VM mi W: M- MOV ^r7^S \Z :r-:?^ ^taj>j^iX-yjH-^^- 5- L;-'3*:: ."'" .rp—»ffjr ~' --.r-Sii-JSSSS ■ ■-■-. -^rrfrrrri Sacs •-"-r^3 - ■'- ~ 1 »» ^fo :-^_ ■ . - ■■ '"-^llllllll "Jfi: THE EMPIRE SPRING, COMPOSITION AND MEDICAL USES, TOGETHER WITH A NOTICE OF THE MINERAL WATERS OF SA» RATOGA, AND THOSE OF OTHER PARTS OF NEW-YORK. BY E. EMMONS, M. D. *^0N «' >7~^ ^ ALBANY: STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED BY C. VAN BENTHUY8EJT. 1849. E53e Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1849, by G. W. WESTON & Co. in the Clerk's Office for the Northern District of New-York. THE EMPIRE SPRING. If there is one fact more interesting than another in the geological formations, it is found in the unity of their specific products. The occurrence of a single substance in a forma- tion may be truly valuable and interesting, standing by itself; when, however, it is found by observation, that a formation may be re- garded as a general reservoir of certain pro- ducts or of analogous ones, or, in other words, when we find that products are distributed through the several formations under the influ- ence of general laws, then it is, that their im- portance and interest is materially increased, and they assume that position in their relations to men and things which make a special re- search into their properties and uses highly valuable to community. If the distribution of mineral products had been left to the operation of uncertain causes, 4 EMNRS SIRING. or if they were scattered through the seiies of rocks, or in masses distributed without regula- rity and order, or, if we were left without guide and way-boards to direct our researches, much that is to us indispensable would have re- mained unknown and concealed from view, and much that is essential to progress in the arts and civilization would yet remain to be discovered by the slow process of excavation, cheered only by the hope of a fortunate acci- dent or the constant expectation of a lucky blow. Iron is distributed in the formations of New- York, in five distinct series of rocks, in all of which are found quantities sufficient for ex- ploration and commercial value. Coal, hoAve- ver, is unknown in this State ; its rocks belong* ing mainly to an epoch of anterior date. The lead-bearing rocks are generally unproductive. Quicksilver, which is associated with coal-bear- ing rocks, is of course unknown and cannot be sought with the least prospect of success. Leaving, however, the solid metaliferous pro- ductions, and turning our attention to the waters which issue from the strata, we shall find, that here too law and order prevail, and that these valuable resources of health, commerce, and the arts flow with great regularity, and belong to GEOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION. 5 formations of the same epoch. In support of this view of the subject we may glance the eye over the belt of country extending from near the region of Cherry Valley to Erie county Avest; through this Avhole distance sulphur springs gush out Avhich are everywhere known by the exhalation of a peculiar product, the sulphuretted hydrogen or hydro-sulphurous acid. Chloride of sodium or Avater charged with com- mon salt, is another product of the same belt of country, though more confined in its area. The formation to which each Avater respectively belongs is the Onondaga salt group, or in rocks immediately associated Avith it. That these springs have their origin in these red and olive colored shales, is sustained or suppported by the fact that in the Helderbergh range, where they are entirely Avanting, these springs are unknown. Plaster or gypsum is another pro- duct of this formation or era, and no where out of it in New-York have we now the least right lo expect to find it. We have then in this range of country to Avhich Ave have alluded three distinct products in a single series of rocks, or of an era. We may not, hoAvever, assert that these products are limited to this series; they are rather like other mineral products in this respect: they 6 EMPIRE SPRING. appear in other formations—thus the New Red Sandstone is the repository of both salt and gypsum in England, but this fact does not militate against the principle inculcated in the foregoing paragraphs, that eras produced cer- tain products on a large scale, and gave them associations in a certain series of deposits which have relatively the same collocation the Avorld over. In the Onondaga salt group there is still another remarkable issue of natural waters, the Sulphuric Acid Springs, or water charged Avith acid sulphate of iron. These springs contain a quantity of free sul- phuric acid or oil of vitriol. Their acidity does not very materially exceed that of cider. They possess in addition to acid taste, a ferruginous one like that of a Aveak solution of sulphate of iron, though not in such excess as to make them decidedly unpleasant. It is not of course the place to speak of their medicinal properties, though I may add in passing, that they are strongly tonic in their action, and will, proba- bly, be found on extensive trial, extremely va- luable in certain cases of debility where chaly- beates are particularly called for. I have allu- ded to these acid springs for the purpose of glancing generally at the products of this kind GEOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION. 7 in our geological formations. It will be ob- served then, that Ave have three important kinds of mineral Avaters in a single formation, or group, the .Onondaga salt rocks, viz., the brine springs or springs of common salt, which contain in solution, also gypsum ; sulphur springs in which sulphuretted hydrogen gives a strong character to the water, and lastly, the sulphuric acid springs, in which iron in combi- nation Avith sulphuric acid in excess and in a free state form the distinguishing character or marks. These waters have been brought to notice quite recently, under the name of Oak Orchard Springs, from the fact that there is a cluster of these springs in the immediate vici- nity of this place.* The formation embracing these springs, is bounded beloAV or inferiorly by the Niagara limestone, and superiorly by the Manlius water- lime. It is supposed, also, that the Medina sandstone, when its marly parts or upper por- tion is present and well developed, furnish brine 'The composition of these waters is as follows :— Chilton. Emmons. Free Sulphuric acid,___ 82.96........ 31.680. Sulphate of lime, .. 39.00........ 4.658. Proto. sulp. iron, .. 14.32........ 19.616 incld.alumina Sulphate of alumina, 9.68........ 00.000. Sulphate magnesia,. 8.28........ 1.920. Silica,............. 1.04........ 0.310. Organic matter,......... 3.38,1 gallon 1.372 in 1 pint. 8 EMPIRE SPRING. springs, but of less purity than those of the Onondaga springs. Another remarkable range of springs exists in the eastern tier of counties, to which the celebrated NeAV Lebanon Springs belong. These are truly Thermal, as those are termed whose mean annual temperature is higher than that of the place where they issue. The New Lebanon Spring maintains a uniform tempera- ture of 70 degrees Fah. Of very much the same character is the spring in the north part of Wil- liamsto\Am, Mass., and two others in Hoosic, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. These springs belong to the Taconic system of Rocks, and probably issue from faults or fractures in the strata ; and hence rise from great depths; and hence, too, we are furnished with the probable key to the solution of the cause of their elevated temperature. The most remarkable element of these springs is the nitrogen, which constantly escapes from the surface, accompanied with the same phe- nomena as those attending the escape of carbo- nic acid. Hence these springs are frequently and with propriety called nitrogen springs. Of the solid elements, lime is the principal, but it exists in small quantities only ; indeed some of them are nearly pure, or free from soluble salts, and are employed for washing and the ordinary DESCRIPTION. 9 purposes of the kitchen, and yet they are much resorted to for the cure of cutaneous affections, but they seem to owe their a irtue to the free bathing and constant ablution of the surface, or perhaps more directly to cleanlines , than to special medicinal properties. Having alluded to a few facts in the geologi- cal constitution of groups, and their associated products, I may now turn to the consideration of the subject matter of this treatise, the Sara- toga Springs, Avhich are so Avidelv and favora- bly known for their beneficial influence upon the human constitution. It is an interesting fact, that here, too, the same general law with regard to the distribution of products does not fail.us; the,same laAV of similarity of constitu- tion, gives origin to similarity in the constitu- tion of its mineral waters. The Saratoga Springs issue from the oldest of the sedimentary deposits. That they originate near the primary rocks but do not belong to them, seems borne out by the fact that there is no knoAvn locality where springs of a similar character issue from primary strata. The water of primary districts is generally of the purest kind, or in other Avords, free from saline matters and carbonic acid, and Avill usu- ally wash as Avell as rain Avater. At Saratoga, 10 EMPIRE SPRING. however, near the junction of certain fossilife- rous rocks and the primary, waters highly charged with alkaline earths, iron, &c, and re- tained in solution partly by caiboncic acid, Aoav freely and at a uniform rate. Contrary to the tp'nionjust expressed, that they belong to the lowest sedimentary rocks, it may "be maintained that as the Ballston and Albany springs, Avhich possess the same gene- ral properties, issue from the Hudson river slates; and hence the Saratoga Avaters may originate in a series of rocks far removed and at a distance from them. It cannot be denied that there is considerable obscurity in the question touching the origin of these fountains. Still, it is more consonant to the phenomena attending their flow, as Avell as their composition, to re- gard them as belonging strictly to the loAver limestone series of the New-York system—the calciferous sandrock,—Chazee and Trenton limestones. This view is supported by the fact that all these lower limestones are more or less magnesian, and contain, also, matters more or less soluble, especially those parts of the calci- ferous sandstone, which is so frequently em- ployed for water cement. Leaving the question of their origin for dis- cussion m another place, I will proceed to state description. H more definitely the facts connected Avith the geology of Saratoga and its vicinity. The rocks of Saratoga belong to tAvo different systems, leaving out of view the deposits Avhich may be regarded as belonging to the tertiary and boulder systems. The inferior rocks, as is already AA'ell known, belong to the primary sys- tem, and consist of granite, gneiss, and horn- blende. These rocks approach within a short distance of Saratoga Springs, plunging deeply into the interior, and Avhich support at a great depth the limestone and sandstone through Avhich the Avater of the springs issues. The primary rocks form all that northern part of the county west of Glens Falls north of the springs, and a part of Gahvay, and appear in the ranges known as the Palmertown and Kayaderosseras mountains. They are but low and inconsiderable ranges, yet present frequent- ly steep and abrupt precipices, some 50 or 100 feet in height. In their progress from the S. W. to the N. E., they seem to be arranged in echelon columns with great regularity, and pre- sent that peculiar appearance on the Avhole stage route from the springs to Whitehall. Crossing these ranges from the S. E. to the N. W., it is found that the traveller encounters other ranges in succession, and of greater 12 EMPIRE SPRING. height, until he passes the main ridge, to which Mount Marcy belongs, Avhose elevation exceeds 5,300 feet, and Avhich, Avith the neighboring clusters, form the Adirondack mountains, and which really constitute the culminating points of a great range Avhich commences near Little Falls, in the Mohawk valley, and Avhich ter- minates at Port Kent, on Lake Champlain. But the rocks which are of the most interest to us, are those connected with the Saratoga springs. They form one entire group or series, or rather a division of the New-York system. The members of this division in the ascend- ing order, are,— 1. Potsdam sandstone. 2. Calciferous sandstone. 3. Birdseye. 4. Tren- ton limestone. 5. Utica slate, together with a series- of slates, alternating Avith gray sand- stone, which, in their aggregate, forms the Hudson river group. This entire series consti- tutes the Champlain division of the New-York Geologists. The lowest of this series, the Pots- dam sandstone, makes its appearance about tAvo miles west of Saratoga springs, and in a posi- tion but little inclined. It is gray or brownish gray, and granular, and in some places its beds are quite even and free from imperfections. It is about 300 feet thick; this rock succeeds the calciferous sandstone. It is a rock in which DESCRIPTION. 13 calcareous matter is distributed, but it is always an impure limestone, containing silex, magne- sia, and iron, with some alumina. Its constitu- tion, in some localities, renders it fit for a hy- draulic cement. Lithologically, it,is a silicious limestone, the silex of which is in tAvo distinct states; that of chert, as in the variety at the Springs, a substance closely resembling flint, and in that of grains more or less rounded. Often the silex is in fixed crystals ; its entire thick- ness is about 300 feet. It varies in thickness at different localities. Between the calcife- rous sandstone and Trenton limestone, two other subordinate beds of limestone occur, both of which are fine-grained, often black, rarely light, or cream-colored. They are known as the Birdseye and Chazy limestones. Another intercalated mass is known and distinguishable as the seven foot tier. This last mass, when sound, and of fine black color, forms a beauti- ful marble, and receives a fine polish. The division is computed by the supposition of a series of beds of slate, alternating Avith layers and beds of grey sandstones, and which is su- periorly composed of thick beds of sandstone, predominating over the slate. But the most important circumstance connect- ed with the issue of the waters of the springs 14 EMPIRE SPRING. at this locality, is the displacement which the rocks have suffered. This is occasioned by a force acting from beneath in such a manner and with sufficient poAver to fracture them on a line running.northerly and southerly. On th•■•■ Avest side the rock is considerably elevated, and on the east depressed; or their continuity is broken, the masses being displaced, have suf- fered that kind of movement which geologists term a fault. To satisfy one's self of this, it is only necessary that the mural Avail upon the west side of the valley of fountains be examined with care, Avhen it will be found that the plat- form of rock is the calciferous sandrock highly charged with chert, and the lower side or the valley is underlaid with the Trenton limestone. There is, therefore, in this case, a change in the relative position of the strata, the lowest rock has become bv elevation higher than a mass geologically above it. This line of fracture marks the westward limit of a disturbed belt of country, principally in the range of the Hudson river and valley, and which when measured in its full extent, passes north of the valley of Lake Champlain, and southwardly to the Highlands of Putnam and Dutchess. To the circumstances detailed above, Ave are DESCRIPTION.. 15 to attribute the origin of the springs. A line of fracture is always prolific in living fountains. They have in this case a common origin, and which undoubtedly is quite deep in the inte- rior. The temperature of springs is deter- mined by the depth from Avhich they arise ; those being the evenest and most uniform in their temperature Avhich issue from- deep frac- tures. Others which are superficial, and flow only from gravel and clay beds, or the most recent deposits, vary in temperature Avith the seasons. In this respect, they resemble wells. The warm and hot springs of Virginia, at Bath, issue also from fractures or lines of frac- tures. Undoubtedly there should be a free exit or passage for the water in all cases when the temperature is high, as in passing slowly and Avith obstructions upward the temperature Avould be reduced to that of the surface strata from which they proceed; so too, the strata must modify the composition of the Avaters more or less according to the soluble matter they contain. This is quite rational, as the car- bonic acid with Avhich they are charged is a solvent of considerable power. Hence calca- reous strata or ferruginous strata, will furnish solid matter and more or less alter the condi- tion of the water itself. At Saratoga, those 16 EMPIRE SPRING. springs Avhich are tubed upon the rock, as the Empire and Congress Springs, contain less ijron than the others upon the same line of fracture. Those Avhich pass through the sand, gravel or clay beds meet with iron, which is readily dis- solved and Avhich is as readily disengaged from its union Avith carbonic acid Avhen the acid es- capes in the contact with the atmosphere, or when the pressure upon the water is removed. Hence a slight loss of carbonic acid in the Avater, if it is not in great excess, deposits the iron in the form of red or brown poAvder. For the same reason, the lime is deposited on stand- ing,—the least soluble bodies first fall, followed jn succession or in the order of their solubilities respectively. The alkaline bodies Avhose solu- bility is excessive, remain in solution as long as liquidity is maintained, Avhile the carbonates of iron, magnesia and lime become precipita- ted immediately upon the escape of carbonic acid. The pressure of carbonic acid probably favors the absorption and subsequent action of ferruginous compounds in the system, inasmuch as experience proves that even large doses of iron taken into the system when comparatively insoluble, act upon the system but inconsidera- bly. To this cause too Ave may attribute the more active and beneficial effects of the water DESCRIPTION. 17 when used at the springs than at home, Avhen drank from bottle. But to return to the consi- deration of one or two geological facts which stand in connection with the origin and charac- ter of these springs. It is as I have stated on a line of fracture or fault that the springs rise to the surface. This might have been inferred from observations on other fountains at a distance; but here the fracture is visible, especially towards the north end of the valley, where the Empire and iodine springs appear. So the cluster of springs known as the Ten Springs, issue from the earth under the same circumstances. Ballston Spa, issuing from a slat%, might perhaps, be regard- ed as an exception. But it is probable that the fracture exists, and that it is a prolongation of that which occurs at Saratoga; but the rocks are not sufficiently disturbed or elevated to ex- pose the limestones below the slate, and the slate itself being very uniform and closely packed, its circumstances do not favor its ap- pearance. The slate, hoAvever, is an unfavora- ble rock for taking and for confining waters— a slight increase of pressure, in every instance, is sufficient to force the waters into neAv chan- nels between the lamina of the slate and when 2 18 EBIPIUE SIItlNG. a passage is formed will remain to direct the water in that direction. Having very briefly considered some of the facts connected with the geology of Saratoga, and the phenomena attending the issue of the springs from the rocks, I shall proceed to speak of the composition and use of the water of this place: THE EMPIRE SPRING. This spring is the last which has been brought to the notice of the public. It had been imperfectly known for many years, but its value had not been tested until about two years ago. In consequence of an imperfect tubing it had ahvays appeared to belong to one of the weaker springs, but aftenvards, on the exclusion of surface waters, its properties be- came at once decided, and it was evident that it was a valuable spring. This view of its character Avas greatly strengthened when it Avas found that it is an excellent water for bottling. So rare is it that a water Avill stand this test, that even a weak water is valuable if it pre- serves its transparency under these circumstan- ces. The difficulty to be overcome in bottling is t"> prevent the carbonic acid from escaping, for as this substance is one of the most impor- DESCRIPTION. 19 tant solvents of the carbonates a loss of a small portion only, is sufficient to allow the iron to fall and pass into a free state. When the Avater becomes less transparent and sparkling and the brownish sediment destroys entirely its value as a beverage ; and, as I have expressed an opinion in another place, the preservation of sufficient carbonic acid to preserve the solid matters in a state of perfect' solution, is quite necessary, in order thai its full influence upon the system may be obtained, inasmuch as then the entire amount of saline matter will be taken into the system, and will also increase their action upon it wh:n taken into it. Experience proves in the case of most persons, that Avhen these waters are drank after they have lost their carbonic acid they usually create unpleasant rather than agreeable sensations. The principal constituents of the Empire Avater may be stated as follows :— Chloride of sodium,.......... 269.696 Bicarbonate of lime,____...... 141.824 Bicarbonate magnesia,........ 41.9S4 Bicarbonate of soda,.......... 30.848 Hydriodate of soda, .......... 12.000 Bicarbonate of iron, ......... trace. Specific gravity,...... 1.039. In obtaining the hydriodate of soda for the 20 EMPIRE SPRING. foregoing analysis, the same method as that pursued by Dr. Steele, in bis analysis of the Congress water, and as given m the last edition of his work was adopted. It gives too much iodine, no doubt, inasmuch as the product con- tains some organic matter, with chloride of palla- dium ; the hydriodate of soda amounts to 9 grs. per gallon. Its presence is easily detected in an ounce of the water AArhen the dry salt is em- ployed and free from common salt. The following remarks are copied from the American Journal of Agriculture and Science, and the facts as stated in 1846 have been fully corroborated by observation and expe- rience : " The most remarkable fact brought out by this analysis is, the presence of a large quan- tity of iodine. We were able to detect it in one ounce of the water. This water, too, is mainly free from iron, as tincture of nutgalls after standing twenty-four hours produced merely a green tinge or color, and the salt when evapo- rated, is white or slightly yellowish white. The spring, it seems to us, is quite an accession to the waters of Saratoga. It has a remarka- bly pleasant saline taste, with a pungency and liveliness which makes it agreeable as a beve- rage. For bottling it is equal to the Congress, DESCRIPTION. 21 remaining transparent longer than that water when its carbonic acid has escaped." It is situated a feAv rods north of the Iodine Springs, and has been fitted up in a very supe- rior manner. Water, Avhen tested with nut galls, for iron at the spring, it is said furnishes a distinct blue or purple; Avhen, however, the water has been bottled for a time, and the wa- ter poured out in a tumbler in the usual man- ner, and tasted, its presence is not indicated by change of color. Admitting its presence, it is clearly established by experience that the quan- tity is so minute that its influence can never become injurious, and that it may be used free- ly in all cases of disease when the use of iron Avould prove too exciting in its effects. The effects of mineral Avater npon the system must depend upon the action of each separate substance, and the combined influence of the Avhole. There are three effects obtained by the use of such waters. 1. That Avhich is called a tonic effect, or that which increases the force of the heart and arte- ries, and imparts vigor and strength to the sys- tem, promotes digestion, and favors the action of the nutrient vessels. 2. An increased peri- staltic movement, or the action of the bowels. 22 EMPIRE SPRING. 3. The deobstruent effect, or an action by which obstructions in certain viscera exist, and in which there are functional derangements. Now the Empire spring contains elements which are competent to effect the three kinds of influences Avhich are attributed to mineral waters. The first effect, that which gives tone and strength to the system is promoted mainly by the bicarbonate of lime, a substance whose action in mineral Avaters is usually overlooked or disregarded. Its influence is effected by its action upon the stomach, by promoting diges- tion. Its tonic effects are mild, and it operates without inducing preternatural heat or febrile excitement. The second effect, an increase of peristaltic motion is promoted principally by the chioride of sodium, aided by the bicarbonate magnesia and soda. The third effect, the remoA'al of obstructions is clearly brought about by the hydriodate of soda mainly ; still, Avhen the combination of the elements of these waters is considered, we can- not but regard this effect as one jointly brought about through the influence of the compound— or rather, the influence of the compound is by no means to be lost sight of. Another view which we may for a moment consider, is that DESCRIPTION. 23 which is involved in the specific and general effects of the Avater upon the system. Thus, experience bears us out in the correctness of the position, that specific effects folloAV from its use, the most remarkable of which are seen in the removal of enlargements of organs, as that of certain glands. The removal of cu- taneous affections may or may not be by spe- cific effects. It will not be proper to take up time in the theoretical points which it is easy to raise in respect to the action of these waters. It is more important to dwell upon the disea- ses which have been either cured, or Avhose strength has been broken and partially subdued by their use. The most formidable of the cu- taneous affections which have been cured, are scald head, and other cutaneous affections ; ill- conditioned ulcers, particularly of the extreme- ties are greatly benefited by this water. Some severe and long-continued cases of the first- mentioned disease have been removed and ef- fectually cured. Ill-conditioned ulcers, where- ever seated, are rarely cured by topical applica- tions alone. When, however, the use of these waters are persisted in till the secretions are 'performed, healthily a change for the better rarely fails to follow, especially when aided by rest and frequent bathing of the part by the wa- 24 EMPIRE SPRING. ter There are more failures, undoubtedly, to be attributed to a Avant of constancy in the use of the Avater, or by irregularity, than by a Avant or absence of virtue in the remedy. So too, it is proper that we should be aware that there are many cases where the Avater itself will fail in restoring a healthy state of the functions. In these cases, the blue pill, taken at bed time, or lea-spoonful doses of sulphate of magnesia, the use of rhubarb, etc., may be required, according to the indications in each particular case. A physician is the only person who is competent to advise in these cases, and it fortunately hap- pens that there are eminent gentlemen at the Springs Avhose ample experience as well as ac- quirements, qualify them for the management of difficult and obstinate diseases. Indeed, there is probably no rule better established, than the one that when the Avaters fail to move the bowels, and a febrile state is either engen- dered or increased, aid by the blue pill or some other mild non-irritating aperient becomes in- dispensable. No opinion should be formed un- favorable to the use of the Avaters until such aid is obtained. It is often found that Avhen the system is once relieved in this Avay, favorable" symptoms make their appearance in the miti- gation of the disorder, and followed with the DESCRIPTION. 25 diminution or the fever and irritation, and a more quiet sleep. Another disease in .which the Empire Avater may be drank to advantage is, scrofula, toge- ther Avith those kindred affections, where there is a depraved habit of body accompanied with functional derangements. In these cases there is usually a strong tendency to one of the forms of phthisis pulmonalis or consumption. In these and allied cases, however, there can be no greater error probably committed, than to place confidence entirely in one single remedy. Th? beneficial effects of the water will be for a time decided, but as cases oft this kind are lingering, resort must often be had to other re- medies. A judicious alternation of the more active chalybeates alternating with the use of spring Avater, holds out the most probable Avay of relief. It has been held as an established fact, that in consumption all the Avaters of Sara- toga are injurious. The Empire water, howe- ver, has been employed Avith salutary effects. Consumptive patients have drank it freely, and yet, instead of fever, irritation and increase of cough, temporary relief has followed, together with diminution of night sweats. Still, it Avould by no means be proper to hold up this Avater as a cure for this disease, and yet, a 26 EMrrns siring. mitigation of its force, if only temporary, is an advantage of great consequence. From the foregoing remarks, it is evident the Empire spring fills an important place in the course and plan of treating diseases by the use of mineral Avaters. The absence of iron to all intents and purposes, cannot be regarded as an unfavorable circumstance, inasmuch as this ele- ment is so common, that there is no difficulty in supplying it in all cases Avhere its use is indicated. The iodine which can be detected in the salt obtained from one ounce of the water, is specially adapted to the successful treatment of scrofula and* cutaneous affections, and its activity upon the bowels is sufficient to remove that torpidity incident to sedentary habits and an inactive condition of the liver. The principles which have been established by long experience of the physicians at the springs, relative to the time Avhen the waters may be drank, and how much is required for a dose, holds good in the use of the Empire spring;—the morning before breakfast three or four tumblers, or more in certain cases, may be drank, or in other words, a quantity sufficient to act upon the boAvels, determined by expe- rience, as this is the effect desired ; but in some cases, especially when a patient first begins the DESCRIPTION. 27 use of the Avater, it is better to resort for a few- evenings to the blue pill or rhubarb, or other laxatives, than to compel the s'omach to receive so much as may be sufficient to produce a dis- tressing fulness. In addition to this period when it may be used, a tumbler full may be drank before din- ner. Evening may be regarded also, as ano- ther period Avhen the water may be taken to advantage,—yet, to make the stomach a com- mon reservoir or cistern, is decidedly injurious. It is like eating betAveen meals. It is however, impossible to lay down all rules for the use of this or any of the spring waters of Saratoga,—there is so much indivi- duality in each case, so much that requires special attention and the special direction of a physician, that in almost any case advice will be required. There are certain general rules, and there are also certain diseases to which the Avaters are better adapted than others. These general rules will prevent many errors in the use of water—but will not suffice for the entire control of the invalid. This view of the sub- ject is clearly sustained by the fact, that some invalids really require the laxative effects of the water; others, what is called the alterative effects. Some require their tonic properties. 28 EMPIRE SPRING. Now the judgment of the patient can rarely lead him aright. In accordance Avith the design of this work, I shall state the composition of several springs situated along this valley of fountains, as well as a few others at a distance, and Avhich belong to other geological formations. Their composi- tion furnishes a general guide to the properties Avhich they severally possess, and it seems, will furnish also, a kind of information of general utility. I. Congress Spring.—This is at the head of the valley, and contained in one gallon— Chloride of sodium,...... 358.439 Carbonate of soda, ...... 7.600 Carbonate of lime....... 80.797 Carbonate of magnesia, .. . 76.721 Carbonate of iron, ...... 4.851 Hydriodate of soda, ...... 3.920 Silica,.................. 0.472 Alumina,................ 0.321 Solid contents....... 533.121 grs. In 1840, its solid contents, according to Chil- ton, amounted to only........298. grs. In 1843, to................ 410. By another author it amounts to 597.94 grs. DESCRIPTION. 29 Another element which has been usually overlooked in all acid springs, is phosphoric acid, in combination with lime. I discovered this substance in 1847, and supposed, at the time, that the discovery was new, but afterwards found, that I Avas anticipated by Sillwvian, so far as phosphates have been discovered in our natural Avater. [See Silliman's Elements of Chemistry, page 484] There is no doubt that this is an important fact, and may be laid hold of in treating some diseases in which tlje waters are rarely used, as rickets, though Avith us it is comparatively an uncommon disease. So in addition to the foregoing, I may add, that the remedy acts through the medium of the skin and kidney, and it is a nice matter so to adjust the remedy as to secure that specific action Avhich each case requires. For instance, there are many cases when these Avaters would be eminentlv useful, provided their use was so adjusted as to act either upon the kidney or skin, but Avould prove highly injurious if they acted freely upon the bowels. If this specific action is not attainable by the water alone, medicinal adjuncts are required. The skilful physician will act like the skilful musician, he will touch only those keys which produce har- mony. The uninformed patient will act a rude 30 EMPIRE SPRING. part Avith the strings, and strike, perhaps,, the most delicate Avith the most power. Let the invalid ask the advice of his physician, and let him obtain specific directions for his own case ; and it should be remembered, that each case has a certain degree of individuality, and must not always be taken as the standard by Avhich to treat others. What I mean is, that each case should be treated upon its own conditions, to be varied by constitution and stage of the disease. What may have been highly proper at one stage may become quite questionable, if not decided- ly injurious, in another. All these facts and circumstances put together, serve to enforce the rule I have proposed, that of being guided by a competent physician in the use of these waters. He Avho is seeking pleasure in the plenitude of health will find it, no doubt, in the luxury of drinking at the sparkling fountain, and with little danger of injury, either in the present or future, but it is not so with the invalid. DESCRIPTION. 31 The Putnam and Iodine Springs.furnish by analysis the following elements, in one gallon: Putnam. Iodine. Chloride of sodium,........214.00 187.0 Sulphate of soda........... 1.68 ---- Carbonate of soda,......... 14.32 2.0 Carbonate of magnesia,..... 51.60 75.0 Iodine of sodium,.......... 2.00 3.5 Carbonate of lime,......... 68.80 26.0 Carbonate of iron,......... 7.00 1.0 Sulphate of lime,.......... .21 Alumina,.................. .56 361.01* 294.5 Carbonic acid,...... .... 326.4 inches. 326. Atmospheric air,....... 6.4 4. 332.8 330. The Putnam Spring, it is evident, is a deci- ded chalybeate ; there is probably at least in combination with phosphoric acid, and I have detected phosphate of lime.. It is unsuitable for bottling, but still it has its favorites, and is no doubt a very valuable spring. The Iodine Spring is also valuable, and is esteemed highly by many, and deserves, I be- lieve, all that has been said in its favor. It de- * From North's Guide to Invalids. 32 EMPIRE SPRING. posits a simill sediment on standing, and hence has a blemish in its bottling properties. Still, drank at the fountain, it is highly agreeable. This too is peculiar for the small amount of iron it contains, for the increased quantity of iodine over the Congress Spring, and hence is adapted to those complaints Avhere iron proves too irritating. The Washington Spring though I believe it is not very much esteemed, yet is well worthy of attention, from the large amount of phosphate of lime and iron it contains; 2.44 grs. of phos- phates Avere obtained from 1000 grs. of wa- ter; 2067.34 grs. of chloride of sodium in a gallon of water. It deserves a more careful analysis and trial for testing its efficacy in scro- fula, rickets, &c. The Hamilton Spring gave Steele in his analysis— Chloride of sodium,........297.3 Hydriodate of soda,....... 3. Bicarbonate of soda,........ 27.036 Bicarbonate of magnesia, ... 35.2 Carbonate of lime,......... 92.4 Carbonate of iron,......... 5. 39 Gaseous contents in a gallon, 320 inches. This spring is entitled to the same remarks DESCRIPTION. 33 as the Washington—as about the same amount of phosphates, though rather less, have been obtained. From the rather ferruginous taste of these waters, they are not drank so freely as may be desirable in many instances. When it is enquired how it happens that the phosphates become so frequent in these waters, it will be found that the solution of the ques- tion is by no means difficult. Carbonic acid is an active solvent of the phosphates. Bones ex- posed to the atmosphere become corroded by carbonic acid. So water charged with carbonic acid dissolves freely the phosphates of the rocks and soil through which it passes. Bones placed in Seltzer water, undergo solution or become softened, and phosphate of lime is found in the water. To the presence of carbonic acid in rain Water, we may explain in part the distribution of the phosphates in the soil, a fact of great import- ance in agriculture. Calculi of phosphate of lime may be dissolved in the bladder by the spring waters of Saratoga,—and it is no doubt the true rationale of the operation of all the aerated waters in mephritic and calculus complaints. Townsend's Hail-road Spring.—The analysis of this water not having been published, I deem it proper to subjoin it in this place. 34 EMNUE smiNG. Amount of solid matter in 1000 grs. of Avater: Chloride of sodium,............ 2.329 Bicarbonate of soda,............ 1.598 Bicarbonate of magnesia......... 1.510 Bicarbonate of lime,............0.819 Bicarbonate of iron,............ trace. Silica,........................ 0.020 Original matter,......,......... trace. 6.307 Iodine Avas not detected in 2,000 grains of water. This water, probably, may be bottled Avith success. It has not, however, been used, and its character has not been sufficiently tested. The Quaker Springs, in the neighborhood of Bemis' Heights, have the folloAving composition in 1,000 grs. :— Chloride of sodium, .... 1.498 .. Bicarbonate of soda, .... 3.299 .. Bicarbonate of lime,.... 0.287 . Phosphates,'........... 0,020 . Magnesia, ............0.020 . Silica,................ 0.025 . One pint. .. 11.614 ,, 24.806 .. 2.203 .. 0.150 .. 0.150 .. 0.160 5.15. Iodine was hot detected in 3,000 grs., by chloride of palladium. DESCRIPTION. 35 This spring is remarkable for the excess of carbonate of soda over the chloride of sodium, and hence its saline properties are apparently weak. Analysis of the Ferry-street Mineral Spring, Albany. Amount of solid matter in one gallon:— Chloride of sodium,.......... 379.325 Chloride of lime, .......... 22.237 Phosphates of iron, lime and alu- mina,.................... 8.696 Magnesia, .................. 8.755 Silica,...................... 5.836 Hydriodate of soda,.......... 1.159 726.008 Temperature, 220 feet below the surface, 50.51. Fah. Specific gravity, 1.006. This water is decidedly tonic, and many have experienced its invigorating effects upon their systems. It is rather saline to suit the palate, and is an excellent laxative. External appli* cations are beneficial in a variety of cutaneous affections, and it deserves more attention than it has hitherto received from physicians and in- valids. The well was sunk to the depth of 36 EMPIRE SPRING. 600 feet, and the first 20 or 30 feet the water is sulphurous. Several distinct treatises on the waters of Saratoga have been given to the public, all of which have their own peculiar merits ; and all are well Avorthy the careful study of the inva- lid. Of these works, the first in order of time, is that from the labor of the late Dr. Steel, who became eminent at this place as the principal consulting physician. His memory is deeply cherished by the inhabitants of the village and vicinity. Drs. North, Allen, and Perry, have each given their own views, in part, of the use of these waters, and they form valuable records of their experience in their use. For this work, no particular merit is claimed; it was designed originally to have been a full treatise upon the mineral waters of the state. The press of other business, ill-health, and a variety of causes, have operated to prevent the fulfilment of the first design. If, hoAvever, a freedom from pressing engagements should oc cur, I hope in time to be able to fulfil my wishes. EMPIRE SPRING. The water of Empire Spring is bottled with the utmost care, and in strong boxes, suitable for exportation, by the subscriber. The boxes are marked as follows: "EMPIRE." The Corks of all genuine Empire Water are branded thus :— G. W. WESTON & CO.