, for retrocedent eruption. Sodium benzoate, Ammonium benzoate. For sepsis. Mercury biniodide,.specific antiseptic. 227 SCARLATINA. Aconitine. For fever and delirium, with full, strong pulse. Iodides, urged as specific. Atropine, to bring out delayed eruption. Calomel, for inflamed tonsils. Veratrine, to prevent threatened convulsions. Digitalin. Highly valued as a specific by many ; lowers fever, sustains heart when weak, combats septic toxemia. Acid phosphoric, for thirst. Asclepiadin, to bring out eruption. Gelseminine, for headache and delirium. Macrotin, for motor restlessness or rheumatism. Zinc sulphocarbolate. Is considered a specific by many. It is a harmless remedy, well suited for ordinary cases ; to be given throughout as antiseptic. Euonymin, as a laxative. Potas. permang., Carbolic acid. As antiseptic. Sparteine, as diuretic. Brucine, heart tonic. Quinine, for adynamic. Pilocarpine. Scarlatinal dropsy or convulsions, late in attack. Acetanilide, for high fever. Iron, for albuminuria. Acid benzoic, as specific for fever. Sodium benzoate, Ammonium benzoate. Considered specifics for the septicemia. Mercury biniodide, Illingsworth's specific. Pvrodine, powerful antipyretic. 228 SCIATICA. Macrotin, for obstinate, subacute cases. Strychnine arseniate. For persistent use in obstinate, recurring attacks. Atropine, Morphine. Hypodermically, to break up attack. Rhus tox., for rheumatoid cases. Cocaine, Solanine, Menthol, Osmic acid. Theine hypodermically, along nerve. Salol, for obstinate cases. Veratrine, for robust cases, with fever. Daturine, sometimes relieves quickly. Zinc phosphide, Phosphorus. With quinine, strychnine and arsenic, for one week, to break up attack. SCROFULA. Iron phosphate, i Calcium lactophos. Iodides, for mineral poisoning. Baptisine, for sloughing or ulceration. Calcium sulphide. To prevent or abort suppuration. Calcium chloride, Calcium iodide. For bone disease. Cicutine, for photophobia. Stillingin may be useful. Iron arseniate, useful tonic. Zinc phosphide, for skin affections. Given for months. Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform, Iron iodide, Alnuin, Arsenic iodide, Gold iodide, Barium chloride, 229 Ammonium iodide, For glandular enlargement; the iron for anemia, debility and emaciation. Calcium chloride, for diarrhea. Berberine. Apocynin, Smilacin, Ampelopsin, Chiouanthin, Europhen, Methylene blue, Rumin, Calendulin. Chimaphilin, Chelidonin, Gold and potas. cyanide. Menispermin, Osmic acid. Have some repute. SCURVY. Citric acid, freely. Phosphoric acid, nearly as effective. Quinine, for prostration. Atropine, hypo, for salivation. Rumin. SEA-SICKNESS. Atropine, for neurotic cases. Strychnine. For relaxation ; specific as preventive or cure. Cocaine. Before eating, to allay irritable stomach. Morphine hypo., over stomach, for vomiting. Codeine, for vomiting. Brucine, tonic. Trinitrin, for syncope. Gold chloride. For weakly people, as a preventive. Euonymin. To be used for a few days before sailing, and during voyage as needed, to keep bowels open. This is probably the best preventive. 230 Delphinine, Calumbin, Creasote, Bromides. Have been recommended. sneezing. Arseniate potass. For paroxysmal, asthmatic sneezing. Iodine, Iodides. For itching nose ; paroxysms of sneezing. Camphor monobrom. Incessant sneezing, profuse coryza. Atropine, Camphor, Quiqine. ■ A very efficient combination. SOMNAMBULISM. Bromides. For children of epileptic tendency, often with squinting. SPASM. Aconitine. For milder sort ; angina pectoris, cough, asthma, laryngeal spasm. Camphor monobrom., for strangury, etc. Atropine. For sphincter spasm ; hypodermically for local spasm. Strychnine. For asthma, chorea, tetanus, epilepsy, writer's cramp. Morphine, general antispasmodic. Emetine, in respiratory spasm. Lobeline, valuable in cautious hands. Lupulin, in gouty spasms. Nicotine, in asthma ; muscular spasm. Muscarine, for facial twitching. Phosphorus, Sulphocarbolates. For flatulent spasm. Calendulin. 231 SPERMATORRHEA. First be sure there is really a disease to treat; second, that it is really spermatorrhea. Bromides. For plethora; erections normal, persistent and teasing ; does harm in weak states, with daily loss of semen. Digitalin. For feeble erections, frequent emissions, cold hands and feet. Iron phosphate, to be given w'ith cantharidine. Phosphorus, for physical and mental debility. Quinine. Strengthens erections and checks losses. Lupulin, allays erethism, without weakening. Iron arseniate, for anemic states. Cantharidine. For feeble erections, frigidity, emissions with- out orgasm. Zinc phosphide. A temporary and dangerous stimulant. Gelseminine. To allay sexual appetite, when annoyed by frequent, weak erections. Strychnine arseniate. For feeble erections, with premature ejacula- tions, impotence; relaxed seminal vesicles. Atropine, Cerasein. For relaxed genitals, emissions without or- gasm, nocturnal. Camphor monobrom. To allay frequent weak erections. Ergotin. To strengthen weak erection without emission. Hydrastine, a useful and safe tonic for all cases. Macrotin, for relaxation with hypochondria. 232 SPINAL AFFECTIONS. Ergotine. For congestion, to starve the inflammation. Brucine, for pains of irritation. Cicutine, for excessive reflex irritation. sterility. Mercury biniodide, for syphilitics. Gold chloride, Aletrin. For chronic metritis, amenorrhea from anemia or frigidity ; not for plethora. Iron arseniate, for fat and flabby anemics. Arsenic bromide, for plethorics. Sanguinarine, for fat, frigid women. Cannabin, for thin, energetic type. SUNSTROKE. Acetanilide, Exalgine. Antipyrine, Full doses, when fever is high and pulse full and strong. Brucine, Strychnine, Cocaine, Caffeine. For cases of heat exhaustion, with relaxation, fainting, weak pulse, and no fever. Atropine, for intermediate cases. SUPPURATION. Calcium sulphide, to prevent or stop. Arsenic sulphide. To dry up long-continued or glandular sup- puration. Quinine arseniate. Tonic for long-continued cases. Iron arseniate, for anemics. 233 Calcium lactophos. To repair waste and for sweats. Smilacin. of doubtful efficacy. Iron phosphate, Manganese phos., Phosphoric acid. For cachectic states. SYNCOPE. Cajeput oil, quick and active stimulant. Trinitrin. The best and quickest; effects pass off quickly. Atropine, not so quick, but more lasting. Brucine, Strychnine. To keep up effect of preceding. Daturine may replace atropine. SYNOVITIS. Iodides, Iodoform. For persistent use. Aconitine, for joint pains. Quinine, in pyemic cases. The use of mercury is based on this statement: The specific cause of syphilis resides in the syphilitic growths. Mercury melts down and destroys the healthy tissues. The syphilitic tissues tend spontaneously to decay and death ; and a smaller dose of mercury will therefore cause their death than what is required to affect the normal tissues. The object is then to find the largest dose of mercury that can be given without affecting the healthy tissues, as shown by salivation. This done, experience shows that the dose just below that that will cause SYPHILIS. 234 salivation, may be given for years with com- parative impunity. Old pathological deposits, useless fat, etc., may be carried off; the phys- ical and mental powers will alike be powerfully stimulated, and all the vital functions carried on at a high pressure rate ; premature aging will be noted; but otherwise the health will be remarkably good. Mercury pill, Calomel. For effects desired speedily ; as in cerebral syphilis, early syphilides, etc. Mercury biniodide, Mercury bichloride. Mercury protiodide, For later forms, where haste is not essential. Mercury with chalk, for children. Iron iodide, for broken down cachectics. Gold iodide, Platinum chloride. Have been credited with antisyphilitic pow- ers, but their place is not accurately fixed. Iodine, Iodol, Iodoform, Iodide gold, Iodide ammonium, Iodide iron, Burophen. Have some power in holding syphilis in check, very little in curing it. They may be used when patients cannot or will not take mer- cury, or when the latter must be discontinued for any reasou. Calcium iodide, for cachectic cases. Stillingin, for cachectic cases, skin and mucous. Smilacin, Sanguinarine, Guaiacin, Alnuin, Ampelopsin, Corydalin, Irisin, Pilocarpine. Have been credited with antisyphilitic pow- ers. . ' 235 Hot baths, sweating, and the "hunger cure'' are useful adjuvants. Mercury cyanide. Mercury thymolacetate, for hypodermic use. TETANUS. Strychnine has cured several cases. Aconitine, to palliate symptoms, is valuable. Atropine. Relieves, and may cure ; inject near wound. Gelseminine, Hyoscyamine, Cocaine and morphine, Eserine, Apomorphine, Curarine, Cannabin, Trinitrin, Morphine, Cicutine, Nicotine, Bromides (huge doses), Chloral. Have all been employed with asserted benefit, as palliatives, with an occasional cure. TONSILLITIS. Aconitine, for fever and tense pulse. Atropine. Of great value. These two, used early, will often abort the attack. Erigeron, for chronic. Guaiacin, rarely fails to abort. Quinine, will sometimes do so. Ammonium iodide. To remove chronic enlargement. Salicylic acid, seems a specific. Calomel checks inflammation. Calcium sulphide, to prevent suppuration. Sodium benzoate. TORTICOLLIS. Macrotin, for rheumatic cases. 236 TREMORS. Hyoscine, for agitans. Picrotoxin, for agitans, senile, etc. TRISMUS. Aconitine, Atropine. Hypodermic into muscles. Cannabin, Eserine. Gelseminine, For trismus neonatorum. Picrotoxin. TYPHLITIS AND PERITYPHLITIS. Morphine is probably the best remedy. Calomel, to touch gums, is recommended. TYPHOID FEVER. The habitat of the bacillus is the stomach and intestinal canal, where it breeds, and whence it pours its toxic products, and, in time, its young broods, into the circulation. Other bacteria also find a suitable nidus for their operations in the bowels, and contribute their ptomaines to intoxicate the blood, and cause the symptoms known to us as typhoid fever. To put an end to these micro-organisms and their operations, to render the gastro-intestinal canal aseptic, numerous agents have been given. Of these, I have found the sulphocarbolate of zinc preferable, because it can be given in doses sufficient to render the canal aseptic, without doing any harm to the body, locally or by ab- sorption into the blood. I have given it many times, 5 grains or io at a dose, and up to 60 grains or more iu twenty-four hours, without any perceptible harm. It is enough that it be given to render the stools odorless, and to keep 237 them so. When this is done, we cut off from the typhoid fever all symptoms due to the in- testinal operations and the absorption of pto- maines, and reduce the disease to the effects of the typhoid bacilli that have penetrated the cir- culation or the tissues. We then find our case has lost one to two degrees of fever, the tem- perature invariably falling below 103°, the point above which cold baths are recommended ; the tympanites, diarrhea, delirium, nervous symp- toms, cardiac debility, have disappeared. Pneu- monia, low delirium, hypostasis, hemorrhage, ataxy, suppuration of Peyer's glands, do not occur. The tongue becomes moist and loses its typhoid character. The disease is reduced to a harmless affair, without suppurative or other serious sequelae. The course is shortened, if this drug has been used properly from the first. It is now several years since I have had a death from typhoid fever; not one since I adopted this treatment. I therefore present it as a specific, warning my readers that they must use it from the first; but if given as a last resort, when the patient is in a desperate state and the damage has been done, no such effects can be obtained from it. Further, the drug must be pure. Morphine, Cannabin. Codeine, For insomnia and nocturnal delirium, nerv- ous apprehensions. Veratrine, Tartar emetic. Rarely required, for "fight- ing delirium," first stage. Atropine. For contracted pupils, low, muttering de- lirium, and weak heart. 238 Calomel. Useful in early stage, to relieve bowels. Ergotine, for hemorrhage, if alarming. Digitalin. Best for hemorrhage, after ergotin has checked it; to sustain heart in early stages. Aristolochin. For depression, if bowels not irritable. Hydrastine, for pfofuse sweats. Strychnine. For functional palsies and for weak heart. Apocynin, for oedema or atony in convalescence. Silver oxid. For diarrhea in later stages, and when traces of blood appear in stools. Sanguinarine. For pneumonic symptoms, or for hypostasis. Leptandrin, Euonymin. For constipation. Baptisin, Is given for putridity whenever symptoms of such a condition present themselves. Carbolic acid, Iodine, Bartholow's antiseptic com- bination. Arnicin, for asthenic states, vital depression. Mercury bichloride, for diarrhea. Quinine, useful as tonic only. Antipyrin, for hyperpyrexia. Phenacetin, is preferable, as safer. Betol, Thymol. Antiseptic and antipyretic. Lead acetate, for hemorrhage or diarrhea. Copper sulphate, for diarrhea. Bismuth subnitrate. For gastric irritation or diarrhea. Bismuth salicylate, antiseptic. 239 Cotoine. As it dilates the intestinal arteries, increasing the vitality of the tissues, it should be use- ful in preventing ulceration and sphacela- tion or gangrene. Lupulin, for typho-mania. TYPHUS FEVER. Baptisiu is said to be useful, for sepsis. Atropine. For dry tongue, delirium, and to sustain heart, reduces fever and shortens course. Hyoscyamine, mild delirium. Morphine, for delirium, if pupil is not closed. Euonymin, as laxative, when needed. Arnicin has been praised. Tartar emetic, for delirium and insomnia. Phenacetine, Quinine. As antipyretics. Aristolochin. For low delirium, coma vigil, dry, brown tongue, sordes, weak pulse. 'Caffeine, for weakness ; better than alcohol. Camphor monobrom. Combine with aristolochin. Podophyllin. At onset, for constipation, congestive head- ache, biliousness. ULCERS. Arsenic, for rodent ulcer. Atropine. Has remarkable influence over ulceration. Calcium sulphide, for thin, ichorous discharge. Calcium lactophos., Phytolaccin. For scrofulous ulcers. 240 Hamamelin, for varicose ulcers. Morphine. For phagedenic and indolent ulcers. Hydrastine, Berberine. For rodent, leg, rectum, and uterine ulcers. Aspidospermine, Chimaphilin. , Aristolochin, Stimulants for sluggish cases. Xanthoxylin. (For intestinal and other ulcers, of low vitality.) UREMIA. Pilocarpine, hypo., to eliminate poison. Colchicine, Digitalin. As diuretics. Morphine, hypo., for acute form. Jalapin, Colocynthin, Convolvulin, Elaterin, Croton oil. To avert attack. Veratrine. Pushed to full effect; probably the best treat- ment. URICEMIA. Lithia salicylate. Taken in small doses for a long time.. Rhein. For gastro-intestinal symptoms, acidity, pyrosis, gastralgia, indigestion, low spirits, biliousness. Potas. permanganate, Converts uric acid into urea. Barosmin, with an alkali, is said to be of use. Colchicine. The great remedy, relieving and preventing the disease. 241 Chimaphilin, prevents formation of uric acid. Piperazine. The greatest solvent known for uric acid, in or out of the body ; if anything will dissolve uric calculus once formed, it is this. Alnuin, Washes out the acid. URINARY AFFECTIONS. Aconitine. For retention from chill, sub-inflammatory. Strychnine. Retention of aged or incontinence. Cantharidine. For frequent and involuntary micturition, dribbling of women. Cannabin, retention from spinal disease. Digitalin. For sudden suppression from cold, damp, scarlatina, etc. Barosmin. For catarrhal retention or incontinence, irri- table stricture and gleet. Benzoic acid. For alkaline or phosphatic urine. Aconitine. To prevent chill or fever after passing instru- ments ; also for spasmodic stricture. Cubeb, for any urinary catarrh. Hydrangine. For gravel, urethral or vesical irritation. Phosphoric acid, for alkaline urine. Ptelein, tonic to urinary apparatus. Senecin. Weight in perineum, dragging on testicle, difficult or lagging urination, strangury. Menispermin. 242 URTICARIA. Salicylic acid, full doses. Copaiba, drop doses. Emetine, Full emetic dose, for chronic form. Colchicine, for gouty people. Amygdala amara oil. Strychnine, Atropine, Ergotine, Jalapin, Chrysophanic acid, Cornutine. Produce temporary improvement. Pilocarpine gives prompt relief. UTERINE AFFECTIONS. Caulophyllin. For metritis, prolapse, irritability. Cicutine, palliates pain of cancer. The arseniates. To be given steadily in cancer, to delay its progress. Cornin, tonic astringent. Dioscorein, for utero-ovarian pain. Codeine, Gold bromide. For chronic metritis. Cannabin, to relieve pain of cancer. Morphine, Apocynin. For bleeding from cancer or fibroid. Gold chloride. For chronic metritis with amenorrhea, in anemics ; ovarian neuralgia. Ergotine. For subinvolution, polypi and fibroids. Digitalin, less useful for subinvolution. Emetine, puerperal metritis, subacute. Iron when a tonic is needed. Zinc valerianate, nervine tonic. 243 Macrotin. To relieve irritation and pain in pregnant uterus. Atropine, for uterine neuralgia. Helonin. For atony, prolapsus, melancholy, threatened abortion. Hydrastine, for functional disease. Hydrastinine. For metrorrhagia, metritis, dysmenorrhea, pyosalpinx, myomata, endometritis. Myrtol, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Caulophyllin, Thymol, Myrrhic acid For vaginitis. The arseniates, for irritability. Corrosive sublimate. For fibroids, to be given a long time. Eupurpurin, for debility. Bromides, for uterine congestion. Iron iodide, useful tonic in subinvolution. Asclepidin, to reduce congestion. VACCINIA. Aconitine, for fever. Macrotin, for threatened spasms. Euonymin, for a laxative. Gelseminine. For headache and nervous symptoms. VARICOCELE AND VARIX. Hamamelin, Digitalin, Ergotin, Barium chloride. VARIOLA. Quinine, for adynamia. Macrotin, is said to prevent pitting. 244 Camphor monobrom. For retrocession of eruption. Atropine. For low, muttering delirium, with prostration. Carbolic acid, Eucalyptol, Thymol. Zinc sulphocarbolate, Menthol. As antiseptics. Mercury biniodide, specific antiseptic. VERTIGO. Iron arseniate, for cerebral anemia. Digitalin, to strengthen heart. Strychnine arseniate, for weak heart. Brucine, for weakness and relaxation. Corrosive sublimate. For atheroma or syphilis. Colchicine, for plethora. Bromides, for paroxysmal. VOMITING. Zinc sulphocarbolate. Will relieve all cases of vomiting from catarrh, fermentation, decomposed food, biliousness, cholera morbus or infantum, and often sea- sickness and other forms. Emetine. In sea and railway-car sickness, biliousness, and pregnancy. Caffeine arseniate For alcoholism, cholera, ulcer, gastralgia, pregnancy. Brucine. For long continued vomiting with relaxation of pregnancy, alcoholism. 245 Calomel. For the choleras and that due to decomposed food, clayey stools. Creasote. For cancer, ulcer and catarrh, pregnancy, Bright's, or sea-sickness. Cocaine. Relieves almost any variety, yellow fever. Bryonine, bilious vomiting and headache. The laxative pills. Often remove the cause of vomiting. Canellin, for pregnancy. Irisin. Vomit with blinding right supra-orbital pain, and biliousness. Bismuth, for catarrh, pregnancy or ulcer. Carbolic acid, for nervous, fermentive. Picrotoxin, for cephalic vomiting. Aristolochin, for bilious vomiting. Cerium oxalate, for pregnancy or cancer. Atropine, Aconitine, Delphinine, Copper sulphate, Iodine. For pregnancy. Pepsin, for dyspeptic or pregnancy. Morphine hypo. ». For biliary or renal calculi, dysmenorrhea, sea-sickness, pregnancy. Veratfine. Small doses, for vomiting of summer diarrhea. Amygdala amara oil. For nervous vomiting, gastric irritability, pregnancy. Bromides, for cerebral or uterine. Calumba, uremic, teething or pregnancy. Solanine, for pregnancy. 246 WORMS. Chelonin, Pelletierine, Eupatorin. For tape-worm. Valerianates, Brucine. Apocynin, Aloin, For spasms. Iron iodide. Santonin oxim., Caulophyllin, For ascarides. Absinthin. For lumbricoids. YELLOW FEVER. Pilocarpine. Full doses, has been used with great success Zinc sulphoca-bolate. Should be tried in this disease. Quinine, to abort malarial form. Duboisine, as hypnotic and calmative. Veratrine. Small doses hourly till pulse and fever fall. Capsicin, Cocaine. Creasote. Have been used for the vomiting. Jalapin, to purge. Acetanilide, for fever. 247 THE ORIGINAL RAW FOOD EXTRACT I (Introduced to the Medical Profession in 1878.) • rovinine FOOD. j U V ■ 111 111 ALONE. I A CONDENSED FOOD, j THE VITAL PRINCIPLES OF BEEF CONCENTRATED. Containing 20 Per Cent, of Coagulable Albumen. PALATABLE. NUTRITIOUS. PERMANENT. ECONOMICAL, flag jStood the Crucial Tegfc of Time. BOVININE was introduced to the Medical Profes- sion nearly fourteen years ago, and stands to-day far in advance of all other meat preparations as a FOOD. Actual results from its use by thousands who are prescribing it, likewise the ready and unqualified en- dorsement it receives, prove BOVININE to be the most valuable nutrient extant. It only needs a careful trial to convince any member of the Profession of its superior merits as a TRUE NUTRIENT, and one that can be relied upon in the most critical conditions. BO VININE, containing as it d»es all the nutrient properties of lean raw beef in a highly concentrated form, is invaluable in all conditions of mal-nutrition or mal-assimilation, convalescence, irritation or ulcera- tion of the intestinal tract, in chronic or exhausting diseases, in supporting treatment, in the puerperal state, in severe sea-sickness, and in cases of alcoholism and the opium habit. THE BOVININE CO., No. 6 6 South F"lfth Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. 248 THE Published Weekly, at $3.00 Per Annum. Editor, FRANK S. PARSONS, M.D. gPECIAL attention paid to new and improved methods in the treatment of diseases and injuries. Bureau of Information . . . Under the charge of WILLIAH F. WAUGH, fl.D. JNQUIRIUS concerning any subject in medi- cine receive replies the ensuing week. THE MEDICAL PRESS CO., Ltd., 1725 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. 249 JCDkllAi ,TS palliative and nt nN IAI radical treatment -IN- Adults, Children and Infants. By THOMAS M. 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Misce et in chartas No. x, divide. S.-One every half hour until vomiting ceases; then every two hours. For Mary C., Octobris xj, 1893. J. S. I Per 1,0(0. Prescription Blanks, in pads, for metric or apothecaries' measure.. $ Bill Heads Note Heads Envelopes .. THE MEDICAL PRESS CO., Ltd., 1725 Arch Street, Philadelphia. 251