' 1 THE "DESTRUCTIVE ART OF HEALING;" OR, FACTS FOR FAMILIES. BY THE AUTHOR OF " FALLACIES OF THE FACULTY." TO WHICH IS ADDED, -A. WOHD TO WOMiLKT, FIRST AMERICAN, FROM THE SECOND LONDON, EDITION. New York: Saml. French, 151 Nassau street. Boston: Redding & Co., 8 State street. Philadelphia : W. B. Zieber, 44 South Third street. Price 25 Cents. Wm. C. Bryant Hospital < it Practice. &. Practice. > Hospital. 11— 12 Obstetrics. Obstetrics. ) ( Obstetrics Obstetrics. ) 12— 1 Mat. Med. Mat Med. Med & Surg. Mat. Med. «t Mat. Med. i. Med.fc Surg. At Ther. &, Ther. Clinique. Ther. Ther. Clinique. 3— 4 Physiology Physiology Physiology. Physiology. 4— 5 Surgery. Surgery. Anatomy. Surgery. Surgery. Anatomy. 5— 6 Chemistry. Chemistry. Chemistry Chemistry. ble opportunity, thus thrown in their way, to exculpate themselves, (if they could,) and to annihilate Dr. Turner forever ? Let the following certificate, made more than a year after, answer: " / hereby certify that a petition of Doctor William Turner was presented to the Board of Aldermen, August 2, 1852, concerning the regular practice of Medicine, and which was referred to the Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH. " D. T. Valentine, " Clerk. " New York, Aug., 23,1853." Poor " regular " Faculty ! Now shalt thou, —fallacies and all, — « i be Dome to that same ancient vault, «• Whore all the kindred of the Capulets lie." Amer. Ed. 53 The above arrangement affords such students as may desire to avail themselves thereof, leisure to attend the Hospital, or the hours designated may be profitably spent in study or review. 1. Principles and Practice op Medicine. This chair will be filled by Dr. Livezey, for some years past the incumbent of that chair in the Fem. Med. Col. of Penn. He will illustrate the principles of the Chrono-Thermal doctrine of Dickson by reference to cases without limit, in which its superiority has been proved during an experience of many years, in an extensive practice and in a locality favorable for the development of most of the diseases incident to our climate and country. Dr. Livezey will avail himself of an extensive correspondence, and of reports from Hospital, Army and Navy Surgeons, all in attestation of the truth and superiority of this over all the systems of the past. The Course will be further illustrated by Pathological specimens, Diagrams, and a splendid series of paintings in elucidation of the Exanthemata, Cutaneous Diseases, &c, and it will be his especial aim to combine interest with useful instruction. 2. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Dr. J. Emerson Kent will give a complete Course on Materia Medica, in which the natural and commercial history, modes of preparation and administration of the articles therein embraced, will be fully detailed. He will illustrate this department of his subject by reference to an ample collection of genuine and spurious drugs, drawings, ¦ ? We seal his fate—and this, our verse, Attests our everlasting curse : Like Cain, we send him forth to roam, Bereft of peace, and hope and home. Amazement! much more fierce than wise, The victim our decree defies 1 Gives vent to unexpected fires, And brands us all as sneaks and liars! Nay, more than this, all brass surpassing, He shocks us with the word " assassin 1" What's to be done ? Where's satisfaction ? How meet this singular transaction ? The lily-livered milk that reigns, Instead of blood within our veins. And regulates our coward brains, Forbids that we should stoop to fight him— Oh, John MoKeon !* pkat indict him ! [New York /Sunday Dispatch, March, 1850. Putting down a Refobmeb. —In February, 1850, some medical men, called " regulars," procured the indictment of Dr. Turner, the Chrono-Thermalist, ostensibly for libel. The doctor has been indefatigable in his efforts to have the matter brought to trial, with the view of vindicating himself before a jury of the country, but without effect. On the 5th of July, 1853, the indictment was finally disposed of, by the withdrawal of his accusers, and the entry of a nolle prosequi, on the motion of the public prosecutor, Mr. District Attorney N. B. Blunt, Esq.— N. Y. Tribune. * The then District Attorney. 63 LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE PENN MEDICAL COLLEGE. President THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, ex officio. Vice-Presidents. MATHEW NEWKIRK, Esq., J. EDGAR THOMPSON, Esq. Emeritus Professors. SAMUEL DICKSON, M.D., of London. Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine. WILLIAM TURNER, M.D., of New Yoek, Professor of Institutes of Medicine. Faculty. ABRAHAM LIVEZEY, M.D., (dean of the faculty,) Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Surgery. J. EMERSON KENT, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. SETH PANCOAST, M.D;, Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Institutes of Medicine. JOSEPH S. LONGSHORE, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children. T. AUGUSTINE McREAN, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. FURMAN SHEPPARD, Esq., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 64 CHRONO-THERMAL WORKS. People's Edition, Price $1, post-free. FALLACIES OF THE FACULTY, ¦WITH THE CHRONO-THERMAL SYSTEM OF MEDICINE, BY SAMUEL DICKSON", M.D., FORMERLY A MEDICAL OFFICER ON THE STAFF. EDITED BY DR. TURNER, OF NEW YORK. CONTENTS: Physiology of Healthy Life shown to be a Periodic or Tidal Alternation of Attractive and Repulsive Movement in the various Organs and Atoms of the Body—Disease consists in a greater or less Error in one or more of the Corporeal Periods of Time, with a corresponding Error of Temperature—All Disorders, fitful or intermittent— Unity of Disease—Ague or Intermittent Fever the Type of all Disorders—Elements of Cause and Cure—Poison and Medicine act by Attraction and Repulsion—The Agency of both Electrical, rather than Mechanical or Chemical—" One Man's Medicine another Man's Poison." by reason of Diversity of Constitution —Blood-letting the Invention of an Age of Barbarism, shown by the Treatment in the Cases'of Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott,