Marsh Mallow Eringo Maidenhair OB THB PEOPLE THEIR OWN PHYSICIANS BY THB USB OP NATURE'S REMEDIES; SHOWING THE GREAT CURATIVE PROPERTIES OF All Herbs, Gums, Balsams, Barks, Flowers and Roots ; how they should be prepared; when and under what influences selected; at what times gathered; and for what Diseases administered. Also, Separate Treatises on Food and Drinks; Clothing, Exer- cise, The Regulation of the Passions, Life, Health, and Disease; Longevity; Medication; Air and Sunshine; Bathing; Sleep, etc. Also, SYMPTOMS OF PREVALENT DISEASES; SPECIAL TREATMENT IN SPECIAL CASES; ▲ND A NEW AND PLAIN SYSTEM OF HYGIENIC PRINCIPLES. By DR. 0. PHELPS BROWN. ?RI)CEr TWO DOLLARS. JERSEY CITY, N. J. Published by the 1870. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by DR. 0. PHELPS BROWN, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the District of New Jersey. A BRIEF HISTORY OF MEDICINE. In presenting this work on Crude Organic Remedies-the Constituents of Plants-and their Officinal Preparations-I do not propose to " run a tilt " against any of the systems of Medical Practice, however much some of them may be opposed to common sense and reason, and to the Divine ordinan- ces of Nature ; nor shall I treat with contempt the teachings and practices of great and wonderful names, or oppose the pride, interest, expectation, and conscientious convictions of a learned, honorable and influential profession ; my object is simply to present many new and curious, if not startling facts, not only well worthy of the earnest consideration of the more intelligent portion of the community, who demand reasons the most pro- found, to lead them to conviction of a Truth, but of the great mass of humbler people, who desire, amid all the great Reforms in human society, above all things to secure a "sound mind in a sound body," and to feel something of that exalted state of happiness which alone can rise from the possession of the most robust and rubicund physical and moral Health. It must be palpable to every thinking mind, that Therapeu- tical and Pharmaceutical science, is the very foundation of the "Healing Art Divine." In the language of Holy Writ, " The Lord has created medicine out of the earth, and he that is wise will not abhor them." "Yea happy he that can the knowledge gain, To know the Eternal God made nought in vain." 4 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. The use of medicine is no doubt coincident with the History of the Human Race ; but writers generally agree that medicine first became a profession among the Egyptians. The priests of the earlier nations were the practitioners of the Healing Art, but it does not seem that women were excluded from the right of administering medicine for the purpose of healing the sick, since mention is made of a certain Queen Isis, who became greatly celebrated among them, and was worshipped as a " Goddess of Health." Although the practitioners among the Egyptians, Assyrians and Jews, were in the habit of employing incantations, which, of course, produced their good and bad im- pressions through the medium of the imagination, yet their effi- ciency in curing diseases was mainly due to their knowledge of the medical virtues of many of the vegetable products of Nature. They seemed to look up as high as the stars to know the reason of the operation of the Herbs in the various affections of the human race. Among the Greeks, Hippocrates first caused medicine to be regarded as a science, while Esculapius was the first who made medicine an exclusive study and practice. His sons Machaon, and Podalarius are celebrated in Homer's " Iliad," for their medical skill, as surgeons in the Greek armies, or during the Trojan war. Two daughters, also of Esculapius, Panakeia and Hygeia, were no less distinguished than their renowned brothers; the latter being the inventor of many valuable herbal prepara- tions, whose success in curing diseases won for her, as in the case of Queen Isis of Egypt, the proud honor and deification of the Greeks as an especial " Goddess of Health." We have no knowledge that Esculapius, or his immediate followers, ever conceived the idea of curing disease by drug or mineral prepar- ations. Ablutions, bandages, fomentations, ointments, etc., were administered externally, and preparations of aromatic herbs, roots, flowers, balms, gums, etc., constituted their whole materia medica for all internal ailments. The next most prominent medical practitioner after Escula- pius and his immediate descendants, was Hippocrates, the " Co- an Sage," who being one of the most sagacious, observing and industrious men that ever lived, was entitled the " Father of THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 5 Medicine." He travelled much in foreign countries, devoting himself with untiring energy to the study and practice of medi- cine. His writings were numerous, and even to this day, his doctrines are extensively recognized. His practice was consist- ently founded on the phenomena of Nature, as exhibited in hu- man beings during health and disease. His materia medica was derived wholly from the vegetable kingdom. His internal rem- edies were purgatives, sudorifics, diuretics, and injections, while his external were ointments, plasters, liniments, etc. The great principle which directed all hie operations was the supposed operations of Nature, in superintending and regulating all the actions of the system. This mode of practice had the good effect of enabling the practitioner to make himself well acquainted with all the phenomena of disease, ard thus to diagnose most correctly, and to meet the varied indications, by the adminis- tration of some herbal remedy, which would induce the crisis requisite to the removal of disease and restoration to sound or vigorous health. About three hundred years before the Christian era, the Ptol- emies founded a medical school in Alexandria, Egypt. The most famous of the professors were Erasistkatus and Herophilus, who dissected the bodies of criminals obtained from government. They opposed bleeding and violent remedies, trusting more to nature than to art. Herophilus paid particular attention to the action of the heart, and was the first to give any thing like an accurate description of the various kinds of pulse. From that time to the present the pulse has been, as it were, the guide for determining the character, extent, and probable cause of the disease afflicting a patient, and the description of treatment re- quired to produce a change for the better. I, however, derive great assistance from the temperament, age, sex, etc. We pass over the days of the Dogmatics and Empirics, the Pneumatics and other sects of medical practitioners, (who, though they employed herbal remedies as a general rule, were strangely given to the promulgations of theories and doctrines utterly at variance with the most ordinary ratiocinations of Philosophy and Reason,) until we come to the period when Galen first made his appearance at the request of the Emperor 6 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Aurelius. Galen was a native of Pergamus, having traveled much, and written largely on subjects directly or indirectly con- nected with medicine, before settling himself at Rome. He was entirely independent in his opinions, paid very little respect to authority, and so great was his learning and wisdom, and rare skill in medicine, that he came to be regarded by many as an " Oracle." Thoroughly educated in all the schools of philosophy, he selected from them all except the Epicurian, which he totally rejected. His treatment of disease was principally by Herbal remedies. From Galen have sprung the sect that is now gener- ally know as Eclectics, who do not confine remedies exclusively to the herbal practice, but employ many of the mineral substan- ces upon which the Allopathatic and Homeopathic systems of medicine of the present day are based. About the middle of the seventeenth century, on the death of Paulus, the Greek school of medicine terminated, the Arabi- ans having conquered a large portion of the semi-civilized world, and destroyed an immense Alexandrian library. The Arabian physicians soon adopted the opinions of Galen, but owing to the invention of chemistry, it was speedily made subservient to med- icine. They produced medical works, some of which have enjoyed great celebrity, without having really added anything substantial to medical science as previously7 understood. With Averroes terminated the Arabic or Saracenic School of medi- cine, the great reputation of which is mainly owing to the cir- cumstance, that from the eighth to the twelfth centuries, when all Europe was sunk in deep barbarism, the principal remains of a taste for literature and science existed among the Moors and Arabs. Their physicians added many vegetable products, and a few metallic and oxides in the catalogue of remedies. From the employment of chemical and mineral remedies by the Arabian physicians may be dated the disastrous consequences of medical science, that was subsequently inaugurated by that Prince of Quacks-Paracelsus. After the Arabians, from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, the practice of medicine was chiefly confined to the hands of THB COMPLETE HERBALIST. 7 the priests, who being men of great learning and followers of Esculapius, Hippocrates and Galen, (all believers in the science of planetary influences upon the herbal productions of the earth) did much to perfect what has since been known as " Astral physic," and to base it upon principles as insurmountable and eternal as God and Nature, notwithstanding the futile attempts of modern physicians to laugh and jeer it down, as drawn from the magical arts and astrological superstitions of a " monkish age." It is very true that chemistry, or rather alchemy, was prosecuted with much ardor with a view to discovering a meth- od of transmuting the baser metals into gold, yet with all their " knavery and folly," they religiously discarded mineral medica- tion, and relied almost wholly upon an herbal or vegetable materia medica in the treatment of all forms of physical and mental diseases. The European feudal system was at length greatly shaken by the Crusades. Mahomet the second, about the middle of the fifteenth century, captured Constantinople, and soon after the ruin of the Byzantine empire, the Reformation occurred, and about the same time the art of printing was invented. These events gave a powerful impulse to the world of mind, and re- awakened investigation into all the departments of science, liter- ature and the arts ; but, although many works were written, very few facts were gleaned concerning the physiological, an- atomical and pathological phenomena, incident to the Structure, Health and Disease of the human being. The alchemic art, however, was at length transferred from Arabia into European countries, and medical chairs were established in various Universities on the continent during the thirteenth century, and finally, Linaire, who had been edu- cated at Oxford, and having travelled in Italy, and spent some time at the court of Florence, returned to England, and succeed- ed in founding medical professorships at Oxford and Cambridge, from which circumstance was laid the foundation of the London College of Physicians. Thus chemistry, after having been employed in various pharmaceutical processes, was applied to 8 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. physiology, pathology and therapeutics. The chemical doctors were very wild and extravagant in advancing unnatural theo- ries ; but they had an ever present champion in the name of Galen, who was well entitled to be called the " Prince of Medi- cal Philosophers." He was a philosopher-a natural philoso- pher ; for he studied Nature closely, deeply, profoundly, and deduced his indications of cure from an accurate observation of her laws. His system, however, was destined to be utterly overthrown by an adventurous vagrant, whose quackery never had its equal on earth. This impudent and unprincipled char- latan was none other than Paracelsus, to whom the medical world is more indebted for the mineral drugging system than to all other physicians who have ever lived. He introduced the mercurial and antimonial practice, which still consti- tutes the great strength of the popular materia medica of the day, and which also continues to exhibit its terribly devastating power on all human constitutions that comes under its sway or influence. In the fullness of bis pride, pomp, and arrogance, Paracelsus burned, with great solemnity, the works of Galen and Avicenna, declaring that he had found the philosopher's stone, and that mankind had no further use for the medical works of others. He lived a dissipated vagabond, and died prematurely at the age of forty-eight, his famous elixir vitae having failed to save him from a most horrible fate. Still his abominable doctrines prevailed, and his infatuated followers have added several hundred other chemical or mineral prepara- tions to the materia medica of the great Quick Silver Quack.- At the present day, among a certain class of physicians, there is hardly a disease in the catalogue of human ailments in which the employment of mercury, antimony, arsenic, and other deadly drugs is not employed. During the seventeenth century, the doctrines of Hippo- crates again rose to some consideration in medical philosophy. Anatomy made progress. Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood; others traced out the absorbent system and ex- plained the functions and structure of the lungs; while THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 9 Boyle disengaged chemistry from the mystery by which it was surrounded, and explained its true province to be, "not the manufacture of solid gold, nor liquid nostrums, nor gaseous theories, but an investigation into the change of properties which bodies experience in their action upon each other." From this time to the beginning of the eighteenth century, notwithstanding many facts had accumulated in chemistry, an* atomy and physiology, physicians, as a body, held no more natural views of the true nature of disease, than were advanced by Hippocrates three thousand years before. Indeed, it is pos- itively certain that none of the most eminent new schools or sects of the present day, had been more successful in curing diseases than were Hippocrates, Galen, and Sydenham. Mean- time, however, there have arisen physicians, who, while they readily received all new facts in respect to the structure of the hu- man organism, still adhered to the instinctive inductions of Nature, and treated diseases with most abundant success by means of Herbal preparations alone. We have at this day as bright a galaxy of names-scholars, philosophers,philanthropists and humanitarians as ever adorned any age of the world, devot- ing themselves with a zeal and industry worthy of all praise to the study and practice of medicine, but failing to perceive the grand results anticipated in their laborious researches after truth, do not hesitate to admit that our actual information does not increase in any degree, in proportion to our experience. All their array of learning, and their multitudinous writings, have only served to make confusion worse confounded, and all from the very simple fact that they have neglected to follow the re- quirements of nature and common sense, in maintaining the Herbal Practice as the only true and philosophical foundation of the Healing Art. Amidst all the jarrings, conflicts and dogmas of the medical world, is it any wonder that the great masses are rapidly losing all confidence in Medical Science, and crying for a more natural system of medication-even one founded in the principles of irrefragable Nature ? With this view, I have devoted many years of my life, and having travelled 10 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. in numerous lands, I feel that I am now qualified, from a long medical experience and deep research into the physiology of Plants, to present to the world of suffering humanity, all those curative elements best calculated to ensure perfect health and the utmost length of life to all who may feel disposed to be guid- ed by the doctrines and system of medication, which it is the ob- ject of this volume to make known. The Herbal Practice will be as unsuccessful as all other systems, if the strictest rules are not followed as to the time of gathering, curing, or prepar- ing the Plants or Herbs, agreeably to the Laws of Nature or planetary influences. HERBAL MEDICATION. SHOWING THE PLANETARY AND CLIMATIC INFLUENCE UPON THE HERBAL KINGDOM. In the foregoing pages, we have seen, that from the earliest period in the history of the human race, to the present time, the administration of the juices and essences of Herbs and Plants, in all forms of disease, has ever been considered by ju- dicious and philosophical minds, as the most rational and natural means of relieving the organism of all abnormal obstructions and derangements, and restoring all the functions to their origi- nal or primitive vigor and healthful working. Notwithstanding the innovations of the mineral practice, I have ever held most rigidly to the Herbal System of medication, but having failed to meet with the success reasonably anticipated by pursuing the ordinary routine of Therapeutics, I was finally led to reject the many changes in medical doctrines and practice, and start forth on a path of investigation of my own, into the mysteries of the mineral and vegetable Kingdoms, especially as they might bear THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 11 upon the health and happiness of the human being ; according- ly, I set out on extensive travels in nearly all parts of the globe in all latitudes, at all seasons, and in all climes-in search of the best specific means for the healing of the maladies of man- kind. The results of these researches, since confirmed by many years successful medical experience based upon them, have but the more strongly strengthened my opposition to the use of all the mineral preparations of the modern schools of medicine, and to establish my faith all the more firmly in the employment of herbal elements exclusively-whether in the materia of roots, barks, seeds, or flowers-as the surest and safest means for the thorough eradication of every form of disease incident to the human body. In saying all this, however, I do not deny the fact that many mineral substances enter into the composition of the human be- ing, and are necessary for his full health and perfection-as chalk or lime is requisite to form bone, iron to enrich or strength, en the blood, and other mineral substances for the formation of the tissues, as phosphorus for the tissues of the brain and nerves, etc.-but I stoutly contend that all such inorganic substances are taken up by plants and distributed to the various tissues and elements of the human being, either in the way of food or medicine, in exactly the precise quantity requisite for man's perfect health, if rightly used, neither in excess nor diminution, agreeably to the laws of nature : and their virtues are thus prepared and eliminated in a way far superior to any chemical manipulation ever conceived or known to man, with all the ele- ments of chemical science at his command. Having philosophized, and finally realized that the entire Universe was composed of contrary elements-of negative and positive principles-yet that the whole worked, or acted, in the most perfect harmony, agreeably to the wisdom of a Great First Cause, when such elements were not disarranged or dis- turbed by any violation of the laws of pristine Nature, I was soon led to a logical deduction of the general laws which govern the virtues or medicinal properties of all the varieties of plants, 12 with a view to employ them as remedial agents in the cure of disease. In a word, I found in the being, man, an epitome of all creation-found in his organism all the elements of univer- sal nature-and necessarily discerned, that, as there are Sum. mer and Winter, night and day, in regular and systematic succession, such alternations of nature could not but have the most important influences in respect to the health and diseases of the human being-Heaven's last, most perfect work. I realized that in accordance with the various operations of nature, man remained in health, or became afflicted with disease. Hence, it became necessary for me to fully under- stand or comprehend the cause of any departure from the normal or natural condition of man, and to provide the cure, or the remedy best adapted for the restoration of the equilibrium of the functions of his entire organism. The admirable harmony of creation, as seen in the revolu- tions of the planets, showed how one part of the universe was subservient to, or dependent upon another part of creation ; and this being the fact, it was easy to comprehend that the Planetary System, had certain peculiar, fixed influences, not only upon herbs, but, through their qualities as food or medicine, upon the body of man. No man of sense will deny that the Moon has a certain influ- ence over the waters of the Earth-causing the ebb and flow of tides-nor will it be questioned among practical agricultural- ists, at least, that the Moon has some special or potent power, in the success or failure of crops, etc. If such be the truth, as it undoubtedly is, in regard to the influence of the Moon upon the aqueous and herbal, or veg- etable organisms, it is not at all unreasonable to suppose that every star and every planet has some governing action over the actions, temperaments, idiosyncracies, health and dis- ease of the human being, through the medium of the plants which supply him the very best of healing medicines. The physicians of the olden time-including Esculapius, Hip- pocrates, Galen, etc.-of Arabia, Greece and Home, as well as THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 13 many sages and learned men of more modern times, as Lord Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, and others, all believed in what was originally called " Astral Physicand contended that the anatomy of the human body was governed by the twelve con- stellations. In other words, they believed that the planet Aries or ram, presided over the head and face of man ; Taurus or the bull, over the neck ; Gemina, or the twins, over the arms; Cancer or crab fish, over the breast; Leo, or the lion, over the heart; Virgo or virgin, over the bowels ; Libra or the balance, over the reins or loins ; Scorpio or scorpion, over the secrets ; Sagittarius or bowman, over the thighs; Aquarius or waterman, over the legs; Capricornus or goat, over the knees ; and Pisces or the fishes, over the feet. Candid and reflecting minds must admit the truth of these no- tions of the ancients, while the lights of modern science fully sup- port the hypothesis of planetary influences upon the human organ- ism, inducing Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and other nervous and muscular diseases, as well as visceral derangements, according as electrical, atmospherical, or other phenomena are concomi- tants of, or governed by, sidereal or meteorological conditions of our globe, in its revolutions in universal space, or amid the illimitable range of the starry hosts and planets. Indeed, in many scientific works, we find engravings representing the plan- ets ruling over the various members of the body of man, while these emblems or signs continue to be used, as designating the proper time to plant seed and reap the harvests, etc., among the yeomanry of all lands. That there are planetary influences prevailing over all of the Herbal Kingdom, cannot be questioned. It is this same plan- etary or atmospheric influence which occasions the closing of the leaves over the extreme point of the young shoot at night, as may be observed in the chick-weed, and several other com- mon plants. The folding of some flowers in the absence of the sun, and the opening of others as soon as that luminary has withdrawn his beams, are ascribable to a similar cause. The white marygold closes its flowers on the approach of rain, and 14 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. the dwarf Colendrina folds up its bright crimson corolla about four o'clock every afternoon ; while, on the contrary, the plant commonly called Four o'clock, whose flower remains closed all day, opens precisely at the hour of four. The evening Primrose will not open its large yellow flower till the sun has sunk below the horizon. On the other hand, the Sun-flower is always seen bending its face (vis-a vis) in the direction of the' sun, and fol- lows its course during the entire diurnal round, from its rise in the Orient, or East, in the morning, to its decline in the Hes- perian region,or West,in the evening. The Night-blowing Cercus only expands its flowers about midnight. Indeed, some flow- ers are so regular in their opening or shutting, that the great Botanist, Linnaeus, formed what he called "Flora's Time Piece," in which each hour was represented by the flower which opened or closed at that particular time. Thus, trago fogon prateus opens from three to five; papaver medicaule, at five ; hypochaeris maculata, at six ; nymphoea alba, at seven ; ana- gollis avernis, at eight ; calendula avernes, at nine ; areuaria, nine to ten ; and mesembry anthemum, at eleven. Solar light is no doubt the principal cause in producing these phenomena ; yet the influence of other planets are perhaps more potent in their direct influence. Beside the cases in which flowers open and shut their corollas by the influence of light, instances are known in which merely the petals roll up by day, and resume their natural shape after sunset. A remarkable circumstance respecting the effect of atmospheric influence, is, that the same causes do not affect all plants, and yet no peculiarity of construc- tion has been discovered in those so affected to distinguish them from those that are not. This simple fact alone is sufficient to prove that there is not a plant or tree growing on earth that is not in more or less degree, under the influence or government of some especial Planet, Star, or Constellation, or some sign of the Zodiac. The sleep of plants, a very remarkable phenomena, must 11 due to planetary influences. Even the irritability of many di them can be readily traced to the same cause by a rational THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 15 mind. In many instances, there seems to be a striking affinity between the herbal and animal kingdom, and other instances of the repelling character. For instance, a most remarkable instance of irritability by contact, is that exhibited by the ' Venus' Fly Trap,' Dioncea muscipula, a native of Canada, and nearly allied to the common " Sun-Dew," of the British commons. Its flowers have nothing re- markable about them, except that their petals roll up when they are about to decay ; but the leaves are very curiously constructed. They have broad leaf-like petioles, at whose extremity there are two fleshy tubes, which form the real leaf, and which are armed with strong, sharp spines, three on the blade of each lobe, and a fringe of larger spines round the margin. (See figure 1 ) When an insect touches the base of the central spines, the leaf collapses, and the poor insect is caught, being either im- paled by the central spines, or entrapped by the others. The leaf then remains closed, the fringe of long spines being firmly interlaced and locked together, till the body of the insect has wasted away. This apparatus being the nearest approach to a stomach which has yet been observed in plants, an experiment was tried some years ago of feeding a dioncea (Venus' Fly Trap) with very small particles of raw meat, when it was found that the leaves closed in the same way as they would have done over an insect, and did not open again until the meat was consumed. This plant is under the dominion of Mercury, and it is a curious fact, that its leaves possess medical properties, which, when properly prepared in tincture or decoc- tion, have been found of exceeding efficacy in many diseases of the digestive organs of the human being. Saracenia, or Side-Saddle flower, the leaves of which are pitcher-shaped, resembling an old-fashioned side-saddle, six of which generally belong to each plant. Each of these pitchers 16 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. will hold nearly a wineglass full, and are generally filled with water and aquatics, which undergo decomposition, or a sort of digestion, and serve as a nutriment to the Plant. It is a plant of the Moon, and an infusion of both its leaves and roots is stimulating, tonical, diuretic, and laxative, and thus very useful in dyspepsia and other gastric derangements, chlorosis and all uterine derangements. This same peculiarity belongs to all plants having pitcher-shaped leaves. (See fig. 2, page 15.) From long experience and observa- tion, I have found that any plant bear- ing any resemblance to any portion of the human frame, is a specific for the diseases of the member or organ to which it resembles. For instance, herbs that simulate the shape of the Lungs, as Lungwort, (See figure adjoining,) Sage, Hounds-tongne and Comfrey, are all good for pulmonary complaints. Plants which bear in leaves and roots a AearMike form, as Citron Apple, Fuller's Thistle, Spikenard, Balm, Mint, White- beet, Parsley and Motherwort, will yield medical properties congenial to that organ. Vegetable productions like in figure to the ears, as the leaves of the Coltfoot or Wild Spikenard, rightly prepared as a conserve and eaten, improve the hearing and memory, while oil extracted from the shells of sea-snails, which have the turnings and curvings of the ears, tends won- derfully to the cure of deafness. A decoction of Maiden Hair and the moss of Quinces, which plants resemble the hairs of the head, is good for baldness. Plants resemb- ling the human nose, as the leaves of the Wild Water Mint, are beneficial in restoring the sense of smell. Plants having a semblance of the Womb, as Birthwort, Heart Wort, Ladies' Seal or Birony, conduce much to a safe accouchement. Shrubs and Herbs resembling the bladder and gall, as Night-shade and 17 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Alkekengi, will relieve the gravel and stone. Liver shaped plants, as Liverwort, a plant under the dominion of Jupiter, (See the following figure.} Trinity, Agaric, Fermitory, Figs, etc., are all efficacious in bilious dis- eases. Walnuts, Indian nuts, Leeks, and the root of Ragwort, because of their form, when duly prepared will further generation and prevent ster- ility. Herbs and seeds, in shape like the teeth, as Toothwort, Pine-kernel, etc., preserve the dental organiza- tion. Plants of knobbed form, like the knuckles or joints, as Galingale, and the knotty odoriferous rush, Cal- amus, are good for diseases of the spine and reins, foot, gout, knee swellings, and all joint pains whatso- ever. Oily, vegetable products, as the Filbert, Walnut, Almond, etc., tend to fatness of the body. Plants naturally lean, as Sar- saparilla or long-leaved Rosa Solie emaciate those who use them. Fleshy plants, such as Onions, Leeks and Colewort, make flesh for the eaters. Certain plants, as the Sensitive plant, Nettles, the roots of Mallows, and the herb Neurus, when used as outward applications, fortify and brace the nerves. Milky herbs, as Lettuce and the fruit of the Almond and Fig trees, propagate milk. Plants of a serous nature, as Spurge and Scarnmony, purge the noxious humors between the flesh and the skin. Herbs whose acidity turns milk to curd, such as Gallium and the seeds of Spurge, will lead to procreation. Rue mixed with Cummin will relieve a sore breast, if a poultice of them be applied, when the milk is knotted therein ; while plants that are hollow, as the stalks {Liverwort.) 18 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. of Grain, Reeds, Leeks, and Garlick, are good to purge, open and soothe the hollow parts of the body. Many more instances of such adaptation of herbs and plants to dis- eases of the body, might be cited if deemed necessary. The vitality of plants may be destroyed by giving them deleterious or poisonous substances, such as arsenic, mercury, etc. In fact, mineral poisons act on plants and herbs in nearly the same way they do upon human beings or other animals. The color of plants is generally under the influence of solar light ; hence, plants grown in darkness become etiola- ted or blanched. The green of leaves is due to nitrogen, while in proportion as the oxygen of the air predominates, the leaves put on varied tints, as the beautiful red and crimson assumed by some leaves in Autumn. The color of flowers, as a general rule, is influenced by solar light, though the magnetic condition of the soil has much to do with the color. For instance, the petals of the common butter-cup are of as brilliant a yellow in town-gar- dens enveloped in the smoke of London, as on any country hill, while the tints of the rose remain, when languishing for lack of a clear atmosphere. The flowers of the common hy- drangea, which are naturally pink, may be made blue by planting the shrub in soil impregnated with iron. So will certain medical preparations of iron turn blue the human flesh. The color of the flower of the tulips can be turned into white, yellow, brown, purple, and a beautiful tint of rose, by transplanting the plants from a poor soil to a rich one, and vice versa. The fragrances of flowers and plants have their physiolo- gical or medical uses. The use of the fragrance in leaves, batkz and wood, is apparently to preserve them from the attacks of insects ; as the smell of the red and Bermuda cedars ( of which pencils are made) and of Camphor, also a vegetable product, is to keep moths and other vermin from attacking substances with which they are in contact. 19 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. The taste produced by vegetable substances has also an important bearing in Herbal Medication, as for example, the juice of the sugar cane is sweet, that of the unripe apple is acid, that of the aloe is bitter, while that of the leaf of the bramble, is astringent. These influences are owing to solar light, atmospheric and stellar phenomena. Physiology will not deny the connection of electricity with vegetable growth. The secretions of plants are various, as farinaceous, saccharine, oleaginous, balsamic, resinous, etc., while others are narcotic, aromatic, or mucilaginous, and another class again are astringent, as tonics, or purgatives. All these secretions have an important bearing in the treatment of disease by the Herbal Practice. The geographical distribution of plants is affected by planetary influences, constitutions of soil, heat, moisture, al- titude of situation, etc. The flowers, shrubs, and trees, which adorn the plains of India and South America, are not the same with those which clothe the valleys of Englund and North America. Nor are their medical properties the same, however those herbal products may resemble each other. The plants which flourish on the sea-shore of Great Britain are not the same as those on the coast of Africa, nor are these, again, allied to the maritime vegetation of Chili, South America. Nearly all the beautiful plants which adorn oni green-houses, are natives of a limited space near the Cape of Good Hope, as are also many of our most beautiful bulbs, but the medical properties of all, become weakened and by transplantation. The curious stafelias, that smell so of fensively, are found wild only in South Africa. They are there used for medicinal purposes by the Aborigines. The trees that bear balsam grow principally in Arabia, and on the banks of the Red Sea. The umbeliferous and cinch ferous plants, spread across Europe and Asia. The CWt are found only in tropical America, while the lobiata) and cariophyllacea, are seldom discovered but in Europe. The peculiar ranges and centres of vegetation, as they are termed, 20 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. are all owing to planetary, meteorological, and electrical in* fluences, and yield their medical properties in exact ratio of quality, in accordance with the latitudes or places in which they are indigenous. From the many facts existing, we must believe that there is not a single disease in man that may not have its remedy or cure, in some herb or other, if we but knew which plant, and where to find it, in this, or that, or any clime, or portion of the world-agreeably to the providence of Nature. This fact or law is proven in the lower animal kingdom. Who has not often seen, not only our familiar domestic animals, but many of the untamed creatures of the forests, fields and air, seek out some one or peculiar herb, when la- boring under sickness or derangement of the functions of its organism ? Truly, Nature has wisely implanted a definite instinct in every organic creature, in order to serve for its health, or for its restoration to health from disease. In man, however, such instinct is not so plainly marked, but to him has been given reason and judgment, and ( in some few of the race, ) a disposition to investigate the laws and mysteries of crea- tion, in order to secure his own highest health and perfection, and to find the means for the healing of his kind, when they have become diseased through ignorance, perversion, and violation of the immutable ordinances of Creation. As the proverb says, " There are sermons in stones, and books in running brooks," so do we behold volumes of wis- dom in all the herbal kingdom-in every emerald and varie- gated leaf, in every tinted blossom-in all, there is a voice- less language, eternally singing significant psalms in praise of " Him who doeth all things well." Thus we find that adaptation is the law of the universe- and no where is it more vividly portrayed than in the growth and development of the Herbal world. It will thus be seen, that it is only by carefully studying the physiology or functions, or nature of plants, we can 21 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. derive instruction for the proper regulation or government of our own organisms. The causes-whether planetary or other- wise-which influence the growth and development of plants, are conditions necessary to be understood, in order to preserve the health or integrity of our systems. Dependent upon the causes I have already named, the plants, also, may lose their medicinal virtues; while much will be owing to the season of the year when they are gathered, in order to adapt them to medical purposes. For instance, in the Spring of the year, the comnfon Nettle plant may afford a palatable food for man, but if selected at a later period, instead of serving as a savory vegetable, or puri- fier of morbid elements from the blood and system of man, might be converted into, or act as a virulent or dangerous poison upon his organism. In China the Ginseng plant or root is regarded-weight for weight-as silver, for medicinal purposes; whereas the same herb grown in America, or other countries, does not possess a tithe of the value of the Chinese production for healing purposes. There must be, therefore, I repeat, a combination of influences to ensure the full development or perfection of any plant. There must be not only internal but external stimuli, to develop the virtues of the herb. The external, as we have seen, consists of certain nutritions matters contained in the soil, water, atmos- pheric gases, electricity, light and heat, besides the elements of oxygen, both in its combined or simple form, nitrogen, etc. If we take a stem cut from a pine tree, in the forests of North Carolina, and place it in contact with the trunk of a healthy growing pine, the former would destroy the latter in the course of the season. The worms generated in the severed or decayed stem will pass to the living tree, and rapidly cause its destruc- tion. Any farmer knows that if the lordly oak be felled in June, it will pass into a complete state of decay in the course of from four to eight weeks, but if it be cut down at a proper season, it affords the best timber for the building of ships. 22 We all know that a plant stripped of its leaves will soon perish. Among the reasons for this is, that the absorption by the roots is insufficient to supply all the materials for its nour- ishment. Let us look a little more closely into these phenomena of nature. There must be a certain number of stages for all herbal growths. First, the ascending sap dissolves the nutri- tive deposits of the root and stem, and conveys them to assist in the development of leaves and flowers. Hence, it is evident that if the root, bark or stem, be gathered at this season, it will prove deficient in medical virtues, or be altogether inert. The leaves, also will be found worthless for remedial purposes. On the other hand, if we wait a little longer, or until the plant is fully developed, we will find that either the bark or root, the leaves or flowers, are full of rare medicinal virtues. The precise moment when all the assimilative processes of the plant have been perfected, whether it be Summer or Winter, Spring or Autumn-is the time to gather it for a remedial agent in disease, inasmuch as we know that the laws of chemical de- composition and recombination know no rest; hence, as in the case of the nettle, while it may be a good food in its earlier stages of development, it would prove a poison in a more ad- vanced stage of its growth. The peculiar properties of herbs as medicines will often de- pend upon the greenness or ripeness of the plant, and other circumstances attendant upon its cutting, and the length of lime it is kept after being gathered. For instance, the concrete juice of the Mannaash (Fraxinus manna of commerce-increases in purgative qual- ties by age. The Oak-bark, for tanning hides, improves in value for a period of four or five years after it has been stripped from the trunk ; in the same manner its medical properties are either diminished or improved, according to the season when the bark is gathered, or the manner in which it is converted into tannic acid for medical or scientific purposes. It must be apparent to all, that herbs are liable to suffer from the vicissitudes of soil, climate, season, etc., and, as a matter THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 23 of course, from these causes, will vary the medical principles attributed to them. Repeated analysis demonstrates the fact, that specimens of the same plant grown in different localities will vary infinitely in the proportions of the medical principles yielded. Take, for example, the Butterfly-weed, or Pleurisy-root (Asclepias Tube- rosa), which grows in the barren and sandy soil of New Jersey, and it will be found to yield from one to two hundred per cent, of its medical virtues more than the same plant grown in the rich alluvial soils of the West. Hence, when given as medicine, the quantity must correspond accordingly-be either increased or diminished, in order to secure its proper curative effects upon the system Thus it is seen that a medicine, prepared from plants culled at an improper season, will prove entirely inert or useless, while the same herb gathered at a proper time, in a proper climate, especially and properly prepared, would secure the restoration of a patient from disease to health. There is likewise a wide difference between the virtues of a plant growing in a wild or natural condition from that of the same herb when artificially cultivated. The transference of plants from their native locations, to soils prepared by the hands of man,induces many changes in their individual elements. Many plants formerly used for medicines are now cultivated for the table alone. The small acid root ol the Brassica Rupa has become the large and nutritious article of diet known as the turnip. The dandelion, when grown in natural localities, pos- sesses well-defined medical properties, all of which are lost when the plant is artificially cultivated. In the cultivated plant, the proportions of starch, grape-sugar, and other nou-medical prin- ciples are largely increased, while that which is gathered in its wild or native state is known to possess rare virtues in affec- tions of the liver, kidneys, and respiratory organs. In the cul- tivated rose the stamens are converted into petals. 'Elie castor oil plant, in Africa, is a woody tree-in our gardens it is an annual. The mignionette, in Europe, is an annual plant, but becomes perennial in the sandy deserts of Egypt. 24 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. I repeat, from what has been seen it is evident that all herbs, perhaps, possess some property suitable for medical purposes. These virtues may be found in the root of one plant, in the bark of another, in the leaves of another, in the blossoms of another, in the seeds of another, or in the whole combined. Even the color of the flower has much to do with the therapeutic proper- ties of the plant-as for instance the Blue Vervain, as used in my Fits and Dyspepsia remedy, is the only kind that is used for medical purposes-all the other species being either entirely useless, or else more or less dangerous. In fact, it is evident to the comprehension of the simplest mind, that climate and planetary influences have much to do with the full development of plants. This may be illustrated in the Tobacco raised in Cuba and that grown in Connecticut- the one being grown in a Southern and the other in a Northern climate. The poison nicotine is derived from the tobacco plant, the exhilerating caffeine and theine are obtained from the coffee berry and tea plant. Thus it is possible that some the- rapeutic agent or other may be derived from every plant grown on the surface of the globe. The Red Men of the American forests are never at a loss to know which plant is best, nor the time it should be gathered, to cure him of disease. They know how to treat their complaints in physic, surgery and midwifery, with a skill that far surpasses that of many a learned doctor of the big medical schools, with all their science, and the medical teachings of physicians for upwards of four thousand years. What other guide have the poor Indians-those untutored savages of the woods-but their reason and their instinct, their practical experience in the use of herbs, and their observation of planetary influences upon herbs? This is the same in the East Indies, South America, South Sea Islands, Patagonia, Africa, and other lands. The negroes in the interior parts of Africa possess a knowledge of the med- ical properties of plants which is really surprising, and, by con- sequence, are rarely afflicted with disease. The art of healing in Sumatra consists in the application of plants, in whose medi* THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 25 cal virtues they are surprisingly skilled. In fact, the Suma- trians have a degree of botanical knowledge that surprises the European or American. They become acquainted, at an early age, not only with the names, but the qualities and properties of every shrub and herb among that exuberant variety with which their country abounds. In gathering herbs for medical purposes, we should not only know the season when they should be culled, but we should be qualified to comprehend the principles of which the plant is composed-whether they be resinsj alkaloids, or neutrals-and be able also to separate the one ingredient or element from the other, as a distinct medical property, or combine the whole for the purpose of a compound medical agent. To understand these constituent elements of plants, and to be able to adapt them to the cure of all forms of disease, has been the main purpose of my life. With this view, as before re- marked, I have traveled in many lands, and made much re- search into the mysteries of Nature, as developed in the organi- zation of plants, with a success greater than has yet been achieved by any other man now on the face of the globe, as may be seen by referring to the various cases treated, as related in this volume. Accordingly, the knowledge thus obtained enables me to prepare four compound remedies (a full description of which may be found on page 397), in a way that renders their action upon all diseases of the human organism at once direct and certain. Their remedial virtues are always apparent, and never fail to cure, however inveterate or long standing the case of the disease, where the medicines are taken duly and in accordance with the Hygienic requirements, which will be found plainly laid down under their proper headings in this volume. Many of the herbs that I use in these medical compounds are gathered expressly for me, in various countries, by agents exclusively employed by myself, while those of native growth are selected usually under my own personal supervision, with the utmost accuracy, at all seasons of the year, or according to 26 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. nlanetary influences, in order to possess their fullest therapeutic virtues from every portion of our own vast country, whether grown in a wild or cultivated state. Nor is this all that has to be done. Each plant, and every element or ingredient of it-whether the root, bark, leaf, flower or seed-are submitted to a most rigid chemical analysis, in order to ascertain the relative amount of their medical virtues, or the quantity, purity and strength of each, before a single principle or element can be used as a component part of any of the remedies which are prepared in my own laboratory, under my own ever-watcliful care and supervision. But, in order that all may be readily benefitted by this volume, whether desiring to purchase my remedies or not, or whether living in localities so far distant from railroads or expresses, that they cannot re- ceive them, I have given a large number of the most valuable prescriptions that can be found in the Herbal Practice, or as used by me before having discovered the specific remedies, as mentioned on page 397. These prescriptions, as a general rule, may be easily and cheaply prepared by any apothecary, or by any intelligent member of a family or household, care being taken that the herbs used shall be of the best quality. I also present a full description of the Plants composing these prescriptions, many of them most beautifully exhibited by life-like illustrations, even to the very colors of the blossom, and general contour of the herb. There are, however, very many cases of human affliction that must have the especial supervision of the best medical skill and experience. Any one therefore afflicted with any dis- ease for which neither of my four remedies seem particularly designed, may write to me in accordance with the rules laid down on page 432 of this book, and thereby come under spe- cial treatment. This method is eminently more satisfactory than any other in the end, but is, of course, more expensive, as the care and consideration of each case draws largely up- on my individual time, and the medicines used are of the best and rarest kinds. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 27 FOREIGN AND NATIVE PLANTS THEIR MEDICAL PROPERTIES, AND THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATESAND PLANETS* OVER THEM. Description.-Acacia Arabica, is a small tree or shrub, but which sometimes attains the height of forty feet, with a trunk from three to four feet in circumference. It is sometimes called the Egyptian Thorn, or Egyptian Gum Arabic. The thorns are sometimes short, sometimes long, or almost wanting. The flowers are small and yellow, in globose heads, etc. History.-The tree inhabits the Southern portions of Asia, and the upper portions of Africa. The gum flows naturally from the bark of the trees, in the form of a thick and rather frothy liquid, and speedily concretes into tears ; sometimes the discharge is promoted by wounding the trunk and branches. The best quality of Gum Arabic is colorless, or very pale yel- low-white, shining, transparent, hard, but pulverable, inodorous, and of a sweet and viscous taste. Cold or hot water dissolves its own weight, forming a thick mucilaginous solution. Government and Virtues.-It is a tree influenced by the Moon. The gum is nutritive and demulcent, and exerts a soothing influence upon irritated or inflamed mucus tissues, by shielding them from the influence of deleterious agents, atmos- pheric air, etc. It is very useful in diarrhoea and dysentery, to remove tenesmus and painful stools, in catarrh, cough, hoarseness, gonorrhoea, inflamations, etc. It may be given almost ad libitum in powder, lozenge, or solution alone, or com- bined with syrups, decoctions, etc. [See " Acacian Balsam,n page 401.] ACACIA. Gum Arabic. ADDER'S TONGUE. Erythronium Americanum Description.-This plant, also known by the names of Dog 28 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Tooth Violet, Serpent's Tongue, Yellow Erythronium, etc., is a perennial plant, springing from a bulb at some distance below the surface, which is white internally, and fawn-colored exter- nally. The leaves are two, pale green with purplish or brownish spots, and one nearly twice as wide as the other. It bears a single, drooping .yellow flower which partially closes at night, or on cloudy days. History.-This is a beautiful plant, among the earliest of our vernal flowers, found in rich open grounds, or in thin woods, throughout the United States, flowering in April or May. The English variety is similar to the above, and possesses the same medicinal properties. The bulb and leaves are the parts used, and impart their virtues to water. The leaves are more active than the roots. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb under the dominion of the Moon and Cancer. It is emetic, emollient, and anti- scrofulous when fresh, nutritive when dried. The fresh roots and leaves, simmered in milk, or the fresh leaves bruised and often applied as a poultice to scrofulous tumors or ulcers, together with a free internal use of an infusion of them is highly useful as a remedy for scrofula. The expressed juice of the plant, infused in cider, is very useful in dropsy, and for relieving hiccough, vomiting, and hematemesis, or bleeding of the lower bowels. AGRIMONY. Agrimonia Eupatoria. Description.-Agrimony has a reddish, tapering, not creep- ing root, with brown stems covered with soft, silky hairs ; two or three feet high, and leaves dented about the edges, green above and greyish underneath. The flowers grow at the top of the stem, are yellow, small, and very numerous, one above another in long spikes, after which come rough heads of seeds, banging downwards, which will stick to garments or anything that rubs against them, sometimes called Cockleburr or Slicklewort. History.-This perennial plant is found in Asia, Europe, Canada and the United States, along roadsides, and in fields THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 29 and woods, flowering in July and August. Both the flowers and roots are fragrant, but harsh and astringent to the taste ; and yield their properties to water or alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb under Jupiter and the sign of Cancer. Is a mild tonic, alterative and astringent. Useful in bowel complaints, chronic mucus diseases, chronic affections of the digestive organs, leucorrhcea Or whites, etc. A strong decoction, sweetened with honey, is an invaluable cure for Scrofula, if persisted in for a length of time. It is exceedingly useful in Gravel, Asthma, Coughs and obstructed Menstruation. Dose.-Of the pulverized leaves, one teaspoonsful may be taken; of the decoction, one wineglassful. ALDER. Prinos Verticillatus. Description.-This ia an indigenous shrub, of irregular growth, sometimes known as Winterberry. The stem is six or eight feet in height, with greyish bark and alternate branches ; the leaves are olive green, smooth above and downy beneath ; the flowers are small and white, the berries are globular and of a bright scarlet color. History.-Black alder is common in the United States and England, growing in moist woods, swamps, etc., flowering from May to June, and maturing its fruit in the latter part of Autumn. The bark and berries are used for medicinal pur- poses. It has a bitterish, sub-astringent taste, and yields its properties to water by infusion or decoction. The berries have a sweetish taste, and yield their virtues to water or alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is a shrub of Fenizs, under the sign of Cancer. It is tonic, alterative and astringent. It is very beneficial in jaundice, diarrhoea, gangrene, dropsy, and all diseases attended with great weakness. Two drachms of powdered bark, and one of powered golden seal, infused in a pint of boiling water, and when cold, taken in the course of the day, in doses of a wine-glassful, and repeated daily, has proved very efficacious in dyspepsia. Externally, the 30 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. decoction forms an excellent local application in gangrene, indolent ulcers, and some affections of the skin. The berries nre cathartic and vermifuge, and form with cedar apples a pleas- ant and effectual worm medicine for children. Dose of the powdered bark from half a drachm to a drachm. Of the decoction, a teaspoonful three or four times a day. Black Al- der is an ingredient in several alterative syrups ALE-HOOF or Ground Ivy. Description.-This plant is a native of England, and well known by many names, as Cat's Foot, Ground Ivy, Gill-go-by' ground, Gill Creep-by-ground, Turnhoof, Haynaids, etc. It spreads and creeps upon the ground : shoots forth roots at the corners of tender jointed stalks, set with two round, hairy, crumpled and unevenly dented leaves at the joints. With the leaves towards the end of the branches, come forth long, hol- low, blueish flowers, with small white spots on the lips that hang down ; the root is small with strings. It grows under hedges, on the sides of ditches, under houses, in shady lanes, and waste grounds. Its flowers come early and abide a great while ; the leaves continue green all the year unless the Winter be sharp and cold. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb of Venus. It is sharp and bitter in taste, and a decoction of it is singularly good for ulcerated Lungs, and all inward wounds. It is excel- lent for liver complaints, jaundice, wind in the stomach and bowels. It provokes urine and menstruation. The decoction of it in wine, will soon procure ease to those troubled with sciatica, or other gouty or rheumatic affections of the joints. The decoction with a little honey and alum, is a good gargle for sore mouth or throat. The juice of it, boiled with a little honey and verdigris, will wonderfully cleanse fistulas, ulcers, and spreading eating cancers, etc. The juice dropped in the eyes, will help pains, redness, and the watering of them ; like- wise, if dropped in the ears help the noise and ringing therein, and improves the hearing. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 31 Description.-Alexander, sometimes called Alisander, Horse Parsley, Wild Parsley, and the Black Pot Herb, is too well known iu Europe to need any description. It flowers in June and July, and its seeds are ripe in August. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb of Jupiter and therefore friendly to nature, warming cold stomachs, removing obstructions of the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder, etc., flatu- lency, stranguary, and to move women's courses. [If the best is not to be had. see " The Restorative" page 397.] A decoc- tion of either of the leaves or seeds, may be taken freely for the above disorders of the human system. ALEXANDER. ALKANET. Anchusa Tinctoria. Description.-This plant is known in Europe by the names of Orchanet, Spanish Buglow, and Enchusa, but the Alkanet proper is the only kind that grows in England. It has a great, thick, red-colored root, with long, narrow, hairy, green leaves, which lie very thick upon the ground. The stalks are encircled with tender, slender, narrower leaves than those at the bottom of the stalks ; while the flowers are small, sallow, and reddish color, appearing in July and August. The seed ripens soon after, but the roots, (like carrots and parsnips,) are in their prime before the herb runs up to stalk. Government and Virtues.-This herb is one of the darlings of Venus, and sometimes hard to be obtained in its purity. The roots boiled in wine are good for liver complaints, jaundice, spleen, and obstructions of the kidneys and bladder, weak back, and pains thereof. An ointment of the leaves helps old ulcers, burns, scalds, St. Anthony's fire, bruises, falls, green wounds, etc. A vinegar made of the leaves, as you make vinegar of roses, cleanses the face of morphew and other spois and blemishes of the skin. Description.-All-heal is sometimes called Hercules' wound- wort. It has a long, thick root, full of a hot and biting juice, ALL-HEAL. Prunella Vulgaris. 32 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. with large, hairy, ash-tree like, green leaves ; each leaf consist' ing of five or six pair of wings, set opposite each other on foot-stalks, and having a bitterish taste when chewed in the mouth. It has a strong, round, green stalk, with many joints, and some leaves thereat, growing to the height of five feet. It bears a small yellow flower, and yields seeds of a whitish, yellow, short, flat appearance, having a bitter taste. It flow- ers usually at the end of Summer in England, although found in blossom in other parts of Europe from May to December, where it is sometimes called Panay, Opapanewort, etc. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mars, hot, bitter, and choleric in its nature. A decoction is good to expel worms, to provoke urine, and to help all joint aches, etc. Is excellent for cramps, fits, falling sickness, and convulsions, [ but is not as good as Blue Vervain, see prepared medicine, page 397, ] obstructions of the liver and spleen, kidneys and bladder. It is also good for the toothache, and the bites of mad dogs and venomous creatures. Amygdala Amara, Bitter Almonds. Amygdala Dulcis-, Sweet Almonds. Kernels. Description.-The almond tree is from ten to eighteen feet high, and grows in the south of Europe, Barbary, and Asia, and yields both the sweet and bitter Almonds. The leaves are of a bright light green, two to four inches long and about three quarters of an inch broad. The flowers are moderately large, pink or white, resembling the peach blossom in color, in pairs, and appearing before the leaves. Stone, oblong or ovate, hard in various degrees, always rugged and pitted with irregular holes. History.-The best of the sweet kind comes from Malaga. The sweet almond kernel is without odor, and of a pleasant flavor ; that of the bitter is also inodorous, unless it be rubbed with water, when it exhales a smell similar to Prussic acid. Its taste is similar to that of peach meats. Both varieties ALMONDS. The Amygdalus Communis. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 33 of kernel contain oil ; the sweet a fixed oil; the bitter, a fixed oil and an essential oil impregnated with hydrocyanic acid, (Prussic acid.) The oil of Bitter Almonds has a golden color, an agreeable odor, and an acid, bitter taste, and is combustible, burning with a white flame. The oil of Bitter Almonds is a poison acting in the same manner as Prussic acid. One drachm of this oil dissolved in three drachms of alcohol, forms an " essence of almonds," much used by confectioners, perfu- mers, etc. A soap is made from it, under the name of Saponaceous Cream of Almonds. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus, and opposes the ill effects of Mars. Triturated with water, Sweet Almonds produce a white mixture called emulsion or milk of almonds, which possesses a very remarkable analogy with animal milk. It contains a great quantity of oil, kept in sus- pension in water by the gum and albumen ; and is used as a demulcent, and as a vehicle for other medicines. The oil in small quantity, acts as a demulcent ; in larger doses, it is laxative. It is frequently employed in cough, diseases attended with intestinal irritation, and for mitigating the acrimony of the urine in calculous affections, etc. Dose of the oil is a teaspoonful. AMARA DULCIS, or Bitter Sweet. Description.-Amara Dulcis, or Bitter Sweet, is also some- times called Mortal, Woody Nightshade, and Felon-wort. Its woody stalks grow to the height of a man, and sometimes higher. Tne leaves fall at the approach of Winter, and spring out again from the same stalk the ensuing Spring. The branch has a whitish bark, with a pith in its centre. The main branch divides into many smaller branches, with claspers that lay hold of what is next to them, as vines do. The leaves are many, longish, somewhat broad and pointed at the ends, and of a pale green color, although growing in no regular order. The flowers are blue, or a purple color, like to violets, standing many together in knots. The berries, at first, are green, but 34 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. very red when ripe, tasting sweet at first, and bitter after- wards. The plant is common in England, growing in moist and shady places. The leaves put out about the first of April, the flowers in July, the seeds ripening the following month. Government and Virtues.-This plant is under Mercury, and a notable herb if rightly gathered under his influence. A pound of the leaves and wood bruised or pulverized and boiled in three pints of white wine, then strained and drank in wineglassful doses, is excellent to open obstructions of the liver and spleen ; helps difficulty in breathing, and congestions of blood from bruises and falls, in any part of the body. It is good for the black and yellow jaundice, dropsy, and to cleanse women newly brought to bed. The bruised berries applied to felons will speedily cure them. It is also good for vertigo, or dizziness in the head. AMARANTH. Amaranthus Hypochondriasis. Description.-This is an annual herb, with a stout, upright stem, from three to four feet high, with oblong green leaves, red spots or tinged with purple, clustering flowers of a bright- red purple, plume-like form. History.-This plant, known also by the names of Princes! Feathers, Lovely Bleeding, Bed Cock's-comb, is cultivated as an ornamental plant, in the gardens of the middle states of America. It is known likewise in England as the Flower Gentle, Flower Velure, Floramor, and Velvet Flower. The flowers are not properly flowers, but tutts ; and appear in August, and continue till the frost bites them. The leaves aro the parts used, and yield their virtues to water. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn, and is an excellent qualifier of the unruly actions and passions of Venus, though Mars also should join with her. Amaranth is astringent. The decoction drank freely, is highly useful in severe menorrhagia (profuse menstruation,) in diarr- hoea, dysentery, and hemorrhage from the bowels. It is a good local application in ulceration of the mouth and throat, as 35 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. a wash to foul, indolent ulcers, and as an injection in Fluor- alt us or leucorrhoea, etc. ANEMONE. Anemone Nemorosa. Description.-Anemone Nemorosa, sometimes called Wind Flower, because the flowers never open but when the wind blows. The seeds, also, (if it bears any at all,) fly away with the wind. It is a delicate and pretty plant, with a creeping root, and a simple erect stem, with a single flowei on a naked peduncle, and from six to nine inches high. History.-This plant is common in Europe and the United States, bearing purplish-white flowers, in April and May. There are several varieties of it, which possess similar properties, but the A. Pulsatilla, or Meadow Anemone of Europe, is the most active among them. The herbaceous part of the plant is employed in medicine. It is a favorite medicine among the Homoeopathic physicians, in a variety of obstinate diseases. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mars, being supposed to be a kind of Crow-foot. A decoction of the leaves provokes the terms of women mightily. The body bathed with the decoction cures leprosy. It is used in amaurosis and other diseases of the eye, secondary syphilis, cutaneous diseases, and hooping-cough, in doses of one or two grains daily. In the recent state, the leaves bruised and applied to the skin are rubefacient. In large doses, it pro- duces nausea, vomiting, looseness, and bleeding of the bowels. Therefore much caution is required in its use. ANGELICA. Angelica Atropurpurea. Description.-This is a well known plant in England, and a particular description of it will be needless. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb of the Sun, in Leo, and should be gathered when Sol is in Leo of the Zodiac, the Moon, at the same time, applying a good aspect ; or it may be gathered in the hour of Jupiter, when the Sun is angular to that planet. This plant has many admirable medical proper- 36 ties. A pou'der of the root helpeth pleurisy, cough, shortness of breath, and other diseases of the lungs and breasts. A syrup of the stalks will do the same. A wine decoction of the root, easeth all pains and torments coming of the cold and wind, helps digestion, removes all stoppages of the liver, and spleen, urine, etc., procureth woman's courses, and discusseth all windiness and inward swellings, etc. An ointment made of the whole plant, is excellent for ulcers of all kinds, cleansing and causing them to heal quickly. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ANISEED. Pimfinella Anisum, Description.-Anise has a perennial, spindle-shaped, woody root; a smooth, erect, branched stem, about ten or twelve inches in height. The leaves are roundish, heart-shaped, serrated or saw-like at the edges. The flowers are white and small, disposed on long stalks, nine or ten razed, and naked. The fruit is ovate, a line and a half, or one-eighth of an inch long, dull brown and slightly downy. History.-It is a native of Egypt, and a plant of the Sun. It is now extensively cultivated in the warmest portions of Europe. The fruit of the Spanish plant is that which is most generally selected for medical purposes. The odor of Anise is penetrating and fragrant, and the taste aromatic and sweetish. Alcohol takes up its properties, water partially so. The Star Anise, used in cordials, possesses a taste and odor similar to Anise, but it is procured from the llliciam Anis- atum, a plant of Eastern Asia. The volatile oil obtained from it is fraudulently substituted for the European oil of Anise. Government and Virtues.-Plant of Mercury. Stimulant and carminative ; used in flatulency, flatulent colic of infants, and to remove nausea. It is sometimes added to other medi- cines to improve their flavor, correct griping and other disagree- able effects. It is also a valuable addition to cough medicines. The oil extracted from the seeds, dissolved in alcohol, an ounce of the former to a pint of the latter, forms what is called the 37 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. essence of Anise. Dose of the essence, from thirty drops to a teaspoonful in sweetened water. The dose of the seed, crushed or powdered, is from twenty to forty grains. ARCHANGEL. Angelica Archangel. Description.-It has divers, square, hairy stalks, at the joints of which grow sad green leaves, dented about the edges. The flowers are of pale-reddish color, the seeds appearing three or four in a husk. The root is small and thready, per- ishing every year. The whole plant has a strong but not offensive smell. All varieties are natives of England, and flower from the beginning of Spring all Summer long. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus, hotter and dryer than the Stinging Nettle in its nature. The flowers of the White Archangel, in decoction, are good for the whites, and those of the red to stay the menses. A decoction of either kind, makes the heart merry, drives away melancholy, and quickens the spirits. An ointment made of the whole plant, will discuss the Kings Evil, all Scrofulous tumors, and give case to the gout, sciatica, and other pains of the joints and sinews. Good, also, to heal green wounds and old ulcers, and prevent them from fretting, gnawing, and spreading. The chief use of the different varieties, is in female complaints, as leucorrhcea and menstruation. Description.-It is like an evergreen, keeping its leaves all the Winter, and putting forth new ones in the Spring. It has many heads rising from the roots, from whence come many smooth leaves of a dark green, shining color above, and pale yellow green beneath. The roots spread divers ways, but do not creep on the ground. History.-It grows in moist, hilly woods, and presents a bell-shaped, dingy-brownish, red flower from May to August. The root and leaves are used in medicine. The root, when dried, has a pepper-like odor, spicy taste, and yields an ash- colored powder. Its properties are taken up by aclohol or water. AS AR AB ACC A. Asarum Europium. 38 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant under the dominion of Mars, and therefore inimical to Nature. It is emetic, cathar- tic, and errhine, principally used in certain affections of the brain, eyes, face, and throat, toothache, and paralysis of the mouth and tongue. It is used by drunkards in France to pro- duce vomiting. It should not be used, unless by advice of some attending physician. The dose is from ten to twelve grains. To promote vomiting it is taken in half drachm or drachm doses. AYA-PANA. Aya-pana Eupatorium. Description.-While traveling in Paraguay, South Amer- ica, some years ago, I became acquainted with a species of Eupatorium or Lungwort called Ayapana, possessed of most extraordinary virtues in Consumption and other diseases of the chest. In Paraguay, which is a very paradise on earth, numerous medicinal herbs of exceeding great value grow to the greatest perfection. The Aya-pana belongs to the class of Eupatorium Perfolialum, though quite unlike the Lungwort and Thorough-wort indigenous to North America. The Aya- pana is only found on the eastern slope of the Andes, on the mountain sides, along the sunny banks of streams and beauti- fully luxuriant on all the tributaries to the Amazon, and La Plata especially. It is a perennial plant, with numerous erect, round hairy stems, five to ten feet high, the stalk plain below, but branching out in 'numerous stems near the top. The leaves grow on the opposite sides of the stalk in pairs, each pair being joined at the base. The direction of each pair of leaves is at right angles with that of the pair either above or beneath. The leaves are long and narrow, broadest at the base where they coalesce, gradually tapering to a seriated point, wrinkled, paleish green on the under surface, and beset with white silken hairs, which add much effect to their greenish gray color. The flowers are snow-white, slightly tinged with a purplish hue at the end, very numerous, supported on hairy peduncles. The calyx is cylindrical, and composed of imbricated, lanceolate, hairy scales, inclosing 39 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. from twelve to fifteen tubular florets, having their border divided into five spreading segments. There are five black anthers united in a tube, through which a bifid filiform style projects above the flower, rendering the whole a beautiful and picturesque plant. Government and Virtues.-It flowers constantly during the dry or sunny season, the blossoms and leaves only being used for medicinal purposes. The flowers are better than the leaves, have an aromatic odor, resembling slightly chamomile, and possess a strong bitter taste, somewhat like horehound or quassia, which virtue is imparted either to water or alcohol. Resin, gum, balsam, and mucilage are among the principal constituents of the flowers. The flowers are gathered in the morning on sunny days, carefully dried in the sun, or by artificial heat, when they are put up in bags or cedar boxes, and become ready for medicinal use. Prepared in this way, the flowers and leaves retain their properties for years, improving in their virtues by age, adding to their rich honey- like yellow coloring matter, when distilled for medical purposes. This is decidedly a plant of the Sun, inasmuch as it delights iu the sunlight, in the glorious rays of the Orient, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, where the first beams of Aurora illumine the great waters of the Atlantic, and is never found on the moonlight Pacific regions of the Occident. It is always found in the sign of Leo or lion, and therefore at once shows its great influence over the valvular action of the heart, its healthful invigoration of the arterial and venous systems, and its wonderful power in expelling carbonic acid from the air- cells, and pulmonary vessels, prior to the elimination of rich vermillion blood, through the great aorta of the human economy. (See " Acacian Balsam," page 401.) BALM. Melissa Officinalis. Description.-Balm is a well-known perennial herb, with upright, branching, four-sided stems, from ten to twenty inches 40 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. high. The leaves are broad and opposite, and the flowers pale yellow. History.-Balm is a native of France, but naturalized in England and the United States. It grows in fields, along road sides, and is well known as a garden plant, flowering from May to August. The whole plant is officinal, or medicinal, and should be collected previous to flowering. In a fresh state, it has a lemon-like odor, which is nearly lost by drying. Its taste is aromatic, faintly astringent, with a degree of persistent bit- terness. Boiling water extracts its virtues. Balm contains a bitter extractive substance, a little tannin, gum, and a peculiar volatile oil. A pound of the plant yields about four grains of of the oil, which is of a yellowish, or reddish yellow color, very liquid, and possessing the fragrance of the plant in a high de- gree. The Nepeta Cdriodora, a powerful emmenagogue, is some- times cultivated and employed by mistake for Balm. It has the same odor, but may be distinguished by having both surfaces of the leaves hairy. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb of Jupiler under Cancer and strengthens much in all its actions. It is moder- ately stimulant, diaphoretic and antispasmodic. A warm infusion drank freely, is very serviceable to produce sweating, or as a diaphoretic in fevers. It is also very useful in painful menstruation, and also to assist the courses of females. When given in fevers, it may be rendered more agreeable by the addition of lemon juice. It is very good to help digestion and drive away melancholy, and troublesome thoughts and cares out of the mind. It will make the heart merry, and revive the spirit in swooning and fainting spells. The herb bruised and boiled in a little wine and sweet oil, and laid warm on a boil, will ripen and break it. The infusion may be taken at pleasure, without any injury to the system. BALMONY. Chalone Glabra. Description.-Balmony, also known as Snake-head, Turtle' bloom, Turtle-head, Salt Rheum-weed, is a perennial, smooth, herbaceous plant, with a simple, erect, somewhat four-sided 41 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. stem, about two or three feet high. The leaves are smooth and of a dark shining green. The flowers are of many colors, large and inodorous, very ornamental according to the variety of the plant. History.-This valuable medical plant is found in the United States, in damp soils, flowering in August and September. The leaves are the parts used, they are exceedingly bitter, but inodorous, and communicate their properties to both water and alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by Saturn. It is tonic, cathartic, and anthelmintic • very valuable in jaundice, hepatic or liver diseases, and for the removal of worms. In small doses, it is a good tonic in dyspepsia, debility of the digestive organs, and during convalesence from febrile and in- flammatory diseases. An ointment made from the fresh leaves, is valuable for piles, inflamed breasts, tumors, and painful ulcers. Dose.-Of the powdered leaves, one drachm. Of the tincture one or two teaspoonsful. Of its active principle, Chelonin> one or two grains. Description.-Barberry is an erect, deciduous shrub, from three to eight feet high, with leaves of an ovobate-oval form, terminated by soft bristles, about two inches long, and one-third as wide. The flowers are small and yellow, in clusters, and the fruit bright red, oblong berries, in branches, and very acid History.-This shrub is found in the New England states, on the mountains of Pennsylvania and Virginia, among rocks, and bard gravelly soil. Occasionally it is found in the West on rich grounds. It flowers in April and May and ripens its fruit in June. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Moon, tonic, and laxative, indicated in jaundice, chronic diarrhoea and dysen- tery. The berries form an agreeable acidulous draught, useful as a refrigerent in fevers, the bark is bitter and astringent, and used in the treatment of jaundice. The bark of the root is the BARBERRY. Berberis Vulgaris, 42 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. most active; a teaspoonful of the powder will act as a purga< ti ve. A decoction of the bark or berries will be found of service as a wash or gargle in apthous sore mouth and chronic opthalmia. Description.-This is an elegant tree, sometimes known as Bead Tree, Pride of China, etc. It has a trunk about a foot and a half in diameter and obtains the height of thirty or forty feet; rough bark, lilac colored flowers, and a fruit of the size of a small olive, with one five-celled bony nut; cells one- seeded. History.-It is a native of China, but cultivated in the warm climates of Europe and America. It does not grow to any extent north of Virginia, and flowers early in the Spring. Its name of Bead Tree is derived from the use to which its hard nuts are put in Roman Catholic countries, viz-for making rosaries. The recent bark of the root is the most active part for medicinal purposes ; it has a disagreeably bitter taste, and a very unpleasant odor, and imparts its properties to water at 212Q F. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by Mercury. The bark is anthelmintic, and in large doses narcotic and emetic. It is useful in worm fevers, and in infantile remittents, in which, although worms are absent, yet the symptoms are similar to those accompanying the presence of worms. Dose of the powdered bark, twenty grains. Of the decoc- tion, (which is the best form for administration-two ounces of the bark to a pint of water, and boiled down to half a pint,) a table-spoonful every one, two, or three hours, till the desired effect is obtained. A purgative should follow its employment.- [See " Renovating Pidf page 406.] The fruit is somewhat saccharine, and is an excellent remedy to expel worms. Its pulp is used as an ointment for destroying lice and other octozoa, as well as in treatment of scald head and other diseases of the skin. The oil of the nuts is useful as a local application in rheumatism, cramps, obstinate ulcers, etc BEAD TREE. Melia Azedarach. 43 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This tree is somtimes classified as Prunus Virginiana and Cerasus Scrotina. It grows from fifty to eighty feet high, two to four feet in diameter, and has a black and rough bark which is easily separated from the trunk. History.-The wild or choke cherry tree is very abundant in the South Western States, but can be found in all parts of the American Union. Its flowers generally appear in May-the fruit ripens in August and September, and some- times in October. The bark of the trunk and branches is often used, but that of the root is the part preferred. If it is over one year of age it is comparatively worthless. It con- tains prussic acid, which exists to a greater extent in the fall of the year than at any other period. It is proper, therefore, to gather the bark in the fall. Government and, Virtues.-It is a tree of Mercury, and is a tonic and stimulant of the digestive apparatus. It acts simultaneously upon the circulation and the nervous systom. In all cases of loss of flesh and strength, it should be freely employed, but although very powerful and useful in itself, it requires to be administered with several excellent herbal assistants. Its active principle is sometimes called Prunin, but the name which properly designates the real article is Cerasein. Good in ague, spermatorrhea, and all diseases of which the erectile, or spongy tissue is the seat. CERASUS VIRGINIANA. Wild or Choke Cherry Description.-This plant has many leaves rising from the root, broad and round, and indented about the edges, and standing upon long foot-stalks. From these rise up, small, slender, upright, hairy stalks, with leaves at the joints, smaller than the lower, whereon are set several spiked heads of flowers like Lavender, but thicker and shorter, and of a reddish or purple color, with white spots in the upper and lower parts. The seeds are blackish, long, and uneven, and contained within WOOD BETOXY. Betonica Officinalis. 44 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. the husks that hold the flowers. The roots are many white, thready strings. The stalk perishes, but the roots with some leaves abide all Winter. The plant is small, and a native of England. It grows usually in woods, and delights in shady places. It is in its prime in May, yet it does not flower till July, the seeds quickly ripening afterwards. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter, in the sign " Aries." The decoction is an excellent remedy for dys« pepsia or indigestion, or those that have weak stomachs, sour belchings, and continual rising of acid from the stomach. It is also good for liver complaints, jaundice, falling sickness or fits, convulsions, shrinking of the sinews, palsy, dropsy, pain in the head, etc. The powder mixed with pure honey is likewise beneficial in coughs, colds, wheezings, shortness of breath, and pains in the sides and back, and for incipient consumption, gri» ping pains in the bowels, and wind colic. A decoction, helps to bring down menstruation, and is of especial use for those troubled with the falling of the womb and the pains thereof. It expels all obstructions in the kidneys and bladder. It stays bleeding at the mouth and nose, and other hemorrhages, and is useful in ruptures and bruises by falls, etc. The green herb bruised, or an ointment made of it, will draw away broken bone or splinter, or thorn, or glass, or other thing from the flesh,'and is valuable in all old sores, fistulas and ulcers. The fumes of the decoction while warm, received by a funnel into the ears, eases ear-ache, and cures offensive discharges from them. The root of the Wood Betony is very displeasing to the taste and stomach, whereas the leaves and flowers, by their sweet and spicy taste, are very comfortable as a medicine. It is certainly a very precious herb, and worthy to be kept in every household, both in syrup, conserve, oil, ointment, and plasters. The flowers are usually conserved. The Water Betony is an excellent remedy for nausea ; but makes a good ointment for ulcers, etc., while the distilled water of the leaves may be used to remove freckles and sm> burns from the face. See page 419. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 45 Description.-This plant is variously known as Wake RgI> in, Birth-root, Indian Balm, Lamb's Quarter, Ground Lily, etc. It is an herbaceous, perennial plant, having an oblong tuberous root, from which arises a slender stem from ten to fifteen inches in height. The leaves are three in number, from three to five inches in diameter, etc. History.-This plant is common in the Middle and Western states, growing in rich soils and shady woods, flowering in May and June. There are many varieties, all possessing anal- ogous medical properties. These plants may be generallly known by their three net veined leaves, and their solitary terminal flower, which varies in color in the different species, being whitish-yellow, and reddish-white. The roots have a faint turpentine odor, and a peculiar aromatic and sweetish taste. When chewed, they impart an acid, astringent impres- sion to the mouth, causing a flow of saliva and a sensation of heat in the throat and fauces. Government and Virtues.-Beth-root is a plant of Jupiter, mollified by Venus. It is astringent, tonic, and antiseptic, and is successfully employed in bleeding from the lungs, kindeys and womb, excessive menstruation, and likewise in leucorrhoea or whites, and cough, asthma, and difficult breathing. Boiled in milk it is of eminent benefit in diarrhoea and dysentery. The root made into a poultice is very useful in tumors, indolent and offensive ulcers, stings of insects, and to restrain gan- grene ; and the leaves boiled in lard are a good application to ulcers, tumors, etc. Dose of powdered root is one drachm, to be given in hot water. A strong infusion of from two to four fluid ounces, is the most common form of administration. The red Beth-root will check ordinary epistaxis, or bleeding of the nose. The leaves boiled in lard is a good external application in ulcers and tumors. A strong infusion of powdered Beth-root, of from two to four table-spoonsful is the most pleasant form of admin- istration of this valuable remedy. BETH-ROOT. Trillium Pendulum. 46 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This plant is indigenous to England. It is a small herb, not above a span in height, with many branches spread upon the ground, set with many wings of small leaves. The flowers are small and numerous, of a pale yellow color, being set a-head together, which afterwards turn into small jointed pods, well resembling the claw of small birds, whence the plant takes its name. It grows on hen ths and uutilled places, producing flowers and seeds at the end of Summer. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn, and of a drying, binding quality. A decoction is good for kidney and bladder diseases, stone, gravel, rupture, etc., while an ointment is good for all kinds of glandular swellings, indolent tumors, etc. BIRD'S FOOT. Ornithopus. Description.-This plant is indigenous to England and Wales, and is known by many names, as Ethiopian Cummin seed, Cummin-royal, Herb William and Bull-wort. It rises up with a round, straight stalk, from three to six feet high, beset with many small long and broadish green leaves, dented about the edges. The flowers are white, and turn into small round seeds, little bigger than a parsley seed, of a quick, hot scent and taste. The root is white and stringy, perishing yearly, and rising again from its own sowing. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. It is a good aphrodisiac, provoking amorous desires ; and is useful in provoking urine, menses, and easing pains and gripings in the bowels. Mixed with honey, it removes the black and blue marks coming of blows or bruises, etc. BISHOP'S WEED. Ammt. BITTER ROOT. Apocynum Description.-This is a smooth, elegant, indigenous plant, with a large perennial root, and a stem five or six feet high, the leaves dark green, and the flowers white, tinged with red. History.-This plant, sometimes called Dogs-bane Milkweed, etc., is indigenous to the United States, growing in dry, sandy THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 47 soils, and in the borders of woods, from Maine to Florida, flow- ering from May to August. When any part of the plant is wounded, a milky juice exudes. The large, milky root, is the part used for medicinal purposes. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. Emetic, diaphoretic, tonic and laxative. It is very valuable in all liver or chronic hepatic affections. In conjunction with Menisper- nium,it is excellent in dyspepsia and amenorriicea. When it is required to promptly empty the stomach, without causing much nausea, or a relaxed condition of the muscular system, the powdered root may be given in two or three scruple doses ; but much prostration is apt to ensue. As a laxative, it is useful in constipation. As a tonic, ten or twenty grains may be given to stimulate the digestive apparatus, and thus effect a corres- ponding impression on the general system. It is also useful as an alterative in rheumatism, scrofula and syphilis. Description.-This is an indigenouf plant, with a fleshy, horizontal, fibrous root, or rhizoma. I? has a stem from two to three feet in length, and leaves abcut a foot long by half an inch to an inch wide. The seeds are flat and numerous. The flowers are few, and generally blue, or purplish. History.-This is a common plant throughout the United States, and like all "Flags," is found in moist places, flower- ing in May, June, and July. The root is the part used. Its taste is disagreeable aud acrid, while itc odor is somewhat aro- matic. It should not be confounded with the Acorus Calamus, which does not possess the same median'll properties. Its active principles are taken up, in domestic use, by boiling water, (infusion,) also, by alcohol, or ether. The root of the plant is worth considerable in its natural state for a variety of'diseases, but the oleo resin, which embraces its most valua- ble properties, is what we use, and is known a3 Didin. Government and Virtues.-It is under ths Jcmirinn of the Moon, in the sign of Virgo. The plant itself, and the root IRIS VERSICOLOR. Blue Flag. 48 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. as it is taken from the ground, are looked upon by many persons as valuable for the correction of many different and peculiar physical difficulties. King, in his Dispensatory, classes Blue Flag as " one among our most valuable medicinal plants," and I so regard it; but I cannot say that it is extra valuable unless Iridin is employed, and then it cannot be surpassed as an alterative, resolvent, sialagogue, laxative, diuretic, anti-syphilitic, and vermifuge. The reader will gain a good idea of its merits from the fact that I use it as one of my principal remedial applications for scrofula, syphilis, rheu- matism, gonorrhea, dropsy, eruptions of the skin, glandular swellings, and affections of the spleen and liver. I know that the idea of salivation, as applied to the effects of mineral mercury, is horrible, and it ought to be. But salivation is often necessary, and if it can be procured by vegetable prin- ciples, as it can by the Iridin, it leaves no bad traces, and ought not to induce any feeling of distrust or fright. The salivation caused by a mineral and an herb are of a very different character. For instance, in salivating by herbal practice there is no stench, no sponginess of the gums, and no loosening of the teeth. I combine, for various diseases, Iridin with the active principles of mandrake, poke, black cohosh, and other rare alteratives. BLACK COHOSH. Cimicifugia Racemosa. Description.-Black Cohosh is variously known as Rattleroot, Black Snake root, Squaw root, is a tall, leafy, perennial herb, having a large, knotty root, with long, slender fibres, and a sim- ple, smooth, furrowed stem, from three to nine feet high, and bears a small, fetid flower. History.-It is a native of the United States, inhabiting upland woods and hill sides, and flowering from May to Au i gust. The root is the medicinal part. It contains a resin to which the names of Cimicifuga or Macrotin have been given; likewise fatty substances, starch, gum, taunic acid, etc. The Devil's Bit Dropwort Dock 49 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. leaves of Cimidfugin are said to drive away bugs, hence its name from dm, a bug, and fiigo, to drive away. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mercury influ- enced by Venus. It is a very active and useful remedy in many diseases. It is slightly narcotic, sedative, antispasmodic, and exerts a marked influence over the nervous system. It is successfully used in cholera, periodical convulsions, fits, epilepsy, nervous excitability, asthma, delirium tremens, and many spasmodic affections, and in Consumption, cough, acute rheuma- tism, neuralgia, and scrofula. Also, very valuable in amenorr- hoea, dysmenorrhcea, and other menstrual and uterine affections, leucorrhcei, etc. The saturated tincture of the root is a valuable embrocation in all cases of inflammation of the nerves, tic doloreux, crick in the back or sides, rheumatism, old ulcers, etc. It has an especial affinity for the uterus, and as it reduces very materially the arterial action, it is, hence, very useful in palpitation of the heart, and cardiac affections generally. Dose.-Fluid extract, half a drachm to two drachms ; solid extract, four to eight grains. Of the tincture the dose is from one to three teaspoonsful. Of Cimicifuga the dose is from one to six grains. Description.-There are several varieties known by the name of Button Snake root, Gay Feather, Devil's Bit, etc. It has a perennial, tuberous root, and an erect, annual stem, from two to five feet in height. The flowers are of a bright blue color, one on from eight to twelve spikes. History.-All the above plants are splendid natives, and flowering through August and September. They all possess medical properties analagous to each other. The roots are the officinal parts. They are all tuberous, with fibers, and have a hot, somewhat bitter taste, with considerable acrimony, and an agreeable turpentine odor. Government and Virtues.-They are under the government of Mars. They are diuretic, with tonic, stimulant, and emmena- BLAZING STAR. Liatris Spicata. 50 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. gogue properties. A decoction is very efficacious in gonorrhoea, gieet, and diseases of the kidneys and bladder, in doses of from half a tea-cupful to a teacupful, three or four times a day. It is useful in Scrofula, Dysmenorrhoea, Amenorrhcea, after-pains, etc. It is likewise of advantage as a gargle in sore throat, and as an injection in leucorrhcea. It is also celebrated for its alexipharmic powers in bites of snakes and other venomous creatures. BONESET. Eupatorium Perfoliatum. Description.-Boneset, or Thorough-wort, as it is called, is an indigenous perennial herb, with a horizontal crooked root ; the stems being round, stout, rough, and hairy, from one to five feet high, and the leaves very rough and veiny, and ta- pering to a long point ; the flowers white and very numerous. History.-Boneset grows in low grounds, on the borders of swamps and streams, throughout the United States, flowering in August and September. The tops and leaves are the parts used. It has a feeble odor, but a very bitter taste. Alcohol or boiling water extracts its medicinal properties. Government and Virtues.-This is a plant of Mercury. It is a very valuable medicinal agent. The cold infusion or ex- tract, is tonic and aperient, the warm infusion, diaphoretic and emetic. As a tonic, it is very useful in remittent, intermittent, and typhoid fevers, dyspepsia, and general debility. In inter- mittent fever a strong infusion as hot as can be comfortably swallowed, is administered for the purpose of vomiting freely. This is also attended with profuse diaphoresis, and sooner or later, by an evacuation of the bowels. During the intermission, the cold infusion, or extract is given every hour as a tonic and anti-periodic. In epidemic influenza, the warm infusion is valuable as an emetic and diaphoretic, likewise in febrile diseases, catarrh, colds, and wherever such effects are indicated. The warm infusion is also administered to promote the operation of other emetics. Externally, used alone, or in combination with hops or tansy, etc., a fomentation of the leaves applied to the THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 51 bowels, is very useful in inflammation, spasms and painful affections. Dose of the powder, from ten to twenty grains ; of the extract, from two to four grains ; of the infusion, from two to four wine-glassesful-[See the Remedy called " Restorative Assimi- lant,1' on page 397.] BURDOCK. Arctium Lappa. Description.-This plant is too well known to be described. Government and Virtues-Venus claims this herb. It is chiefly useful in prolapsus, keeping the womb in place. It is used for other diseases, but not with reliable results. Description.-This plant, called Dimpinella is too well known to require a description of it. It grows frequently in gardens, but the wild kind is only used for medicinal purposes. It flow- ers in July, and ripens the seed in August. Government and Virtues -It is a plant of the Sun, and thus very useful to preserve good health and spirits. Being of an astringent nature, a decoction is valuable in all manner of fluxes, bleedings, whiles, etc. BURNET. Pimpinella Saxifraga. Description.-This plant (which should not be confounded with either Philadelphia or various-leaved Fleabane, both of which possess similar medical properties in a lesser degree,) is an annual, with a stem which is high, bristly-hairy, branch- ing and furrowed, and which grows from half a foot to a foot in height. The leaves are not remarkable. The flowers are small, numerous, and white, and are found irregularly placed upon the branches. History.-Canada Fleabane is found quite plentifully in waste places, in fields, in meadows, and by roadsides, in the northern and central parts of the United States of America; and flowers in June, July, August and September, according to climate and climatic circumstances and influences. It is CANADA FLEABANE. Erigeron Canadense. 52 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. distinguished from other plants of the same species mentioned above, by very small and almost innumerable ray-flowers. The time to gather the herb, the whole of which is used, is when it is in bloom. It should be immediately dried, after being gathered, and kept according to directions given in another part of this volume for collecting and preserving medicinal plants. Its odor is feeble but pleasant, and its taste is partially astringent, bitter, and acrimonious. It will yield its properties to alcohol, or to boiling water. Its active principle is known as Oil of Eiigeron, and its virtues are em- bodied in that preparation. The herb, of course, yields the same principles, in a milder form, in common infusion, but it is best to procure the concentrated preparation if you can. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus, but may be gathered in various antagonistical signs, without detriment to its good effects. The old style of practice was to give it for diabetes, gravel, diarrhea, dropsy, painful urination, and general nephritic affections, or diseases of the kidneys. For any of these affections, the infusion is usually given in from one to three fluid ounce doses three time a day. The powder, when used, is never given in doses of over one drachm three times a day. The best way to get at the virtues of the plant is to use the Oil of Erigeron. It is astringent, diuretic, and styptic. I use it most frequently as a styptic for internal bleedings, such as uterine hemorrhage, hemoptysis, hemata- mesis, menorrhagia, etc., and for all affections of the urinary apparatus, like gonorrhea, leucorrhea, and gravel. The dose of the oil is from one to three drops, but I advise my readers to consult a physician always before using it. Not that it is dangerous, but that, in certain cases, it is much more efficient when combined with other herbal articles, than if used alone. There are two other varieties of this plant which are frc- quently sold for the real; one is called Philadelphia Fleabane, and another is entitled Various-leaved Fleabane. Both these plants are used precisely as the so called " Canada " plant, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 53 and for the same afflictions. In cases where powerful diure- tic action is required alone, these varieties are the best. CELANDINE. Chelidonium Majus. Description.-This plant, sometimes known as Tetterwort, is an evergreen perennial, with a stem from one to two feet in height, branched, swelled at the joints, leafy, round and smooth; the leaves are smooth, spreading, very deeply pinnatified ; leaf- lets in from two to four pairs, from one and a half to two and a half inches long and about two thirds as broad, the terminal one largest, all ovate, cuneately incised or lobed ; the lateral ones sometimes dilated at the lower margin, near the base, almost as if auricled ; color of all, a deep shining green ; the flowers are bright yellow, umbellate, on long, often hairy stocks. History.-Celandine, is a pale-green, fleshy herb, indigenous to Europe and naturalized in the D nited States ; it grows along fences, by-roads, in waste places, etc., and flowers from May to October. If the plant be wounded, a bright yellow offen- sive juice flows out, which has a persistent, nausous, bitter taste, with a biting sensation in the mouth and fauces. The root is the most intensely bitter part of the plant, and is more commonly preferred. Drying diminishes its activity. It yields its virtues to alcohol or water. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb of the Sun, and under the celestial Lion. It is stimulant, acrid, alterative, diuretic, diaphoretic, purgative and vulnerary. It is used internally in decoction or tincture, and externally in poultice or ointment, lor scrofula, cutaneous diseases, and piles. It is likewise good in hepatic affections, or liver complaints, and exerts a special influence on the spleen. As a drastic hydragogue, or purge, it is fully equal to gamboge. The juice when applied to the skin produces inflammations, and even vesications. It has long been known as a caustic for the removal of warts ; it is also applied to indolent ulcers, fungous growths, etc., and is useful in remov- ing specks aud opacities of the cornea of the eye. 54 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Celandine is from the Greek word Chelidon, which signifies a swallow. The ancients assert that if you put out the eyes of young swallows when they are in the nest, the old ones will recover their eyes again with this herb. It is said that we may mar the apple of the bird's eye with a needle, and that the old birds will restore their sight again by means of this herb. Nev- er having made any such cruel experiments, I am not prepared to say whether any such miraculous power of healing loss of sight is a virtue of the plant, or whether it is an instinct or gift inherent of the swallow itself. Celandine is also used in curing salt-rheum, tetter, or ring- worm. It is superior to arnica as a vulnerary ; an alcoholic tincture of the root, (three ounces to a pint,) will be found an unrivalled-application to prevent or subdue traumatic inflam- mations. Dose of the powdered root, from half a drachm to one drachm. Of the fresh juice, from twenty to forty drops, in some bland liquid. Of the tincture, from one to two fluid drachms. Of the aqueous extract from five to ten grains. CENTAURY. Sabbatia Angularis. Description.-This plant also called Rose Pink, has a yellow fibrous, biennial root, with an erect, smooth, quaudrangular stem, with the angles winged, having many opposite branches, and growing from one to two feet iu height. The leaves are opposite, fine-veined, smooth, entire, from one to. five inches iu length, and from hall an inch to one and a half inches wide, clasping the stem. The flowers are numerous, from an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half in diameter, of a rich rose or carnation color, standing, as it were, at the tops of one umbril or tuft, very like those of St. Johns wort, opening them- selves in the day-time, and closing at night, after which come seeds in little short husks, in forms like unto wheat corn. There are three varieties of the Centaury iu England, one kind bearing white flowers, another yellow, and another red. All have medicinal properties, although the American variety is consid- ered preferable to the European Centaury. History.-This plant is common to most parts of the United THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 55 States, growing in moist meadows, among high grass, on the prairies, and in damp, rich soils, flowering from June to Septem- ber. The whole plant is used. It has a very bitter taste, and yields its virtues to water or alcohol. The best time for gathering it is during the flowering season. In England, they use the red Centaury in diseases of the blood, the yellow in choloric diseases, and the white in those of phlegm and water. Government and Virtues.-All the European and American varieties of the Centaury are under the dominion of the Sun, as it appears that the flowers open and shut as the Sun either shows or hides his face. It is used in all Fall periodic febrile diseases, both as a preventive and a remedy. It is also service- able as a bitter tonic in Dyspepsia, and convalesence from fevers. When administered in warm infusion it is a domestic remedy for worms, and to restore the menstrual secretion. Dose of the powder, from half a drachm to a drachm. Of the cold infusion, a tea-cupful every two or three hours. Of the tincture, a wine-glassful. Of the extract, from two to six grains. The decoction is also used to cleanse freckles, marks, and spots from the skin. CINQUE-FOIL. Potentilla Canadensis. Description.-This is a perennial plant, generally known by the name of Five finger grass. It has a stem from two to eighteen inches in length, the flowers are yellow. History.-Five-finger is common to the United States, grow- ing by road-sides, on meadow banks, and waste grounds, and flowering from April to October. The root is the part used. It h as a bitterish, stiptic taste and yields its virtues to water. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter, and therefore strengthening to the body. It is tonic and astrin- gent. A decoction is useful in fevers, bowel complaints, night sweats, menorrhagia, and other hemorrhages. It makes an excellent gargle for spongy, bleeding gums, and ulcerated mouth and throat. 56 CHAMOMILE. Anthemis Nobilis. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This is a perennial herb, with a strong root having long fibres ; the stems are about a span long, branched, leafy, round, hollow, furrowed and downy j the leaves pale green, and the flowers white. History-Chamomile is indigenous to Southern Europe ; we have also a common or wild Chamomile {Matricaria Chamo- milla') growing in the United States, but it is not considered as good as the Roman Chamomile for medicinal purposes. The flowers only are used. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn. Cham- omile is a tonic ; one or two tea-cupsful of the warm infusion will usually vomit. The cold infusion is highly useful in dyspep- sia, and in all cases of weak or irritable stomachs, also in intermittent and typhoid fevers. The oil is carminative and anti-spasmodic, and is used in flatulency, colic, cramp in the stomach, hysteria, nervous diseases, and painful menstruation. Dose.-Half a drachm to two drachms of the flowers. Of the infusion, half a tea-cupful to a tea-cupful. Of the oil, five to fifteen drops on sugar. [See " The Restorative" page 397.] CHICKWEED. Stellaria Media. Description.-This plant is the Alpine Media of Linnaeus, and too well known to require a description of it. History.-It is a common plant in Europe and America, growing in fields and around dwellings, in moist, shady places. It flowers from the beginning of Spring till the last of Autumn. The seeds are eaten by poultry and birds. The whole herb is used when recent. Government and Virtues.-Chickweed is a fine, soft, pleas- ing herb, under the dominion of the Moon. It is effectual as Purslain to all the purposes whereuuto it serves, except for meat only. It is a cooling demulcent. The fresh leaves bruis- ed, and applied as a poultice to indolent, intractable uicers, even when of many years standing, will produce most immediate and decided beneficial results, to be changed two or thiee times 57 a day. The bruised leaves will likewise be found an invaluable application in acute opthalmia. An ointment made by bruising the recent leaves in fresh lard, may be used as a cooling appli- cation to erysipelitous and other forms of ulceration, as well as many forms of cutaneous disease. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. CHOCOLATE ROOT. Guem Virginianum. Guem Rivale. Description.-Chocolate root, is also known as White Avens, Purple or water Avens, etc. The Purple Avens is a perennial, hairy, deep green herb, bearing a few, sub-globose, nodding, yellowish-purple flowers, standing on auxiliary and terminal peduncles. The White Avens is also perennial, and has rather small, white, erect flowers, on long, diverging peduncles. History.-These plants, with other varieties, have long been used in domestic practice. The whole herb contains medicinal properties, but the officinal and most efficient part is the root Boiling water or alcohol extracts their virtues. Government and Virtues-It is a plant of Jupiter. Is tonic and astringent. It is used in passive and chronic hemorr- hages, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, leucorrhoea, dyspepsia, pulmonary affections, congestions of the abdominal viscera, etc. Dose of the powder, from twenty to thirty grains. Of the decoction, from two table-spoonsful to a wine-glassful, three or four times a day. CLEAVERS. Galium Aparine. Description.-This plant has many common names, as Goose- grass, Catchweed, Bed straw, etc. It is an annual succulent plant, with a weak, procumbent, quandrangular, retrosely-prickled stem, which grows from two to six feet high and is hairy at the joints. The leaves are one or two inches in length, and two or three lines in breadth, rough on the margin and tapering to the base. The flowers are white, small and scattered. History.- This plant is common to Europe and the United States, growing in cultivated grounds, moist thickets, and along banks of rivers, and flowering from June to September. In the green state, the plant has an unpleasant odor ; but it ia 58 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. inodorous when dried, with an acidulous, astringent, and bitter taste. Cold or warm water extracts the virtues of the plant ; boiling water destroys them. The roots dye a permanent red. Government and Virtues -It is under the dominion of the Moon. It is a most valuable refrigerent and diuretic, and will be found very beneficial in many diseases of the urinary organs, as suppression of urine, calculous affections, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and in the scalding of urine in gonorr- hoea. It is contra-in Jicated in diseases of a passive character, on account of its refrigerant and sedative effects on the system, but may be used freely in fevers and all acute diseases. An infusion may be made by macerating an ounce and a half of the herb in a pint of warm water for two hours, of which, from two to four fluid ounces may be given three or four times a day when cold. It may be sweetened with sugar or honey. The infusion made with cold water, is also very beneficial in removing freckles from the face, likewise leprosy, and several other cutaneous eruptions ; the diseased parts must be washed with it several times a day, and continued for two or three months in cases of freckles. It has also been found useful in many cutaneous diseases, as psoriasis, eczema, lichen, cancer, and scrofula, and is more particularly useful in these diseases when they are combined with strumous diathesis. The best form for administration is that of the inspissated juice, which may be in one or two drachm dose° three times a day. The plant called Small Cleavers, the Galium Tinctorium is nervine, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, and diaphoretic. It is used successfully in asthma, cough and chronic bronchitis, exerting its influence principally upon the respiratory organs. The plant has a pungent, aromatic, pleasant, persistent taste. A strong decoction of the herb may be given in doses of from one to four fluid ounces, and repeated two or three times a day, according to circumstances. The root of this plant will alsc dye a permanent red. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 59 COCA. Erythroxolon Coca. Description.-I first became acquainted with this most remarkable plant, many years ago, while travelling in Bolivia, South America, in the beautiful valleys of the Cordilleras. The Coca is a bush which rarely attains six feet ia height, and does not often exceed three. Its foliage is of a bright green, its flowers white, and its fruit small and red. When the plants are just about eighteen inches high they are transplanted from the seed beds into fields called cocales. The ripe leaves are gath- ered with the fingers. They are dried by spreading them in the sun, sometimes on woolen cloths. The operation requires great care, for the plant must be protected from all dampness, which changes its color, -and thus diminishes its value. It is then packed in bags, weighing from fifty to one hundred and fifty pounds, which are often transported to great distances. In the Vice-royalty cf Lima, in the latter part of the last century, Castelnau represents the consumption of the leaf, at three millions and a half of pounds, and worth one million and a quarter of Spanish dollars, while at the same time the total consumption in Peru was two millions and a half of dollars. The importance of the Coca trade, however, is diminishing as the Red Man disappears. The Indians mix the Coca with a small quantity of lime, and constantly carry a small bag of it in all their excursions. They take it from three to six times a day. Dr. Gschudi [Travels in Peru, page 453,] mentions an Indian of sixty-two years of age, who was employed by him, and though at very hard work for five days took no other nour- ishment, and rested but two hours of the night. Immediately, or soon after this, he accomplished a journey of one hundred miles in two days, and said that he was ready to do the same thing again if they would give him a new supply of Coca. Castelnau says he himself knew of instances as extraordinary In the time of the Incas the Coca was regarded as sacred. Government and Virtues-It is a plant of Jupiter. Its physiological actions are as follows : 1.-It stimulates the stomach and promotes digestion. 60 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 2. -In large doses it augments animal heat and accelerate* the pulse and respiration. 3. -It induces slight constipation. 4. -In moderate doses, from one to four drachms, it stimu. lates the nervous system, so as to render it more tolerant of muscular fatigue. 5. -In larger doses it gives rise to hallucinations and true delirium. 6. -Its most precious property is that of inducing the most pleasant visions ("phantasmagoria'') without any subsequent depression of the nervous energies. 7. -Probably it diminishes some of the secretions. The Coca has doubtless many other medical properties of a high order, and deserves further investigation. It stimulates powerfully the digestive functions, while at the same time it exercises a calmative influence over the mucus membranes of the stomach aud bowels. In this double action upon the stomach-Stimulant and Calmative-it resembles Colomba. It is anti-spasmodic, and is of great service in many nervous disorders, and particularly in Spermatorrhoea, and all debilities of the generative organs. An infusion of the leaves, or a tincture of the flowers, leaves and berries may be used in all cases of spermatorrhoea and nervous debility. Combined with other remedies it may be used with great advantage in Fevers, Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Neu- ralgia, Hysteria, Dysmenorrhoea, Amenorrhcea, Blenorrhceas, (including Gonorrhoea and Leucorrhoea,) Chorea, Epilepsy, Paralysis, after-pains, convulsions, dyspepsia, delirium tremens, etc. My course of concentrated herbal remedies, in which Coca is a principal ingredient, will surely cure Spermatorr- hoea, seminal weakness, impotence, sterility, and barrenness, and I now use it extensively for all disorders arising from sexual debility. It never yet failed to meet my expectations- hundreds of such cases having been radically cured by its truly miraculous medical properties. See pages 269 & 432. 61 COLTSFOOT. Tussilago Farfara. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This plant is also called Cough-wort, Foal's* foot, Horse Hoof, and Bull's foot. It has a long, perennial, creeping, horizontal rhizoma or root, with many fibres. The leaves are heart-shaped, glaucous green above, pure white, and densely cottony with prominent veins beneath. The flowers are large and of a bright yellow. History.-This plant grows in Europe, the Crimea, Persia, Siberia, and the East Indies, from the sea-shore to elevations of nearly eight thousand feet. It also grows in the United States, in wet places, on the sides of brooks, flowering in March and April. Its presence is a certain indication of a clayey soil- The leaves are rather fragrant, and continue so after having been carefully dried. The leaves are the parts used, though all parts of the plant are active, and should always be employed, especially the leaves, flowers, and root. The leaves should be collected at about the period they have nearly reached their full size ; the flowers as soon as they commence opening ; and the root immediately after the maturity of the leaves. When dried, all parts have a bitter, mucilaginous taste, and yield their prop- erties to water or diluted alcohol. Government and Virtues.-The plant is under Venus. It is emollient, demulcent, and slightly tonic. The decoction is usually administered in doses of from one to three or four fluid ounces, and is highly serviceable in coughs, asthma, hooping- cough and other pulmonary complaints; also useful in scrofula. The powdered leaves form a good errhine for giddiness, head- ache, nasal obstructions, etc. It is also used externally in form of poultice to scrofulous tumors. COMFREY. Symphytum Officinale. Description.-Comfrey has an oblong, fleshy perennial root, black on the outside and whitish within, containing a glutinous or clammy, tasteless juice, with divers very large, hairy green leaves lying on the ground, so hairy, or so prickly, that if they touch any tender parts of the hands, face or body, it will cause it to itch. The stalks are hollowed and cornered, very hairy, 62 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. having leaves that grow below, but less and less up to the top ; at the joints of the stalk, it is divided into many branches, at the ends of which stand many flowers, in order one above another, which are somewhat long and hollow like the finger of a glove, of a pale, whitish color, after them come small black seeds. There is another sort which bears flowers of a pale purple color, having similar medicinal properties. History.-Comfrey is a native of Europe, but naturalized in the United States, growing on low grounds and moist places, and flowering all Summer. The root is officinal and contains a large amount of mucilage, which is readily extracted by water. Government and Virtues.-This is an herb of Saturn, under the sign of Capricorn, cold, dry, and earthly in quality. The plant is demulcent, and slightly astringent. All mucilaginous agents exert an influence on mucus tissues, hence the cure of many pulmonary and other affections, in which these tissues have been chiefly implicated, by their internal use. Physicians must not expect a serous disease to yield to remedies which act on mucus membranes only; to determine the true value of a medical agent, they must first ascertain the true character of the affection, as well as of the tissues involved. Again, muci- laginous agents are always beneficial in scrofulous and anaemic habits. Comfrey root is very useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, coughs, hemoptysis or bleeding of the lungs, and other pulmon- ary affections ; also leucorrhcea, and female debility : all these being principally mucus affections. It may be boiled in water, wine, or made into a syrup, and taken in doses of from a wine-glassful to a tea-cupful of the preparation, two or three times a day. Externally the fresh root, bruised, forms an excellent appli- cation to bruises, ruptures, fresh wounds, sore breasts, ulcers, white swellings, etc. Description,.- -Thia plant is an inhabitant of nearly every COSTMARY. Balsam Herb. 63 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. garden, and does not require to be botanically described. It flowers in June and July. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Ju- piter. It provokes urine abundantly; purges choler and phlegm, cutting out that which is foul, tough, and glutinous, hinders putrefaction and corruption, opens obstructions, and heals all diseased mucus tissues. It is good in cachexia, or wastings of the flesh, especially in the beginning of the disease. It helps evil, weak and cold livers, and comforts the bowels and stomach. The seed is given to children for worms, and so is the infusion of the flowers in whites, to the quantity of half a tea-cupful at a time. COWSLIPS, or Peagles. (Primrose.) Description-Both the wild and the garden kind, are so well known that no description need be given of them. They flower in April and May. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus, under the sign Aries. The flowers and leaves are used. The flow- ers are preferred. The distilled water or ointment, takes away spots and wrinkles of the skin, sunburns, freckles, adding beauty exceedingly, or restoring it when lost. Description.-It is a nearly smooth and upright shrub, or small tree, usually from five to twelve feet in height, with several stems from the same root branched above, the leaves are three lobed, three veined, broadly wedged shape, and crenately toothed on the side. The flowers are white, or reddish white ; the fruit ovoid, red, very acid, ripens late, and remains upon the bush after the leaves have fallen. It resembles the common Cranberry, and is sometimes substituted for it. History.-It is indigenous to the northern part of the United States, and Canadas, being a handsome shrub, growing1 in low rich lands, woods, and borders of fields, flowering in June, and presenting at this time a very showy appearance. The flowers are succeeded by red and very acid berries, resembling low HIGH CRANBERRY. Viburnum Opulus. 64 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Cranberries, and which remain through the Winter. The bark is the officinal part, as met with in the drug shops. It is frequently put up by Shakers, when it is somewhat flattened from pressure. It has no smell, but has a peculiar, not unpleas- ant, bitterish, and astringent taste. It yields its properties to water or diluted alcohol. An active principle, called Viburine, is in the market, but as its preparation is kept a secret, few physicians care to use it, not being willing to be imposed upon by speculating and design- ing charlatans. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter. It is a powerful anti-spasmodic, and hence generally known among American practitioners as Cramp Bark. It is very effective in cramps and spasms of all kinds, as asthma, hysteria, cramps of females during pregnancy, preventing the attacks entirely if used daily for the last two or three months of gestation. The following forms an excellent preparation for the relief of spasmodic attacks, viz-Take of Cramp bark, two ounces ; scull-cap, skunk cabbage, of each, one ounce ; cloves, half an ounce; capsicum, two drachms. Have all in powder, coarsely bruised, and add to them two quarts of sherry or native wine. Dose of this, half a wine-glassful two or three times a day. Dose.-Of the decoction, or vinous tincture one glassful two or three times a day. It may be here remarked that a poultice of the fruit of the Low Cranberry is very efficacious in indolent and malignant ulcers,malignantscarletfever, applied to the throat, in erysipelas, and other similar diseases. Probably the High Cranberry will effect the same result. Description.-This plant, also known by the various names of Dragon's Claw, Coral root, etc., is a singular, leafless plant, with much branched and toothed coral-like root stalks. The root is a collection of small, fleshy tubers, branched much like coral. The scape is from nine to fourteen inches high-the flow* CRAWLEY. Corallorhiza Odontorhiza. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 65 ers from ten to twenty, ruigent, in a long spike, of a brownish green color. History. The plant is a native of the United States, grow- ing about the roots of trees, in rich woods from Maine to Florida, flowering from July to October. The entire plant is destitute of verdure. The root only is used for medicinal purposes. It is small, dark-brown, resembling cloves or a hen's claws, has a strong, nitrous smell, and a mucilaginous, slightly bitter, astrin- gent taste. Government and Virtues.-The plant is under the govern- ment of Jupiter. It is probably the most powerful, prompt, and certain diaphoretic in the Materia Medica, but its scarcity and high price prevents it from coming in general use. It is also sedative, and promotes perspiration without producing any excitement in the system. Its chief value is as a diaphoretic in fevers, especially in typhus, and inflammatory diseases. It has proved effectual in acute erysipelas, cramps, flatulency, pleu- risy, and night-sweats ; it relieves hectic fever without debilita- ting the patient. Its virtues are especially marked iu the low stage of fevers. Dose.-From twenty to thirty grains of the powdered root, given in water as warm as the patient can drink, and repeated every hour or two, according to circumstances. The powder should always be kept in well closed vials. It constitutes the Fever Powders of some practitioners. Combined with Caulophyllin it forms an excellent agent in amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea, or scanty or painful menstru- ation, and is unsurpassed in after-pains, suppression of lochia, and the febrile symptoms which sometimes occur at the parturi- ent period. In fevers, Crawley may be advantageously combined with lept indrin or podophyllin, when it is found necessary to act upon the bowels or liver, and mixed with dioscorin it will be found almost a specific in flatulent and bilious colic. CROWFOOT. Rananculos Bulbosus. Description .--It has a perennial, solid, fleshy, roundish root. 66 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. which sends up annually, several, erect, round, hairy, and branch* ing stems, from six to eighteen inches high; the leaves are toothed and hairy. Each stem supports several solitary, golden- yellow flowers, upon furrowed, angular and hairy peduncles. History.-This plant is common in Europe and the United States, growing in fields and pastures, and flowering in May, June, and July. There are a great many varieties, but all possess similar properties, and designated by the general name of Butter cup. When any part of these plants is chewed, it occasions much pain, inflammation, excoriation of the mouth, and much heat and pains in the stomach, if it be taken internally. Government and Virtues.-This hot and fiery herb is under the influence of Mars, and is too acrid to be used internally, especially when fresh.. When applied externally it is powerfully rubefacient and epispastic. The R. Bulbosa is the officinal plant. It is employed in its recent state, in rheumatic neuralgia, and other diseases where vessication and counter irritation are indicated. Its action, however, is generally so violent, that it is seldom used. The beggars use it to produce and keep open sores to excite sympathy. It has been used with success in obstinate cases of nursing sore-mouth-an infusion being made by adding two drachms of the recent root, cut into small pieces, to one pint of hot water, when cold a tablespoonful being given two or three times a day, and the mouth frequently washed with a much stronger infusion. DAISY. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum. Description.-This plant generally known as the Ox-eye Daisy, is too well known to require a description. History.-This plant was introduced into the United States from Europe and is a very troublesome weed to farmers, in nearly every section. It generally grows from one to two feet high, and bears white flowers in June and July. The leaves are odorous and somewhat acid ; the flowers are bitterish ; they impart their virtues to water. Government and Virtues.-It is under Venus, in the sign of THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 67 Cancer. It is tonic, diuretic, and anti-spasmodic, and in largo doses, emetic. It is used as a tonic instead of Chamomile flow- ers, and is serviceable in hooping-cough, asthma, and nervous excitability. Very beneficial externally and internally in leucorrhcea. Its internal use is highly recommended in colliqua- tive perspiration. Externally it is a good application to wounds, ulcers, scald-head, and some other cutaneous diseases. Dose of the decoction, from a wine-glassful to a teacupful, two or three times a day. The fresh leaves or flowers will destroy or drive away fleas. DANDELION. Taraxacum Dens-Leonis. Description.-Dandelion, (Nat. Ord. Cichoracaea,) is an herb, with a perennial, very milky root; the leaves are spreading, numerous, and of a bright shining green ; the flowers are of a uniform golden-yellow, and iu round heads an inch and a half in diameter, expanded iu the morning and fine weather only. History.-This plant is a native of Greece, but is now found growing abundantly in Europe and the United States, in fields, gardens, and along road-sides, flowering from April to Novem- ber. The root only is the officinal part, and should be collected when the plant is iu flower. Alcohol or boiliug water extracts its properties. Government and Virtues.-It is 'under the dominion of Jupiter. The dried root possesses but little medicinal virtue ; but when fresh, is a stomachic, and tonic, with slightly diuretic and aperient actions It has long been supposed to exert an influence upon the biliary organs, removing torpor and engorge- ment of the liver as well as of the spleen, it is also reputed beneficial in dropsies owing to want of action of the abdominal organs, in uterine obstructions, chronic diseases of the skin, etc. Its virtues, however, are much over-rated. DEVIL'S BIT. Helonias Dioica. Description.-This plant, also known by the names of False Unicorn-root, Drooping Star-wort, etc., is a herbaceous perew 68 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. nial, with a large, somewhat bulbous root, from which arises a simple, smooth stem, one or two feet in height. The flowers are small, very numerous, greenish-white, disposed in long, terminal, nodding raceme, resembling plumes. History.-This plant is indigenous to the United States, and is abundant in some of the Western states, growing in wood- lands, meadows and moist situations, and flowering in June and July. The root is the officinal part. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus, is tonic, diuretic, and vermifuge. In large doses, it is emetic, and when fresh, sialagogue. In doses of ten or fifteen grains of the powdered root, repeated three or four times a day, it has been found very beneficial in dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and for the removal of worms. It is beneficial in colic, and in atony of the generative organs. It is invaluable in uterine diseases, acting as an uterine tonic, and gradually removing abnormal conditions, while at the same time it imparts tone and vigor to the reproductive organs. Hence it is much used in leueorrhcea, amenorrlicea, dysmenorrhcea, and to remove the tendency to repeated and successive miscarriage. The plant will kill cattle feeding on it, and the decoction insects, bugs, and lice. Dose of the powder, from twenty to forty grains ; of the decoction from a wine-glassful to tea-cupful. The Helonia Bullata, with purple flowers, and probably some other species possess similar medicinal virtues. DOCK. Rumex Crispus. Description.-There is a great variety of Dock, but all are too well known to require any description. Government and Virtues.-All Docks are under Jupiter. They are alterative, tonic, mildly astringent, and detergent, and eminently useful in scorbutic, cutaneous scrofulous, scirrhous, and syphilitic affections, leprosy, elephantiasis, etc. For these purposes, the Yellow Dock, Rumex Crispus is preferred. The fresh root bruised in cream, lard, or fresh butter, forms an excellent ointment for scrofulous ulcers, scrofulous ophthalmia, itch, and a discutient for indolent glandular tumors. See p. 415. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 69 DRAGON ROOT. Arum Triphyllum. Description.-This plant is also known as Wake Robin, Indian Turnip, Jack in the pulpit, etc. It has a round, flattened, perennial, tuberous, fleshy root, resembling a turnip. The leaves are generally one or two, standing on long, sheathing footstalks, and the ovaries growing into a large, compact bunch of shining scarlet berries. History.-It inhabits North and South America, is found in wet locations,-and flowers from May to July. The whole plant is acrid, but the root is the only part employed. It is of various sizes, turnip-shaped, dark and corrugated externally, and milk white within, seldom exceeding two and a half inches in diameter. When first dug it is too fiercely acrid for internal employment, as it will leave an impression upon the tongue, lips, and fauces, like that of a severe scald, followed by inflam- mation and which, however, may be somewhat mollified by milk. It exerts no such influence upon the external skin, except upon long and continued application. The root loses its acrimony by age, and should always be used when partially dried. In addition to its acrid principle, it contains a large proportion of starch, with a portion of gum, albumen, and saccharine matter. When the acrid matter is driven off by heat, the root yields a pure, delicate, amylaceous matter, resembling arrow-root, very white and nutritive. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars, and is acrid, expectorant, and diaphoretic, used in asthma, hooping- cough, chronic bronchitis, chronic rheumatism, pains in the chest, colic, low stages of typhus, and general debility ; externally in scrofulous tumors, scald-head, and various skin diseases. Dose of the grated root, in syrup or mucilage, ten grains, three or four times a day. DRAGON'S TEST. Arum Triphyllum. Description.-This plant is recognized in England, by looking down to the stalks, and seeing how like a snake they look. Pliny and Dioscorides affirms that no serpent will meddle with any one who carries this herb about him. The English use it 70 mixed with vinegar, as an external wash for freckles, morphew, and sunburn, and as an ointment iu wounds aud ulcers. (See Dragon root.) THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. DROPWORT. Spiraea Filipendula. Description.-This plant has many leaves, somewhat resem- bling Wild Tansey, or rather Agrimony. The root is small, black, and tuberous, from which arise one or two stalks, two or three feet high, spreading at the top into many white, sweet- smelling flowers, consisting of five leaves each, with some threads in the middle of them, standing together in a pith or umble, each upon a small foot-stalk, which, after they have been blown upon by the wind for some time, finally fall away, and in their places appear small, round, chaffy heads like buttons, wherein are the chaffy seeds set and placed. It grows at the hedge side and in dry fields and meadows, flowering iu June and July, the seeds ripening in August. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant under the dominion of Venus. It is an effectual remedy for all diseases of the lungs, shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness, cough, causing expectoration and cleansing the pipes of mucus or phlegm. It is also used in kidney and bladder diseases. Description.-This is a common, well-known, native American plant, from five to twelve feet high, with a shrubby stem, filled with a light and porous pith, especially when young. The bark is rather scabrous and cinereous. The leaves are nearly bipin- nate autiposed. The flowers are numerous, white, in very large level-topped, five-parted cymes, and have a heavy odor. The European Elder, though larger than the American kiud, is similar in its general characteristics and properties. History.-It is an indigenous shrub, growing in all parts of the United States, in low, damp grounds, thickets, and waste places, flowering in June and July, and maturing its berries in September and October. The officinal parts are the flowers, the berries and the inner bark. ELDER. Sambucus Canadensis. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 71 Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. In warm infusion the flowers are diaphoretic, and gently stimulant. In cold infusion they are diuretic, alterative, and cooling, and may be used in all diseases requiring such action, as in hepatic derangements of children, erysipelas, erysipelatous diseases, etc. In infusion with Maiden-hair and Beech-drops, they will be found very valuable in all erysipelatous diseases. The expressed juice of the berries, evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, is a valuable aperient and alterative, one ounce of it will purge. An infusion of the young leaf-buds is likewise purgative, and sometimes acts with violence. The flowers and expressed juice of the berries have been beneficially employed in scrofula, cuta- neous diseases, syphilis, rheumatism, etc. The inner green bark is cathartic ; an infusion of it in wine or the expressed juice will purge moderately, in doses from half a fluid ounce to a fluid ounce. Large doses produce emesis or vomiting. In small doses it produces an efficacious deobstruent, promoting all the fluid secretions, and is much used in dropsy, especially that following scarlatina, and other febrile and exantiiemous complaints, as well as in many chronic diseases. Beaten up with lard or cream, it forms an excellent discutient ointment, and which is of much value in burns, scalds, and some cutaneous diseases. The juice of the root in half-ounce doses, taken daily, acts as a hydragogue, cathartic, and diuretic, and will be found valuable in all dropsical affections. The inner bark of Elder is hydragogne and emetico-cathartic. Has been successfully used in Epilepsy, by taking it from branches one or two years old, scraping off the gray outer bark, and steeping two ounces of it in five ounces of cold or hot water for forty-eight hours. Strain and give a every fifteen minutes when the fit is threatening : tne patient fasting. Resume it every six or eight days. Off. Prep.-Unguenturu Sambuci, Vinum Sambuci. ELECAMPANE. Inula Helenium. Description.-It has a branching, aromatic, and perennial root $ 72 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. stem from four to six feet high; large, dark-green leaves; and large, bright-yellow flowers. History.-Elecampane is common in Europe, and cultivated in the United States. It grows in pastures, and along road sides, blossoming from July to September. The root is the part used and should be gathered in the second year of its develop- ment, and during the Fall months. It yields its properties to water and alcohol, more especially to the former. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mercury. It is aromatic, stimulant, tonic, emmenagogue, diu- retic and diaphoretic. It is much used in chronic pulmonary affections, weakness of the digestive organs, hepatic torpor, dyspepsia, etc. Dose of the powder, from one scruple to one drachm. Of the infusion, one to two fluid ounces. ERYNGO, or Sea Holly. Eryngium Aquaticum Description.-This plant, also called Button Snake root, Rattlesnakes Master, etc., is an indigenous perennial herb, with a simple stem, from one to five feet in height, the root is tuber- ous ; the leaves are one or two feet long, by half an inch to an inch and a half wide. The flowers are white or pale and inconspicuous. History.-This plant is indigenous, growing in swamps and low, wet lands, from Virginia to Texas, especially on prairie lands, blossoming in August. The root is the officinal part. Water or alcohol extracts its properties. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus under the celestial Balance. It is aphrodisiac, exciting veneral desires and strengthening the procreative organs. It is also diuretic, stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, and in large doses, emetic. Very useful in dropsy, nephritic, and calculous affections, also in scrofula and syphilis. It is valuable as a diaphoretic and expectorant in pulmonary affections. It is a good substitute for Senega. The pulverized root in doses of two or three grains, is very effectual in hemorrhoids and prolapsus ani. Two ounces of the pulverized root, added to one pint of good Holland gin, Sea Wormwood Black Mullein Wormwood THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 73 Is effectual in obstinate cases of gonorrhoea and gleet, to be administered in doses of one or two fluid drachms, three or four times a day. By some practitioners the root is employed as a specific in gonorrhoea, gleet, and leucorrhoea; used internally in syrup, decoction, or tincture-and the decoction applied locally by injection. Used externally and internally, it cures the bites of snakes and insects. Dose of the powder, from twenty to forty grains : of the decoction, which is principally used, from two to four fluid ounces, several times a day. Off. Prep. Decoctum Eryngii. Description.-This is an elegant, little annual plant, with a square, downy, leafy stem, from one to five inches in height; the leaves are opposite, downy, and ribbed ; the flowers are abun- dant, with a brilliant variety of colors. History.-This plant is indigenous to Europe and America, bearing red or white flowers in July. The leaves are commonly employed ; they are inodorous, but of a bitter, astringent taste. Water extracts their virtues. Government and Virtues -It is a plant of the Sun, in the sign of the Lion. Slightly tonic and astringent. Useful in form of infusion or poultice, in catarrhal opthalmia ; also of service in all mucus diseases attended with increased discharges; also, in cough, hoarseness, ear-ache and head-ache, which have supervened in catarrhal affections. Four fluid ounces of the infusion taken every morning upon an empty stomach, and also every night at bed-time, has been found successful in helping epilepsy. EYEBRIGHT. Euphrasia Officinalis. FERN. Royal Flowering, Buckhorn Brake. Description.-This beautiful Fern is found in meadows, and low, moist grounds, throughout the Uuited States, blossoming in June. The main root or caudex is the officinal part; it is about two inches long, and has the shape of a buck's horn. It contains an abundance of mucilage, which is extracted by OsMUNDA ReGALIS. 74 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. boiling water. The roots should be collected in August, or about the latter part of May, and dried with great care, as they are apt to become mouldy. The Osmunda, or cinnamon-colored Fern is inferior to the preceding, but is frequently used for the same medicinal purposes. Government and Virtues-Under the dominion of Mercury. Mucilaginous, tonic, and styptic. Used in coughs, diarrhoea, and dysentery ; also used as a tonic during convalescence from exhausting diseases. One root, infused in a pint of hot water for half an hour, will convert the whole into a thick jelly, very valuable in ieucorrhoea, and other female weaknesses. The mu- cilage mixed with brandy is a popular remedy as an external application for subluxations and debility of the muscles of the back. For internal use, the roots may be infused in hot water, sweetened, and ginger, cinnamon, brandy, etc., added, if not contra-indicated. FERN, Female. Common Polypody. Polypodium Vulgare. Description.-This plant is also known by the names of Rockpolypod, Brake-root, etc. It is common on shady rocks, in woods and mountains. The root and tops are used in med- icine. Water extracts its properties. This plant is pectoral, demulcent, purgative, and anthelmintic. A decoction or syrup has been found very valuable in pulmonary and hepatic diseases. A strong decoction is a good purgative, and will expel tenia and other worms. Dose of the powdered plant, from one tc four drachms. Of the decoction or syrup, from one to four fluid cunces. three cr four times a day. Male Fern, (Aspidium Filix Mas,) grows in all parts of Europe, and in the United States. The dried root is the offici- nal part. It is used for the expulsion of the tapeworm. The best mode of administration is the etherial oil or extract, of which eighteen grains, or from ten to twenty-five drops may be given in the form of pill or emulsion, at night, and again in the morning. Two hours after the administration of the last dose, a purgative dose of castor oil is to be taken, and the 75 worm is discharged dead, without any severe or unpleasant symptoms. Dose of the powder, from one to four drachms. Of the ethereal tincture of the buds, eight to thirty drops, and made by digesting one part of the buds in eight parts of ether. Sweet Pern, (Comptonia Asplenifolia) grows in thin, sandy soils, or dry, rocky woods, from Maine to Kentucky, blossoming in May. The whole plant is used, and imparts its virtues to water or alcohol. It is tonic, astringent, and alterative. Used in diarrhoea, dysentery, hemoptysis, leucorrhcea, rheumatism, debility succeeding fevers, and in rachitis. A decoction is very useful in the summer complaints of children, when given as an auxiliary. A pillow of the leaves is beneficial to rachetic child- ren, and may be used as a fomentation in contusions and rheumatism. Dose.-Of the decoction, from one to four fluid ounces, three or four times a day. The male and female Fern are not to be used by pregnant women. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-Fever-few is a perennial, herbaceous plant with a tapering root, and an erect, branched, leafy, round, furrowed stem, about two feet high, bearing white compound, flowers. History.-The plant is a native of Europe, but common in the United States, found occasionally in a wild state, but gen- erally cultivated in gardens, and blossoms in June and July. It imparts its virtues to water, but much better to alcohol. Government and Virtues.- Venus controls this herb. It is tonic, carminative, emmenagogue, vermifuge, and stimulant. The warm infusion is an excellent remedy in recent colds, flatu- lency, worms, irregular menstruation, hysteria, suppression of urine, and in some febrile diseases. In hysteria, or flatulency one teaspoonful of the compound spirits of lavender forms u valuable addition to the dose of the infusion, which is from two to four fluid ounces. The cold infusion or extract, makes a valuable tonic. The leaves in poultice are au excellent local application in severe pain or swelling of the bowels, etc. Bees FEVER-FEW. Pyrethrum Parthenium. 76 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. are said to dislike this plant very much, and a handful of the flower-heads carried where they are, will cause them to keep at a distance. Description.-Figwort has a perennial, whitish, tuberous, and knotty root, with a heavy stem, from two to four feet high, and small, ovoid, dark-purple flowers. History.-This plant is a native of Europe, but is found growing in different parts of the United States, in woods, hedges, damp copses, and banks, blossoming from July to October. The plants known by the names of Carpenter's square, Heal All, Squaw stalk, etc., ( S. Marilandica and S. Lanceolata,) are all mere varieties of Figwort, possessing similar medicinal properties. The leaves and root are the officinal parts, and yield their virtues to water or alcohol. The leaves have an offensive odor, and a bitter, unpleasant taste ; the root is slightly acrid. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. It is alterative, diuretic, and anodyne ; highly beneficial in hepatic or liver diseases, dropsy, and as a general deobstruent to the glandular system when used in infusion or syrup. Externally in the form of fomentation, or ointment, it is valuable in bruises, inflammation of the mammae, ringworm, piles, painful swellings, itch, and cutaneous eruptions of a vesicular character. The root in decoction and drank freely, will restore the lochial dis- charge when suppressed, and relieve the pains attending difficult menstruation. This plant possesses many valuable and active medicinal properties. Dose of the infusion or syrup, from a wine-glassful to a tea-cupful. FIG-WORT. Scrophularia Nodosa. FLEA-WORT. Plantago Pysllium. Description.-It has a white, hard, woody root, that perishes every year, from which arises a stalk two or more feet high, full of joints and branches, with narrow, whitish-green leaves. At the top of every branch stands divers small, short, scaly or chaffy heads, out of which come forth small, sweetish, yellow 77 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. threads, like those of the plantain herb, which are the bloomings of flowers ; the seed enclosed in these heads is small and shining while it is fresh, and very like a flea both for color and size, but turning black when it grows old. It grows in gardens and fields and blossoms in July and August. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn, cold, dry, and saturnine. The mucilage of the seed, made with rose-water and a little honey, helps hoarseness, and other diseases of tho lungs, throat and breast. FROST-WEED. Uelianthemum Canadense. Description.-This is a perennial herb, sometimes known by the names of Rock-rose and Frost Plant. It has a simple, downy stem, about a foot high, and shrubby at the base. The leaves are about two-thirds of an inch long, and about one-fourth as wide. The flowers are large and of a bright yellow, open in sunshine and cast their petals the next day. History.-It is indigenous to all parts of the United States, growing in dry, sandy soils, and blossoming from May to July. The leaves and stems are covered with a white down ; hence its name. The whole plant is officinal, having a bitterish, astringent, slightly aromatic taste, and yields its properties in hot water. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. It has effected some astonishing cures in scrofula. It is used in the form of decoction, syrup, or fluid extract. In too large doses it will cause vomiting. It is tonic, and astringent as well as anti-scrofulous. In secondary syphilis, either alone, or in combination with Corydalis Formosa, and Stillingia, it forms a most valuable remedy. See page 415. The decoction may be employed with advantage in diarrhoea, as a gargle in scarlatina, and aphthous ulceration, as a wash iu scrofulous opthalmia, prurigo and other cutaneous diseases. Externally, a poultice of the leaves is applied to scrofulous tumors and ulcers. 78 The fluid extract is the best form for internal use. Pose, ona or two teaspoonsful, three or four times a day. An oil has been procured from the plant which is said to be highly valuable in cancerous affections. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. GENTIAN. Gentiana Lutea. Description.-Thia plant has a long, thick, cylindrical, wrinkled, ringed, forked, perennial root, brown externally, and yellow within, with a stem three or four feet high, hollow, stout, and erect ; leaves ovate-oblong, five-veined, pale, bright green : the blossoms are large, of a bright yellow, in many flowered whorls. History.-This plant is common in Central and Southern Europe, especially the Pyrenees and Alps, being found from 3000 to 5000 feet above the level of the sea. The root affords the medicinal portion, and is brought to America, chiefly from Havre and Marseilles. It has a feeble aromatic odor, and a taste at first faintly sweetish, and then purely, intensely and permanently bitter. It imparts its virtues readily to cold or hot water, alcohol, wine, spirits, or sulphuric ether. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars. Is a pow- erful tonic, improves the appetite, strengthens digestion, gives force to the circulation, and slightly elevates the heat of the body. Very useful in debility, exhaustion, dyspepsia, gout, amenorrlicea, hysteria, scrofula, intermittents, worms, and diarrhoea. Dose of the powder, ten to thirty grains. Of the extract, one to ten grains. Of the infusion, a tablespoonful to a wine- glassful. Of the tiucture, one or two teaspoonsful. Unchrystallized Gentianin is a most valuable substitute for quinia, acting as readily and efficaciously on the spleen, in doses of from fifteen to thirty grains, twice a day. The Blue, or American Gentian, has a perennial, branching, somewhat fleshy root, with a simple, erect, rough stem, eight or ten inches in height, and bears large blue flowers. It grows in the grassy swamps and meadows of North and South Carolina, blossoming from September to December. The root is little 79 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. inferior to the foreign Gentian, and may be used as a substitute for it in all cases, in the same doses and preparations. The Fiveflowered Gentian sometimes called Gall-weed, on account of its intense bitterness, is very useful in headache, liver complaint, jaundice, etc. The plant is found from Vermont to Pennsylvania, and a variety of it is common throughout the Western states. It grows in woods and pastures, and flowers in September and October. It may be regarded as a valuable tonic and cholagogue, and deserves further investigation of its therapeutic properties. There is another kind of Gentian, (Gentiana Ochroleuca,) known by the names of Marsh Gentian, Yellowish-white Gen- tian, Straw-colored Gentian, and Sampson Snake-weed. It has a stout, smoothish, ascending stem, one or two inches in height, its leaves two to four inches long, and three-fourths to an inch and a half in width, with straw-colored flowers two inches long by three-quarters thick, disposed in a dense, terminal cyme, and often in auxiliary cymes. It is found in Canada, and the South- ern and Western states, though rarely in the latter, blossoming in September and October ; the root is the officinal part, although the tops are often employed. They are bitter, tonic, anthel- mintic and astringent. Used in dyspepsia, iutermittents, dysentery, and all diseases of periodicity. To two ounces of the tops and roots pour on a pint and a half of boiling water, and when nearly cold, add a half pint of brandy. Dose from one to three tablespoonsful every half hour, gradually increasing as the stomach can bear it, lengthening the intervals between the doses. It is also used for bites of snakes, etc. GERANIUM. Geranium Maculatum. Description.-Geranium, also known by the names of Dove's Foot, Cranesbill, Wild Cranebill, Spotted Geranium, Crow- foot, Alum Root, etc., has a perennial, horizontal, thick, rough, and knobby root, with many small fibres. The stems are grayish-green, erect, round, and a foot or two high. The leaves are spreading and hairy ; and the blossoms large, and generally 80 purple, mostly in pairs. The Dove's Foot, or Cranebill, which grows in England, is a different plant, bearing many small bright-red flowers, of five leaves a-piece, though it possesses medicinal properties similar to the American varieties. History.-Geranium is a native of the United States, grow- ing in nearly all parts of it, in low grounds, open woods, etc., blossoming from April to June. The root is the officinal part. Its virtues are yielded to water or alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mars. It is a powerful astringent, used in the second stage of dys- entery, diarrhoea, and cholera infantum, in infusion, with milk. Both internally and externally it may be used wherever astringents are indicated, in hemorrhages, indolent ulcers, aphthous sore mouth, opthalmia, leucorrhoea, gleet, hematuria, menorrhagia, diabetes, and excessive chronic mucus discharges ; also to cure mercurial salivation. Relaxation of the uvula may be beuefitted by gargling with a decoction of the root, as well as aphthous ulceration of the mouth and throat. From its freedom from any nauseous or unpleasant qualities, it is well adapted to infants and persons with fastidious stomachs. In cases of bleeding piles, a strong decoction of the root should be injected into the rectum, and retained as long as possible. Troublesome epistaxis, or bleeding from the nose, wounds, or small vessels, and from the extraction of teeth, may be checked effectually by applying the powder ta the bleeding orifice, and if possible, covering with a compress of cotton. With Aletus Farinosa, (Unicorn root) in decoction, and taken internally, it has proved of superior efficacy in diabetes and in Bright's disease of the kidneys. A mixture or solution of two parts of Hydrastin and one of Geraniin, will be found of unrivalled efficacy in all chronic mucus diseases, as in gleet, leucorrhoea, opthalmia, gastric affections, catarrh, and ulceration of the bladder, etc. A decoction of two parts of Geranium and one of Sanguinaria {Blood-root,) forms an excellent injec- tion for gleet and leucorrhoea. Dose of Geranium powder, from twenty to thirty grains ; of the decoction, a table-spoonful to a wine-glassful. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 81 GOLDEN SEAL. Hydrastis Canadensis. Description-This is an American plant, known by the 'arious names of Yellow Puccoon, Ground Raspberry, Tumeric root, etc. It has a perennial root, or rhizome, which is tortuous, knotty, creeping, internally of a bright-yellow colour, with nu- merous long fibres ; the stem is erect, simple, rounded, from six to twelve inches high, bearing two unequal terminal leaves ; the flower is solitary, terminal, small, white or rose colored, and on a peduncle about three inches in length. History.-Golden seal is found growing in shady woods, in rich soilsand damp meadows, in different parts of the United States and Canada, but is more abundant west of the Alleg- hanies. It flowers in May and June. The root is the officinal part. Its virtues are imparted to water or alcohol. The root is of a beautiful yellow color, and when fresh is juicy, and used by the Indians, to color their clothing, etc. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter. The root is a powerful tonic, at the same time exerting an especial influence upon the mucus surfaces and tissues, with which it comes in contact. Internally, it is successfully administered in dyspepsia, chronic affections of the mucus coats of the stom- ach, erysipelas ; remittant, intermittent, and typhoid fevers ; torpor of the liver, and whenever tonics are required. In some instances it proves laxative, but without any astringency, and seems to rank in therapeutical action between rhubarb and blood- root. A strong decoction of two parts of Golden Seal, and one part of Geranium or Cranebill, is very valuable in gleet, chronic gonorrhoea and leucorrhcea, used \ninjection. It is likewise of much benefit in incipient stricture, spermatorrhoea, and inflama- tion and ulceration of the internal coat of the bladder. Ulcera- tion of the internal coat of the bladder, may be cured by the decoction of Golden Seal alone. It must be injected into the bladder, and held there as long as the patient can conveniently retain it-to be repeated three or four times a day, immediately aftei emptying the bladder. 82 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Dose of the powder from ten to thirty grains ; of the tincture from one to two fluid drachms. GOLD THREAD. Corns Trifolia. Description.-This plant, also termed Mouthroot, has a small and creeping, perennial root, of a bright yellow color. The stems are round, slender, and invested at the base with a number of ovate, acuminate, yellowish scales. The leaves are ternate, on long, slender petioles, evergreen. It usually bears one small, white, starry flower, terminating in capsules, contain- ing small, black, oval seeds. History.-Goldthread is found growing in dark swamps, and sphagnous woods, in the northern parts of the United States, and in C midi, Greenland, Iceland, and Siberia. It flowers early in the Spring to July. The root is the medicinal part, and Autumn is the season for collecting it. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter. Is a pure and powerful bitter tonic, somewhat like quassia, gentian and Colombo, without any astriugency. It maybe beneficially used in all cases where a bitter tonic is required, and is decidedly effi- cacious as a wash or gargle, when a decoction, in various ulcera- tions of the mouth. In dyspepsia, and in chronic inflammation of the stomach, equal parts of gold-thread, and golden seal, made into a decoction, with elixir vitriol, added in proper quantity, will not only prove effectual, but in many instances will per- manently destroy the appetite for alcoholic beverages. Dose.-Of the powder or tincture, from half a drachm to a drachm, of the decoction the dose is from one wineglassful to a teacupful. The tincture, made by adding an ounce of the powdered root to a pint of diluted alcohol, is preferable to the powder. The dose is from twenty drops to a teaspoonful, three times a d iy. HAZEL WITCH. Hamamelis Virginica. Description.-This is an indigenous shrub, sometimes called Winter-bloom, Snapping hazel-nut, Spotted Alder, etc., It con- sists of several crooked branching trunks from the same root, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 83 from four to six inches in diameter, ten to twelve feet in height, and covered with a smooth grey bark. The leaves are from three to five inches long, and two-thirds as wide. The flowers are yellow, and three or four together. History.-It grows in damp woods, in nearly all parts of the United States, flowering from September to November, when the leaves are falling, and maturing its seeds the next summer. The barks and leaves are the parts used in medicine. They possess a degree of fragrance, and when chewed are at first somewhat bitter, very sensibly astringent, and then leave a pungent sweetish taste, which remains for a considerable time. Water extracts their virtues. The shoots are used as divining rods to discover water and metals under ground by certain adepts in the occult arts. Government and Virtues.-This is a plant of Jupiter. It is tonic, astringent and sedative. A decoction of the bark is very useful in hemoptysis, hematemesis, and other hemorrhages or bleedings, as well as in diarrhoea, dysentery, and exces- sive mucus discharges. It is employed with great advantage in incipient phthisis, or consumption, in which it is supposed to unite anodyne influences with its others. The Indians use it in the form of poultice, in external infla- mations, swellings and all tumors of a painful character. The decoction may be advantageously used as a wash or injection for sore mouth, painful tumors, external inflammations, bowel complaints, prolapsus ani and uteri, leucorrhoea, gleet, and opthalmia. An Ointment made with lard, and a decoction of white-oak baik, apple tree bark, and witch-hazel, is a very valuable remedy for hemorrhoids or piles. The following forms a useful preparation : Take equal parts of witch-hazel bark, golden seal, and lobelia leaves, the two first made into a strong decoction, after which add the lobelia to the hot liquid, and cover ; when cold, strain. This decoction, as a collyrium will frequently and speedily cure the most obsti- nate and long standing cases of opthalmia. 84 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Dose of the witch-hazel decoction alone, from a wine glassful to a teacupful, three or four times a day. HELLEBORE AMERICAN. Veratrum Viride. Swamp Hellebore, Indian Poke, Itch-weed. Description.-This plant is indigenous to the United States growing in many parts, usually in swamps, low-grounds, moist meadows, and on the banks of mountain streamlets. The stem is from three to five feet high, roundish and solid throughout, the greatest part of its length being invested with the sheathing bases of the leaves. The lower leaves being from six inches to afoot long, and half as wide, gradually narrowing towards the top of the plant, the flowers green and numerous. History.-The rhizome or root is the part used, which should be gathered in Autumn, after the decay of the leaves. As it rapidly loses its virtues it should be gathered annually and kept in well-closed vessels. When fresh, it has a very strong, unpleasant odor, but when dried is inodorous. It has a sweetish- bitter taste, succeeded by a persistent acridity. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter. It has many very valuable properties. It is slightly acrid, confining this action to the mouth and fauces. It is unsurpassed by any article as an expectorant. As a diaphoretic, it is one of the most certain of the whole Materia Medica, often exciting great coolness and coldness of the surface. In suitable doses it can be relied upon to bring the pulse down from a hundred and fifty beats in a minute to forty, or even to thirty. Sometimes it ren- ders the skin merely soft and moist, and at others produces free and abundant perspiration. In fevers, in some diseases of the heart, acute rheumatism, and in many other conditions which involve an excited state of the circulation, it is of exceeding great value. As a deobstruent or alterative, it far surpasses iodine, and therefore used with great advantage in the treatment of cancer, scrofula and consumption. It is nervine, and never narcotic, which property renders it of great value in all painful diseases, or such as are accompanied with spasmodic action, convulsions, morbid irritability and irritative mobility, as in chorea, epilepsy, 85 nr fits, pneumonia, puerperal fever, neuralgia, etc., producing these effects without stupifying and torpifying the system as opium is known to do. As an emetic, it is slow, but certain and efficient, rousing the liver to action, and vomits without occa- sioning prostration or exhaustion, like other emetics, being the more valuable in not being cathartic. It is peculiarly adapted as an emetic in hooping-cough, croup, asthma, scarlet fever, and in all cases where there is much febrile or inflammatory action. As an arterial sedative it stands unparalleled and unequalled, while in small doses it creates and promotes appetite beyond any agent known to medical men. It has recently come into use, and may be justly regarded as one of the most valuable contributions to the list of medicines in a hundred years. Dose.-Veratrum is usually given in the form of a tincture, the formula being of the dried root, eight ounces to sixteen ounces diluted .835 alcohol, macerating for two weeks, then to be expressed and filtered. To an adult eight drops are given which should be repeated every three hours, increasing the dose one or two drops every time, until nausea or vomiting, or reduc- tion of the pulse, to sixty-five or seventy, ensue, then reduce to one half in all cases. Females and persons from fourteen to eighteen, should commence with six drops, andincrease as above. For children, from two to five years, begin with two drops, and increase one drop only. Below two years of age, one drop is sufficient. If taken in so large a dose as to produce vomiting or too much depression, a full dose of morphine or opium, in a little brandy or ginger, is a complete antidote. In pneumonia, typhoid fever, and many other diseases, it must be continued from three to seven days after the symptoms have subsided. In typhoid fever, while using the veratrum, quinia is abso- lutely inadmissable. It is administered in a little sweetened water, and its employment in moderate doses, or short of nau- sea, may be continued indefinitely without the least inconve- nience. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. HOARHOUND. Marrubium Vulgare. Description.-This well known herb, has a fibrous, perennial 86 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. root and numerous annual, bushy stems, leafy, and branching from the bottom to one or two feet in height. The leaves are roundish-ovate, rough and veiny above, woolly on the under sur- face, one or two inches in diameter ; the flowers small and white. History.-Hoarhound is a native of Europe, but has been naturalized in the United States, where it is very common. It grows on dry, sandy fields, waste grounds and road-sides, flowering from June to September. The entire plant has a white or hoary appearance ; the whole herb is medicinal, and should be gathered before its inflorescence. It has a peculiar, rather agreeable, vinous, balsamic odor, and a very bitter, aro- matic, somewhat acrid and persistent taste. Its virtues are imparted to alcohol or water. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb of Mercury. A stimulant, tonic, expectorant and diuretic. It is used in the form of syrup, in coughs, colds, chronic catarrh, asthma and all pulmonary affections. The warm infusion will produce perspi- ration, and flow of urine, and is used with great benefit in jaundice, asthma, hoarseness, menses, and hysteria. The cold infusion is an excellent tonic in some forms of dyspepsia. It will expel worms and act as a purgative in large doses. It enters into the composition of several syrups and candies. Dose of the powder one drachm, of the infusion or syrup, from half to a teacupful. HOPS. Humulus Lupulus. Description.-This plant is too well known to require any particular description. It has a perennial root, with many annual, angular stems. The leaves are deep-green, serrated, veiny and very rough ; and the flowers numerous and of a greenish color. History.-This plant is found in China, the Canary Islands, all parts of Europe, and in many places in the United States. It is largely cultivated in England and the United States for its cones or strobiles, which are used medicinally, and in the manufacture of beer, ale and porter. The odor of hops is peculiar and somewhat agreeable; their taste slightly astringent 87 and exceedingly bitter. They yield their virtues to boiling water, but a better solvent than water is diluted alcohol. Lupu- lin is the yellow powder procured by beating or rubbing the strobiles, and then sifting out the grains which form about one- seventh part of the Hops. Lupulin is in globose kidney-shaped grains, golden yellow and somewhat transparent and preferable to the Hops itself. Lupulite is the bitter principle of Hops, and is obtained by making an aqueous solution of Lupulin. Government and Virtues.-The plant or vine is under the dominion of Mars. Hops are tonic, hypnotic, febrifuge, anti- lithic and anthelmintic. They are principally used for their sedative or hypnotic action-producing sleep, removing restless- ness and abating pain, but sometimes failing to do so. A pillow stuffed with Hops is a favorite way for obtaining sleep. The lupulin or its tincture, is used in delirium tremens, ner- vous irritation, anxiety, exhaustion, and does not disorder the stomach nor cause constipation, as with opium. It is also useful in after-pains, to prevent chordee, suppress venereal desires, etc. Externally, in the form of a fomentation alone, or com- bined with Boneset or other bitter herbs, it has proved bene- ficial m pneumonia, pleurisy, gastritis, enteritis, and as an appli- cation to painful swellings and tumors. An ointment, made by boiling two parts of Stramonium leaves and one of Hops in lard, is an excellent application in salt rheum, ulcers and pain- ful tumors. It is a powerful antiphrodisiac, composing the genital organs, quieting painful erections in gonorrhoea, etc. Dose.-Fluid extract, half a drachm to a drachm ; solid ex- tract, five to twenty grains ; tincture (two and a half ounces of hops to one pint of alcohol,) three to six drachms. Infusion, (four drachms to one pint of hot water) a wineglass to a cup- ful of Lupulin, the dose six to ten grains. Tinct. of Lupulin, (two ounces of Lupulin to one pint of alcohol) one to two tea- spoonsful in sweetened water. Fifteen to twenty grains well rubbed up with white sugar in a mortar is very efficacious in priaprism, chordee, and spermatorrhoea. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 88 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-Iceland Moss is a perennial, foliaceous plant from two to four inches high ; a native of Britain and the northern countries of Europe, particularly Iceland. It is diversified in its color, being brownish or greyish-white in some parts, and of a reddish hue in others. It is without odor, with a mucilaginous, bitter, somewhat astringent taste, and when dry, the lichen is crisp, cartilaginous, and coriaceous, and is convertible into a grayish-white powder. It swells up in water, absorbing more than its own weight of that fluid, and communicating a portion of its bitterness to it, as well as a little mucilage; when long chewed it is converted into a mucilaginous pulp, and when boiled in water the decoction becomes a firm jelly on cooling. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Moon. It is demulcent, tonic and nutritious. Used us a demulcent in chronic catarrh, chronic dysentery, and diarrhoea, and as a tonic in dyspepsia, convalesence and exhausting diseases. Boiled with milk it forms an excellent nutritive and tonic in phthisis and general debility. Its tonic virtues depend upon its cetrarin, which, if removed, renders the lichen merely nutritious. ICELAND MOSS. Cetraria Islandica. ICE-PLANT. Monotropa Uniflora. Description.-This plant, also known by the names of Ova- ova, Bird's Nest, Indian Pipe, Fit Plant, etc., has a dark colored, fibrous, perennial root, matted in masses about as large as a chestnut burr, from which arise one or more short, ivory- white stems, from four to eight inches high, having white, semi-transparent leaves, and a large, white, solitary, terminal flower, which is at first nodding, but becomes upright in fruit. History.-This singular plant is found from Maine to Cali- fornia, and westward to Missouri, growing in shady, solitary woods, in rich, moist soil, or soil composed of decayed wood and leaves, and near the base of trees, on whose roots it may be said to be a parasite. The whole plant is snow-white or ivory-white, resembling frozen jelly, and is juicy and tender, dissolving in the hands like ice. The flowers are inodorous, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 89 and appear from June until September. The flowers are in shape like a pipe, hence called the Indian Pipe, or Pipe Plant. The root is the medicinal part, and should be gathered in Sep- tember and October, carefully dried, pulverized, and kept in well-stopped bottles. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Moon. It is a tonic, sedative, nervine, and anti-spasmodic ; employed in febrile diseases, restlessness, pains, nervous irritability, etc., and used as a substitute for opium without any deleterious influences. It has cured remittent and intermittent fevers, and is an excellent anti-periodic. It is a most excellent remedy in convulsions of children, epilepsy, chorea, and other spasmodic affections. Its prompt efficacy well entitles it to its common name, Fits, or Convulsion Root. The juice of the plant alone, or combined with rose water, is an excellent application in obstinate opthal- mia, or sore or inflamed eyes, ulcers, etc., and is a good injection in leucorrhcea, blennorrhaea, inflammation, and ulceratiou of the bladder. Dose of the powdered root, from thirty to sixty grains, two or three times a day. This plant is one of great value, and is beginning to receive the attention it deserves. It is a totally different herb from the Mesembryanthemum Crystallinum, or Ice-plant of Europe. IRON-WEED. Vernonia Fasciculata. Description.-This is an indigenous, perennial, coarse, pur- plish-green weed, with a tall, grooved stem, from three to tea feet in height. It is very common in the Western states, growing in woods and prairies, and along river streams, having purple flowers from July to September. The root is the part used. Government and Virtues -It is a plant of Venus. It is a bitter tonic, deobstruent, and alterative. In powder or decoc- tion, the root is beneficial in amenorrhcea, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhcea, and menorrhagia. It is useful in scrofula and some cutaneous diseases. Dose of the decoction, one or two fluid ounces. Of the tincture, one or two fluid drachms. The leaves 90 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. or powdered root make an excellent discutient application to tumors. Description.-This is a woody vine, with a rooting, climbing etem, with large, dark, glossy, green leaves, which make a lux- uriant foliage, turning crimson in Autumn. It blossoms in July, the flowers being in clusters of an inconspicuous greenish white. Its berries are first dark blue, smaller than peas, of an acid taste, but ripening into blackish berries from October to Christmas. History.-The American Ivy, is a common, familiar, shrubby vine, climbing extensively, and, by means of its radiating tendrils, supporting itself firmly on trees, stone walls, churches, etc., and ascending to the height of from fifty to a hundred feet. In various sections of the country it has different names, as Wood-bine, Virginia Creeper, Five Leaves, False Grape, Wild Wood Vine, etc. The bark and the twigs are the parts usually used. Its taste is acrid and persistent, though not unpleasant, and its decoction is mucilaginous. The bark should be collected after the berries have ripened. It is like the Ivy of England and other countries. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn. Alterative, tonic, astringent, and expectorant. It is used principally in form of syrup in scrofula, dropsy, bronchitis, and other pulmonary complaints. Dose.-Of the decoction or syrup, from one to four table- spoonsful, three times a day. A drachm of the flowers drank in wine, will stop the bloody flux or dysentery. The berries bruised and steeped in wine for a few days, and a small quantity drank is good against the jaundice, hemorrhage or spitting of blood, gravel, and to pro- voke urine. An old author affirms that there is a very great antipathy between wine and Ivy, and therefore it is a remedy to pieserve against drunkenness, and to relieve or cure intoxi- cation by drinking a draught of wine in which a handful of bruised Ivy leaves have been boiled. IVY, (AMERICAN.) Ampelopsis Quinquefolia. 91 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This plant is sometimes called Yellow Jessa- mine, Wild Jessamine, and Woodbine, and bears yellow flowers which have an agreeable, but rather narcotic odor. The Yellow Jessamine abounds throughout the Southern States, growing luxuriously, and climbing from tree to tree, forming ar. agreeable shade. Ou account of its fine yellow flowers, and the rich perfume which they impart to the surrounding atmosphere, as well as the shade it affords, it is extensively cultivated in the gardens of the South, as an ornamental vine. The flowers appear from March to May. The root is the officinal part, and yields its virtue to water or alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter. It is an unrivaled febrifuge, possessing relaxing and antispasmodic properties. It is efficacious in nervous and bilious headache, colds, pneumonia, hemorrhages, leucorrhea, ague-cake, but espe- cially in all kinds of fevers, quieting all nervous irritability and excitement, equalizing the circulation, promoting perspiration, and rectifying the various secretions, without causing nausea, vo- miting and purging, and is adapted to any stage of the disease. It may follow any preceding treatment with safety. Its effect? are clouded vision, double-sightedness, or even with complete prostration, and inability to open the eyes. These however, pass completely off in a few hours, leaving the patient refreshed, and completely restored. When the effects are induced no more of the remedy is required. The tincture is the form in which it is employed. The dose is from ten to fifty drops, in a wine glass half full of water ; to be repeated every two hours. The second dose usually effects a cure. JESSAMINE. Gelseminum Sempervirens. JUNIPER. Juniperus Communis. Description.-The Juniper is a small evergreen. It does not reach the dignity of a tree; but it is hardy and extremely useful. History.-The Juniper grows in dry woods, and upon hills, 92 and is common both in this country and in Europe. The ber- ries are employed most extensively in medicine. Government and Virtues.-The Juniper is under the do- minion of Venus. The berries and oil are stimulating, carmina- tive, and diuretic. It is especially useful in averting mucus discharges, especially from the urethra. Dose.-Of the berries, from one to two drachms. Of the oil from four to twenty minims. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This is a perennial plant, the root of which consists of strong fibres. The entire plant is used. History.-There are two varieties of this plant, and both are common to the United States. They grow upon elevated situations, and in woods. They bear white, blue, or purplish flowers, which appear late in March or early in April. It is sometimes erroneously called Liverwort. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Herschel. It is a mild, mucilaginous astringent, and is freely used in infusion, in fevers, diseases of the liver ; and for bleeding from the lungs, coughs, etc., it is a most valuable curative. Dose.-Infusion taken ad libitum. KIDNEY LIVER LEAF. Hepatica Americana. Description.-This is an indigenous plant, known as American Valerian, Nerve Root, Yellow Moccasin Flower, Umbel, Noah's Ark, etc., with perennial, fibrous, fleshy, undulated or crooked long roots. The stems grow from twelve to eighteen inches high. History.-This plant grows here in rich woods and meadows, and flowers in May and June. There are several varieties of it, but as they all possess the same medicinal properties a description of each is not requisite or desirable. Government and Virtues.-These plants are governed by the dog-star Sirius. The fibrous roots are the parts used in medi- cine, and they should be gathered and carefully cleansed in August, or September. The properties and uses are various. LADIES SLIPPER. Cypripedium Pubescens; THE COMPLETE HEKBA.LIST. 93 The preparations made from these roots are tonic, and stimulant, diaphoretic, and anti-spasmodic, and are considered to be unequalled in remedying hysteria, chorea, nervous headache, and all cases of nervous irritability. Combined with a certain foreign plant of a mucilaginous character, and growing near the sea shore, it is an unfailing cure of fever and ague. The preparation has, however, to be skilfully compounded. Any one afflicted by Fever and Ague may write to me for particulars, and I will gladly and promptly furnish them. They are also used for delirium, neuralgia, and hypochondria. The form of preparation is an alcoholic extract. Dose.-From ten to twenty grains. Tincture, from one to three fluid drachms. Infusion, from one to four fluid ounces. When made into powder, one drachm in warm water is a dose, and may be repeated, in season, as often as may be required. LARCH. Abies Larix. Description.-The Larch is a very lofty and graceful tree, with elegant and wide-spreading branches. The flowers, both male and female, are handsome as well in form as in color. History-The Larch grows in the mountainous regions of Europe, and yields the article of use and commerce known as Venice Turpentine. The bark contains a large amount of tannic acid. Government and Virtues-It is governed by Mars. The medicinal properties are those known to be confined to turpentine. LARGE FLOWERING SPURGE. Euphorbia Corollata. Description.-This plant is commonly known as the milkweed. It is perennial, with a round, slender, erect stem, one or two feet high, generally simple and smooth. The flowers are large, white and showy. History.-This plant grows plentifully in Canada and the United States, in dry fields and woods, and flowers from June to September. The bark of the root is the part used. The plant is readily detected by a milky fluid which exudes from the stem, when that is broken. This fluid, if applied to warts or 94 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. wens, is of great benefit, in most cases banishing the offensive excresences. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mercury. It is emetic, diaphoretic, expectorant, and epispastic. As an emetic, the powdered bark of the root (say from fifteen to twenty grains) is mild, pleasant and efficacious. Dose.-As an expectorant it is administered three grains at a time, mixed with honey, molasses, or sugar. As a cathartic, from feur to ten grains are required. It is regarded, in doses of fifteen or twenty grains, as one of the very best remedies ever discovered for the dropsy. It has cured hydrothorax, and ascites, when all other means have failed, but in order to do this, it must be carefully and skilfully prepared by a botanist ol much experience. LARKSPUR. Delphinium Consolida. Description.-Larkspur is an annual herb, with a simple slender root, and a suberect leafy stem, from a foot to two feet in height. History.-The Larkspur is a native of Europe, but has become naturalized in America. It grows in fields and woods, and flowers in July. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn. The whole plant contains an acid principle which is sure death to all kinds of domestic vermin. The flowers and leaves were extensively used in the United States army during the rebellion, to kill lice, and it is pretty well authenticated that the same substance forms the basis of the many preparations offered for the destruction ot all noxious insects, whose room is better than their company. The flowers are emmenagogue, diuretic, and vermifuge. A tincture of the seeds, it is said, will cure asthma and dropsy. Also a specific for cholera morbus. Dose.-Two ounces of the seed added to one quart of diluted alcohol, makes the tincture, of which ten drops may be given three times a day. This, however, should be used only in extreme cases. 95 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This plant has numerous names. Among others, Laurel, Lambkill, Ivy, Spoonwood, Calico Bush, Mountain Laurel, etc. It is a shrub of great beauty, varying in height from four to sixteen feet. It has crooked stems and a rough bark. The flowers are white, or variously tinged with red, and are very showy. The fruit is a dry capsule. History.-Sheep Laurel inhabits the rocky hills and elevated grounds of most parts of the United States. Its beautiful flowers appear in June and July. The leaves are reputed to be poisonous to sheep and other animals, and it is said that birds which have eaten them will poison those who eat the birds. The leaves are the officinal part. Attention was called to their medicinal virtues by the use which the Indians make of them, viz. : a decoction by which they commit suicide. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mercury. The plant, in medicinal doses, is unti-syphil'tic, sedative to the heart, and somewhat astringent. It is a most efficient agent in syphilis, fevers, jaundice, neuralgia, and inflammation. The preparation should be used with great care and prudence. Dose.-The saturated tincture of the leaves is the best form of administration. It is given in from ten to twenty drops every two or three hours. Powdered leaves, from ten to twenty grains. SHEEP LAUREL. Kalmia Latifolia. LAVENDER. Lavandula Vera and Lavandula Spica. Description.-Lavandula Vera is a shrub which grows from one to two feet high, generally, but it sometimes attains an altitude of from five to six feet. Lavandula Spica is rather dwarfish in comparison. It is not used in medicine, but yields what is called oil of spike, which is used in the preparation of artistical varnishes. History.-Lavandula Vera grows in the dry soils of Southern Europe, and flowers in July and August. It is largely cultivated in this country. The whole plant is aromatic, but the flowers are the parts used. Government and Virtues.-It is under the government of 96 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Mercury. It is a tonic, stimulant, and carminative, useful mostly in diseases of the nervous system. ALNUS RUBRA. Tag Alter. Description.-This plant grows in clumps and thickets, in swamps, and likewise on the borders of ponds and rivers. The stems are straight and numerous, and range from six to twelve feet in height. The leaves have minute teeth, are thickish, and are green and smooth on both sides. History.-The Alnus Rubra is indigenous to Europe and America, and blossoms in March and April. The bark is the part used medicinally. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus, in the sign of Pisces. The bark is universally acknow- ledged to be alterative and emetic, and is especially re- commended for scrofula, secondary syphilis, and cutaneous diseases, of which there are many varieties, some of which have, and some ,of which have not been classified. The active principle of Alnus Rubra, as prepared for practitioners, is called Alnuin, and is most excellent in cases of dyspepsia produced by inactivity of the gastric glands. Description.-Garden Lettuce possesses very many of the properties of opium, and, if allowed to run to seed, produces, or exudes, a juice not unlike that of the poppy. It grows in almost every temperate latitude. The Lactuca Virosa, another species of Lettuce, is a hardier and larger plant, is rank in odor, and has prickles on the keel of its leaves. History.-The Lactuca Sativa, or common garden Lettuce, is a native of the East Indies, but has been so thoroughly accli- mated here that it may be said to belong to this country by naturalization. It, as well as the Lactuca Virosa, yields large quantities of what is called Lactucarium, or Lettuce Opium. Government and Virtues.-The Lettuce is under the dominion of Venus. Some good authorities say that Lactucarium is a sedative, others, equally reliable, that it is a stimulant. It is LETTUCE. Lactuca Sativa, and Lactuca Virosa. Elecampane Blue Vervain kya Pana. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 97 frequently used in the stead of opium, as it produces the same effects, without the unpleasant and oftentimes ruinous reaction which follows the use of the juice of the poppy. Dose.-In pill or powder, from five to twenty grains ; of the tincture, thirty to sixty drops; of the alcholic extract from one to five grains, as circumstances may require. LEVER WO.OD. Ostrya Virginica. Description.-This small tree, from twenty-five to thirty feet in height, is frequently called Iron Wood, and Hop Hornbean. Its real name is, however, Lever Wood. The wood, which is hard, white, and strong, is used for medicinal purposes, as well as the bark. History.-The inner wood and bark are the parts in which reside the curative virtues, and the latter, which are immense, readily yield to water. The tree flowers in April and May, and is common to the United States. Government and Virtues.-The Lever Wood tree is under the influence of Sirius. The bark and wood should be gathered in August or September. The preparation is anti-periodic, tonic, and alterative. It is very good in cases of intermittent fever, neuralgia, nervous debility, scrofula, and dyspepsia. It is sometimes administered, with fair success, as a remedy for fever and ague. Dose.-Decoction, one or two fluid ounces three or four times a day. Description.-This plant has many names. Among others, it bears the titles of Ragwort, False Valerian, Squaw-weed, Golden Senecio, and Female Regulator. The flowers are golden yellow. The stem is erect and smoothish, varying from one to two feet in height. History.-The plant is perennial and indigenous, growing on low marshy grounds, and on the banks of creeks. The northern and western parts of Europe are where it is mostly found, and the flowers culminate in May and June. The root and herb are the parts employed for medicinal purposes. There are LIFE ROOT. Senecio Aureus. 98 several varieties of this plant, but as all possess the same medicinal properties, it is unnecessary to specify them. The whole herb is used of all the varieties. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saltirn. It is diuretic, pectoral, diaphoretic, and tonic, and exerts a very powerful and peculiar influence upon the repro- ductive organs of females. This has given it the name of Female Regulator. Combined with the Lily, and other native and foreign plants, it is one of the most certain cures in the world, for aggravated cases of leucorrhea ; also in cases of menstrual suppression. It will operate excellently in gravel, and other urinary affections. Dose.-Ordinary decoction. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. LILY ROOT (MEADOW.) Lilium Candidum. Description.-This plant has a perennial root or bulb, from which rises a thick stem from three to four feet in height. The flowers are large, snow-white, and common. History.-The Meadow Lily is an exotic. It is a native of Syria and Asia Minor. The flowers are regarded as being very beautiful, but are not used for medicinal purposes. The plant is principally cultivated for the flowers. The bulb is the part used for its curative properties. Water extracts its virtues. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus. It is mucilaginous, demulcent, tonic, and astringent. It is chosen by some of our best botanical practitioners as a certain remedy for leucorrhea, and falling of the womb, and for those affections, when combined with Life Hoot and other herbal preparations, is without an equal. Sometimes the recent root is used to advantage in dropsy. Boiled in milk, it is also useful for ulcers, inflammations, fever-sores, etc. I prepared from these plants, together with several others of English growth, an injection for leucorrhea, which proved speedily and eminently successful, in one of the most severe cases that ever came to my knowledge. The patient was Mrs. Atkins, of Boston, Massa- chusetts. Should any of my lady readers be afflicted by any of the above complaints, I should be pleased to have them write 99 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. to me all the particulars of their case, and according to the description, and the extent of the affliction, I will m ike and send at a reasonable price, an injection and tonic pill, which will be peculiarly and particularly adapted to the individual case. Description.-This plant is known in some parts of the country as Rattlesnake Root. It is an indigenous, perennial herb, with a stout stem, and from two to four feet in height. There are several varieties, but they vary indifferently. History.-This plant grows plentifully in moist woods and in rich soils, from New England to Iowa, and from Canada to Carolina. The root, leaves, and juice of the plant are employed Government and Virtues.-It is governed by the dog-star. A decoction of the root taken internally will operate most favorably in cases of dysentery. The milky juice of the plant is taken internally, while the leaves, steeped in water, are applied as a poultice (and frequently changed) for the bite of a serpent. LION'S FOOT. Nabulus Albus. LOBELIA. Lobelia Inflata. Description.-This plant is pretty generally known as Indian Tobacco, although it is called Wild Tobacco by some. It is an annual or biennial, American plant (m>re commonly the latter,) with a fibrous, yellowish white root, and an erect, angular, very hairy stem, much branches, and from six inches to three feet in height. The flowers and seeds are very prolific. History.-Lobelia flowers from July to November, and grows in nearly all parts of the United States in fields, woods and meadows. The whole plant is active, and the stalks are used indiscriminately with the flowers and leaves, by those who are best acquainted with its properties. The root is supposed to be more energetic, medicinally, than any other part of the plant. Tne proper time for gathering is from the last of July to the middle of October. The plant should be dried in the shade, aud then be preserved in packages, or covered vessels, more especially if it be reduced to powder. It was used in domestic 100 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. practice by the people of New England long before the time of Samuel Thompson, its assumed discoverer. Government and Virtues.-The Lobelia is under the govern* ment of Herschel. Administered internally, it is emetic, nauseant, expectorant, relaxant, sedative, anti-spasmodic, and secondarily cathartic, diaphoretic and astringent. It is exten- sively used to subdue spasms, and will give relief in epilepsy, tetanus, cramps, hysteria, chorea, and convulsions ; but it is merely a temporary relief when administered internally, and if not used with great skill and caution in that way, may do as much harm as good. Applied externally, in the form of an ointment, combined with healing and soothing barks and roots, it is decidedly the best counter-irritant known to mankind. In this shape, its equal has never been discovered, and probably never will be. This is one of the ingredients of " The Herbal Ointment," a full description of which will be found on page 411 of this work. There are any number of officinal prepa- rations of Lobelia, but it is the opinion of the author of this book that its chief value consists in being made into an ointment, with other rare and potent ingredients. There is nothing in nature that can favorably compare with it in this form. In other shapes it may be useful; but it is also dangerous. LUNGWORT. Pulmonaria Officinalis. Description.-The plant is rough, with a stem about one foot in height. The flowers are blue, and in terminal clusters. History.-Lungwort is a herbaceous perennial, growing in Europe and this country in Northern Latitudes. In Europe it is a rough-leaved plant, but in this country the entire plant is smooth, which exhibits the peculiar climatic influence. It is showy, and freely cultivated. It flowers in May. The leaves are used for medicinal purposes. They are without any particular odor. Water extracts their properties. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mercury. The preparation is demulcent and mucilaginous, and is a decoction very useful in bleeding from the lungs, and THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 101 bronchial and catarrhal affections. For further particulars I refer the reader to the second paragraph on page 314. MADDER. Rubia Tinctorum Description.-Madder has a perennial, long, cylindrical root, about the thickness of a quill. This is the part used, chiefly for its coloring matter. History.-Madder is a native of the Mediterranean, and Southern European countries. The drug is chiefly imported from Holland and France. The root is collected in the third year of the plant, when it is freed from its outer covering and dried. It is valued as a dye stuff for its red and purple. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mercury. It is sometimes used to promote the menstrual and urinary discharges, but is not in very great favor. Combined in a preparation with other ingredients, it is of some considerable remedial value. Dose.-Thirty grains three or four times a day. If used frequently, it will color the bones red. MAD DOG WEED. Alisma Plantago. Description.-Thia plant is sometimes denominated Water Plantain, but its proper name is that which stands at the head of this paragraph. It is a perennial. The flowers are small, white, whorled and numerous. The root is fibrous. History.-It inhabits the North American continent as well as Europe, grows in watery places, and flowers in July. The leaves are the parts used. Government and Virtues.-It is under Mercury. It was once considered a capital remedy for hydrophobia, hence its name ; but experience has demonstrated that as a cure for this horrible infliction, it is impotent. In urinary diseases and affections, an infusion of the leaves, which must be dried and powdered, is very efficacious. Dose.-Of the infusion above mentioned, from four to six fluid ounces three or four times a day. The fresh leaves when bruised, form a very good but mild counter-irritant. 102 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-Maidenhair is a delicate and beautiful fern, growing from twelve to fifteen inches high. History.-Maidenhair is perennial, and grows throughout the United States in deep woods, on moist, rich soil. The leaves are bitterish and somewhat aromatic, and part with their virtues upon being immersed in boiling water. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. It is refrigerant, expectorant, tonic, and sub-astringent. A decoction of this plant is most gratefully cooling in febrile diseases, and it is a great benefit in coughs, catarrh, hoarseness, influenza, asthma, pleurisy, etc. It is one of the articles of many used in making the "Acaciau Balsam," for a description of which see page 401. MAIDENHAIR. Adiantum Pedatum. MAGNOLIA. Magnolia Glauca. Description.-The Magnolia is called by other names, such as Suu amp Sassafras, Sweet Magnolia, Beaver Tree, White Bay, etc. It grows from six to thirty feet in height, obtaining a larger altitude the further south it is found. It has smooth and ash-colored bark, elegant, odoriferous, cream-colored flowers, and can be found in morasses from Massachusetts to the Gulf of Mexico. It flowers from May to August. There are other varieties which do not require especial mention, or especial description. History.-The therapeutical virtues of these trees are found in the bark and fruit. The bark of both the trunk and the root are employed. The odor is aromatic, and the taste bitterish, warm and pungent. It is gathered during the Spring and Summer. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars. The bark is an aromatic, tonic bitter, and is also anti-periodic. It is used much in the stead of chinchona, and will remedy the intermittent fevers when chinchona has failed. It is used frequently as a substitute for Peruvian Bark, as it can be continued for a longer time and with more safety. Properly THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 103 prepared, it may be used as a substitute for tobacco, and will bre ik the habit of tobacco chewing. Dose.-In powder, half drachm or drachm doses five or six times a day. The infusion is taken in wine-glassful doses five or six times a day. The tincture, made by adding two ounces of the cones to a pint of brandy, will be found beneficial in dyspepsia and chronic rheumatism. COMMON MALLOW. Malva Sylvestris. Description.-This herb is perennial, and is sometimes called High Mallow. It has a round stem, two or three feet high, and a tapering, branching, whitish root. The leaves are alter- nate, deep green, soft and downy. History.-The mallow is a native of Europe, but is naturalized in this country. It grows abundantly in fields, waysides, and waste places, and flowers from May to October. The whole plant, especially the root, abounds in mucilage. Government and Virtues.-The plant is under the dominion of Mercury. It possesses the properties common to mucila- ginous herbs, and an infusion thereof forms an excellent demulcent in coughs, irritations of the air passages, flux, affections of the kidney and bladder, etc. In inflammatory conditions of the external parts, the bruised herb forms an excellent application, making, as it does, a natural emollient cataplasm. MANDRAKE. Podophyllum Peltatum. Description.-The Mandrake is called by the several names of May Apple, Wild Lemon, Racoon berry, and Wild Man- drake. It is indigenous, and is a perennial. The stem is simple, round and smooth-the leaves are large. The flower is solitary iu the fork of the stem, is white, large, and about two inches in diameter. The fruit is fleshy, of a lemon color, with brownish spots when ripe. History.-The Mandrake is found throughout the United States, iu low, shady situations, rich woods and fields, and flowers in May and June. The fruit matures in September and October. It is scarcer in New England than elsewhere. The 104 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. leaves are poisonous. The root, properly prepared, is used for medicinal purposes. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mars. The root is cathartic, emetic, alterative, anthelmintic, hydra* gogue and sialagogue. It is an active and certain cathartic, being equal, if not superior, to jalap, although operating more slowly. Its active principles are readily taken up by alcohol or ether. It forms what is calledpodophyllin. It is very valuable in bilious and febrile disease as a cathartic, or emeto-cathartic, often breaking off the disease at once. In constipation, it acts upon the bowels without disposing them to subsequent costiveness. Dose.-Of the powdered root as a cathartic, from ten to thirty grains. Of the tincture, from ten to forty drops. MAN-IN-THE-GROUND. Convolvulus Panduratus. Description.-This, like most medicinal plants, has quite a number of names. It is called the Wild Potatoe, Wild Jalap, Man-of-the-Earth, Mechameck, etc., and has a perennial, very large tapering root, with several stems from four to eight feet long from the same root; The leaves are two or three inches long, and the flowers are white, but dull purple towards the base. History.-Man-in-the-Ground, or Wild Potatoe, belongs to the United States, and grows in light, sandy soils. It flowers from June to August, but is rarely found in northern latitudes. The root is the officinal part. Its best solvent is alcohol, or spirits. Water will extract its active properties. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by Jupiter. It is a cathartic if powdered and taken in doses of from forty to sixty grains. The infusion, taken in wineglassful doses every hour, is useful in dropsy, strangury, and calculous affections. It seems to exert an influence over the kings, liver and kidneys, without excessive diuresis or catharsis. The milky juice of the root is said to be a protection against the bite of the rattle-snake. Description.-The common name of the plant is Wolfsbane. Th« root is large, fibrous, and whitish internally. The stems MONKSHOOD. Aconitum Napellus. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 105 are simple, straight, erect, round, and about five feet high. The leaves are alternate. The flowers are large and of a deep bluish purple. History.-This perennial herb is a native of most parts of Europe, growing in wooded hills and plains, and is much culti- vated in gardens. It flowers in May and June. All parts of the plant contain powerfully poisonous properties ; but the root is the part most generally employed for medicinal purposes It yields aconite. Government and Virtues.-It is under the influence of Mars. In improper doses aconite, a preparation of Monkshood, is an energetic aero-narcotic poison. As a sedative and anodyne, it is useful in all febrile and inflammatory diseases, and, indeed, in all affections in which there is an increase of nervous, vascular, or muscular action. In acute rheumatism, pneumonia, peri- tonitis, gastritis, and many other acute disorders, it has been used with the most decided advantage. Its action is more especially displayed in the highest grades of fever and inflam- mation. Dose.-The best preparation is the alcoholic extract, formed by evaporating a tincture made of a pound of aconite and a quart of alcohol. The dose is one-eighth of a grain. MOSS, (CORSICAN.) Fucus IlELMiNTHocoRToy. Description.-It has purple branches, and is short and tufty. History.-It is a marine plant, gi owing on the Mediterranean coast, and especially on the Island of Corsica. It is cartila- ginous in consistence, is of a dull and reddish brown color, has a bitter, salt and nauseous taste, and its odor is rather pleasant. Water dissolves its active principles. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by Venus. It is anthelmintic. In cases of intestinal worms, it is without an equal. Dose.-From ten to sixty graius, mixed with molasses or syrup, or in infusion. MOTHERWORT. Matricaria. Description.-The root abides in the ground, as the Hoare- hound does, the smell of both being much alike. It has a 106 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ' strong stalk, rising three or four feet high ; the leaves are of a sad green color, somewhat broad and long, and looking as if crumpled, deeply dinted about the edges, and almost divided. The flowers are red or purple, resembling those of Hoarehound, after which come small, round, blackish seods in great plenty. It is a native of England, and grows only in gardens. Government and Virtues.-It is an herb of Venus, under Leo. It cleanses the chest of mucus and cold phlegm, takes away melancholy vapors from the heart, strengthens it, and makes it merry. It makes women joyful mothers of children, strengthening the womb; hence its name of Motherwort. It may be kept in a syrup or conserve, and will be found useful in trembling of the heart, and faintings and swoonings. MULLEIN". Vekbascvm Thapsus. Description.-Mullein is a biennial plant, with a short, tall, stout, wooly stem, from three to five feet high. The leaves are alternate, oblong, rough, and indented at the margin,-the flowers golden-yellow, arrayed iu a dense, spiked, club-shaped form. History.-Mullein is common in the United States, but was undoubtedly introduced from Europe. It grows in recent clearings, slovenly fields, and along the side of roads, flowering from June to August. The leaves and the flowers are the parts used. They have a faint, rather pleasant odor, and a somewhat bitterish, albuminous taste, and yield their virtues to boiling water. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant under the dominion of Saturn. It is demulcent, diuretic, anodyne, and anti- spasmodic, the infusion being useful iu coughs, catarrh, bleeding from the mouth or lungs, diarrhoea, dysentery and piles. It may be boiled in milk, sweetened, and rendered more palatable by aromatics, for internal use, especially bowel complaints. A fomentation of the leaves in hot vinegar and water, forms an excellent local application for inflamed piles, ulcers and tumors, mumps, acute inflammation of the tonsils, malignant sore throat, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 107 etc. A handful of them may be also placed in an old teapot, with hot water, and the steam be inhaled through the spout, in the same complaints. Description.-The Myrrh tree has a shrubby, arborescent stem, with spinescent branches, a very pale gray bark, and a yellowish white wood. The leaves are remote, on short petioles, and the fruit larger than a pea, smooth and brown. History.-The Myrrh-tree grows in Arabia, and in the regions between Abyssinia and the Red Sea. The juice flows naturally, like cherry-tree gum, upon the bark. At first it is soft and pale yellow, but by drying becomes hard, darker and redder, and forms the medicinal Gum Myrrh. It is readily powdered, and has a peculiar, agreeable, balsamic odor, and a bitter, aromatic, not unpleasant taste. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. It is a stimulant of the mucous tissues, and used to promote expec- toration, as well as menstruation; and is highly useful in enfeebled conditions of the body, excessive mucous secretion, chronic catarrh, leucorrhoea, etc. Also in laryngitis, bronchitis, humoral asthma, and other diseases of the air tubes, accom- panied with profuse secretion, but expelled with difficulty. It is valuable in suppressed menses and cases of anaemia; also as a local application to indolent sores, gangrenous ulcers, aphthous or sloughy sore throat, spongy and ulcerated condition of the gum, cones of the teeth, etc. Dose.-In powder and pill, ten to thirty grains ; of the tincture, from half to two tea spoons'ul. MYRRH. Balsamodendron Myrrha. NARROW LEAF VIRGINIA THYME. Pycnanthemum Pilosum. Description -This is an indigenous, perennial plant, with long and soft whitish hairs, and a subsimple stem. The dowers are white. History.-It is found in low grounds, dry hills, and plains', from Ohio and Illinois extending southward, and flowering in 108 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. July and August. The whole plant is used, and has the taste and odor peculiar to the mint family. Government and Virtues-It is under the dominion of Mars. It is diaphoretic, stimulant, anti-spasmodic, carmina- tive, and tonic. A warm infusion is very useful in puerperal, remittent, and other forms of fever, coughs, colds, catarrhs, etc., and is of much benefit in spasmodic diseases, especially colic, cramp of the stomach, and spasms of infants. The cold infusion is a good tonic and stimulant during convalescence from ex- hausting diseases. It forms a most certain remedy for catarrh when combined with other native and foreign herbs and roots. This remedy for catarrh, which I prepare when ordered, I send at a moderate expense, to any patient who writes me a clear description of the case. Dose.-From one to four fluid ounces of the warm or cold infusion, several times a day. Description.-This is a delicate twining vine, with a peren- nial root. From this root proceeds a smooth, wooly, reddish- brown stem, the sixth of an inch in diameter, and from five to fifteen or eighteen feet long. The leaves average two to four inches in length, and about three-quarters of their length in width. They are glabrous on the upper surface, with soft hairs on the lower. The flowers are of a pale, greenish yel- low color, and are very small. The seeds are one or two in each cell, and flat. History.-There are several species of yam root which grow in the West Indies, and which the natives eat as we do potatoes; but these are not medicinally like the Dioscorea Villosa, which I have described above, and which is a slen- der vine growing wild in the United States and Canada, and found running over bushes and fences, and twining about the growths in thickets and hedges. The further South we go the more prolific it is. It flowers in June and July. The root, which is the part used, is long, branched, crooked and WILD YAM. Dioscorea Villosa. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 109 woody. From this is made a preparation called Dioscorein, or Dioscorin, which contains all its active principle. Government and Virtues.-It is under the control of Venus, regulated by Saturn. Half a pint of the decoction has been used, in almost innumerable cases of bilious colic with great good effect; the same is also employed for spasm of the bowels, and to allay violent nausea; especially, however, the unaccountable nausea of pregnant women. This is something that has never been found before. Dioscorein possesses the properties of the crude root in a marvellous degree. I use it mainly for bilious colic, for which, prepared with other remedies in my peculiar and original way, it is the very best relief and promptest cure now known. I also give it in some forms of uterine disease, (always, however, combined with other material of a similarly excellent character,) but my use of it is chiefly for bilious colic, and for this I commend it to the public. NET LEAF PLANTAIN. Goodyera Rubescens. Description.-The differing names of this plant are Adder's Violet, Rattlesnake Leaf, Scrofula Weed, etc. The leaves are radical, ovate, and dark green. History.-This herb giQws in various parts of the United States, in rich woods and under evergreens, and is commoner southward than northward, although there is a variety (Good- yera Repens) which is plentiful in colder regions of America. It bears yellowish white flowers in July and August. The leaves are the parts employed, and yield their virtues to boiling water. Government and Virtues.-The plant is under the dominion of Jupiter. It is anti-scrofulous, and is known to have cured severe cases of scrofula. The fresh leaves are steeped in milk and applied to scrofulous ulcers as a poultice, or the bruised leaves may be laid on them, and in either case they must be removed every three hours ; at the same time au infusion must be taken as freely as the stomach will allow. It is also good as a wash in scrofulous opthalmia. In my opinion scrofula is 110 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. one of the most obstinate and many-shaped afflictions to which the human race is subjected, but in the production of this and other native and foreign plants, nature has shown her great charity and kindness towards us. There is a preparation, ol which the Net Leaf Plantain forms a material part, which will surely banish all scrofulous taint and effect. Any person suffering from one or more of the many forms of scrofula, can procure this, or a kindred preparation, by writing me a full description of their case. In some of these cases a powerful tonic is required, and this has to be prepared in obedience to the peculiarities of the individual affliction. Seepage415. Description.-This is a fetid, narcotic, bushy herb, with a fibrous root, and an erect, branching, angular, herbaceous, thornless stem oue or two feet in height. Flowers, white or pale violet, with a musky scent. History.-The Garden or Deadly Nightshade is found grow- ing along old walls, fences, and in gardens, in various parts of the United States, flowering in July and August. The leaves are the parts employed, and yield their properties to water, alcohol, or fixed oils. Government and Virtues.-The plant is under the dominion of Mercury. It is a narcotic and sedative, producing, when given in large doses, sickness and vertigo. One to three grains of the leaves, infused in water, will produce a copious perspi- ration and purge on the day following. They have been freely used in cancer, scurvy and scrofulous affections, in the form of an ointment. Very small doses are taken internally. These should always be prescribed, and their effects watched by a physician. It is better to use the plant only in the form of an ointment. The berries are poisonous and will produce torpor, insensibility and death. NIGHTSHADE (GARDEN.) Solanum Nigrum. Description.-This tree inhabits Germany, Russia, Norway, and other northern parts of Europe, as well as of Asia. It is NORWAY PINE. Abies Excelsa. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 111 a large tree, often having a diameter of three or four feet, and an altitude of one hundred and forty feet. It is acrid, irritating mucous surfaces with which it comes in contact, causing sneezing, nausea, vomiting, or purging, according to the parts acted upon. History.-The Norway Pine and the Norway Spruce Fir yield what is known as Burgundy Pitch. Government and Virtues.-The tree is under the dominion of Mercury. Burgundy Pitch is generally used externally to produce a redness of the surface, with a slight serous exhalation. It is employed as a counter-irritant in chronic diseases of the lungs, stomach, intestines, etc., and is regarded with favor as a local application in rheumatic affections. Description.-White snakeroot is perrenial, with a rough, slightly pubescent stem, about a foot and a half, or two feet in height. The leaves vary in length, from one and one half, to three and four inches. The width is about half the length. History.-White snakeroot is essentially an American plant, and is found most plentifully in the middle States, but is also met with as far south as Louisiana. It flowers in August, and also in September. The root is the part used. The virtues are extracted by boiling water, most generally. Government and Virtues.--It is a plant of Jupiter. Al- though it is good for breaking ordinary fevers, and will have a beneficial effect, in decoction, or infusion, upon typhoid cases, I use it mostly as an expectorant and anti-spasmodic in lung complaints, and diseases arising from a disordered condition of the nervous system. In combination with other herbal preparations, I apply it with great success to many peculiar cases of hysteria, hypochondria, and all other forms of nervous irritability. It will sometimes cause sleep when lupulin or opium fails. As an expectorant it is safe and agreeable, and when combined with other things of which I have abundantly spoken in these pages, can, in certain cases, perform wonderful cures. WHITE SNAKEROOT. Eufatorium Aromaticum. 112 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This is a moderate sized tree, with a short, thick, often crooked trunk. The branches are irregular and covered with smooth ash-colored bark. The flowers are small, greenish white, and funnel-shaped. History.-TheNux Vomica tree inhabits Coromandel, Ceylon, and other parts of the East Indies. The seeds are the parts used in medicine. Government and Virtues.-It is under the influence of Mercury. It is an energetic poison, exerting its influence chiefly upon the cerebro-spinal system. It is supposed to affect the spinal cord principally. It is a favorite medicine for paralysis and nervous debility generally, but as there other medicines for the same maladies and diseases quite as efficacious and less dangerous, it should be used very seldom, if ever, and always with extreme caution. NUX VOMICA. Strychnos Nux Vomica. OAK (WHITE, RED and BLACK.) Quercus Alba, Ruba, AND TlNCTORIA. Description.-This is a forest tree, varying in size according to the climate and the soil. Its diameter is from three to six feet-its height from sixty to one hundred feet. There is also the Red and the Black Oak, both averaging about the same size as the White. History.-Quercus is a very extensive and valuable genus, consisting of many species, a large proportion of which grow in the United States. Their usual character is that of astringent, and the three above described are those whioh have been more particularly employed in medicine. The bark of the tree is the portion used. White Oak bark is the one chiefly used in medicine. It is of a pale brownish color, faintly odorous, very astringent, with a slight bitterness, tough, breaking with a stringy or fibrous fracture, and not readily powdered. It con- tains a very large proportion of tannic acid. Black Oak bark is also used as an astringent externally, but is rarely employed internally, as it is liable to derange the bowels. It is also used THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 113 in tanning, and for dying. Red Oak bark also contains con- siderable tannin, and is chiefly applied externally in the treat- ment of cancers, indolent ulcers, etc. Government and Virtues.-The trees are severally under the dominion of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The bark is slightly tonic, powerfully astringent and antiseptic. It is useful inter- nally in chronic diarrhoea, chronic mucous discharges, passive hemorrhages, and wherever an internal astringent is required. In colliquative sweats, the decoction is usually combined with lime water. The gargle and injection are extensively used for sore throat, whites, piles, etc. A bath of the decoction is often advantageous in cutaneous diseases, but should only be used when ordered by a physician. Dose.-Of the decoction, one or two fluid ounces. Of the extract, from five to twenty grains. OAT (OATMEAL.) Avenge Farina. Description.-Avena Sativa, or the Common Oat, lias a smooth stem, from two to four feet high,-root fibrous, annual. History.-Oats have been mentioned by Greek and Roman writers. They are cultivated in all temperate northern latitudes. The seed is kiln-dried, stripped of its outer husk or skin, and ground. It is then oatmeal, a favorite article of food in Scot- land, but used in America only for diet in the sick room. It is odorless, of a dingy white, and quite bitter to the taste. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of the Moon. It is nutritive and demulcent. It is good in habitual constipation; but is of little benefit in dyspepsia. It makes a grand gruel for the convalescent. Oatmeal made into a common cake, baked and browned like coffee, then ground and made into an infusion, forms a drink which will be found excellent for nausea, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, and irritable conditions of the stomach. OKRA. Abelmoschus Esculentus. Description.-This is an annual plant, known also by the name of Gornbo. The stems are somewhat woody around the 114 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. base, erect, branched, round, from three to six feet in height, and three or four inches in diameter. The flowers are of a pale yellow color with a dark crimson bottom. History.-The Okra is a native of the West Indies. It is also raised in the Southern parts of the United States, where the capsule is employed for soups, and for pickles. The capsule is the part employed, and is highly mucilaginous. The seeds of another variety, it is said, are sometimes used by the Arabians to mix with their coffee, but of this we have no positive evidence. Government and Virtues.-The Okra is under the dominion of Saturn. It is mucilaginous, and may be employed wherever emollients and demulcents are indicated. The leaves make an unsurpassable softening and relaxing cataplasm. The seeds are used much, on account of their agreeable odor, by perfumers. OLD MAN'S BEARD. Chionanthus Virginica. Description.-This is a shrub, or small tree growing from eight to twenty five feet high. There is nothing remarkable about the stem or leaves. The flowers are in dense pendulous panicles, the calyx being very small, the corolla consisting of four long and linear petals, etc. History.-It is sometimes called the Fringe tree, and is very ornamental, and is much cultivated in gardens from Pennsyl- vania to Tennessee. It grows on river banks and on elevated places, presenting clusters of snow-white flowerg in May and June. The bark of the root, which imparts its properties to water or alcohol, is the part used. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mer- cury. The bark is aperient, alterative, and diuretic, with some narcotic properties. An infusion is recommended for bilious, typhoid, and intermittent fevers. To convalescents who are suffering from the effects ot exhaustive diseases, it is an excellent tonic and restorative. It can be used to advantage as a poultice for ulcers, wounds, and external inflammations. Dose.-Of the infusion, from the half a fluid ounce to two THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 115 fluid ounces, repeated several times through the day, according to the influence it exerts upon the system. OLD FIELD BALSAM. Gnaphalium Polycephalum. Description.-This plant is also known as White Balsam, Sweet-scented, Life Everlasting, etc. It is indigenous, herba- ceous and annual, with an erect, whitish, woolly, and much- branched stem, which grows to the height of one or two feet. The flowers are tubular and yellow. History.-Old Field Balsam is found in Canada, and various parts of the United States, growing in old fields and on dry barren lands. It bears whitish yellow flowers in July and August. The leaves have a pleasant aromatic smell, and are the parts used. They readily yield their properties to water. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus in the sign of Virgo. It is an astringent. Ulcerations of the mouth and throat are relieved by chewing the leaves and blossoms. In fevers, a warm infusion is found to be very serviceable; also in quinsy, and pulmonary and bronchial com- plaints. It is also valuable, in infusion, for diseases of the bowels, and hemorrhages ; and the leaves, applied to bruises, indolent tumors, and other local affections, are said to be very efficacious. GUAIACUM. Lignum This tree varies in height from fifteen to fifty feet, and grows slowly. It has a crooked trunk, and knotted and gnarled branches The tree inhabits all the West India Islands, but is more prolific in Jamaica, St. Domingo, and St. Thomas, than in others. The whole tree possesses medicinal virtues, but its chief useful qualities are obtained from the wood, and the resin or solidified juice of it, which embodies the medicinal virtues of the whole, including leaves and flowers. The bark is sometimes used, but never with so much good effect as the resin of the wood. 116 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-The Orange is a middle-sized evergreen tree with an aborescent stem, covered with bark of a greenish brown color, and having axillary spines on the branches. The flowers are large and white, rendering the atmosphere around very fragrant. History.-The Orange is a native of Asia, and is cultivated in the southern parts of Europe and America, and in the West Indies. The fruit varies according to the climate in which it is grown. The China Orange is the sweetest. Orange Fiower Water, which is prepared in France and Italy, for perfuming purposes, is said to be an excellent anti-spasmodic. The outer rind of the orange is used for medicinal purposes, the inner or pulply rind being discarded in consequence of its tendency to mould. Orange peel yields a volatile oil, which is of considerable use. It must not be confounded with Oil of Neroli, which is of an inferior grade. Government and Virtues.-The Orange is under the dominion of Venus. The peel is aromatic and slightly tonic. In order to correct the taste of disagreeable medicines, it is very liberally used. Dose.-Of the rind of the Seville orange, as a tonic, from thirty to sixty grains, three times a day. ORANGE. Citrus Aurantium. Description.-This plant is known as Blue Cohosh, and Squaw Root. It is a smooth glaucous plant, purple when young, with a high round stem from one to three feet in height. The flowers appear in May and June. History.-It is a handsome perennial plant, growing in all parts of the United States, near running streams, and in low, moist, rich grounds. Also in swamps and on islands. The seeds, which ripen in August, make a decoction which closely resembles coffee. The berries are dry and rather mawkish. The Officinal part is the root. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter. It is PAPOOSE ROOT. Caulophyllum Thalictroides. THE COMPLETE HEP.BALIST. 117 principally used as an emmenagogue, parturient, and anti-spas- modic. It also possesses diuretic, diaphoretic and anthelmintic properties. It is employed in rheumatism, colic, cramps, hic- cough, epilepsy, hysteria, uterine inflammation, etc. Dose.-Of the decoction, from two to four fluid ounces three or four times a day. PARSLEY. Petroselinum Sativum. Description.-This is a biennial plant, with a fleshy, spindle- shaped root, and a round, erect, smooth, branching stem. The flowers are white or greenish. History.-Although Parsley is reared in all parts of tho civilized world as a culinary vegetable, it is a native of Europe. The root is the officinal part. From the seeds French chemists have succeeded in obtaining an essential oil, named Apiol, which has proved to be a good substitute for quinia in inter- mittent fevers. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by Venus. It is diuretic, and very excellent in dropsy and other exanthematous diseases. It is also frequently used to remedy retention of urine, strangury, and gonorrhoea. The seeds are sometimes used as carminatives. They will kill vermin in the head. The leaves, bruised, are a good application for contusions, swelled breasts and enlarged glands. Dose.-Of the oil, for diuretic purposes, three or four drops a day; of the infusion, two to four fluid ounces three or four times a day. Description.-This is an indigenous evergreen herb, with a perennial root, from which arises a smooth and creeping stem, with flat, dark green and shining leaves. The fruit is dry and berry-like. It is sometimes called by the titles of One Berry, Winter Clover, Deer Berry, etc. History.-Partridge Berry is indigenous to the United States. It grows both in dry woods and swampy places, and flowers iu June and July. The berry is bright scarlet and edible, but PARTRIDGE BERRY. Mitchella Repens. 118 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. nearly tasteless. The leaves, which look something like clover, remain green throughout the winter. The whole plant is used, readily imparting its virtues to alcohol or boiling water. Government and Virtues.-The plant is under the dominion of Venus. Partridge Berry is parturient, (producing or pro- moting child-birth, or labor,) diuretic and astringent. In all uterine diseases it is highly beneficial. The Indian women use it for weeks before confinement, in order to render parturition safe and easy. Ladies who wish to use it for that purpose, however, should consult an herbal physician of experience for a proper, safe, and effectual preparation. The remedy is exclu- sively American, not being used or even noticed by European practitioners. Dose.-Of a strong decoction, from two to four fluid ounces, three or four times a day. The berries are good for dysentery. They are also highly spoken of as a cure for sore nipples. The applicatiou for the nipples is made by boiling a strong decoc- tion of the leaves down to a thick liquid, and then adding cream to it. It is not, however, equal to the Herbal Oint- ment, for an account of which see page 411. PEACH. Amygdalis Persica. Description.-The Peach tree is well known by almost every person. It is commonly considered a native of Persia, spring- ing by cultivation from the Almond. Flowers, rose-color, ap- pearing before the leaves. The leaves are green, from three to five inches long. History.-The Peach tree is cultivated in all parts of the United States, where its fruit reaches a greater degree of com- pletion and excellence than in any other country. Its height is from eight to fifteen feet. Its fruit is large, being from one to four iuches in diameter, juicy, containing sugar, malic acid, etc., and of a delicious flavor. There are about two hundred varieties of this fruit, of which one-third are cling stones, tho flesh adhering to the stone, and the remainder free-stones or clear stones, the flesh free, or separating from the stone, the THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 119 stone resembling very much a hardshell almond. The kernels somewhat resemble bitter almonds, but are smaller, and possess similar medical virtues. Hydrocyanic acid can be obtained from all parts of the tree. Government and Virtues.-Like the Almond, it is a plant of Lady Venus. Peach leaves in infusion are useful in morbid irritability of the bladder, and urethra, in petussis, ischaria, hematuria, and nausea, as well as in all inflammations of the stomach and abdomen. They act as a sedative in doses of a tablespoonful every hour or two of the cold-infusion. In larger doses, the infusion slightly acts upon the bowels, and has been found useful in removing worms. The kernels are similarly em- ployed in the form of tincture, infusion, or syrup. Four ounces of the kernels to a quart of brandy form a powerful tonic in inter- mittent fever, and are remarkably efficacious in curing leu- corrhcea or whites, in females. Dose.-A teaspoonful three or four times a day. The milk or cream of the kernels beiug drawn forth with some Vervain water, applied to the head or temples will induce sleep in sick persons requiring it. A few drops of the oil dropped in the ears will ease pains in them. The juice of the leaves will do the same. The kernels bruised and boiled in vinegar to a thick paste or ointment, will cause the hair to grow upon bald places, on the head. See page 417. PEARL FLOWERED LIFE EVERLASTING . Antexnaria Margaritaceum. Description.-This is a perennial plant, with a simple, erect stem. History.-This plant is sometimes called Sweet Balsam. It is slightly fragrant, and grows in dry hills and woods through- out the United States. It is from one to two feet in height, and bears yellow and white flowers in July. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Jupi ter. The leaves, which are the parts used, are anodyne, astrin- gent and pectoral. They are regarded as one of the most valu- 120 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. able agents known to the medical faculty in the cure of Piihnon* ary affections, and of obstinate diarrhoea and dysentery. The chief value is, however, in its action upon diseases of the lungs and liver. It is said to be unfailing in the cure of the bites of poisonous insects and reptiles, applied externally as a hot poul tice. Its soothing, restorative, and healing qualilies are un- limited. See article on " Acacian Balsam," page 401. Dose.-Ordinary infusion. Description.-This plant has many names, among which are Hardhack, Horseweed, Heal-all, Richweed, and Oxbalm. The name professionally recognized, is that at the head of this arti- cle. The plant has a smooth, four-sided stem, from two to four feet in height, and a knobby root. The leaves are thin, and from six to eight inches long by three or four wide. The flowers are yellow and in large clusters. Seeds number four, of which three are sterile. History.-This plant grows in moist woods from Canada to Carolina, and flowers from July to September. The whole plant has a strong odor and a pungent and spicy taste. The odor of the fresh root is slightly disagreeable. The whole plant is generally used, and has its value. The chief virtues of the plant are, however, concentrated in the root, which should never be used when fresh. When properly gathered and prepared, after the recognized formula, it is known by the name of Collinsonin, which name is derived from its dis- coverer, Peter Collinson. Government and Virtues.-Stoneroot is under the dominion of the Moon. It is used with good effect in chronic catarrh of the blajder, (as are other plants mentioned elsewhere,) whites, and weak stomach. It exerts a strong influence over all the mucus tissues. It is a very fair stimulant, and a gentle tonic and diuretic. The preparation called Collin- sonin, is very valuable as a remedy for hemorrhoids, and all other diseases of the rectum, and for such afflictions I COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. Stoneroot. Crowfoot Yellow Erythronium Coltsfoot THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 121 recommend it highly. It is chiefly used in inveterate and chronic cases. The largest dose is five grains; the average dose two grains. The infusion or decoction of the plant may be moderately used without additional remedies, and in some instances so may the Collinsonin; but, in about every case a skilful combination of the latter with other standard pre- parations, is necessary to insure easy and speedy restoration to good health. Stoneroot is used externally-the leaves par- ticularly-in fomentation and poultice, and bruises, wounds, blows, sprains, contusions, cuts, ulcers, sores, etc. I cannot call the attention of the reader too strongly to the effect the preparation called Collinsonin has upon all affections of the urinary organs. It must be combined with other remedies. PEONY. Paonia Officinalis. Description.-Peony has many thick, long-spreading, peren- nial roots, running deep into the ground, with an erect, herba- ceous, large, green and branching stem, about two or three feet high. The flowers are large, red, terminal, solitary. History.-This plant is indigenous to Southern Europe, and is cultivated in gardens in the United States and elsewhere on account of the elegance of its large flowers, which ap- pear from May to August. The root is the officinal part. This, with the seeds and flowers, yields its virtues to diluted spirits. Government and Virtues.-The Peony is under the dominion of Venus, combined with Mars. It is anti-spasmodic and tonic, and can be advantageously employed in chorea, epilepsy, spasms, and various nervous affections. An infusion of value is made by adding an ounce of the root in coarse powder to a pint of a boiling liquid composed of one part of good gin and two parts of water. Dose.-Two or three fluid ounces, (sweetened) three or four times a day. 122 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. PERUVIAN BALSAM, OR BALSAM OF PERU. Description.-The tree from which this is procured is large, with a thick, straight, smooth trunk, and a coarse, grey, com- pact, heavy, granulated bark. The bark is of a pale straw color, filled with resin, which, according to its quantity, changes the color to citron, yellow, red, or dark chestnut ; smell and taste grateful, balsamic, and aromatic. History.-The tree is common to the forests of Peru, and flowers from July to October. The natives call it Quinguino. It contains a large amount of Balsamic juice which yields copiously when the bark is incised. Balsam of Peru, in thin layers, has a dark, reddish brown color; in bulk, it is black or of the color of molasses. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn. It is an expectorant and stimulant, acting especially on mucus tissues, lessening their secretions when profuse. It is a specific in Bronchial affections. It is very useful in all chronic affections ot mucous tissues, as in catarrh, gonorrhoea mucous inflammation of the stomach and bowels, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, leucorrhcea, etc. Applied externally to obstinate ulcers, wounds, tetter, cancer, etc., it works won- ders. Dose.-For external use, it may be made in the form of an ointment by melting it with an equal weight of tallow. The dose is from ten to thirty drops, mixed with water and the yolk of an egg, or consolidated with gum arabic. There can be no question as to the specific virtues of this and several foreign herbs for diseases such as leucorrhcea, or 'vhites, and in cases where our ordinary preparations fail to make a cure. I will, upon receiving a written description of the trouble, make a special medicine which will no doubt have the desired effect. There are many peculiar cases in the class of diseases alluded to, which require especial treatment. Pa- Myrospermum Peruiferum. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 123 tients who write will receive a prompt answer, telling them the moderate rate of compensation required, etc As an ointment, it is most excellent, made as follows Beef's Marrow, one ounce. Sulphate of Quinia, ten grains. Balsam of Peru, one drachm. PILE WORT. Lesser Celandine. Description.-This plant is a native of Europe, and spreads around many pale, green leaves, set on weak and trailing branches, which lie upon the ground, and are flat, smooth, and somewhat shining. The flowers are small and yellow, the seeds being like grains of wheat, of a whitish color, with fibres at the end of them. They grow near water-sides and in moist corners of fields, sometimes in dryer grounds. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mars. In this plant, we see another verification of the researches and learning of the ancient Herbalists, viz : that the virtue of an herb may be known by its signature, as plainly appears in this. For if you dig up the root of it, you will perceive the perfect image of the disease commonly called the piles. Now it is well known that the decoction of leaves and roots is almost a certain cure for piles and hemorrhoids. It is also excellent for kernels by the ears and throat called " King's Evil," or any other hardness or tumors. I use this as an ingredient in the Herbal Ointment, and it is certain the plant is not misnamed as there can be no better remedy for piles, and fistula. See page 411. PLEURISY ROOT. Asclepias Tuberosa. Description.-Pleurisy-root is also known by the names of Butterfiij-zveed, Tuber-root, Asclepias, etc. It has a perennial, large, fleshy, Vihite, persiform root, from which arise numerous stems, growing from one to three feet high, round, hairy, green or red, in bunches from the root. The leaves are hairy, dark green above, paler beneath, waved on the edges, the floweia numerous and erect, of a beautiful bright orange color. 124 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. History.-It is a native of the United States, more particu' larly the Southern States, inhabiting gravelly and sandy soil, and flowering in July and August. The root is the medicinal part, When fresh, it has a disagreeable, slightly acrimonious taste, but when dried, the taste is slightly bitter. Boiling water extracts its virtues. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Jupiter, and much used in decoction or infusion for the purpose of promoting per- spiration and expectoration in diseases of the respiratory organs, especially pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, catarrhal affec- tions, etc. It is likewise carminative, tonic, diuretic and»anti- spasmodic, but does not stimulate. Acute rheumatism, fever, dysentery, etc., are benefit ted by a free use of the warm infu- sion. It is also highly efficacious in some cases of dyspepsia, lu uterine difficulties it has also been found of great value. Dose.-Of the powder, twenty to sixty grains, three or four times a day. Of a strong tincture, one or two wine-glasses full four or five times a day, until perspiration is produced. Description.-This root sends forth new shoots every year, the stalks are more or less tall, at the top of which stand many star-like flowers, very like those of St. John's Wort. It grows in groves and low woods, flowers in June and July, and the seeds ripening in August. It has the same properties of St. John's Wort, but somewhat weaker. ST. PETERS WORT. POKE. Phytolacca Decandra. Description.-It is an indigenous, perennial plant, known as Digeonberry, Garget, Scoke, Coakum, etc. It has a fleshy root, frequently exceeding a man's leg in diameter, easily cut or broken, and covered with a very thin brownish bark or cuticle. The stems are annual, about one inch in diameter, round, smooth, branching, green when young, and purple when matured, grow- ing from five to nine feet in height. The leaves are scattered» ovate-oblong, smooth on both sides, ribbed undern?ath, five inches long and two or three in width. The berries are in THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 125 clusters, dark purple, almost black, round, depressed or flat- tened, marked with ten furrows on the sides. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn. It grows along hedges, in neglected fields and meadows, along road-sides, moist grounds, etc., flowering from July to Septem- ber. The officinal parts of this plant are the roots, leaves, and berries. The root, which is more commonly employed, should be gathered in the latter weeks of autumn, cleansed from dirt and impurities, sliced transversely, and carefully dried. It is inodorous, mild, rather sweetish taste, succeeded by considerable acidity. It contains gum, resin, starch, sugar, tannic acid, etc. The leaves should be gathered just previous to the ripening of the berries ; the berries when fully matured. The berries contain an abundance of a beautiful dark-purple juice, which is the most delicate test of acids yet known. The early sprouts are often used for greens, but become cathartic as they advance to maturity. POMEGRANATE. Punica Granatum. Description.-This is a small tree or shrub with large red flowers. The fruit is the size of a small musk melon. History.-The Pomegranate is Asiatic, but has been natural- ized in the West Indies. The flowers, and the rind of the bark are extensively employed for medicinal purposes. Government and Virtues.-The tree, or shrub is under the dominion of Saturn. The flowers and rind of the fruit are astringent, and are used for the arrest of mucus discharges, hemorrhages, night-sweats, and diarrhoea accompanying con- sumption. They are also very good for intermittent fever and tape-worm. The bark of the root is used as a specific for tape- worm, and its chief virtues being healing, and balsamic, applied to ulcerations of the lungs. Dose.-The dose of the rind or flowers in powder is from one to two scruples, and in decoction from one to three fluid ounces PRIVET. Ligvstrum Vulgare. Description.-In England the Privet is carried up with 126 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. many slender branches to a reasonable height and breadth, to cover arbors, bowers, and banquetting houses, and brought ot wrought into many fantastic forms, as birds, men, horses, etc. It bears long and narrow green leaves by the couples, and sweet smelling white flowers in tufts, at the end of the branches, which turn into small, black berries, that have a purplish juice, and some seeds that are flat on the one side, with a hole or dent therein. The American Privet has the same or a similar appearance. History.-It is supposed to have been introduced into Amer- ica from England, but it is indigenous to Missouri, and found growing in wild woods and thickets, from New England to Virginia and Ohio. It is also cultivated in American gardens. The leaves are used for medicinal purposes. They have but little odor, and an agreeable bitterish and astringent taste. They yield their virtues to water or alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Moon- The leaves are astringent. A decoction of them is valuable in chronic bowel complaints, ulcerations of stomach and bowels, or as a gargle for ulcers of mouth and throat. It is also good as an injection for ulcerated ears with offensive discharges, len- corrhooa, etc. This ingredient I use in a wash for leucorrhoea, which never fails to cure. This wash can be had from mo at a reasonable price, as I have so great a demand for it that I have to make it in large quantities, and keep it con- stantly on hand. Dose.-Of the powdered leaves thirty to sixty grains, three times a day ; of tlje decoction two to four teacupsful. The berries are reputed cathartic, and the bark is said to be as effectu d as the leaves, as it contains sugar, mannite, starch, bitter resin, bitter extractive, albumen, salts, and a peculiar substance called Liguslrin. QUASSIA. Picrasna Excelsa. Quassia Amara. Description.-This is a tree growing from fifty to a hundred feet high, known as Lofty Quassia, Bitter Wood, Bitter Ash, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 127 etc. The Quassia Amara, or bitter quassia, is a shrub, or moderately sized branching tree, having a greyish bark. History.-Quassia Amara inhabits Surinam, Guiana, Colom- bia, Panama, and the West India Islands. It flowers in November and December. The bark, wood and root, which are intensely bitter, are used to the greatest advantage in malignant fevers. For the medicinal parts of this tree, as they seldom reach England or America, we get, as a substitute the Picrcena Excelsa of Jamaica and other neighboring islands which flowers in October and November, and in the two succeeding months matures its fruit. Government and Virtues.-It is under the influence of Saturn. Quassia is tonic, febrifuge, and anthelmintic. Cups made of the wood have been used for many years by persons requiring a powerful tonic. Any liquid standing in one of these vessels a few moments will become thoroughly impregnated by its peculiar medicinal qualities. It is a capital vermifuge, and most excellent for dyspepsia, but by no means so good as " Re- storative Assimilant," or Blue Vervain remedy, for a descrip- tion of which see page 397. A strong decoction of quassia, well sweetened with molasses or sugar, is an effectual fly poison. Dose.-Of the powder, thirty grains ; of the infusion from one to three fluid ounces ; of the tincture one or two fluid drachms, and of the extract from two to ten grains. QUEEN OF THE MEADOW. Eupatorium Purpureum. Description.-This plant is also known as Joe fire, Gravel Doot, Trumpet Weed, etc., and is herbaceous, with a perennial, horizontal, woody caudex with many long, dark brown fibres, W'hich send up one or more solid green (sometimes purplish) stems, five or six feet in height, with a purple band at the point about an inch broad. The flowers are all tubular, purple, vary- ing to whitish. History.-Queen of the Meadow grows in low places, dry woods or meadows, in the Northern, Western and Middle States 128 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. of the American Union, and flowers in August and September. The root is the officinal part. It has a smell resembling old hayt and a slightly bitter, aromatic taste, which is faintly astringent but not unpleasant. It yields its properties to water by decoc- tion or spirits. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Jupiter. It is diuretic, stimulant, astringent, and tonic. It is used in all chronic urinary disorders, as well as in hematuria, gout and rheumatism, with moderate good effect. Dose.-Of the decoction, from two to four fluid ounces three or four times a day. QUEEN'S ROOT. Stillingia Sylvatica. Description.-This plant has other names, such as Queen's Delight, Silver Leaf, and Yaw Root. It is perennial, with a stem which grows from three to four feet high, which, when broken, yields a peculiar milky sap. The flowers are yellow and ranged on a terminal spike. History.-Queen's Root grows in sandy soils and is a native of the southern part of the United States. The root is the part used. It should be used as soon after being gathered as possi- ble, as age impairs its properties. The latter yield to water; but are better extracted by diluted alcohol. Its properties appear to be owing to a very acrid oil, known as the Oil of Stillingia. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars. In large doses the oil vomits and purges, and is unpleasant to the stom- ach, while it produces extreme prostration of the general system. In small doses it is of very great-I may say unsur- passable-value as an alterative. It is very extensively used in all the various forms of primary and secondary syphilitic affections,-also in scrofulous, hepatic, and cutaneous affections, -also, with combinations of anise or caraway, for laryngitis and bronchitis. The oil, unless well incorporated with some muci- laginous or saccharine substance, should never be used internally. But it has great value as an external stimulating application. 129 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. CALADIUM SEGUINUM. Description.-This is a plant of a shrubby form, with com- pound leaves, having many reticulated veins. History.-This plant grows in the warmer parts of India, and has, for a long time, been highly esteemed for a juice which it yields at certain seasons of the year. They gather it in large quantities, and look upen it as one of the most val- uable of their great stock of herbal remedies. The juice is very acrid when first yielded. It concretes, and in that shape may be transported a great distance. Its virtues may be preserved in any climate by proper care. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus. It has great power in the cure of gout and rheuma- tism, neuralgia, scorbutis and scrofula; but its chief value is in its remedial application to all inflammatory conditions of the genital organs. Description.-This is an evergreen, low, perennial herb, with smooth, shining, thick leaves, nearly two inches in diam- eter. The flowers are numerous, large, white, and fragrant. History.-This herb is known also by the names of Pear Leaf Wintergreen Canker-Lettuce, Shin Leaf, etc. It grows plentifully throughout the United States in damp and shady woods, and flowers in June and July. The flowers are nume- rous, and white. The whole herb is used, and yields its qualities readily to water. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by Jupiter. It is astringent, diuretic, tonic, and anti-spasmodic. The decoc- tion is much used in all skin diseases, and is good to eradicate a scrofulous taint from the system. It is used in injection for whites and various diseases of the womb. The herb is applied with profit as a poultice to ulcers, swellings, boils, felons, and inflammations. The decoction will be found beneficial as a gargle for sore throat and mouth, and as a wash for sore or opthalmic eyes. Administer it internally for gravel, ulcera- ROUND LEAF PYROLA. Pyrola Rotundifolia. 130 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. tion of the bladder, bloody urine, and other urinary diseases; also, for epilepsy and other nervous affections. of the decoction one fluid ounce three times a day; of the extract two to four grains. RAGGED CUP. Silphium Perfoliatum. Description.-This plant is known somewhat extensively aa the Indian Cup Plant ; but the name we have given it here is the proper one. It has a perennial, horizontal, pitted rhizome (or fleshy root,) and a large, smooth, herbaceous stem, from four to seven feet high and often branched above. The flowers are terminal, with from fifteen to twenty-five oblong, lanceolate yellow rays, and a large dark colored disk. History.-This plant is common to the Western states, and is found growing in rich bottoms, bearing numerous yellow flowers which are perfected in August. It has a large, long and crooked root, which is the part used medicinally, and which readily impartsits properties to alcohol or water. It will yield a bitterish gum, somewhat similar to Frankincense, which is frequently used to sweeten the breath. Government and Virtues.-It is under the influence of Jupiter, and is tonic, diaphoretic, and alterative. A strong infusion of the root, made by long steeping, or an extract, is said to be one of the best remedies for the removal of Ague-cake, or enlarged spleen. It is also useful in intermittent and remittent fevers, internal bruises, debility, ulcers, liver affections, and as a general alterative restorative. The gum is said to be stimu- lant and anti-spasmodic. The Spleen is an organ whose func- tions the very best of the old school physicians cannot define ; but that it is the seat of very many most distressing diseases is a fact which not one of them will pretend to deny. It is, as nearly as can be ascertained by the most laborious research, a dependent of the liver and stomach, and what deranges it deranges both the stomach and the liver. I have given it my earnest attention, and will be happy to correspond, with a view to cure any of the above diseases, with any of my readers at a reasonable charge. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 131 RATTLEBUSH. Baptista Tinctoria. Description.-This plant is known as Wild Indigo, Horse-fig Weed, etc. It is a perennial with a blackish and woody root, yellowish internally, and sending off many rootlets. The stem is much branched, round, smooth, and two or three feet high. Leaves small, flowers yellow, seeds small and subreniform. History-This small shrub grows in dry places in many parts of the United States, and bears bright yellow flowers in July and August. The fruit is of a bluish-black color in the form of an oblong pod, and contains indigo, tannin, an acid, and baptisin. Any portion of the plant, when dried, yields a blue dye which is, however, not equal in value to indigo. If the shoots are used after they acquire a green color they will cause drastic purgation. Alcohol or water will take up the active proper- ties of this plant. Medicinally, both the root and the leaves are valuable and deserve to be better known than they are at present as remedial agents. The virtues of the root reside chiefly iu the bark. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn. It is purgative, emetic, astringent, and antiseptic. For its antiseptic qualities or properties, it is more highly esteemed than for any other. A decoction of the bark of the root is efficacious in the cure of all kinds of external sores and ulcerations. It is used in decoction or syrup, for scarlatina, typhus, and all cases where there is a tendency to putrescency. A preparation of this agent, (with other ingredients) if made by an experienced her- balist and physician, will surely destroy all gangrenous and putrescent diseases. Dose.-Of the decoction one tablespoonful every two or four hours, as required. The decoction is made by boiling one ounce of the powdered bark in two pints of water until they are I educed to one pint. Description.-liubus Strigosus is a shrubby, strongly insipid plant about five feet in height, the fruit is ft red berry, hemis- pherical, and of a rich delicious flavor. RED RASPBERRY. Rubus Strigosus. 132 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. History.-The Red Raspberry grows wild, and is common to Canada and the Northern and Middle United States. It grows in hedges and thickets, and upon neglected fields. It flowers in May, and its fruit ripens from June to August. The leaves are the parts used medicinally. They impart their properties to water, giving to the infusion an odor and flavor somewhat similar to black tea. Government and Virtues-The Red Raspberry is govern- ed by Jupiter. It is very useful as an astringent. An infu- sion or decoction of the leaves has been found an excellent re- medy in diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera infantum, and all dis- eases of a kindred nature. It is somewhat freely used as a wash and injection for leucorrhoea, gleet, gonorrhoea, and prolapsis uteri and ani. The decoction of the leaves combined with cream, will suppress nausea and vomiting. It is sometimes used as an aid in labor, and has been efficacious in promoting uterine contractions when ergot has failed. This plant is .one of the ingredients of my prepared remedy for the above diseases. Dose.-Of the decoction, from one to four fluid ounces several times a day. Of the pulverized root bark, which is sometimes used, from twenty to thirty grains. Description.-This plant is sometimes called New Jersey Red, Root, and is likewise known as the Wild Snowball. It has a large root, with a red or brown skin, containing many small white veins, and tolerably thick ; body of the root dark red. History.-This plant is very abundant in the United States, especially in the western portion thereof. It grows in dry wood- lands, bowers, etc., and flowers from June to August. Toe leaves are sometimes used as a substitute for Chinese tea, which, when dried, they much resemble. The root, which is officinal, contains a large amount of Prussic Acid. Government and Virtues-It is governed by Venus. Red Root, properly prepared, is an astringent, expectorant, sedative, anti-spasmodic, and anti-syphilitic. It is used with great good RED ROOT. Ceanothus Amertcanus. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 133 effect in dysentery, asthma, chronic bronchitis, whooping-cough, and consumption. See page 401. Dose.-Ordinary, after extracting its active principle with water. RHATANY. Krameria Triandria. Description.-Rhatany has a very long and branched root, with a thick bark, reddish brown externally, and red internally. The stem is round, much branched and taper. The branches are two and three feet long, white and silky when young, dark and naked when old. The flowers are red, solitary and axilla* ry. The fruit is a dry, hairy drupe, furred with dull, red hooks. Seeds one or two. History.-Rhatany flowers all the year round, and grows upon the sandy, dry and gravelly hills of Peru. The root is the officinal part, and is dug up in large quantities after the rains. It was made officinal in 1780 by Ruiz, but long before that the natives had used it as a strong astringent for various diseases, afflictions, maladies and complaints. In Portugal, to which the Peruvians send the bulk of the roots gathered, it is used to adulterate red wines. The best method of extracting the medicinal qualities of the root, is to put it powdered in a displacer and pass water through. This will bring a brick-red aqueous solution, which will embrace all the medical virtues. There is a false Rhatany, the source of which is unknown. Government and Virtues.-This is a plant of Mercury. It is a powerful astringent, and slightly tonic. It is beneficial wherever powerful astringents are required, and may be used to advantage, if properly prepared, for all diseases which call for the application of a decided astringent. RHEUMATISM ROOT. Jeffersonia Diphylla. Description.-This plant, sometimes called Twin leaf and Ground-Squirrel Pea, is indigenous to the United States, is perennial, and has a horizontal rhizoma or fleshy root, with matted fibrous radicles. The stem is simple, naked, one flow- ered, and from eight to fourteen inches in height. The leaves 134 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. are not peculiar. The flowers are large, regular and white. Seeds many. History.-This plant is found from New York to Maryland and Virginia, and in many parts of the Western States. It grows chiefly in limestone soil, but also is found in woods and near rivers, irrespective of limestone, and flowers in April and May. The root is the part used, and its virtues are extracted by water or alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Sun In decoction and adulterated tincture it is applied with the best effect in cases of secondary syphilis, syphilic pains, spasms, cramps, all nervous diseases ; but more especially, in Dropsy, for which, with other growths of an assimilating character, it is accounted to be a specific. Of itself, it is merely a palliative of this disease in its various stages, but made up with its proper accompaniments, and given according to the exact state of the disease, and its particular location, it cannot-never does, in fact-fail of a perfect cure in a short time. I very frequently get letters from persons suffering with dropsy. If I have a faithful description of it, I can supply a particular preparation, of which this plant will be one of the ingredients, which will restore the patient to health very speedily. The expense will be moderate. The root, as prepared, is strongly diuretic, alter- ative, anti-spasmodic, and a stimulating diaphoretic. Dose.-Of the decoction, from two to four fluid ounces three or four times a day. Of the saturated tinctnre from one to three fluid drachms three times a day. Description.-The scientific world happens to be in much argument as to the exact plant or plants from which Rhubarb is produced. It is, however, well known to all instructed her- balists that Rhubarb is the root of a Rheum, and that the plant from which the drug of the shops is obtained chiefly in- habits Chinese Tartary, and grows wild on the mountains and highlands of that section of the globe. RHUBARB. Rheum Palmatum. 135 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. History.-There are more than a dozen species of the plant, descriptions of which are unnecessary. Thus we have Russian, English, French and Chinese Rhubarb, all of which are nearly equal, if carefully prepared, in beneficial medicinal efficacy. The root, as I have stated before, is the part used. Government and Virtues.-It is unquestionably a plant ol the Moon, all solar rays and influences having to be excluded from it during the drying and perfecting process. It is cathar- tic, astringent and tonic. It has been highly recommended for constipation attended by dyspepsia, but I think its virtues in itself much overated. Like all herbal remedies, it has its use, if properly combined with other ingredients. Alone, or as a specific, every field, wood, plain and mountain, contains some- thing equally effective and valuable. Dose.-Of the powder, as a purgative, from ten to thirty grains. As a laxative, from five to ten grains. As a tonic, from one to five grains. Of the tincture or syrup one to two fluid drachms. RICE. Oryza Sativa. Description.-Rice is an annual plant, with several pointed stems, from two to ten feet in height. The leaves are long, slender and clasping. The seed is weighty and peculiar. History.-Rice is supposed to have been originally a native of the East Indies, but is now cultivated in nearly all parts of the world where the soil and climate are favorable. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus in the sign of Sagittarius. It is nutritious, and when boiled soft in water will be found advantageous as a diet for persons afflicted by weak stomachs or diarrhoea. ROBIN'S RYE. Polytrichum Juniperum. Description.-This plant is sometimes called Hair Cap Moss, Ground Moss, Bear's Bed, etc. It is perennial, with a simple or divided stem ; more generally simple, slender, of a reddish color, and from four to seven inches in height. History.-It is an evergreen plant found on high places, 136 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. along the margins of dry woods and exposed places, mostly on poor, sandy soil. The whole plant is officinal. It yields its properties to boiling water by infusion. Government and Virtues.-This plant is under the influence of Saturn. It is one of the most reliable and important reme- dial agents with which nature has blessed us, but is not gener- ally known to, or used by, practitioners. I became acquainted with its virtues by mere accident while staying at a farm-house near where it grew in profusion, and while I was searching for other plants. By actual experience, I have known it to pro- duce, in conjunction with Net-Leaf Plantain and other veg- etable growths, of a similar character, the evacuation from a dropsical patient of over twenty to forty pounds of water in the space of twenty-four hours. It possesses but very little smell or taste, and never produces any nausea or disagreeable sensa- tion in the stomach. In Dropsies, in the form in which I pre- pare it with other ingredients, it is a sure and certain cure, never having failed. For each case, according to its extent and duration, location, etc., I make an especial preparation, which I will send to any part of this country by Express. In order to do this effectually, it is necessary that the patient should send me full particulars in writing, stating sex, age, etc. Officinal Preparation.-Infusum Polytrichii. ROSEMARY. Rosmarinus Officinalis. Description.-Rosemary is an erect, perennial, evergreen shrub, densely leafly, from two to four feet high, and with nu- merous ash colored branches. The flowers are few, bright blue or white. History.-Rosemary is a native of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean, and is cultivated in nearly every garden for its fragrance and beauty. It flowers in April and May. The parts used in medicine are the flowering tops. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Ve- nus, and is stimulant, anti-spasmodic and emmenagogue. The oil is principally Dose-Of the oil, internally, from three to six drops. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 137 Description.-Carthamns Tinctorius, sometimes known as Bastard Saffron, Safflower, etc., is an annual plant with a smooth stem, growing from one to two feet high, branching at the top. The leaves are smooth and shining. The flowers are long, slender, orange-colored and numerous. History.-This plant is cultivated in England and America, although it is a native of Egypt and the countries surround- ing the Mediterranean. The orange-red florets are the offi- cinal parts. The cultivated SafiLwer is usually sold in the shops, and contains two coloring matters ; the first of which is yellow and soluble in water, the second a beautiful red and readily soluble in alkaline solutions only. Government and Virtues.-The plant is under the dominion of Saturn in the sign of Scorpio. It will restore the menstru- al discharge when the latter has been recently suppressed by cold, if used in warm infusion. It will also, when taken in the same form, produce an action of the bowels In measles, scar- let-fever, and other eruptive maladies, it is also considered an excellent diaphoretic. The seeds are sometimes used as pur- gative and emmenagogue, but, in my opinion, are of no great value. The infusion is made by boiling a drachm or two of the flowers in water. Dose-Tolerably free, and to be regulated by circumstances and the advice of a physician. SAFFRON (DYER'S.) Carthamus Tinctorils. SAGE. Salvia Officinalis. Description.-Garden-Sage is a plant with a pubescent, four- sided stem, with erect branches, hoary with down, leafy at the base, those bearing flowers a foot or a foot and a half long, tomentose. The flowers are blue. History.-Sage is a native of Southern Europe, and has been naturalized for very many years in this country as a garden plant. The leaves and tops should be carefully gathered and dried during its flowering season, which is in June and July. They have a peculiar, strong, aromatic, camphorous odor, and a sharp, warm, slightly bitter taste, which properties are owing 138 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. to its volatile oil, which may be obtained by distilling the plant with water. It imparts its virtues to boiling water ia infusion, but more especially to alcohol. Government and Virtues-It is a plant of Mars. It is feebly tonic, and astringent, expectorant, diaphoretic, and hav- ing properties common to aromatics. The infusion is much valued in cases of gastric debility, checking flatulency with speed and certainty. The warm infusion will cause active diuresis by checking its diaphoretic tendency. It is called by some a most capital re- medy for Speimatorrhoea, and for excessive venereal desire, and I am one of those who know from experience in my practice that it is grand for what is termed sexual debility, when combined with other native and rare foreign plants and herbs. Persons afflicted by any of the plagues attendant upon excessive venery, solitary habits, etc., may address me confidentially for advice as to this specific discovery. SAGO. Sagus Rumphii. Description.-The Sago Palm has an erect stem, of middling height, with large leaves, and prickly petioles. The flowers are polygamo-moncecious on the same spadix. Fruit, a globose berry, coated by reverse scales, depressed on both sides and one-seeded. History.-The tree is common to Malacca and the adjacent islands. It grows spontaneously in low, swampy lands, and the Sago is obtained from its pith, of which it contains a large quantity when the tree is well developed. Several species of Palm are known to yield fine Sago, among which are the Sagus Lavis or Sagus Inermis, and Sa- gueris Rumphii. There is Sago meal or flour, common or brown Sago, and Pearl Sago, all of which, pure and adulterated, are common articles of commerce. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Sun. It ia nutritive and demulcent, and is chiefly valuable as an article of diet to be used in the sick room. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 139 Description.-This plant is known also by the titles of Turtle-head, Tur lie bloom, etc, and is a perennial; it is smooth and herbaceous, with a simple, erect, somewhat four-sided stem, which reaches the height of from two to four feet. The leaves are smooth, and of a dark shining green above. The flowers are large, of a rose color, white, or purple; are very ornamental, and somewhat resembling the head of a snake or tortoise. The fruit is an oval, two-celled and two-valved capsule, with many small wing-margined seeds. Histpry.-This plant is highly valued by botanical physicians- it is found in the damp soils of the United States, and flowers in August and September. The leaves are the parts used in medicine, and impart their properties to both alcohol and water. Government and Virtues-It is under the dominion of Saturn. The preparation of the leaves is tonic, cathartic and anthelmintic. It is freely and usefully applied in all cases of liver complaint. It is also administered for worms, and, in very small doses as a tonic in dyspepsia, and kindred diseases. In the form of an ointment it will ease painful and inflamed tumors, irritable ulcers, piles, inflamed breasts, etc. Dose.-Of the powder one drachm ; of the tincture one fluid drachm, of the decoction one fluid ounce. SALT-RHEUM WEED. Chelone Glabra. SARACEN'S WORT. Description.-From the roots, which do not perish in winter spring stalks to the height of a man, having peach-tree shaped leaves; it produces many yellow, star-like shaped flowers, and afterwards, small, long brownish seeds, wrapped in down, which causes them to be carried away by the wind. It grows in moist and wet places, by shadowy groves, etc., and flowers in July. Government and Virtues.-Saturn governs this herb. It is held in high esteem among the Germans, for all diseases of the liver and spleen, dropsy, etc. It has the same properties as Bugle or Lanicle. 140 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-Scull-cap has a small, fibrous, yellow, perennial root, with an erect and very branching stem, from one to three feet in height; the leaves are an inch long, thin, or nearly mem- branous, the flowers small and of a pale blue color. History.-It is an indigenous herb, growing in damp places, meadows, ditches, and by the side of ponds, flowering in July and August. It is known by the names of Blue Scull-cap, Side Flowering Scull-cap, Crazy Weed, and Hood-wort. The whole plant is medicinal, and should be gathered while in flower, dried in the shade, and kept in well-closed tin vessels. Government and Virtues.-Scull-cap is a plant of Mercury. It is a valuable nervine, tonic, and anti-spasmodic, used in chorea, convulsions, fits, delirium tremens, and all nervous affec- tions, supporting the nerves, quieting and strengthening the system. In delirium tremens, an infusion drank freely will soon produce a calm sleep. Dose.-Of the fluid extract, from half to a teaspoonful ; of the tincture (four ounces Scull-cap to a pint of diluted alcohol,) one to two teaspoonsful, of the infusion, a wine-glassful three times a day. SCULL-CAP. Scutellaria Lateriflora. SKUNK CABBAGE. Symplocarpus Fcetidus. Description.-This plant has been a troublesome one for Botanists to classify ; but the term Symplocarpus is now gen- erally preferred. It is perennial, having a large, abrupt root, or tuber, with numerous crowded, fleshy fibres, which extend some distance into the ground. The spathe appears before the leaves, is ovate, spotted, and striped, purple and yellowish-green, the edges folded inward, and at length coalescing. The flowers are numerous, of a dull purple, within the spathe, on a short, oval spadix. The seed is round, fleshy, and as large as a pea. History.-Skunk Cabbage, known by the several names of Symplocarpus, Skunk weed, Polecat-weed, and Meadow Cab- bage, is a native of the United States, growing in moist grounds, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 141 flowering in March and April, and maturing its fruit in August and September, forming a roughened, globular mass, two or three inches in diameter, and shedding its bullet-like fruit, one-third to half an inch in diameter, which are filled with a singular, solid, fleshy embryo. The parts used are the seeds and roots, which have an extremely disagreeable odor. Water or alcohol extracts their virtues. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars. It is a stimulant, exerting expectorant, anti-spasmodic, with slightly nar- cotic influences. It is successfully used in asthma, hooping-cough, nervous irritability, hysteria, fits, epilepsy, convulsions, chronic catarrh, pulmonary and bronchial affections. Dose.-Fluid extract, twenty to eighty drops. Tincture (three ounces of root or seed to a pint of alcohol) half a tea- spoonful. Syrup, (two ounces of fluid extract to eight ounces of simple syrup) two or three teaspoonsful. . ST. IGNATIUS BEAN. Ignatius Amara. Description.-The Ignatius Amara is a branching tree with long, taper, smooth, scrambling branches. The leaves are veiny, smooth, and a span long. The flowers are long, nodding, and white, and'smell like jasmine. The fruit is small and pear- shaped, and the seeds number about twenty, are angular and are imbedded in a soft pulp. History.-The tree is indigenous to the Phillipine Islands, and the seeds thereof are the St. Ignatius Bean of the drug shops. The bean yields its properties best to alcohol ; but will also yield them to water. It contains about one third more strychnia than nux-vomica ; but is seldom used for the production of strychnia on account of its extreme scarcity. Government and Virtues.-It is under the influence of Mer- cury. It is used in nervous debility, amenorrhea, chlorosis, epilepsy, worms, etc., with partial good effect ; but is a danger- ous article however well prepared, and should be used only by the advice of a professional gentleman upon whose truth and ability you may place the utmost confidence, As commonly administered it is dangerous ; but if properly regulated in doses 142 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. by experienced herbalists it could be made productive of much benefit in nervous debility. Dose.-Of the powdered seed, one grain; of the alcoholic extract one-eighth of a grain. BLOODROOT. Sanguinaria Canadensis. Description.-Bloodroot is a smooth, herbaceous, perennial plant, with a horizontal, truncate, creeping root. When cut, or bruised, this emits an acrid bright orange-colored juice. A single leaf springs from each bud of the root stalk, and with each leaf there is a single flower which is white and scent- less. History.-Bloodroot grows throughout the United States in shaded woods and thickets, and rich soils generally, and flowers from March to June. Although the whole plant is medicinal, the root is the part chiefly used. The fresh root is fleshy, round, and from one to four inches in length, and as thick as the fingers. It presents a beautiful appearance when cut and placed under a microscope, seeming like an aggregation of minute precious stones. The dried root is dark brown outside, bright yellow inside, has a faint virose odor, and a bitter and acrid taste. It may be readily reduced to powder Its active properties are taken up by boiling water or by alcohol. Age and moisture impair the qualities of the root, and it is of the utmost consequence to get that which has been properly gathered, and not kept too long. It yields several principles, among which are sanguinaria, puccine, chelidonic acid, a yellowish fixed oil, lignin, and gum. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars. In small doses Bloodroot stimulates the digestive organs. It is a good remedy, also, in diseases of the heart and liver. Description.-This plant is frequently called Water Pepper It is an annual, with a smooth stem ; branches slender, joint- ed, and of a reddiole or greenish-brown color. It grows from one to two feet in height. The leaves are two or three inches SMART-WE ED. Polygotum Punctatum. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 143 long, and not more than one-fifth as wide. The flowers are small, greenish-white or purple. History.-It is a well-known plant, growing in England and America, in ditches, low grounds, among rubbish, and about brooks and water-courses. It flowers in August and Septem- ber. The whole plant is officinal. It has a biting, pungent, acrid taste, and imparts its virtues to alcohol or water. It should be collected and made into a tincture while fresh. When it is old, it is also worthless. The English variety of this plant possesses the same properties. Government and Virtues.-Mars governs this hot plant. It is stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogue, antiseptic, diaphoretic, etc. The infusion in cold water has been found serviceable in gravel, colds and coughs and in milk sickness. In cholera, the patients wrapped in a sheet moistened with a hot decoction have re- covered. It is used as a wash in chronic erysipelous inflammations. The fresh leaves bruised with the leaves of May-weed, and moistened with the oil of turpentine, and applied to the skin, will speedily vesicate. The infusion in cold water forms an ex- cellent local application in the sore mouth of nursing women, and in medical ptyalism, or salivation. The decoction or infu- sion in hot water, is not so active as when prepared in cold or warm water. Dose.-Of the infusion, from a wine-glassful to a teacupful three or four times a day. [See " The Restorative," page 397.] SORREL (WOOD.) Rumex Acetosa. Description.-Wood-Sorrel is so common both in England and America that it requires no description. (See Illustra- tion.') There are other species of sorrel which possess the same virtues. History.-The Sorrels grow wild in the woods, fields, and the gardens, and flower in July and August. The leaves are the parts employed. 144 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus. Fresh sorrel leaves are refrigerant and diuretic, also alterative. An infusion of the leaves is a most excellent purifier of the blood, and, in combination with other herbal medicines skil- fully prepared, is a most excellent anti-scorbutic. The leaves are sometimes boiled and eaten as salad or spinache, but as they contain a large percentage of oxalic acid, it is best that they should not be adapted to edible purposes; nor, indeed, should they, or any other medicinal herb, be used freely, without proper advice from experienced herbalists, and physicians. STAR GRASS. Aletris Farinosa. Description.-This plant, known by the several names of Unicorn-Root, Star-Grass, Colic-Root, Ague-Root, Crow Carn, etc., has a perennial root, with radical, ribbed, smooth, large leaves, three or four inches long, and one-fourth as wide, lying flat upon the ground. The scape, or flower-stem is erect, from one to three feet high. History.-It is indigenous to North America, growing in low grounds, sandy soils, and at the edges of woods. Its flowers are white, and appear from May to August. The root is the part used. Government and Virtues.-It is under the government of Venus. Its root, when thoroughly dried, is an intensely bitter tonic, and in decoction or tincture, is of great utility in dyspep- sia, general or local debility, flatulent colic, hysteria, etc. It greatly strengthens the female generative organs, affording pro- tection against miscarriage ; and in chlorosis, amenorrhcea, dysmenorrhoea, engorged conditions of the uterus, prolapses of that organ, is a very superior vegetable agent. Dose.-Of the powdered root, from five to ten grains three times a d iy. Of the saturated tincture, five to fifteen drops. ST. JOHN'S WORT. Description.-This is a beautiful shrub, and is a great orna- ment to our meadows. It has a hard and woody root, which abides in the ground many years, shooting anew every year Celandine Bittersweet Centaury THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 145 fte stalks run up about two feet high, spreading many branch- es, having deep green leaves, which are full of small holes, which are plainly seen when the leaf is held up to the light. At the tops of the stalks and branches stand yellow flowers of five leaves apiece, with many yellow threads in the middle, which, being bruised, yield a reddish juice, like blood, after which come small, round heads, wherein is contained small blackish seed, smelling like resin. It grows in woods and copses, flowering in July, and the seeds ripening in August. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Sun. A de- coction of the herb and flowers, especially of the seed, is good for hemorrhage or spitting of blood, tertian or quartan agues, falling-sickness, palsy, sciatica, etc. An ointment of it is good for swellings, hurts, bruises and wounds. SUMACH. Rhus Glabrum. Description.-Great care is necessary in the selection of the several species of Rhus, as many of them are highly poison- ous. Rhus Glabrum, or Smooth Sumach, is a shrub from six to fifteen feet high, consisting of many straggling, glabrous branches, covered with a pale grey bark, having occasionally a reddish tint. History.-Sumach grows in the thickets and waste grounds of Canada and the United States. It flowers in June and July, but matures its fruit in September and October. The bark and berries are officinal. The berries should be gathered before rains have washed away the acid properties which re- side in their external, downy efflorescence. Both the bark and berries yield their active influence to water. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Ve- nus. The berries are refrigerant and diuretic ; the bark is tonic, astringent, and antiseptic. The bark of the root has sometimes been used, with success, in decoction or syrup, as a palliative of gonorrhoea, leucorrhcea, diarrhoea, hectic fever, dys- entery, and scrofula. Combined with the barks of white pine, and slippery elm, in certain particular doses of decoction, it will, with other very simple treatment, cure syphilis. 146 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Dose.-From one to three fluid ounces of the decoction of bark. Of the infusion of berries, from one to four fluid ounces. SUMMER SAVORY. Satureja Hortensis. Description.-This is an annual plant, with a branching and bushy stem, about eighteen inches in height, woody at the base, frequently changing to purple. The leaves are numerous, small, linear-oblong, entire, acute at the end. The flowers are piuk- colored. History.-It is a native of the south of Fiance. It is extensively cultivated for culinary purposes in Europe and America, and flowers in July and August. The leaves are the part employed. They have an aromatic odor and taste analo- gous to those of thyme. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mercury. It is a stimulant, carminative, and emmenagogue. A warm infusion is beneficial in colds, menstrual suppression, and wind colic, for which it is a specific. Dose.-From two to four ounces of the infusion several times a day. SUN-FLOWER Helianthus Annuus. Description.-This is an annual plant, with an erect, rough stem, usually about seven feet high, but under favorable circum- stances attaining the height of fifteen and twenty feet. The leaves are large, cordate, and three-nerved. The flowers are large and nodding, with yellow rays, and dark purple disc. The seeds are numerous, and of a dark purple when ripe. History.-This well-known plant is a native of South America, but is extensively cultivated in the United States on account of its beautiful, brilliant, yellow flowers, which appear in July and August. The ripe seeds are the parts used for medicinal pur- poses. They contain a fixed oil which may be obtained by expression. The leaves are large, and when carefully dried, may be made into segars, very much resembling in flavor, that of a mild Spanish one. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Sun The THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 147 leaves and seeds are diuretic and expectorant, and are used iq consumption with considerable benefit. The following preparation has been used in pulmonary affec- tions with decided benefit, also in bronchial and laryngial complaints, the cough of phthisis, etc. It acts as a mild ex- pectorant and diuretic. Take of Sun-flower seeds, bruised, two pounds ; water, five gallons ; boil the two together until about three gallons of liquid remains ; then strain, add twelve pounds of sugar, and one and a half gallons of good Holland gin. The dose of this is from two teaspoonsful to three tablespoonsful, or a wine-glassful, three or four times a day, or whenever tickling or irritation of the throat or cough is excessive, or when expectoration is difficult. Various agents may be added to this preparation, according to indications, as tincture of Stillingia, tincture of Balsam of Tolu, tincture of Iodine, etc. Description.-Swamp Beggar's-Tick has a smooth stem, four furrowed, with opposite branches, and grows from one to four feet high. The flowers are solitary, consisting only of the tubular yellow florets. History.-This is a common weed, found in wet grounds, rich fields, swamps and ditches, from New England to Missouri. It flowers in August. The root and seeds are employed medicinally, and may be used in decoction, infusion or tincture. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus. The root and seeds are emmenagogue and expectorant; the seeds, in powder or tincture, have been used in amenorrhcea, dysmenorrhoea, and some other uterine derangements, and an infusion of the root has proved beneficial in severe cough. It has been used with great success for palpitation of the heart, and for croup. For this latter affliction, a strong infusion of the leaves, sweetened with honey, and administered in table- spoonful doses every fifteen minutes until vomiting is produced, is regarded a cure. The leaves heated to the form of a poultice and laid upon the throat and chest in cases of bronchial and SWAMP BEGGAR'S-TICK. Bidexs Counata. 148 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. laryngeal attacks from exposure to cold, etc., are very beneficial. SWEET GUM. Liquidambar Styraciflua. Description.-The Sweet Gum tree grows to the height of from fifty to sixty feet. Its bark is gray and deeply furrowed and there are corky ridges on the branches ; the leaves are fragrant when bruised, and turn a deep red in the fall. History.-This tree is very abundant in the Southern and Middle states, and can be found in the moist woods of nearly all parts of the Union. From incisions made in the trees a gum exudes which is resinous and adhesive, and somewhat like white turpentine in appearance. Government and Virtues.-This tree is also under the dominion of Saturn. As a remedy for catarrhs, coughs, and pulmonary affections generally, it is without an equal, although physicians generally do not use it in their practice. It is also very valuable for fever sores, fistula, scrofula, etc., when made into an ointment. Dose.-The dose internally, is from ten to twenty grains, according to circumstances. TACAMAHAC. Populus Balsamijera. Description.-This tree also called Tacamahac Poplar attains the height of from fifty to seventy feet, with a trunk about eighteen inches in diameter. The branches are smooth, round, and deep brown. The leaves are ovate, gradually tapering and pointed. History.-This tree is found in Siberia, and in the northern parts of the United States and Canada. In America it is iu blossom in April. The leaf-buds are the officinal part. They should be collected in the Spring, in order that the fragrant, resinous matter with which they are covered, may be properly separated in boiling water, for upon this their virtues depend. They have an agreeable, incense-like odor, and an unpleasant, bitterish taste. The balsamic juice is collected in Canada in shells, and sent to Europe under the name of Tacamahaca. Alcohol, or spirits, is the proper solvent. The Populus Balsam THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 149 ifera is generally confounded with the P&pulus Candicous from whose buds we get the virtues known as the Balm of Gilead ; but it is much the superior tree for medicinal purposes. Government and Virtues.-This tree is under the dominion of Venus, in the signs, however, of Cancer and Libra. The buds are stimulant, tonic, diuretic, and anti scorbutic. In tincture, they have been beneficially employed in affections of the stom- ach and kidneys, and in scurvy and rheumatism. Sometimes they are applied in that form, as a remedy for affections of the chest. The bark is known to be tonic and cathartic, and will prove of service in gout and rheumatism. So far as gout is concerned, it makes a most excellent remedy if made up with other plants of a foreign and domestic origin, by a practised herbal physician. Dose.-Of a tincture of the buds, from one to four fluid drachms. Of an extract of the bark, five to fifteen grains three times a day. THROAT-WORT. Cervicaria. Description.-This plant has a great, thick, white root, which sends forth hard, square, brown stalks, three or four feet high, whereon grow large, hard, dark green leaves, two at the joint. At the top of the stalk stand many purple flowers set in husks which are sometimes gaping and sometimes open, somewhat like those of Water Betony ; after which come hard, round heads, with a small point in the middle, wherein lie small brownish seed. It grows in moist, shady woods, and in low fields and meadows, flowering in July, and the seeds ripening about a month after the flowers have fallen. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. It is excellent in scrofula, king's evil, either in decoction or ointment, to the throat. The ointment of the fresh herb is effectual in all knobs, kernels, bunches, wens, and for hemorrhoids or piles, the decoction being taken inwardly at the same time. The distilled water of the whole plant is used for the same purposes, and will also takfl away all redness, spots, and freckles in the face. 150 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. TOBACCO. Nicotiana Tabacum. Description.-This is an annual herb with a long, fibrous root, and an erect, round, hairy, viscid stem, branched toward the top, and from four to six feet in height. The leaves are pale green, one or two feet long, and six or eight inches broad. The flowers are rose colored. History.-Tobacco is a native of the southern portions of America, and the hotter the climate in which it is raised, the more grateful is its flavor. It was first exported to Europe in 1586 by Sir Walter Raleigh. It is now raised in many parts of the world, and especially in the Middle states of America. That most commonly used is raised in Virginia, (or was, prior to the rebellion,) but the Cuban, or Havana leaf has the pre- ference among smokers. The dark leaf is much stronger and more powerful in action than the light colored. Water or alcohol extracts its virtues. The prevailing analysis is gum, mucilage, tannic acid, chlorophyll, green pulverulent matter soluble in boiling water, pale yellow resin, nicotina, nicotianin, and a substance analagous to morphia. Tobacco is a potent aero-narcotic poison. It should not be used in any form by persons afflicted by fits or any kind of nervous disease. Unless such persons discontinue its use, their afflictions cannot be abolished entirely although they may be mitigated. I would impress upon all such patients this fact so vividly that they will not forget it. The infusion is more apt to affect the heart, and its smoke to act on the brain-the former being followed by great feebleness of the pulse, fluttering of the heart, faintness, alarm, etc., while the latter occasions nausea, vomiting and drowsiness. Medicinally, it is a sedative, emetic, diuretic, expectorant, discutient, anti-spasmodic, and sialagogue. In my opinion it should never be used internally, unless where extreme emetics will not operate. Scotch snutf and lard is an old and pretty well exploded application for croup. But pro- perly prepared by one who has earnestly studied its peculiarities, Tobacco is one of the most valuable ingredients existing of an 151 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ointment for external application in cases of sore throat, asthma, tubercular consumption, piles, strangulated hernia, all spasmodic affections, ulcers, tumors, peritonitis, neuralgia, hysteria, convnl. sions, cutaneous diseases, etc., etc. It may be even outwardly applied in cases of Fits, if compounded with belladonna and several other excellent articles of a similar character, which are known only to an experienced herbalist, with great satisfaction. TOLU. Myrospermum Toluiferum. Description.-The tree from which Balsam of Tolu is obtained is so similar to that from which Balsam of Peru is procured, that a full description of it is needless. History.-It is a tree which grows throughout the forests of South America. I have seen it growing there in all parts of the Republic of Peru, and can safely assert that it is not, as some botanists have said, the tree, (although similar excepting in the leaves ) from which the Balsam of Peru is obtained. The M. Toluiferum is the species from which the best Tolu is procured, and the best specimens thereof are found on the elevated plains and mountains near Tolu, Carthagena, and in the Magdalena province of Colombia. The Balsam, as I collect it, flows from incisions made in the bark at the proper times, and is received in waxen vessels in which it solidifies. It is then put into tin vessels and taken to whatever quarter of the globe it may be desirous to have it sent. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by Saturn. It is, like Balsam of Peru, a stimulant, tonic, and expectorant, and can not be equalled for its curative effects (whenproperly and skill- fully combined with other articles of a similar nature) in cases of consumption, catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, and all inflammatory, ulcerated, spasmodic, or other morbid conditions of the respira. tory organs and their adjuncts The balsam dissolved in ether, and the vapor therefrom inhaled, is reported beneficial in coughs and brouchial affections of long standing, and I have no doubt it is so, as its virtues in such complaints are very wonderful; but in order to make a cure it must be combined with other 152 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ingredients, for the names of which see page 401 of this book VALERIAN. Valeriana Officinalis. Description.-The officinal Valerian, sometimes known as Great Wild Valerian, is a large herb with a perennial, tuberous, somewhat creeping, fetid root, and a smooth, hollow, furrowed stem, about four feet in height. The leaves are all pinnate, opposite. The flowers are flesh-colored, small, and fragrant. History.-Valerian is a European plant, growing in wet places, or even in dry pastures, flowering in June and July. Several varieties grow in America, and are used ; but the English Valerian is by all odds the best. The officinal part is the root. Government and Virtues.-It is under the influence of Venus. Valerian excites the cerebro-spinal system. In large doses it causes headaches, mental excitement, visual illusions, giddiness, restlessness, agitation, and even spasmodic movements. In medicinal doses it acts as a stimulating tonic, anti-spas- modic, and calmative. It is temporarily beneficial in all cases where a nervous stimulant is required. The extract is good. The infusion is preferable. Dose.-Of the infusion, one or two fluid ounces, as often as may be prescribed by a physician. Description.-Tansy has a perennial, moderately-creeping root, an erect, six-sided, leafy, solid and smooth stem, one to three feet in height, and smoothish, dark green leaves. The flowers are golden-yellow. There is a variety with crisped and dense leaves called Double Tansy. History.-Tansy is indigenous to Europe, but is cultivated largely in America. It grows spontaneously, also, in old grounds, and along roads, and flowers generally in August or the early part of September. The whole plant is officinal. It has an unpleasant, aromatic odor, and a strong, pungent and bitter taste, which properties it owes to a yellow or greenish TANSY. Tanacetum Vulgare. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 153 volatile oil. Its medicinal virtues are extracted by alcohol, ether, chloroform, and by water in infusion. Government and Virtues-Tansy is a plant of Venus. Cul- pepper, the he id of the old English Herbalists, says of it, " Dame Venus was minded to pleasure women with child by this herb ; for there grows not an herb fitter for their use than this is ; it is just as though it were cut out for the purpose." My knowledge of it leads me to teach all women who want children never to touch it, for the oil, as well as the infusion, is frequently used as an abortive, than which there is nothing so dangerous and destructive to health and life. The seed is very profitably given to children for worms. The plant is tonic, emmenagogue and diaphoretic. The cold infusion is very good for flatulency, worms, dyspepsia, jaundice, etc. The warm in- fusion, carefully administered, will possibly bo found beneficial in tardy labor pains, but I do not feel warranted in recommend- ing it for the use of women in the family-way. There are other things much better and safer, as the careful reader of this book may readily observe. Tansy is much employed as a fomenta- tion to swellings, strains, tumors, local inflammations, etc., and is often applied to the bowels in amenorrhcea and painful dys- menorrheea. A vinous infusion is used for urinary obstructions and weakness of the kidneys. Dose.-Of a powder sometimes made, thirty to sixty grains every three or four hours. Of the infusion, from one to three fluid ounces. Of the tincture, one fluid drachm. Description.-This plant is a native of Brazil and is cultiva- ted in various parts of South America. It has a large, fleshy, oblong, tuberous root, often weighing thirty pounds, and full of a wheyish, venomous juice. The stems are white, crooked, brittle, jointed, pithy, usually six or seven feet high, and having a smooth, white bark. The branches are crooked, and have, on every side, near their tops, their leaves. history.-This plant furnishes a large amount of food to the TAPIOCA. Janipha Manihot. 154 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. inhabitants of Southern America, under the names of Mandioca, Tapioca, and Cassava Starch. What we know as Tapioca ia prepared from the root of one variety of this plant, (there are two varieties) which is first reduced to what is called Bitter Cassava, and which is a bitter juice. The large fleshy root is reduced to a pulp, this is washed with cold water in funnel* shaped water-filters, the starch is allowed to subside in the milky fluid, which passes through, and is afterwards prepared and dried in the usual manner, a description of which is not necessary. This starch is the substance used. Government and Virtues.-The tree is under the dominion of Jupiter. Tapioca is nutritive and demulcent. It is useful as a light and agreeable food for the sick, especially those who have febrile diseases or weak stomachs. It is much used for food for infants who are undergoing the process of weaning. Description.-This has many large leaves, of a green color on the upper side, but covered over with a long hairy wool or cotton down, set with sharp and cruel prickles. The flowers are crimson ; sometimes, but very seldom, white. The seed that follow in those white, downy heads is somewhat large and round. The root is great and thick, spreading much, but generally dies after seed-time. History-There are several varieties of the Thistle, but all, both in England and America, possess the same qualities. It grows on ditch banks, in fields and highways-almost every- where, in fact, and flowers in June, July and August. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars. It is tonic and astringent, used principally in dysentery and diarrhoea, boiled in milk. It is, in decoction, a fair remedy for cramps and spasms. The root is the part chiefly employed, boiled in water. THISTLE. (Cotton, or Woolly) Carduus Arvensis. THORN-APPLE. Datura Stramonium. Description.-This plant, also known as Stinkweed, James- town Weed, Apple fern, etc., is a bushy, smooth, fetid annual plant, two or three feet in height, and in rich soil even more. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 155 The root is rather large, of a whitish color, giving off many fibres. The stem is much branched, forked, spreading, leafy, of a yellowish-green color. The leaves are large and smooth, from the forks of the stem, and are uneven at -the base. The flowers are about three inches long, erect, large and white. The fruit is a large, dry, prickly capsule, with four valves and numerous black, reniform seeds. There is the Datura Tatula, or purple Stramonium, which differs from the above in having a deep purple stem, etc. History.-Stramonium is a well-known poisonous weed, growing upon waste grounds and road-sides, in all parts of the United States. It is found in very many parts of the world. The whole plant has a fetid, narcotic odor, which diminishes as it dries. Almost every part of the plant is possessed of me- dicinal properties, but the officinal parts are the leaves and seeds. The leaves should be gathered when the flowers are full- blown, and carefully dried in the shade. They impart their properties to water, alcohol, and the fixed oils. The seeds are small, reniform, compressed, roughish, dark brown or black when ripe, grayish brown when unripe. They yield what is called Daturia, which may be obtained by exhausting the bruised seeds with boiling, rectified alcohol, and then proceed- ing as for the active principle of other seeds of a similar character. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn. In large doses, it is an energetic, narcotic poison. The victims of this poison suffer the most intense agonies, and die in maniacal de- lirium. In medicinal doses, it is an anodyne, anti-spasmodic, and is often used as a substitute for opium. It is used with fair effect in cases of mania, epilepsy, gastritis, delirium tremens, and enteritis ; also in neuralgia, rheumatism, and all periodic pains. The dried and smoked leaves are useful in spasmodic asthma, but as there are other means much more certain to cure, and less dangerous, I, and pther herbalists seldom or never recommend them. Daturia is seldom employed in med- 'ciue, being a very active and powerful poison. 156 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.- Vanilla Aromatica is a shrubby, climbing, aerial parasite, growing in the clefts of rocks, or attaching itself to the trunks of trees. It suspends itself to contiguous objects, and is truly an aerial plant. The stem is round, about as thick as the finger, from twenty to thirty feet in length, and oftener thicker at the summit than at the base. The flowers are yellowish white. The fruit is a species of bean, yellow or buff color, of an agreeable aromatic odor; they must be dried with care or they will lose their properties. History.-Vanilla grows in Mexico and other parts of tropical South America. There are several species which are supposed to furnish the Vanilla of commerce. It yields its virtues to water or alcohol. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus. It is an aromatic stimulant, and is used, in infusion, in hysteria, rheumatism, and low forms of fever. It is also called an aphrodisiac, powerfully exciting the generative system. Vanilla is said to exhilarate the brain, prevent sleep, increase muscular energy, and stimulate the sexual propensities. In cases of nervous debility, or sexual impotency, it may be used with the utmost advantage ; but not in the forms in which it is commonly given, or taken. In order that it may be effec- tive for permanent good, an account of the case which has to be treated should be sent to an herbalist-physician of long practice, who, for a slight recompense, can make an excellent preparation. Even with a complete description of how to use this bean for the diseases above mentioned, an inexperienced person would be likely to make a fatal mistake. The best plan it to rely upon those who have made the matter a business and a study. VANILLA. Vanilla Aromatica. VELVET LEAF. Cissampelos Pareira. Description.-This plant, which is sometimes called the Ice vine, is a shrub with a round, ligneous root, stems either smoot h, or with close pressed down, and climbing over trees. Leaves not remarkable. The berries are scarlet. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 157 History.-This plant is a native of the West India Islands and the Spanish Main, and is little known to our botanists. The root is the officinal part. It is very difficult to procure it unless you deal extensively in that style of article. Government and Virtues-It is under the dominion of Saturn, and is tonic, diuretic, and aperient. Used in chronic inflammation of the bladder, and all disorders of the urinary organs, it cannot, if properly prepared and combined with other plants possessing a similar character, fail of perfecting a cure. It is also excellent in calculous affections, dropsy, rheumatism, and jaundice. All the combinations of this plant, and prepara- tions of a curative nature, I make at a moderate cost, when apprised of the peculiarities of the case by the patient. Description.-Vervain, sometimes known by the names of Wild Hyssop or Simpler's Ivy, is an erect, tall, elegant, and perennial plant, branched into several parts, rising about from two to four feet high, especially if you reckon the long spikes of flowers at the tops of them, which are set on all sides, one above another, and sometimes two or three together, being small and gaping, of a blue color and white intermixed, after which come small, round seeds in small and somewhat long heads. The stalk and roots are the parts used for medicinal purposes. The root, however, is the strongest and best. History.-Vervain is indigenous to the United States, and grows along road-sides, and in dry, grassy fields, flowering from June to September. It is also found in England, growing among hedges, by the way-side, and other waste grounds, flow- ering in July, and the seeds ripening soon after. Government and Virtues.-This is an herb of Venus. " It is excellent to strengthen the womb and remedy all its weaknesses,', as Culpepper properly remarks, and it is particularly remark, able for its cleansing and healing qualities. It will regulate mismenstruation most effectually. It will kill and expel internal worms, and is a most capital agent for the cure of all diseases VERVAIN. {Blue') Verbena Hastata. 158 of the spleen and liver. If given in intermittent fever in a warm infusion or powder it never fails to effect a cure. In all cases of cold and obstinate menstruation, it is a most complete and advantageous sudorific. When the circulation of the blood is weak and languid, it will increase it, and restore it to its proper operations. The infusion, taken cold, forms a good tonic in cases of constitutional debility, and during convalescence from acute diseases. Its value has been found to be great in scrofula, visceral obstructions, and stone and gravel. It will correct diseases of the stomach, help coughs, wheezing, and shortness of breath, etc., but its virtues are more wonderful still in the effect they produce upon Epilepsy, or Falling Sickness and Fits. The leaves bruised, or the juice of them, mixed with vinegar, will remove morphew and freckles. The following application is singularly effective in promoting the absorption of the blood, effusion in bruises, and allaying the attendant pain. Take of Vervain, Senna, and White Pepper, of each equal parts, make a cataplasm or plaster, by mixing with white of eggs. Dose.-Of the powdered root, from one to two scruples. The dose of the infusion is from two to four wine-glassesful three or four times a day, if an emetic is desired. The great-very great-medicinal value of this plant was brought to my atten- tion by an accidental knowledge of the good it had effected in a long standing case of Epilepsy. Its effects in that case were of the most remarkable character, and I was, therefore led to study most carefully and minutely its medicinal peculiarities. I found, after close investigation and elaborate experiment, that, prepared in a certain way, and compounded with boneset, smart weed, chamomile blossoms, and the best of whiskey, it has no equal for the cure of Fits, or Falling Sickness, or anything like Fits ; also for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaints of every grade. A more valuable plant is not found within the whole range of the Herbal pharmacopoeia. See " Restorative Assimilant'' page 397 ; also illustration. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 159 Description.-This plant is also known as Wingseed, Swamp Dogwood, and Shrubby Trefoil It grows from six to eight feet in height, with trifoliate leaves. The flowers are greenish white, and nearly half an inch in diameter. History.-Wafer Ash, cr Dtelia, is a shrub common to America, growing most abundantly west of the Alleghanies, in shady, moist places, and edges of woods, and also in rocky places. It flowers in June. The bark of the root is officinal, and yields its virtues to boiling water. Alcohol, however is its best solvent. Government and Virtues -It is a plant of Mars, although neither hot nor biting. It should be gathered in the signs of Cancer, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio, having an almost universal application to the " ills which flesh is heir to." It is especially tonic and unirritating. It is said to be very useful as a pro- moter of the appetite, and as a remedy for general debility. It will be tolerated by the stomach when other tonics are rejected. Some think it equal, in cases of fever (intermittent) to quinia, but I do not; yet it is a most valuable agent, and properly applied by those who understand how to adapt its virtues to human afflictions, it may be made to do a great deal of good. Although most excellent for diseases of the stomach, I use it, in conjunction with other plants and preparations, only when an especial case seems to call for its employment. There are cases in which its virtues are particularly required. Should there be any such cases, I can always, for a moderate recompense, attend to them either in person or by mail ; as there is no plant (foreign or domestic,) mentioned in this book, the free use of which I cannot procure at a moment's notice. WAFER ASH. Ptelea Tripoli ata. WHITE (AND BLACK) WALNUT. Juglans Cinerea. Description.-The White Walnut is also known as the But* ternut, Oil Nut, etc., and is indigenous to the United States. It grows from thirty to forty feet high, and its diameter is from four to five feet. At eight or ten feet from its base, it divides into numerous, nearly horizontal, wide spreading branches* 160 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. These are covered with a smooth grey bark. The leaves are alternate, from twelve to twenty inches long. The nut is of a dark color, hard, oblong and pointed. There is a species of this tree called the Black Walnut, the nut cf which is globose, and pweeter and less oily than the Butternut. History. These trees are common to North America. The Butternut is found throughout the New England, Middle and Western States, on cold, uneven, rocky soils, flowering in April and May, and maturing its fruit on or about the middle of autumn. Its officinal parts are its leaves and the inner bark of the root. The latter should be gathered from April to July. It contains resin, fixed oil, saccharine matter, lime, potassa, a peculiar principle, and tannic acid. The Black Walnut flowers, and ripens its fruit at the same time with the Butternut. Government and Virtues.-Both are under the dominion of the Sun. Butternut is a gentle and agreeable cathartic, and does not induce constipation after its action. In cases of habitual constipation, or other intestinal diseases, it has consid- erable value. It is used in decoction, in cases of fever, and in the murrain of cattle. The juice of the rind of the Black Walnut will cure herpes, eczema, porrigo, etc., and a decoction of it has been used to remove worms. The European Walnut has been found to be efficacious in cases of scrofula, but those who read this book carefully, will find better remedies described for all branches of that awful affliction. By adding a saturated tincture of Butternut bark to twice its volume of water, and distilling off the alcohol, an agent is prepared called Juglandin, which is much used in a combination with castile soap. Description.-Linnaeus called this Senecio Hieracifolius; but modern botanists have changed the name. It has an annual, thick, grooved, fleshy, rough and branching stem, varying in height from one foot to eight feet. The leaves are simple, large, and light green. The flowers are whitish. History.-This weed is rank, and grows in fields through- out the United States. The whole plant, including the root, FIREWEED. Erechthetes Hieracifolius. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 161 is used, and yields its properties to water, or alcohcl. Its odor is peculiar, because of its mixture of aromatic and fetid emanations. The taste is bitterish, pungent, and astringent. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of the Moon arresting or restoring muco-sanguineous discharges with great facility, and with much speedy relief to the patient. I prescribe it freely in cholera, in certain cases of dysentery, and in very bad cases of the bowel complaints of children. Description.-This is a perennial plant, with a woody root, branched at the crown, and having numerous fibres below. The whole herb is covered with close, silky hoariness ; the stems are numerous, bushy, and from one to two feet in height. Their lower part exists for some years, from which young shoots spring forth every year, decaying in cold weather. History-Wormwood grows nearly all over the world,-from the United States to Siberia. It flowers from June to Septem- ber. The tops and leaves are the parts used. The dried herb, with the flowers has a whitish grey appearance, a strong, aromatic odor, and is extremely bitter to the taste. Alcohol or water takes up its active principles. It yields what is known to druggists as Absinthine. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn, and is anthelmintic, tonic, and narcotic. It is used for many diseases, among which may be enumerated intermittent fever, jaundice, worms, want of appetite, amenorrhcea, chronic leucorrhcea, obstinate diarrhoea, etc. It is also used externally in country places as a fomentation for sprains, bruises, and local inflammations. Taken too often, or in large quantities, it will irritate the stomach, and dangerously increase the action of the heart and arteries. It is, however, like all other medicinal herbs and plants most excellent when its use is prescribed and regu- lated by an experienced and conscientious professional physician, who understands the value of Herbal preparations. WORMWOOD. Artemisia Absinthium. WORMWOOD. (SEA OR HOLY) Seripliran. Description.-This plant grows near the sea, and is somewhat 162 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. rare ; therefore it is more highly esteemed than the common Wormwood. I give an illustration of it in another part of this book because of its value, beauty and rarity. History-It grows, as I have said above, near the sea in various parts of Europe, and is very costly to those who do not live where it inhabits, as the task of gathering it is both arduous and perplexing, and the yield is always scanty. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Mars. "It provokes urine," says Culpepper, " helps surfeits, or swellings in the belly, and causes appetite to meat." For nervous debility, there is probably nothing like it in the world. Compounded with Rosemary, Blackthorn, and other vegetable products, by a method which it has cost me a good many years of severe study and experiments to bring to perfection, it is invaluable as a life restorative. It is also most useful for liver complaints ; but as there are many other plants and herbs better, and it is so rare, I do not use it in such cases ; but in all cases of nervous prostration, and loss of ordinary vigor either of mind or body, prepared with other herbal remedies to which I have made allu- sions under the proper headings, it is truly an Elixir of Life. There is no better invigorator extant for certain painful and annoying afflictions which need not be here described, but the nature of which will be readily understood. Description.-Yarrow, also called Milfoil, Nosebleed, and Thousand Seal, is from ten to twenty inches high, with a simple stem, branching at the top, and many long leaves spread upon the ground, finely cut, and divided into many parts. The flowers are white or rose-colored, and arrayed in knots upon divers green stalks, which arise from among the leaves. History.-Yarrow inhabits Europe and North America ; is found in pastures, meadows, and along road-sides, flowering from May to October. The plant possesses a faint, pleasant, peculiar fragrance, and a rather sharp, rough, astringent taste, which properties are due to tannic and achilleic acid, essential oil and bitter extractive, alcohol or water being its proper menstrum. YARROW. Achillea Millefolium. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 163 Government and Virtues-Yarrow is under the influence of Venus. It is astringent, alterative, and diuretic, in decoction, It is efficacious in bleeding from the lungs, and other hemorrha* ges, incontinence of urine, piles, and dysentery. It is valuable in amenorrhcea, or suppressed or restiained menses, flatulency, and spasmodic diseases. It forms a useful injection in leucorr- hoea or whites, also in menorrhagia, or profuse or too long continued menstruation. An ointment cures wounds, ulcers, fistulas, and the head bathed in a decoction prevents the falling out of the hair ; while the leaves chewed in the mouth will frequently ease the tooth-ache. Achilles is supposed to be the first that left the virtues of this herb to posterity, hence the aetive principle of this plant is called Achilleine, which is much used as a substitute for quinia in intermittent fevers, in the South of Europe. Achillea Plarmica, or Sneeze-wort, has leaves entirely different from the Yarrow, and should not be mistaken one for the other. The whole of this plant is pungent, exciting an increased flow of saliva ; and the powder of the dried leaves, when snuffed into the nostrils, produces sneezing, which is supposed to be owing to their small, sharp, and marginal teeth. Dose.-The infusion of Yarrow is given in doses of from a wine-glassful to a tea-cupful, three or four times a day ; the essential oil from five to twenty drops. In menorrhagia or profuse menstruation, a tablespoonful of the saturated tincture may be given three or four times a day. Under thia title there is gathered in Northern India and Persia the root of a small plant, which grows in wet places, and which is highly prized by the inhabitants of the East for its anti-spasmodic virtues. It is used in Russia for Asiatic cholera, and is pro- nounced by the physicians of St. Petersburgh to be one of tho best remedies extant for that disease. It is used for gastrio spasm, hysteria, green sickness, amenorrhea, palsy, chorea, and delirium tremens. As a nervous stimulant it resembles Valerian, It is administered in doses to suit the individual case, and the character of the disease. JATAMANSI.-Musk Root. 164 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Deset iption.-The three principal varieties of Cinchona which furnish the well-known Peruvian bark, from which so jnany use- ful medical preparations are made, are the Cinchona Calisaya, Cinchona Condaminea, and Cinchona Micrantha. Of the first the leaves are oblong or lanceolate, obovate, obtuse, attenuated at the base, rarely acute on both sides, smooth, and polished beneath. 'The trunk is straight sometimes twice the thickness of a man's body, and the leafy head is elevated above all surrounding trees. The bark is thicker than that of the other varieties, and both whitish and blackish in color. The bark of both the trunk and the bran- ches is used. It grows in the mountains, and in the hottest for- ests, of Bolivia and Southern Peru. The characteristics of the other varieties vary both materially and immaterially; but it would require a book of itself to describe them all. History.-Cinchona is a very old discovery, and takes its name from the wife of the Spanish Viceroy,(Count de Chincon) who was cured of fever by it at Lima, about the year 1638. The bark rich- est in the anti-periodic alkaloids is the Cinchona Calisaya. The geographical range of the Cinchonas appears to be exclusively confined to the Andes, within the boundaries of Peru, Bolivia, Equador, and New Grenada. Twelve of thirteen species furnish the barks of commerce, and are found growing from one to ten thousand feet above the level of the sea. The three species we have named at the head of this article are, however, the only ones recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia, and are the favor- ites everywhere. Since the seventeenth century these barkshave been the study of men versed in medical and chemical science, and they, and the preparations made from them, rank among the most important articles of the Materia Medica. Government and Virtues.-It is a tree of the Sun. Cinchona bark is tonic, anti-periodic, astringent to a moderate extent, and emi- nently febrifuge. It is topically (or externally) antiseptic, and is of much value when applied to gangrenous ulcerations, or used for gargles and washes in ulcerated sore throat, mouth, etc. I do not recommend the use of the bark in cases where the stomach is very much weakened (although it is employed in every disease in which there is deficient tone,) because the woody fibre in the CINCHONA. Peruvian Bark. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 165 powder will most generally disagree. When taken internally it imparts a sensation of warmth to the stomach which gradually spreads over the whole body; the pulse becomes stronger and is accelerated; and the various organs are gently stimulated. It may be used with benefit in ordinary cases of dyspepsia, general debility, and all febrile, eruptive, and inflammatory diseases in whatever stage they may be. In all cases of night sweating, oi great feebleness, it is valuable. As an anti-periodic it is not surpassed by anything else used. When it excites nausea, add an aromatic ; if purging, opium ; if costiveness, rhubarb. Dose, from half a drachm to one drachm. CASSIA MARILANDICA. American Senna. Description.-This is an American perennial herb, growing as high as six feet, with round striated stems which are sometimes smooth, and sometimes slightly hairy. The leaves are alternate, on long stalks. The leaflets are oblong, smooth, entire, apd hairy at the edges, an inch or two long, and from one-half to two- thirds of an inch broad. The flowers are bright yellow. The seeds many. History.-The American Senna is to be found from New Eng- land to Carolina, growing in rich soils here and there. It flow- ers from June to September, and the leaves are gathered, for their medicinal virtues, while the plant is in bloom. They yield their virtues to alcohol or water. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn, in the sign of Virgo. It is one of the most important Herbal cathartics furnish- ed by America, and is mentioned here solely on the ground that it is equally valuable as the foreign Senna, or ordinary Senna of the drug shops, and costs much less. The analysis of the leaves shows that they contain albumen, mucilage, starch, yellow col- oring matter, volatile oil, fatty matter, resin, lignin, and salts of potassa, and lime. TREE PRIMROSE. Oenothera Biennis. Description.-This is an indigenous biennial plant, called, with the name I have given it, Evening Primrose, Cureall, Scabish, etc., and has an erect, rough-branching stem, which ranges from one and one-half to five feet in height. The leaves are from three to six inches long, by one to one inch and a half broad. The flowers 166 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. are numerous, pale yellow, are nocturnal, and open but once by night, lasting a single day. The seeds are many, naked and ar- ranged in two rows in each cell. The flowers make their appear- ance in July and August. The leaves, and cuticle part of the stem and larger branches, are esteemed as a most valuable vulnerary, or< cure for wounds, and in eruptive complaints the decoction is set down as being very nearly unequalled. The virtues of the cuti- cle part of the plant are great, having a mucilaginous taste, and leaving a slight sensation of acrimony in the fauces. History.-It grows on the borders of fields or natural hedges. When growing in retired places, or by itself, as it were, a white substance appears on the leaves, "rendering them apparently very downy '' A singularity of the Primrose which gives it its great medicinal qualities, is that it is phosphorescent. When in full bloom, at night (the only time it is in f ull bloom) it emits, in the darkest weather, a phosphorescent, or bright white appearance which is noticeable in scarcely anything else that grows. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn. The bark, leaves and twigs are the parts most generally used, and should be boiled in lard or tallow for ointment, which, with other ingre- dients, form a most excellent application for eruptive complaints. Water takes up the properties of the plant proper. The decoc- tions is capital for the cure of the cutaneous afflictions of young persons. All parts of the plant should be collected when it is in flower. CANNABIS INDICA. India Hemp. Description.-This is an herbaceous annual, growing about three feet high, with an erect, branched, angular bright green stem. The leaves are alternate, or opposite, on long lax foot-stalks, roughish, with sharply serrated leaflets tapering into a long, smooth entire point. The male flowers are drooping and long, the females simple and erect. The seeds are small, ash-colored and inodorous. ' History.-Cannabis Indica, or Cannabis Sativa, is a native of the Caucasus, Persia, but grows in the hilly regions of Northern India. It is cultivated in many parts of Europe and Asia; but medicine of value can only be made from the Indian variety, ths active principle of the plant being developed only by the heat of THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 167 the climate of Hindostan. The dried tops and lesin are the parts used. The preparations called Churrus, Gunjah, Bhang, Hash- ish, etc., sold in this country, are mostly feeble imitations of the genuine articles, and are comparatively worthless. Even the few specimens of the genuine productions which reach the shops, and are sold at high prices, are crude and inferior, and can in no wise impart the effects which attach to the pure article. It is a matter of great difficulty to procure the genuine article even direct from dealers in India, unless you have had years of experience as a practicing herbal physician, and have established business connections in various parts of the world as an im- porter of rare and pure medicinal herbs, barks, roots, resins, etc. Government and Virtues.-The India Hemp is a plant of the Sun. It has been successfully employed in gout, neuralgia, rheumatism, locked-jaw, convulsions, chorea, hysteria and uterine hemorrhage ; but it is chiefly valuable as an invigorator of mind and body. Its exhilarating qualities are unequalled, and it is a certain restorative in low mental conditions, as well as in cases of extreme debility and emaciation. In such cases it may be regarded as a real rejuvenator. It should be taken by the advice of one experienced in its uses, in order that its merits may be properly and fairly experienced. The spurious hemp should never be taken, as it produces, what the genuine does not, unpleasant consequences. I have used this article in many a preparation with great success. Description.-This is a tree of very great size, belonging to the Linnsean class and order Monadelphia Polyandria. Its great size is its chief descriptive characteristic. History.-It is a native of Africa, extending quite through that continent from Senegal to Abyssinia, and has been introduced into the West Indies. The leaves and bark abound in mucilage. Government ana Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Herschel. The leaves are employed by the natives of Africa for their dia- phoretic qualities, and ai •« certain to both cure and prevent fevers of an intermittent character. The bark, applied in fevers, is equal to Cinchona, and would, if it could be readily procured, be often used instead. It is without taste, and very acceptable to the stomach. As a tonic in dyspepsia it is without many superiors. BAOBAB. Adansonia Digitata. 168 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This plant is biennial, with an erect, silky-pubes- cent stem, which grows from one to two feet in height. The leaves are shaped like a hound's tongue, from whence the plant derives its name. Flowers, reddish purple; seeds rough, with rude prickles. History.-Cynoglossum Officinale grows on the road sides and waste places of both Europe and America. The leaves and the root are the parts used in medicine ; but the preference I give to the root. This, upon being gathered, emits an unpleasant and somewhat heavy odor, which vanishes when it is dried. Its taste is bitter and mawkish. The fresh root is spoken of by sev- eral herbalists as being better than the desicated, or dried; but this probably arises from the fact that the roots they used had not been gathered at the proper time, dried in the correct way, or kept in a skilful manner. The dried root is quite as active as the fresh, if prepared by a person who knows its qualities. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn. It is chiefly valuable for coughs, catarrhs, bleeding from the lungs, and other disorganizations of the respiratory apparatus. The leaves and root are both applied, with great benefit, as a poultice to old ulcers, scrofulous tumors, burns, goitre (for a description oi bronchocele, or goitre, see another part of this book), and recent bruises and abrasions. In my four remedies, the values of many of the plants described at length in these pages are most thor- oughly embraced. The object in giving such plants a descrip- tive space each, is to enable the reader, in extraordinary emer gencies, to be his own physician until he can get a better one, and to show him that -what he treads on may, without his knowledge, contain the germs of his rejuvenation. HOUND'S TONGUE. Cynoglossum Officinale. YELLOW PARILLA. Menispermum Canadense. Description.-This plant is sometimes called vine maple, and moonseed, but the name at the head of this article is the proper one. It has a perennial, horizontal, very long woody root, of a beautiful yellow color. The stem is round and climb- ing, and about a foot in length. The leaves are roundish, glaucous green above, paler below, entire, and four or five inches in diameter. The flowers are in clusters, and are small Cleavers Shrub Cinquefoil Coinfry THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 169 and yellow. The fruit is about the third of an inch in diameter, and one-seeded. History.-Yellow Parilla grows in moist woods, and hedges, and near streams, from Canada to Carolina, and west to the Mis- sissippi. It flowers in July. The root, which is the part used, has a bitter, lasting, but not unpleasant, acrid taste, and yields its virtues to water and alcohol. It is called, not without justice, American Sarsaparilla, and its active principle, known as menis- permin, shows that it might have received a name less expres- sive of its merits. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. The authors of herbalist dispensatories have set down yellow parilia as " tonic, laxative, alterative, and diuretic," and it seems to possess all these qualities. Every plant of medicinal value, however, pos- sesses one virtue which is paramount to all others. Yellow parilla is essentially and particularly anti-syphilitic, anti-scrofu- lous, anti-scorbutic, and anti-mercurial. As a purifier of th© blood, it is equal to the imported sarsaparilla as we get the latter, and its active principle, menispermin, may be used with great good effect in all diseases arising from either hereditary or acquired impurities of the system. It exerts its influence principally on the gastric and salivary glands, and is found expressly beneficial in cases of adhesive inflammation, and where it is found neces- sary to break up organized deposits, and hasten disintegration cf tissue. I use it principally for those diseases arising from a vitiated condition of the blood, but sometimes apply it to dys- pepsia. A decoction of the plant may be used to advantage as an embrocation in gouty, rheumatic, and cutaneous affections. The dose of the menispermin is from one to four grains. When it produces vomiting, reduce the dose. Description.-This plant is sometimes called Bouncing Bet, but the application of such a name to it only goes to prove what my object in publishing this book is, viz., that millions of people are ignorant of the fact that every time they tread upon some plant with which they are familiar, they are contemptuously de- stroying that which possesses the means of giving them health and prolonged life. Soapwort is a stout, herbacious perennial, SOAPWORT. Saponaria Officinalis. 170 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. with a stem which varies from one to two feet in height. Leaves two or three inches long, one-third wide, and lanceolate, inclin- ing to elliptical, very acute and smooth. The flowers are large, numerous, double, and flesh-colored. History.-This plant grows in roadsides and waste places in Europe and the United States. It flowers in the early part of July in Europe, but in America in the early part of August. The .eaves and root are the parts used medicinally. They have a sweet and bitter taste combined, " with a subsequent persistent pungency, and a benumbing sensation." When the root and leaves are subjected to the extractive powers of water, they yield a residue something like soapsuds. Their active properties are brought out by either water or alcohol-by the latter partic- ularly. The root gives a principle called Saponin, which is very valuable. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus, in the sign of Virgo. It is largely and valuably employed in the treatment of diseases of the liver, scrofulous, syphilitic, and cutaneous afflic- tions of a severe character; also catarrh, rheumatism, gonorrhoea, whites, and green sickness. Saponin can be prepared only by a competent herbal chemist. In its absence use decoctions of the leaves and roots. Dose of the decoction, from one to two fluid ounces, three times a day. Description.-This is an evergreen tree, hard-wooded, small, and dense-leaved. It, and a variety used for bordering garden- beds and walks, is of remarkably slow growth, taking, according to accurate observation, twelve years to grow one foot, or seven- ty-two years to reach the height of a tall man. The leaves are ovate, opposite, deep shining green, becoming reddish in autumn, quite smooth and entire, with the skin of the underside readily stripping off. The flowers are aggregate, and pale yellow. History.-The box tree is a native of the west of Asia, but grows on dry hills and sandy elevations generally in Europe, and but rarely on similar soil in America. A preparation called Buxina is obtained from the powdered bark, but the leaves are the parts mainly used in medical practice. They readily impart their virtues to alcohol or water. BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS. Box. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 171 Government and Virtues.-The box tree is under the dominion of Saturn, in the sign of Scorpio. The preparations of the leaves are excellent for the expulsion of worms, for purging the bowels, and regulating the action of the liver ; for breaking fevers, and for purifying the blood and glandular secretions. In syrup it is very valuable as a cure for all diseases of a syphilitic character, and may be used alone to groat advantage, where the compound syrup of stillingia cannot be obtained. The stillingia is prefer- able if it is at all to be had. The dose of a strong decoction, or syrup, of box, is half a fluid ounce, three times a day. In very severe cases, the dose may be increased to a fluid ounce; but this should not be undertaken excepting by the advice of a physician. When intestinal worms are to be destroyed or ex- pelled, the powdered leaves are usually administered in, to children, doses of five grains; to adults in doses of from ten to fifteen grains. It possesses anti-spasmodic qualities, and has been given with good effect in hysteria, epilepsy, chorea (St. Vitus' Dance), etc. Chips of the wood (decoction) are useful in chronic rheumatism. The chief value of the Buxus Sempervirens, however, centres in its anti-syphilitic virtues. I combine it with corydalis (Turkey pea), and the compound syrup of stil- lingia, in such a manner that it will surely cure syphilis in the first, second, or third stage; also certain forms of scrofula and scurvy. In other diseases, it is no better than many other plants mentioned in this book. The reader will do well to remember that the common garden box possesses the medical qualities of the Buxus Sempervirens to a feeble extent only. The powerful anti-syphilitic virtues of which I have spoken can be procured only from the leaves of the tree reared in Asia, the influences of that climate being requisite to perfect them. Description.-Uva Ursi, more commonly known as Bearberry, is a small, perennial shrub, having a long fibrous root. The stems are trailing and rooting ; the bark is smooth ; leaves evergreen, shining above, paler beneath; the margin rounded. Fruit globu- lar, small, nearly scarlet, with an insipid, mealy pulp. History.-This plant is a perennial evergreen, common in the BEARBERRY. Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi. 172 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. northern part of Europe and America. It grows on dry, sterile, sandy soils, and gravelly ridges. The berries ripen in winter, although the flowers appear from June to September. The green leaves, picked from the stems in the fall, and dried in a moderate heat, are the parts used. These leaves are odorless until reduced to powder, when the odor emitted is like that of dried grass. The powder is of a light brown color, tinged with a yellowish green. The taste is astringent and bitterish. The properties of the leaves are extracted by alcohol or water. A preparation called Ursin is made from them. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn. It is especially astringent and tonic, depending upon these quali- ties for the most of its good effects. It is particularly useful in chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, profuse menstruation, piles, dia- betes, and other similar complaints. It possesses rare curative principles when administered for diseases of the urinary organs, more especially in chronic affections of the kidneys, mucous dis- charges from the bladder, inflammation of the latter organ, and all derangements of the water passages. It is also a valuable assistant in the cure of gonorrhoea of long standing, whites, ul- ceration of the cervix uterus (or neck of the womb), pain in the vesical region, etc. Many physicians now rely upon it as the basis of their remedy for gonorrhoea, which is accompanied by mucus discharges, and for all kindred afflictions. Its tannic acid gives it great power in rectifying and extirpating the obstinate and disagreeable complaints we have mentioned. The dose of the powder is ten to forty grains; of the decoction one to two fluid ounces (to make this, boil a pint and a half of pure water, containing one ounce of uva ursi down to a pint); of the extract, five to ten grains. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Henbane. Description.-Henbane is a biennial plant. It has a long, thick, spindle-shaped, corrugated root, which is of a brown color ex- ternally, but whitish internally. The stem sometimes reaches the height of two feet, but often stops at an altitude of six inches. The leaves are large, oblong, acute, alternate, and of a pale, dull green color. They have long, glandular hairs upon the midrib. The flowers are funnel-shaped, of a dull yellow color, with pui- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 173 pel veins and orifice. The seeds are many, small, obovate, and brownish. History.-Henbane is original with Europe, but has been na- turalised in America. It grows in waste grounds,and it flowers from July to September. The leaves and seeds are the parts medicinally used. The leaves are collected in the second year, when the plant is in flower; the seeds are gathered when per- fectly ripe. It grows more plentifully than elsewhere in America, in the waste grounds of old settlements, in grave-yards, and around the foundations of ruined houses. Bruise the recent leaves, and they emit a strong narcotic odor, like tobacco. Dry them, and they have little smell or taste. Their virtues are com- pletely extracted by diluted alcohol. The active principle of henbane is called Hyosciamia, but all the recognized preparations are now known by the general name of Hyosciamus. Government and Virtues.-Culpepper, who gave his attention very particularly to this plant, pronounces it to be most distinc- tively and exclusively under the dominion of Saturn. I have analyzed it carefully. Henbane is a powerful narcotic, but, unless improperly and injudiciously used, it is not " dangerously poisonous," as we learn from King. All narcotics are " danger- ously" poisonous, if dangerously administered. Nature grows wild her most potent medicinal herbs, and those which, if used by persons who understand them, are curative of the very worst afflictions of the human race, are also destructive to a small extent, if applied and administered by parties who have not thoroughly studied their properties. Medicinally used, Henbane is calmative, hypnotic, anodyne, and anti-spasmodic. It is much better than opium, as it does not produce constipation. It is al- ways given, where opium does not agree, with the very best effects. I use it principally to cause and remove irregular nervous action. Combined with other preparations mentioned in many parts of this volume, it is most excellent for gout, rheumatism, asthma, chronic cough, neuralgia, irritations of the urinary organs, etc. The leaves make fine external preparations for glandular swellings, or ulcers, etc. I instruct my patients to never use it, under any cii' cumstances, without the advice of a good herbal physician. 174 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-The Buchu plant is a perennial shrub, which grows to about three feet in height. The shrub is slender and smooth, with angular brownish-purple branches. The flowers are pink, or whitish. The leaves are opposite, flat, spreading, about an inch long, ovate, acute, and serrated. The capsule is ovate, and the seeds are black, shining, and oblong. History.-The Buchu plant is a native of Southern Africa. It does not grow very prolilically. There are two other varieties from which the leaves are taken, and which are of equal value with the Barosma Crenata. The leaves are the parts which are termed officinal. The Hottentots gather these leaves, (which emit a sort of minty odor,) and powder them. " The powder," says a traveler, " they have named Booko, and they use it for anointing their bodies." They also distil the leaves and obtain from them a strong spirituous liquor somewhat resembling pale brandy, which they not only use for convivial purposes, but for the cure of various diseases, particularly those which are located in the stomach, bladder, bowels and kidneys. A decoction of the leaves is systematically applied by them, with success, we are told, to wounds, but this is an assertion of which we have no direct proof. As we get them, the leaves are nearly, or quite, an inch in length, and from a sixth to half an inch in width, elliptical, lanceolate, slightly acute, or shorter and obtuse; their margin is serrated and glandular, upper surface smooth, and of a clear shining green, the under surface paler, with scattered oil points. They taste and smell like pennyroyal; but are neither heating nor bitter when chewed. They have to be kept very carefully if their odor and virtues are thoroughly preserved for any reasonable length of time. The leaves of all the varieties are somewhat similar, and possess about the same qualities. They yield their volatile oil and extractive (upon which their virtues are mainly dependent) to alcohol or water. Government and Virtues.-Governed by Venus. Buchu is aromatic and stimulant, diuretic and diaphoretic. It is employed in dyspep- sia with a palliative effect; but is chiefly administered in chronic in- flammation of the bladder, irritation of the membrane of the ure- tha, uric acid gravel, diabetes in its first stage, and in inconti- BUCHU.-Barosma Crenata. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 175 nence of urine. It is recommended, without good reason, for cu- taneous and rheumatic affections. I have no doubt Buchu is of some importance in chronic diseases of the urino-genital organs, for I have tried it; but I am sure that we have many native reme- dies which are altogether superior, and which are neglected only because the public is so familiar with them that they do not care to give them a fair trial. Description.-The cotton plant varies in its size and appearance according to the climate or latitude in which it grows, and requires no especial description, as it can not be easily mistaken for any other plant. History.-It is a native of Asia ; but is cultivated extensively in many parts of the world, and in the Southern portions of America more successfully than anywhere else. The inner bark of the re- cent root is the part chiefly used in medicine. Its active princi- ple, which is that administered by all educated herbal physicians, is called Gossypiin. Government and Virtues.-Gossypium Herbaceum is a plant of the Sun ; but Venus also claims power over it. The preparation Gossypiin is most excellent for diseases of the utero-genital or- gans. In these diseases it evinces its sole and only virtues, and it ought, on every occasion where it can be procured in its puri- ty, to be used in the stead of ergot, or smut rye, in cases of difficult labor. The latter will produce uterine inflammation, and puer- peral fever, while gossypiin will achieve the beneficial effects for which ergot is usually administered, and leave the system per- fectly free from any prejudicial after-results. The active princi- ple of fresh cotton root forms a most wonderful uterine tonic, and, if correctly prepared, will be found invaluable in sterility, vagin- itis, whites, menstrual irregularities, green sickness, etc. I do not recommend the use of the decoction of the root, by inexperi- enced persons. GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM.-Cotton Root. THICK LEAVED PENNYWORT.-Hydro cotyle Asiatica. Description.-This is a small plant with a hollow trailing stem, and leaves shaped similar to those of the violet. It has a small delicate flower which does not attract much attention. History.-This plant grows in moist soils in India, the Islands of 176 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. the Indian Ocean, and some parts of Southern Africa. The na- tives of India have for many years used it as an alterative, or pu- rifier ojthe blood; also as a diuretic or stimulant of the kidneys and bladder. The whole plant, dried, is used. It is not cfficinal, or kept in the drug shops, and can only be obtained in its pure and active shape, by private enterprise. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus. It may be used with some advantage in low fevers, bilious affec- tions, urinary difficulties, and ordinary cutaneous affections ; but its special mission appears to be the cure of a disease commonly known as leprosy; but whose true name is elephantiasis. Its efficiency in banishing this, and kindred complaints, was first dis- covered by a French physician, residing in the Island of Mauri- tius, who cured himself and then many others similarly afflicted. It has since been tested by many other medical men who speak of it as without an equal in leprosy. There are many kinds of elephantiasis, the worst of which attacks all parts of the body; but causes the legs to swell to an enormous size, shaped like those of an elephant, and is characterized by livid eruptions and loath- some ulcers. Dose, an ounce of the dried plant infused in a pint of water, once a day. It is used in powder, infusion, and syrup. CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA. Description.-This is a tree which grows in Hindostan, and is sometimes called the Calotropis Madarii Indico-orientalis. The bark is the part employed in medicine, and is of a whitish color, nearly or quite inodorous, and of a bitter but somewhat nauseous taste. It is administered only in small doses, large ones having a tendency to promote nausea and vomiting. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of the Sun. The English physicians residing in Calcutta and other parts of India use it very extensively, and have recommended it for use in this country. Its chief power seems to be excited upon the skin, the capillaries and absorbents of which it stimulates to in- creased and healthy action. It has been found to be a most valu- ble remedy for all obstinate cutaneous diseases, and is highly spoken of as a great aid in banishing dropsy, syphilis, hectic fe- ver, and chronic rheumatism. 177 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Description.-This plant has received various names, among others Culver's Physic, Tall Speedwell, and through Linnaeus that of Veronica Virginica. It is perennial, with a simple, straight, smooth, herbaceous stem, and grows from three to four or five feet in height. The flowers are white and numerous. The capsule is many-seeded. History.-This plant is indigenous to the United States ; but is to be found in good condition only in limestone countries. It is often discovered in new soil, in moist woods, in swamps, etc., but its medicinal virtues are feeble, excepting when it is found where there is limestone. The root is the part used. It is per- ennial, irregular, horizontal, woody, and about as thick as the forefinger. It is gathered in the fall of the second year. The fresh root should never be used, as it is very violent and uncer- tain in its operations. The dried root, after having been proper- ly prepared, is what may be relied upon for beneficial effects. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn. It has many useful qualities, but it is chiefly serviceable for dis- eases of the stomach and liver. Its active principle is called Lep- tandrin, and is used extensively as an alterative to the mucous surface, in inflammation of the bowels, in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. It is serviceable in scrofula and chronic bronchitis. In functional disease of the liver it is one of the best remedies ex- tant. It exerts some of the best qualities of podophillin or man- drake. BLACKROOT.-Leptandra Virginica. SOUTH AMERICAN AGAVE.-Agave Americana. Description.-This plant, which is also sometimes called the Century Plant, from an erroneous idea that it blossoms but once in one hundred years, is the largest of all herbaceous plants. It •p an evergreen, and does not blossom often. History. -It flourishes in the warmer latitudes of South Ameri- ta, where its juice is expressed by the natives and allowed to ferment. In this condition it is called pulque, and is used as an exhilarating beverage. The natives can drink large quantities of this liquor without getting very much intoxicated ; but it is very severe upon those who are not accustomed to it. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. The fresh juice 178 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. is used by the South Americans to regulate the action of the bow. els and kidneys, and is considered very valuable for dyspepsia and diseases of the bladder. The South American women use the juice and the decoction to promote menstruation. I can say of my own knowledge that, in proper combination, it is a superior anti-syphilitic, and that in scorbutic affections it is withqut many superiors. The dose is from half a fluid ounce, to two fluid ounces, three times a day. BITTER CANDYTUFT.-Iberis Amara. Description.-This plant has a herbaceous stem, about a foot in height, with acute, toothed leaves, and bright white flowers. History.-The leaves, stem, root and seeds are used ; the seeds especially. The plant is an annual carefully cultivated in Europe, but grows wild also. It flowers in June and July. Government and Virtues.-It is under the control of Jupiter. The ancients employed it in gout, rheumatism, and diseases of a kin- dred nature. We use it, compounded with other herbal prepa- rations, for such diseases in their worst forms, and we also use it, by itself, in certain proportions, to allay excited action of the heart, particularly where the heart is enlarged. In asthma, bron- chitis, and dropsy, it is now considered one of the most excellent ingredients of certain cures for those afflictions. The dose is from one to five grains of the powdered seeds. Description.-Burning Bush is sometimes called Wahoo, Indian- arrow wood, spindle tree, etc., and is a small shrub or bush of from five to nine or eleven feet high, with smooth branches, leaves from two to five inches in length, (and half as wide) and dark purple flowers. There is another variety known as Euonymus Americanus, which is equally useful medicinally, and this, and the foregoing, are both known by the name of Wahoo, better than by any other title. History.-These plants grow in many sections of the United States, in woods and thickets, and in river bottoms, and flower in June. The bark of the roots is the part used. It has a bitter and unpleasant taste, in its natural shape, and yields its good qualities to alcohol or water. The active principle is Euonymin. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Saturn. BURNING BUSH.-Euonymus Atropurpubeus. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 179 Euonymin acts on the liver, and its main office appears to Le to manufacture bile, just as some articles of food make blood faster than others. As a stimulant to the liver, an improver of diges- tion, and a regulator of the action of the bowels, it is highly rec- ommended. It makes gastric fluid, arouses the action of the pancreas, and relieves the liver. Of Euonymin, take one-eighth of a grain three times a day. The alkaloid principle of the plant, as above embodied, is its chief virtue. Description.-Colombo, so important in the present practice of medicine, is a climbing plant with a perennial root which is quite thick and branching. The root is covered with a thin brown skin, marked with transverse warts. The stems, of which one or two proceed from the same root, are twining, simple in the male plant, branched in the female, round, hairy, and about an inch, or an inch and a half in circumference. The leaves stand on rounded glandular-hairy footstalks, and are alternate, distant, cordate, and have three, seven, or nine lobes and nerves. The flowers are small and inconspicuous. History.-This plant inhabits the forests near the South-eastern coast of Africa; in the neighborhood of Mozambique, where the natives call it Kalamb. The root is dug up in the dry season in the month of March, and is cut in slices, strung on cords, and hung up to dry. The odor of Colombo is slightly aromatic ; the taste bitter, and also mucilaginous. The root is easily pulverized, but spoils by keeping after having been reduced to a powder. It is best to powder it only as it is required for use. The active principle of Colombo is called Columbin. The root also yields Berber in, an excellent stomachic which is procured from the Bar- berry. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Herschel. It is one of the purest bitter tonics in the world, and in dyspep- sia, chronic diarrhoea, and dysentery, as well as in convalescence from febrile and inflammatory diseases, it can hardly be surpass- ed as a remedial agent. It is most useful in the remittent and in- termittent fevers of hot climates. It is used in many combina- tions, for which, consult me if pccasion offers. COCCULUS PALMATUS.-Colombo. 180 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST Description.-Fumitory is an annual, glaucous plant, with a sub- erect, much branched, spreading, leafy and angular stem, grow- ing from ten to fifteen inches high. The leaves are mostly alter- nate. Culpepper, who knew the plant, which is now used, better than anybody else, said that " at the top of the branches stand many small flowers, as it were in a long spike one above another, made like little birds, of a reddish purple color, with whitish bellies, after which come small round husks, containing small black seeds. The root is small, yellow, and not very long, and full of juice when it is young." The fruit, or nut, is ovoid or globose, one-seeded or valveless. The seeds are crestless. History.-Fumitory is found growing in cultivated soils in Europe and America, and flowers in May, June, and July. The leaves are the parts used. Culpepper recommended the whole plant, but the modern decision is to use the leaves, gathered at the proper times, alone. They have no odor, but taste bitter under all circumstances. They are to be used when fresh, and possess the same qualities as Culpepper affixes to thp fresh root, viz : malate of lime and bitter extractive principles. Government and Virtues.-It is distinctly a plant of Saturn. Its virtues are chiefly tonic, and those ■who suffer from diseases of the stomach know too well that a tonic, if properly defined, is, simple as it may be, one of the most important remedies for hu- man ailments nature has provided. Its chief value is found in its action upon the liver. It is used, in combination, with excellent effect, in cutaneous diseases, liver complaints, such as jaundice, costiveness, scurvy, and in debility of the stomach. An infusion of the leaves is usually given in a wineglass (full) every four hours. The flowers and tops have been applied, macerated in wino, to dyspepsia, with partial good effect. FUMITORY.-Fumaria Officinalis. CANDLE NUT TREE.-Aleurites Triloba. Description.-The name of this tree, a botanical explanation of which is unnecessary, is derived from the Greek word "mealy," alluding to a meal-like substance which covers the tree. It is of the order Euphorbiaceaa. History.-It is a small tree which is quite common in the Sand- wich, Society, and other South Sea Islands, and is well known to THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 181 travellers who have visited those yegions. It is also seen in the East and West Indies, but not so prolifically as in the South Sea Islands ; neither does it grow in such medicinal perfection. The oil of the fruit is the part used. The best comes from the Sand- wich Islands and Ceylon, and is called Kukin and Kekune oil, respectively. The name of the tree is sufficient to indicate the character of the nut, which gives an oil from which artificial light may be gained, as well as medical qualities. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Venus. In Jamaica the tree is called the Spanish Walnut, (a name to which it has no claim,) and the oil is there called Spanish Walnut oil. Its virtues are not many. They are, however, none the less valuable. Everybody knows the excellent cathartic called castor oil. The oil of the Candle Nut tree is much more useful as a cathartic, of a mild, but searching character, and would, if it could be readily obtained at a low price, soon supersede the castor oil. It is solely valuable as an excellent and reliable purge. SOLOMON'S SEAL.-Convallaria Multiflora. Description.-Thia plant has a smooth stem which grows from one to four feet high. The leaves are alternate, smooth and glossy above, pale beneath, two to six inches long, and from one to three broad. Flowers greenish white. Berry dark blue, or blackish when ripe. There is another variety, the Convallaria Racfemosa, the root of which possesses similar qualities to that of Solomon's Seal. History.-Both plants are to be found throughout the United States and Canada. They flower from May to August. -The root, which is the part used, is inodorous, but has a sweetish mucilaginous taste which is followed by a slight sense of bitter- ness. Government and Virtues.-These plants are under the influence of Venus. The root is tonic, mucilaginous and astringent. The decoction is successfully used in whites, pectoral affections, menorrhagia, female debility, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, erysipelas, neuralgia, itch, local inflammations, etc. Dose of the decoction, one to three ounces, three times a day. CEDRON.-Simaba Cedron. Description.-Simaba Cedron is a small tree, with an erect stem 182 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. about half a foot in diameter, branching at top rather luxuriantly, with large leaves and pale brown flowers. The fruit is a large solitary drupe, like a plum or peach, and contains a single seed. History-This tree grows in New Grenada and Central America. Its value as a medicinal agent has long been known in Costa Rica, Trinidad, etc., and from thence was communicated to scientific gentlemen in France. The seed, which is the part used, is about an inch and a half long, nearly an inch broad, and about half an inch thick. It is hard, but can be easily cut by a common knife. It is inodorous, but tastes like quassia or aloes, and yields its pro- perties to water or alcohol. In South America the properties of these seeds were known as early as the year 1700. At that time they were applied more especially as an antidote to the bites of poisonous serpents, and similar affections. Government and Virtues.-It is under the influence of Mars, and is an anti-spasmodic, and one of the most valuable articles of the kind known to educated herbalists. It is very useful in all nervous affections, and is administered in one or two grain doses. As it can only be obtained from those who, like myself, import it especially, it is unnecessary to say that it should not be adminis- tered without the advice of competent herbal physicians. To give an idea of its value as an anti-spasmodic, I mention that it is a cure for hydrophobia, and an antidote for the majority of acro- narcotic poisons. IRISH MOSS.-Chondrus Crispus. Description.-Irish Moss is often called Carrageen. It has a root-disk, throwing up tufts of flat frondes from two inches to a foot in height. These dilate from the base upwards until they become from a quarter to one-third of an inch wide, and then divide repeatedly. The seeds are minute, roundish and red. History.--This plant is commonly found along the sea coasts of Europe, and grows to a very limited extent on the Atlantic shores of America. Its color, when fresh, is nearly purple; but when dried and cleaned it is of a dirty white aspect, and is nearly inodorous. When boiled in water it forms a jelly upon cooling. It contains pectin, oxalate of lime, compounds of bromine, sulphur, chlorine, and starch. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Venus. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 183 Although at the first consideration Irish Moss may be set down as a simple, it is, in reality, one of the most useful and thorough demulcents we have. Like all of the sea weed class, it exerts a most generous and peculiar influence upon parts which require soothing and toning. A preparation called Caryageenin is made from Irish Moss, and is of considerable value, being highly mucilaginous. The moss is wonderfully useful as a demulcent in all chronic affections of the lungs and their dependencies, as well as in irritation of the bladder, kidneys and water passages, enlarged mesenteric glands, (for a description of which see another part of this volume,) scrofula, riekets, and aggravated dysentery and diarrhea. It is generally boiled in milk, and so administered. Its active principle can, however, be extracted only by an experienced herbalist. Description.-Bayberry is sometimes called Wax Myrtle. The shrub is branching, and partially evergreen, and varies in height from two to a dozen feet. The flowers appear in May before the leaves are fully expanded. The fruits are small and globular, re- sembling berries which are at first green, but become nearly white. They consist of a hard stone, inclosing a two lobed and two seeded kernel. On the outside of the stone are gunpowder- like grains, and over these is a crust of dry greenish white wax. History.-Bayberry is found in woods and fields from Canada to Florida. The bark of the root is the officinal part, but the wax is also used. Water must be employed to extract the astringent principles of the root-bark, alcohol to extract its stimulating vir- tues. The period at which the root should be collected is the latter part of fall. Cleanse it thoroughly, and while fresh separate the bark with a hammer or club. Dry the bark thoroughly and keep it in a dry place ; then pulverise, and keep the powder in dark and sealed vessels. In order to obtain the wax boil the berries in water ; the wax will soon float on the surface, and may be removed when it becomes cold and hardened. Government and Virtues.-It is a plant of Saturn. The bark has been successfully used in scrofula, jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, and in other cases where astringent stimulants were indicated. Powdered, it has been employed as a snuff with curative effect, BAYBERRY.-Myrica Cerifera. 184 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. in catarrh of the head and nasal polypus. It is sometimes ap- plied, in poultice form, to old ulcers, sores, tumors, etc.; but is better for these when combined with Bloodroot. The wax possesses mild astringent with narcotic properties. The real properties of Bayberry bark are found in a preparation called Myricin, which is a stimulant and astringent, and can be employed, to the best of advantage, in dysentery with typhoid symptoms, chronic diarrhea, scrofula, and follicular stomatisis. Its greatest and most salutary influence is exerted over a diseased condition of the mucus surface. Myricin should be administered internally by the advice of a physician acquainted with its virtues. It may be applied externally to sores, ulcers, etc., by anybody ; but its immediate effects must be neutralized by a poultice of slippery elm. Description.-The name of this plant, among some people, is Cow Parsnip. Its real name, however, is that which is placed at the top of this article. Its root is perennial, large, and spindle shaped, with a strong, disagreeable smell. The stem is hollow, thick, furrowed, branching and pubescent, growing from two to four, or sometimes five, feet high, and about an inch in width, or diameter, at the base. The leaves are large, as well as the root, and the flowers are white, in huge numbers, and often a fool broad. The fruit, or seeds, require no mention. History.-Masterwort was originally found in Labrador, but has since made its way to the United States. It is found in the vi- cinity of Pennsylvania more plentifully than elsewhere on that continent, growing west as far as Oregon, and flowering in June. The root, which is the part used, looks much like that of parsley, but has a sharp and ill-flavored taste, and a very strong and un- welcome odor. It should never be gathered from very damp lo- calities for medicinal purposes. Government and Virtues.-It is under the dominion of Mars, and is mainly stimulant and anti-spasmodic. It is sometimes employ- ed as a carminative, but that is its smallest virtue. I have often combined it with Vervain, and other excellent productions of na- ture, for epilepsy and chorea, and in such cases, which must be particular and peculiar, I use a strong extract of the root, leaves MASTERWORT.-Heracleum Lanatum. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 185 and tops. I have used the same preparation, regulated to suit individual cases, for colic, asthma, all kinds of mismenstruation, palsy, apoplexy, and intermittents. WATER FENNEL.-Oenanthe Phellandrium. Description.-Known sometimes as Water Dropwort, and some- times confounded with five-leaved-water-hemlock, which it is not. It has a hollow stem, which is furrowed, half immersed in the water, and bushy, with numerous spreading leafy branches from one to three, or four, feet in height. The seeds are from the twelfth of an inch to the twelfth and a half of an inch in length, are of a yellowish brown color. They have a peculiar and strong odor, and an acrid and aromatic taste. History.-This plant grows in Europe, in ditches and swamps and ponds, and its leaves or roots should never be used except- ing after having been carefully prepared by a competent herbal physician. The seeds are the parts used in medicine, and should never be touched by those who are not instructed in herbalism ; so true it is that nature provides remedies for the careful only. The whole plant yields a very violent principle called Phellan- drine, of which the seeds contain a modicum ; but upon drying, or dessication, this violent principle is not apparent. Government and Virtues-Water Fennel, (the seeds) is chiefly a narcotic stimulant; but may be used as a diuretic,expectorant, and alterative. It must never be given in large doses under any circumstances, being one of nature's most powerful remedies. They have been successfully used in all chronic diseases of the air passages, in indolent ulcerations, dyspepsia, and periodical febrile diseases. The virtues of the seeds, and the preparations properly made from them, are truly narcotic stimulant. In all diseases where a narcotic stimulant is needed, use Water Fennel if it can be obtained, but always ask a physican to administer it. KOUSSO.-Hagenia Abyssinica. Description.-The Hagenia Abyssinica is a tree about twenty feet high, of an ornamental character. The flowers grow in clusters, are small, greenish at first, but gradually becoming purple. The leaves are alternate, and are furnished with large stipules, or small leaf-like bodies at the base of the stalk. History.-This tree grows upon the table lands of Abyssinia at 186 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. an elevation of several thousand feet. The flowers are the parts used. They are gathered when in full bloom and are used in their fresh state; but are equally valuable when properly dried. After drying they are powdered, and in this form they are mixed with warm water and administered. The value of this medicine has been known for a long time, having been introduced in the French practice over forty years ago. It is quite difficult to pro- cure even the adulterated or spurious article in America or Eng- land ; the genuine is not to be obtained at any price in the drug stores. In the stores, however, can be obtained, at great cost, an active resinous principle, extracted from the flowers, and sometimes the unripe fruit, to which the names of Taeniin and Koussin have been given. The dose of this is set down at twenty grains. Government and Virtues.-It is governed by the Sun. In large doses it will produce heat of the stomach, nausea, and sometimes vomiting, and occasionally will act powerfully on the bowels ; but this is only when injudiciously taken. Its chief property is de- veloped in the destruction and expulsion of worms-especially the tape worm. It is the surest of all remedies for that distressing affliction when compounded with other ingredients which I have mentioned elsewhere. [See article on " Tenia Solium," page 363]. Taken in the proper dose, it seems to have no general effect, but operates wholly and solely upon the worms. The dose of the powdered flowers in infusion is half an ounce to half a pint of warm water. It must be reduced for children. If the medi- cine does not operate in four hours use castor oik I have not deemed it necessary to give a description of all the countless plants which nature, in her generosity, has furnished. I have given, however, all of the choicest and best for each and every disease that the human family is subject to, and they can mostly be obtained in this country. I must, however, impress upon the reader the fact that these plants should be gathered at the proper times, and under correct planetary and climatic influences, and I take occasion to say that it would be better if they were collected by a physician who thoroughly understands the Herbal THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 187 Practice ; because, if so collected and prepared together in such forms as his studies and experience may dictate, they will cure all the diseases that afflict humanity. If gathered at the wrong times, and by inexperienced parties, they will not, of course, impart their beneficial, or curative virtues. Or, even if collected by competent persons, and kept over one year, they will possess no real merit. I would particularly warn my readers against the use of plants and herbs which are for sale in places where they are doubtless kept for several years. These, as a general thing, are not gathered at the proper times, or, if they are, are kept so long that they lose all their original properties ; but any person can gather these herbs and plants without much trouble, in their original excellence and at the proper times. In order that they may do this, I have given all the necessary information as to times, seasons, qualities, places of growth, varieties of names, and also furnishing a series of beautiful colored illustrations by which those who may not understand the written description clearly can have a clue to the plant which will not fail them. I frequently have applications, from all quarters, for these plants and herbs, and it is with great regret that I here insert the fact that I cannot furnish them. Many of them are rare and scarce, but of even the commonest, I can only procure enough, by the greatest expense and exertion, to supply the imperative demands of my laboratory. I am some* times compelled to undergo almost too much expense to procure the material from which I manufacture my several remedies. 188 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. VALUABLE HERBAL RECIPES. In the following pages will be fonnd a variety of recipes for such diseases and afflictions as usually prevail in all parts of the world. The recipes given can be easily made up, and the ad- vice rendered with them, can be easily made available. There are, however, very many complicated cases of a chronic form of long standing, depriving the sufferer of one moment's hap- piness even in a modified form, that cannot be reached by any one formula or single medicine, but must be treated on scien- tific principles by the various remedies best adapted to each individual case as presented. For relief in such cases, I would re- fer the reader to advice and treatment on page 432 of this book. GOLDEN TINCTURE. No. 1 Balsam of tolu, two ounces; gum guaiacum, two ounces; gum hemlock, two ounces ; gum myrrh, two ounces; each coarsely powdered ; oil of hemlock, three ounces ; oil of Wintergreen, two ounces ; alcohol, one gallon. Let it stand fourteen days. Shake frequently in the meantime. Dose.-From one to two teaspoonsful, according to severity and obstinacy of the case, in half a glass of sweetened water. This mixture has proved highly useful as an internal remedy for rheu. matism, colic, pains, chills, soreness, lameness, sour stomach, languor, depressed spirits, palpitations, water brash, flatulency, and a variety of painful affections. PULMONARY REMEDY. No. 2. Take of the roots of spikenard, elecampane, comfrey, and blood-root: of the leaves and flowers of hoarhound, and of the bark of wild cherry, each one pound. These may all be ground and tinctured, by adding alcohol, water, and sugar sufficient to make three gallons of syrup, or any portion of the above com- pound may be tinctured in sufficient alcohol to cover them, when the herbs may be boiled until their strength is obtained, and the tincture and watery infusion may be mixed, and a sufficient THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 189 amount of refined sugar added to make a thick syrup. For coughs and colds, to be taken in teaspoonful doses as required. This remedy will act as a useful substitute for my prepared cure, the " Acacian Balsam," in such parts of the country as are without Express conveniences. It is, however, by no means equal to the " Balsam," and I do not say that it will save life where the Jungs are really ulcerated. LIVER CORDIAL. No. 3. Thorough-wort, two ounces ; ginger, half ounce; cloves, half ounce; extract dandelion, four ounces ; water, one and one-half pints. Boil to one-third, and add, sugar, one and one-half pounds, and brandy, one pint. Dose.-A wine-glassful once or twice a day. An excellent cordial cathartic to act upon the liver. The herbs must be gathered at the proper season or they will be worthless. No. 4. Aloes, pulverized, five ounces ; fine dry castile soap, half a drachm ; gamboge, pulverized, one ounce ; colocynth, one ounce ; extract of gentian, one ounce ; mandrake, one ounce ; cayenne pepper* two ounces ; oil of peppermint, half a drachm. Mix well together, and form into three grain pills. Dose.-Three to five pills. ANTLBILIOUS PILL. AN EXPECTORANT. No. 5. For asthma and cough, to promote expectoration, and remove tightness of the chest, the following is a valuable compound preparation. Fluid extract of skunk cabbage, one ounce; lobelia, one ounce ; blood-root, one ounce ; pleurisy-rootf one ounce; ginger, one ounce ; water, one pint; alcohol, three pints. Dose.-Two to four teaspoonsful. FOR PRODUCING SLEEP. No. 6. The following is a useful preparation for producing sleep, in wakeful or excited conditions, viz : fluid extract of ladies' slipper, one ounce ; fluid extract of pleurisy-root, one ounce; fluid extract of skunk cabbage, one ounce; fluid extract scull-cap, one ounce. Mix. 190 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Dose-Half a drachm to a drachm three times a day. FOR SICK AND NERVOUS HEADACHE. No 7. For sick and nervous headache, dependent on an acid stomach, the following is useful: fluid extract of ladies' slipper, half an ounce ; fluid extract of catnip, half an ounce ; fluid extract of scull-cap, half an ounce; water, one pint. Dose.-One to three teaspoonsful. Mix. TONIC TINCTURE. No. 8. Old cider, four gallons ; white oak bark, ten ounces ; horse-radish root, one pound ; seneca snake-root, six ounces; golden seal root, four ounces ; cayenne pepper, two ounces; bruise all fine, add the cider, let stand for ten days, fre- quently shaking up the mixture in the meantime. Dose.-For an adult, half to two-thirds of a wine-glassful, three times a day. SARSAPARILLA SYRUP. No. 9. Good sarsaparilla, two pounds ; guaiacum, three ounces ; rose leaves, two ounces; senna, two ounces ; liquorice root, two ounces ; oil of sassafras, five drops ; oil of aniseeds five drops ; oil of wintergreen, three drops; diluted alcohol, ten pints; sugar eight pounds. Dose.-A table-spoonful two or three times a day. No. 10. Peppermint water, one and one-half ounces « wine of colcbicum root, half an ounce; sulphate of morphine one grain ; magnesia, one scruple. Dose.-One teaspoonful three or four times a day. RHEUMATIC TINCTURE. No. 11. Tannin, three grains ; extract of belladonna, three-fourths of a grain ; extract of conium two and a half grains ; infusion of senna, three ounces ; fennel water, one and a half ounces ; syrup of marsh-mallow, one and a half ounces. Mix. Dose.-A table-spoonful to be taken every two hours in chronic bronchitis. FOR BRONCHITIS. 191 COMPOUND SPIRITS OF LAVENDER. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. No. 12. Dried lavender flowers, two drachms ; nutmeg, two drachms; mace, two drachms ; cloves, two ounces ; cinnamon, two ounces. Pulverize all these, and add a quart of spirits. Let it then stand for a week, and then strain off the liquid. Dose.-One or two teaspoonsful may be taken often in a little water, with loaf sugar. Useful in nervous affections. NERVE TONIC. No. 13. Extract of scull-cap, two drachms; extract of chamomile, two drachms; extract of boueset, one drachm; pulverised cayenne, one scruple ; quinine, one drachm; oil of valerian, half a drachm. Beat well together, and make ninety pills. Dose.-For an adult, one pill every two or three hours. No. 14. Gentian root, two ounces ; dried orange peel, one ounce; cardamom seed, half an ounce, (all bruised) ; diluted alcohol or common whiskey, one quart. Let it stand for two weeks. Use.-Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, general weakness, etc. Dose.-One or two table-spoonsful in water, three times a day. STOMACHIC BITTERS. No. 15. Take of boneset, two ounces; blue vervain, two ounces ; scull cap, one ounce ; Virginia snake-root, half an ounce. Make an infusion and drink freely while warm. If it produces vomiting, reduce the dose. This will be found highly beneficial. If the bowels are constipated, use one of my " Ren. ovating Pills " every night until all constipation has been removed or remedied. FEVER AND AGUE. No. 16. Resin, one pound ; beeswax, one ounce ; bur- gundy pitch, one ounce ; mutton tallow, one ounce. Melt them together, and add olive oil, pulverized camphor, and sassafras STRENGTHENING PLASTER. 192 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. oil, of each one-sixteenth of an ounce, and West India rum, one fluid ounce. Stir well together, pour into cold water, and form into rolls with the hands ; spread with a knife on a piece of linen cloth, and apply in weakness of the joints, rheumatism, weak chest, weak back, ulcers. This is an excellent plaster for all such purposes. ACETIC BLOODROOT SYRUP. No. 17. Blood-root in powder, one drachm ; acetic acid, or vinegar, one pint ; water, one pint. Add the blood-root to the vinegar and water mixed, and steep for two hours, then strain and add two pounds of white sugar, simmer until a syrup is formed. This is a specific remedy for pseudo-membranous croup. It is also used in infantile pneumonia and bronchitis, but the " Aca- cian Balsam " should be used with it. Dose.-For Croup, from half a teaspoonful to a table-spoonful, but it should not be given in quantities sufficient to provoke vomiting, unless there is imminent danger of suffocation, and then only sufficient to eject the mucous adhering to the upper part of the bronchii and trachea. A GOOD EMETIC. No. 18. Pulverised lobelia, one ounce ; pulverised blood root, one ounce ; pulv. ipecacuanha, six drachms ; pulv. cayenne, four scruples ; seneca, one scruple. Mix. An excel- lent emetic in all cases where one is required. My " Renovating Pills" should be used to cleanse the system of all remaining particles of lobelia. Dose.-Half a teaspoonful in a cup of warm water, and repeat every fifteen minutes, until it operates. NERVE TONIC AND ANTI-SPASMODIC. No. 19. High cranberry bark, one ounce; skunk cabbage- root, half an ounce ; scull-cap, half an ounce ; cardamom seeds» two drachms; pnlv. cayenne, two dracnms. Put these into a pint of wine. Shake it well every day for three or four days- Dose.-A table-spoonful four times a day. Wild Cranesbill Safflower Motherwort THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 193 No. 20. Best Turkey rhubarb, two drachms ; leptandrin, two drachms ; white sugar, one pound ; hot water, one pint. Triturate well together; add essence of peppermint, one drachm; essence of anise, one drachm; tincture of catechu, two drachms. Dose.-For dysentery, one teaspoonful every half hour. DYSENTERY SYRUP. No. 21. Tincture of lobelia, half an ounce; tincture of blood-root, two ounces ; oil of spearmint, half a drachm; molasses, five ounces. Dose-Take one-half of a teaspoonful as often as needed. Useful merely as a palliative. COUGH PREPARATION. PULMONARY SYRUP. No. 22. Spikenard root, sixteen ounces ; white root, six- teen ounces ; bLod root, eight ounces; elecampane, eight ounces ; colts-foot, eight ounces ; boneset, eight ounces ; poplar bark, four ounces ; seneca snake root, two ounces ; lobelia, two ounces ; slippery elm bark, eight ounces ; proof spirits, three gallons. Bruise or pulverise all, and digest in the spirits for fourteen days ; then strain, and add white sugar suffi. cient to form a syrup. Dose.-A tablespoonful occasionally, in a mucilage of slip- pery .elm. Use.-This is a fair relief in all coughs acd pulmonary affections. CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE MUCOUS SURFACES. No. 23. Hard balsam copaiba, three and a half drachms; fresh ground cubebs, three and a half drachms ; carbonate of ammonia one drachm. Make one hundred pills. Dose.-One pill three times a day, between meals. No. 24. Sulphuric acid, one drachm; spirits of turpentine, one drachm ; olive oil, three drachms. Mix the oil and turpen- tine first, then gradually add the sulphuric acid. LINIMENT FOR CHILBLAINS. 194 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. A valuable liniment for chilblains when no other can be obtained. To be robbed on two or three times a day. LINIMENT FOR NEURALGIA, ETC. No. 25. Sweet oil, one ounce ; water of ammonia, strong, one ounce. Mix. To be rubbed on with a piece of flannel. A temporary relief for crick in the neck, and rheumatic and neuralgic pains. SLEEPLESSNESS. No. 26. Camphor, one grain, formed into a pill, followed by a draught of an ounce and a half of the infusion of hops, with five drops of sulphuric ether. No. 27. The remedies given below will be found generally useful: First.-Warm salt bath. When the pain is very severe at night, take tincture of guaiacum, one drachm ; tincture of aloes, half a drachm ; spirits of turpentine, thirty drops. Mix, and take in a pint of gruel at bedtime. Second.-Should the pains continue very severe, give the following :-Aloes, half a scruple ; opium, three grains ; syrup of buckthorn sufficient to form a pill mass. Mix, and make three pills ; one at bed-time. Third.-Compound powder of ipecacuanha, eight grains ; camphor mixture, one and a half ounces. Mix, and give a draught every night. Fourth-Take wine of colchicum seeds, one ounce; give from ten to twenty drops in gruel or water three times a day, with one of the following pills :-Sulphate of quinine, twenty- four grains ; and syrup sufficient to form into twelve pills ; or ; Fifth.-Iodide of potash, one drachm ; distilled water, two ounces. Mix, and give a teaspoonful in a wine-glass of wate"-morn- ing, noon, and night. This seldom ever fails to give relief. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. REMEDY FOR BOWEL COMPLAINT. No. 28. Rhubarb, pulverised, one ounce: salaratus, on® THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 195 teaspoonful: pour on a pint of boiling water. When cold, add a table-spoonful of essence of peppermint. Dose.-From one to three table-spoonsful two or three times a day. WORM MIXTURE. No. 29. Populin, one drachm : santonin, twenty grains : tincture of pink root, four ounces : neutralizing mixture, one pint. Rub the santonin in the neutralizing mixture, until thoroughly mixed, then add the other ingredients. Excellent for removing worms in children. Dose.-From thirty to forty drops every half hour, until it acts on the bowels as a purge. If the worms are not removed, repeat every two or three days ; but be cautious to get good pink root, as much of the plant sold for pink root by the drug- gists is poisonous. PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. No. 30. Extract of hyoscyamus, gum camphor, and dover's powders, of each one scruple. Mix, and make into twenty pills. Dose.-One pill twice a day for painful menstruation. STOMACH PILL. No. 31.-Pulverised rhubarb, and guaiacum, of each eight gr&ins: galbanum, two grains : ipecacuanha, two grains. Mix, and make eight pills. Dose.-Take one or two pills, night and morning. Excellent for a weak stomach, and a bilious condition. BRONCHIAL TROCHES. (For Temporary Relief ) No. 32. Extract of liquorice, one pound : sugar, one and a half pounds : cubebs, four ounces ; gum arabic, four ounces : all pulverised : extract of conium, one ounce. Mix, and take a piece as big as a pea and dissolve it in the mouth, several times a day ; rubbing the neck three times a day with the " Herbal Ointment. " DIARRHCEA. No. 33. Syrup of orange peel, one ounce ; acetate of mor- 196 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. phine, two grains ; tincture of cinnamon, six drachms ; tincture of cardamom, two drachms. Mix. Dose.-A teaspoonful. Valuable in diarrhoea. No. 34. Tincture of American hellebore, one drachm ; tincture of black cohosh, two ounces. Mix. Dose.-One teaspoonful, from three to six times a day. NEURALGIA. PILE OINTMENT. No. 35. Extract of stramonium, one ounce ; extract ol tobacco, one ounce ; tannin, ten grains. Make an ointment, and bathe or lubricate the parts, if you cannot at once get tho " Herbal Ointment. " STOMACHIC PILL. 36. Powdered cayenne pepper, one drachm ; rhubarb, two drachms. Make into a mass with syrup, and divide into sixty pills. Dose.-Two to three every day, an hour before dinner. No. 31. First.-Absinthium. ( Wormwood.) Infuse three drachms in twenty ounces of water. Dose.-From a half to two tablespoonsful. Use.-In debilitated state of the digestive organs. Second.-Acorus-Calamus, {Sweet flag root.) Infuse one ounce in twenty ounces of water. Joined with other tonics. Use.-In uneasiness from flatulence. AROMATIC BITTERS. (Stimulant.) No. 38. Chamomile, scull-cap, and queen of the meadow, each one pound. Reduce them to powder, aud mix well together. Dose.-To one tablespoonful of this powder add one pint of water ; make a tea and drink during the day. This is a good tonic in all cases of debility. TONIC TEA. {Debility.) SPICED BITTERS. {For weak patients.) No. 39. Poplar bark, ten pounds ; bayberry bark, two pounds; balmony bark, two pounds ; golden-seal, one pound ; THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 197 cloves, one pound ; cayenne pepper, half a pound ; loaf sugar, sixteen pounds. Let these articles all be made fine and well mixed. Put a table-spoonful of this compound, with four ounces of sugar, into a quart of boiling water. Take a wine-glassful three times a day before eating, or a teaspoonful of these powders may bt» taken in a cup of hot water, half an hour before each meal. TONIC. ( For Chlorosis, or Green Sickness.) No. 40. Sulphate of quinine, fifteen grains : diluted sub phuric acid, fifteen drops: compound tincture of cardamom, three drachms: tincture of hops, three drachms : compound infusion of roses, six ounces. Mix. Dose.-A teaspoonfnl two or theee times a day. No. 41. Tincture of blood-root, one ounce; sulphate of morphine, one and a half grains : tincture of digitalis, half an ounce ; wine of antimony, half an ounce: oil of wintergreeu, ten drops. Mix. Dose.-Prom twenty to forty drops, two or three times a day. Very good relief for a hard dry, cough. HARD DRY COUGH. TINCTURE FOR FEVER AND AGUE, ETC. No. 42. Peruvian bark, and wild cherry bark, each two ounces; cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, each one drachm ; wine, two quarts. Let it stand for a few days to extract the strength. Dose.-A wine-glassful every two or three hours. Use.-A very good remedy for intermittent fever, or fever and ague, after suitable evacuants. It frequently removes the disease when all other means fail. ANTI-SPASMODICS. Mistura Camphors. (Aqua Camphorce, U. S.) No. 43. First.-Camphor, two drachms ; alcohol, forty drops ; carbonate magnesia, four drachms; distilled water, two pints. Dose.-One to two tablespoonsful. Use.-In typhoid conditions, with delirium, for after-pains. Tinct. Camphors Comp. (Par agaric Elix. Tine. Opii Camph.) 198 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Second.-Pulverized opium, one drachm ; benzoic acid, one drachm ; oil of aniseed, one drachm ; sugar, two ounces ; camphor, two scruples ; diluted alcohol, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days. Half a drachm contains less than one grain of opium. Dose.-For infants, from five to twenty drops ; adults, one to two tablespoonsful. Use.-To allay cough or nausea, to check diarrhoea, to relieve pains. Moschus. Preputial secretion of the musk animal. Dose and form-Five to ten grains, in pill, bolus, or emulsion. Use.-Hiccough, epilepsy, asthma, cough, palpitation. TONIC AND CATHARTIC. No. 44. Aloes, gentian, orange peel, juniper berries, and bruised aniseed, each one ounce ; gin, one pint. Mix. Macer- ate for two weeks, and then strain. Dose-A tablespoonful once or twice a day. Good for bilious habits. {For scrofulous and glandular tumors.') DISCUTIENT OINTMENT. No. 45. Bark of bitter-sweet root, stramonium leaves, cicuta leaves, deadly nightshade, and yellow dock root, each two ounces ; lard, one pound. Bruise and simmer the roots and leaves in spirits ; then add the lard, and simmer till the ingre- dients are crisped or thickened into an ointment. COUGH MIXTURE. No. 46. Syrup of tolu, one ounce ; syrup of squills, half an ounce; wine of ipecac, two drachms ; paregoric, three drachms; gum arabic mucilage, one and a half ounces, Mix. Dose.-Take a teaspoonful occasionally. No. 41. First.-Raspberry leaves, geranium, blackberry root, and leptandrin root, each one ounce. Mix and make three pints of strong decoction. Suitable for a gargle. GARGLES. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 199 Second.-Geranium, golden-seal, marsh-mallow, wild indigo root, and rosemary, each half an ounce. Mix, and make one pint of strong infusion. After straining, add two drachms of powdered borax, and one gill of honey. Au excellent astringent gargle. No. 48. Balsam of tolu, balsam of fir, each two ounces; opium, two drachms. Dissolve all three in one quart of alcohol. Dose.-A tea spoonful occasionally. Valuable for the relief of pulmonary diseases. HONEY BALSAM. ANTI-DYSENTERY CORDIAL. No. 49. Birch bark, and peach pits, each two pounds; bayberry bark, half a pound ; wild cherry bark, one pound ; water, two gallons. Boil down to one and a half gallons, after which add a gallon of good brandy, and loaf sugar sufficient to make it palatable. Dose-A wineglassful three or four times a day. No. 50. Queen of the meadow, milk-weed, juniper berries, dwarf elder, spearmint, wild carrot seed, of each two ounces. Put all in a mortar and bruise, and boil the whole in a gallon of water, till half a gallon of the liquid is left, and then strain. Dose.-Half a pint of the decoction is to be taken several times during the day. FOR GRAVEL, DROPSY, ETC. No. 51. Acetate of morphine, four grains ; tincture of blood-root, two drachms ; antimonial wine, three drachms; ipecacuanha, three drachms ; syrup of wild cherry, three ounces; Mix. Dose.-A teaspoonful two or three times a day. COUGH SYRUP. FOR THE LONG ROUND WORM OF CHILDREN, No. 52. Pulverised rue, ten grains ; santonin, five grains; podophyllin, one grain. Rub well together; divide into eight powders, and give one every night and morning. No. 53. Tincture of catechu, half an ounce; spirits of DIARRHCEA. 200 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. camphor, tincture of myrrh, and tincture of cayenne, each two drachms. Mix. Dose.-From half a teaspoonful to a teaspoonful in Diarrhoea. INJECTION. No. 54. Castor oil, oae gill; pulv. cayenne, ten grains , table salt, one teaspoonful; molasses, one gill; warm water, one pint. Inject. No. 55. A pleasant cordial for low spirits is the follow- ing:-Aniseed, four drachms; oil of angelica, one drachm; oil of cassia, forty drops; oil of carraway, thirty drops; proof spirits, two gallons. Mix well. Do<te.-Half a tablespoonful in water. THE BLUES, OR LOW SPIRITS. SKIN DISEASES WITH MUCH IRRITATION. No. 56. Decoctions of bitter-sweet and mallows, of each half a pint; mix and make a liniment. Use the Renovating Pills internally. No. 57. Lard, two quarts; turpentine, one pint; camphor, quarter of a pound. Rub into the parts. This will be found a capital remedy. CHILBLAIN OINTMENT. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. No. 58. Hard wood ashes, one quart; common soot, half a gill; water, six pints. Digest, settle, and filter. Dose.-Take one tablespoonful three times a day, in acidity of the stomach. HEMORRHOIDS. PILES. No. 59. Opium, one scruple ; pulverised nut-galls, one drachm ; ointment altheae. Mix, and anoint the parts. SORE THROAT. No. 60. Those subject to sore-throat should make a wash of warm water, in which wood-ashes have been dissolved, and apply externally every morning. The " Herbal Ointment " should be applied at night, and well rubbed in. If the disease has become permanent or chronic, the " Acacian Balsam" must be used according to directions. (See p ige 401 ) THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 201 INJECTION FOR COSTIVENESS. No. 61. Castor oil, two ounces; tincture of prickly ash bark, half an ounce ; compound tincture of Virginia snake root, two drachms ; infusion of boneset and senna, equal parts, half a pint. Mix, and inject. It is, by no means, however, as good as the "Renovating Pills." See page 406. TO PRODUCE PERSPIRATION. No. 62. Blood-root, golden-seal, sumach-berries, bayberry bark, of each two drachms ; all pulverised. Mix. Dose.-Make an infusion in a pint of hot water, and give a table-spoonful every half hour. POULTICE FOR A FESTER. No. 63. Boil bread in the settlings of strong beer ; apply the poultice in the common manner. This has saved many an hour of suffering. No. 64. May be mad£ by moistening bread crumbs with milk. They may also be made of flax-seed, roasted onions, snake-root, hops, etc. Poultices are useful in nearly all cases of local inflammation. CATAPLASMS, OR POULTICES. No. 65. Gum opium, gum camphor, spirits of turpentine, each one scruple. Rub in a mortar to a paste. Put it in the hollow tooth. Use.-This will cure and ever prevent the toothache. TOOTHACHE. No. 66. Take sherry wine, one gill; ground cloves, and grated nutmeg, each one drachm ; cinnamon, and bruised cara- way seeds, each a quarter of an ounce. Place all these dry substances iuto the wine or spirits, in a half pint bottle, and let them stand for several days, shaking the bottle every night and morning. Strain off the tincture through linen to get it bright, then add about ten drops of lavender, or five drops of the otto of roses. A few drops on a lump of sugar dissolved in the month, will secure a breath of flowers. A FRAGRANT BREATH. 202 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. It may be also used with advantage on the tooth-brush, in lieu of tooth powder, or, mixed with water it makes an excel- lent gargle. No. 67. A bucket of warm water ; pulv. cayenne pepper, one tablespoonful ; ground mustard, two tablespoonsful. Mix. Use.-As a foot bath in suppression of menses. FOOT BATH. TO IMPROVE THE VOICE. No. 68. Beeswax, two drachms ; balsam of copaiba, three drachms ; powdered liquorice root, four drachms. Melt the copaiba with the wax in a new earthen pipkin. When they are melted, remove them from the fire, and while in a liquid state, mix in the powdered liquorice. Make pills of three grains each. Two «of these pills to be taken occasionally, or three or four times a day, if necessary. Use.-This is a good remedy foj clearing and cleaning the voice and is much used by professional singers. No. 69. Take of opodeldoc, spirits of wine, salamoniac, equal parts, and apply like any other lotion. HEADACHE. NEURALGIC PAINS. No. 70. Bind on the place a thick plaster of common salt or salaratus moistened; it will soon extract the vemon. STINGS. No. 71. Fresh ground cubebs. Dose.-From five to twenty grains. Use.-As a stomachic in disorders of the digestive organs. A STOMACHIC. MUSTARD POULTICES. No. 72. These are prepared by adding one tablespoonful of mustard to three of flour, mixing with equal parts of water and vinegar. Use.-They are beneficially employed to attract the blood from the deep-seated or inward, to the superficial or outward capillaries, or hair-like veins or arteries. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 203 No. 73. Solution chloride of sodium, six drops ; water, two ounces. Mix. Use.-A sure remedy for an offensive breath emanating from a deranged stomach. OFFENSIVE BREATH. No. 74. The Medical Journal says the following is an infallible cure for the poison of a rattlesnake bite. 'Iodide of potass, four grains ; corrosive sublimate, two grains ; bromine, five drachms. Mix together, and keep the mixture in a glass- stoppered vial, well secured. Dose.-Ten drops of this mixture, diluted with a tablespoon- full of brandy, constitutes a dose. The quantity to be repeated if necessary, according to the exingencies of the case. ANTIDOTE FOR RATTLESNAKE POISON. FOR CANCER. No. 75. Take equal parts of fresh poke-weed, yellow dock, and blood-root ; evaporate the juice by the means of a sand bath, to the consistency of tar. The ointment should be applied, after the cuticle has been removed by a blister, three times a day, The parts should be washed with good French brandy after each application of the ointment. If the reader finds it impossible to make this remedy, please write me full particulars of the case. No. 76. Take Iodine, one ounce ; phosphate of lime, two ounces; water, one pint. Dissolve the iodiue and lime the water, and add twenty grains of tannin. Inject with a small syringe three or four times a day. Use.-A valuable injection in hip disease, where the head of the bone is decayed. FOR HIP DISEASE. FOR BRUISES. No. IT. Take pulv. slippery elm, and pulv. indigo weed, each one pound; gum myrrh, half a pound ; pulv. prickly a quarter of a pound. Wet with good brewer's yeast and apply. A very good poultice for bruises. 204 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. FOR DIPTHERIA. No. 78. Saturated tincture of scrofulaire, one drachm, added to half a tumbler of water. Triturated macrotyn, twenty grains ; added to a tumbler full of water. Dose.-One teaspoonful of each every hour. GARGLE FOR THE ELONGATION OF THE UVULA. No. 79. Fluid extract of rhusin, one drachm ; fluid extract of bayberry, two drachms ; water, two ounces. Mix, and gargle the throat three or four times a day. Also bathe the throat upon the outside in strong salt and water. OINTMENT FOR THE ITCH. No. 80. Take of sublimed sulphur, two parts; of subcar- bonate of potash, one part ; of lard eight parts. Make into an ointment and apply freely. No. 81. Apply the juice of the leaves of the great celandine or tetter-wort, and keep applying until the fungus growth is removed. TO REMOVE WARTS AND CORNS. FOR THE TEETH. No. 82. Make charcoal of bread, pulverise it until it is reduced to an impalpable powder, then apply daily, morning and evening, with a soft brush and pure cold water. Use.-This will keep the teeth white, and cure diseases of the gums. No. 83 Take of powdered colchicum seed, two ounces ; of sherry wine, twelve fluid ounces. Put them together in a close glass bottle, and let them stand for fourteen days, giving a good shaking every day. Filter through a flue muslin cloth, and drink as required. A GOOD MEDICATED WINE. INJECTION FOR ASIATIC CHOLERA. No. 84. Take of water, one fluid ounce ; tincture of prickly ash berries, one fluid drachm ; tincture of opium, twenty drops. Mix together. Inject in ordinary quantity until the desired effect has been produced. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 205 No. 85. Powder of rhatany, (for internal use,) ten grains. BLEEDING AT THE NOSE. FOR OLD ULCERS. No. 86. Take of red chickweed, which is common both in America and Europe, the leaves and flowers, and apply in the lorm of a poultice, frequently changing them. No. 87. Make from the leaves of the poison oak, a tincture with alcohol. Dose.-From two to five drops three times a day. Children should never use it. FOR PARALYSIS OF THE BLADDER. FOR NERVOUSNESS. No. 88. Fluid extract of cinchona, one ounce; fluid extract of valerian, one ounce ; essence of cardamom, two drachms. Mix. Dose.-One drachm every three hours. This will generally save much suffering until a permanent cure can be procured. No. 89. Dissolve, in a well-stopped bottle, a quarter of a pound of gum mastic, in a quantity of sulphuric ether barely sufficient for the purpose. Saturate, with this solution, a small piece of cotton of the size of the cavity in the tooth, and then, having cleansed and dried the cavity, gently press the cotton into it. This will be found useful where there are no dentists at hand. FOR DECAYED TEETH. No. 90. Solid extract of male fern, two scruples ; gam- boge, fourteen grains ; scammony, eighteen grains. Mix, and divide into twenty pills. Dose.-Two pills morning and night. TO KILL AND EXPEL TAPEWORMS. No. 91. Take of the oil of juniper berries, five drops ; sweet spirits of nitre, one drachm. Mix. Dose.-From two to five drops, three times a day. PALLIATIVE FOR DROPSY. 206 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. No. 92. Fluid extract of rhubarb, two ounces ; fluid extract of geutian, half an ounce ; diluted alcohol, two piuts. Mix. Dose.-From half an ounce to an ounce, morning and night. Begin with half an ounce and note the effects. FOR EXTREME WEAKNESS. WASH FOR SORE MOUTH. No. 93. Take of fluid extract of cranes-bill, two ounces ; fluid extract of black cohosh, two ounces; fluid extract of golden-seal, two ounces; fluid extract of witch hazel, two ounces ; water four quarts. Mix. Use as a wash as often as may seem to be required. FOR DIARRIHEA. No. 94. Take of fluid extract of Colombo, two drachms ; fluid extract of rhubarb, two drachms ; fluid extract of ginger, one drachm ; water, one quart. Mix. Dose-One drachm every one or two hours. GARGLE IN SCARLET FEVER. No. 95. Take of fluid extract of cayenne pepper, two ounces ; common salt, two drachms ; boiling vinegar, one quart; boiling water, one quart. Use as required. No. 96 Take of prepared chalk, half an ounce ; sugar, and powdered gum arabic, eachWwo drachms ; cinnamon water, and water, four fluid drachms each. Rub all together, until thoroughly mixed. Dose.-A tablespoonful often repeated. This is valuable for acidity of the stomach. CHALK MIXTURE. FOR INTERMITTENT AND REMITTENT FEVERS. No. 97. Take of the solid extract of butternut, one and a quarter drachms ; solid extract of jalap, three quarters of a drachm; castile soap, ten grains. Mix, and divide into sixteen pills. Dose.-From two to five pills, according to the age of tha patient and the severity of the disease. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 207 No. 98. Take of cream of tartar, two scruples; of water, one quart. Mix, and flavor to suit, and drink as a beverage. FOR COOLING THE BLOOD; No. 99. Take the buds of the tree known as the balm of gilead, (gathering them at the proper time, and under the proper influences,) and with alcohol make a tincture. Dose.-From one to two fluid drachms a day. FOR AN AFFECTION OF THE KIDNEYS. No. 100. Gather poke root under the proper planetary influences, (see article on "Poke," in another part of this book,) and bury it in hot ashes until it is soft; then mash it and apply as a poultice. FOR FELONS AND TUMORS. No. 101. Place pumpkin seeds in water without bruising them, making an infusion. The infusion may be drank freely. It is very efficacious in inflammation of the stomach and kidneys, and scalding of the urine. STOMACH AND BOWELS. No. 102. Get the leaves of the " round-leafed pyrola," or pear leafed Wintergreen, and of the decoction make a poul- tice and apply to the parts affected. A very good preparation for temporary relief. FOR BOILS AND CARBUNCLES. No. 103. Take of the extract of fox-glove, half an ounce; mix it with half a pint of tepid water, and then stir in as much flax-seed meal as will make a poultice of the right thickness. Be sure not to apply this poultice to any part where there is much skin off. FOR MUSCULAR PAINS, NEURALGIA, ETC. TO CURE BALDNESS. No. 104. Take lac sulphur, one ounce; sugar of lead, half an ounce ; sulphate of copper, five grains; pure water, half a pint. Mix and filter. Add seven ounces of rose water, and one ounce each of bergamot, cinnamon, jessamine and peppermint. Bathe the head in this twice a day, and give it a cold shower bath once or twice a week. 208 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. FOR LOCKED JAW. No. 105. Take of dioscorine, twenty grains ; scuteliarin, twenty grains ; quinine, twenty grains. Mix, and divide into ten powders, and give one every two hours until all are taken. The wound should be thoroughly cauterized, (if the disease ba caused by a wound) and poultices applied immediately. An emetic and cathartic should also be administered. FOR SALT RHEUM. No. 106. Make a syrup of butternut leavesand root, and take a tablespoonful three times a day. FOR CHRONIC ULCERS AND AGUE. No. 107. Eat the root of star grass moderately. The root is edible. No. 108. Make an infusion of wild carrot, and chamomile blossoms, take a tablespoonful three times a day. FOR GRAVEL. No. 109. Take of tannin, ten grains; geranin, twenty grains ; white wax, one ounce; glycerin, one ounce. Melt the wax and mix the glycerin, and add the tannin and geranin while it is cooling. Apply four or five times a day. The bowels should be kept regular by the use of my " Renovating Pills." FOR FALLING OF THE RECTUM. FOR WHOOPING COUGH. No, 110. Take of pulverised alum, one ounce ; water, one pint. Heat the water until the alum is all dissolved, add one pound of refined sugar, and simmer until a syrup is formed, then strain and let it cool. Dose.-From one to two teaspoonsful a day, as the case may require. FOR DIABETES. (TViewuL'ny of sweet urine in large quantities.') No. 111. Take equal parts of beth root, black cohosh, cranes-bill, wild cherry, and hemlock bark. Pulverise. To a tablespoonful of the powder add a pint of boiling water, and THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 209 let it be drank cool, or cold during the day. Take the " Ren- ovating Pill " to keep the bowels regular. No. 112. Take equal parts of cleavers, maiden hair, and elder-blows. Macerate in warm water for two or three hours, and drink freely when cold. Use.-This is an excellent drink in acute erysipelas, scarlatina, and other exanthematous diseases in their inflammatory stages. ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, SCARLATINA, ETC. No. 113. Take dried herbs of bears foot, wood betony, woodsage, agrimony, box, and rue, of each two ounces, with a small piece of nightshade. Cut these small and put them into a gallon of rain-water, and boil all together in an iron vessel until reduced to a quart. When the liquid has boiled some time, add one ounce each of antimony, and filed pewter. Half a pint to be taken three mornings, fasting, for an adult, and a smaller quantity, in proportion to the age, by younger persons. The same quantity to be again taken at the next full of the moon. The patient to abstain from any spirituous liquors, and to be very careful not to heat the blood by any violent exercise. FOR HYDROPHOBIA. FOR PUTRID FEVER. No. 114. Take of decoction of elder blossoms, ten fluid ounces ; of pure acetic acid, one ounce ; of extract of cinchona, three drachms ; of clarified elderberry jelly, one ounce. Mix. Dose.-A teaspoonful every hour. FOR DROPSY. No. 115. Take of volatile oil of meadow-sweet, twenty drops ; of a strong decoction of pepermint, one ounce ; of an infusion of hysop leaves, six fluid ounces. Mix, and take a spoonful every hour. 150" The above recipes, if made up from herbs and plants gathered at the right times and under the proper planetary and climatic influences, and not kept too long, will perform, in every instance the duties ascribed to them. If any of my 210 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. readers address me with reference to any of these recipes, they should give the number. The main object of giving these recipes is to enable people to cure themselves of all ordinary afflictions ; where the disease has become chronic, or compli- cated, I would refer them to page 432. It will there be seen that all such cases can be satisfactorily treated, agreeably to the laws of nature, and so varied to suit the temperament, that all who are afflicted may look hopefully for a speedy restoration. THINGS FOR THE SICK-ROOM. Barley Water.-Pearl barley two ounces ; boiling water, two quarts. Boil to one quart and strain. If desirable, a little lemon- juice and sugar may be added. This may be taken freely in all inflamatory and eruptive diseases: Measles, Scarlet Fever, Small- Pox, etc. Rice Water.-Rice, two ounces ; water, two quarts. Boil one hour and a half, and add sugar and nutmeg to suit the taste. When milk is added to this it makes a very excellent diet for children. Should the bowels be too loose, boil the milk before adding. Sage Tea.-Dried leaves of Sage, half an ounce ; boiling water, one quart. Infuse for half an hour and strain ; may add sugar if desired. Balm, Peppermint, Spearmint and other teas are made in the same manner. A Refreshing Drink in Fevers.-Boil an ounce and a half of tamarinds, two ounces of stoned raisins, and three ounces of cran- berries, in three pints of water until two pints remain. Strain, and add a small piece of fresh lemon-peel, which must be removed in half an hour. Arrow Root Jelly.-Stir a table-spoonful of arrow root pow- der into half a cupful of cold water, pour in a pint of boiling water, let it stand five or ten minutes, and then sweeten and flavor it to suit the taste. Irish Moss Jelly.-Irish Moss, half an ounce ; fresh milk, one and a half pints. Boil down to a pint. Strain and add sugar an<f lemon-juice sufficient to give it an agreeable flavor. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 211 Isinglass Jelly.-Isinglass, two ounces ; water two pints. Boil to one pint. Strain, and add one pint milk and one ounce of white sugar. This is excellent for persons recovering from sickness, and for children who have bowel complaints. Tapioca Jelly.-Tapioca, two large spoonsful; water, one pint. Boil gently for an hour, or until it appears like a jelly; add sugar, wine and nutmeg, with lemon juice to flavor. Rice Jelly.-Mix a quarter of a pound of rice, picked and washed, with a half pound of loaf sugar, and just sufficient water to cover it. Boil until it assumes a jelly-like appearance. Strain, and season to suit the taste and condition of the patient. Grapes.-In all cases of fever, very ripe grapes of any kind are a beneficial article of diet, acting as both food and drink, and possessing cooling and soothing properties. They are also ex- tremely grateful to every palate. Toast.-To make a most excellent toast for a reduced or con- valescent patient, take bread twenty-four or thirty-six hours old, which has been made of a mixture of fine wheat flour and Indian meal, and a pure yeast batter mixed with eggs. Toast it until of a delicate brown, and then, (if the patient be not inclined to fever) immerse it in boiled milk and butter. If the patient be feverish, spread it lightly with cranberry jam, or calve's foot jelly. Rice.-In all cases where a light and nice diet for parties who have been, or are afflicted with diarrhoea or dysentery is re- quired, rice, in almost any cooked form, is most agreeable and ad. vantageous. It may be given with benefit to dyspeptics, unless costiveness accompanies the dyspepsia. To make rice pudding, take a tea-cup full of rice, and as much sugar, two quarts of milk, and a teaspoonful of salt. Bake, with a moderate heat, for two hours. Rice flour made in a batter, and baked upon a griddle, mikes a superb cake ; and rice flour gruel, seasoned to the taste, is most excellent for the sick-room. Bread Jelly.-Boil a quart of water and let it cool. Take one- third of a common loaf of wheat bread, slice it, pare off the crust, and toast it to a light brown. Put it in the water in a covered vessel and boil gently, till you find, on putting some in a spoon to cool, the liquid has become a jelly. Strain and cool. When 212 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. used, warm a cupful, sweeten with sugar, and add a little grated lemon peel. Rice Gruel.-Ground rice, one heaping table-spoonful; water, one quart. Boil gently for twenty minutes, adding, a few minutes before it is done, one table-spoonful of ground cinnamon. Strain and sweeten. Wine may be added when the case demands it. Water Gruel.-Oat or corn meal, two table-spoonsful; water, one quart. Boil for ten minutes, and strain, adding salt and sugar if desired by the patient. Sago Gruel.-Sago, two table-spoonsful; water, one pint. Boil gently until it thickens, stir frequently. May add wine, sugar and nutmeg according to circumstances. Arrow Root Gruel.-Arrow root, one table-spoonful : sweet milk and boiling water, each one half pint. Sweeten with loaf- sugar. This is very good for children whose bowels are irritable. Decoction of Bran.-New wheat bran, one pint ; water, three quarts. Boil down to two quarts, strain off the liquor and add sugar, honey or molasses, according to the taste of the patient. Tapioca.-Tapioca is a very delightful food for invalids. Make an ordinary pudding of it, and improve the flavor agreeably to the desire of the patient or convalescent, by adding raisins, sugar, prunes, lemon-juice, wine, spices, etc. Beef Liquid.--When the stomach is very weak, take fresh lean beef, cut it into strips, and place the strips into a bottle, with a little salt. Place into a kettle of boiling water and let it remain one hour. Pour off the liquid and add some water. Begin with a small quantity, and use in the same manner and under similar cir- cumstances as beef tea. This is even more nourishing than beef tea. Beef Tea.-Cut one pound of lean beef into shreds, and boil for twenty minutes in one quart of water, being particular to remove the scum as often as any rises. When it is cool, strain. This is very nourishing and palatable, and is of great value in all cases of extreme debility where no inflamatory action exists, or after the inflamation is subdued. In very low cases, a small tea-spoonful may be administered every fifteen or twenty minutes, gradually in- creasing the amount given as the powers of life return. In easel THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 213 of complete prostrat:on, after the cessation of a long exhausting fever, it may be used as directed above, either alone or in con- junction with a little wine. Panado.-Put a little water on the fire with a glass of wine, some sugar, and a little grated nutmeg ; boil all together a few seconds, and add pounded crackers or crumbs of bread ; and again boil for a few minutes. French Milk Porridge.-Stir some oatmeal and water together, let the mixture stand to clear, and pour off the water. Then put more water to the meal, stir it well, and let it stand till the next day. Strain through a fine sieve, and boil the water, add- ing milk while so doing. The proportion of water must be small. With toast this is admirable. Common Milk Porridge will be found very palatable in ordi- nary cases. Everybody knows how to make it. Buttermilk Pap.- Fresh buttermilk, four parts ; water, one part, mix, boil, and thicken mith Indian meal. Eat with butter, sugar, or molasses. Coffee Milk.-Put a dessert-spoonful of ground coffee into a pint of milk; boil it a quarter of an hour with a shaving or two of isinglass ; let it stand ten minutes, and then pour off. Restorative Jelly.-Take a leg of weil-fed pork, just as cut up, beat it, and break the bone. Set it over a gentle fire, with three gallons of water, and simmer to one. Let half an ounce of mace, and the same of nutmegs, stew in it. Strain through a fine sieve. When cold, take off the fat. Give a chocolate-cup the first and last thing, and at noon, adding salt to suit the taste. This is very valuable in all cases of debility where animal food is admissable. Drink in Dysentery.-Sheep's suet, two ounces ; milk, one pint; starch, half an ounce. Boil gently for thirty minutes. Use as a common drink. This is excellent for sustaining the strength, in bad cases of dysentery. Crust Coffee.-Toast slowly a thick piece of bread cut from the outside of a loaf, until it is well browned, but not blackened. Then turn upon it boiling water of a sufficient quantity, and keep it from half an hour to an hour before using. Be sure that the liquid is of a rich brown color before you use it. It is a most excellent drink in all cases of sickness or convalescence. 214 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Cranberry Water.-Put a tea-spoonful of cranberries into a cup of water and mash them. In the meantime boil two quarts of water with one large spoonful of corn or oat meal, and a bit of lemon-peel; then add the cranberries and as much fine sugar as will leave a smart flavor of the fruit-also a wine-glassful of sherry. Boil the whole gently for a quarter of an hour, then strain. Wine Whey.-Heat a pint of new milk until it boils, at which moment pour in as much good wine as will curdle and clarify it. Boil and set it aside, until the curd subsides. Do not stir it, but pour the whey off carefully, and add two pints of boiling water, with loaf sugar. Orange Whey.-Milk, one pint; the juice of an orange with a portion of the peel. Boil the milk, then put the orange to it, and let it stand till it coagulates. Strain. Mustard Whey.-Bruised mustard seed, two table-spoonsful; milk, one quart. Boil together for a few minutes until it coagu- lates, and strain to separate the curd. This is a very useful drink in dropsy. A tea-cupful may be taken at a dose, three times a day. Sippets.-On an extremely hot plate, put two or three slices of bread, and pour over them some of the juices of boiled beef, mutton or veal. If there be no butter in the dish, sprinkle over them a little salt. Chicken Broth.-Take half a chicken, divested of all fat, and break the bones ; add to this half a gallon of water, and boil for half an hour. Season with salt. Vege-'able Soup.-Take one potato, one turnip, and one onion, with a little celery or celery seed. Slice and boil for an hour in one quart of water. Salt to the taste, and pour the whole upon a piece of dry toast. This forms a good substitute for animal food, and may be used when the latter would be improper. Calve's Foot Jelly-Boil two calves' feet in one gallon of water, until reduced to one quart. Strain, and when cool, skim carefully. Add the white of six or eight eggs, well beaten, a pint of wine, half pound of loaf sugar, and the juice of four lemons. Mix them well, boil for a few minutes, stirring con- stantly, and pass through a flannel strainer. In some cases the wine should be omitted. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 215 Slippery Elm Jelly.-Take of the flour of slippery elm, ono or two tea-spooasful ; cold water, one pint. Stir, until a jelly is formed. Sweeten with loaf sugar or honey. This is excellent for all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs, coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of lungs, etc. It is very nutritious and soothing. Nutritive Fluids.-Below will be found directions for preparing three nutritious fluids, which are of great value in all diseases, either acute or chronic, that are attended or followed by prostra- tion,-debility, whether general, or of certain organs only, de- rangement of the digestive organs, weak stomach, indigestion, heartburn, or sour stomach, constipated bowels, torpidity or want of activity of the liver, thin or poor blood.-They are highly nutritious, supplying to the blood in such a form that they are most easily assimilated, the various elements which are needed to enrich it, and thus enable it to reproduce the various tissues of the body that have been wasted by disease. In cases where the s'oinach has become so weakened and sensitive that the lightest foods or drinks cannot be taken, without causing much uneasiness and distress, these fluids are invaluable. They strengthen the stomach and neutralize all undue acidity, while, at the same time, they sooth the irritation by their bland and demulcent qualities. When carefully and properly prepared, according to the direction following, they very nearly resemble rich new milk in color and consistency, while their taste is re- markably pleasant. Care should be taken that all the ingredients are of the best quality. Soft water must be used in all cases. Fresh rain-water is to be preferred, but spring water may be used if perfectly soft. Hard water will cause the fluids to be of a yellow color, and if the milk is old, they are apt to separate. Fluid No. 1.-Put one pint of new milk (the fresher the better,) 'and two pints of soft water in a vessel, perfectly free from all greasy matter, over a slow fire. Rub two even tea-spoonsful of superfine wheat flour and two tea-spoonsful of carbonate of mag- nesia together with a little milk into a soft batter, free from lumps ; add this to the milk and water as soon as they begin to boil. Boil gently for five minutes-no longer, stirring constantly. Ponr Thousand Seal Angelica Costmary. 217 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. it remain over the fire until it becomes of the consistency of a jelly. The heat must be very gentle, it must not boil. If desi- rable, flavor with lemon or vanilla. This will be found a very peasant article of diet for delicate stomachs. When the articles used are pure it will be transparent and of a light golden color. This will be borne by the weakest stomach, when everything else is rejected. It is highly nutritious. Malt Infusion.-Infuse one pint of ground malt, for two hours, in three pints of scalding water. The water should not be brought quite to the boiling point. Strain, add sugar, if desired; flavor with lemon juice. This is an excellent drink in inflam- matory fevers, acute rheumatism, etc. Peas.-Take young and fresh shelled green peas, wash them clean, put them into fresh water, just enough to cover them, and boil them till they take up nearly all the water. Season with salt, pepper, and butter. This dish, if prepared according to directions, and eaten warm, will not harm any invalid-not even one suffering from diarrhoea. Milk.-In some cases where a milk diet is advisable, owing to the peculiar condition of the patient's stomach, it will cause dis- tress. This is frequently the case when there is undue acidity. In such cases let it be prepared in the following manner, and it will be found to set well :-Take a tea-cupful of fresh milk, heat nearly to boiling ; dissolve in it a tea-spoonful of loaf-sugar; pour into a arge sized tumbler, and add sufficient plain soda water to fill it. Prepared in the above directed manner it will be perfectly free from all unpleasant effects. Soups for the Convalescent.-To extract the strength from meat, long and slow boiling is necessary ; but care must be taken that the pot is never off the boil. All soups should be made the day before they are used, and they should then be strained into earthen pans. When soup has jellied in the pan, it should not be removed into another. When in danger of not keeping, it should be boiled up. Eggs.-In cases of extreme debility, eggs are most excellent. They should never be boiled hard. The best way to prepare them is to beat them well with milk and sugar. Where it will be »ppr°i riate to the case, add some fine pale sherry wino. 218 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Milk for Infants.-Fresh cow's milk, one part; wator, two parts; sweeten with a very little loaf sugar. When children are raised by hand, it is always necessary to dilute the milk. As the child advances in age the proportion of water stated above may bo gradually lessened. Water Gruel.-Corn or oatmeal, two table-spoonsful; water, one quart. Boil ten or fifteen minutes, and strain. Add salt and sugar to suit the taste of the patient. This should be used freely, during and after the operation of cathartic medicines. FOOD AND DRINKS. Man is an omniverous creature, partaking1 of the nature both of the Carnivorous and Herbaceous animal. Hence, it is reasonable to suppose, that man should subsist on a mixed diet, consisting both of animal and vegetable substances. To settle this matter we must appeal to man's organization. His structure will tell us something we need not mistake. All the works of the Creator show design. Every thing he has made has a use, and is so contrived as to be adapted to that use. Lions, tigc/s, and other animals, for example, which feed on flesh alone, have a short second stomach-it being only about three times the length of an animal's body. Animals which eat no flesh-as that of a sheep-have very long second stomachs; while the duodenum, or second stomach, of the human being, is of a medium capacity, which fact, in connection with the peculiar formation of his teeth and his erect, or upright position, prove conclusively that man was des« tined to adapt himself to any clime, and to partake of any kind of food, animal or vegetable, as may be naturally supplied for his subsistence by the hand of Providence. For instance, the inhabitants of the Polar regions subsist principally on animal substances, and that, too, of the most oleagineous or fatty sorts. Those tribes of men, laborers, hunters, etc., living in cold THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 219 climates, who subsist almost wholly on flesh, fish, or fowl, devour on an average about seven pounds per diem. In fact, the quan- tity of animal food consumed by some human beings, who are flesh-eaters in practice, seems almost incredible. Captain Parry relates the case of an Esquimaux lad, who at a meal, which lasted twenty hours, consumed four pounds of raw, as well as four pounds of broiled sea-horse flesh, one and a half pints of gravy, besides one and three-quarter pounds of bread, three glasses of raw spirits, one tumbler of strong grog, and nine pints of water. Captain Cochrane states in a " Narrative of travels through, Siberian Tartary," that he has repeatedly seen a Yakut or Largouse eat forty pounds of meat in a day ; and it is stated that the men in the Hudson's Bay Company are allowed a ration of seven or eight pounds of ordinary flesh meat per diem. Charles Francis Hall, in his work called "Artic Researches and Life among the Esquimaux," relates his strange experi- ences among the tribes of the country, with whom he became, as it were, naturalized. Speaking of the kinds of food they used, and the enormous quantity consumed, Captain Hall remarks: "The skin of the Mysticetus (Greenland whale) is a great treat to the Esquimaux, who eat it raw. The " black skin" is three-fourths of an inch thick, and looks like india-rubber. It is good eating in a raw state even for a white man, as I know from experience; but when boiled and soused in vinegar it is most excellent." The Captain afterwards saw the natives cutting up the krang (meat) of the whale, into such huge slices as their wives could carry ; and as they worked they kept on eating, until boat-load after boat-load was sent over the ice to be deposited in the villages of the vicinity. All day long were they eating, which led the Captain to exclaim : " What enor- mous siomachs these Esquimaux have I" He came to the conclusion, however, that the Esquimaux practice of eating their food raw, is a good one-at least, for the better preserva- tion of their health. To one educated otherwise, as we civilized whites are, the Esquimaux custom of feeding on uncooked meats 220 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. is highly repulsive ; but eating meats raw or cooked is entirely a matter of education. " God has made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the whole face of the earth, and has deter- mined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitations." Take the Esquimaux away from the arctic regions and they would soon disappear from the face of the earth. The Esquimaux are a hardy and happy people ; are compar. atively free from diseases, and are never known to die of scrofula or consumption, as one of the consequences of eating so enormously of oleaginous or greasy animal substances. On the other hand, in contrast to the gormandizing propen- sities of the Esquimaux, there are many examples of people living in cold climates, subsisting on coarse bread, not exceeding the average amount of one pound of wheat, rye, or corn daily; but such persons, unless exceedingly active in their habits, seldom escape from the penalties of scrofula and consumption, for the simple reason that they soon fail to supply themselves with the meats or fatty animal substances necessary for the heat and life of the body. The Canadian teamsters live almost exclusively upon bread and fat, which, in a temperate climate would produce nausea and skin eruptions. In warm climates, as in China, Hindoostan, Africa, and the tropics, the food of the natives is principally composed of vege- tables and fruits-rice being the general diet, with only animal or other food enough to amount to a condiment or seasoning. Though the amount of food consumed by some of the nations is very small, and their habits very temperate, we do not find that even they are any the less liable to many of the diseases which afflict those who eat largely of a mixed diet. It is reasonable to suppose, however that less food and lighter clothing are required in warm or hot climates than those of the temperate and frigid. The negroes on the plantations of Mississippi and Alabama, grow sleek and live to an advanced age, by subsisting largely on fat pork and hominy, corn bread, sweet potatoes, rice, etc. In the pampas of Brazil and Buenos Ayres, where immense THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 221 herds of wild cattle are found, the hunters catch these bovines, strip them of their hides and horns, and, if hungry, will cut out a huge chunk of beef, half roast it, and eat it without salt or bread. In some parts of Brazil, the natives feed on a flour made from the roots of a certain plant or tree, moistening the same with the juice of the orange or lemon. Others find sup- port in the yam, the banana or plantain, etc., while they are hugely addicted to drinking a species of whiskey called aqua* dente. In Asia and Africa many of the natives derive their staple nutrition from gum acacia, and among us many an invalid has derived healthy nourishment from preparations containing gum acacia, when bis stomach would neither bear nor digest any other article in the shape of food. In Peru the Indians will subsist for a month at a time by chewing a plant called erythoxylin coca, and in the meantime perform journeys of hundreds of miles. The Hindoos live principally on rice, and are considered a long lived and a very docile people. On the other hand, many of the Indian tribes of North America who live on roots, barks, berries, etc., are very savage and warlike in their habits. The Chinese drink strong tea, and the Turks coffee equally as strong, without apparent detriment to their general health. The laboring Scotch thrive partially on oatmeal porridge, with- out using a particle of meat. The Irish want nothing better than plenty of potatoes, cabbage, and buttermilk. The En- glish, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and other civilized people of Europe, live upon mixed diet, though each have their peculiar likes and dislikes in the shape of dishes, and the aver- age health of each nation is about the same. So in America, they eat every thing and any thing, without particular injury to the constitution, except when eating too fast and too much at a time, which is a proverbial national error. People are liable to eat what they have been taught or edu- cated to eat, without stopping to inquire concerning any physi- ological laws on the subject. Scrofula is the most prevalent of all diseases,-this fact being justly attributed not to pork or 222 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. food of any kind, but to the manner in which the people are lodged, living in small or unventilated apartments, crowded together and breathing foul air and the pestiferous efifluvias of their own bodies. There can be no doubt that many of the maladies incident to the human race, are produced through the agency of improper food, over-feeding, etc., on the internal organs ; yet it can be readily shown that a far greater amount of maladies are induced through the medium of atmospheric impressions and vicissitudes on the external surface of the body. More diseases arise from breathing foul air, or from lack of the natural atmos- pheric air, than from the worst or poorest kind of food. Disease, therefore, is not so much a result of the kind of food we eat, as it is in the quantity and quality. What may be excellent for one man, may be very injurious for another; custom, habits, idiosyncracies, temperaments, etc., having a great deal to do in the digestion of food, and converting it into wholesome or nutritious blood, capable of supplying all the tissues of the body with their natural needs or stimuli. Very few people seem to know what their stomachs were intended for, or even know where they are situated. All sorts of dele- terious substances are crammed into the stomach by thousands of people. This ignorance of the uses of the stomach, or rather abuse of the functions, is sometimes the source of much suffering and disease. Besides the gastric tubes which supply the stomach with the gastric juice, which is necessary to dissolve the food before it can be converted into blood, it is extensively covered with a net work of nerves and blood-vessels, rendering the stomach very sensitive and very liable to inflammation. This inflammation sometimes becomes very active, producing vom- iting, pain, fever, etc., all caused by imprudence in diet. It is a warning. If the warning be not heeded, this inflammation becomes chronic ; the nerves lose their sensibility ; the stomach becomes inactive, and, that most distressing of all diseases, dyspepsia, (and otten epilepsy or fits) takes up its abode as a THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 223 permanent guest. Most frequently it comes on more slowly and without apparent warning. The food we eat has to be properly digested. People are apt to suppose that digestion is performed in the stomach only. This is a mistake. The stomach performs the greater part of the work, but it is greatly assisted by other organs besides. Digestion really begins in the mouth. Besides the teeth, which are the true organs of digestion, there are situated in the cavity of the mouth three small bodies called salivary glands, which pour out a fluid called saliva, (or spittle,) which is just as necessary to the proper digestion of food as the gastric juice itself. The more thoroughly the food is mixed with saliva, the more perfect will be digestion. This should teach us to eat slowly and to chew so well that every mouthful of food may contain a proper amount of it. It should also teach us that this saliva is too valuable a substance to be contaminated with tobacco juice, or wasted in expectoration from smoking, espe- cially where the temperament is nervous. Saliva is constantly being poured into the cavity of the mouth, whether we are asleep or awake. As a general thing in a healthy person, about five wine-glasses full of saliva are secreted in a day. We eat that the body may be supported with blood, for our food before it can become a part of the body, must first be converted into blood. A full grown, healthy working-man consumes, in one year, about twelve hundred pounds of victuals and drink-that is about eight times his own weight ; yet if he should weigh himself at the end of the year he would find that he weighs very little more or less than he did at the beginning. Now what has become of the twelve hundred pounds he has eaten ? It has been wasted away. With every motion, every breath, every operation of the mind, the body has been wasted, and food has been required to support the waste. The one great eause of the wasting of the body, and of the constant demand for food is action. If the muscles could be kept from moving, our lungs from breathing, and our minds from thinking, then we might not require food, for there would 224 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. be no waste. This condition of things, of course, could neve1* exist, without death speedily following. Exercising violently excites hunger, since it makes us breathe faster, and therefore causes us to inhale more air. A man of sedentary habits does not require so much food as a laboring man, because he does not waste away as fast. Much of the wasted material of the body is carried off by the lungs, in the form of carbonic acid. The skin too does its share of the work. It not only assists in breathing, but it also carries out of the system a large proportion of its dead particles. Children require more food in proportion than adults, because they are growing, and therefore, so to speak, need more to build up their bodies. After we have attained our growth, we neither gain nor lose our weight, provided we are in health, for we con- sume as much food as the body wastes. This is called a state of equilibrium. As old age comes on, the body begins to decline in weight, and then we waste more than we consume. Food may be distinguished into two kinds, viz-nitrogenized, and non-nitrogenized. The first class is called the plastic elements of nutrition, and is designed solely to make blood, and to form the substance of the tissues in the general structure of man ; while the non-nitrogenized kind is necessary to keep up the animal heat, by yielding hydrogen and carbon to be exhib- ited in the lungs. The elements of human nutrition and recuperation, are vegetable fibrine, albumen, caseiue, and animal flesh and blood ; while the elements of respiration are fat, starch, gum, cane sugar, grape sugar, sugar of milk, wine, beer and spirits. The elementary principles, or proximate elements of food consist in water, gum, sugar, starch, lignin, jelly, fat, fibrine, albumen, caseine, gluten, gelatine, acids, salts, alcohol, etc. All these elements are found in sufficient abundance in either the vegetable or animal kingdoms, and are to be used according to the natural wants of man, or the supply of the waste. No precise rules, therefore, can be laid down to suit every particular state of either disease or health. Every one accordingly should eat and drink only those things which THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 225 he may find by experience, habits, or peculiarities to best agree with his condition, and reject all substances which he may find injurious to his health and general well-being. It is the provocative variety, or the over stimulation of the palate that does the greater mischief to health. The plainer the food, and the fewer the dishes, the greater will be the immunity from disease. Whether the diet be vegetable or animal substances, the result will be the same, in relative proportion to the nutri- ment yielded. Fish, for scrofulous and consumptive persons, is a most excellent diet, containing a principle called iodine. Meats contain the most nitrogen, the nitrogenous portions of our food make flesh, and go to supply the wear and tear, and wastes of the body; these are ultimately passed from the system in the urine. If more nitrogenous food is eaten than is needed to supply these wastes, nature converts it more rapidly into living tissues, which are, with corresponding rapidity, broken down and converted into urine. This is when the food is diges- ted ; but when so much is eaten that it cannot be digested, nature takes alarm, as it were, and endeavors to remedy the trouble in one of three ways. The stomach rebels and casts it off by vomiting, it is worked out of the system by attacks of diarrhoea ; or the human creature is made uncomfortable gener- ally'-, and is restless both by day and by night; as a further punishment, his appetite is more or less destroyed for several meals afterwards. Little or no nitrogen is pouted off with the perspiration, breathing, or faeces. Whatever diet we use, whether animal or vegetable, the secret of its utility lies not only in the quantity and quality, but in the manner in which either kind is cooked, when so prepared for food. Much ignorance prevails everywhere in this matter of cooking the substances that are requisite for the sustenance of our bodies. Let any person, unable to eat broccoli or greens cooked in a quart of water, try the effect of having them cooked in a gallon of water ; or of having the quart of water changed three or four times during the process of cooking, and he will soon discover the difference If good potatoes are 226 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. " watery," it is because they are ill-cooked. Fried dishes, rich gravies, and pastry, should be avoided, because of their tendency to develope fatty acids in the stomach. We may reasonably suppose that the physiology of digestion is yet too imperfectly understood to enable us to lay down any precise laws as to what to eat, drink, and avoid. With a little vigilance, however, each person can ascertain for himself what foods do and do not agree with him. As before intimated, the peculiarities in this respect are remarkable. S)me cannot endure fat ; others cannot get along without it. Some cannot touch mutton ; others are made ill by eggs. Let each find out his own antipathy. Suppose the case of a healthy man-so healthy that he cannot be healthier. We will say the quantity of blood in his body is thirty pounds, and that he loses one pound of this in every twenty-four hours. Is it not plain enough that he must eat as much food in the same time as will supply the waste of blood be has lost ? But if he should eat as much as will furnish a pound and a half of blood, he will have half a pound of blood too much in his system. Should he go on adding an extra half pound of blood daily more than is required to supply the tissues, what then will be the consequences? Bursting of the blood vessels. But good Dame Nature has measurably guarded against any such plethoric catastrophe ; for, after having supplied the waste of the body, the undue quantity of blood is converted into fat or adipose matter, thus restoring the blood's volume to a due standard. But this quasi fat is of no use to the body. It does not give it strength; on the contrary, it is an incumbrance to the machinery, and, in more ways than one, is an evil. He, therefore, who eats too much, even though he digests or assimilates what he eats, and should be fortunate enough to escape apoplexy, or some other disease, does not add a single particle to his strength. He only accumulates fat, and incurs the evils thereunto appertaining- one among many of which I will mention-I mean the accumu- lation of fat about the heart, and interfering to a most dangerous degree, with the heart's action. A man's strength resides in THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 227 his arterial blood-in his muscles, and bones, and tendons, and ligatures, in his brawn and sinew ; and his degree of strength depends upon the vigor, size, and substance of these ; and if he were to eat without ceasing, he could not add to their size and substance one atom, nor alter their original healthy dimen- sions. Therefore it is a most mischievous fallacy to suppose that the more a man eats the stronger he grows. The quantity of food taken daily should just be sufficient to restore to the blood what the blood has lost in restoring the waste of the body, and that should always be proportioned to the degree of bodily exertion undergone. But how are we to know the exact amount of the waste that is daily going on in our system in order to apportion the quantity of food thereto ? Nature tells us not only when, but how much we ought to eat and driuk. For instance, when you are excessively thirsty, and when you are in the act of quenching your thirst with a draught of cold water, you know when you have drank enough by the cessation of thirst ; but there is another token which not only informs you when you have drank enough, but which also pre- vents you from drinking more, that is if you drink water only. While you are in the act of drinking, and before your thirst has been allayed, bow rich, how sweet, how delicious is the draught, though it be but water! But no sooner has your thirst been quenched, than behold in an instant' all its deliciousness has vanished! It is now distasteful to the palate. To him, then, who requires drink, water is delicious ; for him who does not require drink, water not onty has no relish, but impresses the palate disagreeably. To a man labeling under the very last degree of thirst, even foul ditch water would be a delicious draught; but his thirst having been quenched, he would turn from it with disgust. In this instance of water-drinking then, it is clear that the relish depends, not on any flavor residing in the water, but on some certain condition of the body. It is absurd to say that you cannot drink water because you do not like it, for this only proves that you do not want it; since the 228 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. relish with which you enjoy drink depends upon the fact of your requiring drink, and not at all upon the nature of the drink itself. Now apply this to eating instead of drinking. Place before a hungry workman stale bread and fat pork, flanked by a jug of cold water. While his hunger remains unappeased, he will eat and drink with an eager relish ; but when his hunger has been appeased, the bread and meat and water have lost what he supposed to be their delicious flavor. If we ate only simple and natural food, plainly cooked, there would be no danger of eating too much,-the loss of relish and the feeling of disgust, consequent upon satisfied hunger, would make it impossible. Indeed, this sense of satiety is as much and as truly a natural token intended to warn us that we have eaten enough, as the sense of hunger is a token that we require food. As hunger instructs us when to eat, so disrelish teaches us when we should desist. It would seem that the very ne plus- ultra of the cook's art is to destroy the sensation of disrelish, which is almost as necessary to our health as hunger itself. Thus it appears the object of modern cookery is to make the stomach bear a large quantity of food without nausea-to cram into the stomach as much as it can possibly hold, without being sick. The rule which should regulate the quantity of food to be used, is found in that sensation of disrelish which invariably succeeds to satisfied appetites. If you be content to live plainly and temperately, you will never eat too ihuch, but you will always eat enough ; but if you would rather incur the penalty of disease then forego the pleasure of dining daintily, all I can say is, you are welcome to do so-but do not plead ignorance-blame only yourself. I have stated already that certain people have been known to eat from seven to forty pounds of meat or food in a single day. On the other hand, persons have lived on twelve ounces of food a day, and were actually exempt from disease. Dr. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 229 Franklin, in his younger days, confined himself solely to ten pounds of bread a week, drinking water only in the meantime. Rev. John Wesley lived to a great age on sixteen ounces a day, although be led a very active life as a preacher of the gospel ; and a celebrated Italian nobleman, who led a dissipa- ted life till near fifty years of age, suddenly reformed his habits, and lived on twelve ounces a day with a single glass of wine, until he had reached the hundreth year of his age. Was the wine one of the means by which he prolonged his life ? It no doubt served to cheer his spirits. And this leads me to con- sider somewhat the nature of stimulants. By stimulants, I mean ardent spirits, wines, and strong ales. Are they necessary as articles of diet ? They are not always, but have their uses. They are pernicious to the general organism, if too freely indulged in. Liquids which contain or make solids, are better than wines, etc., yet both have their uses. Milk, the moment it reaches the stomach, is converted into curds and whey. The whey passes off by the kidneys-the solid curd nourishes the body. Now, if we evaporate a glass of wine on a shallow plate, whatever solid matter it contains will be left dry upon the plate, and this will be found to amount to about as much as may be laid on the extreme point of a penknife blade ; and a portion, by no means all-but a portion of this solid matter I will readily concede is capable of nourishing the body-and this portion is only equal to one- third of the flour contained in a single grain of wheat! If we want nourishment merely, why not eat a grain of wheat instead of drinking a glass of wine ? Yet, wine has its uses as an exhilarant to the mind and body. Once placed beyond the reach of the seductions of the palate, the simple rule of drink what you want and as much as you want, will of itself suggest the needfid limitation. Physiology tells us plainly enough, not only why liquids are necessary, but how all superfluous quantities are rapidly got rid of. An interdict has been placed against hot drinks, which, 230 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. if directed against tea and coffee so hot as to scald the mucous membrane, is rational enough, but is simply absurd when directed against hot in favor of cold drinks ; the aroma of tea and coffee is produced by heat, consequently the pleasant, stim- ulating effect, is considerably diminished when they are allowed to get cold. Great diversity prevails as to the kinds of drinks which should be used. Some interdict tea, others only green tea ; some will not hear of coffee; others allow mild beer, but protest against the bitter. Whoever very closely examines the evidence will probably admit that the excessive variations in the conclusions prove that no unexceptionable evidence has yet been offered. By this, I mean that the evil effects severally attributed to the various liquids, were no direct consequences of the action of such liquids, but were due to some other con- dition. We often lay the blame of a restless night on the tea or coffee, which would have been quite inoffensive taken after a simpler dinner, or at another hour. When a man uniformly finds a cup of tea produce discom- fort, no matter what his dinner may have been, nor at what hour he drinks it, he is justified in the inference that tea disagrees with him; if he finds that the same effect follow whether he take milk or sugar with his tea, then he has a strong case against the tea itself, and his experience is evidence as far as it goes. But we should require a great deal of evidence as precise as this, before "impugning the wide and massive induction in favor of tea, which is drawn from the practice of millions. Had tea in itself been injurious, had it been other than positively beneficial, the discovery would long ago have been made on a grand scale. The same may be said of coffee. Both tea and coffee may be hurtful when taken at improper times, or by bilious persons ; and a little vigilance will enable each person to decide for himself when he can, and when he canuot, take them with benefit. I may briefly state my opinion that the great objection THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 231 against wines is its pleasantness, which is apt to lure us into drinking more than is needful. Wine is quite unnecessary for robust men living under healthy conditions ; but to them it is also, when moderately taken, quite harmless. For many deli- cate men and women, living under certain unhealthy conditions, it is often indispensable. The physician must decide in all such cases. Many think they cannot do without something to drink at regular meals. Cold milk at meals has the disadvantage, if used freely, of engendering constipation, biliousness, and the long train of minor symptoms which inevitably follow these conditions. Warm drinks are preferable in moderate quantities. Field hands on cotton and sugar plantations find a wholesome drink in a mixture of molasses, ginger, and water. This is a safe drink for harvesters, as are many other temperate, household preparations. A recipe for many of these will be found in the proper department of this work. Whatever we eat or whatever we drink, let it be only enough barely to appease the instincts of hunger and thirst. If we rigidly do this, we shall seldom or never be afflicted with dyspepsia, liver complaints, heart diseases, and the thousand ills to which flesh is heir, but will continue to enjoy unceasing rubicund health and vigorous old age. CLOTHING. Clothing must be adapted to the climate in which a person lives. Warm or heavy clothing is rendered imperative in a northern climate, while the lightest and thinnest can only be tolerated in the torrid zones. It is, however, a physiological fact that the more the whole surface of the body is exposed to the external air, within certain limits, the more vigorous is its functional action performed, and the better is it enabled to preserve its own proper temperature, as well as to resist al) 232 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. unwholesome impressions from vicissitudes of weather, or the extremes of heat and cold. It should always be as light and loose as possible without bodily discomfort. The substances principally employed for clothing, are linen, cotton, silk, wool, hair or down. Woolens or flannels being bad conductors of heat, afford the greatest immediate protec- tion from cold ; and for the same reason are less debilitating to the cutaneous function than is generally supposed. The most healthy clothing for a cold climate, especially the year round, is undoubtedly that made of wool. If worn next to the skin by all classes in summer and winter, an incalculable amount of coughs, colds, diarrhoeas, dysenteries, and fevers, would be prevented, as also many sudden and premature deaths from croup, diptheria, and inflammations of the lungs and bladder. Of course, the clothing should be regulated in amount according to the degree of the heat of the weather at the time prevailing. In a very hot day, for instance, a single garment might be sufficient, but on a colder day an additional garment should be added, and in this way keep the equilibrium of the temperature of the body uniform as possible day by day, the year round. Winter maladies would be prevented by the ability of a woolen garment to keep the natural heat about the body, instead of conveying it away as fast as generated, as is done by linen, flaxen, cotton and silken garments. Indeed, the laboring classes, or those compelled to toil in the sun, would enjoy better health by wearing light woolen clothing, than by wearing linen or cotton fabrics. Among the Irish emigrants and others who arrive in the United States, during the summer season, we find many clothed entirely in woolen garments, frequently wearing heavy cloaks or coats, and ac- tually feeling less discomfort from the heat than those of our native born citizens, who are in the habit of wearing linen or cotton next to their skin, and similar fabrics over these for outer clothing. It is more healthful to wear woolen next to the skin, especially in summer, for the reason that woolen textures absorb the moisture of perspiration so rapidly as to keep the THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 233 skin measurably dry all the time. It is curious to notice that the water is conveyed by a woolen garment from the surface of the body to the outer side of the garment, where the micro* scope shows it condensed in millions of pearly drops ; while it is in the experience of all observant people, that if a linen shirt becomes damp by perspiration, it remains cold and clammy for a long time afterwards, and, unless removed at once, will cer- tainly cause some bodily ailment, as palsy, rheumatism, etc. To sit down, or remain inactive with a linen or cotton shirt wet with perspiration, will speedily cause a chill to the whole body, leading not unfrequently to some sudden and fatal dis- ease. In the night-sweats of consumption, especially, or of any debilitated condition of the system, a woolen or flannel night- dress, (light for warm weather,) is immeasurably more com- fortable than cotton or linen, because it prevents that sepulchral dampness and chilliness of feeling which are otherwise inevitable. The British government make it imperative that every sailor in the navy shall wear flannel shirts in the hottest climates, a rule that should be adopted by all persons every where exposed to variable weather, to extreme heats and colds, merely regulating the amount of woolen garments worn to suit the variable tem- perature#- of climates and seasons. In saying all this, however, we must remember that comfort is very much a matter of habit; and, therefore, we should make due discrimation between the natural sensation of health and the morbid sensitiveness pro- duced by false customs. For instance, some keep their whole bodies constantly covered by many layers of woolen garments, and yet go into a shivering fit at every unusual breath of cold air. The reason is they never adapt their habiliments gradually to the degree of the heat or cold of the season. If it be deemed advisable to wear woolen clothing all the year round, whether summer or winter, it does not follow that we are to wear more than one or two extra folds of clothing in addition to the under garments. The true rule is not to cover all parts of the body equally with the same amount of clothing. The fleshy parts require the least clothing, and the limbs and feet, or less mus- 234 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. cular parts, the most. Yet we often wear, in addition to under clothing, a thick vest, coat, and overcoat; and to these will add heavy scarfs of fur or wool to the neck, etc., while the legs and feet are seldom clad in more than a single additional garment to the drawers and stockings. These parts require more clothing, especially in the winter season, than any other parts of the body. Furs are worn in the United States more for ornament than benefit. They are the warmest clothing ma- terials known ; yet, are not adapted for general wear, inasmuch as they are apt to overheat the body, and thus render it keenly susceptible to colds and other afflictions. By consequence, fur neck cloths, caps, etc., are very pernicious tor the head and throat, inducing catarrhs, quinsy sore throat, and similar afflictions. On the contrary, a light woolen waistcoat worn constantly over the breast, summer and winter, would guard against these and other evils, and insure vigorous strength to the lungs or respiratory apparatus, and thus should not be dis- pensed with even in dog-days. The simple rule is to keep the head cool and the feet warm at all seasons of the year. Cheap and pretty silks, of which there are many varieties, are mate- rials which are admirable for ladies' evening, dinner, or walking dresses, and cost less in the end than other fabrics. While I contend that woolen or flannel clothing is the most suitable for the colder or even the more temperate climates, it is not for me to object to the use of linen or cotton clothing for those living in the torrid or tropical climes. Indeed, cotton and linen would seem best adapted to such climes. In the north, many persons cannot wear flannel next to the skin, on account of inducing some peculiar cutaneous affection ; while others prefer such fabrics from choice, although exposed to all vicissitudes, never experiencing any evil effects from such a course. Such persons usually lead an active, out-door life, or are accustomed to exposing their bodies frequently, especially their chests, to atmospheric influences. In a strictly hygienic regulation of dress, however, the color of tha clothing is not to be disregarded. White color reflects THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 235 the rays of the sun ; black absorbs them. Light colored cloth- ing is therefore more comfortable and sanitary in warm weather than dark colored, because the former repels the heat, while it is readily received and retained by the latter. The heat- reflecting or heat-retaining property of different fabrics varies exactly with their lighter or darker shades of color. This difference, however, is much greater in the luminous rays of light than in the non-luminous. When, therefore, we are not exposed to the sun, the subject of color is of very little impor- tance. The absorbing power of dark surfaces renders the skins of dark-colored animals, as well as the darker persons or races of the human family, less liable to be scorched or blistered by the direct rays of the sun than are those of a lighter color. As to the cut or fashion of garments, that is a matter to be decided by the taste or habits of the wearer. Fashion, how- ever, is very arbitrary, and seldom consults hygiene in matters of dress. Of late years she has really much improved, as to the regulation of attire with regard to both health and ele- gance. The hooped skirt, which, at the outset of its career was so mercilessly ridiculed, has proved to be a great blessing to the ladies, as it enables them to dispense with a heavy drag of skirts, and gives their lower limbs free and easy play and motion. The hats or head-coverings, now worn by both sexes, are, in a sanitary point of view, far superior to those worn by our immediate ancestors, being very light, and afford- ing free ventilation, which is indispensable for the avoidance of headaches, rushing of blood to the head, and many other afflictions. I can therefore only say that the first physiological rule for dress is to have all garments as light in texture and as loose in fashion, as is consistent with bodily comfort ; or such as will admit of the most perfect freedom in the exercise of every muscle in the body. Inequality of clothing, as before remarked, is a far more frequent cause of colds, than deficient clothing, For instance, if a person exposes a part of the body usually protected by clothing to a strong current of cold air, he will 236 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. take cold sooner than by an equal exposure of the whole body. A great safeguard against disease, is to regulate the texture and quantity of clothing according to the temperature of the climate in which a person lives, avoiding extreme colds or extreme heats; keeping the clothing always fresh and clean, (especially that of the feet,) and wearing a different garment at night from that worn during the day, not omitting the clean- liness of the whole body in the general hygiene of wearing apparel. EXERCISE. PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DEVELOPMENT. Everything tends to prove that man was destined to lead a life of. bodily action. His formation-his physical structure generally, and that of his joints particularly-his great capacity for speed and laborious exertion-the Divine injunction, that " he shall live by the sweat of his brow"-the bodily imbecility, and enfeebled health invariably consequent upon a sedentary habit-all go to prove that he was destined to lead a life of physical activity. Most people are apt to despise many of the aids to health, because of their very simplicity. A sensible Dervish, in the Eastern allegory, well aware of this weakness of human nature to despise simple things, and venerate those they do not understand, when called to the Sultan to cure him of a disease, did not dare to simply advise him to take exercise ; but he said to him :-" Here is a ball which I have stuffed with certain rare and precious medicines. And here is a bat, the handle of which I have also stuffed with similar medicines. Your Highness must take this bat and with it beat about this ball, until you perspire very freely. You must do this every day." His Highness did so ; and, in a short time, the exercise of playing at bat and ball with the Dervish cured the Sultan's malady. But it should be remembered that there are a great many cases where medicines must be given to assist nature, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 237 besides the employment of exercise to facilitate the recovery of the patient. Nevertheless, exercise is one of the chief aids of all others I must recommend to be adopted as eminently essential for the remedying of bad health and of preserving that which is already good. It is impossible for a healthy adult to be otherwise than active in body or mind, or both; while it may be asserted, with abundant reason, that laziness is actually a disease, dependant on some abnormal condition of the organism. A variety of social circumstances may operate to produce an indolent dispo- sition of mind, and inactive habit of body, but these also produce a primary condition of ill-health. The function of respiration, by which the blood is vitalized, and the nutrition of the muscular structure, on which depend all the motive power or strength of the system, are intimately connected with the circulation of the blood, and this with active exercise. Without this, there must be unhealthy accumulation somewhere ; and as the larger arteries are not permanently dilatable, while the veins and capillary arteries are so, this accu- mulation or congestion must take place in the veins and capillary or hair-like arteries. When the circulation is feeble from lack of bodily exercise, or other cause, the blood creeps sluggishly along the minute vessels composing the elementary tissue of the body ; these veins and capillaries become gorged, which engorgement operates as a still farther impediment to the free flow of the blood. The blood, when not circulated with due energy through the ultimate tissues, becomes deteriorated in quality, and so, in turn, fails to supply that proper nutrition, upon which, according to its degree of purity, all the tissues and functions of the body depends. If the propelling power arising from breathing pure air, and using active bodily exercise is not sufficiently energetic, the circulation through the elementary tissue is so slow that the blood loses its healthful arterial hue before it has reached the extremities of the hair-like arteries ; and thus that part of the tissue which ought to be filled with arterial blood is gorged 238 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. only with black venous blood, from which the proper secretion necessary to the nutrition of the body cannot be separated, either in due abundance, or of a healthy quality. Hence, if this state of congestion be permitted to exist, from lack of active exercise and consequent free respiration, so as to vitalize the blobd, there must needs be a speedy wasting of flesh, and ail the other phenomena of consumption or any other disease. The strength of the system is intimately connected with the circulation of the blood, as stimulated in its flow, by means of active bodily exercise and pure air. This principle is well illustrated in the effects of gymnastics and training, by which the muscles of any part of the body are remarkably invigorated by regular systematic exercise. People of all trades and occupations find those parts of the muscular system which are habitually the most exercised to be the most powerful. For healthful purposes all that is necessary, is, any way, to exercise all parts of the body to a degree of fatigue without exhaustion ; that is, to a degree which will insure an energetic circulation of the blood throughout the entire economy. All exercises, however, to secure their full benefit, should be coupled either with some object of utility or amusement, otherwise the mind is apt to labor adversely to the body. When 1 say that exercise is what is wanted to restore to health the weak and languid, I mean that it is not so much exercise that is wanted, as the exhilarating effect which the enjoyment of exercise produces. A man who exercises half an hour unwillingly in his wood-shed is not benefited in the degree that one is who takes an hour's walk for pleasure through a beautiful country. It is the enjoyment of exercise in which consists its chiefest excellence. It is the diversion of the mind from the ailments of the body. The invalid is by this drawn away from himself. What can better accomplish this object than amusement? Laughter and lively talk may be said to be a species of exer- cise-mental exercise-which is very often as beneficial to an THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 239 invalid as physical exercise. Anything that will induce a fit of laughter, must have an influence in promoting an active circula- tion of blood, and, as we have seen, it is necessary to health that the blood should be duly aerated and flow with energy through the system. Whatever means may be employed to give rapid circulation to the blood must be conducive to health. I believe then, most fully in using all proper means of amusement which will cheer the invalid and thus be a mental stimulus or auxiliary to the preservation and restoration of health. So, not only are amusements which afford exercise to the mental faculties useful, but occupation-some useful business pursuit, which requires and hence secures attention and labor during several hours of each day-is absolutely essential to the high sanitary condition of the body, for nothing else will insure so constant, regular, and equally divided exercise for both mind and body. Walking, running, leaping, bopping, dancing, rowing boats, etc., are physiologically adapted to strengthen the whole muscular system. Even boxing and fencing are to be advised when pro- perly regulated. Wrestling is a dangerous method of developing muscular power. Ten pins, billiards, etc., are excellent exercises, but useful employment is better. Singing, declaiming, reading, etc., are admirable methods of cultivating the vocal powers and increasing the capacity of the respiratory apparatus. Riding on horseback, hunting, fishing, etc., are all more or less beneficial in the prevention of disease and promoting good health. Riding in easy carriages, sailing in boats, swinging, and other passive exercises, are all to be duly considered as remedial expedients for invalids. Amid the many vicissitudes of fortune, and the moral crosses to which female life is doomed, I recommend healthful exercise of the body, in order that the material fabric may be fortified against the thousand causes of disease continually assailing the sex. Woman comes earlier to maturity by several years than man. The tree of life blossoms and bears fruit sooner in the one sex 240 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. than in the other. It also sooner withers and sheds its leaves -but does not sooner die. Female life, at any period is fully as good-perhaps a little better in respect to probable duration than that of the male. It is during the period of from fourteen to twenty-one years, that the seeds of female diseases are chiefly sown-or, at least, that the soil is specially prepared for their reception and growth. The predisposition to infirmities and disorders of various kinds is affected by acts of omission and commission. In the first class need I mention the defi- ciency of healthy exercise of the body in the open air, and of intellectual exercise in judicious studies. The hoop and the skip rope, even in city homes, might usefully supercede the piano, the harp and guitar, for one hour in the day, at least. In schools and seminaries there is no excuse-and, indeed, in-many of them, this salutary point of hygiene is well attended to. In others, however, gymnastic exercises have been hastily thrown aside-partly, because some enthusiasts have carried them to excess-partly, because they were supposed to be inimical to the effeminacy of shape and features so much prized by parents and progeny-but chiefly, I suspect, from that lan- guor and disinclination to exertion, which characterize the higher and even the middle classes of female youth. This deficiency of exercise in the open air, may be considered the parent of one half of female disorders. The pallid complexions, the languid movements, the torpid secretions, the flaccid muscles, and disordered functions, (including glandular swellings,) and consumption itself, attest the truth of this assertion. The exercises of small children, consist in giving them the largest liberty and plenty of room. The cradle is a most perni- cious method of exercising a child to sleep, and should be discarded from every family. For the ordinary or wakeful exercises of a child, the modern " baby jumper" will be found a preferable contrivance. Among the poorer classes, the chil- dren, for want of room to stir in, are apt to become sickly, puny, peevish, and often idiotic. The best time for exercise is, in the morning, an hour or so Archangel Agrimony Amaranthus THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 241 before breakfast, when the stomach is partially empty. If it should happen to be entirely empty, or nearly so, it should be fortified with a cracker or two, or some other light aliment. Vigorous evening exercises may also be employed by persons of sedentary habits with great advantage. " Night work," when mental or physical is at once a violation of the natural order of things. Thus, if you would preserve your health, you must take exercise, but not exercise exceeding your strength Remember the body must be induced to throw off its waste by action before it can be nourished. Nevertheless, it should also be remembered, that exercises of extreme severity are never required in ordinary cases of health, while in disease it must be incom- patible with the strength and circumstances which surround the patient. With plentiful bodily exercise you can scarcely be ill -without bodily exertion you cannot possibly be well. By " well," I mean the enjoyment of as much strength, as may be consistent with your natural physique. Exercise should be taken to the extent of quickened breath- ing and sensible perspiration. If in health, walk, when possible, at least from one to two miles every morning before breakfast. The invalid should go out into the open air, and ramble to the degree of strength he may possess, avoiding fatigue. Exercise gives health, vigor, and cheerfulness, sound sleep and a keen appetite. Indeed, the effects of sedentary thought- fulness are diseases that embitter and shorten life-interrupt rest-give tasteless meals, perpetual languor and ceaseless anxiety. Cheerful exercise, when at all practicable to be taken, whether active or passive, is absolutely an indispensable means to prevent or guard against disease, and to assist in the recuperative action of medicine when the body has become diseased. 242 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. REGULATING THE PASSIONS. Tt has been truly said that we may religiously observe all the laws of hygiene in relation to air, light, drink, food, tem- perature, exercise, clothing, sleep, bathing, and the excretions, and yet lack one thing-one grand essential to human health and happiness. Yes, if our passions are our masters and not our slaves, they will rule and ruin us instead of obeying and serving our behests. There is, therefore, no single hygienic influence more conducive to health, happiness and long life, than a cheerful, equitable temper of mind ; and there is nothing that will more surely disorder the bodily functions, exhaust the vital energies, and stamp premature infirmities on the consti- tution, and hurry us on to an early grave, than an uneven, irritable, fretful, or passionate mental habit. Medical men, at least, well know that a violent fit of passion will suddenly arrest, alter, or modify the various organic secre- tions. Excessive mental emotion will deprave and vitiate the secretions as readily as a deadly poison taken into the stomach. A paroxysm of anger will render the bile as acid and irritating as a full dose of calomel ; excessive fear will relax the bowels equal to a strong infusion of tobacco ; intense grief will arrest the secretions of gastric juice as effectually as belladonna ; and violent rage will make the saliva as poisonous as will a mercurial salivation. There are many persons whose rage, either thor- oughly real or exaggerated, is so violent that they froth at the mouth, and are thrown iuto spasms or violent convulsions. These fits of anger are often assumed, however, by designing par- ties for the purpose of frightening stern parents and guardians and others, into the support of their own views and wishes. Such persons, finding their displays copied from nature, of no avail, will suddenly become tame as lambs, but the effect upon their general healih is found in the appearance of many nervous disorganizations, which, if the cause be often repeated, become permanent. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 243 Thousands of facts of the above kind could be mentioned, but enough has been presented to demonstrate the law, that a sound body cannot exist unless connected with a well-balanced mind. A vigorous exercise of the higher mental powers, a lively cultivation of the intellectual faculties, and the moral affections, will never fail to sustain and elevate the human character, while on the other hand the violent indulgence of the animal propensities and the lower order of the passions, will wear out the mental machinery and enervate all the physio- logical powers. Will not the inspiration of love exalt the soul to the realms of " bliss, exquisite bliss ?" Will not the influence of hatred depress the soul, and sink it to the nethermost depth of misery and despair! Contrast the emotions of benevolence, or gratitude, or veneration, or conscientiousness, or mirthfulness, or faith, or hope, with that of envy, revenge, jealousy, fear* grief, remorse, or despair ? The first are as refreshing to the soul as the gentle dews of morn to the tender blades of grass; the other as withering as the fiery blasts of a crater to the verdant vales. The one energises the mind and re-animates the body-the other sinks, chills, and enfeebles both ; one manu- factures, creates as it were, vital power-the other wastes and destroys body and soul. Those who would maintain permanent and uniform health and live to an old age, will perceive the necessity for cultivating all the nobler impulses of our nature with unremitting care and judgment. When we "nourish wrath to keep it warm," we only add to the venom of a malicious heart. That anger which " dwells only in the bosom of fools," should have no inheritance in the bosom of the wise and thoughtful of our race. The "evils of life," whatever they may be, are often " blessings in disguise," and therefore should be met with a brave fortitude and courage, instead of wailing, complaining and lamentation. Fretting, scolding, and fault-finding, not only aggravate all the necessary evils of life, but greatly multiply them. When we indulge in these faults, we but sow the dragon's teeth to reap a harvest of greater sorrows. More than this, we dissipate 244 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. unwisely our best talents and energies, and render life a curse instead of a blessing. The grand essential, therefore, of a cheerful mind is self-control. This is the great law of mental hygiene. Before any one can acquire self-government, he must learn to govern the animal propensities, and make them sub- servient to the intellectual faculties and moral sentiments. It may require long, patient, and thorough discipline, it may cost much self-denial, and appear to demand great temporary sacri- fices, but it is worth all it may cost. Occasionally it is acquired through long years of bitter experience ; and sometimes the greater part of a life is spent in suffering disappointments, troubles, and crosses, ere the mind is found at peace with itself, and in right relations to all surrounding nature. Happy are they who can, even in such expensive schools, learn the art of adapting themselves to the invariable laws of the universe, which they cannot successfully oppose, or in any respect alter! Indeed, the only guarantee a mau can have for a long life of health and happiness, is to constantly cherish and maintain an even, cheerful, and hopeful spirit. LIFE, HEALTH AND DISEASE. What is Life ? In general terms life may be said to be a subtle emanation of Deity-a principle that pervades all the works of creation, whether organic or inorganic. It is a sort of Entity, whose nature is as mysterious and unfathomable as that of Divinity himself. Many scientific men have contended that life is electricity, and arguments and experiments have been adduced to show that such is the fact. For instance, a scientific body of France pulverized stone, and by the use of electricity produced from the atoms living insects. But this and similar experiments are accepted as evidence that electricity is not life, but is a leading phenomena of its actuality. Life is something neither physical nor spiritual. It is allied to both, but is ueither. It is not soul, for soul is something infinitely THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 245 higher than life-a something of which life itself is but an inad- equate, visible manifestation. Health is perhaps a subtle thing, yet most importantly pal- pable to our senses and perceptions. It is that state of the human body in which the structure of all the parts is sound, and their functions regularly and actively performed, rendering the individual fit for all the duties and enjoyments of life. Or, in other words, it is that condition of the animal economy when the functions of all the organs, beginning with the heart and lungs, act in natural and harmonious relation, the one with the other, and the whole together, rendering existence not only a state of completeness, but a pleasure, a beauty, and a charm, and therefore the chiefest cause and leading feature of all from which the human being derives that phase of joy called bliss. In the various temperaments the phenomena of health are somewhat different ; hence, what would at once preserve it in one, might not preserve it in or restore it to another, until some reasonable period of time had elapsed. Health varies much in people of the many occupations which necessity and circum- stances compel them to adopt for a livelihood or for pleasure, and the acuteness of the senses which would be necessary in some recreative or productive occupations, would be morbid in persons otherwise engaged. But the general symptoms of health, are, in all temperaments, a sparkling eye, a clean skin, a white and rose-blended complexion, (unless where the tem- perament naturally prescribes a rich and glowing olive,) ruby lips, pearly teeth, untainted breath, glossy hair, expanded chest, elastic spine, muscular limbs, symmetrical waist, well built and firm pelvis, fleshy thighs and calves, and a buoyant grace of the whole body. Added to these we have a rich and melodious voice, (wherever the slightest hoarseness or discordance of tone is noticed look for danger,) and a calm and cultivated spirit in the old, a joyous spirit in the young. What munificent gifts are these, and who should fail, by every means in his power, to secure them ? Disease is the opposite of health, and means any departure from the normal condition of the general organ- 246 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ism, or any impairment or derangement of any function by which the regular action of any other one or of the whole, are made or forced to work in an irregular or unnatural manner- producing and entailing disorder, pain, misery, and death I We see disease in the lustreless and phrenzied eye, in the pallid and sunken cheeks, in the parched lips, in the jaundiced or yellow skin, in the contracted chest, in the difficult respi- ration, in the racking cough, in the expectoration of tubercles and sputa from the lungs, in the palpitating heart, in the scrofulous sores and ulcers, in the bloated or attenuated abdo- men, in the disabled legs and arms, in decayed teeth and toothless jaws, in fetid breath, in crooked spine, in the deformed pelvis, in all derangements of the sexual organs, in baldness, in disordered stomach and bowels, in neuralgias, rheumatisms, leprosies, spasms, epilepsies, palsies, loss of the senses of sight, hearing, smelling, taste and touch, hypochondrias, manias, drunkenness, pains, aches, wounds, bruises, mannings, and in innumerable other agonies I With the simple methods by which health can be preserved by those who were born to health, how astonishing it is that disease and misery are the general rule, and health and pleasure the exception 1 Who of all the human race may now say, " I have health 1 I am ac- tually living in a state of nature, or in that perfect mental and physical condition in which I was or ought to have been born." Not one is my reply. We may therefore regard life as a negative rather than a positive quality of existence. Occa- sionally there may be freedom from the slightest degree of actual suffering, and yet that pleasurable condition which would be natural to the regular co-operative work of all the organs of the body will be wanting. In health, our moments fly on lightning wing, and we are scarcely conscious of their rapid exit; in sickness, on the con- trary, our moments are clogged with leaden heels, and pass in that lingering manner as to render our sufferings seemingly the more acute by reason of the slow or tardy march of time. To THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 247 the sick, time does not pass lightly, but with the heavy tread of a giant. How inestimable is that state of being comprehended under the name of health I-yet how few are ever led to consider its priceless value and importance. Health, perfect health, is not to be found in our present age, among the races of men ; yet even in its negative aspect, its most deteriorated quality, what were all the joys, all the riches, all the advantages of this world without its .possession? Unless all, from the highest to the lowest, from the king to the beggar, learn to prize health and avoid disease,-death, who is no respecter of persons, will continue to reap his rich harvests among them all. Caesar could not escape, nor could the renown of a thousand victories, diffuse an anodynic or soporific influence over the pillow of the great Napoleon, nor save the laurels of Marengo from the blighting mists of St. Helena! Intellectual cultivation often times sows the seeds of physical deterioration. When we see that the prince is equally liable to the same physical and men- tal miseries as the vagrant, it becomes every body to bear in remembrance the axiom that a sound body is the natural basis of a sound mind, and vice versa, and that every rational method should be adopted to preserve them. I have shown briefly that there is no condition or state of man that is exempt from disease and death. It may now be asked, Are there no means of preventing the ravages of the one, and postponing the sad triumph of the other ? No means of restoring lost health, or of rendering sickness compatible with contentment, or even happiness itself. Yes. The severest diseases are and may be prevented ; and are curable and cured-even consumption itself when judicious treatment is applied. All right thinking persons will admit that sickness may be obviated, disease mitigated, and even death robbed of bis p: ey for years, by approved remedies rghtly employed. 248 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. SLEEP. Sleep is as much a necessity to the existence of all animal organizations, as light, air, or any other element incident to their maintenance and healthful development. The constitutional relation of man to the changes of the seasons and the succes- sion of days and nights, implies the necessity of sleep. Natural or functional sleep, is a complete cessation of the operations of the brain and sensatory nervous ganglia, and is, therefore, attended with entire unconsciousness. Thoroughly healthy people, it is believed, never dream. Dreaming implies imperfect rest-some disturbing cause, usually gastric irritation, exciting the brain to feeble and disordered functional action. Individ- uals of very studious habits, and those whose labors are disproportionately intellectual, require more sleep than those whose duties or pursuits require more manual and less mental exertion. The waste of nervous influence in the brain of lite- rary or studious persons, requires a longer time to be repaired or supplied, than in those even who endure the largest amount of physical toil, without particular necessity for active thought while engaged in their daily manual pursuits. But no avocation or habit affects this question so much as the quality of the ingesta, 't hose who subsist principally upon a vegetable diet, it is said, require less sleep than those who subsist on both animal and vegetable food. It seems certain that herbivorous animals sleep less than the carnivorous ; while the omniveite require more sleep than the herbivarm, and less than the carni- vore. Man, therefore partaking most of the omniverous, living on a mixed diet of animal and vegetable food, requires more sleep than the ox, the horse, or the sheep, but much less than the lion, the tiger, or the bear. Physiolog'sts are not well agreed respecting the natural duration of sleep. Indeed, no positive rule can be laid down on this subject; the statute of Nature, however, appears to read :-Retire soon after dark and arise with the first rays of THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 249 morning light and this is equally applicable to all climates and all seasons, at least, in all parts of the globe proper for human habitations, for in the cold season, when the nights are longer, more sleep is required. History shows that those who have lived the longest, were the longest sleepers, the average duration of sleep being about eight hours. The time of sleep of each individual, must depend on his temperament, manner of life, and dietetic habits. For instance, John Wesley, with an active nervous temperament, and a rigidly plain vegetable diet, and who performed an immense amount of mental and bodily labor, slept but four or five hours out of the twenty-four; while Daniel Webster, with a more powerful frame but less active organization, and living on a mixed diet, had a "talent for sleeping" eight or nine hours. Benjamin Franklin used to say that seven hours sleep was enough for any man, eight hours for a woman, and nine hours for a fool ' Nevertheless, the invariable rule for all whose habits are correct is to retire early in the evening, and sleep as long as the slum- ber is quiet, be the time six, seven, eight, or nine hours. Those who indulge in late suppers, or eat heartily before retiring, are usually troubled with unpleasant dreams, nightmare, and are oftentimes found dead in the morning. Restless dozing in the morning is exceedingly debilitating to the constitution. Persons addicted to spirituous liquors and tobacco, in connection with high-seasoned food, are in danger of oversleeping even to the extent of very considerably increasing the stupidity and imbe- cility of mind, and indolence and debility of body naturally and necessarily consequent upon those habits. Sleeping in the day-time, or after meals is not a natural law of the physiology of man. No one requires to sleep after a meal unless he has eaten more food than his system required. Sleep may be indulged in during the day, when sufficient sleep is not had at night ; but this sleeplessness at night need seldom occur, were our habits made conformable to the general hygienic require- ments of Nature. Children may sleep all they are inclined to. The position of the body is of some importance. It should be 11* 250 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. perfectly flat or horizontal with the head, a little varied by a small pillow. Sleeping with the head elevated by two or three pillows or bolsters is certainly a bad habit. The neck is bent, the chest is compressed, and the body unnaturally crooked. Children are made round-shouldered from their heads being placed on high pillows. The beds should be made of straw, corn-husks, hair, various palms and grasses ; never of feathers, which can only be mentioned in reprehension. The bed cloth- ing should always be kept scrupulously clean, and adapted to the season of the year, while the bed-rooms should always be sufficiently large and airy as best conducive to sound sleep and general vigorous health. BATHING. Were all to follow the natural laws of their organization, in respect to eating, drinking, clothing, exercise and temperature, an occasional bath or washing would be sufficient; but as the laws of life and health are transgressed in a thousand ways, the sum total of all the unphysiological habits of civilized life is a condition of body characterized by deficient external circu- lation, capillary obstruction, and internal congestion or engorg- ment. To counteract this morbid condition of the system, bathing of the whole body, on regular occasions, cannot, or should not be omitted. For hygienic purposes, the particular process is merely a matter of convenience. You may bathe iu a river if you like, or may employ the shower-bath; but these modes are no more beneficial than the towel or sponge bath. After the ablution, in whatever manner performed, care should be taken to thoroughly rub the body with a crash towel. The best time for such purification of the body is on rising from bed in the morning. The temperature of the water should be adapted to suit different circumstances of constitutional health and disease. Cold or cool baths are best for those in robust health, but those who are deficient in blood, or have a low vitality, should use tepid water. Extremely feeble persons should com- 251 mence with warm water, and gradually reduce the temperature as reaction improves. Sponging the body with spirits or vinegar, may prove highly beneficial in many cases of debility, where water would be injurious. Excessive bathing tends to make the skin harsh and scaly by diluting the secretions of the sebaceous glands, the oil of which is intended to be regularly and naturally poured out to the surface of the skin in order to keep it smooth, glossy7, and soft. Bathe as often as may be necessary to keep the skin clean, and you will then have fulfilled the requirements of hygienic bathing. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. AIR AND SUNSHINE. As 41R may be said to be the very pabulum of life, it is highly essential that it should be pure-inasmuch as any dete. rioration of it never fails to* render the blood impure, and thus ultimately to affect both mind and body. Air covers the entire globe, pressing alike upon land and water, having a depth of about forty-five miles. This vast ocean of air we call an atmosphere, from two Greek words, signifying vapor and space-it being an immense fluid sphere or globe. This atmosphere presses upon man and upon every object on the surface of the earth, with a force equal to fifteen pounds to every square inch. A man of average size has a surface of two thousand five hundred square inches ; accordingly the air in which he lives presses upon him with a weight of eighteen tons. This would of course crush every bone in his body, but for the fluids within him, which establish an equili- brium, and leave him unoppressed. Pure air contains seventy-nine parts of nitrogen and twenty- one parts of oxygen. If we add a single part more of oxygen to the air, it would no longer be atmospheric air, but aqua fortis, an element capable of destroying every thing coming beneath its terrible power. The quantity of air consumed by a man of average size at each inspiration, is from fifteen to forty cubic inches, according 252 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. to the capacity of the lungs. Thus, in about an hour, a person consumes about six thousand and sixty-six pints, or two hogs- heads of air. This air meets in the lungs in one hour, about one half of that amount of blood, or twenty-four in twenty four hours. In other words, the quantity of blood which circulates through the system, is estimated to be about one-eighth of the weight of the body. So that a man weighing one hundred and fifty pounds will have in his circulation about eighteen and three- quarter pounds of blood. The whole of this large quantity of blood has been proved, by careful experiment, to circulate through the blood vessels in the almost incredible brief period of sixty-five and seventy-six one-hundreths seconds of time, and that is very little over one minute I This indeed seems wonderful, when we consider the vast extent of vessels it has to travel through ; the arteries, the veins, and the minute capil- laries through which it must be urged with no little force. The physiology of the respiratory functions explains the relation of an abundant supply of air to the maintenance of health and the attainment of longevity. Fresh air in the lungs is so immediately essential to life, that most animals in less than one minute, when deprived of it, suffocate, become unconscious, and appear to be dead,-real death occurring in a few minutes, if air is not supplied. There are at least three objects to be accomplished by breathing, namely : the renewal of the blood and the taking of impurities out of it; the warming of the body ; and the finishing up of the process of digestion, and the change of chyle into nutritive blood. That carbonic acid and water are borne out of the lungs with every breath, may be easily proved. If we breathe into lime-water, it will become white. This is owing to the carbonic acid in the breath uniting with the lime, and producing carbonate of lime. Then if we breathe upon a piece of glass, it becomes wet, showing that there is watery vapor in the breath. That the blood receives oxygen from the air we breathe, is proved by the fact that the in-going breath has one-fourth more oxygen in it than the out-going THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 253 The lungs then take out of all the air we breathe one-fourth of its oxygen. If we breathe it over a second, a third, or a fourth time, it not only has less oxygen each time, and is less useful for the purposes of respiration, but it becomes positively more hurtful by reason of the poisonous carbonic acid, which, at every out-going breath, it carries with it from the lungs. Equal in importance with the quantity of air we breathe, is its purity. The supply of air for an ordinary man to breathe each minute, is from seven to ten cubic feet. Now, suppose a hundred persons to be confined in a room thirty feet in length, breadth, and height, the room containing nearly thirty thousand cubic feet, it follows that the whole air of the room would be rendered unfit for respiration on account of the vast volume of carbonic acid thrown out of the lungs and skin of the one hundred persons thus crowded together. This proves the importance of always having an abundant supply of pure atmospheric air always kept in circulation in crowded assem- blies, churches, school-rooms, theatres, factories, workshops and dwellings. Consider the effect of sleeping in a small room, seven feet by nine, not furnished with the means of ventilation. If a person sleeps eight hours in such a room, he will spoil during the time one thousand nine hundred and twenty cubic feet of air, rendering the air of the room positively dangerous to breathe. Every disease is aggravated by the breathing of bad air I Yet it is common to close all the doors and windows where sick persons are confined, lest the patients should take cold. This is a bad practice. The sick should have plenty of fresh air. Their comfort is promoted by it, and their recovery hastened. It is utterly impossible for the lungs to be expanded in an impure atmosphere, because the air-passages irritated by the extraneous particles spasmodically contract to keep them out The consequence of this is, those persons who reside permanently in an atmosphere charged with foreign ingredients or miasms, find their lungs continu dly contracting. All sedentary habits weaken the abdominal muscles, and 254 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. thereby lessen the activity of the breathing process. Intense mental application, if long continued, powerfully diminishes the respiratory functions. Persons habitually in deep thought with the brain laboring at its utmost capacity, do not breathe deep and free, and are consequently short lived. All crooked or constrained bodily positions affect respiration injuriously. Reading, writing, sitting, standing, speaking, or laboring, with the trunk of the body bent forward, is extremely hurtful. In all mechanical or manual labor, the body should be bent or lean on the hip joints. The trunk should always be kept straight. Dispense with bed curtains, if you can. In sleep the head should never be raised very high, as that position oppresses the lungs ; nor should the sleeper incline toward the face, with the shoulders thrown forward. Grates and fire-places secure much better ventilation than stoves. No stove, especially furnaces, should be used without the means of the free admission of external air into the room. Lamps, candles, gasburners, etc, are so many methods of con- suming oxygen and rendering the air irrespirable. Smoking lamps are a very common source of vitiated air. The bad air of steamboats, railroad cars, stages, omnibuses, etc., are a source of constant suffering to many. I may here remark that the general misapprehension of the theory of catching cold, frequently produces the evil sought to be avoided. More colds are taken in overheated than in too cold places, and still more are owing to vitiated or foul air. In sleeping and other apart- ments, where thorough ventilation is impossible, the air may be rapidly changed and materially freshened, by opening all the doors and windows, and then swinging one door violently forward and backward. The rules of ventilation apply to all rooms and apartments alike, whether in dwelling houses or travelling vehicles. There is no necessity for breathing air which has lost a part of its oxygen and acquired a portion of carbonic acid. The supply of good air is ample. In connection with a full supply of atmospheric air to every human being, the importance of plenty of sunshine is not to be THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 255 overlooked. Pure air for the lungs and bright sunlight for the eyes, is a physiological maxim which should never be for gotten. The nutritive process is materially checked in all veg- etable and animal life, when deprived of light for a consid- erable time. In the case of vegetables, they become etiolated or blanched. Almost the entire population of our large cities who occupy back rooms and rear-buildings where the sun never shines, and cellars and vaults below the level of the ground, on the shaded side of narrow streets, is more or less diseased. Of those who do not die of acute diseases a majority exhibit unmistakable marks of imperfect development and deficient vitality. During the prevalence of epidemics, as the cholera, the shaded side of a narrow street invariably exhibits the greatest ratio of fatal cases. A certain amount of shade is essential to comfort, but when it reaches the point of exclud- ing sunshine to a large degree, it becomes a positive evil. Let us always welcome the visits of the healthful air and glowing sunshine, and look out continually for the essential conditions of vigor and cheerfulness. OLD AGE OR LONGEVITY. The true philosophy of life is to live and enjoy-to use and not abuse the essentials to human longevity and happiness. As we read in Holy Writ, in the earlier history of man, when the air was free from infection, the soil exempt from pollution, and man's food was plain and natural, individuals lived, on the average, four or five hundred years ; the maximum point of longevity recorded-that, in the case of Methuselah-being nine hundred and sixty-nine years. Without speculating upon the problem whether the years of the early historians included the same period of time as the years of our present almanac, it is sufficient for all practical purposes to know the general law, that human lives may be lengthened to one or two hundred years, or dwindled to the "shortest span," by our voluntary or in lividual habits. If it can be proved that any one man has 256 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. lived one hundred, two hundred, or even three hundred years, under favorable hygienic circumstances, it will be sufficient evidence of a physiological principle that most men may attain to similar extreme longevity, by a mere simple obedience to the natural laws of his being. The examples of extreme longevity are too numerous to be detailed even in a book of many pages, but a few examples may be cited on this point. Haller, the celebrated English physician, during his time, collected more than one thousand cases of persons in Europe, who attained the ages from one hundred to one hundred and seventy years. In Baker's " Curse of England," we find a list of one hundred individuals whose ages ranged from ninety-five to three hundred and seventy ! Twenty-two of these reached the age of one hundred and fifty and upwards, and thirty exceeded one hundred and twenty years. Modern statistics exhibit numerous examples of persons in the United States and all parts of the world, attaining more than one hundred years. Indeed, it was com- mon to the American Indians, previous to the introduction of "fire-water" among them, to live to one hundred years of age; although, as a general rule, the duration of life among the savage races is much shorter than among the civilized and cultivated people of the globe. In our present artificial state of society, it is not probable that one in a thousand persons dies a natural death. Alas ! disease and violence, sweep, with few exceptions, the entire human family to an untimely grave. Even the celebrated Richard Parr, who died at one hundred and fifty-two years of age, came to an unnatural death by eating too heartily at a feast given in his honor by an English king ; while Richard Lloyd, who was in full health and vigor at one hundred and thirty-two years, died soon af-er from being persuaded to eat flesh meat and drink malt liquor, to which he had never been accustomed in all his life before. Ou physiological principles, natural death results from a gradual consolidation of the structures of the body. In infancy THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. the fluids are in much larger proportion than the solids, but as we grow older the fluids decrease and the solids increase- thus gradually changing the flexibility and elasticity of youth to the stiffness and immobility of age. • Thus in a perfectly normal condition of the organism, all the functions, powers and senses decline in the same harmonious relations in which they wore developed. As the process of condensation, goes on equally and imperceptibly, the motive-powers grow torpid, the nutritive functions are enfeebled, the sensibility becomes dull, the external senses are obtunded, and lastly, the mental manifestations disappear-death occurs without a struggle or a groan. Co. tain political and social economists have attempted to prove that old age and a vast population are not desirable things, on the ground that, while population increases geometri- cally, the alimentary productions of the earth only increase arithmetically ; hence, that some scheme of death or destruction is requisite or indispensable to kill off, or clear the ground of existing human beings as fast as the coming generations de- mand their places. In other words, that it is necessary that disease, violence, pestilence, murder, wars, and death should prevail, because of the earth's incapacity to produce sufficient food for the whole race of human beings, were all permitted to live out their natural lives, and die a natural death. A small amount of rational investigation will show the fallacies of all such theories. Indeed, under existing governments and social arrangements, more than three-fourths of all the lands and all the labor, so far as the production of the means of human sustenance is concerned, is literally wasted, or worse than wasted ; while a large extent of the earth's surface has never yet been brought under cultivation, and that part which is cultivated the best admits of vast improve- ment. Casting all speculation aside, it will not be denied that this earth was made the residence of man, and that God expressly enjoined upon him to be fruitful, and to occupy and replenish 257 258 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. the earth, giving him at the same time dominion over all the vegetable and animal kingdoms, as a means for subsistence and happiness, while progressing through the gradual stages of his natural or terrestrial existence. Hence, the creator did not bring man into existence, without first furnishing him with the means of an abundant supply of all the elements requisite for a long life of health and joy. Man, however, has grossly violated the laws of nature, and blundered on in his perversity, till life has actually become a grievous burden, and extreme old age a great and moral curse instead of a divine and special blessing. Were it necessary, a thousand reasons might be given for believing that the earth now has, and always will have, room and food enough for all the population that can be produced by human beings who live agreeably to the laws of their natural organism. Indeed, it is a philosophical maxim that " intensive life cannot be extensive." The races of man have now a hurried, stimulated, forced and disorderly existence, marrying at too early an age, bringing myriads of children into the world, " scarce half made up," only to perish by thousands in the earliest infancy, or to drawl out a miserable and unhealthy existence, if their lives are prolonged to manhood's estate, and sink at last, even then, into premature graves, from continued and perverse abuses of the hygienic and dietetic rules of life. As already said, if the body developes itself slowly and healthfully, (as it always will in its natural state) it is only rea- sonable to suppose that the periods of infancy, childhood, and adolescence or maturity would be greatly prolonged, by the more simple conformity to the original laws of our being ; the period of youth might and would be extended to what we now call " old age," say " three score and ten," and " three score and ten" would be but the beginning of vigorous manhood to be indefinitely prolonged, reaching on to a hundred, or even two hundred years I The special means to insure sound health and a longlife, are to avoid all errors in diet and personal habits. As the fluids THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 259 and solids of the human organism are formed from the materials taken into the stomach as food and drink, it follows that we all onght to abstain more than we do, from concentrated materials of aliment, and live more on fruits and vegetable substances, and fret ourselves less with the cares of the world; so all indi- viduals would be able to maintain the juices of the body, and reduce, in a large degree, the solid elements which induce rigidity of muscles, thickening of membrane, contraction of organs, all leading to disease, premature debility, old age, and death. Let us all then strive to return to the elementary principles of organic or human life. Let our diet be plain, simple and of a juicy nature. Let us refrain from excesses of all kinds, whether connected with our mental or physical powers, and thereby secure a long lease on life, attended with a thousand blessings, unknown to those who lead " fast lives," eat and drink immoderately, and indulge in the various forms of intemperate or luxurious habits. It is never too late to commence a reform in all these things. The oldest person now living might prolong his life to an indefinate period, by avoiding the errors named, and submitting himself to the prior-ordeal mandates of nature. To assist nature in her work of regeneration and recuperation of the human organism, my " Renovating Pills " will be found of most wonderful efficacy, in connection with the hygienic and dietetic requirements already indicated. They will thus prolong the period of youth to vigorous manhood, and vigorous man- hood to the extremest limit of life ever yet vouchsafed to the human being. The already "old and feeble" so called, may be sure of having their lives greatly prolonged, and finally, in the inevitable oruinances of Heaven, or the laws of gradual pro- gress and decay, passing away with cheerful resignation and peace to that mysterious bourne from which no mortal traveler ever has returned. 260 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. PROPRIETARY REMEDIES. Many persons have a strong prejudice against proprietary remedies. That this prejudice is entirely unwarrantable no individual who possesses a knowledge of the facts will deny ; but the majority of the people who entertain this prejudice have imbibed it without thought, and continue to hold fast to it as a matter of fashion. Indeed, the old clamor against proprietary remedies, and which still exists in a moderated degree, was and is attributable to a lack of proper inquiry. As regards the application of the title of "patent medicines" to all such remedies, I can but say that I do not know exactly how it originated ; but I do know that such a thing as a patent med- icine was never placed before the public of this or any other country by issue of a patent right. The remedies which aro so spoken of, are properly called proprietary remedies, and are protected by trade marks which it is forgery to imitate. The origin of the unjust and untenable prejudice against such medi- cines or remedies is very clear. For hundreds of years medical practice was shrouded in mystery, and the professors of surgery and physic had so long kept the secrets of their sciences hidden from the world, that they honestly considered any infraction of the rules of conduct by which they had bound themselves in council to be governed, to be heresy and humbug of the rank- est description. Hence, when a few of these public benefactors, who had dis- covered, by hard study and benevolent experiment, certain specifics for many of the severest maladies which afflict the human race, put their discoveries up in bottles and boxes, and labelled them, and gained a demand for them by the powerful aid of the press and at a very moderate cost to the purchaser, the whole faculty became excited and at once set to work to alarm the people and save their former fees. If (in an obstinate and dangerous case,) for a few dollars a cure could be effected, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 261 and the very costly attendance, for months, of a visiting physi- cian could be dispensed with, what was to become of those who adhered to the old style of doing things ? They would be ruined, they argued, and as self preservation is the first law of nature, they raised the cry of quackery. It was taken up and faithfully circulated by both the ignorant and the intelligent, and, in many communities it still forms a traditionary prejudice Notwithstanding all this, the great economy, and physical benefit of truly good proprietary remedies have been making headway for nearly half a century ; and the time is not far distant when it will not be considered, by any body of either high or low degree, unprofessional for a regular physician to bottle, box, and label his remedies, and sell them, (as other goods are sold) to all sufferers who have good reason to believe in their efficacy. All the proprietary remedies which hold an unimpeachable position before the country, are the results of the studies, labors and experiments of rare skill and ability It certainly matters nothing, then, whether I write my prescription, (a list of ingre- dients) in a sick chamber and send it to a druggist to be bottled, or boxed, and labled, or, selecting the purest and best materials, I make it up with the greatest of care, and bottle or box it myself. Indeed, the patient is protected by the latter course, for if I do not perform through my remedies all that I promise, my reputation is injured, my honor is impugned, and I suffer pecuniarily, for no medicine which does not possess undoubted merit can maintain its stand for any reasonable length of time, and consequently cannot yield its proprietor even a medium living. Therefore, if my preparations are worthless, they will be short-lived, and my practice, or business, will become a nonentity. If, on the other hand, they are what I claim that they are, they will become favorably known every- where, and no prejudice in the world can materially retard their progress, or impede or impair their usefulness. Many preparations, or so-called remedies, both worthless and pernicious, have been placed before the people with great flourishes of 262 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. rhetoric and argument, and have " died and made no sign but this would never have occurred had it not been for the custom- ary declaration of those who were not experienced in matters truly and honorably medical, that anything, however useless, in the shape of a specific or proprietary medicine, would, if well- or as the cant phrase is, " splendidly,"-advertised make its proprietors a fortune. That talk was a fatal mistake for many unprofessional capitalists. Very large sums of money have been lost by those who engaged in what was conventionally termed " the patent medicine business," under this mistaken and ridiculous estimate of public wisdom, confidence, and credulity. To come to another point. There are hundreds of sick indi- viduals of both sexes who listen to the silly talk of the prejudiced; and make up their minds, to grant without reflection, that such talk is true. For instance, one man acknowledges that "Re- storative Assimilant" cured his neighbor of fits, and that he is also subject to fits, but never tried the remedy. Upon being asked why he does not adopt the means and method of cure that restored his neighbor to life and happiness, he gives it as his opinion, that what would cure his neighbor would do him no good whatever. Somebody told him so, and he takes it for granted. This has been one of the arguments against proprie- tary remedies. Its folly is, I think, too apparent to require any refutation ; but, I will say, by way thereof, that if a preparation purifies one individual's blood, it will purify the blood of any body else who uses it. A stimulant is a stimulant, a diuretic is a diuretic, and a tonic is a tonic, no matter who may use either. Would it be sensible for anybody to say, that although water had drowned his friend, or that gunpowder bad blown up an acquaintance, that neither water nor gunpowder would have any effect upon him? The same rule of aigument would be as reasonable in the one case as in the other. I think that common sense teaches us very plainly that a proprietary remedy will not be sustained by general or particular patronage unless it is positively good ! My readers may ask THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 263 how they are to know that the " Acacian Balsam," " Renovat- ing Pills," " The Restorative," and " The Herbal Oint- ment," are all that I claim them to be. (See pages 397, 401, 406, and 411.) I answer: first, they have been before the peo- ple of Europe and America twelve years, and that the demand for them (without "splendid " advertising), is greater now than ever, and continually increasing; next, that the most conclusive and flattering testimonials from nearly every part of both hemispheres are in my possession, and that it would require a book larger than this to contain the one-tenth of them. I have, consequently, for the better information of the general reader, selected a few of those which, I trust, may be carefully considered for the sake of suffering humanity. They were sent to me, without solicitation, by persons who may, at this present writing, be readily communicated with. Some are in the form of sworn affidavits, bearing county seals and other official in- dorsements of their complete truth. At the request of the American government, a proprietary stamp is affixed to every bottle, box, or pot upon which my name appears. TESTIMONIALS. HIDDEX SPERMATORRHEA. Boston, Mass., May 10, 1867. Dr. 0. Phelps Brown :-Sir-It is with great goodwill that I send you these few lines to advise you that your last course of medi- cines has completed my restoration. I am no longer a hopeless, sick roan; but am as robust in appearance as I am in reality. I sleep, eat, think, walk, run, and work well, which I have not done before in seven years. I am satisfied that this is no temporary cure; but that you have rebuilt, as it were, my general or- ganism, and have completely and for ever stopped, as you have said, that awful secret drain upon my powers that was surely ren- dering me imbecile both in body and mind, and dragging me by inches to the grave. I am yours to command, j jj * * * * g * * * * * Remarks.-The above is from a middle-aged gentleman who for 264 THE COMPLEIE HERBALIST. many years has been the chief bookkeeper for a large manufac- turing firm, and whose careful judgment and tried integrity are sufficient guarantees that he speaks from due conviction and not upon impulse. Although he had never been imprudent in "his habits, or provoked sickness by any immoderate or improper indul- gences, he was distressed beyond measure, some few years since, to find his strength gradually diminishing, and his mind growing weaker and weaker, while his digestion became more and more imperfect, the bodily organs generally were giving out in the performance of their functions, and emaciation slowly progressed to such an extent as to eventually make himself and friends despair of his life. During the whole of this prolonged term of suffering he liberally employed medical advice and treatment, and one phy- sician after another assured him that he could never be restored to health-that he was the victim of consumption-that that fell disease was deeply rooted in his organism, and that nothing could extirpate it. Another said that the complaint was marasmus; an- other, cancer of stomach; another, chronic nervousness; another, hypochondria; another, heart disease, Ac. They could not even afford him relief-and no ■wonder, for all the while they were con- sidering symptoms for disease, and treating effects for causes. Not one of them discovered the source from whence all S 's terrible troubles and distressing disabilities arose; and here again there is little room for wonder, inasmuch as his real disease can only be detected by one who has given up much time to its study, and who has made it the subject of all the ability derived from earnest and unflagging research and experiment. The disease is none other than Hidden Spermatorrhea-a form of seminal weak- ness which attacks old and young without any apparent reason, and which prevails to a most alarming extent among all classes of every community. My experience, from extensive practice, war- rants me in declaring that a large proportion of cases in which general debility, and all its horrible accompaniments, assume chronic conditions, may be justly attributed to this mysterious scourge, and not to the causes which are usually assigned for them through either ignorance or carelessness. Hidden Spermatorrhea consists of an imperceptible loss or unno- ticed discharge of the precious seminal fluid every time the patient makes Moonwort Valerian White Horehound THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 265 water, and this is continually going on without the patient's knowl- edge, sinking him deeper and deeper into despair and misery; robbing him of his manhood, insidiously reducing his strength to the verge of uselessness, shattering his nervous system to nothing- ness, neutralizing and devouring his vital powers, striking him continually in every vulnerable part of the body, and, as a natural consequence, subsequently demoralizing and finally extinguishing the mental forces, leaving behind a mere wreck of what wa? once a mind of clearness, capability, and uncommon vigor, together with the poor remains of a robust and rugged frame. This is what it will do if permitted to have sway for any considerable length of time. In all cases where the disease is of very long standing, the result is sexual debility, or inability to perform those duties which belong to an union of the sexes. This is about the most humiliating and distressing condition to which a man can be reduced, involving not only physical suffering of the acutest de- scription, but subjecting him to the contempt of those whose love he covets, and rendering any approach to domestic felicity impos- sible. My Sheffield patient, S , applied to me as a last resort, only just before he had reached this state of wretched imbecility; but if he had reached it I could have cured him, for the human frame is full of latent power even when its energies seem most ex- hausted, and from this latent power may be redeveloped life and force, under favorable circumstances, even as grains of wheat that had lain dormant two thousand years in the Egyptian pyra- mids were made to grow and yield fruit when placed in proper soil, and cultivated by an experienced person. As the smallest unnatural loss of semen is a great loss of electrical force, flesh, muscle and vitality, the reader may readily compre- hend to what a terrible state of dependence a man will soon be reduced whose semen secretly leaves him every time he expels urine from his bladder, and even oozes away imperceptibly on each oc- casion of his going to stool I The well-known form of Spermatorrhea is a dreadful affliction; but this form of it is still more dreadful, because of its unsuspected existence,- its insidiousness, its secret, silent and radical workings, the almost impenetrable mystery that surrounds its origin, and the seeming impossibility, to those who 266 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. do not understand it, of detecting it, and of checking and banish- ing it after it has been detected. From the very beginning of this disease the patient sensibly feels its cruel effects, while he gropes in the dark, not knowing what is sapping the very essence of his manhood and vigor. Although its work is comparatively slow, it is inevitably sure, if it is not brought to an end; and it is therefore the interest of those who suspect that their unaccountable symptoms or ailments, for which no reasonable cause is apparent, arise from Hidden Sperma- torrhea, to lose no time in procuring a correct opinion in the matter, and if they find the dreadful enemy in ambush, to have him forth- with put to rout from his hiding-place. Hidden Spermatorrhea affects the lungs, heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, bladder, intestines, glands, joints, brain, &c., causes the nerve-power gradually to disappear, wastes the flesh and muscles, and produces general and local debility, fits, flatulence and pains in the stomach, sickening, unmanly lassitude, great de- rangement of the circulation, extreme emaciation like marasmus, palpitations and all other diseases of the heart, flaccid and feeble muscles, atrophy of the testicles, insanity, idiocy, convulsions, corrupt blood evinced in pustules, blotches, pimples, fiery skin, discolorations, and cutaneous affections generally; apoplexies, lethargies, palsies, wasting of the spinal marrow, bilious dis- eases, and sallow complexion, or else a bleached, haggard, or livid complexion, sunken eyes and derangement of eyesight; stu- pid effeminate expression of countenance, dry harsh coughs, failure of nutrition, cold dry scurfy skin, nervous shakes and tremors of various parts of the body, sleeplessness, fearful head- ache, loathing of food, harsh, grating, or very feeble voice, spasms, twitching of the tendons, bent bodies and weak limbs, sup- pressed insensible perspiration, night sweats, depressing languor, sometimes halting or shuffling gait, unaccountable feelings of shame, distaste for society, disinclination to look a fellow-being in the face, confused understanding, inability to concentrate the mind upon a given subject, loss of memory, lack of the power of calculation, failure of vital heat, indecision, feeling as of impend- ing great misfortune, confusion of intellect, unfounded suspicions, irritable and harassing ill-temper, shifting or local racking pains, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 267 horrible dreams, terrible noises in the head and ringing in the ears, creeping sensations upon the surface of the body, perverted judgment, entire lack of will-power, weariness of life, morbid sensitiveness, torpid bowels, foetid breath, decay of the bony structure, and many other symptoms and results, which are almost invariably attributed to other causes than the right one. Had my patient, S , years before he consulted me, taken a little trouble to discover the real character of his affliction, he would have avoided an untold amount of suffering, as also the damage and expense of being " doctored " for the symptoms of a secret drain upon him, which could only disappear by the removal of their cause. Any one who suspects, or has any of the above symptoms, should at once put his morning urine into a clean half- pint bottle and let it stand from twenty-four to seventy-two hours. If, after standing this length of time, there appears a peculiar cloudy sediment or deposit at the bottom, there can be no doubt of the development of Hidden Spermatorrhea in some one of its many stages. And bear in mind, that even boys, and the purest and best of men, may be afflicted severely by this imperceptible waste of the most precious fluid of the human body, one drop of which, lost in opposition to the laws of nature, is a powerful draft upon the vital sensibilities. Having determined to make myself thoroughly acquainted with this disease in all its particulars, and to discover the means by which it could be quickly and permanently eradicated, and the patient restored to all the delights and advantages of perfect gen- eral and local health and strength, I did not rest until I became the possessor of this knowledge; and I also discovered an infalli- ble test (apart from the urinometer or gravimeter), whereby I can instantaneously and accurately determine the existence or ab- sence of Hidden Spermatorrhea upon receiving a confidential communication from the person presumed to be afflicted. Although the urine test as made by the patient is generally satisfactory as to establishing the fact of the development of the disease, my test is positive, and at once explains the degree to which it has advanced, and the special treatment that will be required to effect a speedy and permanent restoration. The cause, nature, true loca- 268 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. tion, extent, and hidden characteristics of every disease, however important or simple, must be thoroughly understood by any prac- titioner before he can hope to remove it; and it is because I do thoroughly understand this dangerous enemy of the human race that I never fail to conquer it, and obliterate every vestige of its evil effects. Let me here take occasion to observe, for the benefit of suffer- ing humanity, that any violent treatment for this disease is a sure aggravation of the symptoms. What I term violent treatment is that which is commonly adopted for those who are shattered and broken down by the above or any other cause. This consists of the administering of opiates, spiced and flavored alcoholic stimu- lants, destructive so-called invigorators, made principally from the tincture of cantharides or Spanish flies, metallic drugs (dis- guised), and poisonous injections, &c. To these are frequently added, in cases of ordinary Spermatorrhea (and would be in Hidden Spermatorrhea if the practitioners knew what they were attempting to cure), mechanical contrivances which torture the patient by day and by night with no other permanent effect than to force him, degree by degree, lower into the abyss of almost hopeless misery. Indeed, the old, and soon-to-be completely exploded system of practice for various diseases, with its mer- cury, antimony, tin, arsenic, lancets, blisters, and acro-narcotic drugs in general, has been a fruitful source of Hidden Sperma- torrhea. I have had many cases of it in individuals who had undergone the old style treatment for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Liver Complaints, Nervous Affections, &c., and who had been scoured out, and mercurialized, and bled, and sacrificed, and made drunken with reactionary stimulants, until their wretched bodies had scarcely a semblance of healthful vitality remaining in them. Better, in fact, let disease take its own course, than resort to such agents for either its amelioration or its removal. There- fore, if you do not throw yourself upon the unfailing and rational rejuvenating benefits of Scientific Herbalism, do nothing, for that were preferable to an increase of your afflictions at a ruinous ex- pense of money and convenience. N. B.-Hidden Spermatorrhea is often mistaken for Diabetes, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 269 Bright's disease of the kidneys, and other diseases of a similar character. To be sure that you are safe, or that if endangered you can be made safe, dispel your doubts by writing to me for advice, in obedience to rules laid down on page 432. YOUTHFUL ERRORS. Utica, N. Y., May 30, 1865. Dr. 0. Phelps Brown :- Dear Friend.-Mr. G , whose case of sexual debility, mental weakness, and extreme emaciation, caused by solitary habits, you undertook at my request, four months since, after many well-known physicians had declared that medical skill " could do nothing for him," is a new man. His intimate friends can hardly believe him to be the same person. When he commenced your course of medicine he weighed but ninety-five pounds, now he weighs 135 pounds. I send you an account of two other cases the symptoms of which are pre- cisely similar; although the causes of those symptoms were very different in every respect, not arising from any bad habit. Erastus Thompson. Remarks.-In this case I used a preparation of coca, (page 59) dragon root, (page 69) eryngo, (page 72) and other herbal tonic and invigorating remedies of foreign growth which are especially adapted to such cases. In addition I required the patient to avoid the use of all exciting foods and drinks ; but to live freely on plain nourishment; to use a cold sponge bath containing a table-spoonful of mustard, twice a week, until stronger, and then every day; to keep the bowels moving regu- larly with the " Renovating Pill," and to avoid solitude, and court cheerful, and lively society as much as possible. The consequence of this treatment is before the reader. In cases of extreme debility of mind and body, accompanied by sper- matorhoea, 1 use a preparation of Bearberry, (pages 171 and 172) and gelsemin. Before I could effect this cure I was obliged to resort to this branch of the course also; and for the purpose of giving stability to the system ordered an unequalled 270 tonic, of which T am the discoverer. The " gelsemin course is a certain remedy for spermatorrhoea or loss of semen. I would further remark that considering and describing the peculiar diseases to which we are all more or less subjected, a physician should be modest and delicate; yet, if he is not outspoken, to a certain necessary extent, his readers, or pa. tients, will not thoroughly understand him. The above certificate and brief account of treatment concerning a par- ticular case, is headed " Youthful Errors," and, so far as the individual case goes, the heading is correct; but it does not, (as may be inferred from the closing lines of Mr. Thomp- son's testimonial,) apply to thousands of other cases where sexual debility, or loss of virile power, involving mental weak- ness, and extreme emaciation, occur. My experience teaches me that nine-tenths of such cases are the results of habits and practices which are perfectly legitimate, and to which no shadow of blame or disgrace can be properly attached. It is a well established fact that too much mental application, also constant confinement within doors in a vitiated atmosphere, or habitual or sudden exposure to heats and colds, or the des- troying influences of extreme grief and care, will produce all the evil effects upon the mental and physical organization, that are caused by, and attributed to, solitary habits. Ner- vous debility, which is quite a common and comprehensive name for all failures of the intellectual or physical organs or faculties to perform their functions properly, is originated and nurtured, in both sexes, by a variety of causes as countless as the leaves of the forest. Consequently, people should not be backward about making their deficiencies of mind or body known to physicians in such a clear and confidential way as to secure to them the full restoration of their normal health and vigor. Any course of life which is inordinately irksome, or involves heavy tasks, is liable to cause the loss of virile power, or especially in middle age, impotency, which is the aggrava- ted form of the same difficulty. Thus we find that clergymen, merchants, book-keepers, literary workers, women who are THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 271 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. overtaxed by care and labor, lawyers, judges, boys confined too closely at school, young ladies who seldom take out-of-door exercise, clerks, heads of public departments, and all others who are constantly wearing and tearing both mind and body without seeking the neutralisng aid of rest, amusement, and change of scene, are subjected to some of ihe numerous ills developed in disabilities and incapabilities which impose un- told suffering. These ills are the inheritance of everybody physically and mentally overworked, no matter in what capa- city they may labor. It is to be lamented that many of these innocent individuals, from the fear of being charged with guilt, suffer long years in silence and in sorrow, and at last go down to the grave without having made an effort for relief. The old class physicians have used the most powerful minerals within their reach, and, with the earnest and honest desire to do good, have accomplished much that has been of temporary benefit. But the reaction from the use of these minerals has been, in all instances, of a non-curative character, the patient purchasing for temporary enjoyment, many after-years of in- capacity and local weakness. And now I approach a branch of this subject whicn to many of the female sex is of the utmost importance. The same causes of local weaknesses in the man have a powerful and sim- ilar effect upon the woman. Impotency in the husband is a complaint which must be cured, or his healthy wife will regard him with sorrow and misery. The other side of the picture is a perfectly healthy man and a barren, (or impotent') woman. Any cause of debility, but more particularly want of pure air, confinement to small rooms, lack of judicious exercise, or of personal cleanliness, and of lively associations with cheerful people, will render the best of women incapable of competent and satisfactory childbirth. Barreness, therefore, so long accounted incurable, is just as easy of remedy as any other human affliction, and is reached by the preparations which are made from the natural productions of the fields and the woods, as readily and as certainly as any of the incompetenciei 272 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. of the sterner sex. Women therefore must not despair of becoming happy and joyous mothers, if such be their pleasure. I shall close these remarks by summing up the facts that failure of the virile strength, (or impotency,) and all its concomitants of loss of memory, inability to concentrate the mind, a tendency to insanity, nervousness involving a great distaste of life, loss of a desire for society and companionship, and a total lack of all business enterprise and calculation, which makes all such persons entirely unfitted for those energetical occupations by which men acquire both fame and fortune, are among the effects of this loss of manly vigor. This proves that the disabilities we are considering are not to be always accounted the result of self-abuse, let me also impress upon the minds of my readers that where power has once existed it can be restored, no matter how great the loss may have been, or how long it may have existed ; but this restoration can be achieved only by prompt and judicious means. I must take occasion to say that false modesty is a sin which never fails to punish severely those who indulge in its culture and development. No one need be ashamed of a misfortune, zvhatever its origin, nor should anybody hesitate to attempt to repair or banish it when means for so doing are both harmless, certain, and abundant. The remedies used by me in these cases are entirely original, and are pre- pared specifically and with great care. They are powerful for good and innocent for evil, and are positive to restore those who employ them to permanent health and original vigor. I have never failed to restore my patients to complete health where the instructions sent with the medicines were faithfully followed. Persons addressing me on the subjects above spoken of may rest assured that their communications will be treated confi- dentially, as all letters upon such subjects are copied in cy- pher as soon as received and the originals burned. No charge is made for advice. Write, giving full descrip- tion of case, and I will promptly answer by return of mail. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 273 CONSUMPTION. Carlton, Orleans Co., N. Y., July 15 1864. Dr. 0. Phelps B.own :- Sir.-After taking a little of your " Acacian Balsam" Mrs. Griffin is better-she sitsup all day-and rides out occasionally. The soreness has gone from her lungs and she coughs very seldom, unless, in consequence of some fresh cold. Now and then there is some shortness of breath, and wheezing, but no comparison to what has past, or in times past. It has been the general impression here that she had the consumption and would die, and the physician said he did not believe she would live till spring. Once we called in the neighbors to see her die. And persons who saw her in her feebleness, and behold her now, will scarcely credit their Own eyes. P. Griffin. Washington, D. C., April 3, 1865. Dr. 0. Phelps Brown ;- Respected Sir.-My catarrh, which had almost destroyed my power of speech, had nearly lost me the senses of smell and taste, and was rapidly extending to the lungs, by dropping down, has disappeared. I owe this great blessing to your course of treatment. I had been so often humbugged by those who made great pretentions of curing me, and to whom I had paid large sums of money, that I applied to you by ad- vice of acquaintances, with many doubts; but a " drowning man catches a straw" and I wrote you a full description of my sufferings. I cannot be too grateful to Providence for having directed me to do this. Use my name in any way you please for the benefit of others afflicted as 1 was, etc. 8. Brown Mills. Remarks.-This patient describes the effects of nasal catarrh, as developed in himself, but partially. lie has omit- ted to say that his breath was so offensive that people couid not sit in the room with him ; that the matter was discharged so copiously that it descended into the stomach, causing vomit- ing, reducing him in strength and flesh to a comparative skele- ton ; that he had inflammation and elongation of the soft palate; (uvula) had lost his appetite; and was troubled with hectio fever. The great object to achieve in a case like this is first to CATARRH IN THE HEAD. 274 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. cleanse the parts affected and then to heal them. Great atten- tion must also be paid to the general health which nasal catarrh even in its mild forms deranges so effectually. My instructions to Mr. Mills were to make use principally of light vegetable food ; with now and then chicken or mutton broth ; to bathe the feet each night in warm water, and upon going to bed, to keep the bowels open with the "Renovating Pill," to wear flannels next the entire surface of the body, and to use the " Herbal Ointment" plentifully at night upon the forehead, rubbing it gently and yet persistently in. I forbade the use of water in- ternally, and prescribed toast tea or warm lemonade as a beve- rage. The main point of treatment was the beginning of the course I usually adopt for this disease, viz., a solution (with other rare herbal solutions) of narrow leaf Virginia thyme (pages 101 and 108,) which can be used either as an injection for the nostrils with a syringe, or it may be, as the phrase goes, " snuffed up" with force from the hollow of the hand. When this had produced the desired effect, I prescribed the second series of the course, viz., a solution of English Daisy Root, and other foreign roots, with herbs, (to be used as above) and a certain healing powder, both to be applied through the nostrils as often as circumstances required. I have never failed with this treatment. Mr. Mills' catarrh was a desperate and deep seated affair-in fact I have never known of a worse case; I can usually perfect a cure with the English Daisy Root pre- paration and the healing powder, where absolute rotteness has not been developed, as in the case of this patient. CASES OF LEUCORRHCEA, OR "WHITES." Northampton, Mass,, Dec. 10, 1864. Dr. 0. Phelps Brown :- Dear Friend-I am not much of a writer ; but I wish to say to you that your advice and medicines have made me well, aud that I do not fear a return of the distressing and loathsome complaint which had held me in its gripe for three years, and which was rapidly bearing me to an early grave. I THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 275 write this with my husband's consent. I have no false modesty, and do not care who reads this if it will induce them to be wise and try your remedies, etc. Mrs. J. B . Remarks.-Before coming to the treatment adopted in the above case let me state, for the benefit of many persons igno- rant of the fact, that no two cases of "whites" are exactly alike; and that the term "whites" is employed, to specify all variations of the disease, from custom, and because it is convenient. There are four kinds of discharges in this very prevalent affliction, viz : mucous, pus, mucous and pus combined, and a clear transparent secretion, which, when coagulated, looks like curdled milk. When thin and watery, or thick and cream like, it is from the passage which leads to the womb, or as it is technically called " the vagina ;" bringing away patches and shreds of the mem- brane or lining of the passage, and causing the utmost distress and debility, both of mind and body. When it is ropy or gluey it is from the cavity of the neck of the womb, and if not soon checked, and the parts restored to a healthy condition, will re- sult in ulceration, which, after inflicting numerous and prolong- ed agonies, ends in a painful death. It is also frequently the cause of falling of the womb, and there is no doubt that cancer in the womb, is, in a majority of cases the result of its ravages. There are many variations of whites, whether it be confined to the vagina or has extended to the neck of the womb. So there is a great difference in the color of the discharge, it being green, dark brown, yellow, or clear and white, as the age, size, condition etc., of the victim v.tries, or according to cause, pro- gress and duration. It is essential that the physician should be acquainted with these particulars, and that he should carefully and minutely consider the age, habits, occupation, social stand- ing, and temperament of the patient before prescribing. The causes of this disease are as various as the forms it takes. Among them are excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse, cold, gonorrheal virus, much stimulating food, giving way con« tinually to morbid and depressing fancies, solitary enjoyments, 276 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. child-bearing, long continuation of the monthly flow, nuising, decline of life, great fatigue, such as frequently running up and down stairs, straining, indigestion, or too much confinement iu impure air, and too little rational exercise, miscarriages, intem- perance, etc. Sometimes neglect of the person, or uncleanliness, is a cause. Ladies of very delicate organization, and those who are scrofulous or consumptive, are liable to it. Among the many symptoms of whites, are a pale, sallow or waxy complex- ion, which is occasionally altered by heavy flushings only to become more ghastly after they disappear. Also dull eyes, with heavy dark crescents underneath, capricious appetite, or scarcely any appetite, foetid breath, nausea, distress in the stomach, pains iu the back, loins, groin, and chest; suffering in walking, headache, chills, restlessness at night, frightful dreams, disordered stomach, extreme nervous and muscular weakness, great emaciation, ill temper, disinclination for the other sex, etc. Not the least unpleasant effect of this disease is the smell it emits. To treat it with mineral preparations is merely to palli- ate it and produce other afflictions. Why use dangerous arti- cles when the earth abounds with herbal remedies which are both healing and soothing, powerful and harmless, and which if rightly prepared by experienced physicians, who understand the medicinal properties of the vegetable kingdom, and used ac- cording to directions, must satisfactorily cure without leaving evils of any other kind behind them ? Among the many plants and barks which skillfully and intelligently compounded with others which have to be imported, and their virtues extracted by a process known only to those who have made them a life study, will surely and quickly cure this diseases in all its vari- eties, are "Devil's Bit" (pages 67 and 68) "Balsam of Peru' (pages 122 and 123) " Life Root" and " Meadow Lily Root," (for both see pages 97 and 98,) "Privet" (pages 125 and 126) "White Oak Bark" (page 112) " Golden Seal" (page 81) etc. These are the principals of numerous well-known plants and barks employed by me for leucorrhcea, to give the names of all that I employ, especially those of foreign origin, would occupy moro THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 277 space than I can spare, and would not benefit the reader, for the foreign ones can be procured only at great expense, in large quantities, and in out-of the-way localities. From Mrs. Bar- ton's copious description of herself and her symptoms, I was satisfied, after due deliberation, that the disease had reached the neck of the womb, and that if she did not at once obtain relief, ulceration would be the inevitable consequence. She was of a medium size, light complexion, hair and eyes, sanguine and lymphatic temperament, and was afflicted soon after mar- riage. She had been what is called a " wild" girl; that is, fond of romping and playing, but was always, from the age of puber- ty, more or less subject to an overflow of the menses, by which her frame had become somewhat enfeebled. I pass over the certainty of the " parts" having been injured during coition. I prescribed a wash made from some of the above plants and barks, and which I call the " Privet Wash," to be injected freely morning and night. In order to achieve the great ob- ject of restoration it is necessary to treat the disease generally as well as locally. I therefore ordered three of my Extra Tonic Pills to be taken each day, one before each meal. I also enjoined, for a time, strict abstinence from nuptial indulgences, and three tepid hip baths a week to begin with, gradually reaching the cold ones. The hygienic treatment was simple, viz: -moderate exercise out of doors in clear weather, light animal and vegetable food easy of digestion-nourishing but not stimu- lating ; scrupulous cleanliness, and the cultivation of a cheerful spirit. This treatment, carefully observed, effected a permanent cure in three months. I would take occasion to say here, that in all cases of whites the most rigid system of cleanliness is in- dispensible to a speedy cure. For merely cleansing the parts pure cold, or tepid water, as the case may require, to which has been added a little salt, is excellent. Bangor, Me., Jan. 5, 18G5. Dr. 0 Phelps Brown :- Honored Sir.-Permit me on behalf of my daugh* 278 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ter and her father, to return you our sincere thanks for the ad' vice given in your last letter, and to state that we shall always treasure it, and act upon it too, if it ever becomes necessary But at present we have no occasion to use it. Our daughter is cured. Perhaps this will not surprise you ; but it h is sur- piised us, and has shed the rays of happiness over a household that was before sorrowful and miserable indeed. If by referring persons to us who aresuffeiing as our daughter did, you can do good, have no hesitation about it. * * * Mrs. G is pro- gressing finely under your medicines. Mrs. H. B . Remarks.-This was a case of vaginal whites, which had ex- isted from the time the patient had commenced to menstruate. She was a girl of robust habit, with full bust, when first at- tacked ; but was eventually reduced to a shadow of her former self. The causes of her affliction I need not specify. When she first applied to me for aid it was with great difficulty she could retain anything on her stomach, and nearly all the symp- toms enumerated under Mrs. B 's case were torturing her constantly. Her pains were of the most excruciating nature, causing distress to those around her as well as to herself. In fact it was a very bad case. Unskilful and reckless treat- ment had done much towards aggravating her miseries and ren- dering a cure a matter of the utmost difficulty, yet I was de- termined to take the matter in hand and make handsome work of it. My first care was to impress forcibly the utter impos- sibility of effecting a cure if all natural or unnatural excite- ments of the organs of generation were not totally avoided. The usual light but nutritious diet was ordered, also plenty of fresh air and sunshine, moderate and pleasurable exercise, cheer, ful associations, etc. I insisted upon total abstinence from all exciting liquids, and the abandonment of any course of roman- tic reading that would be likely to stimulate the imagination. I prescribed the cold hip bath to be taken every day, and an injection made from "Gulden Seal," "Life Root," "Lilly Root," and two South American plants to be used freely three times a day. For ablutionary purposes she used tepid or cold water THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 279 with a very little salt, according to the intensity of the inflam- mation or irritation. Instead of blisters, or issues, to the lower part of the back (Sacrtwn) I applied the " Herbal Ointment " freely, keeping it constantly there, in fact, in the form of a plas- ter. As she was badly constipated I used the " Regulat- ing Pill" according to directions. With the exception of a slight relapse produced by one night's unwise exposure to damp a'r, and a very fatiguing walk, this case progressed steadily to a cure from the first day my treatment was adopted until I re- ceived the above letter announcing the patient's thorough and perfect restoration to unblemished health. The above two cases are but types of hundreds, to cure which my services have been required, and usually at the last moment. I have cured many variations from these two ca<es, all bad enough, and have testimony to that effect; but the above will be quite sufficient to show to the impartial reader both the method and value of my Herbal system. The above certificate would not have been published without the permission of the writers, as I hold sacred all correspondence of this character. BAD CASE OF LIFE-LONG SCROFULA CURED. Providence, R. I., August 4, 1865. Dr. O. Phelps Brown :- My Dear Doctor- ****** words cannot express my delight at the cure you have effected upou me. You know what a condition I was in when I wrote to you last win- ter ; I was covered from head to foot with sores, and as I had been more or less a sufferer in this way from childhood, and had spent thousands of dollars in the hope of getting, at least, a partial, if not a perfect cure, without success, I had but little faith in your ability to do me much good. Still, you had been so highly recommended that I concluded to make one more trial, and if that did not turn out as was desirable, to bear my wretched fate with philosophy until I could hide my disfigured form in the grave. I may say, that now, for the first time in my life, I have an unblemished skin; apparently a pure current 280 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. of blood in my veins, and the very best of general health. I owe this to you, or, more properly speaking, to your skill and ability and the plants which nature has provided tor every phy sical ill. Should you ever come this way, you will confer a favor upon me by giving me a call. You may publish the fact of my cure if you like ; but I prefer that you would keep my residence out of print, as I do not wish to be troubled with inquiries, etc. J. R. M. Drake Remarks.-Scrofula is both hereditary and acquired. It attacks all parts of the body ; but more especially the glands, bones, joints, and skin. When transmitted it is more difficult of treatment than when acquired ; but in either event it is certainly curable. Consumption is the worst phase of scrofula, and generally the most fatal. Yet we can now not only avert consumption by timely and judicious treatment, but can cure it even after it has reached a stage which many years ago was sure to result fatally. The chief causes of scrofula, (apart from certain poisonous communications between healthy and infected persons which my treatment will positively cure in all its forms,) are insufficient food, the habitual breathing of foul air, exposure, intemperance, unclean habits, constitutionally-weak stomach ; living too high, lack of exercise, or too much of it, etc. The basis of scrofula, in all its varied hideousness, is, no matter what may be the fundamental reason, impurity of the blood. In the case before referred to, the disease was undoubtedly heredi- tary ; although the parents had never had a touch of it ; but upon inquiry I ascertained that the grandfather on the side of the mother had been more or less troubled with it all his life. This is often the action of scrofula. It may fail to appear du- ring one or two generations, and then again break out with extraordinary virulance in a distant branch of the original family, particularly if there be any syphilitic taint. Mr. Drake describes bis condition as it was when he first wrote to me, in broad but expressive terms-he was literally " covered with sores from head to foot." His appetite had gone, his strength was scarcely beyond that of an infant, he could sleep but very THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 281 little, nor could he walk, or talk, excepting with great pain, and aa he said in a previous letter, he presented such a shocking appearance that " he was ashamed to show himself abroad," even if able to do so. In short, he was on the verge of disso- lution-in fact, that without a prospect of recovery, speedy death would have been a boon. I ordered my compound fluid extract of stillingia, which is a prep iration comparatively new; but which will soon usurp the place of all other medicines for scrofula, hepatic and cutaneous affections, and all impurities of the blood, and a tonic pill made particularly to suit the indi- vidual case. The patient was advised to shun crowded or close apartments, to avoid exposure to wet or humid weather, to sleep with the windows open at all times, but out of the way of the draught; and to bathe daily in warm water and alco- hol, or in salt water if he preferred it; but never in plain, fresh, or cold water. His diet was as invigorating as possible,-light, nourishing, and digestible, but never stimula- ting-consisting in the main of broth, solid lean meats, and stale bread-pastries, pies, and puddings being in'erdicted. Fish, especially the fresh cod, he was ordered to eat as often as was agreeable, for its iodine, as well as its nutriment. I sent Mr. Drake his first instalment of " the compound fluid extract of stillingia," and the tonic pill, with hygienic instructions, in the latter part of February. In the middle of March he was out, with a fair appetite, a moderate degree of strength, and a visi- ble improvement in the strumous inflammation and discharge. He improved slowly but surely, and was pronounced cured by his friends, as early as June ; but as doing things by halves is not my way, I continued treatment until August, when every vestige of the disease had, as near as I could judge, vanished, I am sure, never to return, unless through his own neglect and imprudence. The "stillingia" is the foundation of all my pre- parations for scrofula, (see " queen's root," page 128) but it is embodied with several other rare plants and roots, according to the cause, location, or extent of the disease. Where it mani- fests itself in the glands, joints, or upon any part of the surface 282 of the body, in sores, rashes, or ulcers, I inviriably prescribe the " Herbal Ointment " as an assistant whose services could not be dispensed with. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. OBSTINATE NEURALGIA CURED. Alexandria, Va., Jan. ±2, 1865. Dr. 0. Phelps Brown :- Doctor.-I have the honor to inform you that your medicines have had all the effect you promised. My neuralgic pains and symptoms disappeared three weeks after I began using your " Lever Wood" preparation, and the ointment, but I refrained from writing to you for many weeks afterwards fearing that the relief was only temporary. I am now sure, however, that the cure is perm inent, for since the pains ceased I have been constantly exposed to the weather, braving it in all its changes-have been out in storms, have been shut up in close places, and then suddenly sent forth in the bitter cold, and yet not the slightest approach to neuralgia has been visi- visible in the operations of my nervous system. I have a sis- ter in Vermont who suffeis severely every winter from neural- gia of the face. I enclose ten dollars, for which, send to her address as much of your medicine and advice as you can afford. L. J. McComas Remarks.-Mr. McComas was employed in one of the pub- lic departments, whose head-quarters were in Alexandria, Va., and was liable to be exposed at all hours to the weather, no matter how bad it might be. He was frequently compelled to lodge upon the ground, and sometimes could get no food for many hours, and when he did get it he was often compelled to eat it half cooked and in haste. He appears to have been con- stitutionally predisposed to diseases of the nervous system, and alihough only twenty-two years of age, had suffered extreme tor- tures from neuralgia. The pain occurred by jerks and starts, commencing at the back of the cock generally, running round to the ears and the jaws, and spreading over the entire face, as also in most instances the shoulders and chest. I ordered the "Lever Wood" preparation, (page 97,) which comprises THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 283 the extract of five different rare herbs, and the " Regulating Pill" one a day at going to bed, and required that the " Her- bal Ointment" should be liberally used upon the affected parts morning and night. All forms of neuralgia may be cured by this treatment, if, in addition to the medicines, the patient will keep his stomach in good order, and use tepid baths in mode- ration, Germantown, Penna., April 2, 1865. Dr. 0. Phelps Brown :- Sir.-You merit all the gratitude I have to give. Shall I say that you have cured me of gout ? Yes, I think I may safely say so, for I have been free from it one year for the first time in twenty-five years, and all since I begin to take your remedies. I am now fifty-three years of age and am in the enjoyment of better health than has been my good luck for a quarter of a century. My children say that it is now a plea- sure to spend an evening with me, whereas, before obtaining your godsend, it was their opinion that 1 was a most irritable and disagreeable companion. I would like to have a large number of your treatise for distribution. What will be the cost, etc., etc. Wm. Rodman. Remarks.-Gout is always accompanied by disarrangement of the regular functions of the stomach and other internal or- gans. In either the acute or chronic stage it is indicated by the usual violent pain in the ball or first joint of the big toe, with shooting pains throughout the foot; sometimes every toe is involved. When the attacks have been frequent and of long standing, it in many instances falls into the stomach, when mor- tal skill is hardly equal to the salvation of the sufferer. This is when the pitient has become very much reduced. If stout or fat, the disease after having been allowed its own way for a long time, usually falls into the head, and then proves fatal as often it does when located in the digestive regions. Gout is heredi- tary, but, even when it is so, can be averted by prudent living, REMEDY FOR GOUT. 284 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Its causes are numerous, among which may be enumerated ex- cess in eating and drinking, dyspepsia, indolence, hard and un- reasonable study, anxiety, despondency, excessive evacuations, no matter of what character, cold, the suppression of any accus- tomed discharges, sudden exposure to cold when the body is heated, wet suddenly applied to warm feet, costiveness, and a climate to which the victim is not accustomed, especially if it be variable. A great many practitioners recommend the star- vation process; but this is nonsense. Every man, in order to preserve his health, should eat and drink moderately of that which readily assimilates with his system; but to attempt to cure a man of gout, born with him perhaps, by feeding him on gruel alone, and bleeding him every now and then (such has been and still is the allopathic practice) is perfectly absurd. All gouty patients should use stimulating foods and drinks as sparingly as possible; they require about the same diet that is enjoined for dyspepsia; but to give them nothing nourishing and tasty is going to an extreme more dangerous than a moderate indul- gence in table luxuries. For Mr. Rodman, considering the length of time he had been afflicted, and his age (fifty-three years,) together with the fact that he was very corpulent, and disinclined to take much exercise, I prescribed, at the outset, a very mild regimen, gradually bringing him around to the daily diet that would usually be found upon the table of a prosperous mechanic, ignoring, by-the-way, solid fatty substances. All spirituous drinks, and especially fermented beverages, were strictly prohibited. I directed cold water to be douched or poured from an elevation, upon the affected parts, (the disease was located in both feet, implicating aft the smaller joints,) as often as the shooting and " tearing " pains were made particu- larly manifest, and applied the "Herbal Ointment" freely and continuously. The principal remedy was, of course, " Tacama- hac," conjoined with other herbal productions. " Tacamahac," in its inferior and spurious shapes, is known as Populas Balsam- ifera; (see pages 148 and 149) and is of little value. That which I use is from the leaf-buds of the Siberian poplar, is hard THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 285 to be obtained, and has to be affiliated with the accompanying ingredients with great care and after close study of its wonder- ful peculiarities. As a specific for gout, (and also for rheu- matism of every phase, not omitting inflammatory of long stand- ing,) it has no equal. The proof of this is to be found in the above letter. PREVALENT DISEASES. THEIR SYMPTOMS, ETC. Typhoid Fever.-Precursory symptoms manifest them- selves in depression, physical langor, pains in the head, back, and extremities; loss of appetite, dullness and drowsiness through the day, and restlessness at night; violent shivering shows that the fever has got a fast hold. Now look soon for great heat of surface, furred tongue, pulse varying, heavy, sometimes as high as 120, headache, diarrhoea, and sometimes swelling of the belly, and nausea and vomiting. In a week eruptions appear upon the chest and belly, the tongue assumes a fiery red, or is dry and black, and there is delirium. There is little difference between this and typhus. Bilious Remittent Fever.-For a day or two before the onset the victim feels languor and debility, with a headache, want of appetite, furred tongue, very bad taste in the mouth, especially at day-break, pains in the joints, head, back, and limbs, and general uneasiness. When the fever has partly " set in," there is a violent chill, which rarely troubles the sufferer again. In bad cases the tongue is brown or black, dry, and red at the edges. The evacuations from the bowels are usually dark and uncommonly offensive. Congestive Fever.-The first attack is generally mild, assuming the form of intermittent fever. The second is gene- 286 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. rally very severe and dangerous. The whole surface of the body is very cold, the extremities especially, and the pallor of the face is death-like. All the appearances of drowsiness and inertia are painfully manifest. Breathing hurried and difficult; tongue furred and black ; mind lethargic or delirious. , Inflammatory Fever.-Sudden chills, debility, dizziness, pain in the head, back and joints, flushed face and eyes, dry and scarlet mouth, throat and tongue, great thirst, heavy throbbing of the arteries, hard breathing, bleeding at the nose, scanty urine, intense heat, and constipation of the bowels. Simple continued Fever.-Yawning, stretching, heavi- ness, inactivity, weakness, cold all over, especially in the back, nausea, loss of taste, hurried and oppressed breathing, rapid pulse, and confusion of mind, generally occasioned by a heavy cold. Putrid Fever.-Debility, depression of spirits, loss of mus- cular power, soreness, pain in the head, extremities and back, chills, inflamed eyes, dry parched tongue, laborious respiration, hot and offensive breath, pale urine, intense heat of the skin, small, quick, and hard pulse, great thirst, inarticulate speech and delirium. Scarlet Fever.-Commences with ehill and shivering, nausea, often vomiting, heat, thirst and headache ; accelerated pulse, red eyes, swollen eye-lids, interrupted breathing, and swelling of the flesh generally. The bright scarlet eruption usually appears three days after the above symptoms have been manifested. Hectic Fever.-Very slow and insidious. Emaciation, quick pulse, slight beat after meals, to begiu with. Next, frequent small pulse, voiding of much pale urine, debility, red spots upon the cheeks, night sweats, weak stomach, flatulence, indigestion, and great derangement of the nervous system. Small Pox.-The symptoms are divided into four periods. The period of invasion occupies about three days, and is mark- ed by languor, lassitude, restlessness, stretching, gaping, petu- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 287 lance, sullen mood ; these are followed by chills and rigors. Towards evening the skin becomes hot and dry, pain attacks the head, loss of appetite, nausea, and frequently lumbago. On the third day, heat, fever, flushed face, headache, and in children sometimes convulsions. The period of eruption commences on the fourth day, (often the third) with the appearance of a series of small, red, circular points (papulae.) They do not rise above the surface then, but can be seen in it, and felt by the finger, They are situated in the substance of the skin, and roll about under the finger, the size that of a small pin's head. These gradually enlarge, the patient in the meantime suffering severe- ly, until the period of suppuration arrives. The fever is now great, the hands, feet and face swell, and salivation is profuse and constant. There is hoarseness and pain, and the saliva emits a most disagreeable odor. Then comes the period of re- covery. The pustules scab, the fever, and other unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear, and, if all goes right, the dan- ger is over from the twelfth to the fifteenth day after the erup- tion. Diptheria.-After scarlet fever be careful to look for dip- theria. The symptoms, after scarlatina, are rigours and chills, debility, languor, gluey urine, a quick and jerky pulse, furred tongue, (light) hot, dry skin ; then comes congestion of the fauces, (or back part of the mouth and throat) thickening of the glands of the neck, and also symptoms similar to those of catarrh. This is followed or accompanied by a copious exuda- tion from the mucous surfaces, or capillaries of the upper air passages. Diptheritis, when not accompanied by or the result of scarlatina, presents similar symptoms ; the crowning one of which, in all cases, is the formation of a false membrane, like that observable in croup. In diptheria the blood becomes dis- organized, the muscles soft, the kidneys granulated, and the nervous system intensely prostrated. The stomach and liver are always deranged. If the disease is not promptly handled it is likely to terminate in suffocation, or in mortification of the affected pirts, and death. 288 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Ephemera.-This is a fever which lasts but one day Symptoms, chilliness, loathing of food, hard and frequent pulse, hot skin, and flushed face. It subsides in a gentle perspiration. Yellow Fever.-The premonitory symptoms are almost completely identical with those of typhoid, skin hot and dry, face flushed, breathing hurried, eyes red and watery, with nau- sea and vomiting. Tho advance of the disease is marked by an aggravation of all these symptoms, while the face becomes ex- tremely sallow, with a harrassed and woe-begone expression, and the patient is subject to great prostration of both mind and body. The stools are dark and foetid. If a change is not speedily made the sufferer soon dies. Inflammation of the Brain.-Uneasiness of mind, dizzi- ness, inclination to fall and faint, hard bounding pulse, poor appetite, wild stare of the eyes, singing in the ears, numbness of one side of the body, (this numbness is never on the side where the disease is located,) and great desire to lie upon the back. In the advanced stage of the disease the eye cannot bear light, the muscles are frequently convulsed, the mind wan- ders, the stomach is nauseated, and the bowels are obstinately costive. At this time relief must be obtained or the case will terminate fatally. Infantile Sore Mouth.-Small white specks, with dark rings of inflammation around them, winch continue to spread until the whole surface of the mouth is a mass of sore. Nursing Sore Mouth.-Whitish small blisters on the salivary glands, which brc?.k, causing inflammation and ulcera- tion of the mucous In some cases the ulcers spread to the aesophagus and stomach, and produce general constitu- tional disturbance. Quinsy.-Red and swollen tonsils ; great pain and difficulty in swallowing, paioxysms of fever, hard and quick pulse, diffi- cult breathing, mainly through the nose, chills, torpid bowels, watery eyes, swollen face; a thin but viscid mucous is also secreted and expectorated. Woodbine Solomon's Seal Great Sanicle THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 289 Inflammation of the Ear,-The symptoms are mostly local, consisting of great pain, ringing in the ears, and fever. Inflammation of the Stomach.-Vomiting, extreme thirst, distress in the region of the heart, quick pulse, tender- ness of the belly, tongue dry and hard, scanty urine, constipat- ed bowels. The countenance looks like that of one who is very much tormented in mind. When the substances vomited appear like coffee grounds, the disease will result in death. Inflammation of the small Intestines,-Deep seated pain in the region of the navel, and in fact throughout the abdomen, soreness upon pressure. Great restlessness both night and day. Hard pulse, dry skin, dark coated tongue, and, if very bad, bloated bowels and diarrhoea. Dysentery,-Heavy and dark brown coating of tongue ; variable pulse, uneasiness, soreness, and apparent heavy pres- sure upon the lower intestines. Constant desire to evacuate the bowels, hot and dry skin, and the voiding of slime mixed with blood. Bilious Colic.-Costiveness and great thirst. Violent pain in the belly, followed by vomiting of bile. This is almost continual. The patient cannot stool, even with difficulty. When the pain is hardest the surface of the skin is covered with a clammy perspiration ; the pulse hard and resisting. Whooping Cough.-Red face, soreness and uneasiness of the bronchia and throat-a long, suffocating, convulsive cough, marked by a peculiar sound, or " whoop" in the effort to re- cover easy respiration. It lasts from eight to fifteen days. The mucous expectoration is slight. Inflammation of the Liver.-Chills, succeeded by all the symptoms of fever. Pain, shooting and acute, in the re- gion of the liver ; sense of tension in the right side ; sometimes the pain is dull and fixed, and will extend to the breast, collar- bone and shoulder of the right side. In the later stages of the disease the cough and distress are similar to those observed in consumption. 290 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Inflammation of the Kidneys.-Dull pain in the loins and sometimes in the thighs, heat and uneasiness in the region of the kidneys ; red urine, sometimes bloody, and voided fre- quently, but not in large quantities at a time ; cold extremities vomiting, difficulty of breathing, and constipated bowels. Inflammation of the Bladder.-Tension and pain in the bladder, great difficulty in voiding urine, with almost constant desire to do so; sometimes the suppression is total; inability to have a free stool; fever, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, restless- ness, clammy perspirations, and in bad cases, delirium. Dropsy of the Brain.-Fever, similar to remittent, rest- lessness, thirst, vomiting, flushed face, severe pain in the region of the disease, and red eyes. Children afflicted in this way will utter the most terrific cries. The symptoms of a later stage are some of these, with occasional stupor, heavy breathing, slow and intermitting pulse, eyes insensible to light ; bowels and bladder discharge their contents involuntarily. Apoplexy.-There are two varieties-one marked by a feeble pulse, and pallor, anxious and emaciated countenance ; (serous apoplexy) the other by a flushed face, hard full pulse, and stertorous breathing. The approach of an attack is pre- ceded by giddiness, drowsiness, dull pain in the head, nightmare, bleeding from the nose; loss of memory, inarticulate or hesitat- ing speech ; nightmare, etc. Hysterics.-The warning signs are generally dejection of spirits, stretching, yawning, nausea, anxiety of mind, sudden fits of weeping when there is no palpable reason for them, palpita- tion of the heart, coldness of the entire surface, followed by hot flushes, etc. St. Vitus' Dance.-The approaches are slow; variable and voracious appetite, hard, swelled belly, or else a belly very flabby and soft, very great constipation of the bowels, (supposed by some to be the main cause of the disease,) loss of cheerful- ness, and twitching of the muscles against the will of the sufferer. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 291 Croup.-Is manifested by a peculiar hoarse sound of the voice ; this is followed by a ringing cough, fever, hard breath- ing, thick expectorations, and, in the end, if relief be not obtain- ed, suffocation and death. Measles.-Preceded by shiverings, chilliness, uneasiness, heaviness of mind, sore threat, swollen eyelids, inflammation of the eyes, acrid tears, and sneezing, with a discharge of watery fluid from the nose. Then come fever, dry skin, hard rasping cough, feelings of suffocation, great oppression, pains in the loins, nausea, headache, extreme thirst, foul tongue, and some- times profuse perspiration. The ruby eruptions, which look like the bites of a poisonous insect, spread over the surface of the body on the third, fourth, or fifth day. When the disease is extreme- ly virulent spasms of the limbs and twitchings of the tendons supervene. Milk Sickness.-Supposed to be communicated by milk taken from cows which have eaten of poisonous herbage. Putrid tongue, very foul breath, general lassitude and debility, thirst, burning in the stomach, vomiting, inability to evacuate the bowels, etc. The cheese or butter made from this milk is more poisonous than the milk itself. Jaundice.-White, or clay colored stools, yellow skin and eyes, saffron colored urine, slow pulse, or often quick and hard, loss of appetite, languor, indecision as how to act, a desire for repose, sometimes looseness, sometimes costiveness, sickness of the stomach, pricking and itching of the skin, despondency, bad and bitter taste in the mouth, indigestion, pain in the right side and in the region of the bowels ; sometimes the stools are very dark; feverish heat and dryness of the skin. The complexion is the most reliable symptom. Wind Colic.-Feeling as if the intestines were twisted ; pain about the location of the navel ; violent tension of the bowels, extreme anxiety, rumbling, chilliness of the skin, fre- quent expulsion of wind, or flatus; derangement of the fuuctioM of the stomach. 292 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Incontinence of Urine.-Debility, sallow or very white complexion, costiveness, occasional fever, capricious appetite, emaciation, languor, lassitude, and depression of spirits. The involuntary discharge usually occurs more frequently in the night than during the day. If not checked, or remedied, it will run into chronic diabetes. Nightmare.-Nightmare, which is developed in frightful di earns, is frequent among persons of studious and inactive habits. Its chief cause is indigestion and sluggish circulation of the blood, and the warning symptoms are mainly those of dys- pepsia. Worms.-There is the tape worm, the round long, and the round short worm. The symptoms are a voracious appetite, fainting spells, pale face, sometimes hectic itching of the nostrils, swollen abdomen, foul breath, peevishness, grating of the teeth, and sudden starts, while asleep ; great thirst at times, urine frothy, colic, dry cough, unequal pulse, pains in the side, palpitations, cold sweats, paralysation of the muscular system ; etc., etc. Carbuncle.-Commences with a small pimple, which gradu- ally deepens until the base becomes extremely broad ; general inflammation, also chills, nausea, faintings, weak pulse, and great lack of vigor. It should be carefully treated when first discovered, particularly as a dark slough will appear on the centre of the tumor, which soon progresses to a condition of mortification. Rickets.-Weakness, swelling of the glands, enlargement of the bowels, increased size of face, flaccid muscles and soft tissues, bent spine, protruding forehead, small neck, decaying teeth, enlarged joints, soft and weak bones, unnatural stools, etc. In the woman, all these with deformity of the pelvis. Itch.-Shows itself first in small pimples about the fingers, waist, hands, and wrists; these soon break and discharge a fluid which causes the most intense itching ; and if not attended to in the outset, will cover the whole body and ultimately form THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 293 small biles. Some authorities contend that the disease is caused by a microscopic insect, but I am induced to believe that the insect is the effect, not the cause of the affliction. Hemmorhage of the Bowels.-Preceded generally by dysentery ; oppression of the abdomen, furred tongue, dingy complexion, disorder of the circulation, impaired appetite, either constipation or diarrhoea, low spirits, general debility, etc., fol- lowed by sudden gripings, sickness of the stomach, weak pulse, cold extremities, ghastly paleness, and a discharge of foetid black blood from the bowels. If the bloody discharges are few and scanty there is internal bleeding, unnaturally suppresssd Pleurisy,--Introduced by shiverings, which are shortly fol- lowed by severe fever, sharp pain, as if inflicted by a knife, in the side; or in the region of the nipple, hurried breathing, dart- ing pain in the shoulder and back aggravated by motion ; with % snappish dry cough. The patient is under constant restraint, as every movement renders his sufferings more intense and fre- quent. Enlargement of the Air Cells.-Habitual shortness of breath ; great difficulty in breathing, dry cough, expectoration of frothy, or watery matter, and sometimes of mucus, stoop- ing gait, dejected and dusky countenance, enlargement of the muscles of the neck, swollen lips, and great debility. If not cured the result will be a chronic dise <se of the kidneys, or death by congestion of the blood vessels of the head. Pulmonary Apoplexy.-Tightness and dull pain in the chest, great difficulty in breathing, and the raising of a bloody mucus, which is distinguishable by the peculiar dirty appear- ance of the blood. Heart-Burn.-Gnawing and burning pain in the stomach, caused by acidity, and frequently afflicts pregnant women. Soda, magnesia, or chalk swallowed in warm water will afford imme- diate relief. Chronic Inflammation of the Bowels.-Dull pain in the belly which is aggravated by pressure or emotion ; the 294 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. tongue is red on the tip and borders, sometimes the abdomen is swollen, at other times flat; the skin is rough and dry, small pulse, cold extremities, emaciation, red and scanty urine, and evacuations from the bowels of a peculiar slimy character, which occur several times a day. Chronic Diarrhea.-Thirst, restlessness, very poor appe- tite, frequent discharges from the bowels of a watery character in which the undigested food will be found ; yellow skin; dry and dark colored tongue; and occasionally great pain and griping. Asiatic Cholera-Three Stages.-The symptoms of the first stage are a slight diarrhea with vomiting, preceded by rumbling in the bowels, twitching of the calves of the legs, pain in the loins, and a very low pulse. Symptoms of the second stage, vomiting, purging a rice-watery fluid, cramps of the muscles of the limbs, bowels, and stomach, feeble pulse, dis- tress in the chest, hurried breathing, great thirst, internal burning sensation; no urine. Symptoms of the third and usually fatal stage, great prostration, shrinking of the skin as if it had been parboiled, especially of the hands and feet, bluish face, cold surface, sunken eyes, great thirst, and short difficult breathing. Bright's disease of the Kidneys.-Is generally symp- tomised by cellular dropsy which spreads over the whole body, commencing usually with the face ; loss of strength, pain in the back and loins, imperfect digestion, dry and bloodless looking skin, red, brown or dingy urine in which may be found albumen, blood, fat, mucous and salty sediments. There is also nausea, vomiting, giddiness, and much thirst. Costiveness and diarrhea prevail by times. Green Sickness.-Absence of the monthly flow, pale and greenish-yellow skin, palpitation of the heart, capricious appetite, debility, headache, extreme nervousness, irregular and imperfect action of the bowels, throbbing of the ear and temples, sleep- lessness, great depression; often violent hysterics. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 295 Falling of the Womb.-Dull pain in the small of the back, dragging sensation of the groin, feeling of fullness and un- easiness in the vicinity of the anus. When the disease is fully developed the womb falls into the vagina and there is no longer any doubt as to the precise character of the trouble. Child-bed Fever.-Chills, heat and dryness of surface, continually increasing ; full, frequent, and strong pulse, great thirst, restlessness, dry red-edged tongue, sickness of the stomach and vomiting, and very quick, short breathing. The eyes are red, and the face much flushed. The pain in the belly is in- tense, and the least motion produces exquisite torture. Cancer of the Eye-Preceded by headache, great sensi- tiveness to light, uncommon heat of the organ, itching of the ball and lids, and very sharp shooting pains, and a sensation of pricking. The eye enlarges and assumes a dull and livid hue. The cornea ulcerates and bursts, and a fungus growth projects from the opening. This, if not removed and the disease extir- pated, will finally infect the surrounding parts and eventuate in death. Necrosis, or death of a Bone.-Commences with deep- seated and sharp pain, and is followed by a rapid enlargement of the parts along the bone. Then we have inflammation, abcesses form, and the latter cannot be healed. The old bone is frequently discharged by an effort of nature, and a new for- mation takes its place. In many cases, however, it has to bo removed by the surgeon. The Plague.-The plague is a malignant fever, of a putrid and contagious nature. It is distinguished by buboes, or gland- ular swellings, extreme weakness, carbuncles, bleedings from the nose, anus, etc. ; diarrhea, and red, or more frequently pur- ple spots upon the skin. It is ushered in by great languor and disinclination for mental and physical exertion; nervous disor- ganization, headache, giddiness, heat of skin, heavy dull eyes, and a total change from the natural expression of the counte- nance, which change takes different forms according to the tern- 296 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. perament of the patient. Then we have irritable stomach, great desire to urinate, torpid bowels, white and moist tongue, small, hard and quick pulse; and frequent stupor. It usually proves fatal in from one to five days if not handled skillfully immediately after the appearance of the premonitory symptoms. Chilblain,-A painful swelling of the fingers, toes aud heels, of a florid, deep purple, or leaden color, the result of exposure to cold and damp. The pain is sometimes intermittent and pun- gent, obstinate itching ; the parts often ulcerate, and are then considered next to incurable, but they can be cured by herbal applications. Sprain.-An injury to the wrist, knees, ancles, or other joints. A sprain is not unfrequently sustained without the immediate knowledge of the sufferer, and may sometimes be mistaken for rheumatism. It is always accompanied by a painful and inflammatory swelling, and generally an effusion of serous fluid ; and sometimes the swelling is discolored from the effusion of blood. Fever and Ague.-This is also called intermitting fever, from the fact that it is composed of several distinct paroxysms, each one of which has three separate stages. It commences with a feeling of languor and weakness, and a distaste for motion. The face and extremities are pale, the finger nails blue, features shrunken, and there is coldness and constriction of the skin, and a wasting of the body. The skin, however, is warm to the feeling of another person. The cold increases to severe chills and rigors, in some cases becoming convulsive. Sometimes com- plete stupor, or an unsettled mind, will be noticed among the earlier symptoms. There are wandering pains over the whole body, the secretions are diminished, the appetite is gone, mouth dry, tongue very foul, pulse generally small and quick, urine pump-watery. These symptoms of the same stage are more severe in the old and weak than in the young and robust. The second stage is manifest with the abatement of the chill, which is substituted by a violent fever, headache, thirst, difficult res- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 297 piration, rosy face, delirium, and excruciating pains in the limbs and back. After this has its run, and a profuse sweating occurs, the patient, although weak, irritable, pale, and disturb- ed in the region of the stomach, is temporarily restored to com- parative health. lu some cases this last condition will continue for one day, in others two, and in others three days. Puerperal Convulsions.-Much like epilepsy. Preced- ed by more or less pulmonary symptoms; pain in the head; vertigo, and load and pressure in the region of the belly, and often nausea and vomiting ; flashes of light before the eyes, numbness of the limbs, etc. Hydatids, or bladders in the Womb -These are small bladders of water varying in size from that of a pea to that of a pigeon's egg. The symptoms are like those of early pregnancy; such as nausea, vomiting, enlargement of the womb, and breasts; suppression of the menses, and are often mistaken for those of genuine pregnancy. In from two to five months there is great pain in, and bleeding from the womb, and the hydatids are ex- pelled. Poisons.-Are divided into corrosive or acrid, the narcotic, and the narcotico-acrid. Acrid poison, in addition to its peculiar taste, is symptomised by violent efforts to vomit, sharp pains in the intestines and stomach, peculiar sensation of heat and dry- ness in the mouth,and at the root of the tongue, general irrita- tion, intense thirst, feeling of tightness over the stomach, hic- cough, copious stooling with much straining, pain in the kidneys, cramps, tremblings, cold sweats, fainting, irregular pulse, and convulsions. Narcotic.-Inclination to sleep, torpor, numbness, cold greasy and offensive perspirations ; cold and stiff extremities, protrusion of the eyes, swollen face and neck, thick tongue, ver- tigo, defective eyesight, palpitation of the heart, debility, deli- lium, haggard countenance, intermitting pulse, paralysis of the lower limbs, swelling of the veins and body, aud sometimes con- vulsions. Narcotico-Acrid.-Mary of the above symptoms, together 298 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. with extreme agitation, stupor, convulsive action of the mus- cles of the jaws, face, calves, etc., pain, sharp cries, vertigo, stiffness of the limbs, (not always,) a sort of shrinking of the muscles of the trunk, red staring eyes, foamy mouth, livid tongue and gums, nausea and vomiting, insensibility to external impressions, and frequent stools. Gangrene or Mortification.-In wounded or inflamed parts the pain ceases ; the matter discharged becomes acrid, little blisters or bubbles form and are discharged, the circula- tion of the blood cannot be restored to the affected part by rea- son of peculiar coagulation; the patient is very calm and quiet, although the counten ince is expressive of great care and anx- iety; quick, low, and oftentimes intermitting pulse, while the affected surface soon melts down, as it were, into a brownish or blackish offensive mass. Acute Inflammation of the Eye.-The white of the eye becomes covered with blood vessels, as does also the lining of the eyelids. The organ feels as if it was harrassed by some foreign substance, and there is much heat and considerable darting pain experienced. There is a copious flow of tears, and great repugnance to light. When the disease is very violent the whole system becomes irritable and feverish. Pneumonia Notha.-A peculiar inflammation of the lungs, which is known by this name, often attacks the aged or those whose constitution is broken down by any cause whatever. The mucous, or lining membrane of the lungs is principally affect- ed. It commences in the same manner as catarrh ; there is great languor, pain in the back and head, vertigo, and listless- ness. Fever is not often apparent. When the disease is ad- vanced there is difficulty of breathing, wheezing, rattling in the chest, and a sense of tightness about the breast. In the early stage the cough (which afterwards becomes violent,) is not severe ; it is attended by the expectoration of a white frothy and viscid mucus, but when the cough is most severe the char- acter of the sputa changes and it is darker and thicker ; some- times extreme stupor or drowsiness is manifested, and there is 299 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. always pain in the head, and occasional vomiting. The disease terminates in a copious secretion of the mucus, which impedes respiration by being poured into the air cells of the lungs ; this must be freely expectorated or the patient will die of suffoca- tion. Hydrophobia, or result of the bite of a rabid animal, is first made apparent, (some time after the bite was inflicted,) by a pain- ful sensation in the wounded part, a desire for solitude, heaviness, restlessness, uneasiness, frightful dreams, disturbed sleep, spasms, sudden pain in the muscles, and darting acute pains from the bitten part to the throat; a feeling of partial suffocation, horror at the sight of liquids, the touch of which to 'the lips will pro- duce awful convulsions. Towards the termination of the disease the patient evinces great watchfulness, dislike of air and sunshine, and has much fever. There is also vomiting, delirium, hoarseness, and a continual discharge of saliva, or spittle. The scene generally closes on the fifth or sixth day with convulsions. Mumps.-This is a painful swelling (inflammatory) of the parotid glands, appearing behind the angle of the jaw, and often extending lower down. It sometimes afflicts only one side ; but more frequently attacks both sides. It is accompanied by various degrees of fever ; sometimes stupor, but as a general thing does not require medical aid. The principal treatment is to keep the bowels open, the head and face warm, and, above all, to avoid exposure to cold. When a severe cold is taken with mumps it will often cause in the female disorder of the breast, and in the male diseases and sometimes loss of testicles. Discharge from the Ear.-In infants or youths the dis- charge commences with little or no pain, the first indication being a slight soil upon the pillow ; in persons of mature growth the introduction of the end of a handkerchief will detect a moisture of a slight yellowish color. Then follow a very un- pleasant smell and a dullness of hearing. If not attended to the discharge becomes thick, ropy, and yellow; then thin, white flaky, and foetid, drenching the pillow during the sleep of the victim, and causing the ear to present a most repulsive appear- 300 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 4nce. If the disease extends itself to the bony structure of the ear it will produce permanent deafness, paralysis of that side (or both sides) of the head, and great deterioration of the general health. Amaurosis or Nervous Blindness,-This is at first dis- tinguished by a haze or net-work before the eye ; threads, lines, or strings of globules seem moving in the air ; in reading a book the lines of type will appear to the sufferer confused and irregular, and there is frequently what is called double-vision. Sparks, flashes, or circles of fire are seen, particularly after sun- set, and a rainbow-colored halo is observed around an artificial flame or jet. There is a dull pain in the head almost continu- ally. It is usually brought on by overtasking the eye with work. Breast Pang.-Acute constrictive pain at the lower end of the breast bone ; this inclines towards the left side; it comes on in paroxysms accompanied by great uneasiness ; it often extends to the head, shoulders, arms, and legs ; and is frequently sudden and lancinating. The countenance is livid, the extremities cold, urine copious and pale, feeble and irregular pulse, loss of the power of sense and motion, palpitation of the heart, I owels con- stipated ; cold sweats, etc. The disease is generally produced by some organic affection of the heart, but this is not always the cause, which seems to be constitutional, and visible in a large head, short neck, heavy body, and natural habits of in- dolence. Cholera Morbus.-Inordinate and continued discharges from the stomach and bowels of a thin watery fluid, tinged with bile; spasmodic pains of the bowels and limbs, accelerated pulse, and hot skin ; chills, desire to sleep, pains in the head, vertigo, acid eructations, pain in the stomach, numbness of the limbs, and vomiting, which hardly ceases. Often the discharges from the stomach are yellow, green or black. The evacuations of the bowels are characterized by the same colors. Tuere is great thirst, tension of the abdomen ; small pulse, succeeded by hiccough, clammy surface, delirium and death. Painter's Colic.-Produced by lead introduced by various THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 301 means into the system. Preceded for some time by costive- ness, foul tongue, flatulence, sense of weight in the belly, taste as of bitter herbs in the mouth; dull and remitting pain at first; but this gradually becomes violent and continued. The pain is at first at the pit of the stomach, but finally extends to the arm, navel, loins, back, rectum and bladder. The external mus- cles are sore to the touch : so sore in fact that they cannot bear the slightest weight or pressure. Nausea and vomiting are early symptoms and increase as the disease makes headway. A tenesmus accompanies which is very distressing, and often produces discharges of bloody mucus. The pulse is not much affected until the fifth or sixth day, when it becomes very quick and hard. Nerve Pang.-This is often called tic douloureux, and is usually produced by indigestion, or a low state of the general health. It occurs generally in the nerves of the face; but often affects other nerves. The pain is intense and indescribable. The common seats of the disease in the face are the forehead and temple, or fore part of the cheek. When in the forehead and temple, the agonizing pain darts into the eye and affects the whole side of the head. When in the forepart of the cheek, it strikes towards the mouth and nose, then backwards to the ear, and sometimes upwards to the forehead. Costiveness, or any irregularity of the bowels, with furred tongue, etc., both precede and accompany nerve pang. Diseases of Children and their Proper Care.- The first requisite of an infant is plenty of pure and fresh air. It should be kept in open air as much as possible, and when in-doors in well-ventilated rooms. When carried in the open air their heads should not be enveloped in blankets, and when sleeping their faces should not be covered with the bed-clothes. The infant needs and should have all the oxygen a pure air affords, which is so essential to its proper growth. The Sinn.-The skin of infants should be kept clean, to render them less liable to cutaneous diseases. The unctuous covering of a new-born child should be removed as soon as possible. This can 302 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. readily be done by smearing it with pure lard, and then washing with white Castile soap and water. Do not use the brown Castile soap, as it contains oxides of iron, which are irritating substances. Infants should be washed every day with warm water, to be fol- lowed in course of time with tepid water, then temperate, and finally, at an age of some months, with cold water. Clothing.-The young child should be amply clothed, care being taken that they are sufficiently loose, to admit free motion in all directions. Flannels should be placed next to the skin in winter, cotton in summer. Food.-Proper regimen is of the utmost importance to the health of the young. Until the first teething, the proper and natural food is the mother's milk. If the mother is unable to nurse her child, a wet-nurse should be procured. If the mother's milk is insufficient, cow's milk, sufficiently diluted with water and sweetened with loaf sugar, should be taken in addition. This should be taken from a sucking-bottle, which, when not in use, should be kept in water, to prevent becoming sour. A nursing woman should pay the greatest attention to her health also, and for obvious reasons a scrofulous or consumptive mother should never suckle her offspring; she should also place a check upon her passions, as violent passion, grief, envy, hatred, fear, jealousy, etc., tend to derange the character of the milk, and often superinduce disorder of the infant's stomach, and throw it into convulsions. The diet of the mother should receive strict attention. Her drink should be simply water, or weak black tea, and her food plain and wholesome. Pastry and the richer articles of food should not be eaten. She should take daily moderate exer- cise, to induce better assimilation of aliments. When her milk is scanty, a sufficiency can frequently be induced by placing a bread and milk poultice, over which a moderate quantity of mustard is sprinkled, on the breasts. Weaning.-The child should be weaned after the appearance of its first teeth. Nature then designs it to have different food. Spring and fall are the proper seasons for weaning; no child should be taken from the breast in the midst of summer. The weaning should be a gradual process, and the food to be given should be of the character of milk. Bread and milk, boiled rice and milk, soda- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 303 crackers and milk, soft-boiled eggs, roasted potatoes and milk, preparations of sago, arrow-root, tapioca, oatmeal gruel, rice pud- ding, and similar substances, are all indicated. My nutritive fluids, given on page 215, can also be given with good service. From these, in course of time, more solid articles of food can be given them. Sugar in moderate quantities is wholesome. Excessive eating should not be suffered. Water is the best drink. Sleep.-A child should always sleep in a loose gown, to prevent restlessness. Nature should govern its sleep, and which should never be induced by opiates. It should be allowed to sleep to a natural awakening, and should not be aroused for any avoidable purpose. Its covering should be warm but light, thus avoiding pressure upon its tender limbs; the infant should lie on its side, alternating at times from right to left, to prevent distortion of the spine. The body should be placed with the head to the north, and this rule applies to all, as the action of electric currents is to the north, thus allowing greater repose to the brain. Strong sunlight, or moonshine, should be excluded from their sleeping apartments. What I have thus far written is Hot only preservative of good health, but preventive of many species of illness to which infants are liable. Children are very liable to disease, necessitating great precaution in a variety of matters, the most important of which are the foregoing. When it is known that death destroys about one-half of humanity before the age of five years, the physical life of children is of the utmost importance. While young the moral, intellectual, and religious faculties should be shaped, as the child often indicates the man. Before treating of the diseases peculiar to children, I shall men- tion the signs they exhibit of indisposition and disease. This is indicated by cries, struggles, etc. A baby suffering from stomach-ache sheds tears copiously, and utters long and loud cries. As stomach-ache is paroxysmal in character, so will its cries remit, and enjoy repose, to be followed by movements up and down of the legs and the peculiar cry. To cry in inflammation of the organs of the chest is painful; it therefore does not cry or shed tears, but utters a muttering cry, abruptly completed, and coughs after long breaths. 304 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Tn diseases of the brain the child shrieks piercingly, followed by moaning and wailing. In extensive congestion, there is a quiet dozing and probably snoring. Loss of appetite, fretfulness, restlessness, thirst, abnormal heat of skin, are all indications of disease, and require that solicitude and treatment that a fond mother should know how to bestow. Rubeola or Measles.-This is an acute inflammation of the entire skin, of an infectious and contagious nature. It is ushered in with chills, followed by heat, drowsiness, pain in head, back, and limbs, sore throat, dry cough, and other symptoms common to febrile action, growing in violence until the fourth day. Then the eruption appears, producing heat and itching. The breaking out appears in patches of half-moon shape, which distinguishes this disease from the other eruptive diseases. They reach their height at the fifth day on the face and neck, and on the legs about the seventh day. Their decline is in the same order as appearance, disappearing about the tenth day, when the scarfskin peals off in the shape of scurf. Treatment.-If the attack be a mild one, all the treatment necessary consists in light diet, acid and demulcent drinks, as flax- seed tea, decoction of slippery elm, etc. Sponging with tepid water is very grateful to the sufferer in all cases. If during the first stage the eruption should be tardy in its coming, it should be hastened by a warm bath, and sweating drinks made from saffron, mullein, pennyroyal, summer savory, etc. If tardy on account of excessive fever, give tincture of green hellebore, ipecac, lobelia, snake-root, etc. In enfeebled constitutions stimulants are neces- sary. Scarlatina, Scarlet Fever.-Also a contagious disease. The eruption is in the shape of pimples of a scarlet hue, displayed in patches or over the whole surface. The fever is usually more in- tense than in measles, and accompanied by sore throat, swollen face, and coated tongue. The greatest degree of redness is attained at the third or fourth day. The decline is the same as in measles. Scarlet fever is distinguished from other diseases by the swollen condition of the flesh, which spreads out the fingers peculiarly. The throat becomes ulcerated, and swallowing is attended witL THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 305 pain and difficulty. There is no cough, which also distinguishes it from measles. Treatment.-This should be cooling in its nature, cooling drinks, sponging with cold water, etc. In ordinary cases little more is required, excepting a few drops of tincture of belladonna may be given several times per day. When high fever exists, give the remedies advised in measles. Hot foot-baths are advisable. As this is a prostrative disease, beef tea and the ordinary stimulants should be given from the first. What is called malignant scarlet fever is only a severer form than the above. Gargles of sage and Cayenne pepper are used to allay the throat affections. The ab- scesses in the region of the ear, and consequent deafness, can be obviated by subduing the inflammation of that part by the usual methods. Nettle Rash.-This commences with fever, lasting two or three days; then itching pimples, diversified in shape, appear, which go off during the day and come again at night. Teething causes it sometimes, while at other times it is due to improper diet. I Treatment.-This is indicated by the cause. If due to indiges- tible food, the stomach must be unloaded by an emetic of blood- root or ipecacuanha. A lotion of vinegar and water is of service. Tonics and simple diet will complete the cure. Canker.-This is often a sequel to fevers, and connected with disease of stomach and bowels. It is known by the inflamed gums, having the appearance of salivation; bad breath, loosening of the teeth, pale countenance, and puckering of the cheeks at the corner of the mouth. Treatment.-Subdue the inflammation by astringent gargles, as oak-bark, and administer the bitter vegetable tonics. The diet should be nutritious and composed of digestible articles. Croup.-Croup is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, or windpipe. It is one of the scourges of childhood. False membranous croup is owing to an oozing of a peculiar fluid, which thickens into apparent membranes, and ad- heres to the surface of the windpipe. In membranous croup, there is much greater danger than in the simpler form. The symptoms are, difficult breathing, hoarseness, loud and shrill 306 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. cough, with fever. When the symptoms are violent at first, the disease will be in all probability not fatal, as the membranous croup comes on insidiously, and is scarcely ever ushered in by high inflam- mation. Treatment.-An early and effective emetic is indicated in all cases. Some mechanical emetic, as ipecacuanha, alum, etc., should be preferred. Flaxseed poultices, my Herbal Ointment, and irrita- ting liniments should be applied to the neck. The Dover's powder should be given to promote perspiration and rest. Inhalation of vapor from hot water and mullein leaves is of great service. The bowels should be kept regular. Spasm of the Glottis.-This is a spasmodic disease, and dis- tinguishable from croup by the absence of fever. The child is suddenly taken with an impossibility of taking breath, and strug- gles convulsively for a time, its head thrown back, face pale, legs and arms stiff, and when it begins to breathe it is of a crowing character. Treatment.-In the paroxysm set the child in an upright posi- tion, exposed to a full draught of cool and fresh air, and sprinkle cold water in its face. Loosen all its clothes around the neck, slap it slightly on the back, and apply friction along the spine. If not successful, place it in a warm bath, and then sprinkle cold water in its face. If due to teething, use the proper remedies, and give some gentle physic. Whooping Cough.-This is a contagious disease. It consists of a convulsive cough, attended by hissing and rattling in the windpipe, and ineffectual efforts to expel the breath. This is re- peated until a quantity of thick, tenacious mucus is expectorated, when the breathing again becomes free. The paroxysms appa- rently threaten suffocation, and the agitation affects the whole body. Blood is sometimes started from the nostrils, but, not- withstanding the violence of the symptoms, it is rarely even dan- gerous. Treatment.-An emetic may be given at first. Liniments ol olive oil or the Herbal Ointment should be applied to the spine. The anti-spasmodics are of course indicated, such as belladonna, a decoction of bitter almond, or of cherry seed, etc. Lobelia is a THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 307 good remedy. A solution of the cochineal bug will shorten the duration of the disease. Summer Oomplaint.-This is called cholera infantum. Occurs in the warm season, and chiefly confined to cities. It is very fatal. It commences with a profuse diarrhoea, stools thin and variously colored. The stomach becomes irritable, and rejects everything. Loss of flesh, languor, and prostration follow, and stools become colorless and odorless, skin is dry and harsh, head and belly hot, thirst is great, and fever at night-fall. Delirium is present in many cases, indicated by violent tossing of the head, etc. Treatment.-The child should be removed to a vicinity abound- ing in pure air, if possible; otherwise, in a large and airy room, and may even be taken into the open air occasionally. Its food should consist of the farinaceous articles of diet, if weaned; otherwise, of its mother's milk; mucilaginous drinks can also be given. If the vomiting be obstinate give camphor, or a little opium, or combined as in paregoric. The astringents, as turmeric and cranesbill, must be given to check the diarrhoea. Rhubarb is a good remedy, also leptandrin, prepared chalk, etc. Lime-water is grateful, and should be given. Charcoal is the proper remedy when the stools are very offensive. Colic.-Children are very liable to colic in consequence of over- feeding, which creates acidity of the stomach. Colic is generally due to the presence of some indigestible substance in the stomach, and occasions intense pain to the infant. It often arises from cos- tiveness-when the stomach is distended by gas. Treatment.-Paregoric generally gives, relief, but should not be used when other carminatives can be procured, as peppermint, etc. Syrup of rhubarb, with a little magnesia to neutralize the acid, should be given. Tincture of assafoetida is an admirable remedy. When due to costiveness, an enema of castor-oil and peppermint will be of service. Trotting the child upon the knee will often facilitate the escape of gas. Falling of the Bowels.-This is frequently a sequel to pro- tracted diarrhoea, the falling caused by the debility occasioned thereby. The bowels must be replaced as soon as possible, to 308 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. prevent inflammation that would naturally follow. The bowel can be replaced with the finger, well greased with sweet oil, gently pressing the tumor within the fundament. Cold water should be applied to the parts, and a decoction of white oak bark should be injected. A T-bandage should be applied to restrain the bowel from protrusion. Gastric Fever.-This is due to inflammation of the stomach and intestines, the fever partaking of the character of remittent, being distinct in the evening and subsiding in the morning. It is dependent upon reaction produced by inflammation of the stomach and colon, coming on gradually, though at times suddenly, and always of a sympathetic type. The first symptoms are loss of ap- petite, languor, fretfulness, thirst, etc.; and these prevail for several days. They intensify in severity towards night. Bowels are gen- erally constipated at first, though sometimes diarrhoea, and fre- quent desire but no accomplishment of stool. The evacuations are dark in color, and resemble tar; mixed with mucus and some- times with blood. The belly is tender upon pressure, and hot to the touch; other symptoms common to febrile affections are pres- ent, when acute. In the chronic form, the teeth are covered with a black substance called sordes, always an evidence of prostra- tion, while a cough is frequently superadded. The treatment consists chiefly in regulating the diet, withholding all food, and administering mucilaginous drinks, as rice or barley- water, gum-water, etc. When costive, castor-oil can be given, or tepid water can be injected. When the inflammation is great, give a few drops of spirits of turpentine in emulsion, and place a mustard poultice on the belly. Use an injection of cherry bark or columbo as a tonic to restore the debility. A tepid bath given daily is beneficial. Cyanosis, or Blue Disease.-In this disease the skin bears a leaden or purple tinge over the whole body. There is a reduction of warmth, and labored breathing. It is due to the admixture of blue or venous blood with arterial or red blood, and caused by the right and left sides of the heart remaining open after birth, or by obstruction of the pulmonary artery, thereby withholding the blood from the lungs and preventing arterialization. The circulation THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 309 must be sedated by allowing the child complete rest or by careful administration of green hellebore; good food, fresh air, and protec- tion from extremes of heat and cold, are necessary. Apply friction to the head and body by some soft cloth. The foregoing are the diseases most common to children; but besides these they are liable to many others, though they are not strictly infantile diseases. Many affections of a scrofulous nature afflict them, while those born to disreputable parents frequently suffer from ophthalmic affections and venereal sores. The above, however, occur in any household, and are such as can be satis- factorily treated by means procurable by every mother. They are subject to a variety of skin diseases, but these are not peculiar to them, and appear in other parts of this book. Asphyxia.-Literally, this word means pulseless, and was for a long time only used in that sense; but is now applied generally to all cases of suspended animation. It is produced by the non- conversion of venous or blue blood of the lungs into arterial, or red blood. Death is caused in all cases from want of oxygenized blood, and the stagnation that results in the pulmonary capillaries. There are several varieties of asphyxia ; and as life can in many cases be revived, I shall state the procedure of resuscitation in each case. Asphyxia by Extreme Cold-When a person is subjected to extreme cold, the first symptoms are painful feelings, followed by sensations similar to those produced by inhalation of carbonic acid gas. He becomes benumbed, indifferent to the danger of his situation; the muscular system becomes enervated, step grows tottering, speech imperfect; and as these influences increase, the breathing becomes irregular and slow, the muscular powers fail, and he sinks into a state of insensibility and death. Treatment.-Rub the person with snow if practicable, or the whole body may be submersed in cold water for a short time. These applications should be gradually increased in temperature, until the surface approaches a natural state, or the muscles and joints are sufficiently relaxed to admit of free motion. Then re- sort to artificial respiration as in drowning. Asphyxia by Inhalation of Gases.-Some gases cause death by 310 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. spasmodic closure of the glottis, others by want of oxygen. Car- bonic-acid gas is the most common noxious gas. Treatment.-Place the patient in a region where pure air abounds, and then practise artificial respiration. Asphyxia by Submersion, Crowning-Death in this case is not caused by the stomach and air passages being filled with water, but ensues in consequence of the person being plunged in a medium unfit for respiration. In no case where the body is recovered immediately after drowning, should the means of resuscitation be left unemployed. Life has been revived even in cases that were submerged half an hour. Treatment.-1st. Treat the patient instantly, on the spot, in the open air, freely exposing the face, neck, and chest to the breeze, ex- cept in severe weather. 2d. Send for the nearest medical aid, and for clothing, blankets, etc. 3d. Place the patient gently on the face, the forehead resting on his wrist. This empties the mouth of fluids, and allows the tongue to fall forward, which leaves the entrance to the pipe free. 4th. Turn the patient slightly on his side, and apply ammonia, snuff, or other irritating substances, to the nostrils; then dash cold water on the face, previously rubbed briskly until it is warm. If there be no success, instantly- 5th. Replace the patient on his face, and turn the body gently, but completely, on the side and a little beyond, and then on the face, alternately; repeating these measures with deliberation, efficiency, and perseverance, fifteen times to the minute. When the patient reposes on the chest, this cavity is compressed and expiration takes place ; the pressure is removed when turned on the side, and inspi- ration occurs. 6th. When in the prone position, make equable but efficient pressure along the spine, to augment expiration, and remove it be- fore rotation on the side, to facilitate inspiration. circulation and warmth, while continuing these measures, by rubbing the limbs upward with firm pressure and with energy, using handkerchiefs, etc. 8th. Replace the patient's wet clothing by such other covering as can be instantly procured, each bystander furnishing a coat oi THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 311 waistcoat. Meantime, and from time to time, let the surface of the body be slapped freely with the hand, or let cold water be dashed briskly over the surface, previously rubbed dry and warm. Let the patient often inhale diluted pure hartshorn, as this stimulates the respiratory organs. Sunstroke.-The injury done to the brain in this case is the same as in apoplexy, with the exception of the clot. It is essentially congestion of the brain. Persons who are exposed by necessity of pursuit to the extreme heat of the sun, should be protected by a wet cloth or cabbage-leaves placed on the head and under a light hat. The symptoms are first dizziness, followed by intense head- ache. Thirst becomes excessive, the pulse indistinct at the wrist, violent throbbing of the carotid and temporal arteries, and insensi- bility ensues by a convulsive shivering of the body. Treatment.-Place the patient immediately in a cool and shady place, and instantly apply, copiously, cold water, or, what is bet- ter, pounded ice in a bag, to the head. Make friction over his legs to relieve the congested state of the brain. Application of turpen- tine by friction on the spine is also of service. Inhalation of am- monia or hartshorn is beneficial, and a small quantity of the car- bonate of that substance may be given internally. Continue this treatment until the patient is out of danger, or until death ensues. In plethoric patients, bleeding from the arm is required, and in this instance only is bleeding advisable. After the patient becomes conscious and apparently out of danger, he is to be removed to his home, and a brisk cathartic administered, to effect revulsion. In no case should he be allowed again to expose himself to the sun during the first four or five days after,the occurrence of the sun- stroke. The application of water or ice to the head should be abandoned by gradual increase of temperature, to prevent any re- action. Malarial Diseases.-These, as signified by name, owe their origin, or are caused by a peculiar principle to which the name of malaria or miasm has been given. Of the chemical nature of miasm we literally know nothing; but we have abundant evi- dence that it is a specific cause of disease. There are, practically, two kinds of malaria: First, Koino-miasmata, the product of vege- 312 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. table decomposition, or terrestrial emanations; second, Idio-mias- mata, the deleterious effluvia originating from the decomposition of matter derived from the human body. Both of these are prolific causes of disease, yet the profession, owing to the subtile nature of the miasms, are in a great degree ignorant as to the manner of operation. These two causes may act separately, and produce their different symptoms, or they may operate together, causing a confusion of morbid phenomena. " Marsh gas," or the product of vegetable decomposition, owing to its diversification, is of course the greater cause of disease. Two requisites, heat and moisture, are necessary for its production, and hence where these abound in any quantity, so proportionably is the miasm evolved. For this reason, low, marshy lands are at certain seasons very unhealthy, while those regions at a greater elevation are peculiarly healthy in this respect. Wherever vege- tation is profuse, and to which abundant heat and moisture are contributed, there we may reasonably expect a plentiful product of miasm and consequent disease. Experiments have proved that in decomposition of vegetable matter, animal matter-infusoria- is produced in very rapid succession, having an exceedingly short- lived existence. These infusoria are inhaled at every breath, as the air contains swarms of them, but which are imperceptible to any of the senses. It is reasonable to suppose that they, in a great measure, contribute largely to periodic fevers. The diseases generally classed as Malarial are Intermittent, Remittent, and Yellow Fever. Intermittent Fever-This is commonly called Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fever. As the name implies, the fever is not con- stant, as in the continual fevers, but intermits, so that in its career there are well-marked periods of absence of febrile symptoms. It is a fever characterized by a succession of attacks, with equal intervals and intermissions, that are complete, but irregular, owing to the paroxysms being of uncertain duration. By interval is meant the time from the beginning of one paroxysm to the begin- ning of the next, and by intermission the period of time between the close of one paroxysm to the beginning of the next. The length of the interval determines the variety of ague. When the THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 313 interval is twenty-four hours it is called quotidian, thirty-six hours, tertian, and when seventy-two hours, it is called quartan. These varieties duplicate, and are then called double quotidian, &c. Symptoms.-The disease is announced by a paroxysm which has three stages, the cold, the hot, and the sweating. The cold stage is well marked; the patient yawns, has a feeling of weakness, stretches, no appetite, and no inclination to move. Paleness is observed in the face and extremities; the patient shakes, the teeth chatter, and the skin shrinks, causing horripilation or " goose-flesh." When this stage declines the hot stage comes on, which is characterized by a high fever. This is followed by the sweating stage, which increases from a mere moisture at first to a profuse perspiration. After this the body returns to its natural tempera- ture, and apparent health returns. During the cold stage the circulation is thrown upon the inter- nal organs, the spleen becomes congested, which organ is enlarged, causing what is known as the ague cake. A quotidian begins generally in the morning; a tertian at noon, and a quartan in the afternoon. The cold stage is shortest in the quotidian, and longest in the quartan. Intermittent fever is more common in the spring and autumn than at other seasons of the year, and in fall more severe and dangerous. Treatment.-Commence treatment with a cathartic, as senna or the Renovating Pill. In the cold stage give hot drinks, and even stimulants may be of service. Induce warmth and comfort by extra covering, foot-baths, bottles filled with hot water applied to the surface, &c. In the hot stage, cooling drinks and anything that mollifies febrile action. When an intermission ensues administer Peruvian bark, or, pre- ferably, one of its active principles, quinine. This can be given in a large dose, or smaller doses repeated. Fifteen grains may be given at once or in successive doses. It. may be taken in pills or in solution with elixir of vitriol. Quinine is a specific in this disease, and it rarely ever fails in curing every case, if the patient be placed under its influence. Peculiar head symptoms and buzzing in the ears denote the influence of this admirable remedy. My experience has not taught me that there is much 314 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. danger in an overdose, and I consider it more or less harmless, yet, like every other remedy, it must be judiciously and intelli- gently administered. The web of the black spider rolled up in five-grain pills, and taken, one pill at a time every two hours, is a valuable domestic remedy. Decoctions of dogwood bark are suc- cessful in many cases; so also of the bark of the tulip-tree. Recipe No. 97, given on page 206, is a very good remedy. Remittent Fever.-This is commonly called Bilious Fever. It is a disease whose attack is generally sudden and well marked, without prominent premonitory symptoms, if any, at all times. There is sense of languor and debility for a few days previous to the onset; slight headache, lack of appetite, furred tongue, bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, pain in the joints, and a feeling of uneasiness. The first onset is announced by a rigor or chill, distinct in char- acter, though generally brief and sometimes slight, but at times severe and prolonged. Sometimes the chill is first felt in the feet; at other times commences at the shoulder-blades, or in the back, running from thence through the whole body. Usually there is but one well-marked chill; the paroxysms of fever returning sub- sequently, and seldom preceded by a cold stage. The symptoms of this disease intensify at certain periods of the day; preceded occasionally, but not generally, by a chill. Between this period of severity in the febrile symptoms, and a similar period following, there is generally a decrease in the violence of the symptoms, during which the fever moderates, but does not, as in intermittent fever, totally disappear. It remits in severity, and hence the name. The pulse in the hot stage ranges from one hun- dred to one hundred and thirty. The pains in the head, back, and limbs are almost insufferable. The covering of the tongue is yellowish or dirty white, and in severe cases, in the advanced stage, the tongue is parched, brown or nearly black in the centre, and red at the edges. Food is distasteful, and nausea and vomit- ing ensue, with frequently pain, upon pressure, in the epigastrium. The bowels are at first costive, but become loose, and the faeces are dark and offensive. Treatment.-Give an emetic or cathartic in the formative stage. THE COMPLETE HEBBALIST. 315 When the disease is fully developed, sponge the body all over several times a day with cold or tepid water, whichever is most grateful to the patient, and give cooling drinks, as the effervescing draught. When the fever is high, moderate it with tincture or fluid extract of green hellebore, in doses of from three to ten drops. Dover's powder should be given as a diaphoretic. Ice-water can be drunk at pleasure. A mustard poultice should be placed over the pit of the stomach whenever tenderness exists. Quinine is the great remedy in this disease also, and should be administered in the same manner as advised in fever and ague. It is to be given in a remission. Whenever the fever has been subdued by large doses of quinine, its administration should not be abruptly ceased, but be continued in smaller or tonic doses for several weeks afterwards. There is a form of fever called Congestive. It is also called per- nicious fever. It is »»t essentially remittent, but may also be intermittent in character. The congestion may only operate upon one of the internal organs, or upon all of them. Congestion may ensue in the earlier or later stage of the disease. There is usually congestion of the brain, and profound stupor follows. It assumes all types of periodic fevers, but is more frequently quotidian or tertian. The first attack generally simulates a simple attack of intermittent, and excites but little attention. The second attack is severe, producing great coldness, and the patient has a death- like hue of face and extremities. As the disease advances the heat of the skin becomes pungent. The skin also becomes dry, "husky, and parched, followed, after a time, by a cold, clammy sen- sation. The eyes are dull and watery, and at times glassy; the countenance dull, sleepy, and distressed; the tongue trembles upon protrusion, indicating weakness, and is at first covered with whitish fur, which changes to either brovtn or black; the breath- ing is difficult, and inspirations often thirty to the minute. Pressure over the liver, stomach, or bowels occasions pain; and the mind is often disturbed, and falls into lethargy and stupor, or is deli- rious. The treatment is the same as in remittent fever. Quinine and the other remedies are of the same signal service. In stupor 316 THE COMPLETE HEEBALI8T. friction is to be made along the course of the spine, with spirits of turpentine or ammonia. In convalescence the diet must be light and nutritious, and as strength returns may be increased. Exercise out of doors should be encouraged. If recovery be slow it should be hastened by wine, ale, or brandy, and the usual vegetable tonics. Any person who is suffering from almost a continuity of the disease, or the so-called chronic form of malarial fever, desirous of corresponding with me on the subject, I should be most happy to reply to, for in the vast and beneficent domain of Herb- alism there are many remedies that can be advised as curative, to mention which would occupy too much space in a volume of this size. We can be eclectic in Nature's laboratory. Yellow Fever.-The first symptoms of this fever seem identical with remittent, often well marked by periodicity, but finally reaction occurs, and it assumes a typhoid character. The disease is ushered in generally with a chill, severe at times, though usually moderate, of short duration, and rarely repeated. The chill is followed by slight fever with increased heat of surface; but this rarely rises to any considerable height, and continues only for two or three days, when, in cases likely to prove fatal, it is succeeded by coldness of surface, etc. Sweating exists in many cases. The pulse is singular in character, but rarely rises above a hundred; the tongue is moist and white for the first few days, but as the disease advances it becomes red, smooth, shining, and dry; having a black streak in the middle. The most prominent symptoms are nausea and vomiting. In fatal cases the vomiting is persistent, and towards the termination the green biliary matter thrown up changes to a thin black fluid, having a sediment like the grounds of coffee. This is the terrible black vomit (vomito-nigra) of yellow fever. The bowels are generally costive, and the abdomen tender upon pressure. Severe headache generally exists, and the countenance bears a singular expression, in which a sm'le seems to play upon the lips, but the rest of the face bears a wild or sad look. Restlessness is common to this disease, night and day. Blood often escapes from the nose, gums, ears, stomach, bowels, and urinary passages. The skin bears a tinged color similar to that in jaundice. The disease THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 317 appears both endemically or epidemically. At first the disease is hard to recognize, presenting but the usual symptoms of fevers in their incipient stage, with no symptoms to distinguish the disease, or if any, very obscure; but when the severe pain in the back and loins exists, the conjunctiva injected, and a red flush of the face and forehead is present, the identity of the disease is no longer in doubt, especially when extraneous circumstances, calculated to suggest the probability of an attack of yellow fever, are also present. Treatment.-In the earlystage of the attack it should be treated, as regards medicines, the same as a case of malarial fever. If any derangement of the stomach exists, a gentle emetic is proper; this rouses the nervous system from its lethargy, promotes the action of the liver, and by determining the blood to the surface, restores the capillary circulation. The best emetic for this purpose is lobelia combined with boneset. The febrile stage requires a thorough bath with tepid water and whiskey over the entire surface, with friction by rubbing with a towel or the hand. Large mustard poultices should be placed over the spine and abdomen. Imme: diately upon the decline of fever, if the symptoms denote urgency, administer the antiperiodic remedies advised in intermittent and remittent fever. The sulphate of quinia may be combined with tannin, because the astringent properties of the tannin have a bene- ficial effect in subduing inflammatory action of the mucous mem- branes. This remedy should not be delayed a moment if the patient is in a period of prostration, and its retention by the stomach should be favored by anodynes, carminatives, or stimulants as the case may require. Oil of turpentine and Cayenne pepper can also be combined with advantage in this disease. The strength of the patient must be supported by every means that can be employed-gruel and weak animal broths, bread water, my nutritive fluids, milk and water, etc., are important means for this object. The revulsive influence of a blister over the stomach is of great service in this stage. If reaction is induced and convalescence established, the remaining strength of the patient must be carefully husbanded by proper tonics and wholesome and digestible diet, increasing the quantity as the patient gains strength. 318 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. All exposed to Yellow Fever should avoid the night air and sudden changes of temperature; they should sleep in the highest part of the house; be moderate in taking exercise; they should take nutritious but not stimulating food, and never expose them- selves to infected air with empty stomachs or when fatigued. Parasitic Animals-Entozoa.-These grow in the body without forming attachments to its structures, have an independent life of their own, and possess the power of reproduction and generation. Several species infest the human body, some appearing always in the same organ and some in a particular tissue, and appearing oftenest where that tissue is plentiful. Scarcely any portion of the body is exempt from such growths. Their origin is a subject for two suppositions-that of generative reproduction, and of acci- dental or spontaneous development of germs that take on modes of life and development characterizing them afterwards. The first supposition is more philosophical, comports more with analogy, and is unquestionably the true theory. The interest attached to these growths, however, is their effect upon the system and cause of disease. Their presence in the system causes morbid phenomena, disordered functional action, and loss of health. The mischief they do in the system depends upon their number, size, rapidity of growth, and species. When numerous or large they imbibe so much nutriment as to rob the system of its necessary sustenance. Their habitation is generally a seat of irritation or inflammation, and more particu- larly when their location is in a cavity, and when they possess power of motion. Psychodiaria.-Hydatids.-These are organized beings, consist- ing of a globe-like bag of albuminous matter; the texture divided in layers, and containing a limpid colorless fluid, richer in gelatin than albumen. They live by imbibition, have no sensibility or power of motion, and appear more like a vegetable than an animal in their modes of life and reproduction. There are two kinds of hydatids, the acephalocyst, or cyst without a head, and the echinococcus, which is not different from the other in form but in containing minute animals (vermiculi echinococci) within it. The former is common to the human body, and generated between layers of membrane. The usual abode of hydatids is in the lungs, liver, ovaries, spleen, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 319 kidneys, etc. The hydatids occurring in the womb are often mistaken upon expulsion for products of conception, and their presence in that organ often produces similar signs as in pregnancy. Sterelmintha.-These consist of solid porous texture, perforated by canals or cavities, which serve the purposes of digestion. These animals are hermaphrodite, t.e., having both sexual organs on one individual. The varieties of tapeworm belong to this class. So also th? cysticercus, which occurs in the muscular structure and in the watery portion of the eye. The liver-fluke-distoma hepaticum •-also belongs to this class, but which rarely occurs in man, but is supposed to cause the well-known "rot" in sheep. Coeldmintha.-This class has a higher organic development than the preceding. It embraces several species of worms, having hollow cylindrical bodies, distinct alimentary canals, with a mouth at one extremity, and an anus at the other, a nervous system, and the sexual organs on different animals. The common intestinal worms belong to this class; so also the trichina spiralis-causing the disease described on page 364-which is an animal which exists within the minute, white, ovate cysts imbedded in the muscles. The guinea- worm (filaria medinensis'), so common to Africa and Asia, but un- known in this country, is a hair-like worm, developed beneath the skin, especially in the scrotum and lower extremities. It can be withdrawn when a pustule ensues, by care and patience, wrapping it around a stick until the-end appears. The strongulus gigas is an animal that locates itself exclusively in the kidney, and sometimes attains an enormous size. Its body is round, but tapers towards both ends. It sometimes attains a length of three feet, and a thickness of half an inch. It causes im- pairment of functions, waste of the renal structure, and sometimes inflammation, with pain and bloody urine. It is sometimes ex- pelled through the water passages. The treatment of parasites is indicated by their character or place of abode. If they exist in the alimentary canal, such remedies as are known to expel them should be employed. Anything is a good remedy that is harmless to the system, but destructive of life to them. Various agents are poisonous, such as cherry-laurel water 320 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. camphor, oil of cubebs, oil of turpentine, copaiba, etc., but these must be employed at proper seasons, and in such quantities that they will not harm the general system. In my general practice, various morbid conditions due to parasites have come under my notice and treatment, and the agents that I employ have proved themselves to be highly efficacious; in fact, I have never failed in thoroughly removing all of the foregoing parasites by my mode of treatment. If any reader has reason to suspect that he or she is infested with such entozoa, and is desirous of corresponding with me for further information, I cordially invite them to do so, as I can from the humblest description determine the character of the para- site and suggest the proper treatment. Intestinal Worms.-Every animal seems to be a nest for other animals, and man is no exception to the rule. There are five varieties of intestinal worms, all more or less familiar to every one of my readers. 1. Ascaris lumbricoides.-This worm resembles the common earth-worm, and is supposed to belong to the same species. It varies in size from four to eighteen inches in length; it also varies in color, having in some instances a whitish pink hue, and in others a dull, dirty-yellow color. It feeds on the chyme found in the intestines, upon absorption from which the growth of the human system depends. They are generally found in the smaller intestines. 2. Ascaris vermicularis.-This worm is sometimes improperly called the thread-worm, for there is another variety more like a thread than this. It is commonly called the maw-worm, and is the smallest known. The male is exceedingly small, but the female is about half an inch long. It is very slender, and about the size of small sewing-thread. From the fact that it inhabits the rectum chiefly, it is often called the seat-worm. This is the animal so troublesome and annoying to children, but is occasionally also found in adults. The child infested with them runs about during the day apparently well, but when night comes it complains of itching in the rectum, which is sometimes excessively annoying. 3. Trichocephalus dispar.-This is the long thread-worm, from one to two inches in length, but sometimes reaches a length of THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 321 four inches. It is like a small thread, except at the posterior ex- tremity, where it is enlarged. It is not so often found as the others. It is of light color. The male is smaller than the female, and differs little in shape. It is common to all parts of the intes- tinal canal. 4. Taenia solium or vulgaris.-This is the common tapeworm. Of this family there is but one variety in the United States, though there is another peculiar to other parts of the world. It varies greatly in length and size. The ordinary length is from seven to fifteen feet, but it sometimes arrives at the enormous length of one hundred feet. It is of a flat, ribbon-like shape, about one-quarter of an inch in breadth in the largest places, and tapers to almost a mere thread at the caudal extremity. Its color is whitish or yellowish; and it is made up of numerous segments or joints, which are most distinct and perfect at a distance from the head. These segments resemble a gourd-seed, and are four-sided. The head is smaller than most of the body, with a small point in the centre with openings. It is supposed that this animal can exist or repro- duce itself, if but a single joint exists, but this is doubtful unless the head exists. When the head is evacuated the remainder will decay and be also expelled. This animal is hermaphrodite, and impregnates itself. It inhabits the small intestines. Persons af- flicted with this worm frequently pass joints, but it often remains in the body for a long time without its presence being thus re- vealed. 5. Taenia lata, or bothriocephalus latus.-This is the broad tape- worm, and does not exist in this country unless imported. It is found in Central and Western Europe. It is much broader, and the joints are shorter than in the common long tapeworm. The joints are more perfect, well developed, and thrown off in con- nected rows, and by a cavity in the centre and not in the border of the joint. It varies in length from one to twenty feet. Almost every variety of symptoms is found to result from the irritation that worms produce in the human system. The symp- toms, however, occur mostly in children, and are generally pro- duced by the long, round, or common worms. The abdomen is prominent, full or bloated ; the appetite variable and capricious; 322 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. sometimes deficient and sometimes voracious. The breath is usually offensive, the tongue has a white coated appearance, and often the uppei' lip will be much swollen. The eyelids also swell often, sometimes so much that the child can barely see; and oc- casionally swollen patches will present themselves in other parts of the body. Children troubled with worms are apt to pass rest- less nights, and frequently start in their sleep. Paleness around the mouth, extending up the sides of the nose, is another common symptom. Itching of the anus is the most common and only par- ticular effect produced by the small worms. St. Vitus' dance and epilepsy often result from verminous irritation, but the latter is usually harmless when properly treated. A dry, choking cough is a symptom peculiar of worms. Itching of the nose is a com- mon symptom, and the child is almost incessantly rubbing that member. The symptoms of tapeworm are somewhat peculiar and deserve a brief notice. Persons of all ages are subject to them, but they are most common to middle age. The disturbance they occasion is that of great uneasiness and distress, which often, sooner or later, destroys the general health. Uneasiness in the head, some- times pain, slight giddiness and ringing in the ears, are the symp- toms most complained of. The countenance changes frequently from a flushed to a pale condition; twitching of the muscles, es- pecially those at the mouth, and a pinched, contracted appearance of the nostrils, accompanied with itching, are peculiar symptoms of tapeworm. The appetite is variable, the eyelids swollen, the breath offensive, etc., and other symptoms common to other worms are present also in tapeworm. Nausea occurs at times; with ejections of frothy mucus. The patient grits his teeth in sleep; and the abdomen seems full, with contraction at the navel. After a night's sleep there is a sensation of an animal moving about in the bowels, accompanied by darting pains, which subside after eating. The patient becomes weak and nervous, and finally, worn out with excitement, gets hypochondriacal and even de- ranged. Of course, the most unequivocal symptom is a discharge of joints of the worm. Treatment.-This varies with the symptoms of each case. If THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 323 convulsions exist, the first step should be to subdue these by brisk friction and warm applications along the spine and abdomen. An- tispasmodics in these cases should be given; also sweating drinks. If these symptoms are relieved, the compound powder of senna and jalap may be given with pink and wormwood in sufficient doses to produce free evacuations of the bowels. This is to be repeated for two or three days, and is usually successful. It is equally reliable in the treatment of the long thread-worm. The pow- der is composed of three drachms each of the above herbs decocted in a pint of water; dose, a tablespoonful. It produces sometimes alarming symptoms, but these, however, are harmless and of short duration. Pinkroot and wormwood are good remedies, however, given in any form. The melia azedarach, or the Pride of China, given in decoction, is a favorite remedy; so also is the burr of the red cedar, the efficacy depending upon the turpentine it contains. Santonine in doses of three or five grains is efficacious, ahd very ser- viceable because it is tasteless, and therefore readily administered. Blue vervain is a good remedy, and for this reason my Restorative Assimilant is so efficient for the expulsion of worms. Seat, or maw-worms, are best expelled by injections of moderately strong salt and water, or soap-suds. Turpentine in emulsion also makes an efficient injection. Tape-worms require decidedly different treatment. I do not give the remedies required in such cases, from the fact that it would not be safe to administer them except by the special advice and attention of a skilful physician In my professional career I have treated very many cases of tape-, worm without failure in any case. I should be pleased to corre- spond with any persons who may have occasion to think they are afflicted with so distressing an enemy. Special directions for correspondence will be found on test page of this book. I admonish all persons to avoid eating pork that is not well cooked, for it is an established and indisputable fact that tape- worm is caused by eating raw pork, provided that it is not in a healthy condition. That which is commonly known as " measly pork " contains the germs of tape-worm, and should not be eaten, unless thoroughly cooked. Tape-worm is most prevalent among the peasants of Central Europe, being they subsist largely on raw pork. 324 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Palsy.-Palsy usually comes on with a sudden, though slight, loss of power in the affected parts, being frequently preceded by convulsive twitchings of the muscles, paleness, coldness, and numbness of the part, wasting of the flesh, and loss of sensibility. It frequently follows apoplexy, or, if in the lower limbs, may be almost always traced to a disease of the bones, ligaments, or in- terior of the spine. In the latter event the approach is slow and insidious, and is first exampled in stiffness of the limbs, difficulty in walking, and a tendency to fall down. The bowels are cos- tive, and the urine flows feebly, or else passes away involuntarily. Sometimes palsy attacks the Heart or Lungs, when it generally proves fatal before proper remedies can be brought to act upon it. A specific Herbal treatment is at all times required ; but this must be assisted by plenty of exercise, warm baths, stimulating washes, liniments and persevering friction, and a perfect regula- tion of the functions of the stomach and bowels. Inflammation of the upper part of the Windpipe.-This affliction commences with all the symptoms of fever, which are accompanied or followed by a hoarse and indistinct voice, labori- ous breathing, a suffocating or tight sensation in the throat, red and bloated face, eyes projecting and blood-shotten, coated tongue, quick pulse, inability to swallow, and a constant and dis- tressing feeling of suffocation. The back part of the throat is much swollen, and is of a very dark red color. In some cases it closely resembles croup. It should be attended to without delay, as it usually runs a fatal course in from three to six days if in the slightest degree neglected. Mucilaginous, soothing and healing herbs, properly prepared, with the " Renovating Pills " and the " Herbal Ointment" will effect a cure. Caries of the Spine.-This is found, mostly in children, by too much confinement within doors, as at school, scrofula, rickets, a too rapid growth of the body, habit of sitting in constrained and unnatural positions ; or it may arise from blows, or other injuries and accidents. The patient at first experiences listlessness and want of appetite ; then the legs give way and cross each other in walking; or the knees bend forward when the patient attempts to stand erect. Soon cramps are felt in the thighs and legs, and afterwards there is an entire loss of the power of feeling and mo- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 325 tion. A well known authority has truly said that the origin of this disease is frequently " the languid inflammation of scrofulous habits." My preparation of Stillingia, with other curatives which are applied according to age, sex, &c., will obviate the difficulty. Falling of the Rectum,-One of the first symptoms of this torturing affliction is the exhibition of a large red tumor after go- ing to stool. This must be immediately returned, and propel treatment adopted to remove the causes, or there will ensue pain, strangulation, fever, obstruction of the bowels, and general con- stitutional disturbance. Worms will produce this affliction in children, and in adults severe costiveness will often induce it. There are many other causes which it would be useless to men- tion. I prescribe a wash of golden seal and white oak bark, to be applied freely after the prolapsed parts have been returned ; also my " Herbal Ointment" and a powerful tonic pill. Injec- tions of cold water and salt are useful; and the bowels should be kept open by injections instead of by medicine taken into the stomach. Enlargement of the Prostate Gland.-Demonstrated by in- convenience in passing water, enlargement also of the urethra, straining before evacuating the bladder, and, after it has been apparently completely evacuated, the involuntary escape of urine in small quantities or " dribbles." An unusual length of time is always required to complete the act of making water. After a while the urine will be retained, in spite of all efforts of the pa- tient to void it, until the over pressure will cause the parts about the neck of the prostate to relax and allow it to pass. The causes of this disease are weakness of the muscles of the parts, seat worms, abuse of purgative medicines, low state of the gener- al health, and constipation of the bowels. For this I use Stillingia and Ammonia. Malignant Whitlow.-The victim goes to bed quite well, in most cases ; but in the night feels a severe pain at the top of one of the fingers. From the commencement of the pain it gradually increases, giving the patient severe torture the whole night. When he looks at the finger in the morning, he fails to discover any apparent good reason for his suffering ; there is nothing alarm- ing to be seen. He is soon afterwards seized by inflammatory 326 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. fever, and the pain is sometimes so intense as to cause delirium and convulsions. Often the pain will extend along the arm, and all ovei' the hand. It will, if not immediately treated with skill, cause the loss of the finger, and not unfrequently destroy the use of the hand and arm. The causes are impure blood, intemperate living, bruises, or other wounds. See article on " Poke," and Recipe No. 100. Milk Abscess-This comes on in from one to three months after delivery. It usually commences with a heavy chill, which is succeeded by sweating, and by thirst, heat, and other febrile symptoms. The abscess is not seen for one or two weeks ; but its location is defined by the severest pain being in that place. Most generally the first one will burst, discharging pus and milk, and the patient will confess herself better ; but if the treatment has not been careful and skillful, other abscesses will form forth- with, and frequently both breasts are dreadfully implicated. Ap- ply tepid fomentations, and administer cooling laxatives. Mercurial Diseases.-These manifest themselves in an enlarg- ed and indurated condition of the various glands of the body : in rheumatic affections of the joints ; in dropsies, anemia, tubercles in the lungs, disorders of the stomach, decayed teeth, loss, or im- perfection of sight and hearing, heart diseases, convulsions, liver complaint, cutaneous eruptions, superficial inflammations, diseases of the eye, shattered nerves, palsy, and nearly all other physical, as well as mental, afflictions to which the race has been so long liable. See page 279 for treatment and description of scrofula. Myalgia, or Exhausted Muscles-The symptoms are mani- fested when the patient takes exercise, and consist of languor, lassitude, general debility, and aching pains in almost every part of the body. These pains are aggravated by exercise of the mus- cles and can be mitigated by rest and repose. Myalgia is often mistaken for neuralgia and rheumatism. The treatment consists in the employment of generous diet, of moderate out of door ex- ercise, friction of the surface, regulation of the stomach and bow- els, and whatever will tend to improve the general health and strengthen the body. Biliary Calculi, or Gall Stones.-These are concretions THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 327 formed in the biliary ducts. Sometimes they consist of a single stone, and at others of a large number of stones. They are ir- regular in shape, and in color yellowish, or reddish-brown. Il they are in the gall bladder, they are not likely to do much dam- age for a length of time ; but if they get into the duct, the result is evidenced in violent spasmodic pains, and the product is jaun- dice, inflammation of the diseased part, and other symptoms of active congestion of the liver. For a remedy, see article on " Re- storative Assimilant." Congestion of the Liver consists of a preternatural fullness of the blood vessels of the liver, and is characterized by weight, oppression, and tension in the region of the liver. There is also constipation, or loosing of the bowels, loss of appetite, furred tongue, yellow appearance of the eyes, skin, and urine. The liver also increases in bulk, and is very dull upon being percuss- ed. See article on " Restorative Assimilant." Catarrh of th© Bladder.-The most essential symptom cf this disease is the secretion of a considerable quantity of mucus which is discharged from the bladder together with the urine. It is hard of cure, although not dangerous unless paralysis takes place. It is generally preceded by great irritation of the affected parts and may be produced by the irritation of blisters, wounds, the passage of instruments, and gonorrhea. It is accompanied by great debility, a frequent desire to pass water, which, if left to stand in a vessel will divide into two parts ; the upper portion will be clear, while the lower part will be a thick gummy mucus. If abscesses form, which is frequently the result if the disease be neglected, the cure, if accomplished at all, demands patience and perseverance. Women are often the victims of this disease when the womb is in a bad condition of disorganization. I use a grand and unfailing preparation of which yellow jessamine and white poplar are the chief, but not the only ingredients, for this and kindred diseases. It has never yet failed me. Vertigo-This attacks the individual suddenly, there being no direct premonitory symptoms. While the sufferer feels as if about to fall, or as turning around, or as surrounded by objects which are going about like a whirligig, he is perfectly conscious of all that is ocourring, and will endeavor to steady himself by 328 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. bracing the body against some solid substance, by grasping soma heavy object, or planting the feet firmly, and throwing the arms out to sustain, or regain, a proper balance. Nothing so frequently causes vertigo as an improper condition of the blood, as either too much or too little of it will produce the affliction. Persons with diseases of the heart are frequently the victims of vertigo. It is also induced by suppressed menstruation, hemorrhoids, etc. Too much loss of blood, from any cause, will likewise produce it, and it is not unfrequently the accompaniment of pregnancy, or the result of the pressure of tumors in the abdomen. AU persons who have suffered from injury and diseases of the brain, or who have been, or are, epileptic, are often the victims of vertigo; in- deed, it is in many instances substituted for the paroxysms of f.pilepsy. The treatment varies according to the cause, which, of course, must be removed, or greatly ameliorated in order that a positive cure may be effected. Tiochia.-For some time after child-bearing, a discharge takes place from the womb which is called lochia. It is at first red ; but if all goes well, in a few days the red appearance subsides and gives place to an effusion of a greenish color and a peculiar odor. When the womb is reduced to its original size the lochia ceases. If it is checked before it should be-and in some women it ought to continue a month-or if the flow proceeds with irreg- ularity, great distress and danger are the consequences. The immoderate flow of the lochia is not so disastrous as the sup- pression. The latter may be produced by cold, by chilled drink, by mental excitement, or, in fact, by any undue exertion of either mind or body. The results of the suppression of the lochia are great fever, restlessness, heat, pain in the head, back, and loins, delirium, inflammation of the womb, colic pains, costiveness, ner- vous excitability, muscular contractions, and, in fact, general dis- tress. The first and only thing to be done is to restore the flow. For this purpose, if the patient can bear it, the warm bath must be used ; fomentations should be applied to the abdomen ; large emollient injections should be given in the rectum, and sudorific medicines (not of a mineral character) assisted by copious diluent drinks, should be administered. The acetate of ammonia will be found very useful. A profuse and general perspiration is the pre* THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 329 cursor of rapid recovery and safety. While the lochia is apparent the patient must not endeavor to get up, or to undergo any notice- able degree of exertion, or be exposed either to atmospherical changes, or imprudence in diet. Still-Born Children.-When a child is supposed to be born dead, the first duty is to discover if there be any pulsation in the navel-string, or umbilical cord, and if there be, the cord should not be cut; but warmth should be applied by flannels, the nostrils should be touched with a little hartshorn, the breast should be rubbed with spirits, and the buttocks, and soles of the feet should be gently slapped with the open hand. If the after-birth should be detached (the elongation of the cord will show this,) separate the infant entirely, secure the cord by a slip-knot, and put the child in water, at blood heat, keeping the head uppermost and the mouth and nostrils out of the bath. Artificial breathing should be practiced. If the bath fails to restore the pulsation of the heart, place the infant before the fire, rub it carefully and wrap it in warm flannel. A teaspoonful of spirits in a few tablespoons- ful of warm water may also be injected. If these means fail, nothing can prevent the child from dying. Scurvy.-Scurvy is a disease which results from exposure, from wearing or sleeping in wet or damp clothing; from long ab- stinence from fresh vegetable food ; depression of mind, &c. &c. It comes on gradually, with great dejection of spirits, debility, anxiety, aversion to motion, or to any exertion whatever. The countenance becomes bloated, and assumes a sallow hue, the teeth are loose, the breathing is hurried, the gums are spongy, and will bleed upon the slightest touch, and livid spots appear upon various parts of the body. Should the disease be permitted to progress, a dark colored blood issues from the nose, ears, and arms, the joints and tendons become stiffened and swollen, the stools become fetid, and diarrhoea or dysentery closes the scene. Low spirits, lack of fresh food, and insufficient shelter, are the chief causes of malignant scurvy. By supplying that, the want of which produced the disease, a cure may be effected even in the worst cases. I usually prescribe from two to four ounces of lemon-juice a day, with ripe fruits, plenty of ordinary fresh vege- tables, and light fresh meat or poultry, for diet. The patient must 330 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. sleep in a dry and well-ventilated place, and must take moderate exercise every day. When the case is extremely bad, and of long standing, I check the diarrhoea with the " Renovating Pill," and purify the blood by the use of my preparation of Stillingia, for an idea of which, see description of Queen's Root. Chicken Pox-Chicken Pox, it is said, attacks persons only once in their lives; but, although I have no distinct proof to the contrary, I am inclined to believe that a person may have it more than once, yet in a modified form. Its premonitory symptoms are chilliness, nausea and vomiting, quick pulse, restlessness, thirst, and headache. After these symptoms, which are never heavy, ap- pear small red eminences, or pimples, with a shining surface nearly flat, in the centre of which a small clear vesicle is soon apparent. This is filled with a whitish lymph, on the second day, and on the third day by a straw-colored fluid. These begin to subside (if they have not broken), on the fourth day. On the sixth or seventh day the vesicles have changed into brown scabs, and on the ninth and tenth days they fall off. They do not leave any pits or scars. There is no secondary fever in chicken pox, and unless cold be contracted, or the diet be of an improper character, there is very little danger about it. Sometimes, however, a severe cold taken before the disease has been eradicated will promote a great deal of mischief and suffering. Chicken pox may be treated success- fully with any mild herbal laxative, and diluent drinks. Hot de- coctions of simple herbs may be given, when the fever is more than usually severe, to promote perspiration. The diet should be plain and unirritating, and the bowels should be kept fairly regu- lar. Some physicians contend that chicken pox and small pox are nearly identical; but they are vastly different. Waterbrash.-This is a peculiar affection of the stomach, in which the patient frequently brings up a large quantity of thin watery liquid, which is sometimes intensely sour, but at others very insipid. It is brought about by whatever disorders the stomach, attacking mostly, however, middle aged or old persons -more especially females. Its immediate cause is a peculiar state of irritation. Persons thus afflicted should confine them- selves to the use of a very plain, unstimulating and nutritive diet; should indulge in plenty of out-door exercise, keep the bowels THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 331 gently open, and use friction with hair gloves or coarse towels over the stomach and bowels. A moderate use of the extract of gentian will be found very serviceable in cases of waterbrash. "Restorative A ssimilant " will cure it soon and perfectly. Inflammation of the Peritoneum.-The peritoneum is a se- rous membrane which covers nearly all the organs in the abdomi- nal cavity. The usual symptoms of fever denote the inflamma- tion. Soon the patient has an uneasy feeling, or pain, either in a particular part of the abdomen or all over it. Sometimes the pain is very severe, at others there is merely a feeling of soreness which is aggravated greatly by pressure. The abdomen becomes hard and swollen, the fever increases with the pain, which gets to be almost intolerable. Motion of any kind, or any attempt to urinate, or evacuate the bowels, causes dreadful suffering. In the worst cases nausea and vomiting are accompaniments, and the matter thrown off the stomach is dark, flaky, bilious and fetid. The breathing is short and laborious, and the countenance wears a wild and anguished look, pitiful to behold. The bowels are generally costive ; but sometimes the patient purges often, or is afflicted by griping and a desire to stool which can not be grati- fied. The pulse is small, quick, and frequent; the tongue is white and dry, and there is great thirst. In some cases the fever symp- tom is wanting; but the pain and soreness are always present. When these suddenly disappear, the pulse becomes quicker, the skin is covered with a cold clammy moisture, and the extremities become very cold, the danger of death is imminent. Inflamma- tion of the peritoneum may be produced by the ordinary causes or other inflammations ; by external or internal injuries ; diseases of the bowels, stomach, liver, or rupture ; and in females soon after severe labor and delivery. Fomentations of aromatic herbs should be placed upon the belly, or if these are not at hand, flan- nels steeped in hot water should be applied without loss of time. No food should be allowed ; but the thirst may be quenched by small quantities of water and gum acacia, toast, or barley water. Tincture of veratrum viride in five to ten drop doses, repeated every hour, is a good remedy. What is called Consumption of the Bowels is the chronic form of peritonitis. The Iliac Passion-Such is the name given to one of the most 332 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. severe and painful affections of the bowels to which mankind are subjected. It is marked by the most intense racking pain, cos- tiveness, and vomiting. The costiveness, with pain in the region of the navel, often precedes the full force of the disease for seve- ral days. In vomiting, the contents of the stomach are not only ejected, but also large quantities of bile, and even matter from the intestinal tube. The downward motion of the bowels is com- pletely inverted, and in some instances articles injected into the rectum have found an outlet at the mouth. This disordered ac- tion of the bowels is symptomised by great irritation of the ner- vous system, inflammation of the intestines, fever, etc., and if re- lief be not obtained, there will be heat, thirst, restlessness, quick pulse, and agonizing pain experienced continually. The Iliac Pas- sion is caused by cramp occurring in some portions of the intes- tines, or, as a medical author who has given the matter especial at- tention says, "by one part of the gut being drawn within the other." It may, however, be brought on, in certain tempera- ments, by the use of food which will not properly assimilate, or by constitutional costiveness (that fruitful origin of dangerous maladies) or by the absorption into the system of metallic or mineral poisons. The removal of the spasm of the bowels may, at the outset, be accomplished by the use of the warm bath, and by ex- ternal fomentations. If the stomach will retain them, cathartics should be administered. Triturate podophyllin (mandrake) with ten times its weight of pure white sugar, and give three grains at a dose every two hours until the proper effect is produced. If a speedy operation is required add twenty or thirty grains of cream of tartar, and one fourth of a grain of capsicum (red pepper) to each dose. Drunkenness.-That drunkenness is a disease no one who has studied human frailties will for a moment pretend to deny. It is, in fact, so well defined a disease that it is transmitted from sire to offspring as is scrofula, or any other physical or even mental peculiarity. Persons afflicted by this disease stand upon the brink of a precipice, and there is no avoiding an ultimate fall into the abyss below, but by the practice of the utmost care and cir- cumspection. I am not one of those who denounce a judicious employment of ardent spirits as utterly useless and thoroughly THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 333 demoralizing, because I have had many experiences which prove to me that, used cautiously, and under particular or peculiar cir- cumstances, it has often helped materially in restoring lost health, and in imparting and keeping up vigor where nothing else would operate so quickly, and with such permanency. Employed, how- ever, by persons in good health as a pleasurable beverage, it is pernicious in the highest degree, and is the cause of " such a book of follies in a man that it would take the tears of all the an- gels to blot the record out." All things that have a tendency to accelerate, beyond the natural standard, the performance of the vital functions necessarily shorten life. Now and then an old toper attains a good old age, and is held up to " fast livers " as an example of the beauties and excellencies of dissipation, but the old topers who attain longevity are the exception instead of the rule, and for one of those we have hundreds, yes, thousands, who drop, destroyed in mind and body, into premature graves. The habitual dram-drinker's motto is usually " a short life and a mer- ry one." The first part of the motto he generally realizes ; the latter part of it is never truly reached ; for the life of the most jovial of convivialists is seldom or never distinctively merry. An artificial exhilaration is of course gotten up from day to day ; but the pangs and miseries of its reaction are the very reverse of merry. Ardent spirits, habitually taken, are productive of slow inflammation of the stomach. This is indicated by a loss of appe- tite, nausea, vomiting of bile, or a discharge in the morning of a frothy and viscid phlegm, fetid breath, many belchings of flatus, enlargement and disorganization of the liver, jaundice, dropsy of the belly and limbs, chronic inflammation of the lungs, hoarseness, husky and deep seated cough, diabetes, and eruptoins on the skin, more especially on the nose and face. Epilepsy, palsy, gout, ob- stinate colic, and delirium or madness, are among the dreadful consequences of an habitual use of alcoholic beverages. In order that intoxicating liquors may induce and nourish these afflictions it is not necessary that he who partakes of them should get drunk. Many an individual who never staggered under the weight of heavy ardent potations has suffered all the horrors I have cata- logued, and wondered why he was so sorely and fatally afflicted. Persons who suffer in this way are prevented from being what 334 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. the world calls drunkards by their peculiar temperaments and sensitive nervous organizations. They die before they have be- came cots. Others are completely besotted, are plunged into the gutter, or thrust into the charity hospital or alms house before their final exit from the world is made. There is no cure for drunkenness but total abstinence. Its consequences must be treated as independent diseases. The wear and tear of habitual intoxica- tion may be repaired by the perfect abandoning of the pernicious habit, and a resort to tonic, bracing, anti-spasmodic and invigorat- ing herbal preparations, a strict regard to diet, and other hygienic requirements, as laid down elsewhere in this book. Together with the preparations of proper herbs (not disgusting drugs which are often recommended, but effect no good), the influence of respectable society and other moral means will, if persistently experienced, culminate in a thorough reformation. Tobacco Diseases-The sickness, suffering, and even death to which the unaccustomed users of tobacco have often been sub- jected will not deter millions of people from indulging in the dis- gusting and pernicious practices of chewing, smoking, and snuffing it. These practices are gained by the most frightful sacrifices, and the only recompense, they afford for the diseases they en- gender and nourish, seems to be a narcotic property which tem- porarily soothes irritability and induces serenity. Opium will do the same things; and I am of the belief that an inveterate tobacco- slave is in more positive danger of shortening his life, and render- ing what there may be of it miserable, than one who adheres strictly to the inebriating and soothing effects of the various prepa- rations of the poppy. When we take into consideration the fact, that two or three drops of the essential oil of tobacco will prove almost immediately fatal if inserted into a raw wound, we need not wonder that its habitual use in the common forms of cigars, ' 'fine cut " or " Macaboy " will destroy the digestive powers and tone of the stomach, disorganize the nervous system to an almost unlimited extent, impair the strength, partially destroy the senses of smell and taste, and the faculty of sight, and cause the memory to be wandering and imperfect. The cure for these tobacco afflictions is, as in the cure for the results of a steady use of ardent spirits, abstinence, and special treatment. In all my practice I have found THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 335 it next to an impossibility to perfect a speedy a nd permanent cure of any disease which afflicted a patient who would persist in the habitual use of tobacco in any form. In corpulent people, smo- king pipes or cigars of tobacco will produce the most obstinate phases of apoplexy, while, in all persons, chewing will bring on chronic dyspepsia, liver complaints, hypochondriasis or monoma- nia, afflictions of the bowels, and general debility. I hope those who may desire to profit by my advice and preparations will make up their minds to discard, as far as possible, the habitual use of the noxious weed in all its seductive shapes. If they do they will be the gainers. Syphilitic Ulcers of the Eyelids.-Syphilitic ulcers of the eyelids may be distinguished from other ulcers very readily. They progress very rapidly, and are of a dark copper color, while they do not affect the general health to any perceptible degree. These are all the symptoms by which they may be distinguished. The usual treatment for secondary syphilis is applied for the cure of these annoying and tell-tale eruptions. Cauterize with mild ni- tric acid, and take yellow dock as an alterative. Inflammation of Larynx.-At the top of the windpipe is the larynx, which is composed of a few strong cartilages which unite to form a curious and convenient box across which are extended the vocal ligaments. These are two remarkable cords from one- half to three-quarters of an inch in length, and are connected with small muscles which hold them in check. Above the cords are two cavities, and these, with the ligaments, form the voice, or make and modulate the sound. The larynx, in fact, is something like a flute, and gives out various sounds according to its struc- ture, size, and condition of health. The cords are lubricated by a fluid which, when disease reaches the cavities, becomes acrid- hence we have hoarseness. If the first symptoms of disease in this organ are not speedily removed, we have an alteration of the structure of the ligaments by ulceration or inflammation, and the voice is gone-in other words the patient lapses from laryngitis, which is bad enough, into aphonia, which is worse. When apho- nia sets in (which is developed in the inability of the victim to speak above a harsh and confused whisper), a cure can only be effected by the patient and judicious employment of Herbal reme- 336 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. dies, numbers of which the reader will encounter if he reads this work carefully. In order to decide whether or not the larynx is seriously affected, press upon the protuberance in the throat known as Adam's Apple. If that is very sensitive, or sore, lose no time in availing yourself of nature's remedies ; for if neglected the disease will reach the lungs. Inflammation of the Spleen.-When you have a pain just under the short ribs, on the left side, together with swelling, soreness to the touch, and considerable fever; a short dry cough; something like constriction about the heart, nausea, sometimes (not always), vomiting, bloody black stools, and scan- ty and high-colored urine, be sure you have acute inflammation of the spleen, which is an organ in the upper part of the belly, on the left side, opposite to the liver, with which it has material con- nection. The treatment is the same for that as for liver complaint. (See The Restorative.) When the inflammation becomes chronic (which it is likely to do where chills and fever prevail) there is a feeling of tension, weight and dull pain in the left side, and the organ enlarges so much that it can be felt externally by the hand. Thus we get the common name of "ague cake." Palpitation of the heart, numbness of the limbs, dyspepsia, shortness of breath, wheezing, costiveness, and piles, weakness of the pedal extremities, extreme constipation, depression of mind, and either local or general dropsical affections are among the symptoms and consequences. Counter-irritation is excellent, (See Herbal Ointment) and the free use of a gentle purgative is also necessary to relief and cure. (See Renovating Pills.) Obesity or Fat.-The idea that the fatter, the healthier a per- son is, constitutes one of the most popular mistakes of mankind. Too much fat is just as much of a disease as any of the maladies we have mentioned in other pages, and is incidentally, as well as directly, the cause of any am iunt of inconvenience and suffering. Many people inherit fat, or adipose matter, but more acquire it, and increase it by indolence, gluttony, and the intemperate use of malt liquors. A strictly vegetable, dry, and scanty diet, arduous out-of-door exercise, a hard bed, only six hours sleep in every twenty-four hours, and a moderate degree of mental application will serve as palliatives; but nature has provided certain sp THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 337 cifics for the reduction of adipose matter which I shall be happy to send to any individual so afflicted. Polypus.-A polypus frequently forms in the nose, rectum, vagina, &c., and is both painful and dangerous. The common polypus is "pendulous, and hangs by a small pedicle." In the nose it is moveable, and it protrudes, or increases in size accord- ingly as the weather is more wet, hazy, and damp. When not colored exactly as the skin is, it is of a faint red tint, and is semi- transparent. It is then that it begins to ulcerate and affects the bone ; and at this stage it also fills the nostrils, alters the voice, almost continually suffuses the eyes with tears, produces a con- stant headache, and is the source of slight febrile symptoms. It is not a mistake to hold that this affliction may speedily become of a decided cancerous character if neglected. Bayberry bark and bloodroot properly pulverized and mixed, and snuffed up the nose frequently, will effect a cure. Where the snuffing process is not available, by reason of the great size of the polypus, the powder may be wetted and applied by means of a clean linen rag. The same treatment will apply as a palliative, to polypus of the rec- tum and vagina; but I have a specific cure which does away with the necessity of surgical operations, which are too often resorted to in such cases. Hip Disease.-This may be the result of scrofulous, mer- curial, or syphilitic taint, as well as of falls, dislocation of the joint, or other injuries immediately affecting it. In the commence- ment of the disease it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, as the pain, and apparent inconveniences generally, are seldom experienced at the seat of the trouble, and from the patient's com- plaints one not thoroughly versed in the matter would locate the affliction in the knee, foot, or some portion of the leg. When the hip disease is suspected, press the thigh bone firmly upwards, and if that causes acute pain it is one strong evidence that the suspicion is well founded. The general symptoms are hectic fever, disturb- ed sleep, irregular bowels, and capricious appetite, and often night- sweats. Soon the hip swells and is extremely painful, and the limb becomes deformed and useless. In later stages the membrane cov- ering the head of the bone will become so affected as to pour out largo quantities of pus and serum. When this is the case, the bone 338 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. will leave the socket, and the limb will become shortened, and will turn inward. In most instances the pus will make an opening, or openings, for escape in some part of the leg. Alcohol, cam- phor, and oil of hemlock form a very good bath for the diseased portions. The health and strength of the patient should be kept up by a nourishing diet, plenty of fresh air in dry weather, and frequent bathing. This, with the employment of appropriate herbal remedies, will remove the disease from the system. Spotted Fever.-This dreadful fever was not known in Ameri- ca until about the beginning of the present century. At times it has raged with fearful virulence, particularly in the New Eng- land states. It is very difficult to give the symptoms for general information, as they vary in almost every individual attacked. The causes are not well defined, but are supposed to center in a vitiated condition of the atmosphere. One writer, who has given the disease special investigation, remarks : " The paleness of the surface, which sometimes attends the disease, and the partial or total want of reaction, show that the blood is forcibly and power- fully driven from the surface to the internal organs. The con- gestion, or accumulation of blood, is sometimes so great that the heart and arteries are incapable of exerting the least power to counteract the cause of disease ; hence they sink immediately under its withering influence." The heart and lungs, with their contiguous membranes, are found to be badly affected in persons who have died of spotted fever. As for the symptoms ; some pa- tients suddenly experience almost unbearable pains in the stom- ach, head, and limbs ; in other cases the pain is felt only in the lo- cality, or organ ; some have no heat; some are seized by violent chills and ague, and yet do not feel cold. In some instances the victims were for a time totally deaf or blind, while in others sight and hearing were unaffected. Some are stupid, lethargic, and torpid, others gay and hysterical; some are unnaturally sharp and shrewd, others idiotic or delirious. Some are sensitive to the slightest and lightest touch ; others will bear the flame of a can- dle, or the thrust of a penknife without wincing or feeling. Some can not retain anything upon the stomach, while others lose all sensibility of that organ which nothing seems powerful enough to restore. Scarlet, black, and purple spots, large and small, appeal THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 339 upon var'ous parts of the body, and sometimes there are copious and fatal bleedings from the relaxed vessels of the skin. In manj instances the patient is dead before the fever or hot stage has time to establish itself. There is, in the majority of cases, great difficulty of swallowing, loss of taste and smell, slow and feeble, or quick and rampant pulse, etc. The tongue is generally furred, and brown or black. If immediate relief be not obtained, the fatal termination is reached, in at least one half the cases, in from ten to sixteen hours. The attacks are always sudden, or instan- taneous. The treatment is similar to that employed for Asiatic cholera. The main result to be gained in order to effect a cure is the restoration of the natural circulation of the blood. To this end a small quantity of cayenne pepper in four ounces of penny- royal tea should be given internally every hour, and the surface of the whole body should be frequently bathed in, and rubbed with red pepper and brandy or alcohol. Where the stomach is affected severely, keep a mustard plaster over it. A vapor bath, as hot as it can be borne, should be the very first remedy. The chiefest means of salvation is a copious, prolonged, and uncheck- ed warm perspiration. Miliary Fever.-This fever is generally the result of a too gen- erous style of living-I mean of an indulgence in too much high- seasoned food and stimulating drinks. It is often symptomatic of small pox, putrid or nervous fever, inflammation, measels, or other similar malady ; but is as often a primary disease. It makes no distinction of age, sex, or constitution. It begins with vio- lent chills and rigors, which are followed by burning sensations of the surface, anxiety, depression, etc., and after the sensation of heat has reached its climax, the patient is covered with per- spiration, which is accompanied by a profound pricking of the skin. The sweat emits a strong and disagreeable odor. There is restlessness and delirium, shaking hands, white tongue ; and, at some stage of the disease, small pustules, or bladders, red and white, appear upon all parts of the body excepting the face. These last about a week, at the expiration of which time they dry and fall off. Miliary fever frequently attacks women in child-bed, and suspends the flow of milk, and all other discharges. Some- times the pustules are only red and assume the appearance of a 340 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. rash. When these are white or yellowish, the fever is in its most malignant form. Snake root and saffron made into tea are very useful in this fever. Ley-water baths for the feet and body are strongly recommended. Every care must be taken to prevent the sudden disappearing of the eruption. Indian meal gruel, panado, light dry bread, weak broths, etc., form good diet, together with ripe and wholesome opening and cooling fruits. If apples are used, roast them. If the pustules are backward, drink wine whey, and use plenty of orange juice. When the fever reaches a putrid stage, which it sometimes does, Peruvian bark, properly com- pounded with other ingredients, will be found beneficial. Quinsy Sore Throat.-All persons, young or old, male or fe- male, are liable to have this distressing and dangerous disease. It occurs most in the fall or spring. Quinsy is a malignant in- flammation of the mucus membrane of the throat and the tonsils. It will, if neglected, or only partially remedied, recur upon the slightest exposure <x the patient, and if not thoroughly eradicated before it becomes chronic or deep-seated, will eventuate in con- sumption, bronchitis, laryngitis, and many other alarming and destructive maladies of a corresponding character. Quinsy sore throat may be caused by intemperance, sudden check of perspi- ration, improper food, wet clothing of any kind, exposure to storms or to the night air, sitting in a draught, too free and harsh use of the vocal organs, etc. There are medical men of undoubted great ability who aver that quinsy sore throat is infectious ; but this I do not believe ; at least I never could procure any evidence in favor of the assertion, and I have searched for it carefully. The first symptoms of quinsy are a difficulty of swallowing and breathing, dry throat, foul tongue, and fetid breath, feverishness, and hoarseness; a difficult but frequent excretion of tough and ropy mucus, thirst, and a full, hard pulse. Soon either one or both of the tonsils exhibit high inflammation, and small tumors form in them. The pulse then becomes very quick, it is almost impossible to swallow or breathe, the pains in the parts affected are acute and unremitting, and the patient speaks only at the ex- pense of the most excruciating torture. In aggravated forms the eyes and face become inflamed and swollen, and lethargy or de- lirium are remarkable consequences. Wormwood, hops, and cat- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 341 nip may be boiled, and the steam inhaled by the patient. This will afford temporary relief. Sage, also, with alum and honey, makes a good gargle, and any ordinary volatile liniment will pal- liate the disease if nothing better is at hand. The bowels should be kept well open, and the feet and legs should be frequently bathed, or soaked, in ley-water, or in water to which has been added a moderate quantity of mustard. The gargles and the in- halation of herb steam are very good; but the "Acacian Bal- sam," with the " Herbal Ointment " and the " Renovating Pill " will cure soon and permanently. AU persons subject to quinsy, should keep these remedies constantly on hand. A brief descrip- tion of Quinsy is given elsewhere. Putrid Ulcerous Sore Throat.-Cankers, ulcers, sores, etc., cover the entire throat, and the glands are severely affected. This is unquestionably infectious, but it will develop itself in persons who are constitutionally predisposed to disease, or who have been recently afflicted by fevers and have caught cold. The complaint is ushered in by stiff neck, chills, fever, and the usual soreness and inflammation of the entire throat. The difficulty of swallow- ing and speaking is not, however, so great as in quinsy, but is by no means slight. As the disease progresses, spots of an ashen color appear upon the inflamed parts, and these soon deeply ul- cerate. Great anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and partial diarrhoea are among the earlier symptons. The breath is so offensive that it is with difficulty persons can approach the patient closely. The countenance is affected in two ways-being sometimes pale and haggard, and sometimes full and red. When the ulcers become livid or black, and bloody discharges take place from the mouth and nose, the patient is in great danger. The treatment is the same as for quinsy, so far as my three specific remedies are con- cerned ; but in the absence of these use a judicious combination of infusions of sumach berries, snake root, and the barks of white oak and white elm. Pericarditis.-This is known, commonly, as inflammation of the heart. That organ is surrounded by a bag of membrane, which prevents it from adhering to the pericardium, and the in- flammation occurs in this bag. The disease is indicated by very violent palpitations, pain in the region of the heart; disturbance 342 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. in the aorta or great artery, sense of constriction in the chest, wheezing, feeling of suffocation, and an irrepressible desire to avoid all weight or pressure upon the heart and ribs. The pulse is irregular, rapid, and " bounding." As in the majority of heart diseases the face is either pale, haggard, and emaciated, or florid and bloated. Fox-glove is strongly recommended by some for this disease ; but I do not use it. Any herbal infusion which will promote perspiration, and induce sleep, together with the contin- uous application of the " Herbal Ointment " upon the chest, and bathing the feet daily in warm water and red pepper, will prove highly beneficial. However, a regular course of treatment should be designed for each particular case if a sure cure be the object. Dropsy of the Ovaries.-This disease is very insidious in its approaches, and rarely inflicts much pain, or creates much gen- eral disturbance, until it has manifested itself in a large swelling on the one side or the other. This swelling, or dropsy, will be found moveable when the patient lies down, and may be felt by passing the finger up the vagina. I have described hydatids else- where. Dropsy of the ovaries is generally occasioned by the fluid in these bladders or tumors. When the disease is consid- erably advanced the flesh wastes, the appetite is very poor, the strength perceptibly diminishes daily, and the leg and thigh on the side affected, become numb or very painful. The direct causes of this disease are not satisfactorily developed. The treatment is nearly the same as that for general dropsy. Chronic Inflammation of the BronchiaAcute bronchitis, if neglected, will produce this fearful affliction, the symptoms and characteristics of which are of the most distressing and danger- ous nature. Neglected colds or catarrh will also result in chronic inflammation of the mucus membrane of the bronchia. The bron- chia are two tubes, with their ramifications, which arise from the forked part of the trachea, and carry air into the lungs. The acute disease is very insidious and often approaches in the same forms as an ordinary cold or catarrh, commencing with a little fever lassitude, occasional chills, light tickling cough, sense of weight and tightness in the chest, and shortness of breath. The chronic form is known by a troublesome and harrassing cough, great diffi- culty of breathing, the spitting of a white and frothy, or a viscid THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 343 and purulent matter, disorganized stomach, uncommonly difficult respiration, somewhat resembling that in asthma, want of appe- tite, costive or loose bowels, etc. The nervous system is much shattered and depressed, the kidneys secrete red and scanty urine, the pulse is rapid or fitful. The cough is severest in the morning or when the patient experiences a sudden change of air, or inhales any irritating substance or vapor. Prolonged affections of the stomach and liver will sometimes produce it; but its origin may almost invariably be traced to the neglect of what are gener- ally termed " common " coughs and colds. An occasional emetic is an aid in palliating this complaint; but a cure can only be ef- fected by keeping the bowels regular, applying constantly and freely the " Herbal Ointment " externally and upon flannel, and using a compound of many Herbal remedies, for a full description of which, see article on " Acacian Balsam." On no account re- sort to the destructive treatment which involves blistering, and the application of nitrate of silver or other cauterizing agents. Influenza.-This is an epidemical disease which is evidently caused by some poisonous condition of the atmosphere, for its mischievous effects will be visible among the inhabitants of thou- sands of miles of territory at one and the same time. It causes unusual secretion of mucus from the bronchia, nose, and mouth, fever, listlessness, loathing of food, sometimes stupor and slight delirium. At the commencement the patient finds himself hawk- ing, coughing, and sneezing, and soon experiences hoarseness, sore throat, and pains in the stomach, lungs, chest and head. Heavy pains are likewise felt in the back and shoulders ; the whole system is prostrated, expectoration is difficult, the eyes are red and watery, and the sight is obscured and vascillating. The treatment should be the same as that for a severe cold. Although influenza rarely proves fatal, excepting where other diseases exist, it will, if not carefully and promptly remedied, lay the foundation for maladies which can not be so easily got rid of. Dropsy of the Chest. (Hydrothorax.)-This is a collection of water in the pericardium, (which as I have explained else- where, is a membrane surrounding the heart,) or in the cavity of the thorax, or so-called " trunk." Again the water may be con- fined in small bladders, or cysts, which form in the cavity, and 344 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. are attached to the pleura, or membrane which lines the chest. One of the commonest causes of this disease is bleeding for other diseases, and the use of mercury and other minerals. It may also be the consequence of general dropsy. One of the premoni- tory symptoms is a sense of great uneasiness at the bottom of the breast-bone (sternum), together with inordinate difficulty of breath- ing, great disinclination to indulge in motion, because of the pain it produces, and inability to lie down with ease or comfort. A cough is an accompaniment; but it is usually dry; where there is expectoration the mucus is thin and scanty. After a while the face is pale, the feet and legs are swollen, the flow of urine is very moderate, albeit the thirst is great; the body is weakened and emaciated, and there is much nervous trepidation. In the more aggravated stage of the disease sleep becomes an almost un- attainable luxury, the patient is obliged to sit up through a sense of suffocation which follows a recumbent position, or a fit of coughing. Palpitations are induced upon the slightest exertion, and the patient suffers torture day and night. The body is now usually covered with a clammy sweat, the face is cadaverous and anxious, drowsiness and delirium appear towards the closing of the scene, and the expectorations are streaked with blood. The bowels are generally costive, and digestion very much im- paired. Infusions of fox-glove, parsley, spearmint, dandelion roots, and elder flowers are freely administered, and the use of mandrake as a steady cathartic is recommended by some. I have a specific treatment, however, (embracing the " Renovating Pill ") which is better; the basis of which is found in rheumatism root, large flowering spurge, fig wort, robin's eye, and two foreign plants which are imported only by myself. Cirrhosis of the Liver.-This is a disease which is generally pronounced by practitioners of various systems of medicine to be incurable. It is demonstrated by a morose and vicious temper, sallow skin, jaundice, bleeding from the bowels, stomach, and nose; fever, and either a voracious appetite or no appetite at all; also dropsy near the seat of the disease, and sometimes a dropsi- cal condition of the whole body. The disease consists in the de- velopment of yellow corpuscles, varying in size from that of a pea to that of a pin's head, in the substance, and upon the surface of THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 345 the liver. According to the observations of those who have stud- ied the disease, it is the result of the pigmentary degeneration of the hepatic lobules, by which the hepatic cells become filled with a peculiar adipose matter. The declaration that cirrhosis can not be cured is erroneous. Mandrake, (podophyllin) combined with other herbal preparations, according to the extent of the affliction, the length of time it has existed, and the age, sex, and temperament of the patient, will eventually accomplish a perma- nent and satisfactory cure. Hydatids, or Bladders in the Lungs-Serous formations of this character sometimes occur in the lungs, and their effects are often mistaken for pleurisy. The symptoms, however, if care- fully observed, will enable the examiner to distinguish the one disease from the other. The main symptom is a peculiar difficul- ty of breathing, which is so severe in advanced stages of the dis- ease as to terminate in death. On striking, (or percussing) over the affected parts, a dull muffled sound will be perceptible ; the pains in the afflicted region are frequent and acute. Breathing occasions no sound, and constitutional symptoms are wanting. An active tonic, and supporting course of treatment is required. See descriptions of my four standard remedies. Inflammation of the Absorbent Glands. {Lymphadeni- tis.)-Wherever absorbent glands exist inflammation is liable to occur ; it is most frequently found, however, in the regions of the arm-pit (axilla), neck, and groin. The first symptom is a swelling of the gland, which becomes hard and painful. Sometimes the inflammation will attack the sub-cellular tissue, and when the tu- mor becomes very large, several glands will be implicated. When the disease is of an acute character the tumor will soften in from ten to fifteen days, after which the skin will become absorbed, and the tumor will discharge of its own accord. It will, if simple, heal after discharging without any treatment whatever, or can be induced to do so by the use of the commonest remedies. Scrofu- lous or syphilitic constitutions are liable to the chronic form of the disease, in which the tumor is filled with tuberculous and scrofulous deposits, the swelling is more gradual in its develop- ment, and is harder and more painful. When it suppurates the discharge is thin and vicious, and can not be checked either in a 346 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. short time or without much difficulty. The face is pallid, the ap- petite poor, the digestion very much impaired, and the» system generally very greatly enfeebled. In acute inflammation of tha absorbent glands keep the bowels gently open, the liver active, and apply the " Herbal Ointment " to the parts affected, chang- ing it often. The diet should be plain and wholesome, and per- sonal cleanliness should be rigidly observed. In the chronic form the disease may be treated in the same manner, with the addition of building up or supporting diet and medicines. Gangrene of the Mouth.-The cheek at first swells, and is not at all painful. The absence of pain and redness frequently causes the patient to think that the trouble is not at all serious. The skin of the cheek assumes a shiny and stretched appearance, and the gums are pale and spongy. A pale, or ashen scab ap- pears in the mouth, and is particularly noticeable, from the fact that it is not surrounded by the usual inflammatory circle, or scarlet development. A little feverishness, together with disin- clination for exertion, is about all the derangement of the general health usually observable in the outset. As the disease pro- gresses we find sore gums, and sloughing of the interior of the cheek and lip. The saliva flows freely, is yellowish, and emits a disgusting smell. Then a snowy, livid spot is seen on the out- side of the cheek, and, in a short time complete mortification is apparent. The pulse is now weak but frequent; from a costive state the bowels become very relaxed ; the extremities are cold ; and all the organs of the body are more or less disorganized. Sometimes the disease attacks both sides of the face, and in a few cases all parts are involved, producing disfigurement if not death. The causes, so far as known, are weak and scrofulous habit, liv- ing in impure air, and close quarters, uncleanliness, improper or scanty food, dwelling in swampy locations, or where rains are fre- quent, etc. Cod liver oil, in combination with ordinary herbal tonics, is beneficial. The general health should be carefully re- stored to a normal condition. The local application should vary according to the progress of the disease, the peculiarities of the patient, his or her social position, and habits of life. Hay Fever. - This disease, although not frequently fatal, is very distressing, and should be carefully avoided by those who THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 347 are subject to it. It combines some of the most prominent pecu- liarities of influenza and asthma, but proceeds from very different causes. Its attacks are dispensed to only a few persons, and are not made excepting when hay is in blossom, or is being prepared. The symptoms are very similar to those of a severe cold, common sore throat, and phthisic, or light form of asthma. There is much sneezing, copious and continual running from the nose, irritation and watery condition of the eyes, great constriction in the chest, much difficulty of breathing,-the effort producing a husky whist- ling sound,-and slight soreness of the throat, accompanied by a pricking sensation in the fauces, (orback part'of the mouth,) and a tickling at the top of the windpipe. When the fever is violent, and the above symptoms are severe (and in nine cases out of ten they assume a very violent form), the disease is as dis- tressing as it well could be. The reason why this complaint should attack certain individuals at just such a season of the year has never been satisfactorily established. The supposition general- ly accepted as correct is the grasses, weeds, blossoms, etc., give forth a peculiar emanation which gets into the throat, eyes, nos- trils, etc., and violently irritates the mucous linings thereof. Tho usual treatment for influenza may be adopted with great advan- tage. Keep chloride of lime in the room, and wash the handsand face occasionally in a weak solution of chloride of soda. Persons subject to these attacks should not live in the country, or any- where, indeed, where hay or grass are to be encountered in any quantity. A distinguished writer recommends them to live near the seashore ; but this might prove, in my opinion, productive of other complaints to which such a peculiar temperament would be liable. Sick Headache-This is produced by a disordered stomach, and by whatever greatly irritates the nervous system. The " ache" is constantly attended by great nausea or sickness of the stomach. The complaint makes its attack most generally early in the morn- ing, especially if the victim has been indulging in a heavy leth- argic sleep, or has been shut up in a close, ill-savored, or damp apartment. If a hearty and rich dinner, or supper, has been par- taken of previous to retiring, or any improper food has been swallowed, even sparingly, the day previous, the attack will be 348 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. the more intensely violent. The onset of the complaint is distin- guished by a dull oppressive feeling in all parts of the head, which gradually merges into a sharp and rugged pain in the tem- ples. The eyes have a sensation of fullness, and are very tender to the touch. Finally the most distressing pains extend from tem- ple to temple across the forehead and over the top of the head. The hands and feet are cold, and covered with a clammy sweat, the tongue is furred, the breath is fetid, and as offensive to the sufferer as to others, the mouth has a most unpleasant taste in it, and the patient is so wretched as to feel it to be a necessity to sit or be alone-and in the dark if possible. The pulse is usually very feeble. Almost immediate relief may be obtained by the use of a strong boneset emetic. To prevent a recurrence of the complaint, keep the liver active, the bowels free and regular, the mind cheerful, and avoid the use of anything that in the slightest degree irritates or otherwise disagrees with the stomach. Incubus.-This (of which I have spoken elsewhere in four lines) is generally regarded as a very simple complaint which is more annoying than dangerous. This, however, is a mistake. We have all had evidence, over and over again, that lone people have died in their beds from the effects of nightmare, or incubus. The sleep is usually disturbed by some frightful vision which, to the sufferer, has all the appearance of reality. The usual dream is that of traveling some horribly rude section of country beset by every imaginable difficulty and danger, and being followed either by robbers, wild beasts, serpents, demons, etc, until one of these seizes the victim, or else the latter escapes from them only to be precipitated over the brink of a frightful precipice, or rolled down a giant-mountain. The dream will, however, assume all varieties of horrible shapes and circumstances. The sleeper endeavors to move ; but the muscles will not obey his will, and in his endeavors to protect himself against the injuries which menace him, and to escape to a place of safety, he makes the most uncouth and unnatu- ral noises. In other cases the dream is not of a rambling charac- ter ; but imparts an impression that a gigantic monster, a huge rock, or some other enormously weighty substance, lies upon the chest, and is suffocating and crushing the sleeper to death. Per- sons subject to nightmare should neyer sleep alone if they can THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 349 help it. The spell of incubus is at once broken if the sufferer be shaken, or spoken to in a loud tone of voice. When the mind is depressed, the brain is oversensitive, the nervous system in a state of feebleness or irritation, the blood is impeded in its circu- lation, the stomach is overloaded or torpid, or the bowels are costive, nightmare, or severe approaches thereto, will be one of the inevitable consequences, particularly in aged persons. Of course whichever of these causes exists in the patient must be re- moved. When a person thus afflicted gives me a correct de- scription of his general health, I can invariably remove the dis- ease by the use of herbal remedies, especially designed to eradi- cate the causes. All persons so afflicted should eat sparingly of light food, and should eat the last meal of the day at least three hours before going to bed., They should also indulge in plenty of out door exercise, and bathe often in tepid water, with which a little mustard has been mixed. Hiccough.-This spasm of the diaphragm, or muscle which di- vides the cavity of the trunk from that of the abdomen, is gener- ally caused by indigestion, or by anything which irritates the nerves distributed to its vicinity, and may be removed by giving the patient a sudden shock, by a quick surprise, by holding the breath as long as possible, or by swallowing quickly a large draught of cold water. If caused by wind in the stomach, a few drops of essence of peppermint, or of spirits of red lavender, in a little water will give relief. When hiccough occurs at the close of some severe disease, by which the patient has been much re- duced, it may almost certainly be regarded as the forerunner of death. Inflammation of the Tonsils.-The tonsils are glands situated at each side of the throat, and aid in secreting the fluids which keep the throat moist. The tonsils are frequently called " the almonds of the ear." Acute inflammation of these glands is mark- ed, at first, by soreness of the throat, difficulty of swallowing, fever and chills. The tonsils begin to swell, and in three or four days have reached such a condition of enlargement that it is al- most impossible to speak or swallow. If carefully nursed, and steamed with decoctions of aromatic herbs, the tonsils will suppur- ate in four or five days and discharge an abundance of matter, 350 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. when relief is immediately experienced, and a so-called cure is soon effected. Frequent attacks of acute tonsilitis will bring on the disease in the chronic form. The tonsils are then permanently enlarged and hardened, and discharge a fluid, which is thin and acrid, and which, if allowed to go unchecked, will disease the en- tire inner surface of the throat, as well as of the mouth. 0 ten the disease affects the nose and the ears, impairing the senses of smell and hearing. With every fresh cold, or whenever the pa- tient is guilty of any imprudence affecting the general health, the enlargement of the glands increases until respiration becomes a task of extreme pain and difficulty; and if this enlargement is not reduced, and the glands restored to their normal condition, suffo- cation must necessarily follow. It has been the fashion to cut ojf these glands, after having lanced, burned, and otherwise tortured the patient, and even to this day many of our most eminent and skillful surgeons maintain that excision is the only cure. I can, however, conscientiously affirm to the contrary.' Nature has pro- vided an herbal remedy for this affliction, as she has for all others. It consists in the application of mucilaginous, soothing, and stim- ulating barks, herbs, etc., for a description of some of which see " Acacian Balsam." Venereal Diseases-It is with great delicacy and reluctance that I approach this subject; but as I wish to make this book as complete as possible, and many persons are innocently the vic- tims, indirectly, if not directly, of the diseases mentioned, I can not exclude at least a brief consideration of their symptoms and effects. Syphilis is occasioned by a specific poison which is conveyed by contagion or actual contact. It first shows itself upon the genital organs in the form of a small yellowish pimple, or pimples, the presence of which is at first made manifest by itching and slight soreness. The pimples (called chancres) break, and grad- ually change into a red, hard-edged, shallow ulcer. This ulcer is circular or oval in form, and is surrounded by a ragged border. The skin and tissue in the immediate vicinity become inflamed, and unless proper remedies be immediately applied, the virus is absorbed into the system, and the consequences are of the most deplorable character. There are many kinds of chancre, viz THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 351 inflammatory; indurated or hard ; sloughing or perishing ; pha- gedenic, or eating ; and gangrenous, or likely to mortify. Next in order, if stringent curative measures be not adopted, is the bubo, which is a swelling of the glands of the groin, caused by the ab- sorption of the poison. The bubo will usually make its appear- ance in about a fortnight after the sore is discovered. It advan- ces to suppuration, and also becomes a sore, when it receives the name of, " glandular chancre." Sometimes growths resembling certain vegetables appear, in the male, upon the head of the pe- nis, and on the membrane lining the foreskin. In the female they will be found in, and at the entrance of the vagina, and sometimes on the neck of the womb. These are primary symptoms, and if quickly but radically extirpated or cured, will not result in any very serious constitutional derangement; but if neglected, the vi- rus is absorbed into the blood, and the infection reaches the en- tire system. jWhen the disease becomes constitutional the results are most deplorable. The entire body and all its most important organs are affected, filthy and fetid ulcers form in various places, and these eat away the bones, flesh and cartilages, until the sufferer becomes an object of disgust, a disfigured and loathsome burthen to himself, and a candidate for the grave, which, in many cases, is welcomed as a place of happy refuge. The affections of the skin and mucous membrane are called secondary-those appear- ing upon the bones, etc., are tertiary. When a woman has sy- philis, or copulates with a man who has been imperfectly cured of it, and in whose system the poison of the disease is lurking, and she becomes pregnant, she either gives birth to a dead child, covered with sores, or else the infant is born to suffer and present a horri- ble appearance as long as it lives. Mercury should never be used, even in the smallest quantity, for any stage of this awful affliction, because the herbal kingdom furnishes remedies equally efficacious, while mercury will produce afflictions almost as painful, danger- ous, and loathsome as the disease for which it is administered. Gonorrhea.-This is a disease of the mucus membrane, which lines the private parts of the male and female, and is communica- ted as is syphilis, by contagion, or actual contact. It is also known by a vulgar name. It commences with itching and uneasiness about the private parts, and a peculiar feeling of sore- 352 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ness in the urethra, or urinary canal. A scalding sensation is also felt when the patient makes water. In day or two a whitish matter makes its appearance at the orifice of the urethra, and this will soon increase greatly in quantity, and assume a greenish- yellow color. The parts will be much inflamed, and the urethra will become thickened and very sore. The consistency and quan- tity of the pus-like discharge vary in different persons. When the inflammation is great the patient is the victim of painful erec- tions called chordee. which can only be allayed by the external application of cold water, and the taking of alleviating, mucila- ginous, and cooling medicines. When gonorrhea first appears, it can be readily cured; but if allowed to gain headway it will often prove one of the most afflicting and obstinate diseases to which humanity is liable. In such event it not unfrequently affects the neck of the bladder to such an extent that the happiness of a life time is destroyed. Gleet.-This is one of the results of abused or neglected gon- orrhea. It is a continued discharge of a thin and clear character, after the inflammatory and painful early symptoms have disap- peared. It is caused by debility of the parts, or by unhealthy action of the glands in the urinary passage. It is sometimes, especially in persons of a scrofulous habit, a fixture for years, and constitutes a drain upon the system, the effects of which can only be obviated by the most scrupulous care and attention. The old style of treatment involved the use of cauterizing injections, and the bougie, together with blisters applied to the perineum. It had the effect of imperfectly remedying, or else of aggravating the complaint, and rendering it next to impossible of cure. Cu- bebs and spearmint, digested in the best Holland gin, and ad- ministered according to the duration and extent of the disease make a good remedy; but no specific will reach every case. Stricture.-Stricture is another of the painful, annoying and dangerous consequences of severe gonorrhea, and the old style treatment. It constitutes a partial closing up of the water- pipe, which always renders urination difficult and painful; but frequently, at intervals, prevents the patient from making water at all, excepting a very few drops at a time, and these are tinged by blood and matter. A stricture is something like a corn-it is THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 353 a thickening of the lining membrane, and a hardened, or cailous condition of the tissues underneath. When a stricture forms at the base of the urethra, it is the most distressing of any, and the most difficult of cure. It can be removed by patient herbal treatment, without any resort to caustics, knives, or bougies. In all venereal diseases, the use of ardent spirits, malt liquors, stimulating food, and tobacco, should be abstained from totally if possible. Pregnancy.-The first sign of pregnancy is a cessation of the menstrual flow. This will generally be noticed between two and three weeks after conception, and about the same time the wo- man will discover her breasts to be enlarging, and notice that the rings around the nipple are darker, and cover more space than usual. She will also, to a greater or lesser degree, experience nausea in the morning, and often be afflicted by vomiting, while she will experience dull pains in the " small " of the back, a de- cided disinclination for exertion, and considerable nervousness. As the womb increases in size and weight, (which becomes appa- rent between the second and third months after conception,) it sinks lower into the cavity of the pelvis (or part of the trunk which bounds the abdomen below), and produces much suffering, especially when the pelvis is small or narrow. After the fourth month, the womb, finding insufficient accomodation in the pelvis, mounts higher, and seeks room in the more capacious and yielding belly. Then the distress in the back, and the sickness and vom- iting are somewhat modified, or in some comparatively disap- pear altogether. When the condition of pregnancy is first dis- covered, the woman, no matter how robust, should avoid all over exertion or excitement, and should bear in mind constantly St. Paul's motto of " moderation in all things." A state of indolence is productive of disastrous, or, at least, painful consequences. Judicious exercise, and a determination to be cheerful and con- tented, will do much towards suppressing the usual annoyances of pregnancy, while moping and idling will increase them, and will almost invariably bring about a hard labor. Thus the poor working woman, providing she does not labor too hard, or expose herself imprudently to the vicissitudes of the weather, rarely suf- fers so much in child-bed as the woman who lives only to be pet' 354 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ted and admired, and who seldom breathes the air of Heaven ir its delicious purity. Among the many incidental afflictions of pregnancy, are costiveness and piles. These are produced by the pressure of the enlarging womb upon the lower bowel. This, becoming filled with hardened matter, in turn presses upon the womb, and endeavors to crowd it out of the way. The combined and continual pressure of the womb and bowel upon the water- pipe, causes great difficulty in making water, and their uninter- rupted weight upon the ascending veins, produces congestion in the lower bowel, and hence the appearance of painful and disa- greeable piles. The stomach and bowels should be kept in the best possible order. To prevent or ameliorate piles, use seidlitz powders every day, and inject into the bowels half a pint of pure cold water every morning. With regard to nausea, if it continues after the first three months, eat nothing but plain, yet nourishing food, and use chamomile flower tea as a beverage. The habit of swathing or bandaging during any period of preg- nancy is decidedly injurious, unless the woman be of a very fra- gile form and debilitated constitution. The child quickens about the end of the fourth month, when its motions will often produce hysterics and fainting fits, and the mother (for such she then is) becomes peevish, irritable, thin, and weak. Great care must be taken to combat this peevishness and irritability by fixing the mind upon pleasant thoughts, and mixing with lively company, if it be available. It will be as well, too, for the woman to lie down a little while, two or three times a day, and not to remain in an erect position too long without taking a little rest. During the last three months, the woman will generally suffer much uneasi- ness "all over," and will experience trouble in the attempt to get a perfect night's rest. They should not touch opiates under these circumstances. When varicose swellings of the veins of the legs are produced, a good plan is to wear a laced stocking over the affected parts, and this should be adjusted so as not to press too tightly upon the limb. It should be arranged so that the pressure will be equal throughout its length. Sometimes deli- cate women have convulsive fits in the last stage of pregnancy. These are dangerous, and no time should be lost in calling in an experienced midwife to take charge of the case. However, a THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 355 two-grain opium pill administered intertially, an injection of warm suds, and mustard plasters applied to the feet, and between the shoulders, will not fail of giving speedy relief. Also bathe the feet in warm water. The habitual use of the warm bath will often prevent these convulsions. Palpitation of the heart, cramps of the legs and thighs, tooth- ache, puS'y swellings, suppression of urine, (use parsley tea for this) lethargy and headache are always accompaniments of preg- nancy. For cramps and swellings, bathe the parts with warm water and red pepper, or mustard. If the swellings are very troublesome, apply fomentations of bitter herbs. In order to prevent sore nipples, (which, if neglected, merge into caked and broken breasts,) bathe them daily several times with alum-water, or a decoction of white oak bark. This bathing should be com- menced about six weeks before confinement. Fox-glove (digita- lis) is recommended by many for palpitation of the heart; but I discountenance its use. A little compound spirits of lavender, in water, and moderate doses of Turkey rhubarb will alleviate the attacks. All pregnant women should wear flannel drawers and keep the feet warm. An infusion of hops is a very good article to promote sleep in pregnant women. Nothing is better than my " Renovating Pill " to keep the bowels in as good an order as can be gained by medi- cine. Teething.-Many children are lost from teething. The pro- cess of dentition often occasions fits. Its symptoms are swollen and inflamed gums, fever, pain and heat in the head, sore mouth, etc. Scarification of the gums is often resorted to ; but if proper attention be paid to the case in its inception no such barbarous and injurious method of palliation need be embraced. Bathing the head with diluted spirits, and the feet with warm mustard water ; keeping the bowels free and regular by the simplest of herbal laxatives ; and placing a plaster (composed of two-thirds flour mustard, one third flour, and sufficient vinegar to produce the requisite moisture) between the shoulders will generally obvi- ate all danger and mitigate the pain and suffering. When the Bpeckled sore mouth incidental to teething makes its appearance, 356 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. treat the child as above, but wash the mouth with a mild solutiou of borax, and use for diet (if the child be weaned) gum arabio water, and barley or rice water. If the stomach is acid, and the bowels are griping, administer mild doses of magnesia. Warm baths are always beneficial to children who are teething ; but great care should be taken that the little ones do not catch cold after the baths. Hypochondria.-No disease is more obstinate of cure (under the old practice) than this, nor is any the result of a greater va- riety of causes. To picture all its curious effects would be to fill a volume like this, and, indeed, I doubt if a copious and complete history of its vagaries and consequences were written, whether a book twice this size would be sufficient to contain it. Among the causes of this distressing complaint are disappointment, mis- fortunes of a heavy character, care, masturbation, excessive men- tal labor, undue anxiety, costiveness, neglect of cleanliness, indi- gestion, sedentary occupations, living in close and gloomy apart- ments, or wet and marshy localities, excessive indulgence in sex- ual pleasures, or anything which tends to weaken and disturb the nervous system, or over-stimulate the brain. The mental symp- toms are countless. The chief one is a constant dread of some unexplainable evil; the patient fears that his wife, if he has one, is unfaithful, or hates him, or that his business is going to ruin, and he will be reduced to beggary, or that his friends despise him, or that he will be charged with the commission of some mon- strous crime ; or that he has all, or a majority of the worst phy- sical diseases that surgeon or physician was ever summoned to treat. These are the lightest symptoms, and if not immediately attended to, will become aggravated, and go on increasing in vio- lence and extent until the sufferer dies naturally from exhaustion and misery, gets hopelessly insane, or perhaps commits suicide. The organs of sense are more or less deranged, and external sen- sations are magnified and corrupted even as those of the mind are. Thus, the eye appears to see all sorts of forms which it does not tee; the smell detects odors which do not exist; the touch dem- onstrates to the brain objects with which it does not come in con. tact; the taste is perverted and disordered to an extent which seems, to an uninterested observer, impossible ; and the ears con« THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 357 vey imaginary sounds of the most perplexing and terrific charac- ter. The queer fancies of the hypochondriac are often of such a character as to obliterate pity for the unhappy individual, and provoke both disgust and laughter. Cases have been known where the victim imagined that he was a teapot, or had glass legs which would break upon the lightest exertion, or was made of jelly, and could not move without dissolving into an undistinguish- able mass of gelatinous matter, or was as large as an elephant, or as small as a pipe-stem; or had horns growing from the head, or a bottle attached to the end of the nose, or was covered with creep- ing and venomous insects. Hypochondria is also productive of fainting spells, cold surface of the body, an eye either glassy and unnaturally brilliant, or without any lustre, palpitations, pains in the stomach, pale and livid countenance, and occasional parox- ysms of fever. A cure may be effected by the employment of such medicines as will restore tone to the stomach and nervous system, and also by removing, as far as is possible, all the causes which lead to the origin and perpetuation of the malady. Where it is within the scope of the patient's means he should be kepi continually on the move, (without fatigue) a constant change of scene being one of the most desirable of self-acting remedies. All allusions to his real or fancied miseries should be avoided, or, if found necessary, of the kindest and most consoling description. It is always the case that the hypochondriac will be the harshest, the most suspicious, and the most ungenerous in every way, towards his best friends. This is an unfailing type of the disease. The friends must bear these annoyances patiently and self-denyingly. To lose one's temper with such a sufferer is to commit a great crime ; out of door exercise must be as constant as is consistent with the weather and the patient's circumstances. Leave the hypochondriac alone as little as possible. Let him eat and drink but moderately of nourishing but easily-digested food, and above all things keep him from the use of stimulating drinks and to- bacco. Music has been found highly beneficial in these cases- anything is good, in fact, which affords lively amusement. A cold or tepid sponge bath should be taken morning and evening, and the rule of " early to bed and early to rise," should never be violated. The bowels must always be kept open-a good passage 358 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. every twenty-four hours being required-and where the patient is extremely weak, a good substantial tonic, such as Restorative Assimilant, should be administered three times a day. When the patient has a fainting spell, and thinks he is dying, give him motherwort tea, with spirits of camphor in it, if no other assist- tance happens to be at hand. This is only general treatment for temporary benefit. To eradicate the disease thoroughly it is nec- essary to know all about the individual case, and the chief causes of its origin and development. Nature's remedies may then be applied without fear of failure. Stricture of the (Esophagus, or Gullet.-This is produced by various causes, the most frequent of which is chronic inflam- mation, producing enlargement of the mucus membrane. It is sometimes the result of infiltration of scrofulous or cancerous matter. The patient experiences great difficulty in swallowing ; and when food passes the stricture there is a feeling at that point as if something very hot, or scalding, were in contact with it. When the disease is of any considerable age the patient is very much reduced in flesh, is very weak, has low spirits, and suffers from derangements of the stomach and bowels. There is a great deal of dispute as to the proper methods of treating this afflic- tion, some are for introducing nitrate of silver by the use of the probang; others use a preparation of coculus-indicus and muriate of ammonia, and others put the parts upon a thorough stretch, with a bougie made especially for the purpose. In my opinion these remedies are about as bad as the disease. My preparation of stillingia, if used according to directions, will effect a cure without the accompaniment of any painful or violent treatment. Inflammation of the Tongue.-This is often produced by mercurial medicines, but may be produced by an habitual indul- gence in the use ot very hot drinks, or it may result from inju- ries, or the usual causes of inflammation. The patient has a quick, strong pulse, hot and dry skin, fever, and disorganized stomach, liver, and bowels. In many cases the disease appears suddenly -the tongue becoming red, sore, and enlarged, and this enlarge- ment increases so rapidly that the tongue fills the entire mouth, and the patient is prevented from speaking and eating, and al- most from breathing. If the attack be light, the inflammation will 359 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. gradually terminate without suppuration, if properly treated ; if not, it will result in suppuration, or, perhaps in gangrene and mor- tification. Hot ley-water baths, and full doses of veratrum viride (American hellebore) are advised for the disease if it be the result of ordinary inflammation. The dose of tincture of white hellebore is five or ten drops every three hours. It is best not to adminis- ter it, however, without the advice of a competent physician. The mouth should be frequently rinsed with warm water. Keep the bowels open, the stomach cleansed (by emetics) and the liver active. A gargle of peruvian bark and baptisin (wild indigo) will be found effectual in the gangrenous stage. Erysipelas.-This is an inflammation of the skin alone, or of that together with the subcutaneous cellular tissue. Erysipelas proper is marked by great redness of the skin, considerable swel- ling, and a pain similar to that which proceeds from a burn. There is also the appearance of blisters of various sizes; and in aggravated cases where the skin and the cellular membrane are both inflamed, there are extensive collections of matter. Soon after these are discovered the parts will slough away if the pro- cess is not checked by proper treatment. Erysipelas is generally found upon the head, face, and limbs, and attacks all ages and both sexes. It is produced by the same causes as other inflam- mations. Cold, or various irritants applied to the skin, or irrita- ting conditions of the stomach and bowels, will originate it. The worst cases, however, are the consequences of extreme exposure, or from neglected, or unskilfully treated wounds, and bruises, or ordinary sores. A great number of lives and limbs were lost among our soldiers in the late war by erysipelas. Circumstances would not allow of its prevention, and the lack of ordinary hos- pital supplies in the field (conjoined with the ignorance of the surgeons concerning herbal remedies, which were growing all around them, especially in Virginia,) rendered cures next to im- possible. Simple erysipelas is ushered in by fever, which con- tinues, according to the age, sex, and constitutional peculiarities of the patient, and the extent of the infected parts, to a greater or lesser degree until the complaint is obliterated. There is great loss of muscular strength, pain in the head, often irresisti- ble inclination to sleep, foul brown tongue, nausea, constipation, 360 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. and rapid but feeble pulse. Sometimes the skin bursts, and por- tions of the cellular substance, together with matter, are dis- charged through the openings. Wherever erysipelas locates, there is much deformity to be observed. This will not altogether disappear, even after a cure, unless prompt and excellent treat- ment has been adopted. Abstemious diet, (unless the patient is old and feeble) and perfect rest, avoidance of impure and heat- ed air, and continual bathing of the parts in warm water, when not under the influence of any healing application, are among the rules to be observed. Whatever will give vent to the matter and the dead portions of the flesh, will accelerate a restoration to health. The bowels are, of course, to be kept regular and free. In ordinary cases I use the " Renovating Pilland the, " Her- bal Ointment." In aggravated cases I use these, with a parti- cular preparation of my own, comprising, among other herbal medicaments, stillingia, sanguinarin, (blood root) rhusin, (upland sumach) geranin, (cranesbill) etc. Scalled Head.-This is an eruption on the head, known medi- cally as Porrigofavosa. The eruption takes the shape of large flattened pustules, which have an irregular edge, and are sur- rounded by inflammation. Sometimes they appear first behind the ears, and at other times upon the face, spreading thence to the scalp. The face is usually involved to some extent wherever the eruption may originally show itself. Scalled head is mostly confined among children. In the outset of the disease the pus- tules on the scalp are generally distinct;-on the face they rise in irregular clusters. They are attended by much itching, and the efforts to relieve this torment hasten their breaking. When bro- ken they discharge a viscid matter and run together, gradually forming sores of a vicious character. These sores are covered by yellowish-green scabs which present a revolting appearance. If these be neglected the disease will soon attack the entire face and head, the hair will become filthy and matted, and if vermin are bred, (which is almost always the case) the soreness, and itching are aggravated to such a degree as to be almost intolera- ble. The poison of the finger-nails, which are employed to allay the terrible itching, increases the irritation, and does much to- wards spreading the ulceration. When the ulcerations have made THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 361 considerable headway, they are accompanied by swellings in tho neck and behind the ear, which, suppurating and discharging acrid matter, help to inflict additional tortures. Sometimes the eyes are implicated, and become very much inflamed, while the lids also ulcerate. The discharges from all these ulcerations are most offensive-so offensive to the smell that vomiting is often the consequence. The matter, if applied to any portion of the body, will communicate the disease, and thus we often see those who have charge of children thus afflicted, (especially nurses) sadly and badly inoculated. The diet of a scalled head patient should be very light, and should consist chiefly of milk, gruels, plain puddings, and animal broths, sparsely seasoned. Keep the bowels regular. Cleanliness and the "Herbal Ointment" will lead to a speedy cure. The usual requirements of pure air and judicious exercise must, of course, be attended to. Neuralgia of the Womb.-When the uterine function is de- ranged the fact is not unfrequently developed in a sharp violent pain in the organ. The pain is of a rheumatic character, comes on very suddenly, and usually attacks girls shortly after they roacL the age of puberty. There is scarcely any notice given of this disease. The patient is apparently in good health, when the excruciating pains are felt without warning, and are continued for fifteen or twenty minutes, and then as suddenly subside. They soon return, however, and become regular and periodical in their occurrence, gradually increasing in intensity. In severe cases the patient becomes very nervous and hysterical, and the pains shift to various parts of the body, maintaining their position as well, however, at the seat of the affliction. A preparation of garden lettuce dioscorin (wild yam), and gelsemin (yellow jessa- mine) is a remedy for this and all similar afflictions. I make this when it is ordered. Fungus Hsematodes, or Spongy Inflammation.-This is a cancerous affection of an extremely alarming nature. Cancerous tumors, accompanied by violent heat and pain, and with bleeding, and fungus excrescences, are developed, and seem to resist, almost invariably, the ordinary methods employed to destroy them. Tho common practice has been to extirpate them with the knife ; but those who have adopted this practice are compelled to frankly 362 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. acknowledge that the operations are "rarely followed by recov- ery." The disease is sometimes called spongy inflammation, from the fact that the parts affected have a very peculiar elastic feel, which is not discoverable in other diseases of a similar character. The disease does not confine itself to any particular location ; but will attack the upper and lower extremities, the eye-ball, the testi- cles, the breast, the womb, ovary, liver, spleen, brain, lungs, and the joints of the hip and shoulder. The general treatment should be much the same as that employed in scrofula, and the local treatment should be entirely innocent of steel and caustic. Where the ulceration is great, charcoal poultices may be applied with considerable benefit. Such an affliction, however, must be care- fully considered by a good herbal practitioner, with reference to the patient's age, sex, habits, etc., before a cure can be reasona- bly expected. For temporary relief see recipe No. 75. Night Blindness.-This is a curious disease which can not bo satisfactorily accounted for. The sufferer usually possesses sound general health, but can see only in the daylight, or during the period when the sun shines. The eye is incapable of distin- guishing objects in the twilight, or by the aid of the flame of can- dle, lamp, or gas. Night blindness is usually observed among those who are living in a new or uncultivated country, or in a climate to which they are unaccustomed ; but it is impossible to define the causes with the least certain approach to the facts. When eyes so afflicted are examined with the utmost care and pa- tience, nothing to indicate disease of the lightest character, or of any character whatever, can be discovered. This curious truth having become known in the Union army during the late rebellion, night blindness suddenly became very prevalent among such soldiers as were fonder of sleeping than of doing guard or picket duty. It was so difficult to tell who was shamming, and who was not, that many of the imposters gained the end for which they lied so lustily. There is no established cure for night blindness. It sometimes disappears as suddenly as it makes its attack, and quite as unaccountably. The use of ordinary eye lotions is a pos- itive injury, and may result in total and unremitting loss of sight. Intussusceptio.-This is the medical name of a disease of the intestinal canal of not very frequent occurrence. It consists of THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 363 die introduction of one part of the canal into another, which acta as a sort of sheath. " Generally," says a good authority, ''it is the upper part of the small intestine which is received into the lower, and is then called progressive ; but at times it is retro- grade." There are no symptoms by which this disease can be positively detected, and it therefore has to be treated upon gen- eral principles. It is a dangerous affliction on this account, but is not beyond the reach of remedies. English Sweating Sickness.-This is a rare disease-an epi- demic-which was first developed in England in the fifteenth cen- tury, and has since made its appearance many times. It has not been seen, excepting in a modified form, for a long period. It was characterized by profuse sweating, coldness, excessive loss of muscular and nervous power, nausea, giddiness, palpitations of the heart, frequent and unequal pulse, and prostration of the men- tal faculties. The patient either died or recovered in a day oi two. Sometimes it was accompanied by an eruption which now marks miliary fever. (See article under that head.) The French physicians investigated the disease carefully, and concluded tha* it was the result of a simultaneous state of inflammation of various tissues, and classed it with scarlet fever, measles and small pox. Soli ;ry Worm, or Tenia Solium.-This worm, a species of tape worm, is said to exist in the small intestines, and to inhabit its chosen quarters entirely without company. If it grows some- times to the remarkable length of five and six hundred feet, as we are told, we are not surprised that it lives alone, for compan- ions would have hard work to find room to remain in. It is said to have an " almost hemispherical head, an obtuse beak ; the neck full anteriorly ; all the joints slightly obtuse, the anterior very short; the next almost square, and the rest oblong." It is very seldom met with, for which the human race ought to be thankful. In Abyssinia it is found more frequently than elsewhere, and the natives expel it by the use of a decoction of the flowers of the Hagena Abyssinica, a tree which grows in that country. The de- coction is called " Kousso." A preparation is sold by some druggists in England and America as an equivalent; but it is not. I have imported the flowers and also the native recipe for com- pounding the " kousso," and use it with extracts from pumpkin 364 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. seeds, male fern and pomegranate for the destruction and expul- sion of all kinds of worms in the human body. Trichina Spiralis, or Worms in the Muscles.-This is a disease which sometimes afflicts whole communities, especially those who eat swine-flesh. From this fact it has been declared, but never satisfactorily proven, that the worms found in the mus- cles are at first taken into the stomach with the food, and that they rapidly multiply in the intestines, and from thence work their way to the muscles. The worms which are found thus are very small, having considerable resemblance, in size and color, to very young lice. Sometimes there may be discovered in vinegar minute animals which resemble these curious worms. Their presence in the muscles is not developed by any noticeable pre- monitory symptoms. When they have reached a certain stage, or taken possession of the voluntary muscles to a sufficient extent, the effect is the same, measurably, as that produced by an insidi- ous and malignant poison. The symptoms of their presence in the intestines are very similar to those caused by the presence of other worms ; hence when such symptoms become apparent, par- ticularly in persons who eat largely of the flesh of the hog, either in its plain state, or in hams and sausages, no time should be lost in using a proper anthelmintic or worm-killer. (See article on Soli- tary Worm, or Tenia Solium.) Nettle Rash.-This is an eruption which resembles that pro- duced by the stings of a nettle. The elevations observed on the surface are called weals, or wheals, and have a white top. They are surrounded by extended patches of redness, and excite intol- erable itching, when the person is in a very warm place, as in bed, or seated closely by a fire. It is supposed that derangement of the stomach and bowels is the main cause of this disease. The eruptions are not permanent, but appear and disappear once or twice every twenty-four hours. Sometimes they are the conse- quence of swallowing food for which the stomach has a particu- lar antipathy. It is known that they have been the result of eat- ing eggs, shell-fish, nuts, cheese, etc. The disease is more an- noying than dangerous, and requires very little more than gen- eral treatment. External applications are of no particular benefit. The obnoxious food must be discontinued, and the stomach and THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 365 bowels kept in order by some gentle and purifying laxative, such as the " Renovating Pill," and the rash will disappear. So long as the digestive apparatus be well regulated no danger of the re- currence of the disease need be apprehended. Varicocele.-This is a varicose condition of the veins of the scro- tum (or bag which contains the testicles) and the spermatic cord The disease is most generally located in the spermatic cord alone, and is then called, by many, Circocele. It seldom, or never, ap- pears but on the one side, and most commonly on the left. It seems, to the touch, to be a doughy, knotty, unequal tumor, sit- uated in the course of the cord, increasing in size from the lower end upwards. Upon feeling it carefully it gives one a vivid idea of a bunch of worms. When the patient is in a recumbent posi- tion the tumor, or swelling, is not so apparent as it is when he is erect. Exercise of a prolonged and fatiguing character will greatly aggravate this affliction. Many practitioners have a very peculiar method of curing this disease ; they cut away a portion of the scrotum, and leave the edges of the wound to heal togeth- er. This forms what they call a " natural bandage" for the swol- len and diseased cord. Sir Astley Cooper has the credit of origi- nating this humane and sensible remedy. There is, however, no necessity for the application of the knife, a common suspensory bandage, and certain herbal washes being all that is required to restore the parts to a normal condition. Of course a careful ad- herence to the laws affecting the general health is also indispen- sable. Verugas, or Wart Disease.-This is a disease which prevails largely in certain parts of Peru, and is supposed to be the result of the use of the mineral waters peculiar to that part of the world. It has been caused in the United States and England by the use of impure food and drink. The disease is manifested by pains in the bones, soreness of the throat, headache, furred tongue, nau- sea, and fever. In about a week red pimples or small boils ap- pear, which gradually enlarge until they become, in many cases, as large as a hen's egg. They finally discharge great quantities of blood, and gradually heal. The disease should be treated with cooling laxatives. The diet should be very light, such as broths, etc. Vegetables should be partaken of very sparingly. 366 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Convulsive Voice.-A nervous affection of the voice, demon* strated in the production of discordant sounds, acute and grave. The will can not bring back the natural tones of the voice, and much annoyance and distress are the consequences. The disease is attributed to a contraction of the muscles of the larynx. For treatment see article on " Acacian Balsam." Catalepsy,-This is an affliction of rare occurrence, and ap- pears to be constitutional, or dependent upon some derangement of the nervous and muscular system which baffles inquiry. The sufferer is suddenly seized by it, and, although powerless to move, or speak, and to all appearance dead, is partially sensible of all that is going on around. In some cases, however, the senses are suspended. The body and limbs are not generally rigid, but will remain in the positions in which the bystanders may place them. Many years ago, when the light of science was not so bright, or shed so extensively as it is now, men and women were buried alive while cataleptic. The catalepsy, or trance, often lasts for weeks, the sufferer, in the meantime, partaking of no nourishment whatever. There is but little treatment for this, other than gen- eral. The age, habits, sex, and temperament of the individual must be considered, and that done only which will keep the general health as perfect as possible. That which will cure Epilepsy, (see article on "Restorative Assimilant") has more effect upon catalepsy than any other known remedy. Bog Laugh.-This is a disease which produces certain effects which resemble movements in the upper lip of the dog. It con- sists of a spasmodic contraction of the caninus muscle, resem- bling a laugh of a very peculiar character. The spasms are re- ducible by ordinary anti-spasmodics. Acne, or Stonespeck.-This is a small pimple or tubercle which appears on various parts of the face. The disease leads to no particular evil results, save that it is unpleasant, slightly painful, and disfiguring. It commonly afflicts the young and robust of both sexes, and generally indicates strong passions, and too great an indulgence in animal food, or neglect of ablutions and out-of- door exercise. It is sometimes, in its more severe forms, the consequence of solitary practices. The common form of the dis- ease is an eruption of hard, distinct, inflamed tubercles which re- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 367 wain unchanged for a long time, or else slowly advance to par- tial suppuration. They are to be seen on the forehead, cheeks, and chin, and sometimes on the nose. It is not well to drive them in by lotions, as they are then liable to break out in some internal organ. Attention to diet, plenty of exercise, a pure im- agination, and a clean body, together with open and regular bow- els, will soon effect the disappearance of this troublesome enemy of good looks. Asthmatic Spasm in Infants.-This disease is characterized by suspension of respiration at intervals ; great difficulty oi breathing, and a crowing sound when air is attempted to be drawn into the lungs. The crowing is more frequently observed when the infant cries, or upon its awaking, or swallowing; sometimes these spasms will end in a fit of suffocation, with convulsions. When the above symptoms occur, the fingers and toes will be rigid, and often the thumb will be forcibly drawn into the palm of the hand and held there until relief has been obtained. The inspira- tion is always incomplete, acute and hissing. There is a croupy voice, and the expiration of the breath is marked by a sort of hoarseness. The disease is said to be caused by enlargement of glands of the neck. The external treatment may be the same as that for croup-the internal that usual in Asthma, modified. Calculi of the Stomach and Intestines.-The presence of calculi in the stomach, which is very rare, is announced by symp- toms similar to those of a severe form of dyspepsia. It has been regarded as a truth that these are formed by eating food containing an uncommon amount of earthy particles ; but the more reasona- ble supposition is, that they are carried to the stomach by the in- testines. The causes of the formation of intestinal calculi are Jbscure ; the most rational opinion is that they are the indirect result of biliary calculi. Sometimes they form in old ruptures. "They are light, hard, very fetid, and are formed, ordinarily, between the valvulas of the small intestines." Unless they be- come so numerous as to obstruct the passage of the alimentary mass they do not create distress, and are productive of but little and occasional uneasines. By using habitually a gentle laxative -never allowing any hard accumulations to gather in the bowels -these calculi may be got rid of with the ordinary stools. 368 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Chloasma, or Liver Spot.-This is a disease of the skin wLich makes its appearance upon the throat, chest, abdomen, and groins. The eruption is in yellowish-brown, broad, irregular-shaped patch- es, which seldom rise above the surface. They do not seem to affect the general health ; but if not treated properly will itch in- tolerably, and become painful. Treat them as other cutaneous diseases are treated. See " Herbal Ointment. " Muscular Stiff-joint.-This is the name commonly applied to a state of permanent rigidity of the flexor muscles, which, if long continued, results in their atrophy or wasting away. The disease is generally produced by rheumatism, neuralgia, venereal disease, convulsions, epilepsy, etc., of long standing. In some cases the muscles may be moved a little, in others not at all. The affected muscles feel like hard cords beneath the skin, and, upon dissec- tion, appear like tendons, the fleshy substance having almost to- tally disappeared. Warm baths are reccommended for the afflic- tion ; but there is no better remedy than frequent rubbing with the " Herbal Ointment. " Cyanopathy, or Blue Disease.-This is a disease in which the surface of the body turns to be of a blue color. For many years a man peddled books in the vicinity of Barnum's Museum in New York, who was, on account of having this, or an analogous disease, called "The blue man." Dunglison describes it as be- ing symptomatic, and commonly depending on a direct communi cation remaining between the cavities of the right and left side of the heart. Such communication does not, however, always oc- casion this disease ; but it is generally thought that the disease never exists without some obstacle to the circulation in the right side of the heart. The blue disease has been produced by a free use of preparations of nitrate of silver internally. Bucket Fever.-This disease originally appeared about a quar- ter of a century ago in the West Indies ; but it has since been manifested in the southern United States. I am not certain that it has not appeared, occasionally, in some of the northern states of America. The symptoms are violent; but the disease caused death in comparatively few instances. It is defined as a rare va- riety of rheumatic fever, and this is undoubtedly the true defini- tion. In the commencement the patient was seized by shiver- THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 369 ings, pains in and about the smaller joints, extieme languor, and giddiness, followed by nausea and vomiting, burning heat and redness of the skin, furred tongue, sharp pains and cramps in the muscles, headache, and sometimes costiveness or purging. It usually reaches the climax on the fourth or fifth day, or at the end of a week at the farthest, and terminates in profuse perspira- tion. What will produce this will break the fever. Bronchocele, or Goitre.-This disease consistsofa swelling in the neck, or enlargement of the thyroid gland. It prevails in all parts of the world, particularly at the base of high mountains, and is supposed to be produced by the use of snow-water foi drinking and other purposes. This can hardly be relied upon as fact, for it is often found where there is neither ice nor snow, and in places where there is no mountains. There is no doubt, how- ever, that a hilly, or mountainous country, favors its develop- ment. Whole communities in Switzerland are afflicted by it; but this is supposed to be caused by their intermarrying, which they are compelled to do, inasmuch as persons in good health refuse to associate or live with them. In many cases goitre is accompa- nied by idiotcy, when the sufferers are called cretins, a word de- rived from the Romanesque cretina-" a miserable creature." In cretinism the goitre assumes an enormous size, sometimes reach- ing, like a bag, to the knee. Ordinary goitre, unaccompanied by any mental defect, does not attain so large a form, although it is oftentimes sufficiently formidable to constitute a terrible disfig- urement. All investigations as to the positive and curious causes of this disease have ended in vague guesses, with which it is un- necessary and unprofitable to meddle. The medical men of all times have almost universally pronounced it to be incurable. That it is a disease of a most obstinate character, especially if in- herited, no one will pretend to deny. When it has made great headway, or has existed long enough for the tumor to have as- sumed a cartilaginous condition, the greatest skill and the utmost patience are required for its extirpation. The remedy most in vogue is iodine, which is applied in various forms, both internally and externally. In the very early stages this will sometimes cause the absorption of the tumor; but it is not equal to a cure in the advanced stages of the affliction. Goitre generally first ap- 370 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. pears as a painless swelling, the skin retaining its usual color, and no evidence of fluctuation appearing. As the turnor enlarges it becomes hard and irregular, sharp pains dart through it, the skin assumes a saffron color; the face frequently bloats and flushes, the patient has frequent severe headaches, and the veins of the neck present a winding appearance. The arteries which supply the tumor finally get to be very large, and this result pre- vents the application of the knife to it. Among the remedies which can be relied upon for the extirpation of goitre, if properly compounded and applied, are Queen's Root, Turkey Pea, and Wintergreen. Tabes Mesenterica, or Disease of the Mesenteric Glands. -The mesentery is a term applied to duplicatures of the perito- neum, which maintain the different portions of the intestinal ca- nal in their respective situations. The tabes mesenterica is an en- gorgement of the mesenteric glands, with tubercular degeneration thereof. The disease is marked by great emaciation, and general disorder of the stomach, bowels, and liver. It is caused by in- flammation or irritation of the lining membrane of the intestines, which always gives occasion for the enlargement of the glands of the mesentery. Children who are weaned too soon from the breast, or who eat improper food, or who are naturally of a scrof- ulous habit, are liable to this disease. Its chief symptoms are diarrhoea, voracious appetite, hard and swollen condition of the abdomen, wasting away of the flesh, weakness, pains in the belly, etc. If not promptly attended to, hectic fever will soon be visi- ble, and the probability of a cure be very materially lessened. The treatment is that which is employed in dyspepsia, (see 'Restorative Assimilant") and scrofula, (see page 279.) Ranula.-This is the name of a soft, nearly transparent tumor which forms under the tongue, owing to the accumulation of sali- va in one of the ducts. It is very annoying, and will, if neglect- ed, become painful. The shortest method of getting rid of it is to puncture it with a sharp instrument to let out the saliva, and then insert a small silver eyelet or cylinder so contrived as to be easily retained, or a part of the tumor may be excised by scissors and the parts healed and reduced by the use of washes made from astringent herbs. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 371 Bashfulness, or Lack of Will: Want of Electrical Force. Modesty is a wonderful virtue in the young, but it has no affinity (although many people say it has) with bashfulness, which is a disease. The effects of this disease, or wretched embarrassment, are of more importance than one reader out of a thousand im- agines. Bashfulness assumes many varieties of form. In the young man it shows itself in a distaste for society, or rather in a fear to mix socially with his fellow-beings, lest he should make some unfortunate blunder ; a nervous dread, especially of the female sex, which prevents him from forming a matrimonial alli- ance where his chances are good and his heart most deeply en- gaged ; disability to speak in public, which has kept in the dark many a good orator, and driven from the courts innumerable men who would have made good lawyers, and as such reaped fame and fortune. The failure to profit by the advantages of a good commercial alliance, which, by force of character and self-confi- dence is always to be had, is also too often the result of this affliction; so that many a man drudges his life out as a clerk, salesman, or book-keeper, who else, by the proper culture and practice of ordinary confidence, might have been a partner or a principal in some large establishment. Even supposing that none of these very serious consequences arose from the disease, the mere annoyance of feeling one's self awkward and gawkish in the presence of those who ought to be his familiar associates, and abject and afraid in the presence of those whom chance may have placed above him in the ordinary pursuits of life, is enough to produce positive and permanent unhappiness. It is said that one of the most prominent musical composers now before the world was in his youth so bashful that when he presented his compositions to a publisher or manager for approval and acceptance, he was thrown into such a condition of nervous weakness and inquietude that he was utterly useless for sustained professional effort for weeks afterwards. His existence, even with all his triumphs, was a torture on this account, and no doubt lie lost thousands of dollars by being too diffident to speak up and make good bargains for his compositions. We know that Daniel Webster was a confirmed bashful man in his early days, and that it was only by judicious treatment of both mind and body 372 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. that he became a Colossus in the halls of Congress and among the highest judicial geniuses in the land. I well recollect, too, a description of Charles Dickens, given by N. P. Willis, years ago. The description depicts Dickens as one of the most shrink- ing and servile authors Willis had ever seen offer a work to a publisher; and yet the work so offered, and published under the bashful name of " Boz," (for Dickens lacked the courage to use his own,) was the " Pickwick Papers," the foundation of a new school of fictional literature, and the basis of a name and fortune which are now surpassed by no writer on the face of the globe. It was, however, by a variety of earnest advice, and the most careful self-culture, that Dickens was enabled to get rid of his unfortunate weakness, and become a rich autocrat among those whom he feared in the outset of his career. It took him years to do this ; whereas, had he adopted the true course of improving the nervous system, it would have taken him only weeks, or a few months at the furthest. It is a well known fact that a bashful man, however well he may be qualified by study, cannot be either a good or successful physician or surgeon. The effects of bashfulness in ladies are of the same general character, although in different degrees, of course, as those pro- duced in men. At a party, for instance, where a bashful young man and a bashful young lady, are left to entertain each other, and they are fitted personally and pecuniarily, for conferring mu- tual happiness, and what a deplorable floundering and fluttering they make in their agonised attempts to appear at ease in each other's company. Although they may be well educated, and have an abundance of wisdom and gayety stowed away in the recesses of their natures, their tongues cleave to the roofs of their mouths, and they are, in the eyes of the lookers-on, a pair of tortured nobodies. It is not hard to give a definition of the term bashfulness. It is a lack of electrical force. The greater this force, or power, the more brilliant and prosperous the life and progress of the possessor. The world affords examples enough, dead and living, to show that men and women who possess electrical power to a great degree, are leaders of their fellow-beings, and according to THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 373 the degrees in which they possess it, exercise influence over everybody with whom they come in contact, no matter what may be their purpose. If they lack it naturally it must be supplied by science. In order, then, to conquer the great evil of bashfulness, or self-imposed shame, it is only necessary first to determine upon being cured ; next, upon using the best and only remedies, of which nature has provided such an abundance. The disease can- not be too carefully considered, or too speedily remedied. The process of cure is by no means disagreeable or difficult. Once the patient or sufferer makes up his or her mind to have that strong will at command which underlies, and can be brought out of, every temperament, however weak and nervous, or intel- lectually uncomfortable, and half the battle is won. This strong will is the governing faculty which others exercise over the dif- fident. The other half of the conflict is soon gained by the well- directed use of standard, rare, and intense concentrations of Na- ture's potent and life-prolonging products. I would be happy to hear from, and confer with, any of my readers afflicted by the above disagreeable and unprofitable impediments to pleasure and contentment, and will, if required, give such advice, and furnish such remedies, as will totally destroy all the above disagreeable symptoms. It is folly for people to be unhappy and obscure, when Providence has arranged the easy methods whereby they may be joyful, useful, and respected. Easy Labor. -In another part of this book I have sketched the usual symptoms of pregnancy, touching upon all the stages from the first to the last, and showing the reader how the many troubles incidental to that period of woman's life may be ame- liorated, if not obviated. I now proceed to speak of the natural result of pregnancy, viz., labor, or childbirth. Some few women, who are in perfect health, give birth to children with very little difficulty, and only the ordinary amount of pain ; but the majority suffer tortures so fierce and peculiar as to defy description, and make them fearful of having offspring. When women discover themselves to be pregnant, their first, and it seems to me, their only, effort is to alleviate the immediate disagreeables consequent upon their condition -such as the morning sickness or nausea, 374 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. headaches, nervousness, cramps, sleeplessness, etc.; and the means and materials they thus employ, while affording temporary relief, in too many instances only aggravate the pains of labor. In other words, small difficulties are palliated, from time to time, by minerals and ancient usages, in order that the greatest and most inevitable difficulty of all may be ten times more severe than it ought to be with proper precaution. Most generally thirty-eight to forty weeks elapse between the time of conception and that of parturition, or childbirth ; and during those weeks many women, feeling as they do not feel under any other circumstances, listen to everybody's advice, adopt everybody's prescriptions, try every baneful thing that is recommended, one after the other, and then wonder that they have a hard labor. In some instances where women thus tamper with themselves, especially in cases of first pregnancy, the labor is made not only hard, but fatal. Now, during the whole period of gestation there is nothing to be done excepting to keep the general health in order, yet this has to be done very judiciously. What will benefit one, if it is a positive benefit, will do good for another; but of course some slight varia- tions in treatment are to be made to justly comply with differ- ences of temperament, of form, and of social condition. The real object of treating a pregnant woman is not exactly how to cure cramps, convulsions, racking pains in the head, disturbances of the nervous system, hysteria, despondency, piles, womb com- plaints, etc., during the period of pregnancy, but how to avoid or prevent them. Of course if they exist we must banish them ; but it is better to begin at the beginning and keep them from gaining footing or headway. The process is very simple, and yet how few practice or understand it. If we prevent these affec- tions during pregnancy, and there is no malformation of the parts involved in parturition, we are certain to have an easy labor ; and that, to a woman, or mother, is a blessing which cannot be too highly valued. What will prevent the afflictions of pregnancy will ease natural labor. The signs of approaching labor are not at all obscure. A few days previously to labor the womb settles in the cavity of the body, or pelvis ; the stomach is in consequence relieved by the removal of the pressure, and, in every case, the patient feels THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 375 better than she felt for months previously. Now is the time to be extra careful-to take exercise in the open air during clear weather without fail, (this should always be taken if possible,) to keep the bowels in a free or soluble condition, and to use nour- ishing food, and indulge in cheerful thoughts and conversation. As labor is about to commence the patient has a frequent desire to evacuate the bladder and the rectum. At once use the Reno- vating Pills. There will also be a mucus discharge from the va- gina, which will be sometimes tinged with blood. This need give no uneasiness of mind-it is nature. Then the pains commence They can be at once mitigated by the free use of the Herbal Oint- ment, which should be liberally applied throughout the nine months of pregnancy, wherever and whenever pains of an acute or spasmodic character are felt, let them be ever so slight, they are caused by the necessary contraction of the womb, aided by the abdominal muscles, in order that the child may be expelled. From slight and transitory, they become periodical, and denote what is called " regular labor." The first stage is ended by the full dilation of the neck of the womb ; the second stage is marked by the rupture of the membrane which contains the liquor amnii, or the escape of " the water after which comes the delivery. During all this time, if the child presents in a natural position, even if the mother has not been careful of her general health, the agony and anxiety attendant upon her labor can be so reduced, by the very free and proper use of the " Herbal Ointment, " that she will never dread another confinement. The soothing and relaxing qualities of this ointment not only affect the parts in labor, quickening and equalizing the circulation, making them pliant and easy in the performance of their duties, but exercise a soothing control over the mind and nerves, banishing anxiety and promoting calmness, resignation, hope, and contentment. The Renovating Pill should be used continually-not, however, in any number larger than to insure perfect regularity-throughout the period of pregnancy; so that fevers, neuralgic affections, piles, varicose veins, and other equally unpleasant and torturing afflictions, may be dispensed with from the first to the last, as these are all more or less produced and aggravated by consti- pation. 376 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Tn securing easy labor the patient should adopt that position in which she feels the easiest, and should dispense altogether with the old-established drugs, which have entailed whites and other diseases quite as dangerous and offensive upon so many unfor- tunate mothers. I must not omit to say here that for all maladies of the breast, )r nipples, there is nothing to compare with the Herbal Oint- ment. If this is used freely upon the breasts during pregnancy, it will prevent all afflictions of that portion of the body. Falling of the Womb {Prolapsus Uteri.')-Procidentia Uteri is frequently used to designate a light attack of this too prevalent complaint; and the lightest of all attacks is professionally termed a relaxation of the womb, or relaxatio uteri. I acknowledge that there are degrees in this affliction as in all others ; but my opin- ion is that falling of the womb is nothing but falling of the womb; whatever names we may give it; and my long experience teaches me that a light case will soon become a heavy one, if it is not very carefully and considerately taken hold of without delay. The functions of the womb are, first, to secrete mucus; second, to make and expel menses ; thirdly, to receive and nourish embryo or conception, and finally to expel foetus, or children. Now, women are variously constituted. Some are delicate ; others are strong. Some can regard what is called a misfortune with a quiet resignation to the decrees of Providence ; others are by nature rervous and weakly, and give way at once to any misfortune. Yet, notwithstanding these peculiarities of mind and body, the strong are liable to disease as well as the weak, and this disease attacks all without discrimination. I cannot give a history of the causes of falling of the womb, because they are so numerous that it would iake more space than I can spare ; but I can, in a few words, ex- plain the symptoms, which is one of my principal objects, and then give an idea of what is necessary to be done to insure a per- fect restoration to normal health. Falling of the wcmb is denoted by pain in the back and loins, by severe suffering at the bottom of the abdomen, by fever in the vagina, painful coitus, sqnqyq and irregular menses, constipation sometimes ; often, however, diar- rhea, an irritable bladder, and a protruding and inflamed condi- tion of the external genital organs. Dyspepsia, neuralgia, coughing, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 377 hysteria, and fainting spells, are also among the symptoms and effects of this very prevalent disease. The affliction can be gen- erally cured without personal examinations, and the treatment is not disagreeable or unnecessarily protracted. When a female is afflicted in this way she must lie down upon her back as often and as long as is consistent with her daily duties, and use such herbal astringents, per vaginum, as may be applicable to her in- dividual case. Perfect quietude of body and mind is a great help to recovery. There are many herbal astringents which are ap- plicable to cases of this character, and persons who read this book carefully will discover them ; but, one course of medicine will not cure all such cases, and it is therefore necessary that I should have a confidential and particular description of each case, upon receiving which I can at once advise what will banish all trouble and difficulty without pain or personal inconvenience. In olden times an operation called Episiorrhaphy w'as practiced to cure falling of the womb ; or, more properly speaking, not to cure, but to put a check upon its troubles. The operation consisted of using the knife, and making parts grow together contrary to na- ture by the application of bandages and ligaments, after the knife was laid aside. Such operations are barbarous and use- less. My lady-readers need have no fear of this hitherto so-called incurable affliction. It can be easily cured by an herbalist, who, like myself, knows how to apply to advantage all the curative principles to be found in the unlimited kingdom of medicinal plants. A written description of any case will meet my prompt and earnest answer without charge, and will be treated as " strict- ly confidential." I can send medicines by mail or express, se- curely and neatly packed, so as to reach their destination safely. Let me, however, have a full description of your case first, and I will at once return my advice, which will cost you nothing. Gravel.-The urine, in a state of health, is one of the most compound fluids of the animal system, consisting of various acids, alkalies, calcareous earth, and other materials, and it is therefore not surprising that, under the injurious and often contrary influ- ence of the many deteriorating causes to which human beings are incessantly exposed, the natural affinity between these various elements should frequently be subverted, and give rise to a de* 378 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. posit of one or other of them, thus producing the complaint called gravel. There are two kinds of gravel distinguished by the color of the deposit, called white and red. The nearer the deposit approaches to a perfect red, the more severe in general are the symptoms. White gravel is less common, but has long been ob- served to be attended by great irritability of the system, and de- rangement of the digestive organs generally. Sometimes the symptoms are analogous to those of diabetes, (for a description of which see another part of this book,) and debility prevails to a great extent. The urine is invariably pale, and voided in greater quantity than usual, and after standing for a greater or less time, always deposits a precipitate of a white, or red, or brown, or pink, impalpable powder. The urine, in all such cases, emits a most unpleasant odor. The causes of gravel, red and white, are sometimes hereditary; but usually indolence, sedentary habits, excessive indulgence in fermented liquors, and gluttony, or too much indulgence in the luxuries of the table produce it. The old faculty attributes a want of constitutional vigor to be the chief cause; and especially in the digestive organs. A cold and vari- able climate often becomes a cause of gravel, and the drinking of hard water sensibly influences the state of the complaint. Gravel, if treated by the mineral practice, will frequently degenerate into an ulcerated bladder, and consequent general debility, which re- quires restorative medicines of the most thorough and active character. The ulceration of the bladder is usually followed by a discharge of pus-like matter, which can only be checked by power- ful extracts from the sea-weeds, and the liberal use of other mu- cilaginous plants. In extreme cases a preparation of Bird's Foot (see p. 46) is regarded as a specific. Persons afflicted by either red or white gravel should not use acids or acescent food, heavy bread, fatty matter, pastry, or hard boiled puddings, ardent spirits, or wines. They should indulge in the use of a moderate quantity of fresh lean animal food, and eat stale bread without butter, but with preserves or blackberry jam. Soda water should be the common beverage. The usual exercise in the open air, in clear weather, should not be dispensed with. There is an opinion prevalent that surgical operations are necessary in gravel. I most distinctly assert that the worst case of stone or gravel can be THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 379 cured perfectly and permanently, without the use of anything like a needle, a forceps, or a knife. The deposit can readily he bro* ken and banished by the use of such herbal remedies as may be compounded by me to suit each individual case, and so are men- tioned throughout the pages of this book. Mis-menstruation, or Suppression and Retention of the Menses.-When a girl reaches the age of puberty it is necessary to her health and happiness that her arrival at that stage of her life be marked by the appearance of the inevitable flow which changes the child into a woman ; and brings with it a wonderful development of both mind and body. The age at which the ap- pearance of the flow is usually met, is fourteen years ; but it has occasionally been observed, even in temperate climates, as early as nine. When delayed beyond fifteen in a moderate climate, or beyond eighteen or twenty in a very cold latitude, there is some- thing surely wrong in the organization, or in the habits of the sufferer. When the menses have never appeared, we call it reten- tion ; but when they have appeared, and are afterwards checked, we call it suppression. And it is of suppression that I purpose to speak briefly and pointedly, although the same remarks apply to retention in all cases where physical malformation is not its cause. Mothers should be especially careful in training their daughters for the most important period of their lives. They should prepare them for this change in such a way as to give them a correct view of its vast importance, and show them how and why to avoid any imprudencies, or any accidents by which its natural operations can be retarded. Menstruation, proper and reg- ular, makes of the girl a new being. The Creator has designed that each and every one of his creatures should be perfect, both in mind and body; and in no instance has he marked the line of conduct and habit so distinctly for reaching that perfection as he has in the case of the young girl. If this line is not followed, and this habit is not adopted, the consequences are of the most deplorable character. And now we come to our point. In many cases which are now existing, and which are filling our lunatic asylums, and our hospitals, and are also making private residen* ces the habitations of woe, the causes of suffering are all tracea- ble to one source-mismenstruation. Where the constitution is 380 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. feeble, and the inherent powers of the system are just sufficient to bring about a first menstruation, it often happens that they seem to be spent by the initial effort, and that the evacuation fails to appear again for several months ; or, it may be, years. Indeed, the whole organization may break down at this point, and become blasted ; or, it may, by a proper recourse to remedies pro- vided by nature, and approved by science, be restored to that condition of health which the great first power anxiously expects all his children to attain and enjoy if they will. Suppression of the menses is productive of nearly all the physical and mental evils with which I am acquainted. Now mark the list and don't forget it. It is a prolific source of Consumption, slow and hasty, of fits, dyspepsia, muscular pains, tumors, disfigurations of the skin, blemishes of form, insanity, idiotcy, particular innumerable weaknesses, for the names of which I have no room, and count- less general troubles, and it is also a bar to that mutual happiness of marriage which is next to the loves of the angels, and without which no woman can be accounted truly happy, or really useful. I say that, no matter what the cause of mis-inenstruation or sup- pression may be, there is a remedy-a sure, safe, and speedy one -and I cannot understand why the malady should be so generally distributed, with this fact before me, and now before the world. My experience has been great, and I know that the young girls, now crawling about half alive, and suffering from countless dis- eases, produced by the one greed cause, suppression, or irregularity, can be made healthy and blooming, and can enjoy life in all its varied pleasurable shapes, without the adulteration of disease. My object in publishing this book is to do good. I therefore re- quest all females, who are irregular, to send me a full description of their general health at the time of writing-also an account oi their age, temperament, (meaning size, color of eyes and hair, etc.) habits, and occupations, and a statement as to whether mar- ried or single. It has long been a vulgar idea that marriage will do away with irregularities, and many a girl, under this impres- sion, has neglected to use proper remedies and precautions, and died either a consumptive, an idiot, or a maniac. Marriage has little to do with the matter. In fact, it aggravates many cases. In no case is it a certain remedy. To all written communication THE COMPLETE VERBALIST.' 381 (which shall be strictly confidential) I will return faithful and hon- est advice, and will point out such remedies as may be gathered and prepared by the patient herself, or will send such medicines as will at once work a change for the better, and perfect a lasting cure in a few weeks. I may say, by way of postscript, that there are many early cases of irregularity or suppression, (and these should be taken hold of at once) which can be removed or restored, simply by keeping the bowels open, and the nervous system gently stimulated and sustained. In such cases it is only necessary to use " Restorative Assimilant, " and the " Renovating Pills" in reason, to insure un mitigated and painless regularity. Dropsy.-Experience shows that dropsy is a disease consisting in the effusion and collection of a watery fluid in certain cavities and cells of the body, where it is not perceptible in the healthy state. Thus water may bo accumulated in the ventricles of the brain, in the chest, in the belly, and the cellular texture gener- ally ; giving rise to a train of symptoms, different in each partic- ular case, and requiring particular modes of cure. The disease to which the term dropsy is usually applied, however, is known by a general swelling over the whole body, which swelling is of a soft, doughy feel, accompanied by great weakness and much pain. Sometimes the fluid which is accumulated in the cellular texture, immediately under the skin, oozes out through the pores of the cuticle, but sometimes being too thick to do so it raises the outer skin in blisters. The attending symptoms of general dropsy are scantiness of urine, (and this always high-colored,) bad appetite, an unusual degree of thirst, debility with sluggishness, drowsi- ness and disinclination to motion, and oppression of the respiratory organs. Dropsy can surely be cured after we ascertain by what the unusual deposit of fluid is produced, and this we can always determine, either by a personal inspection, or by a full and intelli- gent written description of the symptoms, and of the patient's age, sex, social condition, the length of time he or she has been afflicted, and the probable reasons through which the disease originated. Increased effusion may be owing, either to a preter- natural activity of the ordinary exhalent vessels, or from vessels which carry watery fluid being ruptured. Exhalation is invaria- 382 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. bly increased by whatever prevents the free return of the blood from the arteries into the veins. This obstruction to the free entrance of the blood from the terminating arteries into the commencing veins, may exist very far from the affected extremities-even in the heart itself, and hence diseases of the heart and great vessels are often known to occasion dropsy. Dropsy is also a disease ol debility or diminished action ; but inflammatory action, or in- creased fullness and activity of the vessels of the serous mem- branes, is now known to be a very common cause of the afflic- tion. In curing dropsy, as I have before intimated, we have first to find out what causes the accumalated fluid, and next, we have to remove that cause. Then we are to get rid of the water accu- mulated. This covers the whole ground. I reject the whole sys- tem of puncturing or tapping to get rid of the fluid accumulations. I rely entirely upon such remedies of nature as will restore the general health, by equalizing the circulation, making the bowels, stomach, spleen, and liver perform their functions regularly, giv- ing to the bladder and kidneys natural and unimpaired force, and causing the skin to act, so that all necessary and improper secre- tions are expelled through the pores without difficulty. Certain herbal preparations of a particular character, (for a description of which, read this book carefully,) are neces ary to get rid of the main causes of the disease, and then the " Renovating Pills" to insure regularity of the bowels, proper assimilation of food, heal- thy biliary secretions, and correct circulation of the blood, are certain to effect a complete cure in a moderate course of time. In cases of long standing a powerful tonic, which I possess, will hasten restoration to sound health very materially. If you havo dropsy, general or local, write to me, and I will cheerfully tell you what to do to get well. Advancing Age Made Happy.-It is with great reverence that we approach this subject. The old of both sexes occupy a position to which the young should ever look with respect and admiration. I am not superstitious ; but I really admire those superstitions which prevail so generally to the effect that those persons who do not honor old age will be punished for their dis- respect, and lack of kindly feeling, by the avenging hand of Prov- idence. The aged have claims upon us which all our generous THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 383 efforts can scarcely meet. It is through them that we have reached our pinnacles of happiness, and to them that we owe pretty much all we enjoy in the way of ordinary comforts and conveniences. They have watched over our infantile steps, borne patiently with our early pranks and our prattle, soothed our real and imaginary sorrows, supplied our actual and suppositious wants, and given the benefits of their great experience to our efforts in business, as well as to our religious hopes and aspira- tions ; for these I include among all features pertaining to our social affairs. How, then, can we repay those veterans, male and female, whom the Creator has delighted to honor by prolong- ing their existences, but by doing all we can to make their de- clining days pleasurable, and to preserve to them, up to the last moment, all the promptings of health which they enjoyed when they were young and vigorous like ourselves. Let us take a brief scientific ''ance at old age. Old folks are by necessity lonely, because their manners are quiet and retiring. They are to a certain degree helpless, because as they are left alone, and feel the heavy hand of time gradually falling upon them, they make no effort to attract the attention of their young and buoyant relatives ; yet nobody should say that an old man or an old woman is helpless or dependent. They could not be if the young friends of the old are people of common sense, and will take measures to smooth the pathway of their ancestors and pro- genitors to the grave by such a method as to insure freedom from sickness. Human life comprises growth, maturity and decline. In early life, or during growth, we gain more in the deposit of new matter than we lose in the natural decay or waste of the body. In middle life, or at maturity, where disease does not exist, the waste and increase are about equal; but the decline of old age reverses the order of growth, and waste exceeds addition. In other language, the supply of vitalizing power, under the usual order of things, is not sufficient to the demand, and the loss is demonstrated in debility of muscle, nerve and brain, 'which com- prehend, in their healthy forms, strength, contentment, and intel- lectual ability. I contend that this supply may be retained to a considerable extent, without difficulty, from the herbs and plants of which Nature is so prolific, and that old age may be readily 384 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST, rendered, to those who bear it, a blessing; instead of a curse ; for as the latter too many thoughtless young people regard it. In man, in this generation, declining age extends from fifty tc sixty years. In woman it extends from forty-five to fifty. It is then, or thereabouts, that she experiences the great change which is commonly called "the turn of life," and which, if not prop- erly guarded and managed, is the precursor and source of many miseries. Yet these miseries can be averted, and I wonder daughters who love their mothers do not take pains to have those afflictions obviated. Once fairly over the disabilities of the " turn of life," there is no reason why, with a fair regard tor the pre- servation of ordinary general health, a woman may not live to a good old age and escape many afflictions, the names of which I need not print here, as I have spoken of them elsewhere. Early old age ranges from sixty to seventy years. I call it in- cipient, or early old age, from the fact that I am sure that real ripe old age, under proper culture, does not exist until eighty ; and from that we go to decrepitude or second childhood, as it is commonly called. There is no occasion for old people to resume infantile habits. Time and time again we hear of men and women dying, in full possession of their mental faculties, at ages nearly and over one hundred years. Such people, investigation shows us, were always careful of their diet, particularly cleanly, active as to their daily exercise, and positive as to the regular and healthy action of their bowels. And here we have a secret which is worth knowing. The science of prolonging life seems very plain after we have learned it. Nature needs only simple assistance when, by leng labor, she gives way to torpor and inactivity, and in my Renovating Pill all the gentle and decisive action will be found that is necessary to the preservation of good digestion, proper nervous force, and muscular vigor. So long as we keep these in play, health will not fail us, nor will life be a burthen, but a pleas- ure. Many laxatives deplete the sources of existence in the feeble, b it my pill strengthens and regulates the flagging ma- chimry of the worn and aged body, without in any degree pro- ducing weakening consequences. Sometimes there are degrees of debility manifested where the age is not so great as to war- rant them. In such cases I require a written description, upon THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 385 the receipt of which I will point out a concentrated restorative suited to the individual case, which may be used with certain advantage in connection with the "Renovating Pill." Sudden Death-Its Warnings.-There are thousands of peo- ple, both male and female, young and old, who are liable to die at any moment, and yet are not aware of the fact, because the symptoms of these sudden deaths are not always of a startling nature. Many people presume that a common headache, or a pain in the side, or an ordinary palpitation of the heart, or a few cramps in the muscles, or uncommon debility of nerve and brain, or ordinary disabilities of the stomach, liver and bowels, or a suspension or unnatural acceleration of the circulation, are merely temporary afflictions. Science and experience, as lately tested, both stamp the presumption, or supposition, a mistake. All the simple troubles I have just mentioned are among the warnings for mankind against sudden death. Sudden death is a terrible calamity under all circumstances, and is more especially to be dreaded than a death which is not sudden, and gives us a period, even of a day or two, to prepare for it, both in a worldly and a •spiritual sense. Men and women often fall dead suddenly after getting up in the morning, and partaking of a hearty meal, and making preparations for either a hard working day, or a day of pleasure, for this terrible calamity visits alike the rich and the poor. All care for their families, and do not wish to be taken away at a moment's notice without having a chance to first pro- vide for them. All who die suddenly from diseases such as indicated by the above symptoms, maybe said to have defied Providence, because they took no notice of his customary warnings, which are so nu- merous and distinctive that it is a fatal mistake to disregard them. It is indisputable that those who are careless-or neglect natural remedial influences-must die long before those who are careful. If they die suddenly, what a shock it must give to their friends and relatives ! Nearly all of the causes of sudden death may be obviated and cured with proper care and attention. Any warning of organic or general disease, likely to lead to fatal results, can be easily comprehended if common sense and a little thought is brought to bear upon the subject. 386 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. The important functions of the body are those performed by the heart, (or circulation,) the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the bowels, the nerves, and especially the brain. All these functions must, through their organs, work harmoniously together, or we suffer either prolonged disease or sudden death. Every observer knows that sudden death, of late years, has been of very com- mon occurrence, giving every neighborhood its frequent fearful shocks. The organic diseases producing these sudden deaths could have been prevented at the outset, by nature's herbal rem- edies. These should always be timely and understandingly ad- ministered. There are other causes of sudden death which seem to afford, to the unprofessional observer, only the symp- toms of diseases which are not characterized by sudden mor- tality. When any of the above threatenings of sudden death approach, the patient should at once consult a physician who will administer Nature's herbal remedies, and continue the use of them until all disagreeable symptoms disappear. In this treatment is certain safety. Many of the most difficult dis- eases of the heart are quite manageable in their premonitory stages, and can be averted by prompt and efficient treatment. If' allowed to become chronic, (aneurism, or enlargement of the ventricles, or of the arteries dependent upon the heart, being very difficult of remedy when permitted to have full range) too long, the chances for cure are deteriorated tenfold. How much better, then, it would be for persons who are warned in the be- gining of their career of sickness to pay the strictest attention to those first warnings, and, by adopting nature's prolific, unequalled, generous, powerful and concentrated remedies, save themselves from the danger of falling dead instantaneously in the glow of apparent, (not real) health. There are many diseases, as of the heart, and I mention softening of the brain especially, which give but slight warning until the last stroke comes. These symptoms ought to be constantly and carefully considered and looked after, but more particularly when the first evidences of illness are made apparent. Sudden death may be produced by suffocation from dropsy (even if it is in the legs only,) if the disease has been al- lowed to gain injudicious and inexcusable headway. Sudden cessation of old gout, or of periodical bleeding in piles, or the THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 387 sudden healing, by minerals, of old sores, ulcers, abscesses, etc., are also a prolific source of sudden death. I now allude to apoplexy, which has hitherto killed nine out 01 ten of its victims. It is the universal impression that apoplexy must destroy life at the third attack ; and in a person of advanced years it most generally has that effect. But the third attack, or indeed any attack, will never come excepting where the warnings have been disregarded and the health of the general system has been allowed to take its own course without assistance. Neglect will promote sluggishness and impurity of the system, and these if permitted to obtain the upper hand, will certainly result in some one of the many maladies which take away life, at one final blow, when we least expect it. The causes of torpor, or slug- gishness, are numerous, and are sometimes mental in their char- acter. (See article on " Regulating the Passions.") They do not, however, generally proceed from the mind ; but often come from physical sources. The great physical cause of general torpor, or sluggishness, is costiveness. I have taken so many occasions in these pages, to show that habitual costiveness is the ruling power of almost every disease not epidemical, (including fits,) that I shall not waste time here to repeat my arguments. I can only say, briefly, avoid it by the use of a generous medicine, which will not only operate for good upon the bowels, but upon all other important organs of the human body. And here let me say that there is an intimate though mysterious connection be- tween the mind and the body, and that they reciprocally affect each other. It is therefore of the greatest importance that cheer- fulness should be at all times cultivated, and that faith in a judicious medicine should never be abandoned. Time and ex- perience prove the value of this assertion. Languor of body is always produced by languor of mind, and leads to sudden disso- lution, especially in the case of those who have cherished grief, or are in fear. There is a saying that Asiatic cholera is produced by fear and uncleanliness, fear being predominant in its operations; and I know this to be true. Keep regular, keep active, and keep all the functions of the bodily organs in proper trim, as I have elsewhere advised, and you need have no fear of sudden death. But bear in mind that where the warnings have been disregarded 388 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. for years, and the general health neglected, restoration is barely possible. I cannot close this article without a reference to paralytic "strokes." These give an abundance of warnings before they come ; and the warnings consist of numbness, coldness and pale- ness of the parts to be affected. These symptoms are accom- panied by loss of appetite, aches of the head, cramps and vom- itings, and by general debility; and I would here remark, that all severe and dangerous diseases creep upon you simply and surely through such comparatively slight warnings. The cir- cumstances predisposing to palsy, are advanced age, corpu- lency, fullness and grossness of habit, an inordinate indulgence in wines and fermented liquors, or in rich food ; excessive heat, and whatever tends to unduly excite the nervous system. Always one side is affected-more frequently the left, or weakest. Par- alytic strokes (or palsy) are, as things go, a fruitful cause of sud- den death. These strokes are developed in a loss of the power of voluntary motion and feeling, and of a diminished action of the faculties of the mind. Such strokes are worse than death, because they involve the death of one portion of the body and impair the life of the other. They should be therefore prevented by all corrective, curative, and restorative means at your com- mand. While the pastures, fields, roadsides, forests and prairies furnish you with the material for good health, and you are in- structed how to apply it, do not neglect to secure that material. If you are so situated that you cannot get it, let me know, and I can promptly furnish it in every case ; and will, too, to whoever and wherever it is required. The disaster of sudden death is the fountain-head of much woe, often leaving wives unprotected, little children homeless, mothers disconsolate, and families broken up beyond redemption, and it should be avoided by all the natural and serviceable means which have recently been discovered. Disfigurations and Blemishes of the Skin.-These are nu- merous, not only upon the face but upon other parts of the body, and are the results of birth, accident, exposure and disease. The list of common discolorations and disfigurations, leaving out scars from accidents, small pox, and other causes of a similar nature, THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 389 is large, and comprises worms, freckles, superfluous hair, moth patches, moles, chloasma, or liver spot, (described thoroughly elsewhere in this book,) red nose, ringworm, morphew, sun spots, tan, and acne, or stonespeck, which is also described in another page. These marks impair or blemish the personal ap- pearance, and cause both inconvenience and unhappiness. A fair face and a fair form are what all should seek to have, and I am certain that they can be had if those who desire them will only be a little patient and adopt materials which are to be found and ap- plied without much difficulty. Pimples are generally considered of very little consequence, and yet upon a face that would be otherwise handsome and attractive, they are disfiguring to such an extent as to produce disgust in one who would otherwise be a lover, and the causes of their ap- pearance are vitiated general health, no matter how healthy the person may look, or, in other words, bad digestion, imperfect cir- culation of the blood, and improper operations of the liver. Moles are developed sometimes as soft, sometimes as hard masses, and appear upon various parts of the body, most gener- ally, however, upon the face, neck and breast They vary in size and color, as well as in location, and are most disagreeable. In many instances a mole, especially a Itairy one, has essentially marred the beauty of the skin, and either prevented marriage, oi rendered it unpleasant after it was consummated. Morphew is a common term, vaguely applied to scurfy erup- tions on the face ; also to patches of a brown and yellow color which are not scurfy or scaly. In some cases it is characterized by white patches, which are surrounded by rose-colored marks ; in other cases the scales are livid, about an inch in diameter, and sprinkled over the body as well as the face. Moth patches are more or less the results of birth, but in some instances are the consequences of a deranged condition of the liver and stomach. Certain conditions of the blood-an impov- erished state especially-will make moth patches very conspic- uous. The sun will impart marks to the face, neck, (and shoulders in the case of girls,) which will impair the personal appearance, and cause both inconvenience and unhappiness. Many persona 390 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. who go upon a sea voyage find themselves marked almost indel. ibly by the action of the sun and air; and others who make sum- mer trips to the woods and prairies, come back to their winter homes with complexions that are anything but clear and brilliant. Even tan is one of the disfigurements, to the eradication of which great attention should be paid ; but by sun marks I mean some- thing more permanently disagreeable than tan 1 Superfluous hair is an unsightly blemish, which cannot be too speedily got rid of. This disagreeable annoyance has proved a bar to many a union that might have been, without it, cheerful and thriving. Roseola, or Rose Rash, is an efflorescence in blushing patches, gradually deepening to a rose color, mostly circular or oval, often alternately fading and reviving, and chiefly appearing on the cheeks, neck and arms. Ringworm consists of vesicles with a reddish base, uniting in rings, the area of the rings discolored, and frequently followed by fresh crops. It is often called tetter. When once it gains head- way it is rather obstinate. It is always a destroyer both of beauty and comfort. All these marks and disfigurements, whether the results of birth, accident, or disease, may, in most cases, be removed, or at least modified, by the aid of concentrated herbal applications, (the result of laborious experiment,) and a majority of such blemishes can be so much improved as to render them generally unnoticeable. I shall be happy to hear from any of my readers on the above subjects, at all times, and they may rest assured that I will promptly tender them the benefit of all my skill and experience in this class of affliction. See pages 419 and 432. Insanity.-The general supposition has been that insanity is only a disorder of the mind, and has nothing to do with the phy- sical structure, or body. It is also a disease, however, of the physi- cal structure, a fact which is abundantly proven by the delirium of fevers, or the crazy pranks of confirmed drunkards. Insanity proceeds from diseases of the brain and nerves. At first it is probably only excitement of the brain ; but this, if long continued, becomes deep-seated, or chronic inflammation, and requires the greatest of care and attention. My object in giving descriptions THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 391 of the symptoms of disease is to let people know exactly what ia the matter, and to lead them to seek such simple and sure reme- dies as Mother Earth bears in almost every inch of her soil. In order to accomplish this object I must use plain language, and so I hope that when I say that insanity arises from soreness, or irrita- tion of the brain and nerves, you will not feel troubled at the ab- sence of scientific phrases. When the soreness of the nerves and brain subsides, the patients are calm and controlable. When it assumes a violent form they are furious and dangerous. There are many mental causes of insanity, the most important of which are Hereditary predisposition, painful subjects of thought or feel- ing, too much concentration of the mind upon one subject, per- plexity in business, mortified pride, political, religious, or social excitements of a great calibre ; sudden and heavy strokes of mis- fortune, etc.; and the physical causes are quite as numerous. These consist of convulsions of the mother during gestation, epi- lepsy, chorea, monthly disorders of women, blows upon the head, diseases of the spine, severe neuralgia, all forms of fevers, loss of sleep, worms in the intestines, and the excessive use of mercury. Persons liable to apoplexy are also liable to insanity ; and a slug- gish circulation of the blood, and persistent costiveness, will pro- duce that condition of the brain which renders us incapable of knowing what we are about. Unless persons are born insane I do not think that there is any good reason for them to get or remain so. All disorders of the mind, as I have before intimated, are the results of physical disqualifications for which there are numer- ous remedies. Tarantismus.-This is the name of a disease which prevails in many parts of Europe, but more especially in Africa. It is characterized by excessive avidity for dancing at the sound of in- struments, and has been ascribed, by the vulgar, to the bite of the tarantula. Hence the famous " spider dance " of Lola Mon- tes, in which she endeavored to portray, in a singular style, the peculiarities of the disease and its fatal result. It is, however a result of extreme nervousness, and does not depend upon the bite of any reptile or insect. Indeed, it may not be improperly classed under the head of monomania. That which will cure ep- ilepsy will cur e Tarantismus. 392 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Tetanus, or Spasm with Rigidity.-This disease is commonly called locked-jaw, and consists in a permanent contraction of all muscles, or merely some, without alternations of relaxation. It is characterized by closure of the jaws, difficulty of swallowing, rigidity or immobility of the limbs and trunk, the latter of which is sometimes curved forwards, sometimes backwards, and some- times to one side. The real name of Tetanus, as confined to the jaws, is Trismus. It is a most fearful affection ; but can be re- moved by purgatives, copious bathings in warm water, and powerful doses of narcotics. When it is caused by a wound, every means must be taken to keep the wound thoroughly cleansed, and reduce the attendant inflammation. Locked-jaw is not of frequent occurrence, but may be produced by a wound, severe or slight; even the prick of a pin has been known to cause it. Milk Leg, (Phlegmatia Doi ens.')-Occurs mostly in the second or third weeks after delivery, but may occur any time between the second and eighth week. It is ushered in by violent pain in the lower bowel, groin or thigh, the affliction being limited to ono side. The leg swells, and becomes hot, white, glossy, and un- yielding, and there is general febrile excitement. The heat, hard- ness and sensibility may diminish in a few days, when the leg be- comes cedamatous and swollen, as if severely dropsical and is almost useless. I have given this disease much attention, and can guarantee a cure in a reasonably short time, however severe the case may be, having successfully treated, by my exclusive method, hundreds of cases. For advice and treatment, see page 408. Pellagra.-This is an Italian disease, which is said to prevail more extensively in and near Milan than even in any other part of Italy. It has, however, found its way to all other parts of the world in various modified forms. It is developed in a wrinkled and scaly appearance of the face, and such other parts of the body as are exposed to the air, and is denoted also by loss of strength, obscuration of the intellectual faculties and sensations, cramps, convulsions, etc. It is supposed to exist only in locali- ties particularly unhealthy. We are assured, besides, that it is hereditary. There was an opinion in vogue, some years ago, that Indian corn produced this disease, but that opinion is now THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 393 justly exploded. It is produced by atmospherical influences in certain localities, in the same manner that we receive fever and ague from swamps and marshes. Presbytra.-This is a disease which most commonly exists among old persons, but often afflicts the middle-aged, especially those who are troubled by dyspepsia or liver complaint. It is a condition of vision which consists in the circumstance of near objects being confusedly seen, whilst those at a great distance are clearly distinguished. The common name for it is long-sight- edness, and the popular supposition is that it can only be aided or remedied by glasses. My belief is. however, that it can never exist excepting where the general health is imperfect, or the functions of the eye have been impaired at birth. Retention of Urine.-This disease has two forms which are known as complete and incomplete. When the urine accumulated in the bladder cannot be evacuated at all, the disease is known as complete; when it can only be evacuated with extreme difficulty it is incomplete. Retention of urine may depend upon loss of con- tractility, paralysis of the bladder, (a very severe affliction,) or on some obstacle to the passing of the fluid, as in pregnancy where the womb presses against the bladder; or tumors may ex- ist in the vicinity of the organ, or foreign bodies may lodge in its cavity. Inflammation of the uretha, or water pipe, swelling of the prostate gland, and stricture, will also cause this disease. The pain is of the most severe and agonizing character. The remedy usually adopted for immediate and temporary relief is the introduction of the catheter, and sometimes the bladder is punc- tured. In combatting the cause which has produced the reten- tion, by particular herbal means adapted to each case, we can re- store the sufferer to health without the use of knife or instrument. Diseased Teeth.-The bad effects of diseased and unclean teeth are of the most serious importance, and should be carefully considered. It is estimated that we breathe twenty thousand times in twenty-four hours. Granting this, what must be the ef- fect upon the delicate structure of the lungs in unremittingly re- ceiving air through a depository of decay and uncleanliness for months and years of such foul breathing, would surely be suffi- cient to poison the whole system beyond immediate redemption. 394 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Diseases of the teeth are numerous. They rank with necrosis, or decay, and death of a bone, which is described on page 295. Dental surgery is one of those sciences which, if consistently ex- ercised, ought to command our most earnest respect; but we should so regulate our teeth and mouth that the services of the dental surgeon need seldom be called for. In exercising cleanli- ness of the teeth and mouth we make a great advance towards the preservation of the general health, and we also render ourselves pleasant and agreeable to those with whom we usually associate. Sound teeth and a sweet breath are easily procurable, as I will prove to anybody who will write a description of their case. Pemphligus, or. Bladdery Fever.-This is a disease which is generally defined as consisting of vesicles, or bladdery eruptions, scattered over the body. They are transparent, of the size of a hazel-nut, with a red, inflamed edge, but without surrounding blush or tumefaction. On breaking, they are disposed to ulcer- ate. The fever accompanying is very similar to typhus, and in- volves extreme debility and prostration of the whole system. This peculiar affliction is not a primary one, but depend? upon a singular or accidental complication of ordinary fever and common affections of the skin and circulation. It is to be treated as ty- phus, together with applications to the eruptions, the same as if the latter were boils. Synezizis, or Closure of the Pupil of the Eye.-Sometimes this disease is the result of a faulty conformation, or in other words, is born with the patient. It frequently, however, is orig- inated by accident, or is the result of violent opthalmia, which I have described on another page. It is often, also, produced by surgical operations for cataract or other diseases of the optics. Those who have it are perfectly blind. There is an operation called the " operation for artificial pupil" which sometimes cures it partially. Epiphora, or Watery Eye. - This affliction consists of a constant and involuntary flow of tears upon the cheek. It is al- most always symptomatic of a disease of the lachrymal passages, or stoppage of the tear duct. In some instances, however, it arises from a too free secretion of the tears, and severe opthalmia will sometimes give rise to it. THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. 395 PLANTS. THEIR COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. A physician who would cure disease, or seek to assist nature to throw off all morbid accumulations from the body, should have a single eye to the perfection, purity, or quality of the remedial agents he may feel called upon to employ. Plants should be gathered at a proper period, and under correct planetary influences, and always chosen from those in a wild or uncultivated state. The roots of an annual plant will yield their most active medical properties just before the flowering season, whereas this class of roots are erroneously gathered after the flowering sea- son: in consequence, they are less active, and do not retain their qualities for any reliable time. The roots of the biennial plants are most energetic if gathered when the leaves have fallen from the plant, in the autumn of the first year ; while the roots of perennial plants are most active when gathered between the decay of the flowers and leaves and the renewal of verdure of the following Spring. Bulbs are to be collected as soon as matured, or soon after the loss of foliage, in order to secure their most active principles. Herbaceous stems should be collected after the foliage, but before the blossoms have developed themselves, while ligneous or woody stems should be collected after the decay of the leaves and previous to the vegetation of the proceeding Spring. Barks are to be gathered in the Spring previous to flowering, or in Autumn after the foliage has disappeared. Spring is the best time to gather resinous barks, and autumn for the others. Leaves are best when gathered between the period of flow- ering and maturation of the fruit or seeds. Biennial plants, however, do not perfect themselves the first year, consequently, their leaves should be gathered only during the second year of the growth of the plant. 396 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. Flowers are to be collected when about to open, or immedi- ately after they have expanded, although I prefer the buds. Flowers, buds, and leaves are to be gathered in dry weather, after the dew is off of them, or in the evening before it falls, and freed from all impurities. Aromatics should be collected after the flower-buds are formed, while stalks and twigs are best if gathered soon after the decay of the flowers. Berries, succulent fruits and seeds, are to be collected only when ripe, except in some few cases where the medical virtue is contained in the unripe article. Roots are to be well washed, rejecting all worm-eaten or decayed portions. Bulbs are cleaned and dried as roots. B irks, stems, twigs, and woods are best dried in a moderate sun-heat, and should be taken every night into a well ventilated room, where the dew or rain will not touch them, and laid upon sticks, slats, or boards which are some few inches apart, so that the air may be well circulated through. The best method of drying leaves is to strip them from the stem, lay them loosely upon a flooring where the sun shines moderately and the air circulates sufficiently to avoid mould- keep them well stirred. The custom of steaming or moistening leaves in order to pack them more solidly after having been dried, is exceedingly improper, as the articles become thereby much deteriorated in quality and soon get musty. Seeds are dried in the same manner as stems and leaves. Aromatic herbs and annual plants are dried as advised for leaves similarly prepared. MY PREPARED STANDARD REMEDIES: THE RESTORATIVE ASSIMILANT, For the Permanent and Speedy Cure of Fits, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Derangement of the Dowels, etc. Boneset 4 oz. Camomile Blossoms 2 oz. Smart Weed 3 oz. Blue Vervain Stalks and Leaves 1 lb. Best Irish Whiskey 1 gal. Put altogether in a tin receiver sufficiently large to hold about double the quantity. Arrange an arched tin cover, with a trough encircling the entire inner edge, and of sufficient capacity to hold about two table-spoonfuls of any liquid. Put the cover over the receiver, and place the whole over a moderately hot fire. -As the steam rises it will form in globules on the cover, and as they increase will gradually trickle down into the trough attached to the cover. -As fast as the trough fills with the distilled liquid, empty its contents into bottles, and closely cork and seal them. Keep the vessel over the fire till the liquor has nearly or quite evaporated. N.B.-The best Irish Whiskey MUST be used. An inferior or adulterated article will not do on account of the preponderance of alcoholic properties, and the large amount of hurtful drugs in it. I cannot dwell too strongly upon the importance of a remedy for Fits. Who, that is subject to them, can count with any certainty upon being alive an hour ? They may be taken while descending a flight of stairs, while traversing the bank of a precipice, while crossing a street crowded with vehicles drawn at full speed, or while in a throng of people whose feet would trample them to death, especially in case of an alarm of fire, a great public meeting or pageant, or other sudden danger. But all those afflicted in this terrible way are actually alive to the dangers of which they are the constant expectants. Epilepsy, in its severer forms, is a ter- rible disease to witness. It is productive of great distress and misery, and liable to terminate in worse than death, as it is apt, in many cases, to end in fatuity or insanity, and so carrying perpetual anxiety and dis- may into all of those families which it has once visited. The leading symptoms of Epilepsy are, a temporary suspension of con- sciousness, with clonic rVasms, recurring at intervals; but so various are 398 THE RESTORATIVE ASSIMILANT. its forms, and so numerous its modifications, that no general description of the disease can be given. I will first describe the most ordinary type of the disease, and then note some of the several variations which occur from the standard type. A man in the apparent enjoyment of perfect health, suddenly utters a loud cry, and falls instantly to the ground, senseless and convulsed. He strains and struggles violently. His breathing is embarrassed and sus- pended; his face is turgid and livid; he foams at the mouth ; a choking sound is heard in his wind-pipe, and he appears to be at the point of death from apnoea, or suspension of breath. By degrees, however, these alarming phenomena diminish, and finally cease, leaving the patient exhausted, heavy, stupid, comatose, or in a death-like condition. His life, however, is no longer threatened, and soon, to all appearances, he is per- fectly well. The same train of morbid phenomena recur, again and again, at different, and mostly at irregular intervals, perhaps through a long course of years, notwithstanding the best medical science has been exer- cised to prevent and cure the distressing malady. This is the most ordinary form of Epilepsy. The suddenness of the attack is remarkable: in an instant, when it is least expected by himself, or by those around him, in the middle of a sentence or of a gesture, the change takes place, and the unfortunate suf- ferer is stretched foaming, struggling, and insensible on the earth. In this country, Epilepsy is commonly called the " Falling Sickness." or more vaguely, " Fits." The cry, which is frequently, but not always uttered, is a piercing and terrifying scream. Women have often been thrown into hysterics upon hearing it, and frequently it has caused preg- nant females to miscarry. Even the lower animals are often startled, and appalled by a scream so harsh and unnatural, and parrots and other birds have been known to drop from their perch, apparently frightened to death by the appalling sound. In most of the cases of Fits, which have come under my notice and treatment, the first effect of the spasms has been a twisting of the neck, the chin being raised and brought round by a succession of jerks towards the shoulder, while one side of the body is usually more strongly agitated than the other. The features are greatly distorted, the brows knit, the eyes sometimes quiver and roll about, sometimes are fixed and staring, and sometimes are turned up beneath the lids, so that tho cornea cannot be seen, but leaving visible the white sclerotica alone; at the same time the mouth is twisted awry, the tongue thrust between the teeth, and, caught by the violent closure of the jaws, is often severely bitten, redden- ing by blood the foam which issues from the mouth. The hands are firmly clenched and the thumbs bent inwards on the palms, the arms are generally thrown about, striking the chest of the patient with great force. Sometimes he will bruise himself against surrounding objects, or inflict hard knocks on the friends and neighbors who have hastened to his assistance. It frequently happens that the urine and excrements are expelled during the violence of the spasms, and seminal emissions some- times take place. The spasmodic contraction of the muscles is occasion- THE RESTORATIVE ASSIMILANT. 399 ally so powerful as to dislocate the bones to which they are attached. The teeth have thus been fractured, and the joints of the jaw and of the shoulder put out or dislocated. This is the most severe, yet the most common form in which an epileptic attack occurs. Fortunately, there is a large class of cases in which the symptoms are milder. Sometimes there is no convulsion at all, or, at least, is very slight and transient; no turgescence of the face ; no foam- ing of the mouth; no cry; but a sudden suspension of consciousness, a short period of insensibility, a fixed gaze, a totter, perhaps, a look of con- fusion, but the patient does not fall. This is but momentary. Presently consciousness returns, and the patient resumes the action in which he had been previously engaged, without always being aware that it has been interrupted. Between these two extremes of Epilepsy there are many links or grades. Sometimes the sufferer sinks or slides down quietly without noise; is pale; is not convulsed; but is insensible, much like one in a state of syncope, or fainting. As it is impossible to give any single description of Epilepsy which will include all its varieties, of course it is still more difficult to offer a strict definition of the disease. We can only say it is a malady that causes* a sudden loss of sensation and consciousness, with spasmodic contraction of the voluntary muscles, quickly passing into violent con- vulsive distortions, attended and followed by stupor or sleep, recurring in paroxysms, often more or less regular. Yet all these circumstances may in turn be wanting. There may be no convulsion, no interruption of consciousness, no subsequent coma or stupor, or even a recurrence of the attack. The duration of the attacks is variable. They seldom continue longer than half an hour; the average duration may be said to be from five to ten* minutes. Attacks that spread over three or four hours gene- rally consist of a succession of paroxysms, with indistinct intervals of comatose exhaustion. In the long-continued fits, or in the protracted succession of fits, the patient often dies. The periods at which the paroxysms return are extremely variable. Most commonly they visit the sufferer at irregular periods of a few months or weeks; sometimes are repeated at intervals of a few days; sometimes every day or every night, and very frequently, many times in the twenty-four hours. The epileptic attack may come on for the first time at any age. It may begin in infancy during the first dentition, or teething; more com- monly about the age of seven or'eight years, during the time of the second dentition; more frequently still, from fourteen to sixteen, shortly before the age of puberty. It is apt to occur for a few years subse- quently to this. The first fit may not occur till between thirty and forty; or it may occur at sixty, or even at a later period of life. On a previous page I have given a remedy, which will prove a simple and certain cure. You know what it is. You are aware that it is harmless. A fair trial will convince you that it is one of the most potent remedies ever discovered for the cure of every form of Epilepsy, 400 THE RESTORATIVE ASSIMILANT. Falling Sickness, or Fits. When this medicine is taken, the spasma gradually grow lighter and lighter, and finally disappear altogether, restoring the patient to the most perfect normal health. Its effect is truly wonderful. The time to accomplish a cure is usually from two to three months. Should you wish to have this valuable medicine, see the remarks at the end of this article. And now as to Dyspepsia! This is a malady which embraces in its symptoms and consequences nearly every physical and mental torture known to mankind. It prostrates like consumption (and is often mis- taken for that disease); it unstrings the nerves, and renders its victim insane; it deranges the liver, bowels, kidneys, and bladder; it poisons and corrupts the blood; it vitiates the secretions; it strips the flesh from the bones, and, if not conquered, it eventuates in a death involving miseries indescribable. Happiness, even in a modified form, is altogether incompatible with this disease. There is something so harassing in Dyspepsia-the disease is so eccentric and erratic-that I do not wonder the faculty have been so completely baffled in their attempts to gain mastery over it. The Restorative Assimilant operates directly upon the stomach, neu- tralizing all undue acidity, imparting strength and efficiency to the viti- ated gastric juice, healing all inflammation of the coatings ; cleansing it of all foreign and morbid matter; regulating its tone to accord with the best of health, and so bracing and invigorating it, that it cannot fail of performing its functions with unfailing propriety. This is indeed the most reliable cure for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and all other afflictions arising from a disordered or inert and weakened condi- tion of the system ever prepared. It has been used in every part of the world, without once failing to effect a complete restoration to health and happiness. It will eject tape-worm, one bottle having in several cases dislodged and destroyed them, after they had attained a length of many feet. All diseases of the bowels, as well as the stomach, yield to the powerful yet pleasant influences of the Restorative Assimilant, as thousands of people in different parts of the world are anxious to testify. The Restorative Assimilant is the only medicine ever discovered that will speedily and surely check, and ultimately eradicate entirely, Epilep- tic and other Fits, no matter how produced, or of how long standing. In three months it cured over seven hundred persons. The reader will perceive that the Restorative Assimilant is composed entirely of well-known herbs, but they are none the less effectual; its great power, however, is derived from the peculiar mode of the distilla- tion. Many of the herbs composing the Acacian Balsam are of foreign growth. Those who may find any difficulty in obtaining the pure ingredients, can procure the medicine prepared with the utmost care, and of the choicest materials the world affords, from me. I manufacture it in large quantities (1 must do so to meet my constantly increasing orders), and will send it carefully packed, by Express, to any part of the United States, on receipt of price, viz.: $2 per large bottle; three bottles, $5 six bottles, $9; twelve bottles, $16. THE ACACIAN BALSAM. 401 I have found, by long experience, that the Restorative Assimilant may be materially assisted in many cases by the use of my Ointment and Pills, a description of which will be found on pages 406 and 411 of this book. The pills will gently regulate the bowels to one passage or more per day, thereby removing all the old deposits of the system with- out reducing the patient in the least, while at the same time the Restora- tive Assimilant is working its wondrous changes throughout the whole organism. The Herbal Ointment should be well rubbed in around the small of the back, up and down the spine, and across the back of the neck, thereby regulating the great nervous centres. Directions-Take a dessert-spoonful of the Restorative Assimilant in a little water, three times a day, before eating. If not effectual, gradually increase the dose to a table-spoonful. For children, the dose should be reduced one-half. Shake it well before using. THE ACACIAN BALSAM, For the Speedy Relief and Permanent Cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds, all Diseases of the Dungs, Chest, or Throat, and General Debility. I do not propose to give a minute formula of all of my remedies-the public could not expect it-for they have cost me years of labor, and numerous miles of travel; at the same time I want them to distinctly know what they are taking, or recommended to take. The Acacian Balsam is composed exclusively of Herbal and Mucilaginous products, more powerful for good than all the mineral medicines ever compounded since the world began, yet as harmless for evil as the God of Nature who formed them. I, therefore, offer it in confidence to my afflicted fellow-creatures, as a wonderful remedy in all pulmonary affections and kindred maladies, arising from an impure and exhausted state of the constitution. It is administered with decided success from the start; soon after the patient commences its use the process of invigorating and building up of the enfeebled system takes place. I ask no one to trust to anything here presented, if my remedies do not perform all I have promised on fair trial. Here I will enumerate a few of the leading and persistent symptoms which will be met with in all cases of pulmonary Consumption or Tuber- cular Phthisis. To descend into the various, numerous, and abnormal 402 THE ACACIAN BALSAM. symptoms of such a changing and diversified disease would indeed be a work of supererogation, as there are no two cases of Consumption which present the same symptoms. Each case differs according to the temper- ament, constitution, hereditary predisposition, mental peculiarities and age of the patient. For the sake of convenience I will, however, class the symptoms of Consumption into four general stages, viz., the Incipient stage; the Solidi- fication stage; the Maturation or Softening stage; and the Ulceration and Suppuration stage. The first stage of Tubercular Phthisis is generally stated to be that in which the physical signs indicate a deposit in the lungs. Evidently, however, there is, and must be an antecedent state of disordered health, before the most skilful observer can detect the sound which indicates the least shade or degree of solidification of the lungs, whether by means of fhe stethoscope, or other methods usually resorted to by the profession for such purpose. When the physical signs are observed, the use of the stethoscope, &c., may be regarded as little more than professional display, without a particle of advantage, except as developing in some degree the actual amount of lesion or injury then sustained by the tissues of the lungs. There must be a causative agent that originates the predisposi- tion or tendency to the deposit of tubercles in the tissues, or which elaborates or prepares the material in the system from which only tnbercle is formed. But we should not wait to see the physical signs developed if we would expect uniform and hopeful treatment of Tubercular Consumption, From my own long experience in the specialty of Thoracic Diseases, I do not hesitate to say that the actual first set of symptoms of Consumption consists simply in the wasting of flesh, particularly if this is attended with, or by, a low scale of health and strength. Such loss of muscle plump- ness, as welL as juices and fat, is first noticed in three principal places. The first region of flesh consuming is usually the face ; the second, the hands; the third, over the sacral or hip bones. The sacral region, where it first gives out, is lame and sore. The hands look poor and " scrawny; " the muscles of the arms and legs are soft and flabby. If the face shows it first, the eyes stare; the brow, temples, and scalp look lean; the muscular tissues of all the limbs soon waste, and the pectoral muscles, as also all the chest muscles, waste away, and then the breath- ing is already become imperfect and weak. The diminished respiration is soon attended with cough; then pains are felt through the breast or thorax. The patient next is sensible of something wrong, and is conscious of a sense of general debility. The fact is, nutrition is lost. The vital powers are flagging, for the wasting of the body, in spite of eating, is more rapid than the repair. Then comes a state of spirit depression ; not the cause of Consumption, but caused by the already deficient vitality, and all the more helping ou the grand catastrophe; for it is a law of our being, that where nerve structure is not itself nourished, it, too, will fail in its work, just as surely as muscle fibre fails of power from the same cause. To recapit- ulate : THE ACACIAN BALSAM. 403 1. -Incipient stage. This may present itself at a very early age, or may appear in middle age, and the first indications are, generally, a subdued and saddened feeling, the former buoyancy of spirits subsides, and the person becomes languid. The face begins to assume a sickly hue, and to a practised eye tells a sad tale. The skin becomes whiter, and a nervous- ness and sometimes irritable disposition of mind appears; and if any hint be given about Consumption threatening, the person rebels against it and will not tolerate such an idea. The appetite and digestion frequently become impaired, and may manifest itself in capricious fancies for cer- tain sorts of food. A slight cold or any excitement will bring on diarrhoea. The breath is short and the breathing hurried; running or walking up an incline, or ascending a flight of stairs, is unpleasant, and attended by a fluttering and palpitation of the heart. The strength and weight of the body diminish, but this varies. The sleep is disturbed, the skin be- comes hot, there are burnings of the palms of the hand, and cold feet; a short, dry, teasing cough, or tickling, or hawking up of mucus from the throat appears. There is also a feeling of feverishness and uneasiness after meals, which are unfavorable symptoms, indicating the first mal- assimilation of the food, which, if not rectified, will inevitably deposit the germ of tubercles, and hence no time should now be lost in opposing the disease, before it lays siege to the citadel of the body. 2. -Solidification. The cough, which at first appeared very trifling, now begins to assume an anxious aspect, and becomes troublesome. It may not as yet be attended with expectoration, and if it be, the matter expectorated is of a ropy and viscid nature. The breathing becomes more impeded; hectic fever sets in, with chills and heats, while the weakness of both body and mind increases, although the intellect is sometimes extremely bright or sound to the very last. Pains, like those of pleurisy, are felt about the chest, and are indications of those inflam- matory effusions and adhesions which attest the progress of the disease, and the infraction of the lung structure, and the impeding of the access of air to the cells of the lungs. The blocking up of the air-cells consti- tutes the stage of Solidification, and thus interferes with the due motives or functions of the chest, and if not arrested creates an afflux of fluid to the parts, thus promoting congestion and fresh deposits in the lungs. 3. -Maturation and Softening. In this stage, all the former symptoms are aggravated, and Consumption is now confirmed. Fresh deposits in the lungs occur and hasten the maturation and softening. These local lesions in their turn re-act on the system at large, aggravating the general infection and depressing the vital powers. Hence the advancing inertia of all the vital powers-the universal languor, loss of flesh, and strength, and weight. The cheeks and lips become blanched-painfully contrasting with the circumscribed hectic patch of the former. The expectora- tion is changed, and becomes more copious, opaque, and viscid, more massive and frequently streaked with blood, or mixed with flocculent, wool-like, or curdy particles. It is most troublesome in the mornings, and when going to bed. The feverishness and general exhaustion increase; restless nights, with perspirations, hurried breathing, change in voice. 404 THE ACACIAN BALSAM. and emaciation also increase. The appetite fails-either constipation or diarrhoea, more frequently the latter, comes on, with great increase of cough and vomiting after meals. If the disease advance to this stage it will require much vigilance and judgment to arrest its progress, as the mischief in the lungs is now very great, and ulcers, rapidly forming, consti- tute what is called tubercles. 4.-Ulceration and Suppuration. The disease now assumes a totally different aspect, and becomes exceeding formidable in its nature and results. The cough becomes more severe, and the expectoration green- ish, yellow, or even sometimes like tufts of wood chewed, appearing, when viewed in water, like jagged round balls. Hemorrhage, or bleeding from the lungs, is likely to come on, and the difficulty of breathing is very great. The patient can scarcely lie down ; many times he must be kept with his head bolstered up in a chair, or in his bed, when sleep is desired. Sometimes the voice is reduced to a mere whisper, while in others it remains quite strong to the last. The perspiration, or night sweats, are very copious, and very exhaustive of the vitality of tho organism. The ulcers or tubercles in the lungs increase, causing large excavations from which issue copious expectorations, sapping and un- dermining the foundation of the entire system. The most unpractised eye can now at once detect the ravages of this disease in the altered appearance of the whole frame; the body is reduced to a mere skeleton, the eyes are sunken; cheek bones promi- nent, with sunken cheeks; the head bends forward; the chest is wasted, and the breathing becomes distressingly painful The mental faculties generally become impaired; yet a gracious God, amid all this suffering, frequently permits the faculties to remain intact until the last ember burns out. I will draw a veil over the last agonies of the sufferings of the Con- sumptive patient, as my object is not to portray the horrors of dissolu- tion, but to aid, as far as I can, in ameliorating this sad condition of the invalid at least, if not always positively restoring him to good health, by means of the specific medicine which I have so successfully prepared for every shade and variety of Consumption or Tubercular Phthisis. There is not a single symptom or producer of Consumption that the Acacian Balsam (with proper hygienic adjuncts) does not take hold of and dissipate, such as Bronchitis, Asthma, sharp pains in the chest, Marasmus, or wasting of the flesh, difficult expectoration, sore throat, coughs and colds, general debility, &c. Encouragement is given without delay, and there is no fear that anybody who commences to take it, and observes the accompanying directions, will feel the slightest shade of doubt or disappointment with regard to it. The object to be obtained is to cleanse the system of all impurities, to nourish and strengthen the vital organs which have become impaired and enfeebled by disease, to renew and invigorate the circulation of the blood, and strengthen the nervous organization. The Acacian Balsam does this to an astonishing degree, being (unlike any other medicine now before the public) a healthful invigorator of the system, without any reaction after the first effects passed away. It is eminently adapted THE ACACIAN BALSAM. 405 to soothe and allay irritation of the throat and bronchial organs, caused by severe colds; it promotes a healthful appetite, and assists digestion; is active, but mild and congenial, imparting functional energy and natural strength to every organ of the body. The Balsam is an infallible cure for Asthma in all its stages. I will guarantee it to cure the worst and most helpless cases the world ever saw. One half-bottle of the Acacian Balsam will so relieve the asthma- tic sufferer that he will surely persevere with the use of the medicine until he has experienced a total change in the condition of his respire tory organ. As many people ask what are the exact properties or ingredients of this remedy, I will here mention several of the more important of the plants of which it is composed. Some (not all) of the ingredients of the Acacian Balsam are Lungwort, the Mucilaginous Baobab of Africa, the Erythroocylon, East India Hemp Plant, Coca of South, America, the English Water Jelly, Pleurisy Root, Pomegranate, Sweet Gum, Iceland Moss, Gum Acacia, the Balsam of the Jamaica Bark Tree, &c,, all of which articles possess wonderful nutritive, demulcent, balsamic, soothing, healing, muscle-making, nerve-bracing, purifying, and exhilarating properties when given singly, or by- them- selves, but whose virtues are greatly strengthened when combined together agreeably to a formula conceived by, and only known to, myself. Hence, here is the grand combination of plants, with certain gums and mucilages, which compose my preparation of Acacian Balsam, whose remarkable virtues may be summed up as follows:- It is a superior exhilarant. It purifies all the fluids and secretions in the shortest reasonable period. It nourishes the patient who is too much reduced to partake of ordinary food. It will supply the place of food for a month at a time. It strengthens, braces, and vitalizes the brain. It heals all internal sores, tubercles, ulcers, and inflammations. It stimulates, but is not followed by reaction. It at once obviates ema- ciation, building up wasted flesh and muscle, as the rain vivifies and enhances the growth of the grass. It is without a rival as a tonic, and it immediately supplies electricity or magnetic force (as if it were a bat- tery) to every part of the enfeebled and prostrate body. Nervous Debility is an affliction that is often inherited, but it is more frequently the consequence of neglect. In its train may be counted hundreds of complaints to which various names have been given, but which are all sufficiently specified by the two words with which I have commenced this paragraph. I can assure you that, in the course of my life, I have been called to attend and prescribe for thousands of indivi- duals who designated their sufferings by a different name, and who were the victims of but one calamity, viz., disorganization of the nervous functions. I advise all persons thus afflicted to make use of a remedy that will surely make them well, and place them beyond the reach of a similar assault, or series of assaults, again. It will (in connection with the Renovating Pills) mend up and regenerate a system run down to the dying point. 406 THE RENOVATING PILL. It affords oxygen to vitalize the blood, and nitrogen to assimilate the matter, and distributes the necessary elements to all the tissues of the body ; equalizes the " nervous influence," and causes all the organs of the system to work in perfect harmony together, giving the fullest health possible to be enjoyed by the human species. It is to be hoped that all those who suffer, or have reason to believe that they are predisposed to suffer from any of the maladies here men- tioned, will not allow this opportunity of restoring or preserving their health and happiness to pass by unheeded. The Acacian Balsam is pre- pared with great care expressly by myself, and it will cure the most hopeless invalids if given with care and properly persevered in. It must be understood, however, that, notwithstanding the Acacian Balsam is a decided restorative agent in itself, yet if there be costiveness, or constipation of the bowels, the Renovating Pill must also be used in connection with it, and likewise so must the Herbal Ointment, when the patient is troubled with pleuritic pains, tightness of the chest, soreness of the pectoral or other muscles of the breast, back, and sides, or the region of the heart and liver. A full description of these prepared remedies will be found further on. Asa few bottles always make a marked improvement, there is no fear that you will discontinue its use until you are restored to perfect health. All of my medicines are sent by rail to any part of the United States, securely packed in wooden boxes, accompanied with full directions for use, on the receipt of price. One bottle of Acacian Balsam, $1; six bottles, $5; twelve bottles, $9. Sent to any part of the United States by Express, upon receipt of cash order. Call upon or address Dr. 0. Phelps Brown, No. 21 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. Directions.-Dose.-For adults, one table-spoonful three times a day before eating. For children the dose must be reduced to a tea-spoonful. Shake well before using. If the cough be troublesome', or the expectora- tion difficult during the night, the mouth may be moistened with a small quantity of the medicine every few hours. • THE RENOVATING PILL, A purely Vegetable Concentration, for keeping the bowels in natural motion, and cleansing the system of all impurities ; a cure for costiveness, and general blood purifier. It is generally conceded that man's natural state is health, and that the various organs of the human body, so curiously contrived and har- moniously adjusted by an all-wise Creator, are sufficient in themselves THE RENOVATING PILL. 407 to perform, without ceasing, the functions required of them for an un- limited time, and the process of waste and replenishment would go on till man arrived, like the patriarchs of old, to a ripe old age. so that v.'hen death came to claim his prerogative, the fruit of his gathering would drop, full of years, noiselessly and without pain or struggle, into the grave. That this is not so is owing to man's sinful transgressions. In every being, from the moment the consciousness of existence dawns upon it. there is a struggle between health and disease; and the life principle always seeks for the proper nourishment to sustain the animal body, and appropriates everything that the body requires for nutriment; that nutriment being withheld, then occurs a struggle for supremacy, between the life principle and disease. This will occur from voluntary abstinence from food, or from forcing the stomach to receive substances impossible to digest, and thus engendering a morbid state of the diges- tive organs, which must be restored to a healthy and natural condition before the vital organs can go on with their work of taking up that which is nourishing and sustaining to life. If the spring is foul, the rivulet will be impure. If you place a log across a railway, travel thereon will be impeded. If rubbish be thrown into the machinery of a steam engine, it will no longer work properly, but must stop or be broken into fragments. If an atom finds its way into the inside of a watch, it must be taken out, or the watch will no longer accomplish its duties. The human system is more delicate in its complications, its manifold springs and currents, than the most exquisite piece of machinery ever invented by mortal. Like the watch, it may be deranged by almost impalpable minutiae. There are parts of it which, touched by the finest splinter, cease toperform their functions, and death is the consequence. The merest pellet, propelled by a little gunpowder, sends the spirit wandering into eternity. A small drop of prussic acid will instantaneously render the human body a heap of worthless clay. Trifles, as they seem ' to be, are continually at work to thwart our happiness, and destroy that for which we all pray so fervently-good health. The great majority of diseases with which we are familiar, and to which more names than would fill twenty such pages as these have been given, are the result of carelessness and ignorance combined- carelessness on the part of the people, and ignorance on the part of persons who set themselves up, by virtue of the flippant study of a few worthless old books, for medical men. If the reader of this will reflect for an instant, he will become convinced that, of all the popular sciences, that of medicine is the least progressive. Were this not the case, the suffering world would have known ere this that the simplest causes lead to the most ruinous and tormenting effects, and that if the mildest preventives were in vogue, and their proper application understood, cures would be less needed, and, when employed, more efficacious. It needs only for you to be reminded of the fact, that costiveness is the fountain-head of all diseases worth any great degree of attention. It needs but this, because upon being thus reminded you will naturally take a retrospective glance at your own life, and will at once discover that you never were sick (excepting from a contagious or 408 THE RENOVATING PILL. epidemic ailment) without having been costive before taking to ytlur bed, or while enduring the largest amount of suffering. Common sense teaches us that a perfect body-one uninjured by accidents, unmaimed, unmutilated-cannot be ill if the bowels perform their functions naturally. Impurities will collect everywhere. In what condition would be your teeth if you did not clean them? Suppose your water-vessels were never cleansed, how would they appear at the end of a fortnight or a month, albeit they contain only clean fluid! The human system is a laboratory, where substances of the grossest nature are continually undergoing chemical changes. How, then, can persons expect to be healthy who are constantly sub- ject to costiveness, whose bowels are clogged and enfeebled by undi- gested food, retained in the stomach long after the time for its natural expulsion has passed? Under a temperature of 110 degrees, and per- haps more, this matter undergoes decomposition, and thus distributes its putrescent, gaseous substance throughout the system, which the overworked capillaries in vain endeavor to throw off by perspiration- thus laying the foundation for diseases, called by different names, event- ually ending in Consumption. The nature of all diseases of the digestive organs remains the same, although the symptoms may widely vary in dif- ferent persons. Thus, Liver Complaint, arising from indigestion, caused by a torpid and inert state of the liver, and pain or weakness of the sto- mach, are two different manifestations of disease, but the cause may be traced to the same source, namely costiveness, and both are susceptible of cure by the use of my remedies. When the pores of the skin are open, and the stomach and bowels perform their proper functions, and when the evacuations are regular, cases of disease arising from indigestion aie impossible. But if the pores of the skin are closed, the impurities, which would otherwise make their escape through the skin, are absorbed into the system, and boils, eruptions, inflammations, sluggish circula- tion, and a feeling of great debility and lassitude ensue. Habitual con- stipation or costiveness is the fruitful source of innumerable ills, and every person so afflicted suffers from impurities of the blood, as a natu- ral consequence. The action of the heart, the liver, the stomach, and kidneys is disordered, if, indeed, they are not diseased beyond the aid of ordinary remedies. People so afflicted resort to common physic, which brings them temporary relief, but the unnatural action is of a temporary nature, and the patient soon relapses into a worse condition than before. By the mere physicking or scouring process, the gastric fluid becomes impoverished, the nervous energy impaired, and every portion of the body languishes. What has long been needed, is some- thing that would move the bowels to a healthy action by stimulating the secretions, purifying the blood of poisonous humors of every cha- racter, and in a healthful and natural manner expel all impurities with- out weakening the body. With a comprehensive view of the above facts, and with a motive of benefiting his fellow-beings in a way his humble means would permit, feeling that God had given him time, experience, opportunity, and judg- ment to study for their benefit, the author of this book determined to THE RENOVATING PILL. 409 try to discover some sure remedy for costiveness, and for all the com- plaints of which it is the source and result, and which should have all the potent effects of physic, without a debilitating and exhausting reac- tion ; and believing that minerals are poisons, whose benefits are more than counterbalanced by their evils, he explored for this remedy only in the vegetable kingdom. To find these remedies it required perseve- rance, a close acquaintance with chemistry, and a profound knowledge of physiology. These he had, and it is only necessary to say that his researches proved successful, so far as the particular cure-all (for such it is) that he needed was concerned. Distilled from many kinds of herbs, these potent materials form a skil- fully compounded medicine, before which none of the complaints herein mentioned nor their affinities can stand. These extracts and distillations are put together in the shape of a pill. It is more convenient to carry about, and more agreeable to take, than a potion. This pill will regu- late the bowels when all other preparations fail. It will, in a very short time, eradicate what is termed chronic costiveness or constipation, and it will cure, as surely as there is a sun that shines upon us, all the suf- ferings and annoyances that have had their rise in want of proper stools. It should also be distinctly understood that the Renovating Pill is not to open or move the bowels merely. It must be used in all.cases of Diar- rhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Bilious Overflows, leading to violent purging, &c., all of which afflictions it will gently, safely, and surely remedy. The greatest feature, among the many valuable characteristics of this won- derful Pill, is the quiet and easy method by which it works its miracu- lous changes in the suffering human system, and perhaps is more plainly demonstrated in lung complaints and epilepsy of long standing than in any other way, if used in connection with my Acacian Balsam, Restorative Assimilant, and Herbal Ointment: (the Ointment to be rubbed in over the chest, up and down the spine, and sparingly over the stomach.) When applied to the parts above mentioned, it acts as a powerful coun- ter-irritant, imparting instant relief, without causing excoriation or pain. This Pill continues its searching and purifying, but almost imperceptible operations, until you feel the same healthful promptings and impulse that animated you before sickness of any sort had lain its touch upon you: it imparts a sense of relief, a feeling of contentment, and a buoy- ant energy and activity, worth thousands of pounds to those who would live for unalloyed enjoyment. Cleansing, bracing, rejuvenating the sources from whence emanate the best of health-setting both the physical and mental house in order-how ean illness of any character prevail where this pill is used ? It has been used in the severest cases of typhoid fever-it has been given among the Asiatics, in the most terrible cases of black vomit (ten times more malignant than our yellow fever)-it has been prescribed in small-pox even, and in no one of such cases-they are countloss-has a patient been lost. These pills are invaluable to all who suffer from bilious and liver com- plaints, sick headache, loss of appetite, drowsiness, giddiness, and espe- cially indigestion, which prevails to an alarming extent in this country at the present day. 410 THE RENOVATING PILL. Does not this discovery deserve praise? In praising that, we are only giving humble praise to our Maker. Its components are culled from His products, and the inventor is but an insignificant instrument accidentally appointed to bring the ingredients together and put them in a shape to confer happiness upon, and banish disease of mind and body from among, his fellow-beings. Soldiers, sailors, and travellers generally will find in these Pills an article which can be conveniently carried in the smallest possible space, and which will preserve the system from all diseases produced by change of climate, water, air, and fliet. Females are requested, if they would escape years of suffering, if they would preserve youthful beauty and youthful energies, to use this pill systematically-to keep it always on hand, ready for any emergency. Its constant regulating influences will prevent, as well as cure, all the ailments to which women are specially subject. It. is necessary that every man, woman, and child, to be in perfect health, should have a natural passage of the bowels once in every twenty- four hours. Those who do not have this, or who have a passage oftener, must be or will soon get to be unwell. The Renovating Pill will secure you this daily passage. Indeed, everybody that does not have this regular passage is sick, although they may not be "down'' to their beds. This pill is not designed for the exclusive use of the costive, or those persecuted by too copious evacuations. It is offered as a blessing to all individuals who wish to keep their bowels regular. By taking it as a matter of custom, the motion of the bowels may be perpetually kept in a natural condition of good health. It does not act as a merely temporary affair; it keeps the human system in a state of sound and vigorous health, by easily and almost imperceptibly cleansing it of all impurities. Indeed, it is a general purifier, and as such it is offered to those who prize a blooming complexion, bright eyes, strong nerves, tough and serviceable muscles, pure blood, buoyant spirits, sound and refreshing slum- bers, and all other items that go to make one's life a joy instead of a burden. Ask, or send, for Dr. O. Phelps Brown's Renovating Pill. Full directions for using will accompany them; each box contains about sixty pills, sent by post, when not ordered with other medicines, upon the receipt of price, and 12 cents for each box, to prepay postage. Price 50 cents per box; three ditto, $1.37 ; six ditto, $2.50. All orders must be ad- dressed to Dr. 0. Phelps Brown, No 21 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. You know that a small drop can take life; is it not reasonable to believe that a little pill, no larger than the drop, can preserve, and almost restore it ? Directions.-Dose-From one to four, according to condition of the patient. For children one pill is sufficient. The most convenient time for taking these pills is at night, before retiring, and they may be taken through the day, an hour before eating, should circumstances require it. THE HERBAL OINTMENT. 411 THE HERBAL OINTMENT, A Vegetable Preparation for the Permanent cure of deep- seated Ulcers, Tumors, Neuralgia, Quinsy, Swel- lings, Sore Throat, Heart Palpitations, and cannot be surpassed as a counter-irritant in all Spinal and Lung Complaints. In the remedies which are here offered to the public, and in advising any who are afflicted with the diseases for which their curative virtues are recommended, I am actuated by the motive of doing to others what, under similar circumstances, they would do for me. Health is the object sought for by the invalid, and who can render a greater blessing to the sufferer, than by pointing him to remedies that will surely make him well? How important it is to be judicious in selecting the medicine that will accomplish this desired end! When I go into an apothecary's shop, emotions of sorrow are excited by the almost countless number of bottles, boxes, chests, and drawers which meet the eye, and each of which bears a different label. One would suppose, if not taught better, that all these varieties of drugs and medicines were essentially antagonistical to each other; that each pre- paration was capable of producing an effect of its own, not to be com- passed by anything else. Never was there a more erroneous supposi- tion. Take one hundred of that great variety of drugs, and (although the names are as different as the sun is from the moon) they will each produce the same result. The men who obstinately persist in pre- scribing these drugs for the sick, ridicule all specifics. " Do you think one medicine can cure every disease ? '' they ask with a sneer. I an- swer, that nobody believes one medicine to be capable of remedying every ailment; but I affirm that I can show four medical preparations that produce nearly all the results which are to be gained by the use of every article set down in the Dispensatory. Internally you can assail disease only through two channels-the stomach and bowels. With the Acacian Balsam I enrich the blood and secretions, strengthen and 412 THE HERBAL OINTMENT. invigorate the nerves, magnetize and re-vitalize the brain, exhilarate the mind, heal all internal sores, tubercles, and inflammations, restore wasted flesh, tone up and brace the stomach, banish fever, equalize the circulation, stimulate and regulate the liver, and rejuvenate the system generally; but in Consumption, or other diseases of chronic character and long standing, where the blood has become impure, and the vital powers are feeble, even this miraculous and powerful preparation re- quires aid to accomplish the process of restoration with gratifying speed and positive permanency. All impurities must be expelled from the system, and for purifying the blood and restoring the healthful action of the stomach, liver and kidneys, no better remedy or efficient aid can be found than my Renovating Pill. But there are maladies which must be healed from the exterior. Sym- pathetic or internal treatment may palliate or allay them, but it will not eradicate and exterminate-but grant that it will, a long time is required to do it. Take cramps, rheumatism, spasmodic contractions of the mus- cles, mercurial pangs, neuralgia, and numerous other pains that seize the sufferer at an instant's notice, giving him a vivid idea of the tortures of the inquisition, and what can the common internal remedies do alone ? What do they achieve ? By depriving the patient of his nervous sensibi- lities, and deadening the vital action of the brain, they produce tempo- rary relief. They are stupifiers or opiates. There is another class of internal, so called, remedies for pains in the fibres, muscles, and tissues, and this is as bad as any-it consists of producers of violent pain. One pain is relieved by the substitution of another! Hence the application of alcoholic tinctures, of capsicum or cayenne pepper-of mustard draughts, Spanish-fly plasters, &c. Having, out of Nature's storehouse, perfected three grand internal remedies, I determined to' complete a simple course of four medical preparations, by making an external remedy superior to any that had been presented to the world. With this ambition to gra- tify I went hard to work. Every bark, flower, leaf, nut (and even fruit), was subjected to experiment, and, after years of incessant labor, I suc- ceeded in compounding the Herbal Ointment. The penetrating qualities of this wonderful ointment may be readily ascertained in a practical manner: put it upon a piece of ordinary stone, and it will gothrough and through it in an hour I Yet you may place it upon your eyes with- out causing the least smarting; in fact it will remove all disease from them after every other remedy has failed. The Herbal Ointment is a pain-killer in the most extensive sense of that phrase. It does not banish pain by producing another irritation, nor by benumbing the parts to which it is applied; but by removing the cause of the torture, and restoring the afflicted portions to their pristine condition of good health. Its ingredients embrace subtle herbal powers, the precise nature of which it would require more room than I can give to explain. Suffice it to say that, where there is bodily pain, or a sore, or inflammation, there is disorganisation of the tissues-the flesh is no longer in a natural state; chemically, it has lost something necessary to its healthful existence, or is suffering from the invasion of some foreign and corrupt matter. The Herbal Ointment is so compounded that it THE HERBAL OINTMENT. 413 immediately supplies what is wanting, and also, with the greatest preci- sion, certainty, and celerity, expels, absorbs, destroys, and banishes all corrupt and morbid humors, discharges, gatherings, sores, inflammations, &c. In short, it acts chemically upon the parts, and, by giving what is lacking, and neutralising that which is superfluous and destructive, makes the flesh as it was when in its original condition of soundness. Applied over the spot where internal soreness or pain exists, its proper- ties exert a magical change. Its unparalleled power of penetration enables it to reach the remotest spot in a few minutes. For instance, it is a grand aid in the cure of Consumption. Rubbed, according to the directions, upon the chest, it withdraws and absorbs the tuberculous matter from the lungs as if by a charm, and as it withdraws and absorbs these, or any other corrupt and poisonous deposits, it soothes and per- manently heeds. Applied directly to the stomach, it is a grand harmoniser of the circulation and digestive action, and a purifier of the secretions, for which objects it should always be used in connection with my Reno- vating Pill. Especially in cases of epilepsy or fits, it should be freely used and well rubbed in, round the small of the back, up and down the spine, across the neck, and sparingly over the stomach, at least every twenty-four hours. Its mode of action is separate and distinct, yet its operations are in harmony with the great laws of nature in promoting the expulsion of impurities through the capillaries or pores of the skin. It eliminates all poisonous humors from the system by drawing them to the surface, and in many cases where the stomach is too enfeebled to bear internal medicines, has proved powerful to cure where all other means were unavailing. Every form of disease is necessarily attended by impurity of the blood, and attention should be paid to its restoration to a healthy condition through the use of the Herbal Ointment and Re- novating Pill. Among the many afflictions for which as an external remedy it stands alone and unequalled are, Inflammations of every nature, Scrofulous Eruptions and Skin Diseases of every description, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Heart Palpitations, Ulcers, and Tumors of all classes and varieties, Glandular Swelling, Morbid Growths, as Goitre, or Derbyshire Neck, Wens, &c., Abscesses, Diseased Bones, Stiff Joints, Contracted Sinews, King's Evil, White Swellings, Quinsy, and all other Throat Affections. Cramps, Croups, Chilblains, Cuts, Bunions and Corns, Burns, Bruises, Blotches, Boils, Felons, Run Rounds, Tightness of Chest, Difficulty of Breathing, Breast Pains, Pleurisy, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, Mercurial Sores, Fever Sores, Gout, Mumps, Piles, Fistula, Spinal Affections, Hip Disease, Irritations, Colics, Worms (rubbed in over the belly), Labor Pains, After Pains, Painful Menstruation, Tonsilites, Diseases of the Scalp, including Baldness, Cancer, Tetter, Shingles, Scurvy, Loss of Muscular Action, Sore Eyes, Sprains and Wrenches, Earache, Headache, Congestions, &c., &c., &c. Soldiers will find this Ointment to be a most speedy cure for wounds, cuts, bruises, rheumatism, soreness or tenderness of the feet, &c., with the advantage of being easily applied, and convenient to carry on the march. It can be sent (as also the Renovating Pill), by post or express, to any J art of the country. 414 THE HERBAL OINTMENT. The Herbal Ointment is used in their practice by the best physician# in the world. Its praises are daily to be heard from those who have tested its great and manifold virtues. Price 5Octs. per pot; three ditto, $1.37cts.; six ditto, $2.50cts. Sent by post, if not ordered with other medicines, upon the receipt of price, with an additional 18 cts. for each pot, to prepay postage. All orders must be addressed to Dr. 0. PHELPS BROWN, No. 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. In early stages of Gout, Inflammatory Rheumatism, or Soreness about the Breast caused by cold or colic, this Ointment has no equal, and will be found soothing, and yet so stimulating, that in the course of a few hours a gentle perspiration is produced, relieving the patient completely of all pains and soreness. Directions for general use.-In all cases where the skin is not broken or destroyed, apply the Ointment freely with the bare hand, and rub well in, downwards. For pains, soreness, or cramps, in chest, stomach, or bowels, apply a plaster of the Ointment, after rub- bing, large enough to cover the whole of the parts affected. For Ulcers, Tumors, Sores, Wounds, Burns, &c., apply as a plaster to cover the sur- rounding inflammations, upon oiled silk if possible, if not, upon linen or cotton cloth, and change the Ointment or dressing once every twelve hours if the discharge is copious, every twenty-four hours if moderate. Dress with perfect regularity, and cleanse the affected parts thoroughly with clean linen or cotton rag, without water. Use no lint, nor tight bandages. Old scrofulous sores, and other eruptions or inflammations of long standing require patience, perseverance, and regularity in the ap- plication of the Ointment, and the Renovating Pill should be used in all such cases, to purify the blood and regulate the bowels. Eat and drink of that which will not inflame, or render the system too gross. I am treating, daily, a large number of cases in all parts of the country, with my four standard herbal remedies, and always with promptness and success. I am also continually sending special courses of treatment for special cases of chronic, or so-called incurable diseases. (See last page in this book for special treatment.) These medicines, general and specific, are conveyed to their respective destinations with great promptness by Express. The arrangements of the different Express Companies are now so perfect that the remotest localities can be quickly and regularly reached without difficulty or delay. Consultation by letter is, under these circumstances, quite as available and useful as consultation in office. Should any Person, after having become convinced that my medicines are really valuable, be disposed to act as my agent, I should be pleased to have him address me on the subject. I will furnish him with a goodly supply of pamphlets to distribute in his locality, also the medi- cines on the most reasonable terms. No charge will be made for advice-all are invited to call. All letters must be addressed to Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 21 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J PATIENTS TREATED AT A DISTANCE. THE BLOOD PURIFIER. 415 THE BLOOD PURIFIER. Dr. 0. Phelps Drown's Compound Extract of Dock Pose and Stillingia. The only Herbal Alterative and Depurative ever discovered. The life is the blood, and from the blood we derive our strength, beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the centre of our being, around which revolves all that makes exist- ence happy. When this source is corrupted, the painful and sorrow-producing effects are visible in so many shapes, and in so many different degrees of suffering, that it is impossible to make a list of the names science has applied to them without wearying the patience of the reader. Probably no one in this world is wholly free from taint or infection of a scrofulous character. This may not develop itself for years, perhaps not in a life-time, more palpably than in a few pimples, or a rough skin, or a pale or too florid complexion, or in other forms which are more disagreeable than dangerous; but it will have its full outlet, if not in this, in a future generation, unless removed by the only purifiers which nature has provided. Of these we shall speak presently. Between the minor demonstrations to which we have called attention, and the tremendous eat- ing ulcer, are many intermediate exhibitions of the fouled and poisoned circulation, which are in numerous of the most important cases attributed to an entirely foreign origin. Among these are diseases of the lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Tubercular Consumption is almost invariably the result of scrofulous infection, which may become active at or shortly after birth, or may lie latent for years until brought into serious operation by some drain upon or shock to the system. Liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels, or womb may just as likely become the headquarters of the deposits of the weakened, fouled, and evil-breeding stream as the lungs, the brain, the joints, the long bones, the tissues, the skin, the teeth, the eyes, or even the hair. For in every part of the human organism will the diseased blood make its presence morbidly known; and it as often assails the organs themselves, as those parts of the body which may be dispensed with without causing the suspension of life. Since the introduction of mercury and other mineral medicines to mankind as prin- cipal cures for physical ills, hereditarily-diseased, impure, impoverished, poisoned, partially-vitalized, and generally-depraved blood has become fearfully prevalent; it is also the result in, we are sorry to say, numerous instances, of the practice of immorali- ties, the nature of which it is not necessary to allude to for the reader's understanding, excepting by a hint It may be (and is plentifully) acquired by exhausting habits, fevers, impure air, unwholsome or insufficient food, improper intermarriages, confine- ment to narrow apartments, or habitual existence in factories, shops, and warerooms where materials deleterious to health are kept or used, lack of exercise, carelessness as to cleanliness, intemperate use of ardent spirits, wines, malt liquors, and rich viands, hard work, exposure, anxiety, indigestion, costiveness, and, in short, anything that lowers the natural vigor of the body, vitiates or perverts the secretions, promotes assaults upon the energies, results in weakness, and tends to produce inertia, inactivi- ty, or insufficient vitality. Any depressing or exhausting influence, whatever its exact nature, will have its impoverishing and corrupting effect upon the sanguineous current, and, the taint once implanted, either by transmission or any other cause, great care and true skill are needed to efface and destroy it. Tendencies and predispositions to this prime source of so many evils and dangers should be carefully noted, and where they have culminated in any one or more of the very many shapes the disease itself assumes, the treatment should be vigorous and decisive. Among these forms and shapes, besides those to which we have specially alluded, are syphilitic eruptions and senility, Rickets, Scurvy, all Ulcers and Sores, eating and slothful, Leprosy, Cancer, diseased Scalp and Baldness, Decayed Bones (Necrosis) and Teeth, Hip Disease, White Swelling, Cancer. Sore Eyes, Chronic Inflam- mations, internal and external, Weak and Diseased Joints, St. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis, Foul Discharges from the Nostrils, Ear Complaints, eventuating in deafness, from the 416 THE BLOOD PURIFIER. decay of the small bones of that organ, Abcesses, Eruptions, Skin Maladies in every shape, Glandular Swellings and Degenerations, Throat Affections, Enlargement of the Tonsils, Loss of Voice, Goitre, Rheumatism and Convulsions, Heart Affections, Disor- ganization of the Spleen, Barber's Itch, Pains, Cramps, Nervous Disorders, Barrenness, Uterine plagues and difficulties, Dropsy, Marasmus, Emaciation, Internal Ulcerations, Discolorations of the Cuticle, Vomiting of Blood, Nausea, Headaches, Atrophy of the Muscles, General Debility, etc. Consider that there are as many varieties of each of these afflictions as there are afflictions named here, and you will comprehend to what a terrific multitude of evils "bad blood" is the inevitable conductor. It has been the custom to treat this source of nearly all the " ills to which the human flesh is heir" by alteratives of a character nearly inert, or of a nature injurious as well as inefficient. The much vaunted Sarsaparilla, although of some advantage, is far to mild and slow in its operations to be of any lasting service, even in moderate cases, and is of no real value in cases that are marked and severe. Yet upon this and upon Yellow Dock, and similar mild remedies, people have pinned their faith implicitly until of late. The most of these preparations, as offered in the market, are combined with corrosive sublimate and other pollutive ingredients, upon whose deceptive action what little apparent relief is had almost entirely depends. The long-known incapacity of these so-called efficient alteratives and purifiers have led the philanthropical man of science to make researches into the liberal arcana of Nature, and with various of her generous offerings make experiments, until the best and most positive preventive and cure of all taints (infectuous and otherwise) in the blood, and of ALL diseases, weaknesses, disfigurations, and • disabilities, that directly or indirectly spring from them, has been found. It is Dr. O. Phelps Brown's original and exclusive combination and elaboration of the Compound Extract of Rock Rose and Stillingia, which is not only the only actual General Blood Purifier ever offered to the public, but a discovery by which the worst results of an abnormal condition of the circulation can be thoroughly eradicated at once and forever. By its aid the afflictions above enumerated can be permanently banished, and the SOURCE, the CENTRE,* THE nucleus of Life may be maintained in its intended perfection, unalloyed purity, and undiminished vigor. The combination forming the Compound Extract of Rock Rose and Stillingia is the powerful and efficient alterative which has been so long needed, and which the public has so long searched and waited for in vain. They are the chief agents em- ployed ; but associated with them are those also of unequalled anti-scrofulous provi- sions of the herbal kingdom, the Corydalis Formosa, Phytolacca Dccandria, and Iris Versi-color, the latter being an herbal substitute for mercury far superior to mandrake. The Compound extract of Rock Rose is the only preparation that is invaluable for all diseases which centre in the blood. As it cures and expels for life all syphilitic, strumous, cancerous, cutaneous, and rheumatic affections, it will be readily acknowl- edged that in every morbid indication where a powerful but innocent alterative and depurative is required it is an infallible remedy, and may be employed to advantage where all other medicines designed for a similar purpose will fail of accomplishing any favorable permanent change. I cannot impress its value too earnestly upon the atten- tion of all those who have ever been exposed to a taint of improper character, or have any reason to suppose their forefathers were similarly unfortunate. One Bottle of the Blood Purifier, $1; six bottles, $5; twelve bottles, $9; sent to any part of the United States, by express, upon receipt of cash order. Call upon or address Dr. O. Phelps BROWN, No. 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. A daily delivery of my medicines can almost be guaranteed to all parts of the coun- try. by the various expresses. jgf NOTICECorrespondents are requested to give their P. O. address and name of County and State every time they write ; and in addition, when ordering Medicines, to give their nearest Express Station, and name of Company. Remittances should be made in P. O. Money Orders, payable at Jersey City P. O.; or by Bank Draft, payable to my order in New York ; or by Registered Letter ; or by Express, prepaid. THE WOODLAND BALM. 417 THE WOODLAND BALM, For Dressing the Hair; Promoting its Growth; Giving it Strength, Abundance, and Gloss; Curing Baldness, and Producing Luxuriant Beards. For many years I have been requested to make this article known to the public, but have stoutly refused to do so, from the fact that there are so many spurious articles in the market, and thinking the public might deem the Woodland Balm no better than the injurious articles so extensively advertised throughout the United States. I have, however, finally deemed it expedient to do so here, trusting that the public will not condemn this compound until they have given it a trial. A WONDERFUL POWER is exercised by the WOODLAND BALM, IN REPRODUCING HAIR, no matter how it may have been lost, and in making it GROW WHERE IT NEV ER GREW BEFORE. It not only does these things, bnt CHECKS PREMATURE GRAYNESS, and STRENGTHENS WEAK and all other HAIR to such an extent that IT WILL NEVER FALL OUT. Persons who have good hair, and plenty of it, should never use anything but the WOODLAND HAEM, as it has no equal as a SUPERIOR HAIR-DRESSER, and obviates the use of all other preparations. Many persons pro- fess to regard with doubt the assertion that hair can be produced in abundance and elegance where it has oncq. been destroyed, or has never made an appearance, but they may rest assured that in assertions to that effect there is NOTHING MYS- TERIOUS, CURIOUS, IMPROBABLE, IMPOSSIBLE, or exaggerative of the laws of nature, or the power of science. There would be fewer sceptics on this point if everybody were familiar with the structure of the hair, and the peculiar conditions connected with its life and production. Few know, excepting those who have made the subject a study, that HAIR IS A VEGETABLE, and that, although it may wither and die like plants, the seeds for its reproduction never die, and only need the right kind of cultivation to germinate and put forth NEW AND HEALTHY CROPS. So like is it to other vegetable growths that it has been transplanted to one body from another and maintained its vigor, a fact testified to by Dzoude, Dieffenbach, Wiessemann, Hassall, the discoverer of the Wood- land Balm, and other earnest students ; and we all know that it will continue to grow upon the body for some time after'death. It is therefore EASY TO MAKE IT GROW where it once grew, if you know how, and have the right material. As to making it grow where it never appeared, this, too, can be readily done. The roots of the hair exist in great abundance over the whole body, excepting the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, and in EVERY INDIVIDUAL many more Roots exist than have Hair growing from them. It is onlv necessary to quicken these roots in a proper and scientific manner (which the WOODLAND RAEM will surely do) to insure a certain and speedy growth of strong and silky locks, or imposing beard and moustache-the latter even where they have always hitherto failed to put in an appearance. The assertion that the B I L M Till positively make hair grow, and keep it growing healthfully, where nature designed it to grow, both for utility and ornament, is founded upon simple truths, which, upon a moment's reflection, OR A TRIAE OF THE ARTICLE, will be plainly apparent to the most incredulous. It will 418 THE WOODLAND BALM. KEEP THE HAIR ALWAYS HANDSOME AND LUXURIANT. Do not use what are called "Invigorators.* These are made from castor oil, and the strongest, or 95 per cent, alcohol, a weaker kind of alcohol not being available, from the fact that it will not "cut," or assimilate with the oil. No one can use these so-called "Invigorators" one year without losing the hair partially or entirely. SHAMPOOS are also very destructive of the vitality and beauty of the hair, being formed of powerful alkalies, and their use should be for ever discarded. DYES, too, are detrimental to the hair and the general constitution, being made from dangerous chemicals. The "WOODLAND BALiU has all the invigorating qualities neces- sary, and is all that is required to keep the hair glossy, luxuriant, and clean. It will positively restore the hair to its natural color, a fact which is invariably demonstrated after the first few applications, and yet it does not contain one iota of coloring matter. It merely reproduces that which nature has lost, and thereby causes the hair to assume gray or unnatural hues. It will also CUBE ALL SCALI* DISEASES. THE BEARD AND MOUSTACHE GIVE DIGNITY OF EXPRESSION, if luxuriant and well regulated, to any face; and also impart a brilliant expression to the eye. In their absence the expression of the face is either stolid and sullen, or utterly insignificant, and productive of contempt. Bayard Taylor, the great traveller, says that among the Brahmins there is an annual influx of Hindoo and Indian pilgrims to a certain place, where those who are most devout submit io have their beards shaved off, in token of their submission and penitence for sin. The Beard among the Orientals, and in fact in all countries, is the GREAT EVIDENCE OF SUPERIOR MANHOOD AND VITAL FORCE AND POWER. An Eastern traveller tells of a most elegant-looking man who wore a flowing and well- kept beard, and who, under the fervent pressure of Brahminical eloquence, consented to be shaved. He says, that after the man's face was bared, his NOBLE AND COMMANDING EXPRESSION OF COUNTENANCE was changed to one of utter insipidity and insignificance. This is one indisputable proof that the absence of hair on the head, or the total absence of a beard, robs a man of much beauty that he otherwise would possess. Women are keenly observant, and have a great admiration for manly beauty; and who doubts that woman's ideal is not often quite tilled up, either in the intended or husband, because of the lack of that grace and imposing expression of face and eye which a flowing beard would necessarily bestow ? According to the best of medical testimony, the beard should be cherished and pro- duced for the sake of the remarkable influence it has over those nerves which connect with the optic nerve, or governor of the eyesight. When the beard is absent, the eye- sight is invariably defective. It should seldom be closely cut or shaved, as the depila- tory process irritates and Inflames the dependent nerves. IT CAN BE MADE UN1FOBM, ELEGANT, AND USEFUL by the use of this unrivalled preparation. Gray or faded or scanty hair is the result of whatever has a tendency to impede the passages of the fluids by which the hair is nourished and colored. The failure of a proper growth of hair or beard will be accompanied by a tight, unhealthy skin, which is caused by the feeble circulation of the blood through the superficial or capillary vessels, and the process of operation by which the WOODLAND BALM restores or produces hair and beard, is to promote this circulation of healthy blood up to a natural standard, open the pores, stimulate the paralyzed bulbs, and immediately produce a healthy and rapid growth of beard or hair. It will be seen that this wonder- ful preparation cannot possibly fail to MAKE BALD HEADS HAIRY, THE DULL EYE MORE EXPRESSIVE, Bare Faces Manly, Scraggly or Dried-up Hair Glossy and Thick, and the application of empirical and hurtful compounds entirely unnecessary. Let me therefore say in summing up, that if you have lost your hair partially; if you are bald ; if your scalp is irritable, -or affected by dandruff; if you desire to have a beard and moustache; if you want soft and glossy hair; if you would keep perfect your present splendid head of hair, or beard, FLORAL BLOOM. 419 BUY AND USE THE WOODLAND BALM. Price 50 Cents per package, Six packages for $2.50. The WOODLAND BALM and FLORAL BLOOM can be had from the authorized local Agents, but should there not be one in your locality, you can have the BALM and BLOOM sent to you by express, by remitting the price to the sole proprietor, DR. O. PHELPS BBOWN, No. 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. FLORAL BLOOM, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. THE FLORAL BLOOM is a preparation of unapproachable excellence for the Toilet, and is held in the highest estimation by all the ladies that have used it, who could not be induced to indorse any other preparation. It is not a paint, powder, or paste, but a distilled liquid of the rare essences of floral and vegetable productions, well known for their healing and beauty-giving qualities. Unlike the many articles in use for similar purposes, the BLOOM does not injure the delicate texture of the skin, but rejuvenates and improves the complexion, and cleanses it from all impurities or blemishes arising from sunburn, freckles, morphew, or moth patches, the disfigura- tion caused by an immoderate use of hurtful cosmetics, or defective action of the ca- pillary vessels. To the sallow complexion IT WILL IMPART A CLEAR AND TRANSPARENT IVORY WHITE- NESS, appropriately relieved by the roseate hue of health. Applied faithfully, it will be found to eradicate the marks produced by small-pox, worms, or pimples on the skin, or any discolorations or marks caused by disease. By its softening properties it converts the roughest and coarsest skin to a soft and delicate smoothness, rivalling that of satin or the filaments upon the inner leaf of the lily. Diffusing an exquisite aroma which captivates the senses, cleanly to use, and of a cleansing nature, the FLORAL BLOOM is indeed an indispensable article of luxury and necessity for the dressing- table of every boudoir. All ladies should be cautious in using any of the various preparations of the day for beautifying the complexion, which contain many poisonous minerals, such as arsenic, sugar of lead, bismuth, &c. The skin is filled with minute pores, through which much worn-out and hurtful matter is naturally eliminated and expelled from the system by what is termed "insensible perspiration." When these pores become closed, the pro- cess of elimination is checked, the waste matter is retained, and the surface of the skin becomes clogged with impurities, and is changed to a sallow or bilious hue, or becomes quite dark and full of minute brown or black spots, or becomes coarse and rough, and full of pimples and blotches. These hurtful results inevitably follow the use of preparations which contain any of the poisonous minerals mentioned above. They fill up the pores, and, by hindering the process of insensible perspiration, rob the skin of its vitality and freshness. Quite contrary to this are the effects produced by the use of the FLORAL KI,0031. No hurtful effects are to be apprehended from its use, as it is STRICTLY A VEGETABLE PREPARATION, compounded on scientific principles, amd guarantied to remove all the evil effects aris- ing from the use of mineral cosmetics, as also all other disorders of the skin. It will ASSIST instead of CHECKING the circulation in regenerating and beautifying tha complexion. Frice $1.00 per Package; Six Packages for $5.00. The WOODLAND BALM and FLORAL BLOO3I can be had from the AUTHORIZED LOCAL AGENTS, but should there not be one in your locality, you can have the BALM and BLOOM sent to you by express, by remitting tha price to the sole proprietor, DR. 0. PHELPS BROWN, No. 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. 420 TESTIMONIALS. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY WHO HAVE TRIED THEM. N. Camoclan, of Wetumpka, Ala., writes under date of March 7th, 1871, and affirms that the Herbal Ointment cured him of Rheumatism of many years standing. John M. Chadwick, of South Lyme, Conn, says:-" One pot of the Herbal Ointment cured our Baby of Sca'd Head." Dr. M. M. Sandrum, of Stephens, Oglethorpe County, Ga., says:-" Your Restorative Assimilant cured me of the worst case of Epilepsy that ever afflicted humanity ; and will cure all others who can be prevailed on to use it." J. S. Moats, of Highland, Clayton Co., Iowa,says:-"Three bottles of Restorative Assimdant cured me of confirmed Epilepsy 3 years ago, and I have not had a single symptom since." Sam'l Hogue, Young America, Ill., says:-" Half a dozen applications of your Ointment cured mo of confirmed Deafness-, your Restorative Assimilant has cured my wife of severe attacks of Epilepsy ; and the Ointment also cured my son of Rheumatic Pains. Even now some of my neighbors say they don't believe it would cure them if they took it." Wm. J. Jones, of Paris Hill, Oneida Co., N. Y., writes:-"Your Balsam and Ointment removed my very severe Whooping Cough like magic." John Jones of Cen- tral Falls, L. I., says:-" Your Ointment and Pills cured me of Kidney Complaint. The doctors here considered my case hopeless." Richard Weatherford, of tbeParish of Caldwell, La., sends us a certificate which runs thus:-" This is to certify that I was labeling with a Cancerous Ulcer from 1st March, 1868, to March, 1869, and am, by the use of your Herbal Ointment and Renovating Pills, well and pursuing my business." W. E. Wortham, of Millerstown, Ky., writes:-"Your Restorative Assimilant cured my daughter of Epileptic Fits; our physicians gave her up." Benj. Johnson, of Cross Plains, Ala., says:-"Your Assimilant, Ointment, andPillscuredme of the most aggra- vated case of Epileptic Fils I ever knew." Rev. C. Gibson, of Richland, Kalamazoo Co., Mich., says:-"Ido positively affirm that your Ointment cured me of Gravel by an out- ward application, as strange as it may seem." J. F. Smith, of New Orleans, La., writes:-"The Woodland Balm has produced a growth of hair on my head which was perfectly bald before." David Truxell, of Ripley ville, Huron Co., Ohio, says:-"Your Acacian Balsam cured me of Lung Complaint, and saved my life." Melvin A. Lawrence, ofChampion, N. Y., writes:-"My wife had Consumption and was pro- nounced past the cure of any doctor, and your wonderful Balsam and Pills have restored her to health-cured entirely." Dr. J. Rockwell, of Postville, Alamakee Co., Iowa, writes:-" Two of the worst cases of Consumption I ever knew have entirely recovered through the agency of your Acacian Balsam." J. S. B. Moody, of Saranac Lake, N.Y., says:-" Y'our Restorative Assimilant and Renovating Pills cured me of Dyspepsia, of fifteen years' standing." D. Menton, of Osceola, Clark Co., Iowa, writes: - "My wife was in Consumption, very weak, hardly able to raise her hands to her head, and your Acacian Balsam, Ointment, and Pills have miraculously cured her." Mrs. Lucy Scoville, of Norfolk, Conn., says :-"One bottleof your Restorative Assimilant, undone pot of Ointment cured my son of Chronic Diarrhoea, contracted in the army." Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, of Marietta, Ohio, says:-" One application of the Herbal Ointment to my little son's throat and chest entirely cured him of Croup." Mr. Jacob Pierce, of Half Hill, Wayne Co., Ohio, writes:-"Two bottles of your Acacian Balsam positively cured me of Phthisic which had afflicted me sorely for 17 years." Daniel Girn, of Spring Green, Sauk Co., Wis., says:-"Your Restorative Assimilant, Ointment, and Fills cured my child of Fits; she has not had a single symptom during the last year. " Samuel Wellman, of Bethlehem, Litchfield Co., Conn., says:-"I am a living witness as to the efficacy of your Herbal Remedies. Three years ago, when I first commenced the use of your Acacian Balsam, Ointment, and Pills, I did not expect to live. My lungs were badly diseased, and my physician gave me no hope. My lungs are now sound and well, and I have to thank you and your remedies for my restoration to health." S. Farley, M.D., of Palmyra, Warren Co., Iowa, writes, under date of March 28th, 1871:-"My wife had a disease of the eye, and we tried all the best eye doctors far and near without any relief; they told us she would lose her eye. When wo com- menced using your Herbal Ointment she could hardly see. The Ointment helped the eye in a few hours, and in a week cured it." Reuben Harshman, of Cold Spring, Minn., says:-" My son has never had an attack of Epilepsy since he commenced taking your Restorative Assimilant, eighteen months ago. He is now growing fast and improving in every way." INDEX. A Brief History of Medicine........ 3 Absinthine 161 Acacia 27 Acetic Blood Root Syrup 192 Acidity of the Stomach 200 Acute Erysipelas 209 Acute Scarlatina 209 Acacian Balsam 401 Acne. 366 Adder's Tongue 27 Adder's Violet 109 Adder's Flower 109 Adansonia Digitata 167 Advancing Age Made Happy .382 to 384 Agrimony 28 Ague Root 144 Agave Americana 177 Air and Sunshine 251 Alchemic Art 7 Aleurites Triloba 180 Alder 29 Ale Hoof 30 Alexander > Alisander ) Alkanet 31 Almonds 32 Alder (Spotted) 82 Alum Root 79 AU Heal 31 Amara Dulcis 33 Amaranth 34 Amaurosis 300 American Senna 165 Anemone 35 Angelica 35 Aniseed.......... 36 Anti-Bilious PiU 189 Anti-Spasmodics 197-198 Anti-Dysentery Cordial 199 Antidote for Rattlesnake Poison....203 Apple (May) 103 Apple Fern 154 Apoplexy 290 Apoplexy (How to Cure) 387 Archangel 37 Asphyxia 309 Arrow Root Jelly 210 Arrow Root Gruel 212 Asarabacca 37 Asclepias 123 Ash (Bitter) 126 Asthmatic Spasms in Infants 367 Avens (White) 57 " (Purple) 57 Aya-Pana 38 Baobab 167 Baldness (Cure for) 207 Balm 39 Baltnony 40 Barberry 41 Barley Water 210 Bashfulness (Cure for) 371 Bathing .250 Bayberry 183 Bead Tree 42 Bearberry 171 Bear's Bed 135 Beaver Tree 102 Bed Straw 57 Beef Liquid 212 Beef Tea 212 Beth Root. 45 Betony (Wood) 43 " (Water) 44 Biliary Calculi or Gall Stones 326 Bilious Colic 289 Bilious Remittent Fever 285 422 INDEX. Birth Root 45 Bird's Foot-.... 46 Bitter Candy Tuft 178 Bird's Nest 88 Bishop's Weed 46 Bitter Sweet 33 Bitter Root 46 Bitter Wood 126 Black Cohosh 48 Bladdery Fever 394 Black Pot Herb 31 Black Root 177 Black Snake Root 48 Black Walnut 159 Blazing Star 49 Blemishes of the Skin 388 to 390 Bleeding at the Nose 205 Blood Root 142 Blue Cohosh 116 Blue Flag 47 Blues or Low Spirits 200 Boils 207 Boneset 50 Bouncing Bet .169 Box (Buxus Sempervirens) 170 Brake Root 74 Bread Jelly 211 Breast Pang 300 Bright's Disease of the Kidneys... .294 Bronchitis 190-3C8 Bronchial Troches 195 Bronchochele 369 Buchu (Barosma Crenata) 174 Bucket Fever 368 Bull's Foot 61 Bull Wort 46 Burdock 51 Burnet 51 Burning Bush 178 Butter Cup 66 Buttermilk Pap 213 Caladium Seguinum 129 Calculi of the Stomach and Intestines 367 Caloptropis Gigantea 176 Calico Bush 95 Calves Foot Jelly 214 Canada Fleabane.. 51 Cancer (For) 203 Candle Nut Tree 180 Cannabis Indica 166 Carbuncle 292 Carbuncles (For) . 207 Caries of the Spine 324 Carrageen 182 Carpenter's Square ... 76 Caryageenin 183 Cassava Starch 154 Cassia Marilandica ..165 Catalepsy 366 Cataplasms 201 Catarrh in the Head 273 Catarrh of the Bladder 327 Cat's Foot 30 Cedron 181 Celandine 53 Centaury 54 Century Plant 177 Chalk Mixture 206 Chamomile 56 Chick weed 56 Chicken Broth 214 Chicken Pox 330 Chilblains (Symptoms) 296 Chilblain Ointment 200 Childbirth Made Easy 373 China Orange 116 Chloasma (Liver Spot) 368 Chocolate Root 57 Cholera Morbus (Symptoms)... .300-301 Cholera (Injection for) 204 " Asiatic (Symptoms) 294 Chondrus Crispus 182 Chronic Inflammation of Bronchia.. .342 Chronic Disease of Mucous Surfaces. 193 Cimicifugin 49 Cinchona .164 " Calisaya. 164 " Condaminea ..164 " Micrantha 164 Cinque Foil 55 Cirrhosis of the Liver ........344 Cleavers 57 Closure of Pupil of the Eye 394 INDEX. 423 Clothing 231 Clover (Winter) 117 Coakum 124 Coca 59 Cocculus Palmatus 179 Cockleburr 28 Cockscomb (Red) 34 Coffee Milk 213 Colic Root 144 Colombo 179 Colt's Foot 61 Columbin 179 Comfrey 61 Congestive Fever 285 Congestion of the Liver 327 Consumption (full description of) 401-406 Convallaria Multiflora 181 Convulsion Root 89 Convulsive Voice 366 Cool Weed 108 Cooling the Blood (For) 207 Coral Root 64 Corns ...204 Cure of Local Debility 263 Costmary 62 Cotton Root 175 Cough Mixture 198 Cough Preparation 193 Cough Syrup 199 Cough Wort 61 Cow Parsnip 184 Cramp Bark 64 Cranberry (High) 63 " (Low) 63 Cranberry Water 214 Cranesbill 79 Crawley 64 Crow Corn 144 Crowfoot 65 Crust Coffee 213 Culver's Physic 177 Cummin Royal 46 Croup 291 Cure of Spermatorrhea 263 Cure-all 165 Complexion Beautifier 419 Cyanopatby (or Blue Disease) 368 Cynoglossum Officinale 168 Daisy (Ox Eye) 66 Dandelion 67 Decayed Teeth (For) 205 Decoction of Bran 212 Deer Berry. . 1]7 Devil's Bit 67 Disease of the Heart 341 Diabetes (For) 208 Diarrhoea (For) 199-206-406 Diphtheria (For) 207 Diseases of Children 301 Diseased Teeth 393-394 Disfigurations of Face and Body 388-389-390 Diphtheria (Symptoms) 287 Dock (Common) 68 " (Yellow) 68 Dog Laugh 366 Dog Tooth Violet 27 Dove's Foot Dragon's Claw 64 Dragon Boot 69 Dragon's Test 69 Dropsy of the Ovaries •* " Chest 343 Dropsy (Palliative for) 205-209 " (Banished) 381-382 Dropwort Drink in Dysentery 213 " Fevers 210 Drunkenness 332 Dysentery (Symptoms of) 289 Diseases, (Hidden) 263 " (Description of) 266 Easy Labor 373-374-375 Egyptian Thorn 27 Eggs 217 Elder 70 Enchusa 31 English Sweating Sickness 363 Enlargement of the Air Cells 293 ' * Prostrate Gland.... 325 Ephemera 288 Epilepsy or Falling Sickness (Description of) . 397 424 INDEX. Epiphora 394 Eryngo 72 Erysipelas (Symptoms) 359 Ethiopian Cummin Seed 46 Enpatorium 38 Exercise 236 Expectorant 189 False Grape 90 False Valerian 97 False Unicorn Root 67 Falling of the Rectum 325 Falling of the Womb.. 376-377 Felon Wort 33 Felons and Tumors (For) 207 Female Regulator 97 Fern (Royal Flowering) 73 " (Cinnamon Colored) 74 " (Common Polypody) 74 " (Sweet) 75 Fever and Ague (For) 191 Fever Few 75 Fig Wort 76 Fireweed 160 Fits (Hidden Cause) 263 Fits (Symptoms and Remedy of).. .397 Fit Plant 88 Five-Fingered Grass 55 Five-Flowered Gentian 79 Five-Leaved Ivy 90 Flea Wort 76 Floramor 34 Flora's Time Piece 14 Flower Gentle 34 Flower Velure 34 Foal's Foot 61 Food and Dbinks 218 Foot Bath 202 Foreign and Native Plants 27 Fragrant Breath (To Produce) 201 Freckles 389 Fringe Tree. 114 Frost Plant 77 Frost Weed 77 Fumaria Officinalis 180 Fumitory. 180 Fungus Hnematodes 361 Galen 8 Galium Tinotorium 58 Gall Weed 79 Gangrene of the Mouth 346 Garget 124 Gargles 198-199 Gargle for the Uvula 204 " in Scarlet Fever 206 Gay Feather 49 Gentian 78 " (Blue) 78 " (Five Flowered) 79 " (Marsh) 79 Geranium 79 (Spotted)..... 79 Gill-creep-by-Ground 30 Gill-go-by-Ground 30 Gleet 352 Goitre 369 Golden Seal 81 Golden Senecio. 97 Golden Tincture 188 Goose Grass 57 Gonorrhea 351 Gombo 113 Gossypium Herbaceum 175 Gout (Remedy for) 283 Grapes 211 Gravel (For) 208 " (Treatment of) 377 Gravel Root 127 Great Wild Valerian 152 Ground Lily .... 45 Ground Raspberry 81 Ground Moss. 135 Ground Squirrel Pea 133 Ground Ivy 30 Guaiacum 115 Gum Arabic 27 dum Acacia Restorative 216 Gullet 358 Hagenia Abyssinica 185 Hair Cap Moss 135 Hard Dry Cough (For) 197 Hasb'sh. 167 Hay Fever 348 INDEX. 425 Haynaids 30 Headache (For) 202 Heal-all 76 Heart-like-formed Plants 16 Heart Burn (Symptoms) 293 Heart Palpitations (Cure for) 411 Hectic Fever (Symptoms) 286 Hellebore (Amerioan) 84 " (Swamp) 84 Hemorrhage of the Bowels (Symp.) 293 Hemorrhoids (For) 200 Hemp (India) 166 Henbane 172 Heracleum Lanatum 184 Herbal Medications (in full and Illustrated by Engravings).. 10 Herb William 46 Hercules Wound Wort 31 Hiccough 349 Hip Disease (For) 203 Hip Disease (Symp and Treatment) 337 Hidden Spermatorrhea 263 Hoarhound..... 85 Honey Balsam 199 Hops 86 Hop Hornbeam 97 Horse Hoof. 61 Horse Parsely . 31 Horse Fly Weed 131 Hound's Tongue 168 Hydatids, or Bladders In the Lungs.345 Hydro Cotyle Asiatica 175 Hydrophobia (For) 209 Hyosciamus Niger 172 Hyosciamia 173 Hypochondria (History of) 356 Hysterics (Symptoms) 290 Iberis Amara 178 Iceland Moss 88 Ice Plant 88 Ice Vine Iliac Passion 331 Impotency (Causes and Cure) 269 Important Warnings 385 Incontinence of Urine (Symptoms) ..292 Incubus 348 India Hemp 166 Indian Arrow Wood. 178 Indian Balm 45 Indian Cup Plant 130 Indian Poke 84 Indian Tobacco 99 Intestinal Worms 320 Indigestion 397 Inability (Cause of) 263 Infantile Sore Mouth (Symptoms).. .288 Inflammation of Absorbent Glands (Symptoms) 345 Inflammation of Bladder 290 " Brain 288 " Ear 289 " Eye (Acute) 298 " * Larynx 335 " Liver .289 " Kidney 290 " Peritoneum 331 " Small Intestines.. .289 " Spleen 336 " Stomach 289 " Tongue 358 " Tonsils 349 " Up. Part Windpipe.324 Inflammatory Fever (Symptoms)... .286 Influence of Climate and Planets over Plants 27 Influenza 343 Injection 200 " (For Asiatic Cholera) 204 " (For Costiveness) 201 Insanity (Its causes and cure). ..390-391 Intermittent 312 Intermittent Fever 206 Irish Moss 182 Irish Moss Jelly 210 Iron Weed 89 IronWood 97 Impotency (Cause of) 263 Isis Queen of Egypt 4 Isinglass J elly 211 Itch (Symptoms) 292 Itch Weed 84 Ivy (American) 93 426 INDEX. Ivy (Wild) 95 Jack-in-the-Pulpit 69 Jamestown Weed 154 Jatamansi 163 Jaundice (Symptoms) 291 Jessamine (Yellow) 91 Jessamine (Wild) 91 Joe Fire 127 Juniper 91 Kalamb 179 Kernels 32 Kidney Liver Leaf. 92 Kousso 185 Kukin, or Kekeune Oil 181 Lack of Will (Cure of)..,. .371-372-373 Ladies' Slipper 92 Lamb's Quarter 45 Lambkill 95 Larch vs 93 Large Flowering Spurge 93 Larkspur 94 Laurel (Mountain) 95 Laurel (Sheep) 95 Lavender 95 Lavender (Comp. Spirits of) 191 Leucorrhcea (Cases of) 274 to 279 Leptandrin 177 Leptan draVirginica 177 Lever Wood 97 Lettuce 96 " Opium 96 Life Root 97 Lignum Vitae 115 Lily Root (Meadow) 98 Liniment (For Chilblains) 193 " (For Neuralgia) 194 Linnaeus 14 Lion's Foot 99 Liver (Treatment of Diseases of).. .397 Liver-Wort (Illustrated) 17 Lobelia 99 Locked Jaw (For) 208 Lochia 328 Long Round Worm (For) 199 Lovely Bleeding Low Spirits (For) 200 Lungs 401-41( Lung-Wort 100 " " (Species of) 38 Lupulin 87 Lupulite 87 Mustard Whey 214 Macrotin 48 Mad Dog Weed 101 Madder 101 Magnolia 102 Medicine Restorative 397 " (Made from Recipe).397 Mahomet 7 Mallow (Common) 103 " (High) 103 Malignant Whitlow 325 Mandioca 154 Mandrake 103 " (Wild) 103 Man-in-the-Ground 104 Manof-the-Earth 104 Manna-Ash 22 Maidenhair 102 Malignant Whitlow 325 Malt Infusion 217 Masterwort .184 Maturation of the Lungs 403 May Apple 103 Meadow Cabbage 140 Meadow Lily Root 98 Measles (Symptoms) 291 Mechameck 104 Medicated Wine 204 Menispermin 169 Menispermum Canadense 168 Mental Development 236 Menstruation, Painful (For) 195 Mercurial Diseases 326 Mercurial Sores 413 Mesenteric Glands (Diseases of)... .370 Mil Foil 162 Miliary Fever. 339 Milk Abscess 326 Milk 211 Malarial Diseases 311 INDEX. 427 Milk Porridge (French) 213 " " (Common) 213 Milk Sickness. 291 Milk Leg 392 Mismenstruation (Cure for) 195 " (Cure of)... .379 to 381 Moles 389 Monkshood 104 Moonseed . r 168 Morphew 389 Moss (Corsican) 105 Mortal... 33 Moth Patches 389 Mother Wort 105 Mouthroot. 82 Mountain Laurel 95 Mullein 106 Mumps (Symptoms) 299 Muscular Pains (For) 207 Muscular Stiff Joint 368 Mustard Poultices 202 Myalgia or Exhausted Muscles 326 Myrrh (Tree) 107 " (Gum) 107 Narcotic Poisons (Symptoms) 297 Narrow Leaf Virginia Thyme 107 Nature (Mysteries of) 25 Necrosis or Death of a Bone (Symp- toms) 295 Nerve Root 92 Nerve Tonic 191-192 Nerve Pang 301 Nervous Headache (For) 190 Nervousness (For) 205 Neuralgia (Cure of) 411 " (Mixture for) 196 " (Description of Cure)....282 " (Liniment for) 194 Neuralgic Pains 202-207 Neuralgia of the Womb 361 Night Blindness. 362 Nightmare (Symptoms) .292 Nightshade (Garden) 110 " (Deadly) 110 Noah's Ark 92 Norway Pine 110 Nose Bleed .....162 Nursing Sore Mouth (Symptom!)...288 Nux Vomica 112 Nutritive Fluids 215-216 Oak (White) 112 " (Black) 112 " (Red) 112 Oat 113 Oatmeal 113 Obesity, or Fat 336 Obstinate Neuralgia Cured 282 Offensive Breath (For) 203 Oil Nut 159 Oil of Kukin or Kekune............181 Oil of Stillingia 128 Oil of Spike 95 Ointment, Herbal 411 " for the Itch. 204 " Witch Hazel 82 Okra 113 Old Age 255 Old Field Balsam 115 Old Man's Beard 114 Old Ulcers (For) 205 Opapane Wort 32 Orange (China) 116 " (Seville) 116 Orange Flower Water 116 Orange Whey .214 Orchanet 31 Organic Remedies (Crude) 3 Ovaova 88 Ox Eye Daisy 66 Parasitic Animals 318 Painters' Colic (Symptoms) 300 Pains in the Chest and Lungs (Cure for) 411 Palm (Sago) 138 Palsy - 324 Palliative for Dropsy 205 Panado 213 Paracelsus .6-8 Paralysis of the Bladder (For) 205 Parsley 117 Paralytic Strokes...... .,..388 Partridge Berry 117 428 INDEX. Peagles 63 Peach 118 Pearl Flowered Life Everlasting... .119 Peas 217 Power (Loss of). ...... ....270 Pellagra 392 Pemphligus 394 Pericarditis .341 Permanent Cure of Consumption... .401 Perspiration (To produce) 201 Peruvian Balsam 122 Physical Development 236 Pile Ointment 196 Pile wort 123 Pill, Renovating 406 Pimpinella. 51 Pimples .....389 Pine (Norway) 110 Pipe (Indian) 88 Pipe Plant 89 Plague (The) 295 Planetary Influences 10 Plantain (Net Leaf) 109 Plantain (Water) 101 Pleurisy 293 Pleurisy Root 123 Pneumonia Notha (Symptoms) 298 Poisons (Symptoms) 297-298 Poke 124 " (Indian) 84 Polecat Weed. 140 Polypus 337 Pomegranate 125 Poplar (Siberian) 148 Poultice (For a Fester) 201 Presbytia 393 Pregnancy (All Stages) 353 to 355 Prevalent Diseases (Symptoms) 285 Pride of China 42 Privet 125 Proprietary Remedies 260 Prunus Virginiana 43 Prussic Acid 132 Ptelia 159 Puerperal Convulsions (Symptoms) .297 Pulmonary Apoplexy (Symptoms)..293 Pulmonary Syrup 193 Pulmonary Remedy 188 Purple Aveng 57 Putrid Fever (Symptoms) 286 " " (For) 209 Putrid Ulcerous Sore Throat 341 Quassia . 126 " (Lofty) 126 " (Bitter) 127 Queen of the Meadow 127 Queen's Delight.... 128 Queen's Root 128 Quick Silver Quack. . 8 Quinguino 122 Quinsy (Symptoms) 288 Quinsy Sore Throat (Symptoms)... .340 Raccoon Berry 103 Ragwort 97 Ranula 370 Ragged Cap 130 Raspberry (Ground) 81 Rattlebush 131 Rattlesnake Leaf. 109 Rattlesnake's Master 72 Rattlesnake Poison (Antidote for)...203 Rectum (For Falling of the) 208 Red Cock's Comb 34 Red Oak Bark 113 Red Root 132 " " New Jersey 132 Regulating the Passions 242 Remedy for the Gout 283 Remittent Fever (For) 206 Renovating Pill 406 Restorative Jelly 213 Retention of the Menses (Cure of). .379 " " Urine 393 Rhatany 133 Rheumatism (Chronic) 194 Rheumatism Root 133 Rheumatic Tincture 190 Rhubarb 134 " Chinese, French, English..135 Rice 135, 211 Rice Jelly 211 INDEX. 429 Rice Water 210 Rickets 292 Robin's Rye 135 Rock Rose 77 Rosemary 136 Rose Pink 54 Round Leaf Pyrola 129 Royal Flowering Fern .. 73 Rubus Strigosus 131-132 Salt Rheum (For) 208 Saffron (Dyers) 137 " (Bastard) 137 Salt Rheum Weed 40-139 Sage (Garden) 137 Sage Tea 210 Sago 138 " Pearl 138 " Meal 138 " Gruel 212 " Palm 138 Sampson Snakeweed 79 Saponin 170 Saponaria Officinalis 169 Saponaceous Cream of Almonds.... 33 Sarsaparilla Syrup... 190 Scarlet Fever (Symptoms) 286 Scarlatina (For) 209 Scrofula Weed 109 Scrofula Cured 279 Scalled Head 322 " (Symptoms) 360 Scabish 165 Scull Cap 140 " (Blue) 140 " (Side Flowering) 140 Scurvy (Symptoms and Treatment) .329 Senna (American) 165 Serpent's Tongue 28 Sick Headache 347 Sick and Nervous Headache) For)..190 Side Saddle Flower 15 Silver Leaf 128 Simaba Cedron 181-182 Shrubby Trefoil 159 Simple Continued Fever (Sympt's). .286 Simpler's Ivy 157 Sippetts • 214 Skin Diseases 200 Skunk Cabbage 140 Skunk Weed 140 Slippery Elm Jelly 215 Sleep (Hygienic) 248 Sleeplessness 194 Sleep (For Producing) 189 Small Cleavers 58 Small Pox (Symptoms) 286 Smart Weed 142 Snake Head 40 Snapping Hazlenut 82 Sneezewort 163 Snowball (Wild) 132 Soapwort 169 Solitary Worm 363 Solomon's Seal 181 Sore Throat 200 Sorrel (Wood) 143 Soups for the Convalescent 217 South American Agave 177 Speedy Cure of Consumption 401 " " Fits 397 Spermatorrhea 69-269 Spiced Bitters 196 Spike (Oil of) 95 Spindle Tree 178 Spirits of Lavender (Compound)... .191 Spoonwood 95 Spotted Alder 82 Spotted Geranium 79 Spotted Fever 338 Sprain (Symptoms) 296 " Stalk 76 " Boot 48 " Weed 97 Star Anise 36 Star Grass'. 144 Sterility 269 Stinkweed 15J Stillborn Children 329 Stings 202 Stonespeck 366 Stone Root 120 Stomachic . 202 430 INDEX. Stomach and Bowels' 207 Sunstroke 311 Stomachic Pill 196 Stramonium 155 Strengthening Plaster 191 Stricture 352 " of the Oesophagus 358 St. John's Wort 144 St. Peter's Wort 124 St. Vitus' Dance (Symptoms) 290 Sudden Death (How to Avoid) 385 to 388 Sumach 145 " Smooth 145 Summer Savory 146 Sun Flower 146 Sunshine (Value of) 251 Suppression of the Menses 379 Swamp Beggar's Tick 147 Swamp Dogwood ....159 Swamp Hellebore 84 Swamp Sassafrass 102 Sweet Balsam 119 Sweet Gum 148 Sweet Magnolia 102 Sweet Scented Life Everlasting... .115 Synezizsis .. 394 Symptoms of Prevalent Diseases... .285 Syphilis 350 Syphilitic Ulcers of the Eyelids 335 Tacamahac.. • .148 Tag Alder 96 Tall Speedwell 177 Tansy 152 Tapioca 153-212 Tapioca Jelly 211 Tapeworms (To Kill and Expel)... .205 Tarantismus 391 Testimonials 263 Tetanus or Locked-Jaw 392 Teething 355 Tetter Wort 53 The Four Remedies 397 to 415 Thistle (Cotton or Woolley) 154 Thick-Leaved Pennywort 175 Thousand Seal 162 Thorn Apple IM " (Egyptian) 27 Thorough Wort 50 Throat Wort 149 Tincture, Tonic 190 " for Fever and Ague 197 Toast 211 Toast Water 211 Tobacco 150 Tobacco Diseases 334 Tolu 151 Tonic for Chlorosis 197 Tonic and Cathartic 198 Tonic Tea 196 Toothache (Cure for) 201 Tree Primrose 165 Trumpet Weed 127 Tuber Root 123 Tumeric Root 81 Tumors (For) 207 Turkey Pea 171 Turnhoof 30 Turtlebloom 40 Turtlehead 40 Twin Leaf. 133 Typhoid Fever (Symptoms) 285 Ulcers (For Chronic) 208 " (For Old) 205 Umbel 92 Unicorn Root 144 Uva Ursi 171 Valerian (American) 92 ** (Officinal) 152 " (False) 97 Valuable Herbal Recipes ......188-209 Vanilla Aromatica 156 Varicocele 365 Vegetable Soup 214 Velvet Leaf 156 Venereal Diseases 350 Venus Fly Trap (Illustrated) 15 Veratrum 85 Vertigo 327 Verugas 365 INDEX. 431 Vervain (Blue) 157 Viburnin 64 Violet (Adders) 109 Violet (Dog Tooth) 28 Vine Maple 168 Virginia Creeper 90 Wafer Ash 159 Wahoo 178 Wake Robin 45-69 Walnut (White and Black) 159 Want of Electrical Force 371 Warts and Corns (To Remove) 204 Wart Disease 365 Wash for Sore Mouth 206 Waterbrash 330 Water Betony 43 Water Dropwort 185 Water Pepper 142 Watery Eye 394 Water Gruel 218 Wax Myrtle 183 White Snakeroot Ill White Balsam 115 Whooping Cough (Symptoms) 289 White Avens 57 White Bay ...102 White Beet 16 Wild Cranebill 79 Wild or Choke Cherry (Cerasein)... 43 Wild Indigo 131 Wild Lemon 103 Wild Mandrake 103 Wild Parsley 31 Wild Potatoe 104 Wild Snowball 132 Wild Tobacco... 99 Wild Tansey 70 Wild Water Mint 16 Wild Wood Vine 90 Wild Yam 108 Wind Colic (Symptoms) 291 Wind Flower 35 Wine Whey 214 Wing Seed 159 Winter Bloom 82 Winter Clover 117 Winterberry 29 Wood Betony 43 Woodbine 90-91 Wood Sorrel 143 Woody Nightshade 33 Wolfsbane 104 Worm Mixture 195 Worms (Symptoms) 292 Worms in the Muscles 364 W ormwood 161 " (Sea or Holy) 161 Yellow Fever 316 Yaw Root 128 Yarrow 162 Yellow Erythronium 28 Yellow Jessamine 91 Yellow Moccasin Flower 92 Yellow Ladies' Slipper 92 Yellow Parilla 168 Yellow Puecoon 81 Youthful Errors (Cure for) 269 432 THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. ADVICE AND TREATMENT. Communication and consultation can be as satisfactorily carried on at a distance, between a physician and those who place themselves under his care, as if the doctor saw the individual sufferer every day in person. This mode saves the patients all the expenses and inconvenience of travel, and the heavy charges of living away from home. My exclusive remedial system of treatment, by letter, is eminently satisfactory and available in all cases, however bad. Aggravated and long-standing cases in all parts of the country have been speedily and perfectly cured by me every year, altogether through the medium of correspondence by mail, and communication by express. My courses of Herbal Treatment are adapted to each particular complaint, and also to the individual temperament. I am sending off these remedial courses daily, which give the greatest satisfaction, and produce the most speedy, perfect, and permanent cures. Should any write for advice, my reply will always be prompt and to the point, and if incurable, I will candidly tell them so. I desire all invalids to explain in full the symptoms under which they have suffered, and to detail, as nearly as they can, when and how the disease was con- tracted, how long a time has elapsed since it first appeared, and what is its aspect and condition at the time of writing. Let this be in plain, concise language; ■write to me precisely as if you were alone with me and talking confidentially. All that you say shall be held sacred under any and every circumstance. Besides the best description that you can give of what afflicts you, let me know your age, sex, occupation, what complaints your family is subject to; especially if scrofulous or consumptive ; whether you are married or single; light or dark complexion; bowels costive; very free or regular; color of hair and eyes; and if you have taken much medicine. If a female, let me know if regular or irregular, or if, in connection with any other affliction, any of the usual female diseases are, or have been, developed. These descriptions can be readily given, so that I can understand them without difficulty, by any one. Technical terms or fine writing are of no consequence. I make no charge for consultation, either in office, or by letter. Express and mail facilities are now so perfect that medicines can be daily, safely, and cheaply transported from my office to the remotest localities. Every time you write, give, in a legible hand, your name, and also the names of the town, county, and .State to which a reply should be directed. Also, if medicines are ordered, specify distinctly the name of the Express Company through which they are to be delivered, and the name of your nearest Express station. Invalids, living near my office, or who are on a visit to New York and its vicini- ties, may, if they desire it, have a personal interview with me whenever they can make it convenient. Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. All letters should be addressed to DR. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 21 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. All persons sending; money for medicines should procure a Money Order from their Postmaster, if possible ; if not, a check payable in New York, or prepaid by Express. Where neither is convenient, small amounts may be enclosed in letter.